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Grade 7 Individuals and Societies Unit Overview

Unit Number: 1
Teachers: Mr. e!ane and Mr. "hartier #$$ro%imate Unit
!en&th: ' "(cles
Unit Title "om$arin& )orld *eli&ions
Identities and *elationshi$s
o+ In,uir(
-elie+ s(stems in.uence $eo$le/s identities and actions.
"urrent 0vents1 2ocabular(1 2enn ia&rams 3 In4class 0ssa(s1 Oral
5resentation1 6omewor7 and ail( "lass )or7
Criteria A - Knowing and Understanding
Uses a ran&e o+ terminolo&( in conte%t
emonstrates 7nowled&e 3 understandin& o+ sub9ect s$eci:c content 3 conce$ts
throu&h descri$tions1 e%$lanations1 3 e%am$les
Criteria B Investigating
;ormulates<chooses a clear 3 +ocused research ,uestion =*>?1 e%$lainin& its
;ormulates 3 +ollows an action $lan to investi&ate a *>
Uses methods to collect 3 record relevant in+o
0valuates the $rocess 3 results o+ the investi&ation with &uidance
Criteria C Communicating
"ommunicates in+ormation 3 ideas in a st(le that is a$$ro$riate +or audience 3
Structures in+o 3 ideas accordin& to the tas7 instructions
"reates a re+erence list and cites sources o+ in+o
Criteria D - Thinking Critically
#nal(ses conce$ts1 issues1 models1 visual re$resentations and<or theories
Summari@es in+o to ma7e valid1 well4su$$orted ar&uments
#nal(ses a ran&e o+ sources<data1 in terms o+ ori&in 3 $ur$ose1 reco&ni@in& values 3
*eco&ni@es diAerent $ers$ectives 3 their im$lications
"ontent Students should understand that:
4 *eli&ions tend to s$lit into sects over time as believers divide themselves
over issues o+ ritual1 belie+1 and so on.
4 Two &iven reli&ions include both mutuall( incom$atible belie+s as well as
si&ni:cant similarities.
4 There is a diAerence between learnin& about a reli&ion dis$assionatel( and
learnin& about it as a believer.
Students should 7now:
4 The +eatures o+ si% ma9or world reli&ions
4 The +eatures o+ one or more less well 7nown reli&ions
4 *eli&ious vocabular(
Students should be able to:
4 "om$are and contrast the +eatures o+ world reli&ions usin& a 2enn dia&ram
to !earnin&
4 Bee$ an or&ani@ed and lo&ical s(stem o+ in+ormation :les
4 Ma7e connections between diAerent sources o+ in+ormation
4 Gather and or&ani@e relevant in+ormation to +ormulate an ar&ument
4 )rite a well4or&ani@ed and 4ar&ued essa(

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