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Successfully completed a Diploma in Civil Engineering Diploma at Stafford Institute, Sri

Successfully completed a course in computer aided design
(AutoCAD) in Moratuwa.
Successfully completed Arcitectural Licentiates on !ealf of te "oard of Arcitectural
Education #"AE$ of te SLIA.
2011. January 2011 April Oxpring Associates Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant
%roposed &esidential 'illa Al (oud,)man for *.* Sayyid Sia! +ari, +amuur Al Said -
Design Development Drawings and .orking Drawings.
/)&0M 1 %roposed Sopping Center for Seven Seas %roperties LLC at Al A2,i!a
Muscat .)man- Design Development Drawings and .orking Drawings.
2010. arch 2010 June !uc"le and #artners Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant
Interior 3 E4terior working drawings for Ministry )f Manpower !uilding.
5o! no 67868
%resentation drawings for office supplier !uilding.
Completed .orking drawings for *.E *ussain A!dul Latif villa at Madinat 9a!oos.:o!
no 678;7
200$. July 200$ Octo%er !uc"le and #artners Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant
Interior 3 E4terior .orking drawings for Ministry )f Manpower !uilding
200&. July 200& Octo%er !uc"le and #artners Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant
Interior 3 E4terior design drawings for Ministry )f Manpower !uilding and Detail Model
200'. Decem%er 200& (e%ruary !uc"le and #artners Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant

Interior 3 E4terior design drawings for te new sales office !uilding for te sama Du!ai
otel pro:ect.
"asement car park detail for itti !eac resort otel pro:ect.
200'. June 200' August !uc"le and #artners Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant

Interior 3 E4terior design drawings for te new sales office !uilding for te Sama Du!ai
otel pro:ect.
200). June 200) August !uc"le and #artners Charted Architects Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant

Interior design drawings for te new office !uilding for te Deputy %rime Minister in
%reliminary drawings for a new American "ritis scool in soar-Muscat.
%reliminary drawings for a new office for te Ministry of legal affairs in Muscat
1$$&. July *200).June +uad Design, uscat Chartered Architects, * Oman.
Arcitectural Assistant
Draughting -echnician . Cad Operator /or"ing on
Marriott *otel < Muscat - Competition. %resentation Drawings and Model.
Interior Design for Ministry of Commerce and industry Sur. )man L.=.>
Compreensive set of Detail drawings, for construction
&esidential ?&ecreational development - plot @?A and @?@ at Sati al 9uram
%resentation Drawings and %reliminary Drawings.
Sayyida ma2oon Mos,ue 1 %resentation Drawings, %reliminary Drawings and detail
I22 /ort %alace.=i2wa . *isn AB Sumook 1 Compreensive set of Detail drawings, for
Ceremonial driveway Muscat.
Master planning and ur!an design pro:ect - %reliminary Design.
Commercial residential !uilding < plot ;6C .attaya - %reliminary Design
Interior Design for Ministry of Commerce and industry *ead office
Sati al 9urum - )man L.=.> - Compreensive set of Detail drawings, for construction
&esidential apartmentBs plot < 7?7 9uram eigts - %resentation Drawings, %reliminary
Drawings and Detail drawings.
%roposed multi purpose *all in Madinat al Sultan 9a!oos - %reliminary Design
+own ouse development #Appro4. 68 *ouses and Apartments $
%resentation Drawings and %reliminary Design
9atar Emirs palace < Salala - %reliminary Design
Diplomatic area enclosure - %resentation Drawings
E4terior design for "aarain palace - %reliminary Design.
%rimary Appeal courts Competition - %resentation Drawings and Model
%roposed office for *.* +e Minister of =ational *eritage and Culture - %resentation
Drawings and %reliminary Design.
>rand Mos,ue Doa 9atar .Competition - %resentation Drawings.
=ew &esidential "lock < *isn AB Sumook %alace- %resentation Drawings, %reliminary
Drawings and Detail drawings.
+win 'illas < *isn AB Sumook %lace - %resentation Drawings, %reliminary Drawings
and Detail drawings.
>uest Accommodation , Ca!inet "uilding , Dining *all , Entourage
Accommodation and &ecreation "uilding < *isn AB Sumook %alace
%resentation Drawings, %reliminary Drawings and Detail drawings.
Madinat 9a!oos Mos,ue - %reliminary Design
&oyal %avilions - Competition
&esidential Apartment "uilding Comple4 < Al (uwair 6C - %reliminary Design
&esidential Apartment "uilding Comple4 < 9urum - %reliminary Design
&esidential Apartment "uilding Comple4 < Al Atai!a - %reliminary Design
Salala Mos,ue - Concept Design.
