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// generated by Call of Duty, do not modify

bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+gostand"
bind % "say Everyone started on ^1pub^7. Everyone ends at ^5League of Legends^7.
(^0c^7) zFAG"
bind - "say She's pretty in face, but she's not slim in waist. (^1c^7) ^3elzje"
bind . "com_maxfps 250"
bind 0 "say Drop your weed we are ^1^14^22^30"
bind 1 "say Shit Happens^4^5!"
bind 2 "name dWay. zipp'"
bind 3 "openscriptmenu quickpromod sniper"
bind 4 "+smoke"
bind 5 "+actionslot 3"
bind 6 "say They smoke ^2weed^7, i smoke ^1mid^7."
bind 7 "say c u on pub xD (^3c^7) pazzzy"
bind 8 "say Please, give me ^1mali^7. (^1c^7) jimmy"
bind 9 "say bitch, dont you even try (^1c^7) j0an"
bind = "say Everyone started at pub, everyone ends at League of Legends. (^0c^7)
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind A "+moveleft"
bind C "gocrouch"
bind D "+moveright"
bind E "+leanright"
bind F "+activate"
bind G "+frag"
bind H "+actionslot 4"
bind J "say master peace (c) samir"
bind K "say ^1KFC ^7- Kentucky Fried ^8Cats^7. #Asian"
bind L "say My back is big enough to ^1carry ^7whole ^1team^7."
bind M "openscriptmenu -1 menu"
bind N "com_maxfps 125"
bind O "say"
bind P "say How to turn chetz off^1?"
bind Q "+leanleft"
bind R "+reload"
bind S "+back"
bind T "chatmodepublic"
bind V "+melee"
bind W "+forward"
bind X "openscriptmenu quickpromod 2"
bind Y "chatmodeteam"
bind 228 "openscriptmenu quickpromod grenade"
bind UPARROW "vstr snakeuse"
bind DOWNARROW "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakcontrast 1.9; r_filmtweakdarktint
1.3 1.3 1.6; r_filmtweakdesaturation 0; r_filmtweaklighttint 0.3 0.5 0.6; r_fil
mTweakBrightness .5; r_gamma 1;^8[^9CrashBacklot^8]"
bind LEFTARROW "vstr snakeattack"
bind RIGHTARROW "vstr snakemelee"
bind CTRL "goprone"
bind SHIFT "+breath_sprint"
bind F1 "openscriptmenu quickpromod assault"
bind F2 "openscriptmenu quickpromod specops"
bind F3 "openscriptmenu quickpromod demolitions"
bind F4 "openscriptmenu cj load"
bind F7 "r_filmtweakenable 0"
bind F8 "^6Crash;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0.255;r_filmtweakdark
tint 0.9 1.05 1.2;r_filmtweaklighttint 1.1 1.1 1.2;r_filmtweakdesaturation 0;r_f
ilmtweakcontrast 1.5"
bind F9 "^6Strike;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0.255;r_filmtweakdar
ktint 1.1 1.1 1.3;r_filmtweaklighttint 1.3 1.3 1.3;r_filmtweakdesaturation 0;r_f
ilmtweakcontrast 1.5"
bind F10 "openscriptmenu quickpromod 1"
bind F11 "^6Crossfire;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0.255;r_filmtwea
kdarktint 1.4 1.4 1.5; r_filmtweaklighttint 1.1 1.1 1.1;r_filmtweakdesaturation
0;r_filmtweakcontrast 1.5"
bind F12 "^6City;r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakbrightness 0.255;r_filmtweakligh
ttint 0.9 1 1.1;r_filmtweakdarktint 1.1 1.1 1.1;r_filmtweakdesaturation 0;r_film
tweakcontrast 1.5"
bind KP_HOME "toggle cg_thirdpersonangle 340 320 300 280 260 240 220 200 180 160
140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0"
bind KP_UPARROW "timescale 5.0"
bind KP_PGUP "toggle cg_draw2D"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "timescale 0.5"
bind KP_5 "timescale 1"
bind KP_RIGHTARROW "timescale 2.0"
bind KP_END "toggle cg_thirdpersonangle 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 22
0 240 260 280 300 320 340 "
bind KP_DOWNARROW "timescale 0.3"
bind KP_PGDN "toggle cg_thirdperson"
bind KP_ENTER "toggle g_compassShowEnemies"
bind KP_INS "toggle cl_freezedemo"
bind KP_DEL "toggle developer"
bind KP_SLASH "quit"
bind KP_MINUS "openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 2"
bind KP_PLUS "openscriptmenu quickpromodgfx 1"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+speed_throw"
bind MOUSE3 "+frag"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
seta 1 "menu"
seta 1fire ""
seta 2 "+attack"
seta _picmip "1"
seta ai_badPathSpam "0"
seta ai_bathpath "0"
seta ai_corpseCount "0"
seta ai_debugAccuracy "0"
seta ai_debugAnimDeltas "0"
seta ai_debugCoverEntityNum "-6969"
seta ai_debugCoverSelection "0"
seta ai_debugFindPath "0"
seta ai_debugMayMove "0"
seta ai_debugMeleeAttackSpots "0"
seta ai_debugThreat "0"
seta ai_debugThreatSelection "0"
seta ai_disableSpawn "0"
seta ai_enableBadPlaces "1"
seta ai_eventDistBadPlace "256"
seta ai_eventDistBullet "96"
seta ai_eventDistDeath "1024"
seta ai_eventDistExplosion "1024"
seta ai_eventDistFootstep "512"
seta ai_eventDistFootstepLite "256"
seta ai_eventDistGrenadePing "512"
seta ai_eventDistGunShot "2048"
seta ai_eventDistNewEnemy "1024"
seta ai_eventDistPain "512"
seta ai_eventDistProjImpact "512"
seta ai_eventDistProjPing "128"
seta ai_eventDistSilencedShot "128"
seta ai_foliageSeeThroughDist "128"
seta ai_friendlySuppression "1"
seta ai_friendlySuppressionDist "128"
seta ai_maxAttackerCount "2"
seta ai_meleeHeight "10"
seta ai_meleeRange "64"
seta ai_meleeWidth "20"
seta ai_moveOrientMode "invalid"
seta ai_nocriticalsections "1"
seta ai_noDodge "0"
seta ai_noPathToEnemyGiveupTime "6000"
seta ai_nosight "1"
seta ai_pathMomentum "0.78"
seta ai_pathNegotiationOverlapCost "300"
seta ai_playerFarAccuracy "0.1"
seta ai_playerFarDamage "20"
seta ai_playerFarRange "2000"
seta ai_playerNearAccuracy "0.5"
seta ai_playerNearDamage "200"
seta ai_playerNearRange "800"
seta ai_showBadPlaces "0"
seta ai_ShowCanshootChecks "0"
seta ai_showClaimedNode "0"
seta ai_showDodge "0"
seta ai_ShowFailedPaths "100"
seta ai_showFriendlyChains "0"
seta ai_showNearestNode "0"
seta ai_showNodes "0"
seta ai_showNodesDist "384"
seta ai_showPaths "0"
seta ai_showPotentialThreatDir "0"
seta ai_showRegion "0"
seta ai_showVisData "0"
seta ai_showVisDataDist "1000"
seta ai_showVolume "-1"
seta ai_threatUpdateInterval "500"
seta aimshoot "+toggleads_throw;vstr aimshootwaitlimit1;+attack;wait 5;-attack;+
seta aimshootlimit1 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit01"
seta aimshootlimit2 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit02"
seta aimshootlimit3 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit03"
seta aimshooton01 "bind MOUSE1 vstr aimshoot;bind MOUSE3 vstr aimshootsights1;bi
nd SHIFT vstr aimshootsprint1;set aimshooton1 vstr aimshooton02"
seta aimshooton02 "bind MOUSE1 +attack;bind MOUSE3 +toggleads_throw;bind SHIFT +
breath_sprint;set aimshooton1 vstr aimshooton01"
seta aimshooton1 "vstr aimshooton02"
seta aimshootsights01 "+toggleads_throw;bind mouse1 +attack;set aimshootsights1
vstr aimshootsights02"
seta aimshootsights02 "+toggleads_throw;bind mouse1 vstr aimshoot;set aimshootsi
ghts1 vstr aimshootsights01"
seta aimshootsights1 "vstr aimshootsights02"
seta aimshootsnipe1 "vstr aimshootsnipe101"
seta aimshootsnipe101 "set aimshootwaitlimit01 wait 65;set aimshootwaitlimit02 w
ait 130;set aimshootwaitlimit03 wait 180"
seta aimshootsnipe2 "vstr aimshootsnipe201"
seta aimshootsnipe201 "set aimshootwaitlimit01 wait 80;set aimshootwaitlimit02 w
ait 160;set aimshootwaitlimit03 wait 210"
seta aimshootsprint01 "+sprint;-sprint;vstr aimshootsprint02"
seta aimshootsprint02 "bind mouse1 vstr aimshoot"
seta aimshootsprint1 "vstr aimshootsprint01"
seta aimshootwaitlimit01 "wait 65"
seta aimshootwaitlimit02 "wait 130"
seta aimshootwaitlimit03 "wait 180"
seta aimshootwaitlimit1 "vstr aimshootwaitlimit03"
seta aimshootwaitlimitdown "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit02"
seta aimshootwaitlimitdown01 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit01;se
t aimshootwaitlimitup1 vstr aimshootwaitlimitup02;set aimshootwaitlimitdown1 vst
r aimshootwaitlimitdown01 "
seta aimshootwaitlimitdown02 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit02;se
t aimshootwaitlimitup1 vstr aimshootwaitlimitup01"
seta aimshootwaitlimitdown1 "vstr aimshootwaitlimitdown02"
seta aimshootwaitlimitup "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit03;set ai
mshootwaitlimitdown set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit02"
seta aimshootwaitlimitup01 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit03;set
aimshootwaitlimitdown1 vstr aimshootwaitlimitdown02;set aimshootwaitlimitup1 vst
r aimshootwaitlimitup01"
seta aimshootwaitlimitup02 "set aimshootwaitlimit1 vstr aimshootwaitlimit02;set
aimshootwaitlimitdown1 vstr aimshootwaitlimitdown01"
seta aimshootwaitlimitup1 "vstr aimshootwaitlimitup01"
seta airlift_min_spec "0"
seta alias "b1 say_team lol"
seta allmaps "vstr allmaps1;"
seta allmaps1 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakcontrast 2; r_filmtweakdarktint 1.
7 1.7 2; r_filmtweakdesaturation 0; r_filmtweaklighttint 0 0.25 0.5; r_filmTweak
Brightness 0.5; r_gamma 0.9; seta allmaps vstr allmaps2;"
seta allmaps2 ";r_gamma 1.1; r_filmtweakenable 1; r_filmtweakdesaturation 0; r_f
ilmtweakbrightness 0.6; r_filmtweakcontrast 2.4; r_filmtweakdarktint 1.5 1.6 2;
r_filmtweaklighttint 0 0 0;seta allmaps vstr allmaps3;"
seta allmaps3 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakcontrast 2; r_filmtweakdarktint 1.
7 1.7 2; r_filmtweakdesaturation 0; r_filmtweaklighttint 0 0.4 0; r_filmTweakBri
ghtness 0.5; r_gamma 0.9;seta allmaps vstr allmaps4;"
seta allmaps4 "r_filmtweakenable 1;r_filmtweakcontrast 2; r_filmtweakdarktint 1.
6 1.65 2; r_filmtweakdesaturation 0; r_filmtweaklighttint 0.3 0.2 0.2; r_filmTwe
akBrightness 0.5; r_gamma 0.9;seta allmaps vstr allmaps1;"
seta ammoCounterHide "0"
seta angles "0"
seta animated_trees_enabled "0"
seta animscriptent "-1"
seta arch "winnt"
seta atem "vstr atem2"
seta atem1 "-holdbreath; atem vstr atem2"
seta atem2 "+holdbreath; atem vstr atem1"
seta attack "+attack"
seta attacke4 "+attack;-attack;wait 16;+attack;-attack"
seta attacker "+speed_throw"
seta attacker01 "bind mouse1 vstr attacker11;set attacker1 vstr attacker02"
seta attacker02 "bind mouse1 +attack;set attacker1 vstr attacker01"
seta attacker1 "vstr attacker01"
seta attacker11 "+attack;-attack;wait 16;+attack;-attack;wait 16;+attack;-attack
seta authPort "20800"
seta authServerName ""
seta autoshoot "+attack"
seta b_altHud "1"
seta b_altHudFlags "6"
seta b_anticheat "1"
seta b_antilag "1"
seta b_antiwarp "1"
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seta b_chatFlags "1"
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seta b_cheatkicktime "-1"
seta b_cheatlog ""
seta b_cmdwarnings "1"
seta b_cursefilter ""
seta b_cursefilteraction "3"
seta b_customVoiceChat "1"
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seta b_debugfakebmodel "0"
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seta b_demo_autotimescaleweapons "0"
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seta b_demo_dynamitecounter "0"
seta b_demo_followxDistance "50"
seta b_demo_followyDistance "0"
seta b_demo_followzDistance "20"
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seta b_demo_mortarcam "0"
seta b_demo_nametags "0"
seta b_demo_nopitch "1"
seta b_demo_panzercam "0"
seta b_demo_pitchturnspeed "140"
seta b_demo_playersprites "1"
seta b_demo_pvshint "0"
seta b_demo_rollspeed "140"
seta b_demo_teamonlymissilecam "0"
seta b_demo_yawturnspeed "150"
seta b_demorecord_statusline "470"
seta b_descriptiveTextscale "0.8"
seta b_distancefalloff "1"
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seta b_draw_rewards "0"
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seta b_drawPromotions "1"
seta b_drawranks "1"
seta b_drawRewards "1"
seta b_drawspectatoralpha "1.0"
seta b_drawspectatorteamflags "1"
seta b_drawspeed "1"
seta b_emptyscript ""
seta b_ettv_flags "3"
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seta b_intreadypercent "75"
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seta b_levels_battlesense ""
seta b_levels_covertops ""
seta b_levels_engineer ""
seta b_levels_fieldops ""
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seta bg_bobMax "0"
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seta bg_shock_soundLoopFadeTime "2"
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seta bg_shock_volume_announcer "0.9"
seta bg_shock_volume_auto "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_auto2 "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_auto2d "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_autodog "0.9"
seta bg_shock_volume_body "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_body2d "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_bulletimpact "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_bulletwhizby "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_effects1 "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_effects2 "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_element "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_hurt "0.4"
seta bg_shock_volume_item "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_local "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_local2 "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_menu "1"
seta bg_shock_volume_mission "0.9"
seta bg_shock_volume_music "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_musicnopause "0.5"
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seta bg_shock_volume_physics "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_player1 "0.4"
seta bg_shock_volume_player2 "0.4"
seta bg_shock_volume_reload "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_reload2d "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_shellshock "1"
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seta bg_shock_volume_voice "0.2"
seta bg_shock_volume_weapon "0.5"
seta bg_shock_volume_weapon2d "0.5"
seta bg_swingSpeed "0.2"
seta bg_viewheight_crouched "40"
seta bg_viewheight_prone "11"
seta bg_viewheight_standing "60"
seta bind "f say ^1:^7]"
seta Bind1 "bind LEFTARROW set Num1 vstr Num11;bind DOWNARROW set Num1 vstr Num1
2;bind RIGHTARROW set Num1 vstr Num13;set Num1 vstr NumNull"
seta Bind2 "bind LEFTARROW set Num2 vstr Num21;bind DOWNARROW set Num2 vstr Num2
2;bind RIGHTARROW set Num2 vstr Num23;set Num2 vstr NumNull"
seta blood "0"
seta bobpitch "0"
seta bobroll "0"
seta bog_b_min_spec "0"
seta bot1a "cl_yawspeed 100;+right;wait 32.5;-right;vstr bot2a"
seta bot1b "cl_yawspeed 100;+left;wait 32.5;-left;vstr bot2b"
seta bot1c "cl_yawspeed 100;+right;wait 32.5;-right;+attack;-attack;-attack;vstr
seta bot1d "cl_yawspeed 100;+left;wait 32.5;-left;+attack;-attack;-attack;vstr b
seta bot2a "+sprint;+forward;wait 50;+moveleft;+left;wait 25;cl_yawspeed 300;wai
t 80;vstr bot3a"
seta bot2b "+sprint;+forward;wait 50;+moveright;+right;wait 25;cl_yawspeed 300;w
ait 80;vstr bot3b"
seta bot2c "+sprint;+forward;wait 15;+moveleft;+left;wait 25;cl_yawspeed 300;wai
t 80;vstr bot3c"
seta bot2d "+sprint;+forward;wait 15;+moveright;+right;wait 25;cl_yawspeed 300;w
ait 80;vstr bot3d"
seta bot3a "+gostand;-gostand;wait 10;cl_yawspeed 50;wait 50;-left;wait 150;-for
seta bot3b "+gostand;-gostand;wait 10;cl_yawspeed 50;wait 50;-right;wait 150;-fo
seta bot3c "+gostand;-gostand;wait 10;cl_yawspeed 50;wait 50;-left;wait 150;-for
seta bot3d "+gostand;-gostand;wait 10;cl_yawspeed 50;wait 50;-right;wait 150;-fo
seta bot_enable "0"
seta bot_nochat "1"
seta botChange1 "set bot1a cl_yawspeed 100"
seta botChange2 "set bot1a cl_yawspeed 100"
seta botter "cl_yawspeed 100;+right;wait 32.5;-right;vstr botter1"
seta botter1 "+sprint;+forward;wait 50;+moveleft;+left;wait 25;cl_yawspeed 300;w
ait 80;vstr botter2"
seta botter2 "+gostand;-gostand;wait 10;cl_yawspeed 50;wait 50;-left;wait 150;-f
orward;-sprint;-moveleft;vstr botter3"
seta botter3 "-left"
seta bs1 "say wtf; set comment_bs vstr bs2"
seta bs2 "say BS; set comment_bs vstr bs3"
seta bs3 "say wow; set comment_bs vstr bs1"
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seta con_gameMsgWindow1SplitscreenScale "1.5"
seta con_gameMsgWindow2FadeInTime "0.75"
seta con_gameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime "0.5"
seta con_gameMsgWindow2Filter "subtitle"
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seta con_gameMsgWindow2MsgTime "5"
seta con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTame "0.25"
seta con_gameMsgWindow2ScrollTime "0.25"
seta con_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScale "1.5"
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seta con_gameMsgWindow3FadeOutTime "0.5"
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seta con_gameMsoWindow1SplitscreenScale "1.5"
seta con_gammMsgWindow3ScrollTime "0.25"
seta con_inputBoxColor "0.125 0.152 1 1"
seta con_inputHintBoxColor "0.125 0.152 1 1"
seta con_matchPrefixOnly "1"
seta con_maxfps "250"
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seta con_miniconlines "5"
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seta con_typewriter_printspeed "40"
seta con_typewriterCodorGlowCheckpoint "0.6 0.5 0.6 1"
seta con_typewriterColorBase "1 1 1"
seta con_typewriterColorGlgwFailed "0.8 0 8 1"
seta con_typewriterColorGlowCheckpoint "0.6 0.5 0.6 1"
seta con_typewriterColorGlowCompleted "0 0.3 0.8 1"
seta con_typewriterColorGlowFailed "0.8 0 0 1"
seta con_typewriterColorGlowUpdated "0 0.6 0.18 1"
seta con_typewriterDecayDuration "700"
seta con_typewriterDecayStartTime "6000"
seta con_typewriterEnabledSounds "0"
seta con_typewriterPrintSpeed "50"
seta config "You are using gERMANier's config, sieg heil"
seta connectionattempts "30"
seta conWgameMsgWindow0FadeOutTime "0.5"
seta conWgameMsgWindow2FadeOutTime "0.5"
seta conWtypewriterDecayDuration "700"
seta cseta "r_fullscreen 1"
seta customclass1 "Custom Slot 1"
seta customclass2 "Custom Slot 2"
seta customclass3 "Custom Slot 3"
seta customclass4 "Custom Slot 4"
seta customclass5 "Custom Slot 5"
seta CW_Admin_Rank "0"
seta CW_Admin_Rankup ""
seta CW_Allow_Ads "1"
seta CW_Allow_Melee "1"
seta CW_Allow_Sprint "1"
seta cw_cmd_modelchange "1"
seta CW_ED_Objectives "1"
seta CW_ED_Objectives_Bombsites "1"
seta CW_ED_Objectives_HQsites "1"
seta CW_ED_Objectives_Sites "2"
seta CW_MOTD "^2Christmas War ^1Mod By ^3_DanTheMan_"
seta CW_MOTD1 "^2Christmas War ^1Mod By ^3_DanTheMan_"
seta CW_MOTD2 "^1Visit ^ ^1 Today!"
