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Excelsior Springs Middle School

2013-2014 School Year

Twitter: @MS_ESSD40
6th Grade English Language Arts (ELA 1 & 2)
Miss Haufe
630-9230 ext. x3209
Room: 209
Class Website: misshaufe.weebl.!om
Course Description:
"he 6th gra#e $%& !lasses !o'er the areas of !ommu(i!atio( skills i(!lu#i(g resear!h) 'o!abular) writi(g)
s*eaki(g) a(# liste(i(g. "o*i!s !o'ere# i(!lu#e (arrati'e) i(formatio(al) a(# *ersuasi'e writi(g+ *ro*er
se(te(!e a(# *aragra*h stru!ture) !orre!t s*elli(g) use of *u(!tuatio( a(# *ro*er !a*itali,atio(. $m*hasis is
*la!e# o( lear(i(g the ste*s of the writi(g *ro!ess+ *re-writi(g) #rafti(g) e#iti(g) a(# *ublishi(g the fi(al !o*
of writi(g. -tu#e(ts will also be e(gage# i( the rea#i(g of . (o'els throughout the ear. -tu#e(ts will resear!h
a(# !reate *ro/e!ts base# o( the lear(i(g ob/e!ti'es of ea!h u(it. "he Commo( Core -tate -ta(#ar#s will be the
basis of the !urri!ulum.
u!"ects of E#phasis include:
Writi(g: grammar) *u(!tuatio() writi(g *ro!ess) 'arious writi(g stles) resear!h) 'ariet of outlets
Rea#i(g: (o'el stu#ies) !om*rehe(sio() flue(!) rea#i(g strategies) a(alsis
-*eaki(g 0 %iste(i(g: 1rese(tatio(s) au#ie(!e skills) use of te!h(olog
"he re2uire# materials for $%& !o(sist of their *la((er) a writi(g fol#er) a !om*ositio( (otebook for #ail
writi(g) a bi(#er with loose-leaf *a*er) a(# a *e(!il !ase with *e(s a(# *e(!ils.
3( o!!asio( 4 ma ask stu#e(ts to bri(g a##itio(al materials to !lass) or the ma (ee# a##itio(al materials for
!lass *ro/e!ts. 5ost of these su**lies are i(!lu#e# o( the 6th gra#e su**l list a(# shoul# be at s!hool alrea#.
4f a su**l is (ee#e# that is (ot liste#) 4 will gi'e *le(t of (oti!e a(# a few #as for stu#e(ts to *ur!hase the
su**lies su!h as *oster boar# or other #is*la items.

Grading $rocedures:
-ee stu#e(t ha(#book *ages 16-16 for i(formatio( o( sta(#ar#s-base# gra#i(g) *rogress re*orts) re*ort !ar#s)
effort a(# !o(#u!t rati(gs.
-tu#e(ts will ha'e ma( o**ortu(ities to *ra!ti!e the writi(g *ro!ess. 1ra!ti!e will !o(sist of a(al,i(g mo#el
writi(g *ie!es) ha(#outs !o(sisti(g of s*e!ifi! skills *ra!ti!e) !lass #is!ussio(s) e#iti(g) re'isi(g) a(# *rese(ti(g
their ow( *ublishe# works. "he( stu#e(ts will take the e(# of the u(it assessme(t to assess their *rogress a(#
work with the tea!her to set future goals.
7omework is assig(e# a(# is im*orta(t for stu#e(ts to *ra!ti!e) a!2uire (ew k(owle#ge) a(# a**l (ew skills.
"he moti'atio( for #oi(g homework shoul# !ome from ea!h stu#e(t8s !lear u(#ersta(#i(g that it will !o(tribute
to their lear(i(g) (ot !om*lia(!e or gra#i(g. 7omework will be e'aluate# but (ot i(!lu#e# i( the fi(al gra#e.
Reassessme(t 9ui#eli(es: -ee stu#e(t ha(#book *age 16-16 for more i(formatio( about reassessme(t
gui#eli(es. 4(formatio( about make-u* work !a( be fou(# o( *age 9 of the stu#e(t ha(#book.
5 goal is to *re*are our !hil#re( to be *ro#u!ti'e) res*o(sible !iti,e(s a(# our assista(!e as *are(ts is greatl
a**re!iate#. 4 e(!ourage *are(tal i('ol'eme(t) a(# will stri'e to !ommu(i!ate the su!!esses a(# struggles of
Our mission is to maximize student learning and personal responsibility through a rigorous standards-based
curriculum, a safe and respectful climate, and the collaborative efforts of staff, students and parents.
Excelsior Springs Middle School
2013-2014 School Year
Twitter: @MS_ESSD40
our !hil# throughout the s!hool ear. 1lease feel free to !o(ta!t me b *ho(e or email throughout the ear. 4
look forwar# to a great ear:
Our mission is to maximize student learning and personal responsibility through a rigorous standards-based
curriculum, a safe and respectful climate, and the collaborative efforts of staff, students and parents.

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