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Maid2Clean -

Cleaner Job
Bristol and
Areas (areas as
detailed within
We always have a place for good, reliable people in our
business. We can ofer fexible daytime hours to suit your
circumstances, up to a MAXM!M "# $% &"!'( )*'
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6ob /itle7 -omestic 0leaner 8 roner 9not all clients need
ironing: Multiple positions available throughout the
postcode sectors in this application. -uties7 0arry out a
number of cleaning 8ironing duties on a wee;ly8fortnightly
basis for the same regular householders, one<of cleans
sometimes ofered. /his can involve7 2acuuming,
Mopping, Washing internal windows, Wiping s;irting,
)olishing = dusting, (praying air fresher, roning,
0leaning bathrooms, 0leaning toilets, 0leaning ;itchens.
Wage > ?@ per hour for regular cleans 9some post code
areas in (outh 3loucestershire pay ?@.@A per hour: =
?B.%% per hour for one of 4litC cleans. /he average house
cleaning Dob is $<1 hours and the same clients are
serviced on a wee;ly basis. A fexible role ideally suited to
those loo;ing for a few hours wor; per wee;. .o
evenings, nights or wee;end wor;. -ays of wor; normally
Monday to #riday, unless you wish to wor; wee;ends
should this be available. )erson (peciEcation F *xcellent
cleaner < totally honest, reliable, pleasant personality.
Able to wor; unsupervised. Must be able to spea; fuently
with customers, read = write clearly = follow client
instruction forms. )revious domestic cleaning experience
is ideally reGuired. "nly the best need apply as we
operate a Cero tolerance for poor standards, not showing
up for wor; or not updating the agency with information.
f you are short<listed, we will then reGuire proof of your
right to wor; in the !+ 9if reGuired:, proof of identity and
two references. (hortlisted applicants will be contacted
and if successful will proceed to a face to face interview.
/o be considered, please complete the application form
below. We regret that due to the high number of
applications we are only able to respond to shortlisted
applicants. Any Gueries, please call us on %BH1 $BI I%AJ

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