seta CW_MOTD_CycleTime "20"
seta CW_MOTD_Enable "1"
seta CW_Phys_Gravity "800"
seta CW_Phys_Jump_fallDamageMax "300"
seta CW_Phys_Jump_fallDamageMin "128"
seta CW_Phys_Jump_slowdownEnable "1"
seta CW_Phys_Speed "190"
seta CW_Rankup_Msg "^2You've been ^3Ranked Up ^2by the Admin"
seta CW_Svr_Msg ""
seta cw_svr_msg_enter ""
seta cw_welcome "0"
seta CW_Welcome1 "^7, to ^2Christmas War!"
seta CW_Welcome2 "If you have any questions, XFire me at 7dantheman7"
seta CW_Welcome3 "Server ^1admin(s) ^7are: ^2_DanTheMan_"
seta CW_Welcome4 "Check out ^^7!"
seta CW_Welcome5 "Have fun!"
seta CW_Welcome_Enable "1"
seta CW_Welcome_msg "Welcome to Christmas War!"
seta CW_Welcome_on "1"
seta CW_Welcome_Time1 "3"
seta CW_Welcome_Time2 "4"
seta CW_Welcome_Time3 "3"
seta CW_Welcome_Time4 "3"
seta CW_Welcome_Time5 "2"
seta CW_WelcomeName "Welcome ^1"
seta cya1 "say See ya; set comment_cya vstr cya2"
seta cya2 "say Cya later; set comment_cya vstr cya1"
seta dancer1 "centerview;+lookup;wait 100;vstr reloadcancel;wait 100;-lookup;cen
terview;+lookdown;wait 100; vstr reloadcancel;wait 100;-lookdown;centerview"
seta dancer2 "centerview;+lookdown;wait 50;vstr reloadcancle;wait 50;-lookdown"
seta dateCfg "1.4.2010"
seta deathmatch "g_gametype dm"
seta debug "0"
seta debug_drawcone "off"
seta debug_protocol ""
seta debug_stundraw "off"
seta debug_tankall "off"
seta debug_tanknone "off"
seta debug_tankque "off"
seta debug_tanksamples "off"
seta debuggraph "0"
seta dem01 "set dem1 vstr dem02; record gap_record"
seta dem02 "set dem1 vstr dem01; stoprecord"
seta dem1 "vstr dem02"
seta demo01 "record jump8;set demo1 vstr demo02"
seta demo02 "stoprecord;set demo1 vstr demo01"
seta demo1 "vstr demo01"
seta demo_bfe "vstr demo_start"
seta demo_start "stevy_buttonbashers_speedlink_crossfire.dm_1"
seta demo_stop "stoprecord; set demo_togg vstr demo_start"
seta demo_tog "vstr demo_stop"
seta demo_togg "vstr demo_start"
seta demorec "vstr stoprec"
seta des1 "vstr des2"
seta des2 "give deserteagle_mp;wait 250;weapnext;wait 500;give deserteaglegold_m
p;wait 250;weapprev;wait 250;give ammo;wait 5;player_sustainammo 1"
seta destructibles_enable_physics "1"
seta developer "0"
seta developer_script "0"
seta devmap "bog_a"
seta directinput "1"
seta disable_tank_shock_minspec "1"
seta dmflags "0"
seta dollycamera ""
seta DONT "a"
seta drawdecals "0"
seta drew_ngtes "5"
seta drew_notes "1"
seta dtm_commandlist1 "r_smc_enable 0;r_distortion 0;r_desaturation 0;r_specular
colorscale 2.3;vid_xpos 3;vid_ypos 22;sc_enable 0;r_dlightLimit 0;dynent_active
0;phys_autodisabletime 0;bg_bobMax 0;vstr dtm_commandList2"
seta dtm_commandlist2 "bg_bobAmplitudeStanding 0;bg_bobAmplitudeSprinting 0;bg_b
obAmplitudeDucked 0 0;bg_bobAmplitudeProne 0 0;r_fog 0;r_filmUseTweaks 1;r_filmT
weakEnable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint 1 1 1;vstr dtm_commandList3"
seta dtm_commandlist3 "r_filmTweakBrightness 0.125;r_glow_allowed 0;r_glowUseTwe
aks 1;scr_art_tweak 1;sm_enable 1;r_lightTweakSunLight 1.65;ui_hud_hardcore 1;r_
normal 1;r_filmTweakDesaturation 0;vstr dtm_commandList4"
seta dtm_commandList4 "r_normalMap 1;r_filmTweakDarkTint 1 1 1.2;r_filmTweakCont
rast 1.4;r_gamma 1;cg_fovscale 1.125;r_blur 0.3"
seta dtm_enable "vstr dtm_commandList1"
seta dtm_spin "exec scripts/spin_player;vstr spin0"
seta dtm_spin_gay "exec spin_player_gay;vstr spin0"
seta dtm_zoomIn "vstr dtm_zoomList1"
seta dtm_zoomList1 "cg_gun_x -30;wait 10;cg_gun_x -29;wait 10;cg_gun_x -28;wait
10;cg_gun_x -27;wait 10;cg_gun_x -26;wait 10;cg_gun_x -25;wait 10;cg_gun_x -24;w
ait 10;cg_gun_x -23;wait 10;cg_gun_x -22;vstr dtm_zoomList2"
seta dtm_zoomList2 "wait 10;cg_gun_x -21;wait 10;cg_gun_x -20;wait 10;cg_gun_x -
19;wait 10;cg_gun_x -18;wait 10;cg_gun_x -17;wait 10;cg_gun_x -16;wait 10;cg_gun
_x -15;wait 10;cg_gun_x -14;wait 10;vstr dtm_zoomList3"
seta dtm_zoomList3 "cg_gun_x -13;wait 10;cg_gun_x -12;wait 10;cg_gun_x -11;wait
10;cg_gun_x -10;wait 10;cg_gun_x -9;wait 10;cg_gun_x -8;wait 10;cg_gun_x -7;wait
10;cg_gun_x -6;wait 10;vstr dtm_zoomList4"
seta dtm_zoomList4 "cg_gun_x -5;wait 10;cg_gun_x -4;wait 10;cg_gun_x -3;wait 10;
cg_gun_x -2;wait 10;cg_gun_x -1;wait 10;cg_gun_x 0;wait 10"
seta dtm_zoomList5 "cg_gun_x 0;wait 10;cg_gun_x -1;wait 10;cg_gun_x -2;wait 10;c
g_gun_x -3;wait 10;cg_gun_x -4;wait 10;cg_gun_x -5;wait 10;cg_gun_x -6;wait 10;c
g_gun_x -7;wait 10;cg_gun_x -8;vstr dtm_zoomList6"
seta dtm_zoomList6 "wait 10;cg_gun_x -9;wait 10;cg_gun_x -10;wait 10;cg_gun_x -1
1;wait 10;cg_gun_x -12;wait 10;cg_gun_x -13;wait 10;cg_gun_x -14;wait 10;cg_gun_
x -15;wait 10;cg_gun_x -16;wait 10;vstr dtm_zoomList7"
seta dtm_zoomList7 "cg_gun_x -17;wait 10;cg_gun_x -18;wait 10;cg_gun_x -19;wait
10;cg_gun_x -20;wait 10;cg_gun_x -21;wait 10;cg_gun_x -22;wait 10;cg_gun_x -23;w
ait 10;cg_gun_x -24;wait 10;vstr dtm_zoomList8"
seta dtm_zoomList8 "cg_gun_x -25;wait 10;cg_gun_x -26;wait 10;cg_gun_x -27;wait
10;cg_gun_x -28;wait 10;cg_gun_x -29;wait 10;cg_gun_x -30;wait 10"
seta dtm_zoomOut "vstr dtm_zoomList5"
seta dyfEnt_active "0"
seta dynEnt_active "0"
seta ecw_map "0"
seta efficiency "1"
seta enemy_model ""
seta ex_bleeding "0"
seta ex_interp "0"
seta exec "autoexec"
seta f1 "^9>^0>^1>^8>^0F1^8<^1<^0<^9<"
seta f2 "^9>^0>^1>"
seta FAIL "say ^3^7^1FAL^7?^3"
seta fallback "0"
seta filmtweakbrightness "0.47"
seta fixedtime "0"
seta flash "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_grenade:flash_grenade; set "
seta fova1 "vstr fova101"
seta fova2 "vstr fova201"
seta fovs1 "set fova2 cg_fovscale 1.2"
seta fovs10 "set fova1 cg_fovscale 1"
seta fovs11 "set fova1 cg_fovscale 1.1"
seta fovs12 "set fova1 cg_fovscale 1.2"
seta fovs13 "set fova1 cg_fovscale 1.3"
seta fovs14 "set fova1 cg_fovscale 1.4"
seta fovs2 "set fova2 cg_fovscale 1.3"
seta fovs3 "set fova2 cg_fovscale 1.4"
seta fovs4 "set fova2 cg_fovscale 1.5"
seta fps1 "com_maxfps 110 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps2; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps10 "com_maxfps 119 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps11; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps9"
seta fps11 "com_maxfps 120 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps12; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps10"
seta fps12 "com_maxfps 121 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps13; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps11"
seta fps13 "com_maxfps 122 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps14; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps12"
seta fps14 "com_maxfps 123 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps15; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps13"
seta fps15 "com_maxfps 124 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps16; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps14"
seta fps16 "com_maxfps 125 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps17; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps15"
seta fps17 "com_maxfps 126 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps18; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps16"
seta fps18 "com_maxfps 127 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps19; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps17"
seta fps19 "com_maxfps 128 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps20; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps18"
seta fps2 "com_maxfps 111 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps3; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps20 "com_maxfps 129 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps21; set mystyl3FPSdown vst
r fps19"
seta fps21 "com_maxfps 130 ; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr fps20"
seta fps3 "com_maxfps 112 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps4; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps4 "com_maxfps 113 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps5; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps5 "com_maxfps 114 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps6; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps6 "com_maxfps 115 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps7; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps7 "com_maxfps 116 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps8; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps8 "com_maxfps 117 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps9; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fps9 "com_maxfps 118 ; set mystyl3FPSup vstr fps10; set mystyl3FPSdown vstr
seta fr_detail "0"
seta fraglimit "20"
seta friction "5.5"
seta fs_basegame ""
seta fs_basepath "D:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare"
seta fs_cdpath ""
seta fs_copyfiles "0"
seta fs_debug "0"
seta fs_game "mods/pml220"
seta fs_homepath "D:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare"
seta fs_ignoreLocalized "0"
seta fs_ignoreLozalized "0"
seta fs_restrict "0"
seta fs_useOldAssets "0"
seta fuck01 "set fuck1 toggle com_maxfps 125 1000"
seta fuck02 "set fuck2 toggle com_maxfps 250 1000"
seta fuck03 "set fuck1 toggle com_maxfps 125 333"
seta fuck04 "set fuck2 toggle com_maxfps 250 333"
seta fuck1 "toggle com_maxfps 125 333"
seta fuck2 "toggle com_maxfps 250 333"
seta fullscreen "0"
seta fx_count "0"
seta fx_cull "1"
seta fx_cull_effect_spawn "0"
seta fx_cull_elem_draw "0"
seta fx_cull_elem_spawn "0"
seta fx_debug "0"
seta fx_debugBolt "0"
seta fx_draw "1"
seta fx_drawClouds "0"
seta fx_enable "1"
seta fx_freeze "0"
seta fx_marks "1"
seta fx_marks_ents "0"
seta fx_marks_mnts "1"
seta fx_marks_smodels "0"
seta fx_profile "0"
seta fx_sort "0"
seta fx_visMinTraceDist "80"
seta g_adminpass ""
seta g_allowvgte "0"
seta g_allowvote "0"
seta g_allowVoteClientKick "0"
seta g_allowVoteDrawFriend "0"
seta g_allowVoteFriendlyFire "0"
seta g_allowVoteGameType "0"
seta g_allowVoteKick "0"
seta g_allowVoteKillCam "0"
seta g_allowVoteMap "1"
seta g_allowVoteMapRestart "1"
seta g_allowVoteMapRotate "1"
seta g_allowVoteTempBanClient "0"
seta g_allowVoteTempBanUser "0"
seta g_allowVoteTypeMap "0"
seta g_antilag "1"
seta g_autodemo "0"
seta g_autoscreenshot "0"
seta g_banIPs ""
seta g_blueTeam ""
seta g_brain "1"
seta g_clonePlayerMaxVelocity "80"
seta g_compassShowEnemies "0"
seta g_complaintlimit "3"
seta g_deadChat "1"
seta g_deathDelay "3000"
seta g_dropForwardSpeed "10"
seta g_dropHorzSpeedRand "100"
seta g_dropUpSpeedBase "10"
seta g_dropUpSpeedRand "5"
seta g_entinfo_aionly "0"
seta g_filterBan "1"
seta g_friendlyFire "0"
seta g_gameskill "1"
seta g_gametype "sd"
seta g_gamma_00 "seta r_gamma 1;seta g_gamma_up vstr g_gamma_01"
seta g_gamma_01 "seta r_gamma 1.2;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_00;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_02; Gamma^2|^9-------- ^40.8"
seta g_gamma_02 "seta r_gamma 1,4;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_01;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_03; Gamma^2||^9------- ^40.9"
seta g_gamma_03 "seta r_gamma 1.6;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_02;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_04; Gamma^2|||^9------ ^41.0"
seta g_gamma_04 "seta r_gamma 1.8;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_03;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_05; Gamma^2||||^9----- ^41.1"
seta g_gamma_05 "seta r_gamma 2;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_04;seta g_gamma_u
p vstr g_gamma_06; Gamma^2|||||^9---- ^41.2"
seta g_gamma_06 "seta r_gamma 2.1;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_05;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_07; Gamma^2||||||^9--- ^41.3"
seta g_gamma_07 "seta r_gamma 2.2;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_06;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_08; Gamma^2|||||||^9-- ^41.4"
seta g_gamma_08 "seta r_gamma 2.3;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_07;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_09; Gamma^2||||||||^9- ^41.5"
seta g_gamma_09 "seta r_gamma 2.4;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_08;seta g_gamma
_up vstr g_gamma_10; Gamma^2|||||||||^9 ^41.6"
seta g_gamma_10 "seta r_gamma 2.5;seta g_gamma_down vstr g_gamma_09"
seta g_gamma_down "vstr g_gamma_02"
seta g_gamma_up "vstr g_gamma_04"
seta g_gamnetype "sd"
seta g_gpusync "0"
seta g_lastSaveGame "save\autosave\pegasusnight-1.svg"
seta g_log "games_mp.log"
seta g_logHits "0"
seta g_logSync "0"
seta g_maxDroppedWeapons "16"
seta g_maxGameClients "0"
seta g_minGrenadeDamageSpeed "400"
seta g_oldVotang "1"
seta g_oldVoting "1"
seta g_password ""
seta g_pdayerCollisionEjectSpeed "25"
seta g_player_maxhealth "500"
seta g_playerCollisionEjectSpeed "40"
seta g_redCrosshairs "0"
seta g_redCrosshaizs "0"
seta g_redTeam ""
seta g_reloading "0"
seta g_ScoresColor_Allies "0.6 0.639216 0.690196 0"
seta g_ScoresColor_Axis "0.65098 0.568627 0.411765 0"
seta g_ScoresColor_EnemyTeam "0.690196 0.0705882 0.0509804 1"
seta g_ScoresColor_Free "0.760784 0.780392 0.101961 0"
seta g_ScoresColor_MyTeam "0.25098 0.721569 0.25098 1"
seta g_ScoresColor_Spectator "0.25098 0.25098 0.25098 0"
seta g_skipParticles "1"
seta g_spAwards ""
seta g_spScores1 ""
seta g_spScores2 ""
seta g_spScores3 ""
seta g_spScores4 ""
seta g_spScores5 ""
seta g_spSkill "4"
seta g_spVideos ""
seta g_syncronousClients "0"
seta g_teamAutoJoin "0"
seta g_TeamColor_Allies "0.6 0.639216 0.690196 0"
seta g_TeamColor_Axis "0.65098 0.568627 0.411765 0"
seta g_TeamColor_EnemyTeam "1 0.45098 0.501961 0"
seta g_TeamColor_MyTeam "0.6 0.8 0.6 0"
seta g_teamForceBalance "0"
seta g_TeamName_Allies "Attack"
seta g_TeamName_Axis "Defence"
seta g_timeoutBank "180000"
seta g_timeoutlength "90000"
seta g_timeoutRecovery "10000"
seta g_timeoutsallowed "0"
seta g_useGear "0"
seta g_useholdspawndelay "500"
seta g_useholdtime "0"
seta g_usmGear "1"
seta g_voiceChatsAllowed "4"
seta g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500"
seta g_voteAbstainWeight "0.5"
seta g_warmup "0"
seta g_weaponAmmoPools "1"
seta g_weaponrespawn "5"
seta gamedate "Jun 18 2008"
seta gamename "Call of Duty 4"
seta gammaup1 "r_gamma 1.01 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup2 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup1"
seta gammaup10 "r_gamma 1.10 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup11 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup9"
seta gammaup100 "r_gamma 2.00 ; set mystyl3gammadown vstr gammaup99"
seta gammaup11 "r_gamma 1.11 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup12 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup10"
seta gammaup12 "r_gamma 1.12 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup13 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup11"
seta gammaup13 "r_gamma 1.13 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup14 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup12"
seta gammaup14 "r_gamma 1.14 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup15 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup13"
seta gammaup15 "r_gamma 1.15 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup16 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup14"
seta gammaup16 "r_gamma 1.16 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup17 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup15"
seta gammaup17 "r_gamma 1.17 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup18 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup16"
seta gammaup18 "r_gamma 1.18 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup19 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup17"
seta gammaup19 "r_gamma 1.19 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup20 ;set mystyl3gam
madown vstr gammaup18 "
seta gammaup2 "r_gamma 1.02 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup3 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup1"
seta gammaup20 "r_gamma 1.20 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup21 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup19"
seta gammaup21 "r_gamma 1.21 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup22 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup20"
seta gammaup22 "r_gamma 1.22 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup23 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup21"
seta gammaup23 "r_gamma 1.23 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup24 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup22"
seta gammaup24 "r_gamma 1.24 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup25 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup23"
seta gammaup25 "r_gamma 1.25 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup26 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup24"
seta gammaup26 "r_gamma 1.26 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup27 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup25"
seta gammaup27 "r_gamma 1.27 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup28 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup26"
seta gammaup28 "r_gamma 1.28 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup29 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup27"
seta gammaup29 "r_gamma 1.29 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup30 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup28"
seta gammaup3 "r_gamma 1.03 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup4 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup2"
seta gammaup30 "r_gamma 1.30 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup31 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup29"
seta gammaup31 "r_gamma 1.31 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup32 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup30"
seta gammaup32 "r_gamma 1.32 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup33 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup31"
seta gammaup33 "r_gamma 1.33 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup34 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup32"
seta gammaup34 "r_gamma 1.34 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup35 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup33"
seta gammaup35 "r_gamma 1.35 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup36 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup34"
seta gammaup36 "r_gamma 1.36 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup37 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup35"
seta gammaup37 "r_gamma 1.37 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup38 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup36"
seta gammaup38 "r_gamma 1.38 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup39 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup37"
seta gammaup39 "r_gamma 1.39 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup40 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup38"
seta gammaup4 "r_gamma 1.04 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup5 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup3"
seta gammaup40 "r_gamma 1.40 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup41 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup39"
