My Day Out

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My Day Out

Ansa Fernandes

It was summer season; the day was bright and sunny
and very hot therefore I needed an air conditioner,
but I had to obey my mother who said SAVE
So I decided to go out for a walk with my dog. We
walked and walked, on the way I met my friend, she
too had brought her dog for a walk. As we spoke our
dogs played with each other, she suddenly saw at her
watch and remembered that she had to take her dog
to the vet so she left.
I and my dog kept walking, a little while later I was
tired so I sat on the graveled path and leaned my
back on a tree.
Five minutes later, my dog who was sitting beside
me fell asleep. I thought that I should give him ten
minutes to have a nap and hoped to goodness I dont
fall asleep myself.
After ten minutes I woke him up and we started
walking in the direction of my house. Mopping my
wet forehead and wiping my feet to the door mat I
entered the house with my dog.
Just then I saw my dog pointing his nose upwards
and enjoying the aroma that was filled in the air, I
guessed that something delicious was being cooked.
I ran into the kitchen and found out that my mother
had prepared a lovely meal for us. Russian salad for
lunch, bones for my dog and for dessert it was a
sweet apple pie.

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