Unit 4: One Line Answers

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Unit 4

One line answers

1. Name the different types of interferometer?
2. Name the common source of light used for interferometer
3. What is crest and trough?
4. What is wavelength?
5. What is meant by alignment test on machine tools?
. !ist the various geometrical chec"s made on machine tools.
#. $istinguish between geometrical test and practical test on a machine tool.
%. What are the main spindle errors?
&. Write the various tests conducted on any machine tools
1'. Why the laser is used in alignment testing?
11. (lassify the machine tool test.
12. What are the different types of geometrical tests conducted on machine tools?
13. What is ())?
Theoretical questions
1. *+plain the interferometric measurement of angle ,1-
2. .riefly e+plain (omputer /ided inspection and $igital devices ,1-
3. *+plain the wor"ing of !aser 0nterferometer ,1-
4. *+plain $ifferent types of ()) ,1-
5. *+plain the constructional features and application of ()). ,1-
. *+plain how profiles are chec"ed using laser viewers ,1-
#. *+plain the laser telemetric system with a suitable diagram ,1-
%. *laborate on the topic of geometrical tolerance ,1-
Unit 5
One line answers..
1. What are load cells?
2. 1ive the principle of hot wire anemometer
3. 2tate any four inferential type of flow meters
4. What is thermopile?
5. )ention the principle involved in bimetallic strip.
. What is thermocouple?
#. What is a 3entometer?
%. What is the principle involved in fluid e+pansion thermometer?
&. What is the need of inspection?
1'. What are the important elements of measurements?
11. What is the basic 4rinciple of measurement?
Theoretical questions
1. .riefly e+plain various methods of measuring tor5ue ,1-
2. .riefly e+plain various methods of measuring temperature ,1-
3. .riefly e+plain various methods of measuring flow ,1-
4. .riefly e+plain various methods of measuring power ,1-
5. .riefly e+plain various methods of measuring force ,1-
. *+plain wor"ing of 4ressure thermometer and resistance thermometer. ,1-
#. *+plain the construction and wor"ing of 6enturimeter and 7otameter ,1-
%. *+plain the construction and wor"ing of .imetallic strip and 8hermocouple ,1

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