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Hey Guys,

Thanks for your presentation! Here are a few thoughts:

-I loved the professionalism of your presentation, complete with sounds and music! It
was very effective.

-The Henry Brown quote was particularly provocative.

-The comparison of the two voices (Washington/DuBois, MLK/Malcolm X) was
interesting and effective, and I was glad we were able to discuss both the details and the
implications of that comparison in class.

-I was glad you brought up the point about Washington as a politician, and his intentional
appeal to white people; this leads to thinking of him and his arguments in a different. It
also reminded me of the ongoing research about gay rights, in which some people have
advocated a slow but calculated approach in order to prevent the backlash that has
occurred in some states.

-Your discussion of the pros and cons of a segregated education from the perspectives of
both black people and white people was interesting, and you did a really nice job of
locating this discussion in the context of the times; this has a lot of ongoing implications
today, such as in debates over single-sex education.

Great jobs!

Hey folks,

Your presentation provided a great breakdown of the dichotomy and conflict over
education within a particular group or population of people. The Prezi had a great
structure, and laid it all out nicely! I greatly enjoyed exploring the Prezi later on my own,
as well. The structure at the beginning, going back and forth between Du Bois and
Washington, worked great.
I was a little confused, by the structure of the bit on the Second Crusade. Could it have
had a layout as illustrative as the Great Crusade for Literacy?
I thought your paper structure was great as well. The introduction, and then responses to
critical questions, really led me as a reader through your thought process on the history.
The quotes you used from primary and secondary sources illustrated well the complexity
and controversy in the development of education for Black Americans, both within the
Black community and in the country as a whole.

Hello folks!

First of all let me start off by saying I thought that your Prezi was very cool and was very
interested in the vertical style you used! Your music and sound effects were great and
effective! I also felt your slides were focused and poignant. Your use of two separate
views on education was clear, effective, and a helpful way to understand the history. I
very much enjoyed the quotes you used as well!
I felt your question and answer styled paper was effective and clear! I really liked that
you included graphs!

Overall, Great job!!!!

Thanks for your presentation last week on the education of Black Americans. Here
are a few thoughts.

- The format of setting up contrasts throughout was very effective (Washington v.
DuBois, black school quality v. white school quality, 1st crusade v. 2nd crusade MLK Jr.
v. Malcolm X)

- Black and white was a very effective visual choice, and taking the time to incorporate
so many photographs really helped draw in our attention to the ideas you wanted us to
consider - In the paper, it was good to have the statistics about literacy, and the
accompanying chart show in the upsurge in Black school attendance after the Civil

- Raising the question of school purpose on p. 2 is right on--so many of these
disagreements come back to conflicting views of school purpose. - - - Good reference to
Spring's Cultural Encounter's category Denial of Education on p. 5

- In reference to p. 3 "In today's society, segregated schooling is an unconscionable
act..." I would ask if that's an accurate statement. Looking at the statistics referenced by
Spring and Rury, schools today are becoming increasingly segregated without too much
fuss. People may be appalled by explictly restricting educational access, but don't seem to
be bothered by the reality that it is happening "accidentally." Why is this? What progress
has been made? What might be the "3rd crusade" for equality?

Kudos on a job well done! I loved the design of your Prezi as if it were a back and forth
conversation between Washington and DuBois. Originally, I wished to have more time to
reflect on the questions because they were very thought provoking but I was happy to see
that in your written portion they were addressed in more detail. It forced me to directly
view this situation through the lense of critical theory, which I enjoyed. I also appreciated
the opportunity to analyze the diversity within this marginalized group and I found it
interesting that this theme was also highlighted in several other presentations, specifically
the Native American demonstration. I thought the charts and statistics you selected to
include in your written portion were extremely appropriate and helpful. Here are some
quotes from your writing that stood out to me for one reason or another:
"Freedom, however, did not correspond with equality..."
"The large percentage of teachers shows partially that educated Black persons were
committed to continuing to educate their fellow brethren...however...may also signify the
shortage of acceptable professions... As we know, teaching was considered an extension
of a woman's work in the home and thus was not valued."
"If schools were legitimately equal, parents would have felt differently about taxes and
what their taxes were being used for."
There were several other pieces of your writing that made me think about connections to
class discussions, but I will leave you with those few thoughts for now. Have a safe and
happy weekend! See you Monday!

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