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Nutr 170 Careers in Nutrition (1 credit)

Spring Semester 2014, 260 Willard Building

Friday 12:20-1:10 PM

Instructor: Brenda Eissenstat, M.S., R.D.
Office: 119 C Chandlee Lab
Office hours: Wednesday 2:30- 4:00 PM or by appt.
Phone: Appointments 814 863-0806 Office 814 863-5826

Course objective:

Describe career opportunities available to graduates with a BS in nutrition
Identify some careers in nutrition that require a graduate degree and/or RD
Outline the pathways to become a Registered Dietitian
Develop skills in applying for employment
Prepare a resume that you can use to search for a summer job
Obtain an informational interview with a nutritionist or dietitian
Begin to create a professional career portfolio

Grading Criteria:

Attendance is required. During most classes a guest speaker will be presenting highlights
of their career path and current professional responsibilities. Beginning Jan. 20, you will
be required to sign an attendance sheet posted in the classroom any day a speaker or lecture
is scheduled. After Jan. 20, only one class can be missed during this time period for any
reason without a penalty. During portfolio sharing weeks, you will be required to attend
only on your assigned day. It is always a good idea to save your allowed absence in case
you are ill or have a planned absence (field trip, early spring break, Good Friday etc).

Attendance 5 pts/week (10 weeks) 50 points
Assignments (4 assignments) 50 points
Total 100 points

There are no exams in this class. Letter grades will be assigned as follows:
Percentage points:

100-93 A 92-90 A- 89-87 B+ 86-83 B
8280 B- 79-77 C+ 76-70 C 69-60 D
<60 F

Ethics and professionalism

This class is a demonstration of your professionalism with respect to ethics and attitude.
It is expected that all students will adhere to the highest ethical standards of honesty.
Forgery of a signature on an attendance sheet is grounds for a grade of F. If you arrive 5

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