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Sunshine Herald

Druid Hills United

Methodist Church

A Monthly Publication of Druid Hills United Methodist Church

Serving Christ by Learning, Leading and Loving Sunshine Herald


From the Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen
From the Pastor 1
Greetings Brothers and Sisters! Financial Report 2

Happy November! When this time of year rolls around, it conjures all sorts of emotions Caring and Sharing 2
within me. But the greatest one is that of thanksgiving. I love to look back on the year and Parish Nurse, 3
name all that I have to be thankful for and be as specific as I can. 4, 5,
This year I have many things to be thankful for. I am thankful for my appointment to
Druid Hills United Methodist. You have been tremendously welcoming to my family and Children’s Library 7
me. You have been graceful and accommodating as I have tried to learn my way around,
angelfood 8
learn your names, and get into the “swing of things”. You have been incredibly open with
me, allowing me to get to know you all that much faster. I am very grateful for each and Calendar 9
every one of you!

I am thankful for Belleview United Methodist where my wife, Debbie, is serving. They
have treated her much the same way you have treated me, with compassion, grace, under-
standing, and open arms. Even though I do not spend that much time over there nor know
those people well, I am thankful for them.
11/13 Roxana & Bob
I am thankful for my health. Earlier this year, two months before I arrived in Ocala, I had Greene
emergency appendectomy surgery. I went to the Emergency Room at 2 am one morning
and had the surgery just a few hours later to have the appendix removed. My surgeon later
told me that if I had waited till business hours later that day to go see my regular doctor,
my appendix would have likely burst, requiring a much more complex procedure and
would have risked my life.

But most importantly, I am thankful for my God. I am thankful for the way that God has
moved in my life this year and really “thinned the veil” between Heaven and Earth for me.
I feel closer to my Triune God this year than I ever have before. To be honest with you, I
hope this becomes a trend for me. I hope that each year that passes I will grow closer than
the year before. God has opened my eyes, allowed me to feel the presence of the Holy 11/02 Josef Johnson
11/04 Mary Lou Welsh
Spirit, and moved me to places I have never been before with increased frequency.
11/06 Jessica Lamb
So I ask you, what are you thankful for this year? And be specific. If you are thankful for 11/07 Dave Palmer
a certain person and what they mean to you, tell them. Do not intend to tell them, tell 11/13 Peg Hamilton
Doris White
them. Right now, stop reading this letter, put me down (I will be here when you get back),
11/14 Marge Grieves
and either go in person, call them, email them, write them a note, but tell them. It is so im- 11/21 Amanda Leighton
portant for us to tell each other how much we appreciate one another. Have you taken care 11/24 Mary Ann Roos
of that? Great! Now don't you feel good? 11/26 Adele Stipp
11/28 Wesley Allen
Now I would like for you to do something else. Please take time and thank God, Jesus, and 11/29 Daryl Allen
the Holy Spirit for how they have worked in your life this year. I would like you to thank 11/30 Joyce Baugher
each person of the Trinity for how they have watched over you, protected you, blessed you, Joyce Thompson
and loved you this year. And once you do that try and do it again as often as you can. Flo Pauley
Telling someone thank you is a wonderful thing and should not be limited to just once a

Happy Thanksgiving!
Pastor Daryl
Page 2 Sunshine Herald

Prayer serves as the backbone of the church. It is what supports all our The Sunshine Herald is the monthly
efforts of ministry. In that spirit, you are invited to hold these persons in publication of Druid Hills United Meth-
your prayers and thoughts. Just as the Spirit needs healing, so does the odist Church.
body. The two, it seems, go together in God’s plan.
Editor: Carole Newlin
Pastor: Rev. Daryl W. Allen
Traci Barrow At Home
Pastor’s Blog:
Rose Carroll At Home
Nancy Freimuth At Home Director of Worship Arts:

Brad & Ruth Fuller At Home Lucy Williams

Emil Hass At Home
Phone: 352-629-5688
Bernie Hamilton At Home
Fax: 352-629-5843
DeNease Hicks At Home Mail: 1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd.
Alene Krause At Home Ocala, FL 34471
Hours: 9:00 a.m. to Noon
Carol Peterson At Home
Monday through Friday
Glenda Savage At Home
Adele Stipp At Home Our Mission:
We are a fellowship of believers
Serving Christ by
Learning, Leading and Loving

