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Behavioral Competency Data

Title of Competency - Building Organizational Commitment #3 (Updated July 24, 2012)

General Description

Acts to support the
organization towards the
achievement of its mission
and objectives.

Key Behaviors

1. Aligns oneself and encourages others
to align with company decisions and

2. Ensures that company policy,
practices, and procedures are

3. Expresses support for the
organization's welfare.

4. Sets personal goals and objectives to
help the organization achieve its

5. Identifies and corrects problems
affecting employee loyalty and

6. Takes responsibility for building
loyalty and commitment throughout
the organization.

7. Develops and implements programs
to create unity and build

8. Defends the organization and its
leaders against actions that
undermine the company vision and
Proficiency Levels

Leadership Models, leads, trains, and
motivates multiple levels of personnel to be
excellent in building organizational

Excellent - Even in the most difficult
situations, identifies and corrects problems
affecting employee commitment, takes
responsibility for building loyalty and creating
unity throughout the organization, and
defends the organization against actions that
undermine the company vision and mission.

Proficient - Usually identifies and corrects
problems affecting employee commitment,
takes responsibility for building loyalty
throughout the organization, implements
programs to create and build unity, and
defends the organization against actions that
undermine the company vision and mission.

Moderately Effective - Sometimes aligns
oneself and encourages others to align with
company decisions and objectives, ensures
that company procedures are followed,
expresses support for the organization, and
sets goals to help the organization achieve its

Slightly Effective - Occasionally builds
organizational commitment, but may avoid or
miss opportunities to support the organization
towards the achievement of its mission and

Absent - Does almost nothing to support the
organization towards the achievement of its
mission and objectives.

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