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TEXT-BOOK OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY ‘THE KINETIC THEORY OF GASES. Elementary Treatise, with Mathematical Appendices, By Dr. Oskar Eant Mnver, Professor of Physics at the University of Breslau. Second Revised Edition. ‘Translated by Ronert E. Baynes, M.A., Student of Christ Church, Oxford, and Dr. Lee's Reader in Physics. ” 8vo, 15s, net. ‘THE ARRANGEMENT OF ATOMS IN SPACE. By J. H. VAN Horr. Second, Revised, and Enlarged Edition. With a Pre- face by Jonannas WisLicenus, Professor of Chemistry at the U yersty of Leipzig and an “Appendis, “Stereorchemistry among Thorganic Substances,” by ALPwED Werxir, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Zi ed by ARNOLD EMLOART. Crown 80, 65 6c. PRACTICAL ELECTRICAL TESTING IN PH ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. By G. D, Asi ‘Assoc. M.LE.E. With 231 Illustrations. 8vo, 85. 6d. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE, ON | ALTERNATING CURRENTS. By W.G. Ruoves, M.Sc. (Viet.), Consulting Engineer. 80, 75. 6d. net. + \ SHORT HISTORY OF THE PROGRESS OF SCIEN- “{IFIC CHEMISTRY IN QUR OWN TIMES. By Wiitiam ‘Tivvex, D.Sc. London, F.R.S, Crown 8vo, 5s. net, INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF CHEMICAL PHILOSOPHY. ‘The Principles of Theoretical and Systematic Chemistry. With 5 Mlustrations. By Wiutiam A. Tipen, D.Sc. London, F-R.S. Feap, 8vo, 5. With ANSWERS to Problems. Fep- Byo. 58. 6c HIGHER MATHEMATICS FOR STUDENTS OF CHEM- ISTRY AND PHYSICS. With Special Reference to Prac Work. By J. W. Metron, D.Sc., late Senior Scholar and 1851 Exhibition Scholar, New Zealand "University; Honorary Research Fellow, the Owens College, Manchester. 8vo. THE PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY. By D. MeNpeLéeri ‘Translated from the Russian (Sixth Edition) by Georce Kamensky, A.R.S.M., of the Imperial Mint, St. Petersburg; and Edited by T. A. Lawson, B.Sc. Ph.D, Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry. With 96 Diagrams and Tiiustrations. 2 vols. 8v0y 365. OUTLINES OF THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY, By LoTHaR ‘Meyer, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Tiibingen. Trans- lated by Professors P, Puittirs Bepsox, D.Sc, and W. CARLETON Wittians, B.Sc. 8v0, 95. A DICTIONARY OF APPLIED CHEMISTRY. _ by ‘T. E. ‘Tuorre, C.B., B.Sc. (Vict.), Ph.D, F.R.S., Principal of the Govern= iment Laboratory, London. Assisted by Eminent Contributors. 3 vols. Bvo. Vols. I. and I1., 42s. each. Vol-IIl., 635. WATTS’ DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY. _ Revised and cotirely Rewritten by H. Forsrer Morey, M.A.) D.Se., Fellow of, and lately Assistant Professor of Chemistry’ ing University College, London; and M. M. Pattison Murr, M.A. F.R.S.E., Fellow, and Pralector in Chemistry, of Gonville and Caius ‘College, Cambridge. Assisted by Eminent Contributors. 4 vols. 8vo, £5 net. SELECT METHODS IN CHEMICAL ANAL) Inorganic. By Sir Wittiam Crooxes, F.R.S., etc. Th Rewritten and Enlarged. With 67 Woodcuts. vo, 2:5. net. . Park, LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. LONDON, NEW YORK, AND BOMBAY TEXT-BOOK OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY BY SVANTE ARRHENIUS PROFESSOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF STOCKHOLM "TRANSLATED BY JOHN McCRAE, Pu.D. WITH NUMEROUS DIAGRAMS LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CoO. 39 PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON NEW YORK AND BOMBAY 1902 All rights reserved

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