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The_AT Fulton_NP-TL County_NN-TL Grand_JJ-TL Jury_NN-TL said_VBD Friday_NR an_AT

investigation_NN of_IN Atlanta's_NP$ recent_JJ primary_NN election_NN produced_

VBD ``_`` no_AT evidence_NN ''_'' that_CS any_DTI irregularities_NNS took_VBD pl
ace_NN ._. The_AT jury_NN further_RBR said_VBD in_IN term-end_NN presentments_NN
S that_CS the_AT City_NN-TL Executive_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT had_HV
D over-all_JJ charge_NN of_IN the_AT election_NN ,_, ``_`` deserves_VBZ the_AT p
raise_NN and_CC thanks_NNS of_IN the_AT City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Atlanta_NP-TL ''_''
for_IN the_AT manner_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT election_NN was_BEDZ conducted_VB
N ._. The_AT September-October_NP term_NN jury_NN had_HVD been_BEN charged_VBN b
y_IN Fulton_NP-TL Superior_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL Judge_NN-TL Durwood_NP Pye_NP to_TO
investigate_VB reports_NNS of_IN possible_JJ ``_`` irregularities_NNS ''_'' in_
IN the_AT hard-fought_JJ primary_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ won_VBN by_IN Mayor-nomin
ate_NN-TL Ivan_NP Allen_NP Jr._NP ._. ``_`` Only_RB a_AT relative_JJ handful_NN
of_IN such_JJ reports_NNS was_BEDZ received_VBN ''_'' ,_, the_AT jury_NN said_VB
D ,_, ``_`` considering_IN the_AT widespread_JJ interest_NN in_IN the_AT electio
n_NN ,_, the_AT number_NN of_IN voters_NNS and_CC the_AT size_NN of_IN this_DT c
ity_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT jury_NN said_VBD it_PPS did_DOD find_VB that_CS many_AP
of_IN Georgia's_NP$ registration_NN and_CC election_NN laws_NNS ``_`` are_BER ou
tmoded_JJ or_CC inadequate_JJ and_CC often_RB ambiguous_JJ ''_'' ._. It_PPS reco
mmended_VBD that_CS Fulton_NP legislators_NNS act_VB ``_`` to_TO have_HV these_D
TS laws_NNS studied_VBN and_CC revised_VBN to_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN modernizing
_VBG and_CC improving_VBG them_PPO ''_'' ._. The_AT grand_JJ jury_NN commented_V
BD on_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN other_AP topics_NNS ,_, among_IN them_PPO the_AT A
tlanta_NP and_CC Fulton_NP-TL County_NN-TL purchasing_VBG departments_NNS which_
WDT it_PPS said_VBD ``_`` are_BER well_QL operated_VBN and_CC follow_VB generall
y_RB accepted_VBN practices_NNS which_WDT inure_VB to_IN the_AT best_JJT interes
t_NN of_IN both_ABX governments_NNS ''_'' ._. Merger_NN-HL proposed_VBN-HL Howev
er_WRB ,_, the_AT jury_NN said_VBD it_PPS believes_VBZ ``_`` these_DTS two_CD of
fices_NNS should_MD be_BE combined_VBN to_TO achieve_VB greater_JJR efficiency_N
N and_CC reduce_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN administration_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT City_
NN-TL Purchasing_VBG-TL Department_NN-TL ,_, the_AT jury_NN said_VBD ,_, ``_`` i
s_BEZ lacking_VBG in_IN experienced_VBN clerical_JJ personnel_NNS as_CS a_AT res
ult_NN of_IN city_NN personnel_NNS policies_NNS ''_'' ._. It_PPS urged_VBD that_
CS the_AT city_NN ``_`` take_VB steps_NNS to_TO remedy_VB ''_'' this_DT problem_
NN ._. Implementation_NN of_IN Georgia's_NP$ automobile_NN title_NN law_NN was_B
EDZ also_RB recommended_VBN by_IN the_AT outgoing_JJ jury_NN ._. It_PPS urged_VB
D that_CS the_AT next_AP Legislature_NN-TL ``_`` provide_VB enabling_VBG funds_N
NS and_CC re-set_VB the_AT effective_JJ date_NN so_CS that_CS an_AT orderly_JJ i
mplementation_NN of_IN the_AT law_NN may_MD be_BE effected_VBN ''_'' ._. The_AT
grand_JJ jury_NN took_VBD a_AT swipe_NN at_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Welfare_NN-TL D
epartment's_NN$-TL handling_NN of_IN federal_JJ funds_NNS granted_VBN for_IN chi
ld_NN welfare_NN services_NNS in_IN foster_JJ homes_NNS ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ
one_CD of_IN the_AT major_JJ items_NNS in_IN the_AT Fulton_NP-TL County_NN-TL g
eneral_JJ assistance_NN program_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT jury_NN said_VBD ,_, but_CC
the_AT State_NN-TL Welfare_NN-TL Department_NN-TL ``_`` has_HVZ seen_VBN fit_JJ
to_TO distribute_VB these_DTS funds_NNS through_IN the_AT welfare_NN departments
_NNS of_IN all_ABN the_AT counties_NNS in_IN the_AT state_NN with_IN the_AT exce
ption_NN of_IN Fulton_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT receives_VBZ none_PN of_I
N this_DT money_NN ._. The_AT jurors_NNS said_VBD they_PPSS realize_VB ``_`` a_A
T proportionate_JJ distribution_NN of_IN these_DTS funds_NNS might_MD disable_VB
this_DT program_NN in_IN our_PP$ less_QL populous_JJ counties_NNS ''_'' ._. Nev
ertheless_RB ,_, ``_`` we_PPSS feel_VB that_CS in_IN the_AT future_NN Fulton_NP-
TL County_NN-TL should_MD receive_VB some_DTI portion_NN of_IN these_DTS availab
le_JJ funds_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT jurors_NNS said_VBD ._. ``_`` Failure_NN to_TO
do_DO this_DT will_MD continue_VB to_TO place_VB a_AT disproportionate_JJ burden
_NN ''_'' on_IN Fulton_NP taxpayers_NNS ._. The_AT jury_NN also_RB commented_VBD
on_IN the_AT Fulton_NP ordinary's_NN$ court_NN which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN under
_IN fire_NN for_IN its_PP$ practices_NNS in_IN the_AT appointment_NN of_IN appra
isers_NNS ,_, guardians_NNS and_CC administrators_NNS and_CC the_AT awarding_NN
of_IN fees_NNS and_CC compensation_NN ._. Wards_NNS-HL protected_VBN-HL The_AT j
ury_NN said_VBD it_PPS found_VBD the_AT court_NN ``_`` has_HVZ incorporated_VBN
into_IN its_PP$ operating_VBG procedures_NNS the_AT recommendations_NNS ''_'' of
_IN two_CD previous_JJ grand_JJ juries_NNS ,_, the_AT Atlanta_NP-TL Bar_NN-TL As
sociation_NN-TL and_CC an_AT interim_NN citizens_NNS committee_NN ._. ``_`` Thes
e_DTS actions_NNS should_MD serve_VB to_TO protect_VB in_IN fact_NN and_CC in_IN
effect_NN the_AT court's_NN$ wards_NNS from_IN undue_JJ costs_NNS and_CC its_PP
$ appointed_VBN and_CC elected_VBN servants_NNS from_IN unmeritorious_JJ critici
sms_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT jury_NN said_VBD ._. Regarding_IN Atlanta's_NP$ new_JJ
multi-million-dollar_JJ airport_NN ,_, the_AT jury_NN recommended_VBD ``_`` that
_CS when_WRB the_AT new_JJ management_NN takes_VBZ charge_NN Jan._NP 1_CD the_AT
airport_NN be_BE operated_VBN in_IN a_AT manner_NN that_WPS will_MD eliminate_V
B political_JJ influences_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT jury_NN did_DOD not_* elaborate_V
B ,_, but_CC it_PPS added_VBD that_CS ``_`` there_EX should_MD be_BE periodic_JJ
surveillance_NN of_IN the_AT pricing_VBG practices_NNS of_IN the_AT concessiona
ires_NNS for_IN the_AT purpose_NN of_IN keeping_VBG the_AT prices_NNS reasonable
_JJ ''_'' ._. Ask_VB-HL jail_NN-HL deputies_NNS-HL On_IN other_AP matters_NNS ,_
, the_AT jury_NN recommended_VBD that_CS :_: (_( 1_CD )_) Four_CD additional_JJ
deputies_NNS be_BE employed_VBN at_IN the_AT Fulton_NP-TL County_NN-TL Jail_NN-T
L and_CC ``_`` a_AT doctor_NN ,_, medical_JJ intern_NN or_CC extern_NN be_BE emp
loyed_VBN for_IN night_NN and_CC weekend_NN duty_NN at_IN the_AT jail_NN ''_'' .
_. (_( 2_CD )_) Fulton_NP legislators_NNS ``_`` work_VB with_IN city_NN official
s_NNS to_TO pass_VB enabling_VBG legislation_NN that_WPS will_MD permit_VB the_A
T establishment_NN of_IN a_AT fair_JJ and_CC equitable_JJ ''_'' pension_NN plan_
NN for_IN city_NN employes_NNS ._. The_AT jury_NN praised_VBD the_AT administrat
ion_NN and_CC operation_NN of_IN the_AT Atlanta_NP-TL Police_NNS-TL Department_N
N-TL ,_, the_AT Fulton_NP-TL Tax_NN-TL Commissioner's_NN$-TL Office_NN-TL ,_, th
e_AT Bellwood_NP and_CC Alpharetta_NP prison_NN farms_NNS ,_, Grady_NP-TL Hospit
al_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Fulton_NP-TL Health_NN-TL Department_NN-TL ._. Mayor_NN-T
L William_NP B._NP Hartsfield_NP filed_VBD suit_NN for_IN divorce_NN from_IN his
_PP$ wife_NN ,_, Pearl_NP Williams_NP Hartsfield_NP ,_, in_IN Fulton_NP-TL Super
ior_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL Friday_NR ._. His_PP$ petition_NN charged_VBD mental_JJ cr
uelty_NN ._. The_AT couple_NN was_BEDZ married_VBN Aug._NP 2_CD ,_, 1913_CD ._.
They_PPSS have_HV a_AT son_NN ,_, William_NP Berry_NP Jr._NP ,_, and_CC a_AT dau
ghter_NN ,_, Mrs._NP J._NP M._NP Cheshire_NP of_IN Griffin_NP ._. Attorneys_NNS
for_IN the_AT mayor_NN said_VBD that_CS an_AT amicable_JJ property_NN settlement
_NN has_HVZ been_BEN agreed_VBN upon_RB ._. The_AT petition_NN listed_VBD the_AT
mayor's_NN$ occupation_NN as_CS ``_`` attorney_NN ''_'' and_CC his_PP$ age_NN a
s_CS 71_CD ._. It_PPS listed_VBD his_PP$ wife's_NN$ age_NN as_CS 74_CD and_CC pl
ace_NN of_IN birth_NN as_CS Opelika_NP ,_, Ala._NP ._. The_AT petition_NN said_V
BD that_CS the_AT couple_NN has_HVZ not_* lived_VBN together_RB as_CS man_NN and
_CC wife_NN for_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT year_NN ._. The_AT Hartsfield_NP home_NR
is_BEZ at_IN 637_CD E._NP Pelham_NP Rd._NN-TL Aj_NN ._. Henry_NP L._NP Bowden_N
P was_BEDZ listed_VBN on_IN the_AT petition_NN as_CS the_AT mayor's_NN$ attorney
_NN ._. Hartsfield_NP has_HVZ been_BEN mayor_NN of_IN Atlanta_NP ,_, with_IN exc
eption_NN of_IN one_CD brief_JJ interlude_NN ,_, since_IN 1937_CD ._. His_PP$ po
litical_JJ career_NN goes_VBZ back_RB to_IN his_PP$ election_NN to_IN city_NN co
uncil_NN in_IN 1923_CD ._. The_AT mayor's_NN$ present_JJ term_NN of_IN office_NN
expires_VBZ Jan._NP 1_CD ._. He_PPS will_MD be_BE succeeded_VBN by_IN Ivan_NP A
llen_NP Jr._NP ,_, who_WPS became_VBD a_AT candidate_NN in_IN the_AT Sept._NP 13
_CD primary_NN after_CS Mayor_NN-TL Hartsfield_NP announced_VBD that_CS he_PPS w
ould_MD not_* run_VB for_IN reelection_NN ._. Georgia_NP Republicans_NPS are_BER
getting_VBG strong_JJ encouragement_NN to_TO enter_VB a_AT candidate_NN in_IN t
he_AT 1962_CD governor's_NN$ race_NN ,_, a_AT top_JJS official_NN said_VBD Wedne
sday_NR ._. Robert_NP Snodgrass_NP ,_, state_NN GOP_NN chairman_NN ,_, said_VBD
a_AT meeting_NN held_VBN Tuesday_NR night_NN in_IN Blue_JJ-TL Ridge_NN-TL brough
t_VBD enthusiastic_JJ responses_NNS from_IN the_AT audience_NN ._. State_NN-TL P
arty_NN-TL Chairman_NN-TL James_NP W._NP Dorsey_NP added_VBD that_CS enthusiasm_
NN was_BEDZ picking_VBG up_RP for_IN a_AT state_NN rally_NN to_TO be_BE held_VBN
Sept._NP 8_CD in_IN Savannah_NP at_IN which_WDT newly_RB elected_VBN Texas_NP S
en._NN-TL John_NP Tower_NP will_MD be_BE the_AT featured_VBN speaker_NN ._. In_I
N the_AT Blue_JJ-TL Ridge_NN-TL meeting_NN ,_, the_AT audience_NN was_BEDZ warne
d_VBN that_CS entering_VBG a_AT candidate_NN for_IN governor_NN would_MD force_V
B it_PPO to_TO take_VB petitions_NNS out_RP into_IN voting_VBG precincts_NNS to_
TO obtain_VB the_AT signatures_NNS of_IN registered_VBN voters_NNS ._. Despite_I
N the_AT warning_VBG ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT unanimous_JJ vote_NN to_TO enter
_VB a_AT candidate_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN Republicans_NPS who_WPS attended_VB
D ._. When_WRB the_AT crowd_NN was_BEDZ asked_VBN whether_CS it_PPS wanted_VBD t
o_TO wait_VB one_CD more_AP term_NN to_TO make_VB the_AT race_NN ,_, it_PPS vote
d_VBD no_RB --_-- and_CC there_EX were_BED no_AT dissents_NNS ._. The_AT largest
_JJT hurdle_NN the_AT Republicans_NPS would_MD have_HV to_TO face_VB is_BEZ a_AT
state_NN law_NN which_WDT says_VBZ that_CS before_CS making_VBG a_AT first_OD r
ace_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN two_CD alternative_JJ courses_NNS must_MD be_BE taken_VB
N :_: 1_CD Five_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT voters_NNS in_IN each_DT county_N
N must_MD sign_VB petitions_NNS requesting_VBG that_CS the_AT Republicans_NPS be
_BE allowed_VBN to_TO place_VB names_NNS of_IN candidates_NNS on_IN the_AT gener
al_JJ election_NN ballot_NN ,_, or_CC 2_CD The_AT Republicans_NPS must_MD hold_V
B a_AT primary_NN under_IN the_AT county_NN unit_NN system_NN --_-- a_AT system_
NN which_WDT the_AT party_NN opposes_VBZ in_IN its_PP$ platform_NN ._. Sam_NP Ca
ldwell_NP ,_, State_NN-TL Highway_NN-TL Department_NN-TL public_JJ relations_NNS
director_NN ,_, resigned_VBD Tuesday_NR to_TO work_VB for_IN Lt._NN-TL Gov._NN-
TL Garland_NP Byrd's_NP$ campaign_NN ._. Caldwell's_NP$ resignation_NN had_HVD b
een_BEN expected_VBN for_IN some_DTI time_NN ._. He_PPS will_MD be_BE succeeded_
VBN by_IN Rob_NP Ledford_NP of_IN Gainesville_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN an
_AT assistant_NN more_AP than_IN three_CD years_NNS ._. When_WRB the_AT gubernat
orial_JJ campaign_NN starts_VBZ ,_, Caldwell_NP is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO become
_VB a_AT campaign_NN coordinator_NN for_IN Byrd_NP ._. The_AT Georgia_NP-TL Legi
slature_NN-TL will_MD wind_VB up_RP its_PP$ 1961_CD session_NN Monday_NR and_CC
head_VB for_IN home_NR --_-- where_WRB some_DTI of_IN the_AT highway_NN bond_NN
money_NN it_PPS approved_VBD will_MD follow_VB shortly_RB ._. Before_IN adjournm
ent_NN Monday_NR afternoon_NN ,_, the_AT Senate_NN-TL is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO
approve_VB a_AT study_NN of_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN legislators_NNS allotted_V
BN to_IN rural_JJ and_CC urban_JJ areas_NNS to_TO determine_VB what_WDT adjustme
nts_NNS should_MD be_BE made_VBN ._. Gov._NN-TL Vandiver_NP is_BEZ expected_VBN
to_TO make_VB the_AT traditional_JJ visit_NN to_IN both_ABX chambers_NNS as_CS t
hey_PPSS work_VB toward_IN adjournment_NN ._. Vandiver_NP likely_RB will_MD ment
ion_VB the_AT $100_NNS million_CD highway_NN bond_NN issue_NN approved_VBN earli
er_RBR in_IN the_AT session_NN as_CS his_PP$ first_OD priority_NN item_NN ._. Co
nstruction_NN-HL bonds_NNS-HL Meanwhile_RB ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ learned_VBN the_A
T State_NN-TL Highway_NN-TL Department_NN-TL is_BEZ very_QL near_RB being_BEG re
ady_JJ to_TO issue_VB the_AT first_OD $30_NNS million_CD worth_NN of_IN highway_
NN reconstruction_NN bonds_NNS ._. The_AT bond_NN issue_NN will_MD go_VB to_IN t
he_AT state_NN courts_NNS for_IN a_AT friendly_JJ test_NN suit_NN to_TO test_VB
the_AT validity_NN of_IN the_AT act_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB the_AT sales_NNS will_
MD begin_VB and_CC contracts_NNS let_VBN for_IN repair_NN work_NN on_IN some_DTI
of_IN Georgia's_NP$ most_QL heavily_RB traveled_VBN highways_NNS ._. A_AT Highw
ay_NN-TL Department_NN-TL source_NN said_VBD there_EX also_RB is_BEZ a_AT plan_N
N there_RB to_TO issue_VB some_DTI $3_NNS million_CD to_IN $4_NNS million_CD wor
th_NN of_IN Rural_JJ-TL Roads_NNS-TL Authority_NN-TL bonds_NNS for_IN rural_JJ r
oad_NN construction_NN work_NN ._. A_AT-HL revolving_VBG-HL fund_NN-HL The_AT de
partment_NN apparently_RB intends_VBZ to_TO make_VB the_AT Rural_JJ-TL Roads_NNS
-TL Authority_NN-TL a_AT revolving_VBG fund_NN under_IN which_WDT new_JJ bonds_N
NS would_MD be_BE issued_VBN every_AT time_NN a_AT portion_NN of_IN the_AT old_J
J ones_NNS are_BER paid_VBN off_RP by_IN tax_NN authorities_NNS ._. Vandiver_NP
opened_VBD his_PP$ race_NN for_IN governor_NN in_IN 1958_CD with_IN a_AT battle_
NN in_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL against_IN the_AT issuance_NN of_IN $50_NNS mi
llion_CD worth_NN of_IN additional_JJ rural_JJ roads_NNS bonds_NNS proposed_VBN
by_IN then_RB Gov._NN-TL Marvin_NP Griffin_NP ._. The_AT Highway_NN-TL Departmen
t_NN-TL source_NN told_VBD The_AT-TL Constitution_NN-TL ,_, however_WRB ,_, that
_CS Vandiver_NP has_HVZ not_* been_BEN consulted_VBN yet_RB about_IN the_AT plan
s_NNS to_TO issue_VB the_AT new_JJ rural_JJ roads_NNS bonds_NNS ._. Schley_NP Co
unty_NN-TL Rep._NN-TL B._NP D._NP Pelham_NP will_MD offer_VB a_AT resolution_NN
Monday_NR in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL to_TO rescind_VB the_AT body's_NN$ action_NN
of_IN Friday_NR in_IN voting_VBG itself_PPL a_AT $10_NNS per_IN day_NN increase_
NN in_IN expense_NN allowances_NNS ._. Pelham_NP said_VBD Sunday_NR night_NN the
re_EX was_BEDZ research_NN being_BEG done_VBN on_IN whether_CS the_AT ``_`` quic
kie_NN ''_'' vote_NN on_IN the_AT increase_NN can_MD be_BE repealed_VBN outright
_RB or_CC whether_CS notice_NN would_MD have_HV to_TO first_RB be_BE given_VBN t
hat_CS reconsideration_NN of_IN the_AT action_NN would_MD be_BE sought_VBN ._. W
hile_CS emphasizing_VBG that_CS technical_JJ details_NNS were_BED not_* fully_RB
worked_VBN out_RP ,_, Pelham_NP said_VBD his_PP$ resolution_NN would_MD seek_VB
to_TO set_VB aside_RB the_AT privilege_NN resolution_NN which_WDT the_AT House_
NN-TL voted_VBD through_IN 87-31_CD ._. A_AT similar_JJ resolution_NN passed_VBD
in_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL by_IN a_AT vote_NN of_IN 29-5_CD ._. As_IN of_IN Sund
ay_NR night_NN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT word_NN of_IN a_AT resolution_NN bein
g_BEG offered_VBN there_RB to_TO rescind_VB the_AT action_NN ._. Pelham_NP point
ed_VBD out_RP that_CS Georgia_NP voters_NNS last_AP November_NP rejected_VBD a_A
T constitutional_JJ amendment_NN to_TO allow_VB legislators_NNS to_TO vote_VB on
_IN pay_NN raises_NNS for_IN future_JJ Legislature_NN-TL sessions_NNS ._. A_AT v
eteran_JJ Jackson_NP-TL County_NN-TL legislator_NN will_MD ask_VB the_AT Georgia
_NP-TL House_NN-TL Monday_NR to_TO back_VB federal_JJ aid_NN to_IN education_NN
,_, something_PN it_PPS has_HVZ consistently_RB opposed_VBN in_IN the_AT past_NN
._. Rep._NN-TL Mac_NP Barber_NP of_IN Commerce_NN-TL is_BEZ asking_VBG the_AT H
ouse_NN-TL in_IN a_AT privilege_NN resolution_NN to_TO ``_`` endorse_VB increase
d_VBN federal_JJ support_NN for_IN public_JJ education_NN ,_, provided_VBN that_
CS such_JJ funds_NNS be_BE received_VBN and_CC expended_VBN ''_'' as_CS state_NN
funds_NNS ._. Barber_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ in_IN his_PP$ 13th_OD year_NN as_CS
a_AT legislator_NN ,_, said_VBD there_EX ``_`` are_BER some_DTI members_NNS of_I
N our_PP$ congressional_JJ delegation_NN in_IN Washington_NP who_WPS would_MD li
ke_VB to_TO see_VB it_PPO (_( the_AT resolution_NN )_) passed_VBN ''_'' ._. But_
CC he_PPS added_VBD that_CS none_PN of_IN Georgia's_NP$ congressmen_NNS specific
ally_RB asked_VBD him_PPO to_TO offer_VB the_AT resolution_NN ._. The_AT resolut
ion_NN ,_, which_WDT Barber_NP tossed_VBD into_IN the_AT House_NN-TL hopper_NN F
riday_NR ,_, will_MD be_BE formally_RB read_VBN Monday_NR ._. It_PPS says_VBZ th
at_CS ``_`` in_IN the_AT event_NN Congress_NP does_DOZ provide_VB this_DT increa
se_NN in_IN federal_JJ funds_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT State_NN-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-
TL Education_NN-TL should_MD be_BE directed_VBN to_TO ``_`` give_VB priority_NN
''_'' to_IN teacher_NN pay_NN raises_NNS ._. Colquitt_NP-HL --_-- After_IN a_AT
long_JJ ,_, hot_JJ controversy_NN ,_, Miller_NP-TL County_NN-TL has_HVZ a_AT new
_JJ school_NN superintendent_NN ,_, elected_VBN ,_, as_CS a_AT policeman_NN put_
VBD it_PPO ,_, in_IN the_AT ``_`` coolest_JJT election_NN I_PPSS ever_RB saw_VBD
in_IN this_DT county_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT new_JJ school_NN superintendent_NN is_
BEZ Harry_NP Davis_NP ,_, a_AT veteran_JJ agriculture_NN teacher_NN ,_, who_WPS
defeated_VBD Felix_NP Bush_NP ,_, a_AT school_NN principal_NN and_CC chairman_NN
of_IN the_AT Miller_NP-TL County_NN-TL Democratic_JJ-TL Executive_JJ-TL Committ
ee_NN-TL ._. Davis_NP received_VBD 1,119_CD votes_NNS in_IN Saturday's_NR$ elect
ion_NN ,_, and_CC Bush_NP got_VBD 402_CD ._. Ordinary_NN-TL Carey_NP Williams_NP
,_, armed_VBN with_IN a_AT pistol_NN ,_, stood_VBD by_IN at_IN the_AT polls_NNS
to_TO insure_VB order_NN ._. ``_`` This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT coolest_JJT ,_, calm
est_JJT election_NN I_PPSS ever_RB saw_VBD ''_'' ,_, Colquitt_NP-TL Policeman_NN
-TL Tom_NP Williams_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` Being_BEG at_IN the_AT polls_NNS was_B
EDZ just_RB like_CS being_BEG at_IN church_NN ._. I_PPSS didn't_DOD* smell_VB a_
AT drop_NN of_IN liquor_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS didn't_DOD* have_HV a_AT bit_NN of
_IN trouble_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT campaign_NN leading_VBG to_IN the_AT election_NN
was_BEDZ not_* so_QL quiet_JJ ,_, however_WRB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ marked_VBN by
_IN controversy_NN ,_, anonymous_JJ midnight_NN phone_NN calls_NNS and_CC veiled
_VBN threats_NNS of_IN violence_NN ._. The_AT former_AP county_NN school_NN supe
rintendent_NN ,_, George_NP P._NP Callan_NP ,_, shot_VBD himself_PPL to_IN death
_NN March_NP 18_CD ,_, four_CD days_NNS after_CS he_PPS resigned_VBD his_PP$ pos
t_NN in_IN a_AT dispute_NN with_IN the_AT county_NN school_NN board_NN ._. Durin
g_IN the_AT election_NN campaign_NN ,_, both_ABX candidates_NNS ,_, Davis_NP and
_CC Bush_NP ,_, reportedly_RB received_VBD anonymous_JJ telephone_NN calls_NNS .
_. Ordinary_NN-TL Williams_NP said_VBD he_PPS ,_, too_RB ,_, was_BEDZ subjected_
VBN to_IN anonymous_JJ calls_NNS soon_RB after_CS he_PPS scheduled_VBD the_AT el
ection_NN ._. Many_AP local_JJ citizens_NNS feared_VBD that_CS there_EX would_MD
be_BE irregularities_NNS at_IN the_AT polls_NNS ,_, and_CC Williams_NP got_VBD
himself_PPL a_AT permit_NN to_TO carry_VB a_AT gun_NN and_CC promised_VBD an_AT
orderly_JJ election_NN ._. Sheriff_NN-TL Felix_NP Tabb_NP said_VBD the_AT ordina
ry_NN apparently_RB made_VBD good_JJ his_PP$ promise_NN ._. ``_`` Everything_PN
went_VBD real_QL smooth_JJ ''_'' ,_, the_AT sheriff_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` There_
EX wasn't_BEDZ* a_AT bit_NN of_IN trouble_NN ''_'' ._. Austin_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas
_NP-HL --_-- Committee_NN approval_NN of_IN Gov._NN-TL Price_NP Daniel's_NP$ ``_
`` abandoned_VBN property_NN ''_'' act_NN seemed_VBD certain_JJ Thursday_NR desp
ite_IN the_AT adamant_JJ protests_NNS of_IN Texas_NP bankers_NNS ._. Daniel_NP p
ersonally_RB led_VBD the_AT fight_NN for_IN the_AT measure_NN ,_, which_WDT he_P
PS had_HVD watered_VBN down_RP considerably_RB since_IN its_PP$ rejection_NN by_
IN two_CD previous_JJ Legislatures_NNS-TL ,_, in_IN a_AT public_JJ hearing_NN be
fore_IN the_AT House_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL Revenue_NN-TL and_CC-TL Taxa
tion_NN-TL ._. Under_IN committee_NN rules_NNS ,_, it_PPS went_VBD automatically
_RB to_IN a_AT subcommittee_NN for_IN one_CD week_NN ._. But_CC questions_NNS wi
th_IN which_WDT committee_NN members_NNS taunted_VBD bankers_NNS appearing_VBG a
s_CS witnesses_NNS left_VBD little_AP doubt_NN that_CS they_PPSS will_MD recomme
nd_VB passage_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. Daniel_NP termed_VBD ``_`` extremely_RB conser
vative_JJ ''_'' his_PP$ estimate_NN that_CS it_PPS would_MD produce_VB 17_CD mil
lion_CD dollars_NNS to_TO help_VB erase_VB an_AT anticipated_VBN deficit_NN of_I
N 63_CD million_CD dollars_NNS at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT current_JJ fisca
l_JJ year_NN next_AP Aug._NP 31_CD ._. He_PPS told_VBD the_AT committee_NN the_A
T measure_NN would_MD merely_RB provide_VB means_NNS of_IN enforcing_VBG the_AT
escheat_NN law_NN which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN on_IN the_AT books_NNS ``_`` since_
IN Texas_NP was_BEDZ a_AT republic_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS permits_VBZ the_AT state_
NN to_TO take_VB over_RP bank_NN accounts_NNS ,_, stocks_NNS and_CC other_AP per
sonal_JJ property_NN of_IN persons_NNS missing_VBG for_IN seven_CD years_NNS or_
CC more_AP ._. The_AT bill_NN ,_, which_WDT Daniel_NP said_VBD he_PPS drafted_VB
D personally_RB ,_, would_MD force_VB banks_NNS ,_, insurance_NN firms_NNS ,_, p
ipeline_NN companies_NNS and_CC other_AP corporations_NNS to_TO report_VB such_J
J property_NN to_IN the_AT state_NN treasurer_NN ._. The_AT escheat_NN law_NN ca
nnot_MD* be_BE enforced_VBN now_RB because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ almost_RB impossible
_JJ to_TO locate_VB such_JJ property_NN ,_, Daniel_NP declared_VBD ._. Dewey_NP
Lawrence_NP ,_, a_AT Tyler_NP lawyer_NN representing_VBG the_AT Texas_NP-TL Bank
ers_NNS-TL Association_NN-TL ,_, sounded_VBD the_AT opposition_NN keynote_NN whe
n_WRB he_PPS said_VBD it_PPS would_MD force_VB banks_NNS to_TO violate_VB their_
PP$ contractual_JJ obligations_NNS with_IN depositors_NNS and_CC undermine_VB th
e_AT confidence_NN of_IN bank_NN customers_NNS ._. ``_`` If_CS you_PPSS destroy_
VB confidence_NN in_IN banks_NNS ,_, you_PPSS do_DO something_PN to_IN the_AT ec
onomy_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` You_PPSS take_VB out_RP of_IN circu
lation_NN many_AP millions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS ''_'' ._. Rep._NN-TL Charles_NP
E._NP Hughes_NP of_IN Sherman_NP ,_, sponsor_NN of_IN the_AT bill_NN ,_, said_V
BD a_AT failure_NN to_TO enact_VB it_PPS would_MD amount_VB ``_`` to_IN making_V
BG a_AT gift_NN out_RP of_IN the_AT taxpayers'_NNS$ pockets_NNS to_IN banks_NNS
,_, insurance_NN and_CC pipeline_NN companies_NNS ''_'' ._. His_PP$ contention_N
N was_BEDZ denied_VBN by_IN several_AP bankers_NNS ,_, including_IN Scott_NP Hud
son_NP of_IN Sherman_NP ,_, Gaynor_NP B._NP Jones_NP of_IN Houston_NP ,_, J._NP
B._NP Brady_NP of_IN Harlingen_NP and_CC Howard_NP Cox_NP of_IN Austin_NP ._. Co
x_NP argued_VBD that_CS the_AT bill_NN is_BEZ ``_`` probably_RB unconstitutional
_JJ ''_'' since_CS ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, it_PPS would_MD impair_VB contracts_N
NS ._. He_PPS also_RB complained_VBD that_CS not_* enough_AP notice_NN was_BEDZ
given_VBN on_IN the_AT hearing_NN ,_, since_CS the_AT bill_NN was_BEDZ introduce
d_VBN only_RB last_AP Monday_NR ._. Austin_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas_NP-HL --_-- Senato
rs_NNS unanimously_RB approved_VBD Thursday_NR the_AT bill_NN of_IN Sen._NN-TL G
eorge_NP Parkhouse_NP of_IN Dallas_NP authorizing_VBG establishment_NN of_IN day
_NN schools_NNS for_IN the_AT deaf_JJ in_IN Dallas_NP and_CC the_AT four_CD othe
r_AP largest_JJT counties_NNS ._. The_AT bill_NN is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO provi
de_VB special_JJ schooling_NN for_IN more_AP deaf_JJ students_NNS in_IN the_AT s
cholastic_JJ age_NN at_IN a_AT reduced_VBN cost_NN to_IN the_AT state_NN ._. The
re_EX was_BEDZ no_AT debate_NN as_CS the_AT Senate_NN-TL passed_VBD the_AT bill_
NN on_IN to_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ._. It_PPS would_MD authorize_VB the_AT Texas_
NP-TL Education_NN-TL Agency_NN-TL to_TO establish_VB county-wide_JJ day_NN scho
ols_NNS for_IN the_AT deaf_JJ in_IN counties_NNS of_IN 300,000_CD or_CC more_AP
population_NN ,_, require_VB deaf_JJ children_NNS between_IN 6_CD and_CC 13_CD y
ears_NNS of_IN age_NN to_TO attend_VB the_AT day_NN schools_NNS ,_, permitting_V
BG older_JJR ones_NNS to_TO attend_VB the_AT residential_JJ Texas_NP-TL School_N
N-TL for_IN-TL the_AT-TL Deaf_JJ-TL here_RB ._. Operating_VBG budget_NN for_IN t
he_AT day_NN schools_NNS in_IN the_AT five_CD counties_NNS of_IN Dallas_NP ,_, H
arris_NP ,_, Bexar_NP ,_, Tarrant_NP and_CC El_NP Paso_NP would_MD be_BE $451,50
0_NNS ,_, which_WDT would_MD be_BE a_AT savings_NNS of_IN $157,460_NNS yearly_RB
after_IN the_AT first_OD year's_NN$ capital_NN outlay_NN of_IN $88,000_NNS was_
BEDZ absorbed_VBN ,_, Parkhouse_NP told_VBD the_AT Senate_NN-TL ._. The_AT TEA_N
N estimated_VBD there_EX would_MD be_BE 182_CD scholastics_NNS to_TO attend_VB t
he_AT day_NN school_NN in_IN Dallas_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, saving_VBG them_PPO f
rom_IN coming_VBG to_IN Austin_NP to_TO live_VB in_IN the_AT state_NN deaf_JJ sc
hool_NN ._. Dallas_NP may_MD get_VB to_TO hear_VB a_AT debate_NN on_IN horse_NN
race_NN parimutuels_NNS soon_RB between_IN Reps._NNS-TL V._NP E._NP (_( Red_NP )
_) Berry_NP and_CC Joe_NP Ratcliff_NP ._. While_CS details_NNS are_BER still_RB
to_TO be_BE worked_VBN out_RP ,_, Ratcliff_NP said_VBD he_PPS expects_VBZ to_TO
tell_VB home_NR folks_NNS in_IN Dallas_NP why_WRB he_PPS thinks_VBZ Berry's_NP$
proposed_VBN constitutional_JJ amendment_NN should_MD be_BE rejected_VBN ._. ``_
`` We're_PPSS+BER getting_VBG more_AP '_' pro_JJ '_' letters_NNS than_IN '_' con
_JJ '_' on_IN horse_NN race_NN betting_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Ratcliff_NP ._. ``_
`` But_CC I_PPSS believe_VB if_CS people_NNS were_BED better_RBR informed_VBN on
_IN this_DT question_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN them_PPO would_MD oppose_VB it_PPO als
o_RB ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM willing_JJ to_TO stake_VB my_PP$ political_JJ career_NN on
_IN it_PPO ''_'' ._. Rep._NN-TL Berry_NP ,_, an_AT ex-gambler_NN from_IN San_NP
Antonio_NP ,_, got_VBD elected_VBN on_IN his_PP$ advocacy_NN of_IN betting_VBG o
n_IN the_AT ponies_NNS ._. A_AT House_NN-TL committee_NN which_WDT heard_VBD his
_PP$ local_JJ option_NN proposal_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO give_VB it_PPO a_A
T favorable_JJ report_NN ,_, although_CS the_AT resolution_NN faces_VBZ hard_JJ
sledding_NN later_RBR ._. The_AT house_NN passed_VBD finally_RB ,_, and_CC sent_
VBD to_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL ,_, a_AT bill_NN extending_VBG the_AT State_NN-TL
Health_NN-TL Department's_NN$-TL authority_NN to_TO give_VB planning_VBG assista
nce_NN to_IN cities_NNS ._. The_AT senate_NN quickly_RB whipped_VBD through_IN i
ts_PP$ meager_JJ fare_NN of_IN House_NN-TL bills_NNS approved_VBN by_IN committe
es_NNS ,_, passing_VBG the_AT three_CD on_IN the_AT calendar_NN ._. One_CD valid
ated_VBD acts_NNS of_IN school_NN districts_NNS ._. Another_DT enlarged_VBD auth
ority_NN of_IN the_AT Beaumont_NP-TL Navigation_NN-TL District_NN-TL ._. The_AT
third_OD amended_VBD the_AT enabling_VBG act_NN for_IN creation_NN of_IN the_AT
Lamar_NP-TL county_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL District_NN-TL ,_, for_IN which_WDT a_AT
special_JJ constitutional_JJ amendment_NN previously_RB was_BEDZ adopted_VBN ._
. Without_IN dissent_NN ,_, senators_NNS passed_VBD a_AT bill_NN by_IN Sen._NN-T
L A._NP R._NP Schwartz_NP of_IN Galveston_NP authorizing_VBG establishment_NN in
_IN the_AT future_NN of_IN a_AT school_NN for_IN the_AT mentally_RB retarded_VBN
in_IN the_AT Gulf_NN-TL Coast_NN-TL district_NN ._. Money_NN for_IN its_PP$ con
struction_NN will_MD be_BE sought_VBN later_RBR on_RP but_CC in_IN the_AT meanti
me_NN the_AT State_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL board_NN can_MD accept_VB gifts_NNS and_
CC donations_NNS of_IN a_AT site_NN ._. Two_CD tax_NN revision_NN bills_NNS were
_BED passed_VBN ._. One_CD ,_, by_IN Sen._NN-TL Louis_NP Crump_NP of_IN San_NP S
aba_NP ,_, would_MD aid_VB more_AP than_IN 17,000_CD retailers_NNS who_WPS pay_V
B a_AT group_NN of_IN miscellaneous_JJ excise_NN taxes_NNS by_IN eliminating_VBG
the_AT requirement_NN that_CS each_DT return_NN be_BE notarized_VBN ._. Instead
_RB ,_, retailers_NNS would_MD sign_VB a_AT certificate_NN of_IN correctness_NN
,_, violation_NN of_IN which_WDT would_MD carry_VB a_AT penalty_NN of_IN one_CD
to_IN five_CD years_NNS in_IN prison_NN ,_, plus_CC a_AT $1,000_NNS fine_NN ._.
It_PPS was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN recommendations_NNS by_IN the_
AT Texas_NP-TL Research_NN-TL League_NN-TL ._. The_AT other_AP bill_NN ,_, by_IN
Sen._NN-TL A._NP M._NP Aikin_NP Jr._NP of_IN Paris_NP ,_, would_MD relieve_VB r
eal_JJ estate_NN brokers_NNS ,_, who_WPS pay_VB their_PP$ own_JJ annual_JJ licen
sing_VBG fee_NN ,_, from_IN the_AT $12_NNS annual_JJ occupation_NN license_NN on
_IN brokers_NNS in_IN such_JJ as_CS stocks_NNS and_CC bonds_NNS ._. Natural_JJ g
as_NN public_JJ utility_NN companies_NNS would_MD be_BE given_VBN the_AT right_N
N of_IN eminent_JJ domain_NN ,_, under_IN a_AT bill_NN by_IN Sen._NN-TL Frank_NP
Owen_NP 3_CD-TL ,_, of_IN El_NP Paso_NP ,_, to_TO acquire_VB sites_NNS for_IN u
nderground_JJ storage_NN reservoirs_NNS for_IN gas_NN ._. Marshall_NP Formby_NP
of_IN Plainview_NP ,_, former_AP chairman_NN of_IN the_AT Texas_NP-TL Highway_NN
-TL Commission_NN-TL ,_, suggested_VBD a_AT plan_NN to_TO fill_VB by_IN appointm
ent_NN future_JJ vacancies_NNS in_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL and_CC Congress_NP
,_, eliminating_VBG the_AT need_NN for_IN costly_JJ special_JJ elections_NNS ._
. Under_IN Formby's_NP$ plan_NN ,_, an_AT appointee_NN would_MD be_BE selected_V
BN by_IN a_AT board_NN composed_VBN of_IN the_AT governor_NN ,_, lieutenant_NN g
overnor_NN ,_, speaker_NN of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ,_, attorney_NN general_NN an
d_CC chief_JJS justice_NN of_IN the_AT Texas_NP-TL Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL ._.
Austin_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas_NP-HL --_-- State_NN representatives_NNS decided_VBD
Thursday_NR against_IN taking_VBG a_AT poll_NN on_IN what_WDT kind_NN of_IN taxe
s_NNS Texans_NPS would_MD prefer_VB to_TO pay_VB ._. An_AT adverse_JJ vote_NN of
_IN 81_CD to_IN 65_CD kept_VBD in_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Affairs_NNS-TL Committee
_NN-TL a_AT bill_NN which_WDT would_MD order_VB the_AT referendum_NN on_IN the_A
T April_NP 4_CD ballot_NN ,_, when_WRB Texas_NP votes_VBZ on_IN a_AT U.S._NP sen
ator_NN ._. Rep._NN-TL Wesley_NP Roberts_NP of_IN Seminole_NP ,_, sponsor_NN of_
IN the_AT poll_NN idea_NN ,_, said_VBD that_CS further_JJR delay_NN in_IN the_AT
committee_NN can_MD kill_VB the_AT bill_NN ._. The_AT West_JJ-TL Texan_NP-TL re
ported_VBD that_CS he_PPS had_HVD finally_RB gotten_VBN Chairman_NN-TL Bill_NP H
ollowell_NP of_IN the_AT committee_NN to_TO set_VB it_PPO for_IN public_JJ heari
ng_NN on_IN Feb._NP 22_CD ._. The_AT proposal_NN would_MD have_HV to_TO receive_
VB final_JJ legislative_JJ approval_NN ,_, by_IN two-thirds_NNS majorities_NNS ,
_, before_IN March_NP 1_CD to_TO be_BE printed_VBN on_IN the_AT April_NP 4_CD ba
llot_NN ,_, Roberts_NP said_VBD ._. Opponents_NNS generally_RB argued_VBD that_C
S the_AT ballot_NN couldn't_MD* give_VB enough_AP information_NN about_IN tax_NN
proposals_NNS for_IN the_AT voters_NNS to_TO make_VB an_AT intelligent_JJ choic
e_NN ._. All_ABN Dallas_NP members_NNS voted_VBD with_IN Roberts_NP ,_, except_I
N Rep._NN-TL Bill_NP Jones_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ absent_JJ ._. Austin_NP-HL ,_
,-HL Texas_NP-HL --_-- Paradise_NN-TL lost_VBD to_IN the_AT alleged_VBN water_NN
needs_NNS of_IN Texas'_NP$ big_JJ cities_NNS Thursday_NR ._. Rep._NN-TL James_N
P Cotten_NP of_IN Weatherford_NP insisted_VBD that_CS a_AT water_NN development_
NN bill_NN passed_VBN by_IN the_AT Texas_NP-TL House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Representati
ves_NNS-TL was_BEDZ an_AT effort_NN by_IN big_JJ cities_NNS like_CS Dallas_NP an
d_CC Fort_NN-TL Worth_NP to_TO cover_VB up_RP places_NNS like_CS Paradise_NN-TL
,_, a_AT Wise_NP-TL County_NN-TL hamlet_NN of_IN 250_CD people_NNS ._. When_WRB
the_AT shouting_NN ended_VBD ,_, the_AT bill_NN passed_VBD ,_, 114_CD to_IN 4_CD
,_, sending_VBG it_PPO to_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB a_AT similar_JJ
proposal_NN is_BEZ being_BEG sponsored_VBN by_IN Sen._NN-TL George_NP Parkhouse_
NP of_IN Dallas_NP ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT fire_NN was_BEDZ directed_VBN by_IN
Cotten_NP against_IN Dallas_NP and_CC Sen._NN-TL Parkhouse_NP ._. The_AT bill_NN
would_MD increase_VB from_IN $5,000,000_NNS to_IN $15,000,000_NNS the_AT maximu
m_JJ loan_NN the_AT state_NN could_MD make_VB to_IN a_AT local_JJ water_NN proje
ct_NN ._. Cotten_NP construed_VBD this_DT as_CS a_AT veiled_VBN effort_NN by_IN
Parkhouse_NP to_TO help_VB Dallas_NP and_CC other_AP large_JJ cities_NNS get_VB
money_NN which_WDT Cotten_NP felt_VBD could_MD better_VB be_BE spent_VBN providi
ng_VBG water_NN for_IN rural_JJ Texas_NP ._. Statements_NNS by_IN other_AP legis
lators_NNS that_CS Dallas_NP is_BEZ paying_VBG for_IN all_ABN its_PP$ water_NN p
rogram_NN by_IN local_JJ bonds_NNS ,_, and_CC that_CS less_QL populous_JJ places
_NNS would_MD benefit_VB most_RBT by_IN the_AT pending_JJ bill_NN ,_, did_DOD no
t_* sway_VB Cotten's_NP$ attack_NN ._. The_AT bill's_NN$ defenders_NNS were_BED
mostly_RB small-town_NN legislators_NNS like_CS J._NP W._NP Buchanan_NP of_IN Du
mas_NP ,_, Eligio_NP (_( Kika_NP )_) De_NP La_NP Garza_NP of_IN Mission_NN-TL ,_
, Sam_NP F._NP Collins_NP of_IN Newton_NP and_CC Joe_NP Chapman_NP of_IN Sulphur
_NN-TL Springs_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ a_AT poor_JJ boy's_NN$ bill_NN ''
_'' ,_, said_VBD Chapman_NP ._. ``_`` Dallas_NP and_CC Fort_NN-TL Worth_NP can_M
D vote_VB bonds_NNS ._. This_DT would_MD help_VB the_AT little_JJ peanut_NN dist
ricts_NNS ''_'' ._. Austin_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas_NP-HL --_-- A_AT Houston_NP teache
r_NN ,_, now_RB serving_VBG in_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL ,_, proposed_VBD Thur
sday_NR a_AT law_NN reducing_VBG the_AT time_NN spent_VBN learning_VBG ``_`` edu
cational_JJ methods_NNS ''_'' ._. Rep._NN-TL Henry_NP C._NP Grover_NP ,_, who_WP
S teaches_VBZ history_NN in_IN the_AT Houston_NP public_JJ schools_NNS ,_, would
_MD reduce_VB from_IN 24_CD to_IN 12_CD semester_NN hours_NNS the_AT so-called_J
J ``_`` teaching_VBG methods_NNS ''_'' courses_NNS required_VBN to_TO obtain_VB
a_AT junior_JJ or_CC senior_JJ high_JJ school_NN teaching_VBG certificate_NN ._.
A_AT normal_JJ year's_NN$ work_NN in_IN college_NN is_BEZ 30_CD semester_NN hou
rs_NNS ._. Grover_NP also_RB would_MD require_VB junior-senior_JJ high_NN teache
rs_NNS to_TO have_HV at_IN least_AP 24_CD semester_NN hours_NNS credit_VB in_IN
the_AT subject_NN they_PPSS are_BER teaching_VBG ._. The_AT remainder_NN of_IN t
he_AT 4-year_JJ college_NN requirement_NN would_MD be_BE in_IN general_JJ subjec
ts_NNS ._. ``_`` A_AT person_NN with_IN a_AT master's_NN$ degree_NN in_IN physic
s_NN ,_, chemistry_NN ,_, math_NN or_CC English_NP ,_, yet_RB who_WPS has_HVZ no
t_* taken_VBN Education_NN-TL courses_NNS ,_, is_BEZ not_* permitted_VBN to_TO t
each_VB in_IN the_AT public_JJ schools_NNS ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Grover_NP ._. Coll
ege_NN teachers_NNS in_IN Texas_NP are_BER not_* required_VBN to_TO have_HV the_
AT Education_NN-TL courses_NNS ._. Fifty-three_CD of_IN the_AT 150_CD representa
tives_NNS immediately_RB joined_VBD Grover_NP as_CS co-signers_NNS of_IN the_AT
proposal_NN ._. Paris_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas_NP-HL (_(-HL sp._NN-HL )_)-HL --_-- The
_AT board_NN of_IN regents_NNS of_IN Paris_NP-TL Junior_JJ-TL College_NN-TL has_
HVZ named_VBN Dr._NN-TL Clarence_NP Charles_NP Clark_NP of_IN Hays_NP ,_, Kan._N
P as_CS the_AT school's_NN$ new_JJ president_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Clark_NP will_MD s
ucceed_VB Dr._NN-TL J._NP R._NP McLemore_NP ,_, who_WPS will_MD retire_VB at_IN
the_AT close_NN of_IN the_AT present_JJ school_NN term_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Clark_NP
holds_VBZ an_AT earned_VBN Doctor_NN-TL of_IN-TL Education_NN-TL degree_NN from
_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Oklahoma_NP-TL ._. He_PPS also_RB received_
VBD a_AT Master_NN-TL of_IN-TL Science_NN-TL degree_NN from_IN Texas_NP A_NN &_C
C I_NN College_NN-TL and_CC a_AT Bachelor_NN-TL of_IN-TL Science_NN-TL degree_NN
from_IN Southwestern_JJ-TL State_NN-TL College_NN-TL ,_, Weatherford_NP ,_, Okl
a._NP ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Clark_NP has_HVZ studied_VBN at_IN Rho
de_NP-TL Island_NN-TL State_NN-TL College_NN-TL and_CC Massachusetts_NP-TL Insti
tute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Technology_NN-TL ._. During_IN his_PP$ college_NN career_NN
,_, Dr._NN-TL Clark_NP was_BEDZ captain_NN of_IN his_PP$ basketball_NN team_NN a
nd_CC was_BEDZ a_AT football_NN letterman_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Clark_NP has_HVZ serv
ed_VBN as_CS teacher_NN and_CC principal_NN in_IN Oklahoma_NP high_JJ schools_NN
S ,_, as_CS teacher_NN and_CC athletic_JJ director_NN at_IN Raymondville_NP ,_,
Texas_NP ,_, High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ,_, as_CS an_AT instructor_NN at_IN the_AT
University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Oklahoma_NP-TL ,_, and_CC as_CS an_AT associate_JJ pro
fessor_NN of_IN education_NN at_IN Fort_NN-TL Hays_NP ,_, Kan._NP ,_, State_NN-T
L College_NN-TL ._. He_PPS has_HVZ served_VBN as_CS a_AT border_NN patrolman_NN
and_CC was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT Signal_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL of_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Ar
my_NN-TL ._. Denton_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas_NP-HL (_(-HL sp._NN-HL )_)-HL --_-- Princ
ipals_NNS of_IN the_AT 13_CD schools_NNS in_IN the_AT Denton_NP-TL Independent_J
J-TL School_NN-TL District_NN-TL have_HV been_BEN re-elected_VBN for_IN the_AT 1
961-62_CD session_NN upon_IN the_AT recommendation_NN of_IN Supt._NN-TL Chester_
NP O._NP Strickland_NP ._. State_NN and_CC federal_JJ legislation_NN against_IN
racial_JJ discrimination_NN in_IN employment_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN for_IN yeste
rday_NR in_IN a_AT report_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` blue_JJ ribbon_NN ''_'' citizens_N
NS committee_NN on_IN the_AT aid_NN to_IN dependent_JJ children_NNS program_VB .
_. The_AT report_NN ,_, culminating_VBG a_AT year_NN long_JJ study_NN of_IN the_
AT ADC_NN program_NN in_IN Cook_NP county_NN by_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Cit
y_NN-TL welfare_NN consulting_VBG firm_NN ,_, listed_VBD 10_CD long_JJ range_NN
recommendations_NNS designed_VBN to_TO reduce_VB the_AT soaring_VBG ADC_NN case_
NN load_NN ._. The_AT report_NN called_VBD racial_JJ discrimination_NN in_IN emp
loyment_NN ``_`` one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL serious_JJ causes_NNS of_IN family_
NN breakdown_NN ,_, desertion_NN ,_, and_CC ADC_NN dependency_NN ''_'' ._. ``_``
Must_MD-HL solve_VB-HL problem_NN-HL ''_'' The_AT monthly_JJ cost_NN of_IN ADC_
NN to_IN more_AP than_IN 100,000_CD recipients_NNS in_IN the_AT county_NN is_BEZ
4.4_CD million_CD dollars_NNS ,_, said_VBD C._NP Virgil_NP Martin_NP ,_, presid
ent_NN of_IN Carson_NP Pirie_NP Scott_NP &_CC-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, committee_NN chai
rman_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS must_MD solve_VB the_AT problems_NNS which_WDT have_HV
forced_VBN these_DTS people_NNS to_TO depend_VB upon_IN ADC_NN for_IN subsisten
ce_NN ''_'' ,_, Martin_NP said_VBD ._. The_AT volume_NN of_IN ADC_NN cases_NNS w
ill_MD decrease_VB ,_, Martin_NP reported_VBD ,_, when_WRB the_AT community_NN i
s_BEZ able_JJ to_TO deal_VB effectively_RB with_IN two_CD problems_NNS :_: Relat
ively_RB limited_VBN skills_NNS and_CC discrimination_NN in_IN employment_NN bec
ause_RB of_IN color_NN ._. These_DTS ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, are_BER ``_`` two_C
D of_IN the_AT principal_JJS underlying_VBG causes_NNS for_IN family_NN breakups
_NNS leading_VBG to_IN ADC_NN ''_'' ._. Calls_VBZ-HL for_IN-HL extension_NN-HL O
ther_AP recommendations_NNS made_VBN by_IN the_AT committee_NN are_BER :_: Exten
sion_NN of_IN the_AT ADC_NN program_NN to_IN all_ABN children_NNS in_IN need_NN
living_VBG with_IN any_DTI relatives_NNS ,_, including_IN both_ABX parents_NNS ,
_, as_CS a_AT means_NNS of_IN preserving_VBG family_NN unity_NN ._. Research_NN
projects_NNS as_QL soon_RB as_CS possible_JJ on_IN the_AT causes_NNS and_CC prev
ention_NN of_IN dependency_NN and_CC illegitimacy_NN ._. Several_AP defendants_N
NS in_IN the_AT Summerdale_NP police_NN burglary_NN trial_NN made_VBD statements
_NNS indicating_VBG their_PP$ guilt_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN their_PP$ arre
st_NN ,_, Judge_NN-TL James_NP B._NP Parsons_NP was_BEDZ told_VBN in_IN Criminal
_JJ-TL court_NN yesterday_NR ._. The_AT disclosure_NN by_IN Charles_NP Bellows_N
P ,_, chief_JJS defense_NN counsel_NN ,_, startled_VBD observers_NNS and_CC was_
BEDZ viewed_VBN as_CS the_AT prelude_NN to_IN a_AT quarrel_NN between_IN the_AT
six_CD attorneys_NNS representing_VBG the_AT eight_CD former_AP policemen_NNS no
w_RB on_IN trial_NN ._. Bellows_NP made_VBD the_AT disclosure_NN when_WRB he_PPS
asked_VBD Judge_NN-TL Parsons_NP to_TO grant_VB his_PP$ client_NN ,_, Alan_NP C
lements_NP ,_, 30_CD ,_, a_AT separate_JJ trial_NN ._. Bellows_NP made_VBD the_A
T request_NN while_CS the_AT all-woman_JJ jury_NN was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN the_AT c
ourtroom_NN ._. Fears_VBZ-HL prejudicial_JJ-HL aspects_NNS-HL ``_`` The_AT state
ments_NNS may_MD be_BE highly_QL prejudicial_JJ to_IN my_PP$ client_NN ''_'' ,_,
Bellows_NP told_VBD the_AT court_NN ._. ``_`` Some_DTI of_IN the_AT defendants_
NNS strongly_RB indicated_VBD they_PPSS knew_VBD they_PPSS were_BED receiving_VB
G stolen_VBN property_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ impossible_JJ to_TO get_VB a_AT fair_
JJ trial_NN when_WRB some_DTI of_IN the_AT defendants_NNS made_VBD statements_NN
S involving_VBG themselves_PPLS and_CC others_NNS ''_'' ._. Judge_NN-TL Parsons_
NP leaned_VBD over_IN the_AT bench_NN and_CC inquired_VBD ,_, ``_`` You_PPSS mea
n_VB some_DTI of_IN the_AT defendants_NNS made_VBD statements_NNS admitting_VBG
this_DT ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Yes_RB ,_, your_PP$ honor_NN ''_'' ,_, replied_VBD B
ellows_NP ._. ``_`` What_WDT this_DT amounts_VBZ to_IN ,_, if_CS true_JJ ,_, is_
BEZ that_CS there_EX will_MD be_BE a_AT free-for-all_JJ fight_NN in_IN this_DT c
ase_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT conflict_NN among_IN the_AT defendants_NNS ''_''
._. Washington_NP-HL ,_,-HL July_NP-HL 24_CD-HL --_-- President_NN-TL Kennedy_N
P today_NR pushed_VBD aside_RB other_AP White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL business_NN to_T
O devote_VB all_ABN his_PP$ time_NN and_CC attention_NN to_IN working_VBG on_IN
the_AT Berlin_NP crisis_NN address_NN he_PPS will_MD deliver_VB tomorrow_NR nigh
t_NN to_IN the_AT American_JJ people_NNS over_IN nationwide_JJ television_NN and
_CC radio_NN ._. The_AT President_NN-TL spent_VBD much_AP of_IN the_AT week-end_
NN at_IN his_PP$ summer_NN home_NN on_IN Cape_NN-TL Cod_NN-TL writing_VBG the_AT
first_OD drafts_NNS of_IN portions_NNS of_IN the_AT address_NN with_IN the_AT h
elp_NN of_IN White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL aids_NNS in_IN Washington_NP with_IN whom_W
PO he_PPS talked_VBD by_IN telephone_NN ._. Shortly_RB after_CS the_AT Chief_JJS
-TL Executive_NN-TL returned_VBD to_IN Washington_NP in_IN midmorning_NN from_IN
Hyannis_NP Port_NN-TL ,_, Mass._NP ,_, a_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL spokesman_N
N said_VBD the_AT address_NN text_NN still_RB had_HVD ``_`` quite_ABL a_AT way_N
N to_TO go_VB ''_'' toward_IN completion_NN ._. Decisions_NNS-HL are_BER-HL made
_VBN-HL Asked_VBN to_TO elaborate_VB ,_, Pierre_NP Salinger_NP ,_, White_JJ-TL H
ouse_NN-TL press_NN secretary_NN ,_, replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS would_MD say_V
B it's_PPS+HVZ got_VBN to_TO go_VB thru_IN several_AP more_AP drafts_NNS ''_'' .
_. Salinger_NP said_VBD the_AT work_NN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, advisers_N
NS ,_, and_CC members_NNS of_IN his_PP$ staff_NN were_BED doing_VBG on_IN the_AT
address_NN involved_VBD composition_NN and_CC wording_VBG ,_, rather_IN than_IN
last_AP minute_NN decisions_NNS on_IN administration_NN plans_NNS to_TO meet_VB
the_AT latest_JJT Berlin_NP crisis_NN precipitated_VBN by_IN Russia's_NP$ deman
ds_NNS and_CC proposals_NNS for_IN the_AT city_NN ._. The_AT last_AP 10_CD cases
_NNS in_IN the_AT investigation_NN of_IN the_AT Nov._NP 8_CD election_NN were_BE
D dismissed_VBN yesterday_NR by_IN Acting_VBG-TL Judge_NN-TL John_NP M._NP Karns
_NP ,_, who_WPS charged_VBD that_CS the_AT prosecution_NN obtained_VBD evidence_
NN ``_`` by_IN unfair_JJ and_CC fundamentally_QL illegal_JJ means_NNS ''_'' ._.
Karns_NP said_VBD that_CS the_AT cases_NNS involved_VBD a_AT matter_NN ``_`` of_
IN even_QL greater_JJR significance_NN than_CS the_AT guilt_NN or_CC innocence_N
N ''_'' of_IN the_AT 50_CD persons_NNS ._. He_PPS said_VBD evidence_NN was_BEDZ
obtained_VBN ``_`` in_IN violation_NN of_IN the_AT legal_JJ rights_NNS of_IN cit
izens_NNS ''_'' ._. Karns'_NP$ ruling_NN pertained_VBD to_IN eight_CD of_IN the_
AT 10_CD cases_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT two_CD other_AP cases_NNS he_PPS ruled_VBD t
hat_CS the_AT state_NN had_HVD been_BEN ``_`` unable_JJ to_TO make_VB a_AT case_
NN ''_'' ._. Contempt_NN proceedings_NNS originally_RB had_HVD been_BEN brought_
VBN against_IN 677_CD persons_NNS in_IN 133_CD precincts_NNS by_IN Morris_NP J._
NP Wexler_NP ,_, special_JJ prosecutor_NN ._. Issue_VB-HL jury_NN-HL subpoenas_N
NS-HL Wexler_NP admitted_VBD in_IN earlier_JJR court_NN hearings_NNS that_CS he_
PPS issued_VBD grand_JJ jury_NN subpenas_NNS to_IN about_RB 200_CD persons_NNS i
nvolved_VBN in_IN the_AT election_NN investigation_NN ,_, questioned_VBD the_AT
individuals_NNS in_IN the_AT Criminal_JJ-TL courts_NNS building_NN ,_, but_CC di
d_DOD not_* take_VB them_PPO before_IN the_AT grand_JJ jury_NN ._. Mayer_NP Gold
berg_NP ,_, attorney_NN for_IN election_NN judges_NNS in_IN the_AT 58th_OD preci
nct_NN of_IN the_AT 23d_OD ward_NN ,_, argued_VBD this_DT procedure_NN constitut
ed_VBD intimidation_NN ._. Wexler_NP has_HVZ denied_VBN repeatedly_RB that_CS co
ercion_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN in_IN questioning_VBG ._. Karns_NP said_VBD it_PPS w
as_BEDZ a_AT ``_`` wrongful_JJ act_NN ''_'' for_IN Wexler_NP to_TO take_VB state
ments_NNS ``_`` privately_RB and_CC outside_IN of_IN the_AT grand_JJ jury_NN roo
m_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD this_DT constituted_VBD a_AT ``_`` very_QL seriou
s_JJ misuse_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT Criminal_JJ-TL court_NN-TL processes_NNS ._. `
`_`` Actually_RB ,_, the_AT abuse_NN of_IN the_AT process_NN may_MD have_HV cons
tituted_VBN a_AT contempt_NN of_IN the_AT Criminal_JJ-TL court_NN-TL of_IN-TL Co
ok_NP county_NN ,_, altho_CS vindication_NN of_IN the_AT authority_NN of_IN that
_DT court_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT function_NN of_IN this_DT court_NN ''_'' ,_, sa
id_VBD Karns_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ a_AT City_NN-TL judge_NN in_IN East_JJ-TL St.
_NP-TL Louis_NP-TL sitting_VBG in_IN Cook_NP-TL County_NN-TL court_NN-TL ._. Fac
ed_VBD-HL seven_CD-HL cases_NNS-HL Karns_NP had_HVD been_BEN scheduled_VBN this_
DT week_NN to_TO hear_VB seven_CD cases_NNS involving_VBG 35_CD persons_NNS ._.
Wexler_NP had_HVD charged_VBN the_AT precinct_NN judges_NNS in_IN these_DTS case
s_NNS with_IN ``_`` complementary_JJ ''_'' miscount_NN of_IN the_AT vote_NN ,_,
in_IN which_WDT votes_NNS would_MD be_BE taken_VBN from_IN one_CD candidate_NN a
nd_CC given_VBN to_IN another_DT ._. The_AT cases_NNS involved_VBD judges_NNS in
_IN the_AT 33d_OD ,_, 24th_OD ,_, and_CC 42d_OD precincts_NNS of_IN the_AT 31st_
OD ward_NN ,_, the_AT 21st_OD and_CC 28th_OD precincts_NNS of_IN the_AT 29th_OD
ward_NN ,_, the_AT 18th_OD precinct_NN of_IN the_AT 4th_OD ward_NN ,_, and_CC th
e_AT 9th_OD precinct_NN of_IN the_AT 23d_OD ward_NN ._. The_AT case_NN of_IN the
_AT judges_NNS in_IN the_AT 58th_OD precinct_NN of_IN the_AT 23d_OD ward_NN had_
HVD been_BEN heard_VBN previously_RB and_CC taken_VBN under_IN advisement_NN by_
IN Karns_NP ._. Two_CD other_AP cases_NNS also_RB were_BED under_IN advisement_N
N ._. Claims_VBZ-HL precedent_NN-HL lacking_VBG-HL After_IN reading_VBG his_PP$
statement_NN discharging_VBG the_AT 23d_OD ward_NN case_NN ,_, Karns_NP told_VBD
Wexler_NP that_CS if_CS the_AT seven_CD cases_NNS scheduled_VBN for_IN trial_NN
also_RB involved_VBD persons_NNS who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN subpenaed_VBN ,_, he_
PPS would_MD dismiss_VB them_PPO ._. Washington_NP-HL ,_,-HL Feb._NP-HL 9_CD-HL
--_-- President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP today_NR proposed_VBD a_AT mammoth_JJ new_JJ me
dical_JJ care_NN program_NN whereby_WRB social_JJ security_NN taxes_NNS on_IN 70
_CD million_CD American_JJ workers_NNS would_MD be_BE raised_VBN to_TO pay_VB th
e_AT hospital_NN and_CC some_DTI other_AP medical_JJ bills_NNS of_IN 14.2_CD mil
lion_CD Americans_NPS over_IN 65_CD who_WPS are_BER covered_VBN by_IN social_JJ
security_NN or_CC railroad_NN retirement_NN programs_NNS ._. The_AT President_NN
-TL ,_, in_IN a_AT special_JJ message_NN to_IN Congress_NP ,_, tied_VBD in_RP wi
th_IN his_PP$ aged_VBN care_NN plan_NN requests_NNS for_IN large_JJ federal_JJ g
rants_NNS to_TO finance_VB medical_JJ and_CC dental_JJ scholarships_NNS ,_, buil
d_VB 20_CD new_JJ medical_JJ and_CC 20_CD new_JJ dental_JJ schools_NNS ,_, and_C
C expand_VB child_NN health_NN care_NN and_CC general_JJ medical_JJ research_NN
._. The_AT aged_VBN care_NN plan_NN ,_, similar_JJ to_IN one_CD the_AT President
_NN-TL sponsored_VBD last_AP year_NN as_CS a_AT senator_NN ,_, a_AT fight_NN on_
IN Capitol_NN-TL hill_NN-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ defeated_VBN in_IN Congress_NP l
ast_AP year_NN ._. Cost_NN-HL up_RP-HL to_IN-HL $37_NNS-HL a_AT-HL year_NN-HL It
_PPS would_MD be_BE financed_VBN by_IN boosting_VBG the_AT social_JJ security_NN
payroll_NN tax_NN by_IN as_QL much_AP as_CS $37_NNS a_AT year_NN for_IN each_DT
of_IN the_AT workers_NNS now_RB paying_VBG such_JJ taxes_NNS ._. The_AT social_
JJ security_NN payroll_NN tax_NN is_BEZ now_RB 6_CD per_IN cent_NN --_-- 3_CD pe
r_IN cent_NN on_IN each_DT worker_NN and_CC employer_NN --_-- on_IN the_AT first
_OD $4,800_NNS of_IN pay_NN per_IN year_NN ._. The_AT Kennedy_NP plan_NN alone_R
B would_MD boost_VB the_AT base_NN to_IN $5,000_NNS a_AT year_NN and_CC the_AT p
ayroll_NN tax_NN to_IN 6.5_CD per_IN cent_NN --_-- 3.25_CD per_IN cent_NN each_D
T ._. Similar_JJ payroll_NN tax_NN boosts_NNS would_MD be_BE imposed_VBN on_IN t
hose_DTS under_IN the_AT railroad_NN retirement_NN system_NN ._. The_AT payroll_
NN tax_NN would_MD actually_RB rise_VB to_IN 7.5_CD per_IN cent_NN starting_VBG
Jan._NP 1_CD ,_, 1963_CD ,_, if_CS the_AT plan_NN is_BEZ approved_VBN ,_, becaus
e_CS the_AT levy_NN is_BEZ already_RB scheduled_VBN to_TO go_VB up_RP by_IN 1_CD
per_IN cent_NN on_IN that_DT date_NN to_TO pay_VB for_IN other_AP social_JJ sec
urity_NN costs_NNS ._. Outlays_NNS-HL would_MD-HL increase_VB-HL Officials_NNS e
stimated_VBD the_AT annual_JJ tax_NN boost_NN for_IN the_AT medical_JJ plan_NN w
ould_MD amount_VB to_IN 1.5_CD billion_CD dollars_NNS and_CC that_CS medical_JJ
benefits_NNS paid_VBN out_RP would_MD run_VB 1_CD billion_CD or_CC more_AP in_IN
the_AT first_OD year_NN ,_, 1963_CD ._. Both_ABX figures_NNS would_MD go_VB hig
her_RBR in_IN later_JJR years_NNS ._. Other_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT Kennedy_NP
health_NN plan_NN would_MD entail_VB federal_JJ grants_NNS of_IN 750_CD million
_CD to_IN 1_CD billion_CD dollars_NNS over_IN the_AT next_AP 10_CD years_NNS ._.
These_DTS would_MD be_BE paid_VBN for_IN out_IN of_IN general_JJ ,_, not_* payr
oll_NN ,_, taxes_NNS ._. Nursing_VBG-HL home_NN-HL care_NN-HL The_AT aged_VBN ca
re_NN plan_NN carries_VBZ these_DTS benefits_NNS for_IN persons_NNS over_IN 65_C
D who_WPS are_BER under_IN the_AT social_JJ security_NN and_CC railroad_NN retir
ement_NN systems_NNS :_: 1_CD Full_JJ payment_NN of_IN hospital_NN bills_NNS for
_IN stays_NNS up_IN to_IN 90_CD days_NNS for_IN each_DT illness_NN ,_, except_IN
that_CS the_AT patient_NN would_MD pay_VB $10_NNS a_AT day_NN of_IN the_AT cost
_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD nine_CD days_NNS ._. 2_CD Full_JJ payment_NN of_IN nu
rsing_VBG home_NN bills_NNS for_IN up_IN to_IN 180_CD days_NNS following_VBG dis
charge_NN from_IN a_AT hospital_NN ._. A_AT patient_NN could_MD receive_VB up_IN
to_IN 300_CD days_NNS paid-for_JJ nursing_VBG home_NN care_NN under_IN a_AT ``_
`` unit_NN formula_NN ''_'' allowing_VBG more_AP of_IN such_JJ care_NN for_IN th
ose_DTS who_WPS use_VB none_PN or_CC only_AP part_NN of_IN the_AT hospital-care_
NN credit_NN ._. 3_CD Hospital_NN outpatient_NN clinic_NN diagnostic_NN service_
NN for_IN all_ABN costs_NNS in_IN excess_NN of_IN $20_NNS a_AT patient_NN ._. 4_
CD Community_NN visiting_VBG nurse_NN services_NNS at_IN home_NN for_IN up_IN to
_IN 240_CD days_NNS an_AT illness_NN ._. The_AT President_NN-TL noted_VBD that_C
S Congress_NP last_AP year_NN passed_VBD a_AT law_NN providing_VBG grants_NNS to
_IN states_NNS to_TO help_VB pay_VB medical_JJ bills_NNS of_IN the_AT needy_JJ a
ged_VBN ._. Calls_VBZ-HL proposal_NN-HL modest_JJ-HL He_PPS said_VBD his_PP$ pla
n_NN is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO ``_`` meet_VB the_AT needs_NNS of_IN those_DTS mi
llions_NNS who_WPS have_HV no_AT wish_NN to_TO receive_VB care_NN at_IN the_AT t
axpayers'_NNS$ expense_NN ,_, but_CC who_WPS are_BER nevertheless_RB staggered_V
BN by_IN the_AT drain_NN on_IN their_PP$ savings_NNS --_-- or_CC those_DTS of_IN
their_PP$ children_NNS --_-- caused_VBN by_IN an_AT extended_VBN hospital_NN st
ay_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ a_AT very_QL modest_JJ proposal_NN cut_VBN
to_TO meet_VB absolutely_RB essential_JJ needs_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_,
``_`` and_CC with_IN sufficient_JJ '_' deductible_JJ '_' requirements_NNS to_TO
discourage_VB any_DTI malingering_NN or_CC unnecessary_JJ overcrowding_NN of_IN
our_PP$ hospitals_NNS ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ not_* a_AT program_NN of_IN soci
alized_VBN medicine_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT program_NN of_IN prepayment_NN of_
IN health_NN costs_NNS with_IN absolute_JJ freedom_NN of_IN choice_NN guaranteed
_VBN ._. Every_AT person_NN will_MD choose_VB his_PP$ own_JJ doctor_NN and_CC ho
spital_NN ''_'' ._. Wouldn't_MD*-HL pay_VB-HL doctors_NNS-HL The_AT plan_NN does
_DOZ not_* cover_VB doctor_NN bills_NNS ._. They_PPSS would_MD still_RB be_BE pa
id_VBN by_IN the_AT patient_NN ._. Apart_RB from_IN the_AT aged_VBN care_NN plan
_NN the_AT President's_NN$-TL most_QL ambitious_JJ and_CC costly_JJ proposals_NN
S were_BED for_IN federal_JJ scholarships_NNS ,_, and_CC grants_NNS to_TO build_
VB or_CC enlarge_VB medical_JJ and_CC dental_JJ schools_NNS ._. The_AT President
_NN-TL said_VBD the_AT nation's_NN$ 92_CD medical_JJ and_CC 47_CD dental_JJ scho
ols_NNS cannot_MD* now_RB handle_VB the_AT student_NN load_NN needed_VBN to_TO m
eet_VB the_AT rising_VBG need_NN for_IN health_NN care_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, he
_PPS said_VBD ,_, many_AP qualified_VBN young_JJ people_NNS are_BER not_* going_
VBG into_IN medicine_NN and_CC dentistry_NN because_CS they_PPSS can't_MD* affor
d_VB the_AT schooling_VBG costs_NNS ._. Contributions_NNS-HL to_IN-HL schools_NN
S-HL The_AT scholarship_NN plan_NN would_MD provide_VB federal_JJ contributions_
NNS to_IN each_DT medical_JJ and_CC dental_JJ school_NN equal_JJ to_IN $1,500_NN
S a_AT year_NN for_IN one-fourth_NN of_IN the_AT first_OD year_NN students_NNS .
_. The_AT schools_NNS could_MD use_VB the_AT money_NN to_TO pay_VB 4-year_JJ sch
olarships_NNS ,_, based_VBN on_IN need_NN ,_, of_IN up_IN to_IN $2,000_NNS a_AT
year_NN per_IN student_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, the_AT government_NN would_M
D pay_VB a_AT $1,000_NNS ``_`` cost_NN of_IN education_NN ''_'' grant_NN to_IN t
he_AT schools_NNS for_IN each_DT $1,500_NNS in_IN scholarship_NN grants_NNS ._.
Officials_NNS estimated_VBD the_AT combined_VBN programs_NNS would_MD cost_VB 5.
1_CD million_CD dollars_NNS the_AT first_OD year_NN and_CC would_MD go_VB up_RP
to_IN 21_CD millions_NNS by_IN 1966_CD ._. The_AT President_NN-TL recommended_VB
D federal_JJ ``_`` matching_VBG grants_NNS ''_'' totaling_VBG 700_CD million_CD
dollars_NNS in_IN 10_CD years_NNS for_IN constructing_VBG new_JJ medical_JJ and_
CC dental_JJ schools_NNS or_CC enlarging_VBG the_AT capacity_NN of_IN existing_V
BG ones_NNS ._. More_AP-HL for_IN-HL nursing_VBG-HL homes_NNS In_IN the_AT area_
NN of_IN ``_`` community_NN health_NN services_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT President_NN
-TL called_VBD for_IN doubling_VBG the_AT present_JJ 10_CD million_CD dollar_NN
a_AT year_NN federal_JJ grants_NNS for_IN nursing_VBG home_NN construction_NN ._
. He_PPS asked_VBD for_IN another_DT 10_CD million_CD dollar_NN ``_`` initial_JJ
''_'' appropriation_NN for_IN ``_`` stimulatory_JJ grants_NNS ''_'' to_IN state
s_NNS to_TO improve_VB nursing_VBG homes_NNS ._. He_PPS further_RBR proposed_VBD
grants_NNS of_IN an_AT unspecified_JJ sum_NN for_IN experimental_JJ hospitals_N
NS ._. In_IN the_AT child_NN health_NN field_NN ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL said_
VBD he_PPS will_MD recommend_VB later_RBR an_AT increase_NN in_IN funds_NNS for_
IN programs_NNS under_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ bureau_NN ._. He_PPS also_RB ask
ed_VBN Congress_NP to_TO approve_VB establishment_NN of_IN a_AT national_JJ chil
d_NN health_NN institute_NN ._. Asks_VBZ-HL research_NN-HL funds_NNS-HL The_AT P
resident_NN-TL said_VBD he_PPS will_MD ask_VB Congress_NP to_TO increase_VB gran
ts_NNS to_IN states_NNS for_IN vocational_JJ rehabilitation_NN ._. He_PPS did_DO
D not_* say_VB by_IN how_QL much_AP ._. For_IN medical_JJ research_NN he_PPS ask
ed_VBD a_AT 20_CD million_CD dollar_NN a_AT year_NN increase_NN ,_, from_IN 30_C
D to_IN 50_CD millions_NNS ,_, in_IN matching_VBG grants_NNS for_IN building_VBG
research_NN facilities_NNS ._. The_AT President_NN-TL said_VBD he_PPS will_MD a
lso_RB propose_VB increasing_VBG ,_, by_IN an_AT unspecified_JJ amount_VB ,_, th
e_AT 540_CD million_CD dollars_NNS in_IN the_AT 1961-62_CD budget_NN for_IN dire
ct_JJ government_NN research_NN in_IN medicine_NN ._. The_AT President_NN-TL sai
d_VBD his_PP$ proposals_NNS combine_VB the_AT ``_`` indispensable_JJ elements_NN
S in_IN a_AT sound_JJ health_NN program_NN --_-- people_NNS ,_, knowledge_NN ,_,
services_NNS ,_, facilities_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT means_NNS to_TO pay_VB for_IN
them_PPO ''_'' ._. Reaction_NN-HL as_CS-HL expected_VBN-HL Congressional_JJ rea
ction_NN to_IN the_AT message_NN was_BEDZ along_IN expected_VBN lines_NNS ._. Le
gislators_NNS who_WPS last_AP year_NN opposed_VBD placing_VBG aged-care_NN under
_IN the_AT social_JJ security_NN system_NN criticized_VBD the_AT President's_NN$
-TL plan_NN ._. Those_DTS who_WPS backed_VBD a_AT similar_JJ plan_NN last_AP yea
r_NN hailed_VBD the_AT message_NN ._. Senate_NN-TL Republican_NP-TL Leader_NN-TL
Dirksen_NP (_( Ill._NP )_) and_CC House_NN-TL Republican_NP-TL Leader_NN-TL Cha
rles_NP Halleck_NP (_( Ind._NP )_) said_VBD the_AT message_NN did_DOD not_* pers
uade_VB them_PPO to_TO change_VB their_PP$ opposition_NN to_IN compulsory_JJ med
ical_JJ insurance_NN ._. Halleck_NP said_VBD the_AT voluntary_JJ care_NN plan_NN
enacted_VBN last_AP year_NN should_MD be_BE given_VBN a_AT fair_JJ trial_NN fir
st_RB ._. House_NN-TL Speaker_NN-TL Sam_NP Rayburn_NP (_( D._NP ,_, Tex._NP )_)
called_VBD the_AT Kennedy_NP program_NN ``_`` a_AT mighty_QL fine_JJ thing_NN ''
_'' ,_, but_CC made_VBD no_AT prediction_NN on_IN its_PP$ fate_NN in_IN the_AT H
ouse_NN-TL ._. Washington_NP-HL ,_,-HL Feb._NP-HL 9_CD-HL --_-- Acting_VBG hasti
ly_RB under_IN White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL pressure_NN ,_, the_AT Senate_NN-TL tonig
ht_NR confirmed_VBD Robert_NP C._NP Weaver_NP as_CS the_AT nation's_NN$ federal_
JJ housing_VBG chief_NN ._. Only_RB 11_CD senators_NNS were_BED on_IN the_AT flo
or_NN and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT record_NN vote_NN ._. A_AT number_NN of_IN
scattered_VBN ``_`` ayes_NNS ''_'' and_CC ``_`` noes_NNS ''_'' was_BEDZ heard_VB
N ._. Customary_JJ Senate_NN-TL rules_NNS were_BED ignored_VBN in_IN order_NN to
_TO speed_VB approval_NN of_IN the_AT Negro_NP leader_NN as_CS administrator_NN
of_IN the_AT housing_VBG and_CC home_NN finance_NN agency_NN ._. In_IN the_AT la
st_AP eight_CD years_NNS ,_, all_ABN Presidential_JJ-TL appointments_NNS ,_, inc
luding_IN those_DTS of_IN cabinet_NN rank_NN ,_, have_HV been_BEN denied_VBN imm
ediate_JJ action_NN because_RB of_IN a_AT Senate_NN-TL rule_NN requiring_VBG at_
IN least_AP a_AT 24_CD hour_NN delay_NN after_CS they_PPSS are_BER reported_VBN
to_IN the_AT floor_NN ._. Enforce_VB-HL by_IN-HL demand_NN-HL The_AT rule_NN was
_BEDZ enforced_VBN by_IN demand_NN of_IN Sen._NN-TL Wayne_NP Morse_NP (_( D._NP
,_, Ore._NP )_) in_IN connection_NN with_IN President_NN-TL Eisenhower's_NP$ cab
inet_NN selections_NNS in_IN 1953_CD and_CC President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ in_IN
1961_CD ._. Oslo_NP-HL The_AT most_QL positive_JJ element_NN to_TO emerge_VB fro
m_IN the_AT Oslo_NP meeting_NN of_IN North_JJ-TL Atlantic_NP-TL Treaty_NN-TL Org
anization_NN-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Ministers_NNS-TL has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT freer_JJR
,_, franker_JJR ,_, and_CC wider_JJR discussions_NNS ,_, animated_VBN by_IN muc
h_QL better_JJR mutual_JJ understanding_NN than_CS in_IN past_JJ meetings_NNS ._
. This_DT has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT working_VBG session_NN of_IN an_AT organization_
NN that_WPS ,_, by_IN its_PP$ very_AP nature_NN ,_, can_MD only_RB proceed_VB al
ong_IN its_PP$ route_NN step_NN by_IN step_NN and_CC without_IN dramatic_JJ chan
ges_NNS ._. In_IN Oslo_NP ,_, the_AT ministers_NNS have_HV met_VBN in_IN a_AT cl
imate_NN of_IN candor_NN ,_, and_CC made_VBN a_AT genuine_JJ attempt_NN to_TO ge
t_VB information_NN and_CC understanding_VBG one_PN another's_DT$ problems_NNS .
_. This_DT atmosphere_NN of_IN understanding_VBG has_HVZ been_BEN particularly_R
B noticeable_JJ where_WRB relations_NNS are_BER concerned_VBN between_IN the_AT
``_`` colonialist_NN ''_'' powers_NNS and_CC those_DTS who_WPS have_HV never_RB
,_, or_CC not_* for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN ,_, had_HVN such_JJ problems_NNS ._.
The_AT nightmare_NN of_IN a_AT clash_NN between_IN those_DTS in_IN trouble_NN i
n_IN Africa_NP ,_, exacerbated_VBN by_IN the_AT difficulties_NNS ,_, changes_NNS
,_, and_CC tragedies_NNS facing_VBG them_PPO ,_, and_CC other_AP allies_NNS who
_WPS intellectually_RB and_CC emotionally_RB disapprove_VB of_IN the_AT circumst
ances_NNS that_WPS have_HV brought_VBN these_DTS troubles_NNS about_RP ,_, has_H
VZ been_BEN conspicuous_JJ by_IN its_PP$ absence_NN ._. Explosion_NN-HL avoided_
VBN-HL In_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN Portugal_NP ,_, which_WDT a_AT few_AP weeks_NN
S ago_RB was_BEDZ rumored_VBN ready_JJ to_TO walk_VB out_RP of_IN the_AT NATO_NN
Council_NN-TL should_MD critics_NNS of_IN its_PP$ Angola_NP policy_NN prove_VB
harsh_JJ ,_, there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT noticeable_JJ relaxation_NN of_IN te
nsion_NN ._. The_AT general_JJ ,_, remarkably_QL courteous_JJ ,_, explanation_NN
has_HVZ left_VBN basic_JJ positions_NNS unchanged_JJ ,_, but_CC there_EX has_HV
Z been_BEN no_AT explosion_NN in_IN the_AT council_NN ._. There_EX should_MD eve
n_RB be_BE no_AT more_AP bitter_JJ surprises_NNS in_IN the_AT UN_NN General_JJ-T
L Assembly_NN-TL as_IN to_IN NATO_NN members'_NNS$ votes_NNS ,_, since_CS a_AT n
ew_JJ ad_FW-IN hoc_FW-DT NATO_NN committee_NN has_HVZ been_BEN set_VBN up_RP so_
CS that_CS in_IN the_AT future_NN such_JJ topics_NNS as_CS Angola_NP will_MD be_
BE discussed_VBN in_IN advance_NN ._. Canada_NP alone_RB has_HVZ been_BEN somewh
at_QL out_IN of_IN step_NN with_IN the_AT Oslo_NP attempt_NN to_TO get_VB all_AB
N the_AT allied_VBN cars_NNS back_RB on_IN the_AT track_NN behind_IN the_AT NATO
_NN locomotive_NN ._. Even_RB Norway_NP ,_, despite_IN daily_JJ but_CC limited_V
BN manifestations_NNS against_IN atomic_JJ arms_NNS in_IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN
this_DT northernmost_JJS capital_NN of_IN the_AT alliance_NN ,_, is_BEZ today_NR
closer_JJR to_IN the_AT NATO_NN line_NN ._. On_IN the_AT negative_JJ side_NN of
_IN the_AT balance_NN sheet_NN must_MD be_BE set_VBN some_DTI disappointment_NN
that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL leadership_NN has_HVZ not_* been_BEN
as_QL much_RB in_IN evidence_NN as_CS hoped_VBN for_IN ._. One_CD diplomat_NN de
scribed_VBD the_AT tenor_NN of_IN Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL Dean_NP R
usk's_NP$ speeches_NNS as_CS ``_`` inconclusive_JJ ''_'' ._. But_CC he_PPS haste
ned_VBD to_TO add_VB that_CS ,_, if_CS United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL policies_NNS
were_BED not_* always_RB clear_JJ ,_, despite_IN Mr._NP Rusk's_NP$ analysis_NN o
f_IN the_AT various_JJ global_JJ danger_NN points_NNS and_CC setbacks_NNS for_IN
the_AT West_NR-TL ,_, this_DT may_MD merely_RB mean_VB the_AT new_JJ administra
tion_NN has_HVZ not_* yet_RB firmly_RB fixed_VBN its_PP$ policy_NN ._. Explorato
ry_JJ-HL mood_NN-HL A_AT certain_JJ vagueness_NN may_MD also_RB be_BE caused_VBN
by_IN tactical_JJ appreciation_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT present_J
J council_NN meeting_NN is_BEZ a_AT semipublic_JJ affair_NN ,_, with_IN no_AT fe
wer_AP than_CS six_CD Soviet_NN-TL correspondents_NNS accredited_VBN ._. The_AT
impression_NN has_HVZ nevertheless_RB been_BEN given_VBN during_IN these_DTS thr
ee_CD days_NNS ,_, despite_IN Mr._NP Rusk's_NP$ personal_JJ popularity_NN ,_, th
at_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL delegation_NN came_VBD to_IN Oslo_NP in
_IN a_AT somewhat_QL tentative_JJ and_CC exploratory_JJ frame_NN of_IN mind_NN ,
_, more_QL ready_JJ to_TO listen_VB and_CC learn_VB than_CS to_TO enunciate_VB f
irm_JJ policy_NN on_IN a_AT global_JJ scale_NN with_IN detailed_VBN application_
NN to_IN individual_JJ danger_NN spots_NNS ._. The_AT Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL S
tate_NN-TL himself_PPL ,_, in_IN his_PP$ first_OD speech_NN ,_, gave_VBD some_DT
I idea_NN of_IN the_AT tremendous_JJ march_NN of_IN events_NNS inside_IN and_CC
outside_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL that_WPS has_HVZ preoccupied_VBN t
he_AT new_JJ administration_NN in_IN the_AT past_AP four_CD months_NNS ._. But_C
C where_WRB the_AT core_NN of_IN NATO_NN is_BEZ concerned_VBN ,_, the_AT Secreta
ry_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL has_HVZ not_* only_RB reiterated_VBN the_AT United
_VBN-TL States'_NNS$-TL profound_JJ attachment_NN to_IN the_AT alliance_NN ,_, `
`_`` cornerstone_NN ''_'' of_IN its_PP$ foreign_JJ policy_NN ,_, but_CC has_HVZ
announced_VBN that_CS five_CD nuclear_JJ submarines_NNS will_MD eventually_RB be
_BE at_IN NATO's_NN disposal_NN in_IN European_JJ waters_NNS ._. The_AT Secretar
y_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL has_HVZ also_RB solemnly_RB repeated_VBN a_AT warni
ng_NN to_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_
NNS-TL will_MD not_* stand_VB for_IN another_DT setback_NN in_IN Berlin_NP ,_, a
n_AT affirmation_NN once_RB again_RB taken_VBN up_RP by_IN the_AT council_NN as_
CS a_AT whole_NN ._. Conflict_NN-HL surveyed_VBN-HL The_AT secretary's_NN$ great
est_JJT achievement_NN is_BEZ perhaps_RB the_AT rekindling_NN of_IN NATO_NN real
ization_NN that_CS East-West_JJ-TL friction_NN ,_, wherever_WRB it_PPS take_VB p
lace_NN around_IN the_AT globe_NN ,_, is_BEZ in_IN essence_NN the_AT general_JJ
conflict_NN between_IN two_CD entirely_RB different_JJ societies_NNS ,_, and_CC
must_MD be_BE treated_VBN as_CS such_JJ without_IN regard_NN to_IN geographical_
JJ distance_NN or_CC lack_NN of_IN apparent_JJ connection_NN ._. The_AT annual_J
J spring_NN meeting_NN has_HVZ given_VBN an_AT impetus_NN in_IN three_CD main_NN
directions_NNS :_: more_AP ,_, deeper_JJR ,_, and_CC more_QL timely_JJ politica
l_JJ consultation_NN within_IN the_AT alliance_NN ,_, the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT
Organization_NN-TL for_IN-TL Economic_JJ-TL Cooperation_NN-TL and_CC-TL Develop
ment_NN-TL (_( when_WRB ratified_VBN )_) as_CS a_AT method_NN of_IN coordinating
_VBG aid_NN to_IN the_AT underdeveloped_JJ countries_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT need_
NN for_IN strengthening_VBG conventional_JJ forces_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS the_A
T maintenance_NN of_IN the_AT nuclear_JJ deterrent_NN ._. This_DT increase_NN in
_IN the_AT ``_`` threshold_NN ''_'' ,_, as_CS the_AT conventional_JJ forces_NNS
strengthening_NN is_BEZ called_VBN ,_, will_MD prove_VB one_CD of_IN the_AT alli
ance's_NN$ most_QL difficult_JJ problems_NNS in_IN the_AT months_NNS to_TO come_
VB ._. Each_DT ally_NN will_MD have_HV to_TO carry_VB out_RP obligations_NNS lon
g_RB since_CS laid_VBN down_RP ,_, but_CC never_RB completely_QL fulfilled_VBN .
_. Washington_NP-HL The_AT Kennedy_NP administration_NN moves_VBZ haltingly_RB t
oward_IN a_AT Geneva_NP conference_NN on_IN Laos_NP just_RB as_CS serious_JJ deb
ate_NN over_IN its_PP$ foreign_JJ policy_NN erupts_VBZ for_IN the_AT first_OD ti
me_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ little_AP optimism_NN here_RB that_CS the_AT Communist
s_NNS-TL will_MD be_BE any_DTI more_QL docile_JJ at_IN the_AT conference_NN tabl
e_NN than_CS they_PPSS were_BED in_IN military_JJ actions_NNS on_IN the_AT groun
d_NN in_IN Laos_NP ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, State_NN-TL Depart
ment_NN-TL officials_NNS explain_VB ,_, now_RB is_BEZ mainly_RB interested_VBN i
n_IN setting_VBG up_RP an_AT international_JJ inspection_NN system_NN which_WDT
will_MD prevent_VB Laos_NP from_IN being_BEG used_VBN as_CS a_AT base_NN for_IN
Communist_NN-TL attacks_NNS on_IN neighboring_VBG Thailand_NP and_CC South_JJ-TL
Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL ._. They_PPSS count_VB on_IN the_AT aid_NN of_IN the_AT ne
utral_JJ countries_NNS attending_VBG the_AT Geneva_NP conference_NN to_TO achiev
e_VB this_DT ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL hopes_VBZ that_CS any_DTI fu
ture_JJ Lao_NP-TL Cabinet_NN-TL would_MD not_* become_VB Communist_NN-TL dominat
ed_VBN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ apparent_JJ that_CS no_AT acceptable_JJ formula_
NN has_HVZ been_BEN found_VBN to_TO prevent_VB such_ABL a_AT possibility_NN ._.
Policies_NNS-HL modified_VBN-HL The_AT inclination_NN here_RB is_BEZ to_TO accep
t_VB a_AT de_FW-IN facto_FW-NN cease-fire_NN in_IN Laos_NP ,_, rather_IN than_IN
continue_VB to_TO insist_VB on_IN a_AT verification_NN of_IN the_AT cease-fire_
NN by_IN the_AT international_JJ control_NN commission_NN before_CS participatin
g_VBG in_IN the_AT Geneva_NP conference_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ another_DT of_IN t
he_AT modifications_NNS of_IN policy_NN on_IN Laos_NP that_CS the_AT Kennedy_NP
administration_NN has_HVZ felt_VBN compelled_VBN to_TO make_VB ._. It_PPS excuse
s_VBZ these_DTS actions_NNS as_CS being_BEG the_AT chain_NN reaction_NN to_IN ba
sic_JJ errors_NNS made_VBN in_IN the_AT previous_JJ administration_NN ._. Its_PP
$ spokesmen_NNS insist_VB that_CS there_EX has_HVZ not_* been_BEN time_NN enough
_AP to_TO institute_VB reforms_NNS in_IN military_JJ and_CC economic_JJ aid_NN p
olicies_NNS in_IN the_AT critical_JJ areas_NNS ._. But_CC with_IN the_AT months_
NNS moving_VBG on_RP --_-- and_CC the_AT immediate_JJ confrontations_NNS with_IN
the_AT Communists_NNS-TL showing_VBG no_AT gain_NN for_IN the_AT free_JJ world_
NN --_-- the_AT question_NN arises_VBZ :_: How_WRB effective_JJ have_HV Kennedy_
NP administration_NN first_OD foreign_JJ policy_NN decisions_NNS been_BEN in_IN
dealing_VBG with_IN Communist_NN-TL aggression_NN ?_. ?_. Former_AP Vice-Preside
nt_NN-TL Richard_NP M._NP Nixon_NP in_IN Detroit_NP called_VBD for_IN a_AT firme
r_JJR and_CC tougher_JJR policy_NN toward_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL ._.
He_PPS was_BEDZ critical_JJ of_IN what_WDT he_PPS feels_VBZ is_BEZ President_NN
-TL Kennedy's_NP$ tendency_NN to_TO be_BE too_QL conciliatory_JJ ._. GOP_NN-HL r
estrained_VBN-HL It_PPS does_DOZ not_* take_VB a_AT Gallup_NP poll_NN to_TO find
_VB out_RP that_CS most_AP Republicans_NPS in_IN Congress_NP feel_VB this_DT und
erstates_VBZ the_AT situation_NN as_CS Republicans_NPS see_VB it_PPO ._. They_PP
SS can_MD hardly_RB restrain_VB themselves_PPLS from_IN raising_VBG the_AT quest
ion_NN of_IN whether_CS Republicans_NPS ,_, if_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN in_
IN power_NN ,_, would_MD have_HV made_VBN ``_`` amateurish_JJ and_CC monumental_
JJ blunders_NNS ''_'' in_IN Cuba_NP ._. One_CD Republican_NP senator_NN told_VBD
this_DT correspondent_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ constantly_RB being_BEG asked_
VBN why_WRB he_PPS didn't_DOD* attack_VB the_AT Kennedy_NP administration_NN on_
IN this_DT score_NN ._. His_PP$ reply_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ that_C
S he_PPS agreed_VBD to_IN the_AT need_NN for_IN unity_NN in_IN the_AT country_NN
now_RB ._. But_CC he_PPS further_RBR said_VBD that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ better_JJ
R politics_NN to_TO let_VB others_NNS question_VB the_AT wisdom_NN of_IN adminis
tration_NN policies_NNS first_RB ._. The_AT Republicans_NPS some_DTI weeks_NNS a
go_RB served_VBD notice_NN through_IN Senator_NN-TL Thruston_NP B._NP Morton_NP
(_( R_NP )_) of_IN Kentucky_NP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN the_AT Republican_NP Nation
al_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, that_CS the_AT Kennedy_NP administration_NN would_M
D be_BE held_VBN responsible_JJ if_CS the_AT outcome_NN in_IN Laos_NP was_BEDZ a
_AT coalition_NN government_NN susceptible_JJ of_IN Communist_NN-TL domination_N
N ._. Kennedy_NP administration_NN policies_NNS also_RB have_HV been_BEN assaile
d_VBN now_RB from_IN another_DT direction_NN by_IN 70_CD Harvard_NP ,_, Boston_N
P-TL University_NN-TL ,_, Brandeis_NP ,_, and_CC Massachusetts_NP-TL Institute_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Technology_NN-TL educators_NNS ._. Detente_NN-HL urged_VBN-HL This
_DT group_NN pleads_VBZ with_IN the_AT administration_NN to_TO ``_`` give_VB no_
AT further_JJR support_NN for_IN the_AT invasion_NN of_IN Cuba_NP by_IN exile_NN
groups_NNS ''_'' ._. It_PPS recommends_VBZ that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_
NNS-TL ``_`` seek_VB instead_RB to_TO detach_VB the_AT Castro_NP regime_NN from_
IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL bloc_NN by_IN working_VBG for_IN a_AT diplomatic_JJ de
tente_NN and_CC a_AT resumption_NN of_IN trade_NN relations_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC c
oncentrate_VB its_PP$ constructive_JJ efforts_NNS on_IN eliminating_VBG in_IN ot
her_AP parts_NNS of_IN Latin_JJ-TL America_NP-TL the_AT social_JJ conditions_NNS
on_IN which_WDT totalitarian_JJ nationalism_NN feeds_VBZ ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Nixon
_NP ,_, for_IN his_PP$ part_NN ,_, would_MD oppose_VB intervention_NN in_IN Cuba
_NP without_IN specific_JJ provocation_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS did_DOD recommend_VB
that_CS President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP state_VB clearly_RB that_CS if_CS Communist_
NN-TL countries_NNS shipped_VBD any_DTI further_JJR arms_NNS to_IN Cuba_NP that_
CS it_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE tolerated_VBN ._. Until_CS the_AT Cuban_NP fiasco
_NN and_CC the_AT Communist_NN-TL military_JJ victories_NNS in_IN Laos_NP ,_, al
most_RB any_DTI observer_NN would_MD have_HV said_VBN that_CS President_NN-TL Ke
nnedy_NP had_HVD blended_VBN a_AT program_NN that_WPS respected_VBD ,_, generall
y_RB ,_, the_AT opinions_NNS voiced_VBN both_ABX by_IN Mr._NP Nixon_NP and_CC th
e_AT professors_NNS ._. Aid_NN-HL plans_NNS-HL revamped_VBN-HL Very_QL early_RB
in_IN his_PP$ administration_NN he_PPS informed_VBD the_AT Kremlin_NP through_IN
diplomatic_JJ channels_NNS ,_, a_AT high_JJ official_JJ source_NN disclosed_VBD
,_, that_CS the_AT new_JJ administration_NN would_MD react_VB even_QL tougher_R
BR than_CS the_AT Eisenhower_NP administration_NN would_MD during_IN the_AT form
ative_JJ period_NN of_IN the_AT administration_NN ._. Strenuous_JJ efforts_NNS w
ere_BED made_VBN to_TO remove_VB pin_NN pricking_VBG from_IN administration_NN s
tatements_NNS ._. Policies_NNS on_IN nuclear_JJ test_NN ban_NN negotiations_NNS
were_BED reviewed_VBN and_CC changed_VBN ._. But_CC thus_QL far_RB there_EX has_
HVZ been_BEN no_AT response_NN in_IN kind_NN ._. Foreign_JJ aid_NN programs_NNS
were_BED revamped_VBN to_TO give_VB greater_JJR emphasis_NN to_IN economic_JJ ai
d_NN and_CC to_TO encourage_VB political_JJ reform_NN in_IN recipient_NN nations
_NNS ._. In_IN Laos_NP ,_, the_AT administration_NN looked_VBD at_IN the_AT Eise
nhower_NP administration_NN efforts_NNS to_TO show_VB determination_NN by_IN sai
ling_VBG a_AT naval_JJ fleet_NN into_IN Southeast_JJ-TL Asian_JJ-TL waters_NNS a
s_CS a_AT useless_JJ gesture_NN ._. Again_RB and_CC again_RB it_PPS asked_VBD th
e_AT Communists_NNS-TL to_TO ``_`` freeze_VB ''_'' the_AT military_JJ situation_
NN in_IN Laos_NP ._. But_CC the_AT Communists_NNS-TL aided_VBD the_AT Pathet_NP
Lao_NP at_IN an_AT even_QL faster_JJR rate_NN ._. And_CC after_CS several_AP cor
respondents_NNS went_VBD into_IN Pathet_NP Lao_NP territory_NN and_CC exposed_VB
D the_AT huge_JJ build-up_NN ,_, administration_NN spokesmen_NNS acclaimed_VBD t
hem_PPO for_CS performing_VBG a_AT ``_`` great_JJ service_NN ''_'' and_CC laid_V
BD the_AT matter_NN before_IN the_AT Southeast_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL Treaty_NN-TL Org
anization_NN-TL ._. SEATO_NN was_BEDZ steamed_VBN up_RP and_CC prepared_VBD cont
ingency_NN plans_NNS for_CS coping_VBG with_IN the_AT military_JJ losses_NNS in_
IN Laos_NP ._. But_CC the_AT Communists_NNS-TL never_RB gave_VBD sufficient_JJ p
rovocation_NN at_IN any_DTI one_CD time_NN for_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NN
S-TL to_TO want_VB to_TO risk_VB a_AT limited_VBN or_CC an_AT all-out_JJ war_NN
over_IN Laos_NP ._. (_( Some_DTI SEATO_NN nations_NNS disagreed_VBD ,_, however_
WRB ._. )_) There_EX was_BEDZ the_AT further_JJR complication_NN that_CS the_AT
administration_NN had_HVD very_QL early_RB concluded_VBN that_CS Laos_NP was_BED
Z ill_QL suited_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT ally_NN ,_, unlike_IN its_PP$ more_QL dete
rmined_VBN neighbors_NNS ,_, Thailand_NP and_CC South_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL
._. The_AT administration_NN declared_VBD itself_PPL in_IN favor_NN of_IN a_AT
neutralized_VBN Laos_NP ._. The_AT pro-Western_JJ government_NN ,_, which_WDT th
e_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL had_HVD helped_VBN in_IN a_AT revolt_NN against
_IN the_AT Souvanna_NP Phouma_NP ``_`` neutralist_NN ''_'' government_NN ,_, nev
er_RB did_DOD appear_VB to_TO spark_VB much_AP fighting_VBG spirit_NN in_IN the_
AT Royal_JJ-TL Lao_NP Army_NN-TL ._. There_EX certainly_RB was_BEDZ not_* any_DT
I more_AP energy_NN displayed_VBN after_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ clear_JJ the_AT Unite
d_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL would_MD not_* back_VB the_AT pro-Western_JJ government_N
N to_IN the_AT hilt_NN ._. If_CS the_AT administration_NN ever_RB had_HVD any_DT
I ideas_NNS that_CS it_PPS could_MD find_VB an_AT acceptable_JJ alternative_NN t
o_IN Prince_NN-TL Souvanna_NP Phouma_NP ,_, whom_WPO it_PPS felt_VBD was_BEDZ to
o_QL trusting_JJ of_IN Communists_NNS-TL ,_, it_PPS gradually_RB had_HVD to_TO r
elinquish_VB them_PPO ._. One_CD factor_NN was_BEDZ the_AT statement_NN of_IN Se
nator_NN-TL J._NP W._NP Fulbright_NP (_( D_NP )_) of_IN Arkansas_NP ,_, chairman
_NN of_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Relations_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ._.
He_PPS declared_VBD on_IN March_NP 25_CD that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NN
S-TL had_HVD erred_VBN a_AT year_NN and_CC a_AT half_ABN ago_RB by_IN ``_`` enco
uraging_VBG the_AT removal_NN ''_'' of_IN Prince_NN-TL Souvanna_NP ._. Washingto
n_NP-HL The_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL is_BEZ taking_VBG extraordinary_JJ steps_
NNS to_TO check_VB the_AT rapid_JJ growth_NN of_IN juvenile_JJ delinquency_NN in
_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. The_AT President_NN-TL is_BEZ deeply_
QL concerned_VBN over_IN this_DT problem_NN and_CC its_PP$ effect_NN upon_IN the
_AT ``_`` vitality_NN of_IN the_AT nation_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN an_AT important_JJ
assertion_NN of_IN national_JJ leadership_NN in_IN this_DT field_NN ,_, he_PPS h
as_HVZ issued_VBN an_AT executive_NN order_NN establishing_VBG the_AT President'
s_NN$-TL committee_NN on_IN Juvenile_JJ-TL Delinquency_NN-TL and_CC-TL Crime_NN-
TL ,_, to_TO be_BE supported_VBN and_CC assisted_VBN by_IN a_AT Citizens_NNS-TL
Advisory_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL of_IN recognized_VBN authorities_NNS on_IN juvenile
_JJ problems_NNS ._. The_AT President_NN-TL asks_VBZ the_AT support_NN and_CC co
operation_NN of_IN Congress_NP in_IN his_PP$ efforts_NNS through_IN the_AT enact
ment_NN of_IN legislation_NN to_TO provide_VB federal_JJ grants_NNS to_IN states
_NNS for_IN specified_VBN efforts_NNS in_IN combating_VBG this_DT disturbing_JJ
crime_NN trend_NN ._. Offenses_NNS-HL multiply_VB-HL The_AT President_NN-TL has_
HVZ also_RB called_VBN upon_RB the_AT Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL ,_, the_AT Se
cretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Health_NN-TL ,_, Education_NN-TL and_CC-TL Welfare_NN-TL
,_, and_CC the_AT Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL to_TO coordinate_VB their
_PP$ efforts_NNS ``_`` in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN a_AT program_NN of_IN f
ederal_JJ leadership_NN to_TO assist_VB states_NNS and_CC local_JJ communities_N
NS in_IN their_PP$ efforts_NNS to_TO cope_VB with_IN the_AT problem_NN ._. Simul
taneously_RB the_AT President_NN-TL announced_VBD Thursday_NR the_AT appointment
_NN of_IN David_NP L._NP Hackett_NP ,_, a_AT special_JJ assistant_NN to_IN the_A
T Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL ,_, as_CS executive_NN director_NN of_IN the_AT n
ew_JJ Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL Juvenile_JJ-TL Delinquency_NN-TL and_CC-TL Youth_
NN-TL Crime_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ sense_NN of_IN urgency_NN in_IN this_DT matter_NN
stems_VBZ from_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS court_NN cases_NNS and_CC juvenile_JJ a
rrests_NNS have_HV more_AP than_IN doubled_VBN since_IN 1948_CD ,_, each_DT year
_NN showing_VBG an_AT increase_NN in_IN offenders_NNS ._. Among_IN arrests_NNS r
eported_VBN by_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Bureau_NN-TL of_IN-TL Investigation_NN-TL
in_IN 1959_CD ,_, about_RB half_ABN for_IN burglary_NN and_CC larceny_NN involv
ed_VBD persons_NNS under_IN 18_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN ._. East_JJ-TL Providen
ce_NP-TL should_MD organize_VB its_PP$ civil_JJ defense_NN setup_NN and_CC begin
_VB by_IN appointing_VBG a_AT full-time_JJ director_NN ,_, Raymond_NP H._NP Hawk
sley_NP ,_, the_AT present_JJ city_NN CD_NN head_NN ,_, believes_VBZ ._. Mr._NP
Hawksley_NP said_VBD yesterday_NR he_PPS would_MD be_BE willing_JJ to_TO go_VB b
efore_IN the_AT city_NN council_NN ``_`` or_CC anyone_PN else_RB locally_RB ''_'
' to_TO outline_VB his_PP$ proposal_NN at_IN the_AT earliest_JJT possible_JJ tim
e_NN ._. East_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL now_RB has_HVZ no_RB civil_JJ defense_NN pr
ogram_NN ._. Mr._NP Hawksley_NP ,_, the_AT state's_NN$ general_JJ treasurer_NN ,
_, has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT part-time_JJ CD_NN director_NN in_IN the_AT city_NN for
_IN the_AT last_AP nine_CD years_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ not_* interested_VBN in_I
N being_BEG named_VBN a_AT full-time_JJ director_NN ._. Noting_VBG that_CS Presi
dent_NN-TL Kennedy_NP has_HVZ handed_VBN the_AT Defense_NN-TL Department_NN-TL t
he_AT major_JJ responsibility_NN for_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ civil_JJ defense_NN
program_NN ,_, Mr._NP Hawksley_NP said_VBD the_AT federal_JJ government_NN would
_MD pay_VB half_ABN the_AT salary_NN of_IN a_AT full-time_JJ local_JJ director_N
N ._. He_PPS expressed_VBD the_AT opinion_NN the_AT city_NN could_MD hire_VB a_A
T CD_NN director_NN for_IN about_RB $3,500_NNS a_AT year_NN and_CC would_MD only
_RB have_HV to_TO put_VB up_RP half_ABN that_DT amount_NN on_IN a_AT matching_VB
G fund_NN basis_NN to_TO defray_VB the_AT salary_NN costs_NNS ._. Mr._NP Hawksle
y_NP said_VBD he_PPS believed_VBD there_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN qualifie
d_VBN city_NN residents_NNS who_WPS would_MD be_BE willing_JJ to_TO take_VB the_
AT full-time_JJ CD_NN job_NN ._. One_CD of_IN these_DTS men_NNS is_BEZ former_AP
Fire_NN-TL Chief_NN-TL John_NP A._NP Laughlin_NP ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. Along_
RB with_IN a_AT director_NN ,_, the_AT city_NN should_MD provide_VB a_AT CD_NN h
eadquarters_NN so_CS that_CS pertinent_JJ information_NN about_IN the_AT local_J
J organization_NN would_MD be_BE centralized_VBN ._. Mr._NP Hawksley_NP said_VBD
._. One_CD advantage_NN that_WPS would_MD come_VB to_IN the_AT city_NN in_IN ha
ving_HVG a_AT full-time_JJ director_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, is_BEZ that_CS Ea
st_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL would_MD become_VB eligible_JJ to_TO apply_VB to_IN th
e_AT federal_JJ government_NN for_IN financial_JJ aid_NN in_IN purchasing_VBG eq
uipment_NN needed_VBN for_IN a_AT sound_JJ civil_JJ defense_NN program_NN ._. Ma
tching_VBG funds_NNS also_RB can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN for_IN procurement_NN of_
IN such_JJ items_NNS as_CS radios_NNS ,_, sirens_NNS and_CC rescue_NN trucks_NNS
,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. Mr._NP Hawksley_NP believes_VBZ that_CS East_JJ-TL Prov
idence_NP-TL could_MD use_VB two_CD more_AP rescue_NN trucks_NNS ,_, similar_JJ
to_IN the_AT CD_NN vehicle_NN obtained_VBN several_AP years_NNS ago_RB and_CC no
w_RB detailed_VBN to_IN the_AT Central_JJ-TL Fire_NN-TL Station_NN-TL ._. He_PPS
would_MD assign_VB one_CD of_IN the_AT rescue_NN trucks_NNS to_IN the_AT Rivers
ide_NP section_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN and_CC the_AT other_AP to_IN the_AT Rumfo
rd_NP area_NN ._. Speaking_VBG of_IN the_AT present_JJ status_NN of_IN civil_JJ
defense_NN in_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, Mr._NP Hawksley_NP said_VBD he_PPS would_MD
be_BE willing_JJ to_TO bet_VB that_CS not_* more_AP than_IN one_CD person_NN in_
IN a_AT hundred_CD would_MD know_VB what_WDT to_TO do_DO or_CC where_WRB to_TO g
o_VB in_IN the_AT event_NN of_IN an_AT enemy_NN attack_NN ._. The_AT Narraganset
t_NP-TL Race_NN-TL Track_NN-TL grounds_NNS is_BEZ one_CD assembly_NN point_NN ,_
, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, and_CC a_AT drive-in_NN theater_NN in_IN Seekonk_NP would_
MD be_BE another_DT ._. Riverside_NP residents_NNS would_MD go_VB to_IN the_AT S
eekonk_NP assembly_NN point_NN ._. Mr._NP Hawksley_NP said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ n
ot_* critical_JJ of_IN city_NN residents_NNS for_IN not_* knowing_VBG what_WDT t
o_TO do_DO or_CC where_WRB to_TO assemble_VB in_IN case_NN of_IN an_AT air_NN at
tack_NN ._. Such_JJ vital_JJ information_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, has_HVZ to_T
O be_BE made_VBN available_JJ to_IN the_AT public_NN frequently_RB and_CC at_IN
regular_JJ intervals_NNS for_CS residents_NNS to_TO know_VB ._. If_CS the_AT cit
y_NN council_NN fails_VBZ to_TO consider_VB appointment_NN of_IN a_AT full-time_
JJ CD_NN director_NN ,_, Mr._NP Hawksley_NP said_VBD ,_, then_RB he_PPS plans_VB
Z to_TO call_VB a_AT meeting_NN early_RB in_IN September_NP so_CS that_CS a_AT c
ivil_JJ defense_NN organization_NN will_MD be_BE developed_VBN locally_RB ._. On
e_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD things_NNS he_PPS would_MD do_DO ,_, he_PPS said_VBD
,_, would_MD be_BE to_TO organize_VB classes_NNS in_IN first_OD aid_NN ._. Other
_AP steps_NNS would_MD be_BE developed_VBN after_CS information_NN drifts_VBZ do
wn_RP to_IN the_AT local_JJ level_NN from_IN the_AT federal_JJ government_NN ._.
Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO examine_VB its_PP$ Sunday_NR sa
les_NNS law_NN with_IN possible_JJ revisions_NNS in_IN mind_NN ._. Governor_NN-T
L Notte_NP said_VBD last_AP night_NN he_PPS plans_VBZ to_TO name_VB a_AT committ
ee_NN to_TO make_VB the_AT study_NN and_CC come_VB up_RP with_IN recommendations
_NNS for_IN possible_JJ changes_NNS in_IN time_NN for_IN the_AT next_AP session_
NN of_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL ._. The_AT governor's_NN$ move_NN i
nto_IN the_AT so-called_JJ ``_`` blue_JJ law_NN ''_'' controversy_NN came_VBD in
_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN Miss_NP Mary_NP R._NP Grant_NP ,_,
deputy_JJ city_NN clerk_NN of_IN Central_JJ-TL Falls_NNS-TL ._. A_AT copy_NN wa
s_BEDZ released_VBN to_IN the_AT press_NN ._. Mr._NP Notte_NP was_BEDZ respondin
g_VBG to_IN a_AT resolution_NN adopted_VBN by_IN the_AT Central_JJ-TL Falls_NNS-
TL City_NN-TL Council_NN-TL on_IN July_NP 10_CD and_CC sent_VBN to_IN the_AT sta
te_NN house_NN by_IN Miss_NP Grant_NP ._. The_AT resolution_NN urges_VBZ the_AT
governor_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT complete_JJ study_NN of_IN the_AT Sunday_NR sales
_NNS laws_NNS made_VBN with_IN an_AT eye_NN to_IN their_PP$ revision_NN at_IN th
e_AT next_AP session_NN of_IN the_AT legislature_NN ._. While_CS the_AT city_NN
council_NN suggested_VBD that_CS the_AT Legislative_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL might_MD
perform_VB the_AT review_NN ,_, Mr._NP Notte_NP said_VBD that_QL instead_RB he_
PPS will_MD take_VB up_RP the_AT matter_NN with_IN Atty._NN-TL Gen._JJ-TL J._NP
Joseph_NP Nugent_NP to_TO get_VB ``_`` the_AT benefit_NN of_IN his_PP$ views_VBZ
''_'' ._. He_PPS will_MD then_RB appoint_VB the_AT study_NN committee_NN with_I
N Mr._NP Nugent's_NP$ cooperation_NN ,_, the_AT governor_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` I
_PPSS would_MD expect_VB the_AT proposed_VBN committee_NN to_TO hold_VB public_J
J hearings_NNS ''_'' ,_, Mr._NP Notte_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` to_TO obtain_VB the_
AT views_NNS of_IN the_AT general_JJ public_NN and_CC religious_JJ ,_, labor_NN
and_CC special-interest_NN groups_NNS affected_VBN by_IN these_DTS laws_NNS ''_'
' ._. The_AT governor_NN wrote_VBD Miss_NP Grant_NP that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ been_
BEN concerned_VBN for_IN some_DTI time_NN ``_`` with_IN the_AT continuous_JJ pro
blem_NN which_WDT confronts_VBZ our_PP$ local_JJ and_CC state_NN law_NN enforcem
ent_NN officers_NNS as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT laws_NNS regulating_VBG Su
nday_NR sales_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT attorney_NN general_NN has_HVZ advised_VBN lo
cal_JJ police_NNS that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ their_PP$ duty_NN to_TO enforce_VB the_A
T blue_JJ laws_NNS ._. Should_MD there_EX be_BE evidence_NN they_PPSS are_BER sh
irking_VBG ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ said_VBN ,_, the_AT state_NN police_NNS will_MD st
ep_VB into_IN the_AT situation_NN ._. There_EX has_HVZ been_BEN more_AP activity
_NN across_IN the_AT state_NN line_NN in_IN Massachusetts_NP than_CS in_IN Rhode
_NP-TL Island_NN-TL in_IN recent_JJ weeks_NNS toward_IN enforcement_NN of_IN the
_AT Sunday_NR sales_NNS laws_NNS ._. The_AT statutes_NNS ,_, similar_JJ in_IN bo
th_ABX the_AT Bay_NN-TL State_NN-TL and_CC Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL and_CC datin
g_VBG back_RB in_IN some_DTI instances_NNS to_IN colonial_JJ times_NNS ,_, sever
ely_RB limit_VB the_AT types_NNS of_IN merchandise_NN that_WPS may_MD be_BE sold
_VBN on_IN the_AT Sabbath_NP ._. The_AT Central_JJ-TL Falls_NNS-TL City_NN-TL Co
uncil_NN-TL expressed_VBD concern_NN especially_RB that_CS more_AP foods_NNS be_
BE placed_VBN on_IN the_AT eligible_JJ list_NN and_CC that_DT neighborhood_NN gr
ocery_NN and_CC variety_NN stores_NNS be_BE allowed_VBN to_TO do_DO business_NN
on_IN Sunday_NR ._. The_AT only_AP day_NN they_PPSS ``_`` have_HV a_AT chance_NN
to_TO compete_VB with_IN large_JJ supermarkets_NNS is_BEZ on_IN Sunday_NR ''_''
,_, the_AT council's_NN$ resolution_NN said_VBD ._. The_AT small_JJ shops_NNS `
`_`` must_MD be_BE retained_VBN ,_, for_CS they_PPSS provide_VB essential_JJ ser
vice_NN to_IN the_AT community_NN ''_'' ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT resolution
_NN ,_, which_WDT added_VBD that_CS they_PPSS ``_`` also_RB are_BER the_AT sourc
e_NN of_IN livelihood_NN for_IN thousands_NNS of_IN our_PP$ neighbors_NNS ''_''
._. It_PPS declares_VBZ that_CS Sunday_NR sales_NNS licenses_NNS provide_VB ``_`
` great_JJ revenue_NN ''_'' to_IN the_AT local_NN government_NN ._. The_AT counc
il_NN advised_VBD the_AT governor_NN that_CS ``_`` large_JJ supermarkets_NNS ,_,
factory_NN outlets_NNS and_CC department_NN stores_NNS not_* be_BE allowed_VBN
to_TO do_DO business_NN ''_'' on_IN Sunday_NR ._. They_PPSS ``_`` operate_VB on_
IN a_AT volume_NN basis_NN ''_'' ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ contended_VBN ,_, ``_`` and
_CC are_BER not_* essential_NN to_TO provide_VB the_AT more_QL limited_VBN but_C
C vital_JJ shopping_VBG needs_NNS of_IN the_AT community_NN ''_'' ._. Liberals_N
NS and_CC conservatives_NNS in_IN both_ABX parties_NNS --_-- Democratic_JJ and_C
C Republican_NP --_-- should_MD divorce_VB themselves_PPLS and_CC form_VB two_CD
independent_JJ parties_NNS ,_, George_NP H._NP Reama_NP ,_, nationally_RB known
_VBN labor-management_NN expert_NN ,_, said_VBD here_RB yesterday_NR ._. Mr._NP
Reama_NP told_VBD the_AT Rotary_JJ-TL Club_NN-TL of_IN-TL Providence_NP at_IN it
s_PP$ luncheon_NN at_IN the_AT Sheraton-Biltmore_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL that_CS about
_RB half_ABN of_IN the_AT people_NNS in_IN the_AT country_NN want_VB the_AT ``_`
` welfare_NN ''_'' type_NN of_IN government_NN and_CC the_AT other_AP half_ABN w
ant_VB a_AT free_JJ enterprise_NN system_NN ._. He_PPS suggested_VBD that_CS a_A
T regrouping_NN of_IN forces_NNS might_MD allow_VB the_AT average_JJ voter_NN a_
AT better_JJR pull_NN at_IN the_AT right_JJ lever_NN for_IN him_PPO on_IN electi
on_NN day_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` confessing_VBG that_CS I_
PPSS was_BEDZ a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT Socialist_JJ-TL Party_NN-TL in_IN 1910
_CD ''_'' ._. That_DT ,_, he_PPS added_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ
``_`` a_AT very_QL young_JJ man_NN ,_, a_AT machinist_NN and_CC toolmaker_NN by
_IN trade_NN ._. ``_`` That_DT was_BEDZ before_CS I_PPSS studied_VBD law_NN ._.
Some_DTI of_IN my_PP$ fellow_NN workers_NNS were_BED grooming_VBG me_PPO for_IN
an_AT office_NN in_IN the_AT Socialist_JJ-TL Party_NN-TL ._. The_AT lawyer_NN wi
th_IN whom_WPO I_PPSS studied_VBD law_NN steered_VBD me_PPO off_IN the_AT Social
ist_JJ-TL track_NN ._. He_PPS steered_VBD me_PPO to_IN the_AT right_JJ track_NN
--_-- the_AT free_JJ enterprise_NN track_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS wh
en_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT Socialist_NN-TL in_IN 1910_CD ,_, the_AT party_NN ca
lled_VBD for_IN government_NN operation_NN of_IN all_ABN utilities_NNS and_CC th
e_AT pooling_VBG of_IN all_ABN resources_NNS ._. He_PPS suggested_VBD that_CS wi
thout_IN the_AT Socialist_JJ-TL Party_NN-TL ever_RB gaining_VBG a_AT national_JJ
victory_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN its_PP$ original_JJ program_NN has_HVZ come_VBN to
_TO pass_VB under_IN both_ABX major_JJ parties_NNS ._. Mr._NP Reama_NP ,_, who_W
PS retired_VBD as_CS vice_NN president_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL Screw_NN-T
L Co._NN-TL in_IN 1955_CD said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Both_ABX parties_NNS in_IN the_AT l
ast_AP election_NN told_VBD us_PPO that_CS we_PPSS need_VB a_AT five_CD per_IN c
ent_NN growth_NN in_IN the_AT gross_JJ national_JJ product_NN --_-- but_CC neith
er_DTX told_VBD us_PPO how_WRB to_TO achieve_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD
he_PPS favors_VBZ wage_NN increases_NNS for_IN workers_NNS --_-- ``_`` but_CC m
anufacturers_NNS are_BER caught_VBN in_IN a_AT profit_NN squeeze_NN ''_'' --_--
and_CC raises_NNS should_MD only_RB come_VB when_WRB the_AT public_NN is_BEZ con
ditioned_VBN to_IN higher_JJR prices_NNS ,_, he_PPS added_VBD ._. Indicating_VBG
the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ turned_VBN his_PP$ back_NN on_IN h
is_PP$ 1910_CD philosophy_NN ,_, Mr._NP Reama_NP said_VBD :_: ``_`` A_AT Sociali
st_NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT person_NN who_WPS believes_VBZ in_IN dividing_VBG everythin
g_PN he_PPS does_DOZ not_* own_VB ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Reama_NP ,_, far_RB from_IN r
eally_RB being_BEG retired_VBN ,_, is_BEZ engaged_VBN in_IN industrial_JJ relati
ons_NNS counseling_NN ._. A_AT petition_NN bearing_VBG the_AT signatures_NNS of_
IN more_AP than_IN 1,700_CD Johnston_NP taxpayers_NNS was_BEDZ presented_VBN to_
IN the_AT town_NN council_NN last_AP night_NN as_CS what_WDT is_BEZ hoped_VBN wi
ll_MD be_BE the_AT first_OD step_NN in_IN obtaining_VBG a_AT home_NR rule_NN cha
rter_NN for_IN the_AT town_NN ._. William_NP A._NP Martinelli_NP ,_, chairman_NN
of_IN the_AT Citizens_NNS-TL Group_NN-TL of_IN-TL Johnston_NP-TL ,_, transferre
d_VBD the_AT petitions_NNS from_IN his_PP$ left_JJ hand_NN to_IN his_PP$ right_J
J hand_NN after_CS the_AT council_NN voted_VBD to_TO accept_VB them_PPO at_IN th
e_AT suggestion_NN of_IN Council_NN-TL President_NN-TL Raymond_NP Fortin_NP Sr._
NP ._. The_AT law_NN which_WDT governs_VBZ home_NR rule_NN charter_NN petitions_
VBZ states_NNS that_CS they_PPSS must_MD be_BE referred_VBN to_IN the_AT chairma
n_NN of_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN canvassers_NNS for_IN verification_NN of_IN the
_AT signatures_NNS within_IN 10_CD days_NNS and_CC Mr._NP Martinelli_NP happens_
VBZ to_TO hold_VB that_DT post_NN ._. Mr._NP Martinelli_NP explained_VBD that_CS
there_EX should_MD be_BE more_AP than_IN enough_AP signatures_NNS to_TO assure_
VB the_AT scheduling_NN of_IN a_AT vote_NN on_IN the_AT home_NR rule_NN charter_
NN and_CC possible_JJ election_NN of_IN a_AT nine_CD member_NN charter_NN commis
sion_NN within_IN 70_CD days_NNS ._. He_PPS explained_VBD that_CS by_IN law_NN t
he_AT council_NN must_MD establish_VB procedures_NNS for_IN a_AT vote_NN on_IN t
he_AT issue_NN within_IN 60_CD days_NNS after_CS the_AT board_NN of_IN canvasser
s_NNS completes_VBZ its_PP$ work_NN ._. A_AT difference_NN of_IN opinion_NN aros
e_VBD between_IN Mr._NP Martinelli_NP and_CC John_NP P._NP Bourcier_NP ,_, town_
NN solicitor_NN ,_, over_IN the_AT exact_JJ manner_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT vot
e_NN is_BEZ handled_VBN ._. Mr._NP Martinelli_NP has_HVZ ,_, in_IN recent_JJ wee
ks_NNS ,_, been_BEN of_IN the_AT opinion_NN that_CS a_AT special_JJ town_NN meet
ing_NN would_MD be_BE called_VBN for_IN the_AT vote_NN ,_, while_CS Mr._NP Bourc
ier_NP said_VBD that_CS a_AT special_JJ election_NN might_MD be_BE called_VBN in
stead_RB ._. Mr._NP Bourcier_NP said_VBD that_CS he_PPS had_HVD consulted_VBN se
veral_AP Superior_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL justices_NNS in_IN the_AT last_AP week_NN an
d_CC received_VBN opinions_NNS favoring_VBG both_ABX procedures_NNS ._. He_PPS a
ssured_VBD Mr._NP Martinelli_NP and_CC the_AT council_NN that_CS he_PPS would_MD
study_VB the_AT correct_JJ method_NN and_CC report_VB back_RB to_IN the_AT coun
cil_NN as_QL soon_RB as_CS possible_JJ ._. Mr._NP Martinelli_NP said_VBD yesterd
ay_NR that_CS the_AT Citizens_NNS-TL Group_NN-TL of_IN-TL Johnston_NP-TL will_MD
meet_VB again_RB July_NP 24_CD to_TO plan_VB further_JJR strategy_NN in_IN the_
AT charter_NN movement_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS the_AT group_NN has_HVZ no
_AT candidates_NNS for_IN the_AT charter_NN commission_NN in_IN mind_NN at_IN pr
esent_JJ ,_, but_CC that_CS it_PPS will_MD undoubtedly_RB endorse_VB candidates_
NNS when_WRB the_AT time_NN comes_VBZ ._. ``_`` After_CS inspiring_VBG this_DT ,
_, I_PPSS think_VB we_PPSS should_MD certainly_RB follow_VB through_RP on_IN it_
PPO ''_'' ,_, he_PPS declared_VBD ._. ``_`` It_PPS has_HVZ become_VBN our_PP$ re
sponsibility_NN and_CC I_PPSS hope_VB that_CS the_AT Citizens_NNS-TL Group_NN-TL
will_MD spearhead_VB the_AT movement_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS would_
MD not_* be_BE surprised_VBN if_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT more_AP than_IN 30_CD m
embers_NNS of_IN the_AT group_NN are_BER interested_VBN in_IN running_VBG on_IN
the_AT required_VBN non-partisan_JJ ballot_NN for_IN posts_NNS on_IN the_AT char
ter_NN commission_NN ._. ``_`` Our_PP$ most_QL immediate_JJ goal_NN is_BEZ to_TO
increase_VB public_NN awareness_NN of_IN the_AT movement_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS in
dicated_VBD ,_, ``_`` and_CC to_TO tell_VB them_PPO what_WDT this_DT will_MD mea
n_VB for_IN the_AT town_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS expects_VBZ that_CS if_CS the_AT pre
sent_JJ timetable_NN is_BEZ followed_VBN a_AT vote_NN will_MD be_BE scheduled_VB
N during_IN the_AT last_AP week_NN in_IN September_NP ._. Some_DTI opposition_NN
to_IN the_AT home_NR rule_NN movement_NN started_VBD to_TO be_BE heard_VBN yest
erday_NR ,_, with_IN spokesmen_NNS for_IN the_AT town's_NN$ insurgent_JJ Democra
tic_JJ-TL leadership_NN speaking_VBG out_RP against_IN the_AT home_NR rule_NN ch
arter_NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN the_AT model_JJ municipal_JJ league_NN charter_NN
._. Increasing_VBG opposition_NN can_MD be_BE expected_VBN in_IN coming_VBG week
s_NNS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ indicated_VBN ._. Misunderstanding_VBG of_IN the_AT re
al_JJ meaning_NN of_IN a_AT home_NR rule_NN charter_NN was_BEDZ cited_VBN as_CS
a_AT factor_NN which_WDT has_HVZ caused_VBN the_AT Citizens_NNS-TL Group_NN-TL t
o_TO obtain_VB signatures_NNS under_IN what_WDT were_BED termed_VBN ``_`` false_
JJ pretenses_NNS ''_'' ._. Several_AP signers_NNS affixed_VBN their_PP$ names_NN
S ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ learned_VBN ,_, after_CS being_BEG told_VBN that_CS no_AT
tax_NN increase_NN would_MD be_BE possible_JJ without_IN consent_NN of_IN the_AT
General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL and_CC that_CS a_AT provision_NN could_MD be_BE in
cluded_VBN in_IN the_AT charter_NN to_TO have_HV the_AT town_NN take_VB over_RP
the_AT Johnston_NP-TL Sanitary_JJ-TL District_NN-TL sewer_NN system_NN ._. Actio
n_NN on_IN a_AT new_JJ ordinance_NN permitting_VBG motorists_NNS who_WPS plead_V
B guilty_JJ to_IN minor_NN traffic_NN offenses_NNS to_TO pay_VB fines_NNS at_IN
the_AT local_JJ police_NN station_NN may_MD be_BE taken_VBN at_IN Monday's_NR$ s
pecial_JJ North_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL Town_NN-TL Council_NN-TL meeting_NN ._. C
ouncil_NN president_NN Frank_NP SanAntonio_NP said_VBD yesterday_NR he_PPS may_M
D ask_VB the_AT council_NN to_TO formally_RB request_VB Town_NN-TL Solicitor_NN-
TL Michael_NP A._NP Abatuno_NP to_TO draft_VB the_AT ordinance_NN ._. At_IN the_
AT last_AP session_NN of_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL ,_, the_AT town_
NN was_BEDZ authorized_VBN to_TO adopt_VB such_ABL an_AT ordinance_NN as_CS a_AT
means_NNS of_IN making_VBG enforcement_NN of_IN minor_JJ offenses_NNS more_QL e
ffective_JJ ._. Nothing_PN has_HVZ been_BEN done_VBN yet_RB to_TO take_VB advant
age_NN of_IN the_AT enabling_VBG legislation_NN ._. At_IN present_JJ all_ABN off
enses_NNS must_MD be_BE taken_VBN to_IN Sixth_OD-TL District_NN-TL Court_NN-TL f
or_IN disposition_NN ._. Local_JJ police_NN have_HV hesitated_VBN to_TO prosecut
e_VB them_PPO because_RB of_IN the_AT heavy_JJ court_NN costs_NNS involved_VBN e
ven_RB for_IN the_AT simplest_JJT offense_NN ._. Plainfield_NP-HL --_-- James_NP
P._NP Mitchell_NP and_CC Sen._NN-TL Walter_NP H._NP Jones_NP R-Bergen_NN ,_, la
st_AP night_NN disagreed_VBD on_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN using_VBG as_CS a_AT ca
mpaign_NN issue_NN a_AT remark_NN by_IN Richard_NP J._NP Hughes_NP ,_, Democrati
c_JJ-TL gubernatorial_JJ candidate_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT GOP_NN is_BEZ ``_`` Cam
paigning_VBG on_IN the_AT carcass_NN of_IN Eisenhower_NP Republicanism_NP ''_''
._. Mitchell_NP was_BEDZ for_IN using_VBG it_PPO ,_, Jones_NP against_IN ,_, and
_CC Sen._NN-TL Wayne_NP Dumont_NP Jr._NP R-Warren_NN did_DOD not_* mention_VB it
_PPO when_WRB the_AT three_CD Republican_NP gubernatorial_JJ candidates_NNS spok
e_VBD at_IN staggered_VBN intervals_NNS before_IN 100_CD persons_NNS at_IN the_A
T Park_NN-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. The_AT controversial_JJ remark_NN was_BEDZ first_RB
made_VBN Sunday_NR by_IN Hughes_NP at_IN a_AT Westfield_NP-TL Young_JJ-TL Democ
ratic_JJ-TL Club_NN-TL cocktail_NN party_NN at_IN the_AT Scotch_JJ-TL Plains_NNS
-TL Country_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ greeted_VBN with_IN a_AT chorus
_NN of_IN boos_NNS by_IN 500_CD women_NNS in_IN Trenton_NP Monday_NR at_IN a_AT
forum_NN of_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Federation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Women's_NNS$-TL Club
s_NNS-TL ._. Hughes_NP said_VBD Monday_NR ,_, ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT apparen
t_JJ intention_NN of_IN the_AT Republican_NP-TL Party_NN-TL to_TO campaign_VB on
_IN the_AT carcass_NN of_IN what_WDT they_PPSS call_VB Eisenhower_NP Republicani
sm_NP ,_, but_CC the_AT heart_NN stopped_VBD beating_VBG and_CC the_AT lifeblood
_NN congealed_VBD after_IN Eisenhower_NP retired_VBD ._. Now_RB he's_PPS+HVZ gon
e_VBN ,_, the_AT Republican_NP-TL Party_NN-TL is_BEZ not_* going_VBG to_TO be_BE
able_JJ to_TO sell_VB the_AT tattered_VBN remains_NNS to_IN the_AT people_NNS o
f_IN the_AT state_NN ''_'' ._. Sunday_NR he_PPS had_HVD added_VBN ,_, ``_`` We_P
PSS can_MD love_VB Eisenhower_NP the_AT man_NN ,_, even_RB if_CS we_PPSS conside
red_VBD him_PPO a_AT mediocre_JJ president_NN but_CC there_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN
left_VBN of_IN the_AT Republican_NP-TL Party_NN-TL without_IN his_PP$ leadership
_NN ''_'' ._. Mitchell_NP said_VBD the_AT statement_NN should_MD become_VB a_AT
major_JJ issue_NN in_IN the_AT primary_NN and_CC the_AT fall_NN campaign_NN ._.
``_`` How_WRB can_MD a_AT man_NN with_IN any_DTI degree_NN of_IN common_JJ decen
cy_NN charge_VB this_DT ''_'' ?_. ?_. He_PPS asked_VBD ._. The_AT former_AP secr
etary_NN of_IN labor_NN said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ proud_JJ to_TO be_BE an_AT Eise
nhower_NP Republican_NP ``_`` and_CC proud_JJ to_TO have_HV absorbed_VBN his_PP$
philosophy_NN ''_'' while_CS working_VBG in_IN his_PP$ adminstration_NN ._. Mit
chell_NP said_VBD the_AT closeness_NN of_IN the_AT outcome_NN in_IN last_AP fall
's_NN$ Presidential_JJ-TL election_NN did_DOD not_* mean_VB that_CS Eisenhower_N
P Republicanism_NP was_BEDZ a_AT dead_JJ issue_NN ._. Regrets_VBZ-HL attack_NN-H
L Jones_NP said_VBD he_PPS regretted_VBD Hughes_NP had_HVD made_VBN a_AT persona
l_JJ attack_NN on_IN a_AT past_JJ president_NN ._. ``_`` He_PPS is_BEZ wrong_JJ
to_TO inject_VB Eisenhower_NP into_IN this_DT campaign_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_
VBD ,_, ``_`` because_CS the_AT primary_NN is_BEZ being_BEG waged_VBN on_IN stat
e_NN issues_NNS and_CC I_PPSS will_MD not_* be_BE forced_VBN into_IN re-arguing_
VBG an_AT old_JJ national_JJ campaign_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT audience_NN last_AP ni
ght_NN did_DOD not_* respond_VB with_IN either_CC applause_NN or_CC boos_NNS to_
TO mention_VB of_IN Hughes'_NP$ remark_NN ._. Dumont_NP spoke_VBD on_IN the_AT m
erit_NN of_IN having_HVG an_AT open_JJ primary_NN ._. He_PPS then_RB launched_VB
D into_IN what_WDT the_AT issues_NNS should_MD be_BE in_IN the_AT campaign_NN ._
. State_NN aid_NN to_IN schools_NNS ,_, the_AT continuance_NN of_IN railroad_NN
passenger_NN service_NN ,_, the_AT proper_JJ uses_NNS of_IN surplus_NN funds_NNS
of_IN the_AT Port_NN-TL of_IN-TL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Authority_NN-TL ,_, and_C
C making_VBG New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL attractive_JJ to_IN new_JJ industry_NN ._. D
ecries_VBZ-HL joblessness_NN-HL Mitchell_NP decried_VBD the_AT high_JJ rate_NN o
f_IN unemployment_NN in_IN the_AT state_NN and_CC said_VBD the_AT Meyner_NP admi
nistration_NN and_CC the_AT Republican-controlled_JJ State_NN-TL Senate_NN-TL ``
_`` Must_MD share_VB the_AT blame_NN for_IN this_DT ''_'' ._. Noting_VBG that_CS
Plainfield_NP last_AP year_NN had_HVD lost_VBN the_AT Mack_NP-TL Truck_NN-TL Co
._NN-TL plant_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD industry_NN will_MD not_* come_VB into_IN t
his_DT state_NN until_CS there_EX is_BEZ tax_NN reform_NN ._. ``_`` But_CC I_PPS
S am_BEM not_* in_IN favor_NN of_IN a_AT sales_NNS or_CC state_NN income_NN tax_
NN at_IN this_DT time_NN ''_'' ,_, Mitchell_NP said_VBD ._. Jones_NP ,_, unhappy
_JJ that_CS the_AT candidates_NNS were_BED limited_VBN to_IN eight_CD minutes_NN
S for_IN a_AT speech_NN and_CC no_AT audience_NN questions_NNS ,_, saved_VBD his
_PP$ barbs_NNS for_IN Mitchell_NP ._. He_PPS said_VBD Mitchell_NP is_BEZ against
_IN the_AT centralization_NN of_IN government_NN in_IN Washington_NP but_CC look
s_VBZ to_IN the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL for_IN aid_NN to_TO meet_V
B New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL school_NN and_CC transportation_NN crises_NNS ._. ``_``
He_PPS calls_VBZ for_IN help_NN while_CS saying_VBG he_PPS is_BEZ against_IN ce
ntralization_NN ,_, but_CC you_PPSS can't_MD* have_HV it_PPO both_ABX ways_NNS '
'_'' ,_, Jones_NP said_VBD ._. The_AT state_NN is_BEZ now_RB faced_VBN with_IN t
he_AT immediate_JJ question_NN of_IN raising_VBG new_JJ taxes_NNS whether_CS on_
IN utilities_NNS ,_, real_JJ estate_NN or_CC motor_NN vehicles_NNS ,_, he_PPS sa
id_VBD ,_, ``_`` and_CC I_PPSS challenge_VB Mitchell_NP to_TO tell_VB the_AT peo
ple_NNS where_WRB he_PPS stands_VBZ on_IN the_AT tax_NN issue_NN ''_'' ._. Defen
ds_VBZ-HL Ike_NP-HL Earlier_RBR ,_, Mitchell_NP said_VBD in_IN a_AT statement_NN
:_: ``_`` I_PPSS think_VB that_CS all_ABN Americans_NPS will_MD resent_VB deepl
y_RB the_AT statements_NNS made_VBN about_IN President_NN-TL Eisenhower_NP by_IN
Richard_NP J._NP Hughes_NP ._. His_PP$ reference_NN to_IN '_' discredited_VBN c
arcass_NN '_' or_CC '_' tattered_VBN remains_NNS '_' of_IN the_AT president's_NN
$ leadership_NN is_BEZ an_AT insult_NN to_IN the_AT man_NN who_WPS led_VBD our_P
P$ forces_NNS to_IN victory_NN in_IN the_AT greatest_JJT war_NN in_IN all_ABN hi
story_NN ,_, to_IN the_AT man_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ twice_RB elected_VBN overwhelm
ingly_RB by_IN the_AT American_JJ people_NNS as_CS president_NN of_IN the_AT Uni
ted_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT symbol_NN to
_IN the_AT world_NN of_IN the_AT peace-loving_JJ intentions_NNS of_IN the_AT fre
e_JJ nations_NNS ._. ``_`` I_PPSS find_VB it_PPO hard_JJ to_TO understand_VB how
_WRB anyone_PN seeking_VBG a_AT position_NN in_IN public_JJ life_NN could_MD dem
onstrate_VB such_JJ poor_JJ judgment_NN and_CC bad_JJ taste_NN ._. ``_`` Such_AB
L a_AT vicious_JJ statement_NN can_MD only_RB have_HV its_PP$ origin_NN in_IN th
e_AT desire_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ political_JJ candidate_NN to_TO try_VB to_TO ma
ke_VB his_PP$ name_NN known_VBN by_IN condemning_VBG a_AT man_NN of_IN world_NN
stature_NN ._. It_PPS can_MD only_RB rebound_VB to_IN Mr._NP Hughes'_NP$ discred
it_NN ''_'' ._. Sees_VBZ-HL Jones_NP-HL ahead_RB-HL Sen._NN-TL Charles_NP W._NP
Sandman_NP ,_, R-Cape_NN May_NP ,_, said_VBD today_NR Jones_NP will_MD run_VB we
ll_QL ahead_RB of_IN his_PP$ GOP_NN opponents_NNS for_IN the_AT gubernatorial_JJ
nomination_NN ._. Sandman_NP ,_, state_NN campaign_NN chairman_NN for_IN Jones_
NP ,_, was_BEDZ addressing_VBG a_AT meeting_NN in_IN the_AT Military_JJ-TL Park_
NN-TL Hotel_NN-TL ,_, Newark_NP ,_, of_IN Essex_NP-TL County_NN-TL leaders_NNS a
nd_CC campaign_NN managers_NNS for_IN Jones_NP ._. Sandman_NP told_VBD the_AT ga
thering_NN that_CS reports_NNS from_IN workers_NNS on_IN a_AT local_JJ level_NN
all_QL over_IN the_AT state_NN indicate_VB that_CS Jones_NP will_MD be_BE chosen
_VBN the_AT Republican_NP Party's_NN$-TL nominee_NN with_IN the_AT largest_JJT m
ajority_NN given_VBN a_AT candidate_NN in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ._. Sandman_NP
said_VBD :_: ``_`` The_AT announcement_NN that_CS Sen._NN-TL Clifford_NP Case_NP
Aj_NN ,_, has_HVZ decided_VBN to_TO spend_VB all_ABN his_PP$ available_JJ time_
NN campaigning_VBG for_IN Mr._NP Mitchell_NP is_BEZ a_AT dead_JJ giveaway_NN ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT desperate_JJ effort_NN to_TO prop_VB up_RP a_AT sagging_VBG
candidate_NN who_WPS has_HVZ proven_VBN he_PPS cannot_MD* answer_VB any_DTI ques
tions_NNS about_IN New_JJ-TL Jersey's_NP$ problems_NNS ._. ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV
witnessed_VBN in_IN this_DT campaign_NN the_AT effort_NN to_TO project_VB Mr._N
P Mitchell_NP as_CS the_AT image_NN of_IN a_AT unity_NN candidate_NN from_IN Was
hington_NP ._. That_DT failed_VBD ._. ``_`` We_PPSS are_BER now_RB witnessing_VB
G an_AT effort_NN to_TO transfer_VB to_IN Mr._NP Mitchell_NP some_DTI of_IN the_
AT glow_NN of_IN Sen._NN-TL Case's_NP$ candidacy_NN of_IN last_AP year_NN ._. Th
at_DT ,_, too_RB ,_, will_MD fail_VB ''_'' ._. Sandman_NP announced_VBD the_AT a
ppointment_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Harriet_NP Copeland_NP Greenfield_NP of_IN 330_CD Wo
odland_NN-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, Westfield_NP ,_, as_CS state_NN chairman_NN of_IN th
e_AT Republican_NP Women_NNS-TL for_IN-TL Jones_NP Committee_NN-TL ._. Mrs._NP G
reenfield_NP is_BEZ president_NN of_IN the_AT Westfield_NP-TL Women's_NNS$-TL Re
publican_NP-TL Club_NN-TL and_CC is_BEZ a_AT Westfield_NP county_NN committeewom
an_NN ._. County_NN-TL Supervisor_NN-TL Weldon_NP R._NP Sheets_NP ,_, who_WPS is
_BEZ a_AT candidate_NN for_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL gubernatorial_JJ nominatio
n_NN ,_, today_NR called_VBD for_IN an_AT end_NN to_IN paper_NN ballots_NNS in_I
N those_DTS counties_NNS in_IN the_AT state_NN which_WDT still_RB use_VB them_PP
O ._. The_AT proposal_NN ,_, Sheets_NP said_VBD ,_, represents_VBZ part_NN of_IN
his_PP$ program_NN for_IN election_NN reforms_NNS necessary_JJ to_TO make_VB de
mocracy_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL more_AP than_IN a_AT ``_`` lip_NN servic
e_NN word_NN ''_'' ._. Sheets_NP said_VBD that_CS his_PP$ proposed_VBN law_NN wo
uld_MD offer_VB state_NN financing_VBG aid_NN for_IN the_AT purchase_NN of_IN vo
ting_VBG machines_NNS ,_, enabling_VBG counties_NNS to_TO repay_VB the_AT loan_N
N over_IN a_AT 10-year_JJ period_NN without_IN interest_NN or_CC charge_NN ._. S
heets_NP added_VBD that_CS he_PPS would_MD ask_VB for_IN exclusive_JJ use_NN of_
IN voting_VBG machines_NNS in_IN the_AT state_NN by_IN January_NP ,_, 1964_CD ._
. Although_CS he_PPS pointed_VBD out_RP that_CS mandatory_JJ legislation_NN impi
nging_VBG on_IN home_NR rule_NN is_BEZ basically_RB distasteful_JJ ,_, he_PPS ad
ded_VBD that_CS the_AT vital_JJ interest_NN in_IN election_NN results_NNS transc
ended_VBD county_NN lines_NNS ._. The_AT candidacy_NN of_IN Mayor_NN-TL James_NP
J._NP Sheeran_NP of_IN West_JJ-TL Orange_NP-TL ,_, for_IN the_AT Republican_NP
nomination_NN for_IN sheriff_NN of_IN Essex_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ supp
orted_VBN today_NR by_IN Edward_NP W._NP Roos_NP ,_, West_JJ-TL Orange_NP-TL pub
lic_NN safety_NN commissioner_NN ._. Sheeran_NP ,_, a_AT lawyer_NN and_CC former
_AP FBI_NN man_NN is_BEZ running_VBG against_IN the_AT Republican_NP organizatio
n's_NN$ candidate_NN ,_, Freeholder_NN-TL William_NP MacDonald_NP ,_, for_IN the
_AT vacancy_NN left_VBN by_IN the_AT resignation_NN of_IN Neil_NP Duffy_NP ,_, n
ow_RB a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Tax_NN-TL App
eals_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` My_PP$ experience_NN as_CS public_JJ safety_NN commissione
r_NN ''_'' ,_, Roos_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` has_HVZ shown_VBN me_PPO that_CS the_A
T office_NN of_IN sheriff_NN is_BEZ best_RBT filled_VBN by_IN a_AT man_NN with_I
N law_NN enforcement_NN experience_NN ,_, and_CC preferably_RB one_CD who_WPS is
_BEZ a_AT lawyer_NN ._. Jim_NP Sheeran_NP fits_VBZ that_DT description_NN ''_''
._. Trenton_NP-HL --_-- William_NP J._NP Seidel_NP ,_, state_NN fire_NN warden_N
N in_IN the_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Conservation_NN-TL and_CC-TL Economic_J
J-TL Development_NN-TL ,_, has_HVZ retired_VBN after_IN 36_CD years_NNS of_IN se
rvice_NN ._. A_AT citation_NN from_IN Conservation_NN-TL Commissioner_NN-TL Salv
atore_NP A._NP Bontempo_NP credits_VBZ his_PP$ supervision_NN with_IN a_AT reduc
tion_NN in_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN forest_NN fires_NNS in_IN the_AT state_NN .
_. Seidel_NP joined_VBD the_AT department_NN in_IN 1925_CD as_CS a_AT division_N
N fire_NN warden_NN after_IN graduation_NN in_IN 1921_CD from_IN the_AT Universi
ty_NN-TL of_IN-TL Michigan_NP-TL with_IN a_AT degree_NN in_IN forestry_NN and_CC
employment_NN with_IN private_JJ lumber_NN companies_NNS ._. In_IN October_NP 1
944_CD ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ appointed_VBN state_NN warden_NN and_CC chief_NN of_I
N the_AT Forest_NN-TL Fire_NN-TL Section_NN-TL ._. Under_IN his_PP$ supervision_
NN ,_, the_AT state_NN fire-fighting_JJ agency_NN developed_VBD such_JJ techniqu
es_NNS as_CS plowing_VBG of_IN fire_NN lines_NNS and_CC established_VBD a_AT fle
et_NN of_IN tractor_NN plows_NNS and_CC tractor_NN units_NNS for_IN fire_NN figh
ting_VBG ._. He_PPS also_RB expanded_VBD and_CC modernized_VBD the_AT radio_NN s
ystem_NN with_IN a_AT central_JJ control_NN station_NN ._. He_PPS introduced_VBD
regular_JJ briefing_VBG sessions_NNS for_IN district_NN fire_NN wardens_NNS and
_CC first_OD aid_NN training_NN for_IN section_NN wardens_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ
credited_VBN with_IN setting_VBG up_RP an_AT annual_JJ co-operative_JJ fire_NN p
revention_NN program_NN in_IN co-operation_NN with_IN the_AT Red_JJ-TL Cross_NN-
TL and_CC State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Education_NN-TL ._. Boonton_NP-H
L --_-- Richard_NP J._NP Hughes_NP made_VBD his_PP$ Morris_NP-TL County_NN-TL de
but_NN in_IN his_PP$ bid_NN for_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL gubernatorial_JJ nomi
nation_NN here_RB last_AP night_NN with_IN a_AT pledge_NN ``_`` to_TO carry_VB t
he_AT issues_NNS to_IN every_AT corner_NN of_IN the_AT state_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS
promised_VBD nearly_RB 200_CD Democratic_JJ-TL county_NN committee_NN members_N
NS at_IN the_AT meeting_NN in_IN the_AT Puddingstone_NP Inn_NN-TL :_: ``_`` When
_WRB I_PPSS come_VB back_RB here_RB after_IN the_AT November_NP election_NN you'
ll_PPSS+MD think_VB ,_, '_' You're_PPSS+BER my_PP$ man_NN --_-- you're_PPSS+BER
the_AT kind_NN of_IN governor_NN we're_PPSS+BER glad_JJ we_PPSS elected_VBD '_'
''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS Democrats_NPS must_MD resolve_VB our
_PP$ issues_NNS on_IN the_AT test_NN of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ right_JJ and_CC just_
JJ ,_, and_CC not_* what_WDT is_BEZ expedient_JJ at_IN the_AT time_NN ''_'' ._.
Attacks_VBZ-HL Republicans_NPS-HL In_IN his_PP$ only_AP attack_NN on_IN the_AT R
epublicans_NPS ,_, Hughes_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` The_AT three_CD Republican_NP ca
ndidates_NNS for_IN governor_NN are_BER tripping_VBG over_IN their_PP$ feet_NNS
for_IN popular_JJ slogans_NNS to_TO win_VB the_AT primary_NN ._. But_CC we'll_PP
SS+MD have_HV a_AT liberal_JJ ,_, well_QL planned_VBN ,_, forward_RB looking_VBG
,_, honest_JJ platform_NN ._. We'll_PPSS+MD not_* talk_VB out_IN of_IN one_CD s
ide_NN of_IN our_PP$ mouth_NN in_IN Morris_NP-TL County_NN-TL and_CC out_IN of_I
N the_AT other_AP side_NN in_IN Hudson_NP ._. ``_`` We'll_PPSS+MD take_VB the_AT
truth_NN to_IN the_AT people_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT people_NNS will_MD like_VB t
he_AT truth_NN and_CC elect_VB their_PP$ candidate_NN and_CC party_NN in_IN Nove
mber_NP ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` You_PPSS can_MD see_VB signs_NNS of_
IN the_AT Republicans'_NPS$ feeble_JJ attack_NN on_IN the_AT Meyner_NP administr
ation_NN ._. But_CC I_PPSS shall_MD campaign_VB on_IN the_AT Meyner_NP record_NN
to_TO meet_VB the_AT needs_NNS of_IN the_AT years_NNS ahead_RB ''_'' ._. He_PPS
urged_VBD New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL to_TO ``_`` become_VB a_AT full_JJ partner_NN
in_IN the_AT courageous_JJ actions_NNS of_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ''_'' ._
. He_PPS called_VBD for_IN a_AT greater_JJR attraction_NN of_IN industry_NN and_
CC a_AT stop_NN to_IN the_AT piracy_NN of_IN industry_NN by_IN Southern_JJ-TL st
ates_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT strong_JJ fight_NN against_IN discrimination_NN in_IN b
usiness_NN and_CC industry_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS must_MD keep_VB the_AT bloodstre
am_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL clean_JJ ''_'' ,_, the_AT former_AP Superior_
JJ-TL Court_NN-TL judge_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` To_TO prevent_VB hoodlums_NNS from
_IN infiltrating_VBG the_AT state_NN as_CS they_PPSS did_DOD in_IN the_AT Republ
ican_NP administration_NN in_IN the_AT early_RB 1940s_NNS ''_'' ._. Calling_VBG
the_AT Democrats_NPS the_AT ``_`` party_NN that_WPS lives_VBZ ,_, breathes_VBZ a
nd_CC thinks_VBZ for_IN the_AT good_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS ''_'' ,_, Hughes_
NP asked_VBD ,_, ``_`` a_AT representative_JJ Democratic_JJ-TL vote_NN in_IN the
_AT primary_NN for_IN a_AT springboard_NN toward_IN victory_NN in_IN November_NP
''_'' ._. Hughes_NP supported_VBD Gov._NN-TL Meyner's_NP$ ``_`` Green_JJ-TL Acr
es_NNS-TL ''_'' plan_NN for_IN saving_VBG large_JJ tracts_NNS of_IN open_JJ land
_NN from_IN the_AT onrush_NN of_IN urban_JJ development_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD l
egislation_NN for_IN a_AT $60_NNS million_CD bond_NN issue_NN to_TO underwrite_V
B the_AT program_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO be_BE introduced_VBN Monday_NR ._.
Conservation_NN-HL plan_NN-HL The_AT plan_NN will_MD provide_VB $45_NNS million
_CD for_IN purchase_NN of_IN open_JJ land_NN by_IN the_AT state_NN ._. The_AT ot
her_AP $15_NNS million_CD is_BEZ to_TO be_BE alloted_VBN to_IN municipalities_NN
S on_IN a_AT matching_VBG fund_NN basis_NN ._. Hughes_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` This
_DT is_BEZ not_* a_AT plan_NN to_TO conquer_VB space_NN --_-- but_CC to_TO conse
rve_VB it_PPO ''_'' ,_, pointing_VBG out_RP the_AT state_NN population_NN has_HV
Z increased_VBN 125,000_CD each_DT year_NN since_IN 1950_CD ._. He_PPS said_VBD
``_`` Morris_NP-TL County_NN-TL is_BEZ rapidly_RB changing_VBG and_CC unless_CS
steps_NNS are_BER taken_VBN to_TO preserve_VB the_AT green_JJ areas_NNS ,_, ther
e_EX will_MD be_BE no_AT land_NN left_VBN to_TO preserve_VB ''_'' ._. Hughes_NP
would_MD not_* comment_VB on_IN tax_NN reforms_NNS or_CC other_AP issues_NNS in_
IN which_WDT the_AT Republican_NP candidates_NNS are_BER involved_VBN ._. He_PPS
said_VBD no_AT matter_NN what_WDT stand_NN he_PPS takes_VBZ it_PPS would_MD be_
BE misconstrued_VBN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ sympathetic_JJ to_IN one_CD or_CC th
e_AT other_AP of_IN the_AT Republicans_NPS ._. ``_`` After_CS the_AT primary_NN
''_'' ,_, he_PPS promised_VBD ,_, ``_`` I'll_PPSS+MD be_BE explicit_JJ on_IN whe
re_WRB I_PPSS stand_VB to_TO bring_VB you_PPO a_AT strong_JJ ,_, dynamic_JJ admi
nistration_NN ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM not_* afraid_JJ to_TO tangle_VB with_IN the_AT Re
publican_NP nominee_NN ''_'' ._. Trenton_NP-HL --_-- Fifteen_CD members_NNS of_I
N the_AT Republican_NP State_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL who_WPS are_BER retiring_VBG
--_-- voluntarily_RB --_-- this_DT year_NN were_BED honored_VBN yesterday_NR by_
IN their_PP$ colleagues_NNS ._. The_AT outgoing_JJ members_NNS ,_, whose_WP$ fou
r-year_JJ terms_NNS will_MD expire_VB a_AT week_NN after_IN the_AT April_NP 18_C
D primary_NN election_NN ,_, received_VBD carved_VBN wooden_JJ elephants_NNS ,_,
complete_JJ with_IN ivory_NN tusks_NNS ,_, to_TO remember_VB the_AT state_NN co
mmittee_NN by_IN ._. There_EX may_MD be_BE other_AP 1961_CD state_NN committee_N
N retirements_NNS come_VB April_NP 18_CD ,_, but_CC they_PPSS will_MD be_BE leav
ing_VBG by_IN choice_NN of_IN the_AT Republican_NP voters_NNS ._. A_AT special_J
J presentation_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN to_IN Mrs._NP Geraldine_NP Thompson_NP of_IN
Red_JJ-TL Bank_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ stepping_VBG down_RP after_IN 35_CD yea
rs_NNS on_IN the_AT committee_NN ._. She_PPS also_RB was_BEDZ the_AT original_JJ
GOP_NN national_JJ committeewoman_NN from_IN New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL in_IN the_A
T early_JJ 1920s_NNS following_VBG adoption_NN of_IN the_AT women's_NNS$ suffrag
e_NN amendment_NN ._. She_PPS served_VBD one_CD four-year_JJ term_NN on_IN the_A
T national_JJ committee_NN ._. Resentment_NN welled_VBD up_RP yesterday_NR among
_IN Democratic_JJ-TL district_NN leaders_NNS and_CC some_DTI county_NN leaders_N
NS at_IN reports_NNS that_CS Mayor_NN-TL Wagner_NP had_HVD decided_VBN to_TO see
k_VB a_AT third_OD term_NN with_IN Paul_NP R._NP Screvane_NP and_CC Abraham_NP D
._NP Beame_NP as_CS running_VBG mates_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN react
ion_NN among_IN anti-organization_JJ Democratic_JJ-TL leaders_NNS and_CC in_IN t
he_AT Liberal_JJ-TL party_NN to_IN the_AT Mayor's_NN$-TL reported_VBN plan_NN wa
s_BEDZ generally_RB favorable_JJ ._. Some_DTI anti-organization_JJ Democrats_NPS
saw_VBD in_IN the_AT program_NN an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO end_VB the_AT bitter
_JJ internal_JJ fight_NN within_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL party_NN that_WPS has
_HVZ been_BEN going_VBG on_RP for_IN the_AT last_AP three_CD years_NNS ._. The_A
T resentment_NN among_IN Democratic_JJ-TL organization_NN leaders_NNS to_IN the_
AT reported_VBN Wagner_NP plan_NN was_BEDZ directed_VBN particularly_RB at_IN th
e_AT Mayor's_NN$-TL efforts_NNS to_TO name_VB his_PP$ own_JJ running_VBG mates_N
NS without_IN consulting_VBG the_AT leaders_NNS ._. Some_DTI viewed_VBD this_DT
attempt_NN as_CS evidence_NN that_CS Mr._NP Wagner_NP regarded_VBD himself_PPL a
s_IN bigger_JJR than_IN the_AT party_NN ._. Opposition_NN-HL reported_VBN-HL Som
e_DTI Democratic_JJ-TL district_NN and_CC county_NN leaders_NNS are_BER reported
_VBN trying_VBG to_TO induce_VB State_NN-TL Controller_NN-TL Arthur_NP Levitt_NP
of_IN Brooklyn_NP to_TO oppose_VB Mr._NP Wagner_NP for_IN the_AT Mayoral_JJ-TL
nomination_NN in_IN the_AT Sept._NP 7_CD Democratic_JJ-TL primary_NN ._. These_D
TS contend_VB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT serious_JJ question_NN as_IN to_IN whether_CS
Mr._NP Wagner_NP has_HVZ the_AT confidence_NN of_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL ran
k_NN and_CC file_NN in_IN the_AT city_NN ._. Their_PP$ view_NN is_BEZ that_CS la
st-minute_NN changes_NNS the_AT Mayor_NN-TL is_BEZ proposing_VBG to_TO make_VB i
n_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL ticket_NN only_RB emphasize_VB the_AT weakness_NN o
f_IN his_PP$ performance_NN as_CS Mayor_NN-TL ._. In_IN an_AT apparent_JJ effort
_NN to_TO head_VB off_RP such_ABL a_AT rival_JJ primary_NN slate_NN ,_, Mr._NP W
agner_NP talked_VBD by_IN telephone_NN yesterday_NR with_IN Representative_NN-TL
Charles_NP A._NP Buckley_NP ,_, the_AT Bronx_NP Democratic_JJ-TL leader_NN ,_,
and_CC with_IN Joseph_NP T._NP Sharkey_NP ,_, the_AT Brooklyn_NP-TL Democratic_J
J-TL leader_NN ._. Mayor_NN-TL-HL visits_VBZ-HL Buckley_NP-HL As_CS usual_JJ ,_,
he_PPS made_VBD no_AT attempt_NN to_TO get_VB in_IN touch_NN with_IN Carmine_NP
G._NP De_NP Sapio_NP ,_, the_AT Manhattan_NP leader_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ public
ly_RB on_IN record_NN as_CS believing_VBG Mr._NP De_NP Sapio_NP should_MD be_BE
replaced_VBN for_IN the_AT good_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN ._. Last_AP night_NN th
e_AT Mayor_NN-TL visited_VBD Mr._NP Buckley_NP at_IN the_AT Bronx_NP leader's_NN
$ home_NN for_IN a_AT discussion_NN of_IN the_AT situation_NN ._. Apparently_RB
he_PPS believes_VBZ Mr._NP Buckley_NP holds_VBZ the_AT key_NN to_IN the_AT Democ
ratic_JJ-TL organization's_NN$ acceptance_NN of_IN his_PP$ choices_NNS for_IN ru
nning_VBG mates_NNS without_IN a_AT struggle_NN ._. In_IN talks_NNS with_IN Mr._
NP Buckley_NP last_AP week_NN in_IN Washington_NP ,_, the_AT Mayor_NN-TL apparen
tly_RB received_VBD the_AT Bronx_NP leader's_NN$ assent_NN to_IN dropping_VBG Co
ntroller_NN-TL Lawrence_NP E._NP Gerosa_NP ,_, who_WPS lives_VBZ in_IN the_AT Br
onx_NP ,_, from_IN this_DT year's_NN$ ticket_NN ._. But_CC Mr._NP Buckley_NP see
ms_VBZ to_TO have_HV assumed_VBN he_PPS would_MD be_BE given_VBN the_AT right_NN
to_TO pick_VB Mr._NP Gerosa's_NP$ successor_NN ._. Screvane_NP-HL and_CC-HL Bea
me_NP-HL hailed_VBN-HL The_AT Mayor_NN-TL declined_VBD in_IN two_CD interviews_N
NS with_IN reporters_NNS yesterday_NR to_TO confirm_VB or_CC deny_VB the_AT repo
rts_NNS that_CS he_PPS had_HVD decided_VBN to_TO run_VB and_CC wanted_VBD Mr._NP
Screvane_NP ,_, who_WPS lives_VBZ in_IN Queens_NP ,_, to_TO replace_VB Abe_NP S
tark_NP ,_, the_AT incumbent_JJ ,_, as_CS the_AT candidate_NN for_IN President_N
N-TL of_IN the_AT City_NN-TL Council_NN-TL and_CC Mr._NP Beame_NP ,_, who_WPS li
ves_VBZ in_IN Brooklyn_NP ,_, to_TO replace_VB Mr._NP Gerosa_NP as_CS the_AT can
didate_NN for_IN Controller_NN-TL ._. The_AT Mayor_NN-TL spoke_VBD yesterday_NR
at_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Irish_JJ-TL Counties_NNS-TL Feis_NP-TL on_IN the_AT H
unter_NP-TL College_NN-TL Campus_NN-TL in_IN the_AT Bronx_NP ._. After_IN his_PP
$ speech_NN ,_, reporters_NNS asked_VBD him_PPO about_IN the_AT report_NN of_IN
his_PP$ political_JJ intentions_NNS ,_, published_VBN in_IN yesterday's_NR$ New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL ._. The_AT Mayor_NN-TL said_VBD :_: ``_`` It_PPS d
idn't_DOD* come_VB from_IN me_PPO ._. But_CC as_CS I_PPSS have_HV said_VBN befor
e_RB ,_, if_CS I_PPSS announce_VB my_PP$ candidacy_NN ,_, I_PPSS will_MD have_HV
something_PN definite_JJ to_TO say_VB about_IN running_VBG mates_NNS ''_'' ._.
Boston_NP-HL ,_,-HL June_NP-HL 16_CD-HL --_-- A_AT wave_NN of_IN public_JJ resen
tment_NN against_IN corruption_NN in_IN government_NN is_BEZ rising_VBG in_IN Ma
ssachusetts_NP ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT tangible_JJ feeling_NN in_IN the_AT air_
NN of_IN revulsion_NN toward_IN politics_NN ._. The_AT taxi_NN driver_NN taking_
VBG the_AT visitor_NN from_IN the_AT airport_NN remarks_VBZ that_CS politicians_
NNS in_IN the_AT state_NN are_BER ``_`` all_ABN the_AT same_AP ''_'' ._. ``_`` I
t's_PPS+BEZ '_' See_VB Joe_NP ,_, see_VB Jim_NP '_' ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ._
. ``_`` The_AT hand_NN is_BEZ out_RP ''_'' ._. A_AT political_JJ scientist_NN wr
ites_VBZ of_IN the_AT growth_NN of_IN ``_`` alienated_VBN voters_NNS ''_'' ,_, w
ho_WPS ``_`` believe_VB that_CS voting_VBG is_BEZ useless_JJ because_CS politici
ans_NNS or_CC those_DTS who_WPS influence_VB politicians_NNS are_BER corrupt_JJ
,_, selfish_JJ and_CC beyond_IN popular_JJ control_NN ._. These_DTS voters_NNS v
iew_VB the_AT political_JJ process_NN as_CS a_AT secret_JJ conspiracy_NN ,_, the
_AT object_NN of_IN which_WDT is_BEZ to_TO plunder_VB them_PPO ''_'' ._. Corrupt
ion_NN is_BEZ hardly_RB a_AT recent_JJ development_NN in_IN the_AT city_NN and_C
C state_NN that_WPS were_BED widely_RB identified_VBN as_CS the_AT locale_NN of_
IN Edwin_NP O'Connor's_NP$ novel_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Last_AP-TL Hurrah_UH-TL
''_'' ._. But_CC there_EX are_BER reasons_NNS for_IN the_AT current_JJ spotlight
_NN on_IN the_AT subject_NN ._. A_AT succession_NN of_IN highly_QL publicized_VB
N scandals_NNS has_HVZ aroused_VBN the_AT public_NN within_IN the_AT last_AP yea
r_NN ._. Graft_NN in_IN the_AT construction_NN of_IN highways_NNS and_CC other_A
P public_JJ works_NNS has_HVZ brought_VBN on_IN state_NN and_CC Federal_JJ-TL in
vestigations_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT election_NN of_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP
has_HVZ attracted_VBN new_JJ attention_NN to_IN the_AT ethical_JJ climate_NN of_
IN his_PP$ home_NR state_NN ._. A_AT reader_NN of_IN the_AT Boston_NP newspapers
_NNS can_MD hardly_RB escape_VB the_AT impression_NN that_CS petty_JJ chicanery_
NN ,_, or_CC worse_JJR ,_, is_BEZ the_AT norm_NN in_IN Massachusetts_NP public_J
J life_NN ._. Day_NN after_IN day_NN some_DTI new_JJ episode_NN is_BEZ reported_
VBN ._. The_AT state_NN Public_JJ-TL Works_NNS-TL Department_NN-TL is_BEZ accuse
d_VBN of_IN having_HVG spent_VBN $8,555_NNS to_TO build_VB a_AT private_JJ beach
_NN for_IN a_AT state_NN judge_NN on_IN his_PP$ waterfront_NN property_NN ._. An
_AT assistant_NN attorney_NN general_NN is_BEZ directed_VBN to_TO investigate_VB
._. Washington_NP-HL ,_,-HL June_NP-HL 18_CD-HL --_-- Congress_NP starts_VBZ an
other_DT week_NN tomorrow_NR with_IN sharply_RB contrasting_VBG forecasts_NNS fo
r_IN the_AT two_CD chambers_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL ,_, several_AP bil
ls_NNS are_BER expected_VBN to_TO pass_VB without_IN any_DTI major_JJ conflict_N
N or_CC opposition_NN ._. In_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Southern-Republica
n_NP coalition_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO make_VB another_DT major_JJ stand_NN
in_IN opposition_NN to_IN the_AT Administration's_NN$-TL housing_VBG bill_NN ,_
, while_CS more_AP jockeying_VBG is_BEZ expected_VBN in_IN an_AT attempt_NN to_T
O advance_VB the_AT aid-to-education_NN bill_NN ._. The_AT housing_VBG bill_NN i
s_BEZ now_RB in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL Rules_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ._. It_PPS is
_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO be_BE reported_VBN out_RP Tuesday_NR ,_, but_CC this_DT
is_BEZ a_AT little_QL uncertain_JJ ._. The_AT panel's_NN$ action_NN depends_VBZ
on_IN the_AT return_NN of_IN Representative_NN-TL James_NP W._NP Trimble_NP ,_,
Democrat_NP of_IN Arkansas_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN siding_VBG with_IN Sp
eaker_NN-TL Sam_NP Rayburn's_NP$ forces_NNS in_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL Committee_
NN-TL in_IN moving_VBG bills_NNS to_IN the_AT floor_NN ._. Mr._NP Trimble_NP has
_HVZ been_BEN in_IN the_AT hospital_NN but_CC is_BEZ expected_VBN back_RB Tuesda
y_NR ._. Leadership_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL hopeful_JJ-HL The_AT housing_VBG bill_NN is_
BEZ expected_VBN to_TO encounter_VB strong_JJ opposition_NN by_IN the_AT coaliti
on_NN of_IN Southern_JJ-TL Democrats_NPS and_CC conservative_JJ Republicans_NPS
._. The_AT Democratic_JJ-TL leadership_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, hopes_VBZ to_TO pa
ss_VB it_PPO sometime_RB this_DT week_NN ._. The_AT $6,100,000,000_NNS measure_N
N ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ passed_VBN last_AP Monday_NR by_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL
,_, provides_VBZ for_IN forty-year_JJ mortgages_NNS at_IN low_JJ down-payments_N
NS for_IN moderate-income_NN families_NNS ._. It_PPS also_RB provides_VBZ for_IN
funds_NNS to_TO clear_VB slums_NNS and_CC help_VB colleges_NNS build_VB dormito
ries_NNS ._. The_AT education_NN bill_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE temporarily_RB
stalled_VBN in_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB two_CD North
ern_JJ-TL Democratic_JJ-TL members_NNS who_WPS usually_RB vote_VB with_IN the_AT
Administration_NN-TL are_BER balking_VBG because_RB of_IN the_AT religious_JJ c
ontroversy_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER James_NP J._NP Delaney_NP of_IN Queens_NP an
d_CC Thomas_NP P._NP O'Neill_NP Jr._NP of_IN Massachusetts_NP ._. Three_CD-HL gr
oups_NNS-HL to_TO-HL meet_VB-HL What_WDT could_MD rescue_VB the_AT bill_NN would
_MD be_BE some_DTI quick_JJ progress_NN on_IN a_AT bill_NN amending_VBG the_AT N
ational_JJ-TL Defense_NN-TL Education_NN-TL Act_NN-TL of_IN 1958_CD ._. This_DT
would_MD provide_VB for_IN long-term_NN Federal_JJ-TL loans_NNS for_IN construct
ion_NN of_IN parochial_JJ and_CC other_AP private-school_NN facilities_NNS for_I
N teaching_VBG science_NN ,_, languages_NNS and_CC mathematics_NN ._. Mr._NP Del
aney_NP and_CC Mr._NP O'Neill_NP are_BER not_* willing_JJ to_TO vote_VB on_IN th
e_AT public-school_NN measure_NN until_CS the_AT defense_NN education_NN bill_NN
clears_VBZ the_AT House_NN-TL Education_NN-TL and_CC-TL Labor_NN-TL Committee_N
N-TL ._. About_RB half_ABN of_IN all_ABN Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL projects_NNS as
signed_VBN to_IN voluntary_JJ agencies_NNS will_MD be_BE carried_VBN out_RP by_I
N religious_JJ groups_NNS ,_, according_IN to_IN an_AT official_NN of_IN the_AT
corps_NN ._. In_IN the_AT $40,000,000_NNS budget_NN that_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN su
bmitted_VBN for_IN Congressional_JJ-TL approval_NN ,_, $26,000,000_NNS would_MD
be_BE spent_VBN through_IN universities_NNS and_CC private_JJ voluntary_JJ agenc
ies_NNS ._. Twelve_CD projects_NNS proposed_VBN by_IN private_JJ groups_NNS are_
BER at_IN the_AT contract-negotiation_NN stage_NN ,_, Gordon_NP Boyce_NP ,_, dir
ector_NN of_IN relations_NNS with_IN the_AT voluntary_JJ agencies_NNS ,_, said_V
BD in_IN a_AT Washington_NP interview_NN ._. Six_CD of_IN these_DTS were_BED pro
posed_VBN by_IN religious_JJ groups_NNS ._. They_PPSS will_MD be_BE for_IN teach
ing_VBG ,_, agriculture_NN and_CC community_NN development_NN in_IN Southeast_JJ
-TL Asia_NP-TL ,_, Africa_NP ,_, the_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL and_CC Latin_JJ-
TL America_NP-TL ._. Question_NN-HL raised_VBN-HL Interviews_NNS with_IN several
_AP church_NN leaders_NNS have_HV disclosed_VBN that_CS this_DT development_NN h
as_HVZ raised_VBN the_AT question_NN whether_CS the_AT Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL w
ill_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO prevent_VB confusion_NN for_IN church_NN and_CC state
_NN over_IN methods_NNS ,_, means_NNS and_CC goals_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER a_AT
number_NN of_IN ways_NNS this_DT could_MD happen_VB ,_, the_AT churchmen_NNS po
inted_VBD out_RP ,_, and_CC here_RB is_BEZ an_AT example_NN :_: Last_AP month_NN
in_IN Ghana_NP an_AT American_JJ missionary_NN discovered_VBD when_WRB he_PPS c
ame_VBD to_TO pay_VB his_PP$ hotel_NN bill_NN that_CS the_AT usual_JJ rate_NN ha
d_HVD been_BEN doubled_VBN ._. When_WRB he_PPS protested_VBD ,_, the_AT hotel_NN
owner_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` Why_WRB do_DO you_PPSS worry_VB ?_. ?_. The_AT U._N
P-TL S._NP-TL Government_NN-TL is_BEZ paying_VBG for_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT U._NP-
TL S._NP-TL Government_NN-TL pays_VBZ for_IN all_ABN its_PP$ overseas_NN workers
_NNS ''_'' ._. Missionary_NN-HL explains_VBZ-HL ``_`` I_PPSS don't_DO* work_VB f
or_IN the_AT Government_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT American_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` I'
m_PPSS+BEM a_AT missionary_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT hotel_NN owner_NN shrugged_VBD ._
. ``_`` Same_AP thing_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. And_CC then_RB ,_, some_D
TI churchmen_NNS remarked_VBD ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT more_QL classical_JJ chur
ch-state_NN problem_NN :_: Can_MD religious_JJ agencies_NNS use_VB Government_NN
-TL funds_NNS and_CC Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL personnel_NNS in_IN their_PP$ proje
cts_NNS and_CC still_RB preserve_VB the_AT constitutional_JJ requirement_NN on_I
N separation_NN of_IN church_NN and_CC state_NN ?_. ?_. R._NP Sargent_NP Shriver
_NP Jr._NP ,_, director_NN of_IN the_AT corps_NN ,_, is_BEZ certain_JJ that_CS t
hey_PPSS can_MD ._. No_AT religious_JJ group_NN ,_, he_PPS declared_VBD in_IN an
_AT interview_NN ,_, will_MD receive_VB Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL funds_NNS unless
_CS it_PPS forswears_VBZ all_ABN proselytizing_VBG on_IN the_AT project_NN it_PP
S proposes_VBZ ._. Moscow_NP-HL ,_,-HL June_NP-HL 18_CD-HL --_-- At_IN a_AT gay_
JJ party_NN in_IN the_AT Kremlin_NP for_IN President_NN-TL Sukarno_NP of_IN Indo
nesia_NP ,_, Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP pulled_VBD out_RP his_PP$ pockets_NNS a
nd_CC said_VBD ,_, beaming_VBG :_: ``_`` Look_VB ,_, he_PPS took_VBD everything_
PN I_PPSS had_HVD ''_'' !_. !_. Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP was_BEDZ jesting_VBG in_IN
the_AT expansive_JJ mood_NN of_IN the_AT successful_JJ banker_NN ._. Indonesia_N
P is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT twenty_CD under-developed_JJ countries_NNS of_IN As
ia_NP ,_, Africa_NP and_CC Latin_JJ-TL America_NP-TL that_WPS are_BER receiving_
VBG Soviet_NN-TL aid_NN ._. The_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL and_CC other_AP memb
ers_NNS of_IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL bloc_NN are_BER rapidly_RB expanding_VBG th
eir_PP$ economic_JJ ,_, technical_JJ and_CC military_JJ assistance_NN to_IN the_
AT uncommitted_JJ nations_NNS ._. The_AT Communist_NN-TL countries_NNS allocated
_VBD more_AP than_IN $1,000,000,000_NNS in_IN economic_JJ aid_NN alone_RB last_A
P year_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN Western_JJ-TL estimates_NNS ._. This_DT was_BED
Z the_AT biggest_JJT annual_JJ outlay_NN since_CS the_AT Communist_NN-TL program
_NN for_IN the_AT under-developed_JJ countries_NNS made_VBD its_PP$ modest_JJ be
ginning_NN in_IN 1954_CD ._. In_IN 1960_CD more_AP than_IN 6,000_CD Communist_NN
-TL technicians_NNS were_BED present_RB in_IN those_DTS countries_NNS ._. United
_VBN-TL-HL Nations_NNS-TL-HL ,_,-HL N._NP-HL Y._NP-HL ,_,-HL June_NP-HL 18_CD-HL
--_-- A_AT committee_NN of_IN experts_NNS has_HVZ recommended_VBN that_CS a_AT
country's_NN$ population_NN be_BE considered_VBN in_IN the_AT distribution_NN of
_IN professional_JJ posts_NNS at_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. This
_DT was_BEDZ disclosed_VBN today_NR by_IN a_AT responsible_JJ source_NN amid_IN
intensified_VBN efforts_NNS by_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL to_TO gain_VB
a_AT greater_JJR role_NN in_IN the_AT staff_NN and_CC operation_NN of_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. One_CD effect_NN of_IN the_AT proposal_NN ,_, w
hich_WDT puts_VBZ a_AT premium_NN on_IN population_NN instead_RB of_IN economic_
JJ strength_NN ,_, as_CS in_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, would_MD be_BE to_TO take_VB j
obs_NNS from_IN European_JJ nations_NNS and_CC give_VB more_AP to_IN such_JJ cou
ntries_NNS as_CS India_NP ._. India_NP is_BEZ the_AT most_QL populous_JJ United_
VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL member_NN with_IN more_AP than_IN 400,000,000_CD inhabitan
ts_NNS ._. The_AT new_JJ formula_NN for_IN filling_VBG staff_NN positions_NNS in
_IN the_AT Secretariat_NN-TL is_BEZ one_CD of_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN recommenda
tions_NNS made_VBN by_IN a_AT panel_NN of_IN eight_CD in_IN a_AT long_JJ and_CC
detailed_VBN report_NN ._. The_AT report_NN was_BEDZ completed_VBN after_IN near
ly_RB eighteen_CD months_NNS of_IN work_NN on_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN the_AT
organization_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. Formula_NN-HL is_
BEZ-HL due_JJ-HL this_DT-HL week_NN-HL The_AT Advisory_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL on_
IN-TL Administrative_JJ-TL and_CC-TL Budgetary_JJ-TL Questions_NNS-TL is_BEZ exp
ected_VBN to_TO receive_VB the_AT report_NN this_DT week_NN ._. The_AT jobs_NNS
formula_NN is_BEZ understood_VBN to_TO follow_VB these_DTS lines_NNS :_: Each_DT
of_IN the_AT organization's_NN$ ninety-nine_CD members_NNS would_MD get_VB two_
CD professional_JJ posts_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS political_JJ affairs_NNS officer_
NN ,_, a_AT department_NN head_NN or_CC an_AT economist_NN ,_, to_TO start_VB ._
. Each_DT member_NN would_MD get_VB one_CD post_NN for_IN each_DT 10,000,000_CD
people_NNS in_IN its_PP$ population_NN up_IN to_IN 150,000,000_CD people_NNS or_
CC a_AT maximum_JJ of_IN fifteen_CD posts_NNS ._. Each_DT member_NN with_IN a_AT
population_NN above_IN 150,000,000_CD would_MD get_VB one_CD additional_JJ post
_NN for_IN each_DT additional_JJ 30,000,000_CD people_NNS up_IN to_IN an_AT unsp
ecified_JJ cut-off_NN point_NN ._. Geneva_NP-HL ,_,-HL June_NP-HL 18_CD-HL --_--
The_AT three_CD leaders_NNS of_IN Laos_NP agreed_VBD today_NR to_TO begin_VB ne
gotiations_NNS tomorrow_NR on_IN forming_VBG a_AT coalition_NN government_NN tha
t_WPS would_MD unite_VB the_AT war-ridden_JJ kingdom_NN ._. The_AT decision_NN w
as_BEDZ made_VBN in_IN Zurich_NP by_IN Prince_NN-TL Boun_NP Oum_NP ,_, Premier_N
N-TL of_IN the_AT pro-Western_JJ royal_JJ Government_NN-TL ;_. ;_. Prince_NN-TL
Souvanna_NP Phouma_NP ,_, leader_NN of_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ neutralists_NNS an
d_CC recognized_VBN as_CS Premier_NN-TL by_IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL bloc_NN ,_,
and_CC Prince_NN-TL Souphanouvong_NP ,_, head_NN of_IN the_AT pro-Communist_JJ
Pathet_NP Lao_NP forces_NNS ._. The_AT latter_AP two_CD are_BER half-brothers_NN
S ._. Their_PP$ joint_NN statement_NN was_BEDZ welcomed_VBN by_IN the_AT Western
_JJ-TL delegations_NNS who_WPS will_MD attend_VB tomorrow_NR the_AT nineteenth_O
D plenary_JJ session_NN of_IN the_AT fourteen-nation_JJ conference_NN on_IN the_
AT future_NN of_IN Laos_NP ._. An_AT agreement_NN among_IN the_AT Princes_NNS-TL
on_IN a_AT coalition_NN government_NN would_MD ease_VB their_PP$ task_NN ,_, di
plomats_NNS conceded_VBD ._. But_CC no_AT one_PN was_BEDZ overly_QL optimistic_J
J ._. Tactics_NNS-HL studied_VBN-HL in_IN-HL Geneva_NP-HL W._NP Averell_NP Harri
man_NP of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, Malcolm_NP MacDonald_NP of_I
N Britain_NP ,_, Maurice_NP Couve_NP De_NP Murville_NP ,_, France's_NP$ Foreign_
JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Howard_NP C._NP Green_NP ,_, Canada's_NP$ Minist
er_NN-TL of_IN External_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL ,_, concluded_VBD ,_, meanwhile_RB
,_, a_AT round_NN of_IN consultations_NNS here_RB on_IN future_JJ tactics_NNS in
_IN the_AT conference_NN ._. The_AT pace_NN of_IN the_AT talks_NNS has_HVZ slowe
d_VBN with_IN each_DT passing_VBG week_NN ._. Princess_NN-TL Moune_NP ,_, Prince
_NN-TL Souvanna_NP Phouma's_NP$ young_JJ daughter_NN ,_, read_VBD the_AT Princes
'_NNS$-TL statement_NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD a_AT two-hour_JJ luncheon_NN togeth
er_RB in_IN ``_`` an_AT atmosphere_NN of_IN cordial_JJ understanding_NN and_CC r
elaxation_NN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS said_VBD ._. The_AT three_CD Laotians_NPS agreed_
VBD upon_IN a_AT six-point_JJ agenda_NN for_IN their_PP$ talks_NNS ,_, which_WDT
are_BER to_TO last_VB three_CD days_NNS ._. The_AT Princess_NN-TL said_VBD it_P
PS was_BEDZ too_QL early_RB to_TO say_VB what_WDT would_MD be_BE decided_VBN if_
CS no_AT agreement_NN was_BEDZ reached_VBN after_IN three_CD days_NNS ._. To_TO
deal_VB-HL with_IN-HL principles_NNS-HL The_AT meetings_NNS in_IN Zurich_NP ,_,
the_AT statement_NN said_VBD ,_, would_MD deal_VB only_RB with_IN principles_NNS
that_WPS would_MD guide_VB the_AT three_CD factors_NNS in_IN their_PP$ search_N
N for_IN a_AT coalition_NN Government_NN-TL ._. Appointment_NN of_IN William_NP
S._NP Pfaff_NP Jr._NP ,_, 41_CD ,_, as_CS promotion_NN manager_NN of_IN The_AT-T
L Times-Picayune_NP-TL Publishing_VBG-TL Company_NN-TL was_BEDZ announced_VBN Sa
turday_NR by_IN John_NP F._NP Tims_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT company_NN .
_. Pfaff_NP succeeds_VBZ Martin_NP Burke_NP ,_, who_WPS resigned_VBD ._. The_AT
new_JJ promotion_NN manager_NN has_HVZ been_BEN employed_VBN by_IN the_AT compan
y_NN since_IN January_NP ,_, 1946_CD ,_, as_CS a_AT commercial_NN artist_NN in_I
N the_AT advertising_VBG department_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT native_NN of_IN Ne
w_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL and_CC attended_VBD Allen_NP Elementary_JJ-TL school_NN ,_
, Fortier_NP High_JJ-TL school_NN and_CC Soule_NP business_NN college_NN ._. Fro
m_IN June_NP ,_, 1942_CD ,_, until_IN December_NP ,_, 1945_CD ,_, Pfaff_NP serve
d_VBD in_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL Air_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL ._. While_CS in_IN the_AT se
rvice_NN he_PPS attended_VBD radio_NN school_NN at_IN Scott_NP Field_NN-TL in_IN
Belleville_NP ,_, Ill._NP ._. Before_CS entering_VBG the_AT service_NN ,_, Pfaf
f_NP for_IN five_CD years_NNS did_DOD clerical_JJ work_NN with_IN a_AT general_J
J merchandising_VBG and_CC wholesale_JJ firm_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ._
. He_PPS is_BEZ married_VBN to_IN the_AT former_AP Audrey_NP Knecht_NP and_CC ha
s_HVZ a_AT daughter_NN ,_, Karol_NP ,_, 13_CD ._. They_PPSS reside_VB at_IN 4911
_CD Miles_NP-TL Dr._NN-TL ._. Washington_NP-HL --_-- Thousands_NNS of_IN bleache
r-type_JJ seats_NNS are_BER being_BEG erected_VBN along_IN Pennsylvania_NP-TL Av
enue_NN-TL between_IN the_AT Capitol_NN-TL and_CC the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL
for_IN the_AT big_JJ inaugural_NN parade_NN on_IN Jan._NP 20_CD ._. Assuming_VB
G the_AT weather_NN is_BEZ halfway_QL decent_JJ that_DT day_NN ,_, hundreds_NNS
of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN persons_NNS will_MD mass_VB along_IN this_DT thoroughf
are_NN as_CS President_NN-TL John_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP and_CC retiring_VBG Presid
ent_NN-TL Dwight_NP D._NP Eisenhower_NP leave_VB Capitol_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL follow
ing_VBG the_AT oath-taking_JJ ceremonies_NNS and_CC ride_VB down_IN this_DT hist
oric_JJ ceremonial_JJ route_NN ._. Pennsylvania_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL ,_, named_VBN
for_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT original_JJ 13_CD states_NNS ,_, perhaps_RB is_BEZ n
ot_* the_AT most_QL impressive_JJ street_NN in_IN the_AT District_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Columbia_NP-TL from_IN a_AT commercial_JJ standpoint_NN ._. But_CC from_IN a_AT
historic_JJ viewpoint_NN none_PN can_MD approach_VB it_PPO ._. Many_AP-HL build
ings_NNS-HL Within_IN view_NN of_IN the_AT avenue_NN are_BER some_DTI of_IN the_
AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL government's_NN$ tremendous_JJ buildings_NNS ,_,
plus_CC shrines_NNS and_CC monuments_NNS ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, 1600_CD Pennsyl
vania_NP ,_, the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ the_AT most_QL famous_JJ
address_NN of_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN ._. Within_IN an_AT easy_JJ walk_NN fro
m_IN Capitol_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL where_WRB Pennsylvania_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL comes_VB
Z together_RB with_IN Constitution_NN-TL Avenue_NN-TL ,_, begins_VBZ a_AT series
_NN of_IN great_JJ federal_JJ buildings_NNS ,_, some_DTI a_AT block_NN long_JJ a
nd_CC all_ABN about_RB seven-stories_JJ high_JJ ._. Great_JJ chapters_NNS of_IN
history_NN have_HV been_BEN recorded_VBN along_IN the_AT avenue_NN ,_, now_RB ab
out_RB 169_CD years_NNS old_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT early_JJ spring_NN of_IN 1913_CD
a_AT few_AP hundred_CD thousand_CD persons_NNS turned_VBD out_RP to_TO watch_VB
5000_CD women_NNS parade_VB ._. They_PPSS were_BED the_AT suffragettes_NNS and_
CC they_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO vote_VB ._. In_IN the_AT 1920_CD presidential_JJ e
lection_NN they_PPSS had_HVD that_DT right_NN and_CC many_AP of_IN them_PPO did_
DOD vote_VB for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN ._. Seats_NNS-HL on_IN-HL square_NN-H
L Along_IN this_DT avenue_NN which_WDT saw_VB marching_VBG soldiers_NNS from_IN
the_AT War_NN-TL Between_IN-TL the_AT-TL States_NNS-TL returning_VBG in_IN 1865_
CD is_BEZ the_AT National_JJ-TL Archives_NNS-TL building_NN where_WRB hundreds_N
NS of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN this_DT country's_NN$ most_QL valuable_JJ records_N
NS are_BER kept_VBN ._. Also_RB the_AT department_NN of_IN justice_NN building_N
N is_BEZ located_VBN where_WRB J._NP Edgar_NP Hoover_NP presides_VBZ over_IN the
_AT federal_JJ bureau_NN of_IN investigation_NN ._. Street_NN car_NN tracks_NNS
run_VB down_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN Pennsylvania_NP ,_, powered_VBN with_IN li
nes_NNS that_WPS are_BER underground_RB ._. Many_AP spectators_NNS will_MD be_BE
occupying_VBG seats_NNS and_CC vantage_NN points_NNS bordering_VBG Lafayette_NP
-TL Square_NN-TL ,_, opposite_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. In_IN this_D
T historic_JJ square_NN are_BER several_AP statues_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT one_CD
that_WPS stands_VBZ out_RP over_IN the_AT others_NNS is_BEZ that_DT of_IN Gen._N
N-TL Andrew_NP Jackson_NP ,_, hero_NN of_IN the_AT Battle_NN-TL of_IN-TL New_JJ-
TL Orleans_NP ._. Moving_VBG past_IN the_AT presidential_JJ viewing_VBG stand_NN
and_CC Lafayette_NP-TL Square_NN-TL will_MD be_BE at_IN least_AP 40_CD marching
_VBG units_NNS ._. About_RB 16,000_CD military_JJ members_NNS of_IN all_ABN bran
ches_NNS of_IN the_AT armed_VBN forces_NNS will_MD take_VB part_NN in_IN the_AT
parade_NN ._. Division_NN one_CD of_IN the_AT parade_NN will_MD be_BE the_AT ser
vice_NN academies_NNS ._. Division_NN two_CD will_MD include_VB the_AT represent
ations_NNS of_IN Massachusetts_NP and_CC Texas_NP ,_, the_AT respective_JJ state
s_NNS of_IN the_AT President_NN-TL and_CC of_IN Vice-President_NN-TL L._NP B._NP
Johnson_NP ._. Then_RB will_MD come_VB nine_CD other_AP states_NNS in_IN the_AT
order_NN of_IN their_PP$ admission_NN to_IN the_AT union_NN ._. Division_NN thr
ee_CD will_MD be_BE headed_VBN by_IN the_AT Marines_NNS-TL followed_VBN by_IN 12
_CD states_NNS ;_. ;_. division_NN four_CD will_MD be_BE headed_VBN by_IN the_AT
Navy_NN-TL ,_, followed_VBN by_IN 11_CD states_NNS ;_. ;_. division_NN five_CD
,_, by_IN the_AT Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL followed_VBN by_IN 11_CD states_NNS ._. D
ivision_NN six_CD will_MD be_BE headed_VBN by_IN the_AT Coast_NN-TL Guard_NN-TL
,_, followed_VBN by_IN the_AT reserve_NN forces_NNS of_IN all_ABN services_NNS ,
_, five_CD states_NNS ,_, Puerto_NP Rico_NP ,_, the_AT Virgin_NN-TL Islands_NNS-
TL ,_, Guam_NP ,_, American_JJ-TL Samoa_NP-TL ,_, the_AT trust_NN territories_NN
S and_CC the_AT Canal_NN-TL Zone_NN-TL ._. Jackson_NP-HL ,_,-HL Miss._NP-HL --_-
- What_WDT does_DOZ 1961_CD offer_VB in_IN political_JJ and_CC governmental_JJ d
evelopments_NNS in_IN Mississippi_NP ?_. ?_. Even_RB for_IN those_DTS who_WPS ha
ve_HV been_BEN observing_VBG the_AT political_JJ scene_NN a_AT long_JJ time_NN ,
_, no_AT script_NN from_IN the_AT past_NN is_BEZ worth_JJ very_QL much_AP in_IN
gazing_VBG into_IN the_AT state's_NN$ immediate_JJ political_JJ future_NN ._. Th
is_DT is_BEZ largely_RB because_RB of_IN the_AT unpredictability_NN of_IN the_AT
man_NN who_WPS operates_VBZ the_AT helm_NN of_IN the_AT state_NN government_NN
and_CC is_BEZ the_AT elected_VBN leader_NN of_IN its_PP$ two_CD million_CD inhab
itants_NNS --_-- Gov._NN-TL Ross_NP Barnett_NP ._. Barnett_NP ,_, who_WPS came_V
BD into_IN office_NN with_IN no_RB previous_JJ experience_NN in_IN public_JJ adm
inistration_NN ,_, has_HVZ surrounded_VBN himself_PPL with_IN confusion_NN which
_WDT not_* only_RB keeps_VBZ his_PP$ foes_NNS guessing_VBG but_CC his_PP$ friend
s_NNS as_CS well_RB ._. Consequently_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ uncertain_JJ after_IN
nearly_RB 12_CD months_NNS in_IN office_NN just_RB which_WDT direction_NN the_AT
Barnett_NP administration_NN will_MD take_VB in_IN the_AT coming_VBG year_NN ._
. Could_MD-HL be_BE-HL scramble_NN-HL Some_DTI predict_VB the_AT administration_
NN will_MD settle_VB down_RP during_IN 1961_CD and_CC iron_VB out_RP the_AT roug
h_JJ edges_NNS which_WDT it_PPS has_HVZ had_HVN thus_QL far_RB ._. The_AT builti
n_JJ headache_NN of_IN the_AT Barnett_NP regime_NN thus_QL far_RB has_HVZ been_B
EN the_AT steady_JJ stream_NN of_IN job-seekers_NNS and_CC others_NNS who_WPS fe
el_VB they_PPSS were_BED given_VBN commitments_NNS by_IN Barnett_NP at_IN some_D
TI stage_NN of_IN his_PP$ eight-year_JJ quest_NN for_IN the_AT governor's_NN$ of
fice_NN ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP who_WPS predict_VB that_CS should_MD Barnet
t_NP decide_VB to_TO call_VB the_AT Legislature_NN-TL back_RB into_IN special_JJ
session_NN ,_, it_PPS will_MD really_RB throw_VB his_PP$ administration_NN into
_IN a_AT scramble_NN ._. Certainly_RB nobody_PN will_MD predict_VB that_CS the_A
T next_AP time_NN the_AT lawmakers_NNS come_VB back_RB together_RB Barnett_NP wi
ll_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO enjoy_VB a_AT re-enactment_NN of_IN the_AT strange_JJ
but_CC successful_JJ ``_`` honeymoon_NN ''_'' he_PPS had_HVD in_IN the_AT 1960_C
D legislative_JJ session_NN ._. If_CS Barnett_NP doesn't_DOZ* call_VB a_AT speci
al_JJ session_NN in_IN 1961_CD ,_, it_PPS will_MD be_BE the_AT first_OD year_NN
in_IN the_AT last_AP decade_NN that_CS the_AT Legislature_NN-TL has_HVZ not_* me
t_VBN in_IN regular_JJ or_CC special_JJ session_NN ._. The_AT odds_NNS favor_VB
a_AT special_JJ session_NN ,_, more_AP than_CS likely_JJ early_RB in_IN the_AT y
ear_NN ._. Districts_NNS-HL issue_NN-HL Legislators_NNS always_RB get_VB restles
s_JJ for_IN a_AT special_JJ session_NN (_( whether_CS for_IN the_AT companionshi
p_NN or_CC the_AT $22.50_NNS per_IN diem_NN is_BEZ not_* certain_JJ )_) and_CC i
f_CS they_PPSS start_VB agitating_VBG ._. Barnett_NP is_BEZ not_* expected_VBN t
o_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO withstand_VB the_AT pressure_NN ._. The_AT issue_NN whi
ch_WDT may_MD make_VB it_PPO necessary_JJ to_TO have_HV a_AT session_NN is_BEZ t
he_AT highly_QL sensitive_JJ problem_NN of_IN cutting_VBG the_AT state's_NN$ con
gressional_JJ districts_NNS from_IN six_CD to_IN five_CD to_TO eliminate_VB one_
CD congressional_JJ seat_NN ._. With_IN eyes_NNS focused_VBN on_IN the_AT third_
OD congressional_JJ district_NN ,_, the_AT historic_JJ Delta_NP district_NN ,_,
and_CC Congressman_NN-TL Frank_NP E._NP Smith_NP as_CS the_AT one_CD most_QL lik
ely_JJ to_TO go_VB ,_, the_AT redistricting_VBG battle_NN will_MD put_VB to_IN a
_AT test_NN the_AT longstanding_JJ power_NN which_WDT lawmakers_NNS from_IN the_
AT Delta_NP have_HV held_VBN in_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL ._. Mississippi's_NP
$ relations_NNS with_IN the_AT national_JJ Democratic_JJ-TL party_NN will_MD be_
BE at_IN a_AT crossroads_NNS during_IN 1961_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT first_OD Democ
ratic_JJ-TL president_NN in_IN eight_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House
_NN-TL ._. Split_VBN badly_RB during_IN the_AT recent_JJ presidential_JJ electio
n_NN into_IN almost_QL equally_RB divided_VBN camps_NNS of_IN party_NN loyalists
_NNS and_CC independents_NNS ,_, the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL party_NN in_IN Mississi
ppi_NP is_BEZ currently_RB a_AT wreck_NN ._. And_CC there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN no
_AT effort_NN since_IN the_AT election_NN to_TO pull_VB it_PPO back_RB together_
RB ._. Future_NN-HL clouded_VBN-HL Barnett_NP ,_, as_CS the_AT titular_JJ head_N
N of_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL party_NN ,_, apparently_RB must_MD make_VB the_A
T move_NN to_TO reestablish_VB relations_NNS with_IN the_AT national_JJ Democrat
ic_JJ-TL party_NN or_CC see_VB a_AT movement_NN come_VB from_IN the_AT loyalist_
NN ranks_NNS to_TO completely_RB bypass_VB him_PPO as_CS a_AT party_NN functiona
ry_NN ._. With_IN a_AT Democratic_JJ-TL administration_NN ,_, party_NN patronage
_NN would_MD normally_RB begin_VB to_TO flow_VB to_IN Mississippi_NP if_CS it_PP
S had_HVD held_VBN its_PP$ Democratic_JJ-TL solidarity_NN in_IN the_AT November_
NP election_NN ._. Now_RB ,_, the_AT picture_NN is_BEZ clouded_VBN ,_, and_CC ev
en_RB US_NN Sens._NNS-TL James_NP O._NP Eastland_NP and_CC John_NP C._NP Stennis
_NP ,_, who_WPS remained_VBD loyal_JJ to_IN the_AT ticket_NN ,_, are_BER uncerta
in_JJ of_IN their_PP$ status_NN ._. Reports_NNS are_BER that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ mo
re_AP than_CS probable_JJ that_CS the_AT four_CD congressmen_NNS from_IN Mississ
ippi_NP who_WPS did_DOD not_* support_VB the_AT party_NN ticket_NN will_MD be_BE
stripped_VBN of_IN the_AT usual_JJ patronage_NN which_WDT flows_VBZ to_IN congr
essmen_NNS ._. Baton_NP-HL Rouge_NP-HL ,_,-HL La._NP-HL --_-- The_AT Gov._NN-TL
Jimmie_NP H._NP Davis_NP administration_NN appears_VBZ to_TO face_VB a_AT diffic
ult_JJ year_NN in_IN 1961_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT governor's_NN$ theme_NN of_IN pe
ace_NN and_CC harmony_NN subjected_VBN to_IN severe_JJ stresses_NNS ._. The_AT y
ear_NN will_MD probably_RB start_VB out_RP with_IN segregation_NN still_RB the_A
T most_QL troublesome_JJ issue_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS might_MD give_VB way_NN shor
tly_RB to_IN another_DT vexing_VBG issue_NN --_-- that_DT of_IN finances_NNS in_
IN state_NN government_NN ._. The_AT transition_NN from_IN segregation_NN to_IN
finances_NNS might_MD already_RB be_BE in_IN progress_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT form_N
N of_IN an_AT administration_NN proposal_NN to_TO hike_VB the_AT state_NN sales_
NNS tax_NN from_IN 2_CD per_IN cent_NN to_IN 3_CD per_IN cent_NN ._. The_AT admi
nistration_NN has_HVZ said_VBN the_AT sales_NNS tax_NN proposal_NN is_BEZ merely
_RB part_NN of_IN the_AT segregation_NN strategy_NN ,_, since_CS the_AT revenues
_NNS from_IN the_AT increase_NN would_MD be_BE dedicated_VBN to_IN a_AT grant_NN
in_IN aid_NN program_NN ._. But_CC the_AT tardiness_NN of_IN the_AT administrat
ion_NN in_IN making_VBG the_AT dedication_NN has_HVZ caused_VBN legislators_NNS
to_TO suspect_VB the_AT tax_NN bill_NN was_BEDZ related_VBN more_QL directly_RB
to_IN an_AT over-all_JJ shortage_NN of_IN cash_NN than_CS to_IN segregation_NN .
_. Legislators_NNS-HL weary_JJ-HL Indeed_QLP ,_, the_AT administration's_NN$ cur
ious_JJ position_NN on_IN the_AT sales_NNS tax_NN was_BEDZ a_AT major_JJ factor_
NN in_IN contributing_VBG to_IN its_PP$ defeat_NN ._. The_AT administration_NN c
ould_MD not_* say_VB why_WRB $28_NNS million_CD was_BEDZ needed_VBN for_IN a_AT
grant-in-aid_NN program_NN ._. The_AT effectiveness_NN of_IN the_AT governor_NN
in_IN clearing_VBG up_RP some_DTI of_IN the_AT inconsistencies_NNS revolving_VBG
about_IN the_AT sales_NNS tax_NN bill_NN may_MD play_VB a_AT part_NN in_IN dete
rmining_VBG whether_CS it_PPS can_MD muster_VB the_AT required_VBN two-thirds_NN
vote_NN ._. The_AT tax_NN bill_NN will_MD be_BE up_RP for_IN reconsideration_NN
Wednesday_NR in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL when_WRB the_AT Legislature_NN-TL reconve
nes_VBZ ._. Davis_NP may_MD use_VB the_AT tax_NN bill_NN as_CS a_AT means_NNS to
_TO effect_VB a_AT transition_NN from_IN special_JJ sessions_NNS of_IN the_AT Le
gislature_NN-TL to_IN normalcy_NN ._. If_CS it_PPS fails_VBZ to_TO pass_VB ,_, h
e_PPS can_MD throw_VB up_RP his_PP$ hands_NNS and_CC say_VB the_AT Legislature_N
N-TL would_MD not_* support_VB him_PPO in_IN his_PP$ efforts_NNS to_TO prevent_V
B integration_NN ._. He_PPS could_MD terminate_VB special_JJ sessions_NNS of_IN
the_AT Legislature_NN-TL ._. Actually_RB ,_, Davis_NP would_MD have_HV to_TO tos
s_VB in_RP the_AT towel_NN soon_RB anyway_RB ._. Many_AP legislators_NNS are_BER
already_RB weary_JJ and_CC frustrated_VBN over_IN the_AT so-far_RB losing_VBG b
attle_NN to_TO block_VB token_JJ integration_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* the_AT
sort_NN of_IN thing_NN most_AP politicos_NNS would_MD care_VB to_TO acknowledge_
VB publicly_RB ._. They_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO convey_VB the_AT notion_NN s
omething_PN is_BEZ being_BEG done_VBN ,_, even_RB though_CS it_PPS is_BEZ someth
ing_PN they_PPSS know_VB to_TO be_BE ineffectual_JJ ._. Underlying_VBG-HL concer
n_NN-HL Passage_NN of_IN the_AT sales_NNS tax_NN measure_NN would_MD also_RB giv
e_VB Davis_NP the_AT means_NNS to_TO effect_VB a_AT transition_NN ._. He_PPS cou
ld_MD tell_VB the_AT Legislature_NN-TL they_PPSS had_HVD provided_VBN the_AT nee
ded_VBN funds_NNS to_TO carry_VB on_RP the_AT battle_NN ._. Then_RB he_PPS could
_MD tell_VB them_PPO to_TO go_VB home_NR ,_, while_CS the_AT administration_NN c
ontinued_VBD to_TO wage_VB the_AT battle_NN with_IN the_AT $28_NNS million_CD in
_IN extra_JJ revenues_NNS the_AT sales_NNS tax_NN measure_NN would_MD bring_VB i
n_RP over_IN an_AT eight_CD months_NNS period_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ difficult_JJ
to_TO be_BE certain_JJ how_WRB the_AT administration_NN views_VBZ that_DT $28_NN
S million_CD ,_, since_CS the_AT views_NNS of_IN one_CD leader_NN may_MD not_* b
e_BE the_AT same_AP as_CS the_AT views_NNS of_IN another_DT one_CD ._. But_CC if
_CS the_AT administration_NN should_MD find_VB it_PPS does_DOZ not_* need_VB the
_AT $28_NNS million_CD for_IN a_AT grant-in-aid_NN program_NN ,_, a_AT not_* unl
ikely_JJ conclusion_NN ,_, it_PPS could_MD very_QL well_RB seek_VB a_AT way_NN t
o_TO use_VB the_AT money_NN for_IN other_AP purposes_NNS ._. This_DT would_MD be
_BE in_IN perfect_JJ consonance_NN with_IN the_AT underlying_VBG concern_NN in_I
N the_AT administration_NN --_-- the_AT shortage_NN of_IN cash_NN ._. It_PPS cou
ld_MD become_VB an_AT acute_JJ problem_NN in_IN the_AT coming_VBG fiscal_JJ year
_NN ._. If_CS the_AT administration_NN does_DOZ not_* succeed_VB in_IN passing_V
BG the_AT sales_NNS tax_NN bill_NN ,_, or_CC any_DTI other_AP tax_NN bill_NN ,_,
it_PPS could_MD very_QL well_RB be_BE faced_VBN this_DT spring_NN at_IN the_AT
fiscal_JJ session_NN of_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL with_IN an_AT interesting_JJ
dilemma_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT constitution_NN forbids_VBZ introduction_NN of_I
N a_AT tax_NN bill_NN at_IN a_AT fiscal_JJ session_NN ,_, the_AT administration_
NN will_MD either_CC have_HV to_TO cut_VB down_RP expenses_NNS or_CC inflate_VB
its_PP$ estimates_NNS of_IN anticipated_VBN revenues_NNS ._. Constant_JJ-HL prob
lem_NN-HL In_IN either_DTX case_NN ,_, it_PPS could_MD call_VB a_AT special_JJ s
ession_NN of_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL later_RBR in_IN 1961_CD to_TO make_VB a
nother_DT stab_NN at_IN raising_VBG additional_JJ revenues_NNS through_IN a_AT t
ax_NN raiser_NN ._. The_AT prospect_NN of_IN cutting_VBG back_RB spending_VBG is
_BEZ an_AT unpleasant_JJ one_CD for_IN any_DTI governor_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ one
_CD that_WPS most_AP try_VB to_TO avoid_VB ,_, as_QL long_RB as_CS they_PPSS can
_MD see_VB an_AT alternative_JJ approach_NN to_IN the_AT problem_NN ._. But_CC i
f_CS all_ABN alternatives_NNS should_MD be_BE clearly_RB blocked_VBN off_RP ,_,
it_PPS can_MD be_BE expected_VBN the_AT Davis_NP administration_NN will_MD take_
VB steps_NNS to_TO trim_VB spending_VBG at_IN the_AT spring_NN session_NN of_IN
the_AT state_NN Legislature_NN-TL ._. This_DT might_NN be_BE done_VBN to_TO arou
se_VB those_DTS who_WPS have_HV been_BEN squeezed_VBN out_RP by_IN the_AT trims_
NNS to_TO exert_VB pressure_NN on_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL ,_, so_CS it_PPS w
ould_MD be_BE more_QL receptive_JJ to_IN a_AT tax_NN proposal_NN later_RBR in_IN
the_AT year_NN ._. A_AT constant_JJ problem_NN confronting_VBG Davis_NP on_IN a
ny_DTI proposals_NNS for_IN new_JJ taxes_NNS will_MD be_BE the_AT charge_NN by_I
N his_PP$ foes_NNS that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ not_* tried_VBN to_TO economize_VB ._.
Any_DTI tax_NN bill_NN also_RB will_MD revive_VB allegations_NNS that_CS some_D
TI of_IN his_PP$ followers_NNS have_HV been_BEN using_VBG their_PP$ administrati
on_NN affiliations_NNS imprudently_RB to_TO profit_VB themselves_PPLS ._. The_AT
new_JJ year_NN might_MD see_VB some_DTI house-cleaning_NN ,_, either_CC genuine
_JJ or_CC token_JJ ,_, depending_IN upon_IN developments_NNS ,_, to_TO give_VB D
avis_NP an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO combat_VB some_DTI of_IN these_DTS criticisms
_NNS ._. City_NN-TL Controller_NN-TL Alexander_NP Hemphill_NP charged_VBD Tuesda
y_NR that_CS the_AT bids_NNS on_IN the_AT Frankford_NP-TL Elevated_VBN-TL repair
_NN project_NN were_BED rigged_VBN to_IN the_AT advantage_NN of_IN a_AT private_
JJ contracting_VBG company_NN which_WDT had_HVD ``_`` an_AT inside_NN track_NN '
'_'' with_IN the_AT city_NN ._. Estimates_NNS of_IN the_AT city's_NN$ loss_NN in
_IN the_AT $344,000_NNS job_NN have_HV ranged_VBN as_QL high_JJ as_CS $200,000_N
NS ._. Shortcuts_NNS-HL unnoticed_JJ-HL Hemphill_NP said_VBD that_CS the_AT Hugh
es_NP-TL Steel_NN-TL Erection_NN-TL Co._NN-TL contracted_VBD to_TO do_DO the_AT
work_NN at_IN an_AT impossibly_QL low_JJ cost_NN with_IN a_AT bid_NN that_WPS wa
s_BEDZ far_QL less_AP than_IN the_AT ``_`` legitimate_JJ ''_'' bids_NNS of_IN co
mpeting_VBG contractors_NNS ._. The_AT Hughes_NP concern_NN then_RB took_VBD ``_
`` shortcuts_NNS ''_'' on_IN the_AT project_NN but_CC got_VBD paid_VBN anyway_RB
,_, Hemphill_NP said_VBD ._. The_AT Controller's_NN$-TL charge_NN of_IN rigging
_VBG was_BEDZ the_AT latest_JJT development_NN in_IN an_AT investigation_NN whic
h_WDT also_RB brought_VBD these_DTS disclosures_NNS Tuesday_NR :_: The_AT city_N
N has_HVZ sued_VBN for_IN the_AT full_JJ amount_NN of_IN the_AT $172,400_NNS per
formance_NN bond_NN covering_VBG the_AT contract_NN ._. The_AT Philadelphia_NP-T
L Transportation_NN-TL Co._NN-TL is_BEZ investigating_VBG the_AT part_NN its_PP$
organization_NN played_VBD in_IN reviewing_VBG the_AT project_NN ._. The_AT sig
nature_NN of_IN Harold_NP V._NP Varani_NP ,_, former_AP director_NN of_IN archit
ecture_NN and_CC engineering_NN in_IN the_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Public_JJ
-TL Property_NN-TL ,_, appeared_VBD on_IN payment_NN vouchers_NNS certifying_VBG
work_NN on_IN the_AT project_NN ._. Varani_NP has_HVZ been_BEN fired_VBN on_IN
charges_NNS of_IN accepting_VBG gifts_NNS from_IN the_AT contractor_NN ._. Manag
ing_VBG-TL Director_NN-TL Donald_NP C._NP Wagner_NP has_HVZ agreed_VBN to_TO coo
perate_VB fully_RB with_IN Hemphill_NP after_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN sharp_JJ di
sagreement_NN on_IN the_AT matter_NN ._. The_AT announcement_NN that_CS the_AT c
ity_NN would_MD sue_VB for_IN recovery_NN on_IN the_AT performance_NN bond_NN wa
s_BEDZ made_VBN by_IN City_NN-TL Solicitor_NN-TL David_NP Berger_NP at_IN a_AT p
ress_NN conference_NN following_VBG a_AT meeting_NN in_IN the_AT morning_NN with
_IN Wagner_NP and_CC other_AP officials_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN and_CC the_AT P
TC_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS representatives_NNS of_IN an_AT engineering_NN firm_NN
that_DT was_BEDZ pulled_VBN off_IN the_AT El_NP project_NN before_IN its_PP$ co
mpletion_NN in_IN 1959_CD ._. Concern_NN-HL bankrupt_JJ-HL The_AT Hughes_NP comp
any_NN and_CC the_AT Consolidated_VBN-TL Industries_NNS-TL ,_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, b
oth_ABX of_IN 3646_CD N._JJ-TL 2d_OD-TL St._NN-TL ,_, filed_VBD for_IN reorganiz
ation_NN under_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL bankruptcy_NN law_NN ._. On_IN Monday_NR
,_, the_AT Hughes_NP concern_NN was_BEDZ formally_RB declared_VBN bankrupt_JJ af
ter_IN its_PP$ directors_NNS indicated_VBD they_PPSS could_MD not_* draw_VB up_R
P a_AT plan_NN for_IN reorganization_NN ._. Business_NN relations_NNS between_IN
the_AT companies_NNS and_CC city_NN have_HV been_BEN under_IN investigation_NN
by_IN Hemphill_NP and_CC District_NN-TL Attorney_NN-TL James_NP C._NP Crumlish_N
P ,_, Jr._NP ._. Intervenes_VBZ-HL in_IN-HL case_NN-HL The_AT suit_NN was_BEDZ f
iled_VBN later_RBR in_IN the_AT day_NN in_IN Common_JJ-TL Pleas_NNS-TL Court_NN-
TL 7_CD against_IN the_AT Hughes_NP company_NN and_CC two_CD bonding_VBG firms_N
NS ._. Travelers_NNS-TL Indemnity_NN-TL Co._NN-TL and_CC the_AT Continental_JJ-T
L Casualty_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ._. At_IN Berger's_NP$ direction_NN ,_, the_AT city_N
N also_RB intervened_VBD in_IN the_AT Hughes_NP bankruptcy_NN case_NN in_IN U._N
P-TL S._NP-TL District_NN-TL Court_NN-TL in_IN a_AT move_NN preliminary_JJ to_IN
filing_VBG a_AT claim_NN there_RB ._. ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM taking_VBG the_AT pos
ition_NN that_CS the_AT contract_NN was_BEDZ clearly_RB violated_VBN ''_'' ,_, B
erger_NP said_VBD ._. The_AT contract_NN violations_NNS mostly_RB involve_VB fai
lure_NN to_TO perform_VB rehabilitation_NN work_NN on_IN expansion_NN joints_NNS
along_IN the_AT El_NP track_NN ._. The_AT contract_NN called_VBD for_IN overhau
ling_NN of_IN 102_CD joints_NNS ._. The_AT city_NN paid_VBD for_IN work_NN on_IN
75_CD ,_, of_IN which_WDT no_AT more_AP than_IN 21_CD were_BED repaired_VBN ,_,
Hemphill_NP charged_VBD ._. Wide_JJ-HL range_NN-HL in_IN-HL bids_NNS-HL Hemphil
l_NP said_VBD the_AT Hughes_NP concern_NN contracted_VBD to_TO do_DO the_AT repa
irs_NNS at_IN a_AT cost_NN of_IN $500_NNS for_IN each_DT joint_NN ._. The_AT bid
_NN from_IN A._NP Belanger_NP and_CC-TL Sons_NNS-TL of_IN Cambridge_NP ,_, Mass.
_NP ,_, which_WDT listed_VBD the_AT same_AP officers_NNS as_CS Hughes_NP ,_, was
_BEDZ $600_NNS per_IN joint_NN ._. But_CC ,_, Hemphill_NP added_VBD ,_, bids_NNS
from_IN other_AP contractors_NNS ranged_VBD from_IN $2400_NNS to_IN $3100_NNS p
er_IN joint_NN ._. Berger's_NP$ decision_NN to_TO sue_VB for_IN the_AT full_RB a
mount_VB of_IN the_AT performance_NN bond_NN was_BEDZ questioned_VBN by_IN Wagne
r_NP in_IN the_AT morning_NN press_NN conference_NN ._. Wagner_NP said_VBD the_A
T city_NN paid_VBD only_RB $37,500_NNS to_IN the_AT Hughes_NP company_NN ._. ``_
`` We_PPSS won't_MD* know_VB the_AT full_JJ amount_NN until_CS we_PPSS get_VB a_
AT full_JJ report_NN ''_'' ,_, Wagner_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` We_PPSS can_MD claim
_VB on_IN the_AT maximum_JJ amount_NN of_IN the_AT bond_NN ''_'' ,_, Berger_NP s
aid_VBD ._. Wagner_NP replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` Can't_MD* you_PPSS just_RB see_VB th
e_AT headline_NN :_: '_' City_NN Hooked_VBN for_IN $172,000_NNS '_' ''_'' ?_. ?_
. '_' know_VB-HL enough_AP-HL to_TO-HL sue_VB-HL '_' Berger_NP insisted_VBD that
_CS ``_`` we_PPSS know_VB enough_AP to_TO sue_VB for_IN the_AT full_JJ amount_NN
''_'' ._. Douglas_NP M._NP Pratt_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT PTC_NN ,_, wh
o_WPS attended_VBD the_AT meeting_NN ,_, said_VBD the_AT transit_NN company_NN i
s_BEZ reviewing_VBG the_AT work_NN on_IN the_AT El_NP ._. ``_`` We_PPSS want_VB
to_TO find_VB out_RP who_WPS knew_VBD about_IN it_PPO ''_'' ,_, Pratt_NP said_VB
D ._. ``_`` Certain_JJ people_NNS must_MD have_HV known_VBN about_IN it_PPO ''_'
' ._. ``_`` The_AT PTC_NN is_BEZ investigating_VBG the_AT whole_JJ matter_NN ''_
'' ,_, Pratt_NP said_VBD ._. Samuel_NP D._NP Goodis_NP ,_, representing_VBG the_
AT Philadelphia_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL Association_NN-TL ,_, objected_VBD on_IN Tuesd
ay_NR to_IN a_AT proposed_VBN boost_NN by_IN the_AT city_NN in_IN licensing_VBG
fees_NNS ,_, saying_VBG that_DT occupancy_NN rates_NNS in_IN major_JJ hotels_NNS
here_RB ranged_VBD from_IN 48_CD to_IN 74_CD percent_NN last_AP year_NN ._. Goo
dis_NP voiced_VBD his_PP$ objection_NN before_IN City_NN-TL Council's_NN$-TL Fin
ance_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL ._. For_IN hotels_NNS with_IN 1000_CD rooms_NNS ,_, t
he_AT increased_VBN license_NN fee_NN would_MD mean_VB an_AT expense_NN of_IN $5
000_NNS a_AT year_NN ,_, Goodis_NP said_VBD ._. Testifies_VBZ-HL at_IN-HL hearin
g_NN-HL His_PP$ testimony_NN came_VBD during_IN a_AT hearing_NN on_IN a_AT bill_
NN raising_VBG fees_NNS for_IN a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN licenses_NNS ,_, pe
rmits_NNS and_CC city_NN services_NNS ._. The_AT new_JJ fees_NNS are_BER expecte
d_VBN to_TO raise_VB an_AT additional_JJ $740,000_NNS in_IN the_AT remainder_NN
of_IN 1961_CD and_CC $2,330,000_NNS more_AP a_AT year_NN after_IN that_DT ._. Th
e_AT ordinance_NN would_MD increase_VB the_AT fee_NN for_IN rooming_VBG houses_N
NS ,_, hotels_NNS and_CC multi-family_JJ dwellings_NNS to_IN $5_NNS a_AT room_NN
._. The_AT cost_NN of_IN a_AT license_NN now_RB is_BEZ $2_NNS ,_, with_IN an_AT
annual_JJ renewal_NN fee_NN of_IN $1_NN ._. Goodis_NP said_VBD that_CS single_J
J rooms_NNS account_VB for_IN 95_CD percent_NN of_IN the_AT accomodations_NNS in
_IN some_DTI hotels_NNS ._. Revenue_NN-HL estimated_VBN-HL The_AT city_NN expect
s_VBZ the_AT higher_JJR rooming_VBG house_NN ,_, hotel_NN and_CC apartment_NN ho
use_NN fees_NNS to_TO bring_VB in_RP an_AT additional_JJ $457,000_NNS a_AT year_
NN ._. The_AT increase_NN also_RB was_BEDZ opposed_VBN by_IN Leonard_NP Kaplan_N
P ,_, spokesman_NN for_IN the_AT Home_NN-TL Builders_NNS-TL Association_NN-TL of
_IN Philadelphia_NP ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN association_NN members_NNS who_WPS
operate_VB apartment_NN houses_NNS ._. A_AT proposal_NN to_TO raise_VB dog_NN l
icense_NN fees_NNS drew_VBD an_AT objection_NN from_IN Councilwoman_NN-TL Virgin
ia_NP Knauer_NP ,_, who_WPS formerly_RB raised_VBD pedigreed_JJ dogs_NNS ._. The
_AT ordinance_NN would_MD increase_VB fees_NNS from_IN $1_NN for_IN males_NNS an
d_CC $2_NNS for_IN females_NNS to_IN a_AT flat_JJ $5_NNS a_AT dog_NN ._. Commiss
ioner_NN-TL-HL replies_VBZ-HL Mrs._NP Knauer_NP said_VBD she_PPS did_DOD not_* t
hink_VB dog_NN owners_NNS should_MD be_BE penalized_VBN for_IN the_AT city's_NN$
services_NNS to_IN animal_NN care_NN ._. In_IN reply_NN ,_, Deputy_JJ-TL Police
_NNS-TL Commissioner_NN-TL Howard_NP R._NP Leary_NP said_VBD that_CS the_AT city
_NN spends_VBZ more_AP than_IN $115,000_NNS annually_RB to_TO license_VB and_CC
regulate_VB dogs_NNS but_CC collects_VBZ only_RB $43,000_NNS in_IN fees_NNS ._.
He_PPS reported_VBD that_CS the_AT city's_NN$ contributions_NNS for_IN animal_NN
care_NN included_VBD $67,000_NNS to_IN the_AT Women's_NNS$-TL S.P.C.A._NP-TL ;_
. ;_. $15,000_NNS to_TO pay_VB six_CD policemen_NNS assigned_VBN as_CS dog_NN ca
tchers_NNS and_CC $15,000_NNS to_TO investigate_VB dog_NN bites_NNS ._. Backs_VB
Z-HL higher_JJR-HL fees_NNS-HL City_NN Finance_NN-TL Director_NN-TL Richard_NP J
._NP McConnell_NP indorsed_VBD the_AT higher_JJR fees_NNS ,_, which_WDT ,_, he_P
PS said_VBD ,_, had_HVD been_BEN under_IN study_NN for_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT y
ear_NN ._. The_AT city_NN is_BEZ not_* adequately_RB compensated_VBN for_IN the_
AT services_NNS covered_VBN by_IN the_AT fees_NNS ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. The_AT
new_JJ fee_NN schedule_NN also_RB was_BEDZ supported_VBN by_IN Commissioner_NN-
TL of_IN-TL Licenses_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Inspections_NNS-TL Barnet_NP Lieberman_NP
and_CC Health_NN-TL Commissioner_NN-TL Eugene_NP A._NP Gillis_NP ._. Petitions_N
NS asking_VBG for_IN a_AT jail_NN term_NN for_IN Norristown_NP attorney_NN Julia
n_NP W._NP Barnard_NP will_MD be_BE presented_VBN to_IN the_AT Montgomery_NP-TL
County_NN-TL Court_NN-TL Friday_NR ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ disclosed_VBN Tuesday_NR
by_IN Horace_NP A._NP Davenport_NP ,_, counsel_NN for_IN the_AT widow_NN of_IN t
he_AT man_NN killed_VBN last_AP Nov._NP 1_CD by_IN Barnard's_NP$ hit-run_JJ car_
NN ._. The_AT petitions_NNS will_MD be_BE presented_VBN in_IN open_JJ court_NN t
o_IN President_NN-TL Judge_NN-TL William_NP F._NP Dannehower_NP ,_, Davenport_NP
said_VBD ._. Barnard_NP ,_, who_WPS pleaded_VBD no_AT defense_NN to_IN manslaug
hter_NN and_CC hit-run_JJ charges_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ fined_VBN $500_NNS by_IN Judg
e_NN-TL Warren_NP K._NP Hess_NP ,_, and_CC placed_VBN on_IN two_CD years'_NNS$ p
robation_NN providing_CS he_PPS does_DOZ not_* drive_VB during_IN that_DT time_N
N ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ caught_VBN driving_VBG the_AT day_NN after_CS the_AT sente
nce_NN was_BEDZ pronounced_VBN and_CC given_VBN a_AT warning_NN ._. Victim_NN of
_IN the_AT accident_NN was_BEDZ Robert_NP Lee_NP Stansbery_NP ,_, 39_CD ._. His_
PP$ widow_NN started_VBD the_AT circulation_NN of_IN petitions_NNS after_CS Barn
ard_NP was_BEDZ reprimanded_VBN for_IN violating_VBG the_AT probation_NN ._. The
_AT City_NN-TL Planning_VBG-TL Commission_NN-TL on_IN Tuesday_NR approved_VBD ag
reements_NNS between_IN two_CD redevelopers_NNS and_CC the_AT Redevelopment_NN-T
L Authority_NN-TL for_IN the_AT purchase_NN of_IN land_NN in_IN the_AT $300,000,
000_NNS Eastwick_NP-TL Redevelopment_NN-TL Area_NN-TL project_NN ._. The_AT comm
ission_NN also_RB approved_VBD a_AT novel_JJ plan_NN that_WPS would_MD eliminate
_VB traffic_NN hazards_NNS for_IN pedestrians_NNS in_IN the_AT project_NN ._. On
e_CD of_IN the_AT agreements_NNS calls_VBZ for_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Eastwick_NP-T
L Corp._NN-TL to_TO purchase_VB a_AT 1311_CD acre_NN tract_NN for_IN $12,192,865
_NNS ._. The_AT tract_NN is_BEZ bounded_VBN by_IN Island_NN-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, Di
cks_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, 61st_OD-TL St._NN-TL ,_, and_CC Eastwick_NP-TL Ave._NN-
TL ._. Four_CD-HL parks_NNS-HL planned_VBN-HL It_PPS is_BEZ designated_VBN as_CS
Stage_NN-TL 1_CD Residential_JJ-TL on_IN the_AT Redevelopment_NN-TL Authority's
_NN$-TL master_JJS plan_NN and_CC will_MD feature_VB row_NN houses_NNS ,_, garde
n_NN apartments_NNS ,_, four_CD small_JJ parks_NNS ,_, schools_NNS ,_, churches_
NNS ,_, a_AT shopping_VBG center_NN and_CC several_AP small_JJ clusters_NNS of_I
N stores_NNS ._. The_AT corporation_NN was_BEDZ formed_VBN by_IN the_AT Reynolds
_NP Metal_NN-TL Co._NN-TL and_CC the_AT Samuel_NP A._NP and_CC Henry_NP A._NP Be
rger_NP firm_NN ,_, a_AT Philadelphia_NP builder_NN ,_, for_IN work_NN in_IN the
_AT project_NN ._. The_AT second_OD agreement_NN permits_VBZ the_AT authority_NN
to_TO sell_VB a_AT 520-acre_JJ tract_NN west_NR of_IN Stage_NN-TL 1_CD Resident
ial_JJ-TL to_IN Philadelphia_NP-TL Builders_NNS-TL Eastwick_NP Corp._NN-TL ,_, a
_AT firm_NN composed_VBN of_IN 10_CD Philadelphia_NP area_NN builders_NNS ,_, wh
ich_WDT is_BEZ interested_VBN in_IN developing_VBG part_NN of_IN the_AT project_
NN ._. Would_MD-HL bar_VB-HL vehicles_NNS-HL The_AT plan_NN for_IN eliminating_V
BG traffic_NN hazards_NNS for_IN pedestrians_NNS was_BEDZ developed_VBN by_IN Dr
._NN-TL Constantinos_NP A._NP Doxiadis_NP ,_, former_AP Minister_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Reconstruction_NN-TL in_IN Greece_NP and_CC a_AT consulting_VBG planner_NN for_I
N the_AT New_JJ-TL Eastwick_NP-TL Corp._NN-TL ._. The_AT plan_NN calls_VBZ for_I
N dividing_VBG the_AT project_NN into_IN 16_CD sectors_NNS which_WDT would_MD be
_BE barred_VBN to_IN vehicular_JJ traffic_NN ._. It_PPS provides_VBZ for_IN a_AT
series_NN of_IN landscaped_VBN walkways_NNS and_CC a_AT central_JJ esplanade_NN
that_WPS would_MD eventually_RB run_VB through_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT
entire_JJ two-and-a-half-mile_JJ length_NN of_IN the_AT project_NN ._. The_AT e
splanade_NN eliminates_VBZ Grovers_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, which_WDT on_IN original
_JJ plans_NNS ran_VBD through_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT development_NN ._
. The_AT esplanade_NN would_MD feature_VB pedestrian_NN bridges_NNS over_IN road
s_NNS in_IN the_AT project_NN ._. Kansas_NP-HL City_NN-TL-HL ,_,-HL Mo._NP-HL ,_
,-HL Feb._NP-HL 9_CD-HL (_(-HL UPI_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- The_AT president_NN of_IN
the_AT Kansas_NP City_NN-TL local_NN of_IN the_AT International_JJ-TL Associatio
n_NN-TL of_IN-TL Fire_NN-TL Fighters_NNS-TL was_BEDZ severly_QL injured_VBN toda
y_NR when_WRB a_AT bomb_NN tore_VBD his_PP$ car_NN apart_RB as_CS he_PPS left_VB
D home_NR for_IN work_NN ._. Battalion_NN-TL Chief_NN-TL Stanton_NP M._NP Gladde
n_NP ,_, 42_CD ,_, the_AT central_JJ figure_NN in_IN a_AT representation_NN disp
ute_NN between_IN the_AT fire_NN fighters_NNS association_NN and_CC the_AT teams
ters_NNS union_NN ,_, suffered_VBD multiple_JJ fractures_NNS of_IN both_ABX ankl
es_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN Baptist_NP-TL Memorial_JJ-TL hospital_NN ._. Ig
nition_NN-HL sets_VBZ-HL off_RP-HL blast_NN-HL The_AT battalion_NN chief_NN said
_VBD he_PPS had_HVD just_RB gotten_VBN into_IN his_PP$ 1958_CD model_NN automobi
le_NN to_TO move_VB it_PPO from_IN the_AT driveway_NN of_IN his_PP$ home_NN so_C
S that_CS he_PPS could_MD take_VB his_PP$ other_AP car_NN to_TO work_VB ._. ``_`
` I'd_PPSS+HVD just_RB turned_VBN on_RP the_AT ignition_NN when_WRB there_EX was
_BEDZ a_AT big_JJ flash_NN and_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ lying_VBG on_IN the_AT drivewa
y_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. Gladden's_NP$ wife_NN and_CC two_CD of_IN his
_PP$ sons_NNS ,_, John_NP ,_, 17_CD ,_, and_CC Jim_NP ,_, 13_CD ,_, were_BED ins
ide_IN the_AT house_NN ._. The_AT younger_JJR boy_NN said_VBD the_AT blast_NN kn
ocked_VBD him_PPO out_IN of_IN bed_NN and_CC against_IN the_AT wall_NN ._. Hood_
NN-HL flies_VBZ-HL over_IN-HL house_NN-HL The_AT explosion_NN sent_VBD the_AT ho
od_NN of_IN the_AT car_NN flying_VBG over_IN the_AT roof_NN of_IN the_AT house_N
N ._. The_AT left_JJ front_NN wheel_NN landed_VBD 100_CD feet_NNS away_RB ._. Po
lice_NNS laboratory_NN technicians_NNS said_VBD the_AT explosive_JJ device_NN ,_
, containing_VBG either_CC TNT_NN or_CC nitroglycerine_NN ,_, was_BEDZ apparentl
y_RB placed_VBN under_IN the_AT left_JJ front_NN wheel_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ fi
rst_RB believed_VBN the_AT bomb_NN was_BEDZ rigged_VBN to_IN the_AT car's_NN$ st
arter_NN ._. Gladden_NP had_HVD been_BEN the_AT target_NN of_IN threatening_VBG
telephone_NN calls_NNS in_IN recent_JJ months_NNS and_CC reportedly_RB received_
VBD one_CD last_AP night_NN ._. The_AT fire_NN department_NN here_RB has_HVZ bee
n_BEN torn_VBN for_IN months_NNS by_IN dissension_NN involving_VBG top_JJS perso
nnel_NNS and_CC the_AT fight_NN between_IN the_AT fire_NN fighters_NNS associati
on_NN and_CC the_AT teamsters_NNS union_NN ._. Led_VBD-HL fight_NN-HL on_IN-HL t
eamsters_NNS-HL Gladden_NP has_HVZ been_BEN an_AT outspoken_JJ critic_NN of_IN t
he_AT present_JJ city_NN administration_NN and_CC led_VBD his_PP$ union's_NN$ ba
ttle_NN against_IN the_AT teamsters_NNS ,_, which_WDT began_VBD organizing_VBG c
ity_NN firemen_NNS in_IN 1959_CD ._. The_AT fire_NN fighters_NNS association_NN
here_RB offered_VBD a_AT $5,000_NNS reward_NN for_IN information_NN leading_VBG
to_IN the_AT arrest_NN of_IN the_AT person_NN or_CC persons_NNS responsible_JJ f
or_IN the_AT bombing_NN ._. A_AT $500_NNS reward_VB was_BEDZ offered_VBN by_IN t
he_AT association's_NN$ local_JJ in_IN Kansas_NP City_NN-TL ,_, Kas._NP ._. The_
AT association_NN said_VBD it_PPS would_MD post_VB 24_CD hour_NN guards_NNS at_I
N Gladden's_NP$ home_NN and_CC at_IN those_DTS of_IN James_NP Mining_NP and_CC E
ugene_NP Shiflett_NP ._. Mining_NP is_BEZ secretary-treasurer_NN of_IN the_AT lo
cal_NN and_CC Shiflett_NP is_BEZ a_AT member_NN of_IN its_PP$ executive_NN commi
ttee_NN ._. Both_ABX have_HV been_BEN active_JJ in_IN the_AT association_NN ._.
Ankara_NP-HL ,_,-HL Turkey_NP-HL ,_,-HL Oct._NP-HL 24_CD-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-
HL --_-- Turkish_JJ political_JJ leaders_NNS bowed_VBD today_NR to_TO military_J
J pressure_NN and_CC agreed_VBD to_TO form_VB an_AT emergency_NN national_JJ fro
nt_NN government_NN with_IN Gen._NN-TL Cemal_NP Gursel_NP as_CS president_NN ._.
An_AT agreement_NN between_IN the_AT leaders_NNS of_IN four_CD parties_NNS whic
h_WDT contested_VBD indecisive_JJ elections_NNS on_IN Oct._NP 15_CD was_BEDZ rea
ched_VBN after_IN almost_RB 18_CD hours_NNS of_IN political_JJ bargaining_NN und
er_IN the_AT threat_NN of_IN an_AT army_NN coup_FW-NN d'etat_FW-IN+NN ._. By-pas
sing_VBG the_AT military_JJ junta_NN which_WDT has_HVZ ruled_VBN Turkey_NP since
_IN the_AT overthrow_NN of_IN Premier_NN-TL Adnan_NP Menderes_NP 17_CD months_NN
S ago_RB ,_, the_AT army_NN general_JJ staff_NN ,_, led_VBN by_IN Gen._NN-TL Ced
vet_NP Sunay_NP ,_, had_HVD set_VBN a_AT deadline_NN for_IN the_AT parties_NNS t
o_TO join_VB in_IN a_AT national_JJ coalition_NN government_NN ._. The_AT army_N
N leaders_NNS threatened_VBD to_TO form_VB a_AT new_JJ military_JJ government_NN
if_CS the_AT parties_NNS failed_VBD to_TO sign_VB an_AT eight_CD point_NN proto
col_NN agreeing_VBG on_IN Gen._NN-TL Gursel_NP as_CS president_NN ._. Gen._NN-TL
Gursel_NP has_HVZ headed_VBN the_AT military_JJ junta_NN the_AT last_AP 17_CD m
onths_NNS ._. The_AT military_JJ also_RB had_HVD demanded_VBN pledges_NNS that_C
S there_EX would_MD be_BE no_AT changes_NNS in_IN the_AT laws_NNS passed_VBN by_
IN the_AT junta_NN and_CC no_AT leaders_NNS of_IN the_AT Menderes_NP regime_NN n
ow_RB in_IN prison_NN would_MD be_BE pardoned_VBN ._. Party_NN leaders_NNS came_
VBD out_RP of_IN the_AT final_JJ meeting_NN apparently_RB satisfied_VBN and_CC s
tated_VBD that_CS complete_JJ agreement_NN had_HVD been_BEN reached_VBN on_IN a_
AT solution_NN to_IN the_AT crisis_NN created_VBN by_IN the_AT elections_NNS whi
ch_WDT left_VBD no_AT party_NN with_IN enough_AP strength_NN to_TO form_VB a_AT
government_NN on_IN its_PP$ own_JJ ._. Vincent_NP G._NP Ierulli_NP has_HVZ been_
BEN appointed_VBN temporary_JJ assistant_NN district_NN attorney_NN ,_, it_PPS w
as_BEDZ announced_VBN Monday_NR by_IN Charles_NP E._NP Raymond_NP ,_, District_N
N-TL Attorney_NN-TL ._. Ierulli_NP will_MD replace_VB Desmond_NP D._NP Connall_N
P who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN called_VBN to_IN active_JJ military_JJ service_NN but
_CC is_BEZ expected_VBN back_RB on_IN the_AT job_NN by_IN March_NP 31_CD ._. Ier
ulli_NP ,_, 29_CD ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN practicing_VBG in_IN Portland_NP since_IN
November_NP ,_, 1959_CD ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT graduate_NN of_IN Portland_NP-TL
University_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Northwestern_JJ-TL College_NN-TL of_IN-TL Law_NN
-TL ._. He_PPS is_BEZ married_VBN and_CC the_AT father_NN of_IN three_CD childre
n_NNS ._. Helping_VBG foreign_JJ countries_NNS to_TO build_VB a_AT sound_JJ poli
tical_JJ structure_NN is_BEZ more_QL important_JJ than_CS aiding_VBG them_PPO ec
onomically_RB ,_, E._NP M._NP Martin_NP ,_, assistant_NN secretary_NN of_IN stat
e_NN for_IN economic_JJ affairs_NNS told_VBD members_NNS of_IN the_AT World_NN-T
L Affairs_NNS-TL Council_NN-TL Monday_NR night_NN ._. Martin_NP ,_, who_WPS has_
HVZ been_BEN in_IN office_NN in_IN Washington_NP ,_, D._NP C._NP ,_, for_IN 13_C
D months_NNS spoke_VBD at_IN the_AT council's_NN$ annual_JJ meeting_NN at_IN the
_AT Multnomah_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. He_PPS told_VBD some_DTI 350_CD persons_NNS
that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States'_NNS$-TL challenge_NN was_BEDZ to_TO help_VB
countries_NNS build_VB their_PP$ own_JJ societies_NNS their_PP$ own_JJ ways_NNS
,_, following_VBG their_PP$ own_JJ paths_NNS ._. ``_`` We_PPSS must_MD persuade
_VB them_PPO to_TO enjoy_VB a_AT way_NN of_IN life_NN which_WDT ,_, if_CS not_*
identical_JJ ,_, is_BEZ congenial_JJ with_IN ours_PP$$ ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD
but_CC adding_VBG that_CS if_CS they_PPSS do_DO not_* develop_VB the_AT kind_NN
of_IN society_NN they_PPSS themselves_PPLS want_VB it_PPS will_MD lack_VB ritiu
ality_NN and_CC loyalty_NN ._. Patience_NN-HL needed_VBN-HL Insuring_VBG that_CS
the_AT countries_NNS have_HV a_AT freedom_NN of_IN choice_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VB
D ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT biggest_JJT detriment_NN to_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_N
N-TL ._. He_PPS cited_VBD East_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL where_WRB after_IN 15_CD year
s_NNS of_IN Soviet_NP rule_NN it_PPS has_HVZ become_VBN necessary_JJ to_TO build
_VB a_AT wall_NN to_TO keep_VB the_AT people_NNS in_RP ,_, and_CC added_VBD ,_,
``_`` so_QL long_RB as_CS people_NNS rebel_VB ,_, we_PPSS must_MD not_* give_VB
up_RP ''_'' ._. Martin_NP called_VBD for_IN patience_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_
IN Americans_NPS ._. ``_`` The_AT countries_NNS are_BER trying_VBG to_TO build_V
B in_IN a_AT decade_NN the_AT kind_NN of_IN society_NN we_PPSS took_VBD a_AT cen
tury_NN to_TO build_VB ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. By_IN leaving_VBG our_PP$ d
oors_NNS open_RB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL gives_VBZ other_AP peoples_N
NS the_AT opportunity_NN to_TO see_VB us_PPO and_CC to_TO compare_VB ,_, he_PPS
said_VBD ._. Individual_JJ-HL help_NN-HL best_JJT-HL ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV no_AT
reason_NN to_TO fear_VB failure_NN ,_, but_CC we_PPSS must_MD be_BE extraordina
rily_RB patient_JJ ''_'' ,_, the_AT assistant_NN secretary_NN said_VBD ._. Econo
mically_RB ,_, Martin_NP said_VBD ,_, the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL could_M
D best_VB help_VB foreign_JJ countries_NNS by_IN helping_VBG them_PPO help_VB th
emselves_PPLS ._. Private_JJ business_NN is_BEZ more_QL effective_JJ than_CS gov
ernment_NN aid_NN ,_, he_PPS explained_VBD ,_, because_CS individuals_NNS are_BE
R able_JJ to_TO work_VB with_IN the_AT people_NNS themselves_PPLS ._. The_AT Uni
ted_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL must_MD plan_VB to_TO absorb_VB the_AT exported_VBN goo
ds_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, at_IN what_WDT he_PPS termed_VBD a_AT ``_`` s
ocial_JJ cost_NN ''_'' ._. Martin_NP said_VBD the_AT government_NN has_HVZ been_
BEN working_VBG to_TO establish_VB firmer_JJR prices_NNS on_IN primary_JJ produc
ts_NNS which_WDT may_MD involve_VB the_AT total_NN income_NN of_IN one_CD countr
y_NN ._. The_AT Portland_NP school_NN board_NN was_BEDZ asked_VBN Monday_NR to_T
O take_VB a_AT positive_JJ stand_VB towards_IN developing_VBG and_CC coordinatin
g_VBG with_IN Portland's_NP$ civil_JJ defense_NN more_AP plans_NNS for_IN the_AT
city's_NN$ schools_NNS in_IN event_NN of_IN attack_NN ._. But_CC there_EX seeme
d_VBD to_TO be_BE some_DTI difference_NN of_IN opinion_NN as_IN to_IN how_QL far
_RB the_AT board_NN should_MD go_VB ,_, and_CC whose_WP$ advice_NN it_PPS should
_MD follow_VB ._. The_AT board_NN members_NNS ,_, after_IN hearing_VBG the_AT co
ordination_NN plea_NN from_IN Mrs._NP Ralph_NP H._NP Molvar_NP ,_, 1409_CD SW_NN
Maplecrest_NP Dr._NN-TL ,_, said_VBD they_PPSS thought_VBD they_PPSS had_HVD al
ready_RB been_BEN cooperating_VBG ._. Chairman_NN-TL C._NP Richard_NP Mears_NP p
ointed_VBD out_RP that_CS perhaps_RB this_DT was_BEDZ not_* strictly_RB a_AT sch
ool_NN board_NN problem_NN ,_, in_IN case_NN of_IN atomic_JJ attack_NN ,_, but_C
C that_CS the_AT board_NN would_MD cooperate_VB so_QL far_RB as_CS possible_JJ t
o_TO get_VB the_AT children_NNS to_TO where_WRB the_AT parents_NNS wanted_VBD th
em_PPO to_TO go_VB ._. Dr._NN-TL Melvin_NP W._NP Barnes_NP ,_, superintendent_NN
,_, said_VBD he_PPS thought_VBD the_AT schools_NNS were_BED waiting_VBG for_IN
some_DTI leadership_NN ,_, perhaps_RB on_IN the_AT national_JJ level_NN ,_, to_T
O make_VB sure_JJ that_CS whatever_WDT steps_NNS of_IN planning_VBG they_PPSS to
ok_VBD would_MD ``_`` be_BE more_QL fruitful_JJ ''_'' ,_, and_CC that_CS he_PPS
had_HVD found_VBN that_CS other_AP school_NN districts_NNS were_BED not_* as_QL
far_RB along_RB in_IN their_PP$ planning_NN as_CS this_DT district_NN ._. ``_``
Los_NP Angeles_NP has_HVZ said_VBN they_PPSS would_MD send_VB the_AT children_NN
S to_IN their_PP$ homes_NNS in_IN case_NN of_IN disaster_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS sai
d_VBD ._. ``_`` Nobody_PN really_RB expects_VBZ to_TO evacuate_VB ._. I_PPSS thi
nk_VB everybody_PN is_BEZ agreed_VBN that_CS we_PPSS need_VB to_TO hear_VB some_
DTI voice_NN on_IN the_AT national_JJ level_NN that_DT would_MD make_VB some_DTI
sense_NN and_CC in_IN which_WDT we_PPSS would_MD have_HV some_DTI confidence_NN
in_IN following_NN ._. Mrs._NP Molvar_NP ,_, who_WPS kept_VBD reiterating_VBG h
er_PP$ request_NN that_CS they_PPSS ``_`` please_VB take_VB a_AT stand_NN ''_''
,_, said_VBD ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS must_MD have_HV faith_NN in_IN somebody_PN --_--
on_IN the_AT local_JJ level_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS wouldn't_MD* be_BE possible_JJ
for_CS everyone_PN to_TO rush_VB to_IN a_AT school_NN to_TO get_VB their_PP$ chi
ldren_NNS ''_'' ._. Dr._NN-TL Barnes_NP said_VBD that_CS there_EX seemed_VBD to_
TO be_BE feeling_NN that_CS evacuation_NN plans_NNS ,_, even_RB for_IN a_AT high
_JJ school_NN where_WRB there_EX were_BED lots_NNS of_IN cars_NNS ``_`` might_MD
not_* be_BE realistic_JJ and_CC would_MD not_* work_VB ''_'' ._. Mrs._NP Molvar
_NP asked_VBD again_RB that_CS the_AT board_NN join_VB in_IN taking_VBG a_AT sta
nd_NN in_IN keeping_VBG with_IN Jack_NP Lowe's_NP$ program_NN ._. The_AT board_N
N said_VBD it_PPS thought_VBD it_PPS had_HVD gone_VBN as_QL far_RB as_CS instruc
ted_VBN so_QL far_RB and_CC asked_VBD for_IN more_AP information_NN to_TO be_BE
brought_VBN at_IN the_AT next_AP meeting_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ generally_RB agr
eed_VBN that_CS the_AT subject_NN was_BEDZ important_JJ and_CC the_AT board_NN s
hould_MD be_BE informed_VBN on_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ done_VBN ,_, is_BEZ going_VB
G to_TO be_BE done_VBN and_CC what_WDT it_PPS thought_VBD should_MD be_BE done_V
BN ._. Salem_NP-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- The_AT statewide_JJ meeting_NN o
f_IN war_NN mothers_NNS Tuesday_NR in_IN Salem_NP will_MD hear_VB a_AT greeting_
NN from_IN Gov._NN-TL Mark_NP Hatfield_NP ._. Hatfield_NP also_RB is_BEZ schedul
ed_VBN to_TO hold_VB a_AT public_JJ United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL Day_NN-TL recep
tion_NN in_IN the_AT state_NN capitol_NN on_IN Tuesday_NR ._. His_PP$ schedule_N
N calls_VBZ for_IN a_AT noon_NN speech_NN Monday_NR in_IN Eugene_NP at_IN the_AT
Emerald_NN-TL Empire_NN-TL Kiwanis_NP-TL Club_NN-TL ._. He_PPS will_MD speak_VB
to_IN Willamette_NP-TL University_NN-TL Young_JJ-TL Republicans_NPS Thursday_NR
night_NN in_IN Salem_NP ._. On_IN Friday_NR he_PPS will_MD go_VB to_IN Portland
_NP for_IN the_AT swearing_NN in_IN of_IN Dean_NP Bryson_NP as_CS Multnomah_NP-T
L County_NN-TL Circuit_NN-TL Judge_NN-TL ._. He_PPS will_MD attend_VB a_AT meeti
ng_NN of_IN the_AT Republican_NP State_NN-TL Central_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL Satur
day_NR in_IN Portland_NP and_CC see_VB the_AT Washington-Oregon_NP football_NN g
ame_NN ._. Beaverton_NP-TL School_NN-TL District_NN-TL No._NN-TL 48_CD-TL board_
NN members_NNS examined_VBD blueprints_NNS and_CC specifications_NNS for_IN two_
CD proposed_VBN junior_JJ high_JJ schools_NNS at_IN a_AT Monday_NR night_NN work
shop_NN session_NN ._. A_AT bond_NN issue_NN which_WDT would_MD have_HV provided
_VBN some_DTI $3.5_NNS million_CD for_IN construction_NN of_IN the_AT two_CD 900
-student_JJ schools_NNS was_BEDZ defeated_VBN by_IN district_NN voters_NNS in_IN
January_NP ._. Last_AP week_NN the_AT board_NN ,_, by_IN a_AT 4_CD to_IN 3_CD v
ote_NN ,_, decided_VBD to_TO ask_VB voters_NNS whether_CS they_PPSS prefer_VB th
e_AT 6-3-3_CD (_( junior_JJ high_JJ school_NN )_) system_NN or_CC the_AT 8-4_CD
system_NN ._. Board_NN members_NNS indicated_VBD Monday_NR night_NN this_DT woul
d_MD be_BE done_VBN by_IN an_AT advisory_NN poll_NN to_TO be_BE taken_VBN on_IN
Nov._NP 15_CD ,_, the_AT same_AP date_NN as_CS a_AT $581,000_NNS bond_NN electio
n_NN for_IN the_AT construction_NN of_IN three_CD new_JJ elementary_JJ schools_N
NS ._. Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL Arthur_NP Goldberg_NP will_MD speak_
VB Sunday_NR night_NN at_IN the_AT Masonic_JJ-TL Temple_NN-TL at_IN a_AT $25-a-p
late_NN dinner_NN honoring_VBG Sen._NN-TL Wayne_NP L._NP Morse_NP ,_, Aj_NN ._.
The_AT dinner_NN is_BEZ sponsored_VBN by_IN organized_VBN labor_NN and_CC is_BEZ
scheduled_VBN for_IN 7_CD p.m._RB ._. Secretary_NN-TL Goldberg_NP and_CC Sen._N
N-TL Morse_NP will_MD hold_VB a_AT joint_NN press_NN conference_NN at_IN the_AT
Roosevelt_NP Hotel_NN-TL at_IN 4:30_CD p.m._RB Sunday_NR ,_, Blaine_NP Whipple_N
P ,_, executive_NN secretary_NN of_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL Party_NN-TL of_IN
Oregon_NP ,_, reported_VBD Tuesday_NR ._. Other_AP speakers_NNS for_IN the_AT fu
nd-raising_NN dinner_NN include_VB Reps._NNS-TL Edith_NP Green_NP and_CC Al_NP U
llman_NP ,_, Labor_NN-TL Commissioner_NN-TL Norman_NP Nilsen_NP and_CC Mayor_NN-
TL Terry_NP Schrunk_NP ,_, all_ABN Democrats_NPS ._. Oak_NN-TL-HL Grove_NN-TL-HL
(_(-HL special_JJ-HL )_)-HL --_-- Three_CD positions_NNS on_IN the_AT Oak_NN-TL
Lodge_NN-TL Water_NN-TL district_NN board_NN of_IN directors_NNS have_HV attrac
ted_VBN 11_CD candidates_NNS ._. The_AT election_NN will_MD be_BE Dec._NP 4_CD f
rom_IN 8_CD a.m._RB to_IN 8_CD p.m._RB ._. Polls_NNS will_MD be_BE in_IN the_AT
water_NN office_NN ._. Incumbent_JJ Richard_NP Salter_NP seeks_VBZ re-election_N
N and_CC is_BEZ opposed_VBN by_IN Donald_NP Huffman_NP for_IN the_AT five-year_J
J term_NN ._. Incumbent_JJ William_NP Brod_NP is_BEZ opposed_VBN in_IN his_PP$ r
e-election_NN bid_NN by_IN Barbara_NP Njust_NP ,_, Miles_NP C._NP Bubenik_NP and
_CC Frank_NP Lee_NP ._. Five_CD candidates_NNS seek_VB the_AT place_NN vacated_V
BN by_IN Secretary_NN-TL Hugh_NP G._NP Stout_NP ._. Seeking_VBG this_DT two-year
_JJ term_NN are_BER James_NP Culbertson_NP ,_, Dwight_NP M._NP Steeves_NP ,_, Ja
mes_NP C._NP Piersee_NP ,_, W.M._NP Sexton_NP and_CC Theodore_NP W._NP Heitschmi
dt_NP ._. A_AT stronger_JJR stand_NN on_IN their_PP$ beliefs_NNS and_CC a_AT fir
mer_JJR grasp_NN on_IN their_PP$ future_NN were_BED taken_VBN Friday_NR by_IN de
legates_NNS to_IN the_AT 29th_OD general_JJ council_NN of_IN the_AT Assemblies_N
NS-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, in_IN session_NN at_IN the_AT Memorial_JJ-TL Colise
um_NP-TL ._. The_AT council_NN revised_VBD ,_, in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO stren
gthen_VB ,_, the_AT denomination's_NN$ 16_CD basic_JJ beliefs_NNS adopted_VBN in
_IN 1966_CD ._. The_AT changes_NNS ,_, unanimously_RB adopted_VBN ,_, were_BED f
elt_VBN necessary_JJ in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN modern_JJ trends_NNS away_RB fro
m_IN the_AT Bible_NP ._. The_AT council_NN agreed_VBD it_PPS should_MD more_QL f
irmly_RB state_VB its_PP$ belief_NN in_IN and_CC dependence_NN on_IN the_AT Bibl
e_NP ._. At_IN the_AT adoption_NN ,_, the_AT Rev._NP T._NP F._NP Zimmerman_NP ,_
, general_JJ superintendent_NN ,_, commented_VBD ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Assemblies_
NNS-TL of_IN-TL God_NP has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT bulwark_NN for_IN fundamentalism_NN
in_IN these_DTS modern_JJ days_NNS and_CC has_HVZ ,_, without_IN compromise_NN
,_, stood_VBD for_IN the_AT great_JJ truths_NNS of_IN the_AT Bible_NP for_IN whi
ch_WDT men_NNS in_IN the_AT past_NN have_HV been_BEN willing_JJ to_TO give_VB th
eir_PP$ lives_NNS ''_'' ._. New_JJ-HL point_NN-HL added_VBN-HL Many_AP changes_N
NS involved_VBD minor_JJ editing_NN and_CC clarification_NN ;_. ;_. however_WRB
,_, the_AT first_OD belief_NN stood_VBD for_IN entire_JJ revision_NN with_IN a_A
T new_JJ third_OD point_NN added_VBN to_IN the_AT list_NN ._. The_AT first_OD of
_IN 16_CD beliefs_NNS of_IN the_AT denomination_NN ,_, now_RB reads_VBZ :_: ``_`
` The_AT scriptures_NNS ,_, both_ABX Old_JJ-TL and_CC New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL
,_, are_BER verbally_RB inspired_VBN of_IN God_NP and_CC are_BER the_AT revelati
on_NN of_IN God_NP to_IN man_NN ,_, the_AT infallible_JJ ,_, authoritative_JJ ru
le_NN of_IN faith_NN and_CC conduct_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT third_OD belief_NN ,_, i
n_IN six_CD points_NNS ,_, emphasizes_VBZ the_AT Diety_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Lord_N
N-TL Jesus_NP Christ_NP ,_, and_CC :_: --_-- emphasizes_VBZ the_AT Virgin_NN-TL
birth_NN --_-- the_AT sinless_JJ life_NN of_IN Christ_NP --_-- His_PP$ miracles_
NNS --_-- His_PP$ substitutionary_JJ work_NN on_IN the_AT cross_NN --_-- His_PP$
bodily_JJ resurrection_NN from_IN the_AT dead_JJ --_-- and_CC His_PP$ exaltatio
n_NN to_IN the_AT right_JJ hand_NN of_IN God_NP ._. Super_NN-HL again_RB-HL elec
ted_VBN-HL Friday_NR afternoon_NN the_AT Rev._NP T._NP F._NP Zimmerman_NP was_BE
DZ reelected_VBN for_IN his_PP$ second_OD consecutive_JJ two-year_JJ term_NN as_
CS general_JJ superintendent_NN of_IN Assemblies_NNS-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ._. H
is_PP$ offices_NNS are_BER in_IN Springfield_NP ,_, Mo._NP ._. Election_NN came_
VBD on_IN the_AT nominating_VBG ballot_NN ._. Friday_NR night_NN the_AT delegate
s_NNS heard_VBD the_AT need_NN for_IN their_PP$ forthcoming_JJ program_NN ,_, ``
_`` Breakthrough_NN-TL ''_'' scheduled_VBN to_TO fill_VB the_AT churches_NNS for
_IN the_AT next_AP two_CD years_NNS ._. In_IN his_PP$ opening_VBG address_NN Wed
nesday_NR the_AT Rev._NP Mr._NP Zimmerman_NP ,_, urged_VBD the_AT delegates_NNS
to_TO consider_VB a_AT 10-year_JJ expansion_NN program_NN ,_, with_IN ``_`` Brea
kthrough_NN-TL ''_'' the_AT theme_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD two_CD years_NNS ._.
The_AT Rev._NP R._NP L._NP Brandt_NP ,_, national_JJ secretary_NN of_IN the_AT
home_NR missions_NNS department_NN ,_, stressed_VBD the_AT need_NN for_IN the_AT
first_OD two_CD years'_NNS$ work_NN ._. ``_`` Surveys_NNS show_VB that_CS one_C
D out_IN of_IN three_CD Americans_NPS has_HVZ vital_JJ contact_NN with_IN the_AT
church_NN ._. This_DT means_VBZ that_CS more_AP than_IN 100_CD million_CD have_
HV no_AT vital_JJ touch_NN with_IN the_AT church_NN or_CC religious_JJ life_NN '
'_'' ,_, he_PPS told_VBD delegates_NNS Friday_NR ._. Church_NN-HL loses_VBZ-HL p
ace_NN-HL Talking_VBG of_IN the_AT rapid_JJ population_NN growth_NN (_( upwards_
RB of_IN 12,000_CD babies_NNS born_VBN daily_RB )_) with_IN an_AT immigrant_NN e
ntering_VBG the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL every_AT 1-1/2_CD minutes_NNS ,_,
he_PPS said_VBD ``_`` our_PP$ organization_NN has_HVZ not_* been_BEN keeping_VB
G pace_NN with_IN this_DT challenge_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` In_IN 35_CD years_NNS we_
PPSS have_HV opened_VBN 7,000_CD churches_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT Rev._NP Mr._NP Br
andt_NP said_VBD ,_, adding_VBG that_CS the_AT denomination_NN had_HVD a_AT nati
onal_JJ goal_NN of_IN one_CD church_NN for_IN every_AT 10,000_CD persons_NNS ._.
``_`` In_IN this_DT light_NN we_PPSS need_VB 1,000_CD churches_NNS in_IN Illino
is_NP ,_, where_WRB we_PPSS have_HV 200_CD ;_. ;_. 800_CD in_IN Southern_JJ-TL N
ew_JJ-TL England_NP ,_, we_PPSS have_HV 60_CD ;_. ;_. we_PPSS need_VB 100_CD in_
IN Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, we_PPSS have_HV none_PN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VB
D ._. To_TO step_VB up_RP the_AT denomination's_NN$ program_NN ,_, the_AT Rev._N
P Mr._NP Brandt_NP suggested_VBD the_AT vision_NN of_IN 8,000_CD new_JJ Assembli
es_NNS-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL churches_NNS in_IN the_AT next_AP 10_CD years_NNS .
_. To_TO accomplish_VB this_DT would_MD necessitate_VB some_DTI changes_NNS in_I
N methods_NNS ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. '_' church_NN-HL meets_VBZ-HL change_NN-HL
'_' ``_`` The_AT church's_NN$ ability_NN to_TO change_VB her_PP$ methods_NNS is
_BEZ going_VBG to_TO determine_VB her_PP$ ability_NN to_TO meet_VB the_AT challe
nge_NN of_IN this_DT hour_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT capsule_NN view_NN of_IN proposed_VB
N plans_NNS includes_VBZ :_: --_-- Encouraging_VBG by_IN every_AT means_NNS ,_,
all_ABN existing_VBG Assemblies_NNS-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL churches_NNS to_TO sta
rt_VB new_JJ churches_NNS ._. --_-- Engaging_VBG mature_JJ ,_, experienced_VBN m
en_NNS to_TO pioneer_VB or_CC open_VB new_JJ churches_NNS in_IN strategic_JJ pop
ulation_NN centers_NNS ._. --_-- Surrounding_VBG pioneer_NN pastors_NNS with_IN
vocational_JJ volunteers_NNS (_( laymen_NNS ,_, who_WPS will_MD be_BE urged_VBN
to_TO move_VB into_IN the_AT area_NN of_IN new_JJ churches_NNS in_IN the_AT inte
rest_NN of_IN lending_VBG their_PP$ support_NN to_IN the_AT new_JJ project_NN )_
) ._. --_-- Arranging_VBG for_IN ministerial_JJ graduates_NNS to_TO spend_VB fro
m_IN 6-12_CD months_NNS as_CS apprentices_NNS in_IN well-established_JJ churches
_NNS ._. U.S._NP-TL Dist._NN-TL Judge_NN-TL Charles_NP L._NP Powell_NP denied_VB
D all_ABN motions_NNS made_VBN by_IN defense_NN attorneys_NNS Monday_NR in_IN Po
rtland's_NP$ insurance_NN fraud_NN trial_NN ._. Denials_NNS were_BED of_IN motio
ns_NNS of_IN dismissal_NN ,_, continuance_NN ,_, mistrial_NN ,_, separate_JJ tri
al_NN ,_, acquittal_NN ,_, striking_NN of_IN testimony_NN and_CC directed_VBN ve
rdict_NN ._. In_IN denying_VBG motions_NNS for_IN dismissal_NN ,_, Judge_NN-TL P
owell_NP stated_VBD that_CS mass_NN trials_NNS have_HV been_BEN upheld_VBN as_CS
proper_JJ in_IN other_AP courts_NNS and_CC that_CS ``_`` a_AT person_NN may_MD
join_VB a_AT conspiracy_NN without_IN knowing_VBG who_WPS all_ABN of_IN the_AT c
onspirators_NNS are_BER ''_'' ._. Attorney_NN Dwight_NP L._NP Schwab_NP ,_, in_I
N behalf_NN of_IN defendant_NN Philip_NP Weinstein_NP ,_, argued_VBD there_EX is
_BEZ no_AT evidence_NN linking_VBG Weinstein_NP to_IN the_AT conspiracy_NN ,_, b
ut_CC Judge_NN-TL Powell_NP declared_VBD this_DT is_BEZ a_AT matter_NN for_CS th
e_AT jury_NN to_TO decide_VB ._. Proof_NN-HL lack_NN-HL charged_VBN-HL Schwab_NP
also_RB declared_VBD there_EX is_BEZ no_AT proof_NN of_IN Weinstein's_NP$ enter
ing_VBG a_AT conspiracy_NN to_TO use_VB the_AT U.S._NP mails_NNS to_TO defraud_V
B ,_, to_IN which_WDT federal_JJ prosecutor_NN A._NP Lawrence_NP Burbank_NP repl
ied_VBD :_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ not_* necessary_JJ that_CS a_AT defendant_NN act
ually_RB have_HV conpired_VBN to_TO use_VB the_AT U.S._NP mails_NNS to_TO defrau
d_VB as_QL long_RB as_CS there_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN of_IN a_AT conspiracy_NN ,_
, and_CC the_AT mails_NNS were_BED then_RB used_VBN to_TO carry_VB it_PPO out_RP
''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT afternoon_NN ,_, defense_NN attorneys_NNS began_VBD the_
AT presentation_NN of_IN their_PP$ cases_NNS with_IN opening_VBG statements_NNS
,_, some_DTI of_IN which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN deferred_VBN until_IN after_IN the
_AT government_NN had_HVD called_VBN witnesses_NNS and_CC presented_VBN its_PP$
case_NN ._. Miami_NP-HL ,_,-HL Fla._NP-HL ,_,-HL March_NP-HL 17_CD-HL --_-- The_
AT Orioles_NPS tonight_NR retained_VBD the_AT distinction_NN of_IN being_BEG the
_AT only_AP winless_JJ team_NN among_IN the_AT eighteen_CD Major-League_NN-TL cl
ubs_NNS as_CS they_PPSS dropped_VBD their_PP$ sixth_OD straight_JJ spring_NN exh
ibition_NN decision_NN ,_, this_DT one_CD to_IN the_AT Kansas_NP-TL City_NN-TL A
thletics_NNS-TL by_IN a_AT score_NN of_IN 5_CD to_IN 3_CD ._. Indications_NNS as
_QL late_RB as_CS the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT sixth_OD were_BED that_CS the_AT Bi
rds_NNS-TL were_BED to_TO end_VB their_PP$ victory_NN draught_NN as_CS they_PPSS
coasted_VBD along_RB with_IN a_AT 3-to-o_NN advantage_NN ._. Siebern_NP-HL hits
_VBZ-HL homer_NN-HL Over_IN the_AT first_OD five_CD frames_NNS ,_, Jack_NP Fishe
r_NP ,_, the_AT big_JJ righthander_NN who_WPS figures_VBZ to_TO be_BE in_IN the_
AT middle_NN of_IN Oriole_NP plans_NNS for_IN a_AT drive_NN on_IN the_AT 1961_CD
American_JJ-TL League_NN-TL pennant_NN ,_, held_VBD the_AT A's_NN scoreless_JJ
while_CS yielding_VBG three_CD scattered_VBN hits_NNS ._. Then_RB Dick_NP Hyde_N
P ,_, submarine-ball_NN hurler_NN ,_, entered_VBD the_AT contest_NN and_CC only_
AP five_CD batters_NNS needed_VBD to_TO face_VB him_PPO before_CS there_EX exist
ed_VBD a_AT 3-to-3_CD deadlock_NN ._. A_AT two-run_JJ homer_NN by_IN Norm_NP Sie
bern_NP and_CC a_AT solo_NN blast_NN by_IN Bill_NP Tuttle_NP tied_VBD the_AT gam
e_NN ,_, and_CC single_AP runs_NNS in_IN the_AT eighth_OD and_CC ninth_OD gave_V
BD the_AT Athletics_NNS-TL their_PP$ fifth_OD victory_NN in_IN eight_CD starts_N
NS ._. House_NP-TL-HL throws_VBZ-HL wild_RB-HL With_IN one_CD down_RP in_IN the_
AT eighth_OD ,_, Marv_NP Throneberry_NP drew_VBD a_AT walk_NN and_CC stole_VBD s
econd_OD as_CS Hyde_NP fanned_VBD Tuttle_NP ._. Catcher_NN Frank_NP House's_NP$
throw_NN in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO nab_VB Throneberry_NP was_BEDZ wide_RB and_
CC in_IN the_AT dirt_NN ._. Then_RB Heywood_NP Sullivan_NP ,_, Kansas_NP City_NN
-TL catcher_NN ,_, singled_VBD up_IN the_AT middle_NN and_CC Throneberry_NP was_
BEDZ across_RP with_IN what_WDT proved_VBD to_TO be_BE the_AT winning_VBG run_NN
._. Rookie_NN southpaw_NN George_NP Stepanovich_NP relieved_VBD Hyde_NP at_IN t
he_AT start_NN of_IN the_AT ninth_OD and_CC gave_VBD up_RP the_AT A's_NN fifth_O
D tally_NN on_IN a_AT walk_NN to_IN second_OD baseman_NN Dick_NP Howser_NP ,_, a
_AT wild_JJ pitch_NN ,_, and_CC Frank_NP Cipriani's_NP$ single_NN under_IN Short
stop_NN-TL Jerry_NP Adair's_NP$ glove_NN into_IN center_NN ._. The_AT Orioles_NP
S once_RB again_RB performed_VBD at_IN the_AT plate_NN in_IN powderpuff_NN fashi
on_NN ,_, gathering_VBG only_AP seven_CD blows_NNS off_IN the_AT offerings_NNS o
f_IN three_CD Kansas_NP City_NN-TL pitchers_NNS ._. Three_CD were_BED doubles_NN
S ,_, Brooks_NP Robinson_NP getting_VBG a_AT pair_NN and_CC Marv_NP Breeding_NP
one_CD ._. Hartman_NP-HL impressive_JJ-HL Bill_NP Kunkel_NP ,_, Bob_NP Hartman_N
P and_CC Ed_NP Keegan_NP did_DOD the_AT mound_NN chores_NNS for_IN the_AT club_N
N down_RP from_IN West_JJ-TL Palm_NN-TL Beach_NN-TL to_TO play_VB the_AT game_NN
before_IN 767_CD paying_VBG customers_NNS in_IN Miami_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL ._. T
he_AT Birds_NNS-TL got_VBD five_CD hits_NNS and_CC all_ABN three_CD of_IN their_
PP$ runs_NNS off_IN Kunkel_NP before_CS Hartman_NP took_VBD over_RP in_IN the_AT
top_NN of_IN the_AT fourth_OD ._. Hartman_NP ,_, purchased_VBN by_IN the_AT A's
_NN from_IN the_AT Milwaukee_NP Braves_NNS-TL last_AP fall_NN ,_, allowed_VBD no
_AT hits_NNS in_IN his_PP$ scoreless_JJ three-inning_JJ appearance_NN ,_, and_CC
merited_VBD the_AT triumph_NN ._. Keegan_NP ,_, a_AT 6-foot-3-inch_JJ 158-pound
er_NN ,_, gave_VBD up_RP the_AT Orioles'_NPS$ last_AP two_CD safeties_NNS over_I
N the_AT final_JJ three_CD frames_NNS ,_, escaping_VBG a_AT load_NN of_IN troubl
e_NN in_IN the_AT ninth_OD when_WRB the_AT Birds_NNS-TL threatened_VBD but_CC fa
iled_VBD to_TO tally_VB ._. Robinson_NP-HL doubles_VBZ-HL again_RB-HL In_IN the_
AT ninth_OD ,_, Robinson_NP led_VBD off_RP with_IN his_PP$ second_OD double_NN o
f_IN the_AT night_NN ,_, a_AT blast_NN off_IN the_AT fence_NN 375_CD feet_NNS de
ep_RB into_IN left_NR ._. Whitey_NP Herzog_NP ,_, performing_VBG in_IN right_NN
as_CS the_AT Orioles_NPS fielded_VBD possibly_RB their_PP$ strongest_JJT team_NN
of_IN the_AT spring_NN ,_, worked_VBD Keegan_NP for_IN a_AT base_NN on_IN balls
_NNS ._. Then_RB three_CD consecutive_JJ pinch-hitters_NNS failed_VBD to_TO prod
uce_VB ._. Pete_NP Ward_NP was_BEDZ sent_VBN in_RP for_IN House_NP and_CC ,_, af
ter_CS failing_VBG in_IN a_AT bunt_NN attempt_NN ,_, popped_VBD to_IN Howser_NP
on_IN the_AT grass_NN back_RB of_IN short_JJ ._. John_NP Powell_NP ,_, batting_V
BG for_IN Adair_NP ,_, fanned_VBD after_CS fouling_VBG off_RP two_CD 2-and-2_CD
pitches_NNS ,_, and_CC Buddy_NP Barker_NP ,_, up_RP for_IN Stepanovich_NP ,_, bo
unced_VBD out_RP sharply_RB to_IN Jerry_NP Lumpe_NP at_IN second_OD to_TO end_VB
the_AT 2-hour-and-27-minute_JJ contest_NN ._. The_AT Orioles_NPS got_VBD a_AT r
un_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD inning_NN when_WRB Breeding_NP ,_, along_IN with_IN
Robinson_NP ,_, the_AT two_CD Birds_NNS-TL who_WPS got_VBD a_AT pair_NN of_IN hi
ts_NNS ,_, doubled_VBD to_IN right_JJ center_NN ,_, moved_VBD to_IN third_OD on_
IN Russ_NP Snyder's_NP$ single_NN to_IN right_NN and_CC crossed_VBD on_IN Kunkel
's_NP$ wild_JJ pitch_NN into_IN the_AT dirt_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT plate
_NN ._. The_AT Flock_NN-TL added_VBD a_AT pair_NN of_IN tallies_NNS in_IN the_AT
third_OD on_IN three_CD straight_JJ hits_NNS after_IN two_CD were_BED out_RP ._
. Jackie_NP Brandt_NP singled_VBD deep_RB into_IN the_AT hole_NN at_IN short_JJ
to_TO start_VB the_AT rally_NN ._. Lumpe_NP-HL errs_VBZ-HL Jim_NP Gentile_NP bou
nced_VBD a_AT hard_JJ shot_NN off_IN Kunkel's_NP$ glove_NN and_CC beat_VBD it_PP
O out_RP for_IN a_AT single_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB Lumpe_NP grabbed_VBD the_AT b
all_NN and_CC threw_VBD it_PPO over_IN first_OD baseman_NN Throneberry's_NP$ hea
d_NN Brandt_NP took_VBD third_OD and_CC Gentile_NP second_OD on_IN the_AT error_
NN ._. Then_RB Robinson_NP slammed_VBD a_AT long_JJ double_NN to_IN left_JJ cent
er_NN to_TO score_VB both_ABX runners_NNS ._. When_WRB Robinson_NP tried_VBD to_
TO stretch_VB his_PP$ blow_NN into_IN a_AT triple_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ cut_VBN
down_RP in_IN a_AT close_JJ play_NN at_IN third_OD ,_, Tuttle_NP to_IN Andy_NP
Carey_NP ._. The_AT detailed_VBN rundown_NN on_IN the_AT Kansas_NP City_NN-TL sc
oring_NN in_IN the_AT sixth_OD went_VBD like_CS this_DT :_: Lumpe_NP worked_VBD
a_AT walk_NN as_CS the_AT first_OD batter_NN to_TO face_VB Hyde_NP and_CC romped
_VBD around_RB as_CS Siebern_NP blasted_VBD Hyde's_NP$ next_AP toss_NN 415_CD fe
et_NNS over_IN the_AT scoreboard_NN in_IN right_JJ center_NN ._. Carey_NP-HL Sin
gles_VBZ-HL Carey_NP singled_VBD on_IN a_AT slow-bouncing_JJ ball_NN to_IN short
_JJ which_WDT Robinson_NP cut_VBD across_RP to_TO field_VB and_CC threw_VBD wide
_RB to_IN first_OD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ ruled_VBN a_AT difficult_JJ chance_NN and
_CC a_AT hit_NN ._. Then_RB Throneberry_NP rapped_VBD into_IN a_AT fast_JJ doubl
e_JJ play_NN ._. Breeding_NP to_IN Adair_NP to_IN Gentile_NP ,_, setting_VBG up_
RP Tuttle's_NP$ 390-foot_JJ homer_NN over_IN the_AT wall_NN in_IN left_JJ center
_NN ._. If_CS the_AT Orioles_NPS are_BER to_TO break_VB their_PP$ losing_VBG str
eak_NN within_IN the_AT next_AP two_CD days_NNS ,_, it_PPS will_MD have_HV to_TO
be_BE at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL League_NN-TL champion
_NN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankees_NPS-TL ,_, who_WPS come_VB in_RP here_RB tomorr
ow_NR for_IN a_AT night_NN game_NN and_CC a_AT single_AP test_NN Sunday_NR after
noon_NN ._. Miami_NP-HL ,_,-HL Fla._NP-HL ,_,-HL March_NP-HL 17_CD-HL --_-- The_
AT flavor_NN of_IN Baltimore's_NP$ Florida_NP-TL Grapefruit_NN-TL League_NN-TL n
ews_NN ripened_VBD considerably_RB late_JJ today_NR when_WRB the_AT Orioles_NPS
were_BED advised_VBN that_CS Ron_NP Hansen_NP has_HVZ fulfilled_VBN his_PP$ obli
gations_NNS under_IN the_AT Army's_NN$-TL military_NN training_VBG program_NN an
d_CC is_BEZ ready_JJ for_IN belated_JJ spring_NN training_NN ._. Hansen_NP ,_, w
ho_WPS slugged_VBD the_AT 1960_CD Oriole_NP high_JJ of_IN 22_CD homers_NNS and_C
C drove_VBD in_RP 86_CD runs_NNS on_IN a_AT freshman_NN average_NN ,_, completes
_VBZ the_AT Birds'_NPS$ spring_NN squad_NN at_IN 49_CD players_NNS ._. The_AT bi
g_JJ ,_, 22-year-old_JJ shortstop_NN ,_, the_AT 1960_CD American_JJ-TL league_NN
``_`` rookie-of-the-year_NN ''_'' ,_, flew_VBD here_RB late_RB this_DT afternoo
n_NN from_IN Baltimore_NP ,_, signed_VBD his_PP$ contract_NN for_IN an_AT estima
ted_VBN $15,000_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ a_AT spectator_NN at_IN tonight's_NR$ 5-to-3
_CD loss_NN to_IN Kansas_NP City_NN-TL --_-- the_AT winless_JJ Birds'_NPS$ sixth
_OD setback_NN in_IN a_AT row_NN ._. 15_CD-HL pounds_NNS-HL lighter_JJR-HL The_A
T 6-foot_JJ 3-inch_JJ Hansen_NP checked_VBD in_RP close_RB to_IN 200_CD pounds_N
NS ,_, 15_CD pounds_NNS lighter_JJR than_CS his_PP$ reporting_VBG weight_NN last
_AP spring_NN ._. He_PPS hopes_VBZ to_TO melt_VB off_RP an_AT additional_JJ eigh
t_CD pounds_NNS before_CS the_AT Flock_NN-TL breaks_VBZ camp_NN three_CD weeks_N
NS hence_RB ._. When_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ inducted_VBN into_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL
at_IN Fort_NN-TL Knox_NP ,_, Ky._NP ,_, Hansen's_NP$ weight_NN had_HVD dropped_V
BN to_IN 180_CD --_-- ``_`` too_QL light_JJ for_CS me_PPO to_TO be_BE at_IN my_P
P$ best_JJT ''_'' he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS feel_VB good_JJ physically_RB
''_'' ,_, Hansen_NP added_VBD ,_, ``_`` but_CC I_PPSS think_VB I'll_PPSS+MD mov
e_VB better_RBR carrying_VBG a_AT little_QL less_AP weight_NN than_CS I'm_PPSS+B
EM carrying_VBG now_RB ''_'' ._. Seeks_VBZ-HL ``_`` improved_VBN-HL fielding_VBG
-HL ''_'' The_AT rangy_JJ ,_, Albany_NP (_( Cal._NP )_) native_NN ,_, a_AT surpr
ise_NN slugging_VBG sensation_NN for_IN the_AT Flock_NN-TL last_AP year_NN as_QL
well_RB as_CS a_AT defensive_JJ whiz_NN ,_, set_VBD ``_`` improved_VBN fielding
_NN ''_'' as_CS his_PP$ 1961_CD goal_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS think_VB I_PPSS can_MD
do_DO a_AT better_JJR job_NN with_IN the_AT glove_NN ,_, now_RB that_CS I_PPSS k
now_VB the_AT hitters_NNS around_IN the_AT league_NN a_AT little_QL better_JJR '
'_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. Hansen_NP will_MD engage_VB in_IN his_PP$ first_OD
workout_NN at_IN Miami_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL prior_RB to_IN the_AT opening_NN tomo
rrow_NR night_NN of_IN a_AT two-game_JJ weekend_NN series_NN with_IN the_AT New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankees_NPS-TL ._. Skinny_NP Brown_NP and_CC Hoyt_NP Wilhelm_NP
,_, the_AT Flock's_NN$-TL veteran_JJ knuckleball_NN specialists_NNS ,_, are_BER
slated_VBN to_TO oppose_VB the_AT American_JJ-TL League_NN-TL champions_NNS in_
IN tomorrow's_NR$ 8_CD P.M._RB contest_NN ._. Duren_NP-HL ,_,-HL Sheldon_NP-HL o
n_IN-HL hill_NN-HL Ryne_NP Duren_NP and_CC Roland_NP Sheldon_NP ,_, a_AT rookie_
NN righthander_NN who_WPS posted_VBD a_AT 15-1_CD record_NN last_AP year_NN for_
IN the_AT Yanks'_NPS$ Auburn_NP (_( N.Y._NP )_) farm_NN club_NN of_IN the_AT Cla
ss-D_NP New_JJ-TL York-Pennsylvania_NP-TL League_NN-TL ,_, are_BER the_AT probab
le_JJ rival_JJ pitchers_NNS ._. Twenty-one-year-old_JJ Milt_NP Pappas_NP and_CC
Jerry_NP Walker_NP ,_, 22_CD ,_, are_BER scheduled_VBN to_TO share_VB the_AT Ori
ole_NP mound_NN chores_NNS against_IN the_AT Bombers'_NNS$-TL Art_NP Ditmar_NP i
n_IN Sunday's_NR$ 2_CD P.M._RB encounter_NN ._. Ralph_NP Houk_NP ,_, successor_N
N to_IN Casey_NP Stengel_NP at_IN the_AT Yankee_NP helm_NN ,_, plans_VBZ to_TO b
ring_VB the_AT entire_JJ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL squad_NN here_RB from_IN St._NP Pe
tersburg_NP ,_, including_IN Joe_NP Dimaggio_NP and_CC large_JJ crowds_NNS are_B
ER anticipated_VBN for_IN both_ABX weekend_NN games_NNS ._. The_AT famed_JJ Yank
ee_JJ-TL Clipper_NP-TL ,_, now_RB retired_VBN ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN assisting_VBG
as_CS a_AT batting_VBG coach_NN ._. Squad_NN-HL cut_NN-HL near_RB-HL Pitcher_NN
Steve_NP Barber_NP joined_VBD the_AT club_NN one_CD week_NN ago_RB after_CS com
pleting_VBG his_PP$ hitch_NN under_IN the_AT Army's_NN$-TL accelerated_VBN winte
rtime_NN military_JJ course_NN ,_, also_RB at_IN Fort_NN-TL Knox_NP ,_, Ky._NP .
_. The_AT 22-year-old_JJ southpaw_NN enlisted_VBD earlier_RBR last_AP fall_NN th
an_CS did_DOD Hansen_NP ._. Baltimore's_NP$ bulky_JJ spring-training_NN continge
nt_NN now_RB gradually_RB will_MD be_BE reduced_VBN as_CS Manager_NN-TL Paul_NP
Richards_NP and_CC his_PP$ coaches_NNS seek_VB to_TO trim_VB it_PPO down_RP to_I
N a_AT more_QL streamlined_VBN and_CC workable_JJ unit_NN ._. ``_`` Take_VB a_AT
ride_NN on_IN this_DT one_CD ''_'' ,_, Brooks_NP Robinson_NP greeted_VBD Hansen
_NP as_CS the_AT Bird_NP third_OD sacker_NN grabbed_VBD a_AT bat_NN ,_, headed_V
BD for_IN the_AT plate_NN and_CC bounced_VBD a_AT third-inning_NN two-run_JJ dou
ble_NN off_IN the_AT left-centerfield_NN wall_NN tonight_NR ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ
the_AT first_OD of_IN two_CD doubles_NNS by_IN Robinson_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ
in_IN a_AT mood_NN to_TO celebrate_VB ._. Just_RB before_IN game_NN time_NN ,_,
Robinson's_NP$ pretty_JJ wife_NN ,_, Connie_NP informed_VBD him_PPO that_CS an_A
T addition_NN to_IN the_AT family_NN can_MD be_BE expected_VBN late_JJ next_AP s
ummer_NN ._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, Brooks's_NP$ teammates_NNS were_BED not_* in_I
N such_QL festive_JJ mood_NN as_CS the_AT Orioles_NPS expired_VBD before_IN the_
AT seven-hit_JJ pitching_NN of_IN three_CD Kansas_NP City_NN-TL rookie_NN hurler
s_NNS ._. Hansen_NP arrived_VBD just_QL before_IN nightfall_NN ,_, two_CD hours_
NNS late_RB ,_, in_IN company_NN with_IN Lee_NP MacPhail_NP ;_. ;_. J._NP A._NP
W._NP Iglehart_NP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN the_AT Oriole_NP board_NN of_IN director
s_NNS ,_, and_CC Public_JJ-TL Relations_NNS-TL Director_NN-TL Jack_NP Dunn_NP ._
. Their_PP$ flight_NN was_BEDZ delayed_VBN ,_, Dunn_NP said_VBD ,_, when_WRB a_A
T boarding_VBG ramp_NN inflicted_VBD some_DTI minor_JJ damage_NN to_IN the_AT wi
ng_NN of_IN the_AT plane_NN ._. Ex-Oriole_NP Clint_NP Courtney_NP ,_, now_RB cat
ching_VBG for_IN the_AT A's_NN is_BEZ all_ABN for_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL Leagu
e's_NN$-TL 1961_CD expansion_NN to_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Coast_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Bu
t_CC they_PPSS shouldda_MD+HV brought_VBN in_RP Tokyo_NP ,_, too_RB ''_'' ,_, ad
ded_VBD Old_JJ-TL Scrapiron_NP-TL ._. ``_`` Then_RB we'd_PPSS+MD really_RB have_
HV someplace_NN to_TO go_VB ''_'' ._. Bowie_NP-HL ,_,-HL Md._NP-HL ,_,-HL March_
NP-HL 17_CD-HL --_-- Gaining_VBG her_PP$ second_OD straight_JJ victory_NN ,_, No
rman_NP B._NP ,_, Small_NP ,_, Jr.'s_NP$ Garden_NN-TL Fresh_JJ-TL ,_, a_AT 3-yea
r-old_JJ filly_NN ,_, downed_VBD promising_JJ colts_NNS in_IN the_AT $4,500_NNS
St._NN-TL Patrick's_NP$-TL Day_NN-TL Purse_NN-TL ,_, featured_VBN seventh_OD rac
e_NN here_RB today_NR ,_, and_CC paid_VBD $7.20_NNS straight_RB ._. Toying_VBG w
ith_IN her_PP$ field_NN in_IN the_AT early_JJ stages_NNS ,_, Garden_NN-TL Fresh_
JJ-TL was_BEDZ asked_VBN for_IN top_NN speed_NN only_RB in_IN the_AT stretch_NN
by_IN Jockey_NN-TL Philip_NP Grimm_NP and_CC won_VBD by_IN a_AT length_NN and_CC
a_AT half_ABN in_IN 1.24_CD 3-5_CD for_IN the_AT 7_CD furlongs_NNS ._. 8,280_CD
-HL attend_VB-HL races_NNS-HL Richard_NP M._NP Forbes's_NP$ Paget_NP ,_, which_W
DT had_HVD what_WDT seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT substantial_JJ lead_NN in_IN the
_AT early_JJ stages_NNS ,_, tired_VBD rapidly_RB nearing_VBG the_AT wire_NN and_
CC was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO save_VB place_NN money_NN only_RB a_AT head_NN in_IN f
ront_NN of_IN Glen_NP T._NP Hallowell's_NP$ Milties_NP Miss_NP ._. A_AT bright_J
J sun_NN and_CC brisk_JJ wind_NN had_HVD the_AT track_NN in_IN a_AT fast_JJ cond
ition_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN this_DT week_NN and_CC 8,280_CD St._NN-T
L Patty_NP-TL Day_NN-TL celebrants_NNS bet_VBD $842,617_NNS on_IN the_AT well-pr
epared_JJ program_NN ._. Prior_RB to_IN the_AT featured_VBN race_NN ,_, the_AT s
tewards_NNS announced_VBD that_CS apprentice_NN James_NP P._NP Verrone_NP is_BEZ
suspended_VBN ten_CD days_NNS for_IN crowding_VBG horses_NNS and_CC crossing_VB
G the_AT field_NN sharply_RB in_IN two_CD races_NNS on_IN Wednesday_NR ._. Culmo
ne_NP-HL gets_VBZ-HL first_OD-HL win_NN-HL Garden_NN-TL Fresh_JJ-TL ,_, the_AT r
esult_NN of_IN a_AT mating_VBG of_IN Better_JJR-TL Self_NN-TL and_CC Rosy_JJ-TL
Fingered_VBD-TL ,_, seems_VBZ to_TO improve_VB with_IN each_DT start_NN and_CC a
ppeared_VBD to_TO win_VB the_AT St._NN-TL Patrick's_NP$-TL Day_NN-TL Purse_NN-TL
with_IN some_DTI speed_NN in_IN reserve_NN ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ moving_VBG up_R
P to_IN the_AT allowance_NN department_NN after_CS winning_VBG a_AT $10,000_NNS
claiming_VBG event_NN ._. Cleveland_NP-HL ,_,-HL March_NP-HL 17_CD-HL (_(-HL AP_
NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- George_NP Kerr_NP ,_, the_AT swift-striding_JJ Jamaican_NP ,_
, set_VBD a_AT meet_NN record_NN in_IN the_AT 600-yard_JJ run_NN in_IN the_AT Kn
ights_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Columbus_NP-TL track_NN meet_NN tonight_NR ,_, beating_VBG
Purdue's_NP$ Dave_NP Mills_NP in_IN a_AT hot_JJ duel_NN in_IN 1.10.1_CD ._. Ker
r_NP ,_, who_WPS set_VBD the_AT world_NN record_NN earlier_RBR this_DT month_NN
in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL with_IN a_AT clocking_NN of_IN 1.09.3_CD ,_, wiped_VB
D out_RP Mills's_NP$ early_JJ pace_NN and_CC beat_VBD the_AT young_JJ Big_JJ-TL
10_CD-TL quarter-mile_NN king_NN by_IN 5_CD yards_NNS ._. Both_ABX were_BED unde
r_IN the_AT meet_NN mark_NN of_IN 1.10.8_CD set_VBN in_IN 1950_CD by_IN Mal_NP W
hitfield_NP ._. Mills_NP shot_VBD out_RP in_IN front_NN and_CC kept_VBD the_AT l
ead_NN through_IN two_CD thirds_NNS of_IN the_AT race_NN ._. Then_RB Kerr_NP ,_,
a_AT graduate_NN student_NN from_IN Illinois_NP ,_, moved_VBD past_IN him_PPO o
n_IN a_AT straightaway_NN and_CC held_VBD off_RP Mills's_NP$ challenge_NN on_IN
the_AT final_JJ turn_NN ._. Mills_NP was_BEDZ timed_VBN in_IN 1.10.4_CD ._. The_
AT crowd_NN at_IN the_AT twenty-first_OD annual_JJ K._NP-TL of_IN-TL C._NP-TL Ga
mes_NNS-TL ,_, final_JJ indoor_JJ meet_NN of_IN the_AT season_NN ,_, got_VBD a_A
T thrill_NN a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS earlier_RBR when_WRB a_AT slender_JJ ,_, bes
pectacled_JJ woman_NN broke_VBD the_AT one-week-old_JJ world_NN record_NN in_IN
the_AT half-mile_NN run_NN ._. Mrs._NP Grace_NP Butcher_NP ,_, of_IN nearby_JJ C
hardon_NP ,_, a_AT 27-year-old_JJ housewife_NN who_WPS has_HVZ two_CD children_N
NS ,_, finished_VBD in_IN 2.21.6_CD ._. She_PPS snapped_VBD five_CD tenths_NNS o
f_IN a_AT second_NN off_IN the_AT mark_NN set_VBN by_IN Helen_NP Shipley_NP ,_,
of_IN Wellsley_NP-TL College_NN-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL A.A.U._NP-TL
meet_NN in_IN Columbus_NP ,_, Ohio_NP ._. San_NP-HL Francisco_NP-HL ,_,-HL March
_NP-HL 17_CD-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- Bobby_NP Waters_NP of_IN Sylvania_N
P ,_, Ga._NP ,_, relief_NN quarterback_NN for_IN the_AT San_NP Francisco_NP 49er
s_NPS of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Football_NN-TL League_NN-TL ,_, will_MD underg
o_VB a_AT knee_NN operation_NN tomorrow_NR at_IN Franklin_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL h
ere_RB ._. Waters_NP injured_VBD his_PP$ left_JJ knee_NN in_IN the_AT last_AP ga
me_NN of_IN the_AT 1960_CD season_NN ._. While_CS working_VBG out_RP in_IN Sylva
nia_NP a_AT swelling_NN developed_VBD in_IN the_AT knee_NN and_CC he_PPS came_VB
D here_RB to_TO consult_VB the_AT team_NN physician_NN ._. St._NP-HL Petersburg_
NP-HL ,_,-HL Fla._NP-HL ,_,-HL March_NP-HL 17_CD-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_--
Two_CD errors_NNS by_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankee_NP-TL shortstop_NN Tony_NP
Kubek_NP in_IN the_AT eleventh_OD inning_NN donated_VBD four_CD unearned_JJ runs
_NNS and_CC a_AT 5-to-2_CD victory_NN to_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL White_NN-TL Sox
_NPS-TL today_NR ._. Austin_NP-HL ,_,-HL Texas_NP-HL --_-- A_AT Texas_NP halfbac
k_NN who_WPS doesn't_DOZ* even_RB know_VB the_AT team's_NN$ plays_NNS ,_, Eldon_
NP Moritz_NP ,_, ranks_VBZ fourth_OD in_IN Southwest_JJ-TL Conference_NN-TL scor
ing_VBG after_IN three_CD games_NNS ._. Time_NN stands_VBZ still_RB every_AT tim
e_NN Moritz_NP ,_, a_AT 26-year-old_JJ Army_NN-TL Signal_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL veter
an_NN ,_, goes_VBZ into_IN the_AT field_NN ._. Although_CS he_PPS never_RB gets_
VBZ to_TO play_VB while_CS the_AT clock_NN is_BEZ running_VBG ,_, he_PPS gets_VB
Z a_AT big_JJ kick_NN --_-- several_AP every_AT Saturday_NR ,_, in_IN fact_NN --
_-- out_IN of_IN football_NN ._. Moritz_NP doesn't_DOZ* even_RB have_HV a_AT nos
e_NN guard_NN or_CC hip_NN pads_NNS but_CC he's_PPS+BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most
_QL valuable_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT Longhorn_NN-TL team_NN that_WPS will_MD
be_BE heavily_QL favored_VBN Saturday_NR over_IN Oklahoma_NP in_IN the_AT Cotto
n_NN-TL Bowl_NN-TL ._. That's_DT+BEZ because_CS he_PPS already_RB has_HVZ kicked
_VBN 14_CD extra_JJ points_NNS in_IN 15_CD tries_NNS ._. He_PPS ran_VBD his_PP$
string_NN of_IN successful_JJ conversions_NNS this_DT season_NN to_IN 13_CD stra
ight_RB before_CS one_CD went_VBD astray_RB last_AP Saturday_NR night_NN in_IN t
he_AT 41-8_CD slaughter_NN of_IN Washington_NP-TL State_NN-TL ._. Moritz_NP is_B
EZ listed_VBN on_IN the_AT Longhorn_NN-TL roster_NN as_CS a_AT right_JJ halfback
_NN ,_, the_AT position_NN at_IN which_WDT he_PPS lettered_VBD on_IN the_AT 1956
_CD team_NN ._. But_CC ask_VB coach_NN Darrell_NP Royal_NP what_WDT position_NN
he_PPS plays_VBZ and_CC you'll_PPSS+MD get_VB the_AT quick_JJ response_NN ,_, ``
_`` place-kicker_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT 208-pound_JJ ,_, 6-foot_JJ 1-inch_NN senior_N
N from_IN Stamford_NP ,_, Moritz_NP practices_VBZ nothing_PN but_IN place-kickin
g_NN ._. Last_AP year_NN ,_, when_WRB he_PPS worked_VBD out_RP at_IN halfback_NN
all_ABN season_NN ,_, he_PPS didn't_DOD* get_VB into_IN a_AT single_AP game_NN
._. ``_`` This_DT year_NN ,_, coach_NN Royal_JJ-TL told_VBD me_PPO if_CS I'd_PPS
S+MD work_VB on_IN my_PP$ place-kicking_NN he_PPS thought_VBD he_PPS could_MD us
e_VB me_PPO ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Moritz_NP ._. ``_`` So_RB I_PPSS started_VBD prac
ticing_VBG on_IN it_PPO in_IN spring_NN training_NN ._. Moritz_NP was_BEDZ bothe
red_VBN during_IN the_AT first_OD two_CD games_NNS this_DT year_NN by_IN a_AT pu
lled_VBN muscle_NN in_IN the_AT thigh_NN of_IN his_PP$ right_JJ (_( kicking_VBG
)_) leg_NN and_CC ,_, as_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, several_AP of_IN his_PP$ successf
ul_JJ conversions_NNS have_HV gone_VBN barely_QL far_RB enough_QLP ._. Moritz_NP
said_VBD Monday_NR his_PP$ leg_NN feels_VBZ fine_JJ and_CC ,_, as_CS a_AT resul
t_NN ,_, he_PPS hopes_VBZ to_TO start_VB practicing_VBG field_NN goals_NNS this_
DT week_NN ._. He_PPS kicked_VBD several_AP while_CS playing_VBG at_IN Stamford_
NP-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ,_, including_IN one_CD that_WPS beat_VBD Anson_NP
,_, 3-0_CD ,_, in_IN a_AT 1953_CD district_NN game_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS kicked_V
BD about_RB 110_CD extra_JJ points_NNS in_IN 135_CD tries_NNS during_IN three_CD
years_NNS in_IN high_JJ school_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` and_CC ma
de_VBD 26_CD in_IN a_AT row_NN at_IN one_CD time_NN ._. I_PPSS never_RB did_DOD
miss_VB one_CD in_IN a_AT playoff_NN game_NN --_-- I_PPSS kicked_VBD about_RB 20
_CD in_IN the_AT five_CD playoff_NN games_NNS my_PP$ last_AP two_CD years_NNS ''
_'' ._. Moritz_NP came_VBD to_IN Texas_NP in_IN 1954_CD but_CC his_PP$ freshman_
NN football_NN efforts_NNS were_BED hampered_VBN by_IN a_AT knee_NN injury_NN ._
. He_PPS missed_VBD the_AT 1955_CD season_NN because_RB of_IN an_AT operation_NN
on_IN the_AT ailing_VBG knee_NN ,_, then_RB played_VBD 77_CD minutes_NNS in_IN
1956_CD ._. His_PP$ statistical_JJ record_NN that_DT year_NN ,_, when_WRB Texas_
NP won_VBD only_AP one_CD game_NN and_CC lost_VBD nine_CD ,_, was_BEDZ far_RB fr
om_IN impressive_JJ :_: he_PPS carried_VBD the_AT ball_NN three_CD times_NNS for
_IN a_AT net_NN gain_NN of_IN 10_CD yards_NNS ,_, punted_VBD once_RB for_IN 39_C
D yards_NNS and_CC caught_VBD one_CD pass_NN for_IN 13_CD yards_NNS ._. He_PPS w
ent_VBD into_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL in_IN March_NP ,_, 1957_CD ,_, and_CC returned
_VBD two_CD years_NNS later_RBR ._. But_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ scholastically_RB ine
ligible_JJ in_IN 1959_CD and_CC merely_QL present_RB last_AP season_NN ._. Place
_NN kicking_NN is_BEZ largely_RB a_AT matter_NN of_IN timing_VBG ,_, Moritz_NP d
eclared_VBD ._. ``_`` Once_CS you_PPSS get_VB the_AT feel_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, th
ere's_EX+BEZ not_* much_AP to_IN it_PPO ._. I've_PPSS+HV tried_VBN to_TO teach_V
B some_DTI of_IN the_AT other_AP boys_NNS to_TO kick_VB and_CC some_DTI of_IN th
em_PPO can't_MD* seem_VB to_TO get_VB the_AT feel_NN ._. Practice_NN helps_VBZ y
ou_PPO to_TO get_VB your_PP$ timing_NN down_RP ._. ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ kind_NN of
_IN like_CS golf_NN --_-- if_CS you_PPSS don't_DO* swing_VB a_AT club_NN very_QL
often_RB ,_, your_PP$ timing_NN gets_VBZ off_RP ''_'' ._. Moritz_NP ,_, however
_WRB ,_, kicks_VBZ only_RB about_RB 10_CD or_CC 12_CD extra_JJ points_NNS during
_IN each_DT practice_NN session_NN ._. ``_`` If_CS you_PPSS kick_VB too_QL much_
RB ,_, your_PP$ leg_NN gets_VBZ kinda_QL dead_JJ ''_'' ,_, he_PPS explained_VBD
._. Footnotes_NNS-HL :_:-HL In_IN their_PP$ first_OD three_CD games_NNS ,_, the_
AT Longhorns_NNS-TL have_HV had_HVN the_AT ball_NN 41_CD times_NNS and_CC scored
_VBN 16_CD times_NNS ,_, or_CC 40_CD per_IN cent_NN ;_. ;_. their_PP$ total_NN p
assing_VBG yardage_NN in_IN three_CD games_NNS ,_, 447_CD on_IN 30_CD completion
s_NNS in_IN 56_CD attempts_NNS ,_, is_BEZ only_AP 22_CD yards_NNS short_JJ of_IN
their_PP$ total_NN passing_VBG yardage_NN in_IN 1959_CD ,_, when_WRB they_PPSS
made_VBD 469_CD on_IN 37_CD completions_NNS in_IN 86_CD tries_NNS ._. Tailback_N
N James_NP Saxton_NP already_RB has_HVZ surpassed_VBN his_PP$ rushing_VBG total_
NN for_IN his_PP$ brilliant_JJ sophomore_NN season_NN ,_, when_WRB he_PPS netted
_VBD 271_CD yards_NNS on_IN 55_CD carries_VBZ ;_. ;_. he_PPS now_RB has_HVZ 273_
CD yards_NNS in_IN 22_CD tries_NNS during_IN three_CD games_NNS ._. Saxton_NP ha
s_HVZ made_VBN only_AP one_CD second-half_NN appearance_NN this_DT season_NN and
_CC that_DT was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT Washington_NP-TL State_NN-TL game_NN ,_, for_I
N four_CD plays_NNS :_: he_PPS returned_VBD the_AT kickoff_NN 30_CD yards_NNS ,_
, gained_VBD five_CD yards_NNS through_IN the_AT line_NN and_CC then_RB uncorked
_VBD a_AT 56-yard_JJ touchdown_NN run_NN before_CS retiring_VBG to_IN the_AT ben
ch_NN ._. Wingback_NN Jack_NP Collins_NP injured_VBD a_AT knee_NN in_IN the_AT W
ashington_NP-TL State_NN-TL game_NN but_CC insists_VBZ he'll_PPS+MD be_BE ready_
JJ for_IN Oklahoma_NP ._. Last_AP week_NN ,_, when_WRB Royal_JJ-TL was_BEDZ info
rmed_VBN that_CS three_CD Longhorns_NNS-TL were_BED among_IN the_AT conference's
_NN$ top_JJS four_CD in_IN rushing_VBG ,_, he_PPS said_VBD :_: ``_`` That_DT won
't_MD* last_VB long_RB ''_'' ._. It_PPS didn't_DOD* ;_. ;_. Monday_NR ,_, he_PPS
had_HVD four_CD Longhorns_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT top_JJS four_CD ._. A_AT good_JJ
feeling_NN prevailed_VBD on_IN the_AT SMU_NN coaching_VBG staff_NN Monday_NR ,_,
but_CC attention_NN quickly_RB turned_VBD from_IN Saturday's_NR$ victory_NN to_
IN next_AP week's_NN$ problem_NN :_: Rice_NP University_NN-TL ._. The_AT Mustang
s_NPS don't_DO* play_VB this_DT week_NN ._. ``_`` We're_PPSS+BER just_QL real_QL
happy_JJ for_IN the_AT players_NNS ''_'' ,_, Coach_NN-TL Bill_NP Meek_NP said_V
BD of_IN the_AT 9-7_CD victory_NN over_IN the_AT Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL Academy_N
N-TL ._. ``_`` I_PPSS think_VB the_AT big_JJ thing_NN about_IN the_AT game_NN wa
s_BEDZ that_CS our_PP$ kids_NNS for_IN the_AT third_OD straight_JJ week_NN staye
d_VBD in_IN there_RB pitching_VBG and_CC kept_VBD the_AT pressure_NN on_IN ._. I
t_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD time_NN we've_PPSS+HV been_BEN ahead_RB this_DT s
eason_NN (_( when_WRB John_NP Richey_NP kicked_VBD what_WDT proved_VBD to_TO be_
BE the_AT winning_VBG field_NN goal_NN )_) ''_'' ._. Assistant_NN coach_NN John_
NP Cudmore_NP described_VBD victory_NN as_CS ``_`` a_AT good_JJ feeling_NN ,_, I
_PPSS think_VB ,_, on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT coaches_NNS and_CC the_AT p
layers_NNS ._. We_PPSS needed_VBD it_PPO and_CC we_PPSS got_VBD it_PPO ''_'' ._.
Meek_NP expressed_VBD particular_JJ gratification_NN at_IN the_AT defensive_JJ
performances_NNS of_IN end_NN Happy_NP Nelson_NP and_CC halfback_NN Billy_NP Gan
non_NP ._. Both_ABX turned_VBD in_RP top_JJS jobs_NNS for_IN the_AT second_OD st
raight_JJ game_NN ._. ``_`` Nelson_NP played_VBD magnificent_JJ football_NN ''_'
' ,_, Meek_NP praised_VBD ._. ``_`` He_PPS knocked_VBD down_RP the_AT interferen
ce_NN and_CC made_VBD key_JJS stops_NNS lots_NNS of_IN times_NNS ._. And_CC he_P
PS caused_VBD the_AT fumble_NN that_WPS set_VBD up_RP our_PP$ touchdown_NN ._. H
e_PPS broke_VBD that_CS boy_NN (_( Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL fullback_NN Nick_NP Ars
hinkoff_NP )_) in_IN two_CD and_CC knocked_VBD him_PPO loose_JJ from_IN the_AT f
ootball_NN ''_'' ._. Gannon_NP contributed_VBD saving_VBG plays_NNS on_IN the_AT
Falcons'_NNS$-TL aerial_JJ thrusts_NNS in_IN the_AT late_JJ stages_NNS ._. One_
CD was_BEDZ on_IN a_AT fourth-down_NN screen_NN pass_NN from_IN the_AT Mustang_N
P 21_CD after_IN an_AT incomplete_JJ pass_NN into_IN Gannon's_NP$ territory_NN .
_. ``_`` As_QL soon_RB as_CS it_PPS started_VBD to_TO form_VB ,_, Gannon_NP spot
ted_VBD it_PPO ''_'' ,_, Meek_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` He_PPS timed_VBD it_PPO just
_QL right_RB and_CC broke_VBD through_IN there_RB before_CS the_AT boy_NN (_( ha
lfback_NN Terry_NP Isaacson_NP )_) had_HVD time_NN to_TO turn_VB around_RB ._. H
e_PPS really_RB crucified_VBD him_PPO he_PPS nailed_VBD it_PPO for_IN a_AT yard_
NN loss_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT Air_NN-TL Force's_NN$-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT game's_NN
$ ,_, final_JJ play_NN ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT long_JJ pass_NN by_IN quarterback_NN Bo
b_NP McNaughton_NP which_WDT Gannon_NP intercepted_VBD on_IN his_PP$ own_JJ 44_C
D and_CC returned_VBD 22_CD yards_NNS ._. ``_`` He_PPS just_RB lay_VBD back_RB t
here_RB and_CC waited_VBD for_IN it_PPO ''_'' ,_, Meek_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` He_
PPS almost_RB brought_VBD it_PPO back_RB all_ABN the_AT way_NN ''_'' ._. Except_
IN for_IN sophomore_NN center_NN Mike_NP Kelsey_NP and_CC fullback_NN Mike_NP Ri
ce_NP ,_, Meek_NP expects_VBZ the_AT squad_NN to_TO be_BE physically_RB sound_JJ
for_IN Rice_NP ._. ``_`` Kelsey_NP is_BEZ very_QL doubtful_JJ for_IN the_AT Ric
e_NP game_NN ''_'' ,_, Meek_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` He'll_PPS+MD be_BE out_RP of_I
N action_NN all_ABN this_DT week_NN ._. He_PPS got_VBD hit_VBN from_IN the_AT bl
ind_JJ side_NN by_IN the_AT split_VBN end_NN coming_VBG back_RB on_IN the_AT sec
ond_OD play_NN of_IN the_AT game_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ definitely_RB some_DTI l
igament_NN damage_NN in_IN his_PP$ knee_NN ''_'' ._. Rice_NP has_HVZ not_* playe
d_VBN since_CS injuring_VBG a_AT knee_NN in_IN the_AT opener_NN with_IN Maryland
_NP ._. ``_`` He's_PPS+BEZ looking_VBG a_AT lot_NN better_JJR ,_, and_CC he's_PP
S+BEZ able_JJ to_TO run_VB ''_'' ,_, Meek_NP explained_VBD ._. ``_`` We'll_PPSS+
MD let_VB him_PPO do_DO a_AT lot_NN of_IN running_VBG this_DT week_NN ,_, but_CC
I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB if_CS he'll_PPS+MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO play_VB ''_'' .
_. The_AT game_NN players_NNS saw_VB the_AT Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL film_NN Monday
_NR ,_, ran_VBD for_IN 30_CD minutes_NNS ,_, then_RB went_VBD in_RP ,_, while_CS
the_AT reserves_NNS scrimmaged_VBD for_IN 45_CD minutes_NNS ._. ``_`` We'll_PPS
S+MD work_VB hard_RB Tuesday_NR ,_, Wednesday_NR and_CC Thursday_NR ''_'' ,_, Me
ek_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` and_CC probably_RB will_MD have_HV a_AT good_JJ scrimma
ge_NN Friday_NR ._. We'll_PPSS+MD work_VB out_RP about_RB an_AT hour_NN on_IN Sa
turday_NR ,_, then_RB we'll_PPSS+MD work_VB Monday_NR and_CC Tuesday_NR of_IN ne
xt_AP week_NN ,_, then_RB taper_VB off_RP ''_'' ._. SMU_NN will_MD play_VB the_A
T Owls_NNS-TL at_IN Rice_NP Stadium_NN-TL in_IN Houston_NP in_IN a_AT night_NN g
ame_NN Saturday_NR ,_, Oct._NP 21_CD ._. Huddle_NN-HL hearsay_NN-HL --_-- Held_V
BN out_IN of_IN Texas_NP Tech's_NP$ sweat-suits_NNS drill_NN Monday_NR at_IN Lub
bock_NP was_BEDZ tackle_NN Richard_NP Stafford_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ undergoing_
VBG treatment_NN for_IN a_AT leg_NN injury_NN suffered_VBN in_IN the_AT Raiders'
_NNS$-TL 38-7_CD loss_NN to_IN Texas_NP A_NN &_CC M_NN Because_RB of_IN its_PP$
important_JJ game_NN with_IN Arkansas_NP coming_VBG up_RP Saturday_NR ,_, Baylor
_NP worked_VBD out_RP in_IN the_AT rain_NN Monday_NR --_-- mud_NN or_CC no_AT mu
d_NN ._. End_NN Gene_NP Raesz_NP ,_, who_WPS broke_VBD a_AT hand_NN in_IN the_AT
Owl's_NN$-TL game_NN with_IN LSU_NN ,_, was_BEDZ back_RB working_VBG out_RP wit
h_IN Rice_NP Monday_NR ,_, and_CC John_NP Nichols_NP ,_, sophomore_NN guard_NN ,
_, moved_VBD back_RB into_IN action_NN after_IN a_AT week's_NN$ idleness_NN with
_IN an_AT ankle_NN injury_NN ._. The_AT Texas_NP Aggies_NPS got_VBD a_AT day_NN
off_RP Monday_NR --_-- a_AT special_JJ gift_NN from_IN Coach_NN-TL Jim_NP Myers_
NP for_IN its_PP$ conference_NN victory_NN last_AP Saturday_NR night_NN ,_, but_
CC Myers_NP announced_VBD that_CS halfback_NN George_NP Hargett_NP ,_, shaken_VB
N up_RP in_IN the_AT Tech_NP game_NN ,_, would_MD not_* play_VB against_IN Trini
ty_NP Saturday_NR ._. Halfback_NN Bud_NP Priddy_NP ,_, slowed_VBN for_IN almost_
RB a_AT month_NN by_IN a_AT slowly-mending_JJ sprained_VBN ankle_NN ,_, joined_V
BD TCU's_NN workout_NN Monday_NR ._. The_AT Dallas_NP Texans_NPS were_BED back_R
B home_NR Monday_NR with_IN their_PP$ third_OD victory_NN in_IN four_CD American
_JJ Football_NN-TL League_NN-TL starts_NNS --_-- a_AT 19-12_CD triumph_NN over_I
N the_AT Denver_NP Broncos_NNS-TL --_-- but_CC their_PP$ visit_NN will_MD be_BE
a_AT short_JJ one_CD ._. The_AT Texans_NPS have_HV two_CD more_AP road_NN games_
NNS --_-- at_IN Buffalo_NP and_CC Houston_NP --_-- before_CS they_PPSS play_VB f
or_IN the_AT home_NR folks_NNS again_RB ,_, and_CC it_PPS looks_VBZ as_CS if_CS
coach_NN Hank_NP Stram's_NP$ men_NNS will_MD meet_VB the_AT Bills_NPS just_RB as
_CS they_PPSS are_BER developing_VBG into_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN team_NN they_P
PSS were_BED expected_VBN to_TO be_BE in_IN pre-season_JJ reckonings_NNS ._. Buf
falo_NP coach_NN Buster_NP Ramsey_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ become_VBN one_CD of_IN
the_AT game's_NN$ greatest_JJT collectors_NNS of_IN quarterbacks_NNS ,_, appare
ntly_RB now_RB has_HVZ found_VBN a_AT productive_JJ pair_NN in_IN two_CD ex-Nati
onal_JJ-TL Football_NN-TL Leaguers_NNS-TL ,_, M._NP C._NP Reynolds_NP and_CC War
ren_NP Rabb_NP ._. Rabb_NP ,_, the_AT former_AP Louisiana_NP-TL State_NN-TL fiel
d_NN general_NN ,_, came_VBD off_IN the_AT bench_NN for_IN his_PP$ debut_NN with
_IN the_AT Bills_NPS Sunday_NR and_CC directed_VBD his_PP$ new_JJ team_NN to_IN
a_AT 22-12_CD upset_NN victory_NN over_IN the_AT Houston_NP Oilers_NPS ,_, defen
ding_VBG league_NN champions_NNS ._. ``_`` Just_RB our_PP$ luck_NN ''_'' !_. !_.
Exclaimed_VBD Stram_NP ._. ``_`` Buster_NP would_MD solve_VB that_DT quarterbac
k_NN problem_NN just_RB as_CS we_PPSS head_VB that_DT way_NN ''_'' ._. Ramsey_NP
has_HVZ a_AT thing_NN or_CC two_CD to_TO mutter_VB about_IN himself_PPL ,_, for
_CS the_AT Dallas_NP defensive_JJ unit_NN turned_VBD in_RP another_DT splendid_J
J effort_NN against_IN Denver_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Texans_NPS were_BED able_JJ t
o_TO whip_VB the_AT dangerous_JJ Broncs_NNS-TL without_IN the_AT fullbacking_NN
of_IN a_AT top_JJS star_NN ,_, Jack_NP Spikes_NP ,_, though_CS he_PPS did_DOD th
e_AT team's_NN$ place-kicking_NN while_CS nursing_VBG a_AT knee_NN injury_NN ._.
``_`` Our_PP$ interior_JJ line_NN and_CC out_PP$ linebackers_NNS played_VBD exc
eptionally_QL well_RB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Stram_NP Monday_NR after_CS he_PPS and_
CC his_PP$ staff_NN reviewed_VBD movies_NNS of_IN the_AT game_NN ._. ``_`` In_IN
fact_NN our_PP$ whole_JJ defensive_JJ unit_NN did_DOD a_AT good_JJ job_NN ''_''
._. The_AT Texans_NPS won_VBD the_AT game_NN through_IN ball_NN control_NN ,_,
with_IN Quarterback_NN-TL Cotton_NP Davidson_NP throwing_VBG only_AP 17_CD passe
s_NNS ._. ``_`` We_PPSS always_RB like_VB to_TO keep_VB the_AT ball_NN as_QL muc
h_AP as_CS we_PPSS can_MD against_IN Denver_NP because_CS they_PPSS have_HV such
_ABL an_AT explosive_JJ attack_NN ''_'' ,_, explained_VBD Stram_NP ._. ``_`` The
y_PPSS can_MD be_BE going_VBG along_RB ,_, doing_VBG little_AP damage_NN ,_, the
n_RB bang_UH ,_, bang_UH --_-- they_PPSS can_MD hit_VB a_AT couple_NN of_IN pass
es_NNS on_IN you_PPO for_IN touchdowns_NNS and_CC put_VBD you_PPO in_IN trouble_
NN ''_'' ._. The_AT Broncs_NNS-TL did_DOD hit_VB two_CD quick_JJ strikes_NNS in_
IN the_AT final_JJ period_NN against_IN the_AT Texans_NPS ,_, but_CC Dallas_NP h
ad_HVD enough_AP of_IN a_AT lead_NN to_TO hold_VB them_PPO off_RP ._. The_AT pri
ncipal_JJS tactic_NN in_IN controlling_VBG the_AT ball_NN was_BEDZ giving_VBG it
_PPO to_IN Abner_NP Haynes_NP ,_, the_AT flashy_JJ halfback_NN ._. He_PPS was_BE
DZ called_VBN upon_RB 26_CD times_NNS --_-- more_AP than_IN all_ABN of_IN the_AT
other_AP ball-carriers_NNS combined_VBN --_-- and_CC delivered_VBD 145_CD yards
_NNS ._. The_AT Texans_NPS made_VBD themselves_PPLS a_AT comforting_VBG break_NN
on_IN the_AT opening_VBG kickoff_NN when_WRB Denver's_NP$ Al_NP Carmichael_NP w
as_BEDZ jarred_VBN loose_JJ from_IN the_AT ball_NN when_WRB Dave_NP Grayson_NP ,
_, the_AT speedy_JJ halfback_NN ,_, hit_VBD him_PPO and_CC Guard_NN-TL Al_NP Rey
nolds_NP claimed_VBD it_PPO for_IN Dallas_NP ._. A_AT quick_JJ touchdown_NN resu
lted_VBD ._. ``_`` That_DT permitted_VBD us_PPO to_TO start_VB controlling_VBG t
he_AT ball_NN right_QL away_RB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Stram_NP ,_, quipping_VBG ,_,
``_`` I_PPSS think_VB I'll_PPSS+MD put_VB that_DT play_NN in_IN the_AT book_NN '
'_'' ._. The_AT early_JJ Southwest_JJ-TL Conference_NN-TL football_NN leaders_NN
S --_-- Texas_NP ,_, Arkansas_NP and_CC Texas_NP A_NN &_CC M_NN --_-- made_VBD a
_AT big_JJ dent_NN in_IN the_AT statistics_NNS last_AP week_NN ._. Texas'_NP$ 54
5-yard_JJ spree_NN against_IN Washington_NP-TL State_NN-TL gave_VBD the_AT Longh
orns_NNS-TL a_AT 3-game_JJ total_NN offense_NN of_IN 1,512_CD yards_NNS (_( 1,06
5_CD rushing_VBG and_CC 447_CD passing_VBG )_) a_AT new_JJ SWC_NN high_NN ._. Ar
kansas_NP combined_VBD 280_CD yards_NNS rushing_VBG with_IN 64_CD yards_NNS pass
ing_VBG (_( on_IN 5_CD completions_NNS in_IN 7_CD tosses_NNS )_) and_CC a_AT tou
gh_JJ defense_NN to_TO whip_VB TCU_NN ,_, and_CC A_NN &_CC M_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT
38-point_JJ bulge_NN against_IN Texas_NP Tech_NP ran_VBD up_RP its_PP$ biggest_
JJT total_NN loop_NN play_NN since_IN 1950_CD ._. Completing_VBG 12_CD of_IN 15_
CD passes_NNS for_IN 174_CD yards_NNS ,_, the_AT Aggies_NPS had_HVD a_AT total_N
N offense_NN of_IN 361_CD yards_NNS ._. Texas_NP leads_VBZ in_IN per-game_JJ rus
hing_VBG averages_NNS ,_, 355_CD yards_NNS ,_, and_CC passing_VBG 149_CD (_( to_
IN Baylor's_NP$ 126_CD )_) ,_, but_CC idle_JJ Baylor_NP has_HVZ the_AT best_JJT
defensive_JJ record_NN (_( 187.5_CD yards_NNS per_IN game_NN to_IN Texas'_NP$ 18
9_CD )_) ._. A_NN &_CC M_NN has_HVZ the_AT best_JJT defense_NN against_IN passes
_NNS ,_, 34.7_CD yards_NNS per_IN game_NN ._. Not_* satisfied_VBN with_IN variou
s_JJ unofficial_JJ checks_NNS on_IN the_AT liveliness_NN of_IN baseballs_NNS cur
rently_RB in_IN use_NN ,_, the_AT major_JJ leagues_NNS have_HV ordered_VBN their
_PP$ own_JJ tests_NNS ,_, which_WDT are_BER in_IN progress_NN at_IN Massachusett
s_NP-TL Institute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Technology_NN-TL ._. Rookie_NN-TL Ron_NP Nischw
itz_NP continued_VBD his_PP$ pinpoint_NN pitching_NN Monday_NR night_NN as_CS th
e_AT Bears_NNS-TL made_VBD it_PPO two_CD straight_RB over_IN Indianapolis_NP ,_,
5-3_CD ._. The_AT husky_JJ 6-3_CD ,_, 205-pound_JJ lefthander_NN ,_, was_BEDZ i
n_IN command_NN all_ABN the_AT way_NN before_IN an_AT on-the-scene_JJ audience_N
N of_IN only_AP 949_CD and_CC countless_JJ of_IN television_NN viewers_NNS in_IN
the_AT Denver_NP area_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ Nischwitz'_NP$ third_OD straight_J
J victory_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ season_NN and_CC ran_VBD the_AT Grizzlies'_NNS$
-TL winning_VBG streak_NN to_IN four_CD straight_JJ ._. They_PPSS now_RB lead_VB
Louisville_NP by_IN a_AT full_JJ game_NN on_IN top_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ-
TL Association_NN-TL pack_NN ._. Nischwitz_NP fanned_VBD six_CD and_CC walked_VB
D only_AP Charley_NP Hinton_NP in_IN the_AT third_OD inning_NN ._. He_PPS has_HV
Z given_VBN only_RB the_AT one_CD pass_NN in_IN his_PP$ 27_CD innings_NNS ,_, an
_AT unusual_JJ characteristic_NN for_IN a_AT southpaw_NN ._. The_AT Bears_NNS-TL
took_VBD the_AT lead_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD inning_NN ,_, as_CS they_PPSS did
_DOD in_IN Sunday's_NR$ opener_NN ,_, and_CC never_RB lagged_VBD ._. Dick_NP McA
uliffe_NP cracked_VBD the_AT first_OD of_IN his_PP$ two_CD doubles_NNS against_I
N Lefty_NN-TL Don_NP Rudolph_NP to_TO open_VB the_AT Bear's_NN$-TL attack_NN ._.
After_CS Al_NP Paschal_NP gruonded_VBD out_RP ,_, Jay_NP Cooke_NP walked_VBD an
d_CC Jim_NP McDaniel_NP singled_VBD home_NR McAuliffe_NP ._. Alusik_NP then_RB m
oved_VBD Cooke_NP across_RP with_IN a_AT line_NN drive_NN to_IN left_NR ._. Jay_
NP Porter_NP drew_VBD a_AT base_NN on_IN balls_NNS to_TO fill_VB the_AT bases_NN
S but_CC Don_NP Wert's_NP$ smash_NN was_BEDZ knocked_VBN down_RP by_IN Rudolph_N
P for_IN the_AT putout_NN ._. The_AT Bears_NNS-TL added_VBD two_CD more_AP in_IN
the_AT fifth_OD when_WRB McAuliffe_NP dropped_VBD a_AT double_NN into_IN the_AT
leftfield_NN corner_NN ,_, Paschal_NP doubled_VBD down_IN the_AT rightfield_NN
line_NN and_CC Cooke_NP singled_VBD off_IN Phil_NP Shartzer's_NP$ glove_NN ._. N
ischwitz_NP was_BEDZ working_VBG on_IN a_AT 3-hitter_NN when_WRB the_AT Indians_
NPS bunched_VBD three_CD of_IN their_PP$ eight_CD hits_NNS for_IN two_CD runs_NN
S in_IN the_AT sixth_OD ._. Chuck_NP Hinton_NP tripled_VBD to_IN the_AT rightfie
ld_NN corner_NN ,_, Cliff_NP Cook_NP and_CC Dan_NP Pavletich_NP singled_VBD and_
CC Gaines'_NP$ infield_NN roller_NN accounted_VBD for_IN the_AT tallies_NNS ._.
The_AT Bears_NNS-TL added_VBD their_PP$ last_AP run_NN in_IN the_AT sixth_OD on_
IN Alusik's_NP$ double_NN and_CC outfield_NN flies_NNS by_IN Porter_NP and_CC We
rt_NP ._. Gaines_NP hammered_VBD the_AT ball_NN over_IN the_AT left_JJ fence_NN
for_IN the_AT third_OD Indianapolis_NP run_NN in_IN the_AT ninth_OD ._. Despite_
IN the_AT 45-degree_JJ weather_NN the_AT game_NN was_BEDZ clicked_VBN off_RP in_
IN 1:48_CD ,_, thanks_NNS to_IN only_AP three_CD bases_NNS on_IN balls_NNS and_C
C some_DTI good_JJ infield_NN play_NN ._. Chico_NP Ruiz_NP made_VBD a_AT spectac
ular_JJ play_NN on_IN Alusik's_NP$ grounder_NN in_IN the_AT hole_NN in_IN the_AT
fourth_OD and_CC Wert_NP came_VBD up_RP with_IN some_DTI good_JJ stops_NNS and_
CC showed_VBD a_AT strong_JJ arm_NN at_IN third_OD base_NN ._. Bingles_NNS-HL an
d_CC-HL bobbles_NNS-HL :_:-HL Cliff_NP Cook_NP accounted_VBD for_IN three_CD of_
IN the_AT Tribe's_NN$-TL eight_CD hits_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT season's_N
N$ first_OD night_NN game_NN and_CC an_AT obvious_JJ refocusing_NN of_IN the_AT
lights_NNS are_BER in_IN order_NN ._. The_AT infield_NN was_BEDZ well_QL flooded
_VBN but_CC the_AT expanded_VBN outfield_NN was_BEDZ much_QL too_QL dark_JJ ._.
Mary_NP Dobbs_NP Tuttle_NP was_BEDZ back_RB at_IN the_AT organ_NN ._. Among_IN t
he_AT spectators_NNS was_BEDZ the_AT noted_VBN exotic_JJ dancer_NN ,_, Patti_NP
Waggin_NP who_WPS is_BEZ Mrs._NP Don_NP Rudolph_NP when_WRB off_IN the_AT stage_
NN ._. Lefty_NN-TL Wyman_NP Carey_NP ,_, another_DT Denver_NP rookie_NN ,_, will
_MD be_BE on_IN the_AT mound_NN against_IN veteran_NN John_NP Tsitouris_NP at_IN
8_CD o'clock_RB Tuesday_NR night_NN ._. Ed_NP Donnelly_NP is_BEZ still_RB bothe
red_VBN by_IN a_AT side_NN injury_NN and_CC will_MD miss_VB his_PP$ starting_VBG
turn_NN ._. Dallas_NP-HL ,_,-HL Tex._NP-HL ,_,-HL May_NP-HL 1_CD-HL --_-- (_( A
P_NP )_) --_-- Kenny_NP Lane_NP of_IN Muskegon_NP ,_, Mich._NP ,_, world's_NN$ s
eventh_OD ranked_VBN lightweight_NN ,_, had_HVD little_AP trouble_NN in_IN takin
g_VBG a_AT unanimous_JJ decision_NN over_IN Rip_NP Randall_NP of_IN Tyler_NP ,_,
Tex._NP ,_, here_RB Monday_NR night_NN ._. St._NP-HL Paul-Minneapolis_NP-HL ,_,
-HL May_NP-HL 1_CD-HL --_-- (_( AP_NP )_) --_-- Billy_NP Gardner's_NP$ line_NN d
ouble_NN ,_, which_WDT just_RB eluded_VBD the_AT diving_VBG Minnie_NP Minoso_NP
in_IN left_JJ field_NN ,_, drove_VBD in_RP Jim_NP Lemon_NP with_IN the_AT winnin
g_VBG run_NN with_IN two_CD out_RP in_IN the_AT last_NN of_IN the_AT ninth_OD to
_TO give_VB the_AT Minnesota_NP-TL Twins_NNS-TL a_AT 6-5_CD victory_NN over_IN t
he_AT Chicago_NP-TL White_NN-TL Sox_NPS-TL Monday_NR ._. Lemon_NP was_BEDZ on_RP
with_IN his_PP$ fourth_OD single_NN of_IN the_AT game_NN ,_, a_AT liner_NN to_I
N center_NN ._. He_PPS came_VBD all_ABN the_AT way_NN around_RB on_IN Gardner's_
NP$ hit_NN before_IN 5777_CD fans_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ Gardner's_NP$ second_O
D run_NN batted_VBN in_RP of_IN the_AT game_NN and_CC his_PP$ only_AP ones_NNS o
f_IN the_AT year_NN ._. Turk_NP Lown_NP was_BEDZ tagged_VBN with_IN the_AT loss_
NN ,_, his_PP$ second_OD against_IN no_AT victories_NNS ,_, while_CS Ray_NP Moor
e_NP won_VBD his_PP$ second_OD game_NN against_IN a_AT single_AP loss_NN ._. The
_AT Twins_NNS-TL tied_VBD the_AT score_NN in_IN the_AT sixth_OD inning_NN when_W
RB Reno_NP Bertoia_NP beat_VBD out_RP a_AT high_JJ chopper_NN to_IN third_OD bas
e_NN and_CC scored_VBD on_IN Lenny_NP Green's_NP$ double_NN to_IN left_NR ._. Th
e_AT White_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL had_HVD taken_VBN a_AT 5-4_CD lead_NN in_IN the_AT t
op_NN of_IN the_AT sixth_OD on_IN a_AT pair_NN of_IN pop_NN fly_NN hits_NNS --_-
- a_AT triple_NN by_IN Roy_NP Sievers_NP and_CC single_NN by_IN Camilo_NP Carreo
n_NP --_-- a_AT walk_NN and_CC a_AT sacrifice_NN fly_NN ._. Jim_NP Landis'_NP$ 3
80-foot_JJ home_NN run_NN over_IN left_NR in_IN the_AT first_OD inning_NN gave_V
BD the_AT Sox_NPS a_AT 1-0_CD lead_NN ,_, but_CC Harmon_NP Killebrew_NP came_VBD
back_RB in_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN the_AT first_OD with_IN his_PP$ second_OD
homer_NN in_IN two_CD days_NNS with_IN the_AT walking_VBG Bob_NP Allison_NP aboa
rd_RB ._. Al_NP Smith's_NP$ 340-blast_NN over_IN left_NR in_IN the_AT fourth_OD
--_-- his_PP$ fourth_OD homer_NN of_IN the_AT campaign_NN --_-- tied_VBD the_AT
score_NN and_CC Carreon's_NP$ first_OD major_JJ league_NN home_NN run_NN in_IN t
he_AT fifth_OD put_VBD the_AT Sox_NPS back_RB in_IN front_NN ._. A_AT double_NN
by_IN Green_JJ-TL ,_, Allison's_NP$ run-scoring_JJ 2-baser_NN ,_, an_AT infield_
NN single_NN by_IN Lemon_NP and_CC Gardner's_NP$ solid_JJ single_NN to_IN center
_NN put_VBD the_AT Twins_NNS-TL back_RB in_IN front_NN in_IN the_AT last_AP of_I
N the_AT fifth_OD ._. Ogden_NP-HL ,_,-HL Utah_NP-HL ,_,-HL May_NP-HL 1_CD-HL --_
-- (_( AP_NP )_) --_-- Boston_NP-TL Red_NN-TL Sox_NPS-TL Outfielder_NN-TL Jackie
_NP Jensen_NP said_VBD Monday_NR night_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ through_RP playing_VBG
baseball_NN ._. ``_`` I've_PPSS+HV had_HVN it_PPO ''_'' ,_, he_PPS told_VBD a_A
T newsman_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS know_VB when_WRB my_PP$ reflexes_NNS are_BER gone_
VBN and_CC I'm_PPSS+BEM not_* going_VBG to_TO be_BE any_DTI 25th_OD man_NN on_IN
the_AT ball_NN club_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD word_NN from_
IN Jensen_NP on_IN his_PP$ sudden_JJ walkout_NN ._. Jensen_NP got_VBD only_AP si
x_CD hits_NNS in_IN 46_CD at-bats_NNS for_IN a_AT batting_VBG average_NN in_IN t
he_AT first_OD 12_CD games_NNS ._. He_PPS took_VBD a_AT midnight_NN train_NN out
_RP of_IN Cleveland_NP Saturday_NR ,_, without_IN an_AT official_JJ word_NN to_I
N anybody_PN ,_, and_CC has_HVZ stayed_VBN away_RB from_IN newsmen_NNS on_IN his
_PP$ train_NN trip_NN across_IN the_AT nation_NN to_IN Reno_NP ,_, Nev._NP ,_, w
here_WRB his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, former_AP Olympic_JJ-TL Diving_NN-TL Champion_NN-TL
Zoe_NP Ann_NP Olsen_NP ,_, awaited_VBD ._. She_PPS said_VBD ,_, when_WRB she_PP
S learned_VBD Jackie_NP was_BEDZ heading_VBG home_NR :_: ``_`` I'm_PPSS+BEM just
_RB speculating_VBG ,_, but_CC I_PPSS have_HV to_TO think_VB Jack_NP feels_VBZ h
e's_PPS+BEZ hurting_VBG Boston's_NP$ chances_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT Union_NN-TL Pa
cific_NP-TL Railroad_NN-TL streamliner_NN ,_, City_NN-TL of_IN-TL San_NP Francis
co_NP ,_, stopped_VBD in_IN Ogden_NP ,_, Utah_NP ,_, for_IN a_AT few_AP minutes_
NNS ._. Sports_NNS-TL Writer_NN-TL Ensign_NP Ritchie_NP of_IN the_AT Ogden_NP-TL
Standard_JJ-TL Examiner_NN-TL went_VBD to_IN his_PP$ compartment_NN to_TO talk_
VB with_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT conductor_NN said_VBD to_IN Ritchie_NP :_: ``_`` I
_PPSS don't_DO* think_VB you_PPSS want_VB to_TO talk_VB to_IN him_PPO ._. You'll
_PPSS+MD probably_RB get_VB a_AT ball_NN bat_NN on_IN the_AT head_NN ._. He's_PP
S+BEZ mad_JJ at_IN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC Jackie_NP had_HVD gone_VBN i
nto_IN the_AT station_NN ._. Ritchie_NP walked_VBD up_RP to_IN him_PPO at_IN the
_AT magazine_NN stand_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO who_WPS I_PPSS was_BE
DZ and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ quite_QL cold_JJ ._. But_CC he_PPS warmed_VBD up_RP af
ter_IN a_AT while_NN ._. I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO what_WDT Liston_NP had_HVD said
_VBN and_CC he_PPS said_VBD Liston_NP was_BEDZ a_AT double-crosser_NN and_CC sai
d_VBD anything_PN he_PPS (_( Liston_NP )_) got_VBD was_BEDZ through_IN a_AT keyh
ole_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS had_HVD never_RB talked_VBN to_IN Liston_NP ''
_'' ._. Liston_NP is_BEZ Bill_NP Liston_NP ,_, baseball_NN writer_NN for_IN the_
AT Boston_NP-TL Traveler_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS quoted_VBD Jensen_NP as_CS saying_VBG
:_: ``_`` I_PPSS can't_MD* hit_VB anymore_RB ._. I_PPSS can't_MD* run_VB ._. I_
PPSS can't_MD* throw_VB ._. Suddenly_RB my_PP$ reflexes_NNS are_BER gone_VBN ._.
Just_RB when_WRB it_PPS seems_VBZ baseball_NN might_MD be_BE losing_VBG its_PP$
grip_NN on_IN the_AT masses_NNS up_RP pops_VBZ heroics_NNS to_TO start_VB milli
ons_NNS of_IN tongues_NNS to_IN wagging_VBG ._. And_CC so_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ ove
r_IN the_AT weekend_NN what_WDT with_IN 40-year-old_JJ Warren_NP Spahn_NP pitchi
ng_VBG his_PP$ no-hit_NN masterpiece_NN against_IN the_AT Giants_NNS-TL and_CC t
he_AT Giants'_NNS$-TL Willie_NP Mays_NP retaliating_VBG with_IN a_AT record-tyin
g_JJ 4-homer_JJ spree_NN Sunday_NR ._. Both_ABX ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, were_BED
remarkable_JJ feats_NNS and_CC further_RBR embossed_VBD the_AT fact_NN that_DT
baseball_NN rightfully_RB is_BEZ the_AT national_JJ pastime_NN ._. Of_IN the_AT
two_CD cherished_VBN achievements_NNS the_AT elderly_JJ Spahn's_NP$ hitless_JJ p
itching_NN probably_RB reached_VBD the_AT most_AP hearts_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ
a_AT real_JJ stimulant_NN to_IN a_AT lot_NN of_IN guys_NNS I_PPSS know_VB who_W
PS have_HV moved_VBN past_IN the_AT 2-score-year_JJ milestone_NN ._. And_CC one_
CD of_IN the_AT Milwaukee_NP rookies_NNS sighed_VBD and_CC remarked_VBD ,_, ``_`
` Wish_VB I_PPSS was_BEDZ 40_CD ,_, and_CC a_AT top-grade_NN big_JJ leaguer_NN .
_. The_AT modest_JJ and_CC happy_JJ Spahn_NP waved_VBD off_RP his_PP$ new_JJ lau
rels_NNS as_CS one_CD of_IN those_DTS good_JJ days_NNS ._. But_CC there_EX surel
y_RB can_MD be_BE no_AT doubt_NN about_IN the_AT slender_JJ southpaw_NN belongin
g_VBG with_IN the_AT all-time_JJ great_JJ lefthanders_NNS in_IN the_AT game's_NN
$ history_NN ._. Yes_RB ,_, with_IN Bob_NP Grove_NP ,_, Carl_NP Hubbell_NP ,_, H
erb_NP Pennock_NP ,_, Art_NP Nehf_NP ,_, Vernon_NP Gomez_NP ,_, et_FW-CC al_FW-N
NS ._. Spahn_NP not_* only_RB is_BEZ a_AT superior_JJ pitcher_NN but_CC a_AT gen
tlemanly_JJ fine_JJ fellow_NN ,_, a_AT ball_NN player's_NN$ ball_NN player_NN ,_
, as_CS they_PPSS say_VB in_IN the_AT trade_NN ._. I_PPSS remember_VB his_PP$ be
ardown_JJ performance_NN in_IN a_AT meaningless_JJ exhibition_NN game_NN at_IN B
ears_NNS-TL Stadium_NN-TL Oct._NP 14_CD ,_, 1951_CD ,_, before_IN a_AT new_JJ re
cord_NN crowd_NN for_IN the_AT period_NN of_IN 18,792_CD ._. ``_`` Spahnie_NP do
esn't_DOZ* know_VB how_WRB to_TO merely_RB go_VB through_IN the_AT motions_NNS '
'_'' ,_, remarked_VBD Enos_NP Slaughter_NP ,_, another_DT all-out_JJ guy_NN ,_,
who_WPS played_VBD rightfield_NN that_DT day_NN and_CC popped_VBD one_CD over_IN
the_AT clubhouse_NN ._. The_AT spectacular_JJ Mays_NP ,_, who_WPS reaches_VBZ a
_AT decade_NN in_IN the_AT big_JJ leagues_NNS come_VB May_NP 25_CD ,_, joined_VB
D six_CD other_AP sluggers_NNS who_WPS walloped_VBD four_CD home_NN runs_NNS in_
IN a_AT span_NN of_IN nine_CD innings_NNS ._. Incidentally_RB ,_, only_AP two_CD
did_DOD it_PPO before_IN a_AT home_NR audience_NN ._. Bobby_NP Lowe_NP of_IN Bo
ston_NP was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD to_TO hit_VB four_CD at_IN home_NR and_CC Gil_N
P Hodges_NP turned_VBD the_AT trick_NN in_IN Brooklyn's_NP$ Ebbetts_NP-TL Field_
NN-TL ._. Ed_NP Delahanty_NP and_CC Chuck_NP Klein_NP of_IN the_AT Phillies_NPS
,_, the_AT Braves'_NNS$-TL Joe_NP Adcock_NP ,_, Lou_NP Gehrig_NP of_IN the_AT Ya
nkees_NPS ,_, Pat_NP Seerey_NP of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL and_CC Rocky_
NP Colavito_NP ,_, then_RB with_IN Cleveland_NP ,_, made_VBD their_PP$ history_N
N on_IN the_AT road_NN ._. Willie's_NP$ big_JJ day_NN revived_VBD the_AT running
_VBG argument_NN about_IN the_AT relative_JJ merits_NNS of_IN Mays_NP and_CC Mic
key_NP Mantle_NP ._. This_DT is_BEZ an_AT issue_NN which_WDT boils_VBZ down_RP t
o_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN opinion_NN ,_, depending_IN on_IN whether_CS you're_PP
SS+BER an_AT American_JJ or_CC National_JJ-TL fan_NN and_CC anti_IN or_CC pro-Ya
nkee_JJ ._. The_AT record_NN books_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,_, would_MD favor_VB the
_AT Giants'_NNS$-TL ace_NN ._. In_IN four_CD of_IN his_PP$ nine_CD previous_JJ s
easons_NNS Mays_NP hit_VBD as_QL many_AP as_CS 25_CD home_NN runs_NNS and_CC sto
le_VBD as_QL many_AP as_CS 25_CD bases_NNS ._. Once_RB the_AT figure_NN was_BEDZ
30-30_CD ._. Willie's_NP$ lifetime_NN batting_VBG average_NN of_IN is_BEZ 11_CD
points_NNS beyond_IN Mickey's_NP$ ._. The_AT Giants_NNS-TL who_WPS had_HVD been
_BEN anemic_JJ with_IN the_AT bat_NN in_IN their_PP$ windy_JJ Candlestick_NN-TL
Park_NN-TL suddenly_RB found_VBD the_AT formula_NN in_IN Milwaukee's_NP$ park_NN
._. It_PPS will_MD forever_RB be_BE a_AT baseball_NN mystery_NN how_WRB a_AT te
am_NN will_MD suddenly_RB start_VB hitting_VBG after_IN a_AT distressing_JJ slum
p_NN ._. The_AT Denver-area_JJ TV_NN audience_NN was_BEDZ privileged_JJ to_TO se
e_VB Mays'_NP$ four_CD home_NN runs_NNS ,_, thanks_NNS to_IN a_AT new_JJ arrange
ment_NN made_VBN by_IN Bob_NP Howsam_NP that_CS the_AT games_NNS are_BER not_* t
o_TO be_BE blacked_VBN out_RP when_WRB his_PP$ Bears_NNS-TL are_BER playing_VBG
at_IN home_NR ._. This_DT rule_NN providing_VBG for_IN a_AT blackout_NN of_IN te
levised_VBN baseball_NN 30_CD minutes_NNS before_IN the_AT start_NN of_IN a_AT m
ajor_JJ or_CC minor_JJ league_NN game_NN in_IN any_DTI area_NN comes_VBZ from_IN
the_AT game's_NN$ top_JJS rulers_NNS ._. The_AT last_AP couple_NN of_IN years_N
NS the_AT Bears_NNS-TL management_NN got_VBD the_AT business_NN from_IN the_AT `
`_`` Living_VBG-TL Room_NN-TL Athletic_JJ-TL Club_NN-TL ''_'' when_WRB games_NNS
were_BED cut_VBN off_RP ._. Actually_RB they_PPSS were_BED helpless_JJ to_TO do
_DO anything_PN about_IN the_AT nationwide_JJ policy_NN ._. This_DT year_NN ,_,
I_PPSS am_BEM told_VBN ,_, the_AT CBS_NN network_NN will_MD continue_VB to_TO ab
ide_VB by_IN the_AT rule_NN but_CC NBC_NN will_MD play_VB to_IN a_AT conclusion_
NN here_RB ._. There_EX are_BER two_CD more_AP Sunday_NR afternoons_NNS when_WRB
the_AT situation_NN will_MD arise_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ an_AT irritable_JJ rule_
NN that_WPS does_DOZ baseball_NN more_AP harm_NN than_CS good_JJ ,_, especially_
RB at_IN the_AT minor_JJ league_NN level_NN ._. You_PPSS would_MD be_BE surprise
d_VBN how_WRB many_AP fans_NNS purposely_RB stayed_VBD away_RB from_IN Bears_NNS
-TL Stadium_NN-TL last_AP year_NN because_RB of_IN the_AT television_NN policy_N
N ._. This_DT dissatisfaction_NN led_VBD to_IN Howsam's_NP$ request_NN that_CS t
he_AT video_NN not_* be_BE terminated_VBN before_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT g
ame_NN ._. Cincinnati_NP-HL ,_,-HL Ohio_NP-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- The_A
T powerful_JJ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankees_NPS-TL won_VBD their_PP$ 19th_OD worl
d_NN series_NN in_IN a_AT 5-game_JJ romp_NN over_IN outclassed_VBN Cincinnati_NP
,_, crushing_VBG the_AT Reds_NNS-TL in_IN a_AT humiliating_JJ 13-5_CD barrage_N
N Monday_NR in_IN the_AT loosely_RB played_VBN finale_NN ._. With_IN Mickey_NP M
antle_NP and_CC Yogi_NP Berra_NP both_ABX out_RP of_IN action_NN due_RB to_IN in
juries_NNS ,_, the_AT American_JJ-TL League_NN-TL champs_NNS still_RB mounted_VB
D a_AT 15-hit_JJ attack_NN against_IN a_AT parade_NN of_IN eight_CD Cincinnati_N
P pitchers_NNS ,_, the_AT most_AP ever_RB used_VBN by_IN one_CD team_NN in_IN a_
AT series_NN game_NN ._. Johnny_NP Blanchard_NP ,_, Mantle's_NP$ replacement_NN
,_, slammed_VBD a_AT 2-run_JJ homer_NN as_CS the_AT Yankees_NPS routed_VBD loser
_NN Joey_NP Jay_NP in_IN a_AT 5-run_JJ first_OD inning_NN ._. Hector_NP Lopez_NP
,_, subbing_VBG for_IN Berra_NP ,_, smashed_VBD a_AT 3-run_JJ homer_NN off_IN B
ill_NP Henry_NP during_IN another_DT 5-run_JJ explosion_NN in_IN the_AT fourth_O
D ._. The_AT Yanks_NPS also_RB took_VBD advantage_NN of_IN three_CD Cincinnati_N
P errors_NNS ._. The_AT crowd_NN of_IN 32,589_CD had_HVD only_AP two_CD chances_
NNS to_TO applaud_VB ._. In_IN the_AT third_OD Frank_NP Robinson_NP hammered_VBD
a_AT long_JJ home_NN run_NN deep_RB into_IN the_AT corner_NN of_IN the_AT bleac
hers_NNS in_IN right_JJ center_NN ,_, about_RB 400_CD feet_NNS away_RB ,_, with_
IN two_CD men_NNS on_RP ._. Momentarily_RB the_AT Reds_NNS-TL were_BED back_RB i
n_IN the_AT ball_NN game_NN ,_, trailing_VBG only_AP 6-3_CD ,_, but_CC the_AT dr
ive_NN fizzled_VBD when_WRB John_NP Edwards_NP fouled_VBD out_RP with_IN men_NNS
on_IN second_OD and_CC third_OD and_CC two_CD out_RP ._. In_IN the_AT fifth_OD
,_, Wally_NP Post_NP slashed_VBD a_AT 2-run_JJ homer_NN off_IN Bud_NP Daley_NP ,
_, but_CC by_IN that_DT time_NN the_AT score_NN was_BEDZ 11-5_CD and_CC it_PPS r
eally_RB didn't_DOD* matter_VB ._. The_AT Yankee_NP triumph_NN made_VBD Ralph_NP
Houk_NP only_AP the_AT third_OD man_NN to_TO lead_VB a_AT team_NN to_IN both_AB
X a_AT pennant_NN and_CC a_AT World_NN-TL Series_NN-TL victory_NN in_IN his_PP$
first_OD year_NN as_CS a_AT manager_NN ._. Only_RB Bucky_NP Harris_NP ,_, the_AT
``_`` boy-manager_NN ''_'' of_IN Washington_NP in_IN 1924_CD ,_, and_CC Eddie_N
P Dyer_NP of_IN the_AT St._NP-TL Louis_NP-TL Cardinals_NNS-TL in_IN 1946_CD had_
HVD accomplished_VBN the_AT feat_NN ._. Philadelphia_NP-HL ,_,-HL Jan._NP-HL 23_
CD-HL --_-- Nick_NP Skorich_NP ,_, the_AT line_NN coach_NN for_IN the_AT footbal
l_NN champion_NN Philadelphia_NP-TL Eagles_NNS-TL ,_, was_BEDZ elevated_VBN toda
y_NR to_IN head_JJS coach_NN ._. Skorich_NP received_VBD a_AT three-year_JJ cont
ract_NN at_IN a_AT salary_NN believed_VBN to_TO be_BE between_IN $20,000_NNS and
_CC $25,000_NNS a_AT year_NN ._. He_PPS succeeds_VBZ Buck_NP Shaw_NP ,_, who_WPS
retired_VBD at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN last_AP season_NN ._. The_AT appointment_
NN was_BEDZ announced_VBN at_IN a_AT news_NN conference_NN at_IN which_WDT Skori
ch_NP said_VBD he_PPS would_MD retain_VB two_CD members_NNS of_IN Shaw's_NP$ sta
ff_NN --_-- Jerry_NP Williams_NP and_CC Charlie_NP Gauer_NP ._. Williams_NP is_B
EZ a_AT defensive_JJ coach_NN ._. Gauer_NP works_VBZ with_IN the_AT ends_NNS ._.
Choice_NN-HL was_BEDZ-HL expected_VBN-HL The_AT selection_NN had_HVD been_BEN e
xpected_VBN ._. Skorich_NP was_BEDZ considered_VBN the_AT logical_JJ choice_NN a
fter_CS the_AT club_NN gave_VBD Norm_NP Van_NP Brocklin_NP permission_NN to_TO s
eek_VB the_AT head_JJS coaching_VBG job_NN with_IN the_AT Minnesota_NP Vikings_N
PS ,_, the_AT newest_JJT National_JJ-TL Football_NN-TL League_NN-TL entry_NN ._.
Van_NP Brocklin_NP ,_, the_AT quarterback_NN who_WPS led_VBD the_AT Eagles_NNS-
TL to_IN the_AT title_NN ,_, was_BEDZ signed_VBN by_IN the_AT Vikings_NPS last_A
P Wednesday_NR ._. Philadelphia_NP permitted_VBD him_PPO to_TO seek_VB a_AT bett
er_JJR connection_NN after_CS he_PPS had_HVD refused_VBN to_TO reconsider_VB his
_PP$ decision_NN to_TO end_VB his_PP$ career_NN as_IN a_AT player_NN ._. With_IN
Skorich_NP at_IN the_AT helm_NN ,_, the_AT Eagles_NNS-TL are_BER expected_VBN t
o_TO put_VB more_AP emphasis_NN on_IN running_VBG ,_, rather_RB than_IN passing_
VBG ._. In_IN the_AT past_NN the_AT club_NN depended_VBD largely_RB on_IN Van_NP
Brocklin's_NP$ aerials_NNS ._. Skorich_NP ,_, however_WRB ,_, is_BEZ a_AT stron
g_JJ advocate_NN of_IN a_AT balanced_VBN attack_NN --_-- split_VBN between_IN ru
nning_VBG and_CC passing_VBG ._. Coach_NN-HL played_VBD-HL 3_CD-HL years_NNS-HL
Skorich_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ 39_CD years_NNS old_JJ ,_, played_VBD football_NN
at_IN Cincinnati_NP-TL University_NN-TL and_CC then_RB had_HVD a_AT three-year_J
J professional_JJ career_NN as_CS a_AT lineman_NN under_IN Jock_NP Sutherland_NP
with_IN the_AT Pittsburgh_NP Steelers_NPS ._. An_AT injury_NN forced_VBD Skoric
h_NP to_TO quit_VB after_IN the_AT 1948_CD season_NN ._. He_PPS began_VBD his_PP
$ coaching_VBG career_NN at_IN Pittsburgh_NP-TL Central_JJ-TL Catholic_JJ-TL Hig
h_JJ-TL School_NN-TL in_IN 1949_CD ._. He_PPS remained_VBD there_RB for_IN four_
CD years_NNS before_CS moving_VBG to_IN Rensselaer_NP Polytechnic_JJ-TL Institut
e_NN-TL in_IN Troy_NP ,_, N._NP Y._NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ there_RB one_CD season
_NN before_CS rejoining_VBG the_AT Steelers_NPS as_IN an_AT assistant_NN coach_N
N ._. Four_CD years_NNS later_RBR he_PPS resigned_VBD to_TO take_VB a_AT similar
_JJ job_NN with_IN the_AT Green_JJ-TL Bay_NN-TL Packers_NPS ._. The_AT Eagles_NN
S-TL signed_VBD him_PPO for_IN Shaw's_NP$ staff_NN in_IN 1959_CD ._. Skorich_NP
began_VBD his_PP$ new_JJ job_NN auspiciously_RB today_NR ._. At_IN a_AT ceremony
_NN in_IN the_AT reception_NN room_NN of_IN Mayor_NN-TL Richardson_NP Dilworth_N
P ,_, the_AT Eagles_NNS-TL were_BED honored_VBN for_IN winning_VBG the_AT champi
onship_NN ._. Shaw_NP and_CC Skorich_NP headed_VBD a_AT group_NN of_IN players_N
NS ,_, coaches_NNS and_CC team_NN officials_NNS who_WPS received_VBD an_AT engro
ssed_VBN copy_NN of_IN an_AT official_JJ city_NN citation_NN and_CC a_AT pair_NN
of_IN silver_NN cufflinks_NNS shaped_VBN like_CS a_AT football_NN ._. With_IN t
he_AT announcement_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` special_JJ achievement_NN award_NN ''_''
to_IN William_NP A._NP (_( (_( Bill_NP )_) Shea_NP ,_, the_AT awards_NNS list_NN
was_BEDZ completed_VBN yesterday_NR for_IN Sunday_NR night's_NN$ thirty-eighth_
OD annual_JJ dinner_NN and_CC show_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Chapter_
NN-TL ,_, Baseball_NN-TL Writers'_NNS$-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-
TL ,_, at_IN the_AT Waldorf-Astoria_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. Shea_NP ,_, the_AT cha
irman_NN of_IN Mayor_NN-TL Wagner's_NP$ Baseball_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, will_
MD be_BE joined_VBN on_IN the_AT dais_NN by_IN Warren_NP Spahn_NP ,_, the_AT sou
thpaw_NN pitching_VBG ace_NN of_IN the_AT Milwaukee_NP Braves_NNS-TL ;_. ;_. Fra
nk_NP Graham_NP ,_, the_AT Journal-American_NP sports_NNS columnist_NN ;_. ;_. B
ill_NP Mazeroski_NP ,_, the_AT World_NN-TL Series_NN-TL hero_NN of_IN the_AT Pit
tsburgh_NP-TL Pirates_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC Casey_NP Stengel_NP ,_, the_AT former_AP
manager_NN of_IN the_AT Yankees_NPS ._. Stengel_NP will_MD receive_VB the_AT Be
n_NP-TL Epstein_NP-TL Good_JJ-TL Guy_NN-TL Award_NN-TL ._. Mazeroski_NP ,_, whos
e_WP$ homer_NN beat_VBD the_AT Yankees_NPS in_IN the_AT final_JJ series_NN game_
NN ,_, will_MD receive_VB the_AT Babe_NP-TL Ruth_NP-TL Award_NN-TL as_CS the_AT
outstanding_JJ player_NN in_IN the_AT 1960_CD world_NN series_NN ._. Graham_NP w
ill_MD be_BE recognized_VBN for_IN his_PP$ meritorious_JJ service_NN to_IN baseb
all_NN and_CC will_MD get_VB the_AT William_NP-TL J._NP-TL Slocum_NP-TL Memorial
_JJ-TL Award_NN-TL ._. To_IN Spahn_NP will_MD go_VB the_AT Sid_NP-TL Mercer_NP-T
L Memorial_JJ-TL Award_NN-TL as_CS the_AT chapter's_NN$ player_NN of_IN the_AT y
ear_NN ._. Show_NN-HL follows_VBZ-HL ceremonies_NNS-HL A_AT crowd_NN of_IN 1,400
_CD is_BEZ expected_VBN for_IN the_AT ceremonies_NNS ,_, which_WDT will_MD be_BE
followed_VBN by_IN the_AT show_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT writers_NNS will_MD la
mpoon_VB baseball_NN personalities_NNS in_IN skit_NN ,_, dance_NN and_CC song_NN
._. The_AT 53-year-old_JJ Shea_NP ,_, a_AT prominent_JJ corporation_NN lawyer_N
N with_IN a_AT sports_NNS background_NN ,_, is_BEZ generally_RB recognized_VBN a
s_CS the_AT man_NN most_QL responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT imminent_JJ return_NN of
_IN a_AT National_JJ-TL League_NN-TL club_NN to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Name
d_VBN by_IN Mayor_NN-TL Wagner_NP three_CD years_NNS ago_RB to_TO head_VB a_AT c
ommittee_NN that_WPS included_VBD James_NP A._NP Farley_NP ,_, Bernard_NP Gimbel
_NP and_CC Clint_NP Blume_NP ,_, Shea_NP worked_VBD relentlessly_RB ._. His_PP$
goal_NN was_BEDZ to_TO obtain_VB a_AT National_JJ-TL League_NN-TL team_NN for_IN
this_DT city_NN ._. The_AT departure_NN of_IN the_AT Giants_NNS-TL and_CC the_A
T Dodgers_NPS to_IN California_NP left_VBD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL with_IN only_AP
the_AT Yankees_NPS ._. Despite_IN countless_JJ barriers_NNS and_CC disappointmen
ts_NNS ,_, Shea_NP moved_VBD forward_RB ._. When_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ unable_JJ t
o_TO bring_VB about_RB immediate_JJ expansion_NN ,_, he_PPS sought_VBD to_TO con
vince_VB another_DT National_JJ-TL League_NN-TL club_NN to_TO move_VB here_RB ._
. When_WRB that_DT failed_VBD ,_, he_PPS enlisted_VBD Branch_NP Rickey's_NP$ aid
_NN in_IN the_AT formation_NN of_IN a_AT third_OD major_JJ league_NN ,_, the_AT
Continental_JJ-TL ,_, with_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL as_CS the_AT key_JJS franchis
e_NN ._. The_AT Continental_JJ-TL League_NN-TL never_RB got_VBD off_IN the_AT gr
ound_NN ,_, but_CC after_IN two_CD years_NNS it_PPS forced_VBD the_AT existing_V
BG majors_NNS to_TO expand_VB ._. Flushing_NP-HL stadium_NN-HL in_IN-HL works_NN
S-HL The_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL franchise_NN is_BEZ headed_VBN by_IN Mrs._NP Ch
arles_NP Shipman_NP Payson_NP ._. A_AT big-league_NN municipal_JJ stadium_NN at_
IN Flushing_NP-TL Meadow_NN-TL Park_NN-TL is_BEZ in_IN the_AT works_NNS ,_, and_
CC once_CS the_AT lease_NN is_BEZ signed_VBN the_AT local_JJ club_NN will_MD be_
BE formally_RB recognized_VBN by_IN Commissioner_NN-TL Ford_NP C._NP Frick_NP ._
. Shea's_NP$ efforts_NNS figure_VB prominently_RB in_IN the_AT new_JJ stadium_NN
._. Shea_NP and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, Nori_NP ,_, make_VB their_PP$ home_NR at
_IN Sands_NNS-TL Point_NN-TL ,_, L._NP I._NP ._. Bill_NP Jr._NP ,_, 20_CD ,_, Ka
thy_NP ,_, 15_CD ,_, and_CC Patricia_NP ,_, 9_CD ,_, round_VB out_RP the_AT Shea
_NP family_NN ._. Shea_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Manhattan_NP ._. He_PPS attend
ed_VBD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL University_NN-TL before_CS switching_VBG to_IN Georg
etown_NP-TL University_NN-TL in_IN Washington_NP ._. He_PPS played_VBD basketbal
l_NN there_RB while_CS working_VBG toward_IN a_AT law_NN degree_NN ._. Later_RBR
,_, Shea_NP owned_VBD and_CC operated_VBD the_AT Long_JJ-TL Island_NN-TL Indian
s_NPS ,_, a_AT minor_JJ league_NN professional_JJ football_NN team_NN ._. He_PPS
was_BEDZ the_AT lawyer_NN for_IN Ted_NP Collins'_NP$ old_JJ Boston_NP Yankees_N
PS in_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Football_NN-TL League_NN-TL ._. All_ABN was_BEDZ
quiet_JJ in_IN the_AT office_NN of_IN the_AT Yankees_NPS and_CC the_AT local_JJ
National_JJ-TL Leaguers_NNS-TL yesterday_NR ._. On_IN Friday_NR ,_, Roger_NP Mar
is_NP ,_, the_AT Yankee_NP outfielder_NN and_CC winner_NN of_IN the_AT American_
JJ-TL League's_NN$-TL most-valuable-player_NN award_NN ,_, will_MD meet_VB with_
IN Roy_NP Hamey_NP ,_, the_AT general_JJ manager_NN ._. Maris_NP is_BEZ in_IN li
ne_NN for_IN a_AT big_JJ raise_NN ._. Arnold_NP Palmer_NP and_CC Sam_NP Snead_NP
will_MD be_BE among_IN those_DTS honored_VBN at_IN the_AT national_JJ awards_NN
S dinner_NN of_IN the_AT Metropolitan_JJ-TL Golf_NN-TL Writers_NNS-TL Associatio
n_NN-TL tonight_NR ._. The_AT dinner_NN will_MD be_BE held_VBN at_IN the_AT Hote
l_NN-TL Pierre_NP-TL ._. Palmer_NP ,_, golf's_NN$ leading_VBG money-winner_NN in
_IN 1960_CD ,_, and_CC Snead_NP will_MD be_BE saluted_VBN as_CS the_AT winning_V
BG team_NN in_IN the_AT Canada_NP-TL Cup_NN-TL matches_NNS last_AP June_NP in_IN
Dublin_NP ._. Deane_NP Beman_NP ,_, the_AT National_JJ-TL Amateur_NN-TL champio
n_NN ,_, and_CC all_ABN the_AT metropolitan_JJ district_NN champions_NNS ,_, inc
luding_IN Bob_NP Gardner_NP ,_, the_AT amateur_NN title-holder_NN ,_, also_RB wi
ll_MD receive_VB awards_NNS ._. The_AT writers'_NNS$ Gold_JJ-TL Tee_NN-TL Award_
NN-TL will_MD go_VB to_IN John_NP McAuliffe_NP of_IN Plainfield_NP ,_, N._NP J._
NP ,_, and_CC Palm_NN-TL Beach_NN-TL ,_, Fla._NP ,_, for_IN his_PP$ sponsorship_
NN of_IN charity_NN tournaments_NNS ._. Horton_NP Smith_NP of_IN Detroit_NP ,_,
a_AT former_AP president_NN of_IN the_AT Professional_JJ-TL Golfers_NNS-TL Assoc
iation_NN-TL ,_, will_MD receive_VB the_AT Ben_NP-TL Hogan_NP-TL Trophy_NN-TL fo
r_IN his_PP$ comeback_NN following_VBG a_AT recent_JJ illness_NN ._. The_AT prin
cipal_JJS speaker_NN will_MD be_BE Senator_NN-TL Stuart_NP Symington_NP ,_, Demo
crat_NP of_IN Missouri_NP ._. Golf's_NN$-HL golden_JJ-HL boy_NN-HL Arnold_NP Pal
mer_NP has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT blazing_VBG figure_NN in_IN golf_NN over_IN the_AT
past_AP twelve_CD months_NNS ._. He_PPS won_VBD the_AT Masters_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Open_NN-TL and_CC a_AT record_NN $80,738_NNS in_IN
prize_NN money_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ heralded_VBN as_CS ``_`` Sportsman_NN-TL o
f_IN-TL the_AT-TL Year_NN-TL ''_'' by_IN Sports_NNS-TL Illustrated_VBN-TL ,_, an
d_CC last_AP night_NN was_BEDZ acclaimed_VBN in_IN Rochester_NP as_CS the_AT ``_
`` Professional_JJ-TL Athlete_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Year_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT
distinction_NN that_WPS earned_VBD for_IN him_PPO the_AT $10,000_NNS diamond-st
udded_JJ Hickok_NP-TL Belt_NN-TL ._. But_CC he_PPS also_RB achieved_VBD somethin
g_PN that_WPS endeared_VBD him_PPO to_IN every_AT duffer_NN who_WPS ever_RB flub
bed_VBD a_AT shot_NN ._. A_AT couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS ago_RB ,_, he_PPS scored
_VBD a_AT monstrous_JJ 12_CD on_IN a_AT par-5_NN hole_NN ._. It_PPS made_VBD him
_PPO human_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS also_RB stayed_VBD the_AT hands_NNS of_IN thousa
nds_NNS of_IN brooding_VBG incompetents_NNS who_WPS were_BED meditating_VBG the_
AT abandonment_NN of_IN a_AT sport_NN whose_WP$ frustrations_NNS were_BED drivin
g_VBG them_PPO to_IN despair_NN ._. If_CS such_ABL a_AT paragon_NN of_IN perfect
ion_NN as_CS Palmer_NP could_MD commit_VB such_ABL a_AT scoring_VBG sacrilege_NN
,_, there_EX was_BEDZ hope_NN left_VBN for_IN all_ABN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ neith
er_CC a_AT spirit_NN of_IN self-sacrifice_NN nor_CC a_AT yen_NN to_TO encourage_
VB the_AT downtrodden_JJ that_WPS motivated_VBD Arnold_NP ._. He_PPS merely_RB b
ecame_VBD victimized_VBN by_IN a_AT form_NN of_IN athletics_NN that_WPS respects
_VBZ no_AT one_PN and_CC aggravates_VBZ all_ABN ._. The_AT world's_NN$ best_JJT
golfer_NN ,_, shooting_VBG below_IN par_NN ,_, came_VBD to_IN the_AT last_AP hol
e_NN of_IN the_AT opening_VBG round_NN of_IN the_AT Los_NP Angeles_NP open_NN wi
th_IN every_AT intention_NN of_IN delivering_VBG a_AT final_JJ crusher_NN ._. He
_PPS boomed_VBD a_AT 280-yard_NN drive_NN ._. Then_RB the_AT pixies_NNS and_CC t
he_AT zombies_NNS took_VBD over_RP while_CS the_AT banshees_NNS wailed_VBD in_IN
the_AT distance_NN ._. No_AT-HL margin_NN-HL for_IN-HL error_NN-HL On_IN the_AT
narrow_JJ fairway_NN of_IN a_AT 508-yard_JJ hole_NN ,_, Arnold_NP whipped_VBD i
nto_IN his_PP$ second_OD shot_NN ._. The_AT ball_NN went_VBD off_RP in_IN a_AT m
ajestic_JJ arc_NN ,_, an_AT out-of-bounds_JJ slice_NN ._. He_PPS tried_VBD again
_RB and_CC once_RB more_RBR sliced_VBD out_RP of_IN bounds_NNS ._. He_PPS hooked
_VBD the_AT next_AP two_CD out_RP of_IN bounds_NNS on_IN the_AT opposite_JJ side
_NN ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS I_PPSS over-corrected_VBD ''_''
,_, he_PPS said_VBD ruefully_RB ._. Each_DT of_IN the_AT four_CD wayward_JJ shot
s_NNS cost_VBD him_PPO two_CD strokes_NNS ._. So_RB he_PPS wound_VBD up_RP with_
IN a_AT dozen_NN ._. ``_`` It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT nice_JJ round_JJ figure_NN ,_, t
hat_DT 12_CD ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD as_CS he_PPS headed_VBD for_IN the_AT clu
bhouse_NN ,_, not_* too_QL much_QL perturbed_VBN ._. From_IN the_AT standpoint_N
N of_IN the_AT army_NN of_IN duffers_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,_, this_DT was_BEDZ ea
sily_RB the_AT most_QL heartening_JJ exhibition_NN they_PPSS had_HVD had_HVN sin
ce_CS Ben_NP Hogan_NP fell_VBD upon_IN evil_JJ ways_NNS during_IN his_PP$ heyday
_NN and_CC scored_VBD an_AT 11_CD in_IN the_AT Texas_NP open_NN ._. The_AT idol_
NN of_IN the_AT hackers_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ Ray_NP Ainsley_NP ,_,
who_WPS achieved_VBD a_AT 19_CD in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Open_N
N-TL ._. Their_PP$ secondary_JJ hero_NN is_BEZ another_DT pro_NN ,_, Willie_NP C
hisholm_NP ,_, who_WPS drank_VBD his_PP$ lunch_NN during_IN another_DT Open_NN-T
L and_CC tried_VBD to_TO blast_VB his_PP$ way_NN out_RP of_IN a_AT rock-strewn_J
J gully_NN ._. Willie's_NP$ partner_NN was_BEDZ Long_JJ-TL Jim_NP Barnes_NP ,_,
who_WPS tried_VBD to_TO keep_VB count_NN ._. Stickler_NN-HL for_IN-HL rules_NNS-
HL ``_`` How_WRB many_AP is_BEZ that_DT ,_, Jim_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. Asked_VBN Willi
e_NP at_IN one_CD stage_NN of_IN his_PP$ excavation_NN project_NN ._. ``_`` Thir
teen_CD ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Long_JJ-TL Jim_NP ._. ``_`` Nae_RB ,_, man_NN ''_'' ,
_, said_VBD Willie_NP ,_, ``_`` ye_PPSS must_MD be_BE countin'_VBG the_AT echoes
_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_AT 16_CD ._. Palmer's_NP$ dozen_NN were_BED hone
stly_RB earned_VBN ._. Nor_CC were_BED there_EX any_DTI rules_NNS to_TO save_VB
him_PPO ._. If_CS there_EX had_HVD been_BEN ,_, he_PPS would_MD have_HV found_VB
N a_AT loophole_NN ,_, because_CS Arnold_NP is_BEZ one_CD golfer_NN who_WPS know
s_VBZ the_AT code_NN as_QL thoroughly_RB as_CS the_AT man_NN who_WPS wrote_VBD t
he_AT book_NN ._. This_DT knowledge_NN has_HVZ come_VBN in_RP handy_JJ ,_, too_R
B ._. His_PP$ first_OD shot_NN in_IN the_AT Open_NN-TL last_AP year_NN landed_VB
D in_IN a_AT brook_NN that_WPS flowed_VBD along_IN the_AT right_JJ side_NN of_IN
the_AT fairway_NN ._. The_AT ball_NN floated_VBD downstream_RB ._. A_AT spectat
or_NN picked_VBD up_RP the_AT ball_NN and_CC handed_VBD it_PPO to_IN a_AT small_
JJ boy_NN ,_, who_WPS dropped_VBD this_DT suddenly_RB hot_JJ potato_NN in_IN a_A
T very_QL playable_JJ lie_NN ._. Arnold_NP sent_VBD for_RB Joe_NP Dey_NP ,_, the
_AT executive_NN secretary_NN of_IN the_AT golf_NN association_NN ._. Joe_NP nat
urally_RB ruled_VBD that_CS a_AT ball_NN be_BE dropped_VBN from_IN alongside_IN
the_AT spot_NN where_WRB it_PPS had_HVD originally_RB entered_VBN the_AT stream_
NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS knew_VBD it_PPO all_ABN along_RB ''_'' ,_, confessed_VBD Arn
old_NP with_IN a_AT grin_NN ,_, ``_`` but_CC I_PPSS just_RB happened_VBD to_TO t
hink_VB how_WRB much_QL nicer_JJR it_PPS would_MD be_BE to_TO drop_VB one_CD way
_QL up_RP there_RB ''_'' ._. For_IN a_AT serious_JJ young_JJ man_NN who_WPS play
s_VBZ golf_NN with_IN a_AT serious_JJ intensity_NN ,_, Palmer_NP has_HVZ such_AB
L an_AT inherent_JJ sense_NN of_IN humor_NN that_CS it_PPS relieves_VBZ the_AT s
train_NN and_CC keeps_VBZ his_PP$ nerves_NNS from_IN jangling_VBG like_IN banjo_
NN strings_NNS ._. Yet_RB he_PPS remains_VBZ the_AT fiercest_JJT of_IN competito
rs_NNS ._. He'll_PPS+MD even_RB bull_NN head-on_RB into_IN the_AT rules_NNS when
_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ sure_JJ he's_PPS+BEZ right_JJ ._. That's_DT+BEZ how_WRB he_PP
S first_RB won_VBD the_AT Masters_NNS-TL in_IN 1958_CD ._. It_PPS happened_VBD o
n_IN the_AT twelfth_OD hole_NN ,_, a_AT 155-yarder_NN ._. Arnold's_NP$ iron_NN s
hot_NN from_IN the_AT tee_NN burrowed_VBD into_IN the_AT bunker_NN guarding_VBG
the_AT green_NN ,_, an_AT embankment_NN that_WPS had_HVD become_VBN soft_JJ and_
CC spongy_JJ from_IN the_AT rains_NNS ,_, thereby_RB bringing_VBG local_JJ rules
_NNS into_IN force_NN ._. Ruling_VBG-HL from_IN-HL on_IN-HL high_JJ-HL ``_`` I_P
PSS can_MD remove_VB the_AT ball_NN ,_, can't_MD* I_PPSS ''_'' ?_. ?_. Asked_VBN
Palmer_NP of_IN an_AT official_NN ._. ``_`` No_RB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD the_AT off
icial_NN ._. ``_`` You_PPSS must_MD play_VB it_PPO where_WRB it_PPS lies_VBZ ''_
'' ._. ``_`` You're_PPSS+BER wrong_JJ ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Arnold_NP ,_, a_AT man_
NN who_WPS knows_VBZ the_AT rules_NNS ._. ``_`` I'll_PPSS+MD do_DO as_CS you_PPS
S say_VB ,_, but_CC I'll_PPSS+MD also_RB play_VB a_AT provisional_JJ ball_NN and
_CC get_VB a_AT ruling_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS scored_VBD a_AT 4_CD for_IN the_AT em
bedded_VBN ball_NN ,_, a_AT 3_CD with_IN the_AT provisional_JJ one_CD ._. The_AT
golfing_VBG fathers_NNS ruled_VBD in_IN his_PP$ favor_NN ._. So_CS he_PPS picke
d_VBD up_RP a_AT stroke_NN with_IN the_AT provisional_JJ ball_NN and_CC won_VBD
the_AT tournament_NN by_IN the_AT margin_NN of_IN that_DT stroke_NN ._. Until_IN
a_AT few_AP weeks_NNS ago_RB ,_, however_WRB ,_, Arnold_NP Palmer_NP was_BEDZ s
ome_DTI god-like_JJ creature_NN who_WPS had_HVD nothing_PN in_IN common_NN with_
IN the_AT duffers_NNS ._. But_CC after_IN that_DT 12_CD at_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP
he_PPS became_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT boys_NNS ,_, a_AT bigger_JJR hero_NN than_
CS he_PPS ever_RB had_HVD been_BEN before_RB ._. A_AT formula_NN to_TO supply_VB
players_NNS for_IN the_AT new_JJ Minneapolis_NP Vikings_NPS and_CC the_AT probl
em_NN of_IN increasing_VBG the_AT 1961_CD schedule_NN to_IN fourteen_CD games_NN
S will_MD be_BE discussed_VBN by_IN National_JJ-TL Football_NN-TL League_NN-TL o
wners_NNS at_IN a_AT meeting_NN at_IN the_AT Hotel_NN-TL Warwick_NP-TL today_NR
._. Other_AP items_NNS on_IN the_AT agenda_NN during_IN the_AT meetings_NNS ,_,
which_WDT are_BER expected_VBN to_TO continue_VB through_IN Saturday_NR ,_, conc
ern_VB television_NN ,_, rules_NNS changes_NNS ,_, professional_JJ football's_NN
$ hall_NN of_IN fame_NN ,_, players'_NNS$ benefits_NNS and_CC constitutional_JJ
amendments_NNS ._. The_AT owners_NNS would_MD like_VB each_DT club_NN in_IN the_
AT fourteen-team_JJ league_NN to_TO play_VB a_AT home-and-home_JJ series_NN with
_IN teams_NNS in_IN its_PP$ division_NN ,_, plus_CC two_CD games_NNS against_IN
teams_NNS in_IN the_AT other_AP division_NN ._. However_WRB ,_, this_DT would_MD
require_VB a_AT lengthening_VBG of_IN the_AT season_NN from_IN thirteen_CD to_I
N fourteen_CD weeks_NNS ._. Pete_NP Rozelle_NP ,_, the_AT league_NN commissioner
_NN ,_, pointed_VBD out_RP :_: ``_`` We'll_PPSS+MD have_HV the_AT problem_NN of_
IN baseball_NN at_IN one_CD end_NN and_CC weather_NN at_IN the_AT other_AP ''_''
._. Nine_CD of_IN the_AT league's_NN$ teams_NNS play_VB in_IN baseball_NN parks
_NNS and_CC therefore_RB face_VB an_AT early-season_NN conflict_NN in_IN dates_N
NS ._. If_CS the_AT Cardinals_NNS-TL heed_VB Manager_NN-TL Gene_NP Mauch_NP of_I
N the_AT Phillies_NPS ,_, they_PPSS won't_MD* be_BE misled_VBN by_IN the_AT Pira
tes'_NNS$-TL slower_JJR start_NN this_DT season_NN ._. ``_`` Pittsburgh_NP defin
itely_RB is_BEZ the_AT team_NN to_TO beat_VB ''_'' ,_, Mauch_NP said_VBD here_RB
the_AT other_AP day_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT Pirates_NNS-TL showed_VBD they_PPSS cou
ld_MD outclass_VB the_AT field_NN last_AP year_NN ._. They_PPSS have_HV the_AT s
ame_AP men_NNS ,_, no_AT age_NN problem_NN ,_, no_AT injuries_NNS and_CC they_PP
SS also_RB have_HV Vinegar_NN-TL Bend_NN-TL Mizell_NP for_IN the_AT full_JJ seas
on_NN ,_, along_RB with_IN Bobby_NP Shantz_NP ''_'' ._. Tonight_NR at_IN 8_CD o'
clock_RB the_AT Cardinals_NNS-TL ,_, who_WPS gave_VBD the_AT Pirates_NNS-TL as_Q
L much_AP trouble_NN as_CS anyone_PN did_DOD in_IN 1960_CD ,_, breaking_VBG even
_RB with_IN them_PPO ,_, will_MD get_VB their_PP$ first_OD 1961_CD shot_NN at_IN
baseball's_NN$ world_NN champions_NNS ._. The_AT Pirates_NNS-TL have_HV a_AT 9-
6_CD record_NN this_DT year_NN and_CC the_AT Redbirds_NPS are_BER 7-9_CD ._. Cha
nge_NN-HL in_IN-HL pitchers_NNS-HL ._.-HL Solly_NP Hemus_NP announced_VBD a_AT s
witch_NN in_IN his_PP$ starting_VBG pitcher_NN ,_, from_IN Bob_NP Gibson_NP to_I
N Ernie_NP Broglio_NP ,_, for_IN several_AP reasons_NNS :_: 1_CD Broglio's_NP$ 4
-0_CD won-lost_JJ record_NN and_CC 1.24_CD earned-run_NN mark_NN against_IN Pitt
sburgh_NP a_AT year_NN ago_RB ;_. ;_. 2_CD The_AT desire_NN to_TO give_VB Brogli
o_NP as_QL many_AP starts_NNS as_CS possible_JJ ;_. ;_. 3_CD The_AT Redbirds'_NP
S$ disheartening_VBG 11-7_CD collapse_NN against_IN the_AT Phillies_NPS Sunday_N
R ._. Manager_NN-TL Hemus_NP ,_, eager_JJ to_TO end_VB a_AT pitching_VBG slump_N
N that_WPS has_HVZ brought_VBN four_CD losses_NNS in_IN the_AT five_CD games_NNS
on_IN the_AT current_JJ home_NR stand_NN ,_, moved_VBD Gibson_NP to_IN the_AT W
ednesday_NR night_NN starting_VBG assignment_NN ._. After_IN Thursday's_NR$ open
_JJ date_NN ,_, Solly_NP plans_VBZ to_TO open_VB with_IN Larry_NP Jackson_NP aga
inst_IN the_AT Cubs_NPS here_RB Friday_NR night_NN ._. Harvey_NP Haddix_NP ,_, s
et_VBN back_RB by_IN the_AT flu_NN this_DT season_NN ,_, will_MD start_VB agains
t_IN his_PP$ former_AP Cardinal_NN-TL mates_NNS ,_, who_WPS might_MD be_BE playi
ng_VBG without_IN captain_NN Kenny_NP Boyer_NP in_IN tonight's_NR$ game_NN at_IN
Busch_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL ._. Boyer_NP is_BEZ suffering_VBG from_IN a_AT stiff_
JJ neck_NN ._. Haddix_NP has_HVZ a_AT 13-8_CD record_NN against_IN the_AT Redbir
ds_NPS ,_, despite_IN only_AP a_AT 1-3_CD mark_NN in_IN 1960_CD ._. Pirate_NN-TL
Manager_NN-TL Danny_NP Murtaugh_NP said_VBD he_PPS hadn't_HVD* decided_VBN betw
een_IN Mizell_NP and_CC Vern_NP-TL Law_NN-TL for_IN Wednesday's_NR$ game_NN ._.
Mizell_NP has_HVZ won_VBN both_ABX of_IN his_PP$ starts_NNS ._. Nieman_NP-HL kep
t_VBD-HL in_IN-HL lineup_NN-HL ._.-HL After_IN a_AT lengthy_JJ workout_NN yester
day_NR ,_, an_AT open_JJ date_NN ,_, Hemus_NP said_VBD that_CS Bob_NP Nieman_NP
definitely_RB would_MD stay_VB in_IN the_AT lineup_NN ._. That_DT means_VBZ Stan
_NP Musial_NP probably_RB will_MD ride_VB the_AT bench_NN on_IN the_AT seventh_O
D anniversary_NN of_IN his_PP$ record_NN five-home_NN run_NN day_NN against_IN t
he_AT Giants_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV to_TO stay_VB with_IN Nieman_NP for
_IN a_AT while_NN ''_'' ,_, Hemus_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` Bill_NP White_NP (_( sor
e_JJ ankles_NNS )_) should_MD be_BE ready_JJ ._. With_IN a_AT lefthander_NN goin
g_VBG for_IN Pittsburgh_NP ,_, I_PPSS may_MD use_VB Don_NP Taussig_NP in_IN cent
er_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Lindy_NP McDaniel_NP threw_VBD batting_VBG practice_NN abo
ut_RB 25_CD minutes_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS looked_VBD good_JJ ''_'' ,_, Hemus_NP
said_VBD ._. ``_`` He_PPS should_MD be_BE getting_VBG back_RB in_IN the_AT groov
e_NN before_IN long_JJ ._. Our_PP$ pitching_NN is_BEZ much_QL better_JJR than_CS
it_PPS has_HVZ shown_VBN ''_'' ._. The_AT statistics_NNS hardly_RB indicated_VB
D that_CS the_AT Pirates_NNS-TL needed_VBD extra_JJ batting_VBG practice_NN ,_,
but_CC Murtaugh_NP also_RB turned_VBD his_PP$ men_NNS loose_RB at_IN Busch_NP-TL
Stadium_NN-TL yesterday_NR ._. Six_CD-HL Bucks_NP-HL over_IN-HL ._.-HL Until_CS
the_AT Bucs'_NPS$ bats_NNS quieted_VBD down_RP a_AT bit_NN in_IN Cincinnati_NP
over_IN the_AT weekend_NN ,_, the_AT champions_NNS had_HVD eight_CD men_NNS hitt
ing_VBG over_IN ._. Despite_IN the_AT recession_NN ,_, Pittsburgh_NP came_VBD in
to_IN town_NN with_IN this_DT imposing_VBG list_NN of_IN averages_NNS :_: Smoky_
NP Burgess_NP ,_, Gino_NP Cimoli_NP ,_, Bill_NP Virdon_NP ,_, Bob_NP Clemente_NP
and_CC Dick_NP Groat_NP ,_, each_DT ,_, Dick_NP Stuart_NP ,_, Don_NP Hoak_NP an
d_CC Bob_NP Skinner_NP ._. Bill_NP Mazeroski_NP with_IN and_CC Hal_NP Smith_NP w
ith_IN were_BED the_AT only_AP Pirates_NNS-TL dragging_VBG their_PP$ feet_NNS ._
. Perhaps_RB the_AT Pirate_NN-TL who_WPS will_MD be_BE the_AT unhappiest_JJT ove
r_IN the_AT news_NN that_CS Musial_NP probably_RB will_MD sit_VB out_RP most_AP
of_IN the_AT series_NN is_BEZ Bob_NP Friend_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ beaten_VBN b
y_IN The_AT-TL Man_NN-TL twice_RB last_AP season_NN on_IN dramatic_JJ home_NN ru
ns_NNS ._. Friend_NP is_BEZ off_RP to_IN a_AT great_JJ start_NN with_IN a_AT 4-0
_CD record_NN but_CC isn't_BEZ* likely_JJ to_TO see_VB action_NN here_RB this_DT
week_NN ._. ``_`` We're_PPSS+BER getting_VBG Friend_NP some_DTI runs_NNS for_IN
a_AT change_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN pitching_VBG good_RB ''_'' ,_
, Murtaugh_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` Virdon_NP has_HVZ been_BEN blasting_VBG the_AT
ball_NN ._. No_AT plunkers_NNS for_IN him_PPO ''_'' ._. Six_CD-HL Bucs_NPS-HL ov
er_IN-HL ._.-HL The_AT Pirates_NNS-TL jumped_VBD off_RP to_IN an_AT 11-3_CD star
t_NN by_IN May_NP 1_CD last_AP year_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT Redbirds_NPS as_QL we
ll_JJ as_CS the_AT Dodgers_NPS held_VBD them_PPO even_JJ over_IN the_AT season_N
N ._. On_IN last_AP May_NP 1_CD ,_, the_AT Cardinals_NNS-TL stood_VBD at_IN 7-6_
CD ,_, ending_VBG a_AT two-season_JJ fall-off_NN on_IN that_DT milestone_NN ._.
In_IN 1958_CD ,_, the_AT Birds_NNS-TL were_BED 3-10_CD on_IN May_NP 1_CD ._. A_A
T year_NN later_RBR they_PPSS were_BED 4-13_CD ._. Since_IN 1949_CD ,_, the_AT S
t._NP Louis_NP club_NN has_HVZ been_BEN below_IN on_IN May_NP 1_CD just_RB four_
CD times_NNS ._. The_AT '49_CD team_NN was_BEDZ off_RP to_IN a_AT so-so_JJ 5-5_C
D beginning_NN ,_, then_RB fell_VBD as_QL low_RB as_CS 12-17_CD on_IN May_NP 23_
CD before_CS finishing_VBG with_IN 96_CD victories_NNS ._. The_AT '52_CD Cards_N
NS-TL were_BED 6-7_CD on_IN May_NP 1_CD but_CC ended_VBD with_IN 88_CD triumphs_
NNS ,_, the_AT club's_NN$ top_NN since_IN 1949_CD ._. Then_RB last_AP season_NN
the_AT Birds_NNS-TL tumbled_VBD as_QL low_RB as_CS 11-18_CD on_IN May_NP 19_CD b
efore_CS recovering_VBG to_TO make_VB a_AT race_NN of_IN it_PPO and_CC total_VB
86_CD victories_NNS ._. Since_IN 1949_CD ,_, the_AT only_AP National_JJ-TL Leagu
e_NN-TL club_NN that_WPS got_VBD off_RP to_IN a_AT hot_JJ start_NN and_CC made_V
BD a_AT runaway_NN of_IN the_AT race_NN was_BEDZ the_AT '55_CD Dodger_NP team_NN
._. Those_DTS Dodgers_NPS won_VBD their_PP$ first_OD 10_CD games_NNS and_CC own
ed_VBD a_AT 21-2_CD mark_NN and_CC a_AT nine-game_JJ lead_NN by_IN May_NP 8_CD .
_. The_AT club_NN that_WPS overcame_VBD the_AT worst_JJT start_NN in_IN a_AT com
parable_JJ period_NN to_TO win_VB the_AT pennant_NN was_BEDZ New_JJ-TL York's_NP
$-TL '51_CD Giants_NNS-TL ,_, who_WPS dropped_VBD 11_CD of_IN their_PP$ first_OD
13_CD ._. They_PPSS honored_VBD the_AT battling_VBG Billikens_NPS last_AP night
_NN ._. Speakers_NNS at_IN a_AT Tipoff_NP-TL Club_NN-TL dinner_NN dealt_VBD lavi
sh_JJ praise_NN to_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN St._NP-TL Louis_NP-TL University_NN-TL
players_NNS who_WPS ,_, in_IN the_AT words_NNS of_IN Coach_NN-TL John_NP Bening
ton_NP ,_, ``_`` had_HVD more_AP confidence_NN in_IN themselves_PPLS than_CS I_P
PSS did_DOD ''_'' ._. The_AT most_QL valuable_JJ player_NN award_NN was_BEDZ spl
it_VBN three_CD ways_NNS ,_, among_IN Glen_NP Mankowski_NP ,_, Gordon_NP Hartweg
er_NP and_CC Tom_NP Kieffer_NP ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, a_AT special_JJ award_N
N was_BEDZ given_VBN to_IN Bob_NP (_( Bevo_NP )_) Nordmann_NP ,_, the_AT 6-foot-
10_JJ center_NN who_WPS missed_VBD much_AP of_IN the_AT season_NN because_RB of_
IN a_AT knee_NN injury_NN ._. ``_`` You_PPSS often_RB hear_VB people_NNS talk_VB
about_IN team_NN spirit_NN and_CC that_DT sort_NN of_IN thing_NN ''_'' ,_, Beni
ngton_NP said_VBD in_IN a_AT conversation_NN after_IN the_AT ceremonies_NNS ,_,
``_`` but_CC what_WDT this_DT team_NN had_HVD was_BEDZ a_AT little_QL different_
JJ ._. The_AT boys_NNS had_HVD a_AT tremendous_JJ respect_NN for_IN each_DT othe
r's_AP$ ability_NN ._. They_PPSS knew_VBD what_WDT they_PPSS could_MD do_DO and_
CC it_PPS was_BEDZ often_RB a_AT little_QL more_AP than_CS I_PPSS thought_VBD th
ey_PPSS could_MD do_DO ._. ``_`` Several_AP times_NNS I_PPSS found_VBD the_AT pl
ayers_NNS pepping_VBG me_PPO up_RP ,_, where_WRB it_PPS usually_RB is_BEZ the_AT
coach_NN who_WPS is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO deliver_VB the_AT fight_NN talk_NN .
_. We'd_PPSS+MD be_BE losing_VBG at_IN halftime_NN to_IN a_AT good_JJ team_NN an
d_CC Hartweger_NP would_MD say_VB ,_, '_' Don't_DO* worry_VB ,_, Coach_NN-TL --_
-- we'll_PPSS+MD get_VB 'em_PPO all_QL right_RB '_' ''_'' ._. The_AT trio_NN who
_WPS shared_VBD the_AT most-valuable_JJ honors_NNS were_BED introduced_VBN by_IN
Bob_NP Broeg_NP ,_, sports_NNS editor_NN of_IN the_AT Post-Dispatch_NP ._. Kief
fer_NP ,_, the_AT only_AP junior_NN in_IN the_AT group_NN ,_, was_BEDZ commended
_VBN for_IN his_PP$ ability_NN to_TO hit_VB in_IN the_AT clutch_NN ,_, as_QL wel
l_RB as_CS his_PP$ all-round_JJ excellent_JJ play_NN ._. Mankowski_NP ,_, the_AT
ball-hawking_JJ defensive_JJ expert_NN ,_, was_BEDZ cited_VBN for_IN his_PP$ pe
rformance_NN against_IN Bradley_NP in_IN St._NP-TL Louis_NP-TL U.'s_NN$-TL natio
nally_RB televised_VBN victory_NN ._. Benington_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` I've_PPSS+
HV never_RB seen_VBN a_AT player_NN have_HV a_AT game_NN as_QL great_JJ as_CS Ma
nkowski_NP did_DOD against_IN Bradley_NP that_DT day_NN ''_'' ._. Benington_NP r
ecalled_VBD that_CS he_PPS once_RB told_VBD Hartweger_NP that_CS he_PPS doubted_
VBD Gordon_NP would_MD ever_RB play_VB much_AP for_IN him_PPO because_CS he_PPS
seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE lacking_VBG in_IN all_ABN of_IN the_AT accepted_VBN baske
tball_NN skills_NNS ._. After_CS the_AT coach_NN listed_VBD all_ABN the_AT boy's
_NN$ faults_NNS ,_, Hartweger_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Coach_NN-TL before_CS I_PPSS
leave_VB here_RB ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD get_VB to_TO like_VB me_PPO ''_'' ._. Mrs._
NP Benington_NP admired_VBD Gordon's_NP$ spirit_NN and_CC did_DOD what_WDT she_P
PS could_MD to_TO persuade_VB her_PP$ husband_NN that_CS the_AT boy_NN might_MD
help_VB the_AT team_NN ._. As_CS Hartweger_NP accepted_VBD his_PP$ silver_NN bow
l_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS want_VB to_TO thank_VB coach's_NN$ wif
e_NN for_IN talking_VBG him_PPO into_IN letting_VBG me_PPO play_VB ''_'' ._. Bob
_NP Burnes_NP ,_, sports_NNS editor_NN of_IN the_AT Globe-Democrat_NP ,_, presen
ted_VBD Bob_NP Nordmann_NP with_IN his_PP$ award_NN ._. Bevo_NP was_BEDZ congrat
ulated_VBN for_IN his_PP$ efforts_NNS to_TO stay_VB in_IN shape_NN so_CS that_CS
he_PPS could_MD help_VB the_AT team_NN if_CS his_PP$ knee_NN healed_VBD in_IN t
ime_NN ._. Within_IN a_AT week_NN after_IN the_AT injury_NN ,_, suffered_VBN in_
IN St._NP Louis's_NP$ victory_NN in_IN the_AT final_JJ game_NN of_IN the_AT Kent
ucky_NP tournament_NN ,_, Nordmann_NP was_BEDZ sitting_VBG on_IN the_AT Bill's_N
P$ bench_NN doing_VBG what_WDT he_PPS could_MD to_TO help_VB Benington_NP ._. On
_IN the_AT clock_NN given_VBN him_PPO was_BEDZ the_AT inscription_NN ,_, ``_`` F
or_IN-TL Outstanding_JJ-TL Contribution_NN-TL to_IN-TL Billiken_NP-TL Basketball
_NN-TL ,_, 1960-61_CD ''_'' ._. Other_AP lettermen_NNS from_IN the_AT team_NN th
at_WPS compiled_VBD a_AT 21-9_CD record_NN and_CC finished_VBD as_CS runner-up_N
N in_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Invitation_NN-TL Tournament_NN-TL were_BED :_: Art
_NP Hambric_NP ,_, Donnell_NP Reid_NP ,_, Bill_NP Nordmann_NP ,_, Dave_NP Harris
_NP ,_, Dave_NP Luechtefeld_NP and_CC George_NP Latinovich_NP ._. ``_`` This_DT
team_NN set_VBD a_AT precedent_NN that_WPS could_MD be_BE valuable_JJ in_IN the_
AT future_NN ''_'' ,_, Benington_NP pointed_VBD out_RP ._. ``_`` By_IN winning_V
BG against_IN Bradley_NP ,_, Kentucky_NP and_CC Notre_NP Dame_NP on_IN those_DTS
teams'_NNS$ home_NR courts_NNS ,_, they_PPSS showed_VBD that_CS the_AT home_NR
court_NN advantage_NN can_MD be_BE overcome_VBN anywhere_RB and_CC that_CS it_PP
S doesn't_DOZ* take_VB a_AT super_JJ team_NN to_TO do_DO it_PPO ''_'' ._. St._NP
-TL Louis_NP-TL University_NN-TL found_VBD a_AT way_NN to_TO win_VB a_AT basebal
l_NN game_NN ._. Larry_NP Scherer_NP last_AP night_NN pitched_VBD a_AT no-hit_NN
game_NN ,_, said_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT first_OD in_IN Billiken_NP baseball_NN
history_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT Blue_JJ-TL and_CC-TL White_JJ-TL beat_VBD Southeast_
JJ-TL Missouri_NP-TL State_NN-TL College_NN-TL ,_, 5-1_CD ,_, at_IN Crystal_NN-T
L City_NN-TL ._. The_AT victory_NN was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD of_IN the_AT season_
NN for_IN the_AT Billikens_NPS after_IN nine_CD defeats_NNS and_CC a_AT tie_NN .
_. The_AT tie_NN was_BEDZ against_IN Southeast_JJ-TL Missouri_NP-TL last_AP Frid
ay_NR ._. Scherer_NP also_RB had_HVD a_AT big_JJ night_NN at_IN bat_NN with_IN f
our_CD hits_NNS in_IN five_CD trips_NNS including_IN a_AT double_NN ,_, Len_NP B
oehmer_NP also_RB was_BEDZ 4-for-5_CD with_IN two_CD doubles_NNS and_CC Dave_NP
Ritchie_NP had_HVD a_AT home_NN run_NN and_CC a_AT triple_NN ._. St._NP-TL Louis
_NP-TL U._NN-TL was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE in_IN action_NN again_RB today_NR with_IN a
_AT game_NN scheduled_VBN at_IN 4_CD against_IN Washington_NP-TL University_NN-T
L at_IN Ligget_NP-TL Field_NN-TL ._. The_AT game_NN opened_VBD a_AT busy_JJ week
_NN for_IN Washington_NP ._. The_AT Bears_NNS-TL are_BER set_VBN to_TO play_VB a
t_IN Harris_NP-TL Teachers_NNS-TL College_NN-TL at_IN 3:30_CD tomorrow_NR and_CC
have_HV a_AT doubleheader_NN at_IN Quincy_NP ,_, Ill._NP ,_, Saturday_NR ._. Ha
ppy_JJ-HL hitting_VBG-HL If_CS it's_PPS+BEZ true_JJ that_CS contented_VBN cows_N
NS give_VB more_AP milk_NN ,_, why_WRB shouldn't_MD* happy_JJ ball_NN players_NN
S produce_VB more_AP base_NN hits_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT two_CD top_JJS talents_NNS
of_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, Mickey_NP Mantle_NP and_CC Willie_NP Mays_NP ,_, have_H
V hit_VBN the_AT ball_NN harder_RBR and_CC more_QL successfully_RB so_QL far_RB
this_DT early_JJ season_NN than_CS at_IN any_DTI period_NN in_IN careers_NNS whi
ch_WDT ,_, to_TO be_BE frank_JJ about_IN it_PPO ,_, never_RB have_HV quite_RB re
ached_VBN expectations_NNS ._. And_CC that's_DT+BEZ meant_VBN as_CS a_AT boost_N
N ,_, not_* a_AT knock_NN ._. Mays_NP and_CC Mantle_NP ,_, both_ABX 10-year_JJ m
en_NNS at_IN 30_CD ,_, have_HV so_QL much_AP ability_NN that_CS ,_, baseball_NN
men_NNS agree_VB ,_, they've_PPSS+HV never_RB hit_VBN the_AT heights_NNS ._. The
ir_PP$ heights_NNS ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ._. Mantle_NP ,_, the_AT bull-necked_JJ bl
ond_JJ switch-hitter_NN ,_, had_HVD one_CD sensational_JJ triple-crown_NN season
_NN ,_, 1959_CD ,_, when_WRB he_PPS batted_VBD and_CC also_RB led_VBD the_AT Ame
rican_JJ-TL League_NN-TL in_IN home_NN runs_NNS ,_, 52_CD ,_, and_CC rbi's_NNS ,
_, 130_CD ._. Like_CS the_AT Yankees'_NPS$ slugger_NN ,_, Mays_NP ,_, the_AT ter
ror_NN of_IN the_AT Giants_NNS-TL ,_, has_HVZ had_HVN seasons_NNS that_WPS would
_MD be_BE considered_VBN the_AT ultimate_JJ by_IN most_AP players_NNS ,_, but_CC
not_* by_IN --_-- or_CC for_IN --_-- Willie_NP ._. His_PP$ best_JJT years_NNS w
ere_BED 1954_CD when_WRB he_PPS hit_VBD with_IN 41_CD homers_NNS and_CC '55_CD w
hen_WRB he_PPS belted_VBD 51_CD home_NN runs_NNS ,_, drove_VBD in_RP 127_CD and_
CC stole_VBD 24_CD bases_NNS ._. Now_RB ,_, apparently_RB happier_JJR under_IN n
ew_JJ managers_NNS ,_, Mays_NP and_CC Mantle_NP ,_, the_AT perfect_JJ players_NN
S ,_, are_BER behaving_VBG as_CS though_CS they're_PPSS+BER going_VBG to_TO pass
_VB those_DTS previous_JJ peaks_NNS ._. Labor_NN-HL relations_NNS-HL Yes_RB ,_,
we_PPSS know_VB ,_, they're_PPSS+BER professionals_NNS ,_, men_NNS paid_VBN to_T
O play_VB ,_, and_CC they_PPSS shouldn't_MD* care_VB how_WRB they're_PPSS+BER ha
ndled_VBN ,_, just_RB as_QL long_RB as_CS their_PP$ names_NNS are_BER spelled_VB
N correctly_RB on_IN the_AT first_OD and_CC fifteenth_OD of_IN each_DT month_NN
._. The_AT truth_NN is_BEZ ,_, though_RB ,_, that_CS men_NNS react_VB differentl
y_RB to_IN different_JJ treatment_NN ._. For_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, Stan_NP Mu
sial_NP is_BEZ rare_JJ ,_, possessing_VBG the_AT disposition_NN that_WPS enabled
_VBD him_PPO to_TO put_VB out_RP the_AT same_AP for_IN seven_CD managers_NNS ,_,
reserving_VBG his_PP$ opinions_NNS ,_, but_CC not_* his_PP$ effort_NN ._. Mantl
e_NP ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ apparent_JJ ,_, resented_VBD Casey_NP Stengel's_NP$ attemp
ts_NNS to_TO push_VB and_CC prod_VB him_PPO into_IN the_AT perfection_NN the_AT
veteran_NN manager_NN saw_VBD as_CS a_AT thrilling_JJ possibility_NN ._. The_AT
old_JJ man_NN was_BEDZ almost_RB too_QL possessive_JJ ._. Stengel_NP inherited_V
BD DiMaggio_NP ,_, Rizzuto_NP ,_, but_CC he_PPS brought_VBD up_RP Mantle_NP from
_IN Class_NN-TL C_NP-TL to_IN the_AT majors_NNS ,_, from_IN Joplin_NP to_IN New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. With_IN the_AT speed_NN and_CC power_NN of_IN the_AT body_N
N beautiful_JJ he_PPS saw_VBD before_IN him_PPO ,_, Ol'_JJ-TL Case_NP-TL wanted_
VBD No._NN-TL 7_CD-TL to_TO be_BE not_* only_RB the_AT best_JJT homerun_NN hitte
r_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB the_AT best_JJT bunter_NN ,_, base-runner_NN and_CC outf
ielder_NN ._. Stengel_NP probably_RB preached_VBD too_QL much_AP in_IN the_AT ea
rly_JJ days_NNS when_WRB the_AT kid_NN wanted_VBD to_TO pop_VB his_PP$ bubble_NN
gum_NN and_CC sow_VB his_PP$ oats_NN ._. Inheriting_VBG a_AT more_QL mature_JJ
Mantle_NP ,_, who_WPS now_RB has_HVZ seen_VBN the_AT sights_NNS on_IN and_CC off
_IN Broadway_NP ,_, Ralph_NP Houk_NP quietly_RB bestowed_VBD ,_, no_AT pun_NN in
tended_VBN ,_, the_AT mantle_NN of_IN authority_NN on_IN Mickey_NP ._. The_AT Ma
jor_NN-TL decided_VBD that_CS ,_, rather_IN than_IN be_BE led_VBN ,_, the_AT slu
gger_NN could_MD lead_VB ._. And_CC what_WDT leadership_NN a_AT proud_JJ Mantle_
NP has_HVZ given_VBN so_QL far_RB ._. The_AT opinion_NN continues_VBZ here_RB th
at_CS with_IN a_AT 162-game_JJ schedule_NN ,_, pitching_VBG spread_VBN thin_JJ t
hrough_IN a_AT 10-team_JJ league_NN and_CC a_AT most_QL inviting_JJ target_NN in
_IN Los_NP Angeles'_NP$ Wrigley_NP Field_NP Jr._NP ,_, Mantle_NP just_RB might_M
D break_VB the_AT most_QL glamorous_JJ record_NN on_IN the_AT books_NNS ,_, Babe
_NP Ruth's_NP$ 60_CD homers_NNS of_IN 1927_CD ._. Four_CD-HL for_IN-HL Alvin_NP-
HL Mays'_NP$ day_NN came_VBD a_AT day_NN earlier_RBR for_IN Willie_NP than_CS fo
r_IN the_AT kids_NNS and_CC Commies_NPS this_DT year_NN ._. Willie's_NP$ wonderf
ul_JJ walloping_VBG Sunday_NR --_-- four_CD home_NN runs_NNS --_-- served_VBD me
rely_RB to_TO emphasize_VB how_QL happy_JJ he_PPS is_BEZ to_TO be_BE playing_VBG
for_IN Alvin_NP Dark_NP ._. Next_IN to_IN Leo_NP Durocher_NP ,_, Dark_NP taught
_VBD Mays_NP the_AT most_AP when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT grass-green_JJ rookie_
NN rushed_VBN up_RP to_IN the_AT Polo_NN-TL Grounds_NNS-TL 10_CD years_NNS ago_R
B this_DT month_NN ,_, to_TO help_VB the_AT Giants_NNS-TL win_VB a_AT dramatic_J
J pennant_NN ._. Romantic_JJ news_NN concerns_VBZ Mrs._NP Joan_NP Monroe_NP Armo
ur_NP and_CC F._NP Lee_NP H._NP Wendell_NP ,_, who_WPS are_BER to_TO be_BE marri
ed_VBN at_IN 4:30_CD p.m._RB tomorrow_NR in_IN the_AT Lake_NN-TL Forest_NN-TL ho
me_NN of_IN her_PP$ brother_NN ,_, J._NP Hampton_NP Monroe_NP ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP
Monroe_NP ._. Only_RB the_AT families_NNS and_CC a_AT dozen_NN close_JJ friends
_NNS will_MD be_BE present_RB ._. The_AT bride's_NN$ brother_NN ,_, Walter_NP D.
_NP Monroe_NP Jr._NP ,_, will_MD give_VB her_PPO in_IN marriage_NN ._. In_IN the
_AT small_JJ group_NN will_MD be_BE the_AT junior_JJ and_CC senior_JJ Mrs._NP Wa
lter_NP Monroe_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT bridegroom's_NN$ parents_NNS ,_, the_AT Barrett
_NP Wendells_NPS ,_, who_WPS are_BER returning_VBG from_IN a_AT winter_NN holida
y_NN in_IN Sarasota_NP ,_, Fla._NP ,_, for_IN the_AT occasion_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC
his_PP$ brother_NN ,_, Mr._NP Wendell_NP Jr._NP ,_, and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, w
ho_WPS will_MD arrive_VB from_IN Boston_NP ._. Mr._NP Wendell_NP Jr._NP will_MD
be_BE best_JJT man_NN ._. Also_RB present_RB will_MD be_BE the_AT bride's_NN$ ch
ildren_NNS ,_, Joan_NP ,_, 13_CD ,_, and_CC Kirkland_NP ,_, 11_CD ._. Their_PP$
father_NN is_BEZ Charles_NP B._NP Armour_NP ._. The_AT bridegroom's_NN$ children
_NNS were_BED here_RB for_IN the_AT Christmas_NP holidays_NNS and_CC can't_MD* r
eturn_VB ._. Young_JJ Peter_NP Wendell_NP ,_, a_AT student_NN at_IN the_AT Westm
inster_NP school_NN ,_, has_HVZ measles_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ sister_NN ,_, Mrs.
_NP Andrew_NP Thomas_NP ,_, and_CC her_PP$ husband_NN ,_, who_WPS live_VB in_IN
Missoula_NP ,_, Mont._NP ,_, have_HV a_AT new_JJ baby_NN ._. Their_PP$ mother_NN
is_BEZ Mrs._NP Camilla_NP Alsop_NP Wendell_NP ._. Mr._NP Wendell_NP and_CC his_
PP$ bride_NN will_MD live_VB in_IN his_PP$ Lake_NN-TL Forest_NN-TL house_NN ._.
They_PPSS will_MD take_VB a_AT wedding_NN trip_NN later_RBR ._. '_' back_RB-HL w
ith_IN-HL the_AT-HL Met_NP-HL ``_`` We_PPSS are_BER back_RB with_IN the_AT '_' M
et_NP '_' again_RB now_RB that_CS the_AT '_' Met_NP '_' is_BEZ back_RB in_IN Chi
cago_NP ''_'' ,_, bulletins_VBZ Mrs._NP Frank_NP S._NP Sims_NP ,_, president_NN
of_IN the_AT women's_NNS$ board_NN of_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicag
o_NP-TL Cancer_NN-TL Research_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL York_N
P-TL Metropolitan_JJ-TL Opera_NN-TL Company_NN-TL will_MD be_BE here_RB in_IN Ma
y_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT board_NN will_MD sponsor_VB the_AT Saturday_NR night_NN ,
_, May_NP 13_CD ,_, performance_NN of_IN ``_`` Turandot_NP ''_'' as_CS a_AT bene
fit_NN ._. Birgit_NP Nilsson_NP will_MD be_BE starred_VBN ._. ``_`` Housed_VBN i
n_IN the_AT new_JJ McCormick_NP Place_NN-TL theater_NN ,_, this_DT should_MD pro
ve_VB to_TO be_BE an_AT exciting_JJ evening_NN ''_'' ,_, adds_VBZ Mrs._NP Sims_N
P ._. The_AT board's_NN$ last_AP money_NN raising_NN event_NN was_BEDZ a_AT perf
ormance_NN by_IN Harry_NP Belafonte_NP --_-- ``_`` quite_QL off-beat_JJ for_IN t
his_DT group_NN ''_'' ,_, decided_VBD some_DTI of_IN the_AT members_NNS ._. Mrs.
_NP Henry_NP T._NP Sulcer_NP of_IN Winnetka_NP ,_, a_AT new_JJ board_NN member_N
N ,_, will_MD be_BE chairman_NN of_IN publicity_NN for_IN the_AT benefit_NN ._.
Her_PP$ husband_NN recently_RB was_BEDZ appointed_VBN vice_NN president_NN of_IN
the_AT university_NN ,_, bringing_VBG them_PPO back_RB here_RB from_IN the_AT e
ast_NR ._. Parichy-Hamm_NP-HL Because_RB of_IN the_AT recent_JJ death_NN of_IN t
he_AT bride's_NN$ father_NN ,_, Frederick_NP B._NP Hamm_NP ,_, the_AT marriage_N
N of_IN Miss_NP Terry_NP Hamm_NP to_IN John_NP Bruce_NP Parichy_NP will_MD be_BE
a_AT small_JJ one_CD at_IN noon_NN tomorrow_NR in_IN St._NN-TL Bernadine's_NP$-
TL church_NN ,_, Forest_NN-TL Park_NN-TL ._. A_AT small_JJ reception_NN will_MD
follow_VB in_IN the_AT Oak_NN-TL Park_NN-TL Arms_NNS-TL hotel_NN ._. Mrs._NP Ham
m_NP will_MD not_* come_VB from_IN Vero_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL ,_, Fla._NP ,_, for_IN
the_AT wedding_NN ._. However_WRB ,_, Mr._NP Parichy_NP and_CC his_PP$ bride_NN
will_MD go_VB to_IN Vero_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL on_IN their_PP$ wedding_NN trip_NN ,
_, and_CC will_MD stay_VB in_IN the_AT John_NP G._NP Beadles'_NPS$ beach_NN hous
e_NN ._. The_AT Beadles_NPS formerly_RB lived_VBD in_IN Lake_NN-TL Forest_NN-TL
._. Harvey_NP B._NP Stevens_NP of_IN Kenilworth_NP will_MD give_VB his_PP$ niece
_NN in_IN marriage_NN ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Stevens_NP and_CC the_AT bride's
_NN$ other_AP uncles_NNS and_CC aunts_NNS ,_, the_AT Rush_NP C._NP Butlers_NPS ,
_, the_AT Homer_NP E._NP Robertsons_NPS ,_, and_CC the_AT David_NP Q._NP Porters
_NPS ,_, will_MD give_VB the_AT bridal_NN dinner_NN tonight_NR in_IN the_AT Stev
enses'_NPS$ home_NN ._. Here_RB-HL and_CC-HL there_RB-HL The_AT Chicago_NP-TL Pr
ess_NN-TL club_NN will_MD fete_VB George_NP E._NP Barnes_NP ,_, president_NN of_
IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Lawn_NN-TL Tennis_NN-TL association_NN ,_,
at_IN a_AT cocktail_NN party_NN and_CC buffet_NN supper_NN beginning_VBG at_IN
5:30_CD p.m._RB tomorrow_NR ._. Later_RBR ,_, a_AT bus_NN will_MD carry_VB membe
rs_NNS to_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL to_TO see_VB Jack_NP Kramer's_NP
$ professional_JJ tennis_NN matches_NNS at_IN 8_CD p.m._RB ._. With_IN loud_JJ h
uzzahs_NNS for_IN the_AT artistic_JJ success_NN of_IN the_AT Presbyterian-St._NP
Luke's_NP$ Fashion_NN-TL show_NN still_RB ringing_VBG in_IN her_PP$ ears_NNS ,_
, its_PP$ director_NN ,_, Helen_NP Tieken_NP Geraghty_NP (_( Mrs._NP Maurice_NP
P._NP Geraghty_NP )_) is_BEZ taking_VBG off_RP tomorrow_NR on_IN a_AT 56_CD day_
NN world_NN trip_NN which_WDT should_MD earn_VB her_PPO even_QL greater_JJR accl
aim_NN as_IN director_NN of_IN entertainment_NN for_IN next_AP summer's_NN$ Inte
rnational_JJ-TL Trade_NN-TL fair_NN ._. Armed_VBN with_IN letters_NNS from_IN em
bassies_NNS to_IN ministers_NNS of_IN countries_NNS ,_, especially_RB those_DTS
in_IN the_AT near_JJ and_CC far_JJ east_NR ,_, Mrs._NP Geraghty_NP ``_`` will_MD
beat_VB the_AT bushes_NNS for_IN oriental_JJ talent_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` We_PPSS
(_( the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_NN-TL and_CC-TL Ind
ustry_NN-TL )_) expect_VB to_TO establish_VB closer_JJR relations_NNS with_IN na
tions_NNS and_CC their_PP$ cultural_JJ activities_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PPS will_MD
be_BE easy_JJ as_CS a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT fair_JJ staff_NN to_TO bring_VB
in_RP acts_NNS ''_'' ,_, explains_VBZ Mrs._NP Geraghty_NP ._. ``_`` For_IN insta
nce_NN ,_, Djakarta_NP ,_, Indonesia_NP ,_, has_HVZ three_CD groups_NNS of_IN da
ncers_NNS interested_VBN in_IN coming_VBG here_RB ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM even_RB going
_VBG to_TO try_VB to_TO get_VB the_AT whirling_VBG dervishes_NNS of_IN Damascus_
NP ''_'' !_. !_. The_AT last_AP obstacle_NN in_IN Mrs._NP Geraghty's_NP$ globe-g
irdling_JJ trip_NN was_BEDZ smoothed_VBN out_RP when_WRB a_AT representative_NN
of_IN Syria_NP called_VBD upon_RB her_PPO to_TO explain_VB that_CS his_PP$ broth
er_NN would_MD meet_VB her_PPO at_IN the_AT border_NN of_IN that_DT country_NN -
-_-- so_QL newly_RB separated_VBN from_IN Egypt_NP and_CC the_AT United_VBN-TL A
rab_NP-TL Republic_NN-TL that_CS she_PPS hadn't_HVD* been_BEN able_JJ to_TO obta
in_VB a_AT visa_NN ._. First_RB-HL ,_,-HL Honolulu_NP-HL Honolulu_NP will_MD be_
BE Mrs._NP Geraghty's_NP$ first_OD stop_NN ._. Then_RB Japan_NP ,_, Hong_NP Kong
_NP ,_, Manila_NP ,_, India_NP ,_, Pakistan_NP ,_, Damascus_NP ,_, Beirut_NP ,_,
and_CC to_IN Rome_NP ,_, London_NP ,_, and_CC Paris_NP ``_`` to_TO look_VB over
_RP wonderful_JJ talent_NN ''_'' ._. Dec._NP 22_CD is_BEZ the_AT deadline_NN for
_IN Mrs._NP Geraghty's_NP$ return_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT Geraghtys'_NPS$ youngest_JJT
daughter_NN ,_, Molly_NP ,_, bows_VBZ in_IN the_AT Passavant_NP-TL Debutante_NN
-TL Cotillion_NN-TL the_AT next_AP night_NN ._. Molly_NP already_RB has_HVZ her_
PP$ cotillion_NN gown_NN ,_, and_CC it's_PPS+BEZ fitted_VBN ,_, says_VBZ her_PP$
mother_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, invitations_NNS have_HV been_BEN addressed_VBN to_IN
Molly's_NP$ debut_NN tea_NN the_AT afternoon_NN of_IN Dec._NP 29_CD in_IN the_AT
Arts_NNS-TL club_NN ._. It_PPS won't_MD* be_BE a_AT ``_`` tea_NN ''_'' ,_, howe
ver_WRB ,_, but_CC more_AP of_IN an_AT international_JJ folk_NN song_NN festival
_NN ,_, with_IN singers_NNS from_IN Chicago's_NP$ foreign_JJ groups_NNS to_TO si
ng_VB Christmas_NP songs_NNS from_IN around_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT intern
ational_JJ theme_NN will_MD be_BE continued_VBN with_IN the_AT Balkan_NP strings
_NNS playing_VBG for_IN a_AT dinner_NN the_AT Byron_NP Harveys_NPS will_MD give_
VB in_IN the_AT Racquet_NP club_NN after_IN the_AT tea_NN ._. Miss_NP Abra_NP Pr
entice's_NP$ debut_NN supper_NN dance_NN in_IN the_AT Casino_NN-TL will_MD wind_
VB up_RP the_AT day_NN ._. Burke-Rostagno_NP-HL The_AT Richard_NP S._NP Burkes'_
NPS$ home_NN in_IN Wayne_NP may_MD be_BE the_AT setting_NN for_IN the_AT wedding
_NN reception_NN for_IN their_PP$ daughter_NN ,_, Helen_NP Lambert_NP ,_, and_CC
the_AT young_JJ Italian_JJ she_PPS met_VBD last_AP year_NN while_CS studying_VB
G in_IN Florence_NP during_IN her_PPO junior_JJ year_NN at_IN Smith_NP college_N
N ._. He_PPS is_BEZ Aldo_NP Rostagno_NP ,_, son_NN of_IN the_AT Guglielmo_NP Ros
tagnos_NPS of_IN Florence_NP whom_WPO the_AT Burkes_NPS met_VBD last_AP year_NN
in_IN Europe_NP ._. The_AT Burkes_NPS ,_, who_WPS now_RB live_VB in_IN Kankakee_
NP ,_, are_BER telling_VBG friends_NNS of_IN the_AT engagement_NN ._. Miss_NP Bu
rke_NP ,_, a_AT graduate_NN of_IN Miss_NP Hall's_NP$ school_NN ,_, stayed_VBD on
_RP in_IN Florence_NP as_CS a_AT career_NN girl_NN ._. Her_PP$ fiance_NN ,_, who
_WPS is_BEZ with_IN a_AT publishing_VBG firm_NN ,_, translates_VBZ many_AP books
_NNS from_IN English_NP into_IN Italian_NP ._. He_PPS will_MD be_BE coming_VBG h
ere_RB on_IN business_NN in_IN December_NP ,_, when_WRB the_AT wedding_NN is_BEZ
to_TO take_VB place_NN in_IN Wayne_NP ._. Miss_NP Burke_NP will_MD arrive_VB in
_IN December_NP also_RB ._. Here_RB-HL and_CC-HL there_RB-HL A_AT farewell_NN su
pper_NN Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Charles_NP H._NP Sethness_NP Jr._NP planned_VBD Su
nday_NR for_IN Italian_JJ-TL Consul_NN-TL General_JJ-TL and_CC Mrs._NP Giacomo_N
P Profili_NP has_HVZ been_BEN canceled_VBN because_CS Mr._NP Sethness_NP is_BEZ
in_IN Illinois_NP-TL Masonic_JJ-TL hospital_NN for_IN surgery_NN ._. Mrs._NP Wil
liam_NP Odell_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Clinton_NP B._NP King_NP ,_, John_NP Holabird_NP Jr
._NP ,_, Norman_NP Boothby_NP ,_, and_CC Actress_NN-TL Maureen_NP O'Sullivan_NP
will_MD judge_VB the_AT costumes_NNS in_IN the_AT grand_JJ march_NN at_IN the_AT
Affaire_NP Old_JJ-TL Towne_NN-TL Bal_NP Masque_NP tomorrow_NR in_IN the_AT Germ
ania_NP club_NN ._. The_AT party_NN is_BEZ to_TO raise_VB money_NN for_IN the_AT
Old_JJ-TL Town_NN-TL Art_NN-TL center_NN and_CC to_TO plant_VB more_AP crabappl
e_NN trees_NNS along_IN the_AT streets_NNS of_IN Old_JJ-TL Town_NN-TL ._. Lyon_N
P around_RB :_: Columnist_NN-TL Walter_NP Winchell_NP ,_, well_JJ and_CC rat-a-t
at-tatty_JJ again_RB ,_, wheeled_VBD thru_IN town_NN between_IN trains_NNS yeste
rday_NR en_FW-IN route_FW-NN to_IN his_PP$ Phoenix_NP ,_, Ariz._NP ,_, rancho_NN
,_, portable_JJ typewriter_NN in_IN hand_NN ._. If_CS W._NP W.'s_NP+BEZ retirin
g_VBG soon_RB ,_, as_CS hinted_VBN ,_, he_PPS ain't_BEZ* talking_VBG --_-- yet_R
B ._. Pretty_JJ Sunny_NP Ainsworth_NP ,_, the_AT ex-Mrs._NP Tommy_NP Manville_NP
and_CC the_AT ex-Mrs._NP Bud_NP Arvey_NP ,_, joined_VBD Playboy-Show-Biz_NP-TL
Illustrated_VBN-TL ,_, as_CS a_AT promotional_JJ copy_NN writer_NN ._. She's_PPS
+BEZ a_AT whiz_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD get_VB into_IN an_AT argument_NN about_IN
fallout_NN shelters_NNS at_IN the_AT drop_NN of_IN a_AT beer_NN stein_NN in_IN c
lubs_NNS and_CC pubs_NNS these_DTS nights_NNS ._. Everybody_PN has_HVZ a_AT diff
erent_JJ idea_NN on_IN the_AT ethics_NNS and_CC morals_NNS of_IN driving_VBG awa
y_RB neighbors_NNS ,_, when_WRB and_CC if_CS ._. Comic_NN Gary_NP Morton_NP sign
ed_VBD to_TO play_VB the_AT Living_VBG-TL Room_NN-TL here_RB Dec._NP 18_CD ,_, b
ecause_CS that's_DT+BEZ the_AT only_AP time_NN his_PP$ heart_NN ,_, Lucille_NP B
all_NP ,_, can_MD come_VB along_RB ._. And_CC watch_VB for_RB a_AT headline_NN f
rom_IN this_DT pair_NN any_DTI time_NN now_RB ._. The_AT Living_VBG-TL Room_NN-T
L has_HVZ another_DT scoop_NN :_: Jane_NP Russell_NP will_MD make_VB one_CD of_I
N her_PP$ rare_JJ night_NN club_NN singing_VBG appearances_NNS there_RB ,_, open
ing_VBG Jan._NP 22_CD ._. La_FW-AT-TL Russell's_NP$ run_NN in_IN ``_`` Skylark_N
N-TL ''_'' ,_, debuting_VBG next_AP week_NN at_IN Drury_NP-TL Lane_NN-TL ,_, alr
eady_RB is_BEZ a_AT sellout_NN ._. Johnny_NP Ray_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT same_AP L._
NP R._NP ,_, has_HVZ something_PN to_TO cry_VB about_IN ._. He's_PPS+HVZ been_BE
N warbling_VBG in_IN severe_JJ pain_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT medico's_NN$ injection_NN in
flamed_VBD a_AT nerve_NN ,_, and_CC Johnny_NP can_MD barely_RB walk_VB ._. Charl
ey_NP Simonelli_NP ,_, top_JJS Universal-International_JJ-TL film_NN studio_NN e
xec_NN ,_, makes_VBZ an_AT honest_JJ man_NN out_RP of_IN this_DT column_NN ._. A
s_CS we_PPSS bulletin'd_VBD way_QL back_RB ,_, he'll_PPS+MD wed_VB pretty_JJ Ros
emary_NP Strafaci_NP ,_, of_IN the_AT Golf_NN-TL Mag_NN-TL staff_NN ,_, in_IN N.
_NP Y._NP C._NP today_NR ._. Handsome_JJ bachelor_NN Charley_NP was_BEDZ a_AT fa
vorite_JJ date_NN of_IN many_AP of_IN Hollywood's_NP$ glamor_NN gals_NNS for_IN
years_NNS ._. George_NP Simon_NP ,_, exec_NN director_NN of_IN Danny_NP Thomas_N
P A._NP L._NP S._NP A._NP C._NP (_( Aiding_VBG-TL Leukemia_NN-TL Stricken_VBN-TL
American_JJ-TL Children_NNS-TL )_) fund_NN raising_NN group_NN ,_, filled_VBD m
e_PPO in_RP on_IN the_AT low-down_JJ phonies_NNS who_WPS are_BER using_VBG phone
s_NNS to_TO solicit_VB funds_NNS for_IN Danny's_NP$ St._NN-TL Jude_NP-TL hospita
l_NN in_IN Memphis_NP ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_RB such_JJ thing_NN as_CS an_AT ``_
`` emergency_NN telephone_NN building_NN fund_NN drive_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT only_
AP current_JJ event_NN they're_PPSS+BER staging_VBG is_BEZ the_AT big_JJ show_NN
at_IN the_AT Stadium_NN-TL Nov._NP 25_CD ,_, when_WRB Danny_NP will_MD entertai
n_VB thousands_NNS of_IN underprivileged_JJ kids_NNS ._. You_PPSS can_MD mail_VB
contribs_NNS to_IN Danny_NP Thomas_NP ,_, Post_NN-TL Office_NN-TL Box_NN-TL 759
9_CD ,_, Chicago_NP ._. So_RB ,_, if_CS anybody_PN solicits_VBZ by_IN phone_NN ,
_, make_VB sure_JJ you_PPSS mail_VB the_AT dough_NN to_IN the_AT above_JJ ._. Ol
ivia_NP De_NP Havilland_NP signed_VBD to_TO do_DO a_AT Broadway_NP play_NN for_I
N Garson_NP Kanin_NP this_DT season_NN ,_, ``_`` A_AT-TL Gift_NN-TL of_IN-TL Tim
e_NN-TL ''_'' ._. She'll_PPS+MD move_VB to_IN Gotham_NP after_IN years_NNS in_IN
Paris_NP ._. Gorgeous_JJ Doris_NP Day_NP and_CC her_PP$ producer-hubby_NN ,_, M
arty_NP Melcher_NP ,_, drive_VB in_RP today_NR from_IN a_AT motor_NN tour_NN thr
u_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ._. D._NP D._NP will_MD pop_VB up_RP with_IN U-I_NN
Chief_NN-TL Milt_NP Rackmil_NP at_IN the_AT Carnegie_NP theater_NN tomorrow_NR
to_TO toast_VB 300_CD movie_NN exhibitors_NNS ._. It'll_PPS+MD be_BE an_AT all_A
BN day_NN affair_NN with_IN screenings_NNS of_IN Doris'_NP$ new_JJ one_CD ,_, ``
_`` Lover_NN-TL Come_VB-TL Back_RB-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` Flower_NN-TL Drum_N
N-TL Song_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Whee_UH the_AT People_NNS :_: Lovely_JJ Thrush_NN Anna
morena_NP gave_VBD up_RP a_AT promising_JJ show_NN biz_NN career_NN to_TO apply_
VB glamor_NN touches_NNS to_IN her_PP$ hubby_NN ,_, Ray_NP Lenobel's_NP$ fur_NN
firm_NN here_RB ._. Typical_JJ touch_NN :_: She_PPS sold_VBD a_AT $10,000_NNS mo
rning_NN light_JJ mink_NN to_IN Sportsman_NN-TL Freddie_NP Wacker_NP for_IN his_
PP$ frau_NN ,_, Jana_NP Mason_NP ,_, also_RB an_AT ex-singer_NN ._. In_IN honor_
NN of_IN the_AT Wackers'_NPS$ new_JJ baby_NN ._. Fur_IN goodness_NN sake_NN !_.
!_. Emcee_NN Jack_NP Herbert_NP insists_VBZ Dick_NP Nixon's_NP$ campaign_NN slog
an_NN for_IN governor_NN of_IN California_NP is_BEZ ,_, ``_`` Knight_NP-TL Must_
MD-TL Fall_VB-TL ''_'' !_. !_. Give_VB generously_RB when_WRB you_PPSS buy_VB ca
ndy_NN today_NR for_IN the_AT Brain_NN-TL Research_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL ._. It
's_PPS+BEZ one_CD of_IN our_PP$ town's_NN$ worthiest_JJT charities_NNS ._. Best_
JJT Bet_NN for_IN Tonight_NR :_: That_DT darlin'_JJ dazzler_NN from_IN Paree_NP
,_, Genevieve_NP ,_, opening_VBG in_IN the_AT Empire_NN-TL room_NN ._. Dave_NP T
rager_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ quite_ABL a_AT showman_NN and_CC boss_NN of_IN Chica
go's_NP$ new_JJ pro_JJ basketball_NN Packers_NPS ,_, is_BEZ debuting_VBG a_AT ne
w_JJ International_JJ-TL club_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT exclusive_JJ use_NN of_IN sea
son_NN ticket_NN holders_NNS ,_, in_IN the_AT Stock_NN-TL Yards_NNS-TL Inn_NN-TL
._. Jump_NN off_RP is_BEZ tomorrow_NR night_NN when_WRB the_AT Packs_NNS-TL mee
t_VB St._NP Louis_NP in_IN their_PP$ season_NN home_NR opener_NN ._. Nobody's_PN
+HVZ mentioned_VBN it_PPO ,_, but_CC when_WRB ol'_JJ Casey_NP Stengel_NP takes_V
BZ over_RP as_CS boss_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Mets_NPS-TL ,_, he'll
_PPS+MD be_BE the_AT only_AP baseballight_NN ever_RB to_TO wear_VB the_AT unifor
m_NN of_IN all_ABN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL area_NN clubs_NNS ,_, past_JJ and_CC pre
sent_JJ :_: Yankees_NPS ,_, Dodgers_NPS ,_, Giants_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC now_RB the_
AT Mets_NPS ._. And_CC Bernie_NP Kriss_NP calls_VBZ the_AT bayonet_NN clashes_NN
S at_IN Berlin's_NP$ Brandenburg_NP-TL Gate_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Battle_NN-
TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Sentry_NN-TL ''_'' !_. !_. The_AT jotted_VBN Lyon_NP :_: T
his_DT mad_JJ world_NN dept._NN :_: Khrush_NP and_CC the_AT Kremlin_NP crowd_NN
are_BER confident_JJ all_QL right_RB ._. They're_PPSS+BER contaminating_VBG the_
AT earth's_NN$ atmosphere_NN including_IN their_PP$ own_JJ via_IN mighty_JJ mega
ton_NN bombs_NNS but_CC their_PP$ own_JJ peasants_NNS still_RB don't_DO* know_VB
about_IN it_PPO !_. !_. More_AP :_: On_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN side_NN ._. A
lbert_NP John_NP Luthuli_NP ,_, awarded_VBN a_AT Nobel_NP prize_NN for_IN his_PP
$ South_JJ-TL African_NP-TL integration_NN struggles_NNS ,_, has_HVZ to_TO get_V
B permission_NN to_TO fly_VB to_TO collect_VB his_PP$ honor_NN ._. Hmpf_UH But_C
C on_RP to_IN the_AT frothier_JJR side_NN Johnny_NP Weissmuller_NP ,_, the_AT on
ly_AP real_JJ Tarzan_NP ,_, telephoned_VBD Maureen_NP O'Sullivan_NP ,_, his_PP$
first_OD ``_`` Jane_NP ''_'' (_( now_RB at_IN Drury_NP-TL Lane_NN-TL )_) and_CC
muttered_VBD ,_, ``_`` Me_PPO Tarzan_NP ,_, this_DT Jane_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. Snappe
d_VBD Maureen_NP ,_, ``_`` Me_PPO Jane_NP ''_'' !_. !_. Actually_RB Johnny_NP is
_BEZ a_AT glib_JJ ,_, garrulous_JJ guy_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT rare_JJ sense_NN of_I
N humor_NN ._. Everywhere_RB he_PPS went_VBD in_IN town_NN ,_, people_NNS sidled
_VBD up_RP ,_, gave_VBD him_PPO the_AT guttural_JJ bit_NN or_CC broke_VBD into_I
N a_AT frightening_VBG Tarzan_NP yodel_NN ._. He_PPS kids_VBZ his_PP$ Tarzan_NP
roles_NNS more_RBR than_IN anyone_PN ._. ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Dolce_FW-JJ-TL Vita_F
W-NN-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT dynamite_NN Italian_JJ flicker_NN ,_, opens_VBZ at_IN p
opular_JJ prices_NNS at_IN the_AT Loop_NN-TL theater_NN Nov._NP 2_CD ._. My_PP$
idea_NN of_IN masterful_JJ movie_NN making_NN ._. Bill_NP Veeck's_NP$ health_NN
is_BEZ back_RB to_IN the_AT dynamo_NN stage_NN ,_, but_CC his_PP$ medics_NNS ins
ist_VB he_PPS rest_VB for_IN several_AP more_AP months_NNS before_CS getting_VBG
back_RB into_IN the_AT baseball_NN swim_NN ._. William_NP keeps_VBZ up_RP with_
IN our_PP$ town's_NN$ doings_NNS daily_RB ,_, via_IN the_AT Tribune_NN-TL ,_, an
d_CC he_PPS tells_VBZ me_PPO he_PPS never_RB misses_VBZ the_AT Ticker_NP ._. Tha
t's_DT+BEZ our_PP$ boy_NN Bill_NP ._. Jean_NP Fardulli's_NP$ Blue_JJ-TL Angel_NN
-TL is_BEZ the_AT first_OD top_JJS local_JJ club_NN to_TO import_VB that_DT craz
y_JJ new_JJ dance_NN ,_, the_AT Twist_NN-TL ._. They'll_PPSS+MD start_VB lessons
_NNS ,_, too_RB ,_, pronto_RB ._. A_AT cheer_NN here_RB for_IN Francis_NP Lorenz
_NP ,_, state_NN treasurer_NN ,_, who_WPS will_MD meet_VB with_IN the_AT probate
_NN advisory_NN board_NN of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Bar_NN-TL association_NN ,_,
for_IN suggestions_NNS on_IN how_WRB to_TO handle_VB the_AT opening_NN of_IN sa
fety_NN deposit_NN boxes_NNS after_CS somebody_PN dies_VBZ ._. After_CS being_BE
G closed_VBN for_IN seven_CD months_NNS ,_, the_AT Garden_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-
TL Gods_NNS-TL Club_NN-TL will_MD have_HV its_PP$ gala_JJ summer_NN opening_NN S
aturday_NR ,_, June_NP 3_CD ._. Music_NN for_IN dancing_VBG will_MD be_BE furnis
hed_VBN by_IN Allen_NP Uhles_NP and_CC his_PP$ orchestra_NN ,_, who_WPS will_MD
play_VB each_DT Saturday_NR during_IN June_NP ._. Members_NNS and_CC guests_NNS
will_MD be_BE in_RP for_IN an_AT added_VBN surprise_NN with_IN the_AT new_JJ win
g_NN containing_VBG 40_CD rooms_NNS and_CC suites_NNS ,_, each_DT with_IN its_PP
$ own_JJ private_JJ patio_NN ._. Gene_NP Marshall_NP ,_, genial_JJ manager_NN of
_IN the_AT club_NN ,_, has_HVZ announced_VBN that_CS the_AT Garden_NN-TL of_IN-T
L the_AT-TL Gods_NNS-TL will_MD open_VB to_IN members_NNS Thursday_NR ,_, June_N
P 1_CD ._. Beginning_VBG July_NP 4_CD ,_, there_EX will_MD be_BE an_AT orchestra
_NN playing_VBG nightly_RB except_IN Sunday_NR and_CC Monday_NR for_IN the_AT su
mmer_NN season_NN ._. Mrs._NP J._NP Edward_NP Hackstaff_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Paul_N
P Luette_NP are_BER planning_VBG a_AT luncheon_NN next_AP week_NN in_IN honor_NN
of_IN Mrs._NP J._NP Clinton_NP Bowman_NP ,_, who_WPS celebrates_VBZ her_PP$ bir
thday_NN on_IN Tuesday_NR ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Jerry_NP Chase_NP announce_V
B the_AT birth_NN of_IN a_AT daughter_NN ,_, Sheila_NP ,_, on_IN Wednesday_NR in
_IN Mercy_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL ._. Grandparents_NNS are_BER Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._N
P Robert_NP L._NP Chase_NP and_CC Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Guy_NP Mullenax_NP of_IN
Kittredge_NP ._. Mrs._NP Chase_NP is_BEZ the_AT former_AP Miss_NP Mary_NP Mulle
nax_NP ._. Back_RB-HL to_IN-HL w._JJ-HL coast_NN-HL Mrs._NP McIntosh_NP Buell_NP
will_MD leave_VB Sunday_NR to_TO return_VB to_IN her_PP$ home_NN in_IN Santa_NP
Barbara_NP ,_, Calif._NP ,_, after_CS spending_VBG a_AT week_NN in_IN her_PP$ P
olo_NN-TL Grounds_NNS-TL home_NN ._. Mrs._NP John_NP C._NP Vroman_NP Jr._NP of_I
N Manzanola_NP is_BEZ spending_VBG several_AP days_NNS in_IN her_PP$ Sherman_NP
Plaza_NP apartment_NN ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Merrill_NP Shoup_NP have_HV retu
rned_VBN to_IN their_PP$ home_NN in_IN Colorado_NP-TL Springs_NNS-TL after_CS sp
ending_VBG a_AT few_AP days_NNS at_IN the_AT Brown_NP-TL Palace_NN-TL Hotel_NN-T
L ._. Brig._NN-TL Gen._NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP Robert_NP F._NP McDermott_NP will_MD
entertain_VB at_IN a_AT black_JJ tie_NN dinner_NN Wednesday_NR ,_, May_NP 3_CD
,_, in_IN the_AT Officers'_NNS$-TL Club_NN-TL at_IN the_AT Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL
Academy_NN-TL ._. Cocktail_NN-HL party_NN-HL Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Piero_NP De_
NP Luise_NP will_MD honor_VB Italian_JJ-TL Consul_NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP Emilio_NP
Bassi_NP at_IN a_AT cocktail_NN party_NN Tuesday_NR ,_, May_NP 2_CD ,_, from_IN
6_CD to_IN 8_CD p.m._RB in_IN their_PP$ home_NN ._. The_AT Bassis_NPS are_BER l
eaving_VBG soon_RB for_IN their_PP$ new_JJ post_NN ._. There_EX will_MD be_BE a_
AT stag_NN dinner_NN Friday_NR evening_NN at_IN the_AT Denver_NP-TL Country_NN-T
L Club_NN-TL which_WDT will_MD precede_VB the_AT opening_NN of_IN the_AT 1961_CD
golf_NN season_NN ._. Cocktails_NNS will_MD be_BE served_VBN from_IN 6_CD to_IN
7_CD p.m._RB ,_, with_IN dinner_NN at_IN 7_CD and_CC entertainment_NN in_IN the
_AT main_JJS dining_NN room_NN immediately_RB following_VBG ._. Miss_NP Betsy_NP
Parker_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT speakers_NNS on_IN the_AT panel_NN of_IN
the_AT Eastern_JJ-TL Women's_NNS$-TL Liberal_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL College_NN-TL pa
nel_NN on_IN Wednesday_NR evening_NN in_IN the_AT Security_NN-TL Life_NN-TL Bldg
._NN-TL ._. Guests_NNS were_BED juniors_NNS in_IN the_AT public_JJ high_JJ schoo
ls_NNS ._. Fashion_NN-HL show_NN-HL The_AT committee_NN for_IN the_AT annual_JJ
Central_JJ-TL City_NN-TL fashion_NN show_NN has_HVZ been_BEN announced_VBN by_IN
Mrs._NP D._NP W._NP Moore_NP ,_, chairman_NN ._. The_AT event_NN ,_, staged_VBN
yearly_RB by_IN Neusteters_NPS ,_, will_MD be_BE held_VBN in_IN the_AT Opera_NN
-TL House_NN-TL Wednesday_NR ,_, Aug._NP 16_CD ._. It_PPS will_MD be_BE preceded
_VBN by_IN luncheon_NN in_IN the_AT Teter_NP-TL House_NN-TL ._. Mrs._NP Roger_NP
Mead_NP is_BEZ head_NN of_IN the_AT luncheon_NN table_NN decorations_NNS ._. Mr
s._NP Stanley_NP Wright_NP is_BEZ ticket_NN chairman_NN and_CC Mrs._NP Theodore_
NP Pate_NP is_BEZ in_IN charge_NN of_IN publicity_NN ._. Members_NNS of_IN the_A
T committee_NN include_VB Mrs._NP Milton_NP Bernet_NP ,_, Mrs._NP J._NP Clinton_
NP Bowman_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Rollie_NP W._NP Bradford_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Samuel_NP Butle
r_NP Jr._NP ,_, Mrs._NP Donald_NP Carr_NP Campbell_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Douglas_NP Car
ruthers_NP ,_, Mrs._NP John_NP C._NP Davis_NP 3_CD ,_, ,_, Mrs._NP Cris_NP Dobbi
ns_NP ,_, Mrs._NP William_NP E._NP Glass_NN-TL ,_, Mrs._NP Alfred_NP Hicks_NP 2_
CD ,_, ,_, Mrs._NP Donald_NP Magarrell_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Willett_NP Moore_NP ,_, Mr
s._NP Myron_NP Neusteter_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Richard_NP Gibson_NP Smith_NP ,_, Mrs._N
P James_NP S._NP Sudier_NP 2_CD ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Thomas_NP Welborn_NP ._. The_
AT first_OD committee_NN meeting_NN will_MD be_BE held_VBN on_IN May_NP 19_CD ._
. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Andrew_NP S._NP Kelsey_NP of_IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C._N
P ,_, announce_VB the_AT birth_NN of_IN a_AT daughter_NN ,_, Kira_NP Ann_NP Kels
ey_NP ,_, on_IN Monday_NR in_IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C._NP ._. Grandparents_NNS a
re_BER Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP R.L._NP Rickenbaugh_NP and_CC Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP
E.O._NP Kelsey_NP of_IN Scarsdale_NP ,_, N.Y._NP ._. Mrs._NP Kelsey_NP is_BEZ t
he_AT former_AP Miss_NP Ann_NP Rickenbaugh_NP ._. A_AT cheery_JJ smile_NN ,_, a_
AT compassionate_JJ interest_NN in_IN others_NNS and_CC a_AT practical_JJ down-t
o-earth_JJ approach_NN ._. Those_DTS qualities_NNS make_VB Esther_NP Marr_NP a_A
T popular_JJ asset_NN at_IN the_AT Salvation_NN-TL Army's_NN$-TL Social_JJ-TL Ce
nter_NN-TL at_IN 1200_CD Larimer_NP-TL St._NN-TL ._. The_AT pert_JJ ,_, gray-hai
red_JJ woman_NN who_WPS came_VBD to_IN Denver_NP three_CD years_NNS ago_RB from_
IN Buffalo_NP ,_, N.Y._NP ,_, is_BEZ a_AT ``_`` civilian_NN ''_'' with_IN the_AT
Army_NN-TL ._. Her_PP$ position_NN covers_VBZ a_AT number_NN of_IN daily_JJ tas
ks_NNS common_JJ to_IN any_DTI social_JJ director_NN ._. The_AT job_NN also_RB c
overs_VBZ a_AT number_NN of_IN other_AP items_NNS ._. ``_`` Mom_NN-TL ''_'' Marr
_NP ,_, as_IN the_AT more_AP than_IN 80_CD men_NNS at_IN the_AT center_NN call_V
B her_PPO ,_, is_BEZ the_AT link_NN that_WPS helps_VBZ to_TO bridge_VB the_AT gu
lf_NN between_IN alcoholics_NNS and_CC the_AT outside_JJ world_NN and_CC between
_IN parolees_NNS and_CC society_NN ._. Her_PP$ day_NN starts_VBZ early_RB ,_, bu
t_CC no_AT matter_NN how_WRB many_AP pressing_VBG letters_NNS there_EX are_BER t
o_TO be_BE written_VBN (_( and_CC during_IN May_NP ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ National
_JJ-TL Salvation_NN-TL Army_NN-TL Week_NN-TL ,_, there_EX are_BER plenty_NN )_)
,_, schedules_NNS to_TO be_BE made_VBN or_CC problems_NNS to_TO be_BE solved_VBN
,_, Mrs._NP Marr's_NP$ office_NN is_BEZ always_RB open_JJ and_CC the_AT welcome
_NN mat_NN is_BEZ out_RP ._. Mrs._NP Marr_NP is_BEZ the_AT first_OD contact_NN a
_AT Skid_NN-TL Row_NN-TL figure_NN talks_VBZ to_IN after_CS he_PPS decides_VBZ h
e_PPS wants_VBZ to_TO pick_VB himself_PPL up_RP ._. She_PPS sees_VBZ that_CS the
re_EX is_BEZ a_AT cup_NN of_IN steaming_VBG hot_JJ coffee_NN awaiting_VBG him_PP
O and_CC the_AT two_CD chat_VB informally_RB as_CS she_PPS presents_VBZ the_AT r
ules_NNS of_IN the_AT center_NN and_CC explains_VBZ procedures_NNS ._. ``_`` Usu
ally_RB at_IN this_DT point_NN a_AT man_NN is_BEZ withdrawn_VBN from_IN society_
NN and_CC one_CD of_IN my_PP$ jobs_NNS is_BEZ to_TO see_VB that_CS he_PPS relear
ns_VBZ to_TO mingle_VB with_IN his_PP$ fellow_NN men_NNS ''_'' ,_, Mrs._NP Marr_
NP explained_VBD ._. The_AT Denverite_NP has_HVZ worked_VBN out_RP an_AT entire_
JJ program_NN to_TO achieve_VB this_DT using_VBG the_AT facilities_NNS of_IN the
_AT center_NN ._. ``_`` And_CC I_PPSS bum_VB tickets_NNS to_IN everything_PN I_P
PSS can_MD ''_'' ,_, she_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` I've_PPSS+HV become_VBN the_AT g
reatest_JJT beggar_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN th
e_AT tickets_NNS to_IN the_AT movies_NNS ,_, sporting_VBG events_NNS and_CC conc
erts_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Marr_NP lines_VBZ up_RP candy_NN and_CC cookies_NNS because
_CS alcoholics_NNS require_VB a_AT lot_NN of_IN sweets_NNS to_TO replace_VB the_
AT sugar_NN in_IN their_PP$ system_NN ._. Mrs._NP Marr_NP also_RB has_HVZ a_AT n
umber_NN of_IN parolees_NNS to_TO ``_`` mother_VB ''_'' ,_, watching_VBG to_TO s
ee_VB that_CS they_PPSS do_DO not_* break_VB their_PP$ parole_NN and_CC that_CS
they_PPSS also_RB learn_VB to_TO readjust_VB to_IN society_NN ._. By_IN mid-June
_NP ,_, millions_NNS of_IN Americans_NPS will_MD take_VB to_IN the_AT road_NN on
_IN vacation_NN trips_NNS up_RP and_CC down_RP and_CC back_RB and_CC forth_RB ac
ross_IN this_DT vast_JJ and_CC lovely_JJ land_NN ._. In_IN another_DT four_CD we
eks_NNS ,_, with_IN schools_NNS closed_VBN across_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, the_AT
great_JJ all-American_JJ summer_NN safari_NN will_MD be_BE under_IN way_NN ._.
By_IN July_NP 1_CD ,_, six_CD weeks_NNS from_IN now_RB ,_, motel-keepers_NNS all
_QL over_IN the_AT nation_NN will_MD ,_, by_IN 6_CD p.m._RB ,_, be_BE switching_
VBG on_RP that_DT bleak_JJ --_-- to_IN motorists_NNS --_-- sign_NN ,_, ``_`` No_
AT-TL Vacancy_NN-TL ''_'' ._. No_AT matter_NN how_WRB many_AP Americans_NPS go_V
B abroad_RB in_IN summer_NN ,_, probably_RB a_AT hundred_CD times_NNS as_QL many
_AP gas_VB up_RP the_AT family_NN car_NN ,_, throw_VB suitcases_NNS ,_, kids_NNS
and_CC comic_JJ books_NNS in_IN the_AT back_NN seat_NN ,_, and_CC head_VB for_I
N home_NR ._. And_CC where_WRB is_BEZ ``_`` home_NR ''_'' ,_, that_DT magic_JJ p
lace_NN of_IN the_AT heart_NN ?_. ?_. Ah_UH ,_, that_DT is_BEZ simple_JJ ._. Hom
e_NR is_BEZ where_WRB a_AT man_NN was_BEDZ born_VBN ,_, reared_VBN ,_, went_VBD
to_IN school_NN and_CC ,_, most_QL particularly_RB ,_, where_WRB grandma_NN is_B
EZ ._. That_DT is_BEZ where_WRB we_PPSS turn_VB in_IN the_AT good_JJ old_JJ summ
ertime_NN ._. The_AT land_NN lies_VBZ ready_JJ for_IN the_AT coming_VBG onslaugh
t_NN ._. My_PP$ husband_NN and_CC I_PPSS ,_, a_AT month_NN ahead_RB of_IN the_AT
rush_NN ,_, have_HV just_RB finished_VBN a_AT 7-day_JJ motor_NN journey_NN of_I
N 2809_CD miles_NNS from_IN Tucson_NP ,_, Ariz._NP ,_, to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-T
L City_NN-TL :_: set_VBN-HL for_IN-HL influx_NN-HL I_PPSS can_MD testify_VB that
_CS motels_NNS ,_, service_NN and_CC comfort_NN stations_NNS (_( they_PPSS go_VB
together_RB like_CS Scots_NPS and_CC heather_NN )_) ,_, dog_NN wagons_NNS ,_, r
oadside_NN restaurants_NNS ,_, souvenir_NN stands_NNS and_CC snake_NN farms_NNS
are_BER braced_VBN and_CC waiting_VBG ._. I_PPSS hope_VB it_PPO can_MD be_BE sai
d_VBN without_IN boasting_VBG that_CS no_AT other_AP nation_NN offers_VBZ its_PP
$ vacationing_VBG motorists_NNS such_JJ variety_NN and_CC beauty_NN of_IN scene_
NN ,_, such_ABL an_AT excellent_JJ network_NN of_IN roads_NNS on_IN which_WDT to
_TO enjoy_VB it_PPO and_CC such_JJ decent_JJ ,_, far-flung_JJ over-night_JJ acco
mmodations_NNS ._. Maybe_RB motel-keeping_NN isn't_BEZ* the_AT nation's_NN$ bigg
est_JJT industry_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS certainly_RB looks_VBZ that_DT way_NN from
_IN the_AT highway_NN ._. There_EX are_BER motels_NNS for_IN all_ABN purposes_NN
S and_CC all_ABN tastes_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER even_RB motels_NNS for_IN local
_JJ weather_NN peculiarities_NNS in_IN Shamrock_NN-TL ,_, Tex._NP ,_, as_CS I_PP
SS discovered_VBD ._. There_RB the_AT Royal_JJ-TL Motel_NN-TL advertises_VBZ ``_
`` all_ABN facilities_NNS ,_, vented_VBN heat_NN ,_, air_NN conditioned_VBN ,_,
carpeted_VBN ,_, free_JJ TV_NN ,_, storm_NN cellar_NN ''_'' ._. Many_AP-HL with_
IN-HL pools_NNS-HL Innumerable_JJ motels_NNS from_IN Tucson_NP to_IN New_JJ-TL Y
ork_NP-TL boast_VB swimming_VBG pools_NNS (_( ``_`` swim_VB at_IN your_PP$ own_J
J risk_NN ''_'' is_BEZ the_AT hospitable_JJ sign_NN poised_VBN at_IN the_AT brin
k_NN of_IN most_AP pools_NNS )_) ._. Some_DTI even_VB boast_VB two_CD pools_NNS
,_, one_CD for_IN adults_NNS and_CC one_CD for_IN children_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT
Royal_JJ-TL Motel_NN-TL in_IN Shamrock_NN-TL was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP one_CD tha
t_WPS offered_VBD the_AT comfort_NN and_CC security_NN of_IN a_AT storm_NN cella
r_NN ._. Motorists_NNS like_CS myself_PPL who_WPS can_MD remember_VB the_AT old_
JJ ``_`` tourists_NNS accommodated_VBN ''_'' signs_NNS on_IN farm_NN houses_NNS
and_CC village_NN homes_NNS before_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, can_MD o
nly_RB marvel_VB at_IN the_AT great_JJ size_NN and_CC the_AT luxury_NN of_IN the
_AT relatively_QL new_JJ and_CC fast-grossing_JJ motel_NN business_NN ._. All_AB
N-HL for_IN-HL $14_NNS-HL !_.-HL !_.-HL At_IN the_AT Boxwood_NP-TL Motel_NN-TL i
n_IN Winchester_NP ,_, Va._NP ,_, we_PPSS accidentally_RB drew_VBD the_AT honeym
oon_NN suite_NN ,_, an_AT elegant_JJ affair_NN with_IN wall-to-wall_JJ carpeting
_NN ,_, gold_JJ and_CC white_JJ furniture_NN ,_, pink_JJ satin_NN brocade_NN cha
irs_NNS ,_, 24-inch_JJ TV_NN and_CC a_AT pink_JJ tile_NN bath_NN with_IN masses_
NNS of_IN pink_JJ towels_NNS ._. All_ABN for_IN $14_NNS ._. That_DT made_VBD up_
RP for_IN the_AT ``_`` best_JJT ''_'' motel_NN in_IN Norman_NP ,_, Okla._NP ,_,
where_WRB the_AT proprietor_NN knocked_VBD $2_NNS off_IN the_AT $8.50_NNS tab_NN
when_WRB we_PPSS found_VBD ants_NNS in_IN the_AT pressed-paper_NN furniture_NN
._. Oxnard_NP ,_, Calif._NP ,_, will_MD be_BE the_AT home_NN of_IN the_AT Rev._N
P Robert_NP D._NP Howard_NP and_CC his_PP$ bride_NN ,_, the_AT former_AP Miss_NP
Judith_NP Ellen_NP Gay_NP ,_, who_WPS were_BED married_VBN Saturday_NR at_IN th
e_AT Munger_NP-TL Place_NN-TL Methodist_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ._. Parents_NNS of_IN
the_AT bride_NN are_BER Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Ferris_NP M._NP Gay_NP ,_, 7034_C
D Coronado_NP ._. The_AT bridegroom_NN is_BEZ the_AT son_NN of_IN Mrs._NP James_
NP Baines_NP of_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, Calif._NP ,_, and_CC Carl_NP E._NP Howa
rd_NP of_IN Santa_NP Monica_NP ,_, Calif._NP ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT graduate_NN
of_IN UCLA_NN and_CC Perkins_NP-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Theology_NN-TL ,_, Aj_N
N ._. Dr._NN-TL W._NP B._NP I._NP Martin_NP officiated_VBD ,_, and_CC the_AT bri
de_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN in_IN marriage_NN by_IN her_PP$ father_NN ._. Honor_NN
attendants_NNS for_IN the_AT couple_NN were_BED Miss_NP Sandra_NP Branum_NP and_
CC Warren_NP V._NP McRoberts_NP ._. The_AT couple_NN will_MD honeymoon_VB in_IN
Sequoia_NP-TL National_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL ,_, Calif._NP ._. Miss_NP Joan_NP France
s_NP Baker_NP ,_, a_AT graduate_NN of_IN SMU_NN ,_, was_BEDZ married_VBN Saturda
y_NR to_IN Elvis_NP Leonard_NP Mason_NP ,_, an_AT honor_NN graduate_NN of_IN Lam
ar_NP-TL State_NN-TL College_NN-TL of_IN-TL Technology_NN-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT ch
apel_NN of_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Presbyterian_NP-TL Church_NN-TL of_IN Houston_N
P ._. The_AT bride_NN ,_, daughter_NN of_IN Rhodes_NP Semmes_NP Baker_NP Jr._NP
of_IN Houston_NP and_CC the_AT late_JJ Mrs._NP Baker_NP ,_, was_BEDZ president_N
N of_IN Kappa_NP Kappa_NP Gamma_NN-TL and_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN Mortar_NN-TL B
oard_NN-TL at_IN Aj_NN ._. Her_PP$ husband_NN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ the_AT son_NN o
f_IN Alton_NP John_NP Mason_NP of_IN Shreveport_NP ,_, La._NP ,_, and_CC the_AT
late_JJ Mrs._NP Henry_NP Cater_NP Parmer_NP ,_, was_BEDZ president_NN of_IN Alph
a_NP Tau_NP Omega_NP and_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN Delta_NP Sigma_NP Pi_NP at_IN L
amar_NP Tech_NP ,_, and_CC did_DOD graduate_NN work_NN at_IN Rhodes_NP-TL Univer
sity_NN-TL in_IN Grahamstown_NP ,_, South_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ,_, on_IN a_AT Rota
ry_NP Fellowship_NN-TL ._. The_AT Rev._NP Richard_NP Freeman_NP of_IN Texas_NP-T
L City_NN-TL officiated_VBD and_CC Charles_NP Pabor_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Marvin_NP
Hand_NP presented_VBD music_NN ._. The_AT bride_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN in_IN marr
iage_NN by_IN her_PP$ father_NN ._. She_PPS wore_VBD a_AT court-length_JJ gown_N
N of_IN organdy_NN designed_VBN with_IN bateau_NN neckline_NN and_CC princesse_N
N skirt_NN accented_VBN by_IN lace_NN appliques_NNS ._. Her_PP$ veil_NN was_BEDZ
caught_VBN to_IN a_AT crown_NN ,_, and_CC she_PPS carried_VBD gardenias_NNS and
_CC stephanotis_NN ._. Miss_NP Mary_NP Ross_NP of_IN Baird_NP was_BEDZ maid_NN o
f_IN honor_NN ,_, and_CC bridesmaids_NNS were_BED Miss_NP Pat_NP Dawson_NP of_IN
Austin_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Howard_NP M._NP Dean_NP of_IN Hinsdale_NP ,_, Ill._NP ,_,
and_CC Mrs._NP James_NP A._NP Reeder_NP of_IN Shreveport_NP ,_, La._NP ._. Ceci
l_NP Mason_NP of_IN Hartford_NP ,_, Conn._NP ,_, was_BEDZ best_JJT man_NN for_IN
his_PP$ brother_NN ,_, and_CC groomsmen_NNS were_BED Rhodes_NP S._NP Baker_NP 3
_CD ,_, of_IN Houston_NP ,_, Dr._NN-TL James_NP Carter_NP of_IN Houston_NP and_C
C Conrad_NP McEachern_NP of_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, La._NP ._. Lee_NP Jac
kson_NP and_CC Ken_NP Smith_NP ,_, both_ABX of_IN Houston_NP ,_, and_CC Alfred_N
P Neumann_NP of_IN Beaumont_NP seated_VBD guests_NNS ._. After_IN a_AT reception
_NN at_IN The_AT-TL Mayfair_NP-TL ,_, the_AT newlyweds_NNS left_VBD for_IN a_AT
wedding_NN trip_NN to_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, La._NP ._. They_PPSS will_M
D live_VB in_IN Corpus_NP Christi_NP ._. Miss_NP Shirley_NP Joan_NP Meredith_NP
,_, a_AT former_AP student_NN of_IN North_JJ-TL Texas_NP-TL State_NN-TL Universi
ty_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ married_VBN Saturday_NR to_IN Larry_NP W._NP Mills_NP ,_,
who_WPS has_HVZ attended_VBN Arlington_NP-TL State_NN-TL College_NN-TL ._. They_
PPSS will_MD live_VB at_IN 2705_CD Fitzhugh_NP after_IN a_AT wedding_NN trip_NN
to_IN Corpus_NP Christi_NP ._. Parents_NNS of_IN the_AT couple_NN are_BER Ray_NP
Meredith_NP of_IN Denton_NP and_CC the_AT late_JJ Mrs._NP Meredith_NP and_CC Mr
s._NP Hardy_NP P._NP Mills_NP of_IN Floresville_NP and_CC the_AT late_JJ Mr._NP
Mills_NP ._. The_AT Rev._NP Melvin_NP Carter_NP officiated_VBD at_IN the_AT cere
mony_NN in_IN Slaughter_NP-TL Chapel_NN-TL of_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Baptist_NP C
hurch_NN-TL ._. Dan_NP Beam_NP presented_VBD music_NN and_CC the_AT bride_NN was
_BEDZ given_VBN in_IN marriage_NN by_IN her_PP$ father_NN ._. She_PPS wore_VBD a
_AT gown_NN of_IN satin_NN designed_VBN along_IN princesse_NN lines_NNS and_CC f
eaturing_VBG a_AT flared_VBN skirt_NN and_CC lace_NN jacket_NN with_IN bateau_NN
neckline_NN ._. Her_PP$ veil_NN was_BEDZ caught_VBN to_IN a_AT pearl_NN headdre
ss_NN ,_, and_CC she_PPS carried_VBD stephanotis_NN and_CC orchids_NNS ._. Miss_
NP Glenda_NP Kay_NP Meredith_NP of_IN Denton_NP was_BEDZ her_PP$ sister's_NN$ ma
id_NN of_IN honor_NN ,_, and_CC Vernon_NP Lewelleyn_NP of_IN San_NP Angelo_NP wa
s_BEDZ best_JJT man_NN ._. Robert_NP Lovelace_NP and_CC Cedric_NP Burgher_NP Jr.
_NP seated_VBD guests_NNS ._. A_AT reception_NN was_BEDZ held_VBN at_IN the_AT c
hurch_NN ._. The_AT First_OD-TL Christian_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL of_IN Pampa_NP was_
BEDZ the_AT setting_NN for_IN the_AT wedding_NN last_AP Sunday_NR of_IN Miss_NP
Marcile_NP Marie_NP Glison_NP and_CC Thomas_NP Earl_NP Loving_NP Jr._NP ,_, who_
WPS will_MD live_VB at_IN 8861_CD Gaston_NP after_IN a_AT wedding_NN trip_NN to_
IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, La._NP The_AT-TL bride_NN ,_, daughter_NN of_IN M
r._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Charles_NP Ervin_NP Glison_NP of_IN Pampa_NP ,_, has_HVZ at
tended_VBN Texas_NP-TL Woman's_NN$-TL University_NN-TL and_CC will_MD continue_V
B her_PPO studies_NNS at_IN Aj_NN ._. ``_`` A_AT-TL Night_NN-TL in_IN-TL New_JJ-
TL Orleans_NP-TL ''_'' is_BEZ the_AT gayety_NN planned_VBN by_IN members_NNS of_
IN the_AT Thrift_NN-TL Shop_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL for_IN May_NP 6_CD at_IN Philm
ont_NP-TL Country_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ._. The_AT women_NNS have_HV a_AT reputation_
NN for_IN giving_VBG parties_NNS that_WPS are_BER different_JJ and_CC are_BER fu
n_NN and_CC this_DT year's_NN$ promises_VBZ to_TO follow_VB in_IN this_DT fine_J
J tradition_NN ._. Mrs._NP H._NP J._NP Grinsfelder_NP is_BEZ chairman_NN ._. The
_AT Louisiana_NP city_NN is_BEZ known_VBN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, for_IN its_PP$
fine_JJ food_NN ,_, good_JJ music_NN and_CC its_PP$ colorful_JJ hospitality_NN
``_`` and_CC ,_, when_WRB guests_NNS arrive_VB at_IN Philmont_NP that_DT night_N
N ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Mrs._NP Grinsfelder_NP ,_, ``_`` that_DT is_BEZ exactly_RB
what_WDT we_PPSS expect_VB to_TO offer_VB them_PPO ._. We've_PPSS+HV been_BEN wo
rking_VBG for_IN weeks_NNS ._. The_AT prospects_NNS look_VB great_JJ ._. We_PPSS
are_BER keeping_VBG a_AT number_NN of_IN surprises_NNS under_IN our_PP$ hats_NN
S ._. But_CC we_PPSS can't_MD* tell_VB it_PPO all_ABN now_RB and_CC then_RB have
_HV no_RB new_JJ excitement_NN later_RBR ''_'' ._. Basin_NN-TL-HL Street_NN-TL-H
L Beat_NN-TL-HL But_CC she_PPS does_DOZ indicate_VB festivities_NNS will_MD star
t_VB early_RB ,_, that_CS a_AT jazz_NN combo_NN will_MD ``_`` give_VB with_IN th
e_AT Basin_NN-TL Street_NN-TL beat_NN ''_'' during_IN the_AT cocktail_NN and_CC
dinner_NN hours_NNS and_CC that_CS Lester_NP Lanin's_NP$ orchestra_NN will_MD ta
ke_VB over_RP during_IN the_AT dancing_NN ._. As_CS for_IN food_NN ,_, Mrs._NP H
enry_NP Louchheim_NP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN this_DT phase_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT glob
etrotter_NN who_WPS knows_VBZ good_JJ food_NN ._. ``_`` New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL
''_'' ?_. ?_. She_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` of_IN course_NN I've_PPSS+HV had_HVN th
e_AT best_JJT ._. It_PPS is_BEZ just_RB bad_JJ luck_NN that_CS we_PPSS are_BER h
aving_HVG the_AT party_NN in_IN a_AT month_NN with_IN no_AT R's_NN ,_, so_RB no_
AT oysters_NNS ._. But_CC we_PPSS have_HV lots_NNS of_IN other_AP New_JJ-TL Orle
ans_NP-TL specialties_NNS ._. I_PPSS know_VB they_PPSS will_MD be_BE good_JJ ._.
We've_PPSS+HV tried_VBN them_PPO out_RP on_IN the_AT club_NN chef_NN --_-- or_C
C say_VB ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ tried_VBN them_PPO out_RP on_IN us_PPO and_CC we_PPS
S have_HV selected_VBN the_AT best_JJT ''_'' ._. Scenic_JJ-HL effects_NNS-HL Gue
sts_NNS will_MD be_BE treated_VBN to_IN Gulf_NN-TL Coast_NN-TL scenic_JJ effects
_NNS ._. There_EX will_MD be_BE masses_NNS of_IN flowers_NNS ,_, reproductions_N
NS of_IN the_AT handsome_JJ old_JJ buildings_NNS with_IN their_PP$ grillwork_NN
and_CC other_AP things_NNS that_WPS are_BER typical_JJ of_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_N
P-TL ._. Mrs._NP Harry_NP K._NP Cohen_NP is_BEZ chairman_NN of_IN this_DT phase_
NN and_CC she_PPS is_BEZ getting_VBG an_AT artistic_JJ assist_NN from_IN A._NP V
an_NP Hollander_NP ,_, display_NN director_NN of_IN Gimbel_NP-TL Brothers_NNS-TL
._. The_AT gala_NN is_BEZ the_AT Thrift_NN-TL Shop's_NN$-TL annual_JJ bundle_NN
party_NN and_CC ,_, as_CS all_ABN Thrift_NN-TL Shop_NN-TL friends_NNS know_VB ,
_, that_WPS means_VBZ the_AT admission_NN is_BEZ a_AT bundle_NN of_IN used_VBN c
lothing_NN in_IN good_JJ condition_NN ,_, contributions_NNS of_IN household_NN e
quipment_NN ,_, bric-a-brac_NN and_CC such_JJ to_TO stock_VB the_AT shelves_NNS
at_IN the_AT shop's_NN$ headquarters_NNS at_IN 1213_CD Walnut_NN-TL St._NN-TL ._
. Bundle_NN-HL centers_NNS-HL For_IN the_AT convenience_NN of_IN guests_NNS bund
le_NN centers_NNS have_HV been_BEN established_VBN throughout_IN the_AT city_NN
and_CC suburbs_NNS where_WRB the_AT donations_NNS may_MD be_BE deposited_VBN bet
ween_IN now_RB and_CC the_AT date_NN of_IN the_AT big_JJ event_NN ._. In_IN addi
tion_NN to_IN the_AT bundles_NNS ,_, guests_NNS pay_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN thei
r_PP$ dinners_NNS ._. Members_NNS of_IN the_AT young_JJ set_NN who_WPS would_MD
like_VB to_TO come_VB to_IN the_AT party_NN only_RB during_IN the_AT dancing_VBG
time_NN are_BER welcomed_VBN ._. The_AT Thrift_NN-TL Shop_NN-TL ,_, with_IN Mrs
._NP Bernhard_NP S._NP Blumenthal_NP as_CS president_NN ,_, is_BEZ one_CD of_IN
the_AT city's_NN$ most_QL successful_JJ fund-raisers_NNS for_IN the_AT Federatio
n_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jewish_JJ-TL Agencies_NNS-TL ._. Some_DTI idea_NN of_IN the_AT
competence_NN of_IN the_AT women_NNS is_BEZ indicated_VBN in_IN the_AT contribut
ion_NN made_VBN by_IN them_PPO during_IN the_AT past_AP 25_CD years_NNS that_WPS
totals_VBZ $840,000_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ-HL big_JJ-HL business_NN-HL ``_`` Big_
JJ business_NN ,_, this_DT little_JJ Thrift_NN-TL Shop_NN-TL business_NN ''_'' ,
_, say_VB the_AT members_NNS ._. For_IN most_RBT of_IN the_AT 25_CD years_NNS th
e_AT operation_NN was_BEDZ under_IN feminine_JJ direction_NN ._. In_IN the_AT pa
st_AP few_AP years_NNS the_AT men_NNS ,_, mostly_RB husbands_NNS of_IN members_N
NS ,_, have_HV taken_VBN an_AT interest_NN ._. Louis_NP Glazer_NP is_BEZ chairma
n_NN of_IN the_AT men's_NNS$ committee_NN that_WPS ,_, among_IN other_AP jobs_NN
S ,_, takes_VBZ over_RP part_NN of_IN the_AT responsibility_NN for_IN staffing_V
BG the_AT shop_NN during_IN its_PP$ evening_NN hours_NNS ._. Mrs._NP Theodore_NP
Kapnek_NP is_BEZ vice_NN chairman_NN of_IN the_AT committee_NN for_IN the_AT ga
la_NN ._. Mrs._NP Richard_NP Newburger_NP is_BEZ chairman_NN of_IN hostesses_NNS
._. Mrs._NP Arthur_NP Loeb_NP is_BEZ making_VBG arrangements_NNS for_IN a_AT re
ception_NN ;_. ;_. Mrs._NP Joan_NP Lichtenstein_NP ,_, for_IN publicity_NN ;_. ;
_. Mrs._NP Harry_NP M._NP Rose_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, for_IN secretarial_JJ duties_NN
S ;_. ;_. Mrs._NP Ralph_NP Taussig_NP ,_, for_IN junior_JJ aides_NNS ;_. ;_. Mr.
_NP and_CC Mrs._NP B._NP Lewis_NP Kaufnabb_NP ,_, for_IN senior_JJ aides_NNS ,_,
and_CC Mrs._NP Samuel_NP P._NP Weinberg_NP ,_, for_IN the_AT bundles_NNS ._. In
_IN addition_NN ,_, Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Allan_NP Goodman_NP are_BER controller
s_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Paul_NP Stone_NP is_BEZ treasurer_NN and_CC Mrs._NP Albert_NP
Quell_NP is_BEZ in_IN charge_NN of_IN admittance_NN for_IN the_AT dancing_NN at_
IN 9_CD P.m._RB ._. Besides_IN the_AT bundle_NN centers_NNS where_WRB contributi
ons_NNS may_MD be_BE made_VBN there_EX will_MD be_BE facilities_NNS at_IN Philmo
nt_NP-TL Country_NN-TL Club_NN-TL for_IN those_DTS who_WPS would_MD like_VB to_T
O bring_VB the_AT bundles_NNS on_IN the_AT night_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN ._. Th
e_AT women's_NNS$ committee_NN of_IN St._NN-TL David's_NP$-TL Church_NN-TL will_
MD hold_VB its_PP$ annual_JJ pre-Fair_JJ pink_JJ parade_NN ,_, a_AT dessert_NN b
ridge_NN and_CC fashion_NN show_NN at_IN 1_CD p.m._RB on_IN Monday_NR ,_, April_
NP 17_CD ,_, in_IN the_AT chapel_NN assembly_NN room_NN ,_, Wayne_NP ._. Mrs._NP
Robert_NP O._NP Spurdle_NP is_BEZ chairman_NN of_IN the_AT committee_NN ,_, whi
ch_WDT includes_VBZ Mrs._NP James_NP A._NP Moody_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Frank_NP C._NP W
ilkinson_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Ethel_NP Coles_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Harold_NP G._NP Lacy_NP ,_
, Mrs._NP Albert_NP W._NP Terry_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Henry_NP M._NP Chance_NP ,_, 2d_O
D ,_, Mrs._NP Robert_NP O._NP Spurdle_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, Mrs._NP Harcourt_NP N._N
P Trimble_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, Mrs._NP John_NP A._NP Moller_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Robert_N
P Zeising_NP ,_, Mrs._NP William_NP G._NP Kilhour_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Hughes_NP Cauff
man_NP ,_, Mrs._NP John_NP L._NP Baringer_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Clyde_NP Newman_NP .
_. The_AT fashion_NN show_NN ,_, by_IN Natalie_NP Collett_NP will_MD have_HV Mrs
._NP John_NP Newbold_NP as_CS commentator_NN ._. Models_NNS will_MD be_BE Mrs._N
P Samuel_NP B._NP D._NP Baird_NP ,_, Mrs._NP William_NP H._NP Meyle_NP ,_, Jr._N
P ,_, Mrs._NP Richard_NP W._NP Hole_NP ,_, Mrs._NP William_NP F._NP Harrity_NP ,
_, Mrs._NP Robert_NP O._NP Spurdle_NP ,_, Mrs._NP E._NP H._NP Kloman_NP ,_, Mrs.
_NP Robert_NP W._NP Wolcott_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, Mrs._NP Frederick_NP C._NP Wheeler
_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, Mrs._NP William_NP A_NN Boyd_NP ,_, Mrs_NN F._NP Vernon_NP Pu
tt_NP ._. Col._NN-TL Clifton_NP Lisle_NP ,_, of_IN Chester_NP-TL Springs_NNS-TL
,_, who_WPS headed_VBD the_AT Troop_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL for_IN much_AP of_IN i
ts_PP$ second_OD and_CC third_OD decades_NNS ,_, is_BEZ now_RB an_AT honorary_JJ
member_NN ._. Each_DT year_NN he_PPS invites_VBZ the_AT boys_NNS to_TO camp_VB
out_RP on_IN his_PP$ estate_NN for_IN one_CD of_IN their_PP$ big_JJ week_NN ends
_NNS of_IN the_AT year_NN ._. The_AT Troop_NN-TL is_BEZ proud_JJ of_IN its_PP$ c
amping-out_JJ program_NN --_-- on_IN year-round_JJ schedule_NN and_CC was_BEDZ c
ontinued_VBN even_RB when_WRB sub-zero_NN temperatures_NNS were_BED registered_V
BN during_IN the_AT past_JJ winter_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS worry_VB ''_'' ,_, say_V
B the_AT mothers_NNS ._. ``_`` But_CC there_EX never_RB is_BEZ any_DTI need_NN .
_. The_AT boys_NNS love_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. Mrs._NP John_NP Charles_NP Cotty_NP
is_BEZ chairman_NN of_IN publicity_NN for_IN the_AT country_NN fair_NN and_CC Mr
s._NP Francis_NP G._NP Felske_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Francis_NP Smythe_NP ,_, of_IN p
osters_NNS ._. They_PPSS all_ABN are_BER of_IN Wayne_NP ._. ``_`` Meet_VB the_AT
Artist_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ the_AT invitation_NN issued_VBN by_IN members_NNS of_
IN the_AT Greater_JJR-TL Philadelphia_NP-TL Section_NN-TL of_IN the_AT National_
JJ-TL Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jewish_JJ-TL Women_NNS-TL as_CS they_PPSS arrange_V
B for_IN an_AT annual_JJ exhibit_NN and_CC sale_NN of_IN paintings_NNS and_CC sc
ulpture_NN at_IN the_AT Philmont_NP-TL Country_NN-TL Club_NN-TL on_IN April_NP 8
_CD and_CC 9_CD ._. A_AT preview_NN party_NN for_IN sponsors_NNS of_IN the_AT ev
ent_NN and_CC for_IN the_AT artists_NNS is_BEZ set_VBN for_IN April_NP 8_CD ._.
The_AT event_NN will_MD be_BE open_JJ to_IN the_AT public_NN the_AT following_VB
G day_NN ._. Proceeds_NNS will_MD be_BE used_VBN by_IN the_AT section_NN to_TO f
urther_VB its_PP$ program_NN in_IN science_NN ,_, education_NN and_CC social_JJ
action_NN on_IN local_JJ ,_, national_JJ and_CC international_JJ levels_NNS ._.
Noted_VBN-HL artist_NN-HL Mrs._NP Monte_NP Tyson_NP ,_, chairman_NN ,_, says_VBZ
the_AT work_NN of_IN 100_CD artists_NNS well_RB known_VBN in_IN the_AT Delaware
_NP-TL Valley_NN-TL area_NN will_MD be_BE included_VBN in_IN the_AT exhibition_N
N and_CC sale_NN ._. Among_IN them_PPO will_MD be_BE Marc_NP Shoettle_NP ,_, Ben
_NP Shahn_NP ,_, Nicholas_NP Marsicano_NP ,_, Alfred_NP Van_NP Loen_NP and_CC Mi
lton_NP Avery_NP ._. Mr._NP Shoettle_NP has_HVZ agreed_VBN to_TO do_DO a_AT port
rait_NN of_IN the_AT family_NN of_IN the_AT person_NN who_WPS wins_VBZ the_AT do
or_NN prize_NN ._. The_AT event_NN is_BEZ the_AT sixth_OD on_IN the_AT annual_JJ
calendar_NN of_IN the_AT local_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Counc
il_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jewish_JJ-TL Women_NNS-TL ._. It_PPS originated_VBD with_IN th
e_AT Wissahickon_NP-TL Section_NN-TL ._. When_WRB this_DT and_CC other_AP units_
NNS combined_VBD to_TO form_VB the_AT present_JJ group_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ ta
ken_VBN on_RP as_CS a_AT continuing_VBG fund-raiser_NN ._. Others_NNS-HL assisti
ng_VBG-HL Mrs._NP Jerome_NP Blum_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Meyer_NP Schultz_NP are_BER c
o-chairmen_NNS this_DT year_NN ._. Assisting_VBG as_CS chairmen_NNS of_IN variou
s_JJ committees_NNS are_BER Mrs._NP Alvin_NP Blum_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Leonard_NP Malm
ud_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Edward_NP Fernberger_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Robert_NP Cushman_NP ._. A
lso_RB Mrs._NP Berton_NP Korman_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Morton_NP Rosen_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Ja
cques_NP Zinman_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Evelyn_NP Rosen_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Henry_NP Schultz_N
P ,_, Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP I._NP S._NP Kamens_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Jack_NP Langsdorf_
NP ,_, Mrs._NP Leonard_NP Liss_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Gordon_NP Blumberg_NP ,_, Mrs._NP
Oscar_NP Bregman_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Alfred_NP Kershbaum_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Edward_NP
Sabol_NP ._. Dr._NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP N._NP Volney_NP Ludwick_NP have_HV had_HVN
as_CS guests_NNS Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP John_NP J._NP Evans_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, of
_IN ``_`` Kimbolton_NP-TL House_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Rockhall_NP ,_, Md._NP ._. Mrs._
NP Edward_NP App_NP will_MD entertain_VB the_AT members_NNS of_IN her_PP$ Book_N
N-TL Club_NN-TL on_IN Tuesday_NR ._. Mrs._NP A._NP Voorhees_NP Anderson_NP enter
tained_VBD at_IN a_AT luncheon_NN at_IN her_PP$ home_NN ,_, on_IN Monday_NR ._.
Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Anderson_NP were_BED entertained_VBN at_IN dinner_NN on_IN
Sunday_NR by_IN Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Frank_NP Coulson_NP ,_, of_IN Fairless_NP
-TL Hills_NNS-TL ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Major_NP Morris_NP and_CC their_PP$ s
on-in-law_NN and_CC daughter_NN ,_, Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Thomas_NP Glennon_NP ,
_, and_CC their_PP$ children_NNS will_MD spend_VB several_AP days_NNS in_IN Brig
antine_NP ,_, N._NP J._NP ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP James_NP Janssen_NP announce
_VB the_AT birth_NN of_IN a_AT daughter_NN ,_, Patricia_NP Lynn_NP Janssen_NP ,_
, on_IN March_NP 2_CD ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Charles_NP Marella_NP announce_V
B the_AT engagement_NN of_IN their_PP$ daughter_NN ,_, Miss_NP Mary_NP Ann_NP Ma
rella_NP ,_, to_IN Mr._NP Robert_NP L._NP Orcutt_NP ,_, son_NN of_IN Mr._NP and_
CC Mrs._NP Donald_NP R._NP Orcutt_NP ,_, of_IN Drexel_NP-TL Hill_NN-TL ._. Miss_
NP Eileen_NP Grant_NP is_BEZ spending_VBG several_AP weeks_NNS visiting_VBG in_I
N Florida_NP ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Frederick_NP Heinze_NP are_BER entertaini
ng_VBG Mr._NP Walter_NP Lehner_NP ,_, of_IN Vienna_NP ;_. ;_. Mr._NP Ingo_NP Dus
sa_NP ,_, of_IN Dusseldorf_NP ,_, Germany_NP ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Bietnar_NP Haaek_
NP ,_, of_IN Brelin_NP ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Harry_NP D._NP Hoaps_NP ,_, Jr.
