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Districts: 1A

Report# / Crime: 08-86276 / 459 PC

Date / Time: 3-14-08 to 3-16-08 / 1300 to 1230 hrs.

Victim / Location: 2169 Bradburn Dr

Suspect(s): S-1: FBJ, 16-17, 5’7”, 120 lbs, black t-shirt, black jeans.
S-2: MBJ, 16-17, 5’7”, 150 lbs, black t-shirt, black jeans.
S-3: MBJ, 16-17, 5’7”, 150 lbs, black t-shirt, black jeans.

Suspect Vehicle: Black SUV, tan trim.

Synopsis: The suspect(s) gained entry to the residence, while the victim was on
vacation, by forcing open a rear window. The home was ransacked
and unknown items taken.

On 3/15/08, at 2045, a neighbor saw the possible suspects’ parking

down the street before walking up to the victim’s residence.

Forward Information to: NCU North 808-8889 or the on-call NCU sergeant.

Submitted By Approved By Date Submitted IB Number

K. Rose #8114 Sgt. Dubke #3029 3-24-08 08-197
This Bulletin is self-canceling in 30 days

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