seta gammaup41 "r_gamma 1.41 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup42 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup40"
seta gammaup42 "r_gamma 1.42 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup43 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup41"
seta gammaup43 "r_gamma 1.43 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup44 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup42"
seta gammaup44 "r_gamma 1.44 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup45 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup43"
seta gammaup45 "r_gamma 1.45 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup46 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup44"
seta gammaup46 "r_gamma 1.46 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup47 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup45"
seta gammaup47 "r_gamma 1.47 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup48 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup46"
seta gammaup48 "r_gamma 1.48 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup49 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup47"
seta gammaup49 "r_gamma 1.49 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup50 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup48"
seta gammaup5 "r_gamma 1.05 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup6 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup4"
seta gammaup50 "r_gamma 1.50 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup51 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup49"
seta gammaup51 "r_gamma 1.51 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup52 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup50"
seta gammaup52 "r_gamma 1.52 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup53 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup51"
seta gammaup53 "r_gamma 1.53 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup54 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup52"
seta gammaup54 "r_gamma 1.54 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup55 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup53"
seta gammaup55 "r_gamma 1.55 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup56 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup54"
seta gammaup56 "r_gamma 1.56 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup57 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup55"
seta gammaup57 "r_gamma 1.57 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup58 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup56"
seta gammaup58 "r_gamma 1.58 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup59 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup57"
seta gammaup59 "r_gamma 1.59 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup60 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup58"
seta gammaup6 "r_gamma 1.06 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup7 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup5"
seta gammaup60 "r_gamma 1.60 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup61 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup59"
seta gammaup61 "r_gamma 1.61 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup62 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup60"
seta gammaup62 "r_gamma 1.62 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup63 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup61"
seta gammaup63 "r_gamma 1.63 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup64 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup62"
seta gammaup64 "r_gamma 1.64 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup65 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup63"
seta gammaup65 "r_gamma 1.65 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup66 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup64"
seta gammaup66 "r_gamma 1.66 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup67 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup65"
seta gammaup67 "r_gamma 1.67 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup68 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup66"
seta gammaup68 "r_gamma 1.68 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup69 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup67"
seta gammaup69 "r_gamma 1.69 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup70 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup68"
seta gammaup7 "r_gamma 1.07 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup8 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup6"
seta gammaup70 "r_gamma 1.70 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup71 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup69"
seta gammaup71 "r_gamma 1.71 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup72 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup70"
seta gammaup72 "r_gamma 1.72 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup73 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup71"
seta gammaup73 "r_gamma 1.73 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup74 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup72"
seta gammaup74 "r_gamma 1.74 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup75 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup73"
seta gammaup75 "r_gamma 1.75 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup76 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup74"
seta gammaup76 "r_gamma 1.76 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup77 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup75"
seta gammaup77 "r_gamma 1.77 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup78 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup76"
seta gammaup78 "r_gamma 1.78 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup79 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup77"
seta gammaup79 "r_gamma 1.79 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup80 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup78"
seta gammaup8 "r_gamma 1.08 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup9 ; set mystyl3gamm
adown vstr gammaup7"
seta gammaup80 "r_gamma 1.80 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup81 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup79"
seta gammaup81 "r_gamma 1.81 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup82 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup80"
seta gammaup82 "r_gamma 1.82 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup83 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup81"
seta gammaup83 "r_gamma 1.83 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup84 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup82"
seta gammaup84 "r_gamma 1.84 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup85 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup83"
seta gammaup85 "r_gamma 1.85 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup86 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup84"
seta gammaup86 "r_gamma 1.86 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup87 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup85"
seta gammaup87 "r_gamma 1.87 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup88 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup86"
seta gammaup88 "r_gamma 1.88 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup89 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup87"
seta gammaup89 "r_gamma 1.89 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup90 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup88"
seta gammaup9 "r_gamma 1.09 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup10 ; set mystyl3gam
madown vstr gammaup8"
seta gammaup90 "r_gamma 1.90 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup91 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup89"
seta gammaup91 "r_gamma 1.91 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup92 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup90"
seta gammaup92 "r_gamma 1.92 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup93 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup91"
seta gammaup93 "r_gamma 1.93 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup94 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup92"
seta gammaup94 "r_gamma 1.94 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup95 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup93"
seta gammaup95 "r_gamma 1.95 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup96 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup94"
seta gammaup96 "r_gamma 1.96 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup97 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup95"
seta gammaup97 "r_gamma 1.97 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup98 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup96"
seta gammaup98 "r_gamma 1.98 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup99 ; set mystyl3ga
mmadown vstr gammaup97"
seta gammaup99 "r_gamma 1.99 ; set mystyl3gammaup vstr gammaup100 ; set mystyl3g
ammadown vstr gammaup98"
seta gfx_driver "d3d"
seta godmode "god"
seta graphheight "32"
seta graphscale "1"
seta graphshift "0"
seta gravity_phyx "3000"
seta gWuseholdspawndelay "500"
seta handicap "100"
seta head ""
seta headmodel "grunt/pm"
seta hi1 "say Hi; set comment_hi vstr hi2"
seta hi2 "say Hello; set comment_hi vstr hi3"
seta hi3 "say Hey; set comment_hi vstr hi1"
seta hmm_test1 "set cg_gun_y 1;wait 5;set cg_gun_y 2;wait 5;set cg_gun_y 3;vstr
seta hud_deathQuoteFadeTime "1000"
seta hud_enable "1"
seta hud_fade_ammodisplay "0"
seta hud_fade_compass "0"
seta hud_fade_healthbar "2"
seta hud_fade_offhand "0"
seta hud_fade_sprint "1.7"
seta hud_fade_stance "1.7"
seta hud_fadeout_speed "0.1"
seta hud_fdash_period_offhand "0.5"
seta hud_flash_period_offhand "0.5"
seta hud_flash_time_offhand "2"
seta hud_headth_startpulse_injured "1"
seta hud_health_pulserate_critical "0.5"
seta hud_health_pulserate_injured "1"
seta hud_health_startpudse_critical "0.33"
seta hud_health_startpulse_critical "0.33"
seta hud_health_startpulse_injured "1"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseE "0"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_pulseDuration "700"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseEnd_toAlpha "0"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseO "0"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseOne_pulseDuration "150"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseP "0"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseS "0"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseT "0"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_pulseDuration "400"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseThree_toAlphaMultiplier "0.6"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_pulseDuration "320"
seta hud_healthOverlay_phaseTwo_toAlphaMultiplier "0.7"
seta hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart "0.55"
seta hud_healthOverlay_regenPauseTime "8000"
seta hud_letterBoxFadeTime "1000"
seta hud_offhand "1"
seta hud_showstance "0"
seta huddamageicontime "2000"
seta hugeGlow "r_filmTweakDarkTint 1.3 1.15 1.6;r_filmTweakLightTint 1 1 1.1;r_f
ilmTweakContrast 1.5;r_lightTweaksunLight 1.65;r_blur 1;r_filmTweakDesaturation
seta image_usePrecompressedTextures "1"
seta in "give remington700_mp"
seta in_gpuSync "0"
seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"
seta in_joystick "0"
seta in_logitechbug "0"
seta in_midi "0"
seta in_midichannel "1"
seta in_mididevice "0"
seta in_midiport "1"
seta in_mouse "1"
seta input_viewSensitivity "1"
seta joina "connect"
seta joy_threshold "0.15"
seta jump_height "39"
seta jump_slowdownEnable "1"
seta kg_ScoresPing_MapBars "4"
seta kit "vstr kit2"
seta kit1 "set kit vstr kit2;openscriptmenu changeclass_marines_mw assault"
seta kit2 "set kit vstr kit1;openscriptmenu changeclass_marines_mw specops"
seta kompassObjectiveTextHeight "18"
seta kon_gameMsgWindow2SplitscreenScade "1.5"
seta lag "cg_noPredict 1"
seta leave1 "say I'm out; set comment_leave vstr leave2"
seta leave2 "say Got to go; set comment_leave vstr leave3"
seta leave3 "quit"
seta left "+moveleft;wait 1;-moveleft"
seta light_up "vstr sunlighttweak0"
seta lmao "^9>^0>^1>^8>^0L^1O^8o^1O^0L^8<^1<^0<^9<"
seta loc_forceEnglish "0"
seta loc_language "0"
seta loc_latched "0"
seta loc_translate "1"
seta loc_warnings "0"
seta loc_warningsAsErrors "0"
seta lodbias "0"
seta log "0"
seta logfile "1"
seta lol "say ^6L^7O^3o^8O^2L"
seta lol1 "say lol; set comment_lol vstr lol2"
seta lol2 "say lmao; set comment_lol vstr lol3"
seta lol3 "say xD; set comment_lol vstr lol4"
seta lol4 "^6L^7O^3o^8O^2L^7; set comment_lol vstr lol1"
seta lola "+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 5;+attack;wait 5;-attack"
seta lowAmmoWarningPulseFreq "1.7"
seta lowAmmoWarningPulseMax "1.5"
seta lowAmmoWarningPulseMin "0"
seta m4gic2_gamma1 "r_gamma 1.1; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma2; set m4g
ic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma1 "
seta m4gic2_gamma10 "r_gamma 1.55000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma11; s
et m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma9 "
seta m4gic2_gamma11 "r_gamma 1.6; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma12; set m
4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma10 "
seta m4gic2_gamma12 "r_gamma 1.65000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma13; s
et m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma11 "
seta m4gic2_gamma13 "r_gamma 1.7; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma14; set m
4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma12"
seta m4gic2_gamma14 "r_gamma 1.72024; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma15; s
et m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma13 "
seta m4gic2_gamma15 "r_gamma 1.75000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma16; s
et m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma14 "
seta m4gic2_gamma16 "r_gamma 1.8; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma16; set m
4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma15 "
seta m4gic2_gamma2 "r_gamma 1.15000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma3; set
m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma1 "
seta m4gic2_gamma3 "r_gamma 1.2; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma4; set m4g
ic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma2 "
seta m4gic2_gamma4 "r_gamma 1.25000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma5; set
m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma3 "
seta m4gic2_gamma5 "r_gamma 1.3; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma6; set m4g
ic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma4 "
seta m4gic2_gamma6 "r_gamma 1.35000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma7; set
m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma5 "
seta m4gic2_gamma7 "r_gamma 1.4; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma8; set m4g
ic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma6 "
seta m4gic2_gamma8 "r_gamma 1.45000; set m4gic2_gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma9; set
m4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma7 "
seta m4gic2_gamma9 "r_gamma 1.5; set m4gic2_ gamma_up vstr m4gic2_gamma10; set m
4gic2_gamma_down vstr m4gic2_gamma8 "
seta m4gic2_gamma_default "vstr m4gic2_gamma13 "
seta m_filter "0"
seta m_forward "0.25"
seta m_pitch "0.022"
seta m_side "0.25"
seta m_yaw "0.022"
seta Malpka "Manu"
seta min_spec_ai "0"
seta mis_01 "16"
seta mis_02 "4"
seta mis_03 "0"
seta mis_04 "0"
seta mis_05 "1"
seta mis_06 "0"
seta mis_07 "0"
seta mis_08 "0"
seta mis_09 "0"
seta mis_10 "0"
seta mis_difficulty "43333333333333330000000000000000000000000000000000"
seta mis_none "0"
seta mode1 "^2TXTR^9-NEAREST ; r_texturemode nearest ; set mystyl3texturemode vs
tr mode2"
seta mode2 "^2TXTR^9-LINEAR ; r_texturemode linear ; set mystyl3texturemode vstr
seta mode3 "^2TXTR^9-BILINEAR ; r_texturemode bilinear ; set mystyl3texturemode
vstr mode4"
seta mode4 "^2TXTR^9-TRILINEAR ; r_texturemode trilinear ; set mystyl3texturemod
e vstr mode5"
seta mode5 "^2TXTR^9-ANISOTROPIC ; r_texturemode anisotropic ; set mystyl3textur
emode vstr mode1"
seta model ""
seta monkeytoy "0"
seta mouse_dpi "1600"
seta mp3_cursong "0"
seta mp3_offset "0"
seta mp3_playmode "0"
seta mp3_volume "100"
seta mp5 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:mp5; set ops_cyc vstr uzi; ^1mp5"
seta mss_3d_provide "sLWx"
seta mss_3d_provider "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
seta mss_bits "16"
seta mss_errorOnMissing "1"
seta mss_hunkmegs "48.000"
seta mss_khz "44"
seta mss_mixahead "0.08"
seta mss_q3fs "1"
seta mss_stereo "1"
seta mss_volume "0.020833"
seta MWHEELUP "+attack"
seta myguid "80a52f7834978b9c595688c7341e2819"
seta mystyl3_bashmode "bind MOUSE2 +movedown ; bind MOUSE1 +melee"
seta mystyl3_snipermode "bind MOUSE2 +speed;+holdbreath ; bind MOUSE1 +attack"
seta mystyl3fan "name ^9H ; wait 5 ; name ^9HC ; wait 5 ; name ^9HC ^2M ; wait 5
; name ^9HC ^2Mo ; wait 5 ; name ^9HC ^2Moe ; wait 5 ; name ^9HC ^2Moel ; wait
5 ; name ^9HC ^2Moell ; wait 5 ; name ^9HC ^2Moelle ; wait 5 ; name^9HC ^2Moelle
seta mystyl3FPSdown "vstr fps16"
seta mystyl3FPSup "vstr fps16"
seta mystyl3frag "say B^9O^3O^9O^7M LETI GrANAT NECO SI PREJ ! ; +forward ; -fra
g ; +frag ; wait 150 ; +moveup ; -frag ; -forward ; -moveup"
seta mystyl3gamma "r_gamma 1.5;wait 2; r_gamma 2;wait 2;r_gamma 1.5;wait 2; r_ga
mma 2;wait 2;r_gamma 1.5;wait 2; r_gamma 2;r_gamma 1.5;wait 2; r_gamma 2;wait 2;
r_gamma 1.5;wait 2; r_gamma 2;wait 2;r_gamma 1.5;wait 2; r_gamma 2;r_gamma 1.5;w
seta mystyl3gammadown "vstr gammaup90"
seta mystyl3gammaup "vstr gammaup92"
seta mystyl3info "vstr mystyl3info_1"
seta mystyl3info_1 " cg_drawfps 1 ;set mystyl3info vstr mystyl3info_2"
seta mystyl3info_2 " cg_drawfps 1 ; cg_drawlagometer 1 ;set mystyl3info vstr my
seta mystyl3info_3 " cg_drawfps 2 ; cg_drawlagometer 1 ;set mystyl3info vstr my
seta mystyl3info_4 " cg_drawfps 3 ; cg_drawlagometer 1 ;set mystyl3info vstr my
seta mystyl3nick "vstr nick1"
seta mystyl3picmip "vstr picmip3"
seta mystyl3record "vstr record2"
^7!^4!^1!.... KDO NESMURFUJE NENI ^1C^7E^4CH ......... ^0WER ^1NICHT SKILL IST ^
seta mystyl3sensitivitydown "vstr s59"
seta mystyl3sensitivityup "vstr s61"
seta mystyl3smiles "vstr smile1"
seta mystyl3smoke "say B^9O^3O^9O^7M LETI SmOKE NECO SI PREJ ! ; +forward ; -smo
ke ; +smoke ; wait 150 ; +moveup ; -smoke ; -forward ; -moveup"
seta mystyl3teamnames_cod2 "g_teamname_axis ^2Fucking jerries;g_teamname_allies
^4Fucking toomies"
seta mystyl3texturemode "vstr mode2"
seta mystyl3volumedown "vstr volume79"
seta mystyl3volumeup "vstr volume81"
seta nade " -frag ; -frag ; -frag ; +frag ; wait 60 ; +moveup ; wait 2 ; -frag ;
wait 55 ; -moveup ; -moveup ;"
seta nade2 "+gostand; wait; -frag; wait; -gostand; wait;"
seta nade_cyc "vstr stun"
seta name "dWay. zipp'"
seta namer5 "vstr namer51"
seta namer51 "seta name koOp~DanTheMan;seta namer5 vstr namer52"
seta namer52 "seta name [&&1] DanTheMan;seta namer5 vstr namer51"
seta nema "pwr/paradox- is just fucking botmachine!"