October 2009 (9-27 to 10-25) Due to the upcoming holidays, the
Monthly Budget: $17,539.00 deadline for all articles for the Decem-
ber Newsletter is November 15th. The
Monthly Offering: $14,681 .00 deadline for the January Newsletter is
Difference: $ 2,858.00 December 13th. Articles received af-
Children’s Home: $ 232.28 ter these dates will not be included. If
you have any questions, please contact
Parking Income: $ 750.00 Carole at the office. Articles may be
Average Attendance edited as necessary. Thank you
Worship ……………………..... 103 for your cooperation.
Sunday School
Adult Focus……………………. 12
Together Class………………….. 2
Children’s Church……………...2
Sunshine Herald Page 3


in Leesburg is now accepting registrations. This annual event sells out very quickly. Therefore, if you are interested in
attending, please register ASAP. The New Testament theme is from 2 Corinthians 9:8 (The Message). “God can pour
on the blessings in astonishing ways so that you’re ready for anything and everything, more than just ready to do what
needs to be done.” The Old Testament theme is from Zechariah 8:13 (KJV). “And it shall come to pass, [that] as ye were
a curse among the heathen, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing; fear not,
[but] let your hands be strong.” The weekends for the retreat will be January 22-24; February 5-7; February 19-21; and
March 5-7. The cost for the retreat depends on the housing option you choose. Information packets, which include all
necessary information, and registration forms are available in the church office. If you have any questions, please con-
tact the office at 629-5688.


The church-wide Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on Friday, Nov. 20th at 6:00 PM. You must make reservations.
Please sign-up at the Connection Station, beginning, Sunday, Nov. 8th or call the church office during normal business
hours. All reservations must be made by Sunday, November 15th, so we can order the turkeys and pies. The turkeys,
pies and beverage will be provided. Everyone is asked to bring a dish to feed 8.
If your last name begins with: BRING:
A-G hot vegetables (last year, we were short of HOT vegetables)
H-K cold salads (such as jello, ambrosia, 3 bean, etc.)
L-M sweet potatoes, yams or squash dishes
N-R mashed potatoes, rice or hot macaroni dishes
S-Z cold condiments (relish, pickles, etc.)
If you are unable to cook, a donation would be appreciated to help defray the cost of the items purchased by the church.
THE DINNER. Remember, many hands make light work.


This Franklin Graham ministry gives shoe boxes full of gifts to millions of children in more than 130 countries, hearing
the Good News of our Savior. Thanks to people like you, last year, 8 million shoe box gifts were collected in the U.S.
and ten other sending nations. The journey starts when you fill a shoe box with toys, school supplies, and necessity
items, and praying for the child who will receive your box. National Leadership Teams oversee the delivery of these
boxes to churches, schools, orphanages and children’s hospitals. Through Gospel booklets and discipleship programs,
children are introduced to the greatest gift - Jesus!
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” (Matthew 9:37). This year’s deadline is November 15th. Start filling
your shoe box! If you have any questions, please contact Libby Orbison, UMW, project manager.
Page 4 Sunshine Herald


Here are some foods to make your brain happy:
 Blueberries - This fruit, like many others, contains antioxidants, which neutralize the nasty effects of free radicals.
A free radical is a molecule that “steals” an electron from another molecule. The other molecule then becomes a free
radical, and now it’s searching for an electron. All this “electron stealing” can damage a cell. Antioxidants can give
up an electron and remain stable, so they’re useful for taking the punch out of free radicals.
 Green leafy vegetables - Every “healthy eating” article touts the benefits of green leafy vegetables. We like them
because they contain high levels of folate, a vitamin that helps break down homocysteine. High levels of homocys-
teine have been linked to an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
 Broccoli and cauliflower - These “cruciferous vegetables” appear to help maintain brain power. Results from the
Nurses’ Health Study show that women these veggies most frequently staved off memory loss better than women
who ate them less frequently.
 Fruit juice - One study found that people who drank at least 3 glasses of juice a week had 1/4 the risk of Alz-
heimer’s disease, compared with people who drank less than one glass per week. Take your pick - apple, grape,
cranberry - and start guzzling.
 Fat - More than half your brain is fat; you need it to stay sharp. But stick with “good” fats, those found in nuts, fish,
canola oil and olive oil. Avoid saturated fats (from meat and dairy) and trans fats (from margarine and many proc-
essed foods).
 Alcohol - Moderate alcohol consumption - 1 drink a day for women; 1 or 2 for men - appears to help keep the
brain healthy.
 Remember, it’s always better to eat healthful foods than to take a vitamin. One multiple vitamin per day won’t hurt
you, but high doses of any vitamin aren’t recommended.
Joyce Baugher, R.N., Parish Nurse


The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 17th at 10 AM in the Library. All women of the church
are invited.

