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International Community for Women Living with HIV

International Community for Women Living with HIV

, 2014

ICW Co- hosts the Candle Light Vigil at the AIDS 2014 Conference
Melbourne, Australia July 22
, 2014- The International Community of Women living with HIV (ICW)
co-hosted the candle light vigil, at AIDS 2014 for the first time in the history of the conference. The
vigil was held at Federation Square in Melbourne, Australia to honour each other and the 35 million
friends, family, loved ones and community Heroes and activists from all over the world that were lost
along the way. There were over 5000 people in attendance.
Jessica Whitbread, Interim Director of ICW and Teresia Otieno, Global Chair of ICW gave a moving
speech highlighting the issues faced by women living with HIV and the diversity of women that make
up the community of women living with HIV, especially histories and experiences that are often un-
acknowledged, hidden and marginalized, including people who use drugs, sex workers, transgender, men
who have sex with men as well as others who embrace their
sexuality beyond heterosexual norms, migrants, indigenous
people, incarcerated, people with disabilities and the many
others who circumstances cause them to bare a
disproportionate burden of HIV in their communities.
Millions of women living with HIV have died over the past 3
decades - as a result of gender inequality and oppression
resulting in unequal access to treatment, lack of attention to
women specific disease and illnesses affecting women living with HIV such as cervical cancer.
The International Community of Women was proud to be there to call the names of the people loved and
lost. ICW clearly made the point that although the focus was to honour those of us that we have loved,
lost it is important to understand that HIV is very present today. ICW are committed to ensuring those
womens voices and experiences, in all our diversity remain on the agenda and we will continue to fight
for our rights.
Nothing for Us Without Us!!!
Media contact:
Arinolah Elizabeth Nite, ICW Communications Associate
J essica(left) and Teresia (centre) at the Candle Light Vigil

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