Personality Assessment Test

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Personality Analysis Test

Q-1) What are your dreams that you want to fulfill?

Q-7) How do you define success?

Q-2) Do you like your subjects? Name it.

Q-8) Correct the order of the following as per your priority

1- Job , Assignments , Exams , Health , Personality
2- Money , Position , Respect , Relations , Family

Q-3) Have you learnt any lesson for Life from these subjects?

Q-4) What changes you have noticed in your personality after joining

Q-6) What changes do you want to see in yourself? And what are your
plans for that?

Q-9) What do you think when you have dreamed about achieving
1. I will achieve it in reality.
2. My effort will be paid off.
3. I will fail.
4. Success in a dream, Means Nothing
5. No special meaning.
Q-10) Do you like to visit big parties frequently? What do you like

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