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Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for OS X Mountain

Make your work go faster by using these OS X Mountain Lion keyboard
shortcuts that work in the Finder and in many work in other OS X
Mountain Lion programs , as well. Make these shortcuts second nature
print out this chart and tape it to your monitor and refer to it while using
OS X Mountain Lion.
Command Keyboard Shortcut
Add Selected Item to Sidebar Command+T
Close All Windos O!tion+Command+W
Close Windo Command+W
Co!y Command+C
Cut Command+X
"ashboard #$% &fn+#$% on la!to!s'
"u!licate Command+"
()ect "is* Command+(
(m!ty Trash Shift+Command+"elete
#ind Command+#
+et Info &on selected item or
+o to All My #iles Shift+Command+#
+o to A!!lications #older Shift+Command+A
"es*to! Control + fn + #$
&enable,disable' -- #.
+o to Home #older Shift+Command+H
Hel! Shift+Command+0
Hide Current A!!lication Command+H
Lo1 Out Current 2ser Shift+Command+3
Ma*e Alias Command+L4
Minimi5e Windo Command+M
Mission Control6 All Windos Control+2! Arro &#. on
A!!le *eyboards'
Mission Control6 A!!lication
Control+"on Arro
&Control+#. on A!!le
Mission Control6 Sho
#$$ &fn+#$$ on la!to!s'
&Command+#. on A!!le
Mo/e to Trash Command+"elete
(m!ty Trash Shift+Command+"elete
7e #inder Windo Command+7
7e #older Shift+Command+7
7e Smart #older O!tion+Command+7
7e8t Windo Command+9
O!en Command+O
O!en Ins!ector O!tion+Command+I
:aste Command+;
3uic* Loo* &at selected item' Command+< or S!acebar
Select All Command+A
Sho Ori1inal &of selected
Sho ;ie O!tions Command+>
Sho,Hide Sidebar O!tion+Command+S
Sho,Hide O!tion+Command+"
Sho,Hide Status ?ar Command+,
Turn ;oiceO/er On,O@ Command+#A &fn+#A on
Turn Coom On,O@ O!tion+Command+D
2ndo Command+C
;ie Windo as Icons Command+$
;ie Windo as List Command+%
;ie Windo as Columns Command+.
;ie Windo as Co/er #lo Command+E

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