_NP have_HV returned_VBN to_IN their_PP$ home_NR in_IN Drexel_NP-TL Park_NN-TL ,
_, after_CS spending_VBG some_DTI time_NN in_IN Delray_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL Fla._NP
._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP James_NP F._NP Mitchell_NP ,_, with_IN their_PP$ daug
hter_NN ,_, Anne_NP ,_, and_CC son_NN ,_, James_NP ,_, Jr._NP are_BER spending_V
BG several_AP weeks_NNS in_IN Florida_NP ,_, and_CC will_MD visit_VB in_IN Clear
water_NP ._. Cmdr._NN-TL Warren_NP Taylor_NP ,_, USN._NP ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Tayl
or_NP ,_, of_IN E._NP Greenwich_NP ,_, R._NP I._NP ,_, will_MD have_HV with_IN t
hem_PPO for_IN the_AT Easter_NP holidays_NNS the_AT latter's_NN$ parents_NNS ,_,
Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP John_NP B._NP Walbridge_NP ,_, of_IN Drexel_NP-TL Hill_NN
-TL ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP L._NP DeForest_NP Emmert_NP ,_, formerly_RB of_IN
Drexel_NP-TL Hill_NN-TL ,_, and_CC now_RB of_IN Newtown_NP-TL Square_NN-TL ,_, a
re_BER entertaining_VBG Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Ashman_NP E._NP Emmert_NP ,_, of_I
N Temple_NP ,_, Pa._NP ._. Mrs._NP William_NP H._NP Merner_NP ,_, of_IN Drexel_N
P-TL Park_NN-TL ,_, entertained_VBD at_IN a_AT luncheon_NN at_IN her_PP$ home_NN
on_IN Wednesday_NR ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Robert_NP Brown_NP will_MD return_
VB next_AP week_NN from_IN Bermuda_NP ._. Mrs._NP H._NP E._NP Godwin_NP will_MD
entertain_VB the_AT members_NNS of_IN her_PPO Book_NN-TL Club_NN-TL at_IN her_PP
$ home_NN on_IN Tuesday_NR ._. Dr._NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP Richard_NP Peter_NP Viet
h_NP announce_VB the_AT engagement_NN of_IN their_PP$ daughter_NN ,_, Miss_NP Su
san_NP Ann_NP Vieth_NP ,_, to_IN Mr._NP Conrad_NP Wall_NP 3_CD-TL ,_, ,_, son_NN
of_IN Dr._NN-TL Conrad_NP Wall_NP 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Nell_NP Kenned
y_NP Wall_NP ._. The_AT marriage_NN will_MD be_BE quietly_RB celebrated_VBN in_I
N early_JJ February_NP ._. Miss_NP Vieth_NP was_BEDZ graduated_VBN from_IN the_A
T Louise_NP S._NP McGehee_NP school_NN and_CC is_BEZ attending_VBG Wellesley_NP-
TL College_NN-TL in_IN Wellesley_NP ,_, Mass._NP ._. Her_PP$ mother_NN is_BEZ th
e_AT former_AP Miss_NP Stella_NP Hayward_NP ._. Mr._NP Wall_NP is_BEZ a_AT stude
nt_NN at_IN Tulane_NP university_NN ,_, where_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT member_NN o
f_IN Delta_NP Kappa_NP Epsilon_NP fraternity_NN ._. Their_PP$ Majesties_NNS-TL ,
_, The_AT-TL Queen_NN-TL of_IN-TL Carnival_NN-TL and_CC The_AT-TL Queen_NN-TL of
_IN-TL Comus_NP ,_, have_HV jointly_RB issued_VBN invitations_NNS for_IN Shrove_
NP Tuesday_NR evening_NN at_IN midnight_NN at_IN which_WDT time_NN they_PPSS wil
l_MD entertain_VB in_IN the_AT grand_JJ ballroom_NN of_IN a_AT downtown_NR hotel
_NN following_VBG the_AT balls_NNS of_IN Rex_NP and_CC Comus_NP ._. Mr._NP and_C
C Mrs._NP Richard_NP B._NP McConnell_NP and_CC their_PP$ son-in-law_NN and_CC da
ughter_NN ,_, Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Raymond_NP B._NP Walker_NP will_MD be_BE hos
ts_NNS this_DT Tuesday_NR evening_NN at_IN dinner_NN at_IN the_AT State_NN-TL St
._NN-TL home_NN of_IN the_AT Walkers_NPS honoring_VBG Mrs._NP McConnell's_NP$ de
butante_NN niece_NN ,_, Miss_NP Barbara_NP Williams_NP ._. Debutante_NN Miss_NP
Lady_NP Helen_NP Hardy_NP will_MD be_BE feted_VBN at_IN luncheon_NN this_DT Tues
day_NR at_IN which_WDT the_AT hostess_NN will_MD be_BE Mrs._NP Edwin_NP Socola_N
P of_IN Waveland_NP ,_, Miss._NP ._. She_PPS will_MD entertain_VB at_IN a_AT Vie
ux_NP Carre_NP restaurant_NN at_IN 1_CD o'clock_RB in_IN the_AT early_JJ afterno
on_NN ._. Another_DT debutante_NN ,_, Miss_NP Virginia_NP Richmond_NP ,_, will_M
D also_RB be_BE the_AT honoree_NN this_DT Wednesday_NR at_IN luncheon_NN at_IN w
hich_WDT Mrs._NP John_NP Dane_NP ,_, will_MD be_BE hostess_NN entertaining_VBG a
t_IN a_AT downtown_NR hotel_NN ._. Miss_NP Katherine_NP Vickery_NP ,_, who_WPS a
ttends_VBZ Sweet_JJ-TL Briar_NN-TL College_NN-TL in_IN Virginia_NP ,_, will_MD r
ejoin_VB her_PP$ father_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Eugene_NP Vickery_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT f
amily_NN home_NN in_IN Richmond_NP pl._NN-TL Wednesday_NR for_IN part_NN of_IN t
he_AT Carnival_NN-TL festivities_NNS ._. When_WRB the_AT Achaeans_NPS entertaine
d_VBD Wednesday_NR last_AP at_IN their_PP$ annual_JJ Carnival_NN-TL masquerade_N
N ball_NN ,_, Miss_NP Margaret_NP Pierson_NP was_BEDZ chosen_VBN to_TO rule_VB o
ver_IN the_AT festivities_NNS ,_, presented_VBN at_IN the_AT Muncipal_JJ-TL Audi
torium_NN-TL and_CC chosen_VBN as_CS her_PP$ ladies_NNS in_IN waiting_VBG were_B
ED Misses_NNS-TL Clayton_NP Nairne_NP ,_, Eleanor_NP Eustis_NP ,_, Lynn_NP Chapm
an_NP ,_, Irwin_NP Leatherman_NP of_IN Robinsonville_NP ,_, Miss._NP and_CC Hele
ne_NP Rowley_NP ._. The_AT large_JJ municipal_JJ hall_NN was_BEDZ ablaze_RB with
_IN color_NN ,_, which_WDT shown_VBN out_RP from_IN the_AT bright_JJ array_NN of
_IN chic_JJ ballgowns_NNS worn_VBN by_IN those_DTS participating_VBG in_IN the_A
T ``_`` maskers'_NNS$ dances_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT mother_NN of_IN young_JJ queen
_NN ,_, Mrs._NP G._NP Henry_NP Pierson_NP Jr._NP chose_VBD a_AT white_JJ brocade
_NN gown_NN made_VBN on_IN slim_JJ lines_NNS with_IN panels_NNS of_IN tomato-red
_JJ and_CC bright_JJ green_JJ satin_NN extending_VBG down_IN the_AT back_NN ._.
Mrs._NP Thomas_NP Jordan_NP selected_VBD a_AT black_JJ taffeta_NN frock_NN made_
VBN with_IN a_AT skirt_NN of_IN fringed_VBN tiers_NNS and_CC worn_VBN with_IN cr
imson_JJ silk_NN slippers_NNS ._. Mrs._NP Clayton_NP Nairne_NP ,_, whose_WP$ dau
ghter_NN ,_, was_BEDZ among_IN the_AT court_NN maids_NNS ,_, chose_VBD a_AT deep
_JJ greenish_JJ blue_JJ lace_NN gown_NN ._. Mrs._NP Fenwick_NP Eustis_NP ,_, who
se_WP$ daughter_NN was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT maid_NN to_IN the_AT queen_NN ,_, wore_
VBD an_AT ashes_NNS of_IN roses_NNS slipper_NN satin_NN gown_NN ._. Mrs._NP Pete
r_NP Feringa_NP Jr._NP ,_, last_AP year's_NN$ Achaeans'_NPS$ queen_NN ,_, chose_
VBD an_AT eggshell_NN white_JJ filmy_JJ lace_NN short_JJ dress_NN made_VBN with_
IN a_AT wide_JJ decolletage_NN trimmed_VBN with_IN an_AT edging_NN of_IN tulle_N
N ._. Mrs._NP Eustis_NP Reily's_NP$ olive-green_JJ street_NN length_NN silk_NN t
affeta_NN dress_NN was_BEDZ embroidered_VBN on_IN the_AT bodice_NN with_IN gold_
JJ threads_NNS and_CC golden_JJ sequins_NNS and_CC beads_NNS ._. The_AT-TL Balti
more_NP and_CC-TL Ohio_NP Railroad_NN-TL announced_VBD yesterday_NR it_PPS would
_MD reduce_VB the_AT total_NN amount_VB of_IN its_PP$ payroll_NN by_IN 10_CD per
_IN cent_NN through_IN salary_NN cuts_NNS and_CC lay-offs_NNS effective_JJ at_IN
12:01_CD A.M._RB next_AP Saturday_NR ._. The_AT current_JJ monthly_JJ payroll_N
N comes_VBZ to_IN about_RB $15,000,000_NNS ._. Howard_NP E._NP Simpson_NP ,_, th
e_AT railroad's_NN$ president_NN ,_, said_VBD ,_, ``_`` A_AT drastic_JJ decline_
NN in_IN freight_NN loading_VBG due_JJ principally_RB to_IN the_AT severe_JJ slu
mp_NN in_IN the_AT movement_NN of_IN heavy_JJ goods_NNS has_HVZ necessitated_VBN
this_DT regrettable_JJ action_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT reduction_NN in_IN expenses_N
NS will_MD affect_VB employees_NNS in_IN the_AT thirteen_CD states_NNS in_IN whi
ch_WDT the_AT B._NP-TL &_CC-TL O._NP-TL operates_VBZ ._. Salary_NN-HL cut_NN-HL
and_CC-HL lay-offs_NNS-HL It_PPS will_MD be_BE accomplished_VBN in_IN two_CD way
s_NNS :_: 1_CD A_AT flat_JJ reduction_NN of_IN 10_CD per_IN cent_NN in_IN the_AT
salary_NN of_IN all_ABN officers_NNS ,_, supervisors_NNS and_CC other_AP employ
ees_NNS not_* belonging_VBG to_IN unions_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER about_RB 3,325
_CD officers_NNS and_CC employees_NNS in_IN this_DT class_NN ._. 2_CD Sufficient
_JJ lay-offs_NNS of_IN union_NN employees_NNS to_TO bring_VB about_RB a_AT 10_CD
per_IN cent_NN cut_NN in_IN the_AT union_NN payroll_NN expense_NN ._. Since_CS
the_AT railroad_NN cannot_MD* reduce_VB the_AT salary_NN of_IN individual_JJ uni
on_NN members_NNS under_IN contract_NN ,_, it_PPS must_MD accomplish_VB its_PP$
payroll_NN reduction_NN by_IN placing_VBG some_DTI of_IN the_AT men_NNS on_IN fu
rlough_NN ,_, a_AT B._NP-TL &_CC-TL O._NP-TL spokesman_NN said_VBD ._. Those_DTS
union_NN members_NNS kept_VBD on_IN their_PP$ jobs_NNS ,_, therefore_RB ,_, wil
l_MD not_* take_VB a_AT cut_NN in_IN their_PP$ wages_NNS ._. The_AT spokesman_NN
said_VBD the_AT number_NN to_TO be_BE furloughed_VBN cannot_MD* be_BE estimated
_VBN since_CS the_AT lay-offs_NNS must_MD be_BE carried_VBN out_RP in_IN each_DT
area_NN depending_IN on_IN what_WDT men_NNS are_BER most_RBT needed_VBN on_IN t
he_AT job_NN ._. A_AT thug_NN struck_VBD a_AT cab_NN driver_NN in_IN the_AT face
_NN with_IN a_AT pistol_NN last_AP night_NN after_CS robbing_VBG him_PPO of_IN $
18_NNS at_IN Franklin_NP and_CC Mount_NN-TL Streets_NNS-TL ._. The_AT victim_NN
,_, Norman_NP B._NP Wiley_NP ,_, 38_CD ,_, of_IN the_AT 900_CD block_NN North_JJ
-TL Charles_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ treated_VBN for_IN cuts_NNS at_IN Fr
anklin_NP-TL Square_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL after_IN the_AT robbery_NN ._. The_AT d
river_NN told_VBD police_NNS he_PPS followed_VBD as_CS the_AT Negro_NP man_NN go
t_VBD out_RP of_IN the_AT cab_NN with_IN his_PP$ money_NN ._. The_AT victim_NN w
as_BEDZ beaten_VBN when_WRB he_PPS attempted_VBD to_TO stop_VB the_AT bandit_NN
._. He_PPS said_VBD the_AT assailant_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ armed_VBN with_IN a
_AT automatic_JJ ,_, entered_VBD the_AT taxi_NN at_IN Pennsylvania_NP-TL Avenue_
NN-TL and_CC Gold_NN-TL Street_NN-TL ._. In_IN another_DT attack_NN ,_, Samuel_N
P Verstandig_NP ,_, 41_CD ,_, proprietor_NN of_IN a_AT food_NN store_NN in_IN th
e_AT 2100_CD block_NN Aiken_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, told_VBD police_NNS two_CD Ne
groes_NPS assaulted_VBD him_PPO in_IN his_PP$ store_NN and_CC stole_VBD $150_NNS
from_IN the_AT cash_NN register_NN after_CS choking_VBG and_CC beating_VBG him_
PPO ._. A_AT baby_NN was_BEDZ burned_VBN to_IN death_NN and_CC two_CD other_AP c
hildren_NNS were_BED seriously_RB injured_VBN last_AP night_NN in_IN a_AT fire_N
N which_WDT damaged_VBD their_PP$ one-room_JJ Anne_NP Arundel_NP county_NN home_
NN ._. The_AT victim_NN Darnell_NP Somerville_NP ,_, Negro_NP ,_, 1_CD ,_, was_B
EDZ pronounced_VBN dead_JJ on_IN arrival_NN at_IN Anne_NP-TL Arundel_NP-TL Gener
al_JJ-TL Hospital_NN-TL in_IN Annapolis_NP ._. His_PP$ sister_NN and_CC brother_
NN ,_, Marie_NP Louise_NP ,_, 3_CD ,_, and_CC John_NP Raymond_NP ,_, Jr._NP 22_C
D months_NNS ,_, were_BED admitted_VBN to_IN the_AT hospital_NN ._. The_AT girl_
NN was_BEDZ in_IN critical_JJ condition_NN with_IN burns_NNS over_IN 90_CD per_I
N cent_NN of_IN her_PP$ body_NN ._. Boy_NN-HL in_IN-HL fair_JJ-HL condition_NN-H
L The_AT boy_NN received_VBD second-degree_NN burns_NNS of_IN the_AT face_NN ,_,
neck_NN and_CC back_NN ._. His_PP$ condition_NN was_BEDZ reported_VBN to_TO be_
BE fair_JJ ._. Police_NNS said_VBD the_AT children's_NNS$ mother_NN ,_, Mrs._NP
Eleanor_NP Somerville_NP ,_, was_BEDZ visiting_VBG next_AP door_NN when_WRB the_
AT fire_NN occurred_VBD ._. The_AT house_NN is_BEZ on_IN Old_JJ-TL Annapolis_NP-
TL road_NN a_AT mile_NN south_NR of_IN Severna_NP-TL Park_NN-TL ,_, at_IN Jones_
NP-TL Station_NN-TL ,_, police_NNS said_VBD ._. Annapolis_NP-HL ,_,-HL Jan._NP-H
L 7_CD-HL --_-- The_AT Anne_NP Arundel_NP county_NN school_NN superintendent_NN
has_HVZ asked_VBN that_CS the_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Education_NN-TL return_VB
to_IN the_AT practice_NN of_IN recording_VBG its_PP$ proceedings_NNS mechanicall
y_RB so_CS that_CS there_EX will_MD be_BE no_AT more_AP question_NN about_IN who
_WPS said_VBD what_WDT ._. The_AT proposal_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN by_IN Dr._NN-TL
David_NP S._NP Jenkins_NP after_CS he_PPS and_CC Mrs._NP D._NP Ellwood_NP Willia
ms_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, a_AT board_NN member_NN and_CC long-time_NN critic_NN of_IN
the_AT superintendent_NN ,_, argued_VBD for_IN about_RB fifteen_CD minutes_NNS
at_IN this_DT week's_NN$ meeting_NN ._. The_AT disagreement_NN was_BEDZ over_IN
what_WDT Dr._NN-TL Jenkins_NP had_HVD said_VBN at_IN a_AT previous_JJ session_NN
and_CC how_WRB his_PP$ remarks_NNS appeared_VBD in_IN the_AT minutes_NNS presen
ted_VBN at_IN the_AT following_VBG meeting_NN ._. Cites_VBZ-HL discrepancies_NNS
-HL Mrs._NP Williams_NP had_HVD a_AT list_NN which_WDT she_PPS said_VBD containe
d_VBN about_RB nine_CD or_CC ten_CD discrepancies_NNS between_IN her_PPO memory_
NN of_IN Dr._NN-TL Jenkins's_NP$ conversation_NN and_CC how_WRB they_PPSS were_B
ED written_VBN up_RP for_IN the_AT board's_NN$ approval_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS hate
_VB to_TO have_HV these_DTS things_NNS come_VB up_RP again_RB and_CC again_RB ''
_'' ,_, Dr._NN-TL Jenkins_NP commented_VBD as_CS he_PPS made_VBD his_PP$ suggest
ion_NN ._. ``_`` These_DTS are_BER the_AT board's_NN$ minutes_NNS ._. I'll_PPSS+
MD write_VB what_WDT you_PPSS tell_VB me_PPO to_TO ''_'' ._. For_IN a_AT number_
NN of_IN years_NNS the_AT board_NN used_VBD a_AT machine_NN to_TO keep_VB a_AT p
ermanent_JJ record_NN but_CC abandoned_VBD the_AT practice_NN about_RB two_CD ye
ars_NNS ago_RB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ about_RB that_DT time_NN ,_, a_AT board_NN me
mber_NN said_VBD later_RBR ,_, that_CS Dr._NN-TL Thomas_NP G._NP Pullen_NP ,_, J
r._NP ,_, State_NN-TL superintendent_NN of_IN schools_NNS ,_, told_VBD Dr._NN-TL
Jenkins_NP and_CC a_AT number_NN of_IN other_AP education_NN officials_NNS that
_CS he_PPS would_MD not_* talk_VB to_IN them_PPO with_IN a_AT recording_VBG mach
ine_NN sitting_VBG in_IN front_NN of_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL
County_NN-TL Commissioners_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT Sanitary_JJ-TL Commission_NN-TL ,_,
the_AT Planning_VBG-TL and_CC-TL Zoning_VBG-TL Board_NN-TL and_CC other_AP coun
ty_NN official_JJ bodies_NNS use_VB recording_VBG machines_NNS for_IN all_ABN pu
blic_NN business_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO prevent_VB law_NN suits_NNS and_CC othe
r_AP misunderstandings_NNS about_IN what_WDT actually_RB happened_VBD at_IN thei
r_PP$ meetings_NNS ._. Dr._NN-TL Jenkins_NP notes_VBZ ,_, however_WRB ,_, that_C
S most_AP of_IN the_AT school_NN boards_NNS in_IN the_AT State_NN-TL do_DO not_*
do_DO so_RB ._. State_NN-TL Senator_NN-TL Joseph_NP A._NP Bertorelli_NP (_( D._
NP ,_, First_OD-TL Baltimore_NP-TL )_) had_HVD a_AT stroke_NN yesterday_NR while
_CS in_IN his_PP$ automobile_NN in_IN the_AT 200_CD block_NN of_IN West_JJ-TL Pr
att_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ taken_VBN to_IN University_NN-TL Hosp
ital_NN-TL in_IN a_AT municipal_JJ ambulance_NN ._. Doctors_NNS at_IN the_AT hos
pital_NN said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ partially_RB paralyzed_VBN on_IN the_AT right_
JJ side_NN ._. His_PP$ condition_NN was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO be_BE ,_, ``_`` fair
_JJ ''_'' ._. Police_NNS said_VBD he_PPS became_VBD ill_JJ while_CS parked_VBN i
n_IN front_NN of_IN a_AT barber_NN shop_NN at_IN 229_CD-TL West_JJ-TL Pratt_NP-T
L Street_NN-TL ._. Barber_NN-HL summoned_VBN-HL He_PPS called_VBD Vincent_NP L._
NP Piraro_NP ,_, proprietor_NN of_IN the_AT shop_NN ,_, who_WPS summoned_VBD pol
ice_NNS and_CC an_AT ambulance_NN ._. The_AT vice_NN president_NN of_IN the_AT C
ity_NN-TL Council_NN-TL complained_VBD yesterday_NR that_CS there_EX are_BER ``_
`` deficiencies_NNS ''_'' in_IN the_AT city's_NN$ snow_NN clearing_NN program_NN
which_WDT should_MD be_BE corrected_VBN as_QL soon_RB as_CS possible_JJ ._. Cou
ncilman_NN-TL William_NP D._NP Schaefer_NP (_( D._NP ,_, Fifth_OD-TL )_) said_VB
D in_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN Mayor_NN-TL Grady_NP that_CS plowing_VBG and_CC sal
ting_VBG crews_NNS should_MD be_BE dispatched_VBN earlier_RBR in_IN storms_NNS a
nd_CC should_MD be_BE kept_VBN on_IN the_AT job_NN longer_RBR than_CS they_PPSS
were_BED last_AP month_NN ._. Werner_NP-HL criticized_VBN-HL Conceding_VBG that_
CS several_AP cities_NNS to_IN the_AT north_NR were_BED in_IN worse_JJR shape_NN
than_CS Baltimore_NP after_IN the_AT last_AP storm_NN ,_, Mr._NP Schaefer_NP li
sted_VBD several_AP improvements_NNS he_PPS said_VBD should_MD be_BE made_VBN in
_IN the_AT snow_NN plan_NN here_RB ._. He_PPS said_VBD the_AT snow_NN plan_NN wa
s_BEDZ put_VBN in_IN effect_NN too_QL slowly_RB in_IN December_NP ._. Equipment_
NN should_MD be_BE in_IN operation_NN ``_`` almost_QL immediately_RB after_IN th
e_AT first_OD snowfall_NN ''_'' ,_, Mr._NP Schaefer_NP said_VBD ._. The_AT Counc
ilman_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ the_AT Administration_NN-TL floor_NN leader_NN ,_
, also_RB criticized_VBD Bernard_NP L._NP Werner_NP ,_, public_JJ works_NNS dire
ctor_NN ,_, for_IN ``_`` halting_VBG snow_NN operations_NNS ''_'' on_IN Tuesday_
NR night_NN after_IN the_AT Sunday_NR storm_NN ._. Sent_VBN-HL home_NR-HL for_IN
-HL rest_NN-HL Mr._NP Werner_NP said_VBD yesterday_NR that_CS operations_NNS con
tinued_VBD through_IN the_AT week_NN ._. What_WDT he_PPS did_DOD ,_, Mr._NP Wern
er_NP said_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ let_VB manual_JJ laborers_NNS go_VB home_NR Tuesday_
NR night_NN for_IN some_DTI rest_NN ._. Work_NN resumed_VBD Wednesday_NR ,_, he_
PPS said_VBD ._. Mr._NP Schaefer_NP also_RB recommended_VBD that_CS the_AT snow_
NN emergency_NN route_NN plan_NN ,_, under_IN which_WDT parking_VBG is_BEZ banne
d_VBN on_IN key_NN streets_NNS and_CC cars_NNS are_BER required_VBN to_TO use_VB
snow_NN tires_NNS or_CC chains_NNS on_IN them_PPO ,_, should_MD be_BE ``_`` str
ictly_RB enforced_VBN ''_'' ._. Admitting_VBG that_DT main_JJS streets_NNS and_C
C the_AT central_JJ business_NN district_NN should_MD have_HV priority_NN ,_, th
e_AT Councilman_NN-TL said_VBD it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB essential_JJ that_CS small_
JJ shopping_VBG areas_NNS ``_`` not_* be_BE overlooked_VBN if_CS our_PP$ small_J
J merchants_NNS are_BER to_TO survive_VB ''_'' ._. Recounting_VBG personal_JJ ob
servations_NNS of_IN clearance_NN work_NN ,_, the_AT Councilman_NN-TL cited_VBD
instances_NNS of_IN inefficient_JJ use_NN of_IN equipment_NN or_CC supplies_NNS
by_IN poorly_QL trained_VBN workers_NNS and_CC urged_VBD that_CS plow_NN blades_
NNS be_BE set_VBN so_CS they_PPSS do_DO not_* leave_VB behind_RB a_AT thin_JJ la
yer_NN of_IN snow_NN which_WDT eventually_RB freezes_VBZ ._. Annapolis_NP-HL ,_,
-HL Jan._NP-HL 7_CD-HL (_(-HL special_JJ-HL )_)-HL --_-- The_AT 15-year-old_JJ a
dopted_VBN son_NN of_IN a_AT Washington_NP attorney_NN and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN ,_
, who_WPS were_BED murdered_VBN early_RB today_NR in_IN their_PP$ Chesapeake_NP
Bay-front_NP home_NN ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN sent_VBN to_IN Spring_NN-TL Grove_NN-T
L State_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL for_IN detention_NN ._. The_AT victims_NNS were_BED
H._NP Malone_NP Dresbach_NP ,_, 47_CD ,_, and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, Shirley_NP
,_, 46_CD ._. Each_DT had_HVD been_BEN shot_VBN in_IN the_AT back_NN several_AP
times_NNS with_IN a_AT automatic_JJ rifle_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN Capt._NN-TL
Elmer_NP Hagner_NP ,_, chief_NN of_IN Anne_NP Arundel_NP detectives_NNS ._. Jud
ge_NN-TL Benjamin_NP Michaelson_NP signed_VBD the_AT order_NN remanding_VBG the_
AT boy_NN to_IN the_AT hospital_NN because_CS of_IN the_AT lack_NN of_IN juvenil
e_NN accommodations_NNS at_IN the_AT Anne_NP-TL Arundel_NP-TL County_NN-TL Jail_
NN-TL ._. The_AT Circuit_NN-TL Court_NN-TL jurist_NN said_VBD the_AT boy_NN will
_MD have_HV a_AT hearing_NN in_IN Juvenile_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL ._. Younger_JJR-HL
son_NN-HL calls_VBZ-HL police_NNS-HL Soon_RB after_IN 10_CD A.M._RB ,_, when_WRB
police_NNS reached_VBD the_AT 1-1/2-story_NN brick_NN home_NN in_IN the_AT Fran
klin_NP-TL Manor_NN-TL section_NN ,_, 15_CD miles_NNS south_NR of_IN here_RB on_
IN the_AT bay_NN ,_, in_IN response_NN to_IN a_AT call_NN from_IN the_AT Dresbac
h's_NP$ other_AP son_NN ,_, Lee_NP ,_, 14_CD ,_, they_PPSS found_VBD Mrs._NP Dre
sbach's_NP$ body_NN on_IN the_AT first-floor_NN bedroom_NN floor_NN ._. Her_PP$
husband_NN was_BEDZ lying_VBG on_IN the_AT kitchen_NN floor_NN ,_, police_NNS sa
id_VBD ._. The_AT younger_JJR son_NN told_VBD police_NNS his_PP$ brother_NN had_
HVD run_VBN from_IN the_AT house_NN after_IN the_AT shootings_NNS and_CC had_HVD
driven_VBN away_RB in_IN their_PP$ mother's_NN$ car_NN ._. The_AT description_N
N of_IN the_AT car_NN was_BEDZ immediately_RB broadcast_VBN throughout_IN Southe
rn_JJ-TL Maryland_NP-TL on_IN police_NN radio_NN ._. Two_CD-HL brothers_NNS-HL a
dopted_VBN-HL Police_NNS said_VBD the_AT boys_NNS are_BER natural_JJ brothers_NN
S and_CC were_BED adopted_VBN as_CS small_JJ children_NNS by_IN the_AT Dresbachs
_NPS ._. Trooper_NN-TL J._NP A._NP Grzesiak_NP spotted_VBD the_AT wanted_VBN car
_NN ,_, with_IN three_CD boys_NNS ,_, at_IN a_AT Route_NN-TL 2_CD service_NN sta
tion_NN ,_, just_QL outside_IN Annapolis_NP ._. The_AT driver_NN admitted_VBD he
_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT Dresbachs'_NPS$ son_NN and_CC all_ABN three_CD were_BED tak
en_VBN to_IN the_AT Edgewater_NP-TL Station_NN-TL ,_, police_NNS said_VBD ._. An
napolis_NP-HL ,_,-HL Jan._NP-HL 7_CD-HL --_-- Governor_NN-TL Tawes_NP today_NR a
ppointed_VBD Lloyd_NP L._NP Simpkins_NP ,_, his_PP$ administrative_JJ assistant_
NN ,_, as_CS Maryland's_NP$ Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL ._. Mr._NP Simp
kins_NP will_MD move_VB into_IN the_AT post_NN being_BEG vacated_VBN by_IN Thoma
s_NP B._NP Finan_NP ,_, earlier_RBR named_VBN Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL to_TO
succeed_VB C._NP Ferdinand_NP Sybert_NP ,_, who_WPS will_MD be_BE elevated_VBN
to_IN an_AT associate_JJ judgeship_NN on_IN the_AT Maryland_NP-TL Court_NN-TL of
_IN-TL Appeals_NNS-TL ._. Governor_NN-TL Tawes_NP announced_VBD that_CS a_AT tri
ple_NN swearing-in_NN ceremony_NN will_MD be_BE held_VBN in_IN his_PP$ office_NN
next_AP Friday_NR ._. Simpkins_NP-HL from_IN-HL Somerset_NP-HL Mr._NP Simpkins_
NP is_BEZ a_AT resident_NN of_IN Somerset_NP county_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS and_CC
the_AT Governor_NN-TL ,_, also_RB a_AT Somerset_NP countian_NN ,_, have_HV been_
BEN friends_NNS since_CS Mr._NP Simpkins_NP was_BEDZ a_AT child_NN ._. Now_RB 38
_CD ,_, Mr._NP Simpkins_NP was_BEDZ graduated_VBN from_IN the_AT University_NN-T
L of_IN-TL Maryland's_NP$ College_NN-TL of_IN-TL Agriculture_NN-TL in_IN 1947_CD
._. Five_CD years_NNS later_RBR ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ awarded_VBN the_AT universi
ty's_NN$ degree_NN in_IN law_NN ._. Mr._NP Simpkins_NP made_VBD a_AT name_NN for
_IN himself_PPL as_CS a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Delegates
_NNS-TL from_IN 1951_CD through_IN 1958_CD ._. From_IN the_AT outset_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ first_OD term_NN ,_, he_PPS established_VBD himself_PPL as_CS one_CD of_IN
the_AT guiding_VBG spirits_NNS of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Delegates_NNS-
TL ._. Maryland_NP contracts_VBZ for_IN future_JJ construction_NN during_IN Octo
ber_NP totaled_VBD $77,389,000_NNS ,_, up_IN to_IN 10_CD per_IN cent_NN compared
_VBN to_IN October_NP ,_, 1960_CD ,_, F._NP W._NP Dodge_NP ,_, Dodge_NP-TL Corpo
ration_NN-TL ,_, reported_VBD ._. Dodge_NP reported_VBD the_AT following_VBG bre
akdown_NN :_: Nonresidential_JJ at_IN $20,447,000_NNS ,_, down_RP 28_CD per_IN c
ent_NN ;_. ;_. residential_JJ at_IN $47,101,000_NNS ,_, up_RP 100_CD per_IN cent
_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC heavy_JJ engineering_NN at_IN $9,841,000_NNS ,_, down_RP 45_C
D per_IN cent_NN ._. The_AT cumulative_JJ total_NN of_IN construction_NN contrac
ts_NNS for_IN the_AT first_OD ten_CD months_NNS of_IN 1961_CD amounted_VBD to_IN
$634,517,000_NNS ,_, a_AT 4_CD per_IN cent_NN increase_NN compared_VBN to_IN th
e_AT corresponding_JJ period_NN of_IN last_AP year_NN ._. A_AT breakdown_NN of_I
N the_AT ten-month_JJ total_NN showed_VBD :_: Nonresidential_JJ at_IN $253,355,0
00_NNS ,_, up_RP 22_CD per_IN cent_NN ;_. ;_. residential_JJ at_IN $278,877,000_
NNS ,_, up_RP 12_CD per_IN cent_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC heavy_JJ engineering_NN at_IN
$102,285,000_NNS ,_, down_RP 33_CD per_IN cent_NN ._. Residential_JJ building_NN
consists_VBZ of_IN houses_NNS ,_, apartments_NNS ,_, hotels_NNS ,_, dormitories
_NNS and_CC other_AP buildings_NNS designed_VBN for_IN shelter_NN ._. The_AT sha
re_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ housing_VBG market_NN enjoyed_VBN by_IN apartments_NNS
,_, which_WDT began_VBD about_RB six_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, has_HVZ more_AP th
an_CS tripled_VBN within_IN that_DT span_NN of_IN time_NN ._. In_IN 1961_CD ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ estimated_VBN that_QL multiple_JJ unit_NN dwellings_NNS will_MD ac
count_VB for_IN nearly_RB 30_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT starts_NNS in_IN res
idential_JJ construction_NN ._. While_CS availability_NN of_IN mortgage_NN money
_NN has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT factor_NN in_IN encouraging_VBG apartment_NN construct
ion_NN ,_, the_AT generally_RB high_JJ level_NN of_IN prosperity_NN in_IN the_AT
past_AP few_AP years_NNS plus_CC rising_VBG consumer_NN income_NN are_BER among
_IN the_AT factors_NNS that_WPS have_HV encouraged_VBN builders_NNS to_TO concen
trate_VB in_IN the_AT apartment-building_JJ field_NN ._. Although_CS economic_JJ
and_CC personal_JJ circumstances_NNS vary_VB widely_RB among_IN those_DTS now_R
B choosing_VBG apartments_NNS ,_, Leo_NP J._NP Pantas_NP ,_, vice_NN president_N
N of_IN a_AT hardware_NN manufacturing_VBG company_NN ,_, pointed_VBD out_RP rec
ently_RB that_CS many_AP apartment_NN seekers_NNS seem_VB to_TO have_HV one_CD c
haracteristic_NN in_IN common_JJ :_: a_AT desire_NN for_IN greater_JJR convenien
ce_NN and_CC freedom_NN from_IN the_AT problems_NNS involved_VBN in_IN maintaini
ng_VBG a_AT house_NN ._. Convenience_NN-HL held_VBN-HL key_NN-HL ``_`` Convenien
ce_NN is_BEZ therefore_RB the_AT key_NN to_IN the_AT housing_VBG market_NN today
_NR ._. Trouble-free_JJ ,_, long-life_NN ,_, quality_NN components_NNS will_MD p
lay_VB an_AT increasingly_RB important_JJ part_NN in_IN the_AT merchandising_VBG
of_IN new_JJ housing_NN in_IN 1960_CD ''_'' ,_, Pantas_NP predicted_VBD ._. Six
ty-seven_CD living_VBG units_NNS are_BER being_BEG added_VBN to_IN the_AT 165-un
it_JJ Harbor_NN-TL View_NN-TL Apartments_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT Cherry_NN-TL Hill_N
N-TL section_NN ._. Ultimately_RB the_AT development_NN will_MD comprise_VB 300_
CD units_NNS ,_, in_IN two-story_JJ and_CC three-story_JJ structures_NNS ._. Var
ious_JJ of_IN the_AT apartments_NNS are_BER of_IN the_AT terrace_NN type_NN ,_,
being_BEG on_IN the_AT ground_NN floor_NN so_CS that_CS entrance_NN is_BEZ direc
t_JJ ._. Others_NNS ,_, which_WDT are_BER reached_VBN by_IN walking_VBG up_IN a_
AT single_AP flight_NN of_IN stairs_NNS ,_, have_HV balconies_NNS ._. The_AT str
uctures_NNS housing_VBG the_AT apartments_NNS are_BER of_IN masonry_NN and_CC fr
ame_NN construction_NN ._. Heating_VBG is_BEZ by_IN individual_JJ gas-fired_JJ ,
_, forced_VBN warm_JJ air_NN systems_NNS ._. Construction_NN in_IN 1962_CD will_
MD account_VB for_IN about_RB 15_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT gross_JJ nationa
l_JJ product_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN a_AT study_NN by_IN Johns-Manville_NP-TL
Corporation_NN-TL ._. London_NP-HL ,_,-HL Feb._NP-HL 9_CD-HL --_-- Vital_JJ secr
ets_NNS of_IN Britain's_NP$ first_OD atomic_JJ submarine_NN ,_, the_AT Dreadnoug
ht_NP ,_, and_CC ,_, by_IN implication_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT entire_JJ United_VBN-
TL States_NNS-TL navy's_NN$ still-building_JJ nuclear_JJ sub_NN fleet_NN ,_, wer
e_BED stolen_VBN by_IN a_AT London-based_JJ soviet_NN spy_NN ring_NN ,_, secret_
JJ service_NN agents_NNS testified_VBD today_NR ._. The_AT Dreadnought_NP was_BE
DZ built_VBN on_IN designs_NNS supplied_VBN by_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NN
S-TL in_IN 1959_CD and_CC was_BEDZ launched_VBN last_AP year_NN ._. It_PPS is_BE
Z a_AT killer_NN sub_NN --_-- that_DT is_BEZ ,_, a_AT hunter_NN of_IN enemy_NN s
ubs_NNS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ a_AT hull_NN patterned_VBN on_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL navy's_NN$ Nautilus_NP ,_, the_AT world's_NN$ first
_OD atomic_JJ submarine_NN ._. Its_PP$ power_NN unit_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, was_
BEDZ derived_VBN from_IN the_AT reactor_NN of_IN the_AT more_QL modern_JJ Americ
an_JJ nuclear_JJ submarine_NN Skipjack_NP ._. Five_CD-HL held_VBN-HL for_IN-HL t
rial_NN-HL The_AT announcement_NN that_CS the_AT secrets_NNS of_IN the_AT Dreadn
ought_NP had_HVD been_BEN stolen_VBN was_BEDZ made_VBN in_IN Bow_NP-TL St._NN-TL
police_NN court_NN here_RB at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN a_AT three_CD day_NN heari
ng_NN ._. A_AT full_JJ trial_NN was_BEDZ ordered_VBN for_IN :_: Two_CD British_J
J civil_JJ servants_NNS ,_, Miss_NP Ethel_NP Gee_NP ,_, 46_CD ,_, and_CC her_PP$
newly_JJ devoted_VBN friend_NN ,_, Harry_NP Houghton_NP ,_, 55_CD ,_, and_CC di
vorced_VBN ._. They_PPSS are_BER accused_VBN of_IN whisking_VBG secrets_NNS out_
IN of_IN naval_JJ strongrooms_NNS over_IN which_WDT they_PPSS kept_VBD guard_NN
._. Gordon_NP A._NP Lonsdale_NP ,_, 37_CD ,_, a_AT mystery_NN man_NN presumed_VB
N to_TO be_BE Russian_JJ although_CS he_PPS carries_VBZ a_AT Canadian_JJ passpor
t_NN ._. When_WRB arrested_VBN ,_, he_PPS had_HVD the_AT submarine_NN secrets_NN
S on_IN a_AT roll_NN of_IN candid_JJ camera_NN film_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS anti-
submarine_JJ secrets_NNS in_IN Christmas_NP gift_NN wrapping_NN ,_, it_PPS was_B
EDZ testified_VBN ._. Flashed_VBN-HL to_IN-HL Moscow_NP-HL A_AT shadowy_JJ coupl
e_NN who_WPS call_VB themselves_PPLS Peter_NP Kroger_NP ,_, bookseller_NN ,_, an
d_CC wife_NN ,_, Joyce_NP ._. (_( In_IN Washington_NP ,_, the_AT Federal_JJ-TL B
ureau_NN-TL of_IN-TL Investigation_NN-TL identified_VBD the_AT Krogers_NPS as_CS
Morris_NP and_CC Lola_NP Cohen_NP ,_, an_AT American_JJ couple_NN formerly_RB o
f_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL )_) ._. In_IN their_PP$ suburban_JJ cottage
_NN the_AT crown_NN charges_VBZ ,_, the_AT Krogers_NPS received_VBD secrets_NNS
from_IN the_AT mystery_NN man_NN ,_, usually_RB on_IN the_AT first_OD Saturday_N
R evening_NN of_IN each_DT month_NN ,_, and_CC spent_VBD much_AP of_IN the_AT we
ek-end_NN getting_VBG the_AT secrets_NNS off_RP to_IN Moscow_NP ,_, either_CC on
_IN a_AT powerful_JJ transmitter_NN buried_VBN under_IN the_AT kitchen_NN floor_
NN or_CC as_CS dots_NNS posted_VBN over_IN period_NN marks_NNS in_IN used_VBN bo
oks_NNS ._. Each_DT dot_NN on_IN magnification_NN resumed_VBD its_PP$ original_J
J condition_NN as_CS a_AT drawing_NN ,_, a_AT printed_VBN page_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT
manuscript_NN ._. All_ABN five_CD pleaded_VBD innocent_JJ ._. Only_RB Miss_NP G
ee_NP asked_VBD for_IN bail_NN ._. Her_PP$ young_JJ British_JJ lawyer_NN ,_, Jam
es_NP Dunlop_NP ,_, pleaded_VBD that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ sorely_RB needed_VBN at
_IN her_PP$ Portland_NP home_NN by_IN her_PP$ widowed_VBN mother_NN ,_, 80_CD ,_
, her_PP$ maiden_NN aunt_NN ,_, also_RB 80_CD and_CC bedridden_JJ for_IN 20_CD y
ears_NNS ,_, and_CC her_PP$ uncle_NN ,_, 76_CD ,_, who_WPS once_RB ran_VBD a_AT
candy_NN shop_NN ._. Refuses_VBZ-HL to_TO-HL grant_VB-HL bail_NN-HL ``_`` I_PPSS
am_BEM not_* prepared_VBN to_TO grant_VB bail_NN to_IN any_DTI of_IN them_PPO '
'_'' ,_, said_VBD the_AT magistrate_NN ,_, K.J.P._NP Baraclough_NP ._. The_AT tr
ial_NN will_MD be_BE held_VBN ,_, probably_RB the_AT first_OD week_NN of_IN Marc
h_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT famous_JJ Old_JJ-TL Bailey_NP-TL central_JJ criminal_NN co
urt_NN where_WRB Klaus_NP Fuchs_NP ,_, the_AT naturalized_VBN British_JJ German_
NP born_VBN scientist_NN who_WPS succeeded_VBD in_IN giving_VBG American_JJ and_
CC British_JJ atomic_JJ bomb_NN secrets_NNS to_IN Russia_NP and_CC thereby_RB ch
anged_VBD world_NN history_NN during_IN the_AT 1950s_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ sentenced_
VBN to_IN 14_CD years_NNS in_IN prison_NN ._. Fourteen_CD years_NNS is_BEZ the_A
T maximum_JJ penalty_NN now_RB faced_VBN by_IN the_AT new_JJ five_CD ,_, who_WPS
may_MD have_HV altered_VBN history_NN in_IN the_AT 1960s_NNS ._. Fuchs_NP ,_, a
fter_IN nine_CD and_CC a_AT half_ABN years_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ released_VBN ,_, bei
ng_BEG given_VBN time_NN off_RP for_IN good_JJ behavior_NN ._. He_PPS promptly_R
B went_VBD to_IN communist_NN East_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ._. The_AT magistrate_NN
tonight_NR refused_VBD to_TO return_VB to_IN the_AT five_CD $29,000_NNS in_IN Am
erican_JJ and_CC British_JJ currency_NN ,_, mostly_RB $20_NNS bills_NNS ,_, and_
CC in_IN British_JJ government_NN bonds_NNS and_CC stocks_NNS ._. ``_`` This_DT
is_BEZ Russian_JJ money_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Mervin_NP Griffith-Jones_NP for_IN
the_AT attorney_NN general's_NN$ office_NN ._. He_PPS asserted_VBD that_CS the_
AT Krogers_NPS were_BED the_AT bankers_NNS for_IN Moscow_NP ,_, Lonsdale_NP the_
AT Red_JJ-TL paymaster_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT two_CD civil_JJ servants_NNS the_AT
recipients_NNS for_IN selling_VBG their_PP$ country's_NN$ secrets_NNS ._. ``_``
Of_IN-HL highest_JJT-HL value_NN-HL ''_'' The_AT fact_NN that_CS secrets_NNS of_
IN the_AT Dreadnought_NP ,_, and_CC thereby_RB of_IN the_AT American_JJ undersea
_JJ fleet_NN ,_, were_BED involved_VBN in_IN the_AT spy_NN case_NN had_HVD been_
BEN hinted_VBN at_IN earlier_RBR ._. But_CC just_RB before_IN luncheon_NN today_
NR the_AT fact_NN was_BEDZ announced_VBN grimly_RB by_IN the_AT British_JJ navy'
s_NN$ chief_JJS adviser_NN to_IN the_AT cabinet_NN on_IN underwater_JJ warfare_N
N ,_, Capt._NN-TL George_NP Symonds_NP ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS drawings_NNS
of_IN the_AT Dreadnought_NP and_CC printed_VBN details_NNS about_IN the_AT ship_
NN were_BED found_VBN reproduced_VBN in_IN an_AT undeveloped_JJ roll_NN of_IN fi
lm_NN taken_VBN from_IN Lonsdale_NP when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ arrested_VBN with_I
N the_AT two_CD civil_JJ servants_NNS outside_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL Vic_NP theater
_NN Saturday_NR afternoon_NN ,_, Jan._NP 7_CD ._. The_AT information_NN ,_, he_P
PS said_VBD ,_, would_MD have_HV been_BEN of_IN the_AT highest_JJT value_NN to_I
N a_AT potential_JJ enemy_NN ._. Court_NN-HL cleared_VBN-HL Just_RB how_WRB many
_AP sub_NN secrets_NNS were_BED being_BEG handed_VBN over_RP when_WRB the_AT rin
g_NN ,_, watched_VBN for_IN six_CD months_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ broken_VBN remained_V
BN untold_JJ ._. The_AT British_JJ defending_VBG lawyers_NNS ,_, who_WPS today_N
R increased_VBD from_IN three_CD to_IN four_CD ,_, demanded_VBD to_TO know_VB if
_CS they_PPSS could_MD make_VB the_AT information_NN involved_VBN seem_VB of_IN
little_AP value_NN to_IN a_AT jury_NN ,_, the_AT chances_NNS of_IN their_PP$ cli
ents_NNS would_MD improve_VB ._. So_RB in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN justice_NN the
_AT magistrate_NN cleared_VBD the_AT court_NN of_IN all_ABN except_IN officials_
NNS to_TO allow_VB the_AT captain_NN to_TO elaborate_VB for_IN almost_RB an_AT h
our_NN ._. Almost_RB any_DTI information_NN about_IN the_AT Dreadnought_NP would
_MD also_RB reveal_VB secrets_NNS about_IN the_AT American_JJ underwater_JJ flee
t_NN ._. Britain_NP began_VBD designing_VBG the_AT ship_NN in_IN 1956_CD but_CC
got_VBD nowhere_RB until_CS the_AT American_JJ government_NN decided_VBD to_TO e
nd_VB a_AT ban_NN on_IN sharing_VBG military_NN secrets_NNS with_IN Britain_NP t
hat_WPS had_HVD been_BEN imposed_VBN after_CS Fuchs_NP blabbed_VBD ._. The_AT Un
ited_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL offered_VBD to_TO supply_VB a_AT complete_JJ set_NN of
_IN propelling_VBG equipment_NN like_CS that_DT used_VBD in_IN the_AT Skipjack_N
P ._. With_IN the_AT machinery_NN went_VBD a_AT complete_JJ design_NN for_IN the
_AT hull_NN ._. The_AT Skipjack_NP was_BEDZ a_AT second_OD generation_NN atomic_
JJ sub_NN ,_, much_QL advanced_VBN on_IN the_AT Nautilus_NP and_CC the_AT other_
AP four_CD which_WDT preceded_VBD it_PPO ._. Navy's_NN$-HL future_NN-HL involved
_VBN-HL ``_`` Much_AP of_IN the_AT navy's_NN$ future_NN depends_VBZ upon_IN her_
PPO ''_'' ,_, an_AT American_JJ naval_JJ announcement_NN said_VBD on_IN the_AT S
kipjack's_NP$ first_OD arrival_NN in_IN British_JJ waters_NNS in_IN August_NP ,_
, 1959_CD ,_, for_IN exhibition_NN to_IN selected_VBN high_JJ officers_NNS at_IN
Portland_NP underwater_JJ research_NN station_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ there_RB t
hat_CS the_AT two_CD accused_VBN civil_JJ servants_NNS were_BED at_IN work_NN ._
. ``_`` Her_PP$ basic_JJ hull_NN form_NN (_( a_AT teardrop_NN )_) and_CC her_PP$
nuclear_JJ power_NN plant_NN will_MD be_BE used_VBN for_IN almost_RB all_ABN ne
w_JJ submarines_NNS ,_, including_IN the_AT potent_JJ Polaris_NP missile_NN subm
arines_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT statement_NN went_VBD on_RP ._. The_AT atom_NN react
or_NN ,_, water_NN cooled_VBN ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT result_NN of_IN almost_RB a_AT
decade_NN of_IN research_NN at_IN the_AT naval_JJ reactors_NNS branch_VB of_IN
the_AT atomic_JJ energy_NN commission_NN and_CC Westinghouse_NP-TL Electric_JJ-T
L Corp._NN-TL ._. Thru_IN development_NN ,_, the_AT reactor_NN and_CC its_PP$ st
eam_NN turbines_NNS had_HVD been_BEN reduced_VBN greatly_RB in_IN size_NN ,_, an
d_CC also_RB in_IN complexity_NN ,_, allowing_VBG a_AT single_AP propeller_NN to
_TO be_BE used_VBN ,_, the_AT navy_NN said_VBD ._. The_AT hull_NN was_BEDZ also_
RB a_AT result_NN of_IN almost_RB a_AT decade_NN of_IN work_NN ._. It_PPS was_BE
DZ first_OD tried_VBN out_RP on_IN a_AT conventional_JJ submarine_NN ,_, the_AT
Albacore_NP ,_, in_IN 1954_CD ._. The_AT Skipjack_NP became_VBD the_AT fastest_J
JT submarine_NN ever_RB built_VBN ._. Reputedly_RB it_PPS could_MD outrun_VB ,_,
underwater_RB ,_, the_AT fastest_JJT destroyers_NNS ._. It_PPS could_MD ,_, rep
utedly_RB ,_, go_VB 70,000_CD miles_NNS without_IN refueling_VBG and_CC stay_VB
down_RP more_AP than_CS a_AT month_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ of_IN the_AT hunter-ki
ller_NN type_NN ,_, designed_VBN to_TO seek_VB out_RP ships_NNS and_CC other_AP
submarines_NNS with_IN its_PP$ most_QL advanced_VBN gear_NN and_CC destroy_VB th
em_PPO with_IN torpedoes_NNS ._. The_AT navy_NN captain_NN disclosed_VBD also_RB
that_CS a_AT list_NN of_IN questions_NNS found_VBN in_IN Miss_NP Gee's_NP$ purs
e_NN would_MD ,_, if_CS completed_VBN and_CC handed_VBN back_RB ,_, have_HV give
n_VBN the_AT Kremlin_NP a_AT complete_JJ picture_NN ``_`` of_IN our_PP$ current_
JJ anti-submarine_JJ effort_NN and_CC would_MD have_HV shown_VBN what_WDT we_PPS
S are_BER doing_VBG in_IN research_NN and_CC development_NN for_IN the_AT future
_NN ''_'' ._. Interested_VBN-HL in_IN-HL detector_NN-HL The_AT spy_NN ring_NN al
so_RB was_BEDZ particularly_RB interested_VBN in_IN ASDIC_NN ,_, the_AT underwat
er_JJ equipment_NN for_IN detecting_VBG submarines_NNS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ testi
fied_VBN ._. Range_NN was_BEDZ a_AT vital_JJ detail_NN ._. Designs_NNS of_IN par
ts_NNS were_BED sought_VBN ._. Six_CD radiomen_NNS told_VBD how_WRB ,_, twice_RB
on_IN two_CD days_NNS after_CS the_AT ring_NN was_BEDZ nabbed_VBN ,_, a_AT tran
smitter_NN near_IN Moscow_NP was_BEDZ heard_VBN calling_VBG ,_, using_VBG signal
s_NNS ,_, times_NNS and_CC wavelengths_NNS specified_VBN on_IN codes_NNS found_V
BN hidden_VBN in_IN cigaret_NN lighters_NNS in_IN Lonsdale's_NP$ apartment_NN an
d_CC the_AT Krogers'_NPS$ house_NN and_CC also_RB fastened_VBN to_IN the_AT tran
smitter_NN lid_NN ._. Oddly_RB ,_, the_AT calls_NNS were_BED still_RB heard_VBN
11_CD days_NNS after_CS the_AT five_CD were_BED arrested_VBN ._. The_AT charge_N
N that_CS the_AT federal_JJ indictment_NN of_IN three_CD Chicago_NP narcotics_NN
S detail_VB detectives_NNS ``_`` is_BEZ the_AT product_NN of_IN rumor_NN ,_, com
bined_VBN with_IN malice_NN ,_, and_CC individual_JJ enmity_NN ''_'' on_IN the_A
T part_NN of_IN the_AT federal_JJ narcotics_NNS unit_NN here_RB was_BEDZ made_VB
N yesterday_NR in_IN their_PP$ conspiracy_NN trial_NN before_IN Judge_NN-TL Jose
ph_NP Sam_NP Perry_NP in_IN federal_JJ District_NN-TL court_NN ._. The_AT three_
CD --_-- Miles_NP J._NP Cooperman_NP ,_, Sheldon_NP Teller_NP ,_, and_CC Richard
_NP Austin_NP --_-- and_CC eight_CD other_AP defendants_NNS are_BER charged_VBN
in_IN six_CD indictments_NNS with_IN conspiracy_NN to_TO violate_VB federal_JJ n
arcotic_NN laws_NNS ._. In_IN his_PP$ opening_VBG statement_NN to_IN a_AT jury_N
N of_IN eight_CD women_NNS and_CC four_CD men_NNS ,_, Bernard_NP H._NP Sokol_NP
,_, attorney_NN for_IN the_AT detectives_NNS ,_, said_VBD that_DT evidence_NN wo
uld_MD show_VB that_CS his_PP$ clients_NNS were_BED ``_`` entirely_RB innocent_J
J ''_'' ._. '_' had_HVD-HL to_TO-HL know_VB-HL peddlers_NNS-HL '_' ``_`` When_WR
B they_PPSS became_VBD members_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN police_NN narcotics_NNS
unit_NN ''_'' ,_, Sokol_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` they_PPSS were_BED told_VBN they_P
PSS would_MD have_HV to_TO get_VB to_TO know_VB certain_JJ areas_NNS of_IN Chica
go_NP in_IN which_WDT narcotics_NNS were_BED sold_VBN and_CC they_PPSS would_MD
have_HV to_TO get_VB to_TO know_VB people_NNS in_IN the_AT narcotics_NNS racket_
NN ._. They_PPSS ,_, on_IN occasion_NN ,_, posed_VBD as_CS addicts_NNS and_CC pe
ddlers_NNS ''_'' ._. Although_CS federal_JJ and_CC city_NN narcotic_JJ agents_NN
S sometimes_RB worked_VBD together_RB ,_, Sokol_NP continued_VBD ,_, rivalries_N
NS developed_VBD when_WRB they_PPSS were_BED ``_`` aiming_VBG at_IN the_AT same_
AP criminals_NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT ,_, he_PPS added_VBD ,_, brought_VBD about_RB
``_`` petty_JJ jealousies_NNS ''_'' and_CC ``_`` petty_JJ personal_JJ grievance
s_NNS ''_'' ._. ``_`` In_IN the_AT same_AP five_CD year_NN period_NN that_CS the
_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL says_VBZ they_PPSS (_( the_AT detectives_NNS )_)
were_BED engaged_VBN in_IN this_DT conspiracy_NN ''_'' ,_, Sokol_NP continued_V
BD ,_, ``_`` these_DTS three_CD young_JJ men_NNS received_VBD a_AT total_NN of_I
N 26_CD creditable_JJ mentions_NNS and_CC many_AP special_JJ compensations_NNS ,
_, and_CC were_BED nominated_VBN for_IN the_AT Lambert_NP Tree_NP award_NN and_C
C the_AT mayor's_NN$ medal_NN ''_'' ._. No_AT-HL comments_NNS-HL by_IN-HL U.S._N
P-HL In_IN opening_VBG ,_, D._NP Arthur_NP Connelly_NP ,_, assistant_JJ United_V
BN-TL States_NNS-TL attorney_NN ,_, read_VBD the_AT indictment_NN ,_, but_CC mad
e_VBD no_AT comments_NNS ._. Attorneys_NNS for_IN the_AT eight_CD other_AP defen
dants_NNS said_VBD only_RB that_CS there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT proof_NN of_IN their_
PP$ clients'_NNS$ guilt_NN ._. Cooperman_NP and_CC Teller_NP are_BER accused_VBN
of_IN selling_VBG $4,700_NNS worth_NN of_IN heroin_NN to_IN a_AT convicted_VBN
narcotics_NNS peddler_NN ,_, Otis_NP Sears_NP ,_, 45_CD ,_, of_IN 6934_CD Indian
a_NP Av._NN-TL ._. Among_IN other_AP acts_NNS ,_, Teller_NP and_CC Austin_NP are
_BER accused_VBN of_IN paying_VBG $800_NNS to_IN Sears_NP ._. The_AT first_OD wi
tness_NN ,_, Moses_NP Winston_NP Mardis_NP ,_, 5835_CD Michigan_NP Av._NN-TL ,_,
a_AT real_JJ estate_NN agent_NN and_CC former_AP bail_NN bondsman_NN ,_, took_V
BD the_AT stand_NN after_CS opening_VBG statements_NNS had_HVD been_BEN made_VBN
._. But_CC court_NN adjourned_VBD after_CS he_PPS testified_VBD he_PPS introduc
ed_VBD James_NP White_NP and_CC Jeremiah_NP Hope_NP Pullings_NP ,_, two_CD of_IN
the_AT defendants_NNS ,_, and_CC also_RB introduced_VBD Pullings_NP to_IN Jessy
_NP Maroy_NP ,_, a_AT man_NN mentioned_VBN in_IN the_AT indictment_NN but_CC not
_* indicted_VBN ._. Buaford_NP Robinson_NP ,_, 23_CD ,_, of_IN 7026_CD Stewart_N
P Av._NN-TL ,_, a_AT CTA_NN bus_NN driver_NN ,_, was_BEDZ slugged_VBN and_CC rob
bed_VBN last_AP night_NN by_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN youths_NNS at_IN 51st_OD Stre
et_NN-TL and_CC South_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL Way_NN-TL ._. Robinson_NP was_BEDZ treate
d_VBN at_IN a_AT physician's_NN$ office_NN for_IN a_AT cut_NN over_IN his_PP$ le
ft_JJ eyebrow_NN and_CC a_AT possible_JJ sprained_VBN knee_NN ._. His_PP$ losses
_NNS included_VBD his_PP$ money_NN bag_NN ,_, containing_VBG $40_NNS to_IN $50_N
NS and_CC his_PP$ $214_NNS paycheck_NN ._. Robinson_NP told_VBD Policemen_NNS-TL
James_NP Jones_NP and_CC Morgan_NP Lloyd_NP of_IN the_AT Wabash_NP-TL Avenue_NN
-TL district_NN that_CS 10_CD youths_NNS boarded_VBD his_PP$ south_NR bound_VBN
express_NN bus_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN Dunbar_NP-TL Vocational_JJ-TL High_JJ-TL
School_NN-TL ,_, 30th_OD-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC South_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL Way_NN-TL
,_, and_CC began_VBD ``_`` skylarking_VBG ''_'' ._. When_WRB 51st_OD-TL Street_
NN-TL was_BEDZ reached_VBN ,_, Robinson_NP related_VBD ,_, he_PPS stopped_VBD th
e_AT bus_NN and_CC told_VBD the_AT youths_NNS he_PPS was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO ca
ll_VB the_AT CTA_NN supervisor_NN ._. As_CS he_PPS left_VBD the_AT bus_NN with_I
N his_PP$ money_NN bag_NN ,_, Robinson_NP added_VBD ,_, the_AT largest_JJT youth
_NN accosted_VBD him_PPO ,_, a_AT quarrel_NN ensued_VBD ,_, and_CC the_AT youth_
NN knocked_VBD him_PPO down_RP ._. Then_RB the_AT youths_NNS fled_VBD with_IN hi
s_PP$ money_NN ._. Mrs._NP Blanche_NP Dunkel_NP ,_, 60_CD ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ sp
ent_VBN 25_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT Dwight_NP reformatory_NN for_IN women_NNS f
or_IN the_AT murder_NN in_IN 1935_CD of_IN her_PP$ son-in-law_NN ,_, Ervin_NP La
ng_NP ,_, then_RB 28_CD ,_, appealed_VBD for_IN a_AT parole_NN at_IN a_AT hearin
g_NN yesterday_NR before_IN two_CD Illinois_NP pardon_NN and_CC parole_NN board_
NN members_NNS ,_, John_NP M._NP Bookwalter_NP and_CC Joseph_NP Carpentier_NP ._
. She_PPS had_HVD been_BEN sentenced_VBN to_IN 180_CD years_NNS in_IN prison_NN
,_, but_CC former_AP Gov._NN-TL Stratton_NP commuted_VBD her_PP$ term_NN to_IN 7
5_CD years_NNS ,_, making_VBG her_PP$ eligible_JJ for_IN parole_NN ,_, as_CS one
_CD of_IN his_PP$ last_AP acts_NNS in_IN office_NN ._. Mrs._NP Dunkel_NP admitte
d_VBD the_AT slaying_NN and_CC said_VBD that_CS the_AT son-in-law_NN became_VBD
her_PP$ lover_NN after_CS the_AT death_NN of_IN her_PP$ daughter_NN in_IN 1934_C
D ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ when_WRB he_PPS attempted_VBD to_TO end_VB the_AT relation
ship_NN that_CS the_AT murder_NN took_VBD place_NN ._. The_AT son_NN of_IN a_AT
wealthy_JJ Evanston_NP executive_NN was_BEDZ fined_VBN $100_NNS yesterday_NR and
_CC forbidden_VBN to_TO drive_VB for_IN 60_CD days_NNS for_IN leading_VBG an_AT
Evanston_NP policeman_NN on_IN a_AT high_JJ speed_NN chase_NN over_IN icy_JJ Eva
nston_NP and_CC Wilmette_NP streets_NNS Jan._NP 20_CD ._. The_AT defendant_NN ,_
, William_NP L._NP Stickney_NP 3_OD ,_, 23_CD ,_, of_IN 3211_CD Park_NN-TL pl._N
N-TL ,_, Evanston_NP ,_, who_WPS pleaded_VBD guilty_JJ to_IN reckless_JJ driving
_NN ,_, also_RB was_BEDZ ordered_VBN by_IN Judge_NN-TL James_NP Corcoran_NP to_T
O attend_VB the_AT Evanston_NP traffic_NN school_NN each_DT Tuesday_NR night_NN
for_IN one_CD month_NN ._. Stickney_NP is_BEZ a_AT salesman_NN for_IN Plee-Zing_
NP ,_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, 2544_CD-TL Green_JJ-TL Bay_NN-TL Rd._NN-TL ,_, Evanston_N
P ,_, a_AT food_NN brokerage_NN and_CC grocery_NN chain_NN firm_NN ,_, of_IN whi
ch_WDT his_PP$ father_NN ,_, William_NP L._NP Jr._NP ,_, is_BEZ president_NN ._.
Patrolman_NN James_NP F._NP Simms_NP said_VBD he_PPS started_VBD in_IN pursuit_
NN when_WRB he_PPS saw_VBD young_JJ Stickney_NP speeding_VBG north_NR in_IN Stew
art_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL at_IN Central_JJ-TL Street_NN-TL ._. At_IN Jenks_NP-TL St
reet_NN-TL ,_, Simms_NP said_VBD ,_, the_AT car_NN skidded_VBD completely_RB aro
und_RB ,_, just_RB missed_VBD two_CD parked_VBN cars_NNS ,_, and_CC sped_VBD eas
t_NR in_IN Jenks_NP ._. The_AT car_NN spun_VBD around_RB again_RB ,_, Simms_NP s
aid_VBD ,_, before_CS Stickney_NP could_MD turn_VB north_NR in_IN Prairie_NN-TL
Avenue_NN-TL ,_, and_CC then_RB violated_VBD two_CD stop_NN lights_NNS as_CS he_
PPS traveled_VBD north_NR into_IN Wilmette_NP in_IN Prairie_NN-TL ._. St._NP-HL
Johns_NP-HL ,_,-HL Mich._NP-HL ,_,-HL April_NP-HL 19_CD-HL ._.-HL --_-- A_AT jur
y_NN of_IN seven_CD men_NNS and_CC five_CD women_NNS found_VBD 21-year-old_JJ Ri
chard_NP Pohl_NP guilty_JJ of_IN manslaughter_NN yesterday_NR in_IN the_AT bludg
eon_NN slaying_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Anna_NP Hengesbach_NP ._. Pohl_NP received_VBD t
he_AT verdict_NN without_IN visible_JJ emotion_NN ._. He_PPS returned_VBD to_IN
his_PP$ cell_NN in_IN the_AT county_NN jail_NN ,_, where_WRB he_PPS has_HVZ been
_BEN held_VBN since_CS his_PP$ arrest_NN last_AP July_NP ,_, without_IN a_AT wor
d_NN to_IN his_PP$ court-appointed_JJ attorney_NN ,_, Jack_NP Walker_NP ,_, or_C
C his_PP$ guard_NN ._. Stepson_NN-HL vindicated_VBN-HL The_AT verdict_NN brought
_VBD vindication_NN to_IN the_AT dead_JJ woman's_NN$ stepson_NN ,_, Vincent_NP H
engesbach_NP ,_, 54_CD ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ tried_VBN for_IN the_AT same_AP crim
e_NN in_IN December_NP ,_, 1958_CD ,_, and_CC released_VBN when_WRB the_AT jury_
NN failed_VBD to_TO reach_VB a_AT verdict_NN ._. Mrs._NP Hengesbach_NP was_BEDZ
killed_VBN on_IN Aug._NP 31_CD ,_, 1958_CD ._. Hengesbach_NP has_HVZ been_BEN li
ving_VBG under_IN a_AT cloud_NN ever_RB since_IN ._. When_WRB the_AT verdict_NN
came_VBD in_RP against_IN his_PP$ young_JJ neighbor_NN ,_, Hengesbach_NP said_VB
D :_: ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM very_QL pleased_VBN to_TO have_HV the_AT doubt_NN of_I
N suspicion_NN removed_VBN ._. Still_RB ,_, I_PPSS don't_DO* wish_VB to_TO appea
r_VB happy_JJ at_IN somebody_PN else's_RB$ misfortune_NN ''_'' ._. Lives_VBZ-HL
on_IN-HL welfare_NN-HL Hengesbach_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN living_VBG on_
IN welfare_NN recently_RB ,_, said_VBD he_PPS hopes_VBZ to_TO rebuild_VB the_AT
farm_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ settled_VBN by_IN his_PP$ grandfather_NN in_IN Westph
alia_NP ,_, 27_CD miles_NNS southwest_NR of_IN here_RB ._. Hengesbach_NP has_HVZ
been_BEN living_VBG in_IN Grand_JJ-TL Ledge_NN-TL since_CS his_PP$ house_NN and
_CC barn_NN were_BED burned_VBN down_RP after_CS his_PP$ release_NN in_IN 1958_C
D ._. Pohl_NP confessed_VBD the_AT arson_NN while_CS being_BEG questioned_VBN ab
out_IN several_AP fires_NNS in_IN the_AT Westphalia_NP area_NN by_IN State_NN-TL
Police_NNS-TL ._. He_PPS also_RB admitted_VBD killing_VBG Mrs._NP Hengesbach_NP
._. However_WRB ,_, the_AT confession_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP
evidence_NN against_IN him_PPO ,_, was_BEDZ retracted_VBN before_IN the_AT trial
_NN ._. Charges_NNS-HL in_IN-HL doubt_NN-HL Assistant_NN Prosecutor_NN-TL Fred_N
P Lewis_NP ,_, who_WPS tried_VBD both_ABX the_AT Hengesbach_NP and_CC Pohl_NP ca
ses_NNS ,_, said_VBD he_PPS did_DOD not_* know_VB what_WDT would_MD be_BE done_V
BN about_IN two_CD arson_NN charges_NNS pending_JJ against_IN Pohl_NP ._. Circui
t_NN Judge_NN-TL Paul_NP R._NP Cash_NP did_DOD not_* set_VB a_AT date_NN for_IN
sentencing_VBG ._. Pohl_NP could_MD receive_VB from_IN 1_CD to_IN 15_CD years_NN
S in_IN prison_NN or_CC probation_NN ._. Walker_NP said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ cons
idering_VBG filing_VBG a_AT motion_NN for_IN a_AT new_JJ trial_NN which_WDT woul
d_MD contend_VB that_CS the_AT verdict_NN was_BEDZ against_IN the_AT weight_NN o
f_IN the_AT evidence_NN and_CC that_CS there_EX were_BED several_AP errors_NNS i
n_IN trial_NN procedure_NN ._. Locked_VBN-HL in_IN-HL motel_NN-HL A_AT verdict_N
N against_IN Pohl_NP came_VBD at_IN 4:05_CD p.m._RB after_IN almost_RB 13-1/2_CD
hours_NNS of_IN deliberation_NN ._. The_AT jury_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ locke
d_VBN up_RP in_IN a_AT motel_NN overnight_RB ,_, was_BEDZ canvassed_VBN at_IN th
e_AT request_NN of_IN Walker_NP after_CS the_AT verdict_NN was_BEDZ announced_VB
N ._. The_AT jury_NN foreman_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Olive_NP Heideman_NP ,_, of_IN rural
_JJ Elsie_NP ,_, said_VBD that_CS a_AT ballot_NN was_BEDZ not_* even_RB taken_VB
N until_IN yesterday_NR morning_NN and_CC that_CS the_AT first_OD day_NN of_IN d
eliberation_NN was_BEDZ spent_VBN in_IN going_VBG over_IN the_AT evidence_NN ._.
She_PPS said_VBD the_AT jurors_NNS agreed_VBD that_CS Pohl's_NP$ confession_NN
was_BEDZ valid_JJ ._. The_AT jury_NN asked_VBD Judge_NN-TL Cash_NP to_TO send_VB
in_RP his_PP$ written_VBN definition_NN of_IN the_AT difference_NN between_IN f
irst_OD and_CC second-degree_NN murder_NN and_CC manslaughter_NN ._. The_AT verd
ict_NN came_VBD three_CD hours_NNS later_RBR ._. Some_DTI 30_CD spectators_NNS r
emained_VBD in_IN the_AT court_NN during_IN the_AT day_NN and_CC were_BED on_IN
hand_NN to_TO hear_VB the_AT verdict_NN read_VBN ._. The_AT trial_NN had_HVD pac
ked_VBN the_AT large_JJ courtroom_NN for_IN more_AP than_CS a_AT week_NN ._. A_A
T Sterling_NP-TL Township_NN-TL family_NN of_IN six_CD surviving_VBG children_NN
S ,_, whose_WP$ mother_NN died_VBD yesterday_NR as_CS the_AT aftermath_NN to_IN
a_AT fire_NN that_WPS also_RB killed_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT children_NNS ,_, fo
und_VBD today_NR they_PPSS had_HVD the_AT help_NN of_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN neigh
bors_NNS and_CC school_NN friends_NNS ._. While_CS neighbor_NN women_NNS assumed
_VBD some_DTI of_IN the_AT dead_JJ mother's_NN$ duties_NNS ,_, fund-raising_NN e
vents_NNS were_BED being_BEG planned_VBN by_IN a_AT homeowners_NNS association_N
N and_CC a_AT student_NN council_NN for_IN the_AT hard-hit_JJ Henry_NP Kowalski_
NP family_NN ,_, 34220_CD-TL Viceroy_NP-TL ._. Mrs._NP Eleanor_NP Kowalski_NP ,_
, 42_CD ,_, died_VBD yesterday_NR afternoon_NN in_IN Holy_JJ-TL Cross_NN-TL Hosp
ital_NN-TL of_IN burns_NNS suffered_VBN in_IN a_AT fire_NN that_WPS followed_VBD
a_AT bottled_VBN gas_NN explosion_NN Saturday_NR night_NN at_IN the_AT flat_NN
of_IN her_PPO widowed_VBN mother_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Mary_NP Pankowski_NP ,_, in_IN t
he_AT adjoining_VBG suburb_NN of_IN Warren_NP ._. Services_NNS-HL tomorrow_NR-HL
Funeral_NN services_NNS for_IN Mrs._NP Kowalski_NP and_CC her_PP$ daughter_NN ,
_, Christine_NP ,_, 11_CD ,_, who_WPS died_VBD of_IN burns_NNS at_IN the_AT same
_AP hospital_NN Monday_NR ,_, have_HV been_BEN scheduled_VBN for_IN 10_CD a.m._R
B tomorrow_NR in_IN St._NN-TL Anne's_NP$-TL Catholic_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ,_, 3197
8_CD-TL Mound_NN-TL ,_, in_IN Warren_NP ._. The_AT mother_NN and_CC daughter_NN
,_, who_WPS will_MD be_BE buried_VBN side_NN by_IN side_NN in_IN Mt._NN-TL Olive
t_NP-TL Cemetery_NN-TL ,_, rested_VBD together_RB today_NR in_IN closed_VBN cask
ets_NNS at_IN the_AT Lyle_NP-TL Elliott_NP-TL Funeral_NN-TL Home_NN-TL ,_, 31730
_CD-TL Mound_NN-TL ,_, Warren_NP ._. Mrs._NP Pankowski_NP ,_, 61_CD ,_, remained
_VBD in_IN Holy_JJ-TL Cross_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_
AT explosion_NN ,_, which_WDT occurred_VBD while_CS Mrs._NP Kowalski_NP fueled_V
BD a_AT cook_NN stove_NN in_IN the_AT grandmother's_NN$ small_JJ upstairs_JJ fla
t_NN at_IN 2274_CD-TL Eight_CD-TL Mile_NN-TL Road_NN-TL East_JJ-TL ._. Held_VBD-
HL candle_NN-HL Assistant_NN Fire_NN-TL Chief_NN-TL Chester_NP Cornell_NP said_V
BD gas_NN fumes_NNS apparently_RB were_BED ignited_VBN by_IN a_AT candle_NN whic
h_WDT one_CD of_IN the_AT three_CD Kowalski_NP girls_NNS present_RB held_VBD for
_IN her_PP$ mother_NN ,_, because_CS the_AT flat_NN lacked_VBD electricity_NN ._
. Christine's_NP$ twin_NN sister_NN ,_, Patricia_NP ,_, and_CC Darlene_NP Kowals
ki_NP ,_, 8_CD ,_, escaped_VBD with_IN minor_JJ burns_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER
home_NR now_RB with_IN the_AT other_AP Kowalski_NP children_NNS ,_, Vicky_NP ,_,
14_CD ;_. ;_. Dennis_NP ,_, 6_CD ;_. ;_. Eleanor_NP ,_, 2_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC Ber
nardine_NP ,_, 1_CD ._. ``_`` All_ABN we_PPSS have_HV left_VBN in_IN the_AT worl
d_NN is_BEZ one_CD another_DT ,_, and_CC we_PPSS must_MD stay_VB together_RB the
_AT way_NN Mother_NN-TL wanted_VBD ''_'' ,_, Kowalski_NP said_VBD in_IN telling_
VBG his_PP$ children_NNS of_IN their_PP$ mother's_NN$ death_NN yesterday_NR afte
rnoon_NN ._. Kowalski_NP ,_, a_AT roofer_NN who_WPS seldom_RB worked_VBD last_AP
winter_NN ,_, already_RB was_BEDZ in_IN arrears_NNS on_IN their_PP$ recently_RB
purchased_VBN split-level_NN home_NR when_WRB the_AT tragedy_NN staggered_VBD h
im_PPO with_IN medical_JJ and_CC funeral_NN bills_NNS ._. A135_NNS-HL donated_VB
N-HL Neighbor_NN women_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS Mrs._NP Sidney_NP Baker_NP ,_, 2269
_CD-TL Serra_NP-TL ,_, Sterling_NP-TL Township_NN-TL ,_, have_HV been_BEN supply
ing_VBG the_AT family_NN with_IN meals_NNS and_CC handling_VBG household_NN chor
es_NNS with_IN Kowalski's_NP$ sister-in-law_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Anna_NP Kowalski_NP ,
_, 22111_CD-TL David_NP-TL ,_, East_JJ-TL Detroit_NP-TL ._. Another_DT neighbor_
NN ,_, Mrs._NP Frank_NP C._NP Smith_NP ,_, 2731_CD-TL Pall_NP-TL Mall_NN-TL ,_,
Sterling_NP-TL Township_NN-TL ,_, surprised_VBD Kowalski_NP by_IN coming_VBG to_
IN the_AT home_NR yesterday_NR with_IN $135_NNS collected_VBN locally_RB toward_
IN the_AT $400_NNS funeral_NN costs_NNS ._. John_NP C._NP Houghton_NP ,_, presid
ent_NN of_IN the_AT Tareytown_NP-TL Acres_NNS-TL Homeowners_NNS-TL Association_N
N-TL ,_, followed_VBD that_DT by_IN announcing_VBG plans_NNS last_AP night_NN fo
r_IN a_AT door-to-door_NN fund_NN drive_NN throughout_IN their_PP$ subdivision_N
N on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_AT Kowalski_NP family_NN ._. Students_NNS-HL help_VB
-HL out_RP-HL Houghton_NP said_VBD 6_CD p.m._RB Friday_NR had_HVD been_BEN set_V
BN for_IN a_AT canvass_NN of_IN all_ABN 480_CD homes_NNS in_IN the_AT subdivisio
n_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ located_VBN northeast_NR of_IN Dequindre_NP and_CC 14_
CD-TL Mile_NN-TL Road_NN-TL East_JJ-TL ._. He_PPS said_VBD contributions_NNS als
o_RB could_MD be_BE mailed_VBN to_IN Post_NN-TL Office_NN-TL Box_NN-TL 553_CD-TL
,_, Warren_NP-TL Village_NN-TL Station_NN-TL ._. Vicky_NP Kowalski_NP meanwhile
_RB learned_VBD that_CS several_AP of_IN her_PP$ fellow_NN students_NNS had_HVD
collected_VBN almost_RB $25_NNS for_IN her_PP$ family_NN during_IN the_AT lunch_
NN hour_NN yesterday_NR at_IN Fuhrmann_NP-TL Junior_JJ-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-T
L ,_, 5155_CD-TL Fourteen_CD-TL Mile_NN-TL road_NN east_NR ._. Principal_NN Clay
ton_NP W._NP Pohly_NP said_VBD he_PPS would_MD allow_VB a_AT further_JJR collect
ion_NN between_IN classes_NNS today_NR ,_, and_CC revealed_VBD that_CS Y-Teen_NN
Club_NN-TL past_JJ surpluses_NNS had_HVD been_BEN used_VBN to_TO provide_VB a_A
T private_JJ hospital_NN nurse_NN Monday_NR for_IN Mrs._NP Kowalski_NP ._. Funds
_NNS-HL from_IN-HL dances_NNS-HL Student_NN Council_NN-TL officers_NNS announced
_VBN today_NR the_AT Kowalski_NP family_NN would_MD be_BE given_VBN the_AT combi
ned_VBN proceeds_NNS from_IN a_AT school_NN dance_NN held_VBN two_CD weeks_NNS a
go_RB ,_, and_CC another_DT dance_NN for_IN Fuhrmann's_NP$ 770_CD students_NNS t
his_DT Friday_NR night_NN ._. ``_`` Furhmann's_NP$ faculty_NN is_BEZ proud_JJ th
at_CS this_DT has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT spontaneous_JJ effort_NN ,_, started_VBN lar
gely_RB among_IN the_AT students_NNS themselves_PPLS ,_, because_CS of_IN fondne
ss_NN for_IN Vicky_NP and_CC sympathy_NN for_IN her_PP$ entire_JJ family_NN ,_,
Pohly_NP said_VBD ._. There_EX also_RB were_BED reports_NNS of_IN a_AT collectio
n_NN at_IN the_AT County_NN-TL Line_NN-TL Elementary_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ,_, 3505
o_CD-TL Dequindre_NP-TL ,_, which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN attended_VBN this_DT year
_NN by_IN four_CD of_IN the_AT Kowalski_NP children_NNS including_IN Christine_N
P ._. Expresses_VBZ-HL thanks_NNS-HL Kowalski_NP has_HVZ spoken_VBN but_IN littl
e_AP since_CS the_AT fire_NN last_AP Saturday_NR ._. But_CC today_NR he_PPS want
ed_VBD to_TO make_VB a_AT public_JJ statement_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS never_RB knew_
VBD there_EX were_BED such_JJ neighbors_NNS and_CC friends_NNS around_IN me_PPO
and_CC my_PP$ family_NN ._. I_PPSS wasn't_BEDZ* sure_JJ there_EX were_BED such_J
J people_NNS anywhere_RB in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. I'll_PPSS+MD need_VB more_AP
than_IN a_AT single_AP day_NN to_TO find_VB the_AT words_NNS to_TO properly_RB e
xpress_VB my_PP$ thanks_NNS to_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. An_AT alert_JJ 10-year-old_
JJ safety_NN patrol_NN boy_NN was_BEDZ congratulated_VBN by_IN police_NNS today_
NR for_IN his_PP$ part_NN in_IN obtaining_VBG a_AT reckless_JJ driving_NN convic
tion_NN against_IN a_AT youthful_JJ motorist_NN ._. Patrolman_NN-TL George_NP Ki
mmell_NP ,_, of_IN McClellan_NP-TL Station_NN-TL ,_, said_VBD he_PPS would_MD re
commend_VB a_AT special_JJ safety_NN citation_NN for_IN Ralph_NP Sisk_NP ,_, 923
0_CD-TL Vernor_NP-TL east_NR ,_, a_AT third_OD grader_NN at_IN the_AT Scripps_NP
School_NN-TL ,_, for_IN his_PP$ assistance_NN in_IN the_AT case_NN ._. Kimmell_
NP said_VBD he_PPS and_CC Ralph_NP were_BED helping_VBG children_NNS across_IN B
elvidere_NP at_IN Kercheval_NP Monday_NR afternoon_NN when_WRB a_AT car_NN headi
ng_VBG north_NR on_IN Belvidere_NP stopped_VBD belatedly_RB inside_IN the_AT ped
estrian_NN crosswalk_NN ._. Gets_VBZ-HL car_NN-HL number_NN-HL Kimmell_NP ordere
d_VBD the_AT driver_NN to_TO back_VB up_RP ,_, watched_VBD the_AT children_NNS s
afely_RB across_RP and_CC was_BEDZ approaching_VBG the_AT car_NN when_WRB it_PPS
suddenly_RB ``_`` took_VBD off_RP at_IN high_JJ speed_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_
VBD ,_, narrowly_RB missing_VBG him_PPO ._. Commandeering_VBG a_AT passing_VBG c
ar_NN ,_, Kimmell_NP pursued_VBD the_AT fleeing_VBG vehicle_NN ,_, but_CC lost_V
BD it_PPO in_IN traffic_NN ._. Returning_VBG to_IN the_AT school_NN crossing_NN
,_, the_AT officer_NN was_BEDZ informed_VBN by_IN the_AT Sisk_NP boy_NN that_CS
he_PPS recognized_VBD the_AT driver_NN ,_, a_AT neighbor_NN ,_, and_CC had_HVD o
btained_VBN the_AT license_NN number_NN ._. The_AT motorist_NN later_RBR was_BED
Z identified_VBN as_CS Richard_NP Sarkees_NP ,_, 17_CD ,_, of_IN 2433_CD McClell
an_NP ,_, currently_RB on_IN probation_NN and_CC under_IN court_NN order_NN not_
* to_TO drive_VB ._. Given_VBN-HL 15_CD-HL days_NNS-HL He_PPS was_BEDZ found_VBN
guilty_JJ of_IN reckless_JJ driving_NN yesterday_NR by_IN Traffic_NN-TL Judge_N
N-TL George_NP T._NP Murphy_NP ,_, who_WPS continued_VBD his_PP$ no-driving_JJ p
robation_NN for_IN another_DT year_NN and_CC ordered_VBD him_PPO to_TO spend_VB
15_CD days_NNS in_IN the_AT Detroit_NP-TL House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Correction_NN-TL
._. The_AT jail_NN sentence_NN is_BEZ to_TO begin_VB the_AT day_NN after_CS Sark
ees_NP graduates_VBZ from_IN Eastern_JJ-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL in_IN June_NP
._. The_AT long_JJ crisis_NN in_IN Laos_NP appeared_VBD nearing_VBG a_AT showdo
wn_NN today_NR ._. Britain_NP announced_VBD that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ asking_VBG the
_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL to_TO agree_VB tomorrow_NR to_IN an_AT immediate_JJ
cease-fire_NN ._. Help_NN-HL asked_VBN-HL In_IN Vientiane_NP ,_, the_AT royal_J
J Laotian_JJ government_NN decided_VBD today_NR to_TO ask_VB its_PP$ ``_`` frien
ds_NNS and_CC neighbors_NNS ''_'' for_IN help_NN in_IN fighting_VBG what_WDT it_
PPS called_VBD a_AT new_JJ rebel_NN offensive_JJ threatening_VBG the_AT southeas
t_NR Asian_JJ kingdom_NN ._. Britain's_NP$ plans_NNS to_TO press_VB Russia_NP fo
r_IN a_AT definite_JJ cease-fire_NN timetable_NN was_BEDZ announced_VBN in_IN Lo
ndon_NP by_IN Foreign_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL Lord_NN-TL Home_NP ._. He_PPS said_V
BD Britain_NP also_RB proposed_VBD that_CS the_AT international_JJ truce_NN comm
ission_NN should_MD be_BE reconvened_VBN ,_, sent_VBD to_IN New_JJ-TL Delhi_NP-T
L and_CC from_IN there_RB to_IN Laos_NP to_TO verify_VB the_AT cease-fire_NN ._.
A_AT 14-power_JJ conference_NN on_IN Laos_NP should_MD then_RB meet_VB on_IN Ma
y_NP 5_CD ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. Plea_NN-HL for_IN-HL arms_NNS-HL The_AT Laos_N
P government_NN plea_NN for_IN help_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN by_IN Foreign_JJ-TL Min
ister_NN-TL Tiao_NP Sopsaisana_NP ._. He_PPS indicated_VBD that_CS requests_NNS
would_MD be_BE made_VBN for_IN more_AP U.S._NP arms_NNS and_CC more_AP U.S._NP m
ilitary_NN advisers_NNS ._. He_PPS declared_VBD the_AT government_NN is_BEZ thin
king_VBG of_IN asking_VBG for_IN foreign_JJ troops_NNS if_CS the_AT situation_NN
worsens_VBZ ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD moves_NNS made_VBN after_IN a_AT c
abinet_NN decision_NN was_BEDZ to_TO request_VB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-
TL to_TO establish_VB a_AT full-fledged_JJ military_NN assistance_NN group_NN in
stead_RB of_IN the_AT current_JJ civilian_NN body_NN ._. A_AT note_NN making_VBG
the_AT request_NN was_BEDZ handed_VBN to_IN U.S._NP-TL Ambassador_NN-TL Winthro
p_NP G._NP Brown_NP ._. Heavy_JJ-HL support_NN-HL The_AT Laos_NP government_NN s
aid_VBD four_CD major_JJ Pathet_NP Lao_NP rebel_NN attacks_NNS had_HVD been_BEN
launched_VBN ,_, heavily_RB supported_VBN by_IN troops_NNS from_IN Communist_NN-
TL North_JJ-TL Viet_NP Nam_NP ._. The_AT minister_NN ,_, describing_VBG the_AT a
ttacks_NNS which_WDT led_VBD up_RP to_IN the_AT appeal_NN ,_, said_VBD that_CS 6
0,000_CD Communist_NN-TL North_JJ-TL Vietnamese_NPS were_BED fighting_VBG royal_
JJ army_NN troops_NNS on_IN one_CD front_NN --_-- near_IN Thakhek_NP ,_, in_IN s
outhern-central_JJ Laos_NP ._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT confirmation_NN of_IN suc
h_JJ massive_JJ assaults_NNS from_IN independent_JJ sources_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT
past_NN such_JJ government_NN claims_NNS have_HV been_BEN found_VBN exaggerated
_VBN ._. Havana_NP-HL ,_,-HL April_NP-HL 19_CD-HL ._.-HL --_-- Two_CD Americans_
NPS and_CC seven_CD Cubans_NPS were_BED executed_VBN by_IN firing_VBG squads_NNS
today_NR as_CS Castro_NP military_NN tribunals_NNS began_VBD decreeing_VBG the_
AT death_NN penalty_NN for_IN captured_VBN invasion_NN forces_NNS and_CC suspect
ed_VBN collaborators_NNS ._. A_AT Havana_NP radio_NN broadcast_NN identified_VBD
the_AT Americans_NPS as_CS Howard_NP Anderson_NP and_CC August_NP Jack_NP McNai
r_NP ._. The_AT executions_NNS took_VBD place_NN at_IN dawn_NN only_RB a_AT few_
AP hours_NNS after_CS Havana_NP radio_NN announced_VBD their_PP$ conviction_NN b
y_IN a_AT revolutionary_JJ tribunal_NN at_IN Pinar_NP Del_NP Rio_NP ,_, where_WR
B the_AT executions_NNS took_VBD place_NN ._. Arms_NNS-HL plot_NN-HL charged_VBN
-HL The_AT broadcast_NN said_VBD Anderson_NP ,_, a_AT Seattle_NP ex-marine_NN an
d_CC Havana_NP businessman_NN ,_, and_CC McNair_NP ,_, of_IN Miami_NP ,_, were_B
ED condemned_VBN on_IN charges_NNS of_IN smuggling_VBG arms_NNS to_IN Cuban_NP r
ebels_NNS ._. Anderson_NP operated_VBD three_CD Havana_NP automobile_NN service_
NN stations_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ commander_NN of_IN the_AT Havana_NP-TL American_
JJ-TL Legion_NN-TL post_NN before_CS it_PPS disbanded_VBD since_CS the_AT start_
NN of_IN Fidel_NP Castro's_NP$ regime_NN ._. Anderson's_NP$ wife_NN and_CC four_
CD children_NNS live_VB in_IN Miami_NP ._. McNair_NP ,_, 25_CD ,_, was_BEDZ seiz
ed_VBN March_NP 20_CD with_IN four_CD Cubans_NPS and_CC accused_VBN of_IN trying
_VBG to_TO land_VB a_AT boatload_NN of_IN rifles_NNS in_IN Pinar_NP Del_NP Rio_N
P ,_, about_RB 35_CD miles_NNS from_IN Havana_NP ._. Report_VB-HL others_NNS-HL
held_VBN-HL At_IN least_AP 20_CD other_AP Americans_NPS were_BED reported_VBN to
_TO have_HV been_BEN arrested_VBN in_IN a_AT mass_NN political_JJ roundup_NN ._.
Among_IN them_PPO were_BED a_AT number_NN of_IN newsmen_NNS ,_, including_IN He
nry_NP Raymont_NP ,_, of_IN United_VBN-TL Press_NN-TL International_JJ-TL ,_, an
d_CC Robert_NP Berrellez_NP ,_, of_IN Associated_VBN-TL Press_NN-TL ._. So_QL ma
ny_AP Cubans_NPS were_BED reported_VBN being_BEG swept_VBN into_IN the_AT Castro
_NP dragnet_NN that_CS the_AT massive_JJ Sports_NNS-TL Palace_NN-TL auditorium_N
N and_CC at_IN least_AP one_CD hotel_NN were_BED converted_VBN into_IN makeshift
_JJ jails_NNS ._. More_AP than_IN 1,000_CD were_BED said_VBN to_TO have_HV been_
BEN arrested_VBN --_-- 100_CD of_IN them_PPO Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ priests_NNS ._
. Of_IN the_AT millions_NNS who_WPS have_HV served_VBN time_NN in_IN concentrati
on_NN camps_NNS in_IN Siberia_NP as_CS political_JJ prisoners_NNS of_IN the_AT S
oviet_NN-TL state_NN ,_, few_AP emerge_VB in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL to_TO tell_VB
about_IN it_PPO ._. M._NP Kegham_NP --_-- the_AT name_NN is_BEZ a_AT pseudynom_N
N --_-- was_BEDZ a_AT teacher_NN in_IN Bucharest_NP and_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN
the_AT Armenian_JJ Revolutionary_JJ-TL Federation_NN-TL (_( ARF_NP )_) --_-- two
_CD reasons_NNS the_AT Communists_NNS-TL put_VBD him_PPO away_RB when_WRB they_P
PSS arrived_VBD in_IN 1945_CD ._. Today_NR ,_, M._NP Kegham_NP was_BEDZ in_IN De
troit_NP ,_, en_FW-IN route_FW-NN to_TO join_VB his_PP$ wife_NN and_CC children_
NNS in_IN California_NP ._. Emory_NP-TL University's_NN$-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Trustees_NNS-TL announced_VBD Friday_NR that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ prepared_VBN to
_TO accept_VB students_NNS of_IN any_DTI race_NN as_QL soon_RB as_CS the_AT stat
e's_NN$ tax_NN laws_NNS made_VBD such_ABL a_AT step_NN possible_JJ ._. ``_`` Emo
ry_NP-TL University's_NN$-TL charter_NN and_CC by-laws_NNS have_HV never_RB requ
ired_VBN admission_NN or_CC rejection_NN of_IN students_NNS on_IN the_AT basis_N
N of_IN race_NN ''_'' ,_, board_NN chairman_NN Henry_NP L._NP Bowden_NP stated_V
BD ._. But_CC an_AT official_JJ statement_NN adopted_VBN by_IN the_AT 33-man_JJ
Emory_NP board_NN at_IN its_PP$ annual_JJ meeting_NN Friday_NR noted_VBD that_CS
state_NN taxing_VBG requirements_NNS at_IN present_NN are_BER a_AT roadblock_NN
to_IN accepting_VBG Negroes_NPS ._. The_AT statement_NN explained_VBD that_CS u
nder_IN the_AT Georgia_NP-TL Constitution_NN-TL and_CC state_NN law_NN ,_, tax-e
xempt_JJ status_NN is_BEZ granted_VBN to_IN educational_JJ institutions_NNS only
_JJ if_CS they_PPSS are_BER segregated_VBN ._. ``_`` Emory_NP could_MD not_* con
tinue_VB to_TO operate_VB according_IN to_IN its_PP$ present_JJ standards_NNS as
_CS an_AT institution_NN of_IN higher_JJR learning_NN ,_, of_IN true_JJ universi
ty_NN grade_NN ,_, and_CC meet_VB its_PP$ financial_JJ obligations_NNS ,_, witho
ut_IN the_AT tax-exemption_NN privileges_NNS which_WDT are_BER available_JJ to_I
N it_PPO only_RB so_QL long_JJ as_CS it_PPS conforms_VBZ to_IN the_AT aforementi
oned_JJ constitutional_JJ and_CC statutory_JJ provisions_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT st
atement_NN said_VBD ._. The_AT statement_NN did_DOD not_* mention_VB what_WDT st
eps_NNS might_MD be_BE taken_VBN to_TO overcome_VB the_AT legal_JJ obstacles_NNS
to_IN desegregation_NN ._. An_AT Emory_NP spokesman_NN indicated_VBD ,_, howeve
r_WRB ,_, that_CS the_AT university_NN itself_PPL did_DOD not_* intend_VB to_TO
make_VB any_DTI test_NN of_IN the_AT laws_NNS ._. The_AT Georgia_NP-TL Constitut
ion_NN-TL gives_VBZ the_AT Legislature_NN-TL the_AT power_NN to_TO exempt_VB col
leges_NNS from_IN property_NN taxation_NN if_CS ,_, among_IN other_AP criteria_N
NS ,_, ``_`` all_ABN endowments_NNS to_IN institutions_NNS established_VBN for_I
N white_JJ people_NNS shall_MD be_BE limited_VBN to_IN white_JJ people_NNS ,_, a
nd_CC all_ABN endowments_NNS to_IN institutions_NNS established_VBN for_IN color
ed_VBN people_NNS shall_MD be_BE limited_VBN to_IN colored_VBN people_NNS ''_''
._. At_IN least_AP two_CD private_JJ colleges_NNS in_IN the_AT Atlanta_NP area_N
N now_RB or_CC in_IN the_AT past_NN have_HV had_HVN integrated_VBN student_NN bo
dies_NNS ,_, but_CC their_PP$ tax-exempt_JJ status_NN never_RB has_HVZ been_BEN
challenged_VBN by_IN the_AT state_NN ._. Emory_NP is_BEZ affiliated_VBN with_IN
the_AT Methodist_NP-TL Church_NN-TL ._. Some_DTI church_NN leaders_NNS ,_, both_
ABX clerical_JJ and_CC lay_JJ ,_, have_HV criticized_VBN the_AT university_NN fo
r_IN not_* taking_VBG the_AT lead_NN in_IN desegregation_NN ._. Urged_VBN-HL in_
IN-HL 1954_CD-HL The_AT student_NN newspaper_NN ,_, The_AT-TL Emory_NP-TL Wheel_
NN-TL ,_, as_QL early_RB as_CS the_AT fall_NN of_IN 1954_CD called_VBD for_IN de
segregation_NN ._. ``_`` From_IN its_PP$ beginning_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT trustees'
_NNS$ statement_NN said_VBD Friday_NR ,_, ``_`` Emory_NP-TL University_NN-TL has
_HVZ assumed_VBN as_CS its_PP$ primary_JJ commitment_NN a_AT dedication_NN to_IN
excellence_NN in_IN Christian_JJ higher_JJR learning_NN ._. Teaching_VBG ,_, re
search_NN and_CC study_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN highest_JJT standards_NNS ,_, u
nder_IN Christian_JJ influence_NN ,_, are_BER paramount_JJS in_IN the_AT Emory_N
P-TL University_NN-TL policy_NN ._. ``_`` As_CS a_AT private_JJ institution_NN ,
_, supported_VBN by_IN generous_JJ individuals_NNS ,_, Emory_NP-TL University_NN
-TL will_MD recognize_VB no_AT obligation_NN and_CC will_MD adopt_VB no_AT polic
y_NN that_WPS would_MD conflict_VB with_IN its_PP$ purpose_NN to_TO promote_VB e
xcellence_NN in_IN scholarship_NN and_CC Christian_JJ education_NN ._. ``_`` The
re_EX is_BEZ not_* now_RB ,_, nor_CC has_HVZ there_EX ever_RB been_BEN in_IN Emo
ry_NP-TL University's_NN$-TL charter_NN or_CC by-laws_NNS any_DTI requirement_NN
that_CS students_NNS be_BE admitted_VBN or_CC rejected_VBN on_IN the_AT basis_N
N of_IN race_NN ,_, color_NN or_CC creed_NN ._. Insofar_RB as_CS its_PP$ own_JJ
governing_VBG documents_NNS are_BER concerned_VBN ,_, Emory_NP-TL University_NN-
TL could_MD now_RB consider_VB applications_NNS from_IN prospective_JJ students_
NNS ,_, and_CC others_NNS seeking_VBG applications_NNS from_IN prospective_JJ st
udents_NNS ,_, and_CC others_NNS seeking_VBG the_AT opportunity_NN to_TO study_V
B or_CC work_VB at_IN the_AT university_NN ,_, irrespective_JJ of_IN race_NN ,_,
color_NN or_CC creed_NN ._. Corporate_JJ-HL existence_NN-HL ``_`` On_IN the_AT
other_AP hand_NN ,_, Emory_NP-TL University_NN-TL derives_VBZ its_PP$ corporate_
JJ existence_NN from_IN the_AT State_NN-TL of_IN-TL Georgia_NP-TL ._. ``_`` When
_WRB and_CC if_CS it_PPS can_MD do_DO so_RB without_IN jeopardizing_VBG constitu
tional_JJ and_CC statutory_JJ tax-exemption_NN privileges_NNS essential_JJ to_IN
the_AT maintenance_NN of_IN its_PP$ educational_JJ program_NN and_CC facilities
_NNS ,_, Emory_NP-TL University_NN-TL will_MD consider_VB applications_NNS of_IN
persons_NNS desiring_VBG to_TO study_VB or_CC work_VB at_IN the_AT University_N
N-TL without_IN regard_NN to_IN race_NN ,_, color_NN or_CC creed_NN ,_, continui
ng_VBG university_NN policy_NN that_CS all_ABN applications_NNS shall_MD be_BE c
onsidered_VBN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN intellectual_JJ and_CC moral_JJ standa
rds_NNS and_CC other_AP criteria_NNS designed_VBN to_TO assure_VB the_AT orderly
_JJ and_CC effective_JJ conduct_NN of_IN the_AT university_NN and_CC the_AT fulf
illment_NN of_IN its_PP$ mission_NN as_CS an_AT institution_NN of_IN Christian_J
J higher_JJR education_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT young_JJ man_NN was_BEDZ killed_VBN and
_CC two_CD others_NNS injured_VBN at_IN midnight_NN Friday_NR when_WRB the_AT ca
r_NN they_PPSS were_BED riding_VBG slid_VBD into_IN a_AT utility_NN pole_NN on_I
N Lake_NN-TL Avenue_NN-TL near_IN Waddell_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, NE_NN ,_, polic
e_NNS said_VBD ._. The_AT dead_JJ youth_NN was_BEDZ identified_VBN as_CS Robert_
NP E._NP Sims_NP ,_, 19_CD ,_, of_IN 1688_CD-TL Oak_NN-TL Knoll_NN-TL Cir._NN-TL
,_, Aj_NN ._. Patrolman_NN-TL G._NP E._NP Hammons_NP said_VBD the_AT car_NN evi
dently_RB slid_VBD out_RP of_IN control_NN on_IN rain-slick_JJ streets_NNS and_C
C slammed_VBD into_IN the_AT pole_NN ._. The_AT other_AP occupants_NNS were_BED
James_NP Willard_NP Olvey_NP ,_, 18_CD ,_, of_IN 963_CD-TL Ponce_NP-TL De_FW-IN
Leon_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, NE_NN ,_, and_CC Larry_NP Coleman_NP Barnett_NP ,_, 19
_CD ,_, of_IN 704_CD-TL Hill_NN-TL St._NN-TL ,_, SE_NN ,_, both_ABX of_IN whom_W
PO were_BED treated_VBN at_IN Grady_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL for_IN severe_JJ lacera
tions_NNS and_CC bruises_NNS ._. The_AT Atlanta_NP Negro_NP student_NN movement_
NN renewed_VBD its_PP$ demands_NNS for_IN movie_NN theater_NN integration_NN Fri
day_NR and_CC threatened_VBD picketing_VBG and_CC ``_`` stand-ins_NNS ''_'' if_C
S negotiations_NNS failed_VBD ._. The_AT demands_NNS were_BED set_VBN forth_RB i
n_IN letters_NNS to_IN seven_CD owners_NNS of_IN first-run_NN theaters_NNS by_IN
the_AT Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL Appeal_NN-TL for_IN-TL Human_JJ-TL Rights_NNS-T
L ._. '_' intend_VB-HL to_TO-HL attend_VB-HL '_' ``_`` We_PPSS intend_VB to_TO a
ttend_VB the_AT downtown_NR theaters_NNS before_IN the_AT first_OD of_IN the_AT
year_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT identically_RB worded_VBN letters_NNS said_VBD ._. The_
AT letters_NNS set_VB a_AT Nov._NP 15_CD deadline_NN for_IN the_AT start_NN of_I
N negotiations_NNS ._. They_PPSS indicated_VBD that_CS stand-ins_NNS and_CC pick
eting_VBG would_MD be_BE started_VBN if_CS theater_NN owners_NNS failed_VBD to_T
O cooperate_VB ._. Downtown_NR and_CC art_NN theater_NN managers_NNS and_CC owne
rs_NNS ,_, contacted_VBN Friday_NR night_NN for_IN comment_NN on_IN the_AT COAHR
_NN request_NN ,_, said_VBD they_PPSS had_HVD no_AT knowledge_NN of_IN such_ABL
a_AT letter_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* in_IN the_AT Friday_NR m
ail_NN ._. However_WRB ,_, three_CD of_IN the_AT managers_NNS did_DOD say_VB tha
t_CS they_PPSS would_MD agree_VB to_TO attend_VB the_AT proposed_VBN meeting_NN
if_CS all_ABN of_IN the_AT other_AP managers_NNS decided_VBD to_TO attend_VB ._.
Gather_VB-HL here_RB-HL The_AT COAHR_NN letter_NN comes_VBZ on_IN the_AT eve_NN
of_IN a_AT large_JJ gathering_NN of_IN theater_NN managers_NNS and_CC owners_NN
S scheduled_VBN to_TO begin_VB here_RB Sunday_NR ._. Several_AP theater_NN opera
tors_NNS said_VBD ,_, however_WRB ,_, that_CS there_EX is_BEZ little_AP likeliho
od_NN of_IN the_AT subject_NN being_BEG discussed_VBN during_IN the_AT three-day
_JJ affair_NN ._. Student_NN leaders_NNS began_VBD sporadic_JJ efforts_NNS to_TO
negotiate_VB theater_NN integration_NN several_AP months_NNS ago_RB ._. Charles
_NP A._NP Black_NP ,_, COAHR_NN chairman_NN ,_, said_VBD Friday_NR that_CS three
_CD theater_NN representatives_NNS had_HVD agreed_VBN to_TO meet_VB with_IN the_
AT students_NNS on_IN Oct._NP 31_CD but_CC had_HVD failed_VBN to_TO show_VB up_R
P ._. He_PPS declined_VBD to_TO name_VB the_AT three_CD ._. Friday's_NR$ letters
_NNS asked_VBD for_IN a_AT Nov._NP 15_CD meeting_NN ._. Failure_NN to_TO attend_
VB the_AT meeting_NN or_CC explain_VB inability_NN to_TO attend_VB ,_, the_AT le
tters_NNS said_VBD ,_, would_MD be_BE considered_VBN a_AT ``_`` sign_NN of_IN in
difference_NN ''_'' ._. Black_NP said_VBD COAHR_NN ``_`` hoped_VBD to_TO be_BE a
ble_JJ to_TO integrate_VB the_AT theaters_NNS without_IN taking_VBG direct_JJ ac
tion_NN ,_, but_CC we_PPSS are_BER pledged_VBN to_IN using_VBG every_AT legal_JJ
and_CC nonviolent_JJ means_NNS at_IN our_PP$ disposal_NN ''_'' A_AT prepared_VB
N statement_NN released_VBN by_IN the_AT student_NN group_NN Friday_NR stated_VB
D that_QL ``_`` extensive_JJ research_NN by_IN COAHR_NN into_IN techniques_NNS a
nd_CC methods_NNS of_IN theater_NN integration_NN in_IN other_AP cities_NNS indi
cated_VBN that_CS the_AT presence_NN of_IN picket_NN lines_NNS and_CC stand-ins_
NNS before_IN segregated_VBN theaters_NNS causes_VBZ a_AT drop_NN in_IN profits_
NNS ''_'' Besides_RB managers_NNS of_IN downtown_NR theaters_NNS ,_, the_AT stud
ents_NNS sent_VBD letters_NNS to_IN owners_NNS of_IN art_NN theaters_NNS in_IN t
he_AT uptown_NN area_NN and_CC Buckhead_NP ._. R._NP-HL E._NP-HL Killingsworth_N
P-HL Raymond_NP E._NP Killingsworth_NP ,_, 72_CD ,_, died_VBD Sunday_NR at_IN hi
s_PP$ home_NN at_IN 357_CD-TL Venable_NP-TL St._NN-TL ,_, Aj_NN ._. Mr._NP Kilil
ngsworth_NP was_BEDZ a_AT foreman_NN with_IN S_NN and_CC W_NN Cafeteria_NN-TL ._
. He_PPS was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Pittsboro_NP ,_, Miss._NP ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ a
_AT veteran_NN of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT memb
er_NN of_IN the_AT Baptist_NP church_NN ._. Survivors_NNS include_VB two_CD brot
hers_NNS ,_, C._NP E._NP Killingsworth_NP ,_, Atlanta_NP ,_, and_CC John_NP Kill
ingsworth_NP ,_, Warren_NP ,_, Ohio_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC two_CD sisters_NNS ,_, Mis
s_NP Minnie_NP Kililngsworth_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Bessie_NP Bloom_NP ,_, both_ABX o
f_IN Gettysburg_NP ,_, Pa._NP ._. John_NP-HL W._NP-HL Ball_NP-HL John_NP William
_NP Ball_NP ,_, 68_CD ,_, of_IN 133_CD-TL Marietta_NP-TL St._NN-TL NW_NN ,_, Apa
rtment_NN-TL 101b_CD-TL ,_, died_VBD Sunday_NR at_IN his_PP$ home_NN ._. Mr._NP
Ball_NP was_BEDZ a_AT house_NN painter_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT member_NN of_
IN the_AT Oakland_NP-TL City_NN-TL Methodist_NP Church_NN-TL and_CC a_AT native_
NN of_IN Atlanta_NP ._. Funeral_NN services_NNS will_MD be_BE at_IN 2_CD p.m._RB
Tuesday_NR at_IN Blanchard's_NP$-TL Chapel_NN-TL with_IN the_AT Rev._NP J._NP H
._NP Hearn_NP officiating_VBG ._. Survivors_NNS include_VB his_PP$ sister_NN ,_,
Mrs._NP Emma_NP B._NP Odom_NP of_IN Atlanta_NP ._. Mrs._NP-HL Lola_NP-HL Harris
_NP-HL Mrs._NP Lola_NP M._NP Harris_NP ,_, a_AT native_NN of_IN Atlanta_NP ,_, d
ied_VBD Sunday_NR at_IN her_PP$ home_NN in_IN Garland_NP ,_, Tex._NP ._. Survivo
rs_NNS include_VB a_AT son_NN ,_, Charles_NP R._NP Fergeson_NP ,_, Memphis_NP ,_
, Tenn._NP ;_. ;_. two_CD daughters_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Gene_NP F._NP Stoll_NP and_C
C Miss_NP Nancy_NP Harris_NP ,_, both_ABX of_IN Garland_NP ;_. ;_. her_PP$ fathe
r_NN ,_, H._NP T._NP Simpson_NP ,_, Greenville_NP ,_, S.C._NP ,_, and_CC three_C
D sisters_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP W._NP E._NP Little_NP and_CC Mrs._NP Hal_NP B._NP Wans
ley_NP ,_, both_ABX of_IN Atlanta_NP ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Bill_NP Wallace_NP ,_, W
ilmington_NP ,_, N.C._NP ._. A_AT 24-year-old_NN Atlanta_NP man_NN was_BEDZ arre
sted_VBN Sunday_NR after_CS breaking_VBG into_IN the_AT home_NR of_IN relatives_
NNS in_IN search_NN of_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, hitting_VBG his_PP$ uncle_NN with_
IN a_AT rock_NN and_CC assaulting_VBG two_CD police_NNS officers_NNS who_WPS tri
ed_VBD to_TO subdue_VB him_PPO ,_, police_NNS said_VBD ._. Patrolmen_NNS J._NP W
._NP Slate_NN-TL and_CC A._NP L._NP Crawford_NP Jr._NP said_VBD they_PPSS arrest
ed_VBD Ronald_NP M._NP Thomas_NP ,_, of_IN 1671_CD-TL Nakoma_NP-TL St._NN-TL ,_,
NW_NN ,_, after_CS he_PPS assaulted_VBD the_AT officers_NNS ._. Police_NNS-HL a
ccount_NN-HL The_AT officers_NNS gave_VBD this_DT account_NN :_: Thomas_NP early
_RB Sunday_NR went_VBD to_IN the_AT home_NR of_IN his_PP$ uncle_NN and_CC aunt_N
N ,_, Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP R._NP C._NP Thomas_NP ,_, 511_CD-TL Blanche_NP-TL St
._NN-TL ,_, NW_NN ,_, looking_VBG for_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, Margaret_NP Lou_NP
Thomas_NP ,_, 18_CD ,_, and_CC their_PP$ 11-month-old_JJ baby_NN ._. The_AT youn
ger_JJR Thomas_NP ripped_VBD a_AT screen_NN door_NN ,_, breaking_VBG the_AT latc
h_NN ,_, and_CC after_CS an_AT argument_NN struck_VBD his_PP$ uncle_NN with_IN a
_AT rock_NN ,_, scratching_VBG his_PP$ face_NN ._. He_PPS also_RB struck_VBD his
_PP$ aunt_NN and_CC wife_NN ,_, and_CC during_IN the_AT melee_NN the_AT baby_NN
also_RB suffered_VBD scratches_NNS ._. When_WRB police_NNS arrived_VBD the_AT ma
n_NN was_BEDZ still_RB violent_JJ ,_, Slate_NN-TL said_VBD ._. Attacks_VBZ-HL of
ficer_NN-HL He_PPS attacked_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT officers_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ
restrained_VBN ._. About_RB five_CD minutes_NNS later_RBR he_PPS jumped_VBD up_
RP ,_, Slate_NN-TL said_VBD ,_, and_CC struck_VBD the_AT two_CD policemen_NNS ag
ain_RB ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ then_RB subdued_VBN and_CC placed_VBN in_IN the_AT po
lice_NNS car_NN to_TO be_BE taken_VBN to_IN Grady_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL for_IN tr
eatment_NN of_IN scratches_NNS received_VBN in_IN the_AT melee_NN ._. Then_RB he
_PPS attacked_VBD the_AT two_CD officers_NNS again_RB and_CC was_BEDZ again_RB r
estrained_VBN ,_, Slate_NN-TL related_VBD ._. Slate_NN-TL said_VBD he_PPS and_CC
Crawford_NP received_VBD cuts_NNS and_CC scratches_NNS and_CC their_PP$ uniform
s_NNS were_BED badly_RB torn_VBN ._. Thomas_NP was_BEDZ charged_VBN with_IN four
_CD counts_NNS of_IN assault_NN and_CC battery_NN ._. Two_CD counts_NNS of_IN as
sault_NN on_IN an_AT officer_NN ,_, resisting_VBG arrest_NN ,_, disturbance_NN a
nd_CC cursing_VBG ,_, police_NNS said_VBD ._. A_AT hearing_NN was_BEDZ set_VBN f
or_IN 30_CD a.m._RB Tuesday_NR ._. Mrs._NP Mary_NP Self_NP ,_, who_WPS knows_VBZ
more_AP than_IN any_DTI other_AP person_NN about_IN the_AT 5,000_CD city_NN emp
loyes_NNS for_IN whom_WPO she_PPS has_HVZ kept_VBN personnel_NNS records_NNS ove
r_IN the_AT years_NNS ,_, has_HVZ closed_VBN her_PP$ desk_NN and_CC retired_VBN
._. Over_IN the_AT weekend_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Self_NP ,_, personnel_NNS clerk_VB ,_,
was_BEDZ a_AT feted_VBN and_CC honored_VBN guest_NN of_IN the_AT Atlanta_NP-TL
Club_NN-TL ,_, organization_NN of_IN women_NNS employes_NNS at_IN City_NN-TL Hal
l_NN-TL ._. After_IN 18_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT personnel_NNS office_NN ,_, sh
e_PPS has_HVZ taken_VBN a_AT disability_NN pension_NN on_IN advice_NN of_IN her_
PP$ doctors_NNS ._. As_CS personnel_NNS clerk_NN ,_, she_PPS handled_VBD thousan
ds_NNS of_IN entries_NNS ,_, ranging_VBG from_IN appointments_NNS to_IN jobs_NNS
,_, to_IN transfers_NNS to_IN other_AP employments_NNS ,_, to_IN pensions_NNS .
_. ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV enjoyed_VBN it_PPO and_CC will_MD feel_VB a_AT bit_NN lo
st_VBN at_IN least_AP for_IN a_AT while_NN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS said_VBD wistfully_
RB Friday_NR ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT largest_JJT crowds_NNS in_IN the_AT club's_
NN$ history_NN turned_VBN out_RP to_TO pay_VB tribute_NN to_IN Mrs._NP Self_NP a
nd_CC her_PP$ service_NN ._. Georgia's_NP$ Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Agriculture
_NN-TL is_BEZ intensifying_VBG its_PP$ fire_NN ant_NN eradication_NN program_NN
in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO stay_VB ahead_RB of_IN the_AT fast-spreading_JJ pest
_NN ._. The_AT department_NN is_BEZ planning_VBG to_TO expand_VB its_PP$ eradica
tion_NN program_NN soon_RB to_IN four_CD additional_JJ counties_NNS --_-- Troup_
NP ,_, Pierce_NP ,_, Bryan_NP and_CC Bulloch_NP --_-- to_TO treat_VB 132,000_CD
acres_NNS infested_VBN by_IN the_AT ants_NNS ,_, according_IN to_IN W._NP E._NP
Blasingame_NP state_NN entomologist_NN ._. Low-flying_JJ planes_NNS will_MD spre
ad_VB a_AT granular-type_JJ chemical_NN ,_, heptachlor_NN ,_, over_IN 30,000_CD
acres_NNS in_IN Troup_NP ,_, 37,000_CD acres_NNS in_IN Pierce_NP and_CC 65,000_C
D acres_NNS in_IN Bulloch_NP and_CC Bryan_NP counties_NNS ._. The_AT eradication
_NN effort_NN is_BEZ being_BEG pushed_VBN in_IN Bibb_NP and_CC Jones_NP counties
_NNS ,_, over_IN 37,679_CD acres_NNS ._. The_AT department_NN has_HVZ just_RB fi
nished_VBN treating_VBG 20,000_CD acres_NNS in_IN urban_JJ areas_NNS of_IN Macon
_NP ._. Also_RB being_BEG treated_VBN are_BER Houston_NP ,_, Bleckley_NP ,_, Tif
t_NP ,_, Turner_NP and_CC Dodge_NP counties_NNS ,_, Blasingame_NP said_VBD ._. T
he_AT fire_NN ant_NN is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO infest_VB approximately_RB two_CD
million_CD acres_NNS of_IN land_NN in_IN Georgia_NP ,_, attacking_VBG crops_NNS
,_, young_JJ wildlife_NN and_CC livestock_NN and_CC can_MD be_BE a_AT serious_JJ
health_NN menace_NN to_IN humans_NNS who_WPS are_BER allergic_JJ to_IN its_PP$
venom_NN ,_, Blasingame_NP said_VBD ._. The_AT north-bound_JJ entrance_NN to_IN
the_AT Expressway_NN-TL at_IN 14th_OD-TL Street_NN-TL will_MD be_BE closed_VBN d
uring_IN the_AT afternoon_NN rush_NN traffic_NN hours_NNS this_DT week_NN ._. Th
is_DT is_BEZ being_BEG done_VBN so_CS that_CS Georgia_NP Tech_NP can_MD complete
_VB the_AT final_JJ phase_NN of_IN a_AT traffic_NN survey_NN on_IN the_AT North_
JJ-TL Expressway_NN-TL ._. Students_NNS have_HV been_BEN using_VBG electric_JJ c
omputers_NNS and_CC high_JJ speed_NN movie_NN cameras_NNS during_IN the_AT study
_NN ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT engineers_NNS can_MD find_VB out_RP what_WDT causes_VB
Z all_ABN the_AT congestion_NN and_CC suggest_VB methods_NNS to_TO eliminate_VB
it_PPO ._. Incidentally_RB ,_, 14th_OD-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Expressway_
NN-TL is_BEZ the_AT high_JJ accident_NN intersection_NN during_IN daylight_NN ho
urs_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ followed_VBN by_IN Cain_NP-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC Pied
mont_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL ,_, NE_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT junction_NN of_IN the_AT Northe
ast_JJ-TL and_CC Northwest_JJ-TL Expressways_NNS-TL and_CC Jones_NP-TL Avenue_NN
-TL and_CC Marietta_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, Aj_NN ._. Four_CD persons_NNS died_VB
D in_IN Georgia_NP weekend_NN traffic_NN crashes_NNS ,_, two_CD of_IN them_PPO i
n_IN a_AT fiery_JJ crash_NN near_IN Snellville_NP ,_, the_AT State_NN-TL Patrol_
NN-TL said_VBD Sunday_NR ._. The_AT latest_JJT death_NN reported_VBN was_BEDZ th
at_DT of_IN 4-year-old_JJ Claude_NP Douglas_NP Maynor_NP of_IN Calvary_NP ._. Tr
oopers_NNS said_VBD the_AT child_NN ran_VBD into_IN the_AT path_NN of_IN a_AT pa
ssing_VBG car_NN a_AT half-mile_NN north_NR of_IN Calvary_NP on_IN Georgia_NP 11
1_CD-TL in_IN Grady_NP-TL County_NN-TL ._. That_DT death_NN occurred_VBD at_IN 5
0_CD p.m._RB Friday_NR and_CC was_BEDZ reported_VBN Sunday_NR ,_, the_AT patrol_
NN said_VBD ._. Bursts_VBZ-HL into_IN-HL flames_NNS-HL An_AT auto_NN overturned_
VBD ,_, skidding_VBG into_IN a_AT stopped_VBN tractor-trailer_NN and_CC burst_VB
into_IN flames_NNS near_IN Snellville_NP ,_, the_AT patrol_NN said_VBD ._. Bobb
y_NP Bester_NP Hammett_NP ,_, 21_CD ,_, of_IN Rte._NN-TL 3_CD-TL ,_, Lawrencevil
le_NP ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Lucille_NP Herrington_NP Jones_NP ,_, 23_CD ,_, of_IN L
awrenceville_NP ,_, died_VBD in_IN the_AT flaming_VBG car_NN ,_, the_AT patrol_N
N said_VBD ._. Salem_NP-HL (_(-HL special_JJ-HL )_)-HL --_-- For_IN a_AT second_
OD month_NN in_IN a_AT row_NN ,_, Multnomah_NP-TL County_NN-TL may_MD be_BE shor
t_JJ of_IN general_JJ assistance_NN money_NN in_IN its_PP$ budget_NN to_TO handl
e_VB an_AT unusually_QL high_JJ summer_NN month's_NN$ need_NN ,_, the_AT state_N
N public_JJ welfare_NN commission_NN was_BEDZ told_VBN Friday_NR ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ the_AT only_AP county_NN in_IN the_AT state_NN so_QL far_RB this_DT month_NN
reporting_VBG a_AT possible_JJ shortage_NN in_IN GA_NN category_NN ,_, for_IN wh
ich_WDT emergency_NN allotment_NN can_MD be_BE given_VBN by_IN the_AT state_NN i
f_CS necessary_JJ ._. William_NP Smythe_NP ,_, director_NN of_IN field_NN servic
e_NN ,_, told_VBD the_AT commissioners_NNS that_CS Multnomah_NP ,_, as_IN of_IN
Aug._NP 22_CD ,_, had_HVD spent_VBN $58,918_NNS out_IN of_IN its_PP$ budgeted_VB
N $66,000_NNS in_IN the_AT category_NN ,_, leaving_VBG only_RB $7,082_NNS for_IN
the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT month_NN ._. At_IN the_AT rate_NN of_IN need_NN ind
icated_VBN in_IN the_AT early_JJ weeks_NNS of_IN the_AT month_NN ,_, this_DT cou
ld_MD mean_VB a_AT shortage_NN of_IN as_QL high_JJ as_CS $17,000_NNS ._. But_CC
it_PPS probably_RB will_MD be_BE less_AP because_CS of_IN a_AT usual_JJ slackeni
ng_VBG during_IN the_AT last_AP weeks_NNS of_IN each_DT month_NN ,_, Smythe_NP s
aid_VBD ._. No_AT request_NN for_IN emergency_NN allotment_NN had_HVD yet_RB bee
n_BEN received_VBN ,_, however_WRB ._. Board_NN-HL oks_VBZ-HL pact_NN-HL The_AT
commission_NN ,_, meeting_VBG for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN with_IN both_ABX of
_IN its_PP$ newly-appointed_JJ commissioners_NNS ,_, Roy_NP Webster_NP ,_, of_IN
Hood_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Dr._NN-TL Ennis_NP Keizer_NP ,_, of_IN North_
JJ-TL Bend_NN-TL ,_, approved_VBD a_AT year's_NN$ contract_NN for_IN a_AT consul
tant_NN in_IN the_AT data_NN processing_NN department_NN who_WPS has_HVZ been_BE
N the_AT center_NN of_IN considerable_JJ controversy_NN in_IN the_AT past_NN ._.
The_AT contract_NN with_IN Ray_NP Field_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN convert
ing_VBG the_AT agencies_NNS electronic_JJ data_NN processing_NN program_NN to_TO
magnetic_JJ tape_NN ,_, would_MD renew_VB his_PP$ present_JJ salary_NN of_IN $8
_NNS an_AT hour_NN up_IN to_IN a_AT maximum_NN of_IN 200_CD hours_NNS a_AT month
_NN ._. Field_NP does_DOZ the_AT planning_NN for_IN the_AT machine_NN operations
_NNS and_CC fiscal_JJ processes_NNS and_CC the_AT adapting_NN of_IN the_AT data_
NN processing_NN system_NN to_IN new_JJ programs_NNS as_CS they_PPSS are_BER mad
e_VBN necessary_JJ by_IN legislative_JJ and_CC policy_NN changes_NNS ._. Acting_
VBG Administrator_NN-TL Andrew_NP F._NP Juras_NP said_VBD that_CS because_RB of_
IN Field's_NP$ unique_JJ position_NN and_CC knowledge_NN in_IN the_AT program_NN
,_, the_AT agency_NN now_RB would_MD be_BE seriously_RB handicapped_VBN if_CS h
e_PPS was_BEDZ not_* continued_VBN for_IN a_AT period_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS empha
sized_VBD that_CS the_AT agency_NN must_MD train_VB people_NNS within_IN its_PP$
own_JJ employ_NN to_TO fulfill_VB what_WDT Field_NN-TL handles_VBZ ,_, and_CC h
e_PPS said_VBD he_PPS personally_RB ``_`` regrets_VBZ very_QL much_AP that_CS th
e_AT agency_NN has_HVZ not_* done_VBN this_DT in_IN the_AT past_NN ''_'' ._. He_
PPS pointed_VBD out_RP to_IN the_AT commissioners_NNS that_CS the_AT agency_NN w
as_BEDZ literally_RB dependent_JJ now_RB on_IN the_AT machine_NN processing_NN ,
_, ``_`` and_CC the_AT whole_JJ wheels_NNS of_IN the_AT agency_NN would_MD stop_
VB if_CS it_PPS broke_VBD down_RP or_CC the_AT three_CD or_CC four_CD persons_NN
S directing_VBG it_PPO were_BED to_TO leave_VB ''_'' ._. Salary_NN-HL termed_VBN
-HL modest_JJ-HL Juras_NP said_VBD he_PPS insisted_VBD Field_NP be_BE continued_
VBN on_IN a_AT consultant_NN basis_NN only_RB and_CC be_BE answerable_JJ directl
y_RB to_IN the_AT administrator_NN of_IN the_AT agency_NN and_CC not_* to_IN oth
er_AP agencies_NNS of_IN the_AT government_NN ._. He_PPS also_RB said_VBD that_C
S the_AT salary_NN ,_, in_IN terms_NNS of_IN going_VBG rates_NNS in_IN the_AT fi
eld_NN ,_, was_BEDZ ``_`` modest_JJ ''_'' in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_AT man's_NN$
responsibility_NN ._. The_AT conversion_NN to_IN magnetic_JJ tape_NN is_BEZ not
_* yet_RB completed_VBN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, and_CC added_VBD Field's_NP$ lon
g_JJ service_NN in_IN state_NN government_NN and_CC welfare_NN employ_NN gave_VB
D him_PPO familiarity_NN with_IN the_AT welfare_NN program_NN ._. ``_`` Do_DO yo
u_PPSS feel_VB you_PPSS can_MD stand_VB up_RP to_IN the_AT next_AP legislative_J
J session_NN and_CC defend_VB this_DT contract_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Asked_VBN Mrs._N
P Grace_NP O._NP Peck_NP ,_, representative_NN from_IN Multnomah_NP-TL County_NN
-TL ,_, of_IN the_AT commission_NN chairman_NN ,_, Joseph_NP E._NP Harvey_NP Jr.
_NP ._. ``_`` My_PP$ feeling_NN at_IN the_AT moment_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD
,_, ``_`` is_BEZ that_CS we_PPSS have_HV no_AT alternative_NN ,_, irrespective_
JJ of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT arguments_NNS about_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT continu
ed_VBN operation_NN of_IN this_DT program_NN depends_VBZ on_IN having_HVG his_PP
$ service_NN ''_'' ._. Harvey_NP-HL criticized_VBN-HL Mrs._NP Peck_NP ,_, later_
RBR joined_VBN by_IN the_AT commission's_NN$ vice-chairman_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Lee_NP
Patterson_NP ,_, took_VBD Harvey_NP to_IN task_NN for_IN comments_NNS he_PPS ha
d_HVD made_VBN to_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL Portland_NP-TL Rotary_NP-TL Club_NN-TL T
uesday_NR ._. A_AT publicity_NN release_NN from_IN Oregon_NP-TL Physicians_NNS-T
L Service_NN-TL ,_, of_IN which_WDT Harvey_NP is_BEZ president_NN ,_, quoted_VBD
him_PPO as_CS saying_VBG the_AT welfare_NN office_NN move_VB to_IN Salem_NP ,_,
instead_RB of_IN ``_`` crippling_VBG ''_'' the_AT agency_NN ,_, had_HVD provide
d_VBN an_AT avenue_NN to_TO correct_VB administrative_JJ weaknesses_NNS ,_, with
_IN the_AT key_NN being_BEG improved_VBN communications_NNS between_IN F_NN &_CC
A_NN and_CC the_AT commission_NN staff_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS rather_RB resent_VB
''_'' ,_, she_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` you_PPSS speaking_VBG to_IN those_DTS group
s_NNS in_IN Portland_NP as_CS though_CS just_RB the_AT move_NN accomplished_VBD
this_DT ._. I_PPSS think_VB you_PPO fell_VBD short_RB of_IN the_AT real_JJ truth
_NN in_IN the_AT matter_NN :_: That_CS the_AT move_NN is_BEZ working_VBG out_RP
through_IN the_AT fine_JJ cooperation_NN of_IN the_AT staff_NN and_CC all_ABN th
e_AT people_NNS ._. The_AT staff_NN deserves_VBZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN credit_NN wor
king_VBG down_RP here_RB under_IN real_JJ obstacles_NNS ''_'' ._. Harvey_NP said
_VBD his_PP$ objective_NN was_BEDZ to_TO create_VB a_AT better_JJR public_JJ ima
ge_NN for_IN welfare_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT wife_NN of_IN convicted_VBN bank_NN rob
ber_NN Lawrence_NP G._NP Huntley_NP was_BEDZ arrested_VBN in_IN Phoenix_NP ,_, A
riz._NP ,_, last_AP week_NN and_CC will_MD be_BE returned_VBN to_IN Portland_NP
to_TO face_VB charges_NNS of_IN assault_NN and_CC robbery_NN ,_, Portland_NP det
ectives_NNS said_VBD Friday_NR ._. Mrs._NP Lavaughn_NP Huntley_NP is_BEZ accused
_VBN of_IN driving_VBG the_AT getaway_NN car_NN used_VBN in_IN a_AT robbery_NN o
f_IN the_AT Woodyard_NP-TL Bros.'_NNS$-TL Grocery_NN-TL ,_, 2825_CD-TL E._JJ-TL
Burnside_NP-TL St._NN-TL ,_, in_IN April_NP of_IN 1959_CD ._. Her_PP$ husband_NN
,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ sentenced_VBN to_IN 15_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT federal_J
J prison_NN at_IN McNeil_NP-TL Island_NN-TL last_AP April_NP for_IN robbery_NN o
f_IN the_AT Hillsdale_NP branch_NN of_IN Multnomah_NP-TL Bank_NN-TL ,_, also_RB
was_BEDZ charged_VBN with_IN the_AT store_NN holdup_NN ._. Secret_JJ Grand_JJ-TL
Jury_NN-TL indictments_NNS were_BED returned_VBN against_IN the_AT pair_NN last
_AP week_NN ,_, Detective_NN-TL Murray_NP Logan_NP reported_VBD ._. The_AT Phoen
ix_NP arrest_NN culminates_VBZ more_AP than_IN a_AT year's_NN$ investigation_NN
by_IN Detective_NN-TL William_NP Taylor_NP and_CC other_AP officers_NNS ._. Tayl
or_NP said_VBD Mrs._NP Huntley_NP and_CC her_PP$ husband_NN also_RB will_MD be_B
E questioned_VBN about_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN 15_CD Portland_NP robberies_NNS i
n_IN spring_NN of_IN 1959_CD in_IN which_WDT the_AT holdup_NN men_NNS bound_VB t
heir_PP$ victims_NNS with_IN tape_NN before_CS fleeing_VBG ._. Mrs._NP Huntley_N
P was_BEDZ held_VBN on_IN $20,000_NNS bond_NN in_IN Phoenix_NP ._. She_PPS was_B
EDZ arrested_VBN by_IN Phoenix_NP-TL Police_NNS-TL after_CS they_PPSS received_V
BD the_AT indictment_NN papers_NNS from_IN Portland_NP detectives_NNS ._. A_AT 1
2-year-old_JJ girl_NN ,_, Susan_NP Elaine_NP Smith_NP ,_, 9329_CD-TL NE_NP-TL Sc
huyler_NP-TL St._NN-TL was_BEDZ in_IN serious_JJ condition_NN Friday_NR at_IN Be
ss_NP-TL Kaiser_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL ,_, victim_NN of_IN a_AT bicycle-auto_JJ co
llision_NN in_IN the_AT Gateway_NN-TL Shopping_NN-TL Center_NN-TL ,_, parking_VB
G area_NN ,_, Deputy_JJ-TL Sheriff_NN-TL W._NP H._NP Forsyth_NP reported_VBD ._.
Funeral_NN for_IN William_NP Joseph_NP Brett_NP ,_, 1926_CD-TL NE_NP-TL 50th_OD
-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, who_WPS died_VBD Thursday_NR in_IN Portland_NP ,_, will_MD be
_BE Monday_NR 1_CD p.m._RB at_IN the_AT Riverview_NP Abbey_NN-TL ._. Mr._NP Bret
t_NP ,_, born_VBN in_IN Brooklyn_NP ,_, N.Y._NP ,_, Dec._NP 15_CD ,_, 1886_CD ,_
, came_VBD to_IN Portland_NP in_IN 1920_CD ._. He_PPS owned_VBD a_AT logging_VBG
equipment_NN business_NN here_RB from_IN 1923_CD to_IN 1928_CD ,_, and_CC later
_RBR became_VBD Northwest_JJ-TL district_NN manager_NN for_IN Macwhyte_NP-TL Co.
_NN-TL ._. He_PPS retired_VBD in_IN 1958_CD ._. Survivors_NNS are_BER his_PP$ wi
dow_NN ,_, Alice_NP ;_. ;_. a_AT son_NN ,_, William_NP ,_, Seattle_NP ,_, Wash._
NP ;_. ;_. three_CD sisters_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Eugene_NP Horstman_NP ,_, Los_NP Ang
eles_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Lucy_NP Brett_NP Andrew_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-
TL ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Beatrice_NP Kiefferm_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-T
L ,_, and_CC five_CD grandchildren_NNS ._. Employes_NNS of_IN Montgomery_NP-TL W
ard_NP-TL &_CC-TL Co._NN-TL at_IN The_AT-TL Dalles_NP-TL ,_, in_IN a_AT National
_JJ-TL Labor_NN-TL Relations_NNS-TL Board_NN-TL election_NN Thursday_NR voted_VB
D to_TO decertify_VB Local_NN-TL 1565_CD-TL ,_, Retail_JJ-TL Clerks_NNS-TL Inter
national_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL ,_, AFL-CIO_NN ,_, as_CS their_PP$ collective_J
J bargaining_NN agent_NN ._. The_AT NLRB_NN said_VBD that_CS of_IN 11_CD potenti
ally_RB eligible_JJ voters_NNS eight_CD voted_VBD against_IN the_AT union_NN ,_,
two_CD voted_VBD for_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC one_CD vote_NN was_BEDZ challenged_VB
N ._. Monte_NP Brooks_NP ,_, 67_CD ,_, theatrical_JJ producer_NN and_CC band_NN
leader_NN ,_, collapsed_VBD and_CC died_VBD Thursday_NR in_IN a_AT Lloyd_NP-TL C
enter_NN-TL restaurant_NN ._. He_PPS lived_VBD at_IN 6124_CD N._JJ-TL Willamette
_NP-TL Blvd._NN-TL ._. For_IN many_AP years_NNS he_PPS had_HVD provided_VBN musi
c_NN and_CC entertainment_NN for_IN functions_NNS throughout_IN the_AT Northwest
_NN-TL ._. These_DTS included_VBD Oregon_NP-TL State_NN-TL Fair_NN-TL ,_, for_IN
which_WDT he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN booked_VBN on_RP and_CC off_RP ,_, for_IN 30_
CD years_NNS ._. He_PPS collaborated_VBD with_IN many_AP of_IN the_AT big_JJ nam
e_NN entertainers_NNS visiting_VBG Portland_NP ,_, among_IN the_AT most_QL recen
t_JJ being_BEG Jimmy_NP Durante_NP and_CC Phil_NP Silvers_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD
conducted_VBN the_AT 20-piece_NN band_NN in_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN concerts_NNS
at_IN Blue_JJ-TL Lake_NN-TL park_NN during_IN the_AT summer_NN months_NNS ._. M
r._NP Brooks_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, and_CC came_VBD
to_IN Portland_NP in_IN 1920_CD ._. He_PPS planned_VBD at_IN one_CD time_NN to_
TO enter_VB the_AT legal_JJ profession_NN ,_, but_CC gave_VBD up_RP the_AT plan_
NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN the_AT entertainment_NN field_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_A
T member_NN of_IN Harmony_NN-TL lodge_NN ,_, No._NN-TL 12_CD-TL ,_, AF_NN &_CC A
M_NN ,_, Scottish_JJ-TL Rite_NN-TL ;_. ;_. Al_FW-AT-HL Kader_NP-TL Temple_NN-TL
of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Shrine_NN-TL ;_. ;_. Order_NN-TL of_IN-TL Elks_NNS-TL ,_, Lod
ge_NN-TL No._NN-TL 142_CD-TL ;_. ;_. 40_CD-TL &_CC-TL 8_CD-TL Voiture_NP-TL ,_,
No._NN-TL 25_CD-TL ,_, Musician's_NN$-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, Local_NN-TL 99_CD-TL ._
. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT former_AP commander_NN of_IN Willamette_NP-TL Heights_NNS
-TL ,_, Post_NN-TL ,_, and_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN Nevah_NP-TL Sholom_NP-TL Cong
regation_NN-TL ._. Survivors_NNS are_BER his_PP$ widow_NN ,_, Tearle_NP ;_. ;_.
a_AT son_NN ,_, Sheldon_NP Brooks_NP ;_. ;_. a_AT daughter_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Sidney
_NP S._NP Stein_NP Jr._NP ,_, Dorenzo_NP ,_, Calif._NP ;_. ;_. a_AT sister_NN ,_
, Mrs._NP Birdie_NP Gevurtz_NP ;_. ;_. two_CD brothers_NNS ,_, Charley_NP and_CC
Aaron_NP Cohn_NP ,_, San_NP Francisco_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC five_CD grandchildren_N
NS ._. Services_NNS will_MD be_BE at_IN 30_CD p.m._RB Monday_NR at_IN Holman_NP-
TL &_CC-TL Son_NN-TL Funeral_NN-TL Home_NN-TL ,_, with_IN interment_NN in_IN Nev
eh_NP Zebek_NP cemetery_NN ._. The_AT family_NN requests_VBZ that_CS flowers_NNS
be_BE omitted_VBN ._. A_AT 16-year-old_JJ Portland_NP businessman_NN and_CC his
_PP$ Junior_JJ-TL Achievement_NN-TL company_NN ,_, have_HV been_BEN judged_VBN t
he_AT ``_`` Company_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Year_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN national_JJ
competition_NN completed_VBN this_DT week_NN at_IN Ohio_NP-TL State_NN-TL Univer
sity_NN-TL ,_, Columbus_NP ,_, Ohio_NP ._. Tim_NP Larson_NP ,_, a_AT junior_NN a
t_IN Wilson_NP-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL and_CC president_NN of_IN Spice-Nice_N
P ,_, is_BEZ the_AT young_JJ executive_NN who_WPS guided_VBD his_PP$ firm_NN to_
IN the_AT top-ranking_JJ position_NN over_IN the_AT 4,500_CD other_AP Junior_JJ-
TL Achievement_NN-TL companies_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_
CC Canada_NP ._. The_AT award_NN is_BEZ the_AT first_OD such_JJ honor_NN in_IN t
he_AT 11-year_JJ history_NN of_IN JA_NN activities_NNS in_IN Portland_NP ,_, acc
ording_IN to_IN Ralph_NP Scolatti_NP ,_, local_JJ executive_NN director_NN for_I
N Junior_JJ-TL Achievement_NN-TL ._. Spice-Nice_NP ,_, counseled_VBN by_IN Georg
ia-Pacific_NP-TL Corp._NN-TL ,_, had_HVD previously_RB taken_VBN first-place_NN
honors_NNS in_IN both_ABX local_JJ competition_NN and_CC the_AT regional_JJ conf
erence_NN at_IN San_NP Francisco_NP ._. The_AT ``_`` pocket-size_NN ''_'' compan
y_NN set_VBD records_NNS with_IN $2,170_NNS in_IN sales_NNS of_IN its_PP$ produc
ts_NNS ,_, a_AT selection_NN of_IN barbecue_NN spices_NNS ,_, and_CC paid_VBD st
ockholders_NNS a_AT 20_CD per_IN cent_NN dividend_NN on_IN their_PP$ investment_
NN ._. Youngsters_NNS-HL do_DO-HL business_NN-HL The_AT Junior_JJ-TL Achievement
_NN-TL program_NN is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO give_VB teenagers_NNS practical_JJ e
xperience_NN in_IN business_NN by_IN allowing_VBG them_PPO actually_RB to_TO for
m_VB small_JJ companies_NNS ,_, under_IN the_AT guidance_NN and_CC sponsorship_N
N of_IN business_NN firms_NNS ._. The_AT youngsters_NNS sell_VB stock_NN ,_, pro
duce_VB and_CC sell_VB a_AT product_NN ,_, pay_VB taxes_NNS ,_, and_CC show_VB a
_AT profit_NN or_CC loss_NN just_RB like_CS full-scale_JJ businesses_NNS ._. Nat
ional_JJ competition_NN was_BEDZ the_AT culmination_NN of_IN work_NN which_WDT b
egan_VBD with_IN the_AT school_NN year_NN last_AP fall_NN and_CC continued_VBD u
ntil_IN just_QL before_IN summer_NN vacation_NN ._. Participants_NNS in_IN the_A
T 27_CD Portland_NP companies_NNS worked_VBD one_CD night_NN a_AT week_NN throug
h_IN the_AT school_NN year_NN ,_, guided_VBD and_CC counseled_VBD by_IN adult_NN
advisors_NNS drawn_VBN from_IN local_JJ business_NN and_CC industry_NN ._. Over
_RP 400_CD Portland_NP firms_NNS contributed_VBD funds_NNS for_IN the_AT mainten
ance_NN of_IN Junior_JJ-TL Achievement_NN-TL headquarters_NNS here_RB ._. For_IN
winning_VBG Larson_NP will_MD receive_VB a_AT $100_NNS U.S._NP-TL Savings_NNS-T
L Bond_NP-TL from_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Achievement_NN-TL national_JJ organizat
ion_NN ._. His_PP$ company_NN ,_, Spice-Nice_NP ,_, will_MD receive_VB a_AT $250
_NNS award_VB ,_, which_WDT will_MD be_BE distributed_VBN among_IN the_AT 16_CD
charter_NN members_NNS ._. g-p_NN-HL men_NNS-HL served_VBD-HL Advisors_NNS for_I
N the_AT ``_`` national_JJ champion_NN ''_'' company_NN were_BED John_NP K._NP M
organ_NP ,_, William_NP H._NP Baker_NP ,_, Leonard_NP Breuer_NP and_CC William_N
P F._NP Stephenson_NP ,_, all_ABN of_IN Georgia-Pacific_NP-TL Corp._NN-TL ._. Yo
ung_JJ Larson_NP is_BEZ the_AT son_NN of_IN Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Lawrence_NP La
rson_NP ,_, 5847_CD-TL SW_NN-TL Nevada_NP-TL Ct._NN-TL ,_, Portland_NP ._. Other
_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT Portland_NP delegation_NN attending_VBG the_AT conf
erence_NN in_IN Columbus_NP are_BER :_: Kathleen_NP Mason_NP ,_, Jefferson_NP hi
gh_JJ school_NN ;_. ;_. Phil_NP Reifenrath_NP ,_, Madison_NP high_JJ school_NN ;
_. ;_. Ann_NP Wegener_NP ,_, Madison_NP ;_. ;_. Richard_NP E._NP Cohn_NP ,_, Gra
nt_NP ;_. ;_. Karen_NP Kolb_NP ,_, Franklin_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC Shelby_NP Carlson_
NP ,_, Cleveland_NP ._. Hillsboro_NP-HL (_(-HL special_JJ-HL )_)-HL --_-- Washin
gton_NP-TL County's_NN$-TL 36th_OD annual_JJ fair_NN will_MD close_VB Saturday_N
R evening_NN with_IN 4-H_NN and_CC FFA_NN awards_NNS program_NN at_IN 7_CD ,_, p
ublic_JJ dance_NN at_IN 8_CD and_CC variety_NN show_NN at_IN 8:30_CD ._. On_IN t
he_AT day's_NN$ schedule_NN are_BER a_AT flower_NN show_NN ,_, 4-H_NN horsemansh
ip_NN contest_NN and_CC clown_NN shows_NNS ,_, the_AT latter_AP at_IN 11_CD a.m.
_RB and_CC 3_CD p.m._RB ._. Attendance_NN continued_VBD to_TO run_VB ahead_RB of
_IN last_AP year's_NN$ during_IN the_AT five-day_JJ show_NN ,_, with_IN clear_JJ
skies_NNS helping_VBG attract_VB fairgoers_NNS ._. Exhibition_NN ballroom_NN da
ncers_NNS from_IN the_AT studio_NN of_IN Helen_NP Wick_NP Walters_NP of_IN Hills
boro_NP won_VBD the_AT all-county_JJ talent_NN contest_NN ._. Bill_NP Davis_NP q
uartet_NN of_IN Hillsboro_NP was_BEDZ second_OD and_CC baton_NN twirler_NN Sue_N
P Ann_NP Nuttall_NP of_IN Reedville_NP third_OD ._. Finalists_NNS from_IN the_AT
county's_NN$ east_NR end_NN failed_VBD to_TO place_VB ._. Results_NNS-HL :_:-HL
Janet_NP Jossy_NP of_IN North_JJ-TL Plains_NNS-TL won_VBD grand_JJ champion_NN
honors_NNS of_IN the_AT 4-H_NN sheep_NN showman_NN contest_NN ._. Blue_JJ ribbon
s_NNS went_VBD to_IN Stephanie_NP Shaw_NP of_IN Hillsboro_NP ,_, Larry_NP Hinton
_NP of_IN Beaverton_NP ._. Joan_NP Zurcher_NP of_IN Hillsboro_NP ,_, Phyllis_NP
Jossy_NP of_IN North_JJ-TL Plains_NNS-TL ,_, Jane_NP Cox_NP of_IN North_JJ-TL Pl
ains_NNS-TL ._. Kathy_NP Jossy_NP of_IN Hillsboro_NP ,_, Carol_NP Jossy_NP of_IN
North_JJ-TL Plains_NNS-TL and_CC Lorlyn_NP and_CC Tom_NP Zurcher_NP of_IN Hills
boro_NP ._. Tom_NP Day_NP of_IN Beaverton_NP exhibited_VBD the_AT grand_JJ champ
ion_NN 4-H_NN market_NN hog_NN ,_, a_AT Chester_NP-TL White_NP ._. Also_RB winni
ng_VBG blue_JJ ribbons_NNS were_BED Bob_NP Day_NP of_IN Beaverton_NP ,_, Tony_NP
Traxel_NP of_IN Beaverton_NP and_CC Steve_NP Hutchins_NP of_IN Banks_NNS-TL ._.
Swine_NNS showmanship_NN championship_NN went_VBD to_IN Bob_NP Day_NP ,_, with_
IN Tom_NP Day_NP and_CC Hutchins_NP winning_VBG other_AP blues_NNS ._. Charles_N
P Reynolds_NP of_IN Pumpkin_NN-TL Ridge_NN-TL was_BEDZ rabbit_NN showmanship_NN
champion_NN ._. In_IN poultry_NN judging_NN ,_, blues_NNS were_BED won_VBN by_IN
John_NP Nyberg_NP of_IN Tualatin_NP ,_, Anne_NP Batchelder_NP of_IN Hillsboro_N
P ,_, Jim_NP Shaw_NP of_IN Hillsboro_NP ,_, Stephanie_NP Shaw_NP of_IN Hillsboro
_NP and_CC Lynn_NP Robinson_NP of_IN Tigard_NP ._. Blue_JJ ribbon_NN for_IN one_
CD dozen_NN white_JJ eggs_NNS was_BEDZ taken_VBN by_IN Nyberg_NP ._. In_IN open_
JJ class_NN poultry_NN ,_, Donald_NP Wacklin_NP of_IN Sherwood_NP had_HVD the_AT
champion_NN male_NN and_CC female_NN bird_NN and_CC grand_JJ champion_NN bird_N
N ._. John_NP-TL Haase_NP-TL &_CC-TL Son_NN-TL of_IN Corneilus_NP was_BEDZ the_A
T only_AP entrant_NN in_IN open_JJ class_NN swine_NNS and_CC swept_VBD all_ABN c
hampionships_NNS ._. Carol_NP Strong_NP ,_, 13_CD ,_, of_IN Cedar_NP-TL Mill_NN-
TL cooked_VBD the_AT championship_NN junior_JJ dollar_NN dinner_NN ._. Millie_NP
Jansen_NP ,_, high_JJ school_NN senior_NN from_IN Verboort_NP ,_, had_HVD the_A
T championship_NN dollar_NN dinner_NN ,_, and_CC Jody_NP Jaross_NP of_IN Hillsbo
ro_NP also_RB won_VBD a_AT blue_JJ ribbon_NN ._. Barbara_NP Borland_NP of_IN Tig
ard_NP took_VBD top_JJS senior_JJ individual_JJ home_NR economics_NN honors_NNS
with_IN a_AT demonstration_NN called_VBN filbert_NN hats_NNS ._. About_RB 70_CD
North_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL taxpayers_NNS made_VBD appeals_NNS to_IN the_AT boa
rd_NN of_IN tax_NN assessors_NNS for_IN a_AT review_NN of_IN their_PP$ 1961_CD t
ax_NN assessments_NNS during_IN the_AT last_AP two_CD days_NNS at_IN the_AT town
_NN hall_NN in_IN Centredale_NP ._. These_DTS were_BED the_AT last_AP two_CD day
s_NNS set_VBN aside_RB by_IN the_AT board_NN for_IN hearing_VBG appeals_NNS ._.
Appeals_NNS were_BED heard_VBN for_IN two_CD days_NNS two_CD weeks_NNS ago_RB ._
. About_RB 75_CD persons_NNS appeared_VBD at_IN that_DT time_NN ._. Louis_NP H._
NP Grenier_NP ,_, clerk_NN of_IN the_AT board_NN ,_, said_VBD that_CS the_AT app
eals_NNS will_MD be_BE reviewed_VBN in_IN December_NP at_IN the_AT time_NN the_A
T board_NN is_BEZ visiting_VBG new_JJ construction_NN sites_NNS in_IN the_AT tow
n_NN for_IN assessment_NN purposes_NNS ._. They_PPSS also_RB will_MD visit_VB pr
operties_NNS on_IN which_WDT appeals_NNS have_HV been_BEN made_VBN ._. Any_DTI a
djustments_NNS which_WDT are_BER made_VBN ,_, Mr._NP Grenier_NP said_VBD earlier
_RBR this_DT month_NN ,_, will_MD appear_VB on_IN the_AT balance_NN of_IN the_AT
tax_NN bill_NN since_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT town's_NN$ taxpayers_NNS take_VB t
he_AT option_NN of_IN paying_VBG quarterly_RB with_IN the_AT balance_NN due_JJ n
ext_AP year_NN ._. John_NP Pezza_NP ,_, 69_CD ,_, of_IN 734_CD-TL Hartford_NP-TL
Avenue_NN-TL ,_, Providence_NP ,_, complained_VBD of_IN shoulder_NN pains_NNS a
fter_IN an_AT accident_NN in_IN which_WDT a_AT car_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ driving_VB
G collided_VBD with_IN a_AT car_NN driven_VBN by_IN Antonio_NP Giorgio_NP ,_, 25
_CD ,_, of_IN 12_CD-TL DeSoto_NP-TL St._NN-TL ,_, Providence_NP ,_, on_IN Greenv
ille_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL and_CC Cherry_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL Road_NN-TL in_IN Johnston
_NP yesterday_NR ._. Mr._NP Giorgio_NP had_HVD started_VBN to_TO turn_VB left_NR
off_IN Greenville_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL onto_IN Cherry_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL Road_NN-TL
when_WRB his_PP$ car_NN was_BEDZ struck_VBN by_IN the_AT Pezza_NP car_NN ,_, po
lice_NNS said_VBD ._. Both_ABX cars_NNS were_BED slightly_RB damaged_VBN ._. Mr.
_NP Pezza_NP was_BEDZ taken_VBN to_IN a_AT nearby_JJ Johnston_NP physician_NN ,_
, Dr._NN-TL Allan_NP A._NP DiSimone_NP ,_, who_WPS treated_VBD him_PPO ._. Mr._N
P Giorgio_NP was_BEDZ uninjured_JJ ._. Thieves_NNS yesterday_NR ransacked_VBD a_
AT home_NN in_IN the_AT Garden_NN-TL Hills_NNS-TL section_NN of_IN Cranston_NP a
nd_CC stole_VBD an_AT estimated_VBN $3,675_NNS worth_NN of_IN furs_NNS ,_, jewel
s_NNS ,_, foreign_JJ coins_NNS and_CC American_JJ dollars_NNS ._. Mr._NP and_CC
Mrs._NP Stephen_NP M._NP Kochanek_NP reported_VBD the_AT theft_NN at_IN their_PP
$ home_NR on_IN 41_CD Garden_NN-TL Hills_NNS-TL Drive_NN-TL at_IN about_IN 6_CD
last_AP night_NN ._. They_PPSS told_VBD police_NNS the_AT intruders_NNS took_VBD
a_AT mink_NN coat_NN worth_JJ $700_NNS ,_, a_AT black_JJ Persian_JJ lamb_NN jac
ket_NN worth_JJ $450_NNS ;_. ;_. a_AT wallet_NN with_IN $450_NNS in_IN it_PPO ;_
. ;_. a_AT collection_NN of_IN English_JJ ,_, French_JJ and_CC German_JJ coins_N
NS ,_, valued_VBN at_IN $500_NNS ;_. ;_. four_CD rings_NNS ,_, a_AT watch_NN and
_CC a_AT set_NN of_IN pearl_NN earrings_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT rings_NNS wa
s_BEDZ a_AT white_JJ gold_NN band_NN with_IN a_AT diamond_NN setting_NN ,_, valu
ed_VBN at_IN $900_NNS ._. The_AT others_NNS were_BED valued_VBN at_IN $325_NNS ,
_, $75_NNS and_CC $65_NNS ._. The_AT watch_NN was_BEDZ valued_VBN at_IN $125_NNS
and_CC the_AT earrings_NNS at_IN $85_NNS ._. The_AT Kochaneks_NPS told_VBD poli
ce_NNS they_PPSS left_VBD home_NR at_IN 8_CD a.m._RB and_CC returned_VBD about_I
N 45_CD p.m._RB and_CC found_VBD the_AT house_NN had_HVD been_BEN entered_VBN ._
. Patrolman_NN Robert_NP J._NP Nunes_NP ,_, who_WPS investigated_VBD ,_, said_VB
D the_AT thieves_NNS broke_VBD in_RP through_IN the_AT back_NN door_NN ._. Drawe
rs_NNS and_CC cabinets_NNS in_IN two_CD bedrooms_NNS and_CC a_AT sewing_VBG room
_NN were_BED ransacked_VBN ._. The_AT city_NN sewer_NN maintenance_NN division_N
N said_VBD efforts_NNS will_MD be_BE made_VBN Sunday_NR to_TO clear_VB a_AT stop
page_NN in_IN a_AT sewer_NN connection_NN at_IN Eddy_NP and_CC Elm_NN-TL Streets
_NNS-TL responsible_JJ for_IN dumping_VBG raw_JJ sewage_NN into_IN the_AT Provid
ence_NP River_NN-TL ._. The_AT division_NN said_VBD it_PPS would_MD be_BE imposs
ible_JJ to_TO work_VB on_IN the_AT line_NN until_IN then_RB because_CS of_IN the
_AT large_JJ amount_VB of_IN acid_NN sewage_NN from_IN jewelry_NN plants_NNS in_
IN the_AT area_NN flowing_VBG through_IN the_AT line_NN ,_, heavy_JJ vehicle_NN
traffic_NN on_IN Eddy_NP-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC tide_NN conditions_NNS ._. A_AT
two-family_JJ house_NN at_IN 255_CD-TL Brook_NN-TL Street_NN-TL has_HVZ been_BEN
purchased_VBN by_IN Brown_NP-TL University_NN-TL from_IN Lawrence_NP J._NP Sull
ivan_NP ,_, according_IN to_IN a_AT deed_NN filed_VBN Monday_NR at_IN City_NN-TL
Hall_NN-TL ._. F._NP Morris_NP Cochran_NP ,_, university_NN vice_NN president_N
N and_CC business_NN manager_NN ,_, said_VBD the_AT house_NN has_HVZ been_BEN bo
ught_VBN to_TO provide_VB rental_JJ housing_NN for_IN faculty_NN families_NNS ,_
, particularly_RB for_IN those_DTS here_RB for_IN a_AT limited_VBN time_NN ._. E
mployes_NNS of_IN Pawtucket's_NP$ garbage_NN and_CC rubbish_NN collection_NN con
tractor_NN picketed_VBD the_AT firm's_NN$ incinerator_NN site_NN yesterday_NR in
_IN the_AT second_OD day_NN of_IN a_AT strike_NN for_IN improved_VBN wages_NNS a
nd_CC working_VBG conditions_NNS ._. Thomas_NP Rotelli_NP ,_, head_NN of_IN Rhod
e_NP-TL Island_NN-TL Incinerator_NN-TL Service_NN-TL ,_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, said_VB
D four_CD of_IN the_AT company's_NN$ eight_CD trucks_NNS were_BED making_VBG col
lections_NNS with_IN both_ABX newly_RB hired_VBN and_CC regular_JJ workers_NNS .
_. Sydney_NP Larson_NP ,_, a_AT staff_NN representative_NN for_IN the_AT United_
VBN-TL Steel_NN-TL Workers_NNS-TL ,_, which_WDT the_AT firm's_NN$ 25_CD workers_
NNS joined_VBD before_CS striking_VBG ,_, said_VBD the_AT state_NN Labor_NN-TL R
elations_NNS-TL Board_NN-TL has_HVZ been_BEN asked_VBN to_TO set_VB up_RP an_AT
election_NN to_TO pick_VB a_AT bargaining_NN agent_NN ._. A_AT 62-year-old_JJ Sm
ithfield_NP man_NN ,_, Lester_NP E._NP Stone_NP of_IN 19_CD-TL Beverly_NP-TL Cir
cle_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ in_IN satisfactory_JJ condition_NN last_AP night_NN at_IN
Our_PP$-TL Lady_NN-TL of_IN-TL Fatima_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL ,_, North_JJ-TL Prov
idence_NP-TL ,_, with_IN injuries_NNS suffered_VBN when_WRB a_AT car_NN he_PPS w
as_BEDZ driving_VBG struck_VBD a_AT utility_NN pole_NN on_IN Woonasquatucket_NP-
TL Avenue_NN-TL in_IN North_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL near_IN Stevens_NP-TL Street_
NN-TL ._. Mr._NP Stone_NP suffered_VBD fractured_VBN ribs_NNS and_CC chest_NN cu
ts_NNS ,_, hospital_NN authorities_NNS said_VBD ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ taken_VBN to
_IN the_AT hospital_NN by_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL ambulance_NN ._
. Before_CS hitting_VBG the_AT pole_NN ,_, Mr._NP Stone's_NP$ car_NN brushed_VBD
against_IN a_AT car_NN driven_VBN by_IN Alva_NP W._NP Vernava_NP ,_, 21_CD ,_,
of_IN 23_CD-TL Maple_NN-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, North_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL ,_, teari
ng_VBG away_RB the_AT rear_NN bumper_NN and_CC denting_VBG the_AT left_JJ rear_J
J fender_NN of_IN the_AT Vernava_NP car_NN ,_, police_NNS said_VBD ._. Mr._NP Ve
rnava_NP was_BEDZ uninjured_JJ ._. The_AT impact_NN with_IN the_AT utility_NN po
le_NN caused_VBD a_AT brief_JJ power_NN failure_NN in_IN the_AT immediate_JJ are
a_NN of_IN the_AT accident_NN ._. One_CD house_NN was_BEDZ without_IN power_NN f
or_IN about_RB half_ABN an_AT hour_NN ,_, a_AT Narragansett_NP-TL Electric_JJ-TL
Co._NN-TL spokesman_NN said_VBD ._. The_AT power_NN was_BEDZ off_RP for_IN abou
t_RB five_CD minutes_NNS in_IN houses_NNS along_IN Smith_NP-TL Street_NN-TL as_Q
L far_RB away_RB as_CS Fruit_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL Avenue_NN-TL shortly_RB before_IN
5_CD p.m._RB when_WRB the_AT accident_NN occurred_VBD ._. The_AT fight_NN over_I
N the_AT Warwick_NP-TL School_NN-TL Committee's_NN$-TL appointment_NN of_IN a_AT
coordinator_NN of_IN audio-visual_JJ education_NN may_MD go_VB to_IN the_AT sta
te_NN Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL ,_, it_PPS appeared_VBD last_AP night_NN ._. Two
_CD members_NNS of_IN the_AT Democratic-endorsed_JJ majority_NN on_IN the_AT sch
ool_NN board_NN said_VBD they_PPSS probably_RB would_MD vote_VB to_TO appeal_VB
a_AT ruling_NN by_IN the_AT state_NN Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Education_NN-TL ,_, wh
ich_WDT said_VBD yesterday_NR that_CS the_AT school_NN committee_NN acted_VBD im
properly_RB in_IN its_PP$ appointment_NN of_IN the_AT coordinator_NN ,_, Francis
_NP P._NP Nolan_NP 3rd_OD-TL ,_, the_AT Democratic-endorsed_JJ committee_NN chai
rman_NN ,_, could_MD not_* be_BE reached_VBN for_IN comment_NN ._. In_IN its_PP$
ruling_NN ,_, the_AT state_NN Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Education_NN-TL upheld_VBD D
r._NN-TL Michael_NP F._NP Walsh_NP ,_, state_NN commissioner_NN of_IN education_
NN ,_, who_WPS had_HVD ruled_VBN previously_RB that_CS the_AT Warwick_NP board_N
N erred_VBD when_WRB it_PPS named_VBD Maurice_NP F._NP Tougas_NP as_CS coordinat
or_NN of_IN audio-visual_JJ education_NN without_IN first_RB finding_VBG that_CS
the_AT school_NN superintendent's_NN$ candidate_NN was_BEDZ not_* suitable_JJ .
_. Supt._NN-TL Clarence_NP S._NP Taylor_NP had_HVD recommended_VBN Roger_NP I._N
P Vermeersch_NP for_IN the_AT post_NN ._. Milton_NP and_CC Rosella_NP Lovett_NP
of_IN Cranston_NP were_BED awarded_VBN $55,000_NNS damages_NNS from_IN the_AT st
ate_NN in_IN Superior_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL yesterday_NR for_IN industrial_JJ proper
ty_NN which_WDT they_PPSS owned_VBD at_IN 83_CD-TL Atwells_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_,
Providence_NP ,_, and_CC which_WDT was_BEDZ condemned_VBN for_IN use_NN in_IN co
nstruction_NN of_IN Interstate_JJ-TL Route_NN-TL 95_CD-TL ._. The_AT award_NN wa
s_BEDZ made_VBN by_IN Judge_NN-TL Fred_NP B._NP Perkins_NP who_WPS heard_VBD the
ir_PP$ petition_NN without_IN a_AT jury_NN by_IN agreement_NN of_IN the_AT parti
es_NNS ._. The_AT award_NN ,_, without_IN interest_NN ,_, compared_VBD with_IN a
_AT valuation_NN of_IN $57,500_NNS placed_VBN on_IN the_AT property_NN by_IN the
_AT property_NN owners'_NNS$ real_JJ estate_NN expert_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT valuati
on_NN of_IN $52,500_NNS placed_VBN on_IN it_PPO by_IN the_AT state's_NN$ expert_
NN ._. The_AT property_NN included_VBD a_AT one-story_JJ brick_NN manufacturing_
VBG building_NN on_IN 8,293_CD square_NN feet_NNS of_IN land_NN ._. Saul_NP Hodo
sh_NP represented_VBD the_AT owners_NNS ._. Atty._NN-TL Gen._JJ-TL J._NP Joseph_
NP Nugent_NP appeared_VBD for_IN the_AT state_NN ._. Santa's_NP$ lieutenants_NNS
in_IN charge_NN of_IN the_AT Journal-Bulletin_NP Santa_NP Claus_NP Fund_NN-TL a
re_BER looking_VBG for_IN the_AT usual_JJ generous_JJ response_NN this_DT year_N
N from_IN Cranston_NP residents_NNS ._. Persons_NNS who_WPS find_VB it_PPO conve
nient_JJ may_MD send_VB their_PP$ contributions_NNS to_IN the_AT Journal-Bulleti
n's_NP$ Cranston_NP office_NN at_IN 823_CD-TL Park_NN-TL Avenue_NN-TL ._. All_AB
N contributed_VBN will_MD be_BE acknowledged_VBN ._. The_AT fund's_NN$ statewide
_JJ quota_NN this_DT year_NN is_BEZ $8,250_NNS to_TO provide_VB Christmas_NP gif
ts_NNS for_IN needy_JJ youngsters_NNS ._. Scores_NNS of_IN Cranston_NP children_
NNS will_MD be_BE remembered_VBN ._. Cranston_NP residents_NNS have_HV been_BEN
generous_JJ contributors_NNS to_IN the_AT fund_NN over_IN the_AT years_NNS ._. P
ublic_JJ school_NN children_NNS have_HV adopted_VBN the_AT fund_NN as_CS one_CD
of_IN their_PP$ favorite_JJ Christmas_NP charities_NNS and_CC their_PP$ pennies_
NNS ,_, nickels_NNS ,_, dimes_NNS and_CC quarters_NNS aid_VB greatly_RB in_IN he
lping_VBG Santa_NP to_TO reach_VB the_AT fund's_NN$ goal_NN ._. Bernard_NP Parri
llo_NP ,_, 20_CD ,_, of_IN 19_CD-TL Fletcher_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, Cranston_NP ,_
, was_BEDZ admitted_VBN to_IN Roger_NP Williams_NP Hospital_NN-TL shortly_RB bef
ore_IN 11:30_CD a.m._RB yesterday_NR after_IN a_AT hunting_VBG accident_NN in_IN
which_WDT a_AT shotgun_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ carrying_VBG discharged_VBD against_I
N his_PP$ heel_NN ._. Mr._NP Parrillo_NP was_BEDZ given_VBN first_OD aid_NN at_I
N Johnston_NP-TL Hose_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ._. (_( Thornton_NP )_) where_WRB he_PPS had
_HVD been_BEN driven_VBN by_IN a_AT companion_NN ._. The_AT two_CD had_HVD been_
BEN hunting_VBG in_IN the_AT Simmonsville_NP area_NN of_IN town_NN and_CC Mr._NP
Parrillo_NP dropped_VBD the_AT gun_NN which_WDT fired_VBD as_CS it_PPS struck_V
BD the_AT ground_NN ._. Hospital_NN officials_NNS said_VBD the_AT injury_NN was_
BEDZ severe_JJ but_CC the_AT youth_NN was_BEDZ in_IN good_JJ condition_NN last_A
P night_NN ._. A_AT check_NN for_IN $4,177.37_NNS representing_VBG the_AT last_A
P payment_NN of_IN a_AT $50,000_NNS federal_JJ grant_NN to_IN Rhode_NP-TL Island
_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL was_BEDZ presented_VBN to_IN the_AT hospital_NN administra
tor_NN ,_, Oliver_NP G._NP Pratt_NP ,_, yesterday_NR by_IN Governor_NN-TL Notte_
NP ._. The_AT hospital_NN has_HVZ used_VBN the_AT money_NN to_TO assist_VB in_IN
alterations_NNS on_IN the_AT fifth_OD floor_NN of_IN the_AT Jane_NP-TL Brown_NP
-TL Hospital_NN-TL ,_, part_NN of_IN Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL ._.
The_AT work_NN added_VBD eight_CD beds_NNS to_IN the_AT hospital_NN ,_, giving_
VBG it_PPO a_AT total_NN capacity_NN of_IN 646_CD general_JJ beds_NNS ._. Vincen
t_NP Sorrentino_NP ,_, founder_NN and_CC board_NN chairman_NN of_IN the_AT Uncas
_NP-TL Mfg._NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN designated_VBN a_AT Cavaliere_F
W-NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Order_NN-TL of_IN-TL Merit_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL R
epublic_NN-TL of_IN-TL Italy_NP ._. The_AT decoration_NN will_MD be_BE presented
_VBN by_IN A._NP Trichieri_NP ,_, Italian_JJ consul_NN general_NN in_IN Boston_N
P ,_, at_IN a_AT ceremony_NN at_IN 30_CD p.m._RB on_IN Dec._NP 7_CD at_IN the_AT
plant_NN ,_, which_WDT this_DT year_NN is_BEZ celebrating_VBG its_PP$ golden_JJ
anniversary_NN ._. About_RB 500_CD employes_NNS of_IN the_AT firm_NN will_MD be
_BE on_IN hand_NN to_TO witness_VB bestowal_NN of_IN the_AT honor_NN upon_IN Mr.
_NP Sorrentino_NP ._. Mr._NP Sorrentino_NP will_MD be_BE honored_VBN on_IN the_A
T evening_NN of_IN Dec._NP 7_CD at_IN a_AT dinner_NN to_TO be_BE given_VBN by_IN
the_AT Aurora_NP-TL Club_NN-TL at_IN the_AT Sheraton-Biltmore_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL
._. The_AT Newport-based_JJ destroyer_NN picket_NN escort_NN Kretchmer_NP has_H
VZ arrived_VBN back_RB at_IN Newport_NP after_IN three_CD months'_NNS$ patrol_NN
in_IN North_JJ-TL Atlantic_NP-TL waters_NNS marked_VBN by_IN mercy_NN jobs_NNS
afloat_RB and_CC ashore_RB ._. On_IN Sept._NP 6_CD ,_, the_AT Kretchmer_NP rescu
ed_VBD the_AT crew_NN of_IN a_AT trawler_NN they_PPSS found_VBD drifting_VBG on_
IN a_AT life_NN raft_NN after_CS they_PPSS had_HVD abandoned_VBN a_AT sinking_VB
G ship_NN ._. In_IN August_NP while_CS stopping_VBG in_IN Greenock_NP ,_, Scotla
nd_NP ,_, three_CD members_NNS of_IN the_AT crew_NN on_IN liberty_NN rendered_VB
D first_OD aid_NN to_IN a_AT girl_NN who_WPS fell_VBD from_IN a_AT train_NN ._.
Local_JJ authorities_NNS credited_VBD the_AT men_NNS with_IN saving_VBG the_AT g
irl's_NN$ life_NN ._. Birmingham_NP-HL ,_,-HL Ala._NP-HL --_-- (_( AP_NP )_) --_
-- The_AT FBI_NN yesterday_NR arrested_VBD on_IN a_AT perjury_NN charge_NN one_C
D of_IN the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT jury_NN that_WPS failed_VBD to_TO reach_
VB a_AT verdict_NN in_IN the_AT ``_`` Freedom_NN-TL Rider_NN-TL ''_'' bus_NN bur
ning_VBG trial_NN four_CD weeks_NNS ago_RB ._. U.S._NP-TL Attorney_NN-TL Macon_N
P-TL Weaver_NP said_VBD the_AT federal_JJ complaint_NN ,_, charged_VBD that_CS t
he_AT juror_NN gave_VBD false_JJ information_NN when_WRB asked_VBN about_IN Ku_N
P Klux_NP Klan_NP membership_NN during_IN selection_NN of_IN jury_NN ._. He_PPS
identified_VBD the_AT man_NN as_CS Lewis_NP Martin_NP Parker_NP ,_, 59_CD ,_, a_
AT farmer_NN of_IN Hartselle_NP ,_, Ala._NP ._. Eight_CD men_NNS were_BED tried_
VBN together_RB in_IN U.S._NP-TL District_NN-TL Court_NN-TL in_IN Anniston_NP ,_
, Ala._NP ,_, on_IN charges_NNS of_IN interfering_VBG with_IN interstate_JJ tran
sportation_NN and_CC conspiracy_NN growing_VBG out_IN of_IN a_AT white_JJ mob's_
NN$ attack_NN on_IN a_AT Greyhound_NP bus_NN carrying_VBG the_AT first_OD of_IN
the_AT Freedom_NN-TL Riders_NNS-TL ._. The_AT bus_NN was_BEDZ burned_VBN outside
_IN Anniston_NP ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT eight_CD defendants_NNS was_BEDZ freed_V
BN on_IN a_AT directed_VBN verdict_NN of_IN acquittal_NN ._. A_AT mistrial_NN wa
s_BEDZ declared_VBN in_IN the_AT case_NN against_IN the_AT other_AP seven_CD whe
n_WRB the_AT jury_NN was_BEDZ unable_JJ to_TO agree_VB on_IN a_AT verdict_NN ._.
The_AT arrest_NN of_IN Mr._NP Parker_NP marks_VBZ the_AT third_OD charge_NN of_
IN wrongdoing_NN involving_VBG the_AT jury_NN that_WPS heard_VBD the_AT case_NN
._. The_AT first_OD incident_NN occurred_VBD before_IN the_AT trial_NN got_VBD u
nder_RB way_NN when_WRB Judge_NN-TL H._NP Hobart_NP Grooms_NP told_VBD the_AT ju
ry_NN panel_NN he_PPS had_HVD heard_VBN reports_NNS of_IN jury-tampering_NN effo
rts_NNS ._. He_PPS asked_VBD members_NNS of_IN the_AT panel_NN to_TO tell_VB him
_PPO if_CS anyone_PN outside_IN the_AT court_NN had_HVD spoken_VBN to_IN them_PP
O about_IN the_AT case_NN ._. Two_CD members_NNS of_IN the_AT panel_NN later_RBR
told_VBD in_IN court_NN about_IN receiving_VBG telephone_NN calls_NNS at_IN the
ir_PP$ homes_NNS from_IN anonymous_JJ persons_NNS expressing_VBG interest_NN in_
IN the_AT trial_NN ._. Neither_DTX was_BEDZ seated_VBN on_IN the_AT jury_NN ._.
Then_RB ,_, when_WRB the_AT case_NN went_VBD to_IN the_AT jury_NN ,_, the_AT jud
ge_NN excused_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT jurors_NNS ,_, saying_VBG the_AT juror_NN
had_HVD told_VBN him_PPO he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN accosted_VBN by_IN masked_VBN m
en_NNS at_IN his_PP$ motel_NN the_AT night_NN before_CS the_AT trial_NN opened_V
BD ._. The_AT juror_NN said_VBD the_AT masked_VBN men_NNS had_HVD advised_VBN hi
m_PPO to_TO be_BE lenient_JJ ._. The_AT judge_NN replaced_VBD the_AT juror_NN wi
th_IN an_AT alternate_NN ._. No_AT formal_JJ charges_NNS have_HV been_BEN filed_
VBN as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN either_DTX of_IN the_AT two_CD reported_VBN incid
ents_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT opening_NN of_IN the_AT trial_NN ,_, the_AT jury_NN pa
nel_NN was_BEDZ questioned_VBN as_CS a_AT group_NN by_IN Mr._NP Weaver_NP about_
IN Ku_NP Klux_NP Klan_NP connections_NNS ._. One_CD member_NN of_IN the_AT panel
_NN --_-- not_* Mr._NP Parker_NP --_-- indicated_VBD he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN a_A
T member_NN of_IN the_AT KKK_NN at_IN one_CD time_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ not_* s
eated_VBN on_IN the_AT jury_NN ._. The_AT perjury_NN charge_NN against_IN Mr._NP
Parker_NP carries_VBZ a_AT maximum_JJ penalty_NN of_IN $2,000_NNS fine_NN and_C
C five_CD years_NNS imprisonment_NN on_IN conviction_NN ._. New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL
--_-- (_( UPI_NP )_) --_-- The_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL University_NN-TL Board_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Trustees_NNS-TL has_HVZ elected_VBN the_AT youngest_JJT president_
NN in_IN the_AT 130-year_JJ history_NN of_IN NYU_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ announce
d_VBN yesterday_NR ._. The_AT new_JJ president_NN is_BEZ 37-year-old_JJ Dr._NN-T
L James_NP McN._NP Hester_NP ,_, currently_RB dean_NN of_IN the_AT NYU_NN Gradua
te_NN-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Arts_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Sciences_NNS-TL ._. He_PPS
will_MD take_VB over_RP his_PP$ new_JJ post_NN Jan._NP 1_CD ._. Dr._NN-TL Hester
_NP ,_, also_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT youngest_JJT men_NNS ever_RB to_TO head_VB a
_AT major_JJ American_JJ university_NN ,_, succeeds_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Carroll_NP V._
NP Newsom_NP who_WPS resigned_VBD last_AP September_NP to_TO join_VB Prentice-Ha
ll_NP-TL Inc._VBN-TL publishing_VBG firm_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Hester_NP ,_, of_IN Pr
inceton_NP ,_, N.J._NP ,_, is_BEZ a_AT native_NN of_IN Chester_NP ,_, Pa._NP He_
PPS joined_VBD NYU_NN in_IN September_NP ,_, 1960_CD ._. Prior_RB to_IN that_DT
he_PPS was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN Long_JJ-TL Island_NN-TL University_NN-TL
in_IN Brooklyn_NP ._. Asilomar_NP-HL ,_,-HL March_NP-HL 26_CD-HL Vast_JJ sprayin
g_VBG programs_NNS conducted_VBN by_IN ``_`` technicians_NNS with_IN narrow_JJ t
raining_NN and_CC little_AP wisdom_NN ''_'' are_BER endangering_VBG crops_NNS an
d_CC wildlife_NN ,_, Carl_NP W._NP Buchheister_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT
National_JJ-TL Audubon_NP-TL Society_NN-TL ,_, said_VBD today_NR ._. ``_`` It_PP
S is_BEZ like_CS handing_VBG a_AT loaded_VBN automatic_JJ to_IN an_AT 8-year-old
_JJ and_CC telling_VBG him_PPO to_TO run_VB out_RP and_CC play_VB ''_'' ,_, he_P
PS commented_VBD ._. Buchheister_NP told_VBD delegates_NNS to_IN the_AT West_JJ-
TL Coast_NN-TL Audubon_NP-TL Convention_NN-TL that_CS aerial_JJ spraying_NN in_I
N Louisiana_NP failed_VBD to_TO destroy_VB its_PP$ target_NN ,_, the_AT fire_NN
ant_NN ._. ``_`` But_CC it_PPS did_DOD destroy_VB the_AT natural_JJ controls_NNS
of_IN a_AT borer_NN and_CC released_VBD a_AT new_JJ plague_NN that_WPS wrecked_
VBD a_AT sugar_NN cane_NN crop_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. The_AT conservat
ion_NN leader_NN said_VBD other_AP mistakes_NNS in_IN spraying_VBG had_HVD cause
d_VBN serious_JJ damage_NN in_IN Ohio_NP and_CC Wyoming_NP ._. There_EX have_HV
even_RB been_BEN serious_JJ errors_NNS in_IN the_AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Forest_NN-
TL Service_NN-TL ,_, whose_WP$ officials_NNS pride_VB themselves_PPLS in_IN thei
r_PP$ scientific_JJ training_NN ,_, he_PPS added_VBD ._. ``_`` The_AT news_NN of
_IN their_PP$ experiments_NNS reaches_VBZ the_AT farmers_NNS who_WPS ,_, forgett
ing_VBG that_CS birds_NNS are_BER the_AT most_QL efficient_JJ natural_JJ enemies
_NNS of_IN insects_NNS and_CC rodents_NNS ,_, are_BER encouraged_VBN to_TO try_V
B to_TO get_VB rid_JJ of_IN all_ABN birds_NNS that_WPS occasionally_RB peck_VB t
heir_PP$ grapes_NNS or_CC their_PP$ blueberries_NNS ''_'' ,_, Buchheister_NP tol
d_VBD the_AT delegates_NNS ._. In_IN addition_NN to_TO urging_VBG greater_JJR re
strictions_NNS on_IN aerial_JJ spraying_NN ,_, Buchheister_NP called_VBD for_IN
support_NN of_IN the_AT Wilderness_NN-TL bill_NN ,_, creation_NN of_IN national_
JJ seashore_NN parks_NNS ,_, including_IN Point_NN-TL Reyes_NP-TL ;_. ;_. preser
vation_NN of_IN the_AT wetlands_NNS where_WRB birds_NNS breed_VB ;_. ;_. a_AT pe
sticides_NNS co-ordination_NN act_NN ;_. ;_. stronger_JJR water_NN pollution_NN
control_NN programs_NNS ,_, and_CC Federal_JJ-TL ratification_NN of_IN an_AT int
ernational_JJ convention_NN to_TO halt_VB pollution_NN of_IN the_AT sea_NN by_IN
oil_NN ._. The_AT Reed_NP Rogers_NP Da_NP Fonta_NP Wild_JJ-TL Life_NN-TL Sanctu
ary_NN-TL in_IN Marin_NP county_NN on_IN Friday_NR officially_RB became_VBD the_
AT property_NN of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Audubon_NP-TL Society_NN-TL ._. Mrs._
NP Norman_NP Livermore_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT Marin_NP-TL Conservation
_NN-TL League_NN-TL ,_, handed_VBD over_RP the_AT deed_NN to_IN the_AT 645-acre_
JJ tidelands_NNS tract_NN south_NR of_IN Greenwood_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL to_IN Carl_
NP W._NP Buchheister_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT Society_NN-TL ._. The_AT p
resentation_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN before_IN several_AP hundred_CD persons_NNS at_
IN the_AT annual_JJ meeting_NN of_IN the_AT League_NN-TL at_IN Olney_NP-TL Hall_
NN-TL ,_, College_NN-TL of_IN-TL Marin_NP-TL ,_, Kentfield_NP ._. Buchheister_NP
pledged_VBD the_AT land_NN would_MD be_BE an_AT ``_`` inviolate_JJ ''_'' sanctu
ary_NN for_IN all_ABN birds_NNS ,_, animals_NNS and_CC plants_NNS ._. Seventeen_
CD years_NNS ago_RB today_NR ,_, German_JJ scientist_NN Willy_NP Fiedler_NP clim
bed_VBD into_IN a_AT makeshift_JJ cockpit_NN installed_VBN in_IN a_AT V-1_NN roc
ket-bomb_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ attached_VBN to_IN the_AT underbelly_NN of_IN a_AT
Heinkel_NP bomber_NN ._. The_AT World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, German_JJ bom
ber_NN rolled_VBD down_IN a_AT runway_NN and_CC took_VBD off_RP ._. The_AT only_
AP way_NN Fiedler_NP could_MD get_VB back_RB to_IN earth_NN alive_JJ was_BEDZ to
_TO fly_VB the_AT pulse_NN jet_NN missile_NN and_CC land_VB it_PPO on_IN the_AT
airstrip_NN ._. This_DT had_HVD never_RB been_BEN done_VBN before_RB ._. Now_RB
a_AT quiet-spoken_JJ ,_, middle-aged_JJ man_NN ,_, Fiedler_NP is_BEZ an_AT aeron
autical_JJ engineer_NN for_IN Lockheed's_NP$ Missiles_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Space_NN-
TL Division_NN-TL at_IN Sunnyvale_NP ,_, where_WRB he_PPS played_VBD a_AT key_NN
role_NN in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN the_AT Navy's_NN$-TL Polaris_NP missi
le_NN ._. He_PPS sat_VBD in_IN his_PP$ office_NN yesterday_NR and_CC recalled_VB
D that_DT historic_JJ flight_NN in_IN 1944_CD ._. ``_`` The_AT first_OD two_CD p
ilots_NNS had_HVD crashed_VBN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS had_HVD
developed_VBN the_AT machines_NNS and_CC therefore_RB knew_VBD them_PPO ._. It_
PPS was_BEDZ time_NN to_TO go_VB up_RP myself_PPL ''_'' ._. Fiedler_NP was_BEDZ
then_RB technical_JJ director_NN of_IN Hitler's_NP$ super-secret_JJ ``_`` Reiche
nberg_NP project_NN ''_'' ,_, which_WDT remained_VBD unknown_JJ to_IN the_AT All
ies_NNS-TL until_IN after_IN the_AT war_NN ._. About_RB 200_CD of_IN the_AT spec
ial_JJ V-1_NN rocket-bombs_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE made_VBN ready_JJ for_IN man
ned_VBN flight_NN with_IN an_AT explosive_JJ warhead_NN ._. The_AT target_NN was
_BEDZ Allied_VBN-TL shipping_NN --_-- a_AT desperate_JJ effort_NN to_TO stave_VB
off_RP the_AT Allied_VBN-TL invasion_NN of_IN Europe_NP ._. The_AT success_NN o
f_IN the_AT project_NN depended_VBD upon_IN Fiedler's_NP$ flight_NN ._. Squeezed
_VBN into_IN the_AT few_AP cubic_JJ feet_NNS normally_RB filled_VBN by_IN the_AT
rocket's_NN$ automatic_JJ guidance_NN mechanism_NN ,_, the_AT scientist_NN wait
ed_VBD while_CS the_AT bomber_NN gained_VBD altitude_NN ._. At_IN 12,000_CD feet
_NNS ,_, Fiedler_NP signaled_VBD ``_`` release_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC started_VBD t
he_AT roaring_VBG pulse-jet_NN engine_NN --_-- then_RB streaked_VBD away_RB from
_IN beneath_IN the_AT Heinkel_NP ._. To_IN the_AT German_NP pilot_NN in_IN the_A
T bomber_NN the_AT rocket_NN became_VBD a_AT faint_JJ black_JJ speck_NN ,_, hurt
ling_VBG through_IN the_AT sky_NN at_IN the_AT then_RB incredible_JJ speed_NN of
_IN 420_CD m.p.h._NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ probably_RB man's_NN$ first_OD success
ful_JJ flight_NN in_IN a_AT missile_NN ._. ``_`` She_PPS flew_VBD beautifully_RB
''_'' ,_, said_VBD Fiedler_NP ._. ``_`` There_EX was_BEDZ only_RB one_CD power_
NN control_NN --_-- a_AT valve_NN to_TO adjust_VB the_AT fuel_NN flow_NN ._. I_P
PSS had_HVD exactly_RB 20_CD minutes_NNS to_TO get_VB down_RP to_IN the_AT test_
NN strip_NN ''_'' ._. Using_VBG a_AT steering_VBG system_NN that_WPS controlled_
VBD the_AT modified_VBN rocket's_NN$ tail_NN surfaces_NNS and_CC wings_NNS equip
ped_VBN with_IN ailerons_NNS ,_, Fiedler_NP was_BEDZ to_TO land_VB the_AT missil
e_NN on_IN a_AT skid_NN especially_RB bolted_VBN under_IN the_AT fuselage_NN ._.
He_PPS managed_VBD to_TO maneuver_VB the_AT missile_NN to_IN a_AT landing_VBG s
peed_NN of_IN 200_CD m.p.h._NNS --_-- fast_JJ even_RB for_IN a_AT modern_JJ jet_
NN plane_NN touchdown_NN --_-- and_CC banked_VBD into_IN the_AT airfield_NN ._.
Moments_NNS later_RBR the_AT V-1_NN skimmed_VBD across_IN the_AT landing_VBG str
ip_NN ,_, edging_VBG closer_RBR and_CC closer_RBR to_IN a_AT touchdown_NN --_--
then_RB in_IN a_AT streamer_NN of_IN dust_NN it_PPS landed_VBD ._. Fiedler_NP we
nt_VBD on_RP to_TO make_VB several_AP other_AP test_NN flights_NNS before_CS Ger
man_NP pilots_NNS took_VBD over_RP the_AT Reichenberg_NP missiles_NNS ._. The_AT
missiles_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE armed_VBN with_IN an_AT underwater_JJ bomb_NN
._. Pilots_NNS would_MD steer_VB them_PPO in_IN a_AT suicide_NN dive_NN into_IN
the_AT water_NN ,_, striking_VBG below_IN the_AT waterline_NN of_IN individual_
JJ ships_NNS ._. A_AT crack_JJ corps_NN of_IN 50_CD pilots_NNS was_BEDZ formed_V
BN from_IN the_AT ranks_NNS of_IN volunteers_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT project_NN wa
s_BEDZ halted_VBN before_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT
missiles_NNS later_RBR fell_VBD into_IN Allied_VBN-TL hands_NNS ._. Now_RB a_AT
family_NN man_NN with_IN three_CD children_NNS ,_, Fiedler_NP lives_VBZ in_IN a_
AT quiet_JJ residential_JJ area_NN near_IN the_AT Lockheed_NP plant_NN at_IN Sun
nyvale_NP ._. His_PP$ spare_JJ time_NN is_BEZ spent_VBN in_IN soaring_VBG glider
s_NNS ._. ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ so_QL quiet_JJ ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_``
so_QL slow_JJ ,_, serene_JJ --_-- and_CC so_QL challenging_JJ ''_'' ._. John_NP
Di_NP Massimo_NP has_HVZ been_BEN elected_VBN president_NN of_IN the_AT 1961_CD
Columbus_NP-TL Day_NN-TL Celebration_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a
nnounced_VBN yesterday_NR ._. Other_AP officers_NNS are_BER Angelo_NP J._NP Scam
pini_NP ,_, vice_NN president_NN ,_, Joseph_NP V._NP Arata_NP ,_, treasurer_NN ,
_, and_CC Fred_NP J._NP Casassa_NP ,_, secretary_NN ._. Judge_NN-TL John_NP B._N
P Molinari_NP was_BEDZ named_VBN chairman_NN of_IN the_AT executive_NN committee
_NN ._. Elected_VBN to_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN directors_NNS were_BED :_: Elios
_NP P._NP Anderlini_NP ,_, Attilio_NP Beronio_NP ,_, Leo_NP M._NP Bianco_NP ,_,
Frederic_NP Campagnoli_NP ,_, Joseph_NP Cervetto_NP ,_, Armond_NP J._NP De_FW-IN
-TL Martini_NP ,_, Grace_NP Duhagon_NP ,_, John_NP P._NP Figone_NP ,_, John_NP P
._NP Figone_NP Jr._NP ,_, Stephen_NP Mana_NP ,_, John_NP Moscone_NP ,_, Calude_N
P Perasso_NP ,_, Angelo_NP Petrini_NP ,_, Frank_NP Ratto_NP ,_, and_CC George_NP
R._NP Reilly_NP ._. Dr._NN-TL Albert_NP Schweitzer_NP ,_, world-famous_JJ theol
ogian_NN and_CC medical_JJ missionary_NN ,_, has_HVZ endorsed_VBN an_AT Easter_N
P-TL March_NN-TL for_IN-TL Disarmament_NN-TL which_WDT begins_VBZ tomorrow_NR in
_IN Sunnyvale_NP ._. Members_NNS of_IN the_AT San_NP Francisco_NP American_JJ-TL
Friends_NNS-TL Service_NN-TL ,_, a_AT Quaker_NP organization_NN ,_, will_MD mar
ch_VB to_IN San_NP Francisco_NP for_IN a_AT rally_NN in_IN Union_NN-TL Square_NN
-TL at_IN 2_CD p.m._RB Saturday_NR ._. In_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN the_AT America
n_JJ-TL Friends_NNS-TL Service_NN-TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL Schweitzer_NP wrote_VBD :_: `
`_`` Leading_VBG Nations_NNS of_IN the_AT West_NR-TL and_CC of_IN the_AT East_NR
-TL keep_VB busy_JJ making_VBG newer_JJR nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS to_TO defend_VB
themselves_PPLS in_IN the_AT event_NN the_AT constantly_RB threatening_VBG nucle
ar_JJ war_NN should_MD break_VB out_RP ._. ``_`` They_PPSS cannot_MD* do_DO othe
rwise_RB than_CS live_VB in_IN dread_NN of_IN each_DT other_AP since_CS these_DT
S weapons_NNS imply_VB the_AT possibility_NN of_IN such_JJ grisly_JJ surprise_NN
attack_NN ._. The_AT only_AP way_NN out_IN of_IN this_DT state_NN of_IN affairs
_NNS is_BEZ agreement_NN to_TO abolish_VB nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ;_. ;_. otherwi
se_RB no_AT peace_NN is_BEZ possible_JJ ._. ``_`` Governments_NNS apparently_RB
do_DO not_* feel_VB obligated_VBN to_TO make_VB the_AT people_NNS adequately_RB
aware_JJ of_IN this_DT danger_NN ;_. ;_. therefore_RB we_PPSS need_VB guardians_
NNS to_TO demonstrate_VB against_IN the_AT ghastly_JJ stupidity_NN of_IN nuclear
_JJ weapons_NNS and_CC jolt_VB the_AT people_NNS out_IN of_IN their_PP$ complace
ncy_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT federal_JJ grand_JJ jury_NN called_VBD 10_CD witnesses_NNS
yesterday_NR in_IN an_AT investigation_NN of_IN the_AT affairs_NNS of_IN Ben_NP
Stein_NP ,_, 47_CD ,_, who_WPS collected_VBD big_JJ fees_NNS as_CS a_AT ``_`` l
abor_NN consultant_NN ''_'' and_CC operator_NN of_IN a_AT janitors'_NNS$ service
_NN ._. Before_CS he_PPS testified_VBD for_IN 20_CD minutes_NNS ,_, Stein_NP ,_,
who_WPS lives_VBZ at_IN 3300_CD-TL Lake_NN-TL Shore_NN-TL Dr._NN-TL ,_, admitte
d_VBD to_IN reporters_NNS that_CS he_PPS had_HVD a_AT wide_JJ acquaintance_NN wi
th_IN crime_NN syndicate_NN hoodlums_NNS ._. Glimco_NP-HL a_AT-HL buddy_NN-HL Am
ong_IN his_PP$ gangland_NN buddies_NNS ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, were_BED Joseph_N
P (_( Joey_NP )_) Glimco_NP ,_, a_AT mob_NN labor_NN racketeer_NN ,_, and_CC fou
r_CD gang_NN gambling_VBG chiefs_NNS ,_, Gus_NP (_( Slim_NP )_) Alex_NP ,_, Ralp
h_NP Pierce_NP ,_, Joe_NP (_( Caesar_NP )_) DiVarco_NP ,_, and_CC Jimmy_NP (_( M
onk_NP )_) Allegretti_NP ._. Another_DT hoodlum_NN ,_, Louis_NP Arger_NP ,_, dre
w_VBD $39,000_NNS from_IN Stein's_NP$ janitor_NN firm_NN ,_, the_AT National_JJ-
TL Maintenance_NN-TL company_NN ,_, in_IN three_CD years_NNS ending_VBG in_IN 19
59_CD ,_, Stein_NP disclosed_VBD in_IN an_AT interview_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS put_V
BD Arger_NP on_IN the_AT payroll_NN because_CS he_PPS promised_VBD to_TO get_VB
my_PP$ firm_NN the_AT stevedore_NN account_NN at_IN Navy_NN-TL pier_NN ''_'' ,_,
Stein_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` But_CC Arger_NP never_RB was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO pro
duce_VB it_PPO ,_, so_CS I_PPSS cut_VBD him_PPO off_IN my_PP$ payroll_NN ''_'' .
_. Connection_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL sought_VBN-HL Other_AP witnesses_NNS ,_, after_IN
appearances_NNS before_IN the_AT jury_NN ,_, which_WDT reportedly_RB is_BEZ prob
ing_VBG into_IN possible_JJ income_NN tax_NN violations_NNS ,_, disclosed_VBD th
at_CS government_NN prosecutors_NNS were_BED attempting_VBG to_TO connect_VB Ste
in_NP and_CC his_PP$ company_NN with_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN gangsters_NNS ,_, i
ncluding_IN Glimco_NP and_CC Alex_NP ._. The_AT federal_JJ lawyers_NNS ,_, accor
ding_IN to_IN their_PP$ witnesses_NNS ,_, also_RB were_BED tracing_VBG Stein's_N
P$ fees_NNS as_CS a_AT labor_NN consultant_NN ._. Under_IN scrutiny_NN ,_, two_C
D of_IN the_AT witnesses_NNS said_VBD ,_, were_BED payments_NNS and_CC loans_NNS
to_IN Stein's_NP$ National_JJ-TL Maintenance_NN-TL company_NN at_IN 543_CD-TL M
adison_NP-TL St._NN-TL ._. The_AT company_NN supplies_VBZ janitors_NNS and_CC wo
rkmen_NNS for_IN McCormick_NP Place_NN-TL and_CC factories_NNS ,_, liquor_NN fir
ms_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP businesses_NNS ._. Lee_NP-HL a_AT-HL witness_NN-HL Am
ong_IN the_AT witnesses_NNS were_BED Ed_NP J._NP Lee_NP ,_, director_NN of_IN Mc
Cormick_NP Place_NN-TL ;_. ;_. Jerome_NP Leavitt_NP ,_, a_AT partner_NN in_IN th
e_AT Union_NN-TL Liquor_NN-TL company_NN ,_, 3247_CD-TL S._JJ-TL Kedzie_NP-TL Av
._NN-TL ,_, Dominic_NP Senese_NP ,_, a_AT teamster_NN union_NN slugger_NN who_WP
S is_BEZ a_AT buddy_NN of_IN Stein_NP and_CC a_AT cousin_NN of_IN Tony_NP Accard
o_NP ,_, onetime_JJ gang_NN chief_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC Frank_NP W._NP Pesce_NP ,_,
operator_NN of_IN a_AT Glimco_NP dominated_VBN deodorant_NN firm_NN ,_, the_AT B
est_NP-TL Sanitation_NN-TL and_CC-TL Supply_NN-TL company_NN ,_, 1215_CD-TL Blue
_JJ-TL Island_NN-TL Av._NN-TL ._. Lee_NP said_VBD he_PPS had_HVD told_VBN the_AT
jury_NN that_CS he_PPS made_VBD an_AT agreement_NN in_IN April_NP with_IN Stein
_NP to_TO supply_VB and_CC supervise_VB janitors_NNS in_IN McCormick_NP Place_NN
-TL ._. Stein's_NP$ fee_NN ,_, Lee_NP said_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ 10_CD per_IN cent_NN
of_IN the_AT janitors'_NNS$ pay_NN ._. Stein_NP estimated_VBD this_DT amount_VB
at_IN ``_`` about_RB $1,500_NNS or_CC $1,600_NNS a_AT month_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT-H
L $12,500_NNS-HL payment_NN-HL Leavitt_NP ,_, as_CS he_PPS entered_VBD the_AT ju
ry_NN room_NN ,_, said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ prepared_VBN to_TO answer_VB question
s_NNS about_IN the_AT $12,500_NNS his_PP$ liquor_NN firm_NN paid_VBD to_IN Stein
_NP for_IN ``_`` labor_NN consultant_NN work_NN ''_'' with_IN five_CD unions_NNS
which_WDT organized_VBD Leavitt's_NP$ workers_NNS ._. Leavitt_NP identified_VBD
the_AT unions_NNS as_CS a_AT warehouseman's_NN$ local_NN ,_, the_AT teamsters_N
NS union_NN ,_, a_AT salesman's_NN$ union_NN ,_, the_AT janitors'_NNS$ union_NN
,_, and_CC a_AT bottling_VBG workers'_NNS$ union_NN ._. Government_NN attorneys_
NNS ,_, Leavitt_NP said_VBD ,_, have_HV questioned_VBN him_PPO closely_RB about_
IN ``_`` five_CD or_CC six_CD loans_NNS ''_'' totaling_VBG about_RB $40,000_NNS
which_WDT the_AT liquor_NN company_NN made_VBD to_IN Stein_NP in_IN the_AT last_
AP year_NN ._. All_ABN of_IN the_AT loans_NNS ,_, in_IN amounts_NNS up_IN to_IN
$5,000_NNS each_DT ,_, have_HV been_BEN repaid_VBN by_IN Stein_NP ,_, according_
IN to_IN Leavitt_NP ._. Stein_NP said_VBD he_PPS needed_VBD the_AT money_NN ,_,
Leavitt_NP said_VBD ,_, to_TO ``_`` meet_VB the_AT payroll_NN ''_'' at_IN Nation
al_JJ-TL Maintenance_NN-TL company_NN ._. The_AT deodorant_NN firm_NN run_VBN by
_IN Pesce_NP has_HVZ offices_NNS in_IN the_AT headquarters_NNS of_IN Glimco's_NP
$ discredited_VBN taxi_NN drivers'_NNS$ union_NN at_IN 1213-15_CD-TL Blue_JJ-TL
Island_NN-TL Av._NN-TL ._. The_AT radiation_NN station_NN of_IN the_AT Chicago_N
P board_NN of_IN health_NN recorded_VBD a_AT reading_NN of_IN 1_CD micro-microcu
rie_NN of_IN radiation_NN per_IN cubic_JJ meter_NN of_IN air_NN over_IN Chicago_
NP yesterday_NR ._. The_AT reading_NN ,_, which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN watched_VBN
with_IN interest_NN since_CS Russia's_NP$ detonation_NN of_IN a_AT super_JJ bom
b_NN Monday_NR ,_, was_BEDZ 4_CD on_IN Tuesday_NR and_CC 7_CD last_AP Saturday_N
R ,_, a_AT level_NN far_QL below_IN the_AT danger_NN point_NN ,_, according_IN t
o_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN health_NN ._. The_AT weather_NN bureau_NN has_HVZ est
imated_VBN that_CS radioactive_JJ fallout_NN from_IN the_AT test_NN might_MD arr
ive_VB here_RB next_AP week_NN ._. A_AT board_NN of_IN health_NN spokesman_NN sa
id_VBD there_EX is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN to_TO believe_VB that_CS an_AT increase_N
N in_IN the_AT level_NN here_RB will_MD occur_VB as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_
AT detonation_NN ._. Curtis_NP Allen_NP Huff_NP ,_, 41_CD ,_, of_IN 1630_CD-TL L
ake_NN-TL Av._NN-TL ,_, Wilmette_NP ,_, was_BEDZ arrested_VBN yesterday_NR on_IN
a_AT suppressed_VBN federal_JJ warrant_NN charging_VBG him_PPO with_IN embezzli
ng_VBG an_AT undetermined_JJ amount_VB of_IN money_NN from_IN the_AT First_OD-TL
Federal_JJ-TL Savings_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Loan_NN-TL association_NN ,_, 1_CD-TL S.
_JJ-TL Dearborn_NP-TL St._NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS formerly_RB was_BEDZ employ
ed_VBN as_CS an_AT attorney_NN ._. Federal_JJ prosecutors_NNS estimated_VBD that
_CS the_AT amount_NN may_MD total_VB $20,000_NNS ,_, altho_CS a_AT spokesman_NN
for_IN the_AT association_NN estimated_VBD its_PP$ loss_NN at_IN approximately_R
B $10,000_NNS ._. Lien_NN-HL payments_NNS-HL involved_VBN-HL Huff's_NP$ attorney
_NN ,_, Antone_NP F._NP Gregorio_NP ,_, quoted_VBD his_PP$ client_NN as_CS sayin
g_VBG that_CS part_NN of_IN the_AT embezzlement_NN represented_VBD money_NN paid
_VBN to_IN Huff_NP ,_, as_CS attorney_NN for_IN the_AT loan_NN association_NN ,_
, in_IN satisfaction_NN of_IN mechanic's_NN$ liens_NNS on_IN property_NN on_IN w
hich_WDT the_AT association_NN held_VBD mortgages_NNS ._. Huff_NP told_VBD Grego
rio_NP that_CS he_PPS took_VBD the_AT money_NN to_TO pay_VB ``_`` the_AT ordinar
y_JJ bills_NNS and_CC expenses_NNS of_IN suburban_JJ living_NN ''_'' ._. Huff_NP
,_, who_WPS received_VBD a_AT salary_NN of_IN $109_NNS a_AT week_NN from_IN the
_AT loan_NN association_NN from_IN October_NP of_IN 1955_CD until_IN September_N
P of_IN this_DT year_NN ,_, said_VBD that_CS his_PP$ private_JJ practice_NN was_
BEDZ not_* lucrative_JJ ._. Huff_NP lives_VBZ with_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, Sue_NP
,_, and_CC their_PP$ four_CD children_NNS ,_, 6_CD to_IN 10_CD years_NNS old_JJ
,_, in_IN a_AT $25,000_NNS home_NN with_IN a_AT $17,000_NNS mortgage_NN ._. Cha
rge_NN-HL lists_VBZ-HL 3_CD-HL checks_NNS-HL The_AT complaint_NN on_IN which_WDT
the_AT warrant_NN was_BEDZ issued_VBN was_BEDZ filed_VBN by_IN Leo_NP Blaber_NP
,_, an_AT attorney_NN for_IN the_AT association_NN ._. The_AT shortage_NN was_B
EDZ discovered_VBN after_CS Huff_NP failed_VBD to_TO report_VB for_IN work_NN on
_IN Sept._NP 18_CD ._. On_IN that_DT date_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN Gregorio_NP
,_, Huff_NP left_VBD his_PP$ home_NN and_CC took_VBD a_AT room_NN in_IN the_AT N
ew_JJ-TL Lawrence_NP-TL hotel_NN at_IN 1020_CD-TL Lawrence_NP-TL Av._NN-TL ._. T
here_RB ,_, Gregorio_NP said_VBD ,_, Huff_NP wrote_VBD a_AT complete_JJ statemen
t_NN of_IN his_PP$ offense_NN ._. Later_RBR ,_, Huff_NP cashed_VBD three_CD chec
ks_NNS for_IN $100_NNS each_DT at_IN the_AT Sherman_NP-TL House_NN-TL ,_, using_
VBG a_AT credit_NN card_NN ._. All_ABN bounced_VBD ._. When_WRB Huff_NP attempte
d_VBD to_TO cash_VB another_DT $100_NNS check_NN there_RB Monday_NR ,_, hotel_NN
officials_NNS called_VBD police_NNS ._. Bonn_NP-HL ,_,-HL Oct._NP-HL 24_CD-HL (
_(-HL UPI_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- Greece_NP and_CC West_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL have_HV r
atified_VBN an_AT agreement_NN under_IN which_WDT Germany_NP will_MD pay_VB $28,
700,000_NNS to_IN Greek_JJ victims_NNS of_IN Nazi_NP persecution_NN ,_, it_PPS w
as_BEDZ announced_VBN today_NR ._. Probably_RB the_AT hottest_JJT thing_NN that_
WPS has_HVZ hit_VBN the_AT Dallas_NP investment_NN community_NN in_IN years_NNS
was_BEDZ the_AT Morton_NP-TL Foods_NNS-TL stock_NN issue_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BE
DZ sold_VBN to_IN the_AT public_NN during_IN the_AT past_JJ week_NN ._. For_IN m
any_AP reasons_NNS ,_, the_AT demand_NN to_TO buy_VB shares_NNS in_IN the_AT Dal
las-headquartered_JJ company_NN was_BEDZ tremendous_JJ ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_*
a_AT case_NN of_IN the_AT investment_NN bankers_NNS having_HVG to_TO sell_VB th
e_AT stock_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ more_RBR one_CD of_IN allotting_VBG a_AT f
ew_AP shares_NNS to_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN customers_NNS and_CC explaining_VBG
to_IN others_NNS why_WRB they_PPSS had_HVD no_AT more_AP to_TO sell_VB ._. Inves
tors_NNS who_WPS wanted_VBD 100_CD shares_NNS in_IN many_AP cases_NNS ended_VBD
up_RP with_IN 25_CD ,_, and_CC customers_NNS who_WPS had_HVD put_VBN in_RP a_AT
bid_NN to_TO buy_VB 400_CD shares_NNS found_VBD themselves_PPLS with_IN 100_CD a
nd_CC counted_VBD themselves_PPLS lucky_JJ to_TO get_VB that_QL many_AP ._. In_I
N fact_NN ,_, very_QL few_AP customers_NNS ,_, anywhere_RB in_IN the_AT nation_N
N ,_, were_BED able_JJ to_TO get_VB more_AP than_IN 100_CD shares_NNS ._. Some_D
TI Dallas_NP investment_NN firms_NNS got_VBD only_AP 100_CD shares_NNS ,_, for_I
N all_ABN of_IN their_PP$ customers_NNS ._. A_AT measure_NN of_IN how_WRB hot_JJ
the_AT stock_NN was_BEDZ ,_, can_MD be_BE found_VBN in_IN what_WDT happened_VBD
to_IN it_PPO on_IN the_AT market_NN as_QL soon_RB as_CS trading_VBG began_VBD .
_. The_AT stock_NN was_BEDZ sold_VBN in_IN the_AT underwriting_NN at_IN a_AT pri
ce_NN of_IN $12.50_NNS a_AT share_NN ._. The_AT first_OD over-the-counter_JJ tra
de_NN Wednesday_NR afternoon_NN at_IN Eppler_NP ,_, Guerin_NP-TL &_CC-TL Turner_
NP-TL ,_, the_AT managing_VBG underwriter_NN ,_, was_BEDZ at_IN $17_NNS a_AT sha
re_NN ._. And_CC from_IN that_DT the_AT stock_NN moved_VBD right_QL on_RP up_RP
until_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ trading_VBG Thursday_NR morning_NN at_IN around_RB $22_
NNS a_AT share_NN ._. But_CC the_AT Morton_NP-TL Foods_NNS-TL issue_NN was_BEDZ
hot_JJ long_RB before_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT market_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_
, from_IN the_AT moment_NN the_AT reports_NNS of_IN the_AT coming_VBG issue_NN f
irst_RB started_VBD circulating_VBG in_IN Dallas_NP last_AP January_NP ,_, the_A
T inquiries_NNS and_CC demand_NN for_IN the_AT stock_NN started_VBD building_VBG
up_RP ._. Letters_NNS by_IN the_AT reams_NNS came_VBD in_RP from_IN investment_
NN firms_NNS all_ABN over_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, all_ABN of_IN them_PPO wanting
_VBG to_TO get_VB a_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT shares_NNS that_WPS would_MD be_BE s
old_VBN (_( 185,000_CD to_IN the_AT public_NN at_IN $12.50_NNS ,_, with_IN anoth
er_DT 5,000_CD reserved_VBN for_IN Morton_NP-TL Foods_NNS-TL employes_NNS at_IN
$11.50_NNS a_AT share_NN )_) ._. There_EX was_BEDZ even_RB a_AT cable_NN in_IN F
rench_NP from_IN a_AT bank_NN in_IN Switzerland_NP that_WPS had_HVD somehow_RB l
earned_VBN about_IN the_AT Dallas_NP stock_NN offering_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS subs
cribe_VB 500_CD shares_NNS of_IN Morton_NP-TL Foods_NNS-TL of_IN Texas_NP ._. Ca
ble_VB confirmation_NN ''_'' ,_, it_PPS said_VBD translated_VBN ._. But_CC E.G.T
._NP could_MD not_* let_VB the_AT Swiss_JJ bank_NN have_HV even_RB 10_CD shares_
NNS ._. After_CS it_PPS allotted_VBD shares_NNS to_IN 41_CD underwriters_NNS and
_CC 52_CD selling_VBG group_NN members_NNS from_IN coast_NN to_IN coast_NN there
_EX were_BED not_* many_AP shares_NNS for_IN anyone_PN ._. But_CC the_AT result_
NN of_IN it_PPO all_ABN was_BEDZ ,_, E.G.T._NP partner_NN Dean_NP Guerin_NP beli
eves_VBZ ,_, an_AT effective_JJ distribution_NN of_IN the_AT stock_NN to_IN owne
rs_NNS all_ABN over_IN the_AT nation_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS feel_VB confident_JJ th
e_AT stock_NN will_MD qualify_VB for_IN the_AT '_' national_JJ list_NN '_' ''_''
,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, meaning_VBG its_PP$ market_NN price_NN would_MD be_BE q
uoted_VBN regularly_RB in_IN newspapers_NNS all_ABN over_IN the_AT country_NN ._
. He_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB pleased_VBN with_IN the_AT wide_JJ distribution_NN bec
ause_CS he_PPS thought_VBD it_PPS proved_VBD again_RB his_PP$ argument_NN that_C
S Dallas_NP investment_NN men_NNS can_MD do_DO just_QL as_QL good_JJ a_AT job_NN
as_CS the_AT big_JJ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL investment_NN bankers_NNS claim_VB onl
y_AP they_PPSS can_MD do_DO ._. But_CC what_WDT made_VBD the_AT Morton_NP-TL Foo
ds_NNS-TL stock_NN issue_VB such_ABL a_AT hot_JJ one_CD ?_. ?_. The_AT answer_NN
is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT combination_NN of_IN circumstances_NNS ._.
First_RB ,_, the_AT general_JJ stock_NN market_NN has_HVZ been_BEN boiling_VBG u
pward_RB for_IN the_AT last_AP few_AP months_NNS ,_, driving_VBG stocks_NNS of_I
N all_ABN kinds_NNS up_RP ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* easy_
JJ to_TO find_VB a_AT stock_NN priced_VBN as_CS the_AT Morton_NP issue_NN was_BE
DZ priced_VBN (_( at_IN roughly_RB 10_CD times_NNS 1960_CD earnings_NNS ,_, to_T
O yield_VB a_AT little_AP over_IN 5_CD per_IN cent_NN on_IN the_AT 64-cent_JJ an
ticipated_VBN dividend_NN )_) ._. Second_RB ,_, the_AT ``_`` potato_NN chip_NN i
ndustry_NN ''_'' has_HVZ caught_VBN the_AT fancy_NN of_IN investors_NNS lately_R
B ,_, and_CC until_CS Morton_NP-TL Foods_NNS-TL came_VBD along_RB there_EX were_
BED only_AP two_CD potato_NN chip_NN stocks_NNS --_-- Frito_NP and_CC H._NP W._N
P Lay_NP --_-- on_IN the_AT market_NN ._. Both_ABX of_IN those_DTS have_HV had_H
VN dynamic_JJ run-ups_NNS in_IN price_NN on_IN the_AT market_NN in_IN recent_JJ
months_NNS ,_, both_ABX were_BED selling_VBG at_IN higher_JJR price-earnings_NNS
and_CC yield_NN bases_NNS than_CS Morton_NP was_BEDZ coming_VBG to_IN market_NN
at_IN ,_, and_CC everyone_PN who_WPS knew_VBD anything_PN about_IN it_PPO expec
ted_VBD the_AT Morton_NP stock_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT fast_JJ run-up_NN ._. And_C
C third_RB ,_, the_AT potato_NN chip_NN industry_NN has_HVZ taken_VBN on_RP the_
AT flavor_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` growth_NN ''_'' industry_NN in_IN the_AT public_JJ
mind_NN of_IN late_JJ ._. Foods_NNS ,_, which_WDT long_RB had_HVD been_BEN cons
idered_VBN ``_`` recession_NN resistant_JJ ''_'' but_CC hardly_RB dynamic_JJ sto
cks_NNS ,_, have_HV been_BEN acting_VBG like_CS growth_NN stocks_NNS ,_, going_V
BG to_IN higher_JJR price-earnings_NNS ratios_NNS ._. The_AT potato_NN chip_NN i
ndustry_NN these_DTS days_NNS is_BEZ growing_VBG ,_, not_* only_RB as_CS a_AT re
sult_NN of_IN population_NN increase_NN and_CC public_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN con
venience_NN foods_NNS ,_, but_CC also_RB because_RB of_IN a_AT combination_NN of
_IN circumstances_NNS that_WPS has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN growth_NN by_IN merger_NN .
_. The_AT history_NN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP potato_NN chip_NN industry_NN is_BEZ t
hat_CS many_AP of_IN today's_NR$ successful_JJ companies_NNS got_VBD started_VBN
during_IN the_AT deep_JJ depression_NN days_NNS ._. Those_DTS that_WPS remain_V
B are_BER those_DTS that_WPS were_BED headed_VBN by_IN strong_JJ executives_NNS
,_, men_NNS with_IN the_AT abilities_NNS to_TO last_VB almost_RB 30_CD years_NNS
in_IN the_AT competitive_JJ survival_NN of_IN the_AT fittest_JJT ._. But_CC tod
ay_NR many_AP of_IN those_DTS men_NNS are_BER reaching_VBG retirement_NN age_NN
and_CC suddenly_RB realizing_VBG that_CS they_PPSS face_VB an_AT estate_NN tax_N
N problem_NN with_IN their_PP$ closely_RB held_VBN companies_NNS and_CC also_RB
that_CS they_PPSS have_HV no_AT second-echelon_NN management_NN in_IN their_PP$
firms_NNS ._. So_CS they_PPSS go_VB looking_VBG for_IN mergers_NNS with_IN other
_AP firms_NNS that_WPS have_HV publicly_RB quoted_VBN stock_NN ,_, and_CC almost
_RB daily_RB they_PPSS pound_VB on_IN the_AT doors_NNS of_IN firms_NNS like_CS F
rito_NP ._. All_ABN those_DTS things_NNS combined_VBD to_TO make_VB the_AT Morto
n_NP-TL Foods_NNS-TL stock_NN the_AT hot_JJ issue_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ and
_CC is_BEZ ._. Now_RB ,_, if_CS Morton's_NP$ newest_JJT product_NN ,_, a_AT corn
_NN chip_NN known_VBN as_CS Chip-o's_NPS ,_, turns_VBZ out_RP to_TO sell_NN as_Q
L well_RB as_CS its_PP$ stock_NN did_DOD ,_, the_AT stock_NN may_MD turn_VB out_
RP to_TO be_BE worth_JJ every_AT cent_NN of_IN the_AT prices_NNS that_CS the_AT
avid_JJ buyers_NNS bid_VBD it_PPO up_RP to_IN ._. Dallas_NP and_CC North_JJ-TL T
exas_NP is_BEZ known_VBN world-wide_RB as_CS the_AT manufacturing_VBG and_CC dis
tribution_NN center_NN of_IN cotton_NN gin_NN machinery_NN and_CC supplies_NNS ,
_, valued_VBN in_IN the_AT millions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS ._. More_AP than_IN 10
_CD companies_NNS maintain_VB facilities_NNS in_IN Dallas_NP and_CC one_CD large
_JJ manufacturer_NN is_BEZ located_VBN to_IN the_AT north_NR at_IN Sherman_NP ._
. It_PPS is_BEZ no_AT coincidence_NN that_CS the_AT Texas_NP-TL Cotton_NN-TL Gin
ner's_NN$-TL Association_NN-TL is_BEZ meeting_VBG here_RB this_DT week_NN for_IN
the_AT 46th_OD time_NN in_IN their_PP$ 52-year_JJ history_NN ._. The_AT exhibit
ion_NN of_IN cotton_NN ginning_VBG machinery_NN at_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Fair_NN
-TL grounds_NNS is_BEZ valued_VBN at_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT million_CD dollars_
NNS ._. It_PPS weighs_VBZ in_IN the_AT tons_NNS ,_, so_CS the_AT proximity_NN of
_IN factory_NN and_CC exhibition_NN area_NN makes_VBZ it_PPO possible_JJ for_IN
an_AT outstanding_JJ exhibit_NN each_DT year_NN ._. A_AT modern_JJ cotton_NN gin
_NN plant_NN costs_VBZ in_IN the_AT neighborhood_NN of_IN $250,000_NNS ,_, and_C
C it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT safe_JJ assumption_NN that_CS a_AT large_JJ percentage_NN of
_IN new_JJ gins_NNS in_IN the_AT U.S._NP and_CC foreign_JJ countries_NNS contain
_VB machinery_NN made_VBN in_IN this_DT area_NN ._. The_AT Murray_NP-TL Co._NN-T
L of_IN-TL Texas_NP ,_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, originated_VBD in_IN Dallas_NP in_IN 189
6_CD ._. They've_PPSS+HV occupied_VBN a_AT 22-acre_JJ site_NN since_IN the_AT ea
rly_JJ 1900's_NNS ._. More_AP than_IN 700_CD employees_NNS make_VB gin_NN machin
ery_NN that's_WPS+BEZ sold_VBN anywhere_RB cotton_NN is_BEZ grown_VBN ._. Murray
_NP makes_VBZ a_AT complete_JJ line_NN of_IN ginning_VBG equipment_NN except_IN
for_IN driers_NNS and_CC cleaners_NNS ,_, and_CC this_DT machinery_NN is_BEZ pur
chased_VBN from_IN a_AT Dallas-based_JJ firm_NN ._. The_AT Continental_JJ-TL Gin
_NN-TL Co._NN-TL began_VBD operations_NNS in_IN Dallas_NP in_IN 1899_CD ._. The_
AT present_JJ company_NN is_BEZ a_AT combination_NN of_IN several_AP smaller_JJR
ones_NNS that_WPS date_VB back_RB to_IN 1834_CD ._. Headquarters_NNS is_BEZ in_
IN Birmingham_NP ,_, Ala._NP ._. Factories_NNS are_BER located_VBN here_RB and_C
C in_IN Prattville_NP ,_, Ala._NP ._. About_RB 40_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT
manufacturing_NN is_BEZ done_VBN at_IN the_AT Dallas_NP plant_NN by_IN more_AP
than_IN 200_CD employes_NNS ._. The_AT company_NN sells_VBZ a_AT complete_JJ lin
e_NN of_IN gin_NN machinery_NN all_QL over_IN the_AT cotton-growing_JJ world_NN
._. Hardwicke-Etter_NP-TL Co._NN-TL of_IN Sherman_NP makes_VBZ a_AT full_JJ line
_NN of_IN gin_NN machinery_NN and_CC equipment_NN ._. The_AT firm_NN recently_RB
expanded_VBD domestic_JJ sales_NNS into_IN the_AT Southeastern_JJ-TL states_NNS
as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN an_AT agreement_NN with_IN Cen-Tennial_NN-TL Gin_NN-
TL Co._NN-TL ._. They_PPSS export_VB also_RB ._. The_AT company_NN began_VBD ope
ration_NN in_IN 1900_CD with_IN hardware_NN and_CC oil_NN mill_NN supplies_NNS .
_. In_IN 1930_CD ,_, they_PPSS began_VBD making_VBG cotton_NN processing_NN equi
pment_NN ._. Presently_RB ,_, Hardwicke-Etter_NP employs_VBZ 300-450_CD people_N
NS ,_, depending_IN on_IN the_AT season_NN of_IN the_AT year_NN ._. The_AT Lummu
s_NP-TL Cotton_NN-TL Gin_NN-TL Co._NN-TL has_HVZ had_HVN a_AT sales_NNS and_CC s
ervice_NN office_NN in_IN Dallas_NP since_IN 1912_CD ._. Factory_NN operations_N
NS are_BER in_IN Columbus_NP ,_, Ga._NP ._. The_AT district_NN office_NN here_RB
employs_VBZ about_RB 65_CD ._. The_AT Moss_NP-TL Gordin_NP-TL Lint_NN-TL Cleane
r_NN-TL Co._NN-TL and_CC Gordin_NP-TL Unit_NN-TL System_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ginning_V
BG-TL have_HV joint_NN headquarters_NNS here_RB ._. The_AT cleaner_JJR equipment
_NN firm_NN began_VBD operations_NNS in_IN 1953_CD and_CC the_AT unit_NN system_
NN ,_, which_WDT turns_VBZ out_RP a_AT complete_JJ ginning_VBG system_NN ,_, beg
an_VBD operations_NNS in_IN 1959_CD ._. Gordin_NP manufacturing_VBG operations_N
NS are_BER in_IN Lubbock_NP ._. The_AT John_NP E._NP Mitchell_NP Co._NN-TL began
_VBD work_NN in_IN Dallas_NP in_IN 1928_CD ._. The_AT firm_NN is_BEZ prominent_J
J in_IN making_VBG equipment_NN for_IN cleaning_VBG seed_NN cotton_NN ,_, driers
_NNS ,_, and_CC heaters_NNS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS lay_VB claim_NN to_IN being_BEG
the_AT first_OD maker_NN (_( 1910_CD )_) of_IN boil_NN extraction_NN equipment_
NN ._. The_AT increase_NN in_IN mechanical_JJ harvesting_NN of_IN cotton_NN make
s_VBZ cleaning_VBG and_CC drying_VBG equipment_NN a_AT must_NN for_IN modern_JJ
gin_NN operation_NN ._. Mitchell_NP employs_VBZ a_AT total_NN of_IN about_RB 400
_CD people_NNS ._. They_PPSS export_VB cotton_NN ginning_VBG machinery_NN ._. Th
e_AT Hinckley_NP-TL Gin_NN-TL Supply_NN-TL Co._NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT maker_NN of_IN
``_`` overhead_JJ equipment_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT includes_VBZ driers_NNS ,_, cle
aners_NNS ,_, burr_NN extractors_NNS ,_, separators_NNS and_CC piping_VBG that's
_WPS+BEZ located_VBN above_IN gin_NN stands_NNS in_IN a_AT complete_JJ gin_NN ._
. The_AT firm_NN began_VBD operations_NNS back_RB in_IN 1925_CD and_CC sells_VBZ
equipment_NN in_IN the_AT central_JJ cotton_NN belt_NN ,_, including_IN the_AT
Mississippi_NP Delta_NP ._. The_AT Cen-Tennial_NN-TL Gin_NN-TL Supply_NN-TL Co._
NN-TL has_HVZ home_NR offices_NNS and_CC factory_NN facilities_NNS here_RB ._. T
hey_PPSS make_VB gin_NN saws_NNS and_CC deal_VB in_IN parts_NNS ,_, supplies_NNS
and_CC some_DTI used_VBN gin_NN machinery_NN ._. The_AT Stacy_NP-TL Co._NN-TL m
akes_VBZ cleaning_VBG and_CC drying_VBG equipment_NN for_IN sale_NN largely_RB i
n_IN Texas_NP ._. They've_PPSS+HV been_BEN in_IN Dallas_NP since_IN 1921_CD ._.
Cotton_NN-TL Belt_NN-TL Gin_NN-TL Service_NN-TL ,_, Inc._VBN-TL of_IN Dallas_NP
makes_VBZ gin_NN saws_NNS and_CC started_VBD here_RB 14_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._.
They_PPSS distribute_VB equipment_NN in_IN 11_CD states_NNS ._. The_AT firm_NN a
lso_RB handles_VBZ gin_NN and_CC oil_NN mill_NN supplies_NNS such_JJ as_CS belti
ng_NN ,_, bearings_NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. Cotton_NN processing_NN equipment_NN is_B
EZ a_AT sizable_JJ segment_NN of_IN Dallas_NP business_NN economy_NN ._. New_JJ
car_NN sales_NNS in_IN Dallas_NP-TL County_NN-TL during_IN March_NP showed_VBD s
light_JJ signs_NNS of_IN recovering_VBG from_IN the_AT doldrums_NNS which_WDT ha
ve_HV characterized_VBN sales_NNS this_DT year_NN ._. Registrations_NNS of_IN ne
w_JJ cars_NNS in_IN Dallas_NP-TL County_NN-TL cracked_VBD the_AT 3,000_CD mark_N
N in_IN March_NP for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN this_DT year_NN ._. Totaling_VBG
3,399_CD ,_, sales_NNS jumped_VBD 14_CD per_IN cent_NN over_IN February's_NP$ 2
,963_CD ._. However_WRB ,_, compared_VBN with_IN March_NP 1960_CD new_JJ car_NN
sales_NNS of_IN 4,441_CD ,_, this_DT March_NP was_BEDZ off_RP 23_CD per_IN cent_
NN ._. On_IN a_AT quarter-to-quarter_JJ comparison_NN ,_, the_AT first_OD quarte
r_NN of_IN 1961_CD total_NN of_IN 9,273_CD cars_NNS was_BEDZ 21_CD per_IN cent_N
N behind_IN the_AT previous_JJ year's_NN$ 3-month_JJ total_NN of_IN 11,744_CD ._
. This_DT year-to-year_JJ decline_NN for_IN Dallas_NP-TL County_NN-TL closely_RB
follows_VBZ the_AT national_JJ trend_NN --_-- estimated_VBN sales_NNS of_IN dom
estic_JJ cars_NNS in_IN the_AT U.S._NP for_IN first_OD three_CD months_NNS of_IN
1961_CD were_BED about_RB 1,212,000_CD or_CC 80_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT
total_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD quarter_NN a_AT year_NN earlier_RBR ._. With_IN t
he_AT March_NP pickup_NN ,_, dealers_NNS are_BER optimistic_JJ that_CS the_AT Ap
ril-June_NP quarter_NN will_MD equal_VB or_CC top_VB last_AP year_NN ._. The_AT
March_NP gain_NN plus_CC this_DT optimism_NN has_HVZ been_BEN encouraging_JJ eno
ugh_QLP to_TO prompt_VB auto_NN makers_NNS to_TO boost_VB production_NN schedule
s_NNS for_IN the_AT next_AP quarter_NN ._. On_IN the_AT local_JJ level_NN ,_, co
mpacts_NNS continue_VB to_TO grab_VB a_AT larger_JJR share_NN of_IN the_AT marke
t_NN at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN lower-priced_JJR standard_JJ models_NNS and_C
C foreign_JJ cars_NNS ._. Only_AP three_CD standard_JJ models_NNS --_-- Buick_NP
,_, Chrysler_NP ,_, and_CC Mercury_NP --_-- had_HVD slight_JJ year-to-year_JJ g
ains_NNS in_IN March_NP sales_NNS in_IN the_AT county_NN ._. The_AT top_JJS 3_CD
students_NNS from_IN 11_CD participating_VBG Dallas_NP-TL County_NN-TL high_JJ
schools_NNS will_MD be_BE honored_VBN by_IN the_AT Dallas_NP-TL Sales_NNS-TL Exe
cutives_NNS-TL Club_NN-TL at_IN a_AT banquet_NN at_IN 6_CD p.m._RB Tuesday_NR in
_IN the_AT Sam_NP Houston_NP Room_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Sheraton-Dallas_NP-TL Hotel
_NN-TL as_CS the_AT club_NN winds_VBZ up_RP its_PP$ annual_JJ Distributive_JJ-TL
Education_NN-TL project_NN ._. Now_RB in_IN its_PP$ third_OD year_NN ,_, the_AT
program_NN is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO provide_VB a_AT laboratory_NN for_IN those
_DTS youngsters_NNS seeking_VBG careers_NNS in_IN marketing_VBG and_CC salesmans
hip_NN ._. Business_NN firms_NNS provide_VB 20_CD weeks_NNS of_IN practical_JJ e
mployment_NN to_TO supplement_VB classroom_NN instruction_NN in_IN these_DTS fie
lds_NNS ._. More_AP than_IN 500_CD juniors_NNS and_CC seniors_NNS are_BER taking
_VBG part_NN in_IN the_AT program_NN and_CC 100_CD firms_NNS offer_VB jobs_NNS o
n_IN an_AT educational_JJ rather_IN than_IN a_AT need_NN basis_NN ._. Principal_
JJS address_NN will_MD be_BE delivered_VBN by_IN Gerald_NP T._NP Owens_NP ,_, na
tional_JJ sales_NNS manager_NN for_IN Isodine_NP-TL Pharmical_JJ-TL Corp._NN-TL
of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. The_AT 33_CD honored_VBN students_NNS are_BER :_:
Mike_NP Trigg_NP ,_, Raymond_NP Arrington_NP ,_, and_CC Ronald_NP Kaminsky_NP o
f_IN Bryan_NP Adams_NP ,_, Janice_NP Whitney_NP ,_, Fil_NP Terral_NP ,_, and_CC
Carl_NP David_NP Page_NP of_IN W._NP H._NP Adamson_NP ;_. ;_. Bill_NP Burke_NP ,
_, Tommie_NP Freeman_NP ,_, and_CC Lawrence_NP Paschall_NP of_IN N._NP R._NP Cro
zier_NP Tech._NP Paulah_NP Thompson_NP ,_, Gerald_NP Kestner_NP ,_, and_CC Nancy
_NP Stephenson_NP of_IN Hillcrest_NP ;_. ;_. Arnold_NP Hayes_NP ,_, Mary_NP Ann_
NP Shay_NP ,_, and_CC Lloyd_NP Satterfield_NP of_IN Thomas_NP Jefferson_NP ;_. ;
_. William_NP Cluck_NP ,_, Deloris_NP Carrel_NP Carty_NP ,_, and_CC Edna_NP Earl
_NP Eaton_NP of_IN North_JJ-TL Dallas_NP-TL ;_. ;_. Patricia_NP Ann_NP Neal_NP ,
_, Johnny_NP Carruthers_NP ,_, and_CC David_NP McLauchlin_NP of_IN Rylie_NP of_I
N Seagoville_NP ;_. ;_. David_NP Wolverton_NP ,_, Sharon_NP Flanagan_NP ,_, and_
CC James_NP Weaver_NP of_IN W._NP W._NP Samuels_NP ;_. ;_. William_NP Austin_NP
,_, Gary_NP Hammond_NP ,_, and_CC Ronnie_NP Davis_NP of_IN South_JJ-TL Oak_NN-TL
Cliff_NN-TL ;_. ;_. Bill_NP Eaton_NP ,_, Carolyn_NP Milton_NP ,_, and_CC Ronnie
_NP Bert_NP Stone_NP of_IN Sunset_NN-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC Charles_NP Potter_NP ,_,
Ronnie_NP Moore_NP ,_, and_CC Robert_NP Bailey_NP of_IN Woodrow_NP Wilson_NP ._.
The_AT Kennedy_NP administration's_NN$ new_JJ housing_VBG and_CC urban_JJ renew
al_NN proposals_NNS ,_, particularly_RB their_PP$ effect_NN on_IN the_AT Federal
_JJ-TL Housing_NN-TL Administration_NN-TL ,_, came_VBD under_IN fire_NN in_IN Da
llas_NP last_AP week_NN ._. The_AT Administration's_NN$-TL proposals_NNS ,_, com
plex_JJ and_CC sweeping_VBG as_CS they_PPSS are_BER ,_, all_ABN deal_VB with_IN
fringe_NN areas_NNS of_IN the_AT housing_VBG market_NN rather_IN than_IN its_PP$
core_NN ,_, stated_VBD Caron_NP S._NP Stallard_NP ,_, first_OD vice-president_N
N of_IN the_AT Mortgage_NN-TL Bankers_NNS-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL America_
NP-TL ._. Santa_NP-HL Barbara_NP-HL --_-- ``_`` The_AT present_JJ recovery_NN mo
vement_NN will_MD gather_VB steady_JJ momentum_NN to_TO lift_VB the_AT economy_N
N to_IN a_AT new_JJ historic_JJ peak_NN by_IN this_DT autumn_NN ''_'' ,_, Beryl_
NP W._NP Sprinkel_NP ,_, economist_NN of_IN Harris_NP-TL Trust_NN-TL &_CC-TL Sav
ings_NNS-TL Bank_NN-TL ,_, Chicago_NP ,_, predicted_VBD at_IN the_AT closing_VBG
session_NN here_RB Tuesday_NR of_IN Investment_NN-TL Bankers_NNS-TL Assn._NN-TL
,_, California_NP group_NN ,_, conference_NN ._. Another_DT speaker_NN ,_, Will
iam_NP H._NP Draper_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, former_AP Under_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL of_I
N-TL the_AT-TL Army_NN-TL and_CC now_RB with_IN the_AT Palo_NP Alto_NP venture_N
N capital_NN firm_NN of_IN Draper_NP ,_, Gaither_NP-TL &_CC-TL Anderson_NP-TL ,_
, urged_VBD the_AT U.S._NP to_TO ``_`` throw_VB down_RP the_AT gauntlet_NN of_IN
battle_NN to_IN communism_NN and_CC tell_VB Moscow_NP bluntly_RB we_PPSS won't_
MD* be_BE pushed_VBN around_RB any_DTI more_AP ''_'' ._. He_PPS urged_VBD suppor
t_NN for_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ requests_NNS for_IN both_ABX defense_N
N and_CC foreign_JJ aid_NN appropriations_NNS ._. '_' not_*-HL flash_NN-HL in_IN
-HL pan_NN-HL '_' Sprinkel_NP told_VBD conferees_NNS that_CS the_AT recent_JJ im
provement_NN in_IN economic_JJ activity_NN was_BEDZ not_* a_AT ``_`` temporary_J
J flash_NN in_IN the_AT pan_NN ''_'' but_CC the_AT beginning_NN of_IN a_AT subst
antial_JJ cyclical_JJ expansion_NN that_WPS will_MD carry_VB the_AT economy_NN b
ack_RB to_IN full_JJ employment_NN levels_NNS and_CC witness_VB a_AT renewal_NN
of_IN our_PP$ traditional_JJ growth_NN pattern_NN ._. ``_`` In_IN view_NN of_IN
the_AT current_JJ expansion_NN ,_, which_WDT promises_VBZ to_TO be_BE substantia
l_JJ ''_'' he_PPS said_VBD the_AT odds_NNS appear_VB to_TO favor_VB rising_VBG i
nterest_NN rates_NNS in_IN coming_VBG months_NNS ,_, but_CC ``_`` there_EX is_BE
Z reason_NN to_TO believe_VB the_AT change_NN will_MD not_* be_BE as_QL abrupt_J
J as_CS in_IN 1958_CD nor_CC as_QL severe_JJ as_CS in_IN late_JJ 1959_CD and_CC
1960_CD ''_'' ._. Thesis_NN-HL refuted_VBN-HL Sprinkel_NP strongly_RB refuted_VB
D the_AT current_JJ neo-stagnationist_NN thesis_NN that_CS we_PPSS are_BER facin
g_VBG a_AT future_NN of_IN limited_VBN and_CC slow_JJ growth_NN ,_, declaring_VB
G that_CS this_DT pessimism_NN ``_`` is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN very_QL limited_VBN
and_CC questionable_JJ evidence_NN ''_'' ._. Rather_IN than_IN viewing_VBG the_A
T abortive_JJ recovery_NN in_IN 1959-60_CD as_CS a_AT reason_NN for_CS believing
_VBG we_PPSS have_HV lost_VBN prospects_NNS for_IN growth_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS sa
id_VBD ``_`` it_PPS should_MD be_BE viewed_VBN as_CS a_AT lesson_NN well_QL lear
ned_VBN which_WDT will_MD increase_VB the_AT probability_NN of_IN substantial_JJ
improvement_NN in_IN this_DT recovery_NN ''_'' ._. Danger_NN-HL cited_VBN-HL He
_PPS cautioned_VBD that_CS ``_`` the_AT greater_JJR danger_NN in_IN this_DT reco
very_NN may_MD be_BE excessive_JJ stimulation_NN by_IN government_NN which_WDT c
ould_MD bring_VB moderate_JJ inflation_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT economist_NN does_DOZ
not_* look_VB for_IN a_AT drastic_JJ switch_NN in_IN the_AT budget_NN during_IN
this_DT recovery_NN and_CC believes_VBZ it_PPO ``_`` even_QL more_QL unlikely_J
J that_CS the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Reserve_NN-TL will_MD aggressively_RB tighten_VB
monetary_JJ policy_NN in_IN the_AT early_JJ phases_NNS of_IN the_AT upturn_NN as
_CS was_BEDZ the_AT case_NN in_IN 1958_CD ''_'' ._. The_AT unsatisfactory_JJ 195
8-60_CD expansion_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ not_* due_JJ to_IN inadequ
ate_JJ growth_NN forces_NNS inherent_JJ in_IN our_PP$ economy_NN but_CC rather_R
B to_IN the_AT adverse_JJ effect_NN of_IN inappropriate_JJ economic_JJ policies_
NNS combined_VBN with_IN retrenching_VBG decisions_NNS resulting_VBG from_IN the
_AT steel_NN strike_NN ._. Sacrifices_NNS-HL needed_VBN-HL Draper_NP declared_VB
D ,_, ``_`` As_CS I_PPSS see_VB it_PPO ,_, this_DT country_NN has_HVZ never_RB f
aced_VBN such_JJ great_JJ dangers_NNS as_QL threaten_VB us_PPO today_NR ._. We_P
PSS must_MD justify_VB our_PP$ heritage_NN ._. We_PPSS must_MD be_BE ready_JJ fo
r_IN any_DTI needed_VBN sacrifice_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS from_IN h
is_PP$ experience_NN of_IN two_CD years_NNS with_IN Gen._NN-TL Clay_NP in_IN Wes
t_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL administration_NN ,_, that_CS ``_`` Russia_NP respects_VBZ
our_PP$ show_NN of_IN strength_NN ,_, but_CC that_CS presently_RB we're_PPSS+BER
not_* acting_VBG as_CS we_PPSS should_MD and_CC must_MD ''_'' ._. He_PPS called
_VBD the_AT Cuban_NP tractor_NN plan_NN an_AT outright_JJ blackmail_NN action_NN
,_, and_CC noted_VBD that_CS in_IN war_NN ``_`` you_PPSS can't_MD* buy_VB yours
elf_PPL out_RP and_CC that's_DT+BEZ what_WDT we're_PPSS+BER trying_VBG to_TO do_
DO ''_'' ._. While_CS he_PPS declined_VBD to_TO suggest_VB ,_, how_WRB ,_, he_PP
S said_VBD that_CS sooner_RBR or_CC later_RBR we_PPSS must_MD get_VB rid_JJ of_I
N Castro_NP ,_, ``_`` for_CS unless_CS we_PPSS do_DO we're_PPSS+BER liable_JJ to
_TO face_VB similar_JJ situations_NNS in_IN this_DT hemisphere_NN ._. Its_PP$ th
e_AT start_NN of_IN a_AT direct_JJ threat_NN to_IN our_PP$ own_JJ security_NN an
d_CC I_PPSS don't_DO* believe_VB we_PPSS can_MD permit_VB that_DT ''_'' ._. New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- Stock_NN market_NN Tuesday_NR stag
ed_VBD a_AT technical_JJ recovery_NN ,_, erasing_VBG all_ABN of_IN Monday's_NR$
losses_NNS in_IN the_AT Associated_VBN-TL Press_NN-TL average_NN and_CC making_V
BG the_AT largest_JJT gain_NN in_IN about_RB two_CD weeks_NNS ._. Analysts_NNS s
aw_VB the_AT move_NN as_CS a_AT continuation_NN of_IN the_AT recovery_NN drive_N
N that_WPS got_VBD under_IN way_NN late_JJ Monday_NR afternoon_NN when_WRB the_A
T list_NN sank_VBD to_IN a_AT hoped-for_JJ ``_`` support_NN level_NN ''_'' repre
sented_VBN by_IN around_RB 675_CD in_IN the_AT Dow_NP Jones_NP industrial_JJ ave
rage_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT level_NN at_IN which_WDT some_DTI of_IN the_AT
investors_NNS standing_VBG on_IN the_AT sidelines_NNS were_BED thought_VBN likel
y_JJ to_TO buy_VB the_AT pivotal_JJ issues_NNS represented_VBN in_IN the_AT aver
ages_NNS ._. Some_DTI-HL good_JJ-HL news_NN-HL Although_CS it_PPS looked_VBD lik
e_CS a_AT routine_JJ technical_JJ snapback_NN to_IN Wall_NN-TL Streeters_NPS it_
PPS was_BEDZ accompanied_VBN by_IN some_DTI good_JJ news_NN ._. A_AT substantial
_JJ rise_NN in_IN new_JJ orders_NNS and_CC sales_NNS of_IN durable_JJ goods_NNS
was_BEDZ reported_VBN for_CS last_NN month_NN ._. Treasury_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL
Douglas_NP Dillon_NP said_VBD the_AT economy_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO advan
ce_VB by_IN a_AT whopping_JJ 8%_NN next_AP year_NN ,_, paving_VBG the_AT way_NN
for_IN lower_JJR taxes_NNS ._. The_AT Dow_NP Jones_NP industrial_JJ average_NN a
dvanced_VBD 7.19_CD to_IN 687.87_CD ._. Of_IN 1,253_CD issues_NNS traded_VBN ,_,
695_CD advanced_VBD and_CC 354_CD declined_VBD ._. New_JJ highs_NNS for_IN the_
AT year_NN totaled_VBD nine_CD and_CC new_JJ lows_NNS 14_CD ._. Trading_VBG was_
BEDZ comparatively_QL dull_JJ throughout_IN the_AT day_NN ._. Volume_NN dipped_V
BD to_IN 3.28_CD million_CD shares_NNS from_IN 3.98_CD million_CD Monday_NR ._.
A_AT $25_NNS billion_CD advertising_NN budget_NN in_IN an_AT $800_NNS billion_CD
economy_NN was_BEDZ envisioned_VBN for_IN the_AT 1970s_NNS here_RB Tuesday_NR b
y_IN Peter_NP G._NP Peterson_NP ,_, head_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT world's_NN
$ greatest_JJT camera_NN firms_NNS ,_, in_IN a_AT key_JJS address_NN before_IN t
he_AT American_JJ-TL Marketing_VBG-TL Assn._NN-TL ._. However_WRB ,_, Peterson_N
P ,_, president_NN of_IN Bell_NP-TL &_CC-TL Howell_NP-TL ,_, warned_VBD 800_CD U
.S._NP marketing_VBG leaders_NNS attending_VBG a_AT national_JJ conference_NN at
_IN the_AT Ambassador_NN-TL ,_, that_CS the_AT future_NN will_MD belong_VB to_IN
the_AT industrialist_NN of_IN creative_JJ and_CC ``_`` unconventional_JJ wisdom
_NN ''_'' ._. Creations_NNS-HL needed_VBN-HL ``_`` As_CS we_PPSS look_VB to_IN t
he_AT $800_NNS billion_CD economy_NN that_WPS is_BEZ predicted_VBN for_IN 1970_C
D and_CC the_AT increase_NN of_IN about_RB 40%_NN in_IN consumer_NN expenditures
_NNS that_WPS will_MD be_BE required_VBN to_TO reach_VB that_DT goal_NN ,_, mana
gement_NN can_MD well_RB be_BE restless_JJ about_IN how_WRB this_DT tremendous_J
J volume_NN and_CC number_NN of_IN new_JJ products_NNS will_MD be_BE created_VBN
and_CC marketed_VBN ''_'' ,_, Peterson_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` With_IN this_DT ki
nd_NN of_IN new_JJ product_NN log-jam_NN ,_, the_AT premium_NN for_IN brilliant_
JJ product_NN planning_NN will_MD obviously_RB go_VB up_RP geometrically_RB ''_'
' ._. The_AT executive_NN paid_VBD tribute_NN to_IN research_NN and_CC developme
nt_NN and_CC technology_NN for_IN their_PP$ great_JJ contributions_NNS in_IN the
_AT past_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS also_RB cautioned_VBD industry_NN that_CS they_PPS
S tend_VB to_TO be_BE great_JJ equalizers_NNS because_CS they_PPSS move_VB at_IN
a_AT fairly_QL even_JJ pace_NN within_IN an_AT industry_NN and_CC fail_VB to_TO
give_VB it_PPO the_AT short-term_NN advantage_NN which_WDT it_PPS often_RB need
s_VBZ ._. Nothing_PN-HL to_TO-HL fear_VB-HL Peterson_NP said_VBD America_NP has_
HVZ nothing_PN to_TO fear_VB in_IN world_NN competition_NN if_CS it_PPS dares_VB
Z to_TO be_BE original_JJ in_IN both_ABX marketing_VBG and_CC product_NN ideas_N
NS ._. He_PPS cited_VBD ,_, as_CS an_AT example_NN ,_, how_WRB the_AT American_J
J camera_NN industry_NN has_HVZ been_BEN able_JJ to_TO meet_VB successfully_RB t
he_AT competition_NN of_IN Japan_NP despite_IN lower_JJR Japanese_JJ labor_NN co
sts_NNS ,_, by_IN improving_VBG its_PP$ production_NN know-how_NN and_CC technol
ogy_NN ._. He_PPS also_RB used_VBD as_CS an_AT example_NN the_AT manufacturer_NN
who_WPS introduced_VBD an_AT all-automatic_JJ camera_NN in_IN Germany_NP ,_, wi
th_IN the_AT result_NN that_CS it_PPS became_VBD the_AT best_JJT selling_JJ came
ra_NN in_IN the_AT German_JJ market_NN ._. Election_NN of_IN Howard_NP L._NP Tay
lor_NP to_IN membership_NN in_IN Pacific_JJ-TL Coast_NN-TL Stock_NN-TL Exchange_
NN-TL ,_, effective_JJ Tuesday_NR ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN announced_VBN by_IN Thoma
s_NP P._NP Phelan_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT exchange_NN ._. Taylor_NP ,_,
president_NN and_CC voting_VBG stockholder_NN of_IN Taylor_NP-TL and_CC-TL Co._
NN-TL ,_, Beverly_NP-TL Hills_NNS-TL ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN active_JJ in_IN the_AT
securities_NNS business_NN since_IN 1925_CD ._. Union_NN-TL Oil_NN-TL Co._NN-TL
of_IN-TL California_NP-TL Tuesday_NR offered_VBD $120_NNS million_CD in_IN debe
ntures_NNS to_IN the_AT public_NN through_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN underwriters_NN
S headed_VBN by_IN Dillon_NP ,_, Read_NP &_CC-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, to_TO raise_VB mo
ney_NN to_TO retire_VB a_AT similar_JJ amount_NN held_VBN by_IN Gulf_NN-TL Oil_N
N-TL Corp._NN-TL ._. Gulf's_NN$-TL holdings_NNS could_MD have_HV been_BEN conver
ted_VBN into_IN 2,700,877_CD shares_NNS of_IN Union_NN-TL Oil_NN-TL common_JJ up
on_IN surrender_NN of_IN debentures_NNS plus_CC cash_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN U
nion_NN-TL ._. Under_IN the_AT new_JJ offering_NN ,_, only_AP $60_NNS million_CD
in_IN debentures_NNS are_BER convertible_JJ into_IN 923,076_CD common_JJ shares
_NNS ._. Due_JJ-HL in_IN-HL 1986_CD-HL The_AT new_JJ offering_NN Tuesday_NR cons
isted_VBD of_IN $60_NNS million_CD worth_NN of_IN 4-7/8_CD debentures_NNS ,_, du
e_JJ June_NP 1_CD ,_, 1986_CD ,_, at_IN 100%_NN ,_, and_CC $60_NNS million_CD of
_IN 4-1/2%_NN convertible_JJ subordinated_VBN debentures_NNS due_JJ June_NP 1_CD
,_, 1991_CD ,_, at_IN 100%_NN ._. The_AT convertible_JJ debentures_NNS are_BER
convertible_JJ into_IN common_JJ shares_NNS at_IN $65_NNS a_AT share_NN by_IN Ju
ne_NP 1_CD ,_, 1966_CD ;_. ;_. $70_NNS by_IN 1971_CD ;_. ;_. $75_NNS by_IN 1976_
CD ;_. ;_. $80_NNS by_IN 1981_CD ;_. ;_. $85_NNS by_IN 1986_CD ,_, and_CC $90_NN
S thereafter_RB ._. New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- American_J
J-TL Stock_NN-TL Exchange_NN-TL prices_NNS enjoyed_VBD a_AT fairly_QL solid_JJ r
ise_NN but_CC here_RB also_RB trading_VBG dwindled_VBD ._. Volume_NN was_BEDZ 1.
23_CD million_CD shares_NNS ,_, down_RP from_IN Monday's_NR$ 1.58_CD million_CD
._. Gains_NNS of_IN 2-3/4_CD were_BED posted_VBN for_IN Teleprompter_NP and_CC R
epublic_NN-TL Foil_NN-TL ._. Fairchild_NP Camera_NN-TL and_CC Kawecki_NP-TL Chem
ical_JJ-TL gained_VBD 2-1/2_CD each_DT ._. Question_NN-HL --_-- I_PPSS bought_VB
D 50_CD shares_NNS of_IN Diversified_VBN-TL Growth_NN-TL Stock_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL
on_IN Oct._NP 23_CD ,_, 1959_CD ,_, and_CC 50_CD more_AP shares_NNS of_IN the_AT
same_AP mutual_JJ fund_NN on_IN Feb._NP 8_CD ,_, 1960_CD ._. Something_PN has_H
VZ gone_VBN wrong_JJ some_DTI place_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM getting_VBG dividends_N
NS on_IN only_RB 50_CD shares_NNS ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM
getting_VBG only_RB half_ABN the_AT dividends_NNS I_PPSS should_MD ._. Answer_N
N-HL --_-- Write_VB to_IN the_AT fund's_NN$ custodian_NN bank_NN --_-- the_AT Fi
rst_OD-TL National_JJ-TL Bank_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jersey_NP City_NN-TL ,_, N.J._NP ._
. That_DT bank_NN handles_VBZ most_AP of_IN the_AT paper_NN work_NN for_IN Diver
sified_VBN-TL Growth_NN-TL Stock_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL ,_, Fundamental_JJ-TL Investor
s_NNS-TL ,_, Diversified_VBN-TL Investment_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL and_CC Television-El
ectronics_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL ._. The_AT bank_NN installed_VBD a_AT magnetic_JJ tap
e_NN electronic_JJ data_NN processing_NN system_NN to_TO handle_VB things_NNS ._
. But_CC it_PPS seems_VBZ that_CS this_DT ``_`` electronic_JJ brain_NN ''_'' was
n't_BEDZ* ``_`` programmed_VBN ''_'' correctly_RB ._. This_DT resulted_VBD in_IN
a_AT great_JJ number_NN of_IN errors_NNS ._. And_CC letters_NNS began_VBD to_TO
come_VB in_RP to_IN this_DT column_NN from_IN irate_JJ shareholders_NNS ._. I_P
PSS visited_VBD the_AT bank_NN in_IN March_NP and_CC wrote_VBD a_AT story_NN abo
ut_IN the_AT situation_NN ._. At_IN that_DT time_NN ,_, the_AT people_NNS at_IN
the_AT bank_NN said_VBD they_PPSS felt_VBD that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD the_AT situ
ation_NN in_IN hand_NN ._. They_PPSS indicated_VBD that_CS no_AT new_JJ errors_N
NS were_BED being_BEG made_VBN and_CC that_CS all_ABN old_JJ errors_NNS would_MD
be_BE corrected_VBN ``_`` within_IN 60_CD days_NNS ''_'' ._. That_DT 60-day_JJ
period_NN is_BEZ over_RP and_CC letters_NNS are_BER still_RB coming_VBG in_RP fr
om_IN shareholders_NNS of_IN these_DTS four_CD funds_NNS ,_, complaining_VBG abo
ut_IN mistakes_NNS in_IN their_PP$ accounts_NNS ._. Maybe_RB it's_PPS+BEZ taking
_VBG longer_RBR to_TO get_VB things_NNS squared_VBN away_RB than_CS the_AT banke
rs_NNS expected_VBD ._. Any_DTI shareholder_NN of_IN any_DTI of_IN these_DTS fun
ds_NNS who_WPS finds_VBZ a_AT mistake_NN in_IN his_PP$ account_NN certainly_RB s
hould_MD get_VB in_IN touch_NN with_IN the_AT bank_NN ._. Doyle_NP cannot_MD* un
dertake_VB to_TO reply_VB to_IN inquiries_NNS ._. He_PPS selects_VBZ queries_NNS
or_CC general_JJ interest_NN to_TO answer_VB ._. Washington_NP-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-
HL )_)-HL --_-- Alfred_NP Hayes_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL R
eserve_NN-TL Bank_NN-TL of_IN-TL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, said_VBD Tuesday_NR ``
_`` there_EX is_BEZ no_AT present_JJ need_NN for_IN far-reaching_JJ reforms_NNS
''_'' which_WDT would_MD basically_RB alter_VB the_AT international_JJ financial
_JJ system_NN ._. Hayes_NP said_VBD that_CS if_CS a_AT way_NN can_MD be_BE found
_VBN to_TO deal_VB effectively_RB with_IN short-term_NN capital_NN movements_NNS
between_IN nations_NNS ,_, ``_`` there_EX is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN ,_, in_IN my_P
P$ judgment_NN why_WRB the_AT international_JJ financial_JJ system_NN cannot_MD*
work_VB satisfactorily_RB for_IN at_IN least_AP the_AT foreseeable_JJ future_NN
''_'' ._. Washington_NP-HL (_(-HL UPI_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL C
entral_JJ-TL Railroad_NN-TL president_NN Alfred_NP E._NP Perlman_NP said_VBD Tue
sday_NR his_PP$ line_NN would_MD face_VB the_AT threat_NN of_IN bankruptcy_NN if
_CS the_AT Chesapeake_NP-TL &_CC-TL Ohio_NP-TL and_CC Baltimore_NP-TL &_CC-TL Oh
io_NP-TL Railroads_NNS-TL merge_VB ._. Perlman_NP said_VBD bankruptcy_NN would_M
D not_* be_BE an_AT immediate_JJ effect_NN of_IN the_AT merger_NN ,_, but_CC cou
ld_MD possibly_RB be_BE an_AT ultimate_JJ effect_NN ._. The_AT railroad_NN presi
dent_NN made_VBD the_AT statement_NN in_IN an_AT interview_NN as_CS the_AT Inter
state_JJ-TL Commerce_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL opened_VBD Round_NN-TL 2_CD of_IN it
s_PP$ hearing_NN into_IN the_AT C_NN &_CC O's_NN request_NN to_TO control_VB and
_CC then_RB merge_VB with_IN the_AT B_NN &_CC Aj_NN ._. ``_`` All_ABN these_DTS
kind_NN of_IN things_NNS weaken_VB us_PPO ''_'' ,_, Perlman_NP said_VBD ._. Bad_
JJ-HL condition_NN-HL Board_NN-TL Chairman_NN-TL Howard_NP Simpson_NP of_IN the_
AT Baltimore_NP-TL &_CC-TL Ohio_NP-TL Railroad_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, testified_VBD
the_AT B_NN &_CC O_NN was_BEDZ in_IN its_PP$ worst_JJT financial_JJ condition_N
N since_IN the_AT depression_NN years_NNS and_CC badly_RB needed_VBD the_AT econ
omic_JJ lift_NN it_PPS would_MD get_VB from_IN consolidation_NN with_IN the_AT C
hesapeake_NP-TL &_CC-TL Ohio_NP-TL Railroad_NN-TL ._. ``_`` The_AT financial_JJ
situation_NN of_IN the_AT Baltimore_NP-TL &_CC-TL Ohio_NP-TL ,_, has_HVZ become_
VBN precarious_JJ --_-- much_QL worse_JJR than_CS at_IN any_DTI time_NN since_IN
the_AT depression_NN of_IN the_AT 1930s_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS told_VBD the_AT he
aring_NN ._. C_NN &_CC O_NN president_NN Walter_NP J._NP Tuohy_NP was_BEDZ summo
ned_VBN back_RB for_IN cross-examination_NN by_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Central_J
J-TL attorneys_NNS before_IN examiner_NN John_NP Bradford_NP who_WPS is_BEZ hear
ing_VBG the_AT complex_JJ case_NN ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Central_JJ-TL
also_RB has_HVZ asked_VBN the_AT ICC_NN to_TO permit_VB it_PPO to_TO gain_VB con
trol_NN of_IN the_AT B_NN &_CC Aj_NN ._. Central_JJ-TL was_BEDZ rebuffed_VBN by_
IN the_AT other_AP two_CD railroads_NNS in_IN previous_JJ attempts_NNS to_TO mak
e_VB it_PPO a_AT three-way_JJ merger_NN ._. The_AT proposed_VBN C_NN &_CC O-B_NN
&_CC O_NN railroad_NN would_MD make_VB it_PPO the_AT hemisphere's_NN$ second_QL
largest_JJT ._. Washington_NP-HL (_(-HL AP_NP-HL )_)-HL --_-- The_AT government
's_NN$ short-term_NN borrowing_NN costs_NNS rose_VBD with_IN Tuesday's_NR$ weekl
y_JJ offering_NN of_IN Treasury_NN-TL bills_NNS ._. On_IN $1.1_NNS billion_CD of
_IN 90-day_JJ bills_NNS ,_, the_AT average_NN yield_NN was_BEDZ 2.325%_NN ._. Th
e_AT rate_NN a_AT week_NN ago_RB was_BEDZ 2.295%_NN ._. Washington_NP-HL ,_,-HL
March_NP-HL 11_CD-HL (_(-HL UPI_NP-HL )_)-HL ._.-HL --_-- ``_`` Consumer_NN unce
rtain_JJ about_IN economic_JJ conditions_NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT c
hief_JJS reason_NN for_IN a_AT so-so_JJ sales_NNS outlook_NN given_VBN by_IN two
-thirds_NNS of_IN 56_CD builders_NNS polled_VBN by_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Hous
ing_NN-TL Center_NN-TL ._. Other_AP reasons_NNS mentioned_VBN by_IN one-third_NN
or_CC more_AP of_IN the_AT builders_NNS were_BED ``_`` resistance_NN to_IN high
_JJ interest_NN rates_NNS ,_, cost_NN advantage_NN of_IN buying_VBG over_IN rent
ing_VBG has_HVZ narrowed_VBN ,_, shelter_NN market_NN nearing_VBG saturation_NN
and_CC prospects_NNS unable_JJ to_TO qualify_VB ''_'' ._. Increase_NN-HL expecte
d_VBN-HL The_AT poll_NN was_BEDZ taken_VBN at_IN the_AT Center's_NN$-TL annual_J
J builders'_NNS$ intentions_NNS conference_NN ._. It_PPS disclosed_VBD that_CS t
he_AT builders_NNS :_: Expect_VB their_PP$ own_JJ production_NN volume_NN ,_, an
d_CC presumably_RB sales_NNS ,_, to_TO jump_VB 30_CD percent_NN in_IN 1961_CD ._
. Look_VB for_IN home_NR building_VBG nationally_RB to_TO advance_VB less_AP tha
n_IN 10_CD percent_NN this_DT year_NN from_IN 1960's_CD$ 1,257,700_CD non-farm_N
N housing_NN starts_NNS ._. The_AT industry_NN has_HVZ said_VBN 1960_CD was_BEDZ
a_AT poor_JJ year_NN ._. Starts_NNS were_BED down_RP 20_CD percent_NN from_IN 1
959_CD ._. Why_WRB the_AT discrepancy_NN between_IN the_AT builders'_NNS$ foreca
sts_NNS for_IN themselves_PPLS and_CC for_IN the_AT industry_NN ?_. ?_. Leaders_
NNS-HL of_IN-HL industry_NN-HL The_AT reason_NN ,_, says_VBZ the_AT Housing_NN-T
L Center_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ that_CS the_AT builders_NNS invited_VBN to_IN the_AT i
ntentions_NNS conference_NN ``_`` are_BER generally_RB among_IN the_AT more_QL s
uccessful_JJ businessmen_NNS ,_, and_CC usually_RB do_DO somewhat_QL better_RBR
than_CS their_PP$ fellow_NN builders_NNS ''_'' ._. Elburn_NP-HL ,_,-HL Ill._NP-H
L --_-- Farm_NN machinery_NN dealer_NN Bob_NP Houtz_NP tilts_VBZ back_RB in_IN a
_AT battered_VBN chair_NN and_CC tells_VBZ of_IN a_AT sharp_JJ pickup_NN in_IN s
ales_NNS :_: ``_`` We've_PPSS+HV sold_VBN four_CD corn_NN pickers_NNS since_IN L
abor_NN-TL Day_NN-TL and_CC have_HV good_JJ prospects_NNS for_IN 10_CD more_AP .
_. We_PPSS sold_VBD only_RB four_CD pickers_NNS all_ABN last_AP year_NN ''_'' ._
. Gus_NP Ehlers_NP ,_, competitor_NN of_IN Mr._NP Houtz_NP in_IN this_DT farm_NN
community_NN ,_, says_VBZ his_PP$ business_NN since_IN August_NP 1_CD is_BEZ ru
nning_VBG 50%_NN above_IN a_AT year_NN earlier_RBR ._. ``_`` Before_IN then_RB ,
_, my_PP$ sales_NNS during_IN much_AP of_IN the_AT year_NN had_HVD lagged_VBN be
hind_IN 1960_CD by_IN 20%_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ._. Though_CS the_AT sale
s_NNS gains_NNS these_DTS two_CD dealers_NNS are_BER experiencing_VBG are_BER ab
ove_IN average_NN for_IN their_PP$ business_NN ,_, farm_NN equipment_NN sales_NN
S are_BER climbing_VBG in_IN most_AP rural_JJ areas_NNS ._. Paradoxically_RB ,_,
the_AT sales_NNS rise_NN is_BEZ due_JJ in_IN large_JJ measure_NN to_IN Governme
nt_NN-TL efforts_NNS to_TO slash_VB farm_NN output_NN ._. Although_CS the_AT Adm
inistration's_NN$-TL program_NN cut_VBD crop_NN acreage_NN to_IN the_AT lowest_J
JT point_NN since_IN 1934_CD ,_, farmers_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN ex
tra_JJ fertilizer_NN and_CC good_JJ weather_NN ,_, are_BER getting_VBG such_JJ h
igh_JJ yields_NNS per_IN acre_NN that_CS many_AP are_BER being_BEG forced_VBN to
_TO buy_VB new_JJ harvesting_VBG machines_NNS ._. Fields_NNS of_IN corn_NN and_C
C some_DTI other_AP crops_NNS in_IN many_AP cases_NNS are_BER so_QL dense_JJ tha
t_CS older_JJR equipment_NN cannot_MD* handle_VB them_PPO efficiently_RB ._. The
_AT higher_JJR price_NN supports_NNS provided_VBN by_IN the_AT new_JJ legislatio
n_NN ,_, together_RB with_IN rising_VBG prices_NNS for_IN farm_NN products_NNS ,
_, are_BER pushing_VBG up_RP farm_NN income_NN ,_, making_VBG it_PPO possible_JJ
for_CS farmers_NNS to_TO afford_VB the_AT new_JJ machinery_NN ._. Seven_CD of_I
N the_AT eight_CD companies_NNS that_WPS turn_VB out_RP full_JJ lines_NNS of_IN
farm_NN machinery_NN say_VB sales_NNS by_IN their_PP$ dealers_NNS since_IN the_A
T start_NN of_IN August_NP have_HV shown_VBN gains_NNS averaging_VBG nearly_RB 1
0%_NN above_IN last_AP year_NN ._. ``_`` In_IN August_NP our_PP$ dealers_NNS sol
d_VBD 13%_NN more_AP farm_NN machinery_NN than_IN a_AT year_NN earlier_RBR and_C
C in_IN September_NP retail_JJ sales_NNS were_BED 14%_NN higher_JJR than_CS last
_AP year_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Mark_NP V._NP Keeler_NP ,_, farm_NN equipment_NN
vice_NN president_NN of_IN International_JJ-TL Harvester_NP-TL Co._NN-TL ._. For
_IN the_AT year_NN to_IN date_NN ,_, sales_NNS of_IN the_AT company's_NN$ farm_N
N equipment_NN dealers_NNS still_RB lag_VB about_RB 5%_NN behind_IN 1960_CD ._.
Two_CD-HL of_IN-HL three_CD-HL report_VB-HL gains_NNS-HL Among_IN individual_JJ
dealers_NNS questioned_VBN in_IN nearly_RB a_AT score_NN of_IN states_NNS ,_, tw
o_CD out_IN of_IN three_CD report_VB their_PP$ sales_NNS since_IN August_NP 1_CD
show_VB sizable_JJ gains_NNS from_IN a_AT year_NN earlier_RBR ,_, with_IN the_A
T increases_NNS ranging_VBG from_IN 5%_NN to_IN 50%_NN ._. Not_* all_ABN section
s_NNS are_BER showing_VBG an_AT upswing_NN ,_, however_WRB ;_. ;_. the_AT drough
t-seared_JJ North_JJ-TL Central_JJ-TL states_NNS are_BER the_AT most_QL notable_
JJ exceptions_NNS to_IN the_AT uptrend_NN ._. The_AT significance_NN of_IN the_A
T pickup_NN in_IN farm_NN machinery_NN sales_NNS extends_VBZ beyond_IN the_AT fa
rm_NN equipment_NN industry_NN ._. The_AT demand_NN for_IN farm_NN machinery_NN
is_BEZ regarded_VBN as_CS a_AT yardstick_NN of_IN rural_JJ buying_NN generally_R
B ._. Farmers_NNS spend_VB more_AP of_IN their_PP$ income_NN on_IN tractors_NNS
and_CC implements_NNS than_CS on_IN any_DTI other_AP group_NN of_IN products_NNS
._. More_AP than_IN 20_CD million_CD people_NNS live_VB on_IN farms_NNS and_CC
they_PPSS own_VB a_AT fourth_OD of_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ trucks_NNS ,_, buy_VB
more_AP gasoline_NN than_CS any_DTI other_AP industry_NN and_CC provide_VB a_AT
major_JJ market_NN for_IN home_NR appliances_NNS ,_, chemicals_NNS and_CC other_
AP products_NNS ._. Farmers_NNS are_BER so_QL eager_JJ for_IN new_JJ machinery_N
N that_CS they're_PPSS+BER haggling_VBG less_RBR over_IN prices_NNS than_CS they
_PPSS did_DOD a_AT year_NN ago_RB ,_, dealers_NNS report_VB ._. ``_`` Farmers_NN
S aren't_BER* as_QL price_NN conscious_JJ as_CS last_AP year_NN so_CS we_PPSS ca
n_MD get_VB more_AP money_NN on_IN a_AT sale_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Jack_NP Marti
n_NP ,_, who_WPS sells_VBZ J._NP I._NP Case_NP tractors_NNS and_CC implements_NN
S in_IN Sioux_NPS City_NN-TL ,_, Iowa_NP ._. ``_`` This_DT morning_NN ,_, we_PPS
S allowed_VBD a_AT farmer_NN $600_NNS on_IN the_AT old_JJ picker_NN he_PPS trade
d_VBD in_RP on_IN a_AT new_JJ $2,700_NNS model_NN ._. Last_AP year_NN ,_, we_PPS
S probably_RB would_MD have_HV given_VBN him_PPO $700_NNS for_IN a_AT comparable
_JJ machine_NN ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Martin_NP sold_VBD 21_CD tractors_NNS in_IN Augu
st_NP ;_. ;_. in_IN August_NP of_IN 1960_CD ,_, he_PPS sold_VBD seven_CD ._. Dea
lers'_NNS$-HL stocks_NNS-HL down_RP-HL With_IN dealer_NN stocks_NNS of_IN new_JJ
equipment_NN averaging_VBG about_RB 25%_NN below_IN a_AT year_NN ago_RB ,_, the
_AT affects_NNS of_IN the_AT rural_JJ recovery_NN are_BER being_BEG felt_VBN alm
ost_QL immediately_RB by_IN the_AT country's_NN$ farm_NN equipment_NN manufactur
ers_NNS ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, farm_NN equipment_NN shipments_NNS of_IN Inter
national_JJ-TL Harvester_NP-TL in_IN August_NP climbed_VBD about_RB 5%_NN above_
IN a_AT year_NN earlier_RBR ,_, Mr._NP Keeler_NP reports_VBZ ._. Tractor_NN prod
uction_NN at_IN Massey-Ferguson_NP ,_, Ltd._VBN-TL ,_, of_IN Toronto_NP in_IN Ju
ly_NP and_CC August_NP rose_VBD to_IN 2,418_CD units_NNS from_IN 869_CD in_IN th
e_AT like_JJ period_NN a_AT year_NN earlier_RBR ,_, says_VBZ John_NP Staiger_NP
,_, vice_NN president_NN ._. With_IN the_AT lower_JJR dealer_NN inventories_NNS
and_CC the_AT stepped-up_JJ demand_NN some_DTI manufacturers_NNS believe_VB ther
e_EX could_MD be_BE shortages_NNS of_IN some_DTI implements_NNS ._. Merritt_NP D
._NP Hill_NP ,_, Ford_NP-TL Motor_NN-TL Co._NN-TL vice_NN president_NN ,_, says_
VBZ his_PP$ company_NN is_BEZ starting_VBG to_TO get_VB calls_NNS daily_RB from_
IN dealers_NNS demanding_VBG immediate_JJ delivery_NN or_CC wanting_VBG earlier_
JJR shipping_VBG dates_NNS on_IN orders_NNS for_IN corn_NN pickers_NNS ._. Excep
t_IN for_IN a_AT few_AP months_NNS in_IN late_JJ 1960_CD and_CC early_JJ 1961_CD
,_, retail_JJ farm_NN equipment_NN sales_NNS have_HV trailed_VBN year-earlier_J
JR levels_NNS since_IN the_AT latter_AP part_NN of_IN 1959_CD ._. The_AT rise_NN
in_IN sales_NNS last_AP winter_NN was_BEDZ checked_VBN when_WRB the_AT Governme
nt's_NN$-TL new_JJ feed_NN grain_NN program_NN was_BEDZ adopted_VBN ;_. ;_. the_
AT program_NN resulted_VBD in_RP a_AT cutback_NN of_IN around_RB 20%_NN in_IN pl
anted_VBN acreage_NN and_CC ,_, as_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, reduced_VBD the_AT imme
diate_JJ need_NN for_IN machines_NNS ._. Nearly_RB all_ABN of_IN the_AT farm_NN
equipment_NN manufacturers_NNS and_CC dealers_NNS say_VB the_AT upturn_NN in_IN
sales_NNS has_HVZ resulted_VBN chiefly_RB from_IN the_AT recent_JJ improvement_N
N in_IN crop_NN prospects_NNS ._. Total_NN farm_NN output_NN for_IN this_DT year
_NN is_BEZ officially_RB forecast_VBN at_IN 129%_NN of_IN the_AT 1947-49_CD aver
age_NN ,_, three_CD points_NNS higher_RBR than_CS the_AT July_NP 1_CD estimate_N
N and_CC exactly_QL equal_JJ to_IN the_AT final_JJ figure_NN for_IN 1960_CD ._.
The_AT Government_NN-TL also_RB is_BEZ aiding_VBG farmers'_NNS$ income_NN prospe
cts_NNS ._. Agriculture_NN-TL Department_NN-TL economists_NNS estimate_VB the_AT
Government_NN-TL this_DT year_NN will_MD hand_VB farmers_NNS $1.4_NNS billion_C
D in_IN special_JJ subsidies_NNS and_CC incentive_NN payments_NNS ,_, well_QL ab
ove_IN the_AT record_NN $1.1_NNS billion_CD of_IN 1958_CD and_CC about_RB double
_JJ the_AT $639_NNS million_CD of_IN 1960_CD ._. Price_NN support_NN loans_NNS m
ay_MD total_VB another_DT $1_NN billion_CD this_DT year_NN ._. With_IN cash_NN r
eceipts_NNS from_IN marketings_NNS expected_VBN to_TO be_BE slightly_RB above_IN
1960_CD ,_, farmers'_NNS$ gross_NN income_NN is_BEZ estimated_VBN at_IN $39.5_N
NS billion_CD ,_, $1.5_NNS billion_CD above_IN 1960's_CD$ record_NN high_NN ._.
Net_NN income_NN may_MD reach_VB $12.7_NNS billion_CD ,_, up_RP $1_NN billion_CD
from_IN 1960_CD and_CC the_AT highest_JJT since_IN 1953_CD ._. The_AT Governmen
t_NN-TL reported_VBD last_AP week_NN that_CS the_AT index_NN of_IN prices_NNS re
ceived_VBN by_IN farmers_NNS rose_VBD in_IN the_AT month_NN ended_VBN at_IN mid-
September_NP for_IN the_AT third_OD consecutive_JJ month_NN ,_, reaching_VBG 242
%_NN of_IN the_AT 1910-14_CD average_NN compared_VBN with_IN 237%_NN at_IN mid-J
uly_NP ._. Kennedy_NP opposes_VBZ any_DTI widespread_JJ relief_NN from_IN a_AT H
igh_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL depletion_NN ruling_NN ._. The_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-T
L decision_NN in_IN mid-1960_CD was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN a_AT company
_NN making_VBG sewer_NN pipe_NN from_IN clay_NN which_WDT it_PPS mined_VBD ._. T
he_AT company_NN ,_, in_IN figuring_VBG its_PP$ taxable_JJ earnings_NNS ,_, dedu
cted_VBD a_AT percentage_NN of_IN the_AT revenue_NN it_PPS received_VBD for_IN i
ts_PP$ finished_VBN products_NNS ._. Such_JJ ``_`` depletion_NN allowances_NNS '
'_'' ,_, in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN percentages_NNS of_IN sales_NNS are_BER auth
orized_VBN by_IN tax_NN law_NN for_IN specified_VBN raw_JJ materials_NNS produce
rs_NNS using_VBG up_RP their_PP$ assets_NNS ._. The_AT High_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL he
ld_VBD that_CS the_AT company_NN must_MD apply_VB its_PP$ percentage_NN allowanc
e_NN to_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN the_AT raw_JJ materials_NNS removed_VBN from_IN
the_AT ground_NN ,_, not_* to_IN the_AT revenue_NN from_IN finished_VBN product
s_NNS ._. A_AT measure_NN passed_VBD by_IN Congress_NP just_RB before_CS adjourn
ing_VBG softened_VBD the_AT ruling's_NN$ impact_NN ,_, on_IN prior-year_NN retur
ns_NNS still_RB under_IN review_NN ,_, for_IN clay-mining_NN companies_NNS that_
WPS make_VB brick_NN and_CC tile_NN products_NNS ._. The_AT measure_NN allows_VB
Z such_JJ companies_NNS in_IN those_DTS years_NNS to_TO apply_VB their_PP$ miner
al_NN depletion_NN allowances_NNS to_IN 50%_NN of_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN the_A
T finished_VBN products_NNS rather_IN than_IN the_AT lower_JJR value_NN of_IN ra
w_JJ clay_NN alone_RB ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, in_IN signing_VBG the_A
T relief_NN measure_NN into_IN law_NN ,_, stressed_VBD he_PPS regarded_VBD it_PP
O as_CS an_AT exception_NN ._. ``_`` My_PP$ approval_NN of_IN this_DT bill_NN sh
ould_MD not_* be_BE viewed_VBN as_CS establishing_VBG a_AT precedent_NN for_IN t
he_AT enactment_NN of_IN similar_JJ legislation_NN for_IN other_AP mineral_NN in
dustries_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL said_VBD ._. Charitable_JJ deducti
ons_NNS come_VB in_RP for_IN closer_JJR scrutiny_NN by_IN the_AT I.R.S._NP ._. T
he_AT Service_NN-TL announced_VBD that_CS taxpayers_NNS making_VBG such_JJ claim
s_NNS may_MD be_BE called_VBN on_RP to_TO furnish_VB a_AT statement_NN from_IN t
he_AT recipient_NN organization_NN showing_VBG the_AT date_NN ,_, purpose_NN ,_,
amount_NN and_CC other_AP particulars_NNS of_IN the_AT contribution_NN ._. Requ
ests_NNS for_IN substantiation_NN ,_, the_AT Service_NN-TL indicated_VBD ,_, can
_MD be_BE especially_RB expected_VBN in_IN cases_NNS where_WRB it_PPS suspects_V
BZ the_AT donor_NN received_VBD some_DTI material_NN benefit_NN in_IN return_NN
,_, such_JJ as_CS tickets_NNS to_IN a_AT show_NN ._. In_IN such_JJ an_AT instanc
e_NN ,_, revenuers_NNS stressed_VBD ,_, the_AT deduction_NN must_MD be_BE reduce
d_VBN by_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN the_AT benefit_NN received_VBN ._. A_AT rule_N
N on_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL deductibility_NN of_IN state_NN taxes_NNS is_BEZ co
ntested_VBN ._. A_AT realty_NN corporation_NN in_IN Louisiana_NP owed_VBD no_AT
tax_NN ,_, under_IN Federal_JJ-TL law_NN ,_, on_IN its_PP$ gain_NN from_IN the_A
T sale_NN of_IN property_NN disposed_VBN of_IN in_IN line_NN with_IN a_AT plan_N
N of_IN liquidation_NN ._. Louisiana_NP ,_, however_WRB ,_, collected_VBD an_AT
income_NN tax_NN on_IN the_AT profits_NNS from_IN the_AT sale_NN ._. The_AT corp
oration_NN ,_, in_IN filing_VBG its_PP$ final_JJ Federal_JJ-TL income_NN return_
NN ,_, claimed_VBD the_AT state_NN tax_NN payment_NN as_CS a_AT deductible_JJ ex
pense_NN ,_, as_CS permitted_VBN under_IN U.S._NP tax_NN law_NN ._. The_AT Reven
ue_NN-TL Service_NN-TL disallowed_VBD the_AT claim_NN ,_, invoking_VBG a_AT law_
NN provision_NN that_WPS generally_RB bars_VBZ deductions_NNS for_IN expenses_NN
S incurred_VBN in_IN connection_NN with_IN what_WDT it_PPS said_VBD was_BEDZ tax
-exempt_JJ income_NN ._. The_AT Tax_NN-TL Court_NN-TL rejected_VBD this_DT view_
NN ._. It_PPS said_VBD the_AT tax-freedom_NN of_IN the_AT gain_NN in_IN this_DT
case_NN stemmed_VBD not_* from_IN the_AT exempt_JJ status_NN of_IN the_AT income
_NN but_CC from_IN a_AT special_JJ rule_NN on_IN corporate_JJ liquidations_NNS .
_. The_AT Tax_NN-TL Court_NN-TL decision_NN and_CC a_AT similar_JJ earlier_JJR f
inding_NN by_IN the_AT Ninth_OD-TL Circuit_NN-TL Court_NN-TL of_IN-TL Appeals_NN
S-TL challenges_VBZ a_AT year-old_JJ I.R.S._NP ruling_NN on_IN the_AT subject_NN
._. The_AT Service_NN-TL has_HVZ not_* said_VBN what_WDT its_PP$ next_AP step_N
N will_MD be_BE ._. Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL volunteers_NNS are_BER assured_VBN a
_AT tax_NN benefit_NN under_IN the_AT law_NN creating_VBG the_AT agency_NN ._. I
t_PPS provides_VBZ that_CS the_AT $1,800_NNS termination_NN payment_NN each_DT c
adet_NN is_BEZ to_TO get_VB ,_, after_CS serving_VBG a_AT two-year_JJ hitch_NN w
ithout_IN pay_NN ,_, will_MD be_BE spread_VBN over_IN both_ABX years_NNS ,_, not
_* taxed_VBN in_IN its_PP$ entirety_NN at_IN a_AT possibly_RB higher_JJR rate_NN
in_IN the_AT year_NN received_VBN ._. The_AT owner_NN of_IN a_AT public_JJ rela
tions_NNS firm_NN owed_VBD no_AT income_NN tax_NN on_IN payments_NNS he_PPS rece
ived_VBD from_IN a_AT client_NN company_NN and_CC ``_`` kicked_VBD back_RB ''_''
to_IN the_AT company's_NN$ advertising_NN manager_NN ,_, the_AT Tax_NN-TL Court
_NN-TL ruled_VBD ._. The_AT taxpayer_NN testified_VBD that_CS in_IN order_NN to_
TO retain_VB the_AT account_NN he_PPS had_HVD to_TO pad_VB his_PP$ invoices_NNS
and_CC pay_VB the_AT excess_NN to_IN the_AT manager_NN ._. The_AT Court_NN-TL up
held_VBD the_AT taxpayer's_NN$ contention_NN that_CS these_DTS ``_`` kickbacks_N
NS ''_'' were_BED not_* his_PP$ income_NN though_CS they_PPSS passed_VBD through
_IN his_PP$ hands_NNS ._. The_AT Court_NN-TL limited_VBD its_PP$ decision_NN to_
IN the_AT tax_NN issue_NN involved_VBN ,_, commenting_VBG :_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BE
Z not_* our_PP$ province_NN to_TO pass_VB judgment_NN on_IN the_AT morality_NN o
f_IN the_AT transaction_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT portable_JJ kerosene_NN range_NN desig
ned_VBN for_IN use_NN aboard_IN boats_NNS is_BEZ sold_VBN with_IN a_AT special_J
J railing_NN to_TO keep_VB it_PPO from_IN moving_VBG with_IN the_AT motion_NN of
_IN the_AT vessel_NN ._. The_AT Revenue_NN-TL Service_NN-TL said_VBD the_AT addi
tion_NN of_IN the_AT attachment_NN does_DOZ not_* keep_VB the_AT range_NN from_I
N coming_VBG under_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL manufacturers'_NNS$ excise_NN tax_NN
on_IN household-type_JJ appliances_NNS ._. Hiring_VBG the_AT wife_NN for_IN one'
s_PN$ company_NN may_MD win_VB her_PPO tax-aided_JJ retirement_NN income_NN ._.
A_AT spouse_NN employed_VBN by_IN a_AT corporation_NN her_PP$ husband_NN control
s_VBZ ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, may_MD be_BE entitled_VBN to_IN distributions_NN
S under_IN the_AT company's_NN$ pension_NN plan_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS to_IN her
_PP$ own_JJ Social_JJ-TL Security_NN-TL coverage_NN ._. She_PPS would_MD be_BE t
axed_VBN on_IN the_AT pensions_NNS when_WRB received_VBN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_,
but_CC the_AT company's_NN$ contributions_NNS would_MD be_BE tax-free_JJ ._. A_
AT frequent_JJ pitfall_NN in_IN this_DT sort_NN of_IN arrangement_NN ,_, experts
_NNS warn_VB ,_, is_BEZ a_AT tendency_NN to_TO pay_VB the_AT wife_NN more_AP tha
n_CS her_PP$ job_NN is_BEZ worth_JJ and_CC to_TO set_VB aside_RB an_AT excessive
_JJ amount_NN for_IN her_PPO as_CS retirement_NN income_NN ._. In_IN that_DT eve
nt_NN ,_, they_PPSS note_VB ,_, the_AT Revenue_NN-TL Service_NN-TL might_MD decl
are_VB the_AT pension_NN plan_NN is_BEZ discriminatory_JJ and_CC deny_VB it_PPO
tax_NN privileges_NNS under_IN the_AT law_NN ._. Possible_JJ upshots_NNS :_: The
_AT company_NN could_MD be_BE denied_VBN a_AT deduction_NN for_IN its_PP$ pensio
n_NN payments_NNS ,_, or_CC those_DTS payments_NNS for_IN the_AT wife_NN and_CC
other_AP employes_NNS could_MD be_BE ruled_VBN taxable_JJ to_IN them_PPO in_IN t
he_AT year_NN made_VBN ._. State_NN briefs_NNS :_: Voters_NNS in_IN four_CD coun
ties_NNS containing_VBG and_CC bordering_VBG Denver_NP authorized_VBD the_AT imp
osition_NN of_IN an_AT additional_JJ 2%_NN sales_NNS tax_VB within_IN that_DT ar
ea_NN ._. Colorado_NP has_HVZ a_AT 2%_NN sales_NNS tax_NN ._. Denver_NP itself_P
PL collects_VBZ a_AT 1%_NN sales_NNS tax_VB which_WDT is_BEZ to_TO be_BE absorbe
d_VBN in_IN the_AT higher_JJR area_NN tax_NN ._. The_AT Washington_NP state_NN s
upreme_JJ court_NN ruled_VBD that_CS the_AT state's_NN$ occupation_NN tax_NN app
lied_VBD to_IN sales_NNS ,_, made_VBN at_IN cost_NN to_IN an_AT oil_NN company_N
N ,_, by_IN a_AT wholly-owned_JJ subsidiary_NN set_VBN up_RP to_TO purchase_VB c
ertain_JJ supplies_NNS without_IN divulging_VBG the_AT identity_NN of_IN the_AT
parent_NN ._. The_AT state's_NN$ occupation_NN tax_NN is_BEZ computed_VBN on_IN
gross_NN sales_NNS ._. The_AT court_NN held_VBD that_CS the_AT tax_NN applied_VB
D to_IN non-profit_JJ sales_NNS because_CS the_AT corporations_NNS realized_VBD
economic_JJ benefits_NNS by_IN doing_VBG business_NN as_CS two_CD separate_JJ en
tities_NNS ._. Washington_NP-HL --_-- Consumer_NN spending_NN edged_VBD down_RP
in_IN April_NP after_CS rising_VBG for_IN two_CD consecutive_JJ months_NNS ,_, t
he_AT Government_NN-TL reported_VBD ._. The_AT Commerce_NN-TL Department_NN-TL s
aid_VBD seasonally_RB adjusted_VBN sales_NNS of_IN retail_JJ stores_NNS dropped_
VBD to_IN slightly_RB under_IN $18_NNS billion_CD in_IN April_NP ,_, down_RP 1%_
NN from_IN the_AT March_NP level_NN of_IN more_AP than_IN $18.2_NNS billion_CD .
_. April_NP sales_NNS also_RB were_BED 5%_NN below_IN those_DTS of_IN April_NP l
ast_AP year_NN ,_, when_WRB volume_NN reached_VBD a_AT record_NN for_IN any_DTI
month_NN ,_, $18.9_NNS billion_CD (_( see_VB chart_NN on_IN Page_NN One_CD-TL )_
) ._. The_AT seasonal_JJ adjustment_NN takes_VBZ into_IN account_NN such_JJ fact
ors_NNS as_CS Easter_NP was_BEDZ on_IN April_NP 2_CD this_DT year_NN ,_, two_CD
weeks_NNS earlier_RBR than_IN in_IN 1960_CD ,_, and_CC pre-Easter_JJ buying_NN w
as_BEDZ pushed_VBN into_IN March_NP ._. Commerce_NN-TL Department_NN-TL official
s_NNS were_BED inclined_VBN to_TO explain_VB the_AT April_NP sales_NNS decline_V
B as_CS a_AT reaction_NN from_IN a_AT surge_NN of_IN consumer_NN buying_NN in_IN
March_NP ._. Adjusted_VBN sales_NNS that_DT month_NN were_BED up_RP a_AT relati
vely_QL steep_JJ 2.5%_NN from_IN those_DTS of_IN the_AT month_NN before_RB ,_, w
hich_WDT in_IN turn_NN were_BED slightly_QL higher_JJR than_CS the_AT January_NP
low_NN of_IN $17.8_NNS billion_CD ._. Greer_NP Garson_NP ,_, world-famous_JJ st
ar_NN of_IN stage_NN ,_, screen_NN and_CC television_NN ,_, will_MD be_BE honore
d_VBN for_IN the_AT high_JJ standard_NN in_IN tasteful_JJ sophisticated_JJ fashi
on_NN with_IN which_WDT she_PPS has_HVZ created_VBN a_AT high_JJ standard_NN in_
IN her_PP$ profession_NN ._. As_CS a_AT Neiman-Marcus_NP award_NN winner_NN the_
AT titian-haired_JJ Miss_NP Garson_NP is_BEZ a_AT personification_NN of_IN the_A
T individual_JJ look_NN so_QL important_JJ to_IN fashion_NN this_DT season_NN ._
. She_PPS will_MD receive_VB the_AT 1961_CD ``_`` Oscar_NP ''_'' at_IN the_AT 24
th_OD annual_JJ Neiman-Marcus_NP-TL Exposition_NN-TL ,_, Tuesday_NR and_CC Wedne
sday_NR in_IN the_AT Grand_JJ-TL Ballroom_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Sheraton-Dallas_NP-
TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. The_AT only_AP woman_NN recipient_NN ,_, Miss_NP Garson_NP wi
ll_MD receive_VB the_AT award_NN with_IN Ferdinando_NP Sarmi_NP ,_, creator_NN o
f_IN chic_JJ ,_, beautiful_JJ women's_NNS$ fashions_NNS ;_. ;_. Harry_NP Rolnick
_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT Byer-Rolnick_NP-TL Hat_NN-TL Corporation_NN-TL
and_CC designer_NN of_IN men's_NNS$ hats_NNS ;_. ;_. Sydney_NP Wragge_NP ,_, cr
eator_NN of_IN sophisticated_JJ casuals_NNS for_IN women_NNS and_CC Roger_NP Viv
ier_NP ,_, designer_NN of_IN Christian_NP Dior_NP shoes_NNS Paris_NP ,_, France_
NP ,_, whose_WP$ squared_VBN toes_NNS and_CC lowered_VBN heels_NNS have_HV revol
utionized_VBN the_AT shoe_NN industry_NN ._. The_AT silver_JJ and_CC ebony_NN pl
aques_NNS will_MD be_BE presented_VBN at_IN noon_NN luncheons_NNS by_IN Stanley_
NP Marcus_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN Neiman-Marcus_NP ,_, Beneficiary_NN of_IN th
e_AT proceeds_NNS from_IN the_AT two_CD showings_NNS will_MD be_BE the_AT Dallas
_NP-TL Society_NN-TL for_IN Crippled_VBN-TL Children_NNS-TL Cerebral_JJ-TL Palsy
_NN-TL Treatment_NN-TL Center_NN-TL ._. The_AT attractive_JJ Greer_NP Garson_NP
,_, who_WPS loves_VBZ beautiful_JJ clothes_NNS and_CC selects_VBZ them_PPO as_QL
carefully_RB as_CS she_PPS does_DOZ her_PP$ professional_JJ roles_NNS ,_, prefe
rs_VBZ timeless_JJ classical_JJ designs_NNS ._. Occasionally_RB she_PPS deserts_
VBZ the_AT simple_JJ and_CC elegant_JJ for_IN a_AT fun_NN piece_NN simply_RB bec
ause_CS ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ unlike_IN me_PPO ''_'' ._. In_IN private_JJ life_NN ,
_, Miss_NP Garson_NP is_BEZ Mrs._NP E._NP E._NP Fogelson_NP and_CC on_IN the_AT
go_NN most_AP of_IN the_AT time_NN commuting_VBG from_IN Dallas_NP ,_, where_WRB
they_PPSS maintain_VB an_AT apartment_NN ,_, to_IN their_PP$ California_NP home
_NN in_IN Los_NP Angeles'_NP$ suburban_JJ Bel-Air_NP to_IN their_PP$ ranch_NN in
_IN Pecos_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL Mexico_NP-TL ._. Therefore_RB ,_, her_PP$ wardrobe_NN
is_BEZ largely_QL mobile_JJ ,_, to_TO be_BE packed_VBN at_IN a_AT moment's_NN$
notice_NN and_CC to_TO shake_VB out_RP without_IN a_AT wrinkle_NN ._. Her_PP$ cr
eations_NNS in_IN fashion_NN are_BER from_IN many_AP designers_NNS because_CS sh
e_PPS doesn't_DOZ* want_VB a_AT complete_JJ wardrobe_NN from_IN any_DTI one_CD d
esigner_NN any_DTI more_AP than_CS she_PPS wants_VBZ ``_`` all_ABN of_IN her_PP$
pictures_NNS by_IN one_CD painter_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT favorite_JJ is_BEZ Norman_N
P Norell_NP ,_, however_WRB ._. She_PPS likes_VBZ his_PP$ classic_JJ chemise_NN
._. Her_PP$ favorite_JJ cocktail_NN dress_NN is_BEZ a_AT Norell_NP ,_, a_AT blac
k_JJ and_CC white_JJ organdy_NN and_CC silk_NN jersey_NN ._. Irene_NP suits_NNS
rate_VB high_RB because_CS they_PPSS are_BER designed_VBN for_IN her_PP$ long-bo
died_JJ silhouette_NN ._. She_PPS also_RB likes_VBZ the_AT femininity_NN and_CC
charm_NN of_IN designs_NNS by_IN Ceil_NP Chapman_NP and_CC Helen_NP Rose_NP ._.
Balenciaga_NP is_BEZ her_PP$ favorite_JJ European_JJ designer_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPS
S bought_VBD my_PP$ first_OD dress_NN from_IN him_PPO when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ s
till_RB a_AT struggling_VBG young_JJ actress_NN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS reminisces_VBZ
._. ``_`` I_PPSS like_VB his_PP$ clothes_NNS for_IN their_PP$ drama_NN and_CC s
implicity_NN and_CC appreciate_VB the_AT great_JJ impact_NN he_PPS has_HVZ on_IN
fashion_NN ''_'' ._. Black_NN and_CC white_NN is_BEZ her_PP$ favorite_JJ color_
NN combination_NN along_IN with_IN lively_JJ glowing_VBG pinks_NNS ,_, reds_NNS
,_, blues_NNS and_CC greens_NNS ._. Of_IN Scotch-Irish-Scandinavian_NP descent_N
N ,_, Greer_NP Garson_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN County_NN-TL Down_NP-TL ,_, Ire
land_NP ._. Her_PP$ mother_NN was_BEDZ a_AT Greer_NP and_CC her_PP$ father's_NN$
family_NN came_VBD from_IN the_AT Orkney_NP-TL Isles_NNS-TL ._. Reared_VBN in_I
N England_NP ,_, she_PPS studied_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT teacher_NN ,_, earned_VBD
several_AP scholarships_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ graduated_VBN with_IN honors_NNS fro
m_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL London_NP-TL ._. She_PPS took_VBD postgrad
uate_NN work_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Grenoble_NP-TL in_IN Fran
ce_NP and_CC then_RB returned_VBD to_IN London_NP to_TO work_VB on_IN market_NN
research_NN with_IN an_AT advertising_VBG firm_NN ._. Her_PP$ acting_NN began_VB
D with_IN the_AT Birmingham_NP-TL Repertory_NN-TL Company_NN-TL and_CC she_PPS s
oon_RB became_VBD the_AT toast_NN of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL End_NN-TL ._. Among_IN
stage_NN performances_NNS was_BEDZ a_AT starring_VBG role_NN in_IN ``_`` Golden
_JJ-TL Arrow_NN-TL ''_'' directed_VBN by_IN Noel_NP Coward_NP ._. It_PPS was_BED
Z during_IN ``_`` Old_JJ-TL Music_NN-TL ''_'' at_IN the_AT St._NN-TL James_NP-TL
Theater_NN-TL that_CS Hollywood's_NP$ Louis_NP B._NP Mayer_NP spotted_VBD her_P
PO ._. After_CS signing_VBG a_AT motion-picture_NN contract_NN ,_, she_PPS came_
VBD to_IN America_NP and_CC had_HVD ``_`` Goodbye_UH ,_, Mr._NP Chips_NP ''_'' a
s_CS her_PP$ first_OD assignment_NN after_IN a_AT year's_NN$ wait_NN ._. Other_A
P triumphs_NNS include_VB ``_`` Random_JJ-TL Harvest_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Madam
e_NP Curie_NP ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Pride_NN-TL and_CC-TL Prejudice_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``
_`` The_AT-TL Forsythe_NP-TL Saga_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` Mrs._NP Miniver_NP ''
_'' (_( which_WDT won_VBD her_PPO the_AT Academy_NN-TL Award_NN-TL in_IN 1943_CD
)_) ._. Honors_NNS that_WPS have_HV come_VBN to_IN Greer_NP Garson_NP are_BER c
ountless_JJ ._. Just_RB this_DT April_NP she_PPS was_BEDZ nominated_VBN for_IN t
he_AT seventh_OD time_NN for_IN an_AT Academy_NN-TL Award_NN-TL for_IN her_PP$ p
ortrayal_NN of_IN Eleanor_NP Roosevelt_NP in_IN ``_`` Sunrise_NN-TL at_IN-TL Cam
pobello_NP-TL ''_'' ._. She_PPS gave_VBD a_AT fine_JJ portrayal_NN of_IN Auntie_
NP Mame_NP on_IN Broadway_NP in_IN 1958_CD and_CC has_HVZ appeared_VBN in_IN liv
e_JJ television_NN from_IN ``_`` Captain_NN-TL Brassbound's_NP$ Conversion_NN-TL
''_'' to_IN ``_`` Camille_NP ''_'' ._. She_PPS is_BEZ in_IN Madame_NP Tussard's
_NP$ Waxworks_NNS-TL in_IN London_NP ,_, a_AT princess_NN of_IN the_AT Kiowa_NP
tribe_NN and_CC an_AT honorary_JJ colonel_NN in_IN many_AP states_NNS ._. She_PP
S is_BEZ adept_JJ at_IN skeet_NN shooting_NN ,_, trout_NN fishing_VBG ,_, Afro-C
uban_JJ and_CC Oriental_JJ-TL dancing_NN and_CC Southwestern_JJ archaeology_NN .
_. She_PPS now_RB serves_VBZ on_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN directors_NNS of_IN the
_AT Dallas_NP-TL Symphony_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Dallas_NP-TL Theat
er_NN-TL Center_NN-TL and_CC on_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN trustees_NNS of_IN the_
AT Dallas_NP-TL Museum_NN-TL of_IN-TL Fine_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL ._. She_PPS is_BEZ
state_NN chairman_NN for_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Mexico_NP-TL Tuberculosis_NN-TL and
_CC Cancer_NN-TL Associations_NNS-TL ._. Both_ABX Miss_NP Garson_NP and_CC her_P
P$ oilman-rancher_NN husband_NN are_BER active_JJ supporters_NNS of_IN Boys_NNS-
TL Clubs_NNS-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-TL and_CC patrons_NNS of_IN the_AT vivid_JJ
art_NN and_CC opera_NN colony_NN that_WPS flourishes_VBZ in_IN New_JJ-TL Mexico_
NP-TL ._. Back_RB in_IN college_NN ,_, today's_NR$ handsome_JJ Gander_NP was_BED
Z the_AT only_AP male_JJ member_NN of_IN a_AT Texas_NP Tech_NP class_NN on_IN fo
od_NN ._. The_AT pretty_JJ coeds_NNS must_MD have_HV ogled_VBN him_PPO all_ABN d
ay_NN long_RB --_-- but_CC he_PPS dutifully_RB kept_VBD his_PP$ eye_NN on_IN the
_AT gravy_NN ._. Last_AP October_NP he_PPS gave_VBD a_AT public_JJ speech_NN in_
IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C._NP entitled_VBD ``_`` Are_BER-TL Women_NNS-TL Here_RB-
TL To_TO-TL Stay_VB-TL ''_'' ?_. ?_. So_RB you_PPSS can_MD see_VB that_CS Gerald
_NP G._NP Ramsey_NP ,_, director_NN of_IN SMU's_NN food_NN services_NNS ,_, is_B
EZ not_* the_AT ordinary_JJ type_NN of_IN craven_JJ ,_, women-trodden_JJ chef_NN
._. He_PPS is_BEZ apt_JJ to_TO rear_VB back_RB and_CC claim_VB his_PP$ rights_N
NS ._. Ramsey_NP ,_, as_CS SMU's_NN food_NN wrangler_NN ,_, buys_VBZ enough_AP g
roceries_NNS to_TO serve_VB 32,000_CD meals_NNS a_AT week_NN ._. Tell_VB that_DT
to_IN the_AT little_JJ wife_NN when_WRB she_PPS moans_VBZ at_IN the_AT woman's_
NN$ burden_NN !_. !_. He_PPS also_RB dishes_VBZ up_RP 3,000_CD snacks_NNS ._. An
d_CC he_PPS operates_VBZ three_CD cafeterias_NNS in_IN the_AT Student_NN-TL Cent
er_NN-TL ,_, along_IN with_IN McElvaney_NP-TL Dining_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL and_CC the
_AT athlete's_NN$ tables_NNS ._. Ramsey_NP ,_, 6-3_CD ,_, 195_CD and_CC ruggedly
_RB slim_JJ ,_, says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS can't_MD* remember_VB when_WRB I_PPSS
didn't_DOD* pester_VB my_PP$ mother_NN to_TO teach_VB me_PPO to_TO cook_VB ''_''
._. He_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN charge_NN of_IN the_AT Hockaday_NP-TL School_NN-TL me
als_NNS from_IN 1946_CD to_IN 1950_CD ,_, before_CS he_PPS moved_VBD to_IN Aj_NN
._. And_CC you'll_PPSS+MD notice_VB that_CS in_IN both_ABX places_NNS ,_, there
_EX are_BER acres_NNS of_IN charming_JJ young_JJ ladies_NNS who_WPS with_IN litt
le_AP effort_NN spice_VB up_RP any_DTI chow_NN line_NN ._. What_WDT does_DOZ he_
PPS feed_VB his_PP$ SMU_NN football_NN mastodons_NNS at_IN the_AT training_VBG t
able_NN ?_. ?_. ``_`` Mostly_RB meat_NN and_CC potatoes_NNS --_-- they_PPSS have
_HV to_TO have_HV that_DT go-go-go_NN without_IN getting_VBG too_QL fat_JJ ''_''
,_, says_VBZ Ramsey_NP ._. So_RB he_PPS hides_VBZ the_AT mayonnaise_NN ._. And_
CC to_TO keep_VB athletes'_NNS$ stomachs_NNS from_IN getting_VBG jumpy_JJ under_
IN physical_JJ duress_NN ,_, he_PPS bans_VBZ all_ABN highly_QL flavored_VBN cond
iments_NNS ._. What_WDT do_DO the_AT pretty_JJ SMU_NN girls_NNS like_VB on_IN th
eir_PP$ plates_NNS ?_. ?_. ``_`` Pretty_QL much_AP hamburger_NN ,_, hotdogs_NNS
,_, steak_NN and_CC ,_, at_IN night_NN ,_, maybe_RB pizza_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ
the_AT handsome_JJ food_NN expert_NN ._. ``_`` Unfortunately_RB ,_, there_EX is_
BEZ still_RB little_AP demand_NN for_IN broccoli_NN and_CC cauliflower_NN ''_''
._. Ramsey_NP has_HVZ stoked_VBN up_RP Harry_NP Truman_NP ,_, Henry_NP Cabot_NP
Lodge_NP ,_, the_AT King_NN-TL of_IN-TL Morocco_NP-TL ,_, Clement_NP Atlee_NP an
d_CC other_AP shiny_JJ characters_NNS ._. Once_RB four_CD Tibetan_JJ monks_NNS ,
_, in_IN their_PP$ saffron_NN robes_NNS ,_, filed_VBD through_IN the_AT cafeteri
a_NN line_NN ._. ``_`` They_PPSS aren't_BER* supposed_VBN to_TO look_VB at_IN wo
men_NNS ,_, you_PPSS know_VB ''_'' ,_, Ramsey_NP recalled_VBD ._. ``_`` What_WDT
with_IN all_ABN those_DTS pretty_JJ girls_NNS around_RB ,_, they_PPSS had_HVD a
_AT hard_JJ time_NN ''_'' ._. Chicken_NN-TL Cadillac_NP-TL Use_VB one_CD 6-ounce
_JJ chicken_NN breast_NN for_IN each_DT guest_NN ._. Salt_NN and_CC pepper_NN ea
ch_DT breast_NN ._. Dip_VB in_IN melted_VBN butter_NN and_CC roll_VB in_IN flour
_NN ._. Place_VB side_NN by_IN side_NN in_IN a_AT 2-inch_JJ deep_JJ baking_VBG p
an_NN ._. Bake_VB slowly_RB about_RB one_CD hour_NN at_IN 250-275_CD F._NP until
_CS lightly_QL brown_JJ ._. Add_VB enough_AP warmed_VBN cream_NN ,_, seasoned_VB
N to_IN taste_NN with_IN onion_NN juice_NN ,_, to_IN about_RP half_RB cover_VB t
he_AT chicken_NN breasts_NNS ._. Bake_VB slowly_RB at_IN least_AP one-half_NN ho
ur_NN longer_RBR ._. While_CS this_DT is_BEZ baking_VBG ,_, saute_VB mushrooms_N
NS ,_, fresh_JJ or_CC canned_VBN ,_, in_IN butter_NN ._. Sprinkle_VB over_IN top
_NN of_IN chicken_NN breasts_NNS ._. Serve_VB each_DT breast_NN on_IN a_AT thin_
JJ slice_NN of_IN slow-baked_JJ ham_NN and_CC sprinkle_VB with_IN Thompson_NP se
edless_JJ grapes_NNS ._. (_( Leave_VB off_RP the_AT ham_NN and_CC you_PPSS call_
VB it_PPO Chicken_NN-TL Pontiac_NP-TL ,_, says_VBZ Ramsey_NP ._. )_) Contemporar
y_JJ furniture_NN that_WPS is_BEZ neither_CC Danish_JJ nor_CC straight-line_NN m
odern_JJ but_CC has_HVZ sculptured_VBN pattern_NN ,_, many_AP design_NN facets_N
NS ,_, warmth_NN ,_, dignity_NN and_CC an_AT effect_NN of_IN utter_JJ comfort_NN
and_CC livability_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ the_AT goal_NN of_IN two_CD new_JJ coll
ections_NNS being_BEG introduced_VBN in_IN Dallas_NP this_DT month_NN ._. Though
_CS there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN some_DTI avant_FW-JJ garde_FW-NN indication_NN tha
t_CS contemporary_JJ furniture_NN might_MD go_VB back_RB to_IN the_AT boxy_JJ lo
ok_NN of_IN the_AT '20's_NNS and_CC '40's_NNS ,_, two_CD manufacturers_NNS chose
_VBD to_TO take_VB the_AT approach_NN of_IN the_AT sophisticated_JJ ,_, but_CC w
arm_JJ look_NN in_IN contemporary_JJ ._. These_DTS two_CD ,_, Heritage_NN-TL and
_CC Drexel_NP ,_, chose_VBD too_RB not_* to_TO produce_VB the_AT exactly_RB matc
hing_JJ design_NN for_IN every_AT piece_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT collection_NN of_IN c
orrelated_VBN designs_NNS ,_, each_DT of_IN which_WDT could_MD stand_VB alone_RB
._. The_AT Heritage_NN-TL collection_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE shown_VBN by_IN Sanger-
Harris_NP and_CC Anderson's_NP$ Studio_NN-TL ,_, has_HVZ perhaps_RB more_AP diff
erent_JJ types_NNS of_IN woods_NNS and_CC decorations_NNS than_CS any_DTI one_CD
manufacturer_NN ever_RB assembled_VBD together_RB at_IN one_CD time_NN ._. Call
ed_VBN Perennian_JJ ,_, to_TO indicate_VB its_PP$ lasting_VBG ,_, good_JJ today_
NR and_CC tomorrow_NR quality_NN ,_, the_AT collection_NN truly_RB avoids_VBZ th
e_AT monotony_NN of_IN identical_JJ pieces_NNS ._. Walnut_NN ,_, wormy_JJ chestn
ut_NN ,_, pecan_NN ,_, three_CD varieties_NNS of_IN burl_NN ,_, hand-woven_JJ Ph
ilippine_JJ cane_NN ,_, ceramic_JJ tiles_NNS ,_, marble_NN are_BER used_VBN to_T
O emphasize_VB the_AT feeling_NN of_IN texture_NN and_CC of_IN permanence_NN ,_,
the_AT furniture_NN to_TO fit_VB into_IN rooms_NNS with_IN tiled_VBN floors_NNS
,_, brick_NN or_CC paneled_VBN walls_NNS ,_, windows_NNS that_WPS bring_VB in_R
P the_AT outdoors_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT collection_NN with_IN a_AT custom-de
sign_NN look_NN ,_, offering_VBG simplicity_NN with_IN warmth_NN ,_, variety_NN
and_CC vitality_NN ._. The_AT Drexel_NP collection_NN ,_, called_VBN Composite_N
N-TL ,_, to_TO be_BE shown_VBN by_IN Titche's_NP$ offers_VBZ a_AT realistic_JJ a
pproach_NN to_IN decorating_VBG ,_, a_AT mature_JJ modern_JJ that_WPS is_BEZ a_A
T variation_NN of_IN many_AP designs_NNS ._. Rounded_VBN posts_NNS give_VB a_AT
soft_JJ ,_, sculptured_VBN look_NN ,_, paneled_VBN doors_NNS have_HV decorative_
JJ burl_NN panels_NNS or_CC cane_NN insets_NNS plus_CC softening_VBG arches_NNS
,_, table_NN tops_NNS are_BER inlaid_VBN in_IN Macassar_NP ebony_NN or_CC acacia
_NN ._. A_AT high-legged_JJ buffet_NN provides_VBZ easy-to-reach_JJ serving_NN ,
_, a_AT cocktail_NN table_NN has_HVZ small_JJ snack_NN tables_NNS tucked_VBN und
er_IN each_DT end_NN ,_, recessed_VBN arched_VBN panels_NNS decorate_VB a_AT 60-
inch_JJ long_JJ chest_NN ._. An_AT interesting_JJ approach_NN to_IN the_AT bedro
om_NN is_BEZ presented_VBN ,_, with_IN a_AT young_JJ ,_, basic_JJ ,_, functional
_JJ group_NN of_IN chests_NNS ,_, dressers_NNS and_CC corner_NN units_NNS and_CC
a_AT canted_VBN headboard_NN ._. The_AT other_AP bedroom_NN has_HVZ heavier_JJR
styling_NN ,_, door-fronted_JJ dressers_NNS with_IN acacia_NN panels_NNS ,_, a_
AT poster_NN bed_NN or_CC a_AT bed_NN with_IN arched_VBN acacia_NN panels_NNS an
d_CC matching_VBG mirror_NN ._. Colorful_JJ ,_, bright_JJ Eastman_NP Chromspun_N
P fabrics_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT magenta_JJ ,_, pink_JJ and_CC white_JJ tones_NN
S predominating_VBG as_QL well_RB as_CS golden_JJ shades_NNS are_BER used_VBN wi
th_IN Composite_NN-TL ._. The_AT fabrics_NNS have_HV Scotchgard_NP finish_NN to_
TO resist_VB soil_NN and_CC wrinkles_NNS ._. Design_NN elements_NNS closely_RB r
ooted_VBN to_IN traditional_JJ forms_NNS but_CC wearing_VBG a_AT definite_JJ con
temporary_JJ label_NN keynote_VB Drexel's_NP$ fall_NN 1961_CD group_NN ,_, Compo
site_NN-TL ._. The_AT spider-leg_NN pedestal_NN table_NN has_HVZ a_AT base_NN fi
nished_VBN in_IN an_AT ebony_NN ,_, to_TO set_VB off_RP the_AT lustrous_JJ brown
_NN of_IN the_AT walnut_NN top_NN ._. See-through_JJ design_NN of_IN the_AT chai
rs_NNS combines_VBZ both_ABX the_AT nostalgic_JJ ladder_NN back_NN and_CC an_AT
Oriental_JJ-TL shoji_NN flavor_NN ._. To_TO bring_VB warmth_NN to_IN the_AT dini
ng_VBG area_NN ,_, golden_JJ orange_JJ tones_NNS are_BER used_VBN in_IN the_AT f
abrics_NNS ._. Dignity_NN and_CC comfort_NN ,_, in_IN a_AT contemporary_JJ manne
r_NN ,_, reflecting_VBG the_AT best_JJT aspects_NNS of_IN today's_NR$ design_NN
,_, with_IN substance_NN and_CC maturity_NN ,_, keynote_VB the_AT Perennian_JJ c
ollection_NN from_IN Heritage_NN-TL ._. Center_NN panel_NN ,_, hand-screened_JJ
wood_NN ,_, actually_RB is_BEZ a_AT back_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT tall_JJ bo
okcases_NNS ._. Mellow_JJ bronzy-green-gold_JJ fabrics_NNS and_CC the_AT gleam_N
N of_IN copper_NN and_CC hand-crafted_JJ ceramic_JJ accessories_NNS reiterate_VB
the_AT mood_NN as_CS does_DOZ the_AT Alexander_NP Smith_NP carpet_NN in_IN all_
ABN wool_NN loop_NN pile_NN ._. The_AT Vagabonds_NNS-TL are_BER ``_`` on_IN the_
AT road_NN ''_'' again_RB ._. Members_NNS are_BER on_IN their_PP$ way_NN to_IN S
aledo_NP ,_, not_* by_IN stage_NN coach_NN ,_, but_CC in_IN air-conditioned_JJ c
ars_NNS ._. This_DT coming_VBG weekend_NN they_PPSS have_HV reserved_VBN the_AT
entire_JJ Stagecoach_NN-TL Inn_NN-TL and_CC adjoining_VBG country_NN club_NN ,_,
Saledo_NP ,_, for_IN festivities_NNS ._. Invitations_NNS have_HV been_BEN exten
ded_VBN to_IN some_DTI Austin_NP dignitaries_NNS including_IN Gov._NN-TL and_CC
Mrs._NP Price_NP Daniel_NP ._. Stagecoach_NN-TL Days_NNS-TL is_BEZ the_AT theme_
NN for_IN the_AT weekend_NN on_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL Chisholm_NP-TL Trail_NN-TL ._
. The_AT get-together_NN Friday_NR night_NN will_MD be_BE a_AT banquet_NN at_IN
the_AT country_NN club_NN patio_NN and_CC pool_NN ,_, and_CC an_AT orchestra_NN
will_MD play_VB for_IN dancing_VBG ._. Guests_NNS will_MD wear_VB costumes_NNS t
ypical_JJ of_IN the_AT Chisholm_NP-TL Trail_NN-TL Days_NNS-TL ._. Ginghams_NNS a
nd_CC calico_NN will_MD be_BE popular_JJ dress_NN for_IN the_AT women_NNS ._. Th
e_AT men_NNS will_MD be_BE in_IN western_JJ attire_NN ,_, including_IN Stetsons_
NPS and_CC colored_VBN vests_NNS ._. Decorating_VBG the_AT ballroom_NN will_MD b
e_BE the_AT yellow_JJ rose_NN of_IN Texas_NP ,_, in_IN tall_JJ bushes_NNS ;_. ;_
. bluebonnets_NNS and_CC stagecoach_NN silhouettes_NNS ._. There_EX will_MD be_B
E a_AT large_JJ drawing_NN of_IN a_AT sunbonnet_NN girl_NN with_IN eyes_NNS that
_WPS flash_VB at_IN the_AT guests_NNS ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Phil_NP G._NP Ab
ell_NP are_BER chairmen_NNS for_IN the_AT Saledo_NP trip_NN ._. Committee_NN mem
bers_NNS aiding_VBG them_PPO in_IN planning_VBG the_AT entertainment_NN are_BER
Messrs_NN and_CC Mmes_NN Roy_NP McKee_NP ,_, George_NP McElyee_NP ,_, Jack_NP Fa
nning_NP ,_, W._NP H._NP Roquemore_NP and_CC Joe_NP Darrow_NP ._. The_AT travel_
NN club_NN is_BEZ comprised_VBN of_IN 75_CD fun-loving_JJ couples_NNS who_WPS ha
ve_HV as_CS their_PP$ motto_NN ``_`` Go_VB-TL Somewhere_RB-TL ,_, Anywhere_RB-TL
,_, Everywhere_RB ''_'' ._. Their_PP$ activities_NNS will_MD be_BE climaxed_VBN
in_IN the_AT spring_NN of_IN 1962_CD when_WRB they_PPSS go_VB to_IN Europe_NP .
_. In_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, the_AT men_NNS and_CC women_NNS have_HV chartered_VB
N planes_NNS to_IN Las_NP Vegas_NP and_CC Jamaica_NP ,_, buses_NNS to_IN Mineral
_NN-TL Wells_NN-TL and_CC Kerrville_NP and_CC private_JJ railway_NN coaches_NNS
to_IN Shreveport_NP and_CC Galveston_NP ._. Four_CD parties_NNS are_BER given_VB
N a_AT year_NN ._. Two_CD of_IN these_DTS are_BER in_IN or_CC near_IN Dallas_NP
and_CC the_AT others_NNS away_RB from_IN the_AT vicinity_NN ._. Serving_VBG on_I
N the_AT club's_NN$ board_NN are_BER Mmes_NN R._NP P._NP Anderson_NP ,_, preside
nt_NN ;_. ;_. A._NP F._NP Schmalzried_NP ,_, secretary_NN ;_. ;_. W._NP H._NP Ro
quemore_NP ,_, treasurer_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT following_VBG chairmen_NNS :_: Mme
s_NN McKee_NP ,_, publicity_NN ;_. ;_. Lawrence_NP B._NP Jones_NP ,_, yearbook_N
N ,_, and_CC Sam_NP Laughlin_NP ,_, scrapbook_NN ._. A_AT cookie_NN with_IN cara
mel_NN filling_NN and_CC chocolate_NN frosting_NN won_VBD $25,000_NNS for_IN a_A
T Minneapolis_NP housewife_NN in_IN the_AT 13th_OD annual_JJ Pillsbury_NP Bake-O
ff_NP Tuesday_NR ._. Mrs._NP Alice_NP H._NP Reese_NP ,_, wife_NN of_IN an_AT eng
ineer_NN and_CC mother_NN of_IN a_AT 23-year-old_JJ son_NN ,_, was_BEDZ awarded_
VBN the_AT top_JJS prize_NN at_IN a_AT luncheon_NN in_IN the_AT Beverly_NP-TL Hi
lton_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. Mrs._NP Reese_NP entered_VBD 10_CD past_JJ bake-offs_
NNS before_CS she_PPS got_VBD into_IN the_AT finals_NNS ._. Second_OD grand_JJ p
rize_NN of_IN $5,000_NNS went_VBD to_IN Mrs._NP Clara_NP L._NP Oliver_NP for_IN
her_PP$ Hawaiian_JJ coffee_NN ring_NN ,_, a_AT rich_JJ yeast_NN bread_NN with_IN
coconut_NN filling_NN and_CC vanilla_NN glaze_NN ._. Mother_NN-HL of_IN-HL five
_CD-HL Mrs._NP Oliver_NP is_BEZ mother_NN of_IN five_CD children_NNS and_CC wife
_NN of_IN a_AT machinist_NN ._. She_PPS lives_VBZ in_IN Wellsville_NP ,_, Mo._NP
._. Mrs._NP Reese_NP baked_VBD her_PP$ cookies_NNS for_IN only_RB the_AT third_
OD time_NN in_IN the_AT Bake-off_NP finals_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT third_OD time_N
N was_BEDZ the_AT charm_NN ._. She_PPS dreamed_VBD up_RP the_AT cookie_NN recipe
_NN ,_, tried_VBD it_PPO ,_, liked_VBD it_PPO and_CC entered_VBD it_PPO in_IN th
e_AT contest_NN ._. The_AT second_OD baking_NN was_BEDZ for_IN photographing_VBG
when_WRB told_VBN she_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT finalist_NN ._. The_AT third_OD time_NN
was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT floor_NN of_IN the_AT Beverly_NP Hilton_NP ballroom_NN an
d_CC for_IN the_AT critical_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC tongues_NNS of_IN judges_NNS ._.
Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Joseph_NP R._NP Bolker_NP will_MD give_VB a_AT dinner_NN o
n_IN Friday_NR at_IN their_PP$ home_NN in_IN Beverly_NP-TL Hills_NNS-TL to_TO ho
nor_VB Mrs._NP Norman_NP Chandler_NP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN the_AT Music_NN-TL Ce
nter_NN-TL Building_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Chandler_
NP ._. Mr._NP Bolker_NP heads_VBZ a_AT group_NN within_IN the_AT building_VBG an
d_CC development_NN industry_NN to_TO raise_VB funds_NNS in_IN support_NN of_IN
this_DT cultural_JJ center_NN for_IN the_AT performing_VBG arts_NNS ._. A_AT fea
ture_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN will_MD be_BE a_AT presentation_NN by_IN Welton_NP
Becket_NP ,_, center_NN architect_NN ,_, of_IN color_NN slides_NNS and_CC rende
rings_NNS of_IN the_AT three-building_JJ complex_NN ._. Foliage_NN-HL will_MD-HL
glow_VB-HL at_IN-HL formal_JJ-HL fall_NN-HL party_NN-HL Fall_NN foliage_NN and_
CC flowers_NNS will_MD decorate_VB Los_NP-TL Angeles_NP-TL Country_NN-TL Club_NN
-TL for_IN the_AT annual_JJ formal_JJ party_NN Saturday_NR evening_NN ._. More_A
P than_IN 200_CD are_BER expected_VBN at_IN the_AT autumn_NN event_NN which_WDT
is_BEZ matched_VBN in_IN the_AT spring_NN ._. Among_IN those_DTS with_IN reserva
tions_NNS are_BER Messrs._NPS and_CC Mmes._NPS William_NP A._NP Thompson_NP ,_,
Van_NP Cott_NP Niven_NP ,_, A._NP B._NP Cox_NP ,_, David_NP Bricker_NP ,_, Samue
l_NP Perry_NP and_CC Robert_NP D._NP Stetson_NP ._. Others_NNS are_BER Drs._NNS-
TL and_CC Mmes._NPS Alfred_NP Robbins_NP ,_, and_CC J._NP Lafe_NP Ludwig_NP and_
CC Gen._NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP Leroy_NP Watson_NP ._. Guests_NNS-HL from_IN-HL acr
oss_IN-HL U.S._NP-HL honor_VB-HL Dr._NN-TL-HL Swim_NP-HL When_WRB Dr._NN-TL W._N
P A._NP Swim_NP celebrated_VBD his_PP$ 75th_OD birthday_NN at_IN the_AT Wilshire
_NP-TL Country_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ,_, guests_NNS came_VBD by_IN chartered_VBN plan
e_NN from_IN all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN ._. A_AT flight_NN originating_VBG
in_IN Florida_NP picked_VBD up_RP guests_NNS on_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL Coast_NN-T
L and_CC Midwest_NP and_CC a_AT plane_NN left_VBD from_IN Seattle_NP taking_VBG
on_RP passengers_NNS at_IN West_JJ-TL Coast_NN-TL points_NNS ._. Cocktails_NNS a
nd_CC a_AT buffet_NN supper_NN were_BED served_VBN to_IN more_AP than_IN 100_CD
persons_NNS who_WPS had_HVD known_VBN Dr._NN-TL Swim_NP when_WRB he_PPS practice
d_VBD in_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ._. He_PPS started_VBD practice_NN in_IN 1917_CD ,
_, and_CC served_VBD on_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Medical_JJ-TL
Examiners_NNS-TL ._. Giving_VBG up_RP the_AT violin_NN opened_VBD a_AT whole_JJ
new_JJ career_NN for_IN Ilona_NP Schmidl-Seeberg_NP ,_, a_AT tiny_JJ Hungarian_
NP who_WPS Fritz_NP Kreisler_NP had_HVD predicted_VBN would_MD have_HV a_AT prom
ising_JJ career_NN on_IN the_AT concert_NN stage_NN ._. A_AT heart_NN attack_NN
when_WRB she_PPS was_BEDZ barely_RB 20_CD put_VBD an_AT end_NN to_IN the_AT 10-h
our_JJ daily_JJ practicing_NN ._. She_PPS put_VBD the_AT violin_NN away_RB and_C
C took_VBD out_RP some_DTI linen_NN ,_, needles_NNS and_CC yarn_NN to_TO while_V
B away_RB the_AT long_JJ ,_, idle_JJ days_NNS in_IN Budapest_NP ._. Now_RB her_P
P$ modern_JJ tapestries_NNS have_HV been_BEN exhibited_VBN on_IN two_CD continen
ts_NNS and_CC ,_, at_IN 26_CD ,_, she_PPS feels_VBZ she_PPS is_BEZ on_IN the_AT
threshold_NN of_IN a_AT whole_JJ new_JJ life_NN in_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ._. Her_
PP$ days_NNS as_CS an_AT art_NN student_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-T
L Budapest_NP-TL came_VBD to_IN a_AT sudden_JJ end_NN during_IN the_AT Hungarian
_NP uprisings_NNS in_IN 1957_CD and_CC she_PPS and_CC her_PP$ husband_NN Stephen
_NP fled_VBD to_IN Vienna_NP ._. There_RB they_PPSS continued_VBD their_PP$ stud
ies_NNS at_IN the_AT university_NN ,_, she_PPS in_IN art_NN ,_, he_PPS in_IN arc
hitecture_NN ._. And_CC there_RB she_PPS had_HVD her_PP$ first_OD showing_NN of_
IN tapestry_NN work_NN ._. There's_EX+BEZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN talk_NN about_IN the
_AT problem_NN of_IN education_NN in_IN America_NP today_NR ._. What_WDT most_AP
people_NNS don't_DO* seem_VB to_TO realize_VB ,_, if_CS they_PPSS aren't_BER* t
ied_VBN up_RP with_IN the_AT thing_NN as_CS I_PPSS am_BEM ,_, is_BEZ that_CS 90%
_NN of_IN the_AT problem_NN is_BEZ transportation_NN ._. I_PPSS never_RB dreamed
_VBD of_IN the_AT logistical_JJ difficulties_NNS involved_VBN until_CS ,_, at_IN
long_JJ last_AP ,_, both_ABX of_IN my_PP$ boys_NNS got_VBD squeezed_VBN into_IN
high_JJ school_NN ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ like_CS only_RB last_AP year_NN that_CS
we_PPSS watched_VBD them_PPO set_VB out_RP up_IN the_AT hill_NN hand_NN in_IN ha
nd_NN on_IN a_AT rainy_JJ day_NN in_IN their_PP$ yellow_JJ raincoats_NNS to_TO f
inger-paint_VB at_IN the_AT grammar_NN school_NN ._. Getting_VBG to_IN and_CC fr
om_IN school_NN was_BEDZ no_AT problem_NN ._. They_PPSS either_CC walked_VBD or_
CC were_BED driven_VBN ._. Now_RB they_PPSS go_VB to_IN a_AT high_JJ school_NN t
hat_WPS is_BEZ two_CD miles_NNS away_RB ._. One_PN might_MD think_VB the_AT prob
lem_NN would_MD be_BE similar_JJ ._. They_PPSS could_MD walk_VB ,_, ride_VB on_I
N a_AT bus_NN or_CC be_BE driven_VBN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ much_QL more_QL complex_JJ
than_CS that_DT ._. Generally_RB ,_, they_PPSS go_VB to_IN school_NN with_IN a_
AT girl_NN named_VBN Gloriana_NP ,_, who_WPS lives_VBZ down_IN the_AT block_NN ,
_, and_CC has_HVZ a_AT car_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT way_NN of_IN getting_VBG t
o_IN school_NN ,_, but_CC ,_, I_PPSS understand_VB ,_, it_PPS entails_VBZ a_AT c
ertain_JJ loss_NN of_IN social_JJ status_NN ._. A_AT young_JJ man_NN doesn't_DOZ
* like_VB to_TO be_BE driven_VBN up_RP in_IN front_NN of_IN a_AT school_NN in_IN
a_AT car_NN driven_VBN by_IN a_AT girl_NN who_WPS isn't_BEZ* even_RB in_IN a_AT
higher_JJR class_NN than_CS he_PPS is_BEZ ,_, and_CC is_BEZ also_RB a_AT girl_N
N ._. ``_`` Why_WRB don't_DO* you_PPSS walk_VB to_IN school_NN then_RB ''_'' ?_.
?_. I_PPSS suggested_VBD ._. ``_`` My_PP$ father_NN walked_VBD ,_, through_IN t
wo_CD miles_NNS of_IN snow_NN ,_, in_IN Illinois_NP ''_'' ._. ``_`` Did_DOD you_
PPSS ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS was_BEDZ asked_VBN ._. ``_`` No_RB ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS sa
id_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS didn't_DOD* happen_VB to_TO grow_VB up_RP in_IN Illinois
_NP ''_'' ._. I_PPSS explained_VBD ,_, however_WRB ,_, that_CS I_PPSS had_HVD my
_PP$ share_NN of_IN hardship_NN in_IN making_VBG my_PP$ daily_JJ pilgrimage_NN t
o_IN the_AT feet_NNS of_IN wisdom_NN ._. I_PPSS had_HVD to_TO ride_VB a_AT stree
tcar_NN two_CD miles_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB the_AT streetcar_NN was_BEDZ late_RB .
_. Sometimes_RB there_EX weren't_BED* even_RB any_DTI seats_NNS ._. I_PPSS had_H
VD to_TO stand_VB up_RP ,_, with_IN the_AT ladies_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB I_PPSS go
t_VBD on_IN the_AT wrong_JJ car_NN and_CC didn't_DOD* get_VB to_IN school_NN at_
IN all_ABN ,_, but_CC wound_VBD up_RP at_IN the_AT ocean_NN ,_, or_CC some_DTI o
ther_AP dismal_JJ place_NN ,_, and_CC had_HVD to_TO spend_VB the_AT day_NN there
_RB ._. I've_PPSS+HV tried_VBN to_TO compromise_VB by_IN letting_VBG them_PPO ta
ke_VB the_AT little_JJ car_NN now_RB and_CC then_RB ._. When_WRB they_PPSS do_DO
that_DT my_PP$ wife_NN has_HVZ to_TO drive_VB me_PPO to_IN work_NN in_IN the_AT
big_JJ car_NN ._. She_PPS has_HVZ to_TO have_HV at_IN least_AP one_CD car_NN he
rself_PPL ._. I_PPSS feel_VB a_AT certain_JJ loss_NN of_IN status_NN when_WRB I_
PPSS am_BEM driven_VBN up_RP in_IN front_NN of_IN work_NN in_IN a_AT car_NN driv
en_VBN by_IN my_PP$ wife_NN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ only_RB a_AT woman_NN ._. Even_RB
that_DT isn't_BEZ* satisfactory_JJ ._. If_CS they_PPSS have_HV to_TO take_VB an
y_DTI car_NN ,_, they'd_PPSS+MD rather_RB take_VB the_AT big_JJ one_CD ._. They_
PPSS say_VB that_CS when_WRB they_PPSS take_VB a_AT car_NN ,_, Gloriana_NP doesn
't_DOZ* take_VB her_PP$ car_NN ,_, but_CC rides_VBZ with_IN them_PPO ._. But_CC
when_WRB Gloriana_NP rides_VBZ with_IN them_PPO they_PPSS also_RB have_HV to_TO
take_VB the_AT two_CD girls_NNS who_WPS usually_RB ride_VB with_IN her_PPO ,_, s
o_CS the_AT little_JJ car_NN isn't_BEZ* big_JJ enough_QLP ._. The_AT logic_NN of
_IN that_DT is_BEZ impeccable_JJ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, except_IN that_CS I_PPS
S feel_VB like_CS a_AT fool_NN being_BEG driven_VBN up_RP to_IN work_NN in_IN a_
AT little_JJ car_NN ,_, by_IN my_PP$ wife_NN ,_, when_WRB everybody_PN knows_VBZ
I_PPSS have_HV a_AT big_JJ car_NN and_CC am_BEM capable_JJ of_IN driving_VBG my
self_PPL ._. The_AT solution_NN ,_, naturally_RB ,_, is_BEZ the_AT bus_NN ._. Ho
wever_WRB ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT half-mile_NN walk_NN down_IN a_AT steep_JJ hill_
NN from_IN our_PP$ house_NN to_IN the_AT bus_NN ,_, and_CC it's_PPS+BEZ too_QL h
ard_JJ on_IN my_PP$ legs_NNS ._. My_PP$ wife_NN could_MD drive_VB us_PPO down_IN
the_AT hill_NN and_CC we_PPSS could_MD all_ABN walk_VB from_IN there_RB ._. But
_CC that's_DT+BEZ hardly_QL realistic_JJ ._. Nobody_PN walks_VBZ anymore_RB but_
IN crackpots_NNS and_CC Harry_NP Truman_NP ,_, and_CC he's_PPS+HVZ already_RB go
t_VBN an_AT education_NN ._. Advance_JJ publicity_NN on_IN the_AT Los_NP-TL Ange
les_NP-TL Blue_JJ-TL Book_NN-TL does_DOZ not_* mention_VB names_NNS dropped_VBN
as_CS did_DOD the_AT notices_NNS for_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Social_JJ-TL
Register_NN-TL which_WDT made_VBD news_NN last_AP week_NN ._. Published_VBN ann
ually_RB by_IN William_NP Hord_NP Richardson_NP ,_, the_AT 1962_CD edition_NN ,_
, subtitled_VBN Society_NN-TL Register_NN-TL of_IN-TL Southern_JJ-TL California_
NP ,_, is_BEZ scheduled_VBN to_TO arrive_VB with_IN Monday_NR morning's_NN$ post
man_NN ._. Publisher_NN Richardson_NP has_HVZ updated_VBN the_AT Blue_JJ-TL Book
_NN-TL ``_`` but_CC it_PPS still_RB remains_VBZ the_AT compact_JJ reference_NN b
ook_NN used_VBN by_IN so_QL many_AP for_IN those_DTS ever-changing_JJ telephone_
NN numbers_NNS ,_, addresses_NNS ,_, other_AP residences_NNS ,_, club_NN affilia
tions_NNS and_CC marriages_NNS ''_'' ._. Stars_NNS-HL for_IN-HL marriage_NN-HL S
tars_NNS throughout_IN the_AT volume_NN denote_VB dates_NNS of_IN marriages_NNS
during_IN the_AT past_JJ year_NN ._. Last_AP two_CD to_TO be_BE added_VBN before
_CS the_AT book_NN went_VBD to_IN press_NN were_BED the_AT marriages_NNS of_IN M
eredith_NP Jane_NP Cooper_NP ,_, daughter_NN of_IN the_AT Grant_NP B._NP Coopers
_NPS ,_, to_IN Robert_NP Knox_NP Worrell_NP ,_, and_CC of_IN Mary_NP Alice_NP Gh
ormley_NP to_IN Willard_NP Pen_NP Tudor_NP ._. Others_NNS are_BER Carla_NP Ruth_
NP Craig_NP to_IN Dan_NP McFarland_NP Chandler_NP Jr._NP ;_. ;_. Joanne_NP Curry
_NP ,_, daughter_NN of_IN the_AT Ellsworth_NP Currys_NPS ,_, to_IN James_NP Hart
ley_NP Gregg_NP ,_, and_CC Valerie_NP Smith_NP to_IN James_NP McAlister_NP Duque
_NP ._. Also_RB noted_VBN are_BER the_AT marriages_NNS of_IN Elizabeth_NP Browni
ng_NP ,_, daughter_NN of_IN the_AT George_NP L._NP Brownings_NPS ,_, to_NPS Aust
in_NP C._NP Smith_NP Jr._NP ;_. ;_. Cynthia_NP Flower_NP ,_, daughter_NN of_IN t
he_AT Ludlow_NP Flowers_NPS Jr._NP ,_, to_IN Todd_NP Huntington_NP ,_, son_NN of
_IN the_AT David_NP Huntingtons_NPS ._. Pasadena_NP-HL listings_NNS-HL Listed_VB
N as_CS newly_RB wed_VBN in_IN the_AT Pasadena_NP section_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ
book_NN are_BER Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Samuel_NP Moody_NP Haskins_NP 3_OD-TL ._.
She_PPS is_BEZ the_AT former_AP Judy_NP Chapman_NP ,_, daughter_NN of_IN John_N
P S._NP Chapman_NP of_IN this_DT city_NN ._. The_AT young_JJ couple_NN live_VB i
n_IN Pasadena_NP ._. Another_DT marriage_NN of_IN note_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN J
ane_NP McAlester_NP and_CC William_NP Louis_NP Pfau_NP ._. Changes_NNS in_IN add
ress_NN are_BER noted_VBN ._. For_IN instance_NN ,_, the_AT Edwin_NP Pauleys_NPS
Jr._NP ,_, formerly_RB of_IN Chantilly_NP Rd._NN-TL ,_, are_BER now_RB at_IN ho
me_NR on_IN North_JJ-TL Arden_NP-TL Dr._NN-TL in_IN Beverly_NP-TL Hills_NNS-TL .
_. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Robert_NP Moulton_NP now_RB live_VB on_IN Wilshire_NP a
nd_CC the_AT Franklin_NP Moultons_NPS on_IN S._NP Windsor_NP Blvd._NN-TL ._. The
_AT Richard_NP Beesemyers_NP ,_, formerly_RB of_IN Connecticut_NP ,_, have_HV re
turned_VBN to_IN Southern_JJ-TL California_NP-TL and_CC are_BER now_RB residing_
VBG on_IN South_JJ-TL Arden_NP-TL Blvd._NN-TL ._. But_CC the_AT Raoul_NP Esnards
_NPS have_HV exchanged_VBN their_PP$ residence_NN in_IN Southern_JJ-TL Californi
a_NP-TL for_IN Mexico_NP-TL City_NN-TL ._. More_AP-HL new_JJ-HL addresses_NNS-HL
Judge_NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP Julian_NP Hazard_NP are_BER now_RB at_IN Laguna_NP-T
L Beach_NN-TL ,_, while_CS the_AT Frank_NP Wangemans_NPS have_HV moved_VBN from_
IN Beverly_NP-TL Hills_NNS-TL to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS is
_BEZ general_JJ manager_NN of_IN the_AT Waldorf-Astoria_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. An
d_CC Lawrence_NP Chase_NP ,_, son_NN of_IN the_AT Ransom_NP Chases_NPS ,_, is_BE
Z listed_VBN at_IN his_PP$ new_JJ address_NN in_IN Oxford_NP ,_, Eng._NP ._. Oth
ers_NNS listed_VBN at_IN new_JJ addresses_NNS are_BER the_AT Richard_NP T._NP Ol
erichs_NP ,_, the_AT Joseph_NP Aderholds_NPS Jr._NP ,_, the_AT Henri_NP De_NP La
_NP Chapelles_NPS ,_, the_AT John_NP Berteros_NP and_CC Dr._NN-TL and_CC Mrs._NP
Egerton_NP Crispin_NP ,_, the_AT John_NP Armisteads_NPS ,_, the_AT Allen_NP Cha
ses_NPS ,_, the_AT Howard_NP Lockies_NPS ,_, the_AT Thomas_NP Lockies_NPS ,_, an
d_CC Anthony_NP Longinotti_NP ._. Newcomers_NNS of_IN social_JJ note_NN from_IN
other_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN are_BER the_AT Ray_NP Carbones_NPS ,_
, formerly_RB of_IN Panama_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT Geddes_NP MacGregors_NP ,_, formerl
y_RB of_IN Scotland_NP ,_, and_CC Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Werner_NP H._NP Althaus_
NP ,_, formerly_RB of_IN Switzerland_NP ._. Here's_RB+BEZ an_AT idea_NN for_IN a
_AT child's_NN$ room_NN that_WPS is_BEZ easy_JJ to_TO execute_VB and_CC is_BEZ c
ompletely_RB charming_JJ ,_, using_VBG puppets_NNS for_IN lamp_NN bases_NNS ._.
Most_AP children_NNS love_VB the_AT animated_VBN puppet_NN faces_NNS and_CC thei
r_PP$ flexible_JJ bodies_NNS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS prefer_VB to_TO see_VB them_PP
O as_CS though_CS the_AT puppets_NNS were_BED in_IN action_NN ,_, rather_IN than
_IN put_VBN away_RB in_IN boxes_NNS ._. Displayed_VBN as_CS lamps_NNS ,_, the_AT
puppets_NNS delight_VB the_AT children_NNS and_CC are_BER decorative_JJ accent_
NN ._. To_TO create_VB such_ABL a_AT lamp_NN ,_, order_VB a_AT wired_VBN pedesta
l_NN from_IN any_DTI lamp_NN shop_NN ._. Measure_VB the_AT puppet_NN to_TO deter
mine_VB the_AT height_NN of_IN the_AT light_NN socket_NN ,_, allowing_VBG three_
CD to_IN four_CD inches_NNS above_IN the_AT puppet's_NN$ head_NN ._. Make_VB sur
e_JJ that_CS the_AT metal_NN tube_NN through_IN which_WDT the_AT wire_NN passes_
VBZ is_BEZ in_IN the_AT shape_NN of_IN an_AT inverted_VBN ``_`` L_NN ''_'' ,_, t
he_AT foot_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` L_NN ''_'' about_RB three_CD inches_NNS long_JJ
,_, so_CS that_CS the_AT puppet_NN can_MD hang_VB directly_RB under_IN the_AT l
ight_NN ._. Pulling_VBG-HL strings_NNS-HL Using_VBG the_AT strings_NNS that_WPS
manipulate_VB the_AT puppet_NN ,_, suspend_VB him_PPO from_IN the_AT light_NN fi
xture_NN by_IN tying_VBG the_AT strings_NNS to_IN the_AT lamp_NN base_NN ._. In_
IN this_DT way_NN ,_, you_PPSS can_MD arrange_VB his_PP$ legs_NNS and_CC arms_NN
S in_IN any_DTI desired_VBN position_NN ,_, with_IN feet_NNS ,_, or_CC one_CD fo
ot_NN ,_, barely_RB resting_VBG on_IN the_AT pedestal_NN ._. If_CS the_AT puppet
s_NNS are_BER of_IN uniform_JJ size_NN ,_, you_PPSS can_MD change_VB them_PPO in
_IN accord_NN with_IN your_PP$ child's_NN$ whims_NNS ._. Although_CS a_AT straig
ht_JJ drum_NN shade_NN would_MD be_BE adequate_JJ and_CC sufficiently_QL neutral
_JJ that_CS the_AT puppets_NNS could_MD be_BE changed_VBN without_IN disharmony_
NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ far_QL more_AP fun_NN to_TO create_VB shades_NNS in_IN the_
AT gay_JJ spirit_NN of_IN a_AT child's_NN$ playtime_NN ._. Those_DTS illustrated
_VBN are_BER reminiscent_JJ of_IN a_AT circus_NN top_NN or_CC a_AT merry-go-roun
d_NN ._. The_AT scalloped_VBN edge_NN is_BEZ particularly_RB appealing_JJ ._. To
day's_NR$ trend_NN toward_IN furniture_NN designs_NNS from_IN America's_NP$ past
_NN is_BEZ teaching_VBG home-owners_NNS and_CC decorators_NNS a_AT renewed_VBN r
espect_NN for_IN the_AT shrewd_JJ cabinetmakers_NNS of_IN our_PP$ Colonial_JJ-TL
era_NN ._. A_AT generation_NN ago_RB there_EX were_BED plenty_NN of_IN people_N
NS who_WPS appreciated_VBD antiques_NNS and_CC fine_JJ reproductions_NNS ._. In_
IN the_AT background_NN lurked_VBD the_AT feeling_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, that_CS
these_DTS pieces_NNS ,_, beautiful_JJ as_CS they_PPSS were_BED ,_, lacked_VBD t
he_AT utilitarian_JJ touch_NN ._. So_RB junior's_NN$ bedroom_NN was_BEDZ usually
_RB tricked_VBN out_RP with_IN heavy_JJ ,_, nondescript_JJ pieces_NNS that_WPS s
upposedly_RB could_MD take_VB the_AT ``_`` hard_JJ knocks_NNS ''_'' ,_, while_CS
the_AT fine_JJ secretary_NN was_BEDZ relegated_VBN to_IN the_AT parlor_NN where
_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ for_IN show_NN only_RB ._. This_DT isn't_BEZ* true_JJ of_IN
the_AT many_AP homemakers_NNS of_IN the_AT 1960's_NNS ,_, according_IN to_IN de
corator_NN consultant_NN ,_, Leland_NP Alden_NP ._. Housewives_NNS are_BER findi
ng_VBG literally_RB hundreds_NNS of_IN ways_NNS of_IN getting_VBG the_AT maximum
_JJ use_NN out_IN of_IN traditional_JJ designs_NNS ,_, says_VBZ Mr._NP Alden_NP
and_CC they_PPSS are_BER doing_VBG it_PPO largely_RB because_CS Colonial_JJ-TL c
raftsmen_NNS had_HVD ``_`` an_AT innate_JJ sense_NN of_IN the_AT practical_JJ ''
_'' ._. Solid_JJ-HL investment_NN-HL There_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN reaso
ns_NNS why_WRB the_AT Eighteenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL designer_NN had_HVD to_TO d
evelop_VB ``_`` down_RP to_IN earth_NN ''_'' designs_NNS --_-- or_CC go_VB out_I
N of_IN business_NN ._. Hotel_NN-TL Escape's_NN$-TL Bonanza_NN-TL room_NN has_HV
Z a_AT real_JJ bonanza_NN in_IN its_PP$ new_JJ attraction_NN ,_, the_AT versatil
e_JJ ``_`` Kings_NNS-TL 4_CD-TL ,_, Plus_RB-TL Two_CD-TL ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BE
Z the_AT strongest_JJT act_NN to_TO hit_VB the_AT area_NN in_IN a_AT long_JJ whi
le_NN --_-- a_AT well_QL integrated_VBN ,_, fast_RB moving_VBG outfit_NN special
izing_VBG in_IN skits_NNS ,_, vocals_NNS ,_, comedy_NN and_CC instrumentals_NNS
all_ABN of_IN it_PPO distinctly_RB displaying_VBG the_AT pro_NN touch_NN ._. Sho
w_NN spotlights_VBZ the_AT Kings_NNS-TL --_-- George_NP Worth_NP ,_, Bill_NP Kay
_NP ,_, Frank_NP Ciciulla_NP and_CC Gene_NP Wilson_NP ,_, flanked_VBN by_IN Dave
_NP Grossman_NP and_CC Ron_NP Stevens_NP ._. The_AT Plus_RB-TL Two_CD-TL remain_
VB at_IN a_AT fixed_VBN position_NN with_IN drums_NNS and_CC guitar_NN but_CC th
e_AT quartet_NN covers_VBZ the_AT stage_NN with_IN a_AT batch_NN of_IN instrumen
ts_NNS ranging_VBG from_IN tuba_NN to_IN tambourine_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT beat_NN
is_BEZ solid_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT comedy_NN division_NN ,_, the_AT Kings_NNS-TL
simply_RB augment_VB talent_NN and_CC imagination_NN with_IN a_AT few_AP props_N
NS ._. Net_NN result_NN is_BEZ some_DTI crazy-wonderful_JJ nonsense_NN ,_, part_
NN of_IN which_WDT can_MD be_BE classed_VBN as_QL pure_JJ slapstick_NN ._. Kings
_NNS-TL 4_CD-TL ,_, have_HV rated_VBN as_CS a_AT popular_JJ act_NN in_IN Vegas_N
P and_CC Western_JJ-TL nightclubs_NNS ._. If_CS they_PPSS can't_MD* chalk_VB up_
RP big_JJ business_NN here_RB then_RB let's_VB+PPO stop_VB this_DT noise_NN abou
t_IN how_WRB hip_JJ we_PPSS are_BER ,_, and_CC stick_VB to_IN our_PP$ community_
NN singing_NN ,_, elsewhere_RB Andy_NP Bartha_NP and_CC his_PP$ trio_NN have_HV
booked_VBN into_IN Oceania_NP-TL Lounge_NN-TL ._. The_AT Cumbancheros_NPS ,_, La
tin_JJ combo_NN ,_, open_VB Tuesday_NR at_IN the_AT Four_CD-TL O'Clock_RB-TL Clu
b_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Flip_NP ''_'' Phillips_NP for_IN a_AT return_NN engagement_NN
at_IN Fireside_NN-TL Steak_NN-TL Ranch_NN-TL Wednesday_NR ;_. ;_. same_AP date_N
N ,_, Johnny_NP LaSalle_NP trio_NN to_IN the_AT Jolly_JJ-TL Roger_NP-TL ._. Dick
_NP Carroll_NP and_CC his_PP$ accordion_NN (_( which_WDT we_PPSS now_RB refer_VB
to_IN as_CS ``_`` Freida_NP ''_'' )_) held_VBN over_RP at_IN Bahia_NP-TL Cabana
_NN-TL where_WRB ``_`` Sir_NP ''_'' Judson_NP-TL Smith_NP brings_VBZ in_RP his_P
P$ calypso_NN capers_NNS Oct._NP 13_CD ._. Johnny_NP Leighton_NP picked_VBD up_R
P some_DTI new_JJ numbers_NNS out_RP in_IN Texas_NP which_WDT he's_PPS+BEZ sprin
ging_VBG on_IN the_AT ringsiders_NNS in_IN the_AT Rum_NN-TL House_NN-TL at_IN Ga
lt_NP-TL Ocean_NN-TL Mile_NN-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Skip_NP ''_'' Hovarter_NP
back_RB in_IN town_NN from_IN a_AT summer_NN in_IN the_AT Reno-Lake_NP Tahoe_NP
area_NN where_WRB he_PPS ran_VBD into_IN Rusty_JJ-TL Warren_NP ,_, Kay_NP Martin
_NP ,_, the_AT Marskmen_NPS and_CC Tune_NN-TL Toppers_NPS-TL --_-- all_ABN pulli
ng_VBG good_JJ biz_NN ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ._. We_PPSS-HL like_VB-HL Fike_NP-HL A
l_NP Fike_NP ,_, an_AT ex-schoolteacher_NN from_IN Colorado_NP ,_, is_BEZ curren
tly_RB pursuing_VBG the_AT three_CD R's_NN --_-- rhythm_NN ,_, reminiscence_NN a
nd_CC repartee_NN --_-- in_IN a_AT return_NN class_NN session_NN at_IN the_AT Tr
ade_NN-TL Winds_NNS-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. Al_NP has_HVZ added_VBN some_DTI sidemen_
NNS to_IN the_AT act_NN which_WDT makes_VBZ for_IN a_AT smoother_JJR operation_N
N but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ substantially_RB the_AT same_AP format_NN heard_VBN last_A
P spring_NN ._. Newcomers_NNS are_BER Ernie_NP Kemm_NP on_IN piano_NN ,_, Wes_NP
Robbins_NP ,_, bass_NN and_CC trumpet_NN ,_, and_CC Jack_NP Kelly_NP on_IN drum
s_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT solid_JJ show_NN but_CC ,_, except_IN for_IN some_DT
I interim_NN keyboarding_NN by_IN Ernie_NP ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ Al's_NP$ all_ABN the
_AT way_NN ._. Maestro's_NN$ biggest_JJT stock_NN in_IN trade_NN is_BEZ his_PP$
personality_NN ,_, and_CC ability_NN to_TO establish_VB a_AT warm_JJ rapport_NN
with_IN his_PP$ audience_NN ._. He_PPS skips_VBZ around_RB from_IN jazz_NN ,_, t
o_IN blues_NNS to_IN boogie_NN --_-- accompanying_VBG himself_PPL on_IN piano_NN
and_CC frequently_RB pulling_VBG the_AT customers_NNS in_RP on_IN the_AT act_NN
._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT bouncy_JJ show_NN which_WDT may_MD get_VB a_AT little_Q
L too_QL frantic_JJ at_IN times_NNS ,_, but_CC is_BEZ nevertheless_RB worth_JJ y
our_PP$ appraisal_NN ._. New_JJ-HL owners_NNS-HL Cafe_NN-TL Society_NN-TL opens_
VBZ formally_RB this_DT afternoon_NN under_IN its_PP$ new_JJ ownership_NN ._. Ge
orge_NP Kissak_NP is_BEZ the_AT bossman_NN ;_. ;_. Terry_NP Barnes_NP has_HVZ be
en_BEN named_VBN manager_NN ._. Spot_NN retains_VBZ the_AT same_AP decor_NN alth
ough_CS crystal_NN chandeliers_NNS have_HV been_BEN installed_VBN above_IN the_A
T terrace_NN dining_VBG area_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT kitchen_NN has_HVZ undergone_V
BN a_AT remodeling_VBG job_NN ._. Latter_AP domain_NN ,_, under_IN the_AT guidan
ce_NN of_IN Chef_NN-TL Tom_NP Yokel_NP ,_, will_MD specialize_VB in_IN steaks_NN
S ,_, chops_NNS ,_, chicken_NN and_CC prime_JJ beef_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS Tom's
_NP$ favorite_JJ dish_NN ,_, stuffed_VBN shrimp_NN ._. Bandstand_NN features_VBZ
Hal_NP DeCicco_NP ,_, pianist_NN ,_, for_IN both_ABX dinner_NN hour_NN and_CC t
he_AT late_JJ trade_NN ._. The_AT Tic-Tac-Toe_NP trio_NN is_BEZ the_AT club's_NN
$ new_JJ show_NN group_NN which_WDT also_RB plays_VBZ for_IN dancing_VBG ._. Her
e_RB-HL and_CC-HL there_RB-HL Herbert_NP Heilman_NP in_IN town_NN for_IN a_AT da
y_NN ._. Hubie's_NP$ restaurant_NN activities_NNS up_RP in_IN Lorain_NP ,_, Ohio
_NP ,_, may_MD preclude_VB his_PP$ return_NN here_RB until_IN after_IN Oct._NP 2
0_CD ,_, date_NN set_VBN for_IN reopening_VBG the_AT Heilman_NP-TL Restaurant_NN
-TL on_IN Sunman_NP-TL Restaurant_NN-TL on_IN Sunrise_NN-TL ._. Louise_NP Frankl
in_NP cornering_VBG the_AT gift_NN shop_NN market_NN in_IN Lauderdale_NP ._. Viv
acious_JJ redhead_NN debuts_VBZ another_DT shop_NN ,_, her_PP$ sixth_OD ,_, in_I
N the_AT Governor's_NN$-TL Club_NN-TL Hotel_NN-TL this_DT week_NN ._. Sunday_NR
New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL brunches_NNS continue_VB at_IN the_AT Trade_NN-TL Winds_
NNS-TL but_CC the_AT daily_JJ French_JJ buffets_NNS have_HV been_BEN called_VBN
off_RP ._. Mackey_NP-TL Airline's_NN$-TL new_JJ Sunshine_NN-TL Inn_NN-TL at_IN B
imini_NP set_VBN to_TO open_VB some_DTI time_NN this_DT month_NN ,_, according_I
N to_IN Hank_NP Johnson_NP ._. Student_NN-TL Prince_NN-TL Lounge_NN-TL on_IN Atl
antic_JJ-TL Blvd._NN-TL plotting_VBG a_AT month-long_JJ ``_`` festival_NN ''_''
throughout_IN October_NP ,_, with_IN special_JJ features_NNS ._. Don_NP Drinkhou
se_NP of_IN Pal's_NP$-TL Restaurant_NN-TL planning_VBG a_AT reunion_NN with_IN t
he_AT Miami_NP-TL Playboy_NN-TL Club's_NN$-TL pianist_NN ,_, Julian_NP Gould_NP
._. Two_CD were_BED in_IN the_AT same_AP band_NN 18_CD years_NNS ago_RB ;_. ;_.
Don_NP ,_, who_WPS played_VBD drums_NNS ,_, hasn't_HVZ* seen_VBN his_PP$ chum_NN
since_RB ._. Steak_NN-TL House_NN-TL has_HVZ such_ABL a_AT run_NN on_IN beer_NN
to_TO wash_VB down_RP that_DT Mexican_JJ food_NN ``_`` Tex_NP ''_'' Burgess_NP
had_HVD to_TO call_VB the_AT draft_NN man_NN twice_RB in_IN one_CD day_NN ._. (_
( Which_WDT is_BEZ understandable_JJ --_-- if_CS you've_PPSS+HV ever_RB sampled_
VBN the_AT exotic_JJ ,_, peppery_JJ fare_NN ._. )_) faces_NNS-HL in_IN-HL places
_NNS-HL Pualani_NP and_CC Randy_NP Avon_NP ,_, Dave_NP Searles_NP ,_, George_NP
(_( Papa_NP )_) Gill_NP ,_, Al_NP Bandish_NP ,_, Jim_NP Morgart_NP ,_, Bob_NP Ne
il_NP at_IN the_AT Mouse_NN-TL Trap_NN-TL ._. Billy_NP and_CC Jean_NP Moffett_NP
at_IN the_AT Rickshaw_NP ._. Bea_NP Morley_NP ,_, Jimmy_NP Fazio_NP ,_, Jim_NP
O'Hare_NP ,_, Ralph_NP Michaels_NP ,_, Bill_NP and_CC Evelyn_NP Perry_NP at_IN t
he_AT Escape_NN-TL ._. Murphy_NP-HL honors_VBZ-HL hear_VB that_CS Patricia_NP Mu
rphy_NP flies_VBZ up_RP to_IN St._NP John's_NP$ Newfoundland_NP ,_, next_AP Sund
ay_NR to_TO attend_VB the_AT government's_NN$ special_JJ ceremonies_NNS at_IN Me
morial_JJ-TL University_NN-TL honoring_VBG distinguished_VBN sons_NNS and_CC dau
ghters_NNS of_IN the_AT island_NN province_NN ._. Miss_NP Murphy_NP was_BEDZ bor
n_VBN in_IN Placentia_NP ,_, Newfoundland_NP ._. Her_PP$ invitation_NN from_IN P
remier_NN-TL Joseph_NP Smallwood_NP is_BEZ reported_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT only_
AP one_CD extended_VBN to_IN a_AT woman_NN ._. Fort_NN-TL-HL Lauderdale_NP-HL --
_-- The_AT first_OD in_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN five_CD productions_NNS will_MD b
e_BE held_VBN in_IN War_NN-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Auditorium_NN-TL Thursday_NR ,_, Oc
t._NP 26_CD ._. ``_`` Le_FW-AT-TL Theatre_FW-NN-TL D'Art_FW-IN+NN-TL Du_FW-IN+AT
-TL Ballet_FW-NN-TL ''_'' ,_, of_IN Monte_NP Carlo_NP ,_, will_MD present_VB a_A
T program_NN of_IN four_CD ballets_NNS including_IN ``_`` Francesca_NP Da_NP Rim
ini_NP ''_'' ._. Performers_NNS include_VB a_AT company_NN of_IN 46_CD dancers_N
NS and_CC a_AT symphony_NN orchestra_NN ._. The_AT series_NN of_IN ballets_NNS i
s_BEZ sponsored_VBN by_IN the_AT Milenoff_NP-TL Ballet_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL ,_
, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, a_AT non-profit_JJ foundation_NN with_IN headquarters_NN in_IN
Coral_NN-TL Gables_NNS-TL ._. Also_RB set_VBN for_IN appearances_NNS at_IN the_
AT auditorium_NN this_DT season_NN are_BER :_: ``_`` American_JJ-TL Ballet_NN-TL
Theatre_NN-TL ''_'' on_IN Jan._NP 27_CD ,_, ``_`` Ximenez-Vargas_NP-TL Ballet_F
W-NN-TL Espagnol_FW-JJ ''_'' on_IN Feb._NP 2_CD ;_. ;_. Jorge_NP Bolet_NP ,_, pi
anist_NN ,_, on_IN Feb._NP 23_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC ``_`` Dancers_NNS-TL of_IN Bali_
NP ''_'' on_IN March_NP 8_CD ._. Hollywood_NP-HL --_-- A_AT Southeast_JJ-TL Libr
ary_NN-TL Workshop_NN-TL will_MD be_BE held_VBN here_RB Oct._NP 9_CD ,_, conduct
ed_VBN by_IN Mrs._NP Gretchen_NP Schenk_NP of_IN Summerdale_NP ,_, Ala._NP ,_, a
uthor_NN ,_, lecturer_NN and_CC library_NN leader_NN ._. The_AT workshop_NN will
_MD begin_VB at_IN 10_CD a.m._RB and_CC end_VB at_IN 3_CD p.m._RB in_IN the_AT a
uditorium_NN of_IN the_AT Library_NN-TL and_CC Fine_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL Building_N
N-TL ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT registration_NN fee_NN but_CC there_EX will_MD be
_BE a_AT charge_NN of_IN $2.50_NNS for_IN the_AT luncheon_NN to_TO be_BE held_VB
N in_IN the_AT library_NN and_CC fine_JJ arts_NNS building_NN ._. Anyone_PN inte
rested_VBN in_IN attending_VBG the_AT meeting_NN may_MD have_HV reservations_NNS
with_IN Mrs._NP John_NP Whelan_NP at_IN the_AT Hollywood_NP-TL Public_JJ-TL Lib
rary_NN-TL ._. At_IN the_AT workshop_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Schenk_NP will_MD discuss_VB
``_`` the_AT board_NN and_CC the_AT staff_NN ,_, librarian-board_NN relationshi
ps_NNS ,_, personnel_NNS policies_NNS ,_, how_QL good_JJ is_BEZ our_PP$ libraria
n_NN and_CC staff_NN ,_, how_QL good_JJ am_BEM I_PPSS as_CS a_AT library_NN boar
d_NN member_NN and_CC how_QL good_JJ is_BEZ our_PP$ library_NN ''_'' ._. Other_A
P workshops_NNS will_MD be_BE in_IN Tallahassee_NP Oct._NP 5_CD ;_. ;_. Jacksonv
ille_NP ,_, Oct._NP 6_CD ;_. ;_. Orlando_NP ,_, Oct._NP 10_CD ;_. ;_. Plant_NN-T
L City_NN-TL Oct._NP 11_CD ._. Fort_NN-TL-HL Lauderdale_NP-HL --_-- A_AT series_
NN of_IN high_JJ school_NN assemblies_NNS to_TO acquaint_VB junior_JJ and_CC sen
ior_JJ students_NNS with_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Achievement_NN-TL program_NN beg
ins_VBZ at_IN St._NN-TL Thomas_NP-TL Aquinas_NP-TL Monday_NR ._. Subsequent_JJ a
ssemblies_NNS will_MD be_BE held_VBN at_IN Stranahan_NP-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-
TL Tuesday_NR ,_, at_IN Pompano_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL High_JJ-TL Wednesday_NR ,_, an
d_CC at_IN Fort_NN-TL Lauderdale_NP high_NN Thursday_NR ._. The_AT business_NN e
ducation_NN program_NN operates_VBZ with_IN the_AT cooperation_NN of_IN local_JJ
high_JJ schools_NNS and_CC business_NN firms_NNS ._. Is_BEZ there_EX anything_P
N a_AT frustrated_VBN individual_NN can_MD do_DO about_IN Communism's_NN$-TL gro
wing_VBG threat_NN on_IN our_PP$ doorstep_NN and_CC around_IN the_AT world_NN ?_
. ?_. More_AP than_IN 300_CD teenagers_NNS last_AP Sunday_NR proved_VBD there_EX
is_BEZ and_CC as_QL many_AP more_AP are_BER expected_VBN to_TO prove_VB it_PPO
again_RB for_IN Jim_NP Kern_NP and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN Lynn_NP from_IN 4_CD to_IN
8_CD p.m._RB Sunday_NR at_IN First_OD-TL Presbyterian_NP-TL Church_NN-TL ._. At
_IN that_DT time_NN the_AT second_OD half_NN of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ-TL Youth_
NN-TL Crusade_NN-TL against_IN-TL Communism_NN-TL will_MD be_BE staged_VBN ._. A
_AT young_JJ real_JJ estate_NN salesman_NN ,_, Kern_NP first_RB got_VBD seriousl
y_RB interested_VBN in_IN the_AT problems_NNS posed_VBN by_IN Communism_NN-TL wh
en_WRB in_IN the_AT Navy_NN-TL Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ particu
larly_RB struck_VBN by_IN a_AT course_NN on_IN Communist_NN-TL brainwashing_NN .
_. Kern_NP began_VBD reading_VBG a_AT lot_NN about_IN the_AT history_NN and_CC p
hilosophy_NN of_IN Communism_NN-TL ,_, but_CC never_RB felt_VBD there_EX was_BED
Z anything_PN he_PPS ,_, as_CS an_AT individual_NN ,_, could_MD do_DO about_IN i
t_PPO ._. When_WRB he_PPS attended_VBD the_AT Christian_JJ Anti-Communist_JJ Cru
sade_NN-TL school_NN here_RB about_RB six_CD months_NNS ago_RB ,_, Jim_NP became
_VBD convinced_VBN that_CS an_AT individual_NN can_MD do_DO something_PN constru
ctive_JJ in_IN the_AT ideological_JJ battle_NN and_CC set_VBD out_RP to_TO do_DO
it_PPO ._. The_AT best_JJT approach_NN ,_, he_PPS figured_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ to_T
O try_VB to_TO influence_VB young_JJ people_NNS like_CS the_AT high_JJ schoolers
_NNS he_PPS and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN serve_VB as_CS advisors_NNS at_IN First_OD-TL
Presbyterian_NP-TL Church_NN-TL ._. And_CC he_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO be_BE carefu
l_JJ that_CS the_AT kids_NNS not_* only_RB learn_VB about_IN Communist_NN-TL but
_CC also_RB about_IN what_WDT he_PPS feels_VBZ is_BEZ the_AT only_AP antidote_NN
--_-- a_AT Biblically_QL strong_JJ Christianity_NP ._. So_CS the_AT Christian_J
J-TL Youth_NN-TL Crusade_NN-TL against_IN-TL Communisn_NN-TL developed_VBD and_C
C more_AP than_IN 300_CD top_JJS teenagers_NNS and_CC 65_CD adult_NN advisers_NN
S from_IN Presbyterian_NP churches_NNS of_IN the_AT area_NN sat_VBD enthralled_V
BN at_IN the_AT four-hour_JJ program_NN ._. This_DT Sunday_NR those_DTS attendin
g_VBG the_AT second_OD session_NN will_MD hear_VB a_AT lecture_NN by_IN Kern_NP
on_IN the_AT world_NN situation_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT review_NN of_IN the_AT philosoph
y_NN of_IN Communist_NN-TL leaders_NNS by_IN Ted_NP Slack_NP ,_, another_DT real
_JJ estate_NN agent_NN who_WPS became_VBD interested_VBN as_CS a_AT philosophy_N
N major_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Miami_NP-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC tal
ks_NNS on_IN how_WRB their_PP$ Christian_JJ faith_NN can_MD guide_VB them_PPO in
_IN learning_VBG about_IN and_CC fighting_VBG Communism_NN-TL during_IN high_JJ
school_NN and_CC college_NN days_NNS ,_, by_IN Ted_NP Place_NP ,_, director_NN o
f_IN Greater_JJR-TL Miami_NP-TL Youth_NN-TL for_IN-TL Christ_NP-TL ,_, and_CC Jo
n_NP Braun_NP ,_, director_NN of_IN Campus_NN-TL Crusade_NN-TL for_IN-TL Christ_
NP-TL ._. The_AT second_OD half_NN of_IN the_AT film_NN ``_`` Communism_NN-TL on
_IN-TL the_AT-TL Map_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC the_AT movie_NN ``_`` Operation_NN-TL Ab
olition_NN-TL ''_'' also_RB will_MD be_BE shown_VBN ._. Response_NN to_IN the_AT
program_NN has_HVZ been_BEN so_QL encouraging_JJ ,_, Kern_NP said_VBD ,_, that_
CS a_AT city-wide_JJ youth_NN school_NN at_IN Dade_NP-TL County_NN-TL Auditorium
_NN-TL may_MD be_BE set_VBN up_RP soon_RB ._. And_CC to_TO encourage_VB other_AP
churches_NNS to_TO try_VB their_PP$ own_JJ programs_NNS ,_, Kern_NP said_VBD th
is_DT Sunday's_NR$ sessions_NNS --_-- including_IN the_AT free_JJ dinner_NN --_-
- will_MD be_BE open_JJ to_IN anyone_PN who_WPS makes_VBZ reservations_NNS ._. T
he_AT need_NN for_IN and_CC the_AT way_NN to_TO achieve_VB a_AT Christian_JJ hom
e_NN will_MD be_BE stressed_VBN in_IN special_JJ services_NNS marking_VBG Nation
al_JJ-TL Christian_JJ-TL Family_NN-TL Week_NN-TL in_IN Miami_NP area_NN churches
_NNS next_AP week_NN ._. Of_IN particular_JJ meaning_NN to_IN the_AT Charles_NP
MacWhorter_NP family_NN ,_, 3181_CD-TL SW_NN 24th_OD-TL Ter._NN-TL ,_, will_MD b
e_BE the_AT Family_NN-TL Dedication_NN-TL Service_NN-TL planned_VBD for_IN 10:50
_CD a.m._RB Sunday_NR at_IN First_OD-TL Christian_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ._. It_PPS
will_MD be_BE the_AT second_OD time_NN the_AT assistant_NN manager_NN of_IN a_AT
Coral_NN-TL Gables_NNS-TL restaurant_NN and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN have_HV taken_VB
N part_NN in_IN the_AT twice-a-year_JJ ceremonies_NNS for_IN families_NNS with_I
N new_JJ babies_NNS ._. The_AT first_OD one_CD ,_, two_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, c
hanged_VBD the_AT routine_NN of_IN their_PP$ home_NR life_NN ._. ``_`` When_WRB
you_PPSS stand_VB up_RP in_IN public_NN and_CC take_VB vows_NNS to_TO strive_VB
to_TO set_VB an_AT example_NN before_IN your_PP$ children_NNS and_CC to_TO teach
_VB them_PPO the_AT fundamentals_NNS of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ faith_NN ,_, you_
PPSS strive_VB a_AT little_QL harder_RBR to_TO uphold_VB those_DTS vows_NNS ''_'
' ,_, explains_VBZ the_AT slender_JJ vice_NN president_NN of_IN the_AT young_JJ
couples_NNS Sunday_NR school_NN class_NN ._. Until_CS that_DT first_OD dedicatio
n_NN service_NN ,_, he_PPS and_CC Lois_NP felt_VBD their_PP$ children_NNS were_B
ED too_QL young_JJ to_TO take_VB part_NN in_IN any_DTI religious_JJ life_NN at_I
N home_NR ._. They_PPSS have_HV five_CD daughters_NNS --_-- Coral_NP Lee_NP ,_,
5_CD ,_, Glenda_NP Rae_NP ,_, 4_CD ,_, Pamela_NP ,_, 3_CD ,_, Karen_NP ,_, 2_CD
,_, and_CC Shari_NP ,_, five_CD months_NNS ._. But_CC after_IN that_DT service_N
N ,_, they_PPSS decided_VBD to_TO try_VB to_TO let_VB the_AT girls_NNS say_VB gr
ace_NN at_IN the_AT table_NN ,_, have_HV bedtime_NN prayers_NNS ,_, and_CC Bible
_NP stories_NNS ._. To_IN their_PP$ surprise_NN ,_, the_AT children_NNS all_ABN
were_BED eager_JJ and_CC quite_QL able_JJ to_TO take_VB part_NN ._. Even_RB the_
AT two-year-old_NN feels_VBZ miffed_VBN if_CS the_AT family_NN has_HVZ a_AT pray
er-time_NN without_IN her_PPO ._. Dade's_NP$ chief_JJS probation_NN officer_NN ,
_, Jack_NP Blanton_NP ,_, will_MD lead_VB a_AT discussion_NN on_IN ``_`` The_AT-
TL Changes_NNS-TL in_IN-TL the_AT-TL American_JJ-TL Family_NN-TL ''_'' at_IN 7:3
0_CD p.m._RB Sunday_NR at_IN Christ_NP-TL Lutheran_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ._. Mr._NP
and_CC Mrs._NP George_NP Treadwell_NP will_MD be_BE honored_VBN at_IN a_AT Fami
ly_NN-TL Week_NN-TL supper_NN and_CC program_NN at_IN 6_CD p.m._RB Sunday_NR at_
IN Trinity_NP-TL Methodist_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ._. He_PPS is_BEZ the_AT sexton_NN
of_IN the_AT church_NN ._. A_AT family_NN worship_NN service_NN will_MD follow_
VB the_AT program_NN at_IN 7:45_CD p.m._RB ._. The_AT outstanding_JJ family_NN o
f_IN Central_JJ-TL Nazarene_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL will_MD be_BE picked_VBN by_IN ba
llot_NN from_IN among_IN eight_CD families_NNS during_IN the_AT 10:45_CD a.m._RB
Sunday_NR service_NN marking_VBG National_JJ-TL Family_NN-TL Week_NN-TL ._. Eve
ry_AT family_NN of_IN Riviera_NP Presbyterian_NP-TL Church_NN-TL has_HVZ been_BE
N asked_VBN to_TO read_VB the_AT Bible_NP and_CC pray_VB together_RB daily_RB du
ring_IN National_JJ-TL Christian_JJ-TL Family_NN-TL Week_NN-TL and_CC to_TO unde
rtake_VB one_CD project_NN in_IN which_WDT all_ABN members_NNS of_IN the_AT fami
ly_NN participate_VB ._. To_TO start_VB the_AT week_NN of_IN special_JJ programs
_NNS at_IN the_AT church_NN ,_, the_AT Rev._NP John_NP D._NP Henderson_NP will_M
D preach_VB on_IN ``_`` A_AT-TL Successful_JJ-TL Marriage_NN-TL ''_'' at_IN 9:40
_CD and_CC 11_CD a.m._RB Sunday_NR ._. New_JJ officers_NNS of_IN the_AT church_N
N will_MD be_BE ordained_VBN and_CC installed_VBN at_IN the_AT 7:30_CD p.m._RB s
ervice_NN ._. A_AT father_NN and_CC son_NN dinner_NN sponsored_VBN by_IN the_AT
Men's_NNS$-TL Club_NN-TL will_MD be_BE held_VBN at_IN 6:15_CD p.m._RB Monday_NR
and_CC the_AT annual_JJ church_NN picnic_NN at_IN 4_CD p.m._RB next_AP Saturday_
NR ._. The_AT week_NN will_MD end_VB with_IN the_AT Rev._NP Mr._NP Henderson_NP
preaching_VBG on_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Marriage_NN-TL Altar_NN-TL ''_'' at_IN 7:30_
CD p.m._RB Sunday_NR ,_, May_NP 14_CD ._. The_AT resignation_NN of_IN the_AT Rev
._NP Warren_NP I._NP Densmore_NP ,_, headmaster_NN of_IN St._NN-TL Stephen's_NP$
-TL Episcopal_JJ-TL Day_NN-TL School_NN-TL in_IN Coconut_NN-TL Grove_NN-TL ,_, b
ecomes_VBZ effective_JJ July_NP 15_CD ._. Enrique_NP Jorda_NP ,_, conductor_NN a
nd_CC musical_JJ director_NN of_IN the_AT San_NP Francisco_NP Symphony_NN-TL ,_,
will_MD fulfill_VB two_CD more_AP guest_NN conducting_VBG engagements_NNS in_IN
Europe_NP before_CS returning_VBG home_NR to_TO open_VB the_AT symphony's_NN$ G
olden_JJ-TL Anniversary_NN-TL season_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ announced_VBN ._. Th
e_AT guest_NN assignments_NNS are_BER scheduled_VBN for_IN November_NP 14_CD and
_CC 18_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT Orchestra_NN-TL Sinfonica_FW-JJ-TL Siciliana_FW-JJ-
TL in_IN Palermo_NP and_CC the_AT Orchestra_NN-TL of_IN-TL Radio_NN-TL Cologne_N
P ._. The_AT season_NN in_IN San_NP Francisco_NP will_MD open_VB with_IN a_AT sp
ecial_JJ Gala_JJ-TL Concert_NN-TL on_IN November_NP 22_CD ._. During_IN his_PP$
five-month_JJ visit_NN abroad_RB ,_, Jorda_NP recently_RB conducted_VBD the_AT O
rchestre_FW-NN-TL Philharmonique_FW-JJ-TL De_FW-IN Bordeau_NP in_IN France_NP ,_
, and_CC the_AT Santa_NP Cecilia_NP Orchestra_NN-TL in_IN Rome_NP ._. In_IN anno
uncing_VBG Jorda's_NP$ return_NN ,_, the_AT orchestra_NN also_RB announced_VBD t
hat_CS the_AT sale_NN of_IN single_AP tickets_NNS for_IN the_AT 50th_OD annivers
ary_NN season_NN will_MD start_VB at_IN the_AT Sherman_NP Clay_NP box_NN office_
NN on_IN Wednesday_NR ._. Guest_NN performers_NNS and_CC conductors_NNS during_I
N the_AT coming_VBG season_NN will_MD include_VB many_AP renowned_JJ artists_NNS
who_WPS began_VBD their_PP$ careers_NNS playing_VBG with_IN the_AT orchestra_NN
,_, including_IN violinists_NNS Yehudi_NP Menuhin_NP ,_, Isaac_NP Stern_NP ,_,
Ruggiero_NP Ricci_NP and_CC David_NP Abel_NP ;_. ;_. pianists_NNS Leon_NP Fleish
er_NP ,_, Ruth_NP Slenczynka_NP and_CC Stephen_NP Bishop_NP and_CC conductor_NN
Earl_NP Bernard_NP Murray_NP ._. The_AT Leningrad_NP-TL Kirov_NP-TL Ballet_NN-TL
,_, which_WDT opened_VBD a_AT series_NN of_IN performances_NNS Friday_NR night_
NN at_IN the_AT Opera_NN-TL House_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ ,_, I_PPSS think_VB ,_, the_A
T finest_JJT ``_`` classical_JJ ''_'' ballet_NN company_NN I_PPSS have_HV ever_R
B seen_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT production_NN of_IN the_AT Petipa-Tschaikowsky_NP-T
L ``_`` Sleeping_VBG-TL Beauty_NN-TL ''_'' with_IN which_WDT it_PPS began_VBD th
e_AT series_NN is_BEZ incomparably_RB the_AT finest_JJT I_PPSS have_HV ever_RB h
ad_HVN the_AT pleasure_NN of_IN witnessing_VBG ._. This_DT work_NN is_BEZ no_AT
favorite_JJ of_IN mine_PP$$ ._. I_PPSS am_BEM prepared_VBN to_TO demonstrate_VB
at_IN anytime_RB that_CS it_PPS represents_VBZ the_AT spirit_NN of_IN Imperial_J
J-TL Russia_NP-TL in_IN its_PP$ most_QL vulgar_JJ ,_, infantile_JJ ,_, and_CC re
actionary_JJ aspect_NN ;_. ;_. that_CS its_PP$ persistent_JJ use_NN by_IN ballet
_NN companies_NNS of_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL regime_NN indicates_VBZ that_CS that
_DT old_JJ spirit_NN is_BEZ just_QL as_QL stultifying_VBG alive_JJ today_NR as_C
S it_PPS ever_RB was_BEDZ ;_. ;_. that_CS its_PP$ presentation_NN in_IN this_DT
country_NN is_BEZ part_NN of_IN a_AT capitalist_NN plot_NN to_TO boobify_VB the_
AT American_JJ people_NNS ;_. ;_. that_CS its_PP$ choreography_NN is_BEZ undisti
nguished_JJ and_CC its_PP$ score_NN a_AT shapeless_JJ assemblage_NN of_IN self-p
lagiarisms_NNS ._. All_ABN of_IN this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ and_CC all_ABN of_IN it_
PPO is_BEZ totally_QL meaningless_JJ in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN the_AT Kirov's_N
P$ utterly_QL captivating_JJ presentation_NN ._. Precise_JJ-HL The_AT reasons_NN
S for_IN this_DT enchantment_NN are_BER numerous_JJ ,_, but_CC most_AP of_IN the
m_PPO end_VB in_IN ``_`` ova_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, ``_`` eva_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_
`` aya_NN-NC ''_'' ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, no_AT merely_QL male_JJ crea
ture_NN can_MD resist_VB that_CS corps_FW-NN de_FW-IN ballet_FW-NN ._. It_PPS se
ems_VBZ to_TO have_HV been_BEN chosen_VBN exclusively_RB from_IN the_AT winners_
NNS of_IN beauty_NN contests_NNS --_-- Miss_NP Omsk_NP ,_, Miss_NP Pinsk_NP ,_,
Miss_NP Stalingr_NP oops_UH ,_, skip_VB it_PPO ._. These_DTS qualities_NNS alone
_RB ,_, however_WRB ,_, would_MD not_* account_VB for_IN their_PP$ success_NN ,_
, and_CC it_PPS took_VBD me_PPO a_AT while_NN to_TO discover_VB the_AT crowning_
VBG virtue_NN that_WPS completes_VBZ this_DT company's_NN$ collective_JJ persona
lity_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT kind_NN of_IN friendliness_NN and_CC frankness_NN
of_IN address_NN toward_IN the_AT audience_NN which_WDT we_PPSS have_HV been_BE
N led_VBN to_TO believe_VB was_BEDZ peculiar_JJ to_IN the_AT American_JJ ballet_
NN ._. Oh-the-pain-of-it_UH ,_, that_DT convention_NN of_IN Russian_NP ballet_NN
whereby_WRB the_AT girls_NNS convey_VB the_AT idea_NN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER
all_ABN the_AT daughters_NNS of_IN impoverished_JJ Grand_JJ-TL Dukes_NNS-TL dri
ven_VBN to_IN the_AT stage_NN out_IN of_IN filial_JJ piety_NN ,_, is_BEZ totally
_RB absent_JJ from_IN the_AT Kirov_NP ._. This_DT is_BEZ all_ABN the_AT more_QL
remarkable_JJ because_CS the_AT Kirov_NP is_BEZ to_IN ballet_NN what_WDT Senator
_NN-TL Goldwater_NP is_BEZ to_IN American_JJ politics_NN ._. But_CC ,_, obviousl
y_RB ,_, at_IN least_AP some_DTI things_NNS have_HV changed_VBN for_IN the_AT be
tter_JJR in_IN Russia_NP so_QL far_RB as_CS the_AT ballet_NN is_BEZ concerned_VB
N ._. Irina_NP Kolpakova_NP ,_, the_AT Princess_NN-TL Aurora_NP of_IN Friday's_N
R$ performance_NN ,_, would_MD be_BE a_AT change_NN for_IN the_AT better_JJR any
where_RB ,_, at_IN any_DTI time_NN ,_, no_AT matter_NN who_WPS had_HVD had_HVN t
he_AT role_NN before_RB ._. She_PPS is_BEZ the_AT most_QL beautiful_JJ thing_NN
you_PPSS ever_RB laid_VBD eyes_NNS on_IN ,_, and_CC her_PP$ dancing_NN has_HVZ a
_AT feminine_JJ suavity_NN ,_, lightness_NN ,_, sparkle_NN ,_, and_CC refinement
_NN which_WDT are_BER simply_RB incomparable_JJ ._. Hit_NN-HL Alla_NP Sizova_NP
,_, who_WPS seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV made_VBN a_AT special_JJ hit_NN in_IN the_AT
East_NR-TL ,_, was_BEDZ delightful_JJ as_CS the_AT lady_NN Bluebird_NP and_CC h
er_PP$ partner_NN ,_, Yuri_NP Soloviev_NP ,_, was_BEDZ wonderfully_QL virile_JJ
,_, acrobatic_JJ ,_, and_CC poetic_JJ all_ABN at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, i
n_IN a_AT tradition_NN not_* unlike_IN that_DT of_IN Nijinsky_NP ._. Vladilen_NP
Semenov_NP ,_, a_AT fine_JJ ``_`` danseur_NN noble_JJ ''_'' ;_. ;_. Konstantin_
NP Shatilov_NP ,_, a_AT great_JJ character_NN dancer_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC Inna_NP Z
ubkovskaya_NP ,_, an_AT excellent_JJ Lilac_NN-TL Fairy_NN-TL ,_, were_BED other_
AP outstanding_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT cast_NN ,_, but_CC every_AT member_NN
of_IN the_AT cast_NN was_BEDZ magnificent_JJ ._. The_AT production_NN ,_, desig
ned_VBN by_IN Simon_NP Virsaladze_NP ,_, was_BEDZ completely_QL traditional_JJ b
ut_CC traditional_JJ in_IN the_AT right_JJ way_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ done_VBN w
ith_IN great_JJ taste_NN ,_, was_BEDZ big_JJ and_CC spacious_JJ ,_, sumptuous_JJ
as_CS the_AT dreams_NNS of_IN any_DTI peasant_NN in_IN its_PP$ courtly_JJ costu
mes_NNS ,_, but_CC sumptuous_JJ in_IN a_AT muted_VBN ,_, pastel-like_JJ style_NN
,_, with_IN rich_JJ ,_, quiet_JJ harmonies_NNS of_IN color_NN between_IN the_AT
costumes_NNS themselves_PPLS and_CC between_IN the_AT costumes_NNS and_CC the_A
T scenery_NN ._. Evegeni_NP Dubovskoi_NP conducted_VBD an_AT exceptionally_QL la
rge_JJ orchestra_NN ,_, one_CD containing_VBG excellent_JJ soloists_NNS --_-- th
e_AT violin_NN solos_NNS by_IN the_AT concertmaster_NN ,_, Guy_NP Lumia_NP ,_, w
ere_BED especially_QL fine_JJ --_-- but_CC one_CD in_IN which_WDT the_AT core_NN
of_IN traveling_VBG players_NNS and_CC the_AT body_NN of_IN men_NNS added_VBN l
ocally_RB had_HVD not_* had_HVN time_NN to_TO achieve_VB much_AP unity_NN ._. Ma
il_NN orders_NNS are_BER now_RB being_BEG received_VBN for_IN the_AT series_NN o
f_IN concerts_NNS to_TO be_BE given_VBN this_DT season_NN under_IN the_AT auspic
es_NNS of_IN the_AT San_NP Francisco_NP Chamber_NN-TL Music_NN-TL Society_NN-TL
._. The_AT season_NN will_MD open_VB at_IN the_AT new_JJ Hall_NN-TL of_IN-TL Flo
wers_NNS-TL in_IN Golden_JJ-TL Gate_NN-TL Park_NN-TL on_IN November_NP 20_CD at_
IN 8:30_CD p.m._RB with_IN a_AT concert_NN by_IN the_AT Mills_NP-TL Chamber_NN-T
L Players_NNS-TL ._. Sustaining_VBG members_NNS may_MD sign_VB up_RP at_IN $25_N
NS for_IN the_AT ten-concert_JJ season_NN ;_. ;_. annual_JJ members_NNS may_MD a
ttend_VB for_IN $16_NNS ._. Participating_VBG members_NNS may_MD attend_VB five_
CD of_IN the_AT concerts_NNS for_IN $9_NNS (_( not_* all_ABN ten_CD concerts_NNS
as_CS was_BEDZ erroneously_RB announced_VBN earlier_RBR in_IN The_AT-TL Chronic
le_NN-TL )_) ._. Mail_NN orders_NNS for_IN the_AT season_NN and_CC orders_NNS fo
r_IN single_AP tickets_NNS at_IN $2_NNS ,_, may_MD be_BE addressed_VBN to_IN the
_AT society_NN ,_, 1044_CD-TL Chestnut_NN-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, San_NP Francisco_N
P 9_CD-TL ._. San_NP Francisco_NP firemen_NNS busied_VBD themselves_PPLS last_AP
week_NN with_IN their_PP$ annual_JJ voluntary_JJ task_NN of_IN fixing_VBG up_RP
toys_NNS for_IN distribution_NN to_IN needy_JJ children_NNS ._. Fire_NN-TL Figh
ters_NNS-TL Local_NN-TL 798_CD-TL ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ sponsoring_VBG the_AT toy
_NN program_NN for_IN the_AT 12th_OD straight_JJ year_NN ,_, issued_VBD a_AT cal
l_NN for_IN San_NP Franciscans_NPS-TL to_TO turn_VB in_RP discarded_VBN toys_NNS
,_, which_WDT will_MD be_BE repaired_VBN by_IN off-duty_JJ firemen_NNS ._. Toys
_NNS will_MD not_* be_BE collected_VBN at_IN firehouses_NNS this_DT year_NN ._.
They_PPSS will_MD be_BE accepted_VBN at_IN all_ABN branches_NNS of_IN the_AT Bay
_NN-TL View_NN-TL Federal_JJ-TL Savings_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Loan_NN-TL Association_
NN-TL ,_, at_IN a_AT collection_NN center_NN in_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT
Stonestown_NP mall_NN ,_, and_CC at_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Museum_NN-TL ,_, 16t
h_OD-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC Roosevelt_NP-TL Way_NN-TL ._. From_IN the_AT collect
ion_NN centers_NNS ,_, toys_NNS will_MD be_BE taken_VBN to_IN a_AT warehouse_NN
at_IN 198_CD-TL Second_OD-TL street_NN ,_, where_WRB they_PPSS will_MD be_BE rep
aired_VBN and_CC made_VBN ready_JJ for_IN distribution_NN ._. Any_DTI needy_JJ f
amily_NN living_VBG in_IN San_NP Francisco_NP can_MD obtain_VB toys_NNS by_IN wr
iting_VBG to_IN Christmas_NP Toys_NNS-TL ,_, 676_CD-TL Howard_NP-TL street_NN ,_
, San_NP Francisco_NP 5_CD-TL ,_, and_CC listing_VBG the_AT parent's_NN$ name_NN
and_CC address_NN and_CC the_AT age_NN and_CC sex_NN of_IN each_DT child_NN in_
IN the_AT family_NN between_IN the_AT ages_NNS of_IN 1_CD and_CC 12_CD ._. Reque
sts_NNS must_MD be_BE mailed_VBN in_RP by_IN December_NP 5_CD ._. Famed_JJ celli
st_NN Pablo_NP Casals_NP took_VBD his_PP$ instrument_NN to_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL
Room_NN-TL of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL yesterday_NR and_CC charmed_VBD
the_AT staff_NN with_IN a_AT two-hour_JJ rehearsal_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ gettin
g_VBG the_AT feel_NN of_IN the_AT room_NN for_IN a_AT concert_NN tomorrow_NR nig
ht_NN for_IN Puerto_NP Rico_NP Governor_NN-TL Luis_NP Munoz_NP Marin_NP ._. Pres
ident_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ invitation_NN to_IN the_AT Spanish-born_NP master_NN s
aid_VBD ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS feel_VB your_PP$ performance_NN as_CS one_CD of_IN the
_AT world's_NN$ greatest_JJT artists_NNS would_MD lend_VB distinction_NN to_IN t
he_AT entertainment_NN of_IN our_PP$ guests_NNS ''_'' ._. For_IN A_AT good_JJ ma
ny_AP seasons_NNS I've_PPSS+HV been_BEN looking_VBG at_IN the_AT naughty_JJ stuf
f_NN on_IN television_NN ,_, so_RB the_AT other_AP night_NN I_PPSS thought_VBD I
_PPSS ought_MD to_TO see_VB how_WRB immorality_NN is_BEZ doing_VBG on_IN the_AT
other_AP side_NN of_IN the_AT fence_NN in_IN movies_NNS ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_,
this_DT year's_NN$ movies_NNS are_BER next_AP year's_NN$ television_NN shows_NN
S ._. So_CS I_PPSS went_VBD to_TO see_VB ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Dolce_FW-JJ-TL Vita_F
W-NN-TL ''_'' ._. It_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN billed_VBN as_CS a_AT towering_VBG mon
ument_NN to_IN immorality_NN ._. All_ABN the_AT sins_NNS of_IN ancient_JJ Rome_N
P are_BER said_VBN to_TO be_BE collected_VBN into_IN this_DT three-hour_JJ film_
NN ._. If_CS that's_DT+BEZ all_ABN the_AT Romans_NPS did_DOD ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ a_
AT surprise_NN to_IN me_PPO that_CS Rome_NP fell_VBD ._. After_IN television_NN
,_, ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Dolce_FW-JJ-TL Vita_FW-NN-TL ''_'' seems_VBZ as_QL harmles
s_JJ as_CS a_AT Gray_JJ-TL Line_NN-TL tour_NN of_IN North_JJ-TL Beach_NN-TL at_I
N night_NN ._. I_PPSS cannot_MD* imagine_VB a_AT single_AP scene_NN that_WPS isn
't_BEZ* done_VBN in_IN a_AT far_QL naughtier_JJR manner_NN on_IN TV_NN every_AT
week_NN ._. I_PPSS believe_VB TV_NP watchers_NNS will_MD be_BE bored_VBN ._. ``_
`` La_FW-AT-TL Dolce_FW-JJ-TL Vita_FW-NN-TL ''_'' has_HVZ none_PN of_IN the_AT s
enseless_JJ brutality_NN or_CC sadism_NN of_IN the_AT average_JJ TV_NP-TL Wester
n_JJ-TL ._. Week_NN in_RP ,_, week_NN out_RP ,_, there_EX is_BEZ more_AP sex_NN
to_TO be_BE seen_VBN in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Adventures_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Ozzie_NP A
nd_CC-TL Harriet_NP ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ more_AP decadence_NN on_IN ``_`` 7
7_CD-TL Sunset_NN-TL Strip_NN-TL ''_'' ._. There_EX are_BER more_AP obvious_JJ n
ymphomaniacs_NNS on_IN any_DTI private-eye_NN series_NN ._. In_IN another_DT res
pect_NN ,_, television_NN viewers_NNS will_MD feel_VB right_QL at_IN home_NR bec
ause_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT actors_NNS are_BER unknowns_NNS ._. With_IN the_AT
exception_NN of_IN Lex_NP Barker_NP and_CC Anita_NP Ekberg_NP ,_, the_AT credits
_NNS are_BER as_QL unfamiliar_JJ as_CS you'll_PPSS+MD find_VB on_IN the_AT Rober
t_NP Herridge_NP Theater_NN-TL ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT emphasis_NN has_HVZ been
_BEN placed_VBN on_IN a_AT ``_`` wild_JJ party_NN ''_'' at_IN a_AT seaside_NN vi
lla_NN ._. Producer_NN Fellini_NP should_MD have_HV looked_VBN at_IN some_DTI of
_IN the_AT old_JJ silent_JJ films_NNS where_WRB they_PPSS really_RB had_HVD part
ies_NNS !_. !_. The_AT Dolce_FW-JJ-TL Vita_FW-NN-TL get-together_NN boasted_VBD
a_AT strip_NN tease_NN (_( carried_VBN as_QL far_RB as_CS a_AT black_JJ slip_NN
)_) ;_. ;_. a_AT lady_NN drunk_NN on_IN her_PP$ hands_NNS and_CC knees_NNS who_W
PS carries_VBZ the_AT hero_NN around_RB on_IN her_PP$ back_NN while_CS he_PPS th
rows_VBZ pillow_NN feathers_NNS in_IN her_PP$ face_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT frigid_JJ bea
uty_NN ,_, and_CC three_CD silly_JJ fairies_NNS ._. Put_VB them_PPO all_ABN toge
ther_RB and_CC they_PPSS spell_VB out_RP the_AT only_AP four-letter_JJ word_NN I
_PPSS can_MD think_VB of_IN :_: dull_JJ-NC ._. Apparently_RB Fellini_NP caught_V
BD the_AT crowd_NN when_WRB its_PP$ parties_NNS had_HVD begun_VBN to_TO pall_VB
._. What_WDT a_AT swinging_VBG group_NN they_PPSS must_MD have_HV been_BEN when_
WRB they_PPSS first_RB started_VBD entertaining_VBG !_. !_. As_CS A_AT moral_JJ
shocker_NN it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT dud_NN ._. But_CC this_DT doesn't_DOZ* detract_VB
from_IN its_PP$ merit_NN as_CS an_AT interesting_JJ ,_, if_CS not_* great_JJ ,_,
film_NN ._. The_AT Chronicle's_NN$-TL Paine_NP Knickerbocker_NP summed_VBD it_P
PO up_RP neatly_RB :_: ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ a_AT long_JJ picture_NN and_CC a_AT
controversial_JJ one_CD ,_, but_CC basically_RB it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT moral_JJ ,_,
enthralling_JJ and_CC heartbreaking_JJ description_NN of_IN humans_NNS who_WPS h
ave_HV become_VBN unlinked_VBN from_IN life_NN as_CS perhaps_RB Rome_NP has_HVZ
from_IN her_PPO traditional_JJ political_JJ ,_, cultural_JJ and_CC religious_JJ
glories_NNS ''_'' ._. And_CC when_WRB they_PPSS sell_VB it_PPO to_IN television_
NN in_IN a_AT couple_NN of_IN years_NNS ,_, it_PPS can_MD be_BE shown_VBN withou
t_IN editing_VBG ._. Tonight_NR Atlantic_JJ Monthly_NN-TL editor_NN Edward_NP We
eks_NP moderates_VBZ a_AT round_JJ table_NN of_IN four_CD Russian_JJ writers_NNS
in_IN a_AT discussion_NN of_IN Soviet_NN-TL literature_NN ._. Among_IN the_AT s
ubjects_NNS discussed_VBN will_MD be_BE Russian_JJ restrictions_NNS on_IN poets_
NNS and_CC writers_NNS in_IN the_AT USSR_NN (_( Channel_NN-TL 9_CD-TL at_IN 9:30
_CD )_) ._. Person_NN-TL To_IN-TL Person_NN-TL ventilates_VBZ the_AT home_NR liv
es_NNS of_IN Johnny_NP Mercer_NP and_CC Joan_NP Collins_NP --_-- both_ABX in_IN
Southern_JJ-TL California_NP-TL (_( Channel_NN-TL 5_CD-TL at_IN 10:30_CD )_) KQE
D_NN Summer_NN-TL Music_NN-TL Festival_NN-TL features_VBZ a_AT live_JJ concert_N
N by_IN the_AT Capello_FW-NN-TL De_FW-IN Musica_FW-NN-TL (_( Channel_NN-TL 9_CD
at_IN 8:30_CD )_) ._. NBC_NN plans_VBZ a_AT new_JJ series_NN of_IN three_CD long
_JJ programs_NNS exploring_VBG America's_NP$ scientific_JJ plans_NNS titled_VBN
``_`` Threshold_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, to_TO start_VB in_IN the_AT fall_NN ._. ``_`` Sc
ience_NN-TL In_IN-TL Action_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, San_NP Francisco's_NP$ venerable_JJ
television_NN program_NN ,_, will_MD be_BE seen_VBN in_IN Hong_NP Kong_NP this_D
T fall_NN in_IN four_CD languages_NNS :_: Mandarin_NP ,_, Cantonese_NP ,_, Chiuc
how_NP and_CC English_NP ,_, according_IN to_IN a_AT tip_NN from_IN Dr._NN-TL Ro
bert_NP C._NP Miller_NP ._. And_CC you_PPSS think_VB you_PPSS have_HV language_N
N problems_NNS ._. The_AT week_NN went_VBD along_RB briskly_RB enough_QLP ._. I_
PPSS bought_VBD a_AT new_JJ little_JJ foreign_JJ bomb_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT
British_JJ bomb_NN ._. Very_QL austere_JJ yet_CC racy_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ very_
QL chic_JJ to_TO drive_VB foreign_JJ cars_NNS ._. With_IN a_AT foreign_JJ car_NN
you_PPSS must_MD wear_VB a_AT cap_NN --_-- it_PPS has_HVZ a_AT leather_NN band_
NN in_IN the_AT back_NN ._. You_PPSS must_MD also_RB wear_VB a_AT car_NN coat_NN
._. The_AT wardrobe_NN for_IN a_AT foreign_JJ bomb_NN is_BEZ a_AT little_QL exp
ensive_JJ ._. But_CC we_PPSS couldn't_MD* really_RB get_VB along_RB without_IN i
t_PPO ._. ``_`` Where_WRB do_DO you_PPSS put_VB the_AT lighter_NN fluid_NN ,_, h
a_UH ,_, ha_UH ''_'' ?_. ?_. Asked_VBD the_AT gas_NN station_NN man_NN ._. The_A
T present_JJ crop_NN of_IN small_JJ cars_NNS is_BEZ enriching_VBG American_JJ hu
mor_NN ._. Gas_NN station_NN people_NNS are_BER very_QL debonair_JJ about_IN sma
ll_JJ cars_NNS ._. When_WRB I_PPSS drove_VBD a_AT car_NN with_IN tail_NN fins_NN
S ,_, I_PPSS had_HVD plenty_AP status_NN at_IN the_AT wind-and-water_NN oases_NN
S ._. My_PP$ car_NN gulped_VBD 20_CD gallons_NNS without_IN even_RB wiping_VBG i
ts_PP$ mouth_NN ._. This_DT excellent_JJ foreign_JJ bomb_NN takes_VBZ only_RB si
x_CD ._. When_WRB I_PPSS had_HVD my_PP$ big_JJ job_NN with_IN the_AT double_JJ h
eadlights_NNS and_CC yards_NNS of_IN chrome_NN ,_, the_AT gas_NN people_NNS were
_BED happy_JJ to_TO see_VB me_PPO ._. ``_`` Tires_NNS OK_JJ ?_. ?_. Check_VB the
_AT oil_NN and_CC water_NN ,_, sir_NN ?_. ?_. ''_'' They_PPSS polished_VBD the_A
T windshield_NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD a_AT loving_VBG touch_NN ._. The_AT man_NN
stuck_VBD the_AT nozzle_NN in_IN the_AT gas_NN tank_NN ._. ``_`` What_WDT kind_
NN of_IN car_NN is_BEZ it_PPS ''_'' ?_. ?_. He_PPS asked_VBD gloomily_RB ._. ``_
`` It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT British_JJ Austin_NP ,_, the_AT smallest_JJT they_PPSS mak
e_VB ''_'' ._. ``_`` Get_VB much_AP mileage_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` About_RB 35_C
D ''_'' ._. The_AT gas_NN station_NN man_NN sighed_VBD unhappily_RB ._. ``_`` Wh
at_WDT I_PPSS always_RB say_VB is_BEZ what_WDT if_CS somebody_PN clobbers_VBZ yo
u_PPO in_IN a_AT little_JJ car_NN like_CS that_DT ?_. ?_. Crunch_UH ,_, that's_D
T+BEZ all_ABN she_PPS wrote_VBD ''_'' ._. ``_`` I_PPSS will_MD die_VB rich_JJ ''
_'' ._. ``_`` That_DT will_MD be_BE $1.80_NNS ''_'' ,_, said_VBD the_AT gas_NN s
tation_NN man_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT windshield_NN looks_VBZ pretty_QL clean_JJ ''_
'' ._. Ah_UH ,_, the_AT fair-weather_NN friends_NNS of_IN yesteryear_NN !_. !_.
When_WRB I_PPSS wheeled_VBD about_RB ,_, finned_VBD fore_RB and_CC aft_RB ,_, I_
PPSS was_BEDZ the_AT darling_NN of_IN the_AT doormen_NNS ._. Dollar_NN bills_NNS
skidded_VBD off_IN my_PP$ hands_NNS and_CC they_PPSS tipped_VBD their_PP$ caps_
NNS politely_RB ._. With_IN a_AT small_JJ bomb_NN ,_, I_PPSS tuck_VB it_PPO betw
een_IN Cadillacs_NPS ._. (_( The_AT last_AP doorman_NN that_WPS saw_VBD me_PPO d
o_DO that_DT should_MD calm_VB himself_PPL ._. High_JJ blood_NN pressure_NN can_
MD get_VB the_AT best_JJT of_IN any_DTI of_IN us_PPO ._. )_) At_IN last_NN the_A
T White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO get_VB some_DTI much-copied_JJ
furniture_NN by_IN that_DT master_NN American_JJ craftsman_NN ,_, Duncan_NP Phyf
e_NP ,_, whose_WP$ designs_NNS were_BED snubbed_VBN in_IN his_PP$ lifetime_NN wh
en_WRB the_AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Presidents_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT 19th_OD Century_N
N-TL sent_VBD abroad_RB for_IN their_PP$ furnishings_NNS ._. The_AT American_JJ-
TL Institute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Decorators_NNS-TL has_HVZ acquired_VBN a_AT rare_JJ
complete_JJ set_NN of_IN sofas_NNS and_CC chairs_NNS which_WDT are_BER to_TO be_
BE placed_VBN in_IN the_AT Executive_NN-TL Mansion's_NN$-TL library_NN ._. The_A
T suite_NN has_HVZ been_BEN in_IN the_AT same_AP family_NN since_IN the_AT early
_JJ 1800's_NNS ._. The_AT gift_NN is_BEZ being_BEG presented_VBN by_IN ``_`` hei
rs_NNS and_CC descendants_NNS of_IN the_AT Rutherford_NP family_NN of_IN New_JJ-
TL Jersey_NP-TL ,_, whose_WP$ famous_JJ estate_NN ,_, ``_`` Tranquility_NN-TL ''
_'' ,_, was_BEDZ located_VBN near_IN the_AT Duncan_NP Phyfe_NP workshop_NN at_IN
Andover_NP ,_, N._NP J._NP ._. Authenticated_VBN pieces_NNS of_IN Duncan_NP Phy
fe_NP furniture_NN are_BER uncommon_JJ ,_, although_CS millions_NNS of_IN Americ
an_JJ homes_NNS today_NR display_VB pieces_NNS patterned_VBN after_IN the_AT sty
le_NN trends_NNS he_PPS set_VBD 150_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. This_DT acquisition_
NN is_BEZ a_AT matched_VBN ,_, perfect_JJ set_NN --_-- consisting_VBG of_IN two_
CD sofas_NNS six_CD feet_NNS long_JJ ,_, plus_CC six_CD sidechairs_NNS and_CC tw
o_CD armchairs_NNS ._. The_AT AID_NN has_HVZ undertaken_VBN the_AT redecoration_
NN of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL library_NN as_CS a_AT project_NN in_IN c
onnection_NN with_IN the_AT work_NN being_BEG done_VBN by_IN First_OD-TL Lady_NN
-TL Jacqueline_NP Kennedy's_NP$ Fine_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL Advisory_JJ-TL Committee_
NN-TL to_TO secure_VB antiques_NNS for_IN the_AT presidential_JJ home_NN ._. It_
PPS is_BEZ the_AT AID's_NN intention_NN to_TO create_VB in_IN the_AT library_NN
``_`` a_AT miniature_JJ museum_NN of_IN Americana_NP ''_'' before_CS completed_V
BN refurbishing_NN is_BEZ unveiled_VBN early_RB this_DT fall_NN ._. The_AT room_
NN will_MD also_RB feature_VB another_DT rarity_NN many_AP antiquarians_NNS woul
d_MD consider_VB more_QL important_JJ than_CS the_AT Duncan_NP Phyfe_NP furnitur
e_NN ._. The_AT AID_NN has_HVZ found_VBN a_AT mantlepiece_NN attributed_VBN to_I
N Samuel_NP McIntyre_NP of_IN Salem_NP ,_, Mass._NP ,_, an_AT architect_NN and_C
C woodcarver_NN who_WPS competed_VBD for_IN the_AT designing_NN of_IN the_AT Cap
itol_NN-TL here_RB in_IN 1792_CD ._. The_AT mantel_NN was_BEDZ found_VBN in_IN a
_AT recently_RB demolished_VBN Salem_NP house_NN and_CC is_BEZ being_BEG fitted_
VBN over_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL library_NN fireplace_NN ._. It_PPS wi
ll_MD be_BE painted_VBN to_TO match_VB the_AT paneling_NN in_IN the_AT room_NN .
_. The_AT AID_NN committee's_NN$ chairman_NN in_IN charge_NN of_IN the_AT redeco
ration_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Henry_NP Francis_NP Lenygon_NP ,_, was_BEDZ in_IN town_NN
yesterday_NR to_TO consult_VB with_IN White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL staff_NN members_N
NS on_IN the_AT project_NN ._. Mrs._NP Lenygon's_NP$ committee_NN associates_NNS
,_, announced_VBN formally_RB yesterday_NR by_IN the_AT AID_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL
York_NP-TL ,_, include_VB Mrs._NP Allen_NP Lehman_NP McCluskey_NP and_CC Stephen
_NP J._NP Jussel_NP ,_, both_ABX wellknown_JJ Manhattan_NP decorators_NNS ._. Re
gional_JJ representatives_NNS appointed_VBN to_TO serve_VB from_IN each_DT secti
on_NN of_IN the_AT country_NN include_VB Frank_NP E._NP Barnes_NP of_IN Boston_N
P ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP couldn't_MD* stay_VB away_RB from_IN his_PP$ de
sk_NN for_IN the_AT 75-minute_JJ young_JJ people's_NNS$ concert_NN played_VBN on
_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL lawn_NN yesterday_NR by_IN the_AT 85-piece_JJ
Transylvania_NP-TL Symphony_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL from_IN Brevard_NP ,_, N._NP
C._NP ._. But_CC he_PPS left_VBD the_AT doors_NNS to_IN his_PP$ office_NN open_J
J so_CS he_PPS could_MD hear_VB the_AT music_NN ._. At_IN 4_CD p.m._RB the_AT Pr
esident_NN-TL left_VBD the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL to_TO welcome_VB the_AT yo
ung_JJ musicians_NNS ,_, students_NNS from_IN the_AT ages_NNS of_IN 12_CD to_IN
18_CD who_WPS spend_VB six_CD weeks_NNS at_IN the_AT Brevard_NP-TL Music_NN-TL C
enter_NN-TL summer_NN camp_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO greet_VB the_AT 325_CD crippled_V
BN ,_, cardiac_JJ and_CC blind_JJ children_NNS from_IN the_AT District_NN-TL are
a_NN who_WPS were_BED special_JJ guests_NNS at_IN the_AT concert_NN ._. It_PPS w
as_BEDZ the_AT first_OD in_IN the_AT series_NN of_IN ``_`` Concerts_NNS-TL for_I
N-TL Young_JJ-TL People_NNS-TL by_IN-TL Young_JJ-TL People_NNS-TL ''_'' to_TO be
_BE sponsored_VBN by_IN First_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL Jacqueline_NP Kennedy_NP at_IN th
e_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ not_* present_RB yesterday_NR
,_, however_WRB ,_, to_TO enjoy_VB the_AT music_NN or_CC watch_VB the_AT faces_N
NS of_IN the_AT delighted_VBN audience_NN ._. She_PPS is_BEZ vacationing_VBG at_
IN the_AT Kennedy_NP summer_NN home_NN in_IN Hyannis_NP Port_NN-TL ,_, Mass._NP
,_, and_CC in_IN his_PP$ welcoming_VBG remarks_NNS ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL sa
id_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ representing_VBG her_PPO ._. As_CS he_PPS approached_VBD
the_AT open_JJ bandstand_NN ,_, erected_VBN facing_VBG the_AT South_JJ-TL entran
ce_NN to_IN the_AT Executive_NN-TL Mansion_NN-TL ,_, the_AT band_NN struck_VBD u
p_RP the_AT ``_`` Star_NN-TL Spangled_JJ-TL Banner_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC followed_V
BD it_PPO with_IN ``_`` Hail_VB-TL To_IN-TL The_AT-TL Chief_NN-TL ''_'' ._. ``_`
` I_PPSS think_VB they_PPSS played_VBD Hail_VB-TL To_IN-TL The_AT-TL Chief_NN-TL
better_RBR than_CS the_AT Marine_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL Band_NN-TL ,_, and_CC we_PPS
S are_BER grateful_JJ to_IN them_PPO ''_'' ,_, President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP remark
ed_VBD after_CS mounting_VBG the_AT bandstand_NN and_CC shaking_VBG hands_NNS wi
th_IN conductor_NN James_NP Christian_NP Pfohl_NP ._. After_CS paying_VBG tribut
e_NN to_IN the_AT conductor_NN and_CC his_PP$ white-clad_JJ youthful_JJ students
_NNS ,_, President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` As_CS an_AT American_NP I
_PPSS have_HV the_AT greatest_JJT possible_JJ pride_NN in_IN the_AT work_NN that
_WPS is_BEZ being_BEG done_VBN in_IN dozens_NNS of_IN schools_NNS stretching_VBG
across_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL --_-- schools_NNS where_WRB devote
d_VBN teachers_NNS are_BER studying_VBG with_IN interested_VBN young_JJ men_NNS
and_CC women_NNS and_CC opening_VBG up_RP the_AT whole_JJ wide_JJ horizon_NN of_
IN serious_JJ music_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS added_VBD ``_`` I_PPSS think_VB that_CS
sometimes_RB in_IN this_DT country_NN we_PPSS are_BER not_* aware_JJ as_CS we_PP
SS should_MD be_BE of_IN the_AT extraordinary_JJ work_NN that_WPS is_BEZ being_B
EG done_VBN in_IN this_DT field_NN ''_'' ._. Displaying_VBG his_PP$ knowledge_NN
of_IN music_NN ,_, the_AT New_JJ-TL England-born_NP-TL President_NN-TL remarked
_VBD that_CS ``_`` probably_RB the_AT best_JJT chamber_NN music_NN in_IN the_AT
world_NN is_BEZ played_VBN in_IN Vermont_NP ,_, by_IN young_JJ Americans_NPS --_
-- and_CC here_RB in_IN this_DT school_NN where_WRB they_PPSS have_HV produced_V
BN extraordinary_JJ musicians_NNS and_CC teachers_NNS ,_, and_CC their_PP$ work_
NN is_BEZ being_BEG duplicated_VBN all_QL across_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_
NNS-TL ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ a_AT great_JJ national_JJ cultural_JJ asset_NN ,
_, and_CC therefore_RB it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT great_JJ source_NN of_IN satisfaction_
NN to_IN me_PPO ,_, representing_VBG as_CS I_PPSS do_DO today_NR my_PP$ wife_NN
,_, to_TO welcome_VB all_ABN of_IN you_PPO here_RB today_NR at_IN the_AT White_J
J-TL House_NN-TL ''_'' ._. As_CS he_PPS left_VBD the_AT bandstand_NN to_TO retur
n_VB to_IN his_PP$ office_NN ,_, the_AT slender_JJ ,_, sun-tanned_JJ Chief_JJS-T
L Executive_NN-TL paused_VBD along_IN the_AT way_NN to_TO shake_VB hands_NNS wit
h_IN the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT audience_NN in_IN wheel_NN chairs_NNS formi
ng_VBG the_AT first_OD row_NN under_IN the_AT field_NN tent_NN set_VBN up_RP for
_IN the_AT guests_NNS ._. He_PPS expressed_VBD surprise_NN to_TO learn_VB that_C
S pretty_JJ ,_, blonde_JJ Patricia_NP Holbrook_NP ,_, 16_CD ,_, of_IN Mount_NN-T
L Rainier_NP-TL ,_, had_HVD attended_VBN the_AT Joseph_NP P._NP Kennedy_NP Schoo
l_NN-TL for_IN the_AT Handicapped_VBN-TL in_IN Boston_NP ._. ``_`` The_AT nuns_N
NS there_RB do_DO a_AT wonderful_JJ work_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL com
mented_VBD ._. Patricia_NP now_RB attends_VBZ the_AT C._NP Melvin_NP Sharpe_NP H
ealth_NN-TL School_NN-TL in_IN the_AT District_NN-TL ._. Each_DT of_IN the_AT ch
ildren_NNS invited_VBN to_IN the_AT concert_NN wore_VBD a_AT name_NN tag_NN mark
ed_VBN with_IN a_AT red_JJ ,_, white_JJ and_CC blue_JJ ribbon_NN ._. They_PPSS e
njoyed_VBD lemonade_NN and_CC cookies_NNS served_VBN before_IN and_CC during_IN
the_AT concert_NN by_IN teenage_JJ sons_NNS and_CC daughters_NNS of_IN members_N
NS of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL staff_NN ._. Many_AP of_IN the_AT music-
loving_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL staff_NN gathered_VBD arou
nd_IN the_AT tent_NN listening_VBG and_CC watching_VBG the_AT rapt_JJ attention_
NN given_VBN by_IN the_AT young_JJ seated_VBN audience_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS turn
ed_VBD out_RP to_TO be_BE more_AP of_IN a_AT family_NN affair_NN than_CS expecte
d_VBN ._. Henry_NP Hall_NP Wilson_NP ,_, a_AT student_NN at_IN the_AT music_NN c
amp_NN 25_CD years_NNS ago_RB and_CC now_RB on_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL staf
f_NN as_CS liaison_NN representative_NN with_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Repr
esentatives_NNS-TL ,_, turned_VBD guest_NN conductor_NN for_IN a_AT Sousa_NP mar
ch_NN ,_, the_AT ``_`` Stars_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Stripes_NNS-TL Forever_RB-TL ''_''
._. Transylvania_NP-TL Symphony_NN-TL Conductor_NN-TL Pfohl_NP said_VBD yesterd
ay_NR that_CS Mrs._NP Kennedy's_NP$ Social_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL ,_, Letitia_NP
Baldrige_NP ,_, told_VBD about_IN plans_NNS for_IN White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL youth
_NN concerts_NNS before_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Symphony_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL
League_NN-TL in_IN Philadelphia_NP last_AP spring_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS
contacted_VBD a_AT friend_NN ,_, Henry_NP Hall_NP Wilson_NP ,_, on_IN the_AT Pre
sident's_NN$-TL staff_NN and_CC asked_VBD whether_CS his_PP$ orchestra_NN could_
MD play_VB ,_, in_IN the_AT series_NN ._. A_AT flow_NN of_IN correspondence_NN b
etween_IN Pfohl_NP and_CC Miss_NP Baldrige_NP resulted_VBD in_IN an_AT invitatio
n_NN to_IN the_AT 85-student_JJ North_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL group_NN to_TO play_V
B the_AT first_OD concert_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL interested_VBN ``_`
` students_NNS ''_'' on_IN the_AT tour_NN which_WDT the_AT Brevard_NP group_NN t
ook_VBD at_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Gallery_NN-TL yesterday_NR following_VBG the
ir_PP$ concert_NN at_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ Letitia_NP B
aldrige_NP ,_, social_JJ secretary_NN to_IN First_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL Jacqueline_NP
Kennedy_NP ._. ``_`` I_PPSS was_BEDZ an_AT art_NN major_NN in_IN college_NN ''_
'' ,_, Miss_NP Baldrige_NP explained_VBD ._. ``_`` I've_PPSS+HV been_BEN here_RB
so_QL many_AP times_NNS I_PPSS couldn't_MD* count_VB them_PPO ''_'' ._. She_PPS
turned_VBD out_RP to_TO be_BE a_AT fan_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, of_IN Margaret_NP Bout
on_NP ,_, the_AT Gallery's_NN$-TL associate_JJ curator_NN of_IN education_NN ._.
Miss_NP Bouton_NP headed_VBD up_RP one_CD of_IN the_AT four_CD groups_NNS that_
WPS went_VBD on_IN simultaneous_JJ tours_NNS after_CS the_AT Gallery_NN-TL had_H
VD closed_VBN at_IN 5_CD p.m._RB ._. The_AT Brevard_NP group_NN of_IN 85_CD arri
ved_VBD at_IN the_AT Gallery_NN-TL at_IN 6_CD p.m._RB ,_, remaining_VBG for_IN a
bout_RB 45_CD minutes_NNS ._. The_AT Brevard_NP visitors_NNS had_HVD very_QL lit
tle_AP to_TO say_VB at_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN the_AT tour_NN but_CC warmed
_VBD up_RP later_RBR ._. They_PPSS decided_VBD that_CS they_PPSS thought_VBD Rem
brandt's_NP$ self-portrait_NN made_VBD him_PPO look_VB ``_`` sad_JJ ''_'' ;_. ;_
. they_PPSS noticed_VBD Roman_JJ buildings_NNS in_IN the_AT background_NN of_IN
Raphael's_NP$ ``_`` Alba_NP Madonna_NP ''_'' and_CC ``_`` texture_NN ''_'' in_IN
a_AT Monet_NP painting_NN of_IN Rheims_NP Cathedral_NN-TL ._. Everybody_PN had_
HVD heard_VBN of_IN Van_NP Gogh_NP ,_, the_AT French_JJ impressionist_NN ._. Gal
lery_NN-TL Director_NN-TL John_NP Walker_NP greeted_VBD the_AT group_NN ,_, stan
ding_VBG on_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT benches_NNS in_IN the_AT downstairs_NN lobby_
NN to_TO speak_VB to_IN them_PPO ._. He_PPS pointed_VBD out_RP to_IN the_AT youn
g_JJ musicians_NNS that_CS the_AT National_JJ-TL Gallery_NN-TL ``_`` is_BEZ the_
AT only_AP museum_NN in_IN the_AT country_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT full-time_JJ mus
ic_NN director_NN ,_, Richard_NP Bales_NP ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM sure_JJ you've_PPSS+H
V heard_VBN of_IN him_PPO and_CC his_PP$ record_NN ,_, '_' The_AT-TL Confederacy
_NN-TL '_' ''_'' ._. Along_IN with_IN the_AT gallery_NN aide_NN who_WPS explaine
d_VBD the_AT various_JJ paintings_NNS and_CC sculptures_NNS to_IN each_DT group_
NN ,_, went_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT Gallery's_NN$-TL blue-uniformed_JJ guards_NN
S ._. In_IN 45_CD minutes_NNS ,_, the_AT Gallery_NN-TL leaders_NNS had_HVD given
_VBN the_AT students_NNS a_AT quick_JJ rundown_NN on_IN art_NN from_IN the_AT Re
naissance_NN-TL to_IN the_AT late_JJ 19th_OD Century_NN-TL ._. A_AT few_AP of_IN
them_PPO said_VBN they_PPSS ``_`` preferred_VBD contemporary_JJ art_NN ''_'' ._
. Among_IN the_AT other_AP artists_NNS ,_, whose_WP$ paintings_NNS were_BED disc
ussed_VBN were_BED Boucher_NP ,_, Courbet_NP ,_, Fra_NP Angelico_NP ._. The_AT t
hing_NN that_WPS impressed_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT visitors_NNS the_AT most_AP w
as_BEDZ the_AT Gallery's_NN$-TL rotunda_NN fountain_NN ``_`` because_CS it's_PPS
+BEZ on_IN the_AT second_OD floor_NN ''_'' ._. That_DT imposing_VBG ,_, somewhat
_QL austere_JJ ,_, and_CC seemingly_RB remote_JJ collonaded_JJ building_NN with_
IN the_AT sphynxes_NNS perched_VBN on_IN its_PP$ threshold_NN at_IN 1733_CD-TL 1
6th_OD-TL St._NN-TL nw._NN-TL took_VBD on_RP bustling_VBG life_NN yesterday_NR .
_. More_AP than_IN 250_CD Scottish_JJ-TL Rite_NN-TL Masons_NPS and_CC guests_NNS
gathered_VBD in_IN their_PP$ House_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Temple_NN-TL to_TO
pay_VB tribute_NN to_IN their_PP$ most_QL prominent_JJ leader_NN ,_, Albert_NP P
ike_NP ,_, who_WPS headed_VBD the_AT Scottish_JJ-TL Rite_NN-TL from_IN 1859_CD t
o_IN 1891_CD ._. They_PPSS came_VBD together_RB in_IN the_AT huge_JJ ,_, high-ce
ilinged_JJ Council_NN-TL Chamber_NN-TL to_TO hear_VB the_AT late_JJ leader_NN eu
logized_VBN ._. C._NP Wheeler_NP Barnes_NP of_IN Denver_NP ,_, head_NN of_IN the
_AT Scottish_JJ-TL Rite_NN-TL in_IN Colorado_NP ,_, praised_VBD Pike_NP as_IN a_
AT historian_NN ,_, author_NN ,_, poet_NN ,_, journalist_NN ,_, lawyer_NN ,_, ju
rist_NN ,_, soldier_NN and_CC musician_NN ,_, who_WPS devoted_VBD most_AP of_IN
his_PP$ mature_JJ years_NNS to_IN the_AT strengthening_NN of_IN the_AT Masonic_J
J-TL Order_NN-TL ._. The_AT ceremony_NN ended_VBD with_IN the_AT laying_VBG of_I
N a_AT wreath_NN at_IN the_AT crypt_NN of_IN Pike_NP in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of
_IN-TL the_AT-TL Temple_NN-TL ._. A_AT reception_NN and_CC tea_NN followed_VBD .
_. About_RB 1500_CD delegates_NNS are_BER expected_VBN to_TO register_VB today_N
R for_IN the_AT biennial_JJ session_NN of_IN the_AT Ancient_JJ-TL and_CC-TL Acce
pted_VBN-TL Scottish_JJ-TL Rite_NN-TL for_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Jurisdiction_
NN-TL of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. The_AT opening_VBG session_NN
of_IN the_AT 5-day_JJ session_NN will_MD begin_VB at_IN 10_CD a.m._RB today_NR
._. There_EX will_MD be_BE a_AT pilgrimage_NN to_IN Mount_NN-TL Vernon_NP-TL at_
IN 2:30_CD p.m._RB ._. A_AT wreath_NN will_MD be_BE placed_VBN at_IN the_AT tomb
_NN of_IN George_NP Washington_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN this_DT Nation's_NN$-TL first
_OD Masons_NPS --_-- a_AT past_JJ master_NN of_IN Washington-Alexandria_NP-TL Lo
dge_NN-TL 22_CD-TL in_IN Alexandria_NP ._. The_AT marriage_NN of_IN John_NP and_
CC Mary_NP Black_NP had_HVD clearly_RB reached_VBN the_AT breaking_VBG point_NN
after_IN eight_CD years_NNS ._. John_NP had_HVD a_AT job_NN in_IN a_AT small_JJ
firm_NN where_WRB the_AT work_NN was_BEDZ dull_JJ and_CC monotonous_JJ ._. He_PP
S would_MD come_VB home_NR in_IN the_AT evening_NN tired_VBN and_CC discouraged_
VBN --_-- in_IN no_AT frame_NN of_IN mind_NN to_TO play_VB with_IN their_PP$ thr
ee_CD children_NNS ,_, or_CC spend_VB much_AP time_NN chatting_VBG with_IN his_P
P$ wife_NN ._. Hurt_VBN by_IN his_PP$ lack_NN of_IN interest_NN and_CC attention
_NN ,_, Mary_NP complained_VBD often_RB that_CS he_PPS didn't_DOD* help_VB aroun
d_IN the_AT house_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS he_PPS didn't_DOD* really_RB care_VB abo
ut_IN the_AT family_NN ._. She_PPS accused_VBD him_PPO of_IN ignoring_VBG her_PP
O ._. He_PPS in_IN turn_NN told_VBD her_PPO she_PPS demanded_VBD too_QL much_AP
._. They_PPSS were_BED both_ABX discouraged_VBN ,_, disgusted_VBN and_CC miserab
le_JJ ._. Mary_NP decided_VBD she_PPS had_HVD had_HVN enough_AP ._. Without_IN a
ny_DTI definite_JJ plan_NN in_IN mind_NN ,_, she_PPS went_VBD to_IN a_AT judge_N
N to_TO see_VB what_WDT could_MD be_BE done_VBN ._. The_AT judge_NN listened_VBD
quietly_RB as_CS the_AT young_JJ woman_NN poured_VBD out_RP her_PP$ frustration
s_NNS --_-- then_RB discussing_VBG with_IN her_PPO the_AT possibility_NN of_IN s
eeking_VBG aid_NN from_IN Family_NN-TL Service_NN-TL before_CS going_VBG to_IN a
_AT lawyer_NN ._. Family_NN-TL Service_NN-TL ,_, sharing_VBG in_IN UGF_NN ,_, ha
s_HVZ five_CD agencies_NNS in_IN the_AT Washington_NP area_NN ._. They_PPSS offe
r_VB to_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN this_DT community_NN case_NN work_NN service_
NN and_CC counseling_VBG on_IN a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN family_NN problems_
NNS ._. Because_CS neither_DTX of_IN them_PPO really_RB wanted_VBD their_PP$ mar
riage_NN to_TO break_VB up_RP ,_, Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Black_NP agreed_VBD to_I
N a_AT series_NN of_IN interviews_NNS at_IN Family_NN-TL Service_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Northern_JJ-TL Virginia_NP ,_, the_AT agency_NN nearest_IN them_PPO ._. For_IN n
early_RB a_AT year_NN ,_, they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN receiving_VBG counseling_VB
G ,_, separately_RB and_CC together_RB ,_, in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO understan
d_VB and_CC overcome_VB the_AT antagonisms_NNS which_WDT had_HVD given_VBN rise_
NN to_IN the_AT possibility_NN of_IN divorce_NN ._. The_AT interviews_NNS have_H
V led_VBN each_DT of_IN them_PPO to_IN a_AT new_JJ appreciation_NN of_IN the_AT
problems_NNS confronting_VBG the_AT other_AP ._. They_PPSS are_BER now_RB workin
g_VBG together_RB toward_IN solving_VBG their_PP$ difficulties_NNS ._. John_NP r
eceived_VBD a_AT promotion_NN in_IN his_PP$ firm_NN ._. He_PPS gives_VBZ credit_
NN for_IN the_AT promotion_NN to_IN his_PP$ new_JJ outlook_NN on_IN life_NN ._.
Mary_NP is_BEZ cheery_JJ and_CC gay_JJ when_WRB her_PP$ husband_NN comes_VBZ hom
e_NR in_IN the_AT evenings_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT children's_NNS$ bed-time_NN is_
BEZ frequently_RB preceeded_VBN by_IN a_AT session_NN of_IN happy_JJ ,_, family_
NN rough-housing_NN ._. To_IN outsiders_NNS ,_, the_AT Blacks_NPS seem_VB to_TO
be_BE an_AT ordinary_JJ ,_, happy_JJ family_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS are_BER --_-
- but_CC with_IN a_AT difference_NN ._. They_PPSS know_VB the_AT value_NN of_IN
being_BEG just_RB that_DT --_-- an_AT ordinary_JJ ,_, happy_JJ family_NN ._. Fam
ily_NN-TL Service_NN-TL has_HVZ helped_VBN hundreds_NNS of_IN families_NNS in_IN
this_DT area_NN ._. Perhaps_RB to_IN some_DTI their_PP$ work_NN does_DOZ not_*
seem_VB particularly_RB vital_JJ ._. But_CC to_IN the_AT families_NNS it_PPS ser
ves_VBZ ,_, their_PP$ help_NN cannot_MD* be_BE measured_VBN ._. Family_NN-TL Ser
vice_NN-TL could_MD not_* open_VB its_PP$ doors_NNS to_IN a_AT single_AP family_
NN without_IN the_AT financial_JJ support_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Givers_N
NS-TL Fund_NN-TL ._. Anticipated_VBN heavy_JJ traffic_NN along_IN the_AT Skyline
_NN-TL Drive_NN-TL failed_VBD to_TO materialize_VB yesterday_NR ,_, park_NN rang
ers_NNS said_VBD ,_, and_CC those_DTS who_WPS made_VBD the_AT trip_NN got_VBD a_
AT leisurely_RB view_NN of_IN the_AT fall_NN colors_NNS through_IN skies_NNS swe
pt_VBN clear_JJ of_IN haze_NN ._. For_IN-HL crucial_JJ-HL encounter_NN-HL One_CD
of_IN the_AT initial_JJ questions_NNS put_VBN to_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP
at_IN his_PP$ first_OD news_NN conference_NN last_AP January_NP was_BEDZ about_I
N his_PP$ attitude_NN toward_IN a_AT meeting_NN with_IN Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev
_NP ._. Mr._NP Kennedy_NP replied_VBD :_: ``_`` I'm_PPSS+BEM hopeful_JJ that_CS
from_IN more_QL traditional_JJ exchanges_NNS we_PPSS can_MD perhaps_RB find_VB g
reater_JJR common_JJ ground_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT President_NN-TL knew_VBD that_CS
a_AT confrontation_NN with_IN Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP sooner_RBR or_CC later_RBR p
robably_RB was_BEDZ inevitable_JJ and_CC even_RB desirable_JJ ._. But_CC he_PPS
was_BEDZ convinced_VBN that_CS the_AT realities_NNS of_IN power_NN --_-- militar
y_JJ ,_, economic_JJ and_CC ideological_JJ --_-- were_BED the_AT decisive_JJ fac
tors_NNS in_IN the_AT struggle_NN with_IN the_AT Communists_NNS-TL and_CC that_C
S these_DTS could_MD not_* be_BE talked_VBN away_RB at_IN a_AT heads_NNS of_IN g
overnment_NN meeting_NN ._. He_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO buy_VB time_NN to_TO strengt
hen_VB the_AT U._NP S._NP and_CC its_PP$ allies_NNS and_CC to_TO define_VB and_C
C begin_VB to_TO implement_VB his_PP$ foreign_JJ policy_NN ._. Last_AP Friday_NR
the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL announced_VBD :_: President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP wil
l_MD meet_VB with_IN Soviet_NN-TL Premier_NN-TL Nikita_NP S._NP Khrushchev_NP in
_IN Vienna_NP June_NP 3_CD and_CC 4_CD ._. The_AT announcement_NN came_VBD after
_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN sharp_JJ deterioration_NN in_IN East-West_JJ-TL relatio
ns_NNS ._. The_AT heightened_VBN tension_NN ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, had_HVD been_B
EN a_AT major_JJ factor_NN in_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL change_NN of_IN view_
NN about_IN the_AT urgency_NN of_IN a_AT meeting_NN with_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL
leader_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ not_* going_VBG to_IN Vienna_NP to_TO negotiate_VB
--_-- the_AT simultaneous_JJ announcements_NNS in_IN Washington_NP and_CC Mosco
w_NP last_AP week_NN stressed_VBD that_CS no_AT formal_JJ negotiations_NNS were_
BED planned_VBN ._. But_CC Mr._NP Kennedy_NP had_HVD become_VBN convinced_VBN th
at_CS a_AT personal_JJ confrontation_NN with_IN Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP might_MD be
_BE the_AT only_AP way_NN to_TO prevent_VB catastrophe_NN ._. That_DT objective_
NN set_VBD the_AT high_JJ stakes_NNS and_CC drama_NN of_IN the_AT Vienna_NP meet
ing_NN ._. Despite_IN efforts_NNS by_IN Washington_NP last_AP week_NN to_TO play
_VB down_RP the_AT significance_NN of_IN the_AT meeting_NN ,_, it_PPS clearly_RB
was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE one_CD of_IN the_AT crucial_JJ encounters_NNS of
_IN the_AT cold_JJ war_NN ._. Road_NN-HL to_IN-HL Vienna_NP-HL The_AT U._NP S._N
P and_CC Soviet_NN-TL heads_NNS of_IN Government_NN-TL have_HV met_VBN three_CD
times_NNS since_CS Sir_NP Winston_NP Churchill_NP in_IN 1953_CD introduced_VBD a
_AT new_JJ word_NN into_IN international_JJ diplomacy_NN with_IN his_PP$ call_NN
for_IN a_AT fresh_JJ approach_NN to_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN peace_NN ``_`` a
t_IN the_AT summit_NN of_IN the_AT nations_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT first_OD time_NN
was_BEDZ in_IN 1955_CD when_WRB a_AT full-dress_NN Big_JJ-TL Four_CD-TL summit_
NN meeting_NN produced_VBD the_AT ``_`` spirit_NN of_IN Geneva_NP ''_'' ._. The_
AT spirit_NN served_VBD chiefly_RB to_TO lull_VB the_AT West_NR-TL while_CS Mosc
ow_NP made_VBD inroads_NNS into_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ._. In_IN 1959
_CD President_NN-TL Eisenhower_NP and_CC Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP held_VBD an
_AT informal_JJ session_NN in_IN the_AT U._NP S._NP ._. That_DT meeting_NN produ
ced_VBD the_AT ``_`` spirit_NN of_IN Camp_NN-TL David_NP-TL ''_'' --_-- a_AT spi
rit_NN ,_, it_PPS later_RBR turned_VBD out_RP ,_, that_WPS masked_VBD a_AT basic
_JJ misunderstanding_NN about_IN progress_NN toward_IN a_AT Berlin_NP settlement
_NN ._. On_IN the_AT third_OD occasion_NN --_-- another_DT Big_JJ-TL Four_CD-TL
summit_NN session_NN at_IN Paris_NP a_AT year_NN ago_RB --_-- there_EX was_BEDZ
no_AT problem_NN of_IN an_AT illusory_JJ ``_`` spirit_NN ''_'' ._. Premier_NN-TL
Khrushchev_NP wrecked_VBD the_AT conference_NN at_IN its_PP$ initial_JJ session
_NN with_IN a_AT bitter_JJ denunciation_NN of_IN the_AT U._NP S._NP for_IN the_A
T U-2_NN incident_NN ._. The_AT episode_NN tended_VBD to_TO confirm_VB the_AT U.
_NP S._NP belief_NN that_CS propaganda_NN ,_, the_AT hope_NN of_IN one-sided_JJ
concessions_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT chance_NN to_TO split_VB the_AT Allies_NNS-TL
,_, rather_IN than_IN genuine_JJ negotiation_NN ,_, were_BED the_AT Soviet_NN-TL
leader's_NN$ real_JJ aims_NNS in_IN summitry_NN ._. Pre-inaugural_JJ-HL positio
n_NN-HL Thus_RB when_WRB Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP intimated_VBD even_RB befor
e_IN inauguration_NN that_CS he_PPS hoped_VBD for_IN an_AT early_JJ meeting_NN w
ith_IN the_AT new_JJ President_NN-TL ,_, Mr._NP Kennedy_NP was_BEDZ confronted_V
BN with_IN a_AT delicate_JJ problem_NN ._. Shortly_RB before_IN his_PP$ nominati
on_NN he_PPS had_HVD set_VBN forth_RB his_PP$ basic_JJ view_NN about_IN the_AT p
roblem_NN of_IN negotiations_NNS with_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL leader_NN in_IN the
se_DTS words_NNS :_: ``_`` As_QL long_RB as_CS Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP is_BEZ convi
nced_VBN that_CS the_AT balance_NN of_IN world_NN power_NN is_BEZ shifting_VBG h
is_PP$ way_NN ,_, no_AT amount_NN of_IN either_CC smiles_NNS or_CC toughness_NN
,_, neither_CC Camp_NN-TL David_NP-TL talks_NNS nor_CC kitchen_NN debates_NNS ,_
, can_MD compel_VB him_PPO to_TO enter_VB fruitful_JJ negotiations_NNS ''_'' ._.
The_AT President_NN-TL had_HVD set_VBN for_IN himself_PPL the_AT task_NN ,_, wh
ich_WDT he_PPS believed_VBD vital_JJ ,_, of_IN awakening_VBG the_AT U._NP S._NP
and_CC its_PP$ allies_NNS to_IN the_AT hard_JJ and_CC complex_NN effort_NN neces
sary_JJ to_TO shift_VB that_DT balance_NN ._. He_PPS did_DOD not_* want_VB the_A
T effort_NN weakened_VBN by_IN any_DTI illusion_NN that_CS summit_NN magic_NN mi
ght_MD make_VB it_PPO unnecessary_JJ ._. He_PPS wanted_VBD time_NN ,_, too_RB ,_
, to_TO review_VB the_AT United_VBN-TL States'_NNS$-TL global_JJ commitments_NNS
and_CC to_TO test_VB both_ABX the_AT policies_NNS he_PPS had_HVD inherited_VBN
and_CC new_JJ ones_NNS he_PPS was_BEDZ formulating_VBG ._. Above_IN all_ABN ,_,
he_PPS did_DOD not_* want_VB to_TO appear_VB to_TO be_BE running_VBG hat_NN in_I
N hand_NN to_IN Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev's_NP$ doorstep_NN ._. Attitude_NN-HL fl
exible_JJ-HL At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN the_AT President_NN-TL took_VBD pains_
NNS not_* to_TO rule_VB out_RP an_AT eventual_JJ meeting_NN with_IN the_AT Sovie
t_NN-TL leader_NN ._. Ideally_RB ,_, he_PPS knew_VBD ,_, it_PPS should_MD be_BE
preceded_VBN by_IN concrete_JJ progress_NN at_IN lower_JJR levels_NNS ._. But_CC
Mr._NP Kennedy_NP saw_VBD value_NN even_RB in_IN an_AT informal_JJ meeting_NN ,
_, provided_VBN that_CS undue_JJ hopes_NNS were_BED not_* raised_VBN in_IN conne
ction_NN with_IN it_PPO ._. It_PPS would_MD give_VB him_PPO an_AT opportunity_NN
to_TO take_VB the_AT measure_NN of_IN his_PP$ chief_JJS adversary_NN in_IN the_
AT cold_JJ war_NN ,_, to_TO try_VB to_TO probe_VB Mr._NP Khrushchev's_NP$ intent
ions_NNS and_CC to_TO make_VB clear_JJ his_PP$ own_JJ views_NNS ._. Moreover_RB
,_, an_AT eventual_JJ meeting_NN was_BEDZ desirable_JJ if_CS for_IN no_AT other_
AP reason_NN than_CS to_TO satisfy_VB world_NN opinion_NN that_CS the_AT U._NP S
._NP was_BEDZ not_* inflexible_JJ and_CC was_BEDZ sparing_VBG no_AT effort_NN to
_TO ease_VB international_JJ tensions_NNS ._. Both_ABX elements_NNS --_-- the_AT
caution_NN about_IN a_AT meeting_NN ,_, the_AT willingness_NN eventually_RB to_
TO hold_VB one_CD --_-- were_BED reflected_VBN in_IN a_AT letter_NN from_IN the_
AT President_NN-TL which_WDT Ambassador_NN-TL Llewellyn_NP E._NP Thompson_NP bro
ught_VBD back_RB to_IN Russia_NP late_RB in_IN February_NP ._. The_AT letter_NN
,_, dated_VBN Feb._NP 22_CD ,_, was_BEDZ delivered_VBN to_IN Premier_NN-TL Khrus
hchev_NP in_IN Novosibirsk_NP ,_, Siberia_NP ,_, on_IN March_NP 9_CD ._. It_PPS
dealt_VBD mainly_RB with_IN a_AT broad_JJ range_NN of_IN East-West_JJ-TL issues_
NNS ._. But_CC it_PPS also_RB briefly_RB suggested_VBD the_AT possibility_NN of_
IN a_AT meeting_NN with_IN Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP before_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN th
e_AT year_NN if_CS the_AT international_JJ climate_NN were_BED favorable_JJ and_
CC schedules_NNS permitted_VBD ._. Developments_NNS over_IN the_AT next_AP two_C
D months_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,_, caused_VBD the_AT President_NN-TL to_TO reconsi
der_VB the_AT question_NN of_IN the_AT timing_NN ._. There_EX were_BED intense_J
J discussions_NNS in_IN the_AT inner_JJ councils_NNS of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL Ho
use_NN-TL about_IN the_AT advisability_NN of_IN an_AT early_JJ meeting_NN ,_, no
t_* because_CS the_AT international_JJ climate_NN was_BEDZ improving_VBG ,_, but
_CC precisely_RB because_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ deteriorating_VBG alarmingly_RB ._.
Deadlock_NN-HL on_IN-HL tests_NNS-HL The_AT President_NN-TL was_BEDZ especially_
RB concerned_VBN about_IN the_AT deadlock_NN in_IN the_AT nuclear_JJ test_NN ban
_NN negotiations_NNS at_IN Geneva_NP ._. The_AT deadlock_NN has_HVZ been_BEN cau
sed_VBN by_IN the_AT Russians'_NPS$ new_JJ demand_NN for_IN a_AT three-man_JJ (_
( East_NR-TL ,_, West_JJ-TL and_CC neutral_JJ )_) directorate_NN ,_, and_CC thus
_RB a_AT veto_NN ,_, over_IN the_AT control_NN machinery_NN ._. In_IN the_AT U._
NP S._NP ,_, strong_JJ pressures_NNS have_HV been_BEN building_VBG up_RP for_IN
a_AT resumption_NN of_IN tests_NNS on_IN grounds_NNS that_CS the_AT Russians_NPS
may_MD be_BE secretly_RB testing_VBG ._. Mr._NP Kennedy_NP was_BEDZ less_QL tro
ubled_VBN by_IN that_DT possibility_NN than_CS by_IN the_AT belief_NN that_CS a_
AT Geneva_NP breakdown_NN ,_, or_CC even_RB continued_VBN stalemate_NN ,_, would
_MD mean_VB an_AT unchecked_JJ spread_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS to_IN othe
r_AP countries_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT fatal_JJ blow_NN to_IN any_DTI hope_
NN for_IN disarmament_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ reason_NN to_TO believe_VB that_C
S Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP was_BEDZ also_RB concerned_VBN about_IN a_AT possi
ble_JJ spread_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ,_, particularly_RB to_IN Communis
t_NN-TL China_NP ._. The_AT question_NN arose_VBD as_IN to_IN whether_CS a_AT fr
ank_JJ discussion_NN of_IN that_DT danger_NN with_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL leader_
NN had_HVD not_* become_VBN urgent_JJ ._. Moreover_RB ,_, Moscow_NP appeared_VBD
determined_VBN to_TO apply_VB the_AT tripartite_JJ veto_NN principle_NN to_IN t
he_AT executive_NN organs_NNS of_IN all_ABN international_JJ bodies_NNS ,_, incl
uding_IN the_AT U._NP N._NP Secretariat_NN-TL and_CC the_AT International_JJ-TL
Control_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL for_IN-TL Laos_NP-TL ._. Mr._NP Kennedy_NP was_BE
DZ convinced_VBN that_DT insistence_NN on_IN the_AT demand_NN would_MD make_VB i
nternational_JJ agreements_NNS ,_, or_CC even_RB negotiations_NNS ,_, impossible
_JJ ._. Developments_NNS in_IN Cuba_NP and_CC Laos_NP also_RB suggested_JJ the_A
T advisability_NN of_IN an_AT early_JJ summit_NN meeting_NN ._. Initially_RB the
_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL reaction_NN was_BEDZ that_CS the_AT bitter_JJ exchan
ges_NNS with_IN Moscow_NP over_IN Cuba_NP and_CC the_AT conflict_NN in_IN Laos_N
P had_HVD dampened_VBN prospects_NNS for_IN a_AT meeting_NN ._. At_IN the_AT sam
e_AP time_NN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ increased_VBN reason_NN for_IN a_AT quick_JJ
meeting_NN lest_CS the_AT Soviet_NN-TL leader_NN ,_, as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN
those_DTS episodes_NNS ,_, come_VB to_IN a_AT dangerously_RB erroneous_JJ conclu
sion_NN about_IN the_AT West's_NR$-TL ability_NN and_CC determination_NN to_TO r
esist_VB Communist_NN-TL pressure_NN ._. In_IN Cuba_NP ,_, the_AT U._NP S._NP ha
d_HVD blundered_VBN badly_RB and_CC created_VBN the_AT impression_NN of_IN impot
ency_NN against_IN Communist_NN-TL penetration_NN even_RB on_IN its_PP$ own_JJ d
oorstep_NN ._. In_IN Laos_NP ,_, the_AT picture_NN was_BEDZ almost_QL equally_QL
bad_JJ ._. U._NP S._NP willingness_NN to_TO accept_VB a_AT neutral_JJ Laos_NP m
ay_MD have_HV led_VBN Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP to_TO believe_VB that_CS other
_AP areas_NNS could_MD be_BE ``_`` neutralized_VBN ''_'' on_IN Soviet_NN-TL term
s_NNS ._. Beyond_IN that_DT ,_, Allied_VBN-TL disagreement_NN about_IN military_
JJ intervention_NN in_IN Laos_NP --_-- despite_IN warnings_NNS that_CS they_PPSS
might_MD do_DO so_RB --_-- allowed_VBD Moscow_NP to_TO carry_VB out_RP with_IN
impunity_NN a_AT series_NN of_IN military_JJ and_CC diplomatic_JJ moves_NNS that
_WPS greatly_RB strengthened_VBD the_AT pro-Communist_JJ forces_NNS ._. As_CS a_
AT result_NN ,_, the_AT West_NR-TL is_BEZ in_IN a_AT poor_JJ bargaining_NN posit
ion_NN at_IN the_AT current_JJ Geneva_NP negotiations_NNS on_IN Laos_NP ,_, and_
CC South_JJ-TL Vietnam_NP-TL and_CC other_AP nations_NNS in_IN Southeast_JJ-TL A
sia_NP-TL are_BER under_IN increased_VBN pressure_NN ._. In_IN the_AT light_NN o
f_IN those_DTS events_NNS ,_, there_EX appeared_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT real_JJ dan
ger_NN that_CS Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP might_MD overreach_VB himself_PPL ._.
Ambassador_NN-TL Thompson_NP reported_VBD from_IN Moscow_NP that_CS the_AT Sovi
et_NN-TL leader's_NN$ mood_NN was_BEDZ cocky_JJ and_CC aggressive_JJ ._. He_PPS
has_HVZ indicated_VBN that_CS he_PPS plans_VBZ new_JJ moves_NNS on_IN Berlin_NP
before_CS the_AT year_NN is_BEZ out_RP ._. The_AT President_NN-TL and_CC his_PP$
advisers_NNS felt_VBD that_CS the_AT time_NN might_MD have_HV come_VBN to_TO wa
rn_VB Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP against_IN a_AT grave_JJ miscalculation_NN in_
IN areas_NNS such_JJ as_CS Berlin_NP ,_, Iran_NP or_CC Latin_JJ-TL America_NP-TL
from_IN which_WDT there_EX would_MD be_BE no_AT turning_NN back_RB ._. It_PPS w
as_BEDZ in_IN the_AT midst_NN of_IN such_JJ White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL deliberation
s_NNS that_CS Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP on_IN May_NP 4_CD made_VBD new_JJ inqu
iries_NNS through_IN the_AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Embassy_NN-TL in_IN Moscow_NP abou
t_IN a_AT meeting_NN with_IN the_AT President_NN-TL in_IN the_AT near_JJ future_
NN ._. Mr._NP Kennedy_NP told_VBD Moscow_NP he_PPS would_MD give_VB his_PP$ answ
er_NN by_IN May_NP 20_CD after_IN consultation_NN with_IN the_AT Allies_NNS-TL .
_. The_AT response_NN from_IN London_NP ,_, Paris_NP and_CC Bonn_NP was_BEDZ fav
orable_JJ ._. Firm_JJ arrangements_NNS for_IN the_AT meeting_NN in_IN Vienna_NP
were_BED worked_VBN out_RP in_IN a_AT final_JJ exchange_NN between_IN Moscow_NP
and_CC Washington_NP last_AP week_NN ._. Apparently_RB at_IN the_AT insistence_N
N of_IN the_AT U._NP S._NP ,_, the_AT simultaneous_JJ announcements_NNS issued_V
BN in_IN Washington_NP and_CC Moscow_NP last_AP Friday_NR emphasized_VBD the_AT
``_`` informal_JJ ''_'' nature_NN of_IN the_AT meeting_NN ._. The_AT Washington_
NP announcement_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` The_AT President_NN-TL and_CC Chairman_NN-
TL Khrushchev_NP understand_VB that_CS this_DT meeting_NN is_BEZ not_* for_IN th
e_AT purpose_NN of_IN negotiating_VBG or_CC reaching_VBG agreement_NN on_IN the_
AT major_JJ international_JJ problems_NNS that_WPS involve_VB the_AT interest_NN
of_IN many_AP other_AP countries_NNS ._. The_AT meeting_NN will_MD ,_, however_
WRB ,_, afford_VB a_AT timely_JJ and_CC convenient_JJ opportunity_NN for_IN the_
AT first_OD personal_JJ contact_NN between_IN them_PPO and_CC a_AT general_JJ ex
change_NN of_IN views_NNS on_IN the_AT major_JJ issues_NNS which_WDT affect_VB t
he_AT relationships_NNS between_IN the_AT two_CD countries_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT
outlook_NN The_AT Vienna_NP meeting_NN will_MD bring_VB together_RB a_AT seasone
d_VBN ,_, 67-year-old_JJ veteran_NN of_IN the_AT cold_JJ war_NN who_WPS ,_, in_I
N Mr._NP Kennedy's_NP$ own_JJ words_NNS ,_, is_BEZ ``_`` shrewd_JJ ,_, tough_JJ
,_, vigorous_JJ ,_, well-informed_JJ and_CC confident_JJ ''_'' ,_, and_CC a_AT 4
4-year-old_JJ President_NN-TL (_( his_PP$ birthday_NN is_BEZ May_NP 29_CD )_) wi
th_IN a_AT demonstrated_VBN capacity_NN for_IN political_JJ battle_NN but_CC lit
tle_AP experience_NN in_IN international_JJ diplomacy_NN ._. The_AT announcement
_NN last_AP week_NN of_IN the_AT forthcoming_JJ encounter_NN produced_VBD strong
_JJ reactions_NNS in_IN the_AT U._NP S._NP of_IN both_ABX approval_NN and_CC dis
approval_NN ._. The_AT approval_NN did_DOD not_* arise_VB from_IN an_AT expectat
ion_NN of_IN far-reaching_JJ agreements_NNS at_IN Vienna_NP ._. The_AT inclinati
on_NN was_BEDZ to_TO accept_VB the_AT statement_NN that_CS there_EX would_MD be_
BE no_AT formal_JJ negotiations_NNS ._. But_CC those_DTS who_WPS were_BED in_IN
favor_NN of_IN the_AT meeting_NN felt_VBD that_CS a_AT frank_JJ exchange_NN betw
een_IN the_AT two_CD men_NNS and_CC an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO size_VB one_CD an
other_DT up_RP would_MD prove_VB salutary_JJ ._. Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP is_BEZ kno
wn_VBN to_TO rely_VB heavily_RB on_IN his_PP$ instincts_NNS about_IN his_PP$ adv
ersaries_NNS and_CC to_TO be_BE a_AT shrewd_JJ judge_NN of_IN men_NNS ._. The_AT
feeling_NN was_BEDZ that_CS he_PPS would_MD sense_VB an_AT inner_JJ core_NN of_
IN toughness_NN and_CC determination_NN in_IN the_AT President_NN-TL and_CC that
_CS plain_JJ talk_NN by_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP would_MD give_VB him_PPO pause_NN .
_. Apart_RB from_IN the_AT personal_JJ equation_NN ,_, another_DT reason_NN adva
nced_VBN in_IN favor_NN of_IN the_AT meeting_NN was_BEDZ that_CS too_QL often_RB
in_IN the_AT past_NN the_AT U.S._NP appeared_VBD to_TO have_HV been_BEN dragged
_VBN reluctantly_RB to_IN the_AT summit_NN ._. Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP has_H
VZ made_VBN propaganda_NN capital_NN out_IN of_IN that_DT fact_NN and_CC in_IN t
he_AT end_NN got_VBD his_PP$ summit_NN meeting_NN anyway_RB ._. This_DT time_NN
the_AT initiative_NN came_VBD ,_, in_IN part_NN at_IN least_AP ,_, from_IN Washi
ngton_NP ._. Other_AP-HL allies_NNS-HL consulted_VBN-HL There_EX was_BEDZ also_R
B the_AT fact_NN that_CS by_IN the_AT time_NN he_PPS meets_VBZ Mr._NP Khrushchev
_NP ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL will_MD have_HV completed_VBN conversations_NNS w
ith_IN all_ABN the_AT other_AP principal_JJS Allied_VBN-TL leaders_NNS ._. Thus_
RB he_PPS will_MD be_BE in_IN a_AT position_NN to_TO disabuse_VB the_AT Soviet_N
N-TL leader_NN of_IN any_DTI notions_NNS he_PPS may_MD have_HV about_IN grave_JJ
Allied_VBN-TL disunity_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT wide_JJ are
a_NN of_IN agreement_NN on_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL ma
king_VBG a_AT final_JJ effort_NN in_IN the_AT summit_NN spotlight_NN for_IN a_AT
nuclear_JJ test_NN accord_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT single_AP issue_NN that_
WPS has_HVZ aroused_VBN stronger_JJR feelings_NNS throughout_IN the_AT world_NN
._. If_CS tests_NNS are_BER to_TO be_BE resumed_VBN ,_, the_AT argument_NN went_
VBD ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ vital_JJ that_CS the_AT U._NP S._NP make_VB plain_JJ that_
CS the_AT onus_NN belongs_VBZ to_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL ._. Disappro
val_NN of_IN the_AT meeting_NN was_BEDZ based_VBN largely_RB on_IN the_AT belief
_NN that_CS the_AT timing_NN could_MD hardly_RB be_BE worse_JJR ._. After_IN Cub
a_NP and_CC Laos_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ argued_VBN ,_, Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP will
_MD interpret_VB the_AT President's_NN$-TL consent_NN to_IN the_AT meeting_NN as
_CS further_JJR evidence_NN of_IN Western_JJ-TL weakness_NN --_-- perhaps_RB eve
n_RB panic_NN --_-- and_CC is_BEZ certain_JJ to_TO try_VB to_TO exploit_VB the_A
T advantage_NN he_PPS now_RB believes_VBZ he_PPS holds_VBZ ._. Moreover_RB ,_, t
he_AT President_NN-TL is_BEZ meeting_VBG the_AT Soviet_NN-TL leader_NN at_IN a_A
T time_NN when_WRB the_AT Administration_NN-TL has_HVZ still_RB not_* decided_VB
N on_IN the_AT scope_NN of_IN America's_NP$ firm_JJ foreign_JJ policy_NN commitm
ents_NNS ._. The_AT question_NN was_BEDZ raised_VBN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, as
_IN to_IN what_WDT attitude_NN the_AT President_NN-TL would_MD take_VB if_CS Mr.
_NP Khrushchev_NP proposes_VBZ a_AT broad_JJ neutral_JJ belt_NN extending_VBG fr
om_IN Southeast_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL to_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ._. There_
EX are_BER ,_, so_CS my_PP$ biologist_NN friends_NNS tell_VB me_PPO ,_, mechanis
ms_NNS of_IN adaptation_NN and_CC defense_NN that_WPS are_BER just_QL too_QL com
plete_JJ and_CC too_QL satisfactory_JJ ._. Mollusks_NNS are_BER a_AT case_NN in_
IN point_NN ._. The_AT shell_NN ,_, which_WDT served_VBD the_AT strain_NN so_QL
well_RB at_IN a_AT relatively_QL early_JJ stage_NN in_IN the_AT evolutionary_JJ
scheme_NN ,_, tended_VBD to_TO cancel_VB out_RP the_AT possibility_NN of_IN futu
re_JJ development_NN ._. Though_CS this_DT may_MD or_CC may_MD not_* be_BE good_
JJ biology_NN ,_, it_PPS does_DOZ aptly_RB illustrate_VB the_AT strength_NN and_
CC the_AT weakness_NN of_IN American_JJ Catholic_JJ higher_JJR education_NN ._.
There_EX can_MD be_BE no_AT doubt_NN that_CS the_AT American_JJ Catholic_JJ acco
mplishment_NN in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN higher_JJR education_NN is_BEZ most_QL
impressive_JJ :_: our_PP$ European_JJ brethren_NNS never_RB cease_VB to_TO marv
el_VB at_IN the_AT number_NN and_CC the_AT size_NN of_IN our_PP$ colleges_NNS an
d_CC universities_NNS ._. The_AT deeper_JJR wonder_NN is_BEZ how_WRB this_DT mir
acle_NN was_BEDZ accomplished_VBN in_IN decades_NNS ,_, rather_IN than_IN in_IN
centuries_NNS and_CC by_IN immigrant_NN minorities_NNS at_IN that_DT ._. By_IN w
ay_NN of_IN explanation_NN we_PPSS ourselves_PPLS are_BER prone_JJ to_TO imagine
_VB that_CS this_DT achievement_NN stems_VBZ from_IN the_AT same_AP American_JJ
Catholic_JJ zeal_NN and_CC generosity_NN which_WDT brought_VBD the_AT parochial_
JJ school_NN system_NN into_IN existence_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ ,_, however_WRB
,_, one_CD curious_JJ discrepancy_NN in_IN this_DT broad_JJ and_CC flattering_VB
G picture_NN ._. Viewing_VBG the_AT American_JJ Catholic_JJ educational_JJ achie
vement_NN in_IN retrospect_NN ,_, we_PPSS may_MD indeed_RB see_VB it_PPO as_CS a
_AT unified_VBN whole_NN extending_VBG from_IN grade_NN school_NN to_IN universi
ty_NN ._. But_CC the_AT simple_JJ truth_NN is_BEZ that_CS higher_JJR education_N
N has_HVZ never_RB really_RB been_BEN an_AT official_JJ American_JJ Catholic_JJ
project_NN ;_. ;_. certainly_RB not_* in_IN the_AT same_AP sense_NN that_CS the_
AT establishment_NN of_IN a_AT parochial_JJ school_NN system_NN has_HVZ been_BEN
a_AT matter_NN of_IN official_JJ policy_NN ._. Official_JJ encouragement_NN is_
BEZ one_CD thing_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT down-to-earth_JJ test_NN is_BEZ the_AT all
ocation_NN of_IN diocesan_JJ and_CC parochial_JJ funds_NNS ._. American_JJ Catho
lics_NPS have_HV responded_VBN generously_RB to_IN bishops'_NNS$ and_CC pastors'
_NNS$ appeals_NNS for_IN the_AT support_NN necessary_JJ to_TO create_VB parochia
l_JJ schools_NNS but_CC they_PPSS have_HV not_* contributed_VBN in_IN a_AT simil
ar_JJ fashion_NN to_IN the_AT establishment_NN of_IN institutions_NNS of_IN high
er_JJR learning_NN ._. They_PPSS have_HV not_* done_VBN so_RB for_IN the_AT simp
le_JJ reason_NN that_CS such_JJ appeals_NNS have_HV hardly_RB ever_RB been_BEN m
ade_VBN ._. Diocesan_JJ authorities_NNS generally_RB have_HV not_* regarded_VBN
this_DT as_CS their_PP$ direct_JJ responsibility_NN ._. All_ABN of_IN this_DT ma
y_MD be_BE understandable_JJ enough_QLP :_: it_PPS is_BEZ ,_, however_WRB ,_, in
_IN fact_NN difficult_JJ to_TO see_VB how_WRB diocesan_JJ authorities_NNS could_
MD have_HV acted_VBN otherwise_RB ._. Yet_RB for_IN better_JJR or_CC for_IN wors
e_JJR ,_, the_AT truth_NN of_IN the_AT matter_NN is_BEZ that_CS most_AP American
_JJ Catholic_JJ colleges_NNS do_DO not_* owe_VB their_PP$ existence_NN to_IN gen
eral_JJ Catholic_JJ support_NN but_CC rather_RB to_IN the_AT initiative_NN ,_, r
esourcefulness_NN and_CC sacrifices_NNS of_IN individual_JJ religious_JJ communi
ties_NNS ._. Community_NN esprit_FW-NN de_FW-IN corps_FW-NN has_HVZ been_BEN the
_AT protective_JJ shell_NN which_WDT has_HVZ made_VBN the_AT achievement_NN poss
ible_JJ ._. To_TO understand_VB the_AT past_JJ history_NN --_-- and_CC the_AT fu
ture_JJ potential_NN --_-- of_IN American_JJ Catholic_JJ higher_JJR education_NN
,_, it_PPS is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO appreciate_VB the_AT special_JJ character_
NN of_IN the_AT esprit_FW-NN de_FW-IN corps_FW-NN of_IN the_AT religious_JJ comm
unity_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ something_PN more_AP than_IN the_AT arithmetical_JJ s
um_NN of_IN individual_JJ totals_NNS of_IN piety_NN and_CC detachment_NN ._. A_A
T religious_JJ community_NN with_IN a_AT vital_JJ sense_NN of_IN mission_NN achi
eves_VBZ a_AT degree_NN of_IN group_NN orientation_NN and_CC group_NN identifica
tion_NN seldom_RB found_VBN elsewhere_RB ._. The_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT group
_NN orientation_NN and_CC group_NN identification_NN are_BER founded_VBN on_IN s
upernatural_JJ principles_NNS and_CC nourished_VBN by_IN the_AT well-springs_NNS
of_IN devotion_NN simply_RB give_VB them_PPO a_AT deeper_JJR and_CC more_QL sat
isfying_JJ dimension_NN ._. The_AT net_NN result_NN is_BEZ a_AT uniquely_RB sati
sfying_JJ sense_NN of_IN comradeship_NN ,_, the_AT kind_NN of_IN comradeship_NN
which_WDT sparks_VBZ enthusiasm_NN and_CC blunts_VBZ the_AT cutting_VBG edge_NN
of_IN sacrifice_NN and_CC hardship_NN ._. American_JJ Catholic_JJ colleges_NNS a
nd_CC universities_NNS are_BER ,_, in_IN a_AT very_QL real_JJ sense_NN ,_, the_A
T product_NN of_IN ``_`` private_JJ enterprise_NN ''_'' --_-- the_AT ``_`` priva
te_JJ enterprise_NN ''_'' of_IN religious_JJ communities_NNS ._. Had_HVD it_PPS
not_* been_BEN for_IN such_JJ private_JJ enterprise_NN ,_, diocesan_JJ authoriti
es_NNS might_MD of_IN course_NN have_HV been_BEN goaded_VBN into_IN establishing
_VBG institutions_NNS subsidized_VBN by_IN diocesan_JJ funds_NNS and_CC parish_N
N collections_NNS and_CC staffed_VBN by_IN religious_JJ as_CS paid_VBN employees
_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ however_WRB no_AT point_NN in_IN speculating_VBG about_
IN such_ABL a_AT possibility_NN :_: the_AT fact_NN of_IN the_AT matter_NN is_BEZ
that_CS our_PP$ institutions_NNS of_IN higher_JJR learning_NN owe_VB their_PP$
existence_NN to_IN a_AT spirit_NN not_* unlike_IN that_DT which_WDT produces_VBZ
the_AT ``_`` family_NN business_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT ``_`` family-community_NN
''_'' spirit_NN is_BEZ the_AT real_JJ explanation_NN of_IN the_AT marvel_NN of_I
N our_PP$ achievement_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT spirit_NN which_WDT explains_
VBZ some_DTI of_IN the_AT anomalies_NNS of_IN American_JJ Catholic_JJ higher_JJR
education_NN ,_, in_IN particular_JJ the_AT wasteful_JJ duplication_NN apparent
_JJ in_IN some_DTI areas_NNS ._. I_PPSS think_VB for_IN example_NN of_IN three_C
D women's_NNS$ colleges_NNS with_IN pitifully_RB small_JJ enrollments_NNS ,_, cl
ustered_VBN within_IN a_AT few_AP miles_NNS of_IN a_AT major_JJ Catholic_JJ univ
ersity_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ also_RB co-educational_JJ ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_
* an_AT isolated_VBN example_NN ;_. ;_. this_DT aspect_NN of_IN the_AT total_JJ
picture_NN has_HVZ been_BEN commented_VBN upon_RB often_RB enough_QLP ._. It_PPS
would_MD seem_VB to_TO represent_VB esprit_FW-NN de_FW-IN corps_FW-NN run_VBN r
iot_NN ._. Apart_RB ,_, however_WRB ,_, from_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN wastefu
l_JJ duplication_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ another_DT aspect_NN of_IN the_AT ``_``
family_NN business_NN ''_'' spirit_NN in_IN American_JJ Catholic_JJ higher_JJR e
ducation_NN which_WDT deserves_VBZ closer_JJR scrutiny_NN ._. For_CS while_CS th
e_AT past_JJ needs_NNS of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL in_IN this_DT country_NN may_MD
have_HV been_BEN adequately_RB met_VBN by_IN collegiate_JJ institutions_NNS ,_,
which_WDT in_IN temper_NN and_CC tone_NN closely_RB resembled_VBD junior_JJ col
leges_NNS and_CC finishing_VBG schools_NNS ,_, it_PPS would_MD seem_VB that_CS t
oday's_NR$ need_NN is_BEZ for_IN the_AT college_NN which_WDT more_QL closely_RB
resembles_VBZ the_AT university_NN in_IN its_PP$ ``_`` pursuit_NN of_IN excellen
ce_NN ''_'' ._. At_IN the_AT earlier_JJR ``_`` pre-academic_JJ excellence_NN ''_
'' stage_NN of_IN Catholic_JJ education_NN ,_, the_AT operation_NN could_MD be_B
E conducted_VBN on_IN an_AT intra-mural_JJ community_NN basis_NN ._. But_CC with
_IN today's_NR$ demand_NN for_IN professional_JJ qualifications_NNS and_CC speci
alized_VBN training_NN ,_, the_AT need_NN for_IN ``_`` outsiders_NNS ''_'' becom
es_VBZ more_QL pressing_JJ ._. The_AT problem_NN is_BEZ not_* merely_RB that_CS
more_AP ``_`` outside_NN teachers_NNS ''_'' are_BER needed_VBN but_CC that_CS a_
AT different_JJ brand_NN is_BEZ called_VBN for_IN ._. Commenting_VBG on_IN the_A
T earlier_JJR stage_NN ,_, the_AT Notre_NP-TL Dame_NP-TL Chapter_NN-TL of_IN the
_AT American_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL University_NN-TL Professors_NNS-TL
(_( in_IN a_AT recent_JJ report_NN on_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN faculty_NN pa
rticipation_NN in_IN administrative_JJ decision-making_NN )_) noted_VBD that_CS
the_AT term_NN ``_`` teacher-employee_NN ''_'' (_( as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN ,_, e
.g._RB ,_, ``_`` maintenance_NN employee_NN ''_'' )_) was_BEDZ a_AT not_* inapt_
JJ description_NN ._. Today_NR however_WRB ,_, the_AT ``_`` outsider_NN ''_'' is
_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO have_HV professional_JJ qualifications_NNS of_IN the_AT hig
hest_JJT order_NN (_( otherwise_RB the_AT college_NN would_MD not_* be_BE intere
sted_VBN in_IN hiring_VBG him_PPO )_) and_CC to_TO be_BE acclimatized_VBN to_IN
the_AT democratic_JJ processes_NNS of_IN the_AT secular_JJ or_CC state_NN univer
sity_NN ._. And_CC while_CS no_AT one_PN expects_VBZ total_JJ democracy_NN on_IN
the_AT academic_JJ scene_NN ,_, the_AT scholar_NN will_MD be_BE particularly_RB
sensitive_JJ to_IN a_AT line_NN between_IN first_OD and_CC second_OD class_NN c
itizenship_NN drawn_VBN on_IN any_DTI basis_NN other_AP than_CS that_DT of_IN ac
ademic_JJ rank_NN or_CC professional_JJ achievement_NN ._. In_IN the_AT above_RB
mentioned_VBN report_NN of_IN the_AT Notre_NP-TL Dame_NP-TL Chapter_NN-TL of_IN
the_AT American_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL University_NN-TL Professors_NN
S-TL ,_, the_AT basic_JJ outlook_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ breed_NN of_IN lay_JJ fa
culty_NN emerges_VBZ very_QL clearly_RB in_IN the_AT very_AP statement_NN of_IN
the_AT problem_NN as_CS the_AT members_NNS see_VB it_PPO :_: ``_`` Even_RB with_
IN the_AT best_JJT of_IN intentions_NNS he_PPS (_( the_AT President_NN-TL of_IN
the_AT university_NN )_) is_BEZ loath_JJ to_TO delegate_VB such_JJ authority_NN
and_CC responsibility_NN to_IN a_AT group_NN the_AT membership_NN of_IN which_WD
T ,_, considered_VBN (_( as_CS it_PPS must_MD be_BE by_IN him_PPO )_) in_IN indi
vidual_JJ terms_NNS ,_, is_BEZ inhomogeneous_JJ ,_, mortal_JJ and_CC of_IN extre
mely_QL varying_VBG temperament_NN ,_, interests_NNS and_CC capabilities_NNS ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ natural_JJ that_CS he_PPS should_MD turn_VB for_IN his_PP$ major_
JJ support_NN to_IN a_AT select_JJ and_CC dedicated_VBN few_AP from_IN the_AT or
ganization_NN which_WDT actually_RB owns_VBZ the_AT university_NN and_CC whose_W
P$ goals_NNS are_BER ,_, in_IN their_PP$ opinion_NN ,_, identified_VBN with_IN i
ts_PP$ highest_JJT good_JJ and_CC (_( to_TO use_VB that_DT oft-repeated_JJ phras
e_NN )_) '_' the_AT attainment_NN of_IN excellence_NN '_' ''_'' ._. The_AT patte
rn_NN here_RB pictured_VBN is_BEZ clearly_RB not_* peculiar_JJ to_IN Notre_NP Da
me_NP :_: it_PPS is_BEZ simply_RB that_CS the_AT paradox_NN involved_VBN in_IN t
his_DT kind_NN of_IN control_NN of_IN the_AT institution_NN by_IN ``_`` the_AT o
rganization_NN which_WDT actually_RB owns_VBZ ''_'' it_PPO ,_, becomes_VBZ more_
QL obvious_JJ where_WRB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT larger_JJR and_CC more_QL distingui
shed_VBN ``_`` outside_NN ''_'' faculty_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ particularly_QL int
eresting_JJ that_CS those_DTS who_WPS framed_VBD the_AT report_NN should_MD refe
r_VB to_IN ``_`` the_AT organization_NN which_WDT actually_RB owns_VBZ the_AT un
iversity_NN ''_'' :_: this_DT seems_VBZ to_TO show_VB an_AT awareness_NN of_IN t
he_AT fact_NN that_CS there_EX is_BEZ more_AP to_IN the_AT problem_NN than_CS th
e_AT ordinary_JJ issue_NN of_IN clerical-lay_JJ tension_NN ._. But_CC in_IN any_
DTI case_NN ,_, one_PN does_DOZ not_* have_HV to_TO read_VB very_QL closely_RB b
etween_IN the_AT lines_NNS to_TO realize_VB that_CS the_AT situation_NN is_BEZ n
ot_* regarded_VBN as_CS a_AT particularly_QL happy_JJ one_CD ._. ``_`` Outside_N
N ''_'' faculty_NN members_NNS want_VB to_TO be_BE considered_VBN partners_NNS i
n_IN the_AT academic_JJ enterprise_NN and_CC not_* merely_RB paid_VBN employees_
NNS of_IN a_AT family_NN business_NN ._. There_EX are_BER two_CD reasons_NNS why
_WRB failure_NN to_TO come_VB to_IN grips_NNS with_IN this_DT demand_NN could_MD
be_BE fatal_JJ to_IN the_AT future_NN of_IN the_AT Catholic_JJ university_NN ._
. In_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN there_EX is_BEZ the_AT obvious_JJ problem_NN of
_IN recruiting_VBG high_JJ caliber_NN personnel_NNS ._. Word_NN spreads_VBZ rapi
dly_RB in_IN the_AT tightly_QL knit_VBN academic_JJ profession_NN ,_, much_QL gi
ven_VBN to_IN attending_VBG meetings_NNS and_CC conferences_NNS ._. Expressions_
NNS of_IN even_QL low-key_NN dissatisfaction_NN by_IN a_AT Catholic_JJ college_N
N faculty_NN member_NN has_HVZ the_AT effect_NN of_IN confirming_VBG the_AT alre
ady_RB existing_VBG stereotype_NN ._. In_IN the_AT academic_NN world_NN there_EX
is_BEZ seldom_RB anything_PN so_QL dramatic_JJ as_CS a_AT strike_NN or_CC a_AT
boycott_NN :_: all_ABN that_DT happens_VBZ is_BEZ that_CS the_AT better_QL quali
fied_VBN teacher_NN declines_VBZ to_TO gamble_VB two_CD or_CC three_CD years_NNS
of_IN his_PP$ life_NN on_IN the_AT chance_NN that_CS conditions_NNS at_IN the_A
T Catholic_JJ institution_NN will_MD be_BE as_QL good_JJ as_CS those_DTS elsewhe
re_RB ._. To_TO appreciate_VB the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT gamble_NN ,_, it_PPS
should_MD be_BE realized_VBN that_CS while_CS college_NN teaching_NN is_BEZ alm
ost_RB a_AT public_JJ symbol_NN of_IN security_NN ,_, that_DT security_NN does_D
OZ not_* come_VB as_QL quickly_RB or_CC as_QL automatically_RB as_CS it_PPS does
_DOZ in_IN an_AT elementary_JJ school_NN system_NN or_CC in_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-T
L Service_NN-TL ._. Much_AP has_HVZ been_BEN made_VBN of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_
CS major_JJ Catholic_JJ institutions_NNS now_RB guarantee_VB firm_JJ tenure_NN .
_. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT significant_JJ advance_NN but_CC its_PP$ import_NN should
_MD not_* be_BE exaggerated_VBN ._. When_WRB a_AT man_NN invests_VBZ a_AT block_
NN of_IN his_PP$ years_NNS at_IN a_AT university_NN without_IN gaining_VBG the_A
T coveted_VBN promotion_NN ,_, not_* only_RB is_BEZ he_PPS faced_VBN with_IN the
_AT problem_NN of_IN starting_VBG over_RP but_CC there_EX is_BEZ also_RB a_AT ce
rtain_JJ depreciation_NN in_IN the_AT market_NN value_NN of_IN his_PP$ services_
NNS ._. A_AT man_NN does_DOZ not_* make_VB that_DT kind_NN of_IN gamble_NN if_CS
he_PPS suspects_VBZ that_CS one_CD or_CC more_AP of_IN the_AT limited_VBN numbe
r_NN of_IN tenure_NN positions_NNS is_BEZ being_BEG reserved_VBN for_IN members_
NNS of_IN the_AT ``_`` family_NN ''_'' ._. Just_RB as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ possible_
JJ to_TO exaggerate_VB the_AT drawing_VBG power_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ tenure_NN
practices_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB possible_JJ to_TO exaggerate_VB the_AT
significance_NN of_IN the_AT now_RB relatively_QL adequate_JJ salaries_NNS paid_
VBN by_IN major_JJ Catholic_JJ institutions_NNS ._. Adequate_JJ compensation_NN
is_BEZ indispensable_JJ ._. Yet_RB adequate_JJ compensation_NN --_-- and_CC part
icularly_RB merely_QL adequate_JJ compensation_NN is_BEZ no_AT substitute_NN for
_IN those_DTS intangibles_NNS which_WDT cause_VB a_AT man_NN to_TO sacrifice_VB
part_NN of_IN his_PP$ earning_VBG potential_NN by_IN taking_VBG up_RP college_NN
teaching_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ._. Broadly_RB speaking_VBG the_AT t
otal_NN Catholic_JJ atmosphere_NN is_BEZ such_ABL an_AT intangible_JJ but_CC the
_AT larger_JJR demand_NN is_BEZ for_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN creative_JJ participa
tion_NN and_CC mature_JJ responsibility_NN in_IN the_AT total_NN work_NN of_IN t
he_AT university_NN ._. Religious_JJ who_WPS derive_VB their_PP$ own_JJ sense_NN
of_IN purpose_NN through_IN identification_NN with_IN the_AT religious_JJ commu
nity_NN rather_RB than_IN the_AT academic_JJ community_NN are_BER prone_JJ to_TO
underestimate_VB both_ABX the_AT layman's_NN$ reservoir_NN of_IN idealism_NN an
d_CC his_PP$ need_NN for_IN this_DT identification_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT
need_NN here_RB to_TO spell_VB out_RP the_AT conditions_NNS of_IN creative_JJ te
aching_NN except_IN to_TO point_VB out_RP that_CS ,_, at_IN the_AT college_NN le
vel_NN ,_, the_AT sense_NN of_IN community_NN and_CC of_IN community_NN responsi
bility_NN is_BEZ even_QL more_QL necessary_JJ than_CS it_PPS is_BEZ at_IN other_
AP levels_NNS ._. The_AT college_NN teacher_NN needs_VBZ the_AT stimulus_NN of_I
N communication_NN with_IN other_AP faculty_NN members_NNS but_CC he_PPS also_RB
needs_VBZ to_TO feel_VB that_CS such_JJ communication_NN ,_, even_RB informal_J
J debates_NNS over_IN the_AT luncheon_NN table_NN ,_, are_BER a_AT contribution_
NN to_IN the_AT total_NN good_NN of_IN the_AT institution_NN ._. But_CC this_DT
in_IN turn_NN means_VBZ that_CS decisions_NNS are_BER not_* merely_RB imposed_VB
N from_IN the_AT top_NN but_CC that_CS there_EX be_BE some_DTI actual_JJ mechani
sm_NN of_IN faculty_NN participation_NN ._. The_AT second_OD reason_NN for_IN be
ing_BEG concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT dichotomy_NN between_IN faculty_NN members_
NNS who_WPS are_BER part_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` in-group_NN ''_'' that_WPS owns_V
BZ and_CC operates_VBZ the_AT institution_NN and_CC those_DTS who_WPS are_BER me
rely_RB paid_VBN employees_NNS ,_, is_BEZ ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_AT baneful_JJ
effect_NN on_IN the_AT caliber_NN of_IN the_AT teaching_NN itself_PPL ._. This_
DT is_BEZ a_AT problem_NN that_WPS goes_VBZ considerably_QL beyond_IN questions_
NNS of_IN salary_NN and_CC tenure_NN ._. Yet_RB though_CS it_PPS may_MD seem_VB
difficult_JJ to_IN envision_VB any_DTI definitive_JJ resolution_NN of_IN the_AT
problem_NN of_IN ownership_NN and_CC control_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER nevertheles
s_RB certain_JJ suggestions_NNS which_WDT seem_VB to_TO be_BE in_IN order_NN ._.
The_AT first_OD is_BEZ a_AT negative_JJ warning_NN :_: there_EX is_BEZ no_AT po
int_NN in_IN the_AT creation_NN of_IN faculty_NN committees_NNS and_CC advisory_
JJ boards_NNS with_IN high-sounding_JJ titles_NNS but_CC no_AT real_JJ authority
_NN ._. In_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN academic_JJ personnel_NNS the_AT ``_`` feelin
g_NN ''_'' of_IN participation_NN can_MD hardly_RB be_BE ``_`` faked_VBN ''_'' .
_. Competent_JJ teachers_NNS are_BER well_QL versed_JJ in_IN the_AT technique_NN
of_IN leading_VBG students_NNS to_IN pre-set_JJ conclusions_NNS without_IN dest
roying_VBG the_AT students'_NNS$ illusion_NN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER making_VB
G their_PP$ own_JJ decisions_NNS ._. Those_DTS who_WPS have_HV served_VBN as_CS
faculty_NN advisers_NNS are_BER too_QL familiar_JJ with_IN the_AT useful_JJ but_
CC artificial_JJ mechanisms_NNS of_IN student_NN government_NN to_TO be_BE taken
_VBN in_RP by_IN ``_`` busy-work_NN ''_'' and_CC ersatz_FW-NN decision_NN making
_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN it_PPS is_BEZ by_IN no_AT means_NNS clear_JJ that_
CS formally_RB structured_VBN organs_NNS of_IN participation_NN are_BER what_WDT
is_BEZ called_VBN for_IN at_IN all_ABN ._. In_IN the_AT Notre_NP Dame_NP report
_NN ,_, reference_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN to_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS faculty_NN m
embers_NNS were_BED reduced_VBN to_IN ``_`` luncheon-table_NN communication_NN '
'_'' ._. In_IN itself_PPL there_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN wrong_JJ with_IN this_DT fo
rm_NN of_IN ``_`` participation_NN ''_'' :_: the_AT only_JJ difficulty_NN on_IN
the_AT Catholic_JJ campus_NN is_BEZ that_CS those_DTS faculty_NN members_NNS who
_WPS are_BER in_IN a_AT position_NN to_IN implement_NN policy_NN ,_, i.e._RB ,_,
members_NNS of_IN the_AT religious_JJ community_NN which_WDT owns_VBZ and_CC ad
ministers_VBZ the_AT institution_NN ,_, have_HV their_PP$ own_JJ eating_VBG arra
ngements_NNS ._. Sen._NN-TL John_NP L._NP McClellan_NP of_IN Arkansas_NP and_CC
Rep._NN-TL David_NP Martin_NP of_IN Nebraska_NP are_BER again_RB beating_VBG the
_AT drums_NNS to_TO place_VB the_AT unions_NNS under_IN the_AT anti-monopoly_JJ
laws_NNS ._. Once_RB more_RBR the_AT fallacious_JJ equation_NN is_BEZ advanced_V
BN to_TO argue_VB that_CS since_CS business_NN is_BEZ restricted_VBN under_IN th
e_AT anti-monopoly_JJ laws_NNS ,_, there_EX must_MD be_BE a_AT corresponding_JJ
restriction_NN against_IN labor_NN unions_NNS :_: the_AT law_NN must_MD treat_VB
everybody_PN equally_RB ._. Or_CC ,_, in_IN the_AT words_NNS of_IN Anatole_NP F
rance_NP ,_, ``_`` The_AT law_NN in_IN its_PP$ majestic_JJ equality_NN must_MD f
orbid_VB the_AT rich_JJ ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT poor_JJ ,_, from_IN beggi
ng_VBG in_IN the_AT streets_NNS and_CC sleeping_VBG under_IN bridges_NNS ''_'' .
_. The_AT public_JJ atmosphere_NN that_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN generated_VBN which_
WDT makes_VBZ acceptance_NN of_IN this_DT law_NN a_AT possibility_NN stems_VBZ f
rom_IN the_AT disrepute_NN into_IN which_WDT the_AT labor_NN movement_NN has_HVZ
fallen_VBN as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN Mr._NP McClellan's_NP$ hearings_NNS into_
IN corruption_NN in_IN labor-management_NN relations_NNS and_CC ,_, later_RBR ,_
, into_IN the_AT jurisdictional_JJ squabbles_NNS that_WPS plagued_VBD industrial
_JJ relations_NNS at_IN the_AT missile_NN sites_NNS ._. The_AT Senator_NN-TL was
_BEDZ shocked_VBN by_IN stoppages_NNS over_IN allegedly_QL trivial_JJ disputes_N
NS that_WPS delayed_VBD our_PP$ missile_NN program_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_,
disclosures_NNS that_CS missile_NN workers_NNS were_BED earning_VBG sums_NNS far
_RB in_IN excess_NN of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ paid_VBN for_IN equivalent_JJ work_NN
elsewhere_RB provoked_VBD his_PP$ indignation_NN on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_AT Am
erican_JJ taxpayer_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ footing_VBG the_AT bill_NN ._. It_PPS is_
BEZ now_RB disclosed_VBN that_CS the_AT taxpayer_NN not_* only_RB pays_VBZ for_I
N high_JJ wages_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS pays_VBZ the_AT employers'_NNS$ strike_NN
expenses_NNS when_WRB the_AT latter_AP undertakes_VBZ to_TO fight_VB a_AT strike
_NN ._. Business_NN-TL Week_NN-TL (_( Aug._NP 9_CD ,_, 1961_CD )_) reports_VBZ t
hat_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL Aircraft_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, against_IN which_WD
T the_AT International_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL Machinists_NNS-TL had_HV
D undertaken_VBN a_AT strike_NN ,_, decided_VBD to_TO keep_VB its_PP$ plants_NNS
operating_VBG ._. The_AT company_NN incurred_VBD some_DTI $10_NNS million_CD of
_IN expenses_NNS attributable_JJ to_IN four_CD factors_NNS :_: advertising_VBG t
o_TO attract_VB new_JJ employees_NNS ,_, hiring_VBG and_CC training_VBG them_PPO
,_, extra_JJ overtime_NN ,_, and_CC defective_JJ work_NN performed_VBN by_IN th
e_AT new_JJ workers_NNS ._. The_AT company_NN has_HVZ billed_VBN the_AT United_V
BN-TL States_NNS-TL Government_NN-TL for_IN $7,500,000_NNS of_IN these_DTS expen
ses_NNS under_IN the_AT Defense_NN-TL Department_NN-TL regulation_NN allowing_VB
G costs_NNS of_IN a_AT type_NN generally_RB recognized_VBN as_CS ordinary_JJ and
_CC necessary_JJ for_IN the_AT conduct_NN of_IN the_AT contractor's_NN$ business
_NN ._. Rep._NN-TL Frank_NP Kowalski_NP of_IN Connecticut_NP has_HVZ brought_VBN
this_DT problem_NN to_IN the_AT attention_NN of_IN the_AT Armed_VBN-TL Services
_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ._. The_AT committee_NN remains_VBZ unresponsive_JJ ._.
