EPCM - Assignment Test

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KL University, Vaddeswaram

Department of Civil Engineering

Environmental Pollution Control Methods (11OE310)
Academic Year 2014-2015
Course Code & Title : 11OE310 Environmental Pollution Control
Branches :
Name of the Course coordinator : Dr.Y.Sreeramulu
Max Marks : 10 Duration : 50 min
Answer the given question:
1. (a) What you understand the concept of Point source & Non-point source of pollution
and its impact on environment?
(b) Enumerate on sources of Water pollution?
(Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Mackenzie L Davis David A Cornwell, Chapter No.7,
Page No: 7.1)

2. (a) List down the important parameters monitored to assess the load of Water pollution
in real-world?
(b) How you select the method for measurement of Water pollution load and elaborate
the procedure adopted ?
(Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, Metcalf & Eddy, Chapter No.2.6,
Page No.80)

3. BOD & COD tests are used to measure strength of wastewater. List some advantages &
disadvantages of each and the situations where you commonly use them in practice to assess
the strength of wastewater?
(Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Reuse, Metcalf & Eddy, Chapter No.2.6,
Page No.81)

4. List out the parameters monitored for Drinking Water standards and highlight its
Significance in realistic?
(Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, C.S.Rao, Chapter No.7, Page No.289)
5. Elaborate on Primary treatment process adopted for Wastewater treatment with neat
sketch? Why primary treatment is essential prior secondary treatment?
(Environmental Engineering, Howard S.Peavy, Donald R.Rowe George Tchobanoglous, Chapter
No.5, Page No.217)

6. Draw a schematic flow diagram of a conventional wastewater treatment plant. Describe the
broad function of each of these treatment units? Based on which primary pollution parameter,
the distinctive unit is designed?
(Introduction to Environmental Engineering, Mackenzie L Davis David A Cornwell, Chapter
No.8, Page No: 8.24)

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