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9-10 Explanatory/Informative Unit 5 Plan

Unit 5: Informational Writing

Unit Description:
engt!: 5 "ee#s
A writer explains complex ideas through clear, effective, and organized analysis of content.
Readers construct meaning through analysis of central ideas and authors choices used to convey
certain effects.
- What do I value
- !ow do my "eliefs influence my choices in life
'ommon 'ore
)ea$ing: iterat%re
''((*)*9-10*1: #ite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
''((*)*9-10*+: $etermine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze in detail its development over
the course of the text, including how it emerges and is shaped and refined "y specific details% provide an
o"&ective summary of the text.
''((*)*9-10*,: $etermine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text, including
figurative and connotative meanings% analyze the cumulative impact of specific word choices on meaning
and tone 'e.g., how the language evo(es a sense of time and place% how it sets a formal or informal
''((*)*9-10*5: Analyze how an author*s choices concerning how to structure a text, order events
within it 'e.g., parallel plots), and manipulate time 'e.g., pacing, flash"ac(s) create such effects as
mystery, tension, or surprise.
''((*)*9-10*10: +y the end of grade ,, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas,
and poems, in the grades ,--. text complexity "and proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high
end of the range.
+y the end of grade -., read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the
high end of the grades ,--. text complexity "and independently and proficiently.
+y the end of grade -., read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, at the
high end of the grades ,--. text complexity "and independently and proficiently.
Writing: Informative
''((*W*9-10*+: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts,
and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of
''((*W*9-10*,: 0roduce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style
are appropriate to tas(, purpose, and audience. '1rade-specific expectations for writing types are defined
in standards -23 a"ove.)
''((*W*9-10*5: $evelop and strengthen writing as needed "y planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or
trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and
''((*W*9-10*-: 4se technology, including the Internet, to produce, pu"lish, and update individual or
shared writing products, ta(ing advantage of technology*s capacity to lin( to other information and to
display information flexi"ly and dynamically.
''((*W*9-10*.: 1ather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using
advanced searches effectively% assess the usefulness of each source in answering the research
5uestion% integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism
and following a standard format for citation.
''((*W*9-10*9: $raw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and
''((*W*9-10*10: Write routinely over extended time frames 'time for research, reflection, and revision)
and shorter time frames 'a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tas(s, purposes, and audiences.
English II
'onventions of (tan$ar$ Englis!
''((**9-10*16 $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard 7nglish grammar and usage
when writing or spea(ing
''((**9-10*+: $emonstrate command of the conventions of standard 7nglish capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when writing.
''((**9-10*/: Apply (nowledge of language to understand how language functions in different
contexts, to ma(e effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or
''((**9-10*5: $emonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in
word meanings.
''((**9-10*-: Ac5uire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific
words and phrases% gather voca"ulary (nowledge when considering a word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
(pea#ing an$ istening
''((*(*9-10*1: Initiate and participate effectively in a range of colla"orative discussions 'one-on-one,
in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grades ,--. topics, texts, and issues, "uilding on
others* ideas and expressing their own clearly and persuasively.
''((*(*9-10*+: Integrate multiple sources of information presented in diverse media or formats 'e.g.,
visually, 5uantitatively, orally) evaluating the credi"ility and accuracy of each source.
''((*(*9-10*,: 0resent information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically
