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Spanish 1 Mrs.

Cindy Tomlin
3 ring binder
Loose leaf paper
Pens and pencils
Index cards
*Dictionary-University of Chicago
*Crayons, Markers, Color Pencils, Tape, Stick

Bell Work
Completed at the beginning of each classMonday-Thursday and handed in on Thursday.

There will be a test every Friday. ONLY PENCILS may be used on tests.

Text @tworld1 to (601) 292-7393 to sign up for Spanish 1 reminders.

Tomlin Bucks
Students will receive 5 Tomlin Bucks at the beginning of each term. These may be used as restroom
passes, homework passes, tardy passes or bonus points.

Student Absences
Because we are on block schedule, when a student misses 1 day, it is comparable to missing 2 days on the 7
period schedule. When the student returns to class, he/she will have a note posted on the board with any
papers and assignments that were missed. It is the students responsibility to collect the note and complete
the work missed. Any missed tests are required to be completed in After School Detention. Unexcused
absences will earn the student a maximum of 60 on make-up work.

When a deadline is given, the assignment will not be accepted later.

There are usually homework assignments Monday-Wednesday with Thursday being left for studying
for the test on Friday. Homework checks are 100 or 0. There is no partial credit.

Contact Information
School (662) 862-3104

FYI (For Your Information)
1. Write legibly or it is WRONG, especially on quiz/test.
2. DO NOT write on desks or you will clean them ALL after school.
3. DO NOT place legs or feet on the top of the desks.
4. DO NOT sit on top of the desks.
5. Late work/homework will not be accepted.
6. Partial credit for homework is not given. (ALL or NOTHING)
7. Mrs. Tomlin will dismiss the class, not the bell. DO NOT line up at the door.
8. DO NOT interrupt class to throw something away!
9. DO NOT throw trash on the floor or on the book shelves.
10. Make sure to include your name on all work.
11. ALL book bags, backpacks, and purses should not be placed on top of the desk or in your lap.
These should be placed on the floor.
12. ALL coats or jackets not being worn should not be held in your lap or placed on top of the
13. Students are only allowed to drink water in the classroom.
14. Cell phone usage allowance is only designated by Mrs. Tomlin. If cell phones are taken up by
Mrs. Tomlin during non-designated times, the phone will remain in cell-phone jail until the
end of the day.
15. Gum chewing is NOT ALLOWED in Mrs. Tomlins classroom.

1. Students are expected to respect the teacher and fellow classmates.
2. Students are expected to follow the rules and guidelines stated in the IAHS Student
3. Students are expected to be on time and prepared with necessary materials in the
4. Students are expected to be in their seats and working when the tardy bell rings.
5. Students are expected to behave as young, responsible adults.

1. Verbal Warning
2. Student/Teacher Conference
3. Refer to Administration

I have read and understand what Mrs. Tomlins rules and expectations are in her classroom.

Students Signature__________________________________________

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