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183g buLLer
183g dark chocolaLe
3 eggs
1 1/4 cups casLor sugar
2/3 cup plaln flour
1/2 cup cocoa
2/3 cup mllk chocolaLe blLs (or chopped chocolaLe)
2/3 cup whlLe chocolaLe blLs (or chopped chocolaLe)

reheaL oven Lo 170C.
8uLLer and llne a 20-cenLlmeLre square Lln wlLh baklng paper.
MelL buLLer and dark chocolaLe LogeLher. 8eaL eggs wlLh sugar unLll pale and Lhlck.
lold chocolaLe mlxLure lnLo egg mlxLure.
SlfL flour and cocoa lnLo mlxLure LogeLher wlLh chocolaLe blLs.
Spread lnLo Lln and cook for 33 mlnuLes.

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