English Contest 7th Grade

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I. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense !"#$%
1. I (go).to the beach tomorrow. Would you like to come?
2. We ( think) ..about moving to the city recently.
3. Hurry u! "he le##on (#tart)..in $ive minute#.
%. I&m #tarving. I (not'eat).a thing all day.
(. I&m a$raid you ( not' get) the )ob unle## you look #mart.
*. How long (you 'work) ..a# a waiter? +ince I wa# #i,teen
-. We can&t leave until the ta,i (arrive) .
/. 0um (make)a cake thi# morning. Would you like #ome?
1. I$ I (be).you2 I wouldn&t a#k him $avour# anymore.
13. I$ you ( #ee)the $ilm2 you would have liked the lot.
II. Choose the correct &or' !"#$%
1. 0y #i#ter i# taller than/then me.
2. 4 flock/pack o$ #hee were gra5ing haily on the gra##y hill.
3. "he prize/price o$ etrol ha# gone u again.
%. 6ou have done/made a lot o$ mi#take# in your term aer.
(. "om knew he had to work hard/hardly i$ he wanted to a## the e,am.
*. I had a #hort talk with a $riend o$ my/mine.
-. We have to obey 7' to the rule#.
/. 7' The li$e ha# imroved in the a#t year#.
1. I# there something/anything el#e I could do $or you?
13. 0aggie i# a/the $riend o$ my #i#ter&#.

III. Cross out the unnecessar( &or' !)#$%
1. What I really like to do it i# eating out with my $riend#.
2. He #aid that everyone #hould to #ing thi# #ong.
3. I$ you will get u early2 you may catch the early train.
%. 8ack re$er# reading maga5ine# than to reading novel#.
(. "ony like# horror $ilm# and #o doe# like 0arlyn.
I9. :omlete the #entence# with the correct $orm o$ the word in bracket#; (13)
1. +oho2 in <ondon2 can be very (danger).at night.
2. "here are a lot o$ ($a#hion)..#ho# in thi# art o$ the city.
3. (Hoe)2 we will get to the airort on time.
%. =alling o$$ a bike can be >uite (ain)
(. Her (#incere).i# known by everyone at the o$$ice.
*. Re&rite the sentences !)#$%
a. He ubli#hed the book in 111-.
"he book.
b. ?igital technology i# changing the media.
"he media.
c. "he neighbour&# dog $rightened her very much
d. 4 $amou# doctor oerated him ye#terday.
e. He would never #end her #uch a wonder$ul re#ent.
*I. Create (our o&n stor( startin+ &ith !,#$%
@It wa# around midnight and there wa# a $ull moon over the lake. "he
#ky wa# clear and the #tar# were #hining brightly. =reddy and Aam had decided to
go night7$i#hing

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