Neither_CC has_HVZ Congressman_NN-TL Martin_NP nor_CC Senator_NN-TL McClellan_NP
been_BEN heard_VBN from_IN on_IN the_AT matter_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER pre
occupied_VBN with_IN ending_VBG labor_NN abuses_NNS by_IN extending_VBG the_AT a
nti-monopoly_JJ laws_NNS to_IN the_AT unions_NNS ._. The_AT recent_JJ publicity_
NN attending_VBG the_AT successful_JJ federal_JJ prosecution_NN of_IN a_AT consp
iracy_NN indictment_NN against_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN electrical_JJ manufacture
rs_NNS has_HVZ evoked_VBN a_AT new_JJ respect_NN for_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ law
s_NNS that_WPS is_BEZ justified_VBN neither_CC by_IN their_PP$ rationale_NN nor_
CC by_IN the_AT results_NNS they_PPSS have_HV obtained_VBN ._. The_AT anti-trust
_JJ laws_NNS inform_VB a_AT business_NN that_CS it_PPS must_MD compete_VB ,_, bu
t_CC along_IN completely_QL undefined_JJ lines_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS must_MD play_V
B a_AT game_NN in_IN which_WDT there_EX never_RB is_BEZ a_AT winner_NN ._. The_A
T fact_NN is_BEZ that_CS any_DTI business_NN that_WPS wants_VBZ to_TO operate_VB
successfully_RB cannot_MD* follow_VB the_AT law_NN ._. Hypocrisy_NN thus_RB bec
omes_VBZ the_AT answer_NN to_IN a_AT foolish_JJ public_JJ policy_NN ._. Let_VB u
s_PPO look_VB at_IN the_AT heavy-electrical-goods_NNS industry_NN in_IN which_WD
T General_NN-TL Electric_JJ-TL ,_, Westinghouse_NP and_CC a_AT number_NN of_IN o
ther_AP manufacturers_NNS were_BED recently_RB convicted_VBN of_IN engaging_VBG
in_IN a_AT conspiracy_NN to_TO rig_VB prices_NNS and_CC allocate_VB the_AT marke
t_NN ._. The_AT industry_NN is_BEZ so_RB structured_VBN that_CS price-setting_NN
by_IN a_AT multi-product_JJ company_NN will_MD vary_VB with_IN the_AT way_NN ov
erhead_NN charges_NNS are_BER allocated_VBN --_-- whether_CS marginal_JJ or_CC a
verage_JJ pricing_NN is_BEZ applied_VBN ._. The_AT problem_NN becomes_VBZ even_Q
L more_QL complex_JJ where_WRB an_AT enterprise_NN is_BEZ engaged_VBN in_IN the_
AT manufacture_NN of_IN a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN other_AP goods_NNS in_IN a
ddition_NN to_IN the_AT heavy_JJ electrical_JJ equipment_NN ._. Accounting_VBG p
rocedures_NNS can_MD be_BE varied_VBN to_TO provide_VB a_AT rationale_NN for_IN
almost_RB any_DTI price_NN ._. Naturally_RB ,_, enterprises_NNS of_IN the_AT siz
e_NN of_IN General_NN-TL Electric_NN-TL are_BER in_IN a_AT position_NN to_TO str
ucture_VB their_PP$ prices_NNS in_IN such_ABL a_AT way_NN that_CS the_AT relativ
ely_QL small_JJ competitors_NNS can_MD be_BE forced_VBN to_IN the_AT wall_NN in_
IN a_AT very_QL short_JJ time_NN ._. Should_MD these_DTS giants_NNS really_RB fl
ex_VB their_PP$ competitive_JJ muscles_NNS ,_, they_PPSS would_MD become_VB the_
AT only_AP survivors_NNS in_IN the_AT industry_NN ._. Uncle_NP Sam_NP would_MD t
hen_RB accuse_VB them_PPO of_IN creating_VBG a_AT monopoly_NN by_IN ``_`` unfair
_JJ competition_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC if_CS they_PPSS show_VB self-restraint_NN ,_
, they_PPSS don't_DO* get_VB the_AT orders_NNS ._. Under_IN the_AT circumstances
_NNS ,_, the_AT only_AP protection_NN for_IN the_AT relatively_QL small_JJ manuf
acturers_NNS is_BEZ to_TO engage_VB in_IN exactly_RB the_AT kind_NN of_IN conspi
racy_NN with_IN the_AT giants_NNS for_IN which_WDT the_AT latter_AP were_BED con
victed_VBN ._. Engaging_VBG in_IN such_ABL a_AT conspiracy_NN was_BEDZ an_AT act
_NN of_IN mercy_NN by_IN the_AT giants_NNS ._. The_AT paradox_NN implicit_JJ in_
IN the_AT whole_JJ affair_NN is_BEZ shown_VBN by_IN the_AT demand_NN of_IN the_A
T government_NN ,_, after_IN the_AT conviction_NN ,_, that_CS General_NN-TL Elec
tric_NN-TL sign_VB a_AT wide-open_JJ consent_NN decree_NN that_CS it_PPS would_M
D not_* reduce_VB prices_NNS so_QL low_RB as_IN to_TO compete_VB seriously_RB wi
th_IN its_PP$ fellows_NNS ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, the_AT anti-trust_JJ
laws_NNS ,_, designed_VBN to_TO reduce_VB prices_NNS to_IN the_AT consumer_NN on
_IN Monday_NR ,_, Wednesday_NR and_CC Friday_NR ,_, become_VB a_AT tool_NN to_TO
protect_VB the_AT marginal_JJ manufacturer_NN on_IN Tuesday_NR ,_, Thursday_NR
and_CC Saturday_NR ._. And_CC which_WDT theory_NN would_MD govern_VB the_AT enfo
rcers_NNS of_IN the_AT law_NN on_IN Sunday_NR ?_. ?_. The_AT question_NN might_M
D be_BE asked_VBN :_: ``_`` Don't_DO* the_AT managements_NNS of_IN the_AT heavy-
electrical-goods_NNS manufacturers_NNS know_VB these_DTS facts_NNS ?_. ?_. Why_W
RB did_DOD they_PPSS engage_VB in_IN a_AT flood_NN of_IN mea_FW-PP$-NC culpas_FW
-NNS ,_, throw_VB a_AT few_AP scapegoats_NNS to_IN the_AT dogs_NNS and_CC promis
e_VB to_TO be_BE good_JJ boys_NNS thereafter_RB ,_, expressing_VBG their_PP$ com
plete_JJ confidence_NN in_IN the_AT laws_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT past_JJ useful
ness_NN of_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS to_IN management_NN was_BEDZ explain
ed_VBN by_IN Thurman_NP Arnold_NP ,_, in_IN The_AT-TL Folklore_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ca
pitalism_NN-TL ,_, back_RB in_IN 1937_CD ._. He_PPS wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` (_( P._N
N-TL 211_CD-TL )_) the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS were_BED the_AT answer_NN of_IN
a_AT society_NN which_WDT unconsciously_RB felt_VBD the_AT need_NN of_IN great_
JJ organizations_NNS ,_, and_CC at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN had_HVD to_TO deny_
VB them_PPO a_AT place_NN in_IN the_AT moral_JJ and_CC logical_JJ ideology_NN of
_IN the_AT social_JJ structure_NN ._. (_( P._NN-TL 214_CD-TL )_) anti-trust_JJ l
aws_NNS became_VBD the_AT greatest_JJT protection_NN to_IN uncontrolled_JJ busin
ess_NN dictatorship_NN ._. (_( P._NN-TL 215_CD-TL )_) when_WRB corporate_JJ abus
es_NNS were_BED attacked_VBN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ done_VBN on_IN the_AT theory_NN
that_CS criminal_JJ penalties_NNS would_MD be_BE invoked_VBN rather_IN than_IN
control_NN ._. In_IN this_DT manner_NN ,_, every_AT scheme_NN for_IN direct_JJ c
ontrol_NN broke_VBD to_IN pieces_NNS on_IN the_AT great_JJ protective_JJ rock_NN
of_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS ._. (_( Pp._NNS-TL 228-229_CD-TL )_) in_IN
any_DTI event_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ obvious_JJ that_CS the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_
NNS did_DOD not_* prevent_VB the_AT formation_NN of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT gre
atest_JJT financial_JJ empires_NNS the_AT world_NN has_HVZ ever_RB known_VBN ,_,
held_VBN together_RB by_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT most_QL fantastic_JJ ideas_NNS
,_, all_ABN based_VBN on_IN the_AT fundamental_JJ notion_NN that_CS a_AT corpor
ation_NN is_BEZ an_AT individual_NN who_WPS can_MD trade_VB and_CC exchange_VB g
oods_NNS without_IN control_NN by_IN the_AT government_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT esca
pe_NN from_IN control_NN has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN management's_NN$ evaluating_VBG t
he_AT risk_NN of_IN occasional_JJ irrational_JJ prosecution_NN as_CS worth_JJ wh
ile_NN ._. A_AT plea_NN of_IN nolo_FW-VB contendere_FW-VB-NC ,_, followed_VBN by
_IN a_AT nominal_JJ fine_NN ,_, after_IN all_ABN is_BEZ a_AT small_JJ price_NN t
o_TO pay_VB for_IN this_DT untrammeled_JJ license_NN ._. (_( The_AT penalties_NN
S handed_VBN out_RP in_IN the_AT electrical_JJ case_NN ,_, which_WDT included_VB
D jail_NN sentences_NNS ,_, were_BED unprecedented_JJ in_IN anti-trust_JJ prosec
utions_NNS ,_, perhaps_RB because_CS the_AT conspirators_NNS had_HVD displayed_V
BN unusual_JJ ineptness_NN in_IN their_PP$ pricing_VBG activities_NNS ._. )_) If
_CS a_AT substitute_JJ mechanism_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN for_IN the_AT control_NN o
f_IN a_AT fictitious_JJ impersonal_JJ market_NN ,_, quite_QL obviously_RB some_D
TI method_NN must_MD be_BE devised_VBN for_IN representing_VBG the_AT public_JJ
interest_NN ._. A_AT secret_JJ conspiracy_NN of_IN manufacturers_NNS is_BEZ hard
ly_RB such_ABL a_AT vehicle_NN ._. However_WRB ,_, one_PN can_MD argue_VB that_C
S no_AT such_JJ control_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ as_QL long_RB as_CS one_PN preten
ds_VBZ that_CS the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS are_BER effective_JJ and_CC rationa
l_JJ ._. Quite_QL clearly_RB the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS are_BER neither_DTX e
ffective_JJ nor_CC rational_JJ --_-- and_CC yet_RB the_AT argument_NN goes_VBZ t
hat_CS they_PPSS should_MD be_BE extended_VBN to_IN the_AT labor_NN union_NN ._.
Those_DTS who_WPS favor_VB placing_VBG trade_NN unions_NNS under_IN anti-trust_
JJ laws_NNS imply_VB that_CS they_PPSS are_BER advocating_VBG a_AT brand_QL new_
JJ reform_NN ._. Before_IN 1933_CD ,_, individuals_NNS who_WPS opposed_VBD trade
_NN unions_NNS and_CC collective_JJ bargaining_NN said_VBD so_RB in_IN plain_JJ
English_NP ._. The_AT acceptance_NN of_IN collective_JJ bargaining_NN as_CS a_AT
national_JJ policy_NN in_IN 1934_CD ,_, implicit_JJ in_IN the_AT writing_NN of_
IN Section_NN-TL 7A_CD-TL of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Industrial_JJ-TL Recovery_
NN-TL Act_NN-TL ,_, has_HVZ made_VBN it_PPO impolitic_JJ to_TO oppose_VB collect
ive_JJ bargaining_NN in_IN principle_NN ._. The_AT Wagner_NP-TL Act_NN-TL ,_, th
e_AT Taft-Hartley_NP-TL Act_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Landrum-Griffin_NP-TL Act_NN-TL
all_ABN endorse_VB the_AT principle_NN of_IN collective_JJ bargaining_VBG ._. Th
e_AT basic_JJ purpose_NN of_IN an_AT effective_JJ collective-bargaining_NN syste
m_NN is_BEZ the_AT removal_NN of_IN wages_NNS from_IN competition_NN ._. If_CS a
_AT union_NN cannot_MD* perform_VB this_DT function_NN ,_, then_RB collective_JJ
bargaining_NN is_BEZ being_BEG palmed_VBN off_RP by_IN organizers_NNS as_CS a_A
T gigantic_JJ fraud_NN ._. The_AT tortured_VBN reasoning_NN that_CS unions_NNS u
se_VB to_TO deny_VB their_PP$ ambition_NN to_TO exercise_VB monopoly_NN power_NN
over_IN the_AT supply_NN and_CC price_NN of_IN labor_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the
_AT things_NNS that_WPS create_VB a_AT legal_JJ profession_NN ._. The_AT problem
_NN must_MD be_BE faced_VBN squarely_RB ._. If_CS laborers_NNS are_BER merely_RB
commodities_NNS competing_VBG against_IN each_DT other_AP in_IN a_AT market_NN
place_NN like_CS so_QL many_AP bags_NNS of_IN wheat_NN and_CC corn_NN (_( unsupp
orted_JJ ,_, by_IN the_AT way_NN ,_, by_IN any_DTI agricultural_JJ subsidy_NN )_
) ,_, then_RB they_PPSS may_MD be_BE pardoned_VBN for_IN reacting_VBG with_IN co
mplete_JJ antagonism_NN to_IN a_AT system_NN that_WPS imposes_VBZ such_JJ status
_NN upon_IN them_PPO ._. Human_JJ labor_NN was_BEDZ exactly_RB that_DT --_-- a_A
T commodity_NN --_-- in_IN eighteenth-_OD and_CC nineteenth-century_NN America_N
P ._. As_QL early_RB as_CS 1776_CD ,_, Adam_NP Smith_NP wrote_VBD in_IN The_AT-T
L Wealth_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Nations_NNS-TL :_: ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV no_AT acts_NNS
of_IN Parliament_NN-TL against_IN combining_VBG to_TO lower_VB the_AT price_NN o
f_IN work_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC many_AP against_IN combining_VBG to_TO raise_VB it_P
PO ''_'' ._. Eighteenth-century_NN England_NP ,_, upon_IN whose_WP$ customs_NNS
our_PP$ common_JJ law_NN was_BEDZ built_VBN ,_, had_HVD outlawed_VBN unions_NNS
as_CS monopolies_NNS and_CC conspiracies_NNS ._. In_IN 1825_CD ,_, the_AT Boston
_NP house_NN carpenters'_NNS$ strike_NN for_IN a_AT ten-hour_JJ day_NN was_BEDZ
denounced_VBN by_IN the_AT organized_VBN employers_NNS ,_, who_WPS declared_VBD
:_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ considered_VBN that_CS all_ABN combinations_NNS by_IN an
y_DTI classes_NNS of_IN citizens_NNS intended_VBN to_TO effect_VB the_AT value_N
N of_IN labor_NN tend_VB to_TO convert_VB all_ABN its_PP$ branches_NNS into_IN m
onopolies_NNS ''_'' ._. There_EX were_BED no_AT pious_JJ hypocrisies_NNS then_RB
about_IN being_BEG for_IN collective_JJ bargaining_NN ,_, but_CC against_IN lab
or_NN monopoly_NN ._. The_AT courts_NNS shared_VBD the_AT opinion_NN of_IN the_A
T employers_NNS ._. In_IN-TL People_NNS vs._IN Fisher_NP ,_, Justice_NN-TL Savag
e_NP of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL declared_VBD :_
: ``_`` Without_IN any_DTI officious_JJ and_CC improper_JJ interference_NN on_IN
the_AT subject_NN ,_, the_AT price_NN of_IN labor_NN or_CC the_AT wages_NNS of_
IN mechanics_NNS will_MD be_BE regulated_VBN by_IN the_AT demand_NN for_IN the_A
T manufactured_VBN article_NN and_CC the_AT value_NN of_IN that_DT which_WDT is_
BEZ paid_VBN for_IN it_PPO ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT right_NN does_DOZ not_* exist_V
B to_TO raise_VB the_AT wages_NNS of_IN the_AT mechanic_NN by_IN any_DTI forced_
VBN and_CC artificial_JJ means_NNS ''_'' ._. Compare_VB this_DT statement_NN of_
IN a_AT nineteenth-century_NN judge_NN with_IN how_WRB Congressman_NN-TL Martin_
NP ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT Daily_JJ-TL Labor_NN-TL Report_NN-TL of_IN Sept
._NP 19_CD ,_, 1961_CD ,_, defends_VBZ the_AT necessity_NN of_IN enacting_VBG an
ti-trust_JJ legislation_NN in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN labor_NN ``_`` if_CS we_P
PSS wish_VB to_TO prevent_VB monopolistic_JJ fixing_NN of_IN wages_NNS ,_, produ
ction_NN or_CC prices_NNS and_CC if_CS we_PPSS wish_VB to_TO preserve_VB the_AT
freedom_NN of_IN the_AT employer_NN and_CC his_PP$ employees_NNS to_TO contract_
VB on_IN wages_NNS ,_, hours_NNS and_CC conditions_NNS of_IN employment_NN ''_''
._. Senator_NN-TL McClellan_NP is_BEZ proposing_VBG the_AT application_NN of_IN
anti-trust_JJ measures_NNS to_IN unions_NNS in_IN transportation_NN ._. His_PP$
bill_NN ,_, allegedly_RB aimed_VBN at_IN Hoffa_NP ,_, would_MD amend_VB the_AT
Sherman_NP ,_, Clayton_NP and_CC Norris-LaGuardia_NP acts_NNS to_TO authorize_VB
the_AT issuance_NN of_IN federal_JJ injunctions_NNS in_IN any_DTI transportatio
n_NN strike_NN and_CC would_MD make_VB it_PPO illegal_JJ for_IN any_DTI union_NN
to_TO act_VB in_IN concert_NN with_IN any_DTI other_AP union_NN --_-- even_RB a
_AT sister_NN local_NN in_IN the_AT same_AP international_NN ._. Paradoxically_R
B ,_, the_AT same_AP week_NN in_IN which_WDT Senator_NN-TL McClellan_NP was_BEDZ
attempting_VBG to_TO extend_VB the_AT anti-trust_JJ act_NN to_IN labor_NN in_IN
transportation_NN ,_, the_AT Civil_JJ-TL Aeronautics_NN-TL Board_NN-TL was_BEDZ
assuring_VBG the_AT airlines_NNS that_CS if_CS they_PPSS met_VBD in_IN concert_
NN to_TO eliminate_VB many_AP costly_JJ features_NNS of_IN air_NN travel_NN ,_,
the_AT action_NN would_MD not_* be_BE deemed_VBN a_AT violation_NN of_IN the_AT
anti-trust_JJ act_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN
transportation_NN that_CS Congress_NP has_HVZ most_QL frequently_RB granted_VBN
employers_NNS exemption_NN from_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS ;_. ;_. for_IN
example_NN ,_, the_AT organization_NN of_IN steamship_NN conferences_NNS to_TO
set_VB freight_NN rates_NNS and_CC the_AT encouragement_NN of_IN railroads_NNS t
o_TO seek_VB mergers_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT very_AP moment_NN that_CS every_AT att
empt_NN is_BEZ being_BEG made_VBN to_TO take_VB management_NN out_RP from_IN und
er_IN the_AT irrationality_NN of_IN anti-trust_JJ legislation_NN ,_, a_AT drive_
NN is_BEZ on_RP to_TO abolish_VB collective_JJ bargaining_NN under_IN the_AT gui
se_NN of_IN extending_VBG the_AT anti-monopoly_JJ laws_NNS to_IN unions_NNS who_
WPS want_VB no_AT more_AP than_IN to_TO continue_VB to_TO set_VB wages_NNS in_IN
the_AT same_AP way_NN that_CS ship_NN operators_NNS set_VB freight_NN rates_NNS
._. The_AT passage_NN of_IN the_AT Sherman_NP-TL Act_NN-TL was_BEDZ aimed_VBN a
t_IN giant_JJ monopolies_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ most_QL effective_JJ against_IN
trade_NN unions_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT famous_JJ Danbury_NP-TL Hatters_NNS-TL cas
e_NN ,_, a_AT suit_NN was_BEDZ brought_VBN against_IN the_AT union_NN by_IN the_
AT Loewe_NP-TL Company_NN-TL for_IN monopolistic_JJ practices_NNS ,_, e.g._RB ,_
, trying_VBG to_TO persuade_VB consumers_NNS not_* to_TO purchase_VB the_AT prod
uct_NN of_IN the_AT struck_VBN manufacturer_NN ._. The_AT suit_NN against_IN the
_AT union_NN was_BEDZ successful_JJ and_CC many_AP workers_NNS lost_VBD their_PP
$ homes_NNS to_TO pay_VB off_RP the_AT judgment_NN ._. In_IN 1914_CD ,_, the_AT
Clayton_NP-TL Act_NN-TL attempted_VBD to_TO take_VB labor_NN out_RP from_IN unde
r_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ legislation_NN by_IN stating_VBG that_CS human_JJ labo
r_NN was_BEDZ not_* to_TO be_BE considered_VBN a_AT commodity_NN ._. The_AT law_
NN could_MD not_* suspend_VB economics_NN ._. Labor_NN remained_VBD a_AT commodi
ty_NN --_-- but_CC presumably_RB a_AT privileged_JJ one_CD granted_VBN immunizat
ion_NN from_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ laws_NNS ._. The_AT courts_NNS ,_, by_IN int
erpretation_NN ,_, emasculated_VBD the_AT act_NN ._. In_IN 1922_CD ,_, the_AT Un
ited_VBN-TL Mine_NN-TL Workers_NNS-TL struck_VBD the_AT Coronado_NP-TL Coal_NN-T
L Company_NN-TL ._. The_AT company_NN sued_VBD under_IN the_AT anti-trust_JJ law
s_NNS ,_, alleging_VBG that_CS the_AT union's_NN$ activity_NN interfered_VBD wit
h_IN the_AT movement_NN of_IN interstate_JJ commerce_NN ._. (_( What_WDT other_A
P purpose_NN could_MD a_AT striking_VBG union_NN have_HV but_IN to_TO interrupt_
VB the_AT flow_NN of_IN commerce_NN from_IN the_AT struck_VBN enterprise_NN ?_.
?_. )_) The_AT court_NN first_RB ruled_VBD that_CS the_AT strike_NN constituted_
VBD only_RB an_AT indirect_JJ interference_NN with_IN commerce_NN ._. The_AT nat
ion_NN the_AT-HL three-front_JJ war_NN-HL At_IN a_AT closed-door_JJ session_NN o
n_IN Capitol_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL last_AP week_NN ,_, Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State
_NN-TL Christian_NP Herter_NP made_VBD his_PP$ final_JJ report_NN to_IN the_AT S
enate_NN-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Relations_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL on_IN U.S._NP affairs
_NNS abroad_RB ._. Afterward_RB ,_, Tennessee's_NP$ Democratic_JJ-TL Senator_NN-
TL Albert_NP Gore_NP summed_VBD it_PPO up_RP for_IN newsmen_NNS ._. What_WDT Her
ter_NP presented_VBD ,_, said_VBD Gore_NP ,_, was_BEDZ ``_`` not_* a_AT very_QL
encouraging_JJ review_NN ''_'' ._. That_DT was_BEDZ something_PN of_IN an_AT und
erstatement_NN in_IN a_AT week_NN when_WRB the_AT underlying_VBG conflict_NN bet
ween_IN the_AT West_NR-TL and_CC Communism_NN-TL erupted_VBD on_IN three_CD fron
ts_NNS ._. While_CS Communists_NNS-TL were_BED undermining_VBG United_VBN-TL Nat
ions_NNS-TL efforts_NNS to_TO rescue_VB the_AT Congo_NP from_IN chaos_NN ,_, two
_CD other_AP Communist_NN-TL offensives_NNS stirred_VBD the_AT Eisenhower_NP-TL
Administration_NN-TL into_IN emergency_NN conferences_NNS and_CC serious_JJ deci
sions_NNS ._. 1_CD-HL )_) Cuba_NP-HL ._.-HL Hours_NNS after_IN a_AT parade_NN of
_IN his_PP$ new_JJ Soviet_NN-TL tanks_NNS and_CC artillery_NN ,_, Dictator_NN-TL
Fidel_NP Castro_NP suddenly_RB confronted_VBD the_AT U.S._NP with_IN a_AT blunt
_JJ and_CC drastic_JJ demand_NN :_: within_IN 48_CD hours_NNS ,_, the_AT U.S._NP
had_HVD to_TO reduce_VB its_PP$ embassy_NN and_CC consulate_NN staffs_NNS in_IN
Cuba_NP to_IN a_AT total_NN of_IN eleven_CD persons_NNS (_( the_AT embassy_NN s
taff_NN alone_RB totaled_VBD 87_CD U.S._NP citizens_NNS ,_, plus_CC 120_CD Cuban
_NP employees_NNS )_) ._. President_NN-TL Eisenhower_NP held_VBD an_AT 8:30_CD a
.m._RB meeting_NN with_IN top_JJS military_JJ and_CC foreign-policy_NN advisers_
NNS ,_, decided_VBD to_TO break_VB off_RP diplomatic_JJ relations_NNS immediatel
y_RB ._. ``_`` There_EX is_BEZ a_AT limit_NN to_IN what_WDT the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL in_IN self-respect_NN can_MD endure_VB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD the_AT
President_NN-TL ._. ``_`` That_DT limit_NN has_HVZ now_RB been_BEN reached_VBN '
'_'' ._. Through_IN Secretary_NN-TL Herter_NP ,_, Ike_NP offered_VBD President-e
lect_NN-TL Kennedy_NP an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO associate_VB his_PP$ new_JJ Adm
inistration_NN-TL with_IN the_AT breakoff_NN decision_NN ._. Kennedy_NP ,_, thro
ugh_IN Secretary-designate_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL Dean_NP Rusk_NP ,_, declin
ed_VBD ._. He_PPS thus_RB kept_VBD his_PP$ hands_NNS free_JJ for_IN any_DTI acti
on_NN after_IN Jan._NP 20_CD ,_, although_CS reaction_NN to_IN the_AT break_NN w
as_BEDZ generally_RB favorable_JJ in_IN the_AT U.S._NP and_CC Latin_JJ-TL Americ
a_NP-TL (_( see_VB the_AT hemisphere_NN )_) ._. 2_CD-HL )_) Laos_NP-HL ._.-HL Af
ter_IN a_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL huddle_NN between_IN the_AT President_NN-TL
and_CC top_JJS lieutenants_NNS ,_, the_AT Defense_NN-TL Department_NN-TL reacted
_VBD sharply_RB to_IN a_AT cry_NN from_IN the_AT pro-Western_JJ government_NN of
_IN Laos_NP that_CS several_AP battalions_NNS of_IN Communist_NN-TL troops_NNS h
ad_HVD invaded_VBN Laos_NP from_IN North_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL ._. ``_`` In
_IN view_NN of_IN the_AT present_JJ situation_NN in_IN Laos_NP ''_'' ,_, said_VB
D the_AT Pentagon's_NN$-TL announcement_NN ,_, ``_`` we_PPSS are_BER taking_VBG
normal_JJ precautionary_JJ actions_NNS to_TO increase_VB the_AT readiness_NN of_
IN our_PP$ forces_NNS in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL ''_'' ._. Cutting_VBG short_RB
a_AT holiday_NN at_IN Hong_NP Kong_NP ,_, the_AT aircraft_NN carriers_NNS Lexing
ton_NP and_CC Bennington_NP steamed_VBD off_RP into_IN the_AT South_JJ-TL China_
NP-TL Sea_NN-TL ,_, accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT swarm_NN of_IN destroyers_NNS ,_,
plus_CC troopships_NNS loaded_VBN with_IN marines_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT U.S.'s_N
P$ island_NN base_NN of_IN Okinawa_NP ,_, Task_NN-TL Force_NN-TL 116_CD-TL ,_, m
ade_VBN up_RP of_IN Army_NN-TL ,_, Navy_NN-TL ,_, Marine_NN-TL and_CC Air_NN-TL
Force_NN-TL units_NNS ,_, got_VBD braced_VBN to_TO move_VB southward_RB on_IN si
gnal_NN ._. But_CC by_IN week's_NN$ end_NN the_AT Laotian_JJ cry_NN of_IN invasi
on_NN was_BEDZ read_VBN as_CS an_AT exaggeration_NN (_( see_VB foreign_JJ news_N
N )_) ,_, and_CC the_AT U.S._NP was_BEDZ agreeing_VBG with_IN its_PP$ cautious_J
J British_JJ and_CC French_JJ allies_NNS that_CS a_AT neutralist_NN --_-- rather
_IN than_IN a_AT pro-Western_JJ --_-- government_NN might_MD be_BE best_JJT for_
IN Laos_NP ._. French_JJ-HL &_CC-HL Indians_NPS-HL ._.-HL There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT
moral_NN of_IN sorts_NNS in_IN the_AT Laotian_JJ situation_NN that_WPS said_VBD
much_AP about_IN all_ABN other_AP cold-war_NN fronts_NNS ._. Political_JJ ,_, e
conomic_JJ and_CC military_JJ experts_NNS were_BED all_ABN agreed_VBN that_CS ch
aotic_JJ ,_, mountainous_JJ little_JJ Laos_NP was_BEDZ the_AT last_AP place_NN i
n_IN the_AT world_NN to_TO fight_VB a_AT war_NN --_-- and_CC they_PPSS were_BED
probably_RB right_JJ ._. ``_`` It_PPS would_MD be_BE like_CS fighting_VBG the_AT
French_JJ-TL and_CC-TL Indian_JJ-TL War_NN-TL all_ABN over_RP again_RB ''_'' ,_
, said_VBD one_CD military_JJ man_NN ._. But_CC why_WRB was_BEDZ Laos_NP the_AT
new_JJ Southeast_JJ-TL Asian_JJ battleground_NN ?_. ?_. At_IN Geneva_NP in_IN 19
54_CD ,_, to_TO get_VB the_AT war_NN in_IN Indo-China_NP settled_VBN ,_, the_AT
British_NPS and_CC French_NPS gave_VBD in_RP to_IN Russian_JJ and_CC Communist_N
N-TL Chinese_JJ demands_NNS and_CC agreed_VBD to_IN the_AT setting_NN up_RP of_I
N a_AT Communist_NN-TL state_NN ,_, North_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL --_-- which
_WDT then_RB ,_, predictably_RB ,_, became_VBD a_AT base_NN for_IN Communist_NN-
TL operations_NNS against_IN neighboring_VBG South_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL an
d_CC Laos_NP ._. The_AT late_JJ Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL John_NP Fos
ter_NP Dulles_NP considered_VBD the_AT 1954_CD Geneva_NP agreement_NN a_AT speci
men_NN of_IN appeasement_NN ,_, saw_VBD that_DT resolution_NN would_MD be_BE nee
ded_VBN to_TO keep_VB it_PPO from_IN becoming_VBG a_AT calamity_NN for_IN the_AT
West_NR-TL ._. He_PPS began_VBD the_AT diplomatic_JJ discussions_NNS that_WPS r
esulted_VBD in_IN the_AT establishment_NN of_IN Aj_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT important
_JJ thing_NN from_IN now_RB on_RP ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ not
_* to_TO mourn_VB the_AT past_NN but_CC to_TO seize_VB the_AT future_JJ opportun
ity_NN to_TO prevent_VB the_AT loss_NN in_IN northern_JJ Viet_NP Nam_NP from_IN
leading_VBG to_IN the_AT extension_NN of_IN Communism_NN-TL throughout_IN Southe
ast_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Russian_JJ tanks_NNS and_CC artillery_NN parading
_VBG through_IN the_AT streets_NNS of_IN Havana_NP ,_, Russian_JJ intrigue_NN in
_IN the_AT Congo_NP ,_, and_CC Russian_JJ arms_NNS drops_NNS in_IN Laos_NP (_( u
sing_VBG the_AT same_AP Ilyushin_NP transports_NNS that_WPS were_BED used_VBN to
_TO carry_VB Communist_NN-TL agents_NNS to_IN the_AT Congo_NP )_) made_VBD it_PP
O plain_JJ once_RB more_RBR that_CS the_AT cold_JJ war_NN was_BEDZ all_ABN of_IN
a_AT piece_NN in_IN space_NN and_CC time_NN ._. Soviet_NN-TL Premier_NN-TL Khru
shchev_NP sent_VBD New_JJ-TL Year's_NN$-TL hopes_NNS for_IN peace_NN to_IN Presi
dent-elect_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, and_CC got_VBD a_AT cool_JJ acknowledgment_NN in
_IN reply_NN ._. Considering_IN the_AT state_NN of_IN the_AT whole_JJ world_NN ,
_, the_AT cold_JJ war's_NN$ three_CD exposed_VBN fronts_NNS did_DOD not_* seem_V
B terribly_QL ominous_JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC ,_, in_IN Senator_NN-TL Gore's_NP$ words
_NNS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` not_* a_AT very_QL encouraging_JJ ''_'' situation
_NN that_WPS would_MD confront_VB John_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP on_IN Inauguration_NN
-TL Day_NN-TL ._. The_AT-HL Congress_NP-HL turmoil_NN-HL in_IN-HL the_AT-HL Hous
e_NN-TL-HL As_CS the_AT 87th_OD Congress_NP began_VBD its_PP$ sessions_NNS last_
AP week_NN ,_, liberal_JJ Democrats_NPS were_BED ready_JJ for_IN a_AT finish_NN
fight_NN to_TO open_VB the_AT sluice_NN gates_NNS controlled_VBN by_IN the_AT Ho
use_NN-TL Rules_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL and_CC permit_VB the_AT free_JJ flow_NN o
f_IN liberal_JJ legislation_NN to_IN the_AT floor_NN ._. The_AT liberal_JJ press
ure_NN bloc_NN (_( which_WDT coyly_RB masquerades_VBZ under_IN the_AT name_NN De
mocratic_JJ-TL Study_VB-TL Group_NN-TL )_) had_HVD fought_VBN the_AT committee_N
N before_RB ,_, and_CC had_HVD always_RB lost_VBN ._. This_DT time_NN ,_, they_P
PSS were_BED much_QL better_RBR prepared_VBN and_CC organized_VBN ,_, and_CC the
_AT political_JJ climate_NN was_BEDZ favorable_JJ ._. They_PPSS had_HVD the_AT u
nspoken_JJ support_NN of_IN President-elect_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, whose_WP$ own_J
J legislative_JJ program_NN was_BEDZ menaced_VBN by_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL Commi
ttee_NN-TL bottleneck_NN ._. And_CC counting_VBG noses_NNS ,_, they_PPSS seemed_
VBD to_TO have_HV the_AT votes_NNS to_TO work_VB their_PP$ will_NN ._. Deadly_JJ
-HL deadlock_NN-HL ._.-HL There_EX were_BED two_CD possible_JJ methods_NNS of_IN
breaching_VBG the_AT conservative_JJ barriers_NNS around_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL
Committee_NN-TL :_: 1_CD )_) to_TO pack_VB it_PPO with_IN additional_JJ liberal
s_NNS and_CC break_VB the_AT conservative-liberal_JJ deadlock_NN ,_, or_CC 2_CD
)_) to_TO remove_VB one_CD of_IN the_AT conservatives_NNS --_-- namely_RB Missis
sippi's_NP$ 14-term_JJ William_NP Meyers_NP Colmer_NP (_( pronounced_VBN Calmer_
JJR-NC )_) ._. Caucusing_VBG ,_, the_AT liberals_NNS decided_VBD to_TO go_VB aft
er_IN Colmer_NP ,_, which_WDT actually_RB was_BEDZ the_AT more_QL drastic_JJ cou
rse_NN ,_, since_CS seniority_NN in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL is_BEZ next_IN to_IN g
odliness_NN ._. A_AT dour_JJ ,_, gangling_JJ man_NN with_IN a_AT choppy_JJ gait_
NN ,_, Colmer_NP looks_VBZ younger_JJR than_CS his_PP$ 70_CD years_NNS ,_, has_H
VZ gradually_RB swung_VBN from_IN a_AT moderate_JJ ,_, internationalist_JJ posit
ion_NN to_IN that_DT of_IN a_AT diehard_JJ conservative_JJ ._. He_PPS is_BEZ gen
erally_RB and_CC initially_RB suspicious_JJ of_IN any_DTI federal_JJ project_NN
,_, unless_CS it_PPS happens_VBZ to_TO benefit_VB his_PP$ Gulf_NN-TL Coast_NN-TL
constituents_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_AT segregationist_
NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS says_VBZ he_PPS has_HVZ never_RB made_VBN an_AT ``_`` anti-
Negro_JJ ''_'' speech_NN ._. For_IN 20_CD years_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ enjoyed_VBN h
is_PP$ power_NN on_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ._. There_RB his_PP$ v
ote_NN ,_, along_IN with_IN those_DTS of_IN Chairman_NN-TL Howard_NP Smith_NP ,_
, the_AT courtly_JJ Virginia_NP judge_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT four_CD Republican_NP
members_NNS ,_, could_MD and_CC often_RB did_DOD produce_VB a_AT 6-6_CD deadloc
k_NN that_WPS blocked_VBD far-out_JJ ,_, Democratic-sponsored_JJ welfare_NN legi
slation_NN (_( a_AT tactic_NN often_RB acceptable_JJ to_IN the_AT Rayburn-Johnso
n_NP congressional_JJ leadership_NN to_TO avoid_VB embarrassing_VBG votes_NNS )_
) ._. Equal_JJ-HL treatment_NN-HL ._.-HL There_EX was_BEDZ sufficient_JJ pretext
_NN to_TO demand_VB Colmer's_NP$ ouster_NN :_: he_PPS had_HVD given_VBN his_PP$
lukewarm_JJ support_NN to_IN the_AT anti-Kennedy_JJ electors_NNS in_IN Mississip
pi_NP ._. Reprisals_NNS are_BER not_* unheard_JJ of_IN in_IN such_JJ situations_
NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT recent_JJ tendency_NN has_HVZ been_BEN for_IN the_AT Congr
ess_NP to_TO forgive_VB its_PP$ prodigal_JJ sons_NNS ._. In_IN 1949_CD the_AT Di
xiecrats_NPS escaped_VBD unscathed_JJ after_IN their_PP$ 1948_CD rebellion_NN ag
ainst_IN Harry_NP Truman_NP ,_, and_CC in_IN 1957_CD ,_, after_CS Congressman_NN
-TL Adam_NP Clayton_NP Powell_NP campaigned_VBD for_IN Dwight_NP Eisenhower_NP i
n_IN 1956_CD ,_, his_PP$ fellow_NN Democrats_NPS did_DOD not_* touch_VB his_PP$
committee_NN assignments_NNS ,_, although_CS they_PPSS did_DOD strip_VB him_PPO
temporarily_RB of_IN his_PP$ patronage_NN ._. (_( In_IN the_AT heat_NN of_IN the
_AT anti-Colmer_JJ drive_NN last_AP week_NN ,_, Judge_NN-TL Smith_NP threatened_
VBD reprisal_NN against_IN Powell_NP ._. Said_VBD he_PPS :_: ``_`` We_PPSS will_
MD see_VB whether_CS whites_NNS and_CC Negroes_NPS are_BER treated_VBN the_AT sa
me_AP around_IN here_RB ''_'' ._. )_) But_CC Speaker_NN-TL Sam_NP Rayburn_NP ,_,
after_CS huddling_VBG in_IN Palm_NN-TL Beach_NN-TL with_IN President-elect_NN-T
L Kennedy_NP ,_, decided_VBD that_CS this_DT year_NN something_PN had_HVD to_TO
be_BE done_VBN about_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL --_-- and_CC that_CS
he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP man_NN who_WPS could_MD do_DO anything_PN effect
ive_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT tense_JJ ,_, closed-door_JJ session_NN with_IN Judge_NN-TL
Smith_NP ,_, Rayburn_NP attempted_VBD to_TO work_VB out_RP a_AT compromise_NN :
_: to_TO add_VB three_CD new_JJ members_NNS to_IN the_AT Rules_NNS-TL Committee_
NN-TL (_( two_CD Democrats_NPS ,_, including_IN one_CD Southerner_NN-TL ,_, and_
CC one_CD Republican_NP )_) ._. Smith_NP flatly_RB rejected_VBD the_AT offer_NN
,_, and_CC Mister_NP Sam_NP thereupon_RB decided_VBD to_TO join_VB the_AT rebels
_NNS ._. The_AT next_AP morning_NN he_PPS summoned_VBD a_AT group_NN of_IN top_J
JS Democrats_NPS to_IN his_PP$ private_JJ office_NN and_CC broke_VBD the_AT news
_NN :_: he_PPS would_MD lead_VB the_AT fight_NN to_TO oust_VB Colmer_NP ,_, whom
_WPO he_PPS is_BEZ said_VBN to_TO regard_VB as_CS ``_`` an_AT inferior_JJ man_NN
''_'' ._. News_NN of_IN Rayburn's_NP$ commitment_NN soon_RB leaked_VBD out_RP .
_. When_WRB Missouri's_NP$ Clarence_NP Cannon_NP got_VBD the_AT word_NN ,_, he_P
PS turned_VBD purple_JJ ._. ``_`` Unconscionable_JJ ''_'' !_. !_. He_PPS shouted
_VBD ,_, and_CC rushed_VBD off_RP to_IN the_AT Speaker's_NN$-TL Room_NN-TL to_TO
object_VB :_: ``_`` A_AT dangerous_JJ precedent_NN ''_'' !_. !_. Cannon_NP ,_,
a_AT powerful_JJ ,_, conservative_JJ man_NN ,_, brought_VBD welcome_JJ support_N
N to_IN the_AT Smith-Colmer_NP forces_NNS :_: as_CS chairman_NN of_IN the_AT App
ropriations_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS holds_VBZ over_IN each_DT member_N
N the_AT dreadful_JJ threat_NN of_IN excluding_VBG this_DT or_CC that_DT congres
sional_JJ district_NN from_IN federal_JJ pork-barrel_NN projects_NNS ._. Sitting
_VBG quietly_RB on_IN an_AT equally_RB big_JJ pork_NN barrel_NN was_BEDZ another
_DT Judge_NN-TL Smith_NP ally_NN ,_, Georgia's_NP$ Carl_NP Vinson_NP ,_, chairma
n_NN of_IN the_AT Armed_VBN-TL Services_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ._. Threat_NN-HL
of_IN-HL war_NN-HL ._.-HL As_CS the_AT battle_NN raged_VBD in_IN the_AT cloakroo
ms_NNS and_CC caucuses_NNS ,_, it_PPS became_VBD clear_JJ that_CS Judge_NN-TL Sm
ith_NP could_MD lose_VB ._. His_PP$ highest_JJT count_NN of_IN supporters_NNS nu
mbered_VBD 72_CD --_-- and_CC he_PPS needed_VBD nearly_RB twice_RB that_DT numbe
r_NN to_TO control_VB the_AT 260-member_JJ Democratic_JJ-TL caucus_NN ._. The_AT
liberals_NNS ,_, smelling_VBG blood_NN ,_, were_BED faced_VBN with_IN the_AT ne
cessity_NN of_IN winning_VBG three_CD big_JJ votes_NNS --_-- in_IN the_AT Democr
atic_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL Committees_NNS-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT full_JJ p
arty_NN caucus_NN ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT floor_NN of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL --_-
- before_CS they_PPSS could_MD oust_VB Colmer_NP ._. (_( One_CD big_JJ question_
NN :_: If_CS Colmer_NP was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE purged_VBN ,_, what_WDT should_MD th
e_AT House_NN-TL do_DO about_IN the_AT other_AP three_CD senior_JJ Mississippian
s_NPS who_WPS supported_VBD the_AT maverick_JJ electors_NNS ?_. ?_. )_) In_IN al
l_ABN three_CD arenas_NNS ,_, they_PPSS seemed_VBD certain_JJ of_IN victory_NN -
-_-- especially_RB with_IN Sam_NP Rayburn_NP applying_VBG his_PP$ whiplash_NN ._
. But_CC in_IN the_AT prospect_NN of_IN winning_VBG the_AT battle_NN loomed_VBD
the_AT specter_NN of_IN losing_VBG a_AT costlier_JJR war_NN ._. If_CS the_AT Sou
therners_NNS-TL were_BED sufficiently_RB aroused_VBN ,_, they_PPSS could_MD very
_QL well_RB cut_VB the_AT Kennedy_NP legislative_JJ program_NN to_IN ribbons_NNS
from_IN their_PP$ vantage_NN point_NN of_IN committee_NN chairmanships_NNS ,_,
leaving_VBG Sam_NP Rayburn_NP leading_VBG a_AT truncated_VBN ,_, unworkable_JJ p
arty_NN ._. With_IN that_DT possibility_NN in_IN mind_NN ,_, Arkansas'_NP$ Wilbu
r_NP Mills_NP deliberately_RB delayed_VBD calling_VBG a_AT meeting_NN of_IN the_
AT Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL Committees_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC coolheaded_JJ Democrats
_NPS sought_VBD to_TO bring_VB Rayburn_NP and_CC Smith_NP together_RB again_RB t
o_TO work_VB out_RP some_DTI sort_NN of_IN face-saving_JJ compromise_NN ._. ``_`
` Here_RB are_BER two_CD old_JJ men_NNS ,_, mad_JJ at_IN each_DT other_AP and_CC
too_QL proud_JJ to_TO pick_VB up_RP the_AT phone_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD a_AT Hou
se_NN-TL Democratic_JJ-TL leader_NN ._. ``_`` One_CD wants_VBZ a_AT little_QL mo
re_AP power_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT other_AP doesn't_DOZ* want_VB to_TO give_VB up_
RP any_DTI ''_'' ._. Battle_NN-HL in_IN-HL the_AT-HL senate_NN-HL The_AT Senate_
NN-TL launched_VBD the_AT 87th_OD Congress_NP with_IN its_PP$ own_JJ version_NN
of_IN an_AT ancient_JJ liberal-conservative_JJ battle_NN ,_, but_CC in_IN contra
st_NN with_IN the_AT House's_NN$-TL guerrilla_NN war_NN it_PPS seemed_VBD as_QL
pro_IN forma_NN as_CS a_AT Capitol_NN-TL guide's_NN$ speech_NN ._. Question_NN a
t_IN issue_NN :_: How_QL big_JJ a_AT vote_NN should_MD be_BE necessary_JJ to_TO
restrict_VB Senate_NN-TL debate_NN --_-- and_CC thereby_RB cut_VB off_RP legisla
tion-delaying_JJ filibusters_NNS ?_. ?_. A_AT wide-ranging_JJ ,_, bipartisan_JJ
force_NN --_-- from_IN Minnesota's_NP$ Democratic_JJ Hubert_NP Humphrey_NP to_IN
Massachusetts'_NP$ Republican_JJ Leverett_NP Saltonstall_NP --_-- was_BEDZ draw
n_VBN up_RP against_IN a_AT solid_JJ phalanx_NN of_IN Southern_JJ-TL Democrats_N
PS ,_, who_WPS have_HV traditionally_RB used_VBN the_AT filibuster_NN to_TO stop
_VB civil_JJ rights_NNS bills_NNS ._. New_JJ-TL Mexico's_NP$-TL Clint_NP Anderso
n_NP offered_VBD a_AT resolution_NN to_TO change_VB the_AT Senate's_NP$ notoriou
s_JJ Rule_NN-TL 22_CD-TL to_TO allow_VB three-fifths_NNS of_IN the_AT Senators_N
NS-TL present_RB and_CC voting_VBG to_TO cut_VB off_RP debate_NN ,_, instead_RB
of_IN the_AT current_JJ hard-to-get_JJ two-thirds_NNS ._. Fair_JJ-TL Dealer_NN-T
L Humphrey_NP upped_VBD the_AT ante_NN ,_, asked_VBD cloture_NN power_NN for_IN
a_AT mere_JJ majority_NN of_IN Senators_NNS-TL ._. Georgia's_NP$ Dick_NP Russell
_NP objected_VBD politely_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT battle_NN was_BEDZ joined_VBN ._.
Privately_RB ,_, the_AT liberals_NNS admitted_VBD that_CS the_AT Humphrey_NP am
endment_NN had_HVD no_AT chance_NN of_IN passage_NN ._. Privately_RB ,_, they_PP
SS also_RB admitted_VBD that_CS their_PP$ hopes_NNS for_IN Clint_NP Anderson's_N
P$ three-fifths_NNS modification_NN depended_VBD on_IN none_PN other_AP than_CS
Republican_NP Richard_NP Nixon_NP ._. In_IN 1957_CD Nixon_NP delivered_VBD a_AT
significant_JJ opinion_NN that_CS a_AT majority_NN of_IN Senators_NNS-TL had_HVD
the_AT power_NN to_TO adopt_VB new_JJ rules_NNS at_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN
each_DT new_JJ Congress_NP ,_, and_CC that_CS any_DTI rules_NNS laid_VBN down_R
P by_IN previous_JJ Congresses_NPS were_BED not_* binding_VBG ._. Armed_VBN with
_IN the_AT Nixon_NP opinion_NN ,_, the_AT Senate_NN-TL liberals_NNS rounded_VBD
up_RP their_PP$ slim_JJ majority_NN and_CC prepared_VBD to_TO choke_VB off_RP de
bate_NN on_IN the_AT filibuster_NN battle_NN this_DT week_NN ._. Hopefully_RB ,_
, the_AT perennial_JJ battle_NN of_IN Rule_NN-TL 22_CD-TL then_RB would_MD be_BE
fought_VBN to_IN a_AT settlement_NN once_RB and_CC for_IN all_ABN ._. Republica
ns_NPS last_AP-HL act_NN-HL Since_IN Election_NN-TL Day_NN-TL ,_, Vice_JJ-TL Pre
sident_NN-TL Richard_NP Nixon_NP had_HVD virtually_RB retired_VBN --_-- by_IN hi
s_PP$ own_JJ wish_NN --_-- from_IN public_JJ view_NN ._. But_CC with_IN the_AT c
onvening_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ Congress_NP ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT public_JJ
man_NN again_RB ,_, presiding_VBG over_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL until_IN John_NP
Kennedy's_NP$ Inauguration_NN-TL ._. One_CD day_NN last_AP week_NN ,_, Nixon_NP
faced_VBD a_AT painful_JJ constitutional_JJ chore_NN that_WPS required_VBD him_P
PO to_TO officiate_VB at_IN a_AT joint_JJ session_NN of_IN Congress_NP to_TO hea
r_VB the_AT official_JJ tally_NN of_IN the_AT Electoral_JJ-TL College_NN-TL vote
_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB to_TO make_VB ``_`` sufficient_JJ declaration_NN ''_'' of
_IN the_AT election_NN of_IN the_AT man_NN who_WPS defeated_VBD him_PPO in_IN th
e_AT tight_JJ 1960_CD presidential_JJ election_NN ._. Nixon_NP fulfilled_VBD his
_PP$ assignment_NN with_IN grace_NN ,_, then_RB went_VBD beyond_IN the_AT requir
ed_VBN ``_`` sufficient_JJ declaration_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ the_AT
first_OD time_NN in_IN 100_CD years_NNS that_CS a_AT candidate_NN for_IN the_AT
presidency_NN announced_VBD the_AT result_NN of_IN an_AT election_NN in_IN which
_WDT he_PPS was_BEDZ defeated_VBN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. The_AT-TL Master
s_NNS-TL golf_NN tournament_NN proved_VBD last_AP Monday_NR what_WDT it_PPS can_
MD do_DO to_IN the_AT strongest_JJT men_NNS and_CC the_AT staunchest_JJT nerves_
NNS ._. Gary_NP Player_NP ,_, the_AT small_JJ ,_, trim_JJ South_JJ-TL African_NP
-TL ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT eventual_JJ winner_NN ,_, but_CC in_IN all_ABN his_PP$ 2
5_CD years_NNS he_PPS never_RB spent_VBD a_AT more_QL harrowing_JJ afternoon_NN
as_CS he_PPS waited_VBD for_IN the_AT victory_NN to_TO drop_VB in_IN his_PP$ lap
_NN ._. Arnold_NP Palmer_NP ,_, the_AT defending_VBG champion_NN ,_, lost_VBD hi
s_PP$ title_NN on_IN the_AT 72nd_OD hole_NN after_IN a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS of_
IN misfortune_NN that_WPS left_VBD even_RB his_PP$ fellow_NN pros_NNS gaping_VBG
in_IN disbelief_NN ._. ``_`` Just_RB when_WRB you_PPSS think_VB you_PPO have_HV
it_PPO licked_VBN ,_, this_DT golf_NN course_NN can_MD get_VB up_RP and_CC bite
_VB you_PPO ''_'' ,_, Player_NP had_HVD said_VBN one_CD afternoon_NN midway_QL t
hrough_IN the_AT tournament_NN ._. And_CC that_DT is_BEZ just_RB what_WDT happen
ed_VBD on_IN the_AT last_AP few_AP holes_NNS ._. The_AT Augusta_NP-TL National_J
J-TL Golf_NN-TL Club_NN-TL Course_NN-TL got_VBD up_RP and_CC bit_VBD both_ABX Pl
ayer_NP and_CC Palmer_NP ._. Player_NP was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD to_TO feel_VB it
s_PP$ teeth_NNS ._. After_CS playing_VBG a_AT splendid_JJ first_OD nine_CD holes
_NNS in_IN 34_CD --_-- two_CD strokes_NNS under_IN par_NN --_-- on_IN this_DT fi
fth_OD and_CC final_JJ day_NN of_IN the_AT tournament_NN (_( Sunday's_NR$ fourth
_OD round_NN had_HVD been_BEN washed_VBN out_RP by_IN a_AT violent_JJ rainstorm_
NN when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ only_QL half_QL completed_VBN )_) ,_, Player's_NP$ g
ame_NN rapidly_RB fell_VBD to_IN pieces_NNS ._. He_PPS bogeyed_VBD the_AT 10th_O
D ._. After_CS a_AT journey_NN through_IN woods_NNS and_CC stream_NN he_PPS doub
le-bogeyed_VBD the_AT 13th_OD ._. He_PPS bogeyed_VBD the_AT 15th_OD by_IN missin
g_VBG a_AT short_JJ putt_NN and_CC finally_RB scrambled_VBD through_IN the_AT la
st_AP three_CD holes_NNS without_IN further_JJR mishap_NN for_IN a_AT 2-over-par
_JJ 74_CD and_CC a_AT 72-hole_JJ total_NN of_IN 280_CD ._. As_CS he_PPS signed_V
BD his_PP$ scorecard_NN and_CC walked_VBD off_IN the_AT course_NN ,_, Player_NP
was_BEDZ almost_QL in_IN tears_NNS ._. He_PPS could_MD read_VB on_IN the_AT near
by_JJ scoreboard_NN that_CS Palmer_NP ,_, by_IN then_RB playing_VBG the_AT 15th_
OD hole_NN ,_, was_BEDZ leading_VBG him_PPO by_IN a_AT stroke_NN ._. Palmer_NP h
ad_HVD started_VBN the_AT round_NN four_CD strokes_NNS behind_IN Player_NP ,_, a
nd_CC at_IN one_CD point_NN in_IN the_AT afternoon_NN had_HVD trailed_VBN by_IN
as_QL many_AP as_CS six_CD strokes_NNS ._. Now_RB all_ABN he_PPS had_HVD to_TO d
o_DO was_BEDZ finish_VB in_IN even_JJ par_NN to_TO collect_VB the_AT trophy_NN a
nd_CC the_AT biggest_JJT single_AP paycheck_NN in_IN golf_NN ._. When_WRB Palmer
_NP hit_VBD a_AT good_JJ straight_JJ drive_NN up_IN the_AT fairway_NN on_IN the_
AT 72nd_OD hole_NN ,_, he_PPS seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV the_AT championship_NN wo
n_VBN ._. But_CC the_AT seven-iron_NN shot_NN he_PPS used_VBD to_TO approach_VB
the_AT green_NN strayed_VBD into_IN a_AT bunker_NN and_CC lodged_VBD in_IN a_AT
slight_JJ depression_NN ._. In_IN trying_VBG to_TO hit_VB it_PPO out_RP with_IN
a_AT sand_NN wedge_NN Palmer_NP bounced_VBD the_AT ball_NN over_IN the_AT green_
NN ,_, past_IN spectators_NNS and_CC down_IN the_AT slope_NN toward_IN a_AT TV_N
N tower_NN ._. Afterwards_RB ,_, Palmer_NP told_VBD Charlie_NP Coe_NP ,_, his_PP
$ last-round_NN partner_NN ,_, that_CS he_PPS simply_RB played_VBD the_AT hole_N
N too_QL fast_RB ._. He_PPS did_DOD seem_VB hasty_JJ on_IN his_PP$ second_OD and
_CC third_OD shots_NNS ,_, but_CC then_RB there_EX was_BEDZ an_AT agonizing_JJ w
ait_NN of_IN several_AP minutes_NNS while_CS Coe_NP graciously_RB putted_VBD out
_RP ,_, giving_VBG Palmer_NP a_AT chance_NN to_TO recover_VB his_PP$ composure_N
N ,_, which_WDT he_PPS had_HVD quite_QL visibly_RB lost_VBN ._. When_WRB the_AT
shaken_VBN Palmer_NP finally_RB did_DOD hit_VB his_PP$ fourth_OD shot_NN ,_, he_
PPS overshot_VBD the_AT hole_NN by_IN 15_CD feet_NNS ._. Palmer_NP was_BEDZ now_
RB putting_VBG merely_RB for_IN a_AT tie_NN ,_, and_CC Player_NP ,_, who_WPS was
_BEDZ sitting_VBG beside_IN his_PP$ wife_NN and_CC watching_VBG it_PPO all_ABN o
n_IN television_NN in_IN Tournament_NN-TL Chairman_NN-TL Clifford_NP Roberts'_NP
$ clubhouse_NN apartment_NN ,_, stared_VBD in_IN amazement_NN when_WRB Palmer_NP
missed_VBD the_AT putt_NN ._. Palmer's_NP$ 281_CD for_IN the_AT four_CD rounds_
NNS at_IN Augusta_NP was_BEDZ a_AT comfortable_JJ four_CD strokes_NNS ahead_RB o
f_IN the_AT next_QL closest_JJT pro_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ barely_QL good
_JJ enough_QLP for_IN a_AT second-place_NN tie_NN with_IN Coe_NP ._. The_AT lean
_JJ and_CC leathery_JJ Oklahoma_NP amateur_NN ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN playi
ng_VBG topnotch_NN tournament_NN golf_NN for_IN many_AP years_NNS ,_, refused_VB
D to_TO let_VB the_AT Masters_NNS-TL jitters_NNS overtake_VB him_PPO and_CC clos
ed_VBD the_AT tournament_NN with_IN his_PP$ second_OD straight_JJ 69_CD ._. End_
NN-HL at_IN-HL seven_CD-HL Until_IN late_JJ last_AP Saturday_NR afternoon_NN Pal
mer_NP had_HVD played_VBN seven_CD consecutive_JJ rounds_NNS of_IN golf_NN at_IN
the_AT Masters_NNS-TL --_-- four_CD last_AP year_NN and_CC three_CD this_DT --_
-- without_IN ever_RB being_BEG out_IN of_IN first_OD place_NN ._. As_CS evening
_NN approached_VBD and_CC Palmer_NP finished_VBD his_PP$ Saturday_NR round_NN wi
th_IN a_AT disappointing_JJ one-over-par_NN 73_CD ,_, this_DT remarkable_JJ reco
rd_NN was_BEDZ still_RB intact_JJ ,_, thanks_NNS to_IN his_PP$ Thursday_NR and_C
C Friday_NR rounds_NNS of_IN 68_CD and_CC 69_CD ._. His_PP$ three-round_JJ total
_NN of_IN 210_CD was_BEDZ three_CD strokes_NNS better_JJR than_CS the_AT next_AP
best_JJT score_NN ,_, a_AT 213_CD by_IN Bill_NP Collins_NP ,_, the_AT tall_JJ a
nd_CC deliberate_JJ Baltimorean_NP who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN playing_VBG very_QL
well_RB all_ABN winter_NN long_JJ ._. But_CC Palmer_NP knew_VBD ,_, as_CS did_DO
D everybody_PN else_RB at_IN Augusta_NP ,_, that_CS his_PP$ streak_NN was_BEDZ a
bout_RB to_TO be_BE broken_VBN ._. Half_ABN an_AT hour_NN after_CS he_PPS finish
ed_VBD his_PP$ round_NN ,_, Player_NP holed_VBD out_RP at_IN the_AT 18th_OD gree
n_NN with_IN a_AT 69_CD and_CC a_AT three-round_JJ total_NN of_IN 206_CD ,_, fou
r_CD strokes_NNS ahead_RB of_IN Palmer_NP ._. More_AP than_CS a_AT streak_NN had
_HVD ended_VBN ._. Long_JJ after_CS the_AT erratic_JJ climate_NN and_CC the_AT w
ashed-out_JJ final_JJ round_NN on_IN Sunday_NR have_HV become_VBN meteorological
_JJ footnotes_NNS ,_, the_AT 1961_CD Masters_NNS-TL will_MD be_BE remembered_VBN
as_CS the_AT scene_NN of_IN the_AT mano_FW-NN a_FW-IN mano_FW-NN between_IN Arn
old_NP Palmer_NP and_CC Gary_NP Player_NP ._. Unlike_IN most_AP such_JJ sports_N
NS rivalries_NNS ,_, it_PPS appeared_VBD to_TO have_HV developed_VBN almost_QL s
pontaneously_RB ,_, although_CS this_DT was_BEDZ not_* exactly_RB the_AT case_NN
._. When_WRB the_AT winter_NN tour_NN began_VBD at_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP last_AP
January_NP there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT one_PN in_IN sight_NN to_TO challenge_VB Pal
mer's_NP$ towering_VBG prestige_NN ._. As_CS if_CS to_TO confirm_VB his_PP$ stat
ure_NN ,_, he_PPS quickly_RB won_VBD three_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD eight_CD tou
rnaments_NNS ._. Player_NP won_VBD only_AP one_CD ._. But_CC as_CS the_AT tour_N
N reached_VBD Pensacola_NP a_AT month_NN ago_RB ,_, Player_NP was_BEDZ leading_V
BG Palmer_NP in_IN official_JJ winnings_NNS by_IN a_AT few_AP hundred_CD dollars
_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT field_NN was_BEDZ somewhere_RB off_R
P in_IN nowhere_RB ._. On_IN the_AT final_JJ round_NN at_IN Pensacola_NP ,_, the
_AT luck_NN of_IN the_AT draw_NN paired_VBD Palmer_NP and_CC Player_NP in_IN the
_AT same_AP threesome_NN and_CC ,_, although_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ far_RB from_IN o
bvious_JJ at_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, the_AT gallery_NN was_BEDZ treated_VBN to_IN
the_AT first_OD chapter_NN of_IN what_WDT promises_VBZ to_TO be_BE one_CD of_IN
the_AT most_QL exciting_JJ duels_NNS in_IN sport_NN for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN
to_TO come_VB ._. On_IN that_DT final_JJ Sunday_NR at_IN Pensacola_NP neither_CC
Palmer_NP nor_CC Player_NP was_BEDZ leading_VBG the_AT tournament_NN and_CC ,_,
as_CS it_PPS turned_VBD out_RP ,_, neither_DTX won_VBD it_PPO ._. But_CC whiche
ver_WDT of_IN these_DTS two_CD finished_VBD ahead_RB of_IN the_AT other_AP would
_MD be_BE the_AT undisputed_JJ financial_JJ leader_NN of_IN the_AT tour_NN ._. P
layer_NP immediately_RB proved_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* in_IN the_AT least_AP a
wed_VBN by_IN the_AT dramatic_JJ proximity_NN of_IN Palmer_NP ._. He_PPS outplay
ed_VBD Palmer_NP all_QL around_IN the_AT course_NN and_CC finished_VBD with_IN a
_AT tremendous_JJ 65_CD to_IN Palmer's_NP$ 71_CD ._. Thereafter_RB ,_, until_IN
the_AT Masters_NNS-TL ,_, Player_NP gradually_RB increased_VBD his_PP$ lead_NN o
ver_IN Palmer_NP in_IN winnings_NNS and_CC added_VBD one_CD more_AP tournament_N
N victory_NN at_IN Miami_NP ._. When_WRB they_PPSS reached_VBD Augusta_NP last_A
P week_NN ,_, together_RB they_PPSS had_HVD won_VBN five_CD of_IN the_AT 13_CD t
ournaments_NNS to_IN date_NN ._. Instant_JJ-HL rivalry_NN-HL On_IN Thursday_NR ,
_, the_AT first_OD day_NN of_IN the_AT Masters_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT contest_NN betw
een_IN Palmer_NP and_CC Player_NP developed_VBD instantly_RB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ
a_AT dismal_JJ ,_, drizzly_JJ day_NN but_CC a_AT good_JJ one_CD on_IN which_WDT
to_TO score_VB over_IN the_AT Augusta_NP-TL National_JJ-TL course_NN ._. The_AT
usually_RB skiddy_JJ greens_NNS were_BED moist_JJ and_CC soft_JJ ,_, so_CS the_
AT golfers_NNS were_BED able_JJ to_TO strike_VB their_PP$ approach_NN shots_NNS
boldly_RB at_IN the_AT flag-stick_NN and_CC putt_VB firmly_RB toward_IN the_AT h
ole_NN without_IN too_QL much_AP worry_NN about_IN the_AT consequences_NNS ._. P
almer's_NP$ 4-under-par_JJ 68_CD got_VBD him_PPO off_RP to_IN an_AT early_JJ lea
d_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS shared_VBD with_IN Bob_NP Rosburg_NP ._. But_CC Player
_NP was_BEDZ only_RB one_CD stroke_NN back_RB ,_, with_IN a_AT 69_CD ._. Even_RB
so_RB ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB not_* clear_JJ to_IN many_AP in_IN the_AT en
ormous_JJ horde_NN of_IN spectators_NNS --_-- unquestionably_RB the_AT largest_J
JT golf_NN crowd_NN ever_RB --_-- that_CS this_DT tournament_NN was_BEDZ to_TO b
e_BE ,_, essentially_RB ,_, a_AT match_NN between_IN Palmer_NP and_CC Player_NP
._. A_AT lot_NN of_IN people_NNS were_BED still_RB thinking_VBG about_IN Jack_NP
Nicklaus_NP ,_, the_AT spectacular_JJ young_JJ amateur_NN ,_, who_WPS had_HVD a
_AT 70_CD ;_. ;_. or_CC Ken_NP Venturi_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD a_AT somewhat_QL s
haky_JJ 72_CD but_CC was_BEDZ bound_VBN to_TO do_DO better_RBR ;_. ;_. or_CC Ros
burg_NP ,_, whose_WP$ accurate_JJ short_JJ game_NN and_CC supersensitive_JJ putt
er_NN can_MD overcome_VB so_QL many_AP of_IN Augusta's_NP$ treacheries_NNS ;_. ;
_. or_CC even_RB old_JJ Byron_NP Nelson_NP ,_, whose_WP$ excellent_JJ 71_CD made
_VBD one_CD wonder_VB if_CS he_PPS had_HVD solved_VBN the_AT geriatric_JJ aspect
s_NNS of_IN golf_NN ._. (_( On_IN Thursday_NR nobody_PN except_IN Charlie_NP Coe
_NP was_BEDZ thinking_VBG of_IN Charlie_NP Coe_NP ._. )_) On_IN Friday_NR ,_, a_
AT day_NN as_QL cloudless_JJ and_CC lovely_JJ as_CS Thursday_NR had_HVD been_BEN
gray_JJ and_CC ugly_JJ ,_, the_AT plot_NN of_IN the_AT tournament_NN came_VBD c
learly_RB into_IN focus_NN ._. Rosburg_NP had_HVD started_VBN early_RB in_IN the
_AT day_NN ,_, and_CC by_IN the_AT time_NN Palmer_NP and_CC Player_NP were_BED o
n_IN the_AT course_NN --_-- separated_VBN ,_, as_CS they_PPSS were_BED destined_
VBN to_TO be_BE for_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT weekend_NN ,_, by_IN about_RB
half_ABN an_AT hour_NN --_-- they_PPSS could_MD see_VB on_IN the_AT numerous_JJ
scoreboards_NNS spotted_VBN around_IN the_AT course_NN that_CS Rosburg_NP ,_, w
ho_WPS ended_VBD with_IN a_AT 73_CD ,_, was_BEDZ not_* having_HVG a_AT good_JJ d
ay_NN ._. As_CS Player_NP began_VBD his_PP$ second_OD round_NN in_IN a_AT twosom
e_NN with_IN amateur_JJ Bill_NP Hyndman_NP ,_, his_PP$ share_NN of_IN the_AT gal
lery_NN was_BEDZ not_* conspicuously_RB large_JJ for_IN a_AT contender_NN ._. Pl
ayer_NP began_VBD with_IN a_AT birdie_NN on_IN the_AT first_OD hole_NN ,_, added
_VBD five_CD straight_JJ pars_NNS and_CC then_RB another_DT birdie_NN at_IN the_
AT 9th_OD ._. On_IN the_AT back_NN nine_CD he_PPS began_VBD to_TO acquire_VB the
_AT tidal_JJ wave_NN of_IN a_AT gallery_NN that_WPS stayed_VBD with_IN him_PPO t
he_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT tournament_NN ._. He_PPS birdied_VBD the_AT 13th_OD ,
_, the_AT 15th_OD and_CC the_AT 18th_OD --_-- five_CD birdies_NNS ,_, one_CD bog
ey_NN and_CC 12_CD pars_NNS for_IN a_AT 68_CD ._. Starting_VBG half_ABN an_AT ho
ur_NN behind_IN Player_NP in_IN company_NN with_IN British_JJ-TL Open_NN-TL Cham
pion_NN-TL Kel_NP Nagle_NP ,_, Palmer_NP birdied_VBD the_AT 2nd_OD ,_, the_AT 9t
h_OD ,_, the_AT 13th_OD and_CC the_AT 16th_OD --_-- four_CD birdies_NNS ,_, one_
CD bogey_NN and_CC 13_CD pars_NNS for_IN a_AT 69_CD ._. The_AT roar_NN of_IN Pal
mer's_NP$ gallery_NN as_CS he_PPS sank_VBD a_AT thrilling_JJ putt_NN would_MD ro
ll_VB out_RP across_IN the_AT parklike_JJ landscape_NN of_IN Augusta_NP ,_, only
_RB to_TO be_BE answered_VBN moments_NNS later_RBR by_IN the_AT roar_NN of_IN Pl
ayer's_NP$ gallery_NN for_IN a_AT similar_JJ triumph_NN ._. At_IN one_CD point_N
N late_RB in_IN the_AT day_NN ,_, when_WRB Palmer_NP was_BEDZ lining_VBG up_RP a
_AT 25-foot_JJ putt_NN on_IN the_AT 16th_OD ,_, a_AT thunderous_JJ cheer_NN from
_IN the_AT direction_NN of_IN the_AT 18th_OD green_NN unmistakably_RB announced_
VBD that_CS Player_NP had_HVD birdied_VBN the_AT final_JJ hole_NN ._. Without_IN
so_QL much_AP as_CS a_AT grimace_NN or_CC a_AT gesture_NN to_TO show_VB that_CS
he_PPS had_HVD noticed_VBN (_( although_CS he_PPS later_RBR admitted_VBD that_C
S he_PPS had_HVD )_) Palmer_NP proceeded_VBD to_TO sink_VB his_PP$ 25-footer_NN
,_, and_CC his_PP$ gallery_NN sent_VBD its_PP$ explosive_JJ vocalization_NN roll
ing_VBG back_RB along_IN the_AT intervening_VBG fairways_NNS in_IN reply_NN ._.
The_AT-HL boldness_NN-HL of_IN-HL champions_NNS-HL Anyone_PN who_WPS now_RB doub
ted_VBD that_CS a_AT personal_JJ duel_NN was_BEDZ under_IN way_NN had_HVD only_R
B to_TO watch_VB how_WRB these_DTS exceptionally_RB gifted_JJ golfers_NNS were_B
ED playing_VBG this_DT most_QL difficult_JJ golf_NN course_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
almost_QL axiomatic_JJ that_CS golfers_NNS who_WPS dominate_VB the_AT game_NN of
_IN golf_NN for_IN any_DTI period_NN of_IN time_NN attack_VB their_PP$ shots_NNS
with_IN a_AT vehemence_NN bordering_VBG on_IN violence_NN ._. The_AT bad_JJ luc
k_NN that_WPS can_MD so_QL often_RB mar_VB a_AT well-played_JJ round_NN of_IN go
lf_NN is_BEZ simply_RB overpowered_VBN and_CC obliterated_VBN by_IN the_AT conte
mptuous_JJ boldness_NN of_IN these_DTS champions_NNS ._. Bob_NP Jones_NP played_
VBD that_DT way_NN ._. Byron_NP Nelson_NP did_DOD ,_, Hogan_NP did_DOD ._. And_C
C last_AP week_NN at_IN the_AT Masters_NNS-TL Palmer_NP and_CC Player_NP did_DOD
._. As_CS the_AT third_OD round_NN of_IN the_AT tournament_NN began_VBD on_IN S
aturday_NR and_CC the_AT duel_NN was_BEDZ resumed_VBN in_IN earnest_JJ ,_, it_PP
S was_BEDZ Player's_NP$ superior_JJ aggressiveness_NN that_WPS carried_VBD him_P
PO into_IN the_AT lead_NN ._. This_DT day_NN Palmer_NP had_HVD started_VBN first
_RB ._. As_CS Player_NP stepped_VBD on_IN the_AT first_OD tee_NN he_PPS knew_VBD
that_CS Palmer_NP had_HVD birdied_VBN the_AT first_OD two_CD holes_NNS and_CC a
lready_RB was_BEDZ 2_CD under_IN par_NN for_IN the_AT day_NN ._. Player_NP immed
iately_RB proceeded_VBD to_TO follow_VB suit_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, he_PPS wen
t_VBD on_RP to_TO birdie_VB the_AT 6th_OD and_CC 8th_OD as_QL well_RB ,_, to_TO
go_VB 4_CD under_IN par_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD eight_CD holes_NNS ._. But_CC
Player's_NP$ real_JJ test_NN came_VBD on_IN the_AT ninth_OD hole_NN ,_, a_AT dow
nhill_JJ dogleg_NN to_IN the_AT left_NR measuring_VBG 420_CD yards_NNS ._. He_PP
S hit_VBD a_AT poor_JJ tee_NN shot_NN ,_, pulling_VBG it_PPO off_RP into_IN the_
AT pine_NN woods_NNS separating_VBG the_AT 9th_OD and_CC first_OD fairways_NNS .
_. Having_HVG hit_VBN one_CD of_IN the_AT trees_NNS ,_, the_AT ball_NN came_VBD
to_IN rest_NN not_* more_AP than_IN 160_CD yards_NNS out_RP ._. Player_NP then_R
B had_HVD the_AT choice_NN of_IN punching_VBG the_AT ball_NN safely_RB out_IN of
_IN the_AT woods_NNS to_IN the_AT 9th_OD fairway_NN and_CC settling_VBG for_IN a
_AT bogey_NN 5_CD ,_, or_CC gambling_VBG ._. The_AT latter_AP involved_VBN hitti
ng_VBG a_AT full_JJ four-wood_NN out_RP to_IN the_AT first_OD fairway_NN and_CC
toward_IN the_AT clubhouse_NN ,_, hoping_VBG to_TO slice_VB it_PPO back_RB to_IN
the_AT deeply_QL bunkered_VBN 9th_OD green_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS was_BEDZ hitting
_VBG the_AT ball_NN well_RB ''_'' ,_, Player_NP said_VBD later_RBR ,_, ``_`` and
_CC I_PPSS felt_VBD strong_JJ ._. When_WRB you're_PPSS+BER playing_VBG like_CS t
hat_DT you'd_PPSS+MD better_RBR attack_VB ''_'' ._. Player_NP attacked_VBD with_
IN his_PP$ four-wood_NN and_CC hit_VB a_AT shot_NN that_CS few_AP who_WPS saw_VB
D it_PPO will_MD ever_RB forget_VB ._. It_PPS struck_VBD the_AT 9th_OD green_NN
on_IN the_AT fly_NN and_CC stopped_VBD just_RB off_IN the_AT edge_NN ._. From_IN
there_RB he_PPS chipped_VBD back_RB and_CC sank_VBD his_PP$ putt_NN for_IN a_AT
par_NN 4_CD ._. Palmer_NP ,_, meanwhile_RB ,_, had_HVD been_BEN having_HVG his_
PP$ troubles_NNS ._. They_PPSS started_VBD on_IN the_AT 4th_OD hole_NN ,_, a_AT
220-yard_JJ par-3_NN ._. On_IN this_DT day_NN the_AT wind_NN had_HVD switched_VB
N 180-degrees_NNS from_IN the_AT northwest_NR to_IN the_AT southeast_NR ,_, and_
CC nearly_RB every_AT shot_NN on_IN the_AT course_NN was_BEDZ different_JJ from_
IN the_AT previous_JJ few_AP days_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT 4th_OD tee_NN Palmer_NP c
hose_VBD to_TO hit_VB a_AT one-iron_NN when_WRB a_AT three-wood_JJ was_BEDZ the_
AT proper_JJ club_NN ,_, so_CS he_PPS put_VBD the_AT ball_NN in_IN a_AT bunker_N
N in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT green_NN ._. His_PP$ bogey_NN 4_CD on_IN this_DT h
ole_NN and_CC subsequent_JJ bogeys_NNS at_IN 5_CD and_CC 7_CD along_IN with_IN a
_AT birdie_NN at_IN 8_CD brought_VBD him_PPO back_RB to_IN even_JJ par_NN ._. St
arting_VBG the_AT second_OD nine_CD ,_, Palmer_NP was_BEDZ already_RB four_CD st
rokes_NNS behind_IN Player_NP and_CC knew_VBD it_PPO ._. When_WRB Mickey_NP Char
les_NP Mantle_NP ,_, the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankees'_NPS$-TL man_NN of_IN m
uscle_NN ,_, drives_VBZ a_AT home_NN run_NN 450_CD feet_NNS into_IN the_AT bleac
hers_NNS ,_, his_PP$ feat_NN touches_VBZ upon_IN the_AT sublime_NN ._. When_WRB
Roger_NP Eugene_NP Maris_NP ,_, Mantle's_NP$ muscular_JJ teammate_NN ,_, powers_
VBZ four_CD home_NN runs_NNS in_IN a_AT double-header_NN ,_, his_PP$ performance
_NN merits_VBZ awe_NN ._. But_CC when_WRB tiny_JJ ,_, 145-pound_JJ Albert_NP Gre
gory_NP Pearson_NP of_IN the_AT Los_NP-TL Angeles_NP-TL Angels_NNS-TL ,_, who_WP
S once_RB caught_VBD three_CD straight_JJ fly_NN balls_NNS in_IN center_NN field
_NN because_CS ,_, as_CS a_AT teammate_NN explained_VBD ,_, ``_`` the_AT other_A
P team_NN thought_VBD no_AT one_PN was_BEDZ out_RP there_RB ''_'' ,_, hits_VBZ s
even_CD home_NN runs_NNS in_IN four_CD months_NNS (_( three_CD more_AP than_CS h
is_PP$ total_NN in_IN 1958_CD ,_, 1959_CD ,_, and_CC 1960_CD )_) ,_, his_PP$ ach
ievement_NN borders_VBZ on_IN the_AT ridiculous_JJ ._. This_DT is_BEZ Baseball_N
N-TL 1961_CD ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT year_NN home_NN runs_NNS ranged_VBD from_
IN the_AT sublime_NN to_IN the_AT ridiculous_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT year_NN
when_WRB (_( 1_CD )_) amiable_JJ Jim_NP Gentile_NP of_IN the_AT Baltimore_NP-TL
Orioles_NNS-TL ambled_VBD to_IN the_AT plate_NN in_IN consecutive_JJ innings_NN
S with_IN the_AT bases_NNS loaded_VBN and_CC ,_, in_IN unprecedented_JJ style_NN
,_, delivered_VBD consecutive_JJ grand-slam_NN home_NN runs_NNS ;_. ;_. (_( 2_C
D )_) Willie_NP Mays_NP of_IN the_AT San_NP Francisco_NP Giants_NNS-TL borrowed_
VBD a_AT teammate's_NN$ bat_NN and_CC became_VBD the_AT ninth_OD big_JJ leaguer_
NN to_TO stroke_VB four_CD home_NN runs_NNS in_IN a_AT game_NN ;_. ;_. (_( 3_CD
)_) the_AT Milwaukee_NP Braves_NNS-TL tied_VBD a_AT major-league_NN record_NN wi
th_IN fourteen_CD home_NN runs_NNS in_IN three_CD games_NNS and_CC lost_VBD two_
CD of_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. and_CC (_( 4_CD )_) catcher_NN Johnny_NP Blanchard_NP
of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankees_NPS-TL matched_VBD a_AT record_NN with
_IN home_NN runs_NNS in_IN four_CD successive_JJ times_NNS at_IN bat_NN ,_, two_
CD of_IN them_PPO as_CS a_AT pinch-hitter_NN ._. Pitchers_NNS grumble_VB about_I
N lively_JJ balls_NNS and_CC lively_JJ bats_NNS ,_, the_AT shrinking_VBG strike_
NN zone_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT knock-down_JJ pitch_NN is_BE
Z now_RB illegal_JJ ._. Experts_NNS point_VB to_IN the_AT thinning_NN of_IN pitc
hing_VBG talent_NN in_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL League_NN-TL caused_VBD by_IN exp
ansion_NN ._. Whatever_WDT the_AT reasons_NNS ,_, not_* in_IN 30_CD years_NNS ha
s_HVZ a_AT single_AP season_NN produced_VBD such_JJ thunderous_JJ assaults_NNS u
pon_IN the_AT bureau_NN of_IN baseball_NN records_NNS ,_, home-run_NN division_N
N ._. Of_IN all_ABN the_AT records_NNS in_IN peril_NN ,_, one_CD stands_VBZ apar
t_RB ,_, dramatic_JJ in_IN its_PP$ making_NN ,_, dramatic_JJ in_IN its_PP$ endur
ance_NN ,_, and_CC now_RB ,_, doubly_QL dramatic_JJ in_IN its_PP$ jeopardy_NN ._
. This_DT ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ baseball's_NN$ most_QL remarkable_JJ ma
rk_NN :_: The_AT 60_CD home_NN runs_NNS hit_VBN in_IN 1927_CD by_IN the_AT incor
rigible_JJ epicure_NN ,_, the_AT incredible_JJ athlete_NN ,_, George_NP Herman_N
P (_( Babe_NP )_) Ruth_NP of_IN the_AT Yankees_NPS ._. Since_IN 1927_CD ,_, fewe
r_AP than_CS a_AT dozen_NN men_NNS have_HV made_VBN serious_JJ runs_NNS at_IN Ba
be_NP Ruth's_NP$ record_NN and_CC each_DT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN
thwarted_VBN ._. What_WDT ultimately_RB frustrated_VBD every_AT challenger_NN w
as_BEDZ Ruth's_NP$ amazing_JJ September_NP surge_NN ._. In_IN the_AT final_JJ mo
nth_NN of_IN the_AT 1927_CD season_NN ,_, he_PPS hit_VBD seventeen_CD home_NN ru
ns_NNS ,_, a_AT closing_VBG spurt_NN never_RB matched_VBN ._. Double_JJ-HL threa
t_NN-HL :_:-HL Always_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT abortive_JJ attacks_NNS upon_IN Ruth's
_NP$ record_NN ,_, one_CD man_NN alone_RB --_-- a_AT Jimmy_NP Foxx_NP (_( 58_CD
in_IN 1932_CD )_) or_CC a_AT Hank_NP Greenberg_NP (_( 58_CD in_IN 1938_CD )_) or
_CC a_AT Hack_NP Wilson_NP (_( 56_CD in_IN 1930_CD )_) --_-- made_VBD the_AT bid
_NN ._. But_CC now_RB ,_, for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN since_IN Lou_NP Gehrig_
NP (_( with_IN 47_CD home_NN runs_NNS )_) spurred_VBD Ruth_NP on_RP in_IN 1927_C
D ,_, two_CD men_NNS playing_VBG for_IN the_AT same_AP team_NN have_HV zeroed_VB
N in_RP on_IN 60_CD ._. Their_PP$ names_NNS are_BER Mantle_NP and_CC Maris_NP ,_
, their_PP$ team_NN is_BEZ the_AT Yankees_NPS ,_, and_CC their_PP$ threat_NN is_
BEZ real_JJ ._. After_IN 108_CD games_NNS in_IN 1927_CD ,_, Ruth_NP had_HVD 35_C
D home_NN runs_NNS ._. After_IN 108_CD games_NNS in_IN 1961_CD ,_, Mickey_NP Man
tle_NP has_HVZ 43_CD ,_, Roger_NP Maris_NP 41_CD ._. Extend_VB Mantle's_NP$ and_
CC Maris's_NP$ present_JJ paces_NNS over_IN the_AT full_JJ 1961_CD schedule_NN o
f_IN 162_CD games_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, mathematically_RB ,_, each_DT will_MD hit_V
B more_AP than_CS 60_CD home_NN runs_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT great_JJ edge
_NN the_AT two_CD Yankees_NPS have_HV going_VBG for_IN them_PPO ._. To_TO better
_VB Ruth's_NP$ mark_NN ,_, neither_CC needs_VBZ a_AT spectacular_JJ September_NP
flourish_NN ._. All_ABN Mantle_NP needs_VBZ is_BEZ eight_CD more_AP home_NN run
s_NNS in_IN August_NP and_CC ten_CD in_IN September_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS will_MD
establish_VB a_AT new_JJ record_NN ._. In_IN Ruth's_NP$ day_NN --_-- and_CC unt
il_IN this_DT year_NN --_-- the_AT schedule_NN was_BEDZ 154_CD games_NNS ._. Bas
eball_NN commissioner_NN Ford_NP Frick_NP has_HVZ ruled_VBN that_CS Ruth's_NP$ r
ecord_NN will_MD remain_VB official_JJ unless_CS it_PPS is_BEZ broken_VBN in_IN
154_CD games_NNS ._. )_) ``_`` Even_RB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN 154_CD games_
NNS ,_, this_DT is_BEZ the_AT ideal_JJ situation_NN ''_'' ,_, insists_VBZ Hank_N
P Greenberg_NP ,_, now_RB vice-president_NN of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL White_NN-
TL Sox_NPS-TL ._. ``_`` It_PPS has_HVZ to_TO be_BE easier_JJR with_IN two_CD of_
IN them_PPO ._. How_WRB can_MD you_PPSS walk_VB Maris_NP to_TO get_VB to_IN Mant
le_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. Roommates_NNS-HL :_:-HL Neither_CC Mantle_NP nor_CC Maris_NP
,_, understandably_RB ,_, will_MD predict_VB 60_CD home_NN runs_NNS for_IN hims
elf_PPL ._. Although_CS both_ABX concede_VB they_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO hit
_VB 60_CD ,_, they_PPSS stick_VB primarily_RB to_IN the_AT baseball_NN player's_
NN$ standard_JJ quote_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT important_JJ thing_NN is_BEZ to_TO win
_VB the_AT pennant_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC one_CD thing_NN is_BEZ for_IN certain_JJ
:_: There_EX is_BEZ no_AT dissension_NN between_IN Mantle_NP ,_, the_AT American
_JJ-TL League's_NN$-TL Most_QL-TL Valuable_JJ-TL Player_NN-TL in_IN 1956_CD and_
CC 1957_CD ,_, and_CC Maris_NP ,_, the_AT MVP_NN in_IN 1960_CD ._. Each_DT enjoy
s_VBZ seeing_VBG the_AT other_AP hit_VB home_NN runs_NNS (_( ``_`` I_PPSS hope_V
B Roger_NP hits_VBZ 80_CD ''_'' ,_, Mantle_NP says_VBZ )_) ,_, and_CC each_DT en
joys_VBZ even_QL more_RBR seeing_VBG himself_PPL hit_VB home_NN runs_NNS (_( ``_
`` and_CC I_PPSS hope_VB I_PPSS hit_VB 81_CD ''_'' )_) ._. The_AT sluggers_NNS g
et_VB along_RB so_QL well_RB in_IN fact_NN ,_, that_CS with_IN their_PP$ familie
s_NNS at_IN home_NR for_IN the_AT summer_NN (_( Mantle's_NP$ in_IN Dallas_NP ,_,
Maris's_NP$ in_IN Kansas_NP City_NN-TL )_) ,_, they_PPSS are_BER rooming_VBG to
gether_RB ._. Mantle_NP ,_, Maris_NP ,_, and_CC Bob_NP Cerv_NP ,_, a_AT utility_
NN outfielder_NN ,_, share_VB an_AT apartment_NN in_IN Jamaica_NP ,_, Long_JJ-TL
Island_NN-TL ,_, not_* far_RB from_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL International_JJ-TL
Airport_NN-TL ._. The_AT three_CD pay_VB $251_NNS a_AT month_NN for_IN four_CD r
ooms_NNS (_( kitchen_NN ,_, dining_VBG room_NN ,_, living_VBG room_NN ,_, and_CC
bedroom_NN )_) ,_, with_IN air-conditioning_NN and_CC new_JJ modern_JJ furnitur
e_NN ._. Mantle_NP and_CC Cerv_NP use_VB the_AT twin_NN beds_NNS in_IN the_AT be
droom_NN ;_. ;_. Maris_NP sleeps_VBZ on_IN a_AT green_JJ studio_NN couch_NN in_I
N the_AT living_VBG room_NN ._. They_PPSS divide_VB up_RP the_AT household_NN ch
ores_NNS :_: Cerv_NP does_DOZ most_AP of_IN the_AT cooking_NN (_( breakfast_NN a
nd_CC sandwich_NN snacks_NNS ,_, with_IN dinner_NN out_RP )_) ,_, Mantle_NP supp
lies_VBZ the_AT transportation_NN (_( a_AT white_JJ 1961_CD Oldsmobile_NP conver
tible_NN )_) ,_, and_CC Maris_NP drives_VBZ the_AT 25-minute_JJ course_NN from_I
N the_AT apartment_NN house_NN to_IN Yankee_JJ-TL Stadium_NN-TL ._. Mantle_NP ,_
, Maris_NP ,_, and_CC Cerv_NP probably_RB share_VB one_CD major-league_NN record
_NN already_RB :_: Among_IN them_PPO ,_, they_PPSS have_HV fifteen_CD children_N
NS --_-- eight_CD for_IN Cerv_NP ,_, four_CD for_IN Mantle_NP ,_, and_CC three_C
D for_IN Maris_NP ._. As_CS roommates_NNS ,_, teammates_NNS ,_, and_CC home-run_
NN mates_NNS ,_, Mantle_NP ,_, 29_CD ,_, who_WPS broke_VBD in_RP with_IN the_AT
Yankees_NPS ten_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, and_CC Maris_NP ,_, 26_CD ,_, who_WPS ca
me_VBD to_IN the_AT Yankees_NPS from_IN Kansas_NP City_NN-TL two_CD years_NNS ag
o_RB ,_, have_HV strikingly_QL similar_JJ backgrounds_NNS ._. Both_ABX were_BED
scholastic_JJ stars_NNS in_IN football_NN ,_, basketball_NN ,_, and_CC baseball_
NN (_( Mantle_NP in_IN Commerce_NN-TL ,_, Okla._NP ,_, Maris_NP in_IN Fargo_NP ,
_, N.D._NP )_) ;_. ;_. as_CS halfbacks_NNS ,_, both_ABX came_VBD close_RB to_IN
playing_VBG football_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Oklahoma_NP-TL (_
( ``_`` Sometimes_RB in_IN the_AT minors_NNS ''_'' ,_, Maris_NP recalls_VBZ ,_,
``_`` I_PPSS wished_VBD I_PPSS had_HVD gone_VBN to_IN Oklahoma_NP ''_'' )_) ._.
To_IN an_AT extent_NN ,_, the_AT two_CD even_RB look_VB alike_RB ._. Both_ABX ha
ve_HV blue_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC short_RB blond_JJ hair_NN ._. Both_ABX are_BER 6_C
D feet_NNS tall_JJ and_CC weigh_VB between_IN 195_CD and_CC 200_CD pounds_NNS ,_
, but_CC Mantle_NP ,_, incredibly_QL muscular_JJ (_( he_PPS has_HVZ a_AT 17-1/2-
inch_JJ neck_NN )_) ,_, looks_VBZ bigger_JJR ._. With_IN their_PP$ huge_JJ backs
_NNS and_CC overdeveloped_VBN shoulders_NNS ,_, both_ABX must_MD have_HV their_P
P$ clothes_NNS made_VBN to_IN order_NN ._. Maris_NP purchases_VBZ $100_NNS suits
_NNS from_IN Simpson's_NP$ in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Mantle_NP ,_, more_QL
concerned_VBN with_IN dress_NN ,_, buys_VBZ his_PP$ suits_NNS four_CD at_IN a_AT
time_NN at_IN Neiman-Marcus_NP in_IN Dallas_NP and_CC pays_VBZ as_QL much_AP as
_CS $250_NNS each_DT ._. Light_JJ-HL reading_NN-HL :_:-HL Neither_CC Mantle_NP n
or_CC Maris_NP need_MD fear_VB being_BEG classified_VBN an_AT intellectual_NN ,_
, but_CC lately_RB Mantle_NP has_HVZ shown_VBN unusual_JJ devotion_NN to_IN an_A
T intellectual_JJ opus_NN ,_, Henry_NP Miller's_NP$ ``_`` Tropic_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Cancer_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Mantle_NP so_RB appreciated_VBD Miller's_NP$ delicate_JJ
literary_JJ style_NN that_CS he_PPS broadened_VBD teammates'_NNS$ minds_NNS by_I
N reading_VBG sensitive_JJ passages_NNS aloud_RB during_IN road_NN trips_NNS ._.
Mantle_NP is_BEZ not_* normally_RB given_VBN to_IN public_JJ speaking_NN --_--
or_CC ,_, for_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, to_IN private_JJ speaking_NN ._. ``_`` Wh
at_WDT do_DO you_PPSS and_CC Mickey_NP talk_VB about_IN at_IN home_NR ''_'' ?_.
?_. A_AT reporter_NN asked_VBD Maris_NP recently_RB ._. ``_`` To_TO tell_VB you_
PPO the_AT truth_NN ''_'' ,_, Maris_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Mickey_NP don't_DOZ* t
alk_VB much_RB ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BEZ no_AT surprising_JJ trait_NN for_IN a_AT
ballplayer_NN ._. What_WDT is_BEZ surprising_VBG and_CC pleasant_NN is_BEZ that
_CS Mantle_NP and_CC Maris_NP ,_, under_IN constant_JJ pressure_NN from_IN write
rs_NNS and_CC photographers_NNS ,_, are_BER trying_VBG to_TO be_BE cooperative_J
J ._. Of_IN the_AT two_CD ,_, Mantle_NP is_BEZ by_IN nature_NN the_AT less_QL ou
tgoing_JJ ,_, Maris_NP the_AT more_QL outspoken_JJ ._. But_CC last_AP week_NN ,_
, when_WRB a_AT reporter_NN was_BEDZ standing_VBG near_IN Mantle's_NP$ locker_NN
,_, Mickey_NP walked_VBD up_RP and_CC volunteered_VBD an_AT anecdote_NN ._. ``_
`` See_VB that_DT kid_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. He_PPS said_VBD ,_, pointing_VBG to_IN a_
AT dark-haired_JJ 11-year-old_JJ boy_NN ._. ``_`` That's_DT+BEZ (_( Yogi_NP )_)
Berra's_NP$ ._. I'll_PPSS+MD never_RB forget_VB one_CD time_NN I_PPSS struck_VBD
out_RP three_CD times_NNS ,_, dropped_VBD a_AT fly_NN ball_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPS
S lost_VBD the_AT game_NN ._. I_PPSS came_VBD back_RB ,_, sitting_VBG by_IN my_P
P$ locker_NN ,_, feeling_VBG real_QL low_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT kid_NN walks_VBZ o
ver_RP to_IN me_PPO ,_, looks_VBZ up_RP ,_, and_CC says_VBZ :_: '_' You_PPSS stu
nk_VBD '_' ''_'' ._. Maris_NP ,_, in_IN talking_VBG to_IN reporters_NNS ,_, trie
s_VBZ to_TO answer_VB all_ABN questions_NNS candidly_RB and_CC fully_RB ,_, but_
CC on_IN rare_JJ occasions_NNS ,_, he_PPS shuns_VBZ newsmen_NNS ._. ``_`` When_W
RB I've_PPSS+HV made_VBN a_AT dumb_JJ play_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`
` I_PPSS don't_DO* want_VB to_TO talk_VB to_IN anyone_PN ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM angry_
JJ ''_'' ._. By_IN his_PP$ own_JJ confession_NN ,_, Maris_NP is_BEZ an_AT angry_
JJ young_JJ man_NN ._. Benched_VBN at_IN Tulsa_NP in_IN 1955_CD ,_, he_PPS told_
VBD manager_NN Dutch_NP Meyer_NP :_: ``_`` I_PPSS can't_MD* play_VB for_IN you_P
PO ._. Send_VB me_PPO where_WRB I_PPSS can_MD play_VB ''_'' ._. (_( Meyer_NP sen
t_VBD him_PPO to_IN Reading_NP ,_, Pa._NP ._. )_) Benched_VBN at_IN Indianapolis
_NP in_IN 1956_CD ,_, he_PPS told_VBD manager_NN Kerby_NP Farrell_NP :_: ``_`` I
'm_PPSS+BEM not_* learning_VBG anything_PN on_IN the_AT bench_NN ._. Play_VB me_
PPO ''_'' ._. (_( Farrell_NP did_DOD --_-- and_CC Maris_NP led_VBD the_AT team_N
N to_IN victory_NN in_IN the_AT Little_JJ-TL World_NN-TL Series_NN-TL ._. )_) ``
_`` That's_DT+BEZ the_AT way_NN I_PPSS am_BEM ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ._. ``_`
` I_PPSS tell_VB people_NNS what_WDT I_PPSS think_VB ._. If_CS you're_PPSS+BER a
_AT good_JJ ballplayer_NN ,_, you've_PPSS+HV got_VBN to_TO get_VB mad_JJ ._. Giv
e_VB me_PPO a_AT team_NN of_IN nine_CD angry_JJ men_NNS and_CC I'll_PPSS+MD give
_VB you_PPO a_AT team_NN of_IN nine_CD gentlemen_NNS and_CC we'll_PPSS+MD beat_V
B you_PPO nine_CD out_IN of_IN ten_CD times_NNS ''_'' ._. Idols'_NNS$-HL idols_N
NS-HL :_:-HL One_CD good_JJ indication_NN of_IN the_AT two_CD men's_NNS$ persona
lities_NNS is_BEZ the_AT way_NN they_PPSS reacted_VBD to_IN meeting_VBG their_PP
$ own_JJ heroes_NNS ._. Maris's_NP$ was_BEDZ Ted_NP Williams_NP ._. ``_`` When_W
RB I_PPSS was_BEDZ a_AT kid_NN ''_'' ,_, Maris_NP told_VBD a_AT sportswriter_NN
last_AP week_NN ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS used_VBD to_TO follow_VB Williams_NP every_AT d
ay_NN in_IN the_AT box_NN score_NN ,_, just_RB to_TO see_VB whether_CS he_PPS go
t_VBD a_AT hit_NN or_CC not_* ''_'' ._. ``_`` When_WRB you_PPSS came_VBD up_RP t
o_IN the_AT majors_NNS ,_, did_DOD you_PPO seek_VB out_RP Williams_NP for_IN adv
ice_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Are_BER you_PPSS kidding_VBG ''_'' ?_. ?_. Said_VBN M
aris_NP ._. ``_`` You're_PPSS+BER afraid_JJ to_TO talk_VB to_IN a_AT guy_NN you_
PPSS idolize_VB ''_'' ._. Mantle's_NN$ hero_NN was_BEDZ Joe_NP DiMaggio_NP ._. `
`_`` When_WRB Mickey_NP went_VBD to_IN the_AT Yankees_NPS ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Mar
k_NP Freeman_NP ,_, an_AT ex-Yankee_NP pitcher_NN who_WPS sells_VBZ mutual_JJ fu
nds_NNS in_IN Denver_NP ,_, ``_`` DiMaggio_NP still_RB was_BEDZ playing_VBG and_
CC every_AT day_NN Mickey_NP would_MD go_VB by_IN his_PP$ locker_NN ,_, just_RB
aching_VBG for_IN some_DTI word_NN of_IN encouragement_NN from_IN this_DT great_
JJ man_NN ,_, this_DT hero_NN of_IN his_PP$$ ._. But_CC DiMaggio_NP never_RB sai
d_VBD a_AT word_NN ._. It_PPS crushed_VBD Mickey_NP ._. He_PPS told_VBD me_PPO h
e_PPS vowed_VBD right_QL then_RB that_CS if_CS he_PPS ever_RB got_VBD to_TO be_B
E a_AT star_NN ,_, this_DT never_RB would_MD be_BE said_VBN of_IN him_PPO ''_''
._. Mantle_NP has_HVZ kept_VBN the_AT vow_NN ._. Among_IN all_ABN the_AT Yankees
_NPS ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ the_AT veteran_NN most_QL friendly_JJ to_IN rookies_NNS .
_. Neither_DTX Mantle_NP nor_CC Maris_NP is_BEZ totally_RB devoted_VBN to_IN bas
eball_NN above_IN all_ABN else_RB ._. If_CS laying_VBG ties_NNS on_IN a_AT railr
oad_NN track_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS once_RB did_DOD for_IN $1_NN an_AT hour_NN
,_, paid_VBD more_AP than_IN playing_VBG right_JJ field_NN for_IN the_AT Yankees
_NPS ,_, Maris_NP would_MD lay_VB ties_NNS on_IN a_AT railroad_NN track_NN ._. I
f_CS working_VBG in_IN a_AT zinc_NN mine_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS once_RB did_DOD
for_IN 87-1/2_CD cents_NNS an_AT hour_NN ,_, paid_VBD more_AP than_CS playing_V
BG center_NN field_NN for_IN the_AT Yankees_NPS ,_, Mantle_NP would_MD work_VB i
n_IN a_AT zinc_NN mine_NN ._. But_CC since_CS railroading_NN and_CC mining_VBG a
re_BER not_* the_AT highest_RBT paid_VBN arts_NNS ,_, Mantle_NP and_CC Maris_NP
concentrate_VB on_IN baseball_NN ._. They_PPSS try_VB to_TO play_VB baseball_NN
the_AT best_JJT they_PPSS can_MD ._. Each_DT is_BEZ a_AT complete_JJ ballplayer_
NN ._. Mantle_NP ,_, beyond_IN any_DTI question_NN ,_, can_MD do_DO more_AP thin
gs_NNS well_RB ._. (_( ``_`` One_CD of_IN the_AT reasons_NNS they_PPSS get_VB al
ong_RB fine_RB ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ a_AT sportswriter_NN who_WPS is_BEZ friendly_J
J with_IN the_AT two_CD men_NNS ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ that_CS both_ABX realize_VB Man
tle_NP is_BEZ head-and-shoulders_QL above_IN Maris_NP ''_'' ._. )_) Hitting_VBG
,_, Mantle_NP has_HVZ an_AT immediate_JJ advantage_NN because_CS he_PPS bats_VBZ
both_ABX left-handed_RB and_CC right-handed_RB ,_, Maris_NP only_RB left-handed
_RB ._. They_PPSS both_ABX possess_VB near_QL classic_JJ stances_NNS ,_, dug_VBN
in_RP firmly_RB ,_, arms_NNS high_RB ,_, set_VBN for_IN fierce_JJ swings_NNS ._
. Mantle_NP is_BEZ considerably_QL better_JJR hitting_VBG for_IN average_NN (_(
,_, fourth_OD in_IN the_AT league_NN ,_, to_IN for_IN Maris_NP so_QL far_RB this
_DT year_NN )_) ._. Both_ABX are_BER good_JJ bunters_NNS :_: Maris_NP once_RB be
at_VB out_RP eighteen_CD of_IN nineteen_CD in_IN the_AT minor_JJ leagues_NNS ;_.
;_. Mantle_NP is_BEZ a_AT master_NN at_IN dragging_VBG a_AT bunt_NN toward_IN f
irst_OD base_NN ._. Both_ABX have_HV brilliant_JJ speed_NN :_: Mantle_NP was_BED
Z timed_VBN from_IN home_NN plate_NN (_( batting_VBG left-handed_RB )_) to_IN fi
rst_OD base_NN in_IN 3.1_CD seconds_NNS ,_, faster_RBR than_CS any_DTI other_AP
major_JJ leaguer_NN ;_. ;_. Maris_NP ran_VBD the_AT 100-yard_JJ dash_NN in_IN te
n_CD seconds_NNS in_IN high_JJ school_NN and_CC once_RB won_VBD a_AT race_NN aga
inst_IN Luis_NP Aparicio_NP ,_, the_AT swift_JJ ,_, base-stealing_JJ shortstop_N
N of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL ._. Both_ABX are_BER good_JJ ,_, daring_VB
G fielders_NNS :_: Mantle_NP covers_VBZ more_AP ground_NN ;_. ;_. Maris's_NP$ th
rowing_VBG arm_NN is_BEZ stronger_JJR ._. Yet_RB with_IN all_ABN their_PP$ skill
s_NNS ,_, the_AT appeal_NN of_IN Mantle_NP and_CC Maris_NP in_IN 1961_CD comes_V
BZ down_RP to_IN one_CD basic_JJ :_: The_AT home_NN run_NN ._. With_IN this_DT u
ltimate_JJ weapon_NN ,_, the_AT two_CD Yankees_NPS may_MD have_HV saved_VBN base
ball_NN from_IN its_PP$ dullest_JJT season_NN ._. (_( American_JJ-TL League_NN-T
L expansion_NN created_VBD ,_, inevitably_RB ,_, weaker_JJR teams_NNS ._. Only_A
P two_CD teams_NNS in_IN each_DT league_NN (_( the_AT Yankees_NPS and_CC Detroit
_NP ,_, the_AT Dodgers_NPS and_CC Cincinnati_NP )_) are_BER battling_VBG for_IN
first_OD place_NN ._. Appropriately_RB ,_, the_AT emphasis_NN on_IN the_AT home_
NN run_NN ,_, at_IN a_AT peak_NN this_DT year_NN ,_, came_VBD into_IN being_BEG
at_IN baseball's_NN$ lowest_JJT moment_NN ._. In_IN 1920_CD ,_, as_CS the_AT sta
rtling_JJ news_NN that_CS the_AT 1919_CD White_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL had_HVD conspire
d_VBN to_TO lose_VB the_AT World_NN-TL Series_NN-TL leaked_VBD out_RP ,_, fans_N
NS grew_VBD disillusioned_VBN and_CC disinterested_JJ in_IN baseball_NN ._. Some
thing_PN was_BEDZ needed_VBN to_TO revive_VB interest_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT somethin
g_PN was_BEDZ the_AT home_NN run_NN ._. Into_IN Washington_NP on_IN President-el
ect_NN-TL John_NP F._NP Kennedy's_NP$ Convair_NP ,_, the_AT Caroline_NP ,_, wing
ed_VBD Actor-Crooner_NN-TL Frank_NP Sinatra_NP and_CC his_PP$ close_JJ Hollywood
_NP pal_NN ,_, Cinemactor_NP Peter_NP Lawford_NP ,_, Jack_NP Kennedy's_NP$ broth
er-in-law_NN ._. Also_RB included_VBN in_IN the_AT entourage_NN :_: a_AT dog_NN
in_IN a_AT black_JJ sweater_NN ,_, Frankie_NP and_CC Peter_NP had_HVD an_AT urge
nt_JJ mission_NN :_: to_TO stage_VB a_AT mammoth_JJ Inauguration_NN-TL Eve_NN-TL
entertainment_NN gala_NN in_IN the_AT capital's_NN$ National_JJ-TL Guard_NN-TL
Armory_NN-TL ._. Frankie_NP was_BEDZ fairly_QL glutted_VBN with_IN ideas_NNS ,_,
as_CS he_PPS had_HVD hinted_VBN upon_IN his_PP$ arrival_NN :_: ``_`` It's_PPS+B
EZ really_QL tremendous_JJ when_WRB you_PPSS think_VB Ella_NP Fitzgerald_NP is_B
EZ coming_VBG from_IN Australia_NP ._. I_PPSS could_MD talk_VB to_IN you_PPO for
_IN three_CD hours_NNS and_CC still_RB not_* be_BE able_JJ to_TO give_VB you_PPO
all_ABN of_IN our_PP$ plans_NNS ''_'' !_. !_. As_CS the_AT plans_NNS were_BED l
aid_VBN ,_, some_DTI several_AP thousand_CD fat_JJ cats_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE
ensconced_VBN in_IN the_AT armory's_NN$ $100_NNS seats_NNS and_CC in_IN 68_CD r
ingside_NN boxes_NNS priced_VBN at_IN $10,000_NNS each_DT ._. The_AT biggest_JJT
single_AP act_NN would_MD doubtless_RB be_BE staged_VBN by_IN Frankie_NP himsel
f_PPL :_: his_PP$ Inaugural_NN-TL wardrobe_NN had_HVD been_BEN designed_VBN by_I
N Hollywood_NP Couturier_NP Don_NP Loper_NP ,_, who_WPS regularly_RB makes_VBZ u
p_RP ladies'_NNS$ ensembles_NNS ._. Soon_RB after_CS Loper_NP leaked_VBD the_AT
news_NN that_CS Frankie_NP had_HVD ordered_VBN ``_`` two_CD of_IN everything_PN
''_'' just_RB ``_`` in_IN case_NN he_PPS spills_VBZ anything_PN ''_'' ,_, Franki
e_NP got_VBD so_QL mad_JJ at_IN the_AT chic_JJ designer_NN that_CS he_PPS vowed_
VBD he_PPS would_MD not_* wear_VB a_AT stitch_NN of_IN Loper_NP clothing_NN ._.
A_AT year_NN after_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ catapulted_VBN over_IN nine_CD officers_NN
S senior_JJ to_IN him_PPO and_CC made_VBD commandant_NN of_IN the_AT Marine_NN-T
L Corps_NN-TL ,_, General_NN-TL David_NP M._NP Shoup_NP delivered_VBD a_AT peppe
ry_JJ annual_JJ report_NN in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` happy_JJ ,_, war
less_JJ New_JJ-TL Year_NN-TL ''_'' greeting_NN to_IN his_PP$ Pentagon_NN-TL staf
f_NN ._. Said_VBN Leatherneck_NP Shoup_NP :_: ``_`` A_AT year_NN ago_RB I_PPSS t
ook_VBD the_AT grips_NNS of_IN the_AT plow_NN in_IN my_PP$ hands_NNS ._. After_I
N pushing_VBG an_AT accumulation_NN of_IN vines_NNS and_CC weeds_NNS from_IN the
_AT moldboard_NN ,_, I_PPSS lifted_VBD the_AT lines_NNS from_IN the_AT dust_NN a
nd_CC found_VBD hitched_VBN to_IN that_QL plow_NN the_AT finest_JJT team_NN I_PP
SS ever_RB held_VBD a_AT rein_NN on_IN ._. Little_AP geeing_NN and_CC hawing_NN
have_HV been_BEN necessary_JJ ''_'' ._. But_CC Shoup_NP also_RB gave_VBD the_AT
Corps_NN-TL a_AT tilling_NN in_IN spots_NNS ._. Speaking_VBG of_IN ``_`` pride_N
N ''_'' ,_, he_PPS deplored_VBD the_AT noncommissioned_JJ officer_NN ``_`` whose
_WP$ uniform_NN looks_VBZ like_CS it_PPS belonged_VBD to_IN someone_PN who_WPS r
etired_VBD in_IN 1940_CD ;_. ;_. the_AT officer_NN with_IN the_AT yellow_JJ sock
s_NNS or_CC the_AT bay_NN window_NN ._. A_AT few_AP of_IN these_DTS people_NNS a
re_BER still_RB around_RB ''_'' ._. Old_JJ and_CC new_JJ briefly_RB crossed_VBD
paths_NNS in_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Senate_NN-TL ,_, then_RB went_VBD their_PP$ re
spective_JJ ways_NNS ._. At_IN a_AT reception_NN for_IN new_JJ members_NNS of_IN
Congress_NP ,_, Oregon_NP Democrat_NP Maurine_NP Neuberger_NP ,_, taking_VBG th
e_AT Senate_NN-TL seat_NN held_VBN by_IN her_PP$ husband_NN Richard_NP until_IN
his_PP$ death_NN last_AP March_NP ,_, got_VBD a_AT brotherly_JJ buss_NN from_IN
Democratic_JJ-TL Elder_JJR-TL Statesman_NN-TL Adlai_NP Stevenson_NP ,_, U.S._NP-
TL Ambassador-designate_NN-TL to_IN-TL the_AT-TL U.N._NP ._. Meanwhile_RB ,_, af
ter_IN 24_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL ,_, Rhode_NP-TL Island's_NN$-TL
durable_JJ Democrat_NP Theodore_NP Francis_NP Greene_NP --_-- having_HVG walked
_VBN ,_, swum_VBN and_CC cerebrated_VBN himself_PPL to_IN the_AT hearty_JJ age_N
N of_IN 93_CD --_-- left_VBD that_DT august_JJ body_NN (_( voluntarily_RB ,_, be
cause_CS he_PPS could_MD surely_RB have_HV been_BEN re-elected_VBN had_HVD he_PP
S chosen_VBN to_TO run_VB again_RB last_AP November_NP )_) ,_, as_CS the_AT olde
st_JJT man_NN ever_RB to_TO serve_VB in_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL ._. The_AT most_Q
L famous_JJ undergraduate_NN of_IN South_JJ-TL Philadelphia_NP-TL High_JJ-TL Sch
ool_NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT current_JJ bobby-sox_NNS idol_NN ,_, Dreamboat_NP Cacophon
ist_NN Fabian_NP (_( real_JJ name_NN :_: Fabian_NP Forte_NP )_) ,_, 17_CD ,_, an
d_CC last_AP week_NN it_PPS developed_VBD that_CS he_PPS will_MD remain_VB an_AT
undergraduate_NN for_IN a_AT while_NN ._. The_AT principal_NN of_IN the_AT scho
ol_NN announced_VBD that_CS --_-- despite_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN private_JJ tut
ors_NNS in_IN Hollywood_NP and_CC Philadelphia_NP --_-- Fabian_NP is_BEZ a_AT 10
-o'clock_NN scholar_NN in_IN English_NP and_CC mathematics_NN ._. Lacking_VBG hi
s_PP$ needed_VBN credits_NNS in_IN those_DTS subjects_NNS ,_, Fabian_NP will_MD
not_* graduate_VB with_IN his_PP$ old_JJ classmates_NNS next_AP week_NN ._. Sout
h_JJ-TL Philadelphia_NP-TL High's_NN$-TL principal_NN added_VBD that_CS the_AT c
urrent_JJ delay_NN was_BEDZ caused_VBN by_IN the_AT ``_`` pressure_NN ''_'' of_I
N a_AT movie_NN that_CS the_AT toneless_JJ lad_NN was_BEDZ making_VBG ._. To_IN
Decathlon_NN-TL Man_NN-TL Rafer_NP Johnson_NP (_( Time_NN-TL cover_NN ,_, Aug._N
P 29_CD )_) ,_, whose_WP$ gold_NN medal_NN in_IN last_AP summer's_NN$ Olympic_JJ
-TL Games_NNS-TL was_BEDZ won_VBN as_QL much_AP on_IN gumption_NN as_CS talent_N
N ,_, went_VBD the_AT A.A.U.'s_NP$ James_NP E._NP Sullivan_NP Memorial_JJ-TL Tro
phy_NN-TL as_CS the_AT outstanding_JJ U.S._NP amateur_NN athlete_NN of_IN 1960_C
D ._. As_CS the_AT world's_NN$ top_JJS sportsman_NN --_-- pro_JJ or_CC amateur_J
J --_-- Sports_NNS-TL Illustrated_VBN-TL tapped_VBD golf's_NN$ confident_JJ Arno
ld_NP Palmer_NP (_( Time_NN-TL cover_NN ,_, May_NP 2_CD )_) ,_, who_WPS staged_V
BD two_CD cliffhanging_VBG rallies_NNS to_TO win_VB both_ABX the_AT Masters_NNS-
TL and_CC U.S._NP-TL Open_NN-TL crowns_NNS ,_, went_VBD on_RP to_TO win_VB a_AT
record_NN $80,738_NNS for_IN the_AT year_NN ._. Tooling_VBG through_IN Sydney_NP
on_IN his_PP$ way_NN to_TO race_VB in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Zealand_NP-TL Grand_F
W-JJ-TL Prix_FW-NN-TL ,_, Britain's_NP$ balding_JJ Ace_NN-TL Driver_NN-TL Stirli
ng_NP Moss_NP ,_, 31_CD ,_, all_ABN but_IN smothered_VBD himself_PPL in_IN his_P
P$ own_JJ exhaust_NN of_IN self-crimination_NN ._. ``_`` I'm_PPSS+BEM a_AT slob_
NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS announced_VBD ._. ``_`` My_PP$ taste_NN is_BEZ gaudy_JJ ._.
I'm_PPSS+BEM useless_JJ for_IN anything_PN but_IN racing_VBG cars_NNS ._. I'm_PP
SS+BEM ruddy_QL lazy_JJ ,_, and_CC I'm_PPSS+BEM getting_VBG on_RP in_IN years_NN
S ._. It_PPS gets_VBZ so_QL frustrating_JJ ,_, but_CC then_RB again_RB I_PPSS do
n't_DO* know_VB what_WDT I_PPSS could_MD do_DO if_CS I_PPSS gave_VBD up_RP racin
g_VBG ''_'' ._. Has_HVZ Moss_NP no_AT stirling_JJ virtues_NNS ?_. ?_. ``_`` I_PP
SS appreciate_VB beauty_NN ''_'' ._. One_CD of_IN Nikita_NP Khrushchev's_NP$ mos
t_QL enthusiastic_JJ eulogizers_NNS ,_, the_AT U.S.S.R.'s_NP$ daily_JJ Izvestia_
NP ,_, enterprisingly_RB interviewed_VBD Red-prone_JJ Comedian_NN-TL Charlie_NP
Chaplin_NP at_IN his_PP$ Swiss_JJ villa_NN ,_, where_WRB he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN
in_IN self-exile_NN since_IN 1952_CD ._. Chaplin_NP ,_, 71_CD ,_, who_WPS met_V
BD K._NP when_WRB the_AT Soviet_NN-TL boss_NN visited_VBD England_NP in_IN 1956_
CD ,_, confided_VBD that_CS he_PPS hopes_VBZ to_TO visit_VB Russia_NP some_DTI t
ime_NN this_DT summer_NN because_CS ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV marveled_VBN at_IN your
_PP$ grandiose_JJ experiment_NN and_CC I_PPSS believe_VB in_IN your_PP$ future_N
N ''_'' ._. Then_JJ Charlie_NP spooned_VBD out_RP some_DTI quick_JJ impressions_
NNS of_IN the_AT Nikita_NP he_PPS had_HVD glimpsed_VBN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS was_BEDZ
captivated_VBN by_IN his_PP$ humor_NN ,_, frankness_NN and_CC good_JJ nature_NN
and_CC by_IN his_PP$ kind_JJ ,_, strong_JJ and_CC somewhat_QL sly_JJ face_NN ''
_'' ._. G._NP David_NP Thompson_NP is_BEZ one_CD of_IN those_DTS names_NNS known
_VBN to_IN the_AT stewards_NNS of_IN transatlantic_JJ jetliners_NNS and_CC to_IN
doormen_NNS in_IN Europe's_NP$ best_JJT hotels_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS is_BEZ som
ewhat_RB of_IN an_AT enigma_NN to_IN most_AP people_NNS in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ hom
e_NN town_NN of_IN Pittsburgh_NP ._. There_RB the_AT name_NN vaguely_RB connotes
_VBZ new-rich_JJ wealth_NN ,_, a_AT reputation_NN for_IN eccentricity_NN ,_, and
_CC an_AT ardor_NN for_IN collecting_VBG art_NN ._. Last_AP week_NN ,_, in_IN th
e_AT German_JJ city_NN of_IN Dusseldorf_NP ,_, G._NP David_NP Thompson_NP was_BE
DZ making_VBG headlines_NNS that_DT could_MD well_RB give_VB Pittsburgh_NP pause
_NN ._. On_IN display_NN were_BED 343_CD first-class_JJ paintings_NNS and_CC scu
lptures_NNS from_IN his_PP$ fabled_JJ collection_NN --_-- and_CC every_AT single
_AP one_CD of_IN them_PPO was_BEDZ up_RP for_IN sale_NN ._. Like_CS Philadelphia
's_NP$ late_JJ Dr._NN-TL Albert_NP C._NP Barnes_NP who_WPS kept_VBD his_PP$ own_
JJ great_JJ collection_NN closed_VBN to_IN the_AT general_JJ public_NN (_( Time_
NN-TL ,_, Jan._NP 2_CD )_) ,_, Thompson_NP ,_, at_IN 61_CD ,_, is_BEZ something_
PN of_IN a_AT legend_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ lifetime_NN ._. He_PPS made_VBD his
_PP$ fortune_NN during_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, when_WRB he_PPS took
_VBD over_RP a_AT number_NN of_IN dying_VBG steel_NN plants_NNS and_CC kept_VBD
them_PPO alive_JJ until_IN the_AT boom_NN ._. Even_RB before_CS he_PPS hit_VBD b
ig_JJ money_NN ,_, he_PPS had_HVD begun_VBN buying_VBG modern_JJ paintings_NNS .
_. He_PPS gave_VBD the_AT impression_NN of_IN never_RB having_HVG read_VBN a_AT
word_NN about_IN art_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT doubt_NN that_CS he_P
PS had_HVD an_AT eye_NN for_IN the_AT best_JJT ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO
smell_VB a_AT bargain_NN --_-- and_CC a_AT masterpiece_NN --_-- a_AT continent_
NN away_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT Museum_NN-TL of_IN-TL Modern_JJ-TL Art's_NN$-TL Alf
red_NP Barr_NP said_VBD of_IN him_PPO :_: ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV never_RB mentione
d_VBN a_AT new_JJ artist_NN that_WPO Thompson_NP didn't_DOD* know_VB about_IN ''
_'' ._. He_PPS might_MD barge_VB into_IN a_AT gallery_NN ,_, start_VB haggling_V
BG over_IN prices_NNS without_IN so_QL much_AP as_CS a_AT word_NN of_IN greeting
_VBG ._. He_PPS could_MD be_BE lavishly_QL generous_JJ with_IN friends_NNS ,_, c
ab_NN drivers_NNS and_CC bellboys_NNS ,_, but_CC with_IN dealers_NNS he_PPS was_
BEDZ tough_JJ ._. He_PPS bought_VBD up_RP Cezannes_NPS ,_, Braques_NPS ,_, Matis
ses_NPS ,_, Legers_NPS ,_, a_AT splendid_JJ Picasso_NP series_NN ,_, more_AP tha
n_IN 70_CD Giacometti_NP sculptures_NNS ._. He_PPS gathered_VBD one_CD of_IN the
_AT biggest_JJT collections_NNS of_IN Paul_NP Klees_NPS in_IN the_AT world_NN ._
. All_ABN these_DTS he_PPS hung_VBD in_IN his_PP$ burglarproof_JJ home_NN called
_VBN Stone's_NP$ Throw_NN-TL ,_, outside_IN Pittsburgh_NP ,_, and_CC only_AP peo
ple_NNS he_PPS liked_VBD and_CC trusted_VBD ever_RB got_VBD to_TO see_VB them_PP
O ._. Two_CD years_NNS ago_RB Thompson_NP offered_VBD his_PP$ collection_NN to_I
N the_AT city_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS insisted_VBD that_CS it_PPS be_BE housed_VBN
in_IN a_AT special_JJ museum_NN ._. Pittsburgh_NP turned_VBD him_PPO down_RP ,_,
just_RB as_CS Pittsburgh_NP society_NN had_HVD been_BEN snubbing_VBG him_PPO fo
r_IN years_NNS ._. He_PPS went_VBD then_RB to_IN a_AT 40-year-old_JJ Basel_NP ar
t_NN dealer_NN named_VBN Ernst_NP Beyeler_NP ,_, with_IN whom_WPO he_PPS had_HVD
long_RB been_BEN trading_VBG pictures_NNS ._. Last_AP year_NN Beyeler_NP arrang
ed_VBD to_TO sell_VB $1,500,000_NNS worth_JJ of_IN Klees_NPS to_IN the_AT state_
NN of_IN North_JJ-TL Rhine-Westphalia_NP-TL ,_, which_WDT will_MD house_VB them_
PPO in_IN a_AT museum_NN that_WPS is_BEZ yet_RB to_TO be_BE built_VBN ._. Last_A
P week_NN most_AP of_IN the_AT other_AP prizes_NNS ,_, once_RB offered_VBN to_IN
Pittsburgh_NP ,_, went_VBD on_IN the_AT block_NN ._. At_IN the_AT opening_NN of
_IN the_AT Dusseldorf_NP show_NN ,_, Thompson_NP himself_PPL scarcely_RB glanced
_VBD at_IN the_AT treasures_NNS that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ seeing_VBG together_RB f
or_IN the_AT last_AP time_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN he_PPS seemed_VBD delighted_VBN t
o_TO get_VB rid_JJ of_IN them_PPO ._. Some_DTI observers_NNS speculated_VBD that
_CS this_DT might_NN be_BE his_PP$ revenge_NN on_IN his_PP$ home_NN town_NN ._.
Thompson_NP himself_PPL said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS want_VB to_TO enjoy_VB once_RB
more_RBR the_AT pleasure_NN of_IN bare_JJ walls_NNS waiting_VBG for_IN new_JJ p
ictures_NNS ''_'' ._. Break_NN-HL in_IN-HL Georgia_NP-HL The_AT University_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Georgia_NP-TL has_HVZ long_RB claimed_VBN that_CS it_PPS does_DOZ not_
* discriminate_VB against_IN any_DTI applicant_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN ra
ce_NN or_CC color_NN ._. But_CC in_IN all_ABN its_PP$ 175_CD years_NNS ,_, not_*
a_AT single_AP Negro_NP student_NN has_HVZ entered_VBN its_PP$ classrooms_NNS .
_. Last_AP week_NN Federal_JJ-TL District_NN-TL Judge_NN-TL William_NP A._NP Boo
tle_NP ordered_VBD the_AT university_NN to_TO admit_VB immediately_RB a_AT ``_``
qualified_VBN ''_'' Negro_NP boy_NN and_CC girl_NN ._. Their_PP$ entry_NN will_
MD crack_VB the_AT total_NN segregation_NN of_IN all_ABN public_JJ education_NN
,_, from_IN kindergarten_NN through_IN graduate_NN school_NN ,_, in_IN Georgia_N
P --_-- and_CC in_IN Alabama_NP ,_, Mississippi_NP and_CC South_JJ-TL Carolina_N
P-TL as_QL well_RB ._. For_IN 18_CD months_NNS ,_, Hamilton_NP Holmes_NP ,_, 19_
CD ,_, and_CC Charlayne_NP Hunter_NP ,_, 18_CD ,_, had_HVD tried_VBN to_TO get_V
B into_IN the_AT university_NN ._. They_PPSS graduated_VBD together_RB from_IN A
tlanta's_NP$ Turner_NP-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB Valedictorian_NN
-TL Holmes_NP was_BEDZ first_OD in_IN the_AT class_NN and_CC Charlayne_NP third_
OD ._. The_AT university_NN rejected_VBD them_PPO on_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN pr
etexts_NNS ,_, but_CC was_BEDZ careful_JJ never_RB to_TO mention_VB the_AT color
_NN of_IN their_PP$ skins_NNS ._. Holmes_NP went_VBD to_IN Atlanta's_NP$ Morehou
se_NP (_( Negro_NP )_) College_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT B_NN-TL st
udent_NN and_CC star_NN halfback_NN ._. Charlayne_NP studied_VBD journalism_NN a
t_IN Detroit's_NP$ Wayne_NP-TL State_NN-TL University_NN-TL ._. Last_AP fall_NN
,_, after_CS they_PPSS took_VBD their_PP$ hopes_NNS for_IN entering_VBG Georgia_
NP to_IN court_NN ,_, Judge_NN-TL Bootle_NP ordered_VBD them_PPO to_TO apply_VB
again_RB ._. Charlayne_NP was_BEDZ ``_`` tentatively_RB ''_'' admitted_VBN for_I
N next_AP fall_NN ,_, after_CS state_NN investigators_NNS questioned_VBD her_PP$
white_JJ roommate_NN at_IN Wayne_NP-TL State_NN-TL ._. But_CC Holmes_NP was_BED
Z rejected_VBN again_RB ``_`` on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN his_PP$ record_NN and_
CC interview_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT evidence_NN in_IN court_NN was_BEDZ testimony_N
N about_IN the_AT interview_NN ,_, which_WDT for_IN Holmes_NP lasted_VBD an_AT h
our_NN ,_, although_CS at_IN least_AP one_CD white_JJ student_NN at_IN Georgia_N
P got_VBD through_RP this_DT ritual_NN by_RB a_AT simple_JJ phone_NN conversatio
n_NN ._. Holmes_NP was_BEDZ asked_VBN if_CS he_PPS had_HVD ever_RB visited_VBN a
_AT house_NN of_IN prostitution_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT ``_`` beatnik_NN parlor_NN or_
CC teahouse_NN ''_'' ._. No_RB ,_, said_VBD he_PPS ,_, but_CC officials_NNS stil
l_RB called_VBN him_PPO ``_`` evasive_JJ ''_'' ._. They_PPSS also_RB said_VBD he
_PPS lied_VBD in_IN saying_VBG that_CS he_PPS had_HVD never_RB been_BEN ``_`` ar
rested_VBN ''_'' ._. Their_PP$ reason_NN :_: Holmes_NP once_RB paid_VBD a_AT $20
_NNS speeding_VBG fine_NN ,_, had_HVD his_PP$ license_NN suspended_VBN ._. Negro
_NP lawyers_NNS dug_VBD into_IN the_AT records_NNS of_IN 300_CD white_JJ student
s_NNS ,_, found_VBD that_CS many_AP were_BED hardly_RB interviewed_VBN at_IN all
_ABN --_-- and_CC few_AP had_HVD academic_JJ records_NNS as_QL good_JJ as_CS Ham
ilton_NP Holmes_NP ._. The_AT real_JJ reason_NN for_IN his_PP$ rejection_NN ,_,
they_PPSS argued_VBD ,_, is_BEZ the_AT fact_NN that_CS Georgia_NP law_NN automat
ically_RB cuts_VBZ off_RP funds_NNS for_IN any_DTI desegregated_VBN school_NN ._
. Judge_NN-TL Bootle's_NP$ decision_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT two_CD plaintiffs_NNS ar
e_BER qualified_VBN for_IN admission_NN to_IN said_VBN university_NN and_CC woul
d_MD already_RB have_HV been_BEN admitted_VBN had_HVD it_PPS not_* been_BEN for_
IN their_PP$ race_NN and_CC color_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT state_NN will_MD appeal_VB
--_-- but_CC few_AP think_VB it_PPO will_MD actually_RB try_VB to_TO close_VB t
he_AT university_NN ._. ``_`` Surprised_VBN and_CC pleased_VBN ''_'' ,_, Student
s_NNS Holmes_NP and_CC Hunter_NP may_MD enter_VB the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-T
L Georgia_NP-TL this_DT week_NN ._. Catch_NN-HL for_IN-HL Chicago_NP-HL When_WRB
the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicago's_NP$-TL Chancellor_NN-TL Lawrence_NP
A._NP Kimpton_NP submitted_VBD his_PP$ resignation_NN last_AP March_NP ,_, a_AT
mighty_JJ talent_NN hunt_NN gripped_VBD the_AT Midway_NP ._. Out_RP went_VBD let
ters_NNS to_IN 60,000_CD old_JJ grads_NNS ,_, asking_VBG for_IN suggestions_NNS
._. Such_JJ academic_JJ statesmen_NNS as_CS James_NP B._NP Conant_NP were_BED co
nsulted_VBN ._. Two_CD committees_NNS pondered_VBD 375_CD possible_JJ Kimpton_NP
successors_NNS ,_, including_IN Adlai_NP Stevenson_NP ,_, Richard_NP Nixon_NP ,
_, and_CC Harvard's_NP$ Dean_NN-TL McGeorge_NP Bundy_NP ._. The_AT debate_NN led
_VBD to_IN a_AT decision_NN that_CS Chicago_NP needed_VBD neither_CC a_AT big_JJ
name_NN nor_CC an_AT experienced_VBN academic_JJ administrator_NN ,_, but_CC ra
ther_RB ,_, as_CS Trustee_NN-TL Chairman_NN-TL Glen_NP A._NP Lloyd_NP put_VBD it
_PPO ,_, ``_`` a_AT top_JJS scholar_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ right_NN ''_'' --_--
a_AT bright_JJ light_NN to_TO lure_VB other_AP top_JJS scholars_NNS to_IN Chica
go_NP ._. Last_AP week_NN Chicago_NP happily_RB found_VBD its_PP$ top_JJS schola
r_NN in_IN Caltech's_NP$ acting_VBG dean_NN of_IN the_AT faculty_NN :_: dynamic_
JJ Geneticist_NN-TL George_NP Wells_NP Beadle_NP ,_, 57_CD ,_, who_WPS shared_VB
D the_AT 1958_CD Nobel_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL in_IN medicine_NN and_CC physiology_NN
for_IN discovering_VBG how_WRB genes_NNS affect_VB heredity_NN by_IN controlling
_VBG cell_NN chemistry_NN (_( Time_NN-TL ,_, Cover_NN-TL ,_, July_NP 14_CD ,_, 1
958_CD )_) ._. It_PPS fell_VBD to_IN Chancellor_NN-TL Kimpton_NP ,_, now_RB a_AT
Standard_JJ-TL Oil_NN-TL (_( Indiana_NP )_) executive_NN ,_, to_TO spend_VB his
_PP$ nine-year_JJ reign_NN tidying_VBG up_RP Chicago_NP after_IN the_AT 21-year_
JJ typhoon_NN of_IN Idealist_NN-TL Robert_NP Maynard_NP Hutchins_NP ._. He_PPS t
hrew_VBD out_RP some_DTI of_IN Hutchins'_NP$ more_QL wildly_RB experimental_JJ c
ourses_NNS ,_, raised_VBD sagging_VBG undergraduate_JJ enrollment_NN to_IN 2,100
_CD ,_, nearly_RB doubled_VBD endowment_NN to_IN $139.3_NNS million_CD ._. But_C
C though_CS Kimpton_NP put_VB Chicago_NP in_IN what_WDT he_PPS felt_VBD was_BEDZ
working_VBG order_NN ,_, some_DTI old_JJ grads_NNS feel_VB that_CS it_PPS still
_RB needs_VBZ the_AT kind_NN of_IN lively_JJ teachers_NNS who_WPS filled_VBD it_
PPO in_IN the_AT heady_JJ Hutchins_NP era_NN ._. At_IN Caltech_NP ,_, Geneticist
_NN-TL Beadle_NP has_HVZ stuck_VBN close_RB to_IN his_PP$ research_NN as_CS head
_NN of_IN the_AT school's_NN$ famous_JJ biology_NN division_NN since_IN 1946_CD
._. But_CC he_PPS has_HVZ shown_VBN a_AT sixth-sense_NN ability_NN to_TO spot_VB
,_, recruit_VB and_CC excite_VB able_JJ researchers_NNS ,_, and_CC has_HVZ deve
loped_VBN unexpected_JJ talents_NNS in_IN fund_NN raising_NN and_CC speech-makin
g_NN ._. Beadle_NP is_BEZ even_RB that_DT rare_JJ scientist_NN who_WPS takes_VBZ
an_AT interest_NN in_IN money_NN matters_NNS ;_. ;_. he_PPS avidly_RB reads_VBZ
the_AT Wall_NN-TL Street_NN-TL Journal_NN-TL ,_, and_CC took_VBD delight_NN in_
IN driving_VBG a_AT $250_NNS model_VB A_NN Ford_NP for_IN 22_CD years_NNS ,_, th
en_RB selling_VBG it_PPO for_IN $300_NNS ._. A_AT philosopher_NN may_MD point_VB
out_RP that_CS the_AT troubles_NNS of_IN the_AT Congo_NP began_VBD with_IN the_
AT old_JJ Adam_NP and_CC consequently_RB will_MD never_RB end_VB ._. But_CC a_AT
historian_NN might_MD put_VB his_PP$ finger_NN on_IN a_AT specific_JJ man_NN an
d_CC date_NN ,_, and_CC hold_VB out_RP the_AT hope_NN that_CS the_AT troubles_NN
S will_MD sometime_RB pass_VB away_RB ._. The_AT man_NN was_BEDZ King_NN-TL Leop
old_NP 2_CD-TL ,_, of_IN the_AT Belgians_NPS ,_, who_WPS in_IN 1885_CD concluded
_VBD that_CS he_PPS had_HVD better_RBR grab_VB a_AT colony_NN while_CS the_AT gr
abbing_NN was_BEDZ still_RB good_JJ ._. By_IN force_NN ,_, he_PPS took_VBD under
_IN his_PP$ protection_NN ,_, or_CC stole_VBD ,_, 900,000_CD square_NN miles_NNS
of_IN wilderness_NN in_IN Central_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ._. This_DT is_BEZ an_AT a
rea_NN nearly_QL as_QL large_JJ as_CS Western_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC
it_PPS was_BEDZ filled_VBN then_RB as_CS now_RB by_IN quarreling_VBG tribes_NNS
with_IN no_AT political_JJ or_CC historical_JJ unity_NN ._. Its_PP$ boundaries_N
NS had_HVD nothing_PN to_TO do_DO with_IN geography_NN or_CC ethnic_JJ groupings
_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS were_BED determined_VBN by_IN the_AT points_NNS at_IN whi
ch_WDT Leopold's_NP$ explorers_NNS and_CC gunmen_NNS got_VBD tired_VBN of_IN wal
king_VBG ._. The_AT population_NN of_IN the_AT Congo_NP is_BEZ 13.5_CD million_C
D ,_, divided_VBN into_IN at_IN least_AP seven_CD major_JJ ``_`` culture_NN clus
ters_NNS ''_'' and_CC innumerable_JJ tribes_NNS speaking_VBG 400_CD separate_JJ
dialects_NNS ._. The_AT religions_NNS of_IN the_AT people_NNS include_VB Christi
anity_NP ,_, Mohammedanism_NP ,_, paganism_NN ,_, ancestor_NN worship_NN and_CC
animism_NN ._. The_AT climate_NN ranges_VBZ from_IN the_AT steamily_QL equatoria
l_JJ to_IN the_AT temperate_JJ ._. The_AT hospitals_NNS contain_VB patients_NNS
trampled_VBN by_IN elephants_NNS or_CC run_VBN over_RP by_IN sports_NNS cars_NNS
._. To_TO make_VB one_CD nation_NN out_IN of_IN these_DTS disparities_NNS would
_MD be_BE a_AT problem_NN large_JJ enough_QLP in_IN any_DTI case_NN ;_. ;_. it_P
PS has_HVZ been_BEN made_VBN far_QL more_QL difficult_JJ by_IN what_WDT the_AT B
elgians_NPS have_HV done_VBN ,_, or_CC failed_VBD to_TO do_DO ,_, in_IN the_AT C
ongo_NP since_IN 1885_CD ._. At_IN first_OD the_AT Belgian_JJ royal_JJ family_NN
administered_VBD the_AT Congo_NP as_CS its_PP$ own_JJ private_JJ property_NN ._
. But_CC by_IN 1908_CD its_PP$ record_NN of_IN brutality_NN had_HVD touched_VBN
the_AT national_JJ conscience_NN ._. The_AT Belgian_JJ government_NN itself_PPL
took_VBD over_RP administration_NN ,_, commencing_VBG a_AT program_NN of_IN pate
rnalism_NN unmatched_JJ in_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN colonialism_NN ._. One_CD
definition_NN of_IN paternalism_NN is_BEZ ``_`` The_AT principle_NN or_CC practi
ce_NN ,_, on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN a_AT government_NN ,_, of_IN managing_VBG t
he_AT affairs_NNS of_IN a_AT country_NN in_IN the_AT manner_NN of_IN a_AT father
_NN dealing_VBG with_IN his_PP$ children_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT honor_NN of_IN the
_AT Belgians_NPS in_IN this_DT matter_NN is_BEZ not_* to_TO be_BE questioned_VBN
--_-- only_AP their_PP$ judgment_NN ._. Ordinarily_RB a_AT father_NN permits_VB
Z his_PP$ children_NNS to_TO grow_VB up_RP in_IN due_JJ time_NN --_-- but_CC whe
n_WRB the_AT colony_NN received_VBD independence_NN in_IN 1960_CD the_AT Congole
se_JJ child_NN ,_, if_CS one_CD imagines_VBZ him_PPO to_TO have_HV been_BEN born
_VBN in_IN 1908_CD ,_, was_BEDZ 52_CD and_CC had_HVD until_IN then_RB been_BEN t
reated_VBN as_CS an_AT infant_NN ._. The_AT Belgians_NPS were_BED interested_VBN
primarily_RB in_IN the_AT economic_JJ development_NN of_IN the_AT Congo_NP ,_,
which_WDT is_BEZ rich_JJ in_IN copper_NN ,_, tin_NN ,_, cobalt_NN ,_, manganese_
NN ,_, zinc_NN ,_, and_CC uranium_NN ,_, and_CC cotton_NN and_CC palm_NN oil_NN
._. The_AT colony_NN was_BEDZ administered_VBN from_IN Brussels_NP ,_, with_IN n
either_CC the_AT Congolese_NPS nor_CC the_AT resident_NN Belgians_NPS having_HVG
any_DTI vote_NN ._. The_AT beneficiaries_NNS of_IN this_DT administration_NN we
re_BED a_AT number_NN of_IN huge_JJ cartels_NNS in_IN which_WDT both_ABX individ
uals_NNS and_CC the_AT Belgian_JJ government_NN itself_PPL held_VBD stock_NN ._.
In_IN Inside_IN-TL Africa_NP-TL ,_, John_NP Gunther_NP describes_VBZ one_CD of_
IN these_DTS ,_, the_AT Societe_FW-NN-TL Generale_FW-JJ-TL ,_, as_CS ``_`` the_A
T kind_NN of_IN colossus_NN that_WPS might_MD be_BE envisaged_VBN if_CS ,_, let_
VB us_PPO say_VB ,_, the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Morgan_NP-TL ,_, Anaconda_NN-TL
Copper_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Mutual_JJ-TL Life_NN-TL Insurance_NN-TL Company_NN-TL o
f_IN-TL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, the_AT Pennsylvania_NP-TL Railroad_NN-TL ,_, an
d_CC various_JJ companies_NNS producing_VBG agricultural_JJ products_NNS were_BE
D lumped_VBN together_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL governme
nt_NN as_CS a_AT heavy_JJ partner_NN ''_'' ._. Had_HVD they_PPSS been_BEN truly_
QL ruthless_JJ ,_, the_AT Belgians_NPS might_MD have_HV exploited_VBN the_AT Con
golese_NPS without_IN compassion_NN ._. But_CC they_PPSS were_BED not_* ._. They
_PPSS provided_VBD a_AT social_JJ security_NN system_NN which_WDT covered_VBD al
l_ABN their_PP$ African_JJ employes_NNS ;_. ;_. their_PP$ program_NN of_IN mass_
NN medical_JJ care_NN was_BEDZ doubtless_RB the_AT best_JJT on_IN the_AT contine
nt_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS put_VBD much_AP effort_NN into_IN public_NN housing_NN .
_. They_PPSS also_RB instituted_VBD a_AT ration_NN system_NN under_IN which_WDT
all_ABN employers_NNS in_IN the_AT Congo_NP were_BED required_VBN to_TO furnish_
VB their_PP$ employes_NNS with_IN clothing_NN and_CC adequate_JJ food_NN ._. But
_CC instead_RB of_IN delivering_VBG the_AT ration_NN --_-- either_CC in_IN actua
l_JJ commodities_NNS or_CC in_IN cash_NN --_-- at_IN intervals_NNS of_IN perhaps
_RB two_CD weeks_NNS or_CC a_AT month_NN ,_, the_AT Belgians_NPS felt_VBD oblige
d_VBN to_TO dole_VB it_PPO out_RP more_QL often_RB ._. Would_MD not_* the_AT chi
ldren_NNS ,_, if_CS they_PPSS received_VBD all_ABN their_PP$ food_NN on_IN the_A
T first_OD day_NN of_IN the_AT month_NN ,_, eat_VB it_PPO up_RP immediately_RB ,
_, and_CC later_RBR go_VB hungry_JJ ?_. ?_. The_AT Belgians_NPS also_RB placed_V
BD great_JJ emphasis_NN on_IN education_NN ._. During_IN the_AT 1950s_NNS there_
EX were_BED as_QL many_AP as_CS 25,000_CD schools_NNS in_IN the_AT Congo_NP ._.
But_CC almost_RB all_ABN the_AT schools_NNS were_BED primary_JJ ._. The_AT avera
ge_NN Congolese_NP can_MD do_DO little_QL more_AP than_CS puzzle_VB out_RP the_A
T meaning_NN of_IN ``_`` la_FW-AT chatte_FW-NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` le_FW-AT chien
_FW-NN ''_'' and_CC write_VB his_PP$ name_NN ._. Some_DTI schools_NNS were_BED t
echnical_JJ --_-- the_AT Belgians_NPS needed_VBD carpenters_NNS and_CC mechanics
_NNS to_TO help_VB exploit_VB the_AT land_NN ,_, and_CC trained_VBD many_AP ._.
But_CC they_PPSS did_DOD not_* believe_VB in_IN widespread_JJ secondary_JJ educa
tion_NN ,_, much_QL less_AP in_IN college_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ their_PP$ convi
ction_NN that_CS the_AT people_NNS should_MD be_BE ``_`` brought_VBN up_RP toget
her_RB ''_'' ,_, a_AT grade_NN at_IN a_AT time_NN ,_, until_CS in_IN some_DTI in
definite_JJ future_NN some_DTI might_MD be_BE ready_JJ to_TO tackle_VB history_N
N ,_, economics_NN and_CC political_JJ science_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, the_AT Belgi
ans_NPS discouraged_VBD higher_JJR education_NN ,_, fearing_VBG the_AT creation_
NN of_IN a_AT native_JJ intellectual_JJ elite_NN which_WDT might_MD cause_VB unr
est_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT Congo_NP received_VBD its_PP$ independence_NN in_IN 1
960_CD there_EX were_BED ,_, among_IN its_PP$ 13.5_CD million_CD people_NNS ,_,
exactly_RB 14_CD university_NN graduates_NNS ._. Why_WRB did_DOD the_AT Belgians
_NPS grant_VB independence_NN to_IN a_AT colony_NN so_QL manifestly_RB unprepare
d_JJ to_TO accept_VB it_PPO ?_. ?_. In_IN one_CD large_JJ oversimplification_NN
,_, it_PPS might_MD be_BE said_VBN that_CS the_AT Belgians_NPS felt_VBD ,_, far_
QL too_QL late_RB ,_, the_AT gale_NN of_IN nationalism_NN sweeping_VBG Africa_NP
._. They_PPSS lacked_VBD time_NN to_TO prepare_VB the_AT Congo_NP ,_, as_CS the
_AT British_NPS and_CC French_NPS had_HVD prepared_VBN their_PP$ colonies_NNS ._
. The_AT Congolese_NPS were_BED clamoring_VBG for_IN their_PP$ independence_NN ,
_, even_RB though_CS most_AP were_BED unsure_JJ what_WDT it_PPS meant_VBD ;_. ;_
. and_CC in_IN Brussels_NP ,_, street_NN crowds_NNS shouted_VBD ,_, ``_`` Pas_FW
-* une_FW-CD goutte_FW-NN de_FW-IN sang_FW-NN !_. !_. ''_'' (_( Not_* one_CD dro
p_NN of_IN blood_NN !_. !_. )_) ._. The_AT Belgians_NPS would_MD not_* fight_VB
for_IN the_AT privilege_NN of_IN being_BEG the_AT detested_VBN pedagogue_NN ;_.
;_. rather_IN than_IN teach_VB where_WRB teaching_VBG was_BEDZ not_* wanted_VBN
,_, they_PPSS would_MD wash_VB their_PP$ hands_NNS of_IN the_AT mess_NN ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ hard_JJ to_TO blame_VB them_PPO for_IN this_DT ._. Yet_RB there_EX wer
e_BED other_AP motivations_NNS and_CC actions_NNS which_WDT the_AT Belgians_NPS
took_VBD after_IN independence_NN for_IN which_WDT history_NN may_MD not_* find_
VB them_PPO guiltless_JJ ._. As_CS the_AT time_NN for_IN independence_NN approac
hed_VBD there_EX were_BED in_IN the_AT Congo_NP no_AT fewer_AP than_IN 120_CD po
litical_JJ parties_NNS ,_, or_CC approximately_RB eight_CD for_IN each_DT univer
sity_NN graduate_NN ._. There_EX were_BED four_CD principal_JJS ones_NNS ._. Fir
st_OD ,_, there_EX were_BED those_DTS Congolese_NPS (_( among_IN them_PPO Joseph
_NP Kasavubu_NP )_) who_WPS favored_VBD splitting_VBG the_AT country_NN into_IN
small_JJ independent_JJ states_NNS ,_, Balkanizing_VBG-TL it_PPO ._. Second_OD ,
_, there_EX were_BED those_DTS (_( Moise_NP Tshombe_NP )_) who_WPS favored_VBD n
ear-Balkanization_NN ,_, a_AT loose_JJ federalism_NN having_HVG a_AT central_JJ
government_NN of_IN limited_VBN authority_NN ,_, with_IN much_AP power_NN residi
ng_VBG in_IN the_AT states_NNS ._. Third_OD ,_, there_EX were_BED those_DTS (_(
notably_RB Patrice_NP Lumumba_NP )_) who_WPS favored_VBD a_AT unified_VBN Congo_
NP with_IN a_AT very_QL strong_JJ central_JJ government_NN ._. And_CC fourth_OD
,_, there_EX were_BED moderates_NNS who_WPS were_BED in_IN no_AT hurry_NN for_IN
independence_NN and_CC wished_VBD to_TO wait_VB until_CS the_AT Congo_NP grew_V
BD up_RP ._. However_WQL ,_, the_AT positions_NNS of_IN all_QL parties_NNS and_C
C leaders_NNS were_BED constantly_RB shifting_VBG ._. A_AT final_JJ factor_NN wh
ich_WDT contributed_VBD greatly_RB to_IN the_AT fragmentation_NN of_IN the_AT Co
ngo_NP ,_, immediately_RB after_IN independence_NN ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT provincia
l_JJ structure_NN that_DT had_HVD been_BEN established_VBN by_IN the_AT Belgians
_NPS for_IN convenience_NN in_IN administration_NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD divided
_VBN the_AT Congo_NP into_IN six_CD provinces_NNS --_-- Leopoldville_NP ,_, Kasa
i_NP ,_, Kivu_NP ,_, Katanga_NP ,_, Equator_NN-TL and_CC Eastern_JJ-TL --_-- unf
ortunately_RB with_IN little_JJ regard_NN for_IN ethnic_JJ groupings_NNS ._. Thu
s_RB some_DTI provinces_NNS contained_VBD tribes_NNS which_WDT detested_VBD each
_DT other_AP ,_, and_CC to_IN them_PPO independence_NN meant_VBD an_AT opportuni
ty_NN for_IN war_NN ._. The_AT Belgian_JJ-TL Congo_NP-TL was_BEDZ granted_VBN it
s_PP$ independence_NN with_IN what_WDT seemed_VBD a_AT workable_JJ Western-style
_JJ-TL form_NN of_IN government_NN :_: there_EX were_BED to_TO be_BE a_AT presid
ent_NN and_CC a_AT premier_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT bicameral_JJ legislature_NN electe
d_VBN by_IN universal_JJ suffrage_NN in_IN the_AT provinces_NNS ._. Well-wishers
_NNS around_IN the_AT world_NN hoped_VBD that_CS the_AT Congo_NP would_MD quickl
y_RB assume_VB a_AT respectable_JJ position_NN in_IN the_AT society_NN of_IN nat
ions_NNS ._. If_CS internal_JJ frictions_NNS arose_VBD ,_, they_PPSS could_MD be
_BE handled_VBN by_IN the_AT 25,000-man_JJ Congolese_JJ army_NN ,_, the_AT Force
_FW-NN-TL Publique_FW-JJ-TL ,_, which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN trained_VBN and_CC wa
s_BEDZ still_RB officered_VBN by_IN white_JJ Belgians_NPS ._. The_AT president_N
N ,_, Joseph_NP Kasavubu_NP ,_, seemed_VBD an_AT able_JJ administrator_NN and_CC
the_AT premier_NN ,_, Patrice_NP Lumumba_NP ,_, a_AT reasonable_JJ man_NN ._. T
wenty-four_CD hours_NNS after_IN independence_NN the_AT wild_JJ tribesmen_NNS co
mmenced_VBD fighting_VBG each_DT other_AP ._. Presently_RB the_AT well-armed_JJ
members_NNS of_IN the_AT Force_FW-NN-TL Publique_FW-JJ-TL --_-- many_AP of_IN th
em_PPO drawn_VBN from_IN savage_JJ and_CC even_QL cannibalistic_JJ tribes_NNS ,_
, erupted_VBD in_IN mutiny_NN ,_, rioting_VBG ,_, raping_VBG and_CC looting_VBG
._. Terror_NN engulfed_VBD the_AT thousands_NNS of_IN Belgian_JJ civilians_NNS w
ho_WPS had_HVD remained_VBN in_IN the_AT country_NN ._. The_AT Belgian_JJ govern
ment_NN decided_VBD to_TO act_VB ,_, and_CC on_IN July_NP 10_CD dispatched_VBD p
aratroops_NNS to_IN the_AT Congo_NP ._. On_IN July_NP 11_CD the_AT head_NN of_IN
the_AT mineral-rich_JJ province_NN of_IN Katanga_NP ,_, Moise_NP Tshombe_NP ,_,
announced_VBD that_CS his_PP$ province_NN had_HVD seceded_VBN from_IN the_AT co
untry_NN ._. Confusion_NN became_VBD chaos_NN ;_. ;_. each_DT succeeding_VBG day
_NN brought_VBD new_JJ acts_NNS of_IN violence_NN ._. Lumumba_NP and_CC Kasavubu
_NP blamed_VBD it_PPO all_ABN on_IN the_AT military_JJ intervention_NN by_IN the
_AT Belgians_NPS ,_, and_CC appealed_VBD to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-
TL to_TO send_VB troops_NNS to_TO oust_VB them_PPO ._. On_IN July_NP 14_CD the_A
T Security_NN-TL Council_NN-TL --_-- with_IN France_NP and_CC Great_JJ-TL Britai
n_NP-TL abstaining_VBG --_-- voted_VBD the_AT resolution_NN which_WDT drew_VBD t
he_AT U.N._NP into_IN the_AT Congo_NP ._. Vague_JJ in_IN wording_NN ,_, it_PPS c
alled_VBD for_IN withdrawal_NN of_IN Belgian_JJ troops_NNS and_CC authorized_VBD
the_AT Secretary-General_NN-TL ``_`` to_TO take_VB the_AT necessary_JJ steps_NN
S to_TO provide_VB the_AT (_( Congolese_JJ-TL )_) Government_NN-TL with_IN such_
JJ military_JJ assistance_NN as_CS may_MD be_BE necessary_JJ ,_, until_CS ,_, th
rough_IN the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN the_AT Congolese_JJ-TL Government_NN-TL with_I
N the_AT technical_JJ assistance_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ,_
, the_AT national_JJ security_NN forces_NNS may_MD be_BE able_JJ ,_, in_IN the_A
T opinion_NN of_IN the_AT Government_NN-TL ,_, to_TO meet_VB fully_RB their_PP$
tasks_NNS ._. ''_'' Secretary-General_NN-TL Hammarskjold_NP decided_VBD that_CS
it_PPS would_MD be_BE preferable_JJ if_CS the_AT U.N._NP troops_NNS sent_VBN int
o_IN the_AT Congo_NP were_BED to_TO come_VB from_IN African_JJ ,_, or_CC at_IN l
east_AP nonwhite_JJ ,_, nations_NNS --_-- certainly_RB not_* from_IN the_AT U.S.
_NP ,_, Russia_NP ,_, Great_JJ-TL Britain_NP-TL or_CC France_NP ._. He_PPS quick
ly_RB called_VBD on_IN Ghana_NP ,_, Tunisia_NP ,_, Morocco_NP ,_, Guinea_NP and_
CC Mali_NP ,_, which_WDT dispatched_VBD troops_NNS within_IN hours_NNS ._. Ultim
ately_RB the_AT U.N._NP army_NN in_IN the_AT Congo_NP reached_VBD a_AT top_JJS s
trength_NN of_IN 19,000_CD ,_, including_IN about_RB 5,000_CD from_IN India_NP a
nd_CC a_AT few_AP soldiers_NNS from_IN Eire_NP and_CC Sweden_NP ,_, who_WPS were
_BED the_AT only_AP whites_NNS ._. It_PPS took_VBD the_AT U.N._NP three_CD month
s_NNS to_TO bring_VB a_AT modest_JJ form_NN of_IN order_NN to_IN the_AT Congo_NP
._. The_AT Belgians_NPS were_BED reluctant_JJ to_TO withdraw_VB their_PP$ troop
s_NNS and_CC often_RB obstructed_VBD U.N._NP efforts_NNS ._. The_AT wildly_QL er
ratic_JJ nature_NN of_IN Patrice_NP Lumumba_NP caused_VBD constant_JJ problems_N
NS --_-- he_PPS frequently_RB announced_VBD that_CS he_PPS wanted_VBD the_AT U.N
._NP to_TO get_VB out_RP of_IN the_AT Congo_NP along_RB with_IN the_AT Belgians_
NPS ,_, and_CC appealed_VBD to_IN Russia_NP for_IN help_NN ._. (_( However_RB ,_
, there_EX is_BEZ little_AP evidence_NN that_CS the_AT late_JJ Lumumba_NP was_BE
DZ a_AT Communist_NN-TL ._. Before_IN appealing_VBG to_IN the_AT U.N._NP or_CC t
o_IN Russia_NP ,_, he_PPS first_RB appealed_VBD to_IN the_AT U.S._NP for_IN mili
tary_JJ help_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ rejected_VBN ._. )_) Lumumba_NP further_RBR
complicated_VBD the_AT U.N.'s_NP$ mission_NN by_IN initiating_VBG small_JJ ``_``
wars_NNS ''_'' with_IN the_AT secessionist_NN province_NN of_IN Katanga_NP and_
CC with_IN South_JJ-TL Kasai_NP-TL which_WDT ,_, under_IN Albert_NP Kalonji_NP ,
_, wanted_VBD to_IN secede_VB as_QL well_RB ._. Meanwhile_RB Russia_NP took_VBD
every_AT opportunity_NN to_TO meddle_VB in_IN the_AT Congo_NP ,_, sending_VBG Lu
mumba_NP equipment_NN for_IN his_PP$ ``_`` wars_NNS ''_'' ,_, dispatching_VBG ``
_`` technicians_NNS ''_'' and_CC even_RB threatening_VBG ,_, on_IN occasion_NN ,
_, to_TO intervene_VB openly_RB ._. But_CC by_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT thre
e-month_JJ period_NN ,_, in_IN October_NP 1960_CD ,_, something_PN approaching_V
BG calm_JJ settled_VBN on_IN the_AT Congo_NP ._. President_NN Kasavubu_NP became
_VBD exasperated_VBN with_IN Lumumba_NP and_CC fired_VBD him_PPO ._. Lumumba_NP
fired_VBD Kasavubu_NP ._. Control_NN of_IN the_AT government_NN --_-- such_JJ co
ntrol_NN as_CS there_EX was_BEDZ and_CC such_JJ government_NN as_CS there_EX was
_BEDZ --_-- passed_VBD into_IN the_AT hands_NNS of_IN Joseph_NP Mobutu_NP ,_, ch
ief_NN of_IN staff_NN of_IN the_AT Congolese_JJ army_NN ._. Mobutu_NP promptly_R
B flung_VBD out_RP the_AT Russians_NPS ,_, who_WPS have_HV not_* since_RB played
_VBN any_DTI significant_JJ part_NN on_IN the_AT local_JJ scene_NN ,_, although_
CS they_PPSS have_HV redoubled_VBN their_PP$ obstructionist_NN efforts_NNS at_IN
U.N._NP headquarters_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. The_AT Belgians_NPS --_
-- at_IN least_AP officially_RB --_-- departed_VBD from_IN the_AT Congo_NP as_QL
well_RB ,_, withdrawing_VBG all_ABN of_IN their_PP$ uniformed_JJ troops_NNS ._.
But_CC they_PPSS left_VBD behind_IN them_PPO large_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN officer
s_NNS ,_, variously_RB called_VBN ``_`` volunteers_NNS ''_'' or_CC ``_`` mercena
ries_NNS ''_'' ,_, who_WPS now_RB staff_VB the_AT army_NN of_IN Moise_NP Tshombe
_NP in_IN Katanga_NP ,_, the_AT seceded_VBN province_NN which_WDT ,_, according_
IN to_IN Tshombe_NP ,_, holds_VBZ 65%_NN of_IN the_AT mineral_NN wealth_NN of_IN
the_AT entire_JJ country_NN ._. From_IN October_NP 1960_CD to_IN February_NP 19
61_CD ,_, the_AT U.N._NP forces_VBZ in_IN the_AT Congo_NP took_VBD little_AP act
ion_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT directive_NN for_IN it_PPO --_-- the_AT Secur
ity_NN-TL Council's_NN$-TL resolution_NN had_HVD not_* mentioned_VBN political_J
J matters_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN any_DTI case_NN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-
TL by_IN the_AT terms_NNS of_IN its_PP$ charter_NN may_MD not_* interfere_VB in_
IN the_AT political_JJ affairs_NNS of_IN any_DTI nation_NN ,_, whether_CS to_TO
unify_VB it_PPO ,_, federalize_VB it_PPO or_CC Balkanize_VB-TL it_PPO ._. During
_IN the_AT five-month_JJ lull_NN ,_, civil_JJ war_NN smoldered_VBD and_CC flicke
red_VBD throughout_IN the_AT Congo_NP ._. In_IN February_NP the_AT murder_NN of_
IN Patrice_NP Lumumba_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN kidnaped_VBN into_IN Katan
ga_NP and_CC executed_VBN on_IN order_NN of_IN Tshombe_NP ,_, again_RB stirred_V
BD the_AT U.N._NP to_IN action_NN ._. On_IN Feb._NP 21_CD the_AT council_NN pass
ed_VBD another_DT resolution_NN urging_VBG the_AT taking_NN of_IN ``_`` all_QL a
ppropriate_JJ measures_NNS to_TO prevent_VB the_AT occurrence_NN of_IN civil_JJ
war_NN in_IN the_AT Congo_NP ,_, including_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN force_NN ,_, i
f_CS necessary_JJ ,_, in_IN the_AT last_AP resort_NN ''_'' ._. Although_CS the_A
T resolution_NN might_MD have_HV been_BEN far_QL more_QL specific_JJ ,_, it_PPS
was_BEDZ considerably_QL tougher_JJR than_CS the_AT earlier_JJR one_CD ._. It_PP
S also_RB urged_VBD that_CS the_AT U.N._NP eject_VB ,_, and_CC prevent_VB the_AT
return_NN of_IN ,_, all_ABN Belgian_JJ and_CC other_AP foreign_JJ military_JJ a
nd_CC political_JJ advisers_NNS ;_. ;_. ordered_VBD an_AT investigation_NN of_IN
Lumumba's_NP$ death_NN ;_. ;_. urged_VBD the_AT reconvention_NN of_IN the_AT Co
ngolese_JJ-TL Parliament_NN-TL and_CC the_AT reorganization_NN of_IN the_AT army
_NN ._. The_AT-HL presidency_NN-HL :_:-HL talking_VBG and_CC listening_VBG Thoug
h_CS President_NN-TL John_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP was_BEDZ primarily_RB concerned_VB
N with_IN the_AT crucial_JJ problems_NNS of_IN Berlin_NP and_CC disarmament_NN a
dviser_NN McCloy's_NP$ unexpected_JJ report_NN from_IN Khrushchev_NP ,_, his_PP$
new_JJ enthusiasm_NN and_CC reliance_NN on_IN personal_JJ diplomacy_NN involved
_VBD him_PPO in_IN other_AP key_NN problems_NNS of_IN U.S._NP foreign_JJ policy_
NN last_AP week_NN ._. High_JJ up_RP on_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL priority_NN
list_NN was_BEDZ the_AT thorny_JJ question_NN of_IN Bizerte_NP ._. On_IN this_D
T issue_NN ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL received_VBD a_AT detailed_VBN report_NN f
rom_IN his_PP$ U.N._NP-TL Ambassador_NN-TL Adlai_NP Stevenson_NP ,_, who_WPS had
_HVD just_RB returned_VBN from_IN Paris_NP ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Kennedy_NP asked_VB
D Stevenson_NP to_TO search_VB for_IN a_AT face-saving_JJ way_NN --_-- for_IN bo
th_ABX Paris_NP and_CC Tunis_NP --_-- out_IN of_IN the_AT imbroglio_NN ._. Ideal
ly_RB ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL would_MD like_VB the_AT French_NPS to_TO agree_
VB on_IN a_AT ``_`` status_NN quo_FW-WDT ante_RB ''_'' on_IN Bizerte_NP ,_, and_
CC accept_VB a_AT new_JJ timetable_NN for_IN withdrawing_VBG their_PP$ forces_NN
S from_IN the_AT Mediterranean_NP base_NN ._. To_TO continue_VB their_PP$ import
ant_JJ conversations_NNS about_IN the_AT Tunisian_JJ issue_NN and_CC the_AT whol
e_JJ range_NN of_IN other_AP problems_NNS ,_, Mr._NP Kennedy_NP invited_VBD Stev
enson_NP to_IN Cape_NN-TL Cod_NN-TL for_IN the_AT weekend_NN ._. The_AT Presiden
t_NN-TL also_RB discussed_VBD the_AT Bizerte_NP deadlock_NN with_IN the_AT No._N
N-TL 2_CD man_NN in_IN the_AT Tunisian_JJ Government_NN-TL ,_, Defense_NN-TL Min
ister_NN-TL Bahi_NP Ladgham_NP ,_, who_WPS flew_VBD to_IN Washington_NP last_AP
week_NN to_TO seek_VB U.S._NP support_NN ._. The_AT conversation_NN apparently_R
B convinced_VBD Mr._NP Kennedy_NP that_CS the_AT positions_NNS of_IN France_NP a
nd_CC Tunisia_NP were_BED not_* irreconcilable_JJ ._. Through_IN Ladgham_NP ,_,
Mr._NP Kennedy_NP sent_VBD a_AT message_NN along_IN those_DTS lines_NNS to_IN Tu
nisian_JJ President_NN-TL Habib_NP Bourguiba_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC one_CD U.S._NP of
ficial_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` The_AT key_JJS question_NN now_RB is_BEZ which_WDT
side_NN picks_VBZ up_RP the_AT phone_NN first_RB ''_'' ._. On_IN the_AT Latin_JJ
American_JJ front_NN ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL held_VBD talks_NNS with_IN Secr
etary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Treasury_NN-TL Douglas_NP Dillon_NP before_CS sen
ding_VBG him_PPO to_IN Uruguay_NP and_CC the_AT Inter-American_JJ Economic_JJ-TL
and_CC-TL Social_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL (_( which_WDT the_AT President_NN-TL himse
lf_PPL had_HVD originally_RB hoped_VBN to_TO attend_VB )_) ._. Main_JJS purpose_
NN of_IN the_AT meeting_NN :_: To_TO discuss_VB President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ Al
liance_NN-TL for_IN-TL Progress_NN-TL ._. And_CC that_DT was_BEDZ not_* all_ABN
._. In_IN conferences_NNS with_IN Nationalist_JJ-TL China's_NP$ dapper_JJ ,_, di
minutive_JJ Vice_JJ-TL President_NN-TL Chen_NP Cheng_NP ,_, Mr._NP Kennedy_NP as
sured_VBD Chiang_NP Kai-shek's_NP$ emissary_NN that_CS the_AT U.S._NP is_BEZ as_
QL firmly_RB opposed_VBN as_CS ever_RB to_IN the_AT admission_NN of_IN Red_JJ-TL
China_NP to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. Chen_NP was_BEDZ equally
_QL adamant_JJ in_IN his_PP$ opposition_NN to_IN the_AT admission_NN of_IN Outer
_JJ-TL Mongolia_NP-TL ;_. ;_. however_WRB the_AT President_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS wou
ld_MD like_VB to_TO woo_VB the_AT former_AP Chinese_JJ province_NN away_RB from_
IN both_ABX Peking_NP and_CC Moscow_NP ,_, would_MD promise_VB Chen_NP nothing_P
N more_AP than_IN an_AT abstention_NN by_IN the_AT U.S._NP if_CS Outer_JJ-TL Mon
golia's_NP$ admission_NN comes_VBZ to_IN a_AT vote_NN ._. The_AT President_NN-TL
also_RB conferred_VBD with_IN emissaries_NNS from_IN Guatemala_NP and_CC Nepal_
NP who_WPS are_BER seeking_VBG more_AP foreign_JJ aid_NN ._. To_IN Africa_NP ,_,
he_PPS sent_VBD his_PP$ most_QL trusted_VBN adviser_NN ,_, his_PP$ brother_NN ,
_, Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Robert_NP Kennedy_NP ,_, on_IN a_AT good-will_NN
mission_NN to_IN the_AT Ivory_NN-TL Coast_NN-TL ._. All_ABN week_NN long_JJ the
_AT President_NN-TL clearly_RB was_BEDZ playing_VBG a_AT larger_JJR personal_JJ
role_NN in_IN foreign_JJ affairs_NNS ;_. ;_. in_IN effect_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ
practicing_VBG what_WDT he_PPS preached_VBD in_IN his_PP$ Berlin_NP message_NN
two_CD weeks_NNS ago_RB when_WRB he_PPS declared_VBD :_: ``_`` We_PPSS shall_MD
always_RB be_BE prepared_VBN to_TO discuss_VB international_JJ problems_NNS with
_IN any_DTI and_CC all_ABN nations_NNS that_WPS are_BER willing_JJ to_TO talk_VB
,_, and_CC listen_VB ,_, with_IN reason_NN ''_'' ._. Crime_NN-HL :_:-HL '_' sky
jacked_VBN '_' From_IN International_JJ-TL Airport_NN-TL in_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP
to_IN International_JJ-TL Airport_NN-TL in_IN Houston_NP ,_, as_CS the_AT great
_JJ four-jet_JJ Boeing_NP-TL 707_CD-TL flies_VBZ ,_, is_BEZ a_AT routine_JJ five
_CD hours_NNS and_CC 25_CD minutes_NNS ,_, including_IN stopovers_NNS at_IN Phoe
nix_NP ,_, El_NP Paso_NP ,_, and_CC San_NP Antonio_NP ._. When_WRB Continental_J
J-TL Airlines_NNS-TL night-coach_NN Flight_NN-TL 54_CD-TL took_VBD off_RP at_IN
11:30_CD one_CD night_NN last_AP week_NN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT reason_NN t
o_TO think_VB it_PPS would_MD take_VB any_DTI longer_JJR ._. The_AT plane_NN put
_VBD down_RP on_IN schedule_NN at_IN 1:35_CD a.m._RB in_IN Phoenix_NP ._. Thirty
-one_CD minutes_NNS later_RBR ,_, when_WRB it_PPS took_VBD off_RP for_IN El_NP P
aso_NP ,_, hardly_RB anyone_PN of_IN the_AT crew_NN of_IN six_CD or_CC the_AT 65
_CD other_AP passengers_NNS paid_VBD any_DTI attention_NN to_IN the_AT man_NN an
d_CC teen-age_JJ boy_NN who_WPS had_HVD come_VBN aboard_RB ._. At_IN 3:57_CD a.m
._RB ,_, with_IN the_AT plane_NN about_RB twenty_CD minutes_NNS out_IN of_IN El_
NP Paso_NP ,_, passenger_NN Robert_NP Berry_NP ,_, a_AT San_NP Antonio_NP advert
ising_VBG man_NN ,_, glanced_VBD up_RP and_CC saw_VBD the_AT man_NN and_CC boy_N
N ,_, accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT stewardess_NN ,_, walking_VBG up_IN the_AT aisl
e_NN toward_IN the_AT cockpit_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT man_NN was_BEDZ bent_VBN over_
RP with_IN his_PP$ hand_NN on_IN his_PP$ stomach_NN ''_'' ,_, Berry_NP said_VBD
._. ``_`` I_PPSS figured_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ sick_JJ ''_'' ._. John_NP Salvador_
NP ,_, a_AT farmer_NN from_IN Palm_NN-TL Desert_NN-TL ,_, Calif._NP ,_, was_BEDZ
sitting_VBG up_IN front_NN and_CC could_MD see_VB through_IN the_AT door_NN as_
CS the_AT trio_NN entered_VBD the_AT cockpit_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT kid_NN had_HVD
a_AT automatic_JJ ,_, like_CS they_PPSS issue_VB in_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL ''_'' ,
_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` The_AT other_AP fellow_NN had_HVD a_AT ''_'' ._. Sa
lvador_NP saw_VBD the_AT youth_NN hold_NN his_PP$ against_IN the_AT head_NN of_I
N stewardess_NN Lois_NP Carnegey_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT man_NN put_VBD his_PP$ at_IN
the_AT head_NN of_IN Capt._NN-TL Byron_NP D._NP Rickards_NP ._. To_IN Rickards_N
P ,_, a_AT 52-year-old_JJ veteran_NN 30_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT air_NN ,_, it_
PPS was_BEDZ an_AT old_JJ story_NN :_: His_PP$ plane_NN was_BEDZ being_BEG hijac
ked_VBN in_IN mid-flight_NN again_RB much_AP as_CS it_PPS had_HVD happened_VBN i
n_IN 1930_CD ,_, when_WRB Peruvian_JJ rebels_NNS made_VBD him_PPO land_VB a_AT F
ord_NP tri-motor_NN at_IN Arequipa_NP ._. But_CC last_AP week's_NN$ pirates_NNS
,_, like_CS the_AT Cuban-American_NP who_WPS recently_RB hijacked_VBD an_AT East
ern_JJ-TL Airlines_NNS-TL Electra_NP (_( Newsweek_NP ,_, Aug._NP 7_CD )_) ,_, wa
nted_VBD to_TO go_VB to_IN Havana_NP ._. Stalling_VBG-HL :_:-HL ``_`` Tell_VB yo
ur_PP$ company_NN there_EX are_BER four_CD of_IN us_PPO here_RB with_IN guns_NNS
''_'' ,_, the_AT elder_JJR man_NN told_VBD Rickards_NP ._. The_AT pilot_NN radi
oed_VBD El_NP Paso_NP International_JJ-TL Airport_NN-TL with_IN just_RB that_DT
message_NN ._. But_CC ,_, he_PPS told_VBD the_AT ``_`` skyjackers_NNS ''_'' ,_,
the_AT 707_CD didn't_DOD* carry_VB enough_AP fuel_NN to_TO reach_VB Havana_NP ;_
. ;_. they_PPSS would_MD have_HV to_TO refuel_VB at_IN El_NP Paso_NP ._. Most_AP
passengers_NNS didn't_DOD* know_VB what_WDT had_HVD happened_VBN until_CS they_
PPSS got_VBD on_IN the_AT ground_NN ._. Jerry_NP McCauley_NP of_IN Sacramento_NP
,_, Calif._NP ,_, one_CD of_IN some_DTI twenty_CD Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL recruit
s_NNS on_IN board_NN ,_, awoke_VBD from_IN a_AT nap_NN in_IN confusion_NN ._. ``
_`` The_AT old_JJ man_NN came_VBD from_IN the_AT front_NN of_IN the_AT plane_NN
and_CC said_VBD he_PPS wanted_VBD four_CD volunteers_NNS to_TO go_VB to_IN Cuba_
NP ''_'' ,_, McCauley_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` and_CC like_CS a_AT nut_NN I_PPSS ra
ised_VBD my_PP$ hand_NN ._. I_PPSS thought_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT Air_NN-TL
Force_NN-TL recruiter_NN ''_'' ._. What_WDT the_AT man_NN wanted_VBD was_BEDZ fo
ur_CD persons_NNS to_TO volunteer_VB as_CS hostages_NNS ,_, along_IN with_IN the
_AT crew_NN ._. They_PPSS chose_VBD four_CD :_: Jack_NP Casey_NP ,_, who_WPS wor
ks_VBZ for_IN Continental_JJ-TL Airlines_NNS-TL in_IN Houston_NP ;_. ;_. Fred_NP
Mullen_NP from_IN Mercer_NP-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, Wash._NP ;_. ;_. Pfc._NP Truman
_NP Cleveland_NP of_IN St._NP Augustine_NP ._. Fla._NP ,_, and_CC Leonard_NP Gil
man_NP ,_, a_AT former_AP college_NN boxer_NN and_CC veteran_NN of_IN the_AT U.S
._NP-TL Immigration_NN-TL Service_NN-TL Border_NN-TL Patrol_NN-TL ._. Everybody_
PN else_RB was_BEDZ allowed_VBN to_TO file_VB off_IN the_AT plane_NN after_CS it
_PPS touched_VBD down_RP at_IN El_NP Paso_NP at_IN 4:18_CD a.m._RB ._. They_PPSS
found_VBD a_AT large_JJ welcoming_VBG group_NN --_-- El_NP Paso_NP policemen_NN
S ,_, Border_NN-TL Patrol_NN-TL ,_, sheriff's_NN$ deputies_NNS ,_, and_CC FBI_NN
men_NNS ,_, who_WPS surged_VBD around_IN the_AT plane_NN with_IN rifles_NNS and
_CC submachine_JJ guns_NNS ._. Other_AP FBI_NN men_NNS ,_, talking_VBG with_IN t
he_AT pilot_NN from_IN the_AT tower_NN ,_, conspired_VBD with_IN him_PPO to_TO d
elay_VB the_AT proposed_VBN flight_NN to_IN Havana_NP ._. The_AT ground_NN crew_
NN ,_, which_WDT ordinarily_RB fuels_VBZ a_AT 707_CD in_IN twenty_CD minutes_NNS
,_, took_VBD fully_RB three_CD hours_NNS ._. Still_QL more_AP time_NN was_BEDZ
consumed_VBN while_CS the_AT pilot_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT radioed_VBN suggestion_NN
of_IN Continental_JJ-TL president_NN Robert_NP Six_NP ,_, tried_VBD to_TO persu
ade_VB the_AT armed_VBN pair_NN to_TO swap_VB the_AT Boeing_NP jet_NN for_IN a_A
T propeller-driven_JJ Douglas_NP Aj_NN ._. Actually_RB ,_, the_AT officers_NNS o
n_IN the_AT ground_NN had_HVD no_AT intention_NN of_IN letting_VBG the_AT hijack
ers_NNS get_VB away_RB with_IN any_DTI kind_JJ of_IN an_AT airplane_NN ;_. ;_. t
hey_PPSS had_HVD orders_NNS to_IN that_DT effect_NN straight_RB from_IN Presiden
t_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, who_WPS thought_VBD at_IN first_OD ,_, as_QL did_DOD most
_AP others_NNS ,_, that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ four_CD followers_NNS of_IN Cuba's_NP
$ Fidel_NP Castro_NP who_WPS had_HVD taken_VBN over_RP the_AT 707_CD ._. Mr._NP
Kennedy_NP had_HVD been_BEN informed_VBN early_RB in_IN the_AT day_NN of_IN the_
AT attempt_NN to_TO steal_VB the_AT plane_NN ,_, kept_VBD in_IN touch_NN through
out_RB by_IN telephone_NN ._. At_IN one_CD time_NN ,_, while_CS still_RB under_I
N the_AT impression_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ dealing_VBG with_IN a_AT Cuban_JJ
plot_NN ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL talked_VBD about_IN invoking_VBG a_AT total_
NN embargo_NN on_IN trade_NN with_IN Cuba_NP ._. As_CS the_AT morning_NN wore_VB
D on_RP and_CC a_AT blazing_VBG West_JJ-TL Texas_NP-TL sun_NN wiped_VBD the_AT s
hadows_NNS off_IN the_AT Franklin_NP-TL Mountains_NNS-TL ,_, police_NNS got_VBD
close_RB enough_QLP to_IN the_AT plane_NN to_TO pry_VB into_IN the_AT baggage_NN
compartment_NN ._. From_IN the_AT luggage_NN ,_, they_PPSS learned_VBD that_CS
the_AT two_CD air_NN pirates_NNS ,_, far_RB from_IN being_BEG Cubans_NPS ,_, wer
e_BED native_JJ Americans_NPS ,_, subsequently_RB identified_VBN as_CS Leon_NP B
earden_NP ,_, 50-year-old_JJ ex-convict_NN from_IN Coolidge_NP ,_, Ariz._NP ,_,
and_CC his_PP$ son_NN ,_, Cody_NP ,_, 16_CD ,_, a_AT high-school_NN junior_NN ._
. Tension_NN-HL The_AT heat_NN and_CC strain_NN began_VBD to_TO tell_VB on_IN th
e_AT Beardens_NPS ._. The_AT father_NN ,_, by_IN accident_NN or_CC perhaps_RB to
_TO show_VB ,_, as_CS he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` we_PPSS mean_VB business_NN ''_'
' ,_, took_VBD the_AT and_CC fired_VBD a_AT slug_NN between_IN the_AT legs_NNS o
f_IN Second_OD-TL Officer_NN-TL Norman_NP Simmons_NP ._. At_IN 7:30_CD a.m._RB ,
_, more_AP than_IN three_CD hours_NNS after_CS landing_VBG ,_, the_AT Beardens_N
PS gave_VBD an_AT ultimatum_NN :_: Take_VB off_RP or_CC see_VB the_AT hostages_N
NS killed_VBN ._. The_AT tower_NN cleared_VBD the_AT plane_NN for_IN take-off_NN
at_IN 8_CD a.m._RB ,_, and_CC Captain_NN-TL Rickards_NP began_VBD taxiing_VBG t
oward_IN the_AT runway_NN ._. Several_AP police_NN cars_NNS ,_, loaded_VBN with_
IN armed_VBN officers_NNS ,_, raced_VBD alongside_RB ,_, blazing_VBG away_RB at_
IN the_AT tires_NNS of_IN the_AT big_JJ jet_NN ._. The_AT slugs_NNS flattened_VB
D ten_CD tires_NNS and_CC silenced_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT inboard_JJ engines_NN
S ;_. ;_. the_AT plane_NN slowed_VBD to_IN a_AT halt_NN ._. Ambulances_NNS ,_, b
aggage_NN trucks_NNS ,_, and_CC cars_NNS surrounded_VBD it_PPO ._. The_AT day_NN
wore_VBD on_RP ._. At_IN 12:50_CD p.m._RB a_AT ramp_NN was_BEDZ rolled_VBN up_R
P to_IN the_AT plane_NN ._. A_AT few_AP minutes_NNS later_RBR ,_, FBI_NN agent_N
N Francis_NP Crosby_NP ,_, talking_VBG fast_RB ,_, eased_VBD up_IN the_AT ramp_N
N to_IN the_AT plane_NN ,_, unarmed_JJ ._. While_CS Crosby_NP distracted_VBD the
_AT Beardens_NPS ,_, stewardesses_NNS Carnegey_NP and_CC Toni_NP Besset_NP dropp
ed_VBD out_RP of_IN a_AT rear_JJ door_NN ._. So_RB did_DOD hostages_NNS Casey_NP
,_, Cleveland_NP ,_, and_CC Mullen_NP ._. That_DT left_VBD only_RB the_AT four_
CD crew_NN members_NNS ,_, Crosby_NP ,_, and_CC Border_NN-TL Patrolman_NN-TL Gil
man_NP ,_, all_QL unarmed_JJ ,_, with_IN the_AT Beardens_NPS ._. The_AT elder_JJ
R Bearden_NP had_HVD one_CD pistol_NN in_IN his_PP$ hand_NN ,_, the_AT other_AP
in_IN a_AT hip_NN pocket_NN ._. Gilman_NP started_VBD talking_VBG to_IN him_PPO
until_CS he_PPS saw_VBD his_PP$ chance_NN ._. He_PPS caught_VBD officer_NN Simmo
ns'_NP$ eye_NN ,_, nodded_VBD toward_IN young_JJ Bearden_NP ,_, and_CC --_-- ``_
`` I_PPSS swung_VBD my_PP$ right_NN as_QL hard_RB as_CS I_PPSS could_MD ._. Simm
ons_NP and_CC Crosby_NP jumped_VBD the_AT boy_NN and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ all_ABN
over_RP ''_'' ._. Frog-marched_VBN off_IN the_AT airplane_NN at_IN 1:48_CD p.m._
RB ,_, the_AT Beardens_NPS were_BED held_VBN in_IN bail_NN of_IN $100,000_NNS ea
ch_DT on_IN charges_NNS of_IN kidnapping_VBG and_CC transporting_VBG a_AT stolen
_VBN plane_NN across_IN state_NN lines_NNS ._. (_( Bearden_NP reportedly_RB hope
d_VBD to_TO peddle_VB the_AT plane_NN to_IN Castro_NP ,_, and_CC live_VB high_RB
in_IN Cuba_NP ._. )_) Back_RB home_NR in_IN Coolidge_NP ,_, Ariz._NP ,_, his_PP
$ 36-year-old_NN wife_NN ,_, Mary_NP ,_, said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS thought_VBD t
hey_PPSS were_BED going_VBG to_IN Phoenix_NP to_TO look_VB for_IN jobs_NNS ''_''
._. Congress_NP-HL :_:-HL more_AP muscle_NN Taking_VBG precedence_NN over_IN al
l_ABN other_AP legislation_NN on_IN Capitol_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL last_AP week_NN was
_BEDZ the_AT military_NN strength_NN of_IN the_AT nation_NN ._. The_AT Senate_NN
-TL put_VBD other_AP business_NN aside_RB as_CS it_PPS moved_VBD with_IN unaccus
tomed_JJ speed_NN and_CC unanimity_NN to_TO pass_VB --_-- 85_CD to_IN 0_CD --_--
the_AT largest_JJT peacetime_NN defense_NN budget_NN in_IN U.S._NP history_NN .
_. With_IN the_AT money_NN all_ABN but_IN in_IN hand_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, the_
AT Administration_NN-TL indicated_VBD that_CS ,_, instead_RB of_IN the_AT 225,00
0_CD more_AP men_NNS in_IN uniform_NN that_CS President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP had_HVD
requested_VBN ,_, the_AT armed_VBN forces_NNS would_MD be_BE increased_VBN by_I
N only_RB 160,000_CD ._. The_AT ``_`` hold-back_NN ''_'' ,_, as_CS Pentagon_NN-T
L mutterers_NNS labeled_VBD it_PPO ,_, apparently_RB was_BEDZ a_AT temporary_JJ
expedient_NN intended_VBN to_TO insure_VB that_CS the_AT army_NN services_NNS ar
e_BER built_VBN up_RP gradually_RB and_CC ,_, thus_RB ,_, the_AT new_JJ funds_NN
S spent_VBN prudently_RB ._. In_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT Senate_NN-TL signed_VBD a_
AT check_NN for_IN $46.7_NNS billion_CD ,_, which_WDT not_* only_RB included_VBD
the_AT extra_JJ $3.5_NNS billion_CD requested_VBN the_AT week_NN before_RB by_I
N President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, but_CC tacked_VBD on_RP $754_NNS million_CD mor
e_AP than_CS the_AT President_NN-TL had_HVD asked_VBN for_IN ._. (_( The_AT Sena
te_NN-TL ,_, on_IN its_PP$ own_JJ ,_, decided_VBD to_TO provide_VB additional_JJ
B-52_NN and_CC other_AP long-range_NN bombers_NNS for_IN the_AT Strategic_JJ-TL
Air_NN-TL Command_NN-TL ._. )_) The_AT-TL House_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT had_HVD pas
sed_VBN its_PP$ smaller_JJR appropriation_NN before_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL
urgent_JJ call_NN for_IN more_AP ,_, was_BEDZ expected_VBN to_TO go_VB along_RB
with_IN the_AT increased_VBN defense_NN budget_NN in_IN short_JJ order_NN ._. I
n_IN other_AP areas_NNS ,_, Congressional_JJ-TL action_NN last_AP week_NN includ
ed_VBD :_: The_AT Senate_NN-TL (_( by_IN voice_NN vote_NN )_) and_CC the_AT Hous
e_NN-TL (_( by_IN 224-170_CD )_) passed_VBD and_CC sent_VBD to_IN the_AT White_J
J-TL House_NN-TL the_AT compromise_NN farm_NN bill_NN which_WDT the_AT President
_NN-TL is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO sign_VB ,_, not_* too_QL unhappily_RB ._. The_A
T Senate_NN-TL also_RB voted_VBD $5.2_NNS billion_CD to_TO finance_VB the_AT gov
ernment's_NN$ health_NN ,_, welfare_NN ,_, and_CC labor_NN activities_NNS ._. De
bate_NN on_IN the_AT all-important_JJ foreign-aid_NN bill_NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$
controversial_JJ long-range_NN proposals_NNS ,_, had_HVD just_RB begun_VBN on_I
N the_AT Senate_NN-TL floor_NN at_IN the_AT weekend_NN ._. White_JJ-TL House_NN-
TL legislative_JJ aides_NNS were_BED still_RB confident_JJ the_AT bill_NN would_
MD pass_VB intact_JJ ._. Food_NN-HL :_:-HL stew_NN a_FW-IN la_FW-AT Mulligatawny
_NP-HL Most_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Senate_NN-TL ,_, because_CS t
hey_PPSS are_BER human_JJ ,_, like_VB to_TO eat_VB as_QL high_RB on_IN the_AT ho
g_NN as_CS they_PPSS can_MD ._. But_CC ,_, because_CS they_PPSS are_BER politici
ans_NNS ,_, they_PPSS like_VB to_TO talk_VB as_QL poor-mouth_RB as_CS the_AT low
liest_JJT voter_NN ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, ever_RB since_IN 1851_CD when_WR
B the_AT Senate_NN-TL restaurant_NN opened_VBD in_IN the_AT new_JJ wing_NN of_IN
the_AT Capitol_NN-TL Building_NN-TL ,_, the_AT senators_NNS have_HV never_RB ce
ased_VBN to_TO grumble_VB about_IN the_AT food_NN --_-- even_RB while_CS they_PP
SS opposed_VBD every_AT move_NN that_WPS might_MD improve_VB it_PPO ._. Over_IN
the_AT years_NNS ,_, enlivened_VBN chiefly_RB by_IN disputes_NNS about_IN the_AT
relative_JJ merits_NNS of_IN Maine_NP and_CC Idaho_NP potatoes_NNS ,_, the_AT m
enu_NN has_HVZ pursued_VBN its_PP$ drab_JJ all-American_JJ course_NN ._. Individ
ual_JJ senators_NNS ,_, with_IN an_AT eye_NN to_IN the_AT voters_NNS back_RB hom
e_NR ,_, occasionally_RB introduced_VBD smelts_NNS from_IN Michigan_NP ,_, soft-
shell_NN crabs_NNS from_IN Maryland_NP ,_, oysters_NNS from_IN Washington_NP ,_,
grapefruit_NN from_IN Florida_NP ._. But_CC plain_JJ old_JJ bean_NN soup_NN ,_,
served_VBN daily_RB since_IN the_AT turn_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN (_( at_IN t
he_AT insistence_NN of_IN the_AT late_JJ Sen._NN-TL Fred_NP Dubois_NP of_IN Idah
o_NP )_) ,_, made_VBD clear_JJ to_IN the_AT citizenry_NN that_CS the_AT Senate's
_NP$ stomach_NN was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT right_JJ place_NN ._. In_IN a_AT daring_VB
G stroke_NN ,_, the_AT Senate_NN-TL ventured_VBD forth_RB last_AP week_NN into_I
N the_AT world_NN of_IN haute_FW-JJ cuisine_FW-NN and_CC hired_VBD a_AT $10,000-
per-year_NNS French-born_JJ maitre_FW-NN d'hotel_FW-IN+NN ._. Holders_NNS of_IN
toll-road_NN bonds_NNS are_BER finding_VBG improvements_NNS in_IN monthly_JJ rep
orts_NNS on_IN operation_NN of_IN the_AT turnpikes_NNS ._. Long-term_NN trend_NN
of_IN traffic_NN on_IN these_DTS roads_NNS seems_VBZ clearly_RB upward_RB ._. H
igher_JJR toll_NN rates_NNS also_RB are_BER helping_VBG boost_VB revenues_NNS ._
. Result_NN is_BEZ a_AT better_JJR prospect_NN for_IN a_AT full_JJ payoff_NN by_
IN bonds_NNS that_WPS once_RB were_BED regarded_VBN as_CS highly_QL speculative_
JJ ._. Things_NNS are_BER looking_VBG up_RP these_DTS days_NNS for_IN many_AP of
_IN the_AT State_NN-TL turnpikes_NNS on_IN which_WDT investors_NNS depend_VB for
_IN income_NN from_IN their_PP$ toll-road_NN bonds_NNS ._. Traffic_NN on_IN near
ly_RB all_ABN the_AT turnpikes_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN growing_VBG ._. That_DT adde
d_VBN traffic_NN means_VBZ rising_VBG streams_NNS of_IN dimes_NNS and_CC quarter
s_NNS at_IN toll_NN gates_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ outlo
ok_NN for_IN turnpikes_NNS ,_, investors_NNS who_WPS bought_VBD toll-road_NN bon
ds_NNS when_WRB these_DTS securities_NNS ranked_VBD as_CS outright_JJ speculatio
ns_NNS are_BER now_RB finding_VBG new_JJ hope_NN for_IN their_PP$ investments_NN
S ._. Another_DT result_NN is_BEZ that_CS buyers_NNS are_BER tending_VBG to_TO b
id_VB up_RP the_AT prices_NNS of_IN these_DTS tax-exempt_JJ bonds_NNS ._. Other_
AP tax-exempt_JJ bonds_NNS of_IN State_NN-TL and_CC local_JJ governments_NNS hit
_VB a_AT price_NN peak_NN on_IN February_NP 21_CD ,_, according_IN to_IN Standar
d_JJ-TL &_CC-TL Poor's_NP$ average_NN ._. On_IN balance_NN ,_, prices_NNS of_IN
those_DTS bonds_NNS have_HV slipped_VBN a_AT bit_NN since_IN then_RB ._. However
_WRB ,_, in_IN the_AT same_AP three-month_JJ period_NN ,_, toll-road_NN bonds_NN
S ,_, as_CS a_AT group_NN ,_, have_HV bucked_VBN this_DT trend_NN ._. On_IN thes
e_DTS bonds_NNS ,_, price_NN rises_NNS since_IN February_NP 21_CD easily_RB outn
umber_VB price_NN declines_NNS ._. Tax-free_JJ-HL returns_NNS-HL ._.-HL Investor
s_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,_, still_RB see_VB an_AT element_NN of_IN more-than-ordin
ary_JJ risk_NN in_IN the_AT toll-road_NN bonds_NNS ._. You_PPSS find_VB the_AT e
vidence_NN of_IN that_DT in_IN the_AT chart_NN on_IN this_DT page_NN ._. Many_AP
of_IN the_AT toll-road_NN bonds_NNS still_RB are_BER selling_VBG at_IN prices_N
NS that_WPS offer_VB the_AT prospect_NN of_IN an_AT annual_JJ yield_NN of_IN 4_C
D per_IN cent_NN ,_, or_CC very_QL close_RB to_IN that_DT ._. And_CC this_DT is_
BEZ true_JJ in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN some_DTI turnpikes_NNS on_IN which_WDT re
venues_NNS have_HV risen_VBN close_RB to_IN ,_, or_CC beyond_IN ,_, the_AT point
_NN at_IN which_WDT the_AT roads_NNS start_VB to_TO pay_VB all_ABN operating_VBG
costs_NNS plus_CC annual_JJ interest_NN on_IN the_AT bonds_NNS ._. That_DT 4_CD
per_IN cent_NN yield_NN is_BEZ well_QL below_IN the_AT return_NN to_TO be_BE ha
d_HVN on_IN good_JJ corporation_NN bonds_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ not_* much_QL more
_AP ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, than_CS the_AT return_NN that_WPS is_BEZ offered_VBN o
n_IN U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Treasury_NN-TL bonds_NNS ._. For_IN investors_NNS whose_W
P$ income_NN is_BEZ taxed_VBN at_IN high_JJ rates_NNS ,_, though_RB ,_, a_AT tax
-free_JJ yield_NN of_IN 4_CD per_IN cent_NN is_BEZ high_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the
_AT equivalent_JJ of_IN 8_CD per_IN cent_NN for_IN an_AT unmarried_JJ investor_N
N with_IN more_AP than_IN $16,000_NNS of_IN income_NN to_TO be_BE taxed_VBN ,_,
or_CC for_IN a_AT married_VBN couple_NN with_IN more_AP than_IN $32,000_NNS of_I
N taxed_VBN income_NN ._. Swelling_VBG-HL traffic_NN-HL ._.-HL A_AT new_JJ repor
t_NN on_IN the_AT earnings_NNS records_NNS of_IN toll_NN roads_NNS in_IN the_AT
most_QL recent_JJ 12-month_JJ period_NN --_-- ending_VBG in_IN February_NP or_CC
March_NP --_-- shows_VBZ what_WDT is_BEZ happening_VBG ._. The_AT report_NN is_
BEZ based_VBN on_IN a_AT survey_NN by_IN Blyth_NP-TL &_CC-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, i
nvestment_NN bankers_NNS ._. Nearly_RB all_ABN the_AT turnpikes_NNS show_VB gain
s_NNS in_IN net_NN revenues_NNS during_IN the_AT period_NN ._. And_CC there_EX i
s_BEZ the_AT bright_JJ note_NN :_: The_AT gains_NNS were_BED achieved_VBN in_IN
the_AT face_NN of_IN temporary_JJ traffic_NN lags_NNS late_JJ in_IN 1960_CD and_
CC early_RB in_IN 1961_CD as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN business_NN recession_NN ._
. Many_AP of_IN the_AT roads_NNS also_RB were_BED hit_VBN by_IN an_AT unusually_
QL severe_JJ winter_NN ._. Indication_NN :_: The_AT long-term_NN trend_NN of_IN
turnpike_NN traffic_NN is_BEZ upward_RB ._. Look_VB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, at
_IN the_AT Ohio_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL ._. Traffic_NN on_IN that_DT road_NN slumpe
d_VBD sharply_RB in_IN January_NP and_CC February_NP ,_, as_CS compared_VBN with
_IN those_DTS same_AP months_NNS in_IN 1960_CD ._. Then_RB March_NP brought_VBD
an_AT 18_CD per_IN cent_NN rise_NN in_IN net_NN revenues_NNS --_-- after_IN oper
ating_VBG costs_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, the_AT road's_NN$ net_NN revenu
es_NNS in_IN the_AT 12_CD months_NNS ending_VBG March_NP 31_CD were_BED 186_CD p
er_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT annual_JJ interest_NN payments_NNS on_IN the_AT turnp
ike_NN bonds_NNS ._. That_DT was_BEDZ up_RP from_IN 173_CD per_IN cent_NN in_IN
the_AT preceding_VBG 12_CD months_NNS ._. That_DT same_AP pattern_NN of_IN earni
ngs_NNS shows_NNS up_RP on_IN the_AT Massachusetts_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL ._. Oper
ating_VBG revenues_NNS were_BED off_RP in_IN the_AT first_OD three_CD months_NNS
of_IN 1961_CD ,_, but_CC up_RP for_IN the_AT 12_CD months_NNS ending_VBG in_IN
March_NP ._. Costs_NNS were_BED held_VBN down_RP ,_, despite_IN a_AT bitter_JJ w
inter_NN ._. For_IN the_AT year_NN ,_, the_AT road_NN earned_VBD 133_CD per_IN c
ent_NN of_IN its_PP$ interest_NN costs_NNS ,_, against_IN 121_CD per_IN cent_NN
in_IN the_AT preceding_VBG period_NN ._. The_AT road's_NN$ engineers_NNS look_VB
for_IN further_JJR improvement_NN when_WRB the_AT turnpike_NN is_BEZ extended_V
BN into_IN Boston_NP ._. Slow_JJ-HL successes_NNS-HL ._.-HL Some_DTI turnpikes_N
NS have_HV not_* been_BEN in_IN full_JJ operation_NN long_RB enough_QLP to_TO pr
ove_VB what_WDT they_PPSS can_MD do_DO ._. The_AT 187-mile_JJ Illinois_NP-TL Sta
te_NN-TL Toll_NN-TL Highway_NN-TL ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, was_BEDZ not_* opene
d_VBN over_IN its_PP$ entire_JJ length_NN until_IN December_NP ,_, 1958_CD ._. I
n_IN the_AT 12_CD months_NNS ended_VBN in_IN February_NP ,_, 1960_CD ,_, the_AT
highway_NN earned_VBD enough_AP to_TO cover_VB 64_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN its_PP
$ interest_NN load_NN --_-- with_IN the_AT remainder_NN paid_VBN out_IN of_IN in
itial_JJ reserves_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT 12_CD months_NNS ended_VBN in_IN February
_NP ,_, 1961_CD ,_, this_DT highway_NN earned_VBD 93_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN its
_PP$ interest_NN ._. That_DT improvement_NN is_BEZ continuing_VBG ._. In_IN the_
AT first_OD two_CD months_NNS of_IN 1961_CD ,_, earnings_NNS of_IN the_AT Illino
is_NP highway_NN available_JJ for_IN interest_NN payments_NNS were_BED up_RP 55_
CD per_IN cent_NN from_IN early_JJ 1960_CD ._. Success_NN ,_, for_IN many_AP tur
npikes_NNS ,_, has_HVZ come_VBN hard_RB ._. Traffic_NN frequently_RB has_HVZ fai
led_VBN to_TO measure_VB up_RP to_IN engineers'_NNS$ rosy_JJ estimates_NNS ._. I
n_IN these_DTS cases_NNS ,_, the_AT turnpike_NN managements_NNS have_HV had_HVN
to_TO turn_VB to_IN toll-rate_NN increases_NNS ,_, or_CC to_IN costly_JJ improve
ments_NNS such_JJ as_CS extensions_NNS or_CC better_JJR connections_NNS with_IN
other_AP highways_NNS ._. Many_AP rate_NN increases_NNS already_RB have_HV been_
BEN put_VBN into_IN effect_NN ._. Higher_JJR tolls_NNS are_BER planned_VBN for_I
N July_NP 1_CD ,_, 1961_CD ,_, on_IN the_AT Richmond-Petersburg_NP ,_, Va._NP ,_
, Turnpike_NN-TL ,_, and_CC proposals_NNS for_IN increased_VBN tolls_NNS on_IN t
he_AT Texas_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL are_BER under_IN study_NN ._. Easier_JJR-HL acc
ess_NN-HL ._.-HL Progress_NN is_BEZ being_BEG made_VBN ,_, too_RB ,_, in_IN impr
oving_VBG motorists'_NNS$ access_NN to_IN many_AP turnpikes_NNS ._. The_AT Kansa
s_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL offers_VBZ an_AT illustration_NN ._. Net_NN earnings_NNS
of_IN that_DT road_NN rose_VBD from_IN 62_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN interest_NN re
quirements_NNS in_IN calendar_NN 1957_CD to_IN 86_CD per_IN cent_NN in_IN the_AT
12_CD months_NNS ended_VBN Feb._NP 28_CD ,_, 1961_CD ._. Further_JJR improvemen
ts_NNS in_IN earnings_NNS of_IN the_AT Kansas_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL are_BER expec
ted_VBN late_RB in_IN 1961_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT opening_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ by
pass_NN at_IN Wichita_NP ,_, and_CC still_QL later_RBR when_WRB the_AT turnpike_
NN gets_VBZ downtown_NR connections_NNS in_IN both_ABX Kansas_NP City_NN-TL ,_,
Kans._NP ,_, and_CC Kansas_NP City_NN-TL ,_, Mo._NP ._. Meanwhile_RB ,_, there_E
X appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE enough_AP money_NN in_IN the_AT road's_NN$ reserve_NN
fund_NN to_TO cover_VB the_AT interest_NN deficiency_NN for_IN eight_CD more_AP
years_NNS ._. For_IN-HL some_DTI-HL roads_NNS-HL ,_,-HL troubles_NNS-HL ._.-HL I
nvestors_NNS studying_VBG the_AT toll-road_NN bonds_NNS for_IN opportunities_NNS
find_VB that_WPS not_* all_ABN roads_NNS are_BER nearing_VBG their_PP$ goals_NN
S ._. Traffic_NN and_CC revenues_NNS on_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Skyway_NN-TL hav
e_HV been_BEN a_AT great_JJ disappointment_NN to_IN planners_NNS and_CC investor
s_NNS alike_RB ._. If_CS nothing_PN is_BEZ done_VBN ,_, the_AT prospect_NN is_BE
Z that_CS that_DT road_NN will_MD be_BE in_IN default_NN of_IN interest_NN in_IN
1962_CD ._. West_JJ-TL Virginia_NP-TL toll_NN bonds_NNS have_HV defaulted_VBN i
n_IN interest_NN for_IN months_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, despite_IN recent_JJ improveme
nt_NN in_IN revenues_NNS ,_, holders_NNS of_IN the_AT bonds_NNS are_BER faced_VB
N with_IN more_AP of_IN the_AT same_AP ._. These_DTS ,_, however_WRB ,_, are_BER
exceptions_NNS ._. The_AT typical_JJ picture_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN is_BEZ on
e_CD of_IN steady_JJ improvement_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ going_VBG to_TO take_VB tim
e_NN for_IN investors_NNS to_TO learn_VB how_WRB many_AP of_IN the_AT toll-road_
NN bonds_NNS will_MD pay_VB out_RP in_IN full_JJ ._. Already_RB ,_, however_WRB
,_, several_AP of_IN the_AT turnpikes_NNS are_BER earning_VBG enough_AP to_TO co
ver_VB interest_NN requirements_NNS by_IN comfortable_JJ margins_NNS ._. Many_AP
others_NNS are_BER attracting_VBG the_AT traffic_NN needed_VBN to_TO push_VB re
venues_NNS up_RP to_IN the_AT break-even_JJ point_NN ._. A_AT top_JJS American_J
J official_NN ,_, after_IN a_AT look_NN at_IN Europe's_NP$ factories_NNS ,_, thi
nks_VBZ the_AT U.S._NP is_BEZ in_IN a_AT ``_`` very_QL serious_JJ situation_NN '
'_'' competitively_RB ._. Commerce_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL Luther_NP Hodges_NP ,_,
accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT member_NN of_IN our_PP$ staff_NN ,_, on_IN May_NP 10
_CD toured_VBD plants_NNS of_IN two_CD of_IN Italy's_NP$ biggest_JJT companies_N
NS --_-- Fiat_NP ,_, the_AT auto_NN producer_NN ,_, and_CC Olivetti_NP ,_, maker
_NN of_IN typewriters_NNS and_CC calculating_VBG machines_NNS ._. Our_PP$ staff_
NN man_NN cabled_VBD from_IN Turin_NP as_CS follows_VBZ --_-- ``_`` Follow_VB Se
cretary_NN-TL Hodges_NP through_IN the_AT Fiat_NP plant_NN ,_, and_CC you_PPSS l
earn_VB this_DT :_: ``_`` One_CD ,_, modern_JJ equipment_NN --_-- much_AP of_IN
it_PPO supplied_VBN under_IN the_AT Marshall_NP-TL Plan_NN-TL --_-- enables_VBZ
Fiat_NP to_TO turn_VB out_RP 2,100_CD cars_NNS a_AT day_NN ._. About_RB half_ABN
of_IN these_DTS are_BER exported_VBN ._. ``_`` Two_CD ,_, wage_NN costs_NNS are
_BER a_AT fraction_NN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP costs_NNS ._. A_AT skilled_JJ worker_
NN on_IN the_AT assembly_NN line_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, earns_VBZ $37_NNS
a_AT week_NN ._. ``_`` Three_CD ,_, labor_NN troubles_NNS are_BER infrequent_JJ
._. Fiat_NP officials_NNS say_VB they_PPSS have_HV had_HVN no_AT strikes_NNS for
_IN more_AP than_IN six_CD years_NNS ._. ``_`` Said_VBD Secretary_NN-TL Hodges_N
P :_: '_' It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT tough_JJ combination_NN for_IN the_AT U.S._NP to_TO
face_VB ._. ``_`` Olivetti_NP had_HVD a_AT special_JJ interest_NN for_IN Hodges_
NP ._. Olivetti_NP took_VBD over_RP Underwood_NP ,_, the_AT U.S._NP typewriter_N
N maker_NN ,_, in_IN late_JJ 1959_CD ._. Within_IN a_AT year_NN ,_, without_IN r
educing_VBG wages_NNS ,_, Underwood's_NP$ production_NN costs_NNS were_BED cut_V
BN one_CD third_OD ,_, prices_NNS were_BED slashed_VBN ._. The_AT result_NN has_
HVZ been_BEN that_CS exports_NNS of_IN Underwood_NP products_NNS have_HV doubled
_VBN ._. ``_`` The_AT Olivetti_NP plant_NN near_IN Turin_NP has_HVZ modern_JJ la
yout_NN ,_, modern_JJ machinery_NN ._. The_AT firm_NN is_BEZ design-conscious_JJ
,_, sales-conscious_JJ ,_, advertising-conscious_JJ ._. ``_`` Hodges_NP is_BEZ
trying_VBG to_TO get_VB more_QL foreign_JJ business_NN to_TO go_VB to_IN the_AT
U.S._NP ._. The_AT inflow_NN of_IN foreign_JJ capital_NN would_MD help_VB the_AT
U.S._NP balance_NN of_IN payments_NNS ._. ``_`` Hodges_NP predicted_VBD :_: '_'
I_PPSS think_VB we_PPSS will_MD see_VB more_AP foreign_JJ firms_NNS coming_VBG
to_IN the_AT U.S._NP ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP places_NNS where_WRB we_PPSS c
an_MD use_VB their_PP$ vigor_NN and_CC new_JJ ideas_NNS '_' ''_'' ._. Foreign_JJ
competition_NN has_HVZ become_VBN so_QL severe_JJ in_IN certain_JJ textiles_NNS
that_CS Washington_NP is_BEZ exploring_VBG new_JJ ways_NNS of_IN handling_VBG c
ompetitive_JJ imports_NNS ._. The_AT recently_RB unveiled_VBN Kennedy_NP moves_N
NS to_TO control_VB the_AT international_JJ textile_NN market_NN can_MD be_BE si
gnificant_JJ for_IN American_JJ businessmen_NNS in_IN many_AP lines_NNS ._. Impo
rtant_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN the_AT Kennedy_NP textile_NN plans_NNS are_BER these_
DTS :_: An_AT international_JJ conference_NN of_IN the_AT big_JJ textile-importi
ng_JJ and_CC textile-exporting_JJ countries_NNS will_MD be_BE called_VBN shortly
_RB by_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ._. Chief_JJS aims_NNS of_IN the_AT propose
d_VBN conference_NN are_BER worth_JJ noting_VBG ._. The_AT U.S._NP will_MD try_V
B to_TO get_VB agreement_NN among_IN the_AT industrialized_VBN countries_NNS to_
TO take_VB more_AP textile_JJ imports_NNS from_IN the_AT less-developed_JJ count
ries_NNS over_IN the_AT years_NNS ._. Point_NN is_BEZ that_CS developing_VBG cou
ntries_NNS often_RB build_VB up_RP a_AT textile_NN industry_NN first_RB ,_, need
_VB encouragement_NN to_TO get_VB on_IN their_PP$ feet_NNS ._. If_CS they_PPSS h
ave_HV trouble_NN exporting_VBG ,_, international_JJ bill_NN for_IN their_PP$ su
pport_NN will_MD grow_VB larger_JJR than_CS it_PPS otherwise_RB would_MD ._. Ide
a_NN is_BEZ to_TO let_VB these_DTS countries_NNS earn_VB their_PP$ way_NN as_QL
much_AP as_CS possible_JJ ._. At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, another_DT purpos
e_NN of_IN the_AT conference_NN will_MD be_BE to_TO get_VB certain_JJ low-wage_N
N countries_NNS to_TO control_VB textile_NN exports_NNS --_-- especially_RB dump
ing_NN of_IN specific_JJ products_NNS --_-- to_IN high-wage_NN textile-producing
_JJ countries_NNS ._. Japan_NP ,_, since_IN 1957_CD ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN ``_`` v
oluntarily_RB ''_'' curbing_VBG exports_NNS of_IN textiles_NNS to_IN the_AT U.S.
_NP ._. Hong_NP Kong_NP ,_, India_NP and_CC Pakistan_NP have_HV been_BEN limitin
g_VBG exports_NNS of_IN certain_JJ types_NNS of_IN textiles_NNS to_IN Britain_NP
for_IN several_AP years_NNS under_IN the_AT ``_`` Lancashire_NP-TL Pact_NN-TL '
'_'' ._. None_PN of_IN these_DTS countries_NNS is_BEZ happy_JJ with_IN these_DTS
arrangements_NNS ._. The_AT Japanese_NPS want_VB to_TO increase_VB exports_NNS
to_IN the_AT U.S._NP While_CS they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN curbing_VBG shipments_N
NS ,_, they_PPSS have_HV watched_VBN Hong_NP Kong_NP step_VB in_RP and_CC captur
e_VB an_AT expanding_VBG share_NN of_IN the_AT big_JJ U.S._NP market_NN ._. Hong
_NP Kong_NP interests_NNS loudly_RB protest_VB limiting_VBG their_PP$ exports_NN
S to_IN Britain_NP ,_, while_CS Spanish_JJ and_CC Portuguese_JJ textiles_NNS pou
r_VB into_IN British_JJ market_NN unrestrictedly_RB ._. The_AT Indians_NPS and_C
C Pakistanis_NPS are_BER chafing_VBG under_IN similar_JJ restrictions_NNS on_IN
the_AT British_JJ market_NN for_IN similar_JJ reasons_NNS ._. The_AT Kennedy_NP
hope_NN is_BEZ that_CS ,_, at_IN the_AT conference_NN or_CC through_IN bilateral
_JJ talks_NNS ,_, the_AT low-wage_NN textile-producing_JJ countries_NNS in_IN As
ia_NP and_CC Europe_NP will_MD see_VB that_CS ``_`` dumping_VBG ''_'' practices_
NNS cause_VB friction_NN all_QL around_RB and_CC may_MD result_VB in_IN import_N
N quotas_NNS ._. Gradual_JJ ,_, controlled_VBN expansion_NN of_IN the_AT world's
_NN$ textile_NN trade_NN is_BEZ what_WDT President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP wants_VBZ ._
. This_DT may_MD point_VB the_AT way_NN toward_IN international_JJ stabilization
_NN agreements_NNS in_IN other_AP products_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ an_AT important_
JJ clue_NN to_IN Washington_NP thinking_NN ._. Note_VB ,_, too_RB ,_, that_CS th
e_AT Kennedy_NP textile_NN plan_NN looks_VBZ toward_IN modernization_NN or_CC sh
rinkage_NN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP textile_NN industry_NN ._. ``_`` Get_VB competit
ive_JJ or_CC get_VB out_RP ''_'' ._. In_IN veiled_VBN terms_NNS ,_, that's_DT+BE
Z what_WDT the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL is_BEZ saying_VBG to_IN the
_AT American_JJ textile_NN industry_NN ._. The_AT Government_NN-TL will_MD help_
VB in_IN transferring_VBG companies_NNS and_CC workers_NNS into_IN new_JJ lines_
NNS ,_, where_WRB modernization_NN doesn't_DOZ* seem_VB feasible_JJ ._. Special_
JJ depreciation_NN on_IN new_JJ textile_NN machinery_NN may_MD be_BE allowed_VBN
._. Government_NN research_NN will_MD look_VB into_IN new_JJ products_NNS and_C
C methods_NNS ._. Import_NN quotas_NNS aren't_BER* ruled_VBN out_RP where_WRB th
e_AT national_JJ interest_NN is_BEZ involved_VBN ._. But_CC the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL
Administration_NN-TL doesn't_DOZ* favor_VB import_NN quotas_NNS ._. Rather_RB ,
_, they_PPSS are_BER impressed_VBN with_IN the_AT British_JJ-TL Government's_NN$
-TL success_NN in_IN forcing_VBG --_-- and_CC helping_VBG --_-- the_AT British_J
J textile_NN industry_NN to_TO shrink_VB and_CC to_TO change_VB over_RP to_IN ot
her_AP products_NNS ._. What's_WDT+BEZ happening_VBG in_IN textiles_NNS can_MD b
e_BE handwriting_NN on_IN the_AT wall_NN for_IN other_AP lines_NNS having_HVG di
fficulty_NN competing_VBG with_IN imports_NNS from_IN low-wage_NN countries_NNS
._. Among_IN the_AT highest-paid_JJT workers_NNS in_IN the_AT world_NN are_BER U
.S._NP coal_NN miners_NNS ._. Yet_RB U.S._NP coal_NN is_BEZ cheap_JJ enough_QLP
to_TO make_VB foreign_JJ steelmakers'_NNS$ mouths_NNS water_VB ._. Steel_NN-TL C
ompany_NN-TL of_IN-TL Wales_NP-TL ,_, a_AT British_JJ steelmaker_NN ,_, wants_VB
Z to_TO bring_VB in_RP Virginia_NP coal_NN ,_, cut_VB down_RP on_RP its_PP$ taki
ngs_NNS of_IN Welsh_JJ coal_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO compete_
VB more_QL effectively_RB --_-- especially_RB in_IN foreign_JJ markets_NNS ._. V
irginia_NP coal_NN ,_, delivered_VBN by_IN ship_NN in_IN Wales_NP ,_, will_MD be
_BE about_RB $2.80_NNS a_AT ton_NN cheaper_JJR than_CS Welsh_JJ coal_NN delivere
d_VBN by_IN rail_NN from_IN nearby_JJ mines_NNS ._. U.S._NP coal_NN is_BEZ cheap
_JJ ,_, despite_IN high_JJ wages_NNS ,_, because_CS of_IN widespread_JJ mechaniz
ation_NN of_IN mines_NNS ,_, wide_JJ coal_NN seams_NNS ,_, attactive_JJ rates_NN
S on_IN ocean_NN freight_NN ._. Many_AP of_IN the_AT coal_NN seams_NNS in_IN the
_AT nationalized_VBN British_JJ mines_NNS are_BER twisting_VBG ,_, narrow_JJ and
_CC very_QL deep_JJ ._. Productivity_NN of_IN U.S._NP miners_NNS is_BEZ twice_RB
that_DT of_IN the_AT British_NPS ._. Welsh_JJ coal_NN miners_NNS ,_, Communist-
led_JJ ,_, are_BER up_RP in_IN arms_NNS at_IN the_AT suggestion_NN that_CS the_A
T steel_NN company_NN bring_VB in_RP American_JJ coal_NN ._. They_PPSS threaten_
VB to_TO strike_VB ._. The_AT British_JJ-TL Government_NN-TL will_MD have_HV to_
TO decide_VB whether_CS to_TO let_VB U.S._NP coal_NN in_RP ._. The_AT British_JJ
coal_NN industry_NN is_BEZ unprofitable_JJ ,_, has_HVZ large_JJ coal_NN stocks_
NNS it_PPS can't_MD* sell_VB ._. Every_AT library_NN borrower_NN ,_, or_CC at_IN
least_AP those_DTS whose_WP$ taste_NN goes_VBZ beyond_IN the_AT five-cent_JJ fi
ction_NN rentals_NNS ,_, knows_VBZ what_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO hear_VB the_AT l
ibrarian_NN say_VB apologetically_RB ,_, ``_`` I'm_PPSS+BEM sorry_JJ ,_, but_CC
we_PPSS don't_DO* have_HV that_DT book_NN ._. There_EX wouldn't_MD* be_BE much_A
P demand_NN for_IN it_PPO ,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM afraid_JJ ''_'' ._. Behind_IN this_DT
reply_NN ,_, and_CC its_PP$ many_AP variations_NNS ,_, is_BEZ the_AT ever-prese
nt_JJ budget_NN problem_NN all_ABN libraries_NNS must_MD face_VB ,_, from_IN the
_AT largest_JJT to_IN the_AT smallest_JJT ._. What_WDT to_TO buy_VB out_IN of_IN
the_AT year's_NN$ grist_NN of_IN nearly_RB 15,000_CD book_NN titles_NNS ?_. ?_.
What_WDT to_TO buy_VB for_IN adult_NN and_CC child_NN readers_NNS ,_, for_IN lo
vers_NNS of_IN fiction_NN and_CC nonfiction_NN ,_, for_IN a_AT clientele_NN whos
e_WP$ wants_NNS are_BER incredibly_QL diversified_VBN ,_, when_WRB your_PP$ budg
et_NN is_BEZ pitifully_RB small_JJ ?_. ?_. Most_AP library_NN budgets_NNS are_BE
R hopelessly_RB inadequate_JJ ._. A_AT startlingly_QL high_JJ percentage_NN do_D
O not_* exceed_VB $500_NNS annually_RB ,_, which_WDT includes_VBZ the_AT librari
an's_NN$ salary_NN ,_, and_CC not_* even_RB the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Public_J
J-TL has_HVZ enough_AP money_NN to_TO meet_VB its_PP$ needs_NNS --_-- this_DT in
_IN the_AT world's_NN$ richest_JJT city_NN ._. The_AT plight_NN of_IN a_AT small
_JJ community_NN library_NN is_BEZ proportionately_QL worse_JJR ._. Confronted_V
BN with_IN this_DT situation_NN ,_, most_AP libraries_NNS either_CC endure_VB th
e_AT severe_JJ limitations_NNS of_IN their_PP$ budgets_NNS and_CC do_DO what_WDT
they_PPSS can_MD with_IN what_WDT they_PPSS have_HV ,_, or_CC else_RB depend_VB
on_IN the_AT bounty_NN of_IN patrons_NNS and_CC local_JJ governments_NNS to_TO
supplement_VB their_PP$ annual_JJ funds_NNS ._. In_IN some_DTI parts_NNS of_IN t
he_AT country_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, a_AT co-operative_JJ movement_NN has_HVZ be
gun_VBN to_TO grow_VB ,_, under_IN the_AT wing_NN of_IN state_NN governments_NNS
,_, whereby_WRB ,_, with_IN the_AT financial_JJ help_NN of_IN the_AT state_NN ,
_, libraries_NNS share_VB their_PP$ book_NN resources_NNS on_IN a_AT county-wide
_JJ or_CC regional_JJ basis_NN ._. New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL State_NN-TL has_HVZ what
_WDT is_BEZ probably_RB the_AT most_QL advanced_VBN of_IN these_DTS co-operative
_JJ systems_NNS ,_, so_QL well_QL developed_VBN that_CS it_PPS has_HVZ become_VB
N a_AT model_NN for_IN others_NNS to_TO follow_VB ._. Because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ s
o_QL large_JJ a_AT state_NN ,_, with_IN marked_VBN contrasts_NNS in_IN populatio
n_NN density_NN ,_, the_AT organization_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL co-
operative_NN offers_VBZ a_AT cross-section_NN of_IN how_WRB the_AT plan_NN works
_VBZ ._. At_IN one_CD extreme_NN are_BER the_AT systems_NNS of_IN upper_JJ New_J
J-TL York_NP-TL State_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB libraries_NNS in_IN two_CD or_CC more_
AP counties_NNS combine_VB to_TO serve_VB a_AT large_JJ ,_, sparsely_RB populate
d_VBN area_NN ._. At_IN the_AT other_AP are_BER organizations_NNS like_VB the_AT
newly_RB formed_VBN Nassau_NP-TL Library_NN-TL System_NN-TL ,_, in_IN a_AT high
-density_NN area_NN ,_, with_IN ample_JJ resources_NNS and_CC a_AT rapidly_RB gr
owing_VBG territory_NN to_TO serve_VB ._. Both_ABX these_DTS types_NNS ,_, and_C
C those_DTS in_IN between_IN ,_, are_BER in_IN existence_NN by_IN reason_NN of_I
N a_AT legislative_JJ interest_NN in_IN libraries_NNS that_WPS began_VBD at_IN A
lbany_NP as_QL early_RB as_CS 1950_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT creation_NN by_IN the_A
T legislature_NN of_IN county_NN library_NN systems_NNS financed_VBN by_IN count
y_NN governments_NNS with_IN matching_VBG funds_NNS from_IN the_AT state_NN ._.
It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT step_NN in_IN the_AT right_JJ direction_NN ,_, but_CC it_PP
S took_VBD an_AT additional_JJ act_NN passed_VBN in_IN 1958_CD to_TO establish_V
B fully_RB the_AT thriving_VBG systems_NNS of_IN today_NR ._. Under_IN this_DT l
aw_NN annual_JJ grants_NNS are_BER given_VBN to_IN systems_NNS in_IN substantial
_JJ amounts_NNS ._. An_AT earlier_JJR difficulty_NN was_BEDZ overcome_VBN by_IN
making_VBG it_PPS clear_JJ that_CS individual_JJ libraries_NNS in_IN any_DTI are
a_NN might_MD join_VB or_CC not_* ,_, as_CS they_PPSS saw_VBD fit_VBN ._. Some_D
TI library_NN boards_NNS are_BER wary_JJ of_IN the_AT plan_NN ._. A_AT large_JJ
,_, well-stocked_JJ library_NN ,_, surrounded_VBN in_IN a_AT county_NN by_IN sma
ller_JJR ones_NNS ,_, may_MD feel_VB that_CS the_AT demands_NNS on_IN its_PP$ re
sources_NNS are_BER likely_RB to_TO be_BE too_QL great_JJ ._. A_AT small_JJ libr
ary_NN may_MD cherish_VB its_PP$ independence_NN and_CC established_VBN ways_NNS
,_, and_CC resist_VB joining_VBG in_IN a_AT cooperative_JJ movement_NN that_WPS
sometimes_RB seems_VBZ radical_JJ to_IN older_JJR members_NNS of_IN the_AT boar
d_NN ._. Within_IN a_AT system_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, the_AT autonomy_NN of_IN e
ach_DT member_NN library_NN is_BEZ preserved_VBN ._. The_AT local_JJ community_N
N maintains_VBZ responsibility_NN for_IN the_AT financial_JJ support_NN of_IN it
s_PP$ own_JJ library_NN program_NN ,_, facilities_NNS ,_, and_CC services_NNS ,_
, but_CC wider_JJR resources_NNS and_CC additional_JJ services_NNS become_VB ava
ilable_JJ through_IN membership_NN in_IN a_AT system_NN ._. All_ABN services_NNS
are_BER given_VBN without_IN cost_NN to_IN members_NNS ._. So_QL obvious_JJ are
_BER these_DTS advantages_NNS that_CS nearly_RB 95_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_A
T population_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL State_NN-TL now_RB has_HVZ access_NN
to_IN a_AT system_NN ,_, and_CC enthusiastic_JJ librarians_NNS foresee_VB the_AT
day_NN ,_, not_* too_QL distant_JJ ,_, when_WRB all_ABN the_AT libraries_NNS in
_IN the_AT state_NN will_MD belong_VB to_IN a_AT co-op_NN ._. To_TO set_VB up_RP
a_AT co-operative_JJ library_NN system_NN ,_, the_AT law_NN requires_VBZ a_AT c
entral_JJ book_NN collection_NN of_IN 100,000_CD nonfiction_NN volumes_NNS as_CS
the_AT nucleus_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT system_NN is_BEZ organized_VBN around_IN it
_PPO ._. The_AT collection_NN may_MD be_BE in_IN an_AT existing_VBG library_NN ,
_, or_CC it_PPS may_MD be_BE built_VBN up_RP in_IN a_AT central_JJ collection_NN
._. Each_DT system_NN develops_VBZ differently_RB ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT
area_NN it_PPS serves_VBZ ,_, but_CC the_AT universal_JJ goal_NN is_BEZ to_TO p
ool_VB the_AT resources_NNS of_IN a_AT given_VBN area_NN for_IN maximum_JJ effic
iency_NN ._. The_AT basic_JJ state_NN grant_NN is_BEZ thirty_CD cents_NNS for_IN
each_DT person_NN served_VBN ,_, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ a_AT further_JJR book_N
N incentive_NN grant_NN that_DT provides_VBZ an_AT extra_JJ twenty_CD cents_NNS
up_IN to_IN fifty_CD cents_NNS per_IN capita_NNS ,_, if_CS a_AT library_NN spend
s_VBZ a_AT certain_JJ number_NN of_IN dollars_NNS ._. In_IN Nassau_NP-TL County_
NN-TL ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT heavily_QL settled_VBN Long_JJ-TL Island_
NN-TL suburb_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL ,_, the_AT system_NN is_BE
Z credited_VBN by_IN the_AT state_NN with_IN serving_VBG one_CD million_CD perso
ns_NNS ,_, a_AT figure_NN that_WPS has_HVZ doubled_VBN since_IN 1950_CD ._. This
_DT system_NN ,_, by_IN virtue_NN of_IN its_PP$ variety_NN and_CC size_NN ,_, of
fers_VBZ an_AT inclusive_JJ view_NN of_IN the_AT plan_NN in_IN operation_NN ._.
The_AT Nassau_NP system_NN recognizes_VBZ that_CS its_PP$ major_JJ task_NN it_PP
S to_TO broaden_VB reference_NN service_NN ,_, what_WDT with_IN the_AT constant_
JJ expansion_NN of_IN education_NN and_CC knowledge_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT pressur
e_NN of_IN population_NN growth_NN in_IN a_AT metropolitan_JJ area_NN ._. The_AT
need_NN is_BEZ for_IN reference_NN works_NNS of_IN a_AT more_QL specialized_VBN
nature_NN than_CS individual_JJ libraries_NNS ,_, adequate_JJ to_TO satisfy_VB
everyday_JJ needs_NNS ,_, could_MD afford_VB ._. Nassau_NP is_BEZ currently_RB b
uilding_VBG a_AT central_JJ collection_NN of_IN reference_NN materials_NNS in_IN
its_PP$ Hempstead_NP headquarters_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD reach_VB its_PP$ goa
l_NN of_IN 100,000_CD volumes_NNS by_IN 1965_CD ._. The_AT major_JJ part_NN of_I
N this_DT collection_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_AT central_JJ headquarters_NNS building
_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT remainder_NN is_BEZ divided_VBN among_IN five_CD libraries
_NNS in_IN the_AT system_NN designated_VBN as_CS subject_NN centers_NNS ._. Basi
c_JJ reference_NN tools_NNS are_BER the_AT backbone_NN of_IN the_AT collection_N
N ,_, but_CC there_EX is_BEZ also_RB specialization_NN in_IN science_NN and_CC t
echnology_NN ,_, an_AT indicated_VBN weakness_NN in_IN local_JJ libraries_NNS ._
. On_IN microfilm_NN ,_, headquarters_NN also_RB has_HVZ a_AT file_NN of_IN the_
AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL from_IN its_PP$ founding_VBG in_IN 1851_CD
to_IN the_AT present_JJ day_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS bound_VBN volumes_NNS of_
IN important_JJ periodicals_NNS ._. The_AT entire_JJ headquarters_NN collection_
NN is_BEZ available_JJ to_IN the_AT patrons_NNS of_IN all_ABN members_NNS on_IN
interlibrary_JJ loans_NNS ._. Headquarters_NN gets_VBZ about_RB 100_CD requests_
NNS every_AT day_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ connected_VBN by_IN teletype_NN with_IN th
e_AT State_NN-TL Library_NN-TL in_IN Albany_NP ,_, which_WDT will_MD supply_VB a
ny_DTI book_NN to_IN a_AT system_NN that_CS the_AT system_NN itself_PPL cannot_M
D* provide_VB ._. The_AT books_NNS are_BER carried_VBN around_RB by_IN truck_NN
in_IN canvas_NN bags_NNS from_IN headquarters_NNS to_IN the_AT other_AP librarie
s_NNS ._. Each_DT subject_NN center_NN library_NN was_BEDZ chosen_VBN because_RB
of_IN its_PP$ demonstrated_VBN strength_NN in_IN a_AT particular_JJ area_NN ,_,
which_WDT headquarters_NN could_MD then_RB build_VB upon_IN ._. East_JJ-TL Mead
ow_NN-TL has_HVZ philosophy_NN ,_, psychology_NN ,_, and_CC religion_NN ;_. ;_.
Freeport_NP houses_VBZ social_JJ science_NN ,_, pure_JJ science_NN ,_, and_CC la
nguage_NN ;_. ;_. history_NN ,_, biography_NN ,_, and_CC education_NN are_BER ce
ntered_VBN in_IN Hempstead_NP ;_. ;_. Levittown_NP has_HVZ applied_VBN science_N
N ,_, business_NN ,_, and_CC literature_NN ;_. ;_. while_CS Hewlett-Woodmere_NP
is_BEZ the_AT repository_NN of_IN art_NN ,_, music_NN ,_, and_CC foreign_JJ lang
uages_NNS ._. The_AT reference_NN coordinator_NN at_IN headquarters_NN also_RB s
erves_VBZ as_CS a_AT consultant_NN ,_, and_CC is_BEZ available_JJ to_TO work_VB
with_IN the_AT local_JJ librarian_NN in_IN helping_VBG to_TO strengthen_VB local
_JJ reference_NN service_NN ._. This_DT kind_NN of_IN cooperation_NN is_BEZ not_
* wholly_QL new_JJ ,_, of_IN course_NN ._. Public_JJ libraries_NNS in_IN Nassau_
NP-TL County_NN-TL have_HV been_BEN lending_VBG books_NNS to_IN each_DT other_AP
by_IN mail_NN for_IN a_AT quarter-century_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT system_NN enable
s_VBZ this_DT process_NN to_TO operate_VB on_IN an_AT organized_VBN and_CC far_Q
L more_QL comprehensive_JJ basis_NN ._. Local_JJ libraries_NNS find_VB ,_, too_R
B ,_, that_CS the_AT new_JJ plan_NN saves_VBZ tax_NN dollars_NNS because_CS book
s_NNS can_MD be_BE bought_VBN through_IN the_AT system_NN ,_, and_CC since_CS th
e_AT system_NN buys_VBZ in_IN bulk_NN it_PPS is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO obtain_VB larg
er_JJR discounts_NNS than_CS would_MD be_BE available_JJ to_IN an_AT individual_
JJ library_NN ._. The_AT system_NN passes_VBZ on_RP these_DTS savings_NNS to_IN
its_PP$ members_NNS ._. Further_JJR money_NN is_BEZ saved_VBN through_IN economy
_NN in_IN bookkeeping_NN and_CC clerical_JJ detail_NN as_CS the_AT result_NN of_
IN central_JJ billing_NN ._. Books_NNS are_BER not_* the_AT only_AP resource_NN
of_IN the_AT system_NN ._. Schools_NNS and_CC community_NN groups_NNS turn_VB to
_IN the_AT headquarters_NN film_NN library_NN for_IN documentary_NN ,_, art_NN ,
_, and_CC experimental_JJ films_NNS to_TO show_VB at_IN libraries_NNS that_WPS s
ponsor_VB local_JJ programs_NNS ,_, and_CC to_IN organizations_NNS in_IN member_
NN communities_NNS ._. The_AT most_QL recent_JJ film_NN catalogue_NN ,_, availab
le_JJ at_IN each_DT library_NN ,_, lists_VBZ 110_CD titles_NNS presently_RB in_I
N the_AT collection_NN ,_, any_DTI of_IN which_WDT may_MD be_BE borrowed_VBN wit
hout_IN charge_NN ._. This_DT catalogue_NN lists_VBZ separately_RB films_NNS sui
table_JJ for_IN children_NNS ,_, young_JJ adults_NNS ,_, or_CC adults_NNS ,_, al
though_CS some_DTI classics_NNS cut_VB across_IN age_NN groups_NNS ,_, such_JJ a
s_CS ``_`` Nanook_NP-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL North_NR-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL
Emperor's_NN$-TL Nightingale_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` The_AT-TL Red_JJ-TL B
alloon_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Workshops_NNS are_BER conducted_VBN by_IN the_AT system's
_NN$ audio-visual_JJ consultant_NN for_IN the_AT staffs_NNS of_IN member_NN libr
aries_NNS ,_, teaching_VBG them_PPO the_AT effective_JJ use_NN of_IN film_NN as_
CS a_AT library_NN service_NN ._. The_AT system_NN well_RB understands_VBZ that_
CS one_CD of_IN its_PP$ primary_JJ responsibilities_NNS is_BEZ to_TO bring_VB ch
ildren_NNS and_CC books_NNS together_RB ;_. ;_. consequently_RB an_AT experience
d_VBN children's_NNS$ librarian_NN at_IN headquarters_NN conducts_NNS a_AT guida
nce_NN program_NN designed_VBN to_TO promote_VB well-planned_JJ library_NN activ
ities_NNS ,_, cooperating_VBG with_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ librarians_NNS in_I
N member_NN libraries_NNS by_IN means_NNS of_IN individual_JJ conferences_NNS ,_
, workshops_NNS ,_, and_CC frequent_JJ visits_NNS ._. Headquarters_NNS has_HVZ a
lso_RB set_VBN up_RP a_AT central_JJ juvenile_NN book-review_NN and_CC book-sele
ction_NN center_NN ,_, to_TO provide_VB better_JJR methods_NNS of_IN purchasing_
NN and_CC selection_NN ._. Sample_NN copies_NNS of_IN new_JJ books_NNS are_BER o
n_IN display_NN at_IN headquarters_NNS ,_, where_WRB librarians_NNS may_MD evalu
ate_VB them_PPO by_IN themselves_PPLS or_CC in_IN workshop_NN groups_NNS ._. Sto
ry_NN hours_NNS ,_, pre-school_JJ programs_NNS ,_, activities_NNS with_IN commun
ity_NN agencies_NNS ,_, and_CC lists_NNS of_IN recommended_VBN reading_NN are_BE
R all_ABN in_IN the_AT province_NN of_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ consultant_NN ._
. Headquarters_NNS of_IN the_AT Nassau_NP system_NN is_BEZ an_AT increasingly_QL
busy_JJ place_NN these_DTS days_NNS ,_, threatening_VBG to_TO expand_VB beyond_
IN its_PP$ boundaries_NNS ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN the_AT interlibrary_JJ loa
n_NN service_NN and_CC the_AT children's_NNS$ program_NN ,_, headquarters_NN has
_HVZ a_AT public_JJ relations_NNS director_NN who_WPS seeks_VBZ to_TO get_VB wid
er_JJR grassroots_NNS support_NN for_IN quality_NN library_NN service_NN in_IN t
he_AT county_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS prepares_VBZ cooperative_JJ displays_NNS (_( post
ers_NNS ,_, booklists_NNS ,_, brochures_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP promotional_JJ m
aterial_NN )_) for_IN use_NN in_IN member_NN libraries_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS mainta
ins_VBZ a_AT central_JJ exhibit_NN collection_NN to_TO share_VB displays_NNS alr
eady_RB created_VBN and_CC used_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC it_PPS publishes_VBZ Sum_NN-T
L And_CC-TL Substance_NN-TL ,_, a_AT monthly_JJ newsletter_NN ,_, which_WDT repo
rts_VBZ the_AT system's_NN$ activities_NNS to_IN the_AT staffs_NNS and_CC truste
es_NNS of_IN member_NN libraries_NNS ._. The_AT system_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ gove
rned_VBN by_IN a_AT board_NN of_IN trustees_NNS ,_, geographically_RB representi
ng_VBG its_PP$ membership_NN ._. In_IN Nassau_NP ,_, as_CS in_IN other_AP system
s_NNS ,_, the_AT long-range_NN objective_NN is_BEZ to_TO bring_VB the_AT maximum
_JJ service_NN of_IN libraries_NNS to_TO bear_VB on_IN the_AT schools_NNS ,_, an
d_CC on_IN adult_NN education_NN in_IN general_JJ ._. Librarians_NNS ,_, a_AT pa
tient_JJ breed_NN of_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS who_WPS have_HV borne_VBN much_
AP with_IN dedication_NN ,_, can_MD begin_VB to_TO see_VB results_NNS today_NR .
_. Library_NN use_NN is_BEZ multiplying_VBG daily_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT bulk_NN o
f_IN the_AT newcomers_NNS are_BER those_DTS maligned_VBN Americans_NPS ,_, the_A
T teen-agers_NNS ._. To_IN them_PPO especially_RB the_AT librarians_NNS ,_, with
_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN co-ops_NNS ,_, hope_VB they_PPSS will_MD never_RB have_
HV to_TO say_VB ,_, ``_`` I'm_PPSS+BEM sorry_JJ ,_, we_PPSS don't_DO* have_HV th
at_DT book_NN ''_'' ._. Today_NR ,_, more_AP than_IN ever_RB before_RB ,_, the_A
T survival_NN of_IN our_PP$ free_JJ society_NN depends_VBZ upon_IN the_AT citize
n_NN who_WPS is_BEZ both_ABX informed_VBN and_CC concerned_VBN ._. The_AT great_
JJ advances_NNS made_VBN in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS in_IN Communist_NN-TL strengt
h_NN and_CC in_IN our_PP$ own_JJ capacity_NN to_TO destroy_VB require_VB an_AT e
ducated_VBN citizenry_NN in_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL world_NN ._. The_AT need_NN
for_IN lifetime_NN reading_NN is_BEZ apparent_JJ ._. Education_NN must_MD not_*
be_BE limited_VBN to_IN our_PP$ youth_NN but_CC must_MD be_BE a_AT continuing_VB
G process_NN through_IN our_PP$ entire_JJ lives_NNS ,_, for_CS it_PPS is_BEZ onl
y_QL through_IN knowledge_NN that_CS we_PPSS ,_, as_CS a_AT nation_NN ,_, can_MD
cope_VB with_IN the_AT dangers_NNS that_WPS threaten_VB our_PP$ society_NN ._.
The_AT desire_NN and_CC ability_NN to_IN read_VBN are_BER important_JJ aspects_N
NS of_IN our_PP$ cultural_JJ life_NN ._. We_PPSS cannot_MD* consider_VB ourselve
s_PPLS educated_VBN if_CS we_PPSS do_DO not_* read_VB ;_. ;_. if_CS we_PPSS are_
BER not_* discriminating_JJ in_IN our_PP$ reading_NN ;_. ;_. if_CS we_PPSS do_DO
not_* know_VB how_WRB to_TO use_VB what_WDT we_PPSS do_DO read_VB ._. We_PPSS m
ust_MD not_* permit_VB our_PP$ society_NN to_TO become_VB a_AT slave_NN to_IN th
e_AT scientific_JJ age_NN ,_, as_CS might_MD well_RB happen_VB without_IN the_AT
cultural_JJ and_CC spiritual_JJ restraint_NN that_DT comes_VBZ from_IN the_AT d
evelopment_NN of_IN the_AT human_NN mind_NN through_IN wisdom_NN absorbed_VBN fr
om_IN the_AT written_VBN word_NN ._. A_AT fundamental_JJ source_NN of_IN knowled
ge_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN today_NR is_BEZ the_AT book_NN found_VBN in_IN our_P
P$ libraries_NNS ._. Although_CS progress_NN has_HVZ been_BEN made_VBN in_IN Ame
rica's_NP$ system_NN of_IN libraries_NNS it_PPS still_RB falls_VBZ short_RB of_I
N what_WDT is_BEZ required_VBN if_CS we_PPSS are_BER to_TO maintain_VB the_AT st
andards_NNS that_WPS are_BER needed_VBN for_IN an_AT informed_VBN America_NP ._.
The_AT problem_NN grows_VBZ in_IN intensity_NN each_DT year_NN as_CS man's_NN$
knowledge_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ capacity_NN to_TO translate_VB such_JJ knowledge
_NN to_IN the_AT written_VBN word_NN ,_, continue_VB to_TO expand_VB ._. The_AT
inadequacy_NN of_IN our_PP$ library_NN system_NN will_MD become_VB critical_JJ u
nless_CS we_PPSS act_VB vigorously_RB to_TO correct_VB this_DT condition_NN ._.
There_EX are_BER ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, approximately_RB 25,000,000_CD people
_NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN with_IN no_AT public_JJ library_NN service_NN and_
CC about_RB 50,000,000_CD with_IN inadequate_JJ service_NN ._. In_IN college_NN
libraries_NNS ,_, 57_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT total_NN number_NN of_IN boo
ks_NNS are_BER owned_VBN by_IN 124_CD of_IN 1,509_CD institutions_NNS surveyed_V
BN last_AP year_NN by_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Office_NN-TL of_IN-TL Education_NN-TL
._. And_CC over_RP 66_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT elementary_JJ schools_NNS
with_IN 150_CD or_CC more_AP pupils_NNS do_DO not_* have_HV any_DTI library_NN a
t_IN all_ABN ._. In_IN every_AT aspect_NN of_IN service_NN --_-- to_IN the_AT pu
blic_NN ,_, to_IN children_NNS in_IN schools_NNS ,_, to_IN colleges_NNS and_CC u
niversities_NNS --_-- the_AT library_NN of_IN today_NR is_BEZ failing_VBG to_TO
render_VB vitally_RB needed_VBN services_NNS ._. Only_AP public_JJ understanding
_NN and_CC support_NN can_MD provide_VB that_DT service_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ on
e_CD of_IN the_AT main_JJS reasons_NNS for_IN National_JJ-TL Library_NN-TL Week_
NN-TL ,_, April_NP 16-22_CD ,_, and_CC for_IN its_PP$ theme_NN :_: ``_`` For_IN
a_AT richer_JJR ,_, fuller_JJR life_NN ,_, read_VB ''_'' !_. !_. Assembly_NN-HL
session_NN-HL brought_VBD-HL much_AP-HL good_NN-HL The_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly
_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT adjourns_VBZ today_NR ,_, has_HVZ performed_VBN in_IN an_AT
atmosphere_NN of_IN crisis_NN and_CC struggle_NN from_IN the_AT day_NN it_PPS c
onvened_VBD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ faced_VBN immediately_RB with_IN a_AT showdown_N
N on_IN the_AT schools_NNS ,_, an_AT issue_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ met_VBN squarel
y_RB in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN the_AT governor_NN with_IN a_AT decision_NN no
t_* to_TO risk_VB abandoning_VBG public_NN education_NN ._. There_EX followed_VB
D the_AT historic_JJ appropriations_NNS and_CC budget_NN fight_NN ,_, in_IN whic
h_WDT the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL decided_VBD to_TO tackle_VB executive_
NN powers_NNS ._. The_AT final_JJ decision_NN went_VBD to_IN the_AT executive_NN
but_CC a_AT way_NN has_HVZ been_BEN opened_VBN for_IN strengthening_VBG budgeti
ng_VBG procedures_NNS and_CC to_TO provide_VB legislators_NNS information_NN the
y_PPSS need_VB ._. Long-range_NN planning_NN of_IN programs_NNS and_CC ways_NNS
to_TO finance_VB them_PPO have_HV become_VBN musts_NNS if_CS the_AT state_NN in_
IN the_AT next_AP few_AP years_NNS is_BEZ to_TO avoid_VB crisis-to-crisis_JJ gov
ernment_NN ._. This_DT session_NN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, may_MD have_HV insu
red_VBN a_AT financial_JJ crisis_NN two_CD years_NNS from_IN now_RB ._. In_IN al
l_ABN the_AT turmoil_NN ,_, some_DTI good_JJ legislation_NN was_BEDZ passed_VBN
._. Some_DTI other_AP good_JJ bills_NNS were_BED lost_VBN in_IN the_AT shuffle_N
N and_CC await_VB future_JJ action_NN ._. Certainly_RB all_ABN can_MD applaud_VB
passage_NN of_IN an_AT auto_NN title_NN law_NN ,_, the_AT school_NN bills_NNS ,
_, the_AT increase_NN in_IN teacher_NN pensions_NNS ,_, the_AT ban_NN on_IN drag
_NN racing_NN ,_, acceptance_NN by_IN the_AT state_NN of_IN responsibility_NN fo
r_IN maintenance_NN of_IN state_NN roads_NNS in_IN municipalities_NNS at_IN the_
AT same_AP rate_NN as_CS outside_IN city_NN limits_NNS ,_, repeal_NN of_IN the_A
T college_NN age_NN limit_NN law_NN and_CC the_AT road_NN maintenance_NN bond_NN
issue_NN ._. No_AT action_NN has_HVZ been_BEN taken_VBN ,_, however_WRB ,_, on_
IN such_JJ major_JJ problems_NNS as_CS ending_VBG the_AT fee_NN system_NN ,_, pe
nal_JJ reform_NN ,_, modification_NN of_IN the_AT county_NN unit_NN system_NN an
d_CC in_IN outright_JJ banning_NN of_IN fireworks_NNS sales_NNS ._. Only_RB a_AT
token_JJ start_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN in_IN attacking_VBG the_AT tax_NN reapprais
al_NN question_NN and_CC its_PP$ companion_NN issue_NN of_IN attracting_VBG indu
stry_NN to_IN the_AT state_NN ._. The_AT legislature_NN expended_VBD most_AP of_
IN its_PP$ time_NN on_IN the_AT schools_NNS and_CC appropriations_NNS questions_
NNS ._. Fortunately_RB it_PPS spared_VBD us_PPO from_IN the_AT usual_JJ spate_NN
of_IN silly_JJ resolutions_NNS which_WDT in_IN the_AT past_AP have_HV made_VBN
Georgia_NP look_VB like_CS anything_PN but_IN ``_`` the_AT empire_NN state_NN of
_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ''_'' ._. We_PPSS congratulate_VB the_AT entire_JJ member
ship_NN on_IN its_PP$ record_NN of_IN good_JJ legislation_NN ._. In_IN the_AT in
terim_NN between_IN now_RB and_CC next_AP year_NN ,_, we_PPSS trust_VB the_AT Ho
use_NN-TL and_CC Senate_NN-TL will_MD put_VB their_PP$ minds_NNS to_IN studying_
VBG Georgia's_NP$ very_QL real_JJ economic_JJ ,_, fiscal_JJ and_CC social_JJ pro
blems_NNS and_CC come_VB up_RP with_IN answers_NNS without_IN all_ABN the_AT pol
itical_JJ heroics_NNS ._. League_NN-HL regularly_RB-HL stands_VBZ-HL on_IN-HL th
e_AT-HL side_NN-HL of_IN-HL right_NN-HL The_AT League_NN-TL of_IN-TL Women_NNS-T
L Voters_NNS-TL ,_, 40_CD now_RB and_CC admitting_VBG it_PPS proudly_RB ,_, is_B
EZ inviting_VBG financial_JJ contributions_NNS in_IN the_AT windup_NN of_IN its_
PP$ fund_NN drive_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT good_JJ use_NN of_IN money_NN ._. The
se_DTS women_NNS whose_WP$ organization_NN grew_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT old_JJ s
uffrage_NN movement_NN are_BER dedicated_VBN to_IN Thomas_NP Jefferson's_NP$ dic
tum_NN that_CS one_PN must_MD cherish_VB the_AT people's_NNS$ spirit_NN but_CC `
`_`` Keep_VB alive_JJ their_PP$ attention_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` If_CS once_CS they_
PPSS become_VB inattentive_JJ to_IN the_AT public_NN affairs_NNS ''_'' ,_, Jeffe
rson_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` you_PPSS and_CC I_PPSS ,_, and_CC Congress_NP and_CC
assemblies_NNS ,_, judges_NNS and_CC governors_NNS ,_, shall_MD all_ABN become_V
B wolves_NNS ''_'' ._. Newspapermen_NNS and_CC politicians_NNS especially_RB are
_BER aware_JJ of_IN the_AT penetrating_JJ attention_NN and_CC expert_JJ analysis
_NN the_AT league_NN gives_VBZ to_IN public_JJ affairs_NNS ._. The_AT league_NN
workers_NNS search_VB out_RP the_AT pros_NNS and_CC cons_NNS of_IN the_AT most_Q
L complex_JJ issues_NNS and_CC make_VB them_PPO available_JJ to_IN the_AT public
_NN ._. The_AT harder_JJR the_AT choice_NN ,_, the_AT more_QL willing_JJ the_AT
league_NN is_BEZ to_TO wade_VB in_RP ._. And_CC the_AT league_NN takes_VBZ a_AT
stand_NN ,_, with_IN great_JJ regularity_NN ,_, on_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN right
_NN ._. Look_VB-HL to_IN-HL Coosa_NP-TL Valley_NN-TL for_IN-HL industrial_JJ-HL
progress_NN-HL Cities_NNS and_CC counties_NNS interested_VBN in_IN industrial_JJ
development_NN would_MD do_DO well_RB in_IN the_AT months_NNS ahead_RB to_TO ke
ep_VB their_PP$ eyes_NNS peeled_VBN toward_IN the_AT 13_CD northwest_JJ Georgia_
NP counties_NNS that_WPS are_BER members_NNS of_IN the_AT Coosa_NP-TL Valley_NN-
TL Area_NN-TL Planning_VBG-TL and_CC-TL Development_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL ._. C
oupling_VBG its_PP$ own_JJ budget_NN of_IN $83,750_NNS with_IN a_AT $30,000_NNS
state_NN grant_NN authorized_VBN by_IN Gov._NN-TL Vandiver_NP ,_, the_AT group_N
N expects_VBZ to_TO sign_VB a_AT contract_NN in_IN March_NP with_IN Georgia_NP T
ech._NP ._. Then_RB a_AT full-time_JJ planning_VBG office_NN will_MD be_BE estab
lished_VBN in_IN Rome_NP to_TO work_VB with_IN a_AT five-member_JJ Georgia_NP Te
ch_NP research_NN staff_NN for_IN development_NN of_IN an_AT area_NN planning_VB
G and_CC industrial_JJ development_NN program_NN ._. The_AT undertaking_NN has_H
VZ abundant_JJ promise_NN ._. It_PPS recognizes_VBZ the_AT fact_NN that_CS what_
WDT helps_VBZ one_CD county_NN helps_VBZ its_PP$ neighbors_NNS and_CC that_CS by
_IN banding_VBG together_RB in_IN an_AT area-wide_JJ effort_NN better_JJR result
s_NNS can_MD be_BE accomplished_VBN than_CS through_IN the_AT go-it-alone_JJ app
roach_NN ._. Rusk_NP-HL idea_NN-HL strengthens_VBZ-HL United_VBN-TL-HL States_NN
S-TL-HL defense_NN-HL The_AT Rusk_NP belief_NN in_IN balanced_VBN defense_NN ,_,
replacing_VBG the_AT Dulles_NP theory_NN of_IN massive_JJ retaliation_NN ,_, re
moves_VBZ a_AT grave_JJ danger_NN that_WPS has_HVZ existed_VBN ._. The_AT danger
_NN lay_VBD not_* in_IN believing_VBG that_CS our_PP$ own_JJ A-bombs_NN would_MD
deter_VB Russia's_NP$ use_NN of_IN hers_PP$$ ;_. ;_. that_DT theory_NN was_BEDZ
and_CC is_BEZ sound_JJ ._. The_AT danger_NN lay_VBD in_IN the_AT American_JJ de
lusion_NN that_QL nuclear_JJ deterrence_NN was_BEDZ enough_AP ._. By_IN limiting
_VBG American_JJ strength_NN too_QL much_AP to_IN nuclear_JJ strength_NN ,_, thi
s_DT country_NN limited_VBD its_PP$ ability_NN to_TO fight_VB any_DTI kind_NN of
_IN war_NN besides_IN a_AT nuclear_JJ war_NN ._. This_DT strategy_NN heightened_
VBD the_AT possibility_NN that_CS we_PPSS would_MD have_HV a_AT nuclear_JJ war_N
N ._. It_PPS also_RB weakened_VBD our_PP$ diplomatic_JJ stance_NN ,_, because_CS
Russia_NP could_MD easily_RB guess_VB we_PPSS did_DOD not_* desire_VB a_AT nucl
ear_JJ war_NN except_IN in_IN the_AT ultimate_JJ extremity_NN ._. This_DT left_V
BD the_AT Soviets_NPS plenty_NN of_IN leeway_NN to_TO start_VB low-grade_NN brus
hfire_NN aggressions_NNS with_IN considerable_JJ impunity_NN ._. By_IN maintaini
ng_VBG the_AT nuclear_JJ deterrent_NN ,_, but_IN gearing_VBG American_JJ militar
y_JJ forces_NNS to_TO fight_VB conventional_JJ wars_NNS too_RB ,_, Secretary_NN-
TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL Rusk_NP junks_VBZ bluff_NN and_CC nuclear_JJ brinkmanshi
p_NN and_CC builds_VBZ more_AP muscle_NN and_CC greater_JJR safety_NN into_IN ou
r_PP$ military_JJ position_NN ._. DeKalb_NP-HL budget_NN-HL shows_VBZ-HL county_
NN-HL is_BEZ-HL on_IN-HL beam_NN-HL DeKalb's_NP$ budget_NN for_IN 1961_CD is_BEZ
a_AT record_NN one_CD and_CC carries_VBZ with_IN it_PPO the_AT promise_NN of_IN
no_AT tax_NN increase_NN to_TO make_VB it_PPO balance_VB ._. It_PPS includes_VB
Z a_AT raise_NN in_IN the_AT county_NN minimum_JJ wage_NN ,_, creation_NN of_IN
several_AP new_JJ jobs_NNS at_IN the_AT executive_NN level_NN ,_, financing_VBG
of_IN beefed-up_JJ industrial_JJ development_NN efforts_NNS ,_, and_CC increased
_VBN expenditures_NNS for_IN essential_JJ services_NNS such_JJ as_CS health_NN a
nd_CC welfare_NN ,_, fire_NN protection_NN ,_, sanitation_NN and_CC road_NN main
tenance_NN ._. That_CS such_JJ expansion_NN can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN without_IN
a_AT raise_NN in_IN taxes_NNS is_BEZ due_JJ to_IN growth_NN of_IN the_AT tax_NN
digest_NN and_CC sound_JJ fiscal_JJ planning_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN the_
AT board_NN of_IN commissioners_NNS ,_, headed_VBN by_IN Chairman_NN-TL Charles_
NP O._NP Emmerich_NP who_WPS is_BEZ demonstrating_VBG that_CS the_AT public_JJ t
rust_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ given_VBN was_BEDZ well_QL placed_VBN ,_, and_CC other_A
P county_NN officials_NNS ._. Somewhere_RB-HL ,_,-HL somebody_PN-HL is_BEZ-HL bo
und_VBN-HL to_TO-HL love_VB-HL us_PPO-HL G._NP Mennen_NP Williams_NP is_BEZ lear
ning_VBG the_AT difficulties_NNS of_IN diplomacy_NN rapidly_RB ._. Touring_VBG A
frica_NP ,_, the_AT new_JJ U.S._NP-TL Assistant_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL S
tate_NN-TL observed_VBD ``_`` Africa_NP should_MD be_BE for_IN the_AT Africans_N
PS ''_'' and_CC the_AT British_JJ promptly_RB denounced_VBD him_PPO ._. Then_RB
he_PPS arrived_VBD in_IN Zanzibar_NP and_CC found_VBD Africans_NPS carrying_VBG
signs_NNS saying_VBG ``_`` American_JJ imperialists_NNS ,_, go_VB home_NR ''_''
._. Chin_NN up_RP ,_, Soapy_NP ._. Power_NN-HL company_NN-HL backs_VBZ-HL confid
ence_NN-HL with_IN-HL dollars_NNS-HL Confidence_NN in_IN the_AT state's_NN$ econ
omic_JJ future_NN is_BEZ reflected_VBN in_IN the_AT Georgia_NP-TL Power_NN-TL Co
mpany's_NN$-TL record_NN construction_NN budget_NN for_IN this_DT year_NN ._. Th
e_AT firm_NN does_DOZ a_AT large_JJ amount_VB of_IN research_NN and_CC its_PP$ f
orecasts_NNS have_HV meaning_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ good_JJ to_TO know_VB that_CS
Georgia_NP will_MD continue_VB to_TO have_HV sufficient_JJ electrical_JJ power_N
N not_* only_RB to_TO meet_VB the_AT demands_NNS of_IN normal_JJ growth_NN but_C
C to_TO encourage_VB a_AT more_QL rapid_JJ rate_NN of_IN industrialization_NN ._
. Georgia's_NP$ mental_JJ health_NN program_NN received_VBD a_AT badly_QL needed
_VBN boost_NN from_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL in_IN the_AT form_NN o
f_IN a_AT $1,750,000_NNS budget_NN increase_NN for_IN the_AT Milledgeville_NP-TL
State_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL ._. Actually_RB it_PPS amounts_VBZ to_IN $1,250,000_
NNS above_IN what_WDT the_AT institution_NN already_RB is_BEZ receiving_VBG ,_,
considering_IN the_AT additional_JJ half-million_JJ dollars_NNS Gov._NN-TL Vandi
ver_NP allocated_VBD last_AP year_NN from_IN the_AT state_NN surplus_NN ._. Eith
er_DTX way_NN it_PPS sounds_VBZ like_CS a_AT sizable_JJ hunk_NN of_IN money_NN a
nd_CC is_BEZ ._. But_CC exactly_RB how_QL far_RB it_PPS will_MD go_VB toward_IN
improving_VBG conditions_NNS is_BEZ another_DT question_NN because_CS there_EX i
s_BEZ so_QL much_AP that_CS needs_VBZ doing_VBG ._. The_AT practice_NN of_IN cha
rging_VBG employes_NNS for_IN meals_NNS whether_CS they_PPSS eat_VB at_IN the_AT
hospital_NN or_CC not_* should_MD be_BE abolished_VBN ._. The_AT work_NN week_N
N of_IN attendants_NNS who_WPS are_BER on_IN duty_NN 65_CD hours_NNS and_CC more
_AP per_IN week_NN should_MD be_BE reduced_VBN ._. More_AP attendants_NNS ,_, nu
rses_NNS and_CC doctors_NNS should_MD be_BE hired_VBN ._. Patients_NNS deserve_V
B more_AP attention_NN than_CS they_PPSS are_BER getting_VBG ._. Even_RB with_IN
the_AT increase_NN in_IN funds_NNS for_IN the_AT next_AP fiscal_JJ year_NN ,_,
Georgia_NP will_MD be_BE spending_VBG only_RB around_RB $3.15_NNS per_IN day_NN
per_IN patient_NN ._. The_AT national_JJ average_NN is_BEZ more_AP than_IN $4_NN
S and_CC that_DT figure_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN by_IN experts_NNS in_IN the_AT
mental_JJ health_NN field_NN to_TO be_BE too_QL low_JJ ._. Kansas_NP ,_, regarde
d_VBN as_CS tops_JJS in_IN the_AT nation_NN in_IN its_PP$ treatment_NN of_IN the
_AT mentally_RB ill_JJ ,_, spends_VBZ $9_NNS per_IN day_NN per_IN patient_NN ._.
Georgia_NP has_HVZ made_VBN some_DTI reforms_NNS ,_, true_JJ ._. The_AT intensi
ve_JJ treatment_NN program_NN is_BEZ working_VBG well_RB ._. But_CC in_IN so_QL
many_AP other_AP areas_NNS we_PPSS still_RB are_BER dragging_VBG ._. Considering
_IN what_WDT is_BEZ being_BEG done_VBN compared_VBN to_IN what_WDT needs_VBZ to_
TO be_BE done_VBN ,_, it_PPS behooves_VBZ the_AT hospital_NN management_NN to_TO
do_DO some_DTI mighty_QL careful_JJ planning_NN toward_IN making_VBG the_AT bes
t_JJT possible_JJ use_NN of_IN the_AT increase_NN granted_VBN ._. The_AT boost_N
N is_BEZ helpful_JJ but_CC inadequate_JJ ._. The_AT-HL end_NN-HL of_IN-HL Trujil
lo_NP-HL Assassination_NN ,_, even_RB of_IN a_AT tyrant_NN ,_, is_BEZ repulsive_
JJ to_IN men_NNS of_IN good_JJ conscience_NN ._. Rafael_NP Trujillo_NP ,_, the_A
T often_RB blood-thirsty_JJ dictator_NN of_IN the_AT Dominican_NP-TL Republic_NN
-TL for_IN 31_CD years_NNS ,_, perhaps_RB deserved_VBD his_PP$ fate_NN in_IN an_
AT even-handed_JJ appraisal_NN of_IN history_NN ._. But_CC whether_CS the_AT mur
der_NN of_IN El_FW-AT-TL Benefactor_NN-TL in_IN Ciudad_NP Trujillo_NP means_VBZ
freedom_NN for_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN the_AT Caribbean_NP fiefdom_NN is_BEZ
a_AT question_NN that_DT cannot_MD* now_RB be_BE answered_VBN ._. Trujillo_NP kn
ew_VBD a_AT great_JJ deal_NN about_IN assassination_NN ._. The_AT responsibility
_NN for_IN scores_NNS of_IN deaths_NNS ,_, including_IN the_AT abduction_NN and_
CC murder_NN of_IN Jesus_NP Maria_NP Galindez_NP ,_, a_AT professor_NN at_IN Col
umbia_NP-TL University_NN-TL in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN lai
d_VBN at_IN his_PP$ door_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN involved_VBN in_IN count
less_JJ schemes_NNS to_TO do_DO away_RB with_IN democratic_JJ leaders_NNS in_IN
neighboring_VBG countries_NNS such_JJ as_CS President_NN-TL Romulo_NP Betancourt
_NP of_IN Venezuela_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT sort_NN of_IN poetic_JJ justice_
NN that_CS at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ demise_NN a_AT new_JJ plot_
NN to_TO overthrow_VB the_AT Venezuelan_JJ government_NN ,_, reportedly_RB invol
ving_VBG the_AT use_NN of_IN Dominican_JJ arms_NNS by_IN former_AP Venezuelan_JJ
Dictator_NN-TL Marcos_NP Perez_NP Jimenez_NP ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN uncovered_VBN
and_CC quashed_VBN ._. The_AT recent_JJ history_NN of_IN the_AT Dominican_NP-TL
Republic_NN-TL is_BEZ an_AT almost_QL classical_JJ study_NN of_IN the_AT way_NN
in_IN which_WDT even_RB a_AT professedly_RB benevolent_JJ dictatorship_NN tends
_VBZ to_TO become_VB oppressive_JJ ._. Unquestionably_RB Trujillo_NP did_DOD som
e_DTI good_JJ things_NNS for_IN his_PP$ country_NN :_: he_PPS improved_VBD publi
c_JJ facilities_NNS such_JJ as_CS roads_NNS and_CC sanitation_NN ,_, attracted_V
BD industry_NN and_CC investment_NN and_CC raised_VBD the_AT standard_NN of_IN l
iving_VBG notably_RB ._. But_CC the_AT price_NN was_BEDZ the_AT silence_NN of_IN
the_AT grave_NN for_IN all_ABN criticism_NN or_CC opposition_NN ._. El_FW-AT-TL
Benefactor's_NN$-TL vanity_NN grew_VBD with_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ wealth_NN ._
. The_AT jails_NNS were_BED filled_VBN to_IN overflowing_VBG with_IN political_J
J prisoners_NNS who_WPS had_HVD incurred_VBN his_PP$ displeasure_NN ._. He_PPS m
aintained_VBD amply_QL financed_VBN lobbies_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL State
s_NNS-TL and_CC elsewhere_RB which_WDT sycophantically_RB chanted_VBD his_PP$ pr
aise_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ influence_NN extended_VBD even_RB to_IN Congress_NP .
_. Until_CS the_AT last_AP year_NN or_CC so_CS the_AT profession_NN of_IN friend
ship_NN with_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL had_HVD been_BEN an_AT articl
e_NN of_IN faith_NN with_IN Trujillo_NP ,_, and_CC altogether_RB too_QL often_RB
this_DT profession_NN was_BEDZ accepted_VBN here_RB as_CS evidence_NN of_IN his
_PP$ good_JJ character_NN ._. Tardily_RB the_AT Government_NN-TL here_RB came_VB
D to_TO understand_VB how_WRB this_DT country's_NN$ own_JJ reputation_NN was_BED
Z tarnished_VBN by_IN the_AT association_NN with_IN repression_NN ._. Last_AP ye
ar_NN ,_, after_CS Trujillo_NP had_HVD been_BEN cited_VBN for_IN numerous_JJ agg
ressions_NNS in_IN the_AT Caribbean_NP ,_, the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL an
d_CC many_AP other_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT Organization_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ameri
can_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL broke_VBD diplomatic_JJ relations_NNS with_IN him_PPO ._
. Thereupon_RB followed_VBD a_AT demonstration_NN that_CS tyranny_NN knows_VBZ n
o_AT ideological_JJ confines_NNS ._. Trujillo's_NP$ dictatorship_NN had_HVD been
_BEN along_IN conservative_JJ ,_, right-wing_NN lines_NNS ._. But_CC after_IN th
e_AT censure_NN he_PPS and_CC his_PP$ propaganda_NN started_VBD mouthing_VBG Com
munist_NN-TL slogans_NNS ._. There_EX was_BEDZ considerable_JJ evidence_NN of_IN
a_AT tacit_JJ rapprochement_NN with_IN Castro_NP in_IN Cuba_NP ,_, previously_R
B a_AT bete_FW-NN noire_FW-JJ to_IN Trujillo_NP --_-- thus_RB illustrating_VBG t
he_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT totalitarianism_NN of_IN the_AT right_NN and_CC lef
t_NN coalesces_VBZ ._. What_WDT comes_VBZ after_IN Trujillo_NP is_BEZ now_RB the
_AT puzzle_NN ._. The_AT Dominican_JJ people_NNS have_HV known_VBN no_AT democra
tic_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC precious_JJ little_AP freedom_NN for_IN a_AT gene
ration_NN ,_, and_CC all_ABN alternative_JJ leadership_NN has_HVZ been_BEN suppr
essed_VBN ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT army_NN will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO maintain_VB
stability_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT vacuum_NN of_IN free_JJ institutions_NNS creates_
VBZ a_AT great_JJ danger_NN ._. The_AT Dominican_NP-TL Republic_NN-TL could_MD t
urn_VB toward_IN Communist-type_JJ authoritarianism_NN as_QL easily_RB as_CS tow
ard_IN Western_JJ-TL freedom_NN ._. Such_ABL a_AT twist_NN would_MD be_BE a_AT t
ragedy_NN for_IN the_AT Dominican_JJ people_NNS ,_, who_WPS deserve_VB to_TO bre
athe_VB without_IN fear_NN ._. For_IN that_DT reason_NN any_DTI democratic_JJ re
form_NN and_CC effort_NN to_TO bring_VB genuine_JJ representative_JJ government_
NN to_IN the_AT Dominican_NP-TL Republic_NN-TL will_MD need_VB the_AT greatest_J
JT sympathy_NN and_CC help_NN ._. Start_VB-HL on_IN-HL rapid_JJ-HL transit_NN-HL
High-speed_NN buses_NNS on_IN the_AT George_NP-TL Washington_NP-TL Memorial_JJ-
TL Parkway_NN-TL ,_, operating_VBG between_IN downtown_NR Washington_NP and_CC C
abin_NN-TL John_NP ,_, Glen_NN-TL Echo_NN-TL and_CC Brookmont_NP ,_, would_MD co
nstitute_VB an_AT alluring_VBG sample_NN of_IN what_WDT the_AT new_JJ National_J
J-TL Capital_NN-TL Transportation_NN-TL Agency_NN-TL can_MD do_DO for_IN this_DT
city_NN ._. In_IN presenting_VBG plans_NNS for_IN such_JJ express_JJ buses_NNS
before_IN the_AT Montgomery_NP-TL County_NN-TL Council_NN-TL ,_, the_AT administ
rator_NN of_IN the_AT NCTA_NN ,_, C._NP Darwin_NP Stolzenbach_NP ,_, was_BEDZ fr
ankly_RB seeking_VBG support_NN for_IN the_AT projects_NNS his_PP$ agency_NN wil
l_MD soon_RB be_BE launching_VBG ._. Such_JJ support_NN should_MD not_* be_BE di
fficult_JJ to_TO come_VB by_RB if_CS all_ABN the_AT plans_NNS to_TO be_BE presen
ted_VBN by_IN the_AT NCTA_NN are_BER as_QL attractive_JJ as_CS this_DT outline_N
N of_IN express_NN buses_NNS coming_VBG into_IN the_AT downtown_NR area_NN ._. B
ecause_CS the_AT buses_NNS would_MD not_* stop_VB on_IN the_AT parkway_NN ,_, la
nd_NN for_IN bus_NN stations_NNS and_CC for_IN parking_VBG areas_NNS nearby_RB w
ill_MD be_BE needed_VBN ._. The_AT NCTA_NN is_BEZ well_QL advised_VBN to_TO seek
_VB funds_NNS for_IN this_DT purpose_NN from_IN the_AT present_JJ session_NN of_
IN Congress_NP ._. Must_MD-HL Berlin_NP-HL remain_VB-HL divided_VBN-HL ?_.-HL ?_
.-HL The_AT inference_NN has_HVZ been_BEN too_QL widely_RB accepted_VBN that_CS
because_CS the_AT Communists_NNS-TL have_HV succeeded_VBN in_IN building_VBG bar
ricades_NNS across_IN Berlin_NP the_AT free_JJ world_NN must_MD acquiesce_VB in_
IN dismemberment_NN of_IN that_DT living_VBG city_NN ._. So_QL far_RB as_CS the_
AT record_NN is_BEZ concerned_VBN ,_, the_AT Western_JJ-TL powers_NNS have_HV no
t_* acquiesced_VBN and_CC should_MD not_* do_DO so_RB ._. Though_CS Walter_NP Ul
bricht_NP ,_, by_IN grace_NN of_IN Soviet_NN-TL tanks_NNS ,_, may_MD be_BE head_
JJS man_NN in_IN East_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ,_, that_DT does_DOZ not_* give_VB him
_PPO any_DTI right_NN to_TO usurp_VB the_AT government_NN of_IN East_JJ-TL Berli
n_NP-TL or_CC to_TO absorb_VB that_DT semi-city_NN into_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL z
one_NN ._. The_AT wartime_NN protocol_NN of_IN September_NP 12_CD ,_, 1944_CD ,_
, designated_VBN a_AT special_JJ ``_`` Greater_JJR-TL Berlin_NP-TL ''_'' area_NN
,_, comprising_VBG the_AT entire_JJ city_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE under_IN joint_JJ o
ccupation_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* a_AT part_NN of_IN any_DTI one_CD of_IN t
he_AT three_CD (_( later_RBR four_CD )_) zones_NNS for_IN occupation_NN by_IN So
viet_NN-TL ,_, American_JJ ,_, British_JJ ,_, and_CC French_JJ troops_NNS respec
tively_RB ._. After_IN the_AT Berlin_NP blockade_NN and_CC airlift_NN ,_, the_AT
Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Ministers_NNS-TL in_IN 1949_CD declared_VB
D a_AT purpose_NN ``_`` to_TO mitigate_VB the_AT effects_NNS of_IN the_AT presen
t_JJ administrative_JJ division_NN of_IN Germany_NP and_CC of_IN Berlin_NP ''_''
._. For_IN some_DTI time_NN the_AT Communists_NNS-TL honored_VBD the_AT distinc
tion_NN between_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL zone_NN of_IN Germany_NP and_CC the_AT So
viet_NN-TL sector_NN of_IN Berlin_NP by_IN promulgating_VBG separately_RB the_AT
laws_NNS for_IN the_AT two_CD areas_NNS ._. Then_RB they_PPSS moved_VBD offices
_NNS of_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL German_JJ puppet_NN government_NN into_IN East_JJ-T
L Berlin_NP-TL and_CC began_VBD illegally_RB to_TO treat_VB it_PPO as_CS the_AT
capital_NN of_IN East_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ._. That_CS this_DT and_CC the_AT clos
ing_NN of_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL Berlin-West_NP Berlin_NP border_NN have_HV not_*
been_BEN accepted_VBN by_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL governments_NNS appears_VBZ in_
IN notes_NNS which_WDT Britain_NP ,_, France_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL sent_VBD to_IN Moscow_NP after_IN the_AT latter's_NN$ gratuitous_J
J protest_NN over_IN a_AT visit_NN of_IN Chancellor_NN-TL Adenauer_NP and_CC oth
er_AP West_JJ-TL German_NP-TL officials_NNS to_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL ._. Th
e_AT Chancellor_NN-TL had_HVD as_QL much_AP business_NN there_RB as_CS Ulbricht_
NP had_HVD in_IN East_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL --_-- and_CC was_BEDZ certainly_RB less
_QL provocative_JJ than_CS the_AT juvenile_JJ sound-truck_NN taunts_NNS of_IN Ge
rhard_NP Eisler_NP ._. The_AT British_JJ and_CC other_AP replies_NNS to_IN that_
DT Moscow_NP note_NN pointed_VBD out_RP efforts_NNS of_IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL
authorities_NNS ``_`` to_TO integrate_VB East_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL into_IN East_J
J-TL Germany_NP-TL by_IN isolating_VBG it_PPO from_IN the_AT outside_NN and_CC a
ttempting_VBG to_TO make_VB it_PPO the_AT capital_NN of_IN East_JJ-TL Germany_NP
-TL ''_'' ._. They_PPSS insisted_VBD on_IN the_AT ``_`` fundamental_JJ fact_NN '
'_'' that_CS ``_`` the_AT whole_NN of_IN Berlin_NP has_HVZ a_AT quadripartite_JJ
status_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BEZ far_RB from_IN acknowledging_VBG or_CC recog
nizing_VBG those_DTS efforts_NNS as_CS an_AT accomplished_VBN fact_NN ._. There_
EX remains_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT question_NN of_IN what_WDT the_AT
West_NR-TL can_MD do_DO beyond_IN diplomatic_JJ protest_NN to_TO prevent_VB the_
AT illegal_JJ efforts_NNS from_IN becoming_VBG accomplished_VBN facts_NNS ._. On
e_CD ground_NN of_IN action_NN certainly_RB exists_VBZ when_WRB fusillades_NNS o
f_IN stray_JJ shots_NNS go_VB over_RP into_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL as_CS Comm
unist_NN-TL ``_`` vopos_FW-NNS ''_'' try_VB to_TO gun_VB down_RP fleeing_VBG una
rmed_JJ residents_NNS ._. Another_DT remained_VBD when_WRB an_AT American_JJ-TL
Army_NN-TL car_NN was_BEDZ recovered_VBN but_CC with_IN a_AT broken_VBN glass_NN
._. The_AT glass_NN may_MD seem_VB trivial_JJ but_IN Communist_NN-TL official_J
J hooliganism_NN feeds_VBZ on_IN such_JJ incidents_NNS unless_CS they_PPSS are_B
ER redressed_VBN ._. Remembering_VBG the_AT step-by-step_JJ fate_NN of_IN Danzig
_NP and_CC the_AT West_JJ-TL German_NP-TL misgivings_NNS about_IN ``_`` salami_N
N ''_'' tactics_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO be_BE hoped_VBN that_CS the_AT dispa
tch_NN of_IN General_NN-TL Clay_NP to_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL as_CS President
_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ representative_NN will_MD mark_VB a_AT stiffening_NN of_IN
response_NN not_* only_RB to_IN future_JJ indignities_NNS and_CC aggressions_NNS
but_CC also_RB to_IN some_DTI that_WPS have_HV passed_VBN ._. Prairie_NN-TL-HL
National_JJ-TL-HL Park_NN-TL-HL Thousands_NNS of_IN buffalo_NN (_( ``_`` bison_N
N ''_'' they_PPSS will_MD never_RB be_BE to_IN the_AT man_NN on_IN the_AT street
_NN )_) grazing_VBG like_CS a_AT mobile_JJ brown_JJ throw-rug_NN upon_IN the_AT
rolling_VBG ,_, dusty-green_JJ grassland_NN ._. A_AT horizon_NN even_JJ and_CC s
eamless_JJ ,_, binding_VBG the_AT vast_JJ sun-bleached_JJ dome_NN of_IN sky_NN t
o_IN earth_NN ._. That_DT picture_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ prairie_NN is_BEZ
as_QL indelibly_QL fixed_VBN in_IN the_AT memory_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS have
_HV studied_VBN the_AT conquest_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ continent_NN as_CS a
ny_DTI later_JJR cinema_NN image_NN of_IN the_AT West_NR-TL made_VBD in_IN live-
oak_NN canyons_NNS near_IN Hollywood_NP ._. For_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT millio
ns_NNS of_IN buffalo_NN and_CC prairie_NN chicken_NN and_CC the_AT endless_JJ se
as_NNS of_IN grass_NN that_WPS symbolized_VBD for_IN a_AT whole_JJ generation_NN
of_IN Americans_NPS the_AT abundant_JJ supply_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ to_TO take_V
B many_AP of_IN them_PPO westward_RB when_WRB the_AT Ohio_NP and_CC Mississippi_
NP valleys_NNS began_VBD to_TO fill_VB ._. The_AT National_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL Serv
ice_NN-TL now_RB proposes_VBZ to_TO preserve_VB an_AT area_NN in_IN Pottawatomie
_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, northeast_JJ Kansas_NP ,_, as_CS a_AT ``_`` Prairie_NN-T
L National_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL ''_'' ._. There_RB the_AT buffalo_NN would_MD roam_V
B ,_, to_TO be_BE seen_VBN as_CS a_AT tapestry_NN ,_, not_* as_QL moth-eaten_JJ
zoo_NN specimens_NNS ._. Wooded_JJ stream_NN valleys_NNS in_IN the_AT folds_NNS
of_IN earth_NN would_MD be_BE saved_VBN ._. Grasslands_NNS would_MD extend_VB ,_
, unfenced_JJ ,_, unplowed_JJ ,_, unbroken_JJ by_IN silo_NN or_CC barn_NN --_--
as_CS the_AT first_OD settlers_NNS saw_VBD them_PPO ._. The_AT Park_NN-TL Servic
e_NN-TL makes_VBZ an_AT impressive_JJ ecological_JJ and_CC statistical_JJ case_N
N for_IN creating_VBG this_DT new_JJ park_NN ._. American_JJ history_NN should_M
D clinch_VB the_AT case_NN when_WRB Congress_NP is_BEZ asked_VBN to_TO approve_V
B ._. Whisky_NN-HL on_IN-HL the_AT-HL air_NN-HL A_AT Philadelphia_NP distiller_N
N is_BEZ currently_RB breaching_VBG the_AT customary_JJ prohibition_NN against_I
N hard-liquor_NN advertising_NN on_IN TV_NN and_CC radio_NN ._. Starting_VBG wit
h_IN small_JJ stations_NNS not_* members_NNS of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Associa
tion_NN-TL of_IN-TL Broadcasters_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT firm_NN apparently_RB is_BEZ
seeking_VBG to_TO break_VB down_RP the_AT anti-liquor_JJ barriers_NNS in_IN majo
r-market_NN stations_NNS ._. Probably_RB the_AT best_JJT answer_NN to_IN this_DT
kind_NN of_IN entering_VBG wedge_NN is_BEZ congressional_JJ action_NN requiring
_VBG the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Communications_NNS-TL Commission_NN-TL to_TO ban_VB su
ch_JJ advertising_NN through_IN its_PP$ licensing_VBG power_NN ._. The_AT Nation
al_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL Broadcasters_NNS-TL code_NN specifically_RB
bars_VBZ hard-liquor_NN commercials_NNS ._. Past_AP polls_NNS of_IN public_JJ op
inion_NN show_VB popular_JJ favor_NN for_IN this_DT policy_NN ._. Even_RB the_AT
Distilled_VBN-TL Spirits_NNS-TL Institute_NN-TL has_HVZ long_RB had_HVN a_AT sp
ecific_JJ prohibition_NN ._. Why_WRB ,_, then_RB ,_, with_IN these_DTS voluntary
_JJ barricades_NNS and_CC some_DTI state_NN laws_NNS barring_VBG liquor_NN ads_N
NS ,_, is_BEZ it_PPS necessary_JJ to_TO seek_VB congressional_JJ action_NN ?_. ?
_. Simply_RB because_CS the_AT subverting_VBG action_NN of_IN firms_NNS that_WPS
are_BER not_* members_NNS of_IN the_AT Distilled_VBN-TL Spirits_NNS-TL Institut
e_NN-TL and_CC of_IN radio_NN and_CC TV_NN stations_NNS that_WPS are_BER not_* m
embers_NNS of_IN the_AT NAB_NN tends_VBZ to_TO spread_VB ._. Soon_RB some_DTI me
mbers_NNS of_IN the_AT two_CD industry_NN groups_NNS doubtless_RB will_MD want_V
B to_TO amend_VB their_PP$ codes_NNS on_IN grounds_NNS that_CS otherwise_RB they
_PPSS will_MD suffer_VB unfairly_RB from_IN the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN non-code_NN
competitors_NNS ._. Although_CS the_AT false_JJ glamour_NN surrounding_VBG bour
bon_NN or_CC other_AP whisky_NN commercials_NNS is_BEZ possibly_RB no_QL more_QL
fatuous_JJ than_CS the_AT pseudo-sophistication_NN with_IN which_WDT TV_NN soft
-drinks_NNS are_BER downed_VBN or_CC toothpaste_NN applied_VBN ,_, there_EX is_B
EZ a_AT sad_JJ difference_NN between_IN enticing_VBG a_AT viewer_NN into_IN sipp
ing_VBG Oopsie-Cola_NP and_CC gulling_VBG him_PPO into_IN downing_VBG bourbon_NN
._. A_AT law_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN ._. New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL :_:-HL Democrats'_NP
S$-HL choice_NN-HL Registered_VBN Democrats_NPS in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_
NN-TL this_DT year_NN have_HV the_AT opportunity_NN to_TO elect_VB their_PP$ par
ty's_NN$ candidates_NNS for_IN Mayor_NN-TL and_CC other_AP municipal_JJ posts_NN
S and_CC the_AT men_NNS who_WPS will_MD run_VB their_PP$ party_NN organization_N
N ._. In_IN the_AT central_JJ contest_NN ,_, that_DT for_IN Mayor_NN-TL ,_, they
_PPSS may_MD have_HV found_VBN some_DTI pertinent_JJ points_NNS in_IN what_WDT e
ach_DT faction_NN has_HVZ said_VBN about_IN the_AT other_AP ._. Mayor_NN-TL Robe
rt_NP F._NP Wagner_NP must_MD ,_, as_CS his_PP$ opponents_NNS demand_VB ,_, assu
me_VB responsibility_NN for_IN his_PP$ performance_NN in_IN office_NN ._. While_
CS all_ABN citizens_NNS share_VB in_IN blame_NN for_IN lax_JJ municipal_JJ ethic
s_NNS the_AT Wagner_NP regime_NN has_HVZ seen_VBN serious_JJ problems_NNS in_IN
the_AT schools_NNS ,_, law_NN enforcement_NN and_CC fiscal_JJ policies_NNS ._. T
he_AT Mayor_NN-TL is_BEZ finding_VBG it_PPO awkward_JJ to_TO campaign_VB against
_IN his_PP$ own_JJ record_NN ._. State_NN-TL Controller_NN-TL Arthur_NP Levitt_N
P ,_, on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, cannot_MD* effectively_RB deny_VB that_C
S he_PPS has_HVZ chosen_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT candidate_NN of_IN those_DTS part
y_NN leaders_NNS who_WPS as_CS a_AT rule_NN have_HV shown_VBN livelier_JJR inter
est_NN in_IN political_JJ power_NN than_CS in_IN the_AT city's_NN$ welfare_NN ._
. They_PPSS ,_, too_RB ,_, have_HV links_NNS with_IN the_AT city's_NN$ ills_NNS
._. Both_ABX men_NNS are_BER known_VBN to_TO be_BE honest_JJ and_CC public-spiri
ted_JJ ._. Mayor_NN-TL Wagner's_NP$ shortcomings_NNS have_HV perhaps_RB been_BEN
more_QL mercilessly_RB exposed_VBN than_CS those_DTS of_IN Mr._NP Levitt_NP who
_WPS left_VBD an_AT impression_NN of_IN quiet_JJ competence_NN in_IN his_PP$ mor
e_QL protected_VBN state_NN post_NN ._. As_CS Mayor_NN-TL ,_, Mr._NP Levitt_NP m
ight_MD turn_VB out_RP to_TO be_BE more_QL independent_JJ than_CS some_DTI of_IN
his_PP$ leading_VBG supporters_NNS would_MD like_VB ._. His_PP$ election_NN ,_,
on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, would_MD unquestionably_RB strengthen_VB the_
AT ``_`` regulars_NNS ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Wagner_NP might_MD or_CC might_MD not_* b
e_BE a_AT ``_`` new_JJ ''_'' Mayor_NN-TL in_IN this_DT third_OD term_NN ,_, now_
RB that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ free_JJ of_IN the_AT pressure_NN of_IN those_DTS party_
VB leaders_NNS whom_WPO he_PPS calls_VBZ ``_`` bosses_NNS ''_'' ._. These_DTS ar
e_BER ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT same_AP people_NNS whose_WP$ support_NN he_
PPS has_HVZ only_QL now_RB rejected_VBN to_TO seek_VB the_AT independent_JJ vote
_NN ._. But_CC his_PP$ reelection_NN would_MD strengthen_VB the_AT liberal_JJ De
mocrats_NPS and_CC the_AT labor_NN unions_NNS who_WPS back_VB him_PPO ._. If_CS
this_DT choice_NN is_BEZ less_QL exciting_JJ than_CS New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Democr
ats_NPS may_MD wish_VB ,_, it_PPS nevertheless_RB must_MD be_BE made_VBN ._. The
_AT vote_NN still_RB gives_VBZ citizens_NNS a_AT voice_NN in_IN the_AT operation
_NN of_IN their_PP$ government_NN and_CC their_PP$ party_NN ._. Little_JJ-HL war
_NN-HL ,_,-HL big_JJ-HL test_NN-HL Both_ABX Mr._NP K's_NP-TL have_HV so_QL far_R
B continued_VBN to_TO speak_VB softly_RB and_CC carry_VB big_JJ sticks_NNS over_
IN Laos_NP ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ,_, already_RB two_CD quiet_JJ demands
_NNS down_RP ,_, still_RB refused_VBD Thursday_NR to_TO be_BE drawn_VBN into_IN
delivering_VBG a_AT public_JJ ultimatum_NN to_IN Moscow_NP ._. But_CC at_IN the_
AT same_AP time_NN he_PPS moved_VBD his_PP$ helicopter-borne_JJ marines_NNS to_I
N within_IN an_AT hour_NN of_IN the_AT fighting_NN ._. And_CC Secretary_NN-TL Ru
sk_NP ,_, en_FW-IN route_FW-NN to_IN Bangkok_NP ,_, doubtless_RB is_BEZ trying_V
BG to_TO make_VB emergency_NN arrangements_NNS for_IN the_AT possible_JJ entry_N
N of_IN Australian_JJ or_CC Thai_NP SEATO_NN forces_NNS ._. For_IN Mr._NP Kenned
y_NP ,_, speaking_VBG softly_RB and_CC carrying_VBG a_AT sizable_JJ stick_NN is_
BEZ making_VBG the_AT best_JJT of_IN a_AT bad_JJ situation_NN ._. The_AT new_JJ
President_NN-TL is_BEZ in_IN no_AT position_NN to_TO start_VB out_RP his_PP$ dea
lings_NNS with_IN Moscow_NP by_IN issuing_VBG callable_JJ bluffs_NNS ._. He_PPS
must_MD show_VB at_IN the_AT outset_NN that_CS he_PPS means_VBZ exactly_RB what_
WDT he_PPS says_VBZ ._. In_IN this_DT case_NN he_PPS has_HVZ put_VBN the_AT alte
rnatives_NNS clearly_RB to_IN Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP for_IN the_AT third_OD time_N
N ._. At_IN his_PP$ press_NN conference_NN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_``
All_ABN we_PPSS want_VB in_IN Laos_NP is_BEZ peace_NN not_* war_NN a_AT truly_RB
neutral_JJ government_NN not_* a_AT cold_JJ war_NN pawn_NN ''_'' ._. At_IN the_
AT scene_NN he_PPS has_HVZ just_QL as_QL clearly_RB shown_VBN his_PP$ military_J
J strength_NN in_IN unprovocative_JJ but_CC ready_JJ position_NN ._. Since_CS La
os_NP is_BEZ of_IN no_QL more_QL purely_QL military_JJ value_NN to_IN Moscow_NP
itself_PPL than_CS it_PPS is_BEZ to_IN Washington_NP ,_, this_DT approach_NN mig
ht_MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO head_VB off_RP Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP for_IN the_AT
moment_NN ._. But_CC because_RB of_IN the_AT peculiar_JJ nature_NN of_IN the_AT
military_JJ situation_NN in_IN Laos_NP ,_, the_AT Soviet_NN-TL leader_NN must_M
D be_BE tempted_VBN to_TO let_VB things_NNS ride_VB --_-- a_AT course_NN that_WP
S would_MD appear_VB to_TO cost_VB him_PPO little_AP on_IN the_AT spot_NN ,_, bu
t_CC would_MD bog_VB Washington_NP in_IN a_AT tactical_JJ mess_NN ._. As_CS wars
_NNS go_VB ,_, Laos_NP is_BEZ an_AT extremely_QL little_JJ one_CD ._. Casualties
_NNS have_HV been_BEN running_VBG about_RB a_AT dozen_NN men_NNS a_AT day_NN ._.
The_AT hard_JJ core_NN of_IN the_AT pro-Communist_JJ rebel_NN force_NN numbers_
VBZ only_RB some_DTI 2,000_CD tough_JJ Viet_NP Minh_NP guerrilla_NN fighters_NNS
._. But_CC for_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC its_PP$ SEATO_NN al
lies_NNS to_TO attempt_VB to_TO shore_VB up_RP a_AT less_QL tough_JJ ,_, less_QL
combat-tested_JJ government_NN army_NN in_IN monsoon-shrouded_JJ ,_, road-shy_J
J ,_, guerrilla-th'-wisp_JJ terrain_NN is_BEZ a_AT risk_NN not_* savored_VBN by_
IN Pentagon_NN-TL planners_NNS ._. But_CC if_CS anything_PN can_MD bring_VB home
_NR to_IN Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP the_AT idea_NN that_CS he_PPS will_MD not_* reall
y_RB get_VB much_AP enjoyment_NN from_IN watching_VBG this_DT Braddock-against-t
he-Indians_JJ contest_NN ,_, it_PPS will_MD probably_RB be_BE the_AT fact_NN tha
t_DT SEATO_NN forces_NNS are_BER ready_JJ to_TO attempt_VB it_PPO --_-- plus_CC
the_AT fact_NN that_CS Moscow_NP has_HVZ something_PN to_TO lose_VB from_IN clos
ing_VBG off_RP disarmament_NN and_CC other_AP bigger_JJR negotiations_NNS with_I
N Washington_NP ._. Fortunately_RB both_ABX the_AT Republicans_NPS and_CC Americ
a's_NP$ chief_JJS Western_JJ-TL allies_NNS now_RB are_BER joined_VBN behind_IN t
he_AT neutral_JJ Laos_NP aim_NN of_IN the_AT President_NN-TL ._. Actually_RB it_
PPS would_MD be_BE more_QL accurate_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT leader_NN of_
IN the_AT alliance_NN now_RB has_HVZ swung_VBN fully_RB behind_IN the_AT British
_JJ policy_NN of_IN seeking_VBG to_TO achieve_VB a_AT neutral_JJ Laos_NP via_IN
the_AT international_JJ bargaining_NN table_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ ironic_JJ that_
CS Washington_NP is_BEZ having_HVG to_TO struggle_VB so_RB for_IN a_AT concept_N
N that_CS for_IN six_CD years_NNS it_PPS bypassed_VBD as_CS unreasonable_JJ ._.
The_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL tacitly_RB rejected_VBD the_AT neutral_JJ La
os_NP idea_NN after_IN the_AT Geneva_NP conference_NN of_IN 1954_CD ,_, and_CC l
ast_AP year_NN Washington_NP backed_VBD the_AT rightist_NN coup_NN that_WPS oust
ed_VBD neutral_JJ Premier_NN-TL Souvanna_NP Phouma_NP ._. But_CC since_IN last_A
P fall_NN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL has_HVZ been_BEN moving_VBG toward_
IN a_AT pro-neutralist_JJ position_NN and_CC now_RB is_BEZ ready_JJ to_TO back_V
B the_AT British_JJ plan_NN for_IN a_AT cease-fire_NN patrolled_VBN by_IN outsid
e_NN observers_NNS and_CC followed_VBN by_IN a_AT conference_NN of_IN interested
_VBN powers_NNS ._. The_AT road_NN to_IN a_AT guaranteed-neutral_JJ ,_, coup-pro
of_JJ Laos_NP is_BEZ today_NR almost_RB as_QL difficult_JJ as_CS warfare_NN on_I
N that_DT nation's_NN$ terrain_NN ._. But_CC for_IN the_AT safety_NN of_IN South
east_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL ,_, and_CC for_IN the_AT sake_NN of_IN the_AT Laotian_JJ p
eople_NNS --_-- who_WPS would_MD not_* be_BE well-ruled_JJ by_IN either_DTX mili
tant_JJ minority_NN now_RB engaged_VBN in_IN the_AT fighting_NN --_-- this_DT la
st_AP big_JJ effort_NN to_TO seal_VB that_DT country_NN from_IN the_AT cold_JJ w
ar_NN had_HVD to_TO be_BE made_VBN ._. The_AT world_NN awaits_VBZ Mr._NP Khrushc
hev's_NP$ choice_NN of_IN alternatives_NNS ._. A_AT-HL vote_NN-HL for_IN-HL educ
ational_JJ-HL TV_NN-HL The_AT Senate's_NP$ overwhelming_JJ (_( 64-13_CD )_) vote
_NN to_TO support_VB locally_RB controlled_VBN educational_JJ TV_NN efforts_NNS
should_MD be_BE emulated_VBN in_IN the_AT lower_JJR house_NN ._. Twice_RB previo
usly_RB the_AT Senate_NN-TL has_HVZ approved_VBN measures_NNS backing_VBG ETV_NN
and_CC the_AT House_NN-TL has_HVZ let_NN them_PPO die_VB ._. But_CC this_DT yea
r_NN prospects_NNS may_MD be_BE better_JJR ._. The_AT House_NN-TL communications
_NNS subcommittee_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO report_VB out_RP a_AT good_JJ bil
l_NN calling_VBG for_IN the_AT states_NNS to_TO match_VB federal_JJ funds_NNS ._
. This_DT year's_NN$ Senate_NN-TL measure_NN would_MD provide_VB each_DT state_N
N and_CC the_AT District_NN-TL of_IN-TL Columbia_NP-TL with_IN $1,000,000_NNS to
_TO be_BE used_VBN in_IN support_NN of_IN private_JJ ,_, state_NN ,_, or_CC muni
cipal_JJ ETV_NN efforts_NNS ._. The_AT funds_NNS would_MD be_BE used_VBN for_IN
equipment_NN ,_, not_* for_IN land_NN ,_, buildings_NNS ,_, or_CC operation_NN .
_. The_AT relatively_QL few_AP communities_NNS that_WPS have_HV educational_JJ s
tations_NNS have_HV found_VBN them_PPO of_IN considerable_JJ value_NN ._. But_CC
,_, lacking_VBG money_NN from_IN commercial_JJ sponsors_NNS ,_, the_AT stations
_NNS have_HV had_HVN difficulties_NNS meeting_VBG expenses_NNS or_CC improving_V
BG their_PP$ service_NN ._. Other_AP communities_NNS --_-- the_AT ones_NNS to_TO
be_BE aided_VBN most_RBT by_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL bill_NN --_-- have_HV had_HV
N difficulty_NN starting_VBG such_JJ stations_NNS because_RB of_IN the_AT high_J
J initial_JJ cost_NN of_IN equipment_NN ._. A_AT-HL good_JJ-HL man_NN-HL departs
_VBZ-HL ._.-HL Goodby_UH-HL ,_,-HL Mr._NP-HL Sam_NP-HL ._. Sam_NP Rayburn_NP was
_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ man_NN ,_, a_AT good_JJ American_NP ,_, and_CC ,_, third_OD ,
_, a_AT good_JJ Democrat_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ all_ABN of_IN these_DTS rolled_V
BN into_IN one_CD sturdy_JJ figure_NN ;_. ;_. Mr._NP Speaker_NN-TL ,_, Mr._NP Sa
m_NP ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Democrat_NP ,_, at_IN one_CD and_CC the_AT same_AP time_N
N ._. The_AT House_NN-TL was_BEDZ his_PP$ habitat_NN and_CC there_RB he_PPS flou
rished_VBD ,_, first_RB as_CS a_AT young_JJ representative_NN ,_, then_RB as_CS
a_AT forceful_JJ committee_NN chairman_NN ,_, and_CC finally_RB in_IN the_AT pos
t_NN for_IN which_WDT he_PPS seemed_VBD intended_VBN from_IN birth_NN ,_, Speake
r_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL House_NN-TL ,_, and_CC second_OD most_QL powerful_JJ
man_NN in_IN Washington_NP ._. Mr._NP Rayburn_NP was_BEDZ not_* an_AT easy_JJ ma
n_NN to_TO classify_VB or_CC to_TO label_VB ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ no_AT flaming_VB
G liberal_NN ,_, yet_CC the_AT New_JJ-TL Deal_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Fair_JJ-TL Deal_N
N-TL and_CC the_AT New_JJ-TL Frontier_NN-TL needed_VBD him_PPO ._. He_PPS was_BE
DZ not_* a_AT rear-looking_JJ conservative_NN ,_, yet_RB partisans_NNS of_IN tha
t_DT persuasion_NN will_MD miss_VB him_PPO as_QL much_RB as_CS any_DTI ._. Two_C
D of_IN the_AT vital_JJ qualities_NNS demanded_VBN of_IN a_AT politician_NN by_I
N other_AP politicians_NNS are_BER that_CS he_PPS always_RB keep_VB a_AT confide
nce_NN and_CC that_CS he_PPS keep_VB his_PP$ word_NN ._. Sam_NP Rayburn_NP took_
VBD unnumbered_JJ secrets_NNS with_IN him_PPO to_IN the_AT grave_NN ,_, for_CS h
e_PPS was_BEDZ never_RB loquacious_JJ ,_, and_CC his_PP$ word_NN ,_, once_RB giv
en_VBN ,_, was_BEDZ not_* subject_NN to_IN retraction_NN ._. It_PPS might_MD be_
BE added_VBN that_CS as_CS he_PPS kept_VBD his_PP$ word_NN so_CS he_PPS expected
_VBD that_CS others_NNS keep_VB theirs_PP$$ ._. The_AT demonstration_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ power_NN was_BEDZ never_RB flamboyant_JJ or_CC theatrical_JJ ._. His_PP$ l
eadership_NN was_BEDZ not_* for_IN audiences_NNS ._. A_AT growl_NN ,_, a_AT nod_
NN ,_, was_BEDZ usually_RB enough_AP ._. When_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* ,_, one_
CD of_IN the_AT great_JJ dramas_NNS of_IN Washington_NP would_MD be_BE presented
_VBN ._. He_PPS would_MD rise_VB in_IN the_AT well_NN of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ,
_, his_PP$ chin_NN upon_IN his_PP$ chest_NN ,_, his_PP$ hands_NNS gripping_VBG t
he_AT side_NN of_IN a_AT desk_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT political_JJ and_CC legislati
ve_JJ chatter_NN would_MD subside_VB into_IN silence_NN ._. He_PPS spoke_VBD bri
efly_RB ,_, sensibly_RB ,_, to_IN the_AT point_NN and_CC without_IN oratorical_J
J flourishes_NNS ._. He_PPS made_VBD good_JJ ,_, plain_JJ American_JJ common_JJ
sense_NN and_CC the_AT House_NN-TL usually_RB recognized_VBD it_PPO and_CC acted
_VBD upon_IN it_PPO ._. These_DTS public_JJ efforts_NNS were_BED rare_JJ because
_CS Mr._NP Rayburn_NP normally_RB did_DOD his_PP$ counseling_NN ,_, persuading_V
BG and_CC educating_VBG long_RB before_CS an_AT issue_NN reached_VBD its_PP$ tes
t_NN on_IN the_AT House_NN-TL floor_NN ._. He_PPS expected_VBD Democrats_NPS to_
TO do_DO their_PP$ duty_NN when_WRB it_PPS had_HVD been_BEN patiently_RB pointed
_VBN out_RP to_IN them_PPO ._. With_IN his_PP$ long_JJ service_NN he_PPS had_HVD
a_AT long_JJ memory_NN ,_, an_AT excellent_JJ thing_NN in_IN a_AT political_JJ
leader_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL f
or_IN a_AT very_QL long_JJ time_NN ._. There_EX are_BER only_RB two_CD men_NNS r
emaining_VBG in_IN Congress_NP who_WPS ,_, with_IN Rayburn_NP ,_, voted_VBD for_
IN the_AT declaration_NN of_IN war_NN against_IN Germany_NP in_IN 1917_CD ._. To
_IN almost_RB two_CD generations_NNS of_IN Americans_NPS it_PPS must_MD have_HV
seemed_VBN as_CS though_CS the_AT existence_NN of_IN Mr._NP Sam_NP coincided_VBD
with_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ._. And_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT Hous
e_NN-TL he_PPS loved_VBD ._. To_TO be_BE presiding_VBG officer_NN of_IN it_PPO w
as_BEDZ the_AT end_NN of_IN his_PP$ desire_NN and_CC ambition_NN ._. The_AT Sena
te_NN-TL to_IN him_PPO was_BEDZ not_* the_AT ``_`` upper_JJ body_NN ''_'' and_CC
he_PPS corrected_VBD those_DTS who_WPS said_VBD he_PPS served_VBD ``_`` under_I
N ''_'' the_AT president_NN ._. He_PPS served_VBD ``_`` with_IN ''_'' him_PPO ._
. Sound_VB the_AT roll_NN of_IN those_DTS with_IN whom_WPO he_PPS served_VBD and
_CC who_WPS preceded_VBD him_PPO in_IN death_NN ._. Woodrow_NP Wilson_NP ,_, wit
h_IN whom_WPO he_PPS began_VBD his_PP$ years_NNS in_IN Washington_NP ,_, Warren_
NP G._NP Harding_NP ,_, Calvin_NP Coolidge_NP ,_, FDR_NN ,_, with_IN whom_WPO he
_PPS managed_VBD a_AT social_JJ revolution_NN ._. And_CC those_DTS still_RB with
_IN us_PPO ,_, Herbert_NP C._NP Hoover_NP ,_, Harry_NP S._NP Truman_NP ,_, Dwigh
t_NP D._NP Eisenhower_NP and_CC John_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_A
T fighter_NN for_IN those_DTS of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ party_NN ._. Mr._NP Truman_NP
has_HVZ only_RB to_TO recall_VB the_AT ``_`` hopeless_JJ ''_'' campaign_NN of_I
N 1948_CD to_TO remember_VB what_WDT a_AT loyal_JJ partisan_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ a
nd_CC the_AT first_OD experience_NN of_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP with_IN Congress_NP
would_MD have_HV been_BEN sadder_JJR than_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ had_HVN not_* Mr._N
P Sam_NP been_BEN there_RB ._. As_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, his_PP$ absence_NN beca
use_CS of_IN his_PP$ final_JJ illness_NN was_BEDZ a_AT blow_NN to_IN the_AT admi
nistration_NN ._. With_IN Republican_NP presidents_NNS ,_, he_PPS fought_VBD fai
r_RB ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ his_PP$ own_JJ man_NN ,_, not_* an_AT automatic_JJ obst
ructionist_NN ._. He_PPS kept_VBD his_PP$ attacks_NNS on_IN Republicanism_NP for
_IN partisan_JJ campaigns_NNS ,_, but_CC that_DT is_BEZ part_NN of_IN the_AT gam
e_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ born_VBN to_TO play_VB ._. Under_IN any_DTI name_NN --_-- M
r._NP Speaker_NN-TL ,_, Mr._NP Democrat_NP ,_, Mr._NP Sam_NP --_-- he_PPS was_BE
DZ a_AT good_JJ man_NN ._. un_NN-HL off_IN-HL the_AT-HL Congo_NP-HL track_NN-HL
Thirteen_CD Italian_JJ airmen_NNS who_WPS went_VBD to_IN the_AT Congo_NP to_TO s
erve_VB the_AT cause_NN of_IN peace_NN under_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS
-TL banner_NN have_HV instead_RB met_VBN violent_JJ death_NN at_IN the_AT hands_
NNS of_IN Congolese_JJ troops_NNS supposedly_RB their_PP$ friends_NNS ._. In_IN
18_CD months_NNS ,_, no_AT more_QL grisly_JJ incident_NN has_HVZ been_BEN report
ed_VBN from_IN that_DT jungle_NN ._. Simply_RB out_IN of_IN bloodlust_NN ,_, the
ir_PP$ murderers_NNS dismembered_VBD the_AT bodies_NNS and_CC tossed_VBD the_AT
remains_NNS into_IN the_AT river_NN ._. The_AT excuse_NN was_BEDZ offered_VBN fo
r_IN them_PPO that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD mistaken_VBN the_AT Italians_NPS for_IN
Belgian_JJ mercenaries_NNS ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, atrocities_NNS by_IN
savages_NNS wearing_VBG the_AT uniform_NN of_IN the_AT central_JJ government_NN
might_MD be_BE condoned_VBN ,_, had_HVD the_AT victims_NNS been_BEN serving_VBG
the_AT cause_NN of_IN dissident_JJ Katanga_NP ._. Does_DOZ this_DT suggest_VB t
hat_CS the_AT Congo_NP is_BEZ fit_VBN for_IN nationhood_NN or_CC that_DT UN_NN i
s_BEZ making_VBG any_DTI progress_NN whatever_WDT toward_IN its_PP$ goal_NN of_I
N so_RB making_VBG it_PPO ?_. ?_. To_IN the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, through_IN the_AT
past_AP six_CD weeks_NNS violence_NN has_HVZ been_BEN piled_VBN upon_IN violenc
e_NN ._. Mass_JJ rapes_NNS ,_, troop_NN mutinies_NNS ,_, uncontrolled_JJ looting
_VBG and_CC pillage_NN and_CC reckless_JJ military_JJ adventures_NNS ,_, given_V
BN no_AT sanction_NN by_IN any_DTI political_JJ authority_NN ,_, have_HV become_
VBN almost_QL daily_JJ occurrences_NNS ._. Yet_RB this_DT basic_JJ condition_NN
of_IN outlawry_NN and_CC anarchy_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT work_NN of_IN Katanga_NP
._. It_PPS happens_VBZ in_IN the_AT territory_NN of_IN the_AT Leopoldville_NP g
overnment_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ itself_PPL a_AT fiction_NN ,_, demonstrably_RB
incapable_JJ of_IN governing_VBG ,_, and_CC commanding_VBG only_AP such_JJ limi
ted_VBN credit_NN abroad_RB as_CS UN_NN support_NN gives_VBZ it_PPO ._. The_AT m
ain_JJS question_NN raised_VBN by_IN the_AT incident_NN is_BEZ how_WRB much_QL l
onger_RBR will_MD UN_NN bury_VB its_PP$ head_NN in_IN the_AT sand_NN on_IN the_A
T Congo_NP problem_NN instead_RB of_IN facing_VBG the_AT bitter_JJ fact_NN that_
CS it_PPS has_HVZ no_AT solution_NN in_IN present_JJ terms_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT pr
obable_JJ answer_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS will_MD do_DO so_RB just_QL as_QL long
_RB as_CS Russia_NP can_MD exercise_VB a_AT veto_NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN chaos_N
N and_CC until_CS young_JJ African_JJ nations_NNS wake_VB up_RP to_IN the_AT tru
th_NN that_CS out_IN of_IN false_JJ pride_NN they_PPSS are_BER visiting_VBG ruin
_NN on_IN Central_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ._. Right_QL now_RB ,_, they_PPSS are_BER p
ushing_VBG a_AT resolution_NN which_WDT would_MD have_HV UN_NN use_VB its_PP$ fo
rces_NNS to_TO invade_VB and_CC subjugate_VB Katanga_NP ._. That_DT notion_NN is
_BEZ fantastically_RB wrong-headed_JJ from_IN several_AP points_NNS of_IN view_N
N ._. The_AT UN_NN army_NN is_BEZ too_QL weak_JJ ,_, too_QL demoralized_VBN for_
IN the_AT task_NN ._. Further_RBR ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ its_PP$ work_NN cut_VBN out
_RP stopping_VBG anarchy_NN where_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ now_RB garrisoned_VBN ._. La
st_AP ,_, it_PPS makes_VBZ no_AT sense_NN to_TO deliver_VB Katanga_NP ,_, the_AT
one_CD reasonably_QL solid_JJ territory_NN ,_, into_IN the_AT existing_VBG chao
s_NN ._. The_AT Congo_NP should_MD have_HV been_BEN mandated_VBN ,_, because_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* ready_JJ for_IN independence_NN ._. The_AT idea_NN was_BED
Z not_* even_RB suggested_VBN because_CS political_JJ expediency_NN prevailed_VB
D over_IN wisdom_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ perhaps_RB too_QL late_JJ now_RB to_TO tal
k_VB of_IN mandate_NN because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ inconsistent_JJ with_IN what_WDT
is_BEZ termed_VBN political_JJ realism_NN ._. But_CC if_CS any_DTI realism_NN an
d_CC feeling_NN for_IN truth_NN remain_VB in_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN
-TL ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ time_NN for_IN men_NNS of_IN courage_NN to_TO measure_VB t
he_AT magnitude_NN of_IN the_AT failure_NN and_CC urge_VB some_DTI new_JJ approa
ch_NN ._. Otherwise_RB ,_, UN_NN will_MD march_VB blindly_RB on_RP to_IN certain
_JJ defeat_NN ._. Featherbed_NN-HL reversal_NN-HL A_AT recent_JJ editorial_NN di
scussing_VBG a_AT labor-management_NN agreement_NN reached_VBN between_IN the_AT
Southern_JJ-TL Pacific_JJ-TL Co._NN-TL and_CC the_AT Order_NN-TL of_IN-TL Railr
oad_NN-TL Telegraphers_NNS-TL has_HVZ been_BEN criticized_VBN on_IN the_AT groun
ds_NNS that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* based_VBN on_IN complete_JJ information_NN
._. The_AT editorial_NN was_BEDZ based_VBN on_IN a_AT news_NN association_NN dis
patch_NN which_WDT said_VBD that_CS the_AT telegraphers_NNS had_HVD secured_VBN
an_AT agreement_NN whereby_WRB they_PPSS were_BED guaranteed_VBN 40_CD hours'_NN
S$ pay_NN per_IN week_NN whether_CS they_PPSS worked_VBD or_CC not_* and_CC that
_CS a_AT reduction_NN in_IN their_PP$ number_NN was_BEDZ limited_VBN to_IN 2_CD
per_IN cent_NN per_IN year_NN ._. Our_PP$ comment_NN was_BEDZ that_CS this_DT wa
s_BEDZ ``_`` featherbedding_VBG ''_'' in_IN its_PP$ ultimate_JJ form_NN and_CC t
hat_CS sympathy_NN for_IN the_AT railroad_NN was_BEDZ misplaced_VBN since_CS it_
PPS had_HVD entered_VBN into_IN such_ABL an_AT agreement_NN ._. The_AT statement
_NN was_BEDZ also_RB made_VBN that_CS undoubtedly_RB the_AT railroad_NN had_HVD
received_VBN some_DTI compensating_VBG benefit_NN from_IN the_AT telegraphers_NN
S ,_, but_CC that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ difficult_JJ to_TO imagine_VB what_WDT coul
d_MD balance_VB a_AT job_NN for_IN life_NN ._. Additional_JJ information_NN supp
lied_VBN to_IN us_PPO discloses_VBZ that_CS the_AT railroad_NN gained_VBD a_AT s
tabilized_VBN supply_NN of_IN telegraphers_NNS of_IN which_WDT it_PPS was_BEDZ i
n_IN need_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, normal_JJ personnel_NNS attrition_NN would_MD make_
VB the_AT job_NN reduction_NN provision_NN more_QL or_CC less_QL academic_JJ ._.
The_AT situation_NN with_IN regard_NN to_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Pacific_JJ-TL
was_BEDZ therefore_RB a_AT special_JJ one_CD and_CC not_* necessarily_RB applic
able_JJ to_IN other_AP situations_NNS in_IN other_AP industries_NNS ._. The_AT s
olution_NN reached_VBN in_IN the_AT agreement_NN was_BEDZ more_QL acceptable_JJ
to_IN the_AT railroad_NN than_CS that_DT originally_RB included_VBN in_IN a_AT s
eries_NN of_IN union_NN demands_NNS ._. Meditations_NNS-HL from_IN-HL a_AT-HL fa
llout_NN-HL shelter_NN-HL Time_NN was_BEDZ when_WRB the_AT house_NN of_IN delega
tes_NNS of_IN the_AT American_JJ Bar_NN-TL association_NN leaned_VBD to_IN the_A
T common_JJ sense_NN side_NN ._. But_CC the_AT internationalists_NNS have_HV tak
en_VBN over_RP the_AT governing_VBG body_NN of_IN the_AT bar_NN ,_, and_CC when_
WRB the_AT lads_NNS met_VBD in_IN St._NP Louis_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* to_T
O grumble_VB about_IN the_AT humidity_NN but_CC to_TO vote_VB unanimously_RB tha
t_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL was_BEDZ scarcely_QL less_AP than_IN wo
nderful_JJ ,_, despite_IN an_AT imperfection_NN here_RB and_CC there_RB ._. It_P
PS was_BEDZ ,_, the_AT brief_NN writers_NNS decided_VBD ,_, ``_`` man's_NN$ best
_JJT hope_NN for_IN a_AT peaceful_JJ and_CC law_NN abiding_VBG world_NN ''_'' ._
. Peace_NN ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ wonderful_JJ ,_, and_CC ``_`` world_NN law_NN ''_''
,_, it's_PPS+BEZ wonderful_JJ ,_, too_RB ,_, and_CC shouldn't_MD* we_PPSS get_VB
an_AT international_JJ covenant_NN extending_VBG it_PPO into_IN space_NN ,_, be
fore_CS the_AT Russians_NPS put_VB some_DTI claim_NN jumper_NN on_IN the_AT moon
_NN ?_. ?_. Meanwhile_RB ,_, in_IN Moscow_NP ,_, Khrushchev_NP was_BEDZ adding_V
BG his_PP$ bit_NN to_IN the_AT march_NN of_IN world_NN law_NN by_IN promising_VB
G to_TO build_VB a_AT bomb_NN with_IN a_AT wallop_NN equal_JJ to_IN 100_CD milli
on_CD tons_NNS of_IN TNT_NN ,_, to_TO knock_VB sense_NN into_IN the_AT heads_NNS
of_IN those_DTS backward_JJ oafs_NNS who_WPS can't_MD* see_VB the_AT justice_NN
of_IN surrendering_VBG West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL to_IN communism_NN ._. A_AT nucl
ear_JJ pacifier_NN of_IN these_DTS dimensions_NNS --_-- roughly_RB some_DTI six_
CD and_CC a_AT half_ABN times_NNS bigger_JJR than_CS anything_PN the_AT United_V
BN-TL States_NNS-TL has_HVZ triggered_VBN experimentally_RB --_-- would_MD certa
inly_RB produce_VB a_AT bigger_JJR bang_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, just_RB for_IN kicks_N
NS ,_, Khrushchev_NP might_MD use_VB it_PPO to_TO propel_VB the_AT seminar_NN of
_IN the_AT house_NN of_IN delegates_NNS from_IN St._NP Louis_NP to_IN the_AT moo
n_NN ,_, where_WRB there_EX wouldn't_MD* even_RB be_BE any_DTI beer_NN to_TO dri
nk_VB ._. While_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ at_IN it_PPO ,_, the_AT philosopher_NN of_IN
the_AT Kremlin_NP contributed_VBD an_AT additional_JJ assist_NN to_IN the_AT rul
e_NN of_IN reason_NN by_IN bellowing_VBG at_IN those_DTS in_IN the_AT west_NR wh
o_WPS can't_MD* appreciate_VB coexistence_NN thru_IN suicide_NN ._. ``_`` Fools_
NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS bayed_VBD ,_, ``_`` what_WDT do_DO you_PPO think_VB you_PPS
S are_BER doing_VBG ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT only_AP response_NN we_PPSS can_MD thin
k_VB of_IN is_BEZ the_AT humble_JJ one_CD that_CS at_IN least_AP we_PPSS aren't_
BER* playing_VBG the_AT marimba_NN with_IN our_PP$ shoes_NNS in_IN the_AT United
_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ,_, but_CC perhaps_RB the_AT heavy_JJ domes_NNS in_IN the
_AT house_NN of_IN delegates_NNS can_MD improve_VB on_IN this_DT feeble_JJ effor
t_NN ._. Another_DT evidence_NN of_IN the_AT spreading_VBG rule_NN of_IN reason_
NN was_BEDZ provided_VBN from_IN Mexico_NP-TL City_NN-TL with_IN the_AT daily_JJ
hijacking_NN of_IN an_AT American_JJ plane_NN by_IN a_AT demented_VBN Algerian_
NP with_IN a_AT gun_NN ._. The_AT craft_NN made_VBD the_AT familiar_JJ unwelcome
_JJ flight_NN to_IN Havana_NP ,_, where_WRB ,_, for_IN some_DTI unknown_JJ reaso
n_NN ,_, Castro_NP rushed_VBD to_IN the_AT airport_NN to_TO express_VB mortifica
tion_NN to_IN the_AT Colombian_NP foreign_JJ minister_NN ,_, a_AT passenger_NN ,
_, who_WPS is_BEZ not_* an_AT admirer_NN of_IN old_JJ Ten_CD-TL O'Clock_RB-TL Sh
adow_NN-TL ._. The_AT plane_NN was_BEDZ sent_VBN back_RB to_IN the_AT United_VBN
-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, for_IN a_AT change_NN ,_, but_CC Castro_NP kept_VBD the_AT
crazy_JJ gunman_NN ,_, who_WPS will_MD prove_VB a_AT suitable_JJ recruit_NN to_
IN the_AT revolution_NN ._. Less_AP respect_NN for_IN the_AT legal_JJ convention
s_NNS was_BEDZ displayed_VBN by_IN Castro's_NP$ right_JJ hand_NN man_NN ,_, Che_
NP Guevara_NP ,_, who_WPS edified_VBD the_AT Inter-American_JJ Economic_JJ-TL an
d_CC-TL Social_JJ-TL council_NN meeting_NN in_IN Montevideo_NP by_IN reading_VBG
two_CD secret_JJ American_JJ documents_NNS purloined_VBN from_IN the_AT United_
VBN-TL States_NNS-TL embassy_NN at_IN Caracas_NP ,_, Venezuela_NP ._. The_AT con
tents_NNS were_BED highly_QL embarrassing_VBG to_IN American_JJ spokesmen_NNS ,_
, who_WPS were_BED on_IN hand_NN to_TO promise_VB Latin_JJ-TL Americans_NPS-TL a
_AT 20_CD billion_CD dollar_NN foreign_JJ aid_NN millennium_NN ._. Perhaps_RB th
e_AT moralities_NNS of_IN world_NN law_NN are_BER not_* advanced_VBN by_IN steal
ing_VBG American_JJ diplomatic_JJ papers_NNS and_CC planes_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT
Kennedy_NP administration_NN can_MD always_RB file_VB a_AT demurrer_NN to_IN th
e_AT effect_NN that_CS ,_, but_IN for_IN its_PP$ own_JJ incompetence_NN in_IN pr
otecting_VBG American_JJ interests_NNS ,_, these_DTS things_NNS would_MD not_* h
appen_VB ._. The_AT same_AP can_MD be_BE said_VBN about_IN the_AT half-hearted_J
J Cuban_JJ invasion_NN mounted_VBN by_IN the_AT administration_NN last_AP April_
NP ,_, which_WDT ,_, we_PPSS trust_VB ,_, is_BEZ not_* symptomatic_JJ of_IN the_
AT methods_NNS to_TO be_BE invoked_VBN in_IN holding_VBG off_RP the_AT felonious
_JJ Khrushchev_NP ._. Pass_VB the_AT iron_NN rations_NNS ,_, please_VB ,_, and_C
C light_VB another_DT candle_NN ,_, for_CS it's_PPS+BEZ getting_VBG dark_JJ down
_RP here_RB and_CC we're_PPSS+BER minded_VBN to_TO read_VB a_AT bit_NN of_IN wor
ld_NN law_NN just_RB to_TO pass_VB the_AT time_NN away_RB ._. The_AT-HL customer
_NN-HL loses_VBZ-HL again_RB-HL ._. The_AT board_NN of_IN suspension_NN of_IN th
e_AT Interstate_JJ-TL Commerce_NN-TL commission_NN has_HVZ ordered_VBN a_AT grou
p_NN of_IN railroads_NNS not_* to_TO reduce_VB their_PP$ freight_NN rates_NNS on
_IN grain_NN ,_, as_CS they_PPSS had_HVD planned_VBN to_TO do_DO this_DT month_N
N ._. The_AT request_NN for_IN lower_JJR rates_NNS originated_VBN with_IN the_AT
Southern_JJ-TL railway_NN ,_, which_WDT has_HVZ spent_VBN a_AT good_JJ deal_NN
of_IN time_NN and_CC money_NN developing_VBG a_AT 100-ton_JJ hopper_NN car_NN wi
th_IN which_WDT it_PPS says_VBZ it_PPO can_MD move_VB grain_NN at_IN about_RB ha
lf_ABN what_WDT it_PPS costs_VBZ in_IN the_AT conventional_JJ ,_, smaller_JJR ca
r_NN ._. By_IN reducing_VBG rates_NNS as_QL much_AP as_CS 60_CD per_IN cent_NN ,
_, it_PPS and_CC its_PP$ associated_VBN railroads_NNS hope_VB to_TO win_VB back_
RB some_DTI of_IN the_AT business_NN they_PPSS have_HV lost_VBN to_IN truckers_N
NS and_CC barge_NN lines_NNS ._. The_AT board's_NN$ action_NN shows_VBZ what_WDT
free_JJ enterprise_NN is_BEZ up_RP against_IN in_IN our_PP$ complex_JJ maze_NN
of_IN regulatory_JJ laws_NNS ._. A_AT-HL shock_NN-HL wave_NN-HL from_IN-HL Afric
a_NP-HL Word_NN of_IN Dag_NP Hammarskjold's_NP$ death_NN in_IN an_AT African_JJ
plane_NN crash_NN has_HVZ sent_VBN a_AT shockwave_NN around_IN the_AT globe_NN .
_. As_CS head_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL he_PPS was_BEDZ the_A
T symbol_NN of_IN world_NN peace_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ tragic_JJ end_NN came_VBD
at_IN a_AT moment_NN when_WRB peace_NN hangs_VBZ precariously_RB ._. It_PPS was
_BEDZ on_IN the_AT eve_NN of_IN a_AT momentous_JJ U.N._NP session_NN to_TO come_
VB to_IN grips_NNS with_IN cold_JJ war_NN issues_NNS ._. His_PP$ firm_JJ hand_NN
will_MD be_BE desperately_RB missed_VBN ._. Mr._NP Hammarskjold_NP was_BEDZ in_
IN Africa_NP on_IN a_AT mission_NN of_IN peace_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD sought_VBN
talks_NNS with_IN Moise_NP Tshombe_NP ,_, the_AT secessionist_NN president_NN of
_IN Congo's_NP$ Katanga_NP province_NN where_WRB recent_JJ fighting_NN had_HVD b
een_BEN bloody_JJ ._. He_PPS earnestly_RB urged_VBD a_AT cease-fire_NN ._. The_A
T story_NN of_IN the_AT fatal_JJ crash_NN is_BEZ not_* fully_RB known_VBN ._. Th
e_AT U.N.-chartered_JJ plane_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ flying_VBG from_IN the_AT con
ference_NN city_NN of_IN Ndola_NP in_IN Northern_JJ-TL Rhodesia_NP-TL had_HVD be
en_BEN riddled_VBN with_IN machinegun_NN bullets_NNS last_AP weekend_NN and_CC w
as_BEDZ newly_RB repaired_VBN ._. Whether_CS this_DT ,_, or_CC overt_JJ action_N
N ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT cause_NN of_IN the_AT crash_NN must_MD be_BE promptly_RB d
etermined_VBN ._. The_AT death_NN of_IN Mr._NP Hammarskjold_NP removes_VBZ the_A
T United_VBN-TL Nations'_NNS$-TL most_QL controversial_JJ leader_NN ._. He_PPS w
as_BEDZ controversial_JJ because_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ uncompromising_JJ for_IN pea
ce_NN and_CC freedom_NN with_IN justice_NN ._. He_PPS courageously_RB defended_V
BD the_AT rights_NNS of_IN small_JJ nations_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS stood_VBD his_
PP$ ground_NN against_IN the_AT savage_JJ attacks_NNS of_IN the_AT Communist_NN-
TL bloc_NN ._. The_AT Congo_NP ,_, in_IN whose_WP$ cause_NN he_PPS died_VBD ,_,
was_BEDZ the_AT scene_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ greatest_JJT triumphs_NNS ._
. His_PP$ policies_NNS had_HVD resolved_VBN the_AT conflicts_NNS that_WPS threat
ened_VBD to_TO ignite_VB the_AT cold_JJ war_NN and_CC workable_JJ solutions_NNS
were_BED beginning_VBG to_TO take_VB shape_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT recent_JJ Kata
ngan_JJ outbreaks_NNS imperiled_VBN these_DTS solutions_NNS Mr._NP Hammarskjold_
NP ,_, despite_IN the_AT danger_NN ,_, flew_VBD to_TO exert_VB a_AT calming_VBG
influence_NN ._. He_PPS gave_VBD his_PP$ life_NN for_IN his_PP$ beliefs_NNS ._.
The_AT U.N._NP session_NN scheduled_VBN for_IN today_NR will_MD meet_VB under_IN
the_AT cloud_NN of_IN his_PP$ passing_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT crucial_JJ sess
ion_NN with_IN the_AT world_NN on_IN the_AT edge_NN of_IN momentous_JJ developme
nts_NNS ._. If_CS the_AT manner_NN of_IN his_PP$ passing_NN moves_VBZ the_AT nat
ions_NNS to_TO act_VB in_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN his_PP$ dedication_NN the_AT
sore_JJ issues_NNS that_WPS plague_VB the_AT world_NN can_MD yet_RB be_BE resolv
ed_VBN with_IN reason_NN and_CC justice_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ the_AT hope_NN of_
IN mankind_NN ._. Monument_NN-HL to_IN-HL togetherness_NN-HL reaching_VBG agreem
ent_NN on_IN projects_NNS of_IN value_NN to_IN the_AT whole_JJ community_NN has_
HVZ long_RB been_BEN one_CD of_IN Greater_JJR-TL Miami's_NP$ hardest_JJT tasks_N
NS ._. Too_QL many_AP have_HV bogged_VBN down_RP in_IN bickering_VBG ._. Even_RB
when_WRB public_JJ bodies_NNS arrived_VBD at_IN a_AT consensus_NN ,_, at_IN lea
st_AP one_CD dissenting_VBG vote_NN has_HVZ been_BEN usual_JJ ._. So_CS we_PPSS
note_VB approvingly_RB a_AT fresh_JJ sample_NN of_IN unanimity_NN ._. All_ABN ni
ne_CD members_NNS of_IN the_AT Inter-American_JJ Center_NN-TL Authority_NN-TL vo
ted_VBD for_IN Goodbody_NP-TL &_CC-TL Company's_NN$-TL proposal_NN to_TO finance
_VB the_AT long-awaited_JJ trade_NN and_CC cultural_JJ center_NN ._. The_AT wide
ly_RB known_VBN financial_JJ firm_NN has_HVZ 60_CD days_NNS to_TO spell_VB out_R
P the_AT terms_NNS of_IN its_PP$ contract_NN ._. If_CS the_AT indenture_NN is_BE
Z accepted_VBN ,_, the_AT authority_NN will_MD proceed_VB to_TO validate_VB a_AT
bond_NN issue_NN repayable_JJ from_IN revenue_NN ._. Then_JJ Goodbody_NP will_M
D hand_VB over_RP a_AT minimum_NN of_IN $15.5_NNS million_CD for_IN developing_V
BG the_AT spacious_JJ Graves_NP-TL Tract_NN-TL to_TO house_VB the_AT center_NN .
_. The_AT next_AP step_NN awaits_VBZ approval_NN today_NR by_IN the_AT Metro_NP
commissioners_NNS as_CS the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT Dade_NP-TL County_NN-TL
Port_NN-TL Authority_NN-TL ._. They_PPSS allotted_VBD $500,000_NNS three_CD year
s_NNS ago_RB to_TO support_VB Interama_NP until_CS its_PP$ own_JJ financing_NN c
ould_MD be_BE arranged_VBN ._. Less_AP than_IN half_ABN the_AT sum_NN has_HVZ be
en_BEN spent_VBN ,_, since_CS the_AT Interama_NP board_NN pinched_VBD pennies_NN
S during_IN that_DT period_NN of_IN painstaking_JJ negotiations_NNS ._. The_AT b
alance_NN is_BEZ being_BEG budgeted_VBN for_IN the_AT coming_VBG year_NN ._. Una
nimity_NN on_IN Interama_NP is_BEZ not_* surprising_VBG ._. It_PPS is_BEZ one_CD
of_IN the_AT rare_JJ public_JJ ventures_NNS here_RB on_IN which_WDT nearly_RB e
veryone_PN is_BEZ agreed_VBN ._. The_AT City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Miami_NP-TL recently
_RB yielded_VBD a_AT prior_JJ claim_NN of_IN $8.5_NNS million_CD on_IN the_AT Gr
aves_NP-TL Tract_NN-TL to_TO clear_VB the_AT way_NN for_IN the_AT project_NN ._.
County_NN officials_NNS have_HV cooperated_VBN consistently_RB ._. So_RB have_H
V the_AT people's_NNS$ elected_VBN spokesmen_NNS at_IN the_AT state_NN and_CC fe
deral_JJ levels_NNS ._. Interama_NP ,_, as_CS it_PPS rises_VBZ ,_, will_MD be_BE
a_AT living_VBG monument_NN to_IN Greater_JJR-TL Miami's_NP$ ability_NN to_TO g
et_VB together_RB on_IN worthwhile_JJ enterprises_NNS ._. A_AT-HL short_JJ-HL re
port_NN-HL and_CC-HL a_AT-HL good_JJ-HL one_CD-HL progress_NN ,_, or_CC lack_NN
of_IN it_PPO ,_, toward_IN civil_JJ rights_NNS in_IN the_AT 50_CD states_NNS is_
BEZ reported_VBN in_IN an_AT impressive_JJ 689-page_JJ compilation_NN issued_VBN
last_AP week_NN by_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Commission_NN-TL on_IN
-TL Civil_JJ-TL Rights_NNS-TL ._. Much_AP happened_VBD in_IN this_DT field_NN du
ring_IN the_AT past_AP 12_CD months_NNS ._. Each_DT state_NN advisory_JJ committ
ee_NN documented_VBD its_PP$ own_JJ activity_NN ._. Some_DTI accounts_NNS are_BE
R quite_QL lengthy_JJ but_CC Florida's_NP$ is_BEZ the_AT shortest_JJT of_IN all_
ABN ,_, requiring_VBG only_RB four_CD paragraphs_NNS ._. ``_`` The_AT establishe
d_VBN pattern_NN of_IN relative_JJ calm_NN in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN race_NN r
elations_NNS has_HVZ continued_VBN in_IN all_ABN areas_NNS ''_'' ,_, reported_VB
D this_DT group_NN headed_VBN by_IN Harold_NP Colee_NP of_IN Jacksonville_NP and
_CC including_IN two_CD South_JJ-TL Floridians_NPS ,_, William_NP D._NP Singer_N
P and_CC John_NP B._NP Turner_NP of_IN Miami_NP ._. ``_`` No_AT complaints_NNS o
r_CC charges_NNS have_HV been_BEN filed_VBN during_IN the_AT past_AP year_NN ,_,
either_CC verbally_RB or_CC written_VBN ,_, from_IN any_DTI individual_NN or_CC
group_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT committee_NN continues_VBZ to_TO feel_VB that_CS Flor
ida_NP has_HVZ progressed_VBN in_IN a_AT sound_JJ and_CC equitable_JJ program_NN
at_IN both_ABX the_AT state_NN and_CC local_JJ levels_NNS in_IN its_PP$ efforts
_NNS to_TO review_VB and_CC assess_VB transition_NN problems_NNS as_CS they_PPSS
arise_VB from_IN time_NN to_IN time_NN in_IN the_AT entire_JJ spectrum_NN of_IN
civil_JJ rights_NNS ''_'' ._. Problems_NNS have_HV arisen_VBN in_IN this_DT sen
sitive_JJ field_NN but_CC have_HV been_BEN handled_VBN in_IN most_AP cases_NNS w
ith_IN understanding_NN and_CC restraint_NN ._. The_AT progress_NN reported_VBN
by_IN the_AT advisory_JJ committee_NN is_BEZ real_JJ ._. While_CS some_DTI think
_VB we_PPSS move_VB too_QL fast_RB and_CC others_NNS too_QL slowly_RB ,_, Florid
a's_NP$ record_NN is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ one_CD and_CC stands_VBZ out_RP among_IN t
he_AT 50_CD ._. West_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL remains_VBZ-HL Western_JJ-TL West_JJ-TL
Germany_NP-TL will_MD face_VB the_AT crucial_JJ tests_NNS that_WPS lie_VB ahead
_RB ,_, on_IN Berlin_NP and_CC unification_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT coalition_NN gove
rnment_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT key_NN fact_NN emerging_VBG from_IN Sunday's
_NR$ national_JJ election_NN ._. Chancellor_NN-TL Adenauer's_NP$ Christian_JJ-TL
Democratic_JJ-TL Party_NN-TL slipped_VBD only_RB a_AT little_AP in_IN the_AT vo
ting_NN but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ enough_AP to_TO lose_VB the_AT absolute_JJ Bundes
tag_NP majority_NN it_PPS has_HVZ enjoyed_VBN since_IN 1957_CD ._. In_IN order_N
N to_TO form_VB a_AT new_JJ government_NN it_PPS must_MD deal_VB with_IN one_CD
of_IN the_AT two_CD rival_JJ parties_NNS which_WDT gained_VBD strength_NN ._. In
evitably_RB this_DT means_VBZ some_DTI compromise_NN ._. The_AT aging_VBG chance
llor_NN in_IN all_ABN likelihood_NN will_MD be_BE retired_VBN ._. Both_ABX Willy
_NP Brandt's_NP$ Social_JJ-TL Democrats_NPS ,_, who_WPS gained_VBD 22_CD seats_N
NS in_IN the_AT new_JJ parliament_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT Free_JJ-TL Democrats_NPS
,_, who_WPS picked_VBD up_RP 23_CD ,_, will_MD insist_VB on_IN that_DT before_CS
they_PPSS enter_VB the_AT government_NN ._. Moon-faced_JJ Ludwig_NP Erhart_NP ,
_, the_AT economic_JJ expert_NN ,_, probably_RB will_MD ascend_VB to_IN the_AT l
eadership_NN long_RB denied_VBN him_PPO ._. If_CS he_PPS becomes_VBZ chancellor_
NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Erhart_NP would_MD make_VB few_AP changes_NNS ._. The_AT wizard
_NN who_WPS fashioned_VBD West_JJ-TL Germany's_NP$ astonishing_JJ industrial_JJ
rebirth_NN is_BEZ the_AT soul_NN of_IN free_JJ enterprise_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ d
edicated_VBN to_IN building_VBG the_AT nation's_NN$ strength_NN and_CC ,_, as_CS
are_BER all_ABN West_JJ-TL Germans_NPS ,_, to_IN a_AT free_JJ Berlin_NP and_CC
to_IN reunion_NN with_IN captive_JJ East_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ._. What_WDT is_BEZ
in_IN doubt_NN as_CS the_AT free_JJ Germans_NPS and_CC their_PP$ allies_NNS con
sider_VB the_AT voting_VBG trends_NNS is_BEZ the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT coali
tion_NN that_WPS will_MD result_VB ._. If_CS the_AT party_NN of_IN Adenauer_NP a
nd_CC Erhart_NP ,_, with_IN 45_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT vote_NN ,_, approa
ches_VBZ the_AT party_NN of_IN Willy_NP Brandt_NP ,_, which_WDT won_VBD 36_CD pe
r_IN cent_NN ,_, the_AT result_NN would_MD be_BE a_AT stiffening_NN of_IN the_AT
old_JJ resolve_NN ._. West_JJ-TL Berlin's_NP$-TL Mayor_NN-TL Brandt_NP vigorous
ly_RB demanded_VBD a_AT firmer_JJR stand_NN on_IN the_AT dismemberment_NN of_IN
his_PP$ city_NN and_CC won_VBD votes_NNS by_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT Free_JJ-TL Demo
crats_NPS (_( 12_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT vote_NN )_) believe_VB a_AT nucl
ear_JJ war_NN can_MD be_BE avoided_VBN by_IN negotiating_VBG with_IN the_AT Sovi
et_NN-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, and_CC more_AP dealings_NNS with_IN the_AT Communist_NN
-TL bloc_NN ._. The_AT question_NN left_VBN by_IN the_AT election_NN is_BEZ whet
her_CS West_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL veers_VBZ slightly_RB toward_IN more_AP firmness
_NN or_CC more_AP flexibility_NN ._. It_PPS could_MD go_VB either_DTX way_NN ,_,
since_CS the_AT gains_NNS for_IN both_ABX points_NNS of_IN view_NN were_BED abo
ut_RB the_AT same_AP ._. Regardless_RB of_IN the_AT decision_NN two_CD facts_NNS
are_BER clear_JJ ._. West_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ,_, with_IN its_PP$ industrial_JJ
and_CC military_JJ might_NN ,_, reaffirmed_VBD its_PP$ democracy_NN and_CC rema
ins_VBZ firm_JJ with_IN the_AT free_JJ nations_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT career_NN o
f_IN Konrad_NP Adenauer_NP ,_, who_WPS upheld_VBD Germany's_NP$ tradition_NN of_
IN rock-like_JJ leaders_NNS which_WDT Bismarck_NP began_VBD ,_, draws_VBZ near_I
N the_AT end_NN ._. Better_JJR-HL ask_VB-HL before_CS-HL joining_VBG-HL American
s_NPS are_BER a_AT nation_NN of_IN joiners_NNS ,_, a_AT quality_NN which_WDT our
_PP$ friends_NNS find_VB endearing_JJ and_CC sometimes_RB amusing_JJ ._. But_CC
it_PPS can_MD be_BE dangerous_JJ if_CS the_AT joiner_NN doesn't_DOZ* want_VB to_
TO make_VB a_AT spectacle_NN of_IN himself_PPL ._. For_IN instance_NN ,_, so-cal
led_JJ ``_`` conservative_JJ ''_'' organizations_NNS ,_, some_DTI of_IN them_PPO
secret_JJ ,_, are_BER sprouting_VBG in_IN the_AT garden_NN of_IN joining_VBG wh
ere_WRB ``_`` liberal_JJ ''_'' organizations_NNS once_RB took_VBD root_NN ._. On
e_CD specific_JJ example_NN is_BEZ a_AT secret_JJ ``_`` fraternity_NN ''_'' whic
h_WDT will_MD ``_`` coordinate_VB anti-Communist_JJ efforts_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT
principle_NN is_BEZ commendable_JJ but_CC we_PPSS suspect_VB that_CS in_IN the_
AT practice_NN somebody_PN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO get_VB gulled_VBN ._. Accordin
g_IN to_IN The_AT-TL Chicago_NP-TL Tribune_NN-TL News_NN-TL Service_NN-TL ,_, St
ate_NN-TL Atty._NN-TL Gen._JJ-TL Stanley_NP Mosk_NP of_IN California_NP has_HVZ
devised_VBN a_AT series_NN of_IN questions_NNS which_WDT the_AT joiner_NN might_
MD well_RB ask_VB about_IN any_DTI organization_NN seeking_VBG his_PP$ money_NN
and_CC his_PP$ name_NN :_: 1_CD ._. Does_DOZ it_PPS assail_VB schools_NNS and_CC
churches_NNS with_IN blanket_NN accusations_NNS ?_. ?_. 2_CD ._. Does_DOZ it_PP
S attack_VB other_AP traditional_JJ American_JJ institutions_NNS with_IN unsuppo
rtable_JJ and_CC wild_JJ charges_NNS ?_. ?_. 3_CD ._. Does_DOZ it_PPS put_VB the
_AT label_NN of_IN un-American_JJ or_CC subversive_JJ on_IN everyone_PN with_IN
whom_WPO it_PPS disagrees_VBZ politically_RB ?_. ?_. 4_CD ._. Does_DOZ it_PPS at
tempt_VB to_TO rewrite_VB modern_JJ history_NN by_IN blaming_VBG American_JJ sta
tesmen_NNS for_IN wars_NNS ,_, Communism_NN-TL ,_, depression_NN ,_, and_CC othe
r_AP troubles_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN ?_. ?_. 5_CD ._. Does_DOZ it_PPS employ_
VB crude_JJ pressure_NN tactics_NNS with_IN such_JJ means_NNS as_CS anonymous_JJ
telephone_NN calls_NNS and_CC letter_NN writing_NN campaigns_NNS ?_. ?_. 6_CD .
_. Do_DO its_PP$ spokesmen_NNS seem_VB more_QL interested_VBN in_IN the_AT amoun
t_VB of_IN money_NN they_PPSS collect_VB than_CS in_IN the_AT principles_NNS the
y_PPSS purport_VB to_TO advocate_VB ?_. ?_. In_IN some_DTI instances_NNS a_AT se
venth_OD question_NN can_MD be_BE added_VBN :_: 7_CD ._. Does_DOZ the_AT organiz
ation_NN show_NN an_AT affinity_NN for_IN a_AT foreign_JJ government_NN ,_, poli
tical_JJ party_NN or_CC personality_NN in_IN opposition_NN or_CC preference_NN t
o_IN the_AT American_JJ system_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS the_AT would-be_JJ joiner_NN ask
s_VBZ these_DTS questions_NNS he_PPS is_BEZ not_* likely_JJ to_TO be_BE duped_VB
N by_IN extremists_NNS who_WPS are_BER seeking_VBG to_TO capitalize_VB on_IN the
_AT confusions_NNS and_CC the_AT patriotic_JJ apprehensions_NNS of_IN Americans_
NPS in_IN a_AT troubled_VBN time_NN ._. Falling_VBG somewhere_RB in_IN a_AT cate
gory_NN between_IN Einstein's_NP$ theory_NN and_CC sand_NN fleas_NNS --_-- diffi
cult_JJ to_TO see_VB but_CC undeniably_RB there_RB ,_, nevertheless_RB --_-- is_
BEZ the_AT tropical_JJ green_JJ ``_`` city_NN ''_'' of_IN Islandia_NP ,_, a_AT s
tring_NN of_IN offshore_RB islands_NNS that_WPS has_HVZ almost_RB no_AT resident
s_NNS ,_, limited_VBN access_NN and_CC an_AT unlimited_JJ future_NN ._. The_AT l
atter_AP is_BEZ what_WDT concerns_VBZ us_PPO all_ABN ._. Whatever_WDT land_NN yo
u_PPSS can_MD see_VB here_RB ,_, from_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL tip_NN end_NN of_IN
Elliott_NP Key_NP looking_VBG southward_RB ,_, belongs_VBZ to_IN someone_PN --_-
- people_NNS who_WPS have_HV title_NN to_IN the_AT land_NN ._. And_CC what_WDT y
ou_PPSS can't_MD* see_VB ,_, the_AT land_NN underneath_IN the_AT water_NN ,_, be
longs_VBZ to_IN someone_PN ,_, too_RB ._. The_AT public_NN ._. The_AT only_AP re
al_JJ problem_NN is_BEZ to_TO devise_VB a_AT plan_NN whereby_WRB the_AT owners_N
NS of_IN the_AT above-water_JJ land_NN can_MD develop_VB their_PP$ property_NN w
ithout_IN the_AT public_NN losing_VBG its_PP$ underwater_JJ land_NN and_CC the_A
T right_NN to_IN its_PP$ development_NN for_IN public_JJ use_NN and_CC enjoyment
_NN ._. In_IN the_AT fairly_QL brief_JJ but_CC hectic_JJ history_NN of_IN Florid
a_NP ,_, the_AT developers_NNS of_IN waterfront_NN land_NN have_HV too_QL often_
RB wound_VBN up_RP with_IN both_ABX their_PP$ land_NN and_CC ours_PP$$ ._. In_IN
this_DT instance_NN ,_, happily_RB ,_, insistence_NN is_BEZ being_BEG made_VBN
that_CS our_PP$ share_NN is_BEZ protected_VBN ._. And_CC until_CS this_DT protec
tion_NN is_BEZ at_IN least_AP as_QL concrete_JJ as_CS ,_, say_UH ,_, the_AT row_
NN of_IN hotels_NNS that_WPS bars_VBZ us_PPO from_IN our_PP$ own_JJ sands_NNS at
_IN Miami_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL ,_, those_DTS who_WPS represent_VB us_PPO all_ABN sh
ould_MD agree_VB to_IN nothing_PN ._. Closed_VBN-HL doors_NNS-HL in_IN-HL city_N
N-HL hall_NN-HL The_AT reaction_NN of_IN certain_JJ City_NN-TL Council_NN-TL mem
bers_NNS to_IN California's_NP$ newest_JJT anti-secrecy_JJ laws_NNS was_BEDZ as_
QL dismaying_JJ as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ disappointing_JJ ._. We_PPSS had_HVD assum
ed_VBN that_CS at_IN least_AP this_DT local_JJ legislative_JJ body_NN had_HVD no
thing_PN to_TO hide_VB ,_, and_CC ,_, therefore_RB ,_, had_HVD no_AT objections_
NNS to_IN making_VBG the_AT deliberations_NNS of_IN its_PP$ committees_NNS and_C
C the_AT city_NN commissions_NNS available_JJ to_IN the_AT public_NN ._. In_IN t
he_AT preamble_NN to_IN the_AT open-meeting_NN statutes_NNS ,_, collectively_RB
known_VBN as_CS the_AT Brown_NP-TL Act_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Legislature_NN-TL declar
es_VBZ that_CS ``_`` the_AT public_JJ commissions_NNS ,_, boards_NNS and_CC coun
cils_NNS and_CC other_AP public_JJ agencies_NNS in_IN this_DT state_NN exist_VB
to_TO aid_VB in_IN the_AT conduct_NN of_IN the_AT people's_NNS$ business_NN ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT intent_NN of_IN the_AT law_NN that_CS their_PP$ actions_NNS
be_BE taken_VBN openly_RB and_CC that_CS their_PP$ deliberations_NNS be_BE cond
ucted_VBN openly_RB ._. ``_`` The_AT people_NNS of_IN this_DT state_NN do_DO not
_* yield_VB their_PP$ sovereignty_NN to_IN the_AT agencies_NNS that_WPS serve_VB
them_PPO ._. The_AT people_NNS ,_, in_IN delegating_VBG authority_NN ,_, do_DO
not_* give_VB their_PP$ public_JJ servants_NNS the_AT right_NN to_TO decide_VB w
hat_WDT is_BEZ good_JJ for_IN the_AT people_NNS to_TO know_VB and_CC what_WDT is
_BEZ not_* good_JJ for_IN them_PPO to_TO know_VB ._. The_AT full_JJ implementati
on_NN of_IN these_DTS noble_JJ words_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,_, has_HVZ taken_VBN t
he_AT efforts_NNS of_IN five_CD sessions_NNS of_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL ._.
Since_IN 1953_CD California_NP has_HVZ led_VBN the_AT nation_NN in_IN enacting_V
BG guarantees_NNS that_CS public_JJ business_NN shall_MD be_BE publicly_RB condu
cted_VBN ,_, but_CC not_* until_IN this_DT year_NN did_DOD the_AT lawmakers_NNS
in_IN Sacramento_NP plug_VB the_AT remaining_VBG loopholes_NNS in_IN the_AT Brow
n_NP-TL Act_NN-TL ._. Despite_IN the_AT lip_NN service_NN paid_VBN by_IN local_J
J governments_NNS ,_, the_AT anti-secrecy_JJ statutes_NNS have_HV been_BEN conti
nuously_RB subverted_VBN by_IN reservations_NNS and_CC rationalizations_NNS ._.
When_WRB all_ABN else_RB fails_VBZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ argued_VBN that_CS open_JJ
sessions_NNS slow_VB down_RP governmental_JJ operations_NNS ._. We_PPSS submit_V
B that_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT most_QL desirable_JJ effect_NN of_IN the_AT law_NN
--_-- and_CC one_CD of_IN its_PP$ principal_JJS aims_NNS ._. Without_IN public_
JJ scrutiny_NN the_AT deliberations_NNS of_IN public_JJ agencies_NNS would_MD no
_AT doubt_NN be_BE conducted_VBN more_QL speedily_RB ._. But_CC the_AT citizens_
NNS would_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, never_RB be_BE sure_JJ that_CS the_AT decis
ions_NNS that_WPS resulted_VBD were_BED as_QL correct_JJ as_CS they_PPSS were_BE
D expeditious_JJ ._. Help_NN-HL when_WRB-HL needed_VBN-HL If_CS the_AT Dominican
_NP-TL Republic_NN-TL achieves_VBZ free_JJ ,_, democratic_JJ government_NN ,_, i
t_PPS will_MD be_BE due_JJ in_IN large_JJ part_NN to_IN the_AT U.S._NP show_NN o
f_IN force_NN that_WPS enabled_VBD President_NN-TL Balaguer_NP to_TO prevent_VB
a_AT threatened_VBN restoration_NN of_IN Trujillo_NP dictatorship_NN ._. Outward
ly_RB ,_, Ciudad_NP Trujillo_NP is_BEZ calm_JJ ._. None_PN of_IN the_AT Trujillo
_NP family_NN remains_VBZ ._. Mr._NP Balaguer_NP is_BEZ in_IN control_NN ,_, and
_CC opposition_NN leaders_NNS have_HV no_AT further_JJR excuse_NN to_TO suspect_
VB his_PP$ offer_NN of_IN a_AT coalition_NN government_NN preliminary_JJ to_IN f
ree_JJ elections_NNS in_IN the_AT spring_NN ._. Had_HVD U.S._NP warships_NNS not
_* appeared_VBN off_IN the_AT Dominican_JJ coast_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ every_AT
possibility_NN that_CS the_AT country_NN would_MD now_RB be_BE wracked_VBN by_I
N civil_JJ war_NN ._. Ultimately_RB either_CC the_AT Trujillos_NPS would_MD have
_HV been_BEN returned_VBN to_IN power_NN or_CC the_AT conflict_NN would_MD have_
HV produced_VBN conditions_NNS favorable_JJ to_IN a_AT takeover_NN by_IN Dominic
an_JJ elements_NNS responsive_JJ to_IN Castro_NP in_IN Cuba_NP ._. Within_IN the
_AT Organization_NN-TL of_IN-TL American_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, there_EX may_MD
be_BE some_DTI criticism_NN of_IN this_DT unilateral_JJ American_JJ interventio
n_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ not_* without_IN risk_NN obviously_RB ._. But_CC there_E
X was_BEDZ no_AT complaint_NN from_IN the_AT Dominican_JJ crowds_NNS which_WDT l
ined_VBD Ciudad_NP Trujillo's_NP$ waterfront_NN shouting_VBG ,_, ``_`` Vive_FW-V
B Yankees_NPS ''_'' !_. !_. More_RBR ,_, the_AT U.S._NP action_NN was_BEDZ haile
d_VBN by_IN a_AT principal_JJS opposition_NN leader_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Juan_NP Bos
ch_NP ,_, as_CS having_HVG saved_VBN ``_`` many_AP lives_NNS and_CC many_AP trou
bles_NNS in_IN the_AT near_JJ future_NN ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Balaguer's_NP$ troubles
_NNS are_BER by_IN no_AT means_NNS over_RP ._. He_PPS will_MD need_VB the_AT hel
p_NN of_IN all_ABN OAS_NN members_NNS to_TO eradicate_VB ,_, finally_RB ,_, the_
AT forces_NNS of_IN authoritarianism_NN ,_, pro-Trujillo_JJ and_CC pro-Castro_JJ
alike_RB ._. In_IN cooperating_VBG toward_IN that_DT objective_NN ,_, OAS_NN mi
ght_MD move_VB with_IN the_AT speed_NN and_CC effectiveness_NN demonstrated_VBN
by_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Matter_NN-HL of_IN-HL survival_NN-H
L those_DTS watching_VBG the_AT growing_VBG rivalry_NN between_IN craft_NN union
s_NNS and_CC industrial_JJ unions_NNS may_MD recognize_VB all_ABN the_AT pressur
es_NNS that_WPS led_VBD to_IN the_AT big_JJ labor_NN split_NN in_IN 1935_CD ._.
Now_RB ,_, as_CS then_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT matter_NN of_IN jobs_NNS ._. Cra
ft_NN unions_NNS seek_VB work_NN that_WPS industrial_JJ unions_NNS claim_VB ,_,
such_JJ as_CS factory_NN maintenance_NN ._. The_AT issue_NN was_BEDZ sufficientl
y_RB potent_JJ in_IN 1935_CD to_TO spark_VB secession_NN from_IN the_AT American
_JJ-TL Federation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL of_IN its_PP$ industrial_JJ union_N
N members_NNS ._. That_DT breach_NN was_BEDZ healed_VBN 20_CD years_NNS later_RB
R by_IN merger_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL Federation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN
-TL and_CC the_AT Congress_NP-TL of_IN-TL Industrial_JJ-TL Organizations_NNS-TL
._. Or_CC that's_DT+BEZ what_WDT it_PPS looked_VBD like_CS at_IN the_AT time_NN
._. But_CC automation_NN and_CC the_AT increasing_VBG complexity_NN of_IN factor
ies_NNS has_HVZ renewed_VBN the_AT competition_NN for_IN jobs_NNS ._. Walter_NP
Reuther_NP ,_, leader_NN of_IN the_AT industrial_JJ union_NN faction_NN of_IN th
e_AT AFL-CIO_NN ,_, says_VBZ another_DT two_CD years_NNS of_IN this_DT squabblin
g_NN will_MD be_BE disastrous_JJ for_IN all_ABN American_JJ labor_NN ._. Whether
_CS it_PPS could_MD be_BE as_QL disastrous_JJ for_IN American_JJ labor_NN as_CS
,_, say_UH ,_, Jimmy_NP Hoffa_NP of_IN the_AT Teamsters_NNS-TL ,_, is_BEZ a_AT m
atter_NN of_IN conjecture_NN ._. But_CC the_AT jurisdictional_JJ disputes_NNS th
at_WPS result_VB from_IN the_AT craft-industrial_JJ rivalry_NN do_DO not_* win_V
B friends_NNS for_IN labor_NN ._. Engaged_VBN as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN a_AT bat
tle_NN for_IN world_NN trade_NN as_CS a_AT condition_NN of_IN national_JJ surviv
al_NN ,_, this_DT country_NN can_MD have_HV little_AP patience_NN with_IN labor'
s_NN$ family_NN feuds_NNS ._. The_AT concept_NN of_IN labor_NN as_CS a_AT specia
l_JJ class_NN is_BEZ outmoded_JJ ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT task_NN confronting_VBG
America_NP as_CS bastion_NN of_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN ,_, labor_NN must_MD
learn_VB to_TO put_VB the_AT national_JJ interest_NN first_RB if_CS it_PPS is_BE
Z itself_PPL to_TO survive_VB ._. Deterrent_NN-HL the_AT Army_NN-TL ,_, Navy_NN-
TL and_CC Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL ,_, among_IN others_NNS ,_, may_MD question_VB S
ecretary_NN-TL Freeman's_NP$ claim_NN that_CS the_AT high_JJ estate_NN of_IN Uni
ted_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL agriculture_NN is_BEZ the_AT ``_`` strongest_JJT deterr
ent_NN ''_'' to_IN the_AT spread_NN of_IN communism_NN ._. But_CC the_AT secreta
ry_NN insists_VBZ that_CS the_AT success_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ farmer_NN i
s_BEZ the_AT ``_`` greatest_JJT single_AP source_NN of_IN strength_NN ''_'' in_I
N the_AT struggle_NN to_TO insure_VB freedom_NN around_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Mr
._NP Freeman_NP said_VBD that_CS in_IN many_AP of_IN the_AT countries_NNS he_PPS
visited_VBD on_IN a_AT recent_JJ world_NN trade_NN trip_NN people_NNS were_BED
more_QL awed_VBN by_IN America's_NP$ capacity_NN to_TO produce_VB food_NN surplu
ses_NNS than_CS by_IN our_PP$ industrial_JJ production_NN --_-- or_CC even_RB by
_IN the_AT Soviet's_NP$ successes_NNS in_IN space_NN ._. This_DT shouldn't_MD* s
urprise_VB the_AT secretary_NN ;_. ;_. American_JJ taxpayers_NNS have_HV been_BE
N impressed_VBN by_IN the_AT surpluses_NNS for_IN a_AT long_JJ ,_, long_JJ time_
NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, over_IN the_AT years_NNS ,_, the_AT American_JJ farmer'
s_NN$ capacity_NN to_TO over-produce_VB has_HVZ cost_VBN the_AT taxpayers_NNS a_
AT large_JJ dollar_NN ._. And_CC thus_RB far_RB ,_, Mr._NP Freeman_NP has_HVZ of
fered_VBN very_QL little_AP relief_NN ._. The_AT 1961_CD feed_NN grain_NN progra
m_NN ,_, which_WDT the_AT secretary_NN sponsored_VBD ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN declar
ed_VBN a_AT billion_CD dollar_NN fiasco_NN ._. In_IN exchange_NN for_IN higher_J
JR price_NN supports_NNS ,_, growers_NNS pledged_VBD reduction_NN in_IN planted_
VBN acreage_NN ._. But_CC the_AT farmers_NNS outsmarted_VBD Washington_NP by_IN
shortening_VBG the_AT distance_NN between_IN the_AT rows_NNS and_CC pouring_VBG
on_IN the_AT fertilizer_NN ._. The_AT result_NN :_: $1.1_NNS billion_CD added_VB
D to_IN the_AT deficit_NN in_IN the_AT federal_JJ budget_NN ._. Perhaps_RB ,_, a
s_CS Mr._NP Freeman_NP says_VBZ ,_, American_JJ agriculture_NN may_MD stop_VB th
e_AT Communists_NNS-TL ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB swindling_VBG the_AT Ame
rican_JJ taxpayer_NN ._. What's_WDT+BEZ-HL wrong_JJ-HL at_IN-HL state_NN-HL A_AT
senate_NN subcommittee_NN headed_VBN by_IN Sen._NN-TL Jackson_NP of_IN Washingt
on_NP has_HVZ been_BEN going_VBG over_RP the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL and
_CC has_HVZ reached_VBN some_DTI predictable_JJ conclusions_NNS ._. The_AT depar
tment_NN needs_VBZ a_AT clearer_JJR ``_`` sense_NN of_IN direction_NN ''_'' at_I
N the_AT top_JJS and_CC it_PPS needs_VBZ fewer_AP ,_, but_CC better_JJR ,_, peop
le_NNS ,_, Sen._NN-TL Jackson_NP says_VBZ ._. The_AT subcommittee_NN is_BEZ not_
* alone_RB in_IN questioning_VBG the_AT effectiveness_NN of_IN the_AT department
_NN ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP has_HVZ indicated_VBN his_PP$ dissatisfaction
_NN with_IN its_PP$ performance_NN ._. But_CC those_DTS who_WPS would_MD revital
ize_VB so_QL complex_JJ an_AT organization_NN must_MD ,_, first_OD of_IN all_ABN
,_, overcome_VB the_AT resistance_NN of_IN layers_NNS of_IN officials_NNS wedde
d_VBN to_IN traditional_JJ procedures_NNS ,_, suspicious_JJ of_IN innovation_NN
and_CC fearful_JJ of_IN mistakes_NNS ._. Nor_CC does_DOZ Sen._NN-TL Jackson_NP d
iscuss_VB the_AT delicate_JJ situation_NN created_VBN by_IN the_AT presence_NN i
n_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL of_IN a_AT corps_NN of_IN presidential_JJ as
sistants_NNS engaged_VBN in_IN the_AT study_NN of_IN foreign_JJ policy_NN ._. Th
is_DT tends_VBZ to_TO create_VB friction_NN and_CC confusion_NN and_CC has_HVZ n
ot_* made_VBN it_PPO easier_RBR for_IN Secretary_NN-TL Rusk_NP to_TO restore_VB
vigor_NN and_CC initiative_NN among_IN his_PP$ subordinates_NNS ._. But_CC compe
tent_JJ observers_NNS believe_VB he_PPS is_BEZ making_VBG progress_NN ,_, partic
ularly_RB toward_IN what_WDT Sen._NN-TL Jackson_NP lists_VBZ as_CS the_AT primar
y_JJ need_NN --_-- ``_`` a_AT clearer_JJR understanding_NN of_IN where_WRB our_P
P$ vital_JJ national_JJ interests_NNS lie_VB and_CC what_WDT we_PPSS must_MD do_
DO to_TO promote_VB them_PPO ''_'' ._. The_AT Jackson_NP report_NN will_MD provi
de_VB some_DTI of_IN the_AT political_JJ support_NN Mr._NP Rusk_NP will_MD need_
VB if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ to_TO get_VB rid_JJ of_IN department_NN personnel_NNS eng
aged_VBN ,_, as_CS Sen._NN-TL Jackson_NP puts_VBZ it_PPO ,_, ``_`` in_IN work_NN
that_WPS does_DOZ not_* really_RB need_VB doing_VBG ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Rusk_NP sh
ould_MD also_RB draw_VB comfort_NN from_IN Sen._NN-TL Jackson's_NP$ recommendati
on_NN that_CS congressional_JJ methods_NNS of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN national_JJ
security_NN problems_NNS be_BE improved_VBN ._. Self-criticism_NN is_BEZ a_AT r
are_JJ but_CC needed_VBN commodity_NN in_IN Congress_NP ._. Betting_VBG-HL men_N
NS-HL forecasting_VBG economic_JJ activity_NN is_BEZ a_AT hazardous_JJ undertaki
ng_NN even_RB for_IN the_AT specialist_NN ._. But_CC now_RB apparently_RB the_AT
job_NN of_IN Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL requires_VBZ that_CS he_PPS b
e_BE willing_JJ to_TO risk_VB his_PP$ reputation_NN as_CS a_AT prognosticator_NN
of_IN unemployment_NN trends_NNS ._. James_NP P._NP Mitchell_NP ,_, when_WRB he
_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT head_NN of_IN the_AT department_NN ,_, promised_VBD to_TO e
at_VB his_PP$ hat_NN if_CS unemployment_NN didn't_DOD* drop_VB below_IN three_CD
million_CD a_AT couple_NN of_IN years_NNS ago_RB ._. He_PPS lost_VBD ,_, but_CC
settled_VBD for_IN a_AT cake_NN in_IN the_AT shape_NN of_IN a_AT fedora_NN ._.
His_PP$ successor_NN ,_, Secretary_NN-TL Goldberg_NP ,_, also_RB has_HVZ been_BE
N guessing_VBG wrong_RB on_IN a_AT drop_NN in_IN the_AT unemployment_NN rate_NN
which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN holding_VBG just_RB under_IN 7_CD per_IN cent_NN for_
IN the_AT last_AP 11_CD months_NNS ._. No_AT betting_VBG man_NN ,_, Mr._NP Goldb
erg_NP says_VBZ he's_PPS+BEZ merely_RB ``_`` putting_VBG my_PP$ neck_NN out_RP a
gain_RB ''_'' by_IN predicting_VBG the_AT rate_NN will_MD go_VB down_RP this_DT
month_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ basing_VBG his_PP$ guess_NN on_IN new_JJ government_N
N statistics_NNS that_WPS show_VB business_NN has_HVZ broadened_VBN its_PP$ stri
de_NN --_-- a_AT new_JJ record_NN high_JJ in_IN personal_JJ income_NN ,_, an_AT
increase_NN in_IN housing_NN starts_VBZ ,_, a_AT spurt_NN in_IN retail_NN sales_
NNS and_CC a_AT gain_NN in_IN orders_NNS for_IN durable_JJ goods_NNS ._. Mr._NP
Mitchell_NP had_HVD an_AT excuse_NN for_IN losing_VBG --_-- the_AT steel_NN stri
ke_NN lasted_VBD much_QL longer_RBR than_CS he_PPS anticipated_VBD ._. Mr._NP Go
ldberg_NP has_HVZ less_AP reason_NN for_IN missing_VBG ._. The_AT economy_NN see
ms_VBZ to_TO be_BE sailing_VBG along_RB on_IN an_AT even_JJ keel_NN and_CC the_A
T 1961_CD hurricane_NN season_NN and_CC auto_NN strikes_NNS are_BER at_IN an_AT
end_NN so_CS they_PPSS can't_MD* be_BE blamed_VBN in_IN November_NP ._. The_AT o
dds_NNS thus_RB appear_VB favorable_JJ that_CS the_AT secretary's_NN$ neck_NN ma
y_MD be_BE spared_VBN ._. Little_AP-HL resistance_NN-HL Cambodia's_NP$ chief_NN
of_IN state_NN ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN accused_VBN of_IN harboring_VBG Comm
unist_NN-TL marauders_NNS and_CC otherwise_RB making_VBG life_NN miserable_JJ fo
r_IN neighboring_VBG South_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL and_CC Thailand_NP ,_, ins
ists_VBZ he_PPS would_MD be_BE very_QL unhappy_JJ if_CS communism_NN established
_VBD its_PP$ power_NN in_IN Southeast_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL ._. But_CC so_QL convince
d_VBN of_IN communism's_NN$ inevitable_JJ triumph_NN is_BEZ Prince_NN-TL Sihanou
k_NP that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ ready_JJ to_TO throw_VB in_IN the_AT towel_NN ._. ``_
`` I_PPSS have_HV to_TO see_VB the_AT facts_NNS ''_'' ,_, is_BEZ the_AT way_NN t
he_AT prince_NN puts_VBZ it_PPO ._. And_CC from_IN that_DT point_NN of_IN vantag
e_NN he_PPS concedes_VBZ another_DT two_CD years_NNS of_IN grace_NN to_IN nation
s_NNS maintaining_VBG a_AT pro-Western_JJ posture_NN ._. Prince_NN-TL Sihanouk's
_NP$ powers_NNS of_IN prognostication_NN some_DTI day_NN may_MD be_BE confirmed_
VBN but_CC history_NN is_BEZ not_* likely_RB to_TO praise_VB the_AT courage_NN o
f_IN his_PP$ convictions_NNS ._. Bottom_NN-HL sighted_VBN-HL Commerce_NN-TL Secr
etary_NN-TL Hodges_NP seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV been_BEN cast_VBN in_IN the_AT rol
e_NN of_IN pacemaker_NN for_IN official_JJ Washington's_NP$ economic_JJ forecast
ers_NNS ._. Weeks_NNS ago_RB he_PPS saw_VBD a_AT business_NN upturn_NN in_IN the
_AT second_OD quarter_NN of_IN this_DT year_NN while_CS his_PP$ colleagues_NNS i
n_IN the_AT Cabinet_NN-TL were_BED shaking_VBG their_PP$ heads_NNS in_IN disagre
ement_NN ._. Recently_RB Treasury_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL Dillon_NP and_CC Labor_N
N-TL Secretary_NN-TL Goldberg_NP fell_VBD into_IN line_NN with_IN Mr._NP Hodges'
_NP$ appraisal_NN ,_, though_CS there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN some_DTI reluctance_NN
to_TO do_DO so_RB at_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. And_CC now_RB Mr._NP
Hodges_NP has_HVZ pioneered_VBN further_RBR into_IN the_AT economic_JJ unknown_
JJ with_IN the_AT announcement_NN that_CS he_PPS thinks_VBZ business_NN has_HVZ
stopped_VBN sliding_VBG and_CC that_CS it_PPS should_MD start_VB going_VBG upwar
d_RB from_IN this_DT point_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ the_AT first_OD top_JJS administ
ration_NN officer_NN to_TO see_VB the_AT bottom_NN of_IN the_AT slump_NN ._. The
_AT secretary_NN based_VBD his_PP$ assessment_NN on_IN the_AT upturn_NN in_IN re
tail_NN sales_NNS ._. February's_NP$ volume_NN was_BEDZ 1_CD per_IN cent_NN abov
e_IN January's_NP$ for_IN the_AT first_OD pickup_NN since_IN last_AP October_NP
,_, although_CS it's_PPS+BEZ still_RB 1.5_CD per_IN cent_NN off_RP from_IN Febru
ary_NP 1960_CD ._. Corroborating_VBG Mr._NP Hodges'_NP$ figures_NNS was_BEDZ the
_AT Federal_JJ-TL Reserve_NN-TL Board's_NN$-TL report_NN of_IN the_AT large_JJ s
ales_NNS increase_NN in_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ department_NN stores_NNS for_IN t
he_AT week_NN ending_VBG March_NP 4_CD ._. In_IN Newark_NP ,_, for_IN example_NN
,_, this_DT gain_NN was_BEDZ put_VBN at_IN 26_CD per_IN cent_NN above_IN the_AT
year-earlier_JJR level_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, some_DTI of_IN the_AT credit_
NN for_IN the_AT sale_NN boost_NN must_MD be_BE given_VBN to_IN improvement_NN i
n_IN the_AT weather_NN and_CC to_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS Easter_NP comes_VBZ m
ore_AP than_IN two_CD weeks_NNS earlier_RBR than_CS in_IN 1960_CD ._. Another_DT
optimistic_JJ sign_NN ,_, this_DT one_CD from_IN the_AT Labor_NN-TL Department_
NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT report_NN that_CS the_AT long_JJ rise_NN in_IN unemplo
yment_NN compensation_NN payments_NNS ``_`` was_BEDZ interrupted_VBN for_IN the_
AT first_OD time_NN in_IN the_AT week_NN ending_VBG Feb._NP 25_CD ''_'' ._. Init
ial_JJ claims_NNS for_IN jobless_JJ benefits_NNS were_BED said_VBN to_TO have_HV
dropped_VBN by_IN 8,100_CD in_IN the_AT week_NN ending_VBG March_NP 4_CD ._. Mr
._NP Hodges_NP is_BEZ so_QL hopeful_JJ over_IN the_AT outlook_NN that_CS he_PPS
doesn't_DOZ* think_VB there_EX will_MD be_BE any_DTI need_NN of_IN a_AT cut_NN i
n_IN income_NN taxes_NNS ._. Well_RB ,_, we_PPSS can't_MD* have_HV everything_PN
._. Prosperity_NN for_IN the_AT whole_JJ nation_NN is_BEZ certainly_RB preferre
d_VBN to_IN a_AT tax_NN cut_NN ._. In_IN-HL New_JJ-TL-HL Jersey_NP-TL ,_,-HL too
_RB-HL New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL folk_NN need_VB not_* be_BE told_VBN of_IN the_AT
builder's_NN$ march_NN to_IN the_AT sea_NN ,_, for_CS in_IN a_AT single_AP gener
ation_NN he_PPS has_HVZ parceled_VBN and_CC populated_VBN miles_NNS of_IN our_PP
$ shoreline_NN and_CC presses_VBZ on_RP to_TO develop_VB the_AT few_AP open_JJ s
paces_NNS that_WPS remain_VB ._. Now_RB the_AT Stone_NN-TL Harbor_NN-TL bird_NN
sanctuary_NN ,_, 31_CD acres_NNS of_IN magic_JJ attraction_NN for_IN exotic_JJ h
erons_NNS ,_, is_BEZ threatened_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT battlefront_NN extends_VBZ
far_RB beyond_IN our_PP$ state_NN ._. Against_IN the_AT dramatic_JJ fight_NN be
ing_BEG waged_VBN for_IN preservation_NN of_IN 30_CD miles_NNS of_IN Cape_NN-TL
Cod_NN-TL shoreline_NN ,_, the_AT tiny_JJ tract_NN at_IN Stone_NN-TL Harbor_NN-T
L may_MD seem_VB unimportant_JJ ._. But_CC Interior_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL Udall_
NP warns_VBZ that_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT race_NN on_RP between_IN those_DTS who
_WPS would_MD develop_VB our_PP$ few_AP surviving_VBG open_JJ shorelines_NNS and
_CC those_DTS who_WPS would_MD save_VB them_PPO for_IN the_AT enjoyment_NN of_IN
all_ABN as_CS public_JJ preserves_NNS ._. The_AT move_NN for_IN establishment_N
N of_IN a_AT national_JJ seashore_NN park_NN on_IN 30,000_CD acres_NNS of_IN Cap
e_NN-TL Cod_NN-TL ,_, from_IN Provincetown_NP to_IN Chatham_NP ,_, is_BEZ streng
thened_VBN by_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ interest_NN in_IN that_DT area_NN
._. But_CC preservation_NN of_IN the_AT natural_JJ beauty_NN of_IN the_AT Cape_
NN-TL is_BEZ of_IN more_AP than_CS regional_JJ concern_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT auto
mobile_NN age_NN has_HVZ made_VBN it_PPO the_AT recreation_NN spot_NN of_IN peop
le_NNS from_IN all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN ._. By_IN comparison_NN ,_, Ston
e_NN-TL Harbor_NN-TL bird_NN sanctuary's_NN$ allies_NNS seem_VB less_QL formidab
le_JJ ,_, for_CS aside_RB from_IN the_AT Audubon_NP-TL Society_NN-TL ,_, they_PP
SS are_BER mostly_RB the_AT snowy_JJ ,_, common_JJ and_CC cattle_NNS egrets_NNS
and_CC the_AT Louisiana_NP ,_, green_JJ ,_, little_JJ blue_JJ and_CC black-crown
ed_JJ herons_NNS who_WPS nest_VB and_CC feed_VB there_RB ._. But_CC there_EX is_
BEZ hope_NN ,_, for_CS Conservation_NN-TL Commissioner_NN-TL Bontempo_NP has_HVZ
tagged_VBN the_AT sanctuary_NN as_CS the_AT kind_NN of_IN place_NN the_AT state
_NN hopes_VBZ to_TO include_VB in_IN its_PP$ program_NN to_TO double_VB its_PP$
park_NN space_NN ._. The_AT desirability_NN of_IN preserving_VBG such_JJ places_
NNS as_CS the_AT Cape_NN-TL dunes_NNS and_CC Stone_NN-TL Harbor_NN-TL sanctuary_
NN becomes_VBZ more_QL apparent_JJ every_AT year_NN ._. Public_JJ sentiment_NN f
or_IN conserving_VBG our_PP$ rich_JJ natural_JJ heritage_NN is_BEZ growing_VBG .
_. But_CC that_DT heritage_NN is_BEZ shrinking_VBG even_QL faster_RBR ._. No_AT-
HL joyride_NN-HL much_AP of_IN the_AT glamor_NN President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ Pe
ace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL may_MD have_HV held_VBN for_IN some_DTI prospective_JJ app
licants_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN removed_VBN by_IN Sargent_NP Shriver_NP ,_, the_AT
head_JJS corpsman_NN ._. Anybody_PN who_WPS is_BEZ expecting_VBG a_AT joyride_NN
should_MD ,_, according_IN to_IN Mr._NP Shriver_NP ,_, get_VB off_IN the_AT tra
in_NN right_QL now_RB ._. First_OD of_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT recruits_NNS will_MD
have_HV to_TO undergo_VB arduous_JJ schooling_NN ._. It_PPS will_MD be_BE a_AT
16-hour_JJ training_VBG day_NN ._. Then_RB off_RP to_IN a_AT remote_JJ place_NN
in_IN an_AT underdeveloped_JJ country_NN where_WRB the_AT diet_NN ,_, culture_NN
,_, language_NN and_CC living_VBG conditions_NNS will_MD be_BE different_JJ ._.
And_CC the_AT pay_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, will_MD be_BE nil_NN ._. Despite_I
N all_ABN this_DT ,_, the_AT idea_NN apparently_RB has_HVZ captured_VBN the_AT i
magination_NN of_IN countless_JJ youths_NNS whose_WP$ parents_NNS are_BER probab
ly_RB more_QL surprised_VBN by_IN the_AT response_NN than_CS anybody_PN else_RB
._. The_AT study_NN of_IN the_AT St._NP Louis_NP area's_NN$ economic_JJ prospect
s_NNS prepared_VBN for_IN the_AT Construction_NN-TL Industry_NN-TL Joint_JJ-TL C
onference_NN-TL confirms_VBZ and_CC reinforces_VBZ both_ABX the_AT findings_NNS
of_IN the_AT Metropolitan_JJ-TL St._NP-TL Louis_NP-TL Survey_NN-TL of_IN 1957_CD
and_CC the_AT easily_RB observed_VBN picture_NN of_IN the_AT Missouri-Illinois_
NP countryside_NN ._. St._NP Louis_NP sits_VBZ in_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN a_AT
relatively_RB slow-growing_JJ and_CC in_IN some_DTI places_NNS stagnant_JJ mid-
continent_NN region_NN ._. Slackened_VBN regional_JJ demand_NN for_IN St._NP Lou
is_NP goods_NNS and_CC services_NNS reflects_VBZ the_AT region's_NN$ relative_JJ
lack_NN of_IN purchasing_VBG power_NN ._. Not_* all_ABN St._NP Louis_NP industr
ies_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, have_HV a_AT market_NN area_NN confined_VBN to_I
N the_AT immediate_JJ neighborhood_NN ._. But_CC for_IN those_DTS which_WDT do_D
O ,_, the_AT slow_JJ growth_NN of_IN the_AT area_NN has_HVZ a_AT retarding_VBG e
ffect_NN on_IN the_AT metropolitan_JJ core_NN ._. The_AT city_NN has_HVZ a_AT st
ake_NN in_IN stimulating_VBG growth_NN and_CC purchasing_VBG power_NN throughout
_IN outstate_JJ Missouri_NP and_CC Southern_JJ-TL Illinois_NP-TL ._. Gov._NN-TL
Dalton's_NP$ New_JJ-TL Commerce_NN-TL and_CC-TL Industry_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL
is_BEZ moving_VBG to_TO create_VB a_AT nine-state_JJ regional_JJ group_NN in_IN
a_AT collective_JJ effort_NN to_TO attract_VB new_JJ industry_NN ._. That_DT is_
BEZ one_CD approach_NN ._. Another_DT would_MD be_BE to_TO take_VB the_AT advice
_NN of_IN Dr._NN-TL Elmer_NP Ellis_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT University_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Missouri_NP-TL ,_, and_CC provide_VB for_IN an_AT impartial_JJ pro
fessional_JJ analysis_NN of_IN Missouri's_NP$ economy_NN ._. He_PPS says_VBZ the
_AT state_NN ,_, in_IN order_NN to_TO proceed_VB with_IN economic_JJ development
_NN ,_, must_MD develop_VB an_AT understanding_NN of_IN how_WRB the_AT various_J
J parts_NNS of_IN its_PP$ economy_NN fit_VB together_RB and_CC dovetail_VB into_
IN the_AT national_JJ economy_NN ._. The_AT research_NN center_NN of_IN the_AT U
niversity's_NN$-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Business_NN-TL and_CC-TL Public_JJ-TL A
dministration_NN-TL is_BEZ prepared_VBN to_TO undertake_VB the_AT analysis_NN Dr
._NN-TL Ellis_NP has_HVZ been_BEN talking_VBG about_RB ._. He_PPS and_CC Dean_NN
-TL John_NP W._NP Schwada_NP of_IN the_AT Business_NN-TL School_NN-TL outlined_V
BD the_AT project_NN at_IN a_AT recent_JJ conference_NN ._. The_AT University_NN
-TL can_MD make_VB a_AT valuable_JJ contribution_NN to_IN the_AT state's_NN$ eco
nomic_JJ development_NN through_IN such_ABL a_AT study_NN ._. In_IN Southern_JJ-
TL Illinois_NP-TL ,_, the_AT new_JJ federal_JJ program_NN of_IN help_NN to_IN ec
onomically_RB depressed_VBN areas_NNS ought_MD to_TO provide_VB some_DTI stimulu
s_NN to_IN growth_NN ._. The_AT Carbondale_NP-TL Industrial_JJ-TL Development_NN
-TL Corp._NN-TL has_HVZ obtained_VBN a_AT $500,000_NNS loan_NN to_TO help_VB def
ray_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN remodeling_VBG a_AT city-owned_JJ factory_NN to_TO a
ccommodate_VB production_NN that_WPS will_MD provide_VB 500_CD new_JJ jobs_NNS .
_. Carbondale_NP is_BEZ in_IN the_AT Herrin-Murphysboro-West_NP Frankfort_NP lab
or_NN market_NN ,_, where_WRB unemployment_NN has_HVZ been_BEN substantially_QL
higher_JJR than_CS the_AT national_JJ average_NN ._. The_AT Federal_JJ-TL progra
m_NN eventually_RB should_MD have_HV a_AT favorable_JJ impact_NN on_IN Missouri'
s_NP$ depressed_VBN areas_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT long_JJ run_NN that_DT wil
l_MD benefit_VB St._NP Louis_NP as_QL well_RB ._. Politics-ridden_JJ St._NP Clai
r_NP county_NN in_IN Illinois_NP presents_VBZ another_DT piece_NN of_IN the_AT p
roblem_NN of_IN metropolitan_JJ development_NN ._. More_AP industrial_JJ acreage
_NN lies_VBZ vacant_JJ in_IN St._NP Clair_NP county_NN than_CS in_IN any_DTI oth
er_AP jurisdiction_NN in_IN the_AT St._NP Louis_NP area_NN ._. The_AT unstable_J
J political_JJ situation_NN there_RB represents_VBZ one_CD reason_NN new_JJ plan
ts_NNS shy_VB away_RB from_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL Side_NN-TL ._. And_CC then_RB th
ere_EX is_BEZ St._NP Louis_NP county_NN ,_, where_WRB the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL le
adership_NN has_HVZ shown_VBN little_AP appreciation_NN of_IN the_AT need_NN for
_IN sound_JJ zoning_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT important_JJ relationship_NN between_IN
proper_JJ land_NN use_NN and_CC economic_JJ growth_NN ._. St._NP Louis_NP county
_NN under_IN its_PP$ present_JJ leadership_NN also_RB has_HVZ largely_RB closed_
VBN its_PP$ eyes_NNS to_IN the_AT need_NN for_IN governmental_JJ reform_NN ,_, a
nd_CC permitted_VBN parochial_JJ interests_NNS to_TO take_VB priority_NN over_IN
area-wide_JJ interests_NNS ._. Some_DTI plant-location_NN specialists_NNS take_
VB these_DTS signs_NNS to_TO mean_VB St._NP Louis_NP county_NN doesn't_DOZ* want
_VB industry_NN ,_, and_CC so_RB they_PPSS avoid_VB the_AT area_NN ,_, and_CC mo
re_AP jobs_NNS are_BER lost_VBN ._. Metropolitan_JJ St._NP Louis's_NP$ relativel
y_QL slow_JJ rate_NN of_IN growth_NN ought_MD to_TO be_BE a_AT priority_NN conce
rn_NN of_IN the_AT political_JJ ,_, business_NN ,_, civic_JJ and_CC other_AP lea
ders_NNS on_IN both_ABX sides_NNS of_IN the_AT Mississippi_NP ._. Without_IN a_A
T great_JJ acceleration_NN in_IN the_AT metropolitan_JJ area's_NN$ economy_NN ,_
, there_EX will_MD not_* be_BE sufficient_JJ jobs_NNS for_IN the_AT growing_VBG
numbers_NNS of_IN youngsters_NNS ,_, and_CC St._NP Louis_NP will_MD slip_VB into
_IN second-class_NN status_NN ._. An_AT-HL excess_NN-HL of_IN-HL zeal_NN-HL Many
_AP of_IN our_PP$ very_QL best_JJT friends_NNS are_BER reformers_NNS ._. Still_R
B we_PPSS must_MD confess_VB that_CS sometimes_RB some_DTI of_IN them_PPO go_VB
too_QL far_RB ._. Take_VB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT reformers_NNS among_I
N New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City's_NN$-TL Democrats_NPS ._. Having_HVG whipped_VBN Mr
._NP De_NP Sapio_NP in_IN the_AT primaries_NNS and_CC thus_RB come_VBN into_IN c
ontrol_NN of_IN Tammany_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL ,_, they_PPSS have_HV changed_VBN the_A
T name_NN to_IN Chatham_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL ._. Even_RB though_CS headquarters_NNS
actually_RB have_HV been_BEN moved_VBN into_IN the_AT Chatham_NP building_NN ,_,
do_DO they_PPSS believe_VB that_CS they_PPSS can_MD make_VB the_AT new_JJ name_
NN stick_VB ?_. ?_. Granted_VBN that_CS the_AT Tammany_NP name_NN and_CC the_AT
Tammany_NP tiger_NN often_RB were_BED regarded_VBN as_CS badges_NNS of_IN politi
cal_JJ shame_NN ,_, the_AT sachems_NNS of_IN the_AT Hall_NN-TL also_RB have_HV a
_AT few_AP good_JJ marks_NNS to_IN their_PP$ credit_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ
tradition_NN rather_IN than_IN the_AT record_NN which_WDT balks_VBZ at_IN the_AT
expunging_NN of_IN the_AT Tammany_NP name_NN ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, it_PPS go
es_VBZ back_RB to_IN the_AT days_NNS in_IN which_WDT sedition_NN was_BEDZ not_*
un-American_JJ ,_, the_AT days_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT Sons_NNS-TL of_IN-TL S
t._NN-TL Tammany_NP-TL conspired_VBD to_TO overthrow_VB the_AT government_NN by_
IN force_NN and_CC violence_NN --_-- the_AT British_JJ government_NN ,_, that_DT
is_BEZ ._. Further_RBR ,_, do_DO our_PP$ reforming_VBG friends_NNS really_RB be
lieve_VB that_CS the_AT cartoonists_NNS will_MD consent_VB to_IN the_AT banishme
nt_NN of_IN the_AT tiger_NN from_IN their_PP$ zoo_NN ?_. ?_. They_PPSS will_MD -
-_-- when_WRB they_PPSS give_VB up_RP the_AT donkey_NN and_CC the_AT elephant_NN
._. Instead_RB of_IN attempting_VBG the_AT impossible_JJ ,_, why_WRB not_* a_AT
publicity_NN campaign_NN to_TO prove_VB that_CS all_ABN the_AT tiger's_NN$ stri
pes_NNS are_BER not_* black_JJ ?_. ?_. That_DT might_MD go_VB over_RP ._. The_AT
-HL Faget_NP-HL case_NN-HL The_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL itself_PPL has_HVZ tak
en_VBN steps_NNS to_TO remove_VB a_AT former_AP Batista_NP official_NN ,_, Col._
NN-TL Mariano_NP Faget_NP ,_, from_IN his_PP$ preposterous_JJ position_NN as_CS
interrogator_NN of_IN Cuban_JJ refugees_NNS for_IN the_AT Immigration_NN-TL Serv
ice_NN-TL ._. The_AT Faget_NP appointment_NN was_BEDZ preposterous_JJ on_IN seve
ral_AP grounds_NNS ._. The_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL had_HVD assured
_VBN anti-Castro_JJ Cubans_NPS that_CS it_PPS would_MD have_HV nothing_PN to_TO
do_DO with_IN associates_NNS of_IN Dictator_NN-TL Batista_NP ._. Using_VBG a_AT
Batista_NP man_NN to_TO screen_VB refugees_NNS represented_VBD a_AT total_JJ mis
understanding_NN of_IN the_AT democratic_JJ forces_NNS which_WDT alone_RB can_MD
effectively_RB oppose_VB Castro_NP ._. Moreover_RB ,_, Col._NN-TL Faget's_NP$ i
nformation_NN on_IN Cuba_NP was_BEDZ too_QL outdated_VBN to_TO be_BE useful_JJ i
n_IN ``_`` screening_VBG ''_'' Castro_NP agents_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT Colonel_NN-TL
fled_VBD to_IN the_AT friendly_JJ haven_NN of_IN the_AT Dominican_JJ dictatorsh
ip_NN as_QL soon_RB as_CS Castro_NP seized_VBD power_NN ._. And_CC while_CS he_P
PS had_HVD headed_VBN Batista's_NP$ anti-Communist_JJ section_NN ,_, the_AT Bati
sta_NP regime_NN did_DOD not_* disturb_VB the_AT Communists_NNS-TL so_QL much_RB
as_CS more_QL open_JJ opponents_NNS who_WPS were_BED alleged_VBN to_TO be_BE Co
mmunists_NNS-TL ._. Responsibility_NN for_IN the_AT Faget_NP appointment_NN rest
s_VBZ with_IN Gen._NN-TL J._NP M._NP Swing_NP ,_, an_AT Eisenhower_NP appointee_
NN as_CS head_NN of_IN the_AT Immigration_NN-TL Service_NN-TL ._. Gen._NN-TL Swi
ng_NP has_HVZ received_VBN public_JJ attention_NN before_IN this_DT for_IN abuse
_NN of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT prerogatives_NNS of_IN his_PP$ office_NN ._. His
_PP$ official_JJ term_NN expired_VBD last_AP summer_NN ._. Some_DTI reports_NNS
say_VB he_PPS was_BEDZ rescued_VBN from_IN timely_JJ retirement_NN by_IN his_PP$
friend_NN ,_, Congressman_NN-TL Walter_NP of_IN Pennsylvania_NP ,_, at_IN a_AT
moment_NN when_WRB the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL was_BEDZ diligently
_RB searching_VBG for_IN all_ABN the_AT House_NN-TL votes_NNS it_PPS could_MD ge
t_VB ._. Congressman_NN-TL Walter_NP has_HVZ been_BEN all-powerful_JJ in_IN immi
gration_NN matters_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS has_HVZ announced_VBN plans_NNS to_TO r
etire_VB in_IN 1962_CD ._. At_IN that_DT point_NN the_AT Administration_NN-TL wi
ll_MD have_HV little_AP reason_NN to_TO hang_VB onto_IN Gen._NN-TL Swing_NP ._.
The_AT Faget_NP case_NN was_BEDZ the_AT kind_NN of_IN salvage_NN job_NN the_AT A
dministration_NN-TL should_MD not_* have_HV to_TO repeat_VB ._. Mr._NP-HL Eisenh
ower_NP-HL ,_,-HL politician_NN-HL As_CS President_NN-TL ,_, Dwight_NP D._NP Eis
enhower_NP often_RB assumed_VBD a_AT role_NN aloof_RB from_IN the_AT strife_NN o
f_IN partisan_JJ politics_NN ._. As_CS a_AT former_AP President_NN-TL ,_, howeve
r_WRB ,_, Mr._NP Eisenhower_NP abandoned_VBD this_DT role_NN to_TO engage_VB in_
IN partisan_JJ sniping_NN during_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Republican_NP rall
y_NN ,_, and_CC generally_RB missed_VBD his_PP$ target_NN ._. Mr._NP Eisenhower_
NP seized_VBD upon_IN the_AT incident_NN of_IN the_AT postcard_NN lost_VBN by_IN
a_AT Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL girl_NN in_IN Nigeria_NP to_TO attack_VB the_AT en
tire_JJ Corps_NN-TL as_CS a_AT ``_`` juvenile_JJ experiment_NN ''_'' and_CC to_T
O suggest_VB sending_VBG a_AT Corps_NN-TL member_NN to_IN the_AT moon_NN ._. Thi
s_DT was_BEDZ juvenile_JJ ridicule_NN ._. Nowhere_RB did_DOD the_AT speaker_NN r
ecognize_VB the_AT serious_JJ purpose_NN of_IN the_AT Corps_NN-TL or_CC its_PP$
welcome_JJ reception_NN abroad_RB ._. His_PP$ words_NNS were_BED the_AT more_QL
ungracious_JJ to_TO come_VB from_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS lent_VBD his_PP$ name_NN
to_IN the_AT Eisenhower_NP-TL Exchange_NN-TL Fellowships_NNS-TL dedicated_VBN t
o_IN the_AT same_AP goal_NN of_IN international_JJ understanding_NN ._. The_AT f
ormer_AP President_NN-TL blithely_RB ignored_VBD recent_JJ history_NN in_IN spea
king_VBG of_IN ``_`` dollarette_NN ''_'' dollars_NNS under_IN Kennedy_NP-TL Admi
nistration_NN-TL fiscal_JJ policies_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT Eisenhower_NP
-TL Administration_NN-TL which_WDT produced_VBD the_AT largest_JJT peacetime_NN
deficit_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, Mr._NP Eisenhower_NP found_VBD nothing_PN but_IN c
onfusion_NN in_IN Washington_NP ._. This_DT statement_NN recalls_VBZ the_AT 1959
_CD Berlin_NP crisis_NN ,_, when_WRB President_NN-TL Eisenhower_NP first_RB told
_VBD reporters_NNS that_CS Berlin_NP could_MD not_* be_BE defended_VBN with_IN c
onventional_JJ weapons_NNS and_CC then_RB added_VBD that_CS a_AT nuclear_JJ defe
nse_NN was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN the_AT picture_NN too_RB ._. The_AT crisis_NN has_H
VZ been_BEN renewed_VBN since_IN then_RB but_CC the_AT confusion_NN has_HVZ hard
ly_RB been_BEN compounded_VBN ._. Ex-Presidents_NNS ,_, relieved_VBN of_IN accou
ntability_NN for_IN policy_NN ,_, sometimes_RB seem_VB to_TO feel_VB free_JJ of_
IN accountability_NN for_IN their_PP$ words_NNS ._. Some_DTI of_IN former_AP Pre
sident_NN-TL Truman's_NP$ off-the-cuff_JJ discourses_NNS have_HV been_BEN in_IN
that_DT vein_NN ._. Nobody_PN can_MD deny_VB the_AT right_NN of_IN former_AP Chi
ef_JJS-TL Executives_NNS-TL to_TO take_VB part_NN in_IN politics_NN ,_, but_CC t
he_AT American_JJ people_NNS expect_VB them_PPO always_RB to_TO remember_VB the_
AT obligations_NNS of_IN national_JJ leadership_NN and_CC to_TO treat_VB issues_
NNS with_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN responsibility_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT matter
_NN of_IN respect_NN for_IN the_AT Presidency_NN-TL ._. Mr._NP Eisenhower's_NP$
New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL speech_NN does_DOZ not_* encourage_VB respect_NN for_IN tha
t_DT or_CC for_IN his_PP$ elder_JJR statesmanship_NN ._. Queen_NN-HL of_IN-HL th
e_AT-HL seas_NNS-HL The_AT Queen_NN-TL Mary_NP has_HVZ long_RB been_BEN a_AT sym
bol_NN of_IN speed_NN ,_, luxury_NN ,_, and_CC impeccable_JJ British_JJ service_
NN on_IN the_AT high_JJ seas_NNS ._. Reports_NNS that_CS the_AT venerable_JJ lin
er_NN ,_, which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN in_IN service_NN since_IN 1936_CD ,_, was_B
EDZ to_TO be_BE retired_VBN struck_VBD a_AT nostalgic_JJ note_NN in_IN many_AP o
f_IN us_PPO ._. But_CC the_AT Cunard_NP line_NN ,_, influenced_VBN by_IN unpleas
ant_JJ economic_JJ facts_NNS and_CC not_* sentiment_NN ,_, has_HVZ decided_VBN t
o_TO keep_VB the_AT Queen_NN-TL Mary_NP in_IN service_NN until_IN next_AP Spring
_NN-TL at_IN least_AP ._. A_AT new_JJ queen_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT prosaic_JJ tit
le_NN of_IN Q3_NN ,_, had_HVD been_BEN planned_VBN for_IN several_AP years_NNS t
o_TO replace_VB the_AT Queen_NN-TL Mary_NP ._. The_AT British_JJ government_NN ,
_, concerned_VBN about_IN the_AT threat_NN of_IN unemployment_NN in_IN the_AT sh
ipbuilding_NN industry_NN ,_, had_HVD put_VBN through_RP a_AT bill_NN to_TO give
_VB Cunard_NP loans_NNS and_CC grants_NNS totaling_VBG $50,400,000_NNS toward_IN
the_AT $84,000,000_NNS cost_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ 75,000-ton_JJ passenger_NN lin
er_NN ._. Since_IN 1957_CD ,_, more_AP and_CC more_AP trans-Atlantic_JJ passenge
rs_NNS have_HV been_BEN crossing_VBG by_IN air_NN ._. Economy_NN class_NN fares_
NNS and_CC charter_NN flights_NNS have_HV attracted_VBN almost_RB all_ABN new_JJ
passengers_NNS to_IN the_AT airlines_NNS ._. Competition_NN from_IN other_AP st
eamship_NN lines_NNS has_HVZ cut_VBN Cunard's_NP$ share_NN of_IN sea_NN passenge
rs_NNS from_IN one-third_NN to_IN one-fourth_NN and_CC this_DT year_NN the_AT li
ne_NN showed_VBD a_AT marked_VBN drop_NN of_IN profits_NNS on_IN the_AT Atlantic
_JJ run_NN ._. The_AT Cunard_NP line_NN has_HVZ under_IN consideration_NN replac
ing_VBG the_AT Queen_NN-TL Mary_NP with_IN a_AT ship_NN smaller_JJR than_IN 75,0
00_CD tons_NNS ._. This_DT would_MD be_BE cheaper_JJR to_TO operate_VB and_CC co
uld_MD be_BE used_VBN for_IN cruises_NNS during_IN the_AT lean_JJ winter_NN mont
hs_NNS ._. Also_RB under_IN consideration_NN is_BEZ an_AT increased_VBN investme
nt_NN in_IN Cunard_NP-TL Eagle_NN-TL Airways_NNS-TL which_WDT has_HVZ applied_VB
N to_TO serve_VB New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. The_AT decline_NN of_IN the_AT Cunard_
NP line_NN from_IN its_PP$ position_NN of_IN dominance_NN in_IN Atlantic_JJ trav
el_NN is_BEZ a_AT significant_JJ development_NN in_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN tr
ansportation_NN ._. Mission_NN-HL to_IN-HL Viet_NP-HL Nam_NP-HL Gen._NN-TL Maxwe
ll_NP Taylor's_NP$ statement_NN in_IN Saigon_NP that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ ``_`` very
_QL much_QL encouraged_VBN ''_'' about_IN the_AT chances_NNS of_IN the_AT pro-We
stern_JJ government_NN of_IN Viet_NP Nam_NP turning_VBG back_RB Communist_NN-TL
guerrilla_NN attacks_NNS comes_VBZ close_RB to_IN an_AT announcement_NN that_CS
he_PPS will_MD not_* recommend_VB dispatching_VBG United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL tr
oops_NNS to_TO bolster_VB the_AT Vietnamese_JJ Army_NN-TL ._. Gen._NN-TL Taylor_
NP will_MD report_VB to_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP in_IN a_AT few_AP days_NNS
on_IN the_AT results_NNS of_IN his_PP$ visit_NN to_IN South_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Na
m_NP-TL and_CC ,_, judging_VBG from_IN some_DTI of_IN his_PP$ remarks_NNS to_IN
reporters_NNS in_IN the_AT Far_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ likely_JJ to_T
O urge_VB a_AT more_QL efficient_JJ mobilization_NN of_IN Vietnamese_JJ military
_JJ ,_, economic_JJ ,_, political_JJ and_CC other_AP resources_NNS ._. There_EX
was_BEDZ good_JJ reason_NN for_IN Gen._NN-TL Taylor_NP to_TO make_VB an_AT inspe
ction_NN trip_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN ._. Communist_NN-TL guerrillas_NNS recent
ly_RB have_HV been_BEN reported_VBN increasing_VBG their_PP$ activities_NNS and_
CC the_AT great_JJ flood_NN of_IN the_AT Mekong_NP-TL River_NN-TL has_HVZ interp
osed_VBN a_AT new_JJ crisis_NN ._. South_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam's_NP$-TL rice_NN s
urplus_NN for_IN next_AP year_NN --_-- more_AP than_IN 300,000_CD tons_NNS --_--
may_MD have_HV been_BEN destroyed_VBN ._. The_AT Viet_NP Cong_NP ,_, the_AT Com
munist_NN-TL rebels_NNS ,_, may_MD have_HV lost_VBN their_PP$ stored_VBN grain_N
N and_CC arms_NNS factories_NNS ._. The_AT rebels_NNS may_MD try_VB to_TO seize_
VB what_WDT is_BEZ left_VBN of_IN the_AT October_NP harvest_NN when_WRB the_AT f
loods_NNS recede_VB and_CC the_AT monsoon_NN ends_VBZ in_IN November_NP ._. Noth
ing_PN that_WPS is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO happen_VB ,_, however_WRB ,_, should_MD p
rompt_VB the_AT sending_NN of_IN United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL soldiers_NNS for_IN
other_AP than_CS instructional_JJ missions_NNS ._. The_AT Indochina_NP struggle
_NN was_BEDZ a_AT war_NN to_TO stay_VB out_IN of_IN in_IN 1954_CD ,_, when_WRB G
en._NN-TL Ridgway_NP estimated_VBD it_PPS would_MD take_VB a_AT minimum_NN of_IN
10_CD to_IN 15_CD divisions_NNS at_IN the_AT outset_NN to_TO win_VB a_AT war_NN
the_AT French_NPS were_BED losing_VBG ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT war_NN to_TO stay_
VB out_IN of_IN today_NR ,_, especially_RB in_IN view_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN th
at_CS President_NN-TL Ngo_NP Dinh_NP Diem_NN-TL apparently_RB does_DOZ not_* wan
t_VB United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL troops_NNS ._. He_PPS may_MD want_VB additional
_JJ technical_JJ help_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT should_MD be_BE forthcoming_JJ ._. S
outh_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL has_HVZ received_VBN $1,450,000,000_NNS in_IN Un
ited_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL aid_NN since_IN 1954_CD and_CC the_AT rate_NN of_IN as
sistance_NN has_HVZ been_BEN stepped_VBN up_RP since_IN Vice_JJ-TL President_NN-
TL Lyndon_NP B._NP Johnson's_NP$ visit_NN last_AP May_NP ._. Gen._NN-TL Taylor_N
P ,_, the_AT President's_NN$-TL special_JJ military_JJ adviser_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_A
T level-headed_JJ officer_NN who_WPS is_BEZ not_* likely_JJ to_TO succumb_VB to_
IN propaganda_NN or_CC pressure_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ probable_JJ that_CS his_PP$
recommendations_NNS will_MD be_BE informed_VBN and_CC workable_JJ ,_, and_CC th
at_CS they_PPSS will_MD not_* lead_VB to_TO involving_VBG the_AT United_VBN-TL S
tates_NNS-TL in_IN an_AT Asian_JJ morass_NN ._. Gov._NN-TL John_NP M._NP Dalton_
NP ,_, himself_PPL a_AT lawyer_NN and_CC a_AT man_NN of_IN long_JJ service_NN in
_IN government_NN ,_, spoke_VBD with_IN rich_JJ background_NN and_CC experience_
NN when_WRB he_PPS said_VBD in_IN an_AT address_NN here_RB that_CS lawyers_NNS o
ught_MD to_TO quit_VB sitting_VBG in_IN the_AT Missouri_NP-TL General_JJ-TL Asse
mbly_NN-TL ,_, or_CC quit_VB accepting_VBG fees_NNS from_IN individuals_NNS and_
CC corporations_NNS who_WPS have_HV controversies_NNS with_IN or_CC axes_NNS to_
TO grind_VB with_IN the_AT government_NN and_CC who_WPS are_BER retained_VBN ,_,
not_* because_RB of_IN their_PP$ legal_JJ talents_NNS ,_, but_CC because_RB of_
IN their_PP$ government_NN influence_NN ._. The_AT-HL U.N.'s_NP$-HL '_' gravest_
JJT-HL crisis_NN-HL '_' Ambassador_NN-TL Stevenson_NP yesterday_NR described_VBD
the_AT U.N.'s_NP$ problem_NN of_IN electing_VBG a_AT temporary_JJ successor_NN
to_IN the_AT late_JJ Dag_NP Hammarskjold_NP as_CS ``_`` the_AT gravest_JJT crisi
s_NN the_AT institution_NN has_HVZ faced_VBN ''_'' ._. Of_IN course_NN it_PPS is
_BEZ ._. If_CS the_AT decision_NN goes_VBZ wrong_JJ ,_, it_PPS may_MD be_BE --_-
- as_CS Mr._NP Stevenson_NP fears_VBZ --_-- ``_`` the_AT first_OD step_NN on_IN
the_AT slippery_JJ path_NN downhill_RB ''_'' to_IN a_AT U.N._NP without_IN opera
tional_JJ responsibilities_NNS and_CC without_IN effective_JJ meaning_NN ._. The
_AT integrity_NN of_IN the_AT office_NN not_* merely_RB requires_VBZ that_CS the
_AT Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL shall_MD be_BE ,_, as_CS the_AT Charter_NN-TL
puts_VBZ it_PPO ,_, ``_`` the_AT chief_JJS administrative_JJ officer_NN of_IN th
e_AT Organization_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, but_CC that_CS neither_CC he_PPS nor_CC his_PP
$ staff_NN shall_MD seek_VB or_CC receive_VB instructions_NNS from_IN any_DTI go
vernment_NN or_CC any_DTI other_AP authority_NN ``_`` external_JJ to_IN the_AT O
rganization_NN-TL ''_'' ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, the_AT Secretary_NN-TL
General_JJ-TL is_BEZ to_TO be_BE a_AT nonpartisan_JJ ,_, international_JJ servan
t_NN ,_, not_* a_AT political_JJ ,_, national_JJ one_CD ._. He_PPS should_MD be_
BE ,_, as_CS Dag_NP Hammarskjold_NP certainly_RB was_BEDZ ,_, a_AT citizen_NN of
_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT Charter_NN-TL does_DOZ stipulate_VB that_CS ``_``
due_JJ regard_NN ''_'' shall_MD be_BE paid_VBN to_IN the_AT importance_NN of_IN
recruiting_VBG the_AT staff_NN on_IN ``_`` as_QL wide_JJ a_AT geographical_JJ b
asis_NN as_CS possible_JJ ''_'' ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC it
s_PP$ allies_NNS have_HV had_HVN no_AT objection_NN to_IN this_DT ._. What_WDT t
hey_PPSS have_HV objected_VBN to_IN is_BEZ the_AT attempt_NN of_IN the_AT Russia
ns_NPS to_TO make_VB use_NN of_IN the_AT tragedy_NN of_IN Dag_NP Hammarskjold's_
NP$ death_NN to_TO turn_VB the_AT entire_JJ U.N._NP staff_NN from_IN the_AT Secr
etary_NN-TL down_RP into_IN political_JJ agents_NNS of_IN the_AT respective_JJ c
ountries_NNS from_IN which_WDT they_PPSS come_VB ._. The_AT controversy_NN now_R
B revolves_VBZ mainly_RB around_IN the_AT number_NN and_CC geographic_JJ origin_
NN of_IN the_AT deputies_NNS of_IN the_AT Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL and_CC ,
_, more_QL particularly_RB ,_, around_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN his_PP$ relation
ship_NN with_IN them_PPO ._. Although_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_
CC the_AT U.S.S.R._NP have_HV been_BEN arguing_VBG whether_CS there_EX shall_MD
be_BE four_CD ,_, five_CD or_CC six_CD top_JJS assistants_NNS ,_, the_AT most_QL
important_JJ element_NN in_IN the_AT situation_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT number_NN
of_IN deputies_NNS but_CC the_AT manner_NN in_IN which_WDT these_DTS deputies_N
NS are_BER to_TO do_DO their_PP$ work_NN ._. If_CS any_DTI one_CD of_IN them_PPO
has_HVZ any_DTI power_NN to_TO veto_VB the_AT Secretary_NN-TL General's_NN$-TL
decisions_NNS the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT organization_NN will_MD have_HV chan
ged_VBN ._. If_CS they_PPSS give_VB him_PPO advice_NN when_WRB he_PPS asks_VBZ i
t_PPO ,_, or_CC if_CS they_PPSS perform_VB specified_VBN duties_NNS under_IN his
_PP$ direction_NN ,_, the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT U._NP N._NP will_MD not_* of
_IN necessity_NN change_VB ._. The_AT Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL must_MD have
_HV ,_, subject_NN to_IN the_AT constitutional_JJ direction_NN of_IN the_AT Secu
rity_NN-TL Council_NN-TL and_CC the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL ,_, the_AT p
ower_NN to_TO act_VB ,_, to_TO propose_VB action_NN and_CC to_TO organize_VB act
ion_NN without_IN being_BEG hobbled_VBN by_IN advisers_NNS and_CC assistants_NNS
acting_VBG on_IN someone_PN else's_RB$ instructions_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_
AT root_NN issue_NN for_IN which_WDT the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL should_M
D stand_VB ._. We_PPSS should_MD not_* become_VBN confused_VBN or_CC let_VB our_
PP$ public_JJ become_VB confused_VBN over_IN irrelevant_JJ questions_NNS of_IN n
umber_NN or_CC even_RB of_IN geography_NN ._. What_WDT we_PPSS must_MD have_HV ,
_, if_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL is_BEZ to_TO survive_VB ,_, is_BEZ
as_QL nonpolitical_JJ ,_, nonpartisan_JJ an_AT organization_NN at_IN the_AT top_
NN as_CS human_JJ beings_NNS can_MD make_VB it_PPO ,_, subject_NN to_IN no_AT si
ngle_AP nation's_NN$ direction_NN and_CC subservient_JJ to_IN no_AT single_AP na
tion's_NN$ ambition_NN ._. What_WDT-HL the_AT-HL new_JJ-HL charter_NN-HL does_DO
Z-HL The_AT new_JJ City_NN-TL Charter_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT should_MD get_VB a_AT
Yes_RB-NC vote_NN as_CS Question_NN-TL No._NN-TL 1_CD-TL on_IN Nov._NP 7_CD ,_,
would_MD not_* make_VB a_AT good_JJ Mayor_NN-TL out_IN of_IN a_AT bad_JJ one_CD
._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT such_JJ magic_NN in_IN man-made_JJ laws_NNS ._. But_IN
it_PPS would_MD greatly_RB strengthen_VB any_DTI Mayor's_NN$-TL executive_JJ po
wers_NNS ,_, remove_VB the_AT excuse_NN in_IN large_JJ degree_NN that_CS he_PPS
is_BEZ a_AT captive_NN of_IN inaction_NN in_IN the_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Estim
ate_NN-TL ,_, increase_VB his_PP$ budget-making_JJ authority_NN both_ABX as_IN t
o_IN expense_NN and_CC capital_NN budgets_NNS ,_, and_CC vest_VB in_IN him_PPO t
he_AT right_NN to_TO reorganize_VB city_NN departments_NNS in_IN the_AT interest
_NN of_IN efficiency_NN and_CC economy_NN ._. Lawmaking_JJ power_NN is_BEZ remov
ed_VBN from_IN the_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Estimate_NN-TL and_CC made_VBN a_AT p
artnership_NN responsibility_NN of_IN the_AT City_NN-TL Council_NN-TL and_CC the
_AT Mayor_NN-TL ._. Thus_RB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT clearer_JJR division_NN of_IN a
uthority_NN ,_, administrative_JJ and_CC legislative_JJ ._. The_AT board_NN is_B
EZ diminished_VBN in_IN both_ABX respects_NNS ,_, while_CS it_PPS retains_VBZ co
ntrol_NN over_IN zoning_VBG ,_, franchises_NNS ,_, pier_NN leases_NNS ,_, sale_N
N ,_, leasing_VBG and_CC assignment_NN of_IN property_NN ,_, and_CC other_AP tru
steeship_NN functions_NNS ._. The_AT board_NN will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO increa
se_VB ,_, decrease_VB ,_, add_VB or_CC eliminate_VB budget_NN items_NNS ,_, subj
ect_NN to_IN the_AT Mayor's_NN$-TL veto_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT City_NN-TL Coun
cil_NN-TL will_MD now_RB share_VB fully_RB this_DT budget-altering_JJ power_NN .
_. Overriding_NN of_IN mayoral_JJ veto_NN on_IN budget_NN changes_NNS will_MD re
quire_VB concurrence_NN by_IN board_NN and_CC Council_NN-TL ,_, and_CC a_AT two-
thirds_NNS vote_NN ._. The_AT Controller_NN-TL retains_VBZ his_PP$ essential_JJ
``_`` fiscal_JJ watchdog_NN ''_'' functions_NNS ;_. ;_. his_PP$ broad_JJ but_CC
little_QL used_VBN investigative_JJ powers_NNS are_BER confirmed_VBN ._. He_PPS
loses_VBZ now-misplaced_JJ tax_NN collection_NN duties_NNS ,_, which_WDT go_VB t
o_IN the_AT Finance_NN-TL Department_NN-TL ._. On_IN net_NN balance_NN ,_, in_IN
spite_NN of_IN Controller_NN-TL Gerosa's_NP$ opposition_NN to_IN the_AT new_JJ
Charter_NN-TL as_CS an_AT invasion_NN of_IN his_PP$ office_NN ,_, the_AT Control
ler_NN-TL will_MD have_HV the_AT opportunity_NN for_IN greater_JJR usefulness_NN
to_IN good_JJ government_NN than_CS he_PPS has_HVZ now_RB ._. Borough_NN-TL Pre
sidents_NNS-TL ,_, while_CS retaining_VBG membership_NN in_IN the_AT Board_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Estimate_NN-TL ,_, lose_VB their_PP$ housekeeping_NN functions_NNS ._.
Highways_NNS go_VB to_IN a_AT new_JJ Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Highways_NNS-TL
,_, sewers_NNS to_IN the_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Public_JJ-TL Works_NNS-TL
,_, such_JJ street_NN cleaning_NN as_CS Borough_NN-TL Presidents_NNS-TL now_RB d
o_DO (_( in_IN Queens_NP and_CC Richmond_NP )_) to_IN the_AT Sanitation_NN-TL De
partment_NN-TL ._. Some_DTI fiscal_JJ changes_NNS are_BER important_JJ ._. The_A
T expense_NN (_( operating_VBG )_) budget_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE a_AT program_NN
budget_NN ,_, and_CC red_JJ tape_NN is_BEZ cut_VBN to_TO allow_VB greater_JJR au
tonomy_NN (_( with_IN the_AT Mayor_NN-TL approving_VBG )_) in_IN fund_NN transfe
rs_NNS within_IN a_AT department_NN ._. The_AT capital_NN budget_NN ,_, for_IN c
onstruction_NN of_IN permanent_JJ improvements_NNS ,_, becomes_VBZ an_AT appropr
iating_VBG document_NN instead_RB of_IN just_RB a_AT calendar_NN of_IN pious_JJ
promises_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC ,_, as_CS a_AT second-look_NN safeguard_NN ,_, each_
DT new_JJ project_NN must_MD undergo_VB a_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Estimate_NN-TL
public_JJ hearing_NN before_CS construction_NN proceeds_VBZ ._. A_AT road_NN bl
ock_NN to_IN desirable_JJ local_JJ or_CC borough_NN improvements_NNS ,_, heretof
ore_RB dependent_JJ on_IN the_AT pocketbook_NN vote_NN of_IN taxpayers_NNS and_C
C hence_RB a_AT drag_NN on_IN progress_NN ,_, is_BEZ removed_VBN by_IN making_VB
G these_DTS a_AT charge_NN against_IN the_AT whole_JJ city_NN instead_RB of_IN a
n_AT assessment_NN paid_VBN by_IN those_DTS immediately_RB affected_VBN ._. This
_DT will_NN have_HV a_AT beneficial_JJ effect_NN by_IN expediting_VBG public_JJ
business_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS will_MD also_RB correct_VB some_DTI injustices_NNS ._
. Enlargement_NN of_IN the_AT City_NN-TL Council_NN-TL and_CC a_AT new_JJ method
_NN of_IN selecting_VBG members_NNS will_MD be_BE discussed_VBN tomorrow_NR ._.
Inter-american_JJ-HL Press_NN-TL-HL The_AT Inter-american_JJ Press_NN-TL Associa
tion_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT blankets_VBZ the_AT Western_JJ-TL Hemisphere_NN-TL from
_IN northern_JJ Canada_NP to_IN Cape_NN-TL Horn_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ meeting_VBG in_
IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL this_DT week_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD time_N
N in_IN eleven_CD years_NNS ._. The_AT I._NP A._NP P._NP A._NP is_BEZ a_AT refle
ction_NN of_IN the_AT problems_NNS and_CC hopes_NNS of_IN the_AT hemisphere_NN ;
_. ;_. and_CC in_IN these_DTS days_NNS this_DT inevitably_RB means_VBZ a_AT conc
entration_NN on_IN the_AT effects_NNS of_IN the_AT Cuban_JJ revolution_NN ._. As
_CS the_AT press_NN in_IN Cuba_NP was_BEDZ gradually_RB throttled_VBN by_IN the_
AT Castro_NP regime_NN ,_, more_AP and_CC more_AP Cuban_JJ publishers_NNS ,_, ed
itors_NNS and_CC correspondents_NNS were_BED forced_VBN into_IN exile_NN ._. The
_AT I._NP A._NP P._NP A._NP found_VBD itself_PPL driven_VBN from_IN journalism_N
N into_IN politics_NN as_CS it_PPS did_DOD its_PP$ best_JJT to_TO bring_VB about
_RP the_AT downfall_NN of_IN the_AT Castro_NP-TL Government_NN-TL and_CC the_AT
return_NN of_IN the_AT Cuban_JJ press_NN to_IN the_AT freedom_NN it_PPS knew_VBD
before_CS Batista's_NP$ dictatorship_NN began_VBD in_IN 1952_CD ._. Freedom_NN
of_IN the_AT press_NN was_BEDZ lost_VBN in_IN Cuba_NP because_RB of_IN decades_N
NS of_IN corruption_NN and_CC social_JJ imbalances_NNS ._. In_IN such_JJ conditi
ons_NNS all_ABN freedoms_NNS are_BER lost_VBN ._. This_DT ,_, in_IN more_QL dipl
omatic_JJ language_NN ,_, is_BEZ what_WDT Adlai_NP Stevenson_NP told_VBD the_AT
newspaper_NN men_NNS of_IN Latin_JJ-TL America_NP-TL yesterday_NR on_IN behalf_N
N of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Government_NN-TL ._. He_PPS felt_VBD
able_JJ to_TO end_VB on_IN a_AT note_NN of_IN hope_NN ._. He_PPS sees_VBZ eviden
ce_NN of_IN fair_JJ winds_NNS for_IN the_AT ten-year_JJ Alliance_NN-TL for_IN-TL
Progress_NN-TL plan_NN with_IN its_PP$ emphasis_NN on_IN social_JJ reforms_NNS
._. No_AT group_NN can_MD contribute_VB more_AP to_IN the_AT success_NN of_IN th
e_AT program_NN than_CS the_AT editors_NNS and_CC publishers_NNS of_IN the_AT In
ter-American_JJ-TL Press_NN-TL Association_NN-TL ._. Meeting_VBG-HL in_IN-HL Mos
cow_NP-HL The_AT Twenty-second_OD-TL Soviet_NN-TL Communist_NN-TL Party_NN-TL Co
ngress_NP-TL opens_VBZ in_IN Moscow_NP today_NR in_IN a_AT situation_NN contrast
ing_VBG sharply_RB with_IN the_AT script_NN prepared_VBN many_AP months_NNS ago_
RB when_WRB this_DT meeting_NN was_BEDZ first_RB announced_VBN ._. According_IN
to_IN the_AT original_JJ program_NN ,_, Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP expected_VBD
the_AT millions_NNS looking_VBG toward_IN the_AT Kremlin_NP this_DT morning_NN
to_TO be_BE filled_VBN with_IN admiration_NN or_CC rage_NN --_-- depending_IN up
on_IN individual_JJ or_CC national_JJ politics_NN --_-- because_RB of_IN the_AT
``_`` bold_JJ program_NN for_IN building_VBG communism_NN in_IN our_PP$ time_NN
''_'' which_WDT the_AT Congress_NP will_MD adopt_VB ._. But_CC far_RB from_IN be
ing_BEG concerned_VBN about_IN whether_CS or_CC not_* Russia_NP will_MD have_HV
achieved_VBN Utopia_NP by_IN 1980_CD ,_, the_AT world_NN is_BEZ watching_VBG Mos
cow_NP today_NR primarily_RB for_IN clues_NNS as_IN to_IN whether_CS or_CC not_*
there_EX will_MD be_BE nuclear_JJ Armageddon_NP in_IN the_AT immediate_JJ futur
e_NN ._. The_AT evident_JJ contradiction_NN between_IN the_AT rosy_JJ picture_NN
of_IN Russia's_NP$ progress_NN painted_VBN by_IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL party's
_NN$ program_NN and_CC the_AT enormous_JJ dangers_NNS for_IN all_ABN humanity_NN
posed_VBN by_IN Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev's_NP$ Berlin_NP policy_NN has_HVZ alre
ady_RB led_VBN to_IN speculation_NN abroad_RB that_CS the_AT program_NN may_MD b
e_BE severely_RB altered_VBN ._. Whether_CS it_PPS is_BEZ or_CC not_* ,_, the_AT
propaganda_NN impact_NN on_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN of_IN the_AT document_NN
scheduled_VBN to_TO be_BE adopted_VBN at_IN this_DT meeting_NN will_MD be_BE far
_QL less_AP than_CS had_HVD been_BEN originally_RB anticipated_VBN ._. And_CC th
ere_EX must_MD be_BE many_AP Soviet_NN-TL citizens_NNS who_WPS know_VB what_WDT
is_BEZ going_VBG on_RP and_CC who_WPS realize_VB that_CS before_CS they_PPSS can
_MD hope_VB to_TO enjoy_VB the_AT full_JJ life_NN promised_VBN for_IN 1980_CD th
ey_PPSS and_CC their_PP$ children_NNS must_MD first_RB survive_VB ._. This_DT Co
ngress_NP will_MD see_VB Premier_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP consolidating_VBG his_PP$ p
ower_NN and_CC laying_VBG the_AT groundwork_NN for_IN an_AT orderly_JJ successio
n_NN should_MD death_NN or_CC illness_NN remove_VB him_PPO from_IN the_AT scene_
NN in_IN the_AT next_AP few_AP years_NNS ._. The_AT widespread_JJ purge_NN that_
WPS has_HVZ taken_VBN place_NN the_AT past_AP twelve_CD months_NNS or_CC so_RB a
mong_IN Communist_NN-TL leaders_NNS in_IN the_AT provinces_NNS gives_VBZ assuran
ce_NN that_CS the_AT party_NN officials_NNS who_WPS will_MD dominate_VB the_AT C
ongress_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Central_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL it_PPS will_MD elect_
VB ,_, will_MD all_ABN have_HV passed_VBN the_AT tightest_JJT possible_JJ Khrush
chev_NP screening_NN ,_, both_ABX for_IN loyalty_NN to_IN him_PPO and_CC for_IN
competence_NN and_CC performance_NN on_IN the_AT job_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL-HL Conant'
s_NP$-HL call_NN-HL to_IN-HL action_NN-HL Dr._NN-TL James_NP B._NP Conant_NP has
_HVZ earned_VBN a_AT nationwide_JJ reputation_NN as_CS a_AT moderate_JJ and_CC u
nemotional_JJ school_NN reformer_NN ._. His_PP$ earlier_JJR reports_NNS consider
ed_VBD the_AT American_JJ public_JJ schools_NNS basically_RB sound_JJ and_CC not
_* in_IN need_NN of_IN drastic_JJ change_NN ._. Now_RB ,_, a_AT close_JJ look_NN
at_IN the_AT schools_NNS in_IN and_CC around_IN the_AT ten_CD largest_JJT citie
s_NNS ,_, including_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, has_HVZ shattered_VBN this_DT op
timism_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Conant_NP has_HVZ come_VBN away_RB shocked_VBN and_CC an
gry_JJ ._. His_PP$ new_JJ book_NN ,_, entitled_VBN ``_`` Slums_NNS-TL And_CC-TL
Suburbs_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, calls_VBZ for_IN fast_JJ and_CC drastic_JJ action_NN to
_TO avert_VB disaster_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ room_NN for_IN disagreement_NN conc
erning_IN some_DTI of_IN Dr._NN-TL Conant's_NP$-HL specific_JJ views_NNS ._. His
_PP$ strong_JJ opposition_NN to_IN the_AT transfer_NN of_IN Negro_NP children_NN
S to_IN schools_NNS outside_IN their_PP$ own_JJ neighborhood_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT
interest_NN of_IN integration_NN ,_, will_MD be_BE attacked_VBN by_IN Negro_NP
leaders_NNS who_WPS have_HV fought_VBN for_IN ,_, and_CC achieved_VBN ,_, this_D
T open_JJ or_CC permissive_JJ enrollment_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Conant_NP may_MD under
estimate_VB the_AT psychological_JJ importance_NN of_IN even_RB token_JJ equalit
y_NN ._. His_PP$ suggestion_NN that_CS the_AT prestige_NN colleges_NNS be_BE mad
e_VBN the_AT training_VBG institutions_NNS for_IN medical_JJ ,_, law_NN and_CC g
raduate_NN schools_NNS will_MD run_VB into_IN strong_JJ opposition_NN from_IN th
ese_DTS colleges_NNS themselves_PPLS --_-- even_RB though_CS what_WDT he_PPS is_
BEZ recommending_VBG is_BEZ already_RB taking_VBG shape_NN as_CS a_AT trend_NN .
_. But_CC these_DTS are_BER side_NN issues_NNS to_IN a_AT powerful_JJ central_JJ
theme_NN ._. That_DT theme_NN cuts_VBZ through_IN hypocrisies_NNS ,_, complacen
cy_NN and_CC double-talk_NN ._. It_PPS labels_VBZ the_AT slums_NNS ,_, especiall
y_RB the_AT Negro_NP slums_NNS ,_, as_CS dead-end_NN streets_NNS for_IN hundreds
_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN youngsters_NNS ._. The_AT villains_NNS of_IN the_
AT piece_NN are_BER those_DTS who_WPS deny_VB job_NN opportunities_NNS to_IN the
se_DTS youngsters_NNS ,_, and_CC Dr._NN-TL Conant_NP accuses_VBZ employers_NNS a
nd_CC labor_NN unions_NNS alike_RB ._. The_AT facts_NNS ,_, he_PPS adds_VBZ ,_,
are_BER hidden_VBN from_IN public_JJ view_NN by_IN squeamish_JJ objections_NNS t
o_IN calling_VBG bad_JJ conditions_NNS by_IN their_PP$ right_JJ name_NN and_CC b
y_IN insistence_NN on_IN token_JJ integration_NN rather_IN than_IN on_IN real_JJ
improvement_NN of_IN the_AT schools_NNS ,_, regardless_RB of_IN the_AT color_NN
of_IN their_PP$ students_NNS ._. A_AT call_NN for_IN action_NN ``_`` before_CS
it_PPS is_BEZ too_QL late_RB ''_'' has_HVZ alarming_VBG implications_NNS when_WR
B it_PPS comes_VBZ from_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS ,_, in_IN his_PP$ previous_JJ rep
orts_NNS on_IN the_AT schools_NNS ,_, cautioned_VBD so_QL strongly_RB against_IN
extreme_JJ measures_NNS ._. These_DTS warnings_NNS must_MD not_* be_BE treated_
VBN lightly_RB ._. Dr._NN-TL Conant's_NP$-HL conscientious_JJ ,_, selfless_JJ ef
forts_NNS deserve_VB the_AT nation's_NN$ gratitude_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ served_
VBN in_IN positions_NNS of_IN greater_JJR glamour_NN ,_, both_ABX at_IN home_NR
and_CC abroad_RB ;_. ;_. but_CC he_PPS may_MD well_RB be_BE doing_VBG his_PP$ gr
eatest_JJT service_NN with_IN his_PP$ straightforward_JJ report_NN on_IN the_AT
state_NN of_IN the_AT public_JJ schools_NNS ._. And_CC-HL now_RB-HL --_---HL mor
e_AP-HL junk_NN-HL mail_NN-HL A_AT fascinating_JJ letter_NN has_HVZ just_RB reac
hed_VBN this_DT desk_NN from_IN a_AT correspondent_NN who_WPS likes_VBZ to_TO re
ceive_VB so-called_JJ junk_NN mail_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ delighted_VBN to_TO le
arn_VB that_CS the_AT Post_NN-TL Office_NN-TL Department_NN-TL is_BEZ now_RB goi
ng_VBG to_TO expand_VB this_DT service_NN to_TO deliver_VB mail_NN from_IN Repre
sentatives_NNS-TL in_IN Congress_NP to_IN their_PP$ constituents_NNS without_IN
the_AT use_NN of_IN stamps_NNS ,_, names_NNS ,_, addresses_NNS or_CC even_RB zon
e_NN numbers_NNS ._. In_IN accordance_NN with_IN legislation_NN passed_VBN at_IN
the_AT last_AP session_NN of_IN Congress_NP ,_, each_DT Representative_NN-TL is
_BEZ authorized_VBN to_TO deliver_VB to_IN the_AT Post_NN-TL Office_NN-TL in_IN
bulk_NN newsletters_NNS ,_, speeches_NNS and_CC other_AP literature_NN to_TO be_
BE dropped_VBN in_IN every_AT letter_NN box_NN in_IN his_PP$ district_NN ._. Thi
s_DT means_VBZ an_AT added_VBN burden_NN to_IN innumerable_JJ postmen_NNS ,_, wh
o_WPS already_RB are_BER complaining_VBG of_IN heavy_JJ loads_NNS and_CC low_JJ
pay_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS presumably_RB means_VBZ an_AT increased_VBN postal_JJ d
eficit_NN ,_, but_CC ,_, our_PP$ correspondent_NN writes_VBZ ,_, think_VB of_IN
the_AT additional_JJ junk_NN mail_NN each_DT citizen_NN will_MD now_RB be_BE pri
vileged_JJ to_TO receive_VB on_IN a_AT regular_JJ basis_NN ._. Our_PP$-HL credit
ors_NNS-HL do_DO-HL not_*-HL forget_VB-HL us_PPO-HL Letter_NN writing_NN is_BEZ
a_AT dying_VBG art_NN ._. Occasional_JJ letters_NNS are_BER sent_VBN by_IN indiv
iduals_NNS to_IN one_CD another_DT and_CC many_AP are_BER written_VBN by_IN comp
anies_NNS to_IN one_CD another_DT ,_, but_CC these_DTS are_BER mostly_RB typewri
tten_JJ ._. Most_AP mail_NN these_DTS days_NNS consists_VBZ of_IN nothing_PN tha
t_DT could_MD truly_RB be_BE called_VBN a_AT letter_NN ._. Old_JJ ,_, tired_JJ ,
_, trembling_VBG the_AT woman_NN came_VBD to_IN the_AT cannery_NN ._. She_PPS ha
d_HVD ,_, she_PPS said_VBD ,_, heard_VBN that_CS the_AT plant_NN was_BEDZ closin
g_VBG ._. It_PPS couldn't_MD* close_VB ,_, she_PPS said_VBD ._. She_PPS had_HVD
raised_VBN a_AT calf_NN ,_, grown_VBN it_PPO beef-fat_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD ,_,
with_IN her_PP$ own_JJ work-weary_JJ hands_NNS ,_, put_VBN seeds_NNS in_IN the_
AT ground_NN ,_, watched_VBN them_PPO sprout_VB ,_, bud_VB ,_, blossom_VB ,_, an
d_CC get_VB ready_JJ to_TO bear_VB ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ ready_JJ to_TO kill_VB t
he_AT beef_NN ,_, dress_VB it_PPO out_RP ,_, and_CC with_IN vegetables_NNS from_
IN her_PPO garden_NN was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO can_VB soup_NN ,_, broth_NN ,_, ha
sh_NN ,_, and_CC stew_NN against_IN the_AT winter_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD done_VB
N it_PPO last_AP year_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT year_NN before_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT y
ear_NN before_IN that_DT ,_, and_CC she_PPS ,_, and_CC her_PP$ people_NNS were_B
ED dependent_JJ upon_IN these_DTS cans_NNS for_IN food_NN ._. This_DT did_DOD no
t_* happen_VB in_IN counties_NNS of_IN North_JJ-TL Georgia_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB t
he_AT rivers_NNS run_VB and_CC make_VB rich_JJ the_AT bottom_NN land_NN ._. Nor_
CC in_IN South_JJ-TL Georgia_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT summer_NN sun_NN shines_
VBZ warmly_RB and_CC gives_VBZ early_JJ life_NN to_IN the_AT things_NNS growing_
VBG in_IN the_AT flat_JJ fields_NNS ._. This_DT happened_VBD in_IN Decatur_NP ,_
, DeKalb_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, not_* 10_CD miles_NNS from_IN the_AT heart_NN of
_IN metropolitian_JJ Atlanta_NP ._. And_CC now_RB ,_, the_AT woman_NN ,_, tired_
JJ and_CC trembling_VBG ,_, came_VBD here_RB to_IN the_AT DeKalb_NP-TL County_NN
-TL cannery_NN ._. ``_`` Is_BEZ it_PPS so_RB the_AT cannery_NN is_BEZ going_VBG
to_TO close_VB ''_'' ?_. ?_. O._NP N._NP Moss_NP ,_, 61_CD ,_, tall_JJ ,_, grey_
JJ as_CS a_AT possum_NN ,_, canning_VBG plant_NN chief_NN since_IN 1946_CD ,_, d
idn't_DOD* know_VB what_WDT to_TO say_VB ._. He_PPS did_DOD say_VB she_PPS could
_MD get_VB her_PP$ beef_NN and_CC vegetables_NNS in_IN cans_NNS this_DT summer_N
N ._. He_PPS did_DOD say_VB he_PPS was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN cans_NNS ,_, the_AT No.
_NN-TL 3's_NPS ,_, but_CC ``_`` I_PPSS requisitioned_VBD 22,000_CD ''_'' ._. He_
PPS said_VBD he_PPS had_HVD No._NN-TL 2's_NPS enough_AP to_TO last_VB two_CD wee
ks_NNS more_AP ._. Threat_NN of_IN closing_VBG the_AT cannery_NN is_BEZ a_AT rec
ent_JJ one_CD ._. A_AT three-man_JJ committee_NN has_HVZ recommended_VBN to_IN C
ommission_NN-TL Chairman_NN-TL Charles_NP O._NP Emmerich_NP that_CS the_AT DeKal
b_NP-TL County_NN-TL cannery_NN be_BE closed_VBN ._. Reason_NN :_: the_AT canner
y_NN loses_VBZ $3,000_NNS yearly_RB ._. But_CC DeKalb_NP citizens_NNS ,_, those_
DTS who_WPS use_VB the_AT facilities_NNS of_IN the_AT cannery_NN ,_, say_VB the_
AT cannery_NN is_BEZ not_* supposed_VBN to_TO make_VB any_DTI money_NN ._. ``_``
The_AT cannery_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Mrs._NP Lewellyn_NP Lundeen_NP ,_, an_AT a
ctive_JJ booster_NN of_IN the_AT cannery_NN since_IN its_PP$ opening_NN during_I
N the_AT war_NN and_CC rationing_VBG years_NNS of_IN 1941_CD ,_, to_TO handle_VB
the_AT ``_`` victory_NN garden_NN ''_'' produce_NN ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ a_AT servic
e_NN to_IN the_AT taxpayer_NN ._. And_CC one_CD of_IN the_AT best_JJT services_N
NS available_JJ to_IN the_AT people_NNS who_WPS try_VB to_TO raise_VB and_CC can
_VB meat_NN ,_, to_TO plant_VB ,_, grow_VB vegetables_NNS and_CC put_VB them_PPO
up_RP ._. It_PPS helps_VBZ those_DTS people_NNS who_WPS help_VB themselves_PPLS
._. ``_`` The_AT county_NN ,_, though_RB ,_, seems_VBZ more_QL interested_VBN i
n_IN those_DTS people_NNS who_WPS don't_DO* even_RB try_VB ,_, those_DTS who_WPS
sit_VB and_CC draw_VB welfare_NN checks_NNS and_CC line_VB up_RP for_IN surplus
_NN food_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT driver_NN of_IN a_AT dairy_NN truck_NN ,_, who_WPS be
gins_VBZ work_NN at_IN 1_CD a.m._RB finishes_VBZ before_IN breakfast_NN ,_, then
_RB goes_VBZ out_RP and_CC grows_VBZ a_AT garden_NN ,_, and_CC who_WPS has_HVZ u
sed_VBN the_AT cannery_NN to_TO save_VB and_CC feed_VB a_AT family_NN of_IN five
_CD ,_, asked_VBD ,_, ``_`` What_WDT in_IN the_AT world_NN will_MD we_PPSS do_DO
''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` What_WDT in_IN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ,_, echoed_VBD others_
NNS ,_, those_DTS come_VBN with_IN the_AT beans_NNS ,_, potatoes_NNS ,_, the_AT
tomatoes_NNS ,_, ``_`` will_MD any_DTI of_IN us_PPO do_DO ''_'' ?_. ?_. Moss_NP
,_, a_AT man_NN who_WPS knows_VBZ how_QL much_AP the_AT cannery_NN helps_VBZ the
_AT county_NN ,_, doesn't_DOZ* believe_VB it_PPS will_MD close_VB ._. But_CC he_
PPS is_BEZ in_IN the_AT middle_NN ,_, an_AT employe_NN of_IN DeKalb_NP ,_, but_C
C on_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS ._. The_AT young_JJ married_VBN p
eople_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT old_JJ couples_NNS ._. The_AT dairy_NN truck_NN driver_
NN ;_. ;_. the_AT old_JJ woman_NN with_IN the_AT stew_NN ._. ``_`` Don't_DO* ask
_VB me_PPO if_CS I_PPSS think_VB the_AT cannery_NN helps_VBZ ''_'' ,_, he_PPS sa
id_VBD ._. ``_`` Sir_NN ,_, I_PPSS know_VB the_AT cannery_NN helps_VBZ ''_'' ._.
Most_AP of_IN us_PPO would_MD be_BE willing_JJ to_TO admit_VB that_DT forgivene
ss_NN comes_VBZ hard_RB ._. When_WRB a_AT person_NN has_HVZ thoughtlessly_RB or_
CC deliberately_RB caused_VBN us_PPO pain_NN or_CC hardship_NN it_PPS is_BEZ not
_* always_RB easy_JJ to_TO say_VB ,_, ``_`` Just_RB forget_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. T
here_EX is_BEZ one_CD thing_NN I_PPSS know_VB ;_. ;_. a_AT person_NN will_MD nev
er_RB have_HV spiritual_JJ poise_NN and_CC inner_JJ peace_NN as_QL long_RB as_CS
the_AT heart_NN holds_VBZ a_AT grudge_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB a_AT man_NN who_WPS
held_VBD resentment_NN against_IN a_AT neighbor_NN for_IN more_AP than_IN three
_CD decades_NNS ._. Several_AP years_NNS ago_RB I_PPSS was_BEDZ his_PP$ pastor_N
N ._. One_CD night_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT close_NN of_IN the_AT evening_NN service_
NN ,_, he_PPS came_VBD forward_RB ,_, left_VBD his_PP$ resentment_NN at_IN the_A
T altar_NN and_CC gave_VBD his_PP$ heart_NN to_IN God_NP ._. After_CS almost_RB
everyone_PN had_HVD gone_VBN he_PPS told_VBD me_PPO the_AT simple_JJ story_NN of
_IN how_WRB one_CD of_IN his_PP$ neighbors_NNS had_HVD moved_VBN a_AT fence_NN a
_AT few_AP feet_NNS over_RP on_IN his_PP$ land_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS tried_VBD to
_TO settle_VB this_DT dispute_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` but_CC coul
d_MD never_RB come_VB to_IN an_AT agreement_NN ._. I_PPSS settled_VBD it_PPO ton
ight_NR ''_'' ,_, he_PPS continued_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS leave_VB this_DT church_
NN with_IN a_AT feeling_NN that_CS a_AT great_JJ weight_NN has_HVZ been_BEN lift
ed_VBN off_IN my_PP$ heart_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV left_VBN my_PP$ grudge_NN at_IN
the_AT altar_NN and_CC forgiven_VBN my_PP$ neighbor_NN ''_'' ._. Forgiveness_NN
is_BEZ the_AT door_NN through_IN which_WDT a_AT person_NN must_MD pass_VB to_TO
enter_VB the_AT Kingdom_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ._. You_PPSS cannot_MD* wear_V
B the_AT banner_NN of_IN God_NP and_CC at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN harbor_VB en
vy_NN ,_, jealousy_NN and_CC grudges_NNS in_IN your_PP$ heart_NN ._. Henry_NP Va
n_NP Dyke_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Forgive_VB and_CC forget_VB if_CS you_PPSS can_M
D ;_. ;_. but_CC forgive_VB anyway_RB ''_'' ._. Jesus_NP made_VBD three_CD thing
s_NNS clear_JJ about_IN forgiveness_NN ._. We_PPSS must_MD ,_, first_RB of_IN al
l_ABN ,_, be_BE willing_JJ to_TO forgive_VB others_NNS before_CS we_PPSS can_MD
secure_VB God's_NP$ forgiveness_NN ._. ``_`` For_CS if_CS ye_PPSS forgive_VB men
_NNS their_PP$ trespasses_NNS ,_, your_PP$ heavenly_JJ Father_NN-TL will_MD also
_RB forgive_VB you_PPO :_: but_CC if_CS ye_PPSS forgive_VB not_* men_NNS their_P
P$ trespasses_NNS ,_, neither_CC will_MD your_PP$ Father_NN-TL forgive_VB --_--
your_PP$ trespasses_NNS ''_'' ._. Matthew_NP-TL 6_CD-TL :_NP 14-15_NP ._. It_PPS
will_MD do_DO no_AT good_JJ to_TO seek_VB God's_NP$ forgiveness_NN until_CS we_
PPSS have_HV forgiven_VBN those_DTS who_WPS have_HV done_VBN us_PPO wrong_JJ ._.
Then_RB ,_, Jesus_NP indicated_VBD that_CS God's_NP$ forgiveness_NN is_BEZ unli
mited_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT prayer_NN Jesus_NP taught_VBD his_PP$ disciples_NNS to
_TO pray_VB we_PPSS find_VB these_DTS words_NNS ,_, ``_`` Forgive_VB us_PPO our_
PP$ debts_NNS ''_'' ._. When_WRB a_AT person_NN meets_VBZ God's_NP$ requirements
_NNS for_IN the_AT experience_NN of_IN forgiveness_NN he_PPS is_BEZ forgiven_VBN
._. God's_NP$ mercy_NN and_CC patience_NN will_MD last_VB forever_RB ._. Forgiv
eness_NN implies_VBZ more_AP than_IN a_AT person_NN wanting_VBG his_PP$ past_AP
sins_NNS covered_VBN by_IN God's_NP$ love_NN ._. It_PPS also_RB implies_VBZ that
_CS a_AT man_NN wants_VBZ his_PP$ future_NN to_TO be_BE free_JJ from_IN the_AT m
istakes_NNS of_IN the_AT past_NN ._. We_PPSS want_VB the_AT past_NN forgiven_VBN
,_, but_CC at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN we_PPSS must_MD be_BE willing_JJ for_CS
God_NP to_TO direct_VB the_AT future_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, we_PPSS must_MD be_B
E willing_JJ to_TO forgive_VB others_NNS as_QL many_AP times_NNS as_CS they_PPSS
sin_VB against_IN us_PPO ._. Once_RB Peter_NP asked_VBD ,_, ``_`` How_WRB oft_R
B shall_MD my_PP$ brother_NN sin_VB against_IN me_PPO ,_, and_CC I_PPSS forgive_
VB him_PPO ?_. ?_. Till_IN seven_CD times_NNS ?_. ?_. Jesus_NP saith_VBZ unto_IN
him_PPO ,_, until_CS seventy_CD times_IN seven_CD ''_'' ._. Matthew_NP-TL 18_CD
-TL :_:-TL 21-22_CD-TL ._. Jesus_NP not_* only_RB taught_VBD forgiveness_NN ,_,
He_PPS gave_VBD us_PPO an_AT example_NN of_IN it_PPO on_IN the_AT cross_NN ._. W
ith_IN all_ABN the_AT energy_NN of_IN his_PP$ broken_VBN body_NN he_PPS prayed_V
BD ,_, ``_`` Father_NN-TL ,_, forgive_VB them_PPO ,_, for_CS they_PPSS know_VB n
ot_* what_WDT they_PPSS do_DO ''_'' ._. Luke_NP-TL 23:34_CD-TL ._. She's_PPS+HVZ
been_BEN in_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN my_PP$ house_NN for_IN a_AT dozen_NN years_N
NS now_RB ,_, although_CS she's_PPS+BEZ still_RB a_AT teen-ager_NN who_WPS looks
_VBZ like_CS a_AT baby_NN ,_, she_PPS is_BEZ getting_VBG married_VBN ._. Her_PP$
mother_NN ,_, now_RB dead_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ my_PP$ good_JJ friend_NN and_CC when_
WRB she_PPS came_VBD to_TO tell_VB us_PPO about_IN her_PP$ plans_NNS and_CC to_T
O show_VB off_RP her_PP$ ring_NN I_PPSS had_HVD a_AT sobering_VBG wish_NN to_TO
say_VB something_PN meaningful_JJ to_IN her_PPO ,_, something_PN her_PP$ mother_
NN would_MD wish_VB said_VBN ._. For_IN a_AT while_NN there_EX was_BEDZ such_JJ
shrill_JJ girlish_JJ commotion_NN I_PPSS couldn't_MD* have_HV made_VBN myself_PP
L heard_VBN if_CS I'd_PPSS+HVD had_HVN the_AT equivalent_NN of_IN the_AT message
_NN to_IN Garcia_NP ._. But_CC when_WRB some_DTI of_IN the_AT squeals_NNS had_HV
D subsided_VBN and_CC she_PPS had_HVD been_BEN through_IN one_CD of_IN those_DTS
sessions_NNS that_WPS are_BER so_QL indispensable_JJ to_IN the_AT young_JJ fema
le_NN --_-- six_CD girls_NNS sprawled_VBN on_IN one_CD bed_NN ,_, drinking_VBG C
okes_NPS and_CC giggling_VBG --_-- she_PPS came_VBD back_RB to_IN the_AT kitchen
_NN to_TO talk_VB with_IN me_PPO a_AT minute_NN ._. ``_`` How_WRB do_DO you_PPSS
know_VB you_PPSS love_VB somebody_PN enough_RB to_TO get_VB married_VBN ''_'' ?
_. ?_. She_PPS asked_VBD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT oldest_JJT and_CC toughest_J
JT question_NN young_JJ lovers_NNS have_HV ever_RB asked_VBN :_: How_WRB can_MD
you_PPSS be_BE sure_JJ ?_. ?_. ``_`` Aren't_BER* you_PPSS sure_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_.
I_PPSS asked_VBD ,_, looking_VBG at_IN her_PPO searchingly_RB ._. I_PPSS wanted_
VBD to_TO grab_VB her_PPO by_IN the_AT arm_NN and_CC beg_VB her_PPO to_TO wait_V
B ,_, to_TO consider_VB ,_, to_TO know_VB for_IN certain_JJ because_CS life_NN i
s_BEZ so_QL long_JJ and_CC marriage_NN is_BEZ so_QL important_JJ ._. But_CC if_C
S she_PPS were_BED just_RB having_HVG a_AT normal_JJ case_NN of_IN pre-nuptial_J
J jitters_NNS such_ABL a_AT question_NN might_MD frighten_VB her_PPO out_IN of_I
N a_AT really_QL good_JJ marriage_NN ._. Besides_RB ,_, in_IN all_ABN honesty_NN
,_, I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB how_WRB you_PPSS can_MD be_BE sure_JJ ._. I_PPSS d
on't_DO* know_VB any_DTI secret_JJ recipe_NN for_IN certainty_NN ._. In_IN the_A
T fevered_JJ ,_, intoxicating_VBG ,_, breathless_JJ state_NN of_IN being_BEG in_
IN love_NN the_AT usual_JJ signposts_NNS that_WPS guide_VB you_PPO to_IN lasting
_VBG and_CC satisfying_VBG relationships_NNS are_BER sometimes_RB obscured_VBN .
_. I_PPSS knew_VBD of_IN but_RB one_CD test_NN and_CC I_PPSS threw_VBD it_PPO ou
t_RP to_IN her_PPO for_IN what_WDT it_PPS was_BEDZ worth_JJ ._. ``_`` Does_DOZ h
e_PPS ever_RB bore_VB you_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS asked_VBD ._. ``_`` Bore_VB m
e_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. She_PPS was_BEDZ shocked_VBN ._. Oh_UH ,_, no-o_RB !_. !_. W
hy_UH ,_, he's_PPS+BEZ so_QL darling_JJ and_CC ''_'' ``_`` I_PPSS mean_VB ''_''
,_, I_PPSS went_VBD on_RP ruthlessly_RB ,_, ``_`` when_WRB he's_PPS+BEZ not_* ta
lking_VBG about_IN you_PPO or_CC himself_PPL or_CC the_AT wonders_NNS of_IN love
_NN ,_, is_BEZ he_PPS interesting_JJ ?_. ?_. Does_DOZ he_PPS care_VB about_IN th
ings_NNS that_WPS matter_VB to_IN you_PPO ?_. ?_. Can_MD you_PPSS visualize_VB b
eing_BEG stranded_VBN with_IN him_PPO on_IN a_AT desert_NN island_NN for_IN year
s_NNS and_CC years_NNS and_CC still_RB find_VB him_PPO fascinating_JJ ?_. ?_. Be
cause_CS ,_, honey_NN ,_, I_PPSS thought_VBD silently_RB ,_, there_EX are_BER pl
enty_NN of_IN desert_NN islands_NNS in_IN every_AT marriage_NN --_-- long_JJ per
iods_NNS when_WRB you're_PPSS+BER hopelessly_RB stranded_VBN ,_, together_RB ._.
And_CC if_CS you_PPSS bore_VB each_DT other_AP then_RB ,_, heaven_NN help_VB yo
u_PPO ._. She_PPS came_VBD back_RB the_AT other_AP day_NN to_TO reassure_VB me_P
PO ._. She_PPS has_HVZ studied_VBN and_CC observed_VBN and_CC she_PPS is_BEZ con
vinced_VBN that_CS her_PP$ young_JJ man_NN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE endlessl
y_RB enchanting_JJ ._. She_PPS asked_VBD if_CS I_PPSS had_HVD other_AP advice_NN
and_CC ,_, heady_JJ with_IN success_NN ,_, I_PPSS rushed_VBD it_PPO in_RP ,_, I
_PPSS hope_VB not_* too_QL late_RB ._. Be_BE friends_NNS with_IN your_PP$ mother
-in-law_NN ._. Jokes_NNS ,_, cartoons_NNS and_CC cynics_NNS to_IN the_AT contrar
y_JJ ,_, mothers-in-law_NNS make_VB good_JJ friends_NNS ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* k
now_VB Dr._NN-TL Wilson_NP Sneed_NP well_RB ._. But_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ deeply_QL
moved_VBN by_IN his_PP$ letter_NN of_IN resignation_NN as_CS rector_NN of_IN St
._NN-TL Luke's_NP$-TL Church_NN-TL in_IN Atlanta_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT c
ry_NN of_IN not_* just_RB one_CD heart_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS spoke_VBD for_IN many_A
P in_IN the_AT clergy_NN ,_, I_PPSS suspect_VB ._. The_AT pulpit_NN is_BEZ a_AT
lonely_JJ place_NN ._. Who_WPS stops_VBZ to_TO think_VB of_IN that_DT ?_. ?_. Im
agine_VB the_AT searching_NN and_CC the_AT prayer_NN that_WPS lay_VBD behind_IN
the_AT letter_NN the_AT rector_NN wrote_VBD after_IN almost_RB a_AT decade_NN of
_IN service_NN to_IN this_DT majestic_JJ church_NN ._. ``_`` Such_ABL a_AT churc
h_NN needs_VBZ vigor_NN and_CC vitality_NN in_IN its_PP$ rector_NN and_CC one_CD
man_NN has_HVZ only_RB so_QL much_AP of_IN these_DTS endowments_NNS ''_'' ,_, h
e_PPS told_VBD his_PP$ members_NNS ._. A_AT minister_NN should_MD not_* stay_VB
``_`` beyond_IN the_AT time_NN that_CS his_PP$ leadership_NN should_MD benefit_V
B ''_'' his_PP$ church_NN ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` for_CS he_PPS becomes_V
BZ ordinary_JJ ._. ''_'' And_CC so_RB the_AT young_JJ minister_NN resigned_VBD ,
_, to_TO go_VB and_CC study_VB and_CC pray_VB ,_, having_HVG never_RB passed_VBN
a_AT day_NN ,_, he_PPS told_VBD his_PP$ parishioners_NNS ,_, when_WRB ``_`` I_P
PSS did_DOD not_* gain_VB from_IN you_PPO far_QL more_AP than_CS I_PPSS ever_RB
gave_VBD to_IN you_PPO ''_'' ._. His_PP$ very_QL honest_JJ act_NN called_VBD up_
RP the_AT recent_JJ talk_NN I_PPSS had_HVD with_IN another_DT minister_NN ,_, a_
AT modest_JJ Methodist_NP ,_, who_WPS said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS feel_VB so_QL de
eply_QL blessed_VBN by_IN God_NP when_WRB I_PPSS can_MD give_VB a_AT message_NN
of_IN love_NN and_CC comfort_NN to_IN other_AP men_NNS ,_, and_CC I_PPSS would_M
D have_HV it_PPO no_AT other_AP way_NN :_: and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ unworthy_JJ to_T
O think_VB of_IN self_NN ._. But_CC oh_UH ,_, how_WRB I_PPSS do_DO sometimes_RB
need_VB just_RB a_AT moment_NN of_IN rest_NN ,_, and_CC peace_NN ,_, in_IN mysel
f_PPL ''_'' ._. A_AT man_NN who_WPS gives_VBZ himself_PPL to_IN God_NP and_CC to
_IN the_AT believers_NNS of_IN his_PP$ church_NN takes_VBZ upon_IN himself_PPL a
_AT life_NN of_IN giving_VBG ._. He_PPS does_DOZ not_* expect_VB to_TO get_VB gr
eat_JJ riches_NNS or_CC he_PPS would_MD not_* have_HV chosen_VBN to_TO answer_VB
the_AT call_NN to_TO preach_VB ._. The_AT good_JJ ones_NNS are_BER not_* motiva
ted_VBN to_TO seek_VB vainly_RB ,_, nor_CC are_BER they_PPSS disposed_VBD to_TO
covet_VB comfort_NN ,_, or_CC they_PPSS would_MD have_HV been_BEN led_VBN to_IN
fields_NNS that_WPS offer_VB comfort_NN and_CC feed_VB vanity_NN ._. Theirs_PP$$
is_BEZ a_AT sacrificial_JJ life_NN by_IN earthly_JJ standards_NNS ._. Yet_CC we
_PPSS who_WPS lean_VB upon_IN such_ABL a_AT man_NN and_CC draw_VB strength_NN fr
om_IN him_PPO and_CC expect_VB interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT infinite_NN throug
h_IN him_PPO --_-- we_PPSS who_WPS readily_RB accept_VB his_PP$ sacrifice_NN as_
CS our_PP$ due_NN ,_, we_PPSS of_IN the_AT congregations_NNS are_BER the_AT firs
t_OD to_TO tell_VB him_PPO what_WDT is_BEZ in_IN our_PP$ minds_NNS instead_RB of
_IN listening_VBG to_IN what_WDT is_BEZ in_IN his_PP$ soul_NN ._. We_PPSS press_
VB him_PPO to_TO conform_VB to_IN our_PP$ comfortable_JJ conceptions_NNS and_CC
not_* to_TO bruise_VB our_PP$ satisfactions_NNS with_IN his_PP$ word_NN ,_, and_
CC God's_NP$ ._. We_PPSS do_DO not_* defeat_VB the_AT good_JJ ones_NNS with_IN t
his_DT cruelty_NN ,_, but_CC we_PPSS add_VB to_IN their_PP$ burden_NN ,_, while_
CS expecting_VBG them_PPO to_TO bestow_VB saintliness_NN upon_IN us_PPO in_IN re
turn_NN for_IN ostentatious_JJ church_NN attendance_NN and_CC a_AT few_AP bucks_
NNS a_AT week_NN ,_, American_JJ cash_NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS break_VB the_AT minis
ter_NN to_IN our_PP$ bit_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER buying_VBG back_RB our_PP$ own_J
J sins_NNS ._. If_CS he_PPS won't_MD* break_VB ,_, we_PPSS add_VB to_IN the_AT s
tress_NN he_PPS bears_VBZ ._. And_CC a_AT minister_NN of_IN all_ABN men_NNS is_B
EZ most_QL conscious_JJ that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ mere_JJ man_NN --_-- prone_JJ to_I
N the_AT stresses_NNS that_CS earthly_JJ humanity_NN is_BEZ heir_NN to_IN ._. We
_PPSS expect_VB him_PPO to_TO be_BE noble_JJ ,_, and_CC to_TO make_VB us_PPO so_
RB --_-- yet_CC he_PPS knows_VBZ ,_, and_CC tries_NNS to_TO tell_VB us_PPO ,_, h
ow_WRB very_QL humble_JJ man_NN must_MD be_BE ._. We_PPSS expect_VB bestowal_NN
of_IN God's_NP$ love_NN through_IN him_PPO ._. But_CC how_QL little_AP love_NN w
e_PPSS give_VB him_PPO ._. The_AT church_NN truly_RB is_BEZ not_* a_AT rest_NN h
ome_NN for_IN saints_NNS ,_, but_CC a_AT hospital_NN for_IN sinners_NNS ._. Yet_
CC every_AT Sunday_NR we_PPSS sinners_NNS go_VB to_IN that_DT emergency_NN room_
NN to_TO receive_VB first_OD aid_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS leave_VB unmindful_JJ tha
t_CS the_AT man_NN who_WPS ministered_VBD to_IN us_PPO is_BEZ a_AT human_JJ bein
g_NN who_WPS suffers_VBZ ,_, too_RB ._. Mr._NP Podger_NP always_RB particularly_
RB enjoyed_VBD the_AT last_AP night_NN of_IN each_DT summer_NN at_IN Loon_NN-TL
Lake_NN-TL ._. The_AT narrow_JJ fringe_NN of_IN sadness_NN that_WPS ran_VBD arou
nd_IN it_PPO only_RB emphasized_VBD the_AT pleasure_NN ._. The_AT evening_NN was
_BEDZ not_* always_RB spent_VBN in_IN the_AT same_AP way_NN ._. This_DT year_NN
,_, on_IN a_AT night_NN cool_JJ with_IN the_AT front_NN of_IN September_NP movin
g_VBG in_RP ,_, but_CC with_IN plenty_NN of_IN summer_NN still_RB about_RB ,_, t
he_AT Podgers_NPS were_BED holding_VBG a_AT neighborhood_NN gathering_NN in_IN t
he_AT Pod_NP ._. The_AT little_JJ cottage_NN was_BEDZ bursting_VBG with_IN peopl
e_NNS of_IN all_ABN ages_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT midst_NN of_IN it_PPO all_ABN ,_,
Mr._NP Podger_NP came_VBD out_RP on_IN the_AT Pod_NP porch_NN ,_, alone_RB ._. H
e_PPS had_HVD that_DT day_NN attended_VBN a_AT country_NN auction_NN ,_, and_CC
he_PPS had_HVD come_VBN back_RB with_IN a_AT prize_NN ._. The_AT prize_NN was_BE
DZ an_AT old-fashioned_JJ ,_, woven_VBN cloth_NN hammock_NN ,_, complete_JJ with
_IN cross-top_NN pillow_NN ,_, fringed_VBN side_NN pieces_NNS ,_, and_CC hooks_N
NS for_IN hanging_VBG ._. Mrs._NP Podger_NP had_HVD obligingly_RB pushed_VBN thi
ngs_NNS around_RB on_IN the_AT porch_NN to_TO make_VB room_NN for_IN it_PPO ,_,
and_CC there_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, slung_VBN in_IN a_AT vine-shaded_JJ corner_N
N ,_, the_AT night_NN breeze_NN rippling_VBG its_PP$ fringe_NN with_IN a_AT slow
_JJ ,_, caressing_VBG movement_NN ._. Mr._NP Podger_NP sat_VBD down_RP in_IN it_
PPO ,_, pushed_VBD himself_PPL back_RB and_CC forth_RB in_IN one_CD or_CC two_CD
slow_JJ ,_, rhythmic_JJ motions_NNS ,_, and_CC then_RB swung_VBD his_PP$ feet_N
NS up_RP into_IN it_PPO ._. He_PPS closed_VBD his_PP$ eyes_NNS and_CC let_VBD th
e_AT unintelligible_JJ drift_NN of_IN voices_NNS sweep_VB pleasantly_RB over_IN
him_PPO ._. Suddenly_RB one_CD young_JJ voice_NN rose_VBD above_IN the_AT others
_NNS ._. ``_`` But_CC ''_'' ,_, it_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` do_DO you_PPSS always_
RB know_VB when_WRB you're_PPSS+BER happy_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT voice_NN sank_
VBD back_RB into_IN the_AT general_JJ tangle_NN of_IN sound_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT
question_NN stayed_VBD in_IN Mr._NP Podger's_NP$ mind_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, in_IN
the_AT cool_JJ ,_, autumn-touched_JJ evening_NN ,_, Mr._NP Podger_NP mentally_RB
retraced_VBD a_AT day_NN that_WPS had_HVD left_VBN him_PPO greatly_RB contented
_VBN and_CC at_IN peace_NN ._. It_PPS had_HVD begun_VBN with_IN the_AT blue_JJ j
ay_NN feather_NN ._. Walking_VBG along_IN the_AT lake_NN before_IN breakfast_NN
,_, Mr._NP Podger_NP had_HVD seen_VBN the_AT feather_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT bird_N
N that_WPS had_HVD lost_VBN it_PPO in_IN flight_NN ._. The_AT winging_VBG spread
_NN of_IN blue_NN had_HVD gone_VBN on_RP ,_, calling_VBG harshly_RB ,_, into_IN
the_AT wood_NN ._. The_AT small_JJ shaft_NN of_IN blue_NN had_HVD drifted_VBN do
wn_RP and_CC come_VBN to_IN rest_NN at_IN his_PP$ feet_NNS ._. All_ABN day_NN lo
ng_RB Mr._NP Podger_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ a_AT straw-hat_NN man_NN in_IN the_A
T summer_NN ,_, had_HVD worn_VBN the_AT feather_NN in_IN the_AT band_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ broad-brimmed_JJ sunshield_NN ._. Would_MD a_AT blue_JJ feather_NN in_IN a
_AT man's_NN$ hat_NN make_VB him_PPO happy_JJ all_ABN day_NN ?_. ?_. Hardly_RB .
_. But_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ something_PN to_TO have_HV seen_VBN it_PPO floating_VB
G down_RP through_IN the_AT early_JJ morning_NN sunshine_NN ,_, linking_VBG the_
AT blue_NN of_IN the_AT sky_NN with_IN the_AT blue_NN of_IN the_AT asters_NNS by
_IN the_AT lake_NN ._. Then_RB ,_, since_CS the_AT auction_NN was_BEDZ being_BEG
held_VBN nearby_RB ,_, he_PPS had_HVD walked_VBN to_IN it_PPO ._. And_CC there_
RB ,_, on_IN the_AT way_NN ,_, had_HVD been_BEN the_AT box_NN turtle_NN ,_, that
_DT slow_JJ ,_, self-contained_JJ ,_, world-ignoring_JJ relic_NN of_IN pre-histo
ry_NN ,_, bent_VBN ,_, for_IN reasons_NNS best_QL known_VBN to_IN itself_PPL ,_,
on_IN crossing_VBG the_AT road_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ doing_VBG very_QL well_RB
,_, too_RB ,_, having_HVG reached_VBN the_AT center_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ purs
uing_VBG its_PP$ way_NN with_IN commendable_JJ singleness_NN of_IN purpose_NN wh
en_WRB Mr._NP Podger_NP saw_VBD hazard_NN approaching_VBG in_IN the_AT shape_NN
of_IN a_AT flashy_JJ little_JJ sports_NNS car_NN ._. Would_MD the_AT driver_NN s
ee_VB the_AT turtle_NN ?_. ?_. Would_MD he_PPS take_VB pains_NNS to_TO avoid_VB
it_PPO ?_. ?_. Mr._NP Podger_NP took_VBD no_AT chances_NNS ._. Taking_VBG off_RP
his_PP$ hat_NN and_CC signaling_VBG the_AT driver_NN with_IN it_PPO ,_, Mr._NP
Podger_NP stepped_VBD into_IN the_AT road_NN ,_, lifted_VBD the_AT surprised_VBN
turtle_NN and_CC consummated_VBD its_PP$ road-crossing_NN with_IN what_WDT must
_MD have_HV been_BEN a_AT breath-taking_JJ suddenness_NN ._. The_AT turtle_NN im
mediately_RB withdrew_VBD into_IN its_PP$ private_JJ council_NN room_NN to_TO st
udy_VB the_AT phenomenon_NN ._. But_CC Mr._NP Podger_NP and_CC the_AT driver_NN
of_IN the_AT sports_NNS car_NN waved_VBD at_IN each_DT other_AP ._. Here_RB in_I
N the_AT cool_JJ darkness_NN Mr._NP Podger_NP could_MD still_RB feel_VB the_AT w
armth_NN of_IN midday_NN ,_, could_MD still_RB see_VB the_AT yellow_JJ butterfli
es_NNS dancing_VBG over_IN the_AT road_NN ,_, could_MD still_RB see_VB the_AT fr
iendly_JJ grin_NN on_IN the_AT young_JJ ,_, sun-browned_JJ face_NN as_CS the_AT
driver_NN looked_VBD back_RB over_IN his_PP$ shoulder_NN for_IN a_AT moment_NN b
efore_CS the_AT car_NN streaked_VBD out_IN of_IN sight_NN ._. Where_WRB was_BEDZ
the_AT driver_NN now_RB ?_. ?_. What_WDT was_BEDZ he_PPS doing_VBG ?_. ?_. And_
CC the_AT turtle_NN ?_. ?_. Mr._NP Podger_NP smiled_VBD ._. For_IN a_AT few_AP b
rief_JJ minutes_NNS they_PPSS had_HVD all_ABN been_BEN part_NN of_IN one_CD litt
le_JJ drama_NN ._. The_AT three_CD would_MD never_RB meet_VB again_RB ,_, but_CC
for_IN some_DTI reason_NN or_CC other_AP Mr._NP Podger_NP was_BEDZ sure_JJ he_P
PS would_MD always_RB remember_VB the_AT incident_NN ._. Then_RB there_EX had_HV
D been_BEN the_AT auction_NN itself_PPL ._. Mr._NP Podger_NP heard_VBD again_RB
;_. ;_. at_IN will_NN ,_, the_AT voice_NN of_IN the_AT auctioneer_NN ,_, the_AT
voices_NNS of_IN the_AT bidders_NNS ,_, and_CC finally_RB the_AT small_JJ boy_NN
who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN so_QL interested_VBN in_IN Mr._NP Podger's_NP$ hammock
_NN purchase_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS like_VB them_DTS things_NNS ,_, too_RB ''_'' ,_
, he_PPS had_HVD said_VBN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS got_VBN one_CD at_IN home_NR ._. You
_PPSS know_VB what_WDT ?_. ?_. If_CS you're_PPSS+BER lyin'_VBG out_RP in_IN the_
AT hammock_NN at_IN night_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS gets_VBZ kinda_QL cool_JJ --_-- y
ou_PPSS know_VB --_-- you_PPSS just_RB take_VB these_DTS sides_NNS with_IN the_A
T fringe_NN on_RP --_-- see_UH --_-- and_CC wrap_VB 'em_PPO right_QL over_IN you
_PPO ._. I_PPSS do_DO it_PPO ,_, lots_NNS o'_IN times_NNS --_-- I_PPSS like_VB t
o_TO lie_VB in_IN a_AT hammock_NN at_IN night_NN ,_, by_IN myself_PPL ,_, when_W
RB it's_PPS+BEZ all_QL quiet_JJ ._. The_AT wind_NN moves_VBZ it_PPO a_AT little_
AP bit_NN --_-- you_PPSS know_VB ._. ''_'' Mr._NP Podger_NP had_HVD thanked_VBN
him_PPO gravely_RB ,_, and_CC now_RB he_PPS made_VBD use_NN of_IN the_AT advice_
NN ._. As_CS he_PPS pulled_VBD the_AT fringed_VBN sides_NNS up_RP and_CC made_VB
D himself_PPL into_IN a_AT cocoon_NN ,_, Mr._NP Podger_NP saw_VBD that_DT thin_J
J ,_, attractive_JJ ,_, freckled_VBN little_JJ face_NN again_RB ,_, and_CC hoped
_VBD that_CS the_AT boy_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, was_BEDZ lying_VBG in_IN a_AT cool_JJ
,_, fringed-wrapped_JJ quiet_NN ._. Alacrity_NP ,_, the_AT Podger_NP cat_NN ,_,
came_VBD by_IN the_AT hammock_NN ,_, rubbed_VBD her_PP$ back_NN briefly_RB again
st_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC then_RB ,_, sure_JJ of_IN a_AT welcome_NN ,_, hopped_VBD
up_RP ._. She_PPS remarked_VBD that_CS she_PPS found_VBD the_AT night_NN wind_N
N a_AT little_QL chilly_JJ ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Podger_NP took_VBD her_PPO inside_I
N the_AT fringe_NN ._. Soon_RB her_PP$ purring_VBG rivaled_VBD the_AT chirping_N
N of_IN the_AT tree_NN crickets_NNS ,_, rivaled_VBD the_AT hum_NN of_IN voices_N
NS from_IN inside_IN the_AT Pod_NP ._. Mr._NP Podger_NP was_BEDZ just_RB adding_
VBG this_DT to_IN his_PP$ pictures_NNS of_IN the_AT day_NN when_WRB the_AT scree
n_NN door_NN opened_VBD and_CC Pam_NP burst_VBD out_RP ._. ``_`` Dad_NN-TL ''_''
!_. !_. She_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ getting_VBG so_QL chilly_JJ we'
ve_PPSS+HV lighted_VBN a_AT fire_NN ,_, and_CC we're_PPSS+BER going_VBG to_TO te
ll_VB a_AT round_JJ robin_NN story_NN --_-- a_AT nice_JJ ,_, scary_JJ one_CD ._.
We_PPSS need_VB you_PPO to_TO start_VB it_PPO ._. Why_WRB are_BER you_PPSS out_
RP here_RB all_ABN by_IN yourself_PPL ?_. ?_. Aren't_BER* you_PPSS happy_JJ ''_'
' ?_. ?_. Mr._NP Podger_NP opened_VBD his_PP$ cocoon_NN and_CC emerged_VBD ,_, t
ucking_VBG Alacrity_NP under_IN his_PP$ arm_NN to_TO bring_VB her_PPO in_RP by_I
N the_AT fire_NN ._. ``_`` Of_IN course_NN I_PPSS am_BEM ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_V
BD ._. ``_`` Never_RB happier_JJR in_IN my_PP$ life_NN ._. I_PPSS just_RB came_V
BD out_RP here_RB to_TO know_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. Dallas_NP-HL As_CS the_AT South
_NR-TL begins_VBZ another_DT school_NN year_NN ,_, national_JJ and_CC even_RB wo
rld_NN attention_NN is_BEZ directed_VBN at_IN the_AT region's_NN$ slow_JJ progre
ss_NN toward_IN racial_JJ equality_NN in_IN the_AT public_JJ schools_NNS ._. Des
egregation_NN is_BEZ beginning_VBG in_IN two_CD more_AP important_JJ Southern_JJ
-TL cities_NNS --_-- Dallas_NP and_CC Atlanta_NP ._. In_IN each_DT city_NN civic
_JJ and_CC education_NN leaders_NNS have_HV been_BEN working_VBG hard_RB to_TO g
et_VB public_JJ opinion_NN prepared_VBN to_TO accept_VB the_AT inevitability_NN
of_IN equal_JJ treatment_NN ._. These_DTS programs_NNS emphasize_VB the_AT accep
tance_NN of_IN biracial_JJ classrooms_NNS peacefully_RB ._. The_AT programs_NNS
do_DO not_* take_VB sides_NNS on_IN the_AT issue_NN itself_PPL ._. They_PPSS poi
nt_VB out_RP simply_RB that_CS ``_`` it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT law_NN of_IN the_AT la
nd_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT two_CD cities_NNS have_HV the_AT examples_NNS of_IN Littl
e_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL and_CC New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL to_TO hold_VB up_RP as_CS warn
ings_NNS against_IN resorting_VBG to_IN violence_NN to_TO try_VB to_TO stop_VB t
he_AT processes_NNS of_IN desegregation_NN ._. Even_QL better_JJR ,_, they_PPSS
have_HV the_AT examples_NNS of_IN Nashville_NP and_CC Houston_NP to_TO hold_VB u
p_RP as_CS peaceful_JJ and_CC progressive_JJ programs_NNS ._. In_IN each_DT case
_NN there_EX was_BEDZ an_AT initial_JJ act_NN of_IN violence_NN ._. In_IN Nashvi
lle_NP ,_, a_AT school_NN was_BEDZ dynamited_VBN ._. In_IN Houston_NP ,_, there_
EX were_BED a_AT few_AP incidents_NNS of_IN friction_NN between_IN whites_NNS an
d_CC Negroes_NPS ,_, none_PN of_IN which_WDT were_BED serious_JJ ._. In_IN each_
DT city_NN quick_JJ public_NN reaction_NN and_CC fast_JJ action_NN by_IN the_AT
city_NN government_NN halted_VBD the_AT threats_NNS of_IN more_QL serious_JJ inc
idents_NNS ._. The_AT Nashville_NP plan_NN ,_, incidentally_RB ,_, has_HVZ becom
e_VBN recognized_VBN as_CS perhaps_RB the_AT most_QL acceptable_JJ and_CC thus_R
B the_AT most_QL practical_JJ to_TO put_VB into_IN effect_NN in_IN the_AT troubl
ed_VBN South_NR-TL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT ``_`` stair-step_NN ''_'' plan_NN ,_,
in_IN which_WDT desegregation_NN begins_VBZ in_IN the_AT first_OD grade_NN ._. E
ach_DT year_NN another_DT grade_NN is_BEZ added_VBN to_IN the_AT process_NN ,_,
until_CS finally_RB all_ABN 12_CD grades_NNS are_BER integrated_VBN ._. The_AT s
chedules_NNS are_BER flexible_JJ so_CS that_CS the_AT program_NN can_MD be_BE ac
celerated_VBN as_CS the_AT public_NN becomes_VBZ more_QL tolerant_JJ or_CC reali
zes_VBZ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ something_PN that_WPS has_HVZ to_TO be_BE done_VBN
,_, ``_`` so_RB why_WRB not_* now_RB ''_'' ._. The_AT program_NN has_HVZ worked
_VBN well_RB in_IN both_ABX Nashville_NP and_CC Houston_NP ._. It_PPS met_VBD a_
AT serious_JJ rebuff_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT two_C
D schools_NNS selected_VBN for_IN the_AT first_OD moves_NNS toward_IN integratio
n_NN were_BED boycotted_VBN by_IN white_JJ parents_NNS ._. Another_DT attempt_NN
will_MD be_BE made_VBN this_DT year_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL to_TO resu
me_VB the_AT program_NN ._. Generally_RB ,_, throughout_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_
, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT growing_VBG impatience_NN with_IN the_AT pattern_NN of_IN
violence_NN with_IN which_WDT every_AT step_NN of_IN desegregation_NN is_BEZ me
t_VBN ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT most_QL eloquent_JJ move_NN toward_IN removal_NN of_
IN racial_JJ barriers_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN in_IN Dallas_NP ._. During_IN the_AT
summer_NN ,_, Negroes_NPS began_VBD quietly_RB patronizing_VBG previously_RB seg
regated_VBN restaurants_NNS and_CC lunch_NN counters_NNS in_IN downtown_NR retai
l_NN establishments_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ part_NN of_IN a_AT citywide_JJ move_
NN toward_IN full_JJ integration_NN ._. So_QL successful_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN thi
s_DT program_NN ,_, worked_VBN out_RP by_IN white_JJ and_CC Negro_NP civic_JJ le
aders_NNS ,_, that_CS further_JJR extensions_NNS are_BER expected_VBN in_IN the_
AT next_AP few_AP months_NNS ._. Hotels_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, are_BER re
ady_JJ to_TO let_VB down_RP the_AT bars_NNS ._. Already_RB ,_, at_IN least_AP on
e_CD hotel_NN has_HVZ been_BEN quietly_RB taking_VBG reservations_NNS on_IN a_AT
nonracial_JJ basis_NN ._. Several_AP conventions_NNS have_HV been_BEN held_VBN
in_IN recent_JJ months_NNS in_IN hotels_NNS on_IN a_AT nonsegregated_JJ basis_NN
._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT radical_JJ change_NN in_IN attitude_NN from_IN the_AT c
onditions_NNS which_WDT prevailed_VBD several_AP years_NNS ago_RB ,_, when_WRB a
_AT series_NN of_IN bombings_NNS was_BEDZ directed_VBN against_IN Negroes_NPS wh
o_WPS were_BED moving_VBG into_IN previously_RB all-white_JJ neighborhoods_NNS o
f_IN Dallas_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ also_RB symptomatic_JJ of_IN a_AT change_NN in_
IN attitude_NN which_WDT appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE spreading_VBG all_QL across_IN
the_AT South_NR-TL ._. Southern_JJ-TL whites_NNS themselves_PPLS are_BER realizi
ng_VBG that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN wrong_JJ in_IN using_VBG violence_NN t
o_TO try_VB to_TO stop_VB Negroes_NPS from_IN claiming_VBG equal_JJ rights_NNS .
_. They_PPSS insist_VB they_PPSS are_BER ashamed_JJ of_IN such_JJ violence_NN an
d_CC intimidation_NN as_CS occurred_VBD in_IN Alabama_NP when_WRB the_AT Freedom
_NN-TL Riders_NNS-TL sought_VBD to_TO break_VB down_RP racial_JJ discrimination_
NN in_IN local_JJ bus_NN depots_NNS ._. All_QL across_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ther
e_EX are_BER signs_NNS that_CS racial_JJ violence_NN is_BEZ finding_VBG less_AP
approval_NN among_IN whites_NNS who_WPS themselves_PPLS would_MD never_RB take_V
B active_JJ part_NN but_CC might_MD once_RB have_HV shown_VBN a_AT tolerant_JJ a
ttitude_NN toward_IN it_PPO ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP causes_NNS for_IN this_
DT change_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL important_JJ is_BEZ economic_JJ ._.
Business_NN leaders_NNS are_BER aware_JJ now_RB that_CS they_PPSS suffer_VB gre
atly_RB from_IN any_DTI outbreak_NN of_IN violence_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER putt
ing_VBG strong_JJ pressure_NN on_IN their_PP$ police_NN departments_NNS to_TO ke
ep_VB order_NN ._. In_IN the_AT past_AP these_DTS same_AP Southerners_NNS-TL wer
e_BED inclined_VBN to_TO look_VB the_AT other_AP way_NN ._. And_CC as_CS the_AT
businessmen_NNS have_HV begun_VBN to_TO act_VB ,_, a_AT real_JJ sense_NN of_IN c
o-operation_NN has_HVZ sprung_VBN up_RP ._. This_DT co-operation_NN has_HVZ embo
ldened_VBN other_AP Southern_JJ-TL whites_NNS to_TO add_VB their_PP$ voices_NNS
to_IN demands_NNS for_IN peaceable_JJ accommodation_NN ._. They_PPSS realize_VB
that_CS by_IN acting_VBG in_IN concert_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN individually_RB
,_, they_PPSS will_MD not_* be_BE picked_VBN out_RP as_CS objects_NNS of_IN reta
liation_NN --_-- economic_JJ and_CC otherwise_RB ._. Since_CS moving_VBG from_IN
a_AT Chicago_NP suburb_NN to_IN Southern_JJ-TL California_NP-TL a_AT few_AP mon
ths_NNS ago_RB ,_, I've_PPSS+HV been_BEN introduced_VBN to_IN a_AT new_JJ game_N
N called_VBN Lanesmanship_NN-TL ._. Played_VBN mostly_RB on_IN the_AT freeways_N
NS around_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, it_PPS goes_VBZ like_CS this_DT :_: A_AT driv
er_NN cruising_VBG easily_RB at_IN 70_CD m.p.h._NNS in_IN Lane_NN-TL A_NP-TL of_
IN a_AT four-lane_JJ freeway_NN spies_VBZ an_AT incipient_JJ traffic_NN jam_NN a
head_RB ._. Traffic_NN in_IN the_AT next_AP lane_NN appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE movi
ng_VBG more_QL smoothly_RB so_CS he_PPS pokes_VBZ a_AT tentative_JJ fender_NN in
to_IN Lane_NN-TL B_NP-TL ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ heavily_RB populated_VBN by_IN car
s_NNS also_RB moving_VBG at_IN 70_CD m.p.h._NNS ._. The_AT adjacent_JJ driver_NN
in_IN Lane_NN-TL B_NP-TL has_HVZ three_CD choices_NNS open_JJ to_IN him_PPO ._.