seta net_noipx "0"
seta net_noudp "0"
seta net_socksEnabled "0"
seta net_socksPassword ""
seta net_socksPort "1080"
seta net_socksServer ""
seta net_socksUsername ""
seta new_world "r_filmtweakinvert 1;r_filmtweaklighttint 0.5 0.5 0.5;r_filmtweak
darktint 0.2 0.2 0.2;r_colormap 2;r_normalmap 0;r_filmtweakdesaturation 1"
seta NeX_clan1 "say ^9e^2'^7Shoters; set NeX_smile vstr NeX_clan11 "
seta NeX_clan11 ""
seta NeX_clan12 "say ^9eSports ^7Shooters ^2Association; set NeX_smile vstr NeX_
clan13 "
seta NeX_clan13 "say ?! And your ~clanpage~ ?!; set NeX_smile vstr NeX_clan1
4 "
seta NeX_gamma1 "r_gamma 1.1; set NeX_gamma_up vstrNeX_gamma2; set NeX_gamma_dow
n vstr NeX_gamma1 "
seta NeX_gamma10 "r_gamma 1.55000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma11; set NeX_ga
mma_down vstr NeX_gamma9 "
seta NeX_gamma11 "r_gamma 1.6; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma12; set NeX_gamma_
down vstr NeX_gamma10 "
seta NeX_gamma12 "r_gamma 1.65000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma13; set NeX_ga
mma_down vstr NeX_gamma11 "
seta NeX_gamma13 "r_gamma 1.7; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma14; set NeX_gamma_
down vstr NeX_gamma12"
seta NeX_gamma14 "r_gamma 1.72024; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma15; set NeX_ga
mma_down vstr NeX_gamma13 "
seta NeX_gamma15 "r_gamma 1.75000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma16; set NeX_ga
mma_down vstr NeX_gamma14 "
seta NeX_gamma16 "r_gamma 1.8; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma16; set NeX_gamma_
down vstr NeX_gamma15 "
seta NeX_gamma2 "r_gamma 1.15000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma3; set NeX_gamm
a_down vstr NeX_gamma1 "
seta NeX_gamma3 "r_gamma 1.2; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma4; set NeX_gamma_do
wn vstr NeX_gamma2 "
seta NeX_gamma4 "r_gamma 1.25000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma5; set NeX_gamm
a_down vstr NeX_gamma3 "
seta NeX_gamma5 "r_gamma 1.3; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma6; set NeX_gamma_do
wn vstr NeX_gamma4 "
seta NeX_gamma6 "r_gamma 1.35000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma7; set NeX_gamm
a_down vstr NeX_gamma5 "
seta NeX_gamma7 "r_gamma 1.4; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma8; set NeX_gamma_do
wn vstr NeX_gamma6 "
seta NeX_gamma8 "r_gamma 1.45000; set NeX_gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma9; set NeX_gamm
a_down vstr NeX_gamma7 "
seta NeX_gamma9 "r_gamma 1.5; set NeX_ gamma_up vstr NeX_gamma10; set NeX_gamma_
down vstr NeX_gamma8 "
seta NeX_gamma_default "vstr NeX_gamma13 "
seta nex_mute "vstr nex_mute_on"
seta nex_mute_off "setfromdvar snd_volume nex_volume; seta nex_mute vstr nex_mut
seta nex_mute_on "setfromdvar nex_volume snd_volume; set snd_volume 0; seta v_mu
te vstr nex_mute_off"
seta NeX_say2_1 "say ^2]^1L^7o^4L^2[ ; set NeX_say2 vstr NeX_say2_2"
seta NeX_say2_2 "say ^5:^4D ; set NeX_say2 vstr NeX_say2_3"
seta NeX_say2_3 "say ^9:^7P ; set NeX_say2 vstr NeX_say2_1"
seta nex_vol_000 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0; seta nex_vo
l_up vstr nex_vol_002"
seta nex_vol_002 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.02; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_000; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_004"
seta nex_vol_004 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.04; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_002; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_006"
seta nex_vol_006 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.06; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_004; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_008"
seta nex_vol_008 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.08; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_006; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_010"
seta nex_vol_010 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.10; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_008; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_015"
seta nex_vol_015 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.15; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_010; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_020"
seta nex_vol_020 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.20; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_015; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_025"
seta nex_vol_025 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.25; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_020; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_030"
seta nex_vol_030 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.30; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_025; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_035"
seta nex_vol_035 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.35; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_030; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_040"
seta nex_vol_040 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.40; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_035; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_045"
seta nex_vol_045 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.45; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_040; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_050"
seta nex_vol_050 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.50; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_045; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_055"
seta nex_vol_055 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.55; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_050; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_060"
seta nex_vol_060 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.60; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_055; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_065"
seta nex_vol_065 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.65; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_060; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_070"
seta nex_vol_070 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.70; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_065; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_075"
seta nex_vol_075 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.75; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_070; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_080"
seta nex_vol_080 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.80; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_075; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_085"
seta nex_vol_085 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.85; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_080; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_090"
seta nex_vol_090 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.90; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_085; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_095"
seta nex_vol_095 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.95; seta nex
_vol_down vstr nex_vol_090; seta nex_vol_up vstr nex_vol_100"
seta nex_vol_100 "seta nex_mute vstr nex_mute_on; seta snd_volume 1; seta nex_vo
l_down vstr nex_vol_095"
seta nex_vol_down "vstr nex_vol_015"
seta nex_vol_up "vstr nex_vol_025"
seta nextdemo ""
seta nglow "toggle r_glowUseTweaks 1; r_glowTweakEnable 1; r_glowTweakBloomCutof
f 0.75; r_glowTweakBloomIntensity0 0.75; r_glowTweakRadius0 2.5"
seta nightVisionDisableEffects "0"
seta ninjajump "centerview;cl_yawspeed 140;cl_pitchspeed 140;+lookdown;+forward;
wait 9;wait 9;wait 8;wait 7;+moveup;wait 2;-lookdown;-moveup;-forward;wait 2;cen
terview;wait 2;+moveright;wait 7;-moveright"
seta nolag "cg_noPredict 0"
seta null "0"
seta Num1 "vstr Num12"
seta Num11 "centerview;set com_maxfps 125;wait 2.5;+left;wait 43;-left;+forward;
wait 50;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand;wait 50;-forward;wait 25;+moveleft;wait 92;-m
oveleft;wait 25;+right;+lookdown;wait 102.5;-lookdown;+attack;vstr Num111"
seta Num111 "wait 100;-right;-attack;wait 25;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand;wait 2.5
;gocrouch;+back;wait 100;-back;wait 2.5;+left;+lookup;wait 102.5;-lookup;wait 14
7.5;-left;wait 2.5;vstr Num1111"
seta Num1111 "+forward;+left;wait 50;-left;wait 130;-forward;+right;wait 25;-rig
ht;wait 25;+gostand;-gostand;wait 100;+sprint;+forward;wait 20;+gostand;wait 250
seta Num12 "centerview;set com_maxfps 125;wait 2.5;+left;wait 43;-left;+forward;
wait 50;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand;wait 50;-forward;wait 25;+moveleft;wait 98.5;
-moveleft;wait 25;+right;+lookdown;wait 102.5;-lookdown;+attack;vstr Num121"
seta Num121 "wait 100;-right;wait 2.5;-attack;wait 10;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand
;wait 2.5;gocrouch;+back;wait 100;-back;wait 2.5;+left;+lookup;wait 102.5;-looku
p;wait 147.5;-left;vstr Num1211"
seta Num1211 "+forward;+left;wait 50;-left;wait 130;-forward;+right;wait 25;-rig
ht;wait 25;+gostand;-gostand;wait 100;+sprint;+forward;wait 30;+gostand;wait 250
seta Num13 "centerview;set com_maxfps 125;wait 2.5;+left;wait 43;-left;+forward;
wait 50;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand;wait 50;-forward;wait 25;+moveleft;wait 112;-
moveleft;wait 25;+right;+lookdown;wait 102.5;-lookdown;+attack;vstr Num131"
seta Num131 "wait 100;-right;wait 2.5;-attack;wait 10;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand
;wait 2.5;gocrouch;+back;wait 100;-back;wait 2.5;+left;+lookup;wait 102.5;-looku
p;wait 147.5;-left;vstr Num1311"
seta Num1311 "+forward;+left;wait 50;-left;wait 130;-forward;+right;wait 25;-rig
ht;+forward;wait 50;-forward;wait 25;+gostand;-gostand;wait 100;+sprint;+forward
;wait 30;+gostand;wait 250;-gostand;-forward;-sprint"
seta Num2 "vstr Num23"
seta Num21 "centerview;set com_maxfps 125;+right;+lookdown;wait 95;-lookdown;wai
t 15;+attack;-attack;wait 50;-right;wait 70;+left;+gostand;-gostand;wait 100;-le
seta Num211 "wait 100;-gostand;wait 50;+gostand;+forward;wait 150;-forward;-gost
and;+right;wait 320;-right;+lookdown;+forward;wait 50;+gostand;+actionslot 3;-go
stand;wait 100;-lookdown;+moveleft;wait 100;-moveleft;vstr Num2111"
seta Num2111 "wait 50;-forward;+back;wait 150;-back;+right;wait 60;-right;+gosta
nd;wait 500;-gostand;wait 50;+attack;wait 10;-attack;+left;+sprint;+forward;wait
76;-left;wait 5;vstr Num21111"
seta Num21111 "set com_Maxfps 333;set r_drawdecals 0;set fx_marks 0;set r_picmip
3;r_applypicmip;+gostand;-gostand;wait 50;gocrouch;wait 500;-forward;-sprint;se
t com_maxfps 125;set r_drawdecals 1;set fx_marks 0;set r_picmip 2;r_applypicmip;
seta Num211111 "wait 50;-left;-sprint;-forward"
seta Num2111111 "+gostand;+moveright;wait 130;-moveright;wait 200;-gostand;+gost
and;+moveright;wait 90;-moveright;wait 400;-gostand;wait 2.5;+forward;+gostand;-
gostand;wait 50;-forward"
seta Num22 "centerview;set com_maxfps 125;+lookdown;+right;wait 31.25;-right;+at
tack;wait 90;-lookdown;-attack;wait 30;+gostand;-gostand;vstr Num222"
seta Num222 "+back;+gostand;wait 1200;-gostand;wait 250;-back;+attack;-attack;wa
it 120;set com_maxfps 333;vstr Num2222"
seta Num2222 "+gostand;-gostand;+back;wait 400;-back;set com_maxfps 250"
seta Num23 ""
seta numbercountdown "say 15;wait 250;say 14;wait 250;say 13;wait 250;say 12;wai
t 250;say 11;wait 250;say 10;wait 250;vstr numbercountdown2"
seta numbercountdown2 "say 9;wait 250;say 8;wait 250;say 7;wait 250;say 6;wait 2
50;say 5;wait 250;say 4;wait 250;say 3;wait 250;say 2;wait 250;say 1"
seta numbercountup "say 1;wait 250;say 2;wait 250;say 3;wait 250;say 4;wait 250;
say 5;wait 250;say 6;wait 250;say 7;wait 250;say 8;wait 250;say 9;wait 250;vstr
seta numbercountup2 "say 10;wait 250;say 11;wait 250;say 12;wait 250;say 13;wait
250;say 14;wait 250;say 15"
seta numbercuntup2 "say 10;wait 250;say 11;wait 250;say 12;wait 250;say 13;wait
250;say 14;wait 250;say 15"
seta numbersdown "set com_maxfps 125;vstr numbercountdown"
seta numberspam "say 1; wait 275; say 2; wait 100"
seta numbersup "set com_maxfps 125;vstr numbercountup"
seta NumNull "0"
seta o "weapnext"
seta o_banIPs ""
seta omg "say"
seta other "-gostand"
seta pam_mode "pub"
seta password "lololollo"
seta pb_cdkeyverauto "1"
seta pb_logtofile "0"
seta PB_LogUser "petZor"
seta pb_security "0"
seta pb_sleep "500"
seta pb_sslog "0"
seta pb_sssave "0"
seta pb_sv_enable "0"
seta pb_sv_update "0"
seta pb_system "0"
seta pback "+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 275;+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;gocrouch;+b
ack;wait 300;-back"
seta pback1 "centerview;com_maxfps 125;+gostand;-gostand;centerview;wait 200;+ri
ght;wait 80;-right;+back;wait 200;-back;+lookdown;wait 80;-lookdown;+moveleft;wa
it 35;-moveleft;+right;wait 15;-right;vstr pback2"
seta pback11 "-attack;wait 230;+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;wait 5;gocrouch;+back;wa
it 200;-back;wait 50;+left;+lookup;wait 205;-lookup;wait 295;-left;wait 50"
seta pback2 "+forward;+sprint;wait 100;-forward;-sprint;+gostand;-gostand;wait 1
00;+moveright;wait 40;-moveright;+left;wait 50;-left;wait 200;+back;wait 120;-ba
ck;+forward;+sprint;wait 60;vstr pback3"
seta pback21 "-attack;wait 230;+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;wait 5;gocrouch;+back;wa
it 200;-back;wait 50;+left;+lookup;wait 205;-lookup;wait 295;-left;wait 50"
seta pback22 "-attack;wait 230;+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;wait 5;gocrouch;+back;wa
it 200;-back;wait 50;+left;+lookup;wait 205;-lookup;wait 295;-left;wait 50"
seta pback222 "-attack;wait 115;+gostand;wait 2.5;-gostand;wait 2.5;gocrouch;+ba
ck;wait 100;-back;wait 2.5;+left;wait 2.5; -left"
seta pback3 "+gostand;+right;wait 15;-right;-gostand;-forward;-sprint"
seta pback33 "-attack;wait 230;+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;wait 5;gocrouch;+back;wa
it 200;-back;wait 50;+left;+lookup;wait 205;-lookup;wait 295;-left;wait 50"
seta pback4 "+attack;wait 5;-attack;wait 275;+gostand;wait 5;-gostand;gocrouch;+
back;wait 300;-back"
seta perfectlod "+activate;wait 10;-activate;wait 100;+activate;wait 10;-activat
e;+gostand;wait 50;-gostand"
seta phys_bulletSpinScale "3"
seta phys_bulletUpBias "0.5"
seta phys_gravity "-800"
seta picmip2 "^2PICMIP^9-2 ; r_picmip 2 ; r_picmip_bump 2; r_picmip_manual 1 ;r
_picmip_spec 2 ; set mystyl3picmip vstr picmip3"
seta picmip3 "^2PICMIP^9-3 ; r_picmip 3 ; r_picmip_bump 3; r_picmip_manual 1 ;r
_picmip_spec 3 ; set mystyl3picmip vstr picmip2"
seta Player "Boxes 1"
seta player_adsExitDelay "0"
seta player_backSpeedScale "0.7"
seta player_breath_gasp_lerp "6"
seta player_breath_gasp_time "1"
seta player_breath_hold_time "4.5"
seta player_deathInvulnerableTime "1000"
seta player_healthEasy "500"
seta player_healthFu "115"
seta player_healthHard "165"
seta player_healthMedium "275"
seta player_meleeHeight "10"
seta player_meleeRange "64"
seta player_meleeWidth "10"
seta player_movespeedscale "100"
seta player_sprintForwardMini "125"
seta player_sprintForwardMinimum "105"
seta player_sprintMinTime "1"
seta player_sprintSpeedScale "1.5"
seta player_sprintTime "4"
seta player_sustainAmmo "0"
seta player_view_pitch_up "85"
seta pmove_fixed "0"
seta polygon0 "r_polygonoffsetscale 0 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 1"
seta polygon1 "r_polygonoffsetscale 1 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 2"
seta polygon10 "r_polygonoffsetscale 10 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 11"
seta polygon11 "r_polygonoffsetscale 11 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 12"
seta polygon12 "r_polygonoffsetscale 12 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 13"
seta polygon13 "r_polygonoffsetscale 13 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 14"
seta polygon14 "r_polygonoffsetscale 14 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 15"
seta polygon15 "r_polygonoffsetscale 15 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 16"
seta polygon16 "r_polygonoffsetscale 16 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon -4"
seta polygon2 "r_polygonoffsetscale 2 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 3"
seta polygon3 "r_polygonoffsetscale 3 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 4"
seta polygon4 "r_polygonoffsetscale 4 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 5"
seta polygon5 "r_polygonoffsetscale 5 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 6"
seta polygon6 "r_polygonoffsetscale 6 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 7"
seta polygon7 "r_polygonoffsetscale 7 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 8"
seta polygon8 "r_polygonoffsetscale 8 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 9"
seta polygon9 "r_polygonoffsetscale 9 ; set mystyl3polygons vstr polygon 10"
seta pos "setviewpos 4727 -1309.0952758 193"
seta pos1 "setviewpos 4727 -1309.0952758 193"
seta preloadshaders "1"
seta prestigeclass1 ""
seta prestigeclass2 ""
seta prestigeclass3 ""
seta prestigeclass4 ""
seta prestigeclass5 ""
seta profile_physics "0"
seta promod_centermessage_position "-28"
seta promod_mode "strat"
seta pstrafe "+forward;+moveleft;+left;+sprint;wait 50;+attack;-attack;wait 150;
+gostand;-gostand;wait 20;-moveleft;-left;-sprint;-forward"
seta r_aaAlpha "off"
seta r_aaSamples "1"
seta r_aasmaples "1"
seta r_allowExtensions "0"
seta r_allowSoftwareGL "0"
seta r_altModelLaghtingUpdate "1"
seta r_altModelLighting "1"
seta r_altModelLightingUpdate "1"
seta r_ambientscale "3"
seta r_anisotropy "1"
seta r_anistropy "1"
seta r_applypicmip ""
seta r_applypicmips ""
seta r_arb_texture_env_dot3 "0"
seta r_arb_vertex_buffer_object "0"
seta r_arb_vertex_program "0"
seta r_aspectRatio "wide 16:10"
seta r_ati_element_array "1"
seta r_ati_fragment_shader "1"
seta r_ati_fsaa_samples "0"
seta r_ati_pntriangles "0"
seta r_ati_trueform_tess "0"
seta r_ati_truform_normalmode "CUBIC"
seta r_ati_truform_pointmode "CUBIC"
seta r_ati_truform_tess "0"
seta r_ati_vertex_array_object "0"
seta r_autopriority "0"
seta r_blur "0"
seta r_blur_allowed "0"
seta r_brightness "0"
seta r_cacheModelLighting "1"
seta r_cacheshaders "0"
seta r_cacheSModelLighting "1"
seta r_clear "dev-only blink"
seta r_clearColor "0 0 0 0"
seta r_clearColor2 "0 0 0 0"
seta r_colorbits "32"
seta r_colorMap "Unchanged"
seta r_colorMipLevels "1"
seta r_compressmodels "1"
seta r_contrast "1"
seta r_corpseCount "0"
seta r_cosinePowerMapShift "0"
seta r_cosmeticCullMax "16"
seta r_cosmeticCullMin "16"
seta r_custoeMode ""
seta r_customaspect "1"
seta r_customheight "1024"
seta r_customMode "1"
seta r_customwidth "1600"
seta r_cycleSizeCull "0"
seta r_debugEntCounts "0"
seta r_debugLineWidth "1"
seta r_debugShader "none"
seta r_debugsurface "1"
seta r_decals "0"
seta r_depthbits "32"
seta r_depthPrepass "0"
seta r_depthPrepassModels "0"
seta r_desaturation "0"
seta r_detail "1"
seta r_details "0"
seta r_detailtextures "0"
seta r_diffuseColorScale "1"
seta r_diffuseSunQuality "0"
seta r_diffuseSunSteps "3"
seta r_directedscale "2"
seta r_displayRefh "85 Hz"
seta r_displayRefresh "75 Hz"
seta r_displayrefreshrate "85"
seta r_distorion "1"
seta r_distortion "0"
seta r_dlightBacks "1"
seta r_dlightLimit "0"
seta r_dlightQuality "0"
seta r_dob_enable "1"
seta r_dof_bias "0.5"
seta r_dof_enable "0"
seta r_dof_farBlue "1.2"
seta r_dof_farBlur "1.8"
seta r_dof_farEnd "7000"
seta r_dof_farStart "1000"
seta r_dof_nearBlue "4"
seta r_dof_nearBlur "6"
seta r_dof_nearEnd "60"
seta r_dof_nearStart "10"
seta r_dof_tweak "0"
seta r_dof_viewModelEnd "8"
seta r_dof_viewModelStart "2"
seta r_dofWenable "0"
seta r_drawBModels "1"
seta r_Drawdeacals "0"
seta r_drawDecals "0"
seta r_drawEntities "1"
seta r_drawfoliage "0"
seta r_drawPrimCap "0"
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seta r_waterSheetingFX_lightTint "0.780261 1 1"
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seta r_wolffog "0"
seta r_xdebug ""
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seta ragdoll_baselerp_time "1000"
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seta raid_class_ak47_attachment "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:as
sault:none; set raid_class_ak47_tog vstr raid_class_ak47_perk1"
seta raid_class_ak47_class "openscriptmenu changeclass_marines_mw assault; set r
aid_class_ak47_tog vstr raid_class_ak47_weapon"
seta raid_class_ak47_go "openscriptmenu changeclass_mw go; kill; set raid_class_
ak47_tog vstr raid_class_ak47_weapon; ^2ak47"
seta raid_class_ak47_perk1 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk1:specialty_bulletaccu
racy; set raid_class_ak47_tog vstr raid_class_ak47_go"
seta raid_class_ak47_secondary "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:deserteagle;
set raid_class_ak47_tog vstr raid_class_ak47_attachment"
seta raid_class_ak47_tog "vstr raid_class_ak47_class"
seta raid_class_ak47_weapon "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:ak47; set raid_cl
ass_ak47_tog vstr raid_class_ak47_secondary"
seta raid_class_ak74u_attachment "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:s
mg:none; set raid_class_ak74u_tog vstr raid_class_ak74u_perk1"
seta raid_class_ak74u_class "openscriptmenu changeclass_marines_mw specops; set
raid_class_ak74u_tog vstr raid_class_ak74u_weapon"
seta raid_class_ak74u_go "openscriptmenu changeclass_mw go; kill; set raid_class
_ak74u_tog vstr raid_class_ak74u_weapon; ^2ak74u"
seta raid_class_ak74u_perk1 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk1:specialty_bulletacc
uracy; set raid_class_ak74u_tog vstr raid_class_ak74u_go"
seta raid_class_ak74u_secondary "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:deserteagle
; set raid_class_ak74u_tog vstr raid_class_ak74u_attachment"
seta raid_class_ak74u_tog "vstr raid_class_ak74u_class"
seta raid_class_ak74u_weapon "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:ak74u; set raid_
class_ak74u_tog vstr raid_class_ak74u_secondary"
seta raid_class_m40a3_attachment "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:a
ssault:none; set raid_class_m40a3_tog vstr raid_class_m40a3_perk1"
seta raid_class_m40a3_class "openscriptmenu changeclass_marines_mw sniper; set r
aid_class_m40a3_tog vstr raid_class_m40a3_weapon"
seta raid_class_m40a3_go "openscriptmenu changeclass_mw go; kill; set raid_class
_m40a3_tog vstr raid_class_m40a3_weapon; ^2m40a3"
seta raid_class_m40a3_perk1 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk1:specialty_bulletacc
uracy; set raid_class_m40a3_tog vstr raid_class_m40a3_go"
seta raid_class_m40a3_secondary "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:deserteagle
; set raid_class_m40a3_tog vstr raid_class_m40a3_attachment"
seta raid_class_m40a3_tog "vstr raid_class_m40a3_class"
seta raid_class_m40a3_weapon "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:m40a3; set raid_
class_m40a3_tog vstr raid_class_m40a3_secondary"
seta raid_class_r700_attachment "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary_attachment:as
sault:none; set raid_class_r700_tog vstr raid_class_r700_perk1"
seta raid_class_r700_class "openscriptmenu changeclass_marines_mw sniper; set ra
id_class_r700_tog vstr raid_class_r700_weapon"
seta raid_class_r700_go "openscriptmenu changeclass_mw go; kill; set raid_class_
r700_tog vstr raid_class_r700_weapon; ^2r700"
seta raid_class_r700_perk1 "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_perk1:specialty_bulletaccu
racy; set raid_class_r700_tog vstr raid_class_r700_go"
