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Wellness 6

and 7
Lesson Plans- 1
Nine Weeks
Each Day:
Class Readiness 10 pts
Dynamic Flexibility Routine 20 pts
Daily Activity- 70 pts

Aug 12-16
Monday First Day of School
Discuss Gym, Fitness Room, and Weight Room Rules and Procedures

Tuesday Cont Discuss Gym, Fitness Room, and Weight Room Rules and Procedures

Objective- TSW begin preparing leg muscles and endurance needed for physical fitness
Directions- TSW line up against the gym wall. Taggers will be placed on center line. On go,
students attempt to run to opposite wall without being tagged.
SOL: 6.1a; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 7.1b; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.3a,d; 7.4a,b,c ; 8.1; 8.2; 8.5

Thursday Fitness Testing
Objective: TSW will fitness data to improve physical fitness
300 Meter Sprint-student will run a 300 meter sprint (3 laps in gym) for time.
SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8

Friday Fitness Testing
Abdominal Strength and Endurance
Curl-up Test- student will complete as many curl-ups as possible up to a maximum of 75 at a
specific pace.
SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8.6;

Aug 19-23
Objective-Tag game. Directions- There will be 3 students who have blue balls (which represent
ice) and 2 students who will have red balls (which represent fire). Everyone else is free and
can run wherever they want. The ice people try to freeze the free people by tagging them with
their blue ball (no throwing the balls!!) When students get tagged by an ice person he/she
becomes frozen (standing still). The fire people (who cant be tagged by the ice people) try to
then free all of their frozen teammates. They do this by handing the fireball to a frozen
person. The person receiving the fireball must say thank you. If he or she doesnt, they stay
frozen and the fire person then goes to free someone else. If the person does say thank you
they then take the ball and become a new fire person; the person who unfroze him or her
becomes a free person. The fireballs keep getting passed on and on, but the ice people stay
ice people until the game is stopped. Play for 2-3 min., then have the ice people give their balls
to someone who hasnt been an ice person.
SOL: 6.1a; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 7.1b; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.3a,d; 7.4a,b,c; 8.1; 8.2; 8.5
Tuesday Fitness Testing
Objective: TSW will fitness data to improve physical fitness
Broad Jump-student will complete a standing long jump for a measurement

Teach Activity- Hand-release push ups, Hands-free sit-ups

SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8

Wednesday Fitness Testing
Flexibility- student will reach the specified distance on the right and left sides of the body,
measuring the hamstring, hip, and lower back muscles.
SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8.6;

Teach Activity- Hand-release push ups, Hands-free sit-ups

Thursday Fitness Testing
Aerobic Capacity
Pacer Test- student will run as long as possible back and forth across a 20 meter space at a
specified pace that gets faster each minute.
SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8.6;

Friday Fitness Testing
Aerobic Capacity
Pacer Test- student will run as long as possible back and forth across a 20 meter space at a
specified pace that gets faster each minute.
SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8.6;

Aug 26-30
Objective: Students will understand the difference between healthy food choices and bad food
Directions: Divide into 4 teams, one in each quad of the gym. Each quad contains two hula-
hoops or plates, one with 3 good foods (gator balls or rings) and one with 3 bad foods.
Teams are trying to protect their good food and gain more by capturing from other teams.
Meanwhile, teams are trying to deliver the bad food to the other teams plates. If at any point a
player is in another quad they may be tagged and must go to the workout room for a quick
SOL: 6.1a; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 7.1a,b,d; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.3a,d; ; 7.4a,b,c; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.5


Wednesday Fitness Testing
Objective: TSW will fitness data to improve physical fitness
Box Jumps-student will complete as many box jumps or step-ups as possible in a one minute
SOL: 6.1; 6.2a,bc; 6.3a,b; 6.4a,c; 6.5; 7.1b; 7.2b,d; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.4; 8.5; 8.

Teach Squats

Thursday Fitness Testing
Push ups- student will complete as many curl-ups as possible up to a maximum of 75 at a
specific pace
Objective: TSW will fitness data to improve physical fitness

Objective: TSW guard their pin while trying to knock other players pin down. Only the students
with a pin can attempt to knock down other players pins. The remaining students are
surrounding the playing court and retrieving the balls that leave the playing area while waiting
for someones pin to get knocked down. When a students pin is knocked down he/she must go
to sidelines and perform a designated exercise then help retrieve loose balls until it is their turn
to take over a downed pin. This is a timed activity.
SOL: 6.1a,b,c; 6.2a,b,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 7.1a,b,c,; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.3a,d; 7.4a,b,c; 8.1;
8.2; 8.3; 8.5

Sept 3-6
Monday No School- Labor Day

Wednesday TSW-Learn the Air Squat
WOD- Groups of 3, AMRAP, 5mins: 10 squats, hand-release push-ups, hands-free sit-ups
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;

Thursday TSW-Review the Air Squat and Learn sandbell push
WOD- Partners, AMRAP, 8mins: Sandbell push, 10 squats, goat trail
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;

Friday TSW- Learn burpees
WOD- Exercise cube, 8 mins: jog, walk and perform various exercises

Objective- Build upper body strength in preparation for fitness testing. Lead up to scooter
Directions- TSW sit on designated lines that they are to protect. On command assigned
students will crab walk and attempt to kick body ball over opponents line.
SOL: 6.1a; 6.2a,b,d; 6.4a,b,c; 7.1b,c; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.4a,b,c; 8.1; 8.2; 8.4; 8.5