He_PPS can_MD (_( 1_CD )_) point_VB his_PP$ car_NN resolutely_RB at_IN the_AT i
nvading_VBG fender_NN and_CC force_VB the_AT other_AP driver_NN back_RB into_IN
Lane_NN-TL A_NP-TL ;_. ;_. (_( 2_CD )_) slow_VB down_RP and_CC permit_VB the_AT
ambivalent_JJ driver_NN to_TO change_VB lanes_NNS ;_. ;_. or_CC (_( 3_CD )_) alt
ernately_RB accelerate_VB and_CC decelerate_VB ,_, thus_RB keeping_VBG the_AT fi
rst_OD driver_NN guessing_VBG as_IN to_IN his_PP$ intentions_NNS ,_, thereby_RB
making_VBG a_AT fascinating_JJ sport_NN of_IN the_AT whole_JJ affair_NN ._. The_
AT really_QL remarkable_JJ thing_NN to_IN me_PPO is_BEZ that_CS most_AP Californ
ia_NP natives_NNS unhesitatingly_RB elect_VB to_TO slow_VB down_RP and_CC permit
_VB the_AT invading_VBG car_NN free_JJ access_NN ._. Whether_CS or_CC not_* this
_DT is_BEZ done_VBN out_IN of_IN enlightened_VBN self-preservation_NN ,_, I_PPSS
don't_DO* know_VB ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ done_VBN ,_, consistently_RB and_CC
I'm_PPSS+BEM both_ABX surprised_VBN and_CC impressed_VBN ._. This_DT could_MD ne
ver_RB happen_VB in_IN my_PP$ native_JJ Chicago_NP ._. There_RB such_JJ soggy_JJ
acquiesence_NN would_MD be_BE looked_VBN upon_RB as_CS a_AT sure_JJ sign_NN of_
IN deteriorating_VBG manhood_NN ._. In_IN Chicago_NP ,_, the_AT driver_NN cut_VB
N out_RP would_MD likely_RB jam_VB his_PP$ gas_NN pedal_NN to_IN the_AT floor_NN
in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO force_VB the_AT other_AP car_NN back_RB ._. Failing
_VBG this_DT ,_, he_PPS would_MD pull_VB alongside_RB at_IN the_AT first_OD oppo
rtunity_NN and_CC shake_VB his_PP$ fist_NN threateningly_RB ._. This_DT negative
_NN explanation_NN of_IN courtesy_NN on_IN the_AT freeways_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,
_, does_DOZ an_AT injustice_NN to_IN Southern_JJ-TL California_NP-TL drivers_NNS
._. At_IN the_AT risk_NN of_IN losing_VBG my_PP$ charge-a-plate_NN at_IN Marsha
ll_NP-TL Field_NP-TL and_CC-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO c
hallenge_VB an_AT old_JJ and_CC hallowed_VBN stereotype_NN ._. After_IN three_CD
months_NNS of_IN research_NN ,_, I_PPSS can_MD state_VB unequivocally_RB that_C
S Los_NP Angeles_NP drivers_NNS are_BER considerably_QL more_QL courteous_JJ and
_CC competent_JJ than_CS any_DTI other_AP drivers_NNS I've_PPSS+HV ever_RB encou
ntered_VBN ._. During_IN one_CD recent_JJ day_NN of_IN driving_VBG about_IN Los_
NP Angeles_NP there_EX were_BED actually_RB a_AT dozen_NN occasions_NNS when_WRB
oncoming_JJ drivers_NNS stopped_VBD an_AT entire_JJ lane_NN of_IN traffic_NN to
_TO permit_VB me_PPO to_TO pull_VB out_RP of_IN an_AT impossible_JJ side_NN stre
et_NN ._. Miami_NP-HL ,_,-HL Fla._NP-HL ,_,-HL March_NP-HL 17_CD-HL ._.-HL An_AT
out-of-town_JJ writer_NN came_VBD up_RP to_IN Paul_NP Richards_NP today_NR and_
CC asked_VBD the_AT Oriole_NP manager_NN if_CS he_PPS thought_VBD his_PP$ ball_N
N club_NN would_MD be_BE improved_VBN this_DT year_NN ._. Now_RB Richards_NP ,_,
of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ known_VBN as_CS a_AT deep_JJ thinker_NN as_CS baseba
ll_NN managers_NNS go_VB ._. He_PPS can_MD often_RB make_VB the_AT complex_JJ ri
diculously_QL simple_JJ ,_, and_CC vice_RB versa_RB ._. This_DT happened_VBD to_
TO be_BE vice_RB versa_RB ,_, but_CC even_RB so_RB ,_, the_AT answer_NN was_BEDZ
a_AT masterpiece_NN ._. ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT whole_JJ lot_QL easier_JJR ''_'
' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` to_TO increase_VB the_AT population_NN of_IN Nev
ada_NP ,_, than_CS it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO increase_VB the_AT population_NN of_IN Ne
w_JJ-TL York_NP-TL city_NN ''_'' ._. And_CC with_IN that_DT he_PPS walked_VBD of
f_RP to_TO give_VB instruction_NN to_IN a_AT rookie_NN pitcher_NN ._. ``_`` That
_DT is_BEZ undoubtedly_RB a_AT hell_NN of_IN a_AT quote_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD th
e_AT writer_NN ,_, scratching_VBG his_PP$ head_NN ._. ``_`` Now_RB ,_, if_CS I_P
PSS can_MD just_RB figure_VB out_RP what_WDT he's_PPS+BEZ talking_VBG about_IN ,
_, I'll_PPSS+MD use_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. Two_CD-HL spots_NNS-HL open_JJ-HL This_D
T was_BEDZ just_RB Richard's_NP$ way_NN of_IN saying_VBG that_CS last_AP year_NN
the_AT Birds_NNS-TL opened_VBD spring_NN training_NN with_IN a_AT lot_NN of_IN
jobs_NNS wide_QL open_JJ ._. Some_DTI brilliant_JJ rookies_NNS nailed_VBD them_P
PO down_RP ,_, so_CS that_CS this_DT spring_NN just_RB two_CD spots_NNS ,_, left
_JJ and_CC right_JJ field_NN ,_, are_BER really_RB up_RP for_IN grabs_NNS ._. It
_PPS should_MD be_BE easier_JJR to_TO plug_VB two_CD spots_NNS than_CS it_PPS wa
s_BEDZ to_TO fill_VB the_AT wholesale_JJ lots_NNS that_WPS were_BED open_JJ last
_AP year_NN ,_, but_CC so_QL far_RB it_PPS hasn't_HVZ* worked_VBN that_DT way_NN
._. This_DT angle_NN of_IN just_RB where_WRB the_AT Orioles_NPS can_MD look_VB
for_IN improvement_NN this_DT year_NN is_BEZ an_AT interesting_JJ one_CD ._. You
'd_PPSS+MD never_RB guess_VB it_PPO from_IN the_AT way_NN they've_PPSS+HV played
_VBN so_QL far_RB this_DT spring_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX remains_VBZ a_AT feeling
_NN among_IN some_DTI around_IN here_RN that_CS the_AT Orioles_NPS still_RB have
_HV a_AT chance_NN to_TO battle_VB for_IN the_AT pennant_NN in_IN 1961_CD ._. Ob
viously_RB ,_, if_CS this_DT club_NN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO move_VB from_IN seco
nd_OD to_IN first_OD in_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL League_NN-TL ,_, it_PPS will_MD
have_HV to_TO show_VB improvement_NN someplace_RB ._. Where_WRB can_MD that_DT
improvement_NN possibly_RB come_VB from_IN ?_. ?_. You_PPSS certainly_RB can't_M
D* expect_VB the_AT infield_NN to_TO do_DO any_DTI better_RBR than_CS it_PPS did
_DOD last_AP year_NN ._. Robby_NP-HL could_MD-HL be_BE-HL better_JJR-HL ._.-HL B
rooks_NP Robinson_NP is_BEZ great_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ conceivable_JJ tha
t_CS he'll_PPS+MD do_DO even_QL better_RBR in_IN 1961_CD than_CS he_PPS did_DOD
in_IN 1960_CD ._. You_PPSS can't_MD* expect_VB it_PPO ,_, though_RB ._. Robby's_
NP$ performance_NN last_AP year_NN was_BEDZ tremendous_JJ ._. It's_PPS+BEZ the_A
T same_AP with_IN Ron_NP Hansen_NP and_CC Jim_NP Gentile_NP ._. If_CS they_PPSS
do_DO as_QL well_RB as_CS they_PPSS did_DOD in_IN 1960_CD there_EX can_MD be_BE
no_AT complaint_NN ._. They_PPSS shouldn't_MD* be_BE asked_VBN to_TO carry_VB an
y_DTI more_AP of_IN the_AT burden_NN ._. Hansen_NP will_MD be_BE getting_VBG a_A
T late_JJ spring_NN training_NN start_NN ,_, which_WDT might_MD very_QL well_RB
set_VB him_PPO back_RB ._. He_PPS got_VBD off_RP to_IN an_AT exceptional_JJ star
t_NN last_AP season_NN ,_, and_CC under_IN the_AT circumstances_NNS probably_RB
won't_MD* duplicate_VB it_PPO ._. There_EX are_BER some_DTI clubs_NNS which_WDT
claim_VB they_PPSS learned_VBD something_PN about_IN pitching_VBG to_IN him_PPO
last_AP year_NN ._. They_PPSS don't_DO* expect_VB to_TO stop_VB him_PPO ,_, just
_RB slow_VB him_PPO down_RP some_DTI with_IN the_AT bat_NN ._. He'll_PPS+MD stil
l_RB be_BE a_AT top_JJS player_NN ,_, they_PPSS concede_VB ,_, because_CS he's_P
PS+BEZ got_VBN a_AT great_JJ glove_NN and_CC the_AT long_JJ ball_NN going_VBG fo
r_IN him_PPO ._. But_CC they_PPSS expect_VB to_TO reduce_VB his_PP$ over-all_JJ
offensive_JJ production_NN ._. Breeding_NP-HL might_MD-HL move_VB-HL up_RP-HL ._
. Gentile_NP can_MD hardly_RB do_DO better_RBR than_CS drive_VB in_RP 98_CD runs
_NNS ._. Don't_DO* ask_VB him_PPO more_AP ._. I_PPSS have_HV a_AT hunch_NN Marv_
NP Breeding_NP might_MD move_VB up_RP a_AT notch_NN ._. But_CC even_RB so_RB ,_,
he_PPS had_HVD a_AT good_JJ year_NN in_IN 1960_CD and_CC won't_MD* do_DO too_QL
much_QL better_RBR ._. So_RB ,_, all_ABN in_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT infield_NN ca
n't_MD* be_BE expected_VBN to_TO supply_VB the_AT added_VBN improvement_NN to_TO
propel_VB the_AT Birds_NNS-TL from_IN second_OD to_IN first_OD ._. And_CC the_A
T pitching_NN will_MD also_RB have_HV trouble_NN doing_VBG better_RBR ._. Richar
ds_NP got_VBD a_AT great_JJ performance_NN out_IN of_IN his_PP$ combination_NN o
f_IN youth_NN and_CC experience_NN last_AP season_NN ._. Where_WRB ,_, then_RB ,
_, can_MD we_PPSS look_VB for_IN improvement_NN ?_. ?_. ``_`` From_IN Triandos_N
P ,_, Brandt_NP and_CC Walker_NP ''_'' ,_, answers_VBZ Richards_NP ._. ``_`` The
y're_PPSS+BER the_AT ones_NNS we_PPSS can_MD expect_VB to_TO do_DO better_RBR ''
_'' ._. The_AT man_NN is_BEZ right_JJ ,_, and_CC at_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, indic
ations_NNS are_BER that_CS these_DTS three_CD are_BER ready_JJ for_IN better_JJR
seasons_NNS ._. Triandos_NP hasn't_HVZ* proved_VBN it_PPO yet_RB ,_, but_CC he_
PPS says_VBZ he's_PPS+BEZ convinced_VBN his_PP$ thumb_NN is_BEZ all_QL right_JJ
._. He_PPS jammed_VBD it_PPO this_DT spring_NN and_CC has_HVZ had_HVN to_TO rest
_VB it_PPO ,_, but_CC he_PPS says_VBZ the_AT old_JJ injury_NN hasn't_HVZ* bother
ed_VBN him_PPO ._. If_CS he_PPS can_MD bounce_VB back_RB with_IN one_CD of_IN th
ose_DTS 25_CD home_NN runs_NNS years_NNS ,_, the_AT club_NN will_MD have_HV to_T
O be_BE better_JJR off_RP offensively_RB ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM still_RB not_* convinc
ed_VBN ,_, though_RB ,_, I'll_PPSS+MD have_HV to_TO see_VB more_AP of_IN him_PPO
before_CS predicting_VBG that_DT big_JJ year_NN for_IN him_PPO ._. Hank_NP Foil
es_NP ,_, backed_VBN up_RP by_IN Frank_NP House_NP who_WPS will_MD be_BE within_
IN calling_VBG distance_NN in_IN the_AT minors_NNS ,_, make_VB up_RP better_JJR
second_OD line_NN catching_NN than_CS the_AT Birds_NNS-TL had_HVD all_ABN last_A
P year_NN ,_, but_CC Gus_NP is_BEZ still_RB that_DT big_JJ man_NN you_PPSS need_
VB when_WRB you_PPSS start_VB talking_VBG pennant_NN ._. To_IN me_PPO ,_, Brandt
_NP looks_VBZ as_CS though_CS he_PPS could_MD be_BE in_RP for_IN a_AT fine_JJ ye
ar_NN ._. He_PPS hasn't_HVZ* played_VBN too_QL much_AP ,_, because_CS Richards_N
P has_HVZ been_BEN working_VBG on_IN him_PPO furiously_RB in_IN batting_VBG prac
tice_NN ._. He's_PPS+BEZ hitting_VBG the_AT ball_NN hard_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT bat
ting_VBG cage_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ whole_JJ attitude_NN is_BEZ improved_VBN ove
r_IN this_DT time_NN last_AP year_NN ._. When_WRB he_PPS came_VBD to_IN Baltimor
e_NP ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ leaving_VBG a_AT team_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ supposed_VB
N to_TO win_VB the_AT National_JJ-TL League_NN-TL pennant_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS w
as_BEDZ joining_VBG what_WDT seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT second_OD division_NN A
merican_JJ-TL League_NN-TL club_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ down_RP ,_, hard_JJ to_TO
talk_VB to_IN ,_, and_CC far_QL too_QL nonchalant_JJ on_IN the_AT field_NN ._.
As_IN of_IN now_RB ,_, that_DT all_ABN seems_VBZ behind_IN him_PPO ._. He's_PPS+
HVZ been_BEN entirely_QL different_JJ all_ABN spring_NN ._. And_CC Walker_NP loo
ks_VBZ stronger_JJR ,_, seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE throwing_VBG better_RBR than_CS he
_PPS did_DOD last_AP year_NN ._. Let_VB him_PPO bounce_VB back_RB ,_, and_CC he_
PPS could_MD really_RB set_VB up_RP the_AT staff_NN ._. So_RB ,_, if_CS the_AT O
rioles_NPS are_BER to_TO improve_VB ,_, Brandt_NP ,_, Triandos_NP and_CC Walker_
NP will_MD have_HV to_TO do_DO it_PPO ._. So_QL far_RB the_AT platoons_NNS on_IN
left_JJ and_CC right_JJ fielders_NNS don't_DO* seem_VB capable_JJ of_IN carryin
g_VBG the_AT load_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, this_DT isn't_BEZ* taking_VBG into_
IN consideration_NN the_AT population_NN of_IN Nevada_NP and_CC New_JJ-TL York_N
P-TL city_NN ,_, but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ the_AT way_NN things_NNS look_VB from_IN he
re_RN at_IN this_DT point_NN ._. Is_BEZ the_AT mother_NN of_IN an_AT ``_`` autis
tic_JJ ''_'' child_NN at_IN fault_NN ?_. ?_. (_( The_AT ``_`` autistic_JJ ''_''
child_NN is_BEZ one_CD who_WPS seems_VBZ to_TO lack_VB a_AT well-defined_JJ sens
e_NN of_IN self_NN ._. He_PPS tends_VBZ to_TO treat_VB himself_PPL and_CC other_
AP people_NNS as_CS if_CS they_PPSS were_BED objects_NNS --_-- and_CC sometimes_
RB he_PPS treats_VBZ objects_NNS as_CS if_CS they_PPSS were_BED people_NNS ._. )
_) Did_DOD his_PP$ mother_NN make_VB him_PPO this_DT way_NN ?_. ?_. Some_DTI peo
ple_NNS believe_VB she_PPS did_DOD ._. We_PPSS think_VB differently_RB ._. We_PP
SS believe_VB that_CS autism_NN ,_, like_CS so_QL many_AP other_AP conditions_NN
S of_IN defect_NN and_CC deviation_NN ,_, is_BEZ to_IN a_AT large_JJ extent_NN i
nborn_JJ ._. A_AT mother_NN can_MD help_VB a_AT child_NN adapt_VB to_IN his_PP$
difficulties_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB she_PPS can_MD --_-- to_IN a_AT large_JJ exten
t_NN --_-- help_VB him_PPO overcome_VB them_PPO ._. But_CC we_PPSS don't_DO* thi
nk_VB she_PPS creates_VBZ them_PPO ._. We_PPSS don't_DO* think_VB she_PPS can_MD
make_VB her_PP$ child_NN defective_JJ ,_, emotionally_RB disturbed_VBN or_CC au
tistic_JJ ._. The_AT mother_NN of_IN a_AT difficult_JJ child_NN can_MD do_DO a_A
T great_JJ deal_NN to_TO help_VB her_PP$ own_JJ child_NN and_CC often_RB ,_, by_
IN sharing_VBG her_PP$ experiences_NNS ,_, she_PPS can_MD help_VB other_AP mothe
rs_NNS with_IN the_AT same_AP problem_NN ._. Since_CS little_AP is_BEZ known_VBN
about_IN autism_NN ,_, and_CC almost_RB nothing_PN has_HVZ been_BEN written_VBN
for_IN the_AT layman_NN ,_, we'd_PPSS+MD like_VB to_TO share_VB one_CD experien
ced_VBN mother's_NN$ comments_NNS ._. She_PPS wrote_VBD :_: total_JJ-HL disinter
est_NN-HL ``_`` ._. As_CS the_AT mother_NN of_IN an_AT autistic_JJ child_NN who_
WPS is_BEZ lacking_VBG in_IN interest_NN and_CC enthusiasm_NN about_IN almost_RB
anything_PN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV to_TO manipulate_VB my_PP$ son's_NN$ fingers_NNS
for_IN him_PPO when_WRB he_PPS first_RB plays_VBZ with_IN a_AT new_JJ toy_NN ._
. He_PPS wants_VBZ me_PPO to_TO do_DO everything_PN for_IN him_PPO ._. ``_`` You
_PPSS don't_DO* believe_VB that_CS autistic_JJ children_NNS become_VB autistic_J
J because_RB of_IN something_PN that_WPS happens_VBZ to_IN them_PPO or_CC becaus
e_RB of_IN the_AT way_NN their_PP$ mother_NN treats_VBZ them_PPO ._. But_CC I_PP
SS do_DO and_CC my_PP$ psychiatrist_NN does_DOZ ,_, too_RB ._. I_PPSS know_VB ,_
, that_CS my_PP$ son_NN wants_VBZ control_NN and_CC direction_NN ,_, but_CC bein
g_BEG autistic_JJ myself_PPL I_PPSS cannot_MD* give_VB full_JJ control_NN or_CC
direction_NN ._. ``_`` One_CD thing_NN I_PPSS notice_VB which_WDT I_PPSS have_HV
seldom_RB heard_VBN mentioned_VBN ._. This_DT is_BEZ that_CS autistic_JJ people
_NNS don't_DO* enjoy_VB physical_JJ contact_NN with_IN others_NNS --_-- for_IN i
nstance_NN ,_, my_PP$ children_NNS and_CC I_PPSS ._. When_WRB I_PPSS hold_VB my_
PP$ son_NN he_PPS stiffens_VBZ his_PP$ whole_JJ body_NN in_IN my_PP$ arms_NNS un
til_CS he_PPS is_BEZ as_QL straight_JJ and_CC stiff_JJ as_CS a_AT board_NN ._. H
e_PPS pushes_VBZ and_CC straightens_VBZ himself_PPL as_CS if_CS he_PPS can't_MD*
stand_VB the_AT feeling_NN of_IN being_BEG held_VBN ._. Physical_JJ contact_NN
is_BEZ uncomfortable_JJ for_IN him_PPO ''_'' !_. !_. This_DT mother_NN is_BEZ qu
ite_QL correct_JJ ._. As_CS a_AT rule_NN ,_, the_AT autistic_JJ child_NN doesn't
_DOZ* enjoy_VB physical_JJ contact_NN with_IN others_NNS ._. Parents_NNS have_HV
to_TO find_VB other_AP ways_NNS of_IN comforting_VBG him_PPO ._. For_IN the_AT
young_JJ child_NN this_DT may_MD be_BE no_AT more_AP than_CS providing_VBG food_
NN ,_, light_NN or_CC movement_NN ._. As_CS he_PPS grows_VBZ older_JJR it_PPS ma
y_MD be_BE a_AT matter_NN of_IN providing_VBG some_DTI accustomed_VBN object_NN
(_( his_PP$ ``_`` magic_JJ ''_'' thing_NN )_) ._. Or_CC certain_JJ words_NNS or_
CC rituals_NNS that_WPO child_NN and_CC adult_NN go_VB through_IN may_MD do_DO t
he_AT trick_NN ._. The_AT answer_NN is_BEZ different_JJ for_IN each_DT autistic_
JJ child_NN ,_, but_CC for_IN most_AP there_EX is_BEZ an_AT answer_NN ._. Only_R
B ingenuity_NN will_MD uncover_VB it_PPO ._. What_WDT-HL future_NN-HL holds_VBZ-
HL ``_`` Dear_JJ Doctors_NNS-TL :_: We_PPSS learned_VBD this_DT year_NN that_CS
our_PP$ older_JJR son_NN ,_, Daniel_NP ,_, is_BEZ autistic_JJ ._. We_PPSS did_DO
D not_* accept_VB the_AT diagnosis_NN at_IN once_RB ,_, but_CC gradually_RB we_P
PSS are_BER coming_VBG to_TO ._. Fortunately_RB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT nursery
_NN school_NN which_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN able_JJ to_TO attend_VB ,_, with
_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN normal_JJ children_NNS ._. ``_`` I_PPSS try_VB to_TO tre
at_VB Daniel_NP as_CS if_CS he_PPS were_BED normal_JJ ,_, though_CS of_IN course
_NN I_PPSS realize_VB he_PPS is_BEZ far_RB from_IN that_DT at_IN present_JJ ._.
What_WDT I_PPSS do_DO is_BEZ to_TO try_VB to_TO bring_VB him_PPO into_IN contact
_NN with_IN reality_NN as_QL much_AP as_CS possible_JJ ._. I_PPSS try_VB to_TO g
ive_VB him_PPO as_QL many_AP normal_JJ experiences_NNS as_CS possible_JJ ._. ``_
`` What_WDT is_BEZ your_PP$ experience_NN with_IN autistic_JJ children_NNS ?_. ?
_. How_WRB do_DO they_PPSS turn_VB out_RP later_RBR ''_'' ?_. ?_. Many_AP autist
ic_JJ children_NNS grow_VB up_RP to_TO lead_VB relatively_QL normal_JJ lives_NNS
._. Certainly_RB ,_, most_AP continue_VB to_TO lack_VB a_AT certain_JJ warmth_N
N in_IN communication_NN with_IN other_AP people_NNS ,_, but_CC many_AP adjust_V
B to_IN school_NN ,_, even_RB college_NN ,_, to_IN jobs_NNS and_CC even_RB to_IN
marriage_NN and_CC parenthood_NN ._. Single-color_NN-HL use_NN-HL question_NN-H
L --_-- A_AT first_OD grader_NN colors_VBZ pictures_NNS one_CD solid_JJ color_NN
,_, everything_PN --_-- sky_NN ,_, grass_NN ,_, boy_NN ,_, wagon_NN ,_, etc._RB
._. When_WRB different_JJ colors_NNS are_BER used_VBN ,_, she_PPS is_BEZ just_Q
L as_QL likely_JJ to_TO color_VB trees_NNS purple_JJ ,_, hair_NN green_JJ ,_, et
c._RB ._. The_AT other_AP children_NNS in_IN the_AT class_NN use_VB this_DT same
_AP coloring_VBG book_NN and_CC do_DO a_AT fairly_QL good_JJ job_NN with_IN thin
gs_NNS their_PP$ proper_JJ color_NN ._. Should_MD I_PPSS show_VB my_PP$ daughter
_NN how_WRB things_NNS should_MD be_BE colored_VBN ?_. ?_. She_PPS is_BEZ an_AT
aggressive_JJ ,_, nervous_JJ child_NN ._. Is_BEZ a_AT relaxed_VBN home_NR atmosp
here_NN enough_AP to_TO help_VB her_PPO outgrow_VB these_DTS traits_NNS ?_. ?_.
Answer_NN-HL --_-- Her_PP$ choice_NN of_IN one_CD color_NN means_VBZ she_PPS is_
BEZ simply_RB enjoying_VBG the_AT motor_NN act_NN of_IN coloring_VBG ,_, without
_IN having_HVG reached_VBN the_AT point_NN of_IN selecting_VBG suitable_JJ color
s_NNS for_IN different_JJ objects_NNS ._. This_DT immature_JJ use_NN of_IN crayo
ns_NNS may_MD suggest_VB that_CS she_PPS is_BEZ a_AT little_QL immature_JJ for_I
N the_AT first_OD grade_NN ._. No_RB ,_, coloring_VBG isn't_BEZ* exactly_RB some
thing_PN you_PPSS teach_VB a_AT child_NN ._. You_PPSS sometimes_RB give_VB them_
PPO a_AT little_JJ demonstration_NN ,_, a_AT little_JJ guidance_NN ,_, and_CC su
ggestions_NNS about_IN staying_VBG inside_IN the_AT lines_NNS ._. But_CC most_AP
learn_VB to_TO color_VB and_CC paint_VB as_CS and_CC when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER
ready_JJ with_IN only_RB a_AT very_QL little_JJ demonstration_NN ._. Seen_VBN i
n_IN decorating_VBG circles_NNS of_IN late_JJ is_BEZ a_AT renewed_VBN interest_N
N in_IN an_AT old_JJ art_NN :_: embroidery_NN ._. Possibly_RB responsible_JJ for
_IN this_DT is_BEZ the_AT incoming_JJ trend_NN toward_IN multicolor_JJ schemes_N
NS in_IN rooms_NNS ,_, which_WDT seems_VBZ slated_VBN to_TO replace_VB the_AT on
e-color_NN look_NN to_IN which_WDT we_PPSS have_HV been_BEN accustomed_VBN ._. J
ust_RB as_CS a_AT varitinted_JJ Oriental_JJ-TL rug_NN may_MD suggest_VB the_AT s
tarting_VBG point_NN for_IN a_AT room_NN scheme_NN ,_, so_RB may_MD some_DTI of_
IN the_AT newest_JJT versions_NNS of_IN embroidery_NN ._. One_CD such_JJ ,_, in_
IN fact_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT rug_NN ._. Though_CS not_* actually_RB crewel_NN embr
oidery_NN ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ that_DT look_NN with_IN its_PP$ over-stitched_VBN r
aised_VBN pattern_NN in_IN blue_JJ ,_, pink_JJ ,_, bronze_JJ and_CC gold_JJ and_
CC a_AT sauterne_JJ background_NN ._. The_AT twirled_VBN ,_, stylized_VBN design
_NN of_IN winding_VBG stems_NNS and_CC floral_JJ forms_NNS strongly_RB suggests_
VBZ the_AT embroidered_VBN patterns_NNS used_VBN so_QL extensively_RB for_IN uph
olstery_NN during_IN the_AT Jacobean_JJ period_NN in_IN England_NP ._. Tradition
al_JJ crewel_NN embroidery_NN which_WDT seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE appearing_VBG more
_QL frequently_RB this_DT fall_NN than_CS in_IN the_AT past_AP few_AP years_NNS
is_BEZ still_RB available_JJ in_IN this_DT country_NN ._. The_AT work_NN is_BEZ
executed_VBN in_IN England_NP (_( by_IN hand_NN )_) and_CC can_MD be_BE worked_V
BN in_IN any_DTI desired_VBN design_NN and_CC color_NN ._. Among_IN some_DTI rec
ent_JJ imports_NNS were_BED seat_NN covers_NNS for_IN one_CD series_NN of_IN din
ing_VBG room_NN chairs_NNS on_IN which_WDT were_BED depicted_VBN salad_NN plates
_NNS overflowing_VBG with_IN tomatoes_NNS and_CC greens_NNS and_CC another_DT se
t_NN on_IN which_WDT a_AT pineapple_NN was_BEDZ worked_VBN in_IN naturalistic_JJ
color_NN ._. Chinese_JJ-HL influence_NN-HL For_IN a_AT particularly_QL fabulous
_JJ room_NN which_WDT houses_VBZ a_AT collection_NN of_IN fine_JJ English_NP Chi
ppendale_NP furniture_NN ,_, fabric_NN wall_NN panels_NNS were_BED embroidered_V
BN with_IN a_AT typically_RB Chinese-inspired_JJ design_NN of_IN this_DT revered
_VBN Eighteenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL period_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT work_NN is_BEZ
done_VBN by_IN hand_NN ,_, the_AT only_AP limitation_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ said_
VBN ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ that_DT of_IN human_JJ conception_NN ''_'' ._. Modern_JJ em
broidered_VBN panels_NNS ,_, framed_VBN and_CC meant_VBN to_TO be_BE hung_VBN on
_IN the_AT wall_NN ,_, are_BER another_DT aspect_NN of_IN this_DT trend_NN ._. T
hese_DTS have_HV never_RB gone_VBN out_IN of_IN style_NN in_IN Scandinavian_JJ h
omes_NNS and_CC now_RB seem_VB to_TO be_BE reappearing_VBG here_RB and_CC there_
RB in_IN shops_NNS which_WDT specialize_VB in_IN handicrafts_NNS ._. An_AT amate
ur_NN decorator_NN might_MD try_VB her_PP$ hand_NN at_IN a_AT pair_NN during_IN
the_AT long_JJ winter_NN evenings_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, by_IN picking_VBG up_RP her
_PP$ living_VBG room_NN color_NN scheme_NN ,_, add_VB a_AT decorative_JJ do-it-y
ourself_JJ note_NN to_IN the_AT room_NN ._. California_NP Democrats_NPS this_DT
weekend_NN will_MD take_VB the_AT wraps_NNS off_IN a_AT 1962_CD model_NN statewi
de_JJ campaign_NN vehicle_NN which_WDT they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN quietly_RB ass
embling_VBG in_IN a_AT thousand_CD district_NN headquarters_NNS ,_, party_NN clu
brooms_NNS and_CC workers'_NNS$ backyards_NNS ._. They_PPSS seem_VB darned_QL pr
oud_JJ of_IN it_PPO ._. And_CC they're_PPSS+BER confident_JJ that_CS the_AT GOP_
NN ,_, currently_RB assailed_VBN by_IN dissensions_NNS within_IN the_AT ranks_NN
S ,_, will_MD be_BE impressed_VBN by_IN the_AT purring_VBG power_NN beneath_IN t
he_AT hood_NN of_IN this_DT grassroots-fueled_JJ machine_NN ._. Their_PP$ meetin
g_NN at_IN San_NP Francisco_NP is_BEZ nominally_RB scheduled_VBN as_CS a_AT conf
erence_NN of_IN the_AT California_NP-TL Democratic_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL directora
te_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS will_MD include_VB 200-odd_CD officeholders_NNS ,_, orga
nization_NN leaders_NNS and_CC ``_`` interested_VBN party_NN people_NNS ''_'' ._
. Out_IN of_IN this_DT session_NN may_MD come_VB :_: 1_CD --_-- Plans_NNS for_IN
a_AT dramatic_JJ ,_, broad-scale_JJ party_NN rally_NN in_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP n
ext_AP December_NP that_WPS would_MD enlist_VB top-drawer_NN Democrats_NPS from_
IN all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN ._. 2_CD --_-- Blueprints_NNS for_IN doublin
g_VBG the_AT CDC's_NN present_JJ 55,000_CD enrollment_NN ._. 3_CD --_-- Arrangem
ents_NNS for_IN a_AT statewide_JJ pre-primary_NN endorsing_VBG convention_NN in_
IN Fresno_NP next_AP Jan._NP 26-28_CD ._. 4_CD --_-- And_CC proposals_NNS for_IN
a_AT whole_JJ series_NN of_IN lesser_JJR candidate-picking_JJ conventions_NNS i
n_IN the_AT state's_NN$ 38_CD new_JJ Congressional_JJ-TL districts_NNS ._. At_IN
the_AT head_NN of_IN the_AT CDC_NN is_BEZ an_AT unorthodox_JJ ,_, 39-year-old_J
J amateur_JJ politico_NN ,_, Thomas_NP B._NP Carvey_NP Jr._NP ,_, whose_WP$ norm
al_JJ profession_NN is_BEZ helping_VBG develop_VB Hughes_NP-TL Aircraft's_NN$-TL
moon_NN missiles_NNS ._. He's_PPS+HVZ approached_VBN his_PP$ Democratic_JJ-TL d
uties_NNS in_IN hard-nosed_JJ engineering_VBG fashion_NN ._. Viewed_VBN from_IN
afar_RN ,_, the_AT CDC_NN looks_VBZ like_CS a_AT rather_QL stalwart_JJ political
_JJ pyramid_NN :_: its_PP$ elected_VBN directorate_NN fans_VBZ out_RP into_IN an
_AT array_NN of_IN district_NN leaders_NNS and_CC standing_VBG committees_NNS ,_
, and_CC thence_RB into_IN its_PP$ component_NN clubs_NNS and_CC affiliated_VBN
groups_NNS --_-- 500_CD or_CC so_RB ._. Much_AP of_IN its_PP$ strength_NN stems_
VBZ from_IN the_AT comfortable_JJ knowledge_NN that_CS every_AT ``_`` volunteer_
NN ''_'' Democratic_JJ-TL organization_NN of_IN any_DTI consequence_NN belongs_V
BZ to_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT entire_JJ state_NN Democratic_J
J-TL hierarchy_NN ,_, from_IN Gov._NN-TL Brown_NP on_RP down_RP to_IN the_AT cou
nty_NN chairmen_NNS ,_, also_RB participates_VBZ in_IN this_DT huge_JJ operation
_NN ._. Contrarily_RB ,_, Republican_JJ-TL ``_`` volunteers_NNS ''_'' go_VB thei
r_PP$ separate_JJ ways_NNS ,_, and_CC thus_QL far_RB have_HV given_VBN no_AT ind
ication_NN that_CS they'd_PPSS+MD be_BE willing_JJ to_TO join_VB forces_NNS unde
r_IN a_AT single_AP directorate_NN ,_, except_IN in_IN the_AT most_AP loose-knit
_JJ fashion_NN ._. Carvey_NP believes_VBZ that_CS reapportionment_NN ,_, which_W
DT left_VBD many_AP Democratic_JJ-TL clubs_NNS split_VBN by_IN these_DTS new_JJ
district_NN boundaries_NNS ,_, actually_RB will_MD increase_VB CDC_NN membership
_NN ._. Where_WRB only_RB one_CD club_NN existed_VBD before_RB ,_, he_PPS says_V
BZ ,_, two_CD will_MD flourish_VB henceforth_RB ._. Biggest_JJT organizational_J
J problem_NN ,_, he_PPS adds_VBZ ,_, is_BEZ setting_VBG up_RP CDC_NN units_NNS i
n_IN rock-ribbed_JJ Democratic_JJ-TL territory_NN ._. Paradoxically_RB the_AT co
uncil_NN is_BEZ weakest_JJT in_IN areas_NNS that_WPS register_VB 4-_CD and_CC 5-
to-1_CD in_IN the_AT party's_NN$ favor_NN ,_, strongest_JJT where_WRB Democrats_
NPS and_CC Republicans_NPS compete_VB on_IN a_AT fairly_QL even_JJ basis_NN ._.
Like_CS most_AP Democratic_JJ-TL spokesmen_NNS ,_, Carvey_NP predicts_VBZ 1962_C
D will_MD be_BE a_AT tremendously_QL ``_`` partisan_JJ year_NN ''_'' ._. Hence_R
B the_AT attention_NN they're_PPSS+BER lavishing_VBG on_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. In_I
N all_ABN probability_NN ,_, the_AT council_NN will_MD screen_VB and_CC endorse_
VB candidates_NNS for_IN the_AT Assembly_NN-TL and_CC for_IN Congress_NP ,_, and
_CC then_RB strive_VB to_TO put_VB its_PP$ full_JJ weight_NN behind_IN these_DTS
pre-primary_NN favorites_NNS ._. This_DT bodes_VBZ heated_VBN contests_NNS in_I
N several_AP districts_NNS where_WRB claims_NNS have_HV already_RB been_BEN stak
ed_VBN out_RP by_IN Democratic_JJ-TL hopefuls_NNS who_WPS don't_DO* see_VB eye-t
o-eye_RB with_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. Naturally_RB ,_, the_AT statewide_JJ races_NNS
will_MD provide_VB the_AT major_JJ test_NN for_IN the_AT expanding_VBG council_
NN ._. Shunted_VBN aside_RB by_IN the_AT rampant_JJ organizers_NNS for_IN John_N
P F._NP Kennedy_NP last_AP year_NN ,_, who_WPS relegated_VBD it_PPO to_IN a_AT s
omewhat_QL subordinate_JJ role_NN in_IN the_AT Presidential_JJ-TL campaign_NN ,_
, the_AT CDC_NN plainly_RB intends_VBZ to_TO provide_VB the_AT party's_NN$ campa
ign_NN muscle_NN in_IN 1962_CD ._. There_EX is_BEZ evidence_NN that_CS it_PPS wi
ll_MD be_BE happily_RB received_VBN by_IN Gov._NN-TL Brown_NP and_CC the_AT othe
r_AP constitutional_JJ incumbents_NNS ._. Carvey_NP considers_VBZ that_CS former
_AP Vice_JJ-TL President_NN-TL Nixon_NP would_MD be_BE Brown's_NP$ most_QL formi
dable_JJ foe_NN ,_, with_IN ex-Gov._NN Knight_NP a_AT close_JJ second_OD ._. But
_CC the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT GOP_NN gubernatorial_JJ aspirants_NNS don't_DO*
worry_VB him_PPO very_QL much_RB ._. In_IN his_PP$ CDC_NN work_NN ,_, Carvey_NP
has_HVZ the_AT close-in_JJ support_NN and_CC advice_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN Califo
rnia's_NP$ shrewdest_JJT political_JJ strategists_NNS :_: former_AP Democratic_J
J-TL National_JJ-TL Committeeman_NP Paul_NP Ziffren_NP ,_, who_WPS backed_VBD hi
m_PPO over_IN a_AT Northland_NP candidate_NN espoused_VBN by_IN Atty._NN-TL Gen.
_JJ-TL Stanley_NP Mosk_NP ._. (_( Significantly_RB ,_, bitter_JJ echoes_NNS of_I
N the_AT 1960_CD power_NN struggle_NN that_WPS saw_VBD Mosk_NP moving_VBG into_I
N the_AT national_JJ committee_NN post_NN over_IN Ziffren_NP are_BER still_RB au
dible_JJ in_IN party_NN circles_NNS ._. )_) note_NN :_: We've_PPSS+HV just_RB re
ceived_VBN an_AT announcement_NN of_IN the_AT 54th_OD Assembly_NN-TL district_NN
post-reapportionment_JJ organizing_VBG convention_NN Wednesday_NR night_NN in_I
N South_JJ-TL Pasadena's_NP$ War_NN-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Bldg._NN-TL ,_, which_WDT
graphically_RB illustrates_VBZ the_AT CDC's_NN broad_JJ appeal_NN ._. State_NN-T
L Sen._NN-TL Dick_NP Richards_NP will_MD keynote_VB ;_. ;_. state_NN and_CC coun
ty_NN committeemen_NNS ,_, CDC_NN directors_NNS and_CC representatives_NNS ,_, m
embers_NNS of_IN 16_CD area_NN clubs_NNS ,_, and_CC ``_`` all_ABN residents_NNS
''_'' have_HV been_BEN invited_VBN ._. This_DT is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE a_AT
language_NN lesson_NN ,_, and_CC you_PPSS can_MD master_VB it_PPO in_IN a_AT fe
w_AP minutes_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT short_JJ course_NN in_IN Communese_NP ._
. It_PPS works_VBZ with_IN English_NP ,_, Russian_NP ,_, German_NP ,_, Hungarian
_NP or_CC almost_RB any_DTI other_AP foreign_JJ tongue_NN ._. Once_CS you_PPSS l
earn_VB how_WRB to_TO translate_VB Communese_NP ,_, much_AP of_IN each_DT day's_
NN$ deluge_NN of_IN news_NN will_MD become_VB clearer_JJR ._. At_IN least_AP ,_,
I_PPSS have_HV found_VBN it_PPO so_RB ._. For_IN some_DTI compulsive_JJ reason_
NN which_WDT would_MD have_HV fascinated_VBN Dr._NN-TL Freud_NP ,_, Communists_N
NS-TL of_IN all_ABN shapes_NNS and_CC sizes_NNS almost_QL invariably_RB impute_V
B to_IN others_NNS the_AT very_AP motives_NNS which_WDT they_PPSS harbor_VB them
selves_PPLS ._. They_PPSS accuse_VB their_PP$ enemies_NNS of_IN precisely_RB the
_AT crimes_NNS of_IN which_WDT they_PPSS themselves_PPLS are_BER most_QL guilty_
JJ ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ latest_JJT warning_NN to_IN the_AT Communis
t_NN-TL world_NN that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL will_MD build_VB up_
RP its_PP$ military_JJ strength_NN to_TO meet_VB any_DTI challenge_NN in_IN Berl
in_NP or_CC elsewhere_NN was_BEDZ ,_, somewhat_QL surprisingly_RB ,_, reported_V
BN in_IN full_JJ text_NN or_CC fairly_QL accurate_JJ excerpts_NNS behind_IN the_
AT Iron_JJ-TL Curtain_NN-TL ._. Then_RB the_AT Communese_NP reply_NN came_VBD ba
ck_RB from_IN many_AP mouthpieces_NNS with_IN striking_JJ consistency_NN ._. Now
_RB listen_VB closely_RB :_: Moscow_NP radio_NN from_IN the_AT Literary_JJ-TL Ga
zette_NN-TL in_IN English_NP to_IN England_NP :_: ``_`` President_NN-TL Kennedy_
NP once_RB again_RB interpreted_VBD the_AT Soviet_NN-TL proposals_NNS ,_, to_TO
sign_VB a_AT peace_NN treaty_NN with_IN Germany_NP as_CS a_AT threat_NN ,_, as_C
S part_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN menace_NN allegedly_RB looming_VBG over_IN the_A
T countries_NNS of_IN capitalism_NN ._. Evidently_RB the_AT war_NN drum_NN beati
ng_VBG and_CC hysteria_NN so_QL painstakingly_RB being_BEG stirred_VBN up_RP in_
IN the_AT West_NR-TL have_HV been_BEN planned_VBN long_RB in_IN advance_NN ._. T
he_AT West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL crisis_NN is_BEZ being_BEG played_VBN up_RP artifi
cially_RB because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ needed_VBN by_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_
NNS-TL to_TO justify_VB its_PP$ arms_NNS drive_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT Soviet_NN-TL
news_NN agency_NN TASS_NN datelined_VBN from_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL in_IN Engli
sh_NP to_IN Europe_NP :_: ``_`` President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ enlargement_NN of_
IN the_AT American_JJ military_NN program_NN was_BEDZ welcomed_VBN on_IN Wall_NN
-TL Street_NN-TL as_CS a_AT stimulus_NN to_IN the_AT American_JJ munitions_NNS i
ndustry_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT stock_NN exchange_NN opened_VBD this_DT morning_N
N ,_, many_AP dealers_NNS were_BED quick_JJ to_TO purchase_VB shares_NNS in_IN D
ouglas_NP ,_, Lockheed_NP and_CC United_VBN-TL Aircraft_NN-TL and_CC prices_NNS
rose_VBD substantially_RB ._. Over_RP 4_CD million_CD shares_NNS were_BED sold_V
BN ,_, the_AT highest_JJT figures_NNS since_IN early_JJ June_NP ._. (_( Quotatio
ns_NNS follow_VB ''_'' ._. )_) TASS_NN datelined_VBN Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, in_IN
English_NP to_IN Europe_NP :_: ``_`` Former_AP Vice_JJ-TL President_NN-TL Nixon
_NP came_VBD out_RP in_IN support_NN of_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ program
_NN for_IN stepping_VBG up_RP the_AT arms_NNS race_NN ._. He_PPS also_RB demande
d_VBD that_CS Kennedy_NP take_VB additional_JJ measures_NNS to_TO increase_VB in
ternational_JJ tension_NN :_: specifically_RB to_TO crush_VB the_AT Cuban_JJ rev
olution_NN ,_, resume_VB nuclear_JJ testing_NN ,_, resist_VB more_QL vigorously_
RB admission_NN of_IN China_NP to_IN its_PP$ lawful_JJ seat_NN in_IN the_AT Unit
ed_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC postpone_VB non-military_JJ programs_NNS at_
IN home_NR ''_'' ._. TASS_NP from_IN Moscow_NP in_IN English_NP to_IN Europe_NP
:_: ``_`` The_AT American_JJ press_NN clamored_VBD for_IN many_AP days_NNS promi
sing_VBG President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP would_MD reply_VB to_IN the_AT most_QL vital
_JJ domestic_JJ and_CC foreign_JJ problems_NNS confronting_VBG the_AT United_VBN
-TL States_NNS-TL ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT world_NN heard_VBD nothing_PN but
_IN sabre-rattling_NN ,_, the_AT same_AP exercises_NNS which_WDT proved_VBD futi
le_JJ for_IN the_AT predecessors_NNS of_IN the_AT current_JJ President_NN-TL ._.
If_CS there_EX were_BED no_AT West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL problem_NN ,_, imperialis
t_NN quarters_NNS would_MD have_HV invented_VBN an_AT excuse_NN for_IN stepping_
VBG up_RP the_AT armaments_NNS race_NN to_TO try_VB to_TO solve_VB the_AT intern
al_JJ and_CC external_JJ problems_NNS besetting_VBG the_AT United_VBN-TL States_
NNS-TL and_CC its_PP$ NATO_NN partners_NNS ._. Washington_NP apparently_RB decid
ed_VBD to_TO use_VB an_AT old_JJ formula_NN ,_, by_IN injecting_VBG large_JJ mil
itary_NN appropriations_NNS to_TO speed_VB the_AT slow_JJ revival_NN of_IN the_A
T U.S._NP economy_NN after_IN a_AT prolonged_VBN slump_NN ''_'' ._. And_CC now_R
B ,_, for_IN Communist_NN-TL listeners_NNS and_CC readers_NNS :_: Moscow_NP-TL R
adio_NN-TL in_IN Russian_NP to_IN the_AT USSR_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT U.S._NP-TL Pre
sident_NN-TL has_HVZ shown_VBN once_RB again_RB that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL Sta
tes_NNS-TL needs_VBZ the_AT fanning_NN of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL cris
is_NN to_TO justify_VB the_AT armaments_NNS race_NN ._. As_CS was_BEDZ to_TO be_
BE expected_VBN Kennedy's_NP$ latest_JJT speech_NN was_BEDZ greeted_VBN with_IN
enthusiasm_NN by_IN revenge-seeking_JJ circles_NNS in_IN Bonn_NP ,_, where_WRB o
fficials_NNS of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL German_NP-TL government_NN praised_VBD it_P
PO ''_'' ._. Moscow_NP Novosti_NP article_NN in_IN Russian_NP ,_, datelined_VBN
London_NP :_: ``_`` U.S._NP pressure_NN on_IN Britain_NP to_TO foster_VB war_NN
hysteria_NN over_IN the_AT status_NN of_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL has_HVZ reach
ed_VBN its_PP$ apogee_NN ._. British_JJ common_JJ sense_NN is_BEZ proverbial_JJ
._. The_AT present_JJ attempts_NNS of_IN the_AT politicians_NNS to_TO contaminat
e_VB ordinary_JJ Britons_NPS shows_VBZ that_CS this_DT British_JJ common_JJ sens
e_NN is_BEZ unwilling_JJ to_TO pull_VB somebody_PN else's_RB$ chestnuts_NNS out_
IN of_IN the_AT fire_NN by_IN new_JJ military_JJ adventures_NNS ''_'' ._. East_J
J-TL Berlin_NP-TL (_( Communist_NN-TL )_) radio_NN in_IN German_NP to_IN Germany
_NP :_: ``_`` A_AT better_JJR position_NN for_IN negotiations_NNS is_BEZ the_AT
real_JJ point_NN of_IN this_DT speech_NN ._. Kennedy_NP knows_VBZ the_AT West_NR
-TL will_MD not_* wage_VB war_NN for_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL ,_, neither_CC c
onventional_JJ nor_CC nuclear_JJ ,_, and_CC negotiations_NNS will_MD come_VB as_
QL certainly_RB as_CS the_AT peace_NN treaty_NN ._. Whenever_WRB some_DTI Washin
gton_NP circles_NNS were_BED really_QL ready_JJ for_IN talks_NNS to_TO eliminate
_VB friction_NN they_PPSS have_HV always_RB succumbed_VBN to_IN pressure_NN from
_IN the_AT war_NN clique_NN in_IN the_AT Pentagon_NN-TL and_CC in_IN Bonn_NP ._.
In_IN Kennedy's_NP$ speech_NN are_BER cross_NN currents_NNS ,_, sensible_JJ one
s_NNS and_CC senseless_JJ ones_NNS ,_, reflecting_VBG the_AT great_JJ struggle_N
N of_IN opinions_NNS between_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL advisers_NNS and_CC th
e_AT political_JJ and_CC economic_JJ forces_NNS behind_IN them_PPO ._. Well_UH ,
_, dear_JJ listeners_NNS ,_, despite_IN all_ABN the_AT shouting_VBG ,_, there_EX
will_MD be_BE no_AT war_NN over_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Moscow_NP
TASS_NN in_IN Russian_NP datelined_VBN Sochi_NP :_: ``_`` Chairman_NN-TL Khrushc
hev_NP received_VBD the_AT U.S._NP-TL President's_NN$-TL disarmament_NN adviser_
NN ,_, John_NP McCloy_NP ._. Their_PP$ conversation_NN and_CC dinner_NN passed_V
BD in_IN a_AT warm_JJ and_CC friendly_JJ atmosphere_NN ''_'' ._. Now_RB ,_, to_T
O translate_VB from_IN the_AT Communese_NP ,_, this_DT means_VBZ :_: The_AT ``_`
` West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL ''_'' crisis_NN is_BEZ really_RB an_AT East_JJ-TL Berl
in_NP-TL crisis_NN ._. The_AT crisis_NN was_BEDZ artificially_RB stirred_VBN up_
RP by_IN the_AT Kremlin_NP (_( Wall_NN-TL Street_NN-TL )_) and_CC the_AT Red_JJ-
TL Army_NN-TL (_( Pentagon_NN-TL )_) egged_VBN on_RP by_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Ger
mans_NPS (_( East_JJ-TL Germans_NPS )_) ._. The_AT reason_NN was_BEDZ to_TO spee
d_VB up_RP domestic_JJ production_NN in_IN the_AT USSR_NN ,_, which_WDT Khrushch
ev_NP promised_VBD upon_IN grabbing_VBG power_NN ,_, and_CC try_VB to_TO end_VB
the_AT permanent_JJ recession_NN in_IN Russian_JJ living_VBG standards_NNS ._. C
hairman_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP (_( Kennedy_NP )_) rattles_VBZ his_PP$ rockets_NNS (
_( sabre_NN )_) in_IN order_NN to_TO cure_VB his_PP$ internal_JJ ills_NNS and_CC
to_TO strengthen_VB his_PP$ negotiating_VBG position_NN ._. His_PP$ advisers_NN
S in_IN the_AT Politburo_NP (_( White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL )_) are_BER engaged_VBN
in_IN a_AT great_JJ struggle_NN of_IN opinions_NNS ,_, so_RB he_PPS is_BEZ not_*
always_RB consistent_JJ ._. The_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL will_MD fight_VB ne
ither_CC a_AT conventional_JJ nor_CC a_AT nuclear_JJ war_NN over_IN Berlin_NP ,_
, and_CC neither_CC will_MD its_PP$ Warsaw_NP-TL Pact_NN-TL allies_NNS ._. The_A
T West_NR-TL has_HVZ no_AT intention_NN of_IN attacking_VBG Russia_NP ._. Chairm
an_NN-TL Khrushchev_NP and_CC John_NP McCloy_NP had_HVD a_AT terrible_JJ row_NN
at_IN Sochi_NP ._. See_VB ,_, Communese_NP is_BEZ easy_JJ --_-- once_CS you_PPSS
get_VB onto_IN it_PPO ._. Aug._NP 4_CD ,_, 1821_CD ,_, nearly_RB a_AT century_N
N after_CS Benjamin_NP Franklin_NP founded_VBD the_AT Pennsylvania_NP-TL Gazette
_NN-TL --_-- a_AT century_NN during_IN which_WDT it_PPS had_HVD undergone_VBN se
veral_AP changes_NNS in_IN ownership_NN and_CC a_AT few_AP brief_JJ suspensions_
NNS in_IN publication_NN --_-- this_DT paper_NN made_VBD its_PP$ first_OD appear
ance_NN as_CS the_AT Saturday_NR Evening_NN-TL Post_NN-TL ._. The_AT country_NN
was_BEDZ now_RB full_JJ of_IN Gazettes_NNS-TL and_CC Samuel_NP C._NP Atkinson_NP
and_CC Charles_NP Alexander_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD just_RB taken_VBN over_IN Fr
anklin's_NP$ old_JJ paper_NN ,_, desired_VBD a_AT more_QL distinctive_JJ name_NN
._. When_WRB founded_VBN by_IN Franklin_NP the_AT Gazette_NN-TL was_BEDZ a_AT w
eekly_JJ family_NN newspaper_NN and_CC under_IN its_PP$ new_JJ name_NN its_PP$ f
ormat_NN remained_VBD that_DT of_IN a_AT newspaper_NN but_CC its_PP$ columns_NNS
gradually_RB contained_VBD more_AP and_CC more_AP fiction_NN ,_, poetry_NN ,_,
and_CC literary_JJ essays_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN
,_, with_IN a_AT circulation_NN of_IN 90,000_CD ,_, the_AT Post_NN-TL was_BEDZ
one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL popular_JJ weeklies_NNS in_IN the_AT country_NN ._.
But_CC during_IN the_AT second_OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT century_NN its_PP$ fortu
nes_NNS reached_VBD a_AT low_JJ point_NN and_CC when_WRB in_IN 1897_CD Cyrus_NP
H._NP K._NP Curtis_NP purchased_VBD it_PPO --_-- ``_`` paper_NN ,_, type_NN ,_,
and_CC all_ABN ''_'' --_-- for_IN $1,000_NNS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT 16-page_JJ wee
kly_NN filled_VBN with_IN unsigned_JJ fiction_NN and_CC initialed_VBN miscellany
_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN only_RB some_DTI 2,000_CD subscribers_NNS ._. Little_QL m
ore_AP than_CS a_AT fine_JJ old_JJ name_NN ,_, valuable_JJ principally_RB becaus
e_CS of_IN the_AT Franklin_NP tradition_NN ,_, the_AT Saturday_NR Evening_NN-TL
Post_NN-TL was_BEDZ slow_JJ to_TO revive_VB ._. But_CC Curtis_NP poured_VBD over
_RP $1_NNS million_CD into_IN it_PPO and_CC in_IN time_NN it_PPS again_RB became
_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL popular_JJ weeklies_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN
._. ``_`` Remember_VB the_AT French_JJ railroad_NN baron_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ go
ing_VBG to_TO take_VB me_PPO floating_VBG down_IN the_AT Nile_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. `
`_`` Remember_VB the_AT night_NN Will_NP Rogers_NP filled_VBD a_AT tooth_NN for_
IN me_PPO between_IN numbers_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Sure_RB ,_, we_PPSS met_VBD
a_AT barrel_NN of_IN rich_JJ men_NNS but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ hard_JJ to_TO find_VB
the_AT real_JJ thing_NN when_WRB you're_PPSS+BER young_JJ ,_, beautiful_JJ and_C
C the_AT toast_NN of_IN two_CD continents_NNS ''_'' ``_`` Remember_VB Fanny_NP B
rice_NP promised_VBD my_PP$ mother_NN she_PPS would_MD look_VB after_IN me_PPO o
n_IN the_AT road_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. All_QL this_DT remembering_NN took_VBD place_N
N the_AT other_AP night_NN when_WRB I_PPSS had_HVD supper_NN with_IN the_AT Zieg
feld_NP-TL Girls_NNS-TL at_IN the_AT Beverly_NP-TL Hills_NNS-TL Club_NN-TL ._. A
_AT quarter_NN of_IN a_AT century_NN has_HVZ gone_VBN by_RB since_CS this_DT bev
y_NN of_IN walking_VBG dreams_NNS sashayed_VBD up_IN and_CC down_IN the_AT stair
cases_NNS of_IN the_AT old_JJ New_JJ-TL Amsterdam_NP-TL Theater_NN-TL ,_, N.Y._N
P ._. But_CC watching_VBG Mrs._NP Cyril_NP Ring_NP ,_, Berniece_NP Dalton_NP Jan
ssen_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Robert_NP Jarvis_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Walter_NP Adams_NP order_VB
low-calorie_NN seafood_NN ,_, no_AT bread_NN ,_, I_PPSS could_MD see_VB the_AT Z
iegfeld_NP-TL Girls_NNS-TL of_IN 1920_CD were_BED determined_VBN to_TO be_BE gla
morous_JJ grandmothers_NNS of_IN 1961_CD ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ anxious_JJ to_TO he
ar_VB about_IN those_DTS dazzling_VBG days_NNS on_IN the_AT Great_JJ-TL White_JJ
-TL Way_NN-TL ._. All_ABN I_PPSS could_MD remember_VB was_BEDZ Billie_NP Dove_NP
pasted_VBN over_IN the_AT ceiling_NN of_IN my_PP$ big_JJ brother's_NN$ room_NN
._. ``_`` Billie_NP was_BEDZ really_QL beautiful_JJ ''_'' !_. !_. Exclaimed_VBD
Vera_NP Forbes_NP Adams_NP ,_, batting_VBG lovely_JJ big_JJ eyes_NNS behind_IN g
litter_NN rimmed_VBN glasses_NNS ._. Sing_VB-TL Sing's_NP$ prisoner_NN strike_NN
was_BEDZ motivated_VBN by_IN a_AT reasonable_JJ purpose_NN ,_, a_AT fair_JJ bre
ak_NN from_IN parole_NN boards_NNS ._. But_CC once_CS the_AT strike_NN trend_NN
hits_VBZ hoosegows_NNS ,_, there_EX is_BEZ no_AT telling_NN how_QL far_RB it_PPS
may_MD go_VB ._. Inmates_NNS might_MD even_RB demand_VB the_AT 34-hour_JJ week_
NN ,_, all_ABN holidays_NNS off_RP and_CC fringe_NN benefits_NNS including_IN st
ate_NN contributions_NNS toward_IN lawyers'_NNS$ fees_NNS ._. Some_DTI day_NN we
_PPSS might_MD see_VB a_AT Federation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Prison_NN-TL and_CC-TL Jail
_NN-TL Inmates_NNS-TL ,_, with_IN a_AT leader_NN busily_RB trying_VBG to_TO orga
nize_VB reformatory_NN occupants_NNS ,_, defendants_NNS out_RP on_IN bail_NN ,_,
convicts_NNS opposed_VBN to_IN probation_NN officers_NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. A_AT t
hree-day_JJ confinement_NN week_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT month's_NN$ vacation_NN and_
CC shorter_JJR hours_NNS all_QL around_RB could_MD be_BE an_AT ultimate_JJ deman
d_NN from_IN cell_NN occupants_NNS of_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, with_IN fringe_NN
benefits_NNS including_IN :_: 1_CD ._. Wider_JJR space_NN between_IN iron_NN bar
s_NNS and_CC agreement_NN by_IN prison_NN boards_NNS to_TO substitute_VB rubber_
NN in_IN 20_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN metal_NN ._. 2_CD ._. An_AT agreement_NN all
owing_VBG convicts_NNS to_TO pass_VB on_IN type_NN of_IN locks_NNS used_VBN on_I
N prison_NN doors_NNS ._. In_IN case_NN of_IN a_AT deadlock_NN between_IN prison
_NN boards_NNS and_CC inmates_NNS ,_, a_AT federal_JJ arbitration_NN board_NN to
_TO include_VB a_AT ``_`` lifer_NN ''_'' and_CC two_CD escapees_NNS should_MD de
cide_VB the_AT issue_NN ._. 3_CD ._. Specific_JJ broadening_NN of_IN travel_NN r
ights_NNS ._. 4_CD ._. The_AT right_NN to_TO leave_VB the_AT hoosegow_NN any_DTI
time_NN to_TO see_VB a_AT lawyer_NN instead_RB of_IN waiting_VBG for_IN a_AT la
wyer_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT trip_NN to_IN the_AT prison_NN ._. 5_CD ._. Recogniti
on_NN of_IN Prisoners_NNS-TL Union_NN-TL rule_NN that_CS no_AT member_NN of_IN a
n_AT iron_NN or_CC steel_NN workers_NNS union_NN be_BE permitted_VBN to_TO repai
r_VB a_AT sawed-off_JJ bar_NN without_IN approval_NN and_CC participation_NN of_
IN representative_NN of_IN the_AT cell_NN occupant_NN ._. 6_CD ._. No_AT warden_
NN or_CC guard_NN to_TO touch_VB lock_NN ,_, key_NN or_CC doorknob_NN except_IN
when_WRB accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT prisoners'_NNS$ committee_NN with_IN powers_
NNS of_IN veto_NN ._. 7_CD ._. State_NN and_CC federal_JJ approval_NN of_IN righ
t_NN to_TO walk_VB out_RP at_IN any_DTI time_NN when_WRB so_RB voted_VBN by_IN 5
1_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT prisoners_NNS ._. The_AT death_NN of_IN Harold_
NP A._NP Stevens_NP ,_, oldest_JJT of_IN the_AT Stevens_NP brothers_NNS ,_, fame
d_JJ operators_NNS of_IN baseball_NN ,_, football_NN and_CC race_NN track_NN con
cessions_NNS ,_, revived_VBD again_RB the_AT story_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT
greatest_JJT business_NN successes_NNS in_IN history_NN ._. Harold_NP ,_, with_I
N brothers_NNS Frank_NP ,_, Joe_NP and_CC William_NP ,_, took_VBD over_RP at_IN
the_AT death_NN of_IN their_PP$ father_NN ,_, Harry_NP M._NP Stevens_NP ,_, who_
WPS put_VBD a_AT few_AP dollars_NNS into_IN a_AT baseball_NN program_NN ,_, intr
oduced_VBD the_AT ``_`` hot_JJ dog_NN ''_'' and_CC paved_VBD the_AT way_NN for_I
N creation_NN of_IN a_AT catering_VBG empire_NN ._. Family_NN loyalties_NNS and_
CC cooperative_JJ work_NN have_HV been_BEN unbroken_JJ for_IN generations_NNS ._
. IBM_NP has_HVZ a_AT machine_NN that_WPS can_MD understand_VB spoken_VBN words_
NNS and_CC talk_VB back_RB ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, it_PPS will_MD seem_VB funny_
JJ to_TO have_HV to_TO send_VB for_IN a_AT mechanic_NN to_TO improve_VB conversa
tion_NN ._. Rembrandt's_NP$ ``_`` Aristotle_NP Contemplating_VBG-TL Bust_NN-TL o
f_IN-TL Homer_NP ''_'' brought_VBD $2,300,000_NNS at_IN auction_NN the_AT other_
AP night_NN ._. Both_ABX Aristotle_NP and_CC Homer_NP may_MD in_IN spirit_NN be_
BE contemplating_VBG ``_`` bust_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT old-fashioned_JJ American_
JJ dollar_NN ._. The_AT owner_NN of_IN the_AT painting_NN got_VBD it_PPO for_IN
$750,000_NNS ,_, sold_VBD it_PPO for_IN $500,000_NNS in_IN a_AT market_NN crash_
NN ,_, and_CC bought_VBD it_PPO back_RB for_IN $590,000_NNS ._. Apologies_NNS ar
e_BER in_IN order_NN from_IN anybody_PN who_WPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Are_BER you_P
PSS sure_JJ you're_PPSS+BER not_* making_VBG a_AT mistake_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_``
Wagon_NN-TL Train_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ reported_VBN the_AT No._NN-TL 1_CD TV_NN s
how_NN ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, where_WRB else_RB can_MD the_AT public_NN see_VB
a_AT wagon_NN these_DTS days_NNS ?_. ?_. Lucius_NP Beebe's_NP$ book_NN ,_, ``_`
` Mr._NP Pullman's_NP$ Elegant_JJ-TL Palace_NN-TL Car_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, fills_VBZ
us_PPO with_IN nostalgia_NN ,_, recalling_VBG days_NNS when_WRB private_JJ cars_
NNS and_CC Pullmans_NPS were_BED extra_QL wonderful_JJ ,_, with_IN fine_JJ woodw
ork_NN ,_, craftsmanship_NN in_IN construction_NN ,_, deep_JJ carpets_NNS and_CC
durable_JJ upholstery_NN ._. Beebe_NP tells_VBZ of_IN one_CD private_JJ car_NN
that_WPS has_HVZ gold_NN plumbing_NN ._. Jay_NP Gould_NP kept_VBD a_AT cow_NN on
_IN one_CD deluxer_NN ._. Washington_NP-HL --_-- Rep._NN-TL Frelinghuysen_NP ,_,
R-5th_NN Dist._NN-TL ,_, had_HVD a_AT special_JJ reason_NN for_IN attending_VBG
the_AT reception_NN at_IN the_AT Korean_JJ-TL Embassy_NN-TL for_IN Gen._NN-TL C
hung_NP Hee_NP Park_NP ,_, the_AT new_JJ leader_NN of_IN South_JJ-TL Korea_NP-TL
._. Not_* only_RB is_BEZ Mr._NP Frelinghuysen_NP a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT Ho
use_NN-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, but_CC he_PPS is_BEZ
the_AT grandson_NN of_IN the_AT man_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ instrumental_JJ in_IN op
ening_VBG relations_NNS between_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC Kor
ea_NP ,_, Frederick_NP T._NP Frelinghuysen_NP ,_, Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State
_NN-TL in_IN the_AT administration_NN of_IN Chester_NP A._NP Arthur_NP ._. In_IN
addition_NN Rep._NN-TL Frelinghuysen's_NP$ brother_NN Harry_NP was_BEDZ on_IN t
he_AT Korean_JJ desk_NN of_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL in_IN World_NN
-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ._. Next_AP year_NN is_BEZ the_AT 80th_OD anniversary_NN o
f_IN the_AT signing_NN of_IN the_AT treaty_NN between_IN Korea_NP and_CC the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC experts_NNS in_IN Seoul_NP are_BER trying_VBG
to_TO find_VB the_AT correspondence_NN between_IN Frederick_NP Frelinghuysen_NP
,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL in_IN 1883_CD and_CC
1884_CD ,_, and_CC Gen._NN-TL Lucius_NP Foote_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ the_AT fir
st_OD minister_NN to_IN Korea_NP ._. They_PPSS enlisted_VBD the_AT help_NN of_IN
the_AT New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL congressman_NN ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN able_
JJ to_TO trace_VB the_AT letters_NNS to_IN the_AT national_JJ archives_NNS ,_, w
here_WRB they_PPSS are_BER available_JJ on_IN microfilm_NN ._. On_IN-HL the_AT-H
L job_NN-HL A_AT top_JJS official_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Frontier_NN-TL who_W
PS kept_VBD a_AT record_NN of_IN his_PP$ first_OD weeks_NNS on_IN the_AT job_NN
here_RB gives_VBZ this_DT report_NN of_IN his_PP$ experiences_NNS :_: In_IN his_
PP$ first_OD six_CD weeks_NNS in_IN office_NN he_PPS presided_VBD over_IN 96_CD
conferences_NNS ,_, attended_VBD 35_CD official_JJ breakfasts_NNS and_CC dinners
_NNS ,_, studied_VBD and_CC signed_VBD 285_CD official_JJ papers_NNS and_CC pers
onally_RB took_VBD 312_CD telephone_NN calls_NNS ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, he_PP
S said_VBD ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ answered_VBN more_AP than_IN 400_CD messages_NNS o
f_IN congratulations_NNS which_WDT led_VBD him_PPO to_IN the_AT comment_NN that_
CS he_PPS himself_PPL had_HVD decided_VBN he_PPS wouldn't_MD* send_VB another_DT
congratulatory_JJ message_NN for_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN ._. Se
n._NN-TL Case_NP Aj_NN ,_, has_HVZ received_VBN a_AT nice_JJ ``_`` thank_VB you_
PPO ''_'' note_NN from_IN a_AT youngster_NN he_PPS appointed_VBD to_IN the_AT Ai
r_NN-TL Force_NN-TL Academy_NN-TL in_IN Colorado_NP ._. Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL li
fe_NN is_BEZ great_JJ ,_, the_AT cadet_NN wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` though_CS the_AT f
ourth-class_NN system_NN is_BEZ no_AT fun_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS invited_VBD Mr._NP
Case_NP to_TO stop_VB by_RB to_TO say_VB hello_UH if_CS he_PPS ever_RB visited_
VBD the_AT academy_NN and_CC then_RB added_VBD that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ on_IN the
_AT managerial_JJ staff_NN of_IN the_AT freshman_NN football_NN team_NN ``_`` We
_PPSS have_HV just_RB returned_VBN from_IN Roswell_NP ,_, N.M._NP ,_, where_WRB
we_PPSS were_BED defeated_VBN ,_, 34_CD to_IN 9_CD ''_'' ,_, the_AT young_JJ man
_NN noted_VBD ._. ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV a_AT tremendous_JJ amount_NN of_IN talen
t_NN --_-- but_CC we_PPSS lack_VB cohesion_NN ''_'' ._. Kind_JJ-HL Mr._NP-HL Sam
_NP-HL Among_IN the_AT many_AP stories_NNS about_IN the_AT late_JJ Speaker_NN-TL
Rayburn_NP is_BEZ one_CD from_IN Rep._NN-TL Dwyer_NP ,_, R-6th_NN Dist._NN-TL .
_. Mrs._NP Dwyer's_NP$ husband_NN ,_, M._NP Joseph_NP Dwyer_NP ,_, was_BEDZ taki
ng_VBG a_AT 10-year-old_JJ boy_NN from_IN Union_NN-TL County_NN-TL on_IN the_AT
tour_NN of_IN the_AT Capitol_NN-TL during_IN the_AT final_JJ weeks_NNS of_IN the
_AT last_AP session_NN ._. They_PPSS ran_VBD across_IN Mr._NP Rayburn_NP and_CC
the_AT youngster_NN expressed_VBD a_AT desire_NN to_TO get_VB the_AT Speaker's_N
N$-TL autograph_NN ._. Mr._NP Dwyer_NP said_VBD that_CS although_CS it_PPS was_B
EDZ obvious_JJ that_CS Mr._NP Rayburn_NP was_BEDZ not_* well_JJ he_PPS stopped_V
BD ,_, gave_VBD the_AT youngster_NN his_PP$ autograph_NN ,_, asked_VBD where_WRB
he_PPS was_BEDZ from_IN and_CC expressed_VBD the_AT hope_NN that_CS he_PPS woul
d_MD enjoy_VB his_PP$ visit_NN to_IN Congress_NP ._. Two_CD days_NNS later_RBR M
r._NP Rayburn_NP left_VBD Washington_NP for_IN the_AT last_AP time_NN ._. The_AT
350th_OD anniversary_NN of_IN the_AT King_NN-TL James_NP-TL Bible_NP-TL is_BEZ
being_BEG celebrated_VBN simultaneously_RB with_IN the_AT publishing_NN today_NR
of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL ,_, the_AT first_OD part_NN of_IN the_AT
New_JJ-TL English_NP-TL Bible_NP-TL ,_, undertaken_VBN as_CS a_AT new_JJ transl
ation_NN of_IN the_AT Scriptures_NNS-TL into_IN contemporary_JJ English_NP ._. S
ince_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ issued_VBN in_IN the_AT spring_NN of_IN 1611_CD ,_, the_
AT King_NN-TL James_NP-TL Version_NN-TL has_HVZ been_BEN most_QL generally_RB co
nsidered_VBN the_AT most_QL poetic_JJ and_CC beautiful_JJ of_IN all_ABN translat
ions_NNS of_IN the_AT Bible_NP ._. However_WRB ,_, Biblical_JJ scholars_NNS freq
uently_RB attested_VBD to_IN its_PP$ numerous_JJ inaccuracies_NNS ,_, as_QL old_
JJ manuscripts_NNS were_BED uncovered_VBN and_CC scholarship_NN advanced_VBD ._.
This_DT resulted_VBD in_IN revisions_NNS of_IN the_AT King_NN-TL James_NP-TL Bi
ble_NP-TL in_IN 1881-85_CD as_CS the_AT English_NP-TL Revised_VBN-TL Version_NN-
TL and_CC in_IN 1901_CD as_CS the_AT American_JJ-TL Standard_JJ-TL Version_NN-TL
._. Then_RB in_IN 1937_CD America's_NP$ International_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL of_IN
-TL Religious_JJ-TL Education_NN-TL authorized_VBD a_AT new_JJ revision_NN ,_, i
n_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN expanded_VBN knowledge_NN of_IN ancient_JJ manuscript
s_NNS and_CC languages_NNS ._. Undertaken_VBN by_IN 32_CD American_JJ scholars_N
NS ,_, under_IN the_AT chairmanship_NN of_IN Rev._NP Dr._NN-TL Luther_NP A._NP W
eigle_NP ,_, former_AP dean_NN of_IN Yale_NP-TL University_NN-TL Divinity_NN-TL
School_NN-TL ,_, their_PP$ studies_NNS resulted_VBD in_IN the_AT publishing_NN o
f_IN the_AT Revised_VBN-TL Standard_JJ-TL Version_NN-TL ,_, 1946-52_CD ._. Not_*
-HL rival_NN-HL The_AT New_JJ-TL English_NP-TL Bible_NP-TL (_( the_AT Old_JJ-TL
Testament_NN-TL and_CC Apocrypha_NP will_MD be_BE published_VBN at_IN a_AT futur
e_JJ date_NN )_) has_HVZ not_* been_BEN planned_VBN to_TO rival_VB or_CC replace
_VB the_AT King_NN-TL James_NP-TL Version_NN-TL ,_, but_CC ,_, as_CS its_PP$ cov
er_NN states_VBZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ offered_VBN ``_`` simply_RB as_CS the_AT Bibl
e_NP to_IN all_ABN those_DTS who_WPS will_MD use_VB it_PPO in_IN reading_VBG ,_,
teaching_VBG ,_, or_CC worship_NN ''_'' ._. Time_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN will_MD
testify_VB whether_CS the_AT new_JJ version_NN will_MD have_HV achieved_VBN its
_PP$ purpose_NN ._. Bible_NP reading_NN ,_, even_QL more_QL so_RB than_CS good_J
J classical_JJ music_NN ,_, grows_VBZ in_IN depth_NN and_CC meaning_NN upon_IN r
epetition_NN ._. If_CS this_DT new_JJ Bible_NP does_DOZ not_* increase_VB in_IN
significance_NN by_IN repeated_VBN readings_NNS throughout_IN the_AT years_NNS ,
_, it_PPS will_MD not_* survive_VB the_AT ages_NNS as_CS has_HVZ the_AT King_NN-
TL James_NP-TL Version_NN-TL ._. However_WRB ,_, an_AT initial_JJ perusal_NN and
_CC comparison_NN of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT famous_JJ passages_NNS with_IN the
_AT same_AP parts_NNS of_IN other_AP versions_NNS seems_VBZ to_TO speak_VB well_
RB of_IN the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN the_AT British_JJ Biblical_JJ scholars_NNS ._.
One_PN is_BEZ impressed_VBN with_IN the_AT dignity_NN ,_, clarity_NN and_CC bea
uty_NN of_IN this_DT new_JJ translation_NN into_IN contemporary_JJ English_NP ,_
, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT doubt_NN that_CS the_AT meaning_NN of_IN the_AT B
ible_NP is_BEZ more_QL easily_RB understandable_JJ to_IN the_AT general_JJ reade
r_NN in_IN contemporary_JJ language_NN in_IN the_AT frequently_RB archaic_JJ wor
ds_NNS and_CC phrases_NNS of_IN the_AT King_NN-TL James_NP ._. For_IN example_NN
,_, in_IN the_AT third_OD chapter_NN of_IN Matthew_NP ,_, verses_NNS 13-16_CD ,
_, describing_VBG the_AT baptism_NN of_IN Jesus_NP ,_, the_AT 1611_CD version_NN
reads_VBZ :_: ``_`` Then_RB cometh_VBZ Jesus_NP from_IN Galilee_NP to_IN Jordan
_NP unto_IN John_NP ,_, to_TO be_BE baptized_VBN of_IN him_PPO ._. ``_`` But_CC
John_NP forbad_VBD him_PPO ,_, saying_VBG ,_, I_PPSS have_HV need_NN to_TO be_BE
baptized_VBN of_IN thee_PPO ,_, and_CC comest_VB thou_PPSS to_IN me_PPO ?_. ?_.
``_`` And_CC Jesus_NP answering_VBG said_VBD unto_IN him_PPO ,_, Suffer_VB it_P
PO to_TO be_BE so_RB now_RB :_: for_CS thus_RB it_PPS becometh_VBZ us_PPO to_TO
fulfill_VB all_ABN righteousness_NN ._. Then_RB he_PPS suffered_VBD him_PPO ._.
``_`` And_CC Jesus_NP ,_, when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ baptized_VBN went_VBD up_RP s
traightway_RB out_IN of_IN the_AT water_NN :_: and_CC lo_UH ,_, the_AT heavens_N
NS were_BED opened_VBN unto_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC he_PPS saw_VBD the_AT Spirit_N
N-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL descending_VBG like_CS a_AT dove_NN ,_, and_CC lighting_
VBG upon_IN him_PPO ''_'' ._. Clearer_JJR-HL meaning_NN-HL Certainly_RB ,_, the_
AT meaning_NN is_BEZ clearer_JJR to_IN one_PN who_WPS is_BEZ not_* familiar_JJ w
ith_IN Biblical_JJ teachings_NNS ,_, in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL English_NP-TL Bible_
NP-TL which_WDT reads_VBZ :_: ``_`` Then_RB Jesus_NP arrived_VBD at_IN Jordan_NP
from_IN Galilee_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS came_VBD to_IN John_NP to_TO be_BE baptize
d_VBN by_IN him_PPO ._. John_NP tried_VBD to_TO dissuade_VB him_PPO ._. '_' Do_D
O you_PPSS come_VB to_IN me_PPO '_' ?_. ?_. He_PPS said_VBD ;_. ;_. '_' I_PPSS n
eed_VB rather_RB to_TO be_BE baptized_VBN by_IN you_PPO ._. Jesus_NP replied_VBD
,_, '_' let_VB it_PPO be_BE so_RB for_IN the_AT present_JJ ;_. ;_. we_PPSS do_D
O well_RB to_TO conform_VB this_DT way_NN with_IN all_ABN that_WPO God_NP requir
es_VBZ ._. John_NP then_RB allowed_VBD him_PPO to_TO come_VB ._. After_CS baptis
m_NN Jesus_NP came_VBD up_RP out_IN of_IN the_AT water_NN at_IN once_RB ,_, and_
CC at_IN that_DT moment_NN heaven_NN opened_VBD ;_. ;_. he_PPS saw_VBD the_AT Sp
irit_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL descending_VBG like_CS a_AT dove_NN to_TO alight_V
B upon_IN him_PPO ''_'' ;_. ;_. (_( the_AT paragraphing_NN ,_, spelling_NN and_C
C punctuation_NN are_BER reproduced_VBN as_CS printed_VBN in_IN each_DT version_
NN ._. )_) Among_IN the_AT most_QL frequently_RB quoted_VBN Biblical_JJ sentence
s_NNS are_BER the_AT Beatitudes_NPS and_CC yet_RB so_QL few_AP persons_NNS ,_, o
ther_AP than_IN scholars_NNS ,_, really_RB understand_VB the_AT true_JJ meaning_
NN of_IN these_DTS eight_CD blessings_NNS uttered_VBN by_IN Jesus_NP at_IN the_A
T beginning_NN of_IN the_AT Sermon_NN-TL on_IN-TL the_AT-TL Mount_NN-TL ._. To_T
O illustrate_VB ,_, the_AT first_OD blessing_NN in_IN the_AT King_NN-TL James_NP
-TL Bible_NP-TL reads_VBZ :_: ``_`` Blessed_VBN are_BER the_AT poor_JJ in_IN spi
rit_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS their's_PP$$ is_BEZ the_AT kingdom_NN of_IN heaven_NN ''_'
' ._. The_AT new_JJ version_NN states_VBZ :_: ``_`` How_WRB blest_VBN are_BER th
ose_DTS who_WPS know_VB that_CS they_PPSS are_BER poor_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT kingdom
_NN of_IN Heaven_NN-TL is_BEZ theirs_PP$$ ''_'' ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT poetic
_JJ cadence_NN of_IN the_AT older_JJR version_NN certainly_RB is_BEZ lost_VBN in
_IN the_AT newer_JJR one_CD ,_, but_CC almost_RB anyone_PN ,_, with_IN a_AT fair
_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT English_JJ language_NN ,_, can_MD understand_VB th
e_AT meaning_NN ,_, without_IN the_AT necessity_NN of_IN interpretation_NN by_IN
a_AT Biblical_JJ scholar_NN ._. To_IN a_AT novice_NN that_WPS is_BEZ significan
t_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT second_OD and_CC third_OD chapters_NNS of_IN Revelation_NN
-TL the_AT new_JJ version_NN retains_VBZ ,_, however_WRB ,_, the_AT old_JJ phras
e_NN ``_`` angel_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN ''_'' which_WDT Biblical_JJ scholars_
NNS have_HV previously_RB interpreted_VBN as_CS meaning_VBG bishop_NN ._. This_D
T is_BEZ not_* contemporary_JJ English_NP ._. Mostly_RB-HL contemporary_JJ-HL Fo
r_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, the_AT new_JJ version_NN is_BEZ
contemporary_JJ and_CC ,_, as_CS such_JJ ,_, should_MD be_BE the_AT means_NNS fo
r_IN many_AP to_TO attain_VB a_AT clearer_JJR comprehension_NN of_IN the_AT mean
ing_NN of_IN those_DTS words_NNS recorded_VBN so_QL many_AP hundreds_NNS of_IN y
ears_NNS ago_RB by_IN the_AT first_OD followers_NNS of_IN Christ_NP ._. Original
ly_RB recorded_VBN by_IN hand_NN ,_, these_DTS words_NNS have_HV been_BEN copied
_VBN and_CC recopied_VBN ,_, translated_VBN and_CC retranslated_VBN through_IN t
he_AT ages_NNS ._. Discoveries_NNS recently_RB made_VBN of_IN old_JJ Biblical_JJ
manuscripts_NNS in_IN Hebrew_NP and_CC Greek_NP and_CC other_AP ancient_JJ writ
ings_NNS ,_, some_DTI by_IN the_AT early_JJ church_NN fathers_NNS ,_, in_IN them
selves_PPLS called_VBD for_IN a_AT restudy_NN of_IN the_AT Bible_NP ._. To_TO ha
ve_HV the_AT results_NNS recorded_VBN in_IN everyday_JJ usable_JJ English_NP sho
uld_MD be_BE of_IN benefit_NN to_IN all_ABN who_WPS seek_VB the_AT truth_NN ._.
There_EX is_BEZ one_CD danger_NN ,_, however_WRB ._. With_IN contemporary_JJ Eng
lish_NP changing_VBG with_IN the_AT rapidity_NN that_WPS marks_VBZ this_DT jet_N
N age_NN ,_, some_DTI of_IN the_AT words_NNS and_CC phrases_NNS of_IN the_AT new
_JJ version_NN may_MD themselves_PPLS soon_RB become_VB archaic_JJ ._. The_AT on
ly_AP answer_NN will_MD be_BE continuous_JJ study_NN ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL Testam
ent_NN-TL offered_VBD to_IN the_AT public_NN today_NR is_BEZ the_AT first_OD res
ult_NN of_IN the_AT work_NN of_IN a_AT joint_JJ committee_NN made_VBN up_RP of_I
N representatives_NNS of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL England_NP-TL ,_, Churc
h_NN-TL of_IN-TL Scotland_NP-TL ,_, Methodist_NP-TL Church_NN-TL ,_, Congregatio
nal_JJ-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, Baptist_NP-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, Presbyterian_NP-TL Churc
h_NN-TL of_IN-TL England_NP ,_, Churches_NNS-TL in_IN Wales_NP ,_, Churches_NNS-
TL in_IN Ireland_NP ,_, Society_NN-TL of_IN-TL Friends_NNS-TL ,_, British_JJ-TL
and_CC-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Bible_NP-TL Society_NN-TL and_CC National_JJ-TL Society_
NN-TL of_IN-TL Scotland_NP ._. Prof._NN-TL C._NP H._NP Dodd_NP ,_, 76_CD ,_, a_A
T Congregational_JJ-TL minister_NN and_CC a_AT leading_VBG authority_NN on_IN th
e_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ general_JJ director_NN of_IN the_AT pr
oject_NN and_CC chairman_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL panel_NN ._.
Sizzling_VBG temperatures_NNS and_CC hot_JJ summer_NN pavements_NNS are_BER anyt
hing_PN but_IN kind_JJ to_IN the_AT feet_NNS ._. That_DT is_BEZ why_WRB it_PPS i
s_BEZ important_JJ to_TO invest_VB in_IN comfortable_JJ ,_, airy_JJ types_NNS of
_IN shoes_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP soft_JJ and_CC light_JJ shoe_NN leath
ers_NNS available_JJ ._. Many_AP styles_NNS have_HV perforations_NNS and_CC an_A
T almost_RB weightlessness_NN achieved_VBN via_IN unlined_JJ leathers_NNS ._. So
ftness_NN is_BEZ found_VBN in_IN crushed_VBN textures_NNS ._. Styles_NNS run_VB
the_AT gamut_NN from_IN slender_JJ and_CC tapered_VBN with_IN elongated_VBN toes
_NNS to_IN a_AT newer_JJR squared_VBN toe_NN shape_NN ._. Heels_NNS place_VB emp
hasis_NN on_IN the_AT long_JJ legged_JJ silhouette_NN ._. Wine_NN glass_NN heels
_NNS are_BER to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN both_ABX high_JJ and_CC semi-heights_NN
S ._. Stacked_VBN heels_NNS are_BER also_RB popular_JJ on_IN dressy_JJ or_CC tai
lored_VBN shoes_NNS ._. Just_RB the_AT barest_JJT suggestion_NN of_IN a_AT heel_
NN is_BEZ found_VBN on_IN teenage_JJ pumps_NNS ._. Coolest_JJT-HL shade_NN-HL Wh
ile_CS white_JJ is_BEZ the_AT coolest_JJT summer_NN shade_NN ,_, there_EX are_BE
R lots_NNS of_IN pastel_NN hues_NNS along_IN with_IN tintable_JJ fabrics_NNS tha
t_WPS will_MD blend_VB with_IN any_DTI wardrobe_NN color_NN ._. In_IN the_AT tin
table_JJ group_NN are_BER high_JJ and_CC little_JJ heels_NNS ,_, squared_VBN and
_CC oval_JJ throats_NNS ,_, and_CC shantung-like_JJ textures_NNS ._. Don't_DO* o
verlook_VB the_AT straws_NNS this_DT year_NN ._. They_PPSS come_VB in_IN crisp_J
J basket_NN weaves_NNS in_IN natural_JJ honey_NN hues_NNS ,_, along_IN with_IN l
acey_JJ open_JJ weaves_NNS with_IN a_AT lustre_NN finish_NN in_IN natural_JJ ,_,
white_JJ ,_, black_JJ and_CC a_AT whole_JJ range_NN of_IN colors_NNS ._. In_IN
the_AT casual_JJ field_NN straws_NNS feature_VB wedge_NN heels_NNS of_IN cork_NN
or_CC carved_VBN wood_NN in_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN styles_NNS ._. For_IN adde
d_VBN comfort_NN some_DTI of_IN the_AT Italian_JJ designed_VBD sandals_NNS have_
HV foam_NN padded_VBN cushioning_NN ._. The_AT citrus_NN tones_NNS popular_JJ in
_IN clothing_NN are_BER also_RB to_TO be_BE found_VBN afoot_RB ._. Orange_JJ and
_CC lemon_NN are_BER considered_VBN important_JJ as_CS are_BER such_JJ pastels_N
NS as_CS blue_JJ and_CC lilac_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT brighter_JJR nautical_JJ vein_NN
is_BEZ Ille_FW-NN-TL De_FW-IN-TL France_NP blue_JJ ._. Contrast_NN trim_NN prov
ides_VBZ other_AP touches_NNS of_IN color_NN ._. Spectators_NNS in_IN white_JJ c
rush_NN textures_NNS dip_VB toe_NN and_CC heel_NN in_IN smooth_JJ black_JJ ,_, n
avy_JJ and_CC taffy_NN tan_JJ ._. Designed_VBN-HL for_IN-HL ease_NN-HL Designed_
VBN for_IN summer_NN comfort_NN are_BER the_AT shoes_NNS illustrated_VBN ._. At_
IN the_AT left_NR is_BEZ a_AT pair_NN of_IN dressy_JJ straw_NN pumps_NNS in_IN a
_AT light_JJ ,_, but_CC crisp_JJ texture_NN ._. In_IN a_AT lacey_JJ open_JJ weav
e_NN shoes_NNS have_HV a_AT luster_NN finish_NN ,_, braided_VBN collar_NN and_CC
bow_NN highlight_NN on_IN the_AT squared_VBN throat_NN ._. At_IN right_NR is_BE
Z a_AT casual_JJ style_NN in_IN a_AT crushed_VBN unlined_JJ white_JJ leather_NN
._. Flats_NNS have_HV a_AT scalloped_VBN throat_NN ._. An_AT electric_JJ toothbr
ush_NN (_( Broxodent_NP )_) may_MD soon_RB take_VB its_PP$ place_NN next_IN to_I
N the_AT electric_JJ razor_NN in_IN the_AT American_JJ bathroom_NN ._. The_AT br
ush_NN moves_VBZ up_RP and_CC down_RP and_CC is_BEZ small_JJ enough_QLP to_TO cl
ean_VB every_AT dental_JJ surface_NN ,_, including_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN the_A
T teeth_NNS ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, the_AT motor_NN has_HVZ the_AT seal_NN of_
IN approval_NN of_IN the_AT Underwriters_NNS-TL Laboratories_NNS-TL ,_, which_WD
T means_VBZ it_PPS is_BEZ safe_JJ ._. The_AT unit_NN consists_VBZ of_IN a_AT sma
ll_JJ motor_NN that_DT goes_VBZ on_RP as_QL soon_RB as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ plugged_
VBN in_RP ._. The_AT speed_NN is_BEZ controlled_VBN by_IN pressing_VBG on_IN the
_AT two_CD brake_NN buttons_NNS located_VBN where_WRB the_AT index_NN finger_NN
and_CC thumb_NN are_BER placed_VBN when_WRB holding_VBG the_AT motor_NN ._. The_
AT brushes_NNS can_MD be_BE cleaned_VBN and_CC sterilized_VBN by_IN boiling_VBG
and_CC are_BER detachable_JJ so_CS that_CS every_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT famil
y_NN can_MD have_HV his_PP$ own_JJ ._. Most_AP of_IN us_PPO brush_VB our_PP$ tee
th_NNS by_IN hand_NN ._. The_AT same_AP can_MD be_BE said_VBN of_IN shaving_VBG
yet_CC the_AT electric_JJ razor_NN has_HVZ proved_VBN useful_JJ to_IN many_AP me
n_NNS ._. The_AT electric_JJ toothbrush_NN moves_VBZ in_IN a_AT vertical_JJ dire
ction_NN ,_, the_AT way_NN dentists_NNS recommend_VB ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, i
t_PPS is_BEZ small_JJ enough_QLP to_TO get_VB into_IN crevices_NNS ,_, jacket_NN
and_CC crown_NN margins_NNS ,_, malposed_JJ anteriors_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT bac
k_NN teeth_NNS ._. The_AT bristles_NNS are_BER soft_JJ enough_QLP to_TO massage_
VB the_AT gums_NNS and_CC not_* scratch_VB the_AT enamel_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ co
nceivable_JJ that_WPS Broxodent_NP could_MD do_DO a_AT better_JJR job_NN than_CS
ordinary_JJ brushing_NN ,_, especially_RB in_IN those_DTS who_WPS do_DO not_* b
rush_VB their_PP$ teeth_NNS properly_RB ._. Several_AP dentists_NNS and_CC patie
nts_NNS with_IN special_JJ dental_JJ problems_NNS have_HV experimented_VBN with_
IN the_AT device_NN ._. The_AT results_NNS were_BED good_JJ although_CS they_PPS
S are_BER difficult_JJ to_TO compare_VB with_IN hand_NN brushing_NN ,_, particul
arly_RB when_WRB the_AT individual_NN knows_VBZ how_WRB to_TO brush_VB his_PP$ t
eeth_NNS properly_RB ._. The_AT electric_JJ gadget_NN is_BEZ most_QL helpful_JJ
when_WRB there_EX are_BER many_AP crowned_VBN teeth_NNS and_CC in_IN individuals
_NNS who_WPS are_BER elderly_JJ ,_, bedfast_JJ with_IN a_AT chronic_JJ disease_N
N ,_, or_CC are_BER handicapped_VBN by_IN disorders_NNS such_JJ as_CS cerebral_J
J palsy_NN or_CC muscular_JJ dystrophy_NN ._. But_CC for_IN many_AP of_IN us_PPO
,_, it_PPS will_MD prove_VB an_AT enjoyable_JJ luxury_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_
* as_QL convenient_JJ as_CS the_AT old_JJ type_NN toothbrush_NN and_CC the_AT pa
ste_NN tends_VBZ to_TO shimmy_VB off_IN the_AT bristles_NNS ._. Since_CS the_AT
apparatus_NN is_BEZ new_JJ ,_, it_PPS requires_VBZ experimentation_NN and_CC cha
nges_NNS in_IN technique_NN ._. Turn_VB-HL over_RP-HL writes_VBZ :_: Does_DOZ nu
mbness_NN in_IN the_AT left_JJ hand_NN at_IN night_NN ,_, which_WDT awakens_VBZ
the_AT person_NN ,_, indicate_VB brain_NN tumor_NN ?_. ?_. Reply_NN-HL :_: no_RB
._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT common_JJ symptom_NN and_CC the_AT cause_NN usually_RB
is_BEZ pressure_NN on_IN the_AT nerve_NN leading_VBG to_IN the_AT affected_VBN h
and_NN ._. The_AT pressure_NN may_MD come_VB from_IN muscles_NNS ,_, tendons_NNS
,_, or_CC bones_NNS anywhere_RB from_IN the_AT neck_NN to_IN the_AT hand_NN ._.
Steam_NN-HL baths_NNS-HL writes_VBZ :_: Do_DO steam_NN baths_NNS have_HV any_DT
I health_NN value_NN ?_. ?_. Reply_NN-HL :_: No_RB ,_, other_AP than_IN cleaning
_VBG out_RP the_AT pores_NNS and_CC making_VBG the_AT sweat_NN glands_NNS work_V
B harder_RBR ._. An_AT ordinary_JJ hot_JJ bath_NN or_CC shower_NN will_MD do_DO
the_AT same_AP ._. Sewing_VBG-HL brings_VBZ-HL numbness_NN-HL writes_VBZ :_: Wha
t_WDT makes_VBZ my_PP$ hands_NNS numb_JJ when_WRB sewing_VBG ?_. ?_. Reply_NN-HL
:_: There_EX are_BER many_AP possibilities_NNS ,_, including_IN poor_JJ circula
tion_NN ,_, a_AT variety_NN of_IN neurological_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, and_CC func
tional_JJ disorders_NNS ._. This_DT manifestation_NN may_MD be_BE an_AT early_JJ
sign_NN of_IN multiple_JJ sclerosis_NN or_CC the_AT beginning_NN of_IN sewer's_
NN$ cramp_NN ._. Brace_VB-HL for_IN-HL sciatica_NN-HL writes_VBZ :_: Does_DOZ a_
AT brace_NN help_VB in_IN sciatica_NN ?_. ?_. Reply_NN :_: A_AT back_NN brace_NN
might_MD help_VB ,_, depending_IN upon_IN the_AT cause_NN of_IN sciatica_NN ._.
Cholesterol_NN-HL and_CC-HL thyroid_NN-HL writes_VBZ :_: Does_DOZ the_AT choles
terol_NN go_VB down_RP when_WRB most_AP of_IN the_AT thyroid_NN gland_NN is_BEZ
removed_VBN ?_. ?_. Reply_NN-HL :_: no_RB ._. It_PPS usually_RB goes_VBZ up_RP .
_. The_AT cholesterol_NN level_NN in_IN the_AT blood_NN is_BEZ influenced_VBN by
_IN the_AT glands_NNS of_IN the_AT body_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ low_JJ when_WRB the
_AT thyroid_NN is_BEZ overactive_JJ and_CC high_JJ when_WRB the_AT gland_NN is_B
EZ sluggish_JJ ._. The_AT latter_AP is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO occur_VB when_WRB the
_AT thyroid_NN is_BEZ removed_VBN ._. The_AT gap_NN between_IN the_AT bookshelf_
NN and_CC the_AT record_NN cabinet_NN grows_VBZ smaller_JJR with_IN each_DT new_
JJ recording_NN catalogue_NN ._. There's_EX+BEZ more_AP reading_NN and_CC instru
ction_NN to_TO be_BE heard_VBN on_IN discs_NNS than_CS ever_RB before_RB ,_, alt
hough_CS the_AT spoken_VBN rather_IN than_IN the_AT sung_VBN word_NN is_BEZ as_Q
L old_JJ as_CS Thomas_NP Alva_NP Edison's_NP$ first_OD experiment_NN in_IN recor
ded_VBN sound_NN ._. Edison_NP could_MD hardly_RB have_HV guessed_VBN ,_, howeve
r_WRB ,_, that_CS Sophocles_NP would_MD one_CD day_NN appear_VB in_IN stereo_NN
._. If_CS the_AT record_NN buyer's_NN$ tastes_NNS are_BER somewhat_QL eclectic_J
J or_CC even_RB the_AT slightest_JJT bit_NN esoteric_JJ ,_, he_PPS will_MD find_
VB them_PPO satisfied_VBN on_IN educational_JJ records_NNS ._. And_CC he_PPS wil
l_MD avoid_VB eye-strain_NN in_IN the_AT process_NN ._. Everything_PN from_IN po
etry_NN to_IN phonetics_NN ,_, history_NN to_IN histrionics_NN ,_, philosophy_NN
to_IN party_NN games_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN adapted_VBN to_IN the_AT turntable_NN
._. For_IN sheer_JJ ambition_NN ,_, take_VB the_AT Decca_NP series_NN titled_VB
N modestly_RB ``_`` Wisdom_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Volumes_NNS-TL One_CD-TL and_CC Two_C
D-TL ,_, selected_VBN from_IN the_AT sound_NN tracks_NNS of_IN a_AT television_N
N series_NN ,_, contain_VB ``_`` conversations_NNS with_IN the_AT elder_JJR wise
_JJ men_NNS of_IN our_PP$ day_NN ''_'' ._. These_DTS sages_NNS include_VB poet_N
N Carl_NP Sandburg_NP ,_, statesman_NN Jawaharlal_NP Nehru_NP and_CC sculptor_NN
Jacques_NP Lipchitz_NP ,_, in_IN Volume_NN-TL One_CD-TL ,_, and_CC playwright_N
N Sean_NP O'Casey_NP ,_, David_NP Ben-Gurion_NP ,_, philosopher_NN Bertrand_NP R
ussell_NP and_CC the_AT late_JJ Frank_NP Lloyd_NP Wright_NP in_IN the_AT second_
OD set_NN ._. Hugh_NP Downs_NP is_BEZ heard_VBN interviewing_VBG Wright_NP ,_, f
or_IN an_AT added_VBN prestige_NN fillip_NN ._. There's_EX+BEZ more_AP specializ
ation_NN and_CC a_AT narrower_JJR purpose_NN in_IN two_CD albums_NNS recently_RB
issued_VBN by_IN Dover_NP-TL Publications_NNS-TL ._. Dover_NP ``_`` publishes_V
BZ ''_'' what_WDT the_AT company_NN calls_VBZ ``_`` Listen_VB-TL And_CC-TL Learn
_VB-TL ''_'' Productions_NNS-TL designed_VBN to_TO teach_VB foreign_JJ languages
_NNS ._. Previous_JJ presentations_NNS have_HV been_BEN on_IN French_JJ ,_, Span
ish_JJ ,_, Russian_NP ,_, Italian_NP ,_, German_NP and_CC Japanese_NP ._. But_CC
the_AT firm_NN has_HVZ recognized_VBN the_AT tight_JJ dollar_NN and_CC the_AT t
ourist's_NN$ desire_NN to_TO visit_VB the_AT ``_`` smaller_JJR ,_, less-traveled
_JJ and_CC relatively_QL inexpensive_JJ countries_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC is_BEZ no
w_RB prepared_VBN to_TO teach_VB modern_JJ Greek_NP and_CC Portuguese_NP through
_IN recordings_NNS ._. The_AT respective_JJ vocabularies_NNS ``_`` essential_JJ
for_IN travel_NN ''_'' are_BER available_JJ in_IN separate_JJ albums_NNS ._. Tha
nks_NNS to_IN Spoken_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL Records_NNS-TL ,_, history_NN buffs_NNS
may_MD hear_VB Lincoln's_NP$ ``_`` most_QL memorable_JJ speeches_NNS and_CC lett
ers_NNS ''_'' in_IN a_AT two-disc_JJ set_NN ,_, interpreted_VBN by_IN Lincoln_NP
authority_NN and_CC lecturer_NN Roy_NP P._NP Basler_NP ._. As_CS a_AT contempor
ary_JJ bonus_NN ,_, the_AT set_NN includes_VBZ Carl_NP Sandburg's_NP$ address_NN
at_IN a_AT joint_JJ session_NN of_IN Congress_NP ,_, delivered_VBN on_IN Lincol
n's_NP$ birthday_NN two_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. For_IN those_DTS who_WPS ``_`` l
ike_VB poetry_NN but_CC never_RB get_VB around_RB to_IN reading_VBG it_PPO ''_''
,_, the_AT Library_NN-TL of_IN-TL Congress_NP-TL makes_VBZ it_PPO possible_JJ f
or_IN poets_NNS to_TO be_BE heard_VBN reading_VBG their_PP$ own_JJ work_NN ._. T
he_AT program_NN was_BEDZ instituted_VBN in_IN 1940_CD ,_, and_CC releases_NNS a
re_BER available_JJ only_RB from_IN the_AT Recording_VBG-TL Laboratory_NN-TL of_
IN the_AT Library_NN-TL of_IN-TL Congress_NP-TL ,_, Washington_NP 25_CD ,_, D.C.
_NP ._. A_AT catalogue_NN is_BEZ available_JJ on_IN request_NN ._. Newest_JJT on
_IN the_AT list_NN are_BER John_NP Ciardi_NP ,_, W._NP D._NP Snodgrass_NP ,_, I.
_NP A._NP Richards_NP ,_, Oscar_NP Williams_NP ,_, Robert_NP Hillyer_NP ,_, John
_NP Hall_NP Wheelock_NP ,_, Stephen_NP Vincent_NP Benet_NP ,_, Edwin_NP Muir_NP
,_, John_NP Peal_NP Bishop_NP and_CC Maxwell_NP Bodenheim_NP ._. Two_CD poets_NN
S are_BER paired_VBN on_IN each_DT record_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT order_NN given_VBN
above_RB ._. Decca_NP is_BEZ not_* the_AT only_AP large_JJ commercial_JJ compan
y_NN to_TO impart_VB instruction_NN ._. RCA_NP Victor_NN-TL has_HVZ an_AT ambiti
ous_JJ and_CC useful_JJ project_NN in_IN a_AT stereo_NN series_NN called_VBN ``_
`` Adventures_NNS-TL In_IN-TL Music_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ an_AT instr
uctional_JJ record_NN library_NN for_IN elementary_JJ schools_NNS ._. Howard_NP
Mitchell_NP and_CC the_AT National_JJ-TL Symphony_NN-TL perform_VB in_IN the_AT
first_OD two_CD releases_NNS ,_, designed_VBN for_IN grades_NNS one_CD and_CC tw
o_CD ._. Teaching_VBG guides_NNS are_BER included_VBN with_IN each_DT record_NN
._. In_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO fortify_VB himself_PPL against_IN the_AT unforse
en_JJ upsets_NNS sure_JJ to_TO arise_VB in_IN the_AT future_NN ,_, Herbert_NP A.
_NP Leggett_NP ,_, banker-editor_NN of_IN the_AT Phoenix_NP ``_`` Arizona_NP Pro
gress_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, reflects_VBZ upon_IN a_AT few_AP of_IN the_AT depressing_J
J experiences_NNS of_IN the_AT feverish_JJ fifties_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT r
oughest_JJT was_BEDZ the_AT TV_NN quiz_NN shows_NNS ,_, which_WDT gave_VBD him_P
PO inferiority_NN complexes_NNS ._. Though_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT great_JJ reli
ef_NN when_WRB the_AT big_JJ brains_NNS on_IN these_DTS shows_NNS turned_VBD out
_RP to_TO be_BE frauds_NNS and_CC phonies_NNS ,_, it_PPS did_DOD irreparable_JJ
damage_NN to_IN the_AT ego_NN of_IN the_AT editor_NN and_CC many_AP another_DT i
ntelligent_JJ ,_, well-informed_JJ American_NP ._. But_CC the_AT one_CD that_WPS
upset_VBD the_AT financially_RB wise_JJ was_BEDZ the_AT professional_JJ dancer_
NN who_WPS related_VBD in_IN a_AT book_NN how_WRB he_PPS parlayed_VBD his_PP$ ea
rnings_NNS into_IN a_AT $2,000,000_NNS profit_NN on_IN the_AT stock_NN market_NN
._. Every_AT man_NN who_WPS dabbles_VBZ in_IN the_AT market_NN to_TO make_VB a_
AT little_AP easy_JJ money_NN on_IN the_AT side_NN and_CC suffers_VBZ losses_NNS
could_MD at_IN the_AT time_NN hardly_RB face_VB his_PP$ wife_NN who_WPS was_BED
Z wondering_VBG how_WRB her_PP$ husband_NN could_MD be_BE so_QL dumb_JJ ._. Inve
stors_NNS breathed_VBD more_QL freely_RB when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ learned_VBN th
at_CS this_DT acrobatic_JJ dancer_NN had_HVD turned_VBN magician_NN and_CC was_B
EDZ only_RB doing_VBG a_AT best_JJT seller_NN book_NN to_TO make_VB some_DTI dou
gh_NN ._. People_NNS who_WPS take_VB us_PPO for_IN suckers_NNS are_BER like_CS t
he_AT Westerner_NP who_WPS had_HVD on_IN exhibit_NN his_PP$ superior_JJ marksman
ship_NN in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN bull's-eye_NN achievemen
ts_NNS ._. The_AT promoter_NN who_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO sign_VB him_PPO up_RP for
_IN the_AT circus_NN asked_VBD him_PPO how_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO do_
DO it_PPO ._. His_PP$ answer_NN was_BEDZ simple_JJ but_CC honest_JJ ._. He_PPS j
ust_RB shot_VBD at_IN the_AT board_NN and_CC then_RB drew_VBD circles_NNS around
_IN the_AT holes_NNS to_TO form_VB a_AT bull's-eye_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT ob
stacles_NNS to_IN the_AT easy_JJ control_NN of_IN a_AT 2-year-old_JJ child_NN is
_BEZ a_AT lack_NN of_IN verbal_JJ communication_NN ._. The_AT child_NN understan
ds_VBZ no_RB ._. He_PPS senses_VBZ his_PP$ mother's_NN$ disapproval_NN ._. But_C
C explanations_NNS leave_VB him_PPO confused_VBN and_CC unmoved_JJ ._. If_CS his
_PP$ mother_NN loves_VBZ him_PPO ,_, he_PPS clings_VBZ to_IN that_DT love_NN as_
CS a_AT ballast_NN ._. It_PPS motivates_VBZ his_PP$ behavior_NN ._. He_PPS wants
_VBZ Mommy_NP to_TO think_VB him_PPO a_AT good_JJ boy_NN ._. He_PPS doesn't_DOZ*
want_VB her_PPO to_TO look_VB frowningly_RB at_IN him_PPO ,_, or_CC speak_VB to
_IN him_PPO angrily_RB ._. This_DT breaks_VBZ his_PP$ heart_NN ._. He_PPS wants_
VBZ to_TO be_BE called_VBN sweet_JJ ,_, good_JJ ,_, considerate_JJ and_CC mother
's_NN$ little_JJ helper_NN ._. But_CC even_RB mother's_NN$ loving_VBG attitude_N
N will_MD not_* always_RB prevent_VB misbehavior_NN ._. His_PP$ desires_NNS are_
BER so_QL strong_JJ that_CS he_PPS needs_VBZ constant_JJ reassurance_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ mother's_NN$ love_NN for_IN him_PPO and_CC what_WDT she_PPS expects_VBZ of
_IN him_PPO ,_, in_IN order_NN to_TO overcome_VB them_PPO ._. His_PP$ own_JJ inn
er_JJ voice_NN ,_, which_WDT should_MD tell_VB him_PPO what_WDT not_* to_TO do_D
O ,_, has_HVZ not_* developed_VBN ._. It_PPS won't_MD* develop_VB until_CS he_PP
S has_HVZ words_NNS with_IN which_WDT to_TO clothe_VB it_PPO ._. The_AT conscien
ce_NN is_BEZ non-existent_JJ in_IN the_AT 2-year-old_NN ._. What_WDT can_MD a_AT
mother_NN do_DO then_RB to_TO prevent_VB misbehavior_NN ?_. ?_. She_PPS can_MD
decrease_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN temptations_NNS ._. She_PPS can_MD remove_VB
all_ABN knick-knacks_NNS within_IN reach_NN ._. The_AT fewer_JJR nos_NNS she_PPS
has_HVZ to_TO utter_VB the_AT more_QL effective_JJ they_PPSS will_MD be_BE ._.
She_PPS should_MD offer_VB substitutes_NNS for_IN the_AT temptations_NNS which_W
DT seem_VB overwhelmingly_RB desirable_JJ to_IN the_AT child_NN ._. If_CS he_PPS
can't_MD* play_VB with_IN Mommy's_NP$ magazines_NNS ,_, he_PPS should_MD have_H
V some_DTI old_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ ._. If_CS Daddy's_NN$-TL book
s_NNS are_BER out_IN of_IN bounds_NNS his_PP$ own_JJ picture_NN books_NNS are_BE
R not_* ._. Toys_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ can_MD be_BE made_VBN to_TO act_VB as_CS sub
stitutes_NNS for_IN family_NN temptations_NNS such_JJ as_CS refrigerator_NN and_
CC gas_NN stove_NN ._. During_IN this_DT precarious_JJ period_NN of_IN developme
nt_NN the_AT mother_NN should_MD continue_VB to_TO influence_VB the_AT growth_NN
of_IN the_AT child's_NN$ conscience_NN ._. She_PPS tells_VBZ him_PPO of_IN the_
AT consequences_NNS of_IN his_PP$ behavior_NN ._. If_CS he_PPS bites_VBZ a_AT pl
aymate_NN she_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Danny_NP won't_MD* like_VB you_PPO ''_'' ._
. If_CS he_PPS snatches_VBZ a_AT toy_NN ,_, she_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Caroline_
NP wants_VBZ her_PP$ own_JJ truck_NN just_RB as_CS you_PPSS do_DO ''_'' ._. Ther
e_EX is_BEZ no_AT use_NN trying_VBG to_IN ``_`` Explain_VB-TL ''_'' to_IN a_AT 2
-year-old_NN ._. Actions_NNS speak_VB louder_RBR ._. Remove_VB temptations_NNS .
_. Remove_VB the_AT child_NN from_IN the_AT scene_NN of_IN his_PP$ misbehavior_N
N ._. Substitute_VB approved_VBN objects_NNS for_IN forbidden_VBN ones_NNS and_C
C keep_VB telling_VBG him_PPO how_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ to_TO act_VB ._. He_PPS won'
t_MD* submit_VB to_IN his_PP$ natural_JJ desires_NNS all_ABN the_AT time_NN ,_,
and_CC it's_PPS+BEZ Mother's_NN$-TL love_NN that_WPS is_BEZ responsible_JJ for_I
N his_PP$ good_JJ behavior_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT period_NN during_IN the_
AT melancholy_JJ days_NNS of_IN autumn_NN when_WRB universities_NNS and_CC colle
ges_NNS schedule_VB what_WDT they_PPSS call_VB ``_`` Homecoming_NN-TL Day_NN-TL
''_'' ._. They_PPSS seek_VB thereby_RB to_TO lure_VB the_AT old_JJ grad_NN back_
RB to_IN the_AT old_JJ scenes_NNS ._. The_AT football_NN opponent_NN on_IN homec
oming_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, selected_VBN with_IN the_AT view_NN that
_CS said_VBN opponent_NN will_MD have_HV little_QL more_AP chance_NN than_CS did
_DOD a_AT Christian_NP when_WRB thrown_VBN to_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT emperor's_N
N$ lions_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT uncertaint
ies_NNS of_IN life_NN being_BEG what_WDT they_PPSS are_BER ,_, that_CS as_CS now
_RB and_CC then_RB the_AT Christian_NP killed_VBD the_AT lion_NN ,_, homecoming_
NN days_NNS have_HV been_BEN ruined_VBN by_IN a_AT visiting_VBG team_NN ._. Even
_RB with_IN all_QL possible_JJ precaution_NN ,_, homecomings_NNS are_BER usually
_RB rather_QL cruel_JJ and_CC sad_JJ ,_, and_CC only_RB the_AT perpetually_RB eb
ullient_JJ and_CC the_AT continually_RB optimistic_JJ are_BER made_VBN happy_JJ
by_IN them_PPO ._. More_QL often_RB than_CS not_* ,_, as_CS the_AT Old_JJ-TL Gra
d_NN-TL wanders_VBZ along_IN the_AT old_JJ paths_NNS ,_, his_PP$ memory_NN of_IN
happy_JJ days_NNS when_WRB he_PPS strolled_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT paths_NNS wi
th_IN a_AT coed_NN beside_IN him_PPO becomes_VBZ an_AT ache_NN and_CC a_AT pain_
NN ._. He_PPS can_MD smell_VB again_RB the_AT perfume_NN she_PPS wore_VBD and_CC
recall_VB the_AT lilting_VBG sound_NN of_IN laughter_NN ,_, and_CC can_MD smell
_VB again_RB the_AT aroma_NN of_IN autumn_NN --_-- fallen_VBN leaves_NNS ,_, the
_AT wine_NN of_IN cool_JJ air_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT nostalgia_NN of_IN woodsmoke_
NN which_WDT blows_VBZ through_IN all_ABN the_AT winds_NNS of_IN fall_NN ._. Und
ergraduates_NNS-HL It_PPS is_BEZ at_IN precisely_RB such_JJ moments_NNS that_CS
he_PPS encounters_VBZ a_AT couple_NN of_IN undergraduates_NNS ,_, faces_NNS alig
ht_JJ ,_, holding_VBG hands_NNS and_CC talking_VBG happily_RB as_CS they_PPSS co
me_VB along_RB ,_, oblivious_JJ of_IN him_PPO ,_, or_CC throwing_VBG him_PPO the
_AT most_QL fleeting_JJ and_CC casual_JJ of_IN glances_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS the
y_PPSS would_MD give_VB a_AT tethered_VBN goat_NN ._. Usually_RB ,_, they_PPSS t
itter_VB loudly_RB after_CS they_PPSS have_HV passed_VBN by_RB ._. His_PP$ dream
_NN goes_VBZ ._. He_PPS feels_VBZ ,_, suddenly_RB ,_, the_AT weight_NN of_IN the
_AT fat_JJ that_DT is_BEZ on_IN him_PPO ._. His_PP$ bridgework_NN or_CC his_PP$
plates_NNS feel_VB loose_JJ and_CC monstrous_JJ ._. His_PP$ bifocals_NNS blur_VB
._. His_PP$ legs_NNS suddenly_RB feel_VB heavy_JJ and_CC unaccountably_QL weary
_JJ ,_, as_CS if_CS he_PPS had_HVD walked_VBN for_IN miles_NNS ,_, instead_RB of
_IN strolling_VBG a_AT few_AP hundred_CD yards_NNS along_IN the_AT old_JJ campus
_NN paths_NNS ._. Bitterness_NN comes_VBZ over_IN him_PPO and_CC the_AT taste_NN
of_IN time_NN is_BEZ like_CS unripe_JJ persimmons_NNS in_IN his_PP$ mouth_NN ._
. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* much_QL better_JJR if_CS he_PPS meets_VBZ with_IN old_JJ c
lassmates_NNS ._. Too_QL often_RB ,_, unless_CS he_PPS hails_VBZ them_PPO ,_, th
ey_PPSS pass_VB him_PPO by_RB ._. He_PPS recalls_VBZ with_IN a_AT wry_JJ smile_N
N the_AT wit_NN who_WPS said_VBD ,_, on_IN returning_VBG from_IN a_AT homecoming
_NN reunion_NN ,_, that_CS he_PPS would_MD never_RB go_VB again_RB because_CS al
l_ABN his_PP$ class_NN had_HVD changed_VBN so_QL much_RB they_PPSS didn't_DOD* e
ven_RB recognize_VB him_PPO ._. If_CS they_PPSS do_DO meet_VB and_CC recognize_V
B one_CD another_DT ,_, slap_VB backs_NNS and_CC embrace_VB ,_, the_AT moment_NN
soon_RB is_BEZ done_VBN ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, when_WRB one_PN has_HVZ asked_
VBN whatever_WDT became_VBD of_IN old_JJ Joe_NP and_CC Charlie_NP when_WRB one_P
N has_HVZ inquired_VBN who_WPS it_PPS was_BEDZ Sue_NP Brown_NP married_VBD and_C
C where_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ they_PPSS now_RB live_VB when_WRB questions_NNS are_BE
R asked_VBN and_CC answered_VBN about_IN families_NNS and_CC children_NNS ,_, an
d_CC old_JJ professors_NNS when_WRB the_AT game_NN and_CC its_PP$ probable_JJ ou
tcome_NN has_HVZ been_BEN exhausted_VBN that_DT does_DOZ it_PPO ._. Middle-aged_
JJ-HL spread_NN-HL By_IN then_RB one_PN begins_VBZ to_TO notice_VB the_AT middle
-age_NN spread_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT gray_JJ hairs_NNS ,_, the_AT eyeglasses_NNS ,_,
bodies_NNS that_WPS are_BER too_QL thin_JJ or_CC too_QL heavy_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT
fading_VBG signs_NNS of_IN old_JJ beauty_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT athlete_NN of_IN by-
gone_JJ years_NNS who_WPS wears_VBZ a_AT size_NN 46_CD suit_NN and_CC puffs_VBZ
when_WRB he_PPS has_HVZ finished_VBN a_AT sentence_NN of_IN any_DTI length_NN th
en_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ time_NN to_TO break_VB it_PPO up_RP and_CC move_VB on_RP
._. It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, if_CS anything_PN ,_, worse_JJR on_IN the_AT old_JJ playe
r_NN He_PPS sits_VBZ in_IN the_AT stands_NNS and_CC he_PPS doesn't_DOZ* like_VB
that_DT ._. Enough_AP of_IN his_PP$ life_NN was_BEDZ spent_VBN there_RB on_IN th
e_AT field_NN for_IN him_PPO never_RB to_TO like_VB watching_VBG the_AT game_NN
as_CS a_AT spectator_NN in_IN the_AT crowd_NN ._. He_PPS always_RB feels_VBZ lon
ely_JJ ._. A_AT team_NN feels_VBZ something_PN ._. On_IN a_AT team_NN a_AT man_N
N feels_VBZ he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT part_NN of_IN it_PPO and_CC akin_JJ to_IN the_AT
men_NNS next_IN to_IN him_PPO ._. In_IN the_AT stands_NNS he_PPS is_BEZ lonely_J
J and_CC lost_VBN ,_, no_AT matter_NN how_WRB many_AP are_BER about_IN him_PPO .
_. He_PPS sits_VBZ there_RB remembering_VBG the_AT tense_JJ moment_NN before_CS
the_AT ball_NN was_BEDZ snapped_VBN ;_. ;_. the_AT churning_NN of_IN straining_V
BG feet_NNS ,_, the_AT rasp_NN of_IN the_AT canvas_NN pants_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT s
mell_NN and_CC feel_NN of_IN hot_JJ ,_, wet_JJ woolen_JJ sleeves_NNS across_IN h
is_PP$ face_NN ._. He_PPS remembers_VBZ the_AT desperate_JJ ,_, panting_VBG brea
th_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT long_JJ runs_NNS on_IN the_AT kick-offs_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT
hard_JJ ,_, jolting_VBG tackles_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT breakthrough_NN ;_. ;_. the_A
T desperate_JJ agony_NN of_IN goal-line_NN stands_NNS ._. And_CC so_RB ,_, he_PP
S squirms_VBZ with_IN each_DT play_NN ,_, remembering_VBG his_PP$ youth_NN ._. B
ut_CC it_PPS is_BEZ no_AT use_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ gone_VBN ._. No_AT matter_NN
how_QL often_RB a_AT man_NN goes_VBZ back_RB to_IN the_AT scenes_NNS of_IN his_P
P$ youth_NN and_CC strength_NN ,_, they_PPSS can_MD never_RB be_BE recaptured_VB
N again_RB ._. Since_CS the_AT obvious_JJ is_BEZ not_* always_RB true_JJ ,_, the
_AT Republican_JJ-TL National_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL wisely_RB analyzed_VBD its_P
P$ defeat_NN of_IN last_AP autumn_NN and_CC finds_VBZ that_CS it_PPS occurred_VB
D ,_, as_CS suspected_VBN ,_, in_IN the_AT larger_JJR cities_NNS ._. Of_IN 40_CD
cities_NNS with_IN populations_NNS of_IN 300,000_CD and_CC more_AP ,_, Mr._NP K
ennedy_NP carried_VBD 26_CD and_CC Mr._NP Nixon_NP 14_CD ._. There_EX are_BER ei
ght_CD states_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT largest_JJT urban_JJ vote_NN can_MD be_
BE the_AT balance_NN of_IN power_NN in_IN any_DTI close_JJ election_NN ._. These
_DTS are_BER New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, Pennsylvania_NP ,_, Michigan_NP ,_, Maryla
nd_NP ,_, Missouri_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL ,_, Illinois_NP and_CC Minnesot
a_NP ._. In_IN 1952_CD Mr._NP Eisenhower_NP won_VBD all_ABN but_IN Missouri_NP .
_. Yet_RB ,_, in_IN 1960_CD all_ABN eight_CD gave_VBD majorities_NNS to_IN Mr._N
P Kennedy_NP ._. Republican_JJ research_NN broke_VBD down_RP the_AT vote_NN in_I
N Philadelphia_NP ._. Mr._NP Nixon_NP ,_, despite_IN a_AT very_QL earnest_JJ eff
ort_NN to_TO capture_VB the_AT minority_NN groups_NNS ,_, failed_VBD to_TO do_DO
so_RB ._. His_PP$ visit_NN to_IN Warsaw_NP ,_, Poland_NP ,_, after_CS the_AT Ru
ssian_JJ journey_NN in_IN the_AT summer_NN of_IN 1959_CD was_BEDZ expected_VBN t
o_TO win_VB the_AT Polish_JJ vote_NN which_WDT ,_, in_IN several_AP cities_NNS ,
_, is_BEZ substantial_JJ ._. Yet_RB ,_, the_AT GOP_NN breakdown_NN discovered_VB
D that_CS in_IN Philadelphia_NP Mr._NP Nixon_NP received_VBD but_RB 21_CD per_IN
cent_NN of_IN the_AT so-called_JJ ``_`` Polish_JJ ''_'' vote_NN ;_. ;_. 30_CD p
er_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` Irish_JJ ''_'' vote_NN ,_, and_CC 18_CD per_IN
cent_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` Negro_NP ''_'' vote_NN ._. '_' task_NN-HL force_NN-HL
'_' A_AT GOP_NN ``_`` task_NN force_NN '_' committee_NN will_MD seek_VB to_TO f
ind_VB out_RP how_WRB its_PP$ party_NN may_MD win_VB support_NN from_IN the_AT e
thnic_JJ and_CC minority_NN groups_NNS in_IN cities_NNS ._. The_AT task_NN force
_NN might_MD make_VB a_AT start_NN in_IN Washington_NP with_IN Republican_JJ-TL
congressional_JJ leaders_NNS ._. These_DTS gentlemen_NNS already_RB have_HV done
_VBN the_AT party_NN harm_NN by_IN their_PP$ seeming_JJ reluctance_NN to_TO vote
_VB aid_NN for_IN the_AT depressed_VBN areas_NNS and_CC by_IN their_PP$ criticis
m_NN of_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP for_IN talking_VBG about_IN a_AT recession_NN and_C
C unemployment_NN ._. This_DT error_NN was_BEDZ compounded_VBN by_IN declaring_V
BG the_AT recession_NN to_TO be_BE ``_`` a_AT statistical_JJ one_CD ''_'' ,_, an
d_CC not_* a_AT reality_NN ._. The_AT almost_RB six_CD million_CD persons_NNS wi
thout_IN jobs_NNS and_CC the_AT two_CD million_CD working_VBG part-time_RB do_DO
not_* consider_VB themselves_PPLS and_CC their_PP$ plight_NN as_CS statistical_
JJ ._. They_PPSS did_DOD not_* view_VB the_AT tour_NN of_IN the_AT distressed_VB
N cities_NNS and_CC towns_NNS by_IN Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL Goldber
g_NP as_CS politics_NN ,_, which_WDT the_AT GOP_NN declared_VBD it_PPO to_TO be_
BE ._. The_AT people_NNS visited_VBN were_BED glad_JJ to_TO have_HV a_AT governm
ent_NN with_IN heart_NN enough_AP to_TO take_VB an_AT interest_NN in_IN their_PP
$ misery_NN ._. Senator_NN-TL Mundt's_NP$ gross_JJ distortion_NN of_IN President
_NN-TL Eisenhower's_NP$ conversation_NN into_IN a_AT denunciation_NN of_IN Presi
dent_NN-TL Kennedy_NP as_CS too_QL left_JJ wing_NN ,_, a_AT statement_NN Mr._NP
Eisenhower_NP declared_VBD to_TO be_BE entirely_QL false_JJ ,_, is_BEZ another_D
T case_NN in_IN point_NN ._. If_CS the_AT Republicans_NPS and_CC Southern_JJ-TL
Democrats_NPS join_VB to_TO defeat_VB medical_JJ care_NN for_IN the_AT old_JJ un
der_IN the_AT Social_JJ-TL Security_NN-TL program_NN ,_, they_PPSS will_MD there
by_RB erect_VB still_RB another_DT barrier_NN to_IN GOP_NN hopes_NNS in_IN the_A
T cities_NNS ._. Errors_NNS-HL repeated_VBN-HL The_AT present_JJ Republican_JJ l
eadership_NN as_CS practiced_VBN by_IN Mundt_NP ,_, Goldwater_NP ,_, Bridges_NP
,_, Dirksen_NP ,_, et_FW-CC al_FW-NNS ,_, is_BEZ repeating_VBG the_AT errors_NNS
of_IN the_AT party_NN leadership_NN of_IN the_AT 1930s_NNS ._. In_IN that_DT de
cade_NN the_AT partisan_JJ zeal_NN to_TO defend_VB Mr._NP Hoover_NP ,_, and_CC t
he_AT party's_NN$ failure_NN to_TO anticipate_VB or_CC cope_VB with_IN the_AT de
pression_NN ,_, caused_VBD a_AT great_JJ majority_NN of_IN Americans_NPS to_TO s
ee_VB the_AT Republican_JJ party_NN as_CS cold_JJ and_CC lacking_VBG in_IN any_D
TI sympathy_NN for_IN the_AT problems_NNS of_IN human_JJ beings_NNS caught_VBN u
p_RP in_IN the_AT distress_NN and_CC suffering_VBG brought_VBN on_RP by_IN the_A
T economic_JJ crash_NN ._. The_AT Republican_JJ party_NN was_BEDZ not_* lacking_
VBG in_IN humanity_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS permitted_VBD its_PP$ extremely_RB parti
san_NN leadership_NN to_TO make_VB it_PPS appear_VB devoid_JJ of_IN any_DTI cons
ideration_NN for_IN people_NNS in_IN trouble_NN ._. Farmers_NNS called_VBD their
_PP$ mule-drawn_JJ pickup_NN trucks_NNS ``_`` Hoover_NP carts_NNS ''_'' ._. Smok
ers_NNS reduced_VBN to_IN ``_`` the_AT makings_NNS ''_'' ,_, spoke_VBD of_IN the
_AT sack_NN tobacco_NN as_CS ``_`` Hoover_NP dust_NN ''_'' ._. One_PN may_MD be_
BE sure_JJ the_AT present_JJ Republican_JJ congressional_JJ leadership_NN hasn't
_HVZ* meant_VBN to_TO repeat_VB this_DT error_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN
the_AT process_NN of_IN so_RB doing_VBG because_CS it_PPS apparently_RB gives_VB
Z priority_NN to_IN trying_VBG to_TO downgrade_VB John_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP ._. T
hat_CS this_DT is_BEZ not_* good_JJ politics_NN is_BEZ underscored_VBN by_IN the
_AT latest_JJT poll_NN figures_NNS which_WDT show_VB that_CS 72_CD per_IN cent_N
N of_IN the_AT people_NNS like_VB the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT new_JJ Pr
esident_NN-TL is_BEZ conducting_VBG the_AT nation's_NN$ business_NN ._. The_AT m
ost_QL articulate_JJ Republicans_NPS are_BER those_DTS who_WPS ,_, in_IN their_P
P$ desire_NN to_TO get_VB back_RB at_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP ,_, already_RB have_HV
created_VBN the_AT image_NN of_IN a_AT Republican_JJ leadership_NN which_WDT is
_BEZ reluctant_JJ to_TO assist_VB the_AT distressed_VBN and_CC the_AT unemployed
_JJ ,_, and_CC which_WDT is_BEZ even_QL more_QL unwilling_JJ to_TO help_VB old_J
J people_NNS who_WPS need_VB medical_JJ care_NN ._. If_CS they_PPSS also_RB defe
at_VB the_AT school_NN bill_NN ,_, the_AT GOP_NN task_NN force_NN won't_MD* have
_HV much_AP research_NN to_TO do_DO ._. It_PPS will_MD early_RB know_VB why_WRB
the_AT party_NN won't_MD* win_VB back_RB city_NN votes_NNS ._. The_AT 1962_CD Ge
neral_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL has_HVZ important_JJ business_NN to_TO consider_VB ._
. The_AT tragedy_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS will_MD not_* be_BE able_JJ to_TO tran
sact_VB that_DT business_NN in_IN any_DTI responsible_JJ manner_NN ._. After_CS
the_AT Griffin-Byrd_NP political_JJ troup_NN has_HVZ completed_VBN the_AT circui
t_NN in_IN November_NP in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN a_AT Pre-Legislative_JJ-TL For
um_NN-TL ,_, this_DT is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE the_AT most_QL politically_RB
oriented_VBN Legislature_NN-TL in_IN history_NN ._. Every_AT legislator_NN from_
IN Brasstown_NP Bald_NP to_IN Folkston_NP is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO have_HV his_PP$
every_AT vote_NN subjected_VBN to_IN the_AT closest_JJT scrutiny_NN as_CS a_AT
test_NN of_IN his_PP$ political_JJ allegiances_NNS ,_, not_* his_PP$ convictions
_NNS ._. Hoped-for_JJ legislative_JJ action_NN on_IN adjustment_NN of_IN the_AT
county_NN unit_NN system_NN stands_NNS less_AP chance_NN than_CS ever_RB ._. And
_CC just_QL how_WRB far_RB can_MD the_AT Legislature_NN-TL go_VB toward_IN setti
ng_VBG up_RP a_AT self-insurance_NN system_NN for_IN the_AT state_NN in_IN the_A
T midst_NN of_IN a_AT governor's_NN$ race_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. How_WRB unpartisan_JJ
will_MD be_BE the_AT recommendations_NNS of_IN Lt._NN-TL Gov._NN-TL Garland_NP
Byrd's_NP$ Senate_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL Government_NN-TL Operations_NNS
-TL ?_. ?_. The_AT situation_NN already_RB was_BEDZ bad_JJ because_CS the_AT Leg
islature_NN-TL moved_VBD the_AT governor's_NN$ race_NN forward_RB a_AT few_AP mo
nths_NNS ,_, causing_VBG the_AT campaigning_NN to_TO get_VB started_VBN earlier_
RBR than_CS usual_JJ ._. But_CC when_WRB former_AP Gov._NN-TL Marvin_NP Griffin_
NP and_CC Lt._NN-TL Gov._NN-TL Byrd_NP accepted_VBD the_AT invitations_NNS of_IN
the_AT Georgia_NP-TL State_NN-TL Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_NN-TL to_TO jo
in_VB the_AT tour_NN next_AP November_NP ,_, the_AT situation_NN was_BEDZ aggrav
ated_VBN ._. Neither_DTX had_HVD a_AT choice_NN other_AP than_CS to_TO accept_VB
the_AT invitation_NN ._. To_TO have_HV refused_VBN would_MD have_HV been_BEN po
litical_JJ suicide_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS may_MD be_BE that_CS one_CD or_CC both_A
BX men_NNS actually_RB welcomed_VBD the_AT opportunity_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT br
avado_NN comments_NNS are_BER cast_VBN aside_RB ._. The_AT Georgia_NP-TL State_N
N-TL Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_NN-TL tried_VBD to_TO guard_VB against_IN t
he_AT danger_NN of_IN eliminating_VBG potential_JJ candidates_NNS ._. It_PPS wan
ted_VBD the_AT State_NN-TL Democratic_JJ-TL Executive_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL to_T
O pick_VB the_AT ``_`` serious_JJ candidates_NNS ''_'' ._. But_CC State_NN-TL Pa
rty_NN-TL Chairman_NN-TL James_NP Gray_NP of_IN Albany_NP said_VBD no_RB ,_, and
_CC he_PPS didn't_DOD* mince_VB any_DTI words_NNS ._. ``_`` They_PPSS are_BER ju
st_RB asking_VBG too_QL much_AP ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. We_PPSS can't_MD*
think_VB of_IN anyone_PN else_RB who_WPS would_MD want_VB to_TO separate_VB seri
ous_JJ candidates_NNS from_IN other_AP candidates_NNS ,_, either_RB ._. There_EX
are_BER other_AP dangers_NNS :_: Politics_NN is_BEZ an_AT accelerating_VBG game
_NN ._. ``_`` If_CS an_AT opponent_NN accuses_VBZ you_PPO of_IN lying_VBG ,_, do
n't_DO* deny_VB it_PPO ._. Say_VB he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT horse_NN thief_NN ''_'' ,_,
runs_VBZ an_AT old_JJ adage_NN ._. These_DTS men_NNS are_BER spenders_NNS ._. I
f_CS either_DTX one_CD ever_RB started_VBD making_VBG promises_NNS ,_, there_EX
is_BEZ no_AT telling_VBG where_WRB the_AT promises_NNS would_MD end_VB ._. Griff
in's_NP$ Rural_JJ-TL Roads_NNS-TL Authority_NN-TL and_CC Byrd's_NP$ 60,000_CD mi
les_NNS of_IN county_NN contracts_NNS would_MD look_VB like_CS pauper's_NN$ oath
s_NNS ._. The_AT trouble_NN is_BEZ that_CS at_IN first_OD glance_NN the_AT idea_
NN looks_VBZ like_CS such_ABL a_AT good_JJ one_CD ._. Why_WRB not_* have_HV them
_PPO travel_VB the_AT state_NN in_IN November_NP debating_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS woul
d_MD present_VB a_AT forum_NN for_IN them_PPO in_IN almost_RB every_AT community
_NN ._. But_CC further_JJR thought_NN brings_VBZ the_AT shuddery_JJ visions_NNS
of_IN a_AT governor's_NN$ race_NN being_BEG run_VBN in_IN the_AT next_AP Legisla
ture_NN-TL ,_, the_AT spectre_NN of_IN big_JJ spending_VBG programs_NNS ,_, the_
AT ooze_NN of_IN mudslinging_NN before_CS the_AT campaign_NN should_MD even_RB b
egin_VB ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT way_NN out_IN of_IN this_DT ._. The_AT Chamber_
NN-TL has_HVZ not_* arranged_VBN a_AT pre-legislative_JJ forum_NN ._. It_PPS has
_HVZ arranged_VBN a_AT campaign_NN for_IN governor_NN ._. If_CS it_PPS will_MD s
imply_RB delay_VB the_AT debates_NNS until_CS the_AT qualifications_NNS are_BER
closed_VBN next_AP spring_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB carry_VB all_ABN the_AT candidat
es_NNS on_IN a_AT tour_NN of_IN debates_NNS ,_, it_PPS can_MD provide_VB a_AT se
rvice_NN to_IN the_AT state_NN ._. But_CC the_AT Legislature_NN-TL should_MD be_
BE granted_VBN the_AT opportunity_NN to_TO complete_VB its_PP$ work_NN before_CS
choosing_VBG up_RP sides_NNS for_IN the_AT race_NN ._. Former_AP British_JJ-TL
Prime_JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL Attlee_NP says_VBZ Eisenhower_NP was_BEDZ not_* a_AT
``_`` great_JJ soldier_NN ''_'' ._. Ike's_NP+BEZ somewhat_RB like_CS George_NP W
ashington_NP ._. Both_ABX won_VBD a_AT pretty_QL fair-sized_JJ war_NN with_IN a_
AT modest_JJ assist_NN from_IN British_JJ strategy_NN ._. Congressmen_NNS return
ing_VBG from_IN recess_NN say_VB the_AT people_NNS admire_VB President_NN-TL Ken
nedy_NP so_QL much_RB ,_, they're_PPSS+BER even_RB willing_JJ to_TO heed_VB his_
PP$ call_NN to_IN sacrifice_NN --_-- and_CC give_VB up_RP his_PP$ program_NN ._.
Slogan_NN of_IN the_AT John_NP-TL Birch_NP-TL Society_NN-TL :_: ``_`` Paddle_VB
your_PP$ own_JJ canoe_NN ._. The_AT guy_NN who_WPS makes_VBZ the_AT motor_NN bo
ats_NNS may_MD be_BE a_AT Communist_NN-TL ''_'' ._. A_AT Republican_JJ survey_NN
says_VBZ Kennedy_NP won_VBD the_AT '60_CD election_NN on_IN the_AT religious_JJ
issue_NN ._. Too_QL many_AP people_NNS were_BED afraid_JJ if_CS the_AT GOP_NN w
on_VBD ,_, they'd_PPSS+MD have_HV to_TO spend_VB all_ABN their_PP$ time_NN prayi
ng_VBG ._. The_AT-TL Providence_NP-TL Journal_NN-TL editorial_NN (_( Jan._NP 25_
CD )_) entitled_VBN ``_`` East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL Faces_VBZ-TL A_AT-TL Housin
g_NN-TL Development_NN-TL Problem_NN-TL ''_'' points_VBZ to_IN a_AT dilemma_NN t
hat_WPS faces_VBZ communities_NNS such_JJ as_CS ours_PP$$ ._. Your_PP$ suggested
_VBN solution_NN ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO ,_, is_BEZ grossly_QL oversim
plified_VBN and_CC is_BEZ inconsistent_JJ with_IN your_PP$ generally_QL realisti
c_JJ attitude_NN toward_IN ,_, and_CC endorsement_NN of_IN ,_, sound_JJ planning
_NN ._. First_OD of_IN all_ABN there_EX is_BEZ ample_JJ area_NN in_IN East_JJ-TL
Greenwich_NP-TL already_RB zoned_VBN in_IN the_AT classification_NN similar_JJ
to_IN that_DT which_WDT petitioner_NN requested_VBD ._. This_DT land_NN is_BEZ i
n_IN various_JJ stages_NNS of_IN development_NN in_IN several_AP locations_NNS t
hroughout_IN the_AT town_NN ._. The_AT demand_NN for_IN these_DTS lots_NNS can_M
D be_BE met_VBN for_IN some_DTI time_NN to_TO come_VB ._. This_DT would_MD seem_
VB to_TO indicate_VB that_CS we_PPSS are_BER trying_VBG neither_CC ``_`` to_TO h
alt_VB an_AT influx_NN of_IN migrants_NNS ''_'' nor_CC are_BER we_PPSS ``_`` set
ting_VBG up_RP such_JJ standards_NNS for_IN development_NN that_CS only_RB the_A
T well-to-do_JJ could_MD afford_VB to_TO buy_VB land_NN and_CC build_VB in_IN th
e_AT new_JJ sites_NNS ''_'' ._. What_WDT we_PPSS are_BER attempting_VBG to_TO do
_DO is_BEZ achieve_VB and_CC maintain_VB a_AT balance_NN between_IN medium_JJ de
nsity_NN and_CC low_JJ density_NN residential_JJ areas_NNS and_CC industrial_JJ
and_CC commercial_JJ development_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ in_IN fact_NN entirely_QL
consistent_JJ with_IN your_PP$ suggestion_NN of_IN modest_JJ industrial_JJ devel
opment_NN to_TO help_VB pay_VB governmental_JJ costs_NNS ._. Bostitch_NP ,_, Inc
._VBN-TL is_BEZ approximately_RB half_ABN way_NN through_IN a_AT 10-year_JJ exem
ption_NN of_IN their_PP$ real_JJ estate_NN tax_NN ._. The_AT wisdom_NN of_IN gra
nting_VBG such_JJ tax_NN exemptions_NNS is_BEZ another_DT matter_NN ,_, but_CC t
his_DT particular_JJ instance_NN is_BEZ ,_, in_IN my_PP$ opinion_NN ,_, complete
ly_QL satisfactory_JJ ._. The_AT 1960_CD tax_NN book_NN for_IN East_JJ-TL Greenw
ich_NP-TL indicates_VBZ a_AT valuation_NN for_IN this_DT property_NN in_IN exces
s_NN of_IN two_CD million_CD dollars_NNS ._. With_IN our_PP$ current_JJ $3_NNS p
er_IN hundred_CD tax_NN rate_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ safe_JJ to_TO assume_VB that_C
S this_DT will_NN qualify_VB when_WRB you_PPSS suggest_VB a_AT community_NN shou
ld_MD ``_`` try_VB to_TO develop_VB a_AT modest_JJ industrial_JJ plant_NN ''_''
as_CS the_AT best_JJT way_NN to_TO meet_VB these_DTS problems_NNS ._. In_IN orde
r_NN to_TO attract_VB additional_JJ industry_NN that_WPS is_BEZ compatible_JJ wi
th_IN this_DT community_NN it_PPS is_BEZ all_ABN the_AT more_QL important_JJ to_
TO present_VB to_IN the_AT industrial_JJ prospect_NN an_AT orderly_JJ balance_NN
in_IN the_AT tax_NN structure_NN ._. As_CS this_DT tax_NN base_NN grows_VBZ so_
CS then_RB can_MD your_PP$ medium_JJ and_CC low_JJ density_NN residential_JJ are
as_NNS grow_VB ._. Mr._NP Richard_NP Preston_NP ,_, executive_JJ director_NN of_
IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-TL State_NN-TL Planning_VBG-TL and_CC-TL Develo
pment_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL ,_, in_IN his_PP$ remarks_NNS to_IN the_AT Governor
s_NNS-TL Conference_NN-TL on_IN-TL Industrial_JJ-TL Development_NN-TL at_IN Prov
idence_NP on_IN October_NP 8_CD ,_, 1960_CD ,_, warned_VBD against_IN the_AT fal
lacy_NN of_IN attempting_VBG to_TO attract_VB industry_NN solely_RB to_TO reduce
_VB the_AT tax_NN rate_NN or_CC to_TO underwrite_VB municipal_JJ services_NNS su
ch_JJ as_CS schools_NNS when_WRB he_PPS said_VBD :_: ``_`` If_CS this_DT is_BEZ
the_AT fundamental_JJ reason_NN for_IN a_AT community's_NN$ interest_NN or_CC if
_CS this_DT is_BEZ the_AT basic_JJ approach_NN ,_, success_NN if_CS any_DTI will
_MD be_BE difficult_JJ to_TO obtain_VB ''_'' ._. He_PPS went_VBD on_RP to_TO say
_VB :_: ``_`` In_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ,_, industry_NN per_IN se_FW-PPL is
_BEZ not_* dedicated_VBN to_IN the_AT role_NN of_IN savior_NN of_IN foundering_V
BG municipalities_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* in_IN business_NN for_IN the_AT pu
rpose_NN of_IN absorbing_VBG increased_VBN municipal_JJ costs_NNS no_AT matter_N
N how_QL high_JJ a_AT purpose_NN that_WPS may_MD be_BE ''_'' ._. While_CS Counci
lman_NN-TL Olson_NP cited_VBD the_AT anticipated_VBN increase_NN in_IN school_NN
costs_NNS in_IN answer_NN to_IN a_AT direct_JJ question_NN from_IN a_AT taxpaye
r_NN ,_, the_AT impact_NN upon_IN a_AT school_NN system_NN does_DOZ not_* have_H
V to_TO be_BE measured_VBN only_RB in_IN increased_VBN taxes_NNS to_TO find_VB a
larm_NN in_IN uncontrolled_JJ growth_NN ._. We_PPSS in_IN East_JJ-TL Greenwich_N
P-TL have_HV the_AT example_NN of_IN two_CD neighboring_VBG communities_NNS ,_,
one_CD currently_RB utilizing_VBG double_JJ sessions_NNS in_IN their_PP$ schools
_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT other_AP facing_VBG this_DT prospect_NN next_AP year_NN .
_. It_PPS has_HVZ already_RB been_BEN reported_VBN in_IN your_PP$ newspapers_NNS
that_CS the_AT East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL School_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL is_BEZ c
onsidering_VBG additions_NNS to_IN at_IN least_AP one_CD elementary_JJ school_NN
and_CC to_IN the_AT high_JJ school_NN to_TO insure_VB future_JJ accommodations_
NNS for_IN a_AT school_NN population_NN that_CS we_PPSS know_VB will_MD increase
_VB ._. If_CS they_PPSS are_BER to_TO be_BE commended_VBN for_IN foresight_NN in
_IN their_PP$ planning_NN ,_, what_WDT then_RB is_BEZ the_AT judgment_NN of_IN a
_AT town_NN council_NN that_WPS compounds_VBZ this_DT problem_NN during_IN the_A
T planning_VBG stage_NN ?_. ?_. Where_WRB then_RB is_BEZ the_AT sound_JJ plannin
g_NN and_CC cooperation_NN between_IN agencies_NNS within_IN the_AT community_NN
that_CS you_PPSS have_HV called_VBN for_IN in_IN other_AP editorials_NNS ?_. ?_
. I_PPSS submit_VB that_CS it_PPS cannot_MD* be_BE dismissed_VBN simply_RB by_IN
saying_VBG we_PPSS are_BER not_* facing_VBG the_AT facts_NNS of_IN life_NN ._.
The_AT ``_`` fruitful_JJ course_NN ''_'' of_IN metropolitanization_NN that_CS yo
u_PPSS recommend_VB is_BEZ currently_RB practiced_VBN by_IN the_AT town_NN of_IN
East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL and_CC had_HVD its_PP$ inception_NN long_JJ before_C
S we_PPSS learned_VBD what_WDT it_PPS was_BEDZ called_VBN ._. For_IN example_NN
:_: 1_CD ._. The_AT East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL Police_NNS-TL Department_NN-TL ut
ilizes_VBZ the_AT radio_NN transmission_NN facilities_NNS of_IN the_AT Warwick_N
P-TL Police_NNS-TL Department_NN-TL ,_, thereby_RB eliminating_VBG duplication_N
N of_IN facilities_NNS and_CC ensuring_VBG police_NN coordination_NN in_IN the_A
T Cowessett-East_NP Greenwich-Potowomut_NP area_NN of_IN the_AT two_CD communiti
es_NNS ._. 2_CD ._. The_AT East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL Fire_NN-TL District_NN-TL
services_VBZ parts_NNS of_IN Warwick_NP as_QL well_RB as_CS East_JJ-TL Greenwich
_NP-TL ._. 3_CD ._. The_AT taxpayers_NNS of_IN East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL approp
riate_VB sums_NNS of_IN money_NN ,_, as_CS do_DO other_AP Kent_NP-TL County_NN-T
L communities_NNS ,_, for_IN the_AT support_NN of_IN the_AT Kent_NP-TL County_NN
-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Hospital_NN-TL ,_, a_AT regional_JJ facility_NN ._. 4_CD ._.
The_AT East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL Free_JJ-TL Library_NN-TL receives_VBZ financia
l_JJ support_NN from_IN the_AT town_NN of_IN East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL and_CC t
he_AT City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Warwick_NP-TL to_TO supplement_VB its_PP$ endowment_NN
._. 5_CD ._. Feelers_NNS were_BED put_VBN out_RP last_AP year_NN to_IN the_AT C
ity_NN-TL of_IN-TL Warwick_NP-TL ,_, as_CS reported_VBN in_IN your_PP$ newspaper
s_NNS ,_, suggesting_VBG investigation_NN of_IN a_AT common_JJ rubbish_NN dispos
al_NN area_NN to_TO service_VB the_AT Potowomut_NP and_CC Cowessett_NP areas_NNS
of_IN Warwick_NP along_IN with_IN East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL ._. 6_CD ._. East_
JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD Rhode_NP-TL Island_N
N-TL towns_NNS to_TO enter_VB into_IN contract_NN agreement_NN with_IN the_AT Rh
ode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL Development_NN-TL Council_NN-TL for_IN planning_VBG servi
ces_NNS we_PPSS could_MD not_* provide_VB for_IN ourselves_PPLS ._. 7_CD ._. The
_AT education_NN program_NN for_IN retarded_VBN children_NNS conducted_VBN by_IN
the_AT East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL school_NN system_NN has_HVZ pupils_NNS from_I
N at_IN least_AP one_CD neighboring_VBG community_NN ._. I_PPSS feel_VB compelle
d_VBN to_TO write_VB this_DT because_CS I_PPSS am_BEM greatly_RB concerned_VBN w
ith_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN community_NN growth_NN rate_NN and_CC the_AT rela
tion_NN between_IN types_NNS of_IN growth_NN in_IN a_AT town_NN such_ABL as_CS E
ast_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL ._. I_PPSS believe_VB it_PPS is_BEZ an_AT area_NN in_I
N which_WDT professional_JJ planners_NNS have_HV failed_VBN to_TO set_VB adequat
e_JJ guide_NN posts_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC yet_RB they_PPSS cannot_MD* ignore_VB thi
s_DT problem_NN because_CS it_PPS concerns_VBZ the_AT implementation_NN of_IN ne
arly_RB all_ABN the_AT planning_VBG programs_NNS they_PPSS have_HV devised_VBN .
_. These_DTS programs_NNS are_BER volumes_NNS of_IN waste_NN paper_NN and_CC los
t_VBN hours_NNS if_CS the_AT citizens_NNS of_IN a_AT community_NN must_MD stand_
VB aside_RB while_CS land_NN developers_NNS tell_VB them_PPO when_WRB ,_, where_
WRB ,_, and_CC in_IN what_WDT manner_NN the_AT community_NN shall_MD grow_VB ._.
We_PPSS have_HV far_QL less_AP to_TO fear_VB in_IN the_AT migrant_JJ family_NN
than_CS we_PPSS have_HV in_IN the_AT migrant_JJ developer_NN under_IN these_DTS
conditions_NNS ._. Until_CS professional_JJ planners_NNS meet_VB this_DT situati
on_NN squarely_RB and_CC update_VB the_AT concepts_NNS of_IN zoning_VBG in_IN a_
AT manner_NN acceptable_JJ to_IN the_AT courts_NNS ,_, I_PPSS hope_VB we_PPSS in
_IN East_JJ-TL Greenwich_NP-TL can_MD continue_VB to_TO shape_VB our_PP$ own_JJ
destiny_NN ._. I_PPSS would_MD like_VB very_QL much_RB ,_, on_IN behalf_NN of_IN
my_PP$ husband_NN and_CC myself_PPL ,_, to_TO send_VB our_PP$ eternal_JJ thanks
_NNS to_IN all_ABN the_AT wonderful_JJ people_NNS responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT G
abrielle_NP-TL Fund_NN-TL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ indeed_QL true_JJ ,_, as_CS stated_V
BN in_IN the_AT famous_JJ novel_NN of_IN our_PP$ day_NN ,_, ``_`` For_IN-TL Whom
_WPO-TL The_AT-TL Bell_NN-TL Tolls_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, that_CS ``_`` no_AT man_NN i
s_BEZ an_AT island_NN ,_, entirely_RB of_IN itself_PPL ;_. ;_. every_AT man_NN i
s_BEZ a_AT piece_NN of_IN the_AT continent_NN ,_, a_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT main
_JJS ''_'' ._. Thanks_NNS to_IN the_AT generosity_NN of_IN Mr._NP Irving_NP J._N
P Fain_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN the_AT Temple_NN-TL Beth_NP-TL El_NP-TL ;_. ;_.
Rev._NP DeWitt_NP Clemens_NP ,_, pastor_NN of_IN the_AT Mathewson_NP-TL Street_
NN-TL Methodist_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ;_. ;_. Mr._NP Felix_NP Miranda_NP ,_, of_IN
the_AT Imperial_JJ-TL Knife_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC to_IN Mrs._NP Rozella
_NP Switzer_NP ,_, regional_JJ director_NN of_IN The_AT-TL National_JJ-TL Confer
ence_NN-TL of_IN-TL Christians_NPS and_CC-TL Jews_NPS ,_, who_WPS asked_VBD them
_PPO to_TO serve_VB as_CS a_AT committee_NN for_IN the_AT fund_NN ._. It_PPS is_
BEZ through_IN them_PPO that_CS we_PPSS have_HV become_VBN aware_JJ of_IN the_AT
divine_JJ humanity_NN in_IN man_NN ,_, and_CC therefore_RB ,_, that_CS most_AP
people_NNS are_BER noble_JJ ,_, helpful_JJ and_CC good_JJ ._. Bless_VB you_PPO m
y_PP$ friends_NNS ,_, for_CS it_PPS is_BEZ through_IN love_NN and_CC service_NN
that_CS brotherhood_NN becomes_VBZ a_AT reality_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM a_AT sophom
ore_NN at_IN Mount_NN-TL Pleasant_NP-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ._. My_PP$ futur
e_JJ plans_NNS are_BER to_TO become_VB a_AT language_NN teacher_NN ._. Of_IN cou
rse_NN ,_, having_HVG this_DT desire_NN ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM very_QL interested_VBN
in_IN education_NN ._. A_AT few_AP weeks_NNS ago_RB ,_, I_PPSS read_VBD in_IN t
he_AT Bulletin_NN-TL that_CS there_EX were_BED to_TO be_BE given_VBN Chinese_NP
classes_NNS in_IN Cranston_NP ._. The_AT article_NN also_RB said_VBD that_CS a_A
T person_NN had_HVD to_TO be_BE 18_CD years_NNS old_JJ or_CC over_IN ,_, and_CC
must_MD not_* be_BE going_VBG to_IN high_JJ school_NN to_TO attend_VB these_DTS
classes_NNS ._. The_AT following_VBG week_NN ,_, I_PPSS read_VBD in_IN the_AT Su
nday_NR paper_NN that_CS the_AT students_NNS of_IN Russia_NP begin_VB European_J
J and_CC Asian_JJ languages_NNS in_IN the_AT seventh_OD grade_NN ._. I_PPSS wish
_VB you_PPSS could_MD see_VB the_AT situation_NN as_CS I_PPSS see_VB it_PPO ._.
If_CS Russian_JJ pupils_NNS have_HV to_TO take_VB these_DTS languages_NNS ,_, ho
w_WRB come_VBN American_JJ students_NNS have_HV a_AT choice_NN whether_CS or_CC
not_* to_TO take_VB a_AT language_NN ,_, but_CC have_HV to_TO face_VB so_QL many
_AP exceptions_NNS ?_. ?_. I_PPSS do_DO not_* think_VB that_CS America_NP is_BEZ
like_CS Russia_NP ,_, not_* in_IN the_AT least_AP !_. !_. I_PPSS am_BEM proud_J
J of_IN my_PP$ country_NN ,_, the_AT small_JJ city_NN I_PPSS live_VB in_IN ,_, m
y_PP$ wonderful_JJ parents_NNS ,_, my_PP$ friends_NNS and_CC my_PP$ school_NN ;_
. ;_. but_CC I_PPSS am_BEM also_RB a_AT young_JJ ,_, able_JJ and_CC willing_JJ g
irl_NN who_WPS wants_VBZ to_TO study_VB the_AT Chinese_JJ language_NN but_CC is_
BEZ not_* old_JJ enough_QLP ._. Then_RB people_NNS wonder_VB why_WRB Russian_JJ
pupils_NNS are_BER more_QL advanced_VBN than_CS American_JJ students_NNS ._. Wel
l_UH ,_, there_EX lies_VBZ your_PP$ answer_NN ._. At_IN the_AT height_NN of_IN t
he_AT first_OD snowstorm_NN we_PPSS had_HVD ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ impossible_JJ fo
r_IN me_PPO to_TO get_VB medical_JJ attention_NN needed_VBN during_IN an_AT emer
gency_NN ._. However_WRB ,_, the_AT East_JJ-TL Providence_NP-TL Rescue_NN-TL Squ
ad_NN-TL made_VBD its_PP$ way_NN through_RP to_IN my_PP$ home_NR in_IN time_NN o
f_IN desperation_NN ._. Words_NNS cannot_MD* tell_VB of_IN the_AT undivided_JJ a
ttention_NN and_CC comfort_NN their_PP$ service_NN gave_VBD to_IN me_PPO ._. The
_AT concern_NN they_PPSS felt_VBD for_IN me_PPO was_BEDZ such_JJ as_CS I_PPSS sh
all_MD never_RB forget_VB and_CC for_IN which_WDT I_PPSS will_MD always_RB be_BE
grateful_JJ ._. The_AT rescue_NN squad_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE praised_VBN immens
ely_RB for_IN the_AT fine_JJ work_NN they_PPSS do_DO in_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_
IN weather_NN ._. Had_HVD they_PPSS not_* gotten_VBN me_PPO to_IN the_AT hospita
l_NN when_WRB they_PPSS did_DOD ,_, perhaps_RB I_PPSS would_MD not_* be_BE here_
RB to_TO commend_VB them_PPO at_IN this_DT time_NN ._. Many_AP thanks_NNS for_IN
a_AT job_NN well_RB done_VBN ._. The_AT Providence_NP Sunday_NR Journal_NN-TL a
rticle_NN (_( Jan._NP 29_CD )_) asking_VBG whether_CS American_JJ taxpayers_NNS
are_BER being_BEG victimized_VBN by_IN a_AT gigantic_JJ giveaway_NN to_TO pay_VB
for_IN the_AT care_NN of_IN war_NN veterans_NNS who_WPS have_HV non-service-con
nected_JJ disabilities_NNS sounds_VBZ as_CS though_CS The_AT-TL Providence_NP-TL
Journal_NN-TL is_BEZ desperate_JJ for_IN news_NN ._. Usually_RB a_AT veteran_NN
has_HVZ to_TO hang_VB himself_PPL to_TO get_VB space_NN on_IN the_AT front_JJ p
age_NN ._. On_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN admission_NN to_IN Veterans_NNS-TL Adm
inistration_NN-TL hospitals_NNS of_IN service-connected_JJ and_CC non-service-co
nnected_JJ disabled_VBN veterans_NNS ,_, it_PPS must_MD be_BE recognized_VBN tha
t_CS there_EX are_BER many_AP men_NNS who_WPS are_BER greatly_RB affected_VBN by
_IN war_NN service_NN ._. It_PPS can_MD manifest_VB itself_PPL before_IN dischar
ge_NN from_IN service_NN ,_, or_CC it_PPS can_MD come_VB out_RP years_NNS later_
RBR ._. There_EX is_BEZ one_CD other_AP point_NN we_PPSS should_MD never_RB lose
_VB sight_NN of_IN :_: Many_AP veterans_NNS who_WPS enter_VB VA_NN hospitals_NNS
as_CS non-service_NN cases_NNS later_RBR qualify_VB as_QL service-connected_JJ
._. No_AT psychiatrist_NN could_MD tell_VB me_PPO that_CS the_AT experience_NN i
n_IN a_AT war_NN can_MD not_* have_HV its_PP$ effect_NN in_IN the_AT ensuing_VBG
years_NNS ._. The_AT arguments_NNS advanced_VBN by_IN those_DTS individuals_NNS
and_CC groups_NNS who_WPS oppose_VB the_AT system_NN in_IN force_NN and_CC who_
WPS would_MD drastically_RB curtail_VB or_CC do_DO away_RB entirely_RB with_IN h
ospital_NN care_NN for_IN the_AT non-service-connected_JJ case_NN ,_, seem_VB to
_TO be_BE coldly_RB impractical_JJ and_CC out-of-step_JJ with_IN the_AT wishes_N
NS of_IN the_AT general_JJ public_NN ._. I_PPSS believe_VB in_IN priority_NN for
_IN service-connected_JJ disabled_VBN veterans_NNS in_IN admission_NN to_IN VA_N
N hospitals_NNS ._. But_CC I_PPSS don't_DO* believe_VB we_PPSS should_MD close_V
B the_AT door_NN on_IN non-service-connected_JJ patients_NNS ._. This_DT matter_
NN is_BEZ of_IN great_JJ importance_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT outcome_NN may_MD mean_
VB the_AT difference_NN between_IN life_NN or_CC death_NN ,_, or_CC at_IN least_
AP serious_JJ injuries_NNS ,_, for_IN many_AP veterans_NNS ._. Some_DTI critics_
NNS say_VB that_CS the_AT length_NN of_IN stay_NN in_IN a_AT hospital_NN is_BEZ
too_QL long_JJ ._. There's_EX+BEZ a_AT reason_NN for_IN this_DT length_NN of_IN
stay_NN ._. First_OD of_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT admitting_VBG physician_NN in_IN t
he_AT VA_NN hospital_NN gets_VBZ the_AT patient_NN as_CS a_AT new_JJ patient_NN
._. He_PPS has_HVZ no_AT experience_NN with_IN this_DT veteran's_NN$ previous_JJ
medical_JJ record_NN ._. If_CS the_AT doctor_NN is_BEZ conscientious_JJ ,_, he_
PPS wants_VBZ to_TO study_VB the_AT patient_NN ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, it_P
PS takes_VBZ a_AT little_QL longer_RBR than_CS it_PPS would_MD on_IN the_AT outs
ide_NN where_WRB the_AT family_NN physician_NN knows_VBZ about_IN the_AT patient
_NN ._. Secondly_RB ,_, the_AT VA_NN physician_NN knows_VBZ that_CS when_WRB the
_AT patient_NN leaves_VBZ the_AT hospital_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR
going_VBG to_TO have_HV a_AT chance_NN to_TO visit_VB his_PP$ patient_NN ._. So_
CS he_PPS keeps_VBZ the_AT veteran_NN in_RP until_CS he_PPS can_MD observe_VB th
e_AT effects_NNS of_IN treatment_NN or_CC surgery_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ publ
ic_NN must_MD be_BE presented_VBN with_IN the_AT facts_NNS concerning_IN VA_NN h
ospitalization_NN ._. The_AT public_NN should_MD understand_VB that_CS whether_C
S they_PPSS support_VB a_AT state_NN hospital_NN or_CC a_AT VA_NN hospital_NN ,_
, the_AT tax_NN dollar_NN has_HVZ to_TO be_BE paid_VBN one_CD way_NN or_CC the_A
T other_AP ._. The_AT responsibility_NN is_BEZ still_RB going_VBG to_TO be_BE th
ere_RB whether_CS they_PPSS pay_VB for_IN a_AT VA_NN hospital_NN or_CC the_AT ta
x_NN dollar_NN is_BEZ spent_VBN for_IN the_AT state_NN hospital_NN ._. An_AT ade
quate_JJ system_NN of_IN VA_NN hospitals_NNS is_BEZ better_RBR equipped_VBN to_T
O care_VB for_IN the_AT veterans_NNS than_CS any_DTI 50_CD state_NN hospitals_NN
S ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ that_CS open_JJ season_NN upon_IN veterans'_NNS$ hospital
ization_NN is_BEZ once_RB more_RBR upon_IN us_PPO ._. The_AT American_JJ-TL Medi
cal_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL is_BEZ once_RB again_RB grinding_VBG out_RP its_PP$
tear-soaked_JJ propaganda_NN based_VBN upon_IN the_AT high_JJ cost_NN of_IN the_
AT Veterans_NNS-TL Administration_NN-TL medical_JJ program_NN to_IN the_AT Ameri
can_JJ taxpayer_NN ._. Do_DO they_PPSS ,_, the_AT A.M.A._NP ,_, offer_VB any_DTI
solution_NN other_AP than_CS outright_JJ abolition_NN of_IN a_AT medical_JJ sys
tem_NN unsurpassed_JJ anywhere_RB in_IN the_AT world_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS veterans
_NNS acknowledge_VB the_AT fact_NN that_CS as_CS time_NN passes_VBZ the_AT deman
d_NN for_IN medical_JJ care_NN at_IN VA_NN hospitals_NNS will_MD grow_VB proport
ionately_RB as_CS age_NN fosters_VBZ illness_NN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, we_PPSS
wonder_VB at_IN the_AT stand_NN of_IN the_AT A.M.A._NP on_IN the_AT health_NN pr
oblem_NN confronting_VBG the_AT aged_VBN ._. They_PPSS opposed_VBD the_AT Forand
_NP bill_NN ,_, which_WDT would_MD have_HV placed_VBN the_AT major_JJ burden_NN
of_IN financial_JJ support_NN upon_IN the_AT individual_NN himself_PPL through_I
N compulsory_JJ payroll_NN deduction_NN ;_. ;_. yet_RB they_PPSS supported_VBD t
he_AT Eisenhower_NP administration_NN which_WDT will_MD cost_VB a_AT small_JJ st
ate_NN like_CS ours_PP$$ approximately_RB five_CD million_CD dollars_NNS (_( mat
ched_VBN incidentally_RB by_IN a_AT federal_JJ grant_NN )_) to_TO initiate_VB ._
. ``_`` A_AT-HL lousy_JJ-HL job_NN-HL ''_'' Chicago_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 9_CD
-HL --_-- No_AT doubt_NN there_EX have_HV been_BEN moments_NNS during_IN every_A
T Presidency_NN-TL when_WRB the_AT man_NN in_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL h
as_HVZ had_HVN feelings_NNS of_IN frustration_NN ,_, exasperation_NN ,_, exhaust
ion_NN ,_, and_CC even_RB panic_NN ._. This_DT we_PPSS can_MD sympathetically_RB
understand_VB ._. But_CC no_AT President_NN-TL ever_RB before_RB referred_VBD t
o_IN his_PP$$ as_CS a_AT ``_`` lousy_JJ job_NN ''_'' (_( as_CS Walter_NP Trohan_
NP recently_RB quoted_VBD President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP as_CS doing_VBG in_IN conve
rsation_NN with_IN Sen._NN-TL Barry_NP Goldwater_NP )_) ._. During_IN his_PP$ ag
gressive_JJ campaign_NN to_TO win_VB his_PP$ present_JJ position_NN ,_, Mr._NP K
ennedy_NP was_BEDZ vitriolic_JJ about_IN this_DT country's_NN$ ``_`` prestige_NN
''_'' abroad_RB ._. What_WDT does_DOZ he_PPS think_VB a_AT remark_NN like_CS th
is_DT ``_`` lousy_JJ ''_'' one_CD does_DOZ to_IN our_PP$ prestige_NN and_CC mora
le_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS the_AT President_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL Stat
es_NNS-TL really_RB feels_VBZ he_PPS won_VBD himself_PPL a_AT ``_`` lousy_JJ job
_NN ''_'' ,_, then_RB heaven_NN help_VB us_PPO all_ABN ._. Questions_VBZ-HL shel
ters_NNS-HL Evansville_NP-HL ,_,-HL Ind._NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 5_CD-HL --_-- D
efense_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL Robert_NP S._NP McNamara_NP has_HVZ asked_VBN Congr
ess_NP for_IN authority_NN and_CC funds_NNS to_TO build_VB fallout_NN shelters_N
NS costing_VBG about_RB 200_CD million_CD dollars_NNS ._. Why_WRB should_MD Cong
ress_NP even_RB consider_VB allowing_VBG such_ABL a_AT sum_NN for_IN that_DT whi
ch_WDT can_MD give_VB no_AT protection_NN ?_. ?_. Top_JJS scientists_NNS have_HV
warned_VBN that_CS an_AT area_NN hit_VBN by_IN an_AT atomic_JJ missile_NN of_IN
massive_JJ power_NN would_MD be_BE engulfed_VBN in_IN a_AT suffocating_VBG fire
_NN storm_NN which_WDT would_MD persist_VB for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN ._. The_A
T scientists_NNS have_HV also_RB warned_VBN that_CS no_AT life_NN above_IN groun
d_NN or_CC underground_RB ,_, sheltered_VBN or_CC unsheltered_JJ could_MD be_BE
expected_VBN to_TO survive_VB in_IN an_AT area_NN at_IN least_AP 50_CD miles_NNS
in_IN diameter_NN ._. This_DT sum_NN spent_VBN for_IN foreign_JJ economic_JJ ai
d_NN ,_, the_AT peace_NN corps_NN ,_, food_NN for_IN peace_NN ,_, or_CC any_DTI
other_AP program_NN to_TO solve_VB the_AT problems_NNS of_IN the_AT underdevelop
ed_JJ countries_NNS would_MD be_BE an_AT investment_NN that_WPS would_MD pay_VB
off_RP in_IN world_NN peace_NN ,_, increased_VBN world_NN trade_NN ,_, and_CC pr
osperity_NN for_IN every_AT country_NN on_IN the_AT globe_NN ._. Let_VB us_PPO p
repare_VB for_IN peace_NN ,_, instead_RB of_IN for_IN a_AT war_NN which_WDT woul
d_MD mean_VB the_AT end_NN of_IN civilization_NN ._. Short_JJ-HL shorts_NNS-HL o
n_IN-HL the_AT-HL campus_NN-HL Chicago_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 4_CD-HL --_-- It_
PPS seems_VBZ college_NN isn't_BEZ* what_WDT it_PPS should_MD be_BE ._. I_PPSS r
efer_VB to_IN the_AT attire_NN worn_VBN by_IN the_AT students_NNS ._. Upon_IN a_
AT visit_NN to_IN a_AT local_JJ junior_NN college_NN last_AP week_NN ,_, I_PPSS
was_BEDZ shocked_VBN to_TO see_VB the_AT young_JJ ladies_NNS wearing_VBG short_J
J shorts_NNS and_CC the_AT young_JJ men_NNS wearing_VBG Bermuda_NP shorts_NNS ._
. Is_BEZ this_DT what_WDT our_PP$ children_NNS are_BER to_TO come_VB face_NN to_
IN face_NN with_IN when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER ready_JJ for_IN college_NN in_IN a
_AT few_AP years_NNS ?_. ?_. Education_NN should_MD be_BE uppermost_RBT in_IN th
eir_PP$ minds_NNS ,_, but_CC with_IN this_DT attire_NN how_WRB can_MD anyone_PN
think_VB it_PPS is_BEZ so_RB ?_. ?_. It_PPS looks_VBZ more_RBR like_CS they_PPSS
are_BER going_VBG to_TO play_VB at_IN the_AT beach_NN instead_RB of_IN taking_V
BG lessons_NNS on_IN bettering_VBG themselves_PPLS ._. High_JJ school_NN student
s_NNS have_HV more_AP sense_NN of_IN the_AT way_NN to_TO dress_VB than_CS colleg
e_NN students_NNS ._. Many_AP high_JJ school_NN students_NNS go_VB past_IN my_PP
$ house_NN every_AT day_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS look_VB like_CS perfect_JJ ladie
s_NNS and_CC gentlemen_NNS ._. No_AT matter_NN how_QL hot_JJ the_AT day_NN ,_, t
hey_PPSS are_BER dressed_VBN properly_RB and_CC not_* in_IN shorts_NNS ._. Masar
yk_NP-HL award_NN-HL Chicago_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 9_CD-HL --_-- The_AT granti
ng_NN of_IN the_AT Jan_NP Masaryk_NP award_NN August_NP 13_CD to_IN Senator_NN-T
L Paul_NP Douglas_NP is_BEZ a_AT bitter_JJ example_NN of_IN misleading_VBG minor
ities_NNS ._. Douglas_NP has_HVZ consistently_RB voted_VBN to_TO aid_VB the_AT p
eople_NNS who_WPS killed_VBD Masaryk_NP ,_, and_CC against_IN principles_NNS Mas
aryk_NP died_VBD to_TO uphold_VB ._. Douglas_NP has_HVZ voted_VBN for_IN aid_NN
to_IN Communists_NNS-TL and_CC for_IN the_AT destruction_NN of_IN individual_JJ
freedom_NN (_( public_JJ housing_NN ,_, foreign_JJ aid_NN ,_, etc._RB )_) ._. Su
bsidies_NNS-HL from_IN-HL CTA_NN-HL Oak_NN-TL Park_NN-TL ,_, Aug._NP 8_CD --_--
In_IN Today's_NR$-TL ``_`` Voice_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT CTA_NN is_BEZ urged_VBN
to_TO reduce_VB fares_NNS for_IN senior_JJ citizens_NNS ._. Rising_VBG costs_NNS
have_HV increased_VBN the_AT difficulties_NNS of_IN the_AT elderly_JJ ,_, and_C
C I_PPSS would_MD be_BE the_AT last_AP to_TO say_VB they_PPSS should_MD not_* re
ceive_VB consideration_NN ._. But_CC why_WRB is_BEZ it_PPS the_AT special_JJ res
ponsibility_NN of_IN the_AT CTA_NN to_TO help_VB these_DTS people_NNS ?_. ?_. Wh
y_WRB should_MD CTA_NN regular_JJ riders_NNS subsidize_VB reduced_VBN transporta
tion_NN for_IN old_JJ people_NNS any_DTI more_AP than_CS the_AT people_NNS who_W
PS drive_VB their_PP$ own_JJ cars_NNS or_CC walk_VB to_IN work_NN should_MD ?_.
?_. The_AT welfare_NN of_IN citizens_NNS ,_, old_JJ and_CC young_JJ ,_, is_BEZ t
he_AT responsibility_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN ,_, not_* only_RB of_IN that_D
T part_NN of_IN it_PPO that_WPS rides_VBZ the_AT Aj_NN ._. CTA_NP regulars_NNS a
lready_RB subsidize_VB transportation_NN for_IN school_NN children_NNS ,_, polic
emen_NNS ,_, and_CC firemen_NNS ._. Marketing_VBG-HL meat_NN-HL Chicago_NP-HL ,_
,-HL Aug._NP-HL 9_CD-HL --_-- In_IN reply_NN to_IN a_AT letter_NN in_IN Today's_
NR$-TL ``_`` Voice_NN-TL ''_'' urging_VBG the_AT sale_NN of_IN meat_NN after_IN
6_CD p.m._RB ,_, I_PPSS wish_VB to_TO state_VB the_AT other_AP side_NN of_IN the
_AT story_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM the_AT wife_NN of_IN the_AT owner_NN of_IN a_AT s
mall_JJ ,_, independent_JJ meat_NN market_NN ._. My_PP$ husband's_NN$ hours_NNS
away_RB from_IN home_NR for_IN the_AT past_AP years_NNS have_HV been_BEN from_IN
7_CD a.m._RB to_IN 7_CD p.m._RB the_AT early_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT week_NN ,_
, and_CC as_QL late_JJ as_CS 8_CD or_CC 9_CD on_IN week-ends_NNS ._. Now_RB he_P
PS is_BEZ apparently_RB expected_VBN to_TO give_VB up_RP his_PP$ evenings_NNS --
_-- and_CC Sundays_NRS ,_, too_RB ,_, for_CS this_DT is_BEZ coming_VBG ._. There
_EX is_BEZ a_AT trend_NN to_IN packaging_VBG meat_NN at_IN a_AT central_JJ sourc
e_NN ,_, freezing_VBG it_PPO ,_, and_CC shipping_VBG it_PPO to_IN outlying_JJ st
ores_NNS ,_, where_WRB meat_NN cutters_NNS will_MD not_* be_BE required_VBN ._.
If_CS a_AT customer_NN wishes_VBZ a_AT special_JJ cut_NN ,_, it_PPS will_MD not_
* be_BE available_JJ ._. We_PPSS are_BER slowly_RB being_BEG regimented_VBN to_I
N having_HVG everything_PN packaged_VBN ,_, whether_CS we_PPSS want_VB it_PPO or
_CC not_* ._. Most_AP women_NNS ,_, in_IN this_DT age_NN of_IN freezers_NNS ,_,
shop_VB for_IN the_AT entire_JJ week_NN on_IN week-ends_NNS ,_, when_WRB prices_
NNS are_BER lower_JJR ._. Also_RB ,_, many_AP working_VBG wives_NNS have_HV chil
dren_NNS or_CC husbands_NNS who_WPS take_VB over_RP the_AT shopping_VBG chores_N
NS for_IN them_PPO ._. Independent_JJ market_NN owners_NNS work_VB six_CD days_N
NS a_AT week_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC my_PP$ husband_NN hasn't_HVZ* had_HVN a_AT vacati
on_NN in_IN 14_CD years_NNS ._. No_RB ,_, we_PPSS are_BER not_* greedy_JJ ._. Bu
t_CC if_CS we_PPSS closed_VBD the_AT store_NN for_IN a_AT vacation_NN ,_, we_PPS
S would_MD lose_VB our_PP$ customers_NNS to_IN the_AT chain_NN stores_NNS in_IN
the_AT next_AP block_NN ._. The_AT meat_NN cutters'_NNS$ union_NN ,_, which_WDT
has_HVZ a_AT history_NN of_IN being_BEG one_CD of_IN the_AT fairest_JJT and_CC l
east_QL corrupt_JJ in_IN our_PP$ area_NN ,_, represents_VBZ the_AT little_JJ cor
ner_NN markets_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT large_JJ supermarkets_NNS ._. What
_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ trying_VBG to_TO do_DO is_BEZ to_TO protect_VB the_AT little_
JJ man_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS trying_VBG to_TO maintain_VB a_AT f
low_NN of_IN fresh_JJ meat_NN to_IN all_ABN stores_NNS ,_, with_IN choice_NN of_
IN cut_NN being_BEG made_VBN by_IN the_AT consumer_NN ,_, not_* the_AT store_NN
._. The_AT Legion_NN-TL Convention_NN-TL and_CC Sidney_NP Holzman_NP Chicago_NP-
HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 9_CD-HL --_-- I_PPSS ,_, too_RB ,_, congratulate_VB the_AT
American_JJ-TL Legion_NN-TL ,_, of_IN which_WDT I_PPSS am_BEM proud_JJ to_TO hav
e_HV been_BEN a_AT member_NN for_IN more_AP than_IN 40_CD years_NNS ,_, on_IN th
e_AT recent_JJ state_NN convention_NN ._. I_PPSS regret_VB that_CS Bertha_NP Mad
eira_NP (_( Today's_NR$-TL ``_`` Voice_NN-TL ''_'' )_) obtained_VBD incorrect_JJ
information_NN ._. Had_HVD I_PPSS been_BEN granted_VBN the_AT floor_NN on_IN a_
AT point_NN of_IN personal_JJ privilege_NN ,_, the_AT matter_NN she_PPS raised_V
BD would_MD have_HV been_BEN clarified_VBN ._. The_AT resolution_NN under_IN dis
cussion_NN at_IN the_AT convention_NN was_BEDZ to_TO require_VB the_AT boards_NN
S of_IN election_NN to_TO instruct_VB judges_NNS to_TO properly_RB display_VB th
e_AT American_JJ flag_NN ._. Judges_NNS under_IN the_AT jurisdiction_NN of_IN th
e_AT Chicago_NP board_NN of_IN election_NN commissioners_NNS are_BER instructed_
VBN to_TO do_DO this_DT ._. The_AT resolution_NN further_RBR asked_VBD that_CS p
olling_VBG place_NN proprietors_NNS affix_VB an_AT attachment_NN to_IN their_PP$
premises_NNS for_IN the_AT display_NN of_IN the_AT flag_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ
my_PP$ desire_NN to_TO advise_VB the_AT membership_NN of_IN the_AT Legion_NN-TL
that_CS the_AT majority_NN of_IN polling_VBG places_NNS are_BER on_IN private_JJ
property_NN and_CC ,_, without_IN an_AT amendment_NN to_IN the_AT law_NN ,_, we
_PPSS could_MD not_* enforce_VB this_DT ._. My_PP$ discussion_NN with_IN referen
ce_NN to_IN the_AT resolution_NN was_BEDZ that_CS we_PPSS should_MD commend_VB t
hose_DTS citizens_NNS who_WPS serve_VB as_CS judges_NNS of_IN election_NN and_CC
who_WPS properly_RB discharge_VB their_PP$ duty_NN and_CC polling_VBG place_NN
proprietors_NNS who_WPS make_VB available_JJ their_PP$ private_JJ premises_NNS ,
_, and_CC not_* by_IN innuendo_NN criticize_VB them_PPO ._. At_IN no_AT time_NN
did_DOD I_PPSS attempt_VB to_TO seek_VB approval_NN or_CC commendation_NN for_IN
the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP board_NN of_IN election_NN commissio
ners_NNS for_IN the_AT discharge_NN of_IN their_PP$ duties_NNS ._. Teaching_VBG-
HL the_AT-HL handicapped_VBN-HL Chicago_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 7_CD-HL --_-- Th
e_AT Illinois_NP-TL Commission_NN-TL for_IN-TL Handicapped_VBN-TL Children_NNS-T
L wishes_VBZ to_TO commend_VB the_AT recent_JJ announcement_NN by_IN the_AT Cath
olic_JJ charities_NNS of_IN the_AT archdiocese_NN of_IN Chicago_NP and_CC DePaul
_NP-TL University_NN-TL of_IN the_AT establishment_NN of_IN the_AT Institute_NN-
TL for_IN-TL Special_JJ-TL Education_NN-TL at_IN the_AT university_NN for_IN the
_AT training_NN of_IN teachers_NNS for_IN physically_RB handicapped_VBN and_CC m
entally_RB retarded_VBN children_NNS ._. In_IN these_DTS days_NNS of_IN serious_
JJ shortage_NN of_IN properly_RB trained_VBN teachers_NNS qualified_VBN to_TO te
ach_VB physically_RB handicapped_VBN and_CC mentally_RB handicapped_VBN children
_NNS ,_, the_AT establishment_NN of_IN such_ABL an_AT institute_NN will_MD be_BE
a_AT major_JJ contribution_NN to_IN the_AT field_NN ._. The_AT Illinois_NP-TL C
ommission_NN-TL for_IN-TL Handicapped_VBN-TL Children_NNS-TL ,_, which_WDT for_I
N 20_CD years_NNS has_HVZ had_HVN the_AT responsibility_NN of_IN coordinating_VB
G the_AT services_NNS of_IN tax_NN supported_VBN and_CC voluntary_JJ organizatio
ns_NNS serving_VBG handicapped_VBN children_NNS ,_, of_IN studying_VBG the_AT ne
eds_NNS of_IN handicapped_VBN children_NNS in_IN Illinois_NP ,_, and_CC of_IN pr
omoting_VBG more_QL adequate_JJ services_NNS for_IN them_PPO ,_, indeed_RB welco
mes_VBZ this_DT new_JJ important_JJ resource_NN which_WDT will_MD help_VB the_AT
people_NNS of_IN Illinois_NP toward_IN the_AT goal_NN of_IN providing_VBG an_AT
education_NN for_IN all_ABN of_IN its_PP$ children_NNS ._. From_IN-HL Candlelig
ht_NN-TL-HL Club_NN-TL-HL Minneapolis_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 7_CD-HL --_-- I_PP
SS just_RB want_VB to_TO let_VB you_PPO know_VB how_QL much_RB I_PPSS enjoyed_VB
D your_PP$ June_NP 25_CD article_NN on_IN Liberace_NP ,_, and_CC to_TO thank_VB
you_PPO for_IN it_PPO ._. Please_VB do_DO put_VB more_AP pictures_NNS and_CC art
icles_NNS in_RP about_IN Liberace_NP ,_, as_CS he_PPS is_BEZ truly_RB one_CD of_
IN our_PP$ greatest_JJT entertainers_NNS and_CC a_AT really_QL wonderful_JJ pers
on_NN ._. More_AP-HL school_NN-HL ,_,-HL less_AP-HL pay_NN-HL Chicago_NP-HL ,_,-
HL Aug._NP-HL 7_CD-HL --_-- Is_BEZ this_DT ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, one_CD of_IN the_A
T things_NNS that_WPS is_BEZ wrong_JJ with_IN our_PP$ country_NN ?_. ?_. Enginee
ring_VBG graduates_NNS of_IN Illinois_NP-TL Institute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Technology_
NN-TL are_BER reported_VBN receiving_VBG the_AT highest_JJT average_NN starting_
VBG salaries_NNS in_IN the_AT school's_NN$ history_NN --_-- $550_NNS a_AT month_
NN ._. My_PP$ son_NN ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ completed_VBN two_CD years_NNS in_IN en
gineering_VBG school_NN ,_, has_HVZ a_AT summer_NN job_NN on_IN a_AT constructio
n_NN project_NN as_CS an_AT unskilled_JJ laborer_NN ._. At_IN a_AT rate_NN of_IN
$3.22_NNS an_AT hour_NN he_PPS is_BEZ now_RB earning_VBG approximately_RB $580_
NNS a_AT month_NN ._. Ironic_JJ ,_, is_BEZ it_PPS not_* ,_, that_CS after_CS com
pleting_VBG years_NNS of_IN costly_JJ scientific_JJ training_NN he_PPS will_MD r
eceive_VB a_AT cut_NN in_IN pay_NN from_IN what_WDT he_PPS is_BEZ receiving_VBG
as_CS an_AT ordinary_JJ unskilled_JJ laborer_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT-HL Dupont_NP-HL c
ase_NN-HL (_( Editorial_JJ comment_NN on_IN this_DT letter_NN appears_VBZ elsewh
ere_RB on_IN this_DT page_NN )_) ._. Washington_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 4_CD-HL
--_-- Your_PP$ July_NP 26_CD editorial_NN regarding_IN the_AT position_NN of_IN
Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Robert_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP on_IN prospective_JJ tax
_NN relief_NN for_IN DuPont_NP stockholders_NNS is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN an_AT err
oneous_JJ statement_NN of_IN fact_NN ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, your_PP$ criti
cism_NN of_IN Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Robert_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP and_CC the
_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Justice_NN-TL was_BEDZ inaccurate_JJ ,_, unwarrant
ed_JJ and_CC unfair_JJ ._. The_AT editorial_NN concerned_VBD legislative_JJ prop
osals_NNS to_TO ease_VB the_AT tax_NN burden_NN on_IN DuPont_NP stockholders_NNS
,_, in_IN connection_NN with_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Supreme_JJ-T
L Court_NN-TL ruling_NN that_CS DuPont_NP must_MD divest_VB itself_PPL of_IN its
_PP$ extensive_JJ General_NN-TL Motors_NNS-TL stock_NN holdings_NNS ._. These_DT
S proposals_NNS would_MD reduce_VB the_AT amount_VB of_IN tax_NN that_DT DuPont_
NP stockholders_NNS might_MD have_HV to_TO pay_VB --_-- from_IN an_AT estimated_
VBN 1.1_CD billion_CD dollars_NNS under_IN present_JJ law_NN to_IN as_QL little_
AP as_CS 192_CD million_CD dollars_NNS ._. Congressman_NN-TL Wilbur_NP D._NP Mil
ls_NP ,_, chairman_NN of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL Ways_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Means_NNS-T
L Committee_NN-TL ,_, asked_VBD the_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Justice_NN-TL f
or_IN its_PP$ views_NNS on_IN these_DTS legislative_JJ proposals_NNS as_CS they_
PPSS related_VBD to_IN anti-trust_JJ law_NN enforcement_NN ._. The_AT Attorney_N
N-TL General_JJ-TL responded_VBD by_IN letter_NN dated_VBN July_NP 19_CD ._. Cop
ies_NNS of_IN this_DT letter_NN were_BED made_VBN avaliable_JJ to_IN the_AT pres
s_NN and_CC public_NN ._. In_IN this_DT letter_NN ,_, Mr._NP Kennedy_NP made_VBD
it_PPO clear_JJ that_CS he_PPS limited_VBD his_PP$ comment_NN only_RB to_IN one
_CD consideration_NN --_-- what_WDT effect_NN the_AT legislative_JJ proposals_NN
S might_MD have_HV on_IN future_JJ anti-trust_JJ judgments_NNS ._. There_EX are_
BER a_AT number_NN of_IN other_AP considerations_NNS besides_IN this_DT one_CD b
ut_CC it_PPS is_BEZ for_IN the_AT Congress_NP ,_, not_* the_AT Department_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Justice_NN-TL ,_, to_TO balance_VB these_DTS various_JJ considerations_
NNS and_CC make_VB a_AT judgment_NN about_IN legislation_NN ._. Yet_RB your_PP$
editorial_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` Now_RB the_AT Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL write
s_VBZ that_CS no_AT considerations_NNS '_' justify_VB any_DTI loss_NN of_IN reve
nue_NN of_IN this_DT proportion_NN '_' ''_'' ._. What_WDT Mr._NP Kennedy_NP ,_,
in_IN fact_NN ,_, wrote_VBD was_BEDZ :_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT Department's
_NN$-TL view_NN that_CS no_AT anti-trust_JJ enforcement_NN considerations_NNS ju
stify_VB any_DTI loss_NN of_IN revenue_NN of_IN this_DT proportion_NN ''_'' ._.
The_AT editorial_NN ,_, by_IN omitting_VBG the_AT words_NNS anti-trust_JJ enforc
ement_NN ,_, totally_RB distorted_VBD Mr._NP Kennedy's_NP$ views_NNS ._. The_AT
headline_NN is_BEZ offensive_JJ ,_, particularly_RB in_IN view_NN of_IN the_AT t
otal_NN inaccuracy_NN of_IN the_AT editorial_NN ._. Congresswoman_NN-TL-HL Churc
h_NP-HL Wilmette_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 7_CD-HL --_-- I_PPSS concur_VB most_QL
heartily_RB with_IN today's_NR$ letter_NN on_IN the_AT futility_NN of_IN writing
_VBG to_IN Sen._NN-TL Dirksen_NP and_CC Sen._NN-TL Douglas_NP ._. But_CC when_WR
B you_PPSS write_VB to_IN Congresswoman_NN-TL Church_NP ,_, bless_VB her_PP$ hea
rt_NN ,_, your_PP$ letter_NN is_BEZ answered_VBN fully_RB and_CC completely_RB .
_. Should_MD she_PPS disagree_VB ,_, she_PPS explains_VBZ why_WRB in_IN detail_N
N ._. When_WRB she_PPS agrees_VBZ ,_, you_PPSS can_MD rest_VB assured_VBN her_PP
$ position_NN will_MD remain_VB unchanged_JJ ._. I_PPSS think_VB we_PPSS have_HV
the_AT hardest_JJT working_VBG ,_, best_JJT representative_NN in_IN Congress_NP
._. Harmful_JJ-HL drinks_NNS-HL Downers_NP-HL Grove_NN-TL-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL
8_CD-HL --_-- A_AT recent_JJ news_NN story_NN reported_VBD that_CS Frank_NP Sina
tra_NP and_CC Dean_NP Martin_NP delayed_VBD 103_CD airplane_NN passengers_NNS 10
_CD minutes_NNS in_IN London_NP while_CS they_PPSS finished_VBD their_PP$ drinks
_NNS ._. They_PPSS do_DO our_PP$ country_NN great_JJ harm_NN by_IN such_JJ actio
ns_NNS ._. Those_DTS in_IN the_AT public_JJ eye_NN should_MD be_BE good_JJ examp
les_NNS of_IN American_JJ citizens_NNS while_CS abroad_RB ._. The_AT plane_NN sh
ould_MD have_HV started_VBN at_IN the_AT scheduled_VBN time_NN and_CC left_VBN S
inatra_NP and_CC Martin_NP to_TO guzzle_VB ._. Toward_IN-HL socialism_NN-HL Prov
idence_NP-HL ,_,-HL Aug._NP-HL 5_CD-HL --_-- Overt_JJ socialism_NN means_VBZ gov
ernment_NN ownership_NN and_CC management_NN of_IN a_AT nation's_NN$ main_JJS in
dustries_NNS ._. In_IN covert_JJ socialism_NN --_-- toward_IN which_WDT America_
NP is_BEZ moving_VBG --_-- private_JJ enterprise_NN retains_VBZ the_AT ownership
_NN title_NN to_IN industries_NNS but_CC government_NN thru_IN direct_JJ interve
ntion_NN and_CC excessive_JJ regulations_NNS actually_RB controls_VBZ them_PPO .
_. In_IN order_NN to_TO attract_VB new_JJ industries_NNS ,_, 15_CD states_NNS or
_CC more_AP are_BER issuing_VBG tax_NN free_JJ bonds_NNS to_TO build_VB governme
nt_NN owned_VBN plants_NNS which_WDT are_BER leased_VBN to_IN private_JJ enterpr
ise_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT step_NN toward_IN overt_JJ socialism_NN ._. Issui
ng_VBG bonds_NNS for_IN plant_NN construction_NN has_HVZ brought_VBN new_JJ indu
stries_NNS to_IN certain_JJ regions_NNS ._. ``_`` Workers_NNS-HL of_IN-HL the_AT
-HL party_NN-HL ''_'' to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- We_PPS
S are_BER writing_VBG in_IN reference_NN to_IN a_AT recent_JJ ``_`` suggestion_N
N ''_'' made_VBN to_IN the_AT staff_NN of_IN the_AT Public_JJ-TL Health_NN-TL Nu
rsing_VBG-TL Service_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jersey_NN-TL City_NN-TL (_( registered_VBN p
rofessional_JJ nurses_NNS with_IN college_NN background_NN and_CC varying_VBG ex
periences_NNS )_) ._. The_AT day_NN before_IN Election_NN-TL Day_NN-TL ,_, to_IN
which_WDT we_PPSS are_BER entitled_VBN as_CS a_AT legal_JJ holiday_NN ,_, we_PP
SS were_BED informed_VBN to_TO report_VB to_IN our_PP$ respective_JJ polls_NNS t
o_TO work_VB as_CS ``_`` workers_NNS of_IN the_AT party_NN ''_'' ._. Being_BEG e
thical_JJ and_CC professional_JJ people_NNS interested_VBN in_IN community_NN he
alth_NN and_CC well-being_NN ,_, we_PPSS felt_VBD this_DT wasn't_BEDZ* a_AT func
tion_NN of_IN our_PP$ position_NN ._. Such_JJ tactics_NNS reek_VB of_IN totalita
rianism_NN !_. !_. As_CS we_PPSS understand_VB ,_, this_DT directive_NN was_BEDZ
given_VBN to_IN all_ABN city_NN and_CC county_NN employes_NNS ._. To_IN our_PP$
knowledge_NN no_AT nurse_NN in_IN our_PP$ agency_NN has_HVZ been_BEN employed_V
BN because_CS of_IN political_JJ affiliation_NN ._. We_PPSS ,_, therefore_RB ,_,
considered_VBD the_AT ``_`` suggestion_NN ''_'' an_AT insult_NN to_IN our_PP$ i
ntelligence_NN ,_, ethics_NNS ,_, Bill_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rights_NNS-TL ,_, etc._RB
._. Our_PP$ only_AP obligation_NN for_IN this_DT day_NN is_BEZ to_TO vote_VB ,_,
free_JJ of_IN persuasion_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT person_NN we_PPSS feel_VB is_BEZ
capable_JJ in_IN directing_VBG the_AT public_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ our_PP$ duty_
NN --_-- not_* as_CS nurses_NNS or_CC city_NN employes_NNS --_-- but_CC as_CS ci
tizens_NNS of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` Plus-one_JJ-HL ''_
'' shelters_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- I_PPSS re
ad_VBD of_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS felt_VBD he_PPS should_MD not_* build_VB a_AT f
allout_NN shelter_NN in_IN his_PP$ home_NR because_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE self
ish_JJ for_IN him_PPO to_TO sit_VB secure_JJ while_CS his_PP$ neighbors_NNS had_
HVD no_AT shelters_NNS ._. Does_DOZ this_DT man_VB live_VB in_IN a_AT neighborho
od_NN where_WRB all_ABN are_BER free_JJ loaders_NNS unwilling_JJ to_TO help_VB t
hemselves_PPLS ,_, but_CC ready_JJ to_TO demand_VB that_CS ``_`` the_AT communit
y_NN ''_'' help_NN and_CC protect_VB them_PPO ?_. ?_. Community_NN shelters_NNS
are_BER ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, necessary_JJ for_IN those_DTS having_HVG no_AT s
pace_NN for_IN shelter_NN ._. If_CS in_IN a_AT town_NN of_IN 2,000_CD private_JJ
homes_NNS ,_, half_ABN of_IN them_PPO have_HV shelters_NNS ,_, the_AT need_NN f
or_IN the_AT community_NN shelters_NNS will_MD be_BE reduced_VBN to_IN that_DT e
xtent_NN ._. In_IN designing_VBG his_PP$ home_NR fallout_NN shelter_NN there_EX
is_BEZ nothing_PN to_TO prevent_VB a_AT man_NN from_IN planning_VBG to_TO shelte
r_VB that_DT home's_NN$ occupants_NNS ,_, ``_`` plus-one_JJ ''_'' --_-- so_CS he
_PPS will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO take_VB in_RP a_AT stranger_NN ._. I_PPSS hope_
VB the_AT man_NN who_WPS plans_VBZ to_TO sit_VB on_IN his_PP$ hands_NNS until_CS
the_AT emergency_NN comes_VBZ will_MD have_HV a_AT change_NN of_IN heart_NN ,_,
will_MD get_VB busy_JJ and_CC be_BE the_AT first_OD member_NN of_IN our_PP$ ``_
`` plus-one_JJ ''_'' shelter_NN club_NN ._. Escape_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL edit
or_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- People_NNS continue_VB to_TO inquire_VB the_AT reas
on_NN for_IN the_AT race_NN for_IN outer_JJ space_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ simple_JJ
enough_QLP from_IN my_PP$ point_NN of_IN view_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM for_IN it_PPO
._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT only_AP method_NN left_VBN for_IN a_AT man_NN to_TO es
cape_VB from_IN a_AT woman's_NN$ world_NN ._. Supports_VBZ-HL Katanga_NP-HL to_I
N-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- When_WRB the_AT colonies_NNS dec
ided_VBD upon_IN freedom_NN from_IN England_NP ,_, we_PPSS insisted_VBD ,_, thro
ugh_IN the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN-TL Independence_NN-TL ,_, that_CS the_AT n
ations_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN recognize_VB us_PPO as_CS a_AT separate_JJ poli
tical_JJ entity_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ high_JJ time_NN the_AT United_VBN-TL States
_NNS-TL began_VBD to_TO realize_VB that_CS the_AT God-given_JJ rights_NNS of_IN
men_NNS set_VB forth_RB in_IN that_DT document_NN are_BER applicable_JJ today_NR
to_IN Katanga_NP ._. In_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL Charter_NN-TL ,_
, the_AT right_NN of_IN self-determination_NN is_BEZ also_RB an_AT essential_JJ
principle_NN ._. This_DT ,_, again_RB ,_, applies_VBZ to_IN Katanga_NP ._. The_A
T people_NNS of_IN Katanga_NP had_HVD fought_VBN for_IN ,_, and_CC obtained_VBN
,_, their_PP$ freedom_NN from_IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL yoke_NN of_IN Antoine_NP
Gizenga_NP ,_, and_CC his_PP$ cohorts_NNS ._. By_IN political_JJ ,_, economic_J
J ,_, geographic_JJ and_CC natural_JJ standards_NNS ,_, they_PPSS were_BED justi
fied_VBN in_IN doing_VBG so_RB ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC the
_AT U.N._NP denounce_VB their_PP$ own_JJ principles_NNS when_WRB they_PPSS defen
d_VB the_AT Communist_NN-TL oppressors_NNS and_CC refuse_VB to_TO acknowledge_VB
the_AT right_NN of_IN self-determination_NN of_IN the_AT Katangans_NPS ._. Coun
ty_NN college_NN-HL costs_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP -
-_-- Permit_VB me_PPO to_TO commend_VB your_PP$ editorial_NN in_IN which_WDT you
_PPSS stress_VB the_AT fact_NN that_CS a_AT program_NN of_IN county_NN colleges_
NNS will_MD substantially_RB increase_VB local_JJ tax_NN burdens_NNS and_CC that
_CS taxpayers_NNS have_HV a_AT right_NN to_IN a_AT clear_JJ idea_NN of_IN what_W
DT such_ABL a_AT program_NN would_MD commit_VB them_PPO to_IN ._. The_AT bill_NN
which_WDT passed_VBD the_AT Assembly_NN-TL last_AP May_NP and_CC is_BEZ now_RB
pending_JJ in_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL should_MD be_BE given_VBN careful_JJ scruti
ny_NN ._. The_AT procedure_NN for_IN determining_VBG the_AT amounts_VBZ of_IN mo
ney_NN to_TO be_BE spent_VBN by_IN county_NN colleges_NNS and_CC raised_VBN by_I
N taxation_NN will_MD certainly_RB startle_VB many_AP taxpayers_NNS ._. Under_IN
the_AT proposal_NN the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN trustees_NNS
of_IN a_AT county_NN college_NN will_MD be_BE appointed_VBN ;_. ;_. none_PN will
_MD be_BE elected_VBN ._. The_AT trustees_NNS will_MD prepare_VB an_AT annual_JJ
budget_NN for_IN the_AT college_NN and_CC submit_VB it_PPO to_IN the_AT board_N
N of_IN school_NN estimate_NN ._. This_DT board_NN will_MD consist_VB of_IN two_
CD of_IN the_AT trustees_NNS of_IN the_AT college_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT director_
NN and_CC two_CD members_NNS of_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN freeholders_NNS ._. It_
PPS will_MD determine_VB the_AT amount_VB of_IN money_NN to_TO be_BE spent_VBN b
y_IN the_AT college_NN and_CC will_MD certify_VB this_DT amount_VB to_IN the_AT
board_NN of_IN freeholders_NNS ,_, which_WDT ``_`` shall_MD appropriate_JJ in_IN
the_AT same_AP manner_NN as_CS other_AP appropriations_NNS are_BER made_VBN by_
IN it_PPO the_AT amount_NN so_RB certified_VBN and_CC the_AT amount_NN shall_MD
be_BE assessed_VBN ,_, levied_VBN and_CC collected_VBN in_IN the_AT same_AP mann
er_NN as_CS moneys_NNS appropriated_VBN for_IN other_AP purposes_NNS ''_'' ._. T
he_AT approval_NN of_IN only_RB three_CD members_NNS of_IN the_AT board_NN of_IN
school_NN estimate_NN is_BEZ required_VBN to_TO certify_VB the_AT amount_NN of_
IN money_NN to_TO be_BE allotted_VBN to_IN the_AT college_NN ._. Since_CS two_CD
of_IN these_DTS could_MD be_BE trustees_NNS of_IN the_AT college_NN ,_, actuall
y_RB it_PPS would_MD be_BE necessary_JJ to_TO have_HV the_AT consent_NN of_IN on
ly_RB one_CD elected_VBN official_NN to_TO impose_VB a_AT levy_NN of_IN millions
_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS of_IN tax_NN revenue_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ taxation_NN wi
thout_IN representation_NN ._. Taxing_VBG-HL improvements_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT
-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- Your_PP$ editorial_NN ,_, ``_`` Housing_NN-
TL Speedup_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, is_BEZ certainly_RB not_* the_AT answer_NN to_IN our_
PP$ slum_NN problems_NNS ._. The_AT very_AP rules_NNS and_CC regulations_NNS in_
IN every_AT city_NN are_BER the_AT primary_JJ case_NN of_IN slum_NN conditions_N
NS ._. Change_VB our_PP$ taxing_VBG law_NN so_CS that_CS no_AT tax_NN shall_MD b
e_BE charged_VBN to_IN any_DTI owner_NN for_IN additions_NNS or_CC improvements_
NNS to_IN his_PP$ properties_NNS ._. Then_RB see_VB what_WDT a_AT boom_NN in_IN
all_ABN trades_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS slum_NN clearance_NN at_IN no_AT cost
_NN to_IN taxpayers_NNS ,_, will_MD happen_VB ._. Our_PP$ entire_JJ economy_NN w
ill_MD have_HV a_AT terrific_JJ uplift_NN ._. ``_`` Natural_JJ-HL causes_NNS-HL
''_'' to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- An_AT old_JJ man_NN is
_BEZ kicked_VBN to_IN death_NN by_IN muggers_NNS ._. The_AT medical_JJ examiner_
NN states_VBZ that_CS death_NN was_BEDZ due_JJ to_IN ``_`` natural_JJ causes_NNS
''_'' ._. I_PPSS once_RB heard_VBD a_AT comedian_NN say_VB that_CS if_CS you_PP
SS are_BER killed_VBN by_IN a_AT taxicab_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, it_PP
S is_BEZ listed_VBN as_CS ``_`` death_NN due_JJ to_IN-HL natural_JJ-HL causes_NN
S-HL ''_'' ._.-HL Praises_VBZ-HL exhibit_NN-HL to_IN the_AT editor_NN :_: Sir_NP
--_-- Every_AT resident_NN of_IN this_DT city_NN should_MD visit_VB the_AT Newa
rk_NP-TL Museum_NN-TL and_CC see_VB the_AT exhibit_NN ``_`` Our_PP$-TL Changing_
VBG-TL Skyline_NN-TL in_IN-TL Newark_NP-TL ''_'' ._. It_PPS will_MD be_BE at_IN
the_AT museum_NN until_IN March_NP 30_CD ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT revelation_NN of
_IN what_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN done_VBN ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ being_BEG done_VBN an
d_CC what_WDT will_MD be_BE done_VBN in_IN Newark_NP as_CS shown_VBN by_IN archi
tects'_NNS$ plans_NNS ,_, models_NNS and_CC pictures_NNS ._. It_PPS shows_VBZ wh
at_WDT a_AT beautiful_JJ city_NN Newark_NP will_MD become_VB and_CC certainly_RB
make_VB every_AT Newarker_NP proud_JJ of_IN this_DT city_NN ._. It_PPS should_M
D also_RB make_VB him_PPO desire_VB to_TO participate_VB actively_RB in_IN civic
_JJ ,_, school_NN and_CC religious_JJ life_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN so_CS th
at_CS that_DT phase_NN of_IN Newark_NP will_MD live_VB up_RP to_IN the_AT challe
nge_NN presented_VBN by_IN this_DT exhibit_NN ._. Parkway_NN-HL courtesy_NN-HL t
o_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Sir_NP --_-- I_PPSS hasten_VB to_TO join_V
B in_IN praise_NN of_IN the_AT men_NNS in_IN the_AT toll_NN booths_NNS on_IN the
_AT Garden_NN-TL State_NN-TL Parkway_NN-TL ._. Recently_RB I_PPSS traveled_VBD t
he_AT parkway_NN from_IN East_JJ-TL Orange_NP-TL to_IN Cape_NN-TL May_NP-TL and_
CC I_PPSS found_VBD the_AT most_QL courteous_JJ group_NN of_IN men_NNS you_PPSS
will_MD find_VB anywhere_RB ._. One_CD even_RB gave_VBD my_PP$ little_JJ dog_NN
a_AT biscuit_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ very_QL refreshing_JJ ._. ``_`` Deep_NN-TL P
eep_NN-TL Show_NN-TL-HL ''_'' The_AT viewers_NNS of_IN the_AT ``_`` Deep_NN-TL P
eep_NN-TL Show_NN-TL ''_'' at_IN 15th_OD and_CC M_NN Streets_NNS-TL NW_NN have_H
V an_AT added_VBN attraction_NN --_-- the_AT view_NN of_IN a_AT fossilized_VBN c
ypress_NN swamp_NN ._. Twenty_CD feet_NNS below_IN the_AT street_NN level_NN in_
IN the_AT excavation_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ motel_NN to_TO be_BE constructed_VBN
on_IN this_DT site_NN ,_, a_AT black_JJ coal-like_JJ deposit_NN has_HVZ been_BE
N encountered_VBN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT black_JJ swamp_NN clay_NN in_IN which_
WDT about_RB one_CD hundred_CD million_CD years_NNS ago_RB cypress-like_JJ trees
_NNS were_BED growing_VBG ._. The_AT fossilized_VBN remains_NNS of_IN many_AP of
_IN these_DTS trees_NNS are_BER found_VBN embedded_VBN in_IN the_AT clay_NN ._.
Some_DTI of_IN the_AT stumps_NNS are_BER as_QL much_AP as_CS three_CD feet_NNS l
ong_JJ ,_, but_CC most_AP of_IN them_PPO have_HV been_BEN flattened_VBN by_IN th
e_AT pressure_NN of_IN the_AT overlying_VBG sediments_NNS ._. Although_CS the_AT
wood_NN has_HVZ been_BEN changed_VBN to_IN coal_NN ,_, much_AP of_IN it_PPO sti
ll_RB retains_VBZ its_PP$ original_JJ cell_NN structure_NN ._. In_IN the_AT clay
_NN are_BER entombed_VBN millions_NNS of_IN pollen_NN grains_NNS and_CC spores_N
NS which_WDT came_VBD from_IN plants_NNS growing_VBG in_IN the_AT region_NN at_I
N the_AT time_NN ._. These_DTS microfossils_NNS indicate_VB the_AT swamp_NN was_
BEDZ ``_`` formed_VBN during_IN the_AT Lower_JJR-TL Cretaceous_NP-TL period_NN w
hen_WRB dinosaurs_NNS were_BED at_IN their_PP$ heyday_NN and_CC when_WRB the_AT
first_OD flowering_VBG plants_NNS were_BED just_RB appearing_VBG ._. The_AT 15th
_OD-TL Street_NN-TL deposit_NN is_BEZ not_* to_TO be_BE confused_VBN with_IN the
_AT nearby_JJ famous_JJ Mayflower_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL cypress_NN swamp_NN on_IN 17
th_OD-TL Street_NN-TL reported_VBN in_IN The_AT-TL Washington_NP-TL Post_NN-TL ,
_, August_NP 2_CD ,_, 1955_CD ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ probably_RB formed_VBN duri
ng_IN the_AT second_OD interglacial_JJ period_NN and_CC is_BEZ therefore_RB much
_QL younger_JJR ._. Working_VBG-HL for_IN-HL peace_NN-HL Recently_RB the_AT secr
etary_NN of_IN the_AT Friends_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL on_IN-TL National_JJ-TL Leg
islation_NN-TL was_BEDZ interviewed_VBN on_IN the_AT air_NN ._. While_CS I_PPSS
respect_VB his_PP$ sincere_JJ concern_NN for_IN peace_NN ,_, he_PPS made_VBD fou
r_CD points_NNS that_CS I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO question_VB ._. 1_CD ._. H
e_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Let's_VB+PPO work_VB for_IN peace_NN instead_RB of_IN p
rotection_NN from_IN aggression_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS would_MD ask_VB ,_, ``_`` Wh
y_WRB not_* do_DO both_ABX ''_'' ?_. ?_. Military_JJ power_NN does_DOZ not_* cau
se_VB war_NN ;_. ;_. war_NN is_BEZ the_AT result_NN of_IN mistrust_NN and_CC lac
k_NN of_IN understanding_NN between_IN people_NNS ._. Are_BER we_PPSS not_* late
_JJ ,_, especially_RB those_DTS of_IN us_PPO who_WPS call_VB ourselves_PPLS Frie
nds_NNS-TL ,_, in_IN doing_VBG enough_AP about_IN this_DT lack_NN of_IN understa
nding_NN ?_. ?_. 2_CD ._. As_IN to_IN protection_NN ,_, the_AT speaker_NN disapp
roved_VBD of_IN shelters_NNS ,_, pointing_VBG out_RP that_CS fallout_NN shelters
_NNS would_MD not_* save_VB everyone_PN ._. Is_BEZ this_DT a_AT reason_NN for_IN
saving_VBG no_AT one_PN ?_. ?_. Would_MD the_AT man_NN with_IN an_AT empty_JJ l
ife_NN boat_NN row_VB away_RB from_IN a_AT shipwreck_NN because_CS his_PP$ boat_
NN could_MD not_* pick_VB up_RP everyone_PN ?_. ?_. 3_CD ._. The_AT speaker_NN s
uggested_VBD that_CS the_AT desolation_NN of_IN a_AT post-attack_JJ world_NN wou
ld_MD be_BE too_QL awful_JJ to_TO face_VB ._. If_CS the_AT world_NN comes_VBZ to
_IN this_DT ,_, wouldn't_MD* it_PPS be_BE the_AT very_AP time_NN when_WRB courag
e_NN and_CC American_JJ know-how_NN would_MD be_BE needed_VBN to_TO help_VB surv
ivors_NNS rebuild_VB ?_. ?_. Many_AP of_IN our_PP$ young_JJ people_NNS think_VB
it_PPS would_MD ._. 4_CD ._. Lastly_RB ,_, the_AT speaker_NN decried_VBD our_PP$
organized_VBN program_NN of_IN emergency_NN help_NN calling_VBG it_PPO ``_`` Ci
vilian_JJ-TL Defense_NN-TL ''_'' ._. In_IN 1950_CD ,_, Public_JJ-TL Law_NN-TL 92
0_CD-TL created_VBD Civil_JJ-TL Defense_NN-TL (_( different_JJ from_IN Civilian-
groups_NP of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL )_) ,_, a_AT responsibility_NN of_
IN the_AT Government_NN-TL at_IN all_ABN levels_NNS to_TO help_VB reduce_VB loss
_NN of_IN life_NN and_CC property_NN in_IN disaster_NN ,_, natural_JJ or_CC manm
ade_JJ ._. Far_RB from_IN creating_VBG fear_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT speaker_NN sugge
sts_VBZ ,_, preparedness_NN --_-- knowing_VBG what_WDT to_TO do_DO in_IN an_AT e
mergency_NN --_-- gives_VBZ people_NNS confidence_NN ._. Civil_JJ-TL Defense_NN-
TL has_HVZ far_RB to_TO go_VB and_CC many_AP problems_NNS to_TO solve_VB ,_, but
_CC is_BEZ it_PPS not_* in_IN the_AT best_JJT spirit_NN of_IN our_PP$ pioneer_NN
tradition_NN to_TO be_BE not_* only_RB willing_JJ ,_, but_CC prepared_VBN to_TO
care_VB for_IN our_PP$ own_JJ families_NNS and_CC help_VB our_PP$ neighbors_NNS
in_IN any_DTI disaster_NN --_-- storm_NN ,_, flood_NN ,_, accident_NN or_CC eve
n_RB war_NN ?_. ?_. Pets_NNS-HL in_IN-HL apartments_NNS-HL It_PPS seems_VBZ rath
er_QL peculiar_JJ that_CS residents_NNS of_IN apartments_NNS are_BER denied_VBN
the_AT right_NN of_IN providing_VBG themselves_PPLS with_IN the_AT protection_NN
and_CC companionship_NN of_IN dogs_NNS ._. I_PPSS feel_VB that_CS few_AP burgla
rs_NNS would_MD be_BE prone_JJ to_TO break_VB and_CC enter_VB into_IN someone's_
PN$ apartment_NN if_CS they_PPSS were_BED met_VBN with_IN a_AT good_JJ hardy_JJ
growl_NN that_CS a_AT dog_NN would_MD provide_VB ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, would
_MD not_* the_AT young_JJ female_NN public_NN of_IN Washington_NP be_BE afforded
_VBN a_AT greater_JJR degree_NN of_IN protection_NN at_IN night_NN when_WRB they
_PPSS are_BER on_IN the_AT streets_NNS if_CS they_PPSS were_BED accompanied_VBN
by_IN a_AT dog_NN on_IN a_AT leash_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS grant_VB that_CS the_AT dog
_NN may_MD not_* be_BE really_QL protective_JJ ,_, based_VBN on_IN his_PP$ train
ing_NN ,_, but_CC if_CS you_PPSS were_BED roaming_VBG the_AT streets_NNS looking
_VBG for_IN a_AT purse_NN to_TO snatch_VB or_CC a_AT young_JJ lady_NN to_TO mole
st_VB ,_, how_WRB quick_JJ would_MD you_PPSS be_BE to_TO attack_VB a_AT person_N
N strolling_VBG with_IN a_AT dog_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO sugges
t_VB that_CS the_AT landlords_NNS and_CC Commissioners_NNS-TL get_VB together_RB
and_CC consider_VB liberalizing_VBG the_AT practice_NN of_IN prohibiting_VBG do
gs_NNS in_IN apartments_NNS ._. Sidewalk_NN-HL cafes_NNS-HL Use_VB the_AT terrac
es_NNS of_IN the_AT Capitol_NN-TL for_IN a_AT sidewalk_NN cafe_NN ?_. ?_. Could_
MD Senator_NN-TL Humphrey_NP be_BE serious_JJ in_IN his_PP$ proposal_NN ?_. ?_.
Is_BEZ nothing_PN in_IN this_DT country_NN more_QL sacred_JJ than_CS the_AT tour
ists'_NNS$ comfort_NN ?_. ?_. Perhaps_RB the_AT idea_NN of_IN sidewalk_NN cafes_
NNS could_MD be_BE extended_VBN ._. The_AT Lincoln_NP and_CC Jefferson_NP-TL Mem
orials_NNS-TL are_BER rather_QL bleak_JJ ._. Why_WRB not_* put_VB a_AT cafe_NN i
n_IN each_DT so_CS the_AT tourists_NNS would_MD not_* have_HV to_TO travel_VB to
o_QL far_RB to_TO eat_VB ?_. ?_. Unfortunately_RB the_AT cafes_NNS might_MD not_
* make_VB enough_AP money_NN to_TO support_VB themselves_PPLS during_IN the_AT o
ff_RP season_NN ._. As_CS an_AT added_VBN suggestion_NN to_TO balance_VB the_AT
budget_NN ,_, the_AT Government_NN-TL could_MD sell_VB advertising_VBG space_NN
on_IN the_AT Washington_NP-TL Monument_NN-TL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ visible_JJ throug
hout_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, and_CC men_NNS from_IN Madison_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL would
_MD jump_VB at_IN the_AT chance_NN ._. Sen._NN-TL Hubert_NP Humphrey_NP is_BEZ o
bviously_RB a_AT man_NN with_IN a_AT soul_NN and_CC heart_NN ._. He_PPS ,_, like
_CS most_AP of_IN us_PPO ,_, wants_VBZ to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO sit_VB ,_, to_T
O contemplate_VB and_CC be_BE moved_VBN by_IN the_AT great_JJ outdoors_NN ._. Le
t_VB us_PPO have_HV more_AP benches_NNS and_CC fewer_JJR forbidden_VBN areas_NNS
around_IN fountains_NNS and_CC gardens_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PPO ,_, like_CS the_AT
French_NPS ,_, have_HV outdoor_JJ cafes_NNS where_WRB we_PPSS may_MD relax_VB ,
_, converse_VB at_IN leisure_NN and_CC enjoy_VB the_AT passing_VBG crowd_NN ._.
Dissenting_VBG-HL views_NNS-HL of_IN-HL senators_NNS-HL Two_CD strong_JJ dissent
s_NNS from_IN the_AT majority_NN report_NN of_IN the_AT Joint_JJ-TL Economic_JJ-
TL Committee_NN-TL (_( May_NP 2_CD )_) by_IN Senators_NNS-TL Proxmire_NP and_CC
Butler_NP allege_VB that_CS the_AT New_JJ-TL Deal_NN-TL fiscal_JJ policy_NN of_I
N the_AT Thirties_NNS-TL did_DOD not_* work_VB ._. For_IN-HL a_AT-HL neutral_JJ-
HL Germany_NP-HL Soviets_NPS-HL said_VBN-HL to_TO-HL fear_VB-HL resurgence_NN-HL
of_IN-HL German_NP-HL militarism_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL
the_AT-HL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL-HL :_:-HL For_IN the_AT first_OD ti
me_NN in_IN history_NN the_AT entire_JJ world_NN is_BEZ dominated_VBN by_IN two_
CD large_JJ ,_, powerful_JJ nations_NNS armed_VBN with_IN murderous_JJ nuclear_J
J weapons_NNS that_WPS make_VB conventional_JJ warfare_NN of_IN the_AT past_AP a
_AT nullity_NN ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC Soviet_NN-TL Russia
_NP-TL have_HV enough_AP nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS to_TO destroy_VB all_ABN nations
_NNS ._. Recent_JJ statements_NNS by_IN well-known_JJ scientists_NNS regarding_I
N the_AT destructive_JJ power_NN of_IN the_AT newest_JJT nuclear_JJ bombs_NNS an
d_CC the_AT deadly_JJ fall-outs_NNS should_MD be_BE sufficient_JJ to_TO still_VB
the_AT voices_NNS of_IN those_DTS who_WPS advocate_VB nuclear_JJ warfare_NN ins
tead_RB of_IN negotiations_NNS ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP was_BEDZ right_JJ
when_WRB he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS shall_MD never_RB negotiate_VB out_IN
of_IN fear_NN and_CC we_PPSS never_RB shall_MD fear_VB to_TO negotiate_VB ''_''
._. I_PPSS have_HV just_RB returned_VBN from_IN a_AT seven-week_JJ trip_NN to_I
N Europe_NP and_CC the_AT Far_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ quite_QL eviden
t_JJ that_CS the_AT people_NNS of_IN Western_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL are_BER overwhel
mingly_QL opposed_VBN to_IN participation_NN in_IN a_AT nuclear_JJ war_NN ._. Th
e_AT fact_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT Italians_NPS ,_, French_NPS and_CC British_NP
S know_VB that_CS they_PPSS have_HV no_AT defense_NN against_IN nuclear_JJ bombs
_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV no_AT right_NN to_TO criticize_VB them_PPO ,_, as_CS th
ey_PPSS realize_VB they_PPSS would_MD be_BE sitting_VBG ducks_NNS in_IN a_AT nuc
lear_JJ war_NN ._. We_PPSS should_MD stand_VB firmly_RB and_CC courageously_RB f
or_IN our_PP$ right_NN to_IN free_JJ access_NN into_IN Berlin_NP ._. It_PPS woul
d_MD be_BE criminal_JJ folly_NN if_CS the_AT Communists_NNS-TL tried_VBD to_TO p
revent_VB us_PPO ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN we_PPSS can_MD do_DO to_T
O stop_VB Soviet_NN-TL Russia_NP-TL from_IN granting_VBG de_FW-IN facto_FW-NN re
cognition_NN to_IN East_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ._. Soviet_NN-TL Russia_NP-TL has_HV
Z been_BEN invaded_VBN twice_RB by_IN German_JJ troops_NNS in_IN a_AT generation
_NN ._. In_IN the_AT last_AP war_NN Russia_NP lost_VBD more_AP than_IN ten_CD mi
llion_CD killed_VBN and_CC its_PP$ lands_NNS and_CC factories_NNS were_BED devas
tated_VBN ._. Probable_JJ-HL agreement_NN-HL The_AT truth_NN is_BEZ that_CS Comm
unist_NN-TL Russia_NP fears_VBZ the_AT resurgence_NN of_IN German_JJ militarism_
NN ._. Berlin_NP is_BEZ merely_RB being_BEG used_VBN by_IN Moscow_NP as_CS a_AT
stalking_VBG horse_NN ._. Actually_RB ,_, the_AT Communists_NNS-TL ,_, out_IN of
_IN fear_NN of_IN a_AT united_VBN and_CC armed_VBN Germany_NP ,_, would_MD proba
bly_RB be_BE willing_JJ to_TO agree_VB to_IN a_AT disarmed_VBN Germany_NP that_W
PS would_MD be_BE united_VBN and_CC neutral_JJ and_CC have_HV its_PP$ independen
ce_NN guaranteed_VBN by_IN the_AT U.N._NP ._. If_CS the_AT Communists_NNS-TL are
_BER sincere_JJ in_IN wanting_VBG a_AT united_VBN ,_, neutral_JJ and_CC disarmed
_VBN Germany_NP ,_, it_PPS might_MD well_RB be_BE advantageous_JJ for_IN the_AT
German_JJ people_NNS in_IN this_DT nuclear_JJ age_NN ._. It_PPS could_MD provide
_VB security_NN without_IN cost_NN of_IN armaments_NNS and_CC increase_VB German
_JJ prosperity_NN and_CC lessen_VB taxation_NN ._. France_NP and_CC other_AP Wes
tern_JJ-TL European_JJ nations_NNS likewise_RB fear_VB a_AT rearmed_VBN Germany_
NP ._. If_CS the_AT German_JJ people_NNS favor_VB such_ABL a_AT settlement_NN we
_PPSS should_MD not_* oppose_VB Germany_NP following_VBG the_AT example_NN of_IN
Austria_NP ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP has_HVZ urged_VBN a_AT peace_NN race_
NN on_IN disarmament_NN that_WPS might_MD be_BE called_VBN ``_`` Operation_NN-TL
Survival_NN-TL ''_'' which_WDT has_HVZ many_AP facets_NNS ._. Why_WRB not_* mak
e_VB a_AT beginning_NN with_IN a_AT united_VBN and_CC disarmed_VBN Germany_NP wh
ose_WP$ neutrality_NN and_CC immunity_NN from_IN nuclear_JJ bombing_NN would_MD
be_BE guaranteed_VBN by_IN the_AT Big_JJ-TL Four_CD-TL powers_NNS and_CC the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ?_. ?_. A_AT united_VBN Germany_NP ,_, freed_VBN of_
IN militarism_NN ,_, might_MD be_BE the_AT first_OD step_NN toward_IN disarmamen
t_NN and_CC peace_NN in_IN a_AT terrorized_VBN and_CC tortured_VBN world_NN ._.
Meeting_VBG-HL U.N._NP-HL obligations_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_
IN-HL the_AT-HL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL-HL :_:-HL In_IN your_PP$ edito
rial_NN of_IN Sept._NP 30_CD ``_`` The_AT-TL Smoldering_VBG-TL Congo_NP-TL ''_''
you_PPSS make_VB the_AT following_VBG comment_NN :_: ``_`` Far_QL too_QL many_A
P states_NNS are_BER following_VBG the_AT Russian_JJ example_NN in_IN refusing_V
BG to_TO pay_VB their_PP$ assessments_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ up_IN to_IN the_AT A
ssembly_NN-TL to_TO take_VB action_NN against_IN them_PPO ._. They_PPSS are_BER
violating_VBG their_PP$ Charter_NN-TL obligation_NN ,_, the_AT prescribed_VBN pe
nalty_NN for_IN which_WDT is_BEZ suspension_NN of_IN membership_NN or_CC expulsi
on_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO quote_VB from_IN the_AT Charter_NN
-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL :_: ``_`` Article_NN-TL 17_C
D-TL ,_, Section_NN-TL 1_CD-TL :_. :_. The_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL shall
_MD consider_VB and_CC approve_VB the_AT budget_NN of_IN the_AT Organization_NN-
TL ._. ``_`` Section_NN 2_CD :_. :_. The_AT expenses_NNS of_IN the_AT Organizati
on_NN-TL shall_MD be_BE borne_VBN by_IN the_AT Members_NNS-TL as_CS apportioned_
VBN by_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Article_NN 19_CD :_. :_.
A_AT Member_NN-TL of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL which_WDT is_BEZ in
_IN arrears_NNS in_IN the_AT payment_NN of_IN its_PP$ financial_JJ contributions
_NNS to_IN the_AT Organization_NN-TL shall_MD have_HV no_AT vote_NN in_IN the_AT
General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL if_CS the_AT amount_NN of_IN its_PP$ arrears_NNS e
quals_VBZ or_CC exceeds_VBZ the_AT amount_NN of_IN the_AT contributions_NNS due_
JJ from_IN it_PPO for_IN the_AT preceding_VBG two_CD full_JJ years_NNS ''_'' ._.
The_AT U.S.S.R._NP and_CC her_PP$ followers_NNS are_BER careful_JJ in_IN paying
_VBG their_PP$ obligations_NNS to_IN the_AT regular_JJ budget_NN ._. But_CC they
_PPSS refuse_VB ,_, as_CS do_DO the_AT Arab_NP states_NNS ,_, to_TO support_VB t
he_AT United_VBN-TL Nations'_NNS$-TL expenses_NNS of_IN maintaining_VBG the_AT U
nited_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL Emergency_NN-TL Force_NN-TL in_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-T
L East_NR-TL as_CS a_AT buffer_NN between_IN Egypt_NP and_CC Israel_NP ,_, and_C
C the_AT U.N._NP troops_NNS in_IN the_AT Congo_NP ,_, which_WDT expenses_NNS are
_BER not_* covered_VBN by_IN the_AT regular_JJ budget_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN
-TL Nations_NNS-TL ,_, but_CC by_IN a_AT special_JJ budget_NN ._. According_IN t
o_IN the_AT official_JJ interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT Charter_NN-TL ,_, a_AT me
mber_NN cannot_MD* be_BE penalized_VBN by_IN not_* having_HVG the_AT right_NN to
_TO vote_VB in_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL for_IN nonpayment_NN of_IN
financial_JJ obligations_NNS to_IN the_AT ``_`` special_JJ ''_'' United_VBN-TL
Nations'_NNS$-TL budgets_NNS ,_, and_CC of_IN course_NN cannot_MD* be_BE expelle
d_VBN from_IN the_AT Organization_NN-TL (_( which_WDT you_PPSS suggested_VBD in_
IN your_PP$ editorial_NN )_) ,_, due_RB to_IN-HL the_AT-HL fact_NN-HL that_CS-HL
there_EX is_BEZ no_AT provision_NN in_IN the_AT Charter_NN-TL for_IN expulsion_
NN ._. To_TO aid_VB international_JJ law_NN Connally_NP-HL amendment's_NN$-HL re
peal_NN-HL held_VBN-HL step_NN-HL toward_IN-HL world_NN-HL order_NN-HL to_IN-HL
the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL-HL :
_:-HL In_IN your_PP$ Sept._NP 27_CD editorial_NN appraisal_NN of_IN the_AT work_
NN of_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Session_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Eighty-seventh_OD-TL Cong
ress_NP you_PPSS referred_VBD to_IN the_AT lack_NN of_IN ``_`` consciousness_NN
of_IN destiny_NN in_IN a_AT time_NN of_IN acute_JJ national_JJ and_CC world_NN p
eril_NN ''_'' ._. Yet_RB your_PP$ list_NN of_IN things_NNS left_VBN undone_VBN d
id_DOD not_* include_VB repeal_NN of_IN the_AT Connally_NP amendment_NN to_IN th
is_DT country's_NN$ domestic_JJ jurisdiction_NN reservation_NN to_IN its_PP$ Adh
erence_NN to_IN the_AT Statute_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL International_JJ-TL Cour
t_NN-TL of_IN-TL Justice_NN-TL ._. The_AT Connally_NP amendment_NN says_VBZ that
_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, rather_IN than_IN the_AT court_NN ,_,
shall_MD determine_VB whether_CS a_AT matter_NN is_BEZ essentially_RB within_IN
the_AT domestic_JJ jurisdiction_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL in_
IN a_AT case_NN before_IN the_AT World_NN-TL Court_NN-TL to_IN which_WDT the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_BEZ a_AT party_NN ._. If_CS the_AT case_NN is_BEZ
thus_RB determined_VBN by_IN us_PPO to_TO be_BE domestic_JJ ,_, the_AT court_NN
has_HVZ no_AT jurisdiction_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT Connally_NP amendment_NN has_
HVZ the_AT effect_NN of_IN giving_VBG the_AT same_AP right_NN to_IN the_AT other
_AP party_NN to_IN a_AT dispute_NN with_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_
, it_PPS also_RB prevents_VBZ us_PPO from_IN using_VBG the_AT court_NN effective
ly_RB ._. Yet_RB although_CS the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL ,_, and_C
C the_AT Eisenhower_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL before_IN it_PPO ,_, have_HV both
_ABX declared_VBN themselves_PPLS solidly_RB for_IN repeal_NN of_IN the_AT Conna
lly_NP amendment_NN ,_, as_CS contrary_JJ to_IN our_PP$ best_JJT interests_NNS ,
_, no_AT action_NN has_HVZ yet_RB been_BEN taken_VBN ._. Our_PP$ ``_`` destiny_N
N ''_'' in_IN these_DTS perilous_JJ times_NNS should_MD be_BE to_TO lead_VB stro
ngly_RB in_IN the_AT pursuit_NN of_IN peace_NN ,_, with_IN justice_NN ,_, under_
IN law_NN ._. To_TO achieve_VB this_DT destiny_NN ,_, acts_NNS as_QL well_RB as_
CS words_NNS are_BER needed_VBN --_-- not_* only_AP acts_NNS that_WPS lead_VB to
_IN physical_JJ strength_NN but_CC also_RB acts_NNS that_WPS lead_VB to_IN stren
gth_NN based_VBN on_IN right_JJ doing_NN and_CC respect_NN ._. What_WDT better_J
JR affirmative_JJ step_NN could_MD be_BE taken_VBN to_IN this_DT end_NN than_CS
repeal_NN of_IN the_AT Connally_NP amendment_NN --_-- an_AT act_NN which_WDT cou
ld_MD expose_VB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL to_IN no_AT practical_JJ risk
_NN yet_CC would_MD put_VB an_AT end_NN to_IN our_PP$ self-judging_JJ attitude_N
N toward_IN the_AT court_NN ,_, enable_VB us_PPO to_TO utilize_VB it_PPO ,_, and
_CC advance_VB in_IN a_AT tangible_JJ way_NN the_AT cause_NN of_IN international
_JJ law_NN and_CC order_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS believe_VB that_CS the_AT list_NN of_
IN vital_JJ things_NNS left_VBN undone_VBN to_IN date_NN by_IN the_AT Eighty-sev
enth_OD-TL Congress_NP should_MD have_HV included_VBN repeal_NN by_IN the_AT Sen
ate_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Connally_NP amendment_NN ._. For_IN-HL better_JJR-HL subw
ay_NN-HL services_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL-HL :_:-HL Many_AP home-bound_JJ subway_NN riders_N
NS utilizing_VBG the_AT Flushing-Main_NP Street_NN-TL express_NN are_BER daily_R
B confronted_VBN with_IN the_AT sight_NN of_IN the_AT local_JJ departing_VBG fro
m_IN the_AT Woodside_NP station_NN as_CS their_PP$ express_JJ comes_VBZ to_IN a_
AT stop_NN ,_, leaving_VBG them_PPO stranded_VBN and_CC strained_VBN ._. To_IN t
he_AT tens_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS who_WPS must_MD transfer_VB to_TO ride_VB to_
IN Seventy-fourth_OD-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC change_VB for_IN the_AT IND_NN ,_, t
his_DT takes_VBZ a_AT daily_JJ toll_NN of_IN time_NN and_CC temper_NN ._. The_AT
Transit_NN-TL Authority_NN-TL has_HVZ recently_RB placed_VBN in_IN operation_NN
``_`` hold_NN ''_'' lights_NNS at_IN BMT_NN Thirty-ninth_OD-TL and_CC Fifty-nin
th_OD-TL Street_NN-TL stations_NNS in_IN Brooklyn_NP ._. This_DT ``_`` holds_VBZ
''_'' the_AT local_JJ until_CS the_AT express_NN passengers_NNS change_VB train
s_NNS ._. Without_IN question_NN ,_, this_DT time_NN and_CC temper_NN saver_NN s
hould_MD be_BE immediately_RB installed_VBN at_IN the_AT Woodside_NP station_NN
._. Phone_NN-HL service_NN-HL criticized_VBN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL
of_IN-HL the_AT-HL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL-HL :_:-HL As_CS a_AT busine
ss_NN man_NN I_PPSS have_HV to_TO use_VB the_AT telephone_NN constantly_RB ,_, f
rom_IN three_CD to_IN four_CD hours_NNS a_AT day_NN ._. In_IN the_AT last_AP few
_AP years_NNS the_AT telephone_NN company_NN has_HVZ managed_VBN to_TO automate_
VB many_AP areas_NNS of_IN their_PP$ service_NN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ not_* been_BE
N any_DTI great_JJ mental_JJ effort_NN on_IN my_PP$ part_NN to_TO keep_VB up_RP
with_IN this_DT mechanization_NN which_WDT has_HVZ brought_VBN about_RP new_JJ w
ays_NNS of_IN dialing_VBG ._. However_WRB ,_, there_EX are_BER still_RB several_
AP types_NNS of_IN calls_NNS that_WPS necessitate_VB the_AT use_NN of_IN telepho
ne_NN operators_NNS ._. I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN absolutely_QL shocked_VBN at_IN
the_AT ineptness_NN of_IN the_AT young_JJ ladies_NNS who_WPS are_BER servicing_V
BG person-to-person_NN calls_NNS ,_, special_JJ long-distance_NN calls_NNS ,_, e
tc._RB ._. Either_CC it_PPS is_BEZ lack_NN of_IN training_VBG ,_, lack_NN of_IN
proper_JJ screening_NN when_WRB hiring_VBG ,_, lack_NN of_IN management_NN or_CC
possibly_RB lack_NN of_IN interest_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT telepho
ne_NN company_NN ,_, which_WDT does_DOZ have_HV a_AT Government-blessed_JJ monop
oly_NN ._. Fair-priced_JJ-HL funeral_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-H
L I_PPSS disagree_VB with_IN the_AT writer_NN who_WPS says_VBZ funeral_NN servic
es_NNS should_MD be_BE government-controlled_JJ ._. The_AT funeral_NN for_IN my_
PP$ husband_NN was_BEDZ just_RB what_WDT I_PPSS wanted_VBD and_CC I_PPSS paid_VB
D a_AT fair_JJ price_NN ,_, far_QL less_AP than_CS I_PPSS had_HVD expected_VBN t
o_TO pay_VB ._. But_CC the_AT hospitals_NNS and_CC doctors_NNS should_MD be_BE .
_. Helping_VBG-HL retarded_VBN-HL children_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-H
L :_:-HL Recently_RB I_PPSS visited_VBD the_AT very_QL remarkable_JJ Pilgrim_NN-
TL School_NN-TL for_IN retarded_VBN children_NNS ._. Hazel_NN-TL Park_NN-TL dona
tes_VBZ its_PP$ recreation_NN center_NN ,_, five_CD days_NNS a_AT week_NN ,_, to
_IN the_AT school_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT charge_NN and_CC no_AT state_NN a
id_NN ._. Kiwanis_NP ,_, American_JJ-TL Legion_NN-TL and_CC other_AP groups_NNS
donate_VB small_JJ sums_NNS and_CC the_AT mothers_NNS do_DO what_WDT they_PPSS c
an_MD to_TO bring_VB in_RP dollars_NNS for_IN its_PP$ support_NN ._. There_EX ar
e_BER 70_CD children_NNS there_RB and_CC the_AT mothers_NNS donate_VB one_CD day
_NN a_AT week_NN to_IN the_AT school_NN ._. Reading_VBG ,_, writing_VBG and_CC s
imple_JJ arithmetic_NN are_BER taught_VBN along_RB with_IN such_JJ crafts_NNS as
_CS working_VBG in_IN brass_NN ._. They_PPSS make_VB beautiful_JJ objects_NNS ._
. Enough_AP trading_VBG stamps_NNS were_BED collected_VBN to_TO buy_VB a_AT 12-p
assenger_JJ station_NN wagon_NN ._. Southfield_NP schools_NNS furnish_VB an_AT o
ld_JJ 45-passenger_JJ bus_NN (_( the_AT heater_NN in_IN which_WDT needs_VBZ repa
ir_NN since_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT children_NNS ride_VB a_AT long_JJ distance_
NN and_CC need_VB the_AT heat_NN )_) ._. The_AT school_NN is_BEZ located_VBN at_
IN 9-1/2_CD-TL Mile_NN-TL Road_NN-TL ,_, Woodward_NP-TL Heights_NNS-TL ._. Visit
ors_NNS are_BER welcome_JJ to_TO come_VB see_VB what_WDT these_DTS dedicated_VBN
mothers_NNS can_MD do_DO ._. Jobs_NNS-HL for_IN-HL Cavanagh_NP-HL to_IN-HL the_
AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL I_PPSS was_BEDZ surprised_VBN at_IN Mayor_NN-TL Mirian
i's_NP$ defeat_NN ,_, but_CC perhaps_RB Mayor-elect_NN-TL Cavanagh_NP can_MD acc
omplish_VB some_DTI things_NNS that_WPS should_MD have_HV been_BEN done_VBN year
s_NNS ago_RB ._. Maybe_RB he_PPS can_MD clean_VB out_RP the_AT white_JJ elephant
s_NNS in_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT city_NN departments_NNS such_JJ as_CS welfare_
NN ,_, DPW_NN and_CC sanitation_NN ._. Negligence_NN in_IN garbage_NN and_CC rub
bish_NN collections_NNS and_CC alley_NN cleaning_NN is_BEZ great_JJ ._. He_PPS s
hould_MD put_VB the_AT police_NN back_RB to_IN patrolling_VBG and_CC walking_VBG
the_AT streets_NNS at_IN night_NN ._. There_EX should_MD be_BE better_JJR bus_N
N service_NN and_CC all_ABN of_IN our_PP$ city_NN departments_NNS and_CC their_P
P$ various_JJ branches_NNS need_VB a_AT general_JJ and_CC complete_JJ overhaulin
g_NN ._. Our_PP$ litterbug_NN ordinances_NNS are_BER not_* enforced_VBN and_CC I
_PPSS have_HV yet_RB to_TO read_VB of_IN a_AT conviction_NN in_IN a_AT littering
_VBG case_NN ._. Drunken_JJ truck_NN drivers_NNS in_IN the_AT city_NN department
s_NNS should_MD be_BE weeded_VBN out_RP ._. Educate_VB the_AT city_NN employes_N
NS to_TO give_VB real_JJ service_NN to_IN the_AT public_NN ._. After_IN all_ABN
,_, they_PPSS are_BER paid_VBN by_IN the_AT public_NN ,_, they_PPSS should_MD be
_BE examples_NNS ._. Church_NN-HL finds_VBZ-HL news_NN-HL features_NNS-HL are_BE
R-HL helpful_JJ-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL At_IN a_AT recent_JJ m
eeting_NN of_IN the_AT Women's_NNS$-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Trum
bull_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL United_VBN-TL Presbyterian_NP-TL Church_NN-TL ,_, consider
able_JJ use_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN of_IN material_NN from_IN The_AT-TL Detroit_NP-
TL News_NN-TL on_IN the_AT King_NN-TL James_NP version_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL
Testament_NN-TL versus_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL English_NP-TL Bible_NP-TL ._. Some_D
TI members_NNS of_IN the_AT organization_NN called_VBD attention_NN also_RB to_I
N the_AT article_NN on_IN hymns_NNS of_IN inspiration_NN ,_, the_AT Daily_JJ-TL
Prayer_NN-TL and_CC Three_CD-TL Minutes_NNS-TL A_AT-TL Day_NN-TL ,_, as_CS being
_BEG very_QL helpful_JJ ._. We_PPSS feel_VB that_CS The_AT-TL Detroit_NP-TL News
_NN-TL is_BEZ to_TO be_BE complimented_VBN upon_IN arranging_VBG for_IN articles
_NNS on_IN these_DTS subjects_NNS and_CC we_PPSS hope_VB that_CS it_PPS will_MD
continue_VB to_TO provide_VB material_NN along_IN wholesome_JJ lines_NNS ._. Rud
e_JJ-HL youngsters_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL Thank_VB you_PP
O for_IN the_AT article_NN by_IN George_NP Sokolsky_NP on_IN the_AT public_JJ ap
athy_NN to_IN impudence_NN ._. How_WRB old_JJ do_DO you_PPO have_HV to_TO be_BE
to_TO remember_VB when_WRB Americans_NPS ,_, especially_RB children_NNS ,_, were
_BED encouraged_VBN to_TO be_BE polite_JJ ?_. ?_. Why_WRB has_HVZ this_DT form_N
N of_IN gentility_NN gone_VBN out_IN of_IN American_JJ life_NN ?_. ?_. How_WRB c
an_MD we_PPSS old-fashioned_JJ parents_NNS ,_, who_WPS still_RB feel_VB that_CS
adults_NNS are_BER due_JJ some_DTI respect_NN from_IN children_NNS ,_, battle_VB
the_AT new_JJ type_NN of_IN advertising_VBG that_DT appears_VBZ on_IN TV_NN wit
hout_IN denying_VBG the_AT children_NNS the_AT use_NN of_IN television_NN entire
ly_RB ?_. ?_. Writers_NNS of_IN ads_NNS must_MD get_VB their_PP$ inspiration_NN
from_IN the_AT attitude_NN of_IN ``_`` modern_JJ ''_'' parents_NNS they_PPSS hav
e_HV observed_VBN ._. From_IN necessity_NN ,_, they_PPSS are_BER also_RB inspire
d_VBN by_IN the_AT ``_`` hard-sell_NN ''_'' attitude_NN of_IN the_AT sponsor_NN
,_, so_RB ,_, finally_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT sponsor_NN who_WPS must_MD tak
e_VB the_AT responsibility_NN for_IN the_AT good_JJ or_CC bad_JJ taste_NN of_IN
his_PP$ advertising_NN ._. Dunes_NNS-HL park_NN-HL advocate_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_A
T-HL editor_NN-HL :_:-HL I_PPSS commend_VB Senator_NN-TL Hart_NP for_IN his_PP$
brave_JJ fight_NN to_TO establish_VB a_AT national_JJ park_NN in_IN the_AT dunes
_NNS area_NN ._. Ghost_NN-HL town_NN-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL To_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_
NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL I_PPSS just_RB wish_VB to_TO cong
ratulate_VB Inspector_NN-TL Trimmer_NP and_CC his_PP$ efficient_JJ police_NN tro
ops_NNS in_IN cleaning_VBG the_AT city_NN of_IN those_DTS horrible_JJ automobile
s_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV now_RB a_AT quiet_JJ city_NN ,_, fewer_AP automobiles_
NNS ,_, less_AP congestion_NN ,_, and_CC fewer_AP retail_NN customers_NNS shoppi
ng_VBG in_IN center_NN city_NN ._. Good_JJ for_IN Mr._NP Trimmer_NP ._. Maybe_RB
he_PPS will_MD help_VB to_TO turn_VB our_PP$ fair_JJ city_NN into_IN a_AT ``_``
ghost_NN ''_'' town_NN ._. Defends_VBZ-HL big_JJ-HL trucks_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_
AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL I_PPSS worked_VBD on
_IN the_AT Schuylkill_NP-TL Expressway_NN-TL and_CC if_CS it_PPS had_HVD not_* b
een_BEN for_IN the_AT big_JJ trucks_NNS carrying_VBG rock_NN and_CC concrete_NN
there_EX wouldn't_MD* be_BE an_AT Expressway_NN-TL ._. Without_IN these_DTS mass
ive_JJ trucks_NNS highways_NNS would_MD still_RB be_BE just_RB an_AT idea_NN of_
IN the_AT future_NN ._. Mr._NP George_NP Hough_NP (_( Oct._NP 30_CD )_) sounds_V
BZ like_CS a_AT business_NN man_NN who_WPS waits_VBZ until_IN the_AT last_AP min
ute_NN to_TO leave_VB his_PP$ home_NR or_CC shop_NN ._. The_AT trucks_NNS today_
NR help_VB pay_VB for_IN this_DT highway_NN ._. They_PPSS try_VB to_TO keep_VB w
ithin_IN the_AT speed_NN limits_NNS ._. Although_CS today's_NR$ trucks_NNS are_B
ER as_QL fast_JJ as_CS passenger_NN cars_NNS ,_, a_AT truck_NN driver_NN has_HVZ
to_TO be_BE a_AT sensible_JJ person_NN and_CC guard_VB against_IN hogging_VBG t
he_AT road_NN ._. Out_IN-HL of_IN-HL school_NN-HL at_IN-HL 14_CD-HL to_IN-HL the
_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL The_AT letter_NN wr
iter_NN who_WPS suggested_VBD saving_VBG money_NN by_IN taking_VBG kids_NNS out_
IN of_IN school_NN at_IN 14_CD should_MD have_HV signed_VBN his_PP$ letter_NN ``
_`` simpleton_NN ''_'' instead_RB of_IN ``_`` simplicitude_NN ''_'' ._. Such_JJ
kids_NNS only_RB wind_VB up_RP among_IN the_AT unemployed_JJ on_IN relief_NN or_
CC in_IN jail_NN where_WRB they_PPSS become_VB a_AT much_QL bigger_JJR burden_NN
._. There_EX are_BER lots_NNS of_IN jobs_NNS available_JJ for_IN trained_VBN hi
gh_JJ school_NN graduates_NNS ,_, but_CC not_* for_IN the_AT dropouts_NNS ._. Wh
at_WDT we_PPSS need_MD is_BEZ more_AP vocational_JJ training_NN in_IN high_JJ sc
hools_NNS ,_, not_* more_AP dropouts_NNS ._. Two_CD-HL wrongs_NNS-HL to_IN-HL th
e_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL I_PPSS suppose_VB
I_PPSS am_BEM missing_VBG some_DTI elementary_JJ point_NN but_CC I_PPSS honestly
_RB cannot_MD* see_VB how_WRB two_CD wrongs_NNS can_MD make_VB a_AT right_NN !_.
!_. I_PPSS am_BEM referring_VBG to_IN this_DT country_NN conducting_VBG atmosph
ere_NN tests_NNS of_IN nuclear_JJ bombs_NNS just_RB because_CS Russia_NP is_BEZ
._. Will_MD our_PP$ bombs_NNS be_BE cleaner_JJR or_CC will_MD their_PP$ fallout_
NN be_BE less_QL harmful_JJ to_IN future_JJ generations_NNS of_IN children_NNS ?
_. ?_. If_CS an_AT atom_NN bomb_NN in_IN 1945_CD could_MD destroy_VB an_AT entir
e_JJ city_NN surely_RB the_AT atomic_JJ arsenal_NN we_PPSS now_RB have_HV is_BEZ
more_AP than_CS adequate_JJ to_TO fulfill_VB any_DTI military_JJ objective_NN r
equired_VBN of_IN it_PPO ._. As_CS I_PPSS see_VB it_PPO ,_, if_CS war_NN starts_
VBZ and_CC we_PPSS survive_VB the_AT initial_JJ attack_NN enough_RB to_TO be_BE
able_JJ to_TO fight_VB back_RB ,_, the_AT nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS we_PPSS now_RB
have_HV --_-- at_IN least_AP the_AT bombs_NNS --_-- can_MD inflict_VB all_ABN th
e_AT demage_NN that_WPS is_BEZ necessary_JJ ._. Why_WRB do_DO we_PPSS need_VB bi
gger_JJR and_CC better_JJR bombs_NNS ?_. ?_. I_PPSS repeat_VB ,_, two_CD wrongs_
NNS do_DO not_* make_VB a_AT right_NN ._. '_' we_PPSS tremble_VB not_* '_' to_IN
-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL Everyone_PN
should_MD take_VB time_NN to_TO read_VB Martin_NP Luther's_NP$ Hymn_NN-TL ``_``
A_AT-TL Mighty_JJ-TL Fortress_NN-TL Is_BEZ-TL Our_PP$-TL God_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Esp
ecially_RB the_AT first_OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT third_OD verse_NN :_: out_IN-HL
of_IN-HL the_AT-HL race_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-H
L Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL To_IN our_PP$ everlasting_JJ shame_NN ,_, we_PPSS led_VB
D the_AT world_NN in_IN this_DT nuclear_JJ arms_NNS race_VB sixteen_CD years_NNS
ago_RB when_WRB we_PPSS dropped_VBD the_AT first_OD bombs_NNS on_IN Hiroshima_N
P and_CC Nagasaki_NP ._. Having_HVG led_VBN the_AT world_NN in_IN this_DT mad_JJ
race_NN I_PPSS pray_VB that_CS we_PPSS may_MD have_HV the_AT wisdom_NN and_CC c
ourage_NN to_TO lead_VB it_PPO out_IN of_IN the_AT race_NN ._. Are_BER we_PPSS t
o_TO be_BE the_AT master_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN ,_, or_CC will_MD the_AT atom_N
N be_BE our_PP$ master_NN --_-- and_CC destroy_VB us_PPO !_. !_. Why_WRB-HL trus
t_VB-HL Jagan_NP-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL To_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_A
T-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL Just_RB because_CS Cheddi_NP Jagan_NP ,_, new_JJ boss
_NN of_IN British_JJ-TL Guiana_NP-TL ,_, was_BEDZ educated_VBN in_IN the_AT Unit
ed_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN to_TO think_VB he_PPS isn't_BEZ*
a_AT Red_JJ-TL ._. We_PPSS have_HV quite_ABL a_AT few_AP home-grown_JJ specimens
_NNS of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ ._. If_CS we_PPSS go_VB all_QL gooey_JJ over_IN this_D
T newest_JJT Castro_NP (_( until_CS he_PPS proves_VBZ he_PPS isn't_BEZ* )_) we'v
e_PPSS+HV got_VBN rocks_NNS in_IN our_PP$ heads_NNS ._. How_WRB many_AP times_NN
S must_MD we_PPSS get_VB burned_VBN before_CS we_PPSS learn_VB ?_. ?_. Russia_NP
-HL and_CC-HL U.N._NP-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inqu
irer_NP-HL :_:-HL Just_RB to_TO remind_VB the_AT Communists_NNS-TL that_CS the_A
T bombs_NNS dropped_VBN on_IN Japan_NP were_BED to_TO end_VB a_AT war_NN not_* s
tart_VB one_CD ._. The_AT war_NN could_MD have_HV continued_VBN many_AP years_NN
S with_IN many_AP thousands_NNS killed_VBN on_IN both_ABX sides_NNS ._. Intellig
ent_JJ people_NNS will_MD admit_VB that_CS bombs_NNS and_CC rockets_NNS of_IN de
struction_NN are_BER frightening_VBG whether_CS they_PPSS fall_VB on_IN Japan_NP
,_, London_NP or_CC Pearl_NN-TL Harbor_NN-TL ._. That_DT is_BEZ why_WRB the_AT
United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL was_BEDZ formed_VBN so_CS that_CS intelligent_JJ me
n_NNS with_IN good_JJ intentions_NNS from_IN all_ABN countries_NNS could_MD meet
_VB and_CC solve_VB problems_NNS without_IN resorting_VBG to_IN war_NN ._. Russi
a_NP has_HVZ showed_VBN its_PP$ intentions_NNS by_IN exploding_VBG bombs_NNS in_
IN peace_NN time_NN to_TO try_VB to_TO frighten_VB the_AT world_NN ._. Why_WRB a
ren't_BER* the_AT Soviets_NPS expelled_VBN from_IN the_AT U.N._NP ?_. ?_. Belate
d_JJ-HL tribute_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquire
r_NP-HL :_:-HL While_CS ``_`` better_JJR late_RB than_CS never_RB ''_'' may_MD h
ave_HV certain_JJ merits_NNS ,_, the_AT posthumous_JJ award_NN of_IN the_AT Nobe
l_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL for_IN-TL Peace_NN-TL to_IN the_AT late_JJ Dag_NP Hammarskjo
ld_NP strikes_VBZ me_PPO as_CS less_AP than_IN a_AT satisfactory_JJ expression_N
N of_IN appreciation_NN ._. Had_HVD it_PPS been_BEN bestowed_VBN while_CS the_AT
Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL w
as_BEDZ living_VBG ,_, unquestionably_RB he_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN greatl
y_RB encouraged_VBN in_IN pursuing_VBG a_AT difficult_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN many_A
P ways_NNS ,_, thankless_JJ task_NN ._. According_IN to_IN one_CD report_NN ,_,
however_WRB ,_, Mr._NP Hammarskjold_NP was_BEDZ considered_VBN ``_`` too_QL cont
roversial_JJ ''_'' a_AT figure_NN to_TO warrant_VB bestowal_NN of_IN the_AT cove
ted_VBN honor_NN last_AP spring_NN ._. Actually_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_
DT label_NN ``_`` controversial_JJ ''_'' applied_VBD only_RB because_CS he_PPS w
as_BEDZ carrying_VBG out_RP the_AT mandate_NN given_VBN him_PPO by_IN the_AT wor
ld_NN organization_NN he_PPS headed_VBD rather_IN than_IN following_VBG the_AT d
ictates_NNS of_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL ._. At_IN Khrushchev's_NP$ doo
r_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, can_MD be_BE placed_VBN the_AT primary_JJ blame_NN but
_CC also_RB at_IN fault_NN are_BER those_DTS who_WPS permitted_VBD themselves_PP
LS to_TO be_BE intimidated_VBN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ well_RB for_CS us_PPO to_TO rem
ember_VB that_CS a_AT wreath_NN on_IN a_AT coffin_NN never_RB can_MD atone_VB fo
r_IN flowers_NNS withheld_VBN while_CS they_PPSS still_RB can_MD be_BE enjoyed_V
BN ._. As_CS has_HVZ happened_VBN so_QL often_RB in_IN the_AT past_AP ,_, the_AT
ability_NN to_TO recognize_VB true_JJ greatness_NN has_HVZ been_BEN inadequate_
JJ and_CC tardy_JJ ._. '_' people_NNS-HL to_IN-HL people_NNS-HL '_' to_IN-HL the
_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL Just_RB a_AT brief_
JJ note_NN of_IN appreciation_NN to_IN Vice_JJ-TL President_NN-TL Johnson_NP and
_CC Pakistani_JJ camel_NN driver_NN Bashir_NP Ahmad_NP for_IN providing_VBG a_AT
first-class_JJ example_NN of_IN ``_`` people_NNS to_IN people_NNS ''_'' good_JJ
will_NN ._. If_CS only_RB this_DT could_MD be_BE done_VBN more_QL often_RB --_-
- with_IN such_JJ heartening_JJ results_NNS --_-- many_AP of_IN the_AT earth's_N
N$ ``_`` big_JJ problems_NNS ''_'' would_MD shrink_VB to_IN the_AT insignificanc
es_NNS they_PPSS really_RB are_BER ._. P.S._RB ._. Thanks_NNS for_IN your_PP$ go
od_JJ coverage_NN of_IN Ahmad's_NP$ visit_NN ,_, too_RB !_. !_. Expressway_NN-HL
answer_NN-HL :_:-HL East_JJ-TL-HL River_NN-TL-HL Drive_NN-TL-HL to_IN-HL the_AT
-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL Your_PP$ continuing_VB
G editorials_NNS concerning_IN the_AT Schuylkill_NP-TL Expressway_NN-TL are_BER
valuable_JJ ;_. ;_. however_WRB ,_, several_AP pertinent_JJ considerations_NNS d
eserve_VB recognition_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT problems_NNS associated_VBN wit
h_IN the_AT expressway_NN stems_VBZ from_IN the_AT basic_JJ idea_NN ._. We_PPSS
shuffle_VB a_AT large_JJ percentage_NN of_IN the_AT cars_NNS across_IN the_AT ri
ver_NN twice_RB ._. They_PPSS start_VB on_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL side_NN of_IN the
_AT Schuylkill_NP ,_, have_HV to_TO cross_VB over_RP to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL to_
TO use_VB the_AT expressway_NN and_CC cross_VB over_RP again_RB to_IN the_AT Eas
t_NR-TL at_IN their_PP$ destination_NN ._. Bridges_NNS ,_, tunnels_NNS and_CC fe
rries_NNS are_BER the_AT most_QL common_JJ methods_NNS of_IN river_NN crossings_
NNS ._. Each_DT one_CD of_IN these_DTS is_BEZ ,_, by_IN its_PP$ nature_NN ,_, a_
AT focal_JJ point_NN or_CC a_AT point_NN of_IN natural_JJ congestion_NN ._. We_P
PSS should_MD avoid_VB these_DTS congestion_NN points_NNS or_CC ,_, putting_VBG
it_PPO another_DT way_NN ,_, keep_VB cars_NNS starting_VBG and_CC ending_VBG on_
IN the_AT East_JJ-TL side_NN of_IN the_AT river_NN --_-- on_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL
side_NN ._. This_DT can_MD be_BE accomplished_VBN by_IN several_AP logical_JJ s
teps_NNS :_: (_( 1_CD )_) Widen_VB the_AT East_JJ-TL River_NN-TL Drive_NN-TL at_
IN least_AP one_CD lane_NN ._. (_( 2_CD )_) So_RB widen_VB it_PPO as_CS to_TO mi
nimize_VB the_AT present_JJ curves_NNS and_CC eliminate_VB drainage_NN problems_
NNS ._. (_( 3_CD )_) Paint_VB continuous_JJ lane_NN stripes_NNS and_CC install_V
B overhead_JJ directional_JJ lights_NNS as_CS on_IN our_PP$ bridges_NNS ._. One_
CD additional_JJ lane_NN would_MD then_RB be_BE directional_JJ with_IN the_AT tr
affic_NN burden_NN and_CC effectively_RB increase_VB the_AT traffic_NN carrying_
VBG capability_NN of_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL River_NN-TL Drive_NN-TL by_IN fifty_CD
percent_NN ._. (_( 4_CD )_) This_DT could_MD be_BE accomplished_VBN without_IN
the_AT tremendous_JJ expenditures_NNS necessitated_VBN by_IN the_AT Schuylkill_N
P-TL Expressway_NN-TL and_CC without_IN destroying_VBG the_AT natural_JJ beauty_
NN of_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL River_NN-TL Drive_NN-TL ._. Shadow_NN-HL over_IN-HL W
ashington_NP-TL Square_NN-TL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL
Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL I_PPSS wish_VB to_TO advocate_VB two_CD drastic_JJ changes
_NNS in_IN Washington_NP-TL Square_NN-TL :_: 1_CD ._. Take_VB away_RB George_NP
Washington's_NP$ statue_NN ._. 2_CD ._. Replace_VB it_PPO with_IN the_AT statue_
NN of_IN one_CD or_CC another_DT of_IN the_AT world's_NN$ famous_JJ dictators_NN
S ._. There's_EX+BEZ no_AT sense_NN in_IN being_BEG reminded_VBN of_IN times_NNS
that_WPS were_BED ._. Washington_NP-TL Square_NN-TL seems_VBZ not_* part_NN of_
IN a_AT free_JJ land_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD remind_VB one_PN of_IN Russia_NP ,_, C
hina_NP or_CC East_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL ;_. ;_. but_CC it_PPS can't_MD* remind_VB
one_PN of_IN the_AT freedom_NN that_WPO Washington_NP and_CC the_AT Continental_
JJ-TL soldiers_NNS fought_VBD for_IN ._. The_AT Fairmount_NP Park_NN-TL Commissi
on_NN-TL will_MD no_AT doubt_NN approve_VB my_PP$ two_CD proposals_NNS ,_, becau
se_CS it_PPS is_BEZ responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT change_NN of_IN ideological_JJ
atmosphere_NN in_IN the_AT Square_NN-TL ._. The_AT matter_NN may_MD seem_VB a_AT
small_JJ thing_NN to_IN some_DTI people_NNS ,_, I_PPSS know_VB ,_, but_CC it's_
PPS+BEZ a_AT very_QL good_JJ start_NN on_IN the_AT road_NN to_IN Totalitarianism
_NN-TL The_AT Commission_NN-TL has_HVZ posted_VBN signs_NNS in_IN Washington_NP-
TL Square_NN-TL saying_VBG :_: The_AT Feeding_NN of_IN Birds_NNS is_BEZ Prohibit
ed_VBN in_IN This_DT square_NN ._. Fairmount_NP Park_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL Does
_DOZ each_DT tentacle_NN of_IN the_AT octopus_NN of_IN City_NN-TL Government_NN-
TL reach_VB out_RP and_CC lash_VB at_IN whatever_WDT it_PPS dislikes_VBZ or_CC c
onsiders_VBZ an_AT annoyance_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS birds_NNS don't_DO* belong_VB in_I
N a_AT Square_NN or_CC Park_NN ,_, what_WDT does_DOZ ?_. ?_. They_PPSS are_BER t
he_AT most_QL beautiful_JJ part_NN of_IN that_DT little_JJ piece_NN of_IN nature
_NN ._. The_AT trees_NNS are_BER their_PP$ homes_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT Commi
ssion_NN-TL does_DOZ not_* share_VB such_JJ sentiments_NNS ._. The_AT whole_JJ o
fficial_JJ City_NN-TL apparently_RB has_HVZ an_AT intense_JJ hatred_NN toward_IN
birds_NNS ._. Starlings_NNS and_CC blackbirds_NNS are_BER scared_VBN off_RP by_
IN canon_NN ,_, from_IN City_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL ._. Just_RB a_AT preliminary_JJ me
asure_NN ._. If_CS any_DTI are_BER left_VBN ,_, presently_RB ,_, we_PPSS may_MD
expect_VB to_TO see_VB signs_NNS specifically_RB prohibiting_VBG the_AT feeding_
NN of_IN them_PPO too_RB ._. The_AT City_NN-TL Government_NN-TL is_BEZ not_* uni
ted_VBN in_IN an_AT all-out_JJ ,_, to-the-death_JJ drive_NN to_TO stamp_VB out_R
P gangs_NNS ,_, delinquents_NNS ,_, thugs_NNS ,_, murderers_NNS ,_, rapists_NNS
,_, subversives_NNS ._. Indeed_RB no_RB ._. Let_VB every_AT policeman_NN and_CC
park_NN guard_NN keep_VB his_PP$ eye_NN on_IN John_NP and_CC Jane_NP Doe_NP ,_,
lest_CS one_CD piece_NN of_IN bread_NN be_BE placed_VBN undetected_JJ and_CC one
_CD bird_NN survive_VB ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, in_IN this_DT small_JJ way_NN of_
IN forcing_VBG the_AT people_NNS to_TO watch_VB as_CS tiny_JJ and_CC innocent_JJ
and_CC dependent_JJ creatures_NNS die_VB because_CS we're_PPSS+BER afraid_JJ to
_TO feed_VB them_PPO and_CC afraid_JJ to_TO protest_VB and_CC say_VB ,_, ``_`` H
ow_WRB come_VB ?_. ?_. What's_WDT+BEZ your_PP$ motive_NN ?_. ?_. Who_WPS wants_V
BZ this_DT deed_NN done_VBN ''_'' ?_. ?_. --_-- in_IN this_DT small_JJ way_NN do
_DO the_AT leaders_NNS of_IN a_AT city_NN ,_, or_CC of_IN a_AT nation_NN ,_, inu
re_VB the_AT masses_NNS to_IN watching_VBG ,_, or_CC even_RB inflicting_VBG ,_,
torture_NN and_CC death_NN ,_, upon_IN even_RB their_PP$ fellow_NN men_NNS ._. O
ne_CD means_NN to_TO help_VB the_AT birds_NNS occurs_VBZ to_IN me_PPO :_: Let_VB
the_AT chimes_NNS that_WPS ring_VB over_IN Washington_NP-TL Square_NN-TL twice_
RB daily_RB ,_, discontinue_VB any_DTI piece_NN of_IN music_NN but_IN one_CD ._.
Let_VB them_PPO offer_VB on_IN behalf_NN of_IN those_DTS creatures_NNS whose_WP
$ melody_NN has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT joy_NN of_IN mankind_NN since_CS time_NN beg
an_VBD ,_, the_AT hymn_NN ``_`` Abide_VB-TL With_IN-TL Me_PPO-TL ''_'' ._. We_PP
SS will_MD know_VB ,_, and_CC He_PPS will_MD know_VB ,_, to_IN whom_WPO it_PPS i
s_BEZ rendered_VBN ,_, what_WDT the_AT birds_NNS would_MD ask_VB :_: not_*-HL pu
sh-ups_NNS-HL but_CC-HL stand-ups_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL editor_NN-HL of_IN-H
L the_AT-HL Inquirer_NP-HL :_:-HL There_EX is_BEZ a_AT trend_NN today_NR to_TO b
emoan_VB the_AT fact_NN that_CS Americans_NPS are_BER too_QL ``_`` soft_JJ ''_''
._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, those_DTS who_WPS would_MD remedy_VB our_PP$ ``_`` sof
tness_NN ''_'' seek_VB to_TO do_DO so_RB with_IN calisthenics_NNS ._. They_PPSS
are_BER working_VBG on_IN the_AT wrong_JJ part_NN of_IN our_PP$ anatomy_NN ._. I
t_PPS is_BEZ not_* our_PP$ bodies_NNS but_CC our_PP$ hearts_NNS and_CC heads_NNS
that_WPS have_HV grown_VBN too_QL soft_JJ ._. Ashamed_JJ of_IN our_PP$ wealth_N
N and_CC power_NN ,_, afraid_JJ of_IN so-called_JJ world_NN opinion_NN and_CC ad
dicted_VBN to_IN peace_NN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV allowed_VBN our_PP$ soft-heartedne
ss_NN to_TO lead_VB to_IN soft-headed_JJ policies_NNS ._. When_WRB we_PPSS becom
e_VB firm_JJ enough_QLP to_TO stand_VB for_IN those_DTS ideals_NNS which_WDT we_
PPSS know_VB to_TO be_BE right_JJ ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS become_VB hard_JJ enough_
QLP to_TO refuse_VB to_TO aid_VB nations_NNS which_WDT do_DO not_* permit_VB sel
f-determination_NN ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS become_VB strong_JJ enough_QLP to_TO res
ist_VB any_DTI more_AP drifts_NNS towards_IN socialism_NN in_IN our_PP$ own_JJ N
ation_NN-TL ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS recognize_VB that_CS our_PP$ enemy_NN is_BEZ Co
mmunism_NN-TL not_* war_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB we_PPSS realize_VB that_CS conces
sions_NNS to_IN Communists_NNS-TL do_DO not_* insure_VB peace_NN or_CC freedom_N
N ,_, then_RB ,_, and_CC only_RB then_RB will_MD we_PPSS no_QL longer_RBR be_BE
``_`` soft_JJ ''_'' ._. America_NP doesn't_DOZ* need_VB to_TO ``_`` push-up_VB '
'_'' ,_, she_PPS needs_VBZ to_TO stand_VB up_RP !_. !_. Disputes_VBZ-HL Stans_NP
-HL column_NN-HL business_NN-HL scandal_NN-HL views_NNS-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL ed
itor_NN-HL :_:-HL The_AT new_JJ column_NN by_IN Maurice_NP Stans_NP regarding_IN
business_NN scandals_NNS ,_, is_BEZ fair_JJ and_CC accurate_JJ in_IN most_AP re
spects_NNS and_CC his_PP$ solution_NN to_IN the_AT problem_NN has_HVZ some_DTI m
erit_NN ._. However_WRB ,_, he_PPS states_VBZ unequivocally_RB ``_`` the_AT scan
dals_NNS in_IN business_NN are_BER far_QL less_QL significant_JJ than_CS the_AT
scandals_NNS in_IN labor_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS must_MD ,_, in_IN fairness_NN ,_, t
ake_VB issue_NN with_IN his_PP$ premise_NN ,_, primarily_RB because_CS the_AT so
-called_JJ scandals_NNS in_IN labor_NN unions_NNS were_BED very_QL much_QL conne
cted_VBN with_IN business_NN scandals_NNS ._. The_AT area_NN most_QL prominently
_RB commented_VBN on_IN during_IN the_AT McClellan_NP hearings_NNS had_HVD to_TO
do_DO with_IN ``_`` sweetheart_NN contracts_NNS ''_'' ._. These_DTS arrangement
s_NNS would_MD have_HV been_BEN impossible_JJ if_CS the_AT business_NN community
_NN was_BEDZ truly_QL interested_VBN in_IN the_AT welfare_NN of_IN its_PP$ emplo
yes_NNS ._. A_AT sweetheart_NN arrangement_NN can_MD come_VB about_RB as_QL ofte
n_RB by_IN employers_NNS doing_VBG the_AT corrupting_NN as_CS by_IN unscrupulous
_JJ labor_NN leaders_NNS demanding_VBG tribute_NN ._. Anyone_PN familiar_JJ with
_IN the_AT details_NNS of_IN the_AT McClellan_NP hearings_NNS must_MD at_IN once
_RB realize_VB that_CS the_AT sweetheart_NN arrangements_NNS augmented_VBD emplo
yer_NN profits_NNS far_QL more_AP than_CS they_PPSS augmented_VBD the_AT earning
s_NNS of_IN the_AT corruptible_JJ labor_NN leaders_NNS ._. Further_RBR ,_, it_PP
S should_MD be_BE recalled_VBN that_CS some_DTI very_QL definite_JJ steps_NNS we
re_BED taken_VBN by_IN Congress_NP to_TO combat_VB corruption_NN in_IN the_AT la
bor_NN movement_NN by_IN its_PP$ passage_NN of_IN the_AT Landrum-Griffin_NP-TL A
ct_NN-TL ._. Escalation_NN-HL unto_IN-HL death_NN-HL The_AT nuclear_JJ war_NN is
_BEZ already_RB being_BEG fought_VBN ,_, except_IN that_CS the_AT bombs_NNS are_
BER not_* being_BEG dropped_VBN on_IN enemy_NN targets_NNS --_-- not_* yet_RB ._
. It_PPS is_BEZ being_BEG fought_VBN ,_, moreover_RB ,_, in_IN fairly_QL close_J
J correspondence_NN with_IN the_AT predictions_NNS of_IN the_AT soothsayers_NNS
of_IN the_AT think_VB factories_NNS ._. They_PPSS predicted_VBD escalation_NN ,_
, and_CC escalation_NN is_BEZ what_WDT we_PPSS are_BER getting_VBG ._. The_AT bi
ggest_JJT nuclear_JJ device_NN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL has_HVZ explod
ed_VBN measured_VBD some_DTI 15_CD megatons_NNS ,_, although_CS our_PP$ B-52s_NN
are_BER said_VBN to_TO be_BE carrying_VBG two_CD 20-megaton_NN bombs_NNS apiece
_RB ._. Some_DTI time_NN ago_RB ,_, however_WRB ,_, Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP decided
_VBD that_CS when_WRB bigger_JJR bombs_NNS were_BED made_VBN ,_, the_AT Soviet_N
N-TL Union_NN-TL would_MD make_VB them_PPO ._. He_PPS seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV at
_IN least_AP a_AT few_AP 30-_CD and_CC 50-megaton_JJ bombs_NNS on_IN hand_NN ,_,
since_CS we_PPSS cannot_MD* assume_VB that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ exploded_VBN his_P
P$ entire_JJ stock_NN ._. And_CC now_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT hue_NN an
d_CC cry_NN for_IN counter-escalation_NN is_BEZ being_BEG raised_VBN on_IN our_P
P$ side_NN ._. Khrushchev_NP threatens_VBZ us_PPO with_IN a_AT 100-megaton_JJ bo
mb_NN ?_. ?_. So_RB be_BE it_PPS --_-- then_RB we_PPSS must_MD embark_VB on_IN a
_AT crash_JJ program_NN for_IN 200-megaton_JJ bombs_NNS of_IN the_AT common_JJ o
r_CC hydrogen_NN variety_NN ,_, and_CC neutron_NN bombs_NNS ,_, which_WDT do_DO
not_* exist_VB but_CC are_BER said_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT coming_VBG thing_NN ._
. So_RB escalation_NN proceeds_VBZ ,_, ad_FW-IN infinitum_FW-NN or_CC ,_, more_Q
L accurately_RB ,_, until_CS the_AT contestants_NNS begin_VB dropping_VBG them_P
PO on_IN each_DT other_AP instead_RB of_IN on_IN their_PP$ respective_JJ proving
_VBG grounds_NNS ._. What_WDT is_BEZ needed_VBN ,_, Philip_NP Morrison_NP writes
_VBZ in_IN The_AT-TL Cornell_NP-TL Daily_JJ-TL Sun_NN-TL (_( October_NP 26_CD )_
) is_BEZ a_AT discontinuity_NN ._. The_AT escalation_NN must_MD end_VB sometime_
RB ,_, and_CC probably_RB quite_QL soon_RB ._. ``_`` Only_RB a_AT discontinuity_
NN can_MD end_VB it_PPO ''_'' ,_, Professor_NN-TL Morrison_NP writes_VBZ ._. ``_
`` The_AT discontinuity_NN can_MD either_CC be_BE that_DT of_IN war_NN to_IN des
truction_NN ,_, or_CC that_DT of_IN diplomatic_JJ policy_NN ''_'' ._. Morrison_N
P points_VBZ out_RP that_CS since_CS our_PP$ country_NN is_BEZ more_QL urbanized
_VBN than_CS the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL or_CC Red_JJ-TL China_NP ,_, it_PPS
is_BEZ the_AT most_QL vulnerable_JJ of_IN the_AT great_JJ powers_NNS --_-- Euro
pe_NP of_IN course_NN must_MD be_BE written_VBN off_RP out_IN of_IN hand_NN ._.
He_PPS feels_VBZ ,_, therefore_RB ,_, that_CS to_TO seek_VB a_AT discontinuity_N
N in_IN the_AT arms_NNS policy_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_BE
Z the_AT least_QL risky_JJ path_NN our_PP$ government_NN can_MD take_VB ._. His_
PP$ proposal_NN is_BEZ opposed_VBN to_IN that_DT of_IN Richard_NP Nixon_NP ,_, G
overnor_NN-TL Rockefeller_NP ,_, past_AP chairmen_NNS Strauss_NP and_CC McCone_N
P of_IN the_AT Atomic_JJ-TL Energy_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL Edward_N
P Teller_NP and_CC those_DTS others_NNS now_RB enjoying_VBG their_PP$ hour_NN of
_IN triumph_NN in_IN the_AT exacerbation_NN of_IN the_AT cold_JJ war_NN ._. Thes
e_DTS gentlemen_NNS are_BER calling_VBG for_IN a_AT resumption_NN of_IN testing_
VBG --_-- in_IN the_AT atmosphere_NN --_-- on_IN the_AT greatest_JJT possible_JJ
scale_NN ,_, all_ABN in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN national_JJ security_NN ._. Esc
alation_NN is_BEZ their_PP$ first_OD love_NN and_CC their_PP$ last_AP ;_. ;_. th
ey_PPSS will_MD be_BE faithful_JJ unto_IN death_NN ._. Capable_JJ as_CS their_PP
$ minds_NNS may_MD be_BE in_IN some_DTI directions_NNS ,_, these_DTS guardians_N
NS of_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ security_NN are_BER incapable_JJ of_IN learning_VBG
,_, or_CC even_RB of_IN observing_VBG ._. If_CS this_DT capacity_NN had_HVD not
_* failed_VBN them_PPO ,_, they_PPSS would_MD see_VB that_CS their_PP$ enemy_NN
has_HVZ made_VBN a_AT disastrous_JJ miscalculation_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ gained_
VBN only_AP one_CD thing_NN --_-- he_PPS has_HVZ exploded_VBN a_AT 50-megaton_JJ
bomb_NN and_CC he_PPS probably_RB has_HVZ rockets_NNS with_IN sufficient_JJ thr
ust_NN to_TO lob_VB it_PPO over_IN the_AT shorter_JJR intercontinental_JJ ranges
_NNS ._. But_CC if_CS his_PP$ purpose_NN was_BEDZ to_TO inspire_VB terror_NN ,_,
his_PP$ action_NN could_MD hardly_RB have_HV miscarried_VBN more_QL obviously_R
B ._. Not_* terror_NN ,_, but_CC anger_NN and_CC resentment_NN have_HV been_BEN
the_AT general_JJ reaction_NN outside_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL sphere_NN ._. Khrus
hchev_NP himself_PPL is_BEZ reported_VBN to_TO be_BE concerned_VBN by_IN the_AT
surge_NN of_IN animosity_NN he_PPS has_HVZ aroused_VBN ,_, yet_RB our_PP$ own_JJ
nuclear_JJ statesmen_NNS seem_VB intent_JJ on_IN following_VBG compulsively_RB
in_IN his_PP$ footsteps_NNS ._. When_WRB one_CD powerful_JJ nation_NN strives_VB
Z to_TO emulate_VB the_AT success_NN of_IN another_DT ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB
natural_JJ ._. Thus_RB ,_, when_WRB the_AT Russians_NPS sent_VBD up_RP their_PP$
first_OD sputnik_NN ,_, American_JJ chagrin_NN was_BEDZ human_JJ enough_QLP ,_,
and_CC American_JJ determination_NN to_TO put_VB American_JJ satellites_NNS int
o_IN orbit_NN was_BEDZ perfectly_QL understandable_JJ ._. But_CC to_TO imitate_V
B an_AT opponent_NN when_WRB he_PPS has_HVZ made_VBN the_AT mistake_NN of_IN his
_PP$ life_NN would_MD be_BE a_AT new_JJ high_NN in_IN statesmanlike_JJ folly_NN
._. The_AT-HL tide_NN-HL turns_VBZ-HL When_WRB East_JJ-TL Germans_NPS fled_VBD t
o_IN the_AT West_NR-TL by_IN the_AT thousands_NNS ,_, paeans_NNS of_IN joy_NN ro
se_VBD from_IN the_AT throats_NNS of_IN Western_JJ-TL publicists_NNS ._. They_PP
SS are_BER less_QL vocal_JJ now_RB ,_, when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT West_JJ-TL
Berliners_NPS-TL who_WPS are_BER migrating_VBG ._. The_AT flood_NN is_BEZ not_*
as_QL great_JJ --_-- only_RB 700_CD a_AT week_NN according_IN to_IN one_CD appar
ently_RB conservative_JJ account_NN --_-- but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ symptomatic_JJ ._
. West_NR Berlin_NP morale_NN is_BEZ low_JJ and_CC ,_, in_IN age_NN distribution
_NN ,_, the_AT situation_NN is_BEZ unfavorable_JJ ._. Nearly_RB 18_CD per_IN cen
t_NN of_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin's_NP$ 2,200,000_CD residents_NNS are_BER sixty-five
_CD or_CC older_JJR ,_, only_RB 12.8_CD per_IN cent_NN are_BER under_IN fifteen_
CD ._. R._NP H._NP S._NP Crossman_NP ,_, M.P._NP ,_, writing_VBG in_IN The_AT-TL
Manchester_NP-TL Guardian_NN-TL ,_, states_VBZ that_CS departures_NNS from_IN W
est_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL are_BER now_RB running_VBG at_IN the_AT rate_NN not_* of_
IN 700_CD ,_, but_CC of_IN 1,700_CD a_AT week_NN ,_, and_CC applications_NNS to_
TO leave_VB have_HV risen_VBN to_IN 1,900_CD a_AT week_NN ._. The_AT official_JJ
statistics_NNS show_VB that_CS 60_CD per_IN cent_NN are_BER employed_VBN worker
s_NNS or_CC independent_JJ professional_JJ people_NNS ._. Whole_JJ families_NNS
are_BER moving_VBG and_CC removal_NN firms_NNS are_BER booked_VBN for_IN months_
NNS ahead_RB ._. The_AT weekly_JJ loss_NN is_BEZ partly_RB counterbalanced_VBN b
y_IN 500_CD arrivals_NNS each_DT week_NN from_IN West_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ,_, bu
t_CC the_AT hard_JJ truth_NN ,_, says_VBZ Crossman_NP ,_, is_BEZ that_CS ``_`` T
he_AT-TL closing_NN off_RP of_IN East_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL without_IN interference
_NN from_IN the_AT West_NR-TL and_CC with_IN the_AT use_NN only_RB of_IN East_JJ
-TL German_JJ ,_, as_CS distinct_JJ from_IN Russian_JJ ,_, troops_NNS was_BEDZ a
_AT major_JJ Communist_NN-TL victory_NN ,_, which_WDT dealt_VBD West_JJ-TL Berli
n_NP-TL a_AT deadly_JJ ,_, possibly_RB a_AT fatal_JJ ,_, blow_NN ._. The_AT gall
ant_JJ half-city_NN is_BEZ dying_VBG on_IN its_PP$ feet_NNS ''_'' ._. Another_DT
piece_NN of_IN evidence_NN appears_VBZ in_IN a_AT dispatch_NN from_IN Bonn_NP i
n_IN The_AT-TL Observer_NN-TL (_( London_NP )_) ._. Mark_NP Arnold-Foster_NP wri
tes_VBZ :_: ``_`` People_NNS are_BER leaving_VBG (_( West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL )_)
because_CS they_PPSS think_VB it_PPS is_BEZ dying_VBG ._. They_PPSS are_BER lea
ving_VBG so_QL fast_RB that_CS the_AT president_NN of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Germa
n_NP-TL Employers'_NNS$-TL Federation_NN-TL issued_VBD an_AT appeal_NN this_DT w
eek_NN to_IN factory_NN workers_NNS in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL to_TO volunteer_VB f
or_IN six_CD months'_NNS$ front-line_NN work_NN in_IN factories_NNS in_IN West_J
J-TL Berlin_NP-TL ._. Berlin's_NP$ resilience_NN is_BEZ amazing_JJ ,_, but_CC if
_CS it_PPS has_HVZ to_TO hire_VB its_PP$ labor_NN in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL the_AT
struggle_NN will_MD be_BE hard_JJ indeed_QLP ''_'' ._. The_AT handwriting_NN is
_BEZ on_IN the_AT wall_NN ._. The_AT only_AP hope_NN for_IN West_JJ-TL Berlin_NP
-TL lies_VBZ in_IN a_AT compromise_NN which_WDT will_MD bring_VB down_RP the_AT
wall_NN and_CC reunite_VB the_AT city_NN ._. State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL offici
als_NNS refusing_VBG to_TO show_VB their_PP$ passes_NNS at_IN the_AT boundary_NN
,_, and_CC driving_VBG two_CD blocks_NNS into_IN East_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL under_
IN military_JJ escort_NN ,_, will_MD not_* avail_VB ._. Tanks_NNS lined_VBN up_R
P at_IN the_AT border_NN will_MD be_BE no_QL more_QL helpful_JJ ._. The_AT mater
ials_NNS for_IN compromise_NN are_BER at_IN hand_NN :_: The_AT Nation_NN-TL ,_,
Walter_NP Lippmann_NP and_CC other_AP sober_JJ commentators_NNS (_( see_VB Alan_
NP Clark_NP on_IN p._NN 367_CD )_) have_HV spelled_VBN them_PPO out_RP again_RB
and_CC again_RB ._. A_AT compromise_NN will_MD leave_VB both_ABX sides_NNS witho
ut_IN the_AT glow_NN of_IN triumph_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS will_MD save_VB Berlin_N
P ._. Or_CC the_AT city_NN can_MD be_BE a_AT graveyard_NN monument_NN to_IN West
ern_JJ-TL intransigence_NN ,_, if_CS that_DT is_BEZ what_WDT the_AT West_NR-TL w
ants_VBZ ._. Vacancy_NN-HL The_AT removal_NN of_IN Stalin's_NP$ body_NN from_IN
the_AT mausoleum_NN he_PPS shared_VBD with_IN Lenin_NP to_IN less_QL distinguish
ed_VBN quarters_NNS in_IN the_AT Kremlin_NP wall_NN is_BEZ not_* unprecedented_J
J in_IN history_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, a_AT relatively_RB mi
ld_JJ chastisement_NN of_IN the_AT dead_JJ ._. A_AT British_JJ writer_NN ,_, Ric
hard_NP Haestier_NP ,_, in_IN a_AT book_NN ,_, Dead_JJ-TL Men_NNS-TL Tell_VB-TL
Tales_NNS-TL ,_, recalls_VBZ that_CS in_IN the_AT turmoil_NN preceding_VBG the_A
T French_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL the_AT body_NN of_IN Henry_NP 4_CD-TL ,_, ,_, wh
o_WPS had_HVD died_VBN nearly_RB 180_CD years_NNS earlier_RBR ,_, was_BEDZ torn_
VBN to_IN pieces_NNS by_IN a_AT mob_NN ._. And_CC in_IN England_NP ,_, after_IN
the_AT Restoration_NN-TL ,_, the_AT body_NN of_IN Cromwell_NP was_BEDZ disinterr
ed_VBN and_CC hanged_VBN at_IN Tyburn_NP ._. The_AT head_NN was_BEDZ then_RB fix
ed_VBN on_IN a_AT pole_NN at_IN Westminster_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT rest_NN of_IN t
he_AT body_NN was_BEDZ buried_VBN under_IN the_AT gallows_NN ._. Contemplating_V
BG these_DTS posthumous_JJ punishments_NNS ,_, Stalin_NP should_MD not_* lose_VB
all_ABN hope_NN ._. In_IN 1899_CD ,_, Parliament_NN-TL erected_VBD a_AT statue_
NN to_IN Cromwell_NP in_IN Westminster_NP ,_, facing_VBG Whitehall_NP and_CC the
re_RB ,_, presumably_RB ,_, he_PPS still_RB stands_VBZ ._. Nikita_NP Khrushchev_
NP ,_, however_WRB ,_, has_HVZ created_VBN yet_RB another_DT problem_NN for_IN h
imself_PPL ._. The_AT Lenin_NP tomb_NN is_BEZ obviously_RB adequate_JJ for_IN do
uble_JJ occupancy_NN ,_, Moscow_NP is_BEZ a_AT crowded_VBN city_NN ,_, and_CC th
e_AT creed_NN of_IN Communism_NN-TL deplores_VBZ waste_NN ._. Who_WPS will_MD ta
ke_VB Stalin's_NP$ place_NN beside_IN Lenin_NP ?_. ?_. There_EX is_BEZ Karl_NP M
arx_NP ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, buried_VBN in_IN London_NP ._. The_AT Macmillan_N
P government_NN might_MD be_BE willing_JJ to_TO let_VB him_PPO go_VB ,_, but_CC
he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN dead_JJ seventy-eight_CD years_NNS and_CC even_RB the_AT
Soviet_NN-TL morticians_NNS could_MD not_* make_VB him_PPO look_VB presentable_
JJ ._. Who_WPS ,_, then_RB ,_, is_BEZ of_IN sufficient_JJ stature_NN to_TO lodge
_VB with_IN Lenin_NP ?_. ?_. Who_WPS but_IN Nikita_NP himself_PPL ?_. ?_. Since_
CS he_PPS has_HVZ just_RB shown_VBN who_WPS is_BEZ top_JJS dog_NN ,_, he_PPS may
_MD not_* be_BE ready_JJ to_TO receive_VB this_DT highest_JJT honor_NN in_IN the
_AT gift_NN of_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL people_NNS ._. Besides_RB ,_, he_PPS can_M
D hardly_RB avoid_VB musing_VBG on_IN the_AT instability_NN of_IN death_NN which
_WDT ,_, what_WDT with_IN exhumations_NNS and_CC rehabilitations_NNS ,_, seems_V
BZ to_TO match_VB that_DT of_IN life_NN ._. Suppose_VB he_PPS did_DOD lie_VB bes
ide_IN Lenin_NP ,_, would_MD it_PPO be_BE permanent_JJ ?_. ?_. If_CS some_DTI fu
ture_JJ Khrushchev_NP decided_VBD to_TO rake_VB up_RP the_AT misdeeds_NNS of_IN
his_PP$ revered_VBN predecessor_NN ,_, would_MD not_* the_AT factory_NN workers_
NNS pass_VB the_AT same_AP resolutions_NNS applauding_VBG his_PP$ dispossession_
NN ?_. ?_. When_WRB a_AT man_NN is_BEZ laid_VBN to_IN rest_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ
entitled_VBN to_TO stay_VB put_VBN ._. If_CS Nikita_NP buys_VBZ a_AT small_JJ pl
ot_NN in_IN some_DTI modest_JJ rural_JJ cemetery_NN ,_, everyone_PN will_MD unde
rstand_VB ._. U_NP-HL Thant_NP-HL of_IN-HL Burma_NP-HL The_AT appointment_NN of_
IN U_NP Thant_NP of_IN Burma_NP as_CS the_AT U.N.'s_NP$ Acting_VBG-TL Secretary_
NN-TL General_JJ-TL --_-- at_IN this_DT writing_NN ,_, the_AT choice_NN appears_
VBZ to_TO be_BE certain_JJ --_-- offers_VBZ further_AP proof_NN that_CS in_IN po
litics_NN it_PPS is_BEZ more_QL important_JJ to_TO have_HV no_AT influential_JJ
enemies_NNS than_CS to_TO have_HV influential_JJ friends_NNS ._. Mongi_NP Slim_N
P of_IN Tunisia_NP and_CC Frederick_NP Boland_NP of_IN Ireland_NP were_BED early
_JJ favorites_NNS in_IN the_AT running_VBG ,_, but_CC France_NP didn't_DOD* like
_VB the_AT former_AP and_CC the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL would_MD have_HV non
e_PN of_IN the_AT latter_AP ._. With_IN the_AT neutralists_NNS maintaining_VBG p
ressure_NN for_IN one_CD of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ to_TO succeed_VB Mr._NP Hammarsk
jold_NP ,_, U_NP Thant_NP emerged_VBD as_CS the_AT only_RB possible_JJ candidate
_NN unlikely_JJ to_TO be_BE waylaid_VBN by_IN a_AT veto_NN ._. What_WDT is_BEZ i
nteresting_JJ is_BEZ that_CS his_PP$ positive_JJ qualifications_NNS for_IN the_A
T post_NN were_BED revealed_VBN only_RB as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN tail_NN to_IN h
is_PP$ candidacy_NN ._. In_IN all_ABN the_AT bitter_JJ in-fighting_NN ,_, the_AT
squabbles_NNS over_IN election_NN procedures_NNS ,_, the_AT complicated_VBN num
bers_NNS game_VB that_CS East_NR-TL and_CC West_NR-TL played_VBD on_IN the_AT as
sistant_JJ secretaries'_NNS$ theme_NN ,_, the_AT gentleman_NN from_IN Burma_NP s
howed_VBD himself_PPL both_ABX as_CS a_AT man_NN of_IN principle_NN and_CC a_AT
skilled_JJ diplomat_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ ,_, moreover_RB ,_, another_DT qualifi
cation_NN which_WDT augurs_VBZ well_RB for_IN the_AT future_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ
a_AT Buddhist_NP ,_, which_WDT means_VBZ that_CS to_IN him_PPO peace_NN and_CC
the_AT sanctity_NN of_IN human_JJ life_NN are_BER not_* only_RB religious_JJ dog
ma_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT profound_JJ and_CC unshakable_JJ Weltanschauung_FW-NN ._.
U_NP Thant_NP of_IN course_NN ,_, will_MD hold_VB office_NN until_IN the_AT spri
ng_NN of_IN 1963_CD ,_, when_WRB Mr._NP Hammarskjold's_NP$ term_NN would_MD have
_HV come_VBN to_IN an_AT end_NN ._. Whether_CS the_AT compromises_NNS --_-- on_I
N both_ABX sides_NNS --_-- that_WPS made_VBD possible_JJ the_AT interim_NN appoi
ntment_NN can_MD then_RB be_BE repeated_VBN remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE seen_VBN ._.
Mr._NP Khrushchev's_NP$ demand_NN for_IN a_AT troika_FW-NN is_BEZ dormant_JJ ,_
, not_* dead_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT West_NR-TL may_MD or_CC not_* remain_VB satisfied
_VBN with_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN neutralism_NN that_WPO U_NP Thant_NP represent
s_VBZ ._. In_IN a_AT sense_NN ,_, the_AT showdown_NN promised_VBN by_IN Mr._NP H
ammarskjold's_NP$ sudden_JJ and_CC tragic_JJ death_NN has_HVZ been_BEN avoided_V
BN ;_. ;_. no_AT precedents_NNS have_HV been_BEN set_VBN as_QL yet_RB ;_. ;_. st
ructurally_RB ,_, the_AT U.N._NP is_BEZ still_RB fluid_JJ ,_, vulnerable_JJ to_I
N the_AT pressures_NNS that_WPS its_PP$ new_JJ and_CC enlarged_VBN membership_NN
are_BER bringing_VBG to_TO bear_VB upon_IN it_PPO ._. But_CC at_IN least_AP the
_AT pessimists_NNS who_WPS believed_VBD that_CS the_AT world_NN organization_NN
had_HVD plunged_VBN to_IN its_PP$ death_NN in_IN that_DT plane_NN crash_NN in_IN
the_AT Congo_NP have_HV been_BEN proved_VBN wrong_JJ ._. To_IN-HL the_AT-HL hil
ls_NNS-HL ,_,-HL girls_NNS-HL ._. No_AT one_PN who_WPS has_HVZ studied_VBN the_A
T radical_JJ Right_NN-TL can_MD suppose_VB that_CS words_NNS are_BER their_PP$ s
ole_JJ staple_NN in_IN trade_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER mentalities_NNS which_WDT
crave_VB action_NN --_-- and_CC they_PPSS are_BER beginning_VBG to_TO get_VB it_
PPO ,_, as_CS Messrs._NPS Salsich_NP and_CC Engh_NP report_VB on_IN page_NN 372_
CD ._. Even_RB in_IN areas_NNS where_WRB political_JJ connotations_NNS are_BER (
_( deliberately_RB ?_. ?_. )_) left_VBN vague_JJ ,_, the_AT spirit_NN of_IN vigi
lantism_NN is_BEZ spreading_VBG ._. Friends_NNS-TL ,_, a_AT picture_NN magazine_
NN distributed_VBN by_IN Chevrolet_NP dealers_NNS ,_, describes_VBZ a_AT paramil
itary_JJ organization_NN of_IN employees_NNS of_IN the_AT Gulf_NN-TL Telephone_N
N-TL Company_NN-TL at_IN Foley_NP ,_, Alabama_NP ._. ``_`` If_CS the_AT day_NN s
hould_MD ever_RB come_VB that_CS foreign_JJ invaders_NNS swarm_VB ashore_RB alon
g_IN the_AT Gulf_NN-TL Coast_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT account_NN reads_VBZ ,_, ``_
`` they_PPSS can_MD count_VB on_IN heavy_JJ opposition_NN from_IN a_AT group_NN
of_IN commando-trained_JJ telephone_NN employees_NNS --_-- all_ABN girls_NNS ._.
Heavily_QL armed_VBN and_CC mobilized_VBN as_CS a_AT fast-moving_JJ Civil_JJ-TL
Defense_NN-TL outfit_NN ,_, 23_CD operators_NNS and_CC office_NN personnel_NNS
stand_VB ready_JJ to_TO move_VB into_IN action_NN at_IN a_AT minute's_NN$ notice
_NN ''_'' ._. According_IN to_IN Friends_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT unit_NN was_BEDZ orga
nized_VBN by_IN John_NP Snook_NP ,_, a_AT former_AP World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-T
L ,_, commando_NN who_WPS is_BEZ vice_NN president_NN and_CC general_JJ manager_
NN of_IN the_AT telephone_NN company_NN ._. The_AT girls_NNS ,_, very_QL fetchin
g_JJ in_IN their_PP$ uniforms_NNS ,_, are_BER shown_VBN firing_VBG rockets_NNS f
rom_IN a_AT launcher_NN mounted_VBN on_IN a_AT dump_NN truck_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPS
S are_BER also_RB trained_VBN with_IN carbines_NNS ,_, automatic_JJ weapons_NNS
,_, pistols_NNS ,_, rifles_NNS and_CC other_AP such_JJ ladies'_NNS$ accessories_
NNS ._. This_DT may_MD be_BE opera_FW-NN bouffe_FW-JJ now_RB ,_, but_CC it_PPS w
ill_MD become_VB more_QL serious_JJ should_MD the_AT cold_JJ war_NN mount_VB in_
IN frenzy_NN ._. The_AT country_NN is_BEZ committed_VBN to_IN the_AT doctrine_NN
of_IN security_NN by_IN military_JJ means_NNS ._. The_AT doctrine_NN has_HVZ ne
ver_RB worked_VBN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ not_* working_VBG now_RB ._. The_AT offi
cial_JJ military_JJ establishment_NN can_MD only_RB threaten_VB to_TO use_VB its
_PP$ nuclear_JJ arms_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS cannot_MD* bring_VB them_PPO into_IN act
ual_JJ play_NN ._. A_AT more_QL dangerous_JJ formula_NN for_IN national_JJ frust
ration_NN cannot_MD* be_BE imagined_VBN ._. As_CS the_AT civic_JJ temper_NN rise
s_VBZ ,_, the_AT more_QL naive_JJ citizens_NNS begin_VB to_TO play_VB soldier_NN
--_-- but_CC the_AT guns_NNS are_BER real_JJ ._. Soon_RB they_PPSS will_MD begi
n_VB to_TO hunt_VB down_RP the_AT traitors_NNS they_PPSS are_BER assured_VBN are
_BER in_IN our_PP$ midst_NN ._. All_ABN false_JJ gods_NNS resemble_VB Moloch_NP
,_, at_IN least_AP in_IN the_AT early_JJ phases_NNS of_IN their_PP$ careers_NNS
,_, so_RB it_PPS would_MD be_BE unreasonable_JJ to_TO expect_VB any_DTI form_NN
of_IN idol-worship_NN to_TO become_VB widespread_JJ without_IN the_AT accompanim
ent_NN of_IN human_JJ sacrifice_NN ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ reason_NN in_IN al
l_ABN things_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN this_DT country_NN the_AT heathenish_JJ cult_N
N of_IN the_AT motor-car_NN is_BEZ exceeding_VBG all_ABN bounds_NNS in_IN its_PP
$ demands_NNS ._. The_AT annual_JJ butchery_NN of_IN 40,000_CD American_JJ men_N
NS ,_, women_NNS and_CC children_NNS to_TO satiate_VB its_PP$ blood-lust_NN is_B
EZ excessive_JJ ;_. ;_. a_AT quota_NN of_IN 25,000_CD a_AT year_NN would_MD be_B
E more_AP than_CS sufficient_JJ ._. No_AT other_AP popular_JJ idol_NN is_BEZ acc
orded_VBN even_QL that_QL much_AP grace_NN ._. If_CS the_AT railroads_NNS ,_, fo
r_IN example_NN ,_, regularly_RB slaughtered_VBD 25,000_CD passengers_NNS each_D
T year_NN ,_, the_AT high_JJ priests_NNS of_IN the_AT cult_NN would_MD have_HV c
ause_NN to_TO tremble_VB for_IN their_PP$ personal_JJ safety_NN ,_, for_CS such_
ABL a_AT holocaust_NN would_MD excite_VB demands_NNS for_IN the_AT hanging_NN of
_IN every_AT railroad_NN president_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL .
_. But_CC by_IN comparison_NN with_IN the_AT railroad_NN ,_, the_AT motor_NN car
_NN is_BEZ a_AT relatively_QL new_JJ object_NN of_IN popular_JJ worship_NN ,_, s
o_RB it_PPS is_BEZ too_QL much_AP to_TO hope_VB that_CS it_PPS may_MD be_BE brou
ght_VBN within_IN the_AT bounds_NNS of_IN civilized_VBN usage_NN quickly_RB and_
CC easily_RB ._. Yet_RB it_PPS is_BEZ plainly_RB time_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT star
t_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO be_BE effective_JJ the_AT first_OD move_NN should_MD be_BE
highly_QL dramatic_JJ ,_, without_IN being_BEG fanatical_JJ ._. Here_RB ,_, the
n_RB ,_, is_BEZ what_WDT Swift_NP would_MD have_HV called_VBN a_AT modest_JJ pro
posal_NN by_IN way_NN of_IN a_AT beginning_NN ._. From_IN next_AP New_JJ-TL Year
's_NN$-TL Day_NN-TL let_VB us_PPO keep_VB careful_JJ account_NN of_IN each_DT su
ccessive_JJ fatality_NN on_IN the_AT highways_NNS ,_, publicizing_VBG it_PPO on_
IN all_ABN media_NNS of_IN communication_NN ._. To_TO avoid_VB suspicion_NN of_I
N bigotry_NN ,_, let_VB the_AT hand_NN of_IN vengeance_NN be_BE stayed_VBN until
_CS the_AT meat-wagon_NN has_HVZ picked_VBN up_RP the_AT twenty-five_CD thousand
th_OD corpse_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC let_VB the_AT twenty-five_CD thousand_CD and_CC f
irst_OD butchery_NN be_BE the_AT signal_NN for_IN the_AT arrest_NN of_IN the_AT
50_CD state_NN highway_NN commissioners_NNS ._. Then_RB let_VB the_AT whole_JJ l
ot_NN be_BE hanged_VBN in_IN a_AT public_JJ mass_NN execution_NN on_IN July_NP 4
_CD-TL ,_, 1963_CD ._. The_AT scene_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, should_MD be_BE n
ine_CD miles_NNS northwest_NR of_IN Centralia_NP ,_, Illinois_NP ,_, the_AT geog
raphical_JJ center_NN of_IN population_NN according_IN to_IN the_AT census_NN ._
. A_AT special_JJ grandstand_NN ,_, protected_VBN by_IN awnings_NNS from_IN the_
AT midsummer_NN sun_NN of_IN Illinois_NP ,_, should_MD be_BE erected_VBN for_IN
occupancy_NN by_IN honored_VBN guests_NNS ,_, who_WPS should_MD include_VB the_A
T ambassadors_NNS of_IN all_ABN those_DTS new_JJ African_JJ nations_NNS as_QL ye
t_RB not_* quite_QL convinced_VBN that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_
BEZ thoroughly_QL civilized_VBN ._. The_AT band_NN should_MD play_VB the_AT Rogu
es'_NNS$-TL March_NN-TL as_CS a_AT processional_NN ,_, switching_VBG to_IN ``_``
Hail_VB-TL Columbia_NP-TL ,_, Happy_JJ-TL Land_NN-TL ''_'' !_. !_. As_CS the_AT
trap_NN is_BEZ sprung_VBN ._. Independence_NN-TL Day_NN-TL is_BEZ the_AT approp
riate_JJ date_NN as_CS a_AT symbolical_JJ reminder_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ a
rticle_NN of_IN faith_NN that_CS governments_NNS are_BER instituted_VBN among_IN
men_NNS to_TO secure_VB to_IN them_PPO certain_JJ inalienable_JJ rights_NNS ,_,
the_AT first_OD of_IN which_WDT is_BEZ life_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB any_DTI gove
rnment_NN becomes_VBZ subversive_JJ of_IN that_DT end_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_A
T right_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS to_TO alter_VB or_CC abolish_VB it_PPO ._. Th
e_AT highway_NN system_NN is_BEZ an_AT agency_NN of_IN government_NN ,_, and_CC
when_WRB it_PPS grinds_VBZ up_RP 40,000_CD Americans_NPS every_AT year_NN the_AT
government_NN is_BEZ destroying_VBG its_PP$ own_JJ taxpayers_NNS ,_, which_WDT
is_BEZ obviously_RB a_AT silly_JJ thing_NN for_CS any_DTI government_NN to_TO do
_DO ._. Hanging_VBG the_AT responsible_JJ officials_NNS would_MD not_* abolish_V
B the_AT government_NN ,_, but_CC would_MD emphasize_VB its_PP$ accountability_N
N for_IN the_AT lives_NNS of_IN its_PP$ individual_JJ citizens_NNS ,_, which_WDT
would_MD certainly_RB alter_VB it_PPO ,_, and_CC definitely_RB for_IN the_AT be
tter_JJR ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT salubrious_JJ effects_NNS would_MD not_* be_
BE exclusively_QL political_JJ ,_, but_CC at_IN least_AP partially_RB ,_, and_CC
perhaps_RB primarily_RB social_JJ ._. It_PPS would_MD challenge_VB sharply_RB n
ot_* the_AT cult_NN of_IN the_AT motor_NN car_NN itself_PPL but_CC some_DTI of_I
N its_PP$ ancillary_JJ beliefs_NNS and_CC practices_NNS --_-- for_IN instance_NN
,_, the_AT doctrine_NN that_CS the_AT fulfillment_NN of_IN life_NN consists_VBZ
in_IN proceeding_VBG from_IN hither_RB to_IN yon_RB ,_, not_* for_IN any_DTI ad
vantage_NN to_TO be_BE gained_VBN by_IN arrival_NN but_CC merely_RB to_TO avoid_
VB the_AT cardinal_JJ sin_NN of_IN stasis_NN ,_, or_CC ,_, as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ g
enerally_RB termed_VBN ,_, staying_VBG put_VBN ._. True_RB ,_, the_AT adherents_
NNS of_IN staying_VBG put_VBN are_BER now_RB reduced_VBN to_IN a_AT minor_JJ ,_,
even_RB a_AT miniscule_JJ sect_NN ,_, and_CC their_PP$ credo_NN ,_, ``_`` Home-
keeping_JJ hearts_NNS are_BER happiest_JJT ''_'' ,_, is_BEZ as_QL disreputable_J
J as_CS Socinianism_NP ._. Nonetheless_RB ,_, although_CS few_AP in_IN number_NN
they_PPSS are_BER a_AT stubborn_JJ crew_NN ,_, as_QL tenacious_JJ of_IN life_NN
as_CS the_AT Hardshell_NP Baptists_NPS ,_, which_WDT suggests_VBZ that_CS there
_EX is_BEZ some_DTI kind_NN of_IN vital_JJ principle_NN embodied_VBN in_IN their
_PP$ faith_NN ._. Perhaps_RB there_EX is_BEZ more_AP truth_NN than_CS we_PPSS ar
e_BER wont_JJ to_TO admit_VB in_IN the_AT conviction_NN of_IN that_DT ornament_N
N of_IN Tarheelia_NP ,_, Robert_NP Ruark's_NP$ grandfather_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BE
DZ persuaded_VBN that_CS the_AT great_JJ curse_NN of_IN the_AT modern_JJ world_N
N is_BEZ ``_`` all_ABN this_DT gallivantin'_VBG ''_'' ._. In_IN any_DTI event_NN
,_, the_AT yearly_JJ sacrifice_NN of_IN 40,000_CD victims_NNS is_BEZ a_AT hecat
omb_NN too_QL large_JJ to_TO be_BE justified_VBN by_IN the_AT most_QL ardent_JJ
faith_NN ._. Somehow_RB our_PP$ contemporary_JJ Moloch_NP must_MD be_BE induced_
VBN to_TO see_VB reason_NN ._. Since_CS appeals_NNS to_IN morality_NN ,_, to_IN
humanity_NN ,_, and_CC to_IN sanity_NN have_HV had_HVN such_QL small_JJ effect_N
N ,_, perhaps_RB our_PP$ last_AP recourse_NN is_BEZ the_AT deterrent_NN example_
NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS make_VB it_PPO established_VBN custom_NN that_CS whenever_W
RB butchery_NN on_IN the_AT highways_NNS grows_VBZ excessive_JJ ,_, say_VB beyon
d_IN 25,000_CD per_IN annum_NN ,_, then_RB somebody_PN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO ha
ng_VB ,_, it_PPS follows_VBZ that_CS the_AT more_QL eminent_JJ the_AT victim_NN
,_, the_AT more_QL impressive_JJ the_AT lesson_NN ._. To_TO hang_VB 50_CD Govern
ors_NNS might_MD be_BE preferable_JJ except_IN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER not_* d
irectly_RB related_VBN to_IN the_AT highways_NNS ;_. ;_. so_RB ,_, all_ABN thing
s_NNS considered_VBN ,_, the_AT highway_NN commissioners_NNS would_MD seem_VB to
_TO be_BE elected_VBN ._. As_CS the_AT new_JJ clouds_NNS of_IN radioactive_JJ fa
llout_NN spread_VB silently_RB and_CC invisibly_RB around_IN the_AT earth_NN ,_,
the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL stands_VBZ guilty_JJ of_IN a_AT monstrous_JJ cr
ime_NN against_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN ._. But_CC the_AT guilt_NN is_BEZ shar
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, Britain_NP and_CC France_NP
,_, the_AT other_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT atomic_JJ club_NN ._. Until_CS Mosc
ow_NP resumed_VBD nuclear_JJ testing_NN last_AP September_NP 1_CD ,_, the_AT US_
NN and_CC UK_NN had_HVD released_VBN more_AP than_IN twice_RB as_QL much_AP radi
ation_NN into_IN the_AT atmosphere_NN as_CS the_AT Russians_NPS ,_, and_CC the_A
T fallout_NN from_IN the_AT earlier_JJR blasts_NNS is_BEZ still_RB coming_VBG do
wn_RP ._. As_CS it_PPS descends_VBZ ,_, the_AT concentration_NN of_IN radioactiv
ity_NN builds_VBZ up_RP in_IN the_AT human_JJ body_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS a_AT dose_N
N of_IN radiation_NN is_BEZ not_* like_CS a_AT flu_NN virus_NN which_WDT causes_
VBZ temporary_JJ discomfort_NN and_CC then_RB dies_VBZ ._. The_AT effect_NN of_I
N radiation_NN is_BEZ cumulative_JJ over_IN the_AT years_NNS --_-- and_CC on_RP
to_IN succeeding_VBG generations_NNS ._. So_RB ,_, while_CS we_PPSS properly_RB
inveigh_VB against_IN the_AT new_JJ poisoning_NN ,_, history_NN is_BEZ not_* lik
ely_JJ to_TO justify_VB the_AT pose_NN of_IN righteousness_NN which_WDT some_DTI
in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL were_BED so_QL quick_JJ to_TO assume_VB when_WRB Mr._NP
Khrushchev_NP made_VBD his_PP$ cynical_JJ and_CC irresponsible_JJ threat_NN ._.
Shock_NN ,_, dismay_NN and_CC foreboding_NN for_IN future_JJ generations_NNS we
re_BED legitimate_JJ reactions_NNS ;_. ;_. a_AT holier-than-thou_JJ sermon_NN wa
s_BEDZ not_* ._. On_IN October_NP 19_CD ,_, after_CS the_AT Soviets_NPS had_HVD
detonated_VBN at_IN least_AP 20_CD nuclear_JJ devices_NNS ,_, Ambassador_NN-TL S
tevenson_NP warned_VBD the_AT UN_NP-TL General_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL that_CS this
_DT country_NN ,_, in_IN ``_`` self_NN protection_NN ''_'' ,_, might_MD have_HV
to_TO resume_VB above-ground_JJ tests_NNS ._. More_QL recently_RB ,_, the_AT cha
irman_NN of_IN the_AT Atomic_JJ-TL Energy_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL G
lenn_NP T._NP Seaborg_NP ,_, ``_`` admitted_VBD ''_'' to_IN a_AT news_NN confere
nce_NN in_IN Las_NP Vegas_NP ,_, Nevada_NP ,_, that_CS the_AT US_NN might_MD fal
l_VB behind_IN Russia_NP (_( he_PPS apparently_RB meant_VBD in_IN weapons_NNS de
velopment_NN )_) if_CS the_AT Soviets_NPS continue_VB to_TO test_VB in_IN the_AT
atmosphere_NN while_CS we_PPSS abstain_VB ._. The_AT trial_NN balloons_NNS are_
BER afloat_RB ._. All_ABN of_IN which_WDT makes_VBZ it_PPO more_QL imperative_JJ
than_CS ever_RB that_CS the_AT biological_JJ and_CC genetic_JJ effects_NNS of_I
N fallout_NN be_BE understood_VBN ._. But_CC for_IN the_AT average_JJ citizen_NN
,_, unfortunately_RB ,_, this_DT is_BEZ one_CD of_IN science's_NN$ worst-marked
_JJ channels_NNS ,_, full_JJ of_IN tricky_JJ currents_NNS and_CC unknown_JJ dept
hs_NNS ._. The_AT scientists_NNS ,_, in_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN government_NN ,_,
do_DO not_* agree_VB on_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT most_QL vital_JJ points_NNS ,_
, at_IN least_AP publicly_RB ._. On_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_, the_AT Public_J
J-TL Health_NN-TL Service_NN-TL declared_VBD as_QL recently_RB as_CS October_NP
26_CD that_CS present_JJ radiation_NN levels_NNS resulting_VBG from_IN the_AT So
viet_NN-TL shots_NNS ``_`` do_DO not_* warrant_VB undue_JJ public_JJ concern_NN
''_'' or_CC any_DTI action_NN to_TO limit_VB the_AT intake_NN of_IN radioactive_
JJ substances_NNS by_IN individuals_NNS or_CC large_JJ population_NN groups_NNS
anywhere_RB in_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. But_CC the_AT PHS_NN conceded_VBD that_CS the
_AT new_JJ radioactive_JJ particles_NNS ``_`` will_MD add_VB to_IN the_AT risk_N
N of_IN genetic_JJ effects_NNS in_IN succeeding_VBG generations_NNS ,_, and_CC p
ossibly_RB to_IN the_AT risk_NN of_IN health_NN damage_NN to_IN some_DTI people_
NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. Then_RB it_PPS added_VBD
:_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ not_* possible_JJ to_TO determine_VB how_WRB extensive_J
J these_DTS ill_JJ effects_NNS will_MD be_BE --_-- nor_CC how_WRB many_AP people
_NNS will_MD be_BE affected_VBN ''_'' ._. Having_HVG hedged_VBN its_PP$ bets_NNS
in_IN this_DT way_NN ,_, PHS_NN apparently_RB decided_VBD it_PPS would_MD be_BE
possible_JJ to_TO make_VB some_DTI sort_NN of_IN determination_NN after_IN all_
ABN :_: ``_`` At_IN present_JJ radiation_NN levels_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB at_IN
somewhat_QL higher_JJR levels_NNS ,_, the_AT additional_JJ risk_NN is_BEZ slight
_JJ and_CC very_QL few_AP people_NNS will_MD be_BE affected_VBN ''_'' ._. Then_R
B ,_, to_TO conclude_VB on_IN an_AT indeterminate_JJ note_NN :_: ``_`` Neverthel
ess_RB ,_, if_CS fallout_NN increased_VBD substantially_RB ,_, or_CC remained_VB
D high_JJ for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN ,_, it_PPS would_MD become_VB far_QL more_
QL important_JJ as_CS a_AT potential_JJ health_NN hazard_NN in_IN this_DT countr
y_NN and_CC throughout_IN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ._. Dr._NN-TL Linus_NP Pauling_N
P ,_, a_AT Nobel_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL winner_NN in_IN chemistry_NN ,_, has_HVZ been
_BEN less_QL ambiguous_JJ ,_, whether_CS you_PPSS choose_VB to_TO agree_VB with_
IN him_PPO or_CC not_* ._. After_CS declaring_VBG ,_, in_IN an_AT article_NN las
t_AP month_NN in_IN Frontier_NN-TL Magazine_NN-TL ,_, that_CS the_AT Russian_JJ
testing_NN ``_`` carries_VBZ with_IN it_PPO the_AT possibility_NN of_IN the_AT m
ost_QL tragic_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN any_DTI action_NN in_IN the_AT history_N
N of_IN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS gave_VBD this_DT estimate_NN of_IN the_
AT biologic_JJ and_CC genetic_JJ consequences_NNS if_CS the_AT new_JJ Soviet_NN-
TL shots_NNS totaled_VBD 200_CD megatons_NNS :_: The_AT damage_NN to_IN human_JJ
germ_NN plasm_NN would_MD be_BE such_JJ that_CS in_IN the_AT next_AP few_AP gen
erations_NNS 160,000_CD children_NNS around_IN the_AT world_NN would_MD be_BE bo
rn_VBN with_IN gross_NN physical_JJ or_CC mental_JJ defects_NNS ._. Long-lived_J
J carbon-14_NN from_IN the_AT fusion_NN process_NN would_MD cause_VB four_CD mil
lion_CD embryonic_JJ ,_, neonatal_JJ or_CC childhood_NN deaths_NNS and_CC stillb
irths_NNS over_IN the_AT next_AP 20_CD generations_NNS ,_, and_CC between_IN 200
,000_CD and_CC one_CD million_CD human_JJ beings_NNS now_RB living_VBG would_MD
have_HV their_PP$ lives_NNS cut_VB short_RB by_IN radiation-produced_JJ diseases
_NNS such_JJ as_CS leukemia_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN these_DTS would_MD be_BE in_IN
the_AT Northern_JJ-TL Hemisphere_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT fallout_NN is_BEZ co
ncentrating_VBG ._. Pauling's_NP$ estimate_NN of_IN 200_CD megatons_NNS yield_NN
from_IN the_AT present_JJ series_NN of_IN Russian_JJ tests_NNS will_MD probably
_RB turn_VB out_RP to_TO be_BE too_QL high_JJ ,_, but_CC a_AT total_NN of_IN 100
_CD megatons_NNS is_BEZ a_AT distinct_JJ possibility_NN ._. The_AT lack_NN of_IN
scientific_JJ unanimity_NN on_IN the_AT effects_NNS of_IN radiation_NN is_BEZ d
ue_JJ in_IN part_NN to_IN insufficient_JJ data_NN covering_VBG large_JJ populati
on_NN groups_NNS ,_, from_IN which_WDT agreed-on_JJ generalizations_NNS could_MD
be_BE drawn_VBN ._. But_CC more_AP than_IN one_CD conscientious_JJ researcher_N
N has_HVZ been_BEN inhibited_VBN from_IN completely_RB frank_JJ discussion_NN of
_IN the_AT available_JJ evidence_NN by_IN the_AT less_QL excusable_JJ fact_NN th
at_CS fallout_NN has_HVZ been_BEN made_VBN a_AT political_JJ issue_NN as_QL well
_RB as_CS a_AT scientific_JJ problem_NN ._. Its_PP$ dangerous_JJ effects_NNS hav
e_HV been_BEN downgraded_VBN to_IN the_AT public_NN by_IN some_DTI who_WPS belie
ve_VB national_JJ security_NN requires_VBZ further_AP testing_NN ._. An_AT illus
tration_NN of_IN this_DT attitude_NN is_BEZ found_VBN in_IN John_NP A._NP McCone
's_NP$ letter_NN to_IN Dr._NN-TL Thomas_NP Lauritsen_NP ,_, reported_VBN in_IN a
_AT note_NN elsewhere_RB in_IN this_DT issue_NN of_IN The_AT New_JJ-TL Republic_
NN-TL ._. To_IN this_DT day_NN the_AT Atomic_JJ-TL Energy_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL
shies_VBZ away_RB from_IN discussing_VBG the_AT health_NN aspects_NNS of_IN fal
lout_NN ._. A_AT recent_JJ study_NN on_IN radiation_NN exposure_NN by_IN the_AT
AEC's_NN division_NN of_IN biology_NN and_CC medicine_NN stated_VBD :_: ``_`` Th
e_AT question_NN of_IN the_AT biological_JJ effect_NN of_IN (_( radiation_NN )_)
doses_NNS is_BEZ not_* considered_VBN ''_'' herein_RB ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, t
he_AT AEC_NN is_BEZ in_IN a_AT bind_NN now_RB ._. If_CS it_PPS comes_VBZ down_RP
too_QL hard_RB on_IN the_AT potential_JJ dangers_NNS of_IN fallout_NN ,_, it_PP
S will_MD box_VB the_AT President_NN-TL on_IN resuming_VBG atmospheric_JJ tests_
NNS ._. So_CS the_AT Commission's_NN$-TL announcements_NNS of_IN the_AT new_JJ S
oviet_NN-TL shots_NNS have_HV been_BEN confined_VBN to_IN one_CD or_CC two_CD bl
eak_JJ sentences_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT fission_NN yield_NN usually_RB left_VBN
vague_JJ ._. Now_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT Russians_NPS are_BER
the_AT nuclear_JJ villains_NNS ,_, radiation_NN is_BEZ a_AT nastier_JJR word_NN
than_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT mid_JJ ,_, when_WRB the_AT US_NN was_BEDZ t
esting_VBG in_IN the_AT atmosphere_NN ._. The_AT prevailing_VBG official_JJ atti
tude_NN then_RB seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE that_CS fallout_NN ,_, if_CS not_* exactl
y_RB good_JJ for_IN you_PPO ,_, might_MD not_* be_BE much_QL worse_JJR than_CS a
_AT bad_JJ cold_NN ._. After_IN a_AT nuclear_JJ blast_NN ,_, one_CD bureaucrat_N
N suggested_VBD in_IN those_DTS halcyon_JJ days_NNS ,_, about_RB all_ABN you_PPS
S had_HVD to_TO do_DO was_BEDZ haul_VB out_RP the_AT broom_NN and_CC sweep_VB of
f_RP your_PP$ sidewalks_NNS and_CC roof_NN ._. Things_NNS aren't_BER* that_QL si
mple_JJ anymore_RB ._. Yet_CC if_CS Washington_NP gets_VBZ too_QL indignant_JJ a
bout_IN Soviet_NN-TL fallout_NN ,_, it_PPS will_MD have_HV to_TO do_DO a_AT lot_
NN of_IN fast_JJ footwork_NN if_CS America_NP decides_VBZ it_PPS too_RB must_MD
start_VB pushing_VBG up_RP the_AT radiation_NN count_NN ._. How_WRB-HL much_AP-H
L fallout_NN-HL will_MD-HL we_PPSS-HL get_VB-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL As_IN of_IN Octobe
r_NP 25_CD ,_, the_AT AEC_NN had_HVD reported_VBN 24_CD shots_NNS in_IN the_AT n
ew_JJ Soviet_NN-TL series_NN ,_, 12_CD of_IN them_PPO in_IN a_AT megaton_NN rang
e_NN ,_, including_IN a_AT super_JJ bomb_NN with_IN a_AT yield_NN of_IN 30_CD to
_IN 50_CD megatons_NNS (_( the_AT equivalent_NN of_IN 30_CD million_CD to_IN 50_
CD million_CD tons_NNS of_IN TNT_NN )_) ;_. ;_. and_CC President_NN-TL Kennedy_N
P indicated_VBD there_EX were_BED one_CD or_CC two_CD more_AP than_CS those_DTS
reported_VBN ._. Assuming_VBG the_AT lower_JJR figure_NN for_IN the_AT big_JJ bl
ast_NN and_CC one_CD shot_NN estimated_VBN by_IN the_AT Japanese_NPS at_IN 10_CD
megatons_NNS ,_, a_AT conservative_JJ computation_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT 24_C
D announced_VBN tests_NNS produced_VBD a_AT total_NN yield_NN of_IN at_IN least_
AP 60_CD megatons_NNS ._. Some_DTI government_NN scientists_NNS say_VB privately
_RB that_CS the_AT figure_NN probably_RB is_BEZ closer_RBR to_IN 80_CD megatons_
NNS ,_, and_CC that_CS the_AT full_JJ 50-megaton_JJ bomb_NN that_WPO Khrushchev_
NP mentioned_VBD may_MD still_RB be_BE detonated_VBN ._. If_CS the_AT new_JJ Sov
iet_NN-TL series_NN has_HVZ followed_VBN the_AT general_JJ pattern_NN of_IN prev
ious_JJ Russian_JJ tests_NNS ,_, the_AT shots_NNS were_BED roughly_RB half_ABN f
ission_NN and_CC half_ABN fusion_NN ,_, meaning_VBG a_AT fission_NN yield_NN of_
IN 30_CD to_IN 40_CD megatons_NNS thus_QL far_RB ._. To_IN this_DT must_MD be_BE
added_VBN the_AT 90_CD to_IN 92_CD megatons_NNS of_IN fission_NN yield_NN produ
ced_VBN between_IN the_AT dawn_NN of_IN the_AT atomic_JJ age_NN in_IN 1945_CD an
d_CC the_AT informal_JJ three-power_JJ test_NN moratorium_NN that_WPS began_VBD
in_IN November_NP ,_, 1958_CD ._. Resuming_VBG-HL atmospheric_JJ-HL tests_NNS-HL
One_CD of_IN the_AT inescapable_JJ realities_NNS of_IN the_AT Cold_JJ-TL War_NN
-TL is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS has_HVZ thrust_VBN upon_IN the_AT West_NR-TL a_AT whol
ly_RB new_JJ and_CC historically_RB unique_JJ set_NN of_IN moral_JJ dilemmas_NNS
._. The_AT first_OD dilemma_NN was_BEDZ the_AT morality_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ war
fare_NN itself_PPL ._. That_DT dilemma_NN is_BEZ as_QL much_RB with_IN us_PPO as
_CS ever_RB ._. The_AT second_OD great_JJ dilemma_NN has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT mor
ality_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ testing_NN ,_, a_AT dilemma_NN which_WDT has_HVZ sudde
nly_RB become_VBN acute_JJ because_RB of_IN the_AT present_JJ series_NN of_IN So
viet_NN-TL tests_NNS ._. When_WRB this_DT second_OD dilemma_NN first_RB became_V
BD obvious_JJ --_-- during_IN the_AT mid_JJ to_IN late_JJ '50's_NNS --_-- the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL appeared_VBD to_TO have_HV three_CD choices_NNS ._.
It_PPS could_MD have_HV unilaterally_RB abandoned_VBN further_JJR testing_NN on
_IN the_AT grounds_NNS of_IN the_AT radiation_NN hazard_NN to_IN future_JJ gener
ations_NNS ._. It_PPS could_MD have_HV continued_VBN testing_VBG to_IN the_AT fu
ll_JJ on_IN the_AT grounds_NNS that_CS the_AT radiation_NN danger_NN was_BEDZ fa
r_QL less_AP than_CS the_AT danger_NN of_IN Communist_NN-TL world_NN domination_
NN ._. Or_CC it_PPS could_MD have_HV chosen_VBN to_TO find_VB --_-- by_IN negoti
ation_NN --_-- some_DTI way_NN of_IN stopping_VBG the_AT tests_NNS without_IN lo
ss_NN to_IN national_JJ security_NN ._. This_DT third_OD choice_NN was_BEDZ in_I
N fact_NN made_VBN ._. With_IN the_AT resumption_NN of_IN Soviet_NN-TL testing_N
N and_CC their_PP$ intransigence_NN at_IN the_AT Geneva_NP talks_NNS ,_, however
_WRB ,_, the_AT hope_NN that_CS this_DT third_OD choice_NN would_MD prove_VB via
ble_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN shaken_VBN ._. Once_RB again_RB ,_, the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL must_MD choose_VB ._. And_CC once_RB again_RB ,_, the_AT choices_
NNS are_BER much_AP the_AT same_AP ._. Only_RB this_DT time_NN around_RB the_AT
conditions_NNS are_BER different_JJ and_CC the_AT choice_NN is_BEZ far_QL harder
_JJR ._. The_AT first_OD choice_NN ,_, abandoning_VBG tests_NNS entirely_RB ,_,
would_MD not_* only_RB be_BE unpopular_JJ domestically_RB ,_, but_CC would_MD su
rely_RB be_BE exploited_VBN by_IN the_AT Russians_NPS ._. The_AT second_OD choic
e_NN ,_, full_JJ testing_NN ,_, has_HVZ become_VBN even_QL more_QL risky_JJ just
_RB because_CS the_AT current_JJ Soviet_NN-TL tests_NNS have_HV already_RB dange
rously_RB contaminated_VBN the_AT atmosphere_NN ._. The_AT third_OD choice_NN ,_
, negotiation_NN ,_, presupposes_VBZ ,_, as_CS Russian_JJ behavior_NN demonstrat
es_VBZ ,_, a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN wishful_JJ thinking_NN to_TO make_VB it_P
PO appear_VB reasonable_JJ ._. We_PPSS take_VB the_AT position_NN ,_, however_WR
B ,_, that_CS the_AT third_OD choice_NN still_RB remains_VBZ the_AT only_AP sane
_JJ one_CD open_JJ to_IN us_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ by_IN no_AT stretch_NN of_IN t
he_AT imagination_NN a_AT happy_JJ choice_NN and_CC the_AT arguments_NNS against
_IN it_PPO as_CS a_AT practical_JJ strategy_NN are_BER formidable_JJ ._. Its_PP$
primary_JJ advantage_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT moral_JJ choice_NN ;_
. ;_. one_CD which_WDT ,_, should_MD it_PPS fail_VB ,_, will_MD not_* have_HV co
ntaminated_VBN the_AT conscience_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ the_AT contamination_NN w
e_PPSS most_RBT fear_VB ._. Leaving_VBG aside_RB the_AT choice_NN of_IN unilater
al_JJ cessation_NN of_IN tests_NNS as_CS neither_CC sane_JJ nor_CC clearly_RB mo
ral_JJ ,_, the_AT question_NN must_MD arise_VB as_IN to_IN why_WRB resumption_NN
of_IN atmospheric_JJ tests_NNS on_IN our_PP$ part_NN would_MD not_* be_BE a_AT
good_JJ choice_NN ._. For_CS that_DT is_BEZ the_AT one_CD an_AT increasingly_RB
large_JJ number_NN of_IN prominent_JJ Americans_NPS are_BER now_RB proposing_VBG
._. In_IN particular_JJ ,_, Governor_NN-TL Nelson_NP Rockefeller_NP has_HVZ exp
ressed_VBN as_QL cogently_RB and_CC clearly_RB as_CS anyone_PN the_AT case_NN fo
r_IN a_AT resumption_NN of_IN atmospheric_JJ tests_NNS ._. Speaking_VBG recently
_RB in_IN Miami_NP ,_, Governor_NN-TL Rockefeller_NP said_VBD that_CS ``_`` to_T
O assure_VB the_AT sufficiency_NN of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ weapons_NNS in_IN the_AT
face_NN of_IN the_AT recent_JJ Soviet_NN-TL tests_NNS ,_, we_PPSS are_BER now_RB
clearly_RB compelled_VBN to_TO conduct_VB our_PP$ own_JJ nuclear_JJ tests_NNS '
'_'' ._. Taking_VBG account_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS such_ABL a_AT move_N
N on_IN our_PP$ part_NN would_MD be_BE unpopular_JJ in_IN world_NN opinion_NN ,_
, he_PPS argued_VBD that_CS the_AT responsibility_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL is_BEZ ``_`` to_TO do_DO ,_, confidently_RB and_CC firmly_RB ,_, n
ot_* what_WDT is_BEZ popular_JJ ,_, but_CC what_WDT is_BEZ right_JJ ''_'' ._. Wh
at_WDT was_BEDZ missing_VBG in_IN the_AT Governor's_NN$-TL argument_NN ,_, as_CS
in_IN so_QL many_AP similar_JJ arguments_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT premise_NN which
_WDT would_MD enable_VB one_CD to_TO make_VB the_AT ethical_JJ leap_NN from_IN w
hat_WDT might_MD be_BE militarily_RB desirable_JJ to_IN what_WDT is_BEZ right_JJ
._. The_AT possibility_NN ,_, as_CS he_PPS asserted_VBD ,_, that_CS the_AT Russ
ians_NPS may_MD get_VB ahead_RB of_IN us_PPO or_CC come_VB closer_RBR to_IN us_P
PO because_CS of_IN their_PP$ tests_NNS does_DOZ not_* supply_VB the_AT needed_V
BN ethical_JJ premise_NN --_-- unless_CS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV
unwittingly_RB become_VBN so_QL brutalized_VBN that_CS nuclear_JJ superiority_N
N is_BEZ now_RB taken_VBN as_CS a_AT moral_JJ demand_NN ._. Besides_IN the_AT la
ck_NN of_IN an_AT adequate_JJ ethical_JJ dimension_NN to_IN the_AT Governor's_NN
$-TL case_NN ,_, one_CD can_MD ask_VB seriously_RB whether_CS our_PP$ lead_NN ov
er_IN the_AT Russians_NPS in_IN quality_NN and_CC quantity_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ w
eapons_NNS is_BEZ so_QL slight_JJ as_CS to_TO make_VB the_AT tests_NNS absolutel
y_QL necessary_JJ ._. Recent_JJ statements_NNS by_IN the_AT President_NN-TL and_
CC Defense_NN-TL Department_NN-TL spokesmen_NNS have_HV ,_, to_IN the_AT contrar
y_JJ ,_, assured_VBN us_PPO that_CS our_PP$ lead_NN is_BEZ very_QL great_JJ ._.
Unless_CS the_AT Administration_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Defense_NN-TL Department_NN-
TL have_HV been_BEN deceiving_VBG us_PPO ,_, the_AT facts_NNS do_DO not_* suppor
t_VB the_AT assertion_NN that_CS we_PPSS are_BER ``_`` compelled_VBN ''_'' to_TO
resume_VB atmospheric_JJ testing_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ perfectly_RB conceivable_
JJ that_CS a_AT resumption_NN of_IN atmospheric_JJ tests_NNS may_MD ,_, at_IN so
me_DTI point_NN in_IN the_AT future_NN ,_, be_BE necessary_JJ and_CC even_RB jus
tifiable_JJ ._. But_CC a_AT resumption_NN does_DOZ not_* seem_VB justifiable_JJ
now_RB ._. What_WDT we_PPSS need_VB to_TO realize_VB is_BEZ that_CS the_AT incre
asingly_RB great_JJ contamination_NN of_IN the_AT atmosphere_NN by_IN the_AT Sov
iet_NN-TL tests_NNS had_HVD radically_RB increased_VBN our_PP$ own_JJ moral_JJ o
bligations_NNS ._. We_PPSS now_RB have_HV to_TO think_VB not_* only_RB of_IN our
_PP$ national_JJ security_NN but_CC also_RB of_IN the_AT future_JJ generations_N
NS who_WPS will_MD suffer_VB from_IN any_DTI tests_NNS we_PPSS might_MD undertak
e_VB ._. This_DT is_BEZ an_AT ethical_JJ demand_NN which_WDT cannot_MD* be_BE ev
aded_VBN or_CC glossed_VBN over_RP by_IN talking_VBG exclusively_RB of_IN weapon
_NN superiority_NN or_CC even_RB of_IN the_AT evil_NN of_IN Communism_NN-TL ._.
Too_QL often_RB in_IN the_AT past_AP Russian_JJ tactics_NNS have_HV been_BEN use
d_VBN to_TO justify_VB like_JJ tactics_NNS on_IN our_PP$ part_NN ._. There_RB ou
ght_MD to_TO be_BE a_AT point_NN beyond_IN which_WDT we_PPSS will_MD not_* allow
_VB ourselves_PPLS to_TO go_VB regardless_RB of_IN what_WDT Russia_NP does_DOZ .
_. The_AT refusal_NN to_TO resume_VB atmospheric_JJ testing_NN would_MD be_BE a_
AT good_JJ start_NN ._. Ecumenical_JJ-HL hopes_NNS-HL when_WRB his_PP$ Holiness_
NN-TL Pope_NN-TL John_NP 23_CD-TL ,_, first_RB called_VBD for_IN an_AT Ecumenica
l_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL ,_, and_CC at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN voiced_VBD his_PP$
yearning_NN for_IN Christian_JJ unity_NN ,_, the_AT enthusiasm_NN among_IN Cath
olic_JJ and_CC Protestant_JJ ecumenicists_NNS was_BEDZ immediate_JJ ._. With_IN
good_JJ reason_NN it_PPS appeared_VBD that_CS a_AT new_JJ day_NN was_BEDZ upon_I
N divided_VBN Christendom_NP ._. But_CC as_CS the_AT more_QL concrete_JJ plans_N
NS for_IN the_AT work_NN of_IN the_AT Council_NN-TL gradually_RB became_VBD know
n_VBN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT rather_QL sharp_JJ and_CC abrupt_JJ disappointm
ent_NN on_IN all_ABN sides_NNS ._. The_AT Council_NN-TL we_PPSS now_RB know_VB w
ill_MD concern_VB itself_PPL directly_RB only_RB with_IN the_AT internal_JJ affa
irs_NNS of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL ._. As_CS it_PPS has_HVZ turned_VBN out_RP ,_,
however_WRB ,_, the_AT excessive_JJ enthusiasm_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD instanc
e_NN and_CC the_AT loss_NN of_IN hope_NN in_IN the_AT second_OD were_BED both_AB
X wrong_JJ responses_NNS ._. Two_CD things_NNS have_HV happened_VBN in_IN recent
_JJ months_NNS to_TO bring_VB the_AT Council_NN-TL into_IN perspective_NN :_: ea
ch_DT provides_VBZ a_AT basis_NN for_IN renewed_VBN hope_NN and_CC joy_NN ._. Fi
rst_OD of_IN all_ABN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ now_RB known_VBN that_CS Pope_NN-TL John_
NP sees_VBZ the_AT renewal_NN and_CC purification_NN of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL a
s_CS an_AT absolutely_QL necessary_JJ step_NN toward_IN Christian_JJ unity_NN ._
. Far_RB from_IN being_BEG irrelevant_JJ to_IN the_AT ecumenical_JJ task_NN ,_,
the_AT Pontiff_NP believes_VBZ that_CS a_AT revivified_VBN Church_NN-TL is_BEZ r
equired_VBN in_IN order_NN that_CS the_AT whole_JJ world_NN may_MD see_VB Cathol
icism_NN-TL in_IN the_AT best_JJT possible_JJ light_NN ._. Equally_QL significan
t_JJ ,_, Pope_NN-TL John_NP has_HVZ said_VBN that_CS Catholics_NPS themselves_PP
LS bear_VB some_DTI responsibility_NN for_IN Christian_JJ disunity_NN ._. A_AT m
ajor_JJ aim_NN of_IN the_AT Council_NN-TL will_MD be_BE to_TO remove_VB as_QL fa
r_RB as_CS possible_JJ whatever_WDT in_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL today_NR stands_VB
Z in_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN unity_NN ._. Secondly_RB ,_, a_AT whole_JJ series_NN
of_IN addresses_NNS and_CC actions_NNS by_IN the_AT Pope_NN-TL and_CC by_IN oth
ers_NNS show_VB that_CS concern_NN for_IN Christian_JJ unity_NN is_BEZ still_RB
very_QL much_QL alive_JJ and_CC growing_VBG within_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL ._. Th
e_AT establishment_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Father_NN-TL ,_, of_IN a_AT pe
rmanent_JJ Secretariat_NN-TL for_IN-TL Christian_JJ-TL Unity_NN-TL in_IN 1960_CD
was_BEDZ the_AT most_QL dramatic_JJ mark_NN of_IN this_DT concern_NN ._. The_AT
designation_NN of_IN five_CD Catholic_JJ theologians_NNS to_TO attend_VB the_AT
World_NN-TL Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Churches_NNS-TL assembly_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL
Delhi_NP-TL as_CS ``_`` official_JJ ''_'' observers_NNS reverses_VBZ the_AT Chur
ch's_NN$-TL earlier_JJR stand_NN ._. The_AT public_JJ appeal_NN by_IN the_AT new
_JJ Vatican_NP-TL Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL ,_, Cardinal_NN-TL Cicogn
ani_NP ,_, for_IN renewed_VBN efforts_NNS toward_IN Eastern_JJ-TL and_CC Western
_JJ-TL reunion_NN was_BEDZ still_RB another_DT remarkable_JJ act_NN ._. Nor_CC c
an_MD one_PN forget_VB Pope_NN-TL John's_NP$-TL unprecedented_JJ meeting_NN with
_IN the_AT Archbishop_NN-TL of_IN-TL Canterbury_NP-TL ._. Augustin_NP Cardinal_N
N-TL Bea_NP ,_, the_AT director_NN of_IN the_AT Secretariate_NN-TL for_IN-TL Chr
istian_JJ-TL Unity_NN-TL ,_, has_HVZ expressed_VBN as_QL directly_RB as_CS anyon
e_PN the_AT new_JJ spirit_NN that_WPS pervades_VBZ the_AT Church's_NN$-TL stance
_NN toward_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ and_CC Orthodox_JJ-TL Churches_NNS-TL ._. Not
ing_VBG all_ABN the_AT difficulties_NNS that_WPS stand_VB in_IN the_AT way_NN of
_IN reunion_NN ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ said_VBN that_CS they_PPSS ought_MD not_* to_T
O discourage_VB anyone_PN ._. For_CS discouragement_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT temptati
on_NN to_TO abandon_VB our_PP$ efforts_NNS ,_, ``_`` would_MD show_VB that_CS on
e_PN placed_VBD excessive_JJ trust_NN in_IN purely_QL human_JJ means_NNS without
_IN thinking_VBG of_IN the_AT omnipotence_NN of_IN God_NP ,_, the_AT irresistibl
e_JJ efficacy_NN of_IN prayer_NN ,_, the_AT action_NN of_IN Christ_NP or_CC the_
AT power_NN of_IN the_AT Divine_JJ-TL Spirit_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Can_MD any_DTI Chri
stian_NP fail_VB to_TO respond_VB to_IN these_DTS words_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT-HL bu
dget_NN-HL deficit_NN-HL the_AT administration's_NN$ official_JJ budget_NN revie
w_NN ,_, which_WDT estimates_VBZ a_AT 6.9_CD billion_CD dollar_NN deficit_NN for
_IN the_AT current_JJ fiscal_JJ year_NN ,_, isn't_BEZ* making_VBG anyone_PN happ
y_JJ ._. Certainly_RB it_PPS isn't_BEZ* making_VBG the_AT President_NN-TL happy_
JJ ,_, and_CC he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN doing_VBG his_PP$ apologetic_JJ best_JJT t
o_TO explain_VB how_WRB the_AT budget_NN got_VBD into_IN its_PP$ unbalanced_VBN
condition_NN ,_, how_WRB he_PPS intends_VBZ to_TO economize_VB wherever_WRB he_P
PS can_MD and_CC how_WRB he_PPS hopes_VBZ to_TO do_DO better_RBR next_AP year_NN
._. We_PPSS sympathize_VB with_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP ,_, but_CC we_PPSS feel_VB
bound_VBN to_TO say_VB that_CS his_PP$ budget_NN review_NN doesn't_DOZ* please_V
B us_PPO either_RB ,_, although_CS for_IN very_QL different_JJ reasons_NNS ._. F
urthermore_RB ,_, we_PPSS find_VB his_PP$ defense_NN of_IN the_AT unbalanced_VBN
budget_NN more_QL dismaying_JJ than_CS reassuring_VBG ._. In_IN the_AT first_OD
place_NN ,_, a_AT large_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT discrepancy_NN between_IN Presi
dent_NN-TL Eisenhower's_NP$ estimate_NN of_IN a_AT 1.5_CD billion_CD dollar_NN s
urplus_NN for_IN the_AT same_AP period_NN and_CC the_AT new_JJ estimate_NN of_IN
an_AT almost_RB seven_CD billion_CD dollar_NN deficit_NN is_BEZ the_AT result_N
N of_IN the_AT outgoing_JJ President's_NN$-TL farewell_NN gift_NN of_IN a_AT pol
itical_JJ booby-trap_NN to_IN his_PP$ successor_NN ._. The_AT Eisenhower_NP budg
et_NN was_BEDZ simultaneously_RB inadequate_JJ in_IN its_PP$ provisions_NNS and_
CC yet_RB extravagant_JJ in_IN its_PP$ projections_NNS of_IN revenue_NN to_TO be
_BE received_VBN ._. The_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT deficit_NN is_BEZ also_RB easil
y_RB understood_VBN ._. Four_CD billion_CD dollars_NNS of_IN the_AT spending_VBG
increase_NN is_BEZ for_IN defense_NN ,_, an_AT expenditure_NN necessitated_VBN
by_IN the_AT penny-wise_JJ policies_NNS of_IN the_AT Eisenhhower_NP-TL Administr
ation_NN-TL ,_, quite_QL apart_RB from_IN the_AT recent_JJ crises_NNS in_IN Berl
in_NP and_CC elsewhere_NN ._. Four_CD hundred_CD million_CD dollars_NNS of_IN th
e_AT increase_NN is_BEZ for_IN the_AT expanded_VBN space_NN program_NN ,_, a_AT
responsibility_NN similarly_RB neglected_VBN by_IN Mr._NP Eisenhower_NP ._. The_
AT farm_NN program_NN will_MD cost_VB an_AT additional_JJ 1.5_CD billion_CD ,_,
because_CS of_IN unusual_JJ weather_NN factors_NNS ,_, the_AT Food_NN-TL for_IN-
TL Peace_NN-TL program_NN and_CC other_AP new_JJ measures_NNS ._. Anti-recession
_JJ programs_NNS --_-- aid_NN for_IN the_AT unemployed_JJ ,_, their_PP$ children
_NNS and_CC for_IN depressed_VBN areas_NNS --_-- account_VB for_IN only_RB 900_C
D million_CD of_IN the_AT 6.9_CD billion_CD dollar_NN deficit_NN ._. Our_PP$ com
plaint_NN is_BEZ that_CS in_IN many_AP crucial_JJ areas_NNS the_AT Kennedy_NP pr
ograms_NNS are_BER not_* too_QL large_JJ but_CC too_QL small_JJ ,_, most_QL seri
ously_RB in_IN regard_NN to_IN the_AT conventional_JJ arms_NNS build-up_NN and_C
C in_IN aid_NN and_CC welfare_NN measures_NNS ._. And_CC yet_RB Mr._NP Kennedy_N
P persists_VBZ in_IN trying_VBG to_TO mollify_VB the_AT intransigents_NNS of_IN
the_AT right_NN with_IN apologies_NNS and_CC promises_NNS of_IN ``_`` tightening
_VBG up_RP ''_'' and_CC ``_`` economizing_VBG ''_'' ._. We_PPSS wish_VB the_AT P
resident_NN-TL would_MD remember_VB that_CS ``_`` fiscal_JJ responsibility_NN ''
_'' was_BEDZ the_AT battle-cry_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN that_WPS lost_VBD the_AT
election_NN ._. The_AT party_NN that_WPS won_VBD used_VBD to_TO say_VB somethin
g_PN about_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL Frontier_NN-TL ._. Ethics_NNS-HL and_CC-HL peace_NN
-HL introduction_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` dialogue_NN ''_'' principle_NN proved_VBD
strikingly_RB effective_JJ at_IN the_AT thirty-fourth_OD annual_JJ meeting_NN o
f_IN the_AT Catholic_JJ Association_NN-TL for_IN-TL International_JJ-TL Peace_NN
-TL in_IN Washington_NP the_AT last_AP weekend_NN in_IN October_NP ._. Two_CD of
_IN the_AT principal_JJS addresses_NNS were_BED delivered_VBN by_IN prominent_JJ
Protestants_NPS ,_, and_CC when_WRB the_AT speaker_NN was_BEDZ a_AT Catholic_JJ
,_, one_CD ``_`` discussant_NN ''_'' on_IN the_AT dais_NN tended_VBD to_TO be_B
E of_IN another_DT religious_JJ persuasion_NN ._. Several_AP effects_NNS were_BE
D immediately_RB evident_JJ ._. Sessions_NNS devoted_VBN to_IN ``_`` Ethics_NN-T
L and_CC-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Policy_NN-TL Trends_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Moral_JJ-TL
Principle_NN-TL and_CC-TL Political_JJ-TL Judgment_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Christ
ian_JJ-TL Ethics_NN-TL in_IN-TL the_AT-TL Cold_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC rela
ted_VBN subjects_NNS proved_VBD to_TO be_BE much_QL livelier_JJR under_IN this_D
T procedure_NN than_CS if_CS Catholics_NPS were_BED merely_RB talking_VBG to_IN
themselves_PPLS ._. Usually_RB questions_NNS from_IN the_AT floor_NN were_BED di
rected_VBN to_IN the_AT non-Catholic_JJ speaker_NN or_CC discussion_NN leader_NN
._. In_IN the_AT earlier_JJR sessions_NNS there_EX was_BEDZ plentiful_JJ discus
sion_NN on_IN the_AT natural_JJ law_NN ,_, which_WDT Dr._NN-TL William_NP V._NP
O'Brien_NP of_IN Georgetown_NP-TL University_NN-TL ,_, advanced_VBD as_CS the_AT
basis_NN for_IN widely_RB acceptable_JJ ethical_JJ judgments_NNS on_IN foreign_
JJ policy_NN ._. That_DT Aristotelean-Thomistic_JJ principle_NN experienced_VBD
a_AT thorough_JJ going-over_NN from_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN the_AT participants_
NNS ,_, but_CC in_IN the_AT end_NN the_AT concept_NN came_VBD to_TO reassert_VB
itself_PPL ._. Speakers_NNS declared_VBD that_CS Protestants_NPS often_RB make_V
B use_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, if_CS ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, by_IN some_DTI other_AP name_
NN ._. A_AT Lebanese_JJ Moslem_NP told_VBD about_IN its_PP$ existence_NN and_CC
application_NN in_IN the_AT Islamic_JJ tradition_NN as_CS the_AT ``_`` divine_JJ
law_NN ''_'' ,_, while_CS a_AT C.A.I.P._NP member_NN who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN w
orking_VBG in_IN close_JJ association_NN with_IN delegates_NNS of_IN the_AT new_
JJ U.N._NP nations_NNS told_VBD of_IN its_PP$ widespread_JJ recognition_NN on_IN
the_AT African_JJ continent_NN ._. The_AT impression_NN was_BEDZ unmistakable_J
J that_CS ,_, whatever_WDT one_PN may_MD choose_VB to_TO call_VB it_PPO ,_, natu
ral_JJ law_NN is_BEZ a_AT functioning_VBG generality_NN with_IN a_AT certain_JJ
objective_JJ existence_NN ._. Another_DT question_NN that_WPS arose_VBD was_BEDZ
the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT dialogue_NN itself_PPL ._. The_AT stimulus_NN fro
m_IN the_AT confrontation_NN of_IN philosophical_JJ systems_NNS involving_VBG ce
rtain_JJ differences_NNS was_BEDZ undeniable_JJ ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ expected_VBN
that_CS the_AT comparison_NN of_IN different_JJ approaches_NNS to_IN ethics_NNS
would_MD produce_VB a_AT better_JJR grasp_NN of_IN each_DT other's_AP$ position
s_NNS and_CC better_JJR comprehension_NN of_IN one's_PN$ own_JJ ._. But_CC a_AT
realization_NN that_CS each_DT group_NN has_HVZ much_AP of_IN substance_NN to_TO
learn_VB from_IN the_AT other_AP also_RB developed_VBD ,_, and_CC a_AT strong_J
J conviction_NN grew_VBD that_CS each_DT had_HVD insights_NNS and_CC dimensions_
NNS to_TO contribute_VB to_IN ethically_RB acceptable_JJ solutions_NNS of_IN urg
ent_JJ political_JJ issues_NNS ._. One_CD effect_NN of_IN the_AT spirited_VBN gi
ve-and-take_NN of_IN these_DTS discussions_NNS was_BEDZ to_TO focus_VB attention
_NN on_IN practical_JJ applications_NNS and_CC the_AT necessity_NN of_IN being_B
EG armed_VBN with_IN the_AT facts_NNS :_: knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT destructive_
JJ force_NN of_IN even_RB the_AT tiniest_JJT ``_`` tactical_JJ ''_'' atomic_JJ w
eapon_NN would_MD have_HV a_AT bearing_NN on_IN judgments_NNS as_IN to_IN the_AT
advisability_NN of_IN its_PP$ use_NN --_-- to_TO defend_VB Berlin_NP ,_, for_IN
example_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT pervasive_JJ influence_NN of_IN ideology_NN on_IN our
_PP$ political_JJ judgments_NNS needs_VBZ to_TO be_BE recognized_VBN and_CC take
n_VBN into_IN due_JJ account_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO perceiv
e_VB the_AT extent_NN of_IN foreign_JJ aid_NN demanded_VBN by_IN the_AT Christia
n_JJ imperative_NN ._. Everywhere_RB I_PPSS went_VBD in_IN Formosa_NP I_PPSS ask
ed_VBD the_AT same_AP question_NN ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ searching_VBG for_IN an_AT
accent_NN of_IN self-delusion_NN or_CC ,_, even_RB ,_, of_IN hypocrisy_NN ._. I
_PPSS never_RB found_VBD it_PPO among_IN any_DTI of_IN the_AT Chinese_NPS with_I
N whom_WPO I_PPSS spoke_VBD ,_, though_CS granted_VBN they_PPSS were_BED ,_, alm
ost_RB all_ABN ,_, members_NNS of_IN the_AT official_JJ family_NN who_WPS ,_, pr
esumably_RB ,_, harbor_VB official_JJ thoughts_NNS ._. But_CC I_PPSS questioned_
VBD ,_, also_RB ,_, professional_JJ soldiers_NNS ,_, who_WPS would_MD not_* easi
ly_RB be_BE hypnotized_VBN by_IN a_AT septuagenarian's_NN$ dreamy_JJ irredentism
_NN ._. Their_PP$ answer_NN was_BEDZ :_: it_PPS can_MD be_BE done_VBN ,_, and_CC
we_PPSS will_MD do_DO it_PPO ._. And_CC then_RB I_PPSS put_VBD the_AT question_
NN as_QL pointedly_RB as_CS I_PPSS could_MD directly_RB to_IN Chiang_NP Kai-shek
_NP :_: ``_`` In_IN America_NP ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` practically_R
B no_AT one_PN believes_VBZ that_CS you_PPSS subjectively_RB intend_VB to_TO re-
enter_VB the_AT Mainland_NN-TL ._. What_WDT evidence_NN is_BEZ there_EX of_IN an
_AT objective_JJ kind_NN that_CS in_IN fact_NN your_PP$ government_NN proposes_V
BZ to_TO do_DO just_RB that_DT ,_, and_CC that_CS it_PPS can_MD be_BE done_VBN '
'_'' ?_. ?_. He_PPS smiled_VBD ._. (_( He_PPS always_RB smiles_VBZ --_-- at_IN l
east_AP at_IN visitors_NNS ,_, I_PPSS gather_VB ._. He_PPS smiled_VBD also_RB at
_IN a_AT British_JJ bloke_NN seated_VBN next_IN to_IN me_PPO ,_, who_WPS asked_V
BD the_AT most_QL asinine_JJ questions_NNS ._. I_PPSS recalled_VBD sympathetical
ly_RB the_AT Duke's_NN$-TL complaint_NN in_IN Browning's_NP$ ``_`` My_PP$-TL Las
t_AP-TL Duchess_NN-TL ''_'' ._. )_) He_PPS smiled_VBD ,_, and_CC said_VBD a_AT w
ord_NN or_CC two_CD to_IN the_AT interpreter_NN ,_, who_WPS turned_VBD to_IN me_
PPO ,_, ``_`` The_AT President_NN-TL wonders_VBZ where_WRB you_PPSS are_BER goin
g_VBG after_IN you_PPO leave_VB Taipei_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. That_DT ,_, I_PPSS smart
ed_VBD ,_, is_BEZ a_AT royal_JJ rebuff_NN if_CS ever_RB there_EX was_BEDZ one_CD
._. I_PPSS answered_VBD the_AT routine_JJ question_NN about_IN my_PP$ itinerary
_NN ,_, rather_QL coolly_RB ._. Chiang_NP spoke_VBD again_RB ,_, this_DT time_NN
at_IN greater_JJR length_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT President_NN-TL says_VBZ ''_'' ,_,
the_AT translator_NN came_VBD in_RP ,_, ``_`` that_CS the_AT reason_NN he_PPS a
sked_VBD you_PPO where_WRB you_PPSS were_BED going_VBG is_BEZ because_CS he_PPS
hoped_VBD you_PPSS would_MD be_BE visiting_VBG other_AP areas_NNS in_IN Southeas
t_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL ,_, and_CC that_DT everywhere_RB you_PPSS went_VBD ,_, you_PP
SS would_MD seek_VB the_AT answer_NN to_IN your_PP$ question_NN ._. He_PPS says_
VBZ that_CS if_CS he_PPS were_BED to_TO express_VB to_IN you_PPO ,_, once_RB aga
in_RB ,_, his_PP$ own_JJ profound_JJ determination_NN to_TO go_VB to_IN the_AT M
ainland_NN-TL ,_, and_CC his_PP$ faith_NN that_CS that_DT return_NN is_BEZ feasi
ble_JJ ,_, he_PPS would_MD merely_RB sound_VB redundant_JJ ._. So_CS you_PPSS yo
urself_PPL must_MD seek_VB these_DTS objective_JJ data_NN ,_, and_CC come_VB to_
IN your_PP$ own_JJ conclusions_NNS ._. Any_DTI information_NN we_PPSS have_HV he
re_RB in_IN Taiwan_NP is_BEZ at_IN your_PP$ disposal_NN ''_'' ._. Fair_JJ enough
_QLP ._. What_WDT are_BER the_AT relevant_JJ data_NN ?_. ?_. For_IN every_AT per
son_NN on_IN Taiwan_NP ,_, there_EX are_BER sixty_CD in_IN Mainland_NN-TL China_
NP-TL ._. If_CS the_AT raw_JJ population_NN figures_NNS are_BER crucially_RB rel
evant_JJ ,_, then_RB it_PPS is_BEZ idle_JJ to_TO think_VB of_IN liberation_NN ,_
, as_QL idle_JJ as_CS to_TO suppose_VB that_CS Poland_NP might_MD liberate_VB Ru
ssia_NP ._. Relative_JJ military_JJ manpower_NN ?_. ?_. Less_AP than_IN 60-1_CD
,_, but_CC at_IN least_AP 6-1_CD ._. The_AT estimates_NNS vary_VB widely_RB on_I
N the_AT strength_NN of_IN the_AT Chinese_JJ army_NN ._. Say_VB four_CD million_
CD ._. The_AT armed_VBN forces_NNS of_IN Taiwan_NP are_BER at_IN a_AT working_VB
G strength_NN of_IN about_RB 450,000_CD ,_, though_CS a_AT reserve_NN potential_
NN twice_RB that_QL high_JJ is_BEZ contemplated_VBN ._. Skill_NN ?_. ?_. Trainin
g_NN ?_. ?_. Morale_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ generally_RB conceded_VBN that_CS t
he_AT Formosan_JJ air_NN force_NN is_BEZ the_AT best_JJT by_IN far_RB in_IN Asia
_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT army_NN the_AT best_QL trained_VBN ._. The_AT morale_NN is
_BEZ very_QL high_JJ ._. Even_RB so_RB ,_, it_PPS adds_VBZ up_RP to_IN impossibl
e_JJ odds_NNS ,_, except_IN that_CS the_AT question_NN arises_VBZ ,_, On_IN whos
e_WP$ side_NN would_MD the_AT Mainland_NN-TL Chinese_JJ army_NN fight_VB ?_. ?_.
The_AT miserable_JJ people_NNS of_IN China_NP ,_, the_AT largest_JJT cast_NN ev
er_RB conscripted_VBN to_TO enact_VB an_AT ideological_JJ passion_NN play_NN ,_,
cannot_MD* themselves_PPLS resist_VB overtly_RB ._. They_PPSS think_VB ,_, perf
orce_RB ,_, of_IN physical_JJ survival_NN :_: everything_PN else_RB is_BEZ secon
dary_JJ ._. But_CC the_AT army_NN which_WDT Mao_NP continues_VBZ to_TO feed_VB w
ell_RB ,_, where_WRB are_BER its_PP$ sympathies_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT psychological
_JJ strategists_NNS in_IN Taiwan_NP stress_VB the_AT great_JJ sense_NN of_IN fam
ily_NN ,_, cultivated_VBN in_IN China_NP over_IN thousands_NNS of_IN years_NNS .
_. It_PPS has_HVZ not_* been_BEN extirpated_VBN by_IN ten_CD years_NNS of_IN Com
munist_NN-TL depersonalization_NN ._. Every_AT soldier_NN in_IN the_AT army_NN h
as_HVZ ,_, somewhere_RB ,_, relatives_NNS who_WPS are_BER close_JJ to_IN starvat
ion_NN ._. The_AT soldiers_NNS themselves_PPLS cannot_MD* stage_VB a_AT successf
ul_JJ rebellion_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ assumed_VBN :_: but_CC will_MD their_PP$ di
scontent_NN spread_VB to_IN the_AT officer_NN class_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT immediate_
JJ families_NNS of_IN the_AT generals_NNS and_CC the_AT admirals_NNS are_BER wel
l_QL fed_VBN :_: a_AT despot_NN does_DOZ not_* economize_VB on_IN his_PP$ genera
ls_NNS ._. But_CC there_EX are_BER the_AT cousins_NNS and_CC aunts_NNS and_CC ne
phews_NNS ._. Their_PP$ privations_NNS are_BER almost_RB beyond_IN endurance_NN
._. In_IN behalf_NN of_IN what_WDT ?_. ?_. Leninism-Marxism_NP ,_, as_CS underst
ood_VBN by_IN Exegete_NN-TL Mao_NP ._. To_IN whom_WPO will_MD the_AT generals_NN
S stay_VB loyal_JJ ?_. ?_. There_EX is_BEZ little_AP doubt_NN if_CS they_PPSS ha
d_HVD a_AT secret_JJ ballot_NN ,_, they_PPSS would_MD vote_VB for_IN food_NN for
_IN their_PP$ family_NN ,_, in_IN place_NN of_IN ideological_JJ purity_NN out_RP
on_IN the_AT farm_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ another_DT question_NN whether_CS ``_``
they_PPSS ''_'' --_-- or_CC a_AT single_AP general_NN ,_, off_RP in_IN a_AT corn
er_NN of_IN China_NP ,_, secure_JJ for_IN a_AT few_AP (_( galvanizing_VBG ?_. ?_
. )_) days_NNS at_IN least_AP from_IN instant_JJ retaliation_NN --_-- will_MD de
fy_VB the_AT Party_NN-TL ._. But_CC the_AT disposition_NN to_TO rebel_VB is_BEZ
most_QL definitely_RB there_RB ._. But_CC there_EX must_MD be_BE a_AT catalytic_
JJ pressure_NN ._. The_AT military_NN in_IN Taiwan_NP believe_VB that_CS the_AT
Communists_NNS-TL have_HV made_VBN two_CD mistakes_NNS ,_, which_WDT ,_, togethe
r_RB ,_, may_MD prove_VB fatal_JJ ._. The_AT first_OD was_BEDZ the_AT commune_NN
program_NN ,_, which_WDT will_MD ensure_VB agricultural_JJ poverty_NN for_IN ye
ars_NNS ._. The_AT family_NN is_BEZ largely_RB broken_VBN up_RP ;_. ;_. and_CC w
here_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ left_VBN with_IN no_AT residue_NN
,_, and_CC the_AT social_JJ meaning_NN of_IN this_DT is_BEZ enormous_JJ ._. For
_CS it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT family_NN that_WPS ,_, in_IN China_NP ,_, has_HVZ alway
s_RB provided_VBN social_JJ security_NN for_IN the_AT indigent_JJ ,_, the_AT sic
k_JJ ,_, the_AT down-and-out_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT clan_NN ._. Now_RB the_
AT government_NN must_MD do_DO that_DT ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT government_NN is_BE
Z left_VBN with_IN no_AT reserve_NN granary_NN ,_, under_IN the_AT agricultural_
JJ system_NN it_PPS has_HVZ ordained_VBN ._. Thus_RB the_AT government_NN simult
aneously_RB undertook_VBD the_AT vast_JJ burden_NN of_IN social_JJ security_NN w
hich_WDT had_HVD traditionally_RB been_BEN privately_RB discharged_VBN ,_, and_C
C created_VBD a_AT national_NN scarcity_NN which_WDT has_HVZ engendered_VBN cala
mitous_JJ problems_NNS of_IN social_JJ security_NN ._. The_AT second_OD mistake_
NN is_BEZ Tibet_NP ._. Tibet_NP has_HVZ historically_RB served_VBN China_NP as_C
S a_AT buffer_NN state_NN ._. A_AT friendly_JJ state_NN ,_, sometimes_RB only_RB
semi-independent_JJ ,_, but_CC never_RB hostile_JJ ._. China_NP never_RB tried_
VBD to_TO integrate_VB Tibet_NP by_IN extirpating_VBG the_AT people's_NNS$ relig
ion_NN and_CC institutions_NNS ._. Red_JJ-TL China_NP is_BEZ trying_VBG to_TO do
_DO this_DT ,_, and_CC she_PPS is_BEZ not_* likely_JJ ever_RB to_TO succeed_VB .
_. Tibet_NP is_BEZ too_QL vast_JJ ,_, the_AT terrain_NN is_BEZ too_QL difficult_
JJ ._. Tibet_NP may_MD bleed_VB China_NP as_CS Algeria_NP is_BEZ bleeding_VBG Fr
ance_NP ._. These_DTS continuing_VBG pressures_NNS ,_, social_JJ ,_, economic_JJ
and_CC military_JJ ,_, are_BER doing_VBG much_AP to_TO keep_VB China_NP in_IN a
_AT heightening_VBG state_NN of_IN tension_NN ._. The_AT imposition_NN of_IN yet
_RB another_DT pressure_NN ,_, a_AT strong_JJ one_CD ,_, from_IN the_AT outside_
NN ,_, might_MD cause_VB it_PPO to_TO snap_VB ._. The_AT planners_NNS in_IN Taiw
an_NP struck_VBD me_PPO as_CS realistic_JJ men_NNS ._. They_PPSS know_VB that_CS
they_PPSS must_MD depend_VB heavily_RB on_IN factors_NNS outside_IN their_PP$ o
wn_JJ control_NN ._. First_OD and_CC foremost_RB ,_, they_PPSS depend_VB on_IN t
he_AT inhuman_JJ idiocies_NNS of_IN the_AT Communist_NN-TL regime_NN ._. On_IN t
hese_DTS they_PPSS feel_VB they_PPSS can_MD rely_VB ._. Secondly_RB ,_, they_PPS
S depend_VB on_IN America's_NP$ ``_`` moral_JJ cooperation_NN ''_'' when_WRB the
_AT crucial_JJ moment_NN arrives_VBZ ._. They_PPSS hope_VB that_CS if_CS history
_NN vouchsafes_VBZ the_AT West_NR-TL another_DT Budapest_NP ,_, we_PPSS will_MD
receive_VB the_AT opportunity_NN gladly_RB ._. I_PPSS remarked_VBD jocularly_RB
to_IN the_AT President_NN-TL that_CS the_AT future_NN of_IN China_NP would_MD be
_BE far_QL more_QL certain_JJ if_CS he_PPS would_MD invite_VB a_AT planeload_NN
of_IN selected_VBN American_JJ-TL Liberals_NNS-TL to_IN Quemoy_NP on_IN an_AT od
d_JJ day_NN ._. He_PPS affected_VBD (_( most_QL properly_RB )_) not_* to_TO unde
rstand_VB my_PP$ point_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS --_-- and_CC all_ABN of_IN China_NP
--_-- wears_VBZ the_AT scars_NNS of_IN American_JJ indecisiveness_NN ,_, and_CC
he_PPS knows_VBZ what_WDT an_AT uncertain_JJ ally_NN we_PPSS are_BER ._. We_PPSS
have_HV been_BEN grand_JJ to_IN Formosa_NP itself_PPL --_-- lots_NNS of_IN aid_
NN ,_, and_CC ,_, most_AP of_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, a_AT policy_NN of_IN support_
NN for_IN the_AT offshore_JJ islands_NNS ._. But_CC our_PP$ outlook_NN has_HVZ b
een_BEN ,_, and_CC continues_VBZ to_TO be_BE ,_, defensive_JJ ._. A_AT great_JJ
deal_NN depends_VBZ on_IN the_AT crystallization_NN of_IN Mr._NP Kennedy's_NP$ v
iews_NNS on_IN the_AT world_NN struggle_NN ._. The_AT Free_JJ-TL Chinese_NPS kno
w_VB that_CS the_AT situation_NN on_IN the_AT Mainland_NN-TL is_BEZ in_IN flux_N
N ,_, and_CC are_BER poised_VBN to_TO strike_VB ._. There_EX is_BEZ not_* anywhe
re_RB on_IN the_AT frontiers_NNS of_IN freedom_NN a_AT more_QL highly_QL mobiliz
ed_VBN force_NN for_IN liberation_NN ._. The_AT moment_NN of_IN truth_NN is_BEZ
the_AT moment_NN of_IN crisis_NN ._. During_IN the_AT slow_JJ buildup_NN ,_, the
_AT essence_NN of_IN a_AT policy_NN or_CC a_AT man_NN is_BEZ concealed_VBN under
_IN embroidered_VBN details_NNS ,_, fine_JJ words_NNS ,_, strutting_VBG gestures
_NNS ._. The_AT crisis_NN burns_VBZ these_DTS suddenly_RB away_RB ._. There_RB t
he_AT truth_NN is_BEZ ,_, open_JJ to_IN eyes_NNS that_WPS are_BER willing_JJ to_
TO look_VB ._. The_AT moment_NN passes_VBZ ._. New_JJ self-deceiving_JJ rags_NNS
are_BER hurriedly_RB tossed_VBN on_IN the_AT too-naked_JJ bones_NNS ._. A_AT tr
uth-revealing_JJ crisis_NN erupted_VBD in_IN Katanga_NP for_IN a_AT couple_NN of
_IN days_NNS this_DT month_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE quickly_RB smothered_VBN by_IN the
_AT high_JJ pressure_NN verbal_JJ fog_NN that_DT is_BEZ kept_VBN on_IN tap_NN fo
r_IN such_JJ emergencies_NNS ._. Before_CS memory_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, clouds_VBZ o
ver_RP ,_, let_VB us_PPO make_VB a_AT note_NN or_CC two_CD of_IN what_WDT could_
MD be_BE seen_VBN ._. The_AT measure_NN was_BEDZ instantly_RB taken_VBN ,_, as_C
S always_RB in_IN such_JJ cases_NNS ,_, of_IN public_JJ men_NNS at_IN many_AP le
vels_NNS ._. One_PN knows_VBZ better_RBR ,_, now_RB ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ bone_NN
and_CC who_WPS has_HVZ jelly_NN in_IN his_PP$ spine_NN ._. But_CC I_PPSS am_BEM
here_RB concerned_VBN more_RBR with_IN policy_NN than_CS with_IN men_NNS ._. Pub
lic_JJ men_NNS come_VB and_CC go_VB but_CC great_JJ issues_NNS of_IN policy_NN r
emain_VB ._. Now_RB ,_, everyone_PN knows_VBZ --_-- or_CC knew_VBD in_IN the_AT
week_NN of_IN December_NP 10_CD --_-- that_CS something_PN had_HVD gone_VBN shoc
kingly_QL wrong_JJ with_IN American_JJ foreign_JJ policy_NN ._. The_AT United_VB
N-TL States_NNS-TL was_BEDZ engaged_VBN in_IN a_AT military_JJ attack_NN on_IN a
_AT peaceful_JJ ,_, orderly_JJ people_NNS governed_VBN by_IN a_AT regime_NN that
_WPS had_HVD proved_VBN itself_PPL the_AT most_QL pro-Western_JJ and_CC anti-Com
munist_JJ within_IN any_DTI of_IN the_AT new_JJ nations_NNS --_-- the_AT only_AP
place_NN in_IN Africa_NP ,_, moreover_RB ,_, where_WRB a_AT productive_JJ relat
ionship_NN between_IN whites_NNS and_CC blacks_NNS had_HVD apparently_RB been_BE
N achieved_VBN ._. Of_IN course_NN the_AT fighting_NN was_BEDZ officially_RB und
er_IN the_AT auspices_NNS of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. But_CC i
n_IN the_AT moment_NN of_IN truth_NN everyone_PN could_MD see_VB that_CS the_AT
U.S._NP was_BEDZ in_IN reality_NN the_AT principal_NN ._. The_AT moment_NN simul
taneously_RB revealed_VBD that_CS in_IN the_AT crisis_NN our_PP$ policy_NN ran_V
BD counter_RB to_IN that_DT of_IN all_ABN our_PP$ NATO_NN allies_NNS ,_, to_IN t
he_AT entire_JJ Western_JJ-TL community_NN ._. By_IN our_PP$ policy_NN the_AT We
st_NR-TL was_BEDZ --_-- is_BEZ --_-- split_VBN ._. But_CC the_AT key_JJS revelat
ion_NN is_BEZ not_* new_JJ ._. The_AT controlling_VBG pattern_NN was_BEDZ first_
RB displayed_VBN in_IN the_AT Hungary-Suez_NP crisis_NN of_IN November_NP 1956_C
D ._. It_PPS reappears_VBZ ,_, in_IN whole_NN or_CC part_NN ,_, whenever_WRB a_A
T new_JJ crisis_NN exposes_VBZ the_AT reality_NN :_: in_IN Cuba_NP last_AP sprin
g_NN (_( with_IN which_WDT the_AT Dominican_JJ events_NNS of_IN last_AP month_NN
should_MD be_BE paired_VBN )_) ;_. ;_. at_IN the_AT peaks_NNS of_IN the_AT nucl
ear_JJ test_NN and_CC the_AT Berlin_NP cycles_NNS ;_. ;_. in_IN relation_NN to_I
N Laos_NP ,_, Algeria_NP ,_, South_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ;_. ;_. right_QL now_RB ,_
, with_IN almost_RB cartoon_NN emphasis_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT temporally_RB linked
_VBN complex_NN of_IN Tshombe-Gizenga-Goa-Ghana_NP ._. What_WDT-HL the_AT-HL mom
ents_NNS-HL reveal_VB-HL This_DT prime_JJ element_NN of_IN the_AT truth_NN may_M
D be_BE stated_VBN as_CS follows_VBZ :_: Under_IN prevailing_VBG policy_NN ,_, t
he_AT U.S._NP can_MD take_VB the_AT initiative_NN against_IN the_AT Right_NN-TL
,_, but_CC cannot_MD* take_VB the_AT initiative_NN against_IN the_AT Left_NN-TL
._. It_PPS makes_VBZ no_AT difference_NN what_WDT part_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN
is_BEZ involved_VBN ,_, what_WDT form_NN of_IN regime_NN ,_, what_WDT particular
_JJ issue_NN ._. The_AT U.S._NP cannot_MD* take_VB the_AT initiative_NN against_
IN the_AT Left_NN-TL ._. There_EX is_BEZ even_RB some_DTI question_NN whether_CS
the_AT U.S._NP can_MD any_DTI longer_JJR defend_VB itself_PPL against_IN an_AT
initiative_NN by_IN the_AT Left_NN-TL ._. We_PPSS can_MD attack_VB Tshombe_NP ,_
, but_CC not_* Gigenza_NP ._. No_AT matter_NN that_CS Gizenga_NP is_BEZ Moscow's
_NP$ man_NN in_IN the_AT Congo_NP ._. No_AT matter_NN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ his_
PP$ troops_NNS who_WPS rape_VB Western_JJ-TL women_NNS and_CC eat_VB Western_JJ-
TL men_NNS ._. No_AT matter_NN that_CS the_AT Katanga_NP operation_NN is_BEZ str
ategically_QL insane_JJ in_IN terms_NNS of_IN Western_JJ-TL interests_NNS in_IN
Africa_NP ._. (_( Even_RB granted_VBN that_CS the_AT Congo_NP should_MD be_BE un
ified_VBN ,_, you_PPSS don't_DO* protect_VB Western_JJ-TL security_NN by_IN firs
t_RB removing_VBG the_AT pro-Western_JJ weight_NN from_IN the_AT power_NN equili
brium_NN ._. )_) We_PPSS can_MD force_VB Britain_NP and_CC France_NP out_IN of_I
N the_AT Suez_NP ,_, but_CC we_PPSS cannot_MD* so_QL much_RB as_CS try_VB to_TO
force_VB the_AT Russian_JJ tanks_NNS back_RB from_IN Budapest_NP ._. We_PPSS can
_MD mass_VB our_PP$ fleet_NN against_IN the_AT Trujillos_NPS ,_, but_CC not_* ag
ainst_IN the_AT Castros_NPS ._. We_PPSS can_MD vote_VB in_IN the_AT UN_NN agains
t_IN South_JJ-TL African_NP-TL apartheid_NN or_CC Portuguese_JJ rule_NN in_IN An
gola_NP ,_, but_CC we_PPSS cannot_MD* even_RB introduce_VB a_AT motion_NN on_IN
the_AT Berlin_NP-TL Wall_NN-TL --_-- much_QL less_AP ,_, give_VB the_AT simple_J
J order_NN to_TO push_VB the_AT Wall_NN-TL down_RP ._. We_PPSS officially_RB rec
eive_VB the_AT anti-French_JJ ,_, Moscow-allied_JJ Algerian_JJ-TL FLN_NN ,_, but
_CC we_PPSS denounce_VB the_AT pro-Europe_JJ ,_, anti-Communist_JJ OAS_NN as_CS
criminal_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT very_AP week_NN of_IN our_PP$ war_NN against_IN Kat
anga_NP ,_, we_PPSS make_VB a_AT $133_NNS million_CD grant_NN to_IN Kwame_NP Nkr
umah_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ just_RB declared_VBN his_PP$ solidarity_NN with_IN t
he_AT Communist_NN-TL bloc_NN ,_, and_CC is_BEZ busily_RB turning_VBG his_PP$ ow
n_JJ country_NN into_IN a_AT totalitarian_JJ dictatorship_NN ._. As_CS our_PP$ p
lanes_NNS land_VB the_AT war_NN materiel_NN that_WPS kills_VBZ pro-Western_JJ Ka
tangans_NPS ,_, we_PPSS stand_VB supinely_RB bleating_VBG while_CS Nehru's_NP$ t
roops_NNS smash_VB into_IN a_AT five-hundred-year-old_JJ district_NN of_IN our_P
P$ NATO_NN ally_NN ,_, Portugal_NP ._. What_WDT explains_VBZ this_DT uni-directi
onal_JJ paralysis_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT consequence_NN of_IN the_AT sy
stem_NN of_IN ideas_NNS that_WPS constitutes_VBZ the_AT frame_NN of_IN our_PP$ i
nternational_JJ --_-- and_CC in_IN some_DTI degree_NN our_PP$ domestic_JJ --_--
policy_NN ._. The_AT Suez-Hungary_NP crisis_NN proves_VBZ that_CS this_DT system
_NN was_BEDZ not_* invented_VBN by_IN the_AT new_JJ Administration_NN-TL ,_, but
_CC only_RB made_VBN more_QL consistent_JJ and_CC more_QL active_JJ ._. Key_NN-H
L to_IN-HL the_AT-HL puzzles_NNS-HL Most_QL immediately_RB relevant_JJ to_IN the
se_DTS episodes_NNS in_IN Goa_NP ,_, Katanga_NP and_CC Ghana_NP ,_, as_IN to_IN
the_AT Suez-Hungary_NP crisis_NN before_IN them_PPO ,_, is_BEZ the_AT belief_NN
that_CS the_AT main_JJS theater_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN drama_NN is_BEZ the_AT
underdeveloped_JJ region_NN of_IN Asia_NP ,_, Africa_NP and_CC Latin_JJ-TL Ameri
ca_NP-TL ._. From_IN this_DT belief_NN is_BEZ derived_VBN the_AT practical_JJ or
ientation_NN of_IN our_PP$ policy_NN on_IN the_AT ``_`` uncommitted_JJ ''_'' (_(
``_`` neutralist_JJ ''_'' ,_, ``_`` contested_VBN ''_'' )_) nations_NNS ,_, esp
ecially_RB on_IN those_DTS whose_WP$ leaders_NNS make_VB the_AT most_AP noise_NN
--_-- Nehru_NP ,_, Tito_NP ,_, Nkrumah_NP ,_, Sukarno_NP ,_, Betancourt_NP ,_,
etc._RB ._. Our_PP$ chief_JJS aim_NN becomes_VBZ that_DT of_IN finding_VBG favor
_NN in_IN neutralist_JJ eyes_NNS ._. If_CS we_PPSS grasp_VB this_DT orientation_
NN as_CS a_AT key_NN ,_, our_PP$ national_JJ conduct_NN in_IN all_ABN of_IN the_
AT events_NNS here_RB mentioned_VBN becomes_VBZ intelligible_JJ ._. And_CC it_PP
S becomes_VBZ clear_JJ why_WRB in_IN general_JJ we_PPSS cannot_MD* take_VB the_A
T initiative_NN against_IN the_AT Left_NN-TL ._. Broadway_NP-HL the_AT-HL unorig
inals_NNS-HL To_TO write_VB a_AT play_NN ,_, the_AT dramatist_NN once_RB needed_
VBD an_AT idea_NN plus_CC the_AT imagination_NN ,_, the_AT knowledge_NN of_IN li
fe_NN and_CC the_AT craft_NN to_TO develop_VB it_PPO ._. Nowadays_RB ,_, more_AP
and_CC more_AP ,_, all_ABN he_PPS needs_VBZ is_BEZ someone_PN else's_RB$ book_N
N ._. To_TO get_VB started_VBN ,_, he_PPS does_DOZ not_* scan_VB the_AT world_NN
about_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_. he_PPS and_CC his_PP$ prospective_JJ producer_NN just_
RB read_VB the_AT bestseller_NN lists_NNS ._. So_QL far_RB this_DT season_NN ,_,
Broadway's_NP$ premieres_NNS have_HV included_VBN twice_RB as_QL many_AP adapta
tions_NNS and_CC imports_NNS as_CS original_JJ American_JJ stage_NN plays_NNS ._
. Best_JJT-HL from_IN-HL abroad_RB-HL ._.-HL Of_IN straight_JJ dramas_NNS ,_, th
ere_EX are_BER All_ABN-TL The_AT-TL Way_NN-TL Home_NR-TL ,_, which_WDT owes_VBZ
much_AP of_IN its_PP$ poetic_JJ power_NN to_IN the_AT James_NP Agee_NP novel_NN
,_, A_AT-TL Death_NN-TL In_IN-TL The_AT-TL Family_NN-TL ;_. ;_. The_AT-TL Wall_N
N-TL ,_, awkwardly_RB based_VBN on_IN the_AT John_NP Hersey_NP novel_NN ;_. ;_.
Advise_VB-TL And_CC-TL Consent_VB-TL ,_, lively_JJ but_CC shallow_JJ theater_NN
drawn_VBN from_IN the_AT mountainously_QL detailed_VBN bestseller_NN ;_. ;_. Fac
e_NN-TL Of_IN-TL A_AT-TL Hero_NN-TL (_( closed_VBN )_) ,_, based_VBN on_IN a_AT
Pierre_NP Boulle_NP novel_NN ._. The_AT only_AP original_JJ works_NNS attempting
_VBG to_TO reach_VB any_DTI stature_NN :_: Tennessee_NP Williams'_NP$ disappoint
ing_JJ domestic_JJ comedy_NN ,_, Period_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Adjustment_NN-TL ,_, and_
CC Arthur_NP Laurents'_NP$ clever_JJ but_CC empty_JJ Invitation_NN-TL To_IN-TL A
_AT-TL March_NN-TL ._. Clearly_RB the_AT most_QL provocative_JJ plays_NNS are_BE
R all_ABN imported_VBN originals_NNS --_-- A_AT-TL Taste_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Honey_NN
-TL ,_, by_IN Britain's_NP$ young_JJ (_( 19_CD when_WRB she_PPS wrote_VBD it_PPO
)_) Shelagh_NP Delaney_NP ;_. ;_. Becket_NP ,_, by_IN France's_NP$ Jean_NP Anou
ilh_NP ;_. ;_. The_AT-TL Hostage_NN-TL (_( closed_VBN )_) ,_, by_IN Ireland's_NP
$ Brendan_NP Behan_NP ._. Among_IN the_AT musicals_NNS ,_, Camelot_NP came_VBD f
rom_IN T._NP H._NP White's_NP$ The_AT-TL Once_RB-TL And_CC-TL Future_JJ-TL King_
NN-TL ,_, and_CC novels_NNS were_BED the_AT sources_NNS of_IN the_AT less_AP tha
n_CS momentous_JJ Tenderloin_NN-TL and_CC Do_NN-TL Re_NN-TL Mi_NN-TL ._. Wildcat
_NN-TL and_CC The_AT-TL Unsinkable_JJ-TL Molly_NP-TL Brown_NP-TL were_BED origin
als_NNS ,_, but_CC pretty_QL bad_JJ ,_, leaving_VBG top_JJS honors_NNS again_RB
to_IN an_AT import_NN --_-- the_AT jaunty_JJ and_CC charmingly_QL French_JJ Irma
_NP La_FW-AT-TL Douce_FW-JJ-TL ._. The_AT only_AP other_AP works_NNS at_IN least
_AP technically_RB original_JJ were_BED dreary_JJ farces_NNS --_-- Send_VB-TL Me
_PPO-TL No_AT-TL Flowers_NNS-TL (_( closed_VBN )_) ,_, Under_IN-TL The_AT-TL Yum
-Yum_NP-TL Tree_NN-TL ,_, Critic's_NN$-TL Choice_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT forthcom
ing_NN The_AT-TL Conquering_VBG-TL Hero_NN-TL and_CC Carnival_NN-TL ,_, Broadway
_NP is_BEZ not_* even_RB adapting_VBG books_NNS ,_, but_CC reconverting_VBG old_
JJ movies_NNS (_( Hail_VB-TL The_AT-TL Conquering_VBG-TL Hero_NN-TL and_CC Lili_
NP )_) ._. Dry_JJ-HL of_IN-HL life_NN-HL ._.-HL Originals_NNS are_BER not_* nece
ssarily_RB good_JJ and_CC adaptations_NNS are_BER not_* necessarily_RB bad_JJ ._
. Some_DTI memorable_JJ plays_NNS have_HV been_BEN drawn_VBN from_IN books_NNS ,
_, notably_RB Life_NN-TL With_IN-TL Father_NN-TL and_CC Diary_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Ann
e_NP-TL Frank_NP-TL ._. And_CC particularly_RB in_IN the_AT musical_JJ field_NN
,_, adaptations_NNS have_HV long_RB been_BEN the_AT rule_NN ,_, from_IN Die_FW-A
T-TL Fledermaus_FW-NN-TL and_CC The_AT-TL Merry_JJ-TL Widow_NN-TL to_IN Oklahoma
!_NP and_CC My_PP$-TL Fair_JJ-TL Lady_NN-TL ._. As_CS Critic_NN Walter_NP Kerr_N
P points_VBZ out_RP :_: ``_`` Adaptations_NNS ,_, so_QL long_RB as_CS they_PPSS
are_BER good_JJ ,_, still_RB qualify_VB as_CS creative_JJ ''_'' ._. And_CC other
_AP defenders_NNS invariably_RB argue_VB that_CS ,_, after_IN all_ABN ,_, Shakes
peare_NP and_CC Moliere_NP were_BED adapters_NNS too_RB ._. The_AT difference_NN
is_BEZ that_CS the_AT masters_NNS took_VBD the_AT bare_JJ frame_NN of_IN a_AT p
lot_NN and_CC filled_VBD it_PPO with_IN their_PP$ own_JJ world_NN ;_. ;_. most_A
P modern_JJ adapters_NNS totally_RB accept_VB the_AT world_NN of_IN a_AT book_NN
,_, squeeze_VB it_PPO dry_JJ of_IN life_NN ,_, and_CC add_VB only_AP one_CD con
tribution_NN of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ :_: stage_NN technique_NN ._. The_AT most_QL
frequent_JJ excuse_NN for_IN the_AT prevalence_NN of_IN unoriginals_NNS and_CC
tested_VBN imports_NNS is_BEZ increasing_VBG production_NN expense_NN --_-- prod
ucers_NNS cannot_MD* afford_VB to_TO take_VB chances_NNS ._. But_CC that_DT expl
anation_NN is_BEZ only_RB partly_RB true_JJ ._. Off-Broadway_RB ,_, where_WRB pr
oduction_NN is_BEZ still_RB comparatively_QL cheap_JJ ,_, is_BEZ proving_VBG its
elf_PPL only_RB slightly_QL more_QL original_JJ ._. Laudably_RB enough_QLP ,_, i
t_PPS is_BEZ offering_VBG classics_NNS and_CC off-beat_JJ imports_NNS ,_, but_CC
last_AP week_NN only_AP one_CD U.S._NP original_JJ was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT boards
_NNS ,_, Robert_NP D._NP Hock's_NP$ stunning_JJ Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL work_NN ,_
, Borak_NP ._. The_AT real_JJ trouble_NN seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT failing_VB
G imagination_NN of_IN U.S._NP playwrights_NNS ._. Nightclubs_NNS-HL the_AT-HL C
ooch_NP-HL Terpers_NPS-HL He_PPS :_: ``_`` Come_VB with_IN me_PPO to_IN the_AT C
asbah_NP ''_'' ._. She_PPS :_: ``_`` By_IN subway_NN or_CC cab_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_.
That_DT exchange_NN was_BEDZ not_* only_RB possible_JJ but_CC commonplace_JJ las
t_AP week_NN in_IN Manhattan_NP ,_, as_CS more_AP and_CC more_AP New_JJ-TL Yorke
rs_NPS were_BED discovering_VBG 29th_OD-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC Eighth_OD-TL Aven
ue_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB half_ABN a_AT dozen_NN small_JJ nightclubs_NNS with_IN na
mes_NNS like_CS Arabian_JJ Nights_NNS-TL ,_, Grecian_NP-TL Palace_NN-TL and_CC E
gyptian_JJ Gardens_NNS-TL are_BER the_AT American_JJ inpost_NN of_IN belly_NN da
ncing_NN ._. Several_AP more_AP will_MD open_VB soon_RB ._. Their_PP$ burgeoning
_VBG popularity_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT closing_NN of_IN the
_AT 52nd_OD-TL Street_NN-TL burlesque_NN joints_NNS ,_, but_CC curiously_RB enou
gh_QLP their_PP$ atmosphere_NN is_BEZ almost_QL always_RB familial_JJ --_-- neig
hborhood_NN saloons_NNS with_IN a_AT bit_NN of_IN epidermis_NN ._. The_AT belly_
NN boites_FW-NNS ,_, with_IN their_PP$ papier-mache_NN palm_NN trees_NNS or_CC h
and-painted_JJ Ionic_JJ-TL columns_NNS ,_, heretofore_RB existed_VBD mainly_RB o
n_IN the_AT patronage_NN of_IN Greek_JJ and_CC Turkish_JJ families_NNS ._. Custo
mers_NNS often_RB bring_VB their_PP$ children_NNS ;_. ;_. between_IN performance
s_NNS ,_, enthusiastic_JJ young_JJ men_NNS from_IN the_AT audience_NN will_MD ta
ke_VB the_AT floor_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB their_PP$ own_JJ amateur_JJ graces_NN
S ._. Except_IN for_IN the_AT odd_JJ uptown_JJ sex_NN maniac_NN or_CC an_AT over
eager_JJ Greek_JJ sailor_NN ,_, the_AT people_NNS watch_VB in_IN calm_JJ absorpt
ion_NN ._. Small_JJ ,_, shirt-sleeved_JJ orchestras_NNS play_VB in_IN 2/4_CD or_
CC 4/4_CD time_NN ,_, using_VBG guitars_NNS ,_, violins_NNS ,_, and_CC more_QL a
lien_JJ instruments_NNS with_IN names_NNS that_WPS would_MD open_VB Sesame_NN-TL
:_: the_AT oud_FW-NN ,_, grandfather_NN of_IN the_AT lute_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT dar
buka_NN ,_, a_AT small_JJ drum_NN with_IN the_AT treelike_JJ shape_NN of_IN a_AT
roemer_NN glass_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT def_FW-NN ,_, a_AT low-pitched_JJ tambourine_
NN ._. The_AT girls_NNS sit_VB quietly_RB with_IN the_AT musicians_NNS ,_, weari
ng_VBG prim_JJ dresses_NNS or_CC plain_JJ ,_, secretarial_JJ shifts_NNS ,_, unti
l_CS it_PPS is_BEZ time_NN to_TO go_VB off_RP to_IN a_AT back_NN room_NN and_CC
reappear_VB in_IN the_AT spare_JJ uniform_NN of_IN the_AT harem_NN ._. Continuum
_NN-HL of_IN-HL mankind_NN-HL ._.-HL If_CS a_AT dancer_NN is_BEZ good_JJ ,_, she
_PPS suggests_VBZ purely_RB and_CC superbly_RB the_AT fundamental_JJ mechanics_N
NS of_IN ancestry_NN and_CC progeny_NN --_-- the_AT continuum_NN of_IN mankind_N
N ._. But_CC a_AT great_QL many_AP of_IN what_WDT Variety_NN-TL calls_VBZ the_AT
``_`` Cooch_NP Terpers_NPS ''_'' are_BER considerably_QL less_QL cosmic_JJ than
_CS that_DT ._. Each_DT dancer_NN follows_VBZ the_AT ancient_JJ Oriental_JJ-TL p
attern_NN --_-- she_PPS glides_VBZ sideways_RB with_IN shoulders_NNS motionless_
JJ while_CS her_PP$ stomach_NN migrates_VBZ ,_, and_CC ,_, through_IN breathing_
VBG and_CC muscle_NN control_NN ,_, she_PPS sends_VBZ ripples_NNS across_IN her_
PP$ body_NN to_IN the_AT fingertips_NNS and_CC away_RB to_IN the_AT far_JJ end_N
N of_IN the_AT room_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ done_VBN at_IN varying_VBG speeds_NNS
,_, ranging_VBG from_IN the_AT slow_JJ and_CC fast_JJ Shifte_NP Telli_NP (_( a_A
T musical_JJ term_NN meaning_VBG double_JJ strings_NNS )_) to_IN the_AT fastest_
JJT ,_, ecstatic_JJ Karshilama_FW-NP (_( meaning_VBG greetings_NNS or_CC welcome
_NN )_) ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL dancers_NNS are_BER highly_QL eclectic_J
J ,_, varying_VBG the_AT pattern_NN with_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN personal_JJ
improvisations_NNS ,_, back_NN bends_NNS or_CC floor_NN crawls_NNS ._. But_CC th
ey_PPSS do_DO not_* strip_VB ._. The_AT striptease_NN is_BEZ crass_JJ ;_. ;_. th
e_AT belly_NN dance_NN leaves_VBZ more_AP to_IN the_AT imagination_NN ._. When_W
RB a_AT dancer_NN does_DOZ well_RB ,_, she_PPS provokes_VBZ a_AT quiet_JJ bombar
dment_NN of_IN dollar_NN bills_NNS --_-- although_CS the_AT Manhattan_NP clubs_N
NS prohibit_VB the_AT more_QL cosmopolitan_JJ practice_NN of_IN slipping_VBG the
_AT tips_NNS into_IN the_AT dancers'_NNS$ costumes_NNS ._. With_IN tips_NNS ,_,
the_AT girls_NNS average_VB between_IN $150_NNS and_CC $200_NNS a_AT week_NN ,_,
depending_IN on_IN basic_JJ salary_NN ._. Although_CS they_PPSS are_BER forbidd
en_VBN to_TO sit_VB with_IN the_AT customers_NNS ,_, the_AT dancers_NNS are_BER
sometimes_RB proffered_VBN drinks_NNS ,_, and_CC most_AP of_IN them_PPO can_MD b
olt_VB one_CD down_RP in_IN mid-shimmy_NN ._. The_AT-HL melting_VBG-HL pot_NN-HL
._.-HL All_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, belly_NN clubs_NNS have_HV never_RB
been_BEN bigger_JJR ,_, especially_RB in_IN Detroit_NP ,_, Boston_NP and_CC Chi
cago_NP ,_, and_CC even_RB in_IN small_JJ towns_NNS ;_. ;_. one_CD of_IN the_AT
best_JJT dancers_NNS ,_, a_AT Turkish_JJ girl_NN named_VBN Semra_NP ,_, works_VB
Z at_IN a_AT roadhouse_NN outside_IN Bristol_NP ,_, Conn._NP ._. The_AT girls_NN
S are_BER kept_VBN booked_VBN and_CC moving_VBG by_IN several_AP agents_NNS ,_,
notably_RB voluble_JJ ,_, black-bearded_JJ Murat_NP Somay_NP ,_, a_AT Manhattan_
NP Turk_NP who_WPS is_BEZ the_AT Sol_NP Hurok_NP of_IN the_AT central_JJ abdomen
_NN ._. He_PPS can_MD offer_VB nine_CD Turkish_JJ girls_NNS ,_, plans_VBZ to_TO
import_VB at_IN least_AP 15_CD more_AP ._. But_CC a_AT great_QL many_AP of_IN th
e_AT dancers_NNS are_BER more_QL or_CC less_QL native_JJ ._. Sometimes_RB they_P
PSS get_VB their_PP$ initial_JJ experience_NN in_IN church_NN haflis_FW-NNS ,_,
conducted_VBN by_IN Lebanese_NPS and_CC Syrians_NP in_IN the_AT U.S._NP ,_, wher
e_WRB they_PPSS dance_VB with_IN just_QL as_QL few_AP veils_NNS across_IN their_
PP$ bodies_NNS as_CS in_IN nightclubs_NNS ._. As_CS the_AT girls_NNS come_VB to_
IN belly_NN dancing_NN from_IN this_DT and_CC other_AP origins_NNS ,_, the_AT me
lting_VBG pot_NN has_HVZ never_RB bubbled_VBN more_QL intriguingly_RB ._. Some_D
TI Manhattan_NP examples_NNS :_: Jemela_NP (_( surname_NN :_: Gerby_NP )_) ,_, 2
3_CD ,_, seems_VBZ Hong_NP-TL Kong_NP-TL Oriental_JJ-TL but_CC has_HVZ a_AT Span
ish_JJ father_NN and_CC an_AT Indian_JJ mother_NN ,_, was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Am
erica_NP and_CC educated_VBN at_IN Holy_JJ-TL Cross_NN-TL Academy_NN-TL and_CC T
extile_NN-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ,_, says_VBZ she_PPS learned_VBD belly_NN d
ancing_NN at_IN family_NN picnics_NNS ._. Serene_NP (_( Mrs._NP Wilson_NP )_) ,_
, 23_CD ,_, was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Budapest_NP and_CC raised_VBN in_IN Manhatta
n_NP ._. Daughter_NN of_IN a_AT gypsy_NN mother_NN who_WPS taught_VBD her_PPO to
_TO dance_VB ,_, she_PPS is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT few_AP really_QL beautiful_J
J girls_NNS in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Casbah_NP-TL ,_, with_IN dark_JJ e
yes_NNS and_CC dark_JJ ,_, waist-length_JJ hair_NN ,_, the_AT face_NN of_IN an_A
T adolescent_JJ patrician_NN and_CC a_AT lithe_JJ ,_, glimmering_VBG body_NN ._.
Many_AP belly_NN dancers_NNS are_BER married_VBN ,_, but_CC Serene_NP is_BEZ on
e_CD of_IN the_AT few_AP who_WPS will_MD admit_VB it_PPO ._. Marlene_NP (_( surn
ame_NN :_: Adamo_NP )_) ,_, 25_CD ,_, a_AT Brazilian_JJ divorcee_NN who_WPS lear
ned_VBD the_AT dance_NN from_IN Arabic_JJ friends_NNS in_IN Paris_NP ,_, now_RB
lives_VBZ on_IN Manhattan's_NP$ West_JJ-TL Side_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ about_RB the_AT
best_JJT belly_NN dancer_NN working_VBG the_AT Casbah_NP ,_, loves_VBZ it_PPO s
o_QL much_RB that_CS she_PPS dances_VBZ on_IN her_PP$ day_NN off_RP ._. She_PPS
has_HVZ the_AT small_JJ ,_, highly_QL developed_VBN body_NN of_IN a_AT prime_JJ
athlete_NN ,_, and_CC holds_VBZ in_IN contempt_NN the_AT ``_`` girls_NNS who_WPS
just_RB move_VB sex_NN ''_'' ._. Leila_NP (_( Malia_NP Phillips_NP )_) ,_, 25_C
D ,_, is_BEZ a_AT Greenwich_NP-TL Village_NN-TL painter_NN of_IN Persianesque_JJ
miniatures_NNS who_WPS has_HVZ red_JJ hair_NN that_WPS cascades_VBZ almost_RB t
o_IN her_PP$ ankles_NNS ._. A_AT graduate_NN of_IN Hollywood_NP-TL High_JJ-TL Sc
hool_NN-TL ,_, she_PPS likes_VBZ to_TO imagine_VB herself_PPL ,_, as_CS she_PPS
takes_VBZ the_AT floor_NN ,_, ``_`` a_AT village_NN girl_NN coming_VBG in_IN to_
IN a_AT festival_NN ''_'' ._. Gloria_NP (_( surname_NN :_: Ziraldo_NP )_) ,_, ci
rca_RB 30_CD ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Italy_NP and_CC once_RB did_DOD
``_`` chorus_NN work_NN ''_'' in_IN Toronto_NP ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN around_RB l
onger_RBR than_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT others_NNS ,_, wistfully_RB remembers_VBZ
the_AT old_JJ days_NNS when_WRB ``_`` we_PPSS used_VBD to_TO get_VB the_AT seam
en_NNS from_IN the_AT ships_NNS ,_, you_PPSS know_VB ,_, with_IN big_JJ turtlene
ck_NN sweaters_NNS and_CC handkerchiefs_NNS and_CC all_ABN ._. But_CC the_AT shi
ps_NNS are_BER very_QL slow_JJ now_RB ,_, and_CC we_PPSS don't_DO* get_VB so_QL
many_AP sailors_NNS any_DTI more_AP ''_'' ._. The_AT uptown_JJ crowd_NN has_HVZ
moved_VBN in_RP ,_, and_CC what_WDT girl_NN worth_JJ her_PP$ seventh_OD veil_NN
would_MD trade_VB a_AT turtleneck_NN sweater_NN for_CS a_AT button-down_JJ colla
r_NN ?_. ?_. A_AT-HL short_JJ-HL ,_,-HL tormented_VBN-HL span_NN-HL Of_IN the_AT
handful_NN of_IN painters_NNS that_WPO Austria_NP has_HVZ produced_VBN in_IN th
e_AT 20th_OD century_NN ,_, only_RB one_CD ,_, Oskar_NP Kokoschka_NP ,_, is_BEZ
widely_RB known_VBN in_IN the_AT U.S._NP ._. This_DT state_NN of_IN unawareness_
NN may_MD not_* last_VB much_QL longer_RBR ._. For_IN ten_CD years_NNS a_AT smal
l_JJ group_NN of_IN European_JJ and_CC U.S._NP critics_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN call
ing_VBG attention_NN to_IN the_AT half-forgotten_JJ Austrian_JJ expressionist_NN
Egon_NP Schiele_NP ,_, who_WPS died_VBD 42_CD years_NNS ago_RB at_IN the_AT age
_NN of_IN 28_CD ._. The_AT critics'_NNS$ campaign_NN finally_RB inspired_VBD the
_AT first_OD major_JJ U.S._NP exhibit_NN of_IN Schiele's_NP$ works_NNS ._. The_A
T show_NN has_HVZ been_BEN to_IN Boston_NP and_CC Manhattan_NP ,_, will_MD in_IN
time_NN reach_VB Pittsburgh_NP and_CC Minneapolis_NP ._. Last_AP week_NN it_PPS
opened_VBD at_IN the_AT J._NP B._NP Speed_NP Museum_NN-TL in_IN Louisville_NP ,
_, at_IN the_AT very_AP moment_NN that_CS a_AT second_OD Schiele_NP exhibit_NN w
as_BEDZ being_BEG made_VBN ready_JJ at_IN the_AT Felix_NP Landau_NP gallery_NN i
n_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ._. Schiele's_NP$ paintings_NNS are_BER anything_PN but_I
N pleasant_JJ ._. His_PP$ people_NNS (_( see_VB color_NN )_) are_BER angular_JJ
and_CC knobby-knuckled_JJ ,_, sometimes_RB painfully_QL stretched_VBN ,_, someti
mes_RB grotesquely_QL foreshortened_VBN ._. His_PP$ colors_NNS are_BER dark_JJ a
nd_CC murky_JJ ,_, and_CC his_PP$ landscapes_NNS and_CC cityscapes_NNS seem_VB s
wallowed_VBN in_IN gloom_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS painted_VBD some_DTI of_IN the_AT
boldest_JJT and_CC most_QL original_JJ pictures_NNS of_IN his_PP$ time_NN ,_, an
d_CC even_RB after_IN nearly_RB half_ABN a_AT century_NN ,_, the_AT tense_JJ ,_,
tormented_VBN world_NN he_PPS put_VBD on_IN canvas_NN has_HVZ lost_VBN none_PN
of_IN its_PP$ fascination_NN ._. The_AT-HL devil_NN-HL himself_PPL-HL ._.-HL The
_AT son_NN of_IN a_AT railway_NN stationmaster_NN ,_, Schiele_NP lived_VBD most_
AP of_IN his_PP$ childhood_NN in_IN the_AT drowsy_JJ Danubian_NP town_NN of_IN T
ulln_NP ,_, 14_CD miles_NNS northwest_NR of_IN Vienna_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ an_
AT emotional_JJ ,_, lonely_JJ boy_NN who_WPS spent_VBD so_QL much_AP time_NN tur
ning_VBG out_RP drawings_NNS that_CS he_PPS did_DOD scarcely_RB any_DTI schoolwo
rk_NN ._. When_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ 15_CD ,_, his_PP$ parents_NNS finally_RB allo
wed_VBD him_PPO to_TO attend_VB classes_NNS at_IN the_AT Academy_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Fine_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL in_IN Vienna_NP ._. Even_RB there_RB he_PPS did_DOD not_*
last_VB for_IN long_RB ._. Cried_VBD one_CD professor_NN after_IN a_AT few_AP m
onths_NNS of_IN Student_NN-TL Schiele's_NP$ tantrums_NNS and_CC rebellion_NN :_:
``_`` The_AT devil_NN himself_PPL must_MD have_HV defecated_VBN you_PPO into_IN
my_PP$ classroom_NN ''_'' !_. !_. For_IN a_AT while_NN his_PP$ work_NN was_BEDZ
influenced_VBN deeply_RB by_IN the_AT French_JJ impressionists_NNS ,_, and_CC b
y_IN the_AT patterned_VBN ,_, mosaic-like_JJ paintings_NNS of_IN Gustav_NP Klimt
_NP ,_, then_RB the_AT dean_NN of_IN Austrian_JJ art_NN ._. Gradually_RB Schiele
_NP evolved_VBD a_AT somber_JJ style_NN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ --_-- and_CC he_PPS
had_HVD few_AP inhibitions_NNS about_IN his_PP$ subject_NN matter_NN ._. His_PP
$ pictures_NNS were_BED roundly_RB denounced_VBN as_CS ``_`` the_AT most_QL disg
usting_JJ things_NNS one_PN has_HVZ ever_RB seen_VBN in_IN Vienna_NP ''_'' ._. H
e_PPS himself_PPL was_BEDZ once_RB convicted_VBN of_IN painting_VBG erotica_NNS
and_CC jailed_VBN for_IN 24_CD days_NNS --_-- the_AT first_OD three_CD of_IN whi
ch_WDT he_PPS spent_VBD desperately_RB trying_VBG to_TO make_VB paintings_NNS on
_IN the_AT wall_NN with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ spittle_NN ._. For_IN years_NNS he_PPS
wore_VBD hand-me-down_JJ suits_NNS and_CC homemade_JJ paper_NN collars_NNS ,_,
was_BEDZ even_RB driven_VBN to_IN scrounging_VBG for_IN cigarette_NN butts_NNS i
n_IN Vienna's_NP$ gutters_NNS ._. Drafted_VBN into_IN the_AT Austrian_JJ army_NN
,_, he_PPS rebelliously_RB rejected_VBD discipline_NN ,_, wangled_VBD a_AT Vien
na_NP billet_NN ,_, went_VBD on_RP painting_VBG ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* until_
IN the_AT last_AP year_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN that_CS he_PPS had_HVD his_PP$ f
irst_OD moneymaking_JJ show_NN ._. Melancholy_JJ-HL obsession_NN-HL ._. The_AT u
nabashed_JJ sexuality_NN of_IN so_QL many_AP of_IN his_PP$ paintings_NNS was_BED
Z not_* the_AT only_AP thing_NN that_WPS kept_VBD the_AT public_NN at_IN bay_NN
:_: his_PP$ view_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN almost_QL unreli
eved_JJ tragedy_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ too_QL much_AP even_RB for_IN morb
id-minded_JJ Vienna_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ obsessed_VBN by_IN disease_NN and_CC
poverty_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT melancholy_NN of_IN old_JJ age_NN and_CC the_AT tyra
nny_NN of_IN lust_NN ._. The_AT children_NNS he_PPS painted_VBD were_BED almost_
QL always_RB in_IN rags_NNS ,_, his_PP$ portraits_NNS were_BED often_RB ruthless
_JJ to_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN ugliness_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ nudes_NNS --_-- i
ncluding_IN several_AP self-portraits_NNS --_-- were_BED stringy_JJ ,_, contorte
d_VBN and_CC strangely_QL pathetic_JJ ._. The_AT subject_NN he_PPS liked_VBD mos
t_RBT was_BEDZ the_AT female_JJ body_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS painted_VBD in_IN e
very_AT state_NN --_-- naked_JJ ,_, half-dressed_JJ ,_, muffled_VBN to_IN the_AT
ears_NNS ,_, sitting_VBG primly_RB in_IN a_AT chair_NN ,_, lying_VBG tauntingly
_RB on_IN a_AT bed_NN or_CC locked_VBN in_IN an_AT embrace_NN ._. The_AT most_QL
surprising_JJ thing_NN about_IN the_AT Twenty-second_OD-TL Congress_NP-TL of_IN
-TL the_AT-TL Soviet_NN-TL Communist_NN-TL Party_NN-TL is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS is_
BEZ surprising_VBG --_-- perhaps_RB quite_QL as_QL much_QL ,_, in_IN its_PP$ own
_JJ way_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT Twentieth_OD-TL Congress_NP-TL of_IN 1956_CD ,_, whi
ch_WDT ended_VBD with_IN that_DT famous_JJ ``_`` secret_JJ ''_'' report_NN on_IN
Stalin_NP ._. The_AT publication_NN last_AP July_NP of_IN the_AT party's_NN$ Dr
aft_NN-TL Program_NN-TL --_-- that_DT blueprint_NN for_IN the_AT ``_`` transitio
n_NN to_IN communism_NN ''_'' --_-- had_HVD led_VBN the_AT uninitiated_JJ to_TO
suppose_VB that_CS this_DT Twenty-second_OD-TL Congress_NP-TL would_MD be_BE a_A
T sort_NN of_IN apotheosis_NN of_IN the_AT Khrushchev_NP regime_NN ,_, a_AT sole
mn_JJ consecration_NN of_IN ideas_NNS which_WDT had_HVD ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, be
en_BEN current_JJ over_IN the_AT last_AP three_CD or_CC four_CD years_NNS (_( i.
e._RB ,_, since_IN the_AT defeat_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` anti-party_JJ group_NN ''
_'' )_) in_IN all_ABN theoretical_JJ party_NN journals_NNS ._. These_DTS never_R
B ceased_VBD to_TO suggest_VB that_CS if_CS ,_, in_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN Marx
_NP and_CC Lenin_NP ``_`` full_JJ communism_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ still_RB a_AT very
_QL distant_JJ ideal_NN ,_, the_AT establishment_NN of_IN a_AT Communist_NN-TL s
ociety_NN had_HVD now_RB ,_, under_IN Khrushchev_NP ,_, become_VB an_AT ``_`` im
mediate_JJ and_CC tangible_JJ reality_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ that_CS Khru
shchev_NP himself_PPL took_VBD a_AT very_QL special_JJ pride_NN in_IN having_HVG
made_VBN a_AT world-shaking_JJ contribution_NN to_IN Marxist_NP doctrine_NN wit
h_IN his_PP$ Draft_NN-TL Program_NN-TL (_( a_AT large_JJ part_NN of_IN his_PP$ t
welve-hour_JJ speech_NN at_IN the_AT recent_JJ Congress_NP was_BEDZ ,_, in_IN fa
ct_NN ,_, very_QL largely_RB a_AT rehash_NN of_IN that_DT interminable_JJ docume
nt_NN )_) ._. He_PPS and_CC other_AP Soviet_NN-TL leaders_NNS responsible_JJ for
_IN the_AT document_NN were_BED proud_JJ of_IN having_HVG brought_VBN forward_RB
some_DTI new_JJ formulas_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT early_JJ replacement_NN o
f_IN the_AT dictatorship_NN of_IN the_AT proletariat_NN by_IN an_AT ``_`` All_AB
N-TL People's_NNS$-TL State_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC also_RB of_IN having_HVG laid
_VBN down_RP the_AT lines_NNS for_IN a_AT much_QL greater_JJR ``_`` democratizat
ion_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT whole_JJ hierarchy_NN of_IN Soviets_NPS ,_, starting_V
BG with_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Soviet_NN-TL itself_PPL ._. Their_PP$ plan_NN fo
r_IN rotation_NN of_IN leaders_NNS promised_VBD a_AT salutary_JJ blow_NN at_IN `
`_`` bureaucracy_NN ''_'' and_CC would_MD enable_VB ``_`` the_AT people_NNS ''_'
' to_TO take_VB a_AT more_QL direct_JJ and_CC active_JJ part_NN in_IN running_VB
G the_AT country_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, elections_NNS would_MD be_BE more_QL democra
tic_JJ ;_. ;_. there_EX might_MD even_RB be_BE two_CD or_CC more_AP candidates_N
NS for_IN voters_NNS to_TO choose_VB from_IN ._. No_AT doubt_NN ,_, there_EX was
_BEDZ still_RB a_AT lot_NN in_IN the_AT Draft_NN-TL Program_NN-TL --_-- and_CC i
n_IN Khrushchev's_NP$ speech_NN --_-- which_WDT left_VBD many_AP points_NNS obsc
ure_JJ ._. Was_BEDZ it_PPS the_AT party's_NN$ intention_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN
,_, to_TO abolish_VB gradually_RB the_AT kolkhoz_FW-NN system_NN and_CC replace
_VB it_PPO by_IN uniformly_RB wage-earning_JJ kolkhozes_FW-NNS ,_, i.e._RB ,_, s
tate_NN farms_NNS (_( which_WDT were_BED ,_, moreover_RB ,_, to_TO be_BE progres
sively_RB ``_`` urbanized_VBN ''_'' )_) ?_. ?_. As_CS we_PPSS know_VB ,_, the_AT
Soviet_NN-TL peasant_NN today_NR still_RB very_QL largely_RB thrives_VBZ on_IN
being_BEG able_JJ to_TO sell_VB the_AT produce_NN grown_VBN on_IN his_PP$ privat
e_JJ plot_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ still_RB very_QL far_RB from_IN certai
n_JJ how_WRB valid_JJ the_AT party's_NN$ claim_NN is_BEZ that_CS in_IN ``_`` a_A
T growing_VBG number_NN of_IN kolkhozes_FW-NNS ''_'' the_AT peasants_NNS are_BER
finding_VBG it_PPO more_QL profitable_JJ ,_, to_TO surrender_VB their_PP$ priva
te_JJ plots_NNS to_IN the_AT kolkhoz_FW-NN and_CC to_TO let_VB the_AT latter_AP
be_BE turned_VBN into_IN something_PN increasingly_RB like_CS a_AT state_NN farm
_NN ._. If_CS one_PN follows_VBZ the_AT reports_NNS of_IN the_AT Congress_NP ,_,
one_PN finds_VBZ that_CS there_EX still_RB seems_VBZ considerable_JJ uncertaint
y_NN in_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN the_AT leaders_NNS themselves_PPLS about_IN wh
at_WDT exactly_RB to_TO do_DO in_IN this_DT matter_NN ._. The_AT Draft_NN-TL Pro
gram_NN-TL was_BEDZ interesting_JJ in_IN other_AP respects_NNS ,_, too_RB ._. It
_PPS contained_VBD ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, a_AT number_NN of_IN curious_JJ adm
issions_NNS about_IN the_AT peasants_NNS ,_, who_WPS enjoy_VB no_AT sickness_NN
benefits_NNS ,_, no_AT old-age_NN pensions_NNS ,_, no_AT paid_VBN holidays_NNS ;
_. ;_. they_PPSS still_RB benefit_VB far_QL less_RBR than_CS the_AT ``_`` other_
AP ''_'' 50_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT nation_NN from_IN that_DT ``_`` welfa
re_NN state_NN ''_'' which_WDT the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL so_QL greatly_RB
prides_VBZ itself_PPL on_IN being_BEG ._. Over_IN all_ABN these_DTS fairly_QL aw
kward_JJ problems_NNS Khrushchev_NP was_BEDZ to_TO skate_VB rather_QL lightly_RB
;_. ;_. and_CC ,_, though_CS he_PPS repeated_VBD ,_, over_RP and_CC over_RP aga
in_RB ,_, the_AT spectacular_JJ figures_NNS of_IN industrial_JJ and_CC agricultu
ral_JJ production_NN in_IN 1980_CD ,_, the_AT ``_`` ordinary_JJ ''_'' people_NNS
in_IN Russia_NP are_BER still_RB a_AT little_QL uncertain_JJ as_IN to_IN how_WR
B ``_`` communism_NN ''_'' is_BEZ really_RB going_VBG to_TO work_VB in_IN practi
ce_NN ,_, especially_RB in_IN respect_NN of_IN food_NN ._. Would_MD agriculture_
NN progress_VB as_QL rapidly_RB as_CS industry_NN ?_. ?_. This_DT was_BEDZ somet
hing_PN on_IN which_WDT K._NP himself_PPL seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV some_DTI doub
ts_NNS ;_. ;_. for_CS he_PPS kept_VBD on_RP threatening_VBG that_CS he_PPS would
_MD ``_`` pull_VB the_AT ears_NNS ''_'' of_IN those_DTS responsible_JJ for_IN ag
ricultural_JJ production_NN ._. And_CC ,_, as_CS we_PPSS know_VB ,_, the_AT Virg
in_JJ-TL Lands_NNS-TL are_BER not_* producing_VBG as_QL much_AP as_CS Khrushchev
_NP had_HVD hoped_VBN ._. One_PN cannot_MD* but_IN wonder_VB whether_CS these_DT
S doubts_NNS about_IN the_AT success_NN of_IN Khrushchev's_NP$ agricultural_JJ p
olicy_NN have_HV not_* at_IN least_AP something_PN to_TO do_DO with_IN one_CD of
_IN the_AT big_JJ surprises_NNS provided_VBN by_IN this_DT Congress_NP --_-- the
_AT obsessive_JJ harping_NN on_IN the_AT crimes_NNS and_CC misdeeds_NNS of_IN th
e_AT ``_`` anti-party_JJ group_NN ''_'' --_-- Molotov_NP ,_, Malenkov_NP ,_, Kag
anovich_NP and_CC others_NNS --_-- including_IN the_AT eighty-year-old_JJ Marsha
l_NN-TL Voroshilov_NP ._. Molotov_NP ,_, in_IN particular_JJ ,_, is_BEZ being_BE
G charged_VBN with_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN sins_NNS --_-- especially_RB with_
IN wanting_VBG to_TO cut_VB down_RP free_JJ public_JJ services_NNS ,_, to_TO inc
rease_VB rents_NNS and_CC fares_NNS ;_. ;_. in_IN fact_NN ,_, with_IN having_HVG
been_BEN against_IN all_ABN the_AT more_QL popular_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT
Khrushchev_NP ``_`` welfare_NN state_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT trouble_NN with_IN all
_ABN these_DTS doctrinal_JJ quarrels_NNS is_BEZ that_CS we_PPSS hear_VB only_RB
one_CD side_NN of_IN the_AT story_NN :_: what_WDT ,_, in_IN the_AT secret_JJ cou
ncils_NNS of_IN the_AT Kremlin_NP ,_, Molotov_NP had_HVD really_RB proposed_VBN
,_, we_PPSS just_RB don't_DO* know_VB ,_, and_CC he_PPS has_HVZ had_HVN no_AT ch
ance_NN to_TO reply_VB ._. But_CC one_PN cannot_MD* escape_VB the_AT suspicion_N
N that_CS all_ABN this_DT non-stop_NN harping_NN on_IN the_AT misdeeds_NNS of_IN
the_AT long_RB liquidated_VBN ``_`` anti-party_JJ ''_'' group_NN would_MD be_BE
totally_QL unnecessary_JJ if_CS there_EX were_BED not_* ,_, inside_IN the_AT pa
rty_NN ,_, some_DTI secret_JJ but_IN genuine_JJ opposition_NN to_IN Khrushchev_N
P on_IN vital_JJ doctrinal_JJ grounds_NNS ,_, on_IN the_AT actual_JJ methods_NNS
to_TO be_BE employed_VBN in_IN the_AT ``_`` transition_NN to_IN communism_NN ''
_'' and_CC ,_, last_AP but_CC not_* least_AP ,_, on_IN foreign_JJ policy_NN ._.
The_AT whole_JJ problem_NN of_IN ``_`` peaceful_JJ coexistence_NN and_CC peacefu
l_JJ competition_NN ''_'' with_IN the_AT capitalist_JJ world_NN is_BEZ in_IN the
_AT very_AP center_NN of_IN this_DT Congress_NP ._. Mikoyan_NP declared_VBD :_:
``_`` Molotov_NP altogether_RB rejects_VBZ the_AT line_NN of_IN peaceful_JJ coex
istence_NN ,_, reducing_VBG this_DT concept_NN merely_RB to_IN the_AT state_NN o
f_IN peace_NN or_CC rather_RB ,_, the_AT absence_NN of_IN war_NN at_IN a_AT give
n_VBN moment_NN ,_, and_CC to_IN a_AT denial_NN of_IN the_AT possibility_NN of_I
N averting_VBG a_AT world_NN war_NN ._. His_PP$ views_NNS ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_,
coincide_VB with_IN those_DTS of_IN foreign_JJ enemies_NNS of_IN peaceful_JJ coe
xistence_NN ,_, who_WPS look_VB upon_RB it_PPO merely_RB as_CS a_AT variant_NN o
f_IN the_AT ``_`` cold_JJ war_NN ''_'' or_CC of_IN an_AT ``_`` armed_VBN peace_N
N ''_'' ._. One_PN cannot_MD* help_VB wondering_VBG whether_CS Molotov_NP and_CC
the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` anti-party_JJ group_NN ''_'' are_BER not_* be
ing_BEG used_VBN as_CS China's_NP$ whipping-boys_NNS by_IN Khrushchev_NP and_CC
his_PP$ faithful_JJ followers_NNS ._. For_CS something_PN ,_, clearly_RB ,_, has
_HVZ gone_VBN very_QL ,_, very_QL seriously_QL wrong_JJ in_IN Soviet-Chinese_JJ
relations_NNS ,_, which_WDT were_BED never_RB easy_JJ ,_, and_CC have_HV now_RB
deteriorated_VBN ._. The_AT effect_NN of_IN Chou_NP En-lai's_NP$ clash_NN with_I
N Khrushchev_NP ,_, together_RB with_IN the_AT everlasting_JJ attacks_NNS on_IN
Molotov_NP-TL &_CC-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, has_HVZ shifted_VBN the_AT whole_JJ attentio
n_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, including_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL pe
ople_NNS ,_, from_IN the_AT ``_`` epoch-making_JJ ''_'' twenty-year_JJ program_N
N to_IN the_AT present_JJ Soviet-Chinese_JJ conflict_NN ._. Not_* only_RB ,_, as
_CS we_PPSS know_VB ,_, did_DOD Chou_NP En-lai_NP publicly_RB treat_VB Khrushche
v's_NP$ attack_NN on_IN Albania_NP as_CS ``_`` something_PN that_CS we_PPSS cann
ot_MD* consider_VB as_CS a_AT serious_JJ Marxist-Leninist_NP approach_NN ''_'' t
o_IN the_AT problem_NN (_( i.e._RB ,_, as_CS something_PN thoroughly_QL dictator
ial_JJ and_CC ``_`` undemocratic_JJ ''_'' )_) ,_, but_CC the_AT Albanian_JJ lead
ers_NNS went_VBD out_IN of_IN their_PP$ way_NN to_TO be_BE openly_RB abusive_JJ
to_IN Khrushchev_NP ,_, calling_VBG him_PPO a_AT liar_NN ,_, a_AT bully_NN ,_, a
nd_CC so_RB on_RP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ extremely_QL doubtful_JJ that_CS the_AT hand
ful_NN of_IN Albanians_NPS who_WPS call_VB themselves_PPLS Communists_NNS-TL cou
ld_MD have_HV done_VBN this_DT without_IN the_AT direct_JJ approval_NN of_IN the
ir_PP$ Chinese_JJ friends_NNS ._. The_AT big_JJ question_NN is_BEZ whether_CS ,_
, in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN a_AT restored_VBN Chinese-Soviet_JJ solidarity_NN ,
_, the_AT Chinese_NPS will_MD choose_VB to_TO persuade_VB the_AT Albanians_NPS t
o_TO present_VB their_PP$ humble_JJ apologies_NNS to_IN Khrushchev_NP --_-- or_C
C get_VB rid_JJ of_IN Enver_NP Hoxa_NP ._. These_DTS seem_VB about_RB the_AT onl
y_AP two_CD ways_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT ``_`` unhappy_JJ incident_NN ''_'' c
an_MD now_RB be_BE closed_VBN ._. But_CC Albania_NP is_BEZ merely_RB a_AT sympto
m_NN of_IN a_AT real_JJ malaise_NN between_IN China_NP and_CC Russia_NP ._. Ther
e_EX are_BER other_AP symptoms_NNS ._. Khrushchev_NP ,_, for_IN all_ABN his_PP$
bombastic_JJ prophecies_NNS about_IN the_AT inevitable_JJ decay_NN of_IN capital
ism_NN ,_, is_BEZ genuinely_QL favorable_JJ to_IN ``_`` peaceful_JJ coexistence_
NN ''_'' and_CC would_MD like_VB ,_, above_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT Berlin_NP and_C
C German_JJ problems_NNS to_TO be_BE settled_VBN peacefully_RB ;_. ;_. he_PPS kn
ows_VBZ that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ never_RB more_QL popular_JJ than_CS at_IN the_AT
time_NN of_IN the_AT Russo-American_JJ ``_`` honeymoon_NN ''_'' of_IN 1959_CD .
_. But_CC it_PPS seems_VBZ that_CS pressures_NNS against_IN him_PPO are_BER comi
ng_VBG from_IN somewhere_NN --_-- in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN from_IN China_N
P ,_, but_CC perhaps_RB also_RB from_IN that_DT ``_`` China_NP-TL Lobby_NN-TL ''
_'' which_WDT ,_, I_PPSS was_BEDZ assured_VBN in_IN Moscow_NP nearly_RB two_CD y
ears_NNS ago_RB ,_, exists_VBZ on_IN the_AT quiet_NN inside_IN the_AT party_NN .
_. To_IN these_DTS people_NNS ,_, solidarity_NN and_CC unity_NN with_IN China_NP
should_MD be_BE the_AT real_JJ basis_NN of_IN Russia's_NP$ future_JJ policy_NN
._. And_CC the_AT Chinese_NPS ,_, as_CS the_AT Albanian_JJ incident_NN shows_VBZ
,_, have_HV strong_JJ suspicions_NNS that_CS Khrushchev_NP is_BEZ anxious_JJ to
_TO secure_VB a_AT ``_`` shameful_JJ ''_'' peace_NN with_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ._
. The_AT fact_NN that_CS China_NP (_( which_WDT is_BEZ obsessed_VBN by_IN Formos
a_NP --_-- to_IN Khrushchev_NP a_AT very_QL small_JJ matter_NN )_) should_MD be_
BE supported_VBN by_IN North_JJ-TL Korea_NP-TL and_CC North_JJ-TL Vietnam_NP-TL
is_BEZ highly_QL indicative_JJ ._. And_CC one_CD cannot_MD* but_IN wonder_VB whe
ther_CS Marshal_NN-TL Malinovsky_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ blowing_VBG hot_JJ and_
CC cold_JJ ,_, exalting_VBG peace_NN but_CC also_RB almost_QL openly_RB consider
ing_VBG the_AT possibility_NN of_IN preventive_JJ war_NN against_IN the_AT West_
NR-TL ,_, wasn't_BEDZ* trying_VBG to_TO keep_VB the_AT Chinese_JJ quiet_JJ ._. A
nd_CC this_DT brings_VBZ us_PPO inevitably_RB to_IN the_AT 30-_CD or_CC 50-megat
on_JJ bomb_NN ._. Was_BEDZ not_* this_DT dropped_VBN primarily_RB in_IN order_NN
to_TO ``_`` appease_VB ''_'' the_AT Chinese_NPS --_-- especially_RB after_IN ``
_`` Khrushchev's_NP$ ``_`` humiliating_JJ ''_'' surrender_NN to_IN the_AT West_N
R-TL in_IN canceling_VBG the_AT German_JJ peace-treaty_NN deadline_NN of_IN Dece
mber_NP 31_CD ?_. ?_. What_WDT does_DOZ it_PPS all_ABN add_VB up_RP to_IN ?_. ?_
. Indications_NNS are_BER that_CS Khrushchev_NP (_( and_CC ,_, with_IN him_PPO ,
_, the_AT bulk_NN of_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL people_NNS )_) favor_VB peaceful_JJ
coexistence_NN and_CC (_( with_IN the_AT exception_NN of_IN Berlin_NP )_) the_AT
maintenance_NN of_IN the_AT status_NN quo_FW-WDT in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_
AT Chinese_NPS ,_, North_JJ-TL Vietnamese_NPS and_CC North_JJ-TL Koreans_NPS ,_,
on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, feel_VB that_CS ,_, militarily_RB ,_, Russia_
NP is_BEZ strong_JJ enough_QLP to_TO support_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT ``_`` just
_JJ wars_NNS of_IN liberation_NN ''_'' they_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO embark_V
B on_IN before_IN long_RB :_: with_IN China_NP attacking_VBG Formosa_NP and_CC t
he_AT North_JJ-TL Koreans_NPS and_CC North_JJ-TL Vietnamese_NPS liberating_VBG t
he_AT southern_JJ half_ABN of_IN their_PP$ respective_JJ countries_NNS ._. Perha
ps_RB Khrushchev_NP is_BEZ in_IN a_AT more_QL difficult_JJ position_NN than_CS a
ny_DTI since_IN 1957_CD ,_, when_WRB the_AT ``_`` anti-party_JJ group_NN ''_'' n
early_RB liquidated_VBD him_PPO ._. He_PPS seems_VBZ strong_JJ enough_QLP inside
_IN the_AT party_NN to_TO cope_VB with_IN any_DTI internal_JJ opposition_NN ;_.
;_. but_CC if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ up_RP against_IN China's_NP$ crusading_VBG spirit
_NN in_IN world_NN affairs_NNS ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE faced_VBN
with_IN the_AT most_QL agonizing_JJ choice_NN in_IN his_PP$ life_NN ._. He_PPS
may_MD support_VB China_NP (_( but_CC he_PPS won't_MD* )_) ;_. ;_. he_PPS may_MD
break_VB with_IN China_NP (_( which_WDT would_MD be_BE infernally_RB difficult_
JJ and_CC perhaps_RB disastrous_JJ )_) ,_, or_CC he_PPS may_MD succeed_VB ,_, by
_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN dangerous_JJ concessions_NNS ,_, in_IN persuading_VB
G China_NP to_TO be_BE patient_JJ ._. The_AT next_AP days_NNS may_MD show_VB whe
re_WRB things_NNS stand_VB ._. On_IN a_AT misty_JJ Sunday_NR morning_NN last_AP
month_NN ,_, a_AT small_JJ band_NN of_IN militant_JJ anti-Communists_NNS called_
VBN the_AT Minutemen_NPS held_VBD maneuvers_NNS in_IN a_AT foggy_JJ field_NN abo
ut_RB fifteen_CD miles_NNS east_NR of_IN here_RB ._. Eleven_CD men_NNS ,_, a_AT
woman_NN and_CC a_AT teen-age_JJ boy_NN tramped_VBD over_IN cold_JJ ,_, damp_JJ
,_, fog-enshrouded_JJ ground_NN during_IN a_AT two-hour_JJ field_NN drill_NN in_
IN the_AT problems_NNS of_IN guerrilla_NN warfare_NN ._. To_IN the_AT average_NN
American_JJ ,_, this_DT must_MD sound_VB like_CS an_AT incredible_JJ tale_NN fr
om_IN a_AT Saturday_NR night_NN TV_NN movie_NN ._. But_CC to_IN the_AT Minutemen
_NPS ,_, this_DT is_BEZ a_AT serious_JJ business_NN ._. They_PPSS feel_VB that_C
S the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_BEZ engaged_VBN in_IN a_AT life-and-deat
h_NN struggle_NN with_IN communism_NN for_IN survival_NN and_CC world_NN suprema
cy_NN ._. They_PPSS feel_VB that_CS World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 3_CD-TL ,_, has_HVZ al
ready_RB begun_VBN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS are_BER setting_VBG themselves_PPLS up_R
P as_CS a_AT ``_`` last_AP line_NN of_IN defense_NN ''_'' against_IN the_AT Comm
unist_NN-TL advance_NN ._. Their_PP$ national_JJ leader_NN ,_, Robert_NP Bolivar
_NP DePugh_NP of_IN Norborne_NP ,_, Mo._NP ,_, says_VBZ the_AT Minutemen_NPS bel
ieve_VB that_CS guerrilla_NN tactics_NNS are_BER best_RBT suited_VBN to_TO defea
t_VB the_AT Red_JJ-TL onslaught_NN ._. In_IN their_PP$ maneuvers_NNS last_VB mon
th_NN ,_, they_PPSS wore_VBD World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, camouflage_NN gar
b_NN and_CC helmets_NNS ,_, and_CC carried_VBD unloaded_VBN M-1_NN rifles_NNS ._
. The_AT maneuvers_NNS were_BED held_VBN ``_`` in_IN secret_JJ ''_'' after_CS a_
AT regional_JJ seminar_NN for_IN the_AT Minutemen_NPS ,_, held_VBN in_IN nearby_
JJ Shiloh_NP ,_, Ill._NP ,_, had_HVD been_BEN broken_VBN up_RP the_AT previous_J
J day_NN by_IN deputy_NN sheriffs_NNS ,_, who_WPS had_HVD arrested_VBN regional_
JJ leader_NN Richard_NP Lauchli_NP of_IN Collinsville_NP ,_, Ill._NP ,_, and_CC
seized_VBN four_CD operative_JJ weapons_NNS ,_, including_IN a_AT Browning_NP ma
chine_NN gun_NN ,_, two_CD Browning_NP automatic_JJ rifles_NNS and_CC an_AT M-4_
NN rifle_NN ._. Undismayed_JJ by_IN this_DT contretemps_NN ,_, a_AT small_JJ ban
d_NN of_IN the_AT faithful_JJ gathered_VBD at_IN Lauchli's_NP$ home_NN at_IN 6:3
0_CD A.M._RB the_AT next_AP day_NN ,_, put_VBD on_RP their_PP$ uniforms_NNS ,_,
and_CC headed_VBD for_IN a_AT farm_NN several_AP miles_NNS away_RB ._. A_AT 60_C
D mm._NN mortar_NN and_CC a_AT 57_CD mm._NN recoilless_JJ rifle_NN owned_VBN by_
IN Lauchli_NP were_BED brought_VBN along_RB ._. The_AT mortar_NN was_BEDZ equipp
ed_VBN with_IN dummy_JJ shells_NNS and_CC the_AT recoilless_JJ rifle_NN was_BEDZ
deactivated_VBN ._. After_IN a_AT tortuous_JJ drive_NN in_IN an_AT open_JJ truc
k_NN and_CC a_AT World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, army_NN jeep_NN down_IN soggy
_JJ trails_NNS ,_, the_AT band_NN arrived_VBD at_IN a_AT small_JJ clearing_NN sq
ueezed_VBN between_IN a_AT long_JJ ,_, low_JJ ridge_NN and_CC a_AT creek-filled_
JJ gully_NN ._. Here_RB the_AT two_CD leaders_NNS ,_, DePugh_NP and_CC Lauchli_N
P ,_, hastened_VBD to_TO put_VB the_AT group_NN through_IN its_PP$ paces_NNS ._.
The_AT Minutemen_NPS were_BED instructed_VBN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN terrain_
NN for_IN concealment_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED shown_VBN how_WRB to_TO advance_
VB against_IN an_AT enemy_NN outpost_NN atop_IN a_AT cleared_VBN ridge_NN ._. Th
ey_PPSS practiced_VBD movement_NN behind_IN a_AT smoke_NN screen_NN laid_VBN by_
IN smoke_NN grenades_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC they_PPSS attempted_VBD a_AT skirmish_NN
line_NN of_IN advance_NN against_IN a_AT camouflaged_VBN enemy_NN encampment_NN
._. Eleven_CD dummy_JJ rounds_NNS were_BED fired_VBN by_IN Lauchli_NP in_IN a_A
T demonstration_NN of_IN rapid-fire_NN mortar_NN shooting_NN ._. Mrs._NP DePugh_
NP ,_, the_AT mother_NN of_IN five_CD children_NNS and_CC an_AT active_JJ member
_NN of_IN her_PPO husband's_NN$ organization_NN ,_, participated_VBD in_IN all_A
BN the_AT exercises_NNS ._. There_EX were_BED no_AT ``_`` casualties_NNS ''_'' ,
_, but_CC the_AT ``_`` guerrillas_NNS ''_'' admitted_VBD to_TO being_BEG ``_`` a
_AT little_QL tired_JJ ''_'' when_WRB the_AT leaders_NNS called_VBD a_AT halt_NN
at_IN 9_CD A.M._RB to_TO enable_VB out-of-town_JJ members_NNS to_TO catch_VB a_
AT plane_NN ._. Tenure_NN-HL as_CS-HL criterion_NN-HL I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to
_TO add_VB one_CD more_AP practical_JJ reform_NN to_IN those_DTS mentioned_VBN b
y_IN Russell_NP Kirk_NP (_( Dec._NP 16_CD )_) ._. It_PPS has_HVZ to_TO do_DO wit
h_IN teachers'_NNS$ salaries_NNS and_CC tenure_NN ._. Next_AP September_NP ,_, a
fter_CS receiving_VBG a_AT degree_NN from_IN Yale's_NP$ Master_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ar
ts_NNS-TL in_IN-TL Teaching_NN-TL Program_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS will_MD be_BE teachin
g_VBG somewhere_RB --_-- that_QL much_AP is_BEZ guaranteed_VBN by_IN the_AT pres
ent_JJ shortage_NN of_IN mathematics_NN teachers_NNS ._. I_PPSS will_MD also_RB
be_BE underpaid_JJ ._. The_AT amazing_JJ thing_NN is_BEZ that_CS this_DT too_RB
is_BEZ caused_VBN by_IN the_AT dearth_NN of_IN teachers_NNS ._. Teaching_VBG is_
BEZ at_IN present_JJ a_AT sellers'_NNS$ market_NN ;_. ;_. as_CS a_AT result_NN b
uyers_NNS ,_, the_AT public_NN ,_, must_MD be_BE satisfied_VBN with_IN second-ra
te_JJ teachers_NNS ._. But_CC this_DT is_BEZ not_* the_AT real_JJ problem_NN ;_.
;_. the_AT rub_NN arises_VBZ from_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS teachers_NNS are_BE
R usually_RB paid_VBN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN time_NN served_VBN rather_IN t
han_IN quality_NN ._. Hence_RB all_ABN teachers_NNS ,_, good_JJ and_CC bad_JJ ,_
, who_WPS have_HV been_BEN teaching_VBG for_IN a_AT given_VBN number_NN of_IN ye
ars_NNS are_BER paid_VBN the_AT same_AP salary_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM firmly_RB co
nvinced_VBN that_CS considering_IN the_AT average_NN quality_NN of_IN teachers_N
NS in_IN this_DT country_NN ,_, the_AT profession_NN is_BEZ grossly_RB overpaid_
VBN ._. It_PPS follows_VBZ that_CS teachers_NNS as_CS a_AT group_NN cannot_MD* e
xpect_VB any_DTI marked_VBN salary_NN increases_NNS ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ a_AT
limit_NN to_TO how_QL much_AP the_AT public_NN will_MD pay_VB for_IN shoddy_JJ
performance_NN ._. The_AT only_AP hope_NN which_WDT good_JJ teachers_NNS have_HV
for_IN being_BEG paid_VBN their_PP$ due_NN is_BEZ to_TO stop_VB dragging_VBG th
e_AT dead_JJ weight_NN of_IN poor_JJ teachers_NNS up_IN the_AT economic_JJ ladde
r_NN with_IN them_PPO ._. The_AT only_AP hope_NN which_WDT the_AT public_NN has_
HVZ for_IN getting_VBG good_JJ teachers_NNS is_BEZ to_TO pay_VB teachers_NNS on_
IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN merit_NN rather_IN than_IN tenure_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, as
_CS in_IN all_ABN sectors_NNS of_IN the_AT economy_NN ,_, quality_NN and_CC just
ice_NN are_BER both_ABX dependent_JJ on_IN the_AT right_NR of_IN the_AT individu
al_JJ to_TO deal_VB directly_RB with_IN his_PP$ employer_NN if_CS he_PPS so_RB c
hooses_VBZ ._. Loss_NN-HL of_IN-HL initiative_NN-HL On_IN the_AT eve_NN of_IN th
e_AT ``_`` great_JJ debate_NN ''_'' on_IN the_AT proposal_NN to_TO give_VB the_A
T President_NN-TL broad_JJ powers_NNS to_TO make_VB across-the-board_JJ tariff_N
N concessions_NNS which_WDT could_MD practically_RB bring_VB us_PPO into_IN the_
AT Atlantic_JJ-TL Community_NN-TL ,_, we_PPSS should_MD face_VB the_AT alternati
ves_NNS on_IN this_DT proposition_NN ._. What_WDT we_PPSS will_MD be_BE sacrific
ing_VBG in_IN any_DTI such_JJ arrangement_NN will_MD be_BE our_PP$ power_NN to_T
O be_BE selective_JJ which_WDT is_BEZ contained_VBN in_IN the_AT reciprocal_JJ t
rade_NN principle_NN under_IN which_WDT we_PPSS now_RB operate_VB ._. Without_IN
this_DT power_NN we_PPSS lay_VB open_JJ any_DTI American_JJ industry_NN which_W
DT the_AT Europeans_NPS may_MD find_VB it_PPO economically_RB profitable_JJ to_T
O destroy_VB to_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN others_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT los
s_NN of_IN initiative_NN in_IN how_WRB we_PPSS conduct_VB our_PP$ economy_NN whi
ch_WDT may_MD lead_VB to_IN the_AT loss_NN of_IN initiative_NN in_IN how_WRB we_
PPSS conduct_VB our_PP$ political_JJ affairs_NNS ._. A_AT-HL brief_NN-HL for_IN-
HL the_AT-HL negative_JJ-HL I_PPSS disagree_VB with_IN Mr._NP Burnham's_NP$ posi
tion_NN on_IN the_AT Common_JJ-TL Market_NN-TL (_( Nov._NP 18_CD )_) as_CS a_AT
desirable_JJ organization_NN for_IN us_PPO to_TO join_VB ._. For_IN him_PPO to_T
O ignore_VB the_AT political_JJ consequences_NNS involved_VBN in_IN an_AT Atlant
ic_JJ-TL Union_NN-TL of_IN this_DT kind_NN is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO understand_
VB ._. The_AT pressure_NN for_IN our_PP$ entry_NN to_IN the_AT Common_JJ-TL Mark
et_NN-TL is_BEZ mounting_VBG and_CC we_PPSS will_MD proceed_VB towards_IN this_D
T amalgamated_VBN trade_NN union_NN by_IN way_NN of_IN a_AT purely_QL ``_`` econ
omic_JJ thoroughfare_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC garden_NN path_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT pol
itical_JJ ramifications_NNS kept_VBN neatly_RB in_IN the_AT background_NN ._. Th
e_AT appeal_NN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE to_IN the_AT pocketbook_NN and_CC ma
y_MD be_BE very_QL convincing_JJ to_IN those_DTS who_WPS do_DO not_* see_VB its_
PP$ relation_NN to_IN political_JJ and_CC legal_JJ ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS econo
mic_JJ ,_, self-rule_NN ._. In_IN entering_VBG this_DT union_NN we_PPSS will_MD
be_BE surrendering_VBG most_AP ,_, if_CS not_* all_ABN ,_, of_IN our_PP$ economi
c_JJ autonomy_NN to_IN international_JJ bodies_NNS such_JJ as_CS the_AT Atlantic
_JJ-TL Institute_NN-TL (_( recently_RB set_VBN up_RP )_) or_CC the_AT O.E.C.D._N
P ,_, I.M.F._NP and_CC others_NNS ._. To_TO think_VB that_CS we_PPSS can_MD mere
ly_RB relinquish_VB our_PP$ economic_JJ autonomy_NN without_IN giving_VBG up_RP
our_PP$ political_JJ or_CC legal_JJ autonomy_NN is_BEZ wishful_JJ thinking_NN ._
. If_CS it_PPS is_BEZ not_* enough_AP that_CS all_ABN of_IN our_PP$ internationa
list_JJ One_CD-TL Worlders_NNS-TL are_BER advocating_VBG that_CS we_PPSS join_VB
this_DT market_NN ,_, I_PPSS refer_VB you_PPO to_IN an_AT article_NN in_IN the_
AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times'_NNS$-TL magazine_NN section_NN (_( Nov._NP 12_CD
,_, 1961_CD )_) ,_, by_IN Mr._NP Eric_NP Johnston_NP ,_, entitled_VBN ``_`` We_P
PSS-TL Must_MD-TL Join_VB-TL The_AT-TL Common_JJ-TL Market_NN-TL ''_'' ._. He_PP
S says_VBZ :_: ``_`` It_PPS has_HVZ swept_VBN aside_RB petty_JJ nationalisms_NNS
,_, age-old_JJ rivalries_NNS ,_, and_CC worn-out_JJ customs_NNS ''_'' ._. Refer
ring_VBG to_IN Britain_NP ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS see_VB a_AT nati
on_NN that_WPS traditionally_RB values_VBZ sovereignty_NN above_IN all_ABN else_
RB willing_JJ to_TO give_VB up_RP its_PP$ economy_NN ,_, placing_VBG this_DT aut
hority_NN in_IN Continental_JJ-TL hands_NNS ''_'' ._. Since_CS the_AT goal_NN of
_IN our_PP$ international_JJ planners_NNS is_BEZ a_AT World_NN-TL Government_NN-
TL ,_, this_DT Atlantic_JJ-TL Community_NN-TL would_MD mark_VB a_AT giant_JJ ste
p_NN in_IN that_DT direction_NN for_CS ,_, once_CS American_JJ economic_JJ auton
omy_NN is_BEZ absorbed_VBN ,_, a_AT larger_JJR grouping_VBG is_BEZ a_AT question
_NN of_IN time_NN ._. Frankly_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ being_BEG very_QL cleverly_RB
done_VBN for_CS ,_, in_IN a_AT sense_NN ,_, they_PPSS have_HV us_PPO over_IN a_
AT barrel_NN ._. Listen_VB to_IN what_WDT Mr._NP Johnston_NP has_HVZ to_TO say_V
B :_: ``_`` Consider_VB the_AT savage_JJ wounds_NNS that_CS isolationism_NN woul
d_MD inflict_VB ._. We_PPSS would_MD lose_VB our_PP$ export_NN markets_NNS and_C
C deny_VB ourselves_PPLS the_AT imports_NNS we_PPSS need_VB ._. We_PPSS would_MD
be_BE crippled_VBN by_IN reduced_VBN output_NN ,_, industrial_JJ decline_NN ,_,
widespread_JJ unemployment_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC the_AT solution_NN to_IN this_DT
dilemma_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT incorporation_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Stat
es_NNS-TL into_IN an_AT Atlantic_JJ-TL Community_NN-TL or_CC ``_`` economic_JJ e
mpire_NN ''_'' ,_, but_CC merely_RB what_WDT libertarians_NNS like_CS Henry_NP H
azlitt_NP and_CC Ludwig_NP Von_NP Mises_NP have_HV been_BEN arguing_VBG for_IN y
ears_NNS :_: an_AT end_NN to_IN government_NN regulations_NNS ,_, an_AT end_NN t
o_IN government_NN competition_NN in_IN industry_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT realistic_JJ
depreciation_NN allowance_NN for_IN industry_NN ._. Create_VB a_AT free_JJ mark
et_NN here_RB ,_, give_VB us_PPO a_AT sound_JJ ,_, debt-free_JJ money_NN system_
NN ,_, and_CC we'll_PPSS+MD compete_VB with_IN anyone_PN ,_, Europe_NP and_CC As
ia_NP combined_VBN ._. In_IN short_JJ ,_, get_VB this_DT governmental_JJ monstro
sity_NN off_IN our_PP$ backs_NNS and_CC we_PPSS won't_MD* have_HV to_TO worry_VB
about_IN European_JJ competition_NN or_CC Communism_NN-TL either_RB ._. If_CS w
e_PPSS want_VB to_TO preserve_VB our_PP$ sovereignty_NN ,_, this_DT is_BEZ the_A
T way_NN to_TO do_DO it_PPO ;_. ;_. not_* acquiesce_VB to_IN an_AT international
_JJ planning_VBG board_NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS go_VB into_IN this_DT Common_JJ-TL M
arket_NN-TL ,_, we_PPSS might_MD just_QL as_QL well_RB stop_VB talking_VBG about
_IN Constitutional_JJ guarantees_NNS ,_, Connally_NP-TL Amendments_NNS-TL or_CC
,_, for_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, conservatism_NN in_IN general_JJ ._. We_PPSS we
lcome_VB this_DT able_JJ brief_NN for_IN the_AT negative_JJ as_CS part_NN of_IN
a_AT many-sided_JJ discussion_NN of_IN the_AT Atlantic_JJ-TL Common_JJ-TL Market
_NN-TL which_WDT JNR_NP will_MD be_BE continuing_VBG in_IN our_PP$ pages_NNS ._.
--_-- ed._NN ._. Mental_JJ-HL telepathy_NN-HL ?_. ?_. The_AT Peiping_NP Chinese
_NPS were_BED the_AT only_AP major_JJ silver_NN seller_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN
markets_NNS who_WPS stopped_VBD selling_VBG the_AT metal_NN on_IN Monday_NR morn
ing_NN ,_, November_NP 27_CD ,_, anticipating_VBG by_IN two_CD days_NNS the_AT a
nnouncement_NN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Treasury_NN-TL that_CS the_AT pegged_VBN
offering_NN price_NN will_MD be_BE removed_VBN ._. A_AT-HL professor_NN-HL and_C
C-HL the_AT-HL army_NN-HL In_IN 1954_CD I_PPSS was_BEDZ drafted_VBN and_CC after
_CS serving_VBG two_CD years_NNS honorably_RB on_IN Active_JJ Duty_NN I_PPSS was
_BEDZ not_* required_VBN to_TO participate_VB in_IN any_DTI further_JJR Army_NN-
TL Reserve_NN-TL activities_NNS ._. Now_RB ,_, more_AP than_IN five_CD years_NNS
later_RBR ,_, I_PPSS cannot_MD* in_IN any_DTI realistic_JJ sense_NN be_BE calle
d_VBN a_AT trained_VBN soldier_NN ._. But_CC ,_, in_IN spite_NN of_IN this_DT ,_
, I_PPSS ,_, at_IN present_JJ a_AT man_NN 31_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN and_CC a_
AT College_NN Professor_NN ,_, have_HV been_BEN recalled_VBN ``_`` by_IN directi
on_NN of_IN the_AT President_NN-TL ''_'' to_TO report_VB on_IN November_NP 25th_
OD to_IN Fort_NN-TL Devens_NP-TL ,_, Massachusetts_NP ,_, for_IN another_DT twel
ve_CD months_NNS of_IN Active_JJ Duty_NN as_CS an_AT Sp_NN 4_CD (_( the_AT equiv
alent_JJ of_IN a_AT PFC_NN )_) ._. Today_NR ,_, seven_CD years_NNS after_IN the_
AT date_NN of_IN my_PP$ initial_JJ induction_NN as_CS a_AT draftee_NN ,_, I_PPSS
am_BEM Assistant_JJ-TL Professor_NN-TL of_IN-TL Philosophy_NN-TL and_CC-TL Scie
nce_NN-TL at_IN St._NN-TL Michael's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL ._. For_CS ,_, after_CS
leaving_VBG the_AT Army_NN-TL in_IN 1956_CD ,_, I_PPSS spent_VBD five_CD years_
NNS in_IN Graduate_JJ School_NN first_RB at_IN Boston_NP-TL College_NN-TL and_CC
then_RB at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Toronto_NP-TL ._. This_DT time_N
N ,_, added_VBN to_IN that_DT which_WDT I_PPSS had_HVD already_RB spent_VBN in_I
N school_NN prior_RB to_IN my_PP$ induction_NN in_IN 1954_CD ,_, makes_VBZ a_AT
total_NN of_IN twenty-two_CD (_( 22_CD )_) years_NNS of_IN education_NN ._. The_
AT possibility_NN of_IN recall_NN into_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL is_BEZ part_NN of_IN
the_AT price_NN that_CS a_AT modern_JJ American_NP has_HVZ to_TO pay_VB for_IN
the_AT enviable_JJ heritage_NN of_IN liberty_NN which_WDT he_PPS enjoys_VBZ ._.
With_IN this_DT no_AT loyal_JJ citizen_NN can_MD quarrel_VB ._. However_WRB ,_,
it_PPS seems_VBZ axiomatic_JJ that_CS the_AT government_NN has_HVZ an_AT obligat
ion_NN ``_`` to_TO exercise_VB its_PP$ mandate_NN reasonably_RB ,_, equitably_RB
and_CC with_IN full_JJ regard_NN for_IN the_AT disruptions_NNS which_WDT it_PPS
inevitably_RB causes_VBZ ''_'' ._. In_IN my_PP$ own_JJ case_NN ,_, I_PPSS submi
t_VB that_CS such_JJ reasonable_JJ and_CC fair_JJ exercise_NN is_BEZ woefully_RB
lacking_VBG ._. Taken_VBN back_RB into_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL now_RB as_CS an_AT
Sp_NN 4_CD ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM leaving_VBG 110_CD college_NN students_NNS whose_WP
$ teacher_NN I_PPSS am_BEM ._. (_( A_AT wry_JJ sidelight_NN on_IN this_DT is_BEZ
that_CS most_AP of_IN my_PP$ students_NNS have_HV deferments_NNS from_IN the_AT
draft_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO attend_VB my_PP$ classes_NNS ._. )_) At_IN this_D
T late_JJ date_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ impossible_JJ for_CS St._NN-TL Michael's_NP$
-TL College_NN-TL to_TO find_VB a_AT suitable_JJ replacement_NN for_IN me_PPO ._
. Even_RB apart_RB from_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS now_RB at_IN the_AT age_NN of_
IN 31_CD my_PP$ personal_JJ life_NN is_BEZ being_BEG totally_RB disrupted_VBN fo
r_IN the_AT second_OD time_NN for_IN no_AT very_QL compelling_JJ reason_NN --_--
I_PPSS cannot_MD* help_VB looking_VBG around_RB at_IN the_AT black_JJ leather_N
N jacket_NN brigades_NNS standing_VBG idly_RB on_IN the_AT street_NN corners_NNS
and_CC in_IN the_AT taverns_NNS of_IN every_AT American_JJ city_NN and_CC askin
g_VBG myself_PPL if_CS our_PP$ society_NN has_HVZ gone_VBN mad_JJ ._. Mercenary_
NN-HL :_:-HL term_NN-HL of_IN-HL honor_NN-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL In_IN news_NN broadca
sts_NNS I_PPSS consistently_RB hear_VB the_AT foreign_JJ volunteers_NNS fighting
_VBG in_IN the_AT Katanga_NP-TL Army_NN-TL referred_VBN to_IN as_CS mercenaries_
NNS ._. This_DT confuses_VBZ me_PPO no_AT end_NN ._. If_CS the_AT Hessian_JJ tro
ops_NNS sent_VBN here_RB willy-nilly_RB by_IN the_AT Hessian_JJ Government_NN-TL
to_TO fight_VB for_IN England_NP in_IN the_AT 1770's_NNS were_BED mercenaries_N
NS ,_, what_WDT shall_MD we_PPSS call_VB the_AT UN_NN troops_NNS sent_VBN to_IN
the_AT Congo_NP willy-nilly_RB by_IN their_PP$ governments_NNS to_TO fight_VB fo
r_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ?_. ?_. If_CS the_AT UN_NN troops_NNS a
re_BER not_* mercenaries_NNS then_RB the_AT Hessians_NPS were_BED not_* mercenar
ies_NNS either_RB ._. And_CC if_CS the_AT foreigners_NNS fighting_VBG in_IN the_
AT Katanga_NP-TL Army_NN-TL are_BER mercenaries_NNS then_JJ Lafayette_NP-TL and_
CC Von_NP Steuben_NP were_BED mercenaries_NNS too_RB ,_, as_CS were_BED also_RB
the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT Lafayette_NP-TL Escadrille_FW-NN-TL in_IN the_AT
early_JJ part_NN of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, and_CC of_IN Chennault
's_NP$ Flying_VBG-TL Tigers_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT early_JJ days_NNS of_IN World_NN
-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ._. Modern_JJ-HL postal_JJ-HL slogan_NN-HL It_PPS doesn't_
DOZ* take_VB a_AT Gore_NP Vidal_NP to_TO tell_VB you_PPO what's_WDT+BEZ wrong_JJ
with_IN Cherokee_JJ Textile's_NN$-TL slogan_NN (_( Pitney-Bowes_NP-TL Objects_V
BZ-TL ''_'' ,_, July_NP 1_CD )_) ._. It's_PPS+BEZ an_AT eighteenth-century_JJ ne
gative_JJ ,_, man_NN !_. !_. Suggest_VB the_AT following_VBG twenty-first-centur
y_NN amendment_NN :_: By_IN moving_VBG the_AT term_NN ``_`` Republic_NN-TL ''_''
to_IN lower_JJR case_NN ,_, substituting_VBG the_AT modern_JJ phrase_NN ,_, ``_
`` move_VB ahead_RB ''_'' for_IN the_AT stodgy_JJ ``_`` keep_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC
by_IN using_VBG the_AT Postmaster's_NN$-TL name_NN on_IN every_AT envelope_NN (
_( in_IN caps_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT ``_`` in_IN-NC spite_NN
''_'' as_QL faded_VBN as_CS possible_JJ )_) ,_, the_AT slogan_NN cannot_MD* fai
l_VB ._. The_AT-HL impending_VBG-HL death_NN-HL of_IN-HL Pope_NP-HL In_IN the_AT
issue_NN of_IN March_NP 5_CD ,_, 1960_CD you_PPSS had_HVD an_AT excellent_JJ ed
itorial_NN which_WDT said_VBD :_: ``_`` On_IN trial_NN in_IN Jakarta_NP for_IN h
aving_HVG flown_VBN for_IN the_AT Indonesian_JJ anti-Communist_JJ insurgents_NNS
,_, U.S._NP pilot_NN Alan_NP Lawrence_NP Pope_NP boldly_RB told_VBD the_AT cour
t_NN that_CS in_IN supporting_VBG the_AT freedom_NN fighters_NNS ,_, he_PPS was_
BEDZ actually_RB defending_VBG the_AT sovereignty_NN and_CC independence_NN of_I
N Indonesia_NP ._. Facing_VBG a_AT prosecution_NN which_WDT has_HVZ demanded_VBN
the_AT death_NN penalty_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD :_: '_' I_PPSS have_HV participa
ted_VBN in_IN the_AT war_NN against_IN Communism_NN-TL in_IN Korea_NP and_CC at_
IN Dienbienphu_NP ,_, and_CC I_PPSS have_HV helped_VBN in_IN the_AT evacuation_N
N of_IN North_JJ-TL Vietnamese_NPS to_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN ._. I_PPSS have
_HV done_VBN all_ABN this_DT for_IN the_AT freedom_NN of_IN the_AT individuals_N
NS concerned_VBN and_CC also_RB for_IN the_AT states_NNS which_WDT have_HV been_
BEN threatened_VBN by_IN Communist_NN-TL domination_NN ._. At_IN least_AP in_IN
Indonesia_NP ,_, Khrushchev_NP found_VBD an_AT American_NP proud_JJ to_TO be_BE
at_IN total_JJ war_NN with_IN Communism_NN-TL ''_'' !_. !_. Since_IN then_RB not
hing_PN has_HVZ happened_VBN to_TO save_VB the_AT life_NN of_IN Pope_NP ._. I_PP
SS found_VBD recently_RB a_AT very_QL small_JJ article_NN in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL
York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL :_: ``_`` U.S._NP-TL Flier_NN-TL Loses_VBZ-TL Plea_NN-T
L ._. Indonesia_NP-TL Court_NN-TL Upholds_VBZ-HL Pope's_NP$ Death_NN-TL Sentence
_NN-TL ._. --_-- Indonesia_NP-TL Military_JJ-TL Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL has_HV
Z confirmed_VBN the_AT death_NN sentence_NN passed_VBN on_IN Alan_NP Lawrence_NP
Pope_NP ,_, an_AT American_JJ pilot_NN ._. Pope_NP was_BEDZ convicted_VBN last_
AP year_NN of_IN having_HVG aided_VBN North_JJ-TL Celebes_NP-TL rebels_NNS by_IN
flying_VBG bombing_VBG missions_NNS ._. He_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN in_IN prison_NN
since_IN May_NP ,_, 1958_CD ,_, when_WRB his_PP$ aircraft_NN was_BEDZ shot_VBN
down_RP over_IN Moluccas_NPS ._. He_PPS may_MD appeal_VB to_IN President_NN-TL S
ukarno_NP for_IN clemency_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS we_PPSS see_VB ,_, Pope_NP may_MD a
ppeal_VB to_IN President_NN-TL Sukarno_NP ,_, Khrushchev's_NP$ friend_NN ,_, for
_IN clemency_NN ._. This_DT possibility_NN is_BEZ anything_PN but_IN reassuring_
VBG ._. The_AT Eleanor_NP-TL Roosevelt_NP-TL Tractor_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL acts_
VBZ on_IN behalf_NN of_IN the_AT Cuban_JJ freedom_NN fighters_NNS ._. But_CC who
_WPS will_MD act_VB now_RB and_CC immediately_RB to_TO save_VB the_AT life_NN of
_IN Alan_NP Pope_NP ?_. ?_. Are_BER tractors_NNS available_JJ for_IN him_PPO ?_.
?_. Does_DOZ anybody_PN think_VB of_IN saving_VBG the_AT life_NN of_IN an_AT an
ti-Communist_JJ American_JJ pilot_NN ?_. ?_. An_AT-HL analogy_NN-HL A_AT few_AP
days_NNS before_CS I_PPSS saw_VBD your_PP$ mention_NN of_IN what_WDT Texas_NP-TL
Liberals_NNS-TL were_BED doing_VBG to_TO promote_VB ``_`` Louis_NP Capet_NP ''_
'' (_( The_AT-TL Week_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, June_NP 3_CD )_) ,_, another_DT analogy_NN
had_HVD occurred_VBN to_IN me_PPO ._. Consider_VB this_DT table_NN :_: 1_CD ._.
Louis_NP 14_CD-TL ,_, --_-- Aj_NN ._. ``_`` With_IN no_AT strong_JJ men_NNS and
_CC no_AT parliament_NN to_TO dispute_VB his_PP$ will_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ the
_AT government_NN ''_'' ._. 2_CD ._. Regency_NN-TL --_-- Truman_NP ._. ``_`` A_A
T '_' dust-settling_JJ '_' period_NN of_IN decadence_NN and_CC decline_NN ''_''
._. 3_CD ._. Louis_NP 15_CD-TL ,_, --_-- Eisenhower_NP ._. ``_`` He_PPS opened_V
BD his_PP$ mouth_NN ,_, said_VBD little_AP ,_, and_CC thought_VBD not_* at_IN al
l_ABN ''_'' ._. 4_CD ._. Louis_NP 16_CD-TL ,_, --_-- Kennedy_NP ._. ``_`` Not_*
completely_QL virtuous_JJ ,_, but_CC completely_QL incompetent_JJ ''_'' ._. And_
CC Marie_NP Antoinette_NP --_-- Jacqueline_NP Bouvier_NP ._. ``_`` The_AT beauti
ful_JJ and_CC light-hearted_JJ ''_'' ._. 5_CD ._. French_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL
--_-- Conservative_JJ Revolution_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Truly_RB ,_, that_CS Liberals_NNS
-TL should_MD choose_VB Louis_NP 14_CD-TL ,_, as_CS a_AT bogey-symbol_NN of_IN c
onservatism_NN is_BEZ grotesquely_QL ironic_JJ ,_, considering_IN the_AT Louis_N
P 14_CD-TL ,_, character_NN of_IN their_PP$ Grand_FW-JJ-TL Monarque_FW-NN-TL ,_,
FDR_NN :_: not_* only_RB in_IN his_PP$ accretion_NN of_IN absolute_JJ power_NN
and_CC personal_JJ deification_NN ,_, (_( le_FW-AT roi_FW-NN gouverne_FW-VBZ par
_FW-IN lui_FW-PPO meme_FW-JJ )_) ,_, but_CC in_IN the_AT disastrous_JJ effects_N
NS of_IN his_PP$ spending_VBG and_CC war_NN policies_NNS ._. In_IN defeating_VBG
``_`` Louis_NP Capet_NP ''_'' ,_, John_NP Tower's_NP$ victory_NN in_IN Texas_NP
signals_VBZ ,_, once_RB again_RB ,_, the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT divine_JJ right
_NN of_IN Liberalism_NN-TL ._. Confrontation_NN-HL It_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO
that_CS N.C._NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ editorial_NN ``_`` Confrontation_NN-TL ''_''
(_( SR_NN ,_, Mar._NP 25_CD )_) ,_, has_HVZ hit_VBN upon_IN the_AT real_JJ probl
em_NN that_WPS bothers_VBZ all_ABN of_IN us_PPO in_IN a_AT complex_JJ world_NN :
_: how_WRB do_DO we_PPSS retain_VB our_PP$ personal_JJ relationship_NN with_IN t
hose_DTS who_WPS suffer_VB ?_. ?_. This_DT affects_VBZ us_PPO all_ABN intimately
_RB ,_, and_CC can_MD leave_VB us_PPO hopeless_JJ in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN wid
espread_JJ distress_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB of_IN no_AT other_AP solution_NN than_
CS the_AT one_CD N.C._NP proposes_VBZ --_-- to_TO do_DO what_WDT we_PPSS can_MD
for_IN each_DT sufferer_NN as_CS he_PPS confronts_VBZ us_PPO ,_, hoping_VBG that
_CS this_DT will_NN spread_VB beyond_IN him_PPO to_IN others_NNS at_IN some_DTI
time_NN and_CC some_DTI place_NN ._. Never_RB have_HV I_PPSS seen_VBN this_DT ex
pressed_VBN so_QL clearly_RB and_CC so_QL sympathetically_RB ._. Thank_VB you_PP
O for_IN the_AT illustrated_VBN editorial_NN ``_`` Confrontation_NN-TL ''_'' ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ both_ABX great_JJ writing_NN and_CC profound_JJ religion_NN ._. N
.C._NP has_HVZ said_VBN something_PN important_JJ so_QL well_RB that_CS this_DT
preacher_NN will_MD many_AP times_NNS be_BE tempted_VBN to_TO quote_VB the_AT wh
ole_JJ piece_NN ._. I_PPSS feel_VB that_CS N.C._NP hit_VBD the_AT very_AP core_N
N of_IN our_PP$ existence_NN in_IN the_AT editorial_NN ``_`` Confrontation_NN-TL
''_'' ._. Personally_RB ,_, it_PPS meant_VBD a_AT great_JJ deal_NN ;_. ;_. my_P
P$ only_AP hope_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS will_MD be_BE shared_VBN by_IN many_AP
,_, many_AP others_NNS ._. ``_`` Confrontation_NN-TL ''_'' should_MD fortify_VB
us_PPO all_ABN ,_, whether_CS in_IN Southeast_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL or_CC the_AT U.S.
_NP ._. Congratulations_NNS to_IN N.C._NP for_IN successfully_RB delving_VBG int
o_IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN the_AT problems_NNS that_WPS face_VB the_AT Peace_NN-
TL Corps_NN-TL ._. I_PPSS concur_VB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ necessary_JJ for_IN Am
ericans_NPS to_TO have_HV a_AT confrontation_NN of_IN the_AT situation_NN existi
ng_VBG in_IN foreign_JJ lands_NNS ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE heartbreaking_JJ to_
TO see_VB idealism_NN ,_, and_CC hence_RB effective_JJ leadership_NN ,_, thwarte
d_VBN by_IN the_AT poverty_NN and_CC hardship_NN which_WDT young_JJ Americans_NP
S will_MD run_VB into_IN ._. The_AT editorial_NN ``_`` Confrontation_NN-TL ''_''
was_BEDZ certainly_RB direct_JJ in_IN its_PP$ appeal_NN to_IN those_DTS of_IN u
s_PPO living_VBG here_RB in_IN America_NP ._. I_PPSS personally_RB gained_VBD st
rength_NN from_IN it_PPO ._. Thanks_NNS for_IN continuing_VBG to_TO capture_VB t
he_AT attention_NN and_CC uncover_VB so_QL many_AP areas_NNS of_IN need_NN in_IN
this_DT amazing_JJ world_NN ._. N.C.'s_NP$ editorial_NN ``_`` Confrontation_NN-
TL ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT stunning_JJ piece_NN of_IN writing_VBG ._. I_PPSS would_MD
hope_VB that_CS Sargent_NP Shriver_NP will_MD encourage_VB everyone_PN entering_
VBG the_AT Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL to_TO read_VB it_PPO ._. The_AT important_JJ
people_NNS to_IN humanity_NN are_BER not_* the_AT Khrushchevs_NPS and_CC the_AT
Castros_NPS but_CC the_AT Schweitzers_NPS and_CC the_AT Dooleys_NPS ,_, and_CC t
he_AT others_NNS like_CS them_PPO whose_WP$ names_NNS we_PPSS will_MD never_RB k
now_VB ._. Editor's_NN$ note_NN :_: Reprints_NNS of_IN ``_`` Confrontation_NN-TL
''_'' will_MD be_BE included_VBN among_IN the_AT material_NN to_TO be_BE distri
buted_VBN to_IN members_NNS of_IN the_AT Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL ._. A_AT Peace_
NN-TL Corps_NN-TL official_NN described_VBD the_AT editorial_NN as_CS ``_`` prec
isely_RB the_AT message_NN we_PPSS need_VB to_TO communicate_VB to_IN the_AT men
_NNS and_CC women_NNS who_WPS will_MD soon_RB be_BE Peace_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL volu
nteers_NNS ''_'' ._. Improper_JJ-HL Bostonian_NP-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL F._NP L._NP Lu
cas's_NP$ article_NN in_IN SR's_NN April_NP 1_CD issue_NN seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE
a_AT very_QL fair_JJ and_CC objective_JJ analysis_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Eng
lish_NP-TL Bible_NP-TL ._. I_PPSS certainly_RB hope_VB this_DT will_NN be_BE the
_AT impression_NN left_VBN in_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN readers_NNS ,_, rather_I
N than_IN the_AT comment_NN by_IN Cleveland_NP Amory_NP in_IN his_PP$ first_OD o
f_IN the_AT month_NN column_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ blind_JJ ,_, fundamentalist_JJ
dogmatism_NN to_TO say_VB ,_, ``_`` Messing_VBG around_RB with_IN the_AT King_NN
-TL James_NP version_NN seems_VBZ to_IN us_PPO a_AT perilous_JJ sport_NN at_IN b
est_JJT ''_'' ._. Facts_NNS-HL in_IN-HL focus_NN-HL Lester_NP Markel_NP is_BEZ o
n_IN the_AT right_JJ track_NN in_IN his_PP$ article_NN ``_`` Interpretation_NN-T
L Of_IN-TL Interpretation_NN-TL ''_'' (_( SR_NN ,_, Mar._NP 11_CD )_) ._. The_AT
current_JJ stereotype_NN of_IN straight_JJ news_NN reporting_NN was_BEDZ probab
ly_RB invaluable_JJ in_IN protecting_VBG the_AT press_NN and_CC its_PP$ readers_
NNS from_IN pollution_NN by_IN that_DT combination_NN of_IN doctored_VBN fact_NN
,_, fancy_NN ,_, and_CC personal_JJ opinion_NN called_VBN yellow_JJ journalism_
NN which_WDT flourished_VBD in_IN this_DT country_NN more_AP than_IN a_AT genera
tion_NN ago_RB ._. We_PPSS don't_DO* need_VB this_DT type_NN of_IN protection_NN
any_DTI more_AP ._. The_AT public_NN is_BEZ now_RB armed_VBN with_IN sophistica
tion_NN and_CC numerous_JJ competing_VBG media_NNS ._. Besides_RB ,_, there_EX a
re_BER no_QL longer_RBR enough_AP corruptible_JJ journalists_NNS about_RB ._. Th
e_AT accepted_VBN method_NN of_IN writing_VBG news_NN has_HVZ two_CD major_JJ li
abilities_NNS ._. First_RB ,_, it_PPS does_DOZ not_* communicate_VB ._. A_AT rep
orter_NN restricted_VBN to_IN the_AT competing_VBG propaganda_NN statements_NNS
of_IN both_ABX sides_NNS in_IN a_AT major_JJ labor_NN dispute_NN ,_, for_IN inst
ance_NN ,_, is_BEZ unable_JJ to_TO tell_VB his_PP$ readers_NNS half_ABN of_IN wh
at_WDT he_PPS knows_VBZ about_IN the_AT causes_NNS of_IN the_AT dispute_NN ._. S
econd_RB ,_, it_PPS subjects_VBZ the_AT news_NN to_IN distortion_NN by_IN the_AT
unscrupulous_JJ ._. The_AT charges_NNS by_IN the_AT late_JJ junior_JJ Senator_N
N-TL from_IN Wisconsin_NP not_* only_RB destroyed_VBD innocent_JJ people_NNS but
_CC misled_VBD the_AT nation_NN ._. Yet_RB the_AT press_NN was_BEDZ powerless_JJ
to_TO put_VB these_DTS charges_NNS in_IN perspective_NN in_IN its_PP$ news_NN c
olumns_NNS ._. Despite_IN several_AP years_NNS of_IN front-page_NN stories_NNS ,
_, the_AT average_NN citizen_NN was_BEDZ unable_JJ to_TO get_VB a_AT complete_JJ
picture_NN of_IN McCarthy_NP until_CS he_PPS saw_VBD on_IN the_AT television_NN
screen_NN what_WDT the_AT reporters_NNS had_HVD been_BEN seeing_VBG all_QL alon
g_RB but_CC had_HVD no_AT effective_JJ way_NN of_IN communicating_VBG ._. The_AT
Senator_NN-TL had_HVD boxed_VBN them_PPO in_RP with_IN their_PP$ own_JJ restric
tions_NNS ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO the_AT time_NN has_HVZ come_VBN for_
CS the_AT American_JJ press_NN to_TO start_VB experimenting_VBG with_IN ways_NNS
of_IN reporting_VBG the_AT news_NN that_WPS will_MD do_DO a_AT better_JJR job_N
N of_IN communicating_VBG and_CC will_MD be_BE less_AP subject_NN to_IN abuse_NN
by_IN those_DTS who_WPS have_HV learned_VBN how_WRB to_TO manipulate_VB the_AT
present_JJ stereotype_NN to_TO serve_VB their_PP$ own_JJ ends_NNS ._. The_AT obj
ective_NN should_MD be_BE to_TO provide_VB a_AT method_NN of_IN getting_VBG into
_IN print_NN a_AT higher_JJR percentage_NN than_CS is_BEZ now_RB possible_JJ of_
IN the_AT relevant_JJ information_NN in_IN the_AT possession_NN of_IN reporters_
NNS and_CC editors_NNS ._. Southern_JJ-TL California_NP-TL blackout_NN-HL I_PPSS
would_MD like_VB to_TO see_VB you_PPO devote_VB some_DTI space_NN in_IN an_AT e
arly_JJ issue_NN to_IN the_AT news_NN blackout_NN concerning_IN President_NN-TL
Kennedy's_NP$ activities_NNS ,_, so_QL far_RB as_CS Southern_JJ-TL California_NP
-TL is_BEZ concerned_VBN ._. You_PPSS have_HV on_IN more_AP than_IN one_CD occas
ion_NN praised_VBN the_AT idea_NN of_IN a_AT televised_VBN press_NN conference_N
N and_CC the_AT chance_NN it_PPS gives_VBZ the_AT people_NNS to_TO form_VB intel
ligent_JJ opinions_NNS ._. To_TO begin_VB with_IN ,_, the_AT all-powerful_JJ Los
_NP-TL Angeles_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL does_DOZ not_* publish_VB a_AT transcript_NN o
f_IN these_DTS press_VB conferences_NNS ._. I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ that_CS they_P
PSS did_DOD when_WRB Eisenhower_NP was_BEDZ President_NN-TL ._. Next_RB ,_, beca
use_RB of_IN the_AT time_NN differential_NN ,_, the_AT conferences_NNS come_VB o
n_IN the_AT networks_NNS during_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the_AT day_NN ._. Up_R
P until_IN now_RB ,_, the_AT networks_NNS have_HV grudgingly_RB run_VBN half-hou
r_NN tapes_NNS at_IN 5_CD P.M._RB or_CC sometimes_RB 7_CD or_CC 10:30_CD P.M._RB
._. Even_RB then_RB ,_, a_AT few_AP of_IN the_AT ``_`` less_QL interesting_JJ '
'_'' questions_NNS are_BER edited_VBN out_RP and_CC glibly_RB summarized_VBN by_
IN a_AT commentator_NN ._. However_RB ,_, last_AP night_NN the_AT tapes_NNS were
_BED not_* run_VBN at_IN all_ABN during_IN the_AT evening_NN hours_NNS and_CC al
l_ABN we_PPSS got_VBD on_IN TV_NN were_BED a_AT few_AP snatches_NNS which_WDT Do
uglas_NP Edwards_NP and_CC Huntley_NP and_CC Brinkley_NP could_MD squeeze_VB int
o_IN their_PP$ programs_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ no_AT criticism_NN of_IN them_PPO
,_, as_CS they_PPSS obviously_RB cannot_MD* get_VB a_AT half-hour_NN program_NN
into_IN a_AT fifteen-minute_JJ news_NN summary_NN ._. The_AT radio_NN stations_
NNS did_DOD run_VB ``_`` transcripts_NNS ''_'' (_( I_PPSS thought_VBD )_) during
_IN the_AT evening_NN hours_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, by_IN comparing_VBG the_AT TV
_NN snatches_NNS ,_, two_CD different_JJ radio_NN station_NN re-runs_NNS ,_, and
_CC the_AT censored_VBN Los_NP-TL Angeles_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL version_NN ,_, I_PP
SS found_VBD that_CS the_AT radio_NN stations_NNS had_HVD edited_VBN out_RP ques
tions_NNS (_( ABC_NP removed_VBD the_AT one_CD regarding_IN Laos_NP )_) or_CC ev
en_RB a_AT paragraph_NN out_IN of_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the_AT President's_N
N$-TL answer_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM interested_VBN to_TO know_VB he_PPS is_BEZ get
ting_VBG mail_NN from_IN all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN about_IN the_AT ``_``
abuse_NN ''_'' he_PPS is_BEZ being_BEG subjected_VBN to_IN ._. We_PPSS out_RP he
re_RB don't_DO* see_VB enough_AP of_IN the_AT conference_NN to_TO know_VB he_PPS
is_BEZ being_BEG abused_VBN ._. I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB if_CS this_DT is_BEZ t
he_AT situation_NN in_IN other_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN ;_. ;_. appa
rently_RB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* ._. It_PPS also_RB happened_VBD with_IN the_AT Ina
uguration_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ not_* re-run_VBN at_IN all_ABN during_IN
the_AT evening_NN hours_NNS ,_, and_CC I_PPSS wrote_VBD to_IN the_AT TV_NN edito
r_NN of_IN the_AT Times_NNS-TL ._. He_PPS did_DOD mention_VB in_IN his_PP$ colum
n_NN the_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS had_HVD received_VBN many_AP letters_NNS abou
t_IN this_DT and_CC he_PPS himself_PPL did_DOD not_* understand_VB the_AT networ
ks_NNS and_CC the_AT independent_JJ local_JJ stations'_NNS$ not_* doing_VBG this
_DT --_-- but_CC nothing_PN happened_VBD ._. Can_MD you_PPSS bring_VB the_AT net
works'_NNS$ attention_NN to_IN this_DT ?_. ?_. For_IN-HL a_AT-HL college_NN-HL o
f_IN-HL propaganda_NN-HL I_PPSS was_BEDZ interested_VBN in_IN James_NP Webb_NP Y
oung's_NP$ Madison_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL column_NN in_IN which_WDT he_PPS raised_VB
D the_AT question_NN :_: ``_`` Do_DO We_PPSS Need_VB-TL a_AT College_NN of_IN Pr
opaganda_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. (_( SR_NN ,_, Feb._NP 11_CD )_) ._. In_IN my_PP$ estim
ation_NN ,_, we_PPSS definitely_RB do_DO ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT sad_JJ part_NN of
_IN it_PPO is_BEZ that_CS we_PPSS had_HVD one_CD ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ rounding
_VBG into_IN excellent_JJ shape_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS let_VB it_PPO disintegrate
_VB and_CC die_VB ._. During_IN the_AT war_NN ,_, we_PPSS set_VBD up_RP schools_
NNS for_IN the_AT teaching_NN of_IN psychological_JJ warfare_NN ,_, which_WDT in
cluded_VBD the_AT teaching_NN of_IN propaganda_NN ,_, both_ABX black_JJ and_CC w
hite_JJ and_CC the_AT various_JJ shades_NNS of_IN grey_JJ in_IN between_IN ._. W
e_PPSS had_HVD a_AT couple_NN of_IN schools_NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN ,_, the
_AT principal_JJS one_CD being_BEG on_IN the_AT Marshall_NP Field_NP estate_NN o
ut_RP in_IN Lloyd's_NP$-TL Neck_NN-TL ._. There_EX were_BED also_RB a_AT couple_
NN in_IN Canada_NP ,_, and_CC several_AP in_IN England_NP ._. The_AT English_JJ
schools_NNS preceded_VBD ours_PP$$ ,_, and_CC by_IN the_AT time_NN we_PPSS got_V
BD into_IN it_PPO they_PPSS had_HVD learned_VBN a_AT lot_NN about_IN the_AT tech
niques_NNS of_IN propaganda_NN and_CC its_PP$ teaching_NN ._. Four_CD of_IN us_P
PO here_RB in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL attended_VBD ,_, first_RB as
_CS students_NNS ,_, then_RB as_CS instructors_NNS ,_, almost_RB every_AT one_CD
of_IN these_DTS schools_NNS ,_, in_IN England_NP ,_, Canada_NP ,_, and_CC the_A
T United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. We_PPSS set_VBD up_RP the_AT Lloyd's_NP$-TL Ne
ck_NN-TL school_NN ,_, worked_VBD out_RP its_PP$ curriculum_NN ,_, and_CC taught
_VBD there_RB ._. Toward_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN ,_, we_PPSS really
_RB felt_VBD that_CS we_PPSS had_HVD learned_VBN something_PN about_IN propagand
a_NN and_CC how_WRB to_TO teach_VB it_PPO ._. When_WRB the_AT end_NN did_DOD com
e_VB ,_, and_CC the_AT schools_NNS were_BED disbanded_VBN and_CC abandoned_VBN ,
_, we_PPSS felt_VBD and_CC hoped_VBD that_CS the_AT machinery_NN of_IN psycholog
ical_JJ warfare_NN would_MD not_* be_BE allowed_VBN to_TO rust_VB ._. We_PPSS ho
ped_VBD that_CS its_PP$ practitioners_NNS and_CC teachers_NNS might_MD be_BE put
_VBN on_IN some_DTI sort_NN of_IN reserve_NN list_NN and_CC called_VBN back_RB f
or_IN refresher_NN courses_NNS each_DT year_NN or_CC so_RB ._. Alas_UH ,_, no_AT
such_JJ thing_NN happened_VBD ._. There_EX apparently_RB is_BEZ no_AT school_NN
of_IN propaganda_NN or_CC psychological_JJ warfare_NN ._. A_AT study_NN at_IN t
he_AT Pentagon_NN-TL and_CC at_IN the_AT service_NN academies_NNS revealed_VBD t
hat_CS nothing_PN was_BEDZ being_BEG done_VBN there_RB ._. And_CC not_* one_CD o
f_IN the_AT four_CD men_NNS who_WPS attended_VBD all_ABN the_AT schools_NNS has_
HVZ ever_RB been_BEN called_VBN on_RP to_TO apply_VB any_DTI of_IN his_PP$ knowl
edge_NN in_IN any_DTI way_NN ._. Congratulations_NNS on_IN the_AT article_NN ``_
`` Do_DO-TL We_PPSS-TL Need_VB-TL A_AT-TL College_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Propaganda_NN-T
L ''_'' ?_. ?_. This_DT is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL constructive_JJ sugge
stions_NNS made_VBN in_IN this_DT critical_JJ field_NN in_IN years_NNS ,_, and_C
C I_PPSS certainly_RB hope_VB it_PPO sparks_VBZ some_DTI action_NN ._. Let_VB-HL
the_AT-HL media_NNS-HL clean_VB-HL house_NN-HL ,_,-HL too_QL-HL many_AP of_IN u
s_PPO in_IN public_JJ relations_NNS were_BED flattered_VBN that_CS Richard_NP L.
