Amigo Brothers Close Reading Questions

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Amigo Brothers by Piri Thomas

Close Reading Questions

Please respond to the following questions. You must incorporate the
question into the answer and respond on your own paper. You MUST cite
page numbers for Right There and uthor and Me Questions!
1. Name the title of this text and identify the author.
2. What is the genre of this piece of text? Name another piece of similar
3. Who is the narrator of this story? What type of narration is used?
. !se a "enn diagram to compare and contrast #ntonio and $elix.
%. &ow to the 'oys train for a (ght?
). What does the author suggest is the di*erence 'etween a 'oxer and a
+. What type of tension is shared 'etween the two 'oys 'efore the (ght?
,. -oes the dialogue 'etween #ntonia and $elix seem realistic to you?
/. What do the 'oys agree to not do until the (ght?
10. Why does $elix want to forget a'out #ntonio1s face?
11. &ow does watching the mo2ie help $elix prepare for the (ght?
12. What does the author mean when he says that #ntonio 3'o's
and wea2es li4e mercury5? What literary de2ice is this an example of?
13. #n opossum is a small animal that pretends to 'e dead when it is
threatened. What does the idiom 3playing possum5 mean?
1. Why do the 'oys continue to (ght although they 'oth ha2e 'een
hurt? What do you thin4 this indicates a'out their internal con6ict?
1%. Why do you thin4 the author decided to end the story as he did?
What do you thin4 happens next?
1). -escri'e the type of con6ict the 'oys are experiencing. What
are the two choices the 'oys are faced with?
1+. -escri'e what you thin4 is the moment of truth for the 'oys in
the story? What do you thin4 they learn at this moment?
1,. 78N!9: 9ummari;e this selection in exactly 1% words.

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