Art Quotes

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Quotes about Art

Don't stop to admire a partly completed sketch.

--Robert Fawcett
On always doing your best work: he argument that !it won't be appreciated
anyway! may be true" but in the end this attitude does in#nitely more harm
to the artist than to his client.
--Robert Fawcett
On being accused o$ making art like a madman: here is only one di%erence
between a madman and me. &'m not mad
--'al(ador Dali
)hat one has most to stri(e $or is to do the work with a great amount o$ labor
and study in such a way that it may appear" howe(er much it was labored" to
ha(e been done almost *uickly and almost without any labor" and (ery easily"
although it was not.
& ain't yet worked out whether & like girls because & like cur(y lines or i$ & like
cur(y lines because & like girls.
-- some artist on the internet whose name & $orgot to write down
On when to put the #nishing touches on an illustration: he longer the idea
can be considered in the abstract" the better.
--Robert Fawcett
here are moments when art attains almost to the dignity o$ manual labor.
-- Oscar )ilde
& was working in my grand$ather's basement at night. & had set up a table
there to do my art assignments. &t was hard $or me. &'ll ne(er $orget throwing
the paint"the brushes" the drawing board and e(erything across the
basement -oor and against the wall and crying-- literally. Finally & pulled
mysel$ back together" picked up the stu% and started o(er again.
-- .ernie Fuchs
&n a society in which e(erything is $or sale" in which deals and auctions make
the biggest news" doing it $or lo(e is the only remaining liberty. Do it $or lo(e
and you cannot be censored. Do it $or lo(e and you cannot be stopped. Do it
$or lo(e and the rich will en(y no one more than you. &n a world o$ tu/edos"
the naked man is king. &n a world o$ bookkeepers with spreadsheets" the one
who gi(es it away without counting the cost is 0od.
--1rica 2ong

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