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After reading the following poems, answer the given questions.

Then, write a claim

explaining the opposing views of freedom according to the speakers. Support your claim
with strong textual evidence and analysis.
From !ay Stitches "own# $oems of American Slavery
%y &ynthia 'rady
The little time we have to call our own
be flled with gardening, feeding chickens,
mending clothes, and music-making: shaking
stones in a basket, clapping hands, stomping
feet. Sometimes a banjo and fddle be
played, or hollowed-out tree drum and washboard.
ut lo, the singing! "iercing shouts here to
ible stories there, interweaving tunes
and hollers singing up a fren#y of
song! e a kaleidoscope of sound: $oy!
)agon wheel
That overseer cut from the same cloth
as the devil hisself, the very warp
and weft. %hen he come to the cabins, &ord
have mercy, a wagonload of sadness
ain't far behind( someone )bout to be sold.
this morn he come for my baby girl*she
done reach her breeding age. +etch a good price.
her mama moaning low, long burying
song( greedy wheels groaning, drag my heart clean
out of my chest, leaving only the grief.

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