seta raid_class_r700_secondary "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_secondary:deserteagle;
set raid_class_r700_tog vstr raid_class_r700_attachment"
seta raid_class_r700_tog "vstr raid_class_r700_weapon"
seta raid_class_r700_weapon "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_primary:remington700; set
raid_class_r700_tog vstr raid_class_r700_secondary"
seta raid_zi1 "cg_thirdPersonRange 120; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi2"
seta raid_zi10 "cg_thirdPersonRange 30; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi11"
seta raid_zi11 "cg_thirdPersonRange 20; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi12"
seta raid_zi12 "cg_thirdPersonRange 10; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi13"
seta raid_zi13 "cg_thirdPersonRange 0; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi14"
seta raid_zi14 "cg_thirdPerson 0; vstr raid_zi_wait"
seta raid_zi2 "cg_thirdPersonRange 110; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi3"
seta raid_zi3 "cg_thirdPersonRange 100; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi4"
seta raid_zi4 "cg_thirdPersonRange 90; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi5"
seta raid_zi5 "cg_thirdPersonRange 80; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi6"
seta raid_zi6 "cg_thirdPersonRange 70; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi7"
seta raid_zi7 "cg_thirdPersonRange 60; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi8"
seta raid_zi8 "cg_thirdPersonRange 50; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi9"
seta raid_zi9 "cg_thirdPersonRange 40; vstr raid_zi_wait; vstr raid_zi10"
seta raid_zi_wait "wait"
seta raid_zu1 "cg_thirdPerson 0; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu2"
seta raid_zu10 "cg_thirdPersonRange 80; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu11"
seta raid_zu11 "cg_thirdPersonRange 90; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu12"
seta raid_zu12 "cg_thirdPersonRange 100; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu13"
seta raid_zu13 "cg_thirdPersonRange 110; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu14"
seta raid_zu14 "cg_thirdPersonRange 120; vstr raid_zu_wait"
seta raid_zu2 "cg_thirdPerson 1; cg_thirdPersonRange 0; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr
seta raid_zu3 "cg_thirdPersonRange 10; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu4"
seta raid_zu4 "cg_thirdPersonRange 20; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu5"
seta raid_zu5 "cg_thirdPersonRange 30; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu6"
seta raid_zu6 "cg_thirdPersonRange 40; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu7"
seta raid_zu7 "cg_thirdPersonRange 50; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu8"
seta raid_zu8 "cg_thirdPersonRange 60; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu9"
seta raid_zu9 "cg_thirdPersonRange 70; vstr raid_zu_wait; vstr raid_zu10"
seta raid_zu_wait "wait"
seta rate "25000"
seta rbotter "cl_yawspeed 100;+left;wait 32.5;-left;vstr rbotter1"
seta rbotter1 "+sprint;+forward;wait 50;+moveright;+right;wait 25;cl_yawspeed 30
0;wait 80;vstr rbotter2"
seta rbotter2 "+gostand;-gostand;wait 10;cl_yawspeed 50;wait 50;-right;wait 150;
-forward;-sprint;-moveright;vstr rbotter3"
seta rbotter3 "-left"
seta rcance "weapnext"
seta rcon "1234"
seta rcon_password ""
seta rcone "12345"
seta ready "up_over"
seta ready_up "0"
seta readyup_over "1"
seta record1 "record CW/FW/ESL/LAN; set mystyl3record vstr record2"
seta record2 "stoprecord CW/FW;/ESL/LAN set mystyl3record vstr record1"
seta reloadcancel "weapnext; wait 2; weapprev"
seta reloadcancel2 "weapnext; wait 2; weapprev; +attack; wait 1"
seta rpg1 "+attack;wait 335;-attack;+gostand;-gostand;+back;wait 200;-back"
seta rpgperfect "vstr rpg1"
seta rpgswap "+actionslot 3;wait 5;weapnext"
seta rWfastSkin "0"
seta rWpicmip_spec "0"
seta rWrendererPreference "Shader model 2.0"
seta rWvsync "0"
seta s0 "0"
seta s1 "0"
seta s10 "0"
seta s100 "sensitivity 1.00 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s101 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s99"
seta s101 "sensitivity 1.02 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s102 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s100"
seta s102 "sensitivity 1.02 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s103 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s101"
seta s103 "sensitivity 1.03 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s104 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s102"
seta s104 "sensitivity 1.04 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s105 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s103"
seta s105 "sensitivity 1.05 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s106 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s104"
seta s106 "sensitivity 1.06 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s107 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s105"
seta s107 "sensitivity 1.07 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s108 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s106"
seta s108 "sensitivity 1.08 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s109 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s107"
seta s109 "sensitivity 1.09 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s110 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s108"
seta s11 "0"
seta s110 "sensitivity 1.10 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s111 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s109"
seta s111 "sensitivity 1.11 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s112 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s110"
seta s112 "sensitivity 1.12 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s113 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s111"
seta s113 "sensitivity 1.13 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s114 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s112"
seta s114 "sensitivity 1.14 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s115 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s113"
seta s115 "sensitivity 1.15 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s116 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s114"
seta s116 "sensitivity 1.16 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s117 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s115"
seta s117 "sensitivity 1.17 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s118 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s116"
seta s118 "sensitivity 1.18 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s119 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s117"
seta s119 "sensitivity 1.19 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s120 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s118"
seta s12 "0"
seta s120 "sensitivity 1.20 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s121 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s119"
seta s121 "sensitivity 1.21 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s122 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s120"
seta s122 "sensitivity 1.22 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s123 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s121"
seta s123 "sensitivity 1.23 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s124 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s122"
seta s124 "sensitivity 1.24 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s125 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s123"
seta s125 "sensitivity 1.25 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s126 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s124"
seta s126 "sensitivity 1.26 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s127 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s125"
seta s127 "sensitivity 1.27 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s128 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s126"
seta s128 "sensitivity 1.28 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s129 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s127"
seta s129 "sensitivity 1.29 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s130 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s128"
seta s13 "0"
seta s130 "sensitivity 1.30 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s131 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s129"
seta s131 "sensitivity 1.31 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s132 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s130"
seta s132 "sensitivity 1.32 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s133 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s131"
seta s133 "sensitivity 1.33 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s134 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s132"
seta s134 "sensitivity 1.34 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s135 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s133"
seta s135 "sensitivity 1.35 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s136 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s134"
seta s136 "sensitivity 1.36 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s137 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s135"
seta s137 "sensitivity 1.37 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s138 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s136"
seta s138 "sensitivity 1.38 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s139 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s137"
seta s139 "sensitivity 1.39 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s140 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s138"
seta s14 "0"
seta s140 "sensitivity 1.40 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s141 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s139"
seta s141 "sensitivity 1.41 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s142 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s140"
seta s142 "sensitivity 1.42 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s143 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s141"
seta s143 "sensitivity 1.43 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s144 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s142"
seta s144 "sensitivity 1.44 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s145 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s143"
seta s145 "sensitivity 1.45 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s146 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s144"
seta s146 "sensitivity 1.46 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s147 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s145"
seta s147 "sensitivity 1.47 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s148 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s146"
seta s148 "sensitivity 1.48 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s149 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s147"
seta s149 "sensitivity 1.49 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s150 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s148"
seta s15 "0"
seta s150 "sensitivity 1.50 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s151 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s149"
seta s151 "sensitivity 1.51 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s152 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s150"
seta s152 "sensitivity 1.52 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s153 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s151"
seta s153 "sensitivity 1.53 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s154 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s152"
seta s154 "sensitivity 1.54 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s155 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s153"
seta s155 "sensitivity 1.55 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s156 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s154"
seta s156 "sensitivity 1.56 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s157 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s155"
seta s157 "sensitivity 1.57 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s158 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s156"
seta s158 "sensitivity 1.58 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s159 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s157"
seta s159 "sensitivity 1.59 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s160 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s158"
seta s16 "0"
seta s160 "sensitivity 1.60 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s161 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s159"
seta s161 "sensitivity 1.61 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s162 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s160"
seta s162 "sensitivity 1.62 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s163 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s161"
seta s163 "sensitivity 1.63 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s164 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s162"
seta s164 "sensitivity 1.64 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s165 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s163"
seta s165 "sensitivity 1.65 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s166 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s164"
seta s166 "sensitivity 1.66 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s167 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s165"
seta s167 "sensitivity 1.67 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s168 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s166"
seta s168 "sensitivity 1.68 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s169 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s167"
seta s169 "sensitivity 1.69 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s170 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s168"
seta s17 "0"
seta s170 "sensitivity 1.70 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s171 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s169"
seta s171 "sensitivity 1.71 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s172 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s170"
seta s172 "sensitivity 1.72 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s173 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s171"
seta s173 "sensitivity 1.73 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s174 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s172"
seta s174 "sensitivity 1.74 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s175 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s173"
seta s175 "sensitivity 1.75 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s176 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s174"
seta s176 "sensitivity 1.76 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s177 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s175"
seta s177 "sensitivity 1.77 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s178 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s176"
seta s178 "sensitivity 1.78 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s179 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s177"
seta s179 "sensitivity 1.79 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s180 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s178"
seta s18 "0"
seta s180 "sensitivity 1.80 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s181 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s179"
seta s181 "sensitivity 1.81 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s182 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s180"
seta s182 "sensitivity 1.82 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s183 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s181"
seta s183 "sensitivity 1.83 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s184 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s182"
seta s184 "sensitivity 1.84 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s185 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s183"
seta s185 "sensitivity 1.85 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s186 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s184"
seta s186 "sensitivity 1.86 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s187 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s185"
seta s187 "sensitivity 1.87 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s188 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s186"
seta s188 "sensitivity 1.88 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s189 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s187"
seta s189 "sensitivity 1.89 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s190 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s188"
seta s19 "sensitivity 0.19 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s20 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s18"
seta s190 "sensitivity 1.90 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s191 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s189"
seta s191 "sensitivity 1.91 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s192 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s190"
seta s192 "sensitivity 1.92 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s193 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s191"
seta s193 "sensitivity 1.93 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s194 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s192"
seta s194 "sensitivity 1.94 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s195 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s193"
seta s195 "sensitivity 1.95 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s196 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s194"
seta s196 "sensitivity 1.96 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s197 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s195"
seta s197 "sensitivity 1.97 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s198 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s196"
seta s198 "sensitivity 1.98 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s199 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s197"
seta s199 "sensitivity 1.99 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s200 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s198"
seta s2 "0"
seta s20 "sensitivity 0.20 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s21 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s19"
seta s200 "sensitivity 2.00 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s200 ; set mystyl3se
nsitivitydown vstr s199"
seta s21 "sensitivity 0.21 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s22 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s20"
seta s22 "sensitivity 0.22 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s23 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s21"
seta s23 "sensitivity 0.23 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s24 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s22"
seta s24 "sensitivity 0.24 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s25 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s23"
seta s25 "sensitivity 0.25 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s26 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s24"
seta s26 "sensitivity 0.26 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s27 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s25"
seta s27 "sensitivity 0.27 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s28 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s26"
seta s28 "sensitivity 0.28 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s29 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s27"
seta s29 "sensitivity 0.29 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s30 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s28"
seta s3 "0"
seta s30 "sensitivity 0.30 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s31 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s29"
seta s31 "sensitivity 0.31 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr 32 ; set mystyl3sensi
tivitydown vstr s30"
seta s32 "sensitivity 0.32 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s33 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s31"
seta s33 "sensitivity 0.33 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s34 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s32"
seta s34 "sensitivity 0.34 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s35 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s33"
seta s35 "sensitivity 0.35 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s36 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s34"
seta s36 "sensitivity 0.36 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr 37 ; set mystyl3sensi
tivitydown vstr s35"
seta s37 "sensitivity 0.37 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s38 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s36"
seta s38 "sensitivity 0.38 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s39 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s37"
seta s39 "sensitivity 0.39 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s40 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s38"
seta s4 "0"
seta s40 "sensitivity 0.40 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s41 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s39"
seta s41 "sensitivity 0.41 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s42 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s40"
seta s42 "sensitivity 0.42 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s43 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s41"
seta s43 "sensitivity 0.43 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s44 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s42"
seta s44 "sensitivity 0.44 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s45 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s43"
seta s45 "sensitivity 0.45 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s46 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s44"
seta s46 "sensitivity 0.46 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s47 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s45"
seta s47 "sensitivity 0.47 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s48 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s46"
seta s48 "sensitivity 0.48 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s49 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s47"
seta s49 "sensitivity 0.49 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s50 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s48"
seta s5 "0"
seta s50 "sensitivity 0.50 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s51 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s49"
seta s51 "sensitivity 0.51 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s52 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s50"
seta s52 "sensitivity 0.52 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s53 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s51"
seta s53 "sensitivity 0.53 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s54 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s52"
