9th Grade Biology Syllabus

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Grade Biology Syllabus
September 4 October 4
Skeleton and Form
Quantitative and Qualitative descriptions
Comparative anatomy
Heart, Blood and Circulation
Cycle o t!e !eartbeat
Form o t!e !eart
O"y#en and t!e blood
Blood cells
$"ercise p!ysiolo#y
&uscular System and Autonomic System
&uscular orm
&uscular activity
Smoot! muscle
&ain lesson book *+,
-rats .*,
Class participation /*,
Qui0 .+,
. drat is due eac! o t!e irst 1 2eeks3 $ac! 2ill be turned in t!e day ater it
is assi#ned3 %ate drats are 2ort! !al credit3
&ain lesson books are due October 4 at t!e be#innin# o class3
&ain lesson books 2ill !ave essays or eac! day o class3 4!e sub5ects 2ill be
listed at t!e end o eac! lesson3 6llustrations t!at accompany t!e sub5ect 2ill
be included in t!e main lesson book3

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