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Lappeenranta University of Technology

LUT Metal
Tapani Halme

FE-analysis course


Calculate the highest displacement and maximum von Mises stress from the bracket
shown in picture. Calculate the model using
FE analysis with beam elements
FE analysis with plate elements (Midsurface modelling)
FE analysis with solid tetrahedral elements
hand calculations (simple cantilever beam)

Compare the results with plate and solid elements using linear and parabolic formulations.

Boundary conditions: end plate is fixed in bolt holes.
Loading: a force of 50 N in negative Z direction is applied on both holes at the free end.

Material is aluminium (E =70 GPa). The dimensions can be obtained from the solid
model itself using Tools/Distance command.

The geometry is in Noppa/Assignments (use File/Import/Geometry command). The file
name is EXERCISE4.x_t. Use in Geometry Scale Factor value 1000. A tutorial is
available in Noppa for mid-surface modeling using plate elements. The file name is
Tutorial for exercise 4.pdf.

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