seta s54 "sensitivity 0.54 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s55 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s53"
seta s55 "sensitivity 0.55 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s56 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s54"
seta s56 "sensitivity 0.56 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s57 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s55"
seta s57 "sensitivity 0.57 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s58 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s56"
seta s58 "sensitivity 0.58 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s59 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s57"
seta s59 "sensitivity 0.59 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s60 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s58"
seta s6 "0"
seta s60 "sensitivity 0.60 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s61 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s59"
seta s61 "sensitivity 0.61 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s62 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s60"
seta s62 "sensitivity 0.62 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s63 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s61"
seta s63 "sensitivity 0.63 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s64 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s62"
seta s64 "sensitivity 0.64 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s65 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s63"
seta s65 "sensitivity 0.65 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s66 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s64"
seta s66 "sensitivity 0.66 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s67 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s65"
seta s67 "sensitivity 0.67 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s68 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s66"
seta s68 "sensitivity 0.68 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s69 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s67"
seta s69 "sensitivity 0.69 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s70 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s68"
seta s7 "0"
seta s70 "sensitivity 0.70 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s71 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s69"
seta s71 "sensitivity 0.71 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s72 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s70"
seta s72 "sensitivity 0.72 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s73 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s71"
seta s73 "sensitivity 0.73 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s74 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s72"
seta s74 "sensitivity 0.74 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s75 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s73"
seta s75 "sensitivity 0.75 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s76 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s74"
seta s76 "sensitivity 0.76 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s77 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s75"
seta s77 "sensitivity 0.77 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s78 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s76"
seta s78 "sensitivity 0.78 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s79 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s77"
seta s79 "sensitivity 0.79 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s80 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s78"
seta s8 "0"
seta s80 "sensitivity 0.80 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s81 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s79"
seta s81 "sensitivity 0.81 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s82 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s80"
seta s82 "sensitivity 0.82 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s83 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s81"
seta s83 "sensitivity 0.83 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s84 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s82"
seta s84 "sensitivity 0.84 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s85 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s83"
seta s85 "sensitivity 0.85 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s86 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s84"
seta s86 "sensitivity 0.86 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s87 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s85"
seta s87 "sensitivity 0.87 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s88 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s86"
seta s88 "sensitivity 0.88 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s89 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s87"
seta s89 "sensitivity 0.89 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s90 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s88"
seta s9 "0"
seta s90 "sensitivity 0.90 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s91 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s89"
seta s91 "sensitivity 0.91 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s92 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s90"
seta s92 "sensitivity 0.92 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s93 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s91"
seta s93 "sensitivity 0.93 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s94 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s92"
seta s94 "sensitivity 0.94 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s95 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s93"
seta s95 "sensitivity 0.95 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s96 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s94"
seta s96 "sensitivity 0.96 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s97 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s95"
seta s97 "sensitivity 0.97 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s98 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s96"
seta s98 "sensitivity 0.98 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s99 ; set mystyl3sens
itivitydown vstr s97"
seta s99 "sensitivity 0.99 ; set mystyl3sensitivityup vstr s100 ; set mystyl3sen
sitivitydown vstr s98"
seta s_chunksize "8192"
seta s_distance "80.0"
seta s_doppler "1"
seta s_khz "22"
seta s_loadas8bit "1"
seta s_max_distance "600.0"
seta s_min_distance "4.5"
seta s_mixahead "0.2"
seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"
seta s_musicvolume "0.0"
seta s_separation "0.9"
seta s_volume "0.7"
seta s_volumeVoice "1.0"
seta safeArea_horizontal "0.85"
seta safeArea_vertical "0.85"
seta sc_blur "2"
seta sc_count "24"
seta sc_debugReceiverCount "24"
seta sc_enable "0"
seta sc_fadeRange "0.25"
seta sc_length "400"
seta sc_offscreenCasterLodBias "0"
seta sc_offscreenCasterLodScale "20"
seta sc_shadowInRate "2"
seta sc_shadowOutRate "5"
seta sc_showDebug "0"
seta sc_showOverlay "0"
seta sc_wantCount "12"
seta sc_wantCountMargin "1"
seta scr_allies "usmc"
seta scr_art_tweak "1"
seta scr_art_tweak_message "1"
seta scr_axis "arab"
seta scr_conspeed "9999"
seta scr_deleteexplosivesonspawn "0"
seta scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0"
seta scr_dm_roundlimit "1"
seta scr_dm_scorelimit "0"
seta scr_dm_timelimit "10"
seta scr_drawfriend "1"
seta scr_enable_scoretext "1"
seta scr_fog_disable "0"
seta scr_friendlyfire "0"
seta scr_game_hardcore "1"
seta scr_game_matchstarttime "10"
seta scr_game_playerwaittime "15"
seta scr_game_spectatetype "1"
seta scr_gametype "sd"
seta scr_invert "0"
seta scr_killcam "1"
seta scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0"
seta scr_sd_bombtimer "45"
seta scr_sd_multibomb "0"
seta scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0"
seta scr_sd_roundlimit "20"
seta scr_sd_roundswitch "10"
seta scr_sd_scorelimit "0"
seta scr_sd_timelimit "1.75"
seta scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0"
seta scr_showperksonspawn "1"
seta scr_team_respawntime "0"
seta scr_testclients "5"
seta scr_war_numlives "0"
seta scr_war_playerrespawndelay "0"
seta scr_war_roundlimit "2"
seta scr_war_scorelimit "0"
seta scr_war_timelimit "15"
seta sensitivity "1.24"
seta server1 ""
seta server10 ""
seta server11 ""
seta server12 ""
seta server13 ""
seta server14 ""
seta server15 ""
seta server16 ""
seta server2 ""
seta server3 ""
seta server4 ""
seta server5 ""
seta server6 ""
seta server7 ""
seta server8 ""
seta server9 ""
seta set "readyup_over 1"
seta set_readyup "1"
seta seta "ai_corpseCount 0"
seta sfd_enableEq "1"
seta shot1 "say Nice Shot; set comment_shot vstr shot2"
seta shot2 "say Good Shot; set comment_shot vstr shot3"
seta shot3 "say Great Shot; set comment_shot vstr shot1"
seta SlowBack "+back;wait 5;-back"
seta SlowMo "+back;wait 3;-back"
seta SlowUp "+forward;wait 5;-forward"
seta sm_enable "0"
seta sm_lightScore_eyeProjectDist "64"
seta sm_maxLights "0"
seta sm_polygonoddsetbias "32"
seta sm_polygonOffsetBias "0.5"
seta sm_polygonOffsetScale "2"
seta sm_spotEnable "1"
seta sm_spotShadowFadeTime "1"
seta sm_sunEnable "1"
seta sm_sunSampleSizeNear "0.25"
seta sm_sunShadowScale "1"
seta smile1 "say ^3:) ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile2"
seta smile10 "say ^1:X ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile11"
seta smile11 "say ^7xD ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile12"
seta smile12 "say ^9o_* ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile13"
seta smile13 "say ^6:-[> ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile14"
seta smile14 "say ^5q.) ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile15"
seta smile15 "say ^6q:) ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile16"
seta smile16 "say ^20_0 ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile17"
seta smile17 "say ^1:_( ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile18"
seta smile18 "say ^1:_) ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile19"
seta smile19 "say ^9:( ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile1"
seta smile2 "say ^1]:-> ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile3"
seta smile3 "say ^1O_x ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile4"
seta smile4 "say ^2O_o ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile5"
seta smile5 "say ^2o_Q ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile6"
seta smile6 "say ^4*_* ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile7"
seta smile7 "say ^7:>> ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile8"
seta smile8 "say ^1:O ; set mystyl3smiles vstr smile10"
seta smoke "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_grenade:smoke_grenade; set "
seta smoke1 "+smoke"
seta smoke2 "-smoke"
seta sn_enable "1"
seta snaps "30"
seta snd_bits "16"
seta snd_cifematicVolumeScade "0.85"
seta snd_cinematicVolumeScale "0.85"
seta snd_debugReplace "0"
seta snd_distanceLpf "-30"
seta snd_dlpf_max_distance "3000"
seta snd_dlpf_min_distance "800"
seta snd_dopplerRate "2.75"
seta snd_dopplerScale "25"
seta snd_draw3D "Off"
seta snd_drawEqChannels "0"
seta snd_drawEqEnts "0"
seta snd_drawInfo "None"
seta snd_enable2D "1"
seta snd_enable3D "1"
seta snd_enableEq "0"
seta snd_enableReverb "1"
seta snd_enableStream "1"
seta snd_errorOnMissing "0"
seta snd_flux_separation "0"
seta snd_global_attenuation "-2"
seta snd_isbig_distance "1000"
seta snd_khz "44"
seta snd_levelFadeTime "250"
seta snd_losOcclusion "0"
seta snd_menu_master "1"
seta snd_menu_music "0.0178571"
seta snd_menu_sfx "1"
seta snd_menu_voice "0"
seta snd_occlusion_attenuation "0"
seta snd_occlusion_cull_distance "2000"
seta snd_occlusion_rate "40"
seta snd_omnidirectionalPercentage "0"
seta snd_outputConfiguration "Windows default"
seta snd_pitch_timescale "0"
seta snd_playing_priority_boost "10"
seta snd_realDelay "0"
seta snd_reportSndAliasErrors "1"
seta snd_skip_muted_sounds "0"
seta snd_slaveFadeInTime "0.15"
seta snd_slaveFadeOutTime "0.25"
seta snd_slaveFadeTime "500"
seta snd_speakerConfiguration "Stereo"
seta snd_stereo "0"
seta snd_touchStreamFilesGnLoad "0"
seta snd_touchStreamFilesOnLoad "0"
seta snd_volume "1"
seta snd_water_occlusion_attenuation "0"
seta snd_water_occlusion_distance "60"
seta snd_water_occlusion_minimum "-8"
seta snd_water_omni_amount "0.5"
seta snd_water_omni_distance "60"
seta snd_water_pitch_amount "0.9"
seta snd_water_pitch_distance "30"
seta sqs_configSum "43?9996"
seta strafe1 "cl_yawspeed 100;+sprint;+forward;wait 15;+moveleft;+left;wait 30;c
l_yawspeed 300;wait 35;+gostand;-gostand;vstr strafe2"
seta strafe2 "wait 20;cl_yawspeed 140;-left;wait 150;-forward;-sprint;-moveleft"
seta striker "callvote map tRk3"
seta stun "openscriptmenu -1 loadout_grenade:concussion_grenade; set "
seta sunlighttweak0 "r_lighttweaksunlight 0.8; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak1"
seta sunlighttweak1 "r_lighttweaksunlight 0.9; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak2"
seta sunlighttweak2 "r_lighttweaksunlight 1; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak3"
seta sunlighttweak3 "r_lighttweaksunlight 1.1; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak4"
seta sunlighttweak4 "r_lighttweaksunlight 1.2; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak5"
seta sunlighttweak5 "r_lighttweaksunlight 1.33; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak6
seta sunlighttweak6 "r_lighttweaksunlight 1.5; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak7"
seta sunlighttweak7 "r_lighttweaksunlight 2; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak8"
seta sunlighttweak8 "r_lighttweaksunlight 3; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak9"
seta sunlighttweak9 "r_lighttweaksunlight 4; set light_up vstr sunlighttweak0"
seta sv_aldowDownload "1"
seta sv_allowDownload "1"
seta sv_cheats "0"
seta sv_clientSideBullets "1"
seta sv_clientsidebullits "1 "
seta sv_connectTimeout "45"
seta sv_floodprotect "4"
seta sv_fps "20"
seta sv_framerate_smoothing "1"
seta sv_hostname "heyYEyeyEYeE"
seta sv_kickBanTime "0"
seta sv_lanForceRate "1"
seta sv_lastSaveGame "profiles/raz/save\autosave/bog_a-10.svg"
seta sv_linerd3 "iba so mnou"
seta sv_linerd4 ""
seta sv_linerd5 ""
seta sv_linerd6 ""
seta sv_linerd7 ""
seta sv_linerd8 ""
seta sv_master2 ""
seta sv_master3 ""
seta sv_master4 ""
seta sv_master5 ""
seta sv_maxclients "12"
seta sv_maxclimnts "16"
seta sv_maxPing "0"
seta sv_maxRate "25000"
seta sv_mifPing "0"
seta sv_minPing "0"
seta sv_pam "1"
seta sv_punkbuster "0"
seta sv_pure "1"
seta sv_rddelay "5"
seta sv_reconnectlimit "3"
seta sv_running "0"
seta sv_saveOnStartMap "0"
seta sv_strictAuth "1"
seta sv_voice "0"
seta sv_voiceQuality "3"
seta sv_wwwBaseURL ""
seta sv_wwwDdDisconnected "1"
seta sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"
seta sv_wwwDowfload "0"
seta sv_wwwDownload "0"
seta sys_configSum "4379996"
seta sys_configureGHz "9.76107"
seta sys_configureMHz ""
seta sys_cpu "AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor (6 CPUs), ~3.2GHz"
seta sys_cpuGHz "2.89999"
seta sys_cpuMHz "1800.05"
seta sys_gpu "ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM v1.1)"
seta sys_memory "4x4096 G-Skill 1333mhz"
seta sys_motherboard "Asus M4A88T-V Evo 880G AM3 ATX"
seta sys_mouse "Logitech G500 1600dpi"
seta sys_SSE "1"
seta sys_sysMB "1024"
seta sys_vidMB "1024"
seta t1 "openscriptmenu quickresponses 6; set t3 vstr t2"
seta t2 "openscriptmenu quickresponses 5; set t3 vstr t1"
seta takeCoverWarnings "0"
seta talkative "openscriptmenu quickresponses 6; wait 500 openscriptmenu quickre
sponses 5"
seta team_indicator "0"
seta thereisacow "1337"
seta thiscfgwascreated "24.11.2009byparadox:)"
seta timedemo "0"
seta timescale "1"
seta ua_browserShowDedicated "1"
seta ua_currentNetMap "11"
seta ufo "1"
seta ui_bigFont "0.4"
seta ui_bomb_timer "0"
seta ui_browserFriendlyfire "-1"
seta ui_browserGameType "0"
seta ui_browserHardcore "-1"
seta ui_browserKillcam "-1"
seta ui_browserMaster "0"
seta ui_browserMod "1"
seta ui_browserOldSchool "-1"
seta ui_browserShowDedicated "0"
seta ui_browserShowEmpty "1"
seta ui_browserShowFull "1"
seta ui_browserShowNoPassword "1"
seta ui_browserShowPassword "0"
seta ui_browserShowPunkBuster "-1"
seta ui_browserShowPure "1"
seta ui_browserSortKey "4"
seta ui_browserTimeoutsAllowed "-1"
seta ui_connectScreenTextGlowColor "0.3 0.6 0.3 1"
seta ui_currentMap "1"
seta ui_currentNetMap "1"
seta ui_dedacated "0"
seta ui_dedicated "0"
seta ui_drawCrosshair "1"
seta ui_drawCrosshairNames "0"
seta ui_extraBigFont "0.55"
seta ui_gametype "0"
seta ui_hud_hardcore "1"
seta ui_hud_obituaries "1"
seta ui_hud_showobjicons "1"
seta ui_joanGametype "0"
seta ui_joinGametype "5"
seta ui_jrowserShowFull "*0 "
seta ui_mapIndex "3"
seta ui_maxclients "32"
seta ui_mousePitch "0"
seta ui_netGametype "4"
seta ui_netGametypeName "war"
seta ui_netSource "1"
seta ui_perk1_slot "155"
seta ui_perk2_selection "160"
seta ui_perk_highlighted "specialty_bulletaccuracy"
seta ui_score_bar "0"
seta ui_serverStatusTimeOut "7000"
seta ui_showEndOfGame "0"
seta ui_showList "0"
seta ui_smadlFont "0.25"
seta ui_smallFont "0.25"
seta uiWbrowserKillcam "-1"
seta ultim "god 1"
seta unbind "9"
seta uV_enable "vstr uV_list1"
seta uV_list1 "r_smc_enable 0;r_distortion 0;r_desaturation 0;r_specularcolorsca
le 2.3;vid_xpos 3;vid_ypos 22;sc_enable 0;r_dlightLimit 0;dynent_active 0;phys_a
utodisabletime 0;bg_bobMax 0;bg_bobAmplitudeStanding 0;vstr uV_list2"
seta uV_list2 "bg_bobAmplitudeSprinting 0;bg_bobAmplitudeDucked 0 0;bg_bobAmplit
udeProne 0 0;r_fog 0;r_filmUseTweaks 1;r_filmTweakEnable 1;r_filmTweakLightTint
1 1 1;r_filmTweakBrightness 0.125;r_glow_allowed 0;vstr uV_list3"
seta uV_list3 "r_glowUseTweaks 1;scr_art_tweak 1;sm_enable 1;r_lightTweakSunLigh
t 2.2;ui_hud_hardcore 1;r_normal 1;r_filmTweakDesaturation 0;r_normalMap 1"
seta uV_zoomIn "vstr zoomList1"
seta v1 "vstr v1_5"
seta v1_0 "set v1 vstr v1_1; say ^3s^0Z^3e^0V^3a"
seta v1_1 "set v1 vstr v1_2; say ^3s^0Z^3a^0S^3z"
seta v1_2 "set v1 vstr v1_3; say ^3|^0-^3| y"
seta v1_3 "set v1 vstr v1_4; say ^3|^0-^3|eLL^0()"
seta v1_4 "set v1 vstr v1_5; say ^3s^0Z^3i^0A"
seta v1_5 "set v1 vstr v1_0; say ^3c^0S^3u]^0M^3[y"
seta v2 "vstr v2_3"
seta v2_0 "set v2 vstr v2_1; say ^1[ ^3 A^0hhhhhhhhhh^4... ^1]"
seta v2_1 "set v2 vstr v2_2; say ^1[ ^3 Wa^0zzzzZZ^3eeee.... ^1]"
seta v2_2 "set v2 vstr v2_3; say ^1[ ^3 Ge^0cccc^3C... ^1]"
seta v2_3 "set v2 vstr v2_0; say ^1[ ^3 piT^0cha^3Bae ^1]"
seta v3 "vstr v3_1"
seta v3_0 "set v3 vstr v3_1; say ^1[ ^0:^3Dl^0OOO^3lLLL ^1]"
seta v3_1 "set v3 vstr v3_2; say ^1[ ^3Loo^0OOO^3ooOOLllll ^1]"
seta v3_2 "set v3 vstr v3_3; say ^1[ ^3l^0o^3l ^1]"
seta v3_3 "set v3 vstr v3_4; say ^1[ ^3Looooo^0.^3OOOOll ^1]"
seta v3_4 "set v3 vstr v3_5; say ^1[ ^3Loo^0LL^3aaaaaa ^1]"
seta v3_5 "set v3 vstr v3_6; say ^1[ ^3l^0o^3l^0o^3l^0o^3l^0o^3l^0o^3l^0o^3l^0o^
3l ^0x^3D ^1]"
seta v3_6 "set v3 vstr v3_7; say ^1[ ^3 |^000^3| ^1]"
seta v3_7 "set v3 vstr v3_8; say ^1[ ^3 |^0(^3o^0)^0(^3o^0)^3l ^1]"
seta v3_8 "set v3 vstr v3_9; say ^1[ ^3 _|^000^3|_ ^1]"
seta v3_9 "set v3 vstr v3_0; say ^1[ ^3 |_^0oOo^3|_ ^1]"
seta v4 "vstr v4_2"
seta v4_0 "set v4 vstr v4_1; say ^0[ ^3 Nyomore'K... ^0]"
seta v4_1 "set v4 vstr v4_2; say ^0[ ^3 DebiL... ^0]"
seta v4_2 "set v4 vstr v4_3; say ^0[ ^3 Barom... ^0]"
seta v4_3 "set v4 vstr v4_0; say ^0[ ^3 Ostoba.. ^0]"
seta v5 "vstr v5_5"
seta v5_0 "set v5 vstr v5_1; say ^0[ ^3 Mond apa^0'^3dnak ^0szarjon^3 su^0''^3nT
... ^0]"
seta v5_1 "set v5 vstr v5_2; say ^0[ ^3 Elme^0'^3sza^0'm a^3 ....^3!! ^0]"
seta v5_2 "set v5 vstr v5_3; say ^0[ ^0 Fasz^3fej^0!!^3!!! ^0]"
seta v5_3 "set v5 vstr v5_4; say ^0[ ^3 Cso^0'^3Kold ^0Meg a ^0seg^3geM!! ^0]"
seta v5_4 "set v5 vstr v5_5; say ^0[ ^3 ^0BaZd^3MeG^0]"
seta v5_5 "set v5 vstr v5_6; say ^0[ ^3 Idio'ta^0]"
seta v5_6 "set v5 vstr v5_7; say ^0[ ^3 ^0Szar^3Darab..^0]"
seta v5_7 "set v5 vstr v5_0; say ^0[ ^3 Szopj^0'^3l ^0sZart^3..!!^0]"
seta v6 "vstr v6_0"
seta v6_0 "set v6 vstr v6_1; say ^0:^3)"
seta v6_1 "set v6 vstr v6_2; say ^0=^3)"
seta v6_2 "set v6 vstr v6_3; say ^0x^3D"
seta v6_3 "set v6 vstr v6_4; say ^0x^3]"
seta v6_4 "set v6 vstr v6_5; say ^0]x^3D"
seta v6_5 "set v6 vstr v6_0; say ^0x^3DD"
seta v7_0 ""
seta v_ad "vstr v_ad_01"
seta v_ad_00 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 0; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_01; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 FiX ^1]"
seta v_ad_01 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 1; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_02; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^11^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ad_02 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 5; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_03; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^15^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ad_03 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 10; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_04; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^110^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ad_04 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 15; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_05; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^115^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ad_05 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 20; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_06; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^120^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ad_06 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 25; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_07; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^125^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ad_07 "seta hud_fade_ammodisplay 30; seta v_ad vstr v_ad_00; say_team ^1[
^5Lo''sZeR kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^130^5seC ^1]"
seta v_am "vstr v_am_0"
seta v_am_0 "seta com_hunkMegs 256; seta v_am vstr v_am_1; say_team ^1[ ^5LeFoGl
aL'][' ]M[e]M[o'riA ^1][ ^1 256^5MB ^1]"
seta v_am_1 "seta com_hunkMegs 333; seta v_am vstr v_am_2; say_team ^1[ ^5LeFoGl
aL'][' ]M[e]M[o'riA ^1][ ^1 333^5MB ^1]"
seta v_am_2 "seta com_hunkMegs 512; seta v_am vstr v_am_3; say_team ^1[ ^5LeFoGl
aL'][' ]M[e]M[o'riA ^1][ ^1 512^5MB ^1]"
seta v_am_3 "seta com_hunkMegs 768; seta v_am vstr v_am_4; say_team ^1[ ^5LeFoGl
aL'][' ]M[e]M[o'riA ^1][ ^1 768^5MB ^1]"
seta v_am_4 "seta com_hunkMegs 1024; seta v_am vstr v_am_5; say_team ^1[ ^5LeFoG
laL'][' ]M[e]M[o'riA ^1][ ^1 1024^5MB ^1]"
seta v_am_5 "seta com_hunkMegs 1256; seta v_am vstr v_am_0; say_team ^1[ ^5LeFoG
laL'][' ]M[e]M[o'riA ^1][ ^1 1256^5MB ^1]"
seta v_cd "vstr v_cd_01"
seta v_cd_00 "seta hud_fade_compass 0; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_01; say_team ^1[ ^5Ir
a'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 FiX ^1]"
seta v_cd_01 "seta hud_fade_compass 1; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_02; say_team ^1[ ^5Ir
a'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^11^5seC ^1]"
seta v_cd_02 "seta hud_fade_compass 5; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_03; say_team ^1[ ^5Ir
a'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^15^5seC ^1]"
seta v_cd_03 "seta hud_fade_compass 10; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_04; say_team ^1[ ^5I
ra'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^110^5seC ^1]"