such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, su"stance, and
style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and tas(.
''((*(*9-10*-: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tas(s, demonstrating command of formal
7nglish when indicated or appropriate. '8ee grades ,--. 9anguage standards - and 3here for specific
'ognitive (#ills - $etermine a theme or central idea of a text
- #ite textual evidence to support analysis
- Analyze authors choices
- $iscuss topics in various settings 'partners, small groups, whole class)
- Write informative/explanatory text to convey complex ideas
- 4nderstand appropriate research methods
- 1ather and evaluate appropriate sources
- Read Chandas Secrets
- Read nonfiction texts supplementing concepts and ideas in novel
- Write an explanatory essay related to a topic found in Chandas Secrets
1D2 Diagnostic
132 3ormative
1(2 (%mmative
'$) 2 $iagnostic Assessment6 'Wee( -)
':) 2 #lose Readings with #7A 'Wee( ;-3)
':) 2 :irst $raft of 7xplanatory 7ssay 'Wee( <)
':) 2 7xplanatory 7ssay 0eer Review 'Wee( <)
'8/:) - ,--. 7xplanatory Assessment 'Wee( =)
'8/:) 2 Reflection of Assessment 'Wee( =)
4exts/)eso%rces (!ort 4exts
- What is HIV/AIDS? from
- "hi#d $rostit%tio& i& Africa from http://!!!.&'!
- H%ma& (ra)c*i&g i& Africa - A mod'r& da+ 'vi# from
- ,'&+a: -a.orit+ /ac* Acc'ss to H'a#th S'rvic's from
- (aboos a&d "#i&ica# 4's'arch i& W'st Africa from
/o&g ('8ts
- Chandas Secrets by Allan Stratton
Wee# 1
-. 8tudents will complete a reading/writing diagnostic assessment. 'R9-, R9;, R9<, R9=, W-, W<)
;. 8tudents will "uild "ac(ground (nowledge and context of Africa, !I>/AI$8, and cultural norms.
'R9-., 9=-?, 89-)
3. 8tudents will read to determine a theme or central idea and analyze how it is shaped "y specific
details. 'R9;, 89-.)
Wee# +
-. 8tudents will analyze themes and central ideas through close readings and #7A paragraphs
'R9--;, R9<, W,, 9--;, 9=-?)
;. 8tudents will analyze nonfiction articles to determine central ideas and authors choices
regarding explanatory writing. 'R9--;, 89-, 89?)
3. 8tudents will analyze authors choices of structure, order of events, etc. throughout a text.
<. 8tudents will discuss and evaluate central ideas and inferences '9-,89 -, 89;, 89?)
Wee# /
-. 8tudents will analyze central ideas and evaluate authors choices through close readings. 'R9--
;, R9<-=, W,, 9--3, 9=-?)
;. 8tudents will analyze nonfiction articles to determine central ideas and authors choices
regarding explanatory writing. 'R9--;, 89-, 89?)
3. 8tudents will develop a topic to research from novel or nonfiction sources. 'W-, 9--;, 9=, 9?)
<. 8tudents will discuss and evaluate central ideas, topics, and research ideas 'R9;, R9=, 9-,89-,
89;, 89<, 89?)
Wee# ,
-. 8tudents will gather and evaluate information from multiple sources to support central ideas.
'R9-, R9-., 89;, W=-?)
;. 8tudents will cite evidence to convey central idea. 'R9-, R9;, W;, W<, W,)
3. 8tudents will write first draft of explanatory essay. 'R9-, R9=, W-, W<, W?, W@, W,, W-., 9--3,
Wee# 5
-. 8tudent will peer edit and revise drafts of explanatory essay. 'R9<, R9=, W=-?, W,, 9--3, 9=-?,
89--<, 89?)
;. 8tudents will pu"lish and present final explanatory essay 'W<-?, 89--;, 89<, 89?)
3. 8tudents will complete the Reading component of the summative/formative assessment. 'R9--
;, R9<-=, R9-.)
<. 8tudents will complete the Writing component of the summative/formative assessment. 'W-,
W<, W,)
=. 8tudents will write a reflection that discusses their performance on the assessment. 'W<, W-.,
9-, 93, 9?)
Reading 9iterature6 -, ;,<,=,-.
Writing6 ;, <, =, ?, ,
9anguage6 -, ;, 3, =, ?
iterary 4exts:
:rom Aartin 9uther Bings I !ave $ream -,?3
Description of 4as#s:
4as# 1: 8tudents will read excerpts from a speech "y Aartin 9uther Bing and answer 0AR##-li(e
5uestions that focus on central ideas and authors choices.
4as# +: 8tudents will write an essay that explains Aartin 9uther Bings views on the concepts of freedom
and independence.
Directions for 0$ministering 0ssessment:
-. Cwo =. minute period assessments to complete Cas( - and Cas( ; 'Wee( =)
(t%$ents "it! (pecial 5ee$s:
0rovide additional time to complete each step in the writing process 'prewrite, etc.)
(t%$ent Directions:
4as# 1: 8tudents will read an excerpt from Aalcolm D and answer 0AR##-li(e 5uestions that focus on
central ideas and rhetorical strategies.
4as# +: After reading the speech, write an essay explaining Aartin 9uther Bings views on freedom and
independence. 8upport your response with at least ; pieces of textual evidence.
Assessment Directions

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