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1. How many seconds are there in a minute?
jau meni sekndz ar dtheer in mint
2- How many minutes are there in an hour?
jau meni mints ar dtheer in n auar
3- How many hours are there in a day?
jau meni auarz ar dtheer in dei
4- How many days are there in a week?
jau meni deiz ar dtheer in wiik
5- How many weeks are there en a year?
jau meni wiiks ar dtheer in iiar
6- How many years are there in a decade?
jau meni iiarz ar dtheer in dekeid
7- How many cars are there in the garage?
jau meni kars ar dtheer in dth garsh
8- How many letters are there in the alphabet?
jau meni lerrz ar dtheer in dthi lfabet
9- How many bedrooms are there in your house?
jau meni bedruumz ar dtheer i n iur jaus
10- How many fingers do you have?
jau meni fingrz du iu jv
11- How many classes do you take?
jau meni clzis do iu teik
12- How many times a day do you take a shower?
jau meni taims dei du iu teik shaur
13- How many meals a day do you eat?
jau meni miilz dei du iu iit
14- How many hours a day do you work?
jau meni auarz dei du iu wuork
15- How many children will you have?
jau meni children wil iu jv
16- How many windows does a truck have?
jau meni wuindous daz trk jv
17- How many tires does a car have?
jau meni taiarz daz kar jv
18- How many airports does the city have?
jau meni eerports daz dth siri jv
19- How many girlfriends do you have?
jau meni grlfrendz du iu jv
20- How many boyfriends do you have?
jau meni boifrendz du iu jv
21- How many boyfriends have you had?
jau meni boifrendz jv iu jd
22- How many languages do you speak?
jau meni lnguyiz du iu spiik

ANSWERS *for example
There are 60 seconds in a minute.
dtheer ar siksti sekndz in mint
There are 60 minutes in an hour.
dtheer ar siksti mints in n auar
There are 24 hours in a day.
dtheer ar tuenifour auarz in dei
There are seven days in a week.
dtheer ar sevn deiz in wiik
There are 52 weeks in a year.
dtheer ar fifti tuu wiiks in iiar
There are 10 years in a decade.
dtheer ar ten iiarz in dekeid
There is one car in the garage.
dtheer iz un kar in dth garsh
There are 26 letters in the alphabet.
dtheer ar tueni siks lerrz in dthi lfabet
there are three bedrooms in my house.*
dtheer ar thrii bedruumz in mai jaus
I have 10 fingers.
ai jv ten fingrz
I take five classes.*
ai teik faiv clzis
I take a shower two times a day.*
ai teik shaur tuu taimz dei
I eat three meals a day.*
ai iit thrii miilz dei
I work eight hours a day.*
ai wuork eit auarz dei
I will have four children.*
ail jv four childrn
A truck has two windows.
trk jz tuu windous
An automobile has four tires.
n oromoubil jaz four taiarz
The city has one airport.*
dth siri jz un eerport
I have one girlfriend.*
ai jv un grlfrend
I have one boyfriend.*
ai jv un boifrend
I have had a few boyfriends.*
ai jv jd fiu boifrendz
I speak two languages; Spanish and English.
ai spiik tuu languayiz: Spanish and inglish


1- Cuantos segundos hay en un minuto?

2- Cuantos minutos hay en una hora?

3- Cuantas horas hay en un da?

4- Cuantos das hay en una semana?

5- Cuantas semanas hay en un ao?

6- Cuantos aos hay en una dcada?

7- Cuantos carros hay en el garaje?

8- cuantas letras hay en el alfabeto

9- Cuantas piezas hay en su casar?

10- Cuantos dedos tiene (es sus manos)?

11- Cuantas clases toma usted?

12- Cuantas veces al da toma una ducha?

13- Cuantas comidas al da se come?

14- Cuantas horas al da trabaja?

15- Cuantos nios tendr?

16- Cuantas ventanas tiene un camin?

17- Cuantas llantas tiene un automvil?

18- Cuantos aeropuertos tiene la ciudad?

19- Cuantas novias tiene?

20- Cuantos novios tiene?

21- Cuantos novios ha tenido?

22- Cuantos idiomas habla?
RESPUESTAS * por ejemplo.

Hay 60 segundos en un minuto.

Hay 60 minutos en una hora.

Hay 24 horas en un da.

Hay siete das en una semana.

Hay 52 semanas en un ao.

Hay 10 aos en una dcada.

Hay un carro en el garaje.

Hay 26 letras en el alfabeto.

Hay tres piezas en mi casa.*

Tengo 10 dedos (en mis manos).

Yo tomo cinco clases.*

Tomo una ducha dos veces al da.*

Como tres comidas al da.*

Trabajo ocho horas al da.*

Yo tendr cuatro nios.*

Un camin tiene dos ventanas.

Un automvil tiene cuatro llantas.

La ciudad tiene un aeropuerto.*

Tengo una novia.*

Tengo un novio.*

He tenido pocos novios.*

Hablo dos idiomas; Espaol. E Ingls*

HOMEWORK / TAREA Write down the question / Escriba las preguntas

1-How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
There are 26 letters in the English alphabet.
I speak two languages; Spanish and English.*
I have had a few boyfriends.*
I take a shower two times a day.*
There are 24 hours in a day.
The city has one airport.*
There are seven days in a week.
I work eight hours a day.*
There are 10 years in a decade.
There is one car in the garage.
I have one girlfriend.*
There are three bedrooms in my house.*
I have 10 fingers.
I take five classes.*
I eat three meals a day.*
I will have four children.*
There are 52 weeks in a year.
There are 60 seconds in a minute.
A truck has two windows.
An automobile has four tires.

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