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Curriculum Report

Endeavor Charter Academy : Grade 5 : Science

Strand Topic Additional Info
The Nature of Science Process Skills State Standards:
S.IA.05.11 Analyze information from
data tables and graphs to answer
scientific questions.
S.IA.05.12 Evaluate data, claims, and
personal knowledge through
collaborative science discourse.
S.IA.05.13 Communicate and defend
findings of observations and
investigations using evidence.
S.IA.05.14 Draw conclusions from
sets of data from multiple trials of a
scientific investigation.
S.IA.06.14 Draw conclusions from
sets of data from multiple trials of a
scientific investigation.
S.IP.05.11 Generate scientific
questions based on observations,
investigations, and research.
S.IP.05.12 Design and conduct
scientific investigations.
S.IP.05.13 Use tools and equipment
(spring scales, stop watches, meter
sticks and tapes, models, hand lens)
appropriate to scientific
S.IP.05.14 Use metric measurement
devices in an investigation.
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The Nature of Science Process Skills State Standards:
MI.S.RS.05.16 Design solutions to
problems using technology.
MI.S.RS.05.17 Describe the effect
humans and other organisms have
on the balance in the natural world.
MI.S.RS.05.19 Describe how science
and technology have advanced
because of the contributions of
many people throughout history and
across cultures.
Life Science Body Systems State Standards:
MI.L.OL.05.41 Identify the general
purpose of selected animal systems
(digestive, circulatory, respiratory,
skeletal, muscular, nervous,
excretory, and reproductive).
MI.L.OL.05.42 Explain how animal
systems (digestive, circulatory,
respiratory, skeletal, muscular,
nervous, excretory, and
reproductive) work together to
perform selected activities.
Life Science Health SCI.5.HEA.1 Describe ways to
prevent illness including food
choices, personal hygiene, and
SCI.5.HEA.2 Explain what kinds of
food and drink make up a healthy
SCI.5.HEA.3 Explain how making
healthy decisions will keep your
body safe.
SCI.5.HEA.4 Describe how healthy
practices have an impact on your
health, safety, and family.
SCI.5.HEA.5 Identify ways to keep
our minds healthy (feelings, friends,
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Life Science Evolution State Standards:
L.EV.05.11 Explain how behavioral
characteristics (adaptation, instinct,
learning, habit) of animals help them
to survive in their environment.
L.EV.05.12 Describe the physical
characteristics (traits) of organisms
that help them survive in their
L.HE.05.11 Explain that the traits of
an individual are influenced by both
the environment and the genetics of
the individual.
L.HE.05.12 Distinguish between
inherited and acquired traits.
Life Science Evolution State Standards:
L.EV.05.14 Analyze the relationship
of environmental change and
catastrophic events (for example:
volcanic eruption, floods, asteroid
impacts, tsunami) to species
extinction. L.EV.05.13 Describe
how fossils provide evidence about
how living things and environmental
conditions have changed.
MI.L.EV.05.21 Relate degree of
similarity in anatomical features to
the classification of contemporary
Physical Science Mixtures and Solutions
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Physical Science Forces and Motion State Standards:
P.FM.05.21 Distinguish between
contact forces and non-contact
P.FM.05.22 Demonstrate contact
and non-contact forces to change
the motion of an object.
Physical Science Forces and Motion State Standards:
P.FM.05.31 Describe what happens
when two forces act on an object in
the same or opposing directions.
P.FM.05.32 Describe how constant
motion is the result of balanced
(zero net) forces.
P.FM.05.33 Describe how changes in
the motion of objects are caused by
a non-zero net (unbalanced) force.
P.FM.05.34 Relate the size of change
in motion to the strength of
unbalanced forces and the mass of
the object.
Physical Science Forces and Motion State Standards:
P.FM.05.41 Explain the motion of an
object relative to its point of
P.FM.05.42 Describe the motion of
an object in terms of distance, time
and direction, as the object moves,
and in relationship to other objects.
P.FM.05.43 Illustrate how motion
can be measured and represented
on a graph.