The annual Advent breakfast will be held Saturday, December 5th at 9:30 AM in Fellowship Hall.
Everyone is invited. The sign-up sheet will be at the Connection Station. If you have any questions,
please see Joy, Dorothy Stein or Vivian Bathurst. Deadline for reservations will be Monday, Nov. 30th.

The Chancel Choir will begin rehearsals for the Christmas Cantata on November 3 at 7 PM in
Fellowship Hall. We would like to invite anyone interested in joining us for this celebration of the
Christmas season to come to this rehearsal. The cantata will be presented during our regular Sunday
Worship Service on Dec. 13.

MODELs (Mostly Older Debutantes Eating Lunch) will meet on Thursday, November 19th at noon at Outback on SR
200. Please let Ruth Griffith know if you plan to attend so reservations can be made. All women of the church are in-
Sunshine Herald Page 5


I want to thank everyone involved for the wonderful showing of appreciation that you all presented to me for Pastor Ap-
preciation Month. It has been my privilege and my honor to be able to call myself your pastor and to minister among
and with you. You have all been wonderfully welcoming and supportive and I am truly grateful from the bottom of my
heart! Thank you again!

Pastor Daryl


Dear friends,
Today is one of those wonderful early fall days where the sun is shining brightly and there is an ever so gentle (and
cool!) breeze in the air. It’s picture perfect. Sadly, the lives of the children in our care have not been so picture perfect.
But your congregation’s generous gift of $640 has helped to change all of that - for today and for so many children.

Your gift has truly been a blessing. Thank you for helping to change the lives and transform the hearts of young boys
and girls and God bless you for having such a caring spirit!

Keeping All God’s Children First

John Rivas, CFRE
Chief Development Officer

Your kind and thoughtful expression of sympathy is deeply appreciated and gratefully acknowledged

To All Members of DHUMC,

Thank you for your card, your concern and especially your prayers during this time of sadness. You have been a great
comfort to Debbie and myself.

Ed Ford


Dear friends,
Al and I spent the weekend in the desert at Joshua Tree where my son’s (Ray) Green Festival took place. THE WATER
WOMAN FESTIVAL, website, encouraged more sustainable living, growing your own food, using gray water, etc. En-
joying my Golden Agers group at the church, also cane dancing and exercises. Thinking of you. Will see you, possibly
Dec. 6th.

Dee Cirino
Page 6 Sunshine Herald

Druid Hills Emergency Notification Team/Citizens Emergency Response Team
At the end of May, it was a year ago that we gathered as a congregation for our Hobo Supper. For those of you who did-
n’t attend, the purpose of the evening was to introduce the emergency calling tree. The calling tree is comprised of seven
(7) groups with a volunteer group leader. Each member or friend of DHUMC is assigned to a group leader. In case of an
emergency, such as a hurricane, high wind, flooding, etc., you would contact your group leader if you needed assistance.
The group leader may contact you to make certain that you were not in immediate danger. The name of this group is
D.E.N.T. Several of our members went to additional training called C.E.R.T. so they could be responders in case of such
an event. This training is available to anyone who would like to volunteer to be part of the team to help the community,
friends, families and our country in times of disaster. On Tuesday, November 10, we are going to the Health Department
to learn more about the H1N1 virus and to be trained on how we could help if an epidemic or pandemic should occur in
Marion County. We are fortunate to have Dave Palmer, who is the Deputy Director of Emergency Management, as a
member of our church. Our last meeting in April was a visit to the new Emergency Operations Center. The building was
built to sustain a Category 5 hurricane.
One of our C.E.R.T. members is presently going to classes to get a ham radio license and would like to become a part of
M.E.R.T., which is Marion County Emergency Communications Team. This is a group of 60-70 volunteers who use
ham radios in disasters or other emergency situations. This may include communications to and from the police, hospi-
tals and shelters when the power and/or phone lines are down. Not only can they communicate locally, but all over the
There are many opportunities to volunteer in disaster preparedness. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, con-
tact your team leader for more information. If you are not certain who your team leader is, there is a list on the back of
your picture directory. If you are new to the church and have not received a, “Druid Hills United Methodist Church Dis-
aster Response Team Survey”, please get one from the church office during normal business hours or see me after Wor-
ship Service. This questionnaire helps your team leader become aware of your needs in case of disaster. If you attend our
church regularly, you are part of our family and we care about you and any special needs or medical conditions that we
may be able to provide assistance with during an emergency.
We have been invited to attend a meeting in the church office building of The First United Methodist Church of Ocala
on Tuesday, December 1 at 6 PM. The meeting will be hosted by Burt Stephens and his team. Burt’s teams are very ac-
tive and involved and would be a great asset to us. We could learn and share experiences. Everyone is invited to attend
and become a part of our team. There will be upcoming training classes available for CPR, First Aid, C.E.R.T. training
and Ham radio operator classes.
Here are a few internet sites to get additional information:,,, and
Thank you and I look forward to spending time with you.
Karen Murray


