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Aim : To identify and classify variation among the students in class.

Material : Graph paper
Apparatus : Physician scale ( for measuring height
Method :
A. !ariation in height
( a The height of each students in class is measured using a physician scale.
( " The data collected are ta"ulated.
( c A histogram is dra#n to present the result.
$. !ariation in the a"ility to roll the tongue.
( a The num"er of students in class #ho can and cannot roll their tongue is
determined respectively.
( " The data collected are ta"ulated.
( c A "ar chart is dra#n to present the results.
%esult :
A. !ariation in height
&eight ( cm 'um"er of students
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$. !ariation in the a"ility to roll the tongue
A"ility to roll the tongue 'um"er of students
2iscussion :
(/ "aris
3onclusion :
(/ "aris

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