_NP Tobin_NP chose_VBD to_TO devote_VB his_PP$ editorial_NN in_IN the_AT March_N
P 11_CD Communications_NNS-TL Supplement_NN-TL to_IN the_AT merger_NN of_IN the_
AT Public_JJ-TL Relations_NNS-TL Society_NN-TL of_IN-TL America_NP and_CC the_AT
American_JJ-TL Public_JJ-TL Relations_NNS-TL Association_NN-TL ._. Snow_NN-HL s
torm_NN-HL I_PPSS was_BEDZ surprised_VBN and_CC sorry_JJ to_TO find_VB in_IN you
r_PP$ issue_NN of_IN March_NP 4_CD a_AT long_JJ and_CC detailed_VBN attack_NN up
on_IN a_AT book_NN that_WPS had_HVD not_* yet_RB been_BEN published_VBN ._. Whet
her_CS in_IN his_PP$ forthcoming_JJ book_NN C._NP P._NP Snow_NP commits_VBZ the_
AT errors_NNS of_IN judgment_NN and_CC of_IN fact_NN with_IN which_WDT your_PP$
heavily_QL autobiographical_JJ critic_NN charged_VBD him_PPO is_BEZ important_JJ
._. One_PN should_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO get_VB hold_NN of_IN the_AT book_NN at
_IN once_RB ._. But_CC the_AT attack_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN from_IN an_AT advance_
NN copy_NN ._. If_CS this_DT practice_NN should_MD take_VB root_NN and_CC spread
_VB ,_, the_AT man_NN who_WPS submits_VBZ a_AT manuscript_NN to_IN a_AT publishe
r_NN will_MD find_VB himself_PPL reviewed_VBN before_CS he_PPS is_BEZ accepted_V
BN and_CC publication_NN will_MD become_VB a_AT sort_NN of_IN post-mortem_NN for
mality_NN ._. Editor's_NN$ note_NN :_: Sir_NP Robert_NP Watson-Watt_NP wrote_VBD
,_, on_IN page_NN 50_CD of_IN SR_NP Research_NN-TL for_IN 4_CD March_NP 1961_CD
:_. :_. ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV read_VBN an_AT advance_NN copy_NN of_IN the_AT Sno
w_NP book_NN which_WDT is_BEZ to_TO be_BE titled_VBN ,_, '_' Science_NN-TL And_C
C-TL Government_NN-TL ._. Until_CS the_AT work_NN actually_RB appears_VBZ I_PPSS
am_BEM not_* privileged_JJ to_TO analyze_VB it_PPO publicly_RB in_IN detail_NN
._. But_CC I_PPSS have_HV compared_VBN its_PP$ text_NN with_IN already_RB publis
hed_VBN commentaries_NNS on_IN the_AT 1960_CD series_NN of_IN Godkin_NP lectures
_NNS at_IN Harvard_NP ,_, from_IN which_WDT the_AT book_NN was_BEDZ derived_VBN
,_, and_CC I_PPSS can_MD with_IN confidence_NN challenge_VB the_AT gist_NN of_IN
C._NP P._NP Snow's_NP$ incautious_JJ tale_NN ''_'' ._. Watson-Watt's_NP$ remark
s_NNS in_IN SR_NP did_DOD not_* then_RB ,_, constitute_VB a_AT review_NN of_IN t
he_AT book_NN but_CC a_AT rebuttal_NN to_IN the_AT Godkin_NP-TL Lectures_NNS-TL
._. Representatives_NNS of_IN Harvard_NP-TL University_NN-TL Press_NN-TL ,_, whi
ch_WDT is_BEZ publishing_VBG the_AT book_NN this_DT month_NN of_IN April_NP ,_,
recognize_VB and_CC freely_RB acknowledge_VB that_CS they_PPSS invited_VBD such_
JJ reaction_NN by_IN allowing_VBG Life_NN-TL magazine_NN to_TO print_VB an_AT ex
cerpt_NN from_IN the_AT book_NN in_IN advance_NN of_IN the_AT book's_NN$ publica
tion_NN date_NN ._. The_AT text_NN of_IN the_AT book_NN leaves_VBZ a_AT somewhat
_QL milder_JJR impression_NN than_CS the_AT prepublication_NN excerpt_NN ._. Sir
_NP Robert_NP Watson-Watt's_NP$ ``_`` rebuttal_NN ''_'' of_IN Sir_NP Charles_NP
Snow's_NP$ Godkin_NP-TL Lectures_NNS-TL is_BEZ marred_VBN throughout_RB by_IN to
o_QL forceful_JJ a_AT desire_NN to_TO defend_VB Lindemann_NP and_CC apparently_R
B himself_PPL from_IN Sir_NP Charles'_NP$ supposed_VBN falsehoods_NNS while_CS s
tating_VBG those_DTS ``_`` falsehoods_NNS ''_'' in_IN an_AT unclear_JJ incoheren
t_JJ argument_NN ._. The_AT article_NN presents_VBZ the_AT reader_NN with_IN an_
AT absurdity_NN at_IN its_PP$ beginning_NN ._. It_PPS calls_VBZ the_AT conclusio
n_NN admitted_VBN valid_JJ by_IN ``_`` historians_NNS and_CC military_JJ strateg
ists_NNS alike_RB ''_'' a_AT ``_`` perverted_VBN conclusion_NN ._. Nonsense_NN '
'_'' ._. It_PPS submits_VBZ an_AT enthusiastic_JJ ,_, impressionistic_JJ concept
ion_NN of_IN Lindemann_NP contributing_VBG another_DT aspect_NN of_IN the_AT man
_NN ,_, but_CC on_IN no_AT more_QL authoritative_JJ basis_NN than_CS Sir_NP Char
les'_NP$ account_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER left_VBN to_TO choose_VB between_IN the_
AT two_CD Lindemanns_NPS ._. The_AT only_AP fact_NN that_WPS holds_VBZ any_DTI w
eight_NN in_IN the_AT article_NN is_BEZ the_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT tea_NN par
ty_NN ._. But_CC we_PPSS are_BER to_TO believe_VB that_CS Lindemann_NP actively_
RB supported_VBD radar_NN outside_IN the_AT Tizard_NP-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, and
_CC dissembling_VBG ,_, discounted_VBD it_PPO inside_RB ?_. ?_. If_CS so_RB ,_,
I_PPSS would_MD lean_VB to_IN Sir_NP Charles'_NP$ conception_NN of_IN the_AT man
_NN ._. I_PPSS think_VB it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT grave_JJ error_NN to_TO print_VB th
e_AT article_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN ._. To_IN the_AT unfortunate_JJ people_NNS
unable_JJ to_TO attend_VB the_AT Godkin_NP lectures_NNS it_PPS casts_VBZ an_AT
unjustifiable_JJ aura_NN of_IN falsehood_NN over_IN the_AT book_NN which_WDT may
_MD dissuade_VB some_DTI people_NNS from_IN reading_VBG it_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
not_* news_NN that_CS Nathan_NP Milstein_NP is_BEZ a_AT wizard_NN of_IN the_AT
violin_NN ._. Certainly_RB not_* in_IN Orchestra_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL where_WRB he_P
PS has_HVZ played_VBN countless_JJ recitals_NNS ,_, and_CC where_WRB Thursday_NR
night_NN he_PPS celebrated_VBD his_PP$ 20th_OD season_NN with_IN the_AT Chicago
_NP-TL Symphony_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL ,_, playing_VBG the_AT Brahms_NP-TL Concer
to_NN-TL with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ slashing_VBG ,_, demon-ridden_JJ cadenza_NN melt
ing_VBG into_IN the_AT high_JJ ,_, pale_JJ ,_, pure_JJ and_CC lovely_JJ song_NN
with_IN which_WDT a_AT violinist_NN unlocks_VBZ the_AT heart_NN of_IN the_AT mus
ic_NN ,_, or_CC forever_RB finds_VBZ it_PPO closed_VBN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ abo
ut_IN that_DT song_NN something_PN incandescent_JJ ,_, for_CS this_DT Brahms_NP
was_BEDZ Milstein_NP at_IN white_JJ heat_NN ._. Not_* the_AT noblest_JJT perform
ance_NN we_PPSS have_HV heard_VBN him_PPO play_VB ,_, or_CC the_AT most_QL spaci
ous_JJ ,_, or_CC even_RB the_AT most_QL eloquent_JJ ._. Those_DTS would_MD be_BE
reserved_VBN for_IN the_AT orchestra's_NN$ great_JJ nights_NNS when_WRB the_AT
soloist_NN can_MD surpass_VB himself_PPL ._. This_DT time_NN the_AT orchestra_NN
gave_VBD him_PPO some_DTI superb_JJ support_NN fired_VBN by_IN response_NN to_I
N his_PP$ own_JJ high_JJ mood_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS had_HVD in_IN Walter_NP Hendl
_NP a_AT willing_JJ conductor_NN able_JJ only_RB up_IN to_IN a_AT point_NN ._. T
hat_DT is_BEZ ,_, when_WRB Mr._NP Milstein_NP thrust_VBD straight_RB to_IN the_A
T core_NN of_IN the_AT music_NN ,_, sparks_NNS flying_VBG ,_, bow_NN shredding_V
BG ,_, violin_NN singing_VBG ,_, glittering_VBG and_CC sometimes_RB spitting_VBG
,_, Mr._NP Hendl_NP could_MD go_VB along_RB ._. But_CC Mr._NP Hendl_NP does_DOZ
not_* go_VB straight_RB to_IN any_DTI point_NN ._. He_PPS flounders_VBZ and_CC
lets_VBZ music_NN sprawl_VB ._. There_EX was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT Brahms_NP none_PN
of_IN the_AT mysterious_JJ and_CC marvelous_JJ alchemy_NN by_IN which_WDT a_AT
great_JJ conductor_NN can_MD bring_VB soloist_NN ,_, orchestra_NN and_CC music_N
N to_IN ultimate_JJ fusion_NN ._. So_CS we_PPSS had_HVD some_DTI dazzling_VBG an
d_CC memorable_JJ Milstein_NP ,_, but_CC not_* great_JJ Brahms_NP ._. The_AT con
cert_NN opened_VBD with_IN another_DT big_JJ romantic_JJ score_NN ,_, Schumann's
_NP$ Overture_NN-TL to_IN-TL ``_`` Manfred_NP ''_'' ,_, which_WDT suffered_VBD f
ate_NN ,_, this_DT time_NN with_IN orchestral_JJ thrusts_NNS to_IN the_AT Byroni
c_JJ point_NN to_TO keep_VB it_PPO afloat_RB ._. Hindemith's_NP$ joust_NN with_I
N Weber_NP tunes_NNS was_BEDZ a_AT considerably_QL more_QL serious_JJ misfortune
_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS demands_VBZ transluscent_JJ textures_NNS ,_, buoyant_JJ rh
ythms_NNS ,_, and_CC astringent_JJ wit_NN ._. It_PPS got_VBD the_AT kind_NN of_I
N scrambled_VBN ,_, coarsened_VBN performance_NN that_WPS can_MD happen_VB to_IN
best_JJT of_IN orchestras_NNS when_WRB the_AT man_NN with_IN the_AT baton_NN la
cks_VBZ technique_NN and_CC style_NN ._. Bayreuth_NP-HL next_AP-HL summer_NN-HL
The_AT Bayreuth_NP-TL Festival_NN-TL opens_VBZ July_NP 23_CD with_IN a_AT new_JJ
production_NN of_IN ``_`` Tannhaeuser_NP-TL ''_'' staged_VBN by_IN Wieland_NP W
agner_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ doing_VBG all_ABN the_AT operas_NNS this_DT time_NN
,_, and_CC conducted_VBN by_IN Wolfgang_NP Sawallisch_NP ._. Sawalisch_NP also_R
B conducts_VBZ ``_`` The_AT-TL Flying_VBG-TL Dutch_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, opening_VBG J
uly_NP 24_CD ._. ``_`` Parsifal_NP ''_'' follows_VBZ July_NP 25_CD ,_, with_IN H
ans_NP Knappertsbusch_NP conducting_VBG ,_, and_CC he_PPS also_RB conducts_VBZ `
`_`` Die_FW-AT-TL Meistersinger_NPS-TL ''_'' ,_, to_TO be_BE presented_VBN Aug._
NP 8_CD and_CC 12_CD ._. The_AT ``_`` Ring_NN-TL ''_'' cycles_NNS are_BER July_N
P 26_CD ,_, 27_CD ,_, 28_CD and_CC 30_CD ,_, and_CC Aug._NP 21_CD ,_, 22_CD ,_,
23_CD and_CC 25_CD ._. Rudolf_NP Kempe_NP conducts_VBZ ._. No_AT casts_NNS are_B
ER listed_VBN ,_, but_CC Lotte_NP Lehmann_NP sent_VBD word_NN that_CS the_AT Neg
ro_NP soprano_NN ,_, Grace_NP Bumbry_NP ,_, will_MD sing_VB Venus_NP in_IN ``_``
Tannhaeuser_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Remember_VB how_WRB by_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN book
ing_NN absurdities_NNS Chicago_NP missed_VBD seeing_VBG the_AT Bolshoi_NP-TL Bal
let_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Remember_VB how_WRB by_IN lack_NN of_IN two_CD big_JJ theaters
_NNS Chicago_NP missed_VBD the_AT first_OD visit_NN of_IN the_AT Royal_JJ-TL Dan
ish_JJ-TL Ballet_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Well_UH ,_, now_RB we_PPSS have_HV two_CD big_JJ
theaters_NNS ._. But_CC barring_VBG a_AT miracle_NN ,_, and_CC don't_DO* hold_VB
your_PP$ breath_NN for_IN it_PPO ,_, Chicago_NP will_MD not_* see_VB the_AT Len
ingrad-Kirov_NP-TL Ballet_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT stems_VBZ from_IN the_AT ballet_NN
cradle_NN of_IN the_AT Maryinsky_NP and_CC is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT great_JJ
companies_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Before_CS you_PPSS let_VB loose_JJ a_AT
howl_NN saying_VBG we_PPSS announced_VBD its_PP$ coming_NN ,_, not_* once_RB but
_CC several_AP times_NNS ,_, indeed_RB we_PPSS did_DOD ._. The_AT engagement_NN
was_BEDZ supposed_VBN to_TO be_BE all_QL set_VBN for_IN the_AT big_JJ theater_NN
in_IN McCormick_NP Place_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT Sol_NP Hurok_NP ,_, ballet_NN book
er_NN extraordinary_JJ ,_, considers_VBZ the_AT finest_JJT house_NN of_IN its_PP
$ kind_NN in_IN the_AT country_NN --_-- and_CC of_IN course_NN he_PPS doesn't_DO
Z* weep_VB at_IN the_AT capacity_NN ,_, either_CC ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ all_QL set
_VBN ._. Allied_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL Corporation_NN-TL first_RB listed_VBD the_AT
Chicago_NP dates_NNS as_CS Dec._NP 4_CD thru_IN 10_CD ._. Later_RBR the_AT Hurok
_NP office_NN made_VBD it_PPO Dec._NP 8_CD thru_IN 17_CD ,_, a_AT nice_JJ ,_, lo
ng_JJ booking_NN for_IN the_AT full_JJ repertory_NN ._. But_CC if_CS you_PPSS ke
ep_VB a_AT calendar_NN of_IN events_NNS ,_, as_CS we_PPSS do_DO ,_, you_PPSS not
iced_VBD a_AT conflict_NN ._. Allied_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL had_HVD booked_VBN Marle
ne_NP Dietrich_NP into_IN McCormick_NP-TL Place_NN-TL Dec._NP 8_CD and_CC 9_CD .
_. Something_PN had_HVD to_TO give_VB ._. Not_* La_FW-AT-TL Dietrich_NP-TL ._. A
llied_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL then_RB notified_VBD us_PPO that_CS the_AT Kirov_NP wou
ld_MD cut_VB short_JJ its_PP$ Los_NP Angeles_NP booking_NN ,_, fly_VB here_RB to
_TO open_VB Nov._NP 28_CD ,_, and_CC close_VB Dec._NP 2_CD ._. Shorter_JJR booki
ng_NN ,_, but_CC still_RB a_AT booking_NN ._. We_PPSS printed_VBD it_PPO ._. A_A
T couple_NN of_IN days_NNS later_RBR a_AT balletomane_NN told_VBD me_PPO he_PPS
had_HVD telephoned_VBN Allied_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL for_IN ticket_NN information_NN
and_CC was_BEDZ told_VBN ``_`` the_AT newspapers_NNS had_HVD made_VBN a_AT mist
ake_NN ''_'' ._. So_CS I_PPSS started_VBD making_VBG some_DTI calls_NNS of_IN my
_PP$ own_JJ ._. These_DTS are_BER the_AT results_NNS ._. The_AT Kirov_NP-TL Ball
et_NN-TL is_BEZ firmly_QL booked_VBN into_IN the_AT Shrine_NN-TL Auditorium_NN-T
L ,_, Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, Nov._NP 21_CD thru_IN Dec._NP 4_CD ._. Not_* a_AT ch
ance_NN of_IN opening_VBG here_RB Nov._NP 28_CD --_-- barring_VBG that_DT miracl
e_NN ._. Then_RB why_WRB not_* the_AT juicy_JJ booking_NN Hurok_NP had_HVD held_
VBN for_IN us_PPO ?_. ?_. Well_UH ,_, Dietrich_NP won't_MD* budge_VB from_IN McC
ormick_NP Place_NN-TL ._. Then_RB how_WRB about_IN the_AT Civic_JJ-TL Opera_NN-T
L House_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Well_UH ,_, Allied_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL has_HVZ booked_VBN L
ena_NP Horne_NP there_RB for_IN a_AT week_NN starting_VBG Dec._NP 4_CD ._. Queri
ed_VBN about_IN the_AT impasse_NN ,_, Allied_VBN-TL Arts_NNS-TL said_VBD :_: ``_
`` Better_RBR cancel_VB the_AT Kirov_NP for_IN the_AT time_NN being_BEG ._. It's
_PPS+BEZ all_ABN up_RP in_IN the_AT air_NN again_RB ''_'' ._. So_CS the_AT Kirov
_NP will_MD fly_VB back_RB to_IN Russia_NP ,_, minus_IN a_AT Chicago_NP engageme
nt_NN ,_, a_AT serious_JJ loss_NN for_IN dance_NN fans_NNS --_-- and_CC for_IN t
he_AT frustrated_VBN bookers_NNS ,_, cancellation_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT r
ichest_JJT bookings_NNS in_IN the_AT country_NN ._. Will_MD somebody_PN please_V
B reopen_VB the_AT Auditorium_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Paintings_NNS and_CC drawings_NNS by
_IN Marie_NP Moore_NP of_IN St._NP Thomas_NP ,_, Virgin_NN-TL Islands_NNS-TL ,_,
are_BER shown_VBN thru_IN Nov._NP 5_CD at_IN the_AT Meadows_NNS-TL Gallery_NN-T
L ,_, 3211_CD Ellis_NP Av._NN-TL ,_, week_NN days_NNS ,_, 3_CD p.m._RB to_IN 8_C
D p.m._RB ,_, Sundays_NRS 3_CD p.m._RB to_IN 6_CD p.m._RB ,_, closed_VBN Mondays
_NRS ._. An_AT exhibition_NN of_IN Evelyn_NP Cibula's_NP$ paintings_NNS will_MD
open_VB with_IN a_AT reception_NN Nov._NP 5_CD at_IN the_AT Evanston_NP Communit
y_NN-TL center_NN ,_, 828_CD-TL Davis_NP-TL St._NN-TL ._. It_PPS will_MD continu
e_VB all_ABN month_NN ._. Abstractions_NNS and_CC semi-abstractions_NNS by_IN Ev
erett_NP McNear_NP are_BER being_BEG exhibited_VBN by_IN the_AT University_NN-TL
Gallery_NN-TL of_IN-TL Notre_NP-TL Dame_NP-TL until_IN Nov._NP 5_CD ._. In_IN t
he_AT line_NN of_IN operatic_JJ trades_NNS to_TO cushion_VB the_AT budget_NN ,_,
the_AT Dallas_NP-TL Civic_JJ-TL Opera_NN-TL will_MD use_VB San_NP Francisco's_N
P$ new_JJ Leni_NP Bauer-Ecsy_NP production_NN of_IN ``_`` Lucia_NP Di_NP Lammerm
oor_NP ''_'' this_DT season_NN ,_, returning_VBG the_AT favor_NN next_AP season_
NN when_WRB San_NP Francisco_NP uses_VBZ the_AT Dallas_NP ``_`` Don_NP Giovanni_
NP ''_'' ,_, designed_VBN by_IN Franco_NP Zeffirelli_NP ._. H_NP E._NP Bates_NP
has_HVZ scribbled_VBN a_AT farce_NN called_VBN ``_`` Hark_VB-TL ,_, Hark_VB-TL ,
_, The_AT-TL Lark_NN-TL ''_'' !_. !_. It_PPS is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL
entertaining_JJ and_CC irresponsible_JJ novels_NNS of_IN the_AT season_NN ._. If
_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT moral_NN lurking_VBG among_IN the_AT shenanigans_NNS ,_
, it_PPS is_BEZ hard_JJ to_TO find_VB ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT lesson_NN we_PPSS sh
ould_MD take_VB from_IN these_DTS pages_NNS is_BEZ that_CS the_AT welfare_NN sta
te_NN in_IN England_NP still_RB allows_VBZ wild_JJ scope_NN for_IN all_ABN kinds
_NNS of_IN rugged_JJ eccentrics_NNS ._. Anyway_RB ,_, a_AT number_NN of_IN them_
PPO meet_VB here_RB in_IN devastating_VBG collisions_NNS ._. One_CD is_BEZ an_AT
imperial_JJ London_NP stockbroker_NN called_VBN Jerebohm_NP ._. Another_DT is_B
EZ a_AT wily_JJ countryman_NN called_VBN Larkin_NP ,_, whose_WP$ blandly_QL bois
terous_JJ progress_NN has_HVZ been_BEN chronicled_VBN ,_, I_PPSS believe_VB ,_,
in_IN earlier_JJR volumes_NNS of_IN Mr._NP Bates'_NP$ comedie_FW-NN humaine_FW-J
J ._. What's_WDT+BEZ up_RP now_RB ?_. ?_. Well_UH ,_, Jerebohm_NP and_CC his_PP$
wife_NN Pinkie_NP have_HV reached_VBN the_AT stage_NN of_IN affluence_NN that_W
PS stirs_VBZ a_AT longing_NN for_IN the_AT more_QL atrociously_QL expensive_JJ r
ustic_JJ simplicities_NNS ._. They_PPSS want_VB to_TO own_VB a_AT junior-grade_J
J castle_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT manor_NN house_NN ,_, or_CC some_DTI modest_JJ little
_JJ place_NN where_WRB Shakespeare_NP might_MD once_RB have_HV staged_VBN a_AT p
ageant_NN for_IN Great_JJ-TL Elizabeth_NP and_CC all_ABN her_PP$ bearded_JJ cour
tiers_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER willing_JJ to_TO settle_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, in
_IN anything_PN that_WPS offers_VBZ pheasants_NNS to_TO shoot_VB at_IN and_CC pe
asants_NNS to_TO work_VB at_IN ._. And_CC of_IN course_NN Larkin_NP has_HVZ just
_RB the_AT thing_NN they_PPSS want_VB ._. Splendor_NN-HL by_IN-HL sorcery_NN-HL
It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT horror_NN ._. The_AT name_NN of_IN it_PPO is_BEZ Gore_NP-TL Co
urt_NN-TL ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ surrounded_VBN by_IN a_AT wasteland_NN that_W
PS would_MD impress_VB T._NP S._NP Eliot_NP ._. That's_DT+BEZ not_* precisely_RB
the_AT way_NN Larkin_NP urges_VBZ them_PPO to_TO look_VB at_IN it_PPO ,_, thoug
h_RB ._. He_PPS conjures_VBZ herds_NNS of_IN deer_NNS ,_, and_CC wild_JJ birds_N
NS crowding_VBG the_AT air_NN ._. He_PPS suggests_VBZ that_CS Gore_NP-TL Court_N
N-TL embodies_VBZ all_ABN the_AT glories_NNS of_IN Tudor_NP splendor_NN ._. The_
AT stained-glass_NN windows_NNS may_MD have_HV developed_VBN unpremeditated_JJ p
atinas_NNS ,_, the_AT paneling_NN may_MD be_BE no_QL more_QL durable_JJ than_CS
the_AT planks_NNS in_IN a_AT political_JJ platform_NN ._. The_AT vast_JJ ,_, dun
geon_NN kitchens_NNS may_MD seem_VB hardly_QL worth_JJ using_VBG except_IN on_IN
occasions_NNS when_WRB one_CD is_BEZ faced_VBN with_IN a_AT thousand_CD unexpec
ted_JJ guests_NNS for_IN lunch_NN ._. Larkin_NP has_HVZ an_AT answer_NN to_IN al
l_ABN that_DT ._. The_AT spaciousness_NN of_IN the_AT Tudor_NP cooking_VBG areas
_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, will_MD provide_VB needed_VBN space_NN for_IN the
_AT extra_JJ television_NN sets_NNS required_VBN by_IN modern_JJ butlers_NNS ,_,
cooks_NNS and_CC maids_NNS ._. Also_RB ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, table-tennis_NN and_C
C other_AP indoor_JJ sports_NNS to_TO keep_VB them_PPO fit_JJ and_CC contented_V
BN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT wonder_NN ,_, really_RB ,_, to_TO how_WRB much_AP menda
cious_JJ trouble_NN Larkin_NP puts_VBZ himself_PPL to_TO sell_VB the_AT Jerebohm
s_NPS that_DT preposterous_JJ manse_NN ._. He_PPS doesn't_DOZ* really_RB need_VB
the_AT immense_JJ sum_NN of_IN money_NN (_( probably_RB converted_VBN from_IN A
merican_JJ gold_NN on_IN the_AT London_NP-TL Exchange_NN-TL )_) he_PPS makes_VBZ
them_PPO pay_VB ._. For_CS Larkin_NP is_BEZ already_RB wonderfully_QL contented
_VBN with_IN his_PP$ lot_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ a_AT glorious_JJ wife_NN and_CC m
any_AP children_NNS ._. When_WRB he_PPS needs_VBZ money_NN to_TO buy_VB somethin
g_PN like_CS ,_, say_UH ,_, the_AT Rolls-Royce_NP he_PPS keeps_VBZ near_IN his_P
P$ vegetable_NN patch_NN ,_, he_PPS takes_VBZ a_AT flyer_NN in_IN the_AT sale_NN
of_IN surplus_NN army_NN supplies_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN those_DTS capital-gains_
NNS ventures_NNS ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, has_HVZ saddled_VBN him_PPO with_IN Gore_
NP-TL Court_NN-TL ._. He_PPS is_BEZ willing_JJ to_TO sell_VB it_PPO just_RB to_T
O get_VB it_PPO off_IN his_PP$ hands_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT Jerebohms_NPS are_BER
more_AP than_CS willing_JJ to_TO buy_VB it_PPO ._. They_PPSS plan_VB to_TO beco
me_VB county_NN people_NNS who_WPS know_VB the_AT proper_JJ way_NN to_TO termina
te_VB a_AT fox's_NN$ life_NN on_IN earth_NN ._. First_RB-HL one_CD-HL ,_,-HL the
n_RB-HL the_AT-HL other_AP-HL If_CS ,_, in_IN Larkin's_NP$ eyes_NNS ,_, they_PPS
S are_BER nothing_PN but_IN Piccadilly_NP farmers_NNS ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ as_QL m
uch_AP to_TO learn_VB about_IN them_PPO as_CS they_PPSS have_HV to_TO learn_VB a
bout_IN the_AT ways_NNS of_IN truly_RB rural_JJ living_NN ._. Mr._NP Bates_NP sh
ows_VBZ us_PPO how_WRB this_DT mutual_JJ education_NN spreads_VBZ its_PP$ inevit
able_JJ havoc_NN ._. Oneupmanship_NN is_BEZ practiced_VBN by_IN both_ABX sides_N
NS in_IN a_AT total_JJ war_NN ._. First_RB the_AT Larkins_NPS are_BER ahead_RB ,
_, then_RB the_AT Jerebohms_NPS ._. After_CS Larkin_NP has_HVZ been_BEN persuade
d_VBN to_TO restock_VB his_PP$ tangled_VBN acres_NNS with_IN pheasants_NNS ,_, h
e_PPS poaches_VBZ only_RB what_WDT he_PPS needs_VBZ for_IN the_AT nourishment_NN
of_IN his_PP$ family_NN and_CC local_JJ callers_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT loc
al_JJ callers_NNS ,_, a_AT retired_VBN brigadier_NN apparently_RB left_VBN over_
RP from_IN Kipling's_NP$ tales_NNS of_IN India_NP ,_, does_DOZ not_* approve_VB
of_IN the_AT way_NN Larkin_NP gets_VBZ his_PP$ birds_NNS ._. He_PPS doesn't_DOZ*
think_VB that_CS potting_VBG them_PPO from_IN a_AT deck_NN chair_NN on_IN the_A
T south_NR side_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN with_IN a_AT quart_NN glass_NN of_IN be
er_NN for_IN sustenance_NN is_BEZ entirely_QL sporting_VBG ._. But_CC the_AT bri
gadier_NN dines_VBZ on_IN the_AT birds_NNS with_IN relish_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ t
ruly_QL odd_JJ and_CC ironic_JJ that_CS the_AT most_QL handsome_JJ and_CC impres
sive_JJ film_NN yet_RB made_VBN from_IN Miguel_NP De_NP Cervantes'_NP$ ``_`` Don
_NP Quixote_NP ''_'' is_BEZ the_AT brilliant_JJ Russian_JJ spectacle_NN ,_, done
_VBN in_IN wide_JJ screen_NN and_CC color_NN ,_, which_WDT opened_VBD yesterday_
NR at_IN the_AT Fifty-fifth_OD-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC Sixty-eighth_OD-TL Street_
NN-TL Playhouses_NNS-TL ._. More_AP than_CS a_AT beautiful_JJ visualization_NN o
f_IN the_AT illustrious_JJ adventures_NNS and_CC escapades_NNS of_IN the_AT trag
i-comic_JJ knight-errant_NN and_CC his_PP$ squire_NN ,_, Sancho_NP Panza_NP ,_,
in_IN seventeenth-century_NN Spain_NP ,_, this_DT inevitably_RB abbreviated_VBN
rendering_NN of_IN the_AT classic_JJ satire_NN on_IN chivalry_NN is_BEZ an_AT af
fectingly_RB warm_JJ and_CC human_JJ exposition_NN of_IN character_NN ._. Nikola
i_NP Cherkasov_NP ,_, the_AT Russian_JJ actor_NN who_WPS has_HVZ played_VBN such
_ABL heroic_JJ roles_NNS as_CS Alexander_NP Nevsky_NP and_CC Ivan_NP the_AT-TL T
errible_JJ-TL ,_, performs_VBZ the_AT lanky_JJ Don_NP Quixote_NP ,_, and_CC does
_DOZ so_RB with_IN a_AT simple_JJ dignity_NN that_WPS bridges_VBZ the_AT inner_J
J nobility_NN and_CC the_AT surface_NN absurdity_NN of_IN this_DT poignant_JJ ma
n_NN ._. His_PP$ addle-brained_JJ knight-errant_NN ,_, self-appointed_JJ to_IN t
he_AT ridiculous_JJ position_NN in_IN an_AT age_NN when_WRB armor_NN had_HVD alr
eady_RB been_BEN relegated_VBN to_IN museums_NNS and_CC the_AT chivalrous_JJ cod
e_NN of_IN knight-errantry_NN had_HVD become_VBN a_AT joke_NN ,_, is_BEZ ,_, as_
CS Cervantes_NP no_AT doubt_NN intended_VBD ,_, a_AT gaunt_JJ but_CC gracious_JJ
symbol_NN of_IN good_NN ,_, moving_VBG soberly_RB and_CC sincerely_RB in_IN a_A
T world_NN of_IN cynics_NNS ,_, hypocrites_NNS and_CC rogues_NNS ._. Cherkasov_N
P does_DOZ not_* caricature_VB him_PPO ,_, as_CS some_DTI actors_NNS have_HV bee
n_BEN inclined_VBN to_TO do_DO ._. He_PPS treats_VBZ this_DT deep-eyed_JJ ,_, be
arded_JJ ,_, bony_JJ crackpot_NN with_IN tangible_JJ affection_NN and_CC respect
_NN ._. Directed_VBN by_IN Grigory_NP Kozintsev_NP in_IN a_AT tempo_NN that_WPS
is_BEZ studiously_QL slow_JJ ,_, he_PPS develops_VBZ a_AT sense_NN of_IN a_AT hi
gh_JJ tradition_NN shining_VBG brightly_RB and_CC passing_VBG gravely_RB through
_IN an_AT impious_JJ world_NN ._. The_AT complexities_NNS of_IN communication_NN
have_HV been_BEN considerably_RB abetted_VBN in_IN this_DT case_NN by_IN approp
riately_QL stilted_JJ English_JJ language_NN that_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN excellent
ly_RB dubbed_VBN in_IN place_NN of_IN the_AT Russian_JJ dialogue_NN ._. The_AT v
oices_NNS of_IN all_ABN the_AT characters_NNS ,_, including_IN that_DT of_IN Che
rkasov_NP ,_, have_HV richness_NN ,_, roughness_NN or_CC color_NN to_TO conform_
VB with_IN the_AT personalities_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT subtleties_NNS of_IN the_A
T dialogue_NN are_BER most_QL helpfully_RB conveyed_VBN ._. Since_CS Russian_NP
was_BEDZ being_BEG spoken_VBN instead_RB of_IN Spanish_NP ,_, there_EX is_BEZ no
_AT violation_NN of_IN artistry_NN or_CC logic_NN here_RB ._. Splendid_JJ ,_, to
o_RB ,_, is_BEZ the_AT performance_NN of_IN Yuri_NP Tolubeyev_NP ,_, one_CD of_I
N Russia's_NP$ leading_VBG comedians_NNS ,_, as_CS Sancho_NP Panza_NP ,_, the_AT
fat_JJ ,_, grotesque_JJ ``_`` squire_NN ''_'' ._. Though_CS his_PP$ character_N
N is_BEZ broader_JJR and_CC more_QL comically_RB rounded_VBN than_CS the_AT don_
NN ,_, he_PPS gives_VBZ it_PPO a_AT firmness_NN and_CC toughness_NN --_-- a_AT s
ort_NN of_IN peasant_NN dignity_NN --_-- too_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ really_RB as_C
S though_CS the_AT Russians_NPS have_HV seen_VBN in_IN this_DT character_NN the_
AT oftentimes_RB underlying_VBG vitality_NN and_CC courage_NN of_IN supposed_VBN
buffoons_NNS ._. The_AT episode_NN in_IN which_WDT Sancho_NP Panza_NP concludes
_VBZ the_AT joke_NN that_WPS is_BEZ played_VBN on_IN him_PPO when_WRB he_PPS is_
BEZ facetiously_RB put_VBN in_IN command_NN of_IN an_AT ``_`` island_NN ''_'' is
_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT best_JJT in_IN the_AT film_NN ._. True_RB ,_, the_AT pa
ttern_NN and_CC flow_NN of_IN the_AT drama_NN have_HV strong_JJ literary_JJ qual
ities_NNS that_WPS are_BER a_AT bit_NN wearisome_JJ in_IN the_AT first_OD half_A
BN ,_, before_CS Don_NP Quixote_NP goes_VBZ to_IN the_AT duke's_NN$ court_NN ._.
But_CC strength_NN and_CC poignancy_NN develop_VB thenceforth_RB ,_, and_CC the
_AT windmill_NN and_CC deathbed_NN episodes_NNS gather_VB the_AT threads_NNS of_
IN realization_NN of_IN the_AT wonderfulness_NN of_IN the_AT old_JJ boy_NN ._. T
here_EX are_BER other_AP good_JJ representations_NNS of_IN peasants_NNS and_CC p
eople_NNS of_IN the_AT court_NN by_IN actors_NNS who_WPS are_BER finely_QL costu
med_VBN and_CC magnificently_QL photographed_VBN in_IN this_DT last_NN of_IN the
_AT Russian_JJ films_NNS to_TO reach_VB this_DT country_NN in_IN the_AT program_
NN of_IN joint_NN cultural_JJ exchange_NN ._. Also_RB on_IN the_AT bill_NN at_IN
the_AT Fifty-fifth_OD-TL Street_NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT nice_JJ ten-minute_JJ color_N
N film_NN called_VBN ``_`` Sunday_NR In_IN-TL Greenwich_NP-TL Village_NN-TL ''_'
' ,_, a_AT tour_NN of_IN the_AT haunts_NNS and_CC joints_NNS ._. Television_NN h
as_HVZ yet_RB to_TO work_VB out_RP a_AT living_VBG arrangement_NN with_IN jazz_N
N ,_, which_WDT comes_VBZ to_IN the_AT medium_NN more_QL as_CS an_AT uneasy_JJ g
uest_NN than_CS as_CS a_AT relaxed_VBN member_NN of_IN the_AT family_NN ._. Ther
e_EX seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE an_AT unfortunate_JJ assumption_NN that_CS an_AT hour
_NN of_IN Chicago-style_JJ jazz_NN in_IN prime_JJ evening_NN time_NN ,_, for_IN
example_NN ,_, could_MD not_* be_BE justified_VBN without_IN the_AT trimmings_NN
S of_IN a_AT portentous_JJ documentary_NN ._. At_IN least_AP this_DT seemed_VBD
to_TO be_BE the_AT working_VBG hypothesis_NN for_IN ``_`` Chicago_NP-TL And_CC-T
L All_ABN-TL That_DT-TL Jazz_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, presented_VBN on_IN NBC-TV_NN Nov._
NP 26_CD ._. The_AT program_NN came_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT NBC_NN Special_JJ-TL
Projects_NNS-TL department_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ slotted_VBN in_IN the_AT Du_N
P-TL Pont_NP-TL Show_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Week_NN-TL series_NN ._. Perhaps_R
B Special_JJ-TL Projects_NNS-TL necessarily_RB thinks_VBZ along_IN documentary_N
N lines_NNS ._. If_CS so_RB ,_, it_PPS might_MD be_BE worth_JJ while_NN to_TO as
sign_VB a_AT future_JJ jazz_NN show_NN to_IN a_AT different_JJ department_NN --_
-- one_CD with_IN enough_AP confidence_NN in_IN the_AT musical_JJ material_NN to
_TO cut_VB down_RP on_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN performers_NNS and_CC give_VB th
em_PPO a_AT little_AP room_NN to_TO display_VB their_PP$ talents_NNS ._. As_CS a
_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, this_DT latter_AP approach_NN has_HVZ already_RB
been_BEN tried_VBN ,_, and_CC with_IN pleasing_JJ results_NNS ._. A_AT few_AP y
ears_NNS ago_RB a_AT ``_`` Timex_NP-TL All-Star_JJ-TL Jazz_NN-TL Show_NN-TL ''_'
' offered_VBD a_AT broad_JJ range_NN of_IN styles_NNS ,_, ranging_VBG from_IN Li
onel_NP Hampton's_NP$ big_JJ band_NN to_IN the_AT free-wheeling_JJ Dukes_NNS-TL
Of_IN-TL Dixieland_NP-TL ._. An_AT enthusiastic_JJ audience_NN confirmed_VBD the
_AT ``_`` live_JJ ''_'' character_NN of_IN the_AT hour_NN ,_, and_CC provided_VB
D the_AT interaction_NN between_IN musician_NN and_CC hearer_NN which_WDT almost
_QL always_RB seems_VBZ to_TO improve_VB the_AT quality_NN of_IN performance_NN
._. About_RB that_DT same_AP time_NN John_NP Crosby's_NP$ TV_NN series_NN on_IN
the_AT popular_JJ arts_NNS proved_VBD again_RB that_CS giving_VBG jazz_NN ample_
JJ breathing_VBG space_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL sensible_JJ things_
NNS a_AT producer_NN can_MD do_DO ._. In_IN an_AT hour_NN remembered_VBN for_IN
its_PP$ almost_QL rudderless_JJ movement_NN ,_, a_AT score_NN of_IN jazz_NN lumi
naries_NNS went_VBD before_IN the_AT cameras_NNS for_IN lengthy_JJ periods_NNS .
_. The_AT program_NN had_HVD been_BEN arranged_VBN to_TO permit_VB the_AT establ
ishment_NN of_IN a_AT mood_NN of_IN intense_JJ concentration_NN on_IN the_AT mus
ic_NN ._. Cameras_NNS stared_VBD at_IN soloists'_NNS$ faces_NNS in_IN extreme_JJ
closeups_NNS ,_, then_RB considerately_RB pulled_VBD back_RB for_IN full_JJ vie
ws_NNS of_IN ensemble_NN work_NN ._. ``_`` Chicago_NP-TL And_CC-TL All_ABN-TL Th
at_DT-TL Jazz_NN-TL ''_'' could_MD not_* be_BE faulted_VBN on_IN the_AT choice_N
N of_IN artists_NNS ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT in-person_NN performers_NNS were_B
ED Jack_NP Teagarden_NP ,_, Gene_NP Krupa_NP ,_, Bud_NP Freeman_NP ,_, Pee_NP We
e_NP Russell_NP ,_, Johnny_NP St._NP Cyr_NP ,_, Joe_NP Sullivan_NP ,_, Red_NP Al
len_NP ,_, Lil_NP Armstrong_NP ,_, Blossom_NP Seeley_NP ._. The_AT jazz_NN buff_
NN could_MD hardly_RB ask_VB for_IN more_AP ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, Garry_NP Moor
e_NP makes_VBZ an_AT ideal_JJ master_NN of_IN ceremonies_NNS ._. (_( He_PPS play
ed_VBD host_NN at_IN the_AT Timex_NP show_NN already_RB mentioned_VBN ._. )_) On
e_CD of_IN the_AT script's_NN$ big_JJ problems_NNS was_BEDZ how_WRB to_TO blend_
VB pictures_NNS and_CC music_NN of_IN the_AT past_NN with_IN live_JJ performance
s_NNS by_IN musicians_NNS of_IN today_NR ._. NBC_NP had_HVD gathered_VBN a_AT lo
t_NN of_IN historical_JJ material_NN which_WDT it_PPS was_BEDZ eager_JJ to_TO sh
are_VB ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ sheet_NN music_NN with_IN the
_AT word_NN ``_`` jazz_NN ''_'' in_IN the_AT title_NN ,_, to_TO illustrate_VB ho
w_WRB a_AT word_NN of_IN uncertain_JJ origin_NN took_VBD hold_NN ._. Samples_NNS
zoomed_VBD into_IN closeup_JJ range_NN in_IN regular_JJ succession_NN ,_, like_
CS telephone_NN poles_NNS passing_VBG on_IN the_AT highway_NN ,_, while_CS repre
sentative_JJ music_NN reinforced_VBD the_AT mood_NN of_IN the_AT late_JJ teens_N
NS and_CC 1920's_NNS ._. However_WQL well_RB chosen_VBN and_CC cleverly_RB arran
ged_VBN ,_, such_JJ memorabilia_NNS unfortunately_RB amounted_VBD to_IN more_AP
of_IN an_AT interruption_NN than_CS an_AT auxiliary_NN to_IN the_AT evening's_NN
$ main_JJS business_NN ,_, which_WDT (_( considering_IN the_AT talent_NN at_IN h
and_NN )_) should_MD probably_RB have_HV been_BEN the_AT gathering_NN of_IN fres
h_JJ samples_NNS of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP style_NN ._. Another_DT source_NN of_IN
NBC_NN pride_NN was_BEDZ its_PP$ rare_JJ film_NN clip_NN of_IN Bix_NP Beiderbec
ke_NP ,_, but_CC this_DT view_NN of_IN the_AT great_JJ trumpeter_NN flew_VBD by_
RB so_QL fast_RB that_CS a_AT prolonged_VBN wink_NN would_MD have_HV blotted_VBN
out_RP the_AT entire_JJ glimpse_NN ._. Similarly_RB ,_, in_IN presenting_VBG st
ill_JJ photographs_NNS of_IN early_JJ jazz_NN groups_NNS ,_, the_AT program_NN a
llowed_VBD no_AT time_NN for_IN a_AT close_JJ perusal_NN ._. ``_`` Chicago_NP-TL
And_CC-TL All_ABN-TL That_DT-TL Jazz_NN-TL ''_'' may_MD have_HV wound_VBN up_RP
satisfying_VBG neither_CC the_AT confirmed_VBN fan_NN nor_CC the_AT inquisitive
_JJ newcomer_NN ._. By_IN trying_VBG to_TO be_BE both_ABX a_AT serious_JJ survey
_NN of_IN a_AT bygone_JJ era_NN and_CC a_AT showcase_NN for_IN today's_NR$ artis
ts_NNS ,_, the_AT program_NN turned_VBD out_RP to_TO be_BE a_AT not-quite-perfec
t_JJ example_NN of_IN either_DTX ._. Still_RB ,_, the_AT network's_NN$ willingne
ss_NN to_TO experiment_VB in_IN this_DT musical_JJ field_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE c
ommended_VBN ,_, and_CC future_JJ essays_NNS happily_RB anticipated_VBN ._. Even
_RB Joan_NP Sutherland_NP may_MD not_* have_HV anticipated_VBN the_AT tremendous
_JJ reception_NN she_PPS received_VBD from_IN the_AT Metropolitan_JJ-TL Opera_NN
-TL audience_NN attending_VBG her_PP$ debut_NN as_CS Lucia_NP in_IN Donizetti's_
NP$ ``_`` Lucia_NP Di_NP Lammermoor_NP ''_'' Sunday_NR night_NN ._. The_AT crowd
_NN staged_VBD its_PP$ own_JJ mad_JJ scene_NN in_IN salvos_NNS of_IN cheers_NNS
and_CC applause_NN and_CC finally_RB a_AT standing_VBG ovation_NN as_CS Miss_NP
Sutherland_NP took_VBD curtain_NN call_NN after_IN curtain_NN call_NN following_
VBG a_AT fantastic_JJ ``_`` Mad_JJ-TL Scene_NN-TL ''_'' created_VBN on_IN her_PP
$ own_JJ and_CC with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN the_AT composer_NN and_CC the_AT ot
her_AP performers_NNS ._. Her_PP$ entrance_NN in_IN Scene_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, Act_
NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, brought_VBD some_DTI disconcerting_JJ applause_NN even_RB befo
re_CS she_PPS had_HVD sung_VBN a_AT note_NN ._. Thereafter_RB the_AT audience_NN
waxed_VBD applause-happy_JJ ,_, but_CC discriminating_VBG operagoers_NNS reserv
ed_VBD judgment_NN as_CS her_PP$ singing_NN showed_VBD signs_NNS of_IN strain_NN
,_, her_PP$ musicianship_NN some_DTI questionable_JJ procedure_NN and_CC her_PP
$ acting_NN uncomfortable_JJ stylization_NN ._. As_CS she_PPS gained_VBD composu
re_NN during_IN the_AT second_OD act_NN ,_, her_PP$ technical_JJ resourcefulness
_NN emerged_VBD stronger_JJR ,_, though_CS she_PPS had_HVD already_RB revealed_V
BN a_AT trill_NN almost_RB unprecedented_JJ in_IN years_NNS of_IN performances_N
NS of_IN ``_`` Lucia_NP ''_'' ._. She_PPS topped_VBD the_AT sextet_NN brilliantl
y_RB ._. Each_DT high_JJ note_NN had_HVD the_AT crowd_NN in_IN ecstasy_NN so_CS
that_CS it_PPS stopped_VBD the_AT show_NN midway_NN in_IN the_AT ``_`` Mad_JJ-TL
Scene_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, but_CC the_AT real_JJ reason_NN was_BEDZ a_AT realization
_NN of_IN the_AT extraordinary_JJ performance_NN unfolding_VBG at_IN the_AT mome
nt_NN ._. Miss_NP Sutherland_NP appeared_VBD almost_RB as_CS another_DT person_N
N in_IN this_DT scene_NN :_: A_AT much_QL more_QL girlish_JJ Lucia_NP ,_, a_AT s
ensational_JJ coloratura_NN who_WPS ran_VBD across_IN stage_NN while_CS singing_
VBG ,_, and_CC an_AT actress_NN immersed_VBN in_IN her_PP$ role_NN ._. What_WDT
followed_VBD the_AT outburst_NN brought_VBD almost_QL breathless_JJ silence_NN a
s_CS Miss_NP Sutherland_NP revealed_VBD her_PP$ mastery_NN of_IN a_AT voice_NN p
robably_RB unique_JJ among_IN sopranos_NNS today_NR ._. This_DT big_JJ ,_, flexi
ble_JJ voice_NN with_IN uncommon_JJ range_NN has_HVZ been_BEN superbly_QL discip
lined_VBN ._. Nervousness_NN at_IN the_AT start_NN must_MD have_HV caused_VBN th
e_AT blemishes_NNS of_IN her_PP$ first_OD scene_NN ,_, or_CC she_PPS may_MD warm
_VB up_RP slowly_RB ._. In_IN the_AT fullness_NN of_IN her_PPO vocal_JJ splendor
_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, she_PPS could_MD sing_VB the_AT famous_JJ scene_NN magnif
icently_RB ._. Technically_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ fascinating_JJ ,_, aurally_RB spel
l-binding_JJ ,_, and_CC dramatically_RB quite_QL realistic_JJ ._. Many_AP years_
NNS have_HV passed_VBN since_CS a_AT Metropolitan_JJ-TL audience_NN heard_VBD an
ything_PN comparable_JJ ._. Her_PP$ debut_NN over_RP ,_, perhaps_RB the_AT earli
er_JJR scenes_NNS will_MD emerge_VB equally_QL fine_JJ ._. The_AT performance_NN
also_RB marked_VBD the_AT debut_NN of_IN a_AT most_QL promising_JJ young_JJ con
ductor_NN ,_, Silvio_NP Varviso_NP ._. He_PPS injected_VBD more_AP vitality_NN i
nto_IN the_AT score_NN than_CS it_PPS has_HVZ revealed_VBN in_IN many_AP years_N
NS ._. He_PPS may_MD respect_VB too_QL much_RB the_AT Italian_JJ tradition_NN of
_IN letting_VBG singers_NNS hold_VB on_RP to_IN their_PP$ notes_NNS ,_, but_CC t
o_TO restrain_VB them_PPO in_IN a_AT singers'_NNS$ opera_NN may_MD be_BE quite_Q
L difficult_JJ ._. Richard_NP Tucker_NP sang_VBD Edgardo_NP in_IN glorious_JJ vo
ice_NN ._. His_PP$ bel_FW-JJ canto_FW-NN style_NN gave_VBD the_AT performance_NN
a_AT special_JJ distinction_NN ._. The_AT remainder_NN of_IN the_AT cast_NN ful
filled_VBD its_PP$ assignments_NNS no_AT more_AP than_CS satisfactorily_RB just_
RB as_CS the_AT old_JJ production_NN and_CC limited_VBN stage_NN direction_NN pr
oved_VBD only_RB serviceable_JJ ._. Miss_NP Sutherland_NP first_RB sang_VBD Luci
a_NP at_IN Covent_NP-TL Garden_NN-TL in_IN 1959_CD ._. (_( The_AT first_OD Metro
politan_JJ-TL Opera_NN-TL broadcast_NN on_IN Dec._NP 9_CD will_MD introduce_VB h
er_PPO as_CS Lucia_NP ._. )_) She_PPS has_HVZ since_RB turned_VBN to_IN Bellini_
NP ,_, whose_WP$ opera_NN ``_`` Beatrice_NP Di_NP Tenda_NP ''_'' in_IN a_AT conc
ert_NN version_NN with_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL Opera_NN-TL Society_NN-TL introd
uced_VBD her_PPO to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL last_AP season_NN ._. She_PPS will_M
D sing_VB ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Sonambula_FW-NN-TL ''_'' with_IN it_PPO here_RB next
_AP week_NN ._. Anyone_PN for_IN musical_JJ Ping-pong_NP ?_. ?_. It's_PPS+BEZ re
ally_RB quite_QL fun_NN --_-- as_QL long_RB as_CS you_PPSS like_VB games_NNS ._.
You_PPSS will_MD need_VB a_AT stereo_NN music_NN system_NN ,_, with_IN speakers
_NNS preferably_RB placed_VBN at_IN least_AP seven_CD or_CC eight_CD feet_NNS ap
art_RB ,_, and_CC one_CD or_CC more_AP of_IN the_AT new_JJ London_NP-TL ``_`` Ph
ase_NN-TL 4_CD-TL ''_'' records_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER 12_CD of_IN these_DTS t
o_TO choose_VB from_IN ,_, all_ABN of_IN them_PPO of_IN popular_JJ music_NN exce
pt_IN for_IN the_AT star_NN release_NN ,_, Pass_VB-TL In_IN-TL Review_NN-TL (_(
SP-44001_NP )_) ._. This_DT features_VBZ the_AT marching_VBG songs_NNS of_IN sev
eral_AP nations_NNS ,_, recorded_VBN as_CS though_CS the_AT various_JJ national_
JJ bands_NNS were_BED marching_VBG by_IN your_PP$ reviewing_VBG stand_NN ._. Com
plete_JJ with_IN crowd_NN effects_NNS ,_, interruptions_NNS by_IN jet_NN planes_
NNS ,_, and_CC sundry_JJ other_AP touches_NNS of_IN realism_NN ,_, this_DT disc_
NN displays_VBZ London's_NP$ new_JJ technique_NN to_IN the_AT best_JJT effect_NN
._. All_ABN of_IN the_AT jackets_NNS carry_VB a_AT fairly_QL technical_JJ and_C
C detailed_VBN explanation_NN of_IN this_DT new_JJ recording_NN program_NN ._. N
o_AT reference_NN is_BEZ made_VBN to_IN the_AT possibility_NN of_IN recording_VB
G other_AP than_IN popular_JJ music_NN in_IN this_DT manner_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS
would_MD not_* seem_VB to_TO lend_VB itself_PPL well_RB to_IN serious_JJ music_
NN ._. Directionality_NN is_BEZ greatly_RB exaggerated_VBN most_AP of_IN the_AT
time_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC when_WRB the_AT sounds_NNS of_IN the_AT two_CD speakers_N
NS are_BER allowed_VBN to_TO mix_VB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ excellent_JJ depth_NN an
d_CC dimension_NN to_IN the_AT music_NN ._. You_PPSS definitely_RB hear_VB some_
DTI of_IN the_AT instruments_NNS close_RB up_RP and_CC others_NNS farther_QL bac
k_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT difference_NN in_IN placement_NN apparently_RB more_QL d
istinct_JJ than_CS would_MD result_VB from_IN the_AT nearer_JJR instruments_NNS
merely_RB being_BEG louder_JJR than_CS the_AT ones_NNS farther_QL back_RB ._. Th
is_DT is_BEZ a_AT characteristic_NN of_IN good_JJ stereo_NN recording_NN and_CC
one_CD of_IN its_PP$ tremendous_JJ advantages_NNS over_IN monaural_JJ sound_NN .
_. London_NP explains_VBZ that_CS the_AT very_QL distinct_JJ directional_JJ effe
ct_NN in_IN the_AT Phase_NN-TL 4_CD-TL series_NN is_BEZ due_JJ in_IN large_JJ pa
rt_NN to_IN their_PP$ novel_JJ methods_NNS of_IN microphoning_NN and_CC recordin
g_VBG the_AT music_NN on_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN separate_JJ tape_NN channels_NN
S ._. These_DTS are_BER then_RB mixed_VBN by_IN their_PP$ sound_NN engineers_NNS
with_IN the_AT active_JJ co-operation_NN of_IN the_AT musical_JJ staff_NN and_C
C combined_VBN into_IN the_AT final_JJ two_CD channels_NNS which_WDT are_BER imp
ressed_VBN on_IN the_AT record_NN ._. In_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT numbers_NNS th
e_AT instrumental_JJ parts_NNS have_HV even_RB been_BEN recorded_VBN at_IN diffe
rent_JJ times_NNS and_CC then_RB later_RBR combined_VBN on_IN the_AT master_NN t
ape_NN to_TO produce_VB special_JJ effects_NNS ._. Some_DTI clue_NN to_IN the_AT
character_NN of_IN London's_NP$ approach_NN in_IN these_DTS discs_NNS may_MD be
_BE gained_VBN immediately_RB from_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS ten_CD of_IN the_AT
12_CD titles_NNS include_VB the_AT word_NN ``_`` percussion_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`
` percussive_JJ ''_'' ._. Drums_NNS ,_, xylophones_NNS ,_, castanets_NNS ,_, and
_CC other_AP percussive_JJ instruments_NNS are_BER reproduced_VBN remarkably_RB
well_RB ._. Only_RB too_QL often_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, you_PPSS have_HV the_AT f
eeling_NN that_CS you_PPSS are_BER sitting_VBG in_IN a_AT room_NN with_IN some_D
TI of_IN the_AT instruments_NNS lined_VBN up_RP on_IN one_CD wall_NN to_IN your_
PP$ left_NR and_CC others_NNS facing_VBG them_PPO on_IN the_AT wall_NN to_IN you
r_PP$ right_NR ._. They_PPSS are_BER definitely_RB in_IN the_AT same_AP room_NN
with_IN you_PPO ,_, but_CC your_PP$ head_NN starts_VBZ to_TO swing_VB as_CS thou
gh_CS you_PPSS were_BED sitting_VBG on_IN the_AT very_AP edge_NN of_IN a_AT tenn
is_NN court_NN watching_VBG a_AT spirited_VBN volley_NN ._. The_AT Percussive_JJ
-TL Twenties_NNS-TL (_( SP-44006_NP )_) stirs_VBZ pleasant_JJ memories_NNS with_
IN well-known_JJ songs_NNS of_IN that_DT day_NN ,_, and_CC Johnny_NP Keating's_N
P$ Kombo_NP gives_VBZ forth_RB with_IN tingling_VBG jazz_NN in_IN Percussive_JJ-
TL Moods_NNS-TL (_( SP-44005_NP )_) ._. Big_JJ-TL Band_NN-TL Percussion_NN-TL (_
( SP-44002_NP )_) seemed_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT least_QL attractive_JJ discs_NN
S --_-- the_AT arrangements_NNS just_RB didn't_DOD* have_HV so_QL much_AP charac
ter_NN as_CS the_AT others_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ an_AT extraordinary_JJ sense_
NN of_IN presence_NN in_IN all_ABN of_IN these_DTS recordings_NNS ,_, apparently
_RB obtained_VBN at_IN least_AP in_IN part_NN by_IN emphasizing_VBG the_AT middl
e_JJ and_CC high_JJ frequencies_NNS ._. The_AT penalty_NN for_IN this_DT is_BEZ
noticeable_JJ in_IN the_AT big_JJ ,_, bold_JJ ,_, brilliant_JJ ,_, but_CC brassy
_JJ piano_NN sounds_NNS in_IN Melody_NN-TL And_CC-TL Percussion_NN-TL For_IN-TL
Two_CD-TL Pianos_NNS-TL (_( SP-44007_NP )_) ._. All_ABN of_IN the_AT releases_NN
S ,_, however_WRB ,_, are_BER recorded_VBN at_IN a_AT gratifyingly_QL high_JJ le
vel_NN ,_, with_IN resultant_JJ masking_NN of_IN any_DTI surface_NN noise_NN ._.
Pass_VB-TL In_IN-TL Review_NN-TL practically_RB guarantees_VBZ enjoyment_NN ,_,
and_CC is_BEZ a_AT dramatic_JJ demonstration_NN of_IN the_AT potentialities_NNS
of_IN any_DTI stereo_NN music_NN system_NN ._. Many_AP Hollywood_NP films_NNS m
anage_VB somehow_RB to_TO be_BE authentic_JJ ,_, but_CC not_* realistic_JJ ._. S
trange_JJ ,_, but_CC true_JJ --_-- authenticity_NN and_CC realism_NN often_RB ar
en't_BER* related_VBN at_IN all_ABN ._. Almost_RB every_AT film_NN bearing_VBG t
he_AT imprimatur_NN of_IN Hollywood_NP is_BEZ physically_RB authentic_JJ --_-- i
n_IN fact_NN ,_, impeccably_RB so_RB ._. In_IN any_DTI given_VBN period_NN piece
_NN the_AT costumes_NNS ,_, bric-a-brac_NN ,_, vehicles_NNS ,_, and_CC decor_NN
,_, bear_VB the_AT stamp_NN of_IN unimpeachable_JJ authenticity_NN ._. The_AT ma
jor_JJ studios_NNS maintain_VB a_AT cadre_NN of_IN film_NN librarians_NNS and_CC
research_NN specialists_NNS who_WPS look_VB to_IN this_DT matter_NN ._. During_
IN the_AT making_NN recently_RB of_IN an_AT important_JJ Biblical_JJ film_NN ,_,
some_DTI 40_CD volumes_NNS of_IN research_NN material_NN and_CC sketches_NNS no
t_* only_AP of_IN costumes_NNS and_CC interiors_NNS ,_, but_CC of_IN architectur
al_JJ developments_NNS ,_, sports_NNS arenas_NNS ,_, vehicles_NNS ,_, and_CC oth
er_AP paraphernalia_NN were_BED compiled_VBN ,_, consulted_VBN ,_, and_CC compli
ed_VBN with_IN ._. But_CC ,_, alas_UH ,_, the_AT authenticity_NN seems_VBZ to_TO
stop_VB at_IN the_AT set's_NN$ edge_NN ._. The_AT drama_NN itself_PPL --_-- and
_CC this_DT seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE lavishly_RB true_JJ of_IN Biblical_JJ drama_NN
--_-- often_RB has_HVZ hardly_RB any_DTI relationship_NN with_IN authenticity_N
N at_IN all_ABN ._. The_AT storyline_NN ,_, in_IN sort_NN ,_, is_BEZ wildly_RB u
nrealistic_JJ ._. Thus_RB ,_, in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Story_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Ruth_NP
-TL ''_'' we_PPSS have_HV Ruth_NP ,_, Naomi_NP ,_, and_CC Boaz_NP and_CC sets_NN
S that_WPS are_BER meticulously_QL authentic_JJ ._. But_CC except_IN for_IN a_AT
vague_JJ adherence_NN to_IN the_AT basic_JJ storyline_NN --_-- i.e._RB ,_, that
_CS Ruth_NP remained_VBD with_IN Naomi_NP and_CC finally_RB wound_VBD up_RP with
_IN Boaz_NP --_-- the_AT film_NN version_NN has_HVZ little_AP to_TO do_DO with_I
N the_AT Bible_NP ._. And_CC in_IN the_AT new_JJ ``_`` King_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Kings
_NNS-TL ''_'' the_AT plot_NN involves_VBZ intrigues_NNS and_CC twists_NNS and_CC
turns_NNS that_DT cannot_MD* be_BE traced_VBN to_IN the_AT Gospels_NPS ._. Earl
ier_RBR this_DT month_NN Edward_NP R._NP Murrow_NP ,_, director_NN of_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Information_NN-TL Agency_NN-TL ,_, came_VBD to_IN Ho
llywood_NP and_CC had_HVD dinner_NN with_IN more_AP than_IN 100_CD leaders_NNS o
f_IN the_AT motion_NN picture_NN industry_NN ._. He_PPS talked_VBD about_IN unau
thentic_JJ storylines_NNS too_RB ._. He_PPS intimated_VBD that_CS they_PPSS were
n't_BED* doing_VBG the_AT country_NN much_AP good_NN in_IN the_AT Cold_JJ-TL War
_NN-TL ._. And_CC to_IN an_AT industry_NN that_WPS prides_VBZ itself_PPL on_IN a
uthenticity_NN ,_, he_PPS urged_VBD greater_JJR realism_NN ._. ``_`` In_IN many_
AP corners_NNS of_IN the_AT globe_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` the_AT
major_JJ source_NN of_IN impressions_NNS about_IN this_DT country_NN are_BER in_
IN the_AT movies_NNS they_PPSS meet_VB ._. Would_MD we_PPSS want_VB a_AT future-
day_JJ Gibbon_NP or_CC Macaulay_NP recounting_VBG the_AT saga_NN of_IN America_N
P with_IN movies_NNS as_CS his_PP$ prime_JJ source_NN of_IN knowledge_NN ?_. ?_.
Yet_RB for_IN much_AP of_IN the_AT globe_NN ,_, Hollywood_NP is_BEZ just_RB tha
t_DT --_-- prime_JJ ,_, if_CS not_* sole_JJ ,_, source_NN of_IN knowledge_NN ._.
If_CS a_AT man_NN totally_RB ignorant_JJ of_IN America_NP were_BED to_TO judge_
VB our_PP$ land_NN and_CC its_PP$ civilization_NN based_VBN on_IN Hollywood_NP a
lone_RB ,_, what_WDT conclusions_NNS do_DO you_PPO think_VB he_PPS might_MD come
_VB to_IN ?_. ?_. Francois_NP D'Albert_NP ,_, Hungarian-born_JJ violinist_NN who
_WPS made_VBD his_PP$ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL debut_NN three_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_
, played_VBD a_AT return_NN engagement_NN last_AP night_NN in_IN Judson_NP Hall_
NN-TL ._. He_PPS is_BEZ now_RB president_NN of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Conservat
ory_NN-TL College_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ pianist_NN was_BEDZ Donald_NP Jenni_NP ,_, a
_AT faculty_NN member_NN at_IN DePaul_NP-TL University_NN-TL ._. The_AT acoustic
s_NNS of_IN the_AT small_JJ hall_NN had_HVD been_BEN misgauged_VBN by_IN the_AT
artists_NNS ,_, so_CS that_CS for_IN the_AT first_OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT progr
am_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT piano_NN was_BEDZ partially_RB open_JJ ,_, Mr._NP Jenn
i's_NP$ playing_NN was_BEDZ too_QL loud_JJ ._. In_IN vying_VBG with_IN him_PPO ,
_, Mr._NP D'Albert_NP also_RB seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE overdriving_VBG his_PP$ ton
e_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ not_* an_AT overriding_VBG drawback_NN to_IN enjoyment
_NN of_IN the_AT performances_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, except_IN in_IN the_AT case
_NN of_IN the_AT opening_VBG work_NN ,_, Mozart's_NP$ Sonata_NN-TL in_IN-TL A_NN
-TL (_( K._NP 526_CD )_) ,_, which_WDT clattered_VBD along_RB noisily_RB in_IN a
n_AT unrelieved_JJ fashion_NN ._. Brahm's_NP$ Sonata_NN-TL in_IN-TL A_NN-TL ,_,
although_CS also_RB vigorous_JJ ,_, stood_VBD up_RP well_RB under_IN the_AT two_
CD artists'_NNS$ strong_JJ ,_, large-scale_NN treatment_NN ._. Mr._NP D'Albert_N
P has_HVZ a_AT firm_JJ ,_, attractive_JJ tone_NN ,_, which_WDT eschews_VBZ an_AT
overly_QL sweet_JJ vibrato_NN ._. He_PPS made_VBD the_AT most_AP of_IN the_AT l
ong_JJ Brahmsian_JJ phrases_NNS ,_, and_CC by_IN the_AT directness_NN and_CC dri
ve_NN of_IN his_PP$ playing_NN gave_VBD the_AT work_NN a_AT handsome_JJ performa
nce_NN ._. A_AT Sonata_NN-TL For_IN-TL Violin_NN-TL And_CC-TL Piano_NN-TL ,_, ca
lled_VBN ``_`` Bella_NP Bella_NP ''_'' ,_, by_IN Robert_NP Fleming_NP ,_, was_BE
DZ given_VBN its_PP$ first_OD United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL performance_NN ._. The
_AT title_NN refers_VBZ to_IN the_AT nickname_NN given_VBN his_PP$ wife_NN by_IN
the_AT composer_NN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ also_RB a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT Natio
nal_JJ-TL Film_NN-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Canada_NP-TL ._. The_AT work's_NN$ two
_CD movements_NNS ,_, one_CD melodically_QL sentimental_JJ ,_, the_AT other_AP b
rightly_QL capricious_JJ ,_, are_BER clever_JJ enough_QLP in_IN a_AT Ravel-like_
JJ style_NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS rehash_VB a_AT wornout_JJ idiom_NN ._. They_PPS
S might_MD well_RB indicate_VB conjugal_JJ felicity_NN ,_, but_CC in_IN musical_
JJ terms_NNS that_WPS smack_VB of_IN Hollywood_NP ._. Works_NNS by_IN Dohnanyi_N
P ,_, Hubay_NP ,_, Mr._NP D'Albert_NP himself_PPL and_CC Paganini_NP ,_, indicat
ed_VBD that_CS the_AT violinist_NN had_HVD some_DTI virtuoso_NN fireworks_NNS up
_IN his_PP$ sleeve_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT reserved_VBN attitude_NN toward_I
N a_AT lyric_JJ phrase_NN ._. Standard_JJ items_NNS by_IN Sarasate_NP and_CC Sai
nt-Saens_NP completed_VBD the_AT program_NN ._. In_IN recent_JJ years_NNS Anna_N
P Xydis_NP has_HVZ played_VBN with_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Philharmonic_N
N-TL and_CC at_IN Lewisohn_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL ,_, but_CC her_PP$ program_NN las
t_AP night_NN at_IN Town_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL was_BEDZ the_AT Greek-born_JJ pianist'
s_NN$ first_OD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL recital_NN since_IN 1948_CD ._. Miss_NP Xydi
s_NP has_HVZ a_AT natural_JJ affinity_NN for_IN the_AT keyboard_NN ,_, and_CC in
_IN the_AT twenty_CD years_NNS since_IN her_PP$ debut_NN here_RB she_PPS has_HVZ
gained_VBN the_AT authority_NN and_CC inner_JJ assurance_NN that_WPS lead_VB to
_IN audience_NN control_NN ._. And_CC the_AT tone_NN she_PPS commands_VBZ is_BEZ
always_RB beautiful_JJ in_IN sound_NN ._. Since_CS she_PPS also_RB has_HVZ cons
iderable_JJ technical_JJ virtuosity_NN and_CC a_AT feeling_NN for_IN music_NN in
_IN the_AT romantic_JJ tradition_NN ,_, Miss_NP Xydis_NP gave_VBD her_PPO listen
ers_NNS a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN pleasure_NN ._. She_PPS played_VBD with_IN st
yle_NN and_CC a_AT touch_NN of_IN the_AT grand_JJ manner_NN ,_, and_CC every_AT
piece_NN she_PPS performed_VBD was_BEDZ especially_QL effective_JJ in_IN its_PP$
closing_VBG measures_NNS ._. The_AT second_OD half_ABN of_IN her_PPO program_NN
was_BEDZ devoted_VBN to_IN Russian_JJ composers_NNS of_IN this_DT century_NN ._
. It_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN them_PPO that_CS Miss_NP Xydis_NP was_BEDZ at_IN her_PP$
best_JJT ._. The_AT Rachmaninoff_NP Prelude_NN-TL No._NN-TL 12_CD-TL ,_, Op._NN
-TL 32_CD-TL ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, gave_VBD her_PPO an_AT opportunity_NN to
_TO exploit_VB one_CD of_IN her_PP$ special_JJ facilities_NNS --_-- the_AT abili
ty_NN to_TO produce_VB fine_JJ deep-sounding_JJ bass_NN tones_NNS while_CS contr
asting_VBG them_PPO simultaneously_RB with_IN fine_JJ silver_JJ filagree_NN in_I
N the_AT treble_NN ._. The_AT four_CD Kabalevsky_NP-TL Preludes_NNS-TL were_BED
also_RB assured_VBN ,_, rich_JJ in_IN color_NN and_CC songful_JJ ._. And_CC the_
AT Prokofieff_NP Seventh_OD-TL Sonata_NN-TL had_HVD the_AT combination_NN of_IN
romanticism_NN and_CC modern_JJ bravura_NN that_CS Prokofieff_NP needs_VBZ ._. M
iss_NP Xydis'_NP$ earlier_JJR selections_NNS were_BED Mendelssohn's_NP$ Variatio
ns_FW-NNS-TL Serieuses_FW-JJ-TL ,_, in_IN which_WDT each_DT variation_NN was_BED
Z nicely_RB set_VBN off_RP from_IN the_AT others_NNS ;_. ;_. Haydn's_NP$ Sonata_
NN-TL in_IN-TL E_NN-TL minor_JJ-TL ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ unfailingly_QL pleasan
t_JJ in_IN sound_NN ,_, and_CC Chopin's_NP$ Sonata_NN-TL in_IN-TL B_NN-TL flat_J
J-TL minor_JJ-TL ._. A_AT memory_NN lapse_NN in_IN the_AT last_AP somewhat_RB ma
rred_VBN the_AT pianist's_NN$ performance_NN ._. So_RB ,_, what_WDT was_BEDZ the
_AT deepest_JJT music_NN on_IN her_PP$ program_NN had_HVD the_AT poorest_JJT sho
wing_NN ._. Miss_NP Xydis_NP was_BEDZ best_JJT when_WRB she_PPS did_DOD not_* ne
ed_VB to_TO be_BE too_QL probing_VBG ._. All_QL the_AT generals_NNS who_WPS held
_VBD important_JJ commands_NNS in_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, did_DOD n
ot_* write_VB books_NNS ._. It_PPS only_RB seems_VBZ as_CS if_CS they_PPSS did_D
OD ._. And_CC the_AT best_JJT books_NNS by_IN generals_NNS were_BED not_* necess
arily_RB the_AT first_OD ones_NNS written_VBN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT very_QL be
st_JJT is_BEZ only_RB now_RB published_VBN in_IN this_DT country_NN ,_, five_CD
years_NNS after_IN its_PP$ first_OD publication_NN in_IN England_NP ._. It_PPS i
s_BEZ ``_`` Defeat_NN-TL Into_IN-TL Victory_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, by_IN Field_NN-TL Ma
rshal_NN-TL Viscount_NP Slim_NP ._. A_AT long_JJ book_NN heavily_RB weighted_VBN
with_IN military_JJ technicalities_NNS ,_, in_IN this_DT edition_NN it_PPS is_B
EZ neither_CC so_QL long_JJ nor_CC so_QL technical_JJ as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ orig
inally_RB ._. Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL Slim_NP has_HVZ abridged_VBN it_PPO for_
IN the_AT benefit_NN of_IN ``_`` those_DTS who_WPS ,_, finding_VBG not_* so_QL g
reat_JJ an_AT attraction_NN in_IN accounts_NNS of_IN military_JJ moves_NNS and_C
C counter-moves_NNS ,_, are_BER more_QL interested_JJ in_IN men_NNS and_CC their
_PP$ reactions_NNS to_IN stress_NN ,_, hardship_NN and_CC danger_NN ''_'' ._. Th
e_AT man_NN whose_WP$ reactions_NNS and_CC conclusions_NNS get_VB the_AT most_AP
space_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL himsel
f_PPL ._. William_NP Joseph_NP Slim_NP ,_, First_OD-TL Viscount_NP Slim_NP ,_, f
ormer_AP Governor_NN-TL General_JJ-TL of_IN Australia_NP ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT pri
ncipal_JJS British_JJ commander_NN in_IN the_AT field_NN during_IN the_AT Burma_
NP-TL War_NN-TL ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN a_AT corps_NN commander_NN during_IN
the_AT disastrous_JJ defeat_NN and_CC retreat_NN of_IN 1942_CD when_WRB the_AT
ill-prepared_JJ ,_, ill-equipped_JJ British_JJ forces_NNS ``_`` were_BED outmane
uvered_VBN ,_, outfought_VBN and_CC outgeneraled_VBN ''_'' ._. He_PPS returned_V
BD in_IN command_NN of_IN an_AT international_JJ army_NN of_IN Gurkhas_NPS ,_, I
ndians_NPS ,_, Africans_NPS ,_, Chinese_NPS and_CC British_NPS ._. And_CC in_IN
a_AT series_NN of_IN bitterly_RB fought_VBN battles_NNS in_IN the_AT jungles_NNS
and_CC hills_NNS and_CC along_IN the_AT great_JJ rivers_NNS of_IN Burma_NP he_P
PS waged_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL brilliant_JJ campaigns_NNS of_IN the_AT
war_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT Forgotten_VBN-TL War_NN-TL ''_'' his_PP$ soldiers_NNS c
alled_VBD the_AT Burma_NP fighting_NN because_CS the_AT war_NN in_IN Africa_NP a
nd_CC Europe_NP enjoyed_VBD priorities_NNS in_IN equipment_NN and_CC in_IN headl
ines_NNS ._. Parts_NNS of_IN ``_`` Defeat_NN-TL Into_IN-TL Victory_NN-TL ''_'' a
re_BER a_AT tangle_NN of_IN Burmese_JJ place_NN names_NNS and_CC military_JJ uni
ts_NNS ,_, but_CC a_AT little_AP application_NN makes_VBZ everything_PN clear_JJ
enough_QLP ._. On_IN the_AT whole_JJ this_DT is_BEZ an_AT interesting_JJ and_CC
exceptionally_QL well-written_JJ book_NN ._. Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL Slim_NP
is_BEZ striking_JJ in_IN description_NN ,_, amusing_JJ in_IN many_AP anecdotes_N
NS ._. He_PPS has_HVZ a_AT pleasant_JJ sense_NN of_IN humor_NN and_CC is_BEZ mod
est_JJ enough_QLP to_TO admit_VB mistakes_NNS and_CC even_RB ``_`` a_AT cardinal
_JJ error_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS praises_VBZ many_AP individuals_NNS generously_RB
._. He_PPS himself_PPL seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE tough_JJ ,_, tireless_JJ ,_, able_J
J and_CC intelligent_JJ ,_, more_QL intellectual_JJ and_CC self-critical_JJ than
_CS most_AP soldiers_NNS ._. Remaking_VBG-HL an_AT-HL army_NN-HL to_TO-HL win_VB
-HL ``_`` Defeat_NN-TL Into_IN-TL Victory_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT dramatic_JJ an
d_CC lively_JJ military_JJ narrative_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ most_QL interes
ting_JJ in_IN its_PP$ account_NN of_IN the_AT unending_JJ problems_NNS of_IN hig
h_JJ command_NN ,_, of_IN decisions_NNS and_CC their_PP$ reasons_NNS ,_, of_IN t
he_AT myriad_JJ matters_NNS that_WPS demand_VB attention_NN in_IN addition_NN to
_IN battle_NN action_NN ._. Before_CS he_PPS could_MD return_VB to_IN Burma_NP ,
_, Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL Slim_NP had_HVD to_TO rally_VB the_AT defeated_VBN
remnants_NNS of_IN a_AT discouraged_VBN army_NN and_CC unite_VB them_PPO with_IN
fresh_JJ recruits_NNS ._. His_PP$ remarks_NNS about_IN training_VBG ,_, discipl
ine_NN ,_, morale_NN ,_, leadership_NN and_CC command_NN are_BER enlightening_JJ
._. He_PPS believed_VBD in_IN making_VBG inspiring_JJ speeches_NNS and_CC he_PP
S made_VBD a_AT great_QL many_AP ._. He_PPS believed_VBD in_IN being_BEG seen_VB
N near_IN the_AT front_JJ lines_NNS and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ there_RB ._. For_IN g
eneral_JJ morale_NN reasons_NNS and_CC to_TO encourage_VB the_AT efforts_NNS of_
IN his_PP$ supply_NN officers_NNS ,_, when_WRB food_NN was_BEDZ short_JJ for_IN
combat_NN troops_NNS he_PPS cut_VBD the_AT rations_NNS of_IN his_PP$ headquarter
s_NNS staff_NN accordingly_RB ._. Other_AP crucial_JJ matters_NNS required_VBD c
onstant_JJ supervision_NN :_: labor_NN and_CC all_ABN noncombatant_JJ troops_NNS
,_, whose_WP$ morale_NN was_BEDZ vital_JJ ,_, too_RB ;_. ;_. administrative_JJ
organization_NN and_CC delicate_JJ diplomatic_JJ relations_NNS with_IN Top_JJS-T
L Brass_NN-TL --_-- British_JJ ,_, American_JJ and_CC Chinese_JJ ;_. ;_. health_
NN ,_, hygiene_NN ,_, medical_JJ aid_NN and_CC preventive_JJ medicine_NN ;_. ;_.
hospitals_NNS (_( inadequate_JJ )_) and_CC nurses_NNS (_( scanty_JJ )_) ;_. ;_.
food_NN and_CC military_JJ supplies_NNS ;_. ;_. logistics_NN and_CC transport_N
N ;_. ;_. airdrops_NNS and_CC airstrips_NNS ;_. ;_. roads_NNS and_CC river_NN ba
rges_NNS to_TO be_BE built_VBN ._. Expected_VBN-HL of_IN-HL a_AT-HL commander_NN
-HL Commenting_VBG on_IN these_DTS and_CC other_AP matters_NNS ,_, Field_NN-TL M
arshal_NN-TL Slim_NP makes_VBZ many_AP frank_JJ and_CC provocative_JJ remarks_NN
S :_: ``_`` When_WRB in_IN doubt_NN as_IN to_IN two_CD courses_NNS of_IN action_
NN ,_, a_AT general_NN should_MD choose_VB the_AT bolder_JJR ''_'' ._. ``_`` The
_AT commander_NN has_HVZ failed_VBN in_IN his_PP$ duty_NN if_CS he_PPS has_HVZ n
ot_* won_VBN victory_NN --_-- for_CS that_DT is_BEZ his_PP$ duty_NN ''_'' ._. ``
_`` It_PPS only_RB does_DOZ harm_NN to_TO talk_VB to_IN troops_NNS about_IN new_
JJ and_CC desirable_JJ equipment_NN which_WDT others_NNS may_MD have_HV but_CC w
hich_WDT you_PPSS cannot_MD* give_VB them_PPO ._. It_PPS depresses_VBZ them_PPO
._. So_RB I_PPSS made_VBD no_AT mention_NN of_IN air_NN transport_NN until_CS we
_PPSS could_MD get_VB at_IN least_AP some_DTI of_IN it_PPO ''_'' ._. Field_NN-TL
Marshal_NN-TL Slim_NP is_BEZ more_QL impressed_VBN by_IN the_AT courage_NN of_I
N Japanese_JJ soldiers_NNS than_CS he_PPS is_BEZ by_IN the_AT ability_NN of_IN t
heir_PP$ commanders_NNS ._. Of_IN the_AT Japanese_JJ private_NN he_PPS says_VBZ
:_: ``_`` He_PPS fought_VBD and_CC marched_VBD till_CS he_PPS died_VBD ._. If_CS
500_CD Japanese_NPS were_BED ordered_VBN to_TO hold_VB a_AT position_NN ,_, we_
PPSS had_HVD to_TO kill_VB 495_CD before_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ ours_PP$$ --_-- and_
CC then_RB the_AT last_AP five_CD killed_VBD themselves_PPLS ''_'' ._. Brooding_
VBG about_IN future_JJ wars_NNS ,_, the_AT Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL has_HVZ thi
s_DT to_TO say_VB :_: ``_`` The_AT Asian_JJ fighting_VBG man_NN is_BEZ at_IN lea
st_AP equally_QL brave_JJ (_( as_CS the_AT white_JJ )_) ,_, usually_RB more_QL c
areless_JJ of_IN death_NN ,_, less_QL encumbered_VBN by_IN mental_JJ doubts_NNS
,_, less_QL troubled_VBN by_IN humanitarian_JJ sentiment_NN ,_, and_CC not_* so_
QL moved_VBN by_IN slaughter_NN and_CC mutilation_NN around_IN him_PPO ._. He_PP
S is_BEZ ,_, by_IN background_NN and_CC living_VBG standards_NNS ,_, better_RBR
fitted_VBN to_TO endure_VB hardship_NN uncomplainingly_RB ,_, to_TO demand_VB le
ss_AP in_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN subsistence_NN or_CC comfort_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO
look_VB after_IN himself_PPL when_WRB thrown_VBN on_IN his_PP$ own_JJ resources
_NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT bunch_NN of_IN young_JJ buckaroos_NNS from_IN out_RP West_NR
-TL ,_, who_WPS go_VB by_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN Texas_NP-TL Boys_NNS-TL Choir_N
N-TL ,_, loped_VBD into_IN Town_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL last_AP night_NN and_CC succeed
ed_VBD in_IN corralling_VBG the_AT hearts_NNS of_IN a_AT sizable_JJ audience_NN
._. Actually_RB ,_, the_AT program_NN they_PPSS sang_VBD was_BEDZ at_IN least_AP
two-thirds_QL serious_JJ and_CC high-minded_JJ ,_, and_CC they_PPSS sang_VBD it
_PPO beautifully_RB ._. Under_IN the_AT capable_JJ direction_NN of_IN the_AT cho
ir's_NN$ founder_NN ,_, Geroge_NP Bragg_NP ,_, the_AT twenty-six_CD boys_NNS mad
e_VBD some_DTI lovely_JJ sounds_NNS in_IN an_AT opening_VBG group_NN of_IN Renai
ssance_NN-TL and_CC Baroque_JJ-TL madrigals_NNS and_CC motets_NNS ,_, excerpts_N
NS from_IN Pergolesi's_NP$ ``_`` Stabat_FW-VBD-TL Mater_FW-NN-TL ''_'' and_CC al
l_ABN of_IN the_AT Britten_NP-TL ``_`` Ceremonial_JJ-TL Of_IN-TL Carols_NNS-TL '
'_'' ._. Their_PP$ singing_NN was_BEDZ well-balanced_JJ ,_, clear_JJ and_CC ,_,
within_IN obvious_JJ limitations_NNS ,_, extremely_QL pleasing_JJ ._. The_AT lim
itations_NNS are_BER those_DTS one_PN expects_VBZ from_IN untrained_JJ and_CC un
settled_VBN voices_NNS --_-- an_AT occasional_JJ shrillness_NN of_IN almost_QL e
arsplitting_JJ intensity_NN ,_, an_AT occasional_JJ waver_NN and_CC now_RB and_C
C then_RB a_AT bleat_NN ._. But_CC Mr._NP Bragg_NP is_BEZ a_AT remarkably_QL gif
ted_JJ conductor_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT results_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ produced_VBN wi
th_IN his_PP$ boys_NNS are_BER generally_RB superior_JJ ._. Most_QL surprising_J
J of_IN all_ABN ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ accomplished_VBN some_DTI prodigies_NNS in_IN
training_VBG for_IN the_AT production_NN of_IN words_NNS ._. The_AT Latin_NP ,_
, for_IN example_NN ,_, was_BEDZ not_* only_RB clear_JJ ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ
even_RB beautiful_JJ ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, there_EX were_BED solid_JJ musical_J
J virtues_NNS in_IN the_AT interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT music_NN ._. Lines_NNS
came_VBD out_RP neatly_RB and_CC in_IN good_JJ balance_NN ._. Tempos_NNS were_B
ED lively_RB ._. The_AT piano_NN accompaniments_NNS by_IN Istvan_NP Szelenyi_NP
were_BED stylish_JJ ._. A_AT boy_NN soprano_NN named_VBN Dixon_NP Boyd_NP sang_V
BD a_AT Durante_NP solo_NN motet_NN and_CC a_AT few_AP other_AP passages_NNS enc
hantingly_RB ._. Other_AP capable_JJ soloists_NNS included_VBD David_NP Clifton_
NP ,_, Joseph_NP Schockler_NP and_CC Pat_NP Thompson_NP ._. The_AT final_JJ grou
p_NN included_VBD folk_NN songs_NNS from_IN back_RB home_NR ,_, stomped_VBN out_
RP ,_, shouted_VBN and_CC chanted_VBN with_IN irresistible_JJ spirit_NN and_CC i
n_IN cowboy_NN costume_NN ._. Boys_NNS will_MD be_BE boys_NNS ,_, and_CC Texans_
NPS will_MD be_BE Texans_NPS ._. The_AT combination_NN proved_VBD quite_QL irres
istible_JJ last_AP night_NN ._. The_AT Polish_JJ song_NN and_CC dance_NN company
_NN called_VBN Mazowsze_NP ,_, after_IN the_AT region_NN of_IN Poland_NP ,_, whe
re_WRB it_PPS has_HVZ its_PP$ headquarters_NNS ,_, opened_VBD a_AT three-week_JJ
engagement_NN at_IN the_AT City_NN-TL Center_NN-TL last_AP night_NN ._. A_AT th
oroughly_QL ingratiating_JJ company_NN it_PPS is_BEZ ,_, and_CC when_WRB the_AT
final_JJ curtain_NN falls_VBZ you_PPSS may_MD suddenly_RB realize_VB that_CS you
_PPSS have_HV been_BEN sitting_VBG with_IN a_AT broad_JJ grin_NN on_IN your_PP$
face_NN all_ABN evening_NN ._. Not_* that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ all_ABN funny_JJ ,_,
by_IN any_DTI means_NNS ,_, though_CS some_DTI of_IN it_PPO is_BEZ definitely_RB
so_RB ,_, but_CC simply_RB that_CS the_AT dancers_NNS are_BER young_JJ and_CC h
andsome_JJ ,_, high-spirited_JJ and_CC communicative_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT progra
m_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ as_QL vivacious_JJ as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ varied_VBN ._. The
re_EX is_BEZ no_AT use_NN at_IN all_ABN in_IN trying_VBG to_TO follow_VB it_PPO
dance_NN by_IN dance_NN and_CC title_NN by_IN title_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS has_HVZ
a_AT kind_NN of_IN nonstop_NN format_NN ,_, and_CC moves_VBZ along_RB in_IN an_
AT admirable_JJ continuity_NN that_WPS demands_VBZ no_AT pauses_NNS for_IN ident
ification_NN ._. The_AT material_NN is_BEZ all_ABN basically_RB of_IN folk_NN or
igin_NN ,_, gleaned_VBN from_IN every_AT section_NN of_IN Poland_NP ._. But_CC u
nder_IN the_AT direction_NN of_IN Mira_NP Ziminska-Sygietynska_NP ,_, who_WPS wi
th_IN her_PP$ late_JJ husband_NN founded_VBD the_AT organization_NN in_IN 1948_C
D ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ all_ABN been_BEN put_VBN into_IN theatrical_JJ form_NN ,_,
treated_VBN selectively_RB ,_, choreographed_VBN specifically_RB for_IN presenta
tion_NN to_IN spectators_NNS ,_, and_CC performed_VBN altogether_QL professional
ly_RB ._. Under_IN the_AT surface_NN of_IN the_AT wide_JJ range_NN of_IN folk_NN
movements_NNS is_BEZ apparent_JJ a_AT sound_JJ technical_JJ ballet_NN training_
NN ,_, and_CC an_AT equally_QL professional_JJ sense_NN of_IN performing_VBG ._.
Since_CS the_AT organization_NN was_BEDZ created_VBN thirteen_CD years_NNS ago_
RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ obvious_JJ that_CS this_DT is_BEZ not_* the_AT original_JJ
company_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ more_QL likely_JJ the_AT sons_NNS and_CC daught
ers_NNS of_IN that_DT company_NN ._. The_AT girls_NNS are_BER charming_JJ childr
en_NNS and_CC the_AT men_NNS are_BER wonderfully_QL vital_JJ and_CC engaging_JJ
youngsters_NNS ._. The_AT stage_NN is_BEZ constantly_RB full_JJ of_IN them_PPO ;
_. ;_. indeed_RB ,_, there_EX are_BER never_RB fewer_JJR than_IN eight_CD of_IN
them_PPO on_IN stage_NN ,_, and_CC that_DT is_BEZ only_RB for_IN the_AT more_QL
intimate_JJ numbers_NNS ._. They_PPSS can_MD be_BE exuberant_JJ or_CC sentimenta
l_JJ ,_, flirtatious_JJ or_CC funny_JJ ,_, but_CC the_AT only_AP thing_NN they_P
PSS seem_VB unable_JJ to_TO be_BE is_BEZ dull_JJ ._. To_TO pick_VB out_RP partic
ular_JJ numbers_NNS is_BEZ something_PN of_IN a_AT problem_NN ,_, but_CC one_CD
or_CC two_CD identifiable_JJ items_NNS are_BER too_QL conspicuously_RB excellent
_JJ to_TO be_BE missed_VBN ._. There_EX is_BEZ ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, a_AT st
unning_JJ Krakowiak_NP that_WPS closes_VBZ the_AT first_OD act_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT
mazurka_NN choreographed_VBN by_IN Witold_NP Zapala_NP to_IN music_NN from_IN M
oniuszko's_NP$ opera_NN ,_, ``_`` Strasny_NP Dwor'_NP ,_, may_MD be_BE the_AT mo
st_QL beautiful_JJ mazurka_NN you_PPSS are_BER likely_RB ever_RB to_TO see_VB ;_
. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ an_AT enchanting_JJ polonaise_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT dan
ces_NNS and_CC songs_NNS from_IN the_AT Tatras_NPS contain_VB a_AT magnificent_J
J dance_NN for_IN the_AT men_NNS ._. Everywhere_NN there_EX are_BER little_JJ to
uches_NNS of_IN humor_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT leader_NN of_IN the_AT on-stage_JJ ba
nd_NN of_IN musicians_NNS is_BEZ an_AT ebullient_JJ comedian_NN who_WPS plays_VB
Z all_ABN sorts_NNS of_IN odd_JJ instruments_NNS with_IN winning_VBG warmth_NN .
_. The_AT Theatre-by-the-Sea_NP ,_, Matunuck_NP ,_, presents_VBZ ``_`` King_NN-T
L Of_IN-TL Hearts_NNS-TL ''_'' by_IN Jean_NP Kerr_NP and_CC Eleanor_NP Brooke_NP
._. Directed_VBN by_IN Michael_NP Murray_NP ;_. ;_. settings_NNS by_IN William_
NP David_NP Roberts_NP ._. The_AT cast_NN :_: Producer_NN John_NP Holmes_NP has_
HVZ chosen_VBN a_AT delightful_JJ comedy_NN for_IN his_PP$ season's_NN$ opener_N
N at_IN Matunuck_NP in_IN Jean_NP Kerr's_NP$ ``_`` King_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Hearts_NN
S-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT dialogue_NN is_BEZ sharp_JJ ,_, witty_JJ and_CC candid_JJ
--_-- typical_JJ ``_`` don't_DO* eat_VB the_AT daisies_NNS ''_'' material_NN --_
-- which_WDT has_HVZ stamped_VBN the_AT author_NN throughout_IN her_PP$ books_NN
S and_CC plays_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ obvious_JJ that_CS the_AT Theatre-
by-the-Sea_NP audience_NN liked_VBD it_PPO ._. The_AT story_NN is_BEZ of_IN a_AT
famous_JJ strip_NN cartoonist_NN ,_, an_AT arty_JJ individual_NN ,_, whose_WP$
specialty_NN is_BEZ the_AT American_JJ boy_NN and_CC who_WPS adopts_VBZ a_AT 10-
year-old_NN to_TO provide_VB him_PPO with_IN fresh_JJ idea_NN material_NN ._. Th
is_DT is_BEZ when_WRB his_PP$ troubles_NNS begin_VB ,_, not_* to_TO mention_VB a
_AT fledgling_NN artist_NN who_WPO he_PPS hires_VBZ ,_, and_CC who_WPS turns_VBZ
out_RP to_TO have_HV ideas_NNS of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ ,_, with_IN particular_JJ r
espect_NN to_IN the_AT hero's_NN$ sweetheart-secretary_NN ._. John_NP Heffernan_
NP ,_, playing_VBG Larry_NP Larkin_NP ,_, the_AT cartoonist_NN ,_, carries_VBZ t
he_AT show_NN in_IN marvelous_JJ fashion_NN ._. His_PP$ portrayal_NN of_IN an_AT
edgy_JJ head-in-the-clouds_JJ artist_NN is_BEZ virtually_QL flawless_JJ ._. Thi
s_DT may_MD be_BE unfortunate_JJ ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, from_IN the_AT standpoint_NN
of_IN David_NP Hedison_NP ,_, Providence's_NP$ contribution_NN to_IN Hollywood_
NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ appearing_VBG by_IN special_JJ arrangement_NN with_IN 20th
_OD-TL Century-Fox_NP-TL ._. Not_* that_CS Mr._NP Hedison_NP does_DOZ not_* make
_VB the_AT most_AP of_IN his_PP$ role_NN ._. He_PPS does_DOZ ,_, and_CC more_AP
._. But_CC the_AT book_NN is_BEZ written_VBN around_IN a_AT somewhat_QL dizzy_JJ
cartoonist_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS has_HVZ to_TO be_BE that_DT way_NN ._. A_AT wor
d_NN should_MD be_BE said_VBN for_IN Gary_NP Morgan_NP ,_, a_AT Broadway_NP youn
gster_NN who_WPS ,_, as_CS the_AT adopted_VBN son_NN ,_, makes_VBZ life_NN miser
able_JJ for_IN nearly_RB everybody_PN and_CC Larkin_NP in_IN particular_JJ ._. A
nd_CC for_IN his_PP$ playmate_NN ,_, Francis_NP Coletta_NP of_IN West_JJ-TL Warw
ick_NP-TL ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ a_AT bit_NN part_NN ,_, Billy_NP ._. On_IN the_AT
whole_JJ ,_, audiences_NNS will_MD like_VB this_DT performance_NN ._. It_PPS is_
BEZ a_AT tremendous_JJ book_NN ,_, lively_JJ ,_, constantly_RB moving_VBG ,_, an
d_CC the_AT Matunuck_NP cast_NN does_DOZ well_RB by_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT Newport
_NP-TL Playhouse_NN-TL presents_VBZ ``_`` Epitaph_NN-TL For_IN-TL George_NP-TL D
illon_NP-TL ''_'' by_IN John_NP Osborne_NP and_CC Anthony_NP Creighton_NP ,_, di
rected_VBN by_IN Wallace_NP Gray_NP ._. The_AT cast_NN :_: The_AT angriest_JJT y
oung_JJ man_NN in_IN Newport_NP last_AP night_NN was_BEDZ at_IN the_AT Playhouse
_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB ``_`` Epitaph_NN-TL For_IN-TL George_NP-TL Dillon_NP-TL ''_
'' opened_VBD as_CS the_AT jazz_NN festival_NN closed_VBD ._. For_CS the_AT hero
_NN of_IN this_DT work_NN by_IN John_NP Osborne_NP and_CC Anthony_NP Creighton_N
P is_BEZ a_AT chap_NN embittered_VBN by_IN more_AP than_IN the_AT lack_NN of_IN
beer_NN during_IN a_AT jam_NN session_NN ._. He's_PPS+BEZ mad_JJ at_IN a_AT worl
d_NN he_PPS did_DOD not_* make_VB ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, he's_PPS+BEZ something_
PN of_IN a_AT scoundrel_NN ,_, an_AT artist_NN whose_WP$ mind_NN and_CC feelings
_NNS are_BER all_ABN finger-tips_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ in_IN contrast_NN to_IN
the_AT family_NN with_IN whom_WPO he_PPS boards_VBZ ._. They_PPSS not_* only_RB
think_VB and_CC feel_VB cliches_NNS but_CC live_VB cliches_NNS as_QL well_RB ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ into_IN this_DT household_NN ,_, one_CD eroded_VBN by_IN irritati
ons_NNS that_WPS have_HV tortured_VBN the_AT souls_NNS out_IN of_IN its_PP$ peop
le_NNS ,_, that_CS George_NP Dillon_NP enters_VBZ at_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_I
N the_AT play_NN ._. An_AT unsuccessful_JJ playwright_NN and_CC actor_NN ,_, he_
PPS has_HVZ faith_NN only_RB in_IN himself_PPL and_CC in_IN a_AT talent_NN he_PP
S is_BEZ not_* sure_JJ exists_VBZ ._. By_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT third_OD
act_NN ,_, the_AT artist_NN is_BEZ dead_JJ but_CC the_AT body_NN lingers_VBZ on_
RP ,_, a_AT shell_NN among_IN other_AP shells_NNS ._. Not_* altogether_RB a_AT s
uccessful_JJ play_NN ,_, ``_`` Epitaph_NN-TL For_IN-TL George_NP-TL Dillon_NP-TL
''_'' overcomes_VBZ through_IN sheer_JJ vitality_NN and_CC power_NN what_WDT in
_IN a_AT lesser_JJR work_NN might_MD be_BE crippling_VBG ._. It_PPS is_BEZ awful
ly_QL talky_JJ ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, and_CC not_* all_ABN of_IN the_AT talk
_NN is_BEZ terribly_QL impressive_JJ ._. But_CC it_PPS strikes_VBZ sparks_NNS on
_IN occasion_NN and_CC their_PP$ light_NN causes_VBZ all_ABN else_RB to_TO be_BE
forgotten_VBN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT fine_JJ second_OD act_NN ,_, as_CS an_AT
example_NN ,_, one_CD in_IN which_WDT Samuel_NP Groom_NP ,_, as_CS Dillon_NP ,_
, has_HVZ an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO blaze_VB away_RB in_IN one_CD impassioned_J
J passage_NN after_IN another_DT ._. This_DT is_BEZ an_AT exciting_JJ young_JJ a
ctor_NN to_TO watch_VB ._. Just_RB as_CS exciting_JJ but_CC in_IN a_AT more_QL t
echnically_RB proficient_JJ way_NN is_BEZ Laura_NP Stuart_NP ,_, whose_WP$ compl
ete_JJ control_NN of_IN her_PPO every_AT movement_NN is_BEZ lovely_JJ to_TO watc
h_VB ._. Miss_NP Stuart_NP is_BEZ as_QL intensely_QL vibrant_JJ as_CS one_PN cou
ld_MD wish_VB ,_, almost_RB an_AT icy_JJ shriek_NN threatening_VBG to_TO explode
_VB at_IN any_DTI moment_NN ._. Also_RB fine_JJ are_BER Sue_NP Lawless_NP ,_, as
_CS a_AT mother_NN more_QL protective_JJ and_CC belligerent_JJ than_CS a_AT fema
le_NN spider_NN and_CC just_QL as_CS destructive_JJ ,_, Harold_NP Cherry_NP ,_,
as_CS her_PP$ scratchy_JJ spouse_NN ,_, and_CC Hildy_NP Weissman_NP ,_, as_CS a_
AT vegetable_NN in_IN human_JJ form_NN ._. Wallace_NP Gray_NP has_HVZ directed_V
BN a_AT difficult_JJ play_NN here_RB ,_, usually_RB well_RB ,_, but_CC with_IN j
ust_RB a_AT bit_NN too_QL much_AP physical_JJ movement_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD
act_NN for_IN my_PP$ taste_NN ._. Still_RB ,_, his_PP$ finale_NN is_BEZ put_VBN
together_RB with_IN taste_NN and_CC a_AT most_QL sensitive_JJ projection_NN of_I
N that_DT pale_JJ sustenance_NN ,_, despair_NN ._. The_AT Warwick_NP-TL Musical_
JJ-TL Theater_NN-TL presents_VBZ ``_`` Where's_WRB+BEZ-TL Charley_NP-TL ?_. ?_.
''_'' With_IN music_NN and_CC lyrics_NNS by_IN Frank_NP Loesser_NP ,_, directed_
VBN by_IN Christopher_NP Hewett_NP ,_, choreography_NN by_IN Peter_NP Conlow_NP
,_, musical_JJ direction_NN by_IN Samuel_NP Matlowsky_NP ._. The_AT cast_NN :_:
Everybody_PN fell_VBD in_IN love_NN with_IN Amy_NP again_RB last_AP night_NN at_
IN the_AT Warwick_NP-TL Musical_JJ-TL Theater_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Shelley_NP Berman
_NP was_BEDZ to_TO blame_VB ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT finest_JJT soft_JJ shoe_NN t
unes_NNS ever_RB invented_VBN ,_, ``_`` Once_RB-TL In_IN-TL Love_NN-TL With_IN-T
L Amy_NP-TL ''_'' is_BEZ also_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT mos
t_QL tantalizingly_RB persistent_JJ of_IN light_JJ love_NN lyrics_NNS to_TO come
_VB out_IN of_IN American_JJ musical_JJ comedy_NN in_IN our_PP$ era_NN ._. So_RB
the_AT audience_NN last_AP night_NN was_BEDZ all_ABN ears_NNS and_CC eyes_NNS j
ust_RB after_IN Act_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, got_VBD a_AT rousing_JJ opening_VBG chorus
_NN ,_, ``_`` Where's_WRB+BEZ-TL Charley_NP-TL ?_. ?_. ''_'' ,_, and_CC Berman_N
P sifted_VBD out_RP all_QL alone_JJ on_IN the_AT stage_NN with_IN the_AT ambling
_VBG chords_NNS and_CC beat_NN of_IN the_AT song_NN just_RB whispering_VBG into_
IN being_BEG ._. It_PPS is_BEZ greatly_RB to_IN Berman's_NP$ credit_NN that_CS h
e_PPS made_VBD no_AT attempt_NN to_TO outdo_VB Ray_NP Bolger_NP ._. He_PPS dropp
ed_VBD his_PP$ earlier_JJR and_CC delightful_JJ hamming_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ
about_RB the_AT only_AP way_NN to_TO handle_VB the_AT old_JJ war_NN horse_NN cal
led_VBN ``_`` Charley's_NP$ Aunt_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC let_VBD himself_PPL go_V
B with_IN as_QL appealing_JJ an_AT ``_`` Amy_NP ''_'' as_CS anybody_PN could_MD
ask_VB ._. In_IN brief_JJ ,_, Berman_NP played_VBD himself_PPL and_CC not_* Bolg
er_NP ._. The_AT big_JJ audience_NN started_VBD applauding_VBG even_RB before_CS
he_PPS had_HVD finished_VBN ._. The_AT whole_JJ production_NN this_DT week_NN i
s_BEZ fresh_JJ and_CC lively_JJ ._. The_AT costumes_NNS are_BER stunning_JJ evoc
ations_NNS of_IN the_AT voluminous_JJ gowns_NNS and_CC picture_NN hats_NNS of_IN
the_AT Gibson_NP-TL Girl_NN-TL days_NNS ._. The_AT ballet_NN work_NN is_BEZ on_
IN the_AT nose_NN ,_, especially_RB in_IN the_AT opening_VBG number_NN by_IN ``_
`` The_AT-TL New_JJ-TL Ashmolean_JJ-TL Marching_VBG-TL Society_NN-TL and_CC-TL S
tudents'_NNS$-TL Conservatory_NN-TL Band_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, along_RB with_IN a_AT f
iery_JJ and_CC sultry_JJ Brazilian_NP fantasia_NN later_RBR ._. Berman_NP ,_, wh
ose_WP$ fame_NN has_HVZ rested_VBN in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS on_IN his_PP$ skill
s_NNS as_CS a_AT night_NN club_NN monologist_NN ,_, proved_VBD himself_PPL very_
QL much_RB at_IN home_NR in_IN musical_JJ comedy_NN ._. Sparrow-size_NN Virginia
_NP Gibson_NP ,_, with_IN sparkling_VBG blue_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC a_AT cheerful_JJ
smile_NN ,_, made_VBD a_AT suitably_QL perky_JJ Amy_NP ,_, while_CS Melisande_N
P Congdon_NP ,_, as_CS the_AT real_JJ aunt_NN ,_, was_BEDZ positively_QL monumen
tal_JJ in_IN the_AT very_QL best_JJT Gibson_NP-TL Girl_NN-TL manner_NN ._. All_A
BN told_VBN ,_, ``_`` Where's_WRB+BEZ-TL Charley_NP-TL ?_. ?_. ''_'' Ought_MD no
t_* to_TO be_BE missed_VBN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ a_AT fast_JJ pace_NN ,_, excellent
_JJ music_NN ,_, expert_JJ direction_NN ,_, and_CC not_* only_RB a_AT good_JJ co
median_NN ,_, but_CC an_AT appealing_JJ person_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ right_NN
,_, Mr._NP Berman_NP ._. The_AT Broadway_NP-TL Theater_NN-TL League_NN-TL of_IN-
TL Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL presents_VBZ C._NP Edwin_NP Knill's_NP$ and_CC Marti
n_NP Tahse's_NP$ production_NN of_IN ``_`` Fiorello_NP !_. !_. ''_'' At_IN Veter
ans_NNS-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Auditorium_NN-TL ._. The_AT book_NN is_BEZ by_IN Jerom
e_NP Weidman_NP and_CC George_NP Abbott_NP ,_, music_NN by_IN Jerry_NP Bock_NP ,
_, lyrics_NNS by_IN Sheldon_NP Harnick_NP ,_, choreography_NN by_IN Peter_NP Gen
naro_NP ,_, scenery_NN ,_, costumes_NNS and_CC lighting_VBG by_IN William_NP and
_CC Jean_NP Eckart_NP ,_, musical_JJ direction_NN by_IN Jack_NP Elliott_NP ,_, a
nd_CC the_AT production_NN was_BEDZ directed_VBN by_IN Mr._NP Abbott_NP ._. The_
AT cast_NN :_: This_DT is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT happier_JJR events_NNS of_IN t
he_AT season_NN ._. The_AT company_NN which_WDT performed_VBD the_AT Pulitzer_NP
-TL Prize_NN-TL musical_NN here_RB last_AP night_NN and_CC will_MD repeat_VB it_
PPO twice_RB today_NR is_BEZ full_JJ of_IN bounce_NN ,_, the_AT politicians_NNS
are_BER in_IN fine_JJ voice_NN ,_, the_AT chorines_NNS evoke_VB happy_JJ memorie
s_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT Little_JJ-TL Flower_NN-TL rides_VBZ to_TO break_VB a_AT
lance_NN again_RB ._. I_PPSS saw_VB ``_`` Fiorello_NP !_. !_. ''_'' Performed_VB
N in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL by_IN the_AT original_JJ cast_NN and_CC I_PPSS thin
k_VB this_DT company_NN is_BEZ every_AT bit_NN as_QL good_JJ ,_, and_CC perhaps_
RB better_JJR ._. Certainly_RB in_IN the_AT matter_NN of_IN principals_NNS there
_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN lacking_VBG ._. Bob_NP Carroll_NP may_MD not_* bear_VB qui
te_QL as_QL close_JJ a_AT physical_JJ resemblance_NN to_IN LaGuardia_NP as_CS To
m_NP Bosley_NP does_DOZ ,_, but_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ amazed_VBN at_IN the_AT way_N
N he_PPS became_VBD more_QL and_CC more_QL Fiorello_NP as_CS the_AT evening_NN p
rogressed_VBD ,_, until_CS one_PN had_HVD to_TO catch_VB one's_PN$ self_NN up_RP
and_CC remember_VB that_CS this_DT wasn't_BEDZ* really_RB LaGuardia_NP come_VBN
back_RB among_IN us_PPO again_RB ._. Then_RB Rudy_NP Bond_NP was_BEDZ simply_RB
grand_JJ as_CS Ben_NP ,_, the_AT distraught_JJ Republican_NP-TL Party_NN-TL dis
trict_NN chieftain_NN ._. And_CC Paul_NP Lipson_NP ,_, as_CS Morris_NP ,_, the_A
T faithful_JJ one_CD who_WPS never_RB gets_VBZ home_NR to_IN his_PP$ Shirley's_N
P$ dinner_NN ,_, was_BEDZ fine_JJ ,_, too_RB ._. As_IN for_IN the_AT ladies_NNS
,_, they_PPSS were_BED full_JJ of_IN charm_NN ,_, and_CC sincerity_NN ,_, and_CC
deep_JJ and_CC abiding_VBG affection_NN for_IN this_DT hurrying_VBG driving_VBG
,_, honest_JJ ,_, little_JJ man_NN ._. Charlotte_NP Fairchild_NP was_BEDZ excel
lent_JJ as_CS the_AT loyal_JJ Marie_NP ,_, who_WPS became_VBD the_AT second_OD M
rs._NP LaGuardia_NP ,_, singing_VBG and_CC acting_VBG with_IN remarkable_JJ conv
iction_NN ._. Jen_NP Nelson_NP ,_, as_CS Thea_NP ,_, his_PP$ first_OD wife_NN ,_
, managed_VBD to_TO make_VB that_DT short_JJ role_NN impressive_JJ ._. And_CC li
ttle_JJ Zeme_NP-TL North_JJ-TL ,_, a_AT Dora_NP with_IN real_JJ spirit_NN and_CC
verve_NN ,_, was_BEDZ fascinating_JJ whether_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ singing_VBG of
_IN her_PPO love_NN for_IN Floyd_NP ,_, the_AT cop_NN who_WPS becomes_VBZ sewer_
NN commissioner_NN and_CC then_RB is_BEZ promoted_VBN into_IN garbage_NN ,_, or_
CC just_RB dancing_VBG to_TO display_VB her_PP$ exuberant_JJ feelings_NNS ._. Su
ch_JJ fascinating_JJ novelties_NNS in_IN the_AT score_NN as_CS the_AT fugual_JJ
treatment_NN of_IN ``_`` On_IN-TL The_AT-TL Side_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Angels
_NNS-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` Politics_NN-TL And_CC-TL Poker_NN-TL ''_'' were_BED h
andled_VBN splendidly_RB ,_, and_CC I_PPSS thought_VBD Rudy_NP Bond_NP and_CC hi
s_PP$ band_NN of_IN tuneful_JJ ward-heelers_NNS made_VBD ``_`` Little_JJ-TL Tin_
NN-TL Box_NN-TL ''_'' even_QL better_JJR than_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ done_VBN by_IN
the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL cast_NN ;_. ;_. all_ABN the_AT words_NNS of_IN its_P
P$ clever_JJ lyrics_NNS came_VBD through_RP with_IN perfect_JJ clarity_NN ._. Th
e_AT party_NN at_IN Floyd's_NP$ penthouse_NN gave_VBD the_AT ``_`` chorines_NNS
''_'' a_AT chance_NN for_IN a_AT nostalgic_JJ frolic_NN through_IN all_ABN those
_DTS hackneyed_JJ routines_NNS which_WDT have_HV become_VBN a_AT classic_JJ chor
eographic_JJ statement_NN of_IN the_AT era's_NN$ nonsense_NN ._. LaGuardia's_NP$
multi-lingual_JJ rallies_NNS ,_, when_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ running_VBG for_IN Cong
ress_NP ,_, are_BER well_RB staged_VBN ,_, and_CC wind_VB up_RP in_IN a_AT wild_
JJ Jewish_JJ folk-dance_NN that_DT is_BEZ really_QL great_JJ musical_JJ theater_
NN ._. Martin_NP Tahse_NP has_HVZ established_VBN quite_ABL a_AT reputation_NN f
or_IN himself_PPL as_CS a_AT successful_JJ stager_NN of_IN touring_VBG productio
ns_NNS ._. Not_* a_AT corner_NN has_HVZ been_BEN visibly_RB cut_VBN in_IN this_D
T one_CD ._. The_AT sets_NNS are_BER remarkably_RB elaborate_JJ for_IN a_AT road
-show_NN that_WPS doesn't_DOZ* pause_VB long_RB in_IN any_DTI one_CD place_NN ,_
, and_CC they_PPSS are_BER devised_VBN so_CS that_CS they_PPSS shift_VB with_IN
a_AT minimum_NN of_IN interruption_NN or_CC obtrusiveness_NN ._. (_( Several_AP
times_NNS recently_RB I_PPSS have_HV wondered_VBN whether_CS shows_NNS were_BED
being_BEG staged_VBN for_IN the_AT sake_NN of_IN the_AT script_NN or_CC just_RB
to_TO entertain_VB the_AT audience_NN with_IN the_AT spectacle_NN of_IN scenery_
NN being_BEG shifted_VBN right_QL in_IN front_NN of_IN their_PP$ eyes_NNS ._. I'
m_PPSS+BEM glad_JJ to_TO say_VB there's_EX+BEZ none_PN of_IN that_DT distraction
_NN in_IN this_DT ``_`` Fiorello_NP !_. !_. ''_'' )_) It_PPS has_HVZ all_ABN bee
n_BEN done_VBN in_IN superb_JJ style_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT result_NN is_BEZ a_AT
show_NN which_WDT deserves_VBZ the_AT support_NN of_IN every_AT person_NN hereab
outs_RB who_WPS enjoys_VBZ good_JJ musical_JJ theater_NN ._. Loew's_NP$-TL theat
er_NN presents_VBZ ``_`` Where_WRB-TL The_AT-TL Boys_NNS-TL Are_BER-TL ''_'' ,_,
an_AT MGM_NN picture_NN produced_VBN by_IN Joe_NP Pasternak_NP and_CC directed_
VBN by_IN Henry_NP Levin_NP from_IN a_AT screenplay_NN by_IN George_NP Wells_NP
._. The_AT cast_NN :_: Since_CS the_AT hero_NN ,_, a_AT sterling_JJ and_CC uprig
ht_JJ fellow_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT rich_JJ Brown_NP senior_NN ,_, while_CS two_CD Y
alies_NPS are_BER cast_VBN as_CS virtual_JJ rapists_NNS ,_, I_PPSS suppose_VB I_
PPSS should_MD disqualify_VB myself_PPL from_IN sitting_VBG in_IN judgment_NN on
_IN ``_`` Where_WRB-TL The_AT-TL Boys_NNS-TL Are_BER-TL ''_'' ,_, but_CC I_PPSS
shall_MD do_DO nothing_PN of_IN the_AT sort_NN ._. Instead_RB --_-- and_CC not_*
just_RB to_TO prove_VB my_PP$ objectivity_NN --_-- I_PPSS hasten_VB to_TO repor
t_VB that_CS it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT highly_QL amusing_JJ film_NN which_WDT probably_R
B does_DOZ a_AT fairly_QL accurate_JJ job_NN of_IN reporting_VBG on_IN the_AT Ea
ster_NP vacation_NN shenanigans_NNS of_IN collegians_NNS down_RP in_IN Fort_NN-T
L Lauderdale_NP ,_, and_CC that_CS it_PPS seems_VBZ to_TO come_VB to_IN grips_NN
S quite_QL honestly_RB with_IN the_AT moral_JJ problem_NN that_WPS most_QL commo
nly_RB vexes_VBZ youngsters_NNS in_IN this_DT age_NN group_NN --_-- that_DT is_B
EZ to_TO say_VB ,_, sex_NN ._. The_AT answers_NNS the_AT girls_NNS give_VB struc
k_VBD me_PPO as_CS reasonably_RB varied_VBN and_CC healthily_RB individual_JJ ._
. If_CS most_AP of_IN them_PPO weren't_BED* exactly_QL specific_JJ --_-- well_UH
,_, that's_DT+BEZ the_AT way_NN it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN life_NN ,_, I_PPSS guess_VB
._. But_CC at_IN least_AP it's_PPS+BEZ reassuring_VBG to_TO see_VB some_DTI tee
nagers_NNS who_WPS don't_DO* profess_VB to_TO know_VB all_ABN the_AT answers_NNS
and_CC are_BER thinking_VBG about_IN their_PP$ problems_NNS instead_RB ._. ``_`
` Where_WRB-TL The_AT-TL Boys_NNS-TL Are_BER-TL ''_'' also_RB has_HVZ a_AT juven
ile_JJ bounce_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ for_IN a_AT refreshing_JJ venture_NN in_IN c
omedy_NN ._. There_EX are_BER some_DTI sharp_JJ and_CC whipping_VBG lines_NNS an
d_CC some_DTI hilariously_RB funny_JJ situations_NNS --_-- the_AT best_JJT of_IN
the_AT latter_AP being_BEG a_AT mass_NN impromptu_JJ plunge_NN into_IN a_AT nig
htclub_NN tank_NN where_WRB a_AT ``_`` mermaid_NN ''_'' is_BEZ performing_VBG ._
. Most_AP of_IN the_AT female_NN faces_NNS are_BER new_JJ ,_, or_CC at_IN least_
AP not_* too_QL familiar_JJ ._. Dolores_NP Hart_NP ,_, is_BEZ charming_JJ in_IN
a_AT leading_VBG role_NN ,_, and_CC quite_QL believable_JJ ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ d
elighted_VBN with_IN Paula_NP Prentiss'_NP$ comedy_NN performance_NN ,_, which_W
DT was_BEDZ as_QL fresh_JJ and_CC unstilted_JJ as_CS one's_PN$ highest_JJT hopes
_NNS might_MD ask_VB ._. A_AT couple_NN of_IN the_AT males_NNS made_VBD good_JJ
comedy_NN ,_, too_RB --_-- Jim_NP Hutton_NP and_CC Frank_NP Gorshin_NP ._. The_A
T only_AP performance_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ too_QL soft_JJ for_IN me_PPO was_BED
Z that_DT of_IN Yvette_NP Mimieux_NP ,_, but_CC since_CS someone_PN had_HVD to_T
O become_VB the_AT victim_NN of_IN despoilers_NNS ,_, just_RB to_TO emphasize_VB
that_CS such_JJ things_NNS do_DO happen_VB at_IN these_DTS fracases_NNS ,_, I_P
PSS suppose_VB this_DT was_BEDZ the_AT attitude_NN the_AT part_NN called_VBD for
_IN ._. I_PPSS must_MD say_VB ,_, however_WRB ,_, that_CS I_PPSS preferred_VBD t
he_AT acting_NN that_WPS had_HVD something_PN of_IN a_AT biting_VBG edge_NN to_I
N it_PPO ._. To_IN anyone_PN who_WPS remembers_VBZ Newport_NP at_IN its_PP$ less
_AP than_IN maximum_JJ violence_NN ,_, this_DT view_NN of_IN what_WDT the_AT boy
s_NNS and_CC girls_NNS do_DO in_IN the_AT springtime_NN before_CS they_PPSS wing
_VB north_NR for_IN the_AT Jazz_NN-TL Festival_NN-TL ought_MD to_TO prove_VB ent
ertaining_JJ ._. The_AT second_OD feature_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Price_NN-TL Of_
IN-TL Silence_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, is_BEZ a_AT British_JJ detective_NN story_NN that_
WPS will_MD talk_VB your_PP$ head_NN off_RP ._. The_AT superb_JJ intellectual_JJ
and_CC spiritual_JJ vitality_NN of_IN William_NP James_NP was_BEDZ never_RB mor
e_QL evident_JJ than_CS in_IN his_PP$ letters_NNS ._. Here_RB was_BEDZ a_AT man_
NN with_IN an_AT enormous_JJ gift_NN for_IN living_VBG as_QL well_RB as_CS think
ing_VBG ._. To_IN both_ABX persons_NNS and_CC ideas_NNS he_PPS brought_VBD the_A
T same_AP delighted_VBN interest_NN ,_, the_AT same_AP open-minded_JJ relish_NN
for_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ unique_JJ in_IN each_DT ,_, the_AT same_AP discriminati
ng_VBG sensibility_NN and_CC quicksilver_NN intelligence_NN ,_, the_AT same_AP g
allantry_NN of_IN judgment_NN ._. For_IN this_DT latest_JJT addition_NN to_IN th
e_AT Great_JJ-TL Letters_NNS-TL Series_NN-TL ,_, under_IN the_AT general_JJ edit
orship_NN of_IN Louis_NP Kronenberger_NP ,_, Miss_NP Hardwick_NP has_HVZ made_VB
N a_AT selection_NN which_WDT admirably_RB displays_VBZ the_AT variety_NN of_IN
James's_NP$ genius_NN ,_, not_* to_TO mention_VB the_AT felicities_NNS of_IN his
_PP$ style_NN ._. And_CC how_WRB he_PPS could_MD write_VB !_. !_. His_PP$ famous
_JJ criticism_NN of_IN brother_NN Henry's_NP$ ``_`` third_OD style_NN ''_'' is_B
EZ surely_RB as_QL subtly_RB ,_, even_QL elegantly_RB ,_, worded_VBN an_AT analy
sis_NN of_IN the_AT latter's_NN$ intricate_JJ air_NN castles_NNS as_CS Henry_NP
himself_PPL could_MD ever_RB have_HV produced_VBN ._. His_PP$ letter_NN to_IN hi
s_PP$ daughter_NN on_IN the_AT pains_NNS of_IN growing_VBG up_RP is_BEZ surely_R
B as_QL trenchant_JJ ,_, forthright_JJ ,_, and_CC warmly_QL understanding_VBG a_
AT piece_NN of_IN advice_NN as_CS ever_RB a_AT grown-up_JJ penned_VBN to_IN a_AT
sensitive_JJ child_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN just_RB the_AT right_JJ tone_NN of_IN
unpatronizing_JJ good_JJ humor_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN all_ABN ,_, his_PP$ letters_
NNS to_IN his_PP$ philosophic_JJ colleagues_NNS show_VB a_AT magnanimity_NN as_Q
L well_RB as_CS an_AT honesty_NN which_WDT help_VB to_TO explain_VB Whitehead's_
NP$ reference_NN to_IN James_NP as_CS ``_`` that_DT adorable_JJ genius_NN ''_''
._. Miss_NP Hardwick_NP speaks_VBZ of_IN his_PP$ ``_`` superb_JJ gift_NN for_IN
intellectual_JJ friendship_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ certainly_RB a_AT j
oy_NN to_TO see_VB the_AT intellectual_JJ life_NN lived_VBN so_QL free_JJ from_I
N either_CC academic_JJ aridity_NN or_CC passionate_JJ dogmatism_NN ._. This_DT
is_BEZ a_AT virtue_NN of_IN which_WDT we_PPSS have_HV great_JJ need_NN in_IN a_A
T society_NN where_WRB there_EX seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE an_AT increasing_VBG lack_
NN of_IN communication_NN --_-- or_CC even_RB desire_NN for_IN communication_NN
--_-- between_IN differing_VBG schools_NNS of_IN thought_NN ._. It_PPS holds_VBZ
an_AT equally_QL valuable_JJ lesson_NN for_IN a_AT society_NN where_WRB the_AT
word_NN ``_`` intellectual_NN-NC ''_'' has_HVZ become_VBN a_AT term_NN of_IN opp
robrium_NN to_IN millions_NNS of_IN well-meaning_JJ people_NNS who_WPS somehow_R
B imagine_VB that_CS it_PPS must_MD be_BE destructive_JJ of_IN the_AT simpler_JJ
R human_JJ virtues_NNS ._. To_IN his_PP$ Harvard_NP colleague_NN ,_, Josiah_NP R
oyce_NP ,_, whose_WP$ philosophic_JJ position_NN differed_VBD radically_RB from_
IN his_PP$ own_JJ ,_, James_NP could_MD write_VB ,_, ``_`` Different_JJ as_CS ou
r_PP$ minds_NNS are_BER ,_, yours_PP$$ has_HVZ nourished_VBN mine_PP$$ ,_, as_CS
no_AT other_AP social_JJ influence_NN ever_RB has_HVZ ,_, and_CC in_IN converse
_NN with_IN you_PPO I_PPSS have_HV always_RB felt_VBN that_CS my_PP$ life_NN was
_BEDZ being_BEG lived_VBN importantly_RB ''_'' ._. Of_IN another_DT colleague_NN
,_, George_NP Santayana_NP ,_, he_PPS could_MD write_VB :_: ``_`` The_AT great_
JJ event_NN in_IN my_PP$ life_NN recently_RB has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT reading_NN
of_IN Santayana's_NP$ book_NN ._. Although_CS I_PPSS absolutely_RB reject_VB the
_AT Platonism_NP of_IN it_PPO ,_, I_PPSS have_HV literally_RB squealed_VBN with_
IN delight_NN at_IN the_AT imperturbable_JJ perfection_NN with_IN which_WDT the_
AT position_NN is_BEZ laid_VBN down_RP on_IN page_NN after_IN page_NN ''_'' ._.
Writing_VBG to_IN his_PP$ colleague_NN George_NP Herbert_NP Palmer_NP --_-- ``_`
` Glorious_JJ old_JJ Palmer_NP ''_'' ,_, as_CS he_PPS addresses_VBZ him_PPO --_-
- James_NP says_VBZ that_CS if_CS only_RB the_AT students_NNS at_IN Harvard_NP c
ould_MD really_RB understand_VB Royce_NP ,_, Santayana_NP ,_, Palmer_NP ,_, and_
CC himself_PPL and_CC see_VB that_CS their_PP$ varying_VBG systems_NNS are_BER `
`_`` so_QL many_AP religions_NNS ,_, ways_NNS of_IN fronting_VBG life_NN ,_, and
_CC worth_JJ fighting_VBG for_IN ''_'' ,_, then_JJ Harvard_NP would_MD have_HV a
_AT genuine_JJ philosophic_JJ universe_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT best_JJT condition_NN
of_IN it_PPO would_MD be_BE an_AT open_JJ conflict_NN and_CC rivalry_NN of_IN t
he_AT diverse_JJ systems_NNS ._. The_AT world_NN might_MD ring_VB with_IN the_AT
struggle_NN ,_, if_CS we_PPSS devoted_VBD ourselves_PPLS exclusively_RB to_IN b
elaboring_VBG each_DT other_AP ''_'' ._. The_AT ``_`` belaboring_NN ''_'' is_BEZ
of_IN course_NN jocular_JJ ,_, yet_CC James_NP was_BEDZ not_* lacking_VBG in_IN
fundamental_JJ seriousness_NN --_-- unless_CS we_PPSS measure_VB him_PPO by_IN
that_QL ultimate_JJ seriousness_NN of_IN the_AT great_JJ religious_JJ leader_NN
or_CC thinker_NN who_WPS stakes_VBZ all_ABN on_IN his_PP$ vision_NN of_IN God_NP
._. To_IN James_NP this_DT vision_NN never_RB quite_RB came_VBD ,_, despite_IN
his_PP$ appreciation_NN of_IN it_PPO in_IN others_NNS ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ
a_AT dignity_NN and_CC even_RB a_AT hint_NN of_IN the_AT inspired_VBN prophet_N
N in_IN his_PP$ words_NNS to_IN one_CD correspondent_NN :_: ``_`` You_PPSS ask_V
B what_WDT I_PPSS am_BEM going_VBG to_TO '_' reply_VB '_' to_IN Bradley_NP ._. B
ut_CC why_WRB need_MD one_PN reply_VB to_IN everything_PN and_CC everybody_PN ?_
. ?_. I_PPSS think_VB that_CS readers_NNS generally_RB hate_VB minute_JJ polemic
s_NNS and_CC recriminations_NNS ._. All_ABN polemic_NN of_IN ours_PP$$ should_MD
,_, I_PPSS believe_VB ,_, be_BE either_CC very_QL broad_JJ statements_NNS of_IN
contrast_NN ,_, or_CC fine_JJ points_NNS treated_VBN singly_RB ,_, and_CC as_QL
far_RB as_CS possible_JJ impersonally_RB ._. As_QL far_RB as_CS the_AT rising_V
BG generation_NN goes_VBZ ,_, why_WRB not_* simply_RB express_VB ourselves_PPLS
positively_RB ,_, and_CC trust_VB that_CS the_AT truer_JJR view_NN quietly_RB wi
ll_MD displace_VB the_AT other_AP ._. Here_RB again_RB '_' God_NP will_MD know_V
B his_PP$ own_JJ '_' ''_'' ._. The_AT collected_VBN works_NNS of_IN James_NP Thu
rber_NP ,_, now_RB numbering_VBG 25_CD volumes_NNS (_( including_IN the_AT prese
nt_JJ exhibit_NN )_) represent_VB a_AT high_JJ standard_NN of_IN literary_JJ exc
ellence_NN ,_, as_CS every_AT schoolboy_NN knows_VBZ ._. The_AT primitive-eclogu
e_NN quality_NN of_IN his_PP$ drawings_NNS ,_, akin_JJ to_IN that_DT of_IN graff
iti_NNS scratched_VBN on_IN a_AT cave_NN wall_NN ,_, is_BEZ equally_QL well_RB k
nown_VBN ._. About_RB all_ABN that_WPS remains_VBZ to_TO be_BE said_VBN is_BEZ t
hat_CS the_AT present_JJ selection_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN which_WDT appeared_VBD f
irst_RB in_IN The_AT-TL New_JJ-TL Yorker_NP-TL ,_, comprises_VBZ (_( as_CS usual
_JJ )_) a_AT slightly_RB unstrung_VBN necklace_NN ,_, held_VBN together_RB by_IN
little_QL more_AP than_CS a_AT slender_JJ thread_NN cunningly_RB inserted_VBN i
n_IN the_AT spine_NN of_IN the_AT book_NN ._. The_AT one_CD unifying_VBG note_NN
,_, if_CS any_DTI ,_, is_BEZ sounded_VBN in_IN the_AT initial_JJ article_NN ent
itled_VBN :_: ``_`` How_WQL-TL To_TO-TL Get_VB-TL Through_IN-TL The_AT-TL Day_NN
-TL ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ repeated_VBN at_IN intervals_NNS in_IN some_DTI rath
er_QL sadly_RB desperate_JJ word-games_NNS for_IN insomniacs_NNS ,_, the_AT hosp
italized_VBN ,_, and_CC others_NNS forced_VBN to_TO rely_VB on_IN inner_JJ resou
rces_NNS ,_, including_IN (_( in_IN the_AT P's_NN alone_RB )_) ``_`` palindromes
_NNS ''_'' ,_, ``_`` paraphrases_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` parodies_NNS ''_'' .
_. ``_`` The_AT Tyranny_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Trivia_NNS-TL ''_'' suggests_VBZ arbitrar
y_JJ alphabetical_JJ associations_NNS to_TO induce_VB slumber_NN ._. And_CC new_
JJ vistas_NNS of_IN hairshirt_NN asceticism_NN are_BER opened_VBN by_IN scholarl
y_JJ monographs_NNS entitled_VBN :_: ``_`` Friends_NNS-TL ,_, Romans_NPS ,_, Cou
ntrymen_NNS-TL ,_, Lend_VB-TL Me_PPO-TL Your_PP$-TL Ear-Muffs_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, `
`_`` Such_ABL a_AT Phrase_NN as_CS Drifts_VBZ-TL Through_IN-TL Dream_NN-TL ''_''
,_, and_CC ``_`` The_AT-TL New_JJ-TL Vocabularianism_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Some_DTI o
f_IN Thurber's_NP$ curative_JJ methods_NNS involve_VB strong_JJ potions_NNS of_I
N mixed_VBN metaphor_NN ,_, malapropism_NN ,_, and_CC gobbledygook_NN and_CC are
_BER recommended_VBN for_IN use_NN only_RB in_IN extreme_JJ cases_NNS ._. A_AT b
urlesque_JJ paean_NN entitled_VBN :_: ``_`` Hark_VB-TL The_AT-TL Herald_NN-TL Tr
ibune_NN-TL ,_, Times_NNS-TL ,_, And_CC-TL All_ABN-TL The_AT-TL Other_AP-TL Ange
ls_NNS-TL Sing_VB-TL ''_'' brilliantly_RB succeeds_VBZ in_IN exaggerating_VBG ev
en_RB motion-picture_NN ballyhooey_NN ._. ``_`` How_WQL-TL The_AT-TL Kooks_NPS C
rumble_VB-TL ''_'' features_VBZ an_AT amusingly_QL accurate_JJ take-off_NN on_IN
sneaky_JJ announcers_NNS who_WPS attempt_VB to_TO homogenize_VB radio-TV_NN com
mercials_NNS ,_, and_CC ``_`` The_AT-TL Watchers_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Night
_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT veritable_JJ waking_VBG nightmare_NN ._. A_AT semi-seri
ous_JJ literary_JJ document_NN entitled_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL Wings_NNS-TL Of_IN-T
L Henry_NP-TL James_NP-TL ''_'' is_BEZ noteworthy_JJ ,_, if_CS only_RB for_IN a_
AT keenly_QL trenchant_JJ though_RB little-known_JJ comment_NN on_IN the_AT mast
er's_NN$ difficult_JJ later_JJR period_NN by_IN modest_JJ Owen_NP Wister_NP ,_,
author_NN of_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Virginian_NP-TL ''_'' ._. James_NP ,_, he_PPS re
marks_VBZ in_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN a_AT friend_NN ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ attempting_
VBG the_AT impossible_JJ namely_RB ,_, to_TO produce_VB upon_IN the_AT reader_NN
,_, as_CS a_AT painting_NN produces_VBZ upon_IN the_AT gazer_NN ,_, a_AT number
_NN of_IN superimposed_VBN ,_, simultaneous_JJ impressions_NNS ._. He_PPS would_
MD like_VB to_TO put_VB several_AP sentences_NNS on_IN top_NN of_IN each_DT othe
r_AP so_CS that_CS you_PPSS could_MD read_VB them_PPO all_ABN at_IN once_RB ,_,
and_CC get_VB all_ABN at_IN once_RB ,_, the_AT various_JJ shadings_NNS and_CC co
mplexities_NNS ''_'' ._. Equally_RB penetrating_JJ in_IN its_PP$ fashion_NN is_B
EZ the_AT following_VBG remark_NN by_IN a_AT lady_NN in_IN the_AT course_NN of_I
N a_AT literary_JJ conversation_NN :_: ``_`` So_QL much_AP has_HVZ already_RB be
en_BEN written_VBN about_IN everything_PN that_CS you_PPSS can't_MD* find_VB out
_RP anything_PN about_IN it_PPO ''_'' ._. Or_CC the_AT mildly_QL epigrammatic_JJ
utterance_NN (_( also_RB a_AT quotation_NN )_) :_: ``_`` Woman's_NN$ place_NN i
s_BEZ in_IN the_AT wrong_NN ''_'' ._. Who_WPS but_IN Thurber_NP can_MD be_BE cou
nted_VBN on_RP to_TO glean_VB such_JJ nectareous_JJ essences_NNS ?_. ?_. A_AT tr
ibute_NN to_IN midsummer_NN ``_`` bang-sashes_NNS ''_'' seems_VBZ terribly_QL fu
nny_JJ ,_, though_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE hard_JJ to_TO explain_VB why_WRB ._.
``_`` One_CD of_IN them_PPO banged_VBD the_AT sash_NN of_IN the_AT window_NN nea
rest_RBT my_PP$ bed_NN around_RB midnight_NN in_IN July_NP and_CC I_PPSS leaped_
VBD out_IN of_IN sleep_NN and_CC out_IN of_IN bed_NN ._. '_' It's_PPS+BEZ just_R
B a_AT bat_NN '_' ,_, said_VBD my_PP$ wife_NN reassuringly_RB ,_, and_CC I_PPSS
sighed_VBD with_IN relief_NN ._. '_' Thank_VB God_NP for_IN that_DT '_' ,_, I_PP
SS said_VBD ;_. ;_. '_' I_PPSS thought_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT human_JJ being_N
N '_' ''_'' ._. In_IN a_AT sense_NN ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, Thurber_NP is_BEZ indebte
d_JJ artistically_RB to_IN the_AT surrealist_JJ painter_NN (_( was_BEDZ it_PPS S
alvador_NP Dali_NP ?_. ?_. )_) who_WPS first_RB conceived_VBD the_AT startling_J
J fancy_NN of_IN a_AT picture_NN window_NN in_IN the_AT abdomen_NN ._. That_DT i
s_BEZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ literally_RB a_AT picture_NN window_NN :_: you_PPSS don'
t_DO* see_VB into_IN the_AT viscera_NNS ;_. ;_. you_PPSS see_VB a_AT picture_NN
--_-- trees_NNS ,_, or_CC flowers_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ something_PN like_CS wh
at_WDT Thurber's_NP$ best_JJT effects_NNS are_BER like_CS ,_, if_CS I_PPSS am_BE
M not_* mistaken_VBN ._. Though_CS no_QL longer_RBR able_JJ to_TO turn_VB out_RP
his_PP$ protoplasmic_JJ pen-and-ink_NN sketches_NNS (_( several_AP old_JJ favor
ites_NNS are_BER scattered_VBN through_IN the_AT present_JJ volume_NN )_) Thurbe
r_NP has_HVZ retained_VBN unimpaired_JJ his_PP$ vision_NN of_IN humor_NN as_CS a
_AT thing_NN of_IN simple_JJ ,_, unaffected_JJ humanness_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ co
ncluding_VBG paragraph_NN he_PPS writes_VBZ :_: ``_`` The_AT devoted_VBD writer_
NN of_IN humor_NN will_MD continue_VB to_TO try_VB to_TO come_VB as_QL close_RB
to_IN truth_NN as_CS he_PPS can_MD ''_'' ._. For_IN many_AP readers_NNS Thurber_
NP comes_VBZ closer_RBR than_CS anyone_PN else_RB in_IN sight_NN ._. The_AT late
st_JJT Low_NP is_BEZ a_AT puzzler_NN ._. The_AT master's_NN$ hand_NN has_HVZ los
t_VBN none_PN of_IN its_PP$ craft_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ at_IN his_PP$ usual_JJ be
st_JJT in_IN exposing_VBG the_AT shams_NNS and_CC self-deceptions_NNS of_IN poli
tical_JJ and_CC diplomatic_JJ life_NN in_IN the_AT fifties_NNS ._. The_AT reader
_NN meets_VBZ a_AT few_AP old_JJ friends_NNS like_CS Blimp_NP and_CC the_AT TUC_
NN horse_NN ,_, and_CC becomes_VBZ better_RBR acquainted_VBN with_IN new_JJ memb
ers_NNS of_IN the_AT cast_NN of_IN characters_NNS like_CS the_AT bomb_NN itself_
PPL ,_, and_CC civilization_NN in_IN her_PP$ classic_JJ robe_NN watching_VBG the
_AT nuclear_JJ arms_NNS race_NN ,_, her_PP$ hair_NN standing_VBG straight_RB out
_RP ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ a_AT difference_NN between_IN the_AT present_JJ v
olume_NN and_CC the_AT early_JJ Low_NP ._. There_EX is_BEZ fear_NN in_IN the_AT
fifties_NNS as_CS his_PP$ title_NN suggests_VBZ and_CC as_CS his_PP$ competent_J
J drawings_NNS show_VB ._. But_CC there_EX was_BEDZ terror_NN in_IN the_AT thirt
ies_NNS when_WRB the_AT Nazis_NPS were_BED on_IN the_AT loose_NN and_CC in_IN th
ose_DTS days_NNS Low_NP struck_VBD like_CS lightning_NN ._. Anyone_PN can_MD dra
w_VB his_PP$ own_JJ conclusions_NNS from_IN this_DT difference_NN ._. It_PPS mig
ht_MD be_BE argued_VBN that_CS the_AT Communists_NNS-TL are_BER less_QL inhuman_
JJ than_CS the_AT Nazis_NPS and_CC furnish_VB the_AT artist_NN with_IN drama_NN
in_IN a_AT lower_JJR key_NN ._. But_CC this_DT argument_NN cannot_MD* be_BE push
ed_VBN very_QL far_RB because_CS the_AT Communist_NN-TL system_NN makes_VBZ up_R
P for_IN any_DTI shortcomings_NNS of_IN its_PP$ leaders_NNS in_IN respect_NN to_
IN corrosion_NN ._. The_AT Communists_NNS-TL wield_VB a_AT power_NN unknown_JJ t
o_IN Hitler_NP ._. And_CC the_AT leading_VBG issue_NN ,_, that_DT of_IN piecemea
l_JJ aggression_NN ,_, remains_VBZ the_AT same_AP ._. This_DT is_BEZ drama_NN en
ough_QLP ._. Do_DO we_PPSS ourselves_PPLS offer_NN Mr._NP Low_NP less_RBR of_IN
a_AT crusade_NN ?_. ?_. In_IN the_AT thirties_NNS we_PPSS would_MD not_* face_VB
our_PP$ enemy_NN ;_. ;_. that_DT was_BEDZ a_AT nightmarish_JJ situation_NN and_
CC Low_NP was_BEDZ in_IN his_PP$ element_NN ._. Now_RB we_PPSS have_HV stood_VBN
up_RP to_IN the_AT Communists_NNS-TL ;_. ;_. we_PPSS are_BER stronger_JJR and_C
C more_QL self-confident_JJ --_-- and_CC Low_NP cannot_MD* so_QL easily_RB put_V
B us_PPO to_IN rights_NNS ._. Or_CC does_DOZ the_AT reason_NN for_IN less_AP Jov
ian_JJ drawings_NNS lie_VB elsewhere_RB ?_. ?_. It_PPS might_MD be_BE that_CS Lo
w_NP has_HVZ seen_VBN too_QL many_AP stupidities_NNS and_CC that_CS they_PPSS do
_DO not_* outrage_VB him_PPO now_RB ._. He_PPS writes_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Confucius_NP
held_VBD that_CS in_IN times_NNS of_IN stress_NN one_PN should_MD take_VB short
_JJ views_NNS --_-- only_RB up_IN to_IN lunchtime_NN ''_'' ._. Whatever_WDT the_
AT cause_NN ,_, his_PP$ mood_NN in_IN the_AT fifties_NNS rarely_RB rises_VBZ abo
ve_IN the_AT level_NN of_IN the_AT capably_QL sardonic_JJ ._. Dulles_NP ?_. ?_.
He_PPS does_DOZ not_* seem_VB to_TO have_HV caught_VBN the_AT subtleties_NNS of_
IN the_AT man_NN ._. McCarthy_NP ?_. ?_. The_AT skies_NNS turn_VB dark_JJ but_CC
the_AT clouds_NNS do_DO not_* loose_VB their_PP$ wrath_NN ._. Suez_NP ?_. ?_. L
ow_NP seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV supported_VBN Eden_NP at_IN first_RB and_CC then_R
B relented_VBN because_CS things_NNS worked_VBD out_RP differently_RB ,_, so_CS
there_EX is_BEZ no_AT fire_NN in_IN his_PP$ eye_NN ._. Stalin's_NP$ death_NN ,_,
Churchill's_NP$ farewell_NN to_IN public_JJ life_NN ,_, Hillary_NP and_CC Tensi
ng_NP on_IN Everest_NP ,_, Quemoy_NP and_CC Matsu_NP --_-- all_ABN subjects_NNS
for_IN a_AT noble_JJ anger_NN or_CC an_AT accolade_NN ._. Instead_RB the_AT cart
oons_NNS seem_VB to_TO deal_VB with_IN foibles_NNS ._. Their_PP$ Eisenhower_NP i
s_BEZ insubstantial_JJ ._. Did_DOD Low_NP decide_VB to_TO let_VB well_RB enough_
QLP alone_RB when_WRB he_PPS made_VBD his_PP$ selections_NNS ?_. ?_. He_PPS ofte
n_RB drew_VBD the_AT bomb_NN ._. He_PPS showed_VBD puny_JJ men_NNS attacked_VBN
by_IN splendidly_QL tyrannical_JJ machines_NNS ._. And_CC Khrushchev_NP turned_V
BD out_RP to_TO be_BE prime_JJ copy_NN for_IN the_AT most_QL witty_JJ caricaturi
st_NN of_IN them_PPO all_ABN ._. But_CC ,_, but_CC and_CC but_CC ._. Look_VB in_
IN this_DT book_NN for_IN weak_JJ mortals_NNS and_CC only_RB on_IN occasion_NN f
or_IN virtues_NNS and_CC vices_NNS on_IN the_AT heroic_JJ scale_NN ._. Read_VB t
he_AT moderately_QL brief_JJ text_NN ,_, not_* for_IN captions_NNS ,_, sometimes
_RB for_IN tart_JJ epigrams_NNS ,_, once_RB in_IN a_AT while_NN for_IN an_AT exp
losion_NN in_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN your_PP$ fixed_VBN ideas_NNS ._. A_AT gra
y_JJ fox_NN with_IN a_AT patch_NN on_IN one_CD eye_NN --_-- confidence_NN man_NN
,_, city_NN slicker_NN ,_, lebensraum_NN specialist_NN --_-- tries_VBZ to_TO ta
ke_VB over_RP Catfish_NN-TL Bend_NN-TL in_IN this_DT third_OD relaxed_VBN allego
ry_NN from_IN Mr._NP Burman's_NP$ refreshing_JJ Louisiana_NP animal_NN community
_NN ._. The_AT fox_NN is_BEZ all_ABN ingratiating_JJ smiles_NNS when_WRB he_PPS
arrives_VBZ from_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, accompanied_VBN by_IN one_CD wha
rf_NN rat_NN ._. But_CC like_CS all_ABN despots_NNS ,_, as_CS he_PPS builds_VBZ
his_PP$ following_NN from_IN among_IN the_AT gullible_JJ ,_, he_PPS grows_VBZ mo
re_QL threatening_JJ toward_IN those_DTS who_WPS won't_MD* follow_VB --_-- such_
JJ solid_JJ citizens_NNS as_CS Doc_NP Raccoon_NP ;_. ;_. Judge_NN-TL Black_NP ,_
, the_AT vegetarian_NN black_JJ snake_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT eagle_NN ,_, who_
WPS leads_VBZ the_AT bird_NN community_NN when_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ not_* too_QL bu
sy_JJ in_IN Washington_NP posing_VBG for_IN fifty-cent_JJ pieces_NNS ._. As_QL s
oon_RB as_CS the_AT fox_NN has_HVZ taken_VBN hold_NN on_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT
populace_NN he_PPS imports_VBZ more_AP wharf_NN rats_NNS ,_, who_WPS ,_, of_IN c
ourse_NN ,_, say_VB they_PPSS are_BER the_AT aggrieved_VBN victims_NNS of_IN an_
AT extermination_NN campaign_NN in_IN the_AT city_NN ._. (_( The_AT followers_NN
S of_IN bullies_NNS invariably_RB are_BER aggrieved_VBN about_IN the_AT very_AP
things_NNS they_PPSS plan_VB to_TO do_DO to_IN others_NNS ._. )_) They_PPSS trai
n_VB the_AT mink_NN and_CC other_AP animals_NNS to_TO fight_VB ._. And_CC pretty
_QL soon_RB gray_JJ fox_NN is_BEZ announcing_VBG that_CS he_PPS won't_MD* have_H
V anyone_PN around_RB that's_WPS+BEZ against_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC setting_VBG o
ut_RP to_TO break_VB his_PP$ second_OD territorial_JJ treaty_NN with_IN the_AT b
irds_NNS ._. Robert_NP Hillyer_NP ,_, the_AT poet_NN ,_, writes_VBZ in_IN his_PP
$ introduction_NN to_IN this_DT brief_JJ animal_NN fable_NN that_CS Mr._NP Burma
n_NP ought_MD to_TO win_VB a_AT Nobel_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL for_IN the_AT Catfish_NN
-TL Bend_NN-TL series_NN ._. He_PPS may_MD have_HV a_AT point_NN in_IN urging_VB
G that_CS decadent_JJ themes_NNS be_BE given_VBN fewer_AP prizes_NNS ._. But_CC
it's_PPS+BEZ hard_JJ to_TO imagine_VB Mr._NP Burman_NP as_CS a_AT Nobel_NP laure
ate_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN these_DTS charming_JJ but_CC not_* really_QL
momentous_JJ fables_NNS ._. In_IN substance_NN they_PPSS lie_VB somewhere_RB bet
ween_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL dialect_NN animal_NN stories_NNS of_IN Joel_NP Cha
ndler_NP Harris_NP (_( Uncle_NP Remus_NP )_) and_CC the_AT polished_VBN ,_, witt
y_JJ fables_NNS of_IN James_NP Thurber_NP ._. George_NP Kennan's_NP$ account_NN
of_IN relations_NNS between_IN Russia_NP and_CC the_AT West_NR-TL from_IN the_AT
fall_NN of_IN Tsarism_NP to_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-T
L ,_, is_BEZ the_AT finest_JJT piece_NN of_IN diplomatic_JJ history_NN that_WPS
has_HVZ appeared_VBN in_IN many_AP years_NNS ._. It_PPS combines_VBZ qualities_N
NS that_WPS are_BER seldom_RB found_VBN in_IN one_CD work_NN :_: Scrupulous_JJ s
cholarship_NN ,_, a_AT fund_NN of_IN personal_JJ experience_NN ,_, a_AT sense_NN
of_IN drama_NN and_CC characterization_NN and_CC a_AT broad_JJ grasp_NN of_IN t
he_AT era's_NN$ great_JJ historical_JJ issues_NNS ._. In_IN short_JJ ,_, the_AT
book_NN ,_, based_VBN largely_RB on_IN lectures_NNS delivered_VBN at_IN Harvard_
NP-TL University_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ both_ABX reliable_JJ and_CC readable_JJ ;_. ;_
. the_AT author_NN possesses_VBZ an_AT uncommonly_QL fine_JJ English_NP style_NN
,_, and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ dealing_VBG with_IN subjects_NNS of_IN vast_JJ importa
nce_NN that_WPS are_BER highly_QL topical_JJ for_IN our_PP$ time_NN ._. If_CS Mr
._NP Kennan_NP is_BEZ sometimes_RB a_AT little_QL somber_JJ in_IN his_PP$ apprai
sals_NNS ,_, if_CS his_PP$ analysis_NN of_IN how_WRB Western_JJ-TL diplomacy_NN
met_VBD the_AT challenge_NN of_IN an_AT era_NN of_IN great_JJ wars_NNS and_CC so
cial_JJ revolutions_NNS is_BEZ often_RB critical_JJ and_CC pessimistic_JJ --_--
well_UH ,_, the_AT record_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ not_* too_QL encouraging_JJ ._. M
r._NP Kennan_NP takes_VBZ careful_JJ account_NN of_IN every_AT mitigating_VBG ci
rcumstance_NN in_IN recalling_VBG the_AT historical_JJ atmosphere_NN in_IN which
_WDT mistaken_VBN decisions_NNS were_BED taken_VBN ._. But_CC he_PPS rejects_VBZ
,_, perhaps_RB a_AT little_QL too_QL sweepingly_RB ,_, the_AT theory_NN that_CS
disloyal_JJ and_CC pro-Communist_JJ influences_NNS may_MD have_HV contributed_V
BN to_IN the_AT policy_NN of_IN appeasing_VBG Stalin_NP which_WDT persisted_VBD
until_IN after_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN and_CC reached_VBD its_PP$ h
igh_JJ point_NN at_IN the_AT Yalta_NP-TL Conference_NN-TL in_IN February_NP ,_,
1945_CD ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, Alger_NP Hiss_NP ,_, subsequently_RB convicted_
VBN of_IN perjury_NN in_IN denying_VBG that_CS he_PPS gave_VBD secret_JJ State_N
N-TL Department_NN-TL documents_NNS to_IN Soviet_NN-TL agents_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ a
t_IN Yalta_NP ._. And_CC Harry_NP Dexter_NP White_NP ,_, implicated_VBN in_IN F.
B.I._NP reports_NNS in_IN Communist_NN-TL associations_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ one_CD o
f_IN the_AT architects_NNS of_IN the_AT Morgenthau_NP-TL Plan_NN-TL ,_, which_WD
T had_HVD it_PPS ever_RB been_BEN put_VBN into_IN full_JJ operation_NN ,_, would
_MD have_HV simply_RB handed_VBN Germany_NP to_IN Stalin_NP ._. One_CD item_NN i
n_IN this_DT unhappy_JJ scheme_NN was_BEDZ to_TO have_HV Germany_NP policed_VBN
exclusively_RB by_IN its_PP$ continental_JJ neighbors_NNS ,_, among_IN whom_WPO
only_RB the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL possessed_VBD real_JJ military_JJ streng
th_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ quite_QL probable_JJ ,_, however_WRB ,_, that_DT stupidi
ty_NN ,_, inexperience_NN and_CC childish_JJ adherence_NN to_IN slogans_NNS like
_VB ``_`` unconditional_JJ surrender_NN ''_'' had_HVD more_AP to_TO do_DO with_I
N the_AT unsatisfactory_JJ settlements_NNS at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT war_
NN than_CS treason_NN or_CC sympathy_NN with_IN Communism_NN-TL ._. Mr._NP Kenna
n_NP sums_VBZ up_RP his_PP$ judgment_NN of_IN what_WDT went_VBD wrong_JJ this_DT
way_NN :_: dashed_VBN-HL hope_NN-HL ``_`` You_PPSS see_VB ,_, first_OD of_IN al
l_ABN and_CC in_IN a_AT sense_NN as_CS the_AT source_NN of_IN all_ABN other_AP i
lls_NNS ,_, the_AT unshakeable_JJ American_JJ commitment_NN to_IN the_AT princip
le_NN of_IN unconditional_JJ surrender_NN :_: The_AT tendency_NN to_TO view_VB a
ny_DTI war_NN in_IN which_WDT we_PPSS might_MD be_BE involved_VBN not_* as_CS a_
AT means_NNS of_IN achieving_VBG limited_VBN objectives_NNS in_IN the_AT way_NN
of_IN changes_NNS in_IN a_AT given_VBN status_NN quo_FW-WDT ,_, but_CC as_CS a_A
T struggle_NN to_IN the_AT death_NN between_IN total_JJ virtue_NN and_CC total_J
J evil_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT result_NN that_CS the_AT war_NN had_HVD absolutely_
RB to_TO be_BE fought_VBN to_IN the_AT complete_JJ destruction_NN of_IN the_AT e
nemy's_NN$ power_NN ,_, no_AT matter_NN what_WDT disadvantages_NNS or_CC complic
ations_NNS this_DT might_MD involve_VB for_IN the_AT more_QL distant_JJ future_N
N ''_'' ._. Recognizing_VBG that_CS there_EX could_MD have_HV been_BEN no_AT eff
ective_JJ negotiated_VBN peace_NN with_IN Hitler_NP ,_, he_PPS points_VBZ out_RP
the_AT shocking_JJ failure_NN to_TO give_VB support_NN to_IN the_AT anti-Nazi_J
J underground_NN ,_, which_WDT very_QL nearly_RB eliminated_VBD Hitler_NP in_IN
1944_CD ._. A_AT veteran_JJ diplomat_NN with_IN an_AT extraordinary_JJ knowledge
_NN of_IN Russian_JJ language_NN ,_, history_NN and_CC literature_NN ,_, Kennan_
NP recalls_VBZ how_WRB ,_, at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Hitler's_NP$ attack_NN on_
IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL in_IN 1941_CD ,_, he_PPS penned_VBD a_AT priv
ate_JJ note_NN to_IN a_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL official_NN ,_, expressin
g_VBG the_AT hope_NN that_CS ``_`` never_RB would_MD we_PPSS associate_VB oursel
ves_PPLS with_IN Russian_JJ purposes_NNS in_IN the_AT areas_NNS of_IN eastern_JJ
Europe_NP beyond_IN her_PP$ own_JJ boundaries_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT hope_NN was_
BEDZ vain_JJ ._. With_IN justified_VBN bitterness_NN the_AT author_NN speaks_VBZ
of_IN ``_`` what_WDT seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO to_TO have_HV been_BEN an_AT inexcu
sable_JJ body_NN of_IN ignorance_NN about_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT Russi
an_JJ Communist_NN-TL movement_NN ,_, about_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN its_PP$ d
iplomacy_NN ,_, about_IN what_WDT had_HVD happened_VBN in_IN the_AT purges_NNS ,
_, and_CC about_IN what_WDT had_HVD been_BEN going_VBG on_RP in_IN Poland_NP and
_CC the_AT Baltic_NP-TL States_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. He_PPS also_RB speaks_VBZ of_IN
Franklin_NP D._NP Roosevelt's_NP$ ``_`` puerile_JJ ''_'' assumption_NN that_CS `
`_`` if_CS only_RB he_PPS (_( Stalin_NP )_) could_MD be_BE exposed_VBN to_IN the
_AT persuasive_JJ charm_NN of_IN someone_PN like_CS F.D.R._NP himself_PPL ,_, id
eological_JJ preconceptions_NNS would_MD melt_VB and_CC Russia's_NP$ co-operatio
n_NN with_IN the_AT West_NR-TL could_MD be_BE easily_RB arranged_VBN ''_'' ._. N
o_AT wonder_NN Khrushchev's_NP$ first_OD message_NN to_IN President_NN-TL Kenned
y_NP was_BEDZ a_AT wistful_JJ desire_NN for_IN the_AT return_NN of_IN the_AT ``_
`` good_JJ old_JJ days_NNS ''_'' of_IN Roosevelt_NP ._. This_DT fascinating_JJ s
tory_NN begins_VBZ with_IN a_AT sketch_NN ,_, rich_JJ in_IN personal_JJ detail_N
N ,_, of_IN the_AT glancing_VBG mutual_JJ impact_NN of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL
1_CD-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT two_CD instalments_NNS of_IN the_AT Russian_JJ-TL Revo
lution_NN-TL ._. The_AT first_OD of_IN these_DTS involved_VBD the_AT replacement
_NN of_IN the_AT Tsar_NP by_IN a_AT liberal_JJ Provisional_JJ-TL Government_NN-T
L in_IN March_NP ,_, 1917_CD ;_. ;_. the_AT second_OD ,_, the_AT seizure_NN of_I
N power_NN by_IN the_AT Bolsheviks_NPS (_( who_WPS later_RBR called_VBD themselv
es_PPLS Communists_NNS-TL )_) in_IN November_NP of_IN the_AT same_AP year_NN ._.
As_CS Kennan_NP shows_VBZ ,_, the_AT judgment_NN of_IN the_AT Allied_VBN-TL gov
ernments_NNS about_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ happening_VBG in_IN Russia_NP was_BEDZ w
arped_VBN by_IN the_AT obsession_NN of_IN defeating_VBG Germany_NP ._. They_PPSS
were_BED blind_JJ to_IN the_AT evidence_NN that_CS nothing_PN could_MD keep_VB
the_AT Russian_JJ people_NNS fighting_VBG ._. They_PPSS attributed_VBD everythin
g_PN that_WPS went_VBD wrong_JJ in_IN Russia_NP to_IN German_JJ influence_NN and
_CC intrigue_NN ._. This_DT ,_, more_AP than_IN any_DTI other_AP factor_NN ,_, l
ed_VBD to_IN the_AT fiasco_NN of_IN Allied_VBN-TL intervention_NN ._. As_CS the_
AT author_NN very_QL justly_RB says_VBZ :_: ``_`` Had_HVD a_AT world_NN war_NN n
ot_* been_BEN in_IN progress_NN ,_, there_EX would_MD never_RB ,_, under_IN any_
DTI conceivable_JJ stretch_NN of_IN the_AT imagination_NN ,_, have_HV been_BEN a
n_AT Allied_VBN-TL intervention_NN in_IN North_JJ-TL Russia_NP-TL ''_'' ._. The_
AT scope_NN and_CC significance_NN of_IN this_DT intervention_NN have_HV been_BE
N grossly_RB exaggerated_VBN by_IN Communist_NN-TL propaganda_NN ;_. ;_. here_RB
Kennan_NP ,_, operating_VBG with_IN precise_JJ facts_NNS and_CC figures_NNS ,_,
performs_VBZ an_AT excellent_JJ job_NN of_IN debunking_VBG ._. Plebian_JJ-HL di
ctators_NNS-HL Of_IN many_AP passages_NNS in_IN the_AT book_NN that_WPS exemplif
y_VB the_AT author's_NN$ vivid_JJ style_NN ,_, the_AT characterizations_NNS of_I
N the_AT two_CD plebeian_JJ dictators_NNS whose_WP$ crimes_NNS make_VB those_DTS
of_IN crowned_VBN autocrats_NNS pale_JJ by_IN comparison_NN may_MD be_BE select
ed_VBN ._. On_IN Stalin_NP :_: ``_`` This_DT was_BEDZ a_AT man_NN of_IN incredib
le_JJ criminality_NN ,_, of_IN a_AT criminality_NN effectively_RB without_IN lim
its_NNS ;_. ;_. a_AT man_NN apparently_RB foreign_JJ to_IN the_AT very_AP experi
ence_NN of_IN love_NN ,_, without_IN mercy_NN or_CC pity_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT man_NN
in_IN whose_WP$ entourage_NN none_PN was_BEDZ ever_RB safe_JJ ;_. ;_. a_AT man_N
N whose_WP$ hand_NN was_BEDZ set_VBN against_IN all_ABN that_DT could_MD not_* b
e_BE useful_JJ to_IN him_PPO at_IN the_AT moment_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT man_NN who_WPS
was_BEDZ most_QL dangerous_JJ of_IN all_ABN to_IN those_DTS who_WPS were_BED his
_PP$ closest_JJT collaborators_NNS in_IN crime_NN ._. ''_'' And_CC here_RB is_BE
Z Kennan's_NP$ image_NN of_IN Hitler_NP ,_, Stalin's_NP$ temporary_JJ collaborat
or_NN in_IN the_AT subjugation_NN and_CC oppression_NN of_IN weaker_JJR peoples_
NNS ,_, and_CC his_PP$ later_JJR enemy_NN :_: ``_`` Behind_IN that_DT Charlie_NP
Chaplin_NP moustache_NN and_CC that_DT truant_JJ lock_NN of_IN hair_NN that_WPS
always_RB covered_VBD his_PP$ forehead_NN ,_, behind_IN the_AT tirades_NNS and_
CC the_AT sulky_JJ silences_NNS ,_, the_AT passionate_JJ orations_NNS and_CC the
_AT occasional_JJ dull_JJ evasive_JJ stare_NN ,_, behind_IN the_AT prejudices_NN
S ,_, the_AT cynicism_NN ,_, the_AT total_JJ amorality_NN of_IN behavior_NN ,_,
behind_IN even_RB the_AT tendency_NN to_IN great_JJ strategic_JJ mistakes_NNS ,_
, there_EX lay_VBD a_AT statesman_NN of_IN no_AT mean_JJ qualities_NNS :_: Shrew
d_JJ ,_, calculating_VBG ,_, in_IN many_AP ways_NNS realistic_JJ ,_, endowed_VBN
--_-- like_CS Stalin_NP --_-- with_IN considerable_JJ powers_NNS of_IN dissimul
ation_NN ,_, capable_JJ of_IN playing_VBG his_PP$ cards_NNS very_QL close_RB to_
IN his_PP$ chest_NN when_WRB he_PPS so_RB desired_VBD ,_, yet_CC bold_JJ and_CC
resolute_JJ in_IN his_PP$ decisions_NNS ,_, and_CC possessing_VBG one_CD gift_NN
Stalin_NP did_DOD not_* possess_VB :_: The_AT ability_NN to_TO rouse_VB men_NNS
to_IN fever_NN pitch_NN of_IN personal_JJ devotion_NN and_CC enthusiasm_NN by_I
N the_AT power_NN of_IN the_AT spoken_VBN word_NN ''_'' ._. Two_CD criticisms_NN
S of_IN this_DT generally_RB admirable_JJ and_CC fascinating_JJ book_NN involve_
VB the_AT treatment_NN of_IN wartime_NN diplomacy_NN which_WDT is_BEZ jagged_JJ
at_IN the_AT edges_NNS --_-- there_EX is_BEZ no_AT mention_NN of_IN the_AT Potsd
am_NP-TL Conference_NN-TL or_CC the_AT Morgenthau_NP-TL Plan_NN-TL ._. And_CC in
_IN a_AT concluding_VBG chapter_NN about_IN America's_NP$ stance_NN in_IN the_AT
contemporary_JJ world_NN ,_, one_PN senses_VBZ certain_JJ misplacements_NNS of_
IN emphasis_NN and_CC a_AT failure_NN to_TO come_VBN to_IN grips_NNS with_IN the
_AT baffling_JJ riddle_NN of_IN our_PP$ time_NN :_: How_WRB to_TO deal_VB with_I
N a_AT wily_JJ and_CC aggressive_JJ enemy_NN without_IN appeasement_NN and_CC wi
thout_IN war_NN ._. But_CC one_PN should_MD not_* ask_VB for_IN everything_PN ._
. Mr._NP Kennan_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ recently_RB abandoned_VBN authorship_NN f
or_IN a_AT new_JJ round_NN of_IN diplomacy_NN as_CS the_AT recently_RB appointed
_VBN American_JJ ambassador_NN to_IN Yugoslavia_NP ,_, is_BEZ not_* the_AT only_
AP man_NN who_WPS finds_VBZ it_PPO easier_RBR to_TO portray_VB the_AT past_NN th
an_CS to_TO prescribe_VB for_IN the_AT future_NN ._. The_AT story_NN of_IN a_AT
quarter_NN of_IN a_AT century_NN of_IN Soviet-Western_JJ relations_NNS is_BEZ vi
tally_QL important_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ told_VBN with_IN the_AT fire_NN o
f_IN a_AT first-rate_JJ historical_JJ narrator_NN ._. The_AT Ireland_NP we_PPSS
usually_RB hear_VB about_IN in_IN the_AT theater_NN is_BEZ a_AT place_NN of_IN b
itter_JJ political_JJ or_CC domestic_JJ unrest_NN ,_, lightened_VBN occasionally
_RB with_IN flashes_NNS of_IN native_NN wit_NN and_CC charm_NN ._. In_IN ``_`` D
onnybrook_NP ''_'' ,_, there_EX is_BEZ quite_ABL a_AT different_JJ Eire_NP ,_, a
_AT rural_JJ land_NN where_WRB singing_VBG ,_, dancing_VBG ,_, fist-fighting_NN
and_CC romancing_VBG are_BER the_AT thing_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ plenty_NN of_IN
violence_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE sure_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT nice_JJ viole
nce_NN and_CC no_AT one_PN gets_VBZ killed_VBN ._. By_RB and_CC large_RB ,_, Rob
ert_NP McEnroe's_NP$ adaptation_NN of_IN Maurice_NP Walsh's_NP$ film_NN ,_, ``_`
` The_AT-TL Quiet_JJ-TL Man_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, provides_VBZ the_AT entertainment_NN
it_PPS set_VBD out_RP to_TO ,_, and_CC we_PPSS have_HV a_AT lively_JJ musical_J
J show_NN if_CS not_* a_AT superlative_JJ one_CD ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT tale_
NN of_IN one_CD John_NP Enright_NP ,_, an_AT American_JJ who_WPS has_HVZ acciden
tally_RB killed_VBN a_AT man_NN in_IN the_AT prize_NN ring_NN and_CC is_BEZ now_
RB trying_VBG to_TO forget_VB about_IN it_PPO in_IN a_AT quiet_JJ place_NN where
_WRB he_PPS may_MD become_VB a_AT quiet_JJ man_NN ._. But_CC Innesfree_NP ,_, wh
ere_WRB Ellen_NP Roe_NP Danaher_NP and_CC her_PP$ bullying_VBG brother_NN ,_, Wi
ll_NP ,_, live_VB ,_, is_BEZ no_AT place_NN for_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS will_MD n
ot_* use_VB his_PP$ fists_NNS ._. So_RB Enright's_NP$ courting_NN of_IN the_AT m
ettlesome_JJ Ellen_NP is_BEZ impeded_VBN considerably_RB ,_, thereby_RB providin
g_VBG the_AT tale_NN which_WDT is_BEZ told_VBN ._. You_PPSS may_MD be_BE sure_JJ
he_PPS marries_VBZ her_PPO in_IN the_AT end_NN and_CC has_HVZ a_AT fine_JJ old_
JJ knockdown_NN fight_NN with_IN the_AT brother_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS there_EX a
re_BER plenty_NN of_IN minor_JJ scraps_NNS along_IN the_AT way_NN to_TO ensure_V
B that_CS you_PPSS understand_VB what_WDT the_AT word_NN Donnybrook_NP means_VBZ
._. Then_RB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT matchmaker_NN ,_, one_CD Mikeen_NP Flynn_NP ,_
, a_AT role_NN for_IN which_WDT Eddie_NP Foy_NP was_BEDZ happily_RB selected_VBN
._. Now_RB there_EX is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN why_WRB a_AT m
atchmaker_NN in_IN Ireland_NP should_MD happen_VB also_RB to_TO be_BE a_AT talen
ted_JJ soft-shoe_NN dancer_NN and_CC gifted_JJ improviser_NN of_IN movements_NNS
of_IN the_AT limbs_NNS ,_, torso_NN and_CC neck_NN ,_, except_IN that_CS these_
DTS talents_NNS add_VB immensely_RB to_IN the_AT enjoyment_NN of_IN the_AT play_
NN ._. Mr._NP Foy_NP is_BEZ a_AT joy_NN ,_, having_HVG learned_VBN his_PP$ danci
ng_NN by_IN practicing_VBG it_PPO until_CS he_PPS is_BEZ practically_QL perfect_
JJ ._. His_PP$ matchmaking_NN is_BEZ ,_, naturally_RB ,_, incidental_JJ ,_, and_
CC it_PPS only_RB serves_VBZ Flynn_NP right_RB when_WRB a_AT determined_VBN wido
w_NN takes_VBZ him_PPO by_IN the_AT ear_NN and_CC leads_VBZ him_PPO off_RP to_IN
matrimony_NN ._. Art_NP Lund_NP ,_, a_AT fine_JJ big_JJ actor_NN with_IN a_AT g
reat_JJ head_NN of_IN blond_JJ hair_NN and_CC a_AT good_JJ voice_NN ,_, imperson
ates_VBZ Enright_NP ._. Although_CS he_PPS is_BEZ not_* graced_VBN with_IN the_A
T subtleties_NNS of_IN romantic_JJ technique_NN ,_, that's_DT+BEZ not_* what_WDT
an_AT ex-prize_NN fighter_NN is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO have_HV ,_, anyway_RB ._
. Joan_NP Fagan_NP ,_, a_AT fiery_JJ redhead_NN who_WPS can_MD impress_VB you_PP
O that_CS she_PPS has_HVZ a_AT temper_NN whether_CS she_PPS really_RB has_HVZ on
e_CD or_CC not_* ,_, plays_VBZ Ellen_NP ,_, and_CC sings_VBZ the_AT role_NN very
_QL well_RB ,_, too_RB ._. If_CS the_AT mettle_NN which_WDT Ellen_NP exhibits_VB
Z has_HVZ a_AT bit_NN of_IN theatrical_JJ dross_NN in_IN it_PPO ,_, never_RB min
d_VB ;_. ;_. she_PPS fits_VBZ into_IN the_AT general_JJ scheme_NN well_RB enough
_QLP ._. Susan_NP Johnson_NP ,_, as_CS the_AT widow_NN ,_, spends_VBZ the_AT fir
st_OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT play_NN running_VBG a_AT bar_NN and_CC singing_VBG a
bout_IN the_AT unlamented_JJ death_NN of_IN her_PP$ late_JJ husband_NN and_CC th
e_AT second_OD half_ABN trying_VBG to_TO acquire_VB a_AT new_JJ one_CD ._. She_P
PS has_HVZ a_AT good_JJ ,_, firm_JJ delivery_NN of_IN songs_NNS and_CC adds_VBZ
to_IN the_AT solid_JJ virtues_NNS of_IN the_AT evening_NN ._. Then_RB there_EX a
re_BER a_AT pair_NN of_IN old_JJ biddies_NNS played_VBN by_IN Grace_NP Carney_NP
and_CC Sibly_NP Bowan_NP who_WPS may_MD be_BE right_QL off_IN the_AT shelf_NN o
f_IN stock_NN Irish_JJ characters_NNS ,_, but_CC they_PPSS put_VB such_ABL a_AT
combination_NN of_IN good_JJ will_NN and_CC malevolence_NN into_IN their_PP$ par
ts_NNS that_CS they're_PPSS+BER quite_QL entertaining_JJ ._. And_CC in_IN the_AT
role_NN of_IN Will_NP Danaher_NP ,_, Philip_NP Bosco_NP roars_VBZ and_CC sneers
_VBZ sufficiently_RB to_TO intimidate_VB not_* only_RB one_CD American_NP but_CC
the_AT whole_JJ British_JJ army_NN ,_, if_CS he_PPS chose_VBD ._. ``_`` Donnybr
ook_NP ''_'' is_BEZ no_AT ``_`` Brigadoon_NP ''_'' ,_, but_CC it_PPS does_DOZ ha
ve_HV some_DTI very_QL nice_JJ romantic_JJ background_NN touches_NNS and_CC some
_DTI excellent_JJ dancing_NN ._. The_AT ballads_NNS are_BER sweet_JJ and_CC sad_
JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT music_NN generally_RB competent_JJ ._. It_PPS sometimes_RB
threatens_VBZ to_TO linger_VB in_IN the_AT memory_NN after_IN the_AT final_JJ cu
rtain_NN ,_, and_CC some_DTI of_IN it_PPO ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT catchy_JJ ``_
`` Sez_VBZ-TL I_PPSS ''_'' ,_, does_DOZ ._. ``_`` A_AT-TL Toast_NN-TL To_IN-TL T
he_AT-TL Bride_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, sung_VBN by_IN Clarence_NP Nordstrom_NP ,_, playi
ng_VBG a_AT character_NN called_VBN Old_JJ-TL Man_NN-TL Toomey_NP ,_, is_BEZ qui
te_QL simple_JJ ,_, direct_JJ and_CC touching_VBG ._. The_AT men_NNS of_IN Innes
free_NP are_BER got_VBN up_RP authentically_RB in_IN cloth_NN caps_NNS and_CC sw
eaters_NNS ,_, and_CC their_PP$ dancing_NN and_CC singing_NN is_BEZ fine_JJ ._.
So_RB is_BEZ that_DT of_IN the_AT limber_JJ company_NN of_IN lasses_NNS who_WPS
whirl_VB and_CC glide_VB and_CC quickstep_VB under_IN Jack_NP Cole's_NP$ expert_
JJ choreographic_JJ direction_NN ._. The_AT male_NN dancers_NNS sometimes_RB wea
r_VB kilts_NNS and_CC their_PP$ performance_NN in_IN them_PPO is_BEZ spirited_VB
N and_CC stimulating_JJ ._. Rouben_NP Ter-Arutunian_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ stage_N
N settings_NNS ,_, often_RB uses_VBZ the_AT scrim_NN curtain_NN behind_IN which_
WDT Mr._NP Cole_NP has_HVZ placed_VBN couples_NNS or_CC groups_NNS who_WPS sing_
VB and_CC set_VB the_AT mood_NN for_IN the_AT scenes_NNS which_WDT are_BER to_TO
follow_VB ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN why_WRB most_AP theatergoers_NNS
should_MD not_* have_HV a_AT pretty_QL good_JJ time_NN at_IN ``_`` Donnybrook_NP
''_'' ,_, unless_CS they_PPSS are_BER permanently_RB in_IN the_AT mood_NN of_IN
Enright_NP when_WRB he_PPS sings_VBZ about_IN how_WRB easily_RB he_PPS could_MD
hate_VB the_AT lovable_JJ Irish_NP ._. We_PPSS can_MD all_ABN breathe_VB more_Q
L easily_RB this_DT morning_NN --_-- more_QL easily_RB and_CC joyously_RB ,_, to
o_RB --_-- because_CS Joshua_NP Logan_NP has_HVZ turned_VBN the_AT stage_NN show
_NN ,_, ``_`` Fanny_NP ''_'' ,_, into_IN a_AT delightful_JJ and_CC heart-warming
_JJ film_NN ._. The_AT task_NN of_IN taking_VBG the_AT raw_JJ material_NN of_IN
Marcel_NP Pagnol's_NP$ original_JJ trio_NN of_IN French_JJ films_NNS about_IN pe
ople_NNS of_IN the_AT waterfront_NN in_IN Marseilles_NP and_CC putting_VBG them_
PPO again_RB on_IN the_AT screen_NN ,_, after_IN their_PP$ passage_NN through_IN
the_AT Broadway_NP musical_JJ idiom_NN ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT delicate_JJ and_CC per
ilous_JJ one_CD ,_, indeed_RB ._. More_AP than_IN the_AT fans_NNS of_IN Pagnol's
_NP$ old_JJ films_NNS and_CC of_IN their_PP$ heroic_JJ star_NN ,_, the_AT great_
JJ Raimu_NP ,_, were_BED looking_VBG askance_RB at_IN the_AT project_NN ._. The_
AT fans_NNS of_IN the_AT musical_NN were_BED ,_, too_RB ._. But_CC now_RB the_AT
task_NN is_BEZ completed_VBN and_CC the_AT uncertainty_NN resolved_VBN with_IN
the_AT opening_NN of_IN the_AT English-dialogue_JJ picture_NN at_IN the_AT Music
_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL yesterday_NR ._. Whether_CS fan_NN of_IN the_AT Pagnol_NP film
s_NNS or_CC stage_NN show_NN ,_, whether_CS partial_JJ to_IN music_NN or_CC not_
* ,_, you_PPSS can't_MD* help_VB but_IN derive_VB joy_NN from_IN this_DT picture
_NN if_CS you_PPSS have_HV a_AT sense_NN of_IN humor_NN and_CC a_AT heart_NN ._.
Some_DTI of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Philharmonic_NN-TL musicians_NNS who
_WPS live_VB in_IN the_AT suburbs_NNS spent_VBD yesterday_NR morning_NN digging_
VBG themselves_PPLS free_RB from_IN snow_NN ._. A_AT tiny_JJ handful_NN never_RB
did_DOD make_VB the_AT concert_NN ._. But_CC ,_, after_IN a_AT fifteen-minute_J
J delay_NN ,_, the_AT substantially_QL complete_JJ Philharmonic_NN-TL assembled_
VBD on_IN stage_NN for_IN the_AT afternoon's_NN$ proceedings_NNS ._. They_PPSS f
aced_VBD a_AT rather_QL small_JJ audience_NN ,_, as_CS quite_ABL a_AT few_AP sub
scribers_NNS apparently_RB had_HVD decided_VBN to_TO forego_VB the_AT pleasures_
NNS of_IN the_AT afternoon_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ an_AT excellent_JJ concert_NN
._. Paul_NP Paray_NP ,_, rounding_VBG out_RP his_PP$ current_JJ stint_NN with_IN
the_AT orchestra_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT solid_JJ musician_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT Phil
harmonic_NN-TL plays_VBZ for_IN him_PPO ._. Their_PP$ collaboration_NN in_IN the
_AT Beethoven_NP-TL Second_OD-TL Symphony_NN-TL was_BEDZ lucid_JJ ,_, intelligen
t_JJ and_CC natural_JJ sounding_JJ ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* a_AT heavy_JJ ,_, p
onderous_JJ Beethoven_NP ._. The_AT music_NN sang_VBD nicely_RB ,_, sprinted_VBD
evenly_RB when_WRB necessary_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ properly_RB accented_VBN and_CC ba
lanced_VBN ._. The_AT Franck_NP symphonic_JJ poem_NN ,_, ``_`` Psyche_NP ''_'' ,
_, is_BEZ a_AT lush_JJ ,_, sweet-sounding_JJ affair_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ pleasan
t_JJ to_TO encounter_VB once_RB again_RB ._. Fortunate_JJ for_IN the_AT music_NN
itself_PPL ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* too_QL frequent_JJ a_AT visitor_NN ;_. ;_. i
f_CS it_PPS were_BED ,_, its_PP$ heavily_QL chromatic_JJ harmonies_NNS would_MD
soon_RB become_VB cloying_VBG ._. Mr._NP Paray_NP resisted_VBD the_AT temptation
_NN to_TO over-emphasize_VB the_AT melodic_JJ elements_NNS of_IN the_AT score_NN
._. He_PPS did_DOD not_* let_VB the_AT strings_NNS ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, w
eep_VB ,_, whine_VB or_CC get_VB hysterical_JJ ._. His_PP$ interpretation_NN was
_BEDZ a_AT model_NN of_IN refinement_NN and_CC accuracy_NN ._. And_CC in_IN the_
AT Prokofieff_NP C_NP-TL major_JJ Piano_NN-TL Concerto_NN-TL ,_, with_IN Zadel_N
P Skolovsky_NP as_CS soloist_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ an_AT admirable_JJ partner_N
N ._. Mr._NP Skolovsky's_NP$ approach_NN to_IN the_AT concerto_NN was_BEDZ bold_
JJ ,_, sweeping_VBG and_CC tonally_RB percussive_JJ ._. He_PPS swept_VBD through
_IN the_AT music_NN with_IN ease_NN ,_, in_IN a_AT non-sentimental_JJ and_CC ult
ra-efficient_JJ manner_NN ._. An_AT impressive_JJ technician_NN ,_, Mr._NP Skolo
vsky_NP has_HVZ fine_JJ rhythm_NN ,_, to_TO boot_VB ._. His_PP$ tone_NN is_BEZ t
he_AT weakest_JJT part_NN of_IN his_PP$ equipment_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS tends_VBZ to
_TO be_BE hard_JJ and_CC colorless_JJ ._. A_AT school_NN of_IN thought_NN has_HV
Z it_PPO that_CS those_DTS attributes_NNS are_BER exactly_RB what_WDT this_DT co
ncerto_NN needs_VBZ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, after_IN all_ABN ,_, a_AT non-romantic
_JJ work_NN (_( even_RB with_IN the_AT big_JJ ,_, juicy_JJ melody_NN of_IN the_A
T second_OD movement_NN )_) ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT composer_NN himself_PPL was_BE
DZ called_VBN the_AT ``_`` age_NN of_IN steel_NN pianist_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC gra
nted_VBN all_ABN this_DT ,_, one_PN still_RB would_MD have_HV liked_VBN to_TO ha
ve_HV heard_VBN a_AT little_QL more_AP tonal_JJ nuance_NN than_CS Mr._NP Skolovs
ky_NP supplied_VBD ._. Taken_VBN as_CS a_AT whole_NN ,_, though_RB ,_, it_PPS wa
s_BEDZ a_AT strong_JJ performance_NN from_IN both_ABX pianist_NN and_CC orchestr
a_NN ._. Mr._NP Skolovsky_NP fully_RB deserved_VBD the_AT warm_JJ reception_NN h
e_PPS received_VBD ._. A_AT new_JJ work_NN on_IN the_AT program_NN was_BEDZ Niko
lai_NP Lopatnikoff's_NP$ ``_`` Festival_NN-TL Overture_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, receiving
_VBG its_PP$ first_OD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL hearing_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ compo
sed_VBN last_AP year_NN as_CS a_AT salute_NN to_IN the_AT automobile_NN industry
_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* program_NN music_NN ,_, though_RB ._. It_PPS runs_VB
Z a_AT little_QL more_AP than_IN ten_CD minutes_NNS ,_, is_BEZ workmanlike_JJ ,_
, busy_JJ ,_, methodical_JJ and_CC featureless_JJ ._. ``_`` La_NP Gioconda_NP ''
_'' ,_, like_VB it_PPO or_CC not_* ,_, is_BEZ a_AT singer's_NN$ opera_NN ._. And
_CC so_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT fan's_NN$ opera_NN as_QL we
ll_RB ._. Snow_NN or_CC no_AT ,_, the_AT fans_NNS were_BED present_RB in_IN forc
e_NN at_IN the_AT Metropolitan_JJ-TL Opera_NN-TL last_AP night_NN for_IN a_AT pe
rformance_NN of_IN the_AT Ponchielli_NP work_NN ._. So_RB the_AT plot_NN creaks_
VBZ ,_, the_AT sets_NNS are_BER decaying_VBG ,_, the_AT costumes_NNS are_BER pre
-historic_JJ ,_, the_AT orchestra_NN was_BEDZ sloppy_JJ and_CC not_* very_QL wel
l_RB connected_VBN with_IN what_WDT the_AT singers_NNS were_BED doing_VBG ._. Af
ter_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT opera_NN has_HVZ juicy_JJ music_NN to_TO sing_VB and_C
C the_AT goodies_NNS are_BER well_RB distributed_VBN ,_, with_IN no_AT less_AP t
han_IN six_CD leading_VBG parts_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN those_DTS parts_NNS is_BEZ
that_DT of_IN evil_JJ ,_, evil_JJ Barnaba_NP ,_, the_AT spy_NN ._. His_PP$ wicke
d_JJ deeds_NNS were_BED carried_VBN on_RP by_IN Anselmo_NP Colzani_NP ,_, who_WP
S was_BEDZ taking_VBG the_AT part_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN with_IN the_
AT company_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ the_AT temperament_NN and_CC the_AT stage_NN pr
esence_NN for_IN a_AT rousing_JJ villain_NN and_CC he_PPS sang_VBD with_IN chara
cter_NN and_CC strong_JJ tone_NN ._. What_WDT was_BEDZ lacking_VBG was_BEDZ a_AT
real_JJ sense_NN of_IN phrase_NN ,_, the_AT kind_NN of_IN legato_NN singing_NN
that_DT would_MD have_HV added_VBN a_AT dimension_NN of_IN smoothness_NN to_IN w
hat_WDT is_BEZ ,_, after_IN all_ABN ,_, a_AT very_QL oily_JJ character_NN ._. Re
gina_NP Resnik_NP as_CS Laura_NP and_CC Cesare_NP Siepi_NP as_CS Alvise_NP also_
RB were_BED new_JJ to_IN the_AT cast_NN ,_, but_CC only_RB with_IN respect_NN to
_IN this_DT season_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS have_HV both_ABX sung_VBN these_DTS part
s_NNS here_RB before_RB ._. Laura_NP is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ role_NN for_IN Miss_NP
Resnik_NP ,_, and_CC she_PPS gave_VBD it_PPO force_NN ,_, dramatic_JJ color_NN a
nd_CC passion_NN ._. Mr._NP Siepi_NP was_BEDZ ,_, as_CS always_RB ,_, a_AT consu
mmate_JJ actor_NN ;_. ;_. with_IN a_AT few_AP telling_VBG strokes_NNS he_PPS cha
racterized_VBD Alvise_NP magnificently_RB ._. Part_NN of_IN this_DT characteriza
tion_NN was_BEDZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, accomplished_VBN with_IN the_AT vocal_J
J chords_NNS ._. His_PP$ singing_NN was_BEDZ strong_JJ and_CC musical_JJ ;_. ;_.
unfortunately_RB his_PP$ voice_NN was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN focus_NN and_CC often_R
B spread_VBD in_IN quality_NN ._. Eileen_NP Farrell_NP in_IN the_AT title_NN rol
e_NN ,_, Mignon_NP Dunn_NP as_CS La_FW-AT-TL Cieca_FW-NN-TL and_CC Richard_NP Tu
cker_NP as_CS Enzo_NP were_BED holdovers_NNS from_IN earlier_JJR performances_NN
S this_DT season_NN ,_, and_CC all_ABN contributed_VBD to_IN a_AT vigorous_JJ pe
rformance_NN ._. If_CS only_RB they_PPSS and_CC Fausto_NP Cleva_NP in_IN the_AT
pit_NN had_HVD got_VBN together_RB a_AT bit_NN more_AP ._. ``_`` Melodious_JJ bi
rds_NNS sing_VB madrigals_NNS ''_'' saith_VBZ the_AT poet_NN and_CC no_AT better
_JJR description_NN of_IN the_AT madrigaling_NN of_IN the_AT Deller_NP Consort_N
P could_MD be_BE imagined_VBN ._. Their_PP$ Vanguard_NN-TL album_NN Madrigal_NN-
TL Masterpieces_NNS-TL (_( BG_NP 609_CD ;_. ;_. stereo_NN BGS_NN 5031_CD )_) is_
BEZ a_AT good_JJ sample_NN of_IN the_AT special_JJ ,_, elegant_JJ art_NN of_IN E
nglish_JJ madrigal_NN singing_NN ._. It_PPS also_RB makes_VBZ a_AT fine_JJ intro
duction_NN to_IN the_AT international_JJ art_NN form_NN with_IN good_JJ examples
_NNS of_IN Italian_JJ and_CC English_JJ madrigals_NNS plus_CC several_AP French_
JJ ``_`` chansons_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT English_NPS have_HV managed_VBN to_TO hol
d_VB onto_IN their_PP$ madrigal_NN tradition_NN better_RBR than_CS anyone_PN els
e_RB ._. The_AT original_JJ impulses_NNS came_VBD to_IN England_NP late_RB (_( i
n_IN the_AT sixteenth_OD century_NN )_) and_CC continue_VB strong_RB long_RB aft
er_CS everyone_PN else_RB had_HVD gone_VBN on_RP to_IN the_AT baroque_JJ basso_F
W-NN continuo_FW-JJ ,_, sonatas_NNS ,_, operas_NNS and_CC the_AT like_JJ ._. Eve
n_RB after_CS Elizabethan_JJ traditions_NNS were_BED weakened_VBN by_IN the_AT C
romwellian_JJ interregnum_NN ,_, the_AT practice_NN of_IN singing_VBG together_R
B --_-- choruses_NNS ,_, catches_NNS and_CC glees_NNS --_-- always_RB flourished
_VBD ._. The_AT English_NPS never_RB again_RB developed_VBD a_AT strong_JJ nativ
e_JJ music_NN that_WPS could_MD obliterate_VB the_AT traces_NNS of_IN an_AT earl
ier_JJR great_JJ age_NN the_AT way_NN ,_, say_UH ,_, the_AT opera_NN in_IN Italy
_NP blotted_VBD out_RP the_AT Italian_JJ madrigal_NN ._. Early_JJ-HL interest_NN
-HL Latter-day_NN interest_NN in_IN Elizabethan_JJ singing_NN dates_VBZ well_QL
back_RB into_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN in_IN England_NP ,_, much_QL ahe
ad_RB of_IN similar_JJ revivals_NNS in_IN other_AP countries_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT
result_NN no_AT comparable_JJ literature_NN of_IN the_AT period_NN is_BEZ better
_RBR known_VBN and_CC better_RBR studied_VBN nor_CC more_QL often_RB performed_V
BN than_CS the_AT English_JJ madrigal_NN ._. Naturally_RB ,_, Mr._NP Deller_NP a
nd_CC the_AT other_AP singers_NNS in_IN his_PP$ troupe_NN are_BER most_QL charmi
ng_JJ and_CC elegant_JJ when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER squarely_RB in_IN their_PP$ t
radition_NN and_CC singing_VBG music_NN by_IN their_PP$ countrymen_NNS :_: Willi
am_NP Byrd_NP ,_, Thomas_NP Morley_NP and_CC Thomas_NP Tomkins_NP ._. There_EX i
s_BEZ an_AT almost_RB instrumental_JJ quality_NN to_IN their_PP$ singing_NN ,_,
with_IN a_AT tendency_NN to_TO lift_VB out_RP important_JJ lines_NNS and_CC make
_VB them_PPO lead_VB the_AT musical_JJ texture_NN ._. Both_ABX techniques_NNS gi
ve_VB the_AT music_NN purity_NN and_CC clarity_NN ._. Claude_NP Jannequin's_NP$
vocal_JJ description_NN of_IN a_AT battle_NN (_( the_AT French_JJ equivalents_NN
S of_IN tarantara_UH ,_, rum-tum-tum_UH ,_, and_CC boom-boom-boom_UH are_BER ver
y_QL picturesque_JJ )_) is_BEZ lots_NNS of_IN fun_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT singers_N
NS get_VB a_AT sense_NN of_IN grace_NN and_CC shape_NN into_IN other_AP chansons
_NNS by_IN Jannequin_NP and_CC Lassus_NP ._. Only_RB with_IN the_AT more_QL sens
ual_JJ ,_, intense_JJ and_CC baroque_JJ expressions_NNS of_IN Marenzio_NP ,_, Mo
nteverdi_NP and_CC Gesualdo_NP does_DOZ the_AT singing_NN seem_VB a_AT little_QL
superficial_JJ ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, the_AT musicality_NN ,_, accuracy_NN and
_CC infectious_JJ charm_NN of_IN these_DTS performances_NNS ,_, excellently_RB r
eproduced_VBN ,_, make_VB it_PPO an_AT attractive_JJ look-see_NN at_IN the_AT pe
riod_NN ._. The_AT works_NNS are_BER presented_VBN chronologically_RB ._. Texts_
NNS and_CC translations_NNS are_BER provided_VBN ._. Elegance_NN-HL and_CC-HL co
lor_NN-HL The_AT elements_NNS of_IN elegance_NN and_CC color_NN in_IN Jannequin_
NP are_BER strong_JJ French_JJ characteristics_NNS ._. Baroque_JJ instrumental_J
J music_NN in_IN Italy_NP and_CC Germany_NP tends_VBZ to_TO be_BE strong_JJ ,_,
lively_JJ ,_, intense_JJ ,_, controlled_VBN and_CC quite_QL abstract_JJ ._. In_I
N France_NP ,_, it_PPS remained_VBD always_RB more_QL picturesque_JJ ,_, more_QL
dancelike_JJ ,_, more_QL full_JJ of_IN flavor_NN ._. Couperin_NP and_CC Rameau_
NP gave_VBD titles_NNS to_IN nearly_RB everything_PN they_PPSS wrote_VBD ,_, not
_* in_IN the_AT later_JJR sense_NN of_IN ``_`` program_NN music_NN ''_'' but_CC
as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN nonmusical_JJ reference_NN for_IN the_AT close_JJ ,_, c
lear_JJ musical_JJ forms_NNS filled_VBN with_IN keen_JJ wit_NN and_CC precise_JJ
utterance_NN ._. Both_ABX composers_NNS turn_VB up_RP on_IN new_JJ imports_NNS
from_IN France_NP ._. BAM_NP is_BEZ the_AT unlikely_JJ name_NN of_IN a_AT French
_JJ recording_NN company_NN whose_WP$ full_JJ label_NN is_BEZ Editions_NNS-TL De
_FW-IN La_FW-AT-TL boite_FW-NN-TL A_AT-TL Musique_FW-NN-TL ._. They_PPSS special
ize_VB in_IN out-of-the-way_JJ items_NNS and_CC old_JJ French_JJ music_NN natura
lly_RB occupies_VBZ a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN their_PP$ attention_NN ._. Sonate
s_FW-NNS-TL et_FW-CC-TL Concerts_NNS-TL Royaux_FW-JJ-TL of_IN Couperin_NP Le_FW-
AT-TL Grand_FW-JJ-TL occupy_VB two_CD disks_NNS (_( LD056_CD and_CC LD060_NN )_)
and_CC reveal_VB the_AT impeccable_JJ taste_NN and_CC workmanship_NN of_IN this
_DT master_NN --_-- delicate_JJ ,_, flexible_JJ and_CC gemlike_JJ ._. The_AT Con
certs_NNS-TL --_-- nos._NNS 2_CD ,_, 6_CD ,_, 9_CD ,_, 10_CD and_CC 14_CD are_BE
R represented_VBN --_-- are_BER really_QL closer_JJR to_IN chamber_NN suites_NNS
than_CS to_IN concertos_NNS in_IN the_AT Italian_JJ sense_NN ._. The_AT sonatas
_NNS ,_, ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Francaise_FW-JJ-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Sultan
e_FW-NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` L'Astree_FW-AT+NP-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` L'Imperiale_F
W-AT+NP-TL ''_'' ,_, are_BER often_RB more_QL elaborately_RB worked_VBN out_RP a
nd_CC ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, show_VB a_AT strong_JJ Italian_JJ influence_NN ._. C
ouperin_NP also_RB turns_VBZ up_RP along_RB with_IN some_DTI lesser-known_JJ con
temporaries_NNS on_IN a_AT disk_NN called_VBN Musique_FW-NN-TL Francaise_FW-JJ-T
L Du_FW-IN+AT-TL 18e_FW-OD-TL Siecle_FW-NN-TL (_( BAM_NP LD_NP 060_CD )_) ._. Je
an-Marie_NP LeClair_NP still_RB is_BEZ remembered_VBN a_AT bit_NN ,_, but_CC Bod
in_NP De_NP Beismortier_NP ,_, Corrette_NP and_CC Mondonville_NP are_BER hardly_
RB household_NN words_NNS ._. What_WDT is_BEZ interesting_JJ about_IN these_DTS
chamber_NN works_NNS here_RB is_BEZ how_WRB they_PPSS all_ABN reveal_VB the_AT a
spect_NN of_IN French_JJ music_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ moving_VBG toward_IN the_AT
rococo_NN ._. The_AT Couperin_NP ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Steinkerque_NP ''_'' ,_, with
_IN its_PP$ battle_NN music_NN ,_, brevity_NN ,_, wit_NN and_CC refined_VBN simp
licity_NN ,_, already_RB shakes_VBZ off_RP Corelli_NP and_CC points_VBZ towards_
IN the_AT mid-century_NN elegances_NNS that_WPS ended_VBD the_AT baroque_JJ era_
NN ._. If_CS Couperin_NP shows_VBZ the_AT fashionable_JJ trend_NN ,_, the_AT oth
ers_NNS do_DO so_RB all_ABN the_AT more_AP ._. All_ABN these_DTS records_NNS hav
e_HV close_JJ ,_, attractive_JJ sound_NN and_CC the_AT performances_NNS by_IN a_
AT variety_NN of_IN instrumentalists_NNS is_BEZ characteristic_JJ ._. Rameau's_N
P$ Six_CD-TL Concerts_FW-NNS-TL En_FW-IN-TL Sextuor_FW-NN-TL ,_, recorded_VBN by
_IN L'orchestre_FW-AT+NN-TL De_FW-IN Chambre_FW-NN-TL Pierre_NP Menet_NP (_( BAM
_NP LD_NIL 046_CD )_) ,_, turn_VB out_RP to_TO be_BE harpsichord_NN pieces_NNS a
rranged_VBN for_IN strings_NNS apparently_RB by_IN the_AT composer_NN himself_PP
L ._. The_AT strange_JJ ,_, delightful_JJ little_JJ character_NN pieces_NNS with
_IN their_PP$ odd_JJ and_CC sometimes_RB inexplicable_JJ titles_NNS are_BER stil
l_RB evocative_JJ and_CC gracious_JJ ._. Maitres_FW-NNS-TL Allemands_FW-JJ-TL De
s_FW-IN+AT-T 17e_FW-OD-TL et_FW-CC-TL 18e_FW-OD-TL Siecles_FW-NNS-TL contains_VB
Z music_NN by_IN Pachelbel_NP ,_, Buxtehude_NP ,_, Rosenmueller_NP and_CC Telema
nn_NP ,_, well_RB performed_VBN by_IN the_AT Ensemble_FW-NN-TL Instrumental_FW-J
J-TL Sylvie_NP-TL Spycket_NP-TL (_( BAM_NP LD_NP 035_CD )_) ._. Rococo_JJ music_
NN --_-- a_AT lot_NN of_IN it_PPO --_-- was_BEDZ played_VBN in_IN Carnegie_NP-TL
Recital_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL on_IN Saturday_NR night_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD of_IN
four_CD concerts_NNS being_BEG sponsored_VBN this_DT season_NN by_IN a_AT new_J
J organization_NN known_VBN as_CS Globe_NN-TL Concert_NN-TL Arts_NNS-TL ._. Work
s_NNS by_IN J._NP C._NP Bach_NP ,_, Anton_NP Craft_NP ,_, Joseph_NP Haydn_NP ,_,
Giuseppe_NP Sammartini_NP ,_, Comenico_NP Dragonetti_NP and_CC J._NP G._NP Jani
tsch_NP were_BED performed_VBN by_IN seven_CD instrumentalists_NNS including_IN
Anabel_NP Brieff_NP ,_, flutist_NN ,_, Josef_NP Marx_NP ,_, oboist_NN ,_, and_CC
Robert_NP Conant_NP ,_, pianist_NN and_CC harpsichordist_NN ._. Since_CS rococo
_JJ music_NN tends_VBZ to_TO be_BE pretty_JJ and_CC elegant_JJ above_IN all_ABN
,_, it_PPS can_MD seem_VB rather_QL vacuous_JJ to_IN twentieth-century_NN ears_N
NS that_WPS have_HV grown_VBN accustomed_VBN to_IN the_AT stress_NN and_CC disso
nances_NNS of_IN composers_NNS from_IN Beethoven_NP to_IN Boulez_NP ._. Thus_RB
there_EX was_BEDZ really_RB an_AT excess_NN of_IN eighteenth-century_JJ charm_NN
as_CS one_CD of_IN these_DTS light-weight_JJ pieces_NNS followed_VBD another_DT
on_IN Saturday_NR night_NN ._. Each_DT might_MD find_VB a_AT useful_JJ place_NN
in_IN a_AT varied_VBN musical_JJ program_NN ,_, but_CC taken_VBN together_RB th
ey_PPSS grew_VBD quite_QL tiresome_JJ ._. The_AT performances_NNS were_BED varia
ble_JJ ,_, those_DTS of_IN the_AT full_JJ ensemble_NN being_BEG generally_QL sat
isfying_VBG ,_, some_DTI by_IN soloists_NNS proving_VBG rather_QL trying_VBG ._.
Ellie_NP Mao_NP ,_, soprano_NN ,_, and_CC Frederick_NP Fuller_NP ,_, baritone_N
N ,_, presented_VBD a_AT program_NN of_IN folksongs_NNS entitled_VBN ``_`` East_
NR-TL Meets_VBZ-TL West_NR-TL ''_'' in_IN Carnegie_NP-TL Recital_NN-TL Hall_NN-T
L last_AP night_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED accompanied_VBN by_IN Anna_NP Mi_NP Le
e_NP ,_, pianist_NN ._. Selections_NNS from_IN fifteen_CD countries_NNS were_BED
sung_VBN as_CS solos_NNS and_CC duets_NNS in_IN a_AT broad_JJ range_NN of_IN la
nguages_NNS ._. Songs_NNS from_IN China_NP and_CC Japan_NP were_BED reserved_VBN
exclusively_RB for_IN Miss_NP Mao_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ a_AT native_NN of_IN Ch
ina_NP ,_, and_CC those_DTS of_IN the_AT British_JJ-TL Isles_NNS-TL were_BED sun
g_VBN by_IN Mr._NP Fuller_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ English_JJ by_IN birth_NN ._. Th
is_DT was_BEDZ not_* a_AT program_NN intended_VBN to_TO illustrate_VB authentic_
JJ folk_NN styles_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, Miss_NP Mao_NP and_CC Mr.
_NP Fuller_NP chose_VBD many_AP of_IN their_PP$ arrangements_NNS from_IN the_AT
works_NNS of_IN composers_NNS such_JJ as_CS Mendelssohn_NP ,_, Dvorak_NP ,_, Can
teloube_NP ,_, Copland_NP and_CC Britten_NP ._. There_EX was_BEDZ ,_, therefore_
RB ,_, more_AP musical_JJ substance_NN in_IN the_AT concert_NN than_CS might_MD
have_HV been_BEN the_AT case_NN otherwise_RB ._. The_AT performances_NNS were_BE
D assured_VBN ,_, communicative_JJ and_CC pleasingly_QL informal_JJ ._. What_WDT
was_BEDZ omitted_VBN from_IN ``_`` A_AT-TL Neglected_VBN-TL Education_NN-TL ''_
'' were_BED those_DTS essentials_NNS known_VBN as_CS ``_`` the_AT facts_NNS of_I
N life_NN ''_'' ._. Chabrier's_NP$ little_JJ one-act_NN operetta_NN ,_, presente
d_VBN yesterday_NR afternoon_NN at_IN Town_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ a_AT frag
ile_JJ ,_, precious_JJ little_JJ piece_NN ,_, very_QL French_JJ ,_, not_* withou
t_IN wit_NN and_CC charm_NN ._. The_AT poor_JJ uneducated_JJ newlywed_NN ,_, a_A
T certain_JJ Gontran_NP De_NP Boismassif_NP ,_, has_HVZ his_PP$ problems_NNS in_
IN getting_VBG the_AT necessary_JJ information_NN ._. The_AT humor_NN of_IN the_
AT situation_NN can_MD be_BE imagined_VBN ._. It_PPS all_ABN takes_VBZ place_NN
in_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD century_NN ._. What_WDT a_AT silly_JJ ,_, artificial_
JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN ,_, Chabrier_NP and_CC his_PP$ librettists_NNS chuckle_V
B ._. But_CC they_PPSS wish_VB they_PPSS could_MD bring_VB it_PPO back_RB ._. Ch
abrier's_NP$ delightful_JJ music_NN stands_VBZ just_RB at_IN the_AT point_NN whe
re_WRB the_AT classical_JJ ,_, rationalist_JJ tradition_NN ,_, (_( handed_VBN do
wn_RP to_IN Chabrier_NP largely_RB in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN operetta_NN and_CC
salon_NN music_NN )_) becomes_VBZ virtually_RB neo-classicism_NN ._. The_AT mus
ical_JJ cleverness_NN and_CC spirit_NN plus_CC a_AT strong_JJ sense_NN of_IN tas
te_NN and_CC measure_NN save_VB a_AT wry_JJ little_JJ joke_NN from_IN becoming_V
BG either_CC bawdy_JJ or_CC mawkish_JJ ._. The_AT simple_JJ ,_, clever_JJ produc
tion_NN was_BEDZ also_RB able_JJ to_TO tread_VB the_AT thin_JJ line_NN between_I
N those_DTS extremes_NNS ._. Arlene_NP Saunders_NP was_BEDZ charming_JJ as_CS po
or_JJ Gontran_NP ._. Yes_RB ,_, Arlene_NP is_BEZ her_PP$ name_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT
work_NN uses_VBZ the_AT old_JJ eighteenth-century_JJ tradition_NN of_IN giving_V
BG the_AT part_NN of_IN a_AT young_JJ inexperienced_JJ youth_NN to_IN a_AT sopra
no_NN ._. Benita_NP Valente_NP was_BEDZ delightful_JJ as_CS the_AT young_JJ wife
_NN and_CC John_NP Parella_NP was_BEDZ amusing_JJ as_CS the_AT tutor_NN who_WPS
failed_VBD to_TO do_DO all_ABN his_PP$ tutoring_NN ._. The_AT work_NN was_BEDZ p
resented_VBN as_CS the_AT final_JJ event_NN in_IN the_AT Town_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL F
estival_NN-TL of_IN-TL Music_NN-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ paired_VBN with_IN a_AT D
arius_NP Milhaud_NP opera_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Poor_JJ-TL Sailor_NN-TL ''_'' ,
_, set_VBN to_IN a_AT libretto_NN by_IN Jean_NP Cocteau_NP ,_, a_AT kind_NN of_I
N Grand_JJ-TL Guignol_NP-TL by_IN the_AT sea_NN ,_, a_AT sailor_NN returns_VBZ ,
_, unrecognized_JJ ,_, and_CC gets_VBZ done_VBN in_RP by_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ._.
With_IN the_AT exception_NN of_IN a_AT few_AP spots_NNS ,_, Milhaud's_NP$ music_
NN mostly_RB churns_VBZ away_RB with_IN his_PP$ usual_JJ collection_NN of_IN dit
ties_NNS ,_, odd_JJ harmonies_NNS ,_, and_CC lumbering_VBG ,_, satiric_JJ orches
tration_NN ._. Had_HVD a_AT funny_JJ experience_NN at_IN Newport_NP yesterday_NR
afternoon_NN ._. Sat_VBD there_RB and_CC as_CS a_AT woman_NN sang_VBD ,_, she_P
PS kept_VBD getting_VBG thinner_JJR and_CC thinner_JJR ,_, right_QL before_IN my
_PP$ eyes_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN some_DTI 5,500_CD other_AP people
_NNS ._. I_PPSS make_VB this_DT observation_NN about_IN the_AT lady_NN ,_, Miss_
NP Judy_NP Garland_NP ,_, because_CS she_PPS brought_VBD up_RP the_AT subject_NN
herself_PPL in_IN telling_VBG a_AT story_NN about_IN a_AT British_JJ female_NN
reporter_NN who_WPS flattered_VBD her_PPO terribly_RB in_IN London_NP recently_R
B and_CC then_RB wrote_VBD in_IN the_AT paper_NN the_AT next_AP day_NN :_: ``_``
Judy_NP Garland_NP has_HVZ arrived_VBN in_IN London_NP ._. She's_PPS+BEZ not_*
chubby_JJ ._. She's_PPS+BEZ not_* plump_JJ ._. She's_PPS+BEZ fat_JJ ''_'' ._. Bu
t_CC who_WPS cares_VBZ ,_, when_WRB the_AT lady_NN sings_VBZ ?_. ?_. Certainly_R
B not_* the_AT largest_JJT afternoon_NN audience_NN Newport_NP has_HVZ ever_RB h
ad_HVN at_IN a_AT jazz_NN concert_NN and_CC the_AT most_QL attentive_JJ and_CC q
uiet_JJ ._. They_PPSS applauded_VBD every_AT number_NN ,_, not_* only_RB at_IN i
ts_PP$ conclusion_NN but_CC also_RB at_IN the_AT first_OD statement_NN of_IN the
_AT theme_NN --_-- sometimes_RB at_IN the_AT first_OD chord_NN ._. And_CC Judy_N
P sang_VBD the_AT lovely_JJ old_JJ familiar_JJ things_NNS which_WDT seemed_VBD ,
_, at_IN times_NNS ,_, a_AT blessed_VBN relief_NN from_IN the_AT way-out_JJ comp
ositions_NNS of_IN the_AT progressive_JJ jazzmen_NNS who_WPS have_HV dominated_V
BN these_DTS proceedings_NNS ._. Things_NNS like_VB ``_`` When_WRB-TL You're_PPS
S+BER-TL Smiling_VBG-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Almost_QL-TL Like_IN-TL Being_NN-TL In_I
N-TL Love_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Do_DO-TL It_PPO-TL Again_RB-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` B
orn_VBN-TL To_IN-TL Wander_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Alone_JJ-TL Together_RB-TL ''_'
' ,_, ``_`` Who_WPS-TL Cares_VBZ-TL ?_. ?_. ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Puttin'_VBG-TL On_IN
-TL The_AT-TL Ritz_NP ''_'' ,_, ``_`` How_WQL-TL Long_JJ-TL Has_HVZ-TL This_DT-T
L Been_BEN-TL Going_VBG-TL On_RP-TL ?_. ?_. ''_'' And_CC her_PP$ own_JJ personal
_JJ songs_NNS like_CS ``_`` The_AT-TL Man_NN-TL That_WPS-TL Got_VBD-TL Away_RB-T
L ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT inevitable_JJ ``_`` Over_IN-TL The_AT-TL Rainbow_NN-TL
''_'' ._. Miss_NP Garland_NP is_BEZ not_* only_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT great_JJ
singers_NNS of_IN our_PP$ time_NN but_CC she_PPS is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT supe
rb_JJ showmen_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT start_NN of_IN her_PP$ program_NN there_EX we
re_BED evidences_NNS of_IN pique_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD held_VBN to_IN the_AT le
tter_NN of_IN her_PP$ contract_NN and_CC didn't_DOD* come_VB onto_IN the_AT stag
e_NN until_IN well_QL after_IN 4_CD p.m._RB ,_, the_AT appointed_VBN hour_NN ,_,
although_CS the_AT Music_NN-TL at_IN-TL Newport_NP-TL people_NNS had_HVD tried_
VBN to_TO get_VB the_AT program_NN underway_RB at_IN 3_CD ._. Then_RB there_EX w
as_BEDZ a_AT bad_JJ delay_NN in_IN getting_VBG Mort_NP Lindsey's_NP$ 30-piece_JJ
orchestra_NN wedged_VBN into_IN its_PP$ chairs_NNS ._. Along_RB about_RB 4:30_C
D ,_, just_RB when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ getting_VBG to_TO be_BE about_RB time_NN
to_TO turn_VB the_AT audience_NN over_RP and_CC toast_VB them_PPO on_IN the_AT o
ther_AP side_NN ,_, Judy_NP came_VBD on_RP singing_VBG ,_, in_IN a_AT short-skir
ted_JJ blue_JJ dress_NN with_IN a_AT blue_JJ and_CC white_JJ jacket_NN that_WPS
flapped_VBD in_IN the_AT wind_NN ._. Her_PP$ bouffant_JJ coiffure_NN was_BEDZ fo
rtunately_RB combed_VBN on_IN the_AT left_NR which_WDT happened_VBD to_TO be_BE
the_AT direction_NN from_IN which_WDT a_AT brisk_JJ breeze_NN was_BEDZ blowing_V
BG ._. In_IN her_PP$ first_OD song_NN she_PPS waved_VBD away_RB one_CD encroachi
ng_VBG photographer_NN who_WPS dared_VBD approach_VB the_AT throne_NN unbidden_J
J and_CC thereafter_RB the_AT boys_NNS with_IN the_AT cameras_NNS had_HVD to_TO
unsheathe_VB their_PP$ 300_CD mm._NN lenses_NNS and_CC shoot_VB at_IN extreme_JJ
range_NN ._. There_EX also_RB came_VBD a_AT brief_JJ contretemps_NN with_IN the
_AT sound_NN mixers_NNS who_WPS made_VBD the_AT mistake_NN of_IN being_BEG overh
eard_VBN during_IN a_AT quiet_JJ moment_NN near_IN the_AT conclusion_NN of_IN ``
_`` Do_DO-TL It_PPO-TL Again_RB-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC she_PPS made_VBD the_AT tart
_JJ observation_NN that_CS ``_`` I_PPSS never_RB saw_VBD so_QL much_AP moving_NN
about_RB in_IN an_AT audience_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC it_PPS didn't_DOD* take_VB Ju
dy_NP Garland_NP ,_, showman_NN ,_, long_RB to_TO realize_VB that_CS this_DT sor
t_NN of_IN thing_NN was_BEDZ par_NN for_IN the_AT course_NN at_IN Newport_NP and
_CC that_CS you_PPSS have_HV to_TO learn_VB to_TO live_VB with_IN it_PPO ._. Bef
ore_CS her_PP$ chore_NN was_BEDZ finished_VBN she_PPS was_BEDZ rescuing_VBG wind
-blown_JJ sheets_NNS of_IN music_NN ,_, trundling_VBG microphones_NNS about_IN t
he_AT stage_NN ,_, helping_VBG to_TO move_VB the_AT piano_NN and_CC otherwise_RB
joining_VBG in_IN the_AT informal_JJ atmosphere_NN ._. And_CC time_NN after_IN
time_NN she_PPS really_RB belted_VBD out_RP her_PP$ songs_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB t
hey_PPSS struck_VBD me_PPO as_CS horribly_QL over-arranged_JJ --_-- which_WDT wa
s_BEDZ the_AT way_NN I_PPSS felt_VBD about_IN her_PP$ ``_`` Come_VB-TL Rain_NN-T
L or_CC-TL Come_VB-TL Shine_NN-TL ''_'' --_-- and_CC sometimes_RB they_PPSS were
_BED just_QL plain_QL magnificent_JJ ,_, like_CS her_PP$ shatteringly_QL beautif
ul_JJ ``_`` Beautiful_JJ-TL Weather_NN-TL ''_'' ._. To_IN her_PP$ partisan_JJ au
dience_NN ,_, such_JJ picayune_JJ haggling_VBG would_MD have_HV seemed_VBN nothi
ng_PN more_AP than_CS a_AT critic_NN striving_VBG to_TO hold_VB his_PP$ franchis
e_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS just_RB sat_VBD back_RB on_IN their_PP$ haunches_NNS and_
CC cried_VBD for_IN more_AP ,_, as_CS though_CS they_PPSS could_MD never_RB get_
VB enough_AP ._. They_PPSS were_BED rewarded_VBN with_IN splendid_JJ ,_, excitin
g_JJ ,_, singing_NN ._. Her_PP$ ``_`` Rockabye_UH-TL Your_PP$-TL Baby_NN-TL ''_'
' was_BEDZ as_QL good_JJ as_CS it_PPS can_MD be_BE done_VBN ,_, and_CC her_PP$ r
eally_QL personal_JJ songs_NNS ,_, like_CS ``_`` The_AT-TL Man_NN-TL That_WPS-TL
Got_VBN-TL Away_RB-TL ''_'' were_BED deeply_RB moving_JJ ._. The_AT audience_NN
wouldn't_MD* let_VB her_PPO leave_VB until_CS it_PPS had_HVD heard_VBN ``_`` Ov
er_IN-TL The_AT-TL Rainbow_NN-TL ''_'' --_-- although_CS the_AT fellow_NN that_W
PS kept_VBD crying_VBG for_IN ``_`` Get_VB-TL Happy_JJ-TL ''_'' had_HVD to_TO go
_VB home_NR unhappy_JJ ,_, about_RB that_DT item_NN anyway_RB ._. She_PPS was_BE
DZ generous_JJ with_IN her_PP$ encores_NNS and_CC the_AT audience_NN was_BEDZ eq
ually_RB so_RB with_IN its_PP$ cheers_NNS and_CC applause_NN and_CC flowers_NNS
._. All_ABN went_VBD home_NR happy_JJ except_IN the_AT Newport_NP police_NN ,_,
who_WPS feared_VBD that_CS the_AT throng_NN departing_VBG at_IN 6:35_CD might_MD
meet_VB head-on_RB the_AT night_NN crowd_NN drawing_VBG nigh_RB ,_, and_CC thos
e_DTS deprived_VBN of_IN their_PP$ happy_JJ hour_NN at_IN the_AT cocktail_NN bar
_NN ._. In_IN Newport_NP last_AP night_NN there_EX were_BED flashes_NNS of_IN di
stant_JJ lightning_NN in_IN the_AT northern_JJ skies_NNS ._. This_DT was_BEDZ pe
rhaps_RB symbolic_JJ of_IN the_AT jazz_NN of_IN the_AT evening_NN --_-- flashes_
NNS in_IN the_AT distance_NN ,_, but_CC no_AT storm_NN ._. Several_AP times_NNS
it_PPS came_VBD near_IN breaking_VBG ,_, and_CC there_EX were_BED in_IN fact_NN
some_DTI lovely_JJ peals_NNS of_IN thunder_NN from_IN Jerry_NP Mulligan's_NP$ bi
g_JJ band_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ about_RP as_QL fine_JJ an_AT aggregation_NN as
_CS has_HVZ come_VBN along_RB in_IN the_AT jazz_NN business_NN since_CS John_NP
Hammond_NP found_VBD Count_NN-TL Basie_NP working_VBG in_IN a_AT Kansas_NP City_
NN-TL trap_NN ._. Mulligan's_NP$ band_NN has_HVZ been_BEN infected_VBN with_IN h
is_PP$ solid_JJ sense_NN of_IN swing_NN ,_, and_CC what_WDT it_PPS does_DOZ seem
s_VBZ far_QL more_QL meaningful_JJ than_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT noise_NN generat
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT big_JJ concert_NN aggregations_NNS ._. But_CC what_WDT is_BE
Z equally_RB impressive_JJ is_BEZ the_AT delicacy_NN and_CC wonderful_JJ lyric_N
N quality_NN of_IN both_ABX the_AT band_NN and_CC Mulligan's_NP$ baritone_NN sax
_NN in_IN a_AT fragile_JJ ballad_NN like_CS Bob_NP Brookmeyer's_NP$ arrangement_
NN of_IN ``_`` Django's_NP$-TL Castle_NN-TL ''_'' ._. For_IN subtle_JJ swinging_
VBG rhythms_NNS ,_, I_PPSS could_MD admire_VB intensely_RB Mulligan's_NP$ versio
n_NN of_IN ``_`` Weep_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT fireworks_NNS went_VBD on_IN
display_NN in_IN ``_`` 18_CD Carrots_NNS-TL For_IN-TL Robert_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, a_
AT sax_NN tribute_NN to_IN Johnny_NP Hodges_NP ._. There_EX was_BEDZ considerabl
e_JJ contrast_NN between_IN this_DT Mulligan_NP performance_NN and_CC that_DT of
_IN Art_NP Blakey_NP and_CC The_AT-TL Jazz_NN-TL Messengers_NNS-TL ,_, who_WPS a
re_BER able_JJ to_TO generate_VB a_AT tremendous_JJ sound_NN for_IN such_ABL a_A
T small_JJ group_NN ._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, Blakey_NP doesn't_DOZ* choose_VB to
_TO work_VB much_AP of_IN the_AT time_NN in_IN this_DT vein_NN ._. He_PPS prefer
s_VBZ to_TO have_HV his_PP$ soloist_NN performing_VBG and_CC thus_RB we_PPSS get
_VB only_RB brief_JJ glimpses_NNS of_IN what_WDT his_PP$ ensemble_NN work_NN is_
BEZ like_JJ ._. What_WDT we_PPSS did_DOD get_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, was_BEDZ impr
essive_JJ ._. A_AT few_AP drops_NNS of_IN rain_NN just_RB before_IN midnight_NN
,_, when_WRB Sarah_NP Vaughan_NP was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT midst_NN of_IN her_PP$ fi
rst_OD number_NN ,_, scattered_VBD the_AT more_QL timid_JJ members_NNS of_IN the
_AT audience_NN briefly_RB ,_, but_CC at_IN this_DT hour_NN and_CC with_IN Sarah
_NP on_IN the_AT stand_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN the_AT listeners_NNS didn't_DOD* car
e_VB whether_CS they_PPSS got_VBD wet_JJ ._. Miss_NP Vaughan_NP was_BEDZ back_RB
in_IN top_JJS form_NN ,_, somehow_RB mellowed_VBN and_CC improved_VBN with_IN t
he_AT passage_NN of_IN time_NN --_-- like_CS a_AT fine_JJ wine_NN ._. After_IN t
he_AT spate_NN of_IN female_NN vocalists_NNS we_PPSS have_HV been_BEN having_HVG
,_, all_ABN of_IN whom_WPO took_VBD Sarah_NP as_CS a_AT point_NN of_IN departur
e_NN and_CC then_RB tried_VBD to_TO see_VB what_WDT they_PPSS could_MD do_DO tha
t_WPS might_MD make_VB her_PPO seem_VB old_JJ hat_NN ,_, it_PPS seemed_VBD that_
CS all_ABN that_WPS has_HVZ happened_VBN is_BEZ to_TO make_VB the_AT real_JJ thi
ng_NN seem_VB better_JJR than_CS ever_RB ._. Jazz_NN-TL-HL Three_CD-TL-HL open_V
B-HL program_NN-HL The_AT evening_NN program_NN was_BEDZ opened_VBN by_IN the_AT
Jazz_NN-TL Three_CD-TL ,_, a_AT Newport_NP group_NN consisting_VBG of_IN Steve_
NP Budieshein_NP on_IN bass_NN ,_, Jack_NP Warner_NP ,_, drums_NNS ,_, and_CC Do
n_NP Cook_NP ,_, piano_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ a_AT continuation_NN of_IN a_AT g
ood_JJ idea_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ first_RB tried_VBN out_RP Saturday_NR night_NN
when_WRB the_AT Eddie_NP Stack_NP group_NN ,_, also_RB local_JJ talent_NN ,_, w
ent_VBD on_RP first_RB ._. Putting_VBG on_RP local_JJ musicians_NNS at_IN this_D
T place_NN in_IN the_AT program_NN serves_VBZ a_AT triple_JJ purpose_NN :_: it_P
PS saves_VBZ the_AT top_JJS flight_NN jazz_NN men_NNS from_IN being_BEG wasted_V
BN in_IN this_DT unenviable_JJ spot_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT audience_NN is_BEZ co
ld_JJ ,_, restless_JJ ,_, and_CC in_IN flux_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS prevents_VBZ late-
comers_NNS from_IN missing_VBG some_DTI of_IN the_AT people_NNS they_PPSS have_H
V come_VBN a_AT long_JJ way_NN to_TO hear_VB ,_, and_CC it_PPS gives_VBZ the_AT
resident_JJ musicians_NNS a_AT chance_NN to_TO perform_VB before_IN the_AT famou
s_JJ Newport_NP audience_NN ._. The_AT Jazz_NN-TL Three_CD-TL displayed_VBD thei
r_PP$ sound_JJ musicianship_NN ,_, not_* only_RB in_IN their_PP$ own_JJ chosen_V
BN set_NN ,_, but_CC as_CS the_AT emergency_NN accompanists_NNS for_IN Al_NP Min
ns_NP &_CC Leon_NP James_NP ,_, the_AT superb_JJ jazz_NN dancers_NNS who_WPS hav
e_HV now_RB been_BEN Newport_NP performers_NNS for_IN three_CD successive_JJ yea
rs_NNS ,_, gradually_RB moving_VBG up_RP from_IN a_AT morning_NN seminar_NN on_I
N the_AT evolution_NN of_IN the_AT blues_NNS to_IN a_AT spot_NN on_IN the_AT eve
ning_NN program_NN ._. Julie_NP-HL Wilson_NP-HL sings_VBZ-HL Julie_NP Wilson_NP
,_, a_AT vigorous_JJ vocalist_NN without_IN many_AP wild_JJ twists_NNS ,_, sang_
VBD a_AT set_NN ,_, a_AT large_JJ part_NN of_IN which_WDT consisted_VBD of_IN su
ch_JJ seldom_RB heard_VBN old_JJ oldies_NNS as_CS ``_`` Hard-Hearted_JJ-TL Hanna
h_NP-TL ,_, The_AT-TL Vamp_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Savannah_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT
delightful_JJ ``_`` Sunday_NR ''_'' ._. She_PPS frosted_VBD the_AT cake_NN with
_IN the_AT always_RB reliable_JJ ``_`` Bill_NP-TL Bailey_NP-TL ''_'' ._. From_IN
this_DT taste_NN of_IN the_AT 1920s_NNS ,_, we_PPSS leaped_VBD way_QL out_RP to
_IN Stan_NP Getz's_NP$ private_JJ brand_NN of_IN progressive_JJ jazz_NN ,_, whic
h_WDT did_DOD lovely_JJ ,_, subtle_JJ things_NNS for_IN ``_`` Baubles_NNS-TL ,_,
Bangles_NNS-TL And_CC-TL Beads_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC a_AT couple_NN of_IN bal
lards_NNS ._. Getz_NP is_BEZ a_AT difficult_JJ musician_NN to_TO categorize_VB .
_. He_PPS plays_VBZ his_PP$ sax_NN principally_RB for_IN beauty_NN of_IN tone_NN
,_, rather_IN than_IN for_IN scintillating_VBG flights_NNS of_IN meaningless_JJ
improvisations_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS has_HVZ a_AT quiet_JJ way_NN of_IN getting
_VBG back_RB and_CC restating_VBG the_AT melody_NN after_CS the_AT improvising_N
N is_BEZ over_RP ._. In_IN this_DT he_PPS is_BEZ sticking_VBG with_IN tradition_
NN ,_, however_WQL far_RB removed_VBN from_IN it_PPO he_PPS may_MD seem_VB to_TO
be_BE ._. Shearing_NP-HL takes_VBZ-HL over_RP-HL George_NP Shearing_NP took_VBD
over_RP with_IN his_PP$ well_QL disciplined_VBN group_NN ,_, a_AT sextet_NN con
sisting_VBG of_IN vibes_NNS ,_, guitar_NN ,_, bass_NN ,_, drums_NNS ,_, Shearing
's_NP$ piano_NN and_CC a_AT bongo_NN drummer_NN ._. He_PPS met_VBD with_IN enthu
siastic_JJ audience_NN approval_NN ,_, especially_RB when_WRB he_PPS swung_VBD f
rom_IN jazz_NN to_IN Latin_JJ American_JJ things_NNS like_CS the_AT Mambo_NP ._.
Shearing_NP ,_, himself_PPL ,_, seemed_VBD to_IN me_PPO to_TO be_BE playing_VBG
better_RBR piano_NN than_CS in_IN his_PP$ recent_JJ Newport_NP appearances_NNS
._. A_AT very_QL casual_JJ ,_, pleasant_JJ program_NN --_-- one_CD of_IN those_D
TS easy-going_JJ things_NNS that_WPS make_VB Newport's_NP$ afternoon_NN programs
_NNS such_ABL a_AT relaxing_VBG delight_NN --_-- was_BEDZ held_VBN again_RB unde
r_IN sunny_JJ skies_NNS ,_, hot_JJ sun_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT fresh_JJ breeze_NN for
_IN an_AT audience_NN of_IN at_IN least_AP a_AT couple_NN of_IN thousands_NNS wh
o_WPS came_VBD to_IN Newport_NP to_TO hear_VB music_NN rather_IN than_IN go_VB t
o_IN the_AT beach_NN ._. Divided_VBN almost_QL equally_RB into_IN two_CD parts_N
NS ,_, it_PPS consisted_VBD of_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Evolution_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_A
T-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, narrated_VBN by_IN Jon_NP Hendricks_NP ,_, who_WPS h
ad_HVD presented_VBN it_PPO last_AP year_NN at_IN the_AT Monterey_NP ,_, Calif._
NP ,_, Jazz_NN-TL Festival_NN-TL ,_, and_CC an_AT hour-long_JJ session_NN of_IN
Maynard_NP Ferguson_NP and_CC his_PP$ orchestra_NN ,_, a_AT blasting_VBG big_JJ
band_NN ._. Hendricks'_NP$ story_NN was_BEDZ designed_VBN for_IN children_NNS an
d_CC he_PPS had_HVD a_AT small_JJ audience_NN of_IN small_JJ children_NNS right_
QL on_IN stage_NN with_IN him_PPO ._. Tracing_VBG the_AT blues_NNS from_IN its_P
P$ African_JJ roots_NNS among_IN the_AT slaves_NNS who_WPS were_BED brought_VBN
to_IN this_DT country_NN and_CC the_AT West_JJ-TL Indies_NPS ,_, he_PPS stressed
_VBD the_AT close_JJ relationship_NN between_IN the_AT early_JJ jazz_NN forms_NN
S and_CC the_AT music_NN of_IN the_AT Negro_NP churches_NNS ._. Surprise_JJ-HL a
ddition_NN-HL To_TO help_VB him_PPO on_IN this_DT religious_JJ aspect_NN of_IN p
rimitive_JJ jazz_NN he_PPS had_HVD ``_`` Big_NP ''_'' Miller_NP ,_, as_CS a_AT p
reacher-singer_NN and_CC Hannah_NP Dean_NP ,_, Gospel-singer_NN ,_, while_CS Osc
ar_NP Brown_NP Jr._NP ,_, an_AT extremely_QL talented_JJ young_JJ man_NN ,_, did
_DOD a_AT slave_NN auctioneer's_NN$ call_NN ,_, a_AT field-hands'_NNS$ work_NN s
ong_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT beautifully_RB sung_VBN Negro_NP lullaby_NN ,_, ``_`` Bro
wn_JJ-TL Baby_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT truly_QL mo
ving_JJ moments_NNS of_IN the_AT festival_NN ._. One_CD of_IN those_DTS delightf
ul_JJ surprise_JJ additions_NNS ,_, which_WDT so_QL frequently_RB occur_VB in_IN
jazz_NN programs_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ an_AT excellent_JJ stint_NN at_IN the_AT drum
s_NNS by_IN the_AT great_JJ Joe_NP Jones_NP ,_, drumming_VBG to_IN ``_`` Old_JJ-
TL Man_NN-TL River_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV been_BEN el
ected_VBN the_AT favorite_JJ solo_NN for_IN the_AT boys_NNS on_IN the_AT batteri
e_NN at_IN this_DT year's_NN$ concerts_NNS ._. Demonstrating_VBG the_AT primitiv
e_JJ African_JJ rhythmic_JJ backgrounds_NNS of_IN the_AT Blues_NNS-TL was_BEDZ M
ichael_NP Babatunde_NP Olatunji_NP ,_, who_WPS plays_VBZ such_JJ native_JJ drums
_NNS as_CS the_AT konga_NN and_CC even_RB does_DOZ a_AT resounding_VBG job_NN sl
apping_VBG his_PP$ own_JJ chest_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN on_IN previous_JJ
Newport_NP programs_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT sensations_NNS of_I
N last_AP year's_NN$ afternoon_NN concerts_NNS ._. Hendricks_NP had_HVD Billy_NP
Mitchell_NP ,_, tenor_NN sax_NN ;_. ;_. Pony_NN-TL Poindexter_NP ,_, alto_NN sa
x_NN ;_. ;_. Jimmy_NP Witherspoon_NP ,_, Blues_NNS-TL singer_NN (_( and_CC a_AT
good_JJ one_CD )_) ,_, and_CC the_AT Ike_NP-TL Isaacs_NP-TL Trio_NN-TL ,_, which
_WDT has_HVZ done_VBN such_JJ wonderful_JJ work_NN for_IN two_CD afternoons_NNS
now_RB ,_, helping_VBG him_PPO with_IN the_AT musical_JJ examples_NNS ._. It_PPS
all_ABN went_VBD very_QL well_RB ._. Pianists_NNS who_WPS are_BER serious_JJ ab
out_IN their_PP$ work_NN are_BER likely_RB to_TO know_VB the_AT interesting_JJ m
aterial_NN contained_VBN in_IN Schubert's_NP$ Sonatas_NNS-TL ._. Music_NN lovers
_NNS who_WPS are_BER not_* familiar_JJ with_IN this_DT literature_NN may_MD hear
_VB an_AT excellent_JJ example_NN ,_, played_VBN for_IN RCA_NN by_IN Emil_NP Gil
els_NP ._. He_PPS has_HVZ chosen_VBN Sonata_NN-TL Op._NN-TL 53_CD-TL in_IN Aj_NN
._. The_AT playing_VBG takes_VBZ both_ABX sides_NNS of_IN the_AT disc_NN ._. Pe
rhaps_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT reasons_NNS these_DTS Sonatas_NNS-TL are_BER not_*
programmed_VBN more_QL often_RB is_BEZ their_PP$ great_JJ length_NN ._. Rhythmic
_JJ interest_NN ,_, melodic_JJ beauty_NN and_CC the_AT expansiveness_NN of_IN th
e_AT writing_NN are_BER all_ABN qualities_NNS which_WDT hold_VB one's_PN$ attent
ion_NN with_IN the_AT Gilels_NP playing_NN ._. His_PP$ technique_NN is_BEZ ample
_JJ and_CC his_PP$ musical_JJ ideas_NNS are_BER projected_VBN beautifully_RB ._.
The_AT male_NN chorus_NN of_IN the_AT Robert_NP Shaw_NP Chorale_NP sings_VBZ Se
a_NN-TL Shanties_NNS-TL in_IN fine_JJ style_NN ._. The_AT group_NN is_BEZ superb
ly_RB trained_VBN ._. What_WDT a_AT discussion_NN can_MD ensue_VB when_WRB the_A
T title_NN of_IN this_DT type_NN of_IN song_NN is_BEZ in_IN question_NN ._. Do_D
O you_PPSS say_VB chantey_NN ,_, as_CS if_CS the_AT word_NN were_BED derived_VBN
from_IN the_AT French_JJ word_NN chanter_NN ,_, to_TO sing_VB ,_, or_CC do_DO y
ou_PPSS say_VB shanty_NN and_CC think_VB of_IN a_AT roughly_RB built_VBN cabin_N
N ,_, which_WDT derives_VBZ its_PP$ name_NN from_IN the_AT French-Canadian_JJ us
e_NN of_IN the_AT word_NN chantier_FW-NN ,_, with_IN one_CD of_IN its_PP$ meanin
gs_NNS given_VBN as_CS a_AT boat-yard_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS say_VB chantey_NN ._. Ei
ther_DTX way_NN ,_, the_AT Robert_NP Shaw_NP chorus_NN sings_VBZ them_PPO in_IN
fine_JJ style_NN with_IN every_AT colorful_JJ word_NN and_CC its_PP$ musical_JJ
frame_NN spelled_VBN out_RP in_IN terms_NNS of_IN agreeable_JJ listening_VBG ._.
If_CS your_PP$ favorite_JJ song_NN is_BEZ not_* here_RB it_PPS must_MD be_BE an
_AT unfamiliar_JJ one_CD ._. The_AT London_NP label_NN offers_VBZ an_AT operatic
_JJ recital_NN by_IN Ettore_NP Bastianini_NP ,_, a_AT baritone_NN whose_WP$ fame
_NN is_BEZ international_JJ ._. Murray_NP Louis_NP and_CC his_PP$ dance_NN compa
ny_NN appeared_VBD at_IN the_AT Henry_NP-TL Street_NN-TL Playhouse_NN-TL on_IN F
riday_NR and_CC Saturday_NR evenings_NNS and_CC Sunday_NR afternoons_NNS in_IN t
he_AT premiere_NN of_IN his_PP$ latest_JJT work_NN ,_, ``_`` Signal_NN-TL ''_''
,_, and_CC the_AT repetition_NN of_IN an_AT earlier_JJR one_CD ,_, ``_`` Journal
_NN-TL ''_'' ._. ``_`` Signal_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ choreographed_VBN for_IN three_
CD male_NN dancers_NNS to_IN an_AT electronic_JJ score_NN by_IN Alwin_NP Nikolai
s_NP ._. Its_PP$ abstract_JJ decor_NN is_BEZ by_IN John_NP Hultberg_NP ._. Progr
am_NN note_NN reads_VBZ as_CS follows_VBZ :_: ``_`` Take_VB hands_NNS ;_. ;_. th
is_DT urgent_JJ visage_NN beckons_VBZ us_PPO ''_'' ._. Here_RB ,_, as_CS in_IN `
`_`` Journal_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Mr._NP Louis_NP has_HVZ given_VBN himself_PPL the_A
T lion's_NN$ share_NN of_IN the_AT dancing_NN ,_, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT d
oubt_NN that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ capable_JJ of_IN conceiving_VBG and_CC executing_V
BG a_AT wide_JJ variety_NN of_IN difficult_JJ and_CC arresting_JJ physical_JJ mo
vements_NNS ._. Indeed_RB ,_, both_ABX ``_`` Journal_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` Si
gnal_NN-TL ''_'' qualify_VB as_CS instructive_JJ catalogues_NNS of_IN modern-dan
ce_NN calisthenics_NNS ._. But_CC chains_NNS of_IN movements_NNS are_BER not_* n
ecessarily_RB communicative_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN the_AT realm_NN of
_IN communication_NN that_CS the_AT works_NNS prove_VB disappointing_JJ ._. One_
PN frequently_RB has_HVZ the_AT feeling_NN that_CS the_AT order_NN of_IN their_P
P$ movement_NN combinations_NNS could_MD be_BE transposed_VBN without_IN notable
_JJ loss_NN of_IN effect_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ too_QL little_AP suggestion_NN o
f_IN organic_JJ relationship_NN and_CC development_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE ,_
, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS Mr._NP Louis_NP is_BEZ consciously_RB trying_VBG t
o_TO create_VB works_NNS that_WPS anticipate_VB an_AT age_NN of_IN total_JJ auto
mation_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS may_MD be_BE ,_, also_RB ,_, that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ m
erely_RB more_QL mindful_JJ of_IN athletics_NNS than_CS of_IN esthetics_NN at_IN
the_AT present_JJ time_NN ._. One_CD thing_NN is_BEZ certain_JJ ,_, however_RB
,_, and_CC that_DT is_BEZ that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ far_QL more_QL slavish_JJ to_IN
the_AT detailed_VBN accents_NNS ,_, phrasings_NNS and_CC contours_NNS of_IN the_
AT music_NN he_PPS deals_VBZ with_IN than_CS a_AT confident_JJ dance_NN creator_
NN need_MD be_BE ._. '_' an_AT-HL American_JJ-HL journey_NN-HL '_' A_AT brisk_JJ
,_, satirical_JJ spoof_NN of_IN contemporary_JJ American_JJ mores_NNS entitled_
VBN ``_`` An_AT-TL American_JJ-TL Journey_NN-TL ''_'' was_BEDZ given_VBN its_PP$
first_OD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL performance_NN at_IN Hunter_NP-TL College_NN-TL P
layhouse_NN-TL last_AP night_NN by_IN the_AT Helen_NP-TL Tamiris-Daniel_NP-TL Na
grin_NP-TL Dance_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ._. Choreographed_VBN by_IN Mr._NP Nagrin_N
P ,_, the_AT work_NN filled_VBD the_AT second_OD half_ABN of_IN a_AT program_NN
that_WPS also_RB offered_VBD the_AT first_OD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL showing_NN of_
IN Miss_NP Tamiris'_NP$ ``_`` Once_RB-TL Upon_IN-TL A_AT-TL Time_NN-TL ''_'' as_
QL well_RB as_CS her_PP$ ``_`` Women's_NNS$-TL Song_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC Mr._NP Na
grin's_NP$ ``_`` Indeterminate_JJ-TL Figure_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Eugene_NP Lester_NP
assembled_VBD a_AT witty_JJ and_CC explicit_JJ score_NN for_IN ``_`` An_AT-TL Am
erican_JJ-TL Journey_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC Malcolm_NP McCormick_NP gave_VBD it_
PPO sprightly_JJ imaginative_JJ costumes_NNS ._. Mr._NP Nagrin_NP has_HVZ descri
bed_VBN four_CD ``_`` places_NNS ''_'' ,_, each_DT with_IN its_PP$ scenery_NN an
d_CC people_NNS ,_, added_VBD two_CD ``_`` diversions_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC concl
uded_VBD with_IN ``_`` A_AT-TL Toccata_NN-TL for_IN-TL the_AT-TL Young_NN-TL ''_
'' ,_, a_AT refreshingly_RB underplayed_VBN interpretation_NN of_IN rock'n'roll_
NN dancing_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` places_NNS ''_'' could_MD be_BE anywhere_RB ,_, t
he_AT idiosyncrasies_NNS and_CC foibles_NNS observed_VBN there_RB could_MD be_BE
anybody's_PN$ ,_, and_CC the_AT laugh_NN is_BEZ on_IN us_PPO all_ABN ._. But_CC
we_PPSS need_MD not_* mind_VB too_QL much_RB ,_, because_CS Mr._NP Nagrin_NP ha
s_HVZ expressed_VBN it_PPO through_IN movement_NN that_WPS is_BEZ diverting_VBG
and_CC clever_JJ almost_RB all_ABN the_AT way_NN ._. Miss_NP Tamiris'_NP$ ``_``
Once_RB-TL Upon_IN-TL A_AT-TL Time_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT problem_NN piece_NN a
bout_IN a_AT man_NN and_CC a_AT woman_NN and_CC the_AT three_CD ``_`` figures_NN
S ''_'' that_WPS bother_VB them_PPO somehow_RB ._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, the_AT m
an_NN and_CC woman_NN were_BED not_* made_VBN to_TO appear_VB very_QL interestin
g_JJ at_IN the_AT outset_NN and_CC the_AT menacing_VBG figures_NNS failed_VBD to
_TO make_VB them_PPO any_DTI more_AP so_RB ._. Nor_CC did_DOD the_AT dancing_NN
involved_VBN really_RB seize_VB the_AT attention_NN at_IN any_DTI time_NN ._. Th
e_AT music_NN here_RB ,_, Russell_NP Smith's_NP$ ``_`` Tetrameron_NP ''_'' ,_, s
ounded_VBD good_JJ ._. All_ABN the_AT performances_NNS of_IN the_AT evening_NN w
ere_BED smooth_JJ and_CC assured_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT sizable_JJ company_NN ,_,
with_IN Mr._NP Nagrin_NP and_CC Marion_NP Scott_NP as_CS its_PP$ leading_VBG da
ncers_NNS ,_, seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE fine_JJ shape_NN ._. The_AT Symphony_NN-TL
Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Air_NN-TL ,_, greatly_RB assisted_VBN by_IN Van_NP Cliburn_NP
,_, last_AP night_NN got_VBD its_PP$ seven-concert_JJ Beethoven_NP cycle_NN at_
IN Carnegie_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL off_RP to_IN a_AT good_JJ start_NN ._. At_IN the_AT
same_AP time_NN the_AT orchestra_NN announced_VBD that_CS next_AP season_NN it_
PPS would_MD be_BE giving_VBG twenty-five_CD programs_NNS at_IN Carnegie_NP ,_,
and_CC that_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE taking_VBG these_DTS concerts_NNS to_IN the
_AT suburbs_NNS ,_, repeating_VBG each_DT of_IN them_PPO in_IN five_CD different
_JJ communities_NNS ._. This_DT news_NN ,_, announced_VBN by_IN Jerome_NP Toobin
_NP ,_, the_AT orchestra's_NN$ administrative_JJ director_NN ,_, brought_VBD app
lause_NN from_IN the_AT 2,800_CD persons_NNS who_WPS filled_VBD the_AT hall_NN .
_. They_PPSS showed_VBD they_PPSS were_BED glad_JJ that_CS Carnegie_NP would_MD
have_HV a_AT major_JJ orchestra_NN playing_VBG there_RB so_QL often_RB next_AP s
eason_NN to_TO take_VB up_RP the_AT slack_NN with_IN the_AT departure_NN to_IN L
incoln_NP-TL Center_NN-TL of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Philharmonic_NN-TL ,
_, the_AT Philadelphia_NP-TL Orchestra_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Boston_NP-TL Symphony
_NN-TL ._. This_DT season_NN the_AT orchestra_NN has_HVZ already_RB taken_VBN a_
AT step_NN toward_IN the_AT suburbs_NNS in_IN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ giving_VBG s
ix_CD subscription_NN concerts_NNS for_IN the_AT Orchestral_JJ-TL Society_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Westchester_NP-TL in_IN the_AT County_NN-TL Center_NN-TL in_IN White_JJ
-TL Plains_NNS-TL ._. The_AT details_NNS of_IN the_AT suburban_JJ concerts_NNS n
ext_AP season_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT centers_NNS in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS will_MD
be_BE given_VBN ,_, will_MD be_BE announced_VBN later_RBR ,_, Mr._NP Toobin_NP
said_VBD ._. The_AT concertos_NNS that_WPO Van_NP Cliburn_NP has_HVZ been_BEN as
sociated_VBN with_IN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL since_IN his_PP$ triumphant_JJ r
eturn_NN from_IN Russia_NP in_IN 1958_CD have_HV been_BEN the_AT Tchaikovsky_NP
,_, the_AT Rachmaninoff_NP Third_OD-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT Prokofieff_NP Third_OD-
TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ pleasant_JJ last_AP night_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, to_TO h
ear_VB him_PPO do_DO something_PN else_RB :_: a_AT concerto_NN he_PPS has_HVZ re
cently_RB recorded_VBN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Emperor_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT young_
JJ Texas_NP pianist_NN can_MD make_VB great_JJ chords_NNS ring_VB out_RP as_QL w
ell_RB as_CS anyone_PN ,_, so_RB last_AP night_NN the_AT massive_JJ sonorities_N
NS of_IN this_DT challenging_JJ concerto_NN were_BED no_AT hazard_NN to_IN him_P
PO ._. But_CC they_PPSS were_BED not_* what_WDT distinguished_VBD his_PP$ perfor
mance_NN ._. The_AT elements_NNS that_WPS did_DOD were_BED the_AT introspective_
JJ slow_JJ movement_NN ,_, the_AT beautiful_JJ transition_NN to_IN the_AT third_
OD movement_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT passages_NNS of_IN filigree_NN that_WPS laced_V
BD through_IN the_AT bigger_JJR moments_NNS of_IN the_AT opening_VBG movement_NN
and_CC the_AT final_JJ Rondo_FW-NN-TL ._. Mr._NP Cliburn_NP gave_VBD the_AT slo
w_JJ movement_NN some_DTI of_IN the_AT quality_NN of_IN a_AT Chopin_NP Nocturne_
NN-TL ._. Alfred_NP Wallenstein_NP ,_, the_AT conductor_NN ,_, sensitive_JJ acco
mpanist_NN that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ ,_, picked_VBD up_RP the_AT idea_NN and_CC led_
VBD the_AT orchestra_NN here_RB with_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN brooding_VBG ,_, poe
tic_JJ mystery_NN ._. The_AT collaboration_NN was_BEDZ remarkable_JJ ,_, as_CS i
t_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN both_ABX the_AT other_AP movements_NNS ,_, too_RB ._. Mr._N
P Wallenstein_NP ,_, who_WPS will_MD lead_VB all_ABN of_IN the_AT concerts_NNS i
n_IN the_AT cycle_NN ,_, also_RB conducted_VBD the_AT ``_`` Leonore_NP-TL ''_''
Overture_NN-TL No._NN-TL 3_CD-TL and_CC the_AT Fourth_OD-TL Symphony_NN-TL ._. T
he_AT orchestra_NN was_BEDZ obviously_RB on_IN its_PP$ mettle_NN and_CC it_PPS p
layed_VBD most_QL responsively_RB ._. And_CC although_CS there_EX was_BEDZ plent
y_NN of_IN vigor_NN in_IN the_AT performance_NN ,_, the_AT ensemble_NN was_BEDZ
at_IN its_PP$ best_JJT when_WRB the_AT playing_NN was_BEDZ soft_JJ and_CC lyrica
l_JJ ,_, yet_RB full_JJ of_IN the_AT suppressed_VBN tension_NN that_WPS is_BEZ o
ne_CD of_IN the_AT hallmarks_NNS of_IN Beethoven_NP ._. Igor_NP Oistrakh_NP will
_MD be_BE the_AT next_AP soloist_NN on_IN Feb._NP 4_CD ._. There_EX are_BER time
s_NNS when_WRB one_PN suspects_VBZ that_CS the_AT songs_NNS that_WPS are_BER dro
pped_VBN from_IN musical_JJ shows_NNS before_CS they_PPSS reach_VB Broadway_NP m
ay_MD really_RB be_BE better_JJR than_CS many_AP of_IN those_DTS that_WPS are_BE
R left_VBN in_RP ._. Today_NR ,_, in_IN the_AT era_NN of_IN the_AT integrated_VB
N musical_NN when_WRB an_AT individual_JJ song_NN must_MD contribute_VB to_IN th
e_AT over-all_JJ development_NN of_IN the_AT show_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ understan
dable_JJ that_CS a_AT song_NN ,_, no_AT matter_NN how_WRB excellent_JJ it_PPS ma
y_MD be_BE on_IN its_PP$ own_JJ terms_NNS ,_, is_BEZ cut_VBN out_RP because_CS i
t_PPS does_DOZ not_* perform_VB the_AT function_NN required_VBN of_IN it_PPO ._.
In_IN the_AT more_QL casually_RB constructed_VBN musicals_NNS of_IN the_AT Nine
teen_CD-TL Twenties_NNS-TL and_CC Nineteen_CD-TL Thirties_NNS-TL there_EX would_
MD seem_VB to_TO have_HV been_BEN less_AP reason_NN for_CS eliminating_VBG a_AT
song_NN of_IN merit_NN ._. Yet_RB there_EX is_BEZ the_AT classic_JJ case_NN of_I
N the_AT Gershwins'_NPS$ ``_`` The_AT-TL Man_NN-TL I_PPSS Love_VB-TL ''_'' ._. D
eemed_VBN too_QL static_JJ when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ first_RB heard_VBN in_IN ``_
`` Lady_NN-TL Be_BE-TL Good_JJ-TL ''_'' in_IN Philadelphia_NP in_IN 1924_CD ,_,
it_PPS was_BEDZ dropped_VBN from_IN the_AT score_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ heard_VB
N again_RB in_IN Philadelphia_NP in_IN 1927_CD in_IN the_AT first_OD version_NN
of_IN ``_`` Strike_VB-TL Up_RP-TL The_AT-TL Band_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC again_RB aba
ndoned_VBN shortly_RB before_CS the_AT entire_JJ show_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN up_R
P ._. It_PPS finally_RB reached_VBD Broadway_NP in_IN the_AT second_OD and_CC su
ccessful_JJ version_NN of_IN ``_`` Strike_VB-TL Up_RP-TL The_AT-TL Band_NN-TL ''
_'' in_IN 1929_CD ._. (_( Still_RB another_DT song_NN in_IN ``_`` Strike_VB-TL U
p_RP-TL The_AT-TL Band_NN-TL ''_'' --_-- ``_`` I've_PPSS+HV Got_VBN-TL A_AT-TL C
rush_NN-TL On_IN-TL You_PPO-TL ''_'' --_-- was_BEDZ retrieved_VBN from_IN a_AT 1
928_CD failure_NN ,_, ``_`` Treasure_NN-TL Girl_NN-TL ''_'' ._. )_) second_OD-HL
chance_NN-HL Like_CS the_AT Gershwins_NPS ,_, Richard_NP Rodgers_NP and_CC Lore
nz_NP Hart_NP were_BED loath_JJ to_TO let_VB a_AT good_JJ song_NN get_VB away_RB
from_IN them_PPO ._. If_CS one_CD of_IN Mr._NP Rodgers'_NP$ melodies_NNS seemed
_VBD to_TO deserve_VB a_AT better_JJR fate_NN than_CS interment_NN in_IN Boston_
NP or_CC the_AT obscurity_NN of_IN a_AT Broadway_NP failure_NN ,_, Mr._NP Hart_N
P was_BEDZ likely_JJ to_TO deck_VB it_PPO out_RP with_IN new_JJ lyrics_NNS to_TO
give_VB it_PPO a_AT second_OD chance_NN in_IN another_DT show_NN ._. Several_AP
of_IN these_DTS double_JJ entries_NNS have_HV been_BEN collected_VBN by_IN Ben_
NP Bagley_NP and_CC Michael_NP McWhinney_NP ,_, along_IN with_IN Rodgers_NP and_
CC Hart_NP songs_NNS that_WPS disappeared_VBD permanently_RB en_FW-IN route_FW-N
N to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL and_CC others_NNS that_WPS reached_VBD Broadway_NP
but_CC have_HV not_* become_VBN part_NN of_IN the_AT constantly_RB heard_VBN Rod
gers_NP and_CC Hart_NP repertory_NN ,_, in_IN a_AT delightfully_RB refreshing_JJ
album_NN ,_, Rodgers_NP-TL And_CC-TL Hart_NP-TL Revisited_VBN-TL (_( Spruce_NN-
TL Records_NNS-TL ,_, 505_CD-TL Fifth_OD-TL Avenue_NN-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-T
L )_) ._. Among_IN the_AT particular_JJ gems_NNS in_IN this_DT collection_NN is_
BEZ the_AT impudent_JJ opening_VBG song_NN of_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Garrick_NP-TL G
aieties_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, an_AT impressive_JJ forecast_NN of_IN the_AT wit_NN and
_CC melody_NN that_WPS were_BED to_TO come_VB from_IN Rodgers_NP and_CC Hart_NP
in_IN the_AT years_NNS that_WPS followed_VBD ;_. ;_. Dorothy_NP Loudon's_NP$ rau
cous_JJ listing_NN of_IN the_AT attractions_NNS ``_`` At_IN-TL The_AT-TL Roxy_NP
-TL Music_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL ''_'' from_IN ``_`` I_PPSS Married_VBD-TL An_AT-TL An
gel_NN-TL ''_'' ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT incisive_JJ style_NN with_IN which_WDT Cha
rlotte_NP Rae_NP delivers_VBZ the_AT top-drawer_NN Hart_NP lyrics_NNS of_IN ``_`
` I_PPSS Blush_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT song_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ cut_VBN from_IN ``
_`` A_AT-TL Connecticut_NP-TL Yankee_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Altogether_RB fifteen_CD vi
rtually_QL unknown_JJ Rodgers_NP and_CC Hart_NP songs_NNS are_BER sung_VBN by_IN
a_AT quintet_NN of_IN able_JJ vocalists_NNS ._. Norman_NP Paris_NP has_HVZ prov
ided_VBN them_PPO with_IN extremely_QL effective_JJ orchestral_JJ accompaniment_
NN ._. Turning_VBG to_IN the_AT current_JJ musical_JJ season_NN on_IN Broadway_N
P ,_, the_AT most_QL widely_RB acclaimed_VBN of_IN the_AT new_JJ arrivals_NNS ,_
, How_WQL-TL To_TO-TL Succeed_VB-TL In_IN-TL Business_NN-TL Without_IN-TL Really
_RB-TL Trying_VBG-TL ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN transferred_VBN to_IN an_AT original_J
J cast_NN album_NN (_( R._NP C._NP A._NP Victor_NN-TL LOC_NN 1066_CD ;_. ;_. ste
reo_NN LSO_NN 1066_CD )_) that_WPS has_HVZ some_DTI entertaining_JJ moments_NNS
,_, although_CS it_PPS is_BEZ scarcely_RB as_QL inventive_JJ as_CS the_AT praise
_NN elicited_VBN by_IN the_AT show_NN might_MD lead_VB one_PN to_TO expect_VB ._
. Robert_NP Morse_NP ,_, singing_VBG with_IN comically_RB plaintive_JJ earnestne
ss_NN ,_, carries_VBZ most_AP of_IN the_AT burden_NN and_CC is_BEZ responsible_J
J for_IN the_AT high_JJ spots_NNS in_IN Frank_NP Loesser's_NP$ score_NN ._. Rudy
_NP Vallee_NP ,_, who_WPS shares_VBZ star_NN billing_NN with_IN Mr._NP Morse_NP
,_, makes_VBZ only_AP two_CD appearances_NNS ._. He_PPS shares_VBZ with_IN Mr._N
P Morse_NP a_AT parody_NN of_IN the_AT college_NN anthems_NNS he_PPS once_RB san
g_VBD while_CS his_PP$ second_OD song_NN is_BEZ whisked_VBN away_RB from_IN him_
PPO by_IN Virginia_NP Martin_NP ,_, a_AT girl_NN with_IN a_AT remarkably_QL expr
essive_JJ yip_NN in_IN her_PP$ voice_NN ._. In_IN general_JJ ,_, Mr._NP Loesser_
NP has_HVZ done_VBN a_AT more_QL consistent_JJ job_NN as_CS lyricist_NN than_CS
he_PPS has_HVZ as_CS composer_NN ._. Like_CS Mr._NP Loesser_NP ,_, Jerry_NP Herm
an_NP is_BEZ both_ABX composer_NN and_CC lyriist_NN for_IN Milk_NN-TL And_CC-TL
Honey_NN-TL (_( R._NP C._NP A._NP Victor_NN-TL LOC_NN 1065_CD ;_. ;_. stereo_NN
LSO_NN 1065_CD )_) ,_, but_CC in_IN this_DT case_NN it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT music_N
N that_WPS stands_VBZ above_IN the_AT lyrics_NNS ._. For_IN this_DT story_NN of_
IN an_AT American_JJ couple_NN who_WPS meet_VB and_CC fall_VB in_IN love_NN in_I
N Israel_NP ,_, Mr._NP Herman_NP has_HVZ written_VBN songs_NNS that_WPS are_BER
warmly_RB melodious_JJ and_CC dance_NN music_NN that_WPS sparkles_VBZ ._. Resour
ceful_JJ-HL voices_NNS-HL There_EX are_BER the_AT full-bodied_JJ ,_, resourceful
_JJ voices_NNS of_IN Robert_NP Weede_NP ,_, Mimi_NP Benzell_NP and_CC Tommy_NP R
all_NP to_TO make_VB the_AT most_AP of_IN Mr._NP Herman's_NP$ lilting_VBG melodi
es_NNS and_CC ,_, for_IN an_AT occasional_JJ change_NN of_IN pace_NN ,_, the_AT
bright_JJ humor_NN of_IN Molly_NP Picon_NP ._. Mr._NP Herman_NP has_HVZ managed_
VBN to_TO mix_VB musical_JJ ideas_NNS drawn_VBN from_IN Israel_NP and_CC the_AT
standard_JJ American_JJ ballad_NN style_NN in_IN a_AT manner_NN that_WPS stresse
s_VBZ the_AT basic_JJ tunefulness_NN of_IN both_ABX idioms_NNS ._. Not_* content
_JJ to_TO create_VB only_RB the_AT music_NN and_CC lyrics_NNS ,_, Noel_NP Coward
_NP also_RB wrote_VBD the_AT book_NN and_CC directed_VBD Sail_VB-TL Away_RB-TL (
_( Capitol_NN-TL WAO_NP-TL 1643_CD-TL ;_. ;_. stereo_NN SWAO_NN 1643_CD )_) ,_,
a_AT saga_NN of_IN life_NN on_IN a_AT cruise_NN ship_NN that_WPS is_BEZ not_* ap
t_JJ to_TO be_BE included_VBN among_IN Mr._NP Coward's_NP$ more_QL memorable_JJ
works_NNS ._. The_AT melodies_NNS flow_VB along_RB pleasantly_RB ,_, as_CS Mr._N
P Coward's_NP$ songs_NNS usually_RB do_DO ,_, but_CC his_PP$ lyrics_NNS have_HV
a_AT tired_JJ ,_, cut-to-a-familiar-pattern_JJ quality_NN ._. Elaine_NP Stritch_
NP ,_, who_WPS sings_VBZ with_IN a_AT persuasively_QL warm_JJ huskiness_NN ,_, b
elts_VBZ some_DTI life_NN into_IN most_AP of_IN her_PP$ songs_NNS ,_, but_CC the
_AT other_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT cast_NN sound_VB as_QL lukewarm_JJ as_CS M
r._NP Coward's_NP$ songs_NNS ._. With_IN three_CD fine_JJ Russian_JJ films_NNS i
n_IN recent_JJ months_NNS on_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, --_-- ``_`` Th
e_AT-TL House_NN-TL I_PPSS Live_VB-TL In_IN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Cranes_
NNS-TL Are_BER-TL Flying_VBG-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` Ballad_NN-TL Of_IN-TL A_AT-TL
Soldier_NN-TL ''_'' --_-- we_PPSS had_HVD every_AT right_NN to_TO expect_VB a_A
T real_JJ Soviet_NN-TL block-buster_NN in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Day_NN-TL The_AT-TL
War_NN-TL Ended_VBD-TL ''_'' ._. It_PPS simply_RB isn't_BEZ* ,_, not_* by_IN a_
AT long_JJ shot_NN ._. The_AT Artkino_NP presentation_NN ,_, with_IN English_NP
titles_NNS ,_, opened_VBD on_IN Saturday_NR at_IN the_AT Cameo_NN-TL Theatre_NN-
TL ._. Make_VB no_AT mistake_NN ,_, this_DT Gorky_NP-TL Studio_NN-TL drama_NN is
_BEZ a_AT respectable_JJ import_NN --_-- aptly_QL grave_JJ ,_, carefully_RB writ
ten_VBN ,_, performed_VBN and_CC directed_VBN ._. In_IN describing_VBG the_AT in
itial_JJ Allied_VBN-TL occupation_NN of_IN a_AT middle-sized_JJ German_JJ city_N
N ,_, the_AT picture_NN has_HVZ color_NN ,_, pictorial_JJ pull_NN and_CC genuine
ly_RB moving_JJ moments_NNS ._. Told_VBN strictly_RB from_IN the_AT viewpoint_NN
of_IN the_AT Russian_JJ conquerors_NNS ,_, the_AT film_NN compassionately_RB pe
ers_VBZ over_IN the_AT shoulders_NNS of_IN a_AT smitten_VBN Soviet_NN-TL couple_
NN ,_, at_IN both_ABX sides_NNS of_IN the_AT conflict's_NN$ aftermath_NN ._. Unf
ortunately_RB ,_, the_AT whole_JJ picture_NN hinges_VBZ on_IN this_DT romance_NN
,_, at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN everything_PN else_RB ._. Tenderly_RB and_CC
rather_QL tediously_RB ,_, the_AT camera_NN rivets_VBZ on_IN the_AT abrupt_JJ ,_
, deep_JJ love_NN of_IN a_AT pretty_JJ nurse_NN and_CC a_AT uniformed_JJ teacher
_NN ,_, complicated_VBN by_IN nothing_PN more_AP than_IN a_AT friend_NN they_PPS
S don't_DO* want_VB to_TO hurt_VB ._. It's_PPS+BEZ the_AT old_JJ story_NN ,_, wa
r_NN or_CC no_AT war_NN ,_, and_CC more_AP than_IN one_CD viewer_NN may_MD recal
l_VB Hollywood's_NP$ ``_`` Titanic_JJ-TL ''_'' ,_, several_AP seasons_NNS back_R
B ,_, when_WRB the_AT paramount_JJS concern_NN was_BEDZ for_IN the_AT marital_JJ
discord_NN of_IN a_AT society_NN dilettante_NN ._. Not_* that_CS the_AT picture
_NN is_BEZ superficial_JJ ._. Under_IN Yakov_NP Segal's_NP$ direction_NN ,_, it_
PPS begins_VBZ stirringly_RB ,_, as_CS crouching_VBG Soviet_NN-TL and_CC Nazi_NP
troops_NNS silently_RB scan_VB each_DT other_AP ,_, waiting_VBG for_IN the_AT f
irst_OD surrender_NN gesture_NN ._. One_CD high-up_JJ camera_NN shot_NN is_BEZ m
agnificent_JJ ,_, as_CS the_AT Germans_NPS straggle_VB from_IN a_AT cathedral_NN
,_, dotting_VBG a_AT huge_JJ ,_, cobblestone_NN square_NN ,_, and_CC drop_NN th
eir_PP$ weapons_NNS ._. Ring_NN-TL-HL Of_IN-TL-HL Bright_JJ-TL-HL Water_NN-TL-HL
,_,-HL by_IN-HL Gavin_NP-HL Maxwell_NP-HL ._. 211_CD pages_NNS ._. Dutton_NP ._
. A5_NNS ._. Only_RB once_RB in_IN a_AT very_QL long_JJ while_NN comes_VBZ a_AT
book_NN that_WPS gives_VBZ the_AT reader_NN a_AT magic_JJ sense_NN of_IN sharing
_VBG a_AT rare_JJ experience_NN ._. ``_`` Ring_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Bright_JJ-TL Water
_NN-TL ''_'' by_IN Gavin_NP Maxwell_NP is_BEZ just_RB that_DT --_-- a_AT hauntin
g_JJ ,_, warmly_RB personal_JJ chronicle_NN of_IN a_AT man_NN ,_, an_AT otter_NN
,_, and_CC a_AT remote_JJ cottage_NN in_IN the_AT Scottish_JJ West_JJ-TL Highla
nds_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` He_PPS has_HVZ married_VBN me_PPO with_IN a_AT ring_NN of_I
N bright_JJ water_NN ''_'' ,_, begins_VBZ the_AT Kathleen_NP Raine_NP poem_NN fr
om_IN which_WDT Maxwell_NP takes_VBZ his_PP$ title_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ t
his_DT mystic_JJ bond_NN between_IN the_AT human_JJ and_CC natural_JJ world_NN t
hat_WPO the_AT author_NN conveys_VBZ ._. The_AT place_NN is_BEZ Camusfearna_NP ,
_, the_AT site_NN of_IN a_AT long-vanished_JJ sea-village_NN opposite_IN the_AT
isle_NN of_IN Skye_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT land_NN of_IN long_JJ fjords_NNS ,_
, few_AP people_NNS ,_, a_AT single-lane_NN road_NN miles_NNS away_RB --_-- and_
CC of_IN wild_JJ stags_NNS ,_, Greylag_NP geese_NNS ,_, wild_JJ swans_NNS ,_, do
lphins_NNS and_CC porpoises_NNS playing_VBG in_IN the_AT waters_NNS ._. How_WRB
Maxwell_NP recounts_VBZ his_PP$ first_OD coming_NN to_IN Camusfearna_NP ,_, his_
PP$ furnishing_NN the_AT empty_JJ house_NN with_IN beach-drift_NN ,_, the_AT sub
tle_JJ changes_NNS in_IN season_NN over_IN ten_CD years_NNS ,_, is_BEZ a_AT movi
ng_JJ experience_NN ._. Just_RB the_AT evocations_NNS of_IN time_NN and_CC place
_NN ,_, of_IN passionate_JJ encounter_NN between_IN man_NN and_CC a_AT natural_J
J world_NN which_WDT today_NR seems_VBZ almost_RB lost_VBN ,_, would_MD be_BE en
ough_AP ._. But_CC it_PPS isn't_BEZ* ._. There_EX is_BEZ Mijbil_NP ,_, an_AT ott
er_NN who_WPS travelled_VBD with_IN Maxwell_NP --_-- and_CC gave_VBD Maxwell's_N
P$ name_NN to_IN a_AT new_JJ species_NN --_-- from_IN the_AT Tigris_NP marshes_N
NS to_IN his_PP$ London_NP flat_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD sound_VB extravagant_JJ to_
TO say_VB that_CS there_EX has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN a_AT more_QL engaging_JJ an
imal_NN in_IN all_ABN literature_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* only_RB a_AT compli
ment_NN to_IN Mijbil_NP ,_, of_IN whom_WPO there_EX are_BER a_AT fine_JJ series_
NN of_IN photographs_NNS and_CC drawings_NNS in_IN the_AT book_NN ,_, but_CC to_
IN the_AT author_NN who_WPS has_HVZ catalogued_VBN the_AT saga_NN of_IN a_AT fri
ghtened_VBN otter_NN cub's_NN$ journey_NN by_IN plane_NN from_IN Iraq_NP to_IN L
ondon_NP ,_, then_RB by_IN train_NN (_( where_WRB he_PPS lay_VBD curled_VBN in_I
N the_AT wash_NN basin_NN playing_VBG with_IN the_AT water_NN tap_NN )_) to_IN C
amusfearna_NP ,_, with_IN affectionate_JJ detail_NN ._. Mij_NP ,_, as_CS his_PP$
owner_NN was_BEDZ soon_RB to_TO learn_VB ,_, had_HVD strange_JJ ,_, inexplicabl
e_JJ habits_NNS ._. He_PPS liked_VBD to_TO nip_VB ear_NN lobes_NNS of_IN unsuspe
cting_JJ visitors_NNS with_IN his_PP$ needle-sharp_JJ teeth_NNS ._. He_PPS prefe
rred_VBD sleeping_VBG in_IN bed_NN with_IN his_PP$ head_NN on_IN a_AT pillow_NN
._. Systematically_RB he_PPS would_MD open_VB and_CC ransack_VB drawers_NNS ._.
Given_VBN a_AT small_JJ ball_NN or_CC marbles_NNS ,_, he_PPS would_MD invent_VB
games_NNS and_CC play_VB by_IN himself_PPL for_IN hours_NNS ._. With_IN curiosit
y_NN and_CC elan_NN ,_, he_PPS explored_VBD every_AT inch_NN of_IN glen_NN ,_, b
each_NN and_CC burn_NN ,_, once_RB stranding_VBG himself_PPL for_IN hours_NNS on
_IN a_AT ledge_NN high_RB up_IN a_AT sheer_JJ seventy-foot_JJ cliff_NN and_CC wa
iting_VBG with_IN calm_JJ faith_NN to_TO be_BE rescued_VBN by_IN Maxwell_NP ,_,
who_WPS nearly_RB lost_VBD his_PP$ life_NN in_IN doing_VBG so_RB ._. A_AT year_N
N and_CC a_AT day_NN of_IN this_DT idyll_NN is_BEZ described_VBN for_IN the_AT r
eader_NN ,_, one_CD in_IN which_WDT not_* only_RB discovery_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ
world_NN of_IN personality_NN is_BEZ charted_VBN ,_, but_CC self-discovery_NN a
s_CS well_RB ._. In_IN the_AT solitude_NN of_IN Camusfearna_NP there_EX had_HVD
been_BEN no_AT loneliness_NN ._. ``_`` To_TO be_BE quite_QL alone_JJ where_WRB t
here_EX are_BER no_AT other_AP human_JJ beings_NNS is_BEZ sharply_QL exhilaratin
g_JJ ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ as_CS though_CS some_DTI pressure_NN had_HVD suddenly
_RB been_BEN lifted_VBN ,_, allowing_VBG an_AT intense_JJ awareness_NN a_AT shar
pening_NN of_IN the_AT senses_NNS ''_'' ._. Now_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT increasing
_VBG interdependence_NN between_IN himself_PPL and_CC Mij_NP came_VBD a_AT knowl
edge_NN of_IN an_AT obscure_JJ need_NN ,_, that_DT of_IN being_BEG trusted_VBN i
mplicitly_RB by_IN some_DTI creature_NN ._. Two_CD other_AP people_NNS in_IN tim
e_NN shared_VBD Mijbil's_NP$ love_NN :_: ``_`` it_PPS remained_VBD around_IN us_
PPO three_CD that_CS his_PP$ orb_NN revolved_VBD when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ not_*
away_RB in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ imponderable_JJ world_NN of_IN wave_NN and_CC water
_NN ;_. ;_. we_PPSS were_BED his_PP$ Trinity_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS behaved_VBD to
wards_IN us_PPO with_IN a_AT mixture_NN of_IN trust_NN and_CC abuse_NN ,_, passi
on_NN and_CC irritation_NN ._. In_IN turn_NN each_DT of_IN us_PPO in_IN our_PP$
own_JJ way_NN depended_VBD ,_, as_CS gods_NNS do_DO ,_, upon_IN his_PP$ worship_
NN ''_'' ._. Yet_RB the_AT idyll_NN ended_VBD ._. The_AT brief_JJ details_NNS of
_IN Mijbil's_NP$ death_NN lend_VB depth_NN to_IN the_AT story_NN ,_, give_VB it_
PPO an_AT edge_NN of_IN ironic_JJ tragedy_NN ._. Man_NN ,_, to_IN whom_WPO Mij_N
P gave_VBD endless_JJ affection_NN and_CC fealty_NN ,_, was_BEDZ responsible_JJ
in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN a_AT road_NN worker_NN with_IN a_AT pickaxe_NN who_WP
S somehow_RB becomes_VBZ an_AT abstract_JJ symbol_NN of_IN the_AT savage_NN in_I
N man_NN ._. But_CC then_RB ,_, through_IN a_AT strange_JJ coincidence_NN ,_, Ma
xwell_NP manages_VBZ to_TO acquire_VB Idal_NP ,_, a_AT female_JJ otter_NN ,_, an
d_CC the_AT fascinating_JJ story_NN starts_VBZ once_RB more_RBR ._. One_PN is_BE
Z not_* sure_JJ who_WPS emerges_VBZ as_CS the_AT main_JJS personality_NN of_IN t
his_DT book_NN --_-- Mijbil_NP ,_, with_IN his_PP$ rollicking_VBG ways_NNS ,_, o
r_CC Maxwell_NP himself_PPL ,_, poet_NN ,_, portrait_NN painter_NN ,_, writer_NN
,_, journalist_NN ,_, traveller_NN and_CC zoologist_NN ,_, sensitive_JJ but_CC
never_RB sentimental_JJ recorder_NN of_IN an_AT unusual_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN
,_, in_IN a_AT language_NN at_IN once_RB lyrical_JJ and_CC forceful_JJ ,_, vivid
_JJ and_CC unabashed_JJ ._. This_DT reviewer_NN read_VBD the_AT book_NN when_WRB
it_PPS was_BEDZ first_RB brought_VBN out_RP in_IN England_NP with_IN a_AT sense
_NN of_IN discovery_NN and_CC excitement_NN ._. Now_RB Gavin_NP Maxwell's_NP$ Ri
ng_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Bright_JJ-TL Water_NN-TL has_HVZ widened_VBN to_TO enchant_VB
the_AT world_NN ._. New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL --_-- The_AT performances_NNS of_IN the
_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL Francaise_FW-JJ-TL are_BER the_AT most_QL important_JJ rece
nt_JJ events_NNS in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL theater_NN ._. They_PPSS serv
e_VB to_TO contradict_VB a_AT popular_JJ notion_NN that_CS the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-
TL merely_RB repeats_VBZ ,_, as_QL accurately_RB as_CS possible_JJ ,_, the_AT te
chniques_NNS of_IN acting_VBG the_AT classics_NNS that_WPS prevailed_VBD in_IN t
he_AT 17th_OD century_NN ._. On_IN the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, the_AT old_JJ plays_NN
S are_BER continually_RB being_BEG reinterpreted_VBN ,_, and_CC each_DT new_JJ p
roduction_NN of_IN a_AT classic_NN has_HVZ only_RB a_AT brief_JJ history_NN at_I
N the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT well-received_JJ reviva
ls_NNS last_VB longer_RBR than_CS the_AT others_NNS ,_, and_CC that_DT further_R
BR reminds_VBZ us_PPO that_CS the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL is_BEZ not_* insensitive_J
J to_IN criticism_NN ._. The_AT directors_NNS of_IN the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL do_D
O not_* respond_VB to_IN adverse_JJ notices_NNS in_IN as_QL docile_JJ and_CC sub
servient_JJ a_AT manner_NN as_CS the_AT Broadway_NP producers_NNS who_WPS ,_, in
_IN two_CD instances_NNS this_DT season_NN ,_, closed_VBD their_PP$ plays_NNS af
ter_IN one_CD performance_NN ._. But_CC they_PPSS are_BER aware_JJ of_IN the_AT
world_NN outside_RB ,_, they_PPSS court_VB public_JJ approval_NN ,_, they_PPSS d
elight_VB in_IN full_JJ houses_NNS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS occasionally_RB dare_VB
to_TO experiment_VB in_IN interpreting_VBG a_AT dramatic_JJ classic_NN ._. In_IN
France_NP ,_, novel_JJ approaches_NNS to_IN the_AT classic_JJ French_JJ plays_N
NS are_BER frequently_RB attempted_VBN ._. The_AT government_NN pays_VBZ a_AT su
bsidy_NN for_IN revival_NN of_IN the_AT classics_NNS ,_, and_CC this_DT policy_N
N attracts_VBZ experimenters_NNS who_WPS sometimes_RB put_VB Moliere's_NP$ chara
cters_NNS in_IN modern_JJ dress_NN and_CC often_RB achieve_VB interesting_JJ res
ults_NNS ._. So_QL far_RB as_CS I_PPSS know_VB ,_, the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL has_H
VZ never_RB put_VBN Moliere's_NP$ people_NNS in_IN the_AT costumes_NNS of_IN the
_AT 20th_OD century_NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS do_DO reinterpret_VB plays_NNS and_C
C characters_NNS ._. Last_AP season_NN ,_, the_AT Comedie's_NP$ two_CD principal
_JJS experiments_NNS came_VBD to_IN grief_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, in_IN consequence_NN
,_, we_PPSS can_MD expect_VB fairly_QL soon_RB to_TO see_VB still_QL newer_JJR
productions_NNS of_IN Racine's_NP$ ``_`` Phedre_NP-TL ''_'' and_CC Moliere's_NP$
``_`` School_NN-TL For_IN-TL Wives_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT new_JJ ``_`` Phedre_
NP-TL ''_'' was_BEDZ done_VBN in_IN 17th_OD century_NN setting_NN ,_, instead_RB
of_IN ancient_JJ Greek_JJ ;_. ;_. perhaps_RB that_DT is_BEZ the_AT Comedie's_NP
$ equivalent_JJ for_IN thrusting_VBG this_DT play's_NN$ characters_NNS into_IN o
ur_PP$ own_JJ time_NN ._. The_AT speaking_NN of_IN the_AT lines_NNS seemed_VBD e
xcessively_QL slow_JJ and_CC stately_JJ ,_, possibly_RB in_IN an_AT effort_NN to
_TO capture_VB the_AT spirit_NN of_IN 17th_OD century_NN elegance_NN ._. A_AT fe
w_AP literary_JJ men_NNS defended_VBD what_WDT they_PPSS took_VBD to_TO be_BE an
_AT emphasis_NN on_IN the_AT poetry_NN at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN the_AT dram
a_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT response_NN was_BEDZ mainly_QL hostile_JJ and_CC quite_QL
violent_JJ ._. The_AT new_JJ ``_`` School_NN-TL For_IN-TL Wives_NNS-TL ''_'' wa
s_BEDZ interpreted_VBN according_IN to_IN a_AT principle_NN that_WPS is_BEZ beco
ming_VBG increasingly_QL common_JJ in_IN the_AT playing_NN of_IN classic_JJ come
dy_NN --_-- the_AT idea_NN of_IN turning_VBG some_DTI obviously_RB ludicrous_JJ
figure_NN into_IN a_AT tragic_JJ character_NN ._. Among_IN the_AT Moliere_NP spe
cialists_NNS of_IN some_DTI years_NNS ago_RB ,_, Louis_NP Jouvet_NP tried_VBD to
_TO humanize_VB some_DTI of_IN the_AT clowns_NNS ,_, while_CS Fernand_NP Ledoux_
NP ,_, often_RB performing_VBG at_IN the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL ,_, made_VBD them_P
PO more_QL gross_JJ than_CS Moliere_NP may_MD have_HV intended_VBN ._. Apparentl
y_RB ,_, Jouvet_NP and_CC Ledoux_NP attempted_VBD just_RB these_DTS dissimilar_J
J approaches_NNS in_IN the_AT role_NN of_IN Arnolphe_NP in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Sc
hool_NN-TL For_IN-TL Wives_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. I_PPSS say_VB ``_`` apparently_RB ''
_'' although_CS I_PPSS saw_VBD Jouvet_NP as_CS Arnolphe_NP when_WRB he_PPS visit
ed_VBD this_DT country_NN shortly_RB before_IN his_PP$ death_NN ;_. ;_. by_IN th
at_DT time_NN ,_, he_PPS seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV dropped_VBN the_AT tragic_JJ p
laying_NN of_IN the_AT last_AP moments_NNS of_IN the_AT comedy_NN ._. Arnolphe_N
P ,_, it_PPS will_MD be_BE recalled_VBN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT man_NN of_IN mature_JJ y
ears_NNS who_WPS tries_VBZ to_TO preserve_VB the_AT innocence_NN of_IN his_PP$ y
outhful_JJ wife-to-be_NN ._. The_AT part_NN can_MD lend_VB itself_PPL to_IN seri
ous_JJ treatment_NN ;_. ;_. one_CD influential_JJ French_JJ critic_NN remarked_V
BD :_: ``_`` Pity_NN for_IN Arnolphe_NP comes_VBZ with_IN age_NN ''_'' ._. Accor
dingly_RB ,_, at_IN the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL last_AP year_NN ,_, Jean_NP Meyer_NP
played_VBD a_AT sympathetic_JJ Arnolphe_NP and_CC drew_VBD criticism_NN for_IN
turning_VBG the_AT comedy_NN into_IN a_AT tragedy_NN ._. But_CC the_AT stuff_NN
of_IN tragedy_NN was_BEDZ not_* truly_RB present_RB and_CC the_AT play_NN became
_VBD only_AP comedy_NN acted_VBN rather_QL slowly_RB ._. Wisely_RB ,_, the_AT Co
medie_FW-NN-TL has_HVZ brought_VBN Moliere's_NP$ ``_`` Tartuffe_NP-TL ''_'' on_I
N its_PP$ tour_NN and_CC has_HVZ left_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL School_NN-TL For_IN-TL
Wives_NNS-TL ''_'' at_IN home_NR ._. Tartuffe_NP is_BEZ the_AT religious_JJ hyp
ocrite_NN who_WPS courts_VBZ his_PP$ benefactor's_NN$ wife_NN ._. Jouvet_NP play
ed_VBD him_PPO as_CS a_AT sincere_JJ zealot_NN ,_, and_CC Ledoux_NP ,_, at_IN th
e_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL ,_, made_VBD him_PPO a_AT gross_JJ buffoon_NN ,_, or_CC so
_RB the_AT historians_NNS tell_VB us_PPO ._. Louis_NP Seigner_NP ,_, who_WPS for
merly_RB played_VBD the_AT deluded_VBN benefactor_NN opposite_IN Ledoux_NP ,_, i
s_BEZ the_AT Tartuffe_NP of_IN the_AT present_JJ production_NN ,_, which_WDT he_
PPS himself_PPL directed_VBD ._. His_PP$ Tartuffe_NP observes_VBZ the_AT golden_
JJ mean_NN ._. His_PP$ red_JJ face_NN ,_, his_PP$ coarse_JJ gestures_NNS ,_, and
_CC his_PP$ lustful_JJ stares_NNS bespeak_VB his_PP$ sensuality_NN ._. But_CC hi
s_PP$ heavenward_JJ glances_NNS and_CC his_PP$ pious_JJ speeches_NNS are_BER not
_* merely_RB perfunctory_JJ ;_. ;_. of_IN course_NN ,_, they_PPSS do_DO not_* re
flect_VB sincerity_NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS exhibit_VB a_AT concern_NN to_TO make
_VB a_AT good_JJ job_NN out_IN of_IN his_PP$ pious_JJ impersonation_NN ._. Occas
ionally_RB ,_, Seigner_NP draws_VBZ some_DTI justly_RB deserved_VBN laughs_NNS b
y_IN his_PP$ quick_JJ shifts_NNS from_IN one_CD personality_NN to_IN another_DT
._. The_AT whole_JJ role_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT way_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT considerable
_JJ transformation_NN for_IN anyone_PN who_WPS has_HVZ seen_VBN Seigner_NP in_IN
his_PP$ other_AP parts_NNS ._. His_PP$ normal_JJ specialty_NN is_BEZ playing_VB
G the_AT good-natured_JJ old_JJ man_NN ,_, frequently_RB stupid_JJ or_CC deluded
_VBN but_CC never_RB mean_JJ or_CC sly_JJ ._. Here_RB ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ ,_, quit
e_QL persuasively_RB ,_, the_AT very_AP embodiment_NN of_IN meanness_NN and_CC s
lyness_NN ._. Seigner_NP is_BEZ the_AT dean_NN of_IN the_AT company_NN ,_, the_A
T oldest_JJT actor_NN in_IN point_NN of_IN continuous_JJ service_NN ._. In_IN th
at_DT function_NN ,_, he_PPS helps_VBZ to_TO rebut_VB another_DT legend_NN about
_IN the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL ._. We_PPSS are_BER often_RB told_VBN that_CS the_AT
Comedie_FW-NN-TL has_HVZ ,_, unfortunately_RB ,_, life-contracts_NNS with_IN ol
d_JJ actors_NNS who_WPS are_BER both_ABX mediocre_JJ and_CC lazy_JJ ,_, drawing_
VBG their_PP$ pay_NN without_IN much_AP acting_NN but_CC probably_RB doing_VBG r
eal_JJ service_NN to_IN the_AT Comedie_FW-NN-TL by_IN staying_VBG off_IN the_AT
stage_NN ._. Seigner_NP ,_, however_WRB ,_, is_BEZ a_AT fine_JJ actor_NN and_CC
probably_RB the_AT busiest_JJT man_NN in_IN the_AT company_NN ;_. ;_. among_IN h
is_PP$ other_AP parts_NNS are_BER the_AT leads_NNS in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Bourgeo
is_NN-TL Gentleman_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` The_AT-TL Imaginary_JJ-TL Invalid_NN
-TL ''_'' ._. In_IN Moliere's_NP$ farce_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Tricks_NNS-TL Of_
IN-TL Scapin_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, Robert_NP Hirsch_NP undertakes_VBZ another_DT of_IN
the_AT great_JJ roles_NNS ._. Here_RB some_DTI innovation_NN is_BEZ attempted_V
BN ._. To_TO begin_VB with_IN ,_, Scapin_NP is_BEZ a_AT trickster_NN in_IN the_A
T old_JJ tradition_NN of_IN the_AT clever_JJ servant_NN who_WPS plots_VBZ the_AT
strategy_NN of_IN courtship_NN for_IN his_PP$ master_NN ._. Hirsch's_NP$ Scapin
_NP is_BEZ healthy_JJ ,_, cheerful_JJ ,_, energetic_JJ ,_, revelling_VBG in_IN h
is_PP$ physical_JJ agility_NN and_CC his_PP$ obvious_JJ superiority_NN to_IN the
_AT young_JJ gentlemen_NNS whom_WPO he_PPS serves_VBZ ._. Hirsch_NP says_VBZ tha
t_CS he_PPS has_HVZ given_VBN the_AT role_NN certain_JJ qualities_NNS he_PPS has
_HVZ observed_VBN in_IN the_AT city_NN toughs_NNS of_IN the_AT real_JJ world_NN
._. And_CC surely_RB his_PP$ Scapin_NP has_HVZ a_AT fresh_JJ directness_NN ,_, a
_AT no-nonsense_NN quality_NN that_WPS seems_VBZ to_TO make_VB him_PPO his_PP$ o
wn_JJ master_NN and_CC nobody's_PN$ servant_NN ._. Django_NP Reinhardt_NP ,_, th
e_AT ill-fated_JJ gypsy_NN ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT true_JJ artist_NN ,_, one_CD who_WP
S demonstrated_VBD conclusively_RB the_AT power_NN of_IN art_NN to_TO renew_VB i
tself_PPL and_CC flow_VB into_IN many_AP channels_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ hardly
_RB a_AT jazz_NN guitarist_NN in_IN the_AT business_NN today_NR who_WPS doesn't_
DOZ* owe_VB something_PN to_IN Django_NP ._. And_CC Django_NP owed_VBD much_AP t
o_IN Louis_NP Armstrong_NP ._. He_PPS told_VBD once_RB of_IN how_WRB he_PPS swit
ched_VBD his_PP$ style_NN of_IN playing_VBG to_IN jazz_NN after_CS listening_VBG
to_IN two_CD old_JJ Armstrong_NP records_NNS he_PPS bought_VBD in_IN the_AT Fle
a_NN-TL Market_NN-TL in_IN Paris_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD jazz_NN
he_PPS had_HVD heard_VBN ._. Django_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ born_VBN Jean_NP Bap
tiste_NP Reinhardt_NP in_IN Belgium_NP and_CC who_WPS died_VBD in_IN 1953_CD in_
IN France_NP ,_, was_BEDZ an_AT extraordinary_JJ man_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT
fingers_NNS on_IN his_PP$ left_JJ hand_NN were_BED burned_VBN off_RP when_WRB h
e_PPS fell_VBD asleep_RB with_IN a_AT cigarette_NN ._. And_CC this_DT was_BEDZ b
efore_CS he_PPS began_VBD to_TO play_VB his_PP$ startlingly_QL beautiful_JJ jazz
_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD catch_VB up_RP with_IN him_PPO --_-- if_CS you_PPSS have
n't_HV* already_RB --_-- on_IN RCA-Victor's_NN album_NN ._. ``_`` Djangology_NP
''_'' ,_, made_VBN up_RP of_IN tracks_NNS he_PPS recorded_VBD with_IN Stephane_N
P Grappelly_NP and_CC the_AT Quintet_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Hot_JJ-TL Club_NN-
TL of_IN-TL France_NP ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT choice_JJ item_NN and_CC Grappely_
NP deserves_VBZ mention_NN too_RB ,_, of_IN course_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ one_CD o
f_IN the_AT few_AP men_NNS in_IN history_NN who_WPS plays_VBZ jazz_NN on_IN a_AT
violin_NN ._. They_PPSS play_VB :_: ``_`` Minor_JJ-TL Swing_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_
`` Honeysuckle_NN-TL Rose_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Beyond_IN-TL The_AT-TL Sea_NN-TL
''_'' ,_, ``_`` Bricktop_NP ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Heavy_JJ-TL Artillery_NN-TL ''_'' ,
_, ``_`` Djangology_NP ''_'' ,_, ``_`` After_CS-TL You've_PPSS+HV-TL Gone_VBN-TL
''_'' ,_, ``_`` Where_WRB-TL Are_BER-TL You_PPSS-TL ,_, My_PP$-TL Love_NN-TL ''
_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` I_PPSS Saw_VBD Stars_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Lover_NN-TL Man_NN
-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Menilmontant_NP ''_'' and_CC ``_`` Swing_NN-TL 42_CD-TL ''_'
' ._. All_QL this_DT is_BEZ great_JJ proceedings_NNS --_-- get_VB the_AT minutes
_NNS ._. Kid_NN-TL Ory_NP ,_, the_AT trombonist_NN chicken_NN farmer_NN ,_, is_B
EZ also_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT solid_JJ anchor_NN points_NNS of_IN jazz_NN ._. H
e_PPS dates_VBZ back_RB to_IN the_AT days_NNS before_IN the_AT first_OD sailing_
VBG ship_NN pulled_VBD into_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ._. His_PP$ horn_NN has_H
VZ blown_VBN loud_RB and_CC clear_RB across_IN the_AT land_NN for_IN more_AP yea
rs_NNS than_CS he_PPS cares_VBZ to_TO remember_VB ._. Good_JJ-TL Time_NN-TL Jazz
_NN-TL has_HVZ released_VBN a_AT nice_JJ two-record_JJ album_NN which_WDT he_PPS
made_VBD ._. He_PPS is_BEZ starred_VBN against_IN Alvin_NP Alcorn_NP ,_, trumpe
t_NN ;_. ;_. Phil_NP Gomez_NP ,_, clarinet_NN ;_. ;_. Cedric_NP Haywood_NP ,_, p
iano_NN ;_. ;_. Julian_NP Davidson_NP ,_, guitar_NN ;_. ;_. Wellman_NP Braud_NP
,_, bass_NN ,_, and_CC Minor_NP Hall_NP ,_, drums_NNS ._. The_AT set_NN contains
_VBZ ``_`` High_JJ-TL Society_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Do_DO-TL What_WPS-TL Ory_NP-
TL Say_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Down_RB-TL Home_NR-TL Rag_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Car
eless_JJ-TL Love_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Jazz_NN-TL Me_PPO-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_
`` Weary_JJ-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Original_JJ-TL Dixieland_NP-TL One-S
tep_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Bourbon_NP-TL Street_NN-TL Parade_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`
` Panama_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Toot_UH-TL ,_, Toot_UH-TL ,_, Tootsie_NP-TL ''_''
,_, ``_`` Oh_UH-TL Didn't_DOD*-TL He_PPS-TL Ramble_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Beale_
NP-TL Street_NN-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Maryland_NP-TL ,_, My_PP$-TL Mar
yland_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` 1919_CD-TL Rag_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Eh_UH-TL ,_FW-R
B-TL La_FW-AT-TL Bas_FW-RB-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Mood_NN-TL Indigo_JJ-TL ''_'' ,_,
and_CC ``_`` Bugle_NN-TL Call_NN-TL Rag_NN-TL ''_'' ._. All_QL this_DT will_MD s
erve_VB to_TO show_VB off_RP the_AT Ory_NP style_NN in_IN fine_JJ fashion_NN and
_CC is_BEZ a_AT must_NN for_IN those_DTS who_WPS want_VB to_TO collect_VB elemen
ts_NNS of_IN the_AT old-time_JJ jazz_NN before_CS it_PPS is_BEZ too_QL late_JJ t
o_TO lay_VB hands_NNS on_IN the_AT gems_NNS ._. Mischa_NP Elman_NP shared_VBD la
st_AP night's_NN$ Lewisohn_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL concert_NN with_IN three_CD Ameri
can_JJ composers_NNS ._. His_PP$ portion_NN of_IN the_AT program_NN --_-- and_CC
a_AT big_JJ portion_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ --_-- consisted_VBD of_IN half_ABN the_A
T major_JJ nineteenth-century_NN concertos_NNS for_IN the_AT violin_NN :_: to_IN
wit_NN ,_, the_AT Mendelssohn_NP and_CC the_AT Tchaikovsky_NP ._. That_DT is_BE
Z an_AT evening_NN of_IN music-making_NN that_WPS would_MD faze_VB many_ABN a_AT
younger_JJR man_NN ;_. ;_. Mr._NP Elman_NP is_BEZ 70_CD years_NNS old_JJ ._. Th
ere_EX were_BED 8,000_CD persons_NNS at_IN the_AT Stadium_NN-TL who_WPS can_MD t
ell_VB their_PP$ grandchildren_NNS that_CS they_PPSS heard_VBD Elman_NP ._. But_
CC ,_, with_IN all_ABN due_JJ respects_NNS and_CC allowances_NNS ,_, it_PPS must
_MD truthfully_RB be_BE said_VBN that_CS what_WDT they_PPSS heard_VBD was_BEDZ m
ore_QL syrupy_JJ than_CS sweet_JJ ,_, more_QL mannered_JJ than_CS musical_JJ ._.
The_AT occasion_NN was_BEDZ sentimental_JJ ;_. ;_. so_RB was_BEDZ the_AT playin
g_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT evening_NN consisted_VBD of_IN
Paul_NP Creston's_NP$ Dance_NN-TL Overture_NN-TL ,_, William_NP Schuman's_NP$ ``
_`` Chester_NP-TL ''_'' From_IN-TL ``_`` New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL Triptych_NN-TL
''_'' and_CC two_CD works_NNS of_IN Wallingford_NP Riegger_NP ,_, Dance_NN-TL Rh
ythms_NNS-TL ,_, Op._NN-TL 58_CD-TL ,_, and_CC a_AT Romanza_FW-NN-TL For_IN-TL S
trings_NNS-TL ,_, Op._NN-TL 56A_NN-TL ._. The_AT Creston_NP is_BEZ purely_RB a_A
T potboiler_NN ,_, with_IN Spanish_JJ ,_, English_JJ ,_, French_JJ and_CC Americ
an_JJ dances_NNS mixed_VBN into_IN the_AT stew_NN ._. The_AT Riegger_NP ,_, with
_IN its_PP$ Latin_JJ hesitation_NN bounce_NN ,_, is_BEZ just_RB this_DT side_NN
of_IN the_AT pale_JJ ;_. ;_. like_CS his_PP$ sweet_JJ ,_, attractive_JJ Romanza_
FW-NN-TL ,_, it_PPS belongs_VBZ to_IN what_WDT the_AT composer_NN called_VBD his
_PP$ ``_`` Non-Dissonant_JJ-TL (_( Mostly_RB )_) ''_'' category_NN of_IN works_N
NS ._. The_AT Schuman_NP ``_`` Chester_NP ''_'' takes_VBZ off_RP from_IN an_AT o
ld_JJ William_NP Billings_NP tune_NN with_IN rousing_JJ woodwind_NN and_CC brass
_NN effect_NN ._. All_QL these_DTS --_-- potboilers_NNS or_CC no_AT --_-- provid
ed_VBD a_AT welcome_JJ breath_NN of_IN fresh_JJ air_NN in_IN the_AT form_NN of_I
N lively_JJ ,_, colorful_JJ ,_, unstuffy_JJ works_NNS well_QL suited_VBN for_IN
the_AT great_JJ out-of-doors_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ nice_JJ to_TO have_HV someth
ing_PN a_AT little_QL up-to-date_JJ for_IN a_AT change_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV Al
fredo_NP Antonini_NP to_TO thank_VB for_IN this_DT healthy_JJ change_NN of_IN di
et_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT lively_JJ performances_NNS of_IN the_AT Stadium
_NN-TL Symphony_NN-TL ._. A_AT woman_NN who_WPS undergoes_VBZ artificial_JJ inse
mination_NN against_IN the_AT wishes_NNS of_IN her_PP$ husband_NN is_BEZ the_AT
unlikely_JJ heroine_NN of_IN ``_`` A_AT-TL Question_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Adultery_NN-T
L ''_'' ,_, yesterday's_NR$ new_JJ British_JJ import_NN at_IN the_AT Apollo_NP .
_. Since_CS an_AT objective_JJ viewer_NN might_MD well_RB conclude_VB that_CS th
is_DT is_BEZ not_* a_AT situation_NN that_WPS would_MD often_RB arise_VB ,_, the
_AT film's_NN$ extensive_JJ discussion_NN of_IN the_AT problem_NN seems_VBZ ,_,
at_IN best_JJT ,_, superfluous_JJ ._. In_IN its_PP$ present_JJ artless_JJ ,_, lo
w-budget_NN form_NN ,_, the_AT subject_NN matter_NN seems_VBZ designed_VBN to_TO
invite_VB censorial_JJ wrath_NN ._. With_IN Julie_NP London_NP enacting_VBG the
_AT central_JJ role_NN with_IN husky-voiced_JJ sincerity_NN ,_, the_AT longsuffe
ring_JJ heroine_NN is_BEZ at_IN least_AP attractive_JJ ._. The_AT explanation_NN
offered_VBN for_IN her_PP$ conduct_NN is_BEZ a_AT misguided_VBN attempt_NN to_T
O save_VB her_PP$ marriage_NN to_IN a_AT neurotic_JJ husband_NN left_VBN sterile
_JJ as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN an_AT automobile_NN accident_NN ._. Anthony_NP St
eel_NP ,_, as_CS the_AT husband_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT jealous_JJ type_NN who_WPS ar
gues_VBZ against_IN her_PP$ course_NN and_CC sues_VBZ for_IN divorce_NN ,_, labe
ling_VBG her_PP$ action_NN adulterous_JJ ._. The_AT actor_NN plays_VBZ his_PP$ r
ole_NN glumly_RB under_IN the_AT lurid_JJ direction_NN of_IN Don_NP Chaffey_NP ,
_, as_CS do_DO Basil_NP Sydney_NP as_CS his_PP$ unsympathetic_JJ father_NN and_C
C Anton_NP Diffring_NP as_CS an_AT innocent_JJ bystander_NN ._. After_IN a_AT pr
otracted_VBN ,_, hysterical_JJ trial_NN scene_NN more_QL notable_JJ for_IN the_A
T frankness_NN of_IN its_PP$ language_NN than_CS for_IN dramatic_JJ credibility_
NN ,_, the_AT jury_NN ,_, to_IN no_AT one's_PN$ surprise_NN ,_, leaves_VBZ the_A
T legal_JJ question_NN unresolved_JJ ._. When_WRB the_AT husband_NN drops_VBZ th
e_AT case_NN and_CC returns_VBZ to_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, both_ABX seem_VB sorry
_JJ they_PPSS brought_VBD the_AT matter_NN up_RP in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN
._. So_RB was_BEDZ the_AT audience_NN ._. London_NP-HL ,_,-HL July_NP-HL 4_CD-HL
--_-- For_IN its_PP$ final_JJ change_NN of_IN bill_NN in_IN its_PP$ London_NP s
eason_NN ,_, the_AT Leningrad_NP-TL State_NN-TL Kirov_NP-TL Ballet_NN-TL chose_V
BD tonight_NR to_TO give_VB one_CD of_IN those_DTS choreographic_JJ miscellanies
_NNS known_VBN as_CS a_AT ``_`` gala_JJ program_NN ''_'' at_IN the_AT Royal_JJ-T
L Opera_NN-TL House_NN-TL ,_, Covent_NP-TL Garden_NN-TL ._. No_AT doubt_NN the_A
T underlying_VBG idea_NN was_BEDZ to_TO show_VB that_CS for_IN all_ABN the_AT el
egance_NN and_CC artistry_NN that_WPS have_HV distinguished_VBN its_PP$ presenta
tions_NNS thus_QL far_RB ,_, it_PPS too_RB could_MD give_VB a_AT circus_NN if_CS
it_PPS pleased_VBD ._. And_CC please_VB it_PPS did_DOD ,_, in_IN every_AT sense
_NN of_IN the_AT word_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS had_HVD the_AT audience_NN shouting_V
BG much_AP of_IN the_AT time_NN in_IN a_AT manner_NN far_RB from_IN typical_JJ o
f_IN London_NP audiences_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT program_NN ,_,
indeed_RB ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT demonstration_NN that_WPS lasted_VBD for_I
N forty-five_CD minutes_NNS ,_, and_CC nothing_PN could_MD stop_VB it_PPO ._. Al
exandre_NP Livshitz_NP repeated_VBD a_AT fantastic_JJ technical_JJ bit_NN from_I
N the_AT closing_VBG number_NN ,_, ``_`` Taras_NP-TL Bulba_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, but_C
C even_RB then_RB there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT substantial_JJ number_NN of_IN diehards
_NNS who_WPS seemed_VBD determined_VBN not_* to_TO go_VB home_NR at_IN all_ABN .
_. Only_RB a_AT plea_NN from_IN the_AT house_NN manager_NN ,_, John_NP Collins_N
P ,_, finally_RB broke_VBD up_RP the_AT party_NN ._. But_CC for_IN all_ABN the_A
T manifest_JJ intention_NN to_TO ``_`` show_VB off_RP ''_'' ,_, this_DT was_BEDZ
a_AT circus_NN with_IN a_AT difference_NN ,_, for_CS instead_RB of_IN descendin
g_VBG in_IN quality_NN to_IN what_WDT is_BEZ known_VBN as_CS a_AT popular_JJ lev
el_NN ,_, it_PPS added_VBD further_RBR to_IN the_AT evidence_NN that_CS this_DT
is_BEZ a_AT very_QL great_JJ dancing_VBG company_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` Taras_NP-TL
Bulba_NP-TL ''_'' excerpt_NN is_BEZ a_AT rousing_JJ version_NN of_IN Gogol's_NP
$ Ukrainian_JJ folk-tale_NN choreographed_VBN by_IN Bo_NP Fenster_NP to_IN music
_NN of_IN Soloviev-Sedoi_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ danced_VBN by_IN some_RB thirty-fi
ve_CD men_NNS and_CC no_AT women_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PPS contains_VBZ everything_P
N in_IN the_AT books_NNS --_-- lusty_JJ comedy_NN ,_, gregarious_JJ cavorting_NN
,_, and_CC tricks_NNS that_WPS only_RB madmen_NNS or_CC Russians_NPS would_MD a
ttempt_VB to_TO make_VB the_AT human_JJ body_NN perform_VB ._. Yuri_NP Soloviev_
NP ,_, Oleg_NP Sokolov_NP ,_, Alexei_NP Zhitkov_NP ,_, Lev_NP Sokolov_NP ,_, Yur
i_NP Korneyev_NP and_CC Mr._NP Livshitz_NP were_BED the_AT chief_JJS soloists_NN
S ,_, but_CC everybody_PN on_IN stage_NN was_BEDZ magnificent_JJ ._. At_IN the_A
T other_AP extreme_NN in_IN character_NN was_BEDZ the_AT half-hour_NN excerpt_NN
from_IN the_AT Petipa-Minkus_NP ballet_NN ``_`` Bayaderka_NP ''_'' ,_, which_WD
T opened_VBD the_AT evening_NN ._. What_WDT a_AT man_NN this_DT Petipa_NP was_BE
DZ !_. !_. And_CC why_WRB do_DO we_PPSS in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL know_VB so_QL fe
w_AP of_IN his_PP$ ballets_NNS ?_. ?_. This_DT scene_NN is_BEZ a_AT ``_`` white_
JJ ballet_NN ''_'' in_IN which_WDT a_AT lovelorn_JJ hero_NN searches_VBZ for_IN
his_PP$ departed_VBN love's_NN$ spirit_NN among_IN twenty-eight_CD extraordinari
ly_QL beautiful_JJ ``_`` shadows_NNS ''_'' who_WPS can_MD all_ABN dance_VB like_
CS nothing_PN human_JJ --_-- which_WDT ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ altogether
_RB fitting_VBG ._. The_AT ensemble_NN enters_VBZ in_IN a_AT long_JJ adagio_NN p
assage_NN that_DT is_BEZ of_IN fantastic_JJ difficulty_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_C
S loveliness_NN ,_, and_CC adagio_NN is_BEZ the_AT general_JJ medium_NN of_IN th
e_AT piece_NN ._. Its_PP$ ballerina_NN ,_, Olga_NP Moiseyeva_NP ,_, performs_VBZ
simple_JJ miracles_NNS of_IN beauty_NN ,_, and_CC Ludmilla_NP Alexeyeva_NP ,_,
Inna_NP Korneyeva_NP and_CC Gabrielle_NP Komleva_NP make_VB up_RP a_AT threesome
_NN of_IN exquisite_JJ accomplishments_NNS ._. Sergei_NP Vikulov_NP ,_, as_CS th
e_AT lone_JJ male_NN ,_, meets_VBZ the_AT competition_NN well_RB with_IN some_DT
I brilliant_JJ hits_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT work_NN is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO belo
ng_VB to_IN the_AT ladies_NNS ._. The_AT middle_JJ section_NN of_IN the_AT progr
am_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN up_RP of_IN short_JJ numbers_NNS ,_, naturally_RB enough
_QLP of_IN unequal_JJ merit_NN ,_, but_CC all_ABN of_IN them_PPO pretty_QL good_
JJ at_IN that_DT ._. They_PPSS consisted_VBD of_IN a_AT new_JJ arrangement_NN of
_IN ``_`` Nutcracker_NN-TL ''_'' excerpts_NNS danced_VBN stunningly_RB by_IN Iri
na_NP Kolpakova_NP and_CC Mr._NP Sokolev_NP ,_, with_IN a_AT large_JJ ensemble_N
N ;_. ;_. a_AT winning_VBG little_JJ ``_`` Snow_NN-TL Maiden_NN-TL ''_'' variati
on_NN by_IN the_AT adorable_JJ Galina_NP Kekisheva_NP ;_. ;_. two_CD of_IN those
_DTS poetic_JJ adagios_NNS in_IN Greek_JJ veils_NNS (_( and_CC superb_JJ estheti
c_JJ acrobacy_NN )_) by_IN Alla_NP Osipenko_NP and_CC Igor_NP Chernishev_NP in_I
N one_CD case_NN and_CC Inna_NP Zubkovskaya_NP and_CC Yuri_NP Kornevey_NP in_IN
the_AT other_AP ;_. ;_. an_AT amusing_JJ character_NN pas_FW-NN de_FW-IN cinq_FW
-CD called_VBN ``_`` Gossiping_VBG-TL Women_NNS-TL ''_'' ;_. ;_. a_AT stirring_J
J ``_`` Flames_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Paris_NP ''_'' pas_FW-NN de_FW-IN deux_FW-CD by_I
N Xenia_NP Ter-Stepanova_NP and_CC Alexandre_NP Pavlovsky_NP ,_, and_CC a_AT lov
ely_JJ version_NN of_IN Fokine's_NP$ ``_`` Le_FW-AT-TL Cygne_FW-NN-TL ''_'' by_I
N Olga_NP Moiseyeva_NP ,_, which_WDT had_HVD to_TO be_BE repeated_VBN ._. Vadim_
NP Kalentiev_NP was_BEDZ the_AT conductor_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ quite_ABL an_AT
evening_NN !_. !_. A_AT year_NN ago_RB today_NR ,_, when_WRB the_AT Democrats_N
PS were_BED fretting_VBG and_CC frolicking_VBG in_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP and_CC Jo
hn_NP F._NP Kennedy_NP was_BEDZ still_RB only_RB an_AT able_JJ and_CC ambitious_
JJ Senator_NN-TL who_WPS yearned_VBD for_IN the_AT power_NN and_CC responsibilit
y_NN of_IN the_AT Presidency_NN-TL ,_, Theodore_NP H._NP White_NP had_HVD alread
y_RB compiled_VBN masses_NNS of_IN notes_NNS about_IN the_AT Presidential_JJ-TL
campaign_NN of_IN 1960_CD ._. As_CS the_AT pace_NN of_IN the_AT quadrennial_JJ A
merican_JJ political_JJ festival_NN accelerated_VBD ,_, Mr._NP White_NP took_VBD
more_AP notes_NNS ._. He_PPS traveled_VBD alternately_RB with_IN Mr._NP Kennedy
_NP and_CC with_IN Richard_NP M._NP Nixon_NP ._. He_PPS asked_VBD intimate_JJ qu
estions_NNS and_CC got_VBD frank_JJ answers_NNS from_IN the_AT members_NNS of_IN
what_WDT he_PPS calls_VBZ the_AT candidates'_NNS$ ``_`` in-groups_NNS ''_'' ._.
He_PPS assembled_VBD quantities_NNS of_IN facts_NNS about_IN the_AT nature_NN o
f_IN American_JJ politics_NN in_IN general_JJ ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS about_IN t
he_AT day-to-day_JJ course_NN of_IN the_AT closest_JJT Presidential_JJ-TL electi
on_NN in_IN American_JJ history_NN ._. Those_DTS of_IN us_PPO who_WPS read_VB th
e_AT papers_NNS may_MD think_VB we_PPSS know_VB a_AT good_JJ deal_NN about_IN th
at_DT election_NN ;_. ;_. how_WQL little_AP we_PPSS know_VB of_IN what_WDT there
_EX is_BEZ to_TO be_BE known_VBN is_BEZ made_VBN humiliatingly_QL clear_JJ by_IN
Mr._NP White_NP in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Making_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL President
_NN-TL 1960_CD-TL ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT remarkable_JJ book_NN and_CC an_
AT astonishingly_QL interesting_JJ one_CD ._. What_WDT might_MD have_HV been_BEN
only_RB warmed-over_JJ topical_JJ journalism_NN turns_VBZ out_RP to_TO be_BE an
_AT eyewitness_NN contribution_NN to_IN history_NN ._. Mr._NP White_NP ,_, who_W
PS is_BEZ only_RB a_AT competent_JJ novelist_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT brilliant_JJ rep
orter_NN ._. His_PP$ zest_NN for_IN specific_JJ detail_NN ,_, his_PP$ sensitivit
y_NN to_IN emotional_JJ atmosphere_NN ,_, his_PP$ tireless_JJ industry_NN and_CC
his_PP$ crisply_RB turned_VBN prose_NN all_ABN contribute_VB to_IN the_AT effec
tiveness_NN of_IN his_PP$ book_NN ._. A_AT-HL lesson_NN-HL in_IN-HL politics_NN-
HL As_CS a_AT dramatic_JJ narrative_NN ``_`` The_AT-TL Making_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The
_AT-TL President_NN-TL 1960_CD-TL ''_'' is_BEZ continuously_RB engrossing_JJ ._.
And_CC as_CS an_AT introduction_NN to_IN American_JJ politics_NN it_PPS is_BEZ
highly_QL educational_JJ ._. The_AT author_NN begins_VBZ this_DT volume_NN with_
IN a_AT close-up_NN of_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP ,_, his_PP$ family_NN and_CC his_PP$
entourage_NN waiting_VBG for_IN the_AT returns_NNS ._. He_PPS then_RB switches_
VBZ back_RB to_IN a_AT consideration_NN of_IN the_AT seven_CD principal_JJS Pres
idential_JJ-TL hopefuls_NNS :_: five_CD Democrats_NPS --_-- Senator_NN-TL Hubert
_NP H._NP Humphrey_NP ,_, Senator_NN-TL Stuart_NP Symington_NP ,_, Senator_NN-TL
Lyndon_NP B._NP Johnson_NP ,_, Adlai_NP E._NP Stevenson_NP and_CC Mr._NP Kenned
y_NP --_-- and_CC two_CD Republicans_NPS --_-- Governor_NN-TL Rockefeller_NP and
_CC Mr._NP Nixon_NP ._. Then_RB ,_, in_IN chronological_JJ order_NN ,_, Mr._NP W
hite_NP covers_VBZ the_AT primary_NN campaigns_NNS ,_, the_AT conventions_NNS an
d_CC the_AT Presidential_JJ-TL campaign_NN itself_PPL ._. In_IN the_AT process_N
N he_PPS writes_VBZ at_IN length_NN about_IN many_AP related_VBN matters_NNS :_:
the_AT importance_NN of_IN race_NN ,_, religion_NN ,_, local_JJ tradition_NN ,_
, bosses_NNS ,_, organizations_NNS ,_, zealous_JJ volunteers_NNS and_CC televisi
on_NN ._. Mr._NP White_NP is_BEZ bluntly_QL frank_JJ in_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ o
pinions_NNS ._. He_PPS frequently_RB cites_VBZ intimate_JJ details_NNS that_WPS
seem_VB to_TO come_VB straight_RB from_IN the_AT horse's_NN$ mouth_NN ,_, from_I
N numerous_JJ insiders_NNS and_CC from_IN Mr._NP Kennedy_NP himself_PPL ;_. ;_.
but_CC never_RB from_IN Mr._NP Nixon_NP ,_, who_WPS looked_VBD on_IN reporters_N
NS with_IN suspicion_NN and_CC distrust_NN ._. ``_`` Rarely_RB in_IN American_JJ
history_NN has_HVZ there_EX been_BEN a_AT political_JJ campaign_NN that_WPS dis
cussed_VBD issues_NNS less_RBR or_CC clarified_VBD them_PPO less_RBR ''_'' ,_, s
ays_VBZ Mr._NP White_NP ._. Mr._NP Nixon_NP ,_, he_PPS believes_VBZ ,_, has_HVZ
no_AT particular_JJ political_JJ philosophy_NN and_CC mismanaged_VBD his_PP$ own
_JJ campaign_NN ._. Although_CS a_AT skillful_JJ politician_NN and_CC a_AT coura
geous_JJ and_CC honest_JJ man_NN ,_, Mr._NP Nixon_NP ,_, Mr._NP White_NP believe
s_VBZ ,_, ignored_VBD his_PP$ own_JJ top-level_NN planners_NNS ,_, wasted_VBD ti
me_NN and_CC effort_NN in_IN the_AT wrong_JJ regions_NNS ,_, missed_VBD opportun
ities_NNS through_IN indecision_NN and_CC damaged_VBD his_PP$ chances_NNS on_IN
television_NN ._. Mr._NP Nixon_NP is_BEZ ``_`` a_AT broody_JJ ,_, moody_JJ man_N
N ,_, given_VBN to_IN long_JJ stretches_NNS of_IN introspection_NN ;_. ;_. he_PP
S trusts_VBZ only_RB himself_PPL and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT m
an_NN of_IN major_JJ talent_NN --_-- but_CC a_AT man_NN of_IN solitary_JJ ,_, un
certain_JJ impulses_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ above_IN all_ABN a_AT friend_NN seek
er_NN ,_, almost_RB pathetic_JJ in_IN his_PP$ eagerness_NN to_TO be_BE liked_VBN
._. He_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO identify_VB with_IN people_NNS and_CC have_HV a_AT
connection_NN with_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. the_AT least_AP inspiring_JJ candidate_NN
since_IN Alfred_NP M._NP Landon_NP ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Kennedy_NP ,_, Mr._NP White
_NP believes_VBZ ,_, ``_`` had_HVD mastered_VBN politics_NN on_IN so_QL many_AP
different_JJ levels_NNS that_CS no_AT other_AP American_JJ could_MD match_VB him
_PPO ''_'' ._. Calm_JJ ,_, dignified_VBN ,_, composed_VBN ,_, ``_`` superbly_QL
eloquent_JJ ''_'' ,_, Mr._NP Kennedy_NP always_RB knew_VBD everything_PN about_I
N everybody_PN ._. He_PPS enlisted_VBD a_AT staff_NN of_IN loyal_JJ experts_NNS
and_CC of_IN many_AP zealous_JJ volunteers_NNS ._. Every_AT decision_NN was_BEDZ
made_VBN quickly_RB on_IN sound_JJ grounds_NNS ._. Efficiency_NN was_BEDZ enfor
ced_VBN and_CC nothing_PN was_BEDZ left_VBN to_IN chance_NN ._. Mr._NP Kennedy_N
P did_DOD not_* neglect_VB to_TO cultivate_VB the_AT personal_JJ friendship_NN o
f_IN reporters_NNS ._. Mr._NP White_NP admires_VBZ him_PPO profoundly_RB and_CC
leaves_VBZ no_AT doubt_NN that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT Democrat_NP himself_PPL who
_WPS expects_VBZ Mr._NP Kennedy_NP to_TO be_BE a_AT fine_JJ President_NN-TL ._.
Pressures_NNS-HL portrayed_VBN-HL Throughout_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Making_NN-TL Of_
IN-TL A_AT-TL President_NN-TL ''_'' Mr._NP White_NP shows_VBZ wonderfully_QL wel
l_RB how_WRB the_AT pressures_NNS pile_VB up_RP on_IN candidates_NNS ,_, how_WRB
decisions_NNS have_HV constantly_RB to_TO be_BE made_VBN ,_, how_WRB fatigue_NN
and_CC illness_NN and_CC nervous_JJ strain_NN wear_VB candidates_NNS down_RP ,_
, how_WRB subordinates_NNS play_VB key_JJS roles_NNS ._. And_CC he_PPS makes_VBZ
many_AP interesting_JJ comments_NNS ._. Here_RB are_BER several_AP :_: ``_`` Th
e_AT root_NN question_NN in_IN American_JJ politics_NN is_BEZ always_RB :_: Who'
s_WPS+BEZ the_AT Man_NN to_TO See_VB ?_. ?_. To_TO understand_VB American_JJ pol
itics_NN is_BEZ ,_, simply_RB ,_, to_TO know_VB people_NNS ,_, to_TO know_VB the
_AT relative_JJ weight_NN of_IN names_NNS --_-- who_WPS are_BER heroes_NNS ,_, w
ho_WPS are_BER straw_NN men_NNS ,_, who_WPS controls_VBZ ,_, who_WPS does_DOZ no
t_* ._. But_CC to_TO operate_VB in_IN American_JJ politics_NN one_PN must_MD go_
VB a_AT step_NN further_RBR --_-- one_PN must_MD build_VB a_AT bridge_NN to_IN s
uch_JJ names_NNS ,_, establish_VB a_AT warmth_NN ,_, a_AT personal_JJ connection
_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` In_IN the_AT hard_JJ life_NN of_IN politics_NN it_PPS is_BEZ
well_RB known_VBN that_CS no_AT platform_NN nor_CC any_DTI program_NN advanced_
VBN by_IN either_DTX major_JJ American_JJ party_NN has_HVZ any_DTI purpose_NN be
yond_IN expressing_VBG emotion_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` All_ABN platforms_NNS are_BER
meaningless_JJ :_: the_AT program_NN of_IN either_DTX party_NN is_BEZ what_WDT l
ies_VBZ in_IN the_AT vision_NN and_CC conscience_NN of_IN the_AT candidate_NN th
e_AT party_NN chooses_VBZ to_TO lead_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. Nostalgia_NN week_NN at
_IN Lewisohn_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT had_HVD begun_VBN with_IN the_AT
appearance_NN of_IN the_AT 70-year-old_JJ Mischa_NP Elman_NP on_IN Tuesday_NR ni
ght_NN ,_, continued_VBD last_AP night_NN as_CS Lily_NP Pons_NP led_VBD the_AT l
ist_NN of_IN celebrities_NNS in_IN an_AT evening_NN of_IN French_JJ operatic_JJ
excerpts_NNS ._. Miss_NP Pons_NP is_BEZ certainly_RB not_* 70_CD --_-- no_AT sin
ger_NN ever_RB is_BEZ --_-- and_CC yet_RB the_AT rewards_NNS of_IN the_AT evenin
g_NN again_RB lay_VBD more_RBR in_IN paying_VBG tribute_NN to_IN a_AT great_JJ f
igure_NN of_IN times_NNS gone_VBN by_RB than_CS in_IN present_JJ accomplishments
_NNS ._. The_AT better_JJR part_NN of_IN gallantry_NN might_MD be_BE ,_, perhaps
_RB ,_, to_TO honor_VB her_PP$ perennial_JJ good_JJ looks_NNS and_CC her_PP$ gor
geous_JJ rainbow-hued_JJ gown_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO chide_VB the_AT orchestra_NN f
or_IN not_* playing_VBG in_IN the_AT same_AP keys_NNS in_IN which_WDT she_PPS ha
d_HVD chosen_VBN to_TO sing_VB ._. No_AT orchestra_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, could_
MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO follow_VB a_AT singer_NN through_IN quite_QL as_QL m
any_AP adventures_NNS with_IN pitch_NN as_CS Miss_NP Pons_NP encountered_VBD las
t_AP night_NN ._. In_IN all_ABN fairness_NN ,_, there_EX were_BED flashes_NNS of
_IN the_AT great_JJ stylist_NN of_IN yesteryear_NN ,_, flashes_NNS even_RB of_IN
the_AT old_JJ consummate_JJ vocalism_NN ._. One_CD such_JJ moment_NN came_VBD i
n_IN the_AT breathtaking_JJ way_NN Miss_NP Pons_NP sang_VBD the_AT cadenza_NN to
_IN Meyerbeer's_NP$ ``_`` Shadow_NN-TL Song_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT years_NNS sud
denly_RB fell_VBD away_RB at_IN this_DT point_NN ._. On_IN the_AT whole_JJ ,_, h
owever_WRB ,_, one_PN must_MD wonder_VB at_IN just_RB what_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ tha
t_WPS forces_VBZ a_AT beloved_JJ artist_NN to_TO besmirch_VB her_PP$ own_JJ repu
tation_NN as_CS time_NN marches_VBZ inexorably_RB on_RP ._. Sharing_VBG the_AT p
rogram_NN was_BEDZ the_AT young_JJ French-Canadian_JJ tenor_NN Richard_NP Verrea
u_NP ,_, making_VBG his_PP$ stadium_NN debut_NN on_IN this_DT occasion_NN ._. Mr
._NP Verreau_NP began_VBD shakily_RB ,_, with_IN a_AT voice_NN that_WPS tended_V
BD toward_IN an_AT unpleasant_JJ whiteness_NN when_WRB pushed_VBN beyond_IN midd
le_JJ volume_NN ._. Later_RBR on_RP this_DT problem_NN vanished_VBD ,_, and_CC t
he_AT ``_`` Flower_NN-TL Song_NN-TL ''_'' from_IN Bizet's_NP$ ``_`` Carmen_NP-TL
''_'' was_BEDZ beautifully_RB and_CC intelligently_RB projected_VBN ._. Radio_N
N is_BEZ easily_RB outdistancing_VBG television_NN in_IN its_PP$ strides_NNS to_
TO reach_VB the_AT minority_NN listener_NN ._. Lower_JJR costs_NNS and_CC a_AT l
arger_JJR number_NN of_IN stations_NNS are_BER the_AT key_JJS factors_NNS making
_VBG such_JJ specialization_NN possible_JJ ._. The_AT mushrooming_VBG of_IN FM_N
N outlets_NNS ,_, offering_VBG concerts_NNS (_( both_ABX jazz_NN and_CC classica
l_JJ )_) ,_, lectures_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP special_JJ events_NNS ,_, is_BEZ a
_AT phenomenon_NN which_WDT has_HVZ had_HVN a_AT fair_JJ amount_NN of_IN publici
ty_NN ._. Not_* so_QL well_QL known_VBN is_BEZ the_AT growth_NN of_IN broadcasti
ng_VBG operations_NNS aimed_VBN wholly_RB or_CC partly_RB at_IN Negro_NP listene
rs_NNS --_-- an_AT audience_NN which_WDT ,_, in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_N
NS-TL ,_, comprises_VBZ some_RB 19,000,000_CD people_NNS with_IN $20,000,000,000
_NNS to_TO spend_VB each_DT year_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT nonwhite_JJ l
istener_NN does_DOZ his_PP$ share_NN of_IN television_NN watching_NN ._. He_PPS
even_RB buys_VBZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN the_AT products_NNS he_PPS sees_VBZ advertise
d_VBN --_-- despite_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT copy_NN makes_VBZ no_AT spe
cial_JJ bid_NN for_IN his_PP$ favor_NN and_CC sponsors_NNS rarely_RB use_VB any_
DTI but_IN white_JJ models_NNS in_IN commercials_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT growing_V
BG number_NN of_IN Negro-appeal_JJ radio_NN stations_NNS ,_, plus_CC evidence_NN
of_IN strong_JJ listener_NN support_NN of_IN their_PP$ advertisers_NNS ,_, give
_VB time_NN salesmen_NNS an_AT impressive_JJ argument_NN as_CS they_PPSS approac
h_VB new_JJ prospects_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ estimated_VBN that_CS more_AP than_I
N 600_CD stations_NNS (_( of_IN a_AT total_NN of_IN 3,400_CD )_) do_DO a_AT sign
ificant_JJ amount_VB of_IN programing_VBG for_IN the_AT Negro_NP ._. At_IN least
_AP 60_CD stations_NNS devote_VB all_ABN of_IN their_PP$ time_NN to_IN reaching_
VBG this_DT audience_NN in_IN about_RB half_ABN of_IN the_AT 50_CD states_NNS ._
. These_DTS and_CC other_AP figures_NNS and_CC comments_NNS have_HV been_BEN rep
orted_VBN in_IN a_AT special_JJ supplement_NN of_IN Sponsor_NN-TL magazine_NN ,_
, a_AT trade_NN publication_NN for_IN radio_NN and_CC TV_NN advertisers_NNS ._.
For_IN 10_CD years_NNS Sponsor_NN-TL has_HVZ issued_VBN an_AT annual_JJ survey_N
N of_IN the_AT size_NN and_CC characteristics_NNS of_IN the_AT Negro_NP market_N
N and_CC of_IN successful_JJ techniques_NNS for_IN reaching_VBG this_DT market_N
N through_IN radio_NN ._. In_IN the_AT past_AP 10_CD years_NNS ,_, Sponsor_NN-TL
observes_VBZ ,_, these_DTS trends_NNS have_HV become_VBN apparent_JJ :_: Negro_
NP population_NN in_IN the_AT U.S._NP has_HVZ increased_VBN 25_CD per_IN cent_NN
while_CS the_AT white_JJ population_NN was_BEDZ growing_VBG by_IN 18_CD per_IN
cent_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT forgotten_VBN 15_CD million_CD ''_'' --_-- as_CS Sponso
r_NN-TL tagged_VBD the_AT Negro_NP market_NN in_IN its_PP$ first_OD survey_NN --
_-- has_HVZ become_VBN a_AT better-remembered_JJR 19_CD million_CD ._. Advertise
rs_NNS are_BER changing_VBG their_PP$ attitudes_NNS ,_, both_ABX as_IN to_IN the
_AT significance_NN of_IN this_DT market_NN and_CC the_AT ways_NNS of_IN speakin
g_VBG to_IN it_PPO ._. Stations_NNS programing_VBG to_IN Negro_NP listeners_NNS
are_BER having_HVG to_TO upgrade_VB their_PP$ shows_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO kee
p_VB pace_NN with_IN rising_VBG educational_JJ ,_, economic_JJ ,_, and_CC cultur
al_JJ levels_NNS ._. Futhermore_RB ,_, the_AT station_NN which_WDT wants_VBZ rea
l_JJ prestige_NN must_MD lead_VB or_CC participate_VB in_IN community_NN improve
ment_NN projects_NNS ,_, not_* simply_RB serve_VB on_IN the_AT air_NN ._. In_IN
the_AT last_AP decade_NN the_AT number_NN of_IN Negro-appeal_JJ radio_NN program
_NN hours_NNS has_HVZ risen_VBN at_IN least_AP 15_CD per_IN cent_NN ,_, and_CC t
he_AT number_NN of_IN Negro-appeal_JJ stations_NNS has_HVZ increased_VBN 30_CD p
er_IN cent_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN a_AT research_NN man_NN quoted_VBN by_IN Sp
onsor_NN-TL ._. A_AT year_NN ago_RB the_AT Negro_NP-TL Radio_NN-TL Association_N
N-TL was_BEDZ formed_VBN to_TO spur_VB research_NN which_WDT the_AT 30-odd_CD me
mber_NN stations_NNS are_BER sure_JJ will_MD bring_VB in_RP more_AP business_NN
._. The_AT 1960_CD census_NN underscored_VBD the_AT explosive_JJ character_NN of
_IN the_AT population_NN growth_NN ._. It_PPS also_RB brought_VBD home_NR proof_
NN of_IN something_PN a_AT casual_JJ observer_NN might_MD have_HV missed_VBN :_:
that_CS more_AP than_IN half_ABN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP Negroes_NPS live_VB outsi
de_IN the_AT southeastern_JJ states_NNS ._. Also_RB ,_, the_AT state_NN with_IN
the_AT largest_JJT number_NN of_IN Negroes_NPS is_BEZ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL --_--
not_* in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL at_IN all_ABN ._. In_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Cit
y_NN-TL ,_, WLIB_NN boasts_VBZ ``_`` more_AP community_NN service_NN programs_NN
S than_CS any_DTI other_AP Negro_NP station_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` one_CD of_IN t
he_AT largest_JJT Negro_NP news_NN staffs_NNS in_IN America_NP ''_'' ._. And_CC
WWRL's_NP$ colorful_JJ mobile_JJ unit_NN ,_, cruising_VBG predominately_RB Negro
_NP neighborhoods_NNS ,_, is_BEZ a_AT frequent_JJ reminder_NN of_IN that_DT stat
ion's_NN$ round-the-clock_JJ dedication_NN to_IN nonwhite_JJ interests_NNS ._. R
ecently_RB ,_, WWRL_NN won_VBD praise_NN for_IN its_PP$ expose_NN of_IN particul
ar_JJ cases_NNS of_IN employment_NN agency_NN deceit_NN ._. A_AT half-dozen_NN o
ther_AP stations_NNS in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL area_NN also_RB bid_VB fo
r_IN attention_NN of_IN the_AT city's_NN$ Negro_NP population_NN ,_, up_RP about
_RB 50_CD per_IN cent_NN in_IN the_AT past_AP decade_NN ._. In_IN all_ABN big_JJ
cities_NNS outside_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, and_CC even_RB in_IN small_JJ town
s_NNS within_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, radio_NN stations_NNS can_MD be_BE found_
VBN beaming_VBG some_DTI or_CC all_ABN of_IN their_PP$ programs_NNS at_IN Negro_
NP listeners_NNS ._. The_AT Keystone_NN-TL Broadcasting_VBG-TL System's_NN$-TL N
egro_NP network_NN includes_VBZ 360_CD affiliated_VBN stations_NNS ,_, whose_WP$
signals_NNS reach_VB more_AP than_IN half_ABN the_AT total_NN U.S._NP Negro_NP
population_NN ._. One_CD question_NN which_WDT inevitably_RB crops_VBZ up_RP is_
BEZ whether_CS such_JJ stations_NNS have_HV a_AT future_NN in_IN a_AT nation_NN
where_WRB the_AT Negro_NP is_BEZ moving_VBG into_IN a_AT fully_QL integrated_VBN
status_NN ._. Whatever_WDT the_AT long-range_NN impact_NN of_IN integration_NN
,_, the_AT owners_NNS of_IN Negro-appeal_JJ radio_NN stations_NNS these_DTS days
_NNS know_VB they_PPSS have_HV an_AT audience_NN and_CC that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ lo
yal_JJ ._. Advertisers_NNS have_HV discovered_VBN the_AT tendency_NN of_IN Negro
es_NPS to_TO shop_VB for_IN brand_NN names_NNS they_PPSS have_HV heard_VBN on_IN
stations_NNS catering_VBG to_IN their_PP$ special_JJ interests_NNS ._. And_CC m
any_AP advertisers_NNS have_HV been_BEN happy_JJ with_IN the_AT results_NNS of_I
N letting_VBG a_AT Negro_NP disc_NN jockey_NN phrase_VB the_AT commercial_NN in_
IN his_PP$ own_JJ words_NNS ,_, working_VBG only_RB from_IN a_AT fact_NN sheet_N
N ._. What_WDT sets_VBZ Negro-appeal_JJ programing_NN apart_RB from_IN other_AP
radio_NN shows_NNS ?_. ?_. Sponsor_NN-TL magazine_NN notes_VBZ the_AT stress_NN
on_IN popular_JJ Negro_NP bands_NNS and_CC singers_NNS ;_. ;_. rhythm-and-blues_
NNS mood_NN music_NN ;_. ;_. ``_`` race_NN ''_'' music_NN ,_, folk_NN songs_NNS
and_CC melodies_NNS ,_, and_CC gospel_NN programs_NNS ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, new
s_NN and_CC special_JJ presentations_NNS inform_VB the_AT listener_NN about_IN g
roups_NNS ,_, projects_NNS ,_, and_CC personalities_NNS rarely_RB mentioned_VBN
on_IN a_AT general-appeal_JJ station_NN ._. Advertising_VBG copy_NN frequently_R
B takes_VBZ into_IN account_NN matters_NNS of_IN special_JJ Negro_NP concern_NN
._. Sponsor_NN-TL quotes_VBZ John_NP McLendon_NP of_IN the_AT McLendon-Ebony_NP
station_NN group_NN as_CS saying_VBG that_CS the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Negro_NP-TL i
s_BEZ becoming_VBG conscious_JJ of_IN quality_NN and_CC ``_`` does_DOZ not_* wis
h_VB to_TO be_BE associated_VBN with_IN radio_NN which_WDT is_BEZ any_DTI way_NN
degrading_VBG to_IN his_PP$ race_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS tends_VBZ to_TO shy_VB away_
RB from_IN the_AT hooting_VBG and_CC hollering_VBG personalities_NNS that_WPS or
iginally_RB made_VBD Negro_NP radio_NN programs_NNS famous_JJ ''_'' ._. The_AT s
ociological_JJ impact_NN is_BEZ perhaps_RB most_QL eloquently_RB summed_VBN up_R
P in_IN this_DT quotation_NN of_IN J._NP Walter_NP Carroll_NP of_IN KSAN_NN ,_,
San_NP Francisco_NP :_: ``_`` Negro-appeal_JJ radio_NN is_BEZ more_QL important_
JJ to_IN the_AT Negro_NP today_NR ,_, because_CS it_PPS provides_VBZ a_AT direct
_JJ and_CC powerful_JJ mirror_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT Negro_NP can_MD hear_VB
and_CC see_VB his_PP$ ambitions_NNS ,_, achievements_NNS and_CC desires_NNS ._.
It_PPS will_MD continue_VB to_TO be_BE important_JJ as_CS a_AT means_NN of_IN or
ientation_NN to_IN the_AT Negro_NP ,_, seeking_VBG to_TO become_VB urbanized_VBN
,_, as_CS he_PPS tries_VBZ to_TO make_VB adjustment_NN to_IN the_AT urban_JJ li
fe_NN ._. Negro_NP radio_NN is_BEZ vitally_RB necessary_JJ during_IN the_AT proc
ess_NN of_IN assimilation_NN ''_'' ._. Presentation_NN of_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Lif
e_NN-TL And_CC-TL Times_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL John_NP-TL Sloan_NP-TL ''_'' in_IN the_A
T Delaware_NP-TL Art_NN-TL Center_NN-TL here_RB suggests_VBZ a_AT current_JJ nos
talgia_NN for_IN human_JJ values_NNS in_IN art_NN ._. Staged_VBN by_IN way_NN of
_IN announcing_VBG the_AT gift_NN of_IN a_AT large_JJ and_CC intimate_JJ Sloan_N
P collection_NN by_IN the_AT artist's_NN$ widow_NN ,_, Helen_NP Farr_NP Sloan_NP
,_, to_IN the_AT Wilmington_NP-TL Society_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Fine_JJ-TL A
rts_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT exhibition_NN presents_VBZ a_AT survey_NN of_IN Sloan's_NP
$ work_NN ._. From_IN early_JJ family_NN portraits_NNS ,_, painted_VBN before_CS
he_PPS entered_VBD the_AT schools_NNS of_IN the_AT Pennsylvania_NP-TL Academy_N
N-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Fine_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT chronology_NN extends_
VBZ to_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN paintings_NNS executed_VBN in_IN his_PP$ last_AP y
ear_NN (_( 1951_CD )_) and_CC still_RB part_NN of_IN his_PP$ estate_NN ._. Few_A
P artists_NNS have_HV left_VBN a_AT life_NN work_NN so_QL eloquent_JJ of_IN the_
AT period_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS lived_VBD ._. Few_AP who_WPS have_HV pain
ted_VBN the_AT scenes_NNS around_IN them_PPO have_HV done_VBN so_RB with_IN so_Q
L little_AP bitterness_NN ._. The_AT paintings_NNS ,_, drawings_NNS ,_, prints_N
NS ,_, and_CC illustrations_NNS all_ABN reflect_VB the_AT manners_NNS ,_, costum
es_NNS ,_, and_CC mores_NNS of_IN America_NP in_IN the_AT first_OD half_ABN of_I
N the_AT present_JJ century_NN ._. Obviously_RB Sloan's_NP$ early_JJ years_NNS w
ere_BED influenced_VBN by_IN his_PP$ close_JJ friend_NN Robert_NP Henri_NP ._. A
s_QL early_RB as_CS 1928_CD ,_, however_WRB ,_, the_AT Sloan_NP style_NN began_V
BD to_TO change_VB ._. The_AT dark_JJ pigments_NNS of_IN the_AT early_JJ work_NN
were_BED superseded_VBN by_IN a_AT brighter_JJR palette_NN ._. The_AT solidity_
NN of_IN brush_NN stroke_NN yielded_VBD to_IN a_AT hatching_VBG technique_NN tha
t_WPS finally_RB led_VBD to_IN virtual_JJ abandonment_NN of_IN American_JJ genre
s_NNS in_IN favor_NN of_IN single_AP figure_NN studies_NNS and_CC studio_NN nude
s_NNS ._. The_AT exhibition_NN presents_VBZ all_ABN phases_NNS of_IN Sloan's_NP$
many-sided_JJ art_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN the_AT paintings_NNS are_BER d
rawings_NNS ,_, prints_NNS ,_, and_CC illustrations_NNS ._. Sloan_NP created_VBD
such_JJ works_NNS for_IN newspaper_NN supplements_NNS before_CS syndication_NN
threw_VBD him_PPO out_IN of_IN a_AT job_NN and_CC sent_VBD him_PPO to_TO roam_VB
the_AT streets_NNS of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, thereby_RB building_VBG for_I
N America_NP an_AT incomparable_JJ city_NN survey_NN from_IN paintings_NNS of_IN
McSorley's_NP$-TL Saloon_NN-TL to_IN breezy_JJ clotheslines_NNS on_IN city_NN r
oofs_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL appealing_JJ of_IN the_AT rooftop_NN ca
nvases_NNS is_BEZ ``_`` Sun_NN-TL And_CC-TL Wind_NN-TL On_IN-TL The_AT-TL Roof_N
N-TL ''_'' ,_, with_IN a_AT woman_NN and_CC child_NN bracing_VBG themselves_PPLS
against_IN flapping_VBG clothes_NNS and_CC flying_VBG birds_NNS ._. Although_CS
there_EX are_BER landscapes_NNS in_IN the_AT show_NN (_( one_CD of_IN the_AT st
rongest_JJT is_BEZ a_AT vista_NN of_IN ``_`` Gloucester_NP-TL Harbor_NN-TL ''_''
in_IN 1915_CD )_) ,_, the_AT human_JJ element_NN was_BEDZ the_AT compelling_JJ
factor_NN in_IN Sloan's_NP$ art_NN ._. Significant_JJ are_BER such_JJ canvases_N
NS as_CS ``_`` Bleeker_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, Saturday_NR-TL Night_NN-TL ''_'' ,
_, with_IN its_PP$ typically_RB American_JJ crowd_NN (_( Sloan_NP never_RB went_
VBD abroad_RB )_) ;_. ;_. the_AT multifigure_NN ``_`` Traveling_VBG-TL Carnival_
NN-TL ''_'' ,_, in_IN which_WDT action_NN is_BEZ vivified_VBN by_IN lighting_VBG
;_. ;_. or_CC ``_`` Carmine_NP-TL Theater_NN-TL ,_, 1912_CD ''_'' ,_, the_AT on
ly_AP canvas_NN with_IN an_AT ash_NN can_NN (_( and_CC foraging_VBG dog_NN )_) ,
_, although_CS Sloan_NP was_BEDZ a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT famous_JJ ``_`` Eig
ht_CD-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC of_IN the_AT so-called_JJ ``_`` Ash-Can_NN-TL School_N
N-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT term_NN he_PPS resented_VBD ._. Not_* all_ABN the_AT paintin
gs_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, are_BER of_IN cities_NNS ._. The_AT exhibition_NN touc
hes_VBZ briefly_RB on_IN his_PP$ sojourn_NN in_IN the_AT Southwest_NR-TL (_( ``_
`` Koshare_NP in_IN the_AT Dust_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT vigorous_JJ Indian_JJ dance
_NN ,_, and_CC landscapes_NNS suggest_VB the_AT influence_NN of_IN western_JJ co
lor_NN on_IN his_PP$ palette_NN )_) ._. The_AT fact_NN that_CS Sloan_NP was_BEDZ
an_AT extrovert_NN ,_, concerned_VBN primarily_RB with_IN what_WDT he_PPS saw_V
BD ,_, adds_VBZ greatly_RB to_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN his_PP$ art_NN as_CS a_AT
human_JJ chronicle_NN ._. There_EX are_BER 151_CD items_NNS in_IN the_AT Wilmin
gton_NP show_NN ,_, including_IN one_CD painting_NN by_IN each_DT member_NN of_I
N the_AT ``_`` Eight_CD-TL ''_'' ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS work_NN by_IN Sloan's_N
P$ friends_NNS and_CC students_NNS ._. Supplementing_VBG the_AT actual_JJ art_NN
are_BER memorabilia_NNS --_-- correspondence_NN ,_, diaries_NNS ,_, books_NNS f
rom_IN the_AT artist's_NN$ library_NN ,_, etc._RB ._. All_ABN belong_VB to_IN th
e_AT collection_NN being_BEG given_VBN to_IN Wilmington_NP over_IN a_AT period_N
N of_IN years_NNS by_IN Mrs._NP Sloan_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ cherished_VBN such_
JJ revelatory_JJ items_NNS ever_RB since_CS she_PPS first_RB studied_VBD with_IN
Sloan_NP at_IN the_AT Art_NN-TL Students_NNS-TL League_NN-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL York
_NP-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT 1920's_NNS ._. To_TO enable_VB students_NNS and_CC the_A
T public_NN to_TO spot_VB Sloan_NP forgeries_NNS ,_, the_AT Delaware_NP-TL Art_N
N-TL Center_NN-TL (_( according_IN to_IN its_PP$ director_NN ,_, Bruce_NP St._NP
John_NP )_) will_MD maintain_VB a_AT complete_JJ file_NN of_IN photographs_NNS
of_IN all_ABN Sloan_NP works_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT card_NN index_NN f
ile_NN ._. The_AT entire_JJ Sloan_NP collection_NN will_MD be_BE made_VBN availa
ble_JJ at_IN the_AT center_NN to_IN all_ABN serious_JJ art_NN students_NNS and_C
C historians_NNS ._. The_AT current_JJ exhibition_NN ,_, which_WDT remains_VBZ o
n_IN view_NN through_IN Oct._NP 29_CD ,_, has_HVZ tapped_VBN 14_CD major_JJ coll
ections_NNS and_CC many_AP private_JJ sources_NNS ._. Any_DTI musician_NN playin
g_VBG Beethoven_NP here_RB ,_, where_WRB Beethoven_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN ,_, is_B
EZ likely_JJ to_TO examine_VB his_PP$ own_JJ interpretations_NNS with_IN special
_JJ care_NN ._. In_IN a_AT sense_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ offering_VBG Bonn_NP what_
WDT its_PP$ famous_JJ son_NN (_( who_WPS left_VBD as_CS a_AT youth_NN )_) never_
RB did_DOD --_-- the_AT sound_NN of_IN the_AT composer's_NN$ mature_JJ style_NN
._. Robert_NP Riefling_NP ,_, who_WPS gave_VBD the_AT only_AP piano_NN recital_N
N of_IN the_AT recently_RB concluded_VBN 23rd_OD Beethoven_NP-TL Festival_NN-TL
,_, penetrated_VBD deep_RB into_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT style_NN ._. Hi
s_PP$ readings_NNS were_BED careful_JJ without_IN being_BEG fussy_JJ ,_, and_CC
they_PPSS were_BED authoritative_JJ without_IN being_BEG presumptuous_JJ ._. The
_AT 32_CD C_NN Minor_JJ-TL Variations_NNS-TL with_IN which_WDT he_PPS opened_VBD
moved_VBD fluently_RB yet_CC logically_RB from_IN one_CD to_IN another_DT ,_, l
eaving_VBG the_AT right_JJ impression_NN of_IN abundance_NN under_IN discipline_
NN ._. The_AT D_NN Minor_JJ-TL Sonata_NN-TL ,_, Op._NN-TL 31_CD-TL No._NN-TL 2_C
D-TL ,_, introduced_VBN by_IN dynamically_QL shaped_VBN arpeggios_NNS ,_, was_BE
DZ most_QL engaging_JJ in_IN its_PP$ moments_NNS of_IN quasi-recitative_JJ --_--
single_JJ lines_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT fingers_NNS seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE f
eeling_VBG their_PP$ way_NN toward_IN the_AT idea_NN to_TO come_VB ._. These_DTS
inwardly_RB dramatic_JJ moments_NNS showed_VBD the_AT kind_NN of_IN ``_`` opera
_NN style_NN ''_'' of_IN which_WDT Beethoven_NP was_BEDZ genuinely_QL capable_JJ
,_, but_CC which_WDT did_DOD not_* take_VB so_QL kindly_RB to_IN the_AT mechani
cs_NNS of_IN staging_VBG ._. Two_CD late_JJ Sonatas_NNS-TL ,_, Op._NN-TL 110_CD-
TL and_CC 111_CD-TL ,_, were_BED played_VBN with_IN similar_JJ insight_NN ,_, th
e_AT disarming_VBG simplicities_NNS of_IN the_AT Op._NN-TL 111_CD-TL Adagio_NN-T
L made_VBN plain_JJ without_IN ever_RB becoming_VBG obvious_JJ ._. The_AT two_CD
were_BED separated_VBN from_IN each_DT other_AP by_IN the_AT Six_CD-TL Bagatell
es_NNS-TL of_IN Op._NN-TL 126_CD-TL ._. Herr_NP Riefling_NP ,_, in_IN everything
_PN he_PPS gave_VBD his_PP$ large_JJ Beethoven_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL audience_NN ,_,
proved_VBD himself_PPL as_CS an_AT interpreter_NN of_IN unobtrusive_JJ authority
_NN ._. Volker_NP Wangenheim_NP ,_, who_WPS conducted_VBD Bonn's_NP$ Stadtisches
_FW-JJ-TL Orchester_FW-NN-TL on_IN the_AT following_VBG evening_NN ,_, made_VBD
one_CD more_QL conscious_JJ of_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN interpretation_NN ._.
Herr_NP Wangenheim_NP has_HVZ only_QL recently_RB become_VBN the_AT city's_NN$ m
usic_NN director_NN ,_, and_CC is_BEZ a_AT young_JJ man_NN with_IN a_AT clear_JJ
flair_NN for_IN the_AT podium_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS weighted_VBD the_AT Eighth_O
D-TL Symphony_NN-TL ,_, at_IN times_NNS ,_, with_IN a_AT shuddering_VBG subjecti
vity_NN which_WDT seemed_VBD considerably_RB at_IN odds_NNS with_IN the_AT music
_NN ._. He_PPS might_MD have_HV been_BEN hoping_VBG ,_, to_IN all_ABN appearance
s_NNS ,_, that_CS this_DT relatively_QL sunny_JJ symphony_NN ,_, in_IN conjuncti
on_NN with_IN the_AT Choral_JJ-TL Fantasy_NN-TL at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT
program_NN ,_, could_MD amount_VB to_IN something_PN like_CS the_AT Ninth_OD-TL
;_. ;_. but_CC no_AT amount_NN of_IN head-tossing_NN could_MD make_VB it_PPO so
_RB ._. The_AT conductor's_NN$ preoccupation_NN with_IN the_AT business_NN of_IN
starting_VBG and_CC stopping_VBG caused_VBD occasional_JJ raggedness_NN ,_, as_
CS with_IN the_AT first_OD orchestra_NN entrance_NN in_IN the_AT Fourth_OD-TL Pi
ano_NN-TL Concerto_NN-TL ,_, but_CC when_WRB he_PPS put_VBD his_PP$ deliberation
s_NNS and_CC obsequies_NNS aside_RB and_CC let_VBD the_AT music_NN move_VB as_CS
designed_VBN ,_, it_PPS did_DOD so_RB with_IN plenty_NN of_IN spring_NN ._. The
_AT concerto's_NN$ soloist_NN ,_, Hans_NP Richter-Haaser_NP ,_, played_VBD with_
IN compensatory_JJ ease_NN and_CC economy_NN ,_, though_CS without_IN the_AT con
summate_JJ plasticity_NN to_IN which_WDT we_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN treated_VBN on
_IN the_AT previous_JJ evening_NN by_IN Herr_NP Riefling_NP ._. His_PP$$ was_BED
Z a_AT burgomaster's_NN$ Beethoven_NP ,_, solid_JJ and_CC sensible_JJ ._. Everyb
ody_PN returned_VBD after_IN intermission_NN for_IN the_AT miscellaneous_JJ swee
pings_NNS of_IN the_AT Fantasy_NN-TL For_IN-TL Piano_NN-TL ,_, Chorus_NN-TL ,_,
And_CC-TL Orchestra_NN-TL In_IN-TL C_NN-TL Minor_JJ-TL ,_, made_VBN up_RP by_IN
its_PP$ composer_NN to_TO fill_VB out_RP one_CD of_IN his_PP$ programs_NNS ._. T
he_AT entrance_NN of_IN the_AT Stadtisches_FW-JJ-TL Gesangverein_FW-NN-TL (_( Bo
nn's_NP$ civic_JJ chorus_NN )_) was_BEDZ worth_JJ all_ABN the_AT waiting_NN ,_,
however_RB ,_, as_CS the_AT young_JJ Rhenish_JJ voices_NNS finally_RB brought_VB
D the_AT music_NN to_IN life_NN ._. The_AT last_AP program_NN of_IN this_DT fest
ival_NN ,_, which_WDT during_IN two_CD weeks_NNS had_HVD sampled_VBN most_AP com
positional_JJ categories_NNS ,_, brought_VBD the_AT Cologne_NP Rundfunk-Sinfonie
-Orchester_NP and_CC Rundfunkchor_NP to_IN Bonn's_NP$ gold-filled_JJ hall_NN for
_IN a_AT performance_NN of_IN the_AT Missa_FW-NN-TL Solemnis_FW-JJ-TL ._. A_AT t
ribe_NN in_IN ancient_JJ India_NP believed_VBD the_AT earth_NN was_BEDZ a_AT hug
e_JJ tea_NN tray_NN resting_VBG on_IN the_AT backs_NNS of_IN three_CD giant_JJ e
lephants_NNS ,_, which_WDT in_IN turn_NN stood_VBD on_IN the_AT shell_NN of_IN a
_AT great_JJ tortoise_NN ._. This_DT theory_NN eventually_RB proved_VBD inexact_
JJ ._. But_CC the_AT primitive_JJ method_NN of_IN explaining_VBG the_AT unknown_
JJ with_IN what_WDT is_BEZ known_VBN bears_VBZ at_IN least_AP a_AT symbolic_JJ r
esemblance_NN to_IN the_AT methods_NNS of_IN modern_JJ science_NN ._. It_PPS is_
BEZ the_AT business_NN of_IN cosmologists_NNS ,_, the_AT scientists_NNS who_WPS
study_VB the_AT nature_NN and_CC structure_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, to_TO
try_VB to_TO solve_VB the_AT great_JJ cosmic_JJ mysteries_NNS by_IN using_VBG k
eys_NNS that_WPS have_HV clicked_VBN open_RB other_AP doors_NNS ._. These_DTS ke
ys_NNS are_BER the_AT working_VBG principles_NNS of_IN physics_NN ,_, mathematic
s_NN and_CC astronomy_NN ,_, principles_NNS which_WDT are_BER then_RB extrapolat
ed_VBN ,_, or_CC projected_VBN ,_, to_TO explain_VB phenomena_NNS of_IN which_WD
T we_PPSS have_HV little_AP or_CC no_AT direct_JJ knowledge_NN ._. In_IN the_AT
autumn_NN of_IN 1959_CD ,_, the_AT British_JJ-TL Broadcasting_VBG-TL Corporation
_NN-TL presented_VBD a_AT series_NN of_IN talks_NNS by_IN four_CD scientists_NNS
competent_JJ in_IN cosmology_NN ._. Three_CD of_IN these_DTS men_NNS discussed_
VBD major_JJ theories_NNS of_IN the_AT universe_NN while_CS the_AT other_AP acte
d_VBD as_CS a_AT moderator_NN ._. The_AT participants_NNS were_BED Professor_NN-
TL H._NP Bondi_NP ,_, professor_NN of_IN mathematics_NN at_IN King's_NN$-TL Coll
ege_NN-TL ,_, London_NP ;_. ;_. Dr._NN-TL W._NP B._NP Bonnor_NP ,_, reader_NN in
_IN mathematics_NN at_IN Queen_NN-TL Elizabeth_NP-TL College_NN-TL ,_, London_NP
;_. ;_. Dr._NN-TL R._NP A._NP Lyttleton_NP ,_, a_AT lecturer_NN at_IN St._NN-TL
John's_NP$ College_NN-TL ,_, Cambridge_NP ,_, and_CC a_AT reader_NN in_IN theor
etical_JJ astronomy_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Cambridge_NP-TL ;_
. ;_. and_CC Dr._NN-TL G._NP J._NP Whitrow_NP ,_, reader_NN in_IN applied_VBN ma
thematics_NN at_IN the_AT Imperial_JJ-TL College_NN-TL of_IN-TL Science_NN-TL an
d_CC-TL Technology_NN-TL ,_, London_NP ._. Dr._NN-TL Whitrow_NP functioned_VBD a
s_CS moderator_NN ._. The_AT programs_NNS were_BED so_QL well_RB received_VBN by
_IN the_AT British_JJ public_NN that_CS the_AT arguments_NNS have_HV been_BEN pu
blished_VBN in_IN a_AT totally_QL engrossing_JJ little_JJ book_NN called_VBN ,_,
``_`` Rival_JJ-TL Theories_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Cosmology_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Dr._NN-TL
Bonnor_NP begins_VBZ with_IN a_AT discussion_NN of_IN the_AT relativistic_JJ the
ories_NNS of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, based_VBN on_IN the_AT general_JJ theory_
NN of_IN relativity_NN ._. First_OD of_IN all_ABN ,_, and_CC this_DT has_HVZ bee
n_BEN calculated_VBN by_IN observation_NN ,_, the_AT universe_NN is_BEZ expandin
g_VBG --_-- that_DT is_BEZ ,_, the_AT galaxies_NNS are_BER receding_VBG from_IN
each_DT other_AP at_IN immense_JJ speeds_NNS ._. Because_RB of_IN this_DT Dr._NN
-TL Bonnor_NP holds_VBZ that_CS the_AT universe_NN is_BEZ becoming_VBG more_QL t
hinly_RB populated_VBN by_IN stars_NNS and_CC whatever_WDT else_RB is_BEZ there_
RB ._. This_DT expansion_NN has_HVZ been_BEN going_VBG on_RP for_IN an_AT estima
ted_VBN eight_CD billion_CD years_NNS ._. Expands_VBZ-HL and_CC-HL contracts_VBZ
-HL Dr._NN-TL Bonnor_NP supports_VBZ the_AT idea_NN that_CS the_AT universe_NN b
oth_ABX expands_VBZ and_CC contracts_VBZ ,_, that_CS in_IN several_AP billion_CD
years_NNS the_AT expansion_NN will_MD slow_VB up_RP and_CC reverse_VB itself_PP
L and_CC that_CS the_AT contraction_NN will_MD set_VB in_RP ._. Then_RB ,_, afte
r_IN many_QL more_AP billions_NNS of_IN years_NNS ,_, when_WRB all_ABN the_AT ga
laxies_NNS are_BER whistling_VBG toward_IN a_AT common_JJ center_NN ,_, this_DT
movement_NN will_MD slow_VB down_RP and_CC reverse_VB itself_PPL again_RB ._. Pr
ofessor_NN-TL Bondi_NP disagrees_VBZ with_IN the_AT expansion-contraction_NN the
ory_NN ._. He_PPS supports_VBZ the_AT steady-state_NN theory_NN which_WDT holds_
VBZ that_CS matter_NN is_BEZ continually_RB being_BEG created_VBN in_IN space_NN
._. For_IN this_DT reason_NN ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, the_AT density_NN of_IN th
e_AT universe_NN always_RB remains_VBZ the_AT same_AP even_RB though_CS the_AT g
alaxies_NNS are_BER zooming_VBG away_RB in_IN all_ABN directions_NNS ._. New_JJ
galaxies_NNS are_BER forever_RB being_BEG formed_VBN to_TO fill_VB in_RP the_AT
gaps_NNS left_VBN by_IN the_AT receding_VBG galaxies_NNS ._. If_CS this_DT is_BE
Z true_JJ ,_, then_RB the_AT universe_NN today_NR looks_VBZ just_RB as_CS it_PPS
did_DOD millions_NNS of_IN years_NNS ago_RB and_CC as_CS it_PPS will_MD look_VB
millions_NNS of_IN years_NNS hence_RB ,_, even_RB though_CS the_AT universe_NN
is_BEZ expanding_VBG ._. For_CS new_JJ galaxies_NNS to_TO be_BE created_VBN ,_,
Professor_NN-TL Bondi_NP declares_VBZ ,_, it_PPS would_MD only_RB be_BE necessar
y_JJ for_IN a_AT single_AP hydrogen_NN atom_NN to_TO be_BE created_VBN in_IN an_
AT area_NN the_AT size_NN of_IN your_PP$ living_VBG room_NN once_RB every_AT few
_AP million_CD years_NNS ._. He_PPS contends_VBZ this_DT idea_NN doesn't_DOZ* co
nflict_VB with_IN experiments_NNS on_IN which_WDT the_AT principle_NN of_IN cons
ervation_NN of_IN matter_NN and_CC energy_NN is_BEZ based_VBN because_CS some_DT
I slight_JJ error_NN must_MD be_BE assumed_VBN in_IN such_JJ experiments_NNS ._.
Dr._NN-TL Lyttleton_NP backs_VBZ the_AT theory_NN that_CS we_PPSS live_VB in_IN
an_AT electric_JJ universe_NN and_CC this_DT theory_NN starts_VBZ with_IN the_A
T behavior_NN of_IN protons_NNS and_CC electrons_NNS ._. Protons_NNS and_CC elec
trons_NNS bear_VB opposite_JJ electrical_JJ charges_NNS which_WDT make_VB them_P
PO attract_VB each_DT other_AP ,_, and_CC when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER joined_VBN
they_PPSS make_VB up_RP an_AT atom_NN of_IN hydrogen_NN --_-- the_AT basic_JJ bu
ilding_VBG block_NN of_IN matter_NN ._. The_AT charges_NNS of_IN the_AT electron
_NN and_CC proton_NN are_BER believed_VBN to_TO be_BE exactly_QL equal_JJ and_CC
opposite_JJ ,_, but_CC Dr._NN-TL Lyttleton_NP is_BEZ not_* so_QL sure_JJ ._. Su
ppose_VB ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Lyttleton_NP ,_, the_AT proton_NN has_HVZ a_AT s
lightly_QL greater_JJR charge_NN than_CS the_AT electron_NN (_( so_QL slight_JJ
it_PPS is_BEZ presently_RB immeasurable_JJ )_) ._. This_DT would_MD give_VB the_
AT hydrogen_NN atom_NN a_AT slight_JJ charge-excess_NN ._. Now_RB if_CS one_CD h
ydrogen_NN atom_NN were_BED placed_VBN at_IN the_AT surface_NN of_IN a_AT large_
JJ sphere_NN of_IN hydrogen_NN atoms_NNS ,_, it_PPS would_MD be_BE subject_NN bo
th_ABX to_IN the_AT gravitation_NN of_IN the_AT sphere_NN and_CC the_AT charge-e
xcess_NN of_IN all_ABN those_DTS atoms_NNS in_IN the_AT sphere_NN ._. Because_CS
electrical_JJ forces_NNS (_( the_AT charge-excess_NN )_) are_BER far_QL more_QL
powerful_JJ than_CS gravitation_NN ,_, the_AT surface_NN hydrogen_NN atoms_NNS
would_MD shoot_VB away_RB from_IN the_AT sphere_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Lyttleton_NP th
en_RB imagines_VBZ the_AT universe_NN as_CS a_AT large_JJ hydrogen_NN sphere_NN
with_IN surface_NN atoms_NNS shooting_VBG away_RB from_IN it_PPO ._. This_DT ,_,
he_PPS claims_VBZ ,_, would_MD reasonably_RB account_VB for_IN the_AT expansion
_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ._. Fleeting_VBG-HL glimpse_NN-HL This_DT slim_JJ b
ook_NN ,_, while_CS giving_VBG the_AT reader_NN only_RB a_AT fleeting_VBG glimps
e_NN of_IN the_AT scientific_JJ mind_NN confronting_VBG the_AT universe_NN ,_, h
as_HVZ the_AT appeal_NN that_CS informed_VBN conversation_NN always_RB has_HVZ .
_. Several_AP photographs_NNS and_CC charts_NNS of_IN galaxies_NNS help_VB the_A
T non-scientist_NN keep_VB up_RP with_IN the_AT discussion_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT
smooth_JJ language_NN indicates_VBZ the_AT contributors_NNS were_BED determined_
VBN to_TO avoid_VB the_AT jargon_NN that_WPS seems_VBZ to_TO work_VB its_PP$ way
_NN into_IN almost_RB every_AT field_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ clear_JJ from_IN this_
DT discussion_NN that_CS cosmologists_NNS of_IN every_AT persuasion_NN look_VB h
opefully_RB toward_IN the_AT day_NN when_WRB a_AT man-made_JJ satellite_NN can_M
D be_BE equipped_VBN with_IN optical_JJ devices_NNS which_WDT will_MD open_VB up
_RP new_JJ vistas_NNS to_IN science_NN ._. Presently_RB ,_, the_AT intense_JJ ab
sorption_NN of_IN ultra-violet_JJ rays_NNS in_IN the_AT earth's_NN$ atmosphere_N
N seriously_RB hinders_VBZ ground_NN observation_NN ._. These_DTS scientists_NNS
are_BER convinced_VBN that_CS a_AT telescope_NN unclouded_JJ by_IN the_AT earth
's_NN$ gases_NNS will_MD go_VB a_AT long_JJ way_NN toward_IN bolstering_VBG or_C
C destroying_VBG cosmic_JJ theories_NNS ._. There_EX would_MD seem_VB to_TO be_B
E some_DTI small_JJ solace_NN in_IN the_AT prospect_NN that_CS the_AT missile_NN
race_NN between_IN nations_NNS is_BEZ at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN accelerating
_VBG the_AT study_NN of_IN the_AT space_NN around_IN us_PPO ,_, giving_VBG us_PP
O a_AT long-sought_JJ ladder_NN from_IN which_WDT to_TO peer_VB at_IN alien_JJ r
egions_NNS ._. In_IN doing_VBG away_RB with_IN the_AT tea_NN tray_NN ,_, the_AT
elephants_NNS and_CC the_AT giant_JJ tortoise_NN ,_, science_NN has_HVZ develope
d_VBN a_AT series_NN of_IN rationally_QL defensible_JJ explanations_NNS of_IN th
e_AT cosmos_NN ._. And_CC although_CS the_AT universe_NN may_MD forever_RB defy_
VB understanding_VBG ,_, it_PPS might_MD even_QL now_RB be_BE finding_VBG its_PP
$ match_NN in_IN the_AT imagination_NN of_IN man_NN ._. ``_`` Roots_NNS-TL ''_''
,_, the_AT new_JJ play_NN at_IN the_AT brand-new_JJ Mayfair_NP-TL Theater_NN-TL
on_IN 46th_OD-TL St._NN-TL which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN made_VBN over_RP from_IN
a_AT night_NN club_NN ,_, is_BEZ about_IN the_AT intellectual_JJ and_CC spiritua
l_JJ awakening_NN of_IN an_AT English_JJ farm_NN girl_NN ._. Highly_QL successfu
l_JJ in_IN England_NP before_IN its_PP$ transfer_NN to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,
_, most_AP of_IN ``_`` Roots_NNS-TL ''_'' is_BEZ as_QL relentlessly_QL dour_JJ a
s_CS the_AT trappings_NNS of_IN the_AT small_JJ new_JJ theater_NN are_BER gaudy_
JJ ._. Only_RB in_IN its_PP$ final_JJ scene_NN ,_, where_WRB Beatie_NP Bryant_NP
(_( Mary_NP Doyle_NP )_) shakes_VBZ off_RP the_AT disappointment_NN of_IN being
_BEG jilted_VBN by_IN her_PP$ intellectual_JJ lover_NN and_CC proclaims_VBZ her_
PP$ emancipation_NN do_DO we_PPSS get_VB much_AP which_WDT makes_VBZ worthwhile_
JJ the_AT series_NN of_IN boorish_JJ rustic_JJ happenings_NNS we_PPSS have_HV ha
d_HVN to_TO watch_VB for_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT first_OD two_CD and_CC one-half
_NN acts_NNS ._. The_AT burden_NN of_IN Mr._NP Wesker's_NP$ message_NN is_BEZ th
at_CS people_NNS living_VBG close_RB to_IN the_AT soil_NN (_( at_IN least_AP in_
IN England_NP )_) are_BER not_* the_AT happy_JJ ,_, fine_JJ ,_, strong_JJ ,_, na
tural_JJ ,_, earthy_JJ people_NNS city-bred_JJ intellectuals_NNS imagine_VB ._.
Rather_RB they_PPSS are_BER genuine_JJ clods_NNS ,_, proud_JJ of_IN their_PP$ cl
oddishness_NN and_CC openly_RB antagonistic_JJ to_IN the_AT illuminating_JJ infl
uences_NNS of_IN aesthetics_NN or_CC thought_NN ._. They_PPSS care_VB no_QL more
_RBR for_IN politics_NN ,_, says_VBZ Mr._NP Wesker_NP ,_, than_CS they_PPSS do_D
O for_IN a_AT symphony_NN ._. Seeming_VBG to_TO have_HV roots_NNS in_IN the_AT s
oil_NN ,_, they_PPSS actually_RB have_HV none_PN in_IN life_NN ._. They_PPSS dwe
ll_VB ,_, in_IN short_JJ ,_, in_IN the_AT doltish_JJ twilight_NN in_IN which_WDT
peasants_NNS and_CC serfs_NNS of_IN the_AT past_NN are_BER commonly_RB reported
_VBN to_TO have_HV lived_VBN ._. But_CC this_DT is_BEZ a_AT theme_NN which_WDT d
oes_DOZ not_* take_VB so_QL much_AP time_NN to_TO state_VB as_CS Mr._NP Wesker_N
P dedicates_VBZ to_IN it_PPO ._. So_QL much_AP untidiness_NN of_IN mind_NN and_C
C household_NN does_DOZ not_* attract_VB the_AT interest_NN of_IN the_AT theater
goer_NN (_( unless_CS he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN living_VBG in_IN a_AT gilded_VBN p
alace_NN ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, and_CC wants_VBZ a_AT real_QL big_JJ heap_NN of_IN c
ontrast_NN )_) ._. The_AT messy_JJ meals_NNS ,_, the_AT washing_NN of_IN dishes_
NNS ,_, the_AT drying_NN of_IN clothes_NNS may_MD be_BE realism_NN ,_, but_CC th
ere_EX is_BEZ such_ABL a_AT thing_NN as_CS redundancy_NN ._. Now_RB for_IN the_A
T good_JJ points_NNS ._. Miss_NP Doyle_NP as_CS Beatie_NP has_HVZ a_AT great_JJ
fund_NN of_IN animal_NN spirits_NNS ,_, a_AT strong_JJ voice_NN and_CC a_AT warm
_JJ smile_NN ._. She_PPS is_BEZ just_RB home_NR from_IN a_AT sojourn_NN in_IN Lo
ndon_NP where_WRB she_PPS has_HVZ become_VBN the_AT sweetheart_NN of_IN a_AT you
ng_JJ fellow_NN named_VBN Ronnie_NP (_( we_PPSS never_RB do_DO see_VB him_PPO )_
) and_CC has_HVZ been_BEN subjected_VBN to_IN a_AT first_OD course_NN in_IN thin
king_VBG and_CC appreciating_VBG ,_, including_IN a_AT dose_NN of_IN good_JJ Bri
tish_JJ socialism_NN ._. But_CC while_CS she_PPS is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO tell_VB he
r_PP$ retarded_VBN family_NN about_IN the_AT new_JJ world_NN she_PPS has_HVZ see
n_VBN open_VB before_IN her_PPO ,_, Ronnie_NP has_HVZ not_* been_BEN able_JJ to_
TO observe_VB her_PP$ progress_NN ,_, and_CC instead_RB of_IN appearing_VBG at_I
N a_AT family_NN party_NN to_TO be_BE looked_VBN over_RP like_CS a_AT new_JJ bul
l_NN ,_, he_PPS sends_VBZ Beatie_NP a_AT letter_NN of_IN dismissal_NN ._. Beatie
_NP ,_, getting_VBG no_AT sympathy_NN for_IN her_PP$ misfortune_NN ,_, soon_RB r
allies_VBZ and_CC finds_VBZ that_CS although_CS she_PPS has_HVZ lost_VBN a_AT lo
ver_NN she_PPS has_HVZ gained_VBN her_PP$ freedom_NN ._. Despite_IN a_AT too_QL
long_RB sustained_VBN declamatory_JJ flight_NN ,_, this_DT final_NN speech_NN is
_BEZ convincing_JJ ,_, and_CC we_PPSS see_VB why_WRB British_JJ audiences_NNS ap
parently_RB were_BED impressed_VBN by_IN ``_`` Roots_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. There_EX w
ere_BED several_AP fairly_QL good_JJ minor_JJ portraits_NNS in_IN the_AT play_NN
,_, including_IN William_NP Hansen's_NP$ impersonation_NN of_IN a_AT stubborn_J
J ,_, rather_QL pathetic_JJ father_NN ,_, and_CC Katherine_NP Squire's_NP$ vigor
ous_JJ characterization_NN of_IN a_AT farm_NN mother_NN who_WPS brooked_VBD no_A
T hifalutin'_JJ nonsense_NN from_IN her_PPO daughter_NN ,_, or_CC anyone_PN else
_RB ._. But_CC I_PPSS am_BEM afraid_JJ Mr._NP Wesker's_NP$ meat_NN and_CC potato
es_NNS dish_NN isn't_BEZ* well_QL seasoned_VBN enough_QLP for_IN local_JJ audien
ces_NNS ._. Shakespeare_NP had_HVD a_AT word_NN for_IN everything_PN ,_, even_RB
for_IN the_AT rain_NN that_WPS disrupted_VBD Wednesday_NR night's_NN$ ``_`` Muc
h_AP-TL Ado_NN-TL About_IN-TL Nothing_PN-TL ''_'' opening_VBG the_AT season_NN o
f_IN free_JJ theatre_NN in_IN Central_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL York
_NP-TL Shakespeare_NP-TL Festival_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ using_VBG the_AT Wo
llman_NP-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Skating_VBG-TL Rink_NN-TL while_CS its_PP$ theatre_NN
near_IN the_AT Belvedere_NP is_BEZ being_BEG completed_VBN ,_, began_VBD bravel
y_RB ._. Joseph_NP Papp_NP ,_, impassioned_JJ founder_NN of_IN the_AT festival_N
N and_CC director_NN of_IN ``_`` Much_AP-TL Ado_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, had_HVD a_AT vib
rant_JJ ,_, colorful_JJ production_NN under_IN way_NN ._. Using_VBG a_AT wide_JJ
stage_NN resourcefully_RB he_PPS mingled_VBD music_NN and_CC dance_NN with_IN S
hakespeare's_NP$ words_NNS in_IN a_AT spirited_VBN mixture_NN ._. The_AT audienc
e_NN filled_VBD all_ABN the_AT seats_NNS inside_IN the_AT Wollman_NP enclosure_N
N and_CC overflowed_VBD onto_IN the_AT lawns_NNS outside_IN the_AT fence_NN ._.
The_AT barbed_VBN sallies_NNS of_IN Beatrice_NP and_CC Benedick_NP ,_, so_QL con
temporary_JJ to_IN a_AT public_NN inured_VBN to_IN the_AT humor_NN of_IN insult_
NN ,_, raised_VBD chuckles_NNS ._. The_AT simple-minded_JJ comedy_NN of_IN Dogbe
rry_NP and_CC Verges_NP ,_, also_RB familiar_JJ in_IN a_AT day_NN that_WPS respo
nds_VBZ easily_RB to_IN jokes_NNS skimmed_VBN off_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN writers
'_NNS$ heads_NNS ,_, evoked_VBD laughter_NN ._. The_AT vivacity_NN of_IN the_AT
masquers'_NNS$ party_NN at_IN Leonato's_NP$ palace_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT Spanish
_JJ motif_NN in_IN the_AT music_NN and_CC dancing_VBG in_IN honor_NN of_IN the_A
T visiting_VBG Prince_NN-TL of_IN-TL Arragon_NP-TL ,_, cast_VBD a_AT spell_NN of
_IN delight_NN ._. As_CS ``_`` Much_AP-TL Ado_NN-TL ''_'' turned_VBD serious_JJ
while_CS the_AT insipid_JJ Claudio_NP rejected_VBD Hero_NP at_IN the_AT altar_NN
,_, a_AT sprinkle_NN began_VBD to_TO fall_VB ._. At_IN first_RB hardly_RB a_AT
person_NN in_IN the_AT audience_NN moved_VBD ,_, although_CS some_DTI umbrellas_
NNS were_BED opened_VBN ._. But_CC the_AT rain_NN came_VBD more_QL heavily_RB ,_
, and_CC men_NNS and_CC women_NNS in_IN light_JJ summer_NN clothes_NNS began_VBD
to_TO depart_VB ._. The_AT grieving_VBG Hero_NP and_CC her_PP$ father_NN ,_, Le
onato_NP ,_, followed_VBN by_IN the_AT Friar_NN-TL ,_, left_VBD the_AT stage_NN
._. A_AT voice_NN on_IN the_AT loudspeaker_NN system_NN announced_VBD that_CS if
_CS the_AT rain_NN let_VBD up_RP the_AT performance_NN would_MD resume_VB in_IN
ten_CD minutes_NNS ._. More_AP than_IN half_ABN the_AT audience_NN departed_VBD
._. Some_DTI remained_VBD in_IN the_AT Wollman_NP enclosure_NN ,_, fortified_VBN
with_IN raincoats_NNS or_CC with_IN newspapers_NNS to_TO cover_VB their_PP$ hea
ds_NNS ._. Others_NNS huddled_VBD under_IN the_AT trees_NNS outside_IN the_AT fe
nce_NN ._. Twenty_CD minutes_NNS after_IN the_AT interruption_NN ,_, although_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB raining_VBG ,_, the_AT play_NN was_BEDZ resumed_VBN at
_IN the_AT point_NN in_IN the_AT fourth_OD act_NN where_WRB it_PPS had_HVD been_
BEN stopped_VBN ._. Beatrice_NP (_( Nan_NP Martin_NP )_) and_CC Benedick_NP (_(
J._NP D._NP Cannon_NP )_) took_VBD their_PP$ places_NNS on_IN the_AT stage_NN ._
. In_IN their_PP$ very_QL first_OD speeches_NNS it_PPS was_BEDZ clear_JJ that_CS
Shakespeare_NP ,_, like_CS a_AT Nostradamus_NP ,_, had_HVD foreseen_VBN this_DT
moment_NN ._. Said_VBD Benedick_NP :_: ``_`` Lady_NN-TL Beatrice_NP ,_, have_HV
you_PPSS wept_VBN all_ABN this_DT while_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Replied_VBD Beatrice_N
P :_: ``_`` Yea_RB ,_, and_CC I_PPSS will_MD weep_VB a_AT while_NN longer_JJR ''
_'' ._. The_AT heavens_NNS refused_VBD to_TO give_VB up_RP their_PP$ weeping_NN
._. The_AT gallant_JJ company_NN completed_VBD Act_NN-TL 4_CD-TL ,_, and_CC got_
VBD through_RP part_NN of_IN Act_NN-TL 5_CD-TL ._. But_CC the_AT final_JJ scenes
_NNS could_MD not_* be_BE played_VBN ._. If_CS any_DTI among_IN the_AT hardy_JJ
hundreds_NNS who_WPS sat_VBD in_IN the_AT downpour_NN are_BER in_IN doubt_NN abo
ut_IN how_WRB it_PPS comes_VBZ out_RP ,_, let_VB them_PPO take_VB comfort_NN ._.
``_`` Much_AP-TL Ado_NN-TL ''_'' ends_VBZ happily_RB ._. The_AT Parks_NNS-TL De
partment_NN-TL has_HVZ done_VBN an_AT admirable_JJ job_NN of_IN preparing_VBG th
e_AT Wollman_NP-TL Rink_NN-TL for_IN Shakespeare_NP ._. One_PN could_MD hardly_R
B blame_VB Newbold_NP Morris_NP ,_, the_AT Parks_NNS-TL Commissioner_NN-TL ,_, f
or_CS devoting_VBG so_QL much_AP grateful_JJ mention_NN to_IN the_AT department'
s_NN$ technicians_NNS who_WPS at_IN short_JJ notice_NN provided_VBD the_AT stage
_NN with_IN its_PP$ rising_VBG platforms_NNS ,_, its_PP$ balcony_NN ,_, its_PP$
generous_JJ wings_NNS and_CC even_RB its_PP$ impressive_JJ trapdoors_NNS for_IN
the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT villains_NNS ._. Eldon_NP Elder_NP ,_, who_WPS design
ed_VBD the_AT stage_NN ,_, also_RB created_VBD a_AT gay_JJ ,_, spacious_JJ set_N
N that_WPS blended_VBD attractively_RB with_IN the_AT park_NN background_NN and_
CC Shakespeare's_NP$ lighthearted_JJ mood_NN ._. Mr._NP Papp_NP has_HVZ directed
_VBN a_AT performance_NN that_WPS has_HVZ verve_NN and_CC pace_NN ,_, although_C
S he_PPS has_HVZ tolerated_VBN obvious_JJ business_NN to_TO garner_VB easy_JJ la
ughs_NNS where_WRB elegance_NN and_CC consistency_NN of_IN style_NN would_MD be_
BE preferable_JJ ._. Elisabeth_NP Schwarzkopf_NP sang_VBD so_QL magnificently_RB
Saturday_NR night_NN at_IN Hunter_NP-TL College_NN-TL that_CS it_PPS seems_VBZ
a_AT pity_NN to_TO have_HV to_TO register_VB any_DTI complaints_NNS ._. Still_RB
a_AT demurrer_NN or_CC two_CD must_MD be_BE entered_VBN ._. Schwarzkopf_NP is_B
EZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, Schwarzkopf_NP ._. For_IN style_NN and_CC assurance_N
N ,_, for_IN a_AT supreme_JJ and_CC regal_JJ bearing_NN there_EX is_BEZ still_RB
no_AT one_PN who_WPS can_MD touch_VB her_PPO ._. If_CS the_AT voice_NN is_BEZ j
ust_RB a_AT shade_NN less_QL glorious_JJ than_CS it_PPS used_VBD to_TO be_BE ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ still_RB a_AT beautiful_JJ instrument_NN ,_, controlled_VBN and_C
C flexible_JJ ._. Put_VBN to_IN the_AT service_NN of_IN lieder_NNS of_IN Schuber
t_NP ,_, Brahms_NP ,_, Strauss_NP and_CC Wolf_NP in_IN a_AT dramatical_JJ and_CC
musical_JJ way_NN ,_, it_PPS made_VBD its_PP$ effect_NN with_IN ease_NN and_CC
precision_NN ._. But_CC what_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN happening_VBG recently_RB migh
t_MD be_BE described_VBN as_CS creeping_VBG mannerism_NN ._. Instead_RB of_IN he
r_PP$ old_JJ confidence_NN in_IN the_AT simplest_JJT ,_, purest_JJT ,_, most_QL
moving_JJ musical_JJ expression_NN ,_, Miss_NP Schwarzkopf_NP is_BEZ letting_VBG
herself_PPL be_BE tempted_VBN by_IN the_AT classic_JJ sin_NN of_IN artistic_JJ
pride_NN --_-- that_DT subtle_JJ vanity_NN that_WPS sometimes_RB misleads_VBZ a_
AT great_JJ artist_NN into_IN thinking_VBG that_CS he_PPS or_CC she_PPS can_MD s
omehow_RB better_VB the_AT music_NN by_IN bringing_VBG to_IN it_PPO something_PN
extra_JJ ,_, some_DTI personal_JJ dramatic_JJ touch_NN imposed_VBN from_IN the_
AT outside_RB ._. The_AT symptoms_NNS Saturday_NR night_NN were_BED unmistakable
_JJ ._. Clever_JJ light_JJ songs_NNS were_BED overly_QL coy_JJ ,_, tragic_JJ son
gs_NNS a_AT little_QL too_QL melodramatic_JJ ._. There_EX was_BEDZ an_AT extra_J
J pause_NN here_RB ,_, a_AT gasp_NN or_CC a_AT sigh_NN there_RB ,_, here_RB and_
CC there_RB an_AT extra_JJ little_JJ twist_NN of_IN a_AT word_NN or_CC note_NN ,
_, all_ABN in_IN the_AT interest_NN of_IN effect_NN ._. The_AT result_NN was_BED
Z like_CS that_DT of_IN a_AT beautiful_JJ painting_NN with_IN some_DTI of_IN the
_AT highlights_NNS touched_VBN up_RP almost_RB to_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN garis
hness_NN ._. There_EX were_BED stunning_JJ musical_JJ phrases_NNS too_RB ,_, and
_CC sometimes_RB the_AT deepest_JJT kind_NN of_IN musical_JJ and_CC poetic_JJ ab
sorption_NN and_CC communication_NN ._. Miss_NP Schwarzkopf_NP and_CC her_PP$ ex
cellent_JJ pianist_NN ,_, John_NP Wustman_NP ,_, often_RB achieved_VBD the_AT hi
ghest_JJT lyrical_JJ ideals_NNS of_IN the_AT lieder_NNS tradition_NN ._. All_ABN
the_AT more_AP reason_NN why_WRB there_EX should_MD have_HV been_BEN no_AT plac
e_NN for_IN the_AT frills_NNS ;_. ;_. Miss_NP Schwarzkopf_NP is_BEZ too_QL great
_JJ an_AT artist_NN to_TO need_VB them_PPO ._. The_AT dance_NN ,_, dancers_NNS a
nd_CC dance_NN enthusiasts_NNS (_( 8,500_CD of_IN them_PPO )_) had_HVD a_AT much
_QL better_JJR time_NN of_IN it_PPO at_IN Lewisohn_NP-TL Stadium_NN-TL on_IN Sat
urday_NR night_NN than_CS all_ABN had_HVD had_HVN two_CD nights_NNS earlier_RBR
,_, when_WRB Stadium_NN-TL Concerts_NNS-TL presented_VBD the_AT first_OD of_IN t
wo_CD dance_NN programs_NNS ._. On_IN Saturday_NR ,_, the_AT orchestra_NN was_BE
DZ sensibly_RB situated_VBN down_RP on_IN the_AT field_NN ,_, the_AT stage_NN fl
oor_NN was_BEDZ apparently_RB in_IN decent_JJ condition_NN for_IN dancing_VBG ,_
, and_CC the_AT order_NN of_IN the_AT program_NN improved_VBN ._. There_EX was_B
EDZ ,_, additionally_RB ,_, a_AT bonus_NN for_IN the_AT Saturday-night_JJ patron
s_NNS ._. Alvin_NP Ailey_NP and_CC Carmen_NP De_NP Lavallade_NP appeared_VBD in_
IN the_AT first_OD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL performance_NN of_IN Mr._NP Ailey's_NP$
``_`` Roots_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT work_NN given_
VBN its_PP$ premiere_NN three_CD weeks_NNS ago_RB at_IN the_AT Boston_NP-TL Arts
_NNS-TL Festival_NN-TL ._. Otherwise_RB ,_, the_AT program_NN included_VBD ,_, a
s_CS on_IN Thursday_NR ,_, the_AT Taras-Tchaikovsky_NP ``_`` Design_NN-TL For_IN
-TL Strings_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT Dollar-Britten_NP ``_`` Divertimento_NN-TL '
'_'' ,_, the_AT Dollar-De_NP Banfield_NP ``_`` The_AT-TL Duel_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC
the_AT pas_FW-NN de_FW-IN deux_FW-CD from_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Nutcracker_NN-TL '
'_'' ._. Maria_NP Tallchief_NP and_CC Erik_NP Bruhn_NP ,_, who_WPS danced_VBD th
e_AT ``_`` Nutcracker_NN-TL ''_'' pas_FW-NN de_FW-IN deux_FW-CD ,_, were_BED als
o_RB seen_VBN in_IN the_AT Petipa-Minkus_NP pas_FW-NN de_FW-IN deux_FW-CD from_I
N ``_`` Don_NP Quixote_NP ''_'' ,_, another_DT brilliant_JJ showpiece_NN that_WP
S displayed_VBD their_PP$ technical_JJ prowess_NN handsomely_RB ._. Among_IN the
_AT other_AP solo_NN ballet_NN dancers_NNS of_IN the_AT evening_NN ,_, Elisabeth
_NP Carroll_NP and_CC Ivan_NP Allen_NP were_BED particularly_RB impressive_JJ in
_IN their_PP$ roles_NNS in_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Duel_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT work_NN
that_WPS depends_VBZ so_QL much_RB upon_IN the_AT precision_NN and_CC incisivene
ss_NN of_IN the_AT two_CD principal_JJS combatants_NNS ._. Mr._NP Ailey's_NP$ ``
_`` Roots_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, an_AT earthy_JJ and_C
C very_QL human_JJ modern_JJ dance_NN work_NN ,_, provided_VBD strong_JJ contras
t_NN to_IN the_AT ballet_NN selections_NNS of_IN the_AT evening_NN ._. As_CS Bro
ther_NN-TL John_NP Sellers_NP sang_VBD five_CD ``_`` blues_NNS ''_'' to_IN the_A
T guitar_NN and_CC drum_NN accompaniments_NNS of_IN Bruce_NP Langhorne_NP and_CC
Shep_NP Shepard_NP ,_, Mr._NP Ailey_NP and_CC Miss_NP De_NP Lavallade_NP went_V
BD through_RP volatile_JJ dances_NNS that_WPS were_BED by_IN turns_NNS insinuati
ng_VBG ,_, threatening_VBG ,_, contemptuous_JJ and_CC ecstatic_JJ ._. Their_PP$
props_NNS were_BED two_CD stepladders_NNS ,_, a_AT chair_NN and_CC a_AT palm_NN
fan_NN ._. He_PPS wore_VBD the_AT clothes_NNS of_IN a_AT laborer_NN ,_, and_CC s
he_PPS was_BEDZ wondrously_QL seductive_JJ in_IN a_AT yellow_JJ and_CC orange_JJ
dress_NN ._. The_AT cat-like_JJ sinuousness_NN and_CC agility_NN of_IN both_ABX
dancers_NNS were_BED exploited_VBN in_IN leaps_NNS ,_, lifts_NNS ,_, crawls_NNS
and_CC slides_NNS that_WPS were_BED almost_QL invariably_RB compelling_JJ in_IN
a_AT work_NN of_IN strong_JJ ,_, sometimes_RB almost_QL frightening_VBG ,_, ten
sions_NNS ._. ``_`` Roots_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Blues_NNS-TL ''_'' may_MD no
t_* be_BE for_IN gentle_JJ souls_NNS ,_, but_CC others_NNS should_MD welcome_VB
its_PP$ super-charged_JJ impact_NN ._. ``_`` Perhaps_RB it_PPS is_BEZ better_RBR
to_TO stay_VB at_IN home_NR ._. The_AT armchair_NN traveler_NN preserves_NNS hi
s_PP$ illusions_NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT somewhat_QL cynical_JJ comment_NN may_MD b
e_BE found_VBN in_IN ``_`` Blue_JJ-TL Skies_NNS-TL ,_, Brown_JJ-TL Studies_NNS-T
L ''_'' ,_, a_AT collection_NN of_IN travel_NN essays_NNS by_IN William_NP Sanso
m_NP ,_, who_WPS would_MD never_RB consider_VB staying_VBG home_NR for_IN long_R
B ._. Mr._NP Sansom_NP is_BEZ English_JJ ,_, bearded_VBN ,_, formidably_QL culti
vated_VBN ,_, the_AT versatile_JJ author_NN of_IN numerous_JJ volumes_NNS of_IN
short_JJ stories_NNS ,_, of_IN novels_NNS and_CC of_IN pieces_NNS that_WPS are_B
ER neither_CC short_JJ stories_NNS nor_CC travel_NN articles_NNS but_CC somethin
g_PN midway_RB between_RB ._. The_AT only_AP man_NN alive_JJ who_WPS seems_VBZ q
ualified_VBN by_IN his_PP$ learning_NN ,_, his_PP$ disposition_NN and_CC his_PP$
addiction_NN to_IN a_AT baroque_JJ luxuriance_NN of_IN language_NN to_TO inheri
t_VB the_AT literary_JJ mantle_NN of_IN Sacheverell_NP Sitwell_NP ,_, Mr._NP San
som_NP writes_VBZ of_IN foreign_JJ parts_NNS with_IN a_AT dedication_NN to_IN de
coration_NN worthy_JJ of_IN a_AT pastry_NN chef_NN creating_VBG a_AT wedding_NN
cake_NN for_IN the_AT marriage_NN of_IN a_AT Hungarian_JJ beauty_NN (_( her_PP$
third_OD )_) and_CC an_AT American_JJ multimillionaire_NN (_( his_PP$ fourth_OD
)_) ._. The_AT result_NN is_BEZ rather_QL wonderful_JJ ,_, but_CC so_QL rich_JJ
as_CS to_TO be_BE indigestible_JJ if_CS taken_VBN in_IN too_QL thick_JJ slices_N
NS ._. There_EX are_BER sixteen_CD essays_NNS in_IN ``_`` Blue_JJ-TL Skies_NNS-T
L ,_, Brown_JJ-TL Studies_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. Most_AP of_IN them_PPO were_BED writt
en_VBN between_IN 1953_CD and_CC 1960_CD and_CC originally_RB appeared_VBD in_IN
various_JJ magazines_NNS ._. All_ABN are_BER well_RB written_VBN and_CC are_BER
overwritten_VBN ._. But_CC ,_, even_RB if_CS Mr._NP Sansom_NP labors_VBZ too_QL
hard_RB to_TO extract_VB more_AP refinements_NNS of_IN meaning_NN and_CC feelin
g_NN from_IN his_PP$ travel_NN experiences_NNS than_CS the_AT limits_NNS of_IN l
anguage_NN allow_VB ,_, he_PPS still_RB can_MD charm_VB and_CC astound_VB ._. To
o_QL many_AP books_NNS and_CC articles_NNS are_BER just_RB assembled_VBN by_IN p
utting_VBG one_CD word_NN after_IN another_DT ._. Mr._NP Sansom_NP actually_RB w
rites_VBZ his_PP$ with_IN a_AT nice_JJ ear_NN for_IN a_AT gracefully_RB composed
_VBN sentence_NN ,_, with_IN an_AT intense_JJ relish_NN in_IN all_ABN the_AT met
aphorical_JJ resources_NNS of_IN English_NP ,_, with_IN a_AT thick_JJ shower_NN
of_IN sophisticated_JJ ,_, cultural_JJ references_NNS ._. A_AT-HL contemplative_
JJ-HL connoisseur_NN-HL ``_`` I_PPSS like_VB to_TO sniff_VB a_AT place_NN ,_, an
d_CC reproduce_VB what_WDT it_PPS really_RB smells_VBZ and_CC looks_VBZ like_CS
,_, its_PP$ color_NN ,_, its_PP$ particular_JJ kind_NN of_IN life_NN ''_'' ._. T
his_DT is_BEZ an_AT exact_JJ description_NN of_IN what_WDT Mr._NP Sansom_NP does
_DOZ ._. He_PPS ignores_VBZ guidebook_NN facts_NNS ._. He_PPS only_QL rarely_RB
tells_VBZ a_AT personal_JJ anecdote_NN and_CC hardly_QL ever_RB sketches_VBZ an_
AT individual_NN or_CC quotes_VBZ his_PP$ opinions_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ an_AT o
ver-all_JJ impression_NN Mr._NP Sansom_NP strives_VBZ for_IN ,_, an_AT impressio
n_NN compounded_VBN of_IN visual_JJ details_NNS ,_, of_IN a_AT savory_JJ mixture
_NN of_IN smells_NNS ,_, of_IN much_AP loving_VBG attention_NN to_IN architectur
e_NN and_CC scenery_NN ,_, of_IN lights_NNS and_CC shadows_NNS ,_, of_IN intangi
bles_NNS of_IN atmosphere_NN and_CC of_IN echoes_NNS of_IN the_AT past_NN ._. Wi
lliam_NP Sansom_NP writes_VBZ only_RB about_IN Europe_NP in_IN this_DT book_NN a
nd_CC frequently_RB of_IN such_JJ familiar_JJ places_NNS as_CS London_NP ,_, Vie
nna_NP ,_, the_AT French_JJ-TL Riviera_NP-TL and_CC the_AT Norwegian_JJ fjords_N
NS ._. But_CC no_AT matter_NN what_WDT he_PPS writes_VBZ about_IN he_PPS brings_
VBZ to_IN his_PP$ subject_NN his_PP$ own_JJ original_JJ mind_NN and_CC his_PP$ o
wn_JJ sensitive_JJ reactions_NNS ._. ``_`` A_AT writer_NN lives_VBZ ,_, at_IN be
st_JJT ,_, in_IN a_AT state_NN of_IN astonishment_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ .
_. ``_`` Beneath_IN any_DTI feeling_NN he_PPS has_HVZ of_IN the_AT good_NN or_CC
the_AT evil_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN lies_VBZ a_AT deeper_JJR one_CD of_IN wond
er_NN at_IN it_PPO all_ABN ._. To_TO transmit_VB that_DT feeling_NN he_PPS write
s_VBZ ''_'' ._. This_DT may_MD not_* be_BE true_JJ of_IN many_AP writers_NNS ,_,
but_CC it_PPS certainly_RB is_BEZ true_JJ of_IN Mr._NP Sansom_NP ._. So_RB in_I
N these_DTS pages_NNS one_PN can_MD share_VB his_PP$ wonder_NN at_IN the_AT trad
itional_JJ fiesta_NN of_IN St._NN-TL Torpetius_NP that_WPS still_RB persists_VBZ
in_IN St._NP Tropez_NP ;_. ;_. at_IN the_AT sun_NN and_CC the_AT heat_NN of_IN
Mediterranean_NP lands_NNS ,_, always_RB much_QL brighter_JJR and_CC hotter_JJR
to_IN an_AT Englishman_NP than_CS to_IN an_AT American_JJ used_VBN to_IN summers
_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL or_CC Kansas_NP City_NN-TL ;_. ;_. at_IN the_AT
supreme_JJ delights_NNS to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT world's_
NN$ finest_JJT restaurants_NNS ,_, La_FW-AT-TL Bonne_FW-JJ-TL Auberge_FW-NN-TL ,
_, which_WDT is_BEZ situated_VBN on_IN the_AT seacoast_NN twenty_CD miles_NNS we
st_NR of_IN the_AT Nice_NP airport_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC at_IN the_AT infinite_JJ va
riety_NN of_IN London_NP ._. Mr._NP Sansom_NP can_MD be_BE eloquent_JJ in_IN a_A
T spectacular_JJ way_NN which_WDT recalls_VBZ (_( to_IN those_DTS who_WPS recall
_VB easily_RB )_) the_AT statues_NNS of_IN Bernini_NP and_CC the_AT gigantic_JJ
paintings_NNS of_IN Tintoretto_NP ._. He_PPS can_MD coin_VB a_AT neat_JJ phrase_
NN :_: ``_`` a_AT street_NN spattered_VBN with_IN an_AT invigoration_NN of_IN pe
ople_NNS ''_'' ;_. ;_. tulips_NNS with_IN ``_`` petals_NNS wide_JJ and_CC shaggy
_JJ as_CS a_AT spaniel's_NN$ ears_NNS ''_'' ;_. ;_. after_IN a_AT snowstorm_NN a
_AT landscape_NN smelling_VBG ``_`` of_IN woodsmoke_NN and_CC clarity_NN ''_'' .
_. And_CC ,_, for_IN all_ABN his_PP$ lacquered_VBN ,_, almost_QL Byzantine_JJ se
lf-consciousness_NN ,_, he_PPS can_MD make_VB one_PN recognize_VB the_AT aptness
_NN of_IN an_AT unexpected_JJ comparison_NN ._. Beauty_NN-HL borrowed_VBN-HL fro
m_IN-HL afar_RN In_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ best_JJT essays_NNS Mr._NP Sansom_NP
expresses_VBZ his_PP$ enthusiasm_NN for_IN the_AT many_AP country_NN mansions_NN
S designed_VBN by_IN Andrea_NP Palladio_NP himself_PPL that_WPS dot_VB the_AT en
virons_NNS of_IN Vicenza_NP ._. How_WQL far_RB that_DT pedimented_JJ and_CC pill
ared_JJ style_NN has_HVZ shed_VBN its_PP$ influence_NN Mr._NP Sansom_NP reminds_
VBZ us_PPO thus_RB :_: ``_`` The_AT white_JJ colonnaded_JJ ,_, cedar-roofed_JJ S
outhern_JJ-TL mansion_NN is_BEZ directly_RB traceable_JJ via_IN the_AT grey_JJ a
nd_CC buff_JJ stone_NN of_IN grey-skied_JJ England_NP to_IN the_AT golden_JJ stu
cco_NN of_IN one_CD particular_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT blue_JJ South_NR-TL ,_, t
he_AT Palladian_JJ orbit_NN stretching_VBG out_RP from_IN Vicenza_NP :_: the_AT
old_JJ mind_NN of_IN Andrea_NP Palladio_NP still_RB smiles_VBZ from_IN behind_IN
many_ABN an_AT old_JJ rocking_VBG chair_NN on_IN a_AT Southern_JJ-TL porch_NN ,
_, the_AT deep_JJ friezes_NNS of_IN his_PP$ architectonic_JJ music_NN rise_VB fi
rm_JJ above_IN the_AT shallower_JJR freeze_NN in_IN the_AT kitchen_NN ,_, his_PP
$ feeling_NN for_IN light_NN and_CC shade_NN brings_VBZ a_AT glitter_NN from_IN
a_AT tall_JJ mint_NN julep_NN ,_, his_PP$ sense_NN of_IN columns_NNS framing_VBG
the_AT warm_JJ velvet_NN night_NN has_HVZ brought_VBN together_RB a_AT million_
CD couple_NN of_IN mating_VBG lips_NNS ''_'' ._. Nice_JJ ,_, even_RB if_CS a_AT
trifle_NN gaudy_JJ ._. ``_`` Blue_JJ-TL Skies_NNS-TL ,_, Brown_JJ-TL Studies_NNS
-TL ''_'' is_BEZ illustrated_VBN with_IN numerous_JJ excellent_JJ photographs_NN
S ._. In_IN recent_JJ days_NNS there_EX have_HV been_BEN extensive_JJ lamentatio
ns_NNS over_IN the_AT absence_NN of_IN original_JJ drama_NN on_IN television_NN
,_, but_CC not_* for_IN years_NNS have_HV many_AP regretted_VBN the_AT passing_N
N of_IN new_JJ plays_NNS on_IN radio_NN ._. WBAI_NP ,_, the_AT listener-supporte
d_JJ outlet_NN on_IN the_AT frequency-modulation_NN band_NN ,_, has_HVZ decided_
VBN to_TO do_DO what_WDT it_PPS can_MD to_TO correct_VB this_DT aural_JJ void_NN
._. Yesterday_NR it_PPS offered_VBD ``_`` Poised_VBN-TL For_IN-TL Violence_NN-T
L ''_'' ,_, by_IN Jean_NP Reavey_NP ._. WBAI_NP is_BEZ on_IN the_AT right_JJ tra
ck_NN :_: in_IN the_AT sound_NN medium_NN there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN excessive_JJ
emphasis_NN on_IN music_NN and_CC news_NN and_CC there_EX could_MD and_CC shoul
d_MD be_BE a_AT place_NN for_IN theatre_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT Canadian_JJ-TL and_C
C British_JJ-TL Broadcasting_VBG-TL Corporations_NNS-TL continue_VB to_TO demons
trate_VB ._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, ``_`` Poised_VBN-TL For_IN-TL Violence_NN-TL '
'_'' was_BEDZ not_* the_AT happiest_JJT vehicle_NN with_IN which_WDT to_TO make_
VB the_AT point_NN ._. Mrs._NP Reavey's_NP$ work_NN is_BEZ written_VBN for_IN th
e_AT stage_NN --_-- it_PPS is_BEZ mentioned_VBN for_IN an_AT off-Broadway_NN pro
duction_NN in_IN the_AT fall_NN --_-- and_CC ,_, in_IN addition_NN ,_, employs_V
BZ an_AT avant-garde_NN structure_NN that_WPS particularly_RB needs_VBZ to_TO be
_BE seen_VBN if_CS comprehension_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE encouraged_VBN ._. The_AT
play's_NN$ device_NN is_BEZ to_TO explore_VB society's_NN$ obsession_NN with_IN
disaster_NN and_CC violence_NN through_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN a_AT group_NN o
f_IN artist's_NN$ models_NNS who_WPS remain_VB part_NN of_IN someone_PN else's_R
B$ painting_NN rather_IN than_IN just_RB be_BE themselves_PPLS ._. In_IN a_AT su
ccession_NN of_IN scenes_NNS they_PPSS appear_VB in_IN different_JJ guises_NNS -
-_-- patrons_NNS of_IN a_AT cafe_NN ,_, performers_NNS in_IN a_AT circus_NN and_
CC participants_NNS in_IN a_AT family_NN picnic_NN --_-- but_CC in_IN each_DT in
stance_NN they_PPSS inevitably_RB put_VBD ugliness_NN before_CS beauty_NN ._. So
mewhere_RB in_IN Mrs._NP Reavey's_NP$ play_NN there_EX is_BEZ both_ABX protest_N
N and_CC aspiration_NN of_IN merit_NN ._. But_CC its_PP$ relentless_JJ discursiv
eness_NN and_CC determined_VBN complexity_NN are_BER so_QL overwhelming_JJ that_
CS after_IN an_AT hour_NN and_CC a_AT half_ABN a_AT listener's_NN$ stamina_NN be
gins_VBZ to_TO wilt_VB ._. Moreover_RB ,_, her_PP$ central_JJ figures_NNS are_BE
R so_QL busily_RB fulfilling_VBG their_PP$ multitudinous_JJ assignments_NNS that
_CS none_PN emerges_VBZ as_CS an_AT arresting_JJ individual_NN in_IN his_PP$ own
_JJ right_NN or_CC as_CS a_AT provocative_JJ symbol_NN of_IN mankind's_NN$ ills_
NNS ._. But_CC quite_QL conceivably_RB an_AT altogether_QL different_JJ impressi
on_NN will_MD obtain_VB when_WRB the_AT work_NN is_BEZ offered_VBN in_IN the_AT
theatre_NN and_CC there_EX can_MD be_BE other_AP effects_NNS to_TO relieve_VB th
e_AT burden_NN on_IN the_AT author's_NN$ words_NNS ._. Which_WDT in_IN itself_PP
L is_BEZ an_AT immediate_JJ reward_NN of_IN the_AT WBAI_NN experiment_NN ;_. ;_.
good_JJ radio_NN drama_NN has_HVZ its_PP$ own_JJ special_JJ demands_NNS that_WP
S badly_RB need_VB reinvigoration_NN ._. A_AT weekly_RB showcase_NN for_IN conte
mporary_JJ music_NN ,_, from_IN the_AT austere_JJ archaism_NN of_IN Stravinsky_N
P to_IN the_AT bleeps_NNS and_CC bloops_NNS of_IN electronic_JJ music_NN ,_, is_
BEZ celebrating_VBG its_PP$ fourth_OD anniversary_NN this_DT month_NN ._. Titled
_VBN ``_`` What's_WDT+BEZ-TL New_JJ-TL In_IN-TL Music_NN-TL ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT
enterprising_JJ program_NN is_BEZ heard_VBN Saturday_NR afternoons_NNS on_IN ra
dio_NN station_NN Aj_NN ._. The_AT brief_JJ notes_NNS introducing_VBG each_DT wo
rk_NN offer_VB salient_JJ historical_JJ or_CC technical_JJ points_NNS ,_, and_CC
many_AP listeners_NNS are_BER probably_RB grateful_JJ for_IN being_BEG intellig
ently_RB taken_VBN by_IN the_AT hand_NN through_IN an_AT often_RB difficult_JJ m
aze_NN ._. The_AT show_NN is_BEZ programed_VBN and_CC written_VBN by_IN the_AT s
tation's_NN$ assistant_JJ continuity_NN editor_NN ,_, Chuck_NP Briefer_NP ._. Th
e_AT first_OD Saturday_NR in_IN each_DT month_NN is_BEZ set_VBN aside_RB for_IN
new_JJ recordings_NNS ._. Last_AP Saturday's_NR$ interesting_JJ melange_NN inclu
ded_VBD Ernst_NP Toch_NP ,_, Karlheinz_NP Stockhausen_NP ,_, Richard_NP Yardumia
n_NP and_CC a_AT brief_JJ excerpt_NN from_IN a_AT new_JJ ``_`` space_NN ''_'' op
era_NN by_IN the_AT Swedish_JJ composer_NN ,_, Karl-Birger_NP Blomdahl_NP ._. Ot
her_AP Saturdays_NRS are_BER devoted_VBN to_IN studies_NNS of_IN a_AT selected_V
BN American_JJ composer_NN ,_, a_AT particular_JJ type_NN of_IN music_NN or_CC t
he_AT music_NN of_IN a_AT given_VBN country_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ commendable_JJ
that_CS a_AT regularly_RB scheduled_VBN hour_NN is_BEZ set_VBN aside_RB for_IN a
n_AT introduction_NN to_IN the_AT contemporary_JJ musical_JJ scene_NN ._. But_CC
one_PN wishes_VBZ ,_, when_WRB the_AT appetite_NN is_BEZ whetted_VBN ,_, as_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN the_AT all-too-brief_JJ excerpt_NN fr
om_IN the_AT Blomdahl_NP opera_NN ,_, that_CS further_JJR opportunity_NN would_M
D be_BE provided_VBN both_ABX for_IN hearing_VBG the_AT works_NNS in_IN their_PP
$ entirety_NN and_CC for_IN a_AT closer_JJR analytical_JJ look_NN at_IN the_AT s
ense_NN and_CC nature_NN of_IN the_AT compositions_NNS ._. The_AT Moiseyev_NP-TL
Dance_NN-TL Company_NN-TL dropped_VBD in_RP at_IN Madison_NP-TL Square_NN-TL Ga
rden_NN-TL last_AP night_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD of_IN four_CD farewell_NN per
formances_NNS before_CS it_PPS brings_VBZ its_PP$ long_JJ American_JJ tour_NN to
_IN a_AT close_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* simply_RB giving_VBG a_AT repetition_N
N of_IN the_AT program_NN it_PPS gave_VBD during_IN its_PP$ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL
engagement_NN earlier_RBR this_DT season_NN ,_, but_CC has_HVZ brought_VBN back
_RB many_AP of_IN the_AT numbers_NNS that_WPS were_BED on_IN the_AT bill_NN when
_WRB it_PPS paid_VBD us_PPO its_PP$ first_OD visit_NN and_CC won_VBD everybody's
_PN$ heart_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ good_JJ to_TO see_VB those_DTS numbers_NNS again
_RB ._. The_AT ``_`` Suite_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Old_JJ-TL Russian_JJ-TL Dances_NNS-TL
''_'' that_WPS opened_VBD that_DT inaugural_JJ program_NN with_IN the_AT slow_JJ
and_CC modest_JJ entrance_NN of_IN the_AT maidens_NNS and_CC built_VBD steadily
_RB into_IN typical_JJ Moiseyev_NP vigor_NN and_CC warmth_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT amus
ing_JJ ``_`` Yurochka_NP ''_'' ,_, in_IN which_WDT a_AT hard-to-please_JJ young_
JJ man_NN is_BEZ given_VBN his_PP$ come-uppance_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT lovely_JJ (_(
and_CC of_IN course_NN vigorous_JJ )_) ``_`` Polyanka_NP ''_'' or_CC ``_`` The_A
T-TL Meadow_NN-TL ''_'' ;_. ;_. the_AT three_CD Moldavian_NP dances_NNS entitled
_VBN ``_`` Zhok_NP ''_'' ;_. ;_. the_AT sweet_JJ and_CC funny_JJ little_JJ dance
_NN about_IN potato_NN planting_NN called_VBN ``_`` Bul'ba_NP ''_'' ;_. ;_. and_
CC the_AT hilarious_JJ picture_NN of_IN social_JJ life_NN in_IN an_AT earlier_JJ
R day_NN called_VBN ``_`` City_NN-TL Quadrille_NN-TL ''_'' are_BER all_ABN just_
QL as_QL good_JJ as_CS one_PN remembers_VBZ them_PPO to_TO have_HV been_BEN ,_,
and_CC they_PPSS are_BER welcome_JJ back_RB ._. So_RB ,_, for_IN that_DT matter_
NN ,_, are_BER the_AT newer_JJR dances_NNS --_-- the_AT ``_`` Kalmuk_NP-TL Dance
_NN-TL ''_'' with_IN its_PP$ animal_NN movements_NNS ,_, that_DT genial_JJ juggl
ing_VBG act_NN by_IN Sergei_NP Tsvetkov_NP called_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL Platter_NN
-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT rousing_JJ and_CC beautiful_JJ betrothal_NN celebration_NN
called_VBN ``_`` Summer_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Three_CD-TL Shepherds_NN
S-TL ''_'' of_IN-TL Azerbaijan_NP-TL hopping_VBG up_RP on_IN their_PP$ staffs_NN
S ,_, and_CC ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT trenchant_JJ ``_`` Rock_VB-TL 'n'_CC
-TL Roll_VB-TL ''_'' ._. As_CS autumn_NN starts_VBZ its_PP$ annual_JJ sweep_NN ,
_, few_AP Americans_NPS and_CC Canadians_NPS realize_VB how_WRB fortunate_JJ the
y_PPSS are_BER in_IN having_HVG the_AT world's_NN$ finest_JJT fall_NN coloring_N
N ._. Spectacular_JJ displays_NNS of_IN this_DT sort_NN are_BER relatively_QL ra
re_JJ in_IN the_AT entire_JJ land_NN surface_NN of_IN the_AT earth_NN ._. The_AT
only_AP other_AP regions_NNS so_RB blessed_VBN are_BER the_AT British_JJ-TL Isl
es_NNS-TL ,_, western_JJ Europe_NP ,_, eastern_JJ China_NP ,_, southern_JJ Chile
_NP and_CC parts_NNS of_IN Japan_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL Zealand_NP-TL and_CC Tasmania_
NP ._. Their_PP$ autumn_NN tints_NNS are_BER all_ABN fairly_QL low_JJ keyed_VBN
compared_VBN with_IN the_AT fiery_JJ stabs_NNS of_IN crimson_NN ,_, gold_NN ,_,
purple_NN ,_, bronze_NN ,_, blue_NN and_CC vermilion_NN that_WPS flame_VB up_RP
in_IN North_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ._. Jack_NP Frost_NP is_BEZ not_* really_RB resp
onsible_JJ for_IN this_DT great_JJ seasonal_JJ spectacle_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN fact_N
N ,_, a_AT freezing_VBG autumn_NN dulls_VBZ the_AT blaze_NN ._. The_AT best_JJT
effects_NNS come_VB from_IN a_AT combination_NN of_IN temperate_JJ climate_NN an
d_CC plenty_NN of_IN late-summer_NN rain_NN ,_, followed_VBN by_IN sunny_JJ days
_NNS and_CC cool_JJ nights_NNS ._. Foliage_NN pilgrimages_NNS ,_, either_CC orga
nized_VBN or_CC individual_JJ ,_, are_BER becoming_VBG an_AT autumn_NN item_NN f
or_IN more_AP and_CC more_AP Americans_NPS each_DT year_NN ._. Below_RB is_BEZ a
_AT specific_JJ guide_NN ,_, keyed_VBN to_IN the_AT calendar_NN ._. Nature_NN-HL
Canada_NP-HL ._.-HL Late_JJ September_NP finds_VBZ Quebec's_NP$ color_NN at_IN
its_PP$ peak_NN ,_, especially_RB in_IN the_AT Laurentian_JJ hills_NNS and_CC in
_IN the_AT area_NN south_NR of_IN the_AT St._NP-TL Lawrence_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._
. In_IN the_AT Maritime_JJ-TL provinces_NNS farther_RBR east_NR ,_, the_AT tones
_NNS are_BER a_AT little_QL quieter_JJR ._. Ontario's_NP$ foliage_NN is_BEZ most
_QL vivid_JJ from_IN about_RB Sept._NP 23_CD to_IN Oct._NP 10_CD ,_, with_IN bot
h_ABX Muskoka_NP (_( 100_CD miles_NNS north_NR of_IN Toronto_NP )_) and_CC Halib
urton_NP (_( 125_CD miles_NNS northwest_NR of_IN Toronto_NP )_) holding_VBG colo
r_NN cavalcades_NNS starting_VBG Sept._NP 23_CD ._. In_IN the_AT Canadian_JJ-TL
Rockies_NPS ,_, great_JJ groves_NNS of_IN aspen_NN are_BER already_RB glinting_V
BG gold_NN ._. New_JJ-TL-HL England_NP-TL ._.-HL Vermont's_NP$ sugar_NN maples_N
NS are_BER scarlet_JJ from_IN Sept._NP 25_CD to_IN Oct._NP 15_CD ,_, and_CC ofte
n_RB hit_VB a_AT height_NN in_IN early_JJ October_NP ._. New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-
TL figures_VBZ its_PP$ peak_NN around_IN Columbus_NP-TL Day_NN-TL and_CC boasts_
VBZ of_IN all_ABN its_PP$ hardwoods_NNS including_IN the_AT yellow_NN of_IN the_
AT birches_NNS ._. The_AT shades_NNS tend_VB to_TO be_BE a_AT little_QL softer_J
JR in_IN the_AT forests_NNS that_WPS blanket_VB so_QL much_AP of_IN Maine_NP ._.
In_IN western_JJ Massachusetts_NP and_CC northwest_JJ Connecticut_NP ,_, the_AT
Berkshires_NPS are_BER at_IN their_PP$ vibrant_JJ prime_NN the_AT first_OD week
_NN of_IN October_NP ._. Middle_JJ-HL Atlantic_JJ-HL states_NNS-HL ._.-HL The_AT
Adirondacks_NPS blaze_VB brightest_RBT in_IN early_JJ October_NP ,_, choice_JJ
routes_NNS being_BEG 9N_CD from_IN Saratoga_NP up_IN to_IN Lake_NN-TL George_NP-
TL and_CC 73_CD and_CC 86_CD in_IN the_AT Lake_NN-TL Placid_JJ-TL area_NN ._. Fa
rther_QL south_NR in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL there_EX is_BEZ a_AT heavy_JJ haze_
NN of_IN color_NN over_IN the_AT Catskills_NPS in_IN mid-October_NP ,_, notably_
RB along_IN routes_NNS 23_CD and_CC 23A_CD ._. About_RB the_AT same_AP time_NN t
he_AT Alleghenies_NPS and_CC Poconos_NPS in_IN Pennsylvania_NP are_BER magnifice
nt_JJ --_-- Renovo_NP holds_VBZ its_PP$ annual_JJ Flaming_VBG-TL Foliage_NN-TL F
estival_NN-TL on_IN Oct._NP 14_CD ,_, 15_CD ._. New_JJ-TL Jersey's_NP$-TL color_
NN varies_VBZ from_IN staccato_NN to_IN pastel_NN all_ABN the_AT way_NN from_IN
the_AT Delaware_NP-TL Water_NN-TL Gap_NN-TL to_IN Cape_NN-TL May_NP-TL ._. South
east_JJ-TL-HL ._.-HL During_IN the_AT first_OD half_ABN of_IN October_NP the_AT
Blue_JJ-TL Ridge_NN-TL and_CC other_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT Appalachians_NPS p
rovide_VB a_AT spectacle_NN stretching_VBG from_IN Maryland_NP and_CC West_JJ-TL
Virginia_NP-TL to_IN Georgia_NP ._. The_AT most_QL brilliant_JJ displays_NNS ar
e_BER along_IN the_AT Skyline_NN-TL Drive_NN-TL above_IN Virginia's_NP$ Shenando
ah_NP-TL Valley_NN-TL and_CC throughout_IN the_AT Great_JJ-TL Smokies_NPS-TL bet
ween_IN North_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL and_CC Tennessee_NP ._. Midwest_NP-HL ._.-HL
Michigan_NP ,_, Wisconsin_NP and_CC Minnesota_NP have_HV many_AP superb_JJ stret
ches_NNS of_IN color_NN which_WDT reach_VB their_PP$ height_NN from_IN the_AT la
st_AP few_AP days_NNS of_IN September_NP well_RB into_IN October_NP ,_, especial
ly_RB in_IN their_PP$ northern_JJ sections_NNS ,_, e.g._RB ,_, Wisconsin's_NP$-T
L Vilas_NP-TL County_NN-TL whose_WP$ Colorama_NP celebration_NN is_BEZ Sept._NP
29-Oct._NN 8_CD ._. In_IN Wisconsin_NP ,_, take_VB route_NN 55_CD north_NR of_IN
Shawano_NP or_CC routes_NNS 78_CD-TL and_CC 60_CD-TL from_IN Portage_NP to_IN P
rairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP ._. In_IN Michigan_NP ,_, there_EX is_BEZ fine_JJ color
_NN on_IN route_NN 27_CD up_IN to_IN the_AT Mackinac_NP-TL Straits_NNS-TL ,_, wh
ile_CS the_AT views_NNS around_IN Marquette_NP and_CC Iron_NN-TL Mountain_NN-TL
in_IN the_AT Upper_JJ-TL Peninsula_NN-TL are_BER spectacular_JJ ._. In_IN Minnes
ota_NP ,_, Arrowhead_NN-TL County_NN-TL and_CC route_NN 53_CD-TL north_NR to_IN
International_JJ-TL Falls_NNS-TL are_BER outstanding_JJ ._. Farther_QL south_NR
,_, there_EX are_BER attractive_JJ patches_NNS all_ABN the_AT way_NN to_IN the_A
T Ozarks_NPS ,_, with_IN some_DTI seasonal_JJ peaks_NNS as_QL late_JJ as_CS earl
y_JJ November_NP ._. Illinois'_NP$ Shawnee_NP-TL National_JJ-TL Forest_NN-TL ,_,
Missouri's_NP$ Iron_NN-TL County_NN-TL and_CC the_AT maples_NNS of_IN Hiawatha_
NP ,_, Kan._NP should_MD be_BE at_IN their_PP$ best_JJT in_IN mid-October_NP ._.
The_AT-HL West_NR-TL-HL ._.-HL The_AT Rockies_NPS have_HV many_AP ``_`` Aspenca
des_NPS ''_'' ,_, which_WDT are_BER organized_VBN tours_NNS of_IN the_AT aspen_N
N areas_NNS with_IN frequent_JJ stops_NNS at_IN vantage_NN points_NNS for_IN vie
wing_VBG the_AT golden_JJ panoramas_NNS ._. In_IN Colorado_NP ,_, Ouray_NP has_H
VZ its_PP$ Fall_NN-TL Color_NN-TL Week_NN-TL Sept._NP 22-29_CD ,_, Rye_NP and_CC
Salida_NP both_ABX sponsor_VB Aspencades_NPS Sept._NP 24_CD ,_, and_CC Steamboa
t_NN-TL Springs_NNS-TL has_HVZ a_AT week-long_JJ Aspencade_NP Sept._NP 25-30_CD
._. New_JJ-TL Mexico's_NP$-TL biggest_JJT is_BEZ at_IN Ruidoso_NP Oct._NP 7_CD ,
_, 8_CD ,_, while_CS Alamogordo_NP and_CC Cloudcroft_NP cooperate_VB in_IN simil
ar_JJ trips_NNS Oct._NP 1_CD ._. Americana_NP-HL pleasure_NN-HL domes_NNS-HL ._.
-HL Two_CD sharply_QL contrasting_VBG places_NNS designed_VBN for_IN public_JJ e
njoyment_NN are_BER now_RB on_IN display_NN ._. The_AT Corn_NN-TL Palace_NN-TL a
t_IN Mitchell_NP ,_, S._NP Dak._NP ,_, ``_`` the_AT world's_NN$ corniest_JJT bui
lding_NN ''_'' ,_, has_HVZ a_AT carnival_NN through_IN Sept._NP 23_CD headlining
_VBG the_AT Three_CD-TL Stooges_NPS and_CC Pee_NP Wee_NP Hunt_NP ._. Since_IN 18
92_CD ears_NNS of_IN red_JJ ,_, yellow_JJ ,_, purple_JJ and_CC white_JJ corn_NN
have_HV annually_RB been_BEN nailed_VBN to_IN 11_CD big_JJ picture_NN panels_NNS
to_TO create_VB huge_JJ ``_`` paintings_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT 1961_CD theme_NN i
s_BEZ the_AT Dakota_NP-TL Territorial_JJ-TL Centennial_NN-TL ,_, with_IN the_AT
pictures_NNS including_IN the_AT Lewis_NP-TL and_CC-TL Clark_NP-TL expedition_NN
,_, the_AT first_OD river_NN steamboat_NN ,_, the_AT 1876_CD gold_NN rush_NN ,_
, a_AT little_JJ red_JJ schoolhouse_NN on_IN the_AT prairie_NN ,_, and_CC today'
s_NR$ construction_NN of_IN large_JJ Missouri_NP-TL River_NN-TL reservoirs_NNS .
_. The_AT panels_NNS will_MD stay_VB up_RP until_CS they_PPSS are_BER replaced_V
BN next_AP summer_NN ._. Longwood_NP-TL Gardens_NNS-TL ,_, near_IN Kennett_NP-TL
Square_NN-TL ,_, Pa._NP (_( about_RB 12_CD miles_NNS from_IN Wilmington_NP ,_,
Del._NP )_) ,_, was_BEDZ developed_VBN and_CC heavily_RB endowed_VBN by_IN the_A
T late_JJ Pierre_NP S._NP Du_NP Pont_NP ._. Every_AT Wednesday_NR night_NN throu
gh_IN Oct._NP 11_CD there_EX will_MD be_BE an_AT elaborate_JJ colored_VBN founta
in_NN display_NN ,_, with_IN 229_CD nozzles_NNS throwing_VBG jets_NNS of_IN wate
r_NN up_RP to_IN 130_CD feet_NNS ._. The_AT ``_`` peacock_NN tail_NN ''_'' nozzl
e_NN throws_VBZ a_AT giant_JJ fan_NN of_IN water_NN 100_CD feet_NNS wide_JJ and_
CC 40_CD feet_NNS high_JJ ._. The_AT gardens_NNS themselves_PPLS are_BER open_JJ
free_JJ of_IN charge_NN the_AT year_NN round_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT 192_CD perman
ent_JJ employes_NNS make_VB sure_JJ that_CS not_* a_AT dead_JJ or_CC wilted_VBN
flower_NN is_BEZ ever_RB seen_VBN indoors_RB or_CC out_RP by_IN any_DTI visitor_
NN ._. The_AT greenhouses_NNS alone_RB cover_VB 3-1/2_CD acres_NNS ._. Books_NNS
-HL clock_NN-HL without_IN-HL hands_NNS-HL ._.-HL Carson_NP McCullers_NP ,_, aft
er_IN a_AT long_JJ ,_, painful_JJ illness_NN that_WPS might_MD have_HV crushed_V
BN a_AT less-indomitable_JJ soul_NN ,_, has_HVZ come_VBN back_RB with_IN an_AT a
bsolute_JJ gem_NN of_IN a_AT novel_NN which_WDT jumped_VBD high_RB on_IN best-se
ller_NN lists_NNS even_RB before_IN official_JJ publication_NN ._. Though_CS the
_AT subject_NN --_-- segregation_NN in_IN her_PP$ native_JJ South_NR-TL --_-- ha
s_HVZ been_BEN thoroughly_RB worked_VBN ,_, Miss_NP McCullers_NP uses_VBZ her_PP
$ poet's_NN$ instinct_NN and_CC storyteller's_NN$ skill_NN to_TO reaffirm_VB her
_PP$ place_NN at_IN the_AT very_AP top_NN of_IN modern_JJ American_JJ writing_NN
._. Franny_NP-HL and_CC-TL-HL Zooey_NP-HL ._.-HL With_IN an_AT art_NN that_WPS
almost_RB conceals_VBZ art_NN ,_, J._NP D._NP Salinger_NP can_MD create_VB a_AT
fictional_JJ world_NN so_QL authentic_JJ that_CS it_PPS hurts_VBZ ._. Here_RB ,_
, in_IN the_AT most_QL eagerly_RB awaited_VBN novel_NN of_IN the_AT season_NN (_
( his_PP$ first_OD since_IN The_AT-TL Catcher_NN-TL In_IN-TL The_AT-TL Rye_NN-TL
,_, )_) he_PPS tells_VBZ of_IN a_AT college_NN girl_NN in_IN flight_NN from_IN
the_AT life_NN around_IN her_PPO and_CC the_AT tart_JJ but_CC sympathetic_JJ hel
p_NN she_PPS gets_VBZ from_IN her_PPO 25-year-old_JJ brother_NN ._. The_AT-HL He
ad_NN-TL-HL Of_IN-TL-HL Monsieur_NP-HL M._NP-HL ,_,-HL Althea_NP Urn_NP ._. A_AT
deft_JJ ,_, hilarious_JJ satire_NN on_IN very_QL high_JJ French_JJ society_NN i
nvolving_VBG a_AT statesman_NN with_IN two_CD enviable_JJ possessions_NNS ,_, a_
AT lovely_JJ young_JJ bride_NN and_CC a_AT head_NN containing_VBG such_QL weight
y_JJ thoughts_NNS that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ occasionally_RB to_TO remove_VB it_PPO
for_IN greater_JJR comfort_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ probably_RB a_AT moral_NN in_I
N all_ABN this_DT about_IN ``_`` mind_NN vs._IN heart_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT-TL-HL Ma
tter_NN-TL-HL Of_IN-TL-HL Life_NN-TL-HL And_CC-TL-HL Death_NN-TL-HL ._.-HL Virgi
lia_NP Peterson_NP ,_, a_AT critic_NN by_IN trade_NN ,_, has_HVZ turned_VBN her_
PP$ critical_JJ eye_NN pitilessly_RB and_CC honestly_RB on_IN herself_PPL in_IN
an_AT autobiography_NN more_AP of_IN the_AT mind_NN and_CC heart_NN than_CS of_I
N specific_JJ events_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ an_AT engrossing_JJ commentary_NN on_
IN a_AT repressive_JJ ,_, upper-middle-class_NN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL way_NN of_I
N life_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD part_NN of_IN this_DT century_NN ._. Dark_JJ-TL-
HL Rider_NN-TL-HL ._.-HL This_DT retelling_NN by_IN Louis_NP Zara_NP of_IN the_A
T brief_JJ ,_, anguished_VBN life_NN of_IN Stephen_NP Crane_NP --_-- poet_NN and
_CC master_JJS novelist_NN at_IN 23_CD ,_, dead_JJ at_IN 28_CD --_-- is_BEZ in_I
N novelized_VBN form_NN but_CC does_DOZ not_* abuse_VB its_PP$ tragic_JJ subject
_NN ._. Rural_JJ-TL-HL Free_JJ-TL-HL ,_,-HL Rachel_NP Peden_NP ._. Subtitled_VBN
A_AT-TL Farmwife's_NN$-TL Almanac_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Country_NN-TL Living_VBG-TL ,_
, this_DT is_BEZ a_AT gentle_JJ and_CC nostalgic_JJ chronicle_NN of_IN the_AT ch
anging_VBG seasons_NNS seen_VBN through_IN the_AT clear_JJ ,_, humorous_JJ eye_N
N of_IN a_AT Hoosier_NP housewife_NN and_CC popular_JJ columnist_NN ._. Dance_NN
-HL Russians_NPS-HL ,_,-HL Filipinos_NPS-HL ._.-HL Two_CD noted_VBN troupes_NNS
from_IN overseas_NN will_MD get_VB the_AT fall_NN dance_NN season_NN off_RP to_I
N a_AT sparkling_VBG start_NN ._. Leningrad's_NP$-TL Kirov_NP-TL Ballet_NN-TL ,_
, famous_JJ for_IN classic_JJ purity_NN of_IN technique_NN ,_, begins_VBZ its_PP
$ first_OD U.S._NP tour_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL (_( through_IN Sept._NP 30
_CD )_) ._. The_AT Bayanihan_NP Philippine_JJ Dance_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, with
_IN music_NN and_CC dances_NNS that_WPS depict_VB the_AT many_AP facets_NNS of_I
N Filipino_JJ culture_NN ,_, opens_VBZ its_PP$ 60-city_JJ U.S._NP tour_NN in_IN
San_NP Francisco_NP (_( through_IN Sept._NP 24_CD )_) then_RB ,_, via_IN one-nig
ht_NN stands_NNS ,_, moves_VBZ on_RP to_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP (_( Sept._NP 29_CD
thru_IN Oct._NP 1_CD )_) ._. Festivals_NNS-HL across_IN-HL the_AT-HL land_NN-HL
._.-HL With_IN harvests_NNS in_IN full_JJ swing_NN ,_, you_PPSS can_MD enjoy_VB
festivals_NNS for_IN grapes_NNS at_IN Sonoma_NP ,_, Calif._NP (_( Sept._NP 22-24
_CD )_) ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS for_IN cranberries_NNS at_IN Bandon_NP ,_, Ore._
NP (_( Sept._NP 28_CD thru_IN Oct._NP 1_CD )_) ,_, for_IN buckwheat_NN at_IN Kin
gwood_NP ,_, W._NP Va._NP (_( Sept._NP 28-30_CD )_) ,_, sugar_NN cane_NN at_IN N
ew_JJ-TL Iberia_NP-TL ,_, La._NP (_( Sept._NP 29_CD thru_IN Oct._NP 1_CD )_) and
_CC tobacco_NN at_IN Richmond_NP ,_, Va._NP (_( Sept._NP 23-30_CD )_) ._. The_AT
mule_NN is_BEZ honored_VBN at_IN Benson_NP ,_, N.C._NP (_( Sept._NP 22_CD ,_, 2
3_CD )_) and_CC at_IN Boron_NP ,_, Calif._NP (_( Sept._NP 24_CD thru_IN Oct._NP
1_CD )_) ,_, while_CS the_AT legend_NN of_IN the_AT Maid_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-T
L Mist_NN-TL is_BEZ celebrated_VBN at_IN Niagara_NP-TL Falls_NNS-TL through_IN t
he_AT 24th_OD ._. The_AT fine_JJ old_JJ mansions_NNS of_IN U.S._NP Grant's_NP$ o
ld_JJ home_NR town_NN of_IN Galena_NP ,_, Ill._NP are_BER open_JJ for_IN inspect
ion_NN (_( Sept._NP 23_CD ,_, 24_CD )_) ._. An_AT archery_NN tournament_NN will_
MD be_BE held_VBN at_IN North_JJ-TL Falmouth_NP-TL ,_, Mass._NP (_( Sept._NP 23_
CD ,_, 24_CD )_) ._. The_AT 300th_OD anniversaries_NNS of_IN Staten_NP-TL Island
_NN-TL (_( through_IN Sept._NP 23_CD )_) and_CC of_IN Mamaroneck_NP ,_, N.Y._NP
(_( through_IN Sept._NP 24_CD )_) will_MD both_ABX include_VB parades_NNS and_CC
pageants_NNS ._. Movies_NNS-HL Purple_JJ-TL-HL Noon_NN-TL-HL :_:-HL This_DT Fre
nch_JJ film_NN ,_, set_VBN in_IN Italy_NP ,_, is_BEZ a_AT summertime_NN splurge_
NN in_IN shock_NN and_CC terror_NN all_ABN shot_VBN in_IN lovely_JJ sunny_JJ sce
nery_NN --_-- so_QL breath-taking_JJ that_CS at_IN times_NNS you_PPSS almost_RB
forget_VB the_AT horrors_NNS the_AT movie_NN is_BEZ dealing_VBG with_IN ._. But_
CC slowly_RB they_PPSS take_VB over_RP as_CS Alain_NP Delon_NP (_( Life_NN-TL ,_
, Sept._NP 15_CD )_) ,_, playing_VBG a_AT sometimes_RB appealing_JJ but_CC alway
s_RB criminal_JJ boy_NN ,_, casually_RB tells_VBZ a_AT rich_JJ and_CC foot-loose
_JJ American_NP that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO murder_VB him_PPO ,_, then
_RB does_DOZ it_PPO even_RB while_CS the_AT American_NP is_BEZ trying_VBG to_TO
puzzle_VB out_RP how_WRB Delon_NP expects_VBZ to_TO profit_VB from_IN the_AT act
_NN ._. Records_NNS-HL Norma_NP-HL ._.-HL Callas_NP devotees_NNS will_MD have_HV
good_JJ reason_NN to_TO do_DO their_PP$ customary_JJ cart_NN wheels_NNS over_IN
a_AT new_JJ and_CC complete_JJ stereo_NN version_NN of_IN the_AT Bellini_NP ope
ra_NN ._. Maria_NP goes_VBZ all_QL out_RP as_CS a_AT Druid_NP princess_NN who_WP
S gets_VBZ two-timed_VBN by_IN a_AT Roman_JJ big_JJ shot_NN ._. By_IN turns_NNS
,_, her_PP$ beautifully_RB sung_VBN Norma_NP is_BEZ fierce_JJ ,_, tender_JJ ,_,
venomous_JJ and_CC pitiful_JJ ._. The_AT tenor_NN lead_NN ,_, Franco_NP Corelli_
NP ,_, and_CC La_NP Scala_NP cast_VBN under_IN Maestro_NN-TL Tullio_NP Serafin_N
P are_BER all_ABN first_OD rate_NN ._. Jeremiah_NP-HL Peabody's_NP$-HL polyunsat
urated_JJ-HL quick_RB-HL dissolving_VBG-HL fast_RB-HL acting_VBG-HL pleasant_JJ-
HL tasting_VBG-HL green_JJ-HL and_CC-HL purple_JJ-HL pills_NNS-HL ._.-HL In_IN a
_AT raucous_JJ take-off_NN on_IN radio_NN commercials_NNS ,_, Singer_NP Ray_NP S
tevens_NP hawks_VBZ a_AT cure-all_NN for_IN neuritis_NN ,_, neuralgia_NN ,_, hea
d-cold_NN distress_NN ,_, beriberi_NN ,_, overweight_NN ,_, fungus_NN ,_, mungus
_NN and_CC water_NN on_IN the_AT knee_NN ._. Of_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ eight_CD
million_CD pleasure-boat_NN owners_NNS a_AT sizable_JJ number_NN have_HV learned
_VBN that_CS late_JJ autumn_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT loveliest_JJT seasons_
NNS to_TO be_BE afloat_RB --_-- at_IN least_AP in_IN that_DT broad_JJ balmy_JJ r
egion_NN that_WPS lies_VBZ below_IN America's_NP$ belt_NN line_NN ._. Waterways_
NNS are_BER busy_JJ right_QL now_RB from_IN the_AT Virginia_NP capes_NNS to_IN t
he_AT Texas_NP coast_NN ._. There_RB true_JJ yachtsmen_NNS often_RB find_VB Nove
mber_NP winds_NNS steadier_JJR ,_, the_AT waters_NNS cooler_JJR ,_, the_AT fish_
NN hungrier_JJR ,_, and_CC rivers_NNS more_QL pleasant_JJ --_-- less_AP turbulen
ce_NN and_CC mud_NN ,_, and_CC fewer_AP floating_VBG logs_NNS ._. More_AP and_CC
more_AP boats_NNS move_VB overland_RB on_IN wheels_NNS (_( 1.8_CD million_CD tr
ailers_NNS are_BER now_RB in_IN use_NN )_) and_CC Midwesterners_NNS-TL taking_VB
G long_JJ weekends_NNS can_MD travel_VB south_NR with_IN their_PP$ craft_NN ._.
In_IN the_AT Southwest_NR-TL ,_, the_AT fall_NN brings_VBZ out_RP flotillas_NNS
of_IN boatsmen_NNS who_WPS find_VB the_AT summer_NN too_QL hot_JJ for_IN comfort
_NN ._. And_CC on_IN northern_JJ shores_NNS indomitable_JJ sailors_NNS from_IN L
ong_JJ-TL Island_NN-TL to_IN Lake_NN-TL Michigan_NP-TL will_MD beat_VB around_IN
the_AT buoys_NNS in_IN dozens_NNS of_IN frostbite_NN races_NNS ._. Some_DTI ple
asant_JJ fall_NN cruising_VBG country_NN is_BEZ mapped_VBN out_RP below_RB ._. B
oating_VBG-HL west_NR-HL coast_NN-HL ._.-HL Pleasure_NN boating_NN is_BEZ just_R
B scooting_VBG into_IN its_PP$ best_JJT months_NNS in_IN California_NP as_CS cri
sp_JJ breezes_NNS bring_VB out_RP craft_NN of_IN every_AT size_NN on_IN every_AT
kind_NN of_IN water_NN --_-- ocean_NN ,_, lake_NN and_CC reservoir_NN ._. Shore
_NN facilities_NNS are_BER enormous_JJ --_-- Los_NP Angeles_NP harbors_VBZ 5,000
_CD boats_NNS ,_, and_CC Long_JJ-TL Beach_NN-TL 3,000_CD --_-- but_CC marinas_NN
S are_BER crowded_VBN everywhere_RB ._. New_JJ docks_NNS and_CC ramps_NNS are_BE
R being_BEG rushed_VBN at_IN Playa_NP Del_NP Rey_NP ,_, Ventura_NP ,_, Dana_NP-T
L Point_NN-TL ,_, Oceanside_NP and_CC Mission_NN-TL Bay_NN-TL ._. Inland_RB ,_,
outboard_JJ motorists_NNS welcome_VB cooler_JJR weather_NN and_CC the_AT chance_
NN to_TO buzz_VB over_IN Colorado_NP-TL River_NN-TL sandbars_NNS and_CC Lake_NN-
TL Mead_NP-TL ._. Newest_JJT small-boat_NN playground_NN is_BEZ the_AT Salton_NP
Sea_NN-TL ,_, a_AT once-dry_JJ desert_NN sinkhole_NN which_WDT is_BEZ now_RB a_
AT salty_JJ lake_NN 42_CD miles_NNS long_JJ and_CC 235_CD feet_NNS below_IN sea_
NN level_NN ._. On_IN Nov._NP 11_CD ,_, 12_CD ,_, racers_NNS will_MD drive_VB th
eir_PP$ flying_VBG shingles_NNS in_IN 5-mile_JJ laps_NNS over_IN its_PP$ 500-mil
e_JJ speedboat_NN course_NN ._. In_IN San_NP Francisco_NP Bay_NN-TL ,_, winds_NN
S are_BER gusty_JJ and_CC undependable_JJ during_IN this_DT season_NN ._. A_AT s
ailboat_NN may_MD have_HV a_AT bone_NN in_IN her_PP$ teeth_NNS one_CD minute_NN
and_CC lie_VB becalmed_VBN the_AT next_AP ._. But_CC regattas_NNS are_BER schedu
led_VBN right_QL up_RP to_IN Christmas_NP ._. The_AT Corinthian_JJ-TL Yacht_NN-T
L Club_NN-TL in_IN Tiburon_NP launches_VBZ its_PP$ winter_NN races_NNS Nov._NP 5
_CD ._. Gulf_NN-TL-HL Coast_NN-TL-HL ._.-HL Hurricane_NN-TL Carla_NP damaged_VBD
70%_NN of_IN the_AT marinas_NNS in_IN the_AT Galveston-Port_NP Aransas_NP area_
NN but_CC fuel_NN service_NN is_BEZ back_RB to_IN normal_JJ ,_, and_CC explorers
_NNS can_MD roam_VB as_QL far_RB west_NR as_CS Port_NN-TL Isabel_NP-TL on_IN the
_AT Mexican_JJ border_NN ._. Sailing_VBG activity_NN is_BEZ slowed_VBN down_RP b
y_IN Texas_NP northers_NNS ,_, but_CC power_NN cruisers_NNS can_MD move_VB freel
y_RB ,_, poking_VBG into_IN the_AT San_NP Jacinto_NP ,_, Trinity_NP and_CC Brazo
s_NP rivers_NNS (_( fine_JJ tarpon_NN fishing_NN in_IN the_AT Brazos_NP )_) or_C
C pushing_VBG eastward_RB to_IN the_AT pirate_NN country_NN of_IN Barataria_NP .
_. Off_IN Grand_JJ-TL Isle_NN-TL ,_, yachters_NNS often_RB visit_VB the_AT tower
ing_VBG oil_NN rigs_NNS ._. The_AT Mississippi_NP-TL Sound_NN-TL leads_VBZ into_
IN a_AT protected_VBN waterway_NN running_VBG about_IN 200_CD miles_NNS from_IN
Pascagoula_NP to_IN Apalachicola_NP ._. Lower_JJR-HL Mississippi_NP-HL ._.-HL Me
mphis_NP stinkpotters_NNS like_CS McKellar_NP-TL Lake_NN-TL ,_, inside_IN the_AT
city_NN limits_NNS ,_, and_CC sailors_NNS look_VB for_IN autumn_NN winds_NNS at
_IN Arkabutla_NP-TL Lake_NN-TL where_WRB fall_NN racing_NN is_BEZ now_RB in_IN p
rogress_NN ._. River_NN cruising_NN for_IN small_JJ craft_NN is_BEZ ideal_JJ in_
IN November_NP ._. At_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, 25-mile-square_JJ Lake_NN-T
L Pontchartrain_NP-TL has_HVZ few_AP squalls_NNS and_CC year-long_JJ boating_NN
._. Marinas_NNS are_BER less_QL plush_JJ than_CS the_AT Florida_NP type_NN but_C
C service_NN is_BEZ good_JJ and_CC Creole_NP cooking_NN better_JJR ._. tva_NN-HL
lakes_NNS-HL ._.-HL Ten_CD thousand_CD twisty_JJ miles_NNS of_IN shoreline_NN f
rame_VB the_AT 30-odd_CD lakes_NNS in_IN the_AT vast_JJ Tennessee_NP-TL River_NN
-TL system_NN that_WPS loops_VBZ in_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN seven_CD states_NNS .
_. When_WRB dam_NN construction_NN began_VBD in_IN 1933_CD ,_, fewer_AP than_IN
600_CD boats_NNS used_VBD these_DTS waters_NNS ;_. ;_. today_NR there_EX are_BER
48,500_CD ._. A_AT year_NN ago_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ bruited_VBN that_CS the_AT pr
imary_JJ character_NN in_IN Erich_NP Maria_NP Remarque's_NP$ new_JJ novel_NN was
_BEDZ based_VBN on_IN the_AT Marquis_NP Alfonso_NP De_FW-IN Portago_NP ,_, the_A
T Spanish_JJ nobleman_NN who_WPS died_VBD driving_VBG in_IN the_AT Mille_NP Migl
ia_NP automobile_NN race_NN of_IN 1957_CD ._. If_CS this_DT was_BEDZ in_IN fact_
NN Mr._NP Remarque's_NP$ intention_NN he_PPS has_HVZ achieved_VBN a_AT notable_J
J failure_NN ._. Clerfayt_NP of_IN ``_`` Heaven_NN-TL Has_HVZ-TL No_AT-TL Favori
tes_NNS-TL ''_'' resembles_VBZ Portago_NP only_RB in_IN that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ ma
le_JJ and_CC a_AT race-driver_NN --_-- quite_ABL a_AT bad_JJ race-driver_NN ,_,
whereas_CS Portago_NP was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ one_CD ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT dull_J
J ,_, unformed_JJ ,_, and_CC aimless_JJ person_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT twelfth_OD Marq
uis_NP De_NP Portago_NP was_BEDZ intelligent_JJ ,_, purposeful_JJ ,_, and_CC pas
sionate_JJ ._. One_PN looked_VBD forward_RB to_IN Mr._NP Remarque's_NP$ ninth_OD
book_NN if_CS only_RB because_CS not_* even_RB a_AT reasonably_QL good_JJ novel
_NN has_HVZ yet_RB been_BEN written_VBN grounded_VBN on_IN automobile_NN racing_
NN ,_, as_QL dramatic_JJ a_AT sport_NN as_CS mankind_NN has_HVZ devised_VBN ._.
Unhappily_RB ,_, ``_`` Heaven_NN-TL Has_HVZ-TL No_AT-TL Favorites_NNS-TL ''_'' d
oes_DOZ not_* alter_VB the_AT record_NN except_IN to_TO add_VB one_CD more_AP ba
d_JJ book_NN to_IN the_AT list_NN ._. Mr._NP Remarque's_NP$ conception_NN of_IN
this_DT novel_NN was_BEDZ sound_JJ and_CC perhaps_RB even_RB noble_JJ ._. He_PPS
proposed_VBD throwing_VBG together_RB a_AT man_NN in_IN an_AT occupation_NN of_
IN high_JJ hazard_NN and_CC a_AT woman_NN balanced_VBN on_IN a_AT knife-edge_NN
between_IN death_NN from_IN tuberculosis_NN and_CC recovery_NN ._. His_PP$ treat
ment_NN of_IN it_PPO is_BEZ something_PN else_RB ._. His_PP$ heroine_NN chooses_
VBZ to_TO die_VB --_-- the_AT price_NN of_IN recovery_NN ,_, years_NNS under_IN
the_AT strict_JJ regimen_NN of_IN a_AT sanatorium_NN ,_, being_BEG higher_JJR th
an_CS she_PPS wishes_VBZ to_TO pay_VB ._. Her_PP$ lover_NN precedes_VBZ her_PPO
in_IN death_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT wheel_NN ,_, and_CC presumably_RB he_PPS too_RB
has_HVZ chosen_VBN ._. Between_IN the_AT first_OD meeting_NN of_IN Clerfayt_NP a
nd_CC Lillian_NP and_CC this_DT dismal_JJ denouement_NN ,_, Mr._NP Remarque_NP h
as_HVZ laid_VBN down_RP many_AP pages_NNS of_IN junior-philosophical_JJ discours
e_NN ,_, some_DTI demure_JJ and_CC rather_QL fetching_JJ love-making_NN ,_, plea
sant_JJ talk_NN about_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT countryside_NN and_CC restaurants
_NNS of_IN Europe_NP ,_, and_CC a_AT modicum_NN of_IN automobile_NN racing_NN ._
. The_AT ramblings_NNS on_IN life_NN ,_, death_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT wonder_NN of
_IN it_PPO all_ABN are_BER distressing_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT love-making_NN ,_, perh
aps_RB because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ pale_JJ and_CC low-key_NN when_WRB one_PN has_HV
Z been_BEN conditioned_VBN to_TO expect_VB harsh_JJ colors_NNS and_CC explicitne
ss_NN ,_, is_BEZ often_RB charming_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT automobile_NN racing_NN bea
rs_VBZ little_AP relation_NN to_IN reality_NN ._. This_DT latter_AP failure_NN i
s_BEZ more_AP than_IN merely_RB bad_JJ reportage_NN and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ distinc
tly_RB more_QL important_JJ than_CS it_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN had_HVN the
_AT author_NN drawn_VBN Clerfayt_NP as_CS ,_, say_UH ,_, a_AT tournament_NN golf
er_NN ._. Hazards_NNS to_IN life_NN and_CC limb_NN on_IN the_AT golf_NN course_N
N ,_, while_CS existent_JJ ,_, are_BER actuarially_RB insignificant_JJ ._. Race-
drivers_NNS ,_, on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, are_BER quite_QL often_RB kill
ed_VBN on_IN the_AT circuit_NN ,_, and_CC since_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ obviously_RB
Mr._NP Remarque's_NP$ intention_NN to_TO establish_VB automobile_NN racing_NN as
_CS life_NN in_IN microcosm_NN ,_, one_PN might_MD reasonably_RB have_HV expecte
d_VBN him_PPO to_TO demonstrate_VB precise_JJ knowledge_NN not_* only_AP of_IN t
echniques_NNS but_CC of_IN mores_NNS and_CC attitudes_NNS ._. He_PPS does_DOZ no
t_* ._. The_AT jacket_NN biography_NN describes_VBZ him_PPO as_CS a_AT former_AP
racing_VBG driver_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS may_MD indeed_RB have_HV been_BEN ,_, al
though_CS I_PPSS do_DO not_* recall_VB having_HVG encountered_VBN his_PP$ name_N
N either_CC in_IN the_AT records_NNS or_CC the_AT literature_NN ._. Perhaps_RB h
e_PPS has_HVZ only_RB forgotten_VBN a_AT great_JJ deal_NN ._. The_AT book_NN car
ries_VBZ a_AT disclaimer_NN in_IN which_WDT Remarque_NP says_VBZ it_PPS has_HVZ
been_BEN necessary_JJ for_IN him_PPO to_TO take_VB minor_JJ liberties_NNS with_I
N some_DTI of_IN the_AT procedures_NNS and_CC formalities_NNS of_IN racing_VBG .
_. The_AT necessity_NN is_BEZ not_* clear_JJ to_IN me_PPO ,_, and_CC ,_, in_IN a
ny_DTI case_NN ,_, to_TO present_VB a_AT case-hardened_JJ race-driver_NN as_CS s
aying_VBG he_PPS has_HVZ left_VBN his_PP$ car_NN ,_, which_WDT ,_, or_CC whom_WP
O ,_, he_PPS calls_VBZ ``_`` Giuseppe_NP ''_'' ,_, parked_VBN ``_`` on_IN the_AT
Place_NN-TL Vendome_NP-TL sneering_VBG at_IN a_AT dozen_NN Bentleys_NPS and_CC
Rolls-Royces_NPS parked_VBD around_IN him_PPO ''_'' is_BEZ not_* a_AT liberty_NN
;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ an_AT absurdity_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN the_AT
matter_NN of_IN preoccupation_NN with_IN death_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT pr
imary_JJ concern_NN of_IN the_AT book_NN ,_, that_CS Remarque's_NP$ failure_NN i
s_BEZ plainest_JJT ._. Clerfayt_NP is_BEZ neurotic_JJ ,_, preoccupied_VBN ,_, an
d_CC passive_JJ ._. To_TO be_BE human_JJ ,_, he_PPS believes_VBZ ,_, is_BEZ to_T
O seek_VB one's_PN$ own_JJ destruction_NN :_: the_AT Freudian_JJ ``_`` death-wis
h_NN ''_'' cliche_NN inevitably_RB cited_VBN whenever_WRB laymen_NNS talk_VB abo
ut_IN auto_NN race-drivers_NNS ._. In_IN point_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT race-
drivers_NNS one_PN knows_VBZ are_BER nearly_RB always_RB intelligent_JJ ,_, heal
thy_JJ technicians_NNS who_WPS differ_VB from_IN other_AP technicians_NNS only_R
B in_IN the_AT depth_NN of_IN the_AT passion_NN they_PPSS feel_VB for_IN the_AT
work_NN by_IN which_WDT they_PPSS live_VB ._. A_AT Clerfayt_NP may_MD moon_VB on
_RP about_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN Death_NN-TL in_IN the_AT cockpit_NN ;_. ;_. a_
AT Portago_NP could_MD say_VB ,_, as_CS he_PPS did_DOD say_VB to_IN me_PPO ,_, `
`_`` If_CS I_PPSS die_VB tomorrow_NR ,_, still_RB I_PPSS have_HV had_HVN twenty-
eight_CD wonderful_JJ years_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC I_PPSS shan't_MD* die_VB tomorrow
_NR ;_. ;_. I'll_PPSS+MD live_VB to_TO be_BE 105_CD ''_'' ._. Clerfayt_NP ,_, tr
ansported_VBN ,_, may_MD think_VB of_IN the_AT engine_NN driving_VBG his_PP$ car
_NN as_CS ``_`` a_AT mystical_JJ beast_NN under_IN the_AT hood_NN ''_'' ._. The_
AT Italian_JJ master_NN Piero_NP Taruffi_NP ,_, no_QL less_QL sensitive_JJ ,_, k
nows_VBZ twice_RB the_AT ecstasy_NN though_CS he_PPS thinks_VBZ of_IN a_AT car's
_NN$ adhesion_NN to_IN a_AT wet_JJ two-lane_JJ road_NN at_IN 165_CD miles_NNS an
_AT hour_NN as_CS a_AT matter_NN best_RBT expressed_VBN in_IN algebraic_JJ formu
lae_NNS ._. Clerfayt_NP ,_, driving_VBG ,_, sees_VBZ himself_PPL ``_`` a_AT volc
ano_NN whose_WP$ cone_NN funneled_VBD down_RP to_IN hell_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. the_AT
Briton_NP Stirling_NP Moss_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT greatest_JJT virtuosi_FW-
NNS of_IN all_ABN time_NN ,_, believes_VBZ that_CS ultra-fast_JJ road-circuit_NN
driving_NN is_BEZ an_AT art_NN form_NN related_VBN to_IN ballet_NN ._. Errors_N
NS in_IN technical_JJ terminology_NN suggest_VB that_CS the_AT over-all_JJ trans
lation_NN from_IN the_AT German_NP may_MD not_* convey_VB quite_RB everything_PN
Mr._NP Remarque_NP hoped_VBD to_TO tell_VB us_PPO ._. However_RB ,_, my_PP$ pri
ncipal_JJS objection_NN in_IN this_DT sort_NN of_IN novel_NN is_BEZ to_IN the_AT
hackneyed_JJ treatment_NN of_IN race-drivers_NNS ,_, pilots_NNS ,_, submariners
_NNS ,_, atomic_JJ researchers_NNS ,_, and_CC all_ABN the_AT machine-masters_NNS
of_IN our_PP$ age_NN as_CS brooding_VBG mystics_NNS or_CC hysterical_JJ fatalis
ts_NNS ._. The_AT west_NR is_BEZ leaderless_JJ ,_, according_IN to_IN this_DT bo
ok_NN ._. In_IN contrast_NN ,_, the_AT East_NR-TL is_BEZ ably_RB led_VBN by_IN s
uch_JJ stalwart_JJ heroes_NNS as_CS Khrushchev_NP ,_, Tito_NP ,_, and_CC Mao_NP
._. Against_IN this_DT invincible_JJ determination_NN to_TO communize_VB the_AT
whole_JJ world_NN stands_VBZ a_AT group_NN of_IN nations_NNS unable_JJ to_TO agr
ee_VB on_IN fundamentals_NNS and_CC each_DT refusing_VBG to_TO make_VB any_DTI s
acrifice_NN of_IN sovereignty_NN for_IN the_AT common_JJ good_NN of_IN all_ABN .
_. It_PPS is_BEZ Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL Montgomery's_NP$ belief_NN that_CS in
_IN most_AP Western_JJ-TL countries_NNS about_RB 60_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_
AT people_NNS do_DO not_* really_RB care_VB about_IN democracy_NN or_CC Christia
nity_NP ;_. ;_. about_RB 30_CD per_IN cent_NN call_VB themselves_PPLS Christians
_NPS in_IN order_NN to_TO keep_VB up_RP appearances_NNS and_CC be_BE considered_
VBN respectable_JJ ,_, and_CC only_RB the_AT last_AP 10_CD per_IN cent_NN are_BE
R genuine_JJ Christians_NPS and_CC believers_NNS in_IN democracy_NN ._. But_CC t
hese_DTS Western_JJ-TL countries_NNS do_DO care_VB about_IN themselves_PPLS ._.
Each_DT feels_VBZ intensely_QL national_JJ ._. If_CS ,_, say_UH ,_, the_AT Russi
ans_NPS intended_VBD to_TO stop_VB Tom_NP Jones'_NP$ going_NN to_IN the_AT pub_N
N ,_, then_RB Tom_NP Jones_NP would_MD fight_VB the_AT Commies_NPS ._. But_CC he
_PPS would_MD fight_VB for_IN his_PP$ own_JJ liberty_NN rather_IN than_IN for_IN
any_DTI abstract_JJ principle_NN connected_VBN with_IN it_PPO --_-- such_JJ as_
CS ``_`` cause_NN ''_'' ._. For_IN all_QL practical_JJ purposes_NNS ,_, the_AT W
est_NR-TL stands_VBZ disunited_VBN ,_, undedicated_JJ ,_, and_CC unprepared_JJ f
or_IN the_AT tasks_NNS of_IN world_NN leadership_NN ._. With_IN this_DT barrage_
NN ,_, Montgomery_NP-TL of_IN-TL Alamein_NP-TL launches_VBZ his_PP$ attack_NN up
on_IN the_AT blunderings_NNS of_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ._. Never_RB given_VBN to_I
N mincing_VBG words_NNS ,_, he_PPS places_VBZ heavy_JJ blame_NN upon_IN the_AT f
aulty_JJ ,_, uncourageous_JJ leadership_NN of_IN Britain_NP and_CC particularly_
RB America_NP ._. At_IN war's_NN$ end_NN leadership_NN in_IN Western_JJ-TL Europ
e_NP-TL passed_VBD from_IN Britain_NP because_CS the_AT Labour_NN-TL Government_
NN-TL devoted_VBD its_PP$ attention_NN to_IN the_AT creation_NN of_IN a_AT welfa
re_NN state_NN ._. With_IN Britain_NP looking_VBG inward_RB ,_, overseas_JJ prob
lems_NNS were_BED neglected_VBN and_CC the_AT baton_NN was_BEDZ passed_VBN on_RP
to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Montgomery_NP believes_VBZ that_CS
she_PPS started_VBD well_RB ._. ``_`` America_NP gave_VBD generously_RB in_IN e
conomic_JJ aid_NN and_CC military_JJ equipment_NN to_IN friend_NN and_CC foe_NN
alike_RB ''_'' ._. She_PPS pushed_VBD wartorn_JJ and_CC poverty-stricken_JJ nati
ons_NNS into_IN prosperity_NN ,_, but_CC she_PPS failed_VBD to_TO lead_VB them_P
PO into_IN unity_NN and_CC world_NN peace_NN ._. America_NP has_HVZ divided_VBN
more_RBR than_CS she_PPS has_HVZ united_VBN the_AT West_NR-TL ._. The_AT reasons
_NNS are_BER that_CS America_NP generally_RB believes_VBZ that_CS she_PPS can_MD
buy_VB anything_PN with_IN dollars_NNS ,_, and_CC that_CS she_PPS compulsively_
RB strives_VBZ to_TO be_BE liked_VBN ._. However_RB ,_, she_PPS really_RB does_D
OZ not_* know_VB how_WRB to_TO match_VB the_AT quantity_NN of_IN dollars_NNS giv
en_VBN away_RB by_IN a_AT quality_NN of_IN leadership_NN that_WPS is_BEZ basical
ly_RB needed_VBN ._. But_CC the_AT greater_JJR reason_NN for_IN fumbling_VBG ,_,
stumbling_VBG American_JJ leadership_NN is_BEZ due_JJ to_IN the_AT shock_NN her
_PP$ pride_NN suffered_VBD when_WRB the_AT Japanese_NPS attacked_VBD at_IN Pearl
_NN-TL Harbor_NN-TL ._. ``_`` They_PPSS are_BER determined_VBN ''_'' ,_, Montgom
ery_NP writes_VBZ ,_, ``_`` not_* to_TO be_BE surprised_VBN again_RB ,_, and_CC
now_RB insist_VB on_IN a_AT state_NN of_IN readiness_NN for_IN war_NN which_WDT
is_BEZ not_* only_RB unnecessary_JJ ,_, but_CC also_RB creates_VBZ nervousness_N
N among_IN other_AP nations_NNS in_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL Alliance_NN-TL --_--
not_* to_TO mention_VB such_JJ great_JJ suspicions_NNS among_IN the_AT nations_N
NS of_IN the_AT Eastern_JJ-TL bloc_NN that_CS any_DTI progress_NN towards_IN pea
ceful_JJ coexistence_NN or_CC disarmament_NN is_BEZ not_* possible_JJ ''_'' ._.
The_AT net_NN result_NN is_BEZ that_CS under_IN American_JJ leadership_NN the_AT
general_JJ world_NN situation_NN has_HVZ become_VBN bad_JJ ._. To_IN ``_`` Mont
y_NP ''_'' ,_, the_AT American_JJ people_NNS ,_, who_WPS in_IN two_CD previous_J
J world_NN wars_NNS were_BED very_QL reluctant_JJ to_TO join_VB the_AT fight_NN
,_, ``_`` now_RB look_VB like_CS the_AT nation_NN most_QL likely_JJ to_TO lead_V
B us_PPO all_ABN into_IN a_AT third_OD World_NN-TL War_NN-TL ''_'' ._. As_QL fau
lty_JJ as_CS has_HVZ been_BEN our_PP$ leadership_NN clearly_RB the_AT United_VBN
-TL States_NNS-TL must_MD be_BE relied_VBN upon_RB to_TO lead_VB ._. The_AT path
_NN to_IN leadership_NN is_BEZ made_VBN clear_JJ ._. Montgomery_NP calls_VBZ for
_IN a_AT leader_NN who_WPS will_MD first_RB put_VB the_AT West's_NR$-TL own_JJ h
ouse_NN in_IN order_NN ._. Such_ABL a_AT man_NN must_MD be_BE able_JJ and_CC wil
ling_JJ to_TO give_VB clear_JJ and_CC sensible_JJ advice_NN to_IN the_AT whole_J
J group_NN ,_, a_AT person_NN in_IN whom_WPO all_ABN the_AT member_NN nations_NN
S will_MD have_HV absolute_JJ confidence_NN ._. This_DT leader_NN must_MD be_BE
a_AT man_NN who_WPS lives_VBZ above_IN illusions_NNS that_WPS heretofore_RB have
_HV shaped_VBN the_AT foreign_JJ policy_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS
-TL ,_, namely_RB that_CS Russia_NP will_MD agree_VB to_IN a_AT reunited_VBN Ger
many_NP ,_, that_CS the_AT East_JJ-TL German_JJ-TL government_NN does_DOZ not_*
exist_VB ,_, that_CS events_NNS in_IN Japan_NP in_IN June_NP 1960_CD were_BED Co
mmunist-inspired_JJ ,_, that_CS the_AT true_JJ government_NN of_IN China_NP is_B
EZ in_IN Formosa_NP ,_, that_CS Mao_NP was_BEDZ the_AT evil_JJ influence_NN behi
nd_IN Khrushchev_NP at_IN the_AT Summit_NN-TL Conference_NN-TL in_IN Paris_NP in
_IN May_NP 1960_CD ,_, and_CC that_CS either_CC China_NP or_CC Russia_NP wants_V
BZ or_CC expects_VBZ war_NN ._. Such_ABL a_AT leader_NN must_MD strengthen_VB NA
TO_NN politically_RB ,_, and_CC establish_VB that_DT true_JJ unity_NN about_IN w
hich_WDT it_PPS has_HVZ always_RB talked_VBN ._. After_CS drastically_RB overhau
ling_VBG NATO_NN ,_, Western_JJ-TL leadership_NN should_MD turn_VB to_IN reducin
g_VBG the_AT suspicions_NNS that_WPS tear_VB apart_RB the_AT East_NR-TL and_CC W
est_NR-TL ._. Major_JJ to_IN this_DT effort_NN is_BEZ to_TO get_VB all_ABN world
_NN powers_NNS to_TO withdraw_VB to_IN their_PP$ own_JJ territories_NNS ,_, say_
UH by_IN 1970_CD ._. ``_`` The_AT West_NR-TL should_MD make_VB the_AT central_JJ
proposal_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT East_NR-TL would_MD have_HV to_TO show_VB sin
cerity_NN in_IN carrying_VBG it_PPO out_RP ''_'' ._. ``_`` But_CC where_WRB is_B
EZ the_AT leader_NN who_WPS will_MD handle_VB all_ABN these_DTS things_NNS for_I
N us_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. Montgomery_NP knew_VBD all_ABN the_AT national_JJ leaders
_NNS up_IN to_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Kennedy_NP ._. The_AT man_NN whom_WPO he_P
PS would_MD select_VB as_CS our_PP$ leader_NN for_IN this_DT great_JJ task_NN is
_BEZ De_NP Gaulle_NP ._. He_PPS alone_RB has_HVZ the_AT wisdom_NN ,_, the_AT con
viction_NN ,_, the_AT tenacity_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT courage_NN to_TO reach_VB a_
AT decision_NN ._. But_CC De_NP Gaulle_NP is_BEZ buried_VBN in_IN the_AT cause_N
N of_IN restoring_VBG France's_NP$ lost_VBN soul_NN ._. Whoever_WPS rises_VBZ to
_IN the_AT occasion_NN walks_VBZ a_AT treacherous_JJ path_NN to_IN leadership_NN
._. The_AT leader_NN Montgomery_NP envisages_VBZ will_MD need_VB to_TO discipli
ne_VB himself_PPL ,_, lead_VB a_AT carefully_RB regulated_VBN and_CC orderly_JJ
life_NN ,_, allow_VB time_NN for_IN quiet_JJ thought_NN and_CC reflection_NN ,_,
adapt_VB decisions_NNS and_CC plans_NNS to_IN changing_VBG situations_NNS ,_, b
e_BE ruthless_JJ ,_, particularly_RB with_IN inefficiency_NN ,_, and_CC be_BE ho
nest_JJ and_CC morally_RB proper_JJ ._. All_ABN in_IN all_ABN ,_, Montgomery_NP
calls_VBZ for_IN a_AT leader_NN who_WPS will_MD anticipate_VB and_CC dominate_VB
the_AT events_NNS that_WPS surround_VB him_PPO ._. In_IN looking_VBG as_QL far_
QL back_RB as_CS Moses_NP ,_, thence_RB to_IN Cromwell_NP ,_, Napoleon_NP ,_, Li
ncoln_NP ,_, Churchill_NP ,_, and_CC Nehru_NP ,_, Montgomery_NP attempts_VBZ to_
TO trace_VB the_AT stirrings_NNS and_CC qualities_NNS of_IN great_JJ men_NNS ._.
He_PPS believes_VBZ that_CS greatness_NN is_BEZ a_AT marriage_NN between_IN the
_AT man_NN and_CC the_AT times_NNS as_CS was_BEDZ aptly_RB represented_VBN by_IN
Churchill_NP ,_, who_WPS would_MD very_QL possibly_RB have_HV gone_VBN down_RP
in_IN history_NN as_CS a_AT political_JJ failure_NN if_CS it_PPS had_HVD not_* b
een_BEN for_IN Hitler's_NP$ war_NN ._. However_RB ,_, Montgomery_NP makes_VBZ li
ttle_AP contribution_NN to_IN leadership_NN theory_NN and_CC practice_NN ._. Mos
t_AP of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ said_VBN about_IN his_PP$ great_JJ men_NNS of_IN hist
ory_NN has_HVZ already_RB been_BEN said_VBN ,_, and_CC what_WDT has_HVZ not_* is
_BEZ largely_QL irrelevant_JJ to_IN the_AT contemporary_JJ scene_NN ._. Like_CS
Eisenhower_NP ,_, he_PPS holds_VBZ the_AT militarist's_NN$ suspicion_NN of_IN po
liticians_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN Montgomery_NP sele
cts_VBZ as_CS his_PP$ hero_NN De_NP Gaulle_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ a_AT militarist
_NN dominated_VBN by_IN political_JJ ambitions_NNS ._. ``_`` Monty_NP ''_'' show
s_VBZ a_AT remarkable_JJ capacity_NN for_IN the_AT direct_JJ statement_NN and_CC
an_AT equally_QL remarkable_JJ incapacity_NN for_IN giving_VBG adequate_JJ supp
ort_NN ._. For_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN ,_, his_PP$ writing_VBG rambles_VBZ and
_CC jogs_VBZ ,_, preventing_VBG easy_JJ access_NN by_IN the_AT reader_NN to_IN h
is_PP$ true_JJ thoughts_NNS ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, Montgomery_NP has_HVZ stated
_VBN courageously_RB and_CC wisely_RB the_AT crisis_NN of_IN the_AT Western_JJ-T
L world_NN ._. It_PPS suffers_VBZ from_IN a_AT lack_NN of_IN unity_NN of_IN purp
ose_NN and_CC respect_NN for_IN heroic_JJ leadership_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS remain
s_VBZ to_TO be_BE seen_VBN if_CS the_AT new_JJ frontier_NN now_RB taking_VBG for
m_NN can_MD produce_VB the_AT leadership_NN and_CC wisdom_NN necessary_JJ to_TO
understand_VB the_AT current_JJ shape_NN of_IN events_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ no_A
T common_JJ thing_NN for_IN a_AT listener_NN (_( critical_JJ or_CC otherwise_RB
)_) to_TO hear_VB a_AT singer_NN ``_`` live_JJ ''_'' for_IN the_AT first_OD time
_NN only_RB after_CS he_PPS has_HVZ died_VBN ._. But_CC then_RB ,_, Mario_NP Lan
za_NP was_BEDZ no_AT common_JJ singer_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ whole_JJ career_NN ,
_, public_JJ and_CC non-public_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ studded_VBN with_IN the_AT kind_N
N of_IN unconventional_JJ happenings_NNS that_WPS terminate_VB with_IN the_AT ap
pearance_NN of_IN his_PP$ first_OD ``_`` recital_NN ''_'' only_RB when_WRB he_PP
S has_HVZ ceased_VBN to_TO be_BE a_AT living_VBG voice_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT
kind_NN of_IN justice_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, that_CS it_PPS should_MD originate_VB i
n_IN London's_NP$ Royal_JJ-TL Albert_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB ,_, traditio
nally_RB ,_, the_AT loudest_JJT ,_, if_CS not_* the_AT greatest_JJT ,_, performe
rs_NNS have_HV entertained_VBN the_AT thousands_NNS it_PPS will_MD accommodate_V
B (_( RCA_NP Victor_NN-TL LM_NN-TL 2454_CD-TL ,_, $4.98_NNS )_) ._. To_TO be_BE
sure_JJ ,_, Lanza_NP made_VBD numerous_JJ concert_NN tours_NNS ,_, here_RB and_C
C abroad_RB ,_, but_CC these_DTS did_DOD not_* take_VB him_PPO to_IN New_JJ-TL Y
ork_NP-TL where_WRB the_AT carping_VBG critic_NN might_MD lurk_VB ._. The_AT rea
ding_VBG public_NN ,_, the_AT theatergoing_JJ public_NN ,_, the_AT skindiving_VB
G public_NN ,_, the_AT horse-playing_JJ public_NN --_-- all_ABN these_DTS and_CC
others_NNS fill_VB substantial_JJ roles_NNS in_IN U.S._NP life_NN ,_, but_CC no
ne_PN is_BEZ so_QL varied_VBN ,_, vast_JJ and_CC vigilant_JJ as_CS the_AT eating
_VBG public_NN ._. The_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Agriculture_NN-TL averaged_V
BD out_RP U.S._NP food_NN consumption_NN last_AP year_NN at_IN 1,488_CD lbs._NNS
per_IN person_NN ,_, which_WDT ,_, allowing_VBG for_IN the_AT 17_CD million_CD
Americans_NPS that_WPS John_NP Kennedy_NP said_VBN go_VB to_IN bed_NN hungry_JJ
every_AT night_NN ,_, means_VBZ that_CS certain_JJ gluttons_NNS on_IN the_AT upp
er_JJ end_NN must_MD somehow_RB down_VB 8_CD lbs._NNS or_CC more_AP a_AT day_NN
._. That_DT mother_NN hen_NN of_IN the_AT weight-height_NN tables_NNS ,_, the_AT
Metropolitan_JJ-TL Life_NN-TL Insurance_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, clucks_VBZ that_CS
48_CD million_CD Americans_NPS are_BER overweight_JJ ._. Through_IN previous_JJ
centuries_NNS ,_, eating_VBG changed_VBD by_IN nearly_QL imperceptible_JJ degree
s_NNS ,_, and_CC mostly_RB toward_IN just_RB getting_VBG enough_AP ._. Now_RB bi
g_JJ forces_NNS buffet_VB food_NN ._. For_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN in_IN histo
ry_NN ,_, the_AT U.S._NP has_HVZ produced_VBN a_AT society_NN in_IN which_WDT le
ss_AP than_IN one-tenth_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS turn_VB out_RP so_QL much_AP
food_NN that_CS the_AT Government's_NN$-TL most_QL embarrassing_VBG problem_NN i
s_BEZ how_WRB to_TO dispose_VB inconspicuously_RB of_IN 100_CD million_CD tons_N
NS of_IN surplus_NN farm_NN produce_NN ._. In_IN this_DT same_AP society_NN ,_,
the_AT plain_JJ citizen_NN can_MD with_IN an_AT average_NN of_IN only_RB one-fif
th_NN his_PP$ income_NN buy_VB more_AP calories_NNS than_CS he_PPS can_MD consum
e_VB ._. Refrigeration_NN ,_, automated_VBN processing_NN and_CC packaging_VBG c
onspire_VB to_TO defy_VB season_NN and_CC banish_VB spoilage_NN ._. And_CC in_IN
the_AT wake_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ affluence_NN and_CC the_AT new_JJ techniques
_NNS of_IN processing_VBG comes_VBZ a_AT new_JJ American_JJ interest_NN in_IN ho
w_WRB what_WDT people_NNS eat_VB affects_VBZ their_PP$ health_NN ._. To_TO eat_V
B is_BEZ human_JJ ,_, the_AT nation_NN is_BEZ learning_VBG to_TO think_VB ,_, to
_TO survive_VB divine_JJ ._. Fads_NNS-HL ,_,-HL facts_NNS-HL Not_* all_ABN the_A
T concern_NN for_IN health_NN is_BEZ well_QL directed_VBN ._. From_IN the_AT fus
ty_JJ panaceas_NNS of_IN spinach_NN ,_, eggs_NNS and_CC prunes_NNS ,_, the_AT U.
S._NP has_HVZ progressed_VBN to_IN curds_NNS ,_, concentrates_NNS and_CC capsule
s_NNS ._. Each_DT year_NN ,_, reports_VBZ the_AT American_JJ-TL Medical_JJ-TL As
sociation_NN-TL ,_, ten_CD million_CD Americans_NPS spend_VB $900_NNS million_CD
on_IN vitamins_NNS ,_, tonics_NNS and_CC other_AP food_NN supplements_NNS ._. A
t_IN juice_NN bars_NNS in_IN Los_NP Angeles'_NP$ 35_CD ``_`` health_NN ''_'' sto
res_NNS ,_, a_AT new_JJ sensation_NN is_BEZ a_AT pink_JJ ,_, high-protein_NN coc
ktail_NN ,_, concocted_VBN of_IN dried_VBN eggs_NNS ,_, powdered_VBN milk_NN and
_CC cherry-flavored_JJ No-Cal_NP ,_, which_WDT sells_VBZ for_IN 59-cents_NNS per
_IN 8-oz._NN glass_NN ._. Grocery_NN stores_NNS sell_VB dozens_NNS of_IN foods_N
NS that_WPS boast_VB of_IN having_HVG almost_RB no_AT food_NN value_NN at_IN all
_ABN ._. But_CC a_AT big_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT public_NN wants_VBZ to_TO know_
VB facts_NNS about_IN diet_NN and_CC health_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT big_JJ group_NN o
f_IN U.S._NP scientists_NNS wants_VBZ to_TO supply_VB them_PPO ._. The_AT man_NN
most_QL firmly_RB at_IN grips_NNS with_IN the_AT problem_NN is_BEZ the_AT Unive
rsity_NN-TL of_IN-TL Minnesota's_NP$-TL Physiologist_NN-TL Ancel_NP Keys_NP ,_,
57_CD ,_, inventor_NN of_IN the_AT wartime_NN K_NN (_( for_IN Keys_NP )_) ration
_NN and_CC author_NN of_IN last_AP year's_NN$ bestselling_JJ Eat_VB-TL Well_RB-T
L And_CC-TL Stay_VB-TL Well_JJ-TL ._. From_IN his_PP$ birch-paneled_JJ office_NN
in_IN the_AT Laboratory_NN-TL of_IN-TL Physiological_JJ-TL Hygiene_NN-TL ,_, un
der_IN the_AT university's_NN$ football_NN stadium_NN in_IN Minneapolis_NP (_( `
`_`` We_PPSS get_VB a_AT rumble_NN on_IN every_AT touchdown_NN ''_'' )_) ,_, blo
cky_JJ ,_, grey-haired_JJ Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP directs_VBZ an_AT ambitious_JJ ,_, $
200,000-a-year_NNS experiment_NN on_IN diet_NN ,_, which_WDT spans_VBZ three_CD
continents_NNS and_CC seven_CD nations_NNS and_CC is_BEZ still_RB growing_VBG ._
. Pursuing_VBG it_PPO ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ logged_VBN 500,000_CD miles_NNS ,_, suf
fered_VBN indescribable_JJ digestive_JJ indignities_NNS ,_, and_CC meticulously_
RB collected_VBN physiological_JJ data_NN on_IN the_AT health_NN and_CC eating_V
BG habits_NNS of_IN 10,000_CD individuals_NNS ,_, from_IN Bantu_JJ tribesmen_NNS
to_IN Italian_JJ contadini_FW-NNS ._. He_PPS has_HVZ measured_VBN the_AT skinfo
lds_NNS (_( the_AT fleshy_JJ areas_NNS under_IN the_AT shoulder_NN blades_NNS )_
) of_IN Neapolitan_JJ firemen_NNS ,_, studied_VBN the_AT metabolism_NN of_IN Fin
nish_JJ woodcutters_NNS ,_, analyzed_VBN the_AT ``_`` mealie-meal_NN ''_'' eaten
_VBN by_IN Capetown_NP coloreds_NNS ,_, and_CC experimented_VBN on_IN Minneapoli
s_NP businessmen_NNS ._. And_CC-HL fats_NNS-HL ._.-HL Keys's_NP$ findings_NNS ,_
, though_CS far_RB from_IN complete_JJ ,_, are_BER likely_JJ to_TO smash_VB many
_ABN an_AT eating_VBG cliche_NN ._. Vitamins_NNS ,_, eggs_NNS and_CC milk_NN beg
in_VB to_TO look_VB like_CS foods_NNS to_TO hold_VB down_RP on_IN (_( though_CS
mothers'_NNS$ milk_NN is_BEZ still_RB the_AT ticket_NN )_) ._. Readings_NNS of_I
N the_AT number_NN of_IN milligrams_NNS of_IN cholesterol_NN in_IN the_AT blood_
NN ,_, which_WDT seem_VB to_TO have_HV value_NN in_IN predicting_VBG heart_NN at
tacks_NNS ,_, are_BER becoming_VBG as_QL routine_JJ as_CS the_AT electrocardiogr
am_NN ,_, which_WDT can_MD show_VB that_CS the_AT heart_NN has_HVZ suffered_VBN
a_AT symptomatic_JJ attack_NN ._. Already_RB many_ABN an_AT American_NP knows_VB
Z his_PP$ count_NN ,_, and_CC rejoices_VBZ or_CC worries_VBZ depending_IN on_IN
whether_CS it_PPS is_BEZ nearer_JJR 180_CD (_( safe_JJ )_) or_CC 250_CD (_( dang
erous_JJ )_) ._. Out_IN of_IN cholesterol_NN come_VB Keys's_NP$ main_JJS message
s_NNS so_QL far_RB :_: Americans_NPS eat_VB too_QL much_AP ._. The_AT typical_JJ
U.S._NP daily_JJ menu_NN ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP ,_, contains_VBZ 3,000_
CD calories_NNS ,_, should_MD contain_VB 2,300_CD ._. And_CC extra_JJ weight_NN
increases_VBZ the_AT risk_NN of_IN cancer_NN ,_, diabetes_NN ,_, artery_NN disea
se_NN and_CC heart_NN attack_NN ._. Americans_NPS eat_VB too_QL much_AP fat_NN .
_. With_IN meat_NN ,_, milk_NN ,_, butter_NN and_CC ice_NN cream_NN ,_, the_AT c
alorie-heavy_JJ U.S._NP diet_NN is_BEZ 40%_NN fat_NN ,_, and_CC most_AP of_IN th
at_DT is_BEZ saturated_VBN fat_NN --_-- the_AT insidious_JJ kind_NN ,_, says_VBZ
Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP ,_, that_WPS increases_VBZ blood_NN cholesterol_NN ,_, damage
s_VBZ arteries_NNS ,_, and_CC leads_VBZ to_IN coronary_JJ disease_NN ._. Obesity
_NN-HL :_:-HL a_AT-HL malnutrition_NN-HL ._.-HL Throughout_IN much_AP of_IN the_
AT world_NN ,_, food_NN is_BEZ still_RB so_QL scarce_JJ that_CS half_ABN of_IN t
he_AT earth's_NN$ population_NN has_HVZ trouble_NN getting_VBG the_AT 1,600_CD c
alories_NNS a_AT day_NN necessary_JJ to_TO sustain_VB life_NN ._. The_AT deficie
ncy_NN diseases_NNS --_-- scurvy_NN ,_, tropical_JJ sprue_NN ,_, pellagra_NN --_
-- run_VB rampant_JJ ._. In_IN West_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_,
where_WRB meat_NN is_BEZ a_AT luxury_NN and_CC babies_NNS must_MD be_BE weaned_
VBN early_RB to_TO make_VB room_NN at_IN the_AT breast_NN for_IN later_JJR arriv
als_NNS ,_, a_AT childhood_NN menace_NN is_BEZ kwashiorkor_FW-NN ,_, or_CC ``_``
Red_JJ-TL Johnny_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, a_AT growth-stunting_JJ protein_NN deficiency_
NN (_( signs_NNS :_: reddish_JJ hair_NN ,_, bloated_VBN belly_NN )_) that_WPS ki
lls_VBZ more_AP than_IN half_ABN its_PP$ victims_NNS ,_, leaves_VBZ the_AT rest_
NN prey_NN for_IN parasites_NNS and_CC lingering_VBG tropical_JJ disease_NN ._.
In_IN the_AT well-fed_JJ U.S._NP ,_, deficiency_NN diseases_NNS have_HV virtuall
y_RB vanished_VBN in_IN the_AT past_AP 20_CD years_NNS ._. Today_NR ,_, as_CS Ha
rrison's_NP$ Principles_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Internal_JJ-TL Medicine_NN-TL ,_, a_AT s
tandard_JJ internist's_NN$ text_NN ,_, puts_VBZ it_PPO ,_, ``_`` The_AT most_QL
common_JJ form_NN of_IN malnutrition_NN is_BEZ caloric_JJ excess_NN or_CC obesit
y_NN ''_'' ._. Puritan_JJ-TL New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL regarded_VBD obesity_NN as_
CS a_AT flagrant_JJ symbol_NN of_IN intemperance_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB a_AT sin_
NN ._. Says_NNS Keys_NP :_: ``_`` Maybe_RB if_CS the_AT idea_NN got_VBD around_R
B again_RB that_CS obesity_NN is_BEZ immoral_JJ ,_, the_AT fat_JJ man_NN would_M
D start_VB to_TO think_VB ''_'' ._. Morals_NNS aside_RB ,_, the_AT fat_JJ man_NN
has_HVZ plenty_NN to_TO worry_VB about_IN --_-- over_IN and_CC above_IN the_AT
fact_NN that_CS no_AT one_PN any_QL longer_RBR loves_VBZ him_PPO ._. The_AT simp
le_JJ mechanical_JJ strain_NN of_IN overweight_NN ,_, says_VBZ New_JJ-TL York's_
NP$-TL Dr._NN-TL Norman_NP Jolliffe_NP ,_, can_MD overburden_VB and_CC damage_VB
the_AT heart_NN ``_`` for_IN much_AP the_AT same_AP reason_NN that_CS a_AT Chev
rolet_NP engine_NN in_IN a_AT Cadillac_NP body_NN would_MD wear_VB out_RP sooner
_RBR than_CS if_CS it_PPS were_BED in_IN a_AT body_NN for_IN which_WDT it_PPS wa
s_BEDZ built_VBN ''_'' ._. The_AT fat_JJ man_NN has_HVZ trouble_NN buying_VBG li
fe_NN insurance_NN or_CC has_HVZ to_TO pay_VB higher_JJR premiums_NNS ._. He_PPS
has_HVZ --_-- for_IN unclear_JJ reasons_NNS --_-- a_AT 25%_NN higher_JJR death_
NN rate_NN from_IN cancer_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ particularly_QL vulnerable_JJ to_
IN diabetes_NN ._. He_PPS may_MD find_VB even_QL moderate_JJ physical_JJ exertio
n_NN uncomfortable_JJ ,_, because_CS excess_JJ body_NN fat_NN hampers_VBZ his_PP
$ breathing_NN and_CC restricts_VBZ his_PP$ muscular_JJ movement_NN ._. Physiolo
gically_RB ,_, people_NNS overeat_VB because_CS what_WDT Dr._NN-TL Jolliffe_NP c
alls_VBZ the_AT ``_`` appestat_NN ''_'' is_BEZ set_VBN too_QL high_RB ._. The_AT
appestat_NN ,_, which_WDT adjusts_VBZ the_AT appetite_NN to_TO keep_VB weight_N
N constant_JJ ,_, is_BEZ located_VBN ,_, says_VBZ Jolliffe_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT h
ypothalamus_NN --_-- near_IN the_AT body's_NN$ temperature_NN ,_, sleep_NN and_C
C water-balance_NN controls_NNS ._. Physical_JJ exercise_NN raises_VBZ the_AT ap
pestat_NN ._. So_RB does_DOZ cold_JJ weather_NN ._. In_IN moderate_JJ doses_NNS
,_, alcohol_NN narcotizes_VBZ the_AT appestat_NN and_CC enhances_VBZ appetite_NN
(_( the_AT original_JJ reason_NN for_IN the_AT cocktail_NN )_) ;_. ;_. but_CC b
ecause_CS liquor_NN has_HVZ a_AT high_JJ caloric_JJ value_NN --_-- 100_CD calori
es_NNS per_IN oz._NN --_-- the_AT heavy_JJ drinker_NN is_BEZ seldom_RB hungry_JJ
._. In_IN rare_JJ cases_NNS ,_, diseases_NNS such_JJ as_CS encephalitis_NN or_C
C a_AT pituitary_NN tumor_NN may_MD damage_VB the_AT appestat_NN permanently_RB
,_, destroying_VBG nearly_RB all_ABN sense_NN of_IN satiety_NN ._. Food_NN-HL fo
r_IN-HL frustration_NN-HL ._.-HL Far_QL more_QL frequently_RB ,_, overeating_VBG
is_BEZ the_AT result_NN of_IN a_AT psychological_JJ compulsion_NN ._. It_PPS ma
y_MD be_BE fostered_VBN by_IN frustration_NN ,_, depression_NN ,_, insecurity_NN
--_-- or_CC ,_, in_IN children_NNS ,_, simply_RB by_IN the_AT desire_NN to_TO s
top_VB an_AT anxious_JJ mother's_NN$ nagging_NN ._. Some_DTI families_NNS place_
VB undue_JJ emphasis_NN on_IN food_NN :_: conversations_NNS center_VB on_IN it_P
PO ,_, and_CC rich_JJ delicacies_NNS are_BER offered_VBN as_CS rewards_NNS ,_, w
ithheld_VBN as_CS punishment_NN ._. The_AT result_NN says_VBZ Jolliffe_NP :_: ``
_`` The_AT child_NN gains_VBZ the_AT feeling_NN that_CS food_NN is_BEZ the_AT pu
rpose_NN of_IN life_NN ''_'' ._. Food_NN may_MD act_VB as_CS a_AT sedative_NN ,_
, giving_VBG temporary_JJ emotional_JJ solace_NN ,_, just_RB as_CS ,_, for_IN so
me_DTI people_NNS ,_, alcohol_NN does_DOZ ._. Reports_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP :_:
``_`` A_AT fairly_QL common_JJ experience_NN for_IN us_PPO is_BEZ the_AT wife_NN
who_WPS finds_VBZ her_PP$ husband_NN staying_VBG out_RP more_RBR and_CC more_RB
R ._. He_PPS may_MD be_BE interested_VBN in_IN another_DT woman_NN ,_, or_CC jus
t_RB like_CS being_BEG with_IN the_AT boys_NNS ._. So_RB she_PPS fishes_VBZ arou
nd_RB in_IN the_AT cupboard_NN and_CC hauls_VBZ out_RP a_AT chocolate_NN cake_NN
._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT matter_NN of_IN boredom_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT subconscious
_JJ feeling_NN that_CS she_PPS is_BEZ entitled_VBN to_IN something_PN ,_, becaus
e_CS she's_PPS+BEZ being_BEG deprived_VBN of_IN something_PN else_RB ''_'' ._. F
or_IN the_AT army_NN of_IN compulsive_JJ eaters_NNS --_-- from_IN the_AT nibbler
s_NNS and_CC the_AT gobblers_NNS to_IN the_AT downright_JJ gluttons_NNS --_-- re
ducing_VBG is_BEZ a_AT war_NN with_IN the_AT will_NN that_WPS is_BEZ rarely_RB w
on_VBN ._. Physiologist_NN Keys_NP flatly_RB dismisses_VBZ such_JJ appetite_NN d
epressants_NNS as_CS the_AT amphetamines_NNS (_( Benzedrine_NP ,_, Dexedrine_NP
)_) as_CS dangerous_JJ ``_`` crutches_NNS for_IN a_AT weak_JJ will_NN ''_'' ._.
Keys_NP has_HVZ no_AT such_JJ objections_NNS to_IN Metrecal_NP ,_, Quaker_NP-TL
Oats's_NN$-TL Quota_NN-TL and_CC other_AP 900-calorie_JJ milk_NN formulas_NNS th
at_WPS are_BER currently_RB winning_VBG favor_NN from_IN dieters_NNS ._. ``_`` M
etrecal_NP is_BEZ a_AT pretty_QL complete_JJ food_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ .
