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Q1) Trichy Instruments is manufacturing an embedded system with limited memory size to

calculate the trajectory of the Mars Orbiter Mission with high level of accuracy in the decimal
places. Which of the following representations is best for the purpose? Why?


Q2) Is it possible for the 2 commands below to perform exactly the same operation on the
processor? If so, how?


How many addressing modes will each of the 3 systems have? Explain

Q4)In 1972, Intel produced the 8 bit version of its successful 4004 microprocessor. The speed actually
slowed down from 740 KHz in 4004 to 500KHz in 8008. However, in 1974, a revolutionary change in the
vlsi technology used to fabricate the chips produced the 8080 with a whopping processing speed of
2MHz. What could possibly be the technology?
Q5) I have a +5V|-5V DC power supply. Name all the components that would be required for this supply
to be interfaced with a microcontroller like 8051.

Q6) What are SIM, RIM and NMI with respect to 8086?
Q7)Which is the correct order of bus cycles of 8086
a)Memory read Opcode fetchMemory writeI/O readI/O writeInterrupt acknowledge

b)Opcode fetchMemory readMemory writeI/O readI/O writeInterrupt acknowledge

c)Interrupt acknowledgeMemory read Opcode fetchMemory writeI/O readI/O write
d) Opcode fetchMemory readMemory writeInterrupt acknowledgeI/O readI/O write

Q8)What will the following assembly command do?
Q9) What kind of stack does the 8086 use?
Q10)Design a Program Counter using an ALU and a stack.

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