"arain EmirBs 'illa < Salala - Concept Design.
Daya Costain Dolpin &esidential Comple4. Competition
%resentation Drawings and Model.
Interior Design of &oyal Dow - %reliminary Drawings.
>olf Clu!ouse +e .ave,Muscat - Competition. %resentation Drawings and Model.
%ersonali2ed *osing in )man
Involved wit many pro:ects to develop personalised ouses for
Individual clients ranging from lower middle class to Esuper-lu4uryF.
In eac instance a complete set of working drawings and a model were
Created. +is was followed !y periodic site supervision during
1$$0*1$$&. Architra1e Chartered Architects, 2ri 3an"a.
Arcitectural Assistant
)ffice Comple4 for 'anik Insurance Corporation, Colom!o-Sri Lanka.
A complete set of presentation drawings and a compreensive model
.as done for te a!ove competition.
Sunset &eef Leisure *omes *ousing Sceme, Sri Lanka.
+is sceme was to design appro4imately 688 lu4ury ouses !y te
%ictures,ue !eac on te west coast of te island. Involved wit te
E4ecution of working drawings and a compreensive model of te
Entire sceme.
0r!an Design Competition for Colom!o /ort Area, Sri Lanka.
+is competition was to design te !usy Colom!o /ort area, devastated
"y a !om! e4plosion, into a modern commercial centre. +e
Competition comprised ela!orate town planning and ur!an design.
Involved wit te %resentation drawings and te compreensive model
/or te city design.
&enovation 3 Interior Design for Central /inance Company, Sri Lanka.
+is renovation consisted of additions and alterations, interior design
And /urniture design. Involved wit te compilation of interior design
.orking drawings 3 furniture designing.
Addition of a Doga Aryuvedic Attic for Medication Centre, Sri Lanka.
Involved wit te e4ecution of working drawings and periodic site
Site Development at "olgoda, Sri Lanka.
+is sceme was to develop te land area and su!-divide te same into
0sea!le plots. +e pro:ect consisted of ela!orate landscaping as well.
Involved wit te compiling of working drawings 3 e4ecution of a
Model /or te site development.
%ersonalised *osing in Sri Lanka.
Involved wit many pro:ects to develop personalised ouses for
Individual clients ranging from lower middle class to Esuper-lu4uryF. In
Eac instance a complete set of working drawings and a model were
Created. +is was followed !y periodic site supervision during
1$$4*1$$0. 2helton 5i6ayaratue 5illiams . Assoc. (#1t) 3td.,
Chartered Architects, 7ngineers . 2ur1eyors, 2ri 3an"a.
Arcitectural Assistant
Students *ostel for te 0niversity of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka.
Involved wit te compilation of working drawings and periodic
Site supervision.
%ersonalised *osing in Sri Lanka.
Involved wit many pro:ects to develop personalised ouses for
Individual clients ranging from lower middle class to Esuper-lu4uryF.
In Eac instance a complete set of working drawings created.
+is was followed !y periodic site supervision during construction.
1$$0*2014 archi technics
&esidence for Mr. Desanta /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
Apartment of 0niversity Students for Mr.Samindra < (atu!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Camila < %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. Morise .i:eratna. < 0pper Indi!edda,Moratuwa.
#.estern %rovince minister$
&esidence for Mr. Duminda %eris < "andaragama.
&esidence for Mr. Saman 5ayanta < &a:agiriya.
#Sri Lankan cricket team player$
&esidence for Mr. =irosan < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.%iyal < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Canaka < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Camara < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +aranga < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Malka Cooray < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (arunaratna < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Samansiri /ernando < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. %u!udu < Egodauyana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. =alaka 3 Camila < %iliyandala, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. *arit *ewage < &a:agiriya.
&esidence for Mr. %riyan < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Sugat /ernando < .attala.
&esidence for Mr. %iyal < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Crisanta < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for >unasiri im. < Sudarmaratnaramaya, Indi!edda.
&esidence for Mr. .aruna 3 Esani at .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. .asanta < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. A:anta < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Maes < &awatawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Cisanta < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. San:eewa < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Sampat < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Anill Samarawikrama < "orella.
&esidence for Mr. &oana /ernando < %iliyandala, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Caminda < %iliyandala, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. =adeeka Mendis < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. "andara < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
*ouse interior for Mrs. >aika /ernando < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. *emapala warsavitana < Am!alangoda.
&esidence for Mrs. &iksi < =attandiya.
*ouse interior for Mr. =adees < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. +errance < %amunugama.
&esidence for Mr. =alaka < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. %rasanna 5ayawardana < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
#Sri Lankan cricket team player$
&esidence for Mrs. San:eewani < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Susanta < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Darsana < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (umara < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. 5agat < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Lalit < (atu!edda, Moratuwa.