_. ``_`` It_PPS contains_VBZ large_JJ amounts_VBZ of_IN protein_NN ,_, vitamins_
NNS and_CC minerals_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT quantity_NN of_IN 900_CD calories_NNS a
_AT day_NN ,_, anyone_PN will_MD lose_VB weight_NN on_IN it_PPO --_-- 20_CD ,_,
30_CD or_CC 40_CD lbs._NNS ''_'' ._. But_CC Keys_NP worries_VBZ that_CS the_AT M
etrecal_NP drinker_NN will_MD never_RB make_VB either_CC the_AT psychological_JJ
or_CC physiological_JJ adjustment_NN to_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN eating_VBG smal
ler_JJR portions_NNS of_IN food_NN ._. That_DT-HL remarkable_JJ-HL cholesterol_N
N-HL ._.-HL Despite_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ distaste_NN for_IN obesity_NN (_( ``_
`` disgusting_JJ ''_'' )_) ,_, Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP has_HVZ only_RB an_AT incidenta
l_JJ interest_NN in_IN how_WQL much_AP Americans_NPS eat_VB ._. What_WDT concern
s_VBZ him_PPO much_QL more_RBR is_BEZ the_AT relationship_NN of_IN diet_NN to_IN
the_AT nation's_NN$ No._NN-TL 1_CD killer_NN :_: coronary_NN artery_NN disease_
NN ,_, which_WDT accounts_VBZ for_IN more_AP than_IN half_ABN of_IN all_ABN hear
t_NN fatalities_NNS and_CC kills_VBZ 500,000_CD Americans_NPS a_AT year_NN --_--
twice_RB the_AT toll_NN from_IN all_ABN varieties_NNS of_IN cancer_NN ,_, five_
CD times_NNS the_AT deaths_NNS from_IN automobile_NN accidents_NNS ._. Cholester
ol_NN ,_, the_AT cornerstone_NN of_IN Dr._NN-TL Keys's_NP$ theory_NN ,_, is_BEZ
a_AT mysterious_JJ yellowish_JJ ,_, waxy_JJ substance_NN ,_, chemically_RB a_AT
crystalline_JJ alcohol_NN ._. Scientists_NNS assume_VB that_CS cholesterol_NN (_
( from_IN the_AT Greek_NP chole_FW-NN ,_, meaning_VBG bile_NN ,_, and_CC sterios
_FW-JJ-NC ,_, meaning_VBG solid_NN )_) is_BEZ somehow_RB necessary_JJ for_IN the
_AT formation_NN of_IN brain_NN cells_NNS ,_, since_CS it_PPS accounts_VBZ for_I
N about_RB 2%_NN of_IN the_AT brain's_NN$ total_NN solid_NN weight_NN ._. They_P
PSS know_VB it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT chief_JJS ingredient_NN in_IN gallstones_NNS ._
. They_PPSS suspect_VB it_PPS plays_VBZ a_AT role_NN in_IN the_AT production_NN
of_IN adrenal_NN hormones_NNS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS believe_VB it_PPS is_BEZ esse
ntial_JJ to_IN the_AT transport_NN of_IN fats_NNS throughout_IN the_AT circulato
ry_JJ system_NN ._. But_CC they_PPSS cannot_MD* fully_RB explain_VB the_AT proce
ss_NN of_IN its_PP$ manufacture_NN by_IN the_AT human_JJ liver_NN ._. Although_C
S the_AT fatty_JJ protein_NN molecules_NNS ,_, carried_VBN in_IN the_AT blood_NN
and_CC partly_RB composed_VBN of_IN cholesterol_NN ,_, are_BER water_NN soluble
_JJ ,_, cholesterol_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ insoluble_JJ ,_, and_CC cannot_MD* be_B
E destroyed_VBN by_IN the_AT body_NN ._. ``_`` A_AT remarkable_JJ substance_NN '
'_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP ,_, ``_`` quite_QL apart_RB from_IN its_PP$
tendency_NN to_TO be_BE deposited_VBN in_IN the_AT walls_NNS of_IN arteries_NNS
''_'' ._. When_WRB thus_RB deposited_VBN ,_, Keys_NP says_VBZ that_CS cholestero
l_NN is_BEZ mainly_RB responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT arterial_JJ blockages_NNS tha
t_WPS culminate_VB in_IN heart_NN attacks_NNS ._. Explains_VBZ Keys_NP :_: As_CS
the_AT fatty_JJ protein_NN molecules_NNS travel_VB in_IN the_AT bloodstream_NN
,_, they_PPSS are_BER deposited_VBN in_IN the_AT intima_NN ,_, or_CC inner_JJ wa
ll_NN of_IN a_AT coronary_NN artery_NN ._. The_AT proteins_NNS and_CC fats_NNS a
re_BER burned_VBN off_RP ,_, and_CC the_AT cholesterol_NN is_BEZ left_VBN behind
_RB ._. As_CS cholesterol_NN piles_VBZ up_RP ,_, it_PPS narrows_VBZ ,_, irritate
s_VBZ and_CC damages_VBZ the_AT artery_NN ,_, encouraging_VBG formation_NN of_IN
calcium_NN deposits_NNS and_CC slowing_VBG circulation_NN ._. Eventually_RB ,_,
says_VBZ Keys_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN two_CD things_NNS happens_VBZ ._. A_AT clot_N
N forms_VBZ at_IN the_AT site_NN ,_, seals_VBZ off_RP the_AT flow_NN of_IN blood
_NN to_IN the_AT heart_NN and_CC provokes_VBZ a_AT heart_NN attack_NN ._. Or_CC
(_( more_QL commonly_RB ,_, thinks_VBZ Keys_NP )_) the_AT deposits_NNS themselve
s_PPLS get_VB so_QL big_JJ that_CS they_PPSS choke_VB off_RP the_AT artery's_NN$
flow_NN to_IN the_AT point_NN that_CS an_AT infarct_NN occurs_VBZ :_: the_AT he
art_NN muscle_NN is_BEZ suffocated_VBN ,_, cells_NNS supplied_VBN by_IN the_AT a
rtery_NN die_VB ,_, and_CC the_AT heart_NN is_BEZ permanently_RB ,_, perhaps_RB
fatally_RB injured_VBN ._. Fats_NNS-HL &_CC-HL coronaries_NNS-HL ._.-HL Ordinari
ly_RB ,_, the_AT human_JJ liver_NN synthesizes_VBZ only_RB enough_AP cholesterol
_NN to_TO satisfy_VB the_AT body's_NN$ needs_NNS --_-- for_IN transportation_NN
of_IN fats_NNS and_CC for_IN production_NN of_IN bile_NN ._. Even_RB eggs_NNS an
d_CC other_AP cholesterol-rich_JJ foods_NNS ,_, eaten_VBN in_IN normal_JJ amount
s_VBZ ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Keys_NP ,_, do_DO not_* materially_RB affect_VB the
_AT amount_NN of_IN cholesterol_NN in_IN the_AT blood_NN ._. But_CC fatty_JJ foo
ds_NNS do_DO ._. During_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, doctors_NNS in_
IN The_AT-TL Netherlands_NP-TL and_CC Scandinavia_NP noted_VBD a_AT curious_JJ f
act_NN :_: despite_IN the_AT stresses_NNS of_IN Nazi_NP occupation_NN ,_, the_AT
death_NN rate_NN from_IN coronary_NN artery_NN disease_NN was_BEDZ slowly_RB dr
opping_VBG ._. Not_* until_IN long_QL after_IN the_AT war_NN --_-- 1950_CD ,_, i
n_IN fact_NN --_-- did_DOD they_PPSS get_VB a_AT hint_NN of_IN the_AT reason_NN
._. That_DT year_NN ,_, Sweden's_NP$ Haqvin_NP Malmros_NP showed_VBD that_CS the
_AT sinking_VBG death_NN rate_NN neatly_RB coincided_VBD with_IN increasingly_QL
severe_JJ restrictions_NNS on_IN fatty_JJ foods_NNS ._. That_DT same_AP year_NN
the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL California's_NP$-TL Dr._NN-TL Laurance_NP Kins
ell_NP ,_, timing_VBG oxidation_NN rates_NNS of_IN blood_NN fats_NNS ,_, stumble
d_VBD onto_IN the_AT discovery_NN that_CS many_AP vegetable_NN fats_NNS cause_VB
blood_NN cholesterol_NN levels_NNS to_TO drop_VB radically_RB ,_, while_CS anim
al_NN fats_NNS cause_VB them_PPO to_TO rise_VB ._. Here_RB Keys_NP and_CC others
_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS Dr._NN-TL A._NP E._NP Ahrens_NP of_IN the_AT Rockefeller_
NP-TL Institute_NN-TL ,_, took_VBD over_RP to_TO demonstrate_VB the_AT chemical_
NN difference_NN between_IN vegetable_NN and_CC animal_NN fats_NNS --_-- and_CC
even_RB between_IN different_JJ varieties_NNS of_IN each_DT ._. All_ABN natural_
JJ food_NN fats_NNS fall_VB into_IN one_CD of_IN three_CD categories_NNS --_-- s
aturated_VBN ,_, mono-unsaturated_JJ and_CC poly-unsaturated_JJ ._. The_AT degre
e_NN of_IN saturation_NN depends_VBZ on_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN hydrogen_NN at
oms_NNS on_IN the_AT fat_NN molecule_NN ._. Saturated_VBN fats_NNS can_MD accomm
odate_VB no_AT more_AP hydrogens_NNS ._. Mono-unsaturated_JJ fats_NNS have_HV ro
om_NN for_IN two_CD more_AP hydrogens_NNS on_IN each_DT molecule_NN ,_, and_CC t
he_AT poly-unsaturated_JJ fat_NN molecule_NN has_HVZ room_NN for_IN at_IN least_
AP four_CD hydrogens_NNS ._. The_AT three_CD fats_NNS have_HV similar_JJ caloric
_JJ values_NNS (_( about_RB 265_CD calories_NNS per_IN oz._NN )_) ,_, but_CC eac
h_DT exerts_VBZ a_AT radically_QL different_JJ influence_NN on_IN blood_NN chole
sterol_NN ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, although_CS we_PPSS still_RB make_VB use_
NN of_IN this_DT distinction_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ much_AP confusion_NN as_IN t
o_IN the_AT meaning_NN of_IN the_AT basic_JJ terms_NNS employed_VBN ._. Just_RB
what_WDT is_BEZ meant_VBN by_IN ``_`` spirit_NN ''_'' and_CC by_IN ``_`` matter_
NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT terms_NNS are_BER generally_RB taken_VBN for_IN granted_
VBN as_CS though_CS they_PPSS referred_VBD to_IN direct_JJ and_CC axiomatic_JJ e
lements_NNS in_IN the_AT common_JJ experience_NN of_IN all_ABN ._. Yet_CC in_IN
the_AT contemporary_JJ context_NN this_DT is_BEZ precisely_RB what_WDT one_PN mu
st_MD not_* do_DO ._. For_CS in_IN the_AT modern_JJ world_NN neither_CC ``_`` sp
irit_NN ''_'' nor_CC ``_`` matter_NN ''_'' refer_VB to_IN any_DTI generally_RB a
greed-upon_JJ elements_NNS of_IN experience_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER in_IN a_AT tr
ansitional_JJ stage_NN in_IN which_WDT many_AP of_IN the_AT connotations_NNS of_
IN former_AP usage_NN have_HV had_HVN to_TO be_BE revised_VBN or_CC rejected_VBN
._. When_WRB the_AT words_NNS are_BER used_VBN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER never_RB sur
e_JJ which_WDT of_IN the_AT traditional_JJ meanings_NNS the_AT user_NN may_MD ha
ve_HV in_IN mind_NN ,_, or_CC to_IN what_WDT extent_NN his_PP$ revisions_NNS and
_CC rejections_NNS of_IN former_AP understandings_NNS correspond_VB to_IN ours_P
P$$ ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL widespread_JJ features_NNS of_IN contemporar
y_JJ thought_NN is_BEZ the_AT almost_RB universal_JJ disbelief_NN in_IN the_AT r
eality_NN of_IN spirit_NN ._. Just_RB a_AT few_AP centuries_NNS ago_RB the_AT wo
rld_NN of_IN spirits_NNS was_BEDZ as_QL populous_JJ and_CC real_JJ as_CS the_AT
world_NN of_IN material_NN entities_NNS ._. Not_* only_RB in_IN popular_JJ thoug
ht_NN but_CC in_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT highly_QL educated_VBN as_QL well_RB was
_BEDZ this_DT true_JJ ._. Demons_NNS ,_, fairies_NNS ,_, angels_NNS ,_, and_CC a
_AT host_NN of_IN other_AP spiritual_JJ beings_NNS were_BED as_QL much_AP a_AT p
art_NN of_IN the_AT experiential_JJ world_NN of_IN western_JJ man_NN as_CS were_
BED rocks_NNS and_CC trees_NNS and_CC stars_NNS ._. In_IN such_ABL a_AT world_NN
the_AT words_NNS ``_`` matter_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` spirit_NN ''_'' both_ABX re
ferred_VBD to_IN directly_RB known_VBN realities_NNS in_IN the_AT common_JJ expe
rience_NN of_IN all_ABN ._. In_IN it_PPO important_JJ elements_NNS of_IN Christi
anity_NP and_CC of_IN the_AT Biblical_JJ view_NN of_IN reality_NN in_IN general_
JJ ,_, which_WDT now_RB cause_VB us_PPO much_AP difficulty_NN ,_, could_MD be_BE
responded_VBN to_IN quite_QL naturally_RB and_CC spontaneously_RB ._. The_AT pr
ogress_NN of_IN science_NN over_IN these_DTS last_AP few_AP centuries_NNS and_CC
the_AT gradual_JJ replacement_NN of_IN Biblical_JJ by_IN scientific_JJ categori
es_NNS of_IN reality_NN have_HV to_IN a_AT large_JJ extent_NN emptied_VBN the_AT
spirit_NN world_NN of_IN the_AT entities_NNS which_WDT previously_RB populated_
VBD it_PPO ._. In_IN carrying_VBG out_RP this_DT program_NN science_NN has_HVZ u
ndoubtedly_RB performed_VBN a_AT very_QL considerable_JJ service_NN for_IN which
_WDT it_PPS can_MD claim_VB due_JJ credit_NN ._. The_AT objectification_NN of_IN
the_AT world_NN of_IN spirit_NN in_IN popular_JJ superstition_NN had_HVD certai
nly_RB gone_VBN far_RB beyond_IN what_WDT the_AT experience_NN of_IN spirit_NN c
ould_MD justify_VB or_CC support_VB ._. Science_NN is_BEZ fully_QL competent_JJ
to_TO deal_VB with_IN any_DTI element_NN of_IN experience_NN which_WDT arises_VB
Z from_IN an_AT object_NN in_IN space_NN and_CC time_NN ._. When_WRB ,_, therefo
re_RB ,_, it_PPS turned_VBD its_PP$ attention_NN to_IN the_AT concrete_JJ entiti
es_NNS with_IN which_WDT popular_JJ imagination_NN had_HVD peopled_VBN the_AT wo
rld_NN of_IN spirit_NN ,_, these_DTS entities_NNS soon_RB lost_VBD whatever_WDT
status_NN they_PPSS had_HVD enjoyed_VBN as_CS actual_JJ elements_NNS of_IN exter
nal_JJ reality_NN ._. In_IN doing_VBG so_RB science_NN has_HVZ unquestionably_RB
cleared_VBN up_RP widespread_JJ misconceptions_NNS ,_, removed_VBN extraneous_J
J and_CC illusory_JJ sources_NNS of_IN fear_NN ,_, and_CC dispelled_VBN many_AP
undesirable_JJ popular_JJ superstitions_NNS ._. There_EX have_HV been_BEN ,_, in
deed_RB ,_, many_AP important_JJ and_CC valuable_JJ gains_NNS from_IN the_AT dev
elopment_NN of_IN our_PP$ present_JJ scientific_JJ view_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN
for_IN which_WDT we_PPSS may_MD be_BE rightly_QL grateful_JJ ._. All_ABN this_D
T has_HVZ not_* ,_, however_RB ,_, been_BEN an_AT unmixed_JJ blessing_NN ._. The
_AT scientific_JJ debunking_NN of_IN the_AT spirit_NN world_NN has_HVZ been_BEN
in_IN a_AT way_NN too_QL successful_JJ and_CC too_QL thorough_JJ ._. The_AT hous
e_NN has_HVZ been_BEN swept_VBN so_QL clean_JJ that_CS contemporary_JJ man_NN ha
s_HVZ been_BEN left_VBN with_IN no_AT means_NNS ,_, or_CC at_IN best_JJT with_IN
wholly_QL inadequate_JJ means_NNS ,_, for_IN dealing_VBG with_IN his_PP$ experi
ence_NN of_IN spirit_NN ._. Although_CS the_AT particular_JJ form_NN of_IN conce
ptualization_NN which_WDT popular_JJ imagination_NN had_HVD made_VBN in_IN respo
nse_NN to_IN the_AT experience_NN of_IN spirit_NN was_BEDZ undoubtedly_RB defect
ive_JJ ,_, the_AT raw_JJ experience_NN itself_PPL which_WDT led_VBD to_IN such_J
J excesses_NNS remains_NNS with_IN us_PPO as_QL vividly_RB as_CS ever_RB ._. We_
PPSS simply_RB find_VB ourselves_PPLS in_IN the_AT position_NN of_IN having_HVG
no_AT means_NNS for_IN inquiring_VBG into_IN the_AT structure_NN and_CC meaning_
NN of_IN this_DT range_NN of_IN our_PP$ experience_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT
framework_NN or_CC structure_NN of_IN thought_NN with_IN respect_NN to_IN which_
WDT we_PPSS can_MD organize_VB it_PPO and_CC no_AT part_NN of_IN reality_NN ,_,
as_CS we_PPSS know_VB and_CC apprehend_VB it_PPO ,_, with_IN respect_NN to_IN wh
ich_WDT we_PPSS can_MD refer_VB this_DT experience_NN ._. Science_NN has_HVZ sim
ply_RB left_VBN us_PPO helpless_JJ and_CC powerless_JJ in_IN this_DT important_J
J sector_NN of_IN our_PP$ lives_NNS ._. The_AT situation_NN in_IN which_WDT we_P
PSS find_VB ourselves_PPLS is_BEZ brought_VBN out_RP with_IN dramatic_JJ force_N
N in_IN Arthur_NP Miller's_NP$ play_NN The_AT-TL Crucible_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT de
als_VBZ with_IN the_AT Salem_NP witch_NN trials_NNS ._. As_CS the_AT play_NN ope
ns_VBZ the_AT audience_NN is_BEZ introduced_VBN to_IN the_AT community_NN of_IN
Salem_NP in_IN Puritan_JJ-TL America_NP at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT eightee
nth_OD century_NN ._. Aside_RB from_IN a_AT quaint_JJ concern_NN with_IN witches
_NNS and_CC devils_NNS which_WDT provides_VBZ the_AT immediate_JJ problem_NN in_
IN the_AT opening_VBG scene_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT quite_QL normal_JJ communi
ty_NN ._. The_AT conversation_NN of_IN the_AT characters_NNS creates_VBZ an_AT a
tmosphere_NN suggesting_VBG the_AT usual_JJ mixture_NN of_IN pleasures_NNS ,_, f
oibles_NNS ,_, irritations_NNS ,_, and_CC concerns_NNS which_WDT would_MD charac
terize_VB the_AT common_JJ life_NN of_IN a_AT normal_JJ village_NN in_IN any_DTI
age_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT occasion_NN to_TO feel_VB uneasy_JJ or_CC dist
urbed_VBN about_IN these_DTS people_NNS ._. Instead_RB ,_, the_AT audience_NN ca
n_MD sit_VB back_RB at_IN ease_NN and_CC ,_, from_IN the_AT perspective_NN of_IN
an_AT enlightened_VBN time_NN which_WDT no_QL longer_RBR believes_VBZ in_IN suc
h_JJ things_NNS ,_, enjoy_VB the_AT dead_JJ seriousness_NN with_IN which_WDT the
_AT characters_NNS in_IN the_AT play_NN take_NN the_AT witches_NNS and_CC devils
_NNS which_WDT are_BER under_IN discussion_NN ._. A_AT teenage_JJ girl_NN ,_, Ab
igail_NP Williams_NP ,_, is_BEZ being_BEG sharply_RB questioned_VBN by_IN her_PP
$ minister_NN uncle_NN ,_, the_AT Reverend_NP Samuel_NP Parris_NP ,_, about_IN a
_AT wild_JJ night_NN affair_NN in_IN the_AT woods_NNS in_IN which_WDT she_PPS an
d_CC some_DTI other_AP girls_NNS had_HVD seemed_VBN to_TO have_HV had_HVN contac
t_NN with_IN these_DTS evil_JJ beings_NNS ._. For_IN all_ABN involved_VBN in_IN
this_DT discussion_NN the_AT devil_NN is_BEZ a_AT real_JJ entity_NN who_WPS can_
MD really_RB be_BE confronted_VBN in_IN the_AT woods_NNS on_IN a_AT dark_JJ nigh
t_NN ,_, the_AT demon_NN world_NN is_BEZ populated_VBN with_IN real_JJ creatures
_NNS ,_, and_CC witches_NNS actually_RB can_MD be_BE seen_VBN flying_VBG through
_IN the_AT air_NN ._. As_CS the_AT play_NN unfolds_VBZ ,_, however_WRB ,_, the_A
T audience_NN is_BEZ subtly_RB brought_VBN into_IN the_AT grip_NN of_IN an_AT aw
ful_JJ evil_NN which_WDT grows_VBZ with_IN ominously_RB gathering_VBG power_NN a
nd_CC soon_RB engulfs_VBZ the_AT community_NN ._. Everyone_PN in_IN Salem_NP ,_,
saint_NN and_CC sinner_NN alike_RB ,_, is_BEZ swept_VBN up_RP by_IN it_PPO ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ like_CS a_AT mysterious_JJ epidemic_NN which_WDT ,_, starting_VBG
first_RB with_IN Abigail_NP and_CC Parris_NP ,_, spreads_VBZ inexorably_RB with_
IN a_AT dreadfully_RB growing_VBG virulence_NN through_IN the_AT whole_JJ town_N
N until_CS all_ABN have_HV been_BEN infected_VBN by_IN it_PPO ._. It_PPS grows_V
BZ terribly_RB and_CC unavoidably_RB in_IN power_NN and_CC leaves_VBZ in_IN its_
PP$ wake_NN a_AT trail_NN of_IN misery_NN ,_, moral_JJ disintegration_NN ,_, and
_CC destruction_NN ._. The_AT audience_NN leaves_VBZ the_AT play_NN under_IN a_A
T spell_NN ,_, It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT kind_NN of_IN spell_NN which_WDT the_AT expo
sure_NN to_IN spirit_NN in_IN its_PP$ living_VBG active_JJ manifestation_NN alwa
ys_RB evokes_VBZ ._. If_CS one_PN asks_VBZ about_IN this_DT play_NN ,_, what_WDT
it_PPS is_BEZ that_DT comes_VBZ upon_IN this_DT community_NN and_CC works_VBZ w
ithin_IN it_PPO with_IN such_JJ terrible_JJ power_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ no_AT b
etter_JJR answer_NN to_TO give_VB than_CS ``_`` spirit_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT is_B
EZ not_* to_TO attempt_VB to_TO say_VB what_WDT spirit_NN is_BEZ ,_, but_CC only
_RB to_TO employ_VB a_AT commonly_RB used_VBN word_NN to_TO designate_VB or_CC s
imply_RB identify_VB a_AT common_JJ experience_NN ._. In_IN the_AT end_NN the_AT
good_JJ man_NN ,_, John_NP Proctor_NP ,_, expresses_VBZ what_WDT the_AT audienc
e_NN has_HVZ already_RB come_VBN to_TO feel_VB when_WRB he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`
` A_AT fire_NN ,_, a_AT fire_NN is_BEZ burning_VBG !_. !_. I_PPSS hear_VB the_AT
boot_NN of_IN Lucifer_NP ,_, I_PPSS see_VB his_PP$ filthy_JJ face_NN ''_'' !_.
!_. The_AT tragic_JJ irony_NN of_IN the_AT play_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT very_AP
belief_NN in_IN and_CC concern_NN with_IN a_AT devil_NN who_WPS could_MD be_BE
met_VBN in_IN the_AT woods_NNS and_CC combatted_VBN with_IN formulae_NNS set_VBN
out_RP in_IN books_NNS was_BEDZ the_AT very_AP thing_NN that_WPS prevented_VBD
them_PPO from_IN detecting_VBG the_AT real_JJ devil_NN when_WRB he_PPS came_VBD
among_IN them_PPO ._. We_PPSS marvel_VB at_IN their_PP$ blindness_NN for_IN not_
* seeing_VBG this_DT ._. Yet_CC are_BER not_* we_PPSS of_IN the_AT mid-twentieth
_OD century_NN ,_, who_WPS rightly_RB do_DO not_* believe_VB there_EX is_BEZ any
_DTI such_JJ ``_`` thing_NN ''_'' as_CS the_AT devil_NN ,_, just_QL as_QL bad_JJ
off_RP as_CS they_PPSS --_-- only_RB in_IN a_AT different_JJ way_NN ?_. ?_. In_
IN our_PP$ disbelief_NN we_PPSS think_VB that_CS we_PPSS can_MD no_QL longer_RBR
even_RB use_VB the_AT word_NN and_CC so_CS are_BER unable_JJ to_TO even_RB name
_VB the_AT elemental_JJ power_NN which_WDT is_BEZ so_QL vividly_RB real_JJ in_IN
this_DT play_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER left_VBN helpless_JJ to_TO cope_VB with_IN
it_PPO because_CS we_PPSS do_DO not_* dare_VB speak_VB of_IN it_PPO as_CS anythi
ng_PN real_JJ for_IN fear_NN that_CS to_TO do_DO so_RB would_MD imply_VB a_AT co
mmitment_NN to_IN that_DT which_WDT has_HVZ already_RB been_BEN discredited_VBN
and_CC proved_VBN false_JJ ._. Even_RB Mr._NP Miller_NP himself_PPL seems_VBZ un
certain_JJ on_IN this_DT score_NN ._. In_IN a_AT long_JJ commentary_NN which_WDT
he_PPS has_HVZ inserted_VBN in_IN the_AT published_VBN text_NN of_IN the_AT fir
st_OD act_NN of_IN the_AT play_NN ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ at_IN one_CD point_NN :_:
``_`` However_RB ,_, that_DT experience_NN never_RB raised_VBD a_AT doubt_NN in_
IN his_PP$ mind_NN as_IN to_IN the_AT reality_NN of_IN the_AT underworld_NN or_C
C the_AT existence_NN of_IN Lucifer's_NP$ many-faced_JJ lieutenants_NNS ._. And_
CC his_PP$ belief_NN is_BEZ not_* to_IN his_PP$ discredit_NN ._. Better_JJR mind
s_NNS than_CS Hale's_NP$ were_BED --_-- and_CC still_RB are_BER --_-- convinced_
VBN that_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT society_NN of_IN spirits_NNS beyond_IN our_PP$
ken_NN ''_'' ._. (_( page_NN 33_CD )_) On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, a_AT li
ttle_QL later_RBR on_RP he_PPS says_VBZ :_: ``_`` Since_IN 1692_CD a_AT great_JJ
but_CC superficial_JJ change_NN has_HVZ wiped_VBN out_RP God's_NP$ beard_NN and
_CC the_AT Devil's_NN$-TL horns_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT world_NN is_BEZ still_RB g
ripped_VBN between_IN two_CD diametrically_RB opposed_VBN absolutes_NNS ._. The_
AT concept_NN of_IN unity_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT positive_NN and_CC negative_NN
are_BER attributes_NNS of_IN the_AT same_AP force_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT good_NN
and_CC evil_NN are_BER relative_JJ ,_, ever-changing_JJ ,_, and_CC always_RB jo
ined_VBN to_IN the_AT same_AP phenomenon_NN --_-- such_ABL a_AT concept_NN is_BE
Z still_RB reserved_VBN to_IN the_AT physical_JJ sciences_NNS and_CC to_IN the_A
T few_AP who_WPS have_HV grasped_VBN the_AT history_NN of_IN ideas_NNS ._. When_
WRB we_PPSS see_VB the_AT steady_JJ and_CC methodical_JJ inculcation_NN into_IN
humanity_NN of_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN man's_NN$ worthlessness_NN --_-- until_CS
redeemed_VBN --_-- the_AT necessity_NN of_IN the_AT Devil_NN-TL may_MD become_V
B evident_JJ as_CS a_AT weapon_NN ,_, a_AT weapon_NN designed_VBN and_CC used_VB
N time_NN and_CC time_NN again_RB in_IN every_AT age_NN to_TO whip_VB men_NNS in
to_IN a_AT surrender_NN to_IN a_AT particular_JJ church_NN or_CC church-state_NN
''_'' ._. (_( page_NN 34_CD )_) Apparently_RB he_PPS does_DOZ not_* intend_VB t
hat_CS those_DTS who_WPS read_VB or_CC view_VB this_DT play_NN should_MD think_V
B of_IN the_AT devil_NN as_CS being_BEG actually_QL real_JJ ._. Yet_RB such_ABL
is_BEZ the_AT dramatic_JJ power_NN of_IN his_PP$ writing_NN that_CS the_AT audie
nce_NN is_BEZ nevertheless_RB left_VBN in_IN the_AT grip_NN of_IN the_AT terribl
e_JJ power_NN and_CC potency_NN of_IN that_DT which_WDT came_VBD over_IN Salem_N
P ._. It_PPS casts_VBZ a_AT spell_NN upon_IN them_PPO so_CS that_CS they_PPSS le
ave_VB with_IN a_AT feeling_NN of_IN having_HVG been_BEN in_IN the_AT mysterious
_JJ presence_NN of_IN an_AT evil_JJ power_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* enough_AP i
n_IN accounting_VBG for_IN this_DT feeling_NN to_TO analyze_VB it_PPO into_IN th
e_AT wickedness_NN of_IN individual_JJ people_NNS added_VBN together_RB to_TO pr
oduce_VB a_AT cumulative_JJ effect_NN ._. For_CS this_DT does_DOZ not_* account_
VB for_IN the_AT integral_JJ ,_, elemental_JJ power_NN of_IN that_DT which_WDT g
rows_VBZ with_IN abounding_VBG vigor_NN as_CS the_AT play_NN unfolds_VBZ ,_, nor
_CC does_DOZ it_PPO explain_VB the_AT strange_JJ numinous_JJ sense_NN of_IN pres
entness_NN which_WDT comes_VBZ over_RP those_DTS who_WPS watch_VB the_AT play_NN
like_CS a_AT spell_NN ._. The_AT reality_NN of_IN spirit_NN emerges_VBZ in_IN t
his_DT play_NN in_IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT author's_NN$ convictions_NNS to_IN th
e_AT contrary_NN ._. Spirit_NN-HL and_CC-HL community_NN-HL There_EX is_BEZ noth
ing_PN in_IN the_AT whole_JJ range_NN of_IN human_JJ experience_NN more_QL widel
y_RB known_VBN and_CC universally_RB felt_VBN than_CS spirit_NN ._. Apart_RB fro
m_IN spirit_NN there_EX could_MD be_BE no_AT community_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS is_B
EZ spirit_NN which_WDT draws_VBZ men_NNS into_IN community_NN and_CC gives_VBZ t
o_IN any_DTI community_NN its_PP$ unity_NN ,_, cohesiveness_NN ,_, and_CC perman
ence_NN ._. Think_VB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_
AT Marine_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL ._. Surely_RB this_DT is_BEZ a_AT reality_NN we_PPSS
all_ABN acknowledge_VB ._. We_PPSS cannot_MD* ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, assign_VB
it_PPO any_DTI substance_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* material_NN and_CC is_BEZ n
ot_* a_AT ``_`` thing_NN ''_'' occupying_VBG space_NN and_CC time_NN ._. Yet_CC
it_PPS exists_VBZ and_CC has_HVZ an_AT objective_JJ reality_NN which_WDT can_MD
be_BE experienced_VBN and_CC known_VBN ._. So_RB it_PPS is_BEZ too_RB with_IN ma
ny_AP other_AP spirits_NNS which_WDT we_PPSS all_ABN know_VB :_: the_AT spirit_N
N of_IN Nazism_NP or_CC Communism_NN-TL ,_, school_NN spirit_NN ,_, the_AT spiri
t_NN of_IN a_AT street_NN corner_NN gang_NN or_CC a_AT football_NN team_NN ,_, t
he_AT spirit_NN of_IN Rotary_JJ-TL or_CC the_AT Ku_NP Klux_NP Klan_NP ._. Every_
AT community_NN ,_, if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ alive_JJ has_HVZ a_AT spirit_NN ,_, and_
CC that_DT spirit_NN is_BEZ the_AT center_NN of_IN its_PP$ unity_NN and_CC ident
ity_NN ._. In_IN searching_VBG for_IN clues_NNS which_WDT might_MD lead_VB us_PP
O to_IN a_AT fresh_JJ apprehension_NN of_IN the_AT reality_NN of_IN spirit_NN ,_
, the_AT close_JJ connection_NN between_IN spirit_NN and_CC community_NN is_BEZ
likely_JJ to_TO prove_VB the_AT most_QL fruitful_JJ ._. For_CS it_PPS is_BEZ pri
marily_RB in_IN community_NN that_CS we_PPSS know_VB and_CC experience_VB spirit
_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ spirit_NN which_WDT gives_VBZ life_NN to_IN a_AT community
_NN and_CC causes_VBZ it_PPO to_TO cohere_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT spirit_NN
which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT source_NN of_IN a_AT community's_NN$ drawing_VBG power_N
N by_IN means_NNS of_IN which_WDT others_NNS are_BER drawn_VBN into_IN it_PPO fr
om_IN the_AT world_NN outside_RB so_CS that_CS the_AT community_NN grows_VBZ and
_CC prospers_VBZ ._. Yet_CC the_AT spirit_NN which_WDT lives_VBZ in_IN community
_NN is_BEZ not_* identical_JJ with_IN the_AT community_NN ._. The_AT idea_NN of_
IN community_NN and_CC the_AT idea_NN of_IN spirit_NN are_BER two_CD distinct_JJ
and_CC separable_JJ ideas_NNS ._. One_CD characteristic_NN of_IN the_AT spirit_
NN in_IN community_NN is_BEZ its_PP$ givenness_NN ._. The_AT members_NNS of_IN t
he_AT community_NN do_DO not_* create_VB the_AT spirit_NN but_CC rather_RB find_
VB it_PPO present_JJ and_CC waiting_VBG for_IN them_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ for_IN
them_PPO a_AT given_VBN which_WDT they_PPSS and_CC they_PPSS alone_RB possess_V
B ._. The_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT Marine_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL was_BEDZ present_JJ
and_CC operative_JJ before_CS any_DTI of_IN the_AT present_JJ members_NNS of_IN
it_PPO came_VBD into_IN it_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ they_PPSS ,_, of_IN course_NN
,_, who_WPS keep_VB it_PPO alive_JJ and_CC preserve_VB it_PPO so_CS the_AT same_
AP spirit_NN will_MD continue_VB to_TO be_BE present_JJ in_IN the_AT Corps_NN-TL
for_IN future_JJ recruits_NNS to_TO find_VB as_CS they_PPSS come_VB into_IN it_
PPO ._. If_CS the_AT content_NN of_IN faith_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE presented_VBN
today_NR in_IN a_AT form_NN that_WPS can_MD be_BE ``_`` understanded_VBN of_IN t
he_AT people_NNS ''_'' --_-- and_CC this_DT ,_, it_PPS must_MD not_* be_BE forgo
tten_VBN ,_, is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT goals_NNS of_IN the_AT perennial_JJ theo
logical_JJ task_NN --_-- there_EX is_BEZ no_AT other_AP choice_NN but_IN to_TO a
bandon_VB completely_RB a_AT mythological_JJ manner_NN of_IN representation_NN .
_. This_DT does_DOZ not_* mean_VB that_CS mythological_JJ language_NN as_CS such
_JJ can_MD no_QL longer_RBR be_BE used_VBN in_IN theology_NN and_CC preaching_VB
G ._. The_AT absurd_JJ notion_NN that_CS demythologization_NN entails_VBZ the_AT
expurgation_NN of_IN all_ABN mythological_JJ concepts_NNS completely_RB misrepr
esents_VBZ Bultmann's_NP$ intention_NN ._. His_PP$ point_NN is_BEZ not_* that_DT
mythology_NN may_MD not_* be_BE used_VBN ,_, but_CC that_CS it_PPS may_MD no_QL
longer_RBR be_BE regarded_VBN as_CS the_AT only_AP or_CC even_RB the_AT most_QL
appropriate_JJ conceptuality_NN for_IN expressing_VBG the_AT Christian_JJ keryg
ma_NN ._. When_WRB we_PPSS say_VB that_CS a_AT mythological_JJ mode_NN of_IN tho
ught_NN must_MD be_BE completely_RB abandoned_VBN ,_, we_PPSS mean_VB it_PPS mus
t_MD be_BE abandoned_VBN as_CS the_AT sole_JJ or_CC proper_JJ means_NNS for_IN p
resenting_VBG the_AT Christian_JJ understanding_NN of_IN existence_NN ._. Mythol
ogical_JJ concepts_NNS may_MD by_IN all_ABN means_NNS still_RB be_BE used_VBN ,_
, but_CC they_PPSS can_MD be_BE used_VBN responsibly_RB only_RB as_CS ``_`` symb
ols_NNS ''_'' or_CC ``_`` ciphers_NNS ''_'' ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, only_RB if_CS
they_PPSS are_BER also_RB constantly_RB interpreted_VBN in_IN nonmythological_J
J (_( or_CC existential_JJ )_) terms_NNS ._. The_AT statement_NN is_BEZ often_RB
made_VBN that_CS when_WRB Bultmann_NP argues_VBZ in_IN this_DT way_NN ,_, he_PP
S ``_`` overestimates_VBZ the_AT intellectual_JJ stumbling-block_NN which_WDT my
th_NN is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO put_VB in_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN accepting_VBG t
he_AT Christian_JJ faith_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC this_DT statement_NN is_BEZ complet
ely_QL unconvincing_NN ._. If_CS Bultmann's_NP$ own_JJ definition_NN of_IN myth_
NN is_BEZ strictly_RB adhered_VBN to_IN (_( and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ interesting_JJ
that_CS this_DT is_BEZ almost_QL never_RB done_VBN by_IN those_DTS who_WPS make_
VB such_JJ pronouncements_NNS )_) ,_, the_AT evidence_NN is_BEZ overwhelming_JJ
that_CS he_PPS does_DOZ not_* at_IN all_ABN exaggerate_VB the_AT extent_NN to_IN
which_WDT the_AT mythological_JJ concepts_NNS of_IN traditional_JJ theology_NN
have_HV become_VBN incredible_JJ and_CC irrelevant_JJ ._. Nor_CC is_BEZ it_PPS n
ecessary_JJ to_TO look_VB for_IN such_JJ evidence_NN in_IN the_AT great_JJ urban
_JJ centers_NNS of_IN our_PP$ culture_NN that_WPS are_BER admittedly_RB almost_Q
L entirely_QL secularized_VBN and_CC so_QL profoundly_RB estranged_VBN from_IN t
he_AT conventional_JJ forms_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT gospel_NN has_HVZ been_BE
N communicated_VBN ._. On_IN the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, even_RB in_IN the_AT heart_N
N of_IN ``_`` the_AT Bible_NP belt_NN ''_'' itself_PPL ,_, as_CS can_MD be_BE at
tested_VBN by_IN any_DTI one_PN who_WPS is_BEZ called_VBN to_TO work_VB there_RB
,_, the_AT industrial_JJ and_CC technological_JJ revolutions_NNS have_HV long_R
B been_BEN under_IN way_NN ,_, together_RB with_IN the_AT corresponding_JJ chang
es_NNS in_IN man's_NN$ picture_NN of_IN himself_PPL and_CC his_PP$ world_NN ._.
In_IN fact_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN just_RB such_ABL a_AT situation_NN that_CS
the_AT profundity_NN of_IN Bultmann's_NP$ argument_NN is_BEZ disclosed_VBN ._.
Although_CS the_AT theological_JJ forms_NNS of_IN the_AT past_NN continue_VB to_
TO exist_VB in_IN a_AT way_NN they_PPSS do_DO not_* in_IN a_AT more_QL seculariz
ed_VBN situation_NN ,_, the_AT striking_JJ thing_NN is_BEZ the_AT rapidity_NN wi
th_IN which_WDT they_PPSS are_BER being_BEG reduced_VBN to_IN a_AT marginal_JJ e
xistence_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ especially_RB in_IN evidence_NN among_IN the_AT p
resent_JJ generation_NN of_IN the_AT suburban_JJ middle_JJ class_NN ._. Time_NN
and_CC again_RB in_IN counseling_VBG and_CC teaching_VBG ,_, one_PN encounters_V
BZ members_NNS of_IN this_DT group_NN whose_WP$ attempts_NNS to_TO bring_VB into
_IN some_DTI kind_NN of_IN unity_NN the_AT insubstantial_JJ mythologies_NNS of_I
N their_PP$ ``_`` fundamentalist_NN ''_'' heritage_NN and_CC the_AT stubborn_JJ
reality_NN of_IN the_AT modern_JJ world_NN are_BER only_RB too_QL painfully_RB o
bvious_JJ ._. The_AT same_AP thing_NN is_BEZ also_RB evidenced_VBN by_IN the_AT
extreme_JJ ``_`` culture-Protestantism_NP ''_'' so_QL often_RB observed_VBN to_T
O characterize_VB the_AT preaching_NN and_CC teaching_NN of_IN the_AT American_J
J churches_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT absence_NN of_IN a_AT truly_RB adequate_JJ conce
ptuality_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT gospel_NN can_MD be_BE expressed_VBN ,_, the_
AT unavoidable_JJ need_NN to_TO demythologize_VB it_PPO makes_VBZ use_NN of_IN w
hatever_WDT resources_NNS are_BER at_IN hand_NN --_-- and_CC this_DT usually_RB
means_VBZ one_CD or_CC another_DT of_IN the_AT various_JJ forms_NNS of_IN ``_``
folk_NN religion_NN ''_'' current_JJ in_IN the_AT situation_NN ._. This_DT is_BE
Z not_* to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT only_AP explanation_NN of_IN the_AT present_
JJ infatuation_NN with_IN Norman_NP Vincent_NP Peale's_NP$ ``_`` cult_NN of_IN r
eassurance_NN ''_'' or_CC the_AT other_AP types_NNS of_IN a_AT purely_QL cultura
l_JJ Christianity_NP is_BEZ the_AT ever-present_JJ need_NN for_IN a_AT demytholo
gized_VBN gospel_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO say_VB that_CS this_DT need_N
N is_BEZ far_QL more_QL important_JJ for_IN such_JJ infatuation_NN than_CS most_
AP of_IN the_AT pundits_NNS seem_VB to_TO have_HV suspected_VBN ._. However_RB ,
_, even_RB if_CS the_AT latent_JJ demand_NN for_IN demythologization_NN is_BEZ n
ot_* nearly_RB as_QL widespread_JJ as_CS we_PPSS are_BER claiming_VBG ,_, at_IN
least_AP among_IN the_AT cultured_VBN elements_NNS of_IN the_AT population_NN th
ere_EX tends_VBZ to_TO be_BE an_AT almost_QL complete_JJ indifference_NN to_IN t
he_AT church_NN and_CC its_PP$ traditional_JJ message_NN of_IN sin_NN and_CC gra
ce_NN ._. To_TO be_BE sure_JJ ,_, when_WRB this_DT is_BEZ pointed_VBN out_RP ,_,
a_AT common_JJ response_NN among_IN certain_JJ churchmen_NNS is_BEZ to_TO fulmi
nate_VB about_IN ``_`` the_AT little_JJ flock_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` the_AT great
_JJ crowd_NN ''_'' and_CC to_TO take_VB solace_NN from_IN Paul's_NP$ castigation
_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` wisdom_NN of_IN the_AT wise_JJ ''_'' in_IN the_AT opening
_VBG chapter_NN of_IN First_OD-TL Corinthians_NPS-TL ._. But_CC can_MD we_PPSS a
ny_QL longer_RBR afford_VB the_AT luxury_NN of_IN such_JJ smug_JJ indigation_NN
?_. ?_. Can_MD the_AT church_NN risk_VB assuming_VBG that_CS the_AT ``_`` folly_
NN ''_'' of_IN men_NNS is_BEZ as_QL dear_JJ to_IN God_NP as_CS their_PP$ ``_`` w
isdom_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC ,_, as_CS is_BEZ also_RB commonly_RB implied_VBN ,_, th
at_CS ``_`` the_AT foolishness_NN of_IN God_NP ''_'' and_CC ``_`` the_AT foolish
ness_NN of_IN men_NNS ''_'' are_BER simply_RB two_CD ways_NNS of_IN talking_VBG
about_IN the_AT same_AP thing_NN ?_. ?_. Can_MD we_PPSS continue_VB to_TO aliena
te_VB precisely_RB those_DTS whose_WP$ gifts_NNS we_PPSS so_QL desperately_RB ne
ed_VB and_CC apart_RB from_IN whose_WP$ co-operation_NN our_PP$ mission_NN in_IN
the_AT world_NN must_MD become_VB increasingly_QL precarious_JJ ?_. ?_. There_E
X is_BEZ an_AT ancient_JJ and_CC venerable_JJ tradition_NN in_IN the_AT church_N
N (_( which_WDT derives_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, from_IN the_AT heritage_NN of_IN
the_AT Greeks_NPS rather_IN than_IN from_IN the_AT Bible_NP )_) that_CS God_NP i
s_BEZ completely_QL independent_JJ of_IN his_PP$ creation_NN and_CC so_RB has_HV
Z no_AT need_NN of_IN men_NNS for_IN accomplishing_VBG his_PP$ work_NN in_IN the
_AT world_NN ._. By_IN analogy_NN ,_, the_AT church_NN also_RB has_HVZ been_BEN
regarded_VBN as_CS entirely_QL independent_JJ of_IN the_AT ``_`` world_NN ''_''
in_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN requiring_VBG nothing_PN from_IN it_PPO in_IN order_
NN to_TO be_BE the_AT church_NN ._. But_CC ,_, as_CS Scripture_NN-TL everywhere_
RB reminds_VBZ us_PPO ,_, God_NP does_DOZ have_HV need_NN of_IN his_PP$ creature
s_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT church_NN ,_, a_FW-IN fortiori_FW-JJR ,_, can_MD ill_RB
afford_VB to_TO do_DO without_IN the_AT talents_NNS with_IN which_WDT the_AT wor
ld_NN ,_, by_IN God's_NP$ providence_NN ,_, presents_VBZ it_PPO ._. And_CC yet_R
B this_DT is_BEZ exactly_RB the_AT risk_NN we_PPSS run_VB when_WRB we_PPSS assum
e_VB ,_, as_CS we_PPSS too_QL often_RB do_DO ,_, that_CS we_PPSS can_MD continue
_VB to_TO preach_VB the_AT gospel_NN in_IN a_AT form_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ it_PP
O seem_VB incredible_JJ and_CC irrelevant_JJ to_IN cultured_VBN men_NNS ._. Unti
l_CS we_PPSS translate_VB this_DT gospel_NN into_IN a_AT language_NN that_WPO en
lightened_VBN men_NNS today_NR can_MD understand_VB ,_, we_PPSS are_BER deprivin
g_VBG ourselves_PPLS of_IN the_AT very_AP resources_NNS on_IN which_WDT the_AT c
ontinued_VBN success_NN of_IN our_PP$ witness_NN most_QL certainly_RB depends_VB
Z ._. In_IN arguing_VBG in_IN this_DT way_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER obviously_RB ta
king_VBG for_IN granted_VBN that_CS a_AT demythologized_VBN restatement_NN of_IN
the_AT kerygma_NN can_MD be_BE achieved_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC that_CS we_PPSS firm
ly_RB believe_VB this_DT will_MD presently_RB become_VB evident_JJ when_WRB we_P
PSS set_VB forth_RB reasons_NNS to_TO justify_VB such_ABL a_AT conviction_NN ._.
But_CC the_AT main_JJS point_NN here_RB is_BEZ that_CS even_RB if_CS such_ABL a
_AT restatement_NN were_BED not_* possible_JJ ,_, the_AT demand_NN to_TO demytho
logize_VB the_AT kerygma_NN would_MD still_RB be_BE unavoidable_JJ ._. This_DT i
s_BEZ what_WDT we_PPSS mean_VB when_WRB we_PPSS say_VB this_DT demand_NN must_MD
be_BE accepted_VBN without_IN condition_NN ._. If_CS to_TO be_BE a_AT Christian
_JJ means_VBZ to_TO say_VB yes_RB where_WRB I_PPSS otherwise_RB say_VB no_RB ,_,
or_CC where_WRB I_PPSS do_DO not_* have_HV the_AT right_NN to_TO say_VB anythin
g_PN at_IN all_ABN ,_, then_RB my_PP$ only_AP choice_NN is_BEZ to_TO refuse_VB t
o_TO be_BE a_AT Christian_NP ._. Expressed_VBN differently_RB :_: if_CS the_AT p
rice_NN for_IN becoming_VBG a_AT faithful_JJ follower_NN of_IN Jesus_NP Christ_N
P is_BEZ some_DTI form_NN of_IN self-destruction_NN ,_, whether_CS of_IN the_AT
body_NN or_CC of_IN the_AT mind_NN --_-- sacrificium_FW-NN corporis_FW-NN$ ,_, s
acrificium_FW-NN intellectus_FW-NN$ --_-- then_RB there_EX is_BEZ no_AT alternat
ive_NN but_CC that_CS the_AT price_NN remain_VB unpaid_JJ ._. This_DT must_MD be
_BE stressed_VBN because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ absolutely_QL essential_JJ to_IN the_A
T argument_NN of_IN this_DT concluding_VBG chapter_NN ._. Modern_JJ man_NN ,_, a
s_CS Dietrich_NP Bonhoeffer_NP has_HVZ told_VBN us_PPO ,_, has_HVZ ``_`` come_VB
N of_IN age_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. and_CC though_CS this_DT process_NN by_IN no_AT mea
ns_NNS represents_VBZ an_AT unambiguous_JJ gain_NN and_CC is_BEZ ,_, in_IN fact_
NN ,_, marked_VBN by_IN the_AT estrangement_NN from_IN the_AT depths_NNS that_WP
S seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT cost_NN of_IN human_JJ maturation_NN ,_, it_PPS i
s_BEZ still_RB a_AT positive_JJ step_NN forward_RB ;_. ;_. and_CC those_DTS of_I
N us_PPO who_WPS so_QL richly_RB benefit_VB from_IN it_PPO should_MD be_BE the_A
T last_AP to_TO despise_VB it_PPO ._. In_IN any_DTI event_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a
n_AT irreversible_JJ step_NN ,_, and_CC if_CS we_PPSS are_BER at_IN all_ABN hone
st_JJ with_IN ourselves_PPLS ,_, we_PPSS will_MD know_VB we_PPSS have_HV no_AT o
ther_AP alternative_NN than_CS to_TO live_VB in_IN the_AT world_NN in_IN which_W
DT God_NP has_HVZ seen_VBN fit_VBN to_TO place_VB us_PPO ._. To_TO say_VB this_D
T ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ to_TO take_VB up_RP a_AT position_NN on_IN one_
CD side_NN of_IN a_AT controversy_NN going_VBG on_RP now_RB for_IN some_DTI two_
CD hundred_CD years_NNS ,_, or_CC ,_, at_IN any_DTI rate_NN ,_, since_CS the_AT
beginning_NN of_IN the_AT distinctively_QL modern_JJ period_NN in_IN theological
_JJ thought_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV aligned_VBN ourselves_PPLS with_IN that_DT ``
_`` liberal_JJ ''_'' tradition_NN in_IN Protestant_JJ-TL Christianity_NP that_WP
S counts_VBZ among_IN the_AT great_JJ names_NNS in_IN its_PP$ history_NN those_D
TS of_IN Schleiermacher_NP ,_, Ritschl_NP ,_, Herrmann_NP ,_, Harnack_NP ,_, and
_CC Troeltsch_NP ,_, and_CC more_AP recently_RB ,_, Schweitzer_NP and_CC the_AT
early_JJ Barth_NP and_CC ,_, in_IN part_NN at_IN least_AP ,_, Bultmann_NP ._. It
_PPS is_BEZ to_IN this_DT same_AP tradition_NN that_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT crea
tive_JJ figures_NNS in_IN the_AT last_AP century_NN and_CC a_AT half_ABN of_IN A
merican_JJ theology_NN also_RB belong_VB ._. For_CS we_PPSS must_MD number_VB he
re_RB not_* only_RB the_AT names_NNS of_IN Bushnell_NP ,_, Clarke_NP ,_, and_CC
Rauschenbusch_NP ,_, not_* to_TO mention_VB those_DTS of_IN ``_`` the_AT Chicago
_NP-TL School_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC Macintosh_NP ,_, but_CC those_DTS of_IN the_AT
brothers_NNS Niebuhr_NP and_CC (_( if_CS America_NP may_MD claim_VB him_PPO !_.
!_. )_) Tillich_NP as_QL well_RB ._. Finally_RB ,_, we_PPSS may_MD also_RB menti
on_VB the_AT several_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT self-consciously_RB ``_`` neoli
beral_JJ ''_'' movement_NN that_WPS developed_VBD at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Chicago_NP-TL and_CC is_BEZ heavily_RB indebted_JJ philosophically_RB t
o_IN the_AT creative_JJ work_NN of_IN Alfred_NP North_NP Whitehead_NP ._. What_W
DT makes_VBZ this_DT long_JJ and_CC diverse_JJ tradition_NN essentially_RB one_C
D is_BEZ that_CS those_DTS who_WPS have_HV belonged_VBN to_IN it_PPO have_HV bee
n_BEN profoundly_RB in_IN earnest_JJ about_IN being_BEG modern_JJ men_NNS in_IN
a_AT distinctively_QL modern_JJ world_NN ._. Although_CS they_PPSS have_HV also_
RB been_BEN concerned_VBN to_TO stand_VB squarely_RB within_IN the_AT tradition_
NN of_IN the_AT apostolic_JJ church_NN ,_, they_PPSS have_HV exhibited_VBN no_AT
willingness_NN whatever_RB to_TO sacrifice_VB their_PP$ modernity_NN to_IN thei
r_PP$ Christianity_NP ._. They_PPSS have_HV insisted_VBN ,_, rather_RB ,_, on_IN
living_VBG fully_RB and_CC completely_RB within_IN modern_JJ culture_NN and_CC
,_, so_QL far_RB from_IN considering_VBG this_DT treason_NN to_IN God_NP ,_, hav
e_HV looked_VBN upon_RB it_PPO as_CS the_AT only_AP way_NN they_PPSS could_MD be
_BE faithful_JJ to_IN him_PPO ._. When_WRB we_PPSS say_VB ,_, then_RB ,_, that_C
S today_NR ,_, in_IN our_PP$ situation_NN ,_, the_AT demand_NN for_IN demytholog
ization_NN must_MD be_BE accepted_VBN without_IN condition_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BE
R simply_RB saying_VBG that_CS at_IN least_AP this_DT much_AP of_IN the_AT liber
al_JJ tradition_NN is_BEZ an_AT enduring_VBG achievement_NN ._. However_WQL much
_RB we_PPSS may_MD have_HV to_TO criticize_VB liberal_JJ theology's_NN$ construc
tive_JJ formulations_NNS ,_, the_AT theology_NN we_PPSS ourselves_PPLS must_MD s
trive_VB to_TO formulate_VB can_MD only_RB go_VB beyond_IN liberalism_NN ,_, not
_* behind_IN it_PPO ._. In_IN affirming_VBG this_DT we_PPSS have_HV already_RB t
aken_VBN the_AT decisive_JJ step_NN in_IN breaking_VBG the_AT deadlock_NN into_I
N which_WDT Bultmann's_NP$ attempt_NN to_TO formulate_VB such_ABL a_AT theology_
NN has_HVZ led_VBN ._. For_CS we_PPSS have_HV said_VBN ,_, in_IN effect_NN ,_, t
hat_CS of_IN the_AT two_CD alternatives_NNS to_IN his_PP$ position_NN variously_
RB represented_VBN by_IN the_AT other_AP participants_NNS in_IN the_AT demytholo
gizing_VBG discussion_NN ,_, only_RB one_CD is_BEZ really_RB an_AT alternative_N
N ._. If_CS the_AT demand_NN for_IN demythologization_NN is_BEZ unavoidable_JJ a
nd_CC so_RB must_MD be_BE accepted_VBN by_IN theology_NN unconditionally_RB ,_,
the_AT position_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` right_NN ''_'' is_BEZ clearly_QL untenable
_JJ ._. Whereas_CS Bultmann's_NP$ ``_`` center_NN ''_'' position_NN is_BEZ struc
turally_RB inconsistent_JJ and_CC is_BEZ therefore_RB indefensible_JJ on_IN form
al_JJ grounds_NNS alone_RB ,_, the_AT general_JJ position_NN of_IN the_AT ``_``
right_NN ''_'' ,_, as_CS represented_VBN ,_, say_UH ,_, by_IN Karl_NP Barth_NP ,
_, involves_VBZ the_AT rejection_NN or_CC at_IN least_AP qualification_NN of_IN
the_AT demand_NN for_IN demythologization_NN and_CC so_RB is_BEZ invalidated_VBN
on_IN the_AT material_NN grounds_NNS we_PPSS have_HV just_RB considered_VBN ._.
It_PPS follows_VBZ ,_, then_RB ,_, provided_VBN the_AT possibilities_NNS have_H
V been_BEN exhausted_VBN ,_, that_CS the_AT only_AP real_JJ alternative_NN is_BE
Z the_AT general_JJ viewpoint_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` left_NN ''_'' ,_, which_WDT
has_HVZ been_BEN represented_VBN on_IN the_AT Continent_NN-TL by_IN Fritz_NP Bur
i_NP and_CC ,_, to_IN some_DTI extent_NN at_IN least_AP ,_, is_BEZ found_VBN in_
IN much_AP that_DT is_BEZ significant_JJ in_IN American_JJ and_CC English_JJ the
ology_NN ._. In_IN order_NN to_TO make_VB the_AT implications_NNS of_IN our_PP$
position_NN as_QL clear_JJ as_CS possible_JJ ,_, we_PPSS may_MD develop_VB this_
DT argument_NN at_IN greater_JJR length_NN ._. We_PPSS may_MD show_VB ,_, first_
RB ,_, that_CS there_EX cannot_MD* possibly_RB be_BE an_AT alternative_NN other_
AP than_CS the_AT three_CD typically_RB represented_VBN by_IN Bultmann_NP ,_, Ba
rth_NP ,_, and_CC Buri_NP ._. To_TO do_DO this_DT ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ sufficient_J
J to_TO point_VB out_RP that_CS if_CS the_AT principle_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN
which_WDT alternatives_NNS are_BER to_TO be_BE conceived_VBN is_BEZ such_JJ as_C
S to_TO exclude_VB more_AP than_IN two_CD ,_, then_RB the_AT question_NN of_IN a
_AT ``_`` third_OD ''_'' possibility_NN is_BEZ a_AT meaningless_JJ question_NN .
_. Thus_RB ,_, if_CS what_WDT is_BEZ at_IN issue_NN is_BEZ whether_CS ``_`` All_
ABN S_NN is_BEZ P_NN ''_'' ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ indifferent_JJ whether_CS ``_`` Som
e_DTI S_NN is_BEZ not_* P_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` No_AT S_NN is_BEZ P_NN ''_'' ,_,
since_CS in_IN either_DTX case_NN the_AT judgment_NN in_IN question_NN is_BEZ fa
lse_JJ ._. Hence_RB ,_, if_CS what_WDT is_BEZ in_IN question_NN is_BEZ whether_C
S in_IN a_AT given_VBN theology_NN myth_NN is_BEZ or_CC is_BEZ not_* completely_
RB rejected_VBN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ unimportant_JJ whether_CS only_RB a_AT little_
JJ bit_NN of_IN myth_NN or_CC a_AT considerable_JJ quantity_NN is_BEZ accepted_V
BN ;_. ;_. for_CS ,_, in_IN either_DTX event_NN ,_, the_AT first_OD possibility_
NN is_BEZ excluded_VBN ._. Therefore_RB ,_, the_AT only_AP conceivable_JJ altern
atives_NNS are_BER those_DTS represented_VBN ,_, on_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_,
by_IN the_AT two_CD at_IN least_AP apparently_RB self-consistent_JJ but_CC mutu
ally_RB exclusive_JJ positions_NNS of_IN Buri_NP and_CC Barth_NP and_CC ,_, on_I
N the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT third_OD but_CC really_RB pseudo_JJ p
osition_NN (_( analogous_JJ to_IN a_AT round_JJ square_NN )_) of_IN Bultmann_NP
._. A_AT second_OD point_NN requires_VBZ more_QL extended_VBN comment_NN ._. It_
PPS will_MD be_BE recalled_VBN from_IN the_AT discussion_NN in_IN Section_NN-TL
7_CD-TL that_CS the_AT position_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` right_NN ''_'' ,_, as_CS r
epresented_VBN by_IN Barth_NP ,_, rests_VBZ on_IN the_AT following_VBG thesis_NN
:_: The_AT only_AP tenable_JJ alternative_NN to_IN Bultmann's_NP$ position_NN i
s_BEZ a_AT theology_NN that_WPS (_( 1_CD )_) rejects_VBZ or_CC at_IN least_AP qu
alifies_VBZ his_PP$ unconditioned_JJ demand_NN for_IN demythologization_NN and_C
C existential_JJ interpretation_NN ;_. ;_. (_( 2_CD )_) accepts_VBZ instead_RB a
_AT special_JJ biblical_JJ hermeneutics_NN or_CC method_NN of_IN interpretation_
NN ;_. ;_. and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) in_IN so_RB doing_VBG ,_, frees_VBZ itself_PPL to
_TO give_VB appropriate_JJ emphasis_NN to_IN the_AT event_NN Jesus_NP Christ_NP
by_IN means_NNS of_IN statements_NNS that_CS ,_, from_IN Bultmann's_NP$ point_NN
of_IN view_NN ,_, are_BER mythological_JJ ._. One_CD hundred_CD years_NNS ago_R
B there_EX existed_VBD in_IN England_NP the_AT Association_NN-TL for_IN-TL the_A
T-TL Promotion_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Unity_NN-TL of_IN-TL Christendom_NP-TL .
_. Representing_VBG as_CS it_PPS did_DOD the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN only_RB unauth
orized_JJ individuals_NNS of_IN the_AT Roman_JJ-TL and_CC Anglican_JJ-TL Churche
s_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC urging_VBG a_AT communion_NN of_IN prayer_NN unacceptable_JJ
to_IN Rome_NP ,_, this_DT association_NN produced_VBD little_AP fruit_NN ,_, an
d_CC ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, was_BEDZ condemned_VBN by_IN the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Office
_NN-TL in_IN 1864_CD ._. Now_RB again_RB in_IN 1961_CD ,_, in_IN England_NP ,_,
there_EX is_BEZ perhaps_RB nothing_PN in_IN the_AT religious_JJ sphere_NN so_QL
popularly_RB discussed_VBN as_CS Christian_JJ unity_NN ._. The_AT Church_NN-TL U
nity_NN-TL Octave_NN-TL ,_, January_NP 18-25_CD ,_, was_BEDZ enthusiastically_RB
devoted_VBN to_IN prayer_NN and_CC discussion_NN by_IN the_AT various_JJ church
es_NNS ._. Many_AP people_NNS seem_VB hopeful_JJ ,_, yet_CC it_PPS is_BEZ diffic
ult_JJ to_TO predict_VB whether_CS or_CC not_* there_EX will_MD be_BE any_DTI mo
re_QL real_JJ attainment_NN of_IN Christian_JJ unity_NN in_IN 1961_CD than_CS th
ere_EX was_BEDZ in_IN 1861_CD ._. But_CC it_PPS must_MD be_BE readily_RB seen_VB
N that_CS the_AT religious_JJ picture_NN in_IN England_NP has_HVZ so_QL greatly_
RB changed_VBN during_IN these_DTS hundred_CD years_NNS as_IN to_IN engender_VB
hope_NN ,_, at_IN least_AP on_IN the_AT Catholic_JJ side_NN ._. For_CS the_AT ``
_`` tide_NN is_BEZ well_RB on_IN the_AT turn_NN ''_'' ,_, as_CS the_AT London_NP
Catholic_JJ weekly_NN Universe_NN-TL has_HVZ written_VBN ._. I_PPSS came_VBD to
_IN England_NP last_AP summer_NN to_TO do_DO research_NN on_IN the_AT unpublishe
d_JJ letters_NNS of_IN Cardinal_NN-TL Newman_NP ._. As_CS an_AT American_JJ Cath
olic_JJ of_IN Irish_JJ ancestry_NN ,_, I_PPSS came_VBD with_IN certain_JJ precon
ceptions_NNS and_CC expectations_NNS ;_. ;_. being_BEG intellectually_RB influen
ced_VBN by_IN Newman_NP and_CC the_AT general_JJ 19th-century_NN literature_NN o
f_IN England_NP ,_, I_PPSS knew_VBD only_RB a_AT Protestant-dominated_JJ country
_NN ._. Since_CS arriving_VBG here_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, I_PPSS have_HV formed_V
BN a_AT far_QL different_JJ religious_JJ picture_NN of_IN present-day_JJ England
_NP ._. In_IN representing_VBG part_NN of_IN this_DT new_JJ picture_NN ,_, I_PPS
S will_MD be_BE recounting_VBG some_DTI of_IN my_PP$ own_JJ personal_JJ experien
ces_NNS ,_, reactions_NNS and_CC judgments_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC my_PP$ primary_JJ
aim_NN is_BEZ to_TO transcribe_VB what_WDT Englishmen_NPS themselves_PPLS are_BE
R saying_VBG and_CC writing_VBG and_CC implying_VBG about_IN the_AT Roman_JJ-TL
and_CC Anglican_JJ-TL Churches_NNS-TL and_CC about_IN the_AT present_JJ religiou
s_JJ state_NN of_IN England_NP ._. Since_CS the_AT Protestant_JJ clergy_NN for_I
N the_AT most_AP part_NN wear_VB gray_JJ or_CC some_DTI variant_NN from_IN the_A
T wholly_QL black_JJ suit_NN ,_, my_PP$ Roman_JJ collar_NN and_CC black_JJ garb_
NN usually_RB identify_VB me_PPO in_IN England_NP as_CS a_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_J
J cleric_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV always_RB been_BEN trea
ted_VBN with_IN the_AT utmost_JJS courtesy_NN by_IN Englishmen_NPS ,_, even_RB i
n_IN Devonshire_NP and_CC Cornwall_NP ,_, where_WRB anti-Catholic_JJ feeling_NN
has_HVZ supposedly_RB existed_VBN the_AT strongest_JJT and_CC longest_JJT ._. No
where_RB have_HV I_PPSS seen_VBN public_JJ expression_NN of_IN anti-Catholicism_
NN ._. On_IN my_PP$ first_OD Guy_NP-TL Fawkes_NP-TL Day_NN-TL here_RB ,_, I_PPSS
found_VBD Catholics_NPS as_QL well_RB as_CS non-Catholics_NPS celebrating_VBG w
ith_IN the_AT traditional_JJ fireworks_NNS and_CC bonfires_NNS ,_, and_CC was_BE
DZ told_VBN that_CS most_AP Englishmen_NPS either_CC do_DO not_* know_VB or_CC a
re_BER not_* concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT historical_JJ significance_NN of_IN th
e_AT day_NN ._. A_AT Birmingham_NP newspaper_NN printed_VBD in_IN a_AT column_NN
for_IN children_NNS an_AT article_NN entitled_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL True_JJ-TL St
ory_NN-TL of_IN-TL Guy_NP-TL Fawkes_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT began_VBD :_: ``_`
` When_WRB you_PPSS pile_VB your_PP$ ``_`` guy_NN ''_'' on_IN the_AT bonfire_NN
tomorrow_NR night_NN ,_, I_PPSS wonder_VB how_WRB much_AP of_IN the_AT true_JJ s
tory_NN of_IN Guy_NP Fawkes_NP you_PPSS will_MD remember_VB ?_. ?_. In_IN the_AT
355_CD years_NNS since_IN the_AT first_OD Guy_NP-TL Fawkes_NP-TL Night_NN-TL ,_
, much_AP of_IN the_AT story_NN has_HVZ been_BEN forgotten_VBN ,_, so_RB here_RB
is_BEZ a_AT reminder_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT article_NN proceeded_VBD to_TO give_VB
an_AT inaccurate_JJ account_NN of_IN a_AT Catholic_JJ plot_NN to_TO kill_VB Kin
g_NN-TL James_NP 1_CD-TL ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT increase_NN in_IN numbe
rs_NNS and_CC prestige_NN brought_VBN about_RB by_IN the_AT conversions_NNS of_I
N Newman_NP and_CC other_AP Tractarians_NPS of_IN the_AT 1840's_NNS and_CC 1850'
s_NNS ,_, the_AT Catholic_JJ segment_NN of_IN England_NP one_CD hundred_CD years
_NNS ago_RB was_BEDZ a_AT very_QL small_JJ one_CD (_( four_CD per_IN cent_NN ,_,
or_CC 800,000_CD )_) which_WDT did_DOD not_* enjoy_VB a_AT gracious_JJ hearing_
NN from_IN the_AT general_JJ public_NN ._. The_AT return_NN of_IN the_AT Catholi
c_JJ hierarchy_NN in_IN 1850_CD was_BEDZ looked_VBN upon_RB with_IN indignant_JJ
disapprobation_NN and_CC ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, was_BEDZ charged_VBN with_IN bei
ng_BEG a_AT gesture_NN of_IN disloyalty_NN ._. In_IN 1864_CD Newman_NP professed
ly_RB had_HVD to_TO write_VB his_PP$ Apologia_NP with_IN his_PP$ keenest_JJT fee
lings_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO be_BE believed_VBN and_CC to_TO command_VB a_AT f
air_JJ hearing_NN from_IN English_JJ readers_NNS ._. Now_RB ,_, in_IN 1961_CD ,_
, the_AT Catholic_JJ population_NN of_IN England_NP is_BEZ still_RB quite_QL sma
ll_JJ (_( ten_CD per_IN cent_NN ,_, or_CC 5_CD million_CD )_) ;_. ;_. yet_CC it_
PPS represents_VBZ a_AT very_QL considerable_JJ percentage_NN of_IN the_AT churc
hgoing_JJ population_NN ._. A_AT Protestant_JJ woman_NN marveled_VBD to_IN me_PP
O over_IN the_AT large_JJ crowds_NNS going_VBG in_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN the_AT
Birmingham_NP-TL Oratory_NN-TL (_( Catholic_JJ )_) Church_NN-TL on_IN Sunday_NR
mornings_NNS ._. She_PPS found_VBD this_DT a_AT marvel_NN because_CS ,_, as_CS s
he_PPS said_VBD ,_, only_RB six_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN English_JJ people_NNS ar
e_BER churchgoers_NNS ._. She_PPS may_MD not_* have_HV been_BEN exact_JJ on_IN t
his_DT number_NN ,_, but_CC others_NNS here_RB feel_VB quite_QL certain_JJ that_
CS the_AT percentage_NN would_MD be_BE less_AP than_IN ten_CD ._. From_IN many_A
P sides_NNS come_VB remarks_NNS that_CS Protestant_JJ churches_NNS are_BER badly
_RB attended_VBN and_CC the_AT large_JJ medieval_JJ cathedrals_NNS look_VB all_A
BN but_IN empty_JJ during_IN services_NNS ._. A_AT Catholic_JJ priest_NN recentl
y_RB recounted_VBD how_WRB in_IN the_AT chapel_NN of_IN a_AT large_JJ city_NN un
iversity_NN ,_, following_VBG Anglican_JJ evensong_NN ,_, at_IN which_WDT there_
EX was_BEDZ a_AT congregation_NN of_IN twelve_CD ,_, he_PPS celebrated_VBD Mass_
NN-TL before_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT hundred_CD ._. The_AT Protestant_JJ themsel
ves_PPLS are_BER the_AT first_OD to_TO admit_VB the_AT great_JJ falling_NN off_R
P in_IN effective_JJ membership_NN in_IN their_PP$ churches_NNS ._. According_IN
to_IN a_AT newspaper_NN report_NN of_IN the_AT 1961_CD statistics_NNS of_IN the
_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL England_NP-TL ,_, the_AT ``_`` total_NN of_IN confirme
d_VBN members_NNS is_BEZ 9,748,000_CD ,_, but_CC only_RB 2,887,671_CD are_BER re
gistered_VBN on_IN the_AT parochial_JJ church_NN rolls_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`
` over_RP 27_CD million_CD people_NNS in_IN England_NP are_BER baptized_VBN into
_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL England_NP-TL ,_, but_CC roughly_RB only_RB a_A
T tenth_OD of_IN them_PPO continue_VB ''_'' ._. An_AT amazing_JJ article_NN in_I
N the_AT Manchester_NP-TL Guardian_NN-TL of_IN last_AP November_NP ,_, entitled_
VBN ``_`` Fate_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Redundant_JJ-TL Churches_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, states_V
BZ than_CS an_AT Archbishops'_NNS$-TL Commission_NN-TL ``_`` reported_VBD last_A
P month_NN that_CS in_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL England_NP-TL alone_RB the
re_EX are_BER 790_CD churches_NNS which_WDT are_BER redundant_JJ now_RB ,_, or_C
C will_MD be_BE in_IN 20_CD years'_NNS$ time_NN ._. A_AT further_JJR 260_CD Angl
ican_JJ churches_NNS have_HV been_BEN demolished_VBN since_IN 1948_CD ''_'' ._.
And_CC in_IN the_AT last_AP five_CD years_NNS ,_, the_AT ``_`` Methodist_JJ chap
el_NN committee_NN has_HVZ authorized_VBN the_AT demolition_NN or_CC ,_, more_QL
often_RB ,_, the_AT sale_NN of_IN 764_CD chapels_NNS ''_'' ._. Most_AP of_IN th
ese_DTS former_AP churches_NNS are_BER now_RB used_VBN as_CS warehouses_NNS ,_,
but_CC ``_`` neither_CC Anglicans_NPS nor_CC Nonconformists_NNS-TL object_VB to_
IN selling_VBG churches_NNS to_IN Roman_JJ Catholics_NPS ''_'' ,_, and_CC have_H
V done_VBN so_RB ._. While_CS it_PPS must_MD be_BE said_VBN that_CS these_DTS sa
me_AP Protestants_NPS have_HV built_VBN some_DTI new_JJ churches_NNS during_IN t
his_DT period_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS religious_JJ population_NN shifts_NNS have_H
V emptied_VBN churches_NNS ,_, a_AT principal_JJS reason_NN for_IN this_DT pheno
menon_NN of_IN redundancy_NN is_BEZ that_CS fewer_AP Protestants_NPS are_BER goi
ng_VBG to_IN church_NN ._. It_PPS should_MD be_BE admitted_VBN ,_, too_RB ,_, th
at_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ percentage_NN of_IN lapsed_VBN or_CC nonchurc
hgoing_JJ Catholics_NPS (_( one_CD paper_NN writes_VBZ 50_CD per_IN cent_NN )_)
._. Still_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ clear_JJ from_IN such_JJ reports_NNS ,_, and_CC a
pparently_RB clear_JJ from_IN the_AT remarks_NNS of_IN many_AP people_NNS ,_, th
at_CS Protestants_NPS are_BER decreasing_VBG and_CC Catholics_NPS increasing_VBG
._. An_AT Anglican_JJ clergyman_NN in_IN Oxford_NP sadly_RB but_CC frankly_RB a
cknowledged_VBD to_IN me_PPO that_CS this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ ._. A_AT century_NN
ago_RB ,_, Newman_NP saw_VBD that_DT liberalism_NN (_( what_WDT we_PPSS now_RB m
ight_MD call_VB secularism_NN )_) would_MD gradually_RB but_CC definitely_RB mak
e_VB its_PP$ mark_NN on_IN English_JJ Protestantism_NP ,_, and_CC that_CS even_R
B high_JJ Anglicanism_NP would_MD someday_RB no_QL longer_RBR be_BE a_AT ``_`` s
erviceable_JJ breakwater_NN against_IN doctrinal_JJ errors_NNS more_QL fundament
al_JJ than_CS its_PP$ own_JJ ''_'' ._. That_DT day_NN is_BEZ perhaps_RB today_NR
,_, 1961_CD ,_, and_CC it_PPS seems_VBZ no_QL longer_RBR very_QL meaningful_JJ
to_TO call_VB England_NP a_AT ``_`` Protestant_JJ country_NN ''_'' ._. One_CD of
_IN the_AT ironies_NNS of_IN the_AT present_JJ crusade_NN for_IN Christian_JJ un
ity_NN is_BEZ that_CS there_EX are_BER not_* ,_, relatively_RB speaking_VBG ,_,
many_AP real_JJ Christians_NPS to_TO unite_VB ._. Many_AP English_JJ Catholics_N
PS are_BER proud_JJ of_IN their_PP$ Catholicism_NN-TL and_CC know_VB that_CS the
y_PPSS are_BER in_IN a_AT new_JJ ascendancy_NN ._. The_AT London_NP-TL Universe_
NN-TL devoted_VBD its_PP$ centenary_NN issue_NN last_AP December_NP 8_CD to_IN m
apping_VBG out_RP various_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN Catholic_JJ progress_NN during_IN
the_AT last_AP one_CD hundred_CD years_NNS ._. With_IN traditional_JJ nationali
stic_JJ spirit_NN ,_, some_DTI Englishmen_NPS claim_VB that_CS English_NP Cathol
icism_NN-TL is_BEZ Catholicism_NN-TL at_IN its_PP$ best_JJT ._. I_PPSS have_HV f
ound_VBN myself_PPL saying_VBG with_IN other_AP foreigners_NNS here_RB that_CS E
nglish_NP Catholics_NPS are_BER good_JJ Catholics_NPS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ been_BE
N my_PP$ experience_NN to_TO find_VB as_QL many_AP men_NNS as_CS women_NNS in_IN
church_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO hear_VB almost_RB everyone_PN in_IN church_NN congre
gations_NNS reciting_VBG the_AT Latin_JJ prayers_NNS and_CC responses_NNS at_IN
Mass_NN-TL ._. They_PPSS hope_VB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, to_TO reclaim_VB the_AT
non-Catholic_JJ population_NN to_IN the_AT Catholic_JJ faith_NN ,_, and_CC at_I
N every_AT Sunday_NR Benediction_NN-TL they_PPSS recite_VB by_IN heart_NN the_AT
``_`` Prayer_NN-TL for_IN England_NP-TL ''_'' :_: ``_`` O_UH Blessed_VBN-TL Vir
gin_NN-TL Mary_NP ,_, Mother_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL and_CC our_PP$ most_QL gen
tle_JJ queen_NN and_CC mother_NN ,_, look_VB down_RP in_IN mercy_NN upon_IN Engl
and_NP ,_, thy_PP$ ``_`` dowry_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC upon_IN us_PPO all_ABN who_WP
S greatly_RB hope_VB and_CC trust_VB in_IN thee_PPO ._. Intercede_VB for_IN our_
PP$ separated_VBN brethren_NNS ,_, that_CS with_IN us_PPO in_IN the_AT one_CD tr
ue_JJ fold_NN they_PPSS may_MD be_BE united_VBN to_IN the_AT chief_JJS Shepherd_
NN-TL ,_, the_AT vicar_NN of_IN thy_PP$ Son_NN-TL ._. ''_'' A_AT hymn_NN often_R
B to_TO be_BE heard_VBN in_IN Catholic_JJ churches_NNS is_BEZ ``_`` Faith_NN-TL
Of_IN-TL Our_PP$-TL Fathers_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT glories_VBZ in_IN England
's_NP$ ancient_JJ faith_NN that_WPS endured_VBD persecution_NN ,_, and_CC which_
WDT proclaims_VBZ :_: ``_`` Faith_NN of_IN our_PP$ Fathers_NNS-TL :_: Mary's_NP$
prayers_NNS Shall_MD win_VB our_PP$ country_NN back_RB to_IN thee_PPO ''_'' ._.
The_AT English_JJ saints_NNS are_BER widely_RB venerated_VBN ,_, quite_QL natur
ally_RB ,_, and_CC now_RB there_EX is_BEZ great_JJ hope_NN that_CS the_AT Forty_
CD-TL Martyrs_NNS-TL and_CC Cardinal_NN-TL Newman_NP will_MD soon_RB be_BE canon
ized_VBN ._. Because_CS they_PPSS have_HV kept_VBN the_AT faith_NN of_IN their_P
P$ medieval_JJ fathers_NNS ,_, English_JJ Catholics_NPS have_HV always_RB strong
ly_RB resented_VBN the_AT charge_NN of_IN being_BEG ``_`` un-English_JJ ''_'' ._
. I_PPSS have_HV not_* seen_VBN this_DT charge_NN made_VBN during_IN my_PP$ stay
_NN here_RB ,_, but_CC apparently_RB it_PPS is_BEZ still_RB in_IN the_AT air_NN
._. For_IN example_NN ,_, a_AT writer_NN in_IN a_AT recent_JJ number_NN of_IN Th
e_AT Queen_NN-TL hyperbolically_RB states_VBZ that_CS ``_`` of_IN the_AT myriad_
JJ imprecations_NNS the_AT only_AP one_CD which_WDT the_AT English_JJ Catholics_
NPS really_RB resent_VB is_BEZ the_AT suggestion_NN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER '_
' un-English_JJ '_' ''_'' ._. In_IN this_DT connection_NN ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ bee
n_BEN observed_VBN that_CS the_AT increasing_VBG number_NN of_IN Irish_JJ Cathol
ics_NPS ,_, priests_NNS and_CC laity_NN ,_, in_IN England_NP ,_, while_CS certai
nly_RB seen_VBN as_CS good_JJ for_IN Catholicism_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ nevertheless_R
B a_AT source_NN of_IN embarrassment_NN for_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT more_QL nat
ionalistic_JJ English_JJ Catholics_NPS ,_, especially_RB when_WRB these_DTS Iris
hmen_NPS offer_VB to_TO remind_VB their_PP$ Christian_JJ brethren_NNS of_IN this
_DT good_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT more_QL noteworthy_JJ changes_NNS that_WPS h
ave_HV taken_VBN place_NN since_IN the_AT mid-19th_OD century_NN is_BEZ the_AT s
ituation_NN of_IN Catholics_NPS at_IN Oxford_NP and_CC Cambridge_NP-TL Universit
ies_NNS-TL ._. At_IN Oxford_NP one_CD hundred_CD years_NNS ago_RB there_EX were_
BED very_QL few_AP Catholics_NPS ,_, partly_RB because_CS religious_JJ tests_NNS
were_BED removed_VBN only_RB in_IN 1854_CD ._. Moreover_RB ,_, for_IN those_DTS
few_AP there_EX was_BEDZ almost_RB no_AT ecclesiastical_JJ representation_NN in
_IN the_AT city_NN to_TO care_VB for_IN their_PP$ religious_JJ needs_NNS ._. Now
_RB ,_, not_* only_RB are_BER there_EX considerably_QL more_AP laity_NN as_CS st
udents_NNS and_CC professors_NNS at_IN Oxford_NP ,_, but_CC there_EX are_BER als
o_RB numerous_JJ houses_NNS of_IN religious_JJ orders_NNS existing_VBG in_IN res
pectable_JJ and_CC friendly_JJ relations_NNS with_IN the_AT non-Catholic_NP memb
ers_NNS of_IN the_AT University_NN-TL ._. Some_DTI Catholic_JJ priests_NNS lectu
re_VB there_RB ;_. ;_. Catholic_JJ seminarians_NNS attend_VB tutorials_NNS and_C
C row_VB on_IN the_AT Cherwell_NP with_IN non-Catholic_NP students_NNS ._. Furth
er_JJR evidence_NN that_CS Roman_JJ-TL Catholicism_NN-TL enjoys_VBZ a_AT more_QL
favorable_JJ position_NN today_NR than_CS in_IN 1861_CD is_BEZ the_AT respectfu
l_JJ attention_NN given_VBN to_IN it_PPO in_IN the_AT mass_NN media_NNS of_IN En
gland_NP ._. The_AT general_JJ tone_NN of_IN articles_NNS appearing_VBG in_IN su
ch_JJ important_JJ newspapers_NNS as_CS the_AT Manchester_NP-TL Guardian_NN-TL a
nd_CC the_AT Sunday_NR-TL Observer_NN-TL implies_VBZ a_AT kindly_JJ recognition_
NN that_CS the_AT Catholic_JJ Church_NN-TL is_BEZ now_RB at_IN least_AP of_IN eq
ual_JJ stature_NN in_IN England_NP with_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ churches_NNS ._.
On_IN successive_JJ Sundays_NRS during_IN October_NP ,_, 1960_CD ,_, Paul_NP Fe
rris_NP (_( a_AT non-Catholic_NP )_) wrote_VBD articles_NNS in_IN the_AT Observe
r_NN-TL depicting_VBG clergymen_NNS of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL England_N
P-TL ,_, the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rome_NP-TL and_CC the_AT Nonconformist_NN-
TL Church_NN-TL ._. The_AT Catholic_JJ priest_NN ,_, though_CS somewhat_QL super
ficially_RB drawn_VBN ,_, easily_RB came_VBD out_RP the_AT best_JJT ._. There_EX
were_BED many_AP letters_NNS of_IN strong_JJ protest_NN against_IN the_AT portr
ait_NN of_IN the_AT Anglican_JJ clergyman_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ indeed_RB port
rayed_VBN as_CS a_AT man_NN not_* particularly_RB concerned_VBN with_IN religiou
s_JJ matters_NNS and_CC without_IN really_RB very_QL much_AP to_TO do_DO as_CS c
lergyman_NN ._. Such_ABL a_AT series_NN of_IN articles_NNS was_BEDZ certainly_RB
never_RB printed_VBN in_IN the_AT public_JJ press_NN of_IN mid-Victorian_JJ Eng
land_NP ._. There_EX was_BEDZ so_QL much_AP interest_NN shown_VBN in_IN this_DT
present-day_JJ venture_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ continued_VBN on_IN B.B.C._NP
,_, where_WRB comments_NNS were_BED equally_RB made_VBN by_IN an_AT Anglican_JJ
parson_NN ,_, a_AT Free_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL minister_NN and_CC a_AT Catholic_JJ p
riest_NN ._. Catholic_JJ priests_NNS have_HV frequently_RB appeared_VBN on_IN te
levision_NN programs_NNS ,_, sometimes_RB discussing_VBG the_AT Christian_JJ fai
th_NN on_IN an_AT equal_JJ footing_NN with_IN Protestant_JJ clergymen_NNS ._. A_
AT notable_JJ example_NN of_IN this_DT was_BEDZ the_AT discussion_NN of_IN Chris
tian_JJ unity_NN by_IN the_AT Catholic_JJ Archbishop_NN-TL of_IN-TL Liverpool_NP
-TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL Heenan_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Anglican_JJ Archbishop_NN-TL of_IN
-TL York_NP-TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL Ramsey_NP ,_, recently_RB appointed_VBN Archbishop_
NN-TL of_IN-TL Canterbury_NP-TL ._. The_AT good_JJ feeling_NN which_WDT exists_V
BZ between_IN these_DTS two_CD important_JJ church_NN figures_NNS is_BEZ now_RB
well_RB known_VBN in_IN England_NP ._. The_AT Holy_JJ-TL Sacrifice_NN-TL of_IN t
he_AT Mass_NN-TL with_IN commentary_NN has_HVZ been_BEN televised_VBN several_AP
times_NNS in_IN recent_JJ months_NNS ._. And_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ interesting_JJ
to_TO observe_VB that_CS B.B.C.'s_NP$ television_NN film_NN on_IN Christmas_NP E
ve_NN-TL was_BEDZ The_AT-TL Bells_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL St._NN-TL Mary's_NP$-TL ._. Of
_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT crowning_VBG event_NN that_WPS has_HVZ dramatically_RB
upset_VBN the_AT traditional_JJ pattern_NN of_IN English_JJ religious_JJ history
_NN was_BEDZ the_AT friendly_JJ visit_NN paid_VBN by_IN Dr._NN-TL Fisher_NP ,_,
then_RB Anglican_JJ Archbishop_NN-TL of_IN-TL Canterbury_NP-TL ,_, to_IN the_AT
Vatican_NP last_AP December_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD time_NN an_AT
English_JJ Primate_NP has_HVZ done_VBN this_DT since_IN the_AT 14th_OD century_
NN ._. English_JJ Catholics_NPS reacted_VBD to_IN this_DT event_NN with_IN moder
ate_JJ but_CC real_JJ hope_NN ._. Almost_QL daily_RB something_PN is_BEZ reporte
d_VBN which_WDT feeds_VBZ this_DT Catholic_JJ hope_NN in_IN England_NP :_: stati
stics_NNS of_IN the_AT increasing_VBG numbers_NNS of_IN converts_NNS and_CC Iris
h_JJ Catholic_JJ immigrants_NNS ;_. ;_. news_NN of_IN a_AT Protestant_JJ ministe
r_NN in_IN Leamington_NP who_WPS has_HVZ offered_VBN to_TO allow_VB a_AT Catholi
c_JJ priest_NN to_TO preach_VB from_IN his_PP$ pulpit_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT report_NN
that_CS a_AT Catholic_JJ nun_NN had_HVD been_BEN requested_VBN to_TO teach_VB in
_IN a_AT non-Catholic_NP secondary_JJ school_NN during_IN the_AT sickness_NN of_
IN one_CD of_IN its_PP$ masters_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT startling_JJ statement_NN in_
IN a_AT respectable_JJ periodical_NN that_CS ``_`` Catholics_NPS ,_, if_CS the_A
T present_JJ system_NN is_BEZ still_RB in_IN operation_NN ,_, will_MD constitute
_VB almost_RB one-third_NN of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Lords_NNS-TL in_IN
the_AT next_AP generation_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. a_AT report_NN that_CS 200_CD Protest
ant_JJ clergymen_NNS and_CC laity_NN attended_VBD a_AT votive_JJ Mass_NN-TL offe
red_VBD for_IN Christian_JJ unity_NN at_IN a_AT Catholic_JJ church_NN in_IN Slou
gh_NP during_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL Unity_NN-TL Octave_NN-TL ._. The_AT death_NN
of_IN a_AT man_NN is_BEZ unique_JJ ,_, and_CC yet_RB it_PPS is_BEZ universal_JJ
._. The_AT straight_JJ line_NN would_MD symbolize_VB its_PP$ uniqueness_NN ,_,
the_AT circle_NN its_PP$ universality_NN ._. But_CC how_WRB can_MD one_CD figure
_VB symbolize_VB both_ABX ?_. ?_. Christianity_NP declares_VBZ that_CS in_IN the
_AT life_NN and_CC death_NN of_IN Jesus_NP Christ_NP the_AT unique_JJ and_CC the
_AT universal_JJ concur_VB ._. Perhaps_RB no_AT church_NN father_NN saw_VBD this
_DT concurrence_NN of_IN the_AT unique_JJ and_CC the_AT universal_JJ as_QL clear
ly_RB ,_, or_CC formulated_VBD it_PPO as_QL precisely_RB ,_, as_CS Irenaeus_NP .
_. To_TO be_BE the_AT Savior_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Lord_NN-TL ,_, Jesus_NP Christ_
NP has_HVZ to_TO be_BE a_AT historical_JJ individual_NN with_IN a_AT biography_N
N all_QL his_PP$ own_JJ ;_. ;_. he_PPS dare_MD not_* be_BE a_AT cosmic_JJ aeon_N
N that_WPS swoops_VBZ to_IN earth_NN for_IN a_AT while_NN but_CC never_RB identi
fies_VBZ itself_PPL with_IN man's_NN$ history_NN ._. Yet_CC this_DT utterly_QL i
ndividual_JJ historical_JJ person_NN must_MD also_RB contain_VB within_IN himsel
f_PPL the_AT common_JJ history_NN of_IN mankind_NN ._. His_PP$ history_NN is_BEZ
his_PP$$ alone_RB ,_, yet_CC each_DT man_NN must_MD recognize_VB his_PP$ own_JJ
history_NN in_IN it_PPO ._. His_PP$ death_NN is_BEZ his_PP$$ alone_RB ,_, yet_R
B each_DT man_NN can_MD see_VB his_PP$ own_JJ death_NN in_IN the_AT crucifixion_
NN of_IN Jesus_NP ._. Each_DT man_NN can_MD identify_VB himself_PPL with_IN the_
AT history_NN and_CC the_AT death_NN of_IN Jesus_NP Christ_NP because_CS Jesus_N
P Christ_NP has_HVZ identified_VBN himself_PPL with_IN human_JJ history_NN and_C
C human_JJ death_NN ,_, coming_VBG as_CS the_AT head_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ humani
ty_NN ._. Not_* a_AT circle_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, nor_CC a_AT straight_JJ line_NN ,
_, but_CC a_AT spiral_NN represents_VBZ the_AT shape_NN of_IN death_NN as_CS Ire
naeus_NP sees_VBZ it_PPO ;_. ;_. for_CS a_AT spiral_NN has_HVZ motion_NN as_QL w
ell_RB as_CS recurrence_NN ._. As_CS represented_VBN by_IN a_AT spiral_NN ,_, hi
story_NN may_MD ,_, in_IN some_DTI sense_NN ,_, be_BE said_VBN to_TO repeat_VB i
tself_PPL ;_. ;_. yet_CC each_DT historical_JJ event_NN remains_VBZ unique_JJ ._
. Christ_NP is_BEZ both_ABX unique_JJ and_CC universal_JJ ._. The_AT first_OD tu
rn_NN of_IN the_AT spiral_NN is_BEZ the_AT primeval_JJ history_NN of_IN humanity
_NN in_IN Adam_NP ._. As_CS Origen_NP interprets_VBZ the_AT end_NN of_IN history
_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN its_PP$ beginning_NN ,_, so_RB Irenaeus_NP portr
ays_VBZ the_AT story_NN of_IN Adam_NP on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN the_AT story_N
N of_IN Christ_NP ._. ``_`` Whence_WRB ,_, then_RB ,_, comes_VBZ the_AT substanc
e_NN of_IN the_AT first_OD man_NN ?_. ?_. From_IN God's_NP$ Will_NN-TL and_CC Wi
sdom_NN-TL ,_, and_CC from_IN virgin_NN earth_NN ._. For_CS '_' God_NP had_HVD n
ot_* rained_VBN '_' ,_, says_VBZ the_AT Scripture_NN-TL ,_, before_CS man_NN was
_BEDZ made_VBN ,_, and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT man_NN to_TO till_VB the_AT ea
rth_NN ._. From_IN this_DT earth_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, while_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ sti
ll_RB virgin_JJ God_NP took_VBD dust_NN and_CC fashioned_VBD the_AT man_NN ,_, t
he_AT beginning_NN of_IN humanity_NN ''_'' ._. Irenaeus_NP does_DOZ not_* regard
_VB Adam_NP and_CC Eve_NP merely_RB as_CS private_JJ individuals_NNS ,_, but_CC
as_CS universal_JJ human_JJ beings_NNS ,_, who_WPS were_BED and_CC are_BER all_A
BN of_IN humanity_NN ._. Adam_NP and_CC Eve_NP were_BED perfect_JJ ,_, not_* in_
IN the_AT sense_NN that_CS they_PPSS possessed_VBD perfection_NN ,_, but_CC in_I
N the_AT sense_NN that_CS they_PPSS were_BED capable_JJ of_IN development_NN tow
ard_IN perfection_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, children_NNS .
_. Irenaeus_NP does_DOZ not_* claim_VB pre-existence_NN for_IN the_AT human_JJ s
oul_NN ;_. ;_. therefore_RB there_EX is_BEZ no_AT need_NN for_IN him_PPO ,_, as_
CS there_EX is_BEZ for_IN Origen_NP ,_, to_TO identify_VB existence_NN itself_PP
L with_IN the_AT fall_NN ._. Existence_NN is_BEZ created_VBN and_CC willed_VBN b
y_IN God_NP and_CC is_BEZ not_* the_AT consequence_NN of_IN a_AT pre-existent_JJ
rebellion_NN or_CC of_IN a_AT cosmic_JJ descent_NN from_IN eternity_NN into_IN
history_NN ._. Historical_JJ existence_NN is_BEZ a_AT created_VBN good_NN ._. Th
e_AT biblical_JJ symbol_NN for_IN this_DT affirmation_NN is_BEZ expressed_VBN in
_IN the_AT words_NNS :_: ``_`` So_RB God_NP created_VBD man_NN in_IN his_PP$ own
_JJ image_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT similitude_NN of_IN God_NP he_PPS created_VBD
him_PPO ''_'' ._. There_EX are_BER some_DTI passages_NNS in_IN the_AT writings_N
NS of_IN Irenaeus_NP where_WRB the_AT image_NN of_IN God_NP and_CC the_AT simili
tude_NN are_BER sharply_QL distinguished_VBN ,_, so_RB most_QL notably_RB in_IN
the_AT statement_NN :_: ``_`` If_CS the_AT (_( Holy_JJ-TL )_) Spirit_NN-TL is_BE
Z absent_JJ from_IN the_AT soul_NN ,_, such_ABL a_AT man_NN is_BEZ indeed_RB of_
IN an_AT animal_NN nature_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC ,_, being_BEG left_VBN carnal_JJ ,_,
he_PPS will_MD be_BE an_AT imperfect_JJ being_NN ,_, possessing_VBG the_AT imag
e_NN (_( of_IN God_NP )_) in_IN his_PP$ formation_NN ,_, but_CC not_* receiving_
VBG the_AT similitude_NN (_( of_IN God_NP )_) through_IN the_AT Spirit_NN-TL ''_
'' ._. Thus_RB the_AT image_NN of_IN God_NP is_BEZ that_DT which_WDT makes_VBZ a
_AT man_NN a_AT man_NN and_CC not_* an_AT oyster_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT similitude_NN
of_IN God_NP ,_, by_IN contrast_NN ,_, is_BEZ that_DT which_WDT makes_VBZ a_AT
man_NN a_AT child_NN of_IN God_NP and_CC not_* merely_RB a_AT rational_JJ creatu
re_NN ._. Recent_JJ research_NN on_IN Irenaeus_NP ,_, however_RB ,_, makes_VBZ i
t_PPO evident_JJ that_CS he_PPS does_DOZ not_* consistently_RB maintain_VB this_
DT distinction_NN ._. He_PPS does_DOZ not_* mean_VB to_TO say_VB that_CS Adam_NP
lost_VBD the_AT similitude_NN of_IN God_NP and_CC his_PP$ immortality_NN throug
h_IN the_AT fall_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ created_VBN not_* exactly_QL
immortal_JJ ,_, nor_CC yet_RB exactly_RB mortal_JJ ,_, but_CC capable_JJ of_IN i
mmortality_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS of_IN mortality_NN ._. Therefore_RB Irenaeus_N
P describes_VBZ man's_NN$ creation_NN as_QL follows_VBZ :_: ``_`` So_CS that_CS
the_AT man_NN should_MD not_* have_HV thoughts_NNS of_IN grandeur_NN ,_, and_CC
become_VB lifted_VBN up_RP ,_, as_CS if_CS he_PPS had_HVD no_AT lord_NN ,_, beca
use_RB of_IN the_AT dominion_NN that_WPS had_HVD been_BEN given_VBN to_IN him_PP
O ,_, and_CC the_AT freedom_NN ,_, fall_VB into_IN sin_NN against_IN God_NP his_
PP$ Creator_NN-TL ,_, overstepping_VBG his_PP$ bounds_NNS ,_, and_CC take_VB up_
RP an_AT attitude_NN of_IN self-conceited_JJ arrogance_NN towards_IN God_NP ,_,
a_AT law_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN him_PPO by_IN God_NP ,_, that_CS he_PPS might_MD
know_VB that_CS he_PPS had_HVD for_IN lord_NN the_AT lord_NN of_IN all_ABN ._. A
nd_CC He_PPS laid_VBD down_RP for_IN him_PPO certain_JJ conditions_NNS :_: so_CS
that_CS ,_, if_CS he_PPS kept_VBD the_AT command_NN of_IN God_NP ,_, then_RB he
_PPS would_MD always_RB remain_VB as_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, i
mmortal_JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC if_CS he_PPS did_DOD not_* ,_, he_PPS would_MD become_
VB mortal_JJ ,_, melting_VBG into_IN earth_NN ,_, whence_WRB his_PP$ frame_NN ha
d_HVD been_BEN taken_VBN ''_'' ._. These_DTS conditions_NNS man_NN did_DOD not_*
keep_VB ,_, and_CC thus_RB he_PPS became_VBD mortal_JJ ;_. ;_. yet_RB he_PPS di
d_DOD not_* stop_VB being_BEG human_JJ as_CS a_AT result_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ
no_AT justification_NN for_IN systematizing_VBG the_AT random_JJ statements_NNS
of_IN Irenaeus_NP about_IN the_AT image_NN of_IN God_NP beyond_IN this_DT ,_, no
r_CC for_IN reading_VBG into_IN his_PP$ imprecise_JJ usage_NN the_AT later_JJR t
heological_JJ distinction_NN between_IN the_AT image_NN of_IN God_NP (_( humanit
y_NN )_) and_CC the_AT similitude_NN of_IN God_NP (_( immortality_NN )_) ._. Man
_NN was_BEDZ created_VBN with_IN the_AT capacity_NN for_IN immortality_NN ,_, bu
t_CC the_AT devil's_NN$ promise_NN of_IN immortality_NN in_IN exchange_NN for_IN
disobedience_NN cost_VBD Adam_NP his_PP$ immortality_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ ,_,
in_IN the_AT words_NNS of_IN Irenaeus_NP ,_, ``_`` beguiled_VBN by_IN another_D
T under_IN the_AT pretext_NN of_IN immortality_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT true_JJ way_N
N to_IN immortality_NN lay_VBD through_IN obedience_NN ,_, but_CC man_NN did_DOD
not_* believe_VB this_DT ._. ``_`` Eve_NP was_BEDZ disobedient_JJ ;_. ;_. for_C
S she_PPS did_DOD not_* obey_VB when_WRB as_QL yet_RB she_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT virg
in_NN ._. And_CC even_RB as_CS she_PPS ,_, having_HVG indeed_RB a_AT husband_NN
,_, Adam_NP ,_, but_CC being_BEG nevertheless_RB as_QL yet_RB a_AT virgin_NN ,_,
having_HVG become_VBN disobedient_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ made_VBN the_AT cause_NN of_I
N death_NN ,_, both_ABX to_IN herself_PPL and_CC to_IN the_AT entire_JJ human_JJ
race_NN ;_. ;_. so_RB also_RB did_DOD Mary_NP ,_, having_HVG a_AT man_NN betrot
hed_VBN (_( to_IN her_PPO )_) ,_, and_CC being_BEG nevertheless_RB a_AT virgin_N
N ,_, by_IN yielding_VBG obedience_NN ,_, become_VB the_AT cause_NN of_IN salvat
ion_NN ,_, both_ABX to_IN herself_PPL and_CC the_AT whole_JJ human_JJ race_NN ''
_'' ._. Because_CS he_PPS interprets_VBZ the_AT primitive_JJ state_NN of_IN man_
NN as_CS one_CD of_IN mere_JJ potentiality_NN or_CC capacity_NN and_CC believes_
VBZ that_CS Adam_NP and_CC Eve_NP were_BED created_VBN as_CS children_NNS ,_, Ir
enaeus_NP often_RB seems_VBZ inclined_VBN to_TO extenuate_VB their_PP$ disobedie
nce_NN as_CS being_BEG ``_`` due_JJ ,_, no_AT doubt_NN ,_, to_IN carelessness_NN
,_, but_CC still_RB wicked_JJ ''_'' ._. His_PP$ interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT
beginning_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN the_AT end_NN prompts_VBZ him_PPO to_TO
draw_VB these_DTS parallels_NNS between_IN the_AT Virgin_NN-TL Eve_NP and_CC th
e_AT Virgin_NN-TL Mary_NP ._. That_DT parallelism_NN affects_VBZ his_PP$ picture
_NN of_IN man's_NN$ disobedience_NN too_RB ;_. ;_. for_CS as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ
Christ_NP ,_, the_AT Word_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, who_WPS came_VBD to_TO re
scue_VB man_NN ,_, so_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ disobedience_NN to_IN the_AT word_NN of
_IN God_NP in_IN the_AT beginning_NN that_WPS brought_VBD death_NN into_IN the_A
T world_NN ,_, and_CC all_ABN our_PP$ woe_NN ._. With_IN this_DT act_NN of_IN di
sobedience_NN ,_, and_CC not_* with_IN the_AT inception_NN of_IN his_PP$ individ
ual_JJ existence_NN ,_, man_NN began_VBD the_AT downward_JJ circuit_NN on_IN the
_AT spiral_NN of_IN history_NN ,_, descending_VBG from_IN the_AT created_VBN cap
acity_NN for_IN immortality_NN to_IN an_AT inescapable_JJ mortality_NN ._. At_IN
the_AT nadir_NN of_IN that_DT circuit_NN is_BEZ death_NN ._. ``_`` Along_RB wit
h_IN the_AT fruit_NN they_PPSS did_DOD also_RB fall_VB under_IN the_AT power_NN
of_IN death_NN ,_, because_CS they_PPSS did_DOD eat_VB in_IN disobedience_NN ;_.
;_. and_CC disobedience_NN to_IN God_NP entails_VBZ death_NN ._. Wherefore_RB ,
_, as_CS they_PPSS became_VBD forfeit_VBN to_IN death_NN ,_, from_IN that_DT (_(
moment_NN )_) they_PPSS were_BED handed_VBN over_RP to_IN it_PPO ''_'' ._. This
_DT leads_VBZ Irenaeus_NP to_IN the_AT somewhat_QL startling_JJ notion_NN that_C
S Adam_NP and_CC Eve_NP died_VBD on_IN the_AT same_AP day_NN that_CS they_PPSS d
isobeyed_VBD ,_, namely_RB ,_, on_IN a_AT Friday_NR ,_, as_CS a_AT parallel_NN t
o_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN Christ_NP on_IN Good_JJ-TL Friday_NR-TL ;_. ;_. he_PP
S sees_VBZ a_AT parallel_NN also_RB to_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ day_NN of_IN preparat
ion_NN for_IN the_AT Sabbath_NP ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN ,_, though_CS they_PPS
S had_HVD been_BEN promised_VBN immortality_NN if_CS they_PPSS ate_VBD of_IN the
_AT tree_NN ,_, they_PPSS obtained_VBD mortality_NN instead_RB ._. The_AT wages_
NNS of_IN sin_NN is_BEZ death_NN ._. Man's_NN$ life_NN ,_, originally_RB shaped_
VBN for_IN immortality_NN and_CC for_IN communion_NN with_IN God_NP ,_, must_MD
now_RB be_BE conformed_VBN to_IN the_AT shape_NN of_IN death_NN ._. Nevertheless
_RB ,_, even_RB at_IN the_AT nadir_NN of_IN the_AT circuit_NN the_AT spiral_NN o
f_IN history_NN belongs_VBZ to_IN God_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS still_RB rules_VBZ ._
. Even_RB death_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, has_HVZ a_AT providential_JJ as_QL well_
RB as_CS a_AT punitive_JJ function_NN ._. ``_`` Wherefore_RB also_RB He_PPS (_(
God_NP )_) drove_VBD him_PPO (_( man_NN )_) out_IN of_IN Paradise_NN-TL ,_, and_
CC removed_VBD him_PPO far_RB from_IN the_AT tree_NN of_IN life_NN ,_, not_* bec
ause_CS He_PPS envied_VBD him_PPO the_AT tree_NN of_IN life_NN ,_, as_CS some_DT
I venture_VB to_TO assert_VB ,_, but_CC because_CS He_PPS pitied_VBD him_PPO ,_,
(_( and_CC did_DOD not_* desire_VB )_) that_CS he_PPS should_MD continue_VB a_A
T sinner_NN for_IN ever_RB ,_, nor_CC that_CS the_AT sin_NN which_WDT surrounded
_VBD him_PPO should_MD be_BE immortal_JJ ,_, and_CC evil_NN interminable_JJ and_
CC irremediable_JJ ._. But_CC He_PPS set_VBD a_AT bound_NN to_IN his_PP$ (_( sta
te_NN of_IN )_) sin_NN ,_, by_IN interposing_VBG death_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB cau
sing_VBG sin_NN to_TO cease_VB ,_, putting_VBG an_AT end_NN to_IN it_PPO by_IN t
he_AT dissolution_NN of_IN the_AT flesh_NN ,_, which_WDT should_MD take_VB place
_NN in_IN the_AT earth_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS man_NN ,_, ceasing_VBG at_IN length_
NN to_TO live_VB in_IN sin_NN ,_, and_CC dying_VBG to_IN it_PPO ,_, might_MD liv
e_VB to_IN God_NP ''_'' ._. This_DT idea_NN ,_, which_WDT occurs_VBZ in_IN both_
ABX Tatian_NP and_CC Cyprian_NP ,_, fits_VBZ especially_QL well_RB into_IN the_A
T scheme_NN of_IN Irenaeus'_NP$ theology_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS it_PPS prepares_VBZ t
he_AT way_NN for_IN the_AT passage_NN from_IN life_NN through_IN death_NN to_IN
life_NN that_WPS is_BEZ achieved_VBN in_IN Christ_NP ._. As_CS man_NN can_MD liv
e_VB only_RB by_IN dying_VBG ,_, so_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB by_IN his_PP$ dyi
ng_VBG that_CS Christ_NP could_MD bring_VB many_AP to_IN life_NN ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ probably_RB fair_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT idea_NN of_IN death_NN is_BEZ
more_QL profound_JJ in_IN Irenaeus_NP than_CS the_AT idea_NN of_IN sin_NN is_BE
Z ._. This_DT applies_VBZ to_IN his_PP$ picture_NN of_IN Adam_NP ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ borne_VBN out_RP also_RB by_IN the_AT absence_NN of_IN any_DTI developed_VBN
theory_NN about_IN how_WRB sin_NN passes_VBZ from_IN one_CD generation_NN to_IN
the_AT next_AP ._. It_PPS becomes_VBZ most_QL evident_JJ in_IN his_PP$ descripti
on_NN of_IN Christ_NP as_CS the_AT second_OD Adam_NP ,_, who_WPS does_DOZ indeed
_RB come_VB to_TO destroy_VB sin_NN ,_, but_CC whose_WP$ work_NN culminates_VBZ
in_IN the_AT achievement_NN of_IN immortality_NN ._. This_DT emphasis_NN upon_IN
death_NN rather_IN than_IN sin_NN as_CS man's_NN$ fundamental_JJ problem_NN Ire
naeus_NP shares_VBZ with_IN many_AP early_JJ theologians_NNS ,_, especially_RB t
he_AT Greek-speaking_JJ ones_NNS ._. They_PPSS speak_VB of_IN the_AT work_NN of_
IN Christ_NP as_CS the_AT bestowal_NN of_IN incorruptibility_NN ,_, which_WDT ca
n_MD mean_VB (_( though_CS it_PPS does_DOZ not_* have_HV to_TO mean_VB )_) deliv
erance_NN from_IN time_NN and_CC history_NN ._. Death_NN reminds_VBZ man_NN of_I
N his_PP$ sin_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS reminds_VBZ him_PPO also_RB of_IN his_PP$ tra
nsience_NN ._. It_PPS represents_VBZ a_AT punishment_NN that_CS he_PPS knows_VBZ
he_PPS deserves_VBZ ,_, but_CC it_PPS also_RB symbolizes_VBZ most_QL dramatical
ly_RB that_CS he_PPS lives_VBZ his_PP$ life_NN within_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN
time_NN ._. These_DTS two_CD aspects_NNS of_IN death_NN cannot_MD* be_BE succes
sfully_RB separated_VBN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS dare_MD not_* be_BE confused_VBN or
_CC identified_VBN ._. The_AT repeated_VBN efforts_NNS in_IN Christian_JJ histor
y_NN to_TO describe_VB death_NN as_CS altogether_RB the_AT consequence_NN of_IN
human_JJ sin_NN show_VB that_CS these_DTS two_CD aspects_NNS of_IN death_NN cann
ot_MD* be_BE separated_VBN ._. Such_JJ efforts_NNS almost_QL always_RB find_VB t
hemselves_PPLS compelled_VBN to_TO ask_VB whether_CS Adam_NP was_BEDZ created_VB
N capable_JJ of_IN growing_VBG old_JJ and_CC then_RB older_JJR and_CC then_RB st
ill_QL older_JJR ,_, in_IN short_JJ ,_, whether_CS Adam's_NP$ life_NN was_BEDZ i
ntended_VBN to_TO be_BE part_NN of_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN time_NN ._. If_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, then_RB it_PPS must_MD have_HV been_BEN God's_NP$ intention_
NN to_TO translate_VB him_PPO at_IN a_AT certain_JJ point_NN from_IN time_NN to_
IN eternity_NN ._. One_CD night_NN ,_, so_CS some_DTI of_IN these_DTS theories_N
NS run_VB ,_, Adam_NP would_MD have_HV fallen_VBN asleep_RB ,_, much_RB as_CS he
_PPS fell_VBD asleep_RB for_IN the_AT creation_NN of_IN Eve_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC th
us_RB he_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN carried_VBN over_RP into_IN the_AT life_N
N eternal_JJ ._. The_AT embarrassment_NN of_IN these_DTS theories_NNS over_IN th
e_AT naturalness_NN of_IN death_NN is_BEZ an_AT illustration_NN of_IN the_AT the
sis_NN that_DT death_NN cannot_MD* be_BE only_RB a_AT punishment_NN ,_, for_CS s
ome_DTI termination_NN seems_VBZ necessary_JJ in_IN a_AT life_NN that_WPS is_BEZ
lived_VBN within_IN the_AT natural_JJ order_NN of_IN time_NN and_CC change_NN .
_. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, Christian_JJ faith_NN knows_VBZ that_DT dea
th_NN is_BEZ more_AP than_CS the_AT natural_JJ termination_NN of_IN temporal_JJ
existence_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT wages_NNS of_IN sin_NN ,_, and_CC its_PP$
sting_NN is_BEZ the_AT law_NN ._. If_CS this_DT aspect_NN of_IN death_NN as_CS p
unishment_NN is_BEZ not_* distinguished_VBN from_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN death_N
N as_CS natural_JJ termination_NN ,_, the_AT conclusion_NN seems_VBZ inevitable_
JJ that_CS temporal_JJ existence_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ a_AT form_NN of_IN punishm
ent_NN rather_IN than_IN the_AT state_NN into_IN which_WDT man_NN is_BEZ put_VBN
by_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN the_AT Creator_NN-TL ._. This_DT seems_VBZ to_TO hav
e_HV been_BEN the_AT conclusion_NN to_IN which_WDT Origen_NP was_BEDZ forced_VBN
._. If_CS death_NN receives_VBZ more_AP than_IN its_PP$ share_NN of_IN attentio
n_NN from_IN the_AT theologian_NN and_CC if_CS sin_NN receives_VBZ less_AP than_
IN its_PP$ share_NN ,_, the_AT gift_NN of_IN the_AT life_NN eternal_JJ through_I
N Christ_NP begins_VBZ to_TO look_VB like_CS the_AT divinely_RB appointed_VBN me
ans_NN of_IN rescue_NN from_IN temporal_JJ ,_, i.e._RB ,_, created_VBN ,_, exist
ence_NN ._. Such_ABL an_AT interpretation_NN of_IN death_NN radically_RB alters_
VBZ the_AT Christian_JJ view_NN of_IN creation_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS it_PPS teaches_
VBZ salvation_NN from_IN ,_, not_* salvation_NN in_IN ,_, time_NN and_CC history
_NN ._. Because_CS Christianity_NP teaches_VBZ not_* only_RB salvation_NN in_IN
history_NN ,_, but_CC salvation_NN by_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN Christ_NP ,_, s
uch_ABL an_AT interpretation_NN of_IN death_NN would_MD require_VB a_AT drastic_
JJ revision_NN of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ understanding_NN of_IN the_AT work_NN o
f_IN Christ_NP ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, as_CS an_AT encouragement_NN to_IN revisio
nist_NN thinking_NN ,_, it_PPS manifestly_RB is_BEZ fair_JJ to_TO admit_VB that_
CS any_DTI fraternity_NN has_HVZ a_AT constitutional_JJ right_NN to_TO refuse_VB
to_TO accept_VB persons_NNS it_PPS dislikes_VBZ ._. The_AT Unitarian_JJ clergy_
NNS were_BED an_AT exclusive_JJ club_NN of_IN cultivated_VBN gentlemen_NNS --_--
as_CS the_AT term_NN was_BEDZ then_RB understood_VBN in_IN the_AT Back_JJ-TL Ba
y_NN-TL --_-- and_CC Parker_NP was_BEDZ definitely_RB not_* a_AT gentleman_NN ,_
, either_CC in_IN theology_NN or_CC in_IN manners_NNS ._. Ezra_NP Stiles_NP Gann
ett_NP ,_, an_AT honorable_JJ representative_NN of_IN the_AT sanhedrin_NN ,_, ad
dressed_VBD himself_PPL frankly_RB to_IN the_AT issue_NN in_IN 1845_CD ,_, insis
ting_VBG that_CS Parker_NP should_MD not_* be_BE persecuted_VBN or_CC calumniate
d_VBN and_CC that_CS in_IN this_DT republic_NN no_AT power_NN to_TO restrain_VB
him_PPO by_IN force_NN could_MD exist_VB ._. Even_RB so_RB ,_, Gannett_NP judici
ously_RB argued_VBD ,_, the_AT Association_NN-TL could_MD legitimately_RB decide
_VB that_CS Parker_NP ``_`` should_MD not_* be_BE encouraged_VBN nor_CC assisted
_VBN in_IN diffusing_VBG his_PP$ opinions_NNS by_IN those_DTS who_WPS differ_VB
from_IN him_PPO in_IN regard_NN to_IN their_PP$ correctness_NN ''_'' ._. We_PPSS
today_NR are_BER not_* entitled_VBN to_TO excoriate_VB honest_JJ men_NNS who_WP
S believed_VBD Parker_NP to_TO be_BE downright_QL pernicious_JJ and_CC who_WPS b
arred_VBD their_PP$ pulpits_NNS against_IN his_PP$ demand_NN to_TO poison_VB the
_AT minds_NNS of_IN their_PP$ congregations_NNS ._. One_PN can_MD even_RB argue_
VB --_-- though_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT delicate_JJ matter_NN --_-- that_CS every
_AT justification_NN existed_VBD for_IN their_PP$ returning_VBG the_AT Public_JJ
-TL Lecture_NN-TL to_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Church_NN-TL ,_, and_CC so_RB to_TO s
uppress_VB it_PPO ,_, rather_RB than_CS let_VB Parker_NP use_VB it_PPO as_CS a_A
T sounding_VBG board_NN for_IN his_PP$ propaganda_NN when_WRB his_PP$ turn_NN sh
ould_MD come_VB to_TO occupy_VB it_PPO ._. Finally_RB ,_, it_PPS did_DOD seem_VB
clear_JJ as_CS day_NN to_IN these_DTS clergymen_NNS ,_, as_CS Gannett's_NP$ son
_NN explained_VBD in_IN the_AT biography_NN of_IN his_PP$ father_NN ,_, they_PPS
S had_HVD always_RB contended_VBN for_IN the_AT propriety_NN of_IN their_PP$ cla
im_NN to_IN the_AT title_NN of_IN Christians_NPS ._. Their_PP$ demand_NN against
_IN the_AT Calvinist_JJ-TL Orthodoxy_NN-TL for_IN intellectual_JJ liberty_NN had
_HVD never_RB meant_VBN that_CS they_PPSS would_MD follow_VB ``_`` free_JJ inqui
ry_NN ''_'' to_IN the_AT extreme_NN of_IN proclaiming_VBG Christianity_NP a_AT `
`_`` natural_JJ ''_'' religion_NN ._. Grant_VB all_ABN this_DT --_-- still_RB ,_
, when_WRB modern_JJ Unitarianism_NP and_CC the_AT Harvard_NP-TL Divinity_NN-TL
School_NN-TL recall_VB with_IN humorous_JJ affection_NN the_AT insults_NNS Parke
r_NP lavished_VBD upon_IN them_PPO ,_, or_CC else_RB argue_VB that_CS after_IN a
ll_ABN Parker_NP received_VBD the_AT treatment_NN he_PPS invited_VBD ,_, they_PP
SS betray_VB an_AT uneasy_JJ conscience_NN ._. Whenever_WRB New_JJ-TL England_NP
-TL liberalism_NN is_BEZ reminded_VBN of_IN the_AT dramatic_JJ confrontation_NN
of_IN Parker_NP and_CC the_AT fraternity_NN on_IN January_NP 23_CD ,_, 1843_CD -
-_-- while_CS it_PPS may_MD defend_VB the_AT privilege_NN of_IN Chandler_NP Robb
ins_NP to_TO demand_VB that_CS Parker_NP leave_VB the_AT Association_NN-TL ,_, w
hile_CS it_PPS may_MD plead_VB that_CS Dr._NN-TL N._NP L._NP Frothingham_NP had_
HVD every_AT warrant_NN for_IN stating_VBG ,_, ``_`` The_AT difference_NN betwee
n_IN Trinitarians_NPS and_CC Unitarians_NPS is_BEZ a_AT difference_NN in_IN Chri
stianity_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT difference_NN between_IN Mr._NP Parker_NP and_CC the_
AT Association_NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT difference_NN between_IN no_AT Christianity_NP
and_CC Christianity_NP ''_'' --_-- despite_IN these_DTS supposed_VBN conclusive_
JJ assurances_NNS ,_, the_AT modern_JJ liberal_NN heaves_VBZ repeatedly_RB a_AT
sigh_NN of_IN relief_NN ,_, of_IN positive_JJ thanksgiving_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT
Association_NN-TL never_RB quite_RB brought_VBD itself_PPL officially_RB to_TO
expel_VB Parker_NP ._. Had_HVD it_PPS done_VBN so_RB ,_, the_AT blot_NN on_IN it
s_PP$ escutcheon_NN would_MD have_HV remained_VBN indelible_JJ ,_, nor_CC could_
MD the_AT Harvard_NP-TL Divinity_NN-TL School_NN-TL assemble_VB today_NR to_TO h
onor_VB Parker's_NP$ insurgence_NN other_AP than_IN by_IN getting_VBG down_RP on
_IN its_PP$ collective_JJ knees_NNS and_CC crying_VBG ``_`` peccavi_FW-VBD ''_''
._. Happily_RB for_IN posterity_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, the_AT Boston_NP-TL Associat
ion_NN-TL did_DOD not_* actually_RB command_VB Parker_NP to_TO leave_VB the_AT r
oom_NN ,_, though_CS it_PPS came_VBD too_QL close_RB for_IN comfort_NN to_IN wha
t_WDT would_MD have_HV been_BEN an_AT unforgivable_JJ brutality_NN ._. Fortunate
ly_RB ,_, the_AT honor_NN of_IN the_AT denomination_NN can_MD attest_VB that_CS
Cyrus_NP Bartol_NP defended_VBD Parker's_NP$ sincerity_NN ,_, as_CS did_DOD also
_RB Gannett_NP and_CC Chandler_NP Robbins_NP ;_. ;_. whereupon_CS Parker_NP brok
e_VBD down_RP into_IN convulsions_NNS of_IN weeping_VBG and_CC rushed_VBD out_IN
of_IN the_AT room_NN ,_, though_CS not_* out_IN of_IN the_AT Fellowship_NN-TL .
_. In_IN the_AT hall_NN ,_, after_IN adjournment_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Frothingham_NP
took_VBD him_PPO warmly_RB by_IN the_AT hand_NN and_CC requested_VBD Parker_NP
to_TO visit_VB him_PPO --_-- whereupon_CS our_PP$ burly_JJ Theodore_NP again_RB
burst_VBD into_IN tears_NNS ._. All_ABN this_DT near_JJ tragedy_NN ,_, which_WDT
to_IN us_PPO borders_VBZ on_IN comedy_NN ,_, enables_VBZ us_PPO to_TO tell_VB t
he_AT story_NN over_RP and_CC over_RP again_RB ,_, always_RB warming_VBG ourselv
es_PPLS with_IN a_AT glow_NN of_IN complacency_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ indeed_RB
a_AT near_JJ thing_NN ,_, but_CC somehow_RB the_AT inherent_JJ decency_NN of_IN
New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL (_( which_WDT we_PPSS inherit_VB )_) did_DOD triumph_VB
._. Parker_NP was_BEDZ never_RB excommunicated_VBN ._. To_IN the_AT extent_NN th
at_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ ostracized_VBN or_CC even_RB reviled_VBN ,_, we_PPSS solac
e_VB ourselves_PPLS by_IN saying_VBG he_PPS asked_VBD for_IN it_PPO ._. Yet_RB ,
_, even_RB after_IN all_ABN these_DTS stratagems_NNS ,_, the_AT conscience_NN of
_IN Christian_JJ liberality_NN is_BEZ still_RB not_* laid_VBN to_IN rest_NN ,_,
any_DTI more_AP than_CS is_BEZ the_AT conscience_NN of_IN Harvard_NP-TL Universi
ty_NN-TL for_IN having_HVG done_VBN the_AT abject_JJ penance_NN for_IN its_PP$ r
ejection_NN of_IN Ralph_NP Waldo_NP Emerson's_NP$ The_AT-TL Divinity_NN-TL Schoo
l_NN-TL Address_NN-TL of_IN naming_VBG its_PP$ hall_NN of_IN philosophy_NN after
_IN him_PPO ._. In_IN both_ABX cases_NNS the_AT stubborn_JJ fact_NN remains_VBZ
:_: liberalism_NN gave_VBD birth_NN to_IN two_CD brilliant_JJ apostates_NNS ,_,
both_ABX legitimate_JJ offspring_NNS of_IN its_PP$ loins_NNS ,_, and_CC when_WRB
brought_VBN to_IN the_AT test_NN ,_, it_PPS behaved_VBD shabbily_RB ._. Suppose
_VB they_PPSS both_ABX had_HVD ventured_VBN into_IN realms_NNS which_WDT their_P
P$ colleagues_NNS thought_VBD infidel_JJ :_: is_BEZ this_DT the_AT way_NN gentle
men_NNS settle_VB frank_JJ differences_NNS of_IN opinion_NN ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ it_PP
S after_IN all_ABN possible_JJ that_CS no_AT matter_NN how_WRB the_AT liberals_N
NS trumpet_VB their_PP$ confidence_NN in_IN human_JJ dignity_NN they_PPSS are_BE
R exposed_VBN to_IN a_AT contagion_NN of_IN fear_NN more_QL insidious_JJ than_CS
any_DTI conservative_NN has_HVZ ever_RB to_TO worry_VB about_IN ?_. ?_. However
_RB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT crucial_JJ difference_NN between_IN the_AT two_CD h
istories_NNS ._. Emerson_NP evaded_VBD the_AT problem_NN by_IN shoving_VBG it_PP
O aside_RB ,_, or_CC rather_RB by_IN leaving_VBG it_PPO behind_IN him_PPO :_: he
_PPS walked_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT Unitarian_JJ communion_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS
it_PPS could_MD lick_VB the_AT wound_NN of_IN his_PP$ departure_NN ,_, preserve_
VB its_PP$ self-respect_NN and_CC eventually_RB accord_VB him_PPO pious_JJ vener
ation_NN ._. Parker_NP insisted_VBD upon_IN not_* resigning_VBG ,_, even_RB when
_WRB the_AT majority_NN wanted_VBD him_PPO to_TO depart_VB ,_, upon_IN daring_VB
G the_AT Fellowship_NN-TL to_TO throw_VB him_PPO out_RP ._. Hence_RB he_PPS was_
BEDZ in_IN his_PP$ lifetime_NN ,_, as_CS is_BEZ the_AT memory_NN of_IN him_PPO a
fterwards_RB ,_, a_AT canker_NN within_IN the_AT liberal_JJ sensitivity_NN ._. H
e_PPS still_RB points_VBZ an_AT accusing_VBG finger_NN at_IN all_ABN of_IN us_PP
O ,_, telling_VBG us_PPO we_PPSS have_HV neither_CC the_AT courage_NN to_TO supp
ort_VB him_PPO nor_CC the_AT energy_NN to_TO cut_VB his_PP$ throat_NN ._. Actual
ly_RB ,_, the_AT dispute_NN between_IN Parker_NP and_CC the_AT society_NN of_IN
his_PP$ time_NN ,_, both_ABX ecclesiastical_JJ and_CC social_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ a_A
T real_JJ one_CD ,_, a_AT bitter_JJ one_CD ._. It_PPS cannot_MD* be_BE smoothed_
VBN over_RP by_IN now_RB cherishing_VBG his_PP$ sarcasms_NNS as_CS delightful_JJ
bits_NNS of_IN self-deprecation_NN or_CC by_IN solemnly_RB calling_VBG for_IN a
_AT reconsideration_NN of_IN the_AT justice_NN of_IN the_AT objections_NNS to_IN
him_PPO ._. The_AT fact_NN is_BEZ incontestable_JJ :_: that_DT liberal_JJ world
_NN of_IN Unitarian_JJ Boston_NP was_BEDZ narrow-minded_JJ ,_, intellectually_RB
sterile_JJ ,_, smug_JJ ,_, afraid_JJ of_IN the_AT logical_JJ consequences_NNS o
f_IN its_PP$ own_JJ mild_JJ ventures_NNS into_IN iconoclasm_NN ,_, and_CC quite_
QL prepared_VBN to_TO resort_VB to_IN hysterical_JJ repressions_NNS when_WRB its
_PP$ brittle_JJ foundations_NNS were_BED threatened_VBN ._. Parker_NP ,_, along_
RB with_IN Garrison_NP and_CC Charles_NP Sumner_NP ,_, showed_VBD a_AT magnifice
nt_JJ moral_JJ bravery_NN when_WRB facing_VBG mobs_NNS mobilized_VBN in_IN defen
se_NN of_IN the_AT Mexican_JJ-TL War_NN-TL and_CC slavery_NN ._. Nevertheless_RB
,_, we_PPSS can_MD find_VB reasons_NNS for_IN respecting_VBG even_RB the_AT big
otry_NN of_IN the_AT populace_NN ;_. ;_. their_PP$ passions_NNS were_BED genuine
_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT division_NN between_IN them_PPO and_CC the_AT abolitionist
s_NNS is_BEZ clear-cut_JJ ._. But_CC Parker_NP as_CS the_AT ultra-liberal_JJ min
ister_NN within_IN the_AT pale_NN of_IN a_AT church_NN which_WDT had_HVD proclai
med_VBN itself_PPL the_AT repository_NN of_IN liberality_NN poses_VBZ a_AT diffe
rent_JJ problem_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ not_* to_TO be_BE resolved_VBN by_IN hol
ding_VBG him_PPO up_RP as_CS the_AT champion_NN of_IN freedom_NN ._. Even_RB tho
ugh_CS his_PP$ theological_JJ theses_NNS have_HV become_VBN ,_, to_IN us_PPO ,_,
commonplaces_NNS ,_, the_AT fundamental_JJ interrogation_NN he_PPS phrased_VBD
is_BEZ very_QL much_RB with_IN us_PPO ._. It_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN endlessly_RB r
ephrased_VBN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS may_MD here_RB put_VB it_PPO thus_RB :_: at_IN wh
at_WDT point_NN do_DO the_AT tolerant_JJ find_VB themselves_PPLS obliged_VBN to_
TO become_VB intolerant_JJ ?_. ?_. And_CC then_RB ,_, as_CS they_PPSS become_VB
aware_JJ that_CS they_PPSS have_HV reached_VBN the_AT end_NN of_IN their_PP$ pat
ience_NN ,_, what_WDT do_DO they_PPSS ,_, to_IN their_PP$ dismay_NN ,_, learn_VB
for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN about_IN themselves_PPLS ?_. ?_. There_EX can_MD
be_BE no_AT doubt_NN ,_, the_AT Boston_NP of_IN that_DT era_NN could_MD be_BE e
xquisitely_QL cruel_JJ in_IN enforcing_VBG its_PP$ canons_NNS of_IN behavior_NN
._. The_AT gentle_JJ Channing_NP ,_, revered_VBN by_IN all_ABN Bostonians_NPS ,_
, orthodox_JJ or_CC Unitarian_JJ ,_, wrote_VBD to_IN a_AT friend_NN in_IN Louisv
ille_NP that_CS among_IN its_PP$ many_AP virtues_NNS Boston_NP did_DOD not_* abo
und_VB in_IN a_AT tolerant_JJ spirit_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT yoke_NN of_IN opinion
_NN crushed_VBD individuality_NN of_IN judgment_NN and_CC action_NN :_: ``_`` No
_AT city_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN is_BEZ governed_VBN so_QL little_RB by_IN a_AT
police_NN ,_, and_CC so_QL much_RB by_IN mutual_JJ inspections_NNS and_CC what_
WDT is_BEZ called_VBN public_JJ sentiment_NN ._. We_PPSS stand_VB more_RBR in_IN
awe_NN of_IN one_CD another_DT than_CS most_AP people_NNS ._. Opinion_NN is_BEZ
less_QL individual_JJ or_CC runs_VBZ more_RBR into_IN masses_NNS ,_, and_CC oft
en_RB rules_VBZ with_IN a_AT rod_NN of_IN iron_NN ''_'' ._. Even_QL more_QL poig
nantly_RB ,_, and_CC with_IN the_AT insight_NN of_IN a_AT genius_NN ,_, Channing
_NP added_VBD --_-- remember_VB ,_, this_DT is_BEZ Channing_NP ,_, not_* Parker_
NP !_. !_. --_-- that_CS should_MD a_AT minister_NN in_IN Boston_NP trust_VB him
self_PPL to_IN his_PP$ heart_NN ,_, should_MD he_PPS ``_`` speak_VB without_IN b
ook_NN ,_, and_CC consequently_RB break_VB some_DTI law_NN of_IN speech_NN ,_, o
r_CC be_BE hurried_VBN into_IN some_DTI daring_VBG hyperbole_NN ,_, he_PPS shoul
d_MD find_VB little_AP mercy_NN ''_'' ._. Channing_NP wrote_VBD this_DT --_-- in
_IN a_AT letter_NN !_. !_. I_PPSS think_VB it_PPO fair_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS h
e_PPS never_RB quite_RB reached_VBD such_JJ candor_NN in_IN his_PP$ sermons_NNS
._. But_CC Theodore_NP Parker_NP ,_, commencing_VBG his_PP$ mission_NN to_IN the
_AT world-at-large_NN ,_, disguised_VBN as_CS the_AT minister_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`
` twenty-eighth_OD Congregational_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ''_'' which_WDT bore_VBD no
_AT resemblance_NN to_IN the_AT Congregational_JJ-TL polities_NNS descended_VBN
from_IN the_AT founders_NNS (_( among_IN which_WDT were_BED still_RB the_AT Unit
arian_JJ churches_NNS )_) ,_, made_VBD explicit_JJ from_IN the_AT beginning_NN t
hat_CS the_AT conflict_NN between_IN him_PPO and_CC the_AT Hunkerish_JJ society_
NN was_BEDZ not_* something_PN which_WDT could_MD be_BE evaporated_VBN into_IN a
_AT genteel_JJ difference_NN about_IN clerical_JJ decorum_NN ._. Because_CS he_P
PS spoke_VBD openly_RB with_IN what_WDT Channing_NP had_HVD prophesied_VBN someo
ne_PN might_MD --_-- with_IN daring_VBG hyperbole_NN --_-- Parker_NP vindicated_
VBD Channing's_NP$ further_JJR prophecy_NN that_CS he_PPS who_WPS committed_VBD
this_DT infraction_NN of_IN taste_NN would_MD promptly_RB discover_VB how_WQL li
ttle_AP mercy_NN liberals_NNS were_BED disposed_VBN to_TO allow_VB to_IN liberta
rians_NNS who_WPS appeared_VBD to_IN them_PPO libertines_NNS ._. An_AT instituti
onalized_VBN liberalism_NN proved_VBD itself_PPL fundamentally_RB an_AT institut
ion_NN ,_, and_CC only_RB within_IN those_DTS defined_VBN limits_NNS a_AT licens
e_NN ._. By_IN reminding_VBG ourselves_PPLS of_IN these_DTS factors_NNS in_IN th
e_AT situation_NN ,_, we_PPSS should_MD ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ ,_, come_VB to
_IN a_AT fresh_JJ realization_NN ,_, however_WQL painful_JJ it_PPS be_BE ,_, tha
t_CS the_AT battle_NN between_IN Parker_NP and_CC his_PP$ neighbors_NNS was_BEDZ
fought_VBN in_IN earnest_JJ ._. He_PPS arraigned_VBD the_AT citizens_NNS in_IN
language_NN of_IN so_QL little_AP courtesy_NN that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD to_TO re
spond_VB with_IN ,_, at_IN the_AT least_AP ,_, resentment_NN ._. What_WDT otherw
ise_RB could_MD ``_`` the_AT lawyer_NN ,_, doctor_NN ,_, minister_NN ,_, the_AT
men_NNS of_IN science_NN and_CC letters_NNS ''_'' do_DO when_WRB told_VBN that_C
S they_PPSS had_HVD ``_`` become_VBN the_AT cherubim_NNS and_CC seraphim_NNS and
_CC the_AT three_CD archangels_NNS who_WPS stood_VBD before_IN the_AT golden_JJ
throne_NN of_IN the_AT merchant_NN ,_, and_CC continually_RB cried_VBD ,_, '_' H
oly_JJ ,_, holy_JJ ,_, holy_JJ is_BEZ the_AT Almighty_JJ-TL Dollar_NN-TL '_' ``_
`` ?_. ?_. Nor_CC ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS recollect_VB how_WQL sensitive_JJ were_BE
D the_AT emotions_NNS of_IN the_AT old_JJ Puritan_JJ-TL stock_NN in_IN regard_NN
to_IN the_AT recent_JJ tides_NNS of_IN immigration_NN ,_, should_MD we_PPSS be_
BE astonished_VBN that_CS their_PP$ thin_JJ lips_NNS were_BED compressed_VBN int
o_IN a_AT white_JJ line_NN of_IN rage_NN as_CS Parker_NP snarled_VBD at_IN them_
PPO thus_RB :_: ``_`` Talk_VB about_IN the_AT Catholics_NPS voting_VBG as_CS the
_AT bishop_NN tells_VBZ !_. !_. Reproach_VB the_AT Catholics_NPS for_IN it_PPO !
_. !_. You_PPSS and_CC I_PPSS do_DO the_AT same_AP thing_NN ._. There_EX are_BER
a_AT great_QL many_AP bishops_NNS who_WPS have_HV never_RB had_HVN a_AT cross_N
N on_IN their_PP$ bosom_NN ,_, nor_CC a_AT mitre_NN on_IN their_PP$ head_NN ,_,
who_WPS appeal_VB not_* to_IN the_AT authority_NN of_IN the_AT Pope_NN-TL at_IN
Rome_NP ,_, but_CC to_IN the_AT Almighty_JJ-TL Dollar_NN-TL ,_, a_AT pope_NN muc
h_QL nearer_IN home_NR ._. Boston_NP has_HVZ been_BEN controlled_VBN by_IN a_AT
few_AP capitalists_NNS ,_, lawyers_NNS and_CC other_AP managers_NNS ,_, who_WPS
told_VBD the_AT editors_NNS what_WDT to_TO say_VB and_CC the_AT preachers_NNS wh
at_WDT to_TO think_VB ''_'' ._. This_DT was_BEDZ war_NN ._. Parker_NP meant_VBD
business_NN ._. And_CC he_PPS took_VBD repeated_VBN care_NN to_TO let_VB his_PP$
colleagues_NNS know_VB that_CS he_PPS intended_VBD them_PPO :_: ``_`` Even_RB t
he_AT Unitarian_JJ churches_NNS have_HV caught_VBN the_AT malaria_NN ,_, and_CC
are_BER worse_JJR than_CS those_DTS who_WPS deceived_VBD them_PPO ''_'' --_-- wh
ich_WDT implied_VBD that_CS they_PPSS were_BED very_QL bad_JJ indeed_QLP ._. It_
PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` Duty_NN ''_'' he_PPS said_VBD that_CS his_PP$ parents_NNS had
_HVD given_VBN him_PPO as_CS a_AT rule_NN --_-- beyond_IN even_RB the_AT love_NN
that_WPS suffused_VBD his_PP$ being_NN and_CC the_AT sense_NN of_IN humor_NN wi
th_IN which_WDT he_PPS was_BEDZ largely_RB supplied_VBN --_-- and_CC it_PPS was_
BEDZ duty_NN he_PPS would_MD perform_VB ,_, though_CS it_PPS cost_VBD him_PPO ac
ute_JJ pain_NN and_CC exhausted_VBD him_PPO by_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN fifty_CD .
_. Parker_NP could_MD weep_VB --_-- and_CC he_PPS wept_VBD astonishingly_QL ofte
n_RB and_CC on_IN the_AT slightest_JJT provocation_NN --_-- but_CC the_AT psycho
logy_NN of_IN those_DTS tears_NNS was_BEDZ entirely_RB compatible_JJ with_IN a_A
T remorseless_JJ readiness_NN to_TO massacre_VB his_PP$ opponents_NNS ._. ``_``
If_CS it_PPS gave_VBD me_PPO pleasure_NN to_TO say_VB hard_JJ things_NNS ''_'' ,
_, he_PPS wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS would_MD shut_VB up_RP forever_RB ''_'' ._.
We_PPSS have_HV to_TO tell_VB ourselves_PPLS that_CS when_WRB Parker_NP spoke_V
BD in_IN this_DT vein_NN ,_, he_PPS believed_VBD what_WDT he_PPS said_VBD ,_, be
cause_CS he_PPS could_MD continue_VB ,_, ``_`` But_CC the_AT truth_NN ,_, which_
WDT cost_VBD me_PPO bitter_JJ tears_NNS to_TO say_VB ,_, I_PPSS must_MD speak_VB
,_, though_CS it_PPS cost_VBD other_AP tears_NNS hotter_JJR than_CS fire_NN ''_
'' ._. Because_CS he_PPS copiously_RB shed_VBD his_PP$ own_JJ tears_NNS ,_, and_
CC yielded_VBD himself_PPL up_RP as_CS a_AT living_VBG sacrifice_NN to_IN the_AT
impersonalized_VBN conscience_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ,_, he_PPS was_B
EDZ not_* disturbed_VBN by_IN the_AT havoc_NN he_PPS worked_VBD in_IN other_AP p
eople's_NNS$ consciences_NNS ._. Our_PP$ endeavor_NN to_TO capture_VB even_RB a_
AT faint_JJ sense_NN of_IN how_WRB strenuous_JJ was_BEDZ the_AT fight_NN is_BEZ
muffled_VBN by_IN our_PP$ indifference_NN to_IN the_AT very_AP issue_NN which_WD
T in_IN the_AT Boston_NP of_IN 1848_CD seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE the_AT central_JJ
hope_NN of_IN its_PP$ Christian_JJ survival_NN ,_, that_DT of_IN the_AT literal_
JJ ,_, factual_JJ historicity_NN of_IN the_AT miracles_NNS as_CS reported_VBN in
_IN the_AT Four_CD-TL Gospels_NPS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ idle_JJ to_TO ask_VB why_WRB
we_PPSS are_BER no_QL longer_RBR disturbed_VBN if_CS somebody_PN ,_, professing
_VBG the_AT deepest_JJT piety_NN ,_, decides_VBZ anew_RB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ o
f_IN no_AT importance_NN whether_CS or_CC not_* Christ_NP transformed_VBD the_AT
water_NN into_IN wine_NN at_IN eleven_CD A.M._RB on_IN the_AT third_OD of_IN Au
gust_NP ,_, A.D._RB 32_CD ._. We_PPSS have_HV no_AT answer_NN as_IN to_IN why_WR
B we_PPSS are_BER not_* alarmed_VBN ._. So_RB we_PPSS are_BER the_AT more_QL pre
pared_VBN to_TO give_VB Parker_NP the_AT credit_NN for_IN having_HVG taken_VBN t
he_AT right_JJ side_NN in_IN an_AT unnecessary_JJ controversy_NN ,_, to_TO salut
e_VB his_PP$ courage_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO pass_VB on_RP ,_, happily_RB forgetting
_VBG both_ABX him_PPO and_CC the_AT entire_JJ episode_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV not
_* the_AT leisure_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT patience_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT skill_NN ,_,
to_TO comprehend_VB what_WDT was_BEDZ working_VBG in_IN the_AT mind_NN and_CC he
art_NN of_IN a_AT then_RB recent_JJ graduate_NN from_IN the_AT Harvard_NP-TL Div
inity_NN-TL School_NN-TL who_WPS would_MD muster_VB the_AT audacity_NN to_TO con
tradict_VB his_PP$ most_QL formidable_JJ instructor_NN ,_, the_AT majesterial_JJ
Andrews_NP Norton_NP ,_, by_IN saying_VBG that_CS ,_, while_CS he_PPS believed_
VBD Jesus_NP ``_`` like_CS other_AP religious_JJ teachers_NNS ''_'' ,_, worked_V
BD miracles_NNS ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS see_VB not_* how_WRB a_AT miracle_NN proves_VBZ
a_AT doctrine_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS have_HV ,_, within_IN the_AT past_AP fifty_CD
years_NNS ,_, come_VBN out_IN of_IN all_ABN uncertainty_NN into_IN a_AT faith_N
N which_WDT is_BEZ a_AT dominating_VBG conviction_NN of_IN the_AT Truth_NN-TL an
d_CC about_IN which_WDT I_PPSS have_HV not_* a_AT shadow_NN of_IN doubt_NN ._. I
t_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN my_PP$ lot_NN all_QL through_IN life_NN to_TO associate_V
B with_IN eminent_JJ scientists_NNS and_CC at_IN times_NNS to_TO discuss_VB with
_IN them_PPO the_AT deepest_JJT and_CC most_QL vital_JJ of_IN all_ABN questions_
NNS ,_, the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT hope_NN of_IN a_AT life_NN beyond_IN this_
DT ._. I_PPSS have_HV also_RB constantly_RB engaged_VBN in_IN scientific_JJ work
_NN and_CC am_BEM fully_QL aware_JJ of_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN opinions_NNS for
med_VBN in_IN science_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS in_IN the_AT religions_NNS in_IN th
e_AT world_NN ._. In_IN an_AT amateurish_JJ ,_, yet_CC in_IN a_AT very_QL real_J
J sense_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV followed_VBN the_AT developments_NNS of_IN archaeo
logy_NN ,_, geology_NN ,_, astronomy_NN ,_, herpetology_NN ,_, and_CC mycology_N
N with_IN a_AT hearty_JJ appreciation_NN of_IN the_AT advances_NNS being_BEG mad
e_VBN in_IN these_DTS fields_NNS ._. At_IN one_CD time_NN I_PPSS became_VBD dist
urbed_VBN in_IN the_AT faith_NN in_IN which_WDT I_PPSS had_HVD grown_VBN up_RP b
y_IN the_AT apparent_JJ inroads_NNS being_BEG made_VBN upon_IN both_ABX Old_JJ-T
L and_CC New_JJ-TL Testaments_NNS-TL by_IN a_AT ``_`` Higher_JJR-TL Criticism_NN
-TL ''_'' of_IN the_AT Bible_NP ,_, to_TO refute_VB which_WDT I_PPSS felt_VBD th
e_AT need_NN of_IN a_AT better_JJR knowledge_NN of_IN Hebrew_NP and_CC of_IN arc
haeology_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS seemed_VBD to_IN me_PPO that_CS to_TO pull_VB out_
RP some_DTI of_IN the_AT props_NNS of_IN our_PP$ faith_NN was_BEDZ to_TO weaken_
VB the_AT entire_JJ structure_NN ._. Doubts_NNS thus_RB inculcated_VBN left_VBD
me_PPO floundering_VBG for_IN a_AT while_NN and_CC ,_, like_CS some_DTI higher_J
JR critical_JJ friends_NNS ,_, trying_VBG to_TO continue_VB to_TO use_VB the_AT
Bible_NP as_CS the_AT Word_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL while_CS at_IN the_AT same_A
P time_NN holding_VBG it_PPO to_TO have_HV been_BEN subjected_VBN to_IN a_AT vas
t_JJ number_NN of_IN redactions_NNS and_CC interpolations_NNS :_: attempting_VBG
to_TO bridge_VB the_AT chasm_NN between_IN an_AT older_JJR ,_, reverent_JJ ,_,
Bible-loving_JJ generation_NN and_CC a_AT critical_JJ ,_, doubting_VBG ,_, Bible
-emancipated_JJ race_NN ._. Although_CS still_RB aware_JJ of_IN a_AT great_JJ li
ght_NN and_CC glow_NN of_IN warmth_NN in_IN the_AT Book_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS stood_V
BD outside_RB shivering_VBG in_IN the_AT cold_NN ._. In_IN one_CD thing_NN the_A
T higher_JJR critics_NNS ,_, like_CS the_AT modernists_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, ov
erreached_VBD themselves_PPLS ,_, in_IN claiming_VBG that_CS the_AT Gospel_NN-TL
of_IN-TL John_NP-TL was_BEDZ not_* written_VBN in_IN John's_NP$ time_NN but_CC
well_QL after_IN the_AT first_OD century_NN ,_, perhaps_RB as_QL late_JJ as_CS 1
50_CD A.D._RB ._. Now_RB ,_, if_CS any_DTI part_NN of_IN the_AT Bible_NP is_BEZ
assuredly_RB the_AT very_AP Word_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL speaking_VBG through_I
N His_PP$ servant_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ John's_NP$-TL Gospel_NN-TL ._. To_TO ask_
VB me_PPO to_TO believe_VB that_CS so_QL inexpressibly_QL marvelous_JJ a_AT book
_NN was_BEDZ written_VBN long_RB after_IN all_ABN the_AT events_NNS by_IN some_D
TI admiring_VBG follower_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ not_* inspired_VBN directly_RB b
y_IN the_AT Spirit_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, is_BEZ asking_VBG me_PPO to_TO a
ccept_VB a_AT miracle_NN far_QL greater_JJR than_CS any_DTI of_IN those_DTS reco
rded_VBN in_IN the_AT Bible_NP ._. Here_RB I_PPSS took_VBD my_PP$ leave_NN of_IN
my_PP$ learned_VBN friends_NNS to_TO step_VB out_RP on_IN another_DT path_NN ,_
, to_IN which_WDT we_PPSS might_MD give_VB the_AT modern_JJ name_NN of_IN Pragma
tism_NN-TL ,_, or_CC the_AT thing_NN that_WPS works_VBZ ._. Test_VB it_PPO ,_, t
ry_VB it_PPO ,_, and_CC if_CS it_PPS works_VBZ ,_, accept_VB it_PPO as_CS a_AT g
uiding_VBG principle_NN ._. So_RB ,_, I_PPSS put_VBD my_PP$ Bible_NP to_IN the_A
T practical_JJ test_NN of_IN noting_VBG what_WDT it_PPS says_VBZ about_IN itself
_PPL ,_, and_CC then_RB tested_VBD it_PPO to_TO see_VB how_WRB it_PPS worked_VBD
._. As_CS a_AT short_JJ ,_, possibly_RB not_* the_AT best_JJT method_NN ,_, I_P
PSS looked_VBD up_RP ``_`` Word_NN-NC ''_'' in_IN the_AT Concordance_NP and_CC n
oted_VBD that_CS the_AT Bible_NP claims_VBZ from_IN Genesis_NN-TL 1_CD-TL to_IN
Revelation_NN-TL 22_CD-TL to_TO be_BE God's_NP$ personal_JJ message_NN to_IN man
_NN ._. The_AT next_AP traditional_JJ step_NN then_RB was_BEDZ to_TO accept_VB i
t_PPO as_CS the_AT authoritative_JJ textbook_NN of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ faith_
NN just_RB as_CS one_PN would_MD accept_VB a_AT treatise_NN on_IN any_DTI earthl
y_JJ ``_`` science_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC I_PPSS submitted_VBD to_IN its_PP$ condit
ions_NNS according_IN to_IN Christ's_NP$ invitation_NN and_CC promise_NN that_CS
,_, ``_`` If_CS any_DTI man_NN will_MD do_DO his_PP$ will_NN ,_, he_PPS shall_M
D know_VB of_IN the_AT doctrine_NN ,_, whether_CS it_PPS be_BE of_IN God_NP ,_,
or_CC whether_CS I_PPSS speak_VB of_IN myself_PPL ''_'' (_( John_NP-TL 7_CD-TL :
_:-TL 17_CD-TL )_) ._. The_AT outcome_NN of_IN such_ABL an_AT experiment_NN has_
HVZ been_BEN in_IN due_JJ time_NN the_AT acceptance_NN of_IN the_AT Bible_NP as_
CS the_AT Word_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL inspired_VBN in_IN a_AT sense_NN utterly
_QL different_JJ from_IN any_DTI merely_QL human_JJ book_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN i
t_PPO the_AT acceptance_NN of_IN our_PP$ Lord_NN-TL Jesus_NP Christ_NP as_CS the
_AT only_AP begotten_VBN Son_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, Son_NN-TL of_IN Man_NN
-TL by_IN the_AT Virgin_NN-TL Mary_NP ,_, the_AT Saviour_NN-TL of_IN the_AT worl
d_NN ._. I_PPSS believe_VB ,_, therefore_RB ,_, that_CS we_PPSS are_BER without_
IN exception_NN sinners_NNS ,_, by_IN nature_NN alienated_VBN from_IN God_NP ,_,
and_CC that_CS Jesus_NP Christ_NP ,_, the_AT Son_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, c
ame_VBD to_IN earth_NN ,_, the_AT representative_NN Head_NN-TL of_IN a_AT new_JJ
race_NN ,_, to_TO die_VB upon_IN the_AT cross_NN and_CC pay_VB the_AT penalty_N
N of_IN the_AT sin_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS he_PPS who_WPS th
us_RB receives_VBZ Christ_NP as_CS his_PP$ personal_JJ Saviour_NN-TL is_BEZ ``_`
` born_VBN again_RB ''_'' spiritually_RB ,_, with_IN new_JJ privileges_NNS ,_, a
ppetites_NNS ,_, and_CC affections_NNS ,_, destined_VBN to_TO live_VB and_CC gro
w_VB in_IN His_PP$ likeness_NN forever_RB ._. Nor_CC can_MD any_DTI man_NN save_
VB himself_PPL by_IN good_JJ works_NNS or_CC by_IN a_AT commendable_JJ ``_`` mor
al_JJ life_NN ''_'' ,_, although_CS such_JJ works_NNS are_BER the_AT natural_JJ
fruits_NNS and_CC evidences_NNS of_IN a_AT saving_VBG faith_NN already_RB receiv
ed_VBN and_CC naturally_RB expressing_VBG itself_PPL through_IN such_JJ avenues_
NNS ._. I_PPSS now_RB ever_RB look_VB for_IN Christ_NP according_IN to_IN His_PP
$ promises_NNS and_CC those_DTS of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL as_QL wel
l_RB ,_, to_TO appear_VB again_RB in_IN glory_NN to_TO put_VB away_RB all_ABN si
n_NN and_CC to_TO reign_VB in_IN righteousness_NN over_IN the_AT whole_JJ earth_
NN ._. To_TO state_VB fully_RB what_WDT the_AT Bible_NP means_VBZ as_CS my_PP$ d
aily_JJ spiritual_JJ food_NN is_BEZ as_QL intimate_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ as_CS
to_TO formulate_VB the_AT reasons_NNS for_IN loving_VBG my_PP$ nearest_JJT and_C
C dearest_JJT relatives_NNS and_CC friends_NNS ._. The_AT Bible_NP is_BEZ as_QL
obviously_RB and_CC truly_RB food_NN for_IN the_AT spirit_NN as_CS bread_NN is_B
EZ food_NN for_IN the_AT body_NN ._. Again_RB ,_, as_CS faith_NN reveals_VBZ God
_NP my_PP$ Father_NN-TL and_CC Christ_NP my_PP$ Saviour_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS follow_
VB without_IN question_NN where_WRB He_PPS leads_VBZ me_PPO daily_RB by_IN His_P
P$ Spirit_NN-TL of_IN love_NN ,_, wisdom_NN ,_, power_NN and_CC prayer_NN ._. I_
PPSS place_VB His_PP$ precepts_NNS and_CC His_PP$ leadings_NNS above_IN every_AT
seeming_JJ probability_NN ,_, dismissing_VBG cherished_VBN convictions_NNS and_
CC holding_VBG the_AT wisdom_NN of_IN man_NN as_CS folly_NN when_WRB opposed_VBN
to_IN Him_PPO ._. I_PPSS discern_VB no_AT limits_NNS to_IN a_AT faith_NN vested
_VBN in_IN God_NP and_CC Christ_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ the_AT sum_NN of_IN all_AB
N wisdom_NN and_CC knowledge_NN ,_, and_CC daring_VBG to_TO trust_VB Him_PPO eve
n_RB though_CS called_VBN to_TO stand_VB alone_RB before_IN the_AT world_NN ._.
Our_PP$ Lord's_NP$ invitation_NN with_IN its_PP$ implied_VBN promise_NN to_IN al
l_ABN is_BEZ ,_, ``_`` Come_VB and_CC see_VB ''_'' ._. I_PPSS stood_VBD at_IN th
e_AT bedside_NN of_IN my_PP$ patient_NN one_CD day_NN and_CC beheld_VBD a_AT ver
y_QL sick_JJ man_NN in_IN terrible_JJ pain_NN ._. As_CS I_PPSS ministered_VBD to
_IN his_PP$ needs_NNS ,_, I_PPSS noticed_VBD that_CS his_PP$ face_NN was_BEDZ ra
diant_JJ in_IN spite_NN of_IN his_PP$ suffering_NN and_CC I_PPSS learned_VBD tha
t_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ trusting_VBG not_* only_RB in_IN the_AT skill_NN of_IN his_
PP$ doctor_NN and_CC nurse_NN but_CC also_RB the_AT Lord_NN-TL ._. In_IN his_PP$
heart_NN he_PPS had_HVD that_CS peace_NN of_IN which_WDT the_AT Lord_NN-TL spok
e_VBD when_WRB He_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Peace_NN I_PPSS leave_VB with_IN you_PP
O ,_, my_PP$ peace_NN I_PPSS give_VB unto_IN you_PPO :_: not_* as_CS the_AT worl
d_NN giveth_VBZ ,_, give_VB I_PPSS unto_IN you_PPO ._. Let_VB not_* your_PP$ hea
rt_NN be_BE troubled_VBN ,_, neither_CC let_VB it_PPO be_BE afraid_JJ ''_'' ._.
What_WDT a_AT joy_NN to_TO realize_VB that_CS we_PPSS ,_, too_RB ,_, can_MD clai
m_VB this_DT promise_NN tendered_VBN by_IN the_AT Lord_NN-TL during_IN His_PP$ e
arthly_JJ ministry_NN to_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN men_NNS who_WPS were_BED very_QL
dear_JJ to_IN Him_PPO ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ about_RB to_TO leave_VB them_PPO ,_,
to_TO depart_VB from_IN this_DT world_NN ,_, and_CC return_VB to_IN His_PP$ Fath
er_NN-TL in_IN Heaven_NN-TL ._. Before_CS He_PPS left_VBD them_PPO He_PPS promis
ed_VBD that_CS His_PP$ peace_NN would_MD be_BE their_PP$ portion_NN to_TO abide_
VB in_IN their_PP$ hearts_NNS and_CC minds_NNS ._. I_PPSS praise_VB God_NP for_I
N the_AT privilege_NN of_IN being_BEG a_AT nurse_NN who_WPS has_HVZ that_DT peac
e_NN through_IN faith_NN in_IN the_AT Lord_NN-TL Jesus_NP Christ_NP ._. It_PPS m
akes_VBZ my_PP$ work_NN a_AT great_JJ deal_NN easier_JJR to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_
TO pray_VB for_IN the_AT Lord's_NP$ guidance_NN while_CS ministering_VBG to_IN t
he_AT physical_JJ needs_NNS of_IN my_PP$ patients_NNS ._. How_WQL often_RB have_
HV I_PPSS looked_VBN to_IN Jesus_NP when_WRB entering_VBG the_AT sick_JJ room_NN
,_, asking_VBG for_IN His_PP$ presence_NN and_CC help_NN in_IN my_PP$ professio
nal_JJ duties_NNS as_CS I_PPSS give_VB my_PP$ talents_NNS not_* only_RB as_CS th
e_AT world_NN giveth_VBZ but_CC as_CS one_PN who_WPS loves_VBZ the_AT Saviour_NN
-TL and_CC His_PP$ creatures_NNS ._. Looking_VBG unto_IN God_NP ,_, the_AT Proph
et_NN-TL Isaiah_NP wrote_VBD these_DTS blessed_VBN words_NNS almost_RB three_CD
thousand_CD years_NNS ago_RB :_: ``_`` Thou_PPSS wilt_MD keep_VB him_PPO in_IN p
erfect_JJ peace_NN ,_, whose_WP$ mind_NN is_BEZ stayed_VBN on_IN thee_PPO :_: be
cause_CS he_PPS trusteth_VBZ in_IN thee_PPO ''_'' ._. Are_BER you_PPSS longing_V
BG for_IN peace_NN in_IN your_PP$ heart_NN ?_. ?_. Such_ABL a_AT calm_JJ and_CC
assuring_VBG peace_NN can_MD be_BE yours_PP$$ ._. As_CS only_RB a_AT member_NN o
f_IN the_AT family_NN can_MD share_VB in_IN the_AT innermost_JJS joys_NNS of_IN
the_AT family_NN ,_, likewise_RB one_PN must_MD belong_VB to_IN the_AT family_NN
of_IN God_NP in_IN order_NN to_TO receive_VB the_AT benefits_NNS that_WPS are_B
ER promised_VBN to_IN those_DTS who_WPS are_BER His_PP$ own_JJ ._. Perhaps_RB yo
u_PPSS are_BER not_* His_PP$ child_NN ._. Perhaps_RB you_PPSS do_DO not_* know_V
B if_CS you_PPSS belong_VB to_IN Him_PPO ._. You_PPSS may_MD know_VB that_CS you
_PPSS are_BER in_IN God's_NP$ family_NN and_CC be_BE just_QL as_QL sure_JJ of_IN
it_PPO as_CS you_PPSS are_BER that_CS you_PPSS belong_VB to_IN the_AT family_NN
of_IN your_PP$ earthly_JJ father_NN ._. ``_`` God_NP so_RB loved_VBD the_AT wor
ld_NN ,_, that_CS he_PPS gave_VBD his_PP$ only_RB begotten_VBN Son_NN-TL ,_, tha
t_CS whosoever_WPS believeth_VBZ in_IN him_PPO should_MD not_* perish_VB ,_, but
_CC have_HV everlasting_JJ life_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` as_QL many_AP as_CS re
ceived_VBD him_PPO ,_, to_IN them_PPO gave_VBD He_PPS power_NN to_TO become_VB t
he_AT sons_NNS of_IN God_NP ,_, even_RB to_IN them_PPO that_WPS believe_VB on_IN
His_PP$ name_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ to_IN those_DTS who_WPS believe_VB on_I
N His_PP$ name_NN and_CC belong_VB to_IN Him_PPO that_CS He_PPS gives_VBZ His_PP
$ peace_NN ;_. ;_. not_* that_DT empty_JJ peace_NN the_AT world_NN offers_VBZ ,_
, but_CC a_AT deep_JJ ,_, abiding_VBG peace_NN which_WDT nothing_PN can_MD destr
oy_VB ._. Why_WRB not_* open_VB your_PP$ heart_NN to_IN the_AT Lord_NN-TL Jesus_
NP Christ_NP now_RB ,_, accept_VB Him_PPO as_CS your_PP$ Saviour_NN-TL and_CC le
t_VB Him_PPO fill_VB you_PPO with_IN peace_NN that_WPO only_RB He_PPS can_MD giv
e_VB ._. Then_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT hymn_NN writer_NN of_IN old_JJ ,_, you_PPSS
can_MD say_VB :_: ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM resting_VBG today_NR in_IN His_PP$ wonderf
ul_JJ peace_NN ,_, Resting_VBG sweetly_RB in_IN Jesus'_NP$ control_NN ._. I_PPSS
am_BEM kept_VBN from_IN all_ABN danger_NN by_IN night_NN and_CC by_IN day_NN ,_
, And_CC His_PP$ glory_NN is_BEZ flooding_VBG my_PP$ soul_NN ''_'' ._. Satellite
s_NNS ,_, sputniks_NNS ,_, rockets_NNS ,_, balloons_NNS ;_. ;_. what_WDT next_RB
?_. ?_. Our_PP$ necks_NNS are_BER stiff_JJ from_IN gazing_VBG at_IN the_AT wond
ers_NNS of_IN outer_JJ space_NN ,_, which_WDT have_HV captured_VBN the_AT imagin
ation_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ public_NN ._. Cape_NN-TL Canaveral's_NP$-TL ac
hievements_NNS thunder_VB forth_RB from_IN the_AT radio_NN ,_, television_NN ,_,
and_CC newspaper_NN ._. While_CS we_PPSS are_BER filling_VBG outer_JJ space_NN
with_IN scientific_JJ successes_NNS ,_, for_IN many_AP the_AT ``_`` inner_JJ ''_
'' space_NN of_IN their_PP$ soul_NN is_BEZ an_AT aching_VBG void_NN ._. Proof_NN
?_. ?_. An_AT average_NN of_IN 50_CD suicides_NNS are_BER reported_VBN in_IN Am
erica_NP each_DT day_NN !_. !_. One_CD out_IN of_IN every_AT three_CD or_CC four
_CD marriages_NNS ends_VBZ in_IN divorce_NN !_. !_. Over_RP $200,000,000_NNS is_
BEZ paid_VBN yearly_RB to_IN the_AT 80,000_CD full-time_JJ fortune-tellers_NNS i
n_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL by_IN fearful_JJ mankind_NN who_WPS want
_VB to_TO ``_`` know_VB ''_'' what_WDT the_AT future_NN holds_VBZ !_. !_. Delinq
uency_NN ,_, juvenile_JJ and_CC adult_NN ,_, is_BEZ at_IN an_AT all-time_JJ high
_NN !_. !_. Further_JJR proof_NN ?_. ?_. Read_VB your_PP$ daily_JJ newspaper_NN
!_. !_. Unfortunately_RB ,_, in_IN our_PP$ rush_NN to_TO beat_VB the_AT Russians
_NPS ,_, we_PPSS have_HV forgotten_VBN these_DTS truth-packed_JJ words_NNS of_IN
Jesus_NP Christ_NP :_: ``_`` What_WDT shall_MD it_PPS profit_VB a_AT man_NN ,_,
if_CS he_PPS shall_MD gain_VB the_AT whole_JJ world_NN (_( that_DT includes_VBZ
outer_JJ space_NN )_) ,_, and_CC lose_VB his_PP$ own_JJ soul_NN ?_. ?_. Or_CC w
hat_WDT shall_MD a_AT man_NN give_VB in_IN exchange_NN for_IN his_PP$ soul_NN ''
_'' ?_. ?_. (_( Mark_NP 36_CD ,_, 37_CD )_) ._. Gaining_VBG outer_JJ space_NN an
d_CC losing_VBG ``_`` inner_JJ ''_'' space_NN is_BEZ bad_JJ business_NN accordin
g_IN to_IN God's_NP$ standards_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ that_CS we_PPSS mus
t_MD keep_VB up_RP our_PP$ national_JJ defenses_NNS and_CC scientific_JJ accompl
ishments_NNS ;_. ;_. only_RB a_AT fool_NN would_MD think_VB otherwise_RB ._. But
_CC we_PPSS must_MD not_* forget_VB man's_NN$ soul_NN ._. Is_BEZ putting_VBG a_A
T rocket_NN in_IN orbit_NN half_ABN so_QL significant_JJ as_CS the_AT good_JJ ne
ws_NN that_CS God_NP put_VBD His_PP$ Son_NN-TL ,_, Jesus_NP Christ_NP ,_, on_IN
earth_NN to_TO live_VB and_CC die_VB to_TO save_VB our_PP$ hell-bound_JJ souls_N
NS ?_. ?_. ``_`` For_CS God_NP so_RB loved_VBD the_AT world_NN ,_, that_CS he_PP
S gave_VBD his_PP$ only_RB begotten_VBN Son_NN-TL ,_, that_CS whosoever_WPS beli
eveth_VBZ in_IN Him_PPO should_MD not_* perish_VB ,_, but_CC have_HV everlasting
_JJ life_NN ''_'' (_( John_NP 3_CD :_. :_. 16_CD )_) ._. Never_RB forget_VB that
_CS a_AT chain_NN is_BEZ only_RB as_QL strong_JJ as_CS its_PP$ weakest_JJT link_
NN ._. Your_PP$ spiritual_JJ ``_`` inner_JJ ''_'' space_NN helps_VBZ determine_V
B the_AT spirituality_NN of_IN America_NP as_CS a_AT nation_NN ._. We_PPSS trust
_VB you_PPSS are_BER not_* one_CD of_IN the_AT 70,000,000_CD Americans_NPS who_W
PS do_DO not_* attend_VB church_NN ,_, but_CC who_WPS feel_VB that_CS various_JJ
forms_NNS of_IN recreation_NN are_BER more_QL important_JJ than_CS worshipping_
VBG the_AT God_NP who_WPS made_VBD our_PP$ country_NN great_JJ ._. Is_BEZ forgiv
eness_NN of_IN past_JJ sins_NNS ,_, assurance_NN of_IN present_JJ help_NN ,_, an
d_CC hope_NN of_IN future_JJ bliss_NN in_IN your_PP$ orbit_NN ?_. ?_. Or_CC are_
BER you_PPSS trying_VBG the_AT devil's_NN$ substitutes_NNS to_TO relieve_VB that
_DT spiritual_JJ hunger_NN you_PPSS feel_VB within_RB ?_. ?_. Pleasure_NN ,_, fa
me_NN and_CC fortune_NN ,_, drowning_VBG your_PP$ troubles_NNS with_IN a_AT drin
k_NN ,_, and_CC ``_`` living_VBG it_PPO up_RP ''_'' with_IN the_AT gang_NN are_B
ER like_CS candy_NN bars_NNS when_WRB you're_PPSS+BER hungry_JJ :_: they_PPSS ma
y_MD ease_VB your_PP$ hunger_NN temporarily_RB ,_, but_CC they'll_PPSS+MD never_
RB take_VB the_AT place_NN of_IN a_AT satisfying_VBG ,_, mouth-watering_JJ steak
_NN ._. So_CS it_PPS is_BEZ spiritually_RB ._. No_AT amount_NN of_IN religious_J
J ceremonies_NNS or_CC even_RB joining_VBG a_AT church_NN will_MD relieve_VB the
_AT gnawing_VBG of_IN your_PP$ ``_`` inner_JJ ''_'' space_NN ._. Why_WRB ?_. ?_.
Because_CS your_PP$ soul_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN to_TO be_BE filled_VBN with_IN Go
d_NP Himself_PPL ,_, not_* religious_JJ functions_NNS ``_`` about_IN ''_'' Him_P
PO ._. Only_AP He_PPS can_MD satisfy_VB the_AT deepest_JJT longings_NNS ._. That
_DT is_BEZ why_WRB the_AT Bible_NP commands_VBZ you_PPO to_TO ``_`` Taste_VB and
_CC see_VB that_CS the_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ good_JJ :_: blessed_VBN (_( happy_JJ
)_) is_BEZ the_AT man_NN that_WPS trusteth_VBZ in_IN Him_PPO ''_'' (_( Psalm_NN
-TL 34_CD-TL :_:-TL 8_CD-TL )_) ._. You_PPSS can_MD receive_VB God_NP into_IN yo
ur_PP$ heart_NN and_CC life_NN by_IN a_AT step_NN of_IN personal_JJ faith_NN ._.
Accept_VB the_AT sinless_JJ Son_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, Jesus_NP Christ_NP
,_, as_CS your_PP$ own_JJ personal_JJ Saviour_NN-TL ._. ``_`` As_QL many_AP as_
CS received_VBD Him_PPO (_( Jesus_NP )_) ,_, to_IN them_PPO gave_VBD He_PPS powe
r_NN to_TO become_VB the_AT sons_NNS of_IN God_NP ,_, even_RB to_IN them_PPO tha
t_WPS believe_VB on_IN his_PP$ name_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` The_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ
my_PP$ light_NN and_CC my_PP$ salvation_NN ;_. ;_. whom_WPO shall_MD I_PPSS fear
_VB ?_. ?_. The_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ the_AT strength_NN of_IN my_PP$ life_NN ;_.
;_. of_IN whom_WPO shall_MD I_PPSS be_BE afraid_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_. (_( Psalm_NN-T
L 27_CD-TL :_:-TL 1_CD-TL )_) A_AT certain_JJ teacher_NN scheduled_VBD a_AT ``_`
` Fear_NN-TL Party_NN-TL ''_'' for_IN her_PP$ fourth_OD grade_NN pupils_NNS ._.
It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT session_NN at_IN which_WDT all_ABN the_AT youngsters_NNS we
re_BED told_VBN to_TO express_VB their_PP$ fears_NNS ,_, to_TO get_VB them_PPO o
ut_RP in_IN the_AT open_JJ where_WRB they_PPSS could_MD talk_VB about_IN them_PP
O freely_RB ._. The_AT teacher_NN thought_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ so_QL successful_J
J that_CS she_PPS asks_VBZ :_: ``_`` Wouldn't_MD* it_PPS be_BE helpful_JJ to_IN
all_ABN age_NN groups_NNS if_CS they_PPSS could_MD participate_VB in_IN a_AT sim
ilar_JJ confessional_NN of_IN their_PP$ fears_NNS and_CC worries_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?
_. Dr._NN-TL George_NP W._NP Crane_NP ,_, a_AT medical_JJ columnist_NN ,_, think
s_VBZ it_PPS would_MD ._. He_PPS says_VBZ :_: ``_`` That_DT would_MD reduce_VB n
eurotic_JJ ailments_NNS tremendously_RB ._. Each_DT week_NN an_AT estimated_VBN
20_CD million_CD patients_NNS call_VB upon_RB us_PPO doctors_NNS ._. Of_IN this_
DT number_NN ,_, 50%_NN ,_, or_CC 10_CD million_CD patients_NNS have_HV no_AT di
agnosable_JJ physical_JJ ailments_NNS whatever_WDT ._. They_PPSS are_BER '_' wor
ry_NN warts_NNS ._. Yet_CC they_PPSS keep_VB running_VBG from_IN one_CD physicia
n_NN to_IN another_DT ,_, largely_RB to_TO get_VB a_AT willing_JJ ear_NN who_WPS
will_MD listen_VB to_IN their_PP$ parade_NN of_IN troubles_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN
the_AT most_QL wholesome_JJ things_NNS you_PPSS could_MD schedule_VB in_IN your
_PP$ church_NN would_MD thus_RB be_BE a_AT group_NN confessional_NN where_WRB pe
ople_NNS could_MD admit_VB of_IN their_PP$ inner_JJ tensions_NNS ''_'' ._. We_PP
SS are_BER evidently_RB trying_VBG hard_RB to_TO think_VB of_IN new_JJ ways_NNS
to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN fear_NN these_DTS days_NNS ._. It_
PPS must_MD be_BE getting_VBG more_QL serious_JJ ._. People_NNS are_BER giving_V
BG their_PP$ doctors_NNS a_AT hard_JJ time_NN ._. One_CD doctor_NN made_VBD a_AT
careful_JJ survey_NN of_IN his_PP$ patients_NNS and_CC the_AT reasons_NNS for_I
N their_PP$ troubles_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS reported_VBD that_CS 40%_NN of_IN the
m_PPO worried_VBN about_IN things_NNS that_WPS never_RB happened_VBD ;_. ;_. 30%
_NN of_IN them_PPO worried_VBN about_IN past_JJ happenings_NNS which_WDT were_BE
D completely_RB beyond_IN their_PP$ control_NN ;_. ;_. 12%_NN of_IN them_PPO wor
ried_VBN about_IN their_PP$ health_NN ,_, although_CS their_PP$ ailments_NNS wer
e_BED imaginary_JJ ;_. ;_. 10%_NN of_IN them_PPO worried_VBD about_IN their_PP$
friends_NNS ,_, neighbors_NNS ,_, and_CC relatives_NNS ,_, most_AP of_IN whom_WP
O were_BED quite_QL capable_JJ of_IN taking_VBG care_NN of_IN themselves_PPLS ._
. Only_RB 8%_NN of_IN the_AT worries_NNS had_HVD behind_IN them_PPO real_JJ caus
es_NNS which_WDT demanded_VBD attention_NN ._. Well_UH ,_, most_AP of_IN our_PP$
fears_NNS may_MD be_BE unfounded_JJ ,_, but_CC after_CS you_PPSS discover_VB th
at_DT fact_NN ,_, you_PPSS have_HV something_PN else_RB to_TO worry_VB about_IN
:_: Why_WRB then_RB do_DO we_PPSS have_HV these_DTS fears_NNS ?_. ?_. What_WDT i
s_BEZ the_AT real_JJ cause_NN of_IN them_PPO ?_. ?_. What_WDT is_BEZ there_EX ab
out_IN us_PPO that_WPS makes_VBZ us_PPO so_QL anxious_JJ ?_. ?_. Look_VB at_IN t
he_AT things_NNS we_PPSS do_DO to_TO escape_VB our_PP$ fears_NNS and_CC to_TO fo
rget_VB our_PP$ worries_NNS ._. We_PPSS spend_VB millions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS
every_AT year_NN on_IN fortune_NN tellers_NNS and_CC soothsayers_NNS ._. We_PPSS
spend_VB billions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS at_IN the_AT race_NN tracks_NNS ,_, and
_CC more_AP billions_NNS on_IN other_AP forms_NNS of_IN gambling_VBG ._. We_PPSS
spend_VB billions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS on_IN liquor_NN ,_, and_CC many_QL more
_AP billions_NNS on_IN various_JJ forms_NNS of_IN escapist_NN entertainment_NN .
_. We_PPSS consume_VB tons_NNS of_IN aspirin_NN and_CC tranquilizers_NNS and_CC
sleeping_VBG pills_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO get_VB a_AT moment's_NN$ relief_NN f
rom_IN the_AT tensions_NNS that_WPS are_BER tearing_VBG us_PPO apart_RB ._. A_AT
visitor_NN from_IN a_AT more_QL peaceful_JJ country_NN across_IN the_AT sea_NN
was_BEDZ taken_VBN to_IN one_CD of_IN our_PP$ amusement_NN parks_NNS ,_, and_CC
after_CS he_PPS had_HVD seen_VBN it_PPO all_ABN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD to_IN a_AT f
riend_NN :_: ``_`` You_PPSS must_MD be_BE a_AT very_QL sad_JJ people_NNS ''_'' .
_. ``_`` Sad_JJ ''_'' was_BEDZ not_* the_AT right_JJ word_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN
._. He_PPS should_MD have_HV said_VBN ``_`` jittery_JJ ''_'' ,_, for_CS that's_
DT+BEZ what_WDT we_PPSS are_BER ._. And_CC that's_DT+BEZ worse_JJR than_CS sad_J
J ._. Watch_VB people_NNS flock_VB to_IN amusement_NN houses_NNS ,_, cocktail_NN
lounges_NNS ,_, and_CC night_NN clubs_NNS that_WPS advertise_VB continuous_JJ e
ntertainment_NN ,_, which_WDT means_VBZ an_AT endless_JJ flow_NN of_IN noise_NN
and_CC frivolity_NN by_IN paid_VBN entertainers_NNS who_WPS are_BER supposed_VBN
to_TO perform_VB in_IN those_DTS incredible_JJ ways_NNS which_WDT are_BER desig
ned_VBN to_TO give_VB men_NNS a_AT few_AP hours_NNS of_IN dubious_JJ relaxation_
NN --_-- watch_VB them_PPO and_CC you_PPSS can_MD tell_VB that_CS many_AP of_IN
them_PPO are_BER running_VBG away_RB from_IN something_PN ._. In_IN one_CD of_IN
his_PP$ writings_NNS Pascal_NP speaks_VBZ of_IN this_DT mania_NN for_IN diversi
on_NN as_CS being_BEG a_AT sign_NN of_IN misery_NN and_CC fear_NN which_WDT man_
NN cannot_MD* endure_VB without_IN such_JJ opiates_NNS ._. Yes_RB ,_, and_CC as_
CS tension_NN mounts_VBZ in_IN this_DT world_NN ,_, fear_NN is_BEZ increasing_VB
G ._. Does_DOZ that_DT explain_VB why_WRB there_EX is_BEZ now_RB such_ABL a_AT b
ig_JJ boom_NN in_IN the_AT bomb_NN shelter_NN business_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS have_H
V so_QL many_AP new_JJ things_NNS to_TO fear_VB in_IN this_DT age_NN of_IN nucle
ar_JJ weapons_NNS ,_, dreadful_JJ things_NNS which_WDT are_BER too_QL horrible_J
J to_TO contemplate_VB ._. I_PPSS doubt_VB that_CS ``_`` fear_NN parties_NNS ''_
'' and_CC ``_`` group_NN confessionals_NNS ''_'' will_MD help_VB very_QL much_RB
._. Suppose_VB we_PPSS do_DO get_VB our_PP$ fears_NNS out_RP in_IN the_AT open_
JJ ,_, what_WDT then_RB ?_. ?_. Isn't_BEZ* that_DT where_WRB most_AP of_IN them_
PPO are_BER already_RB --_-- right_QL out_RP on_IN the_AT front_JJ page_NN of_IN
our_PP$ newspapers_NNS ?_. ?_. Maybe_RB we_PPSS are_BER talking_VBG about_IN th
em_PPO too_QL much_RB ._. The_AT question_NN is_BEZ :_: what_WDT are_BER we_PPSS
going_VBG to_TO do_DO about_IN them_PPO ?_. ?_. Meanwhile_RB ,_, the_AT enemy_N
N will_MD capitalize_VB on_IN our_PP$ fears_NNS ,_, if_CS he_PPS can_MD ._. Hitl
er_NP did_DOD just_RB that_DT 23_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, building_VBG up_RP tens
ions_NNS that_WPS first_RB led_VBD to_IN a_AT Munich_NP and_CC then_RB to_IN a_A
T world_NN war_NN ._. The_AT fear_NN of_IN war_NN can_MD make_VB us_PPO either_C
C too_QL weak_JJ to_TO stand_VB and_CC too_QL willing_JJ to_TO compromise_VB ,_,
or_CC too_QL reckless_JJ and_CC too_QL nervous_JJ to_TO negotiate_VB for_IN pea
ce_NN as_QL long_RB as_CS there_EX is_BEZ any_DTI chance_NN to_TO negotiate_VB .
_. It_PPS is_BEZ said_VBN that_CS fear_NN in_IN human_JJ beings_NNS produces_VBZ
an_AT odor_NN that_WPS provokes_VBZ animals_NNS to_TO attack_VB ._. It_PPS coul
d_MD have_HV the_AT same_AP effect_NN on_IN Communists_NNS-TL ._. The_AT Preside
nt_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL has_HVZ said_VBN :_: ``_
`` We_PPSS will_MD never_RB negotiate_VB out_IN of_IN fear_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS
will_MD never_RB fear_VB to_TO negotiate_VB ''_'' ._. That_DT is_BEZ a_AT sound
_JJ position_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ important_JJ that_CS Moscow_NP shall_MD
recognize_VB it_PPO not_* merely_RB as_CS the_AT word_NN of_IN a_AT president_N
N but_CC as_CS the_AT mind_NN of_IN a_AT free_JJ people_NNS who_WPS are_BER not_
* afraid_JJ ._. And_CC that's_DT+BEZ another_DT reason_NN why_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ
imperative_JJ for_IN us_PPO these_DTS days_NNS to_TO conquer_VB our_PP$ fears_NN
S ,_, to_TO develop_VB the_AT poise_NN that_WPS promotes_VBZ peace_NN ._. Turnin
g_VBG to_IN the_AT Word_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, we_PPSS find_VB the_AT only
_AP sure_JJ way_NN to_TO do_DO that_DT ._. In_IN Psalm_NN-TL 27_CD-TL :_:-TL 1_C
D-TL you_PPSS read_VB those_DTS beautiful_JJ words_NNS which_WDT you_PPSS must_M
D have_HV in_IN your_PP$ heart_NN if_CS you_PPSS are_BER to_TO master_VB the_AT
fears_NNS that_WPS surround_VB you_PPO ,_, or_CC to_TO drive_VB them_PPO out_RP
if_CS they_PPSS have_HV you_PPO in_IN their_PP$ grip_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT Lord_NN
-TL is_BEZ my_PP$ light_NN and_CC my_PP$ salvation_NN ;_. ;_. whom_WPO shall_MD
I_PPSS fear_VB ?_. ?_. The_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ the_AT strength_NN of_IN my_PP$
life_NN ;_. ;_. of_IN whom_WPO shall_MD I_PPSS be_BE afraid_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_. Wel
l_UH ,_, you_PPSS say_VB ,_, those_DTS are_BER beautiful_JJ words_NNS all_QL rig
ht_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ easy_JJ for_IN the_AT psalmist_NN to_TO sing_VB
them_PPO in_IN his_PP$ day_NN ._. He_PPS didn't_DOD* live_VB in_IN a_AT world_N
N of_IN perpetual_JJ peril_NN like_CS ours_PP$$ ._. He_PPS didn't_DOD* know_VB a
nything_PN about_IN the_AT problems_NNS we_PPSS face_VB today_NR ._. No_RB ?_. ?
_. Read_VB the_AT next_AP two_CD verses_NNS :_: ``_`` When_WRB the_AT wicked_JJ
,_, even_RB mine_PP$ enemies_NNS and_CC my_PP$ foes_NNS ,_, came_VBD upon_IN me_
PPO to_TO eat_VB up_RP my_PP$ flesh_NN ,_, they_PPSS stumbled_VBD and_CC fell_VB
D ._. Though_CS an_AT host_NN should_MD encamp_VB against_IN me_PPO ,_, my_PP$ h
eart_NN shall_MD not_* fear_VB :_: though_CS war_NN should_MD rise_VB against_IN
me_PPO ,_, in_IN this_DT will_MD I_PPSS be_BE confident_JJ ''_'' ._. That_DT is
_BEZ almost_RB a_AT perfect_JJ description_NN of_IN the_AT predicament_NN in_IN
which_WDT we_PPSS find_VB ourselves_PPLS today_NR ,_, isn't_BEZ* it_PPS ?_. ?_.
Our_PP$ enemy_NN is_BEZ also_RB threatening_VBG to_TO devour_VB us_PPO ._. He_PP
S has_HVZ already_RB devoured_VBN huge_JJ areas_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, pu
tting_VBG men_NNS behind_IN concrete_NN walls_NNS and_CC iron_NN curtains_NNS an
d_CC barbed_VBN wire_NN ,_, reducing_VBG them_PPO to_IN slavery_NN ,_, systemati
cally_RB crushing_VBG not_* only_RB their_PP$ bodies_NNS but_CC their_PP$ souls_
NNS ,_, and_CC shooting_VBG them_PPO to_IN death_NN if_CS they_PPSS try_VB to_TO
escape_VB their_PP$ prison_NN ._. Yes_RB indeed_RB ,_, we_PPSS too_RB can_MD se
e_VB a_AT warlike_JJ host_NN of_IN infidels_NNS encamped_VBN against_IN us_PPO .
_. What_WDT a_AT terrible_JJ thing_NN ,_, that_DT ``_`` wailing_VBG wall_NN ''_'
' in_IN Berlin_NP !_. !_. A_AT man_NN with_IN a_AT baby_NN in_IN his_PP$ arms_NN
S stood_VBD there_RB pleading_VBG for_IN his_PP$ wife_NN who_WPS is_BEZ on_IN th
e_AT other_AP side_NN with_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT family_NN ._. Another_
DT man_NN tried_VBD to_TO swim_VB across_IN the_AT river_NN from_IN the_AT East_
NR-TL to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ,_, but_CC was_BEDZ shot_VBN and_CC killed_VBN ._.
A_AT middle_JJ aged_VBN woman_NN opened_VBD a_AT window_NN on_IN the_AT third_O
D floor_NN of_IN her_PP$ house_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ behind_IN the_AT wall_NN ,_
, she_PPS threw_VBD out_RP a_AT few_AP belongings_NNS and_CC then_RB jumped_VBD
;_. ;_. she_PPS was_BEDZ fatally_RB injured_VBN ._. The_AT entrance_NN to_IN a_A
T church_NN has_HVZ been_BEN walled_VBN up_RP ,_, so_CS that_CS the_AT congregat
ion_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN which_WDT is_BEZ in_IN the_AT western_JJ sector_NN ,_,
cannot_MD* worship_VB God_NP there_RB anymore_RB ._. Practically_RB everybody_PN
in_IN Berlin_NP has_HVZ relatives_NNS and_CC friends_NNS that_WPS live_VB in_IN
the_AT opposite_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN ._. People_NNS stand_VB at_IN t
he_AT wall_NN giving_VBG vent_NN to_IN their_PP$ feelings_NNS ,_, weeping_VBG ,_
, pounding_VBG it_PPO with_IN their_PP$ fists_NNS ,_, pleading_VBG for_IN loved_
VBN ones_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT enemy_NN answers_VBZ them_PPO from_IN loudspeaker
s_NNS that_WPS pour_VB out_RP Communist_NN-TL propaganda_NN with_IN a_AT generou
s_JJ mixture_NN of_IN terrible_JJ profanity_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ only_AP one_C
D escape_NN left_VBN ,_, a_AT tragic_JJ one_CD ,_, and_CC too_QL many_AP people_
NNS are_BER taking_VBG it_PPO :_: suicide_NN ._. The_AT normal_JJ rate_NN of_IN
suicides_NNS in_IN East_JJ-TL Berlin_NP-TL was_BEDZ one_CD a_AT day_NN ,_, but_C
C since_CS the_AT border_NN was_BEDZ closed_VBN on_IN August_NP 13_CD it_PPS has
_HVZ jumped_VBN to_IN 25_CD a_AT day_NN !_. !_. These_DTS things_NNS may_MD be_B
E happening_VBG many_AP miles_NNS away_RB from_IN us_PPO but_CC really_RB they_P
PSS are_BER right_QL next_AP door_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER all_ABN involved_VBN in
_IN them_PPO ,_, deeply_RB involved_VBN ._. And_CC nobody_PN knows_VBZ what_WDT
comes_VBZ next_RB ._. We_PPSS live_VB from_IN crisis_NN to_IN crisis_NN ._. And_
CC there_EX is_BEZ only_RB one_CD way_NN for_IN a_AT man_NN to_TO conquer_VB his
_PP$ fears_NNS in_IN such_ABL a_AT world_NN ._. He_PPS must_MD learn_VB to_TO sa
y_VB with_IN true_JJ faith_NN what_WDT the_AT psalmist_NN said_VBD in_IN a_AT si
milar_JJ world_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ my_PP$ light_NN and_CC my_P
P$ salvation_NN ;_. ;_. whom_WPO shall_MD I_PPSS fear_VB ?_. ?_. The_AT Lord_NN-
TL is_BEZ the_AT strength_NN of_IN my_PP$ life_NN ;_. ;_. of_IN whom_WPO shall_M
D I_PPSS be_BE afraid_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_. Notice_VB that_CS this_DT man_NN had_HVD
a_AT threefold_JJ conception_NN of_IN God_NP which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT secret_NN o
f_IN his_PP$ faith_NN ._. First_RB ,_, ``_`` the_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ my_PP$ lig
ht_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS lived_VBD in_IN a_AT very_QL dark_JJ world_NN ,_, but_CC
he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* in_IN the_AT dark_NN ._. The_AT same_AP God_NP who_WPS cal
led_VBD this_DT world_NN into_IN being_BEG when_WRB He_PPS said_VBD :_: ``_`` Le
t_VB there_EX be_BE light_NN ''_'' !_. !_. --_-- those_DTS were_BED His_PP$ very
_QL first_OD creative_JJ words_NNS --_-- He_PPS began_VBD the_AT world_NN with_I
N light_NN --_-- this_DT God_NP still_RB gives_VBZ light_NN to_IN a_AT world_NN
which_WDT man_NN has_HVZ plunged_VBN into_IN darkness_NN ._. For_IN those_DTS wh
o_WPS put_VB their_PP$ trust_NN in_IN Him_PPO He_PPS still_RB says_VBZ every_AT
day_NN again_RB :_: ``_`` Let_VB there_EX be_BE light_NN ''_'' !_. !_. And_CC th
ere_EX is_BEZ light_NN !_. !_. In_IN fact_NN ,_, He_PPS came_VBD into_IN this_DT
world_NN Himself_PPL ,_, in_IN the_AT person_NN of_IN His_PP$ Son_NN-TL ,_, Jes
us_NP Christ_NP ,_, who_WPS stood_VBD here_RB amid_IN the_AT darkness_NN of_IN h
uman_JJ sin_NN and_CC said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM the_AT light_NN of_IN the
_AT world_NN :_: he_PPS that_WPS followeth_VBZ me_PPO shall_MD not_* walk_VB in_
IN darkness_NN ,_, but_CC shall_MD have_HV the_AT light_NN of_IN life_NN ''_'' .
_. The_AT psalmist_NN could_MD say_VB that_CS God_NP was_BEDZ his_PP$ light_NN e
ven_RB though_CS he_PPS could_MD only_RB anticipate_VB the_AT coming_NN of_IN Ch
rist_NP ._. He_PPS lived_VBD in_IN the_AT dawn_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS could_MD only_R
B see_VB the_AT light_NN coming_VBG over_IN the_AT horizon_NN ._. We_PPSS live_V
B in_IN the_AT bright_JJ daylight_NN of_IN that_DT great_JJ event_NN ;_. ;_. for
_IN us_PPO it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT fact_NN in_IN history_NN ._. Why_WRB should_MD we_
PPSS not_* have_HV the_AT same_AP faith_NN ,_, and_CC an_AT even_QL greater_JJR
experience_NN of_IN the_AT light_NN which_WDT it_PPS gives_VBZ ?_. ?_. This_DT i
s_BEZ the_AT faith_NN that_WPS moved_VBD the_AT psalmist_NN to_TO add_VB his_PP$
second_OD conception_NN of_IN God_NP :_: ``_`` The_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ my_PP$
salvation_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS knew_VBD that_CS his_PP$ God_NP would_MD save_VB h
im_PPO from_IN his_PP$ enemies_NNS because_CS He_PPS had_HVD saved_VBN him_PPO f
rom_IN his_PP$ sins_NNS ._. If_CS God_NP could_MD do_DO that_DT ,_, He_PPS could
_MD do_DO anything_PN ._. The_AT enemies_NNS at_IN his_PP$ gate_NN ,_, threateni
ng_VBG to_TO eat_VB up_RP his_PP$ flesh_NN ,_, were_BED nothing_PN compared_VBN
with_IN the_AT enemy_NN of_IN sin_NN within_IN his_PP$ own_JJ soul_NN ._. And_CC
God_NP had_HVD conquered_VBN that_DT one_CD by_IN His_PP$ grace_NN !_. !_. So_R
B why_WRB worry_VB about_IN all_ABN the_AT others_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT apostle_NN
Paul_NP said_VBD the_AT same_AP thing_NN in_IN the_AT language_NN and_CC faith_N
N of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL :_: ``_`` He_PPS that_WPS spared_VBD no
t_* His_PP$ own_JJ Son_NN-TL ,_, but_CC delivered_VBD Him_PPO up_RP for_IN us_PP
O all_ABN ,_, how_WRB shall_MD He_PPS not_* with_IN Him_PPO freely_RB give_VB us
_PPO all_ABN things_NNS ?_. ?_. If_CS God_NP be_BE for_IN us_PPO ,_, who_WPS can
_MD be_BE against_IN us_PPO ?_. ?_. Who_WPS shall_MD separate_VB us_PPO from_IN
the_AT love_NN of_IN Christ_NP ?_. ?_. Shall_MD tribulation_NN ,_, or_CC distres
s_NN ,_, or_CC persecution_NN ,_, or_CC famine_NN ,_, or_CC nakedness_NN ,_, or_
CC peril_NN ,_, or_CC sword_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. (_( Romans_NPS 31_CD-TL ,_,-TL 32_C
D-TL ,_, 35_CD )_) Salvation_NN !_. !_. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT key_NN to_IN the_A
T conquest_NN of_IN fear_NN ._. This_DT gets_VBZ down_RP to_IN the_AT heart_NN o
f_IN our_PP$ problem_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS reconciles_VBZ us_PPO with_IN God_NP ,
_, whom_WPO we_PPSS fear_VB most_AP of_IN all_ABN because_CS we_PPSS have_HV sin
ned_VBN against_IN Him_PPO ._. When_WRB that_DT fear_NN has_HVZ been_BEN removed
_VBN by_IN faith_NN in_IN Jesus_NP Christ_NP ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS know_VB that_C
S He_PPS is_BEZ our_PP$ Savior_NN-TL ,_, that_CS He_PPS has_HVZ paid_VBN our_PP$
debt_NN with_IN His_PP$ blood_NN ,_, that_CS He_PPS has_HVZ met_VBN the_AT dema
nds_NNS of_IN God's_NP$ justice_NN and_CC thus_RB has_HVZ turned_VBN His_PP$ wra
th_NN away_RB --_-- when_WRB we_PPSS know_VB that_DT ,_, we_PPSS have_HV peace_N
N with_IN God_NP in_IN our_PP$ hearts_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC then_RB ,_, with_IN thi
s_DT God_NP on_IN our_PP$ side_NN ,_, we_PPSS can_MD face_VB the_AT whole_JJ wor
ld_NN without_IN fear_NN ._. And_CC so_RB the_AT psalmist_NN gives_VBZ us_PPO on
e_CD more_AP picture_NN of_IN God_NP :_: ``_`` The_AT Lord_NN-TL is_BEZ the_AT s
trength_NN of_IN my_PP$ life_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT word_NN is_BEZ really_RB ``_``
stronghold_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS recalls_VBZ those_DTS words_NNS of_IN another_DT
psalm_NN :_: ``_`` God_NP is_BEZ our_PP$ refuge_NN and_CC strength_NN ,_, a_AT v
ery_QL present_JJ help_NN in_IN trouble_NN ._. Therefore_RB will_MD not_* we_PPS
S fear_VB ,_, though_CS the_AT earth_NN be_BE removed_VBN ,_, and_CC though_CS t
he_AT mountains_NNS be_BE carried_VBN into_IN the_AT midst_NN of_IN the_AT sea_N
N Come_VB ,_, behold_VB the_AT works_NNS of_IN the_AT Lord_NN-TL ,_, what_WDT de
solations_NNS He_PPS hath_HVZ made_VBN in_IN the_AT earth_NN ._. But_CC ,_, agai
n_RB ,_, we_PPSS have_HV no_AT real_JJ evidence_NN on_IN this_DT from_IN that_DT
quarter_NN until_IN the_AT close_NN of_IN the_AT ninth_OD century_NN A.D._RB ,_
, when_WRB an_AT Arabic_JJ scholar_NN ,_, Tabit_NP Ibn_NP Korra_NP (_( 836-901_C
D )_) is_BEZ said_VBN to_TO have_HV discussed_VBN the_AT magic_JJ square_NN of_I
N three_CD ._. Thus_RB ,_, while_CS it_PPS remains_VBZ possible_JJ that_CS the_A
T Babylonians_NPS and/or_CC the_AT Pythagoreans_NPS may_MD perhaps_RB have_HV ha
d_HVN the_AT magic_JJ square_NN of_IN three_CD before_CS the_AT Chinese_NPS did_
DOD ,_, more_QL definite_JJ evidence_NN will_MD have_HV to_TO turn_VB up_RP from
_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL or_CC the_AT Classical_JJ-TL World_NN-TL befo
re_CS China_NP can_MD lose_VB her_PP$ claim_NN to_IN the_AT earliest_JJT known_V
BN magic_JJ square_NN by_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT thousand_CD years_NNS ._. 2_CD-
HL ._.-HL The_AT-HL ``_`` Lo_NP-HL Shu_NP-HL ''_'' square_NN-HL as_CS-HL an_AT-H
L expression_NN-HL of_IN-HL centrality_NN-HL The_AT concept_NN of_IN the_AT Midd
le_JJ-TL Kingdom_NN-TL at_IN peace_NN ,_, strong_JJ and_CC united_VBN under_IN a
_AT forceful_JJ ruler_NN ,_, which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN only_RB a_AT longed-for_
JJ ideal_NN in_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT Warring_VBG-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, w
as_BEDZ finally_RB realized_VBN by_IN the_AT establishment_NN of_IN a_AT Chinese
_JJ-TL Empire_NN-TL under_IN the_AT Ch'in_NP dynasty_NN (_( 221-207_CD B.C._NP )
_) ._. But_CC this_DT was_BEDZ only_RB accomplished_VBN by_IN excessive_JJ cruel
ty_NN and_CC extremes_NNS of_IN totalitarian_JJ despotism_NN ._. Among_IN the_AT
many_AP severe_JJ measures_NNS taken_VBN by_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Emperor_NN-TL
,_, Shih_NP Huang-ti_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ efforts_NNS to_TO insure_VB the_AT co
ntinuation_NN of_IN this_DT hard-won_JJ national_JJ unity_NN ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT
burning_NN of_IN the_AT books_NNS in_IN 213_CD B.C._NP ,_, with_IN the_AT expre
ssed_VBN intention_NN of_IN removing_VBG possible_JJ sources_NNS for_IN divergen
t_JJ thinking_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC ,_, as_CS he_PPS had_HVD a_AT special_JJ fondnes
s_NN for_IN magic_NN and_CC divination_NN ,_, he_PPS ordered_VBD that_CS books_N
NS on_IN these_DTS subjects_NNS should_MD be_BE spared_VBN ._. Many_AP of_IN the
_AT latter_AP were_BED destroyed_VBN in_IN their_PP$ turn_NN ,_, during_IN the_A
T burning_NN of_IN the_AT vast_JJ Ch'in_NP palace_NN some_RB ten_CD years_NNS la
ter_RBR ;_. ;_. yet_CC some_DTI must_MD have_HV survived_VBN ,_, because_CS the_
AT old_JJ interest_NN in_IN number_NN symbolism_NN ,_, divination_NN ,_, and_CC
magic_NN persisted_VBD on_RP into_IN the_AT Han_NP dynasty_NN ,_, which_WDT succ
eeded_VBD in_IN reuniting_VBG China_NP and_CC keeping_VBG it_PPO together_RB for
_IN a_AT longer_JJR period_NN (_( from_IN 202_CD B.C._NP to_IN A.D._RB 220_CD )_
) ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, during_IN the_AT first_OD century_NN B.C._NP ,_, an_AT e
xtensive_JJ literature_NN sprang_VBD up_RP devoted_VBN to_IN these_DTS subjects_
NNS ,_, finding_VBG its_PP$ typical_JJ expression_NN in_IN the_AT so-called_JJ `
`_`` wei_FW-NN books_NNS ''_'' ,_, a_AT number_NN of_IN which_WDT were_BED speci
fically_RB devoted_VBN to_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP and_CC related_VBN numerical_JJ
diagrams_NNS ,_, especially_RB in_IN connection_NN with_IN divination_NN ._. Ho
wever_RB ,_, the_AT wei_FW-NN books_NNS were_BED also_RB destroyed_VBN in_IN a_A
T series_NN of_IN Orthodox_JJ-TL Confucian_JJ-TL purges_NNS which_WDT culminated
_VBD in_IN a_AT final_JJ proscription_NN in_IN 605_CD ._. After_IN all_ABN this_
DT destruction_NN of_IN old_JJ literature_NN ,_, it_PPS should_MD be_BE obvious_
JJ why_WRB we_PPSS have_HV so_QL little_AP information_NN about_IN the_AT early_
JJ history_NN and_CC development_NN of_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP ,_, which_WDT was_
BEDZ already_RB semisecret_JJ anyhow_RB ._. But_CC ,_, in_IN spite_NN of_IN all_
ABN this_DT ,_, enough_AP evidence_NN remains_VBZ to_TO show_VB that_CS the_AT m
agic_JJ square_NN of_IN three_CD must_MD indeed_RB have_HV been_BEN the_AT objec
t_NN of_IN a_AT rather_QL extensive_JJ cult_NN --_-- or_CC series_NN of_IN cults
_NNS --_-- reaching_VBG fullest_JJT expression_NN in_IN the_AT Han_NP period_NN
._. Although_CS modern_JJ scholars_NNS have_HV expressed_VBN surprise_NN that_CS
``_`` the_AT simple_JJ magic_JJ square_NN of_IN three_CD ''_'' ,_, a_AT mere_JJ
``_`` mathematical_JJ puzzle_NN ''_'' ,_, was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO exert_VB a_AT
considerable_JJ influence_NN on_IN the_AT minds_NNS and_CC imaginations_NNS of_I
N the_AT cultured_VBN Chinese_NPS for_IN so_QL many_AP centuries_NNS ,_, they_PP
SS could_MD have_HV found_VBN most_AP of_IN the_AT answers_NNS right_QL within_I
N the_AT square_NN itself_PPL ._. But_CC ,_, up_IN to_IN now_RB ,_, no_AT one_PN
has_HVZ attempted_VBN to_TO analyze_VB its_PP$ inherent_JJ mathematical_JJ prop
erties_NNS ,_, or_CC the_AT numerical_JJ significance_NN of_IN its_PP$ numbers_N
NS --_-- singly_RB or_CC in_IN combination_NN --_-- and_CC then_RB tried_VBN to_
TO consider_VB these_DTS in_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN Old_JJ-TL Chinese_JJ cosmol
ogical_JJ concepts_NNS ._. Such_ABL an_AT analysis_NN speedily_RB reveals_VBZ wh
y_WRB the_AT middle_JJ number_NN of_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP ,_, 5_CD ,_, was_BEDZ
so_QL vitally_QL significant_JJ for_IN the_AT Chinese_NPS ever_RB since_IN the_
AT earliest_JJT hints_NNS that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD a_AT knowledge_NN of_IN this
_DT diagram_NN ._. The_AT importance_NN of_IN this_DT 5_CD can_MD largely_RB be_
BE explained_VBN by_IN the_AT natural_JJ mathematical_JJ properties_NNS of_IN th
e_AT middle_JJ number_NN and_CC its_PP$ special_JJ relationship_NN to_IN all_ABN
the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT numbers_NNS --_-- quite_QL apart_RB from_IN any_DTI
numerological_JJ considerations_NNS ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ to_TO say_VB ,_, any_D
TI symbolic_JJ meaning_NN arbitrarily_RB assigned_VBN to_IN it_PPO ._. Indeed_RB
,_, mathematically_RB speaking_VBG ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ both_ABX functionally_RB
and_CC symbolically_RB the_AT most_QL important_JJ number_NN in_IN the_AT entir
e_JJ diagram_NN ._. If_CS one_PN takes_VBZ the_AT middle_JJ number_NN ,_, 5_CD ,
_, and_CC multiplies_VBZ it_PPO by_IN 3_CD (_( the_AT base_NN number_NN of_IN th
e_AT magic_JJ square_NN of_IN three_CD )_) ,_, the_AT result_NN is_BEZ 15_CD ,_,
which_WDT is_BEZ also_RB the_AT constant_JJ sum_NN of_IN all_ABN the_AT rows_NN
S ,_, columns_NNS ,_, and_CC two_CD main_JJS diagonals_NNS ._. Then_RB ,_, if_CS
the_AT middle_JJ number_NN is_BEZ activated_VBN to_IN its_PP$ greatest_JJT pote
ntial_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN this_DT square_NN ,_, through_IN multiplying_VBG
it_PPO by_IN the_AT highest_JJT number_NN ,_, 9_CD (_( which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT s
quare_NN of_IN the_AT base_NN number_NN )_) ,_, the_AT result_NN is_BEZ 45_CD ;_
. ;_. and_CC the_AT latter_AP is_BEZ the_AT total_NN sum_NN of_IN all_ABN the_AT
numbers_NNS in_IN the_AT square_NN ,_, by_IN which_WDT all_ABN the_AT other_AP
numbers_NNS are_BER overshadowed_VBN and_CC in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS may_MD be_
BE said_VBN to_TO be_BE absorbed_VBN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, the_AT middle_JJ num
ber_NN of_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP is_BEZ not_* only_RB the_AT physical_JJ mean_NN
between_IN every_AT opposing_VBG pair_NN of_IN the_AT other_AP numbers_NNS ,_,
by_IN reason_NN of_IN its_PP$ central_JJ position_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ also_
RB their_PP$ mathematical_JJ mean_NN ,_, since_CS it_PPS is_BEZ equal_JJ to_IN h
alf_ABN the_AT sum_NN of_IN every_AT opposing_VBG pair_NN ,_, all_ABN of_IN whic
h_WDT equal_VB 10_CD ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT neat_JJ balance_NN of_IN these
_DTS pairs_NNS ,_, and_CC their_PP$ subtle_JJ equilibrium_NN ,_, would_MD have_H
V had_HVN special_JJ meaning_NN in_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL Ch
inese_NPS ._. For_CS they_PPSS considered_VBD the_AT odd_JJ numbers_NNS as_CS ma
le_NN and_CC the_AT even_JJ ones_NNS as_CS female_JJ ,_, equating_VBG the_AT two
_CD groups_NNS with_IN the_AT Yang_NP and_CC Yin_NP principles_NNS in_IN Nature_
NN-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN this_DT square_NN ,_, the_AT respective_JJ pairs_NNS
made_VBN up_RP of_IN large_JJ and_CC small_JJ odd_JJ (_( Yang_NP )_) numbers_NNS
,_, and_CC those_DTS composed_VBN of_IN large_JJ and_CC small_JJ even_JJ (_( Yi
n_NP )_) numbers_NNS ,_, were_BED all_ABN equal_JJ to_IN each_DT other_AP ._. Th
us_RB all_ABN differences_NNS were_BED leveled_VBN ,_, and_CC all_ABN contrasts_
NNS erased_VBN ,_, in_IN a_AT realm_NN of_IN no_AT distinction_NN ,_, and_CC the
_AT harmonious_JJ balance_NN of_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP square_NN could_MD effect
ively_RB symbolize_VB the_AT world_NN in_IN balanced_VBN harmony_NN around_IN a_
AT powerful_JJ central_JJ axis_NN ._. The_AT tremendous_JJ emphasis_NN on_IN the
_AT 5_CD in_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP square_NN --_-- for_IN purely_QL mathematical
_JJ reasons_NNS --_-- and_CC the_AT fact_NN that_CS this_DT number_NN so_QL neat
ly_RB symbolized_VBN the_AT heart_NN and_CC center_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,
_, could_MD well_RB explain_VB why_WRB the_AT Old_JJ-TL Chinese_NPS seem_VB to_T
O have_HV so_QL revered_VBN the_AT number_NN 5_CD ,_, and_CC why_WRB they_PPSS p
ut_VB so_QL much_AP stress_NN on_IN the_AT concept_NN of_IN Centrality_NN-TL ._.
These_DTS twin_JJ tendencies_NNS seem_VB to_TO have_HV reached_VBN their_PP$ he
ight_NN in_IN the_AT Han_NP dynasty_NN ._. The_AT existing_VBG reverence_NN for_
IN Centrality_NN-TL must_MD have_HV been_BEN still_QL further_RBR stimulated_VBN
toward_IN the_AT close_NN of_IN the_AT second_OD century_NN B.C._NP ,_, when_WR
B the_AT Han_NP-TL Emperor_NN-TL Wu_NP Ti_NP ordered_VBD the_AT dynastic_JJ colo
r_NN changed_VBN to_IN yellow_NN --_-- which_WDT symbolized_VBD the_AT Center_NN
-TL among_IN the_AT traditional_JJ Five_CD-TL Directions_NNS-TL --_-- and_CC too
k_VBD 5_CD as_CS the_AT dynastic_JJ number_NN ,_, believing_VBG that_CS he_PPS w
ould_MD thus_RB place_VB himself_PPL ,_, his_PP$ imperial_JJ family_NN ,_, and_C
C the_AT nation_NN under_IN the_AT most_QL auspicious_JJ influences_NNS ._. His_
PP$ immediate_JJ motive_NN for_IN doing_VBG this_DT may_MD not_* have_HV been_BE
N directly_RB inspired_VBN by_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP ,_, but_CC this_DT measure_
NN must_MD inevitably_RB have_HV increased_VBN the_AT existing_VBG beliefs_NNS i
n_IN the_AT latter's_NN$ efficacy_NN ._. After_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, inscriptio
ns_NNS on_IN the_AT Han_NP bronze_NN mirrors_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS other_A
P writings_NNS ,_, emphasized_VBD the_AT desirability_NN of_IN keeping_VBG one's
_PN$ self_NN at_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, where_WRB cosmi
c_JJ forces_NNS were_BED strongest_JJT ._. Later_RBR ,_, we_PPSS shall_MD see_VB
what_WDT happened_VBD when_WRB an_AT emperor_NN took_VBD this_DT idea_NN too_QL
literally_RB ._. All_ABN this_DT emphasis_NN on_IN Centrality_NN-TL and_CC on_I
N the_AT number_NN 5_CD as_CS a_AT symbolic_JJ expression_NN of_IN the_AT Center
_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV begun_VBN as_QL far_QL back_RB as_C
S 400_CD B.C._NP ,_, also_RB may_MD conceivably_RB have_HV led_VBN to_IN the_AT
development_NN of_IN the_AT Five-Elements_NNS-TL School_NN-TL and_CC the_AT subs
equent_JJ efforts_NNS to_TO fit_VB everything_PN into_IN numerical_JJ categories
_NNS of_IN five_CD ._. We_PPSS find_VB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, such_JJ groupin
gs_NNS as_CS the_AT Five_CD-TL Ancient_JJ-TL Rulers_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT Five_CD-TL
Sacred_JJ-TL Mountains_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT Five_CD-TL Directions_NNS-TL (_( with_
IN Center_NN-TL )_) ,_, the_AT Five_CD-TL Metals_NNS-TL ,_, Five_CD-TL Colors_NN
S-TL ,_, Five_CD-TL Tastes_NNS-TL ,_, Five_CD-TL Odors_NNS-TL ,_, Five_CD-TL Mus
ical_JJ-TL Notes_NNS-TL ,_, Five_CD-TL Bodily_JJ-TL Functions_NNS-TL ,_, Five_CD
-TL Viscera_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC many_AP others_NNS ._. This_DT trend_NN has_HVZ of
ten_RB been_BEN ascribed_VBN to_IN the_AT cult_NN of_IN the_AT Five_CD-TL Elemen
ts_NNS-TL itself_PPL ,_, as_CS though_CS they_PPSS had_HVD served_VBN as_CS the_
AT base_NN for_IN all_ABN the_AT rest_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC why_WRB did_DOD the_AT O
ld_JJ-TL Chinese_JJ postulate_VB five_CD elements_NNS ,_, when_WRB the_AT Ancien
t_JJ-TL Near_JJ-TL East_NR-TL --_-- which_WDT may_MD have_HV initiated_VBN the_A
T idea_NN that_CS natural_JJ elements_NNS exerted_VBD influence_NN in_IN human_J
J life_NN and_CC activities_NNS --_-- recognized_VBD only_RB four_CD ?_. ?_. And
_CC why_WRB did_DOD the_AT Chinese_NPS suddenly_RB begin_VB to_TO talk_VB about_
IN the_AT Five_CD-TL Directions_NNS-TL ,_, when_WRB the_AT animals_NNS they_PPSS
used_VBD as_CS symbols_NNS of_IN the_AT directions_NNS designated_VBD only_RB t
he_AT usual_JJ four_CD ?_. ?_. Obviously_RB ,_, something_PN suddenly_RB caused_
VBD them_PPO to_TO start_VB thinking_VBG in_IN terms_NNS of_IN fives_NNS ,_, and
_CC that_DT may_MD have_HV been_BEN the_AT workings_NNS of_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_N
P ._. This_DT whole_JJ tendency_NN had_HVD an_AT unfortunate_JJ effect_NN on_IN
Chinese_JJ thinking_NN ._. Whereas_CS the_AT primary_JJ meanings_NNS of_IN the_A
T Lo_NP Shu_NP diagram_NN seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV been_BEN based_VBN on_IN its_
PP$ inner_JJ mathematical_JJ properties_NNS --_-- and_CC we_PPSS shall_MD see_VB
that_CS even_RB its_PP$ secondary_JJ meanings_NNS rested_VBD on_IN some_DTI mat
hematical_JJ bases_NNS --_-- the_AT urgent_JJ desire_NN to_TO place_VB everythin
g_PN into_IN categories_NNS of_IN fives_NNS led_VBD to_IN other_AP groupings_NNS
based_VBN on_IN other_AP numbers_NNS ,_, until_CS an_AT exaggerated_VBN emphasi
s_NN on_IN mere_JJ numerology_NN pervaded_VBD Chinese_JJ thought_NN ._. Scholars
_NNS made_VBD numbered_VBN sets_NNS of_IN as_QL many_AP things_NNS as_CS possibl
e_JJ in_IN Nature_NN-TL ,_, or_CC assigned_VBD arbitrary_JJ numbers_NNS to_IN in
dividual_JJ things_NNS ,_, in_IN a_AT fashion_NN that_WPS seems_VBZ to_IN the_AT
modern_JJ scientific_JJ mind_NN as_CS downright_QL nonsensical_JJ ,_, and_CC ph
ilosophical_JJ ideas_NNS based_VBN upon_IN all_ABN this_DT tended_VBD to_TO stif
le_VB speculative_JJ thought_NN in_IN China_NP for_IN many_AP centuries_NNS ._.
3_CD-HL ._.-HL Yin_NP-HL and_CC-HL Yang_NP-HL in_IN-HL the_AT-HL ``_`` Lo_NP-HL
Shu_NP-HL ''_'' square_NN-HL Although_CS the_AT primary_JJ mathematical_JJ prope
rties_NNS of_IN the_AT middle_JJ number_NN at_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT L
o_NP Shu_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT interrelation_NN of_IN all_ABN the_AT other_AP num
bers_NNS to_IN it_PPO ,_, might_MD seem_VB enough_AP to_TO account_VB for_IN the
_AT deep_JJ fascination_NN which_WDT the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP held_VBD for_IN the_AT
Old_JJ-TL Chinese_JJ philosophers_NNS ,_, this_DT was_BEDZ actually_RB only_RB a
_AT beginning_NN of_IN wonders_NNS ._. For_CS the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP square_NN was_
BEDZ a_AT remarkably_QL complete_JJ compendium_NN of_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT chi
ef_JJS religious_JJ and_CC philosophical_JJ ideas_NNS of_IN its_PP$ time_NN ._.
As_CS such_JJ ,_, one_PN cannot_MD* fully_RB understand_VB the_AT thought_NN of_
IN the_AT pre-Han_JJ and_CC Han_NP periods_NNS without_IN knowing_VBG the_AT mea
nings_NNS inherent_JJ in_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP ;_. ;_. but_CC ,_, conversely_RB
,_, one_PN cannot_MD* begin_VB to_TO understand_VB the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP without_
IN knowing_VBG something_PN about_IN the_AT world_NN view_NN of_IN the_AT Old_JJ
-TL Chinese_JJ ,_, which_WDT they_PPSS felt_VBD they_PPSS saw_VBD expressed_VBN
in_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT Chinese_JJ world_NN view_NN during_IN the_AT Han_NP dyna
sty_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV been_BEN at_IN t
he_AT height_NN of_IN its_PP$ popularity_NN ,_, was_BEDZ based_VBN in_IN large_J
J part_NN on_IN the_AT teachings_NNS of_IN the_AT Yin-Yang_NP and_CC Five-Elemen
ts_NNS-TL School_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ traditionally_RB founded_VBN by_IN
Tsou_NP Yen_NP ._. According_IN to_IN this_DT doctrine_NN ,_, the_AT universe_N
N was_BEDZ ruled_VBN by_IN Heaven_NN-TL ,_, T'ien_NP --_-- as_CS a_AT natural_JJ
force_NN ,_, or_CC in_IN the_AT personification_NN of_IN a_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Sky
-god_NP-TL --_-- governing_VBG all_ABN things_NNS by_IN means_NN of_IN a_AT proc
ess_NN called_VBN the_AT Tao_NP ,_, which_WDT can_MD be_BE roughly_RB interprete
d_VBN as_CS ``_`` the_AT Order_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Universe_NN-TL ''_'' or_
CC ``_`` the_AT Universal_JJ-TL Way_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Heaven_NN-TL ,_, acting_VBG
through_IN the_AT Tao_NP ,_, expressed_VBD itself_PPL by_IN means_NN of_IN the_A
T workings_NNS of_IN two_CD basic_JJ principles_NNS ,_, the_AT Yin_NP and_CC the
_AT Yang_NP ._. The_AT Yang_NP ,_, or_CC male_JJ principle_NN ,_, was_BEDZ the_A
T source_NN of_IN light_NN ,_, heat_NN ,_, and_CC dynamic_JJ vitality_NN ,_, ass
ociated_VBN with_IN the_AT Sun_NN-TL ;_. ;_. while_CS the_AT Yin_NP ,_, or_CC fe
male_JJ principle_NN ,_, flourished_VBD in_IN darkness_NN ,_, cold_NN ,_, and_CC
quiet_JJ inactivity_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ associated_VBN with_IN the_AT Moon_N
N-TL ._. Together_RB these_DTS two_CD principles_NNS influenced_VBD all_ABN thin
gs_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN varying_VBG combinations_NNS they_PPSS were_BED present_
JJ in_IN everything_PN ._. We_PPSS have_HV already_RB seen_VBN that_CS odd_JJ nu
mbers_NNS were_BED considered_VBN as_CS being_BEG Yang_NP ,_, while_CS the_AT ev
en_JJ numbers_NNS were_BED Yin_NP ,_, so_CS that_CS the_AT eight_CD outer_JJ num
bers_NNS of_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP represented_VBD these_DTS two_CD principles_N
NS in_IN balanced_VBN equilibrium_NN around_IN the_AT axial_JJ center_NN ._. Dur
ing_IN the_AT Han_NP dynasty_NN ,_, another_DT Yin-Yang_NP conception_NN was_BED
Z applied_VBN to_IN the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP ,_, considering_VBG the_AT latter_AP as_
CS a_AT plan_NN of_IN Ancient_JJ-TL China_NP ._. Instead_RB of_IN linking_VBG th
e_AT nine_CD numbers_NNS of_IN this_DT diagram_NN with_IN the_AT traditional_JJ
Nine_CD-TL Provinces_NNS-TL ,_, as_CS was_BEDZ usually_RB done_VBN ,_, this_DT e
quated_VBD the_AT odd_JJ ,_, Yang_NP numbers_NNS with_IN mountains_NNS (_( firm_
JJ and_CC resistant_JJ ,_, hence_RB Yang_NP )_) and_CC the_AT even_JJ numbers_NN
S with_IN rivers_NNS (_( sinuous_JJ and_CC yielding_VBG ,_, hence_RB Yin_NP )_)
;_. ;_. taking_VBG the_AT former_AP from_IN the_AT Five_CD-TL Sacred_JJ-TL Mount
ains_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT Han_NP period_NN and_CC the_AT latter_AP from_IN the_AT
principal_JJS river_NN systems_NNS of_IN Old_JJ-TL China_NP-TL ._. Thus_RB the_
AT middle_JJ number_NN ,_, 5_CD ,_, represented_VBD Sung-Shan_NP in_IN Honan_NP
,_, Central_JJ-TL China_NP-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT 3_CD ,_, T'ai-Shan_NP in_IN Shantun
g_NP ,_, East_JJ-TL China_NP-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT 7_CD ,_, Hwa-Shan_NP in_IN Shensi
_NP ,_, West_JJ-TL China_NP-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT 1_CD ,_, Heng-Shan_NP in_IN Hopei_
NP ,_, North_JJ-TL China_NP-TL (_( or_CC the_AT mountain_NN with_IN the_AT same_
AP name_NN in_IN neighboring_VBG Shansi_NP )_) ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT 9_CD ,_, Hu
o-Shan_NP in_IN Anhwei_NP ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ then_RB the_AT South_JJ-TL Sacr
ed_JJ-TL Mountain_NN-TL ._. For_IN the_AT rivers_NNS ,_, the_AT 4_CD represented
_VBD the_AT Huai_NP ,_, to_IN the_AT (_( then_RB )_) Southeast_NR-TL ;_. ;_. the
_AT 2_CD ,_, the_AT San_NP Kiang_NP (_( three_CD rivers_NNS )_) in_IN the_AT (_(
then_RB )_) Southwest_NR-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT 8_CD ,_, the_AT Chi_NP in_IN the_AT
Northeast_NN-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT 6_CD ,_, the_AT (_( upper_JJ )_) Yellow_JJ
-TL River_NN-TL in_IN the_AT Northwest_NR-TL ._. Note_VB that_CS by_IN Western_J
J-TL standards_NNS this_DT plan_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` upside_RB down_RP ''_'' ,_, as
_CS it_PPS put_VBD North_NR-TL at_IN the_AT bottom_NN and_CC South_NR-TL at_IN t
he_AT top_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT other_AP directions_NNS correspondingly_RB alter
ed_VBN ;_. ;_. but_CC in_IN this_DT respect_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ merely_RB followi
ng_VBG the_AT accepted_VBN Chinese_JJ convention_NN for_IN all_ABN maps_NNS ._.
The_AT same_AP arrangement_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN when_WRB the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP was
_BEDZ equated_VBD with_IN the_AT Nine_CD-TL Provinces_NNS-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC when
ever_WRB the_AT Lo_NP Shu_NP involved_VBD directional_JJ symbolism_NN ,_, it_PPS
was_BEDZ oriented_VBN in_IN this_DT same_AP fashion_NN ._. Few_AP persons_NNS w
ho_WPS join_VB the_AT Church_NN-TL are_BER insincere_JJ ._. They_PPSS earnestly_
RB desire_VB to_TO do_DO the_AT will_NN of_IN God_NP ._. When_WRB they_PPSS fall
_VB by_IN the_AT wayside_NN and_CC fail_VB to_TO achieve_VB Christian_JJ stature
_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ an_AT indictment_NN of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL ._. These_DT
S fatalities_NNS are_BER dramatic_JJ evidence_NN of_IN ``_`` halfway_JJ evangeli
sm_NN ''_'' ,_, a_AT failure_NN to_TO follow_VB through_RP ._. A_AT program_NN o
f_IN Lay_JJ-TL Visitation_NN-TL Evangelism_NN-TL can_MD end_VB in_IN dismal_JJ d
efeat_NN with_IN half_ABN the_AT new_JJ members_NNS drifting_VBG away_RB unless_
CS practical_JJ plans_NNS and_CC strenuous_JJ efforts_NNS are_BER made_VBN to_TO
keep_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT active_JJ fellowship_NN ._. The_AT work_NN of_IN
Lay_JJ-TL Visitation_NN-TL Evangelism_NN-TL is_BEZ not_* completed_VBN when_WRB
all_ABN of_IN the_AT persons_NNS on_IN the_AT Responsibility_NN-TL List_NN-TL ha
ve_HV been_BEN interviewed_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT average_JJ situation_NN about_RB
one-third_NN of_IN those_DTS visited_VBN make_VB commitments_NNS to_IN Christ_N
P and_CC the_AT Church_NN-TL ._. The_AT pastor_NN and_CC the_AT Membership_NN-TL
Preparation_NN-TL and_CC-TL Assimilation_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL must_MD follow_V
B through_RP immediately_RB with_IN a_AT carefully_RB planned_VBN program_NN ._.
The_AT first_OD thirty_CD to_IN sixty_CD days_NNS after_CS individuals_NNS make
_VB their_PP$ decision_NN will_MD determine_VB their_PP$ interest_NN and_CC part
icipation_NN in_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL ._. Neglect_NN means
_VBZ spiritual_JJ paralysis_NN or_CC death_NN ._. Preparation_NN-HL for_IN-HL me
mbership_NN-HL churches_NNS that_WPS have_HV a_AT carefully_RB planned_VBN progr
am_NN of_IN membership_NN preparation_NN and_CC assimilation_NN often_RB keep_VB
85_CD to_IN 90_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN their_PP$ new_JJ members_NNS loyal_JJ an
d_CC active_JJ ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT answer_NN to_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN
``_`` membership_NN delinquency_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ important_JJ that_CS
persons_NNS desiring_VBG to_TO unite_VB with_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL be_BE prepa
red_VBN for_IN this_DT experience_NN so_CS that_CS it_PPS may_MD be_BE meaningfu
l_JJ and_CC spiritually_RB significant_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ unfair_JJ and_CC unc
hristian_JJ to_TO ask_VB a_AT person_NN to_TO take_VB the_AT sacred_JJ vows_NNS
of_IN Church_NN-TL membership_NN before_CS he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN carefully_RB
instructed_VBN concerning_IN their_PP$ implications_NNS ._. Preparation_NN for_I
N Church_NN-TL membership_NN begins_VBZ immediately_RB after_CS the_AT commitmen
t_NN is_BEZ received_VBN ._. 1_CD-HL )_) The_AT pastor_NN writes_VBZ a_AT person
al_JJ letter_NN to_IN each_DT individual_NN ,_, expressing_VBG his_PP$ joy_NN ov
er_IN the_AT decision_NN ,_, assuring_VBG him_PPO of_IN a_AT pastoral_JJ call_NN
at_IN the_AT earliest_JJT convenient_JJ time_NN ,_, and_CC outlining_VBG the_AT
plan_NN for_IN membership_NN preparation_NN classes_NNS and_CC Membership_NN-TL
Sunday_NR-TL ._. Some_DTI pastors_NNS write_VB a_AT letter_NN the_AT same_AP ni
ght_NN the_AT decision_NN is_BEZ reported_VBN by_IN the_AT visitors_NNS ._. It_P
PS should_MD not_* be_BE postponed_VBN later_RBR than_CS the_AT next_AP day_NN .
_. A_AT helpful_JJ leaflet_NN may_MD be_BE enclosed_VBN in_IN the_AT letter_NN .
_. 2_CD-HL )_) The_AT pastor_NN calls_VBZ in_IN the_AT home_NN of_IN each_DT ind
ividual_NN or_CC family_NN for_IN a_AT spiritual_JJ guidance_NN conference_NN ._
. If_CS possible_JJ ,_, he_PPS should_MD make_VB an_AT appointment_NN in_IN orde
r_NN that_CS all_ABN persons_NNS involved_VBN may_MD be_BE present_JJ ._. This_D
T is_BEZ not_* a_AT social_JJ call_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ definitely_RB a_AT ``_``
spiritual_JJ guidance_NN conference_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS will_MD discuss_VB the_
AT significance_NN of_IN Christian_JJ commitment_NN ,_, the_AT necessity_NN of_I
N family_NN religion_NN and_CC private_JJ devotions_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT import
ance_NN of_IN the_AT membership_NN preparation_NN sessions_NNS ._. There_EX may_
MD be_BE problems_NNS of_IN conduct_NN or_CC questions_NNS of_IN belief_NN which
_WDT will_MD require_VB his_PP$ counsel_NN ._. Each_DT conference_NN should_MD b
e_BE concluded_VBN naturally_RB with_IN prayer_NN ._. A_AT piece_NN of_IN devoti
onal_JJ material_NN ,_, such_JJ as_CS The_AT Upper_JJ-TL Room_NN-TL ,_, may_MD b
e_BE left_VBN in_IN each_DT home_NN ._. 3_CD-HL )_) A_AT minimum_NN of_IN four_C
D sessions_NNS of_IN preparation_NN for_IN membership_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ for
_IN adults_NNS ._. Some_DTI churches_NNS require_VB more_AP ._. None_PN should_M
D ask_VB less_AP ._. Those_DTS who_WPS join_VB the_AT Church_NN-TL need_VB to_TO
be_BE instructed_VBN in_IN the_AT faith_NN and_CC the_AT meaning_NN of_IN Chris
tian_JJ discipleship_NN before_CS they_PPSS take_VB the_AT sacred_JJ vows_NNS ._
. They_PPSS will_MD have_HV a_AT greater_JJR appreciation_NN for_IN the_AT Churc
h_NN-TL and_CC a_AT deeper_JJR devotion_NN to_IN it_PPO if_CS membership_NN requ
ires_VBZ something_PN of_IN them_PPO ._. Many_AP churches_NNS find_VB the_AT Sun
day_NR school_NN hour_NN to_TO be_BE the_AT most_QL practical_JJ time_NN for_IN
adult_NN preparation_NN classes_NNS ._. Others_NNS meet_VB on_IN Sunday_NR night
_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT mid-week_NN service_NN ,_, or_CC for_IN a_AT series_NN of_I
N four_CD nights_NNS ._. Some_DTI pastors_NNS have_HV two_CD sessions_NNS in_IN
one_CD evening_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT refreshment_NN period_NN between_IN ._. The_A
T sessions_NNS should_MD cover_VB four_CD major_JJ areas_NNS :_: A_AT-TL --_-- T
he_AT Christian_JJ Faith_NN-TL ;_. ;_. B_NN-TL --_-- History_NN of_IN the_AT Chu
rch_NN-TL ;_. ;_. C_NP --_-- Duties_NNS of_IN Church_NN-TL Membership_NN-TL ;_.
;_. D_NP --_-- The_AT Local_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL and_CC Its_PP$ Program_NN ._. Fol
lowing_VBG each_DT instruction_NN period_NN a_AT piece_NN of_IN literature_NN de
aling_VBG with_IN the_AT topic_NN should_MD be_BE handed_VBN each_DT one_CD for_
IN further_JJR reading_NN during_IN the_AT week_NN ._. This_DT procedure_NN is_B
EZ much_QL more_QL effective_JJ than_CS giving_VBG out_RP a_AT membership_NN pac
ket_NN ._. Fourth_OD-HL session_NN-HL important_JJ-HL most_AP pastors_NNS find_V
B that_CS the_AT fourth_OD session_NN should_MD take_VB at_IN least_AP two_CD ho
urs_NNS and_CC therefore_RB hold_VB it_PPO on_IN a_AT week_NN night_NN prior_RB
to_IN Reception_NN-TL Sunday_NR-TL ._. In_IN this_DT session_NN the_AT persons_N
NS seeking_VBG membership_NN are_BER provided_VBN information_NN concerning_IN t
he_AT work_NN of_IN the_AT denomination_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT program_NN
and_CC activities_NNS of_IN the_AT local_JJ church_NN ._. The_AT lay_JJ leaders
hip_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN may_MD be_BE invited_VBN to_TO speak_VB on_IN the_
AT various_JJ phases_NNS of_IN church_NN life_NN ,_, service_NN opportunities_NN
S ,_, the_AT church_NN school_NN ,_, missions_NNS ,_, men's_NNS$ work_NN ,_, wom
en's_NNS$ work_NN ,_, youth_NN program_NN ,_, social_JJ activities_NNS ,_, and_C
C finances_NNS ._. The_AT budget_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN may_MD be_BE presente
d_VBN and_CC pledges_NNS solicited_VBN at_IN this_DT session_NN ._. An_AT ``_``
interest_NN finder_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` talent_NN sheet_NN ''_'' may_MD be_BE fi
lled_VBN out_RP by_IN each_DT person_NN ._. (_( See_VB sample_NN on_IN pp._NNS 7
8-79_CD ._. )_) The_AT fourth_OD session_NN may_MD be_BE concluded_VBN with_IN a
_AT tour_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN facilities_NNS and_CC refreshments_NNS ._. Th
e_AT social_JJ time_NN gives_VBZ an_AT opportunity_NN for_IN church_NN leaders_N
NS to_TO become_VB acquainted_VBN with_IN the_AT new_JJ members_NNS ._. Addition
al_JJ-HL suggestions_NNS-HL for_IN-HL membership_NN-HL preparation_NN-HL in_IN c
onducting_VBG the_AT Membership_NN-TL Preparation-Inquirers'_NP-TL Class_NN-TL ,
_, the_AT pastor_NN should_MD plan_VB a_AT variety_NN of_IN teaching_VBG techniq
ues_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO develop_VB greater_JJR interest_NN on_IN the_AT par
t_NN of_IN the_AT class_NN ._. The_AT following_VBG have_HV been_BEN found_VBN e
ffective_JJ ._. 1_CD-HL )_)-HL Extend_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN classes_NNS ._.
Some_DTI churches_NNS have_HV six_CD or_CC more_AP training_VBG sessions_NNS of_
IN two_CD hours_NNS each_DT ,_, generally_RB held_VBN on_IN Sunday_NR night_NN o
r_CC during_IN the_AT week_NN ._. This_DT gives_VBZ greater_JJR opportunity_NN f
or_IN the_AT learning_VBG process_NN ._. 2_CD-HL )_)-HL Use_VB dramatization_NN
--_-- for_IN example_NN ,_, in_IN discussing_VBG the_AT Lord's_NP$-TL Supper_NN-
TL or_CC church_NN symbolism_NN ._. 3_CD-HL )_)-HL Use_VB audio-visual_JJ aids_N
NS ._. Some_DTI excellent_JJ filmstrips_NNS with_IN recordings_NNS and_CC motion
_NN pictures_NNS may_MD be_BE secured_VBN from_IN your_PP$ denominational_JJ hea
dquarters_NN to_TO enrich_VB the_AT class_NN session_NN ._. 4_CD-HL )_)-HL Have_
HV a_AT ``_`` Question_NN-TL Box_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Some_DTI new_JJ members_NNS wil
l_MD hesitate_VB to_TO ask_VB questions_NNS audibly_RB ._. Urge_VB them_PPO to_T
O write_VB out_RP their_PP$ questions_NNS for_IN the_AT box_NN ._. 5_CD-HL )_)-H
L Use_VB a_AT textbook_NN with_IN assigned_VBN readings_NNS each_DT week_NN ._.
6_CD-HL )_)-HL Select_VB class_NN members_NNS for_IN reports_NNS on_IN various_J
J phases_NNS of_IN the_AT study_NN ._. 7_CD-HL )_)-HL Conduct_VB examinations_NN
S ,_, using_VBG a_AT true-false_JJ check_NN sheet_NN ._. 8_CD-HL )_)-HL Ask_VB e
ach_DT member_NN to_TO write_VB a_AT statement_NN on_IN such_JJ topics_NNS as_CS
:_: ``_`` What_WPO-TL Christ_NP-TL Means_VBZ-TL To_IN-TL Me_PPO-TL ''_'' ,_, ``
_`` What_WPO-TL The_AT-TL Church_NN-TL Means_VBZ-TL To_IN-TL Me_PPO-TL ''_'' ,_,
``_`` Why_WRB Join_VB-TL The_AT-TL Church_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Dutie
s_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Church_NN-TL Members_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, etc._RB ._. 9_CD-HL )_)-
HL Assign_VB a_AT series_NN of_IN catechism_NN questions_NNS to_IN be_BE memoriz
ed_VBN ._. 10_CD-HL )_)-HL Invite_VB class_NN members_NNS to_TO share_VB in_IN a
n_AT extra_JJ period_NN of_IN Bible_NP study_NN each_DT week_NN ._. 11_CD-HL )_)
-HL Ask_VB each_DT new_JJ member_NN to_TO bring_VB his_PP$ Pledge_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Loyalty_NN-TL to_IN the_AT Reception_NN-TL Service_NN-TL ._. What_WDT-HL about_
IN-HL transfers_NNS-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL There_EX is_BEZ A_AT growing_VBG conviction
_NN among_IN pastors_NNS and_CC Church_NN-TL leaders_NNS that_CS all_ABN those_D
TS who_WPS come_VB into_IN the_AT fellowship_NN of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL need_V
B preparatory_JJ training_NN ,_, including_IN those_DTS coming_VBG by_IN transfe
r_NN of_IN membership_NN ._. George_NP E._NP Sweazey_NP writes_VBZ :_: ``_`` The
re_EX is_BEZ danger_NN in_IN trying_VBG to_TO make_VB admission_NN to_IN the_AT
Church_NN-TL so_QL easy_JJ and_CC painless_JJ that_CS people_NNS will_MD scarcel
y_RB know_VB that_CS anything_PN has_HVZ happened_VBN ''_'' ._. People_NNS appre
ciate_VB experiences_NNS that_WPS demand_VB something_PN of_IN them_PPO ._. Thos
e_DTS who_WPS transfer_VB their_PP$ membership_NN are_BER no_AT exception_NN to_
IN the_AT rule_NN ._. For_IN most_AP of_IN them_PPO ,_, it_PPS will_MD be_BE the
ir_PP$ first_OD experience_NN in_IN membership_NN training_NN ,_, since_CS this_
DT is_BEZ a_AT recent_JJ development_NN in_IN many_AP churches_NNS ._. Those_DTS
coming_VBG from_IN other_AP denominations_NNS will_MD welcome_VB the_AT opportu
nity_NN to_TO become_VB informed_VBN ._. The_AT preparatory_JJ class_NN is_BEZ a
n_AT introductory_JJ face-to-face_JJ group_NN in_IN which_WDT new_JJ members_NNS
become_VB acquainted_VBN with_IN one_CD another_DT ._. It_PPS provides_VBZ a_AT
natural_JJ transition_NN into_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT local_JJ church_NN
and_CC its_PP$ organizations_NNS ._. Reception_NN-HL into_IN-HL the_AT-HL Churc
h_NN-TL-HL Fellowship_NN-TL-HL the_AT total_NN process_NN of_IN evangelism_NN re
aches_VBZ the_AT crescendo_NN when_WRB the_AT group_NN of_IN new_JJ members_NNS
stands_VBZ before_IN the_AT congregation_NN to_TO declare_VB publicly_RB their_P
P$ faith_NN and_CC to_TO be_BE received_VBN into_IN the_AT fellowship_NN of_IN t
he_AT Church_NN-TL ._. This_DT should_MD be_BE a_AT high_JJ moment_NN in_IN thei
r_PP$ lives_NNS ,_, a_AT never-to-be-forgotten_JJ experience_NN ._. They_PPSS sh
ould_MD sense_VB the_AT tremendous_JJ significance_NN of_IN joining_VBG the_AT s
piritual_JJ succession_NN reaching_VBG back_RB to_IN Christ_NP our_PP$ Lord_NN-T
L and_CC forward_RB to_IN an_AT eternal_JJ fellowship_NN with_IN the_AT saints_N
NS of_IN the_AT ages_NNS ._. Every_AT detail_NN of_IN the_AT service_NN merits_V
BZ careful_JJ attention_NN --_-- the_AT hymns_NNS ,_, the_AT sermon_NN ,_, the_A
T ritual_NN ,_, the_AT right_JJ hand_NN of_IN fellowship_NN ,_, the_AT introduct
ion_NN to_IN the_AT congregation_NN ,_, the_AT welcome_NN of_IN the_AT congregat
ion_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT vital_JJ part_NN of_IN their_PP$ spiritual_JJ gro
wth_NN and_CC assimilation_NN ._. It_PPS will_MD help_VB to_TO determine_VB the_
AT attitude_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ members_NNS toward_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL ._.
It_PPS can_MD mean_VB the_AT difference_NN between_IN participation_NN and_CC i
naction_NN ,_, spiritual_JJ growth_NN and_CC decay_NN ._. The_AT worship_NN serv
ice_NN is_BEZ the_AT natural_JJ and_CC logical_JJ time_NN to_TO receive_VB new_J
J members_NNS into_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL ._. The_AT atmosphere_NN for_IN this_D
T momentous_JJ experience_NN can_MD be_BE created_VBN most_QL effectively_RB thr
ough_IN the_AT worship_NN experience_NN ._. Psychologically_RB the_AT reception_
NN should_MD be_BE the_AT climax_NN ,_, following_VBG the_AT sermon_NN ._. 1_CD-
HL )_)-HL Ask_VB the_AT new_JJ members_NNS to_TO meet_VB thirty_CD minutes_NNS b
efore_IN the_AT service_NN to_TO complete_VB ``_`` talent_NN sheets_NNS ''_'' an
d_CC pledge_NN cards_NNS ._. Some_DTI denominations_NNS ask_VB new_JJ members_NN
S to_TO sign_VB personally_RB the_AT chronological_JJ membership_NN register_NN
._. Provide_VB a_AT name_NN card_NN for_IN each_DT new_JJ member_NN ._. Outline_
VB plans_NNS for_IN the_AT entire_JJ service_NN ._. 2_CD-HL )_)-HL Arrange_VB a_
AT reserved_VBN section_NN in_IN the_AT sanctuary_NN where_WRB all_ABN new_JJ me
mbers_NNS may_MD sit_VB together_RB ._. Sponsors_NNS may_MD sit_VB with_IN them_
PPO also_RB ._. 3_CD-HL )_)-HL Invite_VB sponsors_NNS or_CC Fellowship_NN-TL Fri
ends_NNS-TL to_TO stand_VB back_RB of_IN the_AT new_JJ members_NNS in_IN the_AT
reception_NN service_NN ._. 4_CD-HL )_)-HL Give_VB each_DT new_JJ member_NN a_AT
certificate_NN of_IN membership_NN ._. 5_CD-HL )_)-HL Introduce_VB each_DT new_
JJ member_NN to_IN the_AT congregation_NN ,_, asking_VBG him_PPO to_TO face_VB t
he_AT congregation_NN ._. 6_CD-HL )_)-HL Lead_VB the_AT congregation_NN in_IN a_
AT response_NN of_IN welcome_NN ._. 7_CD-HL )_)-HL Have_HV a_AT reception_NN for
_IN new_JJ members_NNS in_IN the_AT parlor_NN or_CC social_JJ hall_NN immediatel
y_QL after_IN the_AT service_NN ._. 8_CD-HL )_)-HL Take_VB a_AT picture_NN of_IN
the_AT group_NN of_IN new_JJ members_NNS to_TO be_BE put_VBN in_IN the_AT churc
h_NN paper_NN or_CC placed_VBN on_IN the_AT bulletin_NN board_NN ._. 9_CD-HL )_)
-HL Have_HV a_AT fellowship_NN luncheon_NN or_CC dinner_NN with_IN new_JJ member
s_NNS as_CS guests_NNS ._. Chapter_NN-HL 6_CD-HL planning_VBG-HL for_IN-HL the_A
T-HL assimilation_NN-HL and_CC-HL growth_NN-HL of_IN-HL new_JJ-HL members_NNS-HL
the_AT church_NN is_BEZ ``_`` the_AT family_NN of_IN God_NP ''_'' ._. The_AT me
mbers_NNS of_IN the_AT ``_`` family_NN ''_'' are_BER drawn_VBN together_RB by_IN
a_AT common_JJ love_NN for_IN Christ_NP and_CC a_AT sincere_JJ devotion_NN to_I
N His_PP$ Kingdom_NN-TL ._. Every_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT family_NN must_MD ha
ve_HV a_AT vital_JJ place_NN in_IN its_PP$ life_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ no_AT spec
tator-type_JJ experience_NN ;_. ;_. everyone_PN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE a_AT particip
ant_NN ._. Yet_CC the_AT most_QL difficult_JJ problem_NN in_IN the_AT Church's_N
N$-TL program_NN of_IN evangelism_NN is_BEZ right_QL at_IN this_DT point_NN --_-
- helping_VBG new_JJ members_NNS to_TO become_VB participating_VBG ,_, growing_V
BG parts_NNS of_IN the_AT fellowship_NN ._. Very_QL easily_RB they_PPSS may_MD b
e_BE neglected_VBN and_CC eventually_RB join_VB the_AT ranks_NNS of_IN the_AT un
concerned_JJ and_CC inactive_JJ ._. A_AT study_NN of_IN major_JJ denominational_
JJ membership_NN statistics_NNS over_IN a_AT twenty-year_JJ period_NN revealed_V
BD the_AT appalling_JJ fact_NN that_CS nearly_RB 40_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN thos
e_DTS who_WPS joined_VBD the_AT Church_NN-TL were_BED lost_VBN to_IN the_AT Chur
ch_NN-TL within_IN seven_CD years_NNS ._. One_CD denomination_NN had_HVD a_AT me
mbership_NN of_IN 1,419,833_CD at_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN the_AT period_NN
under_IN study_NN ,_, and_CC twenty_CD years_NNS later_RBR its_PP$ membership_NN
stood_VBD at_IN 1,541,991_CD --_-- a_AT net_NN growth_NN of_IN only_RB 122,158_
CD ._. Yet_RB during_IN the_AT same_AP period_NN there_EX were_BED 1,080,062_CD
additions_NNS ._. Another_DT major_JJ church_NN body_NN had_HVD 4,499,608_CD mem
bers_NNS and_CC twenty_CD years_NNS later_RBR its_PP$ membership_NN stood_VBD at
_IN 4,622,444_CD ._. During_IN this_DT time_NN 4,122,354_CD new_JJ members_NNS w
ere_BED brought_VBN into_IN the_AT fellowship_NN ._. Still_RB another_DT denomin
ation_NN had_HVD 7,360,187_CD members_NNS twenty_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. During_
IN this_DT period_NN 7,484,268_CD members_NNS were_BED received_VBN ,_, yet_CC t
he_AT net_NN membership_NN now_RB is_BEZ only_RB 9,910,741_CD ._. These_DTS figu
res_NNS indicate_VB that_CS we_PPSS are_BER losing_VBG almost_RB as_QL many_AP a
s_CS we_PPSS are_BER receiving_VBG into_IN membership_NN ._. This_DT problem_NN
is_BEZ illustrated_VBN by_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS many_AP local_JJ churches_NN
S drop_VB from_IN the_AT active_JJ membership_NN rolls_NNS each_DT year_NN as_QL
many_AP as_CS they_PPSS receive_VB into_IN the_AT fellowship_NN ._. Studies_NNS
of_IN membership_NN trends_NNS ,_, even_RB in_IN some_DTI areas_NNS where_WRB p
opulation_NN is_BEZ expanding_VBG ,_, show_VB that_CS numbers_NNS of_IN churches
_NNS have_HV had_HVN little_JJ net_NN increase_NN ,_, though_CS many_AP new_JJ m
embers_NNS were_BED received_VBN ._. Something_PN is_BEZ wrong_JJ when_WRB these
_DTS things_NNS happen_VB ._. The_AT local_JJ ``_`` family_NN of_IN God_NP ''_''
has_HVZ failed_VBN its_PP$ new_JJ members_NNS through_IN neglect_NN and_CC unco
ncern_NN for_IN their_PP$ spiritual_JJ welfare_NN ._. Basic_JJ-HL needs_NNS-HL n
ew_JJ members_NNS can_MD become_VB participating_VBG ,_, growing_VBG members_NNS
._. But_CC this_DT will_MD not_* happen_VB merely_RB through_IN the_AT natural_
JJ process_NN of_IN social_JJ life_NN ._. It_PPS must_MD be_BE planned_VBN and_C
C carefully_RB developed_VBN ._. The_AT entire_JJ membership_NN of_IN the_AT loc
al_JJ church_NN must_MD be_BE alerted_VBN to_IN their_PP$ part_NN in_IN this_DT
dynamic_JJ process_NN ._. If_CS the_AT church_NN has_HVZ followed_VBN the_AT pla
n_NN of_IN cultivation_NN of_IN prospects_NNS and_CC carried_VBN through_RP a_AT
program_NN of_IN membership_NN preparation_NN as_CS outlined_VBN earlier_RBR in
_IN this_DT book_NN ,_, the_AT process_NN of_IN assimilation_NN and_CC growth_NN
will_MD be_BE well_RB under_IN way_NN ._. Those_DTS who_WPS enter_VB the_AT fro
nt_JJ door_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN intelligently_RB and_CC with_IN Christian_J
J dedication_NN will_MD not_* so_QL easily_RB step_VB through_IN the_AT back_JJ
door_NN because_RB of_IN lost_VBN interest_NN ._. However_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ n
ot_* enough_AP to_TO bring_VB persons_NNS to_IN Christian_JJ commitment_NN and_C
C train_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT meaning_NN of_IN Christian_JJ discipleship_NN .
_. When_WRB they_PPSS unite_VB with_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL they_PPSS must_MD fin
d_VB in_IN this_DT fellowship_NN the_AT satisfaction_NN of_IN their_PP$ basic_JJ
spiritual_JJ needs_NNS or_CC they_PPSS will_MD never_RB mature_VB into_IN effec
tive_JJ Christians_NPS ._. The_AT Church_NN-TL expects_VBZ certain_JJ things_NNS
of_IN those_DTS who_WPS become_VB members_NNS ._. The_AT new_JJ members_NNS jus
tifiably_RB expect_VB some_DTI things_NNS from_IN their_PP$ church_NN family_NN
:_: --_-- Welcome_NN into_IN the_AT fellowship_NN --_-- Sincere_JJ Christian_JJ
love_NN and_CC understanding_NN --_-- Inspiring_VBG and_CC challenging_JJ worshi
p_NN experiences_NNS --_-- Social_JJ and_CC recreational_JJ activities_NNS --_--
Opportunities_NNS for_IN Christian_JJ service_NN --_-- Opportunities_NNS for_IN
study_NN of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ faith_NN and_CC the_AT Bible_NP --_-- Creati
ve_JJ prayer_NN experiences_NNS --_-- Guidance_NN in_IN Christian_JJ social_JJ c
oncerns_NNS ._. Men_NNS need_VB unity_NN and_CC they_PPSS need_VB God_NP ._. Car
e_NN must_MD be_BE taken_VBN neither_CC to_TO confuse_VB unity_NN with_IN unifor
mity_NN nor_CC God_NP with_IN our_PP$ parochial_JJ ideas_NNS about_IN him_PPO ,_
, but_CC with_IN these_DTS two_CD qualifications_NNS ,_, the_AT statement_NN sta
nds_VBZ ._. The_AT statement_NN also_RB points_VBZ to_IN a_AT classic_JJ paradox
_NN :_: The_AT more_RBR men_NNS turn_VB toward_IN God_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ not_
* only_RB in_IN himself_PPL the_AT paradigm_NN of_IN all_ABN unity_NN but_CC als
o_RB the_AT only_AP ground_NN on_IN which_WDT human_JJ unity_NN can_MD ultimatel
y_RB be_BE established_VBN ,_, the_AT more_RBR men_NNS splinter_VB into_IN group
s_NNS and_CC set_VB themselves_PPLS apart_RB from_IN one_CD another_DT ._. To_TO
be_BE reminded_VBN of_IN this_DT we_PPSS need_MD only_RB glance_VB at_IN the_AT
world_NN map_NN and_CC note_VB the_AT extent_NN to_IN which_WDT religious_JJ di
visions_NNS have_HV compounded_VBN political_JJ ones_NNS ,_, with_IN a_AT result
ant_JJ fragmentation_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN ._. Massacres_NNS attendin
g_VBG the_AT partition_NN of_IN India_NP and_CC the_AT establishment_NN of_IN th
e_AT State_NN-TL of_IN-TL Israel_NP-TL are_BER simply_RB recent_JJ grim_JJ evide
nces_NNS of_IN the_AT hostility_NN such_JJ divisions_NNS can_MD engender_VB ._.
The_AT words_NNS of_IN Cardinal_NN-TL Newman_NP come_VB forcibly_RB to_IN mind_N
N :_: ``_`` Oh_UH how_WRB we_PPSS hate_VB one_CD another_DT for_IN the_AT love_N
N of_IN God_NP ''_'' !_. !_. The_AT source_NN of_IN this_DT paradox_NN is_BEZ no
t_* difficult_JJ to_TO identify_VB ._. It_PPS lies_VBZ in_IN institutions_NNS ._
. Institutions_NNS require_VB structure_NN ,_, form_NN ,_, and_CC definition_NN
,_, and_CC these_DTS in_IN turn_NN entail_VB differentiation_NN and_CC exclusion
_NN ._. A_AT completely_RB amorphous_JJ institution_NN would_MD be_BE a_AT contr
adiction_NN in_IN terms_NNS ;_. ;_. to_TO escape_VB this_DT fate_NN ,_, it_PPS m
ust_MD rule_VB some_DTI things_NNS out_RP ._. For_CS every_AT criterion_NN which
_WDT defines_VBZ what_WDT something_PN is_BEZ ,_, at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN p
roclaims_VBZ --_-- implicitly_RB if_CS not_* openly_RB --_-- what_WDT that_DT so
mething_PN is_BEZ not_* ._. Some_DTI persons_NNS are_BER so_QL sensitive_JJ to_I
N this_DT truth_NN as_CS to_TO propose_VB that_CS we_PPSS do_DO away_RB with_IN
institutions_NNS altogether_RB ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT present_JJ context_NN this_D
T amounts_VBZ to_IN the_AT advice_NN that_CS while_CS being_BEG religious_JJ may
_MD have_HV a_AT certain_JJ justification_NN ,_, we_PPSS ought_MD to_TO dispense
_VB with_IN churches_NNS ._. The_AT suggestion_NN is_BEZ naive_JJ ._. Man_NN is_
BEZ at_IN once_CS a_AT gregarious_JJ animal_NN and_CC a_AT form-creating_JJ bein
g_NN ._. Having_HVG once_RB committed_VBN himself_PPL to_IN an_AT ideal_NN which
_WDT he_PPS considers_VBZ worthwhile_JJ ,_, he_PPS inevitably_RB creates_VBZ for
ms_NNS for_IN its_PP$ expression_NN and_CC institutions_NNS for_IN its_PP$ conti
nuance_NN ._. To_TO propose_VB that_CS men_NNS be_BE religious_JJ without_IN hav
ing_HVG religious_JJ institutions_NNS is_BEZ like_CS proposing_VBG that_CS they_
PPSS be_BE learned_VBN without_IN having_HVG schools_NNS ._. Both_ABX eventualit
ies_NNS are_BER possible_JJ logically_RB ,_, but_CC practically_RB they_PPSS are
_BER impossible_JJ ._. As_QL much_RB as_CS men_NNS intrinsically_RB need_VB the_
AT unity_NN that_WPS is_BEZ grounded_VBN in_IN God_NP ,_, they_PPSS instrumental
ly_RB require_VB the_AT institutions_NNS that_WPS will_MD direct_VB their_PP$ st
eps_NNS toward_IN him_PPO ._. Yet_RB the_AT fact_NN remains_VBZ that_CS such_JJ
institutions_NNS do_DO set_VB men_NNS at_IN odds_NNS with_IN their_PP$ fellows_N
NS ._. Is_BEZ there_EX any_DTI way_NN out_RP of_IN the_AT predicament_NN ?_. ?_.
The_AT only_AP way_NN that_CS I_PPSS can_MD see_VB is_BEZ through_IN communicat
ion_NN ._. Interfaith_JJ communication_NN need_MD not_* be_BE regarded_VBN as_CS
an_AT unfortunate_JJ burden_NN visited_VBN upon_IN us_PPO by_IN the_AT necessit
y_NN of_IN maintaining_VBG diplomatic_JJ relations_NNS with_IN our_PP$ adversari
es_NNS ._. Approached_VBN creatively_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT high_JJ art_NN ._
. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT art_NN of_IN relating_VBG the_AT finite_NN to_IN the_AT i
nfinite_NN ,_, of_IN doing_VBG our_PP$ best_JJT to_TO insure_VB that_CS the_AT p
articularistic_JJ requirements_NNS of_IN religious_JJ institutions_NNS will_MD n
ot_* thwart_VB God's_NP$ intent_NN of_IN unity_NN among_IN men_NNS more_RBR than
_CS is_BEZ minimally_RB necessary_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT certain_JJ sense_NN ,_, inte
rfaith_JJ communication_NN parallels_VBZ diplomatic_JJ communication_NN among_IN
the_AT nation-states_NNS ._. What_WDT are_BER the_AT pertinent_JJ facts_NNS aff
ecting_VBG such_JJ communication_NN at_IN the_AT present_JJ juncture_NN of_IN hi
story_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS shall_MD touch_VB on_IN three_CD areas_NNS :_: personal_
JJ ,_, national_JJ ,_, and_CC theological_JJ ._. 1_CD-HL )_)-HL By_IN personal_J
J factors_NNS I_PPSS mean_VB those_DTS rooted_VBN in_IN personality_NN structure
_NN ._. Some_DTI interfaith_JJ tensions_NNS are_BER not_* occasioned_VBN by_IN t
heological_JJ differences_NNS at_IN all_ABN ,_, but_CC by_IN the_AT need_NN of_I
N men_NNS to_TO have_HV persons_NNS they_PPSS can_MD blame_VB ,_, distrust_VB ,_
, denounce_VB ,_, and_CC even_RB hate_VB ._. Such_JJ needs_NNS may_MD rise_VB to
_IN pathological_JJ proportions_NNS ._. Modern_JJ psychology_NN has_HVZ shown_VB
N that_CS paralleling_VBG ``_`` the_AT authoritarian_JJ personality_NN ''_'' is_
BEZ ``_`` the_AT bigoted_JJ personality_NN ''_'' in_IN which_WDT insecurity_NN ,
_, inferiority_NN ,_, suspicion_NN ,_, and_CC distrust_NN combine_VB to_TO provi
de_VB a_AT target_NN for_IN antagonism_NN so_QL indispensable_JJ that_CS it_PPS
will_MD be_BE manufactured_VBN if_CS it_PPS does_DOZ not_* exist_VB naturally_RB
._. Fortunately_RB the_AT number_NN of_IN pathological_JJ bigots_NNS appears_VB
Z to_TO be_BE quite_QL small_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PPS would_MD be_BE a_AT mistake_NN
to_TO think_VB that_CS more_AP than_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN degree_NN separates
_VBZ them_PPO from_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN us_PPO ._. To_IN some_DTI extent_NN t
he_AT personal_JJ inadequacies_NNS that_WPO prejudices_NNS attempt_VB to_TO comp
ensate_VB for_IN are_BER to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN all_ABN of_IN us_PPO ._. In
terfaith_JJ conflicts_NNS which_WDT spring_VB from_IN psychological_JJ deficienc
ies_NNS are_BER the_AT most_QL unfortunate_JJ of_IN all_ABN ,_, for_CS they_PPSS
have_HV no_AT redeeming_VBG features_NNS whatsoever_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ diffic
ult_JJ to_TO say_VB what_WDT can_MD be_BE done_VBN about_IN them_PPO except_IN t
hat_CS we_PPSS must_MD learn_VB to_TO recognize_VB when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ they_P
PSS ,_, rather_IN than_IN pretexts_NNS for_IN them_PPO ,_, that_WPS are_BER caus
ing_VBG the_AT trouble_NN ,_, and_CC do_DO everything_PN possible_JJ to_TO nurtu
re_VB the_AT healthy_JJ personalities_NNS that_DT will_MD prevent_VB the_AT deve
lopment_NN of_IN such_JJ deficiencies_NNS ._. 2_CD-HL )_)-HL While_CS the_AT per
sonality_NN factors_NNS that_WPS aggravate_VB interfaith_JJ conflict_NN may_MD b
e_BE perennial_JJ ,_, nationalism_NN is_BEZ more_QL variable_JJ ._. The_AT speci
fic_JJ instance_NN I_PPSS have_HV in_IN mind_NN is_BEZ the_AT Afro-Asian_JJ vers
ion_NN which_WDT has_HVZ gained_VBN prominence_NN only_RB in_IN this_DT second_O
D half_ABN of_IN the_AT twentieth_OD century_NN ._. Emerging_VBG from_IN the_AT
two_CD centuries_NNS of_IN colonial_JJ domination_NN ,_, the_AT Afro-Asian_JJ wo
rld_NN is_BEZ aflame_JJ with_IN a_AT nationalism_NN that_WPS has_HVZ undone_VBN
empires_NNS ._. No_AT less_AP than_IN twenty-two_CD nations_NNS have_HV already_
RB achieved_VBN independence_NN since_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, a
nd_CC the_AT number_NN is_BEZ growing_VBG by_IN the_AT year_NN ._. As_CS an_AT o
bvious_JJ consequence_NN ,_, obstacles_NNS to_IN genuine_JJ interfaith_JJ commun
ication_NN have_HV grown_VBN more_QL formidable_JJ in_IN one_CD important_JJ are
a_NN :_: relations_NNS between_IN Christians_NPS and_CC non-Christians_NPS in_IN
these_DTS lands_NNS ._. Colonialism_NN alone_RB would_MD have_HV been_BEN able_
JJ to_TO make_VB these_DTS difficulties_NNS serious_JJ ,_, for_CS Christianity_N
P is_BEZ so_QL closely_RB tied_VBN to_IN colonialism_NN in_IN the_AT minds_NNS o
f_IN these_DTS people_NNS that_CS repudiation_NN of_IN the_AT one_CD has_HVZ ten
ded_VBN automatically_RB toward_IN the_AT repudiation_NN of_IN the_AT other_AP .
_. Actually_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, this_DT turns_VBZ out_RP to_TO be_BE only_AP p
art_NN of_IN the_AT picture_NN ._. Nationalism_NN has_HVZ abetted_VBN not_* only
_RB the_AT repudiation_NN of_IN foreign_JJ religions_NNS but_CC the_AT revival_N
N of_IN native_JJ ones_NNS ,_, some_DTI of_IN which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN lying_V
BG in_IN slumber_NN for_IN centuries_NNS ._. The_AT truth_NN is_BEZ that_CS any_
DTI revival_NN of_IN traditional_JJ and_CC indigenous_JJ religion_NN will_MD ser
ve_VB to_TO promote_VB that_DT sense_NN of_IN identity_NN and_CC Volksgeist_FW-N
N which_WDT these_DTS young_JJ nations_NNS very_QL much_RB need_VB ._. Insofar_R
B as_CS these_DTS nations_NNS claim_VB to_TO incarnate_VB traditions_NNS and_CC
ways_NNS of_IN life_NN which_WDT constitute_VB ultimate_JJ ,_, trans-political_J
J justifications_NNS for_IN their_PP$ existence_NN ,_, such_JJ people_NNS are_BE
R inevitably_RB led_VBN to_TO emphasize_VB the_AT ways_NNS in_IN which_WDT these
_DTS traditions_NNS and_CC ways_NNS are_BER theirs_PP$$ rather_IN than_IN someon
e_PN else's_RB$ ._. All_QL this_DT works_VBZ severely_RB against_IN the_AT kind_
NN of_IN cross-cultural_JJ communication_NN for_IN which_WDT Christian_JJ missio
ns_NNS stand_VB ._. Africans_NPS and_CC Asians_NPS tend_VB to_TO consider_VB not
_* only_RB missions_NNS but_CC the_AT local_JJ churches_NNS they_PPSS have_HV pr
oduced_VBN as_CS centers_NNS and_CC agents_NNS of_IN Western_JJ-TL culture_NN an
d_CC ideology_NN if_CS not_* of_IN direct_JJ political_JJ propaganda_NN ._. The_
AT people_NNS hardest_RBT hit_VBN by_IN this_DT suspicion_NN are_BER ,_, of_IN c
ourse_NN ,_, Christians_NPS on_IN the_AT mainland_NN of_IN China_NP ._. But_CC t
he_AT problem_NN extends_VBZ elsewhere_RB ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, in_IN Burma_
NP and_CC Ceylon_NP many_AP Buddhists_NPS argue_VB that_CS Buddhism_NP ought_MD
to_TO be_BE the_AT official_JJ state_NN religion_NN ._. In_IN 1960_CD Ceylon_NP
nationalized_VBD its_PP$ sectarian_JJ --_-- preponderantly_RB Christian_JJ --_--
schools_NNS ,_, to_IN the_AT rejoicing_NN of_IN most_AP of_IN its_PP$ 7,000,000
_CD Buddhists_NPS and_CC the_AT lament_NN of_IN its_PP$ 800,000_CD Roman_JJ-TL C
atholics_NPS ._. Again_RB ,_, India_NP has_HVZ imposed_VBN formidable_JJ barrier
s_NNS against_IN the_AT entrance_NN of_IN additional_JJ missionaries_NNS ,_, and
_CC fanatical_JJ Hindu_NP parties_NNS are_BER expected_VBN to_TO seek_VB further
_JJR action_NN against_IN Christians_NPS once_CS the_AT influence_NN making_VBG
for_IN tolerance_NN due_JJ to_IN Nehru_NP and_CC his_PP$ followers_NNS is_BEZ go
ne_VBN ._. The_AT progressive_JJ closing_NN of_IN Afro-Asian_JJ ears_NNS to_IN t
he_AT Christian_JJ message_NN is_BEZ epitomized_VBN in_IN a_AT conversation_NN I
_PPSS had_HVD three_CD years_NNS ago_RB while_CS flying_VBG from_IN Jerusalem_NP
to_IN Cairo_NP ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ seated_VBN next_IN to_IN the_AT director_NN
of_IN the_AT Seventh_OD-TL Day_NN-TL Adventists'_NPS$ world_NN radio_NN program_
NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS on_IN his_PP$ tour_NN the_AT preceding_VBG year_N
N a_AT considerable_JJ number_NN of_IN hours_NNS would_MD have_HV been_BEN avail
able_JJ to_IN him_PPO on_IN Japanese_JJ radio_NN networks_NNS ,_, but_CC that_CS
he_PPS had_HVD then_RB lacked_VBN the_AT funds_NNS to_TO contract_VB for_IN the
m_PPO ._. After_CS returning_VBG to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC
raising_VBG the_AT money_NN ,_, he_PPS discovered_VBD on_IN getting_VBG back_RB
to_IN Japan_NP that_CS the_AT hours_NNS were_BED no_QL longer_RBR available_JJ
._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN contracted_VBN for_
IN during_IN the_AT interval_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS simply_RB could_MD no_QL longe
r_RBR be_BE purchased_VBN for_IN missionary_NN purposes_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ no
t_* unfair_JJ to_TO add_VB on_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN that_CS the_AT crude_JJ
and_CC almost_RB vitriolic_JJ approach_NN of_IN certain_JJ fundamentalist_NN se
cts_NNS toward_IN the_AT cultures_NNS and_CC religions_NNS among_IN which_WDT th
ey_PPSS work_VB has_HVZ contributed_VBN measurably_RB to_IN this_DT heightening_
NN of_IN anti-Christian_JJ sentiment_NN ._. Ironically_RB ,_, these_DTS are_BER
the_AT groups_NNS which_WDT have_HV doubled_VBN or_CC tripled_VBN their_PP$ miss
ionary_NN efforts_NNS since_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, while_CS th
e_AT more_QL established_VBN denominations_NNS are_BER barely_RB maintaining_VBG
pre-war_JJ staffs_NNS ._. Although_CS I_PPSS have_HV emphasized_VBN the_AT barr
iers_NNS which_WDT an_AT aroused_VBN nationalism_NN has_HVZ raised_VBN against_I
N relations_NNS between_IN Christians_NPS and_CC non-Christians_NPS in_IN Asia_N
P ,_, the_AT fact_NN is_BEZ that_CS this_DT development_NN has_HVZ also_RB widen
ed_VBN the_AT gulf_NN between_IN certain_JJ Afro-Asian_JJ religions_NNS themselv
es_PPLS ._. The_AT partition_NN of_IN India_NP has_HVZ hardly_RB improved_VBN re
lations_NNS between_IN Hindus_NPS and_CC Muslims_NPS ;_. ;_. neither_CC has_HVZ
the_AT establishment_NN of_IN the_AT State_NN-TL of_IN-TL Israel_NP-TL fostered_
VBD harmony_NN between_IN Muslims_NPS and_CC Jews_NPS ._. 3_CD-HL )_)-HL I_PPSS
turn_VB finally_RB to_IN several_AP theological_JJ developments_NNS ._. 1_CD-HL
._.-HL Theocracy_NN reconsidered_VBN ._. The_AT modern_JJ world_NN has_HVZ been_
BEN marked_VBN by_IN progressive_JJ disaffection_NN with_IN claims_NNS to_IN div
ine_JJ sanction_NN for_IN the_AT state_NN ,_, whatever_WDT its_PP$ political_JJ
form_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL was_BEDZ historic_JJ at_IN
this_DT point_NN in_IN providing_VBG that_CS ``_`` Congress_NP shall_MD make_VB
no_AT law_NN respecting_IN an_AT establishment_NN of_IN religion_NN or_CC prohib
iting_VBG the_AT free_JJ exercise_NN thereof_RB ''_'' ._. One_CD of_IN our_PP$ f
oremost_JJS jurists_NNS ,_, David_NP Dudley_NP Field_NP ,_, has_HVZ gone_VBN so_
QL far_RB as_CS to_TO call_VB this_DT provision_NN ``_`` the_AT greatest_JJT ach
ievement_NN ever_RB made_VBN in_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN human_JJ history_NN ''
_'' ._. The_AT trend_NN throughout_IN the_AT world's_NN$ religions_NNS has_HVZ b
een_BEN toward_IN a_AT recognition_NN of_IN at_IN least_AP the_AT practical_JJ v
alidity_NN of_IN this_DT constitutional_JJ enactment_NN ._. Pakistan_NP was_BEDZ
created_VBN in_IN 1947_CD expressly_RB as_CS a_AT Muslim_JJ state_NN ,_, but_CC
when_WRB the_AT army_NN took_VBD over_RP eleven_CD years_NNS later_RBR it_PPS d
id_DOD so_RB on_IN a_AT wave_NN of_IN mass_NN impatience_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ d
irected_VBN in_IN part_NN against_IN the_AT inability_NN of_IN political_JJ and_
CC religious_JJ leaders_NNS to_TO think_VB their_PP$ way_NN through_RP to_IN the
_AT meaning_NN of_IN Islam_NP for_IN the_AT modern_JJ political_JJ situation_NN
._. ``_`` What_WDT is_BEZ the_AT point_NN ''_'' ,_, Charles_NP Adams_NP reports_
VBZ the_AT Pakistanis_NPS as_CS asking_VBG ,_, ``_`` in_IN demanding_VBG an_AT I
slamic_JJ state_NN and_CC society_NN if_CS no_AT one_PN ,_, not_* even_RB the_AT
doctors_NNS of_IN the_AT sacred_JJ law_NN themselves_PPLS ,_, can_MD say_VB cle
arly_RB and_CC succinctly_RB what_WDT the_AT nature_NN of_IN such_ABL a_AT state
_NN and_CC society_NN is_BEZ ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT current_JJ regime_NN of_IN Pre
sident_NN-TL Mohammad_NP Ayub_NP Khan_NP is_BEZ determinedly_QL secular_JJ ._. A
nd_CC while_CS the_AT nation_NN was_BEDZ formerly_RB named_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL I
slamic_JJ-TL Republic_NN-TL of_IN-TL Pakistan_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ now_
RB simply_RB ``_`` The_AT-TL Republic_NN-TL of_IN-TL Pakistan_NP ''_'' ._. Compa
rable_JJ trends_NNS can_MD be_BE noted_VBN elsewhere_RB ._. The_AT new_JJ regime
_NN in_IN Turkey_NP is_BEZ intentionally_RB less_AP Muslim_JJ than_CS its_PP$ pr
edecessor_NN ._. The_AT religious_JJ parties_NNS in_IN Israel_NP have_HV experie
nced_VBN a_AT great_JJ loss_NN of_IN prestige_NN in_IN recent_JJ months_NNS ._.
During_IN the_AT years_NNS when_WRB Israel_NP was_BEDZ passing_VBG from_IN crisi
s_NN to_IN crisis_NN --_-- the_AT Sinai_NP campaign_NN ,_, the_AT infusion_NN of
_IN multitudes_NNS of_IN penniless_JJ immigrants_NNS --_-- it_PPS was_BEDZ felt_
VBN that_CS the_AT purpose_NN of_IN national_JJ unity_NN could_MD be_BE best_RBT
served_VBN if_CS the_AT secular_JJ majority_NN were_BED to_TO yield_VB to_IN th
e_AT religious_JJ parties_NNS ._. Now_RB that_CS Israel_NP enjoys_VBZ relative_J
J prosperity_NN and_CC a_AT reduction_NN of_IN tensions_NNS ,_, the_AT secularis
ts_NNS are_BER less_QL disposed_VBN to_TO compromise_VB ._. And_CC in_IN this_DT
country_NN Gustave_NP Weigel's_NP$ delineation_NN of_IN the_AT line_NN between_
IN the_AT sacral_JJ and_CC secular_JJ orders_NNS during_IN the_AT last_AP presid
ential_JJ campaign_NN served_VBD to_TO provide_VB a_AT most_QL impressive_JJ Rom
an_JJ Catholic_JJ defense_NN of_IN the_AT practical_JJ autonomy_NN of_IN both_AB
X church_NN and_CC state_NN ._. The_AT failure_NN at_IN that_DT time_NN of_IN th
e_AT Puerto_NP Rican_JJ-TL bishops_NNS to_TO control_VB the_AT votes_NNS of_IN t
heir_PP$ people_NNS added_VBD a_AT ring_NN of_IN good_JJ sense_NN to_IN Father_N
N-TL Weigel's_NP$ theological_JJ argument_NN ._. Everywhere_RB there_EX seems_VB
Z to_TO be_BE a_AT growing_VBG recognition_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS gover
nments_NNS and_CC religious_JJ institutions_NNS alike_RB are_BER too_QL fallible
_JJ and_CC corruptible_JJ --_-- in_IN a_AT word_NN ,_, too_QL human_JJ --_-- to_
TO warrant_VB any_DTI claim_NN of_IN maintaining_VBG partnership_NN with_IN the_
AT divine_JJ ._. 2_CD-HL ._.-HL Salvation_NN reconsidered_VBN ._. My_PP$ father_
NN went_VBD as_CS a_AT missionary_NN to_IN China_NP in_IN a_AT generation_NN tha
t_WPS responded_VBD to_IN Student_NN-TL Volunteer_NN-TL Movement_NN-TL speakers_
NNS who_WPS held_VBD watches_NNS in_IN their_PP$ hands_NNS and_CC announced_VBD
to_IN the_AT students_NNS in_IN their_PP$ audiences_NNS how_WRB many_AP Chinese_
JJ souls_NNS were_BED going_VBG to_IN hell_NN each_DT second_OD because_CS these
_DTS students_NNS were_BED not_* over_IN there_RB saving_VBG them_PPO ._. That_C
S mention_NN of_IN this_DT should_MD bring_VB smiles_NNS to_IN our_PP$ lips_NNS
today_NR is_BEZ as_QL clear_JJ an_AT indication_NN as_CS we_PPSS could_MD wish_V
B of_IN the_AT extent_NN to_IN which_WDT attitudes_NNS have_HV changed_VBN ._. I
_PPSS do_DO not_* mean_VB to_TO imply_VB that_CS Christians_NPS have_HV adopted_
VBN the_AT liberal_JJ assumption_NN ,_, so_QL prevalent_JJ in_IN Hinduism_NP ,_,
that_CS all_ABN religions_NNS are_BER merely_RB different_JJ paths_NNS to_IN th
e_AT same_AP summit_NN ._. Leslie_NP Newbiggin_NP reflects_VBZ the_AT dominant_J
J position_NN within_IN the_AT World_NN-TL Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Churches_NNS-T
L when_WRB he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS must_MD claim_VB absoluteness_NN an
d_CC finality_NN for_IN Christ_NP and_CC His_PP$ finished_VBD work_NN ,_, but_CC
that_DT very_AP claim_NN forbids_VBZ us_PPO to_TO claim_VB absoluteness_NN and_
CC finality_NN for_IN our_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN it_PPO ''_'' ._. Newbiggin'
s_NP$ qualification_NN on_IN the_AT Christian_JJ claim_NN is_BEZ of_IN considera
ble_JJ significance_NN ._. The_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL has_HVZ e
xcommunicated_VBN one_CD of_IN its_PP$ priests_NNS ,_, Father_NN-TL Feeney_NP ,_
, for_IN insisting_VBG that_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_AT salvation_NN outside_IN the
_AT visible_JJ church_NN ._. In_IN mentioning_VBG this_DT under_IN ``_`` salvati
on_NN reconsidered_VBN ''_'' I_PPSS do_DO not_* mean_VB to_TO imply_VB that_CS R
oman_JJ Catholic_JJ doctrine_NN has_HVZ changed_VBN in_IN this_DT area_NN but_CC
rather_RB that_CS it_PPS has_HVZ become_VBN clearer_JJR to_IN the_AT world_NN c
ommunity_NN what_WDT that_DT doctrine_NN is_BEZ ._. When_WRB they_PPSS say_VB th
at_CS under_IN no_AT circumstances_NNS would_MD it_PPS ever_RB be_BE right_JJ to
_TO ``_`` permit_VB ''_'' the_AT termination_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN by
_IN human_JJ action_NN ,_, because_CS there_EX could_MD not_* possibly_RB be_BE
any_DTI proportionate_JJ grave_JJ reason_NN to_TO justify_VB such_ABL a_AT thing
_NN ,_, they_PPSS know_VB exactly_RB what_WDT they_PPSS mean_VB ._. Of_IN course
_NN ,_, in_IN prudential_JJ calculation_NN ,_, in_IN balancing_VBG the_AT good_N
N directly_RB intended_VBN and_CC done_VBN against_IN the_AT evil_NN unintended_
JJ and_CC indirectly_RB done_VBN ,_, no_AT greater_JJR precision_NN can_MD be_BE
forthcoming_JJ than_CS the_AT subject_NN allows_VBZ ._. Yet_CC it_PPS seems_VBZ
clear_JJ that_CS there_EX can_MD be_BE no_AT good_NN sufficiently_QL great_JJ ,
_, or_CC evil_NN repelled_VBN sufficiently_QL grave_JJ ,_, to_TO warrant_VB the_
AT destruction_NN of_IN mankind_NN by_IN man's_NN$ own_JJ action_NN ._. I_PPSS m
ean_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT moral_JJ theologian_NN knows_VBZ what_W
DT he_PPS means_VBZ by_IN ``_`` permit_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS is_BEZ not_* talking_
VBG in_IN the_AT main_NN about_IN probabilities_NNS ,_, risks_NNS and_CC danger_
NN in_IN general_JJ ._. He_PPS is_BEZ talking_VBG about_IN an_AT action_NN which
_WDT just_QL as_QL efficaciously_RB does_DOZ an_AT evil_JJ thing_NN (_( and_CC i
s_BEZ known_VBN certainly_RB and_CC unavoidably_RB to_TO lead_VB to_IN this_DT e
vil_JJ result_NN )_) as_CS it_PPS efficaciously_RB does_DOZ some_DTI good_NN ._.
He_PPS is_BEZ talking_VBG about_IN double_JJ effects_NNS ,_, of_IN which_WDT th
e_AT specific_JJ action_NN causes_VBZ directly_RB the_AT one_CD and_CC indirectl
y_RB the_AT other_AP ,_, but_CC causes_VBZ both_ABX ;_. ;_. of_IN which_WDT one_
CD is_BEZ deliberately_RB willed_VBN or_CC intended_VBN and_CC the_AT other_AP n
ot_* intended_VBN or_CC not_* directly_RB intended_VBN ,_, but_CC still_RB both_
ABX are_BER done_VBN ,_, while_CS the_AT evil_JJ effect_NN is_BEZ ,_, with_IN eq
ual_JJ consciousness_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT agent_NN ,_, foreknown
_JJ to_TO be_BE among_IN the_AT consequences_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ what_WDT ,_,
in_IN a_AT technical_JJ sense_NN ,_, to_TO ``_`` only_RB permit_VB ''_'' an_AT
evil_JJ result_NN means_VBZ ._. It_PPS means_VBZ to_TO do_DO it_PPO and_CC to_TO
know_VB one_PN is_BEZ doing_VBG it_PPO ,_, but_CC as_CS only_RB a_AT secondary_
JJ if_CS certain_JJ effect_NN of_IN the_AT good_NN one_PN primarily_RB does_DOZ
and_CC intends_VBZ ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, grave_JJ guiltiness_NN may_MD be_BE i
mputed_VBN to_IN the_AT military_JJ action_NN of_IN any_DTI nation_NN ,_, or_CC
to_IN the_AT action_NN of_IN any_DTI leader_NN or_CC leaders_NNS ,_, which_WDT f
or_IN any_DTI supposed_VBN good_NN ``_`` permits_VBZ ''_'' ,_, in_IN this_DT sen
se_NN ,_, the_AT termination_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN by_IN human_JJ act
ion_NN ._. Certainly_RB ,_, in_IN analyzing_VBG an_AT action_NN which_WDT truly_
RB faced_VBD such_JJ alternatives_NNS ,_, ``_`` it_PPS is_BEZ never_RB possible_
JJ that_CS no_AT world_NN would_MD be_BE preferable_JJ to_IN some_DTI worlds_NNS
,_, and_CC there_EX are_BER in_IN truth_NN no_AT circumstances_NNS in_IN which_
WDT the_AT destruction_NN of_IN human_JJ life_NN presents_VBZ itself_PPL as_CS a
_AT reasonable_JJ alternative_NN ''_'' ._. Naturally_RB ,_, where_WRB one_CD or_
CC the_AT other_AP of_IN the_AT effects_NNS of_IN an_AT action_NN is_BEZ uncerta
in_JJ ,_, this_DT has_HVZ to_TO be_BE taken_VBN into_IN account_NN ._. Especiall
y_RB is_BEZ this_DT true_JJ when_WRB ,_, because_CS the_AT good_JJ effect_NN is_
BEZ remote_JJ and_CC speculative_JJ while_CS the_AT evil_NN is_BEZ certain_JJ an
d_CC grave_JJ ,_, the_AT action_NN is_BEZ prohibited_VBN ._. Presumably_RB ,_, i
f_CS the_AT reverse_NN is_BEZ the_AT case_NN and_CC the_AT good_JJ effect_NN is_
BEZ more_QL certain_JJ than_CS the_AT evil_JJ result_NN that_WPS may_MD be_BE fo
rthcoming_JJ ,_, not_* only_RB must_MD the_AT good_NN and_CC the_AT evil_NN be_B
E prudentially_RB weighed_VBN and_CC found_VBN proportionate_JJ ,_, but_CC also_
RB calculation_NN of_IN the_AT probabilities_NNS and_CC of_IN the_AT degree_NN o
f_IN certainty_NN or_CC uncertainty_NN in_IN the_AT good_JJ or_CC evil_JJ effect
_NN must_MD be_BE taken_VBN into_IN account_NN ._. There_EX must_MD not_* only_R
B be_BE greater_JJR good_NN than_CS evil_NN objectively_RB in_IN view_NN ,_, but
_CC also_RB greater_JJR probability_NN of_IN actually_RB doing_VBG more_AP good_
NN than_CS harm_NN ._. If_CS an_AT evil_NN which_WDT is_BEZ certain_JJ and_CC ex
tensive_JJ and_CC immediate_JJ may_MD rarely_RB be_BE compensated_VBN for_IN by_
IN a_AT problematic_JJ ,_, speculative_JJ ,_, future_JJ good_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT
same_AP token_NN not_* every_AT present_JJ ,_, certain_JJ ,_, and_CC immediate_
JJ good_NN (_( or_CC lesser_JJR evil_NN )_) that_WPS may_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE
done_VBN will_MD be_BE outweighed_VBN by_IN a_AT problematic_JJ ,_, speculative_
JJ ,_, and_CC future_JJ evil_NN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, according_IN to_IN the_A
T traditional_JJ theory_NN ,_, a_AT man_NN begins_VBZ in_IN the_AT midst_NN of_I
N action_NN and_CC he_PPS analyzes_VBZ its_PP$ nature_NN and_CC immediate_JJ con
sequences_NNS before_CS or_CC while_CS putting_VBG it_PPO forth_RB and_CC causin
g_VBG these_DTS consequences_NNS ._. He_PPS does_DOZ not_* expect_VB to_TO be_BE
able_JJ to_TO trammel_VB up_RP all_ABN the_AT future_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN
his_PP$ action_NN ._. Above_IN all_ABN ,_, he_PPS does_DOZ not_* debate_VB mere_
JJ contingencies_NNS ,_, and_CC therefore_RB ,_, if_CS these_DTS are_BER possibl
y_RB dreadful_JJ ,_, find_VB himself_PPL forced_VBN into_IN inaction_NN ._. He_P
PS does_DOZ what_WDT he_PPS can_MD and_CC may_MD and_CC must_MD ,_, without_IN r
egarding_VBG himself_PPL as_CS lord_NN of_IN the_AT future_NN or_CC ,_, on_IN th
e_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, as_CS covered_VBN with_IN guilt_NN by_IN accident_NN o
r_CC unforeseen_JJ consequences_NNS or_CC by_IN results_NNS he_PPS did_DOD not_*
``_`` permit_VB ''_'' in_IN the_AT sense_NN explained_VBN ._. By_IN contrast_NN
,_, a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ pacifism_NN begins_VBZ with_IN the_AT
contingencies_NNS and_CC the_AT probabilities_NNS ,_, and_CC not_* with_IN the_
AT moral_JJ nature_NN of_IN the_AT action_NN to_TO be_BE done_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC
by_IN deriving_VBG legitimate_JJ decision_NN backward_RB from_IN whatever_WDT m
ay_MD conceivably_RB or_CC possibly_RB or_CC probably_RB result_VB ,_, whether_C
S by_IN anyone's_PN$ doing_NN or_CC by_IN accident_NN ,_, it_PPS finds_VBZ itsel
f_PPL driven_VBN to_IN inaction_NN ,_, to_IN non-political_JJ action_NN in_IN po
litics_NN and_CC non-military_JJ action_NN in_IN military_JJ affairs_NNS ,_, and
_CC to_IN the_AT not_* very_QL surprising_JJ discovery_NN that_CS there_EX are_B
ER now_RB no_AT distinctions_NNS on_IN which_WDT the_AT defense_NN of_IN justice
_NN can_MD possibly_RB be_BE based_VBN ._. Mr._NP Philip_NP Toynbee_NP writes_VB
Z ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, that_CS ``_`` in_IN terms_NNS of_IN probability_NN i
t_PPS is_BEZ surely_RB as_QL likely_JJ as_CS not_* that_CS mutual_JJ fear_NN wil
l_MD lead_VB to_IN accidental_JJ war_NN in_IN the_AT near_JJ future_NN if_CS the
_AT present_JJ situation_NN continues_VBZ ._. If_CS it_PPS continues_VBZ indefin
itely_RB it_PPS is_BEZ nearly_RB a_AT statistical_JJ certainty_NN that_CS a_AT m
istake_NN will_MD be_BE made_VBN and_CC that_CS the_AT devastation_NN will_MD be
gin_VB ''_'' ._. Against_IN such_ABL a_AT termination_NN of_IN human_JJ life_NN
on_IN earth_NN by_IN human_JJ action_NN ,_, he_PPS then_RB proposes_VBZ as_CS an
_AT alternative_NN that_CS we_PPSS ``_`` negotiate_VB at_IN once_RB with_IN the_
AT Russians_NPS and_CC get_VB the_AT best_JJT terms_NNS which_WDT are_BER availa
ble_JJ ''_'' ,_, that_CS we_PPSS deliberately_RB ``_`` negotiate_VB from_IN comp
arative_JJ weakness_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS bravely_RB attempts_VBZ to_TO face_VB th
is_DT alternative_NN realistically_RB ,_, i.e._RB ,_, by_IN considering_IN the_A
T worst_JJT possible_JJ outcome_NN ,_, namely_RB ,_, the_AT total_JJ domination_
NN of_IN the_AT world_NN by_IN Russia_NP within_IN a_AT few_AP years_NNS ._. Thi
s_DT would_MD be_BE by_IN far_RB the_AT better_JJR choice_NN ,_, when_WRB ``_``
it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT question_NN of_IN allowing_VBG the_AT human_JJ race_NN to_TO
survive_VB ,_, possibly_RB under_IN the_AT domination_NN of_IN a_AT regime_NN wh
ich_WDT most_AP of_IN us_PPO detest_VB ,_, or_CC of_IN allowing_VBG it_PPO to_TO
destroy_VB itself_PPL in_IN appalling_JJ and_CC prolonged_VBN anguish_NN ''_''
._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, the_AT consequence_NN of_IN the_AT policy_NN proposed_VB
N is_BEZ everywhere_RB subtly_QL qualified_VBN :_: it_PPS is_BEZ ``_`` a_AT poss
ible_JJ result_NN ,_, however_WQL improbable_JJ ''_'' ;_. ;_. ``_`` the_AT worst
_JJT ,_, and_CC least_QL probable_JJ ''_'' result_NN ;_. ;_. ``_`` if_CS it_PPS
didn't_DOD* prevail_VB mankind_NN would_MD still_RB be_BE given_VBN the_AT oppor
tunity_NN of_IN prevailing_VBG ''_'' ;_. ;_. for_CS ``_`` surely_RB anything_PN
is_BEZ better_JJR than_CS a_AT policy_NN which_WDT allows_VBZ for_IN the_AT poss
ibility_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ war_NN ''_'' ._. If_CS we_PPSS have_HV not_* thought
_VBN and_CC made_VBN a_AT decision_NN entirely_RB in_IN these_DTS terms_NNS ,_,
then_RB we_PPSS need_VB to_TO submit_VB ourselves_PPLS to_IN the_AT following_VB
G ``_`` simple_JJ test_NN ''_'' :_: ``_`` Have_HV we_PPSS decided_VBD how_WRB we
_PPSS are_BER to_TO kill_VB the_AT other_AP members_NNS of_IN our_PP$ household_
NN in_IN the_AT event_NN of_IN our_PP$ being_BEG less_QL injured_VBN than_CS the
y_PPSS are_BER ''_'' ?_. ?_. Thus_RB ,_, moral_JJ decision_NN must_MD be_BE enti
rely_RB deduced_VBN backward_RB from_IN the_AT likely_JJ eventuality_NN ;_. ;_.
it_PPS is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR to_TO be_BE formulated_VBN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN
the_AT nature_NN of_IN present_JJ action_NN itself_PPL ,_, its_PP$ intention_NN
,_, and_CC proximate_JJ effect_NN or_CC the_AT thing_NN to_TO be_BE done_VBN ._.
Several_AP of_IN the_AT replies_NNS to_IN Mr._NP Toynbee_NP ,_, without_IN cons
cious_JJ resort_NN to_IN the_AT traditional_JJ terminology_NN with_IN regard_NN
to_IN the_AT permission_NN of_IN evil_NN ,_, succeed_VB in_IN restoring_VBG the_
AT actual_JJ context_NN in_IN which_WDT present_JJ moral_JJ and_CC political_JJ
decisions_NNS must_MD be_BE made_VBN ,_, by_IN distinguishing_VBG between_IN cho
osing_VBG a_AT great_JJ evil_NN and_CC choosing_VBG in_IN danger_NN of_IN this_D
T evil_NN ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ worse_JJR for_IN a_AT nation_NN to_TO give_VB
in_RP to_IN evil_NN than_CS to_TO run_VB the_AT risk_NN of_IN annihilation_NN ''
_'' ._. ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM consciously_RB prepared_VBN to_TO run_VB the_AT cont
inued_VBN risk_NN of_IN '_' race_NN suicide_NN by_IN accident_NN '_' rather_IN t
han_CS accept_VB the_AT alternative_JJ certainty_NN of_IN race_NN slavery_NN by_
IN design_NN ._. But_CC I_PPSS can_MD only_RB make_VB this_DT choice_NN because_
CS I_PPSS believe_VB that_CS the_AT risk_NN need_MD not_* increase_VB ,_, but_CC
may_MD be_BE deliberately_RB reduced_VBN ''_'' (_( by_IN precautions_NNS agains
t_IN accidents_NNS or_CC by_IN limiting_VBG war_NN ?_. ?_. )_) ``_`` Quoting_VBG
Mr._NP Kennan's_NP$ phrase_NN that_CS anything_PN would_MD be_BE better_JJR tha
n_CS a_AT policy_NN which_WDT led_VBD inevitably_RB to_IN nuclear_JJ war_NN ,_,
he_PPS (_( Toynbee_NP )_) says_VBZ that_CS anything_PN is_BEZ better_JJR than_CS
a_AT policy_NN which_WDT allows_VBZ for_IN the_AT possibility_NN of_IN nuclear_
JJ war_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` If_CS asked_VBN to_TO choose_VB between_IN a_AT terrib
le_JJ probability_NN and_CC a_AT more_QL terrible_JJ possibility_NN ,_, most_AP
men_NNS will_MD choose_VB the_AT latter_AP ''_'' ._. ``_`` If_CS Philip_NP Toynb
ee_NP is_BEZ claiming_VBG that_CS the_AT choice_NN lies_VBZ between_IN capitulat
ion_NN and_CC the_AT risk_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ war_NN ,_, I_PPSS think_VB he_PPS
is_BEZ right_JJ ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* accept_VB that_CS the_AT choice_NN is_BEZ
between_IN capitulation_NN and_CC the_AT certainty_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ war_NN '
'_'' ._. Even_RB Professor_NN-TL Arnold_NP Toynbee_NP ,_, agreeing_VBG with_IN h
is_PP$ son_NN ,_, does_DOZ so_RB in_IN these_DTS terms_NNS :_: ``_`` Compared_VB
N to_IN continuing_VBG to_TO incur_VB a_AT constant_JJ risk_NN of_IN the_AT dest
ruction_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN ,_, all_ABN other_AP evils_NNS are_BER
lesser_JJR evils_NNS ._. Let_VB us_PPO therefore_RB put_VB first_OD things_NNS f
irst_RB ,_, and_CC make_VB sure_JJ of_IN preserving_VBG the_AT human_JJ race_NN
at_IN whatever_WDT the_AT temporary_JJ price_NN may_MD be_BE ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Ph
ilip_NP Toynbee_NP affirms_VBZ at_IN one_CD point_NN that_CS if_CS he_PPS shared
_VBD the_AT anticipations_NNS of_IN Orwell_NP in_IN Nineteen_CD-TL Eighty-Four_C
D-TL ,_, if_CS he_PPS believed_VBD Communism_NN-TL was_BEDZ not_* only_RB evil_J
J but_CC ``_`` also_RB irredeemably_QL evil_JJ ''_'' ,_, then_RB he_PPS might_MD
``_`` think_VB it_PPO right_JJ to_TO do_DO anything_PN rather_IN than_IN to_TO
take_VB the_AT risk_NN of_IN a_AT communist_NN world_NN ._. Even_RB a_AT nuclear
_JJ holocaust_NN is_BEZ a_AT little_QL less_QL frightful_JJ to_TO contemplate_VB
than_CS a_AT race_NN of_IN dehumanised_VBN humans_NNS occupying_VBG the_AT eart
h_NN until_IN doomsday_NN ''_'' ._. No_AT political_JJ order_NN or_CC economic_J
J system_NN is_BEZ so_QL clearly_RB contrary_JJ to_IN nature_NN ._. But_CC one_P
N does_DOZ not_* have_HV to_TO affirm_VB the_AT existence_NN of_IN an_AT evil_JJ
order_NN irredeemable_JJ in_IN that_DT sense_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT static_JJ order_
NN in_IN which_WDT no_AT changes_NNS will_MD take_VB place_NN in_IN time_NN ,_,
to_TO be_BE able_JJ truthfully_RB to_TO affirm_VB the_AT following_VBG fact_NN :
_: there_EX has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN justitia_FW-NN imprinted_VBN in_IN social_
JJ institutions_NNS and_CC social_JJ relationships_NNS except_IN in_IN the_AT co
ntext_NN of_IN some_DTI pax-ordo_FW-NN preserved_VBN by_IN clothed_VBN or_CC nak
ed_JJ force_NN ._. On_IN their_PP$ way_NN to_IN the_AT Heavenly_JJ-TL City_NN-TL
the_AT children_NNS of_IN God_NP make_VB use_NN of_IN the_AT pax-ordo_FW-NN of_
IN the_AT earthly_JJ city_NN and_CC acknowledge_VB their_PP$ share_NN in_IN resp
onsibility_NN for_IN its_PP$ preservation_NN ._. Not_* to_TO repel_VB injury_NN
and_CC uphold_VB and_CC improve_VB pax-ordo_FW-NN means_VBZ not_* simply_RB to_T
O accept_VB the_AT misshapen_JJ order_NN and_CC injustice_NN that_WPS challenges
_VBZ it_PPO at_IN the_AT moment_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB to_TO start_VB down_IN the
_AT steep_JJ slope_NN along_IN which_WDT justice_NN can_MD find_VB no_AT place_N
N whereon_WRB to_TO stand_VB ._. Toynbee_NP seems_VBZ to_TO think_VB that_CS the
re_EX is_BEZ some_DTI other_AP way_NN to_TO give_VB justice_NN social_JJ embodim
ent_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS would_MD far_QL rather_RB die_VB after_IN a_AT Russian_J
J occupation_NN of_IN this_DT country_NN --_-- by_IN some_DTI deliberate_JJ act_
NN of_IN refusal_NN --_-- than_CS die_VB uselessly_RB by_IN atomisation_NN ''_''
._. Would_MD such_ABL an_AT act_NN of_IN refusal_NN be_BE useful_JJ ?_. ?_. He_
PPS does_DOZ not_* mean_VB ,_, in_IN fact_NN he_PPS addresses_VBZ himself_PPL sp
ecifically_RB to_TO reject_VB the_AT proposition_NN ,_, that_CS ``_`` if_CS we_P
PSS took_VBD the_AT risk_NN of_IN surrendering_VBG ,_, a_AT new_JJ generation_NN
in_IN Britain_NP would_MD soon_RB begin_VB to_TO amass_VB its_PP$ strength_NN i
n_IN secret_JJ in_IN order_NN to_TO reverse_VB the_AT consequences_NNS of_IN tha
t_DT surrender_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS wants_VBZ to_TO be_BE ``_`` brutally_QL frank
_JJ and_CC say_VB that_CS these_DTS rebellions_NNS would_MD be_BE hopeless_JJ --
_-- far_QL ,_, far_QL more_QL hopeless_JJ than_CS was_BEDZ the_AT Hungarian_NP r
evolution_NN of_IN 1956_CD ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* a_AT project_NN for_IN
regaining_VBG the_AT ground_NN for_IN limited_VBN war_NN ,_, by_IN creating_VBG
a_AT monopoly_NN in_IN one_CD power_NN of_IN the_AT world's_NN$ arsenal_NN of_I
N unlimited_JJ weapons_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT proposal_NN that_CS justice_NN
now_RB be_BE served_VBN by_IN means_NNS other_AP than_IN those_DTS that_WPS hav
e_HV ever_RB preconditioned_VBN the_AT search_NN for_IN it_PPO ,_, or_CC precond
itioned_VBN more_QL positive_JJ means_NNS for_IN attaining_VBG it_PPO ,_, in_IN
the_AT past_NN ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ no_AT good_JJ recommending_VBG surrender_
NN rather_IN than_IN nuclear_JJ warfare_NN with_IN the_AT proviso_NN that_CS sur
render_NN could_MD be_BE followed_VBN by_IN the_AT effective_JJ military_JJ resi
stance_NN by_IN occupied_VBN peoples_NNS ._. Hope_NN for_IN the_AT future_NN wou
ld_MD lie_VB in_IN the_AT natural_JJ longing_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN fo
r_IN freedom_NN and_CC the_AT right_NN to_TO develop_VB ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BEZ
to_TO surrender_VB in_IN advance_NN to_IN whatever_WDT attack_NN may_MD yet_RB
be_BE mounted_VBN ,_, to_IN the_AT very_QL last_AP ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO s
tride_VB along_IN the_AT steep_JJ slope_NN downward_RB ._. The_AT only_AP contra
ry_JJ action_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT future_NN as_CS in_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, runs_V
BZ the_AT risk_NN of_IN war_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC ,_, now_RB and_CC in_IN the_AT fut
ure_NN unlike_IN in_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, any_DTI attempt_NN to_TO repel_VB inju
ry_NN and_CC to_TO preserve_VB any_DTI particular_JJ civilized_VBN attainment_NN
of_IN mankind_NN or_CC its_PP$ provisional_JJ justice_NN runs_VBZ some_DTI risk
_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ warfare_NN and_CC the_AT danger_NN that_CS an_AT effect_NN
of_IN it_PPO will_MD ,_, by_IN human_JJ action_NN ,_, render_VB this_DT planet_N
N less_QL habitable_JJ by_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ why_WRB
it_PPS is_BEZ so_QL very_QL important_JJ that_CS ethical_JJ analysis_NN keep_VB
clear_JJ the_AT problem_NN of_IN decision_NN as_IN to_IN ``_`` permitted_VBN ''_
'' effects_NNS ,_, and_CC not_* draw_VB back_RB in_IN fright_NN from_IN any_DTI
conceivable_JJ contingency_NN or_CC suffer_VB paralysis_NN of_IN action_NN befor
e_IN possibilities_NNS or_CC probabilities_NNS unrelated_JJ ,_, or_CC not_* dire
ctly_RB morally_RB related_VBN ,_, to_IN what_WDT we_PPSS can_MD and_CC may_MD a
nd_CC must_MD do_DO as_QL long_RB as_CS human_JJ history_NN endures_VBZ ._. Fina
lly_RB ,_, just_RB as_CS no_AT different_JJ issues_NNS are_BER posed_VBN for_IN
thoughtful_JJ analysis_NN by_IN the_AT foreshortening_NN of_IN time_NN that_WPS
may_MD yet_RB pass_VB before_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN human_JJ life_NN on_IN this_
DT earth_NN ,_, but_CC only_RB stimulation_NN and_CC alarm_NN to_IN the_AT imagi
nation_NN ,_, the_AT same_AP thing_NN must_MD be_BE said_VBN in_IN connection_NN
with_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN what_WDT we_PPSS may_MD perhaps_RB already_RB
be_BE doing_VBG ,_, by_IN human_JJ action_NN ,_, to_TO accelerate_VB this_DT end
_NN ._. We_PPSS should_MD not_* allow_VB the_AT image_NN of_IN an_AT immanent_JJ
end_NN brought_VBN about_RB indirectly_RB by_IN our_PP$ own_JJ action_NN in_IN
the_AT continuing_VBG human_JJ struggle_NN for_IN a_AT just_JJ endurable_JJ orde
r_NN of_IN existence_NN to_TO blind_VB us_PPO to_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS in_IN
some_DTI measure_NN accelerating_VBG the_AT end_NN of_IN our_PP$ lease_NN may_M
D be_BE one_CD consequence_NN among_IN others_NNS of_IN many_AP other_AP of_IN m
ankind's_NN$ thrusts_NNS toward_IN we_PPSS know_VB not_* what_WDT future_NN ._.
Much_QL more_AP than_IN shelter_NN ,_, housing_VBG symbolizes_VBZ social_JJ stat
us_NN ,_, a_AT sense_NN of_IN ``_`` belonging_VBG ''_'' ,_, acceptance_NN within
_IN a_AT given_VBN group_NN or_CC neighborhood_NN ,_, identification_NN with_IN
particular_JJ cultural_JJ values_NNS and_CC social_JJ institutions_NNS ,_, feeli
ngs_NNS of_IN pride_NN and_CC worth_NN ,_, aspirations_NNS and_CC hopes_NNS basi
c_JJ to_IN human_JJ well-being_NN ._. For_IN almost_RB one-sixth_NN of_IN the_AT
national_JJ population_NN discrimination_NN in_IN the_AT free_JJ selection_NN o
f_IN residence_NN casts_VBZ a_AT considerable_JJ shadow_NN upon_IN these_DTS val
ues_NNS assumed_VBN as_CS self-evident_JJ by_IN most_AP Americans_NPS ._. Few_AP
business_NN groups_NNS in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS have_HV come_VBN under_IN heav
ier_JJR pressure_NN to_TO face_VB these_DTS realities_NNS than_CS real_JJ estate
_NN brokers_NNS and_CC home_NN builders_NNS ._. This_DT pressure_NN has_HVZ urge
d_VBN re-evaluation_NN of_IN the_AT assumptions_NNS underlying_VBG their_PP$ pro
fessional_JJ ethics_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS has_HVZ sought_VBN new_JJ sympathy_NN for
_IN the_AT human_JJ aspirations_NNS of_IN racial_JJ minority_NN groups_NNS in_IN
this_DT country_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* surprising_JJ that_CS ,_, as_CS spok
esman_NN for_IN real_JJ estate_NN interests_NNS ,_, the_AT National_JJ-TL Associ
ation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Real_JJ-TL Estate_NN-TL Boards_NNS-TL (_( NAREB_NP )_) and_
CC its_PP$ local_JJ associations_NNS have_HV sought_VBN to_TO limit_VB and_CC of
ten_RB ignore_VB much_AP of_IN this_DT pressure_NN ._. How_WRB does_DOZ the_AT l
ocal_JJ realtor_NN see_VB himself_PPL in_IN the_AT context_NN of_IN housing_VBG
restrictions_NNS based_VBN on_IN race_NN ,_, religion_NN or_CC ethnic_JJ attachm
ent_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT does_DOZ he_PPS conceive_VB his_PP$ role_NN to_TO be_BE
in_IN this_DT area_NN of_IN social_JJ unrest_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT ought_MD to_TO
be_BE ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ his_PP$ potential_JJ role_NN as_CS a_AT force_NN for_I
N constructive_JJ social_JJ change_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT social_JJ ,_, ethical_JJ
and_CC theological_JJ insights_NNS can_MD the_AT church_NN and_CC university_NN
help_VB him_PPO bring_VB to_TO bear_VB upon_IN his_PP$ situation_NN ?_. ?_. Rece
ntly_RB ,_, a_AT group_NN of_IN the_AT faculty_NN at_IN Wesleyan_NP-TL Universit
y's_NN$-TL Public_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL Center_NN-TL sought_VBD some_DTI answers_
NNS to_IN these_DTS questions_NNS ._. Several_AP New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL realtor
s_NNS were_BED invited_VBN to_TO participate_VB in_IN a_AT small_JJ colloquium_N
N of_IN property_NN lawyers_NNS ,_, political_JJ scientists_NNS ,_, economists_N
NS ,_, social_JJ psychologists_NNS ,_, social_JJ ethicists_NNS and_CC theologian
s_NNS ._. Here_RB ,_, in_IN an_AT atmosphere_NN of_IN forthrightness_NN and_CC m
utual_JJ criticism_NN ,_, each_DT sought_VBD to_TO bring_VB his_PP$ particular_J
J insights_NNS to_TO bear_VB upon_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN discrimination_NN
in_IN housing_VBG and_CC the_AT part_NN each_DT man_NN present_RB played_VBD in_
IN it_PPO ._. For_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN years_NNS ,_, Wesleyan_NP has_HVZ been
_BEN drawing_VBG varied_VBN groups_NNS of_IN political_JJ and_CC business_NN lea
ders_NNS into_IN these_DTS informal_JJ discussions_NNS with_IN members_NNS of_IN
the_AT faculty_NN and_CC student_NN body_NN ,_, attempting_VBG to_TO explore_VB
and_CC clarify_VB aspects_NNS of_IN their_PP$ responsibility_NN for_IN public_J
J policy_NN ._. This_DT article_NN presents_VBZ our_PP$ observations_NNS of_IN t
hat_DT session_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT realtors_NNS as_CS they_PPSS saw_VBD themselv
es_PPLS and_CC as_CS the_AT faculty_NN and_CC students_NNS saw_VB them_PPO ._. S
uch_JJ conversation_NN quickly_RB reveals_VBZ an_AT ethically_RB significant_JJ
ambivalence_NN in_IN the_AT self-images_NNS held_VBN by_IN most_AP realtors_NNS
._. Within_IN the_AT membership_NN of_IN this_DT group_NN ,_, as_CS has_HVZ been
_BEN found_VBN true_JJ of_IN men_NNS in_IN other_AP professional_JJ or_CC trade_
NN associations_NNS ,_, the_AT most_QL ready_JJ portrayal_NN of_IN oneself_PPL t
o_IN ``_`` the_AT public_NN ''_'' is_BEZ that_DT of_IN a_AT neutral_JJ agent_NN
simply_RB serving_VBG the_AT interests_NNS of_IN a_AT seller_NN or_CC buyer_NN a
nd_CC mediating_VBG between_IN them_PPO ._. Professional_JJ responsibility_NN is
_BEZ seen_VBN to_TO consist_VB largely_RB in_IN serving_VBG the_AT wishes_NNS of
_IN the_AT client_NN fairly_RB and_CC in_IN an_AT efficient_JJ manner_NN ._. But
_CC as_CS conversation_NN goes_VBZ on_RP ,_, particularly_RB among_IN the_AT rea
ltors_NNS themselves_PPLS ,_, another_DT image_NN emerges_VBZ ,_, that_DT of_IN
considerable_JJ power_NN and_CC influence_NN in_IN the_AT community_NN ._. Obvio
usly_RB ,_, much_QL more_AP than_IN customer_NN expectation_NN is_BEZ determinin
g_VBG the_AT realtor's_NN$ role_NN ._. Judgments_NNS are_BER continually_RB rend
ered_VBN regarding_IN the_AT potential_JJ buyers'_NNS$ income_NN ,_, educational
_JJ level_NN and_CC above_IN all_ABN ,_, racial_JJ extraction_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC
whether_CS these_DTS would_MD qualify_VB them_PPO for_IN ``_`` congenial_JJ ''_'
' ,_, ``_`` happy_JJ ''_'' relations_NNS to_IN other_AP people_NNS in_IN certain
_JJ community_NN areas_NNS ._. A_AT-HL narrow_JJ-HL professionalism_NN-HL How_WQ
L explicit_JJ such_JJ factors_NNS have_HV been_BEN historically_RB is_BEZ eviden
t_JJ in_IN any_DTI chronology_NN of_IN restrictive_JJ covenant_NN cases_NNS or_C
C in_IN a_AT review_NN of_IN NAREB's_NN Code_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ethics_NN-TL Article
_NN-TL 34_CD-TL in_IN the_AT Code_NN-TL ,_, adopted_VBN in_IN 1924_CD ,_, states
_VBZ that_CS ``_`` a_AT Realtor_NN-TL should_MD never_RB be_BE instrumental_JJ i
n_IN introducing_VBG into_IN a_AT neighborhood_NN a_AT character_NN of_IN proper
ty_NN or_CC occupancy_NN ,_, members_NNS of_IN any_DTI race_NN or_CC nationality
_NN or_CC any_DTI individuals_NNS whose_WP$ presence_NN will_MD clearly_RB be_BE
detrimental_JJ to_IN property_NN values_NNS in_IN that_DT neighborhood_NN ''_''
._. Though_CS the_AT reference_NN to_IN race_NN was_BEDZ stricken_VBN by_IN the
_AT association_NN in_IN 1950_CD ,_, being_BEG an_AT agent_NN of_IN such_JJ ``_`
` detrimental_JJ ''_'' influences_NNS still_RB appears_VBZ as_CS the_AT cardinal
_JJ sin_NN realtors_NNS see_VB themselves_PPLS committed_VBN to_TO avoid_VB ._.
The_AT rationale_NN for_IN this_DT avoidance_NN was_BEDZ most_QL frequently_RB e
xpressed_VBN in_IN economic_JJ terms_NNS ;_. ;_. all_ABN feared_VBD the_AT suppo
sed_VBN stigma_NN they_PPSS believed_VBD would_MD inevitably_RB attach_VB to_IN
any_DTI realtor_NN who_WPS openly_RB introduced_VBD non-white_JJ ,_, particularl
y_RB Negro_NP ,_, peoples_NNS into_IN all-white_JJ ,_, restricted_VBN areas_NNS
._. They_PPSS would_MD become_VB tagged_VBN as_CS men_NNS not_* interested_VBN i
n_IN being_BEG purely_RB real_JJ estate_NN ``_`` professionals_NNS ''_'' but_CC
agitators_NNS for_IN some_DTI kind_NN of_IN ``_`` cause_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` ref
orm_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC this_DT was_BEDZ no_QL longer_RBR to_TO be_BE a_AT ``_``
pro_NN ''_'' ._. Obviously_RB what_WDT we_PPSS are_BER confronted_VBN with_IN h
ere_RB is_BEZ the_AT identification_NN of_IN ``_`` professional_NN ''_'' with_IN
narrow_JJ skills_NNS and_CC specialization_NN ,_, the_AT effective_JJ servicing
_NN of_IN a_AT client_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN responsiveness_NN to_IN the_AT wi
der_JJR and_CC deeper_JJR meaning_NN and_CC associations_NNS of_IN one's_PN$ wor
k_NN ._. These_DTS men_NNS --_-- for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN educated_VBN in_I
N our_PP$ ``_`` best_JJT ''_'' New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL colleges_NNS ,_, well_QL
established_VBN financially_RB and_CC socially_RB in_IN the_AT community_NN --_-
- under_IN kindly_JJ but_CC insistent_JJ probing_VBG ,_, reveal_VB little_AP or_
CC no_AT objective_JJ or_CC explicit_JJ criteria_NNS or_CC data_NNS for_IN their
_PP$ generalizations_NNS about_IN the_AT interests_NNS and_CC attitudes_NNS of_I
N the_AT people_NNS they_PPSS claim_VB to_TO serve_VB ,_, or_CC about_IN the_AT
public_JJ responses_NNS that_WPS actually_RB follow_VB their_PP$ occasional_JJ b
reach_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` client-service_NN relationship_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT na
rrow_JJ ``_`` professionalism_NN ''_'' does_DOZ not_* even_RB fit_VB the_AT pres
ent_JJ realities_NNS of_IN their_PP$ situation_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT pressure_NN o
f_IN minorities_NNS and_CC the_AT power_NN and_CC respectability_NN of_IN the_AT
realtors_NNS increase_VB ._. As_CS our_PP$ discussion_NN continued_VBD ,_, the_
AT inadequacy_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` client_NN relationship_NN ''_'' as_CS an_AT
interpretation_NN of_IN their_PP$ ``_`` way_NN of_IN operating_VBG ''_'' became_
VBD evident_JJ ._. Realtors_NNS live_VB in_IN their_PP$ communities_NNS as_CS sp
ecialists_NNS in_IN a_AT given_VBN area_NN of_IN work_NN ,_, as_CS members_NNS o
f_IN social_JJ and_CC professional_JJ organizations_NNS ,_, as_CS citizens_NNS a
nd_CC civic_JJ leaders_NNS ,_, as_CS church_NN laymen_NNS ,_, as_CS university_N
N alumni_NNS ,_, as_CS newspaper_NN readers_NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. From_IN such_JJ
communal_JJ roles_NNS the_AT realtor_NN finds_VBZ the_AT substance_NN that_WPS s
hapes_VBZ his_PP$ moral_JJ understanding_NN ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN us_PPO th
at_CS choices_NNS exercised_VBN by_IN realtors_NNS in_IN moral_JJ situations_NNS
center_VB in_IN at_IN least_AP three_CD areas_NNS :_: (_( 1_CD )_) the_AT vario
us_JJ ways_NNS in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS interpret_VB a_AT particular_JJ social_
JJ issue_NN ;_. ;_. (_( 2_CD )_) their_PP$ pattern_NN of_IN involvement_NN in_IN
the_AT regular_JJ legal_JJ and_CC political_JJ processes_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC ,_,
most_QL pervasively_RB ,_, (_( 3_CD )_) their_PP$ interpretation_NN of_IN who_W
PS is_BEZ a_AT ``_`` real_JJ pro_NN ''_'' ,_, of_IN what_WDT it_PPS means_VBZ to
_TO be_BE a_AT professional_JJ man_NN in_IN a_AT technical_JJ ,_, fragmented_VBN
society_NN ._. (_( 1_CD )_) Most_AP of_IN the_AT realtors_NNS minimized_VBD the
ir_PP$ own_JJ understanding_NN of_IN and_CC role_NN in_IN the_AT racial_JJ issue
_NN ,_, pleading_VBG that_CS they_PPSS only_RB reflect_VB the_AT attitudes_NNS a
nd_CC intentions_NNS of_IN their_PP$ society_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ some_DTI rea
lity_NN to_IN this_DT ;_. ;_. the_AT Commission_NN-TL on_IN-TL Race_NN-TL and_CC
-TL Housing_NN-TL concluded_VBD that_CS ``_`` there_EX is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN to
_TO believe_VB that_CS real_JJ estate_NN men_NNS are_BER either_CC more_QL or_CC
less_QL racially_RB prejudiced_VBN ,_, on_IN the_AT whole_JJ ,_, than_CS any_DT
I other_AP segment_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ population_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC su
ch_ABL a_AT reaction_NN obscures_VBZ the_AT powerful_JJ efforts_NNS made_VBN in_
IN the_AT past_NN by_IN both_ABX NAREB_NN and_CC its_PP$ local_JJ boards_NNS for
_IN the_AT maintenance_NN of_IN restrictive_JJ clauses_NNS and_CC practices_NNS
._. Also_RB ,_, it_PPS does_DOZ not_* recognize_VB the_AT elements_NNS of_IN cho
ice_NN and_CC judgment_NN continually_RB employed_VBN ._. Like_CS business_NN an
d_CC university_NN groups_NNS generally_RB ,_, these_DTS men_NNS had_HVD very_QL
limited_VBN knowledge_NN of_IN recent_JJ sociological_JJ and_CC psychological_J
J studies_NNS and_CC findings_NNS that_WPS might_MD illumine_VB the_AT decisions
_NNS they_PPSS make_VB ._. Realtors_NNS ,_, both_ABX generally_RB and_CC in_IN t
his_DT group_NN ,_, have_HV invariably_RB equated_VBN residential_JJ integration
_NN with_IN a_AT decline_NN in_IN property_NN values_NNS ,_, a_AT circumstance_N
N viewed_VBN with_IN considerable_JJ apprehension_NN ._. Recent_JJ studies_NNS b
y_IN the_AT Commission_NN-TL on_IN-TL Race_NN-TL and_CC-TL Housing_NN-TL and_CC
others_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, point_VB to_IN a_AT vast_JJ complex_NN of_IN facto
rs_NNS that_WPS often_RB do_DO not_* warrant_VB this_DT conclusion_NN ._. There_
EX are_BER increasing_VBG numbers_NNS of_IN neighborhoods_NNS that_WPS are_BER i
ntegrated_VBN residentially_RB without_IN great_JJ loss_NN of_IN property_NN val
ues_NNS ,_, the_AT white_JJ population_NN having_HVG taken_VBN the_AT initiative
_NN in_IN preparing_VBG the_AT areas_NNS for_IN an_AT appreciation_NN of_IN the_
AT Negroes'_NPS$ desire_NN for_IN well-kept_JJ housing_NN ,_, privacy_NN ,_, etc
._RB ._. Data_NN on_IN the_AT decline_NN of_IN property_NN values_NNS in_IN an_A
T area_NN after_CS a_AT new_JJ racial_JJ group_NN enters_VBZ it_PPS has_HVZ to_T
O be_BE assessed_VBN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_AT trends_NNS in_IN property_NN v
alues_NNS before_CS the_AT group_NN comes_VBZ in_RP ._. Often_RB they_PPSS are_B
ER able_JJ to_TO get_VB in_RP only_RB because_CS the_AT area_NN is_BEZ declining
_VBG economically_RB ._. Significantly_RB ,_, no_AT realtor_NN and_CC few_AP of_
IN the_AT faculty_NN present_RB were_BED familiar_JJ with_IN any_DTI of_IN the_A
T six_CD volumes_NNS (_( published_VBN by_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ca
lifornia_NP-TL Press_NN-TL )_) that_WPS present_VB the_AT commission's_NN$ findi
ngs_NNS ._. No_AT one_PN anticipates_VBZ any_DTI radical_JJ shift_NN in_IN this_
DT situation_NN ,_, but_CC questions_NNS concerning_IN reading_VBG habits_NNS ,_
, the_AT availability_NN of_IN such_JJ data_NN and_CC the_AT places_NNS where_WR
B it_PPS is_BEZ discussed_VBN must_MD surely_RB be_BE raised_VBN ._. The_AT role
_NN of_IN both_ABX church_NN and_CC university_NN as_CS sources_NNS of_IN inform
ation_NN and_CC settings_NNS within_IN which_WDT the_AT implications_NNS of_IN s
uch_JJ information_NN may_MD be_BE explored_VBN needs_VBZ consideration_NN ._. R
elevant_JJ ``_`` facts_NNS ''_'' ,_, however_RB ,_, extend_VB beyond_IN consider
ations_NNS of_IN property_NN values_NNS and_CC maintenance_NN of_IN ``_`` harmon
ious_JJ ''_'' neighborhoods_NNS ._. Discussion_NN of_IN minority_NN housing_NN n
ecessarily_RB involves_VBZ such_JJ basic_JJ issues_NNS as_CS the_AT intensity_NN
of_IN one's_PN$ democratic_JJ conviction_NN and_CC religious_JJ belief_NN conce
rning_IN equality_NN of_IN opportunity_NN ,_, the_AT function_NN and_CC limitati
ons_NNS of_IN government_NN in_IN the_AT securing_NN of_IN such_JJ equality_NN ,
_, and_CC the_AT spotlight_NN that_DT world_NN opinion_NN plays_VBZ upon_IN loca
l_JJ incidents_NNS of_IN racial_JJ agitation_NN and_CC strife_NN ._. ``_`` Again
st_IN-HL the_AT-HL grain_NN-HL of_IN-HL creation_NN-HL ''_'' (_( 2_CD )_) Realto
rs_NNS realize_VB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS they_PPSS are_BER involved_VBN
in_IN an_AT increasingly_QL complex_JJ legal_JJ and_CC political_JJ system_NN t
hat_WPS is_BEZ opening_VBG up_RP opportunities_NNS for_IN leverage_NN on_IN thei
r_PP$ relation_NN to_IN clients_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS opportunities_NNS for_IN
evasion_NN of_IN their_PP$ responsibility_NN for_IN racial_JJ discrimination_NN
in_IN housing_VBG ._. On_IN the_AT positive_JJ side_NN ,_, recent_JJ Federal_JJ
-TL action_NN has_HVZ largely_RB undermined_VBN the_AT legal_JJ sanction_NN so_Q
L long_RB enjoyed_VBN by_IN the_AT segregationist_NN position_NN ;_. ;_. anti-di
scriminatory_JJ statutes_NNS in_IN housing_VBG have_HV now_RB been_BEN adopted_V
BN by_IN thirteen_CD states_NNS and_CC ,_, while_CS specific_JJ provisions_NNS h
ave_HV varied_VBN ,_, the_AT tendency_NN is_BEZ clearly_RB toward_IN expanding_V
BG coverage_NN ._. Realtors_NNS in_IN attendance_NN at_IN the_AT colloquium_NN e
xpressed_VBD interest_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, in_IN Connecticut's_NP$ new_J
J housing_VBG law_NN as_CS setting_VBG standards_NNS of_IN equity_NN that_CS the
y_PPSS would_MD like_VB ``_`` to_TO have_HV to_TO obey_VB ''_'' ,_, but_CC in_IN
support_NN of_IN which_WDT none_PN had_HVD been_BEN willing_JJ to_TO go_VB on_I
N public_JJ record_NN ._. As_QL far_RB as_CS they_PPSS were_BED aware_JJ ,_, the
_AT Connecticut_NP-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL Real_JJ-TL Estate_NN-TL Boards_
NNS-TL had_HVD not_* officially_RB opposed_VBN the_AT bill's_NN$ passage_NN or_C
C lobbied_VBN in_IN its_PP$ support_NN ._. (_( This_DT has_HVZ not_* been_BEN th
e_AT case_NN everywhere_RB ._. In_IN 1957_CD ,_, the_AT Real_JJ-TL Estate_NN-TL
Boards_NNS-TL of_IN-TL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL actively_RB opposed_VBD t
he_AT then_RB pending_JJ private_JJ housing_NN anti-discrimination_JJ law_NN ._.
Official_JJ reasoning_NN :_: the_AT bill_NN was_BEDZ a_AT ``_`` wanton_JJ invas
ion_NN of_IN basic_JJ property_NN rights_NNS ''_'' ._. )_) There_EX are_BER sins
_NNS of_IN omission_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS commission_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT attitude
_NN adopted_VBN by_IN realtors_NNS and_CC their_PP$ associations_NNS ,_, either_
CC negative_JJ or_CC positive_JJ ,_, plays_VBZ a_AT large_JJ part_NN in_IN the_A
T public_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN such_JJ measures_NNS and_CC the_AT degree_NN to_
IN which_WDT they_PPSS may_MD be_BE effectively_RB enforced_VBN ._. Judicial_JJ
opinion_NN since_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL decision_NN on_IN Shelley_N
P v._IN Kraemer_NP (_( 1948_CD )_) has_HVZ rendered_VBN racial_JJ restrictive_JJ
covenants_NNS unenforcible_JJ ._. Such_ABL a_AT decision_NN should_MD have_HV p
laced_VBN a_AT powerful_JJ weapon_NN in_IN the_AT hands_NNS of_IN the_AT entire_
JJ housing_VBG industry_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX is_BEZ little_AP evidence_NN that
_CS realtors_NNS ,_, or_CC at_IN least_AP their_PP$ associations_NNS ,_, have_HV
repudiated_VBN the_AT principle_NN in_IN such_JJ clauses_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT s
tates_NNS that_WPS have_HV passed_VBN laws_NNS preventing_VBG discrimination_NN
in_IN the_AT sale_NN or_CC rental_NN of_IN housing_VBG ,_, support_NN by_IN real
_JJ estate_NN associations_NNS for_IN compliance_NN and_CC broadened_VBN coverag
e_NN through_IN additional_JJ legislation_NN could_MD help_VB remove_VB the_AT l
abel_NN of_IN ``_`` social_JJ reformism_NN ''_'' that_CS most_AP realtors_NNS in
dividually_RB seem_VB determined_VBN to_TO avoid_VB ._. But_CC as_CS yet_RB ,_,
no_AT real_JJ estate_NN board_NN has_HVZ been_BEN willing_JJ officially_RB to_TO
support_VB such_JJ laws_NNS or_CC to_TO admit_VB the_AT permissibility_NN of_IN
introducing_VBG minority_NN buyers_NNS into_IN all-white_JJ neighborhoods_NNS .
_. One_CD of_IN the_AT roles_NNS of_IN the_AT social_JJ scientist_NN ,_, ethicis
t_NN or_CC theologian_NN in_IN our_PP$ discussions_NNS with_IN the_AT realtors_N
NS became_VBD that_DT of_IN encouraging_VBG greater_JJR awareness_NN of_IN the_A
T opportunities_NNS offered_VBN by_IN the_AT legal_JJ and_CC political_JJ proces
ses_NNS for_IN the_AT exercise_NN of_IN broad_JJ social_JJ responsibilities_NNS
in_IN their_PP$ work_NN ._. But_CC responsiveness_NN to_IN these_DTS opportuniti
es_NNS presumes_VBZ that_CS all_ABN of_IN us_PPO judge_VB the_AT good_NN as_CS a
_AT human_JJ good_NN and_CC not_* simply_RB as_CS a_AT professional_JJ ,_, white
_JJ ,_, American_JJ good_NN ._. Such_JJ judgments_NNS are_BER meaningful_JJ only
_RB in_IN so_QL far_RB as_CS persons_NNS are_BER members_NNS of_IN a_AT world_NN
,_, let_VB us_PPO say_VB a_AT community_NN ,_, that_WPS embraces_VBZ Scarsdale_
NP or_CC Yonkers_NP ,_, but_CC is_BEZ also_RB infinitely_QL richer_JJR since_CS
it_PPS is_BEZ all-inclusive_JJ ._. That_DT community_NN of_IN all_ABN creation_N
N is_BEZ ,_, then_RB ,_, the_AT ultimate_JJ object_NN of_IN our_PP$ loyalty_NN a
nd_CC the_AT concrete_JJ norm_NN of_IN all_ABN moral_JJ judgment_NN ._. Racial_J
J discrimination_NN is_BEZ wrong_JJ ,_, then_RB ,_, not_* because_CS it_PPS goes
_VBZ against_IN the_AT grain_NN of_IN a_AT faculty_NN member_NN trying_VBG to_TO
converse_VB with_IN a_AT few_AP realtors_NNS but_CC because_CS it_PPS goes_VBZ
against_IN the_AT grain_NN of_IN creation_NN and_CC against_IN the_AT will_NN of
_IN the_AT Creator_NN-TL ._. Thus_RB ,_, moral_JJ issues_NNS concerning_IN the_A
T nature_NN of_IN the_AT legal_JJ and_CC political_JJ processes_NNS take_VB on_R
P theological_JJ dimensions_NNS ._. A_AT-HL fragmented_VBN-HL Society_NN-TL-HL (
_( 3_CD )_) Over_IN the_AT years_NNS ,_, individuals_NNS engaged_VBN in_IN the_A
T sale_NN of_IN real_JJ estate_NN have_HV developed_VBN remarkable_JJ unity_NN i
n_IN the_AT methods_NNS and_CC practices_NNS employed_VBN ._. Most_AP realtors_N
NS and_CC real_JJ estate_NN brokers_NNS talk_VB of_IN themselves_PPLS as_CS ``_`
` professional_JJ people_NNS ''_'' with_IN the_AT cultural_JJ and_CC moral_JJ va
lues_NNS held_VBN by_IN the_AT traditional_JJ professions_NNS ._. But_CC what_WD
T significance_NN attaches_VBZ to_TO ``_`` professional_NN ''_'' ,_, beyond_IN t
he_AT narrow_JJ sense_NN of_IN skillfulness_NN in_IN meeting_VBG a_AT client's_N
N$ stated_VBN needs_NNS as_CS already_RB noted_VBN ?_. ?_. Our_PP$ faculty_NN an
d_CC students_NNS pressed_VBD this_DT issue_NN more_RBR than_CS any_DTI other_AP
._. As_CS a_AT theologian_NN in_IN the_AT group_NN pointed_VBD out_RP ,_, a_AT
professional_NN was_BEDZ ,_, before_IN the_AT modern_JJ period_NN of_IN technica
l_JJ specialization_NN ,_, one_PN who_WPS ``_`` professed_VBD ''_'' to_TO be_BE
a_AT bearer_NN and_CC critic_NN of_IN his_PP$ culture_NN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_
IN his_PP$ particular_JJ skills_NNS ._. If_CS we_PPSS look_VB about_IN the_AT wo
rld_NN today_NR ,_, we_PPSS can_MD see_VB clearly_RB that_CS there_EX are_BER tw
o_CD especially_QL significant_JJ factors_NNS shaping_VBG the_AT future_NN of_IN
our_PP$ civilization_NN :_: science_NN and_CC religion_NN ._. Science_NN is_BEZ
placing_VBG in_IN our_PP$ hands_NNS the_AT ultimate_JJ power_NN of_IN the_AT un
iverse_NN ,_, the_AT power_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN ._. Religion_NN ,_, or_CC the
_AT lack_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, will_MD decide_VB whether_CS we_PPSS use_VB this_DT
power_NN to_TO build_VB a_AT brave_JJ new_JJ world_NN of_IN peace_NN and_CC abu
ndance_NN for_IN all_ABN mankind_NN ,_, or_CC whether_CS we_PPSS misuse_VB this_
DT power_NN to_TO leave_VB a_AT world_NN utterly_QL destroyed_VBN ._. How_WRB ca
n_MD we_PPSS have_HV the_AT wisdom_NN to_TO meet_VB such_ABL a_AT new_JJ and_CC
difficult_JJ challenge_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS may_MD feel_VB pessimistic_JJ at_IN th
e_AT outlook_NN ._. And_CC yet_RB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT note_NN of_IN hope_NN ,_,
because_CS this_DT same_AP science_NN that_WPS is_BEZ giving_VBG us_PPO the_AT
power_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN is_BEZ also_RB giving_VBG us_PPO atomic_JJ vision_
NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER looking_VBG inside_IN the_AT atom_NN and_CC seeing_VBG th
ere_RB a_AT universe_NN which_WDT is_BEZ not_* material_NN but_CC something_PN b
eyond_IN the_AT material_NN ,_, a_AT universe_NN that_WPS in_IN a_AT word_NN is_
BEZ not_* matter_NN but_CC music_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN this_DT new_J
J vision_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN that_CS we_PPSS find_VB an_AT affirmation_NN an
d_CC an_AT invigoration_NN of_IN our_PP$ faith_NN ._. Atomic_JJ-HL energy_NN-HL
To_TO see_VB this_DT vision_NN in_IN perspective_NN ,_, we_PPSS need_VB first_OD
of_IN all_ABN a_AT clear_JJ idea_NN of_IN the_AT magnitude_NN of_IN this_DT new
_JJ power_NN from_IN the_AT atom_NN ._. You_PPSS know_VB that_CS I_PPSS could_MD
hold_VB right_QL here_RB in_IN my_PP$ hand_NN the_AT little_JJ chunk_NN of_IN u
ranium_NN metal_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ the_AT heart_NN of_IN the_AT bomb_NN that_W
PS dropped_VBD on_IN Hiroshima_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB about_RB the_AT si
ze_NN of_IN a_AT baseball_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC packed_VBN in_IN that_DT metallic_JJ
ball_NN there_EX was_BEDZ the_AT explosive_JJ force_NN of_IN 20,000_CD tons_NNS
of_IN Aj_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ enough_AP TNT_NN to_TO fill_VB the_AT tower_NN o
f_IN the_AT Empire_NN-TL State_NN-TL Building_NN-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC with_IN the_A
T availability_NN of_IN bombs_NNS of_IN that_DT size_NN ,_, war_NN became_VBD a_
AT new_JJ problem_NN ._. Now_RB we_PPSS might_MD have_HV restricted_VBN the_AT u
se_NN of_IN uranium_NN bombs_NNS by_IN controlling_VBG the_AT sources_NNS of_IN
uranium_NN because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ found_VBN in_IN only_RB a_AT few_AP places_N
NS in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. But_CC we_PPSS had_HVD hardly_RB started_VBN to_TO
adjust_VB our_PP$ thinking_NN to_IN this_DT new_JJ uranium_NN weapon_NN when_WRB
we_PPSS were_BED faced_VBN with_IN the_AT hydrogen_NN bomb_NN ._. Hydrogen_NN i
s_BEZ just_RB as_QL plentiful_JJ as_CS uranium_NN is_BEZ scarce_JJ ._. We_PPSS k
now_VB that_CS we_PPSS have_HV hydrogen_NN in_IN water_NN ;_. ;_. water_NN is_BE
Z Af_NN and_CC the_AT H_NN stands_VBZ for_IN hydrogen_NN ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ
also_RB hydrogen_NN in_IN wood_NN and_CC hydrogen_NN in_IN our_PP$ bodies_NNS .
_. I_PPSS have_HV calculated_VBN that_CS if_CS I_PPSS could_MD snap_VB my_PP$ fi
ngers_NNS in_IN one_CD magic_JJ gesture_NN to_TO release_VB the_AT power_NN of_I
N all_ABN the_AT hydrogen_NN in_IN my_PP$ body_NN ,_, I_PPSS would_MD explode_VB
with_IN the_AT force_NN of_IN a_AT hundred_CD bombs_NNS of_IN the_AT kind_NN th
at_WPS fell_VBD on_IN Hiroshima_NP ._. I_PPSS won't_MD* try_VB the_AT experiment
_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS think_VB you_PPO can_MD see_VB that_CS if_CS we_PPSS all_A
BN knew_VBD the_AT secret_NN and_CC we_PPSS could_MD all_ABN let_VB ourselves_PP
LS go_VB ,_, there_EX would_MD be_BE quite_ABL an_AT explosion_NN ._. And_CC the
n_RB think_VB how_WQL little_AP hydrogen_NN we_PPSS have_HV in_IN us_PPO compare
d_VBN with_IN the_AT hydrogen_NN in_IN Delaware_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL or_CC in_IN the_
AT ocean_NN beyond_RB ._. Salt_NN water_NN is_BEZ still_RB Af_NN ,_, the_AT same
_AP hydrogen_NN is_BEZ there_RB ._. And_CC the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT ocean_NN
shows_VBZ us_PPO the_AT magnitude_NN of_IN the_AT destructive_JJ power_NN we_PPS
S hold_VB in_IN our_PP$ hands_NNS today_NR ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, there_EX is_B
EZ also_RB an_AT optimistic_JJ side_NN to_IN the_AT picture_NN ._. For_CS if_CS
I_PPSS knew_VBD the_AT secret_NN of_IN letting_VBG this_DT power_NN in_IN my_PP$
body_NN change_VB directly_RB into_IN electricity_NN ,_, I_PPSS could_MD rent_V
B myself_PPL out_RP to_IN the_AT electric_JJ companies_NNS and_CC with_IN just_R
B the_AT power_NN in_IN my_PP$ body_NN I_PPSS could_MD light_VB all_ABN the_AT l
ights_NNS and_CC run_VB all_ABN the_AT factories_NNS in_IN the_AT entire_JJ Unit
ed_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL for_IN some_DTI days_NNS ._. And_CC think_VB ,_, if_CS w
e_PPSS all_ABN knew_VBD this_DT secret_NN and_CC we_PPSS could_MD pool_VB our_PP
$ power_NN ,_, what_WDT a_AT wonderful_JJ public_JJ utility_NN company_NN we_PPS
S would_MD make_VB ._. With_IN just_RB the_AT hydrogen_NN of_IN our_PP$ bodies_N
NS ,_, we_PPSS could_MD run_VB the_AT world_NN for_IN years_NNS ._. Then_RB thin
k_VB of_IN Delaware_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL and_CC the_AT ocean_NN and_CC you_PPSS see_V
B that_CS we_PPSS have_HV a_AT supply_NN of_IN power_NN for_IN millions_NNS of_I
N years_NNS to_TO come_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ power_NN with_IN which_WDT we_PPSS c
an_MD literally_RB rebuild_VB the_AT world_NN ,_, provide_VB adequate_JJ housing
_NN ,_, food_NN ,_, education_NN ,_, abundant_JJ living_NN for_IN everyone_PN ev
erywhere_RB ._. An_AT-HL octillion_CD-HL atoms_NNS-HL Now_RB let_VB us_PPO see_V
B where_WRB this_DT power_NN comes_VBZ from_IN ._. To_TO grasp_VB our_PP$ new_JJ
view_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV to_TO appreciate_VB first_OD o
f_IN all_ABN how_WQL small_JJ the_AT atom_NN is_BEZ ._. I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN
trying_VBG to_TO make_VB this_DT clear_JJ to_IN my_PP$ own_JJ class_NN in_IN che
mistry_NN ._. One_CD night_NN there_EX were_BED some_DTI dried_VBN peas_NNS lyin
g_VBG on_IN our_PP$ kitchen_NN table_NN ,_, and_CC these_DTS peas_NNS looked_VBD
to_IN me_PPO like_CS a_AT little_AP group_NN of_IN atoms_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC I_P
PSS asked_VBD myself_PPL a_AT question_NN :_: Suppose_VB I_PPSS had_HVD the_AT s
ame_AP number_NN of_IN peas_NNS as_CS there_EX are_BER atoms_NNS in_IN my_PP$ bo
dy_NN ,_, how_WRB large_JJ an_AT area_NN would_MD they_PPSS cover_VB ?_. ?_. I_P
PSS calculated_VBD first_RB that_CS there_EX are_BER about_RB an_AT octillion_CD
atoms_NNS in_IN the_AT average_NN human_JJ body_NN ;_. ;_. that_DT is_BEZ a_AT
figure_NN one_CD with_IN 27_CD ciphers_NNS ,_, quite_ABL a_AT large_JJ number_NN
._. Then_RB I_PPSS calculated_VBD that_CS a_AT million_CD peas_NNS would_MD jus
t_QL about_RB fill_VB a_AT household_NN refrigerator_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT billion_CD
peas_NNS would_MD fill_VB a_AT small_JJ house_NN from_IN cellar_NN to_IN attic_N
N ;_. ;_. a_AT trillion_CD peas_NNS would_MD fill_VB all_ABN the_AT houses_NNS i
n_IN a_AT town_NN of_IN about_RB ten_CD thousand_CD people_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC a_
AT quadrillion_CD peas_NNS would_MD fill_VB all_ABN the_AT buildings_NNS in_IN t
he_AT city_NN of_IN Philadelphia_NP ._. I_PPSS saw_VBD that_CS I_PPSS would_MD s
oon_RB run_VB out_RP of_IN buildings_NNS at_IN this_DT rate_NN ,_, so_CS I_PPSS
decided_VBD to_TO take_VB another_DT measure_NN --_-- the_AT whole_JJ state_NN o
f_IN Pennsylvania_NP ._. Imagine_VB that_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT blizzard_NN ove
r_IN Pennsylvania_NP ,_, but_CC instead_RB of_IN snowing_VBG snow_NN ,_, it_PPS
snows_VBZ peas_NNS ;_. ;_. so_CS we_PPSS get_VB the_AT whole_JJ state_NN covered
_VBN with_IN peas_NNS ,_, about_RB four_CD feet_NNS deep_JJ ._. You_PPSS can_MD
imagine_VB what_WDT it_PPS would_MD look_VB like_CS going_VBG out_RP on_IN the_A
T turnpike_NN with_IN the_AT peas_NNS banked_VBN up_RP against_IN the_AT houses_
NNS and_CC covering_VBG the_AT cars_NNS ;_. ;_. Pennsylvania_NP thus_RB blankete
d_VBN would_MD contain_VB about_RB a_AT quintillion_CD peas_NNS ._. But_CC we_PP
SS still_RB have_HV a_AT long_JJ way_NN to_TO go_VB ._. Next_RB we_PPSS imagine_
VB our_PP$ blizzard_NN raging_VBG over_IN all_ABN the_AT land_NN areas_NNS of_IN
the_AT entire_JJ globe_NN --_-- North_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ,_, South_JJ-TL Ameri
ca_NP-TL ,_, Europe_NP ,_, Asia_NP ,_, and_CC Africa_NP ,_, all_QL covered_VBN w
ith_IN peas_NNS four_CD feet_NNS deep_JJ ;_. ;_. then_RB we_PPSS have_HV sextill
ion_CD peas_NNS ._. Next_RB we_PPSS freeze_VB over_RP the_AT oceans_NNS and_CC c
over_VB the_AT whole_JJ earth_NN with_IN peas_NNS ,_, then_RB we_PPSS go_VB out_
RP among_IN the_AT neighboring_VBG stars_NNS ,_, collect_VB 250_CD planets_NNS e
ach_DT the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT earth_NN ,_, and_CC also_RB cover_VB each_DT
of_IN these_DTS with_IN peas_NNS four_CD feet_NNS deep_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC then_RB
we_PPSS have_HV septillion_CD ._. Finally_RB we_PPSS go_VB into_IN the_AT farth
est_JJT reaches_NNS of_IN the_AT Milky_JJ-TL Way_NN-TL ;_. ;_. we_PPSS get_VB 25
0,000_CD planets_NNS ;_. ;_. we_PPSS cover_VB each_DT of_IN these_DTS with_IN ou
r_PP$ blanket_NN of_IN peas_NNS and_CC then_RB at_IN last_RB we_PPSS have_HV oct
illion_CD peas_NNS corresponding_VBG in_IN number_NN to_IN the_AT atoms_NNS in_I
N the_AT body_NN ._. So_RB you_PPSS see_VB how_WQL small_JJ an_AT atom_NN is_BEZ
and_CC how_WQL complicated_VBN you_PPSS are_BER ._. A_AT-HL speck_NN-HL --_---H
L and_CC-HL space_NN-HL Now_RB although_CS an_AT atom_NN is_BEZ small_JJ ,_, we_
PPSS can_MD still_RB in_IN imagination_NN have_HV a_AT look_NN at_IN it_PPO ._.
Let_VB us_PPO focus_VB on_IN an_AT atom_NN of_IN calcium_NN from_IN the_AT tip_N
N of_IN the_AT bone_NN of_IN my_PP$ finger_NN and_CC let_VB us_PPO suppose_VB th
at_CS I_PPSS swallow_VB a_AT magic_JJ Alice_NP In_IN-TL Wonderland_NP growing_VB
G pill_NN ._. I_PPSS start_VB growing_VBG rapidly_RB and_CC this_DT calcium_NN a
tom_NN grows_VBZ along_RB with_IN me_PPO ._. I_PPSS shoot_VB up_RP through_IN th
e_AT roof_NN ,_, into_IN the_AT sky_NN ,_, past_IN the_AT clouds_NNS ,_, through
_IN the_AT stratosphere_NN ,_, out_RP beyond_IN the_AT moon_NN ,_, out_RP among_
IN the_AT planets_NNS ,_, until_CS I_PPSS am_BEM over_RP a_AT hundred_CD and_CC
fifty_CD million_CD miles_NNS long_JJ ._. Then_RB this_DT atom_NN of_IN calcium_
NN will_MD swell_VB to_IN something_PN like_CS a_AT great_JJ balloon_NN a_AT hun
dred_CD yards_NNS across_IN ,_, a_AT balloon_NN big_JJ enough_QLP to_TO put_VB a
_AT football_NN field_NN inside_IN ._. And_CC if_CS you_PPSS should_MD step_VB i
nside_RB of_IN such_ABL a_AT magnified_VBN atom_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT
physics_NN of_IN forty_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, you_PPSS would_MD see_VB circula
ting_VBG over_IN your_PP$ head_NN ,_, down_RP at_IN the_AT sides_NNS ,_, and_CC
under_IN your_PP$ feet_NNS ,_, some_DTI twenty_CD luminous_JJ balls_NNS about_RB
the_AT size_NN of_IN footballs_NNS ._. These_DTS balls_NNS are_BER moving_VBG i
n_IN great_JJ circles_NNS and_CC ellipses_NNS ,_, and_CC are_BER of_IN course_NN
,_, the_AT electrons_NNS ,_, the_AT particles_NNS of_IN negative_JJ electricity
_NN which_WDT by_IN their_PP$ action_NN create_VB the_AT forces_NNS that_WPS tie
_VB this_DT atom_NN of_IN calcium_NN to_IN the_AT neighboring_VBG atoms_NNS of_I
N oxygen_NN and_CC make_VB up_RP the_AT solid_NN structure_NN of_IN my_PP$ finge
r_NN bone_NN ._. Since_CS these_DTS electrons_NNS are_BER moving_VBG like_CS pla
nets_NNS ,_, you_PPSS may_MD wonder_VB whether_CS there_EX is_BEZ an_AT atomic_J
J sun_NN at_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN ._. So_CS you_PPSS look_VB
down_RP there_RB and_CC you_PPSS see_VB a_AT tiny_JJ ,_, whirling_VBG point_NN a
bout_RB the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT head_NN of_IN a_AT pin_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ
the_AT atomic_JJ sun_NN ,_, the_AT atomic_JJ nucleus_NN ._. Even_RB if_CS the_A
T atom_NN were_BED big_JJ enough_QLP to_TO hold_VB a_AT football_NN field_NN ,_,
this_DT nucleus_NN is_BEZ still_RB only_RB about_RB the_AT size_NN of_IN a_AT p
inhead_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT atomic_JJ nucleus_NN that_WPS contains_VBZ t
he_AT positive_JJ charge_NN of_IN electricity_NN holding_VBG these_DTS negativel
y_RB charged_VBN electrons_NNS in_IN their_PP$ orbits_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS also_RB
contains_VBZ nearly_RB all_ABN the_AT mass_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT atomic_JJ energ
y_NN ._. You_PPSS may_MD ask_VB what_WDT else_RB there_EX is_BEZ ,_, and_CC the_
AT answer_NN is_BEZ nothing_PN --_-- nothing_PN but_IN empty_JJ space_NN ._. And
_CC since_CS you_PPSS are_BER made_VBN of_IN atoms_NNS ,_, you_PPSS are_BER noth
ing_PN much_AP but_IN empty_JJ space_NN ,_, too_RB ._. If_CS I_PPSS could_MD put
_VB your_PP$ body_NN in_IN an_AT imaginary_JJ atomic_JJ press_NN and_CC squeeze_
VB you_PPO down_RP ,_, squeeze_VB these_DTS holes_NNS out_IN of_IN you_PPO in_IN
the_AT way_NN we_PPSS squeeze_VB the_AT holes_NNS out_IN of_IN a_AT sponge_NN ,
_, you_PPSS would_MD get_VB smaller_JJR and_CC smaller_JJR until_CS finally_RB w
hen_WRB the_AT last_AP hole_NN was_BEDZ gone_VBN ,_, you_PPSS would_MD be_BE sma
ller_JJR than_CS the_AT smallest_JJT speck_NN of_IN dust_NN that_WPS you_PPSS co
uld_MD see_VB on_IN this_DT piece_NN of_IN paper_NN ._. Someone_PN has_HVZ remar
ked_VBN that_CS this_DT is_BEZ certainly_RB the_AT ultimate_JJ in_IN reducing_VB
G ._. At_IN any_DTI rate_NN ,_, it_PPS shows_VBZ us_PPO how_WQL immaterial_JJ we
_PPSS are_BER ._. Music_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL spheres_NNS-HL Now_RB this_DT 1
920_CD view_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT whole_NN a_AT discoura
ging_JJ picture_NN ._. For_CS we_PPSS believed_VBD that_CS the_AT electrons_NNS
obeyed_VBD the_AT law_NN of_IN mechanics_NNS and_CC electrodynamics_NN ;_. ;_. a
nd_CC therefore_RB the_AT atom_NN was_BEDZ really_RB just_RB a_AT little_JJ mach
ine_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN mechanics_NNS the_AT whole_NN is_BEZ no_AT more_AP t
han_CS the_AT sum_NN of_IN the_AT parts_NNS ._. So_CS if_CS you_PPSS are_BER mad
e_VBN of_IN atoms_NNS ,_, you_PPSS are_BER just_RB a_AT big_JJ machine_NN ;_. ;_
. and_CC since_CS the_AT universe_NN is_BEZ also_RB made_VBN of_IN atoms_NNS ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ just_RB a_AT supermachine_NN ._. And_CC this_DT would_MD mean_VB
that_CS we_PPSS live_VB in_IN a_AT mechanistic_JJ universe_NN ,_, governed_VBN b
y_IN the_AT laws_NNS of_IN cause_NN and_CC effect_NN ,_, bound_VBN in_IN chains_
NNS of_IN determinism_NN that_WPS hold_VB the_AT universe_NN on_IN a_AT complete
ly_QL predetermined_VBN course_NN in_IN which_WDT there_EX is_BEZ not_* room_NN
for_IN soul_NN or_CC spirit_NN or_CC human_JJ freedom_NN ._. And_CC this_DT is_B
EZ why_WRB so_QL many_AP scientists_NNS a_AT half_ABN a_AT century_NN ago_RB wer
e_BED agnostics_NNS or_CC atheists_NNS ._. Then_RB came_VBD the_AT scientific_JJ
revolution_NN in_IN the_AT late_JJ 1920's_NNS ._. A_AT suggestion_NN from_IN Lo
uis_NP De_NP Broglie_NP ,_, a_AT physicist_NN in_IN France_NP ,_, showed_VBD us_
PPO that_CS these_DTS electrons_NNS are_BER not_* point_NN particles_NNS but_CC
waves_NNS ._. And_CC to_TO see_VB the_AT meaning_NN of_IN this_DT new_JJ picture
_NN ,_, imagine_VB that_CS you_PPSS can_MD put_VB on_RP more_QL powerful_JJ glas
ses_NNS and_CC go_VB back_RB inside_IN the_AT atom_NN and_CC have_HV a_AT look_N
N at_IN it_PPO in_IN the_AT way_NN we_PPSS view_VB it_PPO today_NR ._. Now_RB as
_CS you_PPSS step_VB inside_IN ,_, instead_RB of_IN seeing_VBG particles_NNS orb
iting_VBG around_RB like_CS planets_NNS ,_, you_PPSS see_VB waves_NNS and_CC rip
ples_NNS very_QL much_AP like_CS the_AT ripples_NNS that_CS you_PPSS get_VB on_I
N the_AT surface_NN of_IN a_AT pond_NN when_WRB you_PPSS drop_VB a_AT stone_NN i
nto_IN it_PPO ._. These_DTS ripples_NNS spread_VB out_RP in_IN symmetrical_JJ pa
tterns_NNS like_CS the_AT rose_NN windows_NNS of_IN a_AT great_JJ cathedral_NN .
_. And_CC as_CS the_AT waves_NNS flow_VB back_RB and_CC forth_RB and_CC merge_VB
with_IN the_AT waves_NNS from_IN the_AT neighboring_VBG atoms_NNS ,_, you_PPSS
can_MD put_VB on_RP a_AT magic_JJ hearing_VBG aid_NN and_CC you_PPSS hear_VB mus
ic_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT music_NN like_CS the_AT music_NN from_IN a_AT great
_JJ organ_NN or_CC a_AT vast_JJ orchestra_NN playing_VBG a_AT symphony_NN ._. Ha
rmony_NN ,_, melody_NN ,_, counterpoint_NN symphonic_JJ structure_NN are_BER the
re_RB ;_. ;_. and_CC as_CS this_DT music_NN ebbs_VBZ and_CC flows_VBZ ,_, there_
EX is_BEZ an_AT antiphonal_JJ chorus_NN from_IN all_ABN the_AT atoms_NNS outside
_RB ,_, in_IN fact_NN from_IN the_AT atoms_NNS of_IN the_AT entire_JJ universe_N
N ._. And_CC so_RB today_NR when_WRB we_PPSS examine_VB the_AT structure_NN of_I
N our_PP$ knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN and_CC of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_,
we_PPSS are_BER forced_VBN to_TO conclude_VB that_CS the_AT best_JJT word_NN to_
TO describe_VB our_PP$ universe_NN is_BEZ music_NN ._. The_AT Island_NN-TL of_IN
-TL Nantucket_NP-TL ,_, part_NN of_IN the_AT State_NN-TL of_IN-TL Massachusetts_
NP-TL ,_, lies_VBZ about_RB thirty-one_CD miles_NNS southeast_NR of_IN its_PP$ m
other_NN State_NN-TL ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT Island_NN-TL is_BEZ sand_NN and_C
C is_BEZ not_* suitable_JJ for_IN living_VBG ._. The_AT Island_NN-TL folk_NN hav
e_HV their_PP$ living_NN almost_QL entirely_RB from_IN summer_NN visitors_NNS ;_
. ;_. the_AT rest_NN is_BEZ obtained_VBN from_IN harbor_NN scallops_NNS ._. Duri
ng_IN about_RB three_CD and_CC a_AT half_ABN months_NNS of_IN the_AT year_NN ,_,
in_IN the_AT summer_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER three_CD boats_NNS that_WPS run_VB
from_IN the_AT mainland_NN to_IN the_AT Island_NN-TL carrying_VBG passengers_NNS
,_, food_NN ,_, and_CC cars_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT year
_NN only_RB one_CD boat_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN ,_, which_WDT ties_VBZ up_RP at_IN
the_AT mainland_NN nights_NNS and_CC makes_VBZ the_AT trip_NN down_RP to_IN Nant
ucket_NP in_IN the_AT daytime_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT fine_JJ trip_NN ,_, too
_RB ,_, on_IN a_AT good_JJ day_NN ._. With_IN Martha's_NP$-TL Vineyard_NN-TL on_
IN one_CD side_NN and_CC the_AT open_JJ sea_NN on_IN the_AT other_AP ,_, it_PPS
makes_VBZ an_AT excellent_JJ trip_NN of_IN about_RB three_CD hours_NNS ._. To_IN
what_WDT extent_NN and_CC in_IN what_WDT ways_NNS did_DOD Christianity_NP affec
t_VB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL of_IN-TL America_NP in_IN the_AT ninetee
nth_OD century_NN ?_. ?_. How_WRB far_RB and_CC in_IN what_WDT fashion_NN did_DO
D it_PPS modify_VB the_AT new_JJ nation_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ emerging_VBG in_IN
the_AT midst_NN of_IN the_AT forces_NNS shaping_VBG the_AT revolutionary_JJ age
_NN ?_. ?_. To_IN what_WDT extent_NN did_DOD it_PPS mould_VB the_AT morals_NNS a
nd_CC the_AT social_JJ ,_, economic_JJ ,_, and_CC political_JJ life_NN and_CC in
stitutions_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN ?_. ?_. A_AT complete_JJ picture_NN is_BE
Z impossible_JJ --_-- partly_RB because_CS of_IN the_AT limitations_NNS of_IN sp
ace_NN ,_, partly_RB because_CS for_IN millions_NNS of_IN individuals_NNS who_WP
S professed_VBD allegiance_NN to_IN the_AT Christian_JJ faith_NN data_NNS are_BE
R unobtainable_JJ ._. Even_QL more_AP of_IN an_AT obstacle_NN is_BEZ the_AT diff
iculty_NN of_IN separating_VBG the_AT influence_NN of_IN Christianity_NP from_IN
other_AP factors_NNS ._. Although_CS a_AT complete_JJ picture_NN cannot_MD* be_
BE given_VBN ,_, we_PPSS can_MD indicate_VB some_DTI aspects_NNS of_IN life_NN i
nto_IN which_WDT the_AT Christian_JJ faith_NN entered_VBD as_CS at_IN least_AP o
ne_CD creative_JJ factor_NN ._. At_IN times_NNS we_PPSS can_MD say_VB that_CS it
_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT major_JJ factor_NN ._. What_WDT in_IN some_DTI ways_NNS was
_BEDZ the_AT most_QL important_JJ aspect_NN was_BEDZ the_AT impact_NN individual
ly_RB on_IN the_AT millions_NNS who_WPS constituted_VBD the_AT nation_NN ._. As_
CS we_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN ,_, a_AT growing_VBG proportion_NN ,_, although_CS i
n_IN 1914_CD still_RB a_AT minority_NN ,_, were_BED members_NNS of_IN churches_N
NS ._. Presumably_RB those_DTS who_WPS did_DOD not_* have_HV a_AT formal_JJ chur
ch_NN connexion_NN had_HVD also_RB felt_VBN the_AT influence_NN of_IN Christiani
ty_NP to_IN a_AT greater_JJR or_CC lesser_JJR extent_NN ._. Many_AP of_IN them_P
PO had_HVD once_RB been_BEN members_NNS of_IN a_AT church_NN or_CC at_IN least_A
P had_HVD been_BEN given_VBN instruction_NN in_IN Christianity_NP but_CC for_IN
one_CD or_CC another_DT reason_NN had_HVD allowed_VBN the_AT connexion_NN to_TO
lapse_VB ._. The_AT form_NN of_IN Christianity_NP to_IN which_WDT they_PPSS were
_BED exposed_VBN was_BEDZ for_IN some_DTI the_AT Protestantism_NP of_IN the_AT o
lder_JJR stock_NN ,_, for_IN others_NNS the_AT Protestantism_NP of_IN the_AT nin
eteenth-century_NN immigration_NN ;_. ;_. for_IN still_RB others_NNS ,_, mostly_
RB of_IN the_AT nineteenth-century_NN immigration_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ Roman_J
J-TL Catholicism_NN-TL ,_, and_CC for_IN a_AT small_JJ minority_NN it_PPS was_BE
DZ Eastern_JJ-TL Orthodoxy_NN-TL ._. Upon_IN all_ABN of_IN them_PPO played_VBD t
he_AT intellectual_JJ ,_, social_JJ ,_, political_JJ ,_, and_CC economic_JJ atti
tudes_NNS ,_, institutions_NNS ,_, and_CC customs_NNS of_IN the_AT nation_NN ._.
Upon_IN most_AP of_IN these_DTS Christianity_NP had_HVD left_VBN an_AT impress_
NN and_CC through_IN them_PPO had_HVD had_HVN a_AT share_NN in_IN making_VBG the
_AT individual_NN what_WDT he_PPS was_BEDZ ._. Yet_CC to_TO determine_VB precise
ly_RB to_IN what_WDT extent_NN and_CC exactly_RB in_IN what_WDT ways_NNS any_DTI
individual_NN showed_VBD the_AT effects_NNS of_IN Christianity_NP would_MD be_B
E impossible_JJ ._. At_IN best_JJT only_RB an_AT approximation_NN could_MD be_BE
arrived_VBN at_IN ._. To_TO generalize_VB for_IN the_AT entire_JJ nation_NN wou
ld_MD be_BE absurd_JJ ._. For_IN instance_NN ,_, we_PPSS cannot_MD* know_VB whet
her_CS even_RB for_IN church_NN members_NNS the_AT degree_NN of_IN conformity_NN
to_IN Christian_JJ standards_NNS of_IN morality_NN increased_VBD or_CC declined
_VBD as_CS the_AT proportion_NN of_IN church_NN members_NNS in_IN the_AT populat
ion_NN rose_VBD ._. The_AT temptation_NN is_BEZ to_TO say_VB that_CS ,_, as_CS t
he_AT percentage_NN of_IN church_NN members_NNS mounted_VBD ,_, the_AT degree_NN
of_IN discipline_NN exercised_VBN by_IN the_AT churches_NNS lessened_VBD and_CC
the_AT trend_NN was_BEDZ towards_IN conformity_NN to_IN the_AT general_JJ level
_NN ._. Yet_CC this_DT cannot_MD* be_BE proved_VBN ._. We_PPSS know_VB that_CS i
n_IN the_AT early_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN many_AP Protestant_JJ congr
egations_NNS took_VBD positive_JJ action_NN against_IN members_NNS who_WPS trans
gressed_VBD the_AT ethical_JJ codes_NNS to_IN which_WDT the_AT majority_NN subsc
ribed_VBD ._. Thus_RB Baptist_NP churches_NNS on_IN the_AT frontier_NN took_VBD
cognizance_NN of_IN charges_NNS against_IN their_PP$ members_NNS of_IN drunkenne
ss_NN ,_, fighting_VBG ,_, malicious_JJ gossip_NN ,_, lying_VBG ,_, cheating_VBG
,_, sexual_JJ irregularities_NNS ,_, gambling_VBG ,_, horse_NN racing_NN ,_, an
d_CC failure_NN to_TO pay_VB just_JJ debts_NNS ._. If_CS guilty_JJ ,_, the_AT of
fender_NN might_MD be_BE excluded_VBN from_IN membership_NN ._. As_CS church_NN
membership_NN burgeoned_VBD ,_, such_JJ measures_NNS faded_VBD into_IN desuetude
_NN ._. But_CC whether_CS this_DT was_BEDZ accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT general_JJ
lowering_NN of_IN the_AT moral_JJ life_NN of_IN the_AT membership_NN we_PPSS do
_DO not_* know_VB ._. What_WDT we_PPSS can_MD attempt_VB with_IN some_DTI hope_N
N of_IN dependable_JJ conclusions_NNS is_BEZ to_TO point_VB out_RP the_AT manner
_NN in_IN which_WDT Christianity_NP entered_VBD into_IN particular_JJ aspects_NN
S of_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT nation_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV already_RB hin
ted_VBN at_IN the_AT fashion_NN in_IN which_WDT Christianity_NP contributed_VBD
to_IN education_NN and_CC so_RB to_IN intellectual_JJ life_NN ._. We_PPSS will_M
D now_RB speak_VB of_IN the_AT ways_NNS in_IN which_WDT it_PPS helped_VBD shape_
NN the_AT ideals_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN and_CC of_IN the_AT manner_NN in_IN
which_WDT it_PPS stimulated_VBD efforts_NNS to_TO attain_VB those_DTS ideals_NN
S through_IN reform_NN movements_NNS ,_, through_IN programmes_NNS for_IN bringi
ng_VBG the_AT collective_JJ life_NN to_IN the_AT nation_NN to_IN conformity_NN t
o_IN Christian_JJ standards_NNS ,_, and_CC through_IN leaders_NNS in_IN the_AT g
overnment_NN ._. Throughout_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN Christianity_NP e
xerted_VBD its_PP$ influence_NN on_IN American_JJ society_NN as_CS a_AT whole_NN
primarily_RB through_IN the_AT Protestantism_NP of_IN the_AT older_JJR stock_NN
._. By_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN the_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ-TL
Church_NN-TL was_BEDZ beginning_VBG to_TO make_VB itself_PPL felt_VBN ,_, mainly
_RB through_IN such_JJ institutions_NNS as_CS hospitals_NNS but_CC also_RB throu
gh_IN its_PP$ attitude_NN towards_IN organized_VBN labour_NN ._. In_IN the_AT tw
entieth_OD century_NN its_PP$ influence_NN grew_VBD ,_, as_CS did_DOD that_DT of
_IN the_AT Protestantism_NP of_IN the_AT nineteenth-century_NN immigration_NN ._
. The_AT-HL American_JJ-HL dream_NN-HL The_AT ideals_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN
were_BED deeply_QL indebted_JJ to_IN the_AT Protestantism_NP of_IN the_AT older
_JJR stock_NN ._. Thus_RB ``_`` America_NP ''_'' ,_, the_AT most_QL widely_RB su
ng_VBN of_IN the_AT patriotic_JJ songs_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ written_VBN by_IN a_AT N
ew_JJ-TL England_NP-TL Baptist_NP clergyman_NN ,_, Samuel_NP Francis_NP Smith_NP
(_( 1808-1895_CD )_) ,_, while_CS a_AT student_NN in_IN Andover_NP-TL Theologic
al_JJ-TL Seminary_NN-TL ._. With_IN its_PP$ zeal_NN for_IN liberty_NN and_CC its
_PP$ dependence_NN on_IN God_NP it_PPS breathed_VBD the_AT spirit_NN which_WDT h
ad_HVD been_BEN nourished_VBN on_IN the_AT Evangelical_JJ revivals_NNS ._. The_A
T great_JJ seal_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL was_BEDZ obviously_R
B inspired_VBN by_IN the_AT Christian_JJ faith_NN ._. Here_RB was_BEDZ what_WDT
was_BEDZ called_VBN the_AT American_JJ dream_NN ,_, namely_RB ,_, the_AT effort_
NN to_TO build_VB a_AT structure_NN which_WDT would_MD be_BE something_PN new_JJ
in_IN history_NN and_CC to_TO do_DO so_RB in_IN such_JJ fashion_NN that_CS God_
NP could_MD bless_VB it_PPO ._. Later_RBR in_IN the_AT century_NN the_AT dream_N
N again_RB found_VBD expression_NN in_IN the_AT lines_NNS of_IN Katherine_NP Lee
_NP Bates_NP (_( 1859-1929_CD )_) ,_, daughter_NN and_CC granddaughter_NN of_IN
New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL Congregational_JJ-TL ministers_NNS ,_, in_IN her_PP$ wid
ely_RB sung_VBN hymn_NN ,_, written_VBN in_IN 1893_CD ,_, ``_`` America_NP-TL Th
e_AT-TL Beautiful_JJ-TL ''_'' ,_, with_IN the_AT words_NNS ``_`` O_UH beautiful_
JJ for_IN pilgrim_NN feet_NNS whose_WP$ stern_JJ impassioned_JJ stress_NN a_AT t
horoughfare_NN for_IN freedom_NN beat_VBD across_IN the_AT wilderness_NN ._. Ame
rica_NP ,_, America_NP ,_, God_NP mend_VB thy_PP$ every_AT flaw_NN ,_, confirm_V
B thy_PP$ soul_NN in_IN self_NN control_NN ,_, the_AT liberty_NN in_IN law_NN ._
. O_UH beautiful_JJ for_IN patriot_NN dream_NN that_WPS sees_VBZ beyond_IN the_A
T years_NNS thine_PP$ alabaster_NN cities_NNS gleam_VB undimmed_JJ by_IN human_J
J tears_NNS ._. America_NP ,_, America_NP ,_, God_NP shed_VBD His_PP$ grace_NN o
n_IN thee_PPO ,_, and_CC crown_VB thy_PP$ good_NN with_IN brotherhood_NN from_IN
sea_NN to_IN shining_VBG sea_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT American_JJ dream_NN was_BEDZ
compounded_VBN of_IN many_AP strains_NNS ._. Some_DTI were_BED clearly_RB of_IN
Christian_JJ origin_NN ,_, among_IN them_PPO the_AT Great_JJ-TL Awakening_NN-TL
and_CC other_AP revivals_NNS which_WDT helped_VBD to_TO make_VB Christian_JJ lib
erty_NN ,_, Christian_JJ equality_NN ,_, and_CC Christian_JJ fraternity_NN the_A
T passion_NN of_IN the_AT land_NN ._. Some_DTI have_HV seen_VBN revivalism_NN an
d_CC the_AT search_NN for_IN Christian_JJ perfection_NN as_CS the_AT fountain-he
ad_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ hope_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, too_RB ,_, must_MD be_BE
placed_VBN Unitarianism_NP and_CC ,_, less_QL obviously_RB from_IN Christian_JJ
inspiration_NN ,_, Emerson_NP ,_, Transcendentalism_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT idea
lism_NN of_IN Walt_NP Whitman_NP ._. We_PPSS must_MD also_RB remember_VB those_D
TS who_WPS reacted_VBD against_IN the_AT dream_NN as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN myth_
NN --_-- among_IN them_PPO Melville_NP ,_, Hawthorne_NP ,_, and_CC Henry_NP Jame
s_NP the_AT elder_JJR ,_, all_ABN of_IN them_PPO out_IN of_IN a_AT Christian_JJ
background_NN ._. Reform_NN-HL movements_NNS-HL With_IN such_ABL a_AT dream_NN a
rising_VBG ,_, at_IN least_AP in_IN part_NN ,_, from_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ her
itage_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC built_VBD into_IN the_A
T foundations_NNS of_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* surprising_JJ t
hat_CS many_AP efforts_NNS were_BED made_VBN to_TO give_VB it_PPO concrete_JJ ex
pression_NN ._. A_AT number_NN were_BED in_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN movements_N
NS to_TO relieve_VB or_CC remove_VB social_JJ ills_NNS ._. Significantly_RB ,_,
the_AT initiation_NN and_CC leadership_NN of_IN a_AT major_JJ proportion_NN of_I
N the_AT reform_NN movements_NNS ,_, especially_RB those_DTS in_IN the_AT first_
OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN ,_, came_VBD from_IN men_NNS a
nd_CC women_NNS of_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL birth_NN or_CC parentage_NN and_CC
from_IN either_CC Trinitarian_JJ or_CC Unitarian_JJ-TL Congregationalism_NP-TL
._. Several_AP of_IN the_AT movements_NNS were_BED given_VBN a_AT marked_VBN imp
etus_NN by_IN revivalism_NN ._. Quakers_NPS ,_, some_DTI from_IN New_JJ-TL Engla
nd_NP-TL ,_, had_HVD a_AT larger_JJR share_NN than_CS their_PP$ proportionate_JJ
numerical_JJ strength_NN would_MD have_HV warranted_VBN ._. We_PPSS do_DO well_
RB to_TO remind_VB ourselves_PPLS that_CS from_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS of_IN
New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ancestry_NN also_RB issued_VBD the_AT Church_NN-TL of_I
N-TL Jesus_NP-TL Christ_NP of_IN-TL Latter_AP-TL Day_NN-TL Saints_NNS-TL ,_, the
_AT Seventh_OD-TL Day_NN-TL Adventists_NPS ,_, Christian_JJ-TL Science_NN-TL ,_,
the_AT American_JJ-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commissioners_NNS-TL for_IN-TL Forei
gn_JJ-TL Missions_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT American_JJ-TL Home_NN-TL Missionary_NN-TL S
ociety_NN-TL ,_, the_AT American_JJ-TL Bible_NP-TL Society_NN-TL ,_, and_CC New_
JJ-TL England_NP-TL theology_NN ._. The_AT atmosphere_NN was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN o
ptimism_NN ,_, of_IN confidence_NN in_IN human_JJ progress_NN ,_, and_CC of_IN a
_AT determination_NN to_TO rid_VB the_AT world_NN of_IN its_PP$ ills_NNS ._. The
_AT Hopkinsian_JJ universal_JJ disinterested_JJ benevolence_NN ,_, although_CS h
olding_VBG to_IN original_JJ sin_NN and_CC the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN election_NN
,_, inspired_VBD its_PP$ adherents_NNS to_IN heroic_JJ endeavours_NNS for_IN oth
ers_NNS ,_, looked_VBD for_IN the_AT early_JJ coming_NN of_IN the_AT Millennium_
NN-TL ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ paralleled_VBN by_IN the_AT confidence_NN in_IN man's_
NN$ ability_NN cherished_VBN by_IN the_AT Unitarians_NPS ,_, Emerson_NP ,_, and_
CC the_AT Transcendentalists_NNS-TL ._. We_PPSS should_MD recall_VB the_AT numbe
r_NN of_IN movements_NNS for_IN the_AT service_NN of_IN mankind_NN which_WDT aro
se_VBD from_IN the_AT kindred_NN Evangelicalism_NP of_IN the_AT British_JJ-TL Is
les_NNS-TL and_CC the_AT Pietism_NP of_IN the_AT Continent_NN-TL of_IN-TL Europe
_NP-TL --_-- among_IN them_PPO prison_NN reform_NN ,_, anti-slavery_JJ measures_
NNS ,_, legislation_NN for_IN the_AT alleviation_NN of_IN conditions_NNS of_IN l
abour_NN ,_, the_AT Inner_JJ-TL Mission_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT Red_JJ-TL Cross_
NN-TL ._. We_PPSS cannot_MD* take_VB the_AT space_NN to_TO record_VB all_ABN the
_AT efforts_NNS for_IN the_AT removal_NN or_CC alleviation_NN of_IN collective_J
J ills_NNS ._. A_AT few_AP of_IN the_AT more_QL prominent_JJ must_MD serve_VB as
_CS examples_NNS of_IN what_WDT a_AT complete_JJ listing_NN and_CC description_N
N would_MD disclose_VB ._. Several_AP were_BED born_VBN in_IN the_AT early_JJ de
cades_NNS and_CC persisted_VBD throughout_IN the_AT century_NN ._. Others_NNS we
re_BED ephemeral_JJ ._. Some_DTI disappeared_VBD with_IN the_AT attainment_NN of
_IN their_PP$ purpose_NN ._. Still_RB others_NNS sprang_VBD up_RP late_JJ in_IN
the_AT century_NN to_TO meet_VB conditions_NNS which_WDT arose_VBD from_IN fresh
_JJ stages_NNS of_IN the_AT revolutionary_JJ age_NN ._. The_AT-HL anti-slavery_J
J-HL movement_NN-HL The_AT movement_NN to_TO end_VB Negro_NP slavery_NN began_VB
D before_IN 1815_CD and_CC mounted_VBD after_IN that_DT year_NN until_CS ,_, as_
CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, emancipation_NN was_BED
Z achieved_VBN ._. Long_RB before_IN 1815_CD the_AT Christian_JJ conscience_NN w
as_BEDZ leading_VBG some_DTI to_TO declare_VB slavery_NN wrong_JJ and_CC to_TO a
ct_VB accordingly_RB ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, in_IN 1693_CD the_AT Philadelphia
_NP-TL Yearly_JJ-TL Meeting_NN-TL of_IN-TL Friends_NNS-TL declared_VBD that_CS i
ts_PP$ members_NNS should_MD emancipate_VB their_PP$ slaves_NNS and_CC in_IN 177
6_CD it_PPS determined_VBD to_TO exclude_VB from_IN membership_NN all_ABN who_WP
S did_DOD not_* comply_VB ._. In_IN the_AT latter_AP year_NN Samuel_NP Hopkins_N
P ,_, from_IN whom_WPO the_AT Hopkinsian_JJ strain_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP
-TL theology_NN took_VBD its_PP$ name_NN ,_, asked_VBD the_AT Continental_JJ-TL
Congress_NP-TL to_TO abolish_VB slavery_NN ._. As_CS we_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN ,_
, Methodism_NP early_RB took_VBD a_AT stand_NN against_IN slavery_NN ._. Beginni
ng_VBG at_IN least_AP as_QL far_QL back_RB as_CS 1789_CD various_JJ Baptist_NP b
odies_NNS condemned_VBD slavery_NN ._. After_IN 1815_CD anti-slavery_JJ sentimen
t_NN mounted_VBD ,_, chiefly_RB among_IN Protestants_NPS and_CC those_DTS of_IN
Protestant_JJ background_NN of_IN the_AT older_JJR stock_NN ._. The_AT nineteent
h-century_NN immigration_NN ,_, whether_CS Protestant_JJ or_CC Roman_JJ Catholic
_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ not_* so_QL much_RB concerned_VBN ,_, for_CS very_QL few_AP if_
CS any_DTI among_IN them_PPO held_VBN slaves_NNS :_: they_PPSS were_BED mostly_R
B in_IN the_AT Northern_JJ-TL states_NNS where_WRB slavery_NN had_HVD disappeare
d_VBN or_CC was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT way_NN out_RP ,_, or_CC were_BED too_QL povert
y-stricken_JJ to_TO own_VB slaves_NNS ._. The_AT anti-slavery_JJ movement_NN too
k_VBD many_AP forms_NNS ._. Benjamin_NP Lundy_NP (_( 1789-1839_CD )_) ,_, a_AT Q
uaker_NP ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT pioneer_NN in_IN preparing_VBG the_AT way_NN for_IN a
nti-slavery_JJ societies_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ he_PPS who_WPS turned_VBD the_A
T attention_NN of_IN William_NP Lloyd_NP Garrison_NP (_( 1805-1879_CD )_) to_IN
the_AT subject_NN ._. Garrison_NP ,_, Massachusetts_NP born_VBN of_IN Nova_NP-TL
Scotian_JJ-TL parentage_NN ,_, was_BEDZ by_IN temperament_NN and_CC conviction_
NN a_AT reformer_NN ._. Chiefly_RB remembered_VBN because_RB of_IN his_PP$ inces
sant_JJ advocacy_NN of_IN ``_`` immediate_JJ and_CC unconditional_JJ abolition_N
N ''_'' ,_, he_PPS also_RB espoused_VBD a_AT great_JJ variety_NN of_IN other_AP
causes_NNS --_-- among_IN them_PPO women's_NNS$ rights_NNS ,_, prohibition_NN ,_
, and_CC justice_NN to_IN the_AT Indians_NPS ._. Incurably_QL optimistic_JJ ,_,
dogmatic_JJ ,_, and_CC utterly_QL fearless_JJ ,_, in_IN his_PP$ youth_NN a_AT de
vout_JJ Baptist_NP ,_, in_IN spite_NN of_IN his_PP$ friendship_NN for_IN the_AT
Quaker_NP poet_NN John_NP Greenleaf_NP Whittier_NP (_( 1807-1892_CD )_) he_PPS e
ventually_RB attacked_VBD the_AT orthodox_JJ churches_NNS for_IN what_WDT he_PPS
deemed_VBD their_PP$ cowardly_RB compromising_NN on_IN the_AT slavery_NN issue_
NN and_CC in_IN his_PP$ invariably_RB ardent_JJ manner_NN was_BEDZ emphatically_
QL unorthodox_JJ and_CC denied_VBD the_AT plenary_JJ inspiration_NN of_IN the_AT
Bible_NP ._. A_AT marked_VBN impulse_NN came_VBD to_IN the_AT anti-slavery_JJ m
ovement_NN through_IN the_AT Finney_NP revivals_NNS ._. Finney_NP himself_PPL ,_
, while_CS opposed_VBN to_IN slavery_NN ,_, placed_VBD his_PP$ chief_JJS emphasi
s_NN on_IN evangelism_NN ,_, but_CC from_IN his_PP$ converts_NNS issued_VBD much
_AP of_IN the_AT leadership_NN of_IN the_AT anti-slavery_JJ campaign_NN ._. Theo
dore_NP Dwight_NP Weld_NP (_( 1803-1895_CD )_) was_BEDZ especially_QL active_JJ
._. Weld_NP was_BEDZ the_AT son_NN and_CC grandson_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP
-TL Congregational_JJ-TL ministers_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT youth_NN he_PPS became_VBD
one_CD of_IN Finney's_NP$ band_NN of_IN evangelists_NNS and_CC gave_VBD himself
_PPL to_IN winning_VBG young_JJ men_NNS ._. A_AT strong_JJ temperance_NN advocat
e_NN ,_, through_IN the_AT influence_NN of_IN a_AT favorite_JJ teacher_NN ,_, Ch
arles_NP Stewart_NP ,_, another_DT Finney_NP convert_NN ,_, he_PPS devoted_VBD h
imself_PPL to_IN the_AT anti-slavery_JJ cause_NN ._. A_AT group_NN of_IN young_J
J men_NNS influenced_VBN by_IN him_PPO enrolled_VBD in_IN Lane_NP-TL Theological
_JJ-TL Seminary_NN-TL and_CC had_HVD to_TO leave_VB because_RB of_IN their_PP$ o
pen_JJ anti-slavery_JJ position_NN ._. The_AT majority_NN then_RB went_VBD to_IN
the_AT infant_NN Oberlin_NP ._. They_PPSS and_CC others_NNS employed_VBD some_D
TI of_IN Finney's_NP$ techniques_NNS as_CS they_PPSS sought_VBD to_TO win_VB adh
erents_NNS to_IN the_AT cause_NN ._. Weld_NP contributed_VBD to_IN the_AT anti-s
lavery_JJ convictions_NNS of_IN such_JJ men_NNS as_CS Joshua_NP R._NP Giddings_N
P and_CC Edwin_NP M._NP Stanton_NP ,_, enlisted_VBD John_NP Quincy_NP Adams_NP ,
_, and_CC helped_VBD provide_VB ideas_NNS which_WDT underlay_VBD Harriet_NP Beec
her_NP Stowe's_NP$ Uncle_NP-TL Tom's_NP$-TL Cabin_NN-TL ._. He_PPS shunned_VBD p
ublicity_NN for_IN himself_PPL and_CC sought_VBD to_TO avoid_VB fame_NN ._. Wend
ell_NP Phillips_NP (_( 1811-1884_CD )_) ,_, from_IN a_AT prominent_JJ Massachuse
tts_NP family_NN ,_, in_IN his_PP$ teens_NNS was_BEDZ converted_VBN under_IN the
_AT preaching_NN of_IN Lyman_NP Beecher_NP ._. Although_CS he_PPS later_RBR brok
e_VBD with_IN the_AT churches_NNS because_CS he_PPS believed_VBD that_CS they_PP
SS were_BED insufficiently_QL outspoken_JJ against_IN social_JJ evils_NNS ,_, he
_PPS remained_VBD a_AT devout_JJ Christian_JJ ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ remembered_VBN
chiefly_RB for_IN his_PP$ fearless_JJ advocacy_NN of_IN abolition_NN ,_, but_CC
he_PPS also_RB stood_VBD for_IN equal_JJ rights_NNS for_IN women_NNS ,_, for_IN
opportunity_NN for_IN the_AT freedmen_NNS ,_, and_CC for_IN prohibition_NN ._.
The_AT anti-slavery_JJ movement_NN and_CC other_AP contemporary_JJ reforms_NNS a
nd_CC philanthropies_NNS were_BED given_VBN leadership_NN and_CC financial_JJ un
dergirding_NN by_IN Arthur_NP Tappan_NP (_( 1786-1865_CD )_) and_CC his_PP$ youn
ger_JJR brother_NN ,_, Lewis_NP Tappan_NP (_( 1788-1873_CD )_) ._. Individuals_N
NS possessing_VBG unusual_JJ gifts_NNS and_CC great_JJ personal_JJ power_NN were
_BED transmuted_VBN at_IN death_NN into_IN awesome_JJ spirits_NNS ;_. ;_. they_P
PSS were_BED almost_QL immediately_RB worshipped_VBN for_IN these_DTS newer_JJR
,_, even_QL more_QL terrible_JJ abilities_NNS ._. Their_PP$ direct_JJ descendant
s_NNS inherited_VBD not_* only_RB their_PP$ worldly_JJ fortunes_NNS ,_, but_CC a
lso_RB the_AT mandate_NN of_IN their_PP$ newfound_JJ power_NN as_CS spirits_NNS
in_IN the_AT other_AP half_ABN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ._. Royal_JJ lineages_NN
S could_MD be_BE based_VBN on_IN extraordinary_JJ worldly_JJ achievements_NNS tr
anslated_VBN into_IN eternal_JJ otherworldly_JJ power_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, the_AT
emperor_NN could_MD draw_VB on_IN sources_NNS not_* available_JJ to_IN those_DTS
with_IN less_QL puissant_JJ ancestors_NNS ._. But_CC this_DT eminence_NN was_BE
DZ not_* without_IN its_PP$ weighty_JJ responsibilities_NNS ._. Since_CS he_PPS
possessed_VBD more_AP power_NN in_IN an_AT interdependent_JJ universe_NN of_IN l
iving_VBG beings_NNS and_CC dead_JJ spirits_NNS ,_, the_AT emperor_NN had_HVD to
_TO use_VB it_PPO for_IN the_AT benefit_NN of_IN the_AT living_NN ._. The_AT roy
al_JJ ritual_NN generated_VBD power_NN into_IN the_AT other_AP world_NN :_: it_P
PS also_RB provided_VBD the_AT living_NN with_IN a_AT way_NN to_TO control_VB th
e_AT spirits_NNS ,_, and_CC bring_VB their_PP$ powers_NNS directly_RB to_TO bear
_VB on_IN the_AT everyday_JJ affairs_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Proper_JJ rit
ual_NN observance_NN at_IN any_DTI level_NN of_IN society_NN was_BEDZ capable_JJ
of_IN generating_VBG power_NN for_IN use_NN in_IN the_AT spirit_NN world_NN ;_.
;_. but_CC naturally_RB ,_, the_AT royal_JJ ritual_NN ,_, which_WDT provided_VB
D unusual_JJ control_NN over_IN already_QL supremely_QL powerful_JJ divine_NN sp
irits_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ held_VBN responsible_JJ for_IN regulating_VBG the_AT univ
erse_NN and_CC insuring_VBG the_AT welfare_NN of_IN the_AT kingdom_NN ._. This_D
T is_BEZ the_AT familiar_JJ system_NN of_IN ``_`` cosmic_JJ government_NN ''_''
._. The_AT Chinese_JJ emperor_NN ,_, by_IN proper_JJ observance_NN of_IN ritual_
NN ,_, manifested_VBD divine_JJ powers_NNS ._. He_PPS regulated_VBD the_AT duali
ties_NNS of_IN light_NN and_CC darkness_NN ,_, Yang_NP and_CC Yin_NP ,_, which_W
DT are_BER locked_VBN in_IN eternal_JJ struggle_NN ._. By_IN swaying_VBG the_AT
balance_NN between_IN them_PPO ,_, he_PPS effected_VBD the_AT alternation_NN of_
IN the_AT seasons_NNS ._. His_PP$ power_NN was_BEDZ so_QL great_JJ that_CS he_PP
S even_RB promoted_VBD and_CC demoted_VBD gods_NNS according_IN to_IN whether_CS
they_PPSS had_HVD given_VBN ear_NN or_CC been_BEN deaf_JJ to_IN petitions_NNS .
_. In_IN this_DT system_NN ,_, no_AT man_NN is_BEZ exempt_JJ from_IN obligations
_NNS ._. Failure_NN in_IN daily_JJ moral_JJ and_CC ethical_JJ duties_NNS to_IN o
ne's_PN$ family_NN ,_, outrages_NNS to_IN community_NN propriety_NN ,_, any_DTI
departure_NN from_IN rigid_JJ standards_NNS of_IN moral_JJ excellence_NN were_BE
D offenses_NNS against_IN the_AT dead_JJ ._. And_CC to_TO offend_VB the_AT dead_
JJ meant_VBD to_TO incur_VB their_PP$ wrath_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB provoke_VB the
_AT unleashing_VBG of_IN countrywide_JJ disasters_NNS ._. The_AT family_NN home_
NN was_BEDZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, a_AT temple_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT daily_JJ
duties_NNS of_IN individuals_NNS were_BED basically_RB religious_JJ in_IN nature
_NN ._. The_AT dead_JJ spirits_NNS occupied_VBD a_AT prominent_JJ place_NN in_IN
every_AT hope_NN and_CC in_IN every_AT fear_NN ._. The_AT common_JJ belief_NN w
as_BEDZ that_CS there_EX existed_VBD one_CD moral_JJ order_NN ,_, which_WDT incl
uded_VBD everything_PN ._. The_AT dead_JJ controlled_VBN the_AT material_NN pros
perity_NN of_IN the_AT living_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT living_NN adhered_VBD to_IN s
trict_JJ codes_NNS of_IN conduct_NN in_IN order_NN not_* to_TO weaken_VB that_DT
control_NN ._. Men_NNS believed_VBD they_PPSS could_MD control_VB nature_NN by_
IN obeying_VBG a_AT moral_JJ code_NN ._. If_CS the_AT moral_JJ code_NN were_BED
flouted_VBN ,_, the_AT proper_JJ balance_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN would_MD be
_BE upset_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT disastrous_JJ result_NN could_MD be_BE floods_NN
S ,_, plague_NN ,_, or_CC famine_NN ._. Modern_JJ Westerners_NNS-TL have_HV diff
iculty_NN comprehending_VBG this_DT fusion_NN of_IN moral_NN and_CC material_NN
,_, largely_RB because_CS in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL the_AT historical_JJ trend_NN
has_HVZ been_BEN to_TO deny_VB the_AT connection_NN ._. Living_VBG in_IN urban_J
J conditions_NNS ,_, away_RB from_IN the_AT deadweight_NN of_IN village_NN const
raint_NN and_CC the_AT constrictions_NNS of_IN a_AT thatched-roof_NN world_NN vi
ew_NN ,_, the_AT individual_NN may_MD find_VB it_PPO possible_JJ ,_, say_UH ,_,
to_TO commit_VB adultery_NN not_* only_RB without_IN personal_JJ misgivings_NNS
,_, but_CC also_RB without_IN suffering_VBG any_DTI adverse_JJ effects_NNS in_IN
his_PP$ worldly_JJ fortunes_NNS ._. Basing_VBG action_NN on_IN the_AT empirical
_JJ determination_NN of_IN cause_NN and_CC effect_NN provides_VBZ a_AT toughness
_NN and_CC bravado_NN that_CS no_AT powerful_JJ otherworldly_JJ ancestor_NN coul
d_MD ever_RB impart_VB --_-- plus_CC the_AT added_VBN liberation_NN from_IN the_
AT constraint_NN of_IN silent_JJ burial_NN urns_NNS ._. In_IN China_NP ,_, the_A
T magical_JJ system_NN par_FW-IN excellence_FW-NN was_BEDZ Taoism_NP ._. The_AT
Taoists_NPS were_BED Quietist_JJ mystics_NNS ,_, who_WPS saw_VBD an_AT unchangin
g_JJ unity_NN --_-- the_AT Tao_NP --_-- underlying_VBG all_ABN phenomena_NNS ._.
It_PPS was_BEDZ this_DT timeless_JJ unity_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ all-important_JJ
,_, and_CC not_* its_PP$ temporary_JJ manifestations_NNS in_IN the_AT world_NN
of_IN reality_NN ._. The_AT Taoists_NPS believed_VBD the_AT unity_NN could_MD be
_BE influenced_VBN by_IN proper_JJ magical_JJ manipulation_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN othe
r_AP words_NNS ,_, they_PPSS were_BED actually_RB an_AT organization_NN of_IN ma
gicians_NNS ._. Mahayana_NP Buddhism_NP was_BEDZ no_AT exception_NN to_IN these_
DTS prevailing_VBG magical_JJ concepts_NNS ._. After_IN this_DT form_NN of_IN In
dian_JJ Buddhism_NP had_HVD been_BEN introduced_VBN into_IN China_NP ,_, it_PPS
underwent_VBD extensive_JJ changes_NNS ._. During_IN its_PP$ flowering_NN in_IN
the_AT sixth_OD to_IN the_AT eighth_OD centuries_NNS ,_, Mahayana_NP offered_VBD
a_AT supernatural_JJ package_NN to_IN the_AT Chinese_NPS which_WDT bears_VBZ no
_AT resemblance_NN to_IN the_AT highly_QL digested_VBN philosophical_JJ Zen_NP m
orsels_NNS offered_VBN to_IN the_AT modern_JJ Western_JJ-TL reader_NN ._. Mahaya
na_NP had_HVD gods_NNS ,_, and_CC magic_NN ,_, a_AT pantheon_NN ,_, heavens_NNS
and_CC hells_NNS ,_, and_CC gorgeously_QL appareled_VBN priests_NNS ,_, monks_NN
S ,_, and_CC nuns_NNS ,_, all_ABN of_IN whom_WPO wielded_VBD power_NN over_IN so
uls_NNS in_IN the_AT other_AP world_NN ._. The_AT self-realized_JJ Mahayana_NP s
aint_NN possessed_VBD superhuman_JJ powers_NNS and_CC magic_NN ._. The_AT Mahaya
na_NP that_WPS developed_VBD in_IN the_AT north_NR was_BEDZ a_AT religion_NN of_
IN idolatry_NN and_CC coarse_JJ magic_NN ,_, that_WPS made_VBD the_AT world_NN i
nto_IN a_AT huge_JJ magical_JJ garden_NN ._. In_IN its_PP$ monastic_JJ form_NN ,
_, Mahayana_NP was_BEDZ merely_RB an_AT organization_NN of_IN magic-practicing_J
J monks_NNS (_( bonzes_NNS )_) ,_, who_WPS catered_VBD to_IN the_AT Chinese_JJ f
aith_NN in_IN the_AT supernatural_JJ ._. Nonmagical_JJ Confucianism_NP was_BEDZ
a_AT secular_JJ ,_, rational_JJ philosophy_NN ,_, but_CC even_RB with_IN this_DT
different_JJ orientation_NN it_PPS could_MD not_* escape_VB from_IN the_AT etho
s_NN of_IN a_AT cosmic_JJ government_NN ._. Confucianism_NP had_HVD its_PP$ own_
JJ magic_NN in_IN the_AT idea_NN that_CS virtue_NN had_HVD power_NN ._. If_CS a_
AT man_NN lived_VBD a_AT classical_JJ life_NN ,_, he_PPS need_MD not_* fear_VB t
he_AT spirits_NNS --_-- for_CS only_RB lack_NN of_IN virtue_NN gave_VBD the_AT s
pirits_NNS power_VB over_IN him_PPO ._. But_CC let_VB us_PPO not_* be_BE mistake
n_VBN about_IN Confucian_JJ-TL ``_`` virtue_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. this_DT was_BEDZ no
t_* virtue_NN as_CS we_PPSS understand_VB the_AT word_NN today_NR ,_, and_CC it_
PPS did_DOD not_* mean_VB an_AT abandonment_NN of_IN the_AT belief_NN in_IN magi
c_JJ manipulation_NN ._. To_IN the_AT Confucian_NP ,_, ``_`` virtue_NN ''_'' sim
ply_RB meant_VBD mastery_NN and_CC correct_JJ observance_NN of_IN three_CD hundr
ed_CD major_JJ rules_NNS of_IN ritual_NN and_CC three_CD thousand_CD minor_JJ on
es_NNS ._. Propriety_NN was_BEDZ synonymous_JJ with_IN ritual_JJ observance_NN ,
_, the_AT mark_NN of_IN a_AT true_JJ gentleman_NN ._. To_TO live_VB correctly_RB
in_IN an_AT interdependent_JJ moral_JJ and_CC material_JJ universe_NN of_IN liv
ing_VBG and_CC dead_JJ was_BEDZ decisive_JJ for_IN man's_NN$ fate_NN ._. This_DT
,_, in_IN brief_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT historical_JJ background_NN out_IN of_IN
which_WDT Zen_NP emerged_VBD ._. Promoters_NNS of_IN Zen_NP to_IN the_AT West_N
R-TL record_VB its_PP$ ancestry_NN ,_, and_CC recognize_VB that_CS Zen_NP grew_V
BD out_IN of_IN a_AT combination_NN of_IN Taoism_NP and_CC Indian_JJ Mahayana_NP
Buddhism_NP ._. But_CC the_AT ``_`` marvelous_JJ person_NN ''_'' that_WPS is_BE
Z supposed_VBN to_TO result_VB from_IN Zen_NP exhibits_VBZ more_AP Chinese_JJ pr
acticality_NN than_CS Indian_JJ speculation_NN --_-- he_PPS possesses_VBZ magica
l_JJ powers_NNS ,_, and_CC can_MD use_VB them_PPO to_TO order_VB nature_NN and_C
C to_TO redeem_VB souls_NNS ._. Proponents_NNS of_IN Zen_NP to_IN the_AT West_NR
-TL emphasize_VB disproportionately_RB the_AT amount_NN of_IN Mahayana_NP Buddhi
sm_NP in_IN Zen_NP ,_, probably_RB in_IN order_NN to_TO dignify_VB the_AT indisp
utably_QL magical_JJ Taoist_JJ ideas_NNS with_IN more_QL respectable_JJ Buddhist
_JJ-TL metaphysic_NN ._. But_CC in_IN the_AT Chinese_JJ mind_NN ,_, there_EX was
_BEDZ little_AP difference_NN between_IN the_AT two_CD --_-- the_AT bonzes_NNS w
ere_BED no_QL more_QL metaphysical_JJ than_CS a_AT magician_NN has_HVZ to_TO be_
BE ._. Actually_RB ,_, Zen_NP owes_VBZ more_AP to_IN Chinese_JJ Quietism_NP than
_CS it_PPS does_DOZ to_IN Mahayana_NP Buddhism_NP ._. The_AT Ch'an_NP (_( Zen_NP
)_) sect_NN may_MD have_HV derived_VBN its_PP$ metaphysic_NN from_IN Mahayana_N
P ,_, but_CC its_PP$ psychology_NN was_BEDZ pure_JJ early_JJ Taoist_JJ ._. This_
DT is_BEZ well_RB evidenced_VBN by_IN the_AT Quietist_JJ doctrines_NNS carried_V
BN over_RP in_IN Zen_NP :_: the_AT idea_NN of_IN the_AT inward_JJ turning_NN of_
IN thought_NN ,_, the_AT enjoinder_NN to_TO put_VB aside_RB desires_NNS and_CC p
erturbations_NNS so_CS that_CS a_AT return_NN to_IN purity_NN ,_, peace_NN ,_, a
nd_CC stillness_NN --_-- a_AT union_NN with_IN the_AT Infinite_NN-TL ,_, with_IN
the_AT Tao_NP --_-- could_MD be_BE effected_VBN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT an
tipathy_NN to_IN outward_JJ ceremonies_NNS hailed_VBN by_IN modern_JJ exponents_
NNS as_CS so_QL uniquely_RB characteristic_JJ of_IN the_AT ``_`` direct_JJ think
ing_VBG ''_'' Zennist_NP was_BEDZ a_AT feature_NN of_IN Taoism_NP ._. So_RB ,_,
too_RB ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT insistence_NN on_IN the_AT relativity_NN of_IN the_AT
external_JJ world_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT ideas_NNS that_CS language_NN and_CC thi
ngs_NNS perceived_VBN by_IN consciousness_NN were_BED poor_JJ substitutes_NNS in
deed_RB for_IN immediate_JJ perception_NN by_IN pure_JJ ,_, indwelling_VBG spiri
t_NN :_: the_AT opposition_NN of_IN pure_JJ consciousness_NN to_IN ratiocinating
_VBG consciousness_NN ._. Zen_NP maintains_VBZ that_CS cognitive_JJ things_NNS a
re_BER only_RB the_AT surface_NN of_IN experience_NN ._. One_CD of_IN its_PP$ fe
atures_NNS attractive_JJ to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL is_BEZ its_PP$ irreverence_NN f
or_IN tradition_NN and_CC dogma_NN and_CC for_IN sacred_JJ texts_NNS ._. One_CD
patriarch_NN is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO have_HV relegated_VBN sacred_JJ scripture
s_NNS for_IN use_NN in_IN an_AT outhouse_NN ._. But_CC this_DT is_BEZ not_* the_
AT spirit_NN of_IN self-reliant_JJ freedom_NN of_IN action_NN for_IN which_WDT t
he_AT Westerner_NP mistakes_VBZ it_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ simply_RB that_CS in_IN
Taoist_JJ tradition_NN --_-- as_CS in_IN all_ABN good_JJ mysticisms_NNS --_-- b
ooks_NNS ,_, words_NNS ,_, or_CC any_DTI other_AP manifestations_NNS that_WPS be
long_VB to_IN the_AT normal_JJ state_NN of_IN consciousness_NN are_BER considere
d_VBN only_RB the_AT surface_NN of_IN experience_NN ._. The_AT truth_NN --_-- th
e_AT Eternal_JJ-TL Truth_NN-TL --_-- is_BEZ not_* transmittable_JJ by_IN words_N
NS ._. Reality_NN is_BEZ considered_VBN not_* only_RB irrelevant_JJ to_IN the_AT
acquisition_NN of_IN higher_JJR knowledge_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT positive_JJ handic
ap_NN ._. The_AT technique_NN of_IN reality_NN confusion_NN --_-- the_AT use_NN
of_IN paradox_NN and_CC riddles_NNS to_TO shake_VB the_AT mind's_NN$ grip_NN on_
IN reality_NN --_-- originated_VBD with_IN fourth_OD and_CC third_OD century_NN
B.C._NP Chinese_JJ Quietism_NP :_: the_AT koan_FW-NN is_BEZ not_* basically_RB a
_AT new_JJ device_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ important_JJ for_IN an_AT understanding_N
N of_IN Zen_NP to_TO realize_VB that_CS the_AT esoteric_JJ preoccupations_NNS of
_IN the_AT select_JJ few_AP cannot_MD* be_BE the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN the_AT com
mon_JJ man_NN ._. In_IN the_AT supernatural_JJ atmosphere_NN of_IN cosmic_JJ gov
ernment_NN ,_, only_RB the_AT ruling_VBG elite_NN was_BEDZ ever_RB concerned_VBN
with_IN a_AT kingdom-wide_JJ ordering_NN of_IN nature_NN :_: popular_JJ religio
n_NN aimed_VBD at_IN more_QL personal_JJ benefits_NNS from_IN magical_JJ powers_
NNS ._. And_CC this_DT is_BEZ only_RB natural_JJ --_-- witness_NN the_AT haste_N
N with_IN which_WDT modern_JJ man_NN gobbles_VBZ the_AT latest_JJT ``_`` wonder_
NN drug_NN ''_'' ._. Early_JJ Chinese_JJ anchoritism_NN was_BEDZ theoretically_R
B aimed_VBN at_IN a_AT mystic_JJ pantheist_NN union_NN with_IN the_AT divine_JJ
,_, personal_JJ salvation_NN being_BEG achieved_VBN when_WRB the_AT mystical_JJ
recluse_NN united_VBD with_IN divine_JJ essence_NN ._. But_CC this_DT esoteric_J
J doctrine_NN was_BEDZ lost_VBN in_IN the_AT shuffle_NN to_TO acquire_VB special
_JJ powers_NNS ._. The_AT anchorite_JJ strove_VBD ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, to_TO ma
gically_RB influence_VB the_AT world_NN of_IN spirits_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP w
ay_NN that_CS the_AT divine_JJ emperor_NN manifested_VBD his_PP$ power_NN ._. Th
us_RB ,_, the_AT Mahayana_NP metaphysic_NN of_IN mystical_JJ union_NN for_IN sal
vation_NN was_BEDZ distilled_VBN down_RP to_IN a_AT bare_JJ self-seeking_JJ ,_,
and_CC for_IN this_DT reason_NN ,_, the_AT mystic_NN in_IN Asia_NP did_DOD not_*
long_RB remain_VB in_IN isolated_VBN contemplation_NN ._. As_CS the_AT Zen_NP l
iterature_NN reveals_VBZ ,_, as_QL soon_RB as_CS an_AT early_JJ Zen_NP master_NN
attained_VBD fame_NN in_IN seclusion_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ called_VBN out_RP i
nto_IN the_AT world_NN to_TO exercise_VB his_PP$ powers_NNS ._. The_AT early_JJ
Anchorite_NP masters_NNS attracted_VBD disciples_NNS because_RB of_IN their_PP$
presumed_VBN ability_NN to_TO perform_VB miracles_NNS ._. Exponents_NNS of_IN Ze
n_NP often_RB insist_VB that_CS very_QL early_RB Zen_NP doctrine_NN opposed_VBD
the_AT rampant_JJ supernaturalism_NN of_IN China_NP ,_, and_CC proposed_VBD inst
ead_RB a_AT more_QL mature_JJ ,_, less_QL credulous_JJ view_NN of_IN the_AT univ
erse_NN ._. In_IN support_NN of_IN this_DT ,_, stories_NNS from_IN the_AT early_
JJ literature_NN are_BER cited_VBN to_TO show_VB that_CS Zen_NP attacks_VBZ the_
AT idea_NN of_IN supernatural_JJ power_NN ._. But_CC actually_RB these_DTS accou
nts_NNS reveal_VB the_AT supernatural_JJ powers_NNS that_CS the_AT masters_NNS w
ere_BED in_IN fact_NN supposed_VBD to_TO possess_VB ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_
AT extreme_JJ degree_NN of_IN popular_JJ credulity_NN :_: ``_`` Hwang_NP Pah_NP
(_( O_NP Baku_NP )_) ,_, one_CD day_NN going_VBG up_IN Mount_NN-TL Tien_NP-TL Ta
i_NP-TL which_WDT was_BEDZ believed_VBN to_TO have_HV been_BEN inhabited_VBN by_
IN Arhats_NPS with_IN supernatural_JJ powers_NNS ,_, met_VBD with_IN a_AT monk_N
N whose_WP$ eyes_NNS emitted_VBD strange_JJ light_NN ._. They_PPSS went_VBD alon
g_IN the_AT pass_NN talking_VBG with_IN each_DT other_AP for_IN a_AT short_JJ wh
ile_NN until_CS they_PPSS came_VBD to_IN a_AT river_NN roaring_VBG with_IN torre
nt_NN ._. There_EX being_BEG no_AT bridge_NN ,_, the_AT master_NN had_HVD to_TO
stop_VB at_IN the_AT shore_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC his_PP$ companion_NN crossed_VBD th
e_AT river_NN walking_VBG on_IN the_AT water_NN and_CC beckoned_VBD to_IN Hwang_
NP Pah_NP to_TO follow_VB him_PPO ._. Thereupon_RB Hwang_NP Pah_NP said_VBD :_:
``_`` If_CS I_PPSS knew_VBD thou_PPSS art_BER an_AT Arhat_NP ,_, I_PPSS would_MD
have_HV doubled_VBN you_PPO up_RP before_CS thou_PPSS got_VBD over_IN there_RB
''_'' !_. !_. The_AT monk_NN then_RB understood_VBD the_AT spiritual_JJ attainme
nt_NN of_IN Hwang_NP Pah_NP ,_, and_CC praised_VBD him_PPO as_CS a_AT true_JJ Ma
hayanist_NP ._. (_( 1_CD )_) ''_'' A_AT second_OD tale_NN shows_VBZ still_QL mor
e_QL clearly_RB the_AT kind_NN of_IN powers_NNS a_AT truly_QL spiritual_JJ monk_
NN could_MD possess_VB :_: ``_`` On_IN one_CD occasion_NN Yang_NP Shan_NP (_( Ky
o-zan_NP )_) saw_VBD a_AT stranger_NN monk_NN flying_VBG through_IN the_AT air_N
N ._. When_WRB that_DT monk_NN came_VBD down_RP and_CC approached_VBD him_PPO wi
th_IN a_AT respectful_JJ salutation_NN ,_, he_PPS asked_VBD :_: ``_`` Where_WRB
art_BER thou_PPSS from_IN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Early_RB this_DT morning_NN ''_''
,_, replied_VBD the_AT other_AP ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS set_VBD out_RP from_IN India_NP
''_'' ._. ``_`` Why_WRB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD the_AT teacher_NN ,_, ``_`` art_BER
thou_PPSS so_QL late_RB ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` I_PPSS stopped_VBD ''_'' ,_, respond
ed_VBD the_AT man_NN ,_, ``_`` several_AP times_NNS to_TO look_VB at_IN beautifu
l_JJ sceneries_NNS ''_'' ._. ``_`` Thou_PPSS mayst_MD have_HV supernatural_JJ po
wers_NNS ''_'' ,_, exclaimed_VBD Yang_NP Shan_NP ,_, ``_`` yet_CC thou_PPSS must
_MD give_VB back_RB the_AT Spirit_NN-TL of_IN-TL Buddha_NP-TL to_IN me_PPO ''_''
._. Then_RB the_AT monk_NN praised_VBD Yang_NP Shan_NP saying_VBG :_: ``_`` I_P
PSS have_HV come_VBN over_RP to_IN China_NP in_IN order_NN to_TO worship_VB Manj
ucri_NP ,_, and_CC met_VBD unexpectedly_RB with_IN Minor_NP Shakya_NP ''_'' ,_,
and_CC after_CS giving_VBG the_AT master_NN some_DTI palm_NN leaves_NNS he_PPS b
rought_VBD from_IN India_NP ,_, went_VBD back_RB through_IN the_AT air_NN ._. (_
( 2_CD )_) ''_'' In_IN the_AT popular_JJ Chinese_JJ mind_NN ,_, Ch'an_NP (_( Zen
_NP )_) was_BEDZ no_AT exception_NN to_IN the_AT ideas_NNS of_IN coarse_JJ magic
_NN that_WPS dominated_VBD ._. A_AT closer_JJR look_NN at_IN modern_JJ Zen_NP re
veals_VBZ many_AP magical_JJ carryovers_NNS that_WPS are_BER still_RB part_NN of
_IN popular_JJ Zen_NP attitudes_NNS ._. To_IN the_AT Zen_NP monk_NN the_AT unive
rse_NN is_BEZ still_RB populated_VBN with_IN ``_`` spiritual_JJ beings_NNS ''_''
who_WPS have_HV to_TO be_BE appeased_VBN ._. Part_NN of_IN the_AT mealtime_NN r
itual_NN in_IN the_AT Zendo_NP consists_VBZ in_IN offerings_NNS of_IN rice_NN to
_IN the_AT spiritual_JJ beings_NNS ''_'' ._. Modern_JJ Zen_NP presentation_NN to
_IN the_AT West_NR-TL insists_VBZ on_IN the_AT anti-authoritarian_JJ ,_, highly_
QL pragmatic_JJ nature_NN of_IN the_AT Zen_NP belief_NN --_-- scriptures_NNS are
_BER burned_VBN to_TO make_VB fire_NN ,_, action_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN direc
t_JJ self-confidence_NN ,_, and_CC so_RB on_RP ._. This_DT picture_NN of_IN extr
eme_JJ self-reliant_JJ individuation_NN is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO reconcile_VB w
ith_IN such_JJ Zendo_NP formulas_NNS as_CS :_: ``_`` O_UH you_PPSS ,_, demons_NN
S and_CC other_AP spiritual_JJ beings_NNS ,_, I_PPSS now_RB offer_VB this_DT to_
IN you_PPO ,_, and_CC may_MD this_DT food_NN fill_VB up_RP the_AT ten_CD quarter
s_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN and_CC all_ABN the_AT demons_NNS and_CC other_AP spi
ritual_JJ beings_NNS be_BE fed_VBN therewith_RB ._. (_( 3_CD )_) Pope_NN-TL Leo_
NP 13_CD-TL ,_, on_IN the_AT 13th_OD day_NN of_IN December_NP 1898_CD ,_, grante
d_VBD the_AT following_VBG indulgences_NNS :_: ``_`` An_AT indulgence_NN of_IN t
hree_CD hundred_CD days_NNS is_BEZ granted_VBN to_IN all_ABN the_AT Faithful_NNS
-TL who_WPS read_VB the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Gospels_NPS at_IN least_AP a_AT quarter_NN
of_IN an_AT hour_NN ._. A_AT Plenary_JJ-TL Indulgence_NN-TL under_IN the_AT usu
al_JJ conditions_NNS is_BEZ granted_VBN once_CS a_AT month_NN for_IN the_AT dail
y_JJ reading_NN ''_'' ._. Pope_NN-TL Pius_NP the_AT-TL Sixth_OD-TL ,_, at_IN Rom
e_NP ,_, in_IN April_NP ,_, 1778_CD ,_, wrote_VBD the_AT following_NN :_: ``_``
The_AT faithful_JJ should_MD be_BE excited_VBN to_IN the_AT reading_NN of_IN the
_AT Holy_JJ-TL Scriptures_NNS-TL :_: For_CS these_DTS are_BER the_AT most_QL abu
ndant_JJ sources_NNS which_WDT ought_MD to_TO be_BE left_VBN open_JJ to_IN every
one_PN ,_, to_TO draw_VB from_IN them_PPO purity_NN of_IN morals_NNS and_CC of_I
N doctrine_NN ,_, to_TO eradicate_VB errors_NNS which_WDT are_BER so_QL widely_R
B disseminated_VBN in_IN these_DTS corrupt_JJ times_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT America
n_JJ Bishops_NNS-TL assembled_VBD at_IN the_AT Third_OD-TL Plenary_JJ-TL Council
_NN-TL of_IN-TL Baltimore_NP-TL urged_VBD the_AT Catholic_JJ people_NNS to_TO re
ad_VB the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Bible_NP-TL ._. ``_`` We_PPSS hope_VB ''_'' ,_, they_PPS
S said_VBD ,_, ``_`` that_CS no_AT family_NN can_MD be_BE found_VBN amongst_IN u
s_PPO without_IN a_AT correct_JJ version_NN of_IN the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Scriptures_N
NS-TL ''_'' ._. They_PPSS recommended_VBD ,_, also_RB ,_, that_CS ``_`` at_IN a_
AT fixed_VBN hour_NN ,_, let_VB the_AT entire_JJ family_NN be_BE assembled_VBN f
or_IN night_NN prayers_NNS ,_, followed_VBN by_IN a_AT short_JJ reading_NN of_IN
the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Scriptures_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. Since_CS the_AT Catholic_JJ Churc
h_NN-TL expresses_VBZ such_JJ desire_NN that_CS the_AT Sacred_JJ-TL Scriptures_N
NS-TL be_BE read_VBN ,_, the_AT following_VBG taken_VBN from_IN the_AT Holy_JJ-T
L Bible_NP-TL (_( New_JJ-TL Catholic_JJ-TL Edition_NN-TL )_) will_MD prove_VB a_
AT means_NN of_IN grace_NN and_CC a_AT source_NN of_IN great_JJ spiritual_JJ ble
ssing_NN ._. The_AT-HL need_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL Do_DO
not_* wonder_VB that_CS I_PPSS said_VBD to_IN thee_PPO ,_, ``_`` You_PPSS must_
MD be_BE born_VBN again_RB ''_'' ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 7_CD-TL
._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL necessary_JJ-HL because_CS-HL god
_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL holy_JJ-HL ._.-HL But_CC as_CS the_AT One_CD-TL who_WPS called_
VBD you_PPO is_BEZ holy_JJ ,_, be_BE you_PPSS also_RB holy_JJ in_IN all_ABN your
_PP$ behavior_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS it_PPS is_BEZ written_VBN ,_, You_PPSS shall_MD
be_BE holy_JJ ,_, because_CS I_PPSS am_BEM holy_JJ ._. 1_CD-TL ,_, St._NN-TL Pet
er_NP-TL 15_CD-TL ,_,-TL 16_CD-TL ._. Holiness_NN without_IN which_WDT no_AT man
_NN will_MD see_VB God_NP ._. Hebrews_NPS-TL 14_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL bi
rth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL necessary_JJ-HL because_CS-HL all_ABN-HL have_HV-HL sinned_V
BN-HL ._.-HL As_CS it_PPS is_BEZ written_VBN ,_, There_EX is_BEZ not_* one_CD ju
st_JJ man_NN ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ none_PN who_WPS understands_VBZ ;_. ;_. the
re_EX is_BEZ none_PN who_WPS seeks_VBZ after_IN God_NP ._. All_ABN have_HV gone_
VBN astray_RB together_RB ;_. ;_. All_ABN have_HV sinned_VBN and_CC have_HV need
_NN of_IN the_AT glory_NN of_IN God_NP ._. Romans_NPS 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 10-12_CD-TL
,_, 23_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL necessary_JJ-HL beca
use_CS-HL the_AT-HL natural_JJ-HL man_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL spiritually_RB-HL dead_JJ-
HL and_CC-HL blind_JJ-HL ._.-HL Therefore_RB as_CS through_IN one_CD man_NN sin_
NN entered_VBD into_IN the_AT world_NN and_CC through_IN sin_NN death_NN ,_, and
_CC thus_RB death_NN has_HVZ passed_VBN unto_IN all_ABN men_NNS because_CS all_A
BN have_HV sinned_VBN ._. Romans_NPS 12_CD-TL ._. You_PPSS also_RB ,_, when_WRB
you_PPSS were_BED dead_JJ by_IN reason_NN of_IN your_PP$ offenses_NNS and_CC sin
s_NNS ._. Ephesians_NPS-TL 2_CD-TL :_:-TL 1_CD-TL ._. And_CC if_CS our_PP$ gospe
l_NN also_RB is_BEZ veiled_VBN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ veiled_VBN only_RB to_IN those_
DTS who_WPS are_BER perishing_VBG ._. In_IN their_PP$ case_NN ,_, the_AT god_NN
of_IN this_DT world_NN (_( Satan_NP )_) has_HVZ blinded_VBN their_PP$ unbelievin
g_JJ minds_NNS ,_, that_CS they_PPSS should_MD not_* see_VB the_AT light_NN of_I
N the_AT gospel_NN of_IN the_AT glory_NN of_IN Christ_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ the_
AT image_NN of_IN God_NP ._. 2_CD-TL ,_, Corinthians_NPS 4_CD-TL :_:-TL 3_CD-TL
,_, 4_CD-TL ._. For_CS his_PP$ workmanship_NN we_PPSS are_BER ,_, created_VBN in
_IN Christ_NP Jesus_NP ._. Ephesians_NPS-TL 10_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL bir
th_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL effected_VBN-HL through_IN-HL the_AT-HL word_NN-HL of_IN-HL G
od_NP-HL ._.-HL For_CS you_PPSS have_HV been_BEN reborn_VBN ,_, not_* from_IN co
rruptible_JJ seed_NN but_CC from_IN incorruptible_JJ ,_, through_IN the_AT word_
NN of_IN God_NP ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL Peter_NP-TL 23_CD-TL ._. Of_IN his_PP$ own
_JJ will_NN he_PPS has_HVZ begotten_VBN us_PPO by_IN the_AT word_NN of_IN truth_
NN ._. St._NN-TL James_NP-TL 18_CD-TL ._. Amen_UH ,_, amen_UH ,_, I_PPSS say_VB
to_IN thee_PPO ,_, unless_CS a_AT man_NN be_BE born_VBN again_RB of_IN water_NN
(_( symbol_NN of_IN the_AT Word_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, see_VB Ephesians_NP
S-TL 26_CD-TL )_) and_CC the_AT Spirit_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS cannot_MD* enter_VB into
_IN the_AT kingdom_NN of_IN God_NP ._. That_DT which_WDT is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN t
he_AT flesh_NN is_BEZ flesh_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC that_DT which_WDT is_BEZ born_VBN
of_IN the_AT Spirit_NN-TL is_BEZ spirit_NN ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-
TL 5_CD-TL ,_, 6_CD-TL ._. Evidences_NNS-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_N
N-HL if_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL god_NN-HL we_PPSS-HL ha
ve_HV-HL faith_NN-HL in_IN-HL Christ_NP-HL as_CS-HL the_AT-HL only_AP-HL saviour
_NN-HL ._.-HL Everyone_PN who_WPS believes_VBZ that_CS Jesus_NP is_BEZ the_AT Ch
rist_NP is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN God_NP ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 5_CD-TL :_
:-TL 1_CD-TL ._. As_QL many_AP as_CS received_VBN him_PPO were_BED born_VBN of_I
N God_NP ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 12_CD-TL ,_,-TL 13_CD-TL ._. If_CS-HL we_PPSS-
HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL God_NP-HL we_PPSS-HL do_DO-HL not_*-HL practi
ce_VB-HL sin_NN-HL as_CS-HL a_AT-HL habit_NN-HL ._.-HL Whoever_WPS is_BEZ born_V
BN of_IN God_NP does_DOZ not_* commit_VB sin_NN (_( That_DT is_BEZ ,_, he_PPS do
es_DOZ not_* practice_VB sin_NN ._. Cf._VB 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 2_CD-TL
:_:-TL 1_CD-TL )_) ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 9_CD-TL ._. W
e_PPSS know_VB that_CS no_AT one_CD who_WPS is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN God_NP commits
_VBZ sin_NN ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 18_CD-TL ._. (_( The_AT new_JJ natu
re_NN ,_, received_VBN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN regeneration_NN ,_, is_BEZ div
ine_JJ and_CC holy_JJ ,_, and_CC as_CS the_AT believer_NN lives_VBZ under_IN the
_AT power_NN of_IN this_DT new_JJ nature_NN he_PPS does_DOZ not_* practice_VB si
n_NN ._. )_) if_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL god_NN-HL we_PP
SS-HL practice_VB-HL righteousness_NN-HL ._.-HL If_CS you_PPSS know_VB that_CS h
e_PPS (_( God_NP )_) is_BEZ just_JJ (_( righteous_JJ )_) ,_, know_VB that_CS eve
ryone_PN also_RB who_WPS does_DOZ what_WDT is_BEZ just_JJ (_( righteous_JJ )_) h
as_HVZ been_BEN born_VBN of_IN him_PPO ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 29_CD-TL
._. If_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL God_NP-HL we_PPSS-HL lo
ve_VB-HL God_NP-HL ._.-HL Everyone_PN who_WPS loves_VBZ is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN Go
d_NP ,_, and_CC knows_VBZ God_NP ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 4_CD-TL :_:-TL
7_CD-TL ._. If_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL God_NP-HL we_PP
SS-HL love_VB-HL the_AT-HL brethren_NNS-HL ._.-HL We_PPSS know_VB that_CS we_PPS
S have_HV passed_VBN from_IN death_NN to_IN life_NN ,_, because_CS we_PPSS love_
VB the_AT brethren_NNS ._. He_PPS who_WPS does_DOZ not_* love_VB abides_VBZ in_I
N death_NN ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 14_CD-TL ._. If_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are
_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL God_NP-HL we_PPSS-HL overcome_VB-HL the_AT-HL world
_NN-HL ._.-HL All_ABN that_WPS is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN God_NP overcomes_VBZ the_AT
world_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC this_DT is_BEZ the_AT victory_NN that_WPS overcomes_VBZ
the_AT world_NN ,_, our_PP$ faith_NN ._. 1_CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 5_CD-TL :
_:-TL 4_CD-TL ._. If_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of_IN-HL God_NP-HL
we_PPSS-HL grow_VB-HL in_IN-HL (_(-HL not_*-HL into_IN-HL ,_,-HL but_CC-HL in_IN
-HL )_)-HL grace_NN-HL ._.-HL But_CC grow_VB in_IN grace_NN and_CC knowledge_NN
of_IN our_PP$ Lord_NN-TL and_CC Savior_NN-TL ,_, Jesus_NP Christ_NP ._. 2_CD-TL
St._NN-TL Peter_NP-TL 18_CD-TL ._. If_CS-HL we_PPSS-HL are_BER-HL born_VBN-HL of
_IN-HL God_NP-HL we_PPSS-HL persevere_VB-HL unto_IN-HL the_AT-HL end_NN-HL ._.-H
L I_PPSS am_BEM convinced_VBN of_IN this_DT ,_, that_CS he_PPS who_WPS has_HVZ b
egun_VBN a_AT good_JJ work_NN in_IN you_PPO will_MD bring_VB it_PPO to_IN perfec
tion_NN until_IN the_AT day_NN of_IN Christ_NP Jesus_NP ._. Philippians_NPS-TL 1
_CD-TL :_:-TL 6_CD-TL ._. Now_RB to_IN him_PPO who_WPS is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO pres
erve_VB you_PPO without_IN sin_NN and_CC to_TO set_VB you_PPO before_IN the_AT p
resence_NN of_IN his_PP$ glory_NN ,_, without_IN blemish_NN ,_, in_IN gladness_N
N ,_, to_IN the_AT only_AP God_NP our_PP$ Savior_NN-TL ,_, through_IN Jesus_NP C
hrist_NP our_PP$ Lord_NN-TL ,_, belong_VB glory_NN and_CC majesty_NN ,_, dominio
n_NN and_CC authority_NN ,_, before_IN all_ABN time_NN ,_, and_CC now_RB ,_, and
_CC forever_RB ._. St._NN-TL Jude_NP-TL 24_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_N
N-HL is_BEZ-HL necessary_JJ-HL because_CS-HL the_AT-HL spiritual_JJ-HL kingdom_N
N-HL requires_VBZ-HL a_AT-HL spiritual_JJ-HL nature_NN-HL ._.-HL Jesus_NP answer
ed_VBD and_CC said_VBD to_IN him_PPO (_( Nicodemus_NP )_) ``_`` Amen_UH ,_, amen
_UH ,_, I_PPSS say_VB to_IN thee_PPO ,_, unless_CS a_AT man_NN be_BE born_VBN ag
ain_RB ,_, he_PPS cannot_MD* see_VB the_AT kingdom_NN of_IN God_NP ''_'' ._. ``_
`` Amen_UH ,_, amen_UH ,_, I_PPSS say_VB to_IN thee_PPO ,_, unless_CS a_AT man_N
N be_BE born_VBN again_RB of_IN water_NN and_CC the_AT Spirit_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS c
annot_MD* enter_VB into_IN the_AT kingdom_NN of_IN God_NP ._. That_DT which_WDT
is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN the_AT flesh_NN is_BEZ flesh_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC that_DT whi
ch_WDT is_BEZ born_VBN of_IN the_AT Spirit_NN-TL is_BEZ spirit_NN ._. Do_DO not_
* wonder_VB that_CS I_PPSS said_VBD to_IN thee_PPO ,_, '_' You_PPSS must_MD be_B
E born_VBN again_RB '_' ''_'' ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 3_CD-TL ,_
, 5-7_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL nature_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL
the_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL a_AT-HL new_JJ-HL creation_NN-HL ._. F
or_CS in_IN Christ_NP Jesus_NP neither_CC circumcision_NN nor_CC uncircumcision_
NN but_CC a_AT new_JJ creation_NN is_BEZ of_IN any_DTI account_NN ._. Galatians_
NPS-TL 15_CD-TL ._. If_CS then_RB any_DTI man_NN is_BEZ in_IN Christ_NP ,_, he_P
PS is_BEZ a_AT new_JJ creature_NN (_( literally_RB ,_, ``_`` He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT
new_JJ creation_NN )_) ,_, the_AT former_AP things_NNS have_HV passed_VBN away_R
B ;_. ;_. behold_VB ,_, they_PPSS are_BER made_VBN new_JJ !_. !_. 2_CD-TL Corint
hians_NPS 17_CD-TL ._. For_CS by_IN grace_NN you_PPSS have_HV been_BEN saved_VBN
through_IN faith_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC that_DT not_* from_IN yourselves_PPLS ,_, fo
r_CS it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT gift_NN of_IN God_NP ;_. ;_. not_* as_CS the_AT outcom
e_NN of_IN works_NNS ,_, lest_CS anyone_PN may_MD boast_VB ._. For_CS his_PP$ wo
rkmanship_NN we_PPSS are_BER ,_, created_VBN in_IN Christ_NP Jesus_NP ._. Ephesi
ans_NPS-TL 2_CD-TL :_:-TL 8-10_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-
HL the_AT-HL implantation_NN-HL of_IN-HL a_AT-HL new_JJ-HL life_NN-HL ._.-HL I_P
PSS came_VBD that_CS they_PPSS may_MD have_HV life_NN ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 1
0_CD-TL ._. He_PPS who_WPS has_HVZ the_AT Son_NN-TL has_HVZ the_AT life_NN ._. H
e_PPS who_WPS has_HVZ not_* the_AT Son_NN-TL has_HVZ not_* the_AT life_NN ._. 1_
CD-TL St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 12_CD-TL ._. He_PPS who_WPS believes_VBZ in_IN the_AT
Son_NN-TL (_( Jesus_NP Christ_NP ,_, the_AT Son_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL )_) ,_
, has_HVZ everlasting_JJ life_NN ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 36_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL
new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL the_AT-HL impartation_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL
divine_JJ-HL nature_NN-HL ._.-HL Through_IN which_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ granted_VBN
us_PPO the_AT very_QL great_JJ and_CC precious_JJ promises_NNS ,_, so_CS that_C
S through_IN them_PPO you_PPSS may_MD become_VB partaker_NN of_IN the_AT divine_
JJ nature_NN ._. 2_CD-TL St._NN-TL Peter_NP-TL 1_CD-TL :_:-TL 4_CD-TL ._. The_AT
-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL Christ_NP-HL living_VBG-HL in_IN-HL you_PPO-
HL by_IN-HL faith_NN-HL ._.-HL Christ_NP in_IN you_PPO ,_, your_PP$ hope_NN of_I
N glory_NN ._. Colossians_NPS-TL 27_CD-TL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ now_RB no_QL longer_
RBR I_PPSS that_WPS live_VB ,_, but_CC Christ_NP lives_VBZ in_IN me_PPO ._. And_
CC the_AT life_NN that_CS I_PPSS now_RB live_VB in_IN the_AT flesh_NN ,_, I_PPSS
live_VB in_IN the_AT faith_NN of_IN the_AT Son_NN-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL ,_, who
_WPS loved_VBD me_PPO and_CC gave_VBD himself_PPL up_RP for_IN me_PPO ._. Galati
ans_NPS-TL 20_CD-TL ._. To_TO have_HV Christ_NP dwelling_VBG through_IN faith_NN
in_IN your_PP$ hearts_NNS ._. Ephesians_NPS-TL 17_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL
birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL miraculous_JJ-HL and_CC-HL mysterious_JJ-HL ._.-HL The_AT
wind_NN blows_VBZ where_WRB it_PPS will_MD ,_, and_CC thou_PPSS hearest_VBZ its
_PP$ sound_NN but_CC dost_DO not_* know_VB where_WRB it_PPS comes_VBZ from_IN or
_CC where_WRB it_PPS goes_VBZ ._. So_RB is_BEZ everyone_PN who_WPS is_BEZ born_V
BN of_IN the_AT Spirit_NN-TL ._. St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 8_CD-TL ._.
The_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL immediate_JJ-HL and_CC-HL instantaneo
us_JJ-HL ._.-HL Amen_UH ,_, amen_UH ,_, I_PPSS say_VB to_IN you_PPO ,_, he_PPS w
ho_WPS hears_VBZ my_PP$ word_NN ,_, and_CC believes_VBZ him_PPO who_WPS sent_VBD
me_PPO ,_, has_HVZ life_NN everlasting_JJ ,_, and_CC does_DOZ not_* come_VB to_
IN judgment_NN ,_, but_CC has_HVZ passed_VBN from_IN death_NN to_IN life_NN ._.
St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 24_CD-TL ._. The_AT-HL means_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL new_J
J-HL birth_NN-HL the_AT-HL new_JJ-HL birth_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL a_AT-HL work_NN-HL of
_IN-HL god_NN-HL ._.-HL But_CC to_IN as_QL many_AP as_CS received_VBN him_PPO he
_PPS gave_VBD the_AT power_NN of_IN becoming_VBG sons_NNS of_IN God_NP ;_. ;_. t
o_IN those_DTS who_WPS believe_VB in_IN his_PP$ name_NN :_: Who_WPS were_BED bor
n_VBN not_* of_IN blood_NN ,_, nor_CC of_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN the_AT flesh_NN
,_, nor_CC of_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN man_NN ,_, but_CC of_IN God_NP ._. St._NN
-TL John_NP-TL 12_CD-TL ,_,-TL 13_CD-TL ._. A_AT-HL final_JJ-HL word_NN-HL You_P
PSS may_MD be_BE very_QL religious_JJ ,_, a_AT good_JJ church_NN member_NN ,_, a
n_AT upright_NN ,_, honest_JJ and_CC sincere_JJ person_NN ;_. ;_. you_PPSS may_M
D be_BE baptized_VBN ,_, confirmed_VBN ,_, reverent_JJ and_CC worshipful_JJ ;_.
;_. you_PPSS may_MD attend_VB mass_NN ,_, do_DO penance_NN ,_, say_VB prayers_NN
S and_CC zealously_RB keep_VB all_ABN the_AT sacraments_NNS and_CC ceremonies_NN
S of_IN the_AT church_NN ;_. ;_. you_PPSS may_MD have_HV the_AT final_JJ and_CC
extreme_JJ unction_NN but_CC if_CS you_PPSS are_BER not_* born_VBN again_RB you_
PPSS are_BER lost_VBN and_CC headed_VBN for_IN hell_NN and_CC eternal_JJ punishm
ent_NN ._. You_PPSS cannot_MD* be_BE saved_VBN ;_. ;_. you_PPSS cannot_MD* go_VB
to_IN heaven_NN unless_CS you_PPSS are_BER born_VBN again_RB ._. Our_PP$ blesse
d_VBN Lord_NN-TL Jesus_NP Christ_NP ,_, the_AT sinless_JJ Son_NN-TL of_IN-TL God
_NP-TL ,_, who_WPS could_MD not_* lie_VB ,_, said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Amen_UH ,_, amen
_UH ,_, I_PPSS say_VB to_IN thee_PPO ,_, unless_CS a_AT man_NN be_BE born_VBN ag
ain_RB ,_, he_PPS cannot_MD* see_VB the_AT kingdom_NN of_IN God_NP ''_'' (_( St.
_NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 3_CD-TL )_) ._. ``_`` You_PPSS must_MD be_BE bo
rn_VBN again_RB ''_'' (_( St._NN-TL John_NP-TL 3_CD-TL :_:-TL 7_CD-TL )_) ._. Be
ing_BEG convinced_VBN that_CS salvation_NN is_BEZ alone_RB by_IN accepting_VBG C
hrist_NP as_CS Saviour_NN-TL ,_, and_CC being_BEG convicted_VBN by_IN the_AT Hol
y_JJ-TL Spirit_NN-TL of_IN my_PP$ lost_VBN condition_NN ,_, I_PPSS do_DO repent_
VB of_IN all_ABN effort_NN to_TO be_BE saved_VBN by_IN any_DTI form_NN of_IN goo
d_JJ works_NNS ,_, and_CC just_RB now_RB receive_VB Jesus_NP as_CS my_PP$ person
al_JJ Saviour_NN-TL and_CC salvation_NN as_CS a_AT free_JJ gift_NN from_IN Him_P
PO ._. You_PPSS may_MD do_DO as_CS you_PPSS please_VB with_IN God_NP now_RB ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ permitted_VBN ._. God_NP placed_VBD Himself_PPL in_IN men's_NNS$ h
ands_NNS when_WRB He_PPS sent_VBD Jesus_NP Christ_NP into_IN the_AT world_NN as_
CS perfect_JJ God_NP and_CC perfect_JJ Man_NN-TL in_IN one_CD Being_NN-TL ._. He
_PPS was_BEDZ then_RB in_IN man's_NN$ hands_NNS ._. They_PPSS cursed_VBD Him_PPO
._. It_PPS was_BEDZ permitted_VBN ._. Men_NNS spit_VBD on_IN Him_PPO ._. God_NP
allowed_VBD it_PPO ._. They_PPSS called_VBD Him_PPO a_AT devil_NN ._. God_NP wi
thheld_VBD His_PP$ wrath_NN ._. Finally_RB men_NNS arrested_VBD Him_PPO ,_, gave
_VBD Him_PPO a_AT mock_JJ trial_NN ,_, flogged_VBD Him_PPO ,_, nailed_VBD Him_PP
O on_IN a_AT cross_NN and_CC hung_VBD Him_PPO between_IN earth_NN and_CC heaven_
NN ;_. ;_. and_CC God_NP allowed_VBD it_PPO ._. You_PPSS can_MD do_DO likewise_R
B though_CS Christ_NP is_BEZ not_* bodily_RB present_RB ._. You_PPSS can_MD igno
re_VB Him_PPO ._. You_PPSS can_MD ignore_VB His_PP$ Book_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Bible_
NP ,_, and_CC His_PP$ church_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD laugh_VB at_IN His_PP$ blood
-bought_JJ salvation_NN ,_, curse_VB His_PP$ followers_NNS ,_, and_CC laugh_VB a
t_IN hell_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ permitted_VBN ._. The_AT eternal_JJ Christ_NP may
_MD knock_VB at_IN your_PP$ soul's_NN$ door_NN ,_, calling_VBG you_PPO to_TO giv
e_VB up_RP sin_NN and_CC prepare_VB for_IN heaven_NN ._. You_PPSS may_MD refuse_
VB Him_PPO ,_, spit_VB on_IN Him_PPO ,_, call_VB Him_PPO a_AT devil_NN ,_, curse
_VB Him_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ permitted_VBN ._. You_PPSS may_MD take_VB His_PP$
name_NN upon_IN your_PP$ lips_NNS in_IN oaths_NNS and_CC curses_NNS if_CS you_PP
SS so_RB choose_VB ._. He_PPS is_BEZ in_IN your_PP$ hands_NNS --_-- now_RB ._. O
n_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, you_PPSS may_MD seek_VB His_PP$ favor_NN ,_, hu
mble_VB yourself_PPL before_IN Him_PPO and_CC beg_VB His_PP$ mercy_NN ,_, implor
e_VB His_PP$ forgiveness_NN ,_, forsake_VB your_PP$ sins_NNS ,_, and_CC abandon_
VB your_PP$ whole_JJ life_NN to_IN Him_PPO ._. He_PPS has_HVZ said_VBN ,_, ``_``
Behold_VB ,_, I_PPSS stand_VB at_IN the_AT door_NN ,_, and_CC knock_VB :_: if_C
S any_DTI man_NN hear_VB my_PP$ voice_NN ,_, and_CC open_VB the_AT door_NN ,_, I
_PPSS will_MD come_VB in_RP to_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC will_MD sup_VB with_IN him_
PPO ,_, and_CC he_PPS with_IN me_PPO ''_'' (_( Revelation_NN-TL 3:20_CD-TL :_. :
_. 20_CD )_) ._. The_AT choice_NN is_BEZ up_IN to_IN you_PPO ._. The_AT latch_NN
is_BEZ on_IN your_PP$ side_NN of_IN the_AT door_NN ._. The_AT choice_NN is_BEZ
yours_PP$$ :_: the_AT revellings_NNS and_CC banquetings_NNS of_IN this_DT world_
NN or_CC quiet_JJ communion_NN with_IN God_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT ever_RB burning_VBG
lusts_NNS of_IN the_AT flesh_NN or_CC the_AT powerful_JJ victory_NN of_IN Holy_
JJ-TL Spirit_NN-TL discipline_NN ._. The_AT choice_NN is_BEZ yours_PP$$ :_: God_
NP is_BEZ in_IN your_PP$ hands_NNS ,_, now_RB ._. God_NP has_HVZ already_RB set_
VBN the_AT day_NN when_WRB you_PPSS will_MD be_BE in_IN His_PP$ hands_NNS ._. Wh
at_WDT He_PPS does_DOZ with_IN you_PPO then_RB depends_VBZ on_IN what_WDT you_PP
SS do_DO with_IN Him_PPO now_RB ._. Then_RB it_PPS will_MD be_BE a_AT ``_`` fear
ful_JJ thing_NN to_TO fall_VB into_IN the_AT hands_NNS of_IN the_AT living_VBG G
od_NP ''_'' if_CS you_PPSS have_HV abused_VBN Him_PPO in_IN your_PP$ hands_NNS .
_. I_PPSS am_BEM a_AT magazine_NN ;_. ;_. my_PP$ name_NN is_BEZ Guideposts_NNS-T
L ;_. ;_. this_DT issue_NN that_CS you_PPSS are_BER reading_VBG marks_VBZ my_PP$
15th_OD anniversary_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS came_VBD into_IN being_BEG ,_, 15_CD
years_NNS ago_RB ,_, I_PPSS had_HVD one_CD primary_JJ purpose_NN :_: to_TO help
_VB men_NNS and_CC women_NNS everywhere_RB to_TO know_VB God_NP better_RBR ,_, a
nd_CC through_IN knowing_VBG Him_PPO better_RBR to_TO become_VB happier_JJR and_
CC more_QL effective_JJ people_NNS ._. That_DT purpose_NN has_HVZ never_RB chang
ed_VBN ._. When_WRB you_PPSS read_VB me_PPO ,_, you_PPSS are_BER holding_VBG in_
IN your_PP$ hands_NNS the_AT product_NN of_IN many_AP minds_NNS and_CC hearts_NN
S ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT people_NNS who_WPS speak_VB through_IN my_PP$ pages_
NNS are_BER famous_JJ ;_. ;_. others_NNS unknown_JJ ._. Some_DTI work_VB with_IN
their_PP$ hands_NNS ._. Some_DTI have_HV walked_VBN through_IN pain_NN and_CC s
orrow_NN to_TO bring_VB you_PPO their_PP$ message_NN of_IN hope_NN ._. Some_DTI
are_BER so_QL filled_VBN with_IN gratitude_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT gift_NN of_IN li
fe_NN and_CC the_AT love_NN of_IN God_NP ,_, that_CS their_PP$ joy_NN spills_VBZ
out_RP on_IN the_AT paper_NN and_CC brightens_VBZ the_AT lives_NNS of_IN thousa
nds_NNS whom_WPO they_PPSS have_HV never_RB known_VBN ,_, and_CC will_MD never_R
B see_VB ._. Fifteen_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, there_EX were_BED no_AT Guideposts_
NNS-TL at_IN all_ABN ._. This_DT month_NN a_AT million_CD Guideposts_NNS-TL will
_MD circulate_VB all_ABN over_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Experts_NNS in_IN the_AT pu
blishing_VBG field_NN consider_VB this_DT astounding_JJ ._. They_PPSS do_DO not_
* understand_VB how_WRB a_AT small_JJ magazine_NN with_IN no_AT advertising_NN a
nd_CC no_AT newsstand_NN sale_NN could_MD have_HV achieved_VBN such_ABL a_AT fol
lowing_NN ._. To_IN me_PPO ,_, the_AT explanation_NN is_BEZ very_QL simple_JJ ._
. I_PPSS am_BEM not_* doing_VBG anything_PN ,_, of_IN myself_PPL ._. I_PPSS am_B
EM merely_RB a_AT channel_NN for_IN something_PN ._. What_WDT is_BEZ this_DT som
ething_PN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS cannot_MD* define_VB it_PPO fully_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
the_AT force_NN in_IN the_AT universe_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ men_NNS love_VB good
ness_NN ,_, even_RB when_WRB they_PPSS turn_VB away_RB from_IN it_PPO ._. It_PPS
is_BEZ the_AT power_NN that_WPS holds_VBZ the_AT stars_NNS in_IN their_PP$ orbi
ts_NNS ,_, but_CC allows_VBZ the_AT wind_NN to_TO bend_VB a_AT blade_NN of_IN gr
ass_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT whisper_NN in_IN the_AT heart_NN that_WPS urges_
VBZ each_DT one_CD to_TO be_BE better_JJR than_CS he_PPS is_BEZ ._. It_PPS is_BE
Z mankind's_NN$ wistful_JJ yearning_NN for_IN a_AT world_NN of_IN justice_NN and
_CC peace_NN ._. All_ABN things_NNS are_BER possible_JJ to_IN God_NP ,_, but_CC
He_PPS chooses_VBZ --_-- usually_RB --_-- to_TO work_VB through_IN people_NNS ._
. Sometimes_RB such_JJ people_NNS sense_VB that_CS they_PPSS are_BER being_BEG u
sed_VBN ;_. ;_. sometimes_RB not_* ._. Fifteen_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, troubled_
VBN by_IN the_AT rising_VBG tide_NN of_IN materialism_NN in_IN the_AT post-war_J
J world_NN ,_, a_AT businessman_NN and_CC a_AT minister_NN asked_VBD themselves_
PPLS if_CS there_EX might_MD not_* be_BE a_AT place_NN for_IN a_AT small_JJ maga
zine_NN in_IN which_WDT men_NNS and_CC women_NNS ,_, regardless_RB of_IN creed_N
N or_CC color_NN ,_, could_MD set_VB forth_RB boldly_RB their_PP$ religious_JJ c
onvictions_NNS and_CC bear_VB witness_NN to_IN the_AT power_NN of_IN faith_NN to
_TO solve_VB the_AT endless_JJ problems_NNS of_IN living_VBG ._. The_AT business
man_NN was_BEDZ Raymond_NP Thornburg_NP ._. The_AT minister_NN was_BEDZ Norman_N
P Vincent_NP Peale_NP ._. Neither_DTX had_HVD any_DTI publishing_VBG experience_
NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS had_HVD faith_NN in_IN their_PP$ idea_NN ._. They_PPSS b
orrowed_VBD a_AT typewriter_NN ,_, raised_VBD about_RB $2,000_NNS in_IN contribu
tions_NNS ,_, hired_VBD a_AT secretary_NN ,_, persuaded_VBD a_AT couple_NN of_IN
young_JJ men_NNS to_TO join_VB them_PPO for_IN almost_RB no_AT pay_NN and_CC be
gan_VBD mailing_VBG out_RP a_AT collection_NN of_IN unstapled_JJ leaflets_NNS th
at_WPO they_PPSS called_VBD Guideposts_NNS-TL ._. Compared_VBN to_IN the_AT big_
JJ ,_, established_VBN magazines_NNS ,_, my_PP$ first_OD efforts_NNS seemed_VBD
feeble_JJ indeed_QLP ._. But_CC from_IN the_AT start_NN they_PPSS had_HVD two_CD
important_JJ ingredients_NNS :_: sincerity_NN and_CC realism_NN ._. The_AT peop
le_NNS who_WPS told_VBD the_AT stories_NNS were_BED sincere_JJ ._. And_CC the_AT
stories_NNS they_PPSS told_VBD were_BED true_JJ ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, early
_RB in_IN my_PP$ life_NN ,_, when_WRB one_CD of_IN my_PP$ editorial_NN workers_N
NS wanted_VBD to_TO find_VB out_RP how_WRB churches_NNS and_CC philanthropic_JJ
organizations_NNS met_VBD the_AT needs_NNS of_IN New_JJ-TL York's_NP$-TL down-an
d-outers_NNS ,_, he_PPS didn't_DOD* just_RB ask_VB questions_NNS ._. Len_NP LeSo
urd_NP went_VBD and_CC lived_VBD in_IN the_AT slums_NNS as_CS a_AT sidewalk_NN d
erelict_NN for_IN ten_CD days_NNS ._. That_DT was_BEDZ nearly_RB 13_CD years_NNS
ago_RB ._. Len_NP LeSourd_NP is_BEZ my_PP$ executive_JJ editor_NN today_NR ._.
Many_AP of_IN you_PPO are_BER familiar_JJ ,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM sure_JJ ,_, with_IN t
he_AT story_NN of_IN my_PP$ early_JJ struggles_NNS :_: the_AT fire_NN in_IN Janu
ary_NP ,_, 1947_CD ,_, that_WPS destroyed_VBD everything_PN --_-- even_RB our_PP
$ precious_JJ list_NN of_IN subscribers_NNS ._. The_AT help_NN and_CC sympathy_N
N that_WPS were_BED forthcoming_JJ from_IN everywhere_RB ._. The_AT crisis_NN la
ter_RBR on_RP when_WRB debts_NNS seemed_VBD about_RB to_TO overwhelm_VB me_PPO .
_. That_DT was_BEDZ when_WRB a_AT remarkable_JJ woman_NN ,_, Teresa_NP Durlach_N
P ,_, came_VBD to_IN my_PP$ aid_NN --_-- not_* so_QL much_RB with_IN money_NN ,_
, as_CS with_IN wisdom_NN and_CC courage_NN ._. ``_`` You're_PPSS+BER not_* livi
ng_VBG up_RP to_IN your_PP$ own_JJ principles_NNS ''_'' ,_, she_PPS told_VBD my_
PP$ discouraged_VBN people_NNS ._. ``_`` You're_PPSS+BER so_QL preoccupied_VBN t
hat_CS you've_PPSS+HV let_VB your_PP$ faith_NN grow_VB dim_JJ ._. What_WDT do_DO
you_PPSS want_VB --_-- a_AT hundred_CD thousand_CD subscribers_NNS ?_. ?_. Visu
alize_VB them_PPO ,_, then_RB ,_, believe_VB you_PPSS are_BER getting_VBG them_P
PO ,_, and_CC you_PPSS will_MD have_HV them_PPO ''_'' !_. !_. And_CC the_AT 100,
000_CD subscribers_NNS became_VBD a_AT reality_NN ._. And_CC then_RB 500,000_CD
._. And_CC now_RB a_AT million_CD January_NP Guideposts_NNS-TL are_BER in_IN cir
culation_NN ._. With_IN our_PP$ growth_NN came_VBD expansion_NN into_IN new_JJ f
ields_NNS of_IN service_NN ._. Today_NR more_AP than_IN a_AT thousand_CD industr
ies_NNS distribute_VB me_PPO to_IN their_PP$ employees_NNS ._. They_PPSS say_VB
all_ABN personnel_NNS have_HV spiritual_JJ needs_NNS which_WDT Guideposts_NNS-TL
helps_VBZ to_TO meet_VB ._. Hundreds_NNS of_IN civic_JJ clubs_NNS ,_, business_
NN firms_NNS and_CC individuals_NNS make_VB me_PPO available_JJ to_IN school_NN
teachers_NNS throughout_IN the_AT land_NN ._. They_PPSS say_VB it_PPO helps_VBZ
them_PPO bring_VB back_RB into_IN schools_NNS the_AT spiritual_JJ and_CC moral_J
J values_NNS on_IN which_WDT this_DT country_NN was_BEDZ built_VBN ._. Thousands
_NNS of_IN free_JJ copies_NNS are_BER sent_VBN each_DT month_NN to_IN chaplains_
NNS in_IN the_AT Armed_VBN-TL Forces_NNS-TL ,_, to_IN prison_NN libraries_NNS an
d_CC to_IN hospitals_NNS everywhere_RB ._. Bedridden_JJ people_NNS say_VB I_PPSS
am_BEM easy_JJ to_TO hold_VB --_-- and_CC read_VB ._. Three_CD years_NNS ago_RB
it_PPS became_VBD possible_JJ to_TO finance_VB a_AT Braille_NP edition_NN for_I
N blind_JJ readers_NNS ._. Throughout_IN these_DTS exciting_JJ years_NNS I_PPSS
have_HV been_BEN fortunate_JJ for_CS ,_, although_CS I_PPSS have_HV never_RB off
ered_VBN great_JJ financial_JJ inducements_NNS ,_, talent_NN has_HVZ found_VBN i
ts_PP$ way_NN to_IN me_PPO :_: William_NP Boal_NP who_WPS so_QL ably_RB organize
s_VBZ business_NN operations_NNS ;_. ;_. John_NP Beach_NP who_WPS guides_VBZ cir
culation_NN ;_. ;_. Irving_NP Granville_NP and_CC Nelson_NP Rector_NP who_WPS tr
avel_VB widely_RB calling_VBG on_RP business_NN firms_NNS ._. Searching_VBG for_
IN the_AT best_JJT in_IN spiritual_JJ stories_NNS ,_, my_PP$ roving_VBG editors_
NNS cover_VB not_* only_RB the_AT country_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT whole_JJ world_NN
._. Glenn_NP Kittler_NP has_HVZ been_BEN twice_RB to_IN Africa_NP ,_, once_RB s
pending_VBG a_AT week_NN with_IN Dr._NN-TL Albert_NP Schweitzer_NP ._. Last_AP s
ummer_NN John_NP and_CC Elizabeth_NP Sherrill_NP were_BED in_IN Alaska_NP ._. Va
n_NP Varner_NP recently_RB returned_VBD from_IN Russia_NP ._. Twice_RB a_AT mont
h_NN the_AT editorial_NN staff_NN meets_VBZ in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL for_IN an
_AT early_JJ supper_NN ,_, then_RB a_AT long_JJ evening_NN of_IN idea-exchange_N
N ._. Around_IN the_AT table_NN sit_VB Protestant_NP ,_, Catholic_NP ,_, and_CC
Jew_NP ._. Each_DT contributes_VBZ something_PN different_JJ ,_, and_CC somethin
g_PN important_JJ :_: Ruth_NP Peale_NP ,_, her_PP$ wide_JJ experience_NN in_IN c
hurch_NN work_NN ;_. ;_. Sidney_NP Fields_NP ,_, years_NNS of_IN experience_NN a
s_CS a_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL columnist_NN ;_. ;_. Catherine_NP Marshall_NP LeS
ourd_NP ,_, the_AT insight_NN that_WPS has_HVZ made_VBN her_PP$ books_NNS world-
famous_JJ and_CC Norm_NP Mullendore_NP ,_, the_AT keen_JJ perception_NN of_IN an
_AT advertising_VBG executive_NN ._. There_EX are_BER people_NNS who_WPS travel_
VB long_JJ distances_NNS to_TO assure_VB my_PP$ continued_VBN existence_NN ._. E
laine_NP St._NP Johns_NP may_MD fly_VB in_RP from_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Coast_NN-
TL for_IN the_AT editorial_NN staff_NN meetings_NNS ._. Starr_NP Jones_NP gets_V
BZ up_RP every_AT morning_NN at_IN five_CD o'clock_RB ,_, milks_VBZ his_PP$ fami
ly_NN cow_NN ,_, attends_VBZ to_IN farm_NN chores_NNS ,_, and_CC then_RB takes_V
BZ a_AT two-hour_JJ train_NN trip_NN to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Arthur_NP Go
rdon_NP comes_VBZ once_RB a_AT month_NN all_ABN the_AT way_NN from_IN Georgia_NP
._. We_PPSS have_HV also_RB seen_VBN the_AT power_NN of_IN faith_NN at_IN work_
NN among_IN us_PPO ._. Rose_NP Weiss_NP ,_, who_WPS handles_VBZ all_ABN the_AT p
rayer-requests_NNS that_WPO we_PPSS receive_VB ,_, answering_VBG each_DT letter_
NN personally_RB ,_, has_HVZ the_AT serene_JJ selflessness_NN that_WPS comes_VBZ
from_IN suffering_VBG :_: she_PPS has_HVZ had_HVN many_AP major_JJ operations_N
NS ,_, and_CC now_RB gets_VBZ about_RP in_IN a_AT limited_VBN way_NN on_IN brace
s_NNS and_CC crutches_NNS ._. Recently_RB ,_, John_NP Sherrill_NP was_BEDZ stric
ken_VBN with_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT deadliest_JJT forms_NNS of_IN cancer_NN ._.
We_PPSS prayed_VBD for_IN John_NP ,_, during_IN surgery_NN ,_, we_PPSS asked_VBD
others_NNS to_TO pray_VB ;_. ;_. all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN a_AT massive_
JJ shield_NN of_IN prayer_NN was_BEDZ thrown_VBN around_IN him_PPO ._. Today_NR
the_AT cancer_NN is_BEZ gone_VBN ._. Perhaps_RB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* fair_JJ to_T
O mention_VB some_DTI people_NNS without_IN mentioning_VBG all_ABN ._. But_CC ,_
, you_PPSS see_VB ,_, those_DTS who_WPS are_BER not_* mentioned_VBN will_MD not_
* resent_VB it_PPO ._. That_DT is_BEZ the_AT kind_NN of_IN people_NNS they_PPSS
are_BER ._. Perhaps_RB you_PPSS think_VB the_AT editorial_NN meetings_NNS are_BE
R solemn_JJ affairs_NNS ,_, a_AT little_QL sanctimonious_JJ ?_. ?_. Not_* so_RB
._. Serious_JJ ,_, yes_RB ,_, but_CC also_RB much_AP laughter_NN ._. Sharp_JJ di
vision_NN of_IN opinion_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, and_CC strenuous_JJ debate_NN ._. Ther
e_EX are_BER brain-wracking_JJ searches_NNS for_IN the_AT right_JJ word_NN ,_, t
he_AT best_JJT phrase_NN ,_, the_AT most_QL helpful_JJ idea_NN ._. And_CC there_
EX is_BEZ also_RB something_PN intangible_JJ that_WPS hovers_VBZ around_IN the_A
T table_NN ._. A_AT good_JJ word_NN for_IN it_PPS is_BEZ fellowship_NN ._. A_AT
shorter_JJR word_NN is_BEZ ._. Each_DT meeting_NN starts_VBZ with_IN a_AT prayer
_NN ,_, offered_VBN spontaneously_RB by_IN one_CD member_NN of_IN the_AT group_N
N ._. It_PPS takes_VBZ many_AP forms_NNS ,_, this_DT prayer_NN ,_, but_CC in_IN
essence_NN it_PPS is_BEZ always_RB a_AT request_NN for_IN guidance_NN ,_, for_IN
open_JJ minds_NNS and_CC gentle_JJ hearts_NNS ,_, for_IN honesty_NN and_CC sinc
erity_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT wisdom_NN and_CC the_AT insights_NNS that_WPS will_MD
help_VB Guideposts'_NNS$-TL readers_NNS ._. For_CS you_PPSS ,_, readers_NNS ,_,
are_BER an_AT all-important_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT spiritual_JJ experiment_NN
that_WPS is_BEZ Guideposts_NNS-TL ._. I_PPSS need_VB your_PP$ support_NN ,_, you
r_PP$ criticism_NN ,_, your_PP$ encouragement_NN ,_, your_PP$ prayers_NNS ._. I_
PPSS am_BEM a_AT magazine_NN ;_. ;_. my_PP$ name_NN is_BEZ Guideposts_NNS-TL ._.
My_PP$ message_NN ,_, today_NR ,_, is_BEZ the_AT same_AP as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ
15_CD years_NNS ago_RB :_: that_CS there_EX is_BEZ goodness_NN in_IN people_NNS
,_, and_CC strength_NN and_CC love_NN in_IN God_NP ._. May_MD He_PPS bless_VB yo
u_PPO all_ABN ._. Havana_NP was_BEDZ filled_VBN with_IN an_AT excitement_NN whic
h_WDT you_PPSS could_MD see_VB in_IN the_AT brightness_NN of_IN men's_NNS$ eyes_
NNS and_CC hear_VB in_IN the_AT pitch_NN of_IN their_PP$ voices_NNS ._. The_AT h
ated_VBN dictator_NN Batista_NP had_HVD fled_VBN ._. Rumors_NNS flew_VBD from_IN
lip_NN to_IN lip_NN that_CS Fidel_NP Castro_NP was_BEDZ on_IN his_PP$ way_NN to
_IN Havana_NP ,_, coming_VBG from_IN the_AT mountains_NNS where_WRB he_PPS had_H
VD fought_VBN Batista_NP for_IN five_CD years_NNS ._. Already_RB the_AT city_NN
was_BEDZ filled_VBN with_IN Barbudos_NPS ,_, the_AT bearded_VBN ,_, war-dirty_JJ
Revolutionaries_NNS-TL ,_, carrying_VBG carbines_NNS ,_, waving_VBG to_IN the_A
T crowds_NNS that_WPS lined_VBD the_AT Prado_NP ._. And_CC then_RB Castro_NP him
self_PPL did_DOD come_VBN ,_, bearded_VBN ,_, smiling_VBG ;_. ;_. yet_CC if_CS y
ou_PPSS looked_VBD closely_RB you'd_PPSS+MD see_VB that_CS his_PP$ eyes_NNS did_
DOD not_* pick_VB up_RP the_AT smile_NN on_IN his_PP$ lips_NNS ._. At_IN first_R
B I_PPSS was_BEDZ happy_JJ to_TO throw_VB the_AT support_NN of_IN our_PP$ newspa
per_NN behind_IN this_DT man_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ that_CS Castro_NP was_
BEDZ happy_JJ ,_, too_RB ,_, about_IN that_DT support_NN ._. Diario_NP De_NP La_
NP Marina_NP was_BEDZ the_AT oldest_JJT and_CC most_QL influential_JJ paper_NN i
n_IN Cuba_NP ,_, with_IN a_AT reputation_NN for_IN speaking_VBG out_RP against_I
N tyranny_NN ._. My_PP$ grandfather_NN had_HVD been_BEN stoned_VBN because_CS of
_IN his_PP$ editorials_NNS ._. My_PP$ own_JJ earliest_JJT memories_NNS are_BER o
f_IN exiles_NNS :_: my_PP$ three_CD brothers_NNS and_CC I_PPSS were_BED taken_VB
N often_RB to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ``_`` to_TO visit_VB relativ
es_NNS ''_'' while_CS my_PP$ father_NN stayed_VBD on_RP to_TO fight_VB the_AT di
ctator_NN Machado_NP ._. When_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ my_PP$ turn_NN ,_, I_PPSS ,_,
too_RB ,_, printed_VBD the_AT truth_NN as_CS I_PPSS knew_VBD it_PPO about_IN Bat
ista_NP ,_, and_CC rejoiced_VBD to_TO see_VB his_PP$ regime_NN topple_VB ._. Non
e_PN of_IN us_PPO was_BEDZ aware_JJ that_CS the_AT biggest_JJT fight_NN was_BEDZ
still_RB ahead_RB ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ full_JJ of_IN hope_NN as_CS Fidel_NP Cast
ro_NP came_VBD into_IN Havana_NP ._. Within_IN a_AT week_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_,
I_PPSS began_VBD to_TO suspect_VB that_CS something_PN was_BEDZ wrong_JJ ._. For
_CS Castro_NP was_BEDZ bringing_VBG Cuba_NP not_* freedom_NN ,_, but_CC hatred_N
N ._. He_PPS spent_VBD long_JJ hours_NNS before_IN the_AT TV_NN spitting_VBG out
_RP promises_NNS of_IN revenge_NN ._. He_PPS showed_VBD us_PPO how_WRB he_PPS de
alt_VBD with_IN his_PP$ enemies_NNS :_: he_PPS executed_VBD them_PPO before_IN T
V_NN cameras_NNS ._. On_IN home_NR sets_NNS children_NNS were_BED watching_VBG t
he_AT death_NN throes_NNS of_IN men_NNS who_WPS were_BED shot_VBN before_IN the_
AT paredon_FW-NN ,_, the_AT firing_VBG wall_NN ._. Castro's_NP$ reforms_NNS ?_.
?_. He_PPS seemed_VBD bent_VBN on_IN coupling_VBG them_PPO with_IN vengeance_NN
._. New_JJ schools_NNS were_BED rising_VBG ,_, but_CC with_IN this_DT went_VBD a
_AT harsh_JJ proclamation_NN :_: any_DTI academic_JJ degree_NN earned_VBN during
_IN Batista's_NP$ regime_NN was_BEDZ invalid_JJ ._. Economic_JJ aid_NN ?_. ?_. H
e_PPS had_HVD promised_VBN cheaper_JJR housing_NN :_: arbitrarily_RB he_PPS cut_
VBD all_ABN rents_NNS in_IN half_ABN ,_, whether_CS the_AT landlord_NN was_BEDZ
a_AT millionaire_NN speculator_NN or_CC a_AT widow_NN whose_WP$ only_AP income_N
N was_BEDZ the_AT rental_NN of_IN a_AT spare_JJ room_NN ._. Under_IN another_DT
law_NN ,_, hundreds_NNS of_IN farms_NNS were_BED seized_VBN ._. Farm_NN workers_
NNS had_HVD their_PP$ wages_NNS cut_VBN almost_QL in_IN half_ABN ._. Of_IN this_
DT ,_, only_RB 50_CD cents_NNS a_AT day_NN was_BEDZ paid_VBN in_IN cash_NN ,_, t
he_AT rest_NN in_IN script_NN usable_JJ only_RB in_IN ``_`` People's_NNS$-TL Sto
res_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. A_AT suspicion_NN was_BEDZ growing_VBG that_CS Fidel_NP Cas
tro_NP was_BEDZ a_AT Communist_NN-TL ._. In_IN my_PP$ mind_NN ,_, I_PPSS began_V
BD to_TO review_VB :_: his_PP$ use_NN of_IN hate_NN to_TO gain_VB support_NN ;_.
;_. his_PP$ People's_NNS$-TL Courts_NNS-TL ;_. ;_. his_PP$ division_NN of_IN so
ciety_NN into_IN two_CD classes_NNS ,_, one_CD the_AT hero_NN ,_, the_AT other_A
P the_AT villain_NN ._. But_CC most_QL disturbing_JJ of_IN all_ABN were_BED the_
AT advisers_NNS he_PPS called_VBD to_TO sit_VB with_IN him_PPO in_IN the_AT Pala
ce_NN-TL ;_. ;_. many_AP came_VBD from_IN Communist_NN-TL countries_NNS ._. What
_WDT should_MD I_PPSS do_DO about_IN it_PPO ,_, I_PPSS asked_VBD myself_PPL ?_.
?_. I_PPSS had_HVD watched_VBN Castro_NP handling_VBG his_PP$ enemies_NNS before
_IN the_AT paredon_FW-NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT doubt_NN in_IN my_PP$ mind_
NN that_CS if_CS I_PPSS crossed_VBD him_PPO ,_, mobs_NNS would_MD appear_VB outs
ide_IN our_PP$ windows_NNS shouting_VBG ``_`` Paredon_FW-NN !_. !_. Paredon_FW-N
N !_. !_. ''_'' What_WDT should_MD I_PPSS do_DO ?_. ?_. I_PPSS was_BEDZ proud_JJ
of_IN the_AT new_JJ buildings_NNS which_WDT housed_VBD Diario_NP now_RB :_: the
_AT rotogravures_NNS ,_, gleaming_VBG behind_IN glass_NN doors_NNS ;_. ;_. the_A
T thump_NN and_CC whir_NN of_IN our_PP$ new_JJ presses_NNS ._. Here_RB was_BEDZ
a_AT powerful_JJ ,_, ready-made_JJ medium_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS could_MD speak_VB
only_RB if_CS I_PPSS told_VBD it_PPO to_TO ._. Then_RB one_CD day_NN ,_, early_
RB in_IN January_NP ,_, 1960_CD ,_, I_PPSS sat_VBD down_RP at_IN my_PP$ desk_NN
,_, and_CC suddenly_RB I_PPSS was_BEDZ aware_JJ of_IN the_AT crucifix_NN ._. It_
PPS was_BEDZ a_AT simple_JJ ivory_NN crucifix_NN which_WDT my_PP$ mother_NN had_
HVD given_VBN me_PPO ._. I_PPSS had_HVD mounted_VBN it_PPO on_IN velvet_NN and_C
C hung_VBN it_PPO over_IN my_PP$ desk_NN to_TO remind_VB me_PPO always_RB to_TO
use_VB the_AT power_NN of_IN the_AT paper_NN in_IN a_AT Christian_JJ manner_NN .
_. Now_RB it_PPS seemed_VBD almost_RB as_CS if_CS Jesus_NP were_BED looking_VBG
down_RP at_IN me_PPO with_IN sadness_NN in_IN His_PP$ eyes_NNS ,_, saying_VBG :_
: ``_`` You_PPSS will_MD lose_VB the_AT paper_NN ._. You_PPSS may_MD lose_VB you
r_PP$ life_NN ._. But_CC do_DO you_PPSS have_HV any_DTI choice_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_.
I_PPSS knew_VBD in_IN that_DT moment_NN that_CS I_PPSS did_DOD not_* have_HV any
_DTI choice_NN ._. From_IN that_DT day_NN on_RP I_PPSS began_VBD to_TO write_VB
editorials_NNS about_IN the_AT things_NNS I_PPSS did_DOD not_* think_VB correct_
JJ in_IN Fidel_NP Castro's_NP$ regime_NN ._. Too_QL often_RB a_AT beginning_VBG
bodybuilder_NN has_HVZ to_TO do_DO his_PP$ training_NN secretly_RB either_CC bec
ause_CS his_PP$ parents_NNS don't_DO* want_VB sonny-boy_NN to_TO ``_`` lift_VB a
ll_ABN those_DTS old_JJ barbell_NN things_NNS ''_'' because_CS ``_`` you'll_PPSS
+MD stunt_VB your_PP$ growth_NN ''_'' or_CC because_CS childish_JJ taunts_NNS fr
om_IN his_PP$ schoolmates_NNS ,_, like_CS ``_`` Hey_UH lookit_VB+IN Mr._NP Ameri
ca_NP ;_. ;_. whaddya_WDT+BER+PP gonna_VBG+TO do_DO with_IN all_ABN those_DTS mu
scles_NNS (_( of_IN which_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ none_PN at_IN the_AT time_NN )_) ''
_'' ?_. ?_. After_IN all_ABN ,_, a_AT guy's_NN+HVZ gotta_VBN+TO have_HV a_AT lit
tle_AP ego_NN !_. !_. Therefore_RB it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT genuine_JJ pleasure_NN to_T
O tell_VB you_PPO about_IN an_AT entirely_QL happy_JJ bodybuilder_NN who_WPS has
_HVZ never_RB had_HVN to_TO train_VB in_IN secret_NN has_HVZ never_RB heard_VBN
one_CD unkind_JJ word_NN from_IN his_PP$ parents_NNS and_CC never_RB has_HVZ bee
n_BEN taunted_VBN by_IN his_PP$ schoolmates_NNS !_. !_. This_DT happy_JJ ,_, alw
ays_RB smiling_VBG lad_NN with_IN the_AT sunny_JJ disposition_NN is_BEZ our_PP$
new_JJ Junior_NP Mr._NP Canada_NP --_-- Henri_NP De_NP Courcy_NP ._. Far_RB from
_IN discouraging_VBG Henri_NP ,_, his_PP$ parents_NNS urge_VB him_PPO on_RP to_I
N greater_JJR and_CC greater_JJR accomplishments_NNS ._. Instead_RB of_IN admoni
shing_VBG him_PPO to_TO let_VB the_AT weights_NNS alone_RB they_PPSS personally_
RB took_VBD him_PPO to_IN that_DT master_NN Montreal_NP bodybuilding_NN authorit
y_NN ,_, Professor_NN-TL Roland_NP Claude_NP ._. And_CC they_PPSS couldn't_MD* h
ave_HV entrusted_VBN Henri_NP to_IN better_RBR hands_NNS because_CS ``_`` le_FW-
AT professeur_FW-NN ''_'' knows_VBZ his_PP$ muscles_NNS from_IN the_AT sterno-cl
eido_NN mastoideus_NN of_IN the_AT neck_NN right_QL down_RP to_IN the_AT tibiali
s_FW-NN anticus_FW-JJ of_IN the_AT leg_NN and_CC better_QL still_RB ,_, he_PPS k
nows_VBZ just_RB what_WDT exercises_NNS work_VB best_RBT for_IN them_PPO and_CC
what_WDT Weider_NP principles_NNS to_TO combine_VB them_PPO with_IN for_IN fast_
JJ ,_, fast_JJ muscle_NN growth_NN ._. That's_DT+BEZ because_CS the_AT good_JJ p
rofessor_NN teaches_VBZ only_RB Weider_NP methods_NNS at_IN his_PP$ famous_JJ Mo
ntreal_NP-TL Health_NN-TL Studio_NN-TL which_WDT is_BEZ located_VBN at_IN 1821_C
D Mt._NN-TL Royal_JJ-TL East_JJ-TL in_IN Montreal_NP ._. Undoubtedly_RB you_PPSS
have_HV read_VBN the_AT case_NN histories_NNS of_IN some_DTI of_IN his_PP$ priz
e-winning_JJ pupils_NNS (_( every_AT pupil_NN has_HVZ a_AT physique_NN title_NN
of_IN some_DTI kind_NN or_CC other_AP )_) ._. There's_EX+BEZ Gaetan_NP D'Amours_
NP who_WPS is_BEZ our_PP$ newest_JJT Mr._NP Canada_NP ;_. ;_. Jean-Paul_NP Senes
ac_NP ,_, whose_WP$ story_NN appeared_VBD here_RB two_CD issues_NNS ago_RB ;_. ;
_. Jack_NP Boissoneault_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ with_IN us_PPO last_AP month_NN
;_. ;_. Charles_NP Harve_NP ,_, who_WPS recently_RB won_VBD the_AT ``_`` Most_QL
-TL Muscular_JJ-TL Man_NN-TL ''_'' subdivision_NN award_NN in_IN the_AT Mr._NP C
anada_NP event_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC a_AT host_NN of_IN others_NNS ._. Yesiree_UH ,_
, the_AT professor_NN knows_VBZ his_PP$ muscles_NNS !_. !_. Now_RB when_WRB Henr
i_NP was_BEDZ just_RB 12_CD he_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB 4'_NNS 10''_NNS ''_'' tall_J
J and_CC weighed_VBD an_AT astounding_JJ 72_CD pounds_NNS ,_, and_CC his_PP$ gre
atest_JJT desire_NN was_BEDZ to_TO pack_VB on_RP some_DTI weight_NN ._. About_RB
that_DT time_NN he_PPS began_VBD reading_VBG Mr._NP America_NP and_CC Muscle_NN
-TL Builder_NN-TL and_CC he_PPS learned_VBD of_IN the_AT famous_JJ Weider_NP way
_NN to_IN fast_JJ weight_NN gaining_NN ._. Seeing_VBG so_QL many_AP illustration
s_NNS and_CC reading_VBG so_QL many_AP testimonials_NNS to_IN the_AT value_NN of
_IN Quick-Wate_NP and_CC Super-Protein_NP ,_, those_DTS two_CD wonder-working_JJ
Weider_NP food_NN supplements_NNS ,_, he_PPS decided_VBD to_TO try_VB them_PPO
and_CC see_VB what_WDT they_PPSS could_MD do_DO for_IN him_PPO ._. Well_UH ,_, s
ir_UH they_PPSS did_DOD real_QL great_RB !_. !_. For_CS in_IN almost_QL less_AP
time_NN than_CS it_PPS takes_VBZ to_TO tell_VB it_PPO ,_, Henri's_NP$ bodyweight
_NN was_BEDZ increasing_VBG rapidly_RB ._. Of_IN course_NN he_PPS did_DOD some_D
TI exercising_NN ._. He's_PPS+BEZ crazy_JJ about_IN water_NN skiing_NN and_CC sw
imming_VBG and_CC this_DT vigorous_JJ exercise_NN in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN t
he_AT added_VBN food_NN supplements_NNS packed_VBD pounds_NNS of_IN solid_JJ mus
cle_NN on_IN his_PP$ skinny_JJ frame_NN ._. Henri_NP has_HVZ always_RB had_HVN s
hapely_JJ legs_NNS from_IN swimming_VBG and_CC water_NN skiing_NN and_CC really_
RB doesn't_DOZ* have_HV to_TO work_VB them_PPO very_QL much_RB ._. But_CC he_PPS
was_BEDZ totally_RB dissatisfied_VBN with_IN his_PP$ upper_JJ body_NN ._. It_PP
S was_BEDZ muscular_JJ but_CC it_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* symmetrical_JJ ._. ``_`` A_AT
real_JJ '_' nothing_PN '_' torso_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Henri_NP ._. ``_`` It_PPS
never_RB seemed_VBD to_TO widen_VB ._. It_PPS just_RB got_VBD longer_JJR and_CC
longer_JJR ''_'' ._. That's_DT+BEZ when_WRB he_PPS went_VBD to_IN Professor_NN-
TL Claude_NP ._. And_CC at_IN once_RB Claude_NP saw_VBD what_WDT the_AT trouble_
NN was_BEDZ and_CC he_PPS knew_VBD just_RB how_WRB to_TO correct_VB it_PPO ._. I
n_IN his_PP$ gym_NN the_AT professor_NN has_HVZ some_DTI of_IN the_AT most_QL ``
_`` knocked_VBN out_RP ''_'' equipment_NN since_IN Vic_NP Tanny_NP ._. Mr._NP Cl
aude_NP is_BEZ a_AT specialist_NN in_IN torso_NN development_NN and_CC he_PPS ha
s_HVZ long_RB favored_VBN the_AT now-famous_JJ Weider_NP Push-Pull_NP Super-Set_
NP technique_NN in_IN which_WDT one_CD exercise_NN of_IN the_AT Super-Set_NP is_
BEZ a_AT pressing_VBG or_CC ``_`` pushing_VBG ''_'' movement_NN which_WDT accent
s_NNS one_CD sector_NN of_IN a_AT muscle_NN group_NN in_IN a_AT specific_JJ way_
NN ,_, followed_VBN by_IN a_AT ``_`` pulling_VBG ''_'' exercise_NN which_WDT wor
ks_VBZ the_AT opposing_VBG sector_NN of_IN the_AT same_AP muscle_NN group_NN ._.
So_RB right_QL away_RB Claude_NP introduced_VBD Henri_NP to_IN his_PP$ famous_J
J ``_`` moon_NN ''_'' bench_NN and_CC proceeded_VBD to_TO teach_VB him_PPO his_P
P$ first_OD Push-Pull_NP Super-Set_NP consisting_VBG of_IN the_AT wide-grip_NN S
traight-Arm_JJ-TL Pullover_NN-TL (_( the_AT ``_`` pull_NN ''_'' part_NN of_IN th
e_AT Push-Pull_NP Super-Set_NP )_) which_WDT dramatically_RB widens_VBZ the_AT r
ibcage_NN and_CC strongly_RB affects_VBZ the_AT muscles_NNS of_IN the_AT upper_J
J back_NN and_CC chest_NN and_CC the_AT collar-to-collar_JJ Bench_NN-TL Press_NN
-TL which_WDT specifically_RB works_VBZ on_IN the_AT chest_NN to_TO build_VB tho
se_DTS wide_JJ ,_, Reeves-type_JJ ``_`` gladiator_NN ''_'' pecs_NN ,_, while_CS
stimulating_VBG the_AT upper_JJ lats_NN and_CC frontal_JJ deltoids_NNS ._. As_CS
you_PPSS can_MD see_VB ,_, in_IN this_DT Push-Pull_NP Super_JJ-TL Set_NN-TL the
_AT entire_JJ chest-back-shoulder_JJ area_NN is_BEZ vigorously_RB exercised_VBN
in_IN alternate_JJ sectors_NNS by_IN alternate_JJ exercises_NNS so_CS the_AT com
plete_JJ torso_NN remains_VBZ pumped-up_VBN all_ABN the_AT time_NN !_. !_. Now_R
B when_WRB Henri_NP has_HVZ completed_VBN four_CD complete_JJ Push-Pull_NP Super
-Sets_NPS No._NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, the_AT professor_NN allows_VBZ him_PPO about_RB
a_AT five-minute_JJ rest_NN period_NN before_CS starting_VBG him_PPO on_IN four_
CD complete_JJ Push-Pull_NP Super-Sets_NPS No._NN-TL 2_CD-TL ._. Super-Set_NN-TL
No._NN-TL 2_CD-TL is_BEZ made_VBN up_RP of_IN similar_JJ exercises_NNS ,_, but_
CC this_DT time_NN done_VBN with_IN dumbbells_NNS ,_, and_CC using_VBG both_ABX
``_`` moon_NN ''_'' and_CC flat_JJ benches_NNS ._. The_AT ``_`` push_NN ''_'' ex
ercise_NN of_IN this_DT Push-Pull_NP Super-Set_NP is_BEZ the_AT Bench_NN-TL Pres
s_NN-TL done_VBN with_IN elbows_NNS well_RB pulled_VBN back_RB and_CC with_IN a_
AT greater_JJR downward_JJ stretch_NN of_IN the_AT pectorals_NNS not_* possible_
JJ with_IN the_AT barbell_NN variation_NN ._. You_PPSS need_VB the_AT barbell_NN
variation_NN to_TO build_VB width_NN and_CC mass_NN in_IN the_AT pecs_NN ._. Th
e_AT dumbbell_NN variation_NN develops_VBZ a_AT most_QL classically_RB sculpture
d_VBN outline_NN to_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` pull_NN ''_'' exercise_NN i
n_IN this_DT Super-Set_NP is_BEZ the_AT one-dumbbell_NN Bent-Arm_NN-TL Pullover_
NN-TL ._. (_( Note_VB how_WQL strongly_RB the_AT upper_JJ lats_NN and_CC serratu
s_NN are_BER worked_VBN in_IN this_DT fine_NN exercise_NN because_RB of_IN the_A
T pin-point_NN concentration_NN of_IN force_NN which_WDT the_AT dumbbell_NN vari
ation_NN affords_VBZ )_) ._. In_IN the_AT third_OD Push-Pull_NP Super-Set_NP the
_AT ``_`` push_NN ''_'' exercise_NN is_BEZ the_AT widegrip_NN Pushup_NP Between_
IN-TL Bars_NNS-TL ,_, while_CS the_AT ``_`` pull_NN ''_'' exercise_NN is_BEZ the
_AT Moon_NN-TL Bench_NN-TL Lateral_JJ-TL Raise_NN-TL with_IN bent_VBN arms_NNS .
