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Derek Sharp

Term Project 4-Individual Portion

1. Using Complete sentences, report the interpretation of each of your three confidence intervals

1. For a 95% confidence interval of (.292,.622), we are 95% confident that the interval of .292 to .622
actually does contain the true value of the population proportion of females in the study.

2. For a 95% confidence interval of (60.303, 67.583), we are 95% confident that the interval from
60.303 to 67.583 actually does contain the true value of the population mean of Freshman weights
in kilograms in September.

3. For a 95% confidence interval of 8.571 < ! < 13.884, we have 95% confidence that the limits of
8.571 and 13.884 contain the true value of the population standard deviation of Freshman weights in
kilograms in September.

2. Compare your confidence intervals to the values of the population parameters in your data sets. Did the
intervals capture the population parameters?

1. True population proportion of female in study = 35/67 = .5224. The interval did capture the true
population proportion because .5224 is inside the interval of .292 to .622.

2. True population mean of weight of freshman in kilograms in September = 65.0597
Summary statistics:
Column Mean
WTSEP 65.059701
The interval did capture the true population mean because 65.0597 is inside the interval of 60.303
to 67.583.

3. True population standard deviation of weight of freshman in kilograms in September = 11.2854
Summary statistics:
Column Std. dev.
WTSEP 11.28539
The interval did capture the true population standard deviation because 11.2854 in inside the
interval 8.571 and 13.884.

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