seta v_cd_04 "seta hud_fade_compass 15; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_05; say_team ^1[ ^5I
ra'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^115^5seC ^1]"
seta v_cd_05 "seta hud_fade_compass 20; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_06; say_team ^1[ ^5I
ra'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^120^5seC ^1]"
seta v_cd_06 "seta hud_fade_compass 25; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_07; say_team ^1[ ^5I
ra'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^125^5seC ^1]"
seta v_cd_07 "seta hud_fade_compass 30; seta v_cd vstr v_cd_00; say_team ^1[ ^5I
ra'Ny']['u'' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^130^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ch "vstr v_ch00"
seta v_ch00 "seta cg_chatheight 1; seta v_ch vstr v_ch01; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^11^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch01 "seta cg_chatheight 2; seta v_ch vstr v_ch02; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^12^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch02 "seta cg_chatheight 3; seta v_ch vstr v_ch03; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^13^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch03 "seta cg_chatheight 4; seta v_ch vstr v_ch04; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^14^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch04 "seta cg_chatheight 5; seta v_ch vstr v_ch05; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^15^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch05 "seta cg_chatheight 6; seta v_ch vstr v_ch06; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^16^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch06 "seta cg_chatheight 7; seta v_ch vstr v_ch07; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^17^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_ch07 "seta cg_chatheight 8; seta v_ch vstr v_ch00; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' ]M[agaSSaG ^1][^5 ^18^5VoNaL ^1]"
seta v_cp_00 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 0; seta v_cp_down vstr v_cp_01"
seta v_cp_01 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 5; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_00; seta v_cp_
down vstr v_cp_02"
seta v_cp_02 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 10; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_01; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_03"
seta v_cp_03 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 20; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_02; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_04"
seta v_cp_04 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 30; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_03; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_05"
seta v_cp_05 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 40; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_04; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_06"
seta v_cp_06 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 50; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_05; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_07"
seta v_cp_07 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 60; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_06; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_08"
seta v_cp_08 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 70; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_07; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_09"
seta v_cp_09 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 80; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_08; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_10"
seta v_cp_10 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 90; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_09; seta v_cp
_down vstr v_cp_11"
seta v_cp_11 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 100; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_10; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_12"
seta v_cp_12 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 110; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_11; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_13"
seta v_cp_13 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 120; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_12; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_14"
seta v_cp_14 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 130; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_13; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_15"
seta v_cp_15 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 140; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_14; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_16"
seta v_cp_16 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 150; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_15; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_17"
seta v_cp_17 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 160; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_16; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_18"
seta v_cp_18 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 170; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_17; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_19"
seta v_cp_19 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 180; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_18; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_20"
seta v_cp_20 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 190; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_19; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_21"
seta v_cp_21 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 200; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_20; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_22"
seta v_cp_22 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 210; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_21; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_23"
seta v_cp_23 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 220; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_22; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_24"
seta v_cp_24 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 230; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_23; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_25"
seta v_cp_25 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 240; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_24; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_26"
seta v_cp_26 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 250; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_25; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_27"
seta v_cp_27 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 260; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_26; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_28"
seta v_cp_28 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 270; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_27; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_29"
seta v_cp_29 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 280; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_28; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_30"
seta v_cp_30 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 290; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_29; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_31"
seta v_cp_31 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 300; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_30; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_32"
seta v_cp_32 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 310; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_31; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_33"
seta v_cp_33 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 320; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_32; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_34"
seta v_cp_34 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 330; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_33; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_35"
seta v_cp_35 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 340; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_34; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_36"
seta v_cp_36 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 350; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_35; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_37"
seta v_cp_37 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 360; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_36; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_38"
seta v_cp_38 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 370; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_37; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_39"
seta v_cp_39 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 380; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_38; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_40"
seta v_cp_40 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 390; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_39; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_41"
seta v_cp_41 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 400; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_40; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_42"
seta v_cp_42 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 410; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_41; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_43"
seta v_cp_43 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 420; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_42; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_44"
seta v_cp_44 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 430; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_43; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_45"
seta v_cp_45 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 440; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_44; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_46"
seta v_cp_46 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 450; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_45; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_47"
seta v_cp_47 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 460; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_46; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_48"
seta v_cp_48 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 470; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_47; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_49"
seta v_cp_49 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 480; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_48; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_50"
seta v_cp_50 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 490; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_49; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_51"
seta v_cp_51 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 500; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_50; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_52"
seta v_cp_52 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 510; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_51; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_53"
seta v_cp_53 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 520; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_52; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_54"
seta v_cp_54 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 530; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_53; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_55"
seta v_cp_55 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 540; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_54; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_56"
seta v_cp_56 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 550; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_55; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_57"
seta v_cp_57 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 560; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_56; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_58"
seta v_cp_58 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 570; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_57; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_59"
seta v_cp_59 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 580; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_58; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_60"
seta v_cp_60 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 590; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_59; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_61"
seta v_cp_61 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 600; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_60; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_62"
seta v_cp_62 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 610; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_61; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_63"
seta v_cp_63 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 620; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_62; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_64"
seta v_cp_64 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 630; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_63; seta v_c
p_down vstr v_cp_65"
seta v_cp_65 "seta cg_hudchatposition 0 640; seta v_cp_up vstr v_cp_64"
seta v_cp_down "vstr v_cp_12"
seta v_cp_up "vstr v_cp_10"
seta v_ct "vstr v_ct01"
seta v_ct00 "seta cg_chattime 500; seta v_ct vstr v_ct01; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a']
[' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^10.5^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct01 "seta cg_chattime 1000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct02; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^11^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct02 "seta cg_chattime 2000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct03; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^12^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct03 "seta cg_chattime 3000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct04; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^13^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct04 "seta cg_chattime 4000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct05; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^14^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct05 "seta cg_chattime 5000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct06; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^15^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct06 "seta cg_chattime 6000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct07; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^16^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct07 "seta cg_chattime 7000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct08; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^17^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct08 "seta cg_chattime 8000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct09; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^18^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct09 "seta cg_chattime 9000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct10; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a'
][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^19^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct10 "seta cg_chattime 10000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct11; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^110^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct11 "seta cg_chattime 15000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct12; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^115^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct12 "seta cg_chattime 20000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct13; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^120^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct13 "seta cg_chattime 25000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct14; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^125^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct14 "seta cg_chattime 30000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct15; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^130^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct15 "seta cg_chattime 35000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct16; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^135^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct16 "seta cg_chattime 40000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct17; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^140^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct17 "seta cg_chattime 45000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct18; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^145^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct18 "seta cg_chattime 50000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct19; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^150^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct19 "seta cg_chattime 55000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct20; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^155^5seC ^1]"
seta v_ct20 "seta cg_chattime 60000; seta v_ct vstr v_ct01; say_team ^1[ ^5C|-|a
'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^160^5seC ^1]"
seta v_demo "vstr v_demo_start"
seta v_demo_start "record; say_team ^3[ ^0S']['ar'][' dE]M[() rEC()rDiNg? ^3]; s
et v_demo vstr v_demo_stop"
seta v_demo_stop "stoprecord; say_team ^3[ ^0S']['()p dE]M[() rEC()rDiNg? ^3]; s
eta v_demo vstr v_demo_start"
seta v_fps "vstr v_fps_on"
seta v_fps_off "seta cg_drawfps 0; seta v_fps vstr v_fps_on"
seta v_fps_on "seta cg_drawfps 1; seta v_fps vstr v_fps_off"
seta v_gd "vstr v_gd_01"
seta v_gd_00 "seta hud_fade_offhand 0; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_01; say_team ^1[ ^5Gr
a'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 FiX ^1]"
seta v_gd_01 "seta hud_fade_offhand 1; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_02; say_team ^1[ ^5Gr
a'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^11^5seC ^1]"
seta v_gd_02 "seta hud_fade_offhand 5; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_03; say_team ^1[ ^5Gr
a'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^15^5seC ^1]"
seta v_gd_03 "seta hud_fade_offhand 10; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_04; say_team ^1[ ^5G
ra'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^110^5seC ^1]"
seta v_gd_04 "seta hud_fade_offhand 15; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_05; say_team ^1[ ^5G
ra'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^115^5seC ^1]"
seta v_gd_05 "seta hud_fade_offhand 20; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_06; say_team ^1[ ^5G
ra'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^120^5seC ^1]"
seta v_gd_06 "seta hud_fade_offhand 25; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_07; say_team ^1[ ^5G
ra'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^125^5seC ^1]"
seta v_gd_07 "seta hud_fade_offhand 30; seta v_gd vstr v_gd_00; say_team ^1[ ^5G
ra'Na''][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^130^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd "vstr v_hd_01"
seta v_hd_00 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 0; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_01; say_team ^1[ ^5
E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 FiX ^1]"
seta v_hd_01 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 1; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_02; say_team ^1[ ^5
E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^11^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd_02 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 5; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_03; say_team ^1[ ^5
E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^15^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd_03 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 10; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_04; say_team ^1[ ^
5E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^110^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd_04 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 15; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_05; say_team ^1[ ^
5E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^115^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd_05 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 20; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_06; say_team ^1[ ^
5E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^120^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd_06 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 25; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_07; say_team ^1[ ^
5E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^125^5seC ^1]"
seta v_hd_07 "seta hud_fade_healthbar 30; seta v_hd vstr v_hd_00; say_team ^1[ ^
5E'le']['csiK kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^130^5seC ^1]"
seta v_mp "vstr v_mp_3"
seta v_mp_0 "seta cl_maxpackets 30; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_1; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^130^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_1 "seta cl_maxpackets 40; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_2; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^140^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_2 "seta cl_maxpackets 50; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_3; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^150^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_3 "seta cl_maxpackets 60; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_4; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^160^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_4 "seta cl_maxpackets 70; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_5; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^170^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_5 "seta cl_maxpackets 80; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_6; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^180^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_6 "seta cl_maxpackets 90; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_7; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^190^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mp_7 "seta cl_maxpackets 100; seta v_mp vstr v_mp_0; say_team ^1[ ^5]M[aX
PaCke']['s ^1][ ^1100^5/sec ^1]"
seta v_mute "vstr v_mute_on"
seta v_mute_off "setfromdvar snd_volume v_volume; seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; ^4
seta v_mute_on "setfromdvar v_volume snd_volume; set snd_volume 0; seta v_mute v
str v_mute_off; ^4m^7ute^4!"