Thank you to my Druid Hills Church Family for the many prayers, cards and well wishes during my recent surgery, and
now recuperation, by the grace of our Lord. My heart has been touched by this love extended to me.

In His Love,
Rose Carroll
Sunshine Herald Page 7


Saturday, Nov. 7th from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
in Education Building

Pippi, Cricket, Andy, Sally, Pete and Dot have gotten some of the supplies ready, along with books to read and much
more for the rest of the year. Do you like puppets? Let us know.
Saturday, Nov. 7 - Create It: Christmas ideas
Bring your lunch, 2 drinks, a friend or 2 and your parents to sign the permission slip.
No Children’s Library in December - will resume on Jan. 9, 2010.
Children’s Library is also open on Sundays. If you would like your picture taken with the puppets, ask your parent(s) for
permission and see Ms. Joy.


Parents and Children: On Sundays, the kids’ packets in the purple folders are for children
to do during worship. The contents are for the children to do and to take home. The cray-
ons and pencils are to be left inside the folders and placed on the seat to be collected after
Thank you,
Ms. Joy
CWB Coordinator
Sunshine Herald Page 8

First Baptist Church, 2801 SE Maricamp Road, is the local order site for angelfood. November orders will be taken the
2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th. Hours are Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 9 AM to noon and Wed from noon to 6 PM. Distribution is
Saturday, Nov..21st from 11 am to noon. If you have any questions, please call FBC at 629-5683. Debby Baugher will
place the orders for DHUMC. There will be a sign-up sheet at the Connection Station.
Sunshine Herald Page 9

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

9:00 am - Bible
2 3
APRIL 2007 4 5 6


11 am - Bible
9:15 am - 7 pm - Choir Study
Sunday School 10:30 am -
Children’s Li-
10:30 am - Worship 7 pm - Boy 5:30 pm - 5:30 pm - Girl 7 pm - F.I.A. brary
ALL SAINTS DAY Scouts Brownies Scouts
7 pm - Cub
Scouts 7:30 pm - AA

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
9:00 am - Bible 10:30 am - 10 am - Worship Veteran’s Day
Study “The Singles” Committee 10 am Trustees
of Golden 11 am - Finance
9:15 am - Friends 11 am - Bible 5:30 pm - Girl
Sunday School 7 pm - Choir Study Scouts
7 pm - Cub 5:30 pm - UMM 7:30 pm - AA
10:30 am - Worship Scouts 7 pm - Boy 5:30 pm -
Scouts Brownies

15 16 17 18 19 20 21
9 am - Bible 10:30 am - All day - Elec- 10 am - Prayer Noon -
Study Christian Sr. tion Shawl ministry MODELs @ 6 pm - Annual
9:15 am - Sunday Singles 11 am - Bible Outback on Thanksgiving
School 9:30 am - Study SR200 dinner
10:30 am - Worship UMW - Li-
2 pm - Ocala Health 7 pm - Cub brary 5:30 pm - 5:30 pm - Girl
& Rehab Scouts 7 pm - Choir Brownies Scouts
4 pm - Charge Con- 7 pm - Boy 7 pm - Church 7:30 pm - AA
ference Scouts Council

22 23 24 25 26 27 28
9 am - Bible Office Closed Office Closed
11 am - Bible
7 pm - Choir
9:15 am - Sunday 7 pm - Cub 7 pm - Boy
5:30 pm -
School Scouts Scouts
10:30 am - Worship
Christ the King Sun- 7:30 pm - AA

29 30
9 am - Bible

9:15 am - Sunday
School 7 pm - Pack
10:30 am - Worship
1st Sunday of Advent

Druid Hills United Methodist Church
Sunshine Herald
1712 S. E. Lake Weir Rd.
Ocala, FL 34471

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