Survey 1st Draft

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Business Intensive Program

Professional Writing: Business Letter Template

This is a survey designed to gather some information about the possibility of opening an
international movies theater in Penn mall. We appreciate your important information.
1. Gender:
Male Female
2. What is y!r a"e ran"e#
Under 20 .. 202! .. 2"#0 .. #$#! ..
%$!0 .. %"!0 .. &ver !0 .. #"%0 ..
$. What is y!r stat!s at %enn#
'tudent .. 'taff .. Faculty .. (one ..
&. Where d y! 'i(e#
West Philadelphia .. )ast Philadelphia .. *enter *ity ..
(orth Philadelphia 'outh Philadelphia ..
). H* +any +(ies d y! *at,h ea,h +nth#
&ne . T+o. Three .. Four . More than Four ..
-. What .ind / +(ies d y! 'i.e#
*omedy .. ,rama .. -omantic .. .orror .. &ther .
0. What internatina' +(ies d y! 1re/er 2e3,e1t A+eri,an +(ies4#
/sian .. 0atin.. )urope.. &ther ..
5. H* +!,h +ney d y! s1end "in" t +(ies ea,h ti+e#
/bove $0 usd1p. .. $0$! usd1p... $!20 usd1p... 202! usd1p. ..
6. What d y! ,nsider +st in ,hsin" a +(ie theater#
Price .. 0ocation .. Theater design .. Type of movie .. &ther ..

University of Pennsylvania | English Language Programs | Business Intensive Program
Business Intensive Program
Professional Writing: Business Letter Template
17. Whe d y! 1re/er t *at,h a +(ie#
Morning .. $pm%pm.. %pm2pm.. 2pm$0pm.. $0pm$2pm..
11. W!'d y! 'i.e the theater t //er a se'e,tin / sna,.s as *e'' as the !s!a' 11,rn
8 ,andy#
3es.. (o..
12. W!'d y! 'i.e the theater t ha(e a +(ie s!(enir sh1#
3es.. (o..
1$. I/ there is an internatina' +(ie theater in %enn Ma''9 *i'' y! :e interested in it#
3es.. (o..
1&. W!'d y! 'i.e t ;in t a <S!:s,ri:ers C'!:= / the theater#
3es.. (o..
1). W!'d y! 'i.e t ha(e a/ter e(ents in the theater#
,irector meetings. ,ebates.. &ldie revie+s Previe+s.
University of Pennsylvania | English Language Programs | Business Intensive Program
Business Intensive Program
Professional Writing: Business Letter Template
University of Pennsylvania | English Language Programs | Business Intensive Program

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