Objective-TSW have the opportunity participate in lifetime activities.
TS has their choice of activities which include:
Football, volleyball, kickball, walking, jumprope, etc.
SOL: 6.1a,c; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1a,b; 7.2a,c,d,e; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5b; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3;
8.4; 8.5

Sept 9-13
Monday TSW-Review the Air Squat and Learn triceps extension
WOD- Partners, 5 rounds for time: 10 squats, 8, triceps extensions, goat trail
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;


Wednesday IN AND OUTS
Student in run for 15 seconds, walk for 15 seconds, run for 30 seconds, walk for 30 seconds
and progress up to designed length. After designed time is reached, process will reverse.
SOL: 6.5; 7.5

Divide teams and use a variety of equipment to carry, while running, skipping, and performing
fitness activities.
SOL: 6.1,6.2,6.4,6.5,7.1,7.2, 7.4,7.5,8.1,8.2,8.3,8.4,8.5

Objective- TSW use running skills and offensive and defensive strategies with team-mates.
Directions- Place two cones at opposite ends of the basketball court under the goals. Place
flag on top of cones. Divide into two teams. Object is to run across court without getting tagged
and bring flag back across center line. If tagged runner must sit in designated jail area until
released by an untagged team mate. Jail birds get a free walk back.
SOL: 6.1a; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 7.1a,b,d; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.3a,d; ; 7.4a,b,c; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3;

Objective-TSW have the opportunity participate in lifetime activities.
TS has their choice of activities which include:
Football, volleyball, kickball, walking, jumprope, etc.
SOL: 6.1a,c; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1a,b; 7.2a,c,d,e; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5b; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3;
8.4; 8.5

Sept 16-20
Monday TSW-Review the Squats
WOD- Partners, 5 rounds- 10 squats, 10 sit-ups, goat trail
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;


Wednesday Picture Day

Thursday TSW-Review the Burpees and learn scooter push and pulls
WOD- Partners, AMRAP, 8 mins: Scooter push with legs, 10 sit-ups, 8 burpees, scooter pull
with arms
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;

Student in run for 15 seconds, walk for 15 seconds, run for 30 seconds, walk for 30 seconds
and progress up to designed length. After designed time is reached, process will reverse.
SOL: 6.5; 7.5

Objective: TSW throw at objects using designated motions. Improve arm strength and provide
a cardiovascular workout. Display team work in movement of the body ball.
Directions: Place Body Ball in center of gym floor. Place rhinoballs (6) on both foul lines.
Using white lines as boundaries, students throw rhinoballs at Body Ball in an attempt to knock
Body Ball over opposing teams boundaries. Vary skills by having games of girls only, boys
only, underhand (great for cardiovascular workout), lefthand, using two or more Body Balls for
more targets.
SOL: 6.1a,b,c; 6.2a,b,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 7.1a,b,c,; 7.2a,b,c,d,e; 7.3a,d; 7.4a,b,c; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.5

Sept 23-27
Monday TSW- Learn lateral line jumps
WOD-10-1, complete 10x lateral line jumps, 10x hand-release push-ups, 10x hands-free sit-
ups, 9x, 8x, 7x, etc
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;


Wednesday TSW- TLW perform a workout to improve strength, stamina, and endurance.
WOD- Partners, 10 rounds- 5 air squats, 10 pacer laps
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;

Thursday TSW- Learn mountain climbers and Review resista band arm curls
WOD- Groups of 3, AMRAP, 9mins: 40 mtn climbers, hands-free sit-ups, resista band curls
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;

Friday TSW- TLW perform a workout to improve strength, stamina, and endurance.
Student will run / walk for designed length. After run, stop and complete a fitness activity.
SOL: 6.5; 7.5
Game- Pin Down

Sp 30-Oct 4
Monday TSW- Learn t-bar rotations
WOD- 4 Rounds for time, with a partner, 12x t-rotations, 10x squats, 1x squats
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;
GAME- Capture the flag


Wednesday Fitness Circus
Objective: TSW participate in various physical activities while running a circuit. Each arena
represents an activity to be performed. As student reach starting place, their team will receive
one point, teams score as many runs as possible in 10 minutes.
Direction: Set up circus, explain activities for each arena. Divide students into team, select
team name.
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5a,b; 8.1;
8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5; 8.6
Game- Pizza Tag

Thursday TSW- Review Pacer Laps
WOD- 5 Rounds for time, with a partner, 10x sit-ups, 10x push-ups, 10x squats, 10x pacer laps
SOL: 6.1a,b; ; 6.2a,b,c; 6.3b; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1b,c; 7.2b,d,e; 7.3a,b,c,d; 7.4a,b,c;
Game-Chinaman Chinaman

Objective-TSW have the opportunity participate in lifetime activities.
TS has their choice of activities which include:
Football, volleyball, kickball, walking, jumprope, etc.
SOL: 6.1a,c; 6.2a,b,c,d; 6.4a,b,c,d; 6.5; 7.1a,b; 7.2a,c,d,e; 7.4a,b,c; 7.5b; 8.1; 8.2; 8.3; 8.4; 8.5

Oct 7-11
Monday 6
grade Family Life

TSW- Learn Medicine ball sit-ups
WOD- 5 Rounds for time, with a partner.
10x burpees, 8x sit-ups while holding a medicine ball, 1x goat trail
Game- Capture the Flag

Tuesday 6
grade Family Life
Wednesday 6
grade Family Life
Thursday 6
grade Family Life
Friday 6
grade Family Life

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