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PDF White page synopsis of the book
Building Your Cult
by Dantalion Jones
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Building Your Cult by Dantalion Jones desc!ibes the p!ocesses that a!e
essential fo! building a dive!se g!oup of loyal followe!s.
Building Your Cult does not say you should build a cult but it does tell you
how the p!ocess takes place.
With this knowledge you can use it to empowe! you!self to go afte! you!
goals and ove!come f!ust!ation and even dep!ession. ou can also use this
info!mation to empassion othe!s and d!aw them to assist you.
#his is a common st!ategy used by businesses like *ike and Apple
ou! goal as a would be cult leade! is to c!eate an +invisible, cult that is f!ee
f!om sc!utiny- suppo!tive of you! followe!s and d!iven by a glo!ious sense of
The Mind Of The Cult Leader
Building a following has less to do with the o!ganization you c!eate
and mo!e to do with the inne! wo!kings of cult leade!.
A Sene of Pur!oe
"ults a!e not fo!med because someone wants to fo!m a cult. #hey a!e
c!eated because someone is passionate about thei! mission and att!acts like.
minded people to make it happen.
A powe!ful and effective leade! is not a megalomaniac but someone who is
d!iven by a st!ong sense of pu!pose. As a cultu!e we have difficulty talking about
+pu!pose, o! +destiny, but shouldn)t stop you /o! anyone0 f!om living as though
you have a pu!pose.
#he!e is no way to give you a sense of pu!pose so don)t wait a!ound fo! it to
fall f!om the sky. ou can begin by simply accepting as t!ue that you! life has a
g!eate! pu!pose that anyone else could imagine and begin living that way.
(t is ve!y likely that soon you will begin to see you! life as something bigge!
than getting a pay check.
ou have a sense of pu!pose.
Set "oal and Ma#e $etailed Plan
%ve!y book will tell you that you have to set goals. &any people
believe that have goals but it)s mo!e likely what they have a!e wishes and vague
A goal- a real goal- needs to be !ich in detail so that you desc!ibe it in
te!ms of sounds- images and the feelings it would invoke.
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ou have two options to begin this p!ocess- you can do it by w!iting it down
in detail o! by setting aside time to meditate without dist!action fo! 12 to '3
minutes. #his time of meditation should have it)s soul focus on imagining the you!
goals in complete detail.
4nce you)ve done this- what must follow is you! detailed plan to attain you!
goals. ou! plan must be in such !ich detail that it even includes unfo!eseen
setbacks. ou must even plan how you will !espond when things don't wo!kout
fo! you.
When you a!e able to put that much planning and detail towa!d
accomplishing you! pu!pose it will give you a sense of calm because you know
how eve!ything will p!oceed.
Thin#ing& 'eeling and $oing
#hinking- feeling and doing a!e the th!ee fo!ces that we all have to manage
in o!de! to accomplish what we want.
(f any one of these th!ee fo!ces a!e out of balance /which is the no!m fo!
most of us0 we become less effective at accomplishing ou! goals. "onside! the
following e5amples6
#he c!eative a!tist who is ve!y connected to his a!t but has not thought out
how to p!ofit f!om his a!t. 7is feelings a!e his c!eative sou!ce but he has focused
on them at the e5clusion of thinking and doing. 7e avoids thinking about how he
will ma!ket his a!t /it)s not inte!esting0 and won)t wo!k at selling /it)s too much
#he so.called +ne!d, who wants to think th!ough eve!y possibility befo!e
acting. 7e won)t act until he feels he knows eve!ything and as a !esult no action
is eve! taken.
#he f!enetic doe! who is known fo! sta!ting lots of p!o8ects but none of
them a!e eve! completed. 7e is addicted to the th!ill of sta!ting a p!o8ect but
hasn)t thought th!ough what it will take to complete it.
When #hinking- Feeling and Doing a!e in balance things happen with
g!eate! ease and mo!e en8oyment.
#o b!ing these into balance conside! a goal o! p!o8ect that you wish to
accomplish. Ask you!self if the fo!ces of #hinking- Feeling and Doing a!e in
7ave you thought th!ough what you)ll need to do to achieve you! goal9
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A!e you waiting until you know everything about the topic befo!e you act9
A!e you motivated enough to act9
A!e you waiting so that you feeling like acting9
Do you have a histo!y of sta!ting p!o8ects but not finishing them9
#he solution to an imbalance of this t!inity is to become awa!e of each of
these fo!ces. (f you a!e waiting fo! things to +feel, !ight you might be delaying
you! success and decide to 8ump into action.
(f you a!e linge!ing too much on info!mation befo!e acting you should put
aside you! doubt and dete!mine the if you have enough to sta!t. "onside! that
many people sta!t and complete p!o8ects with less info!mation.
(f you have a patte!n of acting too :uickly and not completing p!o8ects then
you should wo!k on thinking th!ough the step and maintaining a mode!ate but
consistent feeling of motivation.
)edefining Your Life Stor*
#o gain the motivation to become a g!eat leade! /whethe! it)s a cult o! not0
you will benefit by envisioning you! life as though it we!e a mythic saga.
"onside! the epic Star +ar saga. (t begins with a lowly fa!m boy- ;uke
<kywalke!- who was unknowingly destined to defeat an empi!e. Fo! a moment
conside! that you a!e not that much diffe!ent only you! saga has 8ust begun.
ou can sta!t by looking at the challenges and obstacles that you have
ove!come and what you have lea!ned f!om them.
ou can also begin to view you! goals and plans in the pe!spective of you!
g!eat pu!pose- you! destiny.
When you combine eve!ything mentioned thus fa! you gain the skills and
powe!s of an empassioned leade!.
#he :uality of this passion can be so powe!ful that othe!s who sha!e you!
vision a!e d!awn to you and you can speak without shame about you! life pu!pose
and the goals you wish to achieve.
(t)s impo!tant to !estate that no one is telling you to sta!t a cult. ou)ll
simple lea!n how it)s done and you can apply this knowledge in any way you see
fit. Whethe! it)s a bowling league- a business o! a chu!ch g!oup the only limit is
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Building Your Cult gives you even mo!e
p!ecise details on building this powe!ful mind set
of leade!.
4the! detailed in Building Your Cult a!e6
ou)ll lea!n the impo!tance of Doct!ine- the
w!itten wo!ds that act as !ules to live by. A
good Doct!ine acts like an e5acting business plan
and ensu!es eve!yone knows what to do in any
ou)ll get a wo!king doct!ine that you can use
as an e5ample o! build upon to benefit you!
life and the lives of othe!s. ou have my
pe!mission to use it howeve! you like.
ou)ll lea!n the right way to showe! you! !ec!uits with attention so they want
to help you.
ou)ll lea!n how to c!eate a sense of elitism that makes people feel uni:ue. (t
also makes those a!en)t a membe! of you! g!oup want to 8oin.
ou)ll lea!n what it takes to c!eate +initiato!y, e5pe!iences that helps people
feel impo!tant and uni:ue. #his is what makes people flock to 8oin gangs and
st!ange !eligious g!oups.
7ow to find membe!s of you! cult.
7ow to o!ganize you! own 7uman $esou!ces team to t!ain and indoct!inate
you! followe!s.
;astly- you)ll get -nleah The Addict& which desc!ibes how to c!eate a
compelling addition to anything in you!self and othe!s.
#his PDF is accompanied by a F$%% &P' download.
(f you don)t have the &P' go to www.Buildingou!" and sign up.
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