Ds Term Project Part 1

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Derek Sharp

Term Project Part 1

Complete the following by submitting a pdf file to this assignment:
1. Tell me which of the three data sets you have chosen to work with this semester.
I have chosen to work with Data Set 4: Freshman 15 Data.

2. As an individual, write a short introductory paragraph describing your chosen data set to the reader, assuming
that the reader knows nothing about the data in advance. Include how the data was collected, citations, etc. Do
not do any data analysis or graphs at this point.
In the study Freshman 15, researchers took 67 freshman and measured their weight and Body Mass Index(BMI)
in September. The same freshmen were measured again in April. Researchers were looking for information
either proving or disproving the fact that freshman tend to gain 15 pounds throughout the course of the year.
Results are published in Hoffman, D.J., Policastro, P., Quick, B., Lee, S.K.: Changes in Body Weight and Fat
Mass of Men and Women in the First Year of College: A Study of the Freshman 15. Journal of American
College Health, July 1, 2006, col. 55, no. 1, p. 41. (Triola, 2014, p. 743)

3. Complete the following table for all variables in your chosen data set
name in the
data set
describe what the variable
means/how it is measured (include
is the variable
quantitative or
what is the level of
measurement for this

Refers to the gender of the subject in
the study. Measured by male(M) or

Qualitative Nominal
Weight in

This variable refers to the weight of
the subject in the month September
according to the measurement on a
scale. Units are in kilograms.

Quantitative Ratio
Weight in

This variable refers to the weight of
the subject in the month April
according to the measurement on a
scale. Units are in kilograms.

Quantitative Ratio
BMI in

BMI is a measurement of a persons
mass calculated using ones weight and
height(See formula below). This
measurement was taken in September.

BMI-[weight(kg)/height(m)] x height(m)

Quantitative Interval
BMI in April

BMI is a measurement of a persons
mass calculated using ones weight and
height(See formula below). This
measurement was taken in April.

BMI-[weight(kg)/height(m)] x height(m)

Quantitative Interval

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