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English IV Syllabus

ASTEC Charter High School

Teacher: Mr. Pratt
"lan "erio#: Mon., Tues., Thurs., and Fri. from 9:04 9:58 and ed. from 8:4! 9:!9
"hone nuber: 405"94#"$%#4
Te$tboo%: Elements of Literature: Sixth Course, Literature of Britain& 'olt, (inehart, and inston )nc.
Course &b'ecti(es:
The o*+ecti,es of this course are for students to:
1. -ppl. a /ide ran0e of strate0ies to comprehend, interpret, e,aluate, appreciate, and respond to a
,ariet. of 1ritish literar. te2ts.
2. 3se the 4chaffer Method to effecti,el. inform, narrate, persuade, and e2plain ideas to a ,ariet. of
3. 5emonstrate thin6in0 s6ills in listenin0 and spea6in0 throu0h presentations and structured class
4. )nterpret, e,aluate, and compose s.m*olic ,isual messa0es in print and film.
)e*uire# +aterials: 7)t is .our responsi*ilit. to ha,e all materials needed to /or6 in class. )f .ou must
*orro/ a pen or paper, do it *efore class *e0ins.8
1lue or *lac6 in6 pens and pencils 7)n6 is re9uired for final drafts, *ut pencils are useful /hen
/or6in0 on earl. drafts or 0rammar acti,ities8
%: 1inder /ith di,iders 7the *inder must *e *rou0ht to class dail..8
Plent. of loose leaf paper
Atten#ance "olicy an# Classroo E$,ectations:
;ou must *e in .our assi0ned seat and prepared for class /hen the tard. *ell rin0s in order to not
*e counted tard..
Ten or a*sences 7e2cused or une2cused8 /ill result in a no credit for this class.
Three tardies /ill e9ual one a*sence.
4tudents are to come to class prepared /ith all materials includin0 the te2t*oo6, *inder,
paper, pens, and assi0nments.
-ll students are e2pected to *e respectful to all indi,iduals in the classroom at all times.
There is to *e a*solutel. no 0um, food or drin6s in the classroom.
4tudents are to come to class prepared /ith all materials includin0 the te2t*oo6, *inder, paper,
pens, and assi0nments.
)f .ou are a*sent from class .ou ha,e e2actl. one /ee6 to turn in missed assi0nments. )t is .our
responsi*ilit. to find out assi0nments 7chec6 the /e*site or as6 the teacher as soon as possi*le8.
Failure to turn in missed /or6 /ill result in a <ero. )f .ou alread. 6no/ of an assi0nment, pro+ect
or test that /as due on the da. .ou /ere 0one, it must *e turned in the ne2t da. .ou are *ac6 at
)f .ou miss a test .ou must 0et /ith me /ithin a /ee6 to arran0e a time to ma6e it up or .ou /ill
earn a <ero for that test 0rade.
-ll assi0nments must *e completed *. the da. the. are due. =ate assi0nments must *e completed
*ut /ill not recei,e full credit. )f a student is ha,in0 an. pro*lems, spea6 to the teacher *efore the
due date.
Atten#ance "olicy an# Classroo E$,ectations -continue#.:
-cademic 5ishonest.: Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated in this class> ?eros /ill *e
0i,en for pla0iarism and cheatin0& parents /ill *e called& and further disciplinar. actions ma. *e
ta6en. Pla0iarism and cheatin0 include cop.in0 another student@s /or6.
/ra#ing Scale:
90 !00 -
80 89 1
#0 #9 A
$0 $9 5
1elo/ 59 F
Category !eights:
40B: -ssessments 7tests, pro+ects, and essa.s8
40B: 5ail. -ssi0nments 7home/or6, dail. /or6, starters, participation, and 9ui<<es8
%0B 4emester Final C2am
Assessents are /orth 40B of the students o,erall 0rade. -ssessments ma. *e in the form of a test,
paper, or pro+ect and are 0i,en at the end of each classroom unit as a tool to assess the student@s o,erall
comprehension of the unit.
0aily !or%12ui33es1"resentations are /orth 40B of the students o,erall 0rade. 5ail. or6 includes
assi0nments completed in class or as home/or6. 4maller 9ui<<es, 0roup assi0nments, and presentations
are also counted as dail. /or6.
The Seester 4inal E$a is /orth %0B of the students o,erall 0rade. The final e2am is 0i,en at the end
of the semester and comprehensi,el. co,ers all units that ha,e *een tau0ht in class. The second semester
final e2am /ill *e in the form of a research paper.
Stu#ent "rogress:
Pro0ress reports for students are prepared four times each .ear. The. are issued mid/a. throu0h
each 9 /ee6s 0radin0 period 74eptem*er %5
, Do,em*er !E
, Fe*ruar. 5
, and -pril !$
8. Parents
must come on site to pic6 up and si0n for them on the da. the. are issued. 4tudents are not
allo/ed *ac6 in class until the pro0ress report is pic6ed up.
4tudents /ho are not ma6in0 ade9uate pro0ress ma. *e re9uired to attend tutorin0 after school
and durin0 half"4aturda. school. Those /ho do not attend /ill placed disciplinar. action.
-ttendance to tutorin0 is not an option. Frades /ill *e 0i,en for attendin0 tutorin0 sessions.

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