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1 What subject are you teaching?
a Language Arts
2 What standard and objective are you teaching?
Use standard English grammar appropriate for second grade.
a I can name the parts of speech in the sentence.
b I can explain the different parts of speech.
3 What would you like me to watch for?
a Student engagement and learning.
4 Is there any specific guidance you would like?
a How to improve my skills as a virtual teacher.
5 What has improved in your instructional sessions?
a My level of comfort in teaching.
6 What is still challenging?
a Making sure Im engaging all students and teaching them appropriately in
the right amount of time.

1 Here is what you asked me to watch for.
-Student engagement and learning.

2 Here is what I saw.
Observation recording : 19 minutes
Opportunities to Respond___42_____
Single Choral All accountable

1111111111111 11111111111111111

Positives___18____ Correctives___3___
111111111111111111 111

3 The strengths of this lesson were:
-You had a lot of variety in the opportunities to respond!
-You were very positive and supportive when you had to correct a student. I think the
students felt comfortable answering even if they werent sure of the answer because you
made it into a safe environment.
-The students were able to work with partners a couple times throughout the lesson and
I know they love to do that!
-You gave directions to those that would be watching the recording later.

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