_. The_AT Pushup_NP done_VBN in_IN this_DT manner_NN is_BEZ the_AT greatest_JJT
pectoral-ribcage_NN stretcher_NN ever_RB invented_VBN !_. !_. This_DT is_BEZ tru
e_JJ only_RB if_CS a_AT very_QL wide_JJ grip_NN is_BEZ used_VBN and_CC only_RB w
hen_WRB the_AT greatest_JJT possible_JJ stretch_NN is_BEZ achieved_VBN ._. You'l
l_PPSS+MD know_VB when_WRB you've_PPSS+HV made_VBN the_AT greatest_JJT stretch_N
N because_CS your_PP$ shoulder_NN blades_NNS will_MD touch_VB !_. !_. As_CS you_
PPSS see_VB ,_, the_AT professor_NN has_HVZ designed_VBN a_AT piece_NN of_IN app
aratus_NN that_WPS forces_VBZ the_AT bodybuilder_NN to_TO use_VB a_AT w-i-d-e_JJ
grip_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ to_TO ;_. ;_. he_PPS just_RB can't_MD* do_DO anythin
g_PN about_IN it_PPO at_IN all_ABN !_. !_. But_CC as_CS you_PPSS can_MD also_RB
see_VB ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ not_* a_AT painful_JJ exercise_NN at_IN all_ABN ,_, beca
use_CS Henri_NP De_NP Courcy_NP --_-- the_AT ``_`` happy_JJ ''_'' bodybuilder_NN
--_-- looks_VBZ as_CS though_CS he_PPS were_BED having_HVG the_AT time_NN of_IN
his_PP$ life_NN !_. !_. The_AT last_AP exercise_NN of_IN Roland_NP Claude's_NP$
prescribed_VBN program_NN for_IN Henri_NP is_BEZ a_AT single_AP exercise_NN ,_,
done_VBN in_IN individual_JJ sets_NNS with_IN a_AT bit_NN longer_JJR pause_NN b
etween_IN sets_NNS ._. By_IN this_DT time_NN Henri's_NP$ entire_JJ chest-back-la
t-shoulder_JJ area_NN is_BEZ pumped-up_VBN to_IN almost_RB bursting_VBG point_NN
,_, and_CC Claude_NP takes_VBZ time_NN to_TO do_DO a_AT bit_NN more_AP pectoral
-front_JJ deltoid_NN shaping_NN work_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ Henri_NP do_DO from_I
N four_CD to_IN six_CD sets_NNS of_IN the_AT Incline_NN-TL Bench_NN-TL Press_NN-
TL (_( note_VB the_AT high_JJ incline_NN )_) ._. This_DT gives_VBZ a_AT wide_JJ
flare_NN to_IN the_AT pecs_NN ,_, causing_VBG them_PPO to_TO flow_VB dramaticall
y_RB upward_RB into_IN deltoids_NNS and_CC dramatically_RB downward_RB into_IN t
he_AT serratus_NN and_CC Aj_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT kind_NN of_IN chest_NN
that_WPS invariably_RB wins_VBZ contests_NNS ;_. ;_. that_DT steel-edged_JJ ``_`
` carved-out-of-solid_JJ rock_NN ''_'' looks_NNS of_IN the_AT great_JJ champions
_NNS ._. So_RB with_IN four_CD complete_JJ Push-Pull_NP Super-Sets_NPS No._NN-TL
1_CD-TL ,_, four_CD of_IN No._NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, four_CD of_IN No._NN-TL 3_CD-TL
and_CC four_CD to_IN six_CD sets_NNS of_IN the_AT Incline_NN-TL Bench_NN-TL Pre
ss_NN-TL ,_, you_PPSS can_MD see_VB that_CS Henri_NP De_NP Courcy_NP has_HVZ had
_HVN a_AT terrific_JJ mass-building_JJ ,_, muscle-shaping_JJ ,_, torso-defining_
JJ workout_NN that_WPO cannot_MD* be_BE improved_VBN upon_RB ._. Physique_NN con
tests_NNS are_BER rarely_RB won_VBN on_IN muscle_NN size_NN alone_RB ._. Rarer_J
JR still_QL is_BEZ a_AT Mr._NP America_NP or_CC Mr._NP Universe_NN-TL of_IN true
_JJ Herculean_JJ build_NN ._. The_AT aspects_NNS of_IN physical_JJ development_N
N that_WPS catch_VB the_AT judges'_NNS$ eyes_NNS and_CC which_WDT rightfully_RB
influence_VB their_PP$ decisions_NNS are_BER symmetry_NN and_CC that_DT hallmark
_NN of_IN the_AT true_JJ champion_NN --_-- superior_JJ definition_NN of_IN the_A
T muscles_NNS ._. Now_RB good_JJ definition_NN is_BEZ one_CD thing_NN that_WPO a
ll_ABN of_IN us_PPO can_MD acquire_VB with_IN occasional_JJ high-set_JJ ,_, high
-rep_JJ ,_, light-weight_JJ workouts_NNS ._. But_CC contest_NN definition_NN --_
-- that_DT dramatic_JJ muscular_JJ separation_NN of_IN every_AT muscle_NN group_
NN that_WPS seems_VBZ as_CS though_CS it_PPS must_MD have_HV been_BEN carved_VBN
by_IN a_AT sculptor's_NN$ chisel_NN --_-- is_BEZ something_PN quite_QL differen
t_JJ ._. This_DT comes_VBZ not_* alone_RB from_IN high-set_JJ ,_, high-rep_JJ tr
aining_NN ,_, but_CC from_IN certain_JJ definition-specialization_NN exercises_N
NS which_WDT the_AT champion_NN selects_VBZ for_IN himself_PPL with_IN the_AT kn
owledge_NN of_IN exactly_RB what_WDT works_VBZ best_RBT for_IN him_PPO ._. Often
_RB these_DTS exercises_NNS work_VB well_RB for_IN some_DTI bodybuilders_NNS but
_CC less_QL spectacularly_RB for_IN others_NNS ._. Because_CS they_PPSS are_BER
``_`` minority_NN ''_'' exercises_NNS and_CC have_HV but_IN a_AT limited_VBN app
eal_NN they_PPSS soon_RB find_VB themselves_PPLS in_IN the_AT limbo_NN of_IN the
_AT forgotten_VBN ._. Only_RB when_WRB the_AT newest_JJT Mr._NP America_NP or_CC
Mr._NP Universe_NN-TL discovers_VBZ them_PPO and_CC puts_VBZ them_PPO into_IN p
ractice_NN are_BER we_PPSS reacquainted_VBN with_IN them_PPO and_CC once_RB agai
n_RB see_VB how_WQL effective_JJ they_PPSS really_RB are_BER ._. The_AT exercise
_NN I_PPSS shall_MD discuss_VB in_IN this_DT --_-- the_AT first_OD of_IN a_AT ne
w_JJ series_NN of_IN articles_NNS on_IN muscle_NN definition-specialization_NN o
f_IN a_AT particular_JJ body_NN part_NN --_-- is_BEZ the_AT One_CD-TL Leg_NN-TL
Lunge_NN-TL ._. Why_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ ever_RB forgotten_VBN for_IN even_RB a_A
T moment_NN I_PPSS cannot_MD* say_VB because_CS it_PPS works_VBZ perfectly_RB fo
r_IN everyone_PN ,_, no_AT matter_NN whether_CS he_PPS has_HVZ short_JJ or_CC lo
ng_JJ thigh-bone_NN lengths_NNS !_. !_. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT one_CD exercise_NN
that_WPS drastically_RB influences_VBZ the_AT definition_NN of_IN the_AT thighs_
NNS at_IN the_AT hipline_NN --_-- that_DT mark_NN of_IN the_AT champion_NN that_
WPS sets_VBZ him_PPO apart_RB from_IN all_ABN other_AP bodybuilders_NNS ;_. ;_.
a_AT criterion_NN of_IN muscle_NN ``_`` drama_NN ''_'' that_WPS is_BEZ unforgett
able_JJ to_IN judges_NNS and_CC audiences_NNS alike_RB ;_. ;_. the_AT facet_NN o
f_IN muscular_JJ development_NN that_WPS wins_VBZ prizes_NNS ._. Definition_NN o
f_IN the_AT thighs_NNS at_IN the_AT uppermost_JJS part_NN is_BEZ quite_QL common
ly_RB seen_VBN in_IN most_AP championship_NN Olympic_JJ lifters_NNS which_WDT is
_BEZ easily_QL understandable_JJ ._. The_AT One_CD-TL Leg_NN-TL Lunge_NN-TL is_B
EZ a_AT split_NN and_CC all_ABN lifters_NNS practice_VB this_DT in_IN their_PP$
regular_JJ workouts_NNS ._. But_CC for_IN purely_RB definition_NN purposes_NNS -
-_-- used_VBN in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN your_PP$ regular_JJ Squatting_VBG-TL
,_, Leg_NN-TL Curling_VBG-TL ,_, Leg_NN-TL Extensor_NN-TL programs_NNS --_-- a_A
T heavy_JJ weight_NN is_BEZ not_* needed_VBN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, a_AT lighter_JJR
weight_NN works_VBZ much_QL better_RBR because_CS a_AT greater_JJR ,_, more_QL e
xtensive_JJ split_NN can_MD be_BE performed_VBN ._. Used_VBN in_IN several_AP se
ts_NNS of_IN high_JJ reps_NNS once_RB or_CC twice_RB each_DT week_NN it_PPS will
_MD not_* be_BE long_RB before_CS your_PP$ entire_JJ upper_JJ leg_NN takes_VBZ o
n_RP a_AT razor-sharp_JJ definition_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT muscles_NNS look_V
B like_CS wire_NN cables_NNS writhing_VBG and_CC twisting_VBG under_IN the_AT sk
in_NN !_. !_. Really_RB there_EX is_BEZ no_AT reason_NN why_WRB this_DT fine_JJ
exercise_NN should_MD not_* find_VB its_PP$ way_NN into_IN your_PP$ leg_NN progr
am_NN at_IN all_ABN times_NNS ,_, for_CS the_AT following_VBG suggestions_NNS sh
ow_VB why_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ so_QL effective_JJ :_: 1_CD-HL ._.-HL It's_PPS+BEZ a
_AT complete_JJ thigh_NN contraction-extension_NN exercise_NN ._. 2_CD-HL ._.-HL
It_PPS places_VBZ terrific_JJ tension_NN on_IN the_AT leg_NN muscles_NNS from_I
N start_NN to_IN finish_NN of_IN each_DT repetition_NN ._. 3_CD-HL ._.-HL It_PPS
improves_VBZ over-all_JJ balance_NN and_CC control_NN for_IN the_AT bodybuilder
_NN ,_, and_CC helps_VBZ to_TO make_VB Squats_NNS-TL more_QL easily_RB and_CC mo
re_QL correctly_RB performed_VBN ._. 4_CD-HL ._.-HL It_PPS increases_VBZ flexibi
lity_NN of_IN the_AT legs_NNS ._. 5_CD-HL ._.-HL It_PPS speeds_VBZ muscle_NN gro
wth_NN and_CC power_NN development_NN even_RB for_IN the_AT advanced_VBN bodybui
lder_NN because_CS each_DT hip_NN and_CC leg_NN is_BEZ exercised_VBN separately_
RB ,_, thus_RB enabling_VBG a_AT massive_JJ ,_, concentrated_VBN effort_NN to_TO
be_BE focused_VBN on_IN each_DT ._. You'll_PPSS+MD need_VB your_PP$ Weider_NP-T
L Power_NN-TL Stands_NNS-TL for_IN this_DT fine_JJ exercise_NN and_CC here's_RB+
BEZ the_AT way_NN it's_PPS+BEZ done_VBN :_: 1_CD-HL ._.-HL Place_VB your_PP$ Pow
er_NN-TL Stands_NNS-TL in_IN position_NN and_CC adjust_VB their_PP$ height_NN so
_CS that_CS this_DT will_NN correspond_VB to_IN the_AT height_NN of_IN your_PP$
shoulders_NNS when_WRB you_PPSS are_BER in_IN a_AT deep_JJ leg_NN split_NN as_CS
for_IN a_AT heavy_JJ Clean_NN-TL ._. 2_CD-HL ._.-HL Place_VB a_AT suitably-load
ed_JJ barbell_NN across_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. grasp_VB the_AT bar_NN (_( which_WDT
will_MD rest_VB against_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN your_PP$ neck_NN )_) ;_. ;_. ex
tend_VB your_PP$ feet_NNS forward_RB and_CC backward_RB until_CS you_PPSS are_BE
R in_IN a_AT deep_JJ leg_NN split_NN ._. Now_RB raise_VB the_AT weight_NN by_IN
straightening_VBG your_PP$ front_JJ leg_NN ,_, without_IN moving_VBG your_PP$ fe
et_NNS ._. When_WRB the_AT front_JJ knee_NN is_BEZ straight_JJ and_CC locked_VBN
,_, allow_VB it_PPO to_TO bend_VB again_RB until_CS you_PPSS feel_VB the_AT bar
_NN come_VBN lightly_RB into_IN contact_NN with_IN the_AT sides_NNS of_IN the_AT
Power_NN-TL Stands_NNS-TL ._. 3_CD-HL ._.-HL After_CS you_PPSS have_HV taken_VB
N a_AT breather_NN ,_, reverse_VB the_AT position_NN of_IN your_PP$ legs_NNS so_
CS that_CS the_AT front_JJ thigh_NN of_IN the_AT previous_JJ exercise_NN is_BEZ
now_RB to_IN the_AT rear_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT rear_JJ thigh_NN now_RB to_IN the_
AT front_NN ,_, and_CC perform_VB the_AT same_AP movement_NN in_IN the_AT same_A
P manner_NN ._. That's_DT+BEZ the_AT One-Leg_JJ-TL Lunge_NN-TL in_IN a_AT nutshe
ll_NN ._. You_PPSS should_MD have_HV a_AT couple_NN of_IN training_VBG partners_
NNS to_TO stand_VB by_RB when_WRB you_PPSS make_VB your_PP$ first_OD experiments
_NNS just_RB for_IN safety_NN ._. You_PPSS should_MD also_RB begin_VB this_DT ex
ercise_NN with_IN a_AT very_QL light_JJ barbell_NN until_CS you_PPSS become_VB a
ccustomed_VBN to_IN it_PPO balance-wise_RB ._. Oh_UH ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD wobble_V
B and_CC weave_VB quite_ABL a_AT bit_NN at_IN first_RB ._. But_CC don't_DO* worr
y_VB ._. Before_CS your_PP$ first_OD training_VBG experiment_NN has_HVZ ended_VB
N there_EX will_MD be_BE a_AT big_JJ improvement_NN and_CC almost_RB before_CS y
ou_PPSS know_VB it_PPO you'll_PPSS+MD be_BE raising_VBG and_CC lowering_VBG your
self_PPL just_RB like_CS a_AT veteran_NN !_. !_. Although_CS I_PPSS suggested_VB
D that_CS you_PPSS hold_VB the_AT bar_NN at_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN the_AT neck_
NN there's_EX+BEZ no_AT reason_NN why_WRB you_PPSS shouldn't_MD* make_VB some_DT
I experiments_NNS with_IN the_AT bar_NN held_VBN in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT nec
k_NN ._. Squat-style_JJ lifters_NNS and_CC leg-split_NN lifters_NNS would_MD bot
h_ABX benefit_VB enormously_RB by_IN practicing_VBG those_DTS variations_NNS pro
viding_CS that_CS they_PPSS remember_VB to_TO make_VB alternate_JJ sets_NNS with
_IN the_AT left_JJ and_CC right_JJ leg_NN to_IN the_AT front_NN ._. The_AT most_
QL beautiful_JJ bed_NN of_IN pansies_NNS I've_PPSS+HV seen_VBN was_BEDZ in_IN a_
AT South_JJ-TL Dakota_NP-TL yard_NN on_IN a_AT sizzling_VBG day_NN ._. Pansies_N
NS are_BER supposed_VBN to_TO like_VB it_PPO cool_JJ ,_, but_CC those_DTS great_
JJ velvety_JJ flowers_NNS were_BED healthy_JJ and_CC perky_JJ in_IN the_AT glari
ng_VBG sun_NN ._. I_PPSS sought_VBD out_RP the_AT gardener_NN and_CC asked_VBD h
im_PPO what_WDT he_PPS did_DOD to_TO produce_VB such_JJ beauties_NNS in_IN that_
DT weather_NN ._. He_PPS seemed_VBD puzzled_VBN by_IN my_PP$ question_NN ._. ``_
`` I_PPSS just_RB love_VB them_PPO ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. The_AT more_RBR
I_PPSS talked_VBD with_IN him_PPO ,_, the_AT more_RBR convinced_VBN I_PPSS beca
me_VBD that_CS that_DT was_BEDZ the_AT secret_NN of_IN their_PP$ riotous_JJ bloo
ming_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN his_PP$ love_NN was_BEDZ expressed_VBN in_IN intelli
gent_JJ care_NN ._. He_PPS planted_VBD the_AT pansy_NN seeds_NNS himself_PPL ,_,
buying_VBG them_PPO from_IN a_AT pansy_NN specialist_NN ._. These_DTS specialis
ts_NNS ,_, I_PPSS learned_VBD ,_, have_HV done_VBN a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN w
ork_NN to_TO improve_VB the_AT size_NN and_CC health_NN of_IN the_AT plants_NNS
and_CC the_AT resulting_VBG flowers_NNS ._. Their_PP$ seeds_NNS produce_VB vigor
ous_JJ blooming_VBG plants_NNS half_ABN again_RB the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT uni
mproved_JJ strains_NNS ._. I_PPSS asked_VBD him_PPO if_CS he_PPS took_VBD seeds_
NNS from_IN his_PP$ own_JJ plants_NNS ._. Occasionally_RB ,_, when_WRB he_PPS ha
d_HVD an_AT unusual_JJ flower_NN that_WPO he_PPS wanted_VBD more_AP of_IN he_PPS
did_DOD ;_. ;_. but_CC pansy_NN seeds_NNS ,_, he_PPS told_VBD me_PPO ,_, soon_R
B ``_`` run_VB down_RP ''_'' ._. It's_PPS+BEZ best_JJT to_TO buy_VB them_PPO fre
sh_JJ from_IN a_AT dealer_NN who_WPS is_BEZ working_VBG to_TO improve_VB them_PP
O ._. His_PP$ soil_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` nothing_PN special_JJ ''_'' ,_, just_RB pra
irie_NN land_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS had_HVD harrowed_VBN in_IN compost_NN until_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ loose_JJ ,_, spongy_JJ and_CC brown-black_JJ ._. I_PPSS fingere
d_VBD it_PPO and_CC had_HVD the_AT feeling_NN of_IN adequacy_NN that_WPS comes_V
BZ with_IN the_AT right_JJ texture_NN ,_, tilth_NN and_CC body_NN ._. It_PPS isn
't_BEZ* easy_JJ to_TO describe_VB it_PPO ,_, but_CC every_AT gardener_NN knows_V
BZ it_PPO when_WRB his_PP$ fingers_NNS touch_VB such_JJ soil_NN ._. Nothing_PN i
s_BEZ easier_JJR to_TO grow_VB from_IN seed_NN than_CS pansies_NNS ._. They_PPSS
germinate_VB quickly_RB ,_, the_AT tiny_JJ plants_NNS appearing_VBG in_IN a_AT
week_NN ,_, and_CC grow_VB along_RB lustily_RB ._. It_PPS doesn't_DOZ* really_RB
matter_VB which_WDT month_NN of_IN the_AT year_NN you_PPSS sow_VB them_PPO ,_,
but_CC they_PPSS germinate_VB best_RBT when_WRB they_PPSS have_HV a_AT wide_JJ v
ariation_NN of_IN temperature_NN ,_, very_QL warm_JJ followed_VBD by_IN cool_JJ
in_IN the_AT same_AP 24_CD hours_NNS ._. I_PPSS like_VB to_TO make_VB a_AT seedb
ed_NN right_QL in_IN the_AT open_JJ ,_, though_CS many_AP people_NNS start_VB th
em_PPO successfully_RB in_IN cold_JJ frames_NNS ._. Pansies_NNS don't_DO* have_H
V to_TO be_BE coddled_VBN ;_. ;_. they'd_PPSS+MD rather_RB have_HV things_NNS ru
gged_JJ ,_, with_IN only_RB moderate_JJ protection_NN on_IN the_AT coldest_JJT d
ays_NNS ._. If_CS you_PPSS do_DO use_VB a_AT cold_JJ frame_NN be_BE sure_JJ that
_CS its_PP$ ventilation_NN is_BEZ adequate_JJ ._. For_IN my_PP$ seedbed_NN I_PPS
S use_VB good_JJ garden_NN soil_NN with_IN a_AT little_AP sand_NN added_VBN to_T
O encourage_VB rooting_VBG ._. I_PPSS dig_VB it_PPO ,_, rake_VB it_PPO smooth_JJ
,_, sow_VB the_AT seeds_NNS and_CC wet_VB them_PPO down_RP with_IN a_AT fog_NN
spray_NN ._. Then_RB I_PPSS cover_VB the_AT sowing_NN with_IN a_AT board_NN ._.
This_DT keeps_VBZ it_PPO cool_JJ and_CC moist_JJ and_CC protects_VBZ it_PPO from
_IN birds_NNS ._. Ants_NNS carry_VB away_RB the_AT seeds_NNS so_CS better_JJR be
_BE sure_JJ that_CS there_EX are_BER no_AT ant_NN hills_NNS nearby_RB ._. When_W
RB the_AT first_OD sprinkling_NN of_IN green_NN appears_VBZ I_PPSS remove_VB the
_AT board_NN ._. A_AT light_JJ ,_, porous_JJ mulch_NN applied_VBN now_RB keeps_V
BZ the_AT roots_NNS cool_VB and_CC the_AT soil_NN soft_JJ during_IN these_DTS ea
rly_JJ days_NNS of_IN growth_NN ._. I_PPSS like_VB sawdust_NN for_IN this_DT ,_,
or_CC hay_NN ._. When_WRB they_PPSS have_HV 4_CD to_IN 6_CD leaves_NNS and_CC a
re_BER thrifty_JJ little_JJ plants_NNS ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ time_NN to_TO set_VB the
m_PPO out_RP where_WRB they_PPSS are_BER to_TO remain_VB ._. Every_AT time_NN yo
u_PPSS transplant_VB a_AT pansy_NN you_PPSS cause_VB its_PP$ flowers_NNS to_TO b
ecome_VB smaller_JJR ._. The_AT moral_NN is_BEZ :_: don't_DO* transplant_VB it_P
PO any_DTI oftener_RBR than_CS you_PPSS must_MD ._. As_QL soon_RB as_CS they_PPS
S are_BER large_JJ enough_QLP to_TO move_VB ,_, I_PPSS put_VB mine_PP$$ 9_CD inc
hes_NNS apart_RB where_WRB they_PPSS are_BER to_TO bloom_VB ._. I_PPSS put_VB a_
AT little_JJ scoop_NN of_IN pulverized_VBN phosphate_NN rock_NN or_CC steamed_VB
N bone_NN meal_NN into_IN each_DT hole_NN with_IN the_AT plant_NN ._. That_DT en
courages_VBZ rooting_VBG ,_, and_CC the_AT better_RBR developed_VBN the_AT roots
_NNS ,_, the_AT larger_JJR and_CC more_QL plentiful_JJ the_AT flowers_NNS ._. Pa
nsies_NNS are_BER gluttons_NNS ._. I_PPSS doubt_VB if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ possible_
JJ to_TO overfeed_VB them_PPO ._. I_PPSS spade_VB lots_NNS of_IN compost_NN into
_IN their_PP$ bed_NN ;_. ;_. lacking_VBG that_DT ,_, decayed_VBN manure_NN sprea
d_VBN over_IN the_AT bed_NN is_BEZ fine_JJ ._. One_CD year_NN I_PPSS simply_RB s
et_VBD the_AT plants_NNS in_IN the_AT remains_NNS of_IN a_AT compost_NN pile_NN
,_, to_IN which_WDT a_AT little_AP sand_NN had_HVD been_BEN added_VBN ,_, and_CC
I_PPSS had_HVD the_AT most_QL beautiful_JJ pansies_NNS in_IN my_PP$ ,_, or_CC a
ny_DTI of_IN my_PP$ neighbors'_NNS$ experience_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN th
e_AT rich_JJ soil_NN they_PPSS benefit_VB by_IN feedings_NNS of_IN manure_NN wat
er_NN every_AT other_AP week_NN ,_, diluted_VBN to_IN the_AT color_NN of_IN weak
_JJ tea_NN ._. As_CS a_AT substitute_NN for_IN this_DT ,_, organic_JJ fertilizer
_NN dissolved_VBN in_IN water_NN to_IN half_ABN the_AT strength_NN in_IN the_AT
directions_NNS ,_, may_MD be_BE used_VBN ._. They_PPSS need_VB mulch_NN ._. We_P
PSS put_VBD a_AT light_JJ mulch_NN over_IN the_AT seedlings_NNS ;_. ;_. now_RB w
e_PPSS must_MD use_VB a_AT heavy_JJ one_CD ._. Three_CD inches_NNS of_IN porous_
JJ material_NN will_MD do_DO a_AT good_JJ job_NN of_IN keeping_VBG weeds_NNS dow
n_RP and_CC the_AT soil_NN moist_JJ and_CC cool_JJ ._. When_WRB winter_NN comes_
VBZ be_BE ready_JJ with_IN additional_JJ mulch_NN ._. I_PPSS like_VB hay_NN for_
IN this_DT and_CC apply_VB it_PPO so_CS that_CS only_RB the_AT tops_NNS of_IN th
e_AT plants_NNS show_VB right_QL after_IN a_AT good_JJ frost_NN ._. That_WPS kee
ps_VBZ in_RP the_AT cold_JJ ,_, retains_VBZ moisture_NN and_CC prevents_VBZ the_
AT heaving_NN of_IN alternate_JJ freezing_VBG and_CC thawing_VBG ._. Don't_DO* m
iss_VB the_AT pansies_NNS that_WPS appear_VB from_IN time_NN to_IN time_NN throu
gh_IN the_AT winter_NN ._. Whenever_WRB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT thaw_NN or_CC a_AT
few_AP sunny_JJ days_NNS ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD be_BE likely_JJ to_TO find_VB a_AT b
rave_JJ little_JJ blossom_NN or_CC two_CD ._. If_CS those_DTS aren't_BER* enough
_AP for_IN you_PPO ,_, why_WRB not_* grow_VB some_DTI just_JJ for_IN winter_NN b
looming_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT pansies_NNS I_PPSS cherished_VBD most_RBT bloomed_VBD
for_IN me_PPO in_IN February_NP during_IN a_AT particularly_QL cold_JJ winter_NN
._. I_PPSS started_VBD the_AT seed_NN in_IN a_AT flat_NN in_IN June_NP and_CC s
et_VBD out_RP the_AT little_JJ pansies_NNS in_IN a_AT cold_JJ frame_NN ._. (_( A
n_AT unheated_JJ greenhouse_NN would_MD have_HV been_BEN better_JJR ,_, if_CS I_
PPSS had_HVD had_HVN one_CD ._. )_) The_AT plants_NNS took_VBD zero_CD nights_NN
S in_IN their_PP$ stride_NN ,_, with_IN nothing_PN but_IN a_AT mat_NN of_IN stra
w_NN over_IN the_AT glass_NN to_TO protect_VB them_PPO ._. In_IN response_NN to_
IN the_AT lengthening_VBG days_NNS of_IN February_NP they_PPSS budded_VBD ,_, th
en_RB bloomed_VBD their_PP$ 4-inch_JJ velvety_JJ flowers_NNS ._. That_DT cold_JJ
frame_NN was_BEDZ my_PP$ morale_NN builder_NN ;_. ;_. its_PP$ mass_NN of_IN bri
ght_JJ bloom_NN set_VBN in_IN a_AT border_NN of_IN snow_NN made_VBD my_PP$ spiri
ts_NNS rise_VB every_AT time_NN I_PPSS looked_VBD at_IN it_PPO ._. Like_CS straw
berries_NNS in_IN December_NP ,_, pansies_NNS are_BER far_QL more_QL exciting_JJ
in_IN February_NP than_CS in_IN May_NP ._. Try_VB that_DT late_JJ winter_NN pic
kup_NN when_WRB you_PPSS are_BER so_QL tired_VBN of_IN cold_JJ and_CC snow_NN th
at_CS you_PPSS feel_VB you_PPSS just_RB can't_MD* take_VB another_DT day_NN of_I
N it_PPO ._. The_AT day_NN will_MD come_VB ,_, in_IN midsummer_NN ,_, when_WRB y
ou_PPSS find_VB your_PP$ plants_NNS becoming_VBG ``_`` leggy_JJ ''_'' ,_, runnin
g_VBG to_IN tall-growing_JJ foliage_NN at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN blossoms_NN
S ._. Try_VB pegging_VBG down_RP each_DT separate_JJ branch_NN to_IN the_AT eart
h_NN ,_, using_VBG a_AT bobby_NN pin_NN to_TO hold_VB it_PPO there_RB ._. Pick_V
B the_AT flowers_NNS ,_, keep_VB the_AT soil_NN dampened_VBN ,_, and_CC each_DT
of_IN the_AT pegged-down_JJ branches_NNS will_MD take_VB root_NN and_CC become_V
B a_AT little_JJ plant_NN and_CC go_VB on_RP blooming_VBG for_IN the_AT rest_NN
of_IN the_AT season_NN ._. As_QL soon_RB as_CS an_AT experimental_JJ tug_NN assu
res_VBZ you_PPO that_CS roots_NNS have_HV taken_VBN over_RP ,_, cut_VB it_PPO of
f_RP from_IN the_AT mother_NN plant_NN ._. A_AT second_OD and_CC also_RB good_JJ
practice_NN is_BEZ to_TO shear_VB off_RP the_AT tops_NNS ,_, leaving_VBG an_AT
inch_NN high_JJ stub_NN with_IN just_RB a_AT leaf_NN or_CC two_CD on_IN each_DT
branch_NN ._. These_DTS cut-down_JJ plants_NNS will_MD bud_VB and_CC blossom_VB
in_IN record_NN time_NN and_CC will_MD behave_VB just_RB as_CS they_PPSS did_DOD
in_IN early_JJ spring_NN ._. I_PPSS like_VB to_TO shear_VB half_ABN my_PP$ plan
ts_NNS at_IN a_AT time_NN ,_, leaving_VBG one_CD half_ABN of_IN them_PPO to_TO b
lossom_VB while_CS the_AT second_OD half_ABN is_BEZ getting_VBG started_VBN on_I
N its_PP$ new_JJ round_NN of_IN blooming_VBG ._. Probably_RB no_AT one_PN needs_
VBZ to_TO tell_VB you_PPO that_CS the_AT way_NN to_TO stop_VB all_ABN bloom_NN i
s_BEZ to_TO let_VB the_AT blossoms_NNS go_VB to_IN seed_NN ._. Nature's_NN$ aim_
NN ,_, different_JJ from_IN ours_PP$$ ,_, is_BEZ to_TO provide_VB for_IN the_AT
coming_VBG generation_NN ._. That_DT done_VBN ,_, her_PP$ work_NN is_BEZ accompl
ished_VBN and_CC she_PPS ignores_VBZ the_AT plant_NN ._. Here_RB is_BEZ a_AT wor
d_NN of_IN advice_NN when_WRB you_PPSS go_VB shopping_VBG for_IN your_PP$ pansy_
NN seeds_NNS ._. Go_VB to_IN a_AT reputable_JJ grower_NN ,_, preferably_RB a_AT
pansy_NN specialist_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ no_AT harder_JJR to_TO raise_VB big_JJ
,_, healthy_JJ ,_, blooming_VBG plants_NNS than_CS weak_JJ ,_, sickly_JJ little_
JJ things_NNS ;_. ;_. in_IN fact_NN it_PPS is_BEZ easier_JJR ._. But_CC you_PPSS
will_MD never_RB get_VB better_JJR flowers_NNS than_CS the_AT seed_NN you_PPSS
grow_VB ._. Many_AP people_NNS think_VB that_CS pansies_NNS last_VB only_RB a_AT
few_AP weeks_NNS ,_, then_RB their_PP$ period_NN of_IN growth_NN and_CC bloom_N
N is_BEZ over_RP ._. That_DT is_BEZ not_* true_JJ ._. If_CS the_AT plants_NNS ar
e_BER cared_VBN for_IN and_CC protected_VBN over_IN the_AT winter_NN ,_, the_AT
second_OD year_NN is_BEZ more_QL prolific_JJ than_CS the_AT first_OD ._. Would_M
D you_PPSS like_VB to_TO grow_VB exhibition_NN pansies_NNS ?_. ?_. Remove_VB abo
ut_RB half_ABN the_AT branches_NNS from_IN each_DT plant_NN ,_, leaving_VBG only
_RB the_AT strongest_JJT with_IN the_AT largest_JJT buds_NNS ._. The_AT flowers_
NNS will_MD be_BE huge_JJ ._. Pansies_NNS have_HV character_NN ._. They_PPSS sti
ck_VB to_IN their_PP$ principles_NNS ,_, insist_VB upon_IN their_PP$ due_NN ,_,
but_CC grow_VB and_CC bloom_VB with_IN dependable_JJ regularity_NN if_CS given_V
BN it_PPO ._. Treat_VB them_PPO right_RB and_CC they'll_PPSS+MD make_VB a_AT sho
wing_NN every_AT month_NN in_IN the_AT year_NN except_IN the_AT frigid_JJ ones_N
NS ._. Give_VB them_PPO food_NN ,_, some_DTI shade_NN ,_, mulch_NN ,_, water_NN
and_CC more_AP food_NN ,_, and_CC they'll_PPSS+MD repay_VB your_PP$ solicitude_N
N with_IN beauty_NN ._. A_AT salad_NN with_IN greens_NNS and_CC tomato_NN is_BEZ
a_AT popular_JJ and_CC wonderfully_QL healthful_JJ addition_NN to_IN a_AT meal_
NN ,_, but_CC add_VB an_AT avocado_NN and_CC you_PPSS have_HV something_PN reall
y_QL special_JJ ._. This_DT delightful_JJ tropical_JJ fruit_NN has_HVZ become_VB
N well-known_JJ in_IN the_AT past_AP thirty_CD years_NNS because_CS modern_JJ tr
ansportation_NN methods_NNS have_HV made_VBN it_PPO possible_JJ to_TO ship_VB av
ocados_NNS anywhere_RB in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. It_PPS has_H
VZ a_AT great_QL many_AP assets_NNS to_TO recommend_VB it_PPO and_CC if_CS you_P
PSS haven't_HV* made_VBN avocado_NN a_AT part_NN of_IN your_PP$ diet_NN yet_RB ,
_, you_PPSS really_RB should_MD ._. You_PPSS will_MD find_VB that_DT avocado_NN
is_BEZ unlike_IN any_DTI other_AP fruit_NN you_PPSS have_HV ever_RB tasted_VBN .
_. It_PPS is_BEZ roughly_RB shaped_VBN like_CS a_AT large_JJ pear_NN ,_, and_CC
when_WRB properly_RB ripened_VBN ,_, its_PP$ dark_JJ green_JJ skin_NN covers_VBZ
a_AT meaty_JJ ,_, melon-like_JJ pulp_NN that_WPS has_HVZ about_RB the_AT consis
tency_NN of_IN a_AT ripe_JJ Bartlett_NP pear_NN ,_, but_CC oily_JJ ._. The_AT av
ocado_NN should_MD have_HV a_AT ``_`` give_NN ''_'' to_IN it_PPO ,_, as_CS you_P
PSS hold_VB it_PPO ,_, when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ ripe_JJ ._. The_AT flavor_NN is_BE
Z neither_CC sweet_JJ ,_, like_CS a_AT pear_NN ,_, nor_CC tart_JJ like_CS an_AT
orange_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ subtle_JJ and_CC rather_QL bland_JJ ,_, nut-like
_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT flavor_NN that_WPS might_MD take_VB a_AT little_QL ge
tting_NN used_VBN to_IN --_-- not_* because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ unpleasant_JJ ,_, b
ut_CC because_CS the_AT flavor_NN is_BEZ hard_JJ to_TO define_VB in_IN the_AT li
ght_NN of_IN our_PP$ experience_NN with_IN other_AP fruits_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB
it_PPS takes_VBZ several_AP ``_`` eatings_NNS ''_'' of_IN avocado_NN to_TO catch
_VB that_DT delightful_JJ quality_NN in_IN taste_NN that_WPS has_HVZ made_VBN it
_PPO such_ABL a_AT favorite_JJ throughout_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Once_CS you_PPS
S become_VB an_AT avocado_NN fan_NN ,_, you_PPSS will_MD look_VB forward_RB to_I
N the_AT season_NN each_DT year_NN with_IN eager_JJ anticipation_NN ._. Naturall
y_QL-HL dormant_JJ-HL and_CC-HL no_AT-HL spray_NN-HL danger_NN-HL Today_NR ,_, r
efrigerated_VBN carriers_NNS have_HV made_VBN the_AT shipping_NN of_IN avocados_
NNS possible_JJ to_IN any_DTI place_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT fruit_NN
is_BEZ allowed_VBN to_TO mature_VB on_IN the_AT tree_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BE
Z still_RB firm_JJ at_IN this_DT point_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ brought_VBN to_IN pa
cking_VBG houses_NNS ,_, cleaned_VBN and_CC graded_VBN as_IN to_IN size_NN and_C
C quality_NN ,_, and_CC packed_VBN in_IN protective_JJ excelsior_NN ._. The_AT f
ruit_NN is_BEZ then_RB cooled_VBN to_IN 42-degrees-F._NNS ,_, a_AT temperature_N
N at_IN which_WDT it_PPS lapses_VBZ into_IN a_AT sort_NN of_IN dormant_JJ state_
NN ._. This_DT cooling_NN does_DOZ not_* change_VB the_AT avocado_NN in_IN any_D
TI way_NN ,_, it_PPS just_RB delays_VBZ the_AT natural_JJ softening_NN of_IN the
_AT fruit_NN until_CS a_AT grovelike_JJ temperature_NN (_( room_NN temperature_N
N )_) is_BEZ restored_VBN ._. This_DT happens_VBZ on_IN the_AT grocer's_NN$ shel
f_NN or_CC in_IN your_PP$ kitchen_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL attractive_
JJ things_NNS about_IN avocados_NNS is_BEZ that_CS they_PPSS do_DO not_* require
_VB processing_VBG of_IN any_DTI kind_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT dyeing_VBG or
_CC waxing_VBG or_CC gassing_VBG needed_VBN ._. If_CS the_AT temperature_NN is_B
EZ controlled_VBN properly_RB ,_, the_AT avocado_NN will_MD delay_VB its_PP$ rip
ening_NN until_CS needed_VBN ._. And_CC unlike_IN other_AP fruits_NNS ,_, one_PN
cannot_MD* eat_VB the_AT skin_NN of_IN the_AT avocado_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ thic
k_JJ ,_, much_RB like_CS an_AT egg_NN plant's_NN$ skin_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS pois
on_NN sprays_NNS ,_, if_CS they_PPSS are_BER used_VBN ,_, present_VB no_AT hazar
d_NN to_IN the_AT consumer_NN ._. Nutritious_JJ-HL and_CC-HL a_AT-HL cholesterol
_NN-HL reducer_NN-HL Good_JJ taste_NN and_CC versatility_NN ,_, plus_CC safety_N
N from_IN spray_NN poisons_NNS would_MD be_BE enough_AP to_TO recommend_VB the_A
T frequent_JJ use_NN of_IN such_ABL a_AT fruit_NN ,_, even_RB if_CS its_PP$ nutr
itional_JJ values_NNS were_BED limited_VBN ._. Avocados_NNS ,_, however_WRB ,_,
are_BER very_QL rich_JJ in_IN nutrients_NNS ._. Their_PP$ main_JJS asset_NN is_B
EZ an_AT abundance_NN of_IN unsaturated_JJ fatty_JJ acids_NNS ,_, so_QL necessar
y_JJ for_IN maintaining_VBG the_AT good_JJ health_NN of_IN the_AT circulatory_JJ
system_NN ._. Aside_RB from_IN this_DT ,_, the_AT average_NN portion_NN contain
s_VBZ some_DTI protein_NN ,_, an_AT appreciable_JJ amount_NN of_IN vitamins_NNS
A_NN and_CC C_NN --_-- about_RB one-tenth_NN of_IN the_AT minimum_JJ daily_JJ re
quirement_NN ,_, and_CC about_RB a_AT third_OD of_IN the_AT official_JJ vitamin_
NN E_NN requirement_NN ._. The_AT B_NN vitamins_NNS are_BER well_RB represented_
VBN ,_, especially_RB thiamin_NN and_CC riboflavin_NN ._. Calcium_NN ,_, phospho
rus_NN and_CC iron_NN are_BER present_RB in_IN worthwhile_JJ amounts_NNS ,_, and
_CC eleven_CD other_AP minerals_NNS also_RB have_HV been_BEN found_VBN in_IN var
ying_VBG trace_NN amounts_NNS ._. None_PN of_IN these_DTS values_NNS is_BEZ dest
royed_VBN ,_, not_* significantly_RB altered_VBN by_IN refrigeration_NN storage_
NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Wilson_NP C._NP Grant_NP ,_, of_IN the_AT Veterans'_NNS$-TL Adm
inistration_NN-TL Hospital_NN-TL ,_, Coral_NN-TL Gables_NNS-TL ,_, Florida_NP ,_
, and_CC the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Miami_NP-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Medi
cine_NN-TL ,_, set_VBD out_RP to_TO discover_VB if_CS avocados_NNS ,_, because_R
B of_IN their_PP$ high_JJ content_NN of_IN unsaturated_JJ fatty_JJ acids_NNS ,_,
would_MD reduce_VB the_AT cholesterol_NN of_IN the_AT blood_NN in_IN selected_V
BN patients_NNS ._. The_AT study_NN comprised_VBD 16_CD male_JJ patients_NNS ,_,
ranging_VBG in_IN age_NN from_IN 27_CD to_IN 72_CD ._. They_PPSS were_BED put_V
BN on_IN control_NN diets_NNS to_TO determine_VB as_QL accurately_RB as_QL possi
ble_JJ ,_, the_AT normal_JJ cholesterol_NN level_NN of_IN their_PP$ blood_NN ._.
Then_RB they_PPSS were_BED given_VBN 1/2_CD to_IN 1-1/2_CD avocados_NNS per_IN
day_NN as_CS a_AT substitute_NN for_IN part_NN of_IN their_PP$ dietary_JJ fat_NN
consumption_NN ._. Five_CD ,_, four_CD ,_, three_CD ,_, two_CD ,_, one_CD ,_, f
ire_VB !_. !_. The_AT tremendous_JJ energy_NN released_VBN by_IN giant_JJ rocket
_NN engines_NNS perhaps_RB can_MD be_BE felt_VBN much_QL better_RBR than_CS it_P
PS can_MD be_BE heard_VBN ._. The_AT pulsating_VBG vibration_NN of_IN energy_NN
clutches_VBZ at_IN the_AT pit_NN of_IN your_PP$ stomach_NN ._. Never_QL before_R
B has_HVZ the_AT introduction_NN of_IN a_AT weapon_NN caused_VBD so_QL much_AP a
pprehension_NN and_CC fear_NN ._. Nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS are_BER fearsome_JJ ,_,
but_CC the_AT long-range_NN ballistic_JJ missile_NN gives_VBZ them_PPO a_AT ste
alth_NN and_CC merciless_JJ swiftness_NN which_WDT is_BEZ much_QL more_AP terrif
ying_JJ ._. A_AT great_JJ many_AP writers_NNS are_BER bewitched_VBN by_IN the_AT
apparently_RB overwhelming_JJ advantage_NN an_AT attacker_NN would_MD have_HV i
f_CS he_PPS were_BED to_TO strike_VB with_IN complete_JJ surprise_NN using_VBG n
uclear_JJ rockets_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ relatively_QL easy_JJ to_TO go_VB a_AT s
tep_NN further_RBR and_CC reason_VB that_CS an_AT attacker_NN ,_, in_IN possessi
on_NN of_IN such_JJ absolute_JJ power_NN ,_, would_MD simultaneously_RB destroy_
VB his_PP$ opponent's_NN$ cities_NNS and_CC people_NNS ._. With_IN a_AT nation_N
N defenseless_JJ before_IN it_PPO ,_, why_WRB would_MD the_AT attacker_NN spare_
VB the_AT victim's_NN$ people_NNS ?_. ?_. Wouldn't_MD* the_AT wanton_JJ destruct
ion_NN of_IN cities_NNS and_CC people_NNS be_BE the_AT logical_JJ act_NN of_IN c
omplete_JJ subjugation_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT nation_NN would_MD be_BE utterly_RB dev
astated_VBN ._. The_AT will_NN of_IN its_PP$ people_NNS ,_, so_QL crucial_JJ in_
IN time_NN of_IN peril_NN ,_, would_MD be_BE broken_VBN ._. Nuclear_JJ weapons_N
NS have_HV given_VBN the_AT world_NN the_AT means_NN for_IN self-destruction_NN
in_IN hours_NNS or_CC days_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC now_RB rockets_NNS have_HV given_V
BN it_PPO the_AT means_NN to_TO destroy_VB itself_PPL in_IN minutes_NNS ._. At_I
N this_DT point_NN it_PPS should_MD be_BE painfully_QL obvious_JJ that_CS cities
_NNS ,_, being_BEG ``_`` soft_JJ ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT people_NNS within_IN th
em_PPO are_BER ideally_RB suited_VBN to_IN destruction_NN by_IN nuclear_JJ weapo
ns_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, because_CS this_DT vulnerability_NN is_BEZ mutual_JJ ,
_, it_PPS is_BEZ to_IN the_AT advantage_NN of_IN neither_DTX side_NN to_TO destr
oy_VB the_AT opponent's_NN$ cities_NNS ,_, at_IN least_AP so_QL long_RB as_CS th
e_AT opponent_NN has_HVZ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS with_IN which_WDT to_TO effect_V
B reprisal_NN ._. It_PPS should_MD be_BE appallingly_QL apparent_JJ that_CS city
-trading_NN is_BEZ not_* a_AT profitable_JJ military_JJ tactic_NN ._. ICBMs_NPS
have_HV given_VBN us_PPO a_AT capability_NN which_WDT could_MD be_BE used_VBN in
_IN two_CD different_JJ ways_NNS ._. They_PPSS could_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO att
ack_VB a_AT nation's_NN$ people_NNS (_( which_WDT would_MD inevitably_RB mean_VB
the_AT loss_NN of_IN the_AT attacker's_NN$ own_JJ people_NNS )_) ,_, or_CC they
_PPSS could_MD be_BE used_VBN with_IN discrimination_NN to_TO destroy_VB the_AT
enemy's_NN$ military_JJ force_NN ._. If_CS our_PP$ national_JJ interest_NN lies_
VBZ in_IN being_BEG able_JJ to_TO fight_VB and_CC win_VB a_AT war_NN rather_IN t
han_IN committing_VBG national_JJ suicide_NN ,_, then_RB we_PPSS must_MD take_VB
a_AT much_QL more_QL penetrating_JJ look_NN at_IN ballistic_JJ missiles_NNS ._.
We_PPSS must_MD determine_VB whether_CS missiles_NNS can_MD win_VB a_AT war_NN
all_ABN by_IN themselves_PPLS ._. We_PPSS must_MD make_VB certain_JJ that_CS the
_AT aircraft_NN is_BEZ finished_VBN before_CS we_PPSS give_VB the_AT entire_JJ j
ob_NN to_IN the_AT missile_NN ._. Missiles_NNS are_BER very_QL valuable_JJ weapo
ns_NNS ,_, but_CC they_PPSS also_RB have_HV their_PP$ too_QL little_QL known_VBN
limitations_NNS ._. Because_RB of_IN a_AT missile's_NN$ ballistic_JJ trajectory
_NN ,_, the_AT location_NN of_IN a_AT fixed_VBN target_NN must_MD be_BE known_VB
N quite_QL accurately_RB ._. Placing_VBG missiles_NNS in_IN submarines_NNS ,_, o
n_IN barges_NNS ,_, railroads_NNS ,_, highways_NNS ,_, surface_NN vessels_NNS an
d_CC in_IN the_AT air_NN provides_VBZ them_PPO with_IN passive_JJ protection_NN
by_IN taking_VBG advantage_NN of_IN the_AT gravest_JJT weakness_NN of_IN long-ra
nge_NN ballistic_JJ missiles_NNS today_NR --_-- the_AT extreme_JJ difficulty_NN
of_IN destroying_VBG a_AT mobile_JJ or_CC moving_VBG target_NN with_IN such_JJ w
eapons_NNS ._. One_PN must_MD first_RB detect_VB a_AT fleeting_VBG mobile_JJ or_
CC moving_VBG target_NN ,_, decide_VB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ worthy_JJ of_IN dest
ruction_NN ,_, select_VB the_AT missile_NN to_TO be_BE fired_VBN against_IN the_
AT target_NN ,_, compute_VB ballistics_NNS for_IN the_AT flight_NN ,_, and_CC pr
epare_VB the_AT missile_NN for_IN firing_VBG ._. Even_RB if_CS all_ABN these_DTS
operations_NNS could_MD be_BE performed_VBN instantaneously_RB ,_, the_AT ICBM_
NN still_RB has_HVZ a_AT time_NN of_IN flight_NN to_IN the_AT target_NN of_IN ab
out_RB 30_CD minutes_NNS ._. Therefore_RB ,_, if_CS the_AT target_NN can_MD sign
ificantly_RB change_VB its_PP$ location_NN in_IN something_PN less_AP than_IN 30
_CD minutes_NNS ,_, the_AT probability_NN of_IN having_HVG destroyed_VBN it_PPO
is_BEZ drastically_QL lowered_VBN ._. Because_RB of_IN this_DT ,_, it_PPS would_
MD appear_VB inevitable_JJ that_CS an_AT increasing_VBG percentage_NN of_IN stra
tegic_JJ missiles_NNS will_MD seek_VB self-protection_NN in_IN mobility_NN --_--
at_IN least_AP until_CS missile_NN defenses_NNS are_BER perfected_VBN which_WDT
have_HV an_AT exceedingly_QL high_JJ kill_NN probability_NN ._. In_IN order_NN
to_TO destroy_VB the_AT enemy's_NN$ mobile_JJ ,_, moving_VBG ,_, or_CC imprecise
ly_QL located_VBN strategic_JJ forces_NNS ,_, we_PPSS must_MD have_HV a_AT hunte
r-killer_NN capability_NN in_IN addition_NN to_IN our_PP$ missiles_NNS ._. Until
_CS this_DT hunter-killer_NN operation_NN can_MD be_BE performed_VBN by_IN space
craft_NN ,_, manned_VBN aircraft_NN appear_VB to_TO be_BE the_AT only_AP means_N
N available_JJ to_IN us_PPO ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ reasonable_JJ that_CS if_CS gen
eral_JJ nuclear_JJ war_NN is_BEZ not_* to_TO be_BE one_CD cataclysmic_JJ act_NN
of_IN burning_VBG each_DT other's_AP$ citizens_NNS to_IN cinders_NNS ,_, we_PPSS
must_MD have_HV a_AT manned_VBN strategic_JJ force_NN of_IN long-endurance_NN a
ircraft_NN capable_JJ of_IN going_VBG into_IN China_NP or_CC Russia_NP to_TO fin
d_VB and_CC destroy_VB their_PP$ strategic_JJ forces_NNS which_WDT continued_VBD
to_TO threaten_VB us_PPO ._. Let_VB us_PPO suppose_VB the_AT Russians_NPS decid
e_VB to_TO build_VB a_AT rail-mobile_JJ ICBM_NN force_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ entir
ely_QL feasible_JJ to_TO employ_VB aircraft_NN such_JJ as_CS the_AT B-52_NN or_C
C B-70_NN in_IN hunter-killer_NN operations_NNS against_IN Soviet_NN-TL railway-
based_JJ missiles_NNS ._. If_CS we_PPSS stop_VB thinking_VBG in_IN terms_NNS of_
IN tremendous_JJ multimegaton_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS and_CC consider_VB emplo
ying_VBG much_QL smaller_JJR nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS which_WDT may_MD be_BE more_
QL appropriate_JJ for_IN most_QL important_JJ military_JJ targets_NNS ,_, it_PPS
would_MD seem_VB that_CS the_AT B-52_NN or_CC B-70_NN could_MD carry_VB a_AT gr
eat_QL many_AP small_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ._. An_AT aircraft_NN with_IN a_A
T load_NN of_IN small_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS could_MD very_QL conceivably_RB
be_BE given_VBN a_AT mission_NN to_TO suppress_VB all_ABN trains_NNS operating_V
BG within_IN a_AT specified_VBN geographic_JJ area_NN of_IN Russia_NP --_-- prov
ided_VBN that_CS we_PPSS had_HVD used_VBN some_DTI of_IN our_PP$ ICBMs_NN to_TO
degrade_VB Russia's_NP$ air_NN defenses_NNS before_CS our_PP$ bombers_NNS got_VB
D there_RB ._. The_AT aircraft_NN could_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO destroy_VB other
_AP mobile_JJ ,_, fleeting_VBG ,_, and_CC imprecisely_QL located_VBN targets_NNS
as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT known_VBN ,_, fixed_VBN and_CC hardened_VBN targets_
NNS which_WDT can_MD also_RB be_BE destroyed_VBN by_IN missile_NN ._. Why_WRB ,_
, then_RB ,_, aren't_BER* we_PPSS planning_VBG a_AT larger_JJR ,_, more_QL impor
tant_JJ role_NN for_IN manned_VBN military_JJ aircraft_NN ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ there_E
X any_DTI other_AP way_NN to_TO do_DO the_AT job_NN ?_. ?_. Survivability_NN of_
IN our_PP$ strategic_JJ forces_NNS (_( Polaris_NP ,_, mobile_JJ and_CC hardened_
VBN Minuteman_NP ,_, hardened_VBN Atlas_NP and_CC Titan_NP ,_, and_CC airborne_J
J Skybolt_NP )_) means_VBZ that_CS it_PPS will_MD take_VB some_DTI time_NN ,_, p
erhaps_RB weeks_NNS ,_, to_TO destroy_VB a_AT strategic_JJ force_NN ._. War_NN ,
_, under_IN these_DTS circumstances_NNS ,_, cannot_MD* be_BE one_CD massive_JJ e
xchange_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ devastation_NN ._. Forces_NNS will_MD survive_VB a_A
T surprise_NN attack_NN ,_, and_CC these_DTS forces_NNS will_MD give_VB depth_NN
,_, or_CC considerable_JJ duration_NN ,_, to_IN the_AT conflict_NN ._. The_AT f
orces_NNS which_WDT survive_VB the_AT initial_JJ attack_NN must_MD be_BE found_V
BN and_CC destroyed_VBN ._. Even_RB mobile_JJ forces_NNS must_MD be_BE found_VBN
and_CC destroyed_VBN ._. But_CC ,_, how_WRB does_DOZ one_PN go_VB about_RB the_
AT job_NN of_IN finding_VBG and_CC destroying_VBG mobile_JJ forces_NNS ?_. ?_. T
hey_PPSS are_BER not_* susceptible_JJ to_IN wholesale_JJ destruction_NN by_IN ba
llistic_JJ missile_NN ._. Some_DTI day_NN ,_, many_AP years_NNS in_IN the_AT fut
ure_NN ,_, true_JJ spacecraft_NN will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO find_VB and_CC dest
roy_VB mobile_JJ targets_NNS ._. But_CC until_CS we_PPSS have_HV an_AT effective
_JJ spacecraft_NN ,_, the_AT answer_NN to_IN the_AT hunter-killer_NN problem_NN
is_BEZ manned_VBN aircraft_NN ._. However_RB ,_, the_AT aircraft_NNS which_WDT w
e_PPSS have_HV today_NR are_BER tied_VBN to_IN large_JJ ,_, ``_`` soft_JJ ''_''
airfields_NNS ._. Nuclear_JJ rockets_NNS can_MD destroy_VB airfields_NNS with_IN
ease_NN ._. Here_RB then_RB is_BEZ our_PP$ problem_NN :_: aircraft_NN are_BER v
ital_JJ to_IN winning_VBG a_AT war_NN today_NR because_CS they_PPSS can_MD perfo
rm_VB those_DTS missions_NNS which_WDT a_AT missile_NN is_BEZ totally_QL incapab
le_JJ of_IN performing_VBG ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT airfield_NN ,_, on_IN which_WDT
the_AT aircraft_NN is_BEZ completely_QL dependent_JJ ,_, is_BEZ doomed_VBN by_I
N the_AT missile_NN ._. This_DT makes_VBZ today's_NR$ aircraft_NN a_AT one-shot_
JJ ,_, or_CC one_CD mission_NN ,_, weapon_NN ._. Aircraft_NN are_BER mighty_QL e
xpensive_JJ if_CS you_PPSS can_MD use_VB them_PPO only_QL once_RB ._. This_DT is
_BEZ the_AT point_NN on_IN which_WDT so_QL many_AP people_NNS have_HV written_VB
N off_RP the_AT aircraft_NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN the_AT missile_NN ._. But_CC re
member_VB this_DT --_-- it_PPS isn't_BEZ* the_AT aircraft_NN which_WDT is_BEZ vu
lnerable_JJ to_IN nuclear_JJ rockets_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT airfield_NN ._
. Eliminate_VB the_AT vulnerability_NN of_IN aircraft_NN on_IN the_AT ground_NN
and_CC you_PPSS have_HV essentially_RB eliminated_VBN its_PP$ vulnerability_NN t
o_IN long-range_NN ballistic_JJ missiles_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER four_CD rather
_QL obvious_JJ ways_NNS to_IN reduce_VB or_CC eliminate_VB the_AT vulnerability_
NN of_IN aircraft_NN on_IN the_AT ground_NN :_: Put_VB aircraft_NN in_IN ``_`` b
omb-proof_JJ ''_'' hangars_NNS when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER on_IN the_AT ground_NN
._. Build_VB long-range_NN aircraft_NN which_WDT can_MD take_VB off_RP from_IN
small_JJ (_( 3,000-foot_NN )_) airfields_NNS with_IN runways_NNS ._. If_CS we_PP
SS could_MD use_VB all_ABN the_AT small_JJ airfields_NNS we_PPSS have_HV in_IN t
his_DT country_NN ,_, we_PPSS could_MD disperse_VB our_PP$ strategic_JJ aircraft
_NN by_IN a_AT factor_NN of_IN 10_CD or_CC more_AP ._. Use_VB nuclear_JJ propuls
ions_NNS to_TO keep_VB our_PP$ long-range_NN military_JJ aircraft_NN in_IN the_A
T air_NN for_IN the_AT majority_NN of_IN their_PP$ useful_JJ life_NN ._. Using_V
BG very_QL high_JJ thrust-to-weight_JJ ratio_NN engines_NNS ,_, develop_VB a_AT
vertical-takeoff-and-landing_NN (_( VTOL_NP )_) long-range_NN military_JJ aircra
ft_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV the_AT technology_NN today_NR with_IN which_WDT to_TO
build_VB aircraft_NN shelters_NNS which_WDT could_MD withstand_VB at_IN least_A
P 200_CD Aj_NN ._. We_PPSS could_MD put_VB a_AT portion_NN of_IN our_PP$ strateg
ic_JJ bombers_NNS in_IN such_JJ shelters_NNS ._. Large_JJ ,_, long-range_NN bomb
ers_NNS can_MD be_BE developed_VBN which_WDT would_MD have_HV the_AT capability_
NN to_TO take_VB off_RP from_IN 3,000-foot_JJ runways_NNS ,_, but_CC they_PPSS w
ould_MD require_VB more_QL powerful_JJ engines_NNS than_CS we_PPSS have_HV today
_NR ._. There_EX is_BEZ little_AP enthusiasm_NN for_IN spending_VBG money_NN to_
TO develop_VB more_QL powerful_JJ engines_NNS because_CS of_IN the_AT erroneous_
JJ belief_NN that_CS the_AT aircraft_NN has_HVZ been_BEN made_VBN obsolete_JJ by
_IN the_AT missile_NN ._. This_DT same_AP preoccupation_NN with_IN missiles_NNS
at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN aircraft_NN has_HVZ resulted_VBN in_IN our_PP$ hal
f-hearted_JJ effort_NN to_TO develop_VB nuclear_JJ propulsion_NN for_IN aircraft
_NN ._. One_PN seldom_RB hears_VBZ the_AT analogy_NN ``_`` nuclear_JJ propulsion
_NN will_MD do_DO for_IN the_AT aircraft_NN what_WDT it_PPS has_HVZ already_RB d
one_VBN for_IN the_AT submarine_NN ''_'' ._. If_CS ,_, for_IN some_DTI reason_NN
such_JJ as_CS economy_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER not_* going_VBG to_TO develop_VB a
ircraft_NN nuclear_JJ propulsion_NN with_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN national_JJ urge
ncy_NN ,_, then_RB we_PPSS should_MD turn_VB our_PP$ effort_NN to_IN developing_
VBG jet_NN engines_NNS with_IN a_AT thrust-to-weight_JJ ratio_NN of_IN 12_CD or_
CC 15_CD to_IN one_CD ._. With_IN powerplants_NNS such_JJ as_CS these_DTS ,_, ve
rtical_JJ takeoff_NN and_CC landing_VBG combat_NN aircraft_NN could_MD be_BE bui
lt_VBN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, a_AT 12-to-one_CD engine_NN would_MD power_VB a
_AT supersonic_JJ VTOL_NN fighter_NN ._. With_IN a_AT 15-to-one_JJ engine_NN ,_,
a_AT supersonic_JJ aircraft_NN weighing_VBG 300,000_CD pounds_NNS could_MD rise
_VB vertically_RB ._. The_AT reason_NN that_CS we_PPSS are_BER not_* going_VBG a
head_RB full_JJ speed_NN to_TO develop_VB high_JJ thrust-to-weight_JJ engines_NN
S is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS would_MD cost_VB perhaps_RB a_AT billion_CD dollars_NNS
--_-- and_CC you_PPSS don't_DO* spend_VB that_DT sort_NN of_IN money_NN if_CS ai
rcraft_NNS are_BER obsolete_JJ ._. When_WRB aircraft_NNS are_BER no_QL longer_RB
R helpless_JJ on_IN airfields_NNS ,_, they_PPSS are_BER no_QL longer_RBR vulnera
ble_JJ to_IN Aj_NN ._. If_CS our_PP$ SAC_NN bombers_NNS were_BED ,_, today_NR ,_
, capable_JJ of_IN surviving_VBG a_AT surprise_NN missile_NN attack_NN and_CC be
cause_CS of_IN infinite_JJ dispersion_NN or_CC long_JJ endurance_NN had_HVD the_
AT capability_NN to_TO strike_VB at_IN Russia_NP again_RB ,_, and_CC again_RB ,_
, and_CC again_RB ,_, those_DTS bombers_NNS would_MD unquestionably_RB assure_VB
our_PP$ military_JJ dominance_NN ._. We_PPSS would_MD have_HV the_AT means_NNS
to_TO seek_VB out_RP and_CC destroy_VB the_AT enemy's_NN$ force_NN --_-- whether
_CS it_PPS were_BED fixed_VBN or_CC mobile_JJ ._. With_IN such_ABL a_AT force_NN
of_IN manned_VBN bombers_NNS we_PPSS could_MD bring_VB enormous_JJ pressure_NN
to_TO bear_VB on_IN an_AT enemy_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT pressure_NN would_MD be_BE
selective_JJ and_CC extremely_QL discriminating_JJ ._. No_AT need_NN to_TO kill
_VB an_AT entire_JJ city_NN and_CC all_ABN its_PP$ people_NNS because_CS we_PPSS
lacked_VBD the_AT precision_NN and_CC reconnaissance_NN to_IN selectively_RB di
sarm_VB the_AT enemy's_NN$ military_JJ force_NN ._. Our_PP$ first_OD necessity_N
N ,_, at_IN the_AT very_AP outset_NN of_IN war_NN ,_, is_BEZ post-attack_JJ reco
nnaissance_NN ._. In_IN a_AT few_AP years_NNS we_PPSS will_MD have_HV SAMOS_NN (
_( semiautomatic_JJ missile_NN observation_NN system_NN )_) ._. But_CC in_IN the
_AT case_NN of_IN moving_VBG targets_NNS ,_, and_CC targets_NNS which_WDT have_H
V limited_VBN mobility_NN ,_, what_WDT will_MD their_PP$ location_NN be_BE when_
WRB it_PPS is_BEZ time_NN to_TO destroy_VB them_PPO ?_. ?_. What_WDT targets_NNS
have_HV we_PPSS successfully_RB knocked_VBD out_RP ?_. ?_. A_AT ballistic_JJ mi
ssile_NN cannot_MD* ,_, today_NR ,_, tell_VB you_PPO if_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ succe
ssful_JJ or_CC unsuccessful_JJ ._. What_WDT targets_NNS still_RB remain_VB to_TO
be_BE hit_VBN ?_. ?_. These_DTS crucial_JJ questions_NNS must_MD be_BE answered
_VBN by_IN post-attack_JJ reconnaissance_NN ._. SAMOS_NP will_MD be_BE hard_RB p
ut_VBN to_TO see_VB through_IN clouds_NNS --_-- and_CC to_TO see_VB in_IN the_AT
dark_NN ._. Even_RB if_CS this_DT is_BEZ some_DTI day_NN possible_JJ ,_, there_
EX remains_VBZ the_AT 30-minute_JJ time_NN of_IN flight_NN of_IN a_AT missile_NN
to_IN its_PP$ overseas_JJ target_NN ._. If_CS the_AT target_NN can_MD change_VB
its_PP$ position_NN significantly_RB during_IN the_AT 30_CD minutes_NNS the_AT
missile_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_AT air_NN on_IN its_PP$ way_NN ,_, the_AT probabilit
y_NN of_IN the_AT missile_NN destroying_VBG the_AT target_NN is_BEZ drastically_
QL reduced_VBN ._. Pre-attack_JJ reconnaissance_NN is_BEZ vital_JJ but_CC only_R
B post-attack_JJ reconnaissance_NN will_MD allow_VB us_PPO to_TO terminate_VB th
e_AT war_NN favorably_RB ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE priceless_JJ to_TO have_HV an
_AT aircraft_NN to_TO gather_VB that_DT post-attack_JJ reconnaissance_NN ._. It_
PPS could_MD operate_VB under_IN the_AT clouds_NNS and_CC perform_VB infrared_JJ
photography_NN through_IN clouds_NNS and_CC at_IN night_NN ._. It_PPS would_MD
be_BE even_QL more_QL valuable_JJ because_CS that_DT same_AP aircraft_NN could_M
D immediately_RB destroy_VB any_DTI targets_NNS it_PPS discovered_VBD --_-- no_A
T need_NN to_TO wait_VB for_IN a_AT missile_NN to_TO come_VB all_ABN the_AT way_
NN from_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL with_IN the_AT chance_NN that_CS t
he_AT target_NN ,_, if_CS it_PPS were_BED mobile_JJ ,_, would_MD be_BE gone_VBN
._. A_AT large_JJ aircraft_NN ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT B-52_NN or_CC B-70_NN ,_,
could_MD carry_VB perhaps_RB 50_CD or_CC 100_CD small_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS
._. Few_AP people_NNS realize_VB that_CS one_CD kiloton_NN of_IN nuclear_JJ exp
losive_JJ power_NN will_MD create_VB 1,000_CD psi_NN overpressure_NN at_IN 100_C
D feet_NNS ._. Or_CC put_VBN another_DT way_NN ,_, the_AT hardest_JJT missile_NN
site_NN planned_VBN today_NR could_MD be_BE destroyed_VBN by_IN placing_VBG a_A
T one-kiloton_NN warhead_NN (_( 1/20th_OD the_AT size_NN of_IN those_DTS used_VB
N in_IN Hiroshima_NP and_CC Nagasaki_NP )_) within_IN 100_CD to_IN 200_CD feet_N
NS of_IN the_AT target_NN !_. !_. It_PPS is_BEZ our_PP$ lack_NN of_IN extreme_JJ
accuracy_NN which_WDT forces_VBZ the_AT use_NN of_IN very_QL large_JJ yield_NN
nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ._. Today_NR we_PPSS have_HV side-looking_JJ radar_NN whi
ch_WDT has_HVZ such_JJ high_JJ resolution_NN that_CS the_AT radar_NN picture_NN
clearly_RB shows_VBZ individual_JJ buildings_NNS ,_, runways_NNS ,_, taxi-ways_N
NS ,_, separate_JJ spans_NNS of_IN bridges_NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. With_IN these_DTS
keen_JJ ``_`` eyes_NNS ''_'' and_CC small_JJ nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS delivered_V
BN with_IN accuracy_NN ,_, military_JJ forces_NNS can_MD be_BE directly_RB attac
ked_VBN with_IN minimum_JJ damage_NN to_IN urban_JJ areas_NNS ._. If_CS we_PPSS
fail_VB to_TO develop_VB the_AT means_NN to_TO hunt_VB down_RP and_CC destroy_VB
the_AT enemy's_NN$ military_JJ force_NN with_IN extreme_JJ care_NN and_CC preci
sion_NN ,_, and_CC if_CS war_NN comes_VBZ in_IN spite_NN of_IN our_PP$ most_QL a
rdent_JJ desires_NNS for_CS peace_NN ,_, our_PP$ choice_NN of_IN alternatives_NN
S will_MD be_BE truly_QL frightening_VBG ._. The_AT lyric_JJ beauties_NNS of_IN
Schubert's_NP$ Trout_NN-TL Quintet_NN-TL --_-- its_PP$ elemental_JJ rhythms_NNS
and_CC infectious_JJ melodies_NNS --_-- make_VB it_PPO a_AT source_NN of_IN pure
_JJ pleasure_NN for_IN almost_QL all_ABN music_NN listeners_NNS ._. But_CC for_I
N students_NNS of_IN musical_JJ forms_NNS and_CC would-be_JJ classifiers_NNS ,_,
the_AT work_NN presents_VBZ its_PP$ problems_NNS ._. Since_CS it_PPS requires_V
BZ only_RB five_CD players_NNS ,_, it_PPS would_MD seem_VB to_TO fall_VB into_IN
the_AT category_NN of_IN chamber_NN music_NN --_-- yet_CC it_PPS calls_VBZ for_
IN a_AT double_JJ bass_NN ,_, an_AT instrument_NN generally_RB regarded_VBN as_C
S symphonic_JJ ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT piece_NN is_BEZ written_VBN in_IN five
_CD movements_NNS ,_, rather_IN than_IN the_AT conventional_JJ four_CD of_IN mos
t_AP quintets_NNS ,_, and_CC this_DT gives_VBZ the_AT opus_NN a_AT serenade_NN o
r_CC divertimento_NN flavor_NN ._. The_AT many_AP and_CC frequent_JJ performance
s_NNS of_IN the_AT Trout_NN-TL serve_VB to_TO emphasize_VB the_AT dual_JJ nature
_NN of_IN its_PP$ writing_NN ._. Some_DTI renditions_NNS are_BER of_IN symphonic
_JJ dimensions_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT contrabass_NN given_VBN free_JJ rein_NN ._
. Other_AP interpretations_NNS present_VB the_AT music_NN as_CS an_AT essentiall
y_RB intimate_JJ creation_NN ._. In_IN these_DTS readings_NNS ,_, the_AT double_
JJ bass_NN is_BEZ either_CC kept_VBN discreetly_RB in_IN the_AT background_NN ,_
, or_CC it_PPS is_BEZ dressed_VBN in_IN clown's_NN$ attire_NN --_-- the_AT music
al_JJ equivalent_JJ of_IN a_AT bull_NN in_IN a_AT china_NN shop_NN ._. Recently_
RB I_PPSS was_BEDZ struck_VBN anew_RB by_IN the_AT divergent_JJ approaches_NNS ,
_, when_WRB in_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN one_CD afternoon_NN and_CC evening_NN I
_PPSS listened_VBD to_IN no_AT fewer_AP than_CS ten_CD different_JJ performances
_NNS ._. The_AT occasion_NN for_IN this_DT marathon_NN :_: Angel's_NN$-TL long-a
waited_JJ reissue_NN in_IN its_PP$ ``_`` Great_JJ-TL Recordings_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL
The_AT-TL Century_NN-TL ''_'' series_NN of_IN the_AT Schnabel-Pro_NP Arte_FW-NN-
TL version_NN ._. Let_VB me_PPO say_VB at_IN the_AT outset_NN that_CS the_AT mus
ic_NN sounded_VBD as_QL sparkling_JJ on_IN the_AT last_AP playing_NN as_CS it_PP
S did_DOD on_IN the_AT first_OD ._. Whether_CS considered_VBN alone_RB or_CC in_
IN relation_NN to_IN other_AP editions_NNS ,_, COLH_NN 40_CD is_BEZ a_AT documen
t_NN of_IN prime_JJ importance_NN ._. Artur_NP Schnabel_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN
the_AT greatest_JJT Schubert-Beethoven-Mozart_NP players_NNS of_IN all_ABN time
_NN ,_, and_CC any_DTI commentary_NN of_IN his_PP$$ on_IN this_DT repertory_NN i
s_BEZ valuable_JJ ._. But_CC Schnabel_NP was_BEDZ a_AT great_JJ teacher_NN in_IN
addition_NN to_IN being_BEG a_AT great_JJ performer_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT fact_N
N that_CS four_CD of_IN the_AT ten_CD versions_NNS I_PPSS listened_VBD to_IN are
_BER by_IN Schnabel_NP pupils_NNS (_( Clifford_NP Curzon_NP ,_, Frank_NP Glazer_
NP ,_, Adrian_NP Aeschbacher_NP ,_, and_CC Victor_NP Babin_NP )_) also_RB sheds_
VBZ light_NN on_IN the_AT master's_NN$ pedagogical_JJ skills_NNS ._. Certain_JJ
pianistic_JJ traits_NNS are_BER common_JJ to_IN all_QL five_CD Schnabelian_JJ re
nditions_NNS ,_, most_QL notably_RB the_AT ``_`` Schnabel_NP trill_NN ''_'' (_(
which_WDT differs_VBZ from_IN the_AT conventional_JJ trill_NN in_IN that_CS the_
AT two_CD notes_NNS are_BER struck_VBN simultaneously_RB )_) ._. But_CC the_AT m
ost_QL impressive_JJ testimony_NN to_IN Schnabel's_NP$ distinction_NN as_CS a_AT
teacher_NN is_BEZ reflected_VBN by_IN the_AT individuality_NN which_WDT marks_V
BZ each_DT student's_NN$ approach_NN as_QL distinctly_RB his_PP$ own_JJ ._. Schn
abel's_NP$ emphasis_NN on_IN structural_JJ clarity_NN ,_, his_PP$ innate_JJ rhyt
hmic_JJ vibrancy_NN ,_, and_CC impetuous_JJ intensity_NN all_ABN tend_VB to_TO s
tamp_VB his_PP$ reading_NN as_CS a_AT symphonic_JJ one_CD ._. Yet_CC no_AT detai
l_NN was_BEDZ too_QL small_JJ to_TO receive_VB attention_NN from_IN this_DT mast
er_NN ,_, and_CC as_CS a_AT result_NN the_AT playing_NN here_RB has_HVZ humor_NN
,_, delicacy_NN ,_, and_CC radiant_JJ humanity_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT serio
us-minded_JJ interpretation_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ never_RB strait-laced_JJ
._. And_CC although_CS Schnabel's_NP$ pianism_NN bristles_VBZ with_IN excitemen
t_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ meticulously_QL faithful_JJ to_IN Schubert's_NP$ dynamic_
JJ markings_NNS and_CC phrase_NN indications_NNS ._. The_AT piano_NN performance
_NN on_IN this_DT Trout_NN-TL is_BEZ one_CD that_WPS really_RB demands_VBZ a_AT
search_NN for_IN superlatives_NNS ._. About_IN the_AT Pro_FW-IN-TL Arte's_FW-NN$
-TL contribution_NN I_PPSS am_BEM less_QL happy_JJ ._. I_PPSS ,_, for_IN one_CD
,_, rather_RB regret_VB that_CS Schnabel_NP didn't_DOD* collaborate_VB with_IN t
he_AT Budapest_NP-TL Quartet_NN-TL ,_, whose_WP$ rugged_JJ ,_, athletic_JJ playi
ng_NN was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ deal_NN closer_RBR to_IN this_DT pianist's_NN$ inter
pretative_JJ outlook_NN than_CS the_AT style_NN of_IN the_AT Belgian_JJ group_NN
._. From_IN a_AT technical_JJ standpoint_NN ,_, the_AT string_NN playing_NN is_
BEZ good_JJ ,_, but_CC the_AT Pro_FW-IN-TL Arte_FW-NN-TL people_NNS fail_VB to_T
O enter_VB into_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN things_NNS here_RB ._. The_AT violinis
t_NN ,_, in_IN particular_JJ ,_, is_BEZ very_QL indulgent_JJ with_IN swoops_NNS
and_CC slides_NNS ,_, and_CC his_PP$ tone_NN is_BEZ pinched_VBN and_CC edgy_JJ .
_. The_AT twenty-five-year-old_JJ recording_NN offers_VBZ rather_QL faded_VBN st
ring_NN tone_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT balance_NN between_IN the_AT instruments_NNS i
s_BEZ good_JJ and_CC the_AT transfer_NN is_BEZ very_QL quiet_JJ ._. There_EX is_
BEZ a_AT break_NN in_IN continuity_NN just_QL before_IN the_AT fourth_OD variati
on_NN in_IN the_AT ``_`` Forellen_FW-NN-TL ''_'' movement_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS s
uspect_VB that_CS this_DT is_BEZ due_JJ to_IN imperfect_JJ splicing_NN between_I
N sides_NNS of_IN the_AT original_JJ Aj_NN ._. Turning_VBG to_IN the_AT more_QL
modern_JJ versions_NNS ,_, Curzon's_NP$ (_( London_NP )_) offers_VBZ the_AT most
_QL sophisticated_JJ keyboard_NN work_NN ._. Every_AT detail_NN in_IN his_PP$ in
terpretation_NN has_HVZ been_BEN beautifully_RB thought_VBN out_RP ,_, and_CC of
_IN these_DTS I_PPSS would_MD especially_RB cite_VB the_AT delicious_JJ laendler
_FW-NN touch_NN the_AT pianist_NN brings_VBZ to_IN the_AT fifth_OD variation_NN
(_( an_AT obvious_JJ indication_NN that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ playing_VBG with_IN Vie
nnese_JJ musicians_NNS )_) ,_, and_CC the_AT gossamer_NN shading_NN throughout_I
N ._. Some_DTI of_IN Curzon's_NP$ playing_NN strikes_VBZ me_PPO as_CS finicky_JJ
,_, however_RB ._. Why_WRB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, does_DOZ he_PPS favor_VB t
wo_CD tempos_NNS ,_, rather_IN than_IN one_CD ,_, for_IN the_AT third_OD movemen
t_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT assisting_VBG musicians_NNS from_IN the_AT Vienna_NP-TL Octe
t_NN-TL are_BER somewhat_QL lacking_VBG in_IN expertise_NN ,_, but_CC their_PP$
contribution_NN is_BEZ rustic_JJ and_CC appealing_JJ ._. (_( Special_JJ complime
nts_NNS to_IN the_AT double_JJ bass_NN playing_NN of_IN Johann_NP Krumpp_NP :_:
his_PP$ scrawny_JJ ,_, tottering_VBG sound_NN adds_VBZ a_AT delightful_JJ hilari
ty_NN to_IN the_AT performance_NN ._. )_) The_AT Glazer-Fine_NP Arts_NNS-TL edit
ion_NN (_( Concert-Disc_NP )_) is_BEZ a_AT model_NN of_IN lucidity_NN and_CC org
anization_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, moreover_RB ,_, a_AT perfectly_QL integrated_
VBN ensemble_NN effort_NN ._. But_CC having_HVG lived_VBN with_IN the_AT disc_NN
for_IN some_DTI time_NN now_RB ,_, I_PPSS find_VB the_AT performance_NN less_QL
exciting_JJ than_CS either_CC Schnabel's_NP$ or_CC Fleisher's_NP$ (_( whose_WP$
superb_JJ performance_NN with_IN the_AT Budapest_NP-TL Quartet_NN-TL has_HVZ st
ill_RB to_TO be_BE recorded_VBN )_) and_CC a_AT good_JJ deal_NN less_QL filled_V
BN with_IN humor_NN than_CS Curzon's_NP$ ._. Aeschbacher's_NP$ work_NN is_BEZ ve
ry_QL much_QL akin_JJ to_IN Schnabel's_NP$ ,_, but_CC the_AT sound_NN on_IN his_
PP$ Decca_NP disc_NN is_BEZ dated_VBN ,_, and_CC you_PPSS will_MD have_HV a_AT h
ard_JJ time_NN locating_VBG a_AT copy_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT Hephzibah_NP-TL
Menuhin-Amadeus_NP-TL Quartet_NN-TL (_( Angel_NN-TL )_) and_CC Victor_NP Babin-
Festival_NP Quartet_NN-TL (_( RCA_NP Victor_NN-TL )_) editions_NNS give_VB us_PP
O superlative_JJ string_NN playing_NN (_( both_ABX in_IN symphonic_JJ style_NN )
_) crippled_VBN by_IN unimaginative_JJ piano_NN playing_NN ._. (_( Babin_NP has_
HVZ acquired_VBN some_DTI of_IN Schnabel's_NP$ keyboard_NN manner_NN ,_, but_CC
his_PP$ playing_NN is_BEZ of_IN limited_VBN insight_NN ._. )_) Badura-Skoda-Vien
na_NP Konzerthaus_FW-NN-TL (_( Westminster_NP )_) and_CC Demus-Schubert_NP-TL Qu
artet_NN-TL (_( Deutsche_FW-JJ-TL Grammophon_FW-NN-TL )_) are_BER both_ABX warm-
toned_JJ ,_, pleasantly_QL lyrical_JJ ,_, but_CC rather_QL slack_JJ and_CC tensi
onless_JJ ._. Helmut_NP Roloff_NP ,_, playing_VBG with_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN mu
sicians_NNS from_IN the_AT Bayreuth_NP-TL Ensemble_NN-TL ,_, gives_VBZ a_AT stur
dy_JJ reading_NN ,_, in_IN much_QL the_AT same_AP vein_NN as_CS that_DT of_IN th
e_AT last-mentioned_JJ pianists_NNS ._. Telefunken_NP has_HVZ accorded_VBN him_P
PO beautiful_JJ sound_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT bargain-priced_JJ disc_NN (_( it_PPS
sells_VBZ for_IN $2.98_NNS )_) is_BEZ worthy_JJ of_IN consideration_NN ._. Retu
rning_VBG once_RB again_RB to_IN the_AT Schnabel_NP reissue_NN ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM
beguiled_VBN anew_RB by_IN the_AT magnificence_NN of_IN this_DT pianist's_NN$ m
usical_JJ penetration_NN ._. Here_RB is_BEZ truly_RB a_AT ``_`` Great_JJ-TL Reco
rding_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Century_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC its_PP$ greatness_
NN is_BEZ by_IN no_AT means_NN diminished_VBN by_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS it_PP
S is_BEZ not_* quite_QL perfect_JJ ._. This_DT recording_NN surely_RB belongs_VB
Z in_IN everyone's_PN$ collection_NN ._. Must_MD records_NNS always_RB sound_VB
like_CS records_NNS ?_. ?_. From_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN commercial_JJ reco
rding_NN ,_, new_JJ discs_NNS purported_VBD to_TO be_BE indistinguishable_JJ fro
m_IN The_AT-TL Real_JJ-TL Thing_NN-TL have_HV regularly_RB been_BEN put_VBN in_I
N circulation_NN ._. Seen_VBN in_IN perspective_NN ,_, many_AP of_IN these_DTS r
eleases_NNS have_HV a_AT genuine_JJ claim_NN to_TO be_BE milestones_NNS ._. Alth
ough_CS lacking_VBG absolute_JJ verisimilitude_NN ,_, they_PPSS supply_VB the_AT
ear_NN and_CC the_AT imagination_NN with_IN all_QL necessary_JJ materials_NNS f
or_IN re-creation_NN of_IN the_AT original_NN ._. On_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN wh
at_WDT they_PPSS give_VB us_PPO we_PPSS can_MD know_VB how_WRB the_AT young_JJ C
aruso_NP sang_VBD ,_, appreciate_VB the_AT distinctive_JJ qualities_NNS of_IN Pa
rsifal_NP-TL under_IN Karl_NP Muck's_NP$ baton_NN ,_, or_CC sense_VB the_AT type
_NN of_IN ensemble_NN Toscanini_NP created_VBD in_IN his_PP$ years_NNS with_IN t
he_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Philharmonic_NN-TL ._. Since_CS the_AT concept_NN of_
IN high_JJ fidelity_NN became_VBD important_JJ some_DTI dozen_NN years_NNS ago_R
B ,_, the_AT claims_NNS of_IN technical_JJ improvements_NNS have_HV multiplied_V
BN tenfold_RB ._. In_IN many_AP cases_NNS the_AT revolutionary_JJ production_NN
has_HVZ offered_VBN no_AT more_AP than_CS sensational_JJ effects_NNS :_: the_AT
first_OD hearing_NN was_BEDZ fascinating_JJ and_CC the_AT second_OD disillusioni
ng_VBG as_CS the_AT gap_NN between_IN sound_NN and_CC substance_NN became_VBD cl
earer_JJR ._. Other_AP innovations_NNS with_IN better_JJR claims_NNS to_IN music
al_JJ interest_NN survived_VBD rehearing_VBG to_TO acquire_VB in_IN time_NN the_
AT status_NN of_IN classics_NNS ._. If_CS we_PPSS return_VB to_IN them_PPO today
_NR ,_, we_PPSS have_HV no_AT difficulty_NN spotting_VBG their_PP$ weaknesses_NN
S but_CC we_PPSS find_VB them_PPO still_RB pleasing_JJ ._. Records_NNS sound_VB
like_CS records_NNS because_CS they_PPSS provide_VB a_AT different_JJ sort_NN of
_IN experience_NN than_CS live_JJ music_NN ._. This_DT difference_NN is_BEZ made
_VBN up_RP of_IN many_AP factors_NNS ._. Some_DTI of_IN them_PPO are_BER obvious
_JJ ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT fact_NN that_CS we_PPSS associate_VB recorded_VBN a
nd_CC live_JJ music_NN with_IN our_PP$ responses_NNS and_CC behavior_NN in_IN di
fferent_JJ types_NNS of_IN environments_NNS and_CC social_JJ settings_NNS ._. (_
( Music_NN often_RB sounds_VBZ best_JJT to_IN me_PPO when_WRB I_PPSS can_MD dres
s_VB informally_RB and_CC sit_VB in_IN something_PN more_QL comfortable_JJ than_
CS a_AT theatre_NN seat_NN ._. )_) From_IN the_AT technical_JJ standpoint_NN ,_,
records_NNS differ_VB from_IN live_JJ music_NN to_IN the_AT degree_NN that_CS t
hey_PPSS fail_VB to_TO convey_VB the_AT true_JJ color_NN ,_, texture_NN ,_, comp
lexity_NN ,_, range_NN ,_, intensity_NN ,_, pulse_NN ,_, and_CC pitch_NN of_IN t
he_AT original_JJ ._. Any_DTI alteration_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN these_DTS factors
_NNS is_BEZ distortion_NN ,_, although_CS we_PPSS generally_RB use_VB that_DT wo
rd_NN only_RB for_IN effects_NNS so_QL pronounced_VBN that_CS they_PPSS can_MD b
e_BE stated_VBN quantitatively_RB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN standard_JJ tests_
NNS ._. Yet_CC it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT accumulation_NN of_IN distortion_NN ,_, the_
AT fitting_NN together_RB of_IN fractional_JJ bits_NNS until_CS the_AT total_NN
reaches_VBZ the_AT threshold_NN of_IN our_PP$ awareness_NN ,_, that_DT makes_VBZ
records_NNS sound_VB like_CS records_NNS ._. The_AT sound_NN may_MD be_BE good_
JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC if_CS you_PPSS know_VB The_AT-TL Real_JJ-TL Thing_NN-TL ,_, yo
u_PPSS know_VB that_CS what_WDT you_PPSS are_BER hearing_VBG is_BEZ only_RB a_AT
clever_JJ imitation_NN ._. Command's_NP$ new_JJ Brahms_NP Second_NN-TL is_BEZ a
_AT major_JJ effort_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT record_NN that_WPS sounds_VBZ like_CS
a_AT real_JJ orchestra_NN rather_IN than_IN a_AT copy_NN of_IN one_CD ._. Like_C
S the_AT recent_JJ Scheherazade_NP-TL from_IN London_NP (_( High_JJ-TL Fidelity_
NN-TL ,_, Sept._NP 1961_CD )_) ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ successful_JJ because_CS emphas
is_NN has_HVZ been_BEN placed_VBN on_IN good_JJ musical_JJ and_CC engineering_VB
G practices_NNS rather_IN than_IN on_IN creating_VBG sensational_JJ effects_NNS
._. Because_RB of_IN this_DT ,_, only_RB those_DTS with_IN truly_QL fine_JJ equi
pment_NN will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO appreciate_VB the_AT exact_JJ degree_NN of_
IN the_AT engineers'_NNS$ triumph_NN ._. The_AT easiest_JJT way_NN to_TO describ
e_VB this_DT release_NN is_BEZ to_TO say_VB that_CS it_PPS reproduces_VBZ an_AT
interesting_JJ and_CC effective_JJ Steinberg_NP performance_NN with_IN minimal_J
J alteration_NN of_IN its_PP$ musical_JJ values_NNS ._. The_AT engineering_NN as
_CS such_JJ never_RB obtrudes_VBZ upon_IN your_PP$ consciousness_NN ._. The_AT e
ffect_NN of_IN the_AT recording_NN is_BEZ very_QL open_JJ and_CC natural_JJ ,_,
with_IN the_AT frequency_NN emphasis_NN exactly_RB what_WDT you_PPSS would_MD ex
pect_VB from_IN a_AT live_JJ performance_NN ._. This_DT absence_NN of_IN peaky_J
J highs_NNS and_CC beefed-up_JJ bass_NN not_* only_RB produces_VBZ greater_JJR f
idelity_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS eliminates_VBZ listener_NN fatigue_NN ._. A_AT cont
ributing_VBG factor_NN is_BEZ the_AT perspective_NN ,_, the_AT uniform_NN aesthe
tic_JJ distance_NN which_WDT is_BEZ maintained_VBN ._. The_AT orchestra_NN is_BE
Z far_RB enough_QLP away_RB from_IN you_PPO that_CS you_PPSS miss_VB the_AT bow_
NN scrapes_VBZ ,_, valve_NN clicks_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP noises_NNS incidental
_JJ to_IN playing_VBG ._. Yet_CC you_PPSS feel_VB the_AT orchestra_NN is_BEZ nea
r_RB at_IN hand_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT individual_JJ instruments_NNS have_HV the_A
T same_AP firm_JJ presence_NN associated_VBN with_IN listening_VBG from_IN a_AT
good_JJ seat_NN in_IN an_AT acoustically_RB perfect_JJ hall_NN ._. Command_NN-TL
has_HVZ achieved_VBN the_AT ideal_JJ amount_NN of_IN reverberation_NN ._. The_A
T music_NN is_BEZ always_RB allowed_VBN the_AT living_VBG space_NN needed_VBN to
_TO attain_VB its_PP$ full_JJ sonority_NN ;_. ;_. yet_CC the_AT hall_NN never_RB
intrudes_VBZ as_CS a_AT quasi-performer_NN ._. The_AT timbre_NN remains_VBZ tha
t_DT of_IN the_AT instruments_NNS unclouded_JJ by_IN resonance_NN ._. All_ABN of
_IN this_DT would_MD be_BE wasted_VBN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, if_CS the_AT perfo
rmance_NN lacked_VBD authority_NN and_CC musical_JJ distinction_NN ._. For_IN me
_PPO it_PPS has_HVZ more_AP of_IN both_ABX elements_NNS than_CS the_AT majority_
NN of_IN its_PP$ competitors_NNS ._. Steinberg_NP seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV gone_V
BN directly_QL back_RB to_IN the_AT score_NN ,_, discounting_VBG tradition_NN ,_
, and_CC has_HVZ built_VBN his_PP$ performance_NN on_IN the_AT intention_NN to_T
O reproduce_VB as_QL faithfully_RB as_CS possible_JJ exactly_RB what_WDT Brahms_
NP set_VBD down_RP on_IN paper_NN ._. Those_DTS accustomed_VBN to_IN broader_JJR
,_, more_QL romantic_JJ statements_NNS of_IN the_AT symphony_NN can_MD be_BE ex
pected_VBN to_IN react_VB strongly_RB when_WRB they_PPSS hear_VB this_DT one_CD
._. Without_IN losing_VBG the_AT distinctive_JJ undertow_NN of_IN Brahmsian_JJ r
hythm_NN ,_, the_AT pacing_NN is_BEZ firm_JJ and_CC the_AT over-all_JJ performan
ce_NN has_HVZ a_AT tightly_QL knit_VBN quality_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ for_IN maxi
mum_JJ cumulative_JJ effect_NN ._. The_AT Presto_FW-JJ-TL Ma_FW-CC-TL non_FW-*-T
L assai_FW-RB-TL of_IN the_AT first_OD trio_NN of_IN the_AT scherzo_NN is_BEZ ta
ken_VBN literally_RB and_CC may_MD shock_VB you_PPO ,_, as_CS the_AT real_JJ All
egro_FW-JJ-TL con_FW-IN-TL Spirito_FW-NN-TL of_IN the_AT finale_NN is_BEZ likely
_JJ to_TO bring_VB you_PPO to_IN your_PP$ feet_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT end_NN ,_, h
owever_RB ,_, the_AT thing_NN about_IN this_DT performance_NN that_WPS is_BEZ mo
st_QL striking_JJ is_BEZ the_AT way_NN it_PPS sings_VBZ ._. Steinberg_NP obvious
ly_RB has_HVZ concluded_VBN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT lyric_JJ element_NN whi
ch_WDT must_MD dominate_VB in_IN this_DT score_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS manages_VBZ
at_IN times_NNS to_TO create_VB the_AT effect_NN of_IN the_AT whole_JJ orchestra
_NN bursting_VBG into_IN song_NN ._. The_AT engineering_NN provides_VBZ exactly_
RB the_AT support_NN needed_VBN for_IN such_ABL a_AT result_NN ._. Too_QL many_A
P records_NNS seem_VB to_TO reduce_VB a_AT work_NN of_IN symphonic_JJ complexity
_NN to_IN a_AT melody_NN and_CC its_PP$ accompaniment_NN ._. The_AT Command_NN-T
L technique_NN invites_VBZ you_PPO to_TO listen_VB to_IN the_AT depth_NN of_IN t
he_AT orchestration_NN ._. Your_PP$ ear_NN takes_VBZ you_PPO into_IN the_AT ense
mble_NN ,_, and_CC you_PPSS may_MD well_RB become_VB aware_JJ of_IN instrumental
_JJ details_NNS which_WDT previously_RB were_BED apparent_JJ only_RB in_IN the_A
T score_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT sort_NN of_IN experience_NN that_WPS makes_
VBZ the_AT concept_NN of_IN high_JJ fidelity_NN of_IN real_JJ musical_JJ signifi
cance_NN for_IN the_AT home_NR music_NN listener_NN ._. The_AT first_OD substant
ially_QL complete_JJ stereo_NN Giselle_NP-TL (_( and_CC the_AT only_AP one_CD of
_IN its_PP$ scope_NN since_IN Feyer's_NP$ four-sided_JJ LP_NN edition_NN of_IN 1
958_CD for_IN Angel_NN-TL )_) ,_, this_DT set_NN is_BEZ ,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM afraid_
JJ ,_, likely_JJ to_TO provide_VB more_QL horrid_JJ fascination_NN than_CS enjoy
ment_NN ._. The_AT already_RB faded_VBN pastel_NN charms_NNS of_IN the_AT naive_
JJ music_NN itself_PPL vanish_VB entirely_RB in_IN Fistoulari's_NP$ melodramatic
_JJ contrasts_NNS between_IN ultravehement_JJ brute_NN power_NN and_CC chilly_JJ
,_, if_CS suave_JJ ,_, sentimentality_NN ._. And_CC in_IN its_PP$ engineers'_NN
S$ frantic_JJ attempts_NNS to_TO achieve_VB maximum_JJ dynamic_JJ impact_NN and_
CC earsplitting_JJ brilliance_NN ,_, the_AT recording_VBG sounds_VBZ as_CS thoug
h_CS it_PPS had_HVD been_BEN ``_`` doctored_VBN for_IN super-high_JJ fidelity_NN
''_'' ._. The_AT home_NR listener_NN is_BEZ overpowered_VBN ,_, all_QL right_RB
,_, but_CC the_AT experience_NN is_BEZ a_AT far_RB from_IN pleasant_JJ one_CD .
_. As_CS with_IN the_AT penultimate_JJ Giselle_NP-TL release_NN (_( Wolff's_NP$
abridgment_NN for_IN RCA_NP Victor_NN-TL )_) I_PPSS find_VB the_AT cleaner_JJR ,
_, less_QL razor-edged_JJ monophonic_JJ version_NN ,_, for_IN all_ABN its_PP$ la
ck_NN of_IN big-stage_NN spaciousness_NN ,_, the_AT more_QL aurally_RB tolerable
_JJ --_-- but_CC this_DT may_MD be_BE the_AT result_NN of_IN processing_VBG defe
cts_NNS in_IN my_PP$ SD_NN copies_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT Westminster_NP-TL KC_NN-T
L Dog_NN-TL Show_NN-TL in_IN Madison_NP-TL Square_NN-TL Garden_NN-TL ,_, New_JJ-
TL York_NP-TL on_IN the_AT second_OD day_NN ,_, the_AT Finals_NNS-TL of_IN the_A
T Junior_JJ-TL Class_NN-TL brought_VBD out_RP the_AT most_QL competitive_JJ comp
etition_NN in_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN this_DT Class_NN-TL ._. The_AT Class_NN
-TL had_HVD entries_NNS from_IN as_QL far_RB west_NR as_CS Wisconsin_NP and_CC a
s_QL far_RB south_NR as_CS Kentucky_NP ._. This_DT year_NN several_AP entries_NN
S from_IN Canada_NP were_BED entered_VBN which_WDT made_VBD the_AT Junior_JJ-TL
Class_NN-TL International_JJ-TL ._. Forty-six_CD of_IN the_AT 53_CD Juniors_NNS-
TL who_WPS mailed_VBD in_RP entries_NNS were_BED present_RB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ
interesting_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS many_AP of_IN these_DTS Juniors_NNS-TL were
_BED showing_VBG dogs_NNS in_IN various_JJ other_AP classes_NNS at_IN the_AT sho
w_NN prior_RB to_IN the_AT Finals_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Class_NN-TL .
_. As_CS has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT custom_NN for_IN the_AT past_AP several_AP year
s_NNS ,_, John_NP Cross_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, Bench_NN-TL Show_NN-TL Chmn._NN-TL of_
IN Westminster_NP ,_, arranged_VBD for_IN the_AT Juniors'_NNS$-TL meeting_NN bef
ore_IN the_AT Class_NN-TL ,_, and_CC invited_VBD two_CD speakers_NNS from_IN the
_AT dog_NN world_NN to_TO address_VB them_PPO ._. Over_RP 60_CD Juniors_NNS-TL ,
_, parents_NNS and_CC guests_NNS attended_VBD ._. Mrs._NP-HL William_NP-HL H._NP
-HL Long_NP-HL ,_,-HL Jr._NP-HL speaks_VBZ-HL After_CS the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL wer
e_BED welcomed_VBN and_CC congratulated_VBN for_IN qualifying_VBG for_IN the_AT
Finals_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Class_NN-TL ,_, Mrs._NP William_NP H._NP
Long_NP ,_, Jr._NP was_BEDZ introduced_VBN as_CS the_AT first_OD speaker_NN ._.
In_IN her_PP$ opening_VBG remarks_NNS Mrs._NP Long_NP also_RB welcomed_VBD the_
AT Juniors_NNS-TL and_CC stated_VBD ,_, ``_`` There_EX isn't_BEZ* any_DTI other_
AP show_NN quite_QL like_CS Westminster_NP ._. I_PPSS know_VB because_CS this_DT
is_BEZ my_PP$ 37th_OD year_NN with_IN hardly_RB a_AT break_NN ._. Mrs._NP Long_
NP still_RB feels_VBZ the_AT same_AP unique_JJ spirit_NN of_IN Westminster_NP wh
ich_WDT she_PPS stated_VBD the_AT present_JJ Juniors_NNS-TL will_MD experience_V
B today_NR but_CC probably_RB will_MD not_* appreciate_VB in_IN full_JJ for_IN a
_AT number_NN of_IN years_NNS ._. Twenty_CD years_NNS ago_RB her_PP$ daughter_NN
Betsey_NP Long_NP ,_, then_RB 13_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN ,_, won_VBD the_AT G
rand_JJ-TL Challenge_NN-TL Trophy_NN-TL ,_, Children's_NNS$-TL Handling_VBG-TL C
lass_NN-TL (_( as_CS they_PPSS were_BED called_VBN then_RB )_) at_IN Westminster
_NP ._. No_AT sooner_RBR had_HVD Betsey_NP come_VB out_IN of_IN the_AT ring_NN t
han_CS Mrs._NP Long_NP walked_VBD into_IN the_AT Working_VBG-TL Competition_NN-T
L with_IN Ch._NN-TL Cadet_NN-TL or_CC Noranda_NP ,_, another_DT home-bred_JJ pro
duct_NN ,_, and_CC won_VBD !_. !_. Speaking_VBG from_IN long_JJ years_NNS of_IN
experience_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Long_NP advised_VBD the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL :_: ``_`` Wh
en_WRB showing_VBG dogs_NNS ceases_VBZ to_TO be_BE fun_NN and_CC excitement_NN ,
_, stop_VB !_. !_. Dogs_NNS have_HV a_AT way_NN of_IN sensing_VBG our_PP$ feelin
gs_NNS !_. !_. When_WRB you_PPSS and_CC your_PP$ dog_NN step_VB into_IN the_AT J
unior_JJ-TL ring_NN ,_, it_PPS should_MD be_BE just_RB what_WDT the_AT dog_NN wa
nts_VBZ to_TO do_DO as_QL much_RB as_CS what_WDT you_PPSS want_VB him_PPO to_TO
do_DO ._. If_CS you_PPSS walk_VB into_IN the_AT ring_NN because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ
fun_NN to_TO show_VB your_PP$ dog_NN ,_, he_PPS will_MD feel_VB it_PPO and_CC g
ive_VB you_PPO a_AT good_JJ performance_NN !_. !_. He_PPS knows_VBZ your_PP$ sig
nals_NNS ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ expected_VBN of_IN him_PPO and_CC the_AT way_NN the
_AT Class_NN-TL is_BEZ conducted_VBN ,_, right_QL up_RP through_IN the_AT flash-
bulbs_NNS of_IN the_AT photographers_NNS ''_'' ._. Right_JJ-HL attitude_NN-HL es
sential_JJ-HL !_.-HL !_.-HL ``_`` Take_VB away_RB your_PP$ attitude_NN ''_'' ,_,
said_VBD Mrs._NP Long_NP ,_, ``_`` and_CC what_WDT have_HV you_PPSS left_VBN ?_
. ?_. Either_CC a_AT nervous_JJ dog_NN because_CS you_PPSS are_BER livid_JJ with
_IN rage_NN --_-- a_AT sure_JJ sign_NN that_CS you_PPSS are_BER taking_VBG thing
s_NNS too_QL seriously_RB and_CC had_HVD better_RBR stop_VB !_. !_. Or_CC a_AT b
ored_VBN dog_NN because_CS you_PPSS are_BER more_QL interested_VBN in_IN somethi
ng_PN else_RB --_-- maybe_RB the_AT way_NN you_PPSS look_VB ,_, or_CC the_AT dat
e_NN you_PPSS have_HV after_IN the_AT Class_NN-TL ,_, or_CC you_PPSS are_BER jus
t_RB doing_VBG this_DT to_TO please_VB the_AT parents_NNS ._. ``_`` The_AT reaso
n_NN you_PPSS are_BER in_IN the_AT ring_NN today_NR is_BEZ to_TO show_VB your_PP
$ ability_NN to_TO present_VB to_IN any_DTI judge_NN the_AT most_QL attractive_J
J picture_NN of_IN your_PP$ dog_NN that_CS the_AT skillful_JJ use_NN of_IN your_
PP$ aids_NNS can_MD produce_VB ._. Aids_NNS sounds_VBZ more_RBR like_CS a_AT Pon
y_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ,_, or_CC horsemanship_NN classes_NNS --_-- riding_VBG a_AT h
orse_NN and_CC showing_VBG a_AT dog_NN are_BER very_QL similar_JJ !_. !_. ``_``
Your_PP$ aids_NNS are_BER your_PP$ attitude_NN ,_, which_WDT comes_VBZ through_I
N your_PP$ voice_NN ,_, your_PP$ hands_NNS and_CC legs_NNS --_-- voice_NN to_TO
encourage_VB ,_, discourage_VB or_CC whatever_WDT the_AT need_NN may_MD be_BE ;_
. ;_. hands_NNS to_TO guide_VB or_CC restrain_VB ;_. ;_. legs_NNS to_TO produce_
VB motion_NN and_CC rate_NN of_IN speed_NN ._. Without_IN right_JJ attitude_NN t
he_AT other_AP aids_NNS just_RB do_DO not_* work_VB right_RB ''_'' ._. Mrs._NP L
ong_NP wished_VBD all_ABN the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL luck_NN in_IN the_AT Class_NN-TL
and_CC stated_VBD ,_, ``_`` Have_HV fun_NN !_. !_. And_CC may_MD you_PPSS all_A
BN continue_VB to_TO show_VB at_IN Westminster_NP in_IN-HL the_AT-HL years_NNS-H
L to_TO-HL come_VB-HL ''_'' !_.-HL !_.-HL Harvey_NP-HL Barcus_NP-HL ,_,-HL secon
d_OD-HL speaker_NN-HL The_AT second_OD speaker_NN was_BEDZ Harvey_NP Barcus_NP ,
_, President_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Dog_NN-TL Writers_NNS-TL Ass'n_NN-TL of_IN-TL Am
erica_NP-TL ._. Mr._NP Barcus_NP spoke_VBD on_IN the_AT subject_NN of_IN scholar
ships_NNS for_IN Juniors_NNS-TL --_-- with_IN which_WDT he_PPS is_BEZ very_QL fa
miliar_JJ ._. Last_AP year_NN a_AT boy_NN he_PPS knows_VBZ and_CC helped_VBD in_
IN Journalism_NN-TL won_VBD the_AT Thoroughbred_NP-TL Racing_NN-TL Ass'n_NN-TL S
cholarship_NN-TL which_WDT is_BEZ worth_JJ $10,000_NNS ._. He_PPS gave_VBD a_AT
resume_NN of_IN the_AT steps_NNS taken_VBN in_IN order_NN for_CS the_AT boy_NN h
e_PPS sponsored_VBD to_TO win_VB the_AT scholarship_NN ._. ``_`` Junior_JJ-TL Sh
owmanship_NN-TL is_BEZ an_AT extremely_QL worthy_JJ project_NN and_CC should_MD
be_BE earnestly_RB encouraged_VBN ''_'' !_. !_. Is_BEZ one_CD of_IN Mr._NP Barcu
s'_NP$ strong_JJ beliefs_NNS ._. He_PPS feels_VBZ very_QL forcibly_RB that_CS th
e_AT American_JJ-TL Kennel_NN-TL Club_NN-TL should_MD take_VB a_AT more_QL activ
e_JJ part_NN in_IN encouraging_VBG the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Division_NN-TL !_. !_. In
_IN closing_VBG ,_, Mr._NP Barcus_NP also_RB wished_VBD all_ABN the_AT Juniors_N
NS-TL luck_NN in_IN their_PP$ Class_NN-TL ._. Westminster_NP-HL Show_NN-TL-HL No
tes_NNS-TL-HL Instead_RB of_IN 3_CD a.m._RB in_IN the_AT past_AP ,_, the_AT Juni
ors_NNS-TL Class_NN-TL at_IN Westminster_NP was_BEDZ held_VBN at_IN 4:45_CD p.m.
_RB ._. This_DT gave_VBD the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT entire
_JJ ring_NN at_IN the_AT show_NN --_-- a_AT great_JJ advantage_NN to_IN them_PPO
!_. !_. Before_CS the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL entered_VBD the_AT ring_NN the_AT Stewa
rd_NN-TL announced_VBD that_CS after_CS all_ABN Juniors_NNS-TL had_HVD moved_VBN
their_PP$ dogs_NNS around_IN the_AT ring_NN and_CC set_VBN them_PPO up_RP ,_, t
hey_PPSS could_MD relax_VB with_IN their_PP$ dogs_NNS ._. From_IN there_RB on_RP
,_, each_DT Junior_NN-TL was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE judged_VBN individually
_RB ._. This_DT thoughtful_JJ gesture_NN was_BEDZ well_RB received_VBN by_IN the
_AT Juniors_NNS-TL as_CS the_AT Class_NN-TL had_HVD an_AT entry_NN of_IN 46_CD J
uniors_NNS-TL and_CC it_PPS took_VBD approximately_RB one_CD hour_NN ,_, 45_CD m
inutes_NNS to_TO judge_VB the_AT Class_NN-TL ._. Anne_NP-HL Hone_NP-HL Rogers_NP
-HL judges_VBZ-HL 28th_OD-HL finals_NNS-HL This_DT year_NN Anne_NP Hone_NP Roger
s_NP ,_, outstanding_JJ Handler_NN-TL ,_, judged_VBD the_AT Class_NN-TL ._. This
_DT is_BEZ the_AT third_OD time_NN in_IN 28_CD years_NNS of_IN Junior_JJ-TL Show
manship_NN-TL at_IN Westminster_NP that_CS a_AT lady_NN Handler_NN-TL has_HVZ ju
dged_VBN the_AT Class_NN-TL ._. As_CS the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL entered_VBD the_AT r
ing_NN ,_, Mr._NP Spring_NP ,_, the_AT announcer_NN ,_, stated_VBD over_IN the_A
T public-address_NN system_NN that_CS this_DT was_BEDZ the_AT 28th_OD year_NN th
at_CS Westminster_NP has_HVZ held_VBN the_AT Finals_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT Junior_J
J-TL Competition_NN-TL ._. Juniors_NNS-TL competed_VBD last_AP year_NN at_IN Ame
rican_JJ-TL Kennel_NN-TL Club_NN-TL and_CC Canadian_JJ-TL Kennel_NN-TL Club_NN-T
L ,_, recognized_VBN shows_NNS to_TO be_BE eligible_JJ to_TO compete_VB in_IN th
is_DT Class_NN-TL --_-- the_AT Finals_NNS-TL for_IN the_AT year_NN ._. A_AT Juni
or_NN-TL who_WPS won_VBD two_CD or_CC more_AP wins_NNS in_IN the_AT Open_JJ-TL C
lass_NN-TL was_BEDZ eligible_JJ ._. (_( The_AT purpose_NN of_IN the_AT Junior_JJ
-TL Showmanship_NN-TL Competition_NN-TL is_BEZ to_TO teach_VB and_CC encourage_V
B Juniors_NNS-TL to_TO become_VB good_JJ sportsmen_NNS ._. Many_AP adults_NNS sh
owing_VBG at_IN Westminster_NP today_NR are_BER products_NNS of_IN this_DT Class
_NN-TL ._. )_) It_PPS seemed_VBD an_AT almost_QL impossible_JJ job_NN for_IN Mis
s_NP Rogers_NP to_TO select_VB 4_CD winners_NNS from_IN the_AT 46_CD Juniors_NNS
-TL entered_VBN ._. A_AT large_JJ number_NN of_IN these_DTS Juniors_NNS-TL have_
HV 7_CD and_CC 8_CD wins_NNS to_IN their_PP$ credit_NN and_CC are_BER seasoned_V
BN campaigners_NNS ._. After_CS the_AT judge_NN moved_VBD all_ABN the_AT dogs_NN
S individually_RB ,_, she_PPS selected_VBD several_AP from_IN the_AT group_NN an
d_CC placed_VBD them_PPO in_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT ring_NN ._. She_PPS
then_RB went_VBD over_IN them_PPO thoroughly_RB giving_VBG each_DT a_AT strenuo
us_JJ test_NN in_IN showmanship_NN ._. International_JJ-TL-HL Champion_NN-TL-HL
of_IN-HL the_AT-HL year_NN-HL Betty_NP Lou_NP Ham_NP ,_, age_NN 16_CD ,_, Holyok
e_NP ,_, Mass._NP ,_, showing_VBG an_AT Irish_JJ-TL Setter_NP-TL ,_, was_BEDZ ch
osen_VBN as_CS International_JJ-TL Champion_NN-TL of_IN the_AT year_NN ._. She_P
PS was_BEDZ awarded_VBN the_AT Professional_JJ-TL Handlers'_NNS$-TL Ass'ns'_NNS$
-TL Leonard_NP-TL Brumby_NP-TL ,_, Sr._NP-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Trophy_NN-TL (_( nam
ed_VBN for_IN the_AT founder-originator_NN of_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS
-TL ._. )_) Betty_NP is_BEZ 16_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN and_CC had_HVD several_
AP wins_NNS to_IN her_PP$ credit_NN last_AP year_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN
showing_VBG an_AT Irish_JJ-TL Setter_NP-TL throughout_IN the_AT year_NN ,_, she_
PPS also_RB scored_VBD with_IN an_AT Afghan_NP ._. Other_AP-HL winners_NNS-HL Sy
dney_NP Le_NP Blanc_NP ,_, age_NN 15_CD ,_, Staten_NP-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, N.Y._N
P ,_, showing_VBG a_AT Doberman_NP Pinscher_NP ,_, was_BEDZ 2nd_OD ._. Susan_NP
Hackmann_NP ,_, age_NN 14_CD ,_, from_IN Baltimore_NP ,_, Md._NP ,_, showing_VBG
a_AT Dachshund_FW-NN ,_, was_BEDZ 3rd_OD ._. Last_AP year_NN Susan_NP also_RB p
laced_VBD 3rd_OD in_IN the_AT Finals_NNS-TL at_IN Westminster_NP ._. From_IN the
_AT records_NNS we_PPSS keep_VB --_-- Susan_NP is_BEZ the_AT only_AP Junior_NN-T
L who_WPS has_HVZ placed_VBN in_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS-TL in_IN both
_ABX United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC Canada_NP ._. Karen_NP Marcmann_NP ,_, a
ge_NN 16_CD ,_, Trapp_NP ,_, Penna._NP ,_, showing_VBG a_AT Keeshond_NP was_BEDZ
4th_OD ._. Most_AP Juniors_NNS-TL who_WPS were_BED entered_VBN in_IN the_AT Fin
als_NNS-TL are_BER seasoned_VBN campaigners_NNS and_CC not_* only_RB show_VB and
_CC win_VB in_IN Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS-TL but_CC score_VB in_IN the_AT Breed_
NN-TL Classes_NNS-TL as_QL well_RB ._. Entries_NNS-HL increasing_VBG-HL --_---HL
requirements_NNS-HL raised_VBN-HL In_IN 1960_CD ,_, there_EX were_BED 7287_CD e
ntries_NNS in_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS-TL ._. Each_DT year_NN these_DT
S shows_NNS have_HV increased_VBN in_IN entries_NNS ._. Next_AP year_NN 1962_CD
,_, at_IN Westminster_NP ,_, the_AT Bench_NN-TL Show_NN-TL Committee_NN-TL has_H
VZ raised_VBN the_AT requirements_NNS so_CS that_CS a_AT junior_NN must_MD win_V
B 3_CD or_CC more_AP Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT open_JJ division_N
N only_RB to_TO qualify_VB for_IN Westminster_NP ._. Percy_NP Roberts_NP ,_, a_A
T leading_VBG judge_NN will_MD not_* be_BE at_IN the_AT International_JJ-TL Show
_NN-TL this_DT year_NN for_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Judging_NN-TL Contest_NN-TL as
_CS he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN invited_VBN to_TO judge_VB in_IN Australia_NP in_IN
March_NP ._. Judging_VBG-HL class_NN-HL for_IN-HL intermediates_NNS-HL proposed_
VBN-HL It_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN suggested_VBN many_AP times_NNS that_CS a_AT Clas
s_NN-TL be_BE set_VBN up_RP for_IN the_AT Juniors_NNS-TL who_WPS are_BER overage
_JJ and_CC cannot_MD* enter_VB the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS-TL ._. For_IN som
e_DTI time_NN this_DT writer_NN has_HVZ been_BEN suggesting_VBG a_AT Junior_JJ-T
L Judging_NN-TL Class_NN-TL for_IN Intermediates_NNS-TL over_RP 16_CD and_CC und
er_RB 20_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN who_WPS are_BER ineligible_JJ to_TO compete_V
B in_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Class_NN-TL ._. Such_ABL a_AT Class_NN-TL was_BEDZ t
ried_VBN out_RP successfully_RB at_IN the_AT Westchester_NP-TL KC_NN-TL Show_NN-
TL recently_RB ._. Not_* only_RB were_BED the_AT contestants_NNS pleased_VBN wit
h_IN the_AT Class_NN-TL ,_, but_CC it_PPS aroused_VBD the_AT interest_NN of_IN a
ll_ABN in_IN attendance_NN that_DT day_NN ._. The_AT Intermediates_NNS-TL in_IN
the_AT Class_NN-TL with_IN the_AT Judge_NN-TL were_BED asked_VBN to_TO pick_VB 4
_CD winners_NNS and_CC give_VB their_PP$ reasons_NNS but_CC their_PP$ decisions_
NNS did_DOD not_* affect_VB the_AT choice_NN of_IN the_AT Judge_NN-TL ._. We_PPS
S suggested_VBD this_DT Class_NN-TL in_IN the_AT horse_NN world_NN and_CC it_PPS
was_BEDZ accepted_VBN immediately_RB and_CC included_VBD in_IN the_AT programs_
NNS of_IN horse_NN shows_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT recent_JJ horse_NN show_NN convent
ion_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL it_PPS was_BEDZ stated_VBN that_CS this_DT Int
ermediate_JJ-TL Judging_NN-TL Class_NN-TL is_BEZ meeting_VBG with_IN great_JJ su
ccess_NN and_CC will_MD be_BE a_AT great_JJ help_NN to_TO future_JJ judges_NNS i
n_IN the_AT horse_NN world_NN ._. This_DT Class_NN-TL can_MD be_BE just_RB as_QL
successful_JJ in_IN the_AT dog_NN world_NN if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ given_VBN a_AT c
hance_NN ._. Last_AP year_NN Robert_NP Harris_NP ,_, a_AT leading_VBG Junior_JJ-
TL Handler_NN-TL entered_VBD the_AT Dog_NN-TL Judging_NN-TL Contest_NN-TL (_( Ju
nior_NP )_) at_IN the_AT International_JJ-TL KC_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicago_NP show_N
N and_CC had_HVD the_AT highest_JJT score_NN in_IN judging_VBG of_IN any_DTI Jun
ior_NN-TL since_IN the_AT Class'_NN$-TL inception_NN ._. Juniors_NNS who_WPS att
end_VB this_DT Chicago_NP show_NN should_MD make_VB a_AT point_NN to_TO enter_VB
this_DT Class_NN-TL as_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE of_IN great_JJ help_NN to_IN th
em_PPO ._. More_AP-HL volunteer_NN-HL handlers_NNS-HL needed_VBN-HL to_TO-HL jud
ge_VB-HL Superintendents_NNS at_IN dog_NN shows_NNS state_VB it_PPS is_BEZ becom
ing_VBG more_QL difficult_JJ to_TO obtain_VB a_AT licensed_VBN Handler_NN-TL to_
IN Judge_VB Junior_JJ-TL Showmanship_NN-TL Competition_NN-TL ._. The_AT founder_
NN of_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Showmanship_NN-TL Competition_NN-TL the_AT late_JJ
Leonard_NP Brumby_NP ,_, Sr._NP (_( for_IN whom_WPO the_AT trophy_NN is_BEZ name
d_VBN after_IN at_IN Westminster_NP )_) was_BEDZ an_AT outstanding_JJ Handler_NN
-TL and_CC believed_VBD a_AT Junior_NN-TL should_MD have_HV an_AT opportunity_NN
to_TO exhibit_VB in_IN a_AT dog_NN show_NN starting_VBG with_IN the_AT Junior_J
J-TL Showmanship_NN-TL Division_NN-TL ._. Some_DTI years_NNS ago_RB this_DT Clas
s_NN-TL was_BEDZ judged_VBN by_IN celebrities_NNS who_WPS knew_VBD nothing_PN of
_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ required_VBN of_IN a_AT Junior's_NN$-TL ability_NN to_TO s
how_VB a_AT dog_NN ._. To_TO overcome_VB this_DT unfair_JJ judging_NN ,_, the_AT
A.K.C._NP requires_VBZ that_CS a_AT licensed_VBN Handler_NN-TL be_BE present_RB
to_TO judge_VB the_AT Class_NN-TL ._. If_CS the_AT superintendents_NNS do_DO no
t_* receive_VB more_AP cooperation_NN from_IN Handlers_NNS-TL ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ
been_BEN suggested_VBN that_CS licensed_VBN Judges_NNS-TL also_RB be_BE qualifi
ed_VBN to_TO judge_VB this_DT Class_NN-TL ._. By_IN recognizing_VBG and_CC helpi
ng_VBG Juniors_NNS-TL get_VB interested_VBN in_IN the_AT dog_NN world_NN ,_, all
_ABN will_MD be_BE helping_VBG to_TO create_VB future_JJ dog_NN owners_NNS ._. O
ther_AP-HL awards_NNS-HL for_IN-HL Juniors_NNS-TL-HL The_AT Airedale_NP-TL Terri
er_NN-TL Club_NN-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-TL and_CC the_AT Kerry_NP-TL Blue_JJ-TL
Terrier_NN-TL Club_NN-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-TL have_HV under_IN consideration_N
N donating_VBG trophies_NNS to_IN the_AT boys_NNS or_CC girls_NNS who_WPS win_VB
with_IN their_PP$ breeds_NNS in_IN Junior_JJ-TL Showmanship_NN-TL Competition_N
N-TL at_IN any_DTI Show_NN-TL ._. The_AT Kansas_NP City_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Tope
ka_NP KCs_NP-TL are_BER arranging_VBG that_CS Juniors_NNS-TL who_WPS win_VB at_I
N their_PP$ shows_NNS will_MD be_BE qualified_VBN to_TO win_VB points_NNS for_IN
Westminster_NP ._. The_AT Rio_NP Grande_NP KC_NP-TL is_BEZ also_RB considering_
VBG having_HVG their_PP$ Junior_JJ-TL Classes_NNS-TL set_VBN up_RP so_CS that_CS
Juniors_NNS-TL can_MD qualify_VB with_IN points_NNS for_IN Westminster_NP ._. T
he_AT American_JJ-TL Pointer_NN-TL Club_NN-TL is_BEZ still_RB continuing_VBG to_
TO donate_VB trophies_NNS to_IN Juniors_NNS-TL who_WPS win_VB at_IN Junior_JJ-TL
Showmanship_NN-TL Classes_NNS-TL with_IN Pointers_NNS-TL ._. Traveling_VBG thro
ugh_IN the_AT South_NR-TL --_-- over_RP 16,000_CD miles_NNS --_-- with_IN two_CD
Great_JJ-TL Danes_NPS ,_, an_AT Afghan_NP ,_, and_CC a_AT Persian_JJ kitten_NN
,_, we've_PPSS+HV worked_VBN up_RP a_AT regular_JJ routine_NN for_IN acceptance_
NN at_IN motels_NNS ._. My_PP$ husband_NN enters_VBZ the_AT motel_NN office_NN ,
_, signs_VBZ up_RP for_IN a_AT room_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB solemnly_RB asks_VBZ t
he_AT proprieter_NN if_CS he_PPS accepts_VBZ pets_NNS ._. ``_`` Puppies_NNS ''_'
' ?_. ?_. Comes_VBZ the_AT suspicious_JJ question_NN ._. ``_`` No_RB ''_'' ,_, h
e_PPS replies_VBZ ,_, ``_`` full_RB grown_VBN ,_, adult_NN show_NN dogs_NNS ,_,
housebroken_VBN ,_, and_CC obedience-trained_JJ ''_'' ._. We've_PPSS+HV never_RB
been_BEN refused_VBN !_. !_. Once_RB settled_VBN ,_, we're_PPSS+BER careful_JJ
to_TO walk_VB the_AT dogs_NNS in_IN an_AT out_IN of_IN the_AT way_NN spot_NN ,_,
keep_VB them_PPO under_IN control_NN in_IN the_AT room_NN ,_, and_CC feed_VB an
d_CC bench_VB them_PPO where_WRB they_PPSS can't_MD* do_DO any_DTI harm_NN to_IN
the_AT furnishings_NNS or_CC the_AT furniture_NN ._. In_IN the_AT morning_NN we
_PPSS leave_VB the_AT room_NN looking_VBG as_QL neat_JJ as_CS a_AT pin_NN !_. !_
. Many_ABN a_AT motel_NN owner_NN --_-- when_WRB we've_PPSS+HV stopped_VBN there
_RB again_RB --_-- has_HVZ remembered_VBN us_PPO and_CC has_HVZ said_VBN he_PPS
preferred_VBD our_PP$ dogs_NNS to_IN most_AP children_NNS ._. So_QL many_AP time
s_NNS I_PPSS have_HV wondered_VBN why_WRB veterinarians_NNS do_DO not_* wipe_VB
the_AT table_NN clean_JJ before_CS each_DT new_JJ canine_NN patient_NN is_BEZ pl
aced_VBN on_IN it_PPO for_IN examination_NN ._. Is_BEZ it_PPS that_CS they_PPSS
don't_DO* care_VB ?_. ?_. Are_BER they_PPSS indifferent_JJ to_IN the_AT fact_NN
that_CS the_AT dog_NN can_MD easily_RB pick_VB up_RP germs_NNS from_IN the_AT pr
eceding_VBG patient_NN ?_. ?_. At_IN one_CD time_NN ,_, to_IN most_AP Americans_
NPS ,_, unless_CS they_PPSS were_BED fortunate_JJ enough_QLP to_TO live_VB near_
IN a_AT body_NN of_IN navigable_JJ water_NN ,_, boats_NNS were_BED considered_VB
N the_AT sole_JJ concern_NN of_IN fishermen_NNS ,_, rich_JJ people_NNS ,_, and_C
C the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Navy_NN-TL ._. Today_NR the_AT recreational
_JJ boating_NN scene_NN is_BEZ awash_JJ with_IN heartening_JJ statistics_NNS whi
ch_WDT prove_VB the_AT enormous_JJ growth_NN of_IN that_DT sport_NN ._. There_EX
are_BER more_AP than_IN 8,000,000_CD recreational_JJ boats_NNS in_IN use_NN in_
IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL with_IN almost_RB 10,000,000_CD the_AT pre
diction_NN for_IN within_IN the_AT next_AP decade_NN ._. About_RB 40,000,000_CD
people_NNS participated_VBD in_IN boating_VBG in_IN 1960_CD ._. Boating_VBG has_
HVZ become_VBN a_AT giant_NN whose_WP$ strides_NNS cover_VB the_AT entire_JJ nat
ion_NN from_IN sea_NN to_IN shining_VBG sea_NN ._. Boats_NNS are_BER operated_VB
N in_IN every_AT state_NN in_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL ,_, with_IN the_AT heaviest_J
JT concentrations_NNS along_IN both_ABX coasts_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT Middle_JJ
-TL West_NR-TL ._. The_AT spectacular_JJ upsurge_NN in_IN pleasure_NN boating_NN
is_BEZ markedly_QL evident_JJ ,_, expectedly_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT areas_NNS wher
e_WRB boats_NNS have_HV always_RB been_BEN found_VBN :_: the_AT natural_JJ lakes
_NNS ,_, rivers_NNS ,_, and_CC along_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ coastline_NN ._. But
_CC during_IN the_AT last_AP several_AP years_NNS boats_NNS were_BED launched_VB
N in_IN areas_NNS where_WRB ,_, a_AT short_JJ time_NN ago_RB ,_, the_AT only_AP
water_NN to_TO be_BE found_VBN was_BEDZ in_IN wells_NNS and_CC watering_VBG trou
ghs_NNS for_IN livestock_NN ._. Developed_VBN as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT
multi-purpose_JJ resources_NNS control_NN program_NN of_IN the_AT government_NN
,_, vast_JJ ,_, man-made_JJ bodies_NNS of_IN water_NN represent_VB a_AT kind_NN
of_IN glorious_JJ fringe_NN benefit_NN ,_, providing_VBG boating_VBG and_CC fish
ing_VBG havens_NNS all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN ._. No_AT matter_NN how_WQL
determined_VBN or_CC wealthy_JJ boating_VBG lovers_NNS of_IN the_AT Southwest_NR
-TL had_HVD been_BEN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, they_PPSS could_MD never_RB have_
HV created_VBN anything_PN approaching_VBG the_AT fifty_CD square-mile_NN Lake_N
N-TL Texoma_NP-TL ,_, located_VBN between_IN Texas_NP and_CC Oklahoma_NP ,_, whi
ch_WDT resulted_VBD when_WRB the_AT Corp_NN-TL of_IN-TL Army_NN-TL Engineers_NNS
-TL dammed_VBD the_AT Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL ._. In_IN 1959_CD ,_, according_IN t
o_IN the_AT Engineers_NNS-TL ,_, Lake_NN-TL Texoma_NP-TL was_BEDZ only_RB one_CD
of_IN thirty-two_CD artificial_JJ lakes_NNS and_CC reservoirs_NNS which_WDT wer
e_BED used_VBN for_IN recreation_NN by_IN over_RP 1,000,000_CD persons_NNS ._. W
here_WRB an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO enjoy_VB boating_VBG has_HVZ not_* been_BEN
created_VBN by_IN bringing_VBG bodies_NNS of_IN water_NN to_IN the_AT people_NNS
,_, means_NNS have_HV been_BEN found_VBN to_TO take_VB the_AT people_NNS and_CC
their_PP$ boats_NNS to_IN the_AT water_NN ._. Providing_VBG these_DTS means_NNS
are_BER about_RB ninety_CD companies_NNS which_WDT manufactured_VBD the_AT esti
mated_VBN 1,800,000_CD boat_NN trailers_NNS now_RB in_IN use_NN ._. It_PPS is_BE
Z a_AT simple_JJ task_NN to_TO haul_VB a_AT boat_NN fifty_CD or_CC one_CD hundre
d_CD miles_NNS to_IN a_AT lake_NN or_CC reservoir_NN on_IN the_AT new_JJ ,_, lig
ht_JJ ,_, strong_JJ ,_, easy-to-operate_JJ trailers_NNS which_WDT are_BER built_
VBN to_TO accommodate_VB almost_QL any_DTI kind_NN of_IN small_JJ boat_NN and_CC
retail_VB from_IN $100_NNS to_IN $2,000_NNS ._. The_AT sight_NN of_IN sleek_JJ
inboards_NNS ,_, outboards_NNS ,_, and_CC sailboats_NNS being_BEG wheeled_VBN sm
artly_RB along_IN highways_NNS many_AP miles_NNS from_IN any_DTI water_NN is_BEZ
commonplace_JJ ._. Boatmen_NNS lucky_JJ enough_QLP to_TO have_HV facilities_NNS
for_IN year-'round_JJ anchorage_NN for_IN their_PP$ craft_NN ,_, will_MD recall
_VB the_AT tedious_JJ procedure_NN of_IN loading_VBG their_PP$ gear_NN into_IN t
he_AT car_NN ,_, driving_VBG to_IN the_AT water_NN ,_, and_CC making_VBG trip_NN
after_IN trip_NN to_TO transfer_VB the_AT gear_NN to_IN the_AT boat_NN ._. Toda
y_NR ,_, the_AT boat_NN ,_, on_IN its_PP$ trailer_NN ,_, is_BEZ brought_VBN to_I
N the_AT gear_NN and_CC loaded_VBN at_IN the_AT door_NN ._. Arriving_VBG at_IN t
he_AT waterside_NN ,_, the_AT boat_NN is_BEZ launched_VBN ,_, the_AT family_NN t
aken_VBN aboard_RB and_CC ,_, that_QL easily_RB ,_, another_DT day_NN afloat_RB
is_BEZ begun_VBN ._. And_CC trailers_NNS for_IN boats_NNS are_BER not_* what_WDT
they_PPSS started_VBD out_RP to_TO be_BE ten_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. This_DT ye
ar_NN ,_, Americans_NPS will_MD discover_VB previously_RB unheard_JJ of_IN refin
ements_NNS in_IN trailers_NNS that_WPS will_MD be_BE exhibited_VBN in_IN about_R
B one_CD hundred_CD of_IN our_PP$ nation's_NN$ national_JJ ,_, regional_JJ and_C
C local_JJ boat_NN shows_NNS ._. The_AT boats_NNS of_IN America's_NP$ trailer_NN
sailors_NNS in_IN 1961_CD will_MD be_BE coddled_VBN on_IN clouds_NNS as_CS they
_PPSS are_BER hauled_VBN to_IN new_JJ horizons_NNS ._. The_AT variety_NN of_IN c
raft_NN on_IN the_AT country's_NN$ waters_NNS today_NR is_BEZ overwhelming_JJ ._
. They_PPSS range_VB from_IN an_AT eight-foot_JJ pram_NN ,_, which_WDT you_PPSS
can_MD build_VB yourself_PPL for_IN less_AP than_IN $50_NNS ,_, to_IN auxiliary_
JJ sailboats_NNS which_WDT can_MD cost_VB over_RP $100,000_NNS ._. Boat_NN price
s_NNS vary_VB according_IN to_IN the_AT buyer's_NN$ desires_NNS or_CC needs_NNS
._. In_IN this_DT respect_NN ,_, boats_NNS can_MD be_BE compared_VBN with_IN hou
ses_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT limit_NN to_IN what_WDT you_PPSS can_MD spend_
VB ,_, yet_CC it_PPS is_BEZ easily_QL possible_JJ to_TO keep_VB within_IN a_AT s
et_VBN budget_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT question_NN as_IN to_IN just_RB what_
WDT is_BEZ available_JJ ._. You_PPSS name_VB it_PPO ,_, our_PP$ industry_NN is_B
EZ producing_VBG it_PPO ,_, and_CC it_PPS probably_RB is_BEZ made_VBN in_IN diff
erent_JJ models_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER canoes_NNS ideal_JJ for_IN fishing_VBG
in_IN protected_VBN waters_NNS or_CC for_IN camping_VBG trips_NNS ._. There_EX a
re_BER houseboats_NNS which_WDT are_BER literally_RB homes_NNS afloat_RB ,_, acc
ommodating_VBG whole_JJ families_NNS in_IN comfort_NN and_CC convenience_NN ._.
You_PPSS can_MD cross_VB an_AT ocean_NN in_IN a_AT fully_QL equipped_VBN craft_N
N ,_, sail_NN ,_, power_NN ,_, or_CC both_ABX ,_, or_CC laze_VB away_RB a_AT fin
e_JJ day_NN in_IN a_AT small_JJ dinghy_NN on_IN a_AT local_JJ pond_NN ._. You_PP
SS may_MD have_HV your_PP$ boat_NN of_IN wood_NN ,_, canvas_NN ,_, plywood_NN ,_
, plastic_NN ,_, or_CC metal_NN ._. You_PPSS may_MD order_VB utility_NN models_N
NS ,_, inboard_RB or_CC outboard_RB ,_, with_IN or_CC without_IN toilets_NNS ,_,
galleys_NNS ,_, and_CC bunks_NNS ._. You_PPSS may_MD dress_VB it_PPO up_RP with
_IN any_DTI number_NN of_IN accessories_NNS or_CC keep_VB it_PPO as_QL simple_JJ
as_CS you_PPSS choose_VB ._. Designers_NNS and_CC manufacturers_NNS have_HV pro
duced_VBN models_NNS for_IN purchasers_NNS who_WPS run_VB the_AT gamut_NN from_I
N a_AT nautical_JJ version_NN of_IN the_AT elderly_JJ Pasadena_NP lady_NN who_WP
S never_RB drove_VBD more_AP than_IN five_CD miles_NNS an_AT hour_NN on_IN her_P
P$ once-a-month_JJ ride_NN around_IN the_AT block_NN ,_, to_IN the_AT sportiest_
JJT boatman_NN who_WPS insists_VBZ on_IN all_ABN the_AT dash_NN ,_, color_NN ,_,
flair_NN and_CC speed_NN possible_JJ to_TO encompass_VB in_IN a_AT single_AP bo
at_NN ._. You_PPSS pay_VB your_PP$ money_NN and_CC you_PPSS take_VB your_PP$ cho
ice_NN ._. American_JJ technology_NN in_IN engine_NN and_CC hull_NN design_NN is
_BEZ largely_QL responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT plentiful_JJ interest_NN in_IN Amer
ican_JJ boating_NN ._. I_PPSS wonder_VB if_CS anyone_PN ever_RB bothered_VBD to_
TO make_VB the_AT point_NN that_CS when_WRB it_PPS comes_VBZ to_IN boats_NNS and
_CC their_PP$ motors_NNS ,_, Americans_NPS excel_VB over_IN any_DTI country_NN i
n_IN the_AT world_NN in_IN the_AT long_JJ run_NN ._. Russia_NP ,_, whose_WP$ tec
hnology_NN is_BEZ not_* quite_QL primitive_JJ ,_, is_BEZ still_RB in_IN the_AT d
ark_JJ ages_NNS when_WRB it_PPS comes_VBZ to_IN improving_VBG the_AT outboard_JJ
motor_NN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ._. Now_RB here_RB is_BEZ truly_RB a_AT marvel_
NN ._. The_AT outboard_JJ engine_NN of_IN today_NR has_HVZ a_AT phenomenal_JJ ra
nge_NN of_IN one_CD to_IN 80_CD horsepower_NN ,_, unheard_JJ of_IN a_AT few_AP y
ears_NNS ago_RB for_IN a_AT two_CD cycle_NN engine_NN in_IN quantity_NN producti
on_NN ._. These_DTS engines_NNS can_MD be_BE removed_VBN from_IN a_AT boat_NN wi
th_IN relative_JJ ease_NN ,_, wherein_WRB lies_VBZ their_PP$ greatest_JJT advant
age_NN ._. Their_PP$ cost_NN is_BEZ not_* beyond_IN the_AT hopes_NNS of_IN the_A
T American_JJ pocketbook_NN ,_, the_AT range_NN being_BEG about_RB $150_NNS to_I
N $1,000_NNS ,_, depending_IN on_IN size_NN ._. Great_JJ thought_NN has_HVZ been
_BEN given_VBN to_IN making_VBG life_NN easier_JJR for_IN the_AT growing_VBG boa
ting_VBG population_NN of_IN the_AT country_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC to_IN making_VBG t
he_AT owning_NN of_IN a_AT boat_NN simpler_JJR ._. There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT time_N
N when_WRB ,_, if_CS a_AT man_NN wanted_VBD to_TO purchase_VB a_AT boat_NN ,_, i
t_PPS was_BEDZ necessary_JJ for_IN him_PPO to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO produce_VB
a_AT sizeable_JJ amount_NN of_IN cash_NN before_CS he_PPS could_MD touch_VB the_
AT tiller_NN or_CC wheel_NN ._. Having_HVG a_AT boat_NN financed_VBN through_IN
a_AT local_JJ bank_NN is_BEZ done_VBN much_RB the_AT same_AP way_NN as_CS an_AT
automobile_NN loan_NN is_BEZ extended_VBN ._. Marine_JJ dealers_NNS and_CC even_
RB some_DTI manufacturers_NNS who_WPS sell_VB direct_RB in_IN non-dealer_NN area
s_NNS cooperate_VB in_IN enabling_VBG you_PPO to_TO launch_VB now_RB and_CC pay_
VB later_RBR ._. Terms_NNS range_VB from_IN one_CD to_IN five_CD years_NNS and_C
C the_AT interest_NN rates_NNS and_CC down_JJ payments_NNS run_VB about_RB the_A
T same_AP as_CS for_IN automobiles_NNS ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, individual_JJ fin
ancing_VBG arrangements_NNS depend_VB a_AT good_JJ deal_NN on_IN the_AT purchase
r's_NN$ earning_VBG power_NN ,_, credit_NN rating_NN and_CC local_JJ bank_NN pol
icy_NN ._. Outboard_JJ motors_NNS ,_, insurance_NN ,_, and_CC boat_NN repairs_NN
S may_MD also_RB be_BE financed_VBN in_IN the_AT same_AP way_NN as_CS boats_NNS
._. Terms_NNS and_CC rates_NNS of_IN interest_NN for_IN motors_NNS generally_RB
follow_VB those_DTS for_IN home_NR appliances_NNS ._. When_WRB the_AT automobile
_NN was_BEDZ in_IN its_PP$ embryonic_JJ stage_NN ,_, such_JJ roads_NNS as_CS exi
sted_VBN were_BED pretty_QL much_RB open_JJ roads_NNS with_IN the_AT tacit_JJ un
derstanding_NN that_CS horses_NNS should_MD not_* be_BE unduly_QL terrified_VBN
being_BEG about_RB the_AT only_AP rule_NN governing_VBG where_WRB ,_, when_WRB a
nd_CC how_WQL fast_JJ a_AT car_NN could_MD go_VB ._. When_WRB air_NN travel_NN w
as_BEDZ in_IN its_PP$ infancy_NN ,_, the_AT sky_NN was_BEDZ considered_VBN big_J
J enough_QLP and_CC high_JJ enough_QLP for_IN all_ABN ._. Man_NN had_HVD enough_
AP to_TO worry_VB about_IN managing_VBG to_TO get_VB up_RP there_RB and_CC stay_
VB without_IN being_BEG burdened_VBN with_IN rules_NNS once_RB aloft_RB ._. It_P
PS was_BEDZ much_RB the_AT same_AP with_IN pleasure_NN boating_NN at_IN first_RB
._. Come_VB one_CD ,_, come_VB all_ABN ,_, the_AT water's_NN+BEZ fine_JJ !_. !_
. As_CS the_AT ungoverned_JJ days_NNS of_IN the_AT automobile_NN and_CC the_AT a
irplane_NN are_BER long_RB since_RB relegated_VBN to_IN the_AT past_AP ,_, so_RB
is_BEZ the_AT carefree_JJ attitude_NN toward_IN what_WDT a_AT boatman_NN may_MD
and_CC may_MD not_* do_DO ;_. ;_. must_MD and_CC should_MD do_DO ._. However_RB
,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT minimum_NN of_IN legislative_JJ restriction_NN on_IN b
oating_VBG ._. Laws_NNS on_IN boating_VBG vary_VB according_IN to_IN the_AT stat
e_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT craft_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE used_VBN and_CC accordin
g_IN to_IN its_PP$ horsepower_NN ._. What_WDT may_MD be_BE acceptable_JJ in_IN o
ne_CD state_NN may_MD be_BE strictly_RB prohibited_VBN across_IN the_AT boundary
_NN line_NN ._. The_AT main_JJS requirement_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE sure_JJ the_AT
boat_NN is_BEZ numbered_VBN according_IN to_IN the_AT regulations_NNS of_IN the
_AT state_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT boat_NN will_MD be_BE principally_RB used_VB
N ._. If_CS your_PP$ state_NN has_HVZ no_AT provisions_NNS for_IN the_AT numberi
ng_NN of_IN pleasure_NN boats_NNS ,_, you_PPSS must_MD apply_VB for_IN a_AT numb
er_NN from_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Coast_NN-TL Guard_NN-TL for_IN any_DTI kind_NN o
f_IN boat_NN with_IN mechanical_JJ propulsion_NN rated_VBN at_IN more_AP than_IN
10_CD horsepower_NN before_CS it_PPS can_MD be_BE used_VBN on_IN Federal_JJ-TL
waterways_NNS ._. State_NN numbering_VBG laws_NNS differ_VB from_IN each_DT othe
r_AP in_IN many_AP ways_NNS ._. Fees_NNS are_BER not_* the_AT same_AP and_CC som
e_DTI states_NNS do_DO not_* require_VB certain_JJ craft_NN ,_, such_JJ as_CS sa
ilboats_NNS with_IN no_AT power_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE registered_VBN at_IN all_ABN
._. Many_AP states_NNS have_HV laws_NNS regulating_VBG the_AT use_NN of_IN boat_
NN trailers_NNS and_CC some_DTI have_HV restrictions_NNS regarding_IN the_AT age
_NN of_IN motor_NN boat_NN operators_NNS ._. Generally_RB ,_, states_NNS reserve
_VB for_IN communities_NNS the_AT right_NN to_TO have_HV local_JJ ordinances_NNS
regulating_VBG speed_NN and_CC other_AP activities_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ always
_RB wise_JJ to_TO consult_VB your_PP$ marine_NN dealer_NN ,_, local_JJ yacht_NN
or_CC boat_NN club_NN secretary_NN ,_, or_CC local_JJ law_NN enforcement_NN offi
cers_NNS if_CS you_PPSS are_BER not_* positive_JJ what_WDT the_AT regulations_NN
S are_BER ._. Ignorance_NN of_IN the_AT law_NN is_BEZ no_AT better_JJR excuse_NN
on_IN the_AT water_NN than_CS it_PPS is_BEZ on_IN land_NN ;_. ;_. lack_NN of_IN
ability_NN and_CC common_JJ sense_NN can_MD lead_VB to_IN just_QL as_QL much_AP
tragedy_NN ._. Hand_NN in_IN hand_NN with_IN the_AT legislative_JJ program_NN i
s_BEZ the_AT industry's_NN$ self_NN originated_VBN and_CC directed_VBN safety_NN
program_NN ._. Foreseeing_VBG the_AT possible_JJ threats_NNS to_IN safety_NN wi
th_IN the_AT rapid_JJ growth_NN of_IN the_AT sport_NN ,_, the_AT industry_NN has
_HVZ been_BEN supporting_VBG an_AT intense_JJ ,_, coordinated_VBN educational_JJ
program_NN with_IN great_JJ success_NN since_IN 1947_CD ._. A_AT primary_JJ fac
tor_NN in_IN the_AT success_NN of_IN the_AT safety_NN program_NN has_HVZ been_BE
N the_AT enthusiastic_JJ cooperation_NN of_IN the_AT individual_JJ manufacturers
_NNS ._. The_AT industry_NN has_HVZ been_BEN its_PP$ own_JJ watch_NN dog_NN ._.
With_IN U.S._NP-TL Coast_NN-TL Guard_NN-TL cooperation_NN ,_, the_AT American_JJ
-TL Boat_NN-TL and_CC-TL Yacht_NN-TL Council_NN-TL was_BEDZ formed_VBN to_TO dev
elop_VB recommended_VBN practices_NNS and_CC standards_NNS for_IN boats_NNS and_
CC their_PP$ equipment_NN with_IN reference_NN to_IN safety_NN ._. Industry_NN i
nterest_NN in_IN safety_NN goes_VBZ even_QL farther_RBR ._. In_IN 1959_CD ,_, th
e_AT Yacht_NN-TL Safety_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL was_BEDZ reorganized_VBN by_IN the_AT
National_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL Engine_NN-TL and_CC-TL Boat_NN-TL Man
ufacturers_NNS-TL and_CC a_AT group_NN of_IN insurance_NN underwriters_NNS to_TO
provide_VB a_AT testing_VBG laboratory_NN and_CC labeling_VBG service_NN for_IN
boats_NNS and_CC their_PP$ equipment_NN ._. A_AT new_JJ waterfront_NN site_NN f
or_IN the_AT bureau_NN is_BEZ now_RB being_BEG built_VBN at_IN Atlantic_JJ-TL Ci
ty_NN-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL ,_, to_TO provide_VB the_AT most_QL modern_J
J marine_NN testing_NN facilities_NNS as_CS a_AT further_JJR tool_JJ to_TO keep_
VB the_AT sport_NN safe_JJ ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN these_DTS activities_NNS
,_, the_AT NAEBM_NN ,_, with_IN headquarters_NN at_IN 420_CD-TL Lexington_NP-TL
Avenue_NN-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS other_A
P associations_NNS and_CC individual_JJ manufacturers_NNS ,_, provide_VB and_CC
distribute_VB films_NNS ,_, booklets_NNS ,_, and_CC public_JJ services_NNS in_IN
regard_NN to_IN proper_JJ boat_NN handling_NN and_CC safety_NN afloat_RB ._. It
_PPS is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO note_VB the_AT work_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL Power_NN-TL Squadrons_NNS-TL and_CC the_AT U.S._NP-TL Coast_NN-TL
Guard_NN-TL Auxiliary_NN-TL ._. Each_DT of_IN these_DTS fine_JJ groups_NNS give
s_VBZ free_JJ boating_VBG classes_NNS in_IN seamanship_NN piloting_NN and_CC sma
ll_JJ boat_NN handling_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER not_* governmentally_RB subsidiz
ed_VBN organizations_NNS ._. This_DT year_NN ,_, over_RP 100,000_CD persons_NNS
will_MD receive_VB this_DT free_JJ instruction_NN ._. As_CS America_NP on_IN whe
els_NNS was_BEDZ responsible_JJ for_IN an_AT industry_NN of_IN motor_NN courts_N
NS ,_, motels_NNS ,_, and_CC drive-in_JJ establishments_NNS where_WRB you_PPSS c
an_MD dine_VB ,_, see_VB a_AT movie_NN ,_, shop_NN ,_, or_CC make_VB a_AT bank_N
N deposit_NN ,_, the_AT ever-increasing_JJ number_NN of_IN boating_VBG enthusias
ts_NNS have_HV sparked_VBN industries_NNS designed_VBN especially_RB to_TO accom
modate_VB them_PPO ._. Instead_RB of_IN motels_NNS ,_, for_IN the_AT boatman_NN
there_EX are_BER marinas_NNS ._. The_AT word_NN marina_NN was_BEDZ coined_VBN by
_IN NAEBM_NN originally_RB to_TO describe_VB a_AT waterfront_NN facility_NN wher
e_WRB recreational_JJ boats_NNS could_MD find_VB protection_NN and_CC basic_JJ n
eeds_NNS to_TO lay_VB over_RP in_IN relative_JJ comfort_NN ._. Currently_RB ,_,
marina_NN is_BEZ used_VBN to_TO indicate_VB a_AT municipal_JJ or_CC commercially
_RB operated_VBN facility_NN where_WRB a_AT pleasure_NN boat_NN may_MD dock_VB a
nd_CC find_VB some_DTI or_CC all_ABN of_IN the_AT following_VBG available_JJ :_:
gasoline_NN ,_, fresh_JJ water_NN ,_, electricity_NN ,_, telephone_NN service_N
N ,_, ice_NN ,_, repair_NN facilities_NNS ,_, restaurants_NNS ,_, sleeping_VBG a
ccommodations_NNS ,_, a_AT general_JJ store_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT grocery_NN store_
NN ._. Yachtel_NN ,_, a_AT relatively_QL new_JJ word_NN ,_, indicates_VBZ a_AT w
aterfront_NN type_NN of_IN hotel_NN where_WRB a_AT yachtsman_NN may_MD dock_VB a
nd_CC find_VB overnight_JJ accommodations_NNS on_IN the_AT premises_NNS as_QL we
ll_RB as_CS other_AP services_NNS ._. Boatel_NN has_HVZ a_AT similar_JJ meaning_
NN to_IN yachtel_NN ._. It_PPS indicates_VBZ the_AT same_AP thing_NN but_CC it_P
PS is_BEZ meant_VBN to_TO pertain_VB more_QL specifically_RB to_IN establishment
s_NNS designed_VBN to_TO cater_VB to_IN smaller_JJR type_NN boats_NNS such_JJ as
_CS outboards_NNS ._. Regardless_RB of_IN nomenclature_NN ,_, yachtels_NNS and_C
C boatels_NNS are_BER marinas_NNS ._. Boatyards_NNS which_WDT also_RB provide_VB
some_DTI of_IN the_AT above_JJ facilities_NNS may_MD rightfully_RB be_BE called
_VBN marinas_NNS ._. A_AT recent_JJ survey_NN disclosed_VBD there_EX are_BER abo
ut_RB 4,000_CD commercially_RB and_CC municipally_RB operated_VBN marinas_NNS an
d_CC boatyards_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT majority_
NN of_IN which_WDT are_BER equipped_VBN to_TO handle_VB outboard_JJ boats_NNS ._
. The_AT design_NN of_IN a_AT mechanical_JJ interlocking_VBG frame_NN is_BEZ muc
h_QL like_CS a_AT mechanical_JJ puzzle_NN ,_, but_CC once_CS understood_VBN ,_,
the_AT principles_NNS can_MD be_BE applied_VBN to_IN any_DTI track_NN and_CC sig
nal_NN arrangement_NN ._. In_IN the_AT frame_NN are_BER two_CD sets_NNS of_IN ba
rs_NNS which_WDT interact_VB with_IN each_DT other_AP to_TO prevent_VB the_AT op
erator_NN from_IN making_VBG dangerous_JJ moves_NNS ._. The_AT main_JJS set_NN o
f_IN bars_NNS are_BER the_AT ``_`` tappets_NNS ''_'' and_CC one_CD tappet_NN is_
BEZ connected_VBN to_IN each_DT lever_NN ._. If_CS the_AT lever_NN is_BEZ pulled
_VBN to_TO clear_VB a_AT signal_NN or_CC move_VB a_AT switch_NN ,_, the_AT tappe
t_NN moves_VBZ a_AT short_JJ distance_NN lengthwise_RB at_IN the_AT same_AP time
_NN ._. Close_QL behind_IN the_AT plane_NN of_IN the_AT tappets_NNS are_BER the_
AT locking_VBG bars_NNS ._. These_DTS can_MD also_RB move_VB a_AT short_JJ dista
nce_NN but_CC at_IN right_JJ angles_NNS to_IN the_AT tappets_NNS ._. The_AT numb
er_NN of_IN locking_VBG bars_NNS required_VBN depends_VBZ on_IN how_WRB many_AP
false_JJ moves_NNS must_MD be_BE prevented_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT sides_NNS of_IN
the_AT tappets_NNS are_BER notches_NNS with_IN sloping_VBG sides_NNS ,_, and_CC
connection_NN between_IN the_AT tappets_NNS and_CC locking_VBG bars_NNS consist_
VB of_IN cams_NNS called_VBN ``_`` dogs_NNS ''_'' ._. Two_CD or_CC more_AP dogs_
NNS are_BER mounted_VBN on_IN each_DT locking_VBG bar_NN ._. These_DTS slide_VB
into_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN the_AT notches_NNS in_IN the_AT tappets_NNS as_CS th
e_AT tappets_NNS are_BER moved_VBN ,_, locking_VBG and_CC unlocking_VBG them_PPO
._. Here's_RB+BEZ how_WRB the_AT scheme_NN works_VBZ :_: Suppose_VB the_AT oper
ator_NN pulls_VBZ the_AT lever_NN to_TO clear_VB a_AT particular_JJ signal_NN ._
. This_DT also_RB pulls_VBZ the_AT tappet_NN connected_VBN to_IN the_AT particul
ar_JJ lever_NN and_CC forces_VBZ any_DTI dogs_NNS seated_VBN in_IN the_AT notche
s_NNS to_IN the_AT side_NN ,_, thus_RB moving_VBG one_CD or_CC more_AP locking_V
BG bars_NNS ._. The_AT dogs_NNS on_IN the_AT other_AP ends_NNS of_IN these_DTS l
ocking_VBG bars_NNS are_BER thus_RB forced_VBN into_IN notches_NNS in_IN other_A
P tappets_NNS ._. By_IN this_DT scheme_NN ,_, pulling_VBG one_CD signal_NN to_TO
clear_VB locks_NNS all_ABN the_AT other_AP switch_NN and_CC signal_NN levers_NN
S in_IN safe_JJ positions_NNS until_CS the_AT first_OD signal_NN is_BEZ again_RB
restored_VBN to_IN normal_JJ ._. Interlocking_VBG signals_NNS are_BER normally_
RB at_IN stop_NN or_CC ``_`` red_JJ ''_'' position_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT lever_NN m
ust_MD be_BE pulled_VBN to_TO ``_`` clear_VB ''_'' the_AT signal_NN ._. This_DT
is_BEZ not_* necessarily_RB to_IN green_NN ,_, however_WRB ,_, for_IN in_IN some
_DTI situations_NNS only_RB a_AT yellow_JJ indication_NN is_BEZ given_VBN to_IN
a_AT train_NN to_TO let_VB it_PPO into_IN the_AT ``_`` plant_NN ''_'' ._. There_
EX are_BER other_AP basic_JJ rules_NNS ._. A_AT turnout_NN may_MD have_HV two_CD
levers_NNS ,_, one_CD to_TO actually_RB move_VB the_AT switch_NN points_NNS ,_,
the_AT other_AP to_IN lock_NN the_AT points_NNS ._. A_AT signal_NN cannot_MD* b
e_BE cleared_VBN until_CS all_ABN the_AT related_VBN turnouts_NNS are_BER proper
ly_RB thrown_VBN and_CC locked_VBN ._. Such_JJ locks_NNS are_BER nearly_QL alway
s_RB used_VBN where_WRB the_AT switch_NN points_NNS ``_`` face_VB ''_'' oncoming
_JJ traffic_NN ._. The_AT lock_NN insures_VBZ that_CS the_AT points_NNS are_BER
thrown_VBN all_ABN the_AT way_NN with_IN no_AT chance_NN that_CS a_AT wheel_NN f
lange_NN will_MD snag_VB on_IN a_AT partly_QL thrown_VBN point_NN ._. If_CS the_
AT points_NNS aren't_BER* thrown_VBN all_ABN the_AT way_NN ,_, the_AT Turnout_NN
-TL cannot_MD* be_BE locked_VBN ,_, and_CC in_IN turn_NN ,_, the_AT signal_NN ca
nnot_MD* be_BE cleared_VBN ._. Generally_RB ,_, these_DTS locks_NNS on_IN turnou
ts_NNS are_BER called_VBN ``_`` facing_VBG point_NN locks_NNS ''_'' ._. Figs._NN
S 1-6_CD show_VB typical_JJ arrangements_NNS of_IN track_NN and_CC signals_NNS .
_. Each_DT diagram_NN is_BEZ accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT ``_`` dog_NN chart_NN ''
_'' ,_, a_AT list_NN of_IN the_AT levers_NNS that_WPS show_VB which_WDT other_AP
levers_NNS any_DTI particular_JJ lever_NN will_MD lock_VB if_CS pulled_VBN ._.
The_AT lines_NNS connecting_VBG the_AT wedge-shaped_JJ dogs_NNS represent_VB the
_AT locking_VBG bars_NNS at_IN right_JJ angles_NNS to_IN the_AT tappet_NN bars_N
NS ._. By_IN studying_VBG the_AT track-signal_NN diagrams_NNS you'll_PPSS+MD not
e_VB several_AP other_AP details_NNS ._. Derails_NNS --_-- mechanical_JJ track_N
N devices_NNS that_WPS actually_RB guide_VB the_AT wheels_NNS off_IN the_AT rail
s_NNS if_CS a_AT train_NN passes_VBZ a_AT ``_`` stop_NN ''_'' signal_NN --_-- ar
e_BER used_VBN in_IN many_AP instances_NNS ._. ``_`` Home_NR ''_'' signals_NNS h
ave_HV two_CD blades_NNS ._. The_AT blacked-in_JJ blades_NNS indicate_VB a_AT fi
xed_VBN aspect_NN --_-- the_AT blade_NN does_DOZ not_* move_VB ._. As_CS an_AT e
ngineer_NN approaches_VBZ the_AT plant_NN the_AT position_NN of_IN the_AT home_N
R signal_NN is_BEZ seen_VBN in_IN advance_NN when_WRB he_PPS passes_VBZ the_AT `
`_`` distant_JJ ''_'' signal_NN located_VBN beyond_IN the_AT limits_NNS of_IN th
e_AT interlocking_VBG plant_NN ._. In_IN some_DTI low-speed_NN situations_NNS ,_
, the_AT distant_JJ signal_NN is_BEZ fixed_VBN at_IN caution_NN ._. In_IN other_
AP instances_NNS where_WRB there_EX is_BEZ no_AT automatic_JJ block_NN signaling
_NN ,_, the_AT distant_JJ has_HVZ only_RB green_JJ and_CC yellow_JJ aspects_NNS
._. So_QL much_AP for_IN the_AT prototype_NN ._. The_AT interlocking_VBG frame_N
N we_PPSS built_VBD at_IN the_AT model_NN railroader_NN workshop_NN and_CC then_
RB installed_VBD on_IN Paul_NP Larson's_NP$ railroad_NN follows_VBZ the_AT Fig._
NN-TL 1_CD-TL scheme_NN and_CC is_BEZ shown_VBN beginning_VBG in_IN Fig._NN-TL 7
_CD-TL ,_, page_NN 65_CD ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT photos_NNS ._. Here's_RB+BEZ ho
w_WRB it_PPS can_MD be_BE built_VBN ._. Frame_NN-HL The_AT sizes_NNS of_IN piece
s_NNS needed_VBN for_IN the_AT interlocking_VBG frame_NN are_BER shown_VBN in_IN
the_AT notes_NNS within_IN Fig._NN-TL 7_CD-TL ,_, most_AP of_IN the_AT bars_NNS
being_BEG 1/8''_NN ''_'' brass_NN in_IN 1/4''_NN ''_'' and_CC 1/2''_NN ''_'' wi
dths_NNS ._. You_PPSS may_MD change_VB the_AT dimensions_NNS to_TO suit_VB a_AT
frame_NN for_IN more_AP or_CC fewer_AP levers_NNS and_CC locks_NNS as_CS you_PPS
S wish_VB ._. Our_PP$ instructions_NNS assume_VB you_PPSS are_BER building_VBG t
his_DT particular_JJ frame_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ for_IN a_AT junction_NN ._. W
hen_WRB cutting_VBG the_AT pieces_NNS ,_, dress_VB the_AT ends_NNS smooth_JJ ,_,
and_CC square_VB with_IN a_AT smooth_JJ file_NN or_CC sanding_VBG disk_NN ._. S
tart_VB with_IN the_AT right-hand_NN piece_NN ``_`` B_NN ''_'' ,_, Af_NN ,_, sol
dering_VBG it_PPO to_IN the_AT lower_JJR piece_NN ``_`` A_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT
same_AP material_NN but_CC 12''_NNS ''_'' long_JJ ._. Let_VB exactly_RB 1''_NN '
'_'' of_IN ``_`` A_NN ''_'' extend_VB beyond_IN ``_`` B_NN ''_'' and_CC use_VB a
_AT square_NN to_TO check_VB your_PP$ angle_NN to_IN exactly_RB 90_CD degrees_NN
S ._. Now_RB lay_VB 12_CD pieces_NNS of_IN Af_NN cut_VBN 5-3/4''_NNS ''_'' long_
JJ side_NN by_IN side_NN but_CC separated_VBN by_IN 12_CD pieces_NNS of_IN the_A
T same_AP material_NN 1/2''_NN ''_'' sq._JJ ._. This_DT gives_VBZ you_PPO the_AT
spacing_NN for_IN locating_VBG the_AT left-hand_NN piece_NN ``_`` B_NN ''_'' ._
. Compress_VB the_AT assembly_NN when_WRB you_PPSS make_VB the_AT mark_NN to_TO
show_VB the_AT location_NN for_IN ``_`` B_NN ''_'' ._. Solder_VB this_DT second_
OD ``_`` B_NN ''_'' to_IN ``_`` A_NN ''_'' at_IN right_JJ angles_NNS ._. There_E
X should_MD be_BE 10''_NNS ''_'' between_IN the_AT two_CD parallel_JJ members_NN
S and_CC each_DT should_MD be_BE 1''_NN ''_'' from_IN an_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT
long_JJ piece_NN ._. Cap_VB this_DT assembly_NN (_( with_IN spacing_VBG bars_NNS
in_IN place_NN )_) with_IN a_AT Af_NN bar_NN ._. Tack-solder_VB all_ABN the_AT
1/2''_NN ''_'' sq._JJ pieces_NNS to_IN the_AT 10''_NN ''_'' and_CC 12''_NN ''_''
members_NNS ._. These_DTS will_MD be_BE drilled_VBN and_CC tapped_VBN later_RBR
on_RP ._. Now_RB cut_VB five_CD Af_NN locking_VBG bar_NN spacers_NNS (_( which_
WDT run_VB horizontally_RB )_) ._. Position_VB these_DTS using_VBG six_CD interm
ediate_JJ temporary_JJ Af_NN spacers_NNS and_CC locate_VB the_AT upper_JJ 12''_N
N ''_'' bar_NN ``_`` A_NN ''_'' ._. Solder_VB it_PPO and_CC the_AT five_CD locki
ng_VBG bar_NN spacers_NNS to_IN the_AT frame_NN ._. Now_RB place_VB 12_CD pieces
_NNS 1/2''_NN ''_'' sq._JJ on_IN this_DT edge_NN as_CS we_PPSS did_DOD before_RB
and_CC space_VB them_PPO with_IN the_AT 5-3/4''_NNS ''_'' long_JJ ``_`` tappets
_NNS ''_'' ,_, as_CS they_PPSS are_BER called_VBN ._. Cap_VB with_IN a_AT Af_NN
bar_NN and_CC tack-solder_VB in_IN place_NN ._. Cap_VB the_AT locking_VBG bar_NN
spacers_NNS with_IN two_CD Af_NN directly_RB under_IN the_AT first_OD two_CD ``
_`` B_NN ''_'' pieces_NNS ._. Remove_VB all_ABN the_AT loose_JJ spacing_VBG bars
_NNS ._. Mark_VB and_CC center-punch_VB all_ABN the_AT holes_NNS required_VBN fo
r_IN screws_NNS to_TO hold_VB this_DT assembly_NN together_RB ._. See_VB Fig._NN
-TL 7_CD-TL ._. Placement_NN of_IN these_DTS holes_NNS is_BEZ not_* critical_JJ
,_, but_CC they_PPSS should_MD be_BE located_VBN so_CS that_CS the_AT centers_NN
S are_BER about_RB 1/8''_NN ''_'' from_IN any_DTI edge_NN ._. Drill_VB all_ABN N
o._NN-TL 50_CD-TL and_CC counter-drill_VB all_ABN except_IN the_AT ``_`` A_NN ''
_'' pieces_NNS size_NN 43_CD ._. Tap_VB the_AT ``_`` A_NN ''_'' pieces_NNS 2-56_
CD ._. Now_RB unsolder_VB and_CC disassemble_VB the_AT frame_NN except_IN for_IN
the_AT two_CD 12''_NN ''_'' and_CC the_AT first_OD two_CD 3-3/4''_NNS ''_'' bar
s_NNS (_( ``_`` A_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` B_NN ''_'' pieces_NNS )_) ,_, which_WDT
are_BER soldered_VBN together_RB ._. Either_CC lay_VB the_AT components_NNS asid
e_RB in_IN proper_JJ order_NN or_CC code_VB them_PPO with_IN numbers_NNS and_CC
letters_NNS so_CS they_PPSS may_MD be_BE replaced_VBN in_IN their_PP$ proper_JJ
positions_NNS ._. Dress_VB all_ABN surfaces_NNS with_IN a_AT file_NN ,_, cleanin
g_VBG off_RP all_ABN solder_NN and_CC drilling_VBG burrs_NNS ._. Drill_VB 20_CD
No._NN-TL 47_CD-TL holes_NNS in_IN the_AT upper_JJ piece_NN ``_`` A_NN ''_'' as_
CS shown_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 7_CD-TL ._. Tap_VB these_DTS 3-48_CD for_IN mounti
ng_VBG the_AT electrical_JJ contact_NN later_RBR on_RP ._. Note_VB ,_, 6_CD and_
CC 8_CD lock_NN levers_NNS don't_DO* require_VB holes_NNS for_IN contacts_NNS ._
. Now_RB reassemble_VB the_AT frame_NN ,_, using_VBG Af_NN roundhead_NN steel_NN
screws_NNS and_CC nuts_NNS ._. Put_VB the_AT 12_CD tappets_NNS and_CC some_DTI
Af_NN locking_VBG bar_NN spacers_NNS in_IN the_AT frame_NN to_TO help_VB align_V
B all_ABN the_AT components_NNS before_CS you_PPSS tighten_VB the_AT screws_NNS
._. Be_BE sure_JJ the_AT tappets_NNS are_BER not_* pinched_VBN by_IN a_AT twiste
d_VBN 1/2''_NN ''_'' sq._JJ spacer_NN ._. As_CS an_AT anchor_NN for_IN the_AT sp
ring_NN lock_NN ,_, insert_VB a_AT Af_NN bar_NN in_IN the_AT lower_JJR left_JJ c
orner_NN of_IN the_AT frame_NN as_CS shown_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 7_CD-TL ._. Dril
l_VB a_AT No._NN-TL 43_CD-TL hole_NN through_IN the_AT pieces_NNS and_CC secure_
VB with_IN a_AT 2-56_CD nut_NN and_CC screw_NN ._. Drill_VB two_CD No._NN-TL 50_
CD-TL holes_NNS ,_, one_CD in_IN the_AT insert_NN and_CC one_CD in_IN the_AT loc
king_VBG bar_NN spacer_NN directly_RB above_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC tap_VB 2-56_CD
._. Number_VB all_ABN the_AT tappet_NN bars_NNS before_CS removing_VBG them_PPO
so_CS they_PPSS can_MD be_BE replaced_VBN in_IN the_AT same_AP slots_NNS ._. Rem
ove_VB all_ABN other_AP loose_JJ pieces_NNS and_CC file_VB the_AT edges_NNS of_I
N the_AT basic_JJ frame_NN smooth_JJ ._. Cut_VB five_CD pieces_NNS of_IN Af_NN b
rass_NN bar_NN stock_NN 3-3/4''_NNS ''_'' long_JJ ._. These_DTS are_BER supporti
ng_VBG members_NNS for_IN the_AT short_JJ locking_VBG bars_NNS ._. Locate_VB the
ir_PP$ positions_NNS in_IN Fig._NN-TL 7_CD-TL and_CC drill_VB No._NN-TL 43_CD-TL
to_TO match_VB the_AT corresponding_JJ holes_NNS in_IN the_AT frame_NN ._. Cut_
VB off_RP excess_JJ screw_NN lengths_NNS and_CC file_VB flush_JJ with_IN either_
CC frame_NN or_CC nut_NN ._. Drill_VB four_CD No._NN-TL 19_CD-TL and_CC four_CD
No._NN-TL 28_CD-TL holes_NNS in_IN the_AT 12''_NNS ''_'' long_JJ ``_`` A_NN ''_'
' pieces_NNS ._. Locate_VB the_AT position_NN from_IN Fig._NN-TL 7_CD-TL ._. Tap
pets_NNS-HL and_CC-HL locking_VBG-HL bars_NNS-HL Draw-file_VB No._NN-TL 1_CD-TL
tappet_NN to_IN a_AT smooth_JJ fit_NN in_IN its_PP$ respective_JJ slot_NN and_CC
square_VB the_AT ends_NNS ._. Break_VB the_AT end_NN corners_NNS with_IN a_AT s
light_JJ 45_CD degree_NN chamfer_NN ._. Drill_VB a_AT No._NN-TL 50_CD-TL hole_NN
1-1/4''_NN ''_'' from_IN one_CD end_NN and_CC tap_VB 2-56_CD ._. (_( See_VB Fig
._NN-TL 7_CD-TL ._. )_) Put_VB a_AT 2-56_CD roundhead_NN screw_NN into_IN the_AT
hole_NN ,_, cut_VB off_RP the_AT excess_JJ threads_NNS and_CC file_VB flush_JJ
with_IN the_AT underside_NN of_IN the_AT bar_NN ._. To_TO find_VB the_AT other_A
P stop_NN screw_NN position_NN ,_, insert_VB the_AT tappet_NN into_IN the_AT fra
me_NN and_CC hold_VB the_AT screw_NN head_NN tight_RB against_IN the_AT frame_NN
edge_NN ._. Scribe_VB a_AT line_NN across_IN the_AT bar_NN on_IN the_AT other_A
P end_NN of_IN the_AT tappet_NN ,_, 1/4''_NN ''_'' plus_CC half_ABN the_AT diame
ter_NN of_IN the_AT 2-56_CD screw_NN head_NN (_( about_RB 5/64''_NN ''_'' )_) aw
ay_RB from_IN the_AT frame_NN edge_NN ._. Total_NN distance_NN is_BEZ about_RB 2
1/64''_NNS ''_'' ._. Tend_VB to_TO make_VB this_DT dimension_NN slightly_QL unde
rsize_JJ so_CS you_PPSS can_MD file_VB the_AT screw_NN head_NN to_TO get_VB exac
tly_RB 1/4''_NN ''_'' tappet_NN movement_NN ._. Drill_VB a_AT No._NN-TL 50_CD-TL
hole_NN ,_, tap_VB 2-56_CD and_CC insert_VB a_AT roundhead_NN 2-56_CD screw_NN
as_CS you_PPSS did_DOD on_IN the_AT first_OD end_NN ._. Drill_VB a_AT No._NN-TL
47_CD-TL hole_NN crosswise_RB through_IN the_AT tappet_NN at_IN the_AT position_
NN shown_VBN in_IN Figs._NNS-TL 7_CD-TL and_CC 8_CD-TL ._. Repeat_VB these_DTS d
rill_VB and_CC tap_VB operations_NNS for_IN each_DT of_IN the_AT tappet_NN bars_
NNS ._. To_IN each_DT tappet_NN except_IN 6_CD and_CC 8_CD ,_, solder_VB a_AT Af
_NN piece_NN of_IN brass_NN and_CC file_VB to_IN the_AT tapered_VBN shape_NN sho
wn_VBN in_IN Figs._NNS-TL 6_CD-TL and_CC 8_CD-TL ._. These_DTS will_MD serve_VB
as_CS lifting_VBG pads_NNS for_IN the_AT electrical_JJ contacts_NNS ._. Fitting_
VBG the_AT locking_VBG bars_NNS and_CC making_VBG the_AT locking_VBG pieces_NNS
is_BEZ a_AT rather_QL tedious_JJ job_NN since_CS stop_NN screws_NNS ,_, tappets_
NNS and_CC locking_VBG bars_NNS must_MD be_BE removed_VBN and_CC replaced_VBN ma
ny_AP times_NNS ._. As_CS the_AT work_NN progresses_VBZ the_AT frame_NN and_CC m
oving_VBG parts_NNS become_VB a_AT sort_NN of_IN Chinese_JJ puzzle_NN where_WRB
several_AP pieces_NNS must_MD be_BE removed_VBN before_CS the_AT part_NN you_PPS
S are_BER working_VBG on_IN is_BEZ accessible_JJ ._. A_AT little_AP extra_JJ wor
k_NN here_RB will_MD pay_VB off_RP with_IN a_AT smooth_JJ ,_, snug-fitting_JJ ma
chine_NN when_WRB you_PPSS are_BER finished_VBN ._. Each_DT completed_VBN lockin
g_VBG bar_NN should_MD remain_VB in_IN place_NN as_CS the_AT work_NN progresses_
VBZ to_TO insure_VB snug_JJ fitting_NN ._. The_AT order_NN of_IN fitting_VBG is_
BEZ not_* too_QL important_JJ ._. However_RB ,_, we_PPSS started_VBD with_IN the
_AT first_OD row_NN of_IN bars_NNS and_CC worked_VBD our_PP$ way_NN back_RB ._.
Since_CS the_AT same_AP method_NN of_IN shaping_VBG and_CC fitting_VBG the_AT do
gs_NNS and_CC notches_NNS is_BEZ used_VBN throughout_RB ,_, we_PPSS will_MD only
_RB describe_VB the_AT construction_NN of_IN one_CD locking_VBG bar_NN ._. Figs.
_NNS-TL 7_CD-TL and_CC 8_CD-TL give_VB all_ABN pertinent_JJ dimensions_NNS ._. A
ll_ABN the_AT bars_NNS are_BER cut_VBN from_IN Af_NN brass_NN ._. The_AT lengths
_NNS of_IN each_DT piece_NN are_BER listed_VBN at_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN Fig.
_NN-TL 7_CD-TL ._. Bar_NN ``_`` C_NN ''_'' is_BEZ 2-3/4''_NNS ''_'' long_JJ ._.
Draw-file_VB the_AT edges_NNS ,_, square_VB up_RP the_AT ends_NNS and_CC put_VB
a_AT slight_JJ chamfer_NN on_IN the_AT edges_NNS so_CS they_PPSS will_MD not_* s
nag_VB in_IN the_AT frame_NN ._. Fig._NN-TL 8_CD-TL gives_VBZ the_AT dimensions_
NNS for_IN locating_VBG the_AT dog-pin_NN holes_NNS ._. Center-punch_VB and_CC d
rill_VB the_AT No._NN-TL 31_CD-TL hole_NN 7/16''_NN ''_'' from_IN one_CD end_NN
of_IN the_AT bar_NN ._. Chuck_VB a_AT length_NN of_IN 1/8''_NN ''_'' dia._NN dri
ll_NN rod_NN into_IN a_AT drill_NN press_NN or_CC some_DTI similar_JJ turning_VB
G device_NN and_CC while_CS it_PPS is_BEZ rotating_VBG file_VB the_AT end_NN squ
are_JJ and_CC then_RB file_VB a_AT slight_JJ taper_NN 1/8''_NN ''_'' long_JJ ._.
Cut_VB the_AT piece_NN about_RB 9/32''_NN ''_'' or_CC 5/16''_NN ''_'' long_JJ a
nd_CC drive_VB it_PPO into_IN the_AT No._NN-TL 31_CD-TL hole_NN drilled_VBN in_I
N the_AT locking_VBG bar_NN ._. File_VB the_AT bottom_NN edge_NN flush_JJ with_I
N the_AT bar_NN and_CC the_AT top_NN 1/8''_NN ''_'' above_IN the_AT bar_NN ._. T
his_DT dog_NN will_MD engage_VB a_AT notch_NN to_TO be_BE cut_VBN in_IN tappet_N
N 3_CD ._. Place_VB the_AT locking_VBG bar_NN in_IN proper_JJ position_NN and_CC
insert_VB tappet_NN 3_CD ._. Scribe_VB a_AT line_NN through_IN the_AT center_NN
of_IN the_AT pin_NN and_CC across_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN tappet_NN 3_CD ,_, pa
rallel_JJ to_IN piece_NN ``_`` A_NN ''_'' ._. See_VB the_AT drawings_NNS for_IN
the_AT shape_NN of_IN the_AT notch_NN ._. Scribe_VB V-shaped_NN lines_NNS on_IN
the_AT bar_NN and_CC rough_VB out_RP with_IN either_CC a_AT hack_NN saw_NN or_CC
a_AT cutting_VBG disk_NN in_IN a_AT hand_NN power_NN tool_NN ._. We_PPSS used_V
BD the_AT latter_AP equipped_VBN with_IN a_AT carborundum_NN disk_NN about_RB ''
_'' thick_JJ and_CC 1''_NN ''_'' dia._NN fitted_VBN on_IN a_AT 1/8''_NN ''_'' di
a._NN mandrel_NN ._. Such_JJ disks_NNS are_BER very_QL handy_JJ for_IN cutting_V
BG and_CC shaping_VBG small_JJ parts_NNS ._. File_VB to_IN a_AT smooth_JJ finish
_NN ._. A_AT Barrette_NP Swiss_JJ pattern_NN file_NN is_BEZ handy_JJ since_CS it
s_PP$ triangular_JJ shape_NN with_IN only_AP one_CD cutting_VBG face_NN will_MD
allow_VB you_PPO to_TO work_VB a_AT surface_NN without_IN marring_VBG an_AT adjo
ining_VBG one_CD ._. Endeavor_VB to_TO get_VB the_AT notches_NNS as_QL much_QL a
like_JJ as_CS possible_JJ ._. The_AT notch_NN should_MD have_HV a_AT smooth_JJ f
inish_NN so_CS that_CS the_AT steel_NN dog_NN will_MD slide_VB easily_RB over_IN
it_PPO ._. Assemble_VB the_AT parts_NNS in_IN the_AT frame_NN and_CC test_VB th
e_AT sliding_VBG action_NN of_IN the_AT mating_VBG pieces_NNS ._. All_ABN matchi
ng_VBG surfaces_NNS should_MD be_BE checked_VBN frequently_RB and_CC mated_VBN o
n_IN a_AT cut_VB and_CC fit_VB basis_NN ._. Chuck_VB a_AT 2''_NN ''_'' or_CC 3''
_NN ''_'' piece_NN of_IN 1/8''_NN ''_'' dia._NN drill_NN rod_NN in_IN a_AT drill
_NN press_NN or_CC electric_JJ hand_NN tool_NN ._. Fashion_VB a_AT sharp_JJ scri
bing_VBG point_NN about_RB 3/64''_NN ''_'' long_JJ on_IN one_CD end_NN ,_, using
_VBG Swiss_JJ pattern_NN files_NNS ._. This_DT tool_NN can_MD also_RB be_BE made
_VBN with_IN a_AT lathe_NN ._. Scientists_NNS say_VB that_CS the_AT world_NN and
_CC everything_PN in_IN it_PPO are_BER based_VBN on_IN mathematics_NN ._. Withou
t_IN math_NN the_AT men_NNS who_WPS are_BER continually_RB seeking_VBG the_AT ca
uses_NNS of_IN and_CC the_AT reasons_NNS for_IN the_AT many_AP things_NNS that_W
PS make_VB the_AT world_NN go_VB 'round_RB would_MD not_* have_HV any_DTI means_
NN of_IN analyzing_VBG ,_, standardizing_VBG ,_, and_CC communicating_VBG the_AT
things_NNS they_PPSS discover_VB and_CC learn_VB ._. Math_NN and_CC the_AT form
ulas_NNS that_WPS allow_VB it_PPO to_TO be_BE applied_VBN to_IN different_JJ pro
blems_NNS are_BER ,_, therefore_RB ,_, essential_JJ to_IN any_DTI scientific_JJ
endeavor_NN ._. Hot_JJ rodding_NN is_BEZ a_AT science_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ not_*
a_AT science_NN as_QL involved_VBN as_CS determining_VBG what_WDT makes_VBZ the_
AT earth_NN rotate_VB on_IN its_PP$ axis_NN or_CC building_VBG a_AT rocket_NN or
_CC putting_VBG a_AT satellite_NN into_IN orbit_NN but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ ,_, neve
rtheless_RB ,_, a_AT science_NN ._. But_CC because_CS science_NN is_BEZ based_VB
N on_IN mathematics_NN doesn't_DOZ* mean_VB that_CS a_AT hot_JJ rodder_NN must_M
D necessarily_RB be_BE a_AT mathematician_NN ._. A_AT guy_NN can_MD be_BE an_AT
active_JJ and_CC successful_JJ hot_JJ rodder_NN for_IN years_NNS without_IN beco
ming_VBG even_QL remotely_RB involved_VBN with_IN mathematical_JJ problems_NNS ;
_. ;_. however_WRB ,_, he_PPS will_MD have_HV a_AT clearer_JJR understanding_NN
of_IN what_WDT he_PPS is_BEZ doing_VBG and_CC the_AT chances_NNS are_BER he_PPS
will_MD be_BE more_QL successful_JJ if_CS he_PPS understands_VBZ the_AT few_AP f
ormulas_NNS that_WPS apply_VB to_IN rodding_VBG ._. A_AT mathematical_JJ formula
_NN is_BEZ nothing_PN more_AP than_CS a_AT pattern_NN for_IN solving_VBG a_AT sp
ecific_JJ problem_NN ._. It_PPS places_VBZ the_AT various_JJ factors_NNS involve
d_VBN in_IN the_AT problem_NN in_IN their_PP$ correct_JJ order_NN in_IN relation
_NN to_IN each_DT other_AP so_CS that_CS the_AT influence_NN of_IN factors_NNS o
n_IN each_DT other_AP can_MD be_BE computed_VBN ._. The_AT first_OD step_NN in_I
N using_VBG a_AT formula_NN is_BEZ to_TO insert_VB the_AT numerical_JJ values_NN
S of_IN the_AT factors_NNS involved_VBN in_IN their_PP$ correct_JJ positions_NNS
in_IN the_AT formula_NN ._. This_DT changes_VBZ the_AT formula_NN to_IN an_AT `
`_`` equation_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT equation_NN is_BEZ used_VBN for_IN the_AT math
ematical_JJ process_NN of_IN solving_VBG the_AT problem_NN ._. Equations_NNS for
_IN rodding_VBG formulas_NNS are_BER not_* complicated_VBN ._. They_PPSS involve
_VB only_RB simple_JJ mathematics_NNS that_WPS are_BER taught_VBN in_IN grammar_
NN school_NN arithmetic_NN classes_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ essentia
l_JJ that_CS the_AT various_JJ mathematical_JJ symbols_NNS used_VBN in_IN the_AT
equations_NNS be_BE understood_VBN so_CS that_CS the_AT mathematical_JJ process
es_NNS can_MD be_BE done_VBN properly_RB and_CC in_IN their_PP$ correct_JJ order
_NN ._. They_PPSS indicate_VB simple_JJ division_NN ,_, multiplication_NN ,_, su
btraction_NN ,_, and_CC addition_NN ._. The_AT symbol_NN for_IN division_NN is_B
EZ a_AT straight_JJ line_NN that_WPS separates_VBZ two_CD numbers_NNS placed_VBN
one_CD above_IN the_AT other_AP ._. The_AT lower_JJR number_NN is_BEZ always_RB
divided_VBN into_IN the_AT upper_JJ number_NN :_: Af_NN ._. The_AT symbol_NN fo
r_IN multiplication_NN is_BEZ ``_`` **b_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ used_VBN to_T
O separate_VB two_CD or_CC more_AP numbers_NNS in_IN a_AT row_NN ._. For_IN exam
ple_NN :_: Af_NN ._. Numbers_NNS to_TO be_BE multiplied_VBN together_RB may_MD b
e_BE multiplied_VBN in_IN any_DTI order_NN ._. The_AT result_NN will_MD be_BE th
e_AT same_AP regardless_RB of_IN the_AT order_NN used_VBN ._. The_AT symbol_NN f
or_IN subtraction_NN is_BEZ the_AT standard_JJ minus_NN sign_NN ._. This_DT is_B
EZ nothing_PN more_AP than_CS a_AT dash_NN ._. It_PPS separates_VBZ two_CD or_CC
more_AP numbers_NNS ._. The_AT number_NN on_IN the_AT right_NR of_IN the_AT sym
bol_NN is_BEZ always_RB subtracted_VBN from_IN the_AT number_NN on_IN the_AT lef
t_NR of_IN the_AT symbol_NN ._. For_IN example_NN :_: Af_NN ._. When_WRB more_AP
than_IN two_CD figures_NNS are_BER separated_VBN by_IN subtraction_NN symbols_N
NS the_AT subtraction_NN must_MD be_BE carried_VBN out_RP from_IN the_AT left_NR
to_IN right_NR if_CS the_AT result_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE correct_JJ ._. For_IN
example_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT problem_NN Af_NN ,_, 10_CD from_IN 25_CD equals_VBZ
15_CD ,_, then_RB 6_CD from_IN 15_CD equals_VBZ 9_CD ._. Addition_NN is_BEZ ind
icated_VBN by_IN the_AT +_NN symbol_NN ._. The_AT symbol_NN is_BEZ used_VBN to_T
O separate_VB two_CD or_CC more_AP numbers_NNS ._. For_IN example_NN :_: Af_NN .
_. Numbers_NNS separated_VBD by_IN addition_NN symbols_NNS may_MD be_BE placed_V
BN in_IN any_DTI order_NN ._. When_WRB solving_VBG an_AT equation_NN that_WPS in
volves_VBZ division_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS other_AP steps_NNS ,_, do_DO all_ABN
the_AT division_NN steps_NNS first_RB to_TO reduce_VB those_DTS parts_NNS of_IN
the_AT equation_NN to_IN their_PP$ numerical_JJ value_NN ._. Multiplication_NN ,
_, subtraction_NN ,_, and_CC addition_NN can_MD then_RB be_BE accomplished_VBN a
s_CS they_PPSS appear_VB in_IN the_AT equation_NN by_IN starting_VBG at_IN the_A
T left_JJ end_NN of_IN the_AT equation_NN and_CC working_VBG toward_IN the_AT ri
ght_NR ._. Completing_VBG the_AT division_NN first_RB also_RB includes_VBZ those
_DTS division_NN parts_NNS that_WPS require_VB multiplication_NN ,_, subtraction
_NN ,_, or_CC addition_NN steps_NNS :_: Af_NN ._. This_DT would_MD be_BE reduced
_VBN by_IN multiplying_VBG 8_CD times_IN 6_CD and_CC then_RB dividing_VBG the_AT
product_NN by_IN 12_CD ._. This_DT part_NN of_IN the_AT equation_NN would_MD th
en_RB become_VB 4_CD ._. For_IN use_NN in_IN formulas_NNS ,_, fractions_NNS shou
ld_MD be_BE converted_VBN to_IN their_PP$ decimal_NN equivalents_NNS ._. The_AT
easiest_JJT way_NN to_TO do_DO this_DT is_BEZ with_IN a_AT conversion_NN chart_N
N ._. Charts_NNS for_IN this_DT purpose_NN are_BER available_JJ from_IN many_AP
sources_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER included_VBN in_IN all_ABN types_NNS of_IN mat
hematical_JJ handbooks_NNS and_CC they_PPSS are_BER stamped_VBN on_IN some_DTI t
ypes_NNS of_IN precision_NN measuring_VBG instruments_NNS ._. The_AT various_JJ
mathematical_JJ processes_NNS can_MD be_BE simplified_VBN by_IN carrying_VBG the
_AT results_NNS to_IN only_RB two_CD or_CC three_CD decimal_NN places_NNS ._. Sh
ortening_VBG the_AT results_NNS in_IN this_DT manner_NN will_MD not_* have_HV an
y_DTI detrimental_JJ effect_NN on_IN the_AT accuracy_NN of_IN the_AT final_JJ re
sult_NN ._. Some_DTI formulas_NNS contain_VB ``_`` constants_NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT
constant_NN is_BEZ a_AT number_NN that_WPS remains_VBZ the_AT same_AP regardless
_RB of_IN the_AT other_AP numbers_NNS used_VBN in_IN the_AT formula_NN and_CC th
e_AT resultant_JJ equation_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT number_NN without_IN which_
WDT the_AT equation_NN cannot_MD* be_BE solved_VBN correctly_RB ._. Rodding_VBG
formulas_NNS apply_VB to_IN many_AP phases_NNS of_IN the_AT sport_NN ._. The_AT
answers_NNS they_PPSS give_VB can_MD often_RB pave_VB the_AT way_NN to_IN perfor
mance_NN increases_NNS and_CC ,_, quite_QL often_RB ,_, are_BER necessary_JJ for
_IN completing_VBG entry_NN blanks_NNS for_IN different_JJ events_NNS ._. When_W
RB it_PPS is_BEZ needed_VBN ,_, one_CD formula_NN is_BEZ as_QL important_JJ as_C
S another_DT ._. However_RB ,_, some_DTI formulas_NNS are_BER used_VBN more_RBR
than_CS others_NNS ._. We'll_PPSS+MD take_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT general_JJ or
der_NN of_IN their_PP$ popularity_NN ._. Engine_NN-HL displacement_NN-HL A_AT ro
dder_NN should_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO compute_VB the_AT displacement_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ engine_NN ._. Displacement_NN is_BEZ sometimes_RB referred_VBN to_IN as_CS
``_`` swept_VBN volume_NN ''_'' ._. Most_AP entry_NN blanks_NNS for_IN competit
ive_JJ events_NNS require_VB engine_NN displacement_NN information_NN because_RB
of_IN class_NN restrictions_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ good_JJ to_TO be_BE able_JJ t
o_TO compute_VB displacement_NN so_CS that_CS changes_NNS in_IN it_PPO resulting
_VBG from_IN boring_VBG and_CC stroking_NN can_MD be_BE computed_VBN ._. Factors
_NNS involved_VBN in_IN the_AT displacement_NN formula_NN are_BER the_AT bore_NN
diameter_NN of_IN the_AT engine's_NN$ cylinders_NNS ,_, the_AT length_NN of_IN
the_AT piston_NN stroke_NN ,_, the_AT number_NN of_IN cylinders_NNS in_IN the_AT
engine_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT constant_NN ._. The_AT constant_NN is_BEZ ,_, which_W
DT is_BEZ one-quarter_NN of_IN 3.1416_CD ,_, another_DT constant_NN known_VBN as
_CS ``_`` pi_NN ''_'' ._. Pi_NN is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN formulas_NNS concerned_VBN
with_IN the_AT dimensions_NNS of_IN circles_NNS ._. Actually_RB ,_, the_AT engi
ne_NN displacement_NN formula_NN is_BEZ the_AT standard_JJ formula_NN for_IN com
puting_VBG the_AT volume_NN of_IN a_AT cylinder_NN of_IN any_DTI type_NN with_IN
an_AT added_VBN factor_NN that_WPS represents_VBZ the_AT number_NN of_IN cylind
ers_NNS in_IN the_AT engine_NN ._. The_AT cross-sectional_JJ area_NN of_IN the_A
T cylinders_NNS is_BEZ determined_VBN and_CC then_RB the_AT volume_NN of_IN the_
AT individual_JJ cylinders_NNS is_BEZ computed_VBN by_IN multiplying_VBG the_AT
area_NN by_IN the_AT stroke_NN length_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT equivalent_
JJ of_IN the_AT length_NN of_IN the_AT cylinders_NNS ._. Multiplying_VBG the_AT
result_NN by_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN cylinders_NNS in_IN the_AT engine_NN give
s_VBZ the_AT engine's_NN$ total_NN displacement_NN ._. The_AT formula_NN is_BEZ
:_: Af_NN ._. Dimensions_NNS in_IN inches_NNS ,_, and_CC fractions_NNS of_IN inc
hes_NNS will_MD give_VB the_AT displacement_NN in_IN cubic_JJ inches_NNS ._. Dim
ensions_NNS in_IN centimeters_NNS and_CC fractions_NNS of_IN centimeters_NNS wil
l_MD give_VB the_AT displacement_NN in_IN cubic_JJ centimeters_NNS (_( cc._NNS )
_) ._. One_CD inch_NN equals_VBZ 2.54_CD centimeters_NNS :_: one_CD cubic_JJ inc
h_NN equals_VBZ 16.38_CD cubic_JJ centimeters_NNS ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, let'
s_VB+PPO consider_VB a_AT standard_JJ 283_CD cubic_JJ inch_NN Chevy_NP Aj_NN ._.
These_DTS engines_NNS have_HV a_AT cylinder_NN diameter_NN of_IN 3-7/8_CD inche
s_NNS and_CC a_AT stroke_NN length_NN of_IN 3_CD inches_NNS ._. The_AT formula_N
N ,_, with_IN the_AT fractions_NNS converted_VBN to_IN decimals_NNS ,_, becomes_
VBZ Af_NN ._. To_TO arrive_VB at_IN the_AT answer_NN ,_, multiply_VB the_AT numb
ers_NNS together_RB by_IN starting_VBG at_IN the_AT left_NR of_IN the_AT group_N
N and_CC working_VBG to_IN the_AT right_NR ._. The_AT different_JJ steps_NNS wil
l_MD look_VB like_CS this_DT :_: Af_NN ._. Compression_NN-HL ratio_NN-HL A_AT cy
linder's_NN$ compression_NN ratio_NN is_BEZ computed_VBN by_IN comparing_VBG the
_AT cylinder's_NN$ volume_NN ,_, or_CC its_PP$ displacement_NN ,_, with_IN the_A
T total_NN volume_NN of_IN the_AT cylinder_NN and_CC its_PP$ combustion_NN chamb
er_NN ._. Cylinder_NN volume_NN can_MD be_BE determined_VBN mathematically_RB bu
t_CC combustion_NN chamber_NN volume_NN must_MD be_BE measured_VBN with_IN a_AT
liquid_NN ._. Cylinder_NN volume_NN is_BEZ determined_VBN in_IN exactly_RB the_A
T same_AP manner_NN as_CS for_IN the_AT displacement_NN formula_NN :_: Af_NN ._.
To_TO measure_VB the_AT volume_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT combustion_NN chamb
ers_NNS in_IN the_AT cylinder_NN head_NN ,_, install_VB the_AT valves_NNS and_CC
spark_NN plug_NN in_IN the_AT chamber_NN and_CC support_VB the_AT head_NN so_CS
that_CS its_PP$ gasket_NN surface_NN is_BEZ level_JJ ._. Then_RB pour_VB water_
NN or_CC light_JJ oil_NN from_IN a_AT graduated_VBN beaker_NN into_IN the_AT cha
mber_NN to_TO fill_VB the_AT chamber_NN to_IN its_PP$ gasket_NN surface_NN ._. D
o_DO not_* overfill_VB the_AT chamber_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ possible_JJ with_IN
water_NN and_CC other_AP liquids_NNS that_WPS have_HV a_AT high_JJ surface_NN te
nsion_NN ._. Such_JJ liquids_NNS will_MD rise_VB to_IN a_AT considerable_JJ heig
ht_NN above_IN the_AT surface_NN around_IN the_AT chamber_NN before_CS they_PPSS
will_MD flow_VB out_IN of_IN the_AT chamber_NN ._. The_AT amount_VB of_IN liqui
d_NN poured_VBN into_IN the_AT chamber_NN is_BEZ determined_VBN by_IN subtractin
g_VBG the_AT quantity_NN still_RB in_IN the_AT beaker_NN when_WRB the_AT chamber
_NN is_BEZ full_JJ from_IN the_AT original_JJ quantity_NN ._. Most_AP beakers_NN
S are_BER graduated_VBN in_IN cubic_JJ centimeters_NNS (_( cc._NNS )_) ,_, makin
g_VBG it_PPO necessary_JJ to_TO convert_VB the_AT result_NN to_IN cubic_JJ inche
s_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, the_AT displacement_NN of_IN the_AT cylinder_NN can_MD
be_BE converted_VBN to_IN cubic_JJ centimeters_NNS ._. The_AT compression_NN rat
io_NN arrived_VBN at_IN with_IN the_AT formula_NN will_MD be_BE the_AT same_AP r
egardless_RB of_IN whether_CS cubic_JJ inches_NNS or_CC cubic_JJ centimeters_NNS
are_BER used_VBN ._. The_AT only_AP precaution_NN is_BEZ that_CS all_ABN volume
s_NNS used_VBN in_IN the_AT formula_NN be_BE quoted_VBN in_IN the_AT same_AP ter
ms_NNS ._. The_AT volume_NN of_IN the_AT cylinder_NN opening_NN in_IN the_AT hea
d_NN gasket_NN must_MD be_BE computed_VBN by_IN multiplying_VBG its_PP$ area_NN
in_IN square_JJ inches_NNS by_IN the_AT gasket's_NN$ thickness_NN in_IN thousand
ths_NNS of_IN an_AT inch_NN ._. Sometimes_RB it_PPS is_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO ro
ughly_RB calculate_VB the_AT square_JJ inch_NN area_NN of_IN the_AT opening_NN b
ut_CC the_AT calculation_NN can_MD usually_RB be_BE made_VBN with_IN sufficient_
JJ accuracy_NN that_CS it_PPS won't_MD* affect_VB the_AT final_JJ computation_NN
._. The_AT volume_NN of_IN the_AT opening_NN is_BEZ added_VBN to_IN the_AT comb
ustion_NN chamber_NN volume_NN ._. Another_DT thing_NN that_WPS must_MD be_BE ta
ken_VBN into_IN consideration_NN is_BEZ the_AT volume_NN of_IN the_AT area_NN be
tween_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT piston_NN and_CC the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT
cylinder_NN block_NN when_WRB the_AT piston_NN is_BEZ in_IN top_NN dead_JJ cente
r_NN position_NN ._. Compute_VB this_DT volume_NN by_IN measuring_VBG the_AT dis
tance_NN from_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT block_NN to_IN the_AT piston_NN head
_NN as_QL accurately_RB as_CS possible_JJ with_IN a_AT depth_NN micrometer_NN or
_CC some_DTI other_AP precision_NN measuring_VBG device_NN and_CC then_RB multip
ly_VB the_AT area_NN of_IN the_AT cylinder_NN by_IN the_AT depth_NN ._. The_AT f
ormula_NN for_IN this_DT step_NN is_BEZ :_: Af_NN ._. This_DT volume_NN is_BEZ a
dded_VBN to_IN the_AT total_NN volume_NN of_IN the_AT combustion_NN chamber_NN a
nd_CC head_NN gasket_NN opening_NN ._. The_AT total_NN of_IN these_DTS three_CD
volumes_NNS is_BEZ the_AT ``_`` final_JJ combustion_NN chamber_NN volume_NN ''_'
' ._. After_CS the_AT factors_NNS just_RB described_VBN have_HV been_BEN compute
d_VBN ,_, they_PPSS are_BER applied_VBN to_IN the_AT following_VBG formula_NN :_
: Af_NN ._. For_IN an_AT example_NN let's_VB+PPO dream_VB up_RP an_AT engine_NN
that_WPS has_HVZ a_AT final_JJ combustion_NN chamber_NN volume_NN of_IN 5_CD cub
ic_JJ inches_NNS and_CC a_AT cylinder_NN volume_NN of_IN 45_CD cubic_JJ inches_N
NS ._. Applying_VBG these_DTS figures_NNS to_IN the_AT formula_NN we_PPSS get_VB
the_AT equation_NN :_: Af_NN ._. The_AT compression_NN ratio_NN is_BEZ 10_CD to
_IN 1_CD ._. This_DT method_NN of_IN computing_VBG compression_NN ratio_NN canno
t_MD* be_BE used_VBN accurately_RB for_IN engines_NNS that_WPS have_HV pistons_N
NS with_IN either_CC domed_VBN or_CC irregularly_RB shaped_VBN heads_NNS ._. Any
_DTI irregularity_NN on_IN the_AT piston_NN heads_NNS will_MD make_VB it_PPO imp
ossible_JJ ,_, with_IN normal_JJ means_NNS ,_, to_TO determine_VB the_AT final_J
J combustion_NN chamber_NN volume_NN because_CS the_AT volume_NN displaced_VBN b
y_IN the_AT piston_NN heads_NNS cannot_MD* be_BE readily_RB computed_VBN ._. The
_AT only_AP way_NN to_TO determine_VB the_AT final_JJ combustion_NN chamber_NN v
olume_NN when_WRB such_JJ pistons_NNS are_BER used_VBN is_BEZ by_IN measuring_VB
G it_PPO with_IN liquid_NN while_CS the_AT cylinder_NN head_NN is_BEZ bolted_VBN
to_IN the_AT cylinder_NN block_NN and_CC the_AT piston_NN is_BEZ in_IN top_NN d
ead_JJ center_NN position_NN ._. Gear_NN-HL ratio_NN-HL --_---HL speed_NN-HL rel
ationships_NNS-HL There_EX are_BER four_CD versions_NNS of_IN the_AT formula_NN
that_WPS involves_VBZ the_AT relationships_NNS of_IN car_NN speed_NN ,_, engine_
NN speed_NN ,_, rear_JJ axle_NN gear_NN ratio_NN ,_, and_CC rear_JJ tire_NN size
_NN ._. By_IN using_VBG the_AT appropriate_JJ version_NN any_DTI one_CD of_IN th
ese_DTS factors_NNS can_MD be_BE determined_VBN for_IN any_DTI combination_NN of
_IN the_AT other_AP three_CD ._. To_TO simplify_VB the_AT formulas_NNS a_AT repr
esentative_JJ symbol_NN is_BEZ substituted_VBN for_IN each_DT of_IN the_AT facto
rs_NNS ._. These_DTS are_BER MPH_NN for_IN Car_NN speed_NN ,_, for_NN Engine_NN
crankshaft_NN speed_NN ,_, for_NN Rear_JJ axle_NN gear_NN ratio_NN ,_, for_NN Ti
re_NN size_NN ._. Tire_NN size_NN can_MD be_BE determined_VBN in_IN several_AP w
ays_NNS but_CC the_AT one_CD that_DT is_BEZ the_AT easiest_JJT and_CC as_QL accu
rate_JJ as_CS any_DTI is_BEZ by_IN measuring_VBG the_AT effective_JJ radius_NN o
f_IN a_AT wheel_NN and_CC tire_NN assembly_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ done_VBN by_IN
measuring_VBG the_AT distance_NN from_IN the_AT surface_NN on_IN which_WDT the_A
T tire_NN is_BEZ resting_VBG to_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT rear_JJ axle_NN
shaft_NN ._. A_AT tire_NN must_MD be_BE inflated_VBN to_IN its_PP$ normal_JJ ho
t_JJ operating_VBG pressure_NN and_CC the_AT car_NN must_MD be_BE loaded_VBN to_
IN its_PP$ operating_VBG weight_NN when_WRB this_DT measurement_NN is_BEZ made_V
BN ._. The_AT measurement_NN must_MD be_BE in_IN inches_NNS ._. Any_DTI fraction
_NN of_IN an_AT inch_NN involved_VBN in_IN the_AT measurement_NN must_MD be_BE c
onverted_VBN to_IN a_AT decimal_NN equivalent_NN to_TO simplify_VB the_AT mathem
atics_NN ._. When_WRB tire_NN size_NN is_BEZ measured_VBN in_IN this_DT manner_N
N a_AT constant_NN of_IN 168_CD is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN the_AT formula_NN ._. To_T
O determine_VB car_NN speed_NN for_IN a_AT given_VBN combination_NN of_IN engine
_NN speed_NN ,_, gear_NN ratio_NN ,_, and_CC tire_NN size_NN ,_, the_AT formula_
NN is_BEZ :_: Af_NN ._. For_IN an_AT engine_NN speed_NN of_IN 5000_CD rpm_NN ,_,
a_AT gear_NN ratio_NN of_IN 4.00_CD to_IN 1_CD ,_, and_CC a_AT tire_NN radius_N
N of_IN 13_CD inches_NNS ,_, the_AT equation_NN would_MD look_VB like_CS this_DT
:_: Af_NN ._. To_TO determine_VB engine_NN speed_NN for_IN a_AT given_VBN combi
nation_NN of_IN the_AT other_AP three_CD factors_NNS the_AT formula_NN is_BEZ :_
: Af_NN ._. Using_VBG the_AT same_AP figures_NNS as_CS for_IN the_AT previous_JJ
example_NN ,_, the_AT equation_NN becomes_VBZ :_: Af_NN ._. To_TO determine_VB
the_AT rear_JJ axle_NN gear_NN ratio_NN for_IN a_AT combination_NN of_IN the_AT
other_AP three_CD factors_NNS ,_, the_AT formula_NN is_BEZ :_: Af_NN ._. Using_V
BG the_AT figures_NNS from_IN the_AT previous_JJ examples_NNS ,_, the_AT equatio
n_NN becomes_VBZ :_: Af_NN ._. Orlando_NP-HL ,_,-HL Fla._NP-HL ,_,-HL Feb._NP-HL
2_CD-HL --_-- The_AT best_JJT 2-year-old_JJ pacing_VBG mile_NN up_RP to_IN date
_NN at_IN Ben_NP-TL White_NP-TL Raceway_NN-TL has_HVZ been_BEN that_DT of_IN Mar
y_NP Liner_NP (_( Mainliner-Highland_NP Ellen_NP )_) ,_, a_AT member_NN of_IN th
e_AT Dick_NP Williams_NP stable_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ clocked_VBN 2:25_CD ._.
She_PPS is_BEZ owned_VBN by_IN Ralph_NP H._NP Kroening_NP ,_, Milwaukee_NP ,_, W
is._NP ,_, who_WPS ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT railbirds_NNS ,_, can_MD feel_V
B justly_QL proud_JJ of_IN her_PPO ._. Other_AP good_JJ miles_NNS have_HV been_B
EN by_IN Debonnie_NP (_( Dale_NP Frost-Debby_NP Hanover_NP )_) and_CC Prompt_JJ-
TL Time_NN-TL (_( Adios-On_NP Time_NN-TL )_) in_IN 2:28-:36_CD ;_. ;_. Kimberly_
NP Gal_NN-TL (_( Galophone-Kimberly_NP Hanover_NP )_) 2:26.2_CD ;_. ;_. Laguerre
_NP Hanover_NP (_( Tar_NN-TL Heel-Lotus_NP Hanover_NP )_) and_CC Monel_NP (_( Ta
r_NN-TL Heel-Miracle_NP Byrd_NP )_) in_IN 2:34_CD ._. Laguerre_NP Hanover_NP is_
BEZ outstanding_JJ in_IN type_NN and_CC conformation_NN --_-- good_JJ body_NN ,_
, plenty_NN of_IN heart_NN girth_NN ,_, stands_VBZ straight_RB on_IN his_PP$ leg
s_NNS on_IN excellent_JJ feet_NNS --_-- and_CC has_HVZ the_AT smoothest_JJT gait
_NN ._. This_DT colt_NN is_BEZ behind_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT other_AP 2-year-ol
ds_NNS in_IN the_AT Simpson_NP stable_NN but_CC can_MD show_VB about_RB as_QL mu
ch_AP pace_NN as_CS any_DTI of_IN them_PPO ._. Monel_NP shows_VBZ improvement_NN
with_IN each_DT work-out_NN and_CC looks_VBZ the_AT makings_NNS of_IN a_AT good
_JJ brood_NN mare_NN after_CS winning_VBG her_PP$ share_NN of_IN races_NNS ._. S
tardel_NP (_( Star's_NN$-TL Pride-Starlette_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:34_CD ,_, lo
oks_VBZ quite_QL promising_JJ ._. Fury_NN-TL Hanover_NP (_( Hoot_NP Mon-Fay_NP )
_) ,_, Caper_NN-TL (_( Hoot_NP Mon-Columbia_NP Hanover_NP )_) and_CC Isaac_NP (_
( Hoot_NP Mon-Goddess_NP Hanover_NP )_) has_HVZ been_BEN working_VBG together_RB
but_CC have_HV not_* equalled_VBN their_PP$ best_JJT work_NN done_VBN some_DTI
weeks_NNS ago_RB ._. Fury_NN-TL and_CC Caper_NN-TL worked_VBD in_IN 2:35_CD and_
CC did_DOD it_PPO with_IN ease_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER two_CD good_JJ colts_NNS
of_IN different_JJ type_NN ._. Fury_NN-TL is_BEZ upstanding_JJ and_CC on_IN the
_AT rangy_JJ side_NN ,_, and_CC Caper_NN-TL is_BEZ more_AP the_AT compact_JJ typ
e_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV never_RB seen_VBN Caper_NN-TL off_IN his_PP$ feet_NNS --
_-- he_PPS seems_VBZ to_TO know_VB nothing_PN but_IN '_' trot_NN '_' and_CC keep
s_VBZ trying_VBG a_AT little_QL harder_RBR if_CS asked_VBN to_TO do_DO so_RB ._.
Fury_NN-TL has_HVZ made_VBN a_AT few_AP mistakes_NNS but_CC looks_VBZ like_CS a
_AT wonderful_JJ prospect_NN ,_, with_IN his_PP$ impressive_JJ gait_NN and_CC st
ride_NN which_WDT certainly_RB make_VB him_PPO cover_VB the_AT ground_NN ._. Tra
ckdown_NP (_( Torrid-Mighty_NP Lady_NN-TL )_) has_HVZ worked_VBN a_AT mile_NN in
_IN 2:33.3_CD ._. It_PPS took_VBD this_DT colt_NN several_AP weeks_NNS to_TO str
ike_VB a_AT pace_NN ._. Then_RB ,_, after_IN emasculation_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ
eased_VBN up_RP for_IN a_AT couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS ._. He_PPS has_HVZ thrive
d_VBN on_IN all_ABN he_PPS has_HVZ gone_VBN through_IN and_CC looks_VBZ the_AT m
akings_NNS of_IN a_AT good_JJ little_JJ race_NN horse_NN ._. Thor_NP Hanover_NP
(_( Adios-Trustful_NP Hanover_NP )_) is_BEZ a_AT wonderful_JJ looking_JJ prospec
t_NN and_CC another_DT good_JJ individual_NN ,_, with_IN solid_JJ ,_, rugged_JJ
conformation_NN ,_, good_JJ ,_, flat_JJ bone_NN and_CC excellent_JJ feet_NNS ._.
This_DT colt_NN arrived_VBD at_IN the_AT Raceway_NN-TL early_RB last_AP Novembe
r_NP ,_, and_CC immediately_RB was_BEDZ put_VBN into_IN harness_NN and_CC line-d
riven_VBN for_IN a_AT few_AP days_NNS ,_, and_CC then_RB put_VBN to_IN cart_NN a
nd_CC broken_VBN in_RP very_QL nicely_RB ,_, knowing_VBG nothing_PN but_IN trot_
NN ._. He_PPS appeared_VBD in_IN the_AT hopples_NNS about_RB November_NP 14_CD ,
_, was_BEDZ treated_VBN for_IN worms_NNS on_IN the_AT 18th_OD ,_, the_AT latter_
AP date_NN being_BEG the_AT first_OD time_NN he_PPS struck_VBD a_AT real_JJ pace
_NN ._. On_IN December_NP 5_CD he_PPS paced_VBD a_AT mile_NN in_IN 55_CD on_IN t
he_AT twice-around_NN ,_, out_RP in_IN third_OD position_NN all_ABN the_AT way_N
N ._. This_DT colt_NN has_HVZ done_VBN everything_PN asked_VBN of_IN him_PPO ,_,
and_CC done_VBN it_PPO with_IN ease_NN ._. His_PP$ best_JJT mile_NN to_IN date_
NN is_BEZ 2:32.2_CD ._. Gamecock_NP (_( Tar_NN-TL Heel-Terka_NP Hanover_NP )_) i
s_BEZ another_DT promising_JJ colt_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ best_JJT time_NN is_BEZ
2:32.2_CD ._. This_DT is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT best-tempered_JJT Tar_NN-TL He
els_NNS-TL ever_RB at_IN the_AT center_NN ._. The_AT first_OD time_NN he_PPS was
_BEDZ harnessed_VBN he_PPS stood_VBD like_CS a_AT gentle_JJ old_JJ mare_NN ;_. ;
_. the_AT crupper_NN under_IN his_PP$ tail_NN seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE old_JJ stuf
f_NN ._. The_AT fourth_OD time_NN in_IN harness_NN he_PPS walked_VBD off_RP like
_CS a_AT gentleman_NN ._. Being_BEG blistered_VBN for_IN curbs_NNS has_HVZ delay
ed_VBN his_PP$ work_NN somewhat_RB ._. But_CC up_RP to_IN date_NN he_PPS has_HVZ
shown_VBN as_QL much_AP as_CS any_DTI in_IN the_AT big_JJ Simpson_NP stable_NN
._. Hustler_NN-TL (_( Knight_NN-TL Dream-Torkin_NP )_) is_BEZ a_AT playful_JJ ba
y_NN rascal_NN of_IN a_AT colt_NN ,_, not_* the_AT best_JJT gaited_JJ ,_, but_CC
he_PPS surely_RB can_MD pace_VB and_CC is_BEZ right_QL there_RB with_IN them_PP
O ,_, and_CC sometimes_RB leading_VBG them_PPO ,_, in_IN the_AT best_JJT miles_N
NS ._. Torrid_NN-TL Freight_NN-TL (_( Torrid-Breeze_NP On_IN-TL Hal_NP )_) is_BE
Z a_AT very_QL rugged_JJ ,_, strong-made_JJ colt_NN with_IN a_AT wonderful_JJ st
ride_NN who_WPS has_HVZ done_VBN with_IN ease_NN everything_PN asked_VBN of_IN h
im_PPO ._. His_PP$ best_JJT time_NN is_BEZ around_RB 2:33_CD ._. Strongheart_NP
(_( Adios-Direct_NP Gal_NN-TL )_) ,_, a_AT fair-looking_JJ sorrel_NN colt_NN ,_,
knows_VBZ nothing_PN but_IN pace_NN and_CC has_HVZ been_BEN right_QL there_RB i
n_IN the_AT best_JJT miles_NNS ._. Torrid_JJ-TL Adios_NP (_( Torrid-Adios_NP Mol
ly_NP )_) is_BEZ not_* so_QL masculine_JJ as_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT colts_NNS ,
_, but_CC I_PPSS like_VB his_PP$ type_NN and_CC he_PPS certainly_RB is_BEZ one_C
D of_IN the_AT best-gaited_JJT pacers_NNS on_IN the_AT grounds_NNS ._. Blistered
_VBN for_IN curbs_NNS and_CC laid_VBN off_RP three_CD weeks_NNS ,_, he_PPS is_BE
Z coming_VBG along_RB fine_RB and_CC looks_VBZ like_CS a_AT pacer_NN to_IN me_PP
O ._. First_OD-TL Flyer_NN-TL (_( Frisco_NP Flyer-Castle_NP Light_NN-TL )_) look
s_VBZ like_CS a_AT splendid_JJ candidate_NN for_IN the_AT Illinois_NP-TL Stakes_
NNS-TL ._. His_PP$ best_JJT time_NN is_BEZ 2:33.2_CD ._. The_AT colts_NNS in_IN
Simpson's_NP$ stable_NN have_HV little_AP if_CS anything_PN on_IN the_AT fillies
_NNS ,_, especially_RB the_AT pacers_NNS ._. Justine_NP Hanover_NP (_( Sampson_N
P Hanover-Justitia_NP Hanover_NP )_) is_BEZ improving_VBG with_IN each_DT work-o
ut_NN and_CC paced_VBD 2:32.4_CD weeks_NNS ago_RB ._. Mrs._NP Freight_NN-TL (_(
Knight_NN-TL Dream-Miss_NP Reed_NP )_) shows_VBZ promise_NN and_CC does_DOZ it_P
PO in_IN good_JJ form_NN ,_, and_CC her_PP$ best_JJT time_NN is_BEZ about_RB 2:3
5_CD ._. Hoopla_NP (_( Tar_NN-TL Heel-Holiday_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, a_AT filly_N
N that_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO trot_VB ,_, knocked_VBD herself_PPL October_NP 31_CD
and_CC November_NP 1_CD fighting_VBG the_AT hopples_NNS ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ th
en_RB trained_VBN on_IN the_AT trot_NN until_IN December_NP 29_CD ,_, hitched_VB
N to_IN a_AT breaking_VBG cart_NN once_RB around_IN the_AT half-mile_NN track_NN
and_CC hoppled_VBN again_RB ._. This_DT time_NN she_PPS submitted_VBD and_CC in
_IN a_AT few_AP days_NNS was_BEDZ going_VBG good_RB ._. On_IN January_NP 11_CD s
he_PPS paced_VBD a_AT mile_NN in_IN 2:43.1--:38_CD ;_. ;_. on_IN Jan._NP 18_CD 2
:37.3--:36.1_CD ;_. ;_. on_IN Jan._NP 21_CD ,_, ,_, 2:36_CD ._. This_DT filly_NN
is_BEZ a_AT much_QL better_JJR individual_NN than_CS either_DTX of_IN her_PP$ f
ull-sisters_NNS ,_, Valentine_NP-TL Day_NN-TL and_CC Cerise_NP --_-- more_AP sca
le_NN and_CC much_QL better_JJR underpinning_NN ._. She_PPS is_BEZ more_RBR like
_CS her_PP$ full_JJ brother_NN ,_, Taraday_NP Hanover_NP ,_, but_CC larger_JJR .
_. Up_RP to_IN date_NN she_PPS is_BEZ a_AT grand-looking_JJ filly_NN ._. Pete_NP
Dailey_NP has_HVZ four_CD promising_JJ 2-year-old_JJ pacers_NNS ._. Marquis_NP
Pick_NP (_( Gene_NP Abbe-Direct_NP Grattan_NP )_) seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT p
ick_NN of_IN the_AT stable_NN at_IN the_AT present_JJ time_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ
a_AT fine-looking_JJ colt_NN with_IN a_AT good_JJ body_NN ,_, good_JJ set_NN of_
IN legs_NNS and_CC nice_JJ way_NN of_IN going_VBG ._. His_PP$ best_JJT mile_NN t
o_IN date_NN is_BEZ 2:28-:33_CD ._. Majestic_JJ-TL Pick_NP comes_VBZ next_RB ,_,
with_IN a_AT mile_NN in_IN 2:30-:33.2_CD ._. This_DT colt_NN is_BEZ another_DT
fine-looking_JJ equine_NN ._. Staley_NP Hanover_NP (_( Knight_NN-TL Dream-Sweetm
ite_NP Hanover_NP )_) is_BEZ a_AT little_AP on_IN the_AT small_JJ side_NN but_CC
a_AT very_QL compact_JJ colt_NN and_CC looks_VBZ like_CS one_CD to_TO stand_VB
training_VBG and_CC many_AP future_JJ battles_NNS with_IN colts_NNS in_IN his_PP
$ class_NN ._. Best_JJT time_NN to_IN date_NN is_BEZ 2:34-:34_CD ._. Step_VB-TL
Aside_RB-TL (_( Direct_JJ-TL Rhythm-Wily_NP Widow_NN-TL )_) has_HVZ worked_VBN i
n_IN 2:32_CD on_IN the_AT half-mile_NN track_NN and_CC shows_VBZ promise_NN ._.
Most_AP of_IN Billy_NP Haughton's_NP$ 2-year-olds_NNS have_HV worked_VBN from_IN
2:40_CD to_IN 2:35_CD ._. Bonnie_NP Wick_NP (_( Gene_NP Abbe-Scotch_NP Mary_NP
)_) has_HVZ gone_VBN in_IN 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Hickory_NN-TL Ash_NN-TL (_( Titan_NP
Hanover-Misty_NP Hanover_NP )_) in_IN 2:35_CD ._. The_AT first_OD time_NN I_PPSS
saw_VBD the_AT latter_AP filly_NN she_PPS trotted_VBD by_IN me_PPO and_CC I_PPS
S noticed_VBD such_ABL a_AT family_NN resemblance_NN that_CS I_PPSS said_VBD to_
IN myself_PPL ,_, ``_`` that_DT must_MD be_BE Hickory_NN-TL Ash_NN-TL ''_'' ._.
She_PPS is_BEZ a_AT beautiful_JJ filly_NN and_CC likes_VBZ to_TO trot_VB ._. Hic
kory_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL (_( Star's_NN$-TL Pride-Venus_NP Hanover_NP )_) has_HVZ go
ne_VBN in_IN 2:33_CD ;_. ;_. Hickory_NN-TL Spark_NP (_( Harlan-Hickory_NP Tiny_J
J-TL )_) 2:37_CD ;_. ;_. Buxton_NP Hanover_NP (_( Tar_NN-TL Heel-Beryl_NP Hanove
r_NP )_) 2:35_CD ;_. ;_. Faber's_NP$ Kathy_NP (_( Faber_NP Hanover-Ceyway_NP )_)
2:37_CD ;_. ;_. Honor_NP Rodney_NP (_( Rodney-Honor_NP Bright_JJ-TL )_) around_
RB 2:40_CD ._. The_AT last-named_JJ is_BEZ a_AT fine-looking_JJ ,_, large_JJ col
t_NN ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN unfortunate_JJ to_TO be_BE laid_VBN off_RP for
_IN some_DTI time_NN due_RB to_IN injuries_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ going_VBG sound
_JJ again_RB now_RB ,_, and_CC looks_VBZ good_JJ ._. Brief_JJ-TL Candle_NN-TL (_
( Harlan-Marcia_NP )_) has_HVZ gone_VBN in_IN 2:37_CD ;_. ;_. Lena_NP Faber_NP (
_( Faber_NP Hanover-Chalidale_NP Lena_NP )_) 2:33_CD ;_. ;_. Martha_NP Rodney_NP
(_( Rodney-Miss_NP Martha_NP D._NP )_) 2:35_CD ;_. ;_. Checkit_NP (_( Faber_NP
Hanover-Supermarket_NP )_) 2:35_CD ;_. ;_. Charm_NP Rodney_NP (_( Rodney-The_NP
Charmer_NN-TL )_) 2:37_CD ;_. ;_. Fair_JJ-TL Sail_NN-TL (_( Farvel-Topsy_NP Herr
ing_NN-TL )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Custom_JJ-TL Maid_NN-TL (_( Knight_NN-TL Dream-Way
_NP Dream_NN-TL )_) 2:34.2_CD ;_. ;_. Jacky_NP Dares_NP (_( (_( Meadow_JJ-TL Gen
e-Princess_NP Lorraine_NP )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Good_JJ-TL Flying_NN-TL (_( Good_J
J-TL Time-Olivette_NP Hanover_NP )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Bordner_NP Hanover_NP (_( T
ar_NN-TL Heel-Betty_NP Mahone_NP )_) 2:34_CD ;_. ;_. Faber's_NP$ Choice_NN-TL (_
( Faber_NP Hanover-Sally_NP Joe_NP Whippet_NP )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Invercalt_NP (
_( Florican-Inverness_NP )_) 2:35_CD ;_. ;_. Duffy_NP Dares_NP (_( Meadow_NN-TL
Gene-Princess_NP Mite_NP )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Harold_NP J._NP (_( Worthy_NP Boy-L
ady_NP Scotland_NP )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Knightfall_NP (_( Knight_NN-TL Dream-Miss
_NP Worthy_JJ-TL Grapes_NNS-TL )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Next_AP-TL Knight_NN-TL (_( K
night_NN-TL Dream-Next_NP Time_NN-TL )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Trader_NN-TL Jet_NN-TL
(_( Florican-My_NP Precious_JJ-TL )_) 2:37_CD ;_. ;_. Trader_NN-TL Rich_NP (_( W
orthy_NP Boy-Marquita_NP Hanover_NP )_) 2:37_CD ;_. ;_. Good_JJ-TL Little_JJ-TL
Girl_NN-TL (_( Good_JJ-TL Time-Mynah_NP Hanover_NP )_) 2:36_CD ;_. ;_. Iosola_NP
Hanover_NP (_( Kimberly_NP Kid-Isoletta_NP Hanover_NP )_) 2:36_CD ._. The_AT la
st-named_JJ is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT favorites_NNS in_IN the_AT stable_NN ,_,
and_CC the_AT boys_NNS like_VB her_PPO very_QL much_RB ._. I_PPSS will_MD be_BE
able_JJ to_TO tell_VB you_PPO more_AP about_IN this_DT string_NN of_IN equines_N
NS in_IN the_AT near_JJ future_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV just_RB seen_VBN Debonnie_N
P and_CC Prompt_JJ-TL Time_NN-TL work_VB a_AT mile_NN in_IN 2:34_CD ,_, last_AP
quarter_NN in_IN :35.3_CD ._. In_IN going_VBG away_RB Debonnie_NP got_VBD behind
_RB several_AP lengths_NNS ,_, stalling_VBG at_IN the_AT start_NN --_-- she_PPS
is_BEZ a_AT little_QL fussy_JJ ._. They_PPSS left_VBD the_AT three-quarters_NNS
together_RB and_CC finished_VBD almost_RB together_RB ._. Prompt_JJ-TL Time_NN-T
L shows_VBZ class_NN ._. This_DT filly_NN is_BEZ another_DT Adios_NP that_WPS wa
nts_VBZ to_TO trot_VB ,_, and_CC trot_VB she_PPS did_DOD until_CS forced_VBN to_
TO do_DO otherwise_RB ._. After_CS well_RB broken_VBN and_CC equipped_VBN with_I
N 12-oz._JJ shoes_NNS on_RP behind_RB ,_, bare-footed_JJ in_IN front_NN ,_, she_
PPS would_MD trot_VB a_AT real_JJ storm_NN with_IN the_AT master_NN ,_, Delvin_N
P ,_, driving_VBG ._. Being_BEG placed_VBN in_IN the_AT hopples_NNS she_PPS was_
BEDZ completely_QL baffled_VBN ._. She_PPS hesitated_VBD ,_, she_PPS hopped_VBD
,_, she_PPS rolled_VBD and_CC rocked_VBD ,_, skipped_VBD and_CC jumped_VBD ,_, b
ut_CC in_IN some_DTI two_CD weeks_NNS she_PPS started_VBD to_TO pace_VB ,_, From
_IN that_DT time_NN to_IN this_DT she_PPS has_HVZ shown_VBN steady_JJ improvemen
t_NN and_CC now_RB looks_VBZ like_CS one_CD of_IN the_AT classiest_JJT things_NN
S on_IN the_AT grounds_NNS ._. Rain_NN on_IN Friday_NR prevented_VBD many_AP wor
kouts_NNS ,_, but_CC there_EX were_BED a_AT few_AP miles_NNS of_IN note_NN on_IN
Thursday_NR ._. Those_DTS responsible_JJ included_VBD Stardel_NP Hanover_NP (_(
Star's_NN$-TL Pride-Starlette_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:30-:34.3_CD ;_. ;_. Loren
a_NP Gallon_NP (_( Bill_NP Gallon-Loren_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:30-:34.3_CD ;_.
;_. Prudent_JJ-TL Hanover_NP (_( Dean_NP Hanover-Precious_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_,
2:30.3-:35.3_CD ;_. ;_. Premium_NN-TL Freight_NN-TL (_( Titan_NP Hanover-Pebble_
NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:30.3-35.3_CD ;_. ;_. Laguerre_NP Hanover_NP (_( (_( Tar_
NN-TL Heel-Lotus_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:30.3-:36.1_CD ;_. ;_. Monel_NP (_( Tar_
NN-TL Heel-Miracle_NP Byrd_NP )_) ,_, 2:30.3-:36.1_CD ;_. ;_. Fury_NN-TL Hanover
_NP (_( Hoot_NP Mon-Fay_NP )_) ,_, 2:30.3-:36_CD ;_. ;_. Isaac_NP (_( Hoot_NP Mo
n-Goddess_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:30.3-:36_CD ;_. ;_. Caper_NN-TL (_( Hoot_NP Mo
n-Columbia_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, 2:30.3-:36_CD ;_. ;_. Lucky_JJ-TL Freight_NN-TL
(_( Knight_NN-TL Dream-Lusty_NP Helen_NP )_) ,_, 2:31.3-:35.3_CD ._. Sam_NP Cat
on's_NP$ Butterwyn_NP (_( Scotch_JJ-TL Victor-Butler_NP Wyn_NP )_) ,_, a_AT ligh
t_JJ bay_NN filly_NN ,_, knows_VBZ nothing_PN but_IN trot_NN and_CC has_HVZ work
ed_VBN on_IN the_AT half-mile_NN in_IN 2:30-:36_CD ._. Riverboat_NP (_( Dalzell-
Cousin_NP Rachel_NP )_) has_HVZ gone_VBN in_IN 2:38_CD ._. Sam_NP is_BEZ having_
HVG his_PP$ troubles_NNS with_IN Layton_NP Hanover_NP (_( Dean_NP Hanover-Lucy_N
P Hanover_NP )_) ,_, but_CC hopes_VBZ to_TO have_HV him_PPO straightened_VBN out
_RP and_CC going_VBG before_IN long_RB ._. Jimmy_NP Jordon_NP is_BEZ high_JJ on_
IN Adios_NP Scarlet_JJ-TL (_( Adios-Rena_NP Grattan_NP )_) and_CC she_PPS sure_R
B looks_VBZ good_JJ as_CS she_PPS goes_VBZ by_RB ._. Her_PP$ best_JJT time_NN to
_IN date_NN is_BEZ about_RB 2:30_CD ._. He_PPS also_RB likes_VBZ Hampton_NP Hano
ver_NP (_( Titan_NP Hanover-Bertie_NP Hanover_NP )_) 2:37_CD ._. Cathy_NP J._NP
Hanover_NP (_( Tar_NN-TL Heel-Kaola_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, formerly_RB called_VBN
Karet_NP Hanover_NP ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN rather_ABL a_AT problem_NN child_NN ,_
, but_CC is_BEZ getting_VBG better_JJR all_ABN the_AT while_NN and_CC can_MD pac
e_VB a_AT twice_RB around_RB in_IN about_RB 2:31_CD ._. Armbro_NP-TL Comet_NN-TL
(_( Nibble_NP Hanover-Mauri_NP Hanover_NP )_) has_HVZ been_BEN in_IN 2:38_CD ._
. Flick_NP Nipe's_NP$ and_CC Neil_NP Engle's_NP$ Miss_NP Phone_NP (_( Galophone-
Prissy_NP Miss_NN-TL )_) is_BEZ a_AT fine-looking_JJ filly_NN with_IN good_JJ di
sposition_NN and_CC good_JJ gait_NN ,_, and_CC she_PPS has_HVZ worked_VBN up_RP
to_IN date_NN in_IN 2:46_CD ._. Del_NP-HL Mar_NP-HL ,_,-HL Calif._NP-HL ,_,-HL F
eb._NP-HL 3_CD-HL --_-- After_IN 52_CD rainless_JJ days_NNS ,_, moisture_NN fina
lly_RB came_VBD to_IN Del_NP Mar_NP ,_, resulting_VBG in_IN but_RB one_CD workou
t_NN during_IN the_AT week_NN for_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT horses_NNS ,_, and_CC
leaving_VBG us_PPO with_IN less_AP than_IN half_ABN our_PP$ total_NN average_NN
rainfall_NN during_IN the_AT season_NN ._. While_CS 2-year-olds_NNS are_BER stil
l_RB gaining_VBG most_AP of_IN the_AT attention_NN at_IN the_AT track_NN ,_, gre
en_JJ horses_NNS are_BER starting_VBG to_TO go_VB a_AT bit_NN ,_, and_CC Jimmy_N
P Cruise_NP has_HVZ several_AP that_WPS can_MD really_RB make_VB it_PPO ._. Work
-outs_NNS for_IN the_AT week_NN are_BER as_QL follows_VBZ :_: Plain_JJ-TL Scotch
_NP-TL ,_, 3_CD (_( by_IN Scotch_JJ-TL Victor_NN-TL )_) ,_, Demon_NN-TL Law_NN-T
L ,_, 3_CD (_( by_IN Demon_NN-TL Hanover_NP )_) ,_, Coffee_NN-TL Royal_JJ-TL ,_,
p_NN (_( by_IN Royal_JJ-TL Blackstone_NP )_) and_CC Beauty_NN-TL Way_NN-TL ,_,
p_NN ,_, 3_CD (_( by_IN Demon_NN-TL Hanover_NP )_) in_IN 25_CD ;_. ;_. Eddie_NP
Duke_NP ,_, p_NN ,_, 3_CD (_( by_IN Duke_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Lullwater_NP-TL )_) ,_,
Marilyn_NP C._NP ,_, p_NN (_( by_IN Sampson_NP Hanover_NP )_) and_CC Chalidale_N
P Barry_NP ,_, 5_CD (_( by_IN King's_NN$-TL Ransom_NN-TL )_) in_IN 2:20_CD ;_. ;
_. Tiger_NN-TL Hanover_NP ,_, p_NN ,_, 3_CD (_( by_IN Adios_NP )_) in_IN 2:26_CD
;_. ;_. Sherwood_NP Lass_NN-TL ,_, 4_CD (_( by_IN Victory_NN-TL Song_NN-TL )_)
in_IN 2:22_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC Dauntless_JJ-TL ,_, 3_CD (_( by_IN Greentree_NP Adi
os_NP )_) in_IN 2:32_CD ._. For_IN the_AT aged_VBN horses_NNS :_: Mr._NP Budlong
_NP ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:00.2_CD ,_, Lottie_NP Thomas_NP ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:04.2_CD ,_, Mi
ghty_JJ-TL Signal_NN-TL 2:03_CD ,_, Clever_JJ-TL Braden_NP-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:01.
1_CD ,_, and_CC Glow_NN-TL Star_NN-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:02.3_CD have_HV been_BEN in
_IN 2:35_CD ;_. ;_. Miss_NP Demon_NN-TL Abbe_NP ,_, p_NN ,_, 1:59.3_CD has_HVZ t
rotted_VBN in_IN 2:26_CD ,_, and_CC is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO race_VB at_IN this
_DT gait_NN ;_. ;_. Carter_NP Creed_NN-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 3_CD ,_, 2:01.1_CD ,_, Gr
eat_JJ-TL Lullwater_NP 2:00.3_CD ,_, and_CC Hi_UH-TL Jay_NP ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:05.1_
CD have_HV been_BEN in_IN 2:30_CD ;_. ;_. Tanker_NP T._NP ,_, 3_CD ,_, 2:05.3_CD
is_BEZ now_RB wearing_VBG hopples_NNS and_CC has_HVZ trained_VBN in_IN 2:19_CD
;_. ;_. Stormy_JJ-TL Dream_NN-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:01.3_CD ,_, Demon_NN-TL Abbe_NP
,_, p_NN ,_, 2:02_CD ,_, Dundeen_NP B._NP ,_, 4_CD ,_, 2:04.2_CD ,_, Claudia's_N
P$ Song_NN-TL ,_, 3_CD ,_, 2:06.3_CD ,_, and_CC (_( Jet_NN-TL Fire_NN-TL ,_, 4_C
D ,_, 2:02.2_CD have_HV been_BEN in_IN 2:25_CD ;_. ;_. Maria_NP Key_NP ,_, 2_CD
,_, 2:06_CD looked_VBD great_JJ in_IN 2:22_CD ;_. ;_. Mocking_VBG-TL Byrd_NP ,_,
p_NN ,_, 2:01.1_CD has_HVZ been_BEN in_IN 2:12_CD ,_, with_IN a_AT racing_VBG d
ate_NN approaching_VBG at_IN Bay_NN-TL Meadows_NNS-TL ._. Dewey_NP Urban_JJ-TL h
as_HVZ a_AT clever_JJ green_JJ trotter_NN in_IN Dr._NN-TL Orin_NP I._NP ,_, 3_CD
(_( by_IN Yankee_NP Hanover_NP )_) ,_, his_PP$ latest_JJT mile_NN in_IN 2:20_CD
;_. ;_. Victory_NN-TL Sun_NN-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:04_CD has_HVZ trained_VBN in_IN
2:24_CD ;_. ;_. Early_JJ-TL Sun_NN-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:02.3_CD ,_, Chester_NP Maid
_NN-TL 2:05_CD ,_, Dark_JJ-TL Sun_NN-TL ,_, p_NN ,_, 2:06.1_CD ,_, and_CC Sun_NN
-TL Tan_NN-TL Maid_NN-TL 2:05.2_CD have_HV been_BEN in_IN 2:21_CD ._. The_AT ave
rage_NN reader_NN of_IN this_DT magazine_NN owns_VBZ more_AP than_IN one_CD gun_
NN (_( we_PPSS ran_VBD a_AT survey_NN to_TO find_VB out_RP )_) but_CC he's_PPS+B
EZ always_RB on_IN the_AT lookout_NN for_IN new_JJ and_CC better_JJR arms_NNS ._
. He's_PPS+BEZ more_AP than_CS a_AT reader_NN of_IN outdoor_JJ articles_NNS ;_.
;_. he's_PPS+BEZ a_AT real_JJ hunter_NN and_CC shooter_NN ,_, eager_JJ to_TO imp
rove_VB his_PP$ sport_NN ._. Well_UH ,_, if_CS you're_PPSS+BER that_DT kind_NN o
f_IN sportsman_NN we're_PPSS+BER here_RB to_TO help_VB you_PPO ._. You've_PPSS+H
V probably_RB given_VBN a_AT lot_NN of_IN Christmas-season_JJ thought_NN to_IN t
he_AT guns_NNS in_IN your_PP$ rack_NN ,_, but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ not_* easy_JJ to_T
O decide_VB on_IN a_AT new_JJ one_CD ._. You_PPSS still_RB have_HV time_NN to_TO
drop_VB a_AT few_AP hints_NNS about_IN the_AT gifts_NNS you'd_PPSS+MD appreciat
e_VB most_RBT ;_. ;_. the_AT time_NN to_TO decide_VB on_IN them_PPO is_BEZ now_R
B ._. As_CS a_AT Christmas_NP service_NN ,_, I've_PPSS+HV taken_VBN a_AT close_J
J look_NN at_IN this_DT year's_NN$ crop_NN of_IN new_JJ models_NNS ._. Here_RB t
hey_PPSS are_BER ,_, with_IN my_PP$ comments_NNS and_CC judgments_NNS ._. Read_V
B on_RP ,_, take_VB your_PP$ pick_NN --_-- and_CC start_VB dropping_VBG those_DT
S hints_NNS ._. First_OD on_IN my_PP$ own_JJ list_NN would_MD be_BE two_CD arms_
NNS --_-- a_AT rifle_NN and_CC a_AT handgun_NN --_-- that_WPS qualify_VB as_CS n
ew_JJ in_IN the_AT strictest_JJT sense_NN ._. For_IN me_PPO ,_, a_AT changed_VBN
barrel_NN length_NN or_CC an_AT improved_VBN stock_NN doesn't_DOZ* constitute_V
B a_AT truly_QL new_JJ design_NN ._. Such_JJ modifications_NNS are_BER all_ABN f
or_IN the_AT best_JJT but_CC it_PPS takes_VBZ something_PN as_QL different_JJ as
_CS a_AT Deerstalker_NP or_CC a_AT Jet_NN-TL to_TO change_VB arms-making_NN conc
epts_NNS ._. Bill_NP Ruger's_NP$ long-awaited_JJ Deerstalker_NP (_( under_RB $11
0_NNS )_) is_BEZ a_AT new_JJ rifle_NN action_NN in_IN a_AT caliber_NN that_WPS u
psets_VBZ all_ABN the_AT modern_JJ theory_NN of_IN high-velocity_NN fans_NNS ;_.
;_. it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT short_JJ ,_, light_JJ ,_, quick-handling_JJ ,_, fast-firi
ng_JJ little_JJ timber_NN gun_NN designed_VBN to_TO push_VB a_AT heavy_JJ slug_N
N at_IN modest_JJ velocity_NN but_CC with_IN lots_NNS of_IN killing_VBG power_NN
and_CC ample_JJ range_NN for_IN our_PP$ most_QL popular_JJ big_JJ game_NN --_--
whitetail_NNS ._. Ruger_NP reports_VBZ that_CS on_IN his_PP$ recent_JJ African_
JJ safari_NN the_AT little_AP Magnum_NP cartridge_NN was_BEDZ a_AT real_JJ work_
NN horse_NN ._. Small_JJ antelope_NN were_BED generally_RB grassed_VBN with_IN o
ne_CD shot_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT Magnum_NP carbine_NN also_RB bagged_VBD reedbuck
_NNS ,_, kob_NNS and_CC wart_NN hog_NNS with_IN deadly_JJ efficiency_NN ;_. ;_.
these_DTS are_BER fairly_QL large_JJ ,_, tough_JJ animals_NNS ._. The_AT deadlin
ess_NN of_IN the_AT Magnum_NP in_IN a_AT rifle_NN comes_VBZ as_CS no_AT surprise
_NN to_IN me_PPO ._. At_IN least_AP five_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, Tom_NP Robinson
_NP of_IN Marlin_NP made_VBD up_RP an_AT over/under_JJ double_JJ rifle_NN for_IN
me_PPO in_IN this_DT caliber_NN ,_, using_VBG the_AT now_RB defunct_JJ Model_NN
-TL 90_CD-TL action_NN in_IN 20-gauge_NN size_NN ._. After_CS figuring_VBG out_R
P how_WRB to_TO regulate_VB the_AT barrels_NNS so_CS that_CS they_PPSS shot_VBD
to_IN the_AT same_AP point_NN of_IN impact_NN ,_, we_PPSS fired_VBD this_DT litt
le_JJ 20-inch-barrel_NN job_NN on_IN my_PP$ home_NR range_NN and_CC in_IN Marlin
's_NP$ underground_JJ test_NN gallery_NN ._. We_PPSS quickly_RB ran_VBD into_IN
the_AT same_AP trouble_NN that_WPS plagued_VBD Bill_NP Ruger_NP in_IN his_PP$ fi
rst_OD experiments_NNS :_: Three_CD or_CC four_CD bullets_NNS would_MD be_BE pla
ced_VBN well_RB in_IN a_AT six-inch_JJ bull_NN at_IN 100_CD yards_NNS and_CC the
n_RB ,_, unaccountably_RB ,_, one_CD could_MD stray_VB far_QL out_RP of_IN the_A
T group_NN ._. Ruger_NP learned_VBD that_CS this_DT was_BEDZ because_CS the_AT h
igher_JJR velocity_NN achieved_VBN in_IN a_AT long_JJ barrel_NN was_BEDZ upsetti
ng_VBG the_AT shape_NN of_IN the_AT unjacketed_JJ revolver_NN bullet_NN ._. The_
AT new_JJ ,_, jacketed_VBN slug_NN in_IN Magnum_NP corrected_VBD this_DT ._. But
_CC even_VB without_IN jacketed_VBN bullets_NNS ,_, I_PPSS had_HVD enough_AP fai
th_NN in_IN my_PP$ double_JJ to_TO take_VB it_PPO on_IN an_AT opening-day_NN dee
r_NNS hunt_NN that_DT first_OD year_NN ._. Within_IN half_ABN an_AT hour_NN I_PP
SS jumped_VBD a_AT six-point_JJ buck_NN that_WPS hop-skipped_VBD through_IN a_AT
rhododendron_NN thicket_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS caught_VBD him_PPO just_QL behind_
IN the_AT left_JJ foreleg_NN at_IN 60_CD yards_NNS ._. He_PPS moved_VBD only_RB
about_RB 30_CD feet_NNS after_IN the_AT 240-grain_JJ slug_NN hit_VBD him_PPO --_
-- and_CC this_DT was_BEDZ after_CS the_AT bullet_NN had_HVD passed_VBN through_
IN a_AT sapling_NN ._. Three_CD more_AP deer_NNS have_HV fallen_VBN to_IN this_D
T same_AP gun_NN ,_, and_CC all_ABN were_BED one-shot_JJ kills_NNS ._. My_PP$ do
uble_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN with_IN standard-weight_NN revolver_NN barrels_NNS (_(
before_RB cutting_VBG to_IN revolver_NN length_NN )_) ,_, and_CC although_CS it
_PPS compares_VBZ well_RB in_IN other_AP respects_NNS ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ considera
bly_QL heavier_JJR than_CS the_AT Deerstalker_NP ,_, which_WDT only_RB scales_VB
Z about_RB 6-1/2_CD pounds_NNS ._. If_CS ever_RB a_AT rifle_NN met_VBD the_AT ne
eds_NNS of_IN the_AT whitetail_NN hunter_NN ,_, this_DT is_BEZ it_PPS ._. The_AT
Deerstalker_NP points_VBZ with_IN the_AT ease_NN ,_, speed_NN and_CC precision_
NN of_IN a_AT fine_JJ imported_VBN double_JJ shotgun_NN ,_, and_CC its_PP$ trigg
er_NN pull_NN is_BEZ light_JJ and_CC sharp_JJ ._. The_AT 240-grain_JJ bullet_NN
leaves_VBZ the_AT muzzle_NN at_IN 1,850_CD fps_NN ,_, which_WDT gives_VBZ it_PPO
all_ABN the_AT smash_NN needed_VBN at_IN woods_NNS ranges_NNS ._. With_IN five_
CD shots_NNS at_IN the_AT immediate_JJ command_NN of_IN the_AT hunter's_NN$ trig
ger_NN finger_NN ,_, the_AT gun_NN and_CC load_NN are_BER a_AT deadly_JJ combina
tion_NN ._. The_AT second_OD really_QL new_JJ development_NN this_DT year_NN was
_BEDZ a_AT revolver_NN handling_VBG a_AT different_JJ sort_NN of_IN varmint_NN l
oad_NN --_-- the_AT Remington_NP Jet_NN-TL Magnum_NP-TL Center_NN-TL Fire_VB-TL
._. At_IN present_NN it's_PPS+BEZ available_JJ in_IN one_CD model_NN ,_, the_AT
fine_JJ and_CC familiar_JJ Smith_NP-TL &_CC-TL Wesson_NP-TL Magnum_NP-TL revolve
r_NN (_( about_RB $110_NNS )_) ,_, long_RB a_AT top-quality_NN handgun_NN among_
IN target_NN arms_NNS ._. The_AT velocity_NN of_IN this_DT ,_, 40-grain_JJ bulle
t_NN is_BEZ rated_VBN at_IN a_AT very_QL hot_JJ 2,460_CD fps_NN ,_, and_CC it's_
PPS+BEZ the_AT flattest_JJT shooting_NN of_IN any_DTI revolver_NN cartridge_NN ,
_, with_IN a_AT mid-range_NN rise_NN of_IN about_RB an_AT inch_NN over_IN a_AT 1
00-yard_JJ range_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT varmint_NN load_NN ,_, pure_JJ and_C
C simple_JJ ;_. ;_. it's_PPS+BEZ much_QL too_QL explosive_JJ for_IN small_JJ edi
ble_JJ game_NN ._. It_PPS can_MD cut_VB a_AT red_JJ squirrel_NN neatly_RB in_IN
two_CD or_CC burst_VB a_AT crow_NN into_IN a_AT flurry_NN of_IN feathers_NNS ._.
The_AT most_QL intriguing_JJ aspect_NN of_IN the_AT S_NP &_CC-TL W_NP Magnum_NP
chambered_VBN for_IN the_AT new_JJ Jet_NN-TL is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS can_MD also_
RB fire_VB standard_JJ rim-fires_NNS by_IN means_NN of_IN adapter_NN sleeves_NNS
in_IN the_AT chambers_NNS ._. You_PPSS may_MD therefore_RB convert_VB the_AT gu
n_NN into_IN a_AT small-game_NN and_CC plinking_VBG arm_NN ,_, although_CS the_A
T difference_NN in_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN impact_NN (_( Jet_NN-TL vs._IN rim-f
ire_NN )_) can_MD be_BE somewhat_QL disconcerting_JJ ._. The_AT accuracy_NN of_I
N the_AT Jet_NN-TL cartridge_NN is_BEZ fine_JJ ;_. ;_. I_PPSS tested_VBD it_PPO
in_IN my_PP$ scoped_JJ S_NP &_CC-TL W_NP and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ good_JJ enough_Q
LP to_TO allow_VB me_PPO to_TO hit_VB a_AT chuck_NN with_IN every_AT shot_NN at_
IN 100_CD yards_NNS if_CS I_PPSS did_DOD my_PP$ part_NN by_IN holding_VBG the_AT
handgun_NN steadily_RB ._. Hunting_VBG-HL rifles_NNS-HL ,_,-HL '61_CD-HL The_AT
fact_NN that_CS the_AT Deerstalker_NP and_CC the_AT Jet_NN-TL were_BED the_AT o
nly_AP completely_QL new_JJ designs_NNS this_DT year_NN doesn't_DOZ* mean_VB tha
t_CS 1961_CD didn't_DOD* see_VB changes_NNS in_IN models_NNS ,_, actions_NNS and
_CC calibers_NNS ._. Aside_RB from_IN the_AT Ruger_NP carbine_NN ,_, a_AT number
_NN of_IN hunting_VBG rifles_NNS have_HV been_BEN introduced_VBN for_IN the_AT f
irst_OD time_NN ._. Here_RB are_BER the_AT brands_NNS (_( in_IN alphabetical_JJ
order_NN )_) and_CC the_AT new_JJ models_NNS ._. Newcomers_NNS to_IN the_AT Amer
ican_JJ hunter_NN are_BER the_AT Browning_NP group_NN of_IN bolt-action_NN ,_, h
igh-power_NN rifles_NNS ._. They_PPSS have_HV fine_JJ FN_NN actions_NNS and_CC a
_AT better-than-average_JJ finish_NN on_IN both_ABX the_AT metal_NN and_CC the_A
T stock_NN wood_NN ._. Barrel_NN weights_NNS vary_VB sensibly_RB with_IN the_AT
various_JJ calibers_NNS available_JJ ,_, and_CC these_DTS include_VB the_AT stan
dard_JJ bores_NNS (_( about_RB $165_NNS )_) plus_CC the_AT Magnums_NPS (_( aroun
d_RB $170_NNS )_) ;_. ;_. the_AT latter_AP include_VB the_AT ,_, S_NP &_CC-TL H_
NP ,_, ,_, and_CC ._. Shotgun-type_JJ rubber_NN recoil_NN pads_NNS are_BER stand
ard_JJ on_IN all_ABN of_IN the_AT Magnums_NPS except_IN the_AT ._. Stock_NN desi
gns_NNS are_BER excellent_JJ for_IN use_NN with_IN scopes_NNS ._. Colt's_NP$ cen
ter-fire_NN 1961_CD rifles_NNS are_BER all_ABN made_VBN with_IN Sako_NP actions_
NNS ,_, regardless_RB of_IN caliber_NN ._. The_AT have_HV the_AT short_JJ action
_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT and_CC ,_, the_AT medium_JJ action_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT ,_, A
f_NN and_CC the_AT Magnums_NPS ,_, the_AT long_JJ action_NN (_( about_RB $135_NN
S for_IN the_AT Standard_JJ-TL Coltsman_NP-TL and_CC $200_NNS for_IN the_AT Cust
om_JJ-TL version_NN )_) ._. Previously_RB ,_, FN_NN actions_NNS were_BED used_VB
N for_IN the_AT larger_JJR cartridges_NNS ._. High_JJ-TL Standard_NN-TL has_HVZ
introduced_VBN a_AT auto_NN ,_, the_AT Sport-King_NP ,_, in_IN two_CD grades_NNS
--_-- field_NN and_CC special_JJ (_( less_AP than_IN $45_NNS and_CC just_QL ove
r_IN $45_NNS ,_, respectively_RB )_) ._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT streamlined_VBN rifle
_NN ,_, fast_JJ and_CC well-made_JJ ._. Among_IN Magnum_NP-TL Rim-Fire_JJ-TL rif
les_NNS ,_, 1961's_CD$ lone_JJ newcomer_NN was_BEDZ the_AT Kodiak_NP-TL Model_NN
-TL 260_CD-TL autoloader_NN (_( around_RB $60_NNS )_) ._. Previously_RB known_VB
N as_CS Jefferson_NP-TL Arms_NNS-TL ,_, Kodiak_NP has_HVZ given_VBN this_DT 11-s
hot_JJ hammerless_JJ job_NN an_AT exceptionally_QL fine_JJ stock_NN design_NN ,_
, and_CC the_AT 260_CD is_BEZ the_AT first_OD autoloader_NN to_TO handle_VB Magn
um_NP rim-fires_NNS ._. Marlin_NP has_HVZ made_VBN two_CD contributions_NNS to_I
N the_AT harvest_NN of_IN new_JJ offerings_NNS ._. The_AT Model_NN-TL 99_CD-TL (
_( under_RB $45_NNS )_) is_BEZ a_AT light-weight_JJ ,_, streamlined_VBN rim-fire
_NN auto_NN with_IN a_AT tubular_JJ magazine_NN that_WPS holds_VBZ 18_CD Long_JJ
-TL Rifles_NNS-TL ._. It's_PPS+BEZ extremely_QL accurate_JJ for_IN an_AT auto_NN
,_, and_CC the_AT test_NN rifle_NN I_PPSS tried_VBD was_BEDZ completely_QL trou
ble-free_JJ in_IN functioning_VBG ._. The_AT 989_CD (_( about_RB $40_NNS )_) is_
BEZ an_AT even_QL newer_JJR auto_NN ,_, this_DT one_CD with_IN a_AT seven-_CD or
_CC 12-shot_JJ clip_NN ._. Once_RB again_RB the_AT Mossberg_NP Targo_NP outfit_N
N has_HVZ appeared_VBN ,_, but_CC this_DT time_NN as_CS a_AT bolt-action_NN rifl
e-shotgun_NN combination_NN ._. The_AT bore_NN is_BEZ unrifled_JJ but_CC is_BEZ
provided_VBN with_IN an_AT insert_NN tube_NN which_WDT is_BEZ rifled_VBN and_CC
which_WDT ,_, surprisingly_RB ,_, gives_VBZ pretty_QL fair_JJ accuracy_NN even_R
B though_CS it's_PPS+BEZ only_RB 3-1/2_CD inches_NNS long_JJ ._. You_PPSS can_MD
unscrew_VB this_DT tube_NN and_CC replace_VB it_PPO with_IN a_AT smoothbore_NN
insert_NN for_IN use_NN with_IN shotshells_NNS --_-- to_TO break_VB the_AT littl
e_JJ Targo_NP clay_NN targets_NNS ._. A_AT trap_NN for_IN throwing_VBG these_DTS
miniature_JJ clays_NNS fastens_VBZ to_IN the_AT barrel_NN so_CS that_CS the_AT
shooter_NN can_MD throw_VB his_PP$ own_JJ targets_NNS ._. A_AT spring_NN trap_NN
for_IN solid_JJ mounting_NN and_CC a_AT regular_JJ hand_NN trap_NN are_BER also
_RB available_JJ ._. You_PPSS can_MD have_HV your_PP$ choice_NN of_IN a_AT seven
-shot_JJ repeater_NN ,_, the_AT 340TR_NN (_( about_RB $40_NNS )_) or_CC a_AT sin
gle-shot_NN ,_, the_AT 320TR_NN (_( $10_NNS less_AP )_) ._. The_AT Targo_NP is_B
EZ a_AT good_JJ outfit_NN for_IN fun_NN shooting_VBG or_CC for_IN economic_JJ wi
ng-shooting_NN practice_NN ,_, but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ tougher_JJR than_CS it_PPS lo
oks_VBZ to_TO run_VB up_RP a_AT score_NN on_IN the_AT clay_NN birds_NNS ._. They
'll_PPSS+MD travel_VB 50_CD feet_NNS or_CC more_AP when_WRB thrown_VBN from_IN t
he_AT spring_NN trap_NN but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ almost_QL impossible_JJ to_TO break_
VB one_CD after_CS it_PPS passes_VBZ the_AT 35-foot_JJ mark_NN ._. The_AT combin
ation_NN of_IN thin_JJ pattern_NN and_CC very_QL tiny_JJ pellets_NNS makes_VBZ i
t_PPO necessary_JJ to_TO get_VB on_IN the_AT birds_NNS ,_, right_QL now_RB !_. !
_. Big_JJ Magnum_NP calibers_NNS appeared_VBD in_IN the_AT Remington_NP line_NN
for_IN 1961_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT addition_NN of_IN the_AT and_CC to_IN the_AT l
ist_NN of_IN Model_NN-TL 725's_NPS-TL ._. These_DTS are_BER made_VBN on_IN speci
al_JJ order_NN only_RB ,_, in_IN Kodiak_NP grade_NN (_( about_RB $310_NNS )_) ,_
, with_IN integral_JJ muzzle_NN brakes_NNS and_CC heavy_JJ rubber_NN recoil_NN p
ads_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS weigh_VB around_RB nine_CD pounds_NNS ._. A_AT shorten
ed_VBN version_NN of_IN the_AT highly_QL regarded_VBN Remington_NP 742_NP autolo
ader_NN also_RB appeared_VBD in_IN 1961_CD ._. This_DT carbine_NN (_( under_RB $
140_NNS ,_, about_RB $15_NNS more_AP for_IN a_AT deluxe_JJ grade_NN )_) has_HVZ
an_AT 18-1/2-inch_JJ barrel_NN and_CC was_BEDZ obviously_RB inspired_VBN by_IN t
he_AT popularity_NN of_IN last_AP year's_NN$ Model_NN-TL 760_CD-TL pump_NN with_
IN a_AT short-barrel_NN ._. This_DT design_NN is_BEZ hard_JJ to_TO beat_VB for_I
N timber_NN hunting_NN or_CC for_IN packing_VBG in_IN a_AT saddle_NN scabbard_NN
._. Presently_RB ,_, the_AT 742C_NN is_BEZ available_JJ in_IN Af_NN ._. The_AT
latest_JJT versions_NNS of_IN the_AT famous_JJ Savage_NP-TL Model_NN-TL 99_CD-TL
are_BER the_AT 99_CD-TL Featherweight_NN-TL (_( about_RB $125_NNS )_) and_CC th
e_AT 99_CD-TL Deluxe_JJ-TL (_( under_RB $135_NNS )_) ,_, which_WDT have_HV a_AT
top-tang_NN safety_NN and_CC improved_VBN trigger_NN design_NN ._. The_AT replac
ement_NN of_IN the_AT slide-lock_NN side_NN safety_NN catch_NN will_MD make_VB t
his_DT lever-action_NN favorite_JJ more_QL appealing_JJ than_CS ever_RB since_CS
the_AT new_JJ safety_NN is_BEZ easier_JJR and_CC faster_JJR to_TO operate_VB ._
. Beginners'_NNS$-HL guns_NNS-HL ,_,-HL '61_CD-HL A_AT fresh_JJ crop_NN of_IN be
ginners'_NNS$ guns_NNS showed_VBD up_RP in_IN 1961_CD ,_, and_CC they're_PPSS+BE
R good_JJ bets_NNS for_IN your_PP$ Christmas_NP gift_NN list_NN if_CS you're_PPS
S+BER wondering_VBG what_WDT to_TO get_VB for_IN a_AT youngster_NN ._. The_AT mo
st_QL unusual_JJ of_IN them_PPO is_BEZ the_AT Ithaca_NP 49_CD-TL (_( about_RB $2
0_NNS ,_, $5_NNS for_IN a_AT saddle_NN scabbard_NN )_) --_-- a_AT lever-action_N
N single-shot_NN patterned_VBN after_IN the_AT famous_JJ Winchester_NP lever-act
ion_NN and_CC featuring_VBG the_AT Western_JJ-TL look_NN ._. Because_RB of_IN it
s_PP$ traditional_JJ lines_NNS ,_, it_PPS probably_RB has_HVZ more_AP kid_NN app
eal_NN than_CS any_DTI other_AP model_NN ._. The_AT action_NN is_BEZ a_AT drop-b
lock_NN ,_, handling_VBG all_ABN the_AT standard_JJ rim-fires_NNS ._. Marlin's_N
P$ latest_JJT is_BEZ also_RB designed_VBN for_IN the_AT beginning_VBG shooter_NN
,_, although_CS it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT full-sized_JJ rifle_NN with_IN plenty_NN of_I
N barrel_NN weight_NN and_CC ample_JJ stock_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT Model_N
N-TL 122_CD-TL (_( about_RB $20_NNS )_) ;_. ;_. it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT single-shot_NN
bolt-action_NN with_IN an_AT automatic_JJ safety_NN --_-- i.e._RB ,_, the_AT sa
fety_NN goes_VBZ on_RP every_AT time_NN the_AT bolt_NN is_BEZ lifted_VBN and_CC
the_AT gun_NN cocked_VBN for_IN the_AT next_AP shot_NN ._. Stock_NN design_NN is
_BEZ excellent_JJ ,_, and_CC this_DT model_NN is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ first_OD gun_N
N ._. Another_DT boy's_NN$ model_NN is_BEZ the_AT single-shot_NN Remington_NP 51
4C_NP-TL (_( around_RB $20_NNS )_) ,_, which_WDT comes_VBZ with_IN a_AT 21-inch_
JJ barrel_NN and_CC a_AT short_JJ --_-- 12-1/2-inch_JJ --_-- stock_NN ;_. ;_. it
's_PPS+BEZ just_QL right_JJ for_IN a_AT boy_NN of_IN 12-1/2_CD ._. A_AT beginner
's_NN$ shotgun_NN has_HVZ also_RB been_BEN introduced_VBN this_DT year_NN ._. Th
e_AT single-barrel_NN Stevens_NP 940Y_NP-TL (_( under_RB $35_NNS )_) is_BEZ made
_VBN with_IN a_AT side_NN lever_NN rather_IN than_IN a_AT top-tang_NN lever_NN b
ecause_CS many_AP youngsters_NNS aren't_BER* strong_JJ enough_QLP to_TO operate_
VB a_AT top_JJS tang_NN to_TO open_VB a_AT gun_NN --_-- and_CC the_AT side_NN le
ver_NN does_DOZ indeed_RB open_VB very_QL easily_RB ._. This_DT gun_NN has_HVZ a
_AT 12-1/2-inch_JJ stock_NN and_CC is_BEZ available_JJ in_IN either_CC 20_CD or_
CC gauge_NN ._. There's_EX+BEZ another_DT addition_NN to_IN the_AT Stevens_NP li
ne_NN ,_, the_AT pump-action_NN Model_NN-TL 77_CD-TL in_IN (_( under_RB $75_NNS
)_) ,_, which_WDT you_PPSS may_MD or_CC may_MD not_* consider_VB a_AT kid's_NN$
gun_NN ;_. ;_. many_AP experienced_VBN hunters_NNS like_VB this_DT gauge_NN and_
CC type_NN of_IN scattergun_NN too_RB ._. Shotguns_NNS-HL ,_,-HL '61_CD-HL Altho
ugh_CS there_EX were_BED no_AT startling_JJ developments_NNS in_IN shotgun_NN de
sign_NN this_DT year_NN ,_, a_AT number_NN of_IN new_JJ models_NNS and_CC variat
ions_NNS of_IN existing_VBG models_NNS did_DOD hit_VB the_AT market_NN ._. For_I
N example_NN ,_, a_AT Browning_NP trap_NN version_NN of_IN the_AT Superposed_VBN
-TL over/under_JJ ,_, the_AT Broadway_NP (_( from_IN $350_NNS up_RP ,_, dependin
g_IN on_IN grade_NN )_) ,_, differs_VBZ from_IN standard_JJ models_NNS in_IN tha
t_CS it_PPS is_BEZ equipped_VBN with_IN a_AT full_JJ beavertail_NN fore_JJ end_N
N ,_, a_AT cushion_NN recoil_NN pad_NN and_CC a_AT barrel-wide_JJ ventilated_VBN
rib_NN for_IN fast_JJ sighting_NN ._. The_AT Colt_NP line_NN now_RB includes_VB
Z a_AT new_JJ scattergun_NN ,_, the_AT Standard_JJ-TL or_CC Custom_JJ-TL Pump_NN
-TL Model_NN-TL (_( about_RB $90_NNS and_CC $150_NNS ,_, respectively_RB )_) in_
IN 12_CD ,_, 16_CD and_CC 20_CD ._. Firearms_NNS-TL International_JJ-TL has_HVZ
introduced_VBN another_DT import_NN ,_, this_DT one_CD from_IN Finland_NP ._. It
's_PPS+BEZ the_AT Valmet_NP (_( about_RB $170_NNS )_) ,_, a_AT 12-gauge_NN over/
under_JJ very_QL much_RB like_CS the_AT old_JJ Remington_NP 32_CD-TL --_-- which
_WDT was_BEDZ so_QL fine_JJ a_AT gun_NN that_CS today_NR a_AT used_VBN one_CD st
ill_RB brings_VBZ high_JJ prices_NNS ._. High_JJ-TL Standard_NN-TL has_HVZ also_
RB added_VBN two_CD models_NNS to_IN its_PP$ line_NN ._. The_AT Supermatic_NP-TL
Trophy_NN-TL (_( prices_NNS begin_VB at_IN less_AP than_IN $135_NNS and_CC depe
nd_VB on_IN grade_NN and_CC optional_JJ features_NNS )_) is_BEZ a_AT 12-gauge_NN
auto_NN ._. The_AT Flite-King_NP-TL Trophy_NN-TL (_( beginning_VBG at_IN just_Q
L over_RP $85_NNS )_) is_BEZ a_AT pump_NN gun_NN in_IN 12_CD or_CC 16_CD ._. Eit
her_CC model_NN is_BEZ a_AT very_QL good_JJ dollar_NN value_NN ._. Mossberg's_NP
$ latest_JJT contribution_NN to_IN the_AT field_NN is_BEZ the_AT Model_NN-TL 500
_CD-TL (_( from_IN $73.50_NNS )_) ;_. ;_. this_DT is_BEZ an_AT improved_VBN vers
ion_NN of_IN the_AT old_JJ Model_NN-TL 200_CD-TL ,_, a_AT pump-action_NN 12-gaug
e_NN shotgun_NN ._. See_VB page_NN 24_CD for_IN a_AT complete_JJ report_NN on_IN
it_PPO ._. Handguns_NNS-HL ,_,-HL '61_CD-HL Aside_RB from_IN the_AT Jet_NN-TL -
-_-- which_WDT I_PPSS coupled_VBD with_IN the_AT Deerstalker_NP carbine_NN as_CS
one_CD of_IN the_AT year's_NN$ two_CD biggest_JJT developments_NNS --_-- few_AP
significant_JJ innovations_NNS appeared_VBD among_IN 1961's_CD$ handguns_NNS ._
. Livery_NN stable_NN --_-- J._NP Vernon_NP ,_, prop._NN ''_'' ._. Coaching_VBG
had_HVD declined_VBN considerably_RB by_IN 1905_CD ,_, but_CC the_AT sign_NN was
_BEDZ still_RB there_RB ,_, near_IN the_AT old_JJ Wells_NP Fargo_NP building_NN
in_IN San_NP Francisco_NP ,_, creaking_VBG in_IN the_AT fog_NN as_CS it_PPS had_
HVD for_IN thirty_CD years_NNS ._. John_NP Vernon_NP had_HVD had_HVN all_ABN the
_AT patronage_NN he_PPS cared_VBD for_IN --_-- he_PPS had_HVD prospered_VBN ,_,
but_CC he_PPS could_MD not_* retire_VB from_IN horsedom_NN ._. Coaching_VBG was_
BEDZ in_IN his_PP$ blood_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD two_CD interests_NNS in_IN life_N
N :_: the_AT pleasures_NNS of_IN the_AT table_NN and_CC driving_VBG ._. Twice_RB
a_AT week_NN he_PPS drove_VBD his_PP$ tallyho_NN over_IN the_AT Santa_NP Cruz_N
P road_NN ,_, upland_RB and_CC through_IN the_AT redwood_NN forest_NN ,_, with_I
N orchards_NNS below_IN him_PPO at_IN one_CD hand_NN ,_, and_CC glimpses_NNS of_
IN the_AT Pacific_NP at_IN the_AT other_AP ._. The_AT journey_NN back_RB he_PPS
made_VBD along_IN the_AT coast_NN road_NN ,_, traveling_VBG hell-for-leather_RB
,_, every_AT lantern_NN of_IN the_AT tallyho_NN ablaze_RB ._. The_AT southward_J
J route_NN was_BEDZ the_AT classic_JJ run_NN in_IN California_NP ,_, and_CC the_
AT most_QL fashionable_JJ ._. His_PP$ patronage_NN on_IN this_DT stretch_NN was_
BEDZ made_VBN up_RP largely_RB of_IN San_NP Franciscans_NPS-TL --_-- regulars_NN
S ,_, most_AP of_IN them_PPO ,_, and_CC trenchermen_NNS like_CS himself_PPL ._.
They_PPSS did_DOD not_* complain_VB at_IN the_AT inhuman_JJ hour_NN of_IN starti
ng_VBG (_( seven_CD in_IN the_AT morning_NN )_) ,_, nor_CC of_IN the_AT tariff_N
N ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ reasonable_JJ since_CS it_PPS covered_VBD everything_PN
but_IN the_AT tobacco_NN ._. Breakfast_NN was_BEDZ at_IN the_AT Palace_NN-TL Ho
tel_NN-TL ,_, luncheon_NN was_BEDZ somewhere_RB in_IN the_AT mountain_NN forest_
NN ,_, and_CC dinner_NN was_BEDZ either_CC at_IN Boulder_NN-TL Creek_NN-TL or_CC
at_IN Santa_NP Cruz_NP ._. Gazing_VBG too_QL long_RB at_IN the_AT scenery_NN co
uld_MD be_BE tiring_VBG ,_, so_CS halts_NNS were_BED contrived_VBN between_IN me
als_NNS ._. Then_RB the_AT Chinese_JJ hostler_NN ,_, who_WPS rode_VBD with_IN Ve
rnon_NP on_IN the_AT box_NN ,_, would_MD break_VB open_JJ a_AT hamper_NN and_CC
produce_VB filets_NNS of_IN smoked_VBN bass_NN or_CC sturgeon_NN ,_, sandwiches_
NNS ,_, pickled_VBN eggs_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT rum_NN sangaree_NN to_TO be_BE heat
ed_VBN over_IN a_AT spirit_NN lamp_NN ._. In_IN spring_NN and_CC in_IN autumn_NN
the_AT run_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN for_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN botanists_NNS which_
WDT included_VBD an_AT old_JJ friend_NN of_IN mine_PP$$ ._. They_PPSS gathered_V
BD roots_NNS ,_, bulbs_NNS ,_, odd_JJ ferns_NNS ,_, leaves_NNS ,_, and_CC bits_N
NS of_IN resin_NN from_IN the_AT rare_JJ Santa_NP Lucia_NP fir_NN ,_, which_WDT
exists_VBZ only_RB on_IN a_AT forty-five_CD mile_NN strip_NN on_IN the_AT wester
ly_JJ side_NN of_IN these_DTS mountains_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT Spanish_JJ days_NNS
Franciscan_JJ monks_NNS roamed_VBD here_RB to_TO collect_VB the_AT resin_NN for
_IN incense_NN ._. It_PPS yields_VBZ a_AT fragrance_NN as_QL Orphic_JJ as_CS tha
t_DT of_IN the_AT pastilles_NNS of_IN Malabar_NP ._. Vernon_NP was_BEDZ servicea
ble_JJ on_IN the_AT botanical_JJ field_NN trips_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS could_MD a
rrange_VB no_AT schedule_NN with_IN the_AT cooks_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ
glad_JJ when_WRB the_AT trips_NNS dropped_VBD off_RP ,_, and_CC the_AT botanists
_NNS began_VBD to_TO motor_VB out_RP by_IN themselves_PPLS ._. My_PP$ friend_NN
often_RB breakfasted_VBD with_IN Vernon_NP on_IN the_AT morning_NN of_IN the_AT
regular_JJ tallyho_NN run_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ an_AT honor_NN ,_, like_CS din
ing_VBG with_IN a_AT captain_NN at_IN his_PP$ private_JJ table_NN ._. Vernon's_N
P$ office_NN adjoined_VBD the_AT stable_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT walls_NNS were_BED
adorned_VBN with_IN brightly_QL colored_VBN lithographs_NNS ,_, the_AT folk_NN a
rt_NN of_IN the_AT period_NN ._. They_PPSS advertised_VBD harness_NN polish_NN ,
_, liniments_NNS ,_, Ball's_NP$ Rubber_NN-TL Boots_NNS-TL ,_, Green_JJ-TL River_
NN-TL Whiskey_NN-TL ,_, Hood's_NP$ Sarsaparilla_NN-TL ,_, patent_NN medicines_NN
S ,_, shoe_NN blacking_NN ,_, and_CC chewing_VBG tobacco_NN ._. The_AT hostler_N
N would_MD have_HV the_AT table_NN ready_JJ and_CC a_AT pot_NN of_IN coffee_NN h
issing_VBG on_IN the_AT stove_NN ;_. ;_. then_RB a_AT porter_NN from_IN Manning'
s_NP$ Fish_NN-TL House_NN-TL would_MD trot_VB in_RP with_IN a_AT tray_NN on_IN h
is_PP$ head_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ draped_VBN with_IN snowy_JJ napkins_NNS that_
WPS kept_VBD hot_JJ a_AT platter_NN of_IN oyster_NN salt_NN roast_NN and_CC a_AT
mound_NN of_IN corn_NN fritters_NNS ._. Vernon_NP was_BEDZ consummately_RB fond
_JJ of_IN oysters_NNS ,_, and_CC Manning's_NP$ had_HVD been_BEN famous_JJ for_IN
them_PPO since_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ._. Oyster_NN salt_NN roast_NN -
-_-- oysters_NNS on_IN the_AT half_ABN shell_NN ,_, cooked_VBN on_IN a_AT bed_NN
of_IN coarse_JJ salt_NN that_WPS kept_VBD them_PPO hot_JJ when_WRB served_VBN -
-_-- was_BEDZ a_AT standby_NN at_IN Manning's_NP$ ._. Its_PP$ early_JJ morning_N
N patrons_NNS were_BED coachmen_NNS ,_, who_WPS fortified_VBD themselves_PPLS fo
r_IN the_AT day_NN with_IN that_DT delicacy_NN ._. In_IN the_AT 1890's_NNS the_A
T Palace_NN-TL Hotel_NN-TL began_VBD serving_VBG an_AT oyster_NN dish_NN named_V
BN after_IN its_PP$ manager_NN ,_, John_NP C._NP Kirkpatrick_NP ._. This_DT dish
_NN much_RB resembles_VBZ the_AT oysters_NNS Rockefeller_NP made_VBN famous_JJ b
y_IN Antoine's_NP$ in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, though_CS the_AT Palace_NN-
TL chef_NN announced_VBD it_PPO as_CS a_AT variant_NN of_IN Manning's_NP$ roast_
NN oysters_NNS ._. (_( Gastronomes_NNS have_HV long_RB argued_VBN about_IN which
_WDT came_VBD first_RB ,_, the_AT Palace's_NN$-TL or_CC Antoine's_NP$ ._. Antoin
e's_NP$ held_VBD as_CS mandatory_JJ a_AT splash_NN of_IN absinthe_NN or_CC Perno
d_NP on_IN the_AT parsley_NN or_CC spinach_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ used_VBN for_IN
the_AT underbedding_NN ._. The_AT Kirkpatrick_NP version_NN holds_VBZ liqueur_N
N as_CS optional_JJ ._. )_) Vernon_NP ,_, however_RB ,_, held_VBD out_RP for_IN
plain_JJ oyster_NN roast_NN ,_, and_CC plenty_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, unadorned_JJ b
y_IN herbs_NNS or_CC any_DTI seasoning_NN but_IN salt_NN ,_, though_CS he_PPS di
d_DOD fancy_VB a_AT bit_NN of_IN lemon_NN ._. After_IN the_AT meal_NN ,_, he_PPS
and_CC his_PP$ guests_NNS went_VBD out_RP to_TO inspect_VB the_AT rig_NN ;_. ;_
. this_DT was_BEDZ merely_RB a_AT ritual_NN ,_, to_TO please_VB all_ABN hands_NN
S concerned_VBN ._. The_AT tallyho_NN had_HVD cost_VBN Vernon_NP $2,300_NNS ._.
A_AT replica_NN of_IN two_CD coaches_NNS made_VBN in_IN England_NP for_IN the_AT
Belmont_NP-TL Club_NN-TL in_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL ,_, and_CC matchless_JJ west_N
R of_IN the_AT Rockies_NPS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT despair_NN of_IN whips_NNS
on_IN the_AT Santa_NP Cruz_NP run_NN ._. One_PN could_MD shave_VB in_IN the_AT
reflection_NN of_IN its_PP$ French-polished_JJ panels_NNS ,_, and_CC its_PP$ axl
es_NNS were_BED greased_VBN like_CS those_DTS of_IN roulette_NN wheels_NNS ._. T
he_AT horses_NNS were_BED groomed_VBN to_IN a_AT high_JJ gloss_NN ;_. ;_. depart
ing_VBG ,_, they_PPSS stepped_VBD solemnly_RB with_IN knees_NNS lifted_VBN to_IN
the_AT jaw_NN ,_, for_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN trained_VBN to_TO drag_VB a
t_IN important_JJ funerals_NNS ._. But_IN for_IN the_AT start_NN of_IN the_AT Sa
nta_NP Cruz_NP run_NN ,_, the_AT whip_NN fell_VBD ._. The_AT clients_NNS boarded
_VBD the_AT tallyho_NN at_IN the_AT Palace_NN-TL promptly_RB at_IN seven_CD ._.
They_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN fed_VBN a_AT hunting_VBG breakfast_NN ,_, so_RB calle
d_VBN because_CS a_AT kedgeree_NN ,_, the_AT dish_NN identified_VBN with_IN fox_
NN hunting_NN ,_, was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT bill_NN ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP way
s_NNS of_IN making_VBG a_AT kedgeree_NN ,_, every_AT one_CD of_IN which_WDT is_B
EZ right_JJ ._. Here_RB is_BEZ an_AT original_JJ kedgeree_NN recipe_NN from_IN t
he_AT Family_NN-TL Club's_NN$-TL kitchen_NN :_: Club_NN-TL-HL Kedgeree_NN-HL Fla
ke_VB (_( for_IN three_CD )_) a_AT cupful_NN of_IN cold_JJ boiled_VBN haddock_NN
,_, mix_VB with_IN a_AT cupful_NN of_IN cooked_VBN rice_NN ,_, two_CD minced_VB
N hard-boiled_JJ eggs_NNS ,_, some_DTI buttery_JJ white_JJ sauce_NN done_VBN wit
h_IN cream_NN ,_, cayenne_NN ,_, pepper_NN ,_, salt_NN ,_, a_AT pinch_NN of_IN c
urry_NN ,_, a_AT tablespoonful_NN of_IN minced_VBN onion_NN fried_VBN ,_, and_CC
a_AT bit_NN of_IN anchovy_NN ._. Heat_VB and_CC serve_VB hot_JJ on_IN toast_NN
._. The_AT omelet_NN named_VBN for_IN Ernest_NP Arbogast_NP ,_, the_AT Palace's_
NN$-TL chef_NN ,_, was_BEDZ even_QL more_RBR in_IN demand_NN ._. For_IN decades_
NNS it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT most_QL popular_JJ dish_NN served_VBN in_IN the_AT La
dies'_NNS$-TL Grill_NN-TL at_IN breakfast_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ one_CD of_
IN the_AT few_AP old_JJ Palace_NN-TL dishes_NNS that_WPS still_RB survive_VB ._.
Native_JJ California_NP oysters_NNS ,_, salty_JJ and_CC piquant_JJ ,_, as_QL co
ppery_JJ as_CS Delawares_NPS and_CC not_* much_QL larger_JJR than_CS a_AT five-c
ent_JJ piece_NN ,_, went_VBD into_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT original_JJ formula_NN go
es_VBZ thus_RB :_: omelet_NN-HL Arbogast_NP-HL Fry_VB in_IN butter_NN a_AT small
_JJ minced_VBN onion_NN ,_, rub_VB with_IN a_AT tablespoonful_NN of_IN flour_NN
,_, add_VB half_ABN a_AT cup_NN of_IN cream_NN ,_, six_CD beaten_VBN eggs_NNS ,_
, pepper_NN ,_, celery_NN salt_NN ,_, a_AT teaspoonful_NN of_IN minced_VBN chive
s_NNS ,_, a_AT dash_NN of_IN cayenne_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT pinch_NN of_IN nutmeg_NN
._. A_AT jigger_NN of_IN dry_JJ Sherry_NN-TL follows_VBZ ,_, and_CC as_CS the_A
T mixture_NN stiffens_VBZ ,_, in_IN go_VB a_AT hundred_CD of_IN the_AT little_JJ
oysters_NNS ._. Louis_NP Sherry_NP once_RB stayed_VBD a_AT fortnight_NN at_IN t
he_AT Palace_NN-TL ,_, and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ so_QL pleased_VBN with_IN omelet_N
N Arbogast_NP that_CS he_PPS introduced_VBD it_PPO at_IN his_PP$ restaurant_NN i
n_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL J._NP Pierpont_NP Morgan_NP had_HVD come_VBN in_IN his
_PP$ private_JJ train_NN to_IN San_NP Francisco_NP ,_, to_TO attend_VB an_AT Epi
scopal_JJ-TL convention_NN ,_, and_CC brought_VBD the_AT restaurateur_NN with_IN
him_PPO ._. As_CS things_NNS happened_VBD ,_, Morgan_NP was_BEDZ installed_VBN
in_IN the_AT Nob_NP-TL Hill_NN-TL residence_NN of_IN a_AT magnate_NN friend_NN ,
_, whose_WP$ kitchen_NN swarmed_VBD with_IN cooks_NNS of_IN approved_VBN talent_
NN ._. Sherry_NP remained_VBD in_IN his_PP$ hotel_NN suite_NN ,_, where_WRB he_P
PS amused_VBD himself_PPL as_QL best_RBT he_PPS could_MD ._. Twice_RB he_PPS lef
t_VBD everything_PN to_IN his_PP$ entourage_NN ,_, and_CC fled_VBD to_TO make_VB
the_AT Santa_NP Cruz_NP tour_NN under_IN Vernon's_NP$ guidance_NN ._. In_IN the
_AT grand_JJ court_NN of_IN the_AT Palace_NN-TL ,_, notable_JJ for_IN its_PP$ ti
ers_NNS of_IN Moorish_JJ galleries_NNS that_WPS looked_VBD down_RP on_IN the_AT
maelstrom_NN of_IN vehicles_NNS below_RB ,_, Vernon's_NP$ station_NN was_BEDZ at
_IN the_AT entrance_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT post_NN of_IN honor_NN ,_, held_
VBN inviolate_JJ for_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_. he_PPS had_HVD the_AT primacy_NN among_I
N the_AT coachmen_NNS ._. Of_IN majestic_JJ build_VB ,_, rubicund_JJ and_CC slas
h-mouthed_JJ ,_, he_PPS resembled_VBD the_AT late_JJ General_NN-TL Winfield_NP S
cott_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT most_QL imposing_VBG ge
neral_JJ of_IN his_PP$ century_NN ,_, if_CS not_* of_IN all_ABN centuries_NNS ._
. Vernon_NP wore_VBD a_AT gray_JJ tall_JJ hat_NN ,_, a_AT gardenia_NN ,_, and_CC
maroon_JJ Wellington_NP boots_NNS that_WPS glistened_VBD like_CS currant_NN jel
ly_NN ._. Promptly_RB at_IN seven_CD he_PPS would_MD clatter_VB out_IN of_IN the
_AT court_NN with_IN twelve_CD in_IN the_AT tallyho_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD style_
NN :_: he_PPS held_VBD his_PP$ reins_NNS in_IN a_AT loose_JJ bunch_NN at_IN the_
AT third_OD button_NN of_IN his_PP$ checked_VBN Epsom_NP surtout_NN ,_, and_CC w
hen_WRB the_AT horses_NNS leaned_VBD at_IN a_AT curve_NN ,_, as_CS if_CS bent_VB
N by_IN the_AT force_NN of_IN a_AT gale_NN ,_, he_PPS leaned_VBD with_IN them_PP
O ._. They_PPSS cantered_VBD down_IN the_AT peninsula_NN ,_, not_* slackening_VB
G until_CS the_AT coach_NN reached_VBD Woodside_NP where_WRB the_AT Santa_NP Cru
z_NP uplands_NNS begin_VB ._. The_AT road_NN maps_NNS of_IN the_AT region_NN hav
e_HV changed_VBN since_IN 1905_CD ;_. ;_. inns_NNS have_HV burned_VBN down_RP ,_
, moved_VBN elsewhere_RB ,_, or_CC taken_VBN other_AP names_NNS ._. Once_RB on_I
N the_AT road_NN (_( and_CC especially_RB if_CS the_AT passengers_NNS were_BED a
ll_ABN regulars_NNS and_CC masculine_JJ )_) ,_, the_AT schedule_NN meant_VBD not
hing_PN ._. An_AT agreeable_JJ ease_NN suffused_VBD Vernon_NP and_CC the_AT pass
engers_NNS of_IN the_AT tallyho_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT there_EX issued_VBD clo
uds_NNS of_IN smoke_NN ._. Vernon_NP would_MD tilt_VB his_PP$ hat_NN over_IN one
_CD ear_NN as_CS he_PPS lounged_VBD with_IN his_PP$ feet_NNS on_IN the_AT dashbo
ard_NN ,_, indulging_VBG in_IN a_AT huge_JJ cigar_NN ._. The_AT horses_NNS moved
_VBD at_IN a_AT clump_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS were_BED no_QL more_RBR on_IN parade_
NN than_CS was_BEDZ their_PP$ driver_NN ;_. ;_. one_CD fork_NN of_IN the_AT road
_NN was_BEDZ as_QL good_JJ as_CS another_DT ._. The_AT Santa_NP Cruz_NP mountain
s_NNS sprawl_VB over_IN three_CD counties_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT roads_NNS twist_
VB through_IN sky-tapping_JJ redwoods_NNS down_IN whose_WP$ furrowed_VBN columns
_NNS ripple_VB streams_NNS of_IN rain_NN ,_, even_RB when_WRB heat_NN bakes_VBZ
the_AT Santa_NP Clara_NP valley_NN below_RB at_IN the_AT left_NR ._. The_AT wate
r_NN splashes_VBZ into_IN shoulder-high_JJ tracts_NNS of_IN fernery_NN ._. You_P
PSS arrive_VB there_RB in_IN seersucker_NN ,_, and_CC feel_VB you_PPSS were_BED
half-witted_JJ not_* to_TO bring_VB a_AT mackintosh_NN ._. Vernon_NP kept_VBD an
_AT account_NN book_NN with_IN a_AT list_NN of_IN all_ABN the_AT establishments_
NNS that_WPO he_PPS thought_VBD worthy_JJ of_IN patronage_NN ._. A_AT number_NN
of_IN them_PPO must_MD have_HV fallen_VBN into_IN disfavor_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS
were_BED struck_VBN out_RP with_IN remarks_NNS in_IN red_JJ ink_NN ,_, denouncin
g_VBG both_ABX the_AT cooks_NNS and_CC the_AT management_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ
copious_JJ in_IN his_PP$ praise_NN of_IN those_DTS that_WPS served_VBD food_NN t
hat_WPS was_BEDZ good_JJ to_TO eat_VB ._. The_AT horses_NNS seemed_VBD to_TO kno
w_VB these_DTS by_IN instinct_NN ,_, he_PPS used_VBD to_TO say_VB :_: such_JJ pl
aces_NNS invariably_RB had_HVD stables_NNS with_IN superior_JJ feed_NN bins_NNS
._. There_EX was_BEDZ Wright's_NP$ ,_, for_IN one_CD ,_, lost_VBN amongst_IN tre
es_NNS ,_, its_PP$ wide_JJ verandas_NNS strewn_VBN with_IN rockers_NNS ._. Many_
AP of_IN its_PP$ sojourners_NNS were_BED devoted_VBN to_IN seclusion_NN and_CC q
uiet_NN ,_, and_CC lived_VBD there_RB to_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN their_PP$ days_N
NS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT haunt_NN of_IN writer_NN Ambrose_NP Bierce_NP ,_,
who_WPS admired_VBD its_PP$ redwoods_NNS ._. Acorns_NNS from_IN the_AT great_JJ
oaks_NNS fed_VBD the_AT small_JJ black_JJ pigs_NNS (_( akin_JJ to_IN Berkshires_
NPS )_) ,_, whose_WP$ ``_`` carcass_NN sweepstakes_NNS ''_'' were_BED renowned_J
J ._. Their_PP$ ham_NN butts_NNS ,_, cured_VBN in_IN oak-log_NN smoke_NN ,_, wer
e_BED also_RB esteemed_VBN when_WRB roasted_VBN or_CC boiled_VBN ,_, and_CC serv
ed_VBN with_IN this_DT original_JJ sauce_NN :_: Wright's_NP$-HL devil_NN-HL sauc
e_NN-HL ;_.-HL ;_.-HL put_VB into_IN a_AT saucepan_NN a_AT cupful_NN of_IN the_A
T baked_VBN ham_NN gravy_NN ,_, or_CC of_IN the_AT boiled_VBN ham_NN liquor_NN ,
_, with_IN a_AT half_ABN stick_NN of_IN butter_NN ,_, three_CD teaspoonfuls_NNS
of_IN made_VBN mustard_NN ,_, and_CC two_CD mashed_VBN garlic_NN cloves_NNS ._.
Contribute_VB also_RB an_AT onion_NN ,_, a_AT peeled_VBN tomato_NN and_CC two_CD
pickled_VBN gherkins_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT mashed_VBN lime_NN ._. After_CS this_D
T has_HVZ simmered_VBN an_AT hour_NN ,_, add_VB two_CD tablespoons_NNS each_DT o
f_IN Worcestershire_NP ,_, catsup_NN ,_, and_CC chutney_NN ,_, two_CD pickled_VB
N walnuts_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT pint_NN of_IN Sherry_NN-TL ._. Then_RB simmer_VB f
ifteen_CD minutes_NNS longer_RBR ._. Every_AT winter_NN a_AT kegful_NN of_IN thi
s_DT sauce_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN and_CC placed_VBN at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN a_AT
row_NN of_IN four_CD other_AP kegs_NNS in_IN the_AT cellar_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS
when_WRB its_PP$ turn_NN came_VBD ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ properly_RB mellowed_VBN
._. Vineyards_NNS and_CC orchards_NNS also_RB grew_VBD around_IN Wright's_NP$ ,_
, and_CC deer_NNS were_BED rather_ABL a_AT nuisance_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS leaped_
VBD six-foot_JJ fences_NNS with_IN the_AT agility_NN of_IN panthers_NNS ._. But_
CC no_AT one_PN complained_VBD when_WRB they_PPSS wound_VB up_RP ,_, regardless_
RB of_IN season_NN ,_, in_IN venison_NN pies_NNS ._. No_AT one_PN complained_VBD
of_IN the_AT white_JJ wine_NN either_RB :_: at_IN this_DT altitude_NN of_IN two
_CD thousand_CD feet_NNS ,_, grapes_NNS acquire_VB a_AT dryness_NN and_CC the_AT
tang_NN of_IN gunflint_NN ._. (_( The_AT Almaden_NP vineyards_NNS have_HV now_R
B climbed_VBN to_IN this_DT height_NN ._. )_) Apple_NN trees_NNS grew_VBD there_
RB also_RB ._. Though_CS creeks_NNS in_IN the_AT Santa_NP Cruz_NP mountains_NNS
flow_VB brimful_JJ the_AT year_NN round_RB and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ forever_RB sprin
g_NN ,_, the_AT apples_NNS that_WPS grow_VB there_RB have_HV a_AT wintry_JJ crac
kle_NN ._. Dwellers_NNS thereabouts_RB preferred_VBD to_TO get_VB their_PP$ appl
e_NN pies_NNS at_IN the_AT local_JJ bakery_NN ,_, which_WDT had_HVD a_AT brick_N
N oven_NN fired_VBN with_IN redwood_NN billets_NNS ._. The_AT merit_NN of_IN the
_AT pie_NN ,_, Vernon_NP believed_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ due_JJ more_RBR to_IN its_PP$
making_NN than_CS to_IN the_AT waning_VBG heat_NN of_IN the_AT oven_NN ._. The_
AT recipe_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS got_VBD from_IN the_AT baker_NN ,_, and_CC wro
te_VBD down_RP in_IN his_PP$ ledger_NN ,_, is_BEZ basically_RB this_DT :_: Wrigh
t's_NP$-HL apple_NN-HL pie_NN-HL ;_.-HL ;_.-HL peel_VB ,_, core_VB ,_, and_CC sl
ice_VB across_RP enough_AP apples_NNS to_TO make_VB a_AT dome_NN in_IN the_AT pi
e_NN tin_NN ,_, and_CC set_VB aside_RB ._. In_IN a_AT saucepan_NN put_VBD suffic
ient_JJ water_NN to_TO cover_VB them_PPO ,_, an_AT equal_JJ amount_NN of_IN suga
r_NN ,_, a_AT sliced_VBN lemon_NN ,_, a_AT tablespoonful_NN of_IN apricot_NN pre
serve_NN or_CC jam_NN ,_, a_AT pinch_NN each_DT of_IN clove_NN and_CC nutmeg_NN
,_, and_CC a_AT large_JJ bay_NN leaf_NN ._. Let_VB this_DT boil_NN gently_RB for
_IN twenty_CD minutes_NNS ,_, then_RB strain_VB ._. Poach_VB the_AT apples_NNS i
n_IN this_DT syrup_NN for_IN twelve_CD minutes_NNS ,_, drain_VB them_PPO ,_, and
_CC cool_VB ._. Set_VB the_AT apples_NNS in_IN the_AT pastry-lined_JJ tin_NN ,_,
spread_VB over_IN them_PPO three_CD tablespoonfuls_NNS of_IN softened_VBN butte
r_NN ,_, with_IN as_QL much_AP brown_JJ sugar_NN ,_, a_AT sprinkling_NN of_IN nu
tmeg_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT fresh_JJ bay_NN leaf_NN ,_, then_RB lay_VB on_RP a_AT co
ver_NN of_IN pastry_NN ,_, and_CC gild_VB it_PPO with_IN beaten_VBN yolk_NN of_I
N egg_NN ._. Those_DTS who_WPS have_HV never_RB traveled_VBN the_AT width_NN and
_CC length_NN of_IN this_DT land_NN cannot_MD* conceive_VB ,_, on_IN the_AT basi
s_NN of_IN textbook_NN description_NN alone_RB ,_, the_AT overwhelming_JJ space_
NN and_CC variety_NN of_IN this_DT country_NN held_VBN together_RB under_IN one_
CD government_NN ._. The_AT miracle_NN of_IN democratic_JJ America_NP comes_VBZ
home_NR to_IN one_PN most_QL strongly_RB only_RB when_WRB one_PN has_HVZ seen_VB
N the_AT endless_JJ Great_JJ-TL Plains_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT Midwest_NP ;_. ;_. th
e_AT sky-reaching_JJ peaks_NNS of_IN the_AT Northwest_JJ-TL mountains_NNS ;_. ;_
. the_AT smoke-filled_JJ ,_, art-filled_JJ ,_, drama-filled_JJ life_NN of_IN the
_AT great_JJ cities_NNS of_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT lush_JJ and_CC hi
storic_JJ charm_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. Now_RB ,_, to_TO add_VB to_IN th
e_AT already_QL unbelievable_JJ extremes_NNS found_VBN in_IN one_CD nation_NN ,_
, we_PPSS have_HV the_AT two_CD new_JJ states_NNS of_IN Hawaii_NP and_CC Alaska_
NP ._. To_TO hope_VB to_TO cover_VB just_RB one_CD region_NN of_IN this_DT land_
NN and_CC to_TO enjoy_VB all_ABN of_IN its_PP$ sights_NNS and_CC events_NNS and_
CC ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, to_TO bring_VB back_RB pictures_NNS of_IN your_PP$ ex
periences_NNS ,_, requires_VBZ advance_NN planning_NN ._. For_IN this_DT reason_
NN ,_, U.S._NP-TL Camera_NN-TL has_HVZ prepared_VBD this_DT special_JJ U.S.A._NP
vacation_NN feature_NN ._. We_PPSS divided_VBD the_AT country_NN into_IN five_C
D regions_NNS plus_CC Hawaii_NP and_CC Alaska_NP and_CC in_IN each_DT is_BEZ inc
luded_VBN a_AT general_JJ description_NN of_IN the_AT area_NN plus_CC specific_J
J recommendations_NNS of_IN places_NNS and_CC events_NNS to_TO cover_VB ._. Any_
DTI special_JJ photographic_JJ requirements_NNS are_BER also_RB given_VBN ._. Us
e_VB this_DT section_NN to_TO plan_VB now_RB to_TO make_VB the_AT most_AP of_IN
your_PP$ vacation_NN in_IN photogenic_JJ America_NP ._. The_AT-HL Northeast_NR-T
L-HL birthplace_NN of_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, the_AT Northeast_NR-TL offers_VBZ
historic_JJ battlefields_NNS ;_. ;_. lovely_JJ old_JJ villages_NNS and_CC a_AT r
ugged_JJ seashore_NN among_IN its_PP$ many_AP worthwhile_JJ sights_NNS ._. The_A
T rolling_VBG farms_NNS of_IN Maryland_NP ,_, the_AT peerless_JJ metropolis_NN o
f_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL ,_, the_AT verdant_JJ mountains_NNS of_IN V
ermont_NP can_MD all_ABN be_BE included_VBN in_IN your_PP$ Northeast_NR-TL vacat
ion_NN ._. By_IN automobile_NN from_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, for_IN example_N
N ,_, you_PPSS can_MD take_VB a_AT one_CD or_CC two-day_JJ tour_NN to_IN Annapol
is_NP ,_, Maryland_NP to_TO see_VB the_AT colonial_JJ homes_NNS and_CC the_AT U.
S._NP-TL Naval_JJ-TL Academy_NN-TL (_( where_WRB you_PPSS can_MD shoot_VB the_AT
dress_NN parade_NN on_IN Wednesdays_NRS )_) ;_. ;_. to_IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C
._NP ,_, for_IN an_AT eye-filling_JJ tour_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN ;_. ;_. or_CC
to_IN Lancaster_NP ,_, Pa._NP ,_, the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT Pennsylvania_NP-
TL Dutch_JJ-TL country_NN ;_. ;_. Philadelphia_NP with_IN its_PP$ historic_JJ bu
ildings_NNS and_CC nearby_JJ Valley_NN-TL Forge_NN-TL ;_. ;_. to_IN West_JJ-TL P
oint_NN-TL ,_, N.Y._NP ,_, the_AT famous_JJ military_JJ academy_NN in_IN a_AT be
autiful_JJ setting_NN on_IN the_AT Hudson_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. New_JJ-TL Englan
d_NP-TL deserves_VBZ as_QL much_AP of_IN your_PP$ vacation_NN time_NN as_CS you_
PPSS can_MD afford_VB with_IN such_JJ areas_NNS as_CS Cape_NN-TL Cod_NN-TL provi
ding_VBG wonderful_JJ beaches_NNS ,_, artists'_NNS$ colonies_NNS and_CC quaint_J
J townships_NNS ._. From_IN here_RB you_PPSS can_MD easily_RB include_VB a_AT si
de_NN trip_NN to_IN the_AT old_JJ whaling_VBG port_NN of_IN Nantucket_NP ,_, Mas
sachusetts_NP ,_, which_WDT looks_VBZ just_RB as_CS it_PPS must_MD have_HV two_C
D centuries_NNS ago_RB ._. At_IN Sturbridge_NP-TL Village_NN-TL ,_, Massachusett
s_NP ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD find_VB a_AT completely-restored_JJ New_JJ-TL England_NP
-TL town_NN ._. North_NR to_IN Acadia_NP-TL National_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL ,_, Maine_
NP ,_, with_IN views_NNS of_IN a_AT rockbound_JJ coast_NN and_CC dark_JJ ,_, mag
nificent_JJ forests_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL exciting_JJ ways_NNS to_
TO end_VB a_AT Northeast_NR-TL vacation_NN would_MD be_BE with_IN a_AT week_NN i
n_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL ._. Return_VB through_IN New_JJ-TL England_
NP-TL ,_, stopping_VBG for_IN a_AT visit_NN to_IN Lake_NN-TL Champlain_NP-TL whe
re_WRB you_PPSS can_MD take_VB a_AT boat_NN ride_NN and_CC go_VB to_IN Ethan_NP-
TL Allen_NP-TL Park_NN-TL ._. There_RB you'll_PPSS+MD witness_VB a_AT view_NN wh
ich_WDT includes_VBZ the_AT Adirondack_NP-TL Mts._NNS-TL and_CC the_AT Winooski_
NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. Now_RB you're_PPSS+BER ready_JJ for_IN a_AT whirlwind_NN s
ightseeing_VBG tour_NN of_IN America's_NP$ most_QL exciting_JJ city_NN ._. The_A
T skyline_NN ,_, the_AT bridges_NNS ,_, Broadway_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Staten_NP-
TL Island_NN-TL ferry_NN are_BER only_RB a_AT few_AP of_IN the_AT spots_NNS to_T
O put_VB on_IN your_PP$ ``_`` must_NN ''_'' list_NN for_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL
City_NN-TL ._. Photographing_VBG-HL in_IN-HL the_AT-HL Northeast_NR-TL-HL Some_D
TI tips_NNS for_IN shooting_VBG in_IN Northeastern_JJ locales_NNS :_: In_IN New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL don't_DO* miss_VB coverage_NN of_IN the_AT United_VB
N-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. These_DTS striking_JJ ,_, modernistic_JJ buildings_NNS o
n_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL River_NN-TL are_BER open_JJ to_IN the_AT public_NN and_CC
every_AT weekday_NN guided_VBN tours_NNS are_BER available_JJ ._. Pictures_NNS
can_MD be_BE taken_VBN in_IN the_AT public_JJ areas_NNS and_CC when_WRB on_IN to
urs_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, the_AT use_NN of_IN tripods_NNS is_BEZ not_* allowed_
VBN ._. Photos_NNS of_IN Conference_NN-TL Rooms_NNS-TL and_CC the_AT General_JJ-
TL Assembly_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL can_MD be_BE made_VBN when_WRB these_DTS rooms_NNS
are_BER not_* being_BEG used_VBN for_IN meetings_NNS ._. Flash_NN is_BEZ allowed
_VBN ,_, subject_JJ to_IN above_JJ restrictions_NNS ._. Around_IN New_JJ-TL Engl
and_NP-TL ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD no_AT doubt_NN want_VB a_AT color_NN shot_NN of_IN
one_CD of_IN the_AT picturesque_JJ lighthouses_NNS ._. Be_BE careful_JJ here_RB
not_* to_TO overexpose_VB this_DT subject_NN since_CS they_PPSS are_BER extremel
y_QL bright_JJ and_CC light-reflecting_JJ ._. In_IN color_NN ,_, 1/50th_OD of_IN
a_AT second_NN between_IN Af_NN and_CC Af_NN will_MD do_DO for_IN bright_JJ ,_,
frontal_JJ sunlight_NN ._. The_AT-HL South_NR-TL-HL the_AT southern_JJ United_V
BN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, extending_VBG from_IN Florida_NP in_IN the_AT east_NR to
_IN Texas_NP in_IN the_AT west_NR ,_, still_RB maintains_VBZ its_PP$ unique_JJ f
lavor_NN of_IN gracious_JJ living_NN and_CC historical_JJ elegance_NN ._. It_PPS
encompasses_VBZ in_IN its_PP$ expanse_NN areas_NNS where_WRB the_AT natural_JJ
beauty_NN encourages_VBZ a_AT vacation_NN of_IN quiet_JJ contemplation_NN ,_, on
_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_, to_IN places_NNS where_WRB entertainment_NN and_CC
spectacles_NNS of_IN all_ABN sorts_NNS have_HV been_BEN provided_VBN for_IN the
_AT tourist_NN with_IN camera_NN ._. Of_IN special_JJ interest_NN this_DT annive
rsary_NN year_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN between_IN the_AT states_NNS are_BER the_AT
many_AP Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL battlefields_NNS where_WRB ,_, likely_JJ as_CS no
t_* ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD catch_VB some_DTI memorial_JJ re-enactments_NNS ._. Among
_IN the_AT locales_NNS to_IN visit_NN are_BER Shiloh_NP ,_, Tennessee_NP ;_. ;_.
Lookout_NN-TL Mountain_NN-TL ,_, Tennessee_NP ;_. ;_. Vicksburg_NP ,_, Mississi
ppi_NP ;_. ;_. Richmond_NP ,_, Virginia_NP ;_. ;_. Petersburg_NP ,_, Virginia_NP
,_, and_CC Fredericksburg_NP ,_, Virginia_NP ._. Florida_NP provides_VBZ tropic
al_JJ scenes_NNS unequalled_JJ in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. At_I
N Cypress_NN-TL Gardens_NNS-TL special_JJ bleachers_NNS are_BER set_VBN up_RP fo
r_IN photographers_NNS at_IN water-ski_NN shows_NNS and_CC lovely_JJ models_NNS
pose_VB for_IN pictures_NNS in_IN garden_NN settings_NNS ._. Silver_JJ-TL Spring
s_NNS-TL features_VBZ glass-bottom_NN boat_NN rides_NNS and_CC in_IN Everglades_
NNS-TL National_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL there_EX are_BER opportunities_NNS to_TO photog
raph_VB rare_JJ wildlife_NN ._. Miami_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL and_CC surroundings_NNS
feature_VB fabulous_JJ ``_`` hotel_NN row_NN ''_'' ,_, palm-studded_JJ beaches_N
NS plus_CC the_AT Miami_NP Seaquarium_NP and_CC Parrot_NN-TL Jungle_NN-TL ._. On
e_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL delightful_JJ spots_NNS in_IN a_AT southern_JJ tour_NN
is_BEZ the_AT city_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ._. The_AT famous_JJ old_JJ
French_JJ and_CC Spanish_JJ buildings_NNS with_IN their_PP$ elaborate_JJ wrough
t_VBN iron_NN balconies_NNS and_CC the_AT narrow_JJ streets_NNS of_IN the_AT Lat
in_JJ-TL Quarter_NN-TL present_VB an_AT Old_JJ-TL World_NN-TL scene_NN ._. For_I
N restoration_NN of_IN early_JJ American_JJ life_NN the_AT places_NNS to_IN visi
t_NN are_BER Williamsburg_NP ,_, Jamestown_NP and_CC Yorktown_NP ,_, Virginia_NP
._. Another_DT Virginia_NP sight_NN and_CC a_AT photographic_JJ adventure_NN ar
e_BER the_AT Luray_NP-TL Caverns_NNS-TL ,_, lit_VBN by_IN photofloodlights_NNS .
_. The_AT great_JJ state_NN of_IN Texas_NP offers_VBZ metropolitan_JJ attraction
s_NNS such_JJ as_CS the_AT Dallas_NP-TL Fair_NN-TL Park_NN-TL with_IN its_PP$ ar
t_NN and_CC natural_JJ history_NN museums_NNS ._. In_IN contrast_NN are_BER the_
AT vast_JJ open_JJ stretches_NNS of_IN ranch_NN country_NN and_CC oil_NN wells_N
NS ._. In_IN San_NP Antonio_NP visit_VB the_AT famous_JJ Alamo_NP and_CC photogr
aph_VB 18th_OD Century_NN-TL Spanish_JJ buildings_NNS and_CC churches_NNS ._. Th
e_AT Great_JJ-TL Smoky_JJ-TL Mountains_NNS-TL is_BEZ another_DT area_NN of_IN th
e_AT South_NR-TL well_QL worth_JJ a_AT visit_NN ._. Along_IN the_AT 127-mile_JJ
route_NN through_IN Great_JJ-TL Smoky_JJ-TL Mountains_NNS-TL National_JJ-TL Park
_NN-TL you_PPSS can_MD photograph_VB the_AT breath-taking_JJ peaks_NNS ,_, gorge
s_NNS and_CC valleys_NNS which_WDT come_VB into_IN view_NN at_IN every_AT turn_N
N ._. Gatlinburg_NP ,_, Tennessee_NP ,_, is_BEZ the_AT center_NN of_IN this_DT a
rea_NN ._. Another_DT scenic_JJ spot_NN in_IN Tennessee_NP is_BEZ Chattanooga_NP
where_WRB the_AT Rock_NN-TL City_NN-TL Gardens_NNS-TL are_BER not_* to_TO be_BE
missed_VBN ._. Beautiful_JJ homes_NNS and_CC gardens_NNS are_BER trademarks_NNS
of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL and_CC cities_NNS particularly_RB noted_VBN for_IN the
m_PPO are_BER Charleston_NP ,_, S.C._NP ,_, Natchez_NP ,_, Miss._NP ,_, and_CC S
avannah_NP ,_, Ga._NP ._. At_IN Charlottesville_NP ,_, Va._NP ,_, shoot_VB Monti
cello_NP and_CC the_AT beautiful_JJ buildings_NNS of_IN the_AT University_NN-TL
._. Picturing_VBG-HL the_AT-HL south_NR-HL Foliage_NN is_BEZ the_AT outstanding_
JJ photo_NN subject_NN in_IN many_AP of_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL locales_NNS men
tioned_VBN above_RB and_CC some_DTI specific_JJ tips_NNS on_IN how_WRB and_CC wh
ere_WRB to_TO shoot_VB it_PPO are_BER in_IN order_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, t
he_AT Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_NN-TL of_IN Gatlinburg_NP ,_, Tennessee_NP
,_, sponsors_VBZ special_JJ camera_NN tours_NNS into_IN the_AT Great_JJ-TL Smok
y_JJ-TL Mountains_NNS-TL to_TO get_VB pictures_NNS of_IN the_AT profusion_NN of_
IN wild_JJ flowers_NNS flourishing_VBG in_IN these_DTS wooded_JJ regions_NNS ._.
Exposure_NN problems_NNS may_MD occur_VB in_IN these_DTS forest_NN areas_NNS wh
ere_WRB uneven_JJ lighting_NN results_VBZ from_IN shafts_NNS of_IN sunlight_NN f
iltering_VBG through_IN the_AT overhead_JJ branches_NNS ._. Best_JJT solution_NN
is_BEZ to_TO find_VB an_AT area_NN that_WPS is_BEZ predominantly_RB sunlight_NN
or_CC shade_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI instance_NN ,_, you_PPSS should_MD determine_V
B the_AT exposure_NN according_IN to_IN the_AT type_NN of_IN light_NN which_WDT
falls_VBZ on_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT subject_NN area_NN ._. Try_VB some_DTI clos
eups_NNS on_IN Southern_JJ-TL blossoms_NNS to_TO provide_VB a_AT welcome_JJ cont
rast_NN with_IN the_AT many_AP long-view_NN scenics_NNS you'll_PPSS+MD be_BE mak
ing_VBG ._. For_IN shooting_VBG the_AT interiors_NNS of_IN the_AT famous_JJ ante
-bellum_JJ Southern_JJ-TL mansions_NNS make_VB sure_JJ your_PP$ equipment_NN inc
ludes_VBZ a_AT tripod_NN ._. Enough_AP daylight_NN is_BEZ usually_RB available_J
J from_IN the_AT windows_NNS ,_, but_CC if_CS you_PPSS have_HV synchronized_VBN
flash_NN --_-- use_VB it_PPO ._. For_IN some_DTI unusual_JJ photographic_JJ subj
ects_NNS ,_, if_CS your_PP$ vacation_NN takes_VBZ you_PPO nearby_RB ,_, try_VB t
hese_DTS events_NNS :_: the_AT 600-mile_JJ auto_NN race_NN in_IN Charlotte_NP ,_
, N.C._NP ,_, ,_, on_IN May_NP 27_CD ;_. ;_. the_AT Florida_NP-TL Folk_NN-TL Fes
tival_NN-TL ,_, White_JJ-TL Springs_NNS-TL ,_, May_NP 5-7_CD ;_. ;_. Singing_VBG
-TL On_IN-TL The_AT-TL Mountain_NN-TL in_IN Linville_NP ,_, North_JJ-TL Carolina
_NP-TL ,_, on_IN June_NP 25_CD ._. Peak_NN action_NN photography_NN is_BEZ your_
PP$ goal_NN at_IN Miami's_NP$ Seaquarium_NP and_CC the_AT Cypress_NN-TL Gardens_
NNS-TL waterskiing_VBG events_NNS ._. The_AT-HL Midwest_NP-HL A_AT pleasant_JJ s
tart_NN to_IN your_PP$ midwestern_JJ vacation_NN is_BEZ a_AT few_AP days_NNS spe
nt_VBN in_IN cosmopolitan_JJ Chicago_NP ._. Lake_NN-TL Michigan_NP-TL offers_VBZ
swimming_VBG and_CC pictures_NNS which_WDT combine_VB cityscapes_NNS with_IN be
aches_NNS ._. A_AT visit_NN to_IN Chicago's_NP$ museums_NNS and_CC a_AT stroll_N
N around_IN broad_JJ Michigan_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL will_MD unfold_VB many_AP photo
genic_JJ subjects_NNS to_IN the_AT alert_JJ photographer_NN ._. Wisconsin_NP-TL
Dells_NNS-TL ,_, where_WRB fantastically_QL scenic_JJ rocks_NNS carved_VBN by_IN
the_AT Wisconsin_NP-TL River_NN-TL are_BER overgrown_VBN with_IN fern_NN and_CC
other_AP foliage_NN ,_, rates_VBZ a_AT stopover_NN when_WRB traveling_VBG from_
IN Chicago_NP ._. The_AT farmlands_NNS forming_VBG the_AT heart_NN of_IN America
_NP stretch_VB out_RP across_IN the_AT Midwest_NP from_IN Chicago_NP ._. In_IN N
orth_JJ-TL Dakota_NP-TL the_AT strangely_QL beautiful_JJ Badlands_NPS will_MD ch
allenge_VB you_PPO to_TO translate_VB its_PP$ wonder_NN on_RP to_IN film_NN ._.
While_CS here_RB ,_, visit_VB Theodore_NP-TL Roosevelt_NP-TL National_JJ-TL Park
_NN-TL for_IN its_PP$ spectacular_JJ scenery_NN ._. Another_DT spot_NN with_IN a
n_AT image-provoking_JJ name_NN is_BEZ the_AT Black_JJ-TL Hills_NNS-TL where_WRB
you_PPSS can_MD visit_VB the_AT old_JJ frontier_NN mining_VBG town_NN of_IN Dea
dwood_NP ._. The_AT Black_JJ-TL Hills_NNS-TL Passion_NN-TL Play_NN-TL is_BEZ pro
duced_VBN every_AT summer_NN and_CC is_BEZ a_AT pageant_NN worth_JJ seeing_VBG a
nd_CC shooting_VBG ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, while_CS in_IN this_DT vicinity_NN yo
u_PPSS won't_MD* want_VB to_TO miss_VB a_AT visit_NN to_IN Mount_NN-TL Rushmore_
NP-TL National_JJ-TL Memorial_NN-TL where_WRB on_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN a_AT mo
untain_NN are_BER the_AT famous_JJ sculptures_NNS of_IN Presidents_NNS-TL Washin
gton_NP ,_, Lincoln_NP ,_, Jefferson_NP and_CC Theodore_NP Roosevelt_NP ._. In_I
N Missouri_NP (_( which_WDT we_PPSS are_BER including_IN in_IN our_PP$ general_J
J Midwest_NP region_NN )_) you_PPSS can_MD glance_VB into_IN Mark_NP Twain's_NP$
birthplace_NN at_IN Hannibal_NP ,_, see_VB the_AT landmarks_NNS of_IN his_PP$ l
ife_NN and_CC writings_NNS and_CC visualize_VB where_WRB Huck_NP Finn_NP hatched
_VBD his_PP$ boyish_JJ mischief_NN ._. Similarly_RB in_IN Illinois_NP there_EX i
s_BEZ Lincoln_NP country_NN to_TO be_BE seen_VBN --_-- his_PP$ tomb_NN and_CC ot
her_AP landmarks_NNS ._. Minnesota_NP ,_, fabled_JJ land_NN of_IN waters_NNS ,_,
is_BEZ in_IN itself_PPL ,_, ideal_JJ vacationland_NN ,_, having_HVG within_IN i
ts_PP$ borders_NNS 10,000_CD lakes_NNS !_. !_. Itasca_NP-TL State_NN-TL Park_NN-
TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT Mississippi_NP-TL River_NN-TL begins_VBZ ,_, is_BEZ one_
CD of_IN the_AT outstanding_JJ tourist_NN spots_NNS in_RP Minnesota_NP ._. Memen
toes_NNS of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL West_NR-TL recall_VB the_AT days_NNS of_IN Wyatt
_NP Earp_NP in_IN Dodge_NP-TL City_NN-TL ,_, Nebraska_NP ,_, where_WRB present-d
ay_JJ cowboys_NNS add_VB a_AT colorful_JJ human_JJ interest_NN note_NN to_IN you
r_PP$ vacation_NN shooting_NN ._. Of_IN current_JJ interest_NN is_BEZ Abilene_NP
,_, Kansas_NP ,_, the_AT birthplace_NN of_IN ex-President_NN Eisenhower_NP ._.
There's_EX+BEZ a_AT museum_NN here_RB and_CC also_RB Old_JJ-TL Abilene_NP-TL Tow
n_NN-TL ,_, a_AT reconstruction_NN of_IN the_AT cattle_NNS boomtown_NN of_IN the
_AT 70's_NNS and_CC 80's_NNS ._. For_IN a_AT resort_NN area_NN ,_, Mackinack_NP-
TL Island_NN-TL ,_, Michigan_NP ,_, is_BEZ the_AT place_NN to_TO visit_VB ._. It
_PPS truly_RB relives_VBZ another_DT age_NN for_CS the_AT inhabitants_NNS use_VB
carriages_NNS rather_IN than_IN autos_NNS and_CC old_JJ British_JJ and_CC Frenc
h_JJ forts_NNS are_BER left_VBN intact_JJ for_CS tourists_NNS to_TO visit_VB and
_CC record_VB ._. Pictures_NNS-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL Midwest_NP-HL Night_NN scen
es_NNS will_MD add_VB an_AT exciting_JJ touch_NN to_IN your_PP$ vacation_NN trav
elogue_NN and_CC what_WDT better_JJR place_NN to_TO take_VB them_PPO then_RB alo
ng_IN Chicago's_NP$ Lake_NN-TL Shore_NN-TL Drive_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Just_QL after_IN
sunset_NN is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ time_NN to_TO record_VB the_AT city_NN lights_NNS
in_IN color_NN since_CS you_PPSS get_VB a_AT ``_`` fill-in_NN ''_'' light_NN fro
m_IN the_AT sky_NN ._. Another_DT memo_NN for_IN sightseers_NNS :_: bring_VB you
r_PP$ camera_NN along_RB to_IN museums_NNS ._. Photos_NNS of_IN historic_JJ dior
amas_NNS of_IN the_AT area_NN you_PPSS visit_VB will_MD add_VB depth_NN and_CC b
ackground_NN to_IN your_PP$ vacation_NN photo_NN story_NN ._. Again_RB ,_, be_BE
sure_JJ your_PP$ tripod_NN is_BEZ handy_JJ for_IN those_DTS sometimes-necessary
_JJ time_NN exposures_NNS ._. Special_JJ events_NNS and_CC their_PP$ dates_NNS w
hich_WDT will_MD make_VB interesting_JJ shooting_NN in_IN the_AT Midwest_NP area
_NN ,_, include_VB the_AT following_NN :_: A_AT re-enactment_NN of_IN the_AT Bat
tle_NN-TL of_IN-TL Lexington_NP-TL ,_, May_NP 18th_OD at_IN Lexington_NP ,_, Mis
souri_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT world-renowned_JJ 500-mile_JJ auto_NN race_NN at_IN Indi
anapolis_NP ,_, Indiana_NP ,_, plus_CC a_AT festival_NN from_IN May_NP 27-30_CD
;_. ;_. ``_`` Song_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Hiawatha_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, in_IN Elgin_NP ,_, Il
linois_NP ,_, from_IN June_NP 20_CD to_IN 24th_OD ._. Michigan_NP offers_VBZ the
_AT lovely_JJ Tulip_NN-TL Festival_NN-TL in_IN Holland_NP ,_, Michigan_NP ,_, Ma
y_NP 12-14_CD ;_. ;_. the_AT USGA_NN Open_NN-TL in_IN Birmingham_NP from_IN June
_NP 15-17_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT International_JJ-TL Freedom_NN-TL Festival_NN
-TL in_IN Detroit_NP ,_, June_NP 29_CD thru_IN July_NP 4_CD ._. For_IN early_JJ
vacationers_NNS there's_EX+BEZ the_AT fun-filled_JJ Fishing_NN-TL Derby_NN-TL in
_IN Hot_JJ-TL Springs_NNS-TL ,_, Arkansas_NP ,_, April_NP 19-23_CD ,_, and_CC th
e_AT Arkansas_NP-TL Band_NN-TL Festival_NN-TL in_IN Hot_JJ-TL Springs_NNS-TL ,_,
April_NP 20-22_CD ._. The_AT-HL West_NR-TL-HL A_AT western_JJ vacation_NN is_BE
Z practically_QL synonymous_JJ with_IN a_AT visit_NN to_IN at_IN least_AP one_CD
of_IN the_AT magnificent_JJ national_NN parks_NNS in_IN this_DT area_NN ._. A_A
T tour_NN of_IN several_AP of_IN them_PPO is_BEZ possible_JJ in_IN a_AT two-week
_JJ vacation_NN while_CS a_AT stay_NN at_IN just_RB one_CD of_IN these_DTS natur
al_JJ beauty_NN spots_NNS can_MD be_BE of_IN equal_JJ reward_NN ._. In_IN Califo
rnia_NP is_BEZ located_VBN one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL popular_JJ of_IN the_AT n
ational_JJ parks_NNS --_-- Yosemite_NP ._. Among_IN its_PP$ most_QL spectacular_
JJ features_NNS are_BER its_PP$ falls_NNS ,_, the_AT highest_JJT being_BEG Upper
_JJ-TL Yosemite_NP-TL which_WDT drops_VBZ 2,425_CD feet_NNS ._. The_AT Sequoia_N
P-TL Grove_NN-TL presents_VBZ another_DT unique_JJ aspect_NN of_IN Yosemite_NP ,
_, for_IN these_DTS ancient_JJ giant_JJ trees_NNS are_BER a_AT sight_NN never_RB
to_TO be_BE forgotten_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT Utah_NP area_NN are_BER Zion_NP-TL N
ational_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL and_CC Bryce_NP-TL Canyon_NN-TL National_JJ-TL Park_NN-
TL ._. Fantastic_JJ colors_NNS are_BER to_TO be_BE seen_VBN in_IN the_AT fancifu
l_JJ formations_NNS of_IN eroded_VBN rock_NN which_WDT loom_VB out_IN of_IN the_
AT semiarid_JJ country_NN in_IN both_ABX parks_NNS ._. Colorado's_NP$ Grand_JJ-T
L Canyon_NN-TL ,_, probably_RB the_AT most_QL famous_JJ landmark_NN of_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, can_MD be_BE the_AT highpoint_NN of_IN your_PP$
Western_JJ-TL vacation_NN ._. Built_VBN upon_IN seven_CD hills_NNS ,_, Istanbul
_NP ,_, like_CS Rome_NP ,_, is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL ancient_JJ cities
_NNS in_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, filled_VBN with_IN splendor_NN and_CC contrast_NN
._. It_PPS is_BEZ an_AT exotic_JJ place_NN ,_, so_QL different_JJ from_IN the_A
T ordinary_JJ that_CS the_AT casual_JJ tourist_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO see_VB
at_IN first_RB only_RB the_AT contrast_NN and_CC the_AT ugliness_NN of_IN narrow
_JJ streets_NNS lined_VBN with_IN haphazard_JJ houses_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT momen
t_NN ,_, many_AP of_IN these_DTS are_BER being_BEG pulled_VBN down_RP ._. Whole_
JJ blocks_NNS are_BER disappearing_VBG and_CC more_AP are_BER scheduled_VBN to_T
O vanish_VB to_TO make_VB room_NN for_IN wide_JJ boulevards_NNS that_WPS will_MD
show_VB off_RP its_PP$ treasures_NNS to_IN better_JJR advantage_NN --_-- the_AT
great_JJ domes_NNS and_CC graceful_JJ spires_NNS of_IN its_PP$ mosques_NNS ,_,
the_AT panorama_NN of_IN the_AT Bosphorus_NP and_CC the_AT Golden_JJ-TL Horn_NN-
TL ._. Even_RB when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER finished_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, the_AT
contrast_NN will_MD remain_VB ,_, for_CS Istanbul_NP is_BEZ the_AT only_AP city
_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN that_WPS is_BEZ built_VBN upon_IN two_CD continents_NN
S ._. For_IN almost_RB 3,000_CD years_NNS Europe_NP and_CC Asia_NP have_HV rubbe
d_VBN shoulders_NNS in_IN its_PP$ streets_NNS ._. Founded_VBN in_IN the_AT Ninth
_OD-TL Century_NN-TL B.C._NP it_PPS was_BEDZ called_VBN Byzantium_NP 200_CD year
s_NNS later_RBR when_WRB Byzas_NP ,_, ruler_NN of_IN the_AT Megarians_NPS ,_, ex
panded_VBD the_AT settlement_NN and_CC named_VBD it_PPO after_IN himself_PPL ._.
About_RB a_AT thousand_CD years_NNS after_IN that_DT ,_, when_WRB the_AT Roman_
JJ-TL Empire_NN-TL was_BEDZ divided_VBN ,_, it_PPS became_VBD capital_NN of_IN t
he_AT Eastern_JJ-TL section_NN ._. On_IN May_NP 11,330_CD ,_, A.D._RB ,_, ,_, it
s_PP$ name_NN was_BEDZ changed_VBN again_RB ,_, this_DT time_NN to_IN Constantin
ople_NP after_IN its_PP$ emperor_NN ,_, Constantine_NP ._. In_IN 1453_CD when_WR
B the_AT last_AP vestige_NN of_IN ancient_JJ Roman_JJ power_NN fell_VBD to_IN th
e_AT Turks_NPS ,_, the_AT city_NN officially_RB shifted_VBD religions_NNS --_--
although_CS the_AT Patriarch_NN-TL ,_, or_CC Pope_NN-TL ,_, of_IN the_AT Orthodo
x_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL continued_VBD to_TO live_VB there_RB ,_, and_CC still_RB do
es_DOZ --_-- and_CC became_VBD the_AT capital_NN of_IN the_AT Ottoman_JJ-TL Empi
re_NN-TL ._. When_WRB that_DT was_BEDZ broken_VBN up_RP after_IN the_AT First_OD
-TL World_NN-TL War_NN-TL ,_, its_PP$ name_NN was_BEDZ changed_VBN once_RB more_
RBR ._. Rich_JJ in_IN Christian_JJ and_CC Moslem_JJ art_NN ,_, Istanbul_NP is_BE
Z today_NR a_AT fascinating_JJ museum_NN of_IN East_NR-TL and_CC West_NR-TL that
_WPS recently_RB became_VBD a_AT seaside_NN resort_NN as_QL well_RB with_IN the_
AT development_NN of_IN new_JJ beaches_NNS on_IN the_AT Bosphorus_NP and_CC the_
AT Sea_NN-TL of_IN-TL Marmara_NP-TL only_RB a_AT short_JJ distance_NN from_IN th
e_AT center_NN of_IN town_NN ._. Easy_JJ to_TO get_VB to_IN ,_, and_CC becoming_
VBG more_QL popular_JJ every_AT year_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB fourteen_CD ho
urs_NNS from_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL by_IN Pan_JJ-TL American_JJ-TL World_NN-TL
Airways_NNS-TL jet_NN ,_, four_CD hours_NNS from_IN Rome_NP ._. Start_NN-HL of_I
N-HL tour_NN-HL Most_AP of_IN the_AT sights_NNS lie_VB in_IN the_AT old_JJ secti
on_NN across_IN the_AT Golden_JJ-TL Horn_NN-TL from_IN the_AT modern_JJ hotels_N
NS ._. I_PPSS started_VBD my_PP$ tour_NN of_IN them_PPO at_IN the_AT Turkish_JJ-
TL Government_NN-TL Tourist_NN-TL Office_NN-TL ,_, next_IN to_IN Pan_JJ-TL Ameri
can's_NP$ office_NN on_IN the_AT left_NR as_CS you_PPSS enter_VB the_AT driveway
_NN that_WPS leads_VBZ to_IN the_AT Hilton_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL ._. From_IN there_R
B I_PPSS turned_VBD left_NR along_IN Cumhuriyet_NP Cadesi_NP past_IN more_AP hot
els_NNS and_CC a_AT park_NN on_IN the_AT left_NR ,_, Republic_NN-TL Gardens_NNS-
TL ,_, and_CC came_VBD in_IN a_AT few_AP moments_NNS to_IN Taksim_NP-TL Square_N
N-TL ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT hubs_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT Mo
nument_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Republic_NN-TL ,_, erected_VBN in_IN 1928_CD ,_,
in_IN its_PP$ center_NN ._. Directly_RB across_RP from_IN the_AT Gardens_NNS-TL
I_PPSS found_VBD a_AT bus_NN stop_NN sign_NN for_IN T_NN 4_CD and_CC rode_VBD i
t_PPO down_RP to_IN the_AT Bosphorus_NP ,_, with_IN the_AT sports_NNS center_NN
on_IN my_PP$ left_NR just_RB before_CS I_PPSS reached_VBD the_AT water_NN and_CC
the_AT entrance_NN to_IN Dolmabahce_NP-TL Palace_NN-TL immediately_QL after_IN
that_DT ._. There_RB the_AT bus_NN turned_VBD right_NR along_IN the_AT Bosphorus
_NP ,_, past_IN ocean_NN liners_NNS at_IN anchor_NN ,_, to_IN Galata_NP-TL Bridg
e_NN-TL over_IN the_AT entrance_NN to_IN the_AT Golden_JJ-TL Horn_NN-TL ,_, a_AT
brown_JJ sweep_NN of_IN water_NN that_WPS empties_VBZ into_IN the_AT Bosphorus_
NP ._. Across_IN the_AT bridge_NN on_IN the_AT left_NR I_PPSS saw_VBD St._NN-TL
Sophia_NP-TL with_IN its_PP$ sturdy_JJ brown_JJ minarets_NNS and_CC to_IN the_AT
right_NR of_IN them_PPO the_AT slenderer_JJR spires_NNS of_IN the_AT Blue_JJ-TL
Mosque_NN-TL ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN of_IN the_AT Golden_JJ-TL Horn_N
N-TL I_PPSS rode_VBD through_IN Eminonu_NP-TL Square_NN-TL ,_, with_IN Yeni_NP C
ami_NP ,_, or_CC the_AT New_JJ-TL Mosque_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT dates_VBZ from_IN t
he_AT Seventeenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL ,_, just_RB across_RP from_IN the_AT entra
nce_NN to_IN the_AT bridge_NN ._. Passing_VBG it_PPO ,_, the_AT bus_NN climbed_V
BD a_AT hill_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT covered_VBN spice_NN bazaar_NN on_IN the_AT r
ight_NR and_CC Pandelli's_NP$ ,_, a_AT famous_JJ and_CC excellent_JJ restaurant_
NN ,_, above_IN it_PPO ._. At_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT hill_NN the_AT build
ings_NNS on_IN the_AT left_NR gave_VBD way_NN to_IN a_AT park_NN ._. I_PPSS got_
VBD off_RP there_RB ,_, crossed_VBD the_AT street_NN ,_, walked_VBD ahead_RB wit
h_IN St._NN-TL Sophia_NP-TL on_IN my_PP$ left_NR ,_, the_AT Blue_JJ-TL Mosque_NN
-TL on_IN my_PP$ right_NR ,_, and_CC in_IN a_AT moment_NN came_VBD to_IN the_AT
entrance_NN of_IN St._NN-TL Sophia_NP-TL ._. Erected_VBN on_IN the_AT site_NN of
_IN pagan_NN temples_NNS and_CC three_CD previous_JJ St._NN-TL Sophias_NPS-TL ,_
, the_AT first_OD of_IN which_WDT was_BEDZ begun_VBN by_IN Constantine_NP ,_, th
is_DT fourth_OD church_NN was_BEDZ started_VBN by_IN Justinian_NP in_IN 532_CD a
nd_CC completed_VBN twenty_CD years_NNS later_RBR ._. On_IN his_PP$ first_OD tri
p_NN to_IN the_AT finished_VBN structure_NN he_PPS boasted_VBD that_CS he_PPS ha
d_HVD built_VBN a_AT temple_NN grander_JJR than_CS Solomon's_NP$ in_IN Jerusalem
_NP ._. A_AT few_AP years_NNS later_RBR the_AT dome_NN fell_VBD in_RP ._. Nevert
heless_RB ,_, it_PPS remained_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL splendid_JJ church
es_NNS of_IN the_AT Eastern_JJ-TL Empire_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT Byzantine_JJ
Emperors_NNS-TL were_BED crowned_VBN ._. After_CS the_AT Turks_NPS conquered_VB
D the_AT city_NN in_IN 1453_CD they_PPSS converted_VBD it_PPO to_IN a_AT mosque_
NN ,_, adding_VBG the_AT stubby_JJ minarets_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT second_OD half_
ABN of_IN the_AT Sixteenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL ,_, Sinan_NP ,_, the_AT great_JJ
architect_NN who_WPS is_BEZ the_AT Michelangelo_NP of_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ,_, d
esigned_VBD the_AT massive_JJ buttresses_NNS that_WPS now_RB help_VB support_VB
the_AT dome_NN ._. With_IN the_AT birth_NN of_IN the_AT Turkish_JJ-TL Republic_N
N-TL after_IN the_AT First_OD-TL World_NN-TL War_NN-TL ,_, St._NN-TL Sophia_NP-T
L became_VBD a_AT museum_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT ancient_JJ mosaics_NNS ,_, which_W
DT were_BED plastered_VBN over_RP by_IN the_AT Moslems_NPS ,_, whose_WP$ religio
n_NN forbids_VBZ pictures_NNS in_IN holy_JJ places_NNS ,_, have_HV been_BEN rest
ored_VBN ._. Inside_RB over_IN the_AT first_OD door_NN I_PPSS saw_VBD one_CD of_
IN these_DTS ,_, which_WDT shows_VBZ Constantine_NP offering_VBG the_AT city_NN
to_IN the_AT Virgin_NN-TL Mary_NP and_CC Justinian_NP offering_VBG the_AT temple
_NN ._. On_IN the_AT columns_NNS around_IN the_AT immense_JJ dome_NN are_BER rou
nd_JJ plaques_NNS with_IN Arabic_JJ writing_NN ._. The_AT eight_CD green_JJ colu
mns_NNS ,_, I_PPSS learned_VBD ,_, came_VBD from_IN the_AT Temple_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Artemis_NP-TL at_IN Ephesus_NP ,_, the_AT others_NNS ,_, red_JJ ,_, from_IN the
_AT Temple_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Sun_NN-TL at_IN Heliopolis_NP ._. Beneath_IN
the_AT dome_NN I_PPSS saw_VBD the_AT spot_NN where_WRB the_AT Byzantine_JJ Empe
rors_NNS-TL were_BED crowned_VBN ,_, a_AT bit_NN of_IN floor_NN protected_VBN no
w_RB by_IN a_AT wooden_JJ fence_NN ._. Behind_IN this_DT is_BEZ a_AT minber_FW-N
N or_CC Moslem_JJ pulpit_NN and_CC near_IN it_PPO a_AT raised_VBN platform_NN wi
th_IN golden_JJ grillwork_NN ,_, where_WRB the_AT emperors_NNS and_CC ,_, after_
IN them_PPO ,_, the_AT sultans_NNS ,_, sat_VBD ._. Directly_QL opposite_IN is_BE
Z the_AT emperor's_NN$ door_NN ,_, through_IN which_WDT they_PPSS entered_VBD th
e_AT building_NN ._. Outside_IN St._NN-TL Sophia_NP-TL I_PPSS walked_VBD through
_IN the_AT flower_NN garden_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, with_IN the_AT Bl
ue_JJ-TL Mosque_NN-TL ahead_RB on_IN my_PP$ left_NR ._. Across_IN the_AT street_
NN on_IN my_PP$ right_NR I_PPSS saw_VBD the_AT Hippodrome_NP ,_, now_RB a_AT par
k_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ laid_VBN out_RP in_IN 196_CD for_IN chariot_NN races_NN
S and_CC other_AP public_JJ games_NNS ._. Statues_NNS and_CC other_AP monuments_
NNS that_WPS stood_VBD there_RB were_BED stolen_VBN ,_, mostly_RB by_IN the_AT w
aves_NNS of_IN Crusaders_NNS-TL ._. At_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN the_AT Hippo
drome_NP I_PPSS saw_VBD the_AT Kaiser's_NP$-TL Fountain_NN-TL ,_, an_AT ugly_JJ
octagonal_JJ building_NN with_IN a_AT glass_NN dome_NN ,_, built_VBN in_IN 1895_
CD by_IN the_AT German_NP-TL Emperor_NN-TL ,_, and_CC on_IN my_PP$ left_NR ,_, d
irectly_QL across_IN from_IN it_PPO ,_, the_AT tomb_NN of_IN Sultan_NN-TL Ahmet_
NP ,_, who_WPS constructed_VBD the_AT Blue_JJ-TL Mosque_NN-TL ,_, more_QL proper
ly_RB known_VBN by_IN his_PP$ name_NN ._. Just_RB before_CS coming_VBG to_IN the
_AT mosque_NN entrance_NN I_PPSS crossed_VBD the_AT street_NN ,_, entered_VBD th
e_AT Hippodrome_NP ,_, and_CC walked_VBD ahead_RB to_IN the_AT Obelisk_NN-TL of_
IN-TL Theodosius_NP-TL ,_, originally_RB erected_VBN in_IN Heliopolis_NP in_IN E
gypt_NP about_RB 1,600_CD B.C._NP by_IN Thutmose_NP ,_, who_WPS also_RB built_VB
D those_DTS now_RB in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, London_NP and_CC Rome_NP at_IN
the_AT Lateran_NP ._. This_DT one_CD was_BEDZ set_VBN up_RP here_RB in_IN 390_C
D A.D._RB on_IN a_AT pedestal_NN ,_, the_AT faces_NNS of_IN which_WDT are_BER ca
rved_VBN with_IN statues_NNS of_IN the_AT emperor_NN and_CC his_PP$ family_NN wa
tching_VBG games_NNS in_IN the_AT Hippodrome_NP ,_, done_VBN so_QL realistically
_RB that_CS the_AT obelisk_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ included_VBN in_IN them_PPO ._.
Beyond_IN it_PPO I_PPSS noted_VBD a_AT small_JJ green_JJ column_NN ,_, about_RB
twelve_CD feet_NNS below_IN the_AT present_JJ ground_NN level_NN --_-- the_AT Se
rpentine_JJ-TL Column_NN-TL ,_, three_CD entwined_VBN serpents_NNS ,_, which_WDT
once_RB stood_VBD at_IN the_AT Temple_NN-TL of_IN-TL Apollo_NP-TL at_IN Delphi_
NP ,_, Greece_NP ._. Near_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT Hippodrome_NP I_PPSS cam
e_VBD upon_IN the_AT Built_VBN-TL Column_NN-TL ,_, a_AT truncated_VBN obelisk_NN
of_IN blocks_NNS ,_, all_ABN that_WPS remains_VBZ of_IN a_AT monument_NN that_W
PS once_RB rivalled_VBD the_AT Colossus_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rhodes_NP-TL ._. Magnific
ent_JJ-HL Mosque_NN-TL-HL Retracing_VBG my_PP$ steps_NNS to_IN the_AT Mosque_NN-
TL of_IN-TL Sultan_NN-TL Ahmet_NP-TL ,_, only_RB one_CD with_IN six_CD minarets_
NNS ,_, I_PPSS entered_VBD the_AT courtyard_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT gallery_NN suppo
rted_VBN by_IN pointed_JJ arches_NNS running_VBG around_IN it_PPO and_CC a_AT fo
untain_NN in_IN the_AT middle_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL beautiful_JJ bu
ildings_NNS in_IN Istanbul_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ constructed_VBN in_IN the_AT e
arly_JJ years_NNS of_IN the_AT Seventeenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL ,_, with_IN a_AT
huge_JJ central_JJ dome_NN ,_, two_CD half_ABN domes_NNS that_WPS seem_VB to_TO
cascade_VB down_RP from_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC smaller_JJR full_JJ domes_NNS aroun
d_IN the_AT gallery_NN ._. The_AT round_JJ minarets_NNS ,_, tall_JJ and_CC grace
ful_JJ ,_, rise_VB from_IN rectangular_JJ bases_NNS and_CC have_HV three_CD plat
forms_NNS from_IN which_WDT the_AT muezzin_NN can_MD chant_VB his_PP$ call_NN to
_IN prayer_NN ._. Inside_RB ,_, the_AT walls_NNS are_BER covered_VBN with_IN blu
e_JJ and_CC white_JJ tile_NN ,_, the_AT floor_NN with_IN red_JJ and_CC cream_JJ
carpets_NNS ._. Back_RB at_IN the_AT Kaiser's_NP$-TL Fountain_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS w
alked_VBD left_NR to_IN the_AT streetcar_NN stop_NN and_CC rode_VBD up_IN the_AT
hill_NN --_-- any_DTI car_NN will_MD do_DO --_-- past_IN the_AT Column_NN-TL of
_IN-TL Constantine_NP-TL ,_, also_RB known_VBN as_CS the_AT Burnt_VBN-TL Column_
NN-TL ,_, at_IN the_AT top_NN on_IN my_PP$ right_NR ._. It_PPS stands_VBZ in_IN
the_AT middle_NN of_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ once_CS the_AT Forum_NN-TL of_IN-TL Con
stantine_NP-TL ,_, who_WPS brought_VBD it_PPO from_IN Rome_NP ._. I_PPSS stayed_
VBD on_IN the_AT car_NN for_IN a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS until_CS ,_, turning_VBG
right_NR ,_, it_PPS entered_VBD a_AT huge_JJ square_NN ,_, Bayezit_NP ,_, with_I
N the_AT Bayezit_NP-TL Mosque_NN-TL on_IN the_AT right_NR and_CC the_AT gate_NN
to_IN the_AT university_NN just_QL beyond_IN it_PPO ._. There_RB I_PPSS got_VBD
off_RP ,_, crossed_VBD the_AT square_NN ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT side_NN directly
_QL opposite_IN the_AT gate_NN found_VBD a_AT good_JJ restaurant_NN ,_, hard_JJ
to_TO come_VB by_RB in_IN this_DT part_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN ._. Called_VBN th
e_AT Marmara_NP-TL Gazinosu_NP ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ on_IN the_AT third_OD floor_NN
,_, with_IN signs_NNS pointing_VBG the_AT way_NN there_RB ,_, and_CC has_HVZ a_A
T terrace_NN overlooking_VBG the_AT Sea_NN-TL of_IN-TL Marmara_NP-TL ._. After_I
N lunch_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT arcade_NN on_IN my_PP$ left_NR just_RB before_CS rea
ching_VBG the_AT street_NN I_PPSS found_VBD a_AT pastry_NN shop_NN that_WPS sell
s_VBZ some_DTI of_IN the_AT best_JJT baklava_FW-NN --_-- a_AT sweet_JJ ,_, flaky
_JJ cake_NN --_-- in_IN Istanbul_NP ._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT great_JJ favorite_NN o
f_IN the_AT university_NN students_NNS ,_, and_CC I_PPSS joined_VBD them_PPO the
re_RB for_IN dessert_NN ._. Taking_VBG the_AT streetcar_NN back_RB to_IN Kaiser'
s_NP$-TL Fountain_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS walked_VBD ahead_RB ,_, then_RB left_NR down_
IN the_AT street_NN opposite_IN St._NN-TL Sophia_NP-TL and_CC just_QL beyond_IN
the_AT corner_NN came_VBD to_IN a_AT small_JJ ,_, one-story_JJ building_NN with_
IN a_AT red-tile_NN roof_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT entrance_NN to_IN the_AT
Sunken_JJ-TL Palace_NN-TL ._. Actually_RB an_AT underground_JJ cistern_NN ,_, i
ts_PP$ roof_NN supported_VBN by_IN rows_NNS and_CC rows_NNS of_IN pillars_NNS ,_
, it_PPS was_BEDZ built_VBN by_IN Justinian_NP in_IN the_AT Sixth_OD-TL Century_
NN-TL to_TO supply_VB the_AT palace_NN with_IN water_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ stil
l_RB water_NN in_IN it_PPO ._. I_PPSS found_VBD it_PPO fairly_QL depressing_JJ a
nd_CC emerged_VBD almost_QL immediately_RB ._. Outside_RB I_PPSS walked_VBD past
_IN the_AT entrance_NN to_IN St._NN-TL Sophia_NP-TL ,_, turned_VBD left_NR at_IN
the_AT end_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC continued_VBD toward_IN a_AT gate_NN in_I
N the_AT wall_NN ahead_RB ._. Just_RB before_CS reaching_VBG it_PPO I_PPSS came_
VBD to_IN a_AT grey_JJ and_CC brown_JJ stone_NN building_NN that_WPS looks_VBZ s
omewhat_RB like_CS an_AT Oriental_JJ-TL pagoda_NN ,_, with_IN Arabic_JJ letterin
g_NN in_IN gold_NN and_CC colored_VBN tile_NN decorations_NNS --_-- the_AT Fount
ain_NN-TL of_IN-TL Sultan_NN-TL Ahmet_NP-TL ._. Going_VBG through_IN the_AT Impe
rial_JJ-TL Gate_NN-TL in_IN the_AT wall_NN ,_, I_PPSS entered_VBD the_AT grounds
_NNS of_IN Topkapi_NP-TL Palace_NN-TL ,_, home_NN of_IN the_AT Sultans_NNS-TL an
d_CC nerve_NN center_NN of_IN the_AT vast_JJ Ottoman_JJ-TL Empire_NN-TL ,_, and_
CC walked_VBD along_IN a_AT road_NN toward_IN another_DT gate_NN in_IN the_AT di
stance_NN ,_, past_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL St._NN-TL Irene_NP-TL ,_, com
pleted_VBN by_IN Constantine_NP in_IN 330_CD A.D._RB on_IN my_PP$ left_NR ,_, an
d_CC then_RB ,_, just_QL outside_IN the_AT second_OD gate_NN ,_, I_PPSS saw_VBD
a_AT spring_NN with_IN a_AT tap_NN in_IN the_AT wall_NN on_IN my_PP$ right_NR --
_-- the_AT Executioner's_NN$-TL Spring_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS washed_VBD his
_PP$ hands_NNS and_CC his_PP$ sword_NN after_CS beheading_VBG his_PP$ victims_NN
S ._. Passing_VBG through_IN the_AT gate_NN ,_, with_IN towers_NNS on_IN either_
DTX side_NN once_RB used_VBN as_CS prisons_NNS ,_, I_PPSS entered_VBD a_AT huge_
JJ square_NN surrounded_VBN by_IN buildings_NNS ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT wall_NN
to_IN my_PP$ right_NR found_VBD a_AT general_JJ plan_NN of_IN the_AT grounds_NNS
,_, with_IN explanations_NNS in_IN English_NP for_IN each_DT building_NN ._. Th
ere_EX are_BER a_AT good_JJ many_AP of_IN them_PPO ._. At_IN one_CD time_NN abou
t_RB 10,000_CD people_NNS lived_VBD there_RB ._. Following_VBG arrowed_JJ signs_
NNS ,_, I_PPSS veered_VBD right_QL toward_IN the_AT former_AP kitchens_NNS ,_, c
omplete_JJ with_IN chimneys_NNS ,_, which_WDT now_RB house_VB one_CD of_IN the_A
T world's_NN$ greatest_JJT collections_NNS of_IN Chinese_JJ porcelain_NN and_CC
a_AT fabulous_JJ array_NN of_IN silver_NN dinner_NN services_NNS ._. Next_IN to_
IN it_PPO is_BEZ a_AT copper_NN section_NN ,_, with_IN cooking_VBG utensils_NNS
and_CC a_AT figure_NN of_IN the_AT chief_JJS cook_NN in_IN an_AT elaborate_JJ ,_
, floor-length_NN robe_NN ._. In_IN the_AT court_NN once_RB more_RBR ,_, I_PPSS
went_VBD right_QL toward_IN the_AT Reception_NN-TL House_NN-TL ,_, a_AT long_JJ
one-story_JJ building_NN with_IN a_AT deep_JJ portico_NN ._. Going_VBG through_I
N a_AT door_NN into_IN another_DT small_JJ court_NN ,_, I_PPSS had_HVD the_AT Th
rone_NN-TL Room_NN-TL directly_QL in_IN front_NN ._. I_PPSS walked_VBD to_IN the
_AT right_NR around_IN it_PPO to_IN buildings_NNS containing_VBG illuminated_VBN
manuscripts_NNS and_CC came_VBD to_IN the_AT Treasury_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT house
s_VBZ such_JJ things_NNS as_CS coffee_NN cups_NNS covered_VBN with_IN diamonds_N
NS ,_, jewelled_JJ swords_NNS ,_, rifles_NNS glittering_VBG with_IN diamonds_NNS
and_CC huge_JJ divan-like_JJ thrones_NNS as_QL large_JJ as_CS small_JJ beds_NNS
,_, on_IN which_WDT the_AT sultans_NNS sat_VBD cross-legged_JJ ._. They_PPSS ar
e_BER made_VBN of_IN gold_NN and_CC covered_VBN with_IN emeralds_NNS ,_, pearls_
NNS and_CC other_AP jewels_NNS ._. Taking_VBG the_AT path_NN behind_IN the_AT Th
rone_NN-TL Room_NN-TL to_IN the_AT building_NN directly_QL beyond_IN it_PPO ,_,
the_AT Portrait_NN-TL Gallery_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS went_VBD right_QL at_IN the_AT en
d_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, through_IN a_AT garden_NN to_IN a_AT small_JJ building_NN
at_IN the_AT back_NN --_-- a_AT sitting_VBG room_NN furnished_VBN with_IN low_JJ
blue_JJ divans_NNS ,_, its_PP$ floor_NN covered_VBN with_IN carpets_NNS ,_, its
_PP$ ceiling_NN painted_VBN with_IN gold_JJ squares_NNS and_CC floral_JJ designs
_NNS ._. (_( Do_DO start_VB fires_NNS one_CD or_CC two_CD hours_NNS ahead_RB of_
IN time_NN to_TO obtain_VB a_AT lasting_VBG bed_NN of_IN glowing_VBG coals_NNS .
_. Keep_VB ashes_NNS from_IN one_CD barbecue_NN to_IN the_AT next_AP to_TO sprin
kle_VB over_IN coals_NNS if_CS they_PPSS are_BER too_QL hot_JJ ,_, and_CC to_TO
stop_VB flames_NNS that_WPS arise_VB from_IN melting_VBG grease_NN ._. Do_DO lin
e_VB barbecue_NN fire_NN bowl_NN with_IN heavy_JJ foil_NN to_TO reflect_VB heat_
NN ._. Don't_DO* forget_VB to_TO buy_VB a_AT plastic_NN pastry_NN brush_NN for_I
N basting_VBG with_IN sauces_NNS ._. Clean_VB it_PPO meticulously_RB in_IN boili
ng_VBG water_NN and_CC detergent_NN ,_, rinse_VB thoroughly_RB ._. Do_DO build_V
B a_AT wall_NN of_IN glowing_VBG coals_NNS six_CD to_IN eight_CD inches_NNS in_I
N front_NN of_IN meat_NN that_WPS is_BEZ barbecued_VBN on_IN an_AT electric_JJ s
pit_NN ._. Make_VB use_NN of_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN the_AT barbecue_NN or_CC of
_IN the_AT hood_NN for_IN heating_VBG vegetables_NNS ,_, sauces_NNS and_CC such_
JJ ._. Don't_DO* fail_VB to_TO shorten_VB cooking_VBG time_NN by_IN the_AT use_N
N of_IN aluminum_NN foil_NN cut_VBN slightly_QL larger_JJR than_CS the_AT surfac
e_NN of_IN steaks_NNS and_CC chops_NNS ._. Sear_VB on_IN both_ABX sides_NNS then
_RB cover_VB meat_NN loosely_RB with_IN heat_NN reflecting_VBG foil_NN for_IN ju
iciest_JJT results_NNS ._. Do_DO avoid_VB puncturing_VBG or_CC cutting_VBG into_
IN meats_NNS to_TO test_VB them_PPO ._. If_CS doubtful_JJ about_IN a_AT steak_NN
,_, boldly_RB cut_VB it_PPO in_IN half_ABN ._. If_CS necessary_JJ to_TO replace
_VB both_ABX halves_NNS on_IN grill_NN ,_, sear_VB cuts_NNS and_CC allot_VB extr
a_JJ time_NN ._. For_IN roasts_NNS ,_, insert_VB meat_NN thermometer_NN diagonal
ly_RB so_CS it_PPS does_DOZ not_* rest_VB on_IN bone_NN ._. Also_RB make_VB sure
_JJ thermometer_NN does_DOZ not_* touch_VB the_AT revolving_VBG spit_NN or_CC hi
t_VB the_AT coals_NNS ._. Don't_DO* practice_VB a_AT new_JJ recipe_NN on_IN gues
ts_NNS ._. Have_HV a_AT test-run_NN on_IN the_AT family_NN first_RB ,_, to_TO be
_BE sure_JJ timing_VBG and_CC seasoning_NN are_BER right_JJ ._. Do_DO buy_VB mea
t_NN the_AT day_NN or_CC the_AT day_NN before_CS you_PPSS intend_VB to_TO cook_V
B it_PPO ._. Keep_VB it_PPO no_AT longer_JJR than_IN 36_CD hours_NNS before_CS c
ooking_VBG ,_, and_CC keep_VB it_PPO in_IN the_AT coldest_JJT (_( but_CC non-fre
ezing_JJ )_) compartment_NN of_IN the_AT refrigerator_NN ._. Don't_DO* plan_VB m
eals_NNS that_WPS are_BER too_QL complicated_VBN ._. Limit_VB yourself_PPL to_IN
good_JJ meat_NN and_CC drink_NN ,_, with_IN bread_NN ,_, salad_NN ,_, corn_NN o
r_CC potatoes_NNS as_CS accessories_NNS ._. Keep_VB the_AT desserts_NNS simple_J
J ;_. ;_. fruit_NN does_DOZ nicely_RB ._. Do_DO whatever_WDT kitchen_NN work_NN
,_, such_JJ as_CS fixing_VBG a_AT salad_NN ,_, preparing_VBG garlic_NN bread_NN
,_, or_CC making_VBG a_AT marinade_NN sauce_NN ,_, ahead_RB of_IN time_NN ._. Wh
en_WRB you_PPSS start_VB the_AT outdoor_JJ performance_NN ,_, you_PPSS can_MD st
ay_VB outdoors_RB without_IN a_AT dozen_NN running_VBG trips_NNS into_IN the_AT
kitchen_NN ._. (_( This_DT goes_VBZ for_IN getting_VBG a_AT drink_NN tray_NN rea
dy_JJ ,_, and_CC for_IN having_HVG a_AT big_JJ cooler_NN full_JJ of_IN ice_NN on
_IN hand_NN long_RB before_CS the_AT party_NN begins_VBZ ._. )_) Don't_DO* think
_VB you_PPSS have_HV to_TO start_VB with_IN the_AT most_QL expensive_JJ equipmen
t_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT simplest_JJT grill_NN (_( pan_NN type_NN )
_) or_CC inexpensive_JJ hibachi_NN can_MD make_VB you_PPO a_AT chef_NN ._. You_P
PSS need_VB tongs_NNS to_TO handle_VB meat_NN ;_. ;_. long_JJ forks_NNS for_IN t
urning_VBG potatoes_NNS and_CC corn_NN ;_. ;_. heavy_JJ foil_NN on_IN hand_NN at
_IN all_ABN times_NNS ._. And_CC lots_NNS of_IN hot_JJ pads_NNS !_. !_. Do_DO ke
ep_VB the_AT grill_NN high_JJ enough_QLP above_IN the_AT fire_NN so_CS that_CS w
hen_WRB fat_NN from_IN meat_NN drips_VBZ down_RP and_CC flares_VBZ up_RP ,_, fla
mes_NNS cannot_MD* reach_VB the_AT meat_NN ._. Don't_DO* forget_VB to_TO have_HV
a_AT supply_NN of_IN Melamine_NP plates_NNS ,_, bowls_NNS ,_, cups_NNS ,_, sauc
ers_NNS ,_, and_CC platters_NNS for_IN outdoor_JJ use_NN ._. Made_VBN of_IN the_
AT world's_NN$ toughest_JJT unbreakable_JJ plastic_NN ,_, Melamine_NP dinnerware
_NN comes_VBZ in_IN almost_RB 400_CD different_JJ patterns_NNS and_CC dozens_NNS
of_IN colors_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ even_RB one_CD set_NN that_WPS has_HVZ ``_
`` barbecue_NN ''_'' written_VBN on_IN it_PPO ._. Do_DO without_IN fancy_JJ tabl
ecloths_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ cheaper_JJR to_TO buy_VB Wall-Tex_NP and_CC cover_V
B your_PP$ outdoor_JJ table_NN ._. Or_CC buy_VB half_ABN a_AT dozen_NN lengths_N
NS of_IN oilcloth_NN and_CC change_VB patterns_NNS for_IN different_JJ kinds_NNS
of_IN barbecues_NNS ._. Oilcloth_NN only_RB costs_VBZ about_RB 79-cents_NNS a_A
T yard_NN for_IN the_AT very_QL best_JJT ._. Tougher_JJR than_CS plastic_NN ,_,
it_PPS wears_VBZ well_RB ._. Don't_DO* forget_VB --_-- when_WRB you_PPSS take_VB
to_IN the_AT hills_NNS or_CC the_AT beach_NN --_-- that_CS your_PP$ cooler_NN ,
_, which_WDT you_PPSS might_MD have_HV used_VBN for_IN wine-_NN or_CC beer-cooli
ng_NN on_IN your_PP$ terrace_NN or_CC back_JJ yard_NN ,_, is_BEZ indispensable_J
J for_IN carrying_VBG liquid_NN refreshments_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP va
rieties_NNS of_IN coolers_NNS and_CC they_PPSS serve_VB many_AP purposes_NNS ._.
With_IN them_PPO ,_, you_PPSS can_MD carry_VB steaks_NNS and_CC hamburgers_NNS
at_IN refrigerator_NN temperatures_NNS ,_, and_CC also_RB get_VB your_PP$ frozen
_VBN food_NN for_IN stews_NNS and_CC chowders_NNS ,_, to_IN the_AT marina_NN or_
CC picnic_NN ,_, in_IN A-1_JJ-TL condition_NN ._. Do_DO use_VB paper_NN napkins_
NNS ;_. ;_. lots_NNS of_IN them_PPO ._. Except_IN when_WRB you_PPSS prepare_VB `
`_`` do_DO it_PPO yourself_PPL ''_'' shish_NN kebob_NN or_CC a_AT lobster_NN roa
st_NN ._. Then_RB you'll_PPSS+MD want_VB terry_NN cloth_NN towels_NNS for_IN mop
ping_VBG up_RP ._. Don't_DO* think_VB barbecue_NN cooking_NN is_BEZ just_RB some
times_RB ,_, or_CC seasonal_JJ ._. It's_PPS+BEZ year-round_JJ ,_, and_CC everywh
ere_RB ._. In_IN the_AT winter_NN ,_, hibachi_VB in_IN the_AT kitchen_NN or_CC g
rill_VB over_IN the_AT logs_NNS of_IN the_AT fireplace_NN ._. Even_RB use_VB you
r_PP$ portable_JJ electric_JJ or_CC gas_NN grill_NN in_IN the_AT winter_NN ,_, i
nside_RB ._. Summertime_NN supper_NN ,_, outside_RB ,_, is_BEZ a_AT natural_JJ .
_. You'll_PPSS+MD find_VB ,_, once_CS your_PP$ technique_NN is_BEZ perfected_VBN
,_, that_CS you_PPSS can_MD cook_VB on_IN a_AT boat_NN with_IN a_AT simple_JJ B
ernz-O-Matic_NP ._. Do_DO buy_VB all-purpose_JJ mugs_NNS or_CC cups_NNS ._. Get_
VB copper_NN or_CC earthenware_NN mugs_NNS that_WPS keep_VB beer_NN chilled_VBN
or_CC soup_NN hot_JJ ._. Be_BE sure_JJ to_TO get_VB a_AT few_AP more_AP than_CS
you_PPSS need_VB ._. You_PPSS will_MD discover_VB you_PPSS keep_VB the_AT sauce_
NN for_IN basting_VBG meat_NN in_IN one_CD ,_, use_VB six_CD for_IN drinks_NNS ,
_, serve_VB soup_NN or_CC coffee_NN in_IN another_DT half-dozen_NN --_-- and_CC
need_VB one_CD more_AP to_TO mix_VB the_AT salad_NN dressing_NN ._. Don't_DO* fo
rget_VB the_AT joys_NNS of_IN a_AT meal_NN on_IN the_AT road_NN ._. If_CS you_PP
SS travel_VB over_IN the_AT vast_JJ U.S.A._NP you_PPSS will_MD ,_, no_AT doubt_N
N ,_, discover_VB that_CS feeding_VBG is_BEZ an_AT expensive_JJ business_NN ._.
Decide_VB in_IN the_AT beginning_NN to_TO put_VB your_PP$ barbecue_NN equipment_
NN to_IN work_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD take_VB it_PPO with_IN you_PPO ._. A_AT pic
nic_NN bag_NN ,_, a_AT grill_NN ,_, a_AT cooler_NN for_IN soft_JJ drinks_NNS and
_CC beer_NN ,_, and_CC for_IN frozen_VBN convenience_NN foods_NNS ._. Eat_VB in_
IN a_AT restaurant_NN or_CC motel_NN mornings_NNS and_CC evenings_NNS ;_. ;_. or
_CC just_RB evenings_NNS ._. Turn_VB off_RP at_IN any_DTI one_CD of_IN the_AT ma
rked_VBN picnic_NN areas_NNS (_( gasoline_NN companies_NNS have_HV touring_VBG s
ervice_NN bureaus_NNS that_WPS issue_VB booklets_NNS on_IN national_JJ parks_NNS
to_TO tell_VB you_PPO where_WRB you_PPSS have_HV barbecue_NN facilities_NNS )_)
and_CC --_-- with_IN soft_JJ drinks_NNS cooled_VBN from_IN morning_NN loading_N
N up_RP ,_, hamburger_NN ,_, buns_NNS ,_, an_AT array_NN of_IN relishes_NNS ,_,
and_CC fresh_JJ fruit_NN --_-- your_PP$ lunch_NN is_BEZ 75%_NN cheaper_JJR than_
CS at_IN a_AT restaurant_NN ,_, and_CC 100%_NN more_AP fun_NN ._. You_PPSS need_
VB a_AT little_JJ stove_NN ,_, a_AT coffee_NN pot_NN and_CC a_AT stew_NN pot_NN
;_. ;_. maybe_RB a_AT skillet_NN ,_, a_AT basket_NN of_IN essentials_NNS like_CS
salt_NN ,_, pepper_NN ,_, plates_NNS ,_, forks_NNS ,_, knives_NNS and_CC a_AT c
an_NN opener_NN ._. As_CS you_PPSS pull_VB out_RP of_IN your_PP$ motel_NN or_CC
national_JJ park_NN home-for-the-night_NN ,_, visit_VB a_AT market_NN and_CC buy
_VB just_RB what_WDT you_PPSS need_VB for_IN the_AT next_AP meal_NN ._. For_IN 2
5-cents_NNS load_VB up_RP the_AT cooler_NN with_IN ice_NN and_CC keep_VB cool_JJ
pop_NN in_IN the_AT car_NN ._. Simple_JJ-HL meat_NN-HL dishes_NNS-HL spice_NN i
s_BEZ a_AT fact_NN of_IN life_NN in_IN the_AT U.S.A._NP ._. You_PPSS only_RB hav
e_HV to_TO think_VB of_IN franks_NNS and_CC sausages_NNS to_TO know_VB what_WDT
I_PPSS mean_VB ._. Go_VB a_AT step_NN further_RBR and_CC list_VB all_ABN the_AT
wonderful_JJ barbecue_NN basics_NNS --_-- cervelat_NN ,_, salami_NN ,_, Vienna_N
P sausages_NNS ,_, mettwurst_FW-NN ,_, bratwurst_FW-NN ,_, bockwurst_FW-NN ,_, k
nackwurst_NN ,_, Bologna_NN ,_, pepperoni_NN ,_, blutwurst_FW-NN --_-- and_CC yo
u_PPSS have_HV a_AT long_JJ list_NN of_IN easy_JJ specialties_NNS ._. Threaded_V
BN on_IN a_AT skewer_NN with_IN new_JJ boiled_VBN potatoes_NNS ,_, a_AT bit_NN o
f_IN green_JJ pepper_NN ,_, a_AT fresh_JJ white_JJ mushroom_NN --_-- any_DTI one
_CD of_IN these_DTS spiced_VBN meats_NNS makes_VBZ a_AT man_NN a_AT cook_NN ,_,
and_CC a_AT meal_NN a_AT feast_NN ._. Sure_RB ,_, for_IN the_AT most_AP of_IN us
_PPO ,_, a_AT frankfurter_NN is_BEZ the_AT favorite_JJ ._. A_AT story_NN goes_VB
Z that_CS a_AT certain_JJ Herr_NP Feuchtwanger_NP of_IN St._NP Louis_NP ,_, arou
nd_RB 1883_CD served_VBD his_PP$ sausages_NNS (_( grilled_VBN )_) and_CC mustard
_NN to_IN his_PP$ fancy_JJ customers_NNS ._. So_CS that_CS his_PP$ customers_NNS
should_MD not_* soil_VB their_PP$ hands_NNS ,_, Feuchtwanger_NP issued_VBD whit
e_JJ gloves_NNS ._. Discovery_NN that_CS the_AT gloves_NNS frequently_RB left_VB
D with_IN the_AT customers_NNS made_VBD the_AT wise_JJ peddler_NN of_IN spiced_V
BN sausage-meat_NN come_VB upon_IN a_AT compromise_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_AT ba
kery_NN make_VB buns_NNS sized_VBN to_TO fit_VB his_PP$ franks_NNS ._. Years_NNS
later_RBR ,_, franks-in-buns_NNS were_BED accepted_VBN as_CS the_AT ``_`` first
_OD to_TO go_VB ''_'' at_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Polo_NN-TL Grounds_NNS-T
L ._. The_AT nation's_NN$ number_NN one_CD picnic_NN treat_NN is_BEZ the_AT skin
less_JJ frankfurter_NN --_-- toasted_VBN over_IN a_AT bonfire_NN on_IN the_AT be
ach_NN or_CC ,_, more_QL sedately_RB ,_, charcoal_NN broiled_VBN on_IN a_AT port
able_JJ grill_NN ._. Either_DTX way_NN it's_PPS+BEZ hard_JJ to_TO beat_VB in_IN
flavor_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS ease_NN of_IN preparation_NN ._. To_TO make_VB the
_AT picnic_NN frank_NN come_VB close_RB to_IN perfection_NN ,_, remember_VB thes
e_DTS tips_NNS :_: --_-- Score_VB each_DT frankfurter_NN in_IN four_CD or_CC fiv
e_CD places_NNS about_RB a_AT third_OD of_IN the_AT way_NN through_RP ._. This_D
T permits_VBZ the_AT juices_NNS to_TO permeate_VB the_AT meat_NN during_IN cooki
ng_VBG ._. --_-- Relishes_NNS are_BER as_QL vital_JJ to_IN the_AT success_NN of_
IN the_AT frank_NN as_CS are_BER buns_NNS ._. Bring_VB along_RB the_AT conventio
nal_JJ ones_NNS --_-- catsup_NN ,_, pickle_NN relish_NN ,_, mustard_NN ,_, mayon
naise_NN --_-- plus_CC a_AT few_AP extras_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS tangy_JJ barbecu
e_NN sauce_NN ,_, chive_NN cream_NN cheese_NN ,_, or_CC horse-radish_NN for_IN t
he_AT brave_JJ ones_NNS in_IN the_AT crowd_NN ._. --_-- Using_VBG a_AT portable_
JJ grill_NN permits_VBZ you_PPO to_TO toast_VB the_AT buns_NNS ,_, too_RB ._. Wa
tch_VB closely_RB while_CS browning_VBG them_PPO ,_, as_CS it_PPS doesn't_DOZ* t
ake_VB long_RB ._. --_-- An_AT unusual_JJ flavor_NN can_MD be_BE achieved_VBN by
_IN marinating_VBG the_AT franks_NNS in_IN French_JJ dressing_NN or_CC a_AT mixt
ure_NN of_IN honey_NN ,_, lemon_NN juice_NN and_CC brown_JJ sugar_NN prior_RB to
_IN the_AT picnic_NN ._. Broil_VB or_CC toast_VB as_CS usual_RB ._. Contrary_JJ
to_IN popular_JJ opinion_NN ,_, ``_`` a_FW-IN la_FW-AT mode_FW-NN ''_'' doesn't_
DOZ* mean_VB ``_`` with_IN ice_NN cream_NN ''_'' --_-- it_PPS just_RB means_VBZ
,_, in_IN the_AT latest_JJT style_NN ._. Here_RB are_BER a_AT couple_NN of_IN th
e_AT latest_JJT ,_, highly_QL styled_VBN ways_NNS to_TO fix_VB skinless_JJ frank
s_NNS in_IN your_PP$ own_JJ back_JJ yard_NN !_. !_. You'll_PPSS+MD have_HV the_A
T neighbor's_NN$ eyes_NNS popping_VBG as_QL well_RB as_CS their_PP$ mouths_NNS w
atering_VBG !_. !_. Jiffy_JJ-HL barbecues_NNS-HL 1_CD cup_NN chili_NN sauce_VB 1
/3_CD cup_NN water_NN 1_CD tablespoon_NN barbecue_NN sauce_NN 2_CD teaspoons_NNS
prepared_VBN mustard_NN 1/2_CD pound_NN chipped_VBN ,_, spiced_VBN ham_NN 6_CD
sandwich_NN buns_NNS ,_, heated_VBN ._. Combine_VB first_OD 4_CD ingredients_NNS
in_IN saucepan_NN ;_. ;_. heat_VB thoroughly_RB ._. Add_VB ham_NN ;_. ;_. heat_
VB ._. Serve_VB on_IN buns_NNS ._. Makes_VBZ 6_CD barbecues_NNS ._. Hot_JJ-HL hi
bachi_NN-HL franks_NNS-HL You'll_PPSS+MD never_RB hear_VB ``_`` sayonara_FW-UH-N
C ''_'' ,_, the_AT Japanese_JJ word_NN for_IN goodbye_NN ,_, from_IN your_PP$ gu
ests_NNS when_WRB you_PPSS give_VB a_AT hibachi_NN party_NN ._. The_AT fun_NN of
_IN toasting_VBG their_PP$ own_JJ sausages_NNS over_IN the_AT small_JJ Oriental_
JJ-TL charcoal_NN burners_NNS and_CC dipping_VBG them_PPO in_IN tasty_JJ sauces_
NNS will_MD keep_VB your_PP$ group_NN busy_JJ --_-- try_VB it_PPO and_CC see_VB
!_. !_. Canned_VBN-HL cocktail_NN-HL frankfurters_NNS-HL sweet-sour_JJ-HL sauce_
NN-HL 1_CD large_JJ onion_NN ,_, chopped_VBN fine_JJ 2_CD tablespoons_NNS salad_
NN oil_NN 1_CD 8-oz._NN can_NN crushed_VBN pineapple_NN and_CC 1/2_CD cup_NN of_
IN the_AT juice_NN 1/4_CD cup_NN brown_JJ sugar_NN 2_CD tablespoons_NNS vinegar_
NN 1_CD tablespoon_NN prepared_VBN mustard_NN 1_CD tablespoon_NN Worcestershire_
NP sauce_NN pineapple_NN-HL chunks_NNS-HL ._.-HL Mustard_NN-HL cream_NN-HL 2_CD
tablespoons_NNS dry_JJ mustard_NN Water_NN 1/2_CD cup_NN heavy_JJ cream_NN ,_, w
hipped_VBN Salt_NN Paprika_NN ._. Spear_VB canned_VBN cocktail_NN franks_NNS wit
h_IN picks_NNS ._. Also_RB spear_VB pineapple_NN chunks_NNS and_CC place_VB in_I
N separate_JJ bowl_NN ._. Make_VB sauces_NNS ahead_RB ._. Sweet-sour_JJ sauce_NN
can_MD be_BE kept_VBN warm_JJ over_IN a_AT second_OD hibachi_NN or_CC chafing_V
BG dish_NN while_CS charcoal_NN in_IN broiler_NN is_BEZ reaching_VBG glowing_VBG
coal_NN stage_NN ._. Mustard_NN cream_NN ,_, used_VBN as_CS alternate_JJ dip_NN
for_IN franks_NNS and_CC pineapple_NN tidbits_NNS ,_, tastes_VBZ best_JJT when_
WRB served_VBN at_IN room_NN temperature_NN ._. For_IN sweet-sour_JJ sauce_NN ,_
, cook_VB onion_NN in_IN oil_NN until_CS soft_JJ ._. Add_VB remaining_VBG ingred
ients_NNS and_CC bring_VB to_IN a_AT boil_NN ._. Simmer_VB about_RB 10_CD minute
s_NNS ,_, and_CC keep_VB warm_JJ for_IN serving_VBG ._. To_TO prepare_VB mustard
_NN cream_NN ,_, blend_VB mustard_NN with_IN enough_AP water_NN to_TO make_VB a_
AT thin_JJ paste_NN ._. Fold_VB into_IN whipped_VBN cream_NN and_CC add_VB a_AT
dash_NN of_IN salt_NN and_CC sprinkling_NN of_IN paprika_NN ._. Trim-your-own-fr
anks_NNS-HL A_AT back-yard_NN picnic_NN with_IN grilled_VBN frankfurters_NNS and
_CC a_AT selection_NN of_IN frankfurter_NN trimmings_NNS is_BEZ a_AT fine_JJ way
_NN to_TO entertain_VB guests_NNS this_DT summer_NN ._. Be_BE sure_JJ to_TO have
_HV plenty_NN of_IN frankfurters_NNS and_CC buns_NNS on_IN hand_NN ._. Some_DTI
tasty_JJ frank_NN toppings_NNS are_BER chili_FW-NN con_FW-IN carne_FW-NN ,_, Con
ey_NP-TL Island_NN-TL sauce_NN and_CC savory_JJ sauerkraut_NN ._. Serve_VB the_A
T chili_NN and_CC kraut_NN hot_JJ with_IN the_AT franks_NNS ._. Here_RB are_BER
suggestions_NNS for_IN the_AT frankfurter_NN trimmings_NNS :_: 1_CD ._. Chili_FW
-NN con_FW-IN carne_FW-NN :_: use_VB canned_VBN chili_FW-NN con_FW-IN carne_FW-N
N ._. 2_CD ._. Coney_NP-TL Island_NN-TL sauce_NN :_: finely_RB chop_VB several_A
P onions_NNS and_CC add_VB enough_AP catsup_NN to_TO moisten_VB well_RB ;_. ;_.
add_VB prepared_VBN mustard_NN to_TO suit_VB taste_NN ._. 3_CD ._. Savory_JJ sau
erkraut_NN :_: add_VB several_AP tablespoons_NNS of_IN brown_JJ sugar_NN to_IN a
_AT can_NN of_IN sauerkraut_NN ._. Add_VB a_AT few_AP caraway_NN seeds_NNS ,_, t
oo_RB ,_, if_CS you'd_PPSS+MD like_VB ._. Barbecued_VBN-HL frankfurters_NNS-HL 1
/2_CD cup_NN minced_VBN celery_NN 1/4_CD cup_NN minced_VBN onion_NN 1/2_CD cup_N
N tomato_NN ketchup_NN 1/2_CD cup_NN water_NN 1/4_CD cup_NN vinegar_NN 2_CD tabl
espoons_NNS brown_JJ sugar_NN 1_CD tablespoon_NN Worcestershire_NP sauce_NN 1_CD
tablespoon_NN prepared_VBN mustard_NN 1/2_CD teaspoon_NN salt_NN 8_CD frankfurt
ers_NNS ._. Combine_VB first_OD 9_CD ingredients_NNS in_IN skillet_NN ._. Simmer
_VB 15_CD minutes_NNS ._. Prick_VB frankfurters_NNS with_IN fork_NN ;_. ;_. plac
e_VB in_IN sauce_NN ._. Cover_VB ;_. ;_. simmer_VB 15_CD minutes_NNS ,_, stirrin
g_VBG occasionally_RB ,_, until_CS sauce_NN is_BEZ of_IN desired_VBN consistency
_NN ._. Serve_VB in_IN frankfurter_NN buns_NNS or_CC as_CS a_AT meat_NN dish_NN
._. Makes_VBZ 8_CD sandwiches_NNS or_CC 4_CD servings_NNS ._. Pretend_JJ-HL ham_
NN-HL Make_VB criss-cross_JJ gashes_NNS on_IN one_CD side_NN of_IN skinless_JJ f
rankfurters_NNS ._. Stick_VB 4_CD or_CC 5_CD cloves_NNS in_IN each_DT frank_NN ,
_, ham_NN fashion_NN ._. Make_VB a_AT paste_NN of_IN brown_JJ sugar_NN and_CC mu
stard_NN and_CC spread_VB lightly_RB over_IN scored_VBN surface_NN ._. If_CS des
ired_VBN ,_, sprinkle_VB with_IN 1_CD teaspoon_NN drained_VBN crushed_VBN pineap
ple_NN ._. Place_VB on_IN rectangle_NN of_IN foil_NN and_CC pinch_VB edges_NNS t
ogether_RB tightly_RB ._. Roast_VB on_IN grill_NN over_IN coals_NNS 15-20_CD min
utes_NNS ._. Frankfurter_NN-HL twists_NNS-HL Blend_VB 2_CD cups_NNS biscuit_NN m
ix_NN with_IN 2/3_CD cup_NN milk_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT soft_JJ dough_NN ._. Knea
d_VB on_IN lightly_RB floured_VBN board_NN and_CC roll_VB out_RP to_TO form_VB a
_AT Af-inch_NN rectangle_NN ._. Spread_VB dough_NN with_IN a_AT mixture_NN of_IN
3_CD tablespoons_NNS chili_NN sauce_NN ,_, 1_CD teaspoon_NN horse-radish_NN and
_CC 2_CD teaspoons_NNS mustard_NN ._. Cut_VB dough_NN carefully_RB into_IN 12_CD
strips_NNS ,_, about_RB 3/4_CD inch_NN by_IN a_AT foot_NN long_JJ ._. Twist_VB
one_CD strip_NN diagonally_RB around_IN each_DT skinless_JJ frankfurter_NN ,_, p
inching_VBG dough_NN at_IN ends_NNS to_TO seal_VB it_PPO ._. Brush_VB frankfurte
r_NN twists_NNS with_IN about_RB 1/2_CD cup_NN melted_VBN butter_NN and_CC toast
_VB slowly_RB over_IN glowing_VBG coals_NNS until_CS dough_NN is_BEZ golden_JJ b
rown_NN ._. Serves_VBZ 12_CD ._. Hamburger_NN-HL patties_NNS-HL with_IN-HL nuts_
NNS-HL 1_CD pound_NN ground_VBN beef_NN 2_CD teaspoons_NNS grated_VBN onion_NN D
ash_NN of_IN pepper_NN 1/2_CD teaspoon_NN salt_NN 1/2_CD cup_NN chopped_VBN waln
uts_NNS 1/4_CD cup_NN ice_NN cold_JJ bourbon_NN ._. Combine_VB ingredients_NNS ;
_. ;_. form_VB into_IN patties_NNS and_CC barbecue_VB 5_CD minutes_NNS on_IN eac
h_DT side_NN ._. Note_VB-HL :_:-HL Directions_NNS are_BER written_VBN for_IN tho
se_DTS who_WPS have_HV had_HVN previous_JJ experience_NN in_IN making_VBG potter
y_NN ._. Instructions_NNS for_IN preparing_VBG clay_NN ,_, drying_VBG ,_, glazin
g_VBG and_CC firing_VBG are_BER not_* given_VBN ._. Equipment_NN-HL :_:-HL Basic
_JJ pottery_NN studio_NN equipment_NN ._. Wooden_JJ butter_NN molds_NNS and_CC c
ookie_NN presses_NNS ._. Materials_NNS-HL :_:-HL Ceramic_JJ modeling_VBG clay_NN
:_: red_JJ ,_, white_JJ or_CC buff_JJ ._. Stoneware_NN clay_NN for_IN tiles_NNS
._. Glazes_NNS ,_, one-stroke_NN ceramic_JJ colors_NNS ,_, stains_NNS ,_, cones
_NNS as_CS indicated_VBN in_IN the_AT individual_JJ instructions_NNS ._. General
_JJ-HL directions_NNS-HL :_:-HL Use_VB well-wedged_JJ clay_NN ,_, free_JJ of_IN
air_NN bubbles_NNS and_CC pliable_JJ enough_QLP to_TO bend_VB without_IN crackin
g_VBG ._. Clean_JJ wooden_JJ molds_NNS and_CC presses_VBZ thoroughly_RB ;_. ;_.
they_PPSS must_MD be_BE free_JJ of_IN oil_NN ,_, wax_NN and_CC dust_NN ._. Press
ing_VBG-HL designs_NNS-HL :_:-HL The_AT size_NN of_IN wooden_JJ mold_NN will_MD
determine_VB the_AT amount_NN of_IN clay_NN needed_VBN ._. Roll_VB clay_NN to_IN
thickness_NN indicated_VBN in_IN individual_JJ instructions_NNS ._. Whenever_WR
B possible_JJ ,_, use_VB the_AT wooden_JJ mold_NN as_CS a_AT pattern_NN for_IN c
utting_VBG clay_NN ._. When_WRB mold_NN has_HVZ more_AP than_IN one_CD design_NN
cavity_NN ,_, make_VB individual_JJ paper_NN patterns_NNS ._. Place_VB mold_NN
or_CC paper_NN pattern_NN on_IN rolled_VBN clay_NN and_CC cut_VB clay_NN by_IN h
olding_VBG knife_NN in_IN vertical_JJ position_NN (_( cut_VB more_AP pieces_NNS
than_CS required_VBN for_IN project_NN to_TO make_VB allowance_NN for_IN defects
_NNS ;_. ;_. experiment_VB with_IN defects_NNS for_IN decoration_NN techniques_N
NS of_IN glazes_NNS and_CC colors_NNS )_) ._. Place_VB the_AT cut_VBN clay_NN pi
ece_NN loosely_RB over_IN the_AT carved_VBN cavity_NN design_NN side_NN of_IN wo
oden_JJ mold_NN ._. To_TO obtain_VB clear_JJ impression_NN of_IN mold_NN ,_, pre
ss_VB clay_NN gently_RB but_CC firmly_RB into_IN mold_NN cavity_NN ,_, starting_
VBG at_IN center_NN and_CC working_VBG to_IN outer_JJ edges_NNS ._. Trim_VB exce
ss_JJ clay_NN away_RB from_IN outer_JJ edges_NNS ._. Check_VB thickness_NN of_IN
clay_NN and_CC build_VB up_RP thin_JJ areas_NNS by_IN moistening_VBG surface_NN
with_IN a_AT little_AP water_NN and_CC adding_VBG small_JJ pieces_NNS of_IN cla
y_NN ._. Be_BE sure_JJ to_TO press_VB the_AT additional_JJ clay_NN firmly_RB int
o_IN place_NN without_IN locking_VBG in_RP air_NN bubbles_NNS ._. Allow_VB proje
ct_NN to_TO stand_VB for_IN about_RB five_CD minutes_NNS (_( if_CS wooden_JJ pre
ss_NN mold_NN is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ antique_NN ,_, do_DO not_* leave_VB clay_NN in
_IN too_QL long_RB as_CS the_AT dampness_NN may_MD cause_VB mold_NN to_TO crack_
VB )_) ._. To_TO release_VB clay_NN from_IN mold_NN ,_, place_VB hands_NNS in_IN
a_AT cupped_VBN position_NN around_IN project_NN ;_. ;_. gently_RB lift_VB the_
AT edge_NN on_IN far_JJ side_NN ,_, then_RB continue_VB to_TO release_VB edge_NN
completely_RB around_IN mold_NN ._. Slight_JJ tapping_NN on_IN the_AT underside
_NN of_IN mold_NN will_MD help_VB release_VB the_AT clay_NN ,_, but_CC too_QL mu
ch_AP agitation_NN will_MD cause_VB the_AT clay_NN to_TO become_VB soft_JJ and_C
C will_MD interfere_VB with_IN removal_NN of_IN clay_NN from_IN mold_NN ._. Plac
e_VB a_AT piece_NN of_IN plaster_NN wall_NN board_NN or_CC plaster_NN bat_NN on_
IN clay_NN and_CC reverse_VB bat_NN ,_, clay_NN and_CC mold_NN in_IN one_CD acti
on_NN ._. This_DT will_MD prevent_VB the_AT clay_NN from_IN twisting_VBG or_CC b
ending_VBG ,_, causing_VBG warping_VBG when_WRB fired_VBN ._. Place_VB project_N
N on_IN table_NN and_CC carefully_RB lift_VB the_AT mold_NN off_RP ._. Study_VB
surface_NN of_IN clay_NN for_IN defects_NNS or_CC desired_VBN corrections_NNS ._
. If_CS clay_NN is_BEZ slightly_QL out_IN of_IN shape_NN ,_, square_VB straight_
JJ sides_NNS with_IN guide_NN sticks_NNS or_CC rulers_NNS pressed_VBN against_IN
opposite_JJ sides_NNS ,_, or_CC smooth_VB round_JJ pieces_NNS with_IN damp_JJ f
ingers_NNS ._. If_CS the_AT background_NN of_IN design_NN is_BEZ too_QL smooth_J
J ,_, or_CC you_PPSS wish_VB to_TO create_VB a_AT wood-grained_JJ effect_NN ,_,
it_PPS may_MD be_BE added_VBN at_IN this_DT time_NN with_IN a_AT dull_JJ tool_NN
such_JJ as_CS the_AT handle_NN of_IN a_AT fine_JJ paintbrush_NN ._. Make_VB sli
ght_JJ ,_, smooth_JJ grooves_NNS rather_IN than_IN cuts_NNS for_IN the_AT textur
e_NN (_( cuts_NNS could_MD cause_VB air_NN pockets_NNS under_IN the_AT glaze_NN
creating_VBG pinholes_NNS or_CC craters_NNS in_IN the_AT glaze_NN during_IN firi
ng_VBG )_) ._. Leave_VB the_AT clay_NN on_IN plaster_NN board_NN to_TO dry_VB sl
owly_RB ,_, covered_VBN lightly_RB with_IN a_AT loose_JJ piece_NN of_IN plastic_
NN or_CC cloth_NN to_TO prevent_VB warping_VBG ._. Rectangular_JJ-HL tiles_NNS-H
L (_( opposite_IN page_NN ,_, right_JJ top_NN )_) :_: Stoneware_NN clay_NN was_B
EDZ used_VBN ._. Clay_NN was_BEDZ rolled_VBN to_IN 1/4''_NN ''_'' thickness_NN .
_. Back_NN of_IN clay_NN scored_VBN or_CC roughened_VBN for_IN proper_JJ grippin
g_VBG surface_NN ._. No_AT bisque_NN firing_VBG ._. Glazed_VBN with_IN two_CD co
ats_NNS of_IN Creek-Turn_NP white_JJ stoneware_NN glaze_NN (_( no_AT glaze_NN on
_IN sides_NNS or_CC bottom_NN )_) ._. Decorated_VBN on_IN unfired_JJ glaze_NN wi
th_IN one_CD coat_NN of_IN one-stroke_NN ceramic_JJ colors_NNS ;_. ;_. raised_VB
N details_NNS of_IN designs_NNS were_BED colored_VBN in_IN shades_NNS of_IN yell
ow-green_JJ ,_, blue-green_JJ ,_, brown_JJ and_CC pink_JJ ._. Tiles_NNS were_BED
fired_VBN once_RB to_IN cone_NN 05_CD ._. Round_JJ-HL plaque_NN-HL (_( opposite
_IN page_NN ,_, bottom_NN )_) :_: White_JJ clay_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN ,_, rolled_
VBN to_IN 1/4''_NN ''_'' thickness_NN ._. Bisque_NN fired_VBN to_IN cone_NN 05_C
D ._. Stained_VBN with_IN Jacquelyn's_NP$ ceramic_JJ unfired_JJ stain_NN ,_, pol
ished_VBN ,_, following_VBG manufacturer's_NN$ directions_NNS ._. Opaque_JJ cant
aloupe_NN and_CC transparent_JJ wood_NN brown_NN were_BED used_VBN ._. No_AT fur
ther_AP firing_VBG ._. Paperweight_NN-HL (_( opposite_IN page_NN ,_, top_NN left
_NR )_) :_: Red_JJ clay_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN ,_, rolled_VBN 1/2''_NN ''_'' thick
_NN ._. Mold_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN as_CS pattern_NN and_CC clay_NN cut_VBN by_IN
holding_VBG knife_NN at_IN about_RB 45-degree_JJ angle_NN ,_, to_TO form_VB an_A
T undercut_NN ,_, making_VBG base_NN smaller_JJR than_CS the_AT pattern_NN top_N
N ._. While_CS clay_NN is_BEZ still_RB pressed_VBN in_IN mold_NN ,_, press_VB th
ree_CD equally_RB spaced_VBN holes_NNS 1/4''_NN ''_'' deep_JJ ,_, using_VBG penc
il_NN eraser_NN ,_, in_IN bottom_NN of_IN clay_NN to_TO allow_VB for_IN proper_J
J drying_NN and_CC firing_VBG ._. Paperweight_NN may_MD be_BE personalized_VBN o
n_IN back_NN while_CS clay_NN is_BEZ leather_NN hard_JJ ._. Bisque_NN fired_VBN
to_IN cone_NN 05_CD ._. Unglazed_JJ ._. Jars_NNS-HL with_IN-HL lids_NNS-HL (_( o
pposite_IN page_NN ,_, top_NN left_NR )_) :_: Remove_VB wooden_JJ design_NN head
_NN from_IN bowl_NN of_IN butter_NN mold_NN ._. Fill_VB small_JJ hole_NN in_IN b
owl_NN with_IN clay_NN ._. Make_VB paper_NN patterns_NNS for_IN sections_NNS of_
IN jar_NN and_CC lid_NN (_( see_VB Fig._NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, opposite_IN page_NN )_
) ._. Measurements_NNS for_IN rectangular_JJ pattern_NN piece_NN A_NN are_BER ob
tained_VBN by_IN measuring_VBG inside_JJ circumference_NN and_CC depth_NN of_IN
butter_NN mold_NN bowl_NN ._. Pattern_NN for_IN circular_JJ base_NN piece_NN B_N
N is_BEZ diameter_NN of_IN Aj_NN ._. Use_VB wooden_JJ design_NN head_NN of_IN mo
ld_NN for_IN pattern_NN C_NN ;_. ;_. pattern_NN D_NN for_IN lid_NN fits_VBZ over
_IN top_NN diameter_NN of_IN Aj_NN ._. Pattern_NN for_IN inner_JJ lid_NN piece_N
N E_NN fits_VBZ inside_IN Aj_NN ._. Jars_NNS are_BER assembled_VBN in_IN bowl_NN
of_IN butter_NN mold_NN ._. Use_VB white_JJ or_CC buff_JJ clay_NN ,_, rolled_VB
N to_IN 3/16''_NN ''_'' thickness_NN ._. Place_VB patterns_NNS on_IN rolled_VBN
clay_NN and_CC cut_VB around_IN them_PPO with_IN knife_NN in_IN vertical_JJ posi
tion_NN ._. Place_VB clay_NN pieces_NNS on_IN wall_NN board_NN ._. To_TO assembl
e_VB jar_NN ,_, put_VB paper_NN pattern_NN B_NN for_IN base_NN in_IN bottom_NN o
f_IN mold_NN and_CC clay_NN disk_NN B_NN on_IN top_NN ._. Line_VB sides_NNS of_I
N mold_NN with_IN paper_NN pattern_NN Aj_NN ._. Bevel_VB and_CC score_VB ends_NN
S of_IN clay_NN piece_NN A_NN so_CS that_CS they_PPSS overlap_VB about_RB 1/2''_
NN ''_'' and_CC make_VB even_JJ thickness_NN ._. Place_VB clay_NN piece_NN A_NN
inside_RB ;_. ;_. use_VB slip_NN to_TO join_VB overlapped_VBN ends_NNS together_
RB ._. Join_VB B_NN to_IN bottom_NN of_IN A_NN ,_, scoring_VBG and_CC reinforcin
g_VBG with_IN clay_NN coil_NN ._. Trim_VB excess_JJ clay_NN from_IN around_IN li
p_NN of_IN mold_NN and_CC set_VB aside_RB while_CS assembling_VBG lid_NN ._. To_
TO assemble_VB lid_NN ,_, press_VB clay_NN piece_NN C_NN in_IN cavity_NN of_IN w
ooden_JJ design_NN head_NN ._. Press_VB clay_NN into_IN mold_NN as_CS instructed
_VBN in_IN General_NN-TL Directions_NNS-TL ._. Score_VB plain_JJ side_NN of_IN C
_NN and_CC leave_VB in_IN mold_NN ._. Score_VB one_CD side_NN of_IN disk_NN D_NN
,_, join_VB to_IN C_NN ;_. ;_. score_VB other_AP side_NN of_IN D_NN and_CC one_
CD side_NN of_IN disk_NN E_NN and_CC join_VB as_CS before_RB ._. While_CS assemb
led_VBN lid_NN is_BEZ still_RB on_IN design_NN head_NN ,_, gently_RB but_CC firm
ly_RB press_VB it_PPO on_IN plaster_NN board_NN ._. If_CS design_NN head_NN has_
HVZ a_AT deep_JJ cavity_NN ,_, clay_NN lid_NN will_MD be_BE quite_QL thick_JJ at
_IN this_DT point_NN ;_. ;_. press_VB eraser_NN of_IN pencil_NN gently_RB 1/4''_
NN ''_'' deep_JJ into_IN deep_JJ clay_NN to_TO allow_VB vent_NN for_IN proper_JJ
drying_NN and_CC firing_VBG ._. Check_VB fit_NN of_IN lid_NN on_IN jar_NN ;_. ;
_. if_CS inner_JJ lid_NN is_BEZ too_QL big_JJ ,_, trim_VB to_TO fit_VB ,_, allow
ing_VBG room_NN for_IN thickness_NN of_IN glaze_NN ._. Remove_VB lid_NN from_IN
head_NN of_IN mold_NN ._. Remove_VB jar_NN from_IN mold_NN ._. Place_VB jar_NN o
n_IN plaster_NN board_NN with_IN lid_NN in_IN place_NN to_TO dry_VB slowly_RB ._
. Bisque_NN fire_NN to_IN cone_NN 08_CD with_IN lid_NN on_IN jar_NN ._. For_IN a
n_AT antique_NN effect_NN on_IN jars_NNS ,_, brush_VB Creek-Turn_NP brown_JJ ton
er_NN on_IN bisque_NN ware_NN and_CC sponge_VB it_PPO off_RP ._. Glaze_VB with_I
N two_CD coats_NNS of_IN clear_JJ or_CC transparent_JJ matt_NN glaze_NN ._. The_
AT large_JJ jar_NN was_BEDZ brushed_VBN with_IN Creek-Turn_NP green_JJ toner_NN
and_CC sponged_VBN off_RP ._. Glaze_VB with_IN two_CD coats_NNS of_IN matt_NN gl
azes_NNS in_IN turquoise_JJ with_IN touches_NNS of_IN blossom_NN pink_JJ on_IN l
id_NN ._. When_WRB dry_JJ they_PPSS were_BED fired_VBN to_IN cone_NN 06-05_CD ._
. Little_JJ-HL folks_NNS-HL set_NN-HL :_:-HL (_( Made_VBN from_IN modern_JJ wood
en_JJ molds_NNS Af_NN ._. )_) Roll_VB white_JJ clay_NN to_IN 3/16''_NN ''_'' thi
ckness_NN ._. Salt_NN-HL and_CC-HL pepper_NN-HL :_:-HL Use_VB mold_NN to_TO cut_
VB four_CD side_NN pieces_NNS ._. For_IN top_NN and_CC bottom_NN pieces_NNS ,_,
use_VB short_JJ end_NN of_IN mold_NN as_CS measurement_NN guide_NN ._. Press_VB
the_AT side_NN pieces_NNS of_IN clay_NN into_IN cavity_NN of_IN mold_NN ._. Trim
_VB excess_JJ clay_NN from_IN rim_NN of_IN mold_NN ._. Cut_VB beveled_VBN edge_N
N on_IN the_AT long_JJ sides_NNS of_IN clay_NN at_IN a_AT 45-degree_JJ angle_NN
to_TO miter_VB corners_NNS ._. Score_VB beveled_VBN edges_NNS and_CC remove_VB p
ieces_NNS from_IN mold_NN ;_. ;_. place_VB design-side_NN up_RP on_IN plaster_NN
board_NN ._. Make_VB all_ABN four_CD sides_NNS ._. Cut_VB clay_NN top_NN and_CC
base_NN pieces_NNS ;_. ;_. place_VB on_IN plaster_NN board_NN ._. Allow_VB all_
ABN pieces_NNS to_TO become_VB leather_NN hard_JJ before_CS constructing_VBG sha
ker_NN ._. To_TO-HL assemble_VB-HL :_:-HL Construct_VB sides_NNS ,_, bottom_NN a
nd_CC top_NN as_CS for_IN box_NN ,_, using_VBG slip_NN on_IN scored_VBN edges_NN
S and_CC coils_NNS of_IN clay_NN to_TO reinforce_VB seams_NNS ._. Join_VB the_AT
four_CD sides_NNS together_RB first_RB ,_, then_RB add_VB the_AT base_NN ;_. ;_
. add_VB top_NN last_RB ._. Use_VB water_NN on_IN finger_NN to_TO smooth_VB seam
s_NNS and_CC edges_NNS ._. Turn_VB shaker_NN upside_RB down_RP ._. Recess_VB bas
e_NN slightly_RB to_TO allow_VB room_NN for_IN stopper_NN ._. Cut_VB hole_NN in_
IN base_NN for_IN cork_NN stopper_NN ._. Add_VB holes_NNS in_IN top_NN ,_, formi
ng_VBG ``_`` S_NN ''_'' for_IN salt_NN and_CC ``_`` P_NN ''_'' for_IN pepper_NN
._. Set_VB aside_RB to_TO dry_VB thoroughly_RB ._. Sugar_NN-HL and_CC-HL creamer
_NN-HL :_:-HL Cut_VB a_AT strip_NN of_IN clay_NN for_IN sides_NNS long_JJ enough
_QLP and_CC wide_JJ enough_QLP for_IN three_CD impressions_NNS of_IN mold_NN des
ign_NN ._. Press_VB clay_NN into_IN cavity_NN of_IN one_CD mold_NN three_CD time
s_NNS ;_. ;_. bevel_VB overlapping_VBG ends_NNS for_IN splice_NN joint_NN ,_, sc
ore_VB beveled_VBN edges_NNS ._. Form_VB clay_NN strip_NN into_IN a_AT cylinder_
NN ;_. ;_. use_VB slip_NN to_TO join_VB scored_VBN ends_NNS ._. Place_VB cylinde
r_NN on_IN a_AT disk_NN of_IN clay_NN slightly_QL larger_JJR than_CS cylinder_NN
._. Score_VB bottom_NN edge_NN of_IN cylinder_NN and_CC join_VB to_IN disk_NN w
ith_IN slip_NN ._. Trim_VB away_RB excess_JJ clay_NN ;_. ;_. reinforce_VB seam_N
N with_IN a_AT coil_NN of_IN clay_NN ._. This_DT will_MD form_VB the_AT sugar_NN
bowl_NN ._. Make_VB creamer_NN the_AT same_AP ._. Handle_NN for_IN creamer_NN i
s_BEZ a_AT strip_NN of_IN clay_NN 1/2''_NN ''_'' wide_JJ and_CC 3-1/2''_NNS ''_'
' long_JJ ._. To_TO add_VB handle_NN ,_, place_VB a_AT wooden_JJ dowel_NN agains
t_IN the_AT inside_JJ wall_NN of_IN creamer_NN ._. Score_VB outside_NN of_IN con
tainer_NN where_WRB handle_NN ends_NNS will_MD be_BE joined_VBN ._. Bend_VB hand
le_NN ;_. ;_. press_VB scored_VBN handle_NN ends_NNS firmly_RB in_IN place_NN us
ing_VBG dowel_NN to_TO reinforce_VB container_NN while_CS pressing_VBG ;_. ;_. u
se_VB slip_NN to_TO join_VB ._. To_TO form_VB spout_NN ,_, between_IN two_CD des
igns_NNS ,_, dampen_VB area_NN slightly_RB and_CC gently_RB push_VB clay_NN outw
ard_RB ._. Make_VB lid_NN for_IN sugar_NN bowl_NN the_AT same_AP as_CS jar_NN li
ds_NNS ,_, omitting_VBG design_NN disk_NN ._. Cut_VB a_AT notch_NN in_IN lid_NN
for_IN spoon_NN handle_NN if_CS desired_VBN ._. Set_VB aside_RB to_TO dry_VB wit
h_IN lid_NN on_IN sugar_NN bowl_NN ._. Vases_NNS-HL :_:-HL Make_VB same_AP as_CS
salt_NN and_CC pepper_NN shakers_NNS ,_, leaving_VBG off_RP top_NN pieces_NNS .
_. Vases_NNS may_MD be_BE made_VBN into_IN candles_NNS by_IN filling_VBG with_IN
melted_VBN wax_NN and_CC a_AT wick_NN ._. Napkin_NN-HL holder_NN-HL :_:-HL Cut_
VB a_AT piece_NN of_IN clay_NN for_IN base_NN and_CC two_CD for_IN sides_NNS eac
h_DT about_RB Af_NN (_( long_JJ enough_QLP for_IN three_CD impressions_NNS of_IN
mold_NN )_) ._. Press_VB the_AT two_CD sides_NNS into_IN cavity_NN of_IN one_CD
mold_NN three_CD times_NNS ._. Put_VB cut_VBN pieces_NNS on_IN plaster_NN board
_NN to_TO dry_VB to_IN firm_JJ leather-hard_JJ state_NN ._. Score_VB side_NN edg
es_NNS of_IN base_NN ;_. ;_. join_VB sides_NNS and_CC base_NN with_IN slip_NN an
d_CC reinforce_VB with_IN coil_NN ._. A_AT cardboard_NN pattern_NN cut_VBN to_TO
fit_VB inside_IN holder_NN will_MD help_VB to_TO prevent_VB warping_VBG ._. Pla
ce_VB pattern_NN inside_IN holder_NN ;_. ;_. use_VB three_CD strips_NNS of_IN cl
ay_NN to_TO hold_VB in_IN place_NN (_( see_VB Fig._NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, page_NN 71_
CD )_) ._. Do_DO not_* use_VB wood_NN as_CS it_PPS will_MD not_* shrink_VB with_
IN the_AT clay_NN and_CC would_MD cause_VB breakage_NN ._. Let_VB all_ABN projec
ts_NNS dry_VB slowly_RB for_IN several_AP days_NNS ._. Clean_VB greenware_NN ._.
Bisque_NN fire_NN to_IN cone_NN 08_CD ._. Inside_NN of_IN pieces_NNS was_BEDZ g
lazed_VBN with_IN three_CD coats_NNS of_IN Creek-Turn_NP bottle_NN green_JJ anti
que_NN glaze_NN ._. Outside_NN was_BEDZ finished_VBN with_IN Creek-Turn_NP brown
_JJ toner_NN brushed_VBN on_RP and_CC sponged_VBN off_RP to_TO give_VB antique_N
N finish_NN ._. Fired_VBN to_IN cone_NN 06-05_CD ._. Changing_VBG-HL colors_NNS-
HL to_TO-HL change_VB-HL from_IN-HL one_CD-HL color_NN-HL yarn_NN-HL to_IN-HL an
other_DT-HL :_:-HL When_WRB changing_VBG from_IN one_CD color_NN to_IN another_D
T ,_, whether_CS working_VBG on_IN right_JJ or_CC wrong_JJ side_NN ,_, pick_VB u
p_RP the_AT new_JJ strand_NN from_IN underneath_IN dropped_VBN strand_NN ._. Pho
tograph_NN shows_VBZ the_AT wrong_JJ side_NN of_IN work_NN with_IN light_JJ stra
nd_NN being_BEG picked_VBN up_RP under_IN dark_JJ strand_NN in_IN position_NN to
_TO be_BE purled_VBN ._. To_TO-HL measure_VB-HL work_NN-HL :_:-HL Spread_VB arti
cle_NN on_IN flat_JJ surface_NN to_IN required_VBN width_NN before_CS measuring_
VBG length_NN at_IN center_NN ._. Measuring_VBG-HL armhole_NN-HL to_TO-HL measur
e_VB-HL armhole_NN-HL :_:-HL Mark_VB row_NN on_IN which_WDT first_OD stitches_NN
S have_HV been_BEN bound_VBN off_RP for_IN armhole_NN by_IN drawing_VBG a_AT con
trasting_VBG colored_VBN thread_NN through_IN it_PPO ._. Place_VB work_NN on_IN
a_AT flat_JJ surface_NN and_CC smooth_VB out_RP ._. Measure_VB straight_RB up_RP
from_IN marked_VBN row_NN ._. See_VB illustration_NN ._. To_TO-HL insert_VB-HL
markers_NNS-HL :_:-HL When_WRB directions_NNS read_VB ``_`` sl_NN a_AT marker_NN
on_IN needle_NN ''_'' ,_, put_VB a_AT small_JJ safety_NN pin_NN ,_, paper_NN cl
ip_NN ,_, or_CC commercial_JJ ring_NN marker_NN on_IN needle_NN ._. In_IN workin
g_VBG ,_, always_RB slip_VB marker_NN from_IN one_CD needle_NN to_IN another_DT
._. To_TO mark_VB a_AT row_NN or_CC stitch_NN ,_, tie_VB contrasting_VBG thread_
NN around_IN end_NN of_IN row_NN or_CC stitch_NN to_TO be_BE marked_VBN ._. Back
stitching_VBG-HL seam_NN-HL to_TO-HL sew_VB-HL seams_NNS-HL with_IN-HL backstitc
h_NN-HL :_:-HL Most_AP seams_NNS are_BER sewn_VBN with_IN backstitch_NN ,_, espe
cially_RB on_IN curved_VBN ,_, slanted_VBN or_CC loose_JJ edges_NNS ._. Pin_VB r
ight_JJ sides_NNS of_IN pieces_NNS together_RB ,_, keeping_VBG edges_NNS even_JJ
and_CC matching_VBG rows_NNS or_CC patterns_NNS ._. Thread_VB matching_VBG yarn
_NN in_IN tapestry_NN needle_NN ._. Run_VB end_NN of_IN yarn_NN through_IN sever
al_AP stitches_NNS along_IN edge_NN to_TO secure_VB ;_. ;_. backstitch_VB pieces
_NNS together_RB close_RB to_IN edge_NN ._. Do_DO not_* draw_VB yarn_NN too_QL t
ight_JJ ._. See_VB illustration_NN ._. To_TO-HL sew_VB-HL in_RP-HL sleeves_NNS-H
L :_: Place_VB sleeve_NN seam_NN at_IN center_NN underarm_NN and_CC center_NN of
_IN sleeve_NN cap_NN at_IN shoulder_NN seam_NN ._. Ease_VB in_RP any_DTI extra_J
J fullness_NN evenly_RB around_RB ._. Backstitch_VB seam_NN ._. Weaving_VBG-HL s
eam_NN-HL to_TO-HL weave_VB-HL seams_NNS-HL together_RB-HL :_:-HL Straight_JJ ve
rtical_JJ edges_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS those_DTS at_IN the_AT back_NN seam_NN of_
IN a_AT sock_NN ,_, can_MD be_BE woven_VBN together_RB invisibly_RB ._. Thread_V
B matching_VBG yarn_NN in_IN tapestry_NN needle_NN ._. Hold_VB edges_NNS togethe
r_RB ,_, right_JJ side_NN up_RP ._. Hotei_NP is_BEZ 23_CD feet_NNS long_JJ with_
IN an_AT 8-1/2-foot_JJ beam_NN and_CC every_AT inch_NN a_AT family_NN boat_NN ._
. Menfolk_NNS can_MD ride_VB in_IN the_AT forward_JJ cockpit_NN where_WRB the_AT
helmsman_NN has_HVZ a_AT clear_JJ view_NN ._. Youngsters_NNS can_MD sleep_VB or
_CC amuse_VB themselves_PPLS safely_RB in_IN the_AT large_JJ cabin_NN which_WDT
has_HVZ 5-foot_JJ 11-inch_JJ headroom_NN ,_, bunks_NNS for_IN three_CD ,_, galle
y_NN and_CC marine_JJ toilet_NN ._. The_AT gals_NNS can_MD sun_VB themselves_PPL
S in_IN the_AT roomy_JJ aft_JJ cockpit_NN ._. All_ABN are_BER well_RB distribute
d_VBN ,_, not_* crowded_VBN together_RB near_IN the_AT stern_NN ._. And_CC with_
IN passenger_NN weight_NN shifted_VBN forward_RB ,_, Hotei_NP levels_VBZ off_RP
for_IN speed_NN under_IN power_NN of_IN a_AT Merc_NP-TL 800_CD-TL ._. The_AT 80-
hp_JJ motor_NN drives_VBZ her_PPO at_IN 25_CD mph_NN with_IN six_CD aboard_RB !_
. !_. With_IN only_RB two_CD aboard_RB ,_, Hotei_NP does_DOZ better_JJR than_CS
27_CD mph_NN --_-- and_CC she_PPS gives_VBZ a_AT comfortable_JJ ride_NN at_IN th
is_DT speed_NN even_RB in_IN a_AT three-foot_JJ chop_NN ._. She_PPS also_RB bank
s_VBZ into_IN a_AT turn_NN like_CS a_AT fine_JJ runabout_NN --_-- not_* digging_
VBG in_RP on_IN the_AT outside_NN to_TO throw_VB passengers_NNS all_QL over_IN t
he_AT boat_NN like_CS many_ABN a_AT small_JJ cabin_NN cruiser_NN ._. Nor_CC is_B
EZ she_PPS a_AT wet_JJ boat_NN ._. We've_PPSS+HV been_BEN out_RP in_IN five-foot
_JJ waves_NNS and_CC stayed_VBN dry_JJ ._. A_AT lot_NN of_IN thought_NN went_VBD
into_IN storage_NN space_NN construction_NN ._. There's_EX+BEZ a_AT large_JJ co
mpartment_NN in_IN the_AT forward_JJ cockpit_NN for_IN charts_NNS and_CC other_A
P items_NNS ._. The_AT cabin_NN has_HVZ several_AP shelves_NNS for_IN small_JJ i
tems_NNS and_CC storage_NN under_IN the_AT bunks_NNS for_IN water_NN skiis_NNS ,
_, life_NN jackets_NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. The_AT aft_JJ cockpit_NN has_HVZ a_AT Af_
NN storage_NN bin_NN over_RP six_CD feet_NNS long_JJ that_WPS doubles_VBZ as_CS
a_AT seat_NN ._. On_IN each_DT side_NN of_IN the_AT motor_NN well_NN there's_EX+
BEZ storage_NN for_IN battery_NN ,_, bumpers_NNS ,_, line_NN and_CC spare_JJ pro
ps_NNS with_IN six-gallon_JJ gas_NN tanks_NNS below_RB ._. The_AT well_NN itself
_PPL is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO take_VB two_CD Merc_NP 800's_NPS or_CC 500's_NPS
if_CS you_PPSS wish_VB and_CC there's_EX+BEZ room_NN for_IN a_AT 25-gallon_JJ lo
ng-cruise_NN gas_NN tank_NN below_IN it_PPO ._. Needless_JJ to_TO say_VB ,_, you
_PPSS can't_MD* build_VB Hotei_NP in_IN a_AT couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS ._. Our_P
P$ building_VBG time_NN was_BEDZ slightly_QL over_IN 400_CD hours_NNS --_-- but_
CC the_AT total_NN cost_NN for_IN the_AT hull_NN with_IN Fiberglas_NN-TL bottom_
NN ,_, sink_NN ,_, head_NN and_CC hardware_NN was_BEDZ under_RB $800_NNS ._. A_A
T comparable_JJ manufactured_VBN boat_NN would_MD cost_VB close_RB to_IN $3,000_
NNS ._. Consider_VB what_WDT you_PPSS have_HV to_TO earn_VB to_TO be_BE able_JJ
to_TO spend_VB the_AT $3,000_NNS and_CC your_PP$ building_VBG time_NN is_BEZ wel
l_QL worth_JJ it_PPO ._. A_AT Gator_NP trailer_NN ,_, Model_NN-TL 565_CD-TL ,_,
is_BEZ used_VBN to_TO transport_VB the_AT boat_NN to_IN the_AT waterways_NNS ._.
This_DT piece_NN of_IN equipment_NN costs_VBZ a_AT little_JJ over_RP $600_NNS b
ut_CC it_PPS will_MD save_VB you_PPO that_DT in_IN mooring_VBG and_CC hauling_VB
G fees_NNS in_IN a_AT few_AP years_NNS ._. All_ABN framing_NN in_IN Hotei_NP is_
BEZ one-inch_JJ mahogany_NN which_WDT ,_, in_IN the_AT dressed_VBN state_NN you_
PPSS buy_VB it_PPO ,_, is_BEZ about_RB the_AT 13/16-inch_JJ thickness_NN specifi
ed_VBN in_IN the_AT drawings_NNS ._. Therefore_RB ,_, the_AT lumber_NN is_BEZ bo
ught_VBN in_IN planks_NNS and_CC ripped_VBN to_IN size_NN for_IN battens_NNS ,_,
etc._RB ,_, on_IN a_AT table_NN saw_NN ._. Besides_RB flathead_NN bronze_NN scr
ews_NNS ,_, silicon_NN bronze_NN Stronghold_NN-TL nails_NNS (_( made_VBN by_IN I
ndependent_JJ-TL Nail_NN-TL &_CC-TL Packing_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, Bridgewater_NP ,
_, Mass._NP )_) are_BER used_VBN extensively_RB in_IN assembly_NN and_CC Weldwoo
d_NP resorcinol_NN glue_NN is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN all_ABN the_AT joints_NNS ._. C
onstruction_NN follows_VBZ a_AT thorough_JJ study_NN of_IN the_AT drawings_NNS .
_. Start_VB by_IN laying_VBG out_RP the_AT six_CD frames_NNS and_CC the_AT trans
om_NN on_IN a_AT level_JJ floor_NN ._. Draw_VB each_DT outline_NN in_IN a_AT dif
ferent-color_JJ chalk_NN ,_, one_CD on_IN top_NN of_IN the_AT other_AP ._. In_IN
this_DT way_NN you_PPSS will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO detect_VB any_DTI obvious_J
J mistakes_NNS ._. The_AT transom_NN frame_NN is_BEZ made_VBN first_RB with_IN t
he_AT joints_NNS lapped_VBN ,_, glued_VBN and_CC fastened_VBN with_IN one-inch_J
J ,_, No._NN-TL 12_CD-TL Stronghold_NN-TL nails_NNS ._. After_CS notching_VBG it
_PPO for_IN the_AT keelson_NN ,_, chines_NNS and_CC battens_NNS ,_, the_AT half-
inch_NN plywood_NN transom_NN is_BEZ secured_VBN to_IN it_PPO with_IN glue_NN an
d_CC the_AT same_AP type_NN nails_NNS ._. All_ABN frames_NNS are_BER butted_VBN
at_IN the_AT joints_NNS and_CC 3/8-inch_NN plywood_NN gussets_NNS are_BER glued_
VBN and_CC nailed_VBN on_IN each_DT side_NN of_IN each_DT joint_NN ,_, again_RB
using_VBG the_AT one-inch_JJ ,_, No._NN-TL 12_CD-TL nails_NNS ._. The_AT frames_
NNS are_BER notched_VBN only_RB for_IN the_AT keelson_NN and_CC the_AT chines_NN
S ._. If_CS notched_VBN for_IN the_AT battens_NNS ,_, they_PPSS would_MD require
_VB more_AP work_NN ,_, be_BE weakened_VBN and_CC limber_NN holes_NNS would_MD h
ave_HV to_TO be_BE bored_VBN so_CS that_CS bilge_NN water_NN could_MD flow_VB th
rough_RP ._. Nowhere_RB in_IN the_AT boat_NN do_DO the_AT frames_NNS come_VB in_
IN contact_NN with_IN the_AT plywood_NN planking_NN ._. The_AT jig_NN is_BEZ ere
cted_VBN after_CS the_AT frames_NNS and_CC transom_NN are_BER complete_JJ ._. Th
is_DT is_BEZ an_AT important_JJ step_NN because_CS any_DTI misalignment_NN would
_MD cause_VB progressively_QL worse_JJR misalignment_NN in_IN the_AT hull_NN as_
CS you_PPSS advance_VB in_IN construction_NN ._. Be_BE sure_JJ all_ABN members_N
NS are_BER parallel_JJ ,_, vertical_JJ and_CC level_JJ as_CS required_VBN ._. Af
ter_CS the_AT frames_NNS and_CC transom_NN are_BER set_VBN up_RP on_IN the_AT ji
g_NN and_CC temporarily_RB braced_VBN ,_, a_AT piece_NN of_IN three-inch-wide_JJ
mahogany_NN (_( only_RB widths_NNS will_MD be_BE given_VBN since_CS the_AT 13/1
6-inch_JJ thickness_NN is_BEZ used_VBN throughout_RB )_) is_BEZ butted_VBN betwe
en_IN frames_NNS one_CD and_CC two_CD below_IN the_AT line_NN of_IN the_AT keels
on_NN ._. The_AT frames_NNS are_BER glued_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN to_IN this_DT p
iece_NN ._. The_AT joints_NNS are_BER also_RB reinforced_VBN on_IN each_DT side_
NN with_IN small_JJ blocks_NNS set_VBN in_IN resin-saturated_JJ Fiberglas_NN-TL
cloth_NN and_CC nailed_VBN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ over_IN this_DT piece_NN that_CS th
e_AT laminated_VBN stem_NN and_CC keelson_NN are_BER spliced_VBN ._. The_AT keel
son_NN ,_, made_VBN of_IN two_CD three-inch_JJ widths_NNS ,_, is_BEZ next_RB ins
talled_VBN ._. The_AT first_OD piece_NN is_BEZ glued_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN to_I
N the_AT frames_NNS and_CC transom_NN and_CC the_AT piece_NN butted_VBN between_
IN frames_NNS one_CD and_CC two_CD ._. The_AT second_OD piece_NN is_BEZ in_IN tu
rn_NN glued_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN to_IN the_AT first_OD ._. Note_VB ,_, however
_RB ,_, that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ six_CD inches_NNS shorter_JJR at_IN the_AT forward
_JJ end_NN ._. One-inch_JJ ,_, No._NN-TL 10_CD-TL screws_NNS are_BER used_VBN in
_IN both_ABX cases_NNS ._. A_AT stem_NN jig_NN is_BEZ next_RB cut_VBN to_IN the_
AT proper_JJ shape_NN and_CC temporarily_RB fastened_VBN to_IN frame_NN one_CD .
_. The_AT stem_NN is_BEZ laminated_VBN from_IN four_CD pieces_NNS ._. Take_VB tw
o_CD three-inch-wide_JJ pieces_NNS and_CC rip_VB them_PPO down_IN the_AT center_
NN of_IN the_AT thickness_NN to_TO make_VB the_AT four_CD ._. Then_RB spread_VB
a_AT generous_JJ amount_NN of_IN glue_NN on_IN the_AT four_CD pieces_NNS and_CC
bend_VB them_PPO into_IN place_NN on_IN the_AT jig_NN ._. The_AT first_OD two_CD
pieces_NNS butt_VB against_IN the_AT inner_JJ member_NN of_IN the_AT keelson_NN
and_CC are_BER glued_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN to_IN the_AT brace_NN between_IN th
e_AT first_OD two_CD frames_NNS ._. The_AT second_OD two_CD pieces_NNS lap_VB ov
er_IN the_AT inner_JJ member_NN of_IN the_AT keelson_NN and_CC butt_VB against_I
N the_AT outer_JJ member_NN ._. They're_PPSS+BER glued_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN to
_IN the_AT inner_JJ member_NN of_IN the_AT keelson_NN ._. A_AT number_NN of_IN C
_NN clamps_NNS hold_VB the_AT pieces_NNS together_RB on_IN the_AT jig_NN until_C
S the_AT glue_NN sets_VBZ ._. All_ABN bottom_NN battens_NNS are_BER two_CD inche
s_NNS wide_JJ ._. The_AT side_JJ ones_NNS are_BER a_AT half-inch_NN narrower_JJR
._. The_AT battens_NNS are_BER carefully_RB fastened_VBN in_IN place_NN after_I
N some_DTI necessary_JJ fairing_NN on_IN all_ABN frames_NNS ._. Glue_VB and_CC 1
-1/2-inch_NN ,_, No._NN-TL 10_CD-TL screws_NNS are_BER used_VBN ._. Placement_NN
is_BEZ important_JJ because_CS the_AT rear_JJ seat_NN ,_, bunks_NNS and_CC fron
t_JJ jump_NN seats_NNS rest_VB on_IN or_CC are_BER fastened_VBN to_IN many_AP of
_IN the_AT side_JJ battens_NNS ._. With_IN the_AT exception_NN of_IN two_CD batt
ens_NNS ,_, all_ABN run_VB to_IN the_AT stem_NN where_WRB they_PPSS are_BER glue
d_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN after_IN careful_JJ beveling_NN ._. The_AT chines_NNS g
o_VB in_RP the_AT same_AP way_NN except_IN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER made_VBN of
_IN two_CD pieces_NNS of_IN two-inch_JJ wood_NN for_IN strength_NN and_CC easier
_JJR bending_NN ._. Fairing_VBG is_BEZ always_RB a_AT tedious_JJ job_NN but_CC t
he_AT work_NN can_MD be_BE cut_VBN down_RP considerably_RB with_IN a_AT Skill_NN
-TL planer_NN and_CC a_AT simple_JJ jig_NN ._. I_PPSS clamped_VBD a_AT 30-inch_J
J piece_NN of_IN aluminum_NN to_IN the_AT base_NN of_IN the_AT planer_NN with_IN
a_AT pair_NN of_IN Sure_JJ-TL Grips_NNS-TL ._. The_AT aluminum_NN ,_, flush_JJ
against_IN the_AT battens_NNS ,_, acted_VBN as_CS a_AT fairing_VBG stick_NN and_
CC enabled_VBD me_PPO to_TO plane_VB the_AT chines_NNS and_CC keelson_NN to_IN t
he_AT proper_JJ bevels_NNS easily_RB ._. If_CS you_PPSS don't_DO* own_VB a_AT pl
aner_NN and_CC don't_DO* want_VB to_TO buy_VB one_CD ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ well_QL wo
rth_JJ renting_VBG ._. The_AT planking_NN is_BEZ five-ply_JJ ,_, 3/8-inch-thick_
JJ Weldwood_NP-TL Royal_JJ-TL Marine_NN-TL plywood_NN ._. This_DT can_MD be_BE o
btained_VBN in_IN 42-inch_JJ widths_NNS 24_CD feet_NNS long_JJ ._. The_AT 42-inc
h_JJ width_NN leaves_VBZ very_QL little_AP waste_NN ._. Four_CD pieces_NNS are_B
ER used_VBN ._. Plank_VB the_AT sides_NNS first_RB ,_, using_VBG glue_NN and_CC
one-inch_JJ ,_, No._NN-TL 12_CD-TL Stronghold_NN-TL nails_NNS at_IN all_ABN batt
ens_NNS ,_, the_AT stem_NN and_CC the_AT transom_NN ._. Another_DT person_NN ins
ide_RB with_IN a_AT weight_NN against_IN each_DT batten_NN will_MD help_VB in_IN
the_AT fastening_NN ._. The_AT best_JJT procedure_NN is_BEZ to_TO have_HV a_AT
few_AP friends_NNS hold_VB the_AT planking_NN in_IN place_NN while_CS you_PPSS m
ark_VB it_PPO off_RP ._. Then_RB trim_VB the_AT excess_NN ._. I_PPSS used_VBD a_
AT Homemaster_NP Routo-Jig_NP made_VBN by_IN Porter_NP-TL Cable_NN-TL for_IN thi
s_DT job_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ good_JJ for_IN cutting_VBG all_ABN the_AT planking_
NN because_CS it_PPS cuts_VBZ with_IN a_AT bit-like_JJ blade_NN at_IN high_JJ rp
m_NN and_CC does_DOZ not_* chatter_VB the_AT plywood_NN like_CS a_AT saber_NN sa
w_NN ._. When_WRB cut_VBN ,_, the_AT planking_NN is_BEZ clamped_VBN in_IN place_
NN for_IN a_AT final_JJ and_CC careful_JJ trimming_NN ._. Then_RB it_PPS is_BEZ
marked_VBN on_IN the_AT inside_NN where_WRB it_PPS comes_VBZ in_IN contact_NN wi
th_IN the_AT transom_NN ,_, frames_NNS ,_, keelson_NN and_CC all_ABN the_AT batt
ens_NNS ._. It_PPS may_MD then_RB be_BE pre-drilled_VBN for_IN the_AT fastenings
_NNS ._. The_AT next_AP step_NN is_BEZ to_TO remove_VB it_PPO and_CC spread_VB g
lue_NN where_WRB it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN marked_VBN at_IN the_AT contact_NN poin
ts_NNS ._. Then_RB it_PPS is_BEZ replaced_VBN and_CC fastened_VBN ._. The_AT bot
tom_NN planking_NN is_BEZ applied_VBN in_IN the_AT same_AP manner_NN ._. After_I
N planking_NN ,_, the_AT bottom_NN gets_VBZ a_AT layer_NN of_IN Fiberglas_NN-TL
._. The_AT spray_NN rails_NNS are_BER first_RB glued_VBN on_IN the_AT outside_NN
and_CC fastened_VBN from_IN the_AT inside_NN with_IN screws_NNS ._. Then_RB the
_AT chines_NNS are_BER rounded_VBN off_RP and_CC the_AT bottom_NN is_BEZ rough-s
anded_VBN in_IN preparation_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT sides_NNS are_BER also_RB cov
ered_VBN up_IN to_IN the_AT spray_NN rails_NNS ,_, they_PPSS are_BER also_RB rou
gh-sanded_VBN in_IN that_DT area_NN ._. The_AT cloth_NN is_BEZ laid_VBN on_IN on
e_CD half_ABN of_IN the_AT bottom_NN at_IN a_AT time_NN ._. A_AT 50-inch_JJ widt
h_NN is_BEZ used_VBN on_IN each_DT side_NN and_CC it_PPS laps_VBZ the_AT keel_NN
line_NN by_IN about_RB three_CD inches_NNS ._. Lay_VB the_AT cloth_NN in_IN pla
ce_NN and_CC trim_VB it_PPO to_IN size_NN ._. Then_RB remove_VB it_PPO and_CC gi
ve_VB the_AT whole_JJ bottom_NN a_AT coat_NN of_IN resin_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT
resin_NN has_HVZ hardened_VBN ,_, mix_VB up_RP another_DT batch_NN with_IN a_AT
pigment_NN added_VBN if_CS you_PPSS wish_VB ._. I_PPSS used_VBD bright_JJ red_NN
,_, mixing_VBG the_AT pigment_NN in_RP thoroughly_RB before_CS adding_VBG the_A
T hardener_NN ._. Using_VBG a_AT cheap_JJ brush_NN ,_, coat_VB one_CD side_NN of
_IN the_AT bottom_NN with_IN the_AT resin_NN and_CC then_RB apply_VB the_AT clot
h_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT cloth_NN is_BEZ smooth_JJ ,_, apply_VB another_DT coat_
NN of_IN resin_NN ,_, spreading_VBG it_PPO with_IN a_AT paint_NN roller_NN ._. B
e_BE sure_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ well_QL saturated_VBN and_CC then_RB allow_VB it_PPO
to_TO harden_VB ._. When_WRB the_AT whole_JJ bottom_NN has_HVZ hardened_VBN ,_,
use_VB a_AT disk_NN sander_NN to_TO feather_VB the_AT edges_NNS of_IN the_AT clo
th_NN at_IN the_AT keel_NN line_NN and_CC near_IN the_AT spray_NN rail_NN ._. Th
en_RB lay_VB a_AT three-inch-wide_JJ strip_NN of_IN cloth_NN along_IN the_AT kee
l_NN line_NN from_IN the_AT transom_NN to_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN the_AT stem_N
N ._. Before_CS the_AT resin_NN has_HVZ hardened_VBN ,_, screw_VB a_AT one-inch_
JJ mahogany_NN keel_NN strip_NN along_IN the_AT centerline_NN ._. This_DT protec
ts_VBZ the_AT bottom_NN in_IN beaching_VBG ._. Fiberglas_NN-TL materials_NNS are
_BER available_JJ from_IN Glass_NN-TL Plastic_NN-TL Supply_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, 1
605_CD-TL W._JJ-TL Elizabeth_NP-TL Ave._NN-TL ,_, Linden_NP ,_, N._NP J._NP ._.
They_PPSS will_MD also_RB supply_VB literature_NN on_IN application_NN ._. The_A
T hull_NN is_BEZ now_RB turned_VBN over_RP (_( with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN abou
t_RB seven_CD friends_NNS )_) and_CC placed_VBN in_IN a_AT level_JJ ,_, well-bra
ced_JJ position_NN ._. I_PPSS set_VB it_PPO on_IN the_AT Gator_NP trailer_NN ._.
I_PPSS laid_VBD three_CD layers_NNS of_IN glass_NN cloth_NN on_IN the_AT inside
_NN of_IN the_AT stem_NN ,_, also_RB installing_VBG a_AT bow_NN eye_NN at_IN thi
s_DT time_NN ._. For_IN added_VBN strength_NN ,_, I_PPSS also_RB fastened_VBD a_
AT small_JJ block_NN on_IN each_DT side_NN of_IN every_AT frame_NN and_CC batten
_NN joint_NN ._. Again_RB ,_, these_DTS blocks_NNS were_BED set_VBN in_IN resin-
saturated_JJ glass_NN cloth_NN and_CC nailed_VBN ._. After_CS trimming_VBG off_R
P the_AT excess_NN on_IN the_AT frames_NNS and_CC transom_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ
used_VBN to_TO fasten_VB them_PPO to_IN the_AT jig_NN at_IN a_AT working_VBG hei
ght_NN ,_, the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT side_NN planking_NN is_BEZ installed_VBN .
_. This_DT is_BEZ made_VBN up_RP of_IN scraps_NNS left_VBN over_RP from_IN the_A
T sides_NNS and_CC bottom_NN ._. These_DTS flaring_VBG parts_NNS really_RB help_
VB to_TO keep_VB the_AT boat_NN dry_JJ ._. When_WRB they're_PPSS+BER on_RP ,_, t
he_AT top_JJS edges_NNS are_BER planed_VBN even_RB with_IN the_AT sheer_JJ batte
n_NN ._. The_AT sides_NNS of_IN the_AT motor_NN well_NN run_VB from_IN the_AT bo
ttom_NN battens_NNS to_IN the_AT top_NN and_CC from_IN frame_NN six_CD to_IN the
_AT transom_NN ,_, forming_VBG a_AT real_QL strong_JJ transom_NN brace_NN ._. No
te_VB another_DT piece_NN of_IN wood_NN six_CD inches_NNS wide_JJ is_BEZ fastene
d_VBN to_IN the_AT transom_NN between_IN these_DTS pieces_NNS ._. The_AT decking
_NN is_BEZ quarter-inch_NN mahogany_NN marine_JJ plywood_NN ._. All_ABN the_AT f
looring_NN and_CC the_AT storage_NN bin_NN is_BEZ half-inch_NN exterior_JJ fir_N
N plywood_NN ._. Most_AP floor_NN battens_NNS are_BER glued_VBN and_CC screwed_V
BN to_IN the_AT flooring_NN ._. The_AT exception_NN is_BEZ where_WRB the_AT floo
ring_NN butts_VBZ ._. These_DTS battens_NNS are_BER glued_VBN and_CC screwed_VBN
to_IN the_AT frames_NNS ._. With_IN all_ABN deck_NN battens_NNS in_IN place_NN
,_, the_AT bilge_NN is_BEZ cleaned_VBN and_CC painted_VBN up_IN to_IN the_AT flo
or_NN line_NN ._. Use_VB one_CD coat_NN of_IN Firzite_NP and_CC one_CD coat_NN o
f_IN marine_JJ paint_NN ._. Bottoms_NNS of_IN the_AT floorboards_NNS are_BER als
o_RB painted_VBN and_CC the_AT flooring_NN is_BEZ then_RB screwed_VBN in_IN plac
e_NN ._. After_CS the_AT decking_NN is_BEZ on_RP ,_, the_AT cabin_NN sides_NNS a
re_BER installed_VBN ._. They're_PPSS+BER followed_VBN by_IN the_AT front_JJ and
_CC rear_JJ bulkheads_NNS as_CS illustrated_VBN ._. The_AT windshield_NN glass_N
N is_BEZ shatterproof_JJ and_CC Plexiglas_NP is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN the_AT cabin_
NN ._. Inside_RB ,_, bunks_NNS are_BER framed_VBN up_RP and_CC installed_VBN as_
CS indicated_VBN ._. A_AT head_NN is_BEZ a_AT handy_JJ thing_NN to_TO have_HV an
d_CC I_PPSS installed_VBD one_CD under_IN a_AT removable_JJ section_NN of_IN the
_AT port_NN bunk_NN ._. The_AT sink_NN in_IN the_AT hinged_VBN panel_NN above_IN
the_AT bunk_NN drains_VBZ into_IN the_AT head_NN and_CC a_AT five-gallon_JJ wat
er_NN tank_NN is_BEZ mounted_VBN on_IN the_AT bulkhead_NN above_IN the_AT sink_N
N ._. For_IN padding_VBG the_AT seats_NNS and_CC bunks_NNS ,_, I_PPSS used_VBD E
nsolite_NP ,_, Type_NN-TL Aj_NP-TL ._. Lightweight_JJ ,_, non-absorbent_JJ ,_, f
ire_NN resistant_JJ and_CC dimensionally_RB stable_JJ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ easily_R
B bonded_VBN to_IN the_AT wood_NN with_IN contact_NN cement_NN ._. Available_JJ
in_IN Af_NN sheets_NNS ,_, it_PPS costs_VBZ about_RB a_AT dollar_NN a_AT square_
NN foot_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD build_VB this_DT vacation_NN cottage_NN yourself_
PPL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT full_JJ scale_NN ,_, small_JJ ,_, but_CC efficient_JJ
house_NN that_WPS can_MD become_VB a_AT year_NN 'round_RB retreat_NN complete_J
J in_IN every_AT detail_NN ._. Because_RB of_IN the_AT unique_JJ design_NN by_IN
the_AT architect_NN Egils_NP Hermanovski_NP ,_, you_PPSS can_MD build_VB most_A
P of_IN it_PPO in_IN your_PP$ own_JJ home_NR workshop_NN in_IN your_PP$ spare_JJ
time_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN it_PPO is_BEZ panelized_VBN and_CC utilizes_VBZ stand
ard_JJ materials_NNS ,_, and_CC requires_VBZ the_AT use_NN of_IN only_RB simple_
JJ tools_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT following_VBG pages_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT follow
ing_VBG issues_NNS we_PPSS take_VB you_PPO every_AT step_NN of_IN the_AT way_NN
to_IN your_PP$ vacation_NN cottage_NN ,_, from_IN choosing_VBG the_AT proper_JJ
site_NN to_IN applying_VBG the_AT final_JJ trim_NN ._. In_IN recognition_NN of_I
N the_AT growing_VBG trend_NN for_IN second_OD homes_NNS ,_, or_CC vacation_NN c
ottages_NNS ,_, we_PPSS have_HV designed_VBN this_DT one_CD specifically_RB with
_IN the_AT family_NN handyman_NN in_IN mind_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT big_JJ pro
ject_NN ,_, not_* to_TO be_BE taken_VBN lightly_RB ._. But_CC each_DT step_NN ha
s_HVZ been_BEN broken_VBN down_RP into_IN easy_JJ stages_NNS ,_, utilizing_VBG s
tandard_JJ materials_NNS and_CC simple_JJ tools_NNS ,_, well_RB within_IN the_AT
capabilities_NNS of_IN the_AT handyman_NN ._. The_AT-HL theory_NN-HL The_AT ide
a_NN behind_IN our_PP$ design_NN is_BEZ modular_JJ units_NNS ,_, or_CC panelizat
ion_NN ._. Everything_PN possible_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN scaled_VBN to_IN standard_
JJ sizes_NNS and_CC measurements_NNS of_IN materials_NNS ._. Wall_NN panels_NNS
and_CC structural_JJ timbers_NNS are_BER standard_JJ as_CS are_BER windows_NNS a
nd_CC doors_NNS ,_, making_VBG for_IN a_AT minimum_NN of_IN cutting_VBG ._. We_P
PSS have_HV developed_VBN an_AT ingenious_JJ method_NN of_IN interlocking_VBG th
ese_DTS so_CS that_CS you_PPSS can_MD make_VB the_AT major_JJ part_NN of_IN your
_PP$ house_NN in_IN your_PP$ own_JJ workshop_NN ,_, panel_NN by_IN panel_NN ,_,
according_IN to_IN plan_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, when_WRB you_PPSS have_HV prepared_VB
N your_PP$ foundation_NN and_CC laid_VBN the_AT floor_NN ,_, these_DTS can_MD be
_BE trucked_VBN to_IN the_AT site_NN and_CC erected_VBN with_IN a_AT small_JJ cr
ew_NN of_IN friends_NNS in_IN a_AT weekend_NN ._. The_AT roof_NN timbers_NNS are
_BER precut_VBN and_CC the_AT panels_NNS standard_JJ so_CS that_CS the_AT house_
NN can_MD be_BE completely_RB enclosed_VBN in_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN three_CD o
r_CC four_CD days_NNS ._. Then_RB you_PPSS can_MD do_DO the_AT finishing_VBG tou
ches_NNS at_IN your_PP$ leisure_NN ._. A_AT-HL warning_NN-HL Due_RB to_IN the_AT
fact_NN that_CS building_VBG codes_NNS and_CC regulations_NNS vary_VB so_QL muc
h_RB throughout_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, the_AT first_OD thing_NN to_TO do_DO is
_BEZ to_TO find_VB out_RP what_WDT ,_, if_CS any_DTI ,_, they_PPSS are_BER ._. C
lose_RB to_IN a_AT large_JJ city_NN they_PPSS might_MD even_RB specify_VB the_AT
size_NN of_IN the_AT nails_NNS used_VBN ;_. ;_. in_IN a_AT remote_JJ section_NN
there_EX might_MD be_BE no_AT restrictions_NNS at_IN all_ABN ._. This_DT can_MD
usually_RB be_BE found_VBN out_RP at_IN the_AT nearest_JJT town_NN hall_NN ._.
At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN check_VB the_AT electrical_JJ ,_, plumbing_NN ,_, a
nd_CC sanitary_JJ requirements_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS possible_JJ zoning_VB
G regulations_NNS ._. Whether_CS electricity_NN and_CC public_JJ water_NN and_CC
sewers_NNS are_BER available_JJ or_CC not_* ,_, check_VB the_AT local_JJ custom
s_NNS in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN bottled_VBN or_CC L-P_NN gas_NN (_( we_PPSS give
_VB you_PPO alternatives_NNS later_RBR on_RP )_) ._. Be_BE sure_JJ that_CS this_
DT information_NN is_BEZ reasonably_QL official_JJ and_CC not_* just_RB an_AT un
founded_JJ opinion_NN ._. If_CS there_EX are_BER any_DTI major_JJ restrictions_N
NS ,_, they_PPSS usually_RB can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN in_IN printed_VBN form_NN
._. Where_WRB a_AT building_VBG permit_NN is_BEZ required_VBN ,_, find_VB out_RP
what_WDT you_PPSS must_MD present_VB when_WRB applying_VBG for_IN one_CD ._. In
_IN many_AP cases_NNS ,_, you_PPSS must_MD file_VB a_AT complete_JJ set_NN of_IN
plans_NNS with_IN the_AT local_JJ building_VBG inspector_NN ._. These_DTS will_
MD be_BE available_JJ at_IN cost_NN from_IN our_PP$ Plans_NNS-TL Department_NN-T
L ._. The_AT-HL site_NN-HL Some_DTI general_JJ things_NNS to_TO look_VB for_IN i
n_IN a_AT site_NN ,_, if_CS you_PPSS haven't_HV* already_RB bought_VBN one_CD ,_
, are_BER accessibility_NN ,_, water_NN drainage_NN ,_, and_CC orientation_NN ._
. How_WRB are_BER the_AT roads_NNS ,_, and_CC how_WRB will_MD they_PPSS stand_VB
up_RP ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ there_EX evidence_NN of_IN wash-outs_NNS on_IN the_AT prop
erty_NN ;_. ;_. swampy_JJ areas_NNS or_CC intermittent_JJ springs_NNS ?_. ?_. A_
AT visit_NN in_IN the_AT early_JJ spring_NN after_IN a_AT thaw_NN will_MD be_BE
very_QL informative_JJ ._. Note_VB where_WRB the_AT sun_NN rises_VBZ and_CC sets
_VBZ ,_, and_CC ask_VB which_WDT direction_NN the_AT prevailing_VBG winds_NNS an
d_CC storms_NNS come_VB from_IN ._. Will_MD the_AT view_NN be_BE something_PN yo
u_PPSS can_MD live_VB with_IN ?_. ?_. Don't_DO* worry_VB too_QL much_RB about_IN
rocky_JJ or_CC sloping_VBG terrain_NN ;_. ;_. we_PPSS will_MD take_VB up_RP alt
ernative_JJ foundations_NNS later_RBR on_RP ._. The_AT-HL materials_NNS-HL With_
IN this_DT first_OD issue_NN we_PPSS give_VB you_PPO a_AT list_NN of_IN the_AT m
aterials_NNS needed_VBN to_TO build_VB the_AT basic_JJ (_( AjA_NN version_NN )_)
and_CC the_AT expandable_JJ (_( AjB_NN version_NN )_) ._. This_DT will_NN be_BE
for_IN the_AT shell_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN only_RB (_( roof_NN ,_, walls_NNS
,_, and_CC floor_NN )_) ,_, and_CC does_DOZ not_* include_VB the_AT carport_NN o
r_CC balcony_NN ._. This_DT will_MD permit_VB you_PPO to_TO get_VB a_AT rough_JJ
estimate_NN of_IN how_WRB much_AP the_AT materials_NNS for_IN the_AT shell_NN w
ill_MD cost_VB ._. Bear_VB in_IN mind_NN that_CS this_DT does_DOZ not_* include_
VB interior_JJ panels_NNS for_IN partitions_NNS ,_, fancy_JJ flooring_NN ,_, app
liances_NNS and_CC fixtures_NNS ,_, electrical_JJ wiring_NN ,_, and_CC plumbing_
NN ,_, all_ABN of_IN which_WDT will_MD be_BE taken_VBN up_RP in_IN detail_NN in_
IN later_JJR issues_NNS ._. The_AT wall_NN panels_NNS are_BER constructed_VBN of
_IN a_AT framework_NN of_IN standard_JJ Af_NN and_CC Af_NN of_IN a_AT good_JJ gr
ade_NN ,_, free_JJ from_IN structural_JJ faults_NNS ._. They_PPSS should_MD be_B
E as_QL straight_JJ as_CS possible_JJ ,_, as_CS this_DT will_MD effect_VB their_
PP$ ability_NN to_TO mesh_VB properly_RB when_WRB the_AT walls_NNS are_BER erect
ed_VBN ._. The_AT outside_JJ surface_NN of_IN the_AT solid_JJ units_NNS shall_MD
be_BE of_IN an_AT exterior_JJ grade_NN of_IN panel_NN board_NN such_JJ as_CS pl
ywood_NN ,_, plastic_JJ coated_VBN panel_NN board_NN ,_, high_JJ density_NN part
icle_NN board_NN ,_, asbestos-cement_NN board_NN ,_, or_CC any_DTI other_AP prod
uct_NN locally_RB obtainable_JJ upon_IN recommendation_NN of_IN your_PP$ buildin
g_VBG supply_NN dealer_NN ._. The_AT inner_JJ panels_NNS do_DO not_* have_HV to_
TO be_BE weatherproof_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT choice_NN will_MD depend_VB on_IN the
_AT quality_NN of_IN finish_NN desired_VBN ._. All_ABN panel_NN board_NN comes_V
BZ in_IN standard_JJ Af_NN foot_NN size_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ recommended_VBN tha
t_CS panels_NNS be_BE both_ABX glued_VBN as_QL well_RB as_CS nailed_VBN to_IN th
e_AT frame_NN ._. The_AT fixed_VBN window_NN panels_NNS with_IN louvers_NNS shou
ld_MD have_HV a_AT good_JJ grade_NN of_IN 1/8-inch_NN double-strength_JJ glass_N
N set_VBN in_IN a_AT mastic_NN glazing_VBG compound_NN ._. The_AT louvers_NNS ar
e_BER constructed_VBN as_CS shown_VBN in_IN the_AT detail_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT dr
op_JJ door_NN for_IN ventilation_NN ._. There_EX are_BER standard_JJ sliding_VBG
glass_NN windows_NNS in_IN wood_NN or_CC aluminum_NN frames_NNS for_IN those_DT
S panels_NNS requiring_VBG them_PPO ._. The_AT door_NN panels_NNS are_BER design
ed_VBN to_TO accommodate_VB standard_JJ doors_NNS which_WDT should_MD be_BE of_I
N exterior_JJ grade_NN ._. The_AT filler_NN panels_NNS for_IN the_AT gable_NN en
ds_NNS are_BER cut_VBN from_IN full_JJ Af_NN sheets_NNS as_CS shown_VBN ,_, leav
ing_VBG no_AT wastage_NN ._. The_AT battens_NNS covering_VBG the_AT joints_NNS a
re_BER of_IN Af_NN stock_NN and_CC are_BER applied_VBN after_CS the_AT walls_NNS
are_BER erected_VBN ._. All_ABN nails_NNS should_MD be_BE rustproof_JJ ,_, and_
CC aluminum_NN is_BEZ highly_QL recommended_VBN ._. Note_VB :_: If_CS 1/2-inch_N
N panel_NN board_NN is_BEZ used_VBN inside_RB and_CC out_RP ,_, or_CC 5/8-inch_N
N one_CD side_NN and_CC 3/8-inch_NN the_AT other_AP ,_, and_CC 1/8-inch_NN glass
_NN is_BEZ used_VBN ,_, stock_NN lumber_NN in_IN Af_NN ,_, Af_NN ,_, and_CC Af_N
N can_MD be_BE used_VBN in_IN making_VBG the_AT glass_NN panels_NNS ._. Other_AP
thicknesses_NNS may_MD necessitate_VB ripping_VBG a_AT special_JJ size_NN lumbe
r_NN for_IN the_AT glass_NN trim_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN ,_, there_EX is_BE
Z no_AT special_JJ milling_NN or_CC rabbeting_NN required_VBN for_IN the_AT pane
ls_NNS ._. With_IN modern_JJ techniques_NNS of_IN woodworking_VBG and_CC the_AT
multitude_NN of_IN cutting_VBG tools_NNS ,_, fixtures_NNS ,_, and_CC attachments
_NNS available_JJ ,_, the_AT drill_NN press_NN has_HVZ become_VBN a_AT basic_JJ
home_NR workshop_NN tool_NN ._. The_AT drill_NN press_NN consists_VBZ of_IN a_AT
vertical_JJ shaft_NN (_( spindle_NN )_) which_WDT is_BEZ tapered_VBN or_CC thre
aded_VBN on_IN one_CD end_NN to_TO hold_VB a_AT drill_NN chuck_NN ,_, a_AT tubul
ar_JJ housing_NN (_( quill_NN )_) in_IN which_WDT the_AT spindle_NN is_BEZ mount
ed_VBN ,_, a_AT head_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT quill_NN is_BEZ mounted_VBN ,_, a
_AT feed_NN lever_NN which_WDT moves_VBZ the_AT quill_NN up_RP or_CC down_RP ,_,
a_AT power_NN source_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT movable_JJ table_NN upon_IN which_WDT t
he_AT work_NN is_BEZ placed_VBN ._. There_EX is_BEZ often_RB a_AT means_NN of_IN
locking_VBG the_AT quill_NN and_CC ,_, on_IN larger_JJR presses_NNS ,_, the_AT
table_NN can_MD be_BE tilted_VBN ._. The_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT press_NN is_BEZ
usually_RB expressed_VBN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN chuck_NN capacity_NN (_( the_AT
maximum_JJ diameter_NN tool_NN shank_NN it_PPS will_MD hold_VB )_) or_CC distanc
e_NN between_IN the_AT spindle_NN center_NN and_CC the_AT column_NN ._. A_AT pre
ss_NN with_IN an_AT 11_CD inch_NN capacity_NN lets_VBZ you_PPO drill_VB to_IN th
e_AT center_NN of_IN a_AT 22_CD inch_NN board_NN or_CC circle_NN ._. A_AT new_JJ
radial_JJ drill_NN press_NN with_IN a_AT 16_CD inch_NN capacity_NN has_HVZ a_AT
tilting_VBG head_NN that_WPS allows_VBZ drilling_VBG to_TO be_BE done_VBN at_IN
any_DTI angle_NN ._. The_AT head_NN is_BEZ mounted_VBN on_IN a_AT horizontal_JJ
arm_NN that_WPS swivels_VBZ on_IN the_AT supporting_VBG column_NN to_TO positio
n_VB the_AT drill_NN bit_NN instead_RB of_IN the_AT work_NN ._. Set-up_NN-HL and
_CC-HL maintenance_NN-HL The_AT drill_NN press_NN should_MD be_BE leveled_VBN an
d_CC ,_, depending_IN on_IN whether_CS it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT bench_NN or_CC floor_N
N model_NN ,_, bolted_VBN securely_RB to_IN a_AT sturdy_JJ bench_NN or_CC stand_
NN or_CC screwed_VBN to_IN the_AT floor_NN with_IN lag_NN or_CC expansion_NN scr
ews_NNS ._. This_DT will_NN reduce_VB vibration_NN and_CC increase_VB accuracy_N
N ._. A_AT coat_NN of_IN paste_NN wax_NN or_CC a_AT rubdown_NN with_IN a_AT piec
e_NN of_IN wax_NN paper_NN will_MD protect_VB the_AT polished_VBN surface_NN of_
IN the_AT table_NN ;_. ;_. wiping_VBG with_IN a_AT slightly_RB oiled_VBN cloth_N
N will_MD discourage_VB rusting_NN of_IN the_AT column_NN and_CC quill_NN ._. Pr
esses_NNS not_* fitted_VBN with_IN sealed_VBN spindle_NN bearings_NNS will_MD ne
ed_VB a_AT drop_NN of_IN oil_NN now_RB and_CC then_RB in_IN the_AT lubrication_N
N holes_NNS in_IN the_AT quill_NN ._. The_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT press_NN shoul
d_MD be_BE kept_VBN clean_JJ by_IN dusting_VBG with_IN a_AT clean_JJ rag_NN or_C
C brush_NN ._. Be_BE careful_JJ to_TO keep_VB the_AT drive_NN belt_NN free_JJ of
_IN oil_NN and_CC grease_NN ._. Belt_NN tension_NN is_BEZ adjusted_VBN by_IN man
ipulation_NN of_IN two_CD locking_VBG bolts_NNS and_CC a_AT movable_JJ motor_NN
mount_NN ._. Keep_VB the_AT belt_NN just_RB tight_JJ enough_QLP so_CS the_AT pul
leys_NNS won't_MD* slip_VB when_WRB pulled_VBN by_IN hand_NN ;_. ;_. excess_JJ t
ension_NN will_MD only_RB cause_VB undue_JJ wear_NN on_IN the_AT motor_NN and_CC
spindle_NN bearings_NNS ._. Most_AP drill_NN presses_NNS have_HV a_AT quill_NN
return_NN spring_NN that_WPS raises_VBZ the_AT spindle_NN automatically_RB when_
WRB the_AT feed_NN lever_NN is_BEZ released_VBN and_CC holds_VBZ the_AT quill_NN
in_IN the_AT raised_VBN position_NN ._. The_AT return_NN spring_NN tension_NN m
ay_MD be_BE adjusted_VBN to_TO suit_VB individual_JJ requirements_NNS by_IN grip
ping_VBG the_AT spring_NN housing_NN with_IN a_AT pair_NN of_IN pliers_NNS (_( t
o_TO prevent_VB the_AT spring_NN from_IN unwinding_VBG when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ re
leased_VBN )_) ,_, loosening_VBG the_AT lock_NN nut_NN or_CC screw_NN ,_, and_CC
rotating_VBG the_AT housing_NN until_CS the_AT desired_VBN tension_NN is_BEZ ac
hieved_VBN ._. Turning_VBG the_AT housing_NN clockwise_RB will_MD reduce_VB tens
ion_NN ,_, counter-clockwise_RB will_MD increase_VB it_PPO ._. Don't_DO*-HL lose
_VB-HL the_AT-HL chuck_NN-HL key_NN-HL ._.-HL Some_DTI manufacturers_NNS have_HV
had_HVN the_AT foresight_NN to_TO provide_VB a_AT socket_NN for_IN the_AT chuck
_NN key_NN ;_. ;_. otherwise_RB ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD have_HV to_TO spend_VB a_AT f
ew_AP minutes_NNS to_TO either_CC attach_VB a_AT suitable_JJ spring_NN clip_NN s
omewhere_RB on_IN the_AT press_NN head_NN or_CC fit_VB the_AT key_NN to_IN a_AT
length_NN of_IN light_JJ chain_NN and_CC fasten_VB to_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN
the_AT motor_NN mount_NN so_CS that_CS the_AT key_NN is_BEZ out_IN of_IN the_AT
way_NN when_WRB not_* in_IN use_NN ._. Feeds_NNS-HL and_CC-HL speeds_NNS-HL Dril
l_NN speeds_NNS are_BER important_JJ if_CS you_PPSS want_VB a_AT good_JJ job_NN
._. Each_DT cutting_VBG tool_NN will_MD operate_VB best_RBT at_IN a_AT given_VBN
speed_NN ,_, depending_IN on_IN the_AT material_NN worked_VBN ._. On_IN most_AP
drill_NN presses_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ impossible_JJ to_TO get_VB the_AT exact_
JJ speed_NN ,_, but_CC you_PPSS can_MD come_VB close_RB by_IN adjusting_VBG the_
AT drive_NN belt_NN on_IN the_AT step-cone_NN pulleys_NNS ._. You_PPSS will_MD f
ind_VB a_AT chart_NN giving_VBG the_AT various_JJ speed_NN ratios_NNS available_
JJ with_IN your_PP$ particular_JJ drill_NN press_NN somewhere_RB in_IN the_AT in
struction_NN booklet_NN that_WPS came_VBD with_IN the_AT tool_NN ._. See_VB the_
AT table_NN on_IN page_NN 34_CD for_IN exact_JJ recommended_VBN speeds_NNS ._. G
enerally_RB ,_, the_AT larger_JJR the_AT tool_NN and_CC the_AT harder_JJR the_AT
material_NN ,_, the_AT slower_JJR the_AT speed_NN ._. Feed_NN pressure_NN is_BE
Z also_RB of_IN major_JJ importance_NN ._. Too_QL much_AP pressure_NN will_MD fo
rce_VB the_AT tool_NN beyond_IN its_PP$ cutting_VBG capacity_NN and_CC result_VB
in_IN rough_JJ cuts_NNS and_CC jammed_VBN or_CC broken_VBN tools_NNS ._. Too_QL
light_JJ a_AT feed_NN ,_, particularly_RB with_IN metal_NN or_CC other_AP hard_
JJ material_NN ,_, causes_VBZ overheating_NN of_IN the_AT tool_NN and_CC burning
_NN of_IN the_AT cutting_VBG edge_NN ._. The_AT best_JJT results_NNS will_MD be_
BE obtained_VBN by_IN matching_VBG the_AT correct_JJ speed_NN with_IN a_AT stead
y_JJ feed_NN pressure_NN that_WPS lets_VBZ the_AT tool_NN cut_VB easily_RB at_IN
an_AT even_JJ rate_NN ._. Common_JJ-HL drilling_VBG-HL tools_NNS-HL There_EX ar
e_BER numerous_JJ types_NNS and_CC styles_NNS of_IN tools_NNS to_TO drill_VB hol
es_NNS ._. The_AT most_QL common_JJ are_BER the_AT twist_NN drill_NN ,_, the_AT
solid_JJ center_NN shaft_NN with_IN interchangeable_JJ cutting_VBG blades_NNS ,_
, the_AT double_JJ spur_NN bit_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT power_NN wood_NN bit_NN ._.
All_ABN will_MD do_DO a_AT good_JJ job_NN if_CS sharp_JJ ,_, but_CC the_AT twist
_NN drills_NNS don't_DO* cut_VB quite_QL as_QL smoothly_RB as_CS the_AT others_N
NS ,_, since_CS they_PPSS do_DO not_* have_HV the_AT outlining_VBG spurs_NNS tha
t_WPS sever_VB the_AT fibers_NNS before_CS actual_JJ boring_NN starts_VBZ ._. Th
e_AT adjustable_JJ fly_NN cutter_NN is_BEZ very_QL useful_JJ for_IN cutting_VBG
large_JJ diameter_NN holes_NNS and_CC can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO cut_VB exact-s
ize_JJ discs_NNS by_IN reversing_VBG the_AT cutter_NN blade_NN ._. Since_CS fly_
NN cutters_NNS are_BER one_CD sided_VBN and_CC not_* balanced_VBN ,_, they_PPSS
should_MD be_BE used_VBN at_IN the_AT slowest_JJT speed_NN available_JJ ,_, and_
CC fed_VBN very_QL slowly_RB to_TO avoid_VB binding_VBG ._. Fly_NN cutters_NNS c
an_MD fool_VB you_PPO into_IN putting_VBG your_PP$ hand_NN too_QL close_RB to_IN
the_AT tool_NN ,_, so_CS if_CS you_PPSS want_VB to_TO avoid_VB nicked_VBN finge
rs_NNS ,_, keep_VB your_PP$ hands_NNS well_QL out_IN of_IN the_AT way_NN ._. Sim
ple_JJ-HL hole_NN-HL drilling_VBG-HL operations_NNS-HL When_WRB drilling_VBG all
_ABN the_AT way_NN through_IN a_AT workpiece_NN ,_, always_RB place_VB a_AT piec
e_NN of_IN scrap_NN wood_NN underneath_IN ._. This_DT will_NN not_* only_RB prot
ect_VB the_AT work_NN table_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB assure_VB a_AT clean_JJ breakt
hrough_NN ._. Another_DT method_NN of_IN assuring_VBG a_AT clean_JJ hole_NN is_B
EZ to_TO first_RB drill_VB a_AT small_JJ pilot_NN hole_NN all_ABN the_AT way_NN
through_IN ,_, then_RB drill_VB half_ABN way_NN with_IN the_AT dimensional_JJ bi
t_NN ,_, turn_VB the_AT piece_NN over_RP ,_, and_CC finish_VB from_IN the_AT oth
er_AP side_NN ._. In_IN soft_JJ woods_NNS with_IN pronounced_VBN grain_NN ,_, th
ere_EX is_BEZ sometimes_RB a_AT tendency_NN for_IN the_AT hole_NN to_TO wander_V
B ,_, due_RB to_IN the_AT varying_VBG hardness_NN of_IN the_AT wood_NN ._. In_IN
this_DT case_NN ,_, drilling_VBG a_AT small_JJ pilot_NN hole_NN or_CC clamping_
VBG the_AT work_NN will_MD do_DO much_AP to_TO improve_VB accuracy_NN ._. When_W
RB a_AT hole_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE bored_VBN to_IN a_AT predetermined_VBN depth_
NN ,_, mark_VB the_AT depth_NN on_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT stock_NN ,_, th
en_RB run_VB the_AT bit_NN down_RP so_CS that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ even_JJ with_IN t
he_AT mark_NN ._. The_AT depth_NN gauge_NN rod_NN can_MD now_RB be_BE set_VBN ,_
, and_CC any_DTI number_NN of_IN holes_NNS bored_VBN to_IN exact_JJ and_CC ident
ical_JJ depth_NN ._. The_AT old-time_JJ bridges_NNS over_IN the_AT Merrimac_NP-T
L River_NN-TL in_IN Massachusetts_NP are_BER of_IN unusual_JJ interest_NN in_IN
many_AP respects_NNS ._. For_IN their_PP$ length_NN ,_, their_PP$ types_NNS of_I
N construction_NN ,_, their_PP$ picturesque_JJ settings_NNS ,_, and_CC their_PP$
literary_JJ associations_NNS ,_, they_PPSS should_MD be_BE known_VBN and_CC rem
embered_VBN ._. In_IN this_DT sequence_NN I_PPSS shall_MD write_VB about_IN them
_PPO in_IN the_AT order_NN of_IN their_PP$ erection_NN ._. The_AT first_OD bridg
e_NN known_VBN to_TO have_HV been_BEN covered_VBN wholly_RB or_CC in_IN part_NN
,_, --_-- and_CC perhaps_RB the_AT most_QL interesting_JJ one_CD ,_, connected_V
BD Newbury_NP (_( now_RB Newburyport_NP )_) with_IN Salisbury_NP-TL Point_NN-TL
._. Its_PP$ building_NN was_BEDZ first_RB proposed_VBN in_IN 1791_CD ,_, when_WR
B a_AT group_NN of_IN citizens_NNS ,_, mostly_RB Newburyport_NP men_NNS ,_, peti
tioned_VBD the_AT General_NN-TL Court_NN-TL for_IN an_AT act_NN of_IN incorporat
ion_NN ._. This_DT document_NN began_VBD :_: ``_`` No._NN-TL 1_CD-TL-HL Newbury_
NP-HL Port_NN-TL-HL ,_,-HL may_MD-HL 30th_OD-HL ,_,-HL 1791_CD-HL ``_`` Whereas_
CS ,_, a_AT Bridge_NN over_IN Merrimack_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, from_IN the_AT Lan
d_NN of_IN Hon'ble_JJ-TL Jonathan_NP Greenleaf_NP ,_, Esquire_NP ,_, in_IN Newbe
ry_NP ,_, to_IN Deer_NN-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, and_CC from_IN said_VBN Island_NN to
_IN Salisbury_NP ,_, would_MD be_BE of_IN very_QL extensive_JJ utility_NN ,_, by
_IN affording_VBG a_AT safe_JJ Conveyance_NN to_IN Carriages_NNS ,_, Teams_NNS a
nd_CC Travellers_NNS at_IN all_ABN seasons_NNS of_IN the_AT year_NN ,_, and_CC a
t_IN all_ABN Times_NNS of_IN Tide_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS ,_, the_AT Subscribers_NN
S ,_, do_DO agree_VB ,_, that_CS as_QL soon_RB as_CS a_AT convenient_JJ Number_N
N of_IN Persons_NNS have_HV subscribed_VBN to_IN this_DT ,_, or_CC a_AT similar_
JJ Writing_NN-TL ,_, We_PPSS-TL will_MD present_VB a_AT petition_NN to_IN the_AT
Hon'ble_JJ-TL General_NN-TL Court_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Commonwealth_NN-TL o
f_IN-TL Massachusetts_NP-TL ,_, praying_VBG for_IN an_AT Act_NN incorporating_VB
G into_IN a_AT Body_NN politic_JJ the_AT subscribers_NNS to_IN such_JJ Writing_N
N with_IN Liberty_NN to_TO build_VB such_ABL a_AT Bridge_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT Righ
t_NN to_TO demand_VB a_AT Toll_NN equal_JJ to_IN that_DT received_VBN at_IN Mald
en_NP-TL Bridge_NN-TL ,_, and_CC on_IN like_JJ Terms_NNS ,_, and_CC if_CS such_A
BL an_AT Act_NN shall_MD be_BE obtained_VBN ,_, then_RB we_PPSS severally_RB agr
ee_VB each_DT with_IN the_AT others_NNS ,_, that_CS we_PPSS will_MD hold_VB in_I
N the_AT said_VBN Bridge_NN the_AT several_AP shares_NNS set_VBN against_IN our_
PP$ respective_JJ Names_NNS ,_, the_AT whole_NN into_IN two_CD hundred_CD shares
_NNS being_BEG divided_VBN ,_, and_CC that_CS we_PPSS will_MD pay_VB such_JJ sum
s_NNS of_IN Money_NN at_IN such_JJ Times_NNS and_CC in_IN such_JJ Manners_NNS ,_
, as_CS by_IN the_AT said_VBN proposed_VBN Corporation_NN ,_, shall_MD be_BE dir
ected_VBN and_CC required_VBN ''_'' ._. This_DT paper_NN was_BEDZ signed_VBN by_
IN forty-five_CD persons_NNS ,_, subscribing_VBG a_AT total_NN of_IN two_CD hund
red_CD shares_NNS ._. A_AT month_NN later_RBR the_AT General_NN-TL Court_NN-TL s
erved_VBD notice_NN to_IN the_AT town_NN of_IN Newbury_NP that_CS the_AT bridge_
NN was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE built_VBN ._. The_AT matter_NN was_BEDZ considered_VBN a
nd_CC reconsidered_VBN ,_, and_CC finally_RB opposed_VBN ,_, but_CC in_IN spite_
NN of_IN many_AP objections_NNS ,_, the_AT Court_NN-TL granted_VBD a_AT charter_
NN on_IN January_NP 9_CD ,_, 1792_CD ._. On_IN November_NP 26_CD of_IN that_DT y
ear_NN the_AT bridge_NN was_BEDZ completed_VBN and_CC opened_VBN ._. Timothy_NP
Palmer_NP ,_, who_WPS invented_VBD and_CC later_RBR patented_VBD the_AT arch_NN
type_NN of_IN construction_NN for_IN wooden_JJ bridges_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT g
enius_NN who_WPS planned_VBD and_CC supervised_VBD the_AT building_NN of_IN the_
AT Essex_NP ,_, or_CC ``_`` Deer_NN-TL Island_NN-TL ''_'' bridge_NN although_CS
the_AT actual_JJ work_NN was_BEDZ carried_VBN out_RP under_IN the_AT direction_N
N of_IN William_NP Coombs_NP ,_, who_WPS received_VBD $300_NNS as_CS recompense_
NN ._. This_DT two-part_JJ bridge_NN is_BEZ best_RBT described_VBN by_IN Rev._NP
Timothy_NP Dwight_NP ,_, president_NN of_IN Yale_NP-TL College_NN-TL ,_, in_IN
his_PP$ ``_`` Travels_NNS-TL In_IN-TL New-England_NP-TL And_CC-TL New-York_NP-TL
''_'' ,_, published_VBN in_IN New_JJ-TL Haven_NN-TL in_IN 1821_CD ._. He_PPS sa
ys_VBZ of_IN it_PPO :_: ``_`` It_PPS consists_VBZ of_IN two_CD divisions_NNS ,_,
separated_VBN by_IN an_AT island_NN at_IN a_AT small_JJ distance_NN from_IN the
_AT southern_JJ shore_NN ._. The_AT division_NN between_IN the_AT island_NN and_
CC this_DT shore_NN ,_, consists_VBZ principally_RB of_IN an_AT arch_NN ;_. ;_.
whose_WP$ chord_NN is_BEZ one_CD hundred_CD and_CC sixty_CD feet_NNS ,_, and_CC
whose_WP$ vortex_NN is_BEZ forty_CD feet_NNS (_( it_PPS was_BEDZ actually_RB 37_
CD feet_NNS )_) above_IN the_AT high-water_NN mark_NN ._. In_IN appearance_NN an
d_CC construction_NN it_PPS resembles_VBZ the_AT Pascataqua_NP bridge_NN ._. The
_AT whole_JJ length_NN of_IN Essex_NP bridge_NN is_BEZ one_CD thousand_CD and_CC
thirty_CD feet_NNS and_CC its_PP$ breadth_NN thirty-four_CD ._. I_PPSS have_HV
already_RB mentioned_VBN that_CS Mr._NP Timothy_NP Palmer_NP of_IN Newburyport_N
P was_BEDZ the_AT inventor_NN of_IN the_AT arched_VBN bridges_NNS in_IN this_DT
country_NN ._. As_CS Mr._NP Palmer_NP was_BEDZ educated_VBN to_IN house-building
_NN only_RB ,_, and_CC had_HVD never_RB seen_VBN a_AT structure_NN of_IN this_DT
nature_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS certainly_RB deserves_VBZ not_* a_AT little_AP credit_
NN for_IN the_AT invention_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ hardly_RB necessary_JJ to_
TO remind_VB students_NNS of_IN covered_VBN bridges_NNS that_CS Timothy_NP Palme
r_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN 1751_CD in_IN nearby_JJ Rowley_NP ;_. ;_. that_CS h
e_PPS moved_VBD with_IN his_PP$ parents_NNS to_IN West_JJ-TL Boxford_NP-TL when_
WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ sixteen_CD years_NNS old_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC was_BEDZ there_RB
apprenticed_VBN to_IN a_AT builder_NN and_CC architect_NN ,_, Moody_NP Spofford
_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ indeed_RB a_AT remarkable_JJ feat_NN that_CS a_AT man_NN
who_WPS had_HVD had_HVN no_AT experience_NN of_IN bridge_NN building_VBG should
_MD have_HV applied_VBN the_AT principle_NN of_IN the_AT arch_NN ,_, which_WDT a
ppears_VBZ in_IN his_PP$ famous_JJ bridges_NNS at_IN Portsmouth_NP ,_, Haverhill
_NP ,_, and_CC Philadelphia_NP ._. The_AT Essex_NP-TL Merrimack_NP-TL Bridge_NN-
TL when_WRB first_RB built_VBN was_BEDZ not_* covered_VBN ._. As_QL far_RB as_CS
we_PPSS know_VB ,_, no_AT American_JJ bridge_NN had_HVD been_BEN thus_RB protec
ted_VBN in_IN 1792_CD ._. Richard_NP S._NP Allen_NP is_BEZ the_AT authority_NN f
or_IN the_AT statement_NN that_CS the_AT northern_JJ section_NN was_BEDZ probabl
y_RB roofed_VBN by_IN 1810_CD ._. Its_PP$ original_JJ appearance_NN is_BEZ shown
_VBN in_IN an_AT engraving_NN published_VBN in_IN the_AT ``_`` Massachusetts_NP-
TL Magazine_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN May_NP 1793_CD ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ reproduced_VBN
herewith_RB (_( Fig._NN-TL 1_CD-TL )_) ._. A_AT brief_JJ description_NN accompa
nying_VBG the_AT picture_NN says_VBZ that_CS the_AT bridge_NN contained_VBD more
_AP than_IN 6000_CD tons_NNS of_IN timber_NN ._. Between_IN the_AT abutments_NNS
on_IN the_AT Newbury_NP shore_NN and_CC the_AT south_NR bank_NN of_IN Deer_NN-T
L Island_NN-TL there_EX was_BEDZ one_CD span_NN or_CC arch_NN measuring_VBG 160_
CD feet_NNS ;_. ;_. between_IN the_AT north_NR shore_NN of_IN Deer_NN-TL Island_
NN-TL and_CC the_AT Salisbury_NP side_NN there_EX was_BEDZ an_AT arch_NN of_IN 1
13_CD feet_NNS and_CC a_AT series_NN of_IN piers_NNS with_IN a_AT draw_NN forty_
CD feet_NNS long_JJ ._. A_AT dinner_NN and_CC celebration_NN in_IN honor_NN of_I
N this_DT piece_NN of_IN engineering_VBG took_VBD place_NN July_NP 4_CD ,_, 1793
_CD ,_, in_IN a_AT tavern_NN erected_VBN by_IN the_AT corporation_NN on_IN the_A
T island_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ said_VBN that_CS the_AT eccentric_JJ Timothy_NP De
xter_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD share-holders_NNS ,_,
stood_VBD on_IN the_AT table_NN and_CC made_VBD a_AT speech_NN worthy_JJ of_IN t
he_AT occasion_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` Essex_NP-TL Journal_NN-TL ''_'' says_VBZ that
_CS he_PPS ``_`` delivered_VBD an_AT oration_NN on_IN the_AT bridge_NN ,_, which
_WDT for_IN elegance_NN of_IN style_NN ,_, propriety_NN of_IN speech_NN or_CC fo
rce_NN of_IN argument_NN ,_, was_BEDZ truly_RB Ciceronian_JJ ''_'' ._. The_AT re
porter_NN must_MD have_HV written_VBN this_DT with_IN tongue_NN in_IN cheek_NN ,
_, because_CS Dexter's_NP$ oration_NN could_MD hardly_RB be_BE understood_VBN ;_
. ;_. and_CC ,_, although_CS he_PPS later_RBR explained_VBD that_CS he_PPS was_B
EDZ talking_VBG French_NP ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ rather_QL more_QL likely_JJ that_
CS he_PPS had_HVD succumbed_VBN to_IN the_AT joys_NNS of_IN the_AT evening_NN ._
. The_AT north_NR portion_NN of_IN the_AT Essex_NP bridge_NN was_BEDZ well_QL wo
rth_JJ the_AT cost_NN of_IN construction_NN ,_, although_CS it_PPS proved_VBD to
_TO be_BE twice_RB what_WDT was_BEDZ estimated_VBN in_IN the_AT beginning_NN ._.
It_PPS stood_VBD in_IN its_PP$ original_JJ form_NN until_IN 1882_CD ._. The_AT
southern_JJ half_ABN ,_, however_RB ,_, on_IN account_NN of_IN its_PP$ underbrac
ing_NN ,_, was_BEDZ considered_VBN by_IN boat_NN owners_NNS a_AT menace_NN to_IN
navigation_NN ._. In_IN 1810_CD it_PPS was_BEDZ torn_VBN down_RP and_CC replace
d_VBN by_IN a_AT chain_NN suspension_NN bridge_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ built_VBN
by_IN John_NP Templeman_NP from_IN plans_NNS submitted_VBN by_IN James_NP Finle
y_NP of_IN Fayette_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, Pennsylvania_NP ._. Timothy_NP Palmer_
NP had_HVD general_JJ supervision_NN of_IN the_AT work_NN ._. An_AT advertisemen
t_NN in_IN the_AT ``_`` Newburyport_NP Herald_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, December_NP 21_CD
,_, 1810_CD ,_, shows_VBZ Palmer_NP in_IN a_AT new_JJ light_NN as_CS an_AT exper
t_NN on_IN chain_NN-HL bridges_NNS-HL ._. It_PPS reads_VBZ :_: ``_`` chain_NN br
idges_NNS ``_`` ._. Information_NN is_BEZ hereby_RB given_VBN that_CS Mr._NP Tim
othy_NP Palmer_NP of_IN Newburyport_NP ,_, Mass._NP has_HVZ agreed_VBN to_TO tak
e_VB charge_NN of_IN the_AT concerns_NNS of_IN the_AT Patentees_NNS-TL of_IN the
_AT Chain_NN-TL Bridge_NN-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT states_NNS of_IN Massachusetts_NP
,_, New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-TL ,_, Vermont_NP ,_, Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, an
d_CC Connecticut_NP ,_, so_QL far_RB as_CS relates_VBZ to_IN the_AT sale_NN of_I
N Patent_NN-TL rights_NNS and_CC the_AT construction_NN of_IN Chain_NN-TL Bridge
s_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` Mr._NP Palmer_NP will_MD attend_VB to_IN any_DTI applications
_NNS relating_VBG to_IN bridges_NNS and_CC if_CS desired_VBN will_MD view_VB the
_AT proposed_VBN site_NN ,_, and_CC lay_VB out_RP and_CC superintend_VB the_AT w
ork_NN ,_, or_CC recommend_VB a_AT suitable_JJ person_NN to_TO execute_VB it_PPO
._. John_NP Templeman_NP ``_`` Approved_VBD ,_, Timothy_NP Palmer_NP ''_'' ._.
This_DT chain_NN bridge_NN proved_VBD less_QL durable_JJ than_CS the_AT wooden_J
J arch_NN on_IN the_AT Salisbury_NP end_NN ._. It_PPS fell_VBD ,_, February_NP 6
_CD ,_, 1827_CD ,_, carrying_VBG with_IN it_PPO a_AT horse_NN and_CC wagon_NN ,_
, two_CD men_NNS and_CC four_CD oxen_NNS ._. The_AT horse_NN and_CC men_NNS were
_BED saved_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT oxen_NNS drowned_VBD ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN t
his_DT catastrophe_NN ,_, the_AT bridge_NN was_BEDZ rebuilt_VBN on_IN the_AT sam
e_AP plan_NN and_CC opened_VBN again_RB on_IN July_NP 17_CD ,_, 1827_CD ._. This
_DT second_OD chain_NN bridge_NN was_BEDZ 570_CD feet_NNS long_JJ ,_, had_HVD tw
o_CD thirty-foot_JJ towers_NNS and_CC a_AT draw_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT double_JJ roa
dway_NN ._. The_AT Essex_NP bridge_NN was_BEDZ a_AT toll_NN crossing_NN until_IN
1868_CD ,_, when_WRB the_AT County_NN-TL Commissioners_NNS-TL laid_VBD out_RP a
ll_ABN the_AT Merrimack_NP bridges_NNS as_CS highways_NNS ._. Sturdy_JJ and_CC s
trong_JJ after_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT century_NN of_IN continuous_JJ use_NN ,_,
the_AT old_JJ covered_VBN ,_, wooden_JJ bridge_NN that_WPS spans_VBZ the_AT Tyg
artis_NP-TL Valley_NN-TL River_NN-TL at_IN Philippi_NP will_MD have_HV a_AT dist
inctive_JJ part_NN in_IN the_AT week-long_JJ observance_NN of_IN the_AT first_OD
land_NN battle_NN of_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL at_IN its_PP$ home_NR site
_NN ,_, May_NP 28th_OD to_IN June_NP 3rd_OD ._. Colonel_NN-TL Frederick_NP W._NP
Lander_NP ,_, impersonated_VBN ,_, will_MD again_RB make_VB his_PP$ break-neck_
JJ ride_NN down_IN the_AT steep_NN declivity_NN of_IN Talbott's_NP$ (_( now_RB C
ollege_NN-TL )_) Hill_NN-TL and_CC thunder_VB across_IN the_AT bridge_NN to_TO j
oin_VB Colonel_NN-TL Benjamin_NP F._NP Kelley's_NP$ (_( West_JJ-TL )_) Virginia_
NP-TL Infantry_NN-TL ,_, then_RB swarming_VBG through_IN the_AT streets_NNS in_I
N pursuit_NN of_IN the_AT retreating_VBG Confederates_NNS-TL ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ
closely_RB followed_VBN by_IN the_AT Ohio_NP and_CC Indiana_NP troops_NNS --_--
thus_RB the_AT old_JJ bridge_NN has_HVZ another_DT distinction_NN ;_. ;_. that_
DT of_IN being_BEG the_AT first_OD such_JJ structure_NN secured_VBN by_IN force_
NN of_IN arms_NNS in_IN the_AT war_NN of_IN the_AT '60s_NNS ._. The_AT bridge_NN
has_HVZ survived_VBN the_AT natural_JJ hazards_NNS of_IN the_AT elements_NNS ,_
, war_NN ,_, fire_NN ,_, and_CC floods_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS injuries_NNS
incident_JJ to_IN heavy_JJ traffic_NN ,_, for_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT hundred_CD
years_NNS ._. Twice_RB during_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL it_PPS was_BEDZ s
aved_VBN from_IN destruction_NN by_IN the_AT opposing_VBG armies_NNS by_IN the_A
T pleas_NNS and_CC prayers_NNS of_IN a_AT local_JJ minister_NN ._. It_PPS still_
RB stands_VBZ as_CS a_AT monument_NN to_IN the_AT engineering_VBG skills_NNS of_
IN the_AT last_AP century_NN and_CC still_RB serves_VBZ in_IN the_AT gasoline_NN
age_NN to_TO carry_VB heavy_JJ traffic_NN on_IN U.S._NP-TL Route_NN-TL 250_CD-T
L --_-- the_AT old_JJ Beverly_NP-TL and_CC-TL Fairmont_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT very_QL few_AP ,_, if_CS not_* the_AT only_AP
surviving_VBG bridge_NN of_IN its_PP$ type_NN to_TO serve_VB a_AT main_JJS arter
y_NN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP highway_NN system_NN ,_, thus_RB it_PPS is_BEZ far_QL
more_AP than_IN a_AT relic_NN of_IN the_AT horse_NN and_CC buggy_NN days_NNS ._.
This_DT covered_VBN ,_, wooden_JJ bridge_NN is_BEZ so_QL closely_RB identified_
VBN with_IN the_AT first_OD action_NN in_IN the_AT early_JJ morning_NN of_IN Jun
e_NP 3_CD ,_, 1861_CD ,_, and_CC with_IN subsequent_JJ troop_NN movements_NNS of
_IN both_ABX armies_NNS in_IN the_AT Philippi_NP area_NN that_CS it_PPS has_HVZ
become_VBN a_AT part_NN and_CC parcel_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN story_NN ._. So_QL
frequently_RB have_HV pictures_NNS of_IN the_AT bridge_NN appeared_VBN in_IN boo
ks_NNS and_CC in_IN national_JJ publications_NNS that_CS it_PPS vies_VBZ with_IN
the_AT old_JJ John_NP-TL Brown_NP-TL Fort_NN-TL at_IN Harpers_NP$-TL Ferry_NN-T
L as_CS the_AT two_CD nationally_RB best_RBT known_VBN structures_NNS in_IN West
_JJ-TL Virginia_NP-TL ._. Completed_VBN and_CC opened_VBN for_IN traffic_NN in_I
N 1852_CD ,_, the_AT bridge_NN was_BEDZ designed_VBN and_CC built_VBN by_IN Lemu
el_NP Chenoweth_NP and_CC his_PP$ brother_NN ,_, Eli_NP ,_, of_IN Beverly_NP ._.
The_AT Chenoweth_NP brothers_NNS were_BED experienced_JJ bridge_NN builders_NNS
,_, and_CC against_IN the_AT competition_NN of_IN other_AP ,_, and_CC better_RB
R known_VBN ,_, bridge_NN designers_NNS and_CC builders_NNS they_PPSS had_HVD co
nstructed_VBN nine_CD of_IN the_AT covered_VBN ,_, wooden_JJ bridges_NNS on_IN t
he_AT Parkersburg_NP-TL and_CC-TL Staunton_NP-TL Turnpike_NN-TL a_AT dozen_NN ye
ars_NNS before_RB ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS many_AP other_AP bridges_NNS for_IN se
veral_AP counties_NNS ._. The_AT Philippi_NP-TL bridge_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, was
_BEDZ the_AT Chenoweth_NP master_NN piece_NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$ 139-foot_JJ ,_,
dual_JJ lane_NN ,_, span_NN --_-- and_CC it_PPS stands_VBZ today_NR as_CS a_AT
monument_NN to_IN its_PP$ builders_NNS ._. Never_RB rebuilt_VBN ,_, the_AT bridg
e_NN was_BEDZ strengtened_VBN in_IN 1938_CD by_IN two_CD extra_JJ piers_NNS ,_,
a_AT concrete_NN floor_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT walk-way_NN along_IN the_AT upper_JJ s
ide_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO care_VB for_IN modern_JJ traffic_NN ._. During_IN th
e_AT war_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN constant_JJ use_NN by_IN the_AT wagon_NN train
s_NNS transporting_VBG supplies_NNS from_IN the_AT railhead_NN at_IN Grafton_NP
to_IN the_AT troops_NNS operating_VBG in_IN the_AT interior_NN ._. Union_NN-TL s
oldiers_NNS at_IN times_NNS used_VBD it_PPO for_IN sleeping_VBG quarters_NNS to_
TO escape_VB from_IN the_AT rain_NN or_CC other_AP inclement_JJ weather_NN ,_, a
nd_CC some_DTI of_IN them_PPO left_VBD momentoes_NNS of_IN their_PP$ stay_NN by_
IN carving_VBG their_PP$ names_NNS and_CC small_JJ tokens_NNS on_IN its_PP$ wall
s_NNS and_CC beams_NNS ._. But_CC what_WDT the_AT elements_NNS could_MD not_* do
_DO was_BEDZ seriously_RB threatened_VBN when_WRB Brigadier_NN-TL General_NN-TL
William_NP E._NP (_( Grumble_NP )_) Jones_NP reached_VBD Philippi_NP while_CS on
_IN the_AT famous_JJ Jones-Imboden_NP raid_NN in_IN May_NP ,_, 1863_CD ._. Gener
al_NN-TL Jones_NP was_BEDZ fresh_JJ from_IN a_AT long_JJ series_NN of_IN bridge_
NN burnings_NNS ,_, including_IN the_AT long_JJ bridge_NN at_IN Fairmont_NP ,_,
and_CC ,_, after_CS seeing_VBG a_AT great_JJ drove_NN of_IN horses_NNS and_CC ca
ttle_NNS he_PPS had_HVD collected_VBN safely_RB across_IN the_AT bridge_NN ,_, h
e_PPS sent_VBD his_PP$ men_NNS to_TO work_VB piling_VBG combustibles_NNS in_IN a
nd_CC around_IN it_PPO ._. Reverend_NP Joshual_NP Corder_NP ,_, a_AT Baptist_JJ-
TL minister_NN ,_, gathered_VBD a_AT few_AP citizens_NNS of_IN Southern_JJ-TL sy
mpathies_NNS ,_, to_TO call_VB on_IN Jones_NP and_CC plead_VB with_IN him_PPO to
_TO spare_VB the_AT structure_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS reasoned_VBD and_CC argued_VBD ,
_, pointing_VBG out_RP that_CS Jones_NP or_CC other_AP Confederate_JJ-TL command
ers_NNS would_MD need_VB it_PPO should_MD troops_NNS pass_VB that_DT way_NN in_I
N retreat_NN ._. Jones_NP relented_VBD ,_, he_PPS did_DOD not_* order_VB his_PP$
men_NNS to_TO apply_VB the_AT torch_NN --_-- the_AT drove_NN of_IN livestock_NN
was_BEDZ driven_VBN up_IN the_AT valley_NN ,_, via_IN Beverly_NP ,_, and_CC acr
oss_IN the_AT mountains_NNS to_TO feed_VB and_CC serve_VB the_AT Confederate_JJ-
TL army_NN ,_, while_CS Jones_NP and_CC his_PP$ raiders_NNS turned_VBD toward_IN
Buckhannon_NP to_TO join_VB forces_NNS with_IN Imboden_NP ._. Again_RB Reverend
_NP Corder_NP saved_VBD the_AT bridge_NN when_WRB Union_NN-TL soldiers_NNS plann
ed_VBD to_TO destroy_VB it_PPO ,_, after_CS filling_VBG its_PP$ two_CD lanes_NNS
with_IN hay_NN and_CC straw_NN --_-- but_CC for_IN what_WDT reason_NN is_BEZ no
t_* recorded_VBN nor_CC remembered_VBN ,_, certainly_RB not_* because_CS of_IN p
ressure_NN from_IN an_AT opposing_VBG Confederate_JJ-TL force_NN ._. On_IN the_A
T second_OD occasion_NN it_PPS took_VBD prayers_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS reason_N
N to_TO dissuade_VB the_AT soldiers_NNS from_IN their_PP$ purpose_NN ._. Centeri
ng_VBG around_IN this_DT historic_JJ old_JJ structure_NN ,_, a_AT group_NN of_IN
public-spirited_JJ Barbour_NP-TL County_NN-TL citizens_NNS have_HV organized_VB
N and_CC planned_VBN a_AT week-long_JJ series_NN of_IN events_NNS ,_, beginning_
VBG on_IN May_NP 28th_OD and_CC continuing_VBG through_IN June_NP 3rd_OD ,_, to_
TO observe_VB most_QL appropriately_RB the_AT centennial_NN of_IN the_AT first_O
D land_NN engagement_NN of_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL at_IN Philippi_NP ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ eight_CD years_NNS now_RB since_CS each_DT of_IN us_
PPO acquired_VBD a_AT swimming_VBG pool_NN --_-- eight_CD enlightening_JJ ,_, vi
gorous_JJ ,_, rigorous_JJ ,_, not_* wholly_QL unrewarding_JJ years_NNS ._. We_PP
SS have_HV learned_VBN a_AT lot_NN --_-- a_AT dash_NN of_IN hydrochemistry_NN he
re_RB ,_, a_AT bit_NN about_IN plumbing_NN and_CC pump-priming_NN there_RB ._. W
e_PPSS have_HV had_HVN sound_JJ grounding_NN in_IN the_AT principles_NNS of_IN t
he_AT mailed-fist-in-velvet-glove_JJ school_NN of_IN diplomacy_NN ._. We_PPSS ha
ve_HV become_VBN amateur_JJ insurance_NN experts_NNS and_CC fine-feathered_JJ ya
rd_NN birds_NNS ._. True_RB ,_, our_PP$ problems_NNS have_HV lessened_VBN a_AT b
it_NN as_CS more_AP and_CC more_AP of_IN our_PP$ neighbors_NNS have_HV built_VBN
their_PP$ own_JJ pools_NNS ,_, thereby_RB diluting_VBG our_PP$ spectacular_JJ a
ttractions_NNS ._. But_CC problems_NNS cling_VB to_IN pools_NNS ,_, as_CS any_DT
I pool_NN owner_NN knows_VBZ ._. So_RB our_PP$ innate_JJ generosity_NN of_IN spi
rit_NN prompts_VBZ us_PPO to_TO share_VB our_PP$ trials_NNS ,_, errors_NNS and_C
C solutions_NNS with_IN any_DTI who_WPS are_BER taking_VBG the_AT pool_NN plunge
_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN --_-- in_IN the_AT pious_JJ hope_NN that_CS s
ome_DTI may_MD profit_VB from_IN our_PP$ experience_NN ._. Where_WRB-HL to_TO-HL
put_VB-HL it_PPO-HL Position_NN may_MD not_* be_BE everything_PN ,_, but_CC in_
IN the_AT case_NN of_IN a_AT pool_NN it_PPS can_MD certainly_RB contribute_VB di
fficulties_NNS ,_, social_JJ and/or_CC physical_JJ ._. We_PPSS speak_VB from_IN
varying_VBG viewpoints_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN us_PPO has_HVZ a_AT pool_NN set_VBN
in_IN a_AT wooded_JJ area_NN very_QL near_IN the_AT house_NN ._. The_AT other_AP
has_HVZ his_PP$ pool_NN far_QL away_RB from_IN the_AT house_NN in_IN a_AT field
_NN high_RB on_IN a_AT hill_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS are_BER dreaming_VBG of_IN a_A
T blue_JJ ,_, shimmering_VBG pool_NN right_QL outside_IN your_PP$ living_VBG roo
m_NN windows_NNS ,_, close_VB your_PP$ eyes_NNS firmly_RB and_CC fill_VB in_IN t
he_AT picture_NN with_IN lots_NNS and_CC lots_NNS of_IN children_NNS ,_, damp_JJ
towels_NNS ,_, squashed_VBN tubes_NNS of_IN suntan_NN oil_NN and_CC semi-inflat
ed_JJ plastic_NN toys_NNS ._. You_PPSS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO be_BE nearer_RBR
the_AT truth_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD also_RB see_VB that_CS the_AT greater_JJR th
e_AT proximity_NN of_IN the_AT pool_NN to_IN your_PP$ main_JJS living_VBG quarte
rs_NNS ,_, the_AT greater_JJR the_AT chance_NN for_IN violation_NN of_IN family_
NN privacy_NN ,_, annoying_JJ noise_NN and_CC the_AT let's-make-your-house-our-c
lub_JJ attitude_NN ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, out-of-sight_NN does_DO
Z not_* lead_VB to_IN out-of-mind_NN when_WRB children_NNS cannot_MD* be_BE easi
ly_RB observed_VBN and_CC you_PPSS have_HV to_TO make_VB a_AT long_JJ trek_NN to
_TO reach_VB the_AT pool_NN ._. Another_DT dilemma_NN :_: As_QL picturesque_JJ a
s_CS a_AT sylvan_JJ pond_NN in_IN the_AT forest_NN may_MD be_BE ,_, trees_NNS of
fer_VB a_AT leaf_NN and_CC root_NN hazard_NN to_IN the_AT well-being_NN of_IN a_
AT pool_NN ._. Yet_CC a_AT grassy_JJ approach_NN can_MD turn_VB a_AT pool_NN int
o_IN a_AT floating_VBG lawn_NN every_AT time_NN the_AT grass_NN is_BEZ mowed_VBN
._. As_CS in_IN choosing_VBG a_AT wife_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB sensible_JJ
to_TO consider_VB also_RB how_WQL appealing_JJ a_AT pool_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to
_TO be_BE in_IN bad_JJ weather_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS in_IN good_JJ ._. In_IN th
e_AT colder_JJR climes_NNS ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, you_PPSS will_MD have_HV t
o_TO live_VB through_IN the_AT many_AP unglamorous_JJ winter_NN months_NNS when_
WRB your_PP$ pool_NN will_MD hardly_RB look_VB its_PP$ best_JJT ._. It_PPS may_M
D be_BE a_AT big_JJ hole_NN in_IN the_AT ground_NN filled_VBN with_IN salt_NN ha
y_NN ,_, or_CC an_AT ice_NN floe_NN studded_VBN with_IN logs_NNS ._. Even_RB a_A
T neat_JJ ,_, plastic-covered_JJ plunge_NN is_BEZ not_* exactly_RB a_AT joy_NN t
o_TO behold_VB ._. (_( We_PPSS do_DO ,_, however_RB ,_, recommend_VB those_DTS p
atented_VBN covers_NNS to_TO prevent_VB both_ABX people_NNS and_CC junk_NN --_--
flora_NNS and_CC fauna_NNS generally_RB --_-- from_IN accidentally_RB wintering
_VBG in_IN the_AT pool_NN ._. )_) Probably_RB no_AT location_NN for_IN a_AT pool
_NN is_BEZ perfect_JJ on_IN all_ABN counts_NNS ._. Naturally_RB it_PPS will_MD b
e_BE dictated_VBN to_IN a_AT large_JJ extent_NN by_IN the_AT shape_NN and_CC siz
e_NN of_IN your_PP$ land_NN ._. But_CC if_CS space_NN and_CC money_NN are_BER no
_AT problem_NN and_CC small_JJ children_NNS are_BER not_* on_IN hand_NN every_AT
day_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ certainly_RB more_QL restful_JJ to_TO have_HV your_PP$
pool_NN and_CC entertainment_NN area_NN removed_VBN from_IN the_AT immediate_JJ
environs_NNS of_IN the_AT house_NN ._. And_CC a_AT good_JJ several_AP feet_NNS
around_IN the_AT pool_NN should_MD be_BE neither_CC greensward_NN nor_CC woods_N
NS ,_, but_CC good_JJ hard_JJ pavement_NN ._. The_AT placement_NN of_IN your_PP$
pool_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, will_MD not_* of_IN itself_PPL solve_VB the_AT two_C
D major_JJ problems_NNS of_IN pool_NN owning_NN --_-- those_DTS that_WPS involve
_VB your_PP$ social_JJ life_NN and_CC those_DTS pertaining_VBG to_IN safety_NN .
_. Coping_VBG with_IN them_PPO demands_VBZ stern_JJ discipline_NN --_-- of_IN yo
urself_PPL as_QL well_RB as_CS of_IN your_PP$ family_NN ,_, neighbors_NNS ,_, fr
iends_NNS and_CC anyone_PN you_PPSS ever_RB talked_VBD to_IN on_IN a_AT transoce
anic_JJ jet_NN ._. Eight_CD years_NNS ago_RB while_CS we_PPSS were_BED going_VBG
through_IN the_AT mud-sweat-and-tears_JJ construction_NN period_NN ,_, we_PPSS
were_BED each_DT solaced_VBN by_IN the_AT vision_NN of_IN early_JJ morning_NN di
ps_NNS and_CC evening_NN home-comings_NNS to_IN a_AT cool_JJ family_NN collected
_VBN around_IN the_AT pool_NN with_IN a_AT buffet_NN table_NN laid_VBN out_RP ne
arby_RB for_IN the_AT lord_NN and_CC master's_NN$ delectation_NN ._. But_CC not_
* even_RB our_PP$ first_OD pool-side_NN gatherings_NNS came_VBD anywhere_RB near
_IN those_DTS rosy_JJ fantasies_NNS ._. We_PPSS seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE witnessin
g_VBG the_AT population_NN explosion_NN right_QL in_IN our_PP$ own_JJ backyards_
NNS ._. Our_PP$ respective_JJ families_NNS looked_VBD as_CS if_CS they_PPSS had_
HVD quadrupled_VBN ._. Had_HVD we_PPSS taken_VBN a_AT lien_NN on_IN a_AT state_N
N park_NN ?_. ?_. Not_* at_IN all_ABN ._. We_PPSS had_HVD merely_RB been_BEN dis
covered_VBN by_IN the_AT pool_NN sharks_NNS ._. We_PPSS were_BED in_IN business_
NN !_. !_. From_IN proud_JJ pool-owners_NNS to_IN perpetual_JJ hosts_NNS and_CC
handymen_NNS was_BEDZ a_AT short_JJ step_NN --_-- no_AT more_AP than_CS the_AT c
hange_NN from_IN city_NN clothes_NNS to_IN trunks_NNS ._. Naive_JJ of_IN us_PPO
,_, maybe_RB ,_, but_CC the_AT results_NNS of_IN our_PP$ impulsive_JJ invitation
s_NNS to_TO ``_`` come_VB over_RP next_AP summer_NN and_CC swim_VB in_IN our_PP$
new_JJ pool_NN ''_'' were_BED both_ABX unexpected_JJ and_CC unsettling_VBG ._.
