Texas Women and Children Information

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Texas Women and Childrens Advocacy Services

I. Agency History
II. ission statement! vision! and o"#ective
III. $e%inition o% &ndangered Children
I'. Service O%%ered
'. (oals o% Texas Women and Childrens Advocacy Services
Women and Childrens Advocacy Services
TWCAS- 3/24/09
In 2001, a hs!and, a" "ha" "ime a li""le lea#e coach and $i%e &Social Wor'er( reco#ni)ed
"he need %or coo*era"ive ac"ion "o address child a!se *reven"ion+ Carlos and Ta"m
,onore *" "heir heads "o#e"her "o *lan several commni"y ac"ivi"ies as $ays "o *reven"
a!se and *rovide resorces "o children in lo$er income areas+ The ,onores sold "heir
home in "he -ie" s!r!s o% ,os"on and *rchased a home in ,os"ons .i%"h Ward
The ,onores or#ani)ed several ac"ivi"ies "o serve as an a#en" "o deliver %ood "o %amilies,
"ili)a"ion o% *riva"e %nds "o *ay "ili"ies %or *aren"s o% children $ho cold no" a%%ord
"heir "ili"ies, o*enin# "heir home "o children in "he commni"y as a sa%e *lace %or %ood
and shel"er, and consel and re%er *aren"s and children "o commni"y resorces+
/i#h" years la"er, a dream and a co*les *assion "o hel* children have evolved in"o a
movemen" "o hel* children+ The ,onores have crea"ed a non*ro%i", Te0as Women and
Childrens Services, $hich no$ encom*asses several services "ha" "ar#e" "he elimina"ion
o% child a!se and increases child a!se a$areness and *reven"ion+
The %ollo$in# is "he mission, vision, and o!1ec"ive o% "he Te0as Women and Childrens
Advocacy Services &TWCAS(2
TWCAS- 3/24/09
Texas Women and Childrens Advocacy Services (TWCAS), is a collaborative statewide
multi-disciplinary eort to prevent harm to children and rescue, deend, shelter and
support Texass children who suer or may be exposed to ne!lectul, physical, and
psycholo!ical harm"
TWCAS also provides rehabilitation and support services to sin!le mothers" This
rehabilitation includes #ob placement, respite care or the mothers, individual$!roup
counselin!, substance abuse counselin!, and parentin! classes"
%very child in &oustons 'ith Ward will have the opportunity to experience a sae and
healthy childhood and every mother in &oustons 'ith Ward will have the needed s(ills
and resources to successully support and provide or her amily"
)*rovidin! resources and sae havens to Texas women and children to promote healthy
liestyles and successul utures"+
$e%inition &ndangered Children
/ndan#ered children &3/C( are "hose children $ho s%%er ne#lec", *hysical and
*sycholo#ical harm resl"in# %rom e0*osre "o ille#al dr#s and ac"ivi"y, *ersons nder
"he in%lence, or e0*osre "o dan#eros environmen"s+
Services O%%ered "y TWACS
TWCAS- 3/24/09
Individual, grou* counseling
-outh S*orts
&m*loyment services
Civility Training
)arenting Classes
Su"stance A"use Counseling
Career Coaching
(oals %or TWCAS
Increase *!lic a$areness o% "he dan#er "o children $ho are e0*osed "o
dys%nc"ional homes in $hich "heir e0*osed "o ne#lec" and a!se+
Increase "rainin# and on-#oin# edca"ional o**or"ni"ies re#ardin# isses %aced
!y endan#ered children+ This incldes *reven"ion, reco#ni"ion, res*onse,
in"erven"ion, and %ollo$ * %or "he *!lic and *riva"e sec"ors res*onsi!le %or "he
care o% children+

4rovide leadershi* "o increase "he colla!ora"ive ca*aci"y a" "he s"a"e and local
levels "o reco#ni)e and address "he needs o% endan#ered children+
Crea"e sa%e havens %or a!sed/ne#lec"ed children+
TWCAS- 3/24/09
4rovide "em*orary res*i"e services "o %os"er *aren"s and sin#le mo"hers+
4rovide "he "ools and s'ills %or mo"hers "o o!"ain em*loymen" and *rovide a sa%e
environmen" %or "heir children

TWCAS- 3/24/09

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