%amacy interior for Mr. Salinda /ernando < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +usara < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. &an:an < (irillawala,.(adawata.
&esidence for Mr. >amini < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. 5anaka < &atmalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (usumsiri < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Inos < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +e:a Mendis < (uruppumulla, %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. Asanka Appuami < %iliyandala, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Lal /ernando < willorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Indu < angoda.
&esidence for Mr. &uwan < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Dean < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Siranga 3 %riyani < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Assgiri < (otte.
&esidence for Mrs. Ano:i %riyanka < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Amila Mendis < (uruppumulla, %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. Suranga Malaka < (adalana Moratuwa.
*ouse Interior for Mr. Maes < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Dilani Mendis < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Cirsty < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
*ouse Interior for Mr. 'inodt < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
+emple < "aduwatta,.illorawatta, Moratuwa.
#Developed !y Mr.Atula GMoratuwa 0r!an Council Mem!erH$
&esidence for Mr. M.M.5.% Mendis < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Asanka peiris < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (umara < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. =ilanta < wadduwa, %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. 'ilat < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. gamini 5ayamanna < Earnest place, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. %riyangani < Dewala road, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. =isanta < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +isara 0dana < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Innocent < Madakissa road, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Siranga < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Dines 3 Mrs.Disna < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. &ames < Indi!edda,Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. =alika < .adduwa,(alutara.
&esidence for Mr. Susil roopasinge < Areuwala, %iliyandala.
&esidence for Mr. Man:ula 3 Mrs.Miiri < Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Salinda 3 Mrs.>aika < &awatawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Isan %eiris < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Dines /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Candana < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Dulani < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for I.>.%roperty Development for Mr.A:it Ialagamage < "orella.
"a:a: Service center for Mr. Amila Mendis < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Sadeeka < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
+isara /lora /lower >allery for Mr. =adees 3 Mrs.=isanka < (atukurunda, (lutara.
&esidence for Mr. Antony >.( < "elanvila, Deiwala.
*olly Angles %re Scool < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Sudarsani < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. &osi < .adduwa, %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. =ilanka < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Candana < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
Interior Design of "ird Mo!ile %one Center for Mr.Sasipriya < Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. "atiya < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. %riyan 3 Mrs.+anu:a < Egodauyana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. 0deni Mendis < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence Interior Design for Mr. =alaka (uruwitaaracige
#Cocakola "everages /inancial Controller$ < %annipitiya,Maaragama.
&esidence for Mr. Suranga < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Aruna >ayanta 3 Mrs.Siranti wasana < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Catura #%olice stationIM mulla$ < %adiyatalawa,Maiyanganaya.
&esidence for Mr. =imal 5ayasiri < Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Aruna < Egodauyana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Daminda < %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. +ilak 3 Mrs.Darsani < (eselwatta, %anadura.
Design 3 "uilt &esidence for Mrs. +aranga warusawitana < &a:agiriya.
&esidence for Mr. Sean /ernando < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Indika < =atandiya.
&esidence for Mr. &oana (umara #L)LC.Deputy >eneral Maneger$ < (adurudoowa,
&esidence for Mr. =elson %alita < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. %iyal Mendis < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Lakpriya *iranta < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. &oy /ernando < &awatawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Lasanta %erera < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. )ven De Mell < Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +.+itus < Lunawa, Moratuwa.
/urniture sow room #=ew Sirilaka$for Mr.Sasika /ernando < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Camara < (uruppumulla, %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. =alinda >alena < Alu!omulla, panadura.
+im!er Import /actory for Mr. Anus < "eruwala.
&esidence for Mr. Isuru < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Man:ula Silva < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Candana .ikramasinge 3 *emali < &atmalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. 5ayanta < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
/urniture sow room # Isuru $ for Mr.Lasanta 3 Mrs.Lasanti %eiris < Moratumulla,
&esidence for Mr. Su:eewa < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Dines /ernando < &awatawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. &oana /ernando #,utar$ < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Silvi Lemiciya < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. %ramesa < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Lairu San:eewa < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. 0danta /ernando < >altude,%anadura.
&esidence for Mr. Maris < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Sudes %eiris 3 Mrs.Camila < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Suranta %erera < *edigama, %iliyandala.
&esidence for Mr. A:it /onseka < &atmalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Milanta /ernando < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Asita &atnayaka < &atmalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. &andika < %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. Sirimal /ernando < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Disani /ernando < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (ingsly Martine # du!ai $ < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Manel /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Saman < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. =isanta %eiris < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (risan Dassanayaka #AIA .ealt %lanning Manager$ < %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. (elum < Agulana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. >a:it .i:esooriya 3 Mrs.%radeeka %erera < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Camari < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Man:ula Munasinge Silva #oman$ < Maawewa.
