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Solar Photovoltaic panels

Video: introduction to solar power
Information from factsheet:
Technology basics page 1
Different types of solar panels page 1
Feed in Tariff information page 1
Benefits for your community page 2
Myth busting facts page 2
Checklist: is solar PV the right technology for my community? page 3
Subregional information and contacts page 4
Case studies

Solar PV the basics
Video: an introduction to solar energy
How do solar panels work?
Different ways to site solar panels
Solar PV systems capture day light using cells made of some
semi-conducting material (usually silicon). When light
shines on the panel it causes electricity to flow. The more
daylight received the more electricity produced.
Ground mounted Roof mounted Cladding and solar glazing
Solar PV Feed In Tariffs
Generating a source of income for your community from solar PV

What are Feed in Tariffs
Government incentive to encourage the generation of renewable electricity
Owners of solar PV panels can make money from the sale of the electricity
Guaranteed for 25 years
Retail price index linked
Very attractive return on your community investment
Tariffs currently at their highest but will be reduced in the future
Solar PV Benefits and Myths
What benefits could solar PV generate for your community
Protection against rising fuel prices
Make money for your community
More local jobs
Low maintenance technology
Reduce your carbon emissions
Improve community well-being
What are the common myths surrounding solar PV panels
Solar PV doesnt work in the North of England due to weather conditions
Solar PV can only provide a small amount of electricity
Solar PV never produce more energy than it took to manufacture them
Solar PV Checklist
Is solar PV suitable for your community?
Site: south facing?
Land/Building owner permission
Renting the roof schemes
Bulk purchase
Connection to National Grid
Planning permission

Solar PV Case studies
North West Case Study
Bickerton village hall PV
UK Case Study solar
PV in West Oxford

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