Her Sweet Soul Never Hurts Any

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Gentle like rose petal

And radiant like morning star,
Treads my queen her quiet path,
Hurting not a soul on her course,
Spreading light and peace and grace.

A gentle flame of celestial lamp,

She burns herself to spread light;
Hurtling none and soothing all
Along and around wherever she traverse,
She calms soul, sweetens heart.

Her soul is glow of compassion,

Her heart is flow of benign ness;
She gives herself to accommodate
And invite hell for fairness’ sake;
Selfless is my goddess and crystal pure.

Alas, joy for her is a disaster;

Offers she joys on sacrificial altar
To be fair and just to all others;
She runs from grief to more grief,
But never retracts from righteous course.

Unseen is her ilk in this selfish world;

She solely glows with conscience’s candescence
Like full moon in full bloom in the dark sky
Of narrow conflicts and immoral infights
That crippled mankind its peace and grace.

I assure, my queen never hurts any,

Nor I hurt any for our sweet sake;
Gives up she her claim rather than snatch,
And in her I for sure doubly recompense,
For I know, her sweet soul never hurts any.

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