Prayer Letter July

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It has been a crazy summer for us! Our

family has been across the United States,
from coast to coast. And, now, sitting
here in our house in Springeld, I am in
awe of all that the Lord has done in the
lives of students this summer.
Cru in Southwest Missouri sent more
students into summer missions
opportunities than we ever have before.
Students from our movement went to a
large country in Eastern Asia, several
countries in Africa, San Diego, Honduras,
Orlando, and Colorado on summer
missions opportunities.
One of our students, Sebastian, saw
three East Asian college students
become Christians this summer. San
Diego summer project met their goal of
sharing the Gospel 4000 times during the
course of their summer.
But, I dont just want you to hear me talk
about the summer. Here is what some of
our students said about their summer:
Sebastian: There is one thing that I
gained this summer that will impact me
more than anything: the realization and
rekindling of the importance and the
beauty of the Gospel.
Hannah: God showed me the power of
the Holy Spirit this summer through my
Asian friend, Diane. We had an incredible
opportunity to share the gospel with her
and after we showed her a Knowing God
Personally Booklet in her language she
accepted Christ as her Savior. Two days
later, she told us that she went and
shared the Gospel with her friends,
classmates, and roommates.
Tina: God has denitely used this
summer to humble me, teach me how
lead people spiritually, how to spend
Sebastian (top) in East Asia. Tina (bottom
left) after she got baptized this summer.
Tina is left of Kate. Kate and Charlotte
(bottom right) at breakfast in San Diego.
JULY 2014
time with the him, and how take
initiative and leave the results up to
Sarah Grace: The Lord taught me
that any struggle, anxiety, addiction,
abuse or pain can be healed with the
same thing the Gospel of Jesus
Thank you so much for your prayers
and support. You make stories and
quotes like these possible!

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