Earth and Space Science Earth in Space State Standards:
MI.E.ST.05.22 Explain the phases of
the moon
MI.E.ES.05.61 Demonstrate and
explain seasons using a model
MI.E.ES.05.62 Explain how the
revolution of the Earth around the
sn defines a year
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Earth and Space Science Earth in Space State Standards:
MI.E.ST.05.22 Explain the phases of
the moon
MI.E.ST.05.25 Explain the tides of
the oceans as they relate to the
gravitational pull and orbit of the
Earth and Space Science Earth in Space State Standards:
MI.E.ST.05.11 Design a model of the
solar system that shows the relative
order and scale of the planets, dwarf
planets, comets, and asteroids to
the sun
MI.E.ST.05.21 Describe the motion
of planets and moons in terms of
rotation on axis and orbits due to
MI.E.ST.05.23 Explain the apparent
motion of the stars (constellations)
and the sun across the sky
Earth and Space Science Weather and Water
Earth and Space Science Weather and Water
Performance Character Work Management
Performance Character Work Management
Performance Character Work Management
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Building Blocks & I Cans
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BB1: Describe examples of mechanical systems that are designed to serve purposes similar to natural systems
BB2: Design and construct something useful out of a variety of materials using a variety of tools
BB3: Evaluate the usefulness of inventions and suggest ways that the product could be changed or improved
BB4: Describe properties of materials that make them useful in design and construction
BB5: Describe positive and negative effects of technology on the environment and society
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BB1: Explain how behavioral characteristics (adaptation, instinct, learning, habit) of animals help them to survive
in their environment
BB2: Describe the physical characteristics (traits) of organisms that help them survive in their environment
BB3: Explain that the traits of an individual are influenced by both the environment and the genetics of the
BB4: Distinguish between inherited and acquired traits
BB1: Analyze the relationship of environmental change and catastrophic events (for example: volcanic eruption,
floods, asteroid impacts, tsunami) to species extinction.
BB2: Describe how fossils provide evidence about how living things and environmental conditions have changed
BB3: Relate degree of similarity in anatomical features to the classification of contemporary organisms
BB1: Determine the appropriate tools and processes needed to separate various mixtures
BB2: Describe factors that influence saturation in a solution
BB3: Describe the appropriate tools and senses needed to compare and contrast the concentration levels of
various solutions
BB4: Classify reactions as chemical or not based on the presence of color change, odor, light or heat emission,
and/or gas
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BB1: Distinguish between contact forces and non-contact forces
BB2: Demonstrate contact and non-contact forces to change the motion of an object
BB1: Describe what happens when two forces act on an object in the same or opposing directions
BB2: Describe how constant motion is the result of balanced (zero net) forces
BB3: Describe how changes in the motion of objects are caused by a non-zero net (unbalanced) force
BB4: Relate the size of change in motion to the strength of unbalanced forces and the mass of the object
BB1: Explain the motion of an object relative to its point of reference
BB2: Describe the motion of an object in terms of distance, time and direction, as the object moves, and in
relationship to other objects
BB3: Illustrate how motion can be measured and represented on a graph
BB1: Demonstrate and explain seasons using a model
BB2: Explain how the revolution of the Earth around the sun defines a year
BB3: Explain lunar and solar eclipses
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BB1: Explain the phases of the moon
BB2: Explain the tides of the oceans as they relate to the gravitational pull and orbit of the moon
BB1: Design a model of the solar system that shows the relative order and scale of the planets, dwarf planets,
comets, and asteroids to the sun
BB2: Explain the apparent motion of the stars (constellations) and the sun across the sky
BB3: Describe the motion of planets and moons in terms of rotation on axis and orbits due to gravity
BB1: Measure, record, and explain daily weather phenomena using the appropriate tools
BB2: Correlate cloud types with general weather conditions
BB3: Describe a variety of storm types, the weather conditions associated with each, and explain when they
BB4: Compile and use weather data to determine climate trends
BB5: Describe the effects geography can have on weather and climate
BB1: Analyze the distribution, location, and state of water on Earth
BB2: Describe the processes of infiltration, runoff, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation as they relate to
movement of water in the water cycle
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