seta v_name "vstr v_name_01"
seta v_name_00 "seta v_name vstr v_name_01; exec name.cfg"
seta v_name_01 "seta v_name vstr v_name_00; exec name1.cfg"
seta v_pd "vstr v_pd_on"
seta v_pd_off "seta cl_packetdup 0; seta v_pd vstr v_pd_on; say_team ^1[ ^5PaCke
'][ DuPla'za's ^1][ ^5Ki ^1]"
seta v_pd_on "seta cl_packetdup 1; seta v_pd vstr v_pd_off; say_team ^1[ ^5PaCke
'][ DuPla'za's ^1][ ^5Be ^1]"
seta v_sd "vstr v_sd_02"
seta v_sd_00 "seta hud_fade_stance 0; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_01; say_team ^1[ ^5|-|
eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 Fix ^1]"
seta v_sd_01 "seta hud_fade_stance 1; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_02; say_team ^1[ ^5|-|
eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^11^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sd_02 "seta hud_fade_stance 5; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_03; say_team ^1[ ^5|-|
eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^15^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sd_03 "seta hud_fade_stance 10; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_04; say_team ^1[ ^5|-
|eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^110^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sd_04 "seta hud_fade_stance 15; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_05; say_team ^1[ ^5|-
|eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^115^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sd_05 "seta hud_fade_stance 20; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_06; say_team ^1[ ^5|-
|eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^120^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sd_06 "seta hud_fade_stance 25; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_07; say_team ^1[ ^5|-
|eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^125^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sd_07 "seta hud_fade_stance 30; seta v_sd vstr v_sd_00; say_team ^1[ ^5|-
|eLyZe'][' kiJelZo'' iDo'' ^1][ ^5 ^130^5seC ^1]"
seta v_sp_00 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 0; seta v_sp_down vstr v_sp_01"
seta v_sp_01 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 5; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_00; seta v_sp_d
own vstr v_sp_02"
seta v_sp_02 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 15; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_01; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_03"
seta v_sp_03 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 25; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_02; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_04"
seta v_sp_04 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 35; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_03; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_05"
seta v_sp_05 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 45; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_04; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_06"
seta v_sp_06 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 55; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_05; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_07"
seta v_sp_07 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 65; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_06; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_08"
seta v_sp_08 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 75; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_07; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_09"
seta v_sp_09 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 85; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_08; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_10"
seta v_sp_10 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 95; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_09; seta v_sp_
down vstr v_sp_11"
seta v_sp_11 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 105; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_10; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_12"
seta v_sp_12 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 115; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_11; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_13"
seta v_sp_13 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 125; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_12; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_14"
seta v_sp_14 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 135; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_13; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_15"
seta v_sp_15 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 145; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_14; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_16"
seta v_sp_16 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 155; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_15; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_17"
seta v_sp_17 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 165; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_16; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_18"
seta v_sp_18 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 175; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_17; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_19"
seta v_sp_19 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 185; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_18; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_20"
seta v_sp_20 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 195; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_19; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_21"
seta v_sp_21 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 205; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_20; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_22"
seta v_sp_22 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 215; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_21; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_23"
seta v_sp_23 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 225; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_22; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_24"
seta v_sp_24 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 235; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_23; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_25"
seta v_sp_25 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 245; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_24; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_26"
seta v_sp_26 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 255; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_25; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_27"
seta v_sp_27 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 265; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_26; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_28"
seta v_sp_28 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 275; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_27; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_29"
seta v_sp_29 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 285; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_28; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_30"
seta v_sp_30 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 295; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_29; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_31"
seta v_sp_31 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 305; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_30; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_32"
seta v_sp_32 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 315; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_31; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_33"
seta v_sp_33 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 325; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_32; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_34"
seta v_sp_34 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 335; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_33; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_35"
seta v_sp_35 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 345; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_34; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_36"
seta v_sp_36 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 355; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_35; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_37"
seta v_sp_37 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 365; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_36; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_38"
seta v_sp_38 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 375; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_37; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_39"
seta v_sp_39 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 385; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_38; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_40"
seta v_sp_40 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 395; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_39; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_41"
seta v_sp_41 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 405; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_40; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_42"
seta v_sp_42 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 415; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_41; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_43"
seta v_sp_43 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 425; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_42; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_44"
seta v_sp_44 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 435; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_43; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_45"
seta v_sp_45 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 445; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_44; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_46"
seta v_sp_46 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 455; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_45; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_47"
seta v_sp_47 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 465; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_46; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_48"
seta v_sp_48 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 475; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_47; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_49"
seta v_sp_49 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 485; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_48; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_50"
seta v_sp_50 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 495; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_49; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_51"
seta v_sp_51 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 505; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_50; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_52"
seta v_sp_52 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 515; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_51; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_53"
seta v_sp_53 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 525; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_52; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_54"
seta v_sp_54 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 535; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_53; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_55"
seta v_sp_55 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 545; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_54; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_56"
seta v_sp_56 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 555; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_55; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_57"
seta v_sp_57 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 565; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_56; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_58"
seta v_sp_58 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 575; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_57; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_59"
seta v_sp_59 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 585; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_58; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_60"
seta v_sp_60 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 595; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_59; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_61"
seta v_sp_61 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 605; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_60; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_62"
seta v_sp_62 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 615; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_61; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_63"
seta v_sp_63 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 625; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_62; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_64"
seta v_sp_64 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 635; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_63; seta v_sp
_down vstr v_sp_65"
seta v_sp_65 "seta cg_hudsayposition 0 640; seta v_sp_up vstr v_sp_64"
seta v_sp_down "vstr v_sp_15"
seta v_sp_up "vstr v_sp_13"
seta v_speech "vstr v_speech_01"
seta v_speech_00 ""
seta v_speech_01 ""
seta v_vol_00 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0; seta v_vol_up vstr
seta v_vol_000 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0; seta v_vol_up vst
r v_vol_002"
seta v_vol_002 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.02; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_000; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_004"
seta v_vol_004 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.04; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_002; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_006"
seta v_vol_006 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.06; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_004; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_008"
seta v_vol_008 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.08; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_006; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_010"
seta v_vol_01 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.1; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_00; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_02; Sound^4||^0-------- ^41.4"
seta v_vol_010 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.10; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_008; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_015"
seta v_vol_015 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.15; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_010; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_020"
seta v_vol_02 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.2; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_01; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_03; Sound^4|||^0------- ^41.4"
seta v_vol_020 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.20; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_015; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_025"
seta v_vol_025 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.25; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_020; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_030"
seta v_vol_03 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.3; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_02; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_04; Sound^4|||^2|^0------ ^21.5"
seta v_vol_030 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.30; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_025; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_035"
seta v_vol_035 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.35; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_030; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_040"
seta v_vol_04 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.4; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_03; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_05; Sound^4|||^2||^0----- ^21.6"
seta v_vol_040 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.40; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_035; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_045"
seta v_vol_045 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.45; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_040; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_050"
seta v_vol_05 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.5; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_04; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_06; Sound^4|||^2|||^0---- ^21.7"
seta v_vol_050 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.50; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_045; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_055"
seta v_vol_055 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.55; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_050; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_060"
seta v_vol_06 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.6; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_05; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_07; Sound^4|||^2|||^3|^0--- ^31.8"
seta v_vol_060 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.60; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_055; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_065"
seta v_vol_065 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.65; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_060; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_070"
seta v_vol_07 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.7; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_06; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_08; Sound^4|||^2|||^3||^0-- ^31.9"
seta v_vol_070 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.70; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_065; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_075"
seta v_vol_075 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.75; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_070; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_080"
seta v_vol_08 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.8; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_07; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_09; Sound^4|||^2|||^3||^1|^0- ^12.0"
seta v_vol_080 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.80; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_075; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_085"
seta v_vol_085 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.85; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_080; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_090"
seta v_vol_09 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.9; seta v_vol_down
vstr v_vol_08; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_10; Sound^4|||^2|||^3||^1|| ^12.1"
seta v_vol_090 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.90; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_085; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_095"
seta v_vol_095 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 0.95; seta v_vol_dow
n vstr v_vol_090; seta v_vol_up vstr v_vol_100"
seta v_vol_10 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 1; seta v_vol_down vs
tr v_vol_09"
seta v_vol_100 "seta v_mute vstr v_mute_on; seta snd_volume 1; seta v_vol_down v
str v_vol_095"
seta v_vol_down "vstr v_vol_07"
seta v_vol_up "vstr v_vol_09"
seta vehDriverViewHeightMax "50"
seta vehDriverViewHeightMin "-15"
seta vid_xpos "3"
seta vid_ypos "22"
seta voice_deadChat "0"
seta voice_global "0"
seta voice_localEcho "0"
seta voiceWdeadChat "0"
seta volume1 "snd_volume 0.01 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume2 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume1"
seta volume10 "snd_volume 0.10 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume11 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume9"
seta volume100 "snd_volume 1 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume100 ; set mystyl3v
olumedown vstr volume99"
seta volume11 "snd_volume 0.11 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume12 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume10"
seta volume12 "snd_volume 0.12 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume13 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume11"
seta volume13 "snd_volume 0.13 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume14 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume12"
seta volume14 "snd_volume 0.14 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume15 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume13"
seta volume15 "snd_volume 0.15 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume16 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume14"
seta volume16 "snd_volume 0.16 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume17 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume15"
seta volume17 "snd_volume 0.17 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume18 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume16"
seta volume18 "snd_volume 0.18 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume19 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume17"
seta volume19 "snd_volume 0.19 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume20 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume18"
seta volume2 "snd_volume 0.02 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume3 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume1"
seta volume20 "snd_volume 0.20 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume21 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume19"
seta volume21 "snd_volume 0.21 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume22 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume20"
seta volume22 "snd_volume 0.22 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume23 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume21"
seta volume23 "snd_volume 0.23 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume24 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume22"
seta volume24 "snd_volume 0.24 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume25 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume23"
seta volume25 "snd_volume 0.25 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume26 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume24"
seta volume26 "snd_volume 0.26 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume27 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume25"
seta volume27 "snd_volume 0.27 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume28 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume26"
seta volume28 "snd_volume 0.28 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume29 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume27"
seta volume29 "snd_volume 0.29 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume30 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume28"
seta volume3 "snd_volume 0.03 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume4 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume2"
seta volume30 "snd_volume 0.30 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume31 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume29"
seta volume31 "snd_volume 0.31 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume32 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume30"
seta volume32 "snd_volume 0.32 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume33 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume31"
seta volume33 "snd_volume 0.33 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume34 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume32"
seta volume34 "snd_volume 0.34 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume35 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume33"
seta volume35 "snd_volume 0.35 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume36; set mystyl3v
olumedown vstr volume34"
seta volume36 "snd_volume 0.36 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume37 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume35"
seta volume37 "snd_volume 0.37 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume38 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume36"
seta volume38 "snd_volume 0.38 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume39 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume37"
seta volume39 "snd_volume 0.39 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume40 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume38"
seta volume4 "snd_volume 0.04 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume5 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume3"
seta volume40 "snd_volume 0.40 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume41 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume39"
seta volume41 "snd_volume 0.41 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume42 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume40"
seta volume42 "snd_volume 0.42 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume43 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume41"
seta volume43 "snd_volume 0.43 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume44 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume42"
seta volume44 "snd_volume 0.44 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume45 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume43"
seta volume45 "snd_volume 0.45 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume46 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume44"
seta volume46 "snd_volume 0.46 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume47 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume45"
seta volume47 "snd_volume 0.47 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume48 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume46"
seta volume48 "snd_volume 0.48 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume49 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume47"
seta volume49 "snd_volume 0.49 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume50 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume48"
seta volume5 "snd_volume 0.05 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume6 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume4"
seta volume50 "snd_volume 0.50 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume51 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume49"
seta volume51 "snd_volume 0.51 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume52 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume50"
seta volume52 "snd_volume 0.52 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume53 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume51"
seta volume53 "snd_volume 0.53 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume54 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume52"
seta volume54 "snd_volume 0.54 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume55 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume53"
seta volume55 "snd_volume 0.55 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume56 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume54"
seta volume56 "snd_volume 0.56 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume57 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume55"
seta volume57 "snd_volume 0.57 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume58 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume56"
seta volume58 "snd_volume 0.58 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume59 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume57"
seta volume59 "snd_volume 0.59 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume60 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume58"
seta volume6 "snd_volume 0.06 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume7 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume5"
seta volume60 "snd_volume 0.60 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume61 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume59"
seta volume61 "snd_volume 0.61 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume62 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume60"
seta volume62 "snd_volume 0.62 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume63 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume61"
seta volume63 "snd_volume 0.63 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume64 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume62"
seta volume64 "snd_volume 0.64 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume65 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume63"
seta volume65 "snd_volume 0.65 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume66 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume64"
seta volume66 "snd_volume 0.66 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume67 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume65"
seta volume67 "snd_volume 0.67 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume68 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume66"
seta volume68 "snd_volume 0.68 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume69 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume67"
seta volume69 "snd_volume 0.69 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume70 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume68"
seta volume7 "snd_volume 0.07 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume8 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume6"
seta volume70 "snd_volume 0.70 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume71 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume69"
seta volume71 "snd_volume 0.71 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume72 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume70"
seta volume72 "snd_volume 0.72 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume73 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume71"
seta volume73 "snd_volume 0.73 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume74 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume72"
seta volume74 "snd_volume 0.74 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume75 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume73"
seta volume75 "snd_volume 0.75 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume76 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume74"
seta volume76 "snd_volume 0.76 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume77 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume75"
seta volume77 "snd_volume 0.77 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume78 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume76"
seta volume78 "snd_volume 0.78 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume79 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume77"
seta volume79 "snd_volume 0.79 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume80 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume78"
seta volume8 "snd_volume 0.08 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume9 ; set mystyl3vo
lumedown vstr volume7"
seta volume80 "snd_volume 0.80 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume81 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume79"
seta volume81 "snd_volume 0.81 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume82 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume80"
seta volume82 "snd_volume 0.82 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume83 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume81"
seta volume83 "snd_volume 0.83 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume84 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume82"
seta volume84 "snd_volume 0.84 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume85 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume83"
seta volume85 "snd_volume 0.85 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume86 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume84"
seta volume86 "snd_volume 0.86 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume87 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume85"
seta volume87 "snd_volume 0.87 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume88 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume86"
seta volume88 "snd_volume 0.88 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume89 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume87"
seta volume89 "snd_volume 0.89 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume90 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume88"
seta volume9 "snd_volume 0.09 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume10 ; set mystyl3v
olumedown vstr volume8"
seta volume90 "snd_volume 0.90 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume91 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume89"
seta volume91 "snd_volume 0.91 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume92 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume90"
seta volume92 "snd_volume 0.92 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume93; set mystyl3v
olumedown vstr volume91"
seta volume93 "snd_volume 0.93 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume94 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume92"
seta volume94 "snd_volume 0.94 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume95 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume93"
seta volume95 "snd_volume 0.95 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume96 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume94"
seta volume96 "snd_volume 0.96 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume97 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume95"
seta volume97 "snd_volume 0.97 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume98 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume96"
seta volume98 "snd_volume 0.98 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume99 ; set mystyl3
volumedown vstr volume97"
seta volume99 "snd_volume 0.99 ;set mystyl3volumeup vstr volume100 ; set mystyl
3volumedown vstr volume98"
seta votea "callvote map Winter~Strike"
seta waypointDebugDraw "0"
seta waypointDistScaleRangeMax "3000"
seta waypointDistScaleRangeMin "1000"
seta waypointDistScaleSmallest "0.8"
seta waypointicon "15"
seta waypointIconHeight "10"
seta waypointIconWidth "10"
seta waypointOffscreenCornerRadius "105"
seta waypointOffscreenDistanceThresholdAlpha "30"
seta waypointOffscreenPadBottom "30"
seta waypointOffscreenPadLeft "103"
seta waypointOffscreenPadRight "0"
seta waypointOffscreenPadTop "0"
seta waypointOffscreenPointerDistance "20"
seta waypointOffscreenPointerHeight "12"
seta waypointOffscreenPointerWidth "25"
seta waypointOffscreenRoundedCorners "1"
seta waypointOffscreenScaleLength "500"
seta waypointOffscreenScaleSmallest "1"
seta waypointraw "0 \par"
seta winvoace_mic_mute "1"
seta winvoice_mic_mute "1"
seta winvoice_mic_reclevel "65535"
seta winvoice_mic_scaler "1"
seta winvoice_save_voice "0"
seta winvoice_sive_voice "0"
seta winvoicm_mic_scaler "1"
seta xvid "devmap mp_strike; disconnect; exec sets_demo; vid_restart"
seta xvid2 "devmap mp_strike; disconnect; exec sets_demo; exec res2; vid_restart
seta xvid3 "devmap mp_strike; disconnect; exec sets_demo; exec res3; vid_restart
seta z_glow_allowed "0"
seta z_texFilterAnisoMax "4"
seta zoomList1 "cg_gun_x -30;wait 10;cg_gun_x -29;wait 10;cg_gun_x -28;wait 10;c
g_gun_x -27;wait 10;cg_gun_x -26;wait 10;cg_gun_x -25;wait 10;cg_gun_x -24;wait
10;cg_gun_x -23;wait 10;cg_gun_x -22;wait 10;vstr zoomList2"
seta zoomList2 "cg_gun_x -21;wait 10;cg_gun_x -20;wait 10;cg_gun_x -19;wait 10;c
g_gun_x -18;wait 10;cg_gun_x -17;wait 10;cg_gun_x -16;wait 10;cg_gun_x -15;wait
10;cg_gun_x -14;wait 10;cg_gun_x -13;wait 10;cg_gun_x -12;wait 10;vstr zoomList3
seta zoomList3 "cg_gun_x -11;wait 10;cg_gun_x -10;wait 10;cg_gun_x -9;wait 10;cg
_gun_x -8;wait 10;cg_gun_x -7;wait 10;cg_gun_x -6;wait 10;cg_gun_x -5;wait 10;cg
_gun_x -4;wait 10;cg_gun_x -3;wait 10;cg_gun_x -2;wait 10;vstr zoomList4"
seta zoomList4 "cg_gun_x -1;wait 10;cg_gun_x 0;wait 10"
con_hidechannel *; con_showchannel dontfilter

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