Our_PP$-HL book_NN-HL of_IN-HL etiquette_NN-HL After_IN the_AT first_OD few_AP w
eeks_NNS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ obvious_JJ that_CS rules_NNS had_HVD to_TO be_BE ma
de_VBN ,_, laid_VBN down_RP and_CC obeyed_VBN --_-- even_RB if_CS our_PP$ popula
rity_NN ratings_NNS became_VBD subnormal_JJ as_CS a_AT result_NN ._. So_RB rules
_NNS we_PPSS made_VBD ,_, in_IN unabashed_JJ collusion_NN ._. Since_CS our_PP$ v
iewpoints_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN coincided_VBD precisely_RB ,_, we_PPSS pr
esent_VB the_AT fruits_NNS of_IN our_PP$ efforts_NNS herewith_RB as_CS a_AT sing
le_JJ social_JJ code_NN for_IN pool_NN owners_NNS ._. First_OD and_CC foremost_R
B :_: No_AT one_PN --_-- no_RB ,_, not_* anyone_PN --_-- in_IN the_AT family_NN
is_BEZ allowed_VBN to_TO issue_VB blanket_NN invitations_NNS to_IN his_PP$ or_CC
her_PP$ own_JJ circle_NN ._. Just_QL short_JJ of_IN forty_CD lashes_NNS we_PPSS
finally_RB managed_VBD to_TO coerce_VB our_PP$ children_NNS to_IN this_DT view_
NN ._. Their_PP$ friends_NNS and_CC ours_PP$$ are_BER welcome_JJ to_TO share_VB
the_AT pool_NN ,_, but_CC on_IN our_PP$ terms_NNS and_CC at_IN our_PP$ times_NNS
._. No_AT friends_NNS are_BER to_TO arrive_VB without_IN an_AT invitation_NN or
_CC without_IN at_IN least_AP telephoning_VBG beforehand_RB ._. No_AT ringers_NN
S ,_, either_RB --_-- even_RB if_CS they_PPSS are_BER trailing_VBG legitimate_JJ
invitees_NNS ._. We_PPSS want_VB to_TO know_VB when_WRB the_AT Potlatches_NPS t
elephone_VB exactly_RB how_WQL many_AP they_PPSS are_BER planning_VBG to_TO brin
g_VB ,_, so_CS that_CS we_PPSS won't_MD* end_VB up_RP with_IN a_AT splashing_VBG
mob_NN that_WPS looks_VBZ like_CS Coney_NP-TL Island_NN-TL in_IN August_NP ._.
No_AT young_JJ children_NNS may_MD come_VB without_IN adults_NNS except_IN for_I
N a_AT specific_JJ ,_, organized_VBN ,_, chaperoned_VBN party_NN ._. And_CC acco
mpanying_VBG adults_NNS are_BER urged_VBN to_TO keep_VB an_AT alert_JJ and_CC se
nsible_JJ eye_NN on_IN their_PP$ responsibilities_NNS ._. A_AT gaggle_NN of_IN g
abbling_VBG mothers_NNS ,_, backs_NNS to_IN the_AT pool_NN ,_, is_BEZ no_AT safe
guard_NN ._. No_AT bottle_NN pool_NN is_BEZ tolerated_VBN --_-- bottle_NN pool_N
N being_BEG our_PP$ lingo_NN for_IN those_DTS who_WPS come_VB to_TO swim_VB and_
CC sink_VB into_IN our_PP$ bar_NN while_CS protesting_VBG that_CS they_PPSS can_
MD only_RB dunk_VB and_CC run_VB ._. (_( Sanity_NN ,_, solvency_NN and_CC relati
ons_NNS with_IN our_PP$ wine_NN merchant_NN took_VBD a_AT beating_NN that_DT fir
st_OD summer_NN as_CS we_PPSS inadvertently_RB became_VBD the_AT neighborhood_NN
free-drink_NN stop_NN ._. )_) We_PPSS designated_VBD one_CD day_NN a_AT week_NN
as_CS the_AT time_NN when_WRB neighborhood_NN teen-agers_NNS might_MD swim_VB a
t_IN definite_JJ hours_NNS ._. This_DT has_HVZ saved_VBN us_PPO from_IN constant
_JJ requests_NNS seven_CD days_NNS a_AT week_NN and_CC made_VBN us_PPO feel_VB l
ess_QL brutal_JJ to_IN the_AT young_JJ ``_`` less_QL fortunate_JJ ''_'' than_CS
ours_PP$$ ._. We_PPSS also_RB worked_VBD out_RP logistics_NN for_IN Sunday_NR af
ternoon_NN swimmers_NNS who_WPS arrive_VB two_CD hours_NNS early_RB with_IN thei
r_PP$ weekend_NN guests_NNS while_CS we_PPSS are_BER still_RB enjoying_VBG an_AT
alfresco_NN lunch_NN en_FW-IN famille_FW-NN ._. We_PPSS gently_RB usher_VB them
_PPO to_IN an_AT island_NN of_IN tables_NNS and_CC chairs_NNS strategically_RB p
laced_VBN on_IN the_AT far_JJ side_NN of_IN the_AT pool_NN where_WRB they_PPSS c
an_MD amuse_VB each_DT other_AP until_CS we_PPSS get_VB ready_JJ to_TO merge_VB
sides_NNS ._. All_ABN dressing_VBG (_( undressing_VBG to_TO be_BE more_QL exact_
JJ )_) must_MD be_BE done_VBN in_IN our_PP$ small_JJ bath_NN house_NN or_CC at_I
N the_AT swimmers'_NNS$ homes_NNS ._. (_( To_TO avoid_VB any_DTI possible_JJ exc
use_NN for_IN a_AT dripping_VBG parade_NN through_IN your_PP$ house_NN ,_, it_PP
S is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ idea_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT telephone_NN extension_NN near_
IN the_AT pool_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT direct_JJ outdoor_JJ route_NN between
_IN the_AT pool_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT parking_VBG area_NN ._. )_) We_PPSS do_DO ,
_, however_RB ,_, provide_VB a_AT limited_VBN number_NN of_IN extra_JJ suits_NNS
,_, mainly_RB for_IN children_NNS ,_, and_CC we_PPSS stock_VB extra_JJ towels_N
NS and_CC a_AT few_AP inexpensive_JJ bathing_VBG conveniences_NNS ._. Life-prese
rvers_NNS ,_, the_AT buckle-on_JJ kapok-filled_JJ kind_NN ,_, are_BER held_VBN i
n_IN readiness_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, for_IN the_AT very_QL young_JJ ._. Preserving_V
BG-HL life_NN-HL and_CC-HL limb_NN-HL Safety_NN rules_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_
, are_BER more_QL important_JJ than_CS all_ABN the_AT others_NNS put_VBN togethe
r_RB ._. In_IN many_AP localities_NNS ,_, now_RB ,_, the_AT law_NN requires_VBZ
all_ABN pools_NNS to_TO be_BE fenced_VBN ,_, usually_RB to_IN a_AT minimum_JJ he
ight_NN of_IN 5_CD feet_NNS ._. But_CC fenced_VBN or_CC unfenced_JJ ,_, no_AT po
ol-side_NN is_BEZ the_AT place_NN for_IN running_VBG or_CC horseplay_NN ._. We_P
PSS allow_VB no_AT underwater_JJ endurance_NN contests_NNS ,_, either_RB ,_, or_
CC inexpert_JJ versions_NNS of_IN water_NN polo_NN ._. Diving_VBG boards_NNS mus
t_MD have_HV non-skid_NN surfaces_NNS (_( coco_NN matting_NN takes_VBZ an_AT awf
ul_JJ beating_NN from_IN chlorine_NN and_CC rots_VBZ quickly_RB ,_, but_CC grit-
impregnated_JJ paints_NNS are_BER excellent_JJ )_) ._. And_CC divers_NNS must_MD
be_BE enjoined_VBN to_TO look_VB before_CS they_PPSS leap_VB ,_, either_CC on_I
N top_NN of_IN someone_PN else_RB or_CC onto_IN a_AT pool_NN edge_NN ._. Our_PP$
pools_NNS also_RB have_HV wide_JJ ,_, shallow_JJ steps_NNS --_-- for_IN the_AT
benefit_NN of_IN the_AT littlest_JJT swimmers_NNS who_WPS can_MD thus_RB be_BE i
ntroduced_VBN to_IN the_AT water_NN with_IN far_QL greater_JJR safety_NN than_CS
a_AT ladder_NN affords_VBZ ._. All_ABN bottles_NNS must_MD be_BE kept_VBN a_AT
safe_JJ distance_NN away_RB from_IN the_AT pool_NN and_CC drinking_VBG glasses_N
NS are_BER banned_VBN in_IN favor_NN of_IN plastic_NN or_CC metal_NN cups_NNS ._
. When_WRB you_PPSS first_RB acquire_VB a_AT pool_NN ,_, we_PPSS earnestly_RB re
commend_VB --_-- for_IN your_PP$ own_JJ mental_JJ health_NN --_-- a_AT good_JJ l
ong_JJ chat_NN with_IN your_PP$ insurance_NN agent_NN ._. You_PPSS should_MD be_
BE prepared_VBN to_TO cope_VB with_IN any_DTI pitfall_NN such_JJ as_CS plunges_N
NS into_IN empty_JJ pools_NNS or_CC shallow_JJ ends_NNS and_CC all_ABN manner_NN
of_IN winter_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS summer_NN lawsuits_NNS ._. Soignee_JJ pools
_NNS ,_, alas_UH ,_, do_DO not_* just_RB happen_VB ._. They_PPSS are_BER the_AT
result_NN of_IN a_AT constant_JJ and_CC careful_JJ contest_NN with_IN the_AT ele
ments_NNS ._. Unless_CS you_PPSS want_VB to_TO make_VB your_PP$ wife_NN a_AT poo
l_NN widow_NN and_CC to_TO spend_VB a_AT great_QL many_AP of_IN your_PP$ leisure
_NN hours_NNS nursing_VBG your_PP$ pool's_NN$ pristine_JJ purity_NN ,_, its_PP$
care_NN and_CC feeding_VBG --_-- from_IN pH_NN content_NN to_IN filtering_VBG an
d_CC vacuuming_VBG --_-- is_BEZ best_RBT left_VBN to_IN a_AT weekly_JJ or_CC bi-
monthly_JJ professional_JJ service_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, if_CS your_PP$ poo
l_NN is_BEZ close_RB to_IN the_AT house_NN ,_, your_PP$ wife_NN can_MD always_RB
add_VB it_PPO to_IN her_PP$ housekeeping_NN chores_NNS (_( you_PPSS hope_VB )_)
._. Or_CC you_PPSS can_MD make_VB pool_NN care_NN the_AT price_NN of_IN swimmin
g_VBG for_IN teen-agers_NNS ._. Even_QL so_RB ,_, every_AT pool_NN owner_NN ,_,
in_IN case_NN of_IN emergency_NN ,_, should_MD have_HV some_DTI idea_NN of_IN wh
at_WDT makes_VBZ things_NNS work_VB ._. A_AT brief_JJ course_NN in_IN hydraulics
_NN from_IN the_AT pool_NN builders_NNS may_MD well_RB be_BE appreciated_VBN in_
IN a_AT future_JJ crisis_NN ._. Preserving_VBG-HL the_AT-HL pool_NN-HL A_AT sudd
en_JJ high_JJ rise_NN in_IN temperature_NN will_MD turn_VB your_PP$ pool_NN pois
on_NN green_JJ overnight_RB ._. You_PPSS need_VB more_AP chlorine_NN ._. The_AT
walls_NNS feel_VB slippery_JJ ._. You_PPSS need_VB algaecide_NN ._. With_IN or_C
C without_IN professional_JJ help_NN ,_, you_PPSS will_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE ab
le_JJ to_TO do_DO some_DTI of_IN these_DTS jobs_NNS yourself_PPL unless_CS you_P
PSS have_HV a_AT full-time_JJ pool_NN nurse_NN ._. You_PPSS should_MD see_VB to_
IN it_PPO that_CS the_AT trap_NN ,_, the_AT dirt-catcher_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN
the_AT filter_NN ,_, is_BEZ always_RB clean_JJ ._. A_AT pool_NN is_BEZ no_AT pl
ace_NN for_IN a_AT shut_VBN trap_NN ._. You_PPSS should_MD firmly_RB insist_VB t
hat_CS no_AT bobby_NN pins_NNS or_CC hair_NN pins_NNS be_BE worn_VBN in_IN the_A
T water_NN ._. When_WRB shed_VBN ,_, they_PPSS leave_VB rust_NN marks_NNS ._. Yo
u_PPSS can_MD hope_VB against_IN hope_NN that_CS come_VBN spring_NN cleaning_NN
,_, your_PP$ fair-weather_NN friends_NNS will_MD lend_VB a_AT hand_NN at_IN scru
bbing_VBG and_CC furbishing_VBG ._. It_PPS has_HVZ happened_VBN ._. Many_AP hour
s_NNS of_IN spring_NN cleaning_NN will_MD be_BE saved_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, if_
CS you_PPSS remove_VB the_AT main_JJS drain_NN grate_NN when_WRB you_PPSS close_
VB the_AT pool_NN season_NN in_IN the_AT fall_NN ._. As_CS the_AT pool_NN is_BEZ
emptied_VBN ,_, stand_VB by_RB to_TO brush_VB down_RP the_AT walls_NNS and_CC b
ottom_NN while_CS they_PPSS are_BER still_RB wet_JJ ._. Much_AP of_IN the_AT dir
t_NN and_CC leaf_NN stain_NN is_BEZ easily_RB removed_VBN when_WRB damp_JJ ,_, b
ut_CC requires_VBZ dynamite_NN if_CS allowed_VBN to_TO dry_VB ._. If_CS you_PPSS
have_HV a_AT 6-_CD to_IN 8-inch_JJ drain_NN pipe_NN ,_, you_PPSS may_MD easily_
RB wash_VB out_RP all_ABN the_AT debris_NN when_WRB the_AT grate_NN is_BEZ out_R
P ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, when_WRB your_PP$ 6-inch_JJ torrent_NN of_IN water_NN
is_BEZ released_VBN ,_, it_PPS may_MD cause_VB a_AT lot_NN of_IN comment_NN as_C
S it_PPS passes_VBZ through_IN or_CC by_IN neighboring_VBG properties_NNS ._. Do
_DO not_* forget_VB this_DT possibility_NN ._. If_CS your_PP$ pool_NN is_BEZ loc
ated_VBN on_IN or_CC near_IN sloping_VBG ground_NN ,_, it_PPS may_MD have_HV nat
ural_JJ drainage_NN which_WDT is_BEZ certainly_RB more_QL desirable_JJ than_CS t
o_TO be_BE faced_VBN with_IN the_AT annual_JJ expense_NN and_CC labor_NN of_IN f
irst_RB pumping_VBG out_RP the_AT water_NN and_CC then_RB scooping_VBG out_RP al
l_ABN the_AT debris_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE true_JJ that_CS pool_NN lighting_
NN dramatizes_VBZ an_AT evening_NN scene_NN ,_, but_CC lights_NNS also_RB attrac
t_VB all_ABN the_AT insect_NN life_NN for_IN miles_NNS around_RB ._. Once_CS on_
IN the_AT water_NN ,_, these_DTS little_JJ visitors_NNS seldom_RB leave_VB ,_, a
nd_CC this_DT adds_VBZ to_IN your_PP$ filtering_VBG and_CC vacuuming_VBG problem
s_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS providing_VBG a_AT slapping_VBG good_JJ time_NN for_IN
all_ABN those_DTS present_RB ._. Often_RB one_CD floodlight_NN high_RB in_IN a_
AT tree_NN will_MD provide_VB all_ABN the_AT light_NN you_PPSS need_VB at_IN muc
h_QL less_AP expense_NN ._. Our_PP$ experience_NN has_HVZ taught_VBN us_PPO that
_CS it_PPS pays_VBZ to_TO buy_VB the_AT best_JJT equipment_NN possible_JJ ,_, fr
om_IN pipes_NNS to_IN brushes_NNS ._. Follow_VB pool-care_NN instructions_NNS to
_IN the_AT letter_NN ,_, and_CC be_BE sure_JJ that_CS one_CD person_NN (_( in_IN
the_AT family_NN or_CC not_* )_) is_BEZ regularly_RB responsible_JJ for_IN each
_DT aspect_NN of_IN the_AT job_NN ,_, with_IN no_AT chance_NN for_IN claiming_VB
G ,_, ``_`` It_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* my_PP$ turn_NN ''_'' ._. Never_RB let_VB anyone_
PN not_* in_IN the_AT know_NN take_VB a_AT turn_NN at_IN the_AT valves_NNS --_--
even_RB if_CS the_AT little_JJ boys_NNS do_DO want_VB to_TO play_VB space_NN sh
ip_NN ._. You_PPSS may_MD find_VB yourself_PPL hitting_VBG bottom_NN ,_, literal
ly_RB ,_, as_CS you_PPSS discover_VB that_DT water_NN is_BEZ running_VBG out_RP
even_RB while_CS you_PPSS are_BER putting_VBG it_PPO in_RP ._. Draw_VB a_AT line
_NN across_IN the_AT country_NN at_IN the_AT latitude_NN of_IN lower_JJR Pennsyl
vania_NP ._. Any_DTI house_NN built_VBN now_RB below_IN that_DT line_NN without_
IN air_NN conditioning_NN will_MD be_BE obsolete_JJ in_IN 10_CD years_NNS ._. Fo
rtunately_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT FHA_NN which_WDT has_HVZ arrived_VBN at_IN
this_DT conclusion_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS means_VBZ that_CS cooling_VBG equipment
_NN of_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS may_MD now_RB be_BE included_VBN in_IN a_AT mortgage
_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB acquired_VBN with_IN a_AT minimum_NN of_IN financial_JJ s
tress_NN ._. Even_RB if_CS you_PPSS live_VB above_IN that_DT line_NN ,_, the_AT
FHA_NN will_MD back_VB you_PPO ,_, for_CS they_PPSS have_HV decided_VBN that_CS
the_AT inclusion_NN of_IN air_NN conditioning_NN in_IN all_ABN new_JJ homes_NNS
is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ thing_NN and_CC should_MD be_BE encouraged_VBN ._. New_JJ si
mplified_VBN packaged_VBN units_NNS ,_, recently_RB devised_VBN prefabricated_VB
N glass-fiber_NN ducts_NNS ,_, and_CC improved_VBN add-on_JJ techniques_NNS make
_VB it_PPO possible_JJ to_TO acquire_VB a_AT system_NN for_IN an_AT 1800-square-
foot_JJ house_NN for_IN as_QL little_AP as_IN $600_NNS to_IN $900_NNS ._. Two_CD
men_NNS can_MD often_RB do_DO the_AT installation_NN in_IN a_AT day_NN ._. You_
PPSS can_MD install_VB it_PPO yourself_PPL --_-- this_DT is_BEZ a_AT central_JJ
system_NN that_WPS will_MD cool_VB every_AT part_NN of_IN your_PP$ house_NN ._.
Its_PP$ upkeep_NN ?_. ?_. No_AT less_AP an_AT authority_NN than_CS the_AT FHA_NN
concurs_VBZ that_CS the_AT savings_NNS air_NN conditioning_NN makes_VBZ possibl
e_JJ more_RBR than_CS offset_VB its_PP$ operating_VBG costs_NNS ._. Is_BEZ-HL it
_PPS-HL worth-while_JJ-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL Home_NN air_NN conditioning_NN has_HVZ c
ome_VBN a_AT long_JJ way_NN from_IN the_AT early_JJ days_NNS of_IN overcooled_VB
N theaters_NNS and_CC the_AT thermal_JJ shock_NN they_PPSS inflicted_VBD ._. We_
PPSS know_VB now_RB that_CS a_AT 15-degree_JJ differential_NN in_IN temperature_
NN is_BEZ the_AT maximum_JJ usually_RB desirable_JJ ,_, and_CC accurate_JJ contr
ols_NNS assure_VB the_AT comfort_NN we_PPSS want_VB ._. We_PPSS know_VB ,_, too_
RB ,_, that_CS health_NN is_BEZ never_RB harmed_VBN by_IN summer_NN cooling_NN .
_. On_IN the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, there_EX are_BER fewer_AP colds_NNS and_CC small
er_JJR doctor_NN bills_NNS ._. The_AT filtered_VBN air_NN benefits_VBZ allergies
_NNS ,_, asthma_NN ,_, sinus_NN ,_, hay_NN fever_NN ._. Control_NN of_IN tempera
ture_NN and_CC humidity_NN is_BEZ a_AT godsend_NN to_IN the_AT aged_VBN and_CC t
he_AT invalid_NN ._. Heart_NN conditions_NNS and_CC high_JJ blood_NN pressure_NN
escape_VB the_AT stresses_NNS brought_VBN on_RP by_IN oppressive_JJ heat_NN ._.
Housekeeping_NN is_BEZ easier_JJR ._. The_AT cleaner_JJR air_NN means_VBZ less_
AP time_NN spent_VBN pushing_VBG a_AT vacuum_NN ,_, fewer_AP trips_NNS to_IN the
_AT dry_JJ cleaners_NNS ,_, lighter_JJR loads_NNS for_IN the_AT washing_VBG mach
ine_NN ._. The_AT need_NN for_IN reupholstering_VBG ,_, redecorating_VBG ,_, rep
ainting_VBG becomes_VBZ more_QL infrequent_JJ ._. Clothes_NNS hold_VB their_PP$
shape_NN better_RBR ,_, and_CC mildew_NN and_CC rust_NN become_VB almost_RB forg
otten_VBN words_NNS ._. It_PPS will_MD improve_VB your_PP$ disposition_NN ._. Wh
en_WRB you're_PPSS+BER less_QL fatigued_VBN ,_, things_NNS just_RB naturally_RB
look_VB brighter_JJR ._. The_AT children_NNS can_MD have_HV their_PP$ daytime_JJ
naps_NNS and_CC hot_JJ meals_NNS ,_, and_CC be_BE put_VBN to_IN bed_NN on_IN sc
hedule_NN in_IN shade-darkened_JJ rooms_NNS ._. You'll_PPSS+MD sleep_VB longer_R
BR and_CC better_RBR ,_, too_RB ,_, awake_VB refreshed_VBN and_CC free_JJ of_IN
hot_JJ weather_NN nerves_NNS ._. You_PPSS can_MD forget_VB about_IN screens_NNS
,_, and_CC leave_VB the_AT storm_NN windows_NNS up_RP all_ABN year_NN around_RB
._. Best_JJT of_IN all_ABN ,_, central_JJ air_NN conditioning_NN is_BEZ somethin
g_PN you_PPSS can_MD afford_VB ._. Like_CS its_PP$ long-lived_JJ cousin_NN ,_, t
he_AT refrigerator_NN ,_, a_AT conditioner_NN can_MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO la
st_VB 20_CD to_IN 25_CD years_NNS or_CC more_AP ._. That_DT brings_VBZ its_PP$ p
er-year_JJ cost_NN down_RP mighty_QL low_RB ._. For_IN-HL any_DTI-HL house_NN-HL
._.-HL No_AT matter_NN what_WDT style_NN your_PP$ home_NN is_BEZ ,_, ranch_NN ,
_, two-story_JJ ,_, Colonial_JJ-TL or_CC contemporary_JJ ,_, central_JJ air_NN c
onditioning_NN is_BEZ easily_RB installed_VBN ._. The_AT equipment_NN won't_MD*
take_VB up_RP valuable_JJ space_NN either_RB ._. It_PPS can_MD go_VB in_IN out-o
f-the-way_JJ waste_NN space_NN ._. But_CC there's_EX+BEZ no_AT denying_NN that_C
S the_AT easiest_JJT and_CC most_QL economical_JJ way_NN to_TO get_VB year-'roun
d_JJ whole-house_NN air_NN conditioning_NN is_BEZ when_WRB you_PPSS build_VB ._.
If_CS that's_DT+BEZ done_VBN ,_, the_AT house_NN can_MD be_BE designed_VBN and_
CC oriented_VBN for_IN best_JJT operation_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT can_MD mean_VB s
avings_NNS both_ABX in_IN the_AT size_NN of_IN equipment_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT
cost_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN itself_PPL ._. If_CS you_PPSS can't_MD* see_VB you
r_PP$ way_NN clear_JJ to_TO have_HV summer_NN cooling_NN included_VBN when_WRB b
uilding_VBG ,_, by_IN all_ABN means_NNS make_VB provision_NN for_IN its_PP$ easy
_JJ adding_NN later_RBR ._. Manufacturers_NNS have_HV designed_VBN equipment_NN
for_IN just_QL such_JJ circumstances_NNS ,_, and_CC your_PP$ savings_NNS over_IN
starting_VBG from_IN scratch_NN will_MD be_BE substantial_JJ ._. If_CS your_PP$
house_NN is_BEZ to_TO have_HV a_AT forced_VBN warm_JJ air_NN system_NN ,_, cool
ing_VBG can_MD be_BE a_AT part_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. This_DT costs_VBZ less_AP tha
n_CS having_HVG a_AT completely_QL separate_JJ cooling_VBG system_NN ,_, for_IN
your_PP$ regular_JJ heating_NN ductwork_NN ,_, filters_NNS and_CC furnace_NN blo
wer_NN do_DO double_JJ duty_NN for_IN cooling_VBG ._. You_PPSS can_MD get_VB yea
r-'round_JJ air_NN conditioners_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP variety_NN of_IN styles
_NNS in_IN which_WDT you_PPSS buy_VB a_AT furnace_NN alone_RB --_-- high_JJ or_C
C low_JJ boy_NN ,_, horizontal_JJ or_CC counterflow_JJ ._. The_AT units_NNS can_
MD be_BE installed_VBN in_IN basement_NN ,_, attic_NN ,_, crawlspace_NN ,_, or_C
C in_IN a_AT closet_NN located_VBN in_IN the_AT living_VBG area_NN ._. The_AT co
oling_VBG coil_NN is_BEZ located_VBN in_IN the_AT furnace's_NN$ outlet_NN ._. Fr
om_IN the_AT coil_NN small_JJ copper_NN pipes_NNS connect_VB to_IN a_AT weatherp
roof_JJ refrigeration_NN section_NN set_VBN in_IN the_AT yard_NN ,_, garage_NN ,
_, carport_NN ,_, or_CC basement_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS plan_VB to_TO add_VB cool
ing_VBG later_RBR to_IN your_PP$ heating_VBG system_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER thin
gs_NNS to_TO watch_VB for_IN ._. Be_BE sure_JJ ducts_NNS that_WPS require_VB ins
ulation_NN get_VB it_PPO when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER installed_VBN ._. They_PPSS
may_MD be_BE inaccessible_JJ later_RBR ._. Be_BE sure_JJ your_PP$ ducts_NNS and_
CC blower_NN are_BER big_JJ enough_QLP to_TO handle_VB cooling_VBG ._. This_DT i
s_BEZ especially_QL important_JJ if_CS you_PPSS live_VB in_IN a_AT mild-winter_N
N zone_NN ._. Be_BE sure_JJ you_PPSS get_VB a_AT perimeter_NN heating_VBG system
_NN ,_, and_CC diffusers_NNS that_WPS will_MD work_VB as_QL well_RB for_IN cooli
ng_VBG as_CS they_PPSS do_DO for_IN heating_VBG ._. You_PPSS can_MD get_VB a_AT
hot_JJ water_NN system_NN that_WPS will_MD also_RB work_VB for_IN cooling_VBG yo
ur_PP$ house_NN ._. For_IN cooling_VBG ,_, chilled_VBN water_NN is_BEZ circulate
d_VBN instead_RB of_IN hot_JJ water_NN ._. Instead_RB of_IN radiators_NNS you'll
_PPSS+MD have_HV cooling-heating_JJ units_NNS ,_, each_DT with_IN its_PP$ own_JJ
thermostat_NN ._. These_DTS systems_NNS are_BER more_QL expensive_JJ than_CS ye
ar-'round_JJ forced_VBN air_NN systems_NNS ._. The_AT minimum_JJ cost_NN for_IN
an_AT average_JJ one-story_JJ ,_, 7-room_JJ house_NN with_IN basement_NN ,_, is_
BEZ likely_JJ to_TO run_VB $1500_NNS above_IN the_AT cost_NN of_IN the_AT heatin
g_VBG alone_RB ._. Separate_JJ-HL systems_NNS-HL ._.-HL If_CS the_AT problems_NN
S of_IN combining_VBG cooling_VBG with_IN your_PP$ heating_NN are_BER knotty_JJ
,_, it_PPS may_MD be_BE cheaper_JJR to_TO plan_VB on_IN a_AT completely_QL separ
ate_JJ cooling_VBG system_NN ._. The_AT simplest_JJT kind_NN of_IN separate_JJ s
ystem_NN uses_VBZ a_AT single_AP ,_, self-contained_JJ unit_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
,_, in_IN effect_NN ,_, an_AT oversize_JJ room_NN conditioner_NN equipped_VBN w
ith_IN prefab_JJ glass-fiber_NN ducts_NNS to_TO distribute_VB the_AT cooled_VBN
,_, cleaned_VBN ,_, dehumidified_VBN air_NN where_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ wanted_VBN .
_. In_IN a_AT long_JJ ,_, rambling_VBG ranch_NN ,_, two_CD such_JJ units_NNS can
_MD be_BE installed_VBN ,_, one_CD serving_VBG the_AT living_VBG area_NN ,_, the
_AT other_AP the_AT sleeping_VBG zone_NN ._. In_IN a_AT two-story_JJ house_NN ,_
, one_CD unit_NN may_MD be_BE installed_VBN in_IN the_AT basement_NN to_TO serve
_VB the_AT first_OD floor_NN ,_, another_DT in_IN the_AT attic_NN to_TO cool_VB
the_AT second_OD ._. In_IN each_DT case_NN ,_, having_HVG separate_JJ systems_NN
S for_IN living_VBG and_CC sleeping_VBG areas_NNS has_HVZ the_AT advantage_NN of
_IN permitting_VBG individual_JJ zone_NN control_NN ._. The_AT-HL heat_NN-HL pum
p_NN-HL ._.-HL One_CD of_IN the_AT more_QL remarkable_JJ of_IN the_AT new_JJ coo
ling_VBG systems_NNS is_BEZ one_CD that_WPS can_MD be_BE switched_VBN to_IN heat
ing_VBG ._. As_CS you_PPSS know_VB ,_, a_AT conditioner_NN makes_VBZ indoor_JJ a
ir_NN cool_JJ by_IN pumping_VBG the_AT heat_NN out_IN of_IN it_PPO and_CC then_R
B releasing_VBG this_DT heat_NN outdoors_RB ._. A_AT relatively_QL simple_JJ swi
tching_VBG arrangement_NN reverses_VBZ the_AT cycle_NN so_CS that_CS the_AT mach
ine_NN literally_RB runs_VBZ backward_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT heat_NN is_BEZ extrac
ted_VBN from_IN outdoor_JJ air_NN and_CC turned_VBN indoors_RB ._. Up_RP until_I
N recently_RB ,_, this_DT heat_NN pump_NN method_NN of_IN warming_VBG air_NN was
_BEDZ efficient_JJ only_RB in_IN areas_NNS of_IN mild_JJ winters_NNS and_CC when
_WRB outside_JJ temperatures_NNS were_BED above_IN 40_CD degrees_NNS ._. Now_RB
,_, the_AT machine_NN has_HVZ been_BEN improved_VBN to_IN a_AT point_NN where_WR
B it_PPS is_BEZ generally_RB more_QL economical_JJ than_CS oil_NN heat_NN at_IN
temperatures_NNS down_RP to_IN 15_CD degrees_NNS ._. You_PPSS can_MD get_VB this
_DT added_VBN heating_VBG feature_NN for_IN as_QL little_AP as_CS $200_NNS more_
AP than_IN the_AT price_NN of_IN cooling_VBG alone_RB ._. Consider_VB it_PPO as_
CS a_AT standby_JJ setup_NN ,_, at_IN negligible_JJ cost_NN ,_, for_IN those_DTS
emergencies_NNS when_WRB the_AT furnace_NN quits_VBZ ,_, a_AT blizzard_NN holds
_VBZ up_RP fuel_NN delivery_NN ,_, or_CC for_IN cool_JJ summer_NN mornings_NNS o
r_CC evenings_NNS when_WRB you_PPSS don't_DO* want_VB to_TO start_VB up_RP your_
PP$ whole_JJ heating_VBG plant_NN ._. What_WDT-HL size_NN-HL conditioner_NN-HL ?
_.-HL ?_.-HL How_WQL large_JJ a_AT cooling_VBG unit_NN you_PPSS need_VB ,_, and_
CC the_AT method_NN of_IN its_PP$ installation_NN ,_, depends_VBZ on_IN a_AT var
iety_NN of_IN factors_NNS ._. Among_IN other_AP things_NNS ,_, besides_IN the_AT
nature_NN of_IN your_PP$ house_NN and_CC how_WQL much_AP heat_NN finds_VBZ its_
PP$ way_NN into_IN its_PP$ various_JJ rooms_NNS from_IN the_AT outside_NN ,_, it
_PPS will_MD depend_VB upon_IN your_PP$ personal_JJ habits_NNS and_CC the_AT mak
eup_NN of_IN your_PP$ family_NN ._. Families_NNS with_IN children_NNS usually_RB
don't_DO* want_VB the_AT house_NN quite_QL so_QL cool_JJ ._. If_CS you_PPSS are
_BER a_AT party_NN thrower_NN ,_, you_PPSS may_MD need_VB added_VBN capacity_NN
._. The_AT body_NN is_BEZ a_AT heat_NN machine_NN ,_, and_CC 20_CD to_IN 25_CD g
uests_NNS can_MD easily_RB double_VB your_PP$ cooling_VBG load_NN ._. Cooling_VB
G requirements_NNS are_BER best_RBT expressed_VBN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN Aj_NN ._
. A_AT BTU_NN is_BEZ a_AT unit_NN of_IN heat_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT BTU_NN rating_
NN of_IN a_AT conditioner_NN refers_VBZ to_TO how_WQL much_AP heat_NN your_PP$ m
achine_NN can_MD pump_VB out_IN of_IN your_PP$ house_NN in_IN an_AT hour_NN ._.
A_AT very_QL rough_JJ rule_NN of_IN thumb_NN is_BEZ that_CS ,_, under_IN favorab
le_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD need_VB 15_CD BTU's_NN of_IN cooling_VBG
for_IN every_AT square_JJ foot_NN of_IN your_PP$ house_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ if
_CS outdoor_JJ temperatures_NNS have_HV a_AT high_JJ average_NN of_IN 95_CD degr
ees_NNS ._. You'll_PPSS+MD need_VB more_AP if_CS the_AT high_JJ average_NN is_BE
Z above_IN that_DT ,_, less_AP if_CS it's_PPS+BEZ below_RB ._. Coolers_NNS are_B
ER also_RB rated_VBN by_IN tons_NNS ._. A_AT ton_NN of_IN cooling_VBG compares_V
BZ to_IN the_AT cooling_NN you_PPSS get_VB by_IN melting_VBG a_AT ton_NN of_IN i
ce_NN ._. By_IN accepted_VBN definition_NN ,_, a_AT 1-ton_NN conditioner_NN will
_MD provide_VB 12,000_CD BTU_NN of_IN cooling_VBG in_IN one_CD hour_NN ._. You_P
PSS may_MD find_VB a_AT conditioner_NN rated_VBN by_IN horsepower_NN ._. It_PPS
is_BEZ generally_RB an_AT inaccurate_JJ method_NN of_IN rating_VBG ,_, for_IN th
e_AT horsepower_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN the_AT compressor_NN motor_NN ,_, and_CC
many_AP other_AP components_NNS beside_IN it_PPO determine_VB how_WQL much_AP c
ooling_NN you'll_PPSS+MD get_VB ._. A_AT 1-hp_NN conditioner_NN ,_, for_IN examp
le_NN ,_, may_MD vary_VB in_IN effectiveness_NN from_IN under_IN 8,000_CD BTU_NN
to_IN well_QL over_IN 10,000_CD Aj_NN ._. The_AT safest_JJT procedure_NN is_BEZ
to_TO let_VB your_PP$ builder_NN estimate_VB the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT unit_N
N you_PPSS need_VB ,_, rather_IN than_IN trying_VBG to_TO do_DO this_DT yourself
_PPL ._. Don't_DO* urge_VB your_PP$ builder_NN to_TO give_VB you_PPO a_AT little
_QL extra_JJ cooling_VBG capacity_NN just_RB to_TO be_BE sure_JJ you_PPSS have_H
V enough_AP ._. Better_RBR to_TO have_HV your_PP$ equipment_NN slightly_QL under
sized_JJ than_CS too_QL big_JJ ._. Here's_RB+BEZ why_WRB :_: Reducing_VBG humidi
ty_NN is_BEZ often_RB as_QL important_JJ as_CS cooling_VBG ._. An_AT oversize_JJ
unit_NN will_MD cool_VB off_RP your_PP$ house_NN quickly_RB ,_, then_RB shut_VB
down_RP for_IN a_AT long_JJ period_NN ._. Before_CS it_PPS cycles_VBZ on_RP aga
in_RB ,_, humidity_NN can_MD build_VB up_RP and_CC make_VB you_PPO uncomfortable
_JJ even_RB though_CS the_AT temperature_NN is_BEZ still_RB low_JJ ._. With_IN a
_AT unit_NN of_IN the_AT right_JJ size_NN ,_, a_AT compressor_NN will_MD run_VB
continuously_RB during_IN hot_JJ weather_NN ,_, reducing_VBG humidity_NN as_QL e
venly_RB as_CS it_PPS does_DOZ temperature_NN ._. Money-saving_JJ-HL tips_NNS-HL
._.-HL Attention_NN to_IN details_NNS can_MD cut_VB in_IN half_ABN the_AT size_
NN unit_NN you_PPSS need_VB and_CC pare_VB operating_VBG expense_NN proportionat
ely_RB ._. A_AT well-designed_JJ ,_, 1200-square-foot_JJ house_NN can_MD be_BE c
omfortably_RB cooled_VBN and_CC heated_VBN for_IN as_QL little_AP as_IN $128_NNS
a_AT year_NN ,_, or_CC $11_NNS a_AT month_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS have_HV a_AT ho
use_NN which_WDT heat_NN doesn't_DOZ* penetrate_VB easily_RB ,_, your_PP$ unit_N
N will_MD have_HV less_AP heat_NN to_TO remove_VB ._. Keep_VB the_AT direct_JJ s
un_NN from_IN reaching_VBG the_AT house_NN and_CC you've_PPSS+HV won_VBN the_AT
first_OD battle_NN ._. In_IN a_AT new_JJ house_NN ,_, generous_JJ roof_NN overha
ngs_NNS are_BER a_AT logical_JJ and_CC effective_JJ solution_NN ._. If_CS the_AT
house_NN you_PPSS plan_VB to_TO buy_VB or_CC build_VB won't_MD* have_HV big_JJ
overhangs_NNS ,_, you_PPSS can_MD still_RB do_DO a_AT fair_JJ job_NN of_IN keepi
ng_VBG the_AT sun_NN off_IN walls_NNS and_CC windows_NNS with_IN properly_RB des
igned_VBN trellises_NNS ,_, fences_NNS and_CC awnings_NNS ._. Shade_NN trees_NNS
,_, too_RB ,_, are_BER a_AT big_JJ help_NN ,_, so_RB keep_VB them_PPO if_CS you
_PPSS can_MD ._. Drawn_VBN blinds_NNS and_CC draperies_NNS do_DO some_DTI good_N
N ,_, but_CC not_* nearly_QL as_QL much_AP as_CS shading_VBG devices_NNS on_IN t
he_AT outside_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN ._. The_AT more_QL directly_RB the_AT sun
_NN strikes_VBZ walls_NNS and_CC roof_NN ,_, the_AT greater_JJR its_PP$ heat_NN
impact_NN ._. The_AT way_NN a_AT house_NN is_BEZ set_VBN on_IN its_PP$ lot_NN ca
n_MD therefore_RB influence_VB how_WQL much_AP cooling_NN you're_PPSS+BER going_
VBG to_TO need_VB ._. A_AT shift_NN in_IN the_AT walls_NNS ,_, or_CC a_AT change
_NN in_IN the_AT roof_NN slope_NN ,_, so_CS the_AT sun_NN hits_VBZ them_PPO more
_QL obliquely_RB ,_, can_MD save_VB you_PPO money_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD use_VB
heat-absorbing_JJ glass_NN to_TO stop_VB the_AT sun_NN ,_, double_JJ glass_NN an
d_CC insulated_VBN glass_NN to_TO combat_VB condensation_NN ._. Restrict_VB larg
e_JJ glass_NN areas_NNS to_IN the_AT north_NR and_CC south_NR sides_NNS of_IN th
e_AT house_NN ._. They're_PPSS+BER easier_JJR to_TO shade_VB there_RB ._. An_AT
attic_NN space_NN above_IN insulation_NN makes_VBZ a_AT house_NN easier_JJR to_T
O cool_VB ._. You'll_PPSS+MD even_RB gain_VB by_IN putting_VBG your_PP$ water_NN
heater_NN outside_IN the_AT conditioned_VBN space_NN ,_, and_CC using_VBG an_AT
electric_JJ range_NN instead_RB of_IN a_AT gas_NN one_CD ._. Gas_NN adds_VBZ to
_IN the_AT moisture_NN load_NN ._. Insulate_VB ,_, weatherstrip_VB ,_, double-gl
aze_VB to_IN the_AT maximum_JJ ._. In_IN insulation_NN ,_, the_AT numbers_NNS to
_TO remember_VB are_BER 6-4-2_CD ._. They_PPSS stand_VB for_IN 6_CD inches_NNS o
f_IN mineral_NN wool_NN insulation_NN in_IN the_AT ceiling_NN ,_, 4_CD inches_NN
S in_IN the_AT side_NN walls_NNS ,_, 2_CD inches_NNS in_IN the_AT floors_NNS ._.
Such_JJ extra-thick_JJ insulation_NN not_* only_RB permits_VBZ a_AT much_QL sma
ller_JJR cooling_VBG installation_NN ,_, but_CC will_MD continue_VB to_TO reduce
_VB operating_VBG expenses_NNS both_ABX in_IN heating_VBG and_CC cooling_VBG ._.
A_AT light-colored_JJ roof_NN will_MD reduce_VB sun_NN heat_NN by_IN 50_CD per_
IN cent_NN ._. It_PPS costs_VBZ two_CD to_IN three_CD times_NNS as_QL much_AP to
_TO remove_VB a_AT BTU_NN in_IN summer_NN as_CS it_PPS does_DOZ to_TO add_VB one
_CD in_IN winter_NN ,_, so_RB every_AT solitary_JJ BTU_NN is_BEZ worth_JJ attent
ion_NN ._. You'll_PPSS+MD foil_VB them_PPO in_IN droves_NNS ,_, along_RB with_IN
their_PP$ pal_NN humidity_NN ,_, by_IN having_HVG and_CC using_VBG a_AT kitchen
_NN range_NN exhaust_NN fan_NN ,_, a_AT bathroom_NN ventilator_NN for_IN when_WR
B you_PPSS shower_VB ,_, and_CC an_AT outside_JJ vent_NN for_IN the_AT clothes_N
NS drier_NN ._. Keeping_VBG-HL conditioners_NNS-HL quiet_JJ-HL ._.-HL It's_PPS+B
EZ no_AT use_NN pretending_VBG that_CS all_ABN conditioners_NNS are_BER quiet_JJ
,_, but_CC the_AT noise_NN they_PPSS produce_VB can_MD be_BE kept_VBN to_IN a_A
T minimum_NN ._. Good_JJ workmanship_NN is_BEZ important_JJ in_IN the_AT install
ation_NN ,_, so_RB if_CS you're_PPSS+BER doing_VBG your_PP$ own_JJ contracting_N
N ,_, don't_DO* award_VB the_AT job_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN price_NN alon
e_RB ._. Avoid_VB attic_NN placement_NN directly_RB above_IN a_AT bedroom_NN ._.
Most_AP recreation_NN work_NN calls_VBZ for_IN a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN pre-p
lanning_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ particularly_QL true_JJ in_IN site_NN selection_NN
._. You_PPSS must_MD know_VB before_CS you_PPSS start_VB what_WDT the_AT needs_
NNS and_CC objectives_NNS of_IN your_PP$ organization_NN are_BER ;_. ;_. you_PPS
S must_MD have_HV a_AT list_NN of_IN requirements_NNS on_IN where_WRB ,_, how_WQ
L many_AP ,_, and_CC what_WDT type_NN sites_NNS are_BER needed_VBN ._. With_IN s
uch_ABL a_AT program_NN you_PPSS can_MD make_VB constructive_JJ selections_NNS o
f_IN the_AT best_JJT sites_NNS available_JJ ._. Begin_VB the_AT examination_NN o
f_IN a_AT site_NN with_IN a_AT good_JJ map_NN and_CC aerial_JJ photos_NNS if_CS
possible_JJ ._. These_DTS are_BER becoming_VBG more_QL and_CC more_QL available_
JJ through_IN the_AT work_NN of_IN counties_NNS and_CC other_AP government_NN ag
encies_NNS ._. The_AT new_JJ editions_NNS of_IN topographic_JJ maps_NNS being_BE
G made_VBN by_IN the_AT federal_JJ government_NN are_BER excellent_JJ for_IN ori
enting_VBG yourself_PPL to_IN the_AT natural_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT site_N
N ._. These_DTS are_BER inexpensive_JJ and_CC available_JJ from_IN the_AT U._NP-
TL S._NP-TL Geological_JJ-TL Society_NN-TL ,_, Washington_NP 25_CD-TL ,_, D._NP
C._NP ._. In_IN recent_JJ years_NNS many_AP counties_NNS and_CC the_AT U._NP-TL
S._NP-TL Forest_NN-TL Service_NN-TL have_HV taken_VBN aerial_JJ photos_NNS which
_WDT show_VB features_NNS in_IN detail_NN and_CC are_BER very_QL good_JJ for_IN
planning_VBG use_NN ._. Most_AP counties_NNS also_RB have_HV maps_NNS available_
JJ from_IN the_AT county_NN engineer_NN showing_VBG roads_NNS and_CC other_AP fe
atures_NNS and_CC from_IN the_AT assessor's_NN$ office_NN showing_VBG ownerships
_NNS of_IN land_NN ._. Inspect_VB the_AT site_NN in_IN the_AT field_NN during_IN
the_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT year_NN when_WRB the_AT area_NN will_MD be_BE most_
QL heavily_RB used_VBN for_IN recreation_NN ._. This_DT gives_VBZ you_PPO a_AT b
etter_JJR opportunity_NN to_TO get_VB the_AT feel_NN of_IN the_AT climate_NN con
ditions_NNS ,_, the_AT exposure_NN to_IN the_AT sun_NN and_CC wind_NN ,_, the_AT
water_NN interests_NNS ,_, etcetera_RB ,_, which_WDT vary_VB greatly_RB with_IN
the_AT seasons_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ usually_RB helpful_JJ to_TO make_VB a_AT s
ketch_NN map_NN in_IN the_AT field_NN ,_, showing_VBG the_AT size_NN and_CC loca
tion_NN of_IN the_AT features_NNS of_IN interest_NN and_CC to_TO take_VB photogr
aphs_NNS at_IN the_AT site_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER a_AT great_JJ aid_NN for_IN
planning_VBG use_NN back_RB at_IN the_AT office_NN ._. For_IN site_NN planning_V
BG work_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ best_JJT to_TO have_HV a_AT qualified_VBN and_CC ex
perienced_VBN park_NN planner_NN to_TO carry_VB through_RP the_AT study_NN ._. H
owever_RB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ also_RB much_AP to_TO be_BE gained_VBN by_IN makin
g_VBG use_NN of_IN the_AT abilities_NNS of_IN the_AT local_JJ people_NNS who_WPS
are_BER available_JJ and_CC interested_VBN in_IN recreation_NN ._. County_NN ju
dges_NNS ,_, commissioners_NNS ,_, engineers_NNS ,_, assessors_NNS ,_, and_CC ot
hers_NNS who_WPS have_HV lived_VBN in_IN the_AT area_NN for_IN a_AT long_JJ time
_NN may_MD have_HV valuable_JJ knowledge_NN regarding_IN the_AT site_NN or_CC op
inions_NNS to_TO offer_VB from_IN their_PP$ varied_VBN professional_JJ experienc
es_NNS ._. A_AT visit_NN to_IN the_AT site_NN by_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN several_
AP persons_NNS can_MD usually_RB bring_VB out_RP new_JJ ideas_NNS or_CC verify_V
B opinions_NNS most_QL helpful_JJ to_IN the_AT planning_VBG study_NN of_IN any_D
TI recreation_NN area_NN ._. How_WQL much_AP study_NN is_BEZ required_VBN ?_. ?_
. This_DT ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, depends_VBZ on_IN the_AT character_NN of_IN th
e_AT site_NN itself_PPL ,_, the_AT previous_JJ experience_NN of_IN the_AT invest
igator_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT number_NN of_IN factors_NNS needed_VBN to_TO arrive_
VB at_IN a_AT good_JJ decision_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ too_QL easy_JJ for_IN the_AT
inexperienced_JJ person_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT quick_JJ judgment_NN of_IN a_AT f
ew_AP values_NNS of_IN the_AT area_NN and_CC base_VB a_AT decision_NN on_IN thes
e_DTS alone_RB ._. Usually_RB there_EX are_BER more_AP factors_NNS to_IN good_JJ
site_NN planning_NN than_CS first_OD impressions_NNS ._. A_AT site_NN may_MD be
_BE a_AT rundown_JJ slum_NN or_CC a_AT desolate_JJ piece_NN of_IN desert_NN in_I
N appearance_NN today_NR but_CC have_HV excellent_JJ potentials_NNS for_IN the_A
T future_NN with_IN a_AT little_AP development_NN or_CC water_NN ._. The_AT same
_AP is_BEZ true_JJ of_IN areas_NNS which_WDT at_IN first_RB look_VB good_JJ beca
use_RB of_IN a_AT few_AP existing_VBG recreation_NN features_NNS but_CC may_MD a
ctually_RB be_BE poor_JJ areas_NNS to_TO develop_VB for_IN general_JJ public_JJ
use_NN ._. In_IN looking_VBG for_IN the_AT best_JJT sites_NNS available_JJ that_
WPS meet_VB the_AT requirements_NNS ,_, you_PPSS need_MD information_NN to_TO co
mpare_VB the_AT site_NN with_IN others_NNS ._. You_PPSS need_MD answers_NNS to_I
N four_CD important_JJ questions_NNS ._. What_WDT are_BER the_AT existing_VBG re
creation_NN features_NNS ?_. ?_. How_WQL well_RB can_MD the_AT site_NN be_BE dev
eloped_VBN ?_. ?_. How_QL useful_JJ will_MD it_PPS be_BE to_IN the_AT public_NN
?_. ?_. Is_BEZ this_DT site_NN available_JJ ?_. ?_. Check_VB the_AT quantity_NN
and_CC quality_NN of_IN all_ABN of_IN the_AT recreation_NN interests_NNS already
_RB existing_VBG at_IN the_AT site_NN ._. Naturally_RB ,_, a_AT park_NN site_NN
with_IN scenic_JJ views_NNS ,_, a_AT good_JJ lake_NN ,_, trees_NNS ,_, and_CC sa
nd_NN dunes_NNS ,_, will_MD attract_VB more_AP people_NNS than_CS a_AT nearby_JJ
area_NN with_IN only_RB trees_NNS and_CC dunes_NNS ._. Quality_NN is_BEZ vitall
y_QL important_JJ ._. Frontage_NN on_IN a_AT body_NN of_IN clear_JJ ,_, clean_JJ
water_NN will_MD be_BE vastly_QL different_JJ from_IN the_AT same_AP amount_VB
of_IN frontage_NN on_IN polluted_VBN water_NN ._. Some_DTI recreation_NN feature
s_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS scenic_JJ values_NNS and_CC water_NN interest_NN ,_, als
o_RB have_HV greater_JJR overall_JJ value_NN than_CS other_AP interests_NNS ._.
One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL desirable_JJ features_NNS for_IN a_AT park_NN are_BE
R beautiful_JJ views_NNS or_CC scenery_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE distant_JJ vie
ws_NNS of_IN a_AT valley_NN or_CC the_AT mountains_NNS or_CC natural_JJ features
_NNS such_JJ as_CS a_AT small_JJ lake_NN ,_, colorful_JJ rock_NN formations_NNS
,_, or_CC unusual_JJ trees_NNS ._. A_AT site_NN which_WDT overlooks_VBZ a_AT har
bor_NN or_CC river_NN may_MD offer_VB interest_NN in_IN the_AT activities_NNS of
_IN boating_VBG traffic_NN ._. An_AT area_NN on_IN the_AT coast_NN may_MD have_H
V relaxing_VBG views_NNS of_IN the_AT surf_NN rolling_VBG in_RP on_IN a_AT beach
_NN ._. A_AT site_NN may_MD also_RB be_BE attractive_JJ just_RB through_IN the_A
T beauty_NN of_IN its_PP$ trees_NNS and_CC shrubs_NNS ._. Note_VB extent_NN of_I
N these_DTS interests_NNS and_CC how_WRB available_JJ they_PPSS will_MD be_BE fo
r_IN the_AT public_NN to_TO enjoy_VB ._. Water_NN interest_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_I
N the_AT most_QL valuable_JJ factors_NNS you_PPSS can_MD find_VB for_IN a_AT rec
reation_NN site_NN ._. Most_AP park_NN planners_NNS look_VB to_IN water_NN front
age_NN for_IN basic_JJ park_NN areas_NNS ._. This_DT follows_VBZ naturally_RB si
nce_CS frontage_NN on_IN an_AT ocean_NN ,_, stream_NN ,_, or_CC lake_NN provides
_VBZ scenic_JJ values_NNS and_CC opportunities_NNS for_IN the_AT very_QL popular
_JJ recreation_NN activities_NNS of_IN bathing_VBG ,_, fishing_VBG ,_, boating_V
BG ,_, and_CC other_AP water_NN sports_NNS ._. A_AT body_NN of_IN water_NN is_BE
Z usually_RB the_AT center_NN of_IN interest_NN at_IN parks_NNS which_WDT attrac
t_VB the_AT greatest_JJT picnic_NN and_CC camping_VBG use_NN ._. It_PPS also_RB
cools_VBZ the_AT air_NN in_IN summer_NN and_CC nourishes_VBZ the_AT trees_NNS an
d_CC wild_JJ life_NN ._. The_AT amount_NN of_IN water_NN frontage_NN ,_, the_AT
quantity_NN and_CC quality_NN of_IN the_AT water_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT recreation
_NN afforded_VBN by_IN it_PPO are_BER important_JJ ._. A_AT restricted_VBN front
age_NN may_MD be_BE too_QL crowded_VBN an_AT area_NN for_IN public_JJ use_NN ._.
The_AT quantity_NN of_IN water_NN flow_NN may_MD be_BE critical_JJ ;_. ;_. a_AT
stream_NN or_CC pond_NN which_WDT is_BEZ attractive_JJ in_IN the_AT springtime_
NN may_MD become_VB stagnant_JJ or_CC dry_JJ in_IN late_JJ summer_NN ._. If_CS t
he_AT site_NN is_BEZ on_IN a_AT reservoir_NN ,_, the_AT level_NN of_IN the_AT wa
ter_NN at_IN various_JJ seasons_NNS as_CS it_PPS affects_VBZ recreation_NN shoul
d_MD be_BE studied_VBN ._. Check_VB the_AT quality_NN of_IN the_AT water_NN ._.
A_AT stream_NN which_WDT has_HVZ all_ABN of_IN its_PP$ watershed_NN within_IN a_
AT national_JJ forest_NN or_CC other_AP lands_NNS under_IN good_JJ conservation_
NN practices_NNS is_BEZ less_QL likely_JJ to_TO be_BE affected_VBN by_IN polluti
on_NN than_CS one_CD passing_VBG through_IN unrestricted_JJ logging_NN or_CC pas
t_IN an_AT industrial_JJ area_NN ._. Other_AP factors_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS wate
r_NN temperature_NN ,_, depth_NN of_IN water_NN ,_, the_AT fish_NN life_NN it_PP
S supports_VBZ ,_, wave_NN action_NN ,_, flooding_VBG ,_, etcetera_RB ,_, will_M
D affect_VB its_PP$ recreation_NN value_NN ._. Other_AP natural_JJ features_NNS
which_WDT can_MD be_BE of_IN high_JJ interest_NN are_BER the_AT forests_NNS ,_,
canyons_NNS ,_, mountains_NNS ,_, deserts_NNS ,_, seacoast_NN ,_, beaches_NNS ,_
, sand_NN dunes_NNS ,_, waterfalls_NNS ,_, springs_NNS ,_, etcetera_RB with_IN w
hich_WDT the_AT area_NN is_BEZ blessed_VBN ._. Just_RB as_CS the_AT national_JJ
and_CC state_NN parks_NNS place_VB emphasis_NN on_IN features_NNS which_WDT are_
BER of_IN national_JJ or_CC state_NN significance_NN ,_, counties_NNS should_MD
seek_VB out_RP these_DTS features_NNS which_WDT are_BER distinctive_JJ of_IN the
ir_PP$ area_NN ._. Although_CS the_AT site_NN may_MD not_* contain_VB the_AT fea
tures_NNS themselves_PPLS ,_, there_EX are_BER often_RB opportunities_NNS to_TO
include_VB them_PPO as_CS additional_JJ interest_NN to_IN the_AT site_NN ._. The
_AT route_NN to_IN the_AT park_NN may_MD lead_VB people_NNS past_IN them_PPO or_
CC display_VB views_NNS of_IN them_PPO ._. A_AT group_NN of_IN native_JJ trees_N
NS or_CC plants_NNS which_WDT are_BER outstanding_JJ in_IN a_AT particular_JJ co
unty_NN can_MD be_BE featured_VBN at_IN the_AT site_NN ._. The_AT fish_NN ,_, an
imals_NNS ,_, and_CC birds_NNS which_WDT may_MD be_BE found_VBN at_IN the_AT sit
e_NN are_BER another_DT interest_NN ._. Fishing_VBG interest_NN calls_VBZ for_IN
a_AT check_NN of_IN the_AT species_NN found_VBN ,_, quantity_NN and_CC size_NN
,_, the_AT season_NN they_PPSS are_BER available_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT stocking_V
BG program_NN of_IN the_AT fish_NN commission_NN ._. Animals_NNS may_MD be_BE pr
esent_RB at_IN the_AT site_NN or_CC provide_VB hunting_VBG in_IN nearby_JJ areas
_NNS ._. The_AT site_NN may_MD be_BE on_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT major_JJ flyways_
NNS of_IN migratory_JJ birds_NNS or_CC have_HV its_PP$ own_JJ resident_NN bird_N
N life_NN ._. Clams_NNS ,_, crabs_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP marine_JJ life_NN may_
MD add_VB interest_NN at_IN coastal_JJ areas_NNS ._. Each_DT area_NN has_HVZ its
_PP$ own_JJ historical_JJ interests_NNS with_IN which_WDT much_AP can_MD be_BE d
one_VBN ._. Park_NN visitors_NNS are_BER always_RB eager_JJ to_TO learn_VB more_
AP about_IN the_AT area_NN they_PPSS are_BER in_IN ._. The_AT historical_JJ sign
_NN tells_VBZ its_PP$ story_NN ,_, but_CC nothing_PN gets_VBZ interest_NN across
_RP as_QL well_RB as_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT original_JJ historical_JJ items_NN
S or_CC places_NNS themselves_PPLS which_WDT still_RB have_HV the_AT character_N
N of_IN the_AT period_NN covered_VBN ._. Notice_NN should_MD be_BE taken_VBN of_
IN unusual_JJ rock_NN formations_NNS ,_, deposits_NNS ,_, or_CC shapes_NNS of_IN
the_AT earth's_NN$ crust_NN in_IN your_PP$ region_NN ._. Those_DTS which_WDT te
ll_VB a_AT story_NN of_IN the_AT earth's_NN$ formation_NN in_IN each_DT area_NN
can_MD add_VB geological_JJ interest_NN to_IN the_AT recreation_NN sites_NNS ._.
An_AT old_JJ shipwreck_NN ,_, a_AT high_JJ dam_NN ,_, an_AT old_JJ covered_VBN
bridge_NN ,_, a_AT place_NN to_TO find_VB agates_NNS or_CC other_AP semi-preciou
s_JJ stones_NNS or_CC a_AT place_NN to_TO pan_VB gold_NN ,_, etcetera_RB may_MD
be_BE of_IN interest_NN ._. Some_DTI areas_NNS may_MD provide_VB archeological_J
J values_NNS such_JJ as_CS ancient_JJ Indian_JJ village_NN sites_NNS or_CC hunti
ng_VBG areas_NNS ,_, caves_NNS ,_, artifacts_NNS ,_, etcetera_RB ._. How_WQL wel
l_RB can_MD the_AT site_NN be_BE developed_VBN ?_. ?_. Look_VB at_IN the_AT phys
ical_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT land_NN to_TO determine_VB how_WQL desirable_J
J it_PPS is_BEZ for_IN use_NN ,_, what_WDT can_MD be_BE done_VBN to_TO correct_V
B the_AT faults_NNS ,_, and_CC what_WDT it_PPS will_MD cost_VB to_TO make_VB the
_AT area_NN meet_NN your_PP$ needs_NNS in_IN comparison_NN to_IN other_AP sites_
NNS ._. Many_AP things_NNS need_VB to_TO be_BE checked_VBN :_: size_NN-HL and_CC
-HL shape_NN-HL --_-- The_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT area_NN alone_RB can_MD be_BE
a_AT determining_VBG factor_NN ._. An_AT area_NN may_MD be_BE too_QL small_JJ fo
r_IN the_AT needs_NNS of_IN the_AT project_NN ._. Areas_NNS should_MD be_BE larg
e_JJ enough_QLP to_TO include_VB the_AT attractions_NNS ,_, have_HV ample_JJ spa
ce_NN for_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN facilities_NNS needed_VBN ,_, and_CC have_HV ro
om_NN around_IN the_AT edges_NNS to_TO protect_VB the_AT values_NNS of_IN the_AT
area_NN from_IN encroachment_NN by_IN private_JJ developments_NNS ._. Acreage_N
N in_IN excess_NN of_IN the_AT minimum_NN is_BEZ good_JJ practice_NN as_CS recre
ation_NN areas_NNS are_BER never_RB too_QL large_JJ for_IN the_AT future_NN and_
CC it_PPS is_BEZ often_RB more_QL economical_JJ to_TO operate_VB one_CD large_JJ
area_NN than_CS several_AP small_JJ ones_NNS ._. Shape_NN of_IN the_AT area_NN
is_BEZ also_RB related_VBD to_IN the_AT use_NN attractions_NNS and_CC needs_NNS
of_IN the_AT development_NN ._. A_AT large_JJ picnic_NN area_NN or_CC camping_VB
G development_NN is_BEZ most_QL efficient_JJ in_IN shape_NN as_CS a_AT square_NN
or_CC rectangle_NN several_AP hundred_CD feet_NNS in_IN width_NN in_IN preferen
ce_NN to_IN a_AT long_JJ narrow_JJ area_NN less_AP than_IN one_CD hundred_CD fee
t_NNS wide_JJ ._. This_DT is_BEZ true_JJ because_RB of_IN savings_NNS in_IN util
ity_NN lines_NNS and_CC the_AT fact_NN that_CS your_PP$ buildings_NNS have_HV a_
AT useful_JJ radius_NN equal_JJ in_IN all_ABN directions_NNS ._. However_RB ,_,
a_AT narrow_JJ strip_NN may_MD be_BE very_QL practical_JJ for_IN small_JJ develo
pments_NNS ,_, or_CC to_TO provide_VB additional_JJ stream_NN frontage_NN for_IN
a_AT fisherman's_NN$ trail_NN ,_, or_CC include_VB scenic_JJ strips_NNS within_
IN the_AT park_NN unit_NN ._. Adjoining_VBG-HL areas_NNS-HL --_-- The_AT values_
NNS of_IN the_AT site_NN may_MD be_BE affected_VBN by_IN the_AT appearance_NN of
_IN the_AT adjoining_VBG lands_NNS ,_, ownership_NN and_CC use_NN of_IN the_AT l
and_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT utilities_NNS available_JJ there_RB ._. For_IN instance
_NN ,_, a_AT site_NN adjoining_VBG other_AP publicly_RB owned_VBN lands_NNS ,_,
such_JJ as_CS a_AT national_JJ forest_NN or_CC a_AT public_JJ road_NN ,_, may_MD
be_BE desirable_JJ ,_, whereas_CS a_AT site_NN next_IN to_IN an_AT industrial_J
J plant_NN might_MD not_* ._. The_AT utilities_NNS available_JJ nearby_RB may_MD
provide_VB a_AT savings_NN in_IN the_AT cost_NN of_IN extending_VBG electricity
_NN or_CC water_NN to_IN the_AT site_NN ._. Topography_NN-HL --_-- Topography_NN
is_BEZ very_QL important_JJ ._. Check_VB the_AT elevation_NN of_IN the_AT groun
d_NN ,_, degree_NN and_CC direction_NN of_IN slopes_NNS ,_, drainage_NN ,_, rock
_NN outcrops_NNS ,_, topsoil_NN types_NNS and_CC quality_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as
_CS subsoil_NN ._. Nearly_QL level_JJ areas_NNS are_BER required_VBN for_IN park
ing_VBG areas_NNS ,_, beaches_NNS ,_, camp_NN areas_NNS ,_, ballfields_NNS ,_, e
tcetera_RB ._. Determine_VB how_WQL much_AP topography_NN limits_VBZ useful_JJ a
rea_NN or_CC what_WDT the_AT costs_NNS of_IN earth_NN moving_NN or_CC grading_VB
G might_MD be_BE ._. Water_NN-HL --_-- In_IN addition_NN to_IN its_PP$ recreatio
n_NN interests_NNS ,_, water_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN for_IN drinking_VBG ,_, sanita
tion_NN ,_, and_CC irrigation_NN ._. The_AT quantity_NN and_CC quality_NN of_IN
water_NN sources_NNS is_BEZ often_RB a_AT big_JJ factor_NN in_IN site_NN selecti
on_NN ._. The_AT area_NN may_MD provide_VB good_JJ springs_NNS or_CC opportuniti
es_NNS for_IN a_AT well_NN or_CC be_BE near_RB to_IN municipal_JJ water_NN lines
_NNS ._. Figure_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN providing_VBG water_NN to_IN the_AT use_
NN areas_NNS ._. Plants_NNS-HL --_-- The_AT existing_VBG plant_NN growth_NN call
s_VBZ for_IN thorough_JJ checking_NN ._. Look_VB at_IN the_AT trees_NNS as_IN to
_IN size_NN and_CC interest_NN ,_, the_AT amount_NN of_IN shade_NN they_PPSS pro
vide_VB ,_, how_WQL healthy_JJ they_PPSS are_BER ,_, the_AT problems_NNS of_IN m
aintenance_NN ,_, fire_NN hazards_NNS ,_, wind_NN throw_NN ,_, etcetera_RB ._. A
n_AT area_NN may_MD have_HV been_BEN partially_RB logged_VBN and_CC requires_VBZ
removal_NN of_IN stumps_NNS or_CC clean-up_NN ._. Some_DTI shrubs_NNS may_MD be
_BE of_IN good_JJ landscaping_VBG value_NN ,_, other_AP areas_NNS of_IN brush_NN
may_MD need_VB to_TO be_BE cleared_VBN ._. The_AT extent_NN and_CC location_NN
of_IN open_JJ areas_NNS is_BEZ noted_VBN ._. Exposure_NN-HL --_-- How_WQL much_A
P will_MD wind_NN ,_, rain_NN ,_, sun_NN ,_, and_CC temperature_NN affect_VB the
_AT use_NN ?_. ?_. An_AT area_NN sheltered_VBN from_IN strong_JJ winds_NNS may_M
D be_BE highly_QL desirable_JJ for_IN recreation_NN use_NN ._. The_AT direction_
NN ,_, velocity_NN ,_, and_CC season_NN of_IN these_DTS winds_NNS should_MD be_B
E noted_VBN as_IN to_IN just_QL how_WRB they_PPSS will_MD affect_VB the_AT recre
ation_NN use_NN and_CC your_PP$ maintenance_NN and_CC operation_NN of_IN the_AT
area_NN ._. Lack_NN of_IN rainfall_NN and_CC extreme_JJ temperatures_NNS may_MD
call_VB for_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN shade_NN and_CC irrigation_NN of_IN a
_AT site_NN to_TO make_VB it_PPO useable_JJ ._. Sometimes_RB ,_, you_PPSS have_H
V a_AT choice_NN of_IN exposure_NN for_IN sites_NNS where_WRB the_AT topography_
NN or_CC trees_NNS of_IN the_AT area_NN will_MD provide_VB afternoon_NN shade_NN
,_, morning_NN sun_NN ,_, or_CC whatever_WDT may_MD be_BE most_QL desirable_JJ
for_IN the_AT use_NN intended_VBN ._. Improvements_NNS-HL --_-- Some_DTI areas_N
NS may_MD already_RB have_HV been_BEN improved_VBN and_CC contain_VB buildings_N
NS ,_, roads_NNS ,_, utilities_NNS ,_, cleared_VBN land_NN ,_, etcetera_RB which
_WDT may_MD raise_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN the_AT site_NN ._. Your_PP$ invitation
_NN to_TO write_VB about_IN Serge_NP Prokofieff_NP to_TO honor_VB his_PP$ 70th_O
D Anniversary_NN for_IN the_AT April_NP issue_NN of_IN Sovietskaya_FW-JJ-TL Muzy
ka_FW-NN-TL is_BEZ accepted_VBD with_IN pleasure_NN ,_, because_CS I_PPSS admire
_VB the_AT music_NN of_IN Prokofieff_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC with_IN sober_JJ purpose_
NN ,_, because_CS the_AT development_NN of_IN Prokofieff_NP personifies_VBZ ,_,
in_IN many_AP ways_NNS ,_, the_AT course_NN of_IN music_NN in_IN the_AT Union_NN
-TL of_IN-TL Soviet_NP-TL Socialist_JJ-TL Republics_NNS-TL ._. The_AT Serge_NP P
rokofieff_NP whom_WPO we_PPSS knew_VBD in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL
of_IN-TL America_NP was_BEDZ gay_JJ ,_, witty_JJ ,_, mercurial_JJ ,_, full_JJ of
_IN pranks_NNS and_CC bonheur_FW-NN --_-- and_CC very_QL capable_JJ as_CS a_AT p
rofessional_JJ musician_NN ._. These_DTS qualities_NNS endeared_VBD him_PPO to_I
N both_ABX the_AT musicians_NNS and_CC the_AT social-economic_JJ haute_FW-JJ mon
de_FW-NN which_WDT supported_VBD the_AT concert_NN world_NN of_IN the_AT post-Wo
rld_JJ War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, era_NN ._. Prokofieff's_NP$ outlook_NN as_CS a_AT c
omposer-pianist-conductor_NN in_IN America_NP was_BEDZ ,_, indeed_RB ,_, brillia
nt_JJ ._. Prokofieff's_NP$ Classical_JJ-TL Symphony_NN-TL was_BEDZ hailed_VBN as
_CS an_AT ingenious_JJ work_NN from_IN a_AT naturally_RB gifted_JJ and_CC well-t
rained_JJ musician_NN still_RB in_IN his_PP$ twenties_NNS ._. To_IN the_AT Tradi
tionalists_NNS-TL ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT brilliant_JJ satire_NN on_IN modernis
m_NN ;_. ;_. to_IN the_AT Neo-Classicists_NNS-TL ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT challe
nge_NN to_IN the_AT pre-war_JJ world_NN ._. What_WDT was_BEDZ it_PPS to_IN Proko
fieff_NP ?_. ?_. A_AT tongue-in-cheek_JJ stylization_NN of_IN 18th-Century_NP id
eas_NNS ;_. ;_. a_AT trial_NN balloon_NN to_TO test_VB the_AT aesthetic_JJ clima
te_NN of_IN the_AT times_NNS ;_. ;_. a_AT brilliant_JJ piece_FW-NN de_FW-IN resi
stance_FW-NN ?_. ?_. Certainly_RB its_PP$ composer_NN was_BEDZ an_AT ascending_V
BG star_NN on_IN a_AT new_JJ world_NN horizon_NN ._. I_PPSS heard_VBD the_AT Cla
ssical_JJ-TL Symphony_NN-TL for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN when_WRB Koussevitzky
_NP conducted_VBD it_PPO in_IN Paris_NP in_IN 1927_CD ._. All_ABN musical_JJ Par
is_NP was_BEDZ there_RB ._. Some_DTI musicians_NNS were_BED enthusiastic_JJ ,_,
some_DTI skeptical_JJ ._. I_PPSS myself_PPL was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT skeptic
s_NNS (_( 35_CD years_NNS ago_RB )_) ._. I_PPSS remember_VB Ernest_NP Bloch_NP i
n_IN the_AT foyer_NN ,_, shouting_VBG in_IN his_PP$ high-pitched_JJ voice_NN :_:
``_`` it_PPS may_MD be_BE a_AT tour_FW-NN de_FW-IN force_FW-NN ,_, mais_FW-CC m
on_FW-PP$ Dieu_FW-NP ,_, can_MD anyone_PN take_VB this_DT music_NN seriously_RB
''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT answer_NN is_BEZ ,_, ``_`` Yes_RB ''_'' !_. !_. Certainly_R
B ,_, America_NP took_VBD Prokofieff_NP and_CC his_PP$ Classical_JJ-TL Symphony_
NN-TL seriously_RB ,_, and_CC with_IN a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN pleasure_NN ._.
His_PP$ life-long_JJ friend_NN ,_, Serge_NP Koussevitzky_NP ,_, gave_VBD unrese
rvedly_RB of_IN his_PP$ praise_NN and_CC brilliant_JJ performances_NNS in_IN Bos
ton_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, and_CC Washington_NP ,_, D.C._NP ,_, ,_, to_
IN which_WDT he_PPS added_VBD broadcastings_NNS and_CC recordings_NNS for_IN the
_AT whole_JJ nation_NN ._. Chicago_NP was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT welcome_JJ host_NN :
_: there_RB ,_, in_IN 1921_CD ,_, Prokofieff_NP conducted_VBD the_AT world_NN pr
emiere_NN of_IN the_AT Love_NN-TL For_IN-TL Three_CD-TL Oranges_NNS-TL ,_, and_C
C played_VBD the_AT first_OD performance_NN of_IN his_PP$ Third_OD-TL Piano_NN-T
L Concerto_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Uncle_NP Sam_NP ''_'' was_BEDZ ,_, indeed_RB ,_, a_AT
rich_JJ uncle_NN to_IN Prokofieff_NP ,_, in_IN those_DTS opulent_JJ ,_, post-wa
r_JJ victory_NN years_NNS of_IN peace_NN and_CC prosperity_NN ,_, bold_JJ specul
ations_NNS and_CC extravaganzas_NNS ,_, enjoyment_NN and_CC pleasure_NN :_: ``_`
` The_AT-TL Golden_JJ-TL Twenties_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. We_PPSS attended_VBD the_AT p
remieres_NNS of_IN his_PP$ concertos_NNS ,_, symphonies_NNS ,_, and_CC suites_NN
S ;_. ;_. we_PPSS studied_VBD ,_, taught_VBD ,_, and_CC performed_VBD his_PP$ pi
ano_NN sonatas_NNS ,_, chamber_NN music_NN ,_, gavottes_NNS ,_, and_CC marches_N
NS ;_. ;_. we_PPSS bought_VBD his_PP$ records_NNS and_CC played_VBD them_PPO in_
IN our_PP$ schools_NNS and_CC universities_NNS ._. We_PPSS unanimously_RB agreed
_VBD that_CS Prokofieff_NP had_HVD won_VBN his_PP$ rights_NNS as_CS a_AT world_N
N citizen_NN to_IN the_AT first_OD ranks_NNS of_IN Twentieth-Century_JJ Composer
s_NNS-TL ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, Prokofieff_NP was_BEDZ much_QL influenced_VBN b
y_IN Paris_NP during_IN the_AT Twenties_NNS-TL :_: the_AT Paris_NP which_WDT was
_BEDZ the_AT artistic_JJ center_NN of_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL World_NN-TL --_--
the_AT social_JJ Paris_NP to_IN which_WDT Russian_JJ aristocracy_NN migrated_VBD
--_-- the_AT chic_JJ Paris_NP which_WDT attracted_VBD the_AT tourist_NN dollars
_NNS of_IN rich_JJ America_NP --_-- the_AT avant-garde_JJ Paris_NP of_IN Diaghil
eff_NP ,_, Stravinsky_NP ,_, Koussevitzky_NP ,_, Cocteau_NP ,_, Picasso_NP --_--
the_AT laissez-faire_JJ Paris_NP of_IN Dadaism_NP and_CC ultramodern_JJ art_NN
--_-- the_AT Paris_NP sympathique_FW-JJ which_WDT took_VBD young_JJ composers_NN
S to_IN her_PP$ bosom_NN with_IN such_JJ quick_JJ and_CC easy_JJ enthusiasms_NNS
._. So_RB young_JJ Prokofieff_NP was_BEDZ the_AT darling_NN of_IN success_NN :_
: in_IN his_PP$ motherland_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT spacious_JJ hunting_VBG groun
ds_NNS of_IN ``_`` Uncle_NP Sam_NP ''_'' ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT exciting_JJ salons
_NNS of_IN his_PP$ lovely_JJ ,_, brilliant_JJ Paris_NP --_-- mistress_NN of_IN g
aiety_NN --_-- excess_NN and_CC abandon_NN --_-- world_NN theatre_NN of_IN new-f
ound_JJ freedoms_NNS in_IN tone_NN ,_, color_NN ,_, dance_NN ,_, design_NN ,_, a
nd_CC thought_NN ._. Meanwhile_RB ,_, three_CD great_JJ terrible_JJ forces_NNS w
ere_BED coagulating_VBG and_CC crystallizing_VBG ._. In_IN this_DT world-wide_JJ
conscription_NN of_IN men_NNS ,_, minds_NNS ,_, and_CC machines_NNS ,_, Prokofi
eff_NP was_BEDZ recalled_VBN to_IN his_PP$ native_JJ land_NN ._. The_AT world_NN
exploded_VBD when_WRB Fascism_NP challenged_VBD all_ABN concepts_NNS of_IN peac
e_NN and_CC liberty_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT outraged_VBN ,_, freedom-loving_JJ peop
les_NNS of_IN the_AT Capitalist_JJ and_CC Socialist_JJ-TL worlds_NNS combined_VB
D forces_NNS to_TO stamp_VB Fascist_JJ tyranny_NN into_IN cringing_VBG submissio
n_NN ._. After_IN this_DT holocaust_NN ,_, a_AT changing_VBG world_NN occupied_V
BD the_AT minds_NNS of_IN men_NNS ;_. ;_. a_AT world_NN beset_VBN with_IN new_JJ
boundaries_NNS ,_, new_JJ treaties_NNS and_CC governments_NNS ,_, new_JJ goals_
NNS and_CC methods_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT age-old_JJ fears_NNS of_IN aggression_N
N and_CC subjugation_NN --_-- hunger_NN and_CC exposure_NN ._. In_IN this_DT cha
nged_VBN world_NN ,_, Prokofieff_NP settled_VBD to_TO find_VB himself_PPL ,_, an
d_CC to_TO create_VB for_IN large_JJ national_JJ purpose_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, this
_DT happy_JJ ,_, roving_VBG son_NN of_IN good_JJ fortune_NN proved_VBD that_CS h
e_PPS could_MD accept_VB the_AT disciplines_NNS of_IN a_AT new_JJ social-economi
c_JJ order_NN fighting_VBG for_IN its_PP$ very_AP existence_NN and_CC ideals_NNS
in_IN a_AT truculent_JJ world_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, Prokofieff_NP became_VBD a_AT
workman_NN in_IN the_AT vineyards_NNS of_IN Socialism_NN-TL --_-- producing_VBG
music_NN for_IN the_AT masses_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ at_IN this_DT point_NN in_IN
his_PP$ life_NN that_CS the_AT mature_JJ Prokofieff_NP emerges_VBZ ._. One_PN m
ight_MD have_HV expected_VBN that_CS such_ABL a_AT violent_JJ epoch_NN of_IN tra
nsition_NN would_MD have_HV destroyed_VBN the_AT creative_JJ flair_NN of_IN a_AT
composer_NN ,_, especially_RB one_CD whose_WP$ works_NNS were_BED so_QL fluent_
JJ and_CC spontaneous_JJ ._. But_CC no_RB :_: Prokofieff_NP grew_VBD ._. He_PPS
accepted_VBD the_AT environment_NN of_IN his_PP$ destiny_NN --_-- took_VBD root_
NN and_CC grew_VBD to_TO fulfill_VB the_AT stature_NN of_IN his_PP$ early_JJ pro
mise_NN ._. By_IN 1937_CD he_PPS had_HVD clarified_VBN his_PP$ intentions_NNS to
_TO serve_VB his_PP$ people_NNS :_: ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV striven_VBN for_IN clar
ity_NN and_CC melodious_JJ idiom_NN ,_, but_CC at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN I_PP
SS have_HV by_IN no_AT means_NNS attempted_VBN to_TO restrict_VB myself_PPL to_I
N the_AT accepted_VBN methods_NNS of_IN harmony_NN and_CC melody_NN ._. This_DT
is_BEZ precisely_RB what_WDT makes_VBZ lucid_JJ ,_, straightforward_JJ music_NN
so_QL difficult_JJ to_TO compose_VB --_-- the_AT clarity_NN must_MD be_BE new_JJ
,_, not_* old_JJ ''_'' ._. How_WQL right_JJ he_PPS was_BEDZ ;_. ;_. how_WQL cle
arly_RB he_PPS saw_VBD the_AT cultural_JJ defection_NN of_IN experimentation_NN
as_CS an_AT escape_NN for_IN those_DTS who_WPS dare_MD not_* or_CC prefer_VB not
_* to_TO face_VB the_AT discipline_NN of_IN modern_JJ traditionalism_NN ._. And_
CC with_IN what_WDT resource_NN did_DOD Prokofieff_NP back_VB up_RP his_PP$ Cred
o_NN-TL of_IN words_NNS --_-- with_IN torrents_NNS of_IN powerful_JJ music_NN ._
. Compare_VB the_AT vast_JJ difference_NN in_IN scope_NN and_CC beauty_NN betwee
n_IN his_PP$ neat_JJ and_CC witty_JJ little_JJ Classical_JJ-TL Symphony_NN-TL an
d_CC his_PP$ big_JJ ,_, muscular_JJ ,_, passionate_JJ ,_, and_CC eloquent_JJ Fif
th_OD-TL Symphony_NN-TL ;_. ;_. or_CC the_AT Love_NN-TL For_IN-TL Three_CD-TL Or
anges_NNS-TL (_( gay_JJ as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ )_) with_IN the_AT wonderful_JJ ,_,
imaginative_JJ ,_, colorful_JJ ,_, and_CC subtle_JJ tenderness_NN of_IN the_AT m
agnificent_JJ ballet_NN ,_, The_AT Stone_NN-TL Flower_NN-TL ._. This_DT masterpi
ece_NN has_HVZ gaiety_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT gaiety_NN of
_IN dancing_VBG people_NNS :_: earthy_JJ ,_, salty_JJ and_CC humorous_JJ ._. Of_
IN course_NN ,_, these_DTS works_NNS are_BER not_* comparable_JJ ,_, even_RB tho
ugh_CS the_AT same_AP brain_NN conceived_VBD them_PPO ._. The_AT early_JJ works_
NNS were_BED conceived_VBN for_IN a_AT sophisticated_JJ ,_, international_JJ aud
ience_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT later_JJR works_NNS were_BED conceived_VBN to_TO affirm_
VB a_AT way_NN of_IN life_NN for_IN fellow_NN citizens_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, in
_IN all_ABN of_IN Prokofieff's_NP$ music_NN ,_, young_JJ or_CC mature_JJ ,_, we_
PPSS find_VB his_PP$ profile_NN --_-- his_PP$ ``_`` signature_NN ''_'' --_-- his
_PP$ craftsman's_NN$ attitude_NN ._. Prokofieff_NP never_RB forsakes_VBZ his_PP$
medium_NN for_IN the_AT cause_NN of_IN experimentation_NN per_IN se_FW-PPL ._.
In_IN orchestration_NN ,_, he_PPS stretches_VBZ the_AT limits_NNS of_IN instrume
ntation_NN with_IN good_JJ judgment_NN and_CC a_AT fine_JJ imagination_NN for_IN
color_NN ._. His_PP$ sense_NN for_IN rhythmic_JJ variety_NN and_CC timing_VBG i
s_BEZ impeccable_JJ ._. His_PP$ creative_JJ development_NN of_IN melodic_JJ desi
gns_NNS of_IN Slavic_JJ dance_NN tunes_NNS and_CC love_NN songs_NNS is_BEZ capti
vating_JJ :_: witty_JJ ,_, clever_JJ ,_, adroit_JJ ,_, and_CC subtle_JJ ._. His_
PP$ counterpoint_NN is_BEZ pertinent_JJ ,_, skillful_JJ ,_, and_CC rarely_RB thi
ck_JJ ._. Also_RB ,_, it_PPS should_MD be_BE noted_VBN that_CS the_AT polytonal_
JJ freedom_NN of_IN his_PP$ melodies_NNS and_CC harmonic_JJ modulations_NNS ,_,
the_AT brilliant_JJ orchestrations_NNS ,_, the_AT adroitness_NN for_IN evading_V
BG the_AT heaviness_NN of_IN figured_VBN bass_NN ,_, the_AT skill_NN in_IN flori
d_JJ counterpoint_NN were_BED not_* lost_VBN in_IN his_PP$ mature_JJ output_NN ,
_, even_RB in_IN the_AT spectacular_JJ historical_JJ dramas_NNS of_IN the_AT sta
ge_NN and_CC cinema_NN ,_, where_WRB a_AT large_JJ ,_, dramatic_JJ canvas_NN of_
IN sound_NN was_BEDZ required_VBN ._. That_CS Prokofieff's_NP$ harmonies_NNS and
_CC forms_NNS sometimes_RB seem_VB professionally_RB routine_NN to_IN our_PP$ ea
rs_NNS ,_, may_MD or_CC may_MD not_* indicate_VB that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ less_AP
of_IN an_AT ``_`` original_JJ ''_'' than_CS we_PPSS prefer_VB to_TO believe_VB
._. Need_NN for_IN novelty_NN may_MD be_BE a_AT symptom_NN of_IN cultural_JJ fat
igue_NN and_CC instability_NN ._. Prokofieff_NP might_MD well_RB emerge_VB as_CS
a_AT cultural_JJ hero_NN ,_, who_WPS ,_, by_IN the_AT force_NN of_IN his_PP$ cr
eative_JJ life_NN ,_, helped_VBD preserve_VB the_AT main_JJS stream_NN of_IN tra
dition_NN ,_, to_IN which_WDT the_AT surviving_VBG idioms_NNS of_IN current_JJ e
xperimentalism_NN may_MD be_BE eventually_RB added_VBN and_CC integrated_VBN ._.
At_IN this_DT date_NN ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ probable_JJ that_CS the_AT name_NN o
f_IN Serge_NP Prokofieff_NP will_MD appear_VB in_IN the_AT archives_NNS of_IN Hi
story_NN-TL ,_, as_CS an_AT effective_JJ Traditionalist_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS was_BE
DZ fully_QL aware_JJ of_IN the_AT lure_NN and_CC danger_NN of_IN experimentation
_NN ,_, and_CC used_VBD it_PPO as_CS it_PPS served_VBD his_PP$ purpose_NN ;_. ;_
. yet_CC was_BEDZ never_RB caught_VBN up_RP in_IN it_PPO --_-- never_RB a_AT sla
ve_NN to_IN its_PP$ academic_JJ dialectics_NNS ._. Certainly_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BE
Z the_AT traditional_JJ clarity_NN of_IN his_PP$ music_NN which_WDT has_HVZ ende
ared_VBN him_PPO to_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL World_NN-TL --_-- not_* his_PP$ expe
rimentations_NNS ._. So_RB Prokofieff_NP was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO cultivate_VB his
_PP$ musical_JJ talents_NNS and_CC harvest_VB a_AT rich_JJ reward_NN from_IN the
m_PPO ._. Nor_CC can_MD anyone_PN be_BE certain_JJ that_CS Prokofieff_NP would_M
D have_HV done_VBN better_RBR ,_, or_CC even_RB as_QL well_RB ,_, under_IN diffe
rent_JJ circumstances_NNS ._. His_PP$ fellow-countryman_NN ,_, Igor_NP Stravinsk
y_NP ,_, certainly_RB did_DOD not_* ._. Why_WRB did_DOD Prokofieff_NP expand_VB
in_IN stature_NN and_CC fecundity_NN ,_, while_CS Stravinsky_NP (_( who_WPS leap
ed_VBD into_IN fame_NN like_CS a_AT young_JJ giant_NN )_) dwindled_VBD in_IN sta
ture_NN and_CC fruitfulness_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS think_VB the_AT answer_NN is_BEZ t
o_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN Prokofieff's_NP$ own_JJ words_NNS :_: ``_`` the_AT cl
arity_NN must_MD be_BE new_JJ ,_, not_* old_JJ ''_'' ._. When_WRB Prokofieff_NP
forged_VBD his_PP$ new_JJ clarity_NN of_IN ``_`` lucid_JJ ,_, straightforward_JJ
music_NN ,_, so_QL difficult_JJ to_TO compose_VB ''_'' ,_, he_PPS shaped_VBD hi
s_PP$ talents_NNS to_IN his_PP$ purpose_NN ._. When_WRB Stravinsky_NP shaped_VBD
his_PP$ purpose_NN to_IN the_AT shifting_VBG scenes_NNS of_IN many_AP cultures_
NNS ,_, many_AP salons_NNS ,_, many_AP dialectics_NNS ,_, many_AP personalities_
NNS ,_, he_PPS tried_VBD to_TO refashion_VB himself_PPL into_IN a_AT stylist_NN
of_IN many_AP styles_NNS ,_, determined_VBN by_IN many_AP disparate_JJ cultures_
NNS ._. Prokofieff_NP was_BEDZ guided_VBN in_IN a_AT consistent_JJ direction_NN
by_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ people_NNS --_-- by_IN the_AT compass_
NN of_IN their_PP$ national_JJ ideas_NNS ._. But_CC Stravinsky_NP was_BEDZ swaye
d_VBN by_IN the_AT attitudes_NNS of_IN whatever_WDT culture_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ r
eflecting_VBG ._. In_IN all_ABN his_PP$ miscalculations_NNS ,_, Stravinsky_NP ma
de_VBD the_AT fatal_JJ historical_JJ blunder_NN of_IN presuming_VBG that_CS he_P
PS could_MD transform_VB other_AP composers'_NNS$ inspirations_NNS --_-- represe
nting_VBG many_AP peoples_NNS ,_, time_NN periods_NNS and_CC styles_NNS --_-- in
to_IN his_PP$ own_JJ music_NN by_IN warping_VBG the_AT harmony_NN ,_, melody_NN
,_, or_CC form_NN ,_, to_TO verify_VB his_PP$ own_JJ experiments_NNS ._. Because
_RB of_IN the_AT authentic_JJ homogeneity_NN of_IN his_PP$ early_JJ Nationalisti
c_JJ-TL materials_NNS ,_, and_CC his_PP$ flair_NN for_IN orchestrations_NNS --_-
- his_PP$ brilliant_JJ Petruchka_NP ,_, his_PP$ savage_JJ Sacre_FW-NN-TL Du_FW-I
N+AT-TL Printemps_FW-NN-TL ,_, his_PP$ incisive_JJ Les_FW-AT-TL Noces_FW-NNS-TL
--_-- the_AT world_NN kept_VBD hoping_VBG that_CS he_PPS could_MD recapture_VB t
he_AT historical_JJ direction_NN for_IN which_WDT his_PP$ native_JJ talents_NNS
were_BED predisposed_VBN ._. But_CC time_NN is_BEZ running_VBG out_RP ,_, and_CC
many_AP of_IN Stravinsky's_NP$ admirers_NNS begin_VB to_TO fear_VB that_CS he_P
PS will_MD never_RB find_VB terra_FW-NN firma_FW-JJ ._. His_PP$ various_JJ aesth
etic_JJ postulates_NNS remain_VB as_CS landmarks_NNS of_IN a_AT house_NN divided
_VBN against_IN itself_PPL :_: Supra-Expressionism_NP ,_, Neo-Paganism_NP ,_, Ne
o-Classicism_NN-TL ,_, Neo-Romanticism_NP ,_, Neo-Jazz_NP ,_, Neo-Ecclesiasticis
m_NP ,_, Neo-Popularism_NP ,_, and_CC most_QL recently_RB ,_, Post-Serialism_NP
--_-- all_ABN competing_VBG with_IN each_DT other_AP within_IN one_CD composer_N
N !_. !_. What_WDT a_AT patchwork_NN of_IN proclamations_NNS and_CC renunciation
s_NNS !_. !_. Meager_JJ and_CC shabby_JJ by-products_NNS linger_VB to_TO haunt_V
B our_PP$ memories_NNS of_IN a_AT once_RB mighty_JJ protagonist_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT
maladroit_JJ reharmonization_NN of_IN our_PP$ National_JJ-TL Anthem_NN-TL (_( Th
e_AT-TL Star-Spangled_JJ-TL Banner_NN-TL )_) ;_. ;_. a_AT poor_JJ attempt_NN to_
TO write_VB an_AT idiomatic_JJ jazz_NN concerto_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT circus_NN polka_
NN for_IN elephants_NNS ;_. ;_. his_PP$ hopes_NNS that_CS the_AT tunes_NNS from_
IN his_PP$ old_JJ music_NN might_MD be_BE used_VBN for_IN popular_JJ American_JJ
commercial_JJ songs_NNS !_. !_. Stravinsky_NP ,_, nearing_VBG the_AT age_NN of_
IN eighty_CD ,_, is_BEZ like_CS a_AT lost_VBN and_CC frantic_JJ bird_NN ,_, flit
ting_VBG from_IN one_CD abandoned_VBN nest_NN to_IN another_DT ,_, searching_VBG
for_IN a_AT home_NN ._. How_WQL differently_RB Prokofieff's_NP$ life_NN unfolde
d_VBD ._. Prokofieff_NP was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO adjust_VB his_PP$ creative_JJ per
sonality_NN to_IN a_AT swiftly_RB changing_VBG world_NN without_IN losing_VBG hi
s_PP$ particular_JJ force_NN and_CC direction_NN ._. In_IN the_AT process_NN ,_,
his_PP$ native_JJ endowments_NNS were_BED stretched_VBN ,_, strengthened_VBN an
d_CC disciplined_VBN to_TO serve_VB their_PP$ human_JJ purpose_NN ._. With_IN a_
AT large_JJ and_CC circumspect_JJ 20th-Century_NN technique_NN ,_, he_PPS wove_V
BD the_AT materials_NNS of_IN national_JJ heroes_NNS and_CC events_NNS ,_, natio
nal_JJ folklore_NN and_CC children's_NNS$ fairy_NN tales_NNS --_-- Slavic_JJ dan
ces_NNS and_CC love_NN songs_NNS --_-- into_IN a_AT solid_JJ musical_JJ literatu
re_NN which_WDT served_VBD his_PP$ people_NNS well_RB ,_, and_CC is_BEZ providin
g_VBG much_AP enjoyment_NN to_IN the_AT World_NN at_IN large_JJ ._. Of_IN course
_NN ,_, it_PPS must_MD not_* be_BE forgotten_VBN that_CS in_IN achieving_VBG thi
s_DT historical_JJ feat_NN ,_, Prokofieff_NP had_HVD the_AT vast_JJ resources_NN
S of_IN his_PP$ people_NNS behind_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_. time_NN and_CC economic_JJ
security_NN ;_. ;_. symphony_NN orchestras_NNS ,_, opera_NN and_CC ballet_NN com
panies_NNS ;_. ;_. choruses_NNS ,_, chamber_NN music_NN ensembles_NNS ;_. ;_. so
loists_NNS ;_. ;_. recordings_NNS ;_. ;_. broadcastings_NNS ;_. ;_. television_N
N ;_. ;_. large_JJ and_CC eager_JJ audiences_NNS ._. It_PPS must_MD be_BE conced
ed_VBN that_CS his_PP$ native_JJ land_NN provided_VBD Prokofieff_NP with_IN many
_AP of_IN the_AT necessary_JJ conditions_NNS for_IN great_JJ creative_JJ incenti
ve_NN :_: economic_JJ security_NN and_CC cultural_JJ opportunities_NNS ,_, incis
ive_JJ idioms_NNS ,_, social_JJ fermentations_NNS for_IN a_AT new_JJ national_JJ
ideology_NN --_-- a_AT sympathetic_JJ public_JJ and_CC a_AT large_JJ body_NN of
_IN performers_NNS especially_RB trained_VBN to_TO fulfill_VB his_PP$ purpose_NN
._. Thus_RB in_IN Prokofieff_NP the_AT Union_NN-TL of_IN-TL Soviet_NP-TL Social
ist_JJ-TL Republics_NNS-TL produced_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT great_JJ composers_N
NS of_IN the_AT Twentieth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL ._. That_CS his_PP$ moods_NNS ,_,
even_RB in_IN his_PP$ early_JJ years_NNS ,_, are_BER those_DTS of_IN his_PP$ peo
ple_NNS ,_, does_DOZ him_PPO honor_NN ,_, as_CS his_PP$ music_NN honors_VBZ thos
e_DTS who_WPS inspired_VBD it_PPO ._. That_CS he_PPS mastered_VBD every_AT aspec
t_NN of_IN his_PP$ medium_NN according_IN to_IN his_PP$ own_JJ great_JJ talents_
NNS and_CC contemporary_JJ judgments_NNS ,_, is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ and_CC solid_JJ
symbol_NN of_IN his_PP$ people_NNS under_IN the_AT tremendous_JJ pressures_NNS
of_IN proclaiming_VBG and_CC practising_VBG the_AT rigors_NNS of_IN a_AT new_JJ
culture_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC perhaps_RB of_IN even_QL greater_JJR significance_NN -
-_-- his_PP$ music_NN is_BEZ strong_JJ 20th-Century_NN evidence_NN of_IN the_AT
effectiveness_NN of_IN Evolution_NN-TL ,_, based_VBN on_IN a_AT broad_JJ Traditi
onalism_NN-TL for_IN the_AT creative_JJ art_NN of_IN music_NN ._. April_NP 10_CD
marked_VBD a_AT memorable_JJ date_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL York's_NP$-TL musical_JJ h
istory_NN --_-- indeed_RB in_IN the_AT musical_JJ history_NN of_IN the_AT entire
_JJ eastern_JJ United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. On_IN that_DT date_NN the_AT Musi
cians_NNS-TL Emergency_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL ,_, organized_VBN to_TO furnish_VB emplo
yment_NN for_IN musicians_NNS unable_JJ to_TO obtain_VB engagements_NNS during_I
N the_AT depression_NN and_CC to_TO provide_VB relief_NN for_IN older_JJR musici
ans_NNS who_WPS lost_VBD their_PP$ fortunes_NNS in_IN the_AT stock_NN market_NN
crash_NN ,_, observed_VBD its_PP$ 30th_OD anniversary_NN ._. Roy_NP Mason_NP is_
BEZ essentially_RB a_AT landscape_NN painter_NN whose_WP$ style_NN and_CC direct
ion_NN has_HVZ a_AT kinship_NN with_IN the_AT English_JJ watercolorists_NNS of_I
N the_AT early_JJ nineteenth_OD century_NN ,_, especially_RB the_AT beautifully_
QL patterned_VBN art_NN of_IN John_NP Sell_NP Cotman_NP ._. And_CC like_CS this_
DT English_JJ master_NN ,_, Mason_NP realizes_VBZ his_PP$ subjects_NNS in_IN lar
ge_JJ ,_, simplified_VBN masses_NNS which_WDT ,_, though_CS they_PPSS seem_VB ef
fortless_JJ ,_, are_BER in_IN reality_NN the_AT result_NN of_IN skilled_JJ desig
n_NN born_VBN of_IN hard_JJ work_NN and_CC a_AT thorough_JJ distillation_NN of_I
N the_AT natural_JJ form_NN that_WPS inspired_VBD them_PPO ._. As_CS a_AT boy_NN
Roy_NP Mason_NP began_VBD the_AT long_JJ process_NN of_IN extracting_VBG the_AT
goodness_NN of_IN the_AT out-of-doors_NN ,_, its_PP$ tang_NN of_IN weather_NN ,
_, its_PP$ change_NN of_IN seasons_NNS ,_, its_PP$ variable_JJ moods_NNS ._. His
_PP$ father_NN ,_, a_AT professional_JJ engraver_NN and_CC an_AT amateur_JJ land
scape_NN painter_NN ,_, took_VBD his_PP$ sons_NNS on_IN numerous_JJ hunting_VBG
expeditions_NNS ,_, and_CC imparted_VBD to_IN them_PPO his_PP$ knowledge_NN and_
CC love_NN of_IN nature_NN ._. Out_IN of_IN this_DT background_NN of_IN hunting_
VBG and_CC fishing_VBG ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB natural_JJ that_CS Roy_NP fir
st_RB painted_VBD subjects_NNS he_PPS knew_VBD best_RBT :_: hunters_NNS in_IN th
e_AT field_NN ,_, fishermen_NNS in_IN the_AT stream_NN ,_, ducks_NNS and_CC gees
e_NNS on_IN the_AT wing_NN --_-- almost_QL always_RB against_IN a_AT vast_JJ bac
kdrop_NN of_IN weather_NN landscape_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT subject_NN matt
er_NN that_WPS has_HVZ brought_VBN Mason_NP a_AT large_JJ and_CC enthusiastic_JJ
following_NN among_IN sportsmen_NNS ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ his_PP$ exceptiona
l_JJ performance_NN with_IN this_DT motif_NN that_WPS commends_VBZ him_PPO to_IN
artists_NNS and_CC discerning_VBG collectors_NNS ._. Mason_NP had_HVD to_TO ear
n_VB the_AT privilege_NN of_IN devoting_VBG himself_PPL exclusively_RB to_IN pai
nting_VBG ._. Like_CS many_AP others_NNS ,_, he_PPS had_HVD to_TO work_VB hard_R
B ,_, long_JJ hours_NNS in_IN a_AT struggling_VBG family_NN business_NN which_WD
T ,_, though_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ allied_VBN to_IN art_NN of_IN a_AT kind_NN --_--
the_AT design_NN and_CC production_NN of_IN engraved_VBN seals_NNS --_-- bore_V
BD no_AT relation_NN to_IN the_AT painting_NN of_IN pictures_NNS ._. But_CC it_P
PS did_DOD teach_VB Roy_NP the_AT basic_JJ techniques_NNS of_IN commercial_JJ ar
t_NN ,_, and_CC later_RBR ,_, for_IN twelve_CD years_NNS ,_, he_PPS and_CC his_P
P$ sister_NN Nina_NP conducted_VBD an_AT advertising_VBG art_NN studio_NN in_IN
Philadelphia_NP ._. On_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN their_PP$ father_NN ,_, they_PPS
S returned_VBD to_IN their_PP$ home_NR in_IN Batavia_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL
._. After_IN more_AP years_NNS of_IN concentrated_VBN effort_NN ,_, Roy_NP and_
CC his_PP$ brother_NN Max_NP finally_RB established_VBD a_AT thriving_VBG family
_NN business_NN at_IN the_AT old_JJ stand_NN ._. During_IN all_ABN this_DT time_
NN Roy_NP continued_VBD to_TO paint_VB ,_, first_RB only_RB on_IN weekends_NNS ,
_, and_CC then_RB ,_, as_CS the_AT family_NN business_NN permitted_VBD ,_, for_I
N longer_JJR periods_NNS ._. Gradually_RB he_PPS withdrew_VBD from_IN the_AT sho
p_NN altogether_RB ,_, and_CC for_IN the_AT past_AP thirty_CD years_NNS ,_, he_P
PS has_HVZ worked_VBN independently_RB as_CS a_AT painter_NN ,_, except_IN for_I
N his_PP$ continued_VBN hunting_VBG and_CC fishing_VBG expeditions_NNS ._. But_C
C even_RB on_IN these_DTS ,_, the_AT palette_NN often_RB takes_VBZ over_RP while
_CS the_AT shotgun_NN cools_VBZ off_RP !_. !_. Except_IN for_IN a_AT rich_JJ fri
endship_NN with_IN the_AT painter_NN ,_, Chauncey_NP Ryder_NP who_WPS gave_VBD h
im_PPO the_AT only_AP professional_JJ instruction_NN he_PPS ever_RB had_HVD --_-
- and_CC this_DT was_BEDZ limited_VBN to_IN a_AT few_AP lessons_NNS ,_, though_C
S the_AT two_CD artists_NNS often_RB went_VBD on_IN painting_VBG trips_NNS toget
her_RB --_-- Roy_NP developed_VBD his_PP$ art_NN by_IN himself_PPL ._. In_IN the
_AT best_JJT tradition_NN ,_, he_PPS first_RB taught_VBD himself_PPL to_TO see_V
B ,_, then_RB to_TO draw_VB with_IN accuracy_NN and_CC assurance_NN ,_, and_CC t
hen_RB to_TO paint_VB ._. He_PPS worked_VBD in_IN oil_NN for_IN years_NNS before
_CS beginning_VBG his_PP$ work_NN in_IN watercolor_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ first_O
D public_JJ recognition_NN and_CC early_JJ honors_NNS ,_, including_IN his_PP$ e
lection_NN to_IN the_AT Academy_NN-TL ,_, were_BED for_IN his_PP$ essays_NNS in_
IN the_AT heavier_JJR medium_NN ._. Gradually_RB watercolor_NN claimed_VBD his_P
P$ greater_JJR affection_NN until_CS today_NR it_PPS has_HVZ become_VBN his_PP$
major_JJ ,_, if_CS not_* exclusive_JJ ,_, technique_NN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ been_B
EN my_PP$ privilege_NN to_TO paint_VB with_IN Roy_NP Mason_NP on_IN numerous_JJ
occasions_NNS ,_, mostly_RB in_IN the_AT vicinity_NN of_IN Batavia_NP ._. More_Q
L often_RB than_CS not_* I_PPSS have_HV found_VBN easy_JJ excuse_NN to_TO leave_
VB my_PP$ own_JJ work_NN and_CC stand_VB at_IN a_AT respectable_JJ distance_NN w
here_WRB I_PPSS could_MD watch_VB this_DT man_NN transform_VB raw_JJ nature_NN i
nto_IN a_AT composed_VBN ,_, not_* imitative_JJ ,_, painting_NN ._. What_WDT I_P
PSS have_HV observed_VBN time_NN and_CC time_NN again_RB is_BEZ a_AT process_NN
of_IN integration_NN ,_, integration_NN that_WPS begins_VBZ as_CS abstract_JJ de
sign_NN and_CC gradually_RB takes_VBZ on_RP recognizable_JJ form_NN ;_. ;_. colo
r_NN patterns_NNS that_WPS are_BER made_VBN to_TO weave_VB throughout_IN the_AT
whole_JJ composition_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC that_DT over-all_JJ ,_, amazing_JJ contro
l_NN of_IN large_JJ washes_NNS which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT Mason_NP stylemark_NN ._.
Finally_RB come_VB those_DTS little_JJ flicks_NNS of_IN a_AT rigger_NN brush_NN
and_CC the_AT job_NN is_BEZ done_VBN ._. Inspiring_VBG --_-- yes_RB ;_. ;_. ins
tructive_JJ --_-- maybe_RB ;_. ;_. duplicable_JJ --_-- no_RB !_. !_. But_CC for_
IN the_AT technical_JJ fact_NN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV the_AT artist's_NN$ own_JJ te
stimony_NN :_: ``_`` Of_IN late_JJ years_NNS ,_, I_PPSS find_VB that_CS I_PPSS l
ike_VB best_RBT to_TO work_VB out-of-doors_RB ._. First_RB I_PPSS make_VB prelim
inary_JJ watercolor_NN sketches_NNS in_IN quarter_NN scale_NN (_( approximately_
RB Af_NN inches_NNS )_) in_IN which_WDT I_PPSS pay_VB particular_JJ attention_NN
to_IN the_AT design_NN principles_NNS of_IN three_CD simple_JJ values_NNS --_--
the_AT lightest_JJT light_JJ ,_, the_AT middle_JJ tone_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT dar
kest_JJT dark_JJ --_-- by_IN reducing_VBG the_AT forms_NNS of_IN my_PP$ subject_
NN to_IN these_DTS large_JJ patterns_NNS ._. If_CS a_AT human_JJ figure_NN or_CC
wild_JJ life_NN are_BER to_TO be_BE part_NN of_IN the_AT projected_VBN final_JJ
picture_NN ,_, I_PPSS try_VB to_TO place_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT initial_JJ sk
etch_NN ._. For_IN me_PPO ,_, these_DTS will_MD belong_VB more_QL completely_RB
to_IN their_PP$ surroundings_NNS if_CS they_PPSS are_BER conceived_VBN in_IN thi
s_DT early_JJ stage_NN ,_, though_CS I_PPSS freely_RB admit_VB that_CS I_PPSS do
_DO not_* hesitate_VB to_TO add_VB or_CC eliminate_VB figures_NNS on_IN the_AT f
ull_JJ sheet_NN when_WRB it_PPS serves_VBZ my_PP$ final_JJ purpose_NN ._. ``_``
I_PPSS am_BEM thoroughly_RB convinced_VBN that_CS most_AP watercolors_NNS suffer
_VB because_CS the_AT artist_NN expects_VBZ nature_NN will_MD do_DO his_PP$ comp
osing_NN for_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_. as_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, such_JJ pictures_NNS ar
e_BER only_RB a_AT literal_JJ translation_NN of_IN what_WDT the_AT artist_NN fin
ds_VBZ in_IN the_AT scene_NN before_IN him_PPO ._. Just_RB because_CS a_AT tree_
NN or_CC other_AP object_NN appears_VBZ in_IN a_AT certain_JJ spot_NN is_BEZ abs
olutely_RB no_AT reason_NN to_TO place_VB it_PPO in_IN the_AT same_AP position_N
N in_IN the_AT painting_NN ,_, unless_CS the_AT position_NN serves_VBZ the_AT de
sign_NN of_IN the_AT whole_JJ composition_NN ._. If_CS the_AT artist_NN would_MD
study_VB his_PP$ work_NN more_QL thoroughly_RB and_CC move_VB certain_JJ units_
NNS in_IN his_PP$ design_NN ,_, often_RB only_QL slightly_RB ,_, finer_JJR pictu
res_NNS would_MD result_VB ._. Out_IN of_IN long_JJ experience_NN I_PPSS have_HV
found_VBN that_CS incidental_JJ figures_NNS and_CC other_AP objects_NNS like_CS
trees_NNS ,_, logs_NNS ,_, and_CC bushes_NNS can_MD be_BE traced_VBN from_IN th
e_AT original_JJ sketch_NN and_CC moved_VBN about_RB in_IN the_AT major_JJ areas
_NNS on_IN the_AT final_JJ sheet_NN until_CS they_PPSS occupy_VB the_AT right_JJ
position_NN ,_, which_WDT I_PPSS call_VB clicking_NN ._. ``_`` Speed_NN in_IN p
ainting_VBG a_AT picture_NN is_BEZ valid_JJ only_RB when_WRB it_PPS imparts_VBZ
spontaneity_NN and_CC crispness_NN ,_, but_CC unless_CS the_AT artist_NN has_HVZ
lots_NNS of_IN experience_NN so_CS that_CS he_PPS can_MD control_VB rapid_JJ ex
ecution_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD do_DO well_RB to_TO take_VB these_DTS first_OD sk
etches_NNS and_CC soberly_RB reorder_VB their_PP$ design_NN to_TO achieve_VB a_A
T unified_VBN composition_NN ._. ``_`` If_CS I_PPSS have_HV seemed_VBN to_TO emp
hasize_VB the_AT structure_NN of_IN the_AT composition_NN ,_, I_PPSS mean_VB to_
TO project_VB equal_JJ concern_NN for_IN color_NN ._. Often_RB ,_, in_IN working
_VBG out-of-doors_RB under_IN all_ABN conditions_NNS of_IN light_NN and_CC atmos
phere_NN ,_, a_AT particular_JJ passage_NN that_WPS looked_VBD favorable_JJ in_I
N relation_NN to_IN the_AT subject_NN will_MD be_BE too_QL bright_JJ ,_, too_QL
dull_JJ ,_, or_CC too_QL light_JJ ,_, or_CC too_QL dark_JJ when_WRB viewed_VBN i
ndoors_RB in_IN a_AT mat_NN ._. When_WRB this_DT occurs_VBZ ,_, I_PPSS make_VB t
he_AT change_NN on_IN the_AT sketch_NN or_CC on_IN the_AT final_JJ watercolor_NN
--_-- if_CS I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN working_VBG on_IN a_AT full_JJ sheet_NN in_
IN the_AT field_NN ._. ``_`` When_WRB working_VBG from_IN one_CD of_IN my_PP$ sk
etches_NNS I_PPSS square_VB it_PPO up_RP and_CC project_VB its_PP$ linear_JJ for
m_NN freehand_RB to_IN the_AT watercolor_NN sheet_NN with_IN charcoal_NN ._. Whe
n_WRB this_DT linear_JJ draft_NN is_BEZ completed_VBN ,_, I_PPSS dust_VB it_PPO
down_RP to_IN a_AT faint_JJ image_NN ._. From_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, I_PPSS pai
nt_VB in_IN as_QL direct_JJ a_AT manner_NN as_CS possible_JJ ,_, by_IN flowing_V
BG on_RP the_AT washes_NNS with_IN as_QL pure_JJ a_AT color_NN mixture_NN as_CS
I_PPSS can_MD manage_VB ._. However_RB ,_, first_RB I_PPSS thoughtfully_RB study
_VB my_PP$ sketch_NN for_IN improvement_NN of_IN color_NN and_CC design_NN along
_IN the_AT lines_NNS I_PPSS have_HV described_VBN ._. Then_RB I_PPSS plan_VB my_
PP$ attack_NN :_: the_AT parts_NNS I_PPSS will_MD finish_VB first_RB ,_, the_AT
range_NN of_IN values_NNS ,_, the_AT accenting_NN of_IN minor_JJ details_NNS --_
-- all_ABN in_IN all_ABN ,_, mechanics_NNS of_IN producing_VBG the_AT finished_V
BN job_NN with_IN a_AT maximum_JJ of_IN crispness_NN ._. The_AT longer_RBR I_PPS
S work_VB ,_, the_AT more_RBR I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ that_CS for_IN me_PPO ,_, at
_IN least_AP ,_, a_AT workmanlike_JJ method_NN is_BEZ important_JJ ._. Trial_NN
and_CC error_NN are_BER better_RBR placed_VBN in_IN the_AT preliminary_JJ sketch
_NN than_CS in_IN hoping_VBG for_IN miracles_NNS in_IN the_AT final_JJ painting_
NN ._. ``_`` As_IN for_IN materials_NNS ,_, I_PPSS use_VB the_AT best_JJT availa
ble_JJ ._. I_PPSS work_VB on_IN a_AT watercolor_NN easel_NN in_IN the_AT field_N
N ,_, and_CC frequently_RB resort_VB to_IN a_AT large_JJ garden_NN umbrella_NN t
o_TO protect_VB my_PP$ eyes_NNS from_IN undue_JJ strain_NN ._. In_IN my_PP$ stud
io_NN I_PPSS work_VB at_IN a_AT tilt-top_NN table_NN ,_, but_CC leave_VB the_AT
paper_NN unfixed_JJ so_CS that_CS I_PPSS can_MD move_VB it_PPO freely_RB to_TO c
ontrol_VB the_AT washes_NNS ._. I_PPSS have_HV used_VBN a_AT variety_NN of_IN he
avy-weight_NN hand-made_JJ papers_NNS ,_, but_CC prefer_VB an_AT English_JJ make
_NN ,_, rough_JJ surface_NN ,_, in_IN 400-pound_JJ weight_NN ._. After_CS select
ing_VBG a_AT sheet_NN and_CC inspecting_VBG it_PPO for_IN flaws_NNS (_( even_RB
the_AT best_JJT sometimes_RB has_HVZ foreign_JJ '_' nubbins_NNS '_' on_IN its_PP
$ surface_NN )_) ,_, I_PPSS sponge_VB it_PPO thoroughly_RB on_IN both_ABX sides_
NNS with_IN clean_JJ ,_, cold_JJ water_NN ._. Then_RB I_PPSS dry_VB the_AT sheet
_NN under_IN mild_JJ pressure_NN so_CS that_CS it_PPS will_MD lie_VB flat_RB as_
CS a_AT board_NN ._. ``_`` In_IN addition_NN to_IN the_AT usual_JJ tools_NNS ,_,
I_PPSS make_VB constant_JJ use_NN of_IN cleansing_VBG tissue_NN ,_, not_* only_
RB to_TO wipe_VB my_PP$ brushes_NNS ,_, but_CC to_TO mop_VB up_RP certain_JJ are
as_NNS ,_, to_TO soften_VB edges_NNS ,_, and_CC to_TO open_VB up_RP lights_NNS i
n_IN dark_JJ washes_NNS ._. The_AT great_JJ absorbency_NN of_IN this_DT tissue_N
N and_CC the_AT fact_NN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ easier_JJR to_TO control_VB than_C
S a_AT sponge_NN makes_VBZ it_PPO an_AT ideal_JJ tool_NN for_IN the_AT watercolo
rist_NN ._. I_PPSS also_RB use_VB a_AT small_JJ electric_JJ hand-blower_NN to_TO
dry_VB large_JJ washes_NNS in_IN the_AT studio_NN ._. ``_`` My_PP$ brushes_NNS
are_BER different_JJ from_IN those_DTS used_VBN by_IN most_AP watercolorists_NNS
,_, for_CS I_PPSS combine_VB the_AT sable_NN and_CC the_AT bristle_NN ._. The_A
T red_JJ sables_NNS are_BER 8_CD ;_. ;_. two_CD riggers_NNS ,_, 6_CD and_CC 10_C
D ;_. ;_. and_CC a_AT very_QL large_JJ ,_, flat_JJ wash_NN brush_NN ._. The_AT b
ristles_NNS are_BER a_AT Fitch_NP 2_CD and_CC a_AT one-half_NN inch_NN brush_NN
shaved_VBN to_IN a_AT sharp_JJ chisel_NN edge_NN ._. ``_`` My_PP$ usual_JJ palet
te_NN consists_VBZ of_IN top-quality_NN colors_NNS :_: alizarin_NN crimson_NN ,_
, orange_NN ,_, raw_JJ sienna_NN ,_, raw_JJ umber_NN ,_, burnt_VBN sienna_NN ,_,
sepia_NN ,_, cerulean_JJ blue_NN ,_, cobalt_NN blue_NN ,_, French_JJ ultramarin
e_JJ blue_NN ,_, Winsor_NP green_NN ,_, Hooker's_NP$ green_NN 2_CD ,_, cadmium_N
N yellow_NN pale_JJ ,_, yellow_JJ ochre_NN ,_, Payne's_NP$ gray_NN ,_, charcoal_
NN gray_NN ,_, Davy's_NP$ gray_NN ,_, and_CC ivory_JJ black_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN a
nalyzing_VBG the_AT watercolors_NNS of_IN Roy_NP Mason_NP ,_, the_AT first_OD th
ing_NN that_WPS comes_VBZ to_IN mind_NN is_BEZ their_PP$ essential_JJ decorative
ness_NN ,_, yet_CC this_DT word_NN has_HVZ such_ABL a_AT varied_VBN connotation_
NN that_CS it_PPS needs_VBZ some_DTI elaboration_NN here_RB ._. True_RB ,_, a_AT
Mason_NP watercolor_NN is_BEZ unmistakably_RB a_AT synthesis_NN of_IN nature_NN
rather_IN than_IN a_AT detailed_VBN inventory_NN ._. Unlike_IN many_AP decorati
ve_JJ patterns_NNS that_WPS present_VB a_AT static_JJ flat_JJ convention_NN ,_,
this_DT artist's_NN$ pictures_NNS are_BER full_JJ of_IN atmosphere_NN and_CC cli
mate_NN ._. Long_JJ observation_NN has_HVZ taught_VBN Mason_NP that_CS most_AP l
andscape_NN can_MD be_BE reduced_VBN to_IN three_CD essential_JJ planes_NNS :_:
a_AT foreground_NN in_IN sharp_JJ focus_NN --_-- either_CC a_AT light_JJ area_NN
with_IN dark_JJ accents_NNS or_CC a_AT dark_JJ one_CD with_IN lights_NNS ;_. ;_
. a_AT middle_JJ distance_NN often_RB containing_VBG the_AT major_JJ motif_NN ;_
. ;_. and_CC a_AT background_NN ,_, usually_RB a_AT silhouetted_VBN form_NN foil
ed_VBN against_IN the_AT sky_NN ._. In_IN following_VBG this_DT general_NN princ
iple_NN ,_, Mason_NP provides_VBZ the_AT observer_NN with_IN a_AT natural_JJ eye
_NN progression_NN from_IN foreground_NN to_IN background_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT i
llusion_NN of_IN depth_NN is_BEZ instantly_RB created_VBN ._. When_WRB painting_
VBG ,_, Mason's_NP$ physical_JJ eyes_NNS are_BER half-closed_JJ ,_, while_CS his
_PP$ mind's_NN$ eye_NN is_BEZ wide_QL open_JJ ,_, and_CC this_DT circumstance_NN
accounts_VBZ in_IN part_NN for_IN the_AT impression_NN he_PPS wishes_VBZ to_TO
convey_VB ._. He_PPS does_DOZ not_* insist_VB on_IN telling_VBG all_ABN he_PPS k
nows_VBZ about_IN any_DTI given_VBN subject_NN ;_. ;_. rather_RB his_PP$ picture
s_NNS invite_VB the_AT observer_NN to_TO draw_VB on_IN his_PP$ memory_NN ,_, his
_PP$ imagination_NN ,_, his_PP$ nostalgia_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ for_IN this_DT re
ason_NN that_CS Roy_NP avoids_VBZ selecting_VBG subjects_NNS that_WPS require_VB
specific_JJ recognition_NN of_IN place_NN for_IN their_PP$ enjoyment_NN ._. His
_PP$ pictures_NNS generalize_VB ,_, though_CS they_PPSS are_BER inspired_VBN by_
IN a_AT particular_JJ locale_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS universalize_VB in_IN terms_NN
S of_IN weather_NN ,_, skies_NNS ,_, earth_NN ,_, and_CC people_NNS ._. By_IN de
aling_VBG with_IN common_JJ landscape_NN in_IN an_AT uncommon_JJ way_NN ,_, Roy_
NP Mason_NP has_HVZ found_VBN a_AT particular_JJ niche_NN in_IN American_JJ land
scape_NN art_NN ._. Living_VBG with_IN his_PP$ watercolors_NNS is_BEZ a_AT vicar
ious_JJ experience_NN of_IN seeing_VBG nature_NN distilled_VBN through_IN the_AT
eyes_NNS of_IN a_AT sensitive_JJ interpretor_NN ,_, a_AT breath_NN and_CC bread
th_NN of_IN the_AT outdoor_JJ world_NN to_TO help_VB man_NN honor_VB the_AT Crea
tor_NN-TL of_IN it_PPO all_ABN ._. The_AT artist_NN was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Gilb
ert_NP Mills_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, in_IN 1886_CD ,_, and_CC until_IN t
wo_CD years_NNS ago_RB when_WRB he_PPS and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN moved_VBD to_IN Ca
lifornia_NP ,_, he_PPS lived_VBD in_IN western_JJ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, in_IN
Batavia_NP ._. When_WRB I_PPSS looked_VBD up_RP the_AT actual_JJ date_NN of_IN
his_PP$ birth_NN and_CC found_VBD it_PPO to_TO be_BE March_NP 15th_OD ,_, I_PPSS
realized_VBD that_CS Roy_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN under_IN the_AT right_JJ zodiacal
_JJ sign_NN for_IN a_AT watercolorist_NN :_: the_AT water_NN sign_NN of_IN Pisce
s_NP (_( February_NP 18_CD thru_IN March_NP 20_CD )_) ._. And_CC how_WQL very_QL
often_RB a_AT water_NN plane_NN is_BEZ featured_VBN in_IN his_PP$ landscapes_NN
S ,_, and_CC how_WQL appropriate_JJ that_CS he_PPS should_MD appear_VB in_IN Ame
rican_JJ-TL Artist_NN-TL again_RB ,_, in_IN his_PP$ natal_JJ month_NN of_IN Marc
h_NP !_. !_. Over_IN the_AT years_NNS ,_, beginning_VBG in_IN 1929_CD ,_, Mason_
NP has_HVZ been_BEN awarded_VBN seventeen_CD major_JJ prizes_NNS including_IN tw
o_CD gold_NN medals_NNS ;_. ;_. two_CD Ranger_NP-TL Fund_NN-TL purchase_NN award
s_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT Joseph_NP-TL Pennell_NP-TL Memorial_JJ-TL Medal_NN-TL ;_. ;
_. two_CD American_JJ-TL Watercolor_NN-TL Society_NN-TL prizes_NNS ;_. ;_. the_A
T Blair_NP-TL Purchase_NN-TL Prize_NN-TL for_IN watercolor_NN ,_, Art_NN-TL Inst
itute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicago_NP-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC others_NNS in_IN Buffalo_NP ,_
, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, Chautauqua_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL Haven_NN-TL ,_, Rochester
_NP ,_, Rockport_NP ,_, and_CC most_QL recently_RB ,_, the_AT $300_NNS prize_NN
for_IN a_AT watercolor_NN at_IN the_AT Laguna_NP-TL Beach_NN-TL Art_NN-TL Associ
ation_NN-TL ,_, He_PPS was_BEDZ elected_VBN to_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Academy_
NN-TL of_IN-TL Design_NN-TL as_CS an_AT Associate_NN-TL in_IN the_AT oil_NN clas
s_NN in_IN 1931_CD (_( after_CS receiving_VBG his_PP$ first_OD Ranger_NP-TL Fund
_NN-TL Purchase_NN-TL Prize_NN-TL at_IN the_AT Academy_NN-TL in_IN 1930_CD )_) ,
_, and_CC elevated_VBN to_IN Academicianship_NN-TL in_IN 1940_CD ._. Other_AP me
mberships_NNS include_VB the_AT American_JJ-TL Watercolor_NN-TL Society_NN-TL ,_
, Philadelphia_NP-TL Water_NN-TL Color_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ,_, Allied_VBN-TL Artist
s_NNS-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-TL ,_, Audubon_NP-TL Artists_NNS-TL ,_, Baltimore_N
P-TL Watercolor_NN-TL Society_NN-TL ._. The_AT Russian_JJ gymnasts_NNS beat_VBD
the_AT tar_NN out_IN of_IN the_AT American_JJ gymnasts_NNS in_IN the_AT 1960_CD
Olympics_NPS for_IN one_CD reason_NN --_-- they_PPSS were_BED better_JJR ._. The
y_PPSS were_BED better_RBR trained_VBN ,_, better_RBR looking_VBG ,_, better_RBR
built_VBN ,_, better_RBR disciplined_VBN and_CC something_PN else_RB --_-- they
_PPSS were_BED better_JJR dancers_NNS ._. Our_PP$ athletes_NNS are_BER only_QL j
ust_RB beginning_VBG to_TO learn_VB that_CS they_PPSS must_MD study_VB dance_NN
._. The_AT Russians_NPS are_BER all_ABN trained_VBN as_CS dancers_NNS before_CS
they_PPSS start_VB to_TO study_VB gymnastics_NN ._. But_CC why_WRB gymnastics_NN
at_IN all_ABN ?_. ?_. And_CC is_BEZ the_AT sport_NN really_QL important_JJ ?_.
?_. After_IN all_ABN ,_, we_PPSS did_DOD pretty_QL well_RB in_IN some_DTI other_
AP areas_NNS of_IN the_AT Olympics_NPS competition_NN ._. But_CC if_CS it_PPS is
_BEZ important_JJ ,_, what_WDT can_MD we_PPSS do_DO to_TO improve_VB ourselves_P
PLS ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ more_AP than_CS just_RB lack_NN of_IN dance_NN trainin
g_NN that_WPS is_BEZ our_PP$ problem_NN ,_, for_IN just_RB as_CS gymnastics_NNS
can_MD learn_VB from_IN dance_NN ,_, dance_NN has_HVZ some_DTI very_QL important
_JJ things_NNS to_TO learn_VB from_IN gymnastics_NN ._. Taking_VBG first_OD thin
gs_NNS first_RB ,_, let's_VB+PPO understand_VB the_AT sport_NN called_VBN gymnas
tics_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ made_VBN up_RP of_IN tumbling_VBG ,_, which_WDT might_
MD be_BE said_VBN to_TO start_VB with_IN a_AT somersault_NN ,_, run_VB through_I
N such_JJ stunts_NNS as_CS headstands_NNS ,_, handstands_NNS ,_, cartwheels_NNS
,_, backbends_NNS ,_, and_CC culminate_VB in_IN nearly_QL impossible_JJ combinat
ions_NNS of_IN aerial_JJ flips_NNS and_CC twists_NNS and_CC apparatus_NN work_NN
._. The_AT apparatus_NN used_VBN by_IN gymnasts_NNS was_BEDZ once_RB a_AT commo
n_JJ sight_NN in_IN American_JJ gyms_NNS ,_, but_CC about_RB 1930_CD it_PPS was_
BEDZ dropped_VBN in_IN favor_NN of_IN games_NNS ._. The_AT parallel_JJ bars_NNS
,_, horse_NN ,_, buck_NN ,_, springboard_NN ,_, horizontal_JJ bar_NN ,_, rings_N
NS ,_, and_CC mats_NNS formerly_RB in_IN the_AT school_NN gyms_NNS were_BED repl
aced_VBN by_IN baseball_NN ,_, volleyball_NN ,_, basketball_NN and_CC football_N
N ._. But_CC the_AT Russians_NPS use_VB gymnastics_NNS as_CS the_AT first_OD ste
p_NN in_IN training_VBG for_IN all_ABN other_AP sports_NNS because_CS it_PPS pro
vides_VBZ training_NN in_IN every_AT basic_JJ quality_NN except_IN one_CD ,_, en
durance_NN ._. The_AT gymnast_NN must_MD develop_VB strength_NN ,_, flexibility_
NN ,_, coordination_NN ,_, timing_VBG ,_, rhythm_NN ,_, courage_NN ,_, disciplin
e_NN ,_, persistence_NN and_CC the_AT desire_NN for_IN perfection_NN ._. In_IN s
hort_JJ ,_, gymnastics_NN uses_VBZ every_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT body_NN and_CC
requires_VBZ a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN character_NN as_QL well_RB ._. The_AT a
ddition_NN of_IN endurance_NN training_NN later_RBR ,_, when_WRB the_AT body_NN
is_BEZ mature_JJ enough_QLP to_TO benefit_VB from_IN it_PPO without_IN danger_NN
of_IN injury_NN ,_, provides_VBZ that_DT final_JJ quality_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ
the_AT top_JJS athlete_NN ,_, soldier_NN or_CC citizen_NN ._. Another_DT reason
_NN gymnastic_JJ study_NN is_BEZ valuable_JJ is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS can_MD be_BE
started_VBN very_QL early_RB in_IN life_NN ._. (_( An_AT enterprising_JJ teacher
_NN or_CC parent_NN could_MD start_VB training_VBG a_AT healthy_JJ child_NN at_I
N the_AT age_NN of_IN seven_CD days_NNS ._. Most_AP Europeans_NPS have_HV been_B
EN exercising_VBG newborn_JJ infants_NNS for_IN centuries_NNS ._. )_) In_IN most
_AP sports_NNS ,_, as_CS in_IN most_AP walks_NNS of_IN life_NN ,_, the_AT angels
_NNS are_BER on_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS begin_VB young_JJ ,_,
and_CC the_AT Russian_JJ competitor_NN of_IN 16_CD has_HVZ at_IN least_AP thirte
en_CD years_NNS of_IN training_VBG behind_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT American_NP is_B
EZ very_QL lucky_JJ if_CS he_PPS has_HVZ three_CD ._. If_CS a_AT nation_NN wishe
d_VBD to_TO get_VB a_AT head_NN start_NN in_IN physical_JJ fitness_NN over_IN al
l_ABN other_AP nations_NNS ,_, it_PPS would_MD start_VB its_PP$ kindergarten_NN
students_NNS on_IN a_AT program_NN of_IN gymnastics_NN the_AT day_NN they_PPSS e
ntered_VBD and_CC thus_RB eliminate_VB a_AT large_JJ number_NN of_IN the_AT prob
lems_NNS that_WPS plague_VB American_JJ schools_NNS ._. First_OD of_IN the_AT pr
oblems_NNS attacked_VBN would_MD be_BE fatigue_NN and_CC emotional_JJ tension_NN
,_, since_CS action_NN relieves_VBZ both_ABX ._. Oddly_RB enough_QLP ,_, it_PPS
is_BEZ proven_VBN that_CS there_EX would_MD be_BE less_AP reading_VBG difficult
y_NN ._. Certainly_RB there_EX would_MD be_BE less_AP anxiety_NN ,_, fewer_AP ac
cidents_NNS (_( it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT clumsy_JJ child_NN who_WPS sustains_VBZ the
_AT worst_JJT injuries_NNS )_) ,_, and_CC higher_JJR scholastic_JJ averages_NNS
,_, since_CS alert_JJ children_NNS work_VB better_RBR ._. Russia_NP knows_VBZ th
is_DT ,_, and_CC that_DT is_BEZ why_WRB there_EX were_BED over_RP 800,000_CD com
peting_VBG for_IN places_NNS as_CS candidates_NNS for_IN the_AT Olympic_JJ gymna
stic_JJ team_NN ._. Eighty_CD thousand_CD won_VBD top_JJS honors_NNS and_CC a_AT
chance_NN to_TO try_VB for_IN the_AT team_NN itself_PPL ._. We_PPSS could_MD sc
arcely_RB find_VB eighty_CD in_IN our_PP$ great_JJ land_NN of_IN over_RP 180_CD
million_CD people_NNS ._. And_CC what_WDT has_HVZ dancing_VBG to_TO do_DO with_I
N all_ABN this_DT ?_. ?_. A_AT great_JJ deal_NN ._. Russia's_NP$ young_JJ gymnas
ts_NNS have_HV studied_VBN dance_NN before_CS having_HVG the_AT rigorous_JJ trai
ning_NN on_IN apparatus_NN ._. Well-stretched_JJ ,_, trained_VBN in_IN posture_N
N and_CC coordinated_VBN movement_NN ,_, and_CC wedded_VBN to_IN rhythm_NN ,_, t
hey_PPSS presented_VBD the_AT audiences_NNS in_IN Rome_NP with_IN one_CD of_IN t
he_AT most_QL beautiful_JJ sights_NNS ever_RB seen_VBN at_IN any_DTI Olympic_JJ
contest_NN ._. American_JJ audiences_NNS in_IN particular_JJ learned_VBD two_CD
valuable_JJ lessons_NNS ._. They_PPSS saw_VBD completely_QL masculine_JJ and_CC
obviously_RB virile_JJ men_NNS performing_VBG with_IN incredible_JJ grace_NN ._.
They_PPSS were_BED further_RBR stripped_VBN of_IN old_JJ wive's_NNS$ tales_NNS
by_IN seeing_VBG the_AT slender_JJ ,_, lovely_JJ Russian_JJ girls_NNS performing
_VBG feats_NNS requiring_VBG tremendous_JJ strength_NN and_CC with_IN not_* one_
CD bulging_VBG muscle_NN ._. President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP has_HVZ asked_VBN that_C
S we_PPSS become_VB a_AT physically_RB fit_JJ nation_NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS wait_V
B until_CS children_NNS are_BER in_IN junior_JJ high_NN or_CC high_JJ school_NN
,_, we_PPSS will_MD never_RB manage_VB it_PPO ._. To_TO be_BE fit_JJ ,_, one_CD
has_HVZ to_TO start_VB early_RB with_IN young_JJ children_NNS ,_, and_CC today_N
R the_AT only_AP person_NN who_WPS really_RB reaches_VBZ such_JJ children_NNS is
_BEZ the_AT teacher_NN of_IN dance_NN ._. If_CS the_AT dance_NN teachers_NNS of_
IN America_NP make_VB it_PPO their_PP$ business_NN to_TO prepare_VB their_PP$ yo
ung_JJ charges_NNS for_IN the_AT gymnastics_NN that_WPS must_MD come_VB some_DTI
day_NN if_CS our_PP$ schools_NNS are_BER really_RB responsible_JJ ,_, we_PPSS w
ill_MD be_BE that_QL much_QL ahead_RB ._. School_NN teachers_NNS ,_, all_ABN too
_QL unprepared_JJ for_IN the_AT job_NN they_PPSS must_MD do_DO ,_, will_MD need_
VB demonstrators_NNS ._. There_EX should_MD be_BE youngsters_NNS who_WPS know_VB
how_WRB to_TO do_DO a_AT headstand_NN ,_, and_CC also_RB how_WRB to_TO help_VB
other_AP children_NNS learn_VB it_PPO ._. They_PPSS should_MD know_VB simple_JJ
exercises_NNS that_WPS could_MD prepare_VB less_QL fortunate_JJ children_NNS for
_IN the_AT sports_NNS we_PPSS will_MD demand_NN be_BE taught_VBN ._. Dance_NN te
achers_NNS can_MD respond_VB to_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ request_NN not_
* only_RB through_IN their_PP$ regular_JJ dance_NN work_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB th
rough_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN basic_JJ gymnastic_JJ work_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ f
or_IN strength_NN and_CC flexibility_NN ._. Very_QL little_AP in_IN today's_NR$
living_NN provides_VBZ the_AT strength_NN we_PPSS need_VB and_CC nothing_PN prov
ides_VBZ the_AT flexibility_NN ._. Dancers_NNS do_DO have_HV flexibility_NN ._.
They_PPSS often_RB fail_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, to_TO develop_VB real_JJ abdominal
_JJ ,_, back_NN ,_, chest_NN ,_, shoulder_NN and_CC arm_NN strength_NN ._. Ask_V
B any_DTI group_NN of_IN ballerinas_NNS to_TO do_DO ten_CD push-ups_NNS or_CC th
ree_CD chin-ups_NNS and_CC the_AT results_NNS ,_, considering_IN the_AT amount_N
N of_IN physical_JJ training_NN they_PPSS have_HV had_HVN ,_, will_MD be_BE very
_QL disappointing_JJ ._. Even_RB the_AT boys_NNS will_MD not_* be_BE outstanding
_JJ in_IN these_DTS areas_NNS ._. This_DT isn't_BEZ* surprising_JJ when_WRB we_P
PSS consider_VB that_CS over_RP 29_CD percent_NN of_IN the_AT 11-year-old_JJ boy
s_NNS in_IN America_NP cannot_MD* chin_VB themselves_PPLS once_RB ,_, and_CC tha
t_CS English_JJ school_NN girls_NNS outdo_VB them_PPO in_IN almost_RB every_AT t
est_NN (_( even_RB dashes_NNS and_CC endurance_NN )_) ._. The_AT only_AP area_NN
in_IN which_WDT American_JJ boys_NNS hold_VB their_PP$ own_JJ is_BEZ the_AT bas
eball_NN throw_NN ._. The_AT-HL chinning_VBG-HL bar_NN-HL For_IN arm_NN and_CC s
houlder_NN strength_NN a_AT chinning_VBG bar_NN is_BEZ recommended_VBN ._. It_PP
S should_MD be_BE installed_VBN over_IN a_AT door_NN that_WPS is_BEZ in_IN full_
JJ view_NN of_IN everyone_PN ,_, and_CC a_AT chair_NN should_MD be_BE placed_VBN
under_IN it_PPO ,_, a_AT little_AP to_IN one_CD side_NN ._. Those_DTS children_
NNS who_WPS can_MD chin_VB themselves_PPLS should_MD be_BE told_VBN to_TO do_DO
one_CD chin-up_NN each_DT time_NN they_PPSS pass_VB under_IN it_PPO ._. Those_DT
S who_WPS are_BER too_QL weak_JJ ,_, should_MD climb_VB on_IN the_AT chair_NN an
d_CC ,_, starting_VBG at_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT chin_NN ,_, let_VB themse
lves_PPLS slowly_RB down_RP ._. When_WRB they_PPSS can_MD take_VB ten_CD seconds
_NNS to_TO accomplish_VB the_AT descent_NN ,_, they_PPSS will_MD have_HV the_AT
strength_NN to_TO chin-up_VB ._. Parents_NNS should_MD be_BE informed_VBN about_
IN this_DT system_NN and_CC encouraged_VBN to_TO do_DO the_AT same_AP with_IN th
e_AT whole_JJ family_NN at_IN home_NR ._. The_AT-HL horse_NN-HL kick_NN-HL Arm_N
N ,_, shoulder_NN ,_, chest_NN ,_, upper_JJ and_CC lower_JJR back_NN strength_NN
will_MD be_BE aided_VBN with_IN the_AT Horse_NN kick_NN ._. Start_VB on_IN hand
s_NNS and_CC feet_NNS ._. Keeping_VBG the_AT hands_NNS in_IN the_AT starting_VBG
position_NN ,_, run_VB in_IN place_NN to_IN a_AT quick_JJ rhythm_NN ._. After_I
N this_DT has_HVZ become_VBN easy_JJ ,_, use_VB slower_JJR and_CC slower_JJR rhy
thms_NNS ,_, kicking_VBG higher_RBR and_CC higher_RBR ._. Follow_VB this_DT by_I
N crossing_VBG from_IN one_CD corner_NN of_IN the_AT room_NN to_IN the_AT other_
AP on_IN all_ABN fours_NNS ,_, kicking_VBG as_QL high_RB as_CS possible_JJ ._. P
ush-ups_NNS-HL Push-ups_NNS are_BER essential_JJ ,_, but_CC few_AP have_HV the_A
T strength_NN for_IN them_PPO at_IN first_RB ._. Start_VB on_IN the_AT knees_NNS
in_IN a_AT large_JJ circle_NN ._. Fall_VB slowly_RB forward_RB onto_IN the_AT h
ands_NNS and_CC let_VB the_AT body_NN down_RP to_IN rest_NN on_IN the_AT floor_N
N ._. Push_VB back_NN up_RP and_CC repeat_VB ._. Do_DO this_DT exercise_VB six_C
D times_NNS each_DT class_NN period_NN ._. As_CS strength_NN improves_VBZ start_
VB in_IN a_AT standing_VBG position_NN with_IN legs_NNS wide_QL apart_RB and_CC
upper_JJ body_NN bent_VBN forward_RB ._. Start_VB by_IN falling_VBG forward_RB t
o_IN a_AT point_NN close_JJ to_IN the_AT feet_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, as_CS strength_
NN improves_VBZ ,_, fall_VB farther_QL and_CC farther_QL out_RP ._. Try_VB to_TO
push_VB back_RB to_IN the_AT stand_NN position_NN from_IN the_AT stretched_VBN
position_NN without_IN any_DTI intermediate_JJ pushes_NNS from_IN the_AT hands_N
NS ._. The_AT push-up_NN itself_PPL can_MD be_BE taught_VBN by_IN starting_VBG a
t_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT push-up_NN with_IN legs_NNS spread_VBN wide_RB .
_. Let_VB the_AT body_NN down_RP slowly_RB ,_, taking_VBG at_IN least_AP five_CD
seconds_NNS for_IN the_AT letting_NN down_RP ._. Five_CD of_IN these_DTS done_V
BN daily_RB for_IN about_RB a_AT week_NN will_MD develop_VB the_AT strength_NN f
or_IN one_CD push-up_NN ._. Handstands_NNS-HL Handstands_NNS come_VB after_IN ar
ms_NNS ,_, chest_NN and_CC shoulders_NNS have_HV developed_VBN at_IN least_AP a_
AT minimum_NN of_IN strength_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN those_DTS who_WPS have_HV de
veloped_VBN more_RBR will_MD find_VB them_PPO easier_RBR ._. Start_VB with_IN th
e_AT class_NN standing_VBG in_IN a_AT circle_NN ,_, with_IN weight_NN on_IN the_
AT right_JJ foot_NN and_CC the_AT left_JJ extended_VBN a_AT little_JJ way_NN int
o_IN the_AT circle_NN ._. At_IN first_RB each_DT child_NN should_MD do_DO a_AT k
ick-up_NN by_IN himself_PPL so_CS that_CS the_AT teacher_NN can_MD determine_VB
those_DTS ready_JJ to_TO work_VB alone_RB ,_, and_CC those_DTS who_WPS need_VB h
elp_NN ._. Drop_VB both_ABX hands_NNS to_IN the_AT floor_NN and_CC at_IN the_AT
same_AP time_NN kick_VB the_AT right_JJ foot_NN up_RP in_IN back_NN ._. The_AT l
eft_JJ will_MD follow_VB at_IN once_RB ._. The_AT right_JJ will_MD land_VB first
_RB ,_, followed_VBN by_IN the_AT left_JJ ._. Return_VB to_IN the_AT standing_VB
G position_NN ._. Care_NN should_MD be_BE taken_VBN to_TO see_VB that_CS the_AT
hands_NNS are_BER placed_VBN on_IN the_AT floor_NN before_CS the_AT kick_NN star
ts_VBZ and_CC also_RB that_CS the_AT landing_VBG foot_NN is_BEZ brought_VBN as_Q
L close_RB to_IN the_AT hands_NNS as_CS possible_JJ ._. This_DT will_MD prevent_
VB flat_JJ falls_NNS and_CC toe_NN injuries_NNS ._. Bare_JJ feet_NNS are_BER bet
ter_JJR for_IN such_JJ work_NN than_CS any_DTI form_NN of_IN slipper_NN ._. Even
tually_RB the_AT class_NN will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO kick_VB up_RP high_RB enou
gh_QLP so_CS that_CS the_AT teacher_NN can_MD catch_VB the_AT leading_VBG leg_NN
._. The_AT child_NN should_MD then_RB bring_VB both_ABX legs_NNS together_RB ov
erhead_RB ,_, point_VB the_AT toes_NNS and_CC tighten_VB the_AT seat_NN muscles_
NNS ._. Be_BE sure_JJ that_CS the_AT landing_VBG foot_NN is_BEZ brought_VBN clos
e_RB to_IN the_AT hands_NNS and_CC that_CS only_RB one_CD foot_NN lands_VBZ at_I
N a_AT time_NN ._. Backbends_NNS-HL The_AT backbend_NN is_BEZ of_IN extreme_JJ i
mportance_NN to_IN any_DTI form_NN of_IN free_JJ gymnastics_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, as
_CS with_IN all_ABN acrobatics_NN ,_, the_AT sooner_RBR begun_VBN the_AT better_
JJR the_AT results_NNS ._. Have_HV the_AT class_NN lie_VB supine_JJ with_IN knee
s_NNS apart_RB and_CC bent_VBN ._. Place_VB flat_JJ palms_NNS on_IN either_DTX s
ide_NN of_IN the_AT head_NN a_AT few_AP inches_NNS away_RB from_IN the_AT ears_N
NS ,_, fingers_NNS pointing_VBG toward_IN the_AT shoulders_NNS ._. Arch_VB the_A
T back_NN upwards_RB to_TO make_VB a_AT bridge_NN ._. Be_BE sure_JJ the_AT head_
NN drops_VBZ backward_RB so_CS that_CS the_AT child_NN looks_VBZ at_IN the_AT fl
oor_NN rather_IN than_IN toward_IN the_AT ceiling_NN ._. As_CS flexibility_NN im
proves_VBZ ,_, the_AT feet_NNS will_MD move_VB closer_RBR to_IN the_AT hands_NNS
and_CC the_AT bridge_NN rise_VB higher_RBR ._. Later_RBR this_DT can_MD be_BE c
ombined_VBN with_IN the_AT handstand_NN to_TO provide_VB a_AT walkover_NN ._. Ba
ck_NN-HL circle_NN-HL To_TO further_RBR increase_VB back_NN flexibility_NN ,_, w
ork_VB on_IN the_AT back_NN circle_NN ._. Have_HV the_AT class_NN lie_VB prone_R
B ._. Place_VB the_AT hands_NNS in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT chest_NN ._. Keep_VB
the_AT legs_NNS straight_JJ and_CC the_AT toes_NNS pointed_VBN ._. Straighten_V
B the_AT arms_NNS slowly_RB ,_, this_DT arches_VBZ the_AT back_NN ._. At_IN the_
AT peak_NN of_IN the_AT arch_NN ,_, tip_VB the_AT head_NN back_RB and_CC bend_VB
the_AT knees_NNS in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO touch_VB toes_NNS to_IN head_NN ._
. Improvement_NN can_MD be_BE measured_VBN by_IN the_AT lessening_VBG distance_N
N between_IN toes_NNS and_CC head_NN ._. Somersaults_NNS-HL The_AT last_AP essen
tial_NN to_IN the_AT beginner's_NN$ gymnastic_JJ program_NN is_BEZ the_AT somers
ault_NN ,_, or_CC forward_JJ roll_NN ._. This_DT used_VBD to_TO be_BE part_NN of
_IN every_AT child's_NN$ bag_NN of_IN tricks_NNS ,_, but_CC few_AP children_NNS
can_MD do_DO it_PPO today_NR ;_. ;_. some_DTI are_BER actually_RB incapable_JJ o
f_IN rolling_VBG forward_RB and_CC are_BER completely_QL confused_VBN when_WRB n
ot_* sitting_VBG or_CC standing_VBG upright_RB ._. For_IN most_AP small_JJ child
ren_NNS ,_, learning_VBG a_AT forward_JJ roll_NN is_BEZ simply_RB a_AT matter_NN
of_IN copying_VBG another_DT child_NN who_WPS can_MD ._. After_CS it_PPS has_HV
Z been_BEN seen_VBN ,_, have_HV the_AT child_NN start_NN on_IN a_AT mat_NN on_IN
hands_NNS and_CC knees_NNS (_( a_AT thin_JJ ,_, inexpensive_JJ mat_NN is_BEZ qu
ite_QL sufficient_JJ for_IN anything_PN that_WPS does_DOZ not_* require_VB falli
ng_VBG )_) ._. He_PPS places_VBZ the_AT hands_NNS on_IN either_DTX side_NN of_IN
the_AT head_NN ,_, keeping_VBG the_AT chin_NN down_RP on_IN the_AT chest_NN ._.
He_PPS then_RB pushes_VBZ his_PP$ seat_NN into_IN the_AT air_NN and_CC the_AT t
eacher_NN guides_VBZ it_PPO over_RP ._. One_CD or_CC two_CD practice_NN runs_NNS
should_MD be_BE sufficient_JJ for_IN solo_NN ._. If_CS ,_, however_RB ,_, the_A
T child_NN is_BEZ weak_JJ ,_, overweight_JJ ,_, or_CC afraid_JJ ,_, more_AP help
_NN will_MD be_BE needed_VBN ._. When_WRB the_AT child_NN raises_VBZ his_PP$ sea
t_NN into_IN the_AT air_NN ,_, the_AT teacher_NN takes_VBZ hold_NN under_IN both
_ABX sides_NNS of_IN the_AT pelvis_NN ;_. ;_. then_RB no_AT matter_NN what_WDT h
appens_VBZ ,_, the_AT child's_NN$ performance_NN will_MD be_BE controlled_VBN ._
. By_IN lifting_VBG the_AT seat_NN upwards_RB a_AT little_JJ ,_, the_AT weight_N
N is_BEZ taken_VBN off_IN the_AT neck_NN and_CC the_AT back_NN is_BEZ kept_VBN r
ounded_VBN ._. These_DTS are_BER beginnings_NNS ,_, but_CC correctly_RB learned_
VBN they_PPSS prepare_VB for_IN satisfying_VBG and_CC exciting_JJ stunts_NNS tha
t_WPS can_MD be_BE performed_VBN by_IN a_AT strong_JJ ,_, flexible_JJ body_NN (_
( we_PPSS are_BER not_* talking_VBG of_IN eccentric_JJ extremes_NNS )_) ._. Even
_RB if_CS gymnastics_NNS are_BER not_* the_AT ultimate_JJ goal_NN ,_, the_AT goo
d_JJ tumbler_NN will_MD be_BE a_AT better_JJR dancer_NN ,_, a_AT better_JJR athl
ete_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT human_JJ being_NN with_IN a_AT greater_JJR margin_NN of_I
N safety_NN in_IN any_DTI activity_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ very_QL important_JJ for
_CS parents_NNS to_TO understand_VB that_CS early_JJ training_NN is_BEZ imperati
ve_JJ ._. And_CC dancing_VBG school_NN ,_, so_QL helpful_JJ in_IN artistic_JJ an
d_CC psychological_JJ development_NN ,_, also_RB contributes_VBZ to_IN this_DT e
ssential_JJ early_JJ training_NN --_-- and_CC can_MD contribute_VB even_QL more_
RBR ._. Every_AT taxpayer_NN is_BEZ well_QL aware_JJ of_IN the_AT vast_JJ size_N
N of_IN our_PP$ annual_JJ defense_NN budget_NN and_CC most_AP of_IN our_PP$ read
ers_NNS also_RB realize_VB that_CS a_AT large_JJ portion_NN of_IN these_DTS expe
nditures_NNS go_VB for_IN military_JJ electronics_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV noted_V
BN how_WRB some_DTI electronic_JJ techniques_NNS ,_, developed_VBN for_IN the_AT
defense_NN effort_NN ,_, have_HV evenutally_RB been_BEN used_VBN in_IN commerce
_NN and_CC industry_NN ._. The_AT host_NN of_IN novel_JJ applications_NNS of_IN
electronics_NN to_IN medical_JJ problems_NNS is_BEZ far_QL more_QL thrilling_JJ
because_RB of_IN their_PP$ implication_NN in_IN matters_NNS concerning_IN our_PP
$ health_NN and_CC vitality_NN ._. When_WRB we_PPSS consider_VB the_AT electroni
c_JJ industry_NN potential_NN for_IN human_JJ betterment_NN ,_, the_AT prospect_
NN is_BEZ staggering_JJ ._. The_AT author_NN has_HVZ recently_RB studied_VBN the
_AT field_NN of_IN medical_JJ electronics_NN and_CC has_HVZ been_BEN convinced_V
BN that_CS ,_, in_IN this_DT area_NN alone_RB ,_, the_AT application_NN of_IN el
ectronic_JJ equipment_NN has_HVZ enormous_JJ possibilities_NNS ._. The_AT benefi
ts_NNS electronics_NN can_MD bring_VB to_IN bio-medicine_NN may_MD be_BE greater
_JJR by_IN far_RB than_CS any_DTI previous_JJ medical_JJ discovery_NN ._. We_PPS
S use_VB the_AT term_NN ``_`` bio-medicine_NN ''_'' because_RB of_IN the_AT clos
e_JJ interrelation_NN between_IN biology_NN and_CC medical_JJ research_NN ._. El
ectronics_NN has_HVZ been_BEN applied_VBN to_IN medicine_NN for_IN many_AP years
_NNS in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN such_JJ familiar_JJ equipment_NN as_CS the_AT x-
ray_NN machine_NN ,_, the_AT electrocardiograph_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT diathermy_N
N machine_NN ._. Recently_RB many_AP doctors_NNS have_HV installed_VBN ultrasoni
c_JJ vibration_NN machines_NNS for_IN deep_JJ massage_NN of_IN bruises_NNS ,_, c
ontusions_NNS ,_, and_CC simple_JJ bursitis_NN ._. Commonly_RB used_VBN electron
ic_JJ devices_NNS which_WDT are_BER found_VBN in_IN practically_RB every_AT hosp
ital_NN are_BER closed-circuit_JJ TV_NN and_CC audio_NN systems_NNS for_IN inter
nal_JJ paging_NN and_CC instruction_NN ,_, along_RB with_IN radiation_NN counter
s_NNS ,_, timers_NNS ,_, and_CC similar_JJ devices_NNS ._. In_IN this_DT article
_NN we_PPSS will_MD concentrate_VB on_IN the_AT advances_NNS in_IN the_AT applic
ation_NN of_IN electronics_NN in_IN bio-medical_JJ research_NN laboratories_NNS
because_CS this_DT is_BEZ where_WRB tomorrow's_NR$ commonplace_JJ equipment_NN o
riginates_VBZ ._. From_IN the_AT wealth_NN of_IN material_NN and_CC the_AT wide_
JJ variety_NN of_IN different_JJ electronic_JJ techniques_NNS perfected_VBN in_I
N the_AT past_AP few_AP years_NNS we_PPSS have_HV selected_VBN a_AT few_AP examp
les_NNS which_WDT appear_VB to_TO be_BE headed_VBN for_IN use_NN in_IN the_AT im
mediate_JJ future_NN and_CC which_WDT offer_VB completely_QL new_JJ tools_NNS in
_IN medical_JJ research_NN ._. Ultraviolet_JJ-HL microscopy_NN-HL Many_AP cells_
NNS ,_, bacteria_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP microorganisms_NNS are_BER transparent_
JJ to_IN visible_JJ light_NN and_CC must_MD be_BE stained_VBN for_IN microscopic
_JJ investigation_NN ._. This_DT stain_NN often_RB disrupts_VBZ the_AT normal_JJ
cell_NN activity_NN or_CC else_RB colors_VBZ only_RB the_AT outside_NN ._. A_AT
completely_QL new_JJ insight_NN into_IN living_VBG cells_NNS and_CC their_PP$ s
tructure_NN will_MD be_BE possible_JJ by_IN use_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ technique_N
N which_WDT replaces_VBZ visible_JJ light_NN with_IN ultraviolet_JJ radiation_NN
and_CC combines_VBZ a_AT microscope_NN with_IN a_AT color-TV_NN system_NN to_TO
view_VB the_AT results_NNS ._. Fig._NN 1_CD is_BEZ a_AT simplified_VBN block_NN
diagram_NN of_IN the_AT ultraviolet_JJ microscopy_NN system_NN developed_VBN at
_IN the_AT Medical_JJ-TL Electronics_NN-TL Center_NN-TL of_IN Rockefeller_NP Ins
titute_NN-TL ._. By_IN combining_VBG the_AT talents_NNS of_IN a_AT medical_JJ ma
n_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Aterman_NP ,_, a_AT biophysicist_NN ,_, Mr._NP Berkely_NP ,_,
and_CC an_AT electronics_NN expert_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Zworykin_NP ,_, this_DT nov
el_JJ technique_NN has_HVZ been_BEN developed_VBN which_WDT promises_VBZ to_TO o
pen_VB broad_JJ avenues_NNS to_IN understanding_VBG life_NN processes_NNS ._. Th
ree_CD different_JJ wavelengths_NNS of_IN ultraviolet_JJ radiation_NN are_BER se
lected_VBN by_IN the_AT variable_JJ filters_NNS placed_VBN in_IN front_NN of_IN
the_AT three_CD mercury_NN xenon_NN lights_NNS which_WDT serve_VB as_CS the_AT u
ltraviolet_JJ sources_NNS ._. These_DTS wavelengths_NNS are_BER reflected_VBN in
_IN sequence_NN through_IN the_AT specimen_NN by_IN the_AT rotating_VBG mirror_N
N ;_. ;_. the_AT specimen_NN is_BEZ magnified_VBN by_IN the_AT microscope_NN ._.
Instead_RB of_IN the_AT observer's_NN$ eye_NN the_AT image_NN orthicon_NN in_IN
the_AT TV_NN camera_NN does_DOZ the_AT ``_`` looking_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT micros
cope_NN and_CC orthicon_NN are_BER both_ABX selected_VBN to_TO operate_VB well_Q
L into_IN the_AT ultraviolet_JJ spectrum_NN ,_, which_WDT means_VBZ that_CS all_
ABN lenses_NNS must_MD be_BE quartz_NN ._. The_AT video_NN signal_NN is_BEZ ampl
ified_VBN and_CC then_RB switched_VBN ,_, in_IN synchronism_NN with_IN the_AT th
ree_CD ultraviolet_JJ light_NN sources_NNS which_WDT are_BER sequenced_VBN by_IN
the_AT rotating_VBG mirror_NN so_CS that_CS during_IN one-twentieth_NN of_IN a_
AT second_NN only_RB one_CD wavelength_NN ,_, corresponding_VBG to_IN red_NN ,_,
green_NN ,_, or_CC blue_NN ,_, is_BEZ seen_VBN ._. (_( Note_VB :_: Because_RB o
f_IN light_NN leakage_NN from_IN one_CD ultraviolet_JJ source_NN to_IN another_D
T ,_, the_AT lights_NNS are_BER switched_VBN by_IN a_AT commutator-like_JJ assem
bly_NN rotated_VBN by_IN a_AT synchronous_JJ motor_NN ._. This_DT assembly_NN al
so_RB supplies_VBZ a_AT 20-cps_NN switching_VBG gate_NN for_IN the_AT electronic
s_NN circuitry_NN ._. )_) This_DT is_BEZ the_AT same_AP system_NN as_CS was_BEDZ
used_VBN in_IN the_AT field-sequential_JJ color-TV_NN system_NN which_WDT prece
ded_VBD the_AT present_JJ simultaneous_JJ system_NN ._. Three_CD separate_JJ amp
lifiers_NNS then_RB drive_VB a_AT 21-inch_JJ tricolor_NN tube_NN ._. The_AT resu
lt_NN is_BEZ a_AT color_NN picture_NN of_IN the_AT specimen_NN where_WRB the_AT
primary_JJ colors_NNS correspond_VB to_IN the_AT three_CD different_JJ ultraviol
et_JJ wavelengths_NNS ._. Many_AP of_IN the_AT cells_NNS and_CC microorganisms_N
NS which_WDT are_BER transparent_JJ to_IN visible_JJ light_NN ,_, absorb_VB or_C
C reflect_VB the_AT much_QL shorter_JJR wavelengths_NNS of_IN the_AT ultraviolet
_JJ spectrum_NN ._. Different_JJ parts_NNS of_IN these_DTS cells_NNS sometimes_R
B absorb_VB or_CC reflect_VB different_JJ wavelengths_NNS so_CS that_CS it_PPS i
s_BEZ often_RB possible_JJ to_TO see_VB internal_JJ portions_NNS of_IN cells_NNS
in_IN a_AT different_JJ color_NN ._. Where_WRB the_AT microscope_NN under_IN vi
sible_JJ light_NN may_MD show_VB only_RB vague_JJ shadows_NNS or_CC nothing_PN a
t_IN all_ABN ,_, ultraviolet_JJ illumination_NN and_CC subsequent_JJ translation
_NN into_IN a_AT color_NN TV_NN picture_NN reveal_VB a_AT wealth_NN of_IN detail
_NN ._. At_IN the_AT present_JJ time_NN the_AT research_NN team_NN which_WDT pio
neered_VBD this_DT new_JJ technique_NN is_BEZ primarily_RB interested_VBN in_IN
advancing_VBG and_CC perfecting_VBG it_PPO ._. Breathing_VBG-HL --_---HL electro
nically_RB-HL analyzed_VBN-HL The_AT medical_JJ title_NN of_IN ``_`` Lobar_JJ-TL
Ventilation_NN-TL In_IN-TL Man_NN-TL ''_'' by_IN Drs._NNS-TL C._NP J._NP Martin
_NP and_CC A._NP C._NP Young_NP ,_, covers_VBZ a_AT brief_JJ paper_NN which_WDT
is_BEZ one_CD part_NN of_IN a_AT much_QL larger_JJR effort_NN to_TO apply_VB ele
ctronics_NN to_IN the_AT study_NN of_IN the_AT respiratory_JJ process_NN ._. At_
IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Washington_NP-TL Medical_JJ-TL School_NN-TL
,_, the_AT electronics_NN group_VB has_HVZ developed_VBN the_AT ``_`` Respirator
y_JJ-TL Gas_NN-TL Analyzer_NN-TL ''_'' shown_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 3_CD-TL ._. Th
is_DT unit_NN ,_, affectionately_RB dubbed_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL Monster_NN-TL ''_
'' ,_, can_MD be_BE wheeled_VBN to_IN any_DTI convenient_JJ location_NN and_CC p
rovides_VBZ a_AT wealth_NN of_IN information_NN about_IN the_AT patient's_NN$ br
eathing_NN ._. In_IN the_AT lower_JJR center_JJ rack_NN an_AT 8-channel_JJ recor
der_NN indicates_VBZ the_AT percentage_NN of_IN carbon_NN dioxide_NN and_CC nitr
ogen_NN from_IN the_AT upper_JJ and_CC lower_JJR lobes_NNS of_IN one_CD lung_NN
,_, the_AT total_NN volume_NN of_IN inhalation_NN per_IN breath_NN ,_, the_AT fl
ow_NN of_IN air_NN from_IN both_ABX lobes_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT pressure_NN of_I
N the_AT two_CD lobes_NNS with_IN respect_NN to_IN each_DT other_AP ._. Usually_
RB the_AT patient_NN breathes_VBZ into_IN a_AT mouthpiece_NN while_CS walking_VB
G a_AT treadmill_NN ,_, standing_VBG still_RB ,_, or_CC in_IN some_DTI other_AP
medically_RB significant_JJ position_NN ._. From_IN the_AT resulting_VBG data_NN
the_AT doctor_NN can_MD determine_VB lung_NN defects_NNS with_IN hitherto_RB un
known_JJ accuracy_NN and_CC detail_NN ._. Heart-measuring_JJ-HL techniques_NNS-H
L The_AT original_JJ electrocardiograph_NN primarily_RB indicates_VBZ irregulari
ties_NNS in_IN the_AT heartbeat_NN ,_, but_CC today's_NR$ techniques_NNS allow_V
B exact_JJ measurements_NNS of_IN the_AT flow_NN of_IN blood_NN through_IN the_A
T aorta_NN ,_, dimensioning_NN of_IN the_AT heart_NN and_CC its_PP$ chambers_NNS
,_, and_CC a_AT much_QL more_QL detailed_VBN study_NN of_IN each_DT heartbeat_N
N ._. For_IN many_AP of_IN these_DTS measurements_NNS the_AT chest_NN must_MD be
_BE opened_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT blood_NN vessels_NNS and_CC the_AT heart_NN its
elf_PPL remain_VB undisturbed_JJ ._. A_AT group_NN of_IN researchers_NNS at_IN t
he_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Washington_NP-TL have_HV given_VBN a_AT paper_NN
which_WDT briefly_RB outlines_VBZ some_DTI of_IN these_DTS techniques_NNS ._. O
ne_CD simple_JJ method_NN of_IN measuring_VBG the_AT expansion_NN of_IN the_AT h
eart_NN is_BEZ to_TO tie_VB a_AT thin_JJ rubber_NN tube_NN ,_, filled_VBN with_I
N mercury_NN ,_, around_IN the_AT heart_NN and_CC record_VB the_AT change_NN in_
IN resistance_NN as_CS the_AT tube_NN is_BEZ stretched_VBN ._. A_AT balanced_VBN
resistance_NN bridge_NN and_CC a_AT pen_NN recorder_NN are_BER all_ABN the_AT e
lectronic_JJ instrumentation_NN needed_VBN ._. Sonar_NN can_MD be_BE used_VBN to
_TO measure_VB the_AT thickness_NN of_IN the_AT heart_NN by_IN placing_VBG small
_JJ crystal_NN transducers_NNS at_IN opposite_JJ sides_NNS of_IN the_AT heart_NN
or_CC blood_NN vessel_NN and_CC exciting_VBG one_CD with_IN some_DTI pulsed_VBN
ultrasonic_JJ energy_NN ._. The_AT travel_NN time_NN of_IN sound_NN in_IN tissu
e_NN is_BEZ about_RB 1500_CD meters_NNS per_IN second_NN ;_. ;_. thus_RB it_PPS
takes_VBZ about_RB 16_CD Msec._NNS to_TO traverse_VB 25_CD mm._NNS of_IN tissue_
NN ._. A_AT sonar_NN or_CC radar-type_NN of_IN pulse_NN generator_NN and_CC time
-delay_NN measuring_VBG system_NN is_BEZ required_VBN for_IN body-tissue_NN eval
uation_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN the_AT heart_NN and_CC aorta_NN ,_, succes
sful_JJ measurements_NNS of_IN liver_NN and_CC spleen_NN have_HV also_RB been_BE
N made_VBN by_IN this_DT technique_NN ._. The_AT Doppler_NP effect_NN ,_, using_
VBG ultrasonic_JJ signals_NNS ,_, can_MD be_BE employed_VBN to_TO measure_VB the
_AT flow_NN of_IN blood_NN without_IN cutting_VBG into_IN the_AT blood_NN vessel
_NN ._. A_AT still_QL more_QL sophisticated_JJ system_NN has_HVZ been_BEN devise
d_VBN for_IN determining_VBG the_AT effective_JJ power_NN of_IN the_AT heart_NN
itself_PPL ._. It_PPS uses_VBZ both_ABX an_AT ultrasonic_JJ dimensioning_VBG arr
angement_NN of_IN the_AT heart_NN and_CC a_AT catheter_NN carrying_VBG a_AT ther
mistor_NN inserted_VBN into_IN the_AT bloodstream_NN ._. The_AT latter_AP measur
es_NNS the_AT heat_NN carried_VBN away_RB by_IN the_AT bloodstream_NN as_CS an_A
T indication_NN of_IN the_AT velocity_NN of_IN the_AT blood_NN flow_NN ._. It_PP
S is_BEZ also_RB possible_JJ to_TO utilize_VB a_AT pressure_NN transducer_NN ,_,
mounted_VBN at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN a_AT catheter_NN which_WDT is_BEZ inserte
d_VBN into_IN the_AT heart's_NN$ left_JJ ventricle_NN ,_, to_TO indicate_VB the_
AT blood_NN pressure_NN in_IN the_AT heart_NN itself_PPL ._. This_DT pressure_NN
measurement_NN may_MD be_BE made_VBN at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN that_CS the_A
T ultrasonic_JJ dimensioning_VBG measurement_NN is_BEZ made_VBN ._. A_AT simplif
ied_VBN version_NN of_IN the_AT instrumentation_NN for_IN this_DT procedure_NN i
s_BEZ shown_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 2_CD-TL ._. Outputs_NNS of_IN the_AT two_CD sys
tems_NNS are_BER measured_VBN by_IN a_AT pulse-timing_JJ circuit_NN and_CC a_AT
resistance_NN bridge_NN ,_, followed_VBN by_IN a_AT simple_JJ analogue_NN comput
er_NN which_WDT feeds_VBZ a_AT multichannel_JJ recorder_NN ._. From_IN this_DT d
octors_NNS can_MD read_VB heart_NN rate_NN ,_, change_NN in_IN diameter_NN ,_, p
ressure_NN ,_, and_CC effective_JJ heart_NN power_NN ._. Radio-transmitter_NN-HL
pills_NNS-HL Several_AP years_NNS ago_RB headlines_NNS were_BED made_VBN by_IN
a_AT small_JJ radio_NN transmitter_NN capsule_NN which_WDT could_MD be_BE swallo
wed_VBN by_IN the_AT patient_NN and_CC which_WDT would_MD then_RB radio_VB inter
nal_JJ pressure_NN data_NN to_IN external_JJ receivers_NNS ._. This_DT original_
JJ capsule_NN contained_VBD a_AT battery_NN and_CC a_AT transistor_NN oscillator
_NN and_CC was_BEDZ about_RB 1_CD cm._NN in_IN diameter_NN ._. Battery_NN life_N
N limited_VBD the_AT use_NN of_IN this_DT ``_`` pill_NN ''_'' to_IN about_RB 8_C
D to_IN 30_CD hours_NNS maximum_NN ._. A_AT refinement_NN of_IN this_DT techniqu
e_NN has_HVZ been_BEN described_VBN by_IN Drs._NNS-TL Zworykin_NP and_CC Farrar_
NP and_CC Mr._NP Berkely_NP of_IN the_AT Medical_JJ-TL Electronics_NN-TL Center_
NN-TL of_IN the_AT Rockefeller_NP-TL Institute_NN-TL ._. In_IN this_DT novel_JJ
arrangement_NN the_AT ``_`` pill_NN ''_'' is_BEZ much_QL smaller_JJR and_CC cont
ains_VBZ only_RB a_AT resonant_JJ circuit_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT capacitor_NN
is_BEZ formed_VBN by_IN a_AT pressure-sensing_JJ transducer_NN ._. As_QL shown_
VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 4_CD-TL ,_, an_AT external_JJ antenna_NN is_BEZ placed_VBN
over_IN or_CC around_IN the_AT patient_NN and_CC excited_VBN 3000_CD times_NNS a
_AT second_NN with_IN short_JJ 400-kc._NN bursts_NNS ._. The_AT energy_NN receiv
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT ``_`` pill_NN ''_'' causes_VBZ the_AT resonant_JJ circuit_NN
to_TO ``_`` ring_VB ''_'' on_RP after_IN the_AT burst_NN and_CC this_DT ``_`` r
inging_NN ''_'' takes_VBZ place_NN at_IN the_AT resonant_JJ frequency_NN of_IN t
he_AT ``_`` pill_NN ''_'' ._. These_DTS frequencies_NNS are_BER amplified_VBN an
d_CC detected_VBN by_IN the_AT FM_NN receiver_NN after_IN each_DT burst_NN of_IN
transmitted_VBN energy_NN and_CC ,_, after_CS the_AT ``_`` pill_NN ''_'' has_HV
Z been_BEN calibrated_VBN ,_, precise_JJ internal_JJ pressure_NN indications_NNS
can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT advantages_NNS of_IN this_DT
method_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT ``_`` pill_NN ''_'' can_MD remain_VB in_IN the_A
T patient_NN for_IN several_AP days_NNS ,_, permitting_VBG observation_NN under_
IN natural_JJ conditions_NNS ._. Applications_NNS to_IN organs_NNS other_AP than
_IN the_AT gastrointestinal_JJ tract_NN are_BER planned_VBN for_IN future_JJ exp
eriments_NNS ._. Sonar_NN-HL in_IN-HL medical_JJ-HL research_NN-HL One_CD of_IN
the_AT most_QL gratifying_JJ applications_NNS of_IN an_AT important_JJ technique
_NN of_IN submarine_NN detection_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_AT exploration_NN of_IN the
_AT human_JJ body_NN ._. Our_PP$ readers_NNS are_BER familiar_JJ with_IN the_AT
principles_NNS of_IN sonar_NN where_WRB sound_NN waves_NNS are_BER sent_VBN out_
RP in_IN water_NN and_CC the_AT echoes_NNS then_RB indicate_VB submerged_VBN obj
ects_NNS ._. Various_JJ methods_NNS of_IN pulsing_VBG ,_, scanning_VBG ,_, and_C
C displaying_VBG these_DTS sound_NN waves_NNS are_BER used_VBN to_TO detect_VB s
ubmarines_NNS ,_, map_VB ocean_NN floors_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB communicate_VB u
nder_IN water_NN ._. In_IN medicine_NN the_AT frequencies_NNS are_BER much_QL hi
gher_JJR ,_, transducers_NNS and_CC the_AT sonar_NN beams_NNS themselves_PPLS ar
e_BER much_QL smaller_JJR ,_, and_CC different_JJ scanning_VBG techniques_NNS ma
y_MD be_BE used_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT principles_NNS involved_VBN are_BER the_AT
same_AP as_CS in_IN sonar_NN ._. Because_CS the_AT body_NN contains_VBZ so_QL m
uch_AP liquid_NN ,_, transmission_NN of_IN ultrasonic_JJ signals_NNS proceeds_VB
Z fairly_QL well_RB in_IN muscles_NNS and_CC blood_NN vessels_NNS ._. Bones_NNS
and_CC cartilage_NN transmit_VB poorly_RB and_CC tend_VB to_TO reflect_VB the_AT
ultrasonic_JJ signals_NNS ._. Based_VBN on_IN this_DT phenomenon_NN ,_, a_AT nu
mber_NN of_IN investigators_NNS have_HV used_VBN this_DT method_NN to_TO ``_`` l
ook_VB through_IN ''_'' human_JJ organs_NNS ._. A_AT good_JJ example_NN of_IN th
e_AT results_NNS obtainable_JJ with_IN ultrasonic_JJ radiation_NN is_BEZ contain
ed_VBN in_IN papers_NNS presented_VBN by_IN Dr._NN-TL G._NP Baum_NP who_WPS has_
HVZ explored_VBN the_AT human_JJ eye_NN ._. He_PPS can_MD diagnose_VB detachment
_NN of_IN the_AT retina_NN where_WRB conventional_JJ methods_NNS indicate_VB bli
ndness_NN due_JJ to_IN glaucoma_NN ._. The_AT method_NN used_VBN to_TO scan_VB t
he_AT eye_NN ultrasonically_RB is_BEZ illustrated_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 6_CD-TL .
_. The_AT transducer_NN is_BEZ coupled_VBN to_IN the_AT body_NN through_IN a_AT
water_NN bath_NN ,_, not_* shown_VBN ._. For_IN display_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Baum_NP
uses_VBZ a_AT portion_NN of_IN an_AT Af_NN ,_, an_AT airborne_JJ radar_NN indic
ator_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB photographs_VBZ the_AT screen_NN to_TO obtain_VB a_AT
permanent_JJ record_NN ._. A_AT typical_JJ ``_`` sonogram_NN ''_'' of_IN a_AT h
uman_JJ eye_NN ,_, together_RB with_IN a_AT description_NN of_IN the_AT anatomic
al_JJ parts_NNS ,_, is_BEZ shown_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 5_CD-TL ._. The_AT frequen
cy_NN used_VBN for_IN these_DTS experiments_NNS is_BEZ 15_CD mc._NNS and_CC the_
AT transducer_NN is_BEZ a_AT specially_RB cut_VBN crystal_NN with_IN an_AT epoxy
_NN lens_NN capable_JJ of_IN providing_VBG beam_NN diameters_NNS smaller_JJR tha
n_CS one_CD millimeter_NN ._. The_AT transducer_NN itself_PPL moves_VBZ the_AT b
eam_NN in_IN a_AT sector_NN scan_NN ,_, just_RB like_CS a_AT radar_NN antenna_NN
,_, while_CS the_AT entire_JJ transducer_NN structure_NN is_BEZ moved_VBN over_
IN a_AT 90-degree_JJ arc_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT eye_NN to_TO ``_`` look_
VB into_IN ''_'' all_ABN corners_NNS ._. The_AT total_NN picture_NN is_BEZ only_
RB seen_VBN by_IN the_AT camera_NN which_WDT integrates_VBZ the_AT many_AP secto
r_NN scans_NNS over_IN the_AT entire_JJ 90-degree_JJ rotation_NN period_NN ._. D
rs._NNS-TL Howry_NP and_CC Holmes_NP at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Colo
rado_NP-TL Medical_JJ-TL School_NN-TL have_HV applied_VBN the_AT same_AP sonar_N
N technique_NN to_IN other_AP areas_NNS of_IN soft_JJ tissue_NN and_CC have_HV o
btained_VBN extremely_QL good_JJ results_NNS ._. By_IN submerging_VBG the_AT pat
ient_NN in_IN a_AT tub_NN and_CC rotating_VBG the_AT transducer_NN while_CS the_
AT scanning_NN goes_VBZ on_RP ,_, they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN able_JJ to_TO get_V
B cross-section_NN views_NNS of_IN the_AT neck_NN ,_, as_CS shown_VBN in_IN Fig.
_NN-TL 7_CD-TL ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS many_AP other_AP hitherto_RB impossible_J
J insights_NNS ._. As_CS mentioned_VBN before_RB ,_, bone_NN reflects_VBZ the_AT
sound_NN energy_NN and_CC in_IN Fig._NN-TL 7_CD-TL the_AT portion_NN of_IN the_
AT spine_NN shows_VBZ as_CS the_AT black_JJ area_NN in_IN the_AT center_NN ._. A
rteries_NNS and_CC veins_NNS are_BER apparent_JJ by_IN their_PP$ black_JJ ,_, bl
ood-filled_JJ centers_NNS and_CC the_AT surrounding_VBG white_JJ walls_NNS ._. A
_AT cross-section_NN of_IN a_AT normal_JJ lower_JJR human_JJ leg_NN is_BEZ shown
_VBN in_IN Fig._NN-TL 8_CD-TL with_IN the_AT various_JJ parts_NNS labeled_VBN ._
. Oersted's_NP$ boyhood_NN represented_VBD a_AT minimal_JJ chance_NN of_IN eithe
r_CC attaining_VBG greatness_NN or_CC serving_VBG his_PP$ people_NNS so_QL well_
RB and_CC over_IN so_QL long_JJ a_AT span_NN of_IN life_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ b
orn_VBN in_IN the_AT small_JJ Danish_JJ town_NN of_IN Rudkoebing_NP on_IN the_AT
island_NN of_IN Langeland_NP in_IN the_AT south-central_JJ part_NN of_IN Denmar
k_NP on_IN August_NP 14_CD ,_, 1777_CD ._. His_PP$ father_NN Soeren_NP was_BEDZ
the_AT village_NN apothecary_NN whose_WP$ slender_JJ income_NN made_VBD it_PPO d
ifficult_JJ to_TO feed_VB his_PP$ family_NN ,_, let_VB alone_RB educate_VB them_
PPO in_IN a_AT town_NN without_IN even_RB a_AT school_NN ._. The_AT two_CD older
_JJR boys_NNS ,_, Hans_NP and_CC Anders_NP ,_, his_PP$ junior_JJ by_IN a_AT year
_NN ,_, therefore_RB went_VBD daily_RB to_IN the_AT home_NN of_IN a_AT warm_JJ a
nd_CC friendly_JJ wigmaker_NN nearby_RB for_IN instruction_NN in_IN German_NP ;_
. ;_. his_PP$ wife_NN taught_VBD the_AT two_CD boys_NNS to_TO read_VB and_CC wri
te_VB Danish_JJ ._. Other_AP brothers_NNS later_RBR joined_VBD them_PPO for_IN i
nstruction_NN with_IN Oldenburg_NP ,_, the_AT wigmaker_NN ,_, and_CC also_RB ari
thmetic_NN was_BEDZ added_VBN to_IN Bible_NP reading_NN ,_, German_JJ ,_, and_CC
Danish_JJ in_IN the_AT informal_JJ curriculum_NN ._. Oldenburg's_NP$ contributi
ons_NNS were_BED soon_RB exhausted_VBN and_CC the_AT boys_NNS had_HVD to_TO turn
_VB to_IN a_AT wider_JJR circle_NN of_IN the_AT town's_NN$ learned_VBN ,_, such_
JJ as_CS the_AT pastor_NN ,_, to_TO supplement_VB the_AT simple_JJ teaching_NN .
_. From_IN the_AT town_NN surveyor_NN ,_, Hans_NP learned_VBD drawing_VBG and_CC
mathematics_NN and_CC ,_, from_IN a_AT university_NN student_NN ,_, some_DTI ac
ademic_JJ subjects_NNS ._. The_AT mayor_NN of_IN the_AT town_NN taught_VBD them_
PPO English_NP and_CC French_NP ._. Whatever_WDT Hans_NP or_CC Anders_NP learned
_VBD separately_RB they_PPSS passed_VBD on_RP to_IN each_DT other_AP ;_. ;_. the
y_PPSS read_VBD every_AT book_NN that_CS they_PPSS could_MD borrow_VB in_IN the_
AT village_NN ._. At_IN 12_CD ,_, Hans_NP was_BEDZ sufficiently_QL mature_JJ to_
TO help_VB his_PP$ father_NN in_IN the_AT apothecary_NN shop_NN ,_, which_WDT he
lped_VBD stimulate_VB his_PP$ interest_NN in_IN medicine_NN and_CC science_NN ._
. His_PP$ earlier_JJR love_NN for_IN literature_NN and_CC history_NN remained_VB
D with_IN him_PPO for_IN his_PP$ entire_JJ life_NN ._. In_IN 1793_CD the_AT brot
hers_NNS decided_VBD to_TO enter_VB the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Copenhagen_
NP-TL (_( founded_VBN in_IN 1479_CD )_) and_CC the_AT following_VBG spring_NN fo
und_VBD them_PPO at_IN the_AT university_NN preparing_VBG to_TO matriculate_VB f
or_IN the_AT autumn_NN session_NN ._. While_CS Hans_NP devoted_VBD himself_PPL t
o_IN the_AT sciences_NNS of_IN medicine_NN ,_, physics_NN ,_, and_CC astronomy_N
N ,_, his_PP$ brother_NN studied_VBD law_NN ._. The_AT brothers_NNS continued_VB
D to_TO help_VB each_DT other_AP during_IN their_PP$ studies_NNS ,_, sharing_VBG
a_AT joint_JJ purse_NN ,_, lodging_VBG together_RB in_IN the_AT dormitory_NN an
d_CC dining_VBG together_RB at_IN the_AT home_NN of_IN their_PP$ aunt_NN ._. The
y_PPSS supplemented_VBD their_PP$ income_NN by_IN small_JJ government_NN assista
nce_NN ,_, by_IN tutoring_VBG and_CC economizing_VBG wherever_WRB they_PPSS coul
d_MD ._. So_QL impressive_JJ were_BED those_DTS serious_JJ years_NNS of_IN study
_NN at_IN the_AT university_NN that_CS Hans_NP later_RBR wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` to_
TO be_BE perfectly_QL free_JJ ,_, the_AT young_JJ man_NN must_MD revel_VB in_IN
the_AT great_JJ kingdom_NN of_IN thought_NN and_CC imagination_NN ;_. ;_. there_
EX is_BEZ a_AT struggle_NN there_RB ,_, in_IN which_WDT ,_, if_CS he_PPS falls_V
BZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ easy_JJ for_IN him_PPO to_TO rise_VB again_RB ,_, there_EX
is_BEZ freedom_NN of_IN utterance_NN there_RB ,_, which_WDT draws_VBZ after_IN i
t_PPO no_AT irreparable_JJ consequences_NNS on_IN society_NN ._. I_PPSS lived_VB
D in_IN this_DT onward-driving_JJ contest_NN where_WRB each_DT day_NN overcame_V
BD a_AT new_JJ difficulty_NN ,_, gained_VBD a_AT new_JJ truth_NN ,_, or_CC banis
hed_VBD a_AT previous_JJ error_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS openly_RB proclaimed_VBD his_
PP$ pleasure_NN in_IN lecturing_VBG and_CC writing_VBG about_IN science_NN ._. I
n_IN this_DT third_OD year_NN at_IN the_AT university_NN ,_, Hans_NP ,_, in_IN 1
797_CD ,_, was_BEDZ awarded_VBN the_AT first_OD important_JJ token_NN of_IN reco
gnition_NN ,_, a_AT gold_NN medal_NN for_IN his_PP$ essay_NN on_IN ``_`` Limits_
NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Poetry_NN-TL And_CC-TL Prose_NN-TL ''_'' ._. He_PPS completed_VB
D his_PP$ training_NN in_IN pharmacy_NN also_RB ,_, taking_VBG his_PP$ degree_NN
with_IN high_JJ honors_NNS in_IN 1797_CD ,_, and_CC in_IN 1799_CD was_BEDZ awar
ded_VBN the_AT degree_NN of_IN Doctor_NN-TL of_IN-TL Philosophy_NN-TL along_RB w
ith_IN a_AT prize_NN for_IN an_AT essay_NN in_IN medicine_NN ._. He_PPS proposed
_VBD a_AT fresh_JJ theory_NN of_IN alkalis_NNS which_WDT later_RBR was_BEDZ acce
pted_VBN in_IN chemical_NN practices_NNS ._. Ferment_NN-HL of_IN-HL scientific_J
J-HL activity_NN-HL Hans'_NP$ student_NN days_NNS were_BED at_IN a_AT time_NN wh
en_WRB Europe_NP was_BEDZ in_IN a_AT new_JJ intellectual_JJ ferment_NN following
_VBG the_AT revolutions_NNS in_IN America_NP and_CC in_IN France_NP ,_, Germany_
NP and_CC Italy_NP were_BED rising_VBG from_IN divisive_JJ nationalisms_NNS and_
CC a_AT strong_JJ wave_NN of_IN intellectual_JJ awareness_NN was_BEDZ sweeping_V
BG the_AT Continent_NN-TL ._. The_AT new_JJ century_NN opened_VBD with_IN Oerste
d_NP beginning_VBG his_PP$ professional_JJ career_NN in_IN charge_NN of_IN an_AT
apothecary_NN shop_NN in_IN Copenhagen_NP and_CC as_CS lecturer_NN at_IN the_AT
university_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ stirred_VBN by_IN the_AT announcement_NN of_I
N Volta's_NP$ discovery_NN of_IN chemical_NN electricity_NN and_CC he_PPS immedi
ately_RB applied_VBD the_AT voltaic_JJ pile_NN to_IN experiments_NNS with_IN aci
ds_NNS and_CC alkalis_NNS ._. The_AT following_VBG year_NN he_PPS devoted_VBD to
_IN the_AT customary_JJ ``_`` Wanderjahr_FW-NN ''_'' ,_, traveling_VBG in_IN Ger
many_NP ,_, France_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Netherlands_NP ,_, meeting_VBG the_AT ph
ilosophers_NNS Schelling_NP ,_, Fichte_NP ,_, and_CC Tieck_NP ._. He_PPS also_RB
met_VBD Count_NN-TL Rumford_NP (_( born_VBN Benjamin_NP Thompson_NP in_IN Wobur
n_NP ,_, Mass._NP )_) who_WPS was_BEDZ then_RB serving_VBG the_AT Elector_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Bavaria_NP-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT physicist_NN Ritter_NP ;_. ;_. these_DT
S were_BED Oersted's_NP$ main_JJS contacts_NNS in_IN science_NN ._. From_IN Gott
ingen_NP (_( 1801_CD )_) where_WRB he_PPS stayed_VBD for_IN 10_CD days_NNS ,_, h
e_PPS wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` The_AT first_OD question_NN asked_VBN everywhere_RB is
_BEZ about_IN galvanism_NN ._. As_CS everybody_PN is_BEZ curious_JJ to_TO see_VB
the_AT battery_NN of_IN glass_NN tubes_NNS I_PPSS have_HV invented_VBN ,_, I_PP
SS have_HV had_HVN quite_ABL a_AT small_JJ one_CD made_VBN here_RB of_IN four_CD
glass_NN tubes_NNS (_( in_IN Copenhagen_NP I_PPSS used_VBD 30_CD )_) and_CC int
end_VB to_TO carry_VB it_PPO with_IN me_PPO ''_'' ._. Oersted_NP joined_VBD Ritt
er_NP at_IN Jena_NP and_CC stayed_VBD with_IN him_PPO for_IN 3_CD weeks_NNS ,_,
continuing_VBG their_PP$ correspondence_NN after_CS he_PPS left_VBD ._. With_IN
Ritter_NP he_PPS was_BEDZ exposed_VBN to_IN the_AT fantastic_JJ profusion_NN of_
IN ideas_NNS that_WPS stormed_VBD through_IN his_PP$ host's_NN$ fertile_JJ but_C
C disorganized_VBN mind_NN ._. Oersted_NP remodeled_VBD Ritter's_NP$ notes_NNS i
nto_IN an_AT essay_NN in_IN French_NP which_WDT was_BEDZ submitted_VBN to_IN the
_AT Institut_FW-NN-TL De_FW-IN-TL France_NP-TL for_IN its_PP$ annual_JJ prize_NN
of_IN 3,000_CD francs_NNS ._. The_AT sound_JJ discoveries_NNS of_IN this_DT qui
xotic_JJ genius_NN were_BED so_QL diluted_VBN by_IN those_DTS of_IN fantasy_NN t
hat_CS the_AT prize_NN was_BEDZ never_RB awarded_VBN to_IN him_PPO ._. In_IN May
_NP ,_, 1803_CD ,_, Ritter_NP ,_, in_IN another_DT flight_NN of_IN fancy_NN ,_,
wrote_VBD to_IN Oersted_NP a_AT letter_NN that_WPS contained_VBD a_AT remarkable
_JJ prophecy_NN ._. He_PPS related_VBD events_NNS on_IN earth_NN to_IN periodic_
JJ celestial_JJ phenomena_NNS and_CC indicated_VBD that_CS the_AT years_NNS of_I
N maximum_JJ inclination_NN of_IN the_AT ecliptic_NN coincided_VBD with_IN the_A
T years_NNS of_IN important_JJ electrical_JJ discoveries_NNS ._. Thus_RB ,_, 174
5_CD corresponded_VBD to_IN the_AT invention_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` Leiden_NP ''_
'' jar_NN by_IN Kleist_NP ,_, 1764_CD that_DT of_IN the_AT electrophorus_NN by_I
N Wilcke_NP ,_, 1782_CD produced_VBD the_AT condenser_NN of_IN Volta_NP ,_, and_
CC 1801_CD the_AT voltaic_JJ pile_NN ._. Ritter_NP proceeded_VBD ,_, ``_`` You_P
PSS now_RB emerge_VB into_IN a_AT new_JJ epoch_NN in_IN which_WDT late_RB in_IN
the_AT year_NN 1819_CD or_CC 1820_CD ,_, you_PPSS will_MD have_HV to_TO reckon_V
B ._. This_DT we_PPSS might_MD well_RB witness_VB ''_'' ._. Ritter_NP died_VBD i
n_IN 1810_CD and_CC Oersted_NP not_* only_RB lived_VBD to_TO see_VB the_AT event
_NN occur_VB but_CC was_BEDZ the_AT author_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. In_IN 1803_CD Oer
sted_NP returned_VBD to_IN Copenhagen_NP and_CC applied_VBD for_IN the_AT univer
sity's_NN$ chair_NN in_IN physics_NN but_CC was_BEDZ rejected_VBN because_CS he_
PPS was_BEDZ probably_RB considered_VBN more_AP a_AT philosopher_NN than_CS a_AT
physicist_NN ._. However_RB ,_, he_PPS continued_VBD experimenting_VBG and_CC l
ecturing_VBG ,_, publishing_VBG the_AT results_NNS of_IN his_PP$ experiments_NNS
in_IN German_JJ and_CC Danish_JJ periodicals_NNS ._. In_IN 1806_CD his_PP$ ambi
tion_NN was_BEDZ realized_VBN and_CC he_PPS became_VBD professor_NN of_IN physic
s_NN at_IN the_AT Copenhagen_NP-TL University_NN-TL ,_, though_CS not_* realizin
g_VBG full_JJ professorship_NN (_( ordinarius_FW-NN )_) until_IN 1817_CD ._. Dur
ing_IN Oersted's_NP$ attendance_NN at_IN the_AT university_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BED
Z poorly_QL equipped_VBN with_IN physical_JJ apparatus_NN for_IN experimenting_V
BG in_IN the_AT sciences_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, however_RB ,_, fortunate_JJ
in_IN his_PP$ contact_NN with_IN Prof._NN-TL J._NP G._NP L._NP Manthey_NP (_( 1
769-1842_CD )_) ,_, teacher_NN of_IN chemistry_NN ,_, who_WPS ,_, in_IN addition
_NN to_IN his_PP$ academic_JJ chair_NN ,_, was_BEDZ also_RB proprietor_NN of_IN
the_AT ``_`` Lion_NN-TL Pharmacy_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN Copenhagen_NP where_WRB Oerst
ed_NP assisted_VBD him_PPO ._. Manthey_NP maintained_VBD a_AT valuable_JJ collec
tion_NN of_IN physical_JJ and_CC chemical_NN apparatus_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ at_
IN Oersted's_NP$ disposal_NN during_IN and_CC after_IN his_PP$ graduation_NN ._.
In_IN 1800_CD ,_, Manthey_NP went_VBD abroad_RB and_CC Oersted_NP was_BEDZ appo
inted_VBN manager_NN of_IN the_AT Lion_NN-TL Pharmacy_NN-TL ._. In_IN February_N
P 1801_CD ,_, Oersted_NP did_DOD manage_VB to_TO experiment_VB with_IN physical_
JJ apparatus_NN and_CC reported_VBD experiments_NNS made_VBN with_IN a_AT voltai
c_JJ battery_NN of_IN 600_CD plates_NNS of_IN zinc_NN and_CC silver_NN and_CC of
_IN later_JJR experiments_NNS with_IN a_AT battery_NN of_IN 60_CD plates_NNS of_
IN zinc_NN and_CC lead_NN ._. In_IN the_AT following_VBG year_NN ,_, 1803_CD ,_,
Oersted_NP ,_, simultaneously_RB with_IN Davy_NP ,_, discovered_VBD that_CS aci
ds_NNS increased_VBD the_AT strength_NN of_IN a_AT voltaic_JJ battery_NN more_RB
R than_CS did_DOD salts_NNS ._. Eager_JJ as_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO pursue_VB t
his_DT promising_JJ line_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ so_QL loaded_VBN down_RP with_IN
the_AT management_NN of_IN the_AT pharmacy_NN and_CC lectures_NNS in_IN the_AT
medical_JJ and_CC pharmaceutical_JJ faculties_NNS at_IN the_AT university_NN tha
t_CS he_PPS could_MD devote_VB only_RB Sunday_NR afternoons_NNS to_IN ``_`` galv
anizing_VBG ''_'' ._. He_PPS assumed_VBD his_PP$ academic_JJ career_NN with_IN t
he_AT same_AP intensity_NN and_CC thoroughness_NN that_WPS had_HVD marked_VBN ev
ery_AT step_NN in_IN his_PP$ rise_NN from_IN boyhood_NN ._. The_AT university_NN
was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP one_CD in_IN Denmark_NP and_CC the_AT status_NN of_IN p
rofessor_NN represented_VBD the_AT upper_JJ social_JJ level_NN ._. His_PP$ broad
_JJ interest_NN in_IN literary_JJ ,_, political_JJ ,_, and_CC philosophical_JJ m
ovements_NNS opened_VBD many_AP doors_NNS to_IN him_PPO ._. His_PP$ friends_NNS
were_BED numerous_JJ and_CC their_PP$ ties_NNS to_IN him_PPO were_BED strong_JJ
._. The_AT years_NNS 1812_CD and_CC 1813_CD saw_VBD him_PPO in_IN Germany_NP and
_CC France_NP again_RB ,_, but_CC on_IN this_DT visit_NN to_IN Berlin_NP he_PPS
did_DOD not_* seek_VB out_RP the_AT philosophers_NNS as_CS he_PPS had_HVD on_IN
his_PP$ first_OD journey_NN ._. In_IN Berlin_NP he_PPS published_VBD his_PP$ vie
ws_NNS of_IN the_AT chemical_NN laws_NNS of_IN nature_NN in_IN German_NP and_CC
this_DT was_BEDZ issued_VBN in_IN French_JJ translation_NN (_( Paris_NP ,_, 1813
_CD )_) under_IN the_AT title_NN Recherches_FW-NNS-TL Sur_FW-IN-TL l'identite_FW
-AT+NN-TL Des_FW-IN+AT-TL Forces_FW-NNS-TL chimiques_FW-JJ-TL et_FW-CC-TL electr
iques_FW-JJ-TL ,_, a_AT work_NN held_VBN in_IN very_QL high_JJ esteem_NN by_IN t
he_AT new_JJ generation_NN of_IN research_NN chemists_NNS ._. His_PP$ interest_N
N in_IN finding_VBG a_AT relationship_NN between_IN voltaic_JJ electricity_NN an
d_CC magnetism_NN is_BEZ here_RB first_RB indicated_VBN ._. Chapter_NN-TL 8_CD-T
L ,_, is_BEZ entitled_VBN ``_`` On_IN-TL Magnetism_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC in_IN it_P
PO are_BER included_VBN such_JJ remarks_NNS as_CS ,_, ``_`` One_PN has_HVZ alway
s_RB been_BEN tempted_VBN to_TO compare_VB the_AT magnetic_JJ forces_NNS with_IN
the_AT electrical_JJ forces_NNS ._. The_AT great_JJ resemblance_NN between_IN e
lectrical_JJ and_CC magnetic_JJ attractions_NNS and_CC repulsions_NNS and_CC the
_AT similarity_NN of_IN their_PP$ laws_NNS necessarily_RB would_MD bring_VB abou
t_RP this_DT comparison_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ ,_, that_CS nothing_PN has_
HVZ been_BEN found_VBN comparable_JJ with_IN electricity_NN by_IN communication_
NN ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT phenomena_NNS observed_VBN had_HVD such_ABL a_AT degree
_NN of_IN analogy_NN to_IN those_DTS depending_VBG on_IN electrical_JJ distribut
ion_NN that_CS one_PN could_MD not_* find_VB the_AT slightest_JJT difference_NN
._. The_AT form_NN of_IN galvanic_JJ activity_NN is_BEZ halfway_RB between_IN th
e_AT magnetic_JJ form_NN and_CC the_AT electrical_JJ form_NN ._. There_RB ,_, fo
rces_NNS are_BER more_QL latent_JJ than_CS in_IN electricity_NN ,_, and_CC less_
QL than_CS in_IN magnetism_NN ._. But_CC in_IN such_ABL an_AT important_JJ quest
ion_NN ,_, we_PPSS would_MD be_BE satisfied_VBN if_CS the_AT judgment_NN were_BE
D that_CS the_AT principal_JJS objection_NN to_IN the_AT identity_NN of_IN force
s_NNS which_WDT produce_VB electricity_NN and_CC magnetism_NN were_BED only_RB a
_AT difficulty_NN ,_, and_CC not_* a_AT thing_NN which_WDT is_BEZ contrary_JJ to
_IN it_PPO ._. One_PN could_MD also_RB add_VB to_IN these_DTS analogies_NNS that
_CS steel_NN loses_VBZ its_PP$ magnetism_NN by_IN heat_NN ,_, which_WDT proves_V
BZ that_CS steel_NN becomes_VBZ a_AT better_JJR conductor_NN through_IN a_AT ris
e_NN in_IN temperature_NN ,_, just_RB as_CS electrical_JJ bodies_NNS do_DO ._. I
t_PPS is_BEZ also_RB found_VBN that_DT magnetism_NN exists_VBZ in_IN all_ABN bod
ies_NNS of_IN nature_NN ,_, as_CS proven_VBN by_IN Bruckmann_NP and_CC Coulomb_N
P ._. By_IN that_DT ,_, one_PN feels_VBZ that_CS magnetic_JJ forces_NNS are_BER
as_QL general_JJ as_CS electrical_JJ forces_NNS ._. An_AT attempt_NN should_MD b
e_BE made_VBN to_TO see_VB if_CS electricity_NN ,_, in_IN its_PP$ most_QL latent
_JJ stage_NN ,_, has_HVZ any_DTI action_NN on_IN the_AT magnet_NN as_CS such_JJ
''_'' ._. His_PP$ plan_NN and_CC intent_NN were_BED clearly_RB charted_VBN ._. O
ersted_NP returned_VBD in_IN 1814_CD and_CC resumed_VBD an_AT active_JJ part_NN
in_IN university_NN and_CC political_JJ discussions_NNS ._. In_IN one_CD debate_
NN he_PPS supported_VBD the_AT freedom_NN of_IN judgment_NN as_CS opposed_VBN to
_IN dogma_NN ,_, in_IN another_DT he_PPS held_VBD that_CS the_AT practice_NN of_
IN science_NN was_BEDZ in_IN fact_NN an_AT act_NN of_IN religious_JJ worship_NN
._. He_PPS continued_VBD as_CS a_AT popular_JJ lecturer_NN ._. He_PPS devised_VB
D a_AT detonating_VBG fuse_NN in_IN which_WDT a_AT short_JJ wire_NN was_BEDZ cau
sed_VBN to_TO glow_VB by_IN an_AT electric_JJ current_NN ._. In_IN 1819_CD under
_IN royal_JJ command_NN he_PPS undertook_VBD a_AT very_QL successful_JJ geologic
al_JJ expedition_NN to_IN Bornholm_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT Danish_JJ islands_
NNS ,_, being_BEG one_CD of_IN three_CD scientists_NNS in_IN the_AT expedition_N
N ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ with_IN the_AT assistance_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT mem
bers_NNS of_IN this_DT expedition_NN ,_, Lauritz_NP Esmarch_NP ,_, that_CS Oerst
ed_NP succeeded_VBD in_IN producing_VBG light_NN by_IN creating_VBG an_AT electr
ic_JJ discharge_NN in_IN mercury_NN vapor_NN through_IN which_WDT an_AT electric
_JJ current_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN to_TO flow_VB ._. Together_RB they_PPSS also_RB
developed_VBD a_AT new_JJ form_NN of_IN voltaic_JJ cell_NN in_IN which_WDT the_
AT wooden_JJ trough_NN was_BEDZ replaced_VBN by_IN one_CD of_IN copper_NN ,_, th
ereby_RB producing_VBG stronger_JJR currents_NNS ._. Esmarch_NP was_BEDZ among_I
N those_DTS who_WPS witnessed_VBD Oersted's_NP$ first_OD demonstration_NN of_IN
his_PP$ discovery_NN ._. Discovery_NN-HL of_IN-HL electromagnetism_NN-HL the_AT
association_NN between_IN electric_JJ (_( both_ABX electrostatic_JJ and_CC volta
ic_JJ )_) forces_NNS and_CC magnetic_JJ forces_NNS had_HVD been_BEN recognized_V
BN by_IN investigators_NNS for_IN many_AP decades_NNS ._. Electrical_JJ literatu
re_NN contained_VBD numerous_JJ references_NNS to_IN lightning_NN that_WPS had_H
VD magnetized_VBN iron_NN and_CC had_HVD altered_VBN the_AT polarity_NN of_IN co
mpass_NN needles_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT late_JJ 1700's_NNS Beccaria_NP and_CC Van_
NP Marum_NP ,_, among_IN others_NNS ,_, had_HVD magnetized_VBN iron_NN by_IN sen
ding_VBG an_AT electrostatic_JJ charge_NN through_IN it_PPO ._. Beccaria_NP had_
HVD almost_RB stumbled_VBN on_IN a_AT lead_NN to_IN the_AT relationship_NN betwe
en_IN electricity_NN and_CC magnetism_NN when_WRB a_AT discharge_NN from_IN a_AT
Leyden_NP jar_NN was_BEDZ sent_VBN transversally_RB through_IN a_AT piece_NN of
_IN watch-spring_NN steel_NN making_VBG its_PP$ ends_NNS magnetic_JJ ._. The_AT
resulting_VBG magnetic_JJ effect_NN proved_VBD stronger_JJR than_CS when_WRB the
_AT discharge_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN lengthwise_RB ._. The_AT experiments_NNS of_I
N Romagnosi_NP and_CC others_NNS have_HV already_RB been_BEN noted_VBN but_CC no
_AT one_PN had_HVD determined_VBN the_AT cause-and-effect_JJ relationship_NN bet
ween_IN these_DTS two_CD primary_JJ forces_NNS ._. Oersted's_NP$ own_JJ earlier_
JJR experiments_NNS were_BED unimpressive_JJ ,_, possibly_RB because_CS he_PPS h
ad_HVD ,_, like_CS other_AP experimenters_NNS ,_, laid_VBN the_AT conducting_VBG
wire_NN across_IN the_AT compass_NN needle_NN instead_RB of_IN parallel_RB with
_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT sequence_NN of_IN events_NNS leading_VBG to_IN his_PP$ imp
ortant_JJ discovery_NN still_RB remains_VBZ ambiguous_JJ but_CC it_PPS seems_VBZ
that_CS one_CD of_IN the_AT advanced_VBN students_NNS at_IN the_AT university_N
N related_VBD that_CS the_AT first_OD direct_JJ event_NN that_WPS led_VBD to_IN
the_AT publication_NN of_IN Oersted's_NP$ discovery_NN occurred_VBD during_IN a_
AT private_JJ lecture_NN made_VBN before_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN other_AP advance
d_VBN students_NNS in_IN the_AT spring_NN of_IN 1820_CD ._. At_IN this_DT lectur
e_NN Oersted_NP happened_VBD to_TO place_VB the_AT conducting_VBG wire_NN over_I
N and_CC parallel_RB to_IN a_AT magnetic_JJ needle_NN ._. Knowing_VBG specifical
ly_RB what_WDT the_AT many_AP feed_NN additives_NNS can_MD do_DO and_CC how_WRB
and_CC when_WRB to_TO feed_VB them_PPO can_MD make_VB a_AT highly_QL competitive
_JJ business_NN more_QL profitable_JJ for_IN beef_NN ,_, dairy_NN ,_, and_CC she
ep_NN men_NNS ._. The_AT target_NN chart_NN quickly_RB and_CC briefly_RB tells_V
BZ you_PPO which_WDT additives_NNS do_DO what_WDT ._. All_ABN the_AT additives_N
NS listed_VBN here_RB are_BER sanctioned_VBN for_IN use_NN by_IN the_AT Food_NN-
TL and_CC-TL Drug_NN-TL Administration_NN-TL of_IN the_AT federal_JJ government_
NN ._. All_ABN comments_NNS concerning_IN effectiveness_NN and_CC use_NN of_IN d
rugs_NNS have_HV been_BEN carefully_RB reviewed_VBN by_IN a_AT veterinary_JJ med
ical_JJ officer_NN with_IN Aj_NN ._. This_DT article_NN assumes_VBZ that_CS the_
AT rations_NNS you_PPSS are_BER feeding_VBG your_PP$ beef_NN ,_, dairy_NN cattle
_NNS ,_, and_CC sheep_NN are_BER adequately_QL balanced_VBN with_IN protein_NN ,
_, vitamins_NNS ,_, and_CC minerals_NNS ._. The_AT drug's_NN$ chemical_NN name_N
N is_BEZ listed_VBN ,_, since_CS most_AP states_NNS require_VB feed_NN processor
s_NNS to_TO use_VB this_DT name_NN instead_RB of_IN the_AT trade_NN name_NN on_I
N the_AT feed_NN tag_NN ._. In_IN some_DTI instances_NNS ,_, the_AT trade_NN nam
e_NN is_BEZ shown_VBN in_IN parentheses_NNS following_VBG the_AT chemical_NN nam
e_NN ._. This_DT indicates_VBZ that_CS this_DT drug_NN is_BEZ being_BEG marketed
_VBN under_IN one_CD trade_NN name_NN only_RB or_CC state_NN regulatory_JJ organ
izations_NNS have_HV approved_VBN its_PP$ use_NN on_IN the_AT feed_NN tag_NN ._.
Here's_RB+BEZ-HL your_PP$-HL feed_NN-HL additive_NN-HL guide_NN-HL for_IN-HL ru
minants_NNS-HL :_:-HL drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Oxytetracyc
line_NN hydrochloride_NN (_( Terramycin_NP )_) what_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL
:_:-HL Increases_NNS rate_VB of_IN gain_NN and_CC improves_VBZ feed_NN efficien
cy_NN ,_, aids_VBZ in_IN the_AT prevention_NN or_CC treatment_NN (_( depending_I
N on_IN level_NN fed_VBN )_) of_IN the_AT early_JJ stages_NNS of_IN shipping_VBG
fever_NN ,_, prevents_VBZ or_CC treats_VBZ bacterial_JJ diarrhea_NN ,_, and_CC
aids_VBZ in_IN reducing_VBG incidence_NN of_IN bloat_NN and_CC liver_NN abscesse
s_NNS ._. Milk_NN production_NN may_MD be_BE increased_VBN by_IN the_AT anti-inf
ective_JJ properties_NNS of_IN this_DT drug_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-H
L :_:-HL beef_NN-HL cattle_NNS-HL (_(-HL finishing_VBG-HL ration_NN-HL )_)-HL --
_-- To_TO increase_VB rate_NN of_IN gain_NN and_CC improve_VB feed_NN efficiency
_NN ,_, feed_VB 75_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN head_NN in_IN daily_JJ supplement_NN
._. Calves_NNS-HL --_-- To_TO increase_VB rate_NN of_IN gain_NN and_CC improve_
VB feed_NN efficiency_NN ,_, feed_VB 10_CD to_IN 25_CD grams_NNS per_IN ton_NN o
f_IN complete_JJ feed_NN ._. As_CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN the_AT prevention_NN of_IN
bacterial_JJ diarrhea_NN (_( scours_NN )_) ,_, feed_VB 50_CD grams_NNS per_IN t
on_NN of_IN complete_JJ feed_NN ._. For_IN the_AT treatment_NN of_IN bacterial_J
J scours_NN ,_, feed_VB 100-200_CD grams_NNS ._. For_IN prevention_NN or_CC trea
tment_NN of_IN bacterial_JJ scours_NN ,_, feed_VB 0.1_CD to_IN 5_CD milligrams_N
NS per_IN pound_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN daily_RB ._. Beef_NN-HL and_CC-HL dai
ry_NN-HL --_-- As_CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN reducing_VBG incidence_NN and_CC severit
y_NN of_IN bloat_NN ,_, provide_VB 75_CD milligrams_NNS of_IN oxytetracycline_NN
hydrochloride_NN per_IN animal_NN daily_RB ._. To_TO reduce_VB incidence_NN of_
IN liver_NN abscesses_NNS ,_, supply_VB 75_CD milligrams_NNS of_IN oxytetracycli
ne_NN activity_NN per_IN head_NN daily_RB ._. To_TO prevent_VB or_CC treat_VB ba
cterial_JJ diarrhea_NN ,_, furnish_VB 0.1_CD to_IN 5_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN po
und_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN daily_RB ._. For_IN the_AT prevention_NN or_CC tr
eatment_NN of_IN the_AT early_JJ stages_NNS of_IN shipping_VBG fever_NN complex_
NN ,_, increase_VB feeding_VBG level_NN to_IN 0.5_CD to_IN 2_CD grams_NNS per_IN
head_NN per_IN day_NN ._. For_IN the_AT best_JJT results_NNS ,_, feed_VB this_D
T level_NN to_IN cattle_NNS 3_CD to_IN 5_CD days_NNS preceding_VBG shipment_NN a
nd/or_CC 3_CD to_IN 5_CD days_NNS following_VBG their_PP$ arrival_NN in_IN your_
PP$ feed_NN lot_NN ._. For_IN treatment_NN of_IN shipping_VBG fever_NN ,_, this_
DT level_NN should_MD be_BE fed_VBN at_IN the_AT onset_NN of_IN the_AT disease_N
N symptoms_NNS until_CS symptoms_NNS disappear_VB ._. Sheep_NN-HL --_-- To_TO in
crease_VB rate_NN of_IN gain_NN and_CC improve_VB feed_NN efficiency_NN ,_, feed
_VB 10_CD to_IN 20_CD grams_NNS per_IN ton_NN ._. As_CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN the_A
T prevention_NN of_IN bacterial_JJ diarrhea_NN (_( scours_NN )_) ,_, feed_VB 50_
CD grams_NNS per_IN ton_NN ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Ch
lortetracycline_NN (_( Aureomycin_NP )_) what_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-H
L Increases_VBZ gains_NNS ,_, improves_VBZ feed_NN efficiency_NN ,_, and_CC redu
ces_VBZ losses_NNS from_IN bacterial_JJ infections_NNS listed_VBN under_IN ``_``
How_WQL-TL To_TO-TL Feed_VB-TL ''_'' section_NN ._. Milk_NN production_NN may_M
D be_BE increased_VBN by_IN the_AT anti-infective_JJ properties_NNS of_IN this_D
T drug_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL beef_NN-HL --_-- Not_* less_
AP than_IN 70_CD milligrams_NNS of_IN Aureomycin_NP per_IN head_NN daily_RB to_T
O aid_VB in_IN the_AT prevention_NN of_IN liver_NN abscesses_NNS in_IN feed-lot_
NN beef_NN cattle_NNS ._. Prevention_NN of_IN bacterial_JJ pneumonia_NN ,_, ship
ping_VBG fever_NN ,_, as_CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN reduction_NN of_IN losses_NNS due
_JJ to_IN respiratory_JJ infections_NNS (_( infectious_JJ rhinotracheitis_NN --_
-- shipping_VBG fever_NN complex_NN )_) ._. Feed_VB at_IN level_NN of_IN 70_CD m
illigrams_NNS per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN ._. Treatment_NN of_IN the_AT above_J
J diseases_NNS :_: 350_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN for_IN 30_
CD days_NNS only_RB ._. For_IN prevention_NN of_IN these_DTS diseases_NNS during
_IN periods_NNS of_IN stress_NN such_JJ as_CS shipping_VBG ,_, excessive_JJ hand
ling_NN ,_, vaccination_NN ,_, extreme_JJ weather_NN conditions_NNS :_: 350_CD m
illigrams_NNS per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN for_IN 30_CD days_NNS only_RB ._. As_
CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN reducing_VBG bacterial_JJ diarrhea_NN and_CC preventing_VB
G foot_NN rot_NN ,_, feed_VB not_* less_AP than_IN 0.1_CD milligram_NN per_IN po
und_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN daily_RB ._. To_TO aid_VB in_IN the_AT prevention
_NN of_IN anaplasmosis_NN ,_, feed_VB not_* less_AP than_IN 0.5_CD milligram_NN
per_IN pound_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN daily_RB ._. Dairy_NN-HL --_-- For_IN ca
lves_NNS ,_, feed_VB not_* less_AP than_IN 50_CD grams_NNS of_IN Aureomycin_NP p
er_IN ton_NN complete_JJ feed_NN as_CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN preventing_VBG bacteri
al_JJ diarrhea_NN and_CC foot_NN rot_NN ._. For_IN cows_NNS ,_, feed_NN providin
g_VBG an_AT intake_NN of_IN 0.1_CD milligram_NN of_IN Aureomycin_NP per_IN pound
_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN daily_RB aids_VBZ in_IN the_AT reduction_NN of_IN ba
cterial_JJ diarrhea_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT prevention_NN of_IN foot_NN rot_NN ,_, a
nd_CC in_IN the_AT reduction_NN of_IN losses_NNS due_JJ to_IN respiratory_JJ inf
ection_NN (_( infectious_JJ rhinotracheitis_NN --_-- shipping_VBG fever_NN compl
ex_NN )_) ._. Sheep_NNS-HL --_-- As_CS an_AT aid_NN in_IN reducing_VBG losses_NN
S due_JJ to_IN enterotoxemia_NN (_( overeating_VBG disease_NN )_) ,_, feed_VB a_
AT complete_JJ ration_NN containing_VBG not_* less_AP than_IN 20_CD and_CC not_*
more_AP than_IN 50_CD grams_NNS of_IN Aureomycin_NP per_IN ton_NN ._. To_TO red
uce_VB vibrionic_JJ abortion_NN in_IN breeding_VBG sheep_NN ,_, feed_VB 80_CD mi
lligrams_NNS per_IN head_NN daily_RB ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL
:_:-HL Dynafac_NP ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL An_AT aid_NN in_
IN getting_VBG cattle_NNS and_CC sheep_NNS on_IN full_JJ feed_NN ,_, in_IN impro
ving_VBG feed_NN conversion_NN and_CC growth_NN ,_, in_IN reducing_VBG bloat_NN
and_CC founder_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN controlling_VBG scours_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_T
O-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL beef_NN-HL and_CC-HL dairy_NN-HL calves_NNS-HL --_-- 0.2_
CD gram_NN Dynafac_NP per_IN head_NN daily_RB (_( 1_CD gram_NN of_IN premix_NN p
er_IN head_NN daily_RB )_) for_IN promoting_VBG growth_NN ,_, feed_NN conversion
_NN ,_, bloom_NN ,_, and_CC full_JJ feed_NN earlier_RBR ._. Feeder_NN-HL cattle_
NNS-HL --_-- Dynafac_NP in_IN a_AT complete_JJ ration_NN or_CC 0.3_CD to_IN 0.4_
CD gram_NN per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN (_( 200_CD grams_NNS of_IN premix_NN per
_IN ton_NN complete_JJ ration_NN or_CC equivalent_JJ ._. Animals_NNS consuming_V
BG 20_CD pounds_NNS feed_NN daily_RB receive_VB 2_CD grams_NNS Dynafac_NP )_) ._
. Aids_VBZ in_IN minimizing_VBG the_AT occurrence_NN of_IN feed-lot_NN bloat_NN
due_JJ to_IN high_JJ consumption_NN of_IN concentrates_NNS ._. Sheep_NNS-HL and_
CC-HL lambs_NNS-HL --_-- 1.0_CD gram_NN premix_NN per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN f
or_IN promoting_VBG growth_NN ,_, feed_NN conversion_NN ,_, and_CC getting_VBG l
ambs_NNS on_IN full_JJ feed_NN earlier_RBR ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name
_NN-HL :_:-HL Diethylstilbestrol_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL
Increases_VBZ rate_NN of_IN gain_NN and_CC improves_VBZ feed_NN efficiency_NN .
_. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL beef_NN-HL cattle_NNS-HL --_-- 10_CD mi
lligrams_NNS of_IN diethylstilbestrol_NN per_IN head_NN daily_RB ._. This_DT may
_MD be_BE incorporated_VBN in_IN complete_JJ feeds_NNS at_IN the_AT level_NN of_
IN 0.4_CD milligram_NN of_IN diethylstilbestrol_NN per_IN pound_NN of_IN ration_
NN --_-- assuming_VBG animal_NN consumes_VBZ about_RB 25_CD pounds_NNS daily_RB
._. The_AT drug_NN is_BEZ also_RB incorporated_VBN in_IN supplements_NNS ._. The
se_DTS are_BER to_TO be_BE fed_VBN at_IN a_AT rate_NN to_TO provide_VB 10_CD mil
ligrams_NNS DES_NN per_IN head_NN daily_RB ._. The_AT recommended_VBN 10-milligr
am_JJ daily_JJ intake_NN level_NN should_MD be_BE maintained_VBN ._. It_PPS may_
MD be_BE incorporated_VBN into_IN cattle_NNS creep_NN feeds_NNS in_IN levels_NNS
from_IN 1.0_CD to_IN 1.5_CD milligrams_NNS of_IN diethylstilbestrol_NN per_IN p
ound_NN of_IN feed_NN ._. Sheep_NNS-HL fattening_VBG-HL rations_NNS-HL --_-- The
_AT recommended_VBN level_NN for_IN sheep_NNS is_BEZ 2_CD milligrams_NNS daily_R
B ,_, and_CC this_DT level_NN should_MD be_BE maintained_VBN ._. Include_VB supp
lement_NN containing_VBG 0.4_CD to_IN 2_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN pound_NN to_TO
provide_VB 2_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN ._. Caution_NN-HL :_
:-HL Discontinue_VB medication_NN 48_CD hours_NNS before_IN slaughter_NN ._. Dru
g's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Hydroxazine_NN hydrochloride_NN ._.
What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Improves_VBZ growth_NN rate_NN and_CC f
eed_NN efficiency_NN of_IN fattening_VBG beef_NN animals_NNS ._. How_WRB-HL to_T
O-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL At_IN the_AT rate_NN of_IN 2-1/2_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN
head_NN per_IN day_NN ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Iodina
ted_VBN casein_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Drug_NN elevates_
VBZ the_AT metabolic_JJ rate_NN of_IN the_AT cow_NN ._. Fed_VBN to_IN dairy_NN c
attle_NNS to_TO increase_VB milk_NN production_NN and_CC butterfat_NN percentage
_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL 1_CD to_IN 1-1/2_CD grams_NNS per_
IN 100_CD pounds_NNS of_IN body_NN weight_NN ._. Caution_NN-HL :_:-HL Cows_NNS r
eceiving_VBG drug_NN may_MD not_* be_BE officially_RB tested_VBN under_IN breed_
NN registry_NN testing_NN programs_NNS ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-
HL :_:-HL Bacterial_JJ and_CC fungal_JJ enzymes_NNS ._. (_( These_DTS enzyme_NN
preparations_NNS appear_VB on_IN today's_NR$ feed_NN tags_NNS as_CS fermentation
_NN extracts_NNS of_IN Bacillus_NP subtilis_NP ,_, Apergillus_NP orzae_NP ,_, Ni
ger_NP ,_, and_CC Flavus_NP ._. )_) what_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Imp
roves_VBZ utilization_NN of_IN low-moisture_NN corn_NN (_( less_AP than_IN 14%_N
N )_) ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL Greatest_JJT benefits_NNS have_H
V been_BEN associated_VBN with_IN feeding_VBG low-moisture_NN corn_NN in_IN beef
-feeding_JJ programs_NNS ._. Several_AP firms_NNS are_BER merchandising_VBG enzy
me_NN preparation_NN through_IN feed_NN manufacturers_NNS ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chem
ical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Ronnel_NN ._. What_WDT it_PPS does_DOZ :_: Effectiv
ely_RB controls_VBZ cattle_NNS grubs_NNS which_WDT damage_VB hides_NNS and_CC ca
n_MD reduce_VB gains_NNS ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL Drug_NN is_BE
Z added_VBN to_IN either_CC a_AT protein_NN or_CC mineral_NN supplement_NN for_I
N a_AT period_NN of_IN 7_CD or_CC 14_CD days_NNS ._. Follow_VB manufacturer's_NN
$ recommendation_NN carefully_RB ._. Caution_NN-HL :_:-HL Do_DO not_* feed_VB to
_IN dairy_NN cows_NNS and_CC do_DO not_* feed_VB within_IN 60_CD days_NNS of_IN
slaughter_NN ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Methyl_NN polysi
loxanes_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Aids_NNS in_IN preventin
g_VBG foamy_JJ bloat_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL For_IN prevent
ion_NN of_IN foamy_JJ bloat_NN ,_, feed_VB at_IN a_AT rate_NN of_IN 0.5_CD to_IN
2_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN head_NN per_IN day_NN in_IN mineral_NN or_CC salt_NN
or_CC feed_NN ._. For_IN treatment_NN of_IN bloat_NN ,_, drug_NN is_BEZ fed_VBN
at_IN a_AT higher_JJR level_NN ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-
HL Phenothiazine_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Reduces_VBZ los
ses_NNS from_IN stomach_NN ,_, hookworm_NN ,_, and_CC nodular_JJ worms_NNS by_IN
interfering_VBG with_IN reproduction_NN of_IN the_AT female_NN worm_NN by_IN re
ducing_VBG the_AT number_NN of_IN eggs_NNS laid_VBN and_CC essentially_RB render
ing_VBG all_ABN laid_VBN eggs_NNS sterile_JJ ._. Also_RB ,_, aids_VBZ in_IN the_
AT control_NN of_IN horn_NN flies_NNS by_IN preventing_VBG them_PPO from_IN hatc
hing_VBG in_IN the_AT droppings_NNS ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL Tr
eat_VB cattle_NNS with_IN 10_CD grams_NNS per_IN 100_CD pounds_NNS body_NN weigh
t_NN with_IN a_AT maximum_NN of_IN 70_CD grams_NNS per_IN animal_NN ._. Then_RB
,_, for_IN the_AT above_JJ parasites_NNS ,_, feed_VB continuously_RB at_IN these
_DTS levels_NNS :_: Feeder_NN cattle_NNS --_-- 2-5_CD grams_NNS of_IN phenothiaz
ine_NN daily_RB ;_. ;_. beef_NN calves_NNS --_-- to_IN 1.5_CD grams_NNS daily_RB
depending_IN on_IN weight_NN of_IN animal_NN ._. Treat_VB lambs_NNS with_IN 12_
CD grams_NNS per_IN head_NN for_IN lambs_NNS weighing_VBG up_RP to_IN 50_CD poun
ds_NNS ;_. ;_. treat_VB lambs_NNS over_RP 50_CD pounds_NNS and_CC adults_NNS wit
h_IN 24_CD grams_NNS per_IN animal_NN ._. For_IN continuous_JJ control_NN ,_, fe
ed_VB 1_CD part_NN phenothiazine_NN to_IN 9_CD parts_NNS minerals_NNS or_CC salt
s_NNS ._. To_TO include_VB in_IN feed_NN ,_, add_VB phenothiazine_NN to_TO suppl
y_VB 0.5_CD to_IN 1_CD gram_NN per_IN sheep_NN daily_RB ._. Caution_NN-HL :_:-HL
Continuous_JJ administration_NN is_BEZ not_* recommended_VBN for_IN lactating_V
BG cows_NNS ._. Following_VBG single-dose_NN treatment_NN ,_, milk_NN should_MD
be_BE discarded_VBN for_IN 4_CD days_NNS following_VBG treatment_NN ._. Drug's_N
N$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Procaine_NN penicillin_NN ._. What_WDT-HL
it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Aids_VBZ in_IN reducing_VBG the_AT incidence_NN an
d_CC severity_NN of_IN bloat_NN in_IN beef_NN or_CC dairy_NN cattle_NNS on_IN le
gume_NN pasture_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL Feed_VB 75,000_CD u
nits_NNS or_CC 75_CD milligrams_NNS per_IN head_NN daily_RB ._. Drug's_NN$-HL ch
emical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Sodium_NN propionate_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL
does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL For_IN the_AT prevention_NN or_CC treatment_NN of_IN acetone
mia_NN (_( ketosis_NN )_) in_IN dairy_NN cows_NNS ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_V
B-HL :_:-HL For_IN the_AT prevention_NN of_IN acetonemia_NN (_( ketosis_NN )_) f
eed_VB 1/4_CD pound_NN per_IN day_NN beginning_VBG at_IN calving_VBG and_CC cont
inuing_VBG for_IN 6_CD weeks_NNS ._. For_IN the_AT treatment_NN of_IN ketosis_NN
feed_VB 1/4_CD to_IN 1/2_CD pound_NN per_IN day_NN for_IN 10_CD days_NNS ._. Dr
ug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Sulfaquinoxaline_NN ._. What_WDT-HL
it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Helps_VBZ control_VB shipping_VBG dysentery_NN and
_CC coccidiosis_NN in_IN lambs_NNS ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL lam
bs_NNS-HL --_-- feed_VB at_IN level_NN for_IN 2_CD or_CC 3_CD days_NNS ._. Drug'
s_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Dried_VBN rumen_NN bacteria_NNS ._. Wh
at_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Stimulates_VBZ rumen_NN activity_NN ._. H
ow_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL Incorporated_VBN in_IN commercially_RB prep
ared_VBN feed_NN at_IN proper_JJ levels_NNS ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL nam
e_NN-HL :_:-HL Calcium_NN and_CC sodium_NN lactate_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL
does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL Prevents_VBZ and_CC treats_VBZ acetonemia_NN (_( ketosis_NN )
_) in_IN dairy_NN cows_NNS ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL :_:-HL For_IN prev
ention_NN of_IN ketosis_NN ,_, feed_VB 1/4_CD pound_NN per_IN head_NN daily_RB f
or_IN 6_CD weeks_NNS commencing_VBG at_IN calving_VBG time_NN ._. For_IN treatme
nt_NN of_IN ketosis_NN ,_, feed_VB 1/2_CD pound_NN daily_RB until_CS symptoms_NN
S disappear_VB ._. Then_RB ,_, feed_VB preventive_JJ dose_NN until_IN 6_CD weeks
_NNS after_IN calving_VBG ._. Drug's_NN$-HL chemical_NN-HL name_NN-HL :_:-HL Pro
mazine_NN hydrochloride_NN ._. What_WDT-HL it_PPS-HL does_DOZ-HL :_:-HL A_AT tra
nquilizer_NN fed_VBN to_IN cattle_NNS (_( other_AP than_IN lactating_VBG dairy_N
N cows_NNS )_) prior_RB to_IN their_PP$ being_BEG subjected_VBN to_IN stress_NN
conditions_NNS such_JJ as_CS vaccinating_VBG ,_, shipping_VBG ,_, weaning_VBG ca
lves_NNS ,_, and_CC excessive_JJ handling_NN ._. How_WRB-HL to_TO-HL feed_VB-HL
:_:-HL Not_* less_AP than_IN milligram_NN but_CC not_* more_AP than_IN 1.25_CD m
illigrams_NNS of_IN additive_NN per_IN pound_NN of_IN body_NN weight_NN ._. Caut
ion_NN-HL :_:-HL Additive_NN should_MD not_* be_BE fed_VBN 72_CD hours_NNS befor
e_CS animals_NNS are_BER slaughtered_VBN ._. There_EX are_BER three_CD principal
_JJS feed_NN bunk_NN types_NNS for_IN dairy_NN and_CC beef_NN cattle_NNS :_: (_(
1_CD )_) Fence-line_NN bunks_NNS --_-- cattle_NNS eat_VB from_IN one_CD side_NN
while_CS feed_NN is_BEZ put_VBN in_RP from_IN the_AT opposite_JJ side_NN of_IN
the_AT fence_NN by_IN self-unloading_JJ wagons_NNS ;_. ;_. (_( 2_CD )_) Mechaniz
ed_VBN bunks_NNS --_-- they_PPSS sit_VB within_IN the_AT feed_NN lot_NN ,_, are_
BER filled_VBN by_IN a_AT mechanical_JJ conveyor_NN above_IN feeding_VBG surface
_NN ;_. ;_. (_( 3_CD )_) Special_JJ bunks_NNS --_-- as_CS discussed_VBN here_RB
,_, they_PPSS permit_VB cattle_NNS to_TO eat_VB from_IN all_ABN sides_NNS ._. Fe
ed_NN is_BEZ put_VBN in_RP with_IN an_AT elevator_NN ._. Several_AP materials_NN
S or_CC combinations_NNS of_IN materials_NNS can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO constru
ct_VB a_AT satisfactory_JJ feed_NN bunk_NN ._. The_AT selection_NN of_IN materia
ls_NNS depends_VBZ on_IN skills_NNS of_IN available_JJ labor_NN for_IN installat
ion_NN ,_, cost_NN of_IN materials_NNS available_JJ locally_RB ,_, and_CC your_P
P$ own_JJ preference_NN ._. No_AT one_CD material_NN is_BEZ best_JJT for_IN all_
ABN situations_NNS ._. Selecting_VBG bunks_NNS by_IN economic_JJ comparison_NN i
s_BEZ usually_RB an_AT individual_JJ problem_NN ._. Fence-line_NN-HL feeding_VBG
-HL ._.-HL Animals_NNS eat_VB only_RB from_IN one_CD side_NN ,_, so_RB the_AT fe
nce-line_NN bunk_NN must_MD be_BE twice_RB as_QL long_JJ as_CS the_AT mechanical
_JJ bunk_NN ._. These_DTS bunks_NNS also_RB serve_VB as_CS a_AT fence_NN ,_, so_
RB part_NN of_IN the_AT additional_JJ cost_NN must_MD be_BE attributed_VBN to_IN
the_AT fence_NN ._. Because_RB of_IN their_PP$ location_NN ,_, on_IN the_AT edg
e_NN of_IN the_AT feed_NN lot_NN ,_, fence-line_NN bunks_NNS are_BER not_* in_IN
the_AT way_NN of_IN mechanical_JJ manure_NN removal_NN ._. Filling_VBG these_DT
S bunks_NNS by_IN the_AT same_AP self-unloading_JJ wagons_NNS used_VBN to_TO fil
l_VB silos_NNS spreads_VBZ cost_NN of_IN the_AT wagons_NNS over_IN more_AP time_
NN and_CC operations_NNS ._. All-weather_JJ roads_NNS must_MD be_BE provided_VBN
next_IN to_IN the_AT feeding_VBG floor_NN so_CS access_NN will_MD be_BE possibl
e_JJ all_ABN year_NN ._. This_DT will_NN be_BE a_AT problem_NN in_IN areas_NNS o
f_IN heavy_JJ snowfall_NN ._. Marketing_VBG in_IN the_AT new_JJ decade_NN will_M
D be_BE no_AT picnic_NN --_-- for_CS the_AT sixties_NNS will_MD present_VB possi
bly_RB the_AT most_QL intense_JJ competitive_JJ activity_NN that_CS you_PPSS hav
e_HV experienced_VBN in_IN the_AT last_AP 20-25_CD yrs._NNS ._. Why_WRB ?_. ?_.
Companies_NNS of_IN all_ABN types_NNS have_HV made_VBN great_JJ advances_NNS in_
IN production_NN capabilities_NNS and_CC efficiencies_NNS --_-- in_IN modern_JJ
equipment_NN and_CC new_JJ processes_NNS ,_, enlarged_VBN R_NP &_CC-TL D_NP faci
lities_NNS ,_, faster_JJR new_JJ product_NN development_NN ._. Many_AP companies
_NNS have_HV upgraded_VBN their_PP$ sales_NNS manpower_NN and_CC tested_VBN new_
JJ selling_VBG ,_, distribution_NN ,_, and_CC promotion_NN techniques_NNS to_TO
gain_VB a_AT bigger_JJR competitive_JJ edge_NN ._. Given_VBN this_DT kind_NN of_
IN business_NN climate_NN ,_, what_WDT competitive_JJ marketing_VBG problems_NNS
will_MD your_PP$ company_NN face_VB in_IN the_AT next_AP 10_CD yrs._NNS ?_. ?_.
Based_VBN on_IN our_PP$ experience_NN with_IN clients_NNS ,_, ,_, we_PPSS see_V
B 14_CD major_JJ problems_NNS which_WDT fall_VB into_IN three_CD broad_JJ groups
_NNS --_-- the_AT market_NN place_NN itself_PPL ,_, marketing_VBG methods_NNS ,_
, and_CC marketing_VBG management_NN ._. 1_CD-HL ._.-HL Problems_NNS-HL in_IN-HL
the_AT-HL market_NN-HL greater_JJR-HL price-consciousness_NN-HL ._. There_EX ha
s_HVZ been_BEN an_AT intensification_NN of_IN price-consciousness_NN in_IN recen
t_JJ years_NNS ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ every_AT indication_NN it_PPS will_MD con
tinue_VB ._. Frequently_RB ,_, wittingly_RB or_CC unwittingly_RB ,_, price-consc
iousness_NN has_HVZ been_BEN fostered_VBN by_IN manufacturers_NNS ,_, distributo
rs_NNS ,_, and_CC dealers_NNS ._. Despite_IN generally_RB good_JJ levels_NNS of_
IN income_NN ,_, we_PPSS see_VB greater_JJR price_NN pressures_NNS than_CS ever_
RB before_RB --_-- traveling_VBG back_RB along_IN the_AT chain_NN from_IN consum
er_NN to_IN distributor_NN to_IN manufacturer_NN ._. Here_RB are_BER some_DTI ke
y_JJS areas_NNS to_TO examine_VB to_TO make_VB sure_JJ your_PP$ pricing_VBG stra
tegy_NN will_MD be_BE on_IN target_NN :_: Has_HVZ the_AT probable_JJ price_NN si
tuation_NN in_IN your_PP$ field_NN been_BEN forecast_VBN as_CS a_AT basis_NN for
_IN future_JJ planning_NN ?_. ?_. Have_HV cost_NN studies_NNS been_BEN made_VBN
of_IN every_AT phase_NN of_IN your_PP$ operation_NN to_TO determine_VB what_WDT
might_MD be_BE done_VBN if_CS things_NNS get_VB worse_JJR ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PP
SS actually_RB checked_VBN out_RP (_( not_* just_RB mentally_RB tested_VBN )_) d
ifferent_JJ selling_VBG approaches_NNS designed_VBN to_TO counter_VB the_AT pric
e_NN competition_NN problem_NN ?_. ?_. Increased_VBN-HL customer_NN-HL sophistic
ation_NN-HL ._.-HL Average_NN consumer_NN is_BEZ becoming_VBG more_QL sophistica
ted_JJ regarding_IN product_NN and_CC advertising_VBG claims_NNS ,_, partly_RB b
ecause_RB of_IN widespread_JJ criticism_NN of_IN such_JJ assertions_NNS ._. This
_DT problem_NN can_MD force_VB a_AT change_NN in_IN marketing_VBG approach_NN in
_IN many_AP kinds_NNS of_IN businesses_NNS ._. Have_HV you_PPSS examined_VBD thi
s_DT problem_NN of_IN increasing_VBG consumer_NN sophistication_NN from_IN the_A
T standpoint_NN of_IN your_PP$ own_JJ company_NN ?_. ?_. Greater_JJR-HL demand_N
N-HL for_IN-HL services_NNS-HL ._.-HL Need_NN for_IN service_NN is_BEZ here_RB t
o_TO stay_VB --_-- and_CC the_AT problem_NN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE tougher
_JJR to_TO solve_VB in_IN the_AT sixties_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER two_CD reasons
_NNS for_IN this_DT ._. First_OD ,_, most_AP products_NNS tend_VB to_TO become_V
B more_QL complex_JJ ._. Second_OD ,_, in_IN a_AT competitive_JJ market_NN ,_, t
he_AT customer_NN feels_VBZ his_PP$ weight_NN and_CC throws_VBZ it_PPO around_RB
._. Providing_VBG good_JJ customer_NN service_NN requires_VBZ as_QL thorough_JJ
a_AT marketing_VBG and_CC general_JJ management_NN planning_VBG job_NN as_CS th
e_AT original_JJ selling_VBG of_IN the_AT product_NN ._. Too_QL often_RB it_PPS
is_BEZ thought_VBN of_IN at_IN the_AT last_AP moment_NN of_IN new_JJ product_NN
introduction_NN ._. Good_JJ service_NN starts_VBZ with_IN product_NN design_NN a
nd_CC planning_NN :_: Many_AP products_NNS seem_VB to_TO be_BE designed_VBN for_
IN a_AT production_NN economy_NN ,_, not_* for_IN a_AT service_NN one_CD ._. Pro
per_JJ follow-through_NN requires_VBZ training_VBG your_PP$ own_JJ sales_NNS org
anization_NN ,_, and_CC your_PP$ distributor_NN organizations_NNS ,_, not_* only
_RB in_IN the_AT techniques_NNS but_CC also_RB in_IN good_JJ customer_NN relatio
ns_NNS ._. Have_HV you_PPSS assessed_VBN the_AT importance_NN of_IN service_NN a
nd_CC given_VBN it_PPO proper_JJ attention_NN ?_. ?_. Wider_JJR-HL discretionary
_JJ-HL choices_NNS-HL for_IN-HL customers_NNS-HL ._.-HL In_IN spending_VBG his_P
P$ money_NN today_NR ,_, the_AT consumer_NN is_BEZ pulled_VBN in_IN many_AP dire
ctions_NNS ._. To_IN the_AT manufacturer_NN of_IN the_AT more_QL convenient-type
_JJ product_NN --_-- the_AT purchase_NN of_IN which_WDT can_MD be_BE switched_VB
N ,_, delayed_VBN ,_, or_CC put_VBN off_RP entirely_RB --_-- the_AT implications
_NNS are_BER important_JJ ._. Your_PP$ competition_NN is_BEZ now_RB proportionat
ely_RB greater_JJR --_-- you_PPSS are_BER competing_VBG not_* only_RB against_IN
manufacturers_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP field_NN but_CC also_RB against_IN a_AT
vast_JJ array_NN of_IN manufacturers_NNS of_IN other_AP appealing_JJ consumer_NN
products_NNS ._. Many_AP industry_NN trade_NN associations_NNS are_BER developi
ng_VBG campaigns_NNS to_TO protect_VB or_CC enhance_VB the_AT share_NN of_IN the
_AT consumer's_NN$ dollar_NN being_BEG spent_VBN on_IN their_PP$ particular_JJ p
roducts_NNS ._. Has_HVZ your_PP$ company_NN thought_VBN through_RP its_PP$ strat
egy_NN in_IN this_DT whole_JJ ``_`` discretionary_JJ buying_VBG ''_'' area_NN ?_
. ?_. Geographic_JJ-HL shift_NN-HL of_IN-HL customers_NNS-HL ._.-HL The_AT trend
s_NNS have_HV been_BEN in_IN evidence_NN for_IN many_AP years_NNS --_-- populati
on_NN shifts_NNS to_IN the_AT Southwest_NR-TL and_CC Far_JJ-TL West_NR-TL ,_, an
d_CC from_IN city_NN to_IN suburbs_NNS ._. These_DTS shifts_NNS will_MD continue
_VB in_IN the_AT next_AP 10_CD yrs._NNS ._. Have_HV you_PPSS considered_VBN the_
AT implications_NNS of_IN continuing_VBG geographic_JJ shifts_NNS in_IN terms_NN
S of_IN sales_NNS force_NN allocation_NN ,_, strength_NN of_IN distributor_NN or
ganizations_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB plant_NN location_NN ?_. ?_. Market_NN-HL con
centration_NN-HL and_CC-HL distribution_NN-HL in_IN-HL fewer_AP-HL accounts_NNS-
HL ._.-HL We_PPSS have_HV already_RB witnessed_VBN great_JJ changes_NNS through_
IN mergers_NNS and_CC acquisitions_NNS in_IN the_AT food_NN industry_NN --_-- at
_IN both_ABX the_AT manufacturing_VBG and_CC retail_JJ ends_NNS ._. Instead_RB o
f_IN relatively_QL small_JJ sales_NNS to_IN many_AP accounts_NNS ,_, there_EX ar
e_BER now_RB larger_JJR sales_NNS to_IN or_CC through_IN fewer_AP accounts_NNS .
_. The_AT change_NN may_MD require_VB different_JJ products_NNS ,_, pricing_VBG
,_, packaging_VBG ,_, warehousing_VBG ,_, salesmanship_NN ,_, advertising_VBG an
d_CC executive_NN attention_NN --_-- practically_RB every_AT link_NN in_IN the_A
T marketing_VBG network_NN may_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE adjusted_VBN ._. Have_HV y
ou_PPSS examined_VBN these_DTS trends_NNS ,_, forecast_VBN the_AT effects_NNS ,_
, and_CC planned_VBN your_PP$ marketing_VBG strategy_NN to_TO compete_VB effecti
vely_RB under_IN changing_VBG circumstances_NNS ?_. ?_. 2_CD-HL ._.-HL Problems_
NNS-HL in_IN-HL marketing_VBG-HL methods_NNS-HL more_AP-HL private_JJ-HL label_N
N-HL competition_NN-HL ._.-HL In_IN the_AT area_NN of_IN private_JJ label_NN com
petition_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ logical_JJ to_TO expect_VB a_AT continuation_NN of
_IN trends_NNS which_WDT have_HV been_BEN under_IN way_NN during_IN the_AT first
_OD decade_NN ._. As_CS mass_NN dealer_NN and_CC distributor_NN organizations_NN
S grow_VB in_IN size_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ every_AT reason_NN to_TO expect_VB t
hem_PPO to_TO try_VB to_TO share_VB in_IN the_AT manufacturer's_NN$ as_QL well_R
B as_CS the_AT distributor's_NN$ profits_NNS --_-- which_WDT is_BEZ ,_, in_IN ef
fect_NN ,_, what_WDT the_AT sale_NN of_IN private_JJ brands_NNS tends_VBZ to_TO
do_DO ._. Average_NN manufacturer_NN frequently_RB has_HVZ helped_VBN build_VB p
rivate_JJ brand_NN business_NN ,_, delivering_VBG largely_RB the_AT same_AP qual
ities_NNS and_CC styles_NNS in_IN private_JJ brand_NN merchandise_NN as_CS in_IN
branded_VBN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT larger_JJR and_CC more_QL aggressive_JJ
mass_NN distribution_NN outlets_NNS and_CC chain_NN stores_NNS have_HV insisted_
VBN on_IN high_JJ quality_NN --_-- and_CC the_AT customer_NN seems_VBZ to_TO hav
e_HV caught_VBN on_RP ._. If_CS you_PPSS are_BER up_RP against_IN private_JJ bra
nd_NN competition_NN ,_, have_HV you_PPSS formulated_VBN a_AT long-term_NN progr
am_NN for_IN researching_VBG and_CC strengthening_VBG your_PP$ market_NN positio
n_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS private_JJ brand_NN competition_NN hasn't_HVZ* been_BEN felt_
VBN in_IN your_PP$ product_NN field_NN as_QL yet_RB ,_, have_HV you_PPSS thought
_VBN how_WRB you_PPSS will_MD cope_VB with_IN it_PPO if_CS and_CC when_WRB it_PP
S does_DOZ appear_VB ?_. ?_. Less_AP-HL personal_JJ-HL salesmanship_NN-HL ._.-HL
Display_NN merchandising_VBG ,_, backed_VBN by_IN pre-selling_VBG through_IN ad
vertising_VBG and_CC promotion_NN ,_, will_MD continue_VB to_TO make_VB strides_
NNS in_IN the_AT sixties_NNS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ multiple_JJ implications_NNS and
_CC possible_JJ headaches_NNS for_IN your_PP$ marketing_VBG program_NN ._. How_W
RB can_MD you_PPSS cash_VB in_RP on_IN this_DT fast-growing_JJ type_NN of_IN out
let_NN and_CC still_RB maintain_VB relationships_NNS with_IN older_JJR existing_
VBG outlets_NNS which_WDT are_BER still_RB important_JJ ?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS h
ave_HV a_AT higher-quality_NN product_NN ,_, how_WRB can_MD you_PPSS make_VB it_
PPO stand_VB out_RP --_-- justify_VB its_PP$ premium_NN price_NN --_-- without_I
N the_AT spoken_VBN word_NN ?_. ?_. Salesmanship_NN is_BEZ still_RB necessary_JJ
,_, but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ a_AT different_JJ brand_NN of_IN salesmanship_NN ._. Ha
ve_HV you_PPSS carefully_RB examined_VBN the_AT selling_VBG techniques_NNS which
_WDT best_RBT suit_VB your_PP$ products_NNS ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS studied_VBN
the_AT caliber_NN and_CC sales_NNS approaches_NNS of_IN your_PP$ sales_NNS forc
e_NN in_IN relation_NN to_IN requirements_NNS for_IN effective_JJ marketing_NN ?
_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS experimenting_VBG with_IN different_JJ selling_VBG slant
s_NNS in_IN developing_VBG new_JJ customers_NNS ?_. ?_. Higher_JJR-HL costs_NNS-
HL of_IN-HL distribution_NN-HL generally_RB-HL ._.-HL Some_DTI distribution_NN c
osts_NNS are_BER kept_VBN up_RP by_IN competitive_JJ pressure_NN ,_, some_DTI by
_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT customers_NNS have_HV come_VBN to_TO expect_VB
certain_JJ niceties_NNS and_CC flourishes_NNS ._. No_AT manufacturer_NN has_HVZ
taken_VBN the_AT initiative_NN in_IN pointing_VBG out_RP the_AT costs_NNS invol
ved_VBN ._. The_AT use_NN of_IN bulk_NN handling_NN is_BEZ continuously_RB growi
ng_VBG ._. Computers_NNS are_BER being_BEG used_VBN to_TO keep_VB branch_NN inve
ntories_NNS at_IN more_QL workable_JJ levels_NNS ._. ``_`` Selective_JJ selling_
NN ''_'' --_-- concentrating_VBG sales_NNS on_IN the_AT larger_JJR accounts_NNS
--_-- has_HVZ been_BEN used_VBN effectively_RB by_IN some_DTI manufacturers_NNS
._. There_EX may_MD be_BE possible_JJ economies_NNS at_IN any_DTI one_CD of_IN a
_AT number_NN of_IN links_NNS in_IN your_PP$ marketing_VBG and_CC distribution_N
N chain_NN ._. Do_DO you_PPO have_HV a_AT program_NN for_IN scrutinizing_VBG all
_ABN these_DTS links_NNS regularly_RB and_CC carefully_RB --_-- and_CC with_IN s
ome_DTI imagination_NN ?_. ?_. In_IN your_PP$ sales_NNS force_VB ,_, will_MD a_A
T smaller_JJR number_NN of_IN higher-priced_JJR ,_, high-quality_NN salesmen_NNS
serve_VB you_PPO best_RBT ,_, or_CC can_MD you_PPSS make_VB out_RP better_RBR w
ith_IN a_AT larger_JJR number_NN of_IN lower-paid_JJR salesmen_NNS ?_. ?_. Will_
MD your_PP$ trade_NN customers_NNS settle_VB for_IN less_AP attention_NN and_CC
fewer_AP frills_NNS in_IN return_NN for_IN some_DTI benefit_NN they_PPSS can_MD
share_VB ?_. ?_. In_IN one_CD company_NN covering_VBG the_AT country_NN with_IN
a_AT high-quality_NN sales_NNS force_NN of_IN 10_CD men_NNS ,_, the_AT president
_NN personally_RB phones_VBZ each_DT major_JJ account_NN every_AT 6_CD mos._NNS
._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, distribution_NN costs_NNS were_BED cut_VBN ,_, cust
omer_NN relations_NNS improved_VBN ._. Distribution_NN costs_NNS are_BER almost_
RB bound_VBN to_TO increase_VB in_IN the_AT sixties_NNS --_-- and_CC you_PPSS wi
ll_MD never_RB know_VB what_WDT you_PPSS can_MD do_DO to_TO control_VB them_PPO
unless_CS you_PPSS study_VB each_DT element_NN and_CC experiment_VB with_IN alte
rnative_JJ ways_NNS of_IN doing_VBG the_AT job_NN ._. Higher_JJR-HL costs_NNS-HL
of_IN-HL advertising_VBG-HL and_CC-HL promotion_NN-HL ._.-HL From_IN the_AT man
ufacturer's_NN$ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, the_AT increasing_VBG cost_NN of_IN a
dvertising_VBG and_CC promotion_NN is_BEZ a_AT very_QL real_JJ problem_NN to_TO
be_BE faced_VBN in_IN the_AT sixties_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ accentuated_VBN by_IN
the_AT need_MD for_IN pre-selling_NN goods_NNS ,_, and_CC private_JJ label_NN c
ompetition_NN ._. How_WQL much_AP fundamental_JJ thinking_NN and_CC research_NN
has_HVZ your_PP$ company_NN done_VBN on_IN its_PP$ advertising_VBG program_NN ?_
. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS following_VBG competition_NN willy-nilly_RB --_-- trying_
VBG to_TO match_VB dollar_NN for_IN dollar_NN --_-- or_CC are_BER you_PPSS exper
imenting_VBG with_IN new_JJ means_NNS for_IN reaching_VBG and_CC influencing_VBG
consumers_NNS ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS evaluated_VBN the_AT proper_JJ place_NN
of_IN advertising_VBG and_CC all_ABN phases_NNS of_IN promotion_NN in_IN your_PP
$ total_NN marketing_VBG program_NN --_-- from_IN the_AT standpoint_NN of_IN eff
ort_NN ,_, money_NN ,_, and_CC effectiveness_NN ?_. ?_. Increasing_VBG-HL tempo_
NN-HL of_IN-HL new_JJ-HL product_NN-HL development_NN-HL ._.-HL Practically_QL a
ll_ABN forecasts_NNS mention_VB new_JJ and_CC exciting_JJ products_NNS on_IN the
_AT horizon_NN ._. Will_MD you_PPSS be_BE out_RP in_IN the_AT market_NN place_NN
with_IN some_DTI of_IN these_DTS sales-building_JJ new_JJ products_NNS ?_. ?_.
If_CS competition_NN beats_VBZ you_PPO to_IN it_PPO ,_, this_DT exciting_JJ new_
JJ product_NN era_NN can_MD have_HV real_JJ headaches_NNS in_IN store_NN ._. On_
IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, the_AT process_NN of_IN obsoleting_VBG an_AT old_
JJ product_NN and_CC introducing_VBG the_AT new_JJ one_CD is_BEZ usually_RB migh
ty_QL expensive_JJ ._. As_CS markets_NNS become_VB larger_JJR and_CC marketing_V
BG more_QL complex_JJ ,_, the_AT costs_NNS of_IN an_AT error_NN become_VB progre
ssively_RB larger_JJR ._. Is_BEZ your_PP$ R_NP &_CC-TL D_NP or_CC product_NN dev
elopment_NN program_NN tuned_VBN in_RP to_IN the_AT commercial_JJ realities_NNS
of_IN the_AT market_NN ?_. ?_. Are_BER there_EX regular_JJ communications_NNS fr
om_IN the_AT field_NN ,_, or_CC meetings_NNS of_IN sales_NNS and_CC marketing_VB
G personnel_NNS with_IN R_NP &_CC-TL D_NP people_NNS ?_. ?_. Technical_JJ knowle
dge_NN is_BEZ a_AT wonderful_JJ thing_NN ,_, but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ useless_JJ unle
ss_CS it_PPS eventually_RB feeds_VBZ the_AT cash_NN register_NN ._. Are_BER ther
e_EX individuals_NNS in_IN your_PP$ organization_NN who_WPS can_MD shepherd_VB a
_AT new_JJ product_NN through_RP to_IN commercialization_NN ;_. ;_. who_WPS can_
MD develop_VB reliable_JJ estimates_NNS of_IN sales_NNS volume_NN ,_, production
_NN ,_, and_CC distribution_NN costs_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC translate_VB the_AT whol
e_JJ into_IN profit_NN and_CC loss_NN and_CC balance_VB sheet_NN figures_NNS whi
ch_WDT management_NN can_MD act_VB on_IN with_IN some_DTI assurance_NN ?_. ?_. W
e_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN good_JJ new_JJ products_NNS shelved_VBN because_CS no_AT
one_PN had_HVD the_AT assignment_NN to_TO develop_VB such_JJ facts_NNS and_CC p
lans_NNS --_-- and_CC management_NN couldn't_MD* make_VB up_RP its_PP$ mind_NN .
_. 3_CD-HL ._.-HL Problems_NNS-HL in_IN-HL marketing_VBG-HL management_NN-HL sho
rtage_NN-HL of_IN-HL skilled_JJ-HL salesmen_NNS-HL ._.-HL There_EX is_BEZ a_AT s
hortage_NN of_IN salesmen_NNS today_NR ._. In_IN the_AT future_NN ,_, quantitati
ve_JJ demand_NN will_MD be_BE greater_JJR because_RB of_IN the_AT expansion_NN o
f_IN the_AT economy_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT qualitative_JJ need_NN will_MD be_BE gr
eater_JJR still_QLP ._. While_CS many_AP companies_NNS have_HV done_VBN fine_JJ
work_NN in_IN developing_VBG sales_NNS personnel_NNS ,_, much_AP of_IN it_PPO ha
s_HVZ been_BEN product_NN rather_IN than_IN sales_NNS training_NN ._. Nor_CC has
_HVZ the_AT training_NN been_BEN enough_AP in_IN relation_NN to_IN the_AT need_N
N ._. Most_AP marketing_VBG people_NNS agree_VB it_PPS is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO ta
ke_VB redoubled_VBN efforts_NNS to_TO satisfy_VB future_JJ requirements_NNS ._.
Have_HV you_PPSS estimated_VBN your_PP$ sales_NNS manpower_NN needs_NNS for_IN t
he_AT future_NN (_( both_ABX quantitatively_RB and_CC qualitatively_RB )_) ?_. ?
_. Has_HVZ your_PP$ company_NN developed_VBN selection_NN and_CC training_VBG pr
ocesses_NNS that_WPS are_BER geared_VBN to_IN providing_VBG the_AT caliber_NN of
_IN salesmen_NNS you_PPSS will_MD need_VB in_IN the_AT next_AP 10_CD yrs._NNS ?_
. ?_. Shortage_NN-HL of_IN-HL sales_NNS-HL management_NN-HL talent_NN-HL ._.-HL
With_IN the_AT growing_VBG complexity_NN of_IN markets_NNS and_CC intensity_NN o
f_IN competition_NN ,_, sales_NNS management_NN ,_, whether_CS at_IN the_AT dist
rict_NN ,_, region_NN or_CC headquarters_NN level_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT tough_JJ jo
b_NN today_NR --_-- and_CC it_PPS will_MD be_BE tougher_JJR in_IN the_AT future_
NN ._. Men_NNS qualified_VBN for_IN the_AT broader_JJR task_NN of_IN marketing_V
BG manager_NN are_BER even_QL more_QL scarce_JJ due_RB to_IN the_AT demanding_VB
G combination_NN of_IN qualifications_NNS called_VBN for_IN by_IN this_DT type_N
N of_IN management_NN work_NN ._. The_AT growth_NN of_IN business_NN has_HVZ out
distanced_VBN the_AT available_JJ supply_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT demand_NN will_MD
continue_VB to_TO exceed_VB the_AT supply_NN in_IN the_AT sixties_NNS ._. Does_D
OZ your_PP$ company_NN have_HV a_AT program_NN for_IN selecting_VBG and_CC devel
oping_VBG sales_NNS and_CC marketing_VBG management_NN personnel_NNS for_IN the_
AT longer_JJR term_NN ?_. ?_. Does_DOZ your_PP$ management_NN climate_NN and_CC
your_PP$ management_NN compensation_NN plan_NN attract_VB and_CC keep_VB top-not
ch_NN marketing_VBG people_NNS ?_. ?_. Complexity_NN-HL of_IN-HL complete_JJ-HL
marketing_VBG-HL planning_VBG-HL ._.-HL Every_AT single_AP problem_NN touched_VB
N on_RP thus_QL far_RB is_BEZ related_VBN to_IN good_JJ marketing_VBG planning_N
N ._. ``_`` Hip-pocket_NN ''_'' tactics_NNS are_BER going_VBG to_TO be_BE harder
_JJR to_TO apply_VB ._. Many_AP food_NN and_CC beverage_NN companies_NNS are_BER
already_RB on_IN a_AT highly_QL planned_VBN basis_NN ._. They_PPSS have_HV to_T
O be_BE ._. With_IN greater_JJR investments_NNS in_IN plant_NN facilities_NNS ,_
, with_IN automation_NN growing_VBG ,_, you_PPSS can't_MD* switch_VB around_RB ,
_, either_CC in_IN volume_NN or_CC in_IN product_NN design_NN ,_, as_QL much_RB
as_CS was_BEDZ formerly_RB possible_JJ --_-- or_CC at_IN least_AP not_* as_QL ec
onomically_RB ._. Are_BER planning_VBG and_CC strategy_NN development_NN emphasi
zed_VBN sufficiently_RB in_IN your_PP$ company_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS find_VB too_QL
many_AP sales_NNS and_CC marketing_VBG executives_NNS so_QL burdened_VBN with_I
N detail_NN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER short-changing_VBG planning_VBG ._. Are_BE
R annual_JJ marketing_VBG plans_NNS reviewed_VBN throughout_IN your_PP$ manageme
nt_NN group_NN to_TO get_VB the_AT perspective_NN of_IN all_ABN individuals_NNS
and_CC get_VB everyone_PN on_IN the_AT marketing_VBG team_NN ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_P
PO have_HV a_AT long-term_NN (_( 5-_CD or_CC 10-yr._JJ )_) marketing_VBG program
_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT key_NN to_IN effective_JJ marketing_NN is_BEZ wrapped_VBN up_
RP in_IN defining_VBG your_PP$ company's_NN$ marketing_VBG problems_NNS realisti
cally_RB ._. Solutions_NNS frequently_RB suggest_VB themselves_PPLS when_WRB you
_PPSS accurately_RB pinpoint_VB your_PP$ problems_NNS ,_, whether_CS they_PPSS b
e_BE in_IN the_AT market_NN ,_, in_IN marketing_VBG methods_NNS or_CC in_IN mark
eting_VBG management_NN ._. If_CS companies_NNS will_MD take_VB the_AT time_NN t
o_TO give_VB objective_JJ consideration_NN to_IN their_PP$ major_JJ problems_NNS
and_CC to_IN the_AT questions_NNS they_PPSS provoke_VB ,_, then_RB a_AT long_JJ
constructive_JJ step_NN will_MD have_HV been_BEN taken_VBN toward_IN more_QL ef
fective_JJ marketing_NN in_IN next_AP decade_NN ._. The_AT controversy_NN of_IN
the_AT last_AP few_AP years_NNS over_IN whether_CS architects_NNS or_CC interior
_JJ designers_NNS should_MD plan_VB the_AT interiors_NNS of_IN modern_JJ buildin
gs_NNS has_HVZ brought_VBN clearly_RB into_IN focus_NN one_CD important_JJ diffe
rence_NN of_IN opinion_NN ._. The_AT architects_NNS do_DO not_* believe_VB that_
CS the_AT education_NN of_IN the_AT interior_JJ designer_NN is_BEZ sufficiently_
QL good_JJ or_CC sufficiently_QL extended_VBN to_TO compare_VB with_IN that_DT o
f_IN the_AT architect_NN and_CC that_CS ,_, therefore_RB ,_, the_AT interior_JJ
designer_NN is_BEZ incapable_JJ of_IN understanding_VBG the_AT architectural_JJ
principles_NNS involved_VBN in_IN planning_VBG the_AT interior_NN of_IN a_AT bui
lding_NN ._. Ordinary_JJ politeness_NN may_MD have_HV militated_VBN against_IN t
his_DT opinion_NN being_BEG stated_VBN so_QL badly_RB but_CC anyone_PN with_IN a
_AT wide_JJ acquaintance_NN in_IN both_ABX groups_NNS and_CC who_WPS has_HVZ sat
_VBN through_IN the_AT many_AP round_JJ tables_NNS ,_, workshops_NNS or_CC panel
_NN discussions_NNS --_-- whatever_WDT they_PPSS are_BER called_VBN --_-- on_IN
this_DT subject_NN will_MD recognize_VB that_CS the_AT final_JJ ,_, boiled_VBN d
own_RP crux_NN of_IN the_AT matter_NN is_BEZ education_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ true
_JJ that_CS most_AP architectural_JJ schools_NNS have_HV five_CD year_NN courses
_NNS ,_, some_DTI even_RB have_HV six_CD or_CC more_AP ._. The_AT element_NN of_
IN public_JJ danger_NN which_WDT enters_VBZ so_QL largely_RB into_IN architectur
al_JJ certification_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, would_MD demand_VB a_AT prolonged_VBN
study_NN of_IN structure_NN ._. This_DT would_MD ,_, naturally_RB ,_, lengthen_V
B their_PP$ courses_NNS far_QL beyond_IN the_AT largely_QL esthetic_JJ demands_N
NS of_IN interior_JJ designer's_NN$ training_NN ._. We_PPSS may_MD then_RB dismi
ss_VB the_AT time_NN difference_NN between_IN these_DTS courses_NNS and_CC the_A
T usual_JJ four_CD year_NN course_NN of_IN the_AT interior_JJ design_NN student_
NN as_CS not_* having_HVG serious_JJ bearing_NN on_IN the_AT subject_NN ._. The_
AT real_JJ question_NN that_WPS follows_VBZ is_BEZ --_-- how_WRB are_BER those_D
TS four_CD years_NNS used_VBN and_CC what_WDT is_BEZ their_PP$ value_NN as_CS tr
aining_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT American_JJ-TL Institute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Interior_NN-TL
Designers_NNS-TL has_HVZ published_VBN a_AT recommended_VBN course_NN for_IN des
igners_NNS and_CC a_AT percentage_NN layout_NN of_IN such_ABL a_AT course_NN ._.
An_AT examination_NN of_IN some_DTI forty_CD catalogs_NNS of_IN schools_NNS off
ering_VBG courses_NNS in_IN interior_JJ design_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT most_AP part
_NN schools_NNS accredited_VBN by_IN membership_NN in_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL A
ssociation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Schools_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Art_NN-TL ,_, and_CC a_AT furt
her_JJR ``_`` on_IN the_AT spot_NN ''_'' inspection_NN of_IN a_AT number_NN of_I
N schools_NNS ,_, show_VB their_PP$ courses_NNS adhere_VB pretty_QL closely_RB t
o_IN the_AT recommendations_NNS ._. One_CD or_CC two_CD of_IN the_AT schools_NNS
have_HV a_AT five_CD year_NN curriculum_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT usual_JJ pattern_N
N of_IN American_JJ education_NN has_HVZ limited_VBN most_AP of_IN them_PPO to_I
N the_AT four-year_JJ plan_NN which_WDT seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT minimum_NN
in_IN acceptable_JJ institutions_NNS ._. The_AT suggested_VBN course_NN of_IN th
e_AT A.I.D._NP was_BEDZ based_VBN on_IN the_AT usual_JJ course_NN offered_VBN an
d_CC on_IN the_AT opinion_NN of_IN many_AP educators_NNS as_IN to_IN curricular_
JJ necessities_NNS ._. Obviously_RB ,_, the_AT four_CD year_NN provision_NN limi
ts_VBZ this_DT to_IN fundamentals_NNS and_CC much_AP desirable_JJ material_NN mu
st_MD be_BE eliminated_VBN ._. Without_IN comparing_VBG the_AT relative_JJ merit
s_NNS of_IN the_AT two_CD courses_NNS --_-- architecture_NN versus_IN interior_J
J design_NN --_-- let_VB us_PPO examine_VB the_AT educational_JJ needs_NNS of_IN
the_AT interior_JJ designer_NN ._. To_TO begin_VB with_IN ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ a
n_AT interior_JJ designer_NN ?_. ?_. ``_`` The_AT Dictionary_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Occu
pational_JJ-TL Titles_NNS-TL ''_'' published_VBN by_IN the_AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL
Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL describes_VBZ him_PPO as_CS follows_VBZ :_
: ``_`` Designs_VBZ ,_, plans_VBZ and_CC furnishes_VBZ interiors_NNS of_IN house
s_NNS ,_, commercial_JJ and_CC institutional_JJ structures_NNS ,_, hotels_NNS ,_
, clubs_NNS ,_, ships_NNS ,_, theaters_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS set_NN decora
tions_NNS for_IN motion_NN picture_NN arts_NNS and_CC television_NN ._. Makes_VB
Z drawings_NNS and_CC plans_NNS of_IN rooms_NNS showing_VBG placement_NN of_IN f
urniture_NN ,_, floor_NN coverings_NNS ,_, wall_NN decorations_NNS ,_, and_CC de
termines_VBZ color_NN schemes_NNS ._. Furnishes_VBZ complete_JJ cost_NN estimate
s_NNS for_IN clients_NNS approval_NN ._. Makes_NNS necessary_JJ purchases_NNS ,_
, places_VBZ contracts_NNS ,_, supervises_VBZ construction_NN ,_, installation_N
N ,_, finishing_VBG and_CC placement_NN of_IN furniture_NN ,_, fixtures_NNS and_
CC other_AP correlated_VBN furnishings_NNS ,_, and_CC follows_VBZ through_RP to_
IN completion_NN of_IN project_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN this_DT the_
AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Civil_JJ-TL Service_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL ,_, when_WRB examini
ng_VBG applicants_NNS for_IN government_NN positions_NNS as_CS interior_JJ desig
ners_NNS ,_, expects_VBZ that_CS ``_`` when_WRB various_JJ needed_VBN objects_NN
S are_BER not_* obtainable_JJ on_IN the_AT market_NN he_PPS will_MD design_VB th
em_PPO ._. He_PPS must_MD be_BE capable_JJ of_IN designing_VBG for_IN and_CC sup
ervising_VBG the_AT manufacture_NN of_IN any_DTI craft_NN materials_NNS needed_V
BN in_IN the_AT furnishings_NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT seems_VBZ like_CS a_AT large_J
J order_NN ._. The_AT interior_JJ designer_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, must_MD first_RB b
e_BE an_AT artist_NN but_CC also_RB understand_VB carpentry_NN and_CC painting_V
BG and_CC lighting_VBG and_CC plumbing_NN and_CC finance_NN ._. Yet_CC nobody_PN
will_MD question_VB the_AT necessity_NN of_IN all_ABN this_DT and_CC any_DTI re
putable_JJ interior_JJ designer_NN does_DOZ know_VB all_ABN this_DT and_CC does_
DOZ practice_VB it_PPO ._. And_CC further_RBR he_PPS must_MD understand_VB his_P
P$ obligation_NN to_IN the_AT client_NN to_TO not_* only_RB meet_VB his_PP$ phys
ical_JJ necessities_NNS but_CC also_RB to_TO enhance_VB and_CC improve_VB his_PP
$ life_NN and_CC to_TO enlarge_VB the_AT cultural_JJ horizon_NN of_IN our_PP$ so
ciety_NN ._. Few_AP will_MD quarrel_VB with_IN the_AT aim_NN of_IN the_AT school
s_NNS or_CC with_IN the_AT wording_NN of_IN their_PP$ curriculum_NN ._. It_PPS i
s_BEZ in_IN the_AT quality_NN of_IN the_AT teaching_NN of_IN all_ABN this_DT tha
t_CS a_AT question_NN may_MD arise_VB ._. The_AT old_JJ established_VBN independ
ent_JJ art_NN schools_NNS try_VB their_PP$ best_JJT to_TO fulfill_VB their_PP$ o
bligations_NNS ._. Yet_CC even_QL here_RB many_ABN a_AT problem_NN is_BEZ presen
ted_VBN ;_. ;_. as_CS in_IN a_AT recent_JJ design_NN competition_NN with_IN a_AT
floor_NN plan_NN and_CC the_AT simple_JJ command_NN --_-- ``_`` design_VB a_AT
luxury_NN apartment_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. no_AT description_NN of_IN the_AT client_NN
or_CC his_PP$ cultural_JJ level_NN ,_, no_AT assertion_NN of_IN geographical_JJ
area_NN or_CC local_JJ social_JJ necessities_NNS --_-- simply_RB ``_`` a_AT lux
ury_NN apartment_NN ''_'' ._. Working_VBG in_IN a_AT vacuum_NN of_IN minimal_JJ
information_NN can_MD result_VB only_RB in_IN show_NN pieces_NNS that_WPS look_V
B good_JJ in_IN exhibitions_NNS and_CC catalogs_NNS and_CC may_MD please_VB the_
AT public_JJ relations_NNS department_NN but_CC have_HV little_AP to_TO do_DO wi
th_IN the_AT essence_NN of_IN interior_JJ design_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ possible_J
J ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, to_TO work_VB on_IN extant_JJ or_CC projected_VBN buil
dings_NNS where_WRB either_CC architect_NN or_CC owner_NN will_MD explain_VB the
ir_PP$ necessities_NNS so_CS that_CS the_AT student_NN may_MD get_VB ``_`` the_A
T feel_NN ''_'' of_IN real_JJ interior_JJ design_NN demands_NNS ._. Unfortunatel
y_RB ,_, the_AT purely_QL synthetic_JJ problem_NN is_BEZ the_AT rule_NN ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ like_CS medical_JJ schools_NNS in_IN India_NP where_WRB ,_, in_IN that
_DT fairy-land_NN of_IN religious_JJ inhibition_NN ,_, the_AT dissection_NN of_I
N dead_JJ bodies_NNS is_BEZ frowned_VBN upon_RB ._. Instead_RB they_PPSS learn_V
B their_PP$ dissection_NN on_IN the_AT bulbs_NNS of_IN plants_NNS ._. Thus_RB te
chnical_JJ efficiency_NN is_BEZ achieved_VBN at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN actua
l_JJ experience_NN ._. In_IN the_AT earlier_JJR years_NNS of_IN training_VBG cer
tain_JJ phases_NNS of_IN the_AT work_NN must_MD be_BE covered_VBN and_CC the_AT
synthetic_JJ problem_NN has_HVZ its_PP$ use_NN ._. But_CC to_TO continue_VB to_T
O divorce_VB advanced_VBN students_NNS from_IN reality_NN is_BEZ inexcusable_JJ
._. Consultation_NN with_IN architects_NNS ,_, clients_NNS ,_, real_JJ estate_NN
men_NNS ,_, fabric_NN houses_NNS and_CC furniture_NN companies_NNS is_BEZ essen
tial_JJ to_IN the_AT proper_JJ development_NN of_IN class_NN problems_NNS just_R
B as_CS in_IN actual_JJ work_NN ._. Fortunately_RB ,_, although_CS only_RB a_AT
few_AP years_NNS ago_RB they_PPSS held_VBD the_AT student_NN at_IN arms_NNS leng
th_NN ,_, today_NR the_AT business_NN houses_NNS welcome_VB the_AT opportunity_N
N to_TO aid_VB the_AT student_NN ,_, not_* only_RB from_IN an_AT increased_VBN s
ense_NN of_IN community_NN responsibility_NN but_CC also_RB from_IN the_AT reali
zation_NN that_CS the_AT student_NN of_IN today_NR is_BEZ the_AT interior_JJ des
igner_NN of_IN tomorrow_NR --_-- that_CS the_AT student_NN already_RB is_BEZ ``_
`` in_IN the_AT trade_NN ''_'' ._. Even_RB the_AT ``_`` history_NN of_IN furnitu
re_NN ''_'' can_MD hardly_RB be_BE taught_VBN exclusively_RB from_IN photographs
_NNS and_CC lantern_NN slides_NNS ._. Here_RB ,_, too_RB ,_, the_AT reality_NN o
f_IN actual_JJ furniture_NN must_MD be_BE experienced_VBN ._. The_AT professiona
l_JJ organizations_NNS such_JJ as_CS American_JJ-TL Institute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Int
erior_NN-TL Designers_NNS-TL ,_, National_JJ-TL Society_NN-TL of_IN-TL Interior_
NN-TL Designers_NNS-TL ,_, Home_NN-TL Fashions_NNS-TL League_NN-TL and_CC variou
s_JJ trade_NN associations_NNS ,_, can_MD and_CC do_DO aid_VB greatly_RB in_IN t
his_DT work_NN ._. Certainly_RB every_AT educator_NN involved_VBN in_IN interior
_JJ design_NN should_MD be_BE a_AT member_NN and_CC active_JJ in_IN the_AT work_
NN of_IN one_CD of_IN these_DTS organizations_NNS ._. Not_* only_RB should_MD ev
ery_AT educator_NN above_IN the_AT rank_NN of_IN instructor_NN be_BE expected_VB
N to_TO be_BE a_AT member_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT professional_JJ organizat
ions_NNS ,_, but_CC his_PP$ first_OD qualification_NN for_IN membership_NN as_CS
an_AT educator_NN should_MD be_BE so_QL sharply_RB scrutinized_VBN that_DT memb
ership_NN would_MD be_BE equivalent_JJ to_IN certification_NN to_TO teach_VB the
_AT subject_NN ._. Participation_NN for_IN the_AT educator_NN in_IN this_DT case
_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, would_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE raised_VBN to_IN full_JJ and
_CC complete_JJ membership_NN ._. The_AT largest_JJT of_IN these_DTS organizatio
ns_NNS at_IN present_NN denies_VBZ to_IN the_AT full_JJ time_NN educator_NN any_
DTI vote_NN on_IN the_AT conduct_NN and_CC standards_NNS of_IN the_AT group_NN a
nd_CC ,_, indeed_RB ,_, refuses_VBZ him_PPO even_RB the_AT right_NN to_TO attach
_VB the_AT customary_JJ initials_NNS after_IN his_PP$ name_NN in_IN the_AT colle
ge_NN catalog_NN ._. This_DT anomalous_JJ status_NN of_IN the_AT educator_NN can
not_MD* fail_VB to_TO lower_VB his_PP$ standing_NN in_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN t
he_AT students_NNS ._. The_AT professor_NN in_IN turn_NN dares_VBZ not_* tolerat
e_VB the_AT influence_NN in_IN his_PP$ classes_NNS of_IN an_AT organization_NN i
n_IN the_AT policies_NNS and_CC standards_NNS of_IN which_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ no_
AT voice_NN ._. This_DT seems_VBZ somewhat_QL shortsighted_JJ since_CS if_CS the
_AT absolute_JJ educational_JJ qualifications_NNS for_IN membership_NN which_WDT
the_AT organizations_NNS profess_VB are_BER ever_RB enforced_VBN ,_, the_AT edu
cator_NN will_MD have_HV the_AT molding_NN of_IN the_AT entire_JJ profession_NN
in_IN his_PP$ hands_NNS ._. In_IN one_CD way_NN the_AT Institutes_NNS-TL and_CC
Societies_NNS-TL do_DO a_AT disservice_NN to_IN the_AT schools_NNS ._. That_DT i
s_BEZ in_IN the_AT continuance_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` grandfather_NN clauses_NNS
''_'' in_IN their_PP$ membership_NN requirements_NNS ._. When_WRB these_DTS grou
ps_NNS were_BED first_RB formed_VBN many_AP prominent_JJ and_CC accomplished_VBN
decorators_NNS could_MD not_* have_HV had_HVN the_AT advantage_NN of_IN school_
NN training_NN since_CS interior_JJ design_NN courses_NNS were_BED rare_JJ and_C
C undeveloped_JJ during_IN their_PP$ youth_NN ._. Long_JJ hard_JJ years_NNS of_I
N ``_`` on_IN the_AT job_NN ''_'' training_NN had_HVD brought_VBN them_PPO to_IN
their_PP$ competence_NN ._. The_AT necessity_NN of_IN that_DT day_NN has_HVZ lo
ng_RB disappeared_VBN ._. There_EX is_BEZ plenty_NN of_IN opportunity_NN for_IN
proper_JJ education_NN today_NR ._. It_PPS is_BEZ discouraging_JJ for_IN student
s_NNS to_TO realize_VB that_CS the_AT societies_NNS do_DO not_* truly_RB uphold_
VB the_AT standards_NNS for_IN which_WDT they_PPSS are_BER supposed_VBN to_TO st
and_VB ._. The_AT reason_NN and_CC the_AT day_NN of_IN ``_`` grandfather_NN clau
ses_NNS ''_'' has_HVZ long_QL since_RB passed_VBN ._. No_AT one_PN can_MD deny_V
B that_CS these_DTS ``_`` back_JJ door_NN ''_'' admissions_NNS to_IN membership_
NN provisions_NNS have_HV been_BEN seriously_RB abused_VBN nor_CC that_CS they_P
PSS have_HV not_* resulted_VBN in_IN the_AT admission_NN of_IN downright_JJ inco
mpetents_NNS to_IN membership_NN in_IN supposedly_RB learned_VBN societies_NNS .
_. Beyond_IN any_DTI question_NN of_IN curriculum_NN and_CC approach_NN to_IN su
bject_NN must_MD be_BE the_AT quality_NN of_IN the_AT teachers_NNS themselves_PP
LS ._. It_PPS will_MD occur_VB to_IN anyone_PN that_CS the_AT teacher_NN must_MD
have_HV adequate_JJ education_NN ,_, a_AT depth_NN and_CC breadth_NN of_IN know
ledge_NN far_QL beyond_IN the_AT immediate_JJ necessities_NNS of_IN his_PP$ cour
se_NN plus_CC complete_JJ dedication_NN to_IN his_PP$ subject_NN and_CC to_IN hi
s_PP$ students_NNS ._. The_AT local_JJ decorator_NN who_WPS rushes_VBZ in_RP for
_IN a_AT few_AP hours_NNS of_IN teaching_VBG may_MD but_CC more_QL likely_RB may
_MD not_* have_HV these_DTS qualifications_NNS ._. Nor_CC will_MD the_AT hack_NN
,_, the_AT Jack-of-all-trades_NN-TL ,_, still_RB found_VBN in_IN some_DTI of_IN
the_AT smaller_JJR art_NN schools_NNS ,_, suffice_VB ._. Only_RB a_AT few_AP ye
ars_NNS ago_RB a_AT middle_JJ western_JJ college_NN circulated_VBD a_AT request_
NN for_IN a_AT teacher_NN of_IN interior_JJ design_NN ._. At_IN the_AT end_NN of
_IN its_PP$ letter_NN was_BEDZ the_AT information_NN that_CS applicants_NNS for_
IN this_DT position_NN ``_`` must_MD also_RB be_BE prepared_VBN to_TO teach_VB c
ostume_NN design_NN and_CC advertising_VBG art_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT kind_NN of_I
N irresponsibility_NN toward_IN their_PP$ students_NNS can_MD scarcely_RB build_
VB a_AT strong_JJ professional_JJ attitude_NN in_IN the_AT future_JJ designer_NN
._. We_PPSS must_MD build_VB a_AT corps_NN of_IN highly_QL professional_JJ teac
hers_NNS of_IN interior_JJ design_NN who_WPS have_HV had_HVN education_NN ,_, ex
perience_NN in_IN the_AT profession_NN and_CC are_BER willing_JJ to_TO take_VB o
n_RP the_AT usual_JJ accompaniments_NNS of_IN teaching_VBG --_-- minimal_JJ inco
me_NN and_CC minimal_JJ status_NN among_IN their_PP$ confreres_NNS ._. Considera
ble_JJ specialization_NN in_IN teaching_VBG subjects_NNS such_JJ as_CS architect
ure_NN ,_, furniture_NN design_NN ,_, textiles_NNS and_CC color_NN is_BEZ also_R
B desirable_JJ ._. In_IN all_ABN ``_`` degree_NN ''_'' courses_NNS in_IN interio
r_JJ design_NN a_AT number_NN of_IN ``_`` academic_JJ ''_'' or_CC ``_`` general_
JJ studies_NNS ''_'' courses_NNS are_BER included_VBN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ only_RB
fair_JJ to_TO demand_VB that_CS teachers_NNS of_IN courses_NNS in_IN English_NP
,_, history_NN ,_, psychology_NN and_CC so_RB on_RP be_BE as_QL well_QL informed
_VBN in_IN matters_NNS of_IN art_NN ,_, especially_RB interior_JJ design_NN ,_,
as_CS are_BER the_AT art_NN teachers_NNS educated_VBN in_IN the_AT academic_JJ s
ubjects_NNS ._. The_AT proper_JJ correlation_NN of_IN the_AT art_NN with_IN the_
AT academic_NN can_MD be_BE achieved_VBN only_RB if_CS this_DT standard_NN is_BE
Z observed_VBN ._. The_AT matter_NN of_IN sympathy_NN of_IN the_AT academic_JJ p
rofessors_NNS for_IN art_NN objectives_NNS also_RB must_MD be_BE taken_VBN into_
IN account_NN ._. One_CD technical_JJ question_NN of_IN school_NN organization_N
N comes_VBZ to_IN mind_NN here_RB ._. For_IN proper_JJ accreditation_NN of_IN sc
hools_NNS ,_, teachers_NNS in_IN any_DTI course_NN must_MD have_HV a_AT degree_N
N at_IN least_AP one_CD level_NN above_IN that_DT for_IN which_WDT the_AT studen
t_NN is_BEZ a_AT candidate_NN ._. Since_CS there_EX are_BER almost_RB no_AT scho
ols_NNS in_IN the_AT country_NN offering_VBG graduate_NN work_NN in_IN interior_
JJ design_NN this_DT rule_NN cannot_MD* at_IN present_NN be_BE observed_VBN ._.
Indeed_RB ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ only_RB been_BEN a_AT matter_NN of_IN the_AT last_A
P few_AP years_NNS that_CS reputable_JJ schools_NNS of_IN art_NN have_HV granted
_VBN degrees_NNS at_IN all_ABN ._. The_AT question_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, cannot_
MD* be_BE ignored_VBN for_IN long_RB ._. The_AT basic_JJ problem_NN involved_VBN
is_BEZ that_CS a_AT college_NN setting_VBG up_RP a_AT graduate_NN school_NN mus
t_MD have_HV an_AT entirely_QL separate_JJ faculty_NN for_IN the_AT advanced_VBN
degree_NN ._. Most_AP professors_NNS in_IN the_AT course_NN must_MD ,_, natural
ly_RB ,_, again_RB have_HV a_AT higher_JJR degree_NN than_CS the_AT course_NN of
fers_VBZ ._. One_CD solution_NN is_BEZ the_AT aquisition_NN of_IN degrees_NNS in
_IN education_NN but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT poor_JJ substitute_NN ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ a_AT sort_NN of_IN academic_JJ ring-around-a-rosy_NN and_CC you_PPSS solve_VB
it_PPO ._. This_DT brings_VBZ us_PPO to_IN the_AT question_NN of_IN accreditati
on_NN of_IN art_NN schools_NNS in_IN general_JJ ._. Only_RB the_AT independent_J
J art_NN schools_NNS ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, those_DTS not_* connected_VBN with_I
N any_DTI university_NN or_CC college_NN ,_, receive_VB severe_JJ and_CC separat
e_JJ investigation_NN before_IN accreditation_NN by_IN the_AT various_JJ regiona
l_JJ organizations_NNS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT custom_NN for_IN most_
AP universities_NNS to_TO stretch_VB the_AT blanket_NN of_IN accreditation_NN fo
r_IN their_PP$ liberal_JJ arts_NNS school_VB to_TO cover_VB the_AT shivering_VBG
body_NN of_IN their_PP$ fine_JJ arts_NNS department_NN ._. This_DT ,_, plus_CC
the_AT habit_NN of_IN many_AP schools_NNS of_IN simply_RB adding_VBG interior_JJ
design_NN to_IN the_AT many_AP subjects_NNS of_IN their_PP$ home_NR economics_N
N department_NN ,_, yet_RB ,_, nevertheless_RB ,_, claiming_VBG that_CS they_PPS
S teach_VB interior_JJ design_NN ,_, has_HVZ contributed_VBN to_IN the_AT low_JJ
repute_NN of_IN many_AP university_NN courses_NNS in_IN interior_JJ design_NN .
_. In_IN spite_NN of_IN this_DT ,_, many_AP universities_NNS offer_VB adequate_J
J and_CC even_RB distinguished_VBN courses_NNS in_IN the_AT subject_NN ._. There
_EX will_MD be_BE no_AT mitigation_NN of_IN these_DTS offences_NNS until_CS all_
ABN art_NN schools_NNS ,_, whether_CS independent_JJ or_CC attached_VBN to_IN un
iversities_NNS have_HV separate_JJ accreditation_NN --_-- as_CS do_DO medical_JJ
schools_NNS --_-- by_IN an_AT art_NN accreditation_NN group_NN such_JJ as_CS th
e_AT ``_`` National_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL of_IN-TL Schools_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Art
_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Independent_JJ art_NN schools_NNS granting_VBG degrees_NNS must
_MD ,_, naturally_RB ,_, follow_VB this_DT with_IN academic_JJ accreditation_NN
by_IN the_AT appropriate_JJ regional_JJ group_NN ._. General_JJ-HL How_WQL long_
RB has_HVZ it_PPS been_BEN since_CS you_PPSS reviewed_VBD the_AT objectives_NNS
of_IN your_PP$ benefit_NN and_CC service_NN program_NN ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS
permitted_VBD it_PPO to_TO become_VB a_AT giveaway_NN program_NN rather_IN than_
IN one_CD that_DT has_HVZ the_AT goal_NN of_IN improved_VBN employee_NN morale_N
N and_CC ,_, consequently_RB ,_, increased_VBN productivity_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT
effort_NN do_DO you_PPSS make_VB to_TO assess_VB results_NNS of_IN your_PP$ prog
ram_NN ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_PPSS measure_VB its_PP$ relation_NN to_IN reduced_VBN a
bsenteeism_NN ,_, turnover_NN ,_, accidents_NNS ,_, and_CC grievances_NNS ,_, an
d_CC to_IN improved_VBN quality_NN and_CC output_NN ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS set
_VBN specific_JJ objectives_NNS for_IN your_PP$ employee_NN publication_NN ?_. ?
_. Is_BEZ it_PPS reaching_VBG these_DTS goals_NNS ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ it_PPS larger_J
JR or_CC fancier_JJR than_CS you_PPSS really_RB need_VB ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS
using_VBG the_AT most_QL economical_JJ printing_VBG methods_NNS ,_, paper_NN ,_
, etc._RB ._. Are_BER there_EX other_AP ,_, cheaper_JJR communications_NNS techn
iques_NNS that_WPS could_MD be_BE substituted_VBN ?_. ?_. Has_HVZ your_PP$ attit
ude_NN toward_IN employee_NN benefits_NNS encouraged_VBN an_AT excess_NN of_IN f
ree_JJ ``_`` government_NN ''_'' work_NN in_IN your_PP$ plant_NN ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ
your_PP$ purchasing_VBG agent_NN offering_VBG too_QL much_AP free-buying_JJ serv
ice_NN for_IN employees_NNS ?_. ?_. When_WRB improvements_NNS are_BER recommende
d_VBN in_IN working_VBG conditions_NNS --_-- such_JJ as_CS lighting_VBG ,_, rest
_NN rooms_NNS ,_, eating_VBG facilities_NNS ,_, air-conditioning_NN --_-- do_DO
you_PPSS try_VB to_TO set_VB a_AT measure_NN of_IN their_PP$ effectiveness_NN on
_IN productivity_NN ?_. ?_. When_WRB negotiating_VBG with_IN your_PP$ union_NN ,
_, do_DO you_PPSS make_VB sure_JJ employees_NNS have_HV a_AT choice_NN between_I
N new_JJ benefits_NNS and_CC their_PP$ cents-per-hour_JJ cost_NN in_IN wages_NNS
._. Can_MD you_PPSS consider_VB restricting_VBG any_DTI additional_JJ employee_
NN benefits_NNS to_IN those_DTS paid_VBN for_IN by_IN profit-sharing_JJ money_NN
,_, such_JJ as_CS was_BEDZ done_VBN in_IN the_AT union_NN contract_NN recently_
RB signed_VBN by_IN American_JJ-TL Motors_NNS-TL Corporation_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Insur
ance_NN-HL Do_DO your_PP$ employees_NNS understand_VB all_ABN the_AT benefits_NN
S to_IN which_WDT your_PP$ insurance_NN entitles_VBZ them_PPO ?_. ?_. Are_BER th
ey_PPSS encouraged_VBD to_TO take_VB full_RB legal_JJ advantage_NN of_IN these_D
TS benefits_NNS ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS publicized_VBN the_AT cents-per-hour_JJ
value_NN of_IN the_AT company's_NN$ share_NN of_IN insurance_NN premiums_NNS ?_
. ?_. When_WRB did_DOD you_PPSS last_RB compare_VB your_PP$ present_JJ premium_N
N costs_NNS with_IN the_AT costs_NNS of_IN insurance_NN from_IN other_AP sources
_NNS ?_. ?_. Can_MD your_PP$ insurance_NN company_NN aid_VB you_PPO in_IN reduci
ng_VBG administrative_JJ costs_NNS ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_PPSS try_VB to_TO maintain_
VB the_AT principle_NN of_IN employee-contributed_JJ (_( as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN
fully_RB company-paid_JJ )_) programs_NNS ?_. ?_. Holidays_NNS-HL ,_,-HL time_N
N-HL off_RP-HL ,_,-HL overtime_NN-HL Do_DO you_PPSS protect_VB your_PP$ holiday_
NN privileges_NNS with_IN an_AT attendance_NN requirement_NN both_ABX before_IN
and_CC after_IN the_AT holiday_NN ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_PPSS plan_VB to_TO limit_VB
additional_JJ holidays_NNS to_IN area_NN and/or_CC industrial_JJ patterns_NNS ?_
. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS investigated_VBN the_AT possibility_NN of_IN moving_VBG m
idweek_NN holidays_NNS forward_RB to_IN Monday_NR or_CC back_RB to_IN Friday_NR
in_IN order_NN to_TO have_HV an_AT uninterrupted_JJ work_NN week_NN ?_. ?_. Are_
BER you_PPSS carefully_RB policing_VBG wash-up_NN time_NN and_CC rest_NN periods
_NNS to_TO be_BE certain_JJ that_CS all_ABN other_AP time_NN is_BEZ productive_J
J ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS watching_VBG work_NN schedules_NNS for_IN boiler_NN o
perators_NNS ,_, guards_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP 24-hour-day_NN ,_, 7-day-week_NN
operations_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO minimize_VB overtime_NN ?_. ?_. Are_BER you
_PPSS careful_JJ to_TO restrict_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN people_NNS on_IN leave
_NN at_IN one_CD time_NN so_CS that_CS your_PP$ total_NN employment_NN obligatio
n_NN is_BEZ minimized_VBN ?_. ?_. Plant_NN-HL feeding_VBG-HL facilities_NNS-HL H
ave_HV you_PPSS considered_VBN using_VBG vending_VBG equipment_NN to_TO replace_
VB or_CC reduce_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN cafeteria_NN employees_NNS ?_. ?_. Wha
t_WDT are_BER the_AT possibilities_NNS for_IN operating_VBG your_PP$ cafeteria_N
N for_IN a_AT single_AP shift_NN only_RB and_CC relying_VBG upon_IN vending_VBG
machines_NNS or_CC prepackaged_VBN sandwiches_NNS for_IN the_AT second-_OD and_C
C third-shift_NN operations_NNS ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS checked_VBN the_AT cost
_NN of_IN subcontracting_VBG your_PP$ cafeteria_NN operation_NN in_IN order_NN t
o_TO save_VB administrative_JJ costs_NNS ?_. ?_. Are_BER there_EX possibilities_
NNS of_IN having_HVG cafeteria_NN help_NN work_VB part-time_RB on_IN custodial_J
J or_CC other_AP jobs_NNS ?_. ?_. Can_MD staggered_VBN lunch_NN periods_NNS reli
eve_VB the_AT capacity_NN strain_NN on_IN your_PP$ feeding_VBG facilities_NNS ?_
. ?_. Would_MD it_PPO be_BE feasible_JJ to_TO limit_VB the_AT menu_NN in_IN orde
r_NN to_TO reduce_VB feeding_VBG costs_NNS ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS considered_V
BN gradual_JJ withdrawal_NN of_IN subsidies_NNS to_IN your_PP$ in-plant_JJ feedi
ng_VBG operation_NN ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS utilizing_VBG cafeteria_NN space_NN
for_IN company_NN meetings_NNS or_CC discussions_NNS ?_. ?_. Recreation_NN-HL f
acilities_NNS-HL Are_BER your_PP$ expenses_NNS in_IN this_DT area_NN commensurat
e_JJ with_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN employees_NNS who_WPS benefit_VB from_IN you
r_PP$ program_NN ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS audited_VBN your_PP$ program_NN recent
ly_RB to_TO weed_VB out_RP those_DTS phases_NNS that_WPS draw_VB least_AP partic
ipation_NN ?_. ?_. Do_DO employees_NNS contribute_VB their_PP$ share_NN of_IN mo
ney_NN to_IN recreational_JJ facilities_NNS ?_. ?_. Have_HV you_PPSS considered_
VBN delegating_VBG operational_JJ responsibility_NN to_IN your_PP$ employee_NN a
ssociation_NN and_CC carefully_RB restricting_VBG your_PP$ plant's_NN$ financial
_JJ contribution_NN ?_. ?_. Could_MD an_AT employee's_NN$ garden_NN club_NN take
_VB over_RP partial_JJ care_NN of_IN plant_NN grounds_NNS ?_. ?_. Would_MD a_AT
camera_NN club_NN be_BE useful_JJ in_IN taking_VBG pictures_NNS pertinent_JJ to_
IN plant_NN safety_NN ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS spending_VBG too_QL much_AP money
_NN on_IN team_NN uniforms_NNS that_WPS benefit_VB only_RB a_AT few_AP employees
_NNS ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS underwriting_VBG expensive_JJ team_NN trips_NNS ?_
. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS utilizing_VBG vending_VBG machine_NN proceeds_NNS to_TO h
elp_VB pay_VB for_IN your_PP$ program_NN ?_. ?_. Transportation_NN-HL and_CC-HL
parking_VBG-HL Do_DO you_PPSS know_VB the_AT trend_NN in_IN your_PP$ cost_NN of_
IN maintaining_VBG access_NN roads_NNS and_CC parking_VBG lots_NNS ?_. ?_. If_CS
you_PPSS use_VB parking_VBG attendants_NNS ,_, can_MD they_PPSS be_BE replaced_
VBN by_IN automatic_JJ parking_VBG gates_NNS ?_. ?_. Will_MD your_PP$ local_JJ b
us_NN company_NN erect_VB and/or_CC maintain_VB the_AT bus_NN stops_NNS at_IN yo
ur_PP$ plant_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS provide_VB inter-plant_JJ transportation_
NN ,_, can_MD this_DT be_BE replaced_VBN by_IN available_JJ public_JJ transporta
tion_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS use_VB company_NN transportation_NN to_TO meet_VB
trains_NNS or_CC to_TO haul_VB visitors_NNS ,_, would_MD taxis_NNS be_BE cheape
r_JJR ?_. ?_. How_WQL efficient_JJ and_CC necessary_JJ are_BER your_PP$ intra-co
mpany_JJ vehicles_NNS ?_. ?_. Can_MD they_PPSS be_BE re-scheduled_VBN ?_. ?_. Ca
n_MD part-time_JJ drivers_NNS be_BE assigned_VBN to_IN other_AP productive_JJ wo
rk_NN ?_. ?_. Paid_VBN-HL vacations_NNS-HL Which_WDT is_BEZ more_QL economical_J
J for_IN your_PP$ plant_NN --_-- a_AT vacation_NN shutdown_NN or_CC spaced_VBN v
acations_NNS that_WPS require_VB extra_JJ employees_NNS for_IN vacation_NN fill-
ins_NNS ?_. ?_. Can_MD vacations_NNS be_BE spaced_VBN throughout_IN the_AT 12_CD
months_NNS to_TO minimize_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN employee_NN fill-ins_NNS ?_
. ?_. Do_DO you_PPO insist_VB that_CS unneeded_JJ salary_NN employees_NNS take_V
B their_PP$ vacations_NNS during_IN plant_NN shutdowns_NNS ?_. ?_. What_WDT can_
MD your_PP$ sales_NNS and_CC purchasing_VBG departments_NNS do_DO to_TO curtail_
VB orders_NNS ,_, shipments_NNS ,_, and_CC receipts_NNS during_IN vacation_NN sh
utdown_NN periods_NNS ?_. ?_. Retirement_NN-HL Is_BEZ an_AT arbitrary_JJ retirem
ent_NN age_NN of_IN 65_CD actually_RB costing_VBG your_PP$ plant_NN money_NN ?_.
?_. What_WDT sort_NN of_IN effort_NN do_DO you_PPSS make_VB to_TO assure_VB tha
t_CS older_JJR or_CC disabled_VBN workers_NNS are_BER fully_QL productive_JJ ?_.
?_. Would_MD early_JJ retirement_NN of_IN non-productive_JJ ,_, disabled_VBN em
ployees_NNS reduce_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN make-work_JJ jobs_NNS ?_. ?_. Will_
MD your_PP$ union_NN accept_VB seniority_NN concessions_NNS in_IN assigning_VBG
work_NN for_IN older_JJR or_CC disabled_VBN employees_NNS ?_. ?_. Medical_JJ-HL
and_CC-HL health_NN-HL Can_MD you_PPSS share_VB medical_JJ facilities_NNS and_CC
staff_NN with_IN neighboring_VBG plants_NNS ?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS have_HV a_AT
full-time_JJ doctor_NN now_RB ,_, can_MD he_PPS be_BE replaced_VBN with_IN a_AT
part-time_JJ doctor_NN or_CC one_CD who_WPS serves_VBZ on_IN a_AT fee-per-case_
JJ basis_NN only_RB ?_. ?_. Can_MD your_PP$ plant_NN nurse_NN be_BE replaced_VBN
by_IN a_AT trained_VBN first-aid_NN man_NN who_WPS works_VBZ full-time_RB on_IN
some_DTI other_AP assignment_NN ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_PPSS rigidly_RB distinguish_V
B between_IN job-_NN and_CC non-job-connected_JJ health_NN problems_NNS and_CC a
void_VB treating_VBG the_AT latter_AP ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS indiscriminantly_
RB offering_VBG unnecessary_JJ medical_JJ services_NNS --_-- flu_NN shots_NNS ,_
, sun_NN lamp_NN treatments_NNS ,_, etc._RB ?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS have_HV an_AT
annual_JJ or_CC regular_JJ physical_JJ examination_NN program_NN ,_, is_BEZ it_
PPS worth_JJ what_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ costing_VBG you_PPO ?_. ?_. A_AT-HL program_
NN-HL to_TO-HL fit_VB-HL your_PP$-HL needs_NNS-HL Consider_VB what_WDT you_PPSS
can_MD afford_VB to_TO spend_VB and_CC what_WDT your_PP$ goals_NNS are_BER befor
e_CS setting_VBG up_RP or_CC revamping_VBG your_PP$ employee_NN benefit_NN progr
am_NN ._. Too_QL many_AP plant_NN officials_NNS are_BER all_QL too_QL eager_JJ t
o_TO buy_VB a_AT package_NN program_NN from_IN an_AT insurance_NN company_NN sim
ply_RB because_CS it_PPS works_VBZ for_IN another_DT plant_NN ._. But_CC even_RB
if_CS that_DT other_AP plant_NN employs_VBZ the_AT same_AP number_NN of_IN work
ers_NNS and_CC makes_VBZ the_AT same_AP product_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER other_AP
facts_NNS to_TO consider_VB ._. How_WQL old_JJ is_BEZ your_PP$ working_VBG forc
e_NN ?_. ?_. What's_WDT+BEZ your_PP$ profit_NN margin_NN ?_. ?_. In_IN what_WDT
section_NN of_IN the_AT country_NN are_BER you_PPSS located_VBN ?_. ?_. Are_BER
you_PPSS in_IN a_AT rural_JJ or_CC urban_JJ area_NN ?_. ?_. These_DTS factors_NN
S can_MD make_VB the_AT difference_NN between_IN waste_NN and_CC efficiency_NN i
n_IN any_DTI benefit_NN program_NN ._. Above_IN all_ABN ,_, don't_DO* set_VB up_
RP extravagant_JJ fringe_NN benefits_NNS just_RB to_TO buy_VB employee_NN good_J
J will_NN ._. Unions_NNS stress_VB fringe_NN benefits_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT indi
vidual_JJ hourly_JJ worker_NN prefers_VBZ cash_NN every_AT time_NN ._. Aim_VB to
_TO balance_VB your_PP$ employee_NN benefit_NN package_NN ._. Some_DTI plants_NN
S go_VB overboard_RB on_IN one_CD type_NN of_IN fringe_NN --_-- say_VB a_AT libe
ral_JJ retirement_NN plan_NN --_-- and_CC find_VB themselves_PPLS vulnerable_JJ
elsewhere_RB ._. They're_PPSS+BER asking_VBG for_IN union_NN trouble_NN ._. Comm
unications_NNS-HL If_CS you_PPSS want_VB credit_NN for_IN your_PP$ employee_NN s
ervices_NNS program_NN ,_, let_VB your_PP$ workers_NNS know_VB what_WDT they're_
PPSS+BER entitled_VBN to_IN ._. Encourage_VB them_PPO to_TO exercise_VB their_PP
$ benefits_NNS ._. This_DT can_MD be_BE done_VBN by_IN stories_NNS in_IN your_PP
$ house_NN organs_NNS ,_, posters_NNS ,_, special_JJ publications_NNS ,_, letter
s_NNS to_IN workers'_NNS$ homes_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS by_IN word_NN of_IN mout
h_NN through_IN your_PP$ chain_NN of_IN command_NN ._. Some_DTI companies_NNS fi
nd_VB a_AT little_AP imagination_NN helpful_JJ ._. Hallmark_NN-TL Cards_NNS-TL ,
_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, Kansas_NP-TL City_NN-TL ,_, Mo._NP-TL ,_, has_HVZ a_AT do-it-
yourself_JJ quiz_NN game_NN called_VBN ``_`` Benefit_NN-TL Bafflers_NNS-TL ''_''
,_, which_WDT it_PPS distributes_VBZ to_IN employees_NNS ._. M_NN &_CC R_NN Die
tetic_JJ-TL Laboratories_NNS-TL ,_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, Columbus_NP ,_, gives_VBZ al
l_ABN its_PP$ workers_NNS a_AT facsimile_NN checkbook_NN --_-- each_DT check_NN
showing_VBG the_AT amount_NN the_AT company_NN spends_VBZ on_IN a_AT particular_
JJ fringe_NN ._. U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Rubber_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL York
_NP-TL ,_, passes_VBZ out_RP a_AT form_NN itemizing_VBG the_AT value_NN of_IN be
nefits_NNS ._. The_AT blue-collar_JJ worker_NN thus_RB knows_VBZ his_PP$ insuran
ce_NN-HL package_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, costs_VBZ $227.72_NNS ._. Insuranc
e_NN Have_HV the_AT insurance_NN company_NN or_CC your_PP$ own_JJ accounting_VBG
department_NN break_VB down_RP the_AT cost_NN of_IN your_PP$ insurance_NN packa
ge_NN periodically_RB ._. You_PPSS may_MD find_VB certain_JJ coverage_NN costing
_VBG much_QL more_AP than_CS is_BEZ economically_RB feasible_JJ ,_, thereby_RB a
lerting_VBG you_PPO to_IN desirable_JJ revisions_NNS ._. Check_VB to_TO see_VB i
f_CS some_DTI of_IN your_PP$ benefits_NNS --_-- such_JJ as_CS on-the-job_JJ disa
bility_NN pay_NN --_-- can_MD be_BE put_VBN on_IN a_AT direct_JJ payment_NN rath
er_IN than_IN an_AT insured_VBN basis_NN at_IN a_AT savings_NN to_IN you_PPO ._.
Use_VB deductable_JJ insurance_NN wherever_WRB feasible_JJ ._. It_PPS can_MD pu
t_VB an_AT end_NN to_IN marginal_JJ claims_NNS which_WDT play_VB havoc_NN with_I
N your_PP$ insurance_NN rates_NNS ._. Also_RB ,_, beware_VB of_IN open-end_NN po
licies_NNS ,_, especially_RB in_IN the_AT medical_JJ field_NN ._. This_DT will_M
D mean_VB that_CS every_AT time_NN there's_EX+BEZ an_AT increase_NN in_IN hospit
al_NN rates_NNS your_PP$ cost_NN will_MD go_VB up_RP in_IN like_JJ manner_NN ._.
Put_VB a_AT dollar-and-cents_JJ limit_NN on_IN benefits_NNS ._. Don't_DO* go_VB
overboard_RB on_IN insurance_NN that_WPS pays_VBZ benefits_NNS only_RB upon_IN
death_NN ._. Generally_RB ,_, your_PP$ employee_NN will_MD greatly_RB appreciate
_VB benefits_NNS that_WPS protect_VB him_PPO during_IN his_PP$ working_VBG life_
NN or_CC during_IN retirement_NN ._. Special_JJ-HL time_NN-HL off_RP-HL In_IN gr
anting_VBG bereavement_NN leaves_NNS ,_, specify_VB the_AT maximum_JJ time_NN of
f_RP and_CC list_VB what_WDT the_AT worker's_NN$ relation_NN to_IN the_AT deceas
ed_NN must_MD be_BE to_TO qualify_VB ._. Thus_RB ,_, you_PPSS avoid_VB headaches
_NNS when_WRB an_AT employee_NN wants_VBZ off_RP for_IN his_PP$ fourth_OD cousin
's_NN$ funeral_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, reserve_VB the_AT right_NN to_TO demand_VB pro
of_NN of_IN death_NN despite_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS you'll_PPSS+MD probably_R
B never_RB use_VB it_PPO ._. Coffee_NN breaks_NNS can_MD be_BE a_AT real_JJ head
ache_NN if_CS not_* regulated_VBN ._. Vending_VBG machines_NNS can_MD alleviate_
VB the_AT long_JJ hike_NN to_IN the_AT cafeteria_NN during_IN the_AT break_NN wi
th_IN resulting_VBG waste_NN of_IN production_NN time_NN ._. If_CS coffee_NN is_
BEZ sold_VBN at_IN the_AT cafeteria_NN ,_, let_VB a_AT few_AP workers_NNS in_IN
each_DT department_NN get_VB it_PPO for_IN the_AT whole_JJ group_NN ._. Consider
_VB installing_VBG supplemental_JJ serving_VBG lines_NNS in_IN production_NN are
as_NNS ._. Make_VB sure_JJ milk_NN for_IN the_AT coffee_NN is_BEZ placed_VBN in_
IN dispensers_NNS rather_IN than_IN in_IN containers_NNS ,_, if_CS you_PPSS are_
BER supplying_VBG the_AT coffee_NN ._. Otherwise_RB ,_, you_PPSS may_MD be_BE sa
ddled_VBN with_IN a_AT good-size_JJ milk_NN bill_NN by_IN milk_NN drinkers_NNS .
_. Retirement_NN-HL policies_NNS-HL Keep_VB the_AT retirement_NN age_NN flexible
_JJ so_CS skilled_JJ craftsmen_NNS such_JJ as_CS tool_NN and_CC die_NN makers_NN
S can_MD be_BE kept_VBN on_IN the_AT job_NN for_IN the_AT convenience_NN of_IN t
he_AT company_NN ._. And_CC so_CS deadheads_NNS on_IN the_AT payroll_NN can_MD b
e_BE eased_VBN out_RP at_IN the_AT earliest_JJT possible_JJ age_NN ._. Make_VB s
ure_JJ you_PPSS have_HV minimum_JJ age_NN and_CC time-on-the-job_NN requirements
_NNS tied_VBN into_IN your_PP$ pension_NN plan_NN ._. Younger_JJR men_NNS usuall
y_RB don't_DO* think_VB of_IN pensions_NNS as_CS an_AT important_JJ job_NN benef
it_NN factor_NN anyhow_RB and_CC they're_PPSS+BER liable_JJ to_TO change_VB jobs
_NNS several_AP times_NNS before_CS settling_VBG down_RP ._. Choose_VB carefully
_RB between_IN contributory_JJ or_CC non-contributory_JJ pension_NN plans_NNS ._
. There_EX are_BER two_CD sides_NNS of_IN a_AT coin_NN for_IN this_DT decision_N
N ._. Workers_NNS usually_RB think_VB more_AP of_IN a_AT plan_NN they_PPSS contr
ibute_VB to_IN ._. And_CC they_PPSS can_MD at_IN least_AP collect_VB the_AT mone
y_NN they_PPSS put_VB in_RP ,_, plus_CC interest_NN ,_, when_WRB they_PPSS leave
_VB the_AT company_NN ._. A_AT non-contributory_JJ plan_NN usually_RB won't_MD*
pay_VB off_RP for_IN the_AT worker_NN until_CS he_PPS retires_VBZ ._. Thus_RB ,_
, there_EX is_BEZ an_AT added_VBN incentive_NN to_TO stay_VB on_IN the_AT job_NN
._. Holidays_NNS-HL Make_VB sure_JJ you_PPSS don't_DO* pay_VB for_IN holidays_N
NS that_WPS occur_VB when_WRB an_AT employee_NN would_MD not_* otherwise_RB be_B
E working_VBG ._. These_DTS include_VB :_: leaves_NNS of_IN absences_NNS ,_, ill
nesses_NNS ,_, and_CC layoffs_NNS ._. Consider_VB adopting_VBG a_AT system_NN of
_IN holidays_NNS in_IN which_WDT time_NN off_RP is_BEZ granted_VBN with_IN an_AT
eye_NN to_IN minimum_JJ inconvenience_NN to_IN the_AT operation_NN of_IN the_AT
plant_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ usually_RB not_* too_QL hard_JJ to_TO sell_VB workers
_NNS on_IN this_DT as_CS it_PPS gives_VBZ them_PPO longer_JJR holiday_NN periods
_NNS ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT Friday_NR after_IN Thanksgiving_NN-TL can_
MD be_BE substituted_VBN for_IN Washington's_NP$ birthday_NN ._. This_DT reduces
_VBZ the_AT number_NN of_IN expensive_JJ plant_NN shutdowns_NNS and_CC startups_
NNS ._. Require_VB each_DT employee_NN to_TO work_VB his_PP$ last_AP shift_NN bo
th_ABX before_IN and_CC after_IN the_AT holiday_NN to_TO be_BE eligible_JJ for_I
N pay_NN ._. This_DT cuts_VBZ the_AT absentee_NN rate_NN ._. Eating_VBG-HL facil
ities_NNS-HL Consider_VB using_VBG vending_VBG machines_NNS rather_IN than_IN su
bsidized_VBN cafeterias_NNS ._. Latest_JJT models_NNS serve_VB hot_JJ meals_NNS
at_IN reasonable_JJ prices_NNS ,_, and_CC at_IN a_AT profit_NN to_IN you_PPO ._.
If_CS a_AT concessionaire_NN runs_VBZ the_AT cafeteria_NN ,_, keep_VB an_AT eye
_NN out_RP for_IN quality_NN and_CC price_NN ._. If_CS the_AT soup_NN tastes_VBZ
like_CS dishwater_NN ,_, your_PP$ employees_NNS won't_MD* blame_VB the_AT conce
ssionaire_NN ._. You'll_PPSS+MD take_VB the_AT rap_NN ._. Check_VB your_PP$ cafe
teria_NN location_NN to_TO make_VB sure_JJ it's_PPS+BEZ convenient_JJ for_IN mos
t_AP employees_NNS ._. You_PPSS may_MD save_VB valuable_JJ production_NN minutes
_NNS with_IN a_AT change_NN ._. Vacations_NNS-HL Spread_VB your_PP$ vacation_NN
period_NN over_IN the_AT widest_JJT possible_JJ span_NN of_IN time_NN or_CC shut
_VB the_AT plant_NN down_RP for_IN two_CD weeks_NNS ._. This_DT will_NN cut_VB t
he_AT expense_NN of_IN vacation_NN replacements_NNS ._. And_CC with_IN the_AT sh
utdown_NN method_NN there_EX will_MD be_BE no_AT argument_NN as_IN to_IN who_WPS
gets_VBZ the_AT choice_JJ vacation_NN dates_NNS ._. Also_RB make_VB sure_JJ you
_PPSS have_HV reasonable_JJ requirements_NNS as_IN to_IN hours_NNS worked_VBN be
fore_CS a_AT production_NN employee_NN is_BEZ entitled_VBN to_IN a_AT vacation_N
N ._. You_PPSS might_MD try_VB providing_VBG standard_JJ vacation_NN time_NN off
_RP but_CC make_VB the_AT vacation_NN pay_NN depend_VB on_IN the_AT number_NN of
_IN hours_NNS worked_VBN in_IN the_AT previous_JJ year_NN ._. The_AT long_JJ and
_CC ever-increasing_JJ column_NN of_IN sportsmen_NNS is_BEZ now_RB moving_VBG in
to_IN a_AT new_JJ era_NN ._. Modern_JJ times_NNS have_HV changed_VBN the_AT worl
d_NN beyond_IN recognition_NN ._. The_AT early_JJ years_NNS of_IN the_AT twentie
th_OD century_NN seem_VB very_QL far_RB away_RB ._. But_CC with_IN all_ABN the_A
T changes_NNS in_IN philosophy_NN ,_, dress_NN and_CC terrain_NN --_-- a_AT few_
AP things_NNS remain_VB constant_JJ ,_, including_IN the_AT devotion_NN of_IN Am
ericans_NPS to_IN the_AT great_JJ field_NN sports_NNS ,_, hunting_VBG and_CC fis
hing_VBG ._. As_CS the_AT generations_NNS move_VB on_RP ,_, clothes_NNS become_V
B more_QL suitable_JJ for_IN the_AT enjoyment_NN of_IN outdoor_JJ sports_NNS ._.
Sporting_VBG firearms_NNS change_VB ,_, markedly_RB for_IN the_AT better_JJR ._
. Just_RB as_CS modern_JJ transportation_NN has_HVZ outmoded_JJ the_AT early_JJ
Studebaker_NP covered_VBD wagon_NN ,_, the_AT demand_NN of_IN today's_NR$ sports
men_NNS and_CC women_NNS has_HVZ necessitated_VBN changes_NNS in_IN their_PP$ eq
uipment_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ firearms_NNS and_CC ammunition_NN manufacturer
s_NNS through_IN diligent_JJ research_NN and_CC technical_JJ development_NN have
_HV replaced_VBN the_AT muzzle_NN loader_NN and_CC slow-firing_JJ single-shot_NN
arms_NNS with_IN modern_JJ fast_JJ firing_VBG auto-loaders_NNS ,_, extremely_QL
accurate_JJ bolt_NN ,_, lever_NN ,_, and_CC slide_NN action_NN firearms_NNS ._.
And_CC millions_NNS of_IN rounds_NNS of_IN entirely_QL new_JJ and_CC modern_JJ
small-arms_NNS ammunition_NN ,_, designed_VBN for_IN today's_NR$ hunting_NN and_
CC target_NN shooting_NN ._. And_CC due_RB to_IN modern_JJ resource-use_NN and_C
C game_NN management_NN practices_NNS ,_, there_EX is_BEZ still_RB game_NN to_TO
shoot_VB ,_, even_RB with_IN the_AT ever-expanding_JJ encroachment_NN on_IN lan
d_NN and_CC water_NN ._. Present_JJ conservation_NN practices_NNS regard_VB wild
life_NN ,_, not_* as_CS an_AT expendable_JJ natural_JJ resource_NN ,_, but_CC as
_CS an_AT annual_JJ harvest_NN to_TO be_BE sown_VBN and_CC also_RB reaped_VBN ._
. Unlimited_JJ game_NN bags_NNS are_BER possible_JJ and_CC legal_JJ in_IN more_A
P than_IN 40_CD states_NNS ,_, on_IN shooting_VBG preserves_NNS (_( one_CD of_IN
the_AT newer_JJR phases_NNS of_IN modern_JJ game-management_NN )_) for_IN five_
CD and_CC six_CD months_NNS each_DT year_NN ._. Close_RB to_IN two_CD million_CD
game_NN birds_NNS were_BED harvested_VBN on_IN 1,500_CD commercial_JJ and_CC pr
ivate_JJ shooting_VBG preserves_NNS ,_, and_CC on_IN State_NN-TL Game_NN-TL Comm
ission-controlled_JJ upland_JJ game_NN areas_NNS during_IN the_AT 1960-61_CD sea
son_NN ._. The_AT shooting_VBG development_NN program_NN of_IN the_AT Sporting_V
BG-TL Arms_NNS-TL and_CC-TL Ammunition_NN-TL Manufacturers'_NNS$-TL Institute_NN
-TL has_HVZ successfully_RB published_VBN these_DTS facts_NNS in_IN all_ABN majo
r_JJ outdoor_JJ magazines_NNS ,_, many_AP national_JJ weeklies_NNS and_CC the_AT
trade_NN papers_NNS ._. The_AT most_QL effective_JJ way_NN to_TO develop_VB mor
e_AP places_NNS for_IN more_AP sportsmen_NNS to_IN shoot_NN is_BEZ to_TO encoura
ge_VB properly_RB managed_VBN shooting_VBG preserves_NNS ._. This_DT has_HVZ bee
n_BEN the_AT aim_NN of_IN the_AT director_NN of_IN the_AT shooting_VBG developme
nt_NN program_NN ,_, the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL staff_NN of_IN the_AT Sportsmen
's_NNS$-TL Service_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT SAAMI_NN shooting_VBG pr
eserve_NN field_NN consultants_NNS since_IN the_AT start_NN of_IN the_AT program
_NN in_IN 1954_CD ._. Following_VBG the_AT kick-off_NN of_IN SAAMI's_NN shooting
_VBG development_NN program_NN in_IN 1954_CD ,_, a_AT most_QL interesting_JJ mee
ting_NN took_VBD place_NN in_IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C._NP ._. The_AT group_NN kn
own_VBN as_CS the_AT American_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL for_IN-TL Health_NN-TL ,_,
,_, Physical_JJ-TL Education_NN-TL ,_, and_CC-TL Recreation_NN-TL (_( a_AT divi
sion_NN of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Education_NN-TL Association_NN-TL )_) initia
ted_VBD a_AT conference_NN which_WDT brought_VBD together_RB representatives_NNS
of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Rifle_NN-TL Association_NN-TL ,_, SAAMI_NN and_CC t
he_AT American_JJ-TL Fishing_NN-TL Tackle_NN-TL Manufacturers_NNS-TL ._. This_DT
meeting_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN to_TO determine_VB how_WRB these_DTS groups_NNS
might_MD cooperate_VB to_TO launch_VB what_WDT is_BEZ known_VBN as_CS the_AT Out
door_JJ-TL Education_NN-TL Project_NN-TL ._. The_AT Outdoor_JJ-TL Education_NN-T
L Project_NN-TL took_VBD cognizance_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN ,_, so_QL often_RB o
verlooked_VBN ,_, that_CS athletic_JJ activities_NNS stressed_VBN in_IN most_AP
school_NN programs_NNS have_HV little_AP or_CC no_AT relationship_NN to_IN the_A
T physical_JJ and_CC mental_JJ needs_NNS and_CC interests_NNS of_IN later_JJR li
fe_NN ._. The_AT various_JJ team_NN sports_NNS assuredly_RB have_HV their_PP$ pl
ace_NN in_IN every_AT school_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS are_BER important_JJ to_IN
proper_JJ physical_JJ development_NN ._. But_CC with_IN the_AT exception_NN of_I
N professional_JJ athletes_NNS ,_, few_AP contact_NN sports_NNS and_CC physical_
JJ education_NN activities_NNS in_IN our_PP$ schools_NNS have_HV any_DTI carryov
er_NN in_IN the_AT adult_NN life_NN of_IN the_AT average_NN American_JJ man_NN o
r_CC woman_NN ._. Following_VBG a_AT vigorous_JJ campaign_NN of_IN interpretatio
n_NN and_CC leadership_NN development_NN by_IN OEP_NN director_NN Dr._NN-TL Juli
an_NP Smith_NP ,_, today_NR thousands_NNS of_IN secondary_JJ schools_NNS ,_, col
leges_NNS and_CC universities_NNS have_HV shooting_VBG and_CC hunting_VBG educat
ion_NN in_IN their_PP$ physical_JJ education_NN and_CC recreation_NN programs_NN
S ._. SAAMI's_NP$ financial_JJ support_NN since_IN 1955_CD has_HVZ contributed_V
BN to_IN the_AT success_NN of_IN this_DT project_NN in_IN education_NN ._. Perso
nnel_NNS assigned_VBN through_IN the_AT shooting_VBG development_NN program_NN h
ave_HV proudly_RB participated_VBN in_IN over_RP 53_CD state_NN and_CC regional_
JJ workshops_NNS ,_, at_IN which_WDT hundreds_NNS of_IN school_NN administrators
_NNS ,_, teachers_NNS ,_, professors_NNS ,_, and_CC recreational_JJ leaders_NNS
have_HV been_BEN introduced_VBN to_IN Outdoor_JJ-TL Education_NN-TL ._. Consider
ing_IN that_CS the_AT current_JJ school-age_NN potential_NN is_BEZ 23_CD million
_CD youths_NNS ,_, the_AT project_NN and_CC its_PP$ message_NN on_IN hunting_VBG
and_CC shooting_VBG education_NN have_HV many_QL more_AP to_TO reach_VB ._. In_
IN 1959_CD SAAMI's_NN shooting_VBG development_NN program_NN announced_VBD a_AT
new_JJ activity_NN designed_VBN to_TO expose_VB thousands_NNS of_IN teen-age_JJ
boys_NNS and_CC girls_NNS to_IN the_AT healthy_JJ fun_NN enjoyed_VBN through_IN
the_AT participation_NN in_IN the_AT shooting_VBG sports_NNS ._. This_DT program
_NN is_BEZ now_RB nationally_RB known_VBN as_CS ``_`` Teen_NN-TL Hunter_NN-TL Cl
ubs_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. Teen_NN-TL Hunter_NN-TL Clubs_NNS-TL were_BED initially_RB
sponsored_VBN by_IN affiliated_VBN members_NNS of_IN the_AT Allied_VBN-TL Mercha
ndising_VBG-TL Corporation_NN-TL ._. The_AT first_OD program_NN was_BEDZ sponsor
ed_VBN by_IN Abraham_NP-TL &_CC-TL Strauss_NP-TL ,_, Hempstead_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL
York_NP-TL ,_, under_IN the_AT direction_NN of_IN Special_JJ-TL Events_NNS-TL di
rector_NN Jennings_NP Dennis_NP ._. Other_AP pilot_NN programs_NNS were_BED cond
ucted_VBN by_IN A_NN &_CC S_NN ,_, Babylon_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ;_. ;_. J
._NP L._NP Hudson_NP ,_, Detroit_NP ;_. ;_. Joseph_NP Horne_NP ,_, Pittsburgh_NP
._. Other_AP THC_NN activities_NNS followed_VBD ,_, conducted_VBN by_IN shoppin
g_VBG centers_NNS ,_, department_NN stores_NNS ,_, recreation_NN equipment_NN de
alers_NNS ,_, radio-TV_NN stations_NNS ,_, newspapers_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP or
ganizations_NNS interested_VBN in_IN the_AT need_NN existing_VBG to_TO acquaint_
VB youngsters_NNS with_IN the_AT proper_JJ use_NN of_IN sporting_VBG firearms_NN
S and_CC the_AT development_NN of_IN correct_JJ attitudes_NNS and_CC appreciatio
ns_NNS related_VBN to_IN hunting_VBG and_CC wise_JJ use_NN of_IN our_PP$ natural
_JJ resources_NNS ._. SAAMI's_NP$ field_NN men_NNS have_HV served_VBN as_CS cons
ultants_NNS and/or_CC have_HV participated_VBN in_IN 75_CD Teen_NN-TL Hunter_NN-
TL Club_NN-TL activities_NNS which_WDT have_HV reached_VBN over_RP 40,000_CD ent
husiastic_JJ young_JJ Americans_NPS ._. Through_IN the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN SAAM
I's_NN shooting_VBG development_NN program_NN these_DTS shooting_VBG activities_
NNS ,_, and_CC many_AP others_NNS ,_, including_IN assists_NNS in_IN the_AT deve
lopment_NN of_IN public_JJ and_CC privately_RB financed_VBN shooting_VBG parks_N
NS ,_, trap_NN and_CC skeet_NN leagues_NNS ,_, rifle_NN and_CC pistol_NN marksma
nship_NN programs_NNS have_HV been_BEN promoted_VBN ,_, to_TO mention_VB only_RB
a_AT few_AP ._. The_AT continuation_NN and_CC expansion_NN of_IN the_AT shootin
g_VBG development_NN program_NN will_MD assure_VB to_IN some_DTI degree_NN that_
CS national_JJ and_CC community_NN leaders_NNS will_MD be_BE made_VBN aware_JJ o
f_IN the_AT ever-growing_JJ need_NN for_IN shooting_VBG facilities_NNS and_CC ac
tivities_NNS for_IN hunting_VBG and_CC shooting_VBG in_IN answer_NN to_IN public
_JJ demand_NN ._. While_CS individual_JJ sportsmen_NNS are_BER aware_JJ of_IN th
is_DT situation_NN ,_, too_QL many_AP of_IN our_PP$ political_JJ ,_, social_JJ ,
_, educational_JJ and_CC even_RB religious_JJ leaders_NNS too_QL often_RB forget
_VB it_PPO ._. Help_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN from_IN dealers_NNS ,_, at_IN the_AT gr
ass-roots_NNS level_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ gun_NN and_CC ammunition_NN produc
ers_NNS sponsor_VB a_AT successful_JJ promotional_JJ program_NN through_IN their
_PP$ industry_NN trade_NN association_NN ._. Since_IN SAAMI's_NN conception_NN i
n_IN 1926_CD ,_, and_CC more_QL specifically_RB since_IN the_AT adoption_NN of_I
N the_AT Shooting_NN-TL Development_NN-TL Program_NN-TL in_IN 1954_CD ,_, millio
ns_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS and_CC promotional_JJ man-hours_NNS have_HV gone_VBN in
to_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN more_AP places_NNS to_TO shoot_VB for_IN more_
AP youths_NNS and_CC adults_NNS ._. We_PPSS trust_VB that_CS you_PPSS ,_, as_CS
a_AT gun_NN and_CC ammunition_NN dealer_NN ,_, have_HV benefited_VBN through_IN
additional_JJ sales_NNS of_IN equipment_NN ._. Are_BER you_PPSS getting_VBG top_
JJS dollar_NN from_IN the_AT shooting_VBG sports_NNS ?_. ?_. Are_BER you_PPSS lo
oking_VBG ahead_RB to_IN the_AT exploding_VBG market_NN of_IN millions_NNS of_IN
American_JJ boys_NNS and_CC girls_NNS ,_, who_WPS will_MD grow_VB up_RP to_TO e
njoy_VB a_AT traditional_JJ American_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN --_-- ranging_VBG t
he_AT fields_NNS with_IN a_AT fine_JJ American_JJ gun_NN and_CC uniformly_RB exc
ellent_JJ ammunition_NN ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ your_PP$ sporting_VBG firearms_NNS and_CC
ammunition_NN department_NN primed_VBN for_IN the_AT expanding_VBG horizons_NNS
?_. ?_. Would_MD you_PPSS like_VB to_TO organize_VB Teen_NN-TL Hunters_NNS-TL C
lubs_NNS-TL ,_, shooting_VBG programs_NNS ,_, and_CC have_HV information_NN on_I
N seasons_NNS including_IN six_CD months_NNS of_IN hunting_VBG with_IN unlimited
_JJ game_NN bags_NNS on_IN shooting_VBG preserves_NNS ?_. ?_. Ask_VB Sammy_NP Sh
ooter_NP ._. We_PPSS were_BED camping_VBG a_AT few_AP weeks_NNS ago_RB on_IN Cap
e_NN-TL Hatteras_NP-TL Campground_NN-TL in_IN that_DT land_NN of_IN pirates_NNS
,_, seagulls_NNS and_CC bluefish_NNS on_IN North_JJ-TL Carolina's_NP$ famed_JJ O
uter_JJ-TL Banks_NNS-TL ._. This_DT beach_NN campground_NN with_IN no_AT trees_N
NS or_CC hills_NNS presents_VBZ a_AT constant_JJ camping_VBG show_NN with_IN all
_ABN manner_NN of_IN equipment_NN in_IN actual_JJ use_NN ._. With_IN the_AT whol
e_JJ camp_NN exposed_VBN to_IN view_NN we_PPSS could_MD see_VB the_AT variety_NN
of_IN canvas_NN shelters_NNS in_IN which_WDT Americans_NPS are_BER camping_VBG
now_RB ._. There_EX were_BED umbrella_NN tents_NNS ,_, wall_NN tents_NNS ,_, cot
tage_NN tents_NNS ,_, station_NN wagon_NN tents_NNS ,_, pup_NN tents_NNS ,_, Pop
_VB-TL tents_NNS ,_, Baker_NP tents_NNS ,_, tents_NNS with_IN exterior_JJ frames
_NNS ,_, camper_NN trailers_NNS ,_, travel_NN trailers_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB a_
AT few_AP surplus_NN parachutes_NNS serving_VBG as_CS sunshades_NNS over_IN enti
re_JJ family_NN camps_NNS ._. Moving_VBG around_IN camp_NN we_PPSS saw_VBD all_A
BN kinds_NNS of_IN camp_NN stoves_NNS ,_, lanterns_NNS ,_, coolers_NNS ,_, beddi
ng_NN ,_, games_NNS ,_, fishing_VBG tackle_NN ,_, windbreaks_NNS and_CC sunshade
s_NNS ._. We_PPSS saw_VBD similar_JJ displays_NNS in_IN the_AT other_AP three_CD
campgrounds_NNS in_IN this_DT 70-mile-long_JJ National_JJ-TL Seashore_NN-TL Rec
reation_NN-TL Area_NN-TL ._. Dealers_NNS would_MD do_DO well_RB to_TO visit_VB s
uch_ABL a_AT campground_NN often_RB ,_, look_VB at_IN the_AT equipment_NN and_CC
talk_VB with_IN the_AT campers_NNS ._. Here_RB you_PPSS begin_VB to_TO apprecia
te_VB the_AT scope_NN of_IN the_AT challenges_NNS and_CC possibilities_NNS facin
g_VBG the_AT industry_NN ._. Camping_VBG is_BEZ big_JJ and_CC getting_VBG bigger
_JJR ._. No_AT one_PN knows_VBZ where_WRB it_PPS will_MD stop_VB ._. Almost_RB e
very_AT official_NN who_WPS reflects_VBZ on_IN it_PPO thinks_VBZ this_DT movemen
t_NN of_IN Americans_NPS to_IN canvas_NN dwellings_NNS opens_VBZ one_CD of_IN th
e_AT most_QL promising_JJ of_IN all_ABN outdoor_JJ markets_NNS ._. You_PPSS read
_VBD various_JJ guesses_NNS on_IN how_WQL many_AP Americans_NPS are_BER camping_
VBG ._. The_AT number_NN depends_VBZ on_IN who_WPS is_BEZ talking_VBG at_IN the_
AT moment_NN ._. The_AT figures_NNS range_VB as_QL high_JJ as_CS 15_CD million_C
D families_NNS ._. I've_PPSS+HV heard_VBN 10_CD million_CD mentioned_VBN often_R
B ,_, but_CC I'm_PPSS+BEM more_QL inclined_VBN to_TO think_VB there_EX may_MD be
_BE a_AT total_NN of_IN some_RB five_CD to_IN seven_CD million_CD families_NNS c
amping_VBG ._. Seven_CD million_CD families_NNS would_MD total_VB 30_CD million_
CD Americans_NPS or_CC more_AP ._. Consider_VB the_AT equipment_NN needed_VBN to
_TO protect_VB this_DT many_AP from_IN the_AT weather_NN ,_, to_TO make_VB their
_PP$ cooking_NN easy_JJ and_CC their_PP$ sleeping_NN comfortable_JJ ._. More_AP-
HL campers_NNS-HL than_CS-HL campsites_NNS-HL Harassed_VBN state_NN park_NN offi
cials_NNS often_RB have_HV more_AP campers_NNS than_CS they_PPSS know_VB what_WD
T to_TO do_DO with_IN ._. They_PPSS are_BER struggling_VBG to_TO meet_VB the_AT
demand_NN for_IN camping_VBG space_NN ,_, but_CC families_NNS are_BER being_BEG
turned_VBN away_RB ,_, especially_RB on_IN holiday_NN weekends_NNS ._. The_AT Na
tional_JJ-TL Parks_NNS-TL ,_, always_RB popular_JJ camping_VBG places_NNS ,_, ar
e_BER facing_VBG the_AT same_AP pressure_NN ._. The_AT National_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL
Service_NN-TL hopes_VBZ by_IN 1966_CD to_TO have_HV 30,000_CD campsites_NNS ava
ilable_JJ for_IN 100,000_CD campers_NNS a_AT day_NN --_-- almost_RB twice_RB wha
t_WDT there_EX are_BER at_IN present_NN ._. The_AT U.S._NP-TL Forest_NN-TL Servi
ce_NN-TL cares_VBZ for_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN campers_NNS in_
IN its_PP$ 149_CD National_JJ-TL Forests_NNS-TL and_CC is_BEZ increasing_VBG its
_PP$ facilities_NNS steadily_RB ._. But_CC the_AT campers_NNS still_RB come_VB .
_. They_PPSS bring_VB their_PP$ families_NNS and_CC tents_NNS and_CC camp_NN kit
chens_NNS and_CC bedding_NN ._. They_PPSS bring_VB their_PP$ fishing_VBG rods_NN
S and_CC binoculars_NNS and_CC bathing_VBG suits_NNS ._. They_PPSS come_VB prepa
red_VBN for_IN family_NN fun_NN because_CS Americans_NPS in_IN ever-growing_JJ n
umbers_NNS are_BER learning_VBG that_CS here_RB is_BEZ the_AT way_NN to_IN a_AT
fine_JJ economical_JJ vacation_NN that_WPS becomes_VBZ a_AT family_NN experience
_NN of_IN lasting_VBG importance_NN ._. Why_WRB-HL they_PPSS-HL keep_VB-HL comin
g_VBG-HL There_EX are_BER a_AT half_ABN dozen_NN reasons_NNS helping_VBG to_TO a
ccount_VB for_IN the_AT migration_NN to_IN the_AT campgrounds_NNS ._. Among_IN t
hem_PPO ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Comme
rce_NN-TL ,_, are_BER :_: (_( 1_CD )_) shorter_JJR work_NN weeks_NNS ,_, (_( 2_C
D )_) higher_JJR pay_NN ,_, (_( 3_CD )_) longer_JJR paid_VBN vacations_NNS ,_, (
_( 4_CD )_) better_JJR transportation_NN ,_, (_( 5_CD )_) earlier_JJR retirement
_NN ,_, and_CC (_( 6_CD )_) more_AP education_NN ._. The_AT more_AP people_NNS l
earn_VB about_IN their_PP$ country_NN ,_, the_AT more_AP they_PPSS want_VB to_TO
learn_VB ._. Camping_VBG is_BEZ family_NN fun_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ helpi
ng_VBG more_AP Americans_NPS see_VB more_AP of_IN the_AT country_NN than_CS they
_PPSS ever_RB saw_VBD before_RB ._. But_CC make_VB no_AT mistake_NN about_IN it_
PPO ,_, the_AT first_OD reason_NN people_NNS turn_VB to_IN camping_VBG is_BEZ on
e_CD of_IN economy_NN ._. Here_RB is_BEZ the_AT promise_NN of_IN a_AT vacation_N
N trip_NN they_PPSS can_MD afford_VB ._. The_AT American_JJ-TL Automobile_NN-TL
Association_NN-TL ,_, computing_VBG the_AT cost_NN for_IN two_CD people_NNS to_T
O vacation_VB by_IN automobile_NN ,_, comes_VBZ up_RP with_IN an_AT average_NN d
aily_JJ expenditure_NN figure_NN of_IN $29_NNS ._. The_AT AAA_NN then_RB splits_
VBZ it_PPO down_RP this_DT way_NN :_: $10.50_NNS for_IN meals_NNS ,_, $9.50_NNS
for_IN lodging_VBG ,_, $7_NNS for_IN gas_NN and_CC oil_NN ,_, and_CC $2_NNS for_
IN tips_NNS and_CC miscellaneous_JJ ._. What_WDT does_DOZ the_AT camping_VBG cou
ple_NN do_DO to_IN this_DT set_NN of_IN figures_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT $9.50_NNS for
_IN lodging_VBG they_PPSS save_VB ._. Because_CS they_PPSS prepare_VB their_PP$
own_JJ meals_NNS they_PPSS also_RB keep_VB in_IN their_PP$ pockets_NNS a_AT good
_JJ portion_NN of_IN that_DT $10.50_NNS food_NN bill_NN along_RB with_IN most_AP
of_IN the_AT tip_NN money_NN ._. The_AT automobile_NN expenses_NNS are_BER abou
t_RB the_AT only_AP vacationing_VBG cost_NN they_PPSS can't_MD* either_CC elimin
ate_VB or_CC pare_VB down_RP drastically_RB by_IN camping_VBG along_IN the_AT wa
y_NN ._. Where_WRB Americans_NPS used_VBD to_TO think_VB of_IN a_AT single_AP va
cation_NN each_DT summer_NN ,_, they_PPSS now_RB think_VB about_IN how_WQL many_
AP vacations_NNS they_PPSS can_MD have_HV ._. Long_JJ weekends_NNS enable_VB man
y_AP to_TO get_VB away_RB from_IN home_NN for_IN three_CD or_CC four_CD days_NNS
several_AP times_NNS a_AT year_NN ._. And_CC even_RB if_CS they_PPSS stay_VB in
_IN resorts_NNS part_VB of_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, they_PPSS might_MD ,_, if_CS th
e_AT right_JJ salesman_NN gets_VBZ them_PPO in_IN tow_NN ,_, develop_VB a_AT yea
rning_NN to_TO spice_VB the_AT usual_JJ vacation_NN fare_NN with_IN a_AT camping
_VBG trip_NN into_IN the_AT wide_JJ open_JJ spaces_NNS ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE
a_AT mistake_NN to_TO sell_VB those_DTS thousands_NNS of_IN beginning_VBG campe
rs_NNS on_IN the_AT idea_NN they're_PPSS+BER buying_VBG the_AT comforts_NNS of_I
N home_NN ._. They're_PPSS+BER not_* ._. Home_NN is_BEZ the_AT place_NN to_TO fi
nd_VB the_AT comforts_NNS of_IN home_NN ._. They're_PPSS+BER buying_VBG fun_NN a
nd_CC adventure_NN and_CC family_NN experiences_NNS ._. But_CC it_PPS would_MD a
lso_RB be_BE a_AT mistake_NN for_IN them_PPO not_* to_TO realize_VB how_WQL comf
ortable_JJ camping_VBG has_HVZ become_VBN ._. This_DT is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR a_
AT way_NN of_IN life_NN for_IN the_AT bearded_VBN logger_NN and_CC the_AT wander
ing_VBG cowboy_NN ._. Today's_NR$ campers_NNS want_VB comforts_NNS ,_, and_CC th
ey_PPSS have_HV them_PPO ._. And_CC this_DT helps_NNS explain_VB why_WRB so_QL m
any_AP people_NNS are_BER now_RB going_VBG camping_VBG ._. It's_PPS+BEZ fun_NN ,
_, and_CC it's_PPS+BEZ easy_JJ --_-- so_QL easy_JJ that_CS there_EX is_BEZ time_
NN left_VBN after_CS cooking_VBG ,_, and_CC tent_NN keeping_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT
women_NNS to_TO get_VB out_RP and_CC enjoy_VB outdoor_JJ fun_NN with_IN their_P
P$ families_NNS ._. Camp_NN meals_NNS are_BER no_AT great_JJ problem_NN ._. Neit
her_CC are_BER beds_NNS ,_, thanks_NNS to_IN air_NN mattresses_NNS and_CC sleepi
ng_VBG bags_NNS ._. Neither_CC are_BER shelters_NNS ,_, because_CS there_EX is_B
EZ one_CD to_TO meet_VB the_AT needs_NNS of_IN every_AT camper_NN or_CC prospect
ive_JJ camper_NN ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ still_RB the_AT sometimes_RB complex
_JJ problem_NN of_IN helping_VBG campers_NNS choose_VB the_AT best_JJT equipment
_NN for_IN their_PP$ individual_JJ needs_NNS ._. Throughout_IN history_NN ,_, th
e_AT man_NN who_WPS showed_VBD superior_JJ performance_NN has_HVZ become_VBN the
_AT commander_NN of_IN others_NNS --_-- for_IN good_NN or_CC bad_NN ._. Since_IN
the_AT Industrial_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL ,_, when_WRB factories_NNS emerged_VBD
,_, this_DT classical_JJ pattern_NN has_HVZ been_BEN followed_VBN ._. Until_IN
recently_RB ._. There_EX have_HV always_RB been_BEN tales_NNS of_IN disillusionm
ent_NN --_-- the_AT competent_JJ technician_NN who_WPS became_VBD an_AT administ
rator_NN ,_, willingly_RB or_CC not_* ,_, and_CC found_VBD he_PPS didn't_DOD* li
ke_VB it_PPO ;_. ;_. the_AT scientist_NN who_WPS rebelled_VBD against_IN the_AT
personnel_NNS and_CC paper_NN work_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC much_QL more_QL commonly_RB
in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ,_, the_AT engineer_NN who_WPS found_VBD that_CS othe
r_AP duties_NNS interfered_VBD with_IN --_-- or_CC eliminated_VBD --_-- his_PP$
engineering_VBG contributions_NNS ._. There_EX have_HV been_BEN many_AP extremel
y_QL competent_JJ men_NNS who_WPS have_HV been_BEN converted_VBN into_IN very_QL
incompetent_JJ managers_NNS or_CC submerged_VBN in_IN paper_NN work_NN ,_, to_I
N their_PP$ own_JJ and_CC the_AT public's_NN$ dissatisfaction_NN and_CC loss_NN
._. This_DT has_HVZ been_BEN more_QL evident_JJ since_CS our_PP$ products_NNS ha
ve_HV incorporated_VBN astronomically_QL increased_VBN technology_NN ._. The_AT
remedies_NNS have_HV been_BEN many_AP and_CC varied_VBN --_-- attempts_NNS to_TO
teach_VB management_NN techniques_NNS --_-- either_CC in_IN plant_NN ,_, at_IN
special_JJ schools_NNS ,_, or_CC in_IN university_NN ``_`` crash_JJ ''_'' course
s_NNS --_-- provision_NN of_IN management-trained_JJ assistants_NNS or_CC associ
ates_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT realization_NN has_HVZ been_BEN growing_VBG that_CS t
hese_DTS are_BER not_* the_AT complete_JJ answer_NN ._. Some_DTI men_NNS have_HV
no_AT talent_NN for_IN or_CC interest_NN in_IN management_NN ;_. ;_. forcing_VB
G them_PPO into_IN management_NN can_MD only_RB create_VB trouble_NN ._. The_AT
old_JJ shop_NN adage_NN still_RB holds_VBZ :_: ``_`` A_AT good_JJ mechanic_NN is
_BEZ usually_RB a_AT bad_JJ boss_NN ''_'' ._. Yet_CC our_PP$ economy_NN clings_V
BZ inexorably_RB to_IN recognition_NN of_IN managerial_JJ status_NN as_CS the_AT
gage_NN of_IN success_NN ._. Labor_NN fights_VBZ to_TO change_VB its_PP$ collar
_NN from_IN blue_JJ to_IN white_JJ ._. All_ABN grades_NNS of_IN management_NN se
ek_VB more_QL resounding_JJ titles_NNS and_CC incomes_NNS because_RB of_IN socia
l_JJ pressures_NNS ._. As_CS several_AP recent_JJ books_NNS have_HV over-emphasi
zed_VBN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV become_VBN the_AT most_QL status-conscious_JJ nation
_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. What_WDT can_MD be_BE done_VBN for_IN the_AT ``_``
individual_JJ contributor_NN ''_'' who_WPS is_BEZ extremely_QL important_JJ --_
-- and_CC likely_JJ to_TO be_BE more_QL so_RB --_-- in_IN the_AT operation_NN of
_IN the_AT technically_RB oriented_VBN company_NN ?_. ?_. He_PPS is_BEZ usually_
RB conscious_JJ of_IN the_AT social_JJ pressures_NNS at_IN home_NN and_CC outsid
e_RB ;_. ;_. usually_RB concerned_VBN about_IN America's_NP$ belief_NN that_DT a
ttainment_NN and_CC success_NN are_BER measured_VBN in_IN dollars_NNS and_CC tit
les_NNS ._. Yet_CC titles_NNS are_BER traditionally_RB given_VBN only_RB to_IN m
anagement_NN men_NNS ,_, and_CC income_NN tends_VBZ to_TO rise_VB with_IN title_
NN ._. Even_RB the_AT college_NN professor_NN in_IN America_NP has_HVZ been_BEN
affected_VBN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, as_CS one_CD engineer_NN says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` i
ndeed_RB a_AT difficult_JJ thing_NN for_IN the_AT engineer_NN to_TO accept_VB th
at_CS he_PPS can_MD go_VB as_QL far_RB on_IN his_PP$ technical_JJ merit_NN as_CS
he_PPS could_MD employing_VBG managerial_JJ skills_NNS ._. This_DT difficulty_N
N arises_VBZ even_RB though_CS we_PPSS can_MD give_VB examples_NNS of_IN men_NNS
who_WPS have_HV actually_RB followed_VBN this_DT course_NN ._. This_DT leads_VB
Z one_PN to_TO conclude_VB ,_, as_CS you_PPSS have_HV ,_, that_CS there_EX is_BE
Z inevitably_RB more_AP prestige_NN in_IN a_AT management_NN position_NN in_IN t
he_AT minds_NNS of_IN our_PP$ people_NNS ''_'' ._. Nobody_PN should_MD be_BE mor
e_QL able_JJ to_TO answer_VB the_AT questions_NNS on_IN this_DT score_NN than_CS
engineering_VBG vice-presidents_NNS and_CC chief_JJS engineers_NNS ._. So_RB we
_PPSS asked_VBD such_JJ men_NNS in_IN major_JJ companies_NNS in_IN the_AT design
_NN field_NN to_TO offer_VB their_PP$ opinions_NNS on_IN the_AT ``_`` dual-road-
up_JJ ''_'' problem_NN --_-- and_CC more_QL importantly_RB --_-- their_PP$ solut
ions_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT paragraphs_NNS that_WPS follow_VB ,_, we_PPSS quote_VB
from_IN 32_CD men_NNS who_WPS are_BER identified_VBN on_IN the_AT final_JJ page
_NN ._. First_RB-HL :_:-HL what_WDT-HL title_NN-HL ,_,-HL what_WDT-HL setup_NN-H
L ?_.-HL ?_.-HL Among_IN the_AT more_QL familiar_JJ plans_NNS for_IN dual-channe
l_JJ advancement_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN General_NN-TL Electric_NN-TL ._. This_D
T is_BEZ not_* a_AT mutually_QL exclusive_JJ plan_NN ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ no_
AT one_CD point_NN in_IN a_AT man's_NN$ career_NN at_IN which_WDT he_PPS must_MD
select_VB either_CC the_AT technical_JJ or_CC the_AT managerial_JJ path_NN upwa
rd_RB ._. Further_RBR ,_, the_AT management_NN path_NN does_DOZ not_* open_VB th
e_AT door_NN to_IN higher_JJR opportunities_NNS than_CS are_BER offered_VBN by_I
N the_AT more_QL technical_JJ path_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ common_JJ to_TO shift_VB
back_RB and_CC forth_RB ,_, working_VBG up_RP through_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN s
upervisory_JJ and_CC individual-contributor_JJ positions_NNS ._. Actually_RB ,_,
there_EX are_BER a_AT number_NN of_IN individual-contributor_JJ positions_NNS i
n_IN both_ABX operating_VBG departments_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT company-wide_JJ
``_`` services_NNS ''_'' operation_NN that_WPS are_BER filled_VBN by_IN men_NNS
with_IN successful_JJ managerial_JJ experience_NN who_WPS are_BER currently_RB b
roadening_VBG their_PP$ capabilities_NNS ._. Also_RB ,_, moving_VBG into_IN a_AT
managerial_JJ position_NN does_DOZ not_* necessarily_RB end_VB a_AT man's_NN$ r
ecognition_NN as_CS a_AT technical_JJ expert_NN ._. As_CS examples_NNS at_IN GE_
NN :_: Glen_NP B._NP Warren_NP ,_, formerly_RB manager_NN of_IN the_AT Turbine_N
N-TL Division_NN-TL ,_, widely_RB recognized_VBN as_CS a_AT turbine_NN designer_
NN ._. The_AT late_JJ W._NP R._NP G._NP Baker_NP ,_, a_AT pioneer_NN in_IN telev
ision_NN design_NN and_CC long-time_NN vp_NN &_CC gm_NN of_IN the_AT Electronics
_NN-TL Division_NN-TL ,_, and_CC later_RBR ,_, by_IN his_PP$ own_JJ choice_NN ,_
, an_AT individual_JJ consultant_NN ._. Harold_NP E._NP Strang_NP ,_, expert_NN
in_IN switchgear_NN design_NN ,_, for_IN a_AT long_JJ period_NN vp_NN &_CC gm_NN
of_IN the_AT Measurements_NNS-TL &_CC-TL Industrial_JJ-TL Products_NNS-TL Divis
ion_NN-TL ,_, and_CC who_WPS currently_RB ,_, approaching_VBG retirement_NN ,_,
is_BEZ vice-president_NN and_CC consulting_VBG engineer_NN in_IN the_AT Switchge
ar_NN-TL &_CC-TL Control_NN-TL Division_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT GE_NN plan_NN ,_,
a_AT number_NN of_IN individual_JJ contributors_NNS have_HV positions_NNS and_C
C compensation_NN higher_JJR than_CS those_DTS of_IN many_AP managers_NNS ._. Th
ese_DTS positions_NNS carry_VB such_JJ titles_NNS as_CS :_: Consultant_NN-TL ,_,
Advanced_JJ-TL Development_NN-TL Consulting_VBG-TL Engineer_NN-TL ,_, Consultin
g_VBG-TL Engineer_NN-TL ,_, Heat_NN-TL Transfer_NN-TL Consulting_VBG-TL Electric
al_JJ-TL Engineer_NN-TL ,_, Senior_JJ-TL Electrical_JJ-TL Engineer_NN-TL ,_, Sen
ior_JJ-TL Physicist_NN-TL ._. Westinghouse_NP has_HVZ a_AT similar_JJ system_NN
,_, with_IN two_CD classifications_NNS representing_VBG various_JJ levels_NNS of
_IN competence_NN on_IN the_AT strictly_QL technical_JJ side_NN :_: consulting_V
BG engineer_NN or_CC scientist_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT case_NN may_MD be_BE ,_, and_
CC advisory_JJ engineer_NN or_CC scientist_NN ._. Many_AP companies_NNS have_HV
systems_NNS ,_, particularly_RB in_IN R_NN &_CC D_NN ,_, which_WDT work_VB more_
QL or_CC less_QL well_RB ,_, depending_IN upon_IN size_NN and_CC actual_JJ belie
f_NN in_IN the_AT policy_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN administration_NN ,_, as_
CS will_MD be_BE abundantly_QL apparent_JJ in_IN subsequent_JJ quotations_NNS ._
. Another_DT factor_NN that_WPS may_MD hold_VB hope_NN is_BEZ for_IN parallel_NN
recognition_NN is_BEZ ,_, as_CS one_CD man_NN says_VBZ it_PPO :_: ``_`` that_CS
the_AT fad_NN for_IN educating_VBG top_JJS people_NNS along_IN managerial_JJ li
nes_NNS is_BEZ yielding_VBG to_IN the_AT technically_RB trained_VBN approach_NN
''_'' ._. Senior_JJ-HL staff_NN-HL engineer_NN-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL One_CD company_N
N instituted_VBD ,_, early_RB in_IN 1959_CD ,_, a_AT vertical_JJ classification_
NN system_NN consisting_VBG of_IN four_CD levels_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT f
ormal_JJ equivalence_NN to_IN the_AT supervisory_JJ ranks_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT top
_JJS non-supervisory_JJ level_NN ,_, senior_JJ staff_NN engineer_NN ,_, enjoys_V
BZ status_NN and_CC pay_NN ranging_VBG up_RP to_IN that_DT for_IN the_AT second_
OD level_NN of_IN engineering_VBG supervision_NN ._. The_AT second_OD level_NN ,
_, senior_JJ engineer_NN ,_, rates_VBZ slightly_QL below_IN first-level_NN super
vision_NN ._. The_AT expectation_NN is_BEZ that_CS first-level_NN supervisors_NN
S will_MD be_BE selected_VBN in_IN approximately_QL equal_JJ numbers_NNS from_IN
the_AT second_OD and_CC third_OD engineering_VBG level_NN ,_, with_IN very_QL f
ew_AP coming_VBG from_IN the_AT first_OD level_NN ._. The_AT company_NN expects_
VBZ to_TO extend_VB upward_RB both_ABX compensation_NN and_CC status_NN for_IN n
on-supervisory_JJ engineers_NNS ,_, but_CC probably_RB not_* into_IN executive_N
N levels_NNS ._. In_IN this_DT organization_NN ,_, about_RB half_ABN of_IN the_A
T engineers_NNS with_IN 15_CD or_CC more_AP years_NNS of_IN employment_NN are_BE
R in_IN supervision_NN ,_, engineering_VBG or_CC elsewhere_RB ._. This_DT reflec
ts_VBZ the_AT very_QL heavy_JJ engineering_NN content_NN of_IN the_AT products_N
NS --_-- which_WDT are_BER not_* military_JJ ._. Several_AP other_AP examples_NN
S :_: central_JJ-HL and_CC-HL satellite_NN-HL ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV over_RP 20_C
D divisions_NNS --_-- each_DT of_IN which_WDT has_HVZ an_AT engineering_VBG depa
rtment_NN headed_VBN by_IN a_AT chief_JJS engineer_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV set_VB
N up_RP a_AT central_JJ R_NN &_CC D_NN department_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS eng
ineering-management_NN departments_NNS --_-- about_RB 80_CD people_NNS working_V
BG on_IN problems_NNS related_VBN to_IN those_DTS of_IN our_PP$ plants_NNS ._. A
_AT separate_JJ research_NN department_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, confine
d_VBN to_IN new_JJ or_CC future_JJ designs_NNS ._. Part_NN of_IN this_DT headqua
rters_NN staff_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, are_BER engineering_VBG managers_NNS who_WP
S work_VB between_IN divisional_JJ chief_JJS engineers_NNS and_CC headquarters_N
N management_NN ._. These_DTS headquarters_NN engineers_NNS ,_, headed_VBN by_IN
the_AT vice-president_NN --_-- Engineering_VBG ,_, counsel_VB and_CC advise_VB
divisional_JJ managers_NNS and_CC chief_JJS engineers_NNS on_IN product_NN probl
ems_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS aid_VB with_IN design_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC many_AP are_
BER engineers_NNS who_WPS have_HV been_BEN advanced_VBN from_IN the_AT divisions
_NNS ._. These_DTS men_NNS are_BER considered_VBN managers_NNS of_IN engineers_N
NS ._. They_PPSS must_MD learn_VB to_TO wear_VB several_AP hats_NNS ,_, so_RB to
_TO speak_VB ,_, working_VBG with_IN management_NN ,_, sales_NNS and_CC engineer
ing_VBG problems_NNS related_VBN to_IN the_AT product_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS do_DO
not_* have_HV people_NNS in_IN our_PP$ organization_NN termed_VBN '_' consultan
ts_NNS '_' or_CC '_' fellows_NNS '_' ,_, who_WPS are_BER specialists_NNS in_IN o
ne_CD particular_JJ technical_JJ subject_NN ._. I_PPSS suppose_VB it_PPS is_BEZ
because_CS we_PPSS are_BER just_RB not_* big_JJ enough_QLP ._. We_PPSS have_HV a
_AT few_AP '_' consultants_NNS '_' --_-- retired_VBN engineers_NNS retained_VBN
and_CC called_VBN in_RP on_IN certain_JJ problems_NNS ._. The_AT only_AP '_' fel
lows_NNS '_' in_IN our_PP$ company_NN are_BER those_DTS who_WPS have_HV been_BEN
honored_VBN by_IN ASME_NN ,_, AIEE_NN or_CC AIChE_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ
that_CS the_AT engineer_NN who_WPS enters_VBZ management_NN is_BEZ nearly_QL alw
ays_RB opening_VBG the_AT door_NN to_IN greater_JJR possibilities_NNS than_CS he
_PPS would_MD have_HV as_CS a_AT technical_JJ specialist_NN --_-- because_RB of_
IN his_PP$ wider_JJR accountability_NN ''_'' ._. Another_DT-HL structure_NN-HL `
`_`` We_PPSS have_HV tried_VBN to_TO make_VB both_ABX paths_NNS attractive_JJ ,_
, so_CS that_CS good_JJ men_NNS could_MD find_VB opportunity_NN and_CC satisfact
ion_NN in_IN either_DTX ._. One_CD way_NN to_TO formalize_VB this_DT is_BEZ in_I
N the_AT job_NN structure_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV these_DTS positions_NNS ,_, whi
ch_WDT compare_VB directly_RB :_: Af_NN ``_`` Above_IN these_DTS jobs_NNS we_PPS
S have_HV chief_JJS engineer_NN for_IN the_AT company_NN and_CC vice-president_N
N of_IN Engrg_NN ,_, R_NN &_CC Aj_NN ._. The_AT latter_AP jobs_NNS include_VB ma
jor_JJ management_NN responsibilities_NNS and_CC have_HV been_BEN filled_VBN by_
IN those_DTS who_WPS have_HV come_VBN up_RP primarily_RB through_IN the_AT engin
eering-management_NN side_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV not_* yet_RB succeeded_VBN in_I
N establishing_VBG recognition_NN of_IN technical_JJ specialization_NN comparabl
e_JJ to_IN our_PP$ higher_JJR levels_NNS of_IN management_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS b
elieve_VB we_PPSS will_MD trend_NN in_IN this_DT direction_NN but_CC not_* to_TO
exceed_VB vice-president_NN ''_'' ._. Top_JJS-HL job_NN-HL :_:-HL research_NN-H
L scientist_NN-HL ``_`` ._.-HL Approximately_RB four_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, we_
PPSS initiated_VBD a_AT dual_JJ ladder_NN of_IN advancement_NN for_IN technical_
JJ persons_NNS ._. The_AT highest_JJT position_NN is_BEZ known_VBN as_CS a_AT '_
' research_NN scientist_NN ._. This_DT approach_NN has_HVZ not_* been_BEN entire
ly_QL satisfactory_JJ ._. The_AT primary_JJ deterrent_NN appears_VBZ to_TO lie_V
B with_IN the_AT technical_JJ people_NNS themselves_PPLS ,_, and_CC their_PP$ co
ncept_NN of_IN what_WDT constitutes_VBZ status_NN in_IN present-day_JJ society_N
N ._. Scientists_NNS who_WPS agitate_VB hardest_RBT for_IN technical_JJ recognit
ion_NN are_BER often_RB the_AT most_QL reluctant_JJ to_TO accept_VB it_PPO ._. W
e_PPSS have_HV discovered_VBN that_CS the_AT outward_JJ trappings_NNS such_JJ as
_CS private_JJ offices_NNS and_CC private_JJ secretaries_NNS are_BER extremely_Q
L important_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC although_CS we_PPSS have_HV attempted_VBN to_TO pr
ovide_VB these_DTS status_NN symbols_NNS ,_, support_NN of_IN the_AT '_' dual-la
dder_JJ '_' plan_NN has_HVZ been_BEN half-hearted_JJ despite_IN the_AT creation_
NN of_IN a_AT salary_NN potential_NN for_IN a_AT research_NN scientist_NN commen
surate_JJ with_IN that_DT of_IN men_NNS in_IN top_JJS managerial_JJ positions_NN
S ._. ``_`` A_AT serious_JJ problem_NN accompanying_VBG the_AT technical-ladder_
NN approach_NN is_BEZ the_AT difficulty_NN of_IN clearly_RB defining_VBG respons
ibilities_NNS and_CC standards_NNS of_IN performance_NN for_IN each_DT level_NN
._. With_IN no_AT set_VBN standards_NNS ,_, there_EX is_BEZ the_AT tendency_NN t
o_TO promote_VB to_IN the_AT next_AP highest_JJT level_NN when_WRB the_AT top_NN
of_IN a_AT salary_NN band_NN is_BEZ reached_VBN regardless_RB of_IN performance
_NN ._. Promotion_NN is_BEZ too_QL often_RB based_VBN on_IN longevity_NN and_CC
time_NN in_IN salary_NN grade_NN instead_RB of_IN merit_NN ._. If_CS no_AT speci
fic_JJ organization_NN plan_NN exists_VBZ limiting_VBG the_AT number_NN of_IN sc
ientists_NNS at_IN each_DT salary_NN level_NN ,_, the_AT result_NN is_BEZ a_AT d
epartment_NN top-heavy_JJ with_IN high-level_NN ,_, high-salaried_JJ personnel_N
NS ''_'' ._. Staff_NN-HL engineer_NN-HL dept._NN-HL manager_NN-HL ``_`` We_PPSS
have_HV two_CD approaches_NNS for_IN the_AT technical_JJ man_NN :_: the_AT posit
ion_NN of_IN staff_NN engineer_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ rated_VBN as_QL high_JJ i
n_IN salary_NN as_CS department_NN manager_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC an_AT administrativ
e_JJ organization_NN to_TO take_VB the_AT routine_JJ load_NN away_RB from_IN dep
artment_NN managers_NNS and_CC project_NN engineers_NNS as_QL much_AP as_CS poss
ible_JJ ,_, thus_RB allowing_VBG them_PPO more_AP time_NN for_IN strictly_QL tec
hnical_JJ work_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER only_RB halfway_JJ measures_NNS ,_, and_
CC the_AT answer_NN will_MD come_VB when_WRB some_DTI way_NN is_BEZ found_VBN to
_TO allow_VB the_AT technical_JJ man_NN in_IN industry_NN to_TO progress_VB with
out_IN limit_NN in_IN salary_NN and_CC prestige_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT-HL complete_JJ
-HL plan_NN-HL ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV made_VBN limited_VBN application_NN of_IN t
he_AT '_' parallel_JJ ladder_NN '_' plan_NN ._. The_AT highest_RBT rated_VBN non
-supervisory_JJ engineering_VBG title_NN is_BEZ '_' research_NN engineer_NN ._.
The_AT salary_NN schedule_NN permits_VBZ remuneration_NN greater_JJR than_IN the
_AT average_NN paid_VBN to_IN the_AT first_OD level_NN of_IN engineering_VBG sup
ervision_NN (_( engineering_VBG section_NN head_NN )_) ._. We_PPSS also_RB have_
HV an_AT '_' engineering_VBG section_NN head_NN --_-- research_NN engineer_NN '_
' classification_NN which_WDT has_HVZ salary_NN possibilities_NNS equivalent_JJ
to_IN that_DT of_IN a_AT research_NN engineer_NN ._. Above_IN this_DT point_NN t
here_EX is_BEZ no_AT generally_RB used_VBN parallel_JJ ladder_NN ._. ``_`` We_PP
SS also_RB do_DO a_AT number_NN of_IN things_NNS to_TO build_VB up_RP the_AT pre
stige_NN of_IN the_AT engineer_NN as_CS a_AT '_' professional_NN '_' and_CC also
_RB to_TO give_NN public_JJ recognition_NN to_IN individual_JJ technical_JJ comp
etence_NN ._. These_DTS include_VB encouragement_NN of_IN ,_, and_CC assistance_
NN to_IN ,_, the_AT engineer_NN in_IN preparation_NN and_CC publication_NN of_IN
technical_JJ papers_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV two_CD media_NNS for_IN publicizing
_VBG individual_JJ technical_JJ activity_NN ,_, a_AT magazine_NN widely_RB distr
ibuted_VBN both_ABX within_IN and_CC without_IN the_AT company_NN ,_, and_CC an_
AT information_NN bulletin_NN for_IN engineering_VBG personnel_NNS distributed_V
BN to_IN the_AT homes_NNS of_IN all_ABN engineers_NNS ._. Publicity_NN is_BEZ gi
ven_VBN to_IN the_AT award_NN of_IN patents_NNS to_IN our_PP$ engineers_NNS and_
CC financial_JJ support_NN is_BEZ provided_VBN for_IN individual_JJ membership_N
N in_IN technical_JJ societies_NNS ._. ``_`` A_AT recent_JJ ,_, and_CC more_QL p
ertinent_JJ action_NN ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT establishment_NN of_IN a_AT te
chnical_JJ staff_NN reporting_VBG to_IN the_AT vice-president_NN for_IN Engineer
ing_NN-TL ._. This_DT function_NN is_BEZ staffed_VBN by_IN engineers_NNS chosen_
VBN for_IN their_PP$ technical_JJ competence_NN and_CC who_WPS have_HV the_AT ti
tle_NN ,_, member_NN of_IN the_AT technical_JJ staff_NN ._. Salaries_NNS compare
_VB favorably_RB with_IN those_DTS paid_VBN to_IN the_AT first_OD two_CD or_CC t
hree_CD levels_NNS of_IN management_NN ._. Additional_JJ symbols_NNS of_IN statu
s_NN are_BER granted_VBN ,_, such_JJ as_CS reserved_VBN parking_NN ,_, distincti
ve_JJ badge_NN passes_NNS authorizing_VBG special_JJ privileges_NNS ,_, and_CC a
_AT difference_NN in_IN the_AT treatment_NN of_IN financial_JJ progress_NN throu
gh_IN merit_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS presently_RB are_BER involved_VBN in_IN inaugur
ating_VBG a_AT new_JJ development_NN center_NN ._. Operations_NNS of_IN this_DT
nature_NN offer_VB the_AT best_JJT opportunity_NN to_TO recognize_VB scientific_
JJ status_NN ._. All_ABN scientific_JJ staff_NN members_NNS will_MD have_HV the_
AT title_NN ,_, '_' research-staff_NN member_NN ._. The_AT salary_NN level_NN of
_IN an_AT individual_NN within_IN the_AT group_NN will_MD reflect_VB the_AT scie
ntific_JJ community's_NN$ acceptance_NN of_IN him_PPO as_CS an_AT authority_NN i
n_IN his_PP$ scientific_JJ field_NN ._. Contrary_JJ to_IN usual_JJ organization-
position_NN evaluations_NNS ,_, the_AT position_NN to_IN which_WDT research-staf
f_NN members_NNS report_VB administratively_RB will_MD not_* necessarily_RB enco
mpass_VB the_AT duties_NNS of_IN the_AT research-staff_NN member_NN ,_, therefor
e_RB ,_, are_BER not_* necessarily_RB evaluated_VBN as_QL highly_RB ._. ``_`` Th
ese_DTS recent_JJ steps_NNS do_DO not_* offer_VB the_AT possibility_NN of_IN ext
ension_NN to_IN the_AT great_JJ number_NN of_IN senior_JJ engineers_NNS who_WPS
have_HV displayed_VBN technical_JJ competence_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ doubtful_JJ t
hat_CS the_AT complete_JJ solution_NN to_IN the_AT over-all_JJ problem_NN can_MD
result_VB entirely_RB from_IN company_NN efforts_NNS ._. Fundamental_JJ to_IN t
he_AT difficulty_NN of_IN creating_VBG the_AT desired_VBN prestige_NN is_BEZ the
_AT fact_NN that_CS ,_, in_IN the_AT business_NN community_NN ,_, prestige_NN an
d_CC status_NN are_BER conferred_VBN in_IN proportion_NN to_IN the_AT authority_
NN that_WPO one_CD man_NN has_HVZ over_IN others_NNS and_CC the_AT extent_NN of_
IN which_WDT he_PPS participates_VBZ in_IN the_AT management_NN functions_NNS ''
_'' ._. Sixty_CD miles_NNS north_NR of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL where_
WRB the_AT wooded_JJ hills_NNS of_IN Dutchess_NP-TL County_NN-TL meet_VB the_AT
broad_JJ sweep_NN of_IN the_AT Hudson_NP-TL River_NN-TL there_EX is_BEZ a_AT new
_JJ home_NN development_NN called_VBN ``_`` Oakwood_NP-TL Heights_NNS-TL ''_'' .
_. As_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN you_PPSS could_MD probably_RB find_VB a_AT
new_JJ home_NN development_NN in_IN every_AT populated_VBN county_NN in_IN the_
AT country_NN with_IN three-bedroom_JJ ranch_NN style_NN cottages_NNS in_IN the_
AT $14,000_NNS range_NN ._. But_CC Oakwood_NP-TL Heights_NNS-TL is_BEZ unique_JJ
in_IN one_CD particular_NN ._. Its_PP$ oil_NN for_IN heating_VBG is_BEZ metered
_VBN monthly_RB to_IN each_DT home_NN from_IN a_AT line_NN that_WPS starts_VBZ a
t_IN a_AT central_JJ storage_NN point_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT pilot_NN operat
ion_NN sponsored_VBN by_IN a_AT new_JJ entity_NN chartered_VBN in_IN Delaware_NP
as_CS the_AT Tri-State_JJ-TL Pipeline_NN-TL Corporation_NN-TL ,_, with_IN princ
ipal_JJS offices_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL State_NN-TL ._. Its_PP$ presiden
t_NN is_BEZ Otis_NP M._NP Waters_NP ,_, partner_NN in_IN the_AT law_NN firm_NN o
f_IN Timen_NP-TL &_CC-TL Waters_NP-TL ,_, 540-K_CD Chrysler_NP-TL Bldg._NN-TL ,_
, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL ._. Vice-president_NN is_BEZ Louis_NP Berkman_
NP and_CC the_AT secretary-treasurer_NN is_BEZ Mark_NP Ritter_NP ._. Ritter_NP i
s_BEZ the_AT builder_NN of_IN Oakwood_NP-TL Heights_NNS-TL and_CC president_NN o
f_IN Kahler-Craft_NP-TL Distributors_NNS-TL ,_, Inc._VBN-TL ,_, Newburgh_NP ,_,
N.Y._NP ._. The_AT idea_NN of_IN a_AT central_JJ tank_NN with_IN lines_NNS to_IN
each_DT house_NN is_BEZ not_* in_IN itself_PPL a_AT novelty_NN ._. Not_* a_AT y
ear_NN goes_VBZ by_RB but_CC what_WDT several_AP local_JJ companies_NNS in_IN th
e_AT U.S._NP and_CC Canada_NP ,_, even_RB overseas_RB ,_, write_VB to_IN Fueloil
_NN-TL &_CC-TL Oil_NN-TL Heat_NN-TL to_TO inquire_VB if_CS it's_PPS+BEZ feasible
_JJ and_CC where_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ being_BEG done_VBN ._. Its_PP$ editors_NNS on
ly_RB knew_VBD of_IN one_CD example_NN to_TO point_VB to_IN ,_, a_AT public_JJ h
ousing_NN development_NN of_IN 278_CD homes_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL Haven_NN-TL desc
ribed_VBN by_IN John_NP Schulz_NP in_IN the_AT March_NP ,_, 1950_CD issue_NN ._.
This_DT has_HVZ survived_VBN the_AT years_NNS but_CC there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN
considerable_JJ concern_NN among_IN the_AT tenants_NNS over_IN the_AT fact_NN th
at_CS the_AT oil_NN was_BEDZ not_* metered_VBN ._. Rather_RB the_AT monthly_JJ t
otal_NN consumption_NN was_BEDZ divided_VBN and_CC charged_VBN on_IN the_AT basi
s_NN of_IN number_NN of_IN rooms_NNS and_CC persons_NNS in_IN the_AT family_NN .
_. Common_JJ complaints_NNS included_VBD ``_`` Mrs._NP Murphy_NP ''_'' leaving_V
BG her_PP$ windows_NNS open_JJ all_ABN the_AT time_NN ,_, a_AT fresh_JJ air_NN f
an_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT family_NN was_BEDZ visiting_VBG ``_`` Aunt_NN-TL Minnie_N
P ''_'' with_IN the_AT house_NN shut_VBN up_RP but_CC they_PPSS still_RB paid_VB
D the_AT same_AP rate_NN for_IN oil_NN ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN that_DT at
titude_NN ,_, others_NNS have_HV been_BEN discouraged_VBN from_IN trying_VBG cen
tral_JJ distribution_NN ._. A_AT new_JJ low_JJ capacity_NN meter_NN is_BEZ the_A
T key_NN that_WPS unlocks_VBZ the_AT situation_NN at_IN Oakwood_NP-TL Heights_NN
S-TL ._. Called_VBN a_AT ``_`` Slo-Flo_NP-TL ''_'' meter_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ desi
gned_VBN for_IN this_DT job_NN by_IN Power_NN-TL Plus_RB-TL Industries_NNS-TL of
_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, a_AT key_JJS individual_NN being_BEG Don_NP Nelson_NP
._. Tri-State_JJ-TL has_HVZ acquired_VBN its_PP$ exclusive_JJ distribution_NN fo
r_IN the_AT northern_JJ ,_, principal_JJS heating_VBG states_NNS ._. There's_EX+
BEZ an_AT advantage_NN in_IN having_HVG a_AT firm_NN like_CS Tri-State_JJ-TL hea
ded_VBN by_IN a_AT lawyer_NN ._. The_AT earlier_JJR New_JJ-TL Haven_NN-TL develo
pment_NN was_BEDZ public_JJ housing_NN ,_, so_RB it_PPS easily_RB leaped_VBD ove
r_IN the_AT problems_NNS met_VBN in_IN a_AT private_JJ venture_NN ._. These_DTS
have_HV to_TO do_DO with_IN property_NN rights_NNS ,_, municipal_JJ official_NN
attitudes_NNS and_CC a_AT host_NN of_IN others_NNS ._. In_IN working_VBG out_RP
the_AT practical_JJ legal_JJ conclusions_NNS President_NN-TL Waters_NP was_BEDZ
not_* thinking_VBG only_RB of_IN this_DT pilot_NN project_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS i
s_BEZ planned_VBN to_TO duplicate_VB this_DT program_NN or_CC system_NN in_IN ot
her_AP builder_NN developments_NNS nationally_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ always_RB dif
ficult_JJ ,_, or_CC at_IN least_AP time-consuming_JJ ,_, to_TO get_VB approval_N
N of_IN any_DTI kind_NN of_IN line_NN under_IN a_AT public_JJ street_NN ,_, as_C
S one_CD example_NN ._. To_TO overcome_VB this_DT ,_, the_AT builder_NN lays_VBZ
and_CC completes_VBZ the_AT street_NN himself_PPL ,_, then_RB deeds_VBZ it_PPO
to_IN the_AT community_NN while_CS retaining_VBG a_AT perpetual_JJ easement_NN f
or_IN the_AT oil_NN lines_NNS ._. When_WRB a_AT family_NN buys_VBZ a_AT home_NN
the_AT title_NN is_BEZ subject_JJ to_IN a_AT perpetual_JJ easement_NN to_IN Tri-
State_JJ-TL ._. For_IN the_AT central_JJ storage_NN ,_, Tri-State_JJ-TL buys_VBZ
one_CD acre_NN ,_, Buries_VBZ its_PP$ tanks_NNS and_CC simply_RB holds_VBZ perm
anent_JJ title_NN to_IN that_DT piece_NN ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, the_AT
whole_JJ storage_NN and_CC pipeline_NN system_NN does_DOZ not_* belong_VB to_IN
the_AT homeowners_NNS nor_CC to_IN the_AT town_NN but_CC rather_RB to_IN Tri-St
ate_JJ-TL ._. How_WRB does_DOZ Tri-State_JJ-TL get_VB its_PP$ revenue_NN from_IN
this_DT plan_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS leases_VBZ the_AT whole_JJ facility_NN to_IN a_A
T large_JJ oil_NN company_NN ,_, at_IN least_AP large_JJ enough_QLP to_TO have_H
V a_AT strong_JJ credit_NN position_NN ._. This_DT first_OD test_NN is_BEZ being
_BEG leased_VBN for_IN ten_CD years_NNS but_CC future_JJ projects_NNS will_MD re
quire_VB at_IN least_AP 15_CD years_NNS ._. The_AT amount_VB paid_VBN by_IN the_
AT oil_NN company_NN to_IN Tri-State_JJ-TL for_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN its_PP$ oi
l_NN distribution_NN system_NN and_CC the_AT privilege_NN of_IN supplying_VBG al
l_ABN the_AT homes_NNS ,_, is_BEZ subject_JJ to_IN negotiation_NN but_CC natural
ly_RB must_MD be_BE profitable_JJ to_IN both_ABX parties_NNS ._. On_IN this_DT f
irst_OD venture_NN the_AT central_JJ storage_NN is_BEZ 20,000_CD gallons_NNS ,_,
in_IN two_CD tanks_NNS ,_, or_CC an_AT average_NN of_IN 400_CD gallons_NNS for_
IN each_DT of_IN the_AT 50_CD homes_NNS ._. The_AT supplier_NN delivers_VBZ at_I
N his_PP$ convenience_NN in_IN transport_NN loads_NNS ,_, so_CS as_CS to_TO main
tain_VB two-to-three_CD weeks_NNS reserve_NN supply_NN against_IN weather_NN con
tingencies_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, that_DT is_BEZ not_* all_ABN he_PPS has_HVZ to
_TO do_DO ._. He_PPS must_MD undertake_VB complete_JJ servicing_NN of_IN the_AT
oilheating_NN equipment_NN to_TO assure_VB fine_JJ heating_NN ._. In_IN the_AT p
resent_JJ project_NN the_AT heating_NN is_BEZ by_IN circulating_VBG hot_JJ water
_NN from_IN Paragon_NN-TL boiler-burner_NN units_NNS with_IN summer-winter_JJ do
mestic_JJ hot_JJ water_NN hookups_NNS ._. Again_RB ,_, the_AT oil_NN man_NN must
_MD read_VB the_AT meters_NNS at_IN such_JJ intervals_NNS as_CS he_PPS finds_VBZ
best_JJT ._. For_IN this_DT first_OD development_NN the_AT supplier_NN signing_
VBG the_AT lease_NN is_BEZ a_AT major_JJ oil_NN company_NN but_CC in_IN turn_NN
the_AT deal_NN is_BEZ being_BEG transferred_VBN for_IN operation_NN to_IN its_PP
$ local_JJ fueloil_NN distributor_NN ._. The_AT major_JJ gets_VBZ the_AT assured
_VBN gallonage_NN for_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT lease_NN and_CC the_AT dist
ributor_NN apparently_RB can_MD do_DO well_RB because_CS delivery_NN cost_NN is_
BEZ low_JJ ._. Initial_JJ-HL considerations_NNS-HL The_AT officers_NNS of_IN the
_AT new_JJ corporation_NN have_HV naturally_RB explored_VBN many_AP angles_NNS ,
_, as_QL well_RB as_CS personalities_NNS that_WPS might_MD be_BE affected_VBN ._
. For_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT officials_NNS of_IN Poughkeepsie_NP town_NN (_( t
ownship_NN )_) where_WRB the_AT project_NN is_BEZ located_VBN think_VB highly_RB
of_IN it_PPO because_CS it_PPS simplifies_VBZ their_PP$ snow_NN clearing_NN pro
blem_NN ._. The_AT central_JJ storage_NN is_BEZ near_IN a_AT main_JJS artery_NN
quite_QL easy_JJ to_TO reach_VB with_IN large_JJ transports_NNS on_IN a_AT short
_JJ crescent_NN swing_NN ,_, with_IN fewer_AP trucks_NNS in_IN the_AT residentia
l_JJ streets_NNS ._. The_AT Public_JJ-TL Service_NN-TL Commission_NN-TL has_HVZ
ruled_VBN that_CS this_DT is_BEZ not_* a_AT public_JJ utility_NN ,_, subject_JJ
to_IN their_PP$ many_AP regulations_NNS ._. Several_AP financial_JJ institutions
_NNS ,_, both_ABX banks_NNS and_CC insurance_NN companies_NNS ,_, have_HV been_B
EN sounded_VBN out_RP ._. They_PPSS like_VB it_PPO and_CC would_MD supply_VB mos
t_AP of_IN the_AT capital_NN because_RB of_IN the_AT long_JJ term_NN leases_NNS
by_IN strong_JJ oil_NN companies_NNS ._. The_AT Government_NN-TL housing_NN agen
cies_NNS consider_VB it_PPO feasible_JJ with_IN one_CD special_JJ stipulation_NN
._. There_EX must_MD be_BE a_AT restriction_NN in_IN the_AT deed_NN to_TO provi
de_VB that_CS the_AT customer_NN may_MD not_* be_BE charged_VBN more_AP than_IN
the_AT current_JJ market_NN price_NN for_IN the_AT oil_NN ,_, an_AT obvious_JJ p
recaution_NN ,_, since_CS the_AT account_NN is_BEZ permanently_RB wedded_VBN ,_,
just_RB like_CS with_IN gas_NN or_CC electricity_NN ._. For_IN a_AT few_AP deta
ils_NNS of_IN the_AT system_NN the_AT lines_NNS are_BER 1-1/4''_NN ''_'' X-Tru-C
oat_NP ,_, a_AT product_NN of_IN Republic_NN-TL Steel_NN-TL Corp._NN-TL ,_, and_
CC all_ABN lines_NNS are_BER welded_VBN ._. They_PPSS are_BER laid_VBN a_AT mini
mum_NN of_IN 24''_NNS ''_'' deep_RB and_CC in_IN some_DTI areas_NNS four_CD feet
_NNS down_RP ,_, particularly_RB under_IN roads_NNS ,_, to_TO stay_VB clear_RB o
f_IN all_ABN other_AP piping_NN such_JJ as_CS water_NN and_CC sewers_NNS and_CC
to_TO minimize_VB shocks_NNS from_IN heavy_JJ trucking_NN ._. The_AT meter_NN is
_BEZ mounted_VBN high_RB on_IN the_AT basement_NN wall_NN ._. Its_PP$ figures_NN
S are_BER a_AT half_ABN inch_NN high_JJ and_CC very_QL easy_JJ to_TO read_VB ,_,
even_RB into_IN tenth_OD gallons_NNS ._. It_PPS will_MD accommodate_VB firing_V
BG rates_NNS as_QL low_JJ as_CS a_AT half_ABN gallon_NN an_AT hour_NN ._. Ritter
_NP ,_, the_AT builder_NN ,_, is_BEZ convinced_VBN that_CS the_AT total_NN cost_
NN of_IN all_ABN the_AT heating_VBG systems_NNS plus_CC the_AT oil_NN distributi
on_NN system_NN is_BEZ no_QL greater_JJR than_CS would_MD be_BE gas_NN heating_V
BG systems_NNS in_IN the_AT houses_NNS plus_CC their_PP$ lines_NNS and_CC meters
_NNS ._. He_PPS believes_VBZ that_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT sound_JJ approach_NN to
_IN gas_NN competition_NN in_IN builder_NN developments_NNS where_WRB gas_NN is_
BEZ available_JJ ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE pretty_QL difficult_JJ to_TO install_
VB a_AT Tri-State_JJ-TL system_NN in_IN old_JJ neighborhoods_NNS ,_, and_CC that
's_DT+BEZ an_AT understatement_NN ._. The_AT job_NN of_IN getting_VBG property_N
N easements_NNS and_CC street_NN easements_NNS and_CC the_AT acre_NN for_IN the_
AT tanks_NNS would_MD become_VB pretty_QL discouraging_JJ ._. But_CC in_IN a_AT
new_JJ development_NN where_WRB everything_PN starts_VBZ from_IN scratch_NN the_
AT solutions_NNS are_BER simple_JJ ._. Future_JJ-HL plans_NNS-HL What_WDT does_D
OZ Tri-State_JJ-TL actually_RB want_VB to_TO do_DO ,_, now_RB that_CS it_PPS has
_HVZ the_AT meters_NNS under_IN franchise_NN and_CC certain_JJ phases_NNS of_IN
its_PP$ piping_VBG system_NN in_IN the_AT ``_`` patent_NN applied_VBN for_IN ''_
'' stage_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS wants_VBZ to_TO interest_VB builders_NNS and_CC oil_N
N companies_NNS in_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN including_VBG its_PP$ facility_NN in_
IN their_PP$ new_JJ home_NN projects_NNS ,_, by_IN financing_VBG and_CC installi
ng_VBG the_AT storage_NN ,_, piping_NN and_CC meters_NNS ,_, and_CC leasing_VBG
these_DTS for_IN 15_CD years_NNS ,_, with_IN renewal_NN options_NNS ,_, to_IN a_
AT strong_JJ oil_NN company_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD also_RB work_VB in_IN one_CD ot
her_AP way_NN --_-- by_IN licensing_VBG its_PP$ system_NN patents_NNS and_CC sup
plying_VBG the_AT meters_NNS ,_, letting_VBG the_AT oil_NN company_NN or_CC even
_RB the_AT builder_NN install_VB the_AT facilities_NNS ._. This_DT whole_JJ deve
lopment_NN is_BEZ certain_JJ to_TO be_BE of_IN interest_NN to_IN the_AT readers_
NNS ,_, for_CS the_AT idea_NN has_HVZ so_QL often_RB been_BEN mentioned_VBN ,_,
somewhat_QL wistfully_RB ._. But_CC it's_PPS+BEZ too_QL early_JJ yet_RB to_TO go
_VB visit_VB Oakwood_NP-TL Heights_NNS-TL ._. Only_RB eight_CD of_IN the_AT 50_C
D houses_NNS were_BED completed_VBN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT editor's_N
N$ visit_NN on_IN June_NP 8th_OD ;_. ;_. others_NNS were_BED building_VBG ._. Th
e_AT big_JJ tanks_NNS were_BED at_IN the_AT site_NN but_CC still_RB sunning_VBG
themselves_PPLS ._. A_AT big_JJ mechanical_JJ ditcher_NN was_BEDZ running_VBG th
e_AT trenches_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT town_NN building_VBG inspector_NN was_BEDZ p
aying_VBG a_AT friendly_JJ ,_, if_CS curious_JJ ,_, visit_NN ._. The_AT oilheati
ng_NN industry_NN is_BEZ looking_VBG up_RP ,_, led_VBN by_IN a_AT revival_NN of_
IN research_NN and_CC development_NN ._. A_AT primary_JJ ingredient_NN in_IN the
se_DTS fields_NNS is_BEZ imagination_NN ,_, and_CC Tri-State_JJ-TL Pipeline_NN-T
L Corporation_NN-TL deserves_VBZ a_AT very_QL good_JJ mark_NN ._. Every_AT year_
NN about_RB this_DT time_NN National_JJ-TL Gargle_NN-TL Your_PP$-TL Cooling_NN-T
L System_NN-TL week_NN rolls_VBZ around_RB ._. It_PPS pays_VBZ in_IN the_AT long
_JJ (_( hot_JJ )_) run_NN to_TO take_VB good_JJ care_NN of_IN the_AT water_NN wo
rks_NNS ._. Do_DO it_PPO this_DT way_NN for_IN the_AT summer_NN gargle_NN :_: Fi
rst_RB ,_, drain_VB that_DT old_JJ coolant_NN down_IN the_AT storm_NN sewer_NN .
_. Don't_DO* save_VB the_AT anti-freeze_NN ,_, even_RB if_CS it_PPS the_AT expen
sive_JJ ``_`` permanent_JJ ''_'' type_NN ._. The_AT word_NN means_VBZ it_PPS won
't_MD* boil_VB away_RB easily_RB ,_, nothing_PN else_RB ._. The_AT rust_NN inhib
itors_NNS in_IN the_AT fluid_NN are_BER used_VBN up_RP after_IN one_CD year_NN ,
_, and_CC you_PPSS don't_DO* want_VB to_TO risk_VB the_AT rust_NN that_CS two_CD
years'_NNS$ use_NN could_MD mean_VB ._. Pitch_VB it_PPO out_RP ._. If_CS a_AT l
ot_NN of_IN rust_NN shows_VBZ in_IN the_AT drain_NN ,_, use_VB a_AT good_JJ flus
hing_VBG cleaner_NN ._. Then_RB fill_VB the_AT system_NN and_CC add_VB a_AT rust
_NN inhibitor_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD want_VB to_TO use_VB the
_AT softest_JJT water_NN you_PPSS can_MD in_IN your_PP$ radiators_NNS ._. Now_RB
,_, check_VB for_IN leaks_NNS in_IN your_PP$ hoses_NNS and_CC hose_NN connectio
ns_NNS ,_, around_IN the_AT freeze-out_NN plugs_NNS ,_, gaskets_NNS ,_, water_NN
pump_NN seals_NNS and_CC heater_NN fittings_NNS ._. Next_RB ,_, run_VB the_AT e
ngine_NN and_CC let_VB it_PPO heat_VB up_RP so_CS the_AT thermostat_NN opens_VBZ
,_, and_CC then_RB look_VB for_IN leaks_NNS again_RB ._. Be_BE sure_JJ the_AT b
ugs_NNS and_CC dirt_NN are_BER blown_VBN out_IN of_IN the_AT radiator_NN fins_NN
S ._. Use_VB the_AT air_NN hose_NN for_IN this_DT job_NN ._. Check_VB the_AT tem
perature_NN gage_NN and_CC be_BE sure_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ working_VBG ._. If_CS you
_PPSS use_VB one_CD of_IN the_AT new_JJ year-round_JJ cooling_VBG system_NN flui
ds_NNS such_JJ as_CS ``_`` Dowguard_NP ''_'' be_BE sure_JJ to_TO check_VB it_PPO
._. Dow_NP says_VBZ that_CS the_AT fluid_NN can_MD be_BE used_VBN now_RB for_IN
two_CD years_NNS ._. Check_VB its_PP$ inhibitor_NN effectiveness_NN before_CS l
eaving_VBG it_PPO in_RP during_IN the_AT summer_NN ._. Take_VB precautions_NNS n
ow_RB ,_, to_TO be_BE sure_JJ you_PPSS avoid_VB those_DTS unpleasant_JJ and_CC c
ostly_JJ heat_NN breakdowns_NNS when_WRB the_AT temperature_NN zooms_VBZ this_DT
summer_NN ._. Don't_DO* let_VB your_PP$ mechanics_NNS pull_VB the_AT thermostat
s_NNS out_IN of_IN those_DTS fueloil_NN delivery_NN trucks_NNS or_CC installatio
n_NN rigs_NNS of_IN yours_PP$$ ._. Spring_NN and_CC summer_NN may_MD be_BE here_
RB officially_RB ,_, but_CC those_DTS thermos_NN stay_VB in_RP ._. The_AT fact_N
N is_BEZ that_CS removing_VBG and_CC leaving_VBG out_RP a_AT thermostat_NN from_
IN any_DTI water_NN cooled_VBN vehicle_NN ,_, will_MD greatly_RB increase_VB the
_AT fuel_NN consumption_NN ,_, reduce_VB power_NN and_CC contribute_VB to_IN spa
rk_NN plug_NN fouling_NN due_JJ to_IN an_AT accumulation_NN of_IN excessive_JJ c
arbon_NN deposits_NNS on_IN the_AT insulators_NNS ._. If_CS you_PPSS run_VB into
_IN excess_JJ plug_NN fouling_NN on_IN one_CD truck_NN ,_, check_VB to_TO be_BE
sure_JJ that_CS the_AT rig_NN has_HVZ a_AT thermostat_NN ._. The_AT thermostat_N
N is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO get_VB your_PP$ engine_NN up_IN to_IN operating_VBG
temperature_NN quickly_RB ,_, and_CC to_TO keep_VB it_PPO running_VBG at_IN its_
PP$ most_QL efficient_JJ temperature_NN through_IN the_AT proper_JJ circulation_
NN of_IN the_AT coolant_NN ._. Are_BER you_PPSS paying_VBG too_QL much_AP for_IN
your_PP$ truck_NN insurance_NN ?_. ?_. There's_EX+BEZ a_AT good_JJ chance_NN yo
u_PPSS are_BER doubling_VBG on_IN some_DTI coverage_NN ,_, not_* taking_VBG disc
ounts_NNS coming_VBG to_IN you_PPO and_CC not_* cutting_VBG some_DTI corners_NNS
that_WPS can_MD be_BE cut_VBN ._. Have_HV a_AT talk_NN with_IN your_PP$ insuran
ce_NN agent_NN ._. Be_BE careful_JJ that_CS you_PPSS keep_VB adequate_JJ coverag
e_NN ,_, but_CC look_VB for_IN places_NNS to_TO save_VB money_NN ._. First_RB go
_VB over_RP the_AT type_NN of_IN coverage_NN you_PPSS now_RB have_HV ._. Look_VB
for_IN these_DTS features_NNS which_WDT may_MD mean_VB you_PPSS can_MD save_VB
:_: Duplicate_JJ coverage_NN ._. Avoid_VB doubling_VBG up_RP on_IN the_AT same_A
P item_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, don't_DO* pay_VB in_IN a_AT truck_NN policy_
NN for_IN medical_JJ coverage_NN that_WPO you_PPSS may_MD be_BE paying_VBG for_I
N in_IN a_AT health_NN and_CC accident_NN policy_NN ._. Does_DOZ your_PP$ policy
_NN have_HV a_AT lay-up_JJ clause_NN ?_. ?_. This_DT means_VBZ that_CS if_CS you
r_PP$ insured_VBN vehicle_NN is_BEZ laid_VBN up_RP for_IN more_AP than_IN 30_CD
days_NNS ,_, insurance_NN can_MD be_BE suspended_VBN and_CC a_AT proportionate_J
J return_NN of_IN your_PP$ premium_NN made_VBN to_IN you_PPO ._. This_DT applies
_VBZ to_IN repair_NN work_NN of_IN winter_NN storage_NN ._. The_AT figure_NN fiv
e_CD is_BEZ important_JJ in_IN insurance_NN ._. With_IN many_AP company_NN polic
ies_NNS you_PPSS get_VB a_AT fleet_NN discount_NN if_CS you_PPSS insure_VB five_
CD or_CC more_AP rigs_NNS ._. This_DT means_VBZ either_CC cars_NNS or_CC trucks_
NNS ._. Discounts_NNS run_VB up_RP to_IN 2%_NN of_IN cost_NN ._. Usually_RB prem
ium_NN reductions_NNS can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN by_IN applying_VBG deductibles_N
NS to_IN your_PP$ liability_NN plan_NN ._. For_IN example_NN :_: If_CS your_PP$
bodily_JJ injury_NN claims_NNS start_VB payment_NN after_IN the_AT first_OD $250
_NNS ,_, a_AT 25%_NN premium_NN saving_NN is_BEZ often_RB made_VBN ._. In_IN the
_AT period_NN since_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, --_
-- a_AT period_NN coinciding_VBG with_IN merchandising_VBG demands_NNS for_IN th
e_AT colorful_JJ ,_, the_AT unusual_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT original_JJ in_IN signs
_NNS and_CC displays_NNS --_-- plastics_NNS have_HV come_VBN on_RP so_QL strong_
RB that_CS today_NR they_PPSS are_BER the_AT acknowledged_VBN leaders_NNS in_IN
the_AT field_NN ._. The_AT importance_NN of_IN the_AT sign_NN industry_NN to_IN
the_AT plastics_NNS industry_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ not_* in_IN terms_NNS
of_IN volume_NN alone_RB ._. Designers_NNS of_IN signs_NNS and_CC displays_NNS h
ave_HV shown_VBN a_AT refreshing_JJ approach_NN to_IN the_AT adaptation_NN of_IN
plastics_NNS that_WPS has_HVZ influenced_VBN the_AT workings_NNS of_IN other_AP
industries_NNS ._. Many_AP of_IN today's_NR$ developments_NNS in_IN thermoformi
ng_VBG stem_VB from_IN original_JJ work_NN done_VBN with_IN signs_NNS and_CC dis
plays_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT art_NN of_IN preprinting_VBG in_IN distortion_NN was_BE
DZ similarly_RB perfected_VBN by_IN the_AT sign_NN makers_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC the
_AT reverse-surface_NN decorating_VBG techniques_NNS now_RB used_VBD for_IN escu
tcheons_NNS ,_, medallions_NNS ,_, etc._RB ,_, owes_VBZ much_AP to_IN the_AT fie
ld_NN ,_, as_CS does_DOZ the_AT technology_NN of_IN designing_VBG with_IN the_AT
light-transmitting_JJ properties_NNS of_IN the_AT transparent_JJ plastics_NNS .
_. There_EX is_BEZ much_AP that_WPO many_AP industries_NNS can_MD continue_VB to
_TO learn_VB from_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT more_QL recent_JJ developments_NNS de
scribed_VBN below_RB ._. The_AT concept_NN of_IN trans-illumination_NN (_( as_CS
shown_VBN by_IN the_AT photo_NN on_IN p._NN 92_CD )_) ,_, as_CS just_RB one_CD
example_NN ,_, offers_VBZ an_AT entirely_RB new_JJ approach_NN to_IN lighting_VB
G problems_NNS --_-- no_AT matter_NN what_WDT industry_NN is_BEZ involved_VBN ._
. A_AT-HL volume_NN-HL market_NN-HL According_IN to_IN a_AT recent_JJ Wall_NN-TL
Street_NN-TL Journal_NN-TL survey_NN ,_, plastics_NNS units_NNS now_RB account_
VB for_IN more_AP than_IN 50%_NN of_IN all_ABN sign_NN sales_NNS ._. Five_CD yea
rs_NNS ago_RB ,_, they_PPSS had_HVD only_RB 10%_NN of_IN the_AT market_NN ,_, wi
th_IN the_AT remainder_NN firmly_RB entrenched_VBN in_IN the_AT stronghold_NN of
_IN neon_NN tubing_NN ._. And_CC it's_PPS+BEZ far_QL from_IN the_AT end_NN for_I
N plastics_NNS ._. Industry_NN sources_NNS are_BER now_RB estimating_VBG that_CS
75%_NN of_IN the_AT signs_NNS made_VBN during_IN the_AT 1960's_NNS will_MD be_B
E of_IN plastic_NN construction_NN ._. Evidence_NN of_IN this_DT trend_NN can_MD
best_RBT be_BE seen_VBN in_IN the_AT recent_JJ activities_NNS of_IN such_JJ lea
ding_VBG companies_NNS in_IN the_AT field_NN as_CS Advance_NN-TL Neon_NN-TL Sign
_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, Calif._NP ._. Four_CD years_NNS ago_R
B ,_, the_AT company's_NN$ entire_JJ line_NN was_BEDZ devoted_VBN to_IN neon_NN
signs_NNS ;_. ;_. today_NR ,_, 85%_NN is_BEZ in_IN plastics_NNS ._. From_IN the_
AT volume_NN standpoint_NN ,_, the_AT total_NN market_NN represented_VBN by_IN t
he_AT sign_NN industry_NN is_BEZ impressive_JJ ._. Aggregate_JJ sales_NNS during
_IN 1960_CD reached_VBD approximately_RB $500_NNS million_CD ._. Currently_RB ,_
, there_EX are_BER some_RB 6000_CD companies_NNS in_IN the_AT field_NN ,_, rangi
ng_VBG from_IN small_JJ firms_NNS with_IN a_AT handful_NN of_IN employees_NNS to
_IN major_JJ concerns_NNS having_HVG complete_JJ facilities_NNS for_IN productio
n_NN of_IN metal_NN ,_, electrical_JJ ,_, and_CC plastic_NN components_NNS ._. W
hy_WRB-HL the_AT-HL trend_NN-HL to_IN-HL plastics_NNS-HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL What_WDT
accounts_VBZ for_IN the_AT rapid_JJ growth_NN of_IN plastics_NNS in_IN the_AT si
gn_NN and_CC display_NN field_NN ?_. ?_. Out_IN of_IN many_AP factors_NNS which_
WDT might_MD be_BE cited_VBN ,_, five_CD are_BER most_QL important_JJ :_: 1_CD .
_. Plastics_NNS combine_VB such_JJ properties_NNS as_CS built-in_JJ color_NN ,_,
light_JJ weight_NN ,_, optional_JJ transparency_NN or_CC translucency_NN ,_, re
sistance_NN to_IN corrosion_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT ease_NN of_IN fabr
ication_NN ._. 2_CD ._. Plastic_NN signs_NNS are_BER economical_JJ ._. According
_IN to_IN one_CD major_JJ producer_NN ,_, materials_NNS for_IN a_AT typical_JJ p
lastic_NN sign_NN are_BER approximately_RB 25%_NN less_QL costly_JJ than_CS for_
IN a_AT comparable_JJ neon_NN unit_NN ._. Shipping_VBG cost_NN is_BEZ also_RB re
duced_VBN ;_. ;_. a_AT 3-by-6-ft._NN plastic_NN sign_NN weighs_VBZ about_RB 120_
CD lb._NNS ,_, compared_VBN to_IN 275-300_CD lb._NNS for_IN neon_NN ._. The_AT w
eight_NN advantage_NN ,_, plus_CC greater_JJR durability_NN of_IN the_AT plastic
_NN unit_NN ,_, yields_VBZ a_AT saving_NN of_IN about_RB one-fifth_NN in_IN ship
ping_VBG ._. The_AT lighter_JJR weight_NN also_RB means_VBZ less_QL costly_JJ su
pports_NNS and_CC mountings_NNS are_BER needed_VBN ._. Finally_RB ,_, maintenanc
e_NN costs_NNS on_IN plastic_NN signs_NNS are_BER much_QL lower_JJR than_CS on_I
N fragile_JJ neon_NN signs_NNS ._. 3_CD ._. They_PPSS offer_VB exceptional_JJ de
sign_NN freedom_NN ,_, making_VBG it_PPO possible_JJ to_TO incorporate_VB contou
rs_NNS and_CC details_NNS which_WDT give_VB free_JJ range_NN to_IN the_AT talent
s_NNS of_IN the_AT designer_NN ._. Vacuum-_NN and_CC pressure-formed_JJ sheet_NN
plastics_NNS fill_VB the_AT gap_NN between_IN cardboard_NN and_CC molded_VBN pl
astics_NNS ._. Pre-decoration_NN ,_, low-cost_NN molds_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT fre
edom_NN to_TO form_VB large_JJ and_CC small_JJ ,_, thick_JJ and_CC thin_JJ mater
ials_NNS make_VB plastics_NNS tailor-made_VBN for_IN the_AT industry_NN ._. 4_CD
._. Plastic_NN signs_NNS work_VB around_IN the_AT clock_NN ._. Internal_JJ illu
mination_NN ,_, protected_VBN from_IN the_AT elements_NNS ,_, gives_VBZ them_PPO
powerful_JJ visual_JJ appeal_NN at_IN night_NN ;_. ;_. during_IN daylight_NN ho
urs_NNS their_PP$ brilliant_JJ colors_NNS command_VB attention_NN and_CC interes
t_NN ._. 5_CD ._. Advances_NNS in_IN equipment_NN and_CC fabrication_NN techniqu
es_NNS give_VB the_AT sign_NN or_CC display_NN manufacturer_NN an_AT extremely_Q
L wide_JJ choice_NN of_IN production_NN techniques_NNS ,_, ranging_VBG from_IN i
njection_NN molding_NN for_IN intricate_JJ ,_, smaller-size_NN ,_, mass-producti
on_NN signs_NNS (_( generally_RB 5000_CD units_NNS is_BEZ the_AT minimum_NN )_)
to_IN vacuum_NN and_CC pressure_NN forming_VBG for_IN larger_JJR signs_NNS of_IN
limited_VBN runs_NNS ._. Among_IN the_AT newest_JJT fabrication_NN methods_NNS
to_TO enter_VB the_AT display_NN field_NN are_BER expandable_JJ styrene_NN moldi
ng_NN and_CC blow_NN molding_NN ._. What_WDT-HL plastics_NNS-HL to_TO-HL use_VB-
HL ?_.-HL ?_.-HL For_IN outdoor_JJ signs_NNS and_CC displays_NNS ,_, acrylic_NN
,_, with_IN its_PP$ outstanding_JJ optical_JJ characteristics_NNS ,_, weather_NN
resistance_NN and_CC formability_NN ,_, strongly_RB dominates_VBZ the_AT pictur
e_NN ._. At_IN present_JJ ,_, both_ABX the_AT familiar_JJ cast_VBN acrylic_NN an
d_CC the_AT newer_JJR extruded_VBN sheets_NNS are_BER being_BEG used_VBN by_IN s
ign_NN manufacturers_NNS ,_, with_IN extruded_VBN now_RB representing_VBG an_AT
estimated_VBN 10%_NN of_IN the_AT total_NN ._. (_( See_VB panel_NN ,_, p._NN 166
_CD ,_, for_IN a_AT comparison_NN ._. )_) Of_IN interest_NN is_BEZ a_AT recent_J
J announcement_NN by_IN Du_NP Pont's_NP$ Polychemicals_NNS-TL Dept._NN-TL of_IN
a_AT new_JJ methyl_NN methacrylate_NN monomer_NN designated_VBN as_CS Monocite_N
P H_NP-TL 100_CD-TL ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ developed_VBN specifically_RB for_IN
production_NN of_IN cast_VBN acrylic_NN sheets_NNS for_IN the_AT sign_NN and_CC
lighting_VBG industry_NN ._. Sheeting_NN cast_VBN from_IN this_DT material_NN re
portedly_RB weighs_VBZ only_RB one-third_NN as_QL much_RB as_CS glass_NN ,_, is_
BEZ impervious_JJ to_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN weather_NN ,_, and_CC will_MD no
t_* yellow_VB ._. Its_PP$ high_JJ impact_NN strength_NN ,_, even_RB at_IN low_JJ
temperatures_NNS ,_, resists_VBZ chipping_VBG ,_, cracking_VBG ,_, and_CC crazi
ng_VBG ,_, according_IN to_IN Du_NP Pont_NP ._. Cellulose_NN acetate_NN butyrate
_NN is_BEZ used_VBN extensively_RB for_IN vacuum-formed_JJ signs_NNS ,_, backgro
und_NN panels_NNS ,_, and_CC molded_VBN or_CC formed_VBN letters_NNS because_RB
of_IN its_PP$ exceptional_JJ toughness_NN ,_, ease_NN of_IN forming_VBG ,_, and_
CC excellent_JJ weathering_VBG properties_NNS ._. Its_PP$ clarity_NN and_CC good
_JJ optical_JJ properties_NNS are_BER other_AP important_JJ factors_NNS ._. New_
JJ to_IN the_AT field_NN is_BEZ a_AT duplex_JJ type_NN butyrate_NN laminate_NN i
n_IN which_WDT the_AT two_CD sheets_NNS of_IN the_AT laminate_NN are_BER of_IN d
ifferent_JJ color_NN ._. Thermoforming_VBG the_AT laminate_NN and_CC then_RB san
ding_VBG away_RB the_AT top_JJS layer_NN is_BEZ a_AT quick_JJ and_CC economical_
JJ way_NN to_TO produce_VB a_AT two-color_JJ sign_NN ._. (_( see_VB MPl_NN ,_, M
ar._NP 1961_CD ,_, p._NN 98_CD )_) ._. For_IN specialized_VBN types_NNS of_IN di
splays_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS large_JJ three-dimensional_JJ units_NNS reproducing
_VBG a_AT product_NN ,_, package_NN ,_, human_NN or_CC animal_NN figures_NNS ,_,
etc._RB ,_, reinforced_VBN plastics_NNS and_CC rotationally_RB molded_VBN vinyl
_NN plastisols_NNS are_BER other_AP materials_NNS frequently_RB used_VBN ._. A_A
T relative_JJ newcomer_NN in_IN outdoor_JJ signs_NNS is_BEZ Mylar_NP polyester_N
N film_NN ,_, now_RB used_VBN as_CS a_AT printed_VBN overlay_NN for_IN trans-ill
uminated_JJ signs_NNS (_( see_VB below_RB )_) ._. For_IN outdoor_JJ signs_NNS an
d_CC displays_NNS ,_, where_WRB the_AT problem_NN of_IN weathering_VBG resistanc
e_NN is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR a_AT factor_NN ,_, the_AT choice_NN of_IN plastics_
NNS is_BEZ almost_QL unlimited_JJ ._. Here_RB may_MD be_BE found_VBN regular_JJ
and_CC impact_NN styrene_NN ,_, cellulose_NN acetate_NN ,_, cellulose_NN butyrat
e_NN and_CC cellulose_NN propionate_NN ,_, acrylic_NN ,_, vinyl_NN ,_, expandabl
e_JJ styrene_NN foam_NN ,_, and_CC polyethylene_NN ._. The_AT final_JJ choice_NN
of_IN material_NN depends_VBZ upon_IN such_JJ factors_NNS as_CS costs_NNS ,_, m
ethod_NN of_IN fabrication_NN ,_, degree_NN of_IN complexity_NN ,_, number_NN of
_IN units_NNS required_VBN ,_, time_NN available_JJ for_IN tooling_VBG ,_, and_C
C projected_VBN life_NN expectancy_NN of_IN the_AT unit_NN ._. Often_RB ,_, the_
AT finished_VBN sign_NN or_CC display_NN incorporates_VBZ several_AP types_NNS o
f_IN plastics_NNS and_CC two_CD or_CC more_AP fabricating_VBG techniques_NNS ._.
Trans-illuminated_JJ-HL billboards_NNS-HL One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL significa
nt_JJ advancements_NNS in_IN design_NN of_IN plastics_NNS signs_NNS is_BEZ the_A
T so-called_JJ trans-illuminated_JJ billboard_NN ,_, now_RB being_BEG produced_V
BN by_IN several_AP large_JJ sign_NN manufacturers_NNS such_JJ as_CS Advance_NN-
TL Neon_NN-TL Sign_NN-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, and_CC Industrial_J
J-TL Electric_JJ-TL Inc._VBN-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, La._NP ._. The_A
T essential_JJ difference_NN between_IN the_AT new_JJ trans-illuminated_JJ board
s_NNS and_CC existing_VBG billboards_NNS is_BEZ that_CS the_AT former_AP ,_, con
structed_VBN of_IN translucent_JJ plastic_NN panels_NNS ,_, are_BER lighted_VBN
from_IN within_RB ._. With_IN the_AT source_NN of_IN light_NN behind_IN the_AT c
opy_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ no_AT loss_NN of_IN lumen_NN output_NN ,_, as_CS with
_IN conventional_JJ boards_NNS illuminated_VBN by_IN means_NN of_IN reflected_VB
N light_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, the_AT light_NN sources_NNS are_BER shielded_VBN from
_IN dirt_NN and_CC weather_NN exposure_NN and_CC cannot_MD* obstruct_VB the_AT v
iew_NN of_IN the_AT sign_NN ._. The_AT copy_NN itself_PPL ,_, including_IN any_D
TI text_NN or_CC illustrations_NNS ,_, is_BEZ reproduced_VBN in_IN full_JJ color
_NN directly_RB on_IN a_AT thin_JJ Mylar_NP polyester_NN film_NN by_IN a_AT phot
o_NN screen_NN process_NN ._. The_AT film_NN has_HVZ an_AT adhesive_NN on_IN the
_AT back_NN which_WDT permits_VBZ it_PPO to_TO be_BE stripped_VBN onto_IN the_AT
acrylic_NN panels_NNS forming_VBG the_AT sign_NN ,_, and_CC also_RB to_TO be_BE
stripped_VBN off_RP for_IN replacement_NN by_IN new_JJ copy_NN as_CS required_V
BN ._. Spare_JJ sets_NNS of_IN face_NN panels_NNS simplify_VB the_AT change_NN f
rom_IN one_CD copy_NN or_CC message_NN to_IN another_DT ;_. ;_. new_JJ panels_NN
S are_BER exchanged_VBN for_IN the_AT old_JJ right_RB in_IN the_AT field_NN on_I
N a_AT single_AP trip_NN ._. Panels_NNS with_IN outdated_VBN copy_NN are_BER ret
urned_VBN to_IN the_AT sign_NN shop_NN so_CS a_AT new_JJ message_NN can_MD be_BE
applied_VBN ._. Signs_NNS of_IN this_DT type_NN have_HV already_RB made_VBN the
ir_PP$ appearance_NN in_IN several_AP larger_JJR cities_NNS ,_, and_CC others_NN
S are_BER on_IN the_AT way_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ believed_VBN that_CS these_DTS b
oards_NNS will_MD ,_, within_IN the_AT next_AP few_AP years_NNS ,_, replace_VB m
any_AP of_IN the_AT conventional_JJ flood-lighted_JJ boards_NNS now_RB in_IN use
_NN ._. Trans-illuminated_JJ signs_NNS also_RB show_VB versatility_NN in_IN othe
r_AP directions_NNS ._. As_CS used_VBN by_IN Industrial_JJ-TL Electric_JJ-TL Inc
._VBN-TL ,_, the_AT film_NN panels_NNS are_BER printed_VBN one_CD at_IN a_AT tim
e_NN ,_, as_CS are_BER 24-sheet_JJ posters_NNS ._. Thus_RB the_AT film_NN can_MD
be_BE applied_VBN to_IN back-lighted_JJ translucent_JJ plastics_NNS faces_NNS ;
_. ;_. they_PPSS can_MD also_RB be_BE applied_VBN to_IN opaque_JJ panels_NNS for
_IN use_NN on_IN cutouts_NNS ,_, or_CC they_PPSS can_MD be_BE applied_VBN direct
ly_RB to_IN painted_VBN bulletin_NN faces_NNS ._. In_IN this_DT way_NN ,_, the_A
T sign_NN maker_NN has_HVZ an_AT economical_JJ means_NN for_IN displaying_VBG un
iform_JJ copy_NN on_IN different_JJ sign_NN media_NNS ._. Recently_RB Industrial
_JJ-TL Electric_NN-TL unveiled_VBD another_DT new_JJ development_NN made_VBN pos
sible_JJ by_IN modern_JJ plastic_NN materials_NNS --_-- a_AT revolving_VBG spect
acular_JJ sign_NN ._. Comprised_VBN of_IN 16_CD triangular_JJ trans-illuminated_
JJ plastic_NN sections_NNS ,_, it_PPS makes_VBZ it_PPO possible_JJ to_TO combine
_VB three_CD different_JJ signs_NNS in_IN a_AT single_AP unit_NN ._. The_AT tria
ngles_NNS automatically_RB revolve_VB in_IN a_AT cycle_NN which_WDT permits_VBZ
9_CD sec._NNS of_IN viewing_VBG time_NN for_IN each_DT poster_NN subject_NN ._.
Sixteen_CD panels_NNS ,_, each_DT slightly_QL more_AP than_IN 1-1/2_CD ft._NNS w
ide_JJ ,_, make_VB up_RP the_AT 25-ft._JJ length_NN of_IN the_AT sign_NN ._. Cha
ngeable_JJ-HL letters_NNS-HL fill_VB-HL many_AP-HL needs_NNS-HL Perhaps_RB the_A
T best_JJT way_NN to_TO indicate_VB the_AT versatility_NN of_IN design_NN that_W
PS characterizes_VBZ the_AT use_NN of_IN plastics_NNS in_IN signs_NNS and_CC dis
plays_NNS would_MD be_BE to_TO look_VB at_IN what_WDT is_BEZ happening_VBG in_IN
only_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT areas_NNS in_IN this_DT complex_JJ field_NN --_-- c
hangeable_JJ signs_NNS ._. Signs_NNS are_BER meant_VBN to_TO convey_VB a_AT mess
age_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN most_AP cases_NNS ,_, this_DT requires_VBZ words_NNS and
_CC letters_NNS ._. Frequently_RB ,_, the_AT message_NN must_MD be_BE changed_VB
N at_IN intervals_NNS to_TO feature_VB new_JJ products_NNS ,_, price_NN changes_
NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. The_AT huge_JJ market_NN for_IN changeable_JJ signs_NNS has_
HVZ spurred_VBN a_AT universal_JJ demand_NN for_IN individual_JJ plastic_NN lett
ers_NNS ,_, in_IN all_ABN shapes_NNS and_CC sizes_NNS --_-- and_CC a_AT number_N
N of_IN companies_NNS are_BER set_VBN up_RP to_TO supply_VB them_PPO ._. Here_RB
are_BER some_DTI of_IN the_AT newer_JJR items_NNS currently_RB available_JJ :_:
Poster_NN-TL Products_NNS-TL Inc._VBN-TL ,_, Chicago_NP ,_, Ill._NP :_: a_AT ch
angeable_JJ copy_NN and_CC display_NN sign_NN which_WDT consists_VBZ of_IN an_AT
extruded_VBN impact_NN styrene_NN background_NN in_IN choice_NN of_IN colors_NN
S ,_, onto_IN which_WDT are_BER mounted_VBN snap-in_JJ letters_NNS ,_, figures_N
NS ,_, or_CC words_NNS screened_VBN on_IN acetate_NN or_CC other_AP types_NNS of
_IN sheet_NN stock_NN ._. The_AT background_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ available_JJ
in_IN various_JJ widths_NNS and_CC continuous_JJ lengths_NNS ,_, is_BEZ extrude
d_VBN with_IN parallel_JJ undercut_JJ grooves_NNS which_WDT grip_VB the_AT flexi
ble_JJ letters_NNS securely_RB ._. The_AT Adaptaplex_NP-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, Beavert
on_NP ,_, Ore._NP :_: letters_NNS molded_VBN of_IN butyrate_NN ,_, available_JJ
in_IN several_AP sizes_NNS in_IN either_CC red_JJ or_CC black_JJ ._. Ideal_JJ fo
r_IN merchandising_VBG use_NN ,_, they_PPSS are_BER weather-resistant_JJ ,_, and
_CC have_HV mounting_VBG pegs_NNS on_IN the_AT back_NN which_WDT fit_VB into_IN
openings_NNS in_IN a_AT vacuum-formed_JJ waffle-pattern_JJ background_NN panel_N
N ._. For_IN large_JJ letters_NNS ,_, e.g._RB thermoformed_VBN of_IN acrylic_NN
or_CC butyrate_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER other_AP techniques_NNS ._. For_IN exampl
e_NN ,_, in_IN a_AT typical_JJ store_NN installation_NN ,_, fifty_CD 24-in._JJ a
nd_CC six_CD 36-in._NN red_JJ acrylic_NN letters_NNS were_BED mounted_VBN agains
t_IN a_AT white_JJ painted_VBN wood_NN background_NN ._. The_AT fact_NN that_CS
even_RB the_AT larger_JJR letters_NNS weighed_VBD only_RB 5_CD lb._NNS each_DT m
ade_VBD it_PPO possible_JJ to_TO secure_VB the_AT letters_NNS to_IN the_AT build
ing_NN through_IN clear_JJ acrylic_NN angle_NN brackets_NNS cemented_VBN to_IN t
he_AT letters_NNS ._. Stainless_JJ steel_NN screws_NNS were_BED used_VBN to_TO m
inimize_VB corrosion_NN stains_NNS ._. For_IN mounting_VBG to_IN corrugated_VBN
plastic_NN backgrounds_NNS ,_, very_QL small_JJ holes_NNS may_MD be_BE drilled_V
BN in_IN the_AT sides_NNS of_IN the_AT letters_NNS and_CC stainless_JJ steel_NN
wire_NN threaded_VBN through_IN the_AT openings_NNS ,_, its_PP$ ends_NNS twisted
_VBN behind_IN the_AT panels_NNS ._. Large_JJ injection-molded_JJ letters_NNS ar
e_BER also_RB available_JJ for_IN sign_NN installations_NNS ._. Wagner_NP-TL Sig
n_NN-TL Service_NN-TL Inc._VBN-TL ,_, Chicago_NP ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, suppl
ies_VBZ them_PPO in_IN several_AP colors_NNS ,_, in_IN heights_NNS of_IN 4_CD ,_
, 6_CD ,_, 8_CD ,_, 10_CD ,_, and_CC 17_CD inches_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER mold
ed_VBN of_IN a_AT special_JJ weather-resistant_JJ formulation_NN of_IN Tenite_NP
butyrate_NN ._. Also_RB available_JJ from_IN this_DT company_NN are_BER Snug-Gr
ip_NP Plasti-Bars_NPS ,_, extruded_VBN of_IN transparent_JJ acrylic_NN material_
NN ,_, which_WDT may_MD be_BE cemented_VBN to_IN any_DTI corrugated_VBN acrylic_
NN background_NN material_NN ._. Made_VBN in_IN lengths_NNS from_IN 3_CD to_IN 1
0_CD ft._NNS ,_, the_AT bars_NNS are_BER shaped_VBN in_IN cross_NN section_NN to
_TO provide_VB a_AT secure_JJ fit_NN for_IN the_AT tapered_VBN slots_NNS molded_
VBN in_IN back_NN of_IN the_AT letters_NNS ._. Still_RB another_DT approach_NN t
o_IN the_AT changeable_JJ letter_NN type_NN of_IN sign_NN is_BEZ a_AT modular_JJ
unit_NN introduced_VBN by_IN Merritt_NP-TL Products_NNS-TL ,_, Azusa_NP ,_, Cal
if._NP ._. This_DT vacuum_NN formed_VBN sign_NN is_BEZ comprised_VBN of_IN 27-in
._NN (_( or_CC smaller_JJR )_) panels_NNS formed_VBN of_IN 0.080-in._NN clear_JJ
butyrate_NN sheet_NN stock_NN ,_, masked_VBN and_CC sprayed_VBN on_IN the_AT re
ar_JJ side_NN ._. Finished_VBN signs_NNS are_BER produced_VBN by_IN sliding_VBG
the_AT separate_JJ letter_NN panels_NNS into_IN channels_NNS of_IN 0.025-in._NN
aluminum_NN ,_, which_WDT may_MD be_BE mounted_VBN to_IN various_JJ surfaces_NNS
._. The_AT sheets_NNS are_BER extruded_VBN of_IN Tenite_NP butyrate_NN by_IN Je
t_NN-TL Specialties_NNS-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, Los_NP Angeles_NP ,_, Calif._NP ._. On_
IN large-area_NN units_NNS ,_, where_WRB additional_JJ structural_JJ requirement
s_NNS are_BER imposed_VBN ,_, one_CD recent_JJ approach_NN utilizes_VBZ modular_
JJ extruded_VBN or_CC formed_VBN channels_NNS (_( e.g._RB right-angled_JJ corrug
ations_NNS )_) of_IN the_AT acrylic_NN or_CC butyrate_NN ._. Joined_VBN side_NN
by_IN side_NN ,_, such_JJ channels_NNS make_VB possible_JJ construction_NN of_IN
continuous_JJ two-dimensional_JJ luminous_JJ areas_NNS up_IN to_IN 50_CD ft._NN
S high_JJ and_CC of_IN unlimited_JJ width_NN ._. Letters_NNS may_MD be_BE wired_
VBN to_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN the_AT combined_VBN channels_NNS ,_, painted_VBN
on_IN the_AT first_OD surface_NN ,_, or_CC handled_VBN in_IN other_AP ways_NNS .
_. New_JJ-HL rule_NN-HL no._NN-HL 2_CD-HL :_.-HL :_.-HL Don't_DO*-HL build_VB-HL
from_IN-HL the_AT-HL outside_NN-HL in_RP-HL --_---HL try_VB-HL to_TO-HL build_V
B-HL from_IN-HL the_AT-HL inside_NN-HL out_RP-HL ._. Don't_DO* insert_VB your_PP
$ components_NNS into_IN fixed_VBN openings_NNS ,_, they_PPSS may_MD or_CC may_M
D not_* fit_VB ;_. ;_. position_VB your_PP$ components_NNS before_CS you_PPSS cl
ose_VB them_PPO in_RP ._. For_IN example_NN :_: Don't_DO* wall_VB in_RP your_PP$
kitchen_NN before_CS you_PPSS hang_VB the_AT wall_NN cabinets_NNS and_CC set_VB
the_AT appliances_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ a_AT lot_NN quicker_JJR and_CC easier_JJ
R to_TO dimension_VB the_AT kitchen_NN to_TO fit_VB the_AT cabinets_NNS and_CC e
rect_VB the_AT end_NN wall_NN after_CS they_PPSS are_BER all_ABN in_IN place_NN
._. Set_VB your_PP$ bathtub_NN before_CS you_PPSS close_VB in_RP the_AT end_NN o
f_IN the_AT bathroom_NN ._. Don't_DO* try_VB to_TO wrestle_VB a_AT 400-lb._NN tu
b_NN Af_NN through_IN a_AT narrow_JJ doorway_NN ._. Finish_VB your_PP$ plumbing_
NN before_CS you_PPSS frame_VB it_PPO in_RP (_( most_QL economical_JJ framing_NN
is_BEZ a_AT thin_JJ non-bearing_JJ partition_NN on_IN either_DTX side_NN of_IN
the_AT pipes_NNS )_) ._. Finish_VB installing_VBG and_CC connecting_VBG up_RP yo
ur_PP$ furnace_NN and_CC your_PP$ water_NN heater_NN before_CS you_PPSS wall_VB
them_PPO in_RP ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT better_JJR way_NN to_TO waste_VB time_N
N than_CS trying_VBG to_TO install_VB a_AT furnace_NN in_IN a_AT finished_VBN Af
_NN closet_NN ._. Don't_DO* position_VB your_PP$ studs_NNS before_CS you_PPSS in
sert_VB your_PP$ windows_NNS in_IN conventional_JJ construction_NN ;_. ;_. that_
DT way_NN you_PPSS may_MD pay_VB more_AP to_TO shim_VB the_AT window_NN into_IN
place_NN than_CS you_PPSS paid_VBD for_IN the_AT window_NN ._. You_PPSS can_MD s
ave_VB all_ABN that_DT shimming_VBG time_NN if_CS you_PPSS set_VB your_PP$ windo
ws_NNS in_IN one_CD ,_, two_CD ,_, three_CD order_NN --_-- first_RB the_AT stud_
NN on_IN one_CD side_NN ,_, then_RB the_AT window_NN ,_, then_RB the_AT stud_NN
on_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN ._. Install_VB your_PP$ disappearing_VBG stair_NN
(_( or_CC stairs_NNS )_) to_IN the_AT attic_NN and_CC finish_VB your_PP$ overhea
d_JJ ducts_NNS before_CS you_PPSS drywall_VB the_AT ceiling_NN ._. Don't_DO* clo
se_VB in_RP your_PP$ house_NN until_CS everything_PN has_HVZ been_BEN carried_VB
N in_RP ._. Last_AP wall_NN Bob_NP Schmitt_NP erects_VBZ is_BEZ the_AT wall_NN b
etween_IN the_AT house_NN and_CC garage_NN ._. That_DT way_NN he_PPS can_MD truc
k_VB his_PP$ parts_NNS right_QL indoors_RB and_CC unload_VB them_PPO under_IN th
e_AT roof_NN ._. No_AT auto_NN maker_NN would_MD dream_VB of_IN putting_VBG the_
AT head_NN on_IN the_AT engine_NN before_CS he_PPS fitted_VBD the_AT pistons_NNS
in_IN the_AT block_NN ._. And_CC trailer_NN makers_NNS ,_, those_DTS most_QL in
dustrialized_VBN and_CC therefore_RB most_QL efficient_JJ of_IN homebuilders_NNS
,_, say_VB they_PPSS save_VB hundreds_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS by_IN always_RB bui
lding_VBG from_IN the_AT inside_NN out_RP ._. New_JJ rule_NN no._NN 3_CD :_: ret
hink_VB everything_PN to_TO get_VB all_ABN the_AT big_JJ savings_NNS the_AT revo
lution_NN in_IN materials_NNS handling_NN offers_VBZ you_PPO ._. This_DT revolut
ion_NN is_BEZ the_AT biggest_JJT build-better-for-less_JJ news_NN of_IN all_ABN
,_, because_CS :_: 1_CD ._. It_PPS makes_VBZ it_PPO easy_JJ to_TO handle_VB much
_QL heavier_JJR units_NNS ,_, so_RB you_PPSS can_MD plan_VB to_TO build_VB with_
IN much_QL bigger_JJR and_CC heavier_JJR prefabricated_VBN components_NNS like_C
S those_DTS shown_VBN in_IN the_AT pictures_NNS alongside_RB ._. 2_CD ._. It_PPS
makes_VBZ materials_NNS handling_NN the_AT only_AP construction_NN cost_NN that
_WPS (_( like_CS earthmoving_NN and_CC roadbuilding_NN )_) should_MD be_BE lower
_JJR today_NR than_CS in_IN 1929_CD ._. 3_CD ._. It_PPS changes_VBZ the_AT answe
rs_NNS to_IN ``_`` Who_WPS should_MD do_DO what_WDT ,_, and_CC where_WRB ''_'' ?
_. ?_. It_PPS lessens_VBZ the_AT need_NN for_IN costly_JJ on-site_JJ fabrication
_NN and_CC increases_VBZ the_AT chance_NN for_IN shop_NN fabrication_NN ,_, wher
e_WRB almost_RB everything_PN can_MD be_BE made_VBN better_JJR and_CC cheaper_JJ
R ._. 4_CD ._. It_PPS changes_VBZ the_AT answers_NNS on_IN when_WRB to_TO do_DO
what_WDT at_IN the_AT site_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, instead_RB of_IN putting
_VBG in_RP your_PP$ driveways_NNS last_RB (_( as_CS many_AP builders_NNS do_DO )
_) you_PPSS can_MD now_RB save_VB money_NN by_IN putting_VBG them_PPO in_RP firs
t_RB ._. Instead_RB of_IN closing_VBG the_AT house_NN in_RP first_RB (_( as_CS m
ost_AP builders_NNS do_DO )_) you_PPSS can_MD now_RB cut_VB your_PP$ costs_NNS b
y_IN not_* closing_VBG it_PPO in_RP until_CS you_PPSS have_HV to_TO (_( see_VB p
_NN 121_CD )_) ._. 5_CD ._. It_PPS changes_VBZ the_AT answers_NNS on_IN builder-
dealer_JJ relations_NNS ._. Not_* so_QL long_RB ago_RB many_AP builders_NNS were
_BED finding_VBG they_PPSS could_MD cut_VB their_PP$ costs_NNS by_IN ``_`` buyin
g_VBG direct_RB ''_'' and_CC short-cutting_VBG the_AT dealer_NN ._. But_CC now_R
B many_AP of_IN these_DTS same_AP builders_NNS are_BER finding_VBG they_PPSS can
_MD cut_VB their_PP$ costs_NNS more_RBR by_IN teaming_VBG up_RP with_IN a_AT dea
ler_NN who_WPS has_HVZ volume_NN enough_AP to_TO afford_VB the_AT most_QL effici
ent_JJ specialized_VBN equipment_NN to_TO deliver_VB everything_PN just_RB where
_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ needed_VBN --_-- drywall_NN inside_IN the_AT house_NN ,_, sid
ing_NN along_IN the_AT sides_NNS ,_, trusses_NNS on_IN the_AT walls_NNS ,_, roof
ing_NN on_IN the_AT roof_NN ,_, etc._RB ._. Says_NNS Clarence_NP Thompson_NP :_:
``_`` We_PPSS dealers_NNS must_MD earn_VB our_PP$ mark-up_NN by_IN performing_V
BG a_AT service_NN for_IN the_AT builder_NN cheaper_RBR than_CS he_PPS could_MD
do_DO it_PPO himself_PPL ''_'' ._. The_AT revolution_NN now_RB under_IN way_NN i
n_IN materials_NNS handling_NN makes_VBZ this_DT much_QL easier_JJR ._. The_AT-H
L revolution_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL well_QL-HL under_IN-HL way_NN-HL ,_,-HL but_CC-HL m
uch_QL-HL more_AP-HL remains_VBZ-HL to_TO-HL be_BE-HL done_VBN-HL ._.-HL Five_CD
years_NNS ago_RB a_AT House_NN-TL &_CC-TL Home_NN-TL Round_JJ-TL Table_NN-TL co
sponsored_VBN by_IN the_AT Lumber_NN-TL Dealers'_NNS$-TL Research_NN-TL Council_
NN-TL reported_VBD unhappily_RB :_: ``_`` Only_RB one_CD lumber_NN dealer_NN in_
IN ten_CD is_BEZ equipped_VBN to_TO handle_VB unit_NN loads_NNS ;_. ;_. only_RB
one_CD box_NN car_NN in_IN eight_CD has_HVZ the_AT wide_JJ doors_NNS needed_VBN
for_IN unit_NN loads_NNS ;_. ;_. only_RB one_CD producer_NN in_IN a_AT hundred_C
D is_BEZ equipped_VBN to_TO package_VB and_CC ship_VB unit_NN loads_NNS ;_. ;_.
only_RB one_CD builder_NN in_IN a_AT thousand_CD is_BEZ equipped_VBN to_TO recei
ve_VB unit_NN loads_NNS ._. ``_`` So_RB from_IN raw_JJ materials_NNS to_IN finis
hed_VBN erection_NN the_AT costs_NNS of_IN materials_NNS handling_NN (_( most_AP
of_IN it_PPO inefficient_JJ )_) add_VB up_RP to_IN one-fourth_NN of_IN the_AT t
otal_NN construction_NN cost_NN of_IN housing_VBG ''_'' ._. ``_`` That_DT House_
NN-TL &_CC-TL Home_NN-TL Round_JJ-TL Table_NN-TL was_BEDZ the_AT real_JJ startin
g_VBG point_NN for_IN today's_NR$ revolution_NN in_IN materials_NNS handling_NN
''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Clarence_NP Thompson_NP ,_, long_RB chairman_NN of_IN the_AT
Lumber_NN-TL Dealers'_NNS$-TL Research_NN-TL Council_NN-TL ._. ``_`` It_PPS made
_VBD our_PP$ whole_JJ industry_NN recognize_VB the_AT need_NN for_IN a_AT new_JJ
kind_NN of_IN teamwork_NN between_IN manufacturer_NN ,_, carrier_NN ,_, equipme
nt_NN maker_NN ,_, dealer_NN ,_, and_CC builder_NN ,_, all_ABN working_VBG toget
her_RB to_TO cut_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN materials_NNS handling_NN ._. Before_IN
that_DT we_PPSS lumber_NN dealers_NNS were_BED working_VBG almost_QL single-han
ded_JJ on_IN the_AT problem_NN ''_'' ._. Here_RB-HL is_BEZ-HL where_WRB-HL thing
s_NNS-HL stand_VB-HL today_NR-HL :_:-HL 1_CD ._. Almost_RB all_ABN of_IN the_AT
3,000_CD lumber_NN dealers_NNS who_WPS cater_VB primarily_RB to_IN the_AT new-ho
use_NN market_NN and_CC supply_VB 90%_NN of_IN this_DT year's_NN$ new_JJ houses_
NNS are_BER mechanized_VBN ._. There_EX are_BER few_AP areas_NNS left_VBN where_
WRB a_AT builder_NN cannot_MD* find_VB a_AT dealer_NN equipped_VBN to_TO save_VB
him_PPO money_NN by_IN delivering_VBG everything_PN at_IN lower_JJR cost_NN jus
t_RB where_WRB his_PP$ workmen_NNS will_MD need_VB it_PPO ._. 2_CD ._. Practical
ly_RB all_ABN bulky_JJ housing_VBG products_NNS can_MD now_RB be_BE ordered_VBN
in_IN standard_JJ units_NNS palletized_VBN or_CC unitized_VBN for_IN mechanical_
JJ handling_NN --_-- including_IN lumber_NN ,_, asphalt_NN shingles_NNS ,_, glas
s_NN block_NN ,_, face_NN brick_NN ,_, plaster_NN ,_, lime_NN ,_, hardboard_NN ,
_, gypsum_NN wallboard_NN and_CC sheathing_NN ,_, cement_NN ,_, insulation_NN sh
eathing_NN ,_, floor_NN tile_NN ,_, acoustical_JJ tile_NN ,_, plaster_NN base_NN
,_, and_CC asbestos_NN shingles_NNS ._. 3_CD ._. Truck_NN and_CC materials-hand
ling_JJ equipment_NN makers_NNS now_RB offer_VB specialized_VBN units_NNS to_TO
meet_VB almost_RB every_AT homebuilding_JJ need_NN ._. For_IN some_DTI significa
nt_JJ new_JJ items_NNS see_VB the_AT pictures_NNS ._. 4_CD ._. More_AP than_IN 5
0%_NN of_IN all_ABN lumber_NN is_BEZ unitized_VBN ;_. ;_. an_AT NLRDA_NN survey_
NN found_VBD that_CS at_IN least_AP 492_CD lumber_NN mills_NNS will_MD strap_VB
their_PP$ shipments_NNS for_IN mechanized_VBN handling_NN ._. Of_IN these_DTS ,_
, 376_CD said_VBD they_PPSS make_VB no_AT extra_JJ charge_NN for_IN strapping_VB
G in_IN standard_JJ units_NNS ,_, because_CS they_PPSS save_VB enough_AP on_IN m
echanized_VBN carloading_NN to_TO offset_VB their_PP$ strapping_VBG cost_NN ._.
Most_AP of_IN the_AT others_NNS will_MD swallow_VB their_PP$ $.50_NN to_IN $3_NN
charge_VB rather_IN than_IN lose_VB a_AT good_JJ customer_NN ._. ``_`` With_IN
a_AT 15,500-lb._NN fork-lift_NN ,_, dealers_NNS can_MD unload_VB unitized_VBN lu
mber_NN from_IN wide-door_NN box_NN cars_NNS for_IN $.30/mbf_NNS compared_VBN wi
th_IN $1.65_NNS or_CC more_AP to_TO unload_VB loose_JJ lumber_NN one_CD piece_NN
at_IN a_AT time_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ James_NP Wright_NP of_IN Aj_NN ._. 5_CD .
_. Lumber_NN dealers_NNS and_CC lumber_NN manufacturers_NNS have_HV agreed_VBN o
n_IN a_AT standard_JJ unit_NN for_IN unitized_VBN shipments_NNS --_-- 48''_NNS '
'_'' wide_JJ by_IN a_AT nominal_JJ 30''_NNS ''_'' high_JJ (_( or_CC six_CD McCra
cken_NP packets_NNS 24''_NNS ''_'' wide_JJ by_IN nominal_JJ 7''_NNS ''_'' high_J
J )_) ._. These_DTS units_NNS make_VB it_PPO easy_JJ to_TO load_VB as_QL much_RB
as_CS 48,000_CD bd/ft_NN (_( say_VB 120,000_CD lb_NN in_IN a_AT 50'_NN box_NN c
ar_NN )_) much_QL more_AP than_IN the_AT average_NN for_IN loose-loaded_JJ cars_
NNS ._. 6_CD ._. The_AT railroads_NNS have_HV responded_VBN by_IN adding_VBG 20,
000_CD more_AP box_NN cars_NNS with_IN doors_NNS 12'_NNS or_CC wider_JJR for_IN
forklift_NN unloading_VBG (_( a_AT 21%_NN increase_NN while_CS the_AT total_NN n
umber_NN of_IN box_NN cars_NNS was_BEDZ falling_VBG 6%_NN )_) and_CC by_IN cutti
ng_VBG their_PP$ freight_NN rates_NNS twice_RB on_IN lumber_NN shipped_VBN in_IN
heavily_RB loaded_VBN cars_NNS ._. First_RB was_BEDZ a_AT 1958_CD cut_NN of_IN
more_AP than_IN 50%_NN on_IN that_DT portion_NN of_IN the_AT load_NN in_IN exces
s_NN of_IN 40,000_CD lb_NN ;_. ;_. later_RBR came_VBD a_AT 1961_CD cut_NN on_IN
the_AT West_JJ-TL Coast_NN-TL (_( still_RB pending_IN elsewhere_RB )_) of_IN $.0
7/cwt_NNS on_IN 70,000_CD lb-plus_NN carloads_NNS (_( which_WDT works_VBZ out_RP
to_IN more_AP than_IN $4/mbf_NNS on_IN that_DT portion_NN of_IN the_AT load_NN
in_IN excess_NN of_IN 70,000_CD lb_NN ._. 7_CD ._. More_AP unitized_VBN lumber_N
N is_BEZ being_BEG shipped_VBN on_IN flat_JJ cars_NNS ,_, and_CC NLRDA_NN studie
s_NNS show_VB that_CS flat_JJ cars_NNS loaded_VBN with_IN the_AT new_JJ Type_NN-
TL 6-B_NP floating-load_NN method_NN can_MD be_BE unloaded_VBN for_IN as_QL litt
le_AP as_CS $.054/mbf_NNS ._. For_IN long_JJ hauls_NNS these_DTS shipments_NNS s
hould_MD be_BE protected_VBN with_IN water-proof_JJ paper_NN ._. This_DT costs_V
BZ from_IN $.75_NNS to_IN $2.30/mbf_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT cover_NN can_MD pay_VB
off_RP if_CS the_AT lumber_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE stored_VBN in_IN the_AT open_N
N ._. These_DTS-HL carriers_NNS-HL cut_VB-HL handling_VBG-HL costs_NNS-HL for_IN
-HL the_AT-HL dealer_NN-HL --_---HL and_CC-HL the_AT-HL builder_NN-HL ._.-HL Say
s_VBZ NRLDA's_NN James_NP Wright_NP :_: ``_`` Since_IN 1958_CD carriers_NNS that
_WPS move_VB material_NN from_IN the_AT yard_NN to_IN the_AT job_NN site_NN have
_HV undergone_VBN more_QL radical_JJ changes_NNS than_CS any_DTI of_IN the_AT de
aler's_NN$ other_AP equipment_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT reason_NN :_: today's_NR$ comp
onents_NNS and_CC lumber_NN packages_NNS are_BER far_QL too_QL bulky_JJ to_TO be
_BE handled_VBN by_IN a_AT truckdriver_NN and_CC a_AT helper_NN ._. So_RB manufa
cturers_NNS have_HV pioneered_VBN a_AT new_JJ type_NN of_IN vehicle_NN --_-- the
_AT self-unloading_JJ carrier_NN ._. It_PPS cuts_VBZ the_AT lumber_NN dealer's_N
N$ cost_NN because_CS it_PPS takes_VBZ only_RB one_CD man_NN --_-- the_AT driver
_NN --_-- to_TO unload_VB it_PPO ,_, and_CC because_CS it_PPS unloads_VBZ in_IN
a_AT fraction_NN of_IN the_AT time_NN and_CC at_IN a_AT fraction_NN of_IN the_AT
cost_NN of_IN hand_NN unloading_VBG ._. And_CC it_PPS helps_VBZ the_AT builder_
NN because_CS it_PPS can_MD handle_VB a_AT more_QL efficiently_RB packaged_VBN l
oad_NN ,_, can_MD deliver_VB it_PPO to_IN the_AT best_JJT spot_NN (_( in_IN some
_DTI cases_NNS ,_, right_QL on_IN the_AT roof_NN or_CC inside_IN the_AT house_NN
)_) ,_, and_CC never_RB takes_VBZ any_DTI of_IN the_AT builder's_NN$ high-price
d_JJ labor_NN to_TO help_VB unload_VB it_PPO ._. Says_VBZ Wright_NP :_: ``_`` Ou
r_PP$ survey_NN shows_VBZ that_CS one_CD third_NN of_IN the_AT retail_JJ dealers
_NNS plan_VB to_TO increase_VB the_AT mechanization_NN of_IN their_PP$ materials
_NNS handling_NN in_IN the_AT coming_VBG two_CD years_NNS ._. And_CC most_AP of_
IN the_AT gain_NN will_MD be_BE in_IN self-unloading_JJ vehicles_NNS ''_'' ._. N
ew_JJ-HL rule_NN-HL no._NN-HL 4_CD-HL :_.-HL :_.-HL Restudy_VB-HL what_WDT-HL yo
ur_PP$-HL men_NNS-HL do_DO-HL ,_,-HL to_TO-HL help_VB-HL them_PPO-HL waste_VB-HL
less_AP-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL time_NN-HL you_PPSS-HL pay_VB-HL for_IN-HL ._.-HL
Half_ABN the_AT manhours_NNS you_PPSS pay_VB for_IN on_IN most_AP jobs_NNS are_
BER wasted_VBN because_CS the_AT job_NN was_BEDZ not_* planned_VBN right_RB ,_,
so_RB the_AT right_JJ tools_NNS were_BED not_* handy_JJ at_IN the_AT right_JJ pl
ace_NN at_IN the_AT right_JJ time_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT right_JJ materials_NNS wer
e_BED not_* delivered_VBN to_IN the_AT handiest_JJT spots_NNS or_CC materials_NN
S were_BED not_* stacked_VBN in_IN the_AT right_JJ order_NN for_IN erection_NN ,
_, or_CC you_PPSS bought_VBD cheap_JJ materials_NNS that_WPS took_VBD too_QL lon
g_RB to_TO fit_VB ,_, or_CC your_PP$ workmen_NNS had_HVD to_TO come_VB back_RB t
wice_RB to_TO finish_VB a_AT job_NN they_PPSS could_MD have_HV done_VBN on_IN on
e_CD trip_NN ._. Even_RB ``_`` America's_NP$ most_QL efficient_JJ builder_NN ''_
'' ,_, Bob_NP Schmitt_NP of_IN Berea_NP ,_, hopes_VBZ to_TO cut_VB his_PP$ labor
_NN costs_NNS another_DT $2,000_NNS per_IN house_NN as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN t
he_AT time-&-motion_NN studies_NNS now_RB being_BEG completed_VBN on_IN his_PP$
operation_NN by_IN industrial_JJ efficiency_NN engineers_NNS from_IN the_AT Stan
ley_NP-TL Works_NNS-TL ._. Already_RB this_DT study_NN has_HVZ suggested_VBN way
s_NNS to_TO cut_VB his_PP$ foundation_NN manhours_NNS from_IN 170_CD to_IN 105_C
D by_IN eliminating_VBG idle_JJ time_NN and_CC wasted_VBN motion_NN ._. Builder_
NN Eddie_NP Carr_NP of_IN Washington_NP ,_, past_AP president_NN of_IN NAHB_NN ,
_, cut_VBD his_PP$ bricklaying_NN costs_NNS $150_NNS a_AT house_NN by_IN adoptin
g_VBG the_AT ``_`` SCR_NN masonry_NN process_NN ''_'' worked_VBN out_RP after_RB
careful_JJ time-&-motion_NN studies_NNS by_IN the_AT Structural_JJ-TL Clay_NN-T
L Products_NNS-TL Research_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL to_TO help_VB bricklayers_NNS
do_DO better_JJR work_NN for_IN less_AP ._. A_AT midwestern_JJ builder_NN cut_VB
D his_PP$ labor_NN costs_NNS per_IN thousand_CD bricks_NNS from_IN $81_NNS to_IN
$43.50_NNS by_IN adopting_VBG this_DT same_AP process_NN ,_, cut_VBD them_PPO a
nother_DT $7.50_NNS to_IN $36_NNS by_IN buying_VBG his_PP$ bricks_NNS in_IN conv
enient_JJ ,_, easy-to-spot_JJ 100-brick_JJ packages_NNS ._. The_AT SCR_NN proces
s_NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$ precision_NN corner-posts_NNS ,_, its_PP$ precision_NN
guide_NN lines_NNS ,_, its_PP$ working_VBG level_NN scaffold_NN ,_, and_CC its_P
P$ hand-level_NN brick_NN supply_NN takes_VBZ eight_CD manhours_NNS to_TO get_VB
set_VBN ,_, but_CC once_CS ready_JJ it_PPS makes_VBZ it_PPO easy_JJ for_CS bric
klayers_NNS to_TO lay_VB a_AT thousand_CD bricks_NNS a_AT day_NN ._. See_VB page
_NN 156_CD ._. One_CD good_JJ way_NN to_TO cut_VB your_PP$ labor_NN waste_NN is_
BEZ to_TO make_VB sure_JJ you_PPSS are_BER using_VBG just_RB the_AT right_JJ num
ber_NN of_IN men_NNS in_IN each_DT crew_NN ._. Reports_NNS Jim_NP Lendrum_NP :_:
``_`` By_IN studying_VBG men_NNS on_IN the_AT job_NN ,_, we_PPSS found_VBD that
_CS two_CD men_NNS --_-- a_AT carpenter_NN and_CC a_AT helper_NN --_-- can_MD la
y_VB a_AT floor_NN faster_RBR than_CS three_CD ._. We_PPSS found_VBD that_CS thr
ee_CD men_NNS --_-- two_CD carpenters_NNS and_CC a_AT helper_NN --_-- can_MD put
_VB up_RP wall_NN panels_NNS or_CC trusses_NNS more_QL economically_RB than_CS f
our_CD men_NNS --_-- because_CS four_CD men_NNS don't_DO* make_VB two_CD teams_N
NS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS make_VB one_CD inefficient_JJ three-men-and-a-helper_JJ tea
m_NN ._. We_PPSS found_VBD that_CS wherever_WRB you_PPSS can_MD use_VB two_CD te
ams_NNS on_IN a_AT job_NN ,_, five_CD men_NNS ,_, not_* four_CD ,_, is_BEZ the_A
T magic_JJ number_NN ''_'' ._. No_AT house_NN was_BEDZ ever_RB built_VBN that_WP
S could_MD not_* have_HV been_BEN built_VBN better_RBR for_IN less_AP if_CS the_
AT work_NN had_HVD been_BEN better_RBR planned_VBN and_CC the_AT work_NN better_
RBR scheduled_VBN ._. New_JJ-HL rule_NN-HL no._NN-HL 5_CD-HL :_.-HL :_.-HL Don't
_DO*-HL waste_VB-HL any_DTI-HL $.10-a-minute_NN-HL time_NN-HL on_IN-HL green_JJ-
HL lumber_NN-HL to_TO-HL save_VB-HL $.03_NNS-HL a_AT-HL stud_NN-HL ._. This_DT i
s_BEZ the_AT most_QL penny-wise_JJ ,_, pound-foolish_JJ chisel_NN a_AT builder_N
N can_MD commit_VB ._. Green_JJ lumber_NN was_BEDZ all_ABN very_QL well_JJ back_
RB in_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN wet_JJ plaster_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT framing_VBG
lumber_NN was_BEDZ bound_VBN to_TO swell_VB and_CC then_RB shrink_VB as_CS tons
_NNS of_IN water_NN dried_VBD out_RP the_AT gypsum_NN ._. But_CC now_RB that_CS
all_ABN production_NN builders_NNS build_VB with_IN drywall_NN and_CC all_ABN sm
art_JJ builders_NNS build_VB with_IN panels_NNS ,_, green_JJ lumber_NN is_BEZ an
_AT anachronism_NN you_PPSS cannot_MD* afford_VB ._. Green_JJ studs_NNS cost_VB
about_RB $.65_NNS ;_. ;_. dry_JJ studs_NNS cost_VB less_AP than_IN $.03_NNS more
_AP ._. So_RB if_CS a_AT green_JJ stud_NN makes_VBZ a_AT carpenter_NN or_CC a_AT
drywall_NN finisher_NN or_CC anybody_PN else_RB waste_VB even_RB 20_CD seconds_
NNS ,_, the_AT green_JJ stud_NN becomes_VBZ more_QL expensive_JJ than_CS a_AT dr
y_JJ stud_NN ._. There_EX comes_VBZ a_AT time_NN in_IN the_AT lives_NNS of_IN mo
st_AP of_IN us_PPO when_WRB we_PPSS want_VB to_TO be_BE alone_RB ._. Not_* neces
sarily_RB to_TO be_BE off_RP all_ABN by_IN ourselves_PPLS ,_, but_CC away_RB fro
m_IN the_AT crowds_NNS and_CC common_JJ happenstance_NN ._. If_CS you've_PPSS+HV
travelled_VBN in_IN Europe_NP a_AT time_NN or_CC two_CD ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ quite
_QL certain_JJ that_CS you've_PPSS+HV had_HVN that_DT wanting-to-be-alone_JJ fee
ling_NN or_CC that_CS you_PPSS will_MD get_VB it_PPO on_IN your_PP$ next_AP visi
t_NN across_IN the_AT Atlantic_NP ._. Following_VBG a_AT guide_NN ,_, and_CC gra
tefully_RB so_RB ,_, is_BEZ an_AT excellent_JJ way_NN to_TO see_VB all_ABN the_A
T important_JJ places_NNS when_WRB everything_PN is_BEZ strange_JJ and_CC new_JJ
._. However_RB ,_, after_CS you've_PPSS+HV seen_VBN all_ABN the_AT historical_J
J piazzas_NNS and_CC plazas_NNS ,_, the_AT places_NNS and_CC forums_NNS ,_, the_
AT churches_NNS and_CC museums_NNS ,_, the_AT palaces_NNS and_CC castles_NNS ,_,
and_CC begin_VB to_TO feel_VB at_IN home_NN in_IN the_AT capitals_NNS of_IN Eur
ope_NP ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD want_VB to_TO change_VB your_PP$ course_NN and_CC foll
ow_VB the_AT by-roads_NNS at_IN will_NN ,_, far_QL from_IN the_AT market_NN plac
es_NNS ._. The_AT champagne_NN at_IN Troyes_NP ,_, the_AT traditional_JJ capital
_NN of_IN the_AT champagne_NN country_NN ,_, has_HVZ more_AP ambrosial_JJ taste_
NN somehow_RB than_CS it_PPS has_HVZ at_IN a_AT sidewalk_NN cafe_NN on_IN the_AT
Rue_FW-NN-TL de_FW-IN-TL la_FW-AT-TL Paix_FW-NN-TL or_CC at_IN Tour_FW-NN-TL D'
Argent_FW-IN+NN-TL ._. You_PPSS can_MD relive_VB history_NN and_CC follow_VB ,_,
in_IN fancy_NN ,_, the_AT Crusaders_NNS-TL in_IN their_PP$ quest_NN for_IN the_
AT Holy_JJ-TL Grail_NN-TL as_CS they_PPSS sail_VB out_RP from_IN Brindisi_NP ,_,
an_AT ancient_JJ town_NN in_IN the_AT heel_NN of_IN Italy's_NP$ boot_NN ._. And
_CC you_PPSS don't_DO* meet_VB the_AT folks_NNS from_IN home_NN in_IN Northwest_
JJ-TL Spain_NP-TL which_WDT has_HVZ remained_VBN almost_RB untouched_JJ by_IN ti
me_NN and_CC tourists_NNS since_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NNS-TL ._. Time_NN s
tands_VBZ still_RB as_CS you_PPSS climb_VB the_AT narrow_JJ ,_, stone_NN stairwa
ys_NNS in_IN tiny_JJ villages_NNS clinging_VBG to_IN steep_JJ mountain_NN slopes
_NNS or_CC wander_VB through_IN story-book_NN towns_NNS ,_, perched_VBN atop_RB
lofty_JJ crags_NNS ,_, their_PP$ faces_NNS turned_VBN to_IN the_AT sea_NN ._. Th
ey've_PPSS+HV been_BEN there_RB since_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN the_AT Moors_NPS
and_CC the_AT Saracens_NPS ._. And_CC what_WDT better_JJR way_NN to_TO end_VB a_
AT day_NN than_CS by_IN dining_VBG with_IN artists_NNS and_CC gourmets_NNS in_IN
a_AT squat_JJ but_CC charming_JJ fisherman's_NN$ village_NN on_IN the_AT Medite
rranean_NP ?_. ?_. An_AT almost_RB too-simple-to-be-true_JJ way_NN to_TO set_VB
forth_RB on_IN such_JJ adventures_NNS is_BEZ just_RB to_TO put_VB yourself_PPL b
ehind_IN the_AT wheel_NN of_IN a_AT car_NN and_CC head_VB for_IN the_AT open_JJ
road_NN ._. For_IN those_DTS who_WPS need_VB or_CC want_VB and_CC can_MD afford_
VB another_DT car_NN ,_, buying_VBG one_CD and_CC driving_VBG it_PPO on_IN the_A
T grand_JJ tour_NN ,_, then_RB shipping_VBG it_PPO home_NR ,_, is_BEZ one_CD pop
ular_JJ plan_NN for_IN a_AT do-it-yourself_JJ pilgrimage_NN ._. Then_RB ,_, of_I
N course_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER those_DTS of_IN us_PPO who_WPS either_CC do_DO
not_* want_VB or_CC need_VB or_CC cannot_MD* afford_VB another_DT car_NN ._. The
_AT answer_NN to_IN this_DT diathesis_NN is_BEZ to_TO pick_VB up_RP a_AT telepho
ne_NN and_CC arrange_VB to_TO rent_VB one_CD ._. It_PPS is_BEZ that_DT elemental
_JJ ._. Almost_RB any_DTI travel_NN agent_NN will_MD reserve_VB a_AT car_NN for_
IN you_PPO ._. You_PPSS can_MD call_VB one_CD of_IN the_AT car_NN rental_NN serv
ices_NNS directly_RB (_( Hertz_NP ,_, Avis_NP ,_, Auto-Europe_NP-TL Nationalcar_
NP-TL Rental_NN-TL ,_, and_CC others_NNS )_) and_CC ask_VB them_PPO to_TO reserv
e_VB a_AT car_NN of_IN your_PP$ choice_NN ,_, and_CC some_DTI transportation_NN
lines_NNS offer_VB this_DT service_NN as_QL well_RB ._. With_IN few_AP exception
s_NNS ,_, your_PP$ car_NN will_MD be_BE waiting_VBG for_IN you_PPO at_IN docksid
e_NN ,_, airport_NN ,_, railroad_NN station_NN or_CC hotel_NN when_WRB you_PPSS
arrive_VB ,_, oftentimes_RB at_IN no_RB additional_JJ cost_NN ._. You_PPSS can_M
D wait_VB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, until_CS you_PPSS arrive_VB in_IN Europe_NP be
fore_CS renting_VBG your_PP$ car_NN ._. The_AT disadvantages_NNS to_IN this_DT m
ethod_NN are_BER that_CS you_PPSS may_MD not_* have_HV as_QL great_JJ a_AT choic
e_NN of_IN models_NNS readily_QL available_JJ or_CC you_PPSS may_MD have_HV to_T
O wait_VB a_AT few_AP days_NNS or_CC ,_, during_IN the_AT busy_JJ tourist_NN sea
son_NN ,_, when_WRB cars_NNS are_BER in_IN great_JJ demand_NN ,_, you_PPSS might
_MD find_VB it_PPO fairly_QL difficult_JJ to_TO get_VB a_AT car_NN at_IN all_ABN
._. Since_CS charges_NNS are_BER relatively_RB the_AT same_AP ,_, reserving_VBG
a_AT car_NN before_CS you_PPSS leave_VB for_IN Europe_NP will_MD assure_VB you_
PPO of_IN having_HVG one_CD on_IN tap_NN when_WRB you_PPSS want_VB it_PPO ._. Fo
r_IN those_DTS who_WPS plan_VB to_TO travel_VB to_IN Europe_NP by_IN one_CD rout
e_NN and_CC return_VB by_IN another_DT some_DTI agencies_NNS offer_VB a_AT servi
ce_NN whereby_WRB you_PPSS can_MD pick_VB up_IN a_AT car_NN in_IN one_CD city_NN
on_IN arrival_NN and_CC leave_VB it_PPO in_IN another_DT city_NN ,_, or_CC even
_RB another_DT country_NN ,_, when_WRB you_PPSS are_BER ready_JJ to_TO return_VB
home_NR ._. At_IN some_DTI cities_NNS ,_, this_DT pick-up_NN and_CC delivery_NN
service_NN is_BEZ without_IN additional_JJ charge_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, if_CS you_P
PSS are_BER budget-wise_JJ ,_, when_WRB you_PPSS are_BER planning_VBG your_PP$ i
tinerary_NN ,_, you_PPSS will_MD take_VB advantage_NN of_IN these_DTS free_JJ de
livery_NN and_CC collection_NN stations_NNS in_IN major_JJ cities_NNS within_IN
the_AT larger_JJR European_JJ countries_NNS ._. International_JJ Touring_VBG-TL
Documents_NNS-TL are_BER usually_RB provided_VBN with_IN the_AT car_NN as_CS are
_BER road_NN maps_NNS and_CC touring_VBG data_NNS ._. A_AT valid_JJ American_JJ
driving_VBG license_NN is_BEZ accepted_VBN in_IN all_ABN countries_NNS except_IN
Portugal_NP ,_, Spain_NP ,_, Yugoslavia_NP and_CC Eastern_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL ._
. If_CS you_PPSS plan_VB to_TO visit_VB any_DTI of_IN these_DTS countries_NNS ,_
, you_PPSS can_MD obtain_VB your_PP$ International_JJ-TL Driving_NN-TL Permit_NN
-TL before_CS you_PPSS leave_VB at_IN a_AT nominal_JJ fee_NN --_-- around_RB $3.
00_NNS ._. Your_PP$ insurance_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, with_IN most_AP agencies_NNS ,_,
is_BEZ provided_VBN with_IN the_AT car_NN ,_, covering_VBG comprehensive_JJ fir
e_NN ,_, theft_NN ,_, liability_NN and_CC collision_NN with_IN a_AT deductible_J
J clause_NN which_WDT varies_VBZ in_IN different_JJ countries_NNS ._. If_CS you_
PPSS would_MD feel_VB happier_JJR with_IN full_JJ collision_NN insurance_NN ,_,
there_EX is_BEZ a_AT small_JJ additional_JJ charge_NN ,_, again_RB varying_VBG f
rom_IN country_NN to_IN country_NN and_CC depending_IN on_IN the_AT term_NN of_I
N such_JJ insurance_NN ._. The_AT average_JJ charge_NN for_IN this_DT additional
_JJ insurance_NN coverage_NN is_BEZ roughly_RB $1.00_NN a_AT day_NN ._. The_AT c
harge_NN is_BEZ variable_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, and_CC goes_VBZ as_QL low_JJ as_C
S $.50_NNS a_AT day_NN in_IN Ireland_NP and_CC as_QL high_JJ as_CS $2.00_NNS a_A
T day_NN in_IN Greece_NP ._. Rental_JJ fees_NNS are_BER variable_JJ ,_, too_RB ,
_, throughout_IN the_AT countries_NNS of_IN Europe_NP ._. There_EX are_BER as_QL
many_AP rates_NNS as_CS there_EX are_BER countries_NNS and_CC models_NNS of_IN
cars_NNS available_JJ ._. As_CS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, the
re_EX is_BEZ a_AT flat_JJ fee-per-day_JJ rental_JJ charge_NN plus_CC a_AT few_AP
cents_NNS per_IN kilometer_NN driven_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT per-day_JJ rate_NN d
rops_VBZ if_CS the_AT car_NN is_BEZ retained_VBN for_IN a_AT week_NN ._. It_PPS
drops_VBZ again_RB after_IN fifteen_CD and/or_CC twenty-one_CD days_NNS ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ well_JJ to_TO bear_VB in_IN mind_NN that_CS gasoline_NN will_MD cost_V
B from_IN $.80_NNS to_IN $.90_NNS for_IN the_AT equivalent_JJ of_IN a_AT United_
VBN-TL States_NNS-TL gallon_NN and_CC while_CS you_PPSS might_MD prefer_VB a_AT
familiar_JJ Ford_NP ,_, Chevrolet_NP or_CC even_RB a_AT Cadillac_NP ,_, which_WD
T are_BER available_JJ in_IN some_DTI countries_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ probably_R
B wiser_JJR to_TO choose_VB the_AT smaller_JJR European_JJ makes_NNS which_WDT a
verage_VB thirty_CD ,_, thirty-five_CD and_CC even_RB forty_CD miles_NNS to_IN t
he_AT gallon_NN ._. Your_PP$ choice_NN of_IN model_NN will_MD undoubtedly_RB be_
BE governed_VBN by_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN people_NNS travelling_VBG in_IN you
r_PP$ group_NN ._. With_IN the_AT exception_NN of_IN the_AT sports_NNS cars_NNS
,_, even_RB the_AT quite_QL tiny_JJ sedans_NNS will_MD seat_VB four_CD passenger
s_NNS if_CS you_PPSS are_BER willing_JJ to_TO sacrifice_VB comfort_NN and_CC lug
gage_NN space_NN for_IN really_QL economical_JJ transportation_NN ._. There_EX i
s_BEZ a_AT large_JJ variety_NN of_IN models_NNS to_TO choose_VB from_IN in_IN mo
st_AP countries_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, including_IN 6-passenger_JJ sedans_NNS an
d_CC station_NN wagons_NNS and_CC the_AT rental_JJ fee_NN isn't_BEZ* all_QL that
_QL much_QL greater_JJR than_CS for_IN the_AT wee_JJ sedans_NNS ._. The_AT basic
_JJ costs_NNS are_BER generally_RB pretty_QL much_RB the_AT same_AP regardless_R
B of_IN the_AT agency_NN through_IN which_WDT you_PPSS reserve_VB your_PP$ car_N
N ,_, but_CC some_DTI of_IN them_PPO offer_VB supplementary_JJ advantages_NNS ._
. There_EX is_BEZ the_AT free_JJ intra-city_JJ ``_`` rent_VB it_PPO here_RB ,_,
leave_VB it_PPO there_RB ''_'' service_NN ,_, as_CS an_AT example_NN ,_, the_AT
free_JJ delivery_NN and_CC collection_NN at_IN the_AT airport_NN ,_, dockside_NN
or_CC your_PP$ hotel_NN ,_, luggage_NN racks_NNS ,_, touring_VBG documents_NNS
and_CC information_NN and_CC other_AP similar_JJ services_NNS ._. A_AT little_AP
investigation_NN by_IN telephone_NN or_CC reading_VBG the_AT travel_NN ads_NNS
in_IN the_AT newspapers_NNS and_CC magazines_NNS will_MD give_VB you_PPO these_D
TS pertinent_JJ details_NNS on_IN the_AT additional_JJ money-saving_JJ benefits_
NNS ._. The_AT investigation_NN will_MD be_BE well_QL worth_JJ your_PP$ time_NN
._. All_ABN model_NN cars_NNS are_BER not_* available_JJ in_IN all_ABN countries
_NNS ._. Quite_QL naturally_RB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT greater_JJR availability
_NN of_IN those_DTS models_NNS which_WDT are_BER manufactured_VBN within_IN a_AT
specific_JJ country_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO start_VB your_
PP$ tour_NN in_IN Italy_NP ,_, where_WRB the_AT rental_JJ fees_NNS are_BER actua
lly_RB the_AT lowest_JJT in_IN Europe_NP ,_, Fiats_NPS in_IN all_ABN sizes_NNS a
re_BER available_JJ ,_, as_CS are_BER Alfa_NP Romeo_NP Giulietta_NP models_NNS .
_. If_CS you_PPSS wish_VB to_TO budget_VB closely_RB on_IN transportation_NN ,_,
saving_VBG your_PP$ extra_JJ dollars_NNS to_TO indulge_VB in_IN luxuries_NNS ,_
, one_CD agency_NN lists_VBZ the_AT small_JJ Fiat_NP-TL 500_CD-TL at_IN only_RB
$1.26_NNS a_AT day_NN plus_CC $.03_NNS a_AT kilometer_NN and_CC the_AT Fiat_NP-T
L 2100_CD-TL Station_NN-TL Wagon_NN-TL ,_, seating_VBG six_CD ,_, at_IN just_RB
$1.10_NNS a_AT day_NN and_CC $.105_NNS a_AT kilometer_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS will
_MD be_BE using_VBG your_PP$ car_NN more_AP than_IN fifteen_CD days_NNS ,_, whic
h_WDT isn't_BEZ* all_QL unlikely_JJ ,_, the_AT daily_JJ rates_NNS drop_VB quite_
QL sharply_RB to_IN $.86_NNS a_AT day_NN for_IN the_AT Fiat_NP-TL 500_CD-TL and_
CC to_IN an_AT infinitesimal_JJ $.30_NNS a_AT day_NN for_IN the_AT Fiat_NP-TL 21
00_CD-TL Station_NN-TL Wagon_NN-TL ._. With_IN six_CD in_IN the_AT group_NN ,_,
the_AT cost_NN comes_VBZ to_IN just_RB a_AT nickel_NN a_AT day_NN per_IN person_
NN on_IN the_AT daily_JJ fee_NN ._. In_IN the_AT majority_NN of_IN countries_NNS
,_, however_RB ,_, the_AT rates_NNS range_VB from_IN $3.00_NNS to_IN $3.50_NNS
a_AT day_NN for_IN the_AT smaller_JJR sedans_NNS and_CC graduate_VB up_RP to_IN
$7.00_NNS and_CC $8.00_NNS a_AT day_NN for_IN the_AT larger_JJR ,_, luxury_NN Eu
ropean_JJ models_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT rate_NN per_IN kilometer_NN driven_VBN s
tarting_VBG at_IN $.03_NNS and_CC going_VBG up_RP as_QL high_JJ as_CS $.12_NNS .
_. The_AT same_AP model_NN car_NN might_MD be_BE available_JJ in_IN six_CD or_CC
eight_CD countries_NNS ,_, yet_CC not_* two_CD countries_NNS will_MD have_HV th
e_AT same_AP rate_NN either_CC for_IN the_AT daily_JJ rate_NN or_CC rate_NN per_
IN kilometer_NN driven_VBN ._. The_AT variations_NNS are_BER not_* too_QL great_
JJ ._. Rates_NNS for_IN American_JJ cars_NNS are_BER somewhat_QL higher_JJR ,_,
ranging_VBG from_IN about_RB $8.00_NNS a_AT day_NN up_RP to_IN $14.00_NNS a_AT d
ay_NN for_IN a_AT Chevrolet_NP-TL Convertible_NN-TL ,_, but_CC the_AT rate_NN pe
r_IN kilometer_NN driven_VBN is_BEZ roughly_RB the_AT same_AP as_CS for_IN the_A
T larger_JJR European_JJ models_NNS ._. Rates_NNS in_IN Greece_NP and_CC Finland
_NP are_BER fairly_QL high_JJ ,_, actually_RB the_AT highest_JJT in_IN Europe_NP
,_, and_CC ,_, surprisingly_RB enough_QLP ,_, they_PPSS are_BER also_RB quite_Q
L high_JJ in_IN Ireland_NP ._. If_CS you_PPSS are_BER planning_VBG to_TO tour_NN
Europe_NP for_IN longer_RBR than_IN a_AT month_NN ,_, it_PPS might_MD be_BE wis
e_JJ for_CS you_PPO to_TO lease_VB a_AT car_NN ._. The_AT actual_JJ over-all_JJ
cost_NN ,_, for_IN the_AT first_OD month_NN ,_, will_MD perhaps_RB not_* be_BE t
oo_QL much_QL lower_JJR than_CS the_AT rental_JJ charges_NNS for_IN the_AT same_
AP period_NN of_IN time_NN ,_, but_CC you_PPSS will_MD receive_VB a_AT new_JJ ca
r_NN ._. You_PPSS will_MD be_BE entitled_VBN to_IN all_ABN the_AT advantages_NNS
of_IN a_AT new_JJ car_NN owner_NN ,_, which_WDT includes_VBZ the_AT factory_NN
guarantee_NN and_CC the_AT services_NNS valid_JJ at_IN authorized_VBN dealers_NN
S throughout_IN Europe_NP ._. Further_RBR ,_, there_EX is_BEZ no_AT mileage_NN c
harge_NN or_CC mileage_NN limitations_NNS when_WRB you_PPSS lease_VB a_AT car_NN
,_, and_CC you_PPSS pay_VB only_RB the_AT flat_JJ monthly_JJ rate_NN plus_CC a_
AT nominal_JJ charge_NN for_IN documents_NNS and_CC insurance_NN since_CS the_AT
car_NN is_BEZ registered_VBN and_CC insured_VBN individually_RB for_IN your_PP$
trip_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT fairly_QL wide_JJ selection_NN of_IN models_NN
S of_IN English_JJ ,_, German_JJ and_CC French_JJ manufacture_NN from_IN which_W
DT you_PPSS can_MD choose_VB from_IN the_AT very_QL small_JJ Austin_NP-TL 7_CD-T
L ,_, Citroen_NP-TL 2_CD-TL CV_NN ,_, Volkswagens_NPS ,_, Renaults_NPS to_IN the
_AT 6-passenger_JJ Simca_NP Beaulieu_NP ._. Leasing_VBG a_AT car_NN is_BEZ not_*
as_QL common_JJ or_CC as_QL popular_JJ as_CS renting_VBG a_AT car_NN in_IN Euro
pe_NP ,_, but_CC for_IN long_JJ periods_NNS it_PPS will_MD be_BE unquestionably_
RB more_QL economical_JJ and_CC satisfactory_JJ ._. After_IN the_AT first_OD mon
th_NN ,_, rates_NNS are_BER considerably_QL less_AP ,_, averaging_VBG only_RB ab
out_RB $60_NNS a_AT month_NN for_IN most_AP 4-_NN and_CC 5-passenger_JJ models_N
NS ._. There_EX are_BER reasons_NNS for_IN some_DTI people_NNS not_* wanting_VBG
to_TO rent_VB cars_NNS and_CC going_VBG on_IN the_AT do-it-yourself_JJ plan_NN
._. For_IN one_CD thing_NN ,_, the_AT driver_NN usually_RB sees_VBZ less_AP and_
CC has_HVZ less_AP fun_NN than_CS his_PP$ passengers_NNS since_CS it_PPS becomes
_VBZ pretty_QL necessary_JJ for_IN him_PPO to_TO keep_VB at_IN least_AP one_CD e
ye_NN on_IN the_AT road_NN ._. Then_RB ,_, too_RB ,_, European_JJ drivers_NNS ha
ve_HV reputations_NNS for_IN being_BEG somewhat_QL crazy_JJ on_IN the_AT road_NN
and_CC some_DTI Americans_NPS are_BER not_* particularly_QL keen_JJ on_IN getti
ng_VBG mixed_VBN up_RP with_IN them_PPO ._. Still_RB there_EX is_BEZ a_AT way_NN
for_IN those_DTS who_WPS want_VB to_TO see_VB some_DTI of_IN the_AT back_JJ cou
ntry_NN of_IN Europe_NP by_IN car_NN ._. The_AT way_NN is_BEZ to_TO rent_VB a_AT
chauffeur-driven_JJ car_NN ._. It_PPS isn't_BEZ* as_QL expensive_JJ as_CS most_
AP people_NNS believe_VB it_PPO to_TO be_BE ._. Your_PP$ chauffeur's_NN$ expense
s_NNS will_MD average_VB between_IN $7.00_NNS to_IN $12.00_NNS a_AT day_NN ,_, b
ut_CC this_DT charge_NN is_BEZ the_AT same_AP whether_CS you_PPSS rent_VB a_AT 7
-passenger_JJ Cadillac_NP limousine_NN or_CC a_AT 4-passenger_JJ Peugeot_NP or_C
C Fiat_NP-TL 1800_CD-TL ._. The_AT big_JJ spread_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_AT charge_N
N for_IN each_DT kilometer_NN driven_VBN ,_, being_BEG governed_VBN by_IN the_AT
rate_NN at_IN which_WDT gasoline_NN is_BEZ consumed_VBN ._. Since_CS most_AP Eu
ropean_JJ cars_NNS average_VB more_AP miles_NNS per_IN gallon_NN of_IN gasoline_
NN than_CS American_JJ cars_NNS ,_, it_PPS naturally_RB follows_VBZ that_CS the_
AT cost_NN per_IN kilometer_NN for_IN these_DTS models_NNS will_MD be_BE less_AP
,_, but_CC the_AT greater_JJR seating_VBG capacity_NN of_IN the_AT large_JJ Ame
rican_JJ cars_NNS will_MD equalize_VB this_DT ,_, provided_VBN your_PP$ group_NN
is_BEZ sufficiently_QL large_JJ to_TO fill_VB a_AT 7-passenger_JJ limousine_NN
._. The_AT fees_NNS for_IN the_AT rental_NN of_IN chauffeur-driven_JJ cars_NNS v
ary_VB in_IN the_AT different_JJ countries_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP manner_NN as
_CS they_PPSS do_DO for_IN the_AT drive-yourself_JJ cars_NNS ._. However_RB ,_,
whether_CS you_PPSS arrange_VB to_TO have_HV a_AT European_JJ or_CC American_JJ
model_NN ,_, if_CS you_PPSS rent_VB a_AT car_NN with_IN the_AT proper_JJ seating
_VBG capacity_NN in_IN relation_NN to_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN people_NNS in_IN
your_PP$ party_NN ,_, your_PP$ transportation_NN expense_NN will_MD average_VB
very_QL close_RB to_IN $10.00_NNS per_IN day_NN per_IN passenger_NN ._. This_DT
will_NN include_VB your_PP$ helpful_JJ ,_, English-speaking_JJ chauffeur_NN and_
CC a_AT drive_NN of_IN an_AT average_NN of_IN 150_CD kilometers_NNS in_IN any_DT
I one_CD day_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS drive_VB greater_JJR distances_NNS than_CS th
at_DT ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD just_RB be_BE skimming_VBG the_AT surface_NN and_CC wil
l_MD never_RB discover_VB the_AT enchantment_NN ,_, fascination_NN and_CC beauty
_NN which_WDT lured_VBD you_PPO in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN to_TO explore_VB
the_AT hinterlands_NNS ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, if_CS you_PPSS want_VB to_TO thro
w_VB all_ABN caution_NN to_IN the_AT winds_NNS and_CC rent_VB an_AT Imperial_JJ-
TL or_CC Cadillac_NP limousine_NN just_RB for_IN you_PPO and_CC your_PP$ bride_N
N ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD have_HV a_AT memorable_JJ tour_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS won't_M
D* be_BE cheap_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ not_* recommended_VBN unless_CS you_P
PSS own_VB a_AT producing_VBG oil_NN well_NN or_CC you've_PPSS+HV had_HVN a_AT w
inner_NN in_IN the_AT Irish_JJ-TL Sweepstakes_NNS-TL ._. In_IN American_JJ roman
ce_NN ,_, almost_RB nothing_PN rates_VBZ higher_RBR than_CS what_WDT the_AT movi
e_NN men_NNS have_HV called_VBN ``_`` meeting_VBG cute_JJ ''_'' --_-- that_DT is
_BEZ ,_, boy-meets-girl_NN seems_VBZ more_QL adorable_JJ if_CS it_PPS doesn't_DO
Z* take_VB place_NN in_IN an_AT atmosphere_NN of_IN correct_JJ and_CC acute_JJ b
oredom_NN ._. Just_QL about_RB the_AT most_QL enthralling_JJ real-life_NN exampl
e_NN of_IN meeting_VBG cute_JJ is_BEZ the_AT Charles_NP MacArthur-Helen_NP Hayes
_NP saga_NN :_: reputedly_RB all_ABN he_PPS did_DOD was_BEDZ give_VB her_PPO a_A
T handful_NN of_IN peanuts_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS said_VBD simultaneously_RB ,_,
``_`` I_PPSS wish_VB they_PPSS were_BED emeralds_NNS ''_'' ._. Aside_RB from_IN
the_AT comico-romantico_JJ content_NN here_RB ,_, a_AT good_JJ linguist-anthropo
logist_NN could_MD readily_RB pick_VB up_RP a_AT few_AP other_AP facts_NNS ,_, e
specially_RB if_CS he_PPS had_HVD a_AT little_QL more_AP of_IN the_AT conversati
on_NN to_TO go_VB on_RP ._. The_AT way_NN MacArthur_NP said_VBD his_PP$ line_NN
--_-- if_CS you_PPSS had_HVD the_AT recorded_VBN transcript_NN of_IN a_AT profes
sional_JJ linguist_NN --_-- would_MD probably_RB have_HV gone_VBN like_CS this_D
T :_: Af_NN Primary_JJ stresses_NNS on_IN emeralds_NNS-NC and_CC wish_NN ;_. ;_.
note_VB pitch_NN 3_CD (_( pretty_QL high_JJ )_) on_IN emeralds_NNS but_CC with_
IN a_AT slight_JJ degree_NN of_IN drawl_NN ,_, one_CD degree_NN of_IN oversoftne
ss_NN ._. Conclusions_NNS :_: The_AT people_NNS involved_VBN (_( and_CC subseque
nt_JJ facts_NNS bear_VB me_PPO out_RP here_RB )_) knew_VBD clearly_RB the_AT rel
ative_JJ values_NNS of_IN peanuts_NNS and_CC emeralds_NNS ,_, both_ABX monetary_
JJ and_CC sentimental_JJ ._. And_CC the_AT drawling_VBG ,_, oversoft_JJ voice_NN
of_IN flirtation_NN ,_, though_CS fairly_QL overt_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ still_RB well
_QL within_IN the_AT prescribed_VBN gambit_NN of_IN their_PP$ culture_NN ._. In_
IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, like_CS automation_NN machines_NNS designed_VBN to_TO
work_VB in_IN tandem_NN ,_, they_PPSS shared_VBD the_AT same_AP programming_NN ,
_, a_AT mutual_JJ understanding_NN not_* only_RB of_IN English_JJ words_NNS ,_,
but_CC of_IN the_AT four_CD stresses_NNS ,_, pitches_NNS ,_, and_CC junctures_NN
S that_WPS can_MD change_VB their_PP$ meaning_NN from_IN black_NN to_IN white_NN
._. At_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, unfortunately_RB ,_, romance_NN becomes_VBZ a_AT
regrettably_QL small_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT picture_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC consider
_VB ,_, if_CS you_PPSS can_MD bear_VB it_PPO ,_, what_WDT might_MD have_HV happe
ned_VBN if_CS MacArthur_NP ,_, for_IN some_DTI perverse_JJ ,_, undaunted_JJ reas
on_NN ,_, had_HVD made_VBN the_AT same_AP remark_NN to_IN an_AT Eskimo_NP girl_N
N in_IN Eskimo_NP ._. To_IN her_PPO peanuts_NNS and_CC emeralds_NNS-NC would_MD
have_HV been_BEN just_RB so_QL much_AP blubber_NN ._. The_AT point_NN --_-- quit
e_QL simply_RB --_-- is_BEZ this_DT :_: words_NNS they_PPSS might_MD have_HV had
_HVN ;_. ;_. but_CC communication_NN ,_, no_RB ._. This_DT basic_JJ principle_NN
,_, the_AT first_OD in_IN a_AT richly_QL knotted_VBN bundle_NN ,_, was_BEDZ con
veyed_VBN to_IN me_PPO by_IN Dr._NN-TL Henry_NP Lee_NP Smith_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, a
t_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Buffalo_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS heads_V
BZ the_AT world's_NN$ first_OD department_NN of_IN anthropology_NN and_CC lingui
stics_NN ._. A_AT brisk_JJ ,_, amusing_JJ man_NN ,_, apparently_RB constructed_V
BN on_IN an_AT ingenious_JJ system_NN of_IN spring-joints_NNS attuned_VBN to_IN
the_AT same_AP peppery_JJ rhythm_NN as_CS his_PP$ mind_NN ,_, Smith_NP began_VBD
his_PP$ academic_JJ career_NN teaching_VBG speech_NN to_IN Barnard_NP girls_NNS
--_-- a_AT project_NN considerably_RB enlivened_VBN by_IN his_PP$ devotion_NN t
o_IN a_AT recording_NN about_IN ``_`` a_AT young_JJ rat_NN named_VBN Arthur_NP ,
_, who_WPS never_RB could_MD make_VB up_RP his_PP$ mind_NN ''_'' ._. Later_RBR ,
_, he_PPS became_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT central_JJ spirits_NNS of_IN the_AT Arm
y_NN-TL Language_NN-TL Program_NN-TL and_CC the_AT language_NN school_NN of_IN W
ashington's_NP$ Foreign_JJ-TL Service_NN-TL Institute_NN-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ
there_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN trying_VBG to_TO prepare_VB new_JJ men
_NNS for_IN the_AT ``_`` culture_NN shock_NN ''_'' they_PPSS might_MD encounter_
VB in_IN remote_JJ overseas_JJ posts_NNS ,_, that_CS he_PPS first_RB began_VBD t
o_TO develop_VB a_AT system_NN of_IN charting_VBG the_AT ``_`` norms_NNS of_IN h
uman_JJ communication_NN ''_'' ._. To_IN the_AT trained_VBN ear_NN of_IN the_AT
linguist_NN ,_, talk_NN has_HVZ always_RB revealed_VBN a_AT staggering_JJ quanti
ty_NN of_IN information_NN about_IN the_AT talker_NN --_-- such_JJ things_NNS as
_CS geographical_JJ origin_NN and/or_CC history_NN ,_, socio-economic_JJ identit
y_NN ,_, education_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ only_RB fairly_QL recently_RB ,_, howeve
r_RB ,_, that_CS linguists_NNS have_HV developed_VBN a_AT systematic_JJ way_NN o
f_IN charting_VBG voices_NNS on_IN paper_NN in_IN a_AT way_NN that_WPS tells_VBZ
even_QL more_AP about_IN the_AT speakers_NNS and_CC about_IN the_AT success_NN
or_CC failure_NN of_IN human_JJ communication_NN between_IN two_CD people_NNS ._
. This_DT ,_, for_IN obvious_JJ reasons_NNS ,_, makes_VBZ their_PP$ techniques_N
NS superbly_QL useful_JJ in_IN studying_VBG the_AT psychiatric_JJ interview_NN ,
_, so_QL useful_JJ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, that_CS they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN succ
essfully_RB used_VBN to_TO suggest_VB ways_NNS to_TO speed_VB diagnosis_NN and_C
C to_TO evaluate_VB the_AT progress_NN of_IN therapy_NN ._. In_IN the_AT early_J
J 1950's_NNS ,_, Smith_NP ,_, together_RB with_IN his_PP$ distinguished_VBN coll
eague_NN ,_, George_NP Trager_NP (_( so_QL austerely_RB academic_JJ he_PPS somet
imes_RB fights_VBZ his_PP$ own_JJ evident_JJ charm_NN )_) ,_, and_CC a_AT third_
OD man_NN with_IN the_AT engaging_JJ name_NN of_IN Birdwhistell_NP (_( Ray_NP )_
) ,_, agreed_VBD on_IN some_DTI basic_JJ premises_NNS about_IN the_AT three-part
_JJ process_NN that_WPS makes_VBZ communication_NN :_: (_( 1_CD )_) words_NNS or
_CC language_NN (_( 2_CD )_) paralanguage_NN ,_, a_AT set_NN of_IN phenomena_NNS
including_IN laughing_VBG ,_, weeping_VBG ,_, voice_NN breaks_NNS ,_, and_CC ``
_`` tone_NN ''_'' of_IN voice_NN ,_, and_CC (_( 3_CD )_) kinesics_NN ,_, the_AT
technical_JJ name_NN for_IN gestures_NNS ,_, facial_JJ expressions_NNS ,_, and_C
C body_NN shifts_NNS --_-- nodding_VBG or_CC shaking_VBG the_AT head_NN ,_, ``_`
` talking_VBG ''_'' with_IN one's_PN$ hands_NNS ,_, et_FW-CC cetera_FW-NNS ._. S
mith's_NP$ first_OD workout_NN with_IN stresses_NNS ,_, pitches_NNS ,_, and_CC j
unctures_NNS was_BEDZ based_VBN on_IN mother_NN ,_, which_WDT spells_VBZ ,_, in_
IN our_PP$ culture_NN ,_, a_AT good_JJ deal_NN more_AP than_CS bread_NN alone_RB
._. For_IN example_NN ,_, if_CS you_PPSS are_BER a_AT reasonably_QL well-adjust
ed_JJ person_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER certain_JJ ways_NNS that_WPS are_BER reason
able_JJ and_CC appropriate_JJ for_IN addressing_VBG your_PP$ mother_NN ._. The_A
T usual_JJ U.S._NP norm_NN would_MD be_BE :_: Af_NN Middle_JJ pitches_NNS ,_, sl
ight_JJ pause_NN (_( juncture_NN )_) before_IN mother_NN ,_, slight_JJ rise_NN a
t_IN the_AT end_NN ._. The_AT symbols_NNS of_IN mother's_NN$ status_NN ,_, here_
RB ,_, are_BER all_ABN usual_JJ for_IN culture_NN U.S.A._NP ._. Quite_QL other_A
P feelings_NNS are_BER evidenced_VBN by_IN this_DT style_NN :_: Af_NN Note_VB th
e_AT drop_NN to_IN pitch_NN 1_CD (_( the_AT