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Open Meeting

5th June 2014

Malmesbury Community Hub
1 - Welcome and introductions
Martin Rea (MR) - MC!" - Chair# Mar$ !llen (W!) - MC!" - Minutes# Mar%aret
Mor%an (MMo) - &a$sey History 'rou(# )a*id +or,ard ()+)# &,en 'ibbs (&') -
Royal -ritish .e%ion# Julie /0ton (J/) - MC!" 1 Malmesbury 2o,n Council#
Charles ernon (C) - Ci*ic 2rust# Maureen ,est (MW)# Maria Marsh (MMa) -
Malmesbury Museum
2 - What3s already ha((enin% or (lanned4
'reat War "ro5ect to (romote in*ol*ement in rememberin% WW1
(includin% or%anisin% this meetin%) and to hel( s(read the ,ord about
,hat (eo(le are doin%
+ree "o((y seeds to create a li*in% memorial ,ith donations to Royal
-ritish .e%ion - has raised o*er 6700
Card (ro5ect - (lanned 8or the autumn9 &*er the ne0t 5 years ,ill ha*e
cards to collect (eo(les *ie,s and stories about the 'reat War9 +inal
result to be bound and %i*en to the Wiltshire 1 :,indon Records &88ice
Athelstan Museum
WW1 e0hibit and local stories
Hostin% county-,ide tra*ellin% museum dis(lay
Hostin% tal$ about li8e in a WW1 trench
Considerin% a children3s e*ent
Oaksey History Group
&r%anisin% small e0hibittion in the *illa%e hall 8or e*erybody but
(articularly aimed at school children9 ;eed items o8 memorabilia 8or the
2here ,ill be a church ser*ice on <th !u%ust
Collectin% (oetry and ser*ice records
)a*id =enyon has %i*en a tal$ about trench li8e
$oyal %ritish &egion
Church ser*ice at !bbey on 7rd !u%ust
:cheme to ha*e crosses commemoratin% the 8allen 8rom across the
community area ,ith their details
Malmes'ury Ton Coun"il
&r%anisin% a tea (arty
"lantin% a commemorati*e tree
Ci(i" Trust
Hel(in% (eo(le 8ind out about their ancestors3 ,ar ser*ice9 >n the library
on :at 5th July - ?@70am to 1@00(m
"lan to ta$e %rou( to the WW1 cemeteries in +ranceA-el%ium that are
rele*ant to the (eo(le 8rom the local community ,ho ser*ed
2here ,ill be a tal$ durin% the carni*al about WW1
Church bells ,ill rin% on the anni*ersary o8 the death o8 each member o8
the community that died in WW19 there ,ill be (ublicity so that the
community understands the si%ni8icance
2here ,ill be an outdoor remembrance ser*ice aimed at the ,hole
)rama %rou( and the choir are loo$in% at doin% somethin% to
commemorate WW1
2here ,ill be a ser*ice to scan old documents to build a record be8ore
they are lost
:e*eral bands and choirs are tal$in% about or are acti*ely ,or$in% to
incor(orate remembrance into their re(ertoire
7 - What ,ould (eo(le li$e to see ha((enin%4
4 - Ho, can ,e ,or$ to%ether4
5 - Ho, do ,e a*oid date clashes 8or e*ents4
2he %rou( 8elt that the $ey thin% ,as net,or$in% and communication - mostly
throu%h email9
B - Ho, can ,e %et the messa%e out to the (ublic4
C is tal$in% to the schools about %ettin% in*ol*ed
Websites# (osters# (ress releases# +aceboo$ etc - MC!" can hel( other %rou(s
,ith this i8 they need it
C - Ho, can ,e ma$e WW1 e*ents rele*ant to (eo(le in the 21st century4
+ind ,ays to %et %rou(s and indi*iduals to (artici(ate - e9%9 art e0hibitions or
maybe a WW1 scul(ture trail4
"ossibly a (iece o8 (ublic art to be on dis(lay to 8uture %enerations4
< - Ho, can ,e access 8undin%4
Wiltshire Council3s Malmesbury !rea -oard can (ro*ide 8undin% 8or ca(ital
Could the land8ill ta0 be a source o8 %rant 8undin% 8or WW1 (ro5ects4
? - !ny other business
10 - )o ,e ,ant another meetin%4
Des9 Mid-;o*ember - a8ter remembrance day
To )o*
W! - Circulate Herita%e Wiltshire ,ebsite around %rou(
W! - see ,hat memorabilia can be borro,ed andAor re(roduction items

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