&esidence for Mrs. +awitra < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Asanka Lakmal < (eselwatta, %anadura.
&esidence for Mr. Maes %eiris < &awatawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. %radeep Mendis 3 Mrs.Sanika Silva < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Man:ula /ernando < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Campika 3 Mrs.+usari #,utar$ < Madapata,%iliyandala.
&esidence for Mr. &olly /ernando 3 Mrs.=ilmimi &atnapala < (atu!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +aranga La4sita < +um!ovilla, %iliyandala.
#Sri Lankan cricket EAF team player$
&esidence for Mr. 5anaka #furnitures$ < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
Commercial "uilding for Mrs.Imran (amruideen < *ig Level &oad,=ugegada.
+emple "odi %rakara < .illorawatta,Moratuwa.
/itness Center for Mr. 5oi 3 Mrs.%riyanti &enuka < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. =adiska < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. (amani Samanmali < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. &asanga Laksita #(oriya$ < >altude, panadura.
&esidence for Mr. Susanta < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. &a: Lakmal < Deltara, %iliyandala.
&esidence for Mr.%rasad 3 Mrs. Sunisa Caturani < Swarapola, %iliyandala.
&esidence for Mrs. Dulani < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Surat 3 Mrs.Camila < La4sapatiya, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Ananda < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. San:eewa < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. %riyanka /ernando 3 Mr.Canaka /ernando < 0pper Indi!edda,
&esidence for Mr. 0pul .asanta 3 Mrs.Dinusa %riyangika < Madapata road,
&esidence for Mr. Sevon &avisan Cristoper < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Irosa Lakmali < Manamulla, %anadura.
&esidence for Mrs. %admini #America$ < %olwatta, %annipitiya.
&esidence for Mr. Sanka +aranga 3 Mrs.Acini Seara < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Desanta Dilum /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. %admasiri /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. (elum Sagara < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Sammi &osan %uspakumara #%olice Station M.Mulla$ <
Digamadulla, .eeragoda.
&esidence for Mr. "uddika Dasanka /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Maes La4santa < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +araka /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Sasika 3 Mrs. Sarasi Mutukumari < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. +aranga Darsana < Egodauyana, Moratuwa.
+rolley parking area #proposed !y staff$< (alu!ovila *ospital.
&esidence for Mr. Susil Silva #police Station (autara$ < (uleegoda,Am!alangoda.
&esidence for Mr. San:eewa %eiris < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Sudat /ernando 3 Mrs.=irosa #koriya$ < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr. Suranta Asiri %erera < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&eception all for Mr. San:eewa %erera < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Damit /ernando 3 Mrs. Deepika 0dayangani < 0pper Indi!edda,
&esidence for Mr. =alaka < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs. Sriyani +uduena < *a!arakada,*omagama.
&esidence for Mr. Saman 5ayanta < (alapaluwawa, &a:agiriya.
#/ormer Sri Lankan cricket team player$
&esidence for Mr. Selton /ernando < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.'ikum < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.A:it Silva < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.0pul Asiri #oman$ < =ew +own , Anuradapura
&esidence for Mr.=isanta #du!ai$ < "andaragama.
&esidence for Mr.Innocent < Madakissa road, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.(elister < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.(amal %uspakumara < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.=imal %insiri < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs.Swineeta < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
/urniture sow room for Mr.Suranga /ernando < Moratumulla, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Lasanta %erera < %uwakara!a, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.*emasiri /erdenando < koralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Somasiri /ernando < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.&atnasiri < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.=imal %insiri < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs.Sasika Sarangi >inige < Lake +errace,Aturugiriya.
&esidence for Mrs.&asika Attanayake < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.5agat =orman < (oralawella, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.(arunapala < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Madusan < %aiyagala, (alutara.
&esidence for Mrs.Manel /ernando < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Samanta < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.=amal < (adalana, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.=isanta .arnakulasooriya < %iliyandala, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Lalit < 0pper Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Anus < Modara,Colom!o ;C.
&esidence for Mr.Mano: %eiris < St,peters Lane, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.(itsiri < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence 3 *ardware "uilding for Mr.0pul >amini < .illorawatt, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Suranga #oman$ < Lower Indi!edda, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mrs.=u:ani .i:etunga < %iliyandala, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.vira: #srikanta Enterprises$ < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&eception all office 3 &ooms for Mr.Dammika < .illorawatta, Moratuwa.
&esidence for Mr.Sewanta < %aiyagala, (alutara.

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