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Nombre: Camila Chandia

Catalina Seplveda
Constanza Carrasco
Ignacia Valenzuela
Asignatura: Ingles
Profesora: Miss Constanza Vega
Rafting is a sport that takes place outdoors, in
direct contact with nature, where a group of
people seeking to dominate river rapids on a
raft at high speed. The river rafting or
mountain, is above all a team activity where all
crew members in the boat row and move your
body coordination to go fast and not fall into
the water.
There is no doubt that Chile is a privileged place
for rafting doubt. The reason? The unique
geography of the country, with Los Andes a few
miles from the Pacific Ocean, resulting in some
of the best rapids in the world. Chilean rivers are
short but very intense, perfect to lower them at
full speed on a raft.

Middle Fork, Salmon River, United States
Tatshenshini and Alsek rivers in Alaska
Rio Futaleufu, Chile
Rafting on the Magpie River, Canada
Upano River, Ecuador
Sun Kosi River, Nepal
North Johnstone River, Australia
Zambezi River, Africa

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