Elkins Hs Homecoming Mum Sales Flyer 2014

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Elkins HS Homecoming

MUMs 2014
Order NOW! Order due no later than Septemer 24
at EHS lunches
Elite !ooster "ill e selling#sho"ing samples o$
Mums % &rinkets at' or to drop o( order $orms'
please )isit us at one o$ the $ollo"ing "a*s+
,Elkins HS -ootall .ames+
9/29 Friday at Mercer Stadium (Before and during the game,
until halftime)
10/6 Saturday at Mercer Stadium (Before and during the game,
until 3
10/13 Saturday at !all Stadium (Before and during the game,
until 3
,Elkins HS Student /unches+
09/09 "ue # 09/10 $ed
09/16 "ue # 9/1% $ed # 9/1& "hur'day # 09/19 Friday
09/22 Mon, 09/23 "ue, 09/2( $ed
,Email 0honda -reeman $reeman01223gmail4com cell
, Elkins Elite Wesite htt+,//el-in'dance).ee/ly)com/
,Elkins 5thletic !ooster 6lu Wesite
, Elkins 789S# 9&O Wesite ...)el-in'0i+')org
, 7isit the Elkins :night"ire4
Money 1rder made out to 2lite Boo'ter 3lu/
,,,Order -orms and cash#mone* orders can e dropped o( in
an en)elope marked Homecoming Mums to the Elkins HS $ront
o;ce' 9lease drop o( in the 789S sa$e,,,

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