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Logan Astle

Per. 7
Myself as a Writer
I believe that my first experience in putting forth real effort into riting as in the secon!
gra!e. "or the life of me I can#t remember the name of the man$ but he as a very goo! frien! of my
secon! gra!e teacher %rs. An!erson an! he came in tice a ee& to help us ith our riting. 'e as
an ancient loo&ing man but also very &in!. 'e ma!e it fun to rite an! even though it as (ust short
stories or )uestionnaires that ma!e us put our pencils on the paper an! get i!eas out. *his as a very
basic process but as I gre ol!er I reali+e! riting as for many more things than (ust being creative$
they ere a tool to express an opinion or relay a message to someone.
%y next best memory of riting is in sixth gra!e I ha! to !o a five to eight page report on any
country that I ante! to choose an! I also ha! to !o a visual poster of it. *he poster I !i! first to get it
!one. I have alays been the person that oul! !o the art stuff first because I en(oy it then I struggle
through the riting portions. *his seeme! li&e a blea& an! impossible tas&$ !on#t get me rong one of
my favorite sub(ects as vocab but my grammar has alays struggle!$ so I too& almost three complete
ee&s out of the four that e ere given to get it exactly perfect. I revise! it over an! over again until I
or my parents foun! nothing rong. I turne! it in a fe !ays early to my teacher$ %rs. Lee$ more prou!
of my riting than I have ever been in the past. I receive! it bac& an! got half cre!it an! all over the
page there ere suggestions on ho to ma&e it better. *hat crushe! my confi!ence hen it came to
riting for a goo! many years an! still to this !ay I am nervous to let people$ even teachers$ rea! my
,ight no I am at a point here I might have finally gotten over my fear of criticism an! I am
relaxing an! fin!ing my style. I still have a fe structural errors but I have or&e! very har! to fix the
problem so that in college an! beyon! I receive less criticism than I have in the past. I !ra a lot on my
experience of !isappointment in the past to fear the future.

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