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Shipka Pass, 1877 (solo game)

Russian (players) force: 24 elements, distributed in 6, 7 or 8 units (players choice). ne unit

(4 stands ma!.) is a "uard unit e#uipped $ith %erdan rifles (see ne!t pa&e).
'he Russian force is deployed in the first ro$ of sectors of the east side (li&ht &reen area).
(ollo$in& each Russian units mo)ement, roll for each undisco)ered *hill+ or *)illa&e+ $ithin
4 ,- from that unit:
.lace 1d6 - 2 'ur/ish stands in a *)illa&e+ sector,
.lace 1d6 - 3 'ur/ish stands in a *hill+ sector.
(or e!ample, if player rolls a *6+ $hen chec/in& for enemy presence in a *)illa&e+ sector, a 4
stands stron& 'ur/ish unit is disco)ered.
0ach time a ne$ 'ur/ish unit is *raised+, a correspondin& to/en is added in the bo$l.
0ach 'ur/ish unit raised in a *hill+ sector is considered entrenched for combat purposes.
1hen a 'ur/ish to/en is pic/ed up from the bo$l, the correspondin& acti)ated unit is selected
randomly2 then roll 3d6: that unit is successfully acti)ated if 4 4 is rolled, or 5 4 if the 'ur/ish
force already sustained 8 losses or more.
6uccessfully acti)ated 'ur/ish units may perform one action, accordin& to the priority order
3) 7ounter4attac/: assault any understren&th foe $ithin 5 ,-, if ho$e)er the mo)ement
is not hampered because of terrain or other units.
2) pen fire on nearest foe.
8f se)eral tar&ets are eli&ible, the selected one is chosen randomly.
'ur/ish units are rated *stubborn+2 thus they dont recoil in case of *e)en+ losses but loose
one stand instead.
ptional rule: 'ur/ish units may perform *support fire+ if ad9acent to an assaulted friendly
unit or its assaultin& foe, and if successfully acti)ated.
.layer $ins if he mana&es to cross the mountainous area and ta/e the )illa&e $est of the
mountain before the end of turn 32, ha)in& destroyed e)ery 'ur/ish unit in the process.
Quick reere!ce cards (the Russian "uard is considered *0lite+ (%6 4) and *7+ class unit)
'Pri!" a!d Pla() *ou!"ers or "he +,- 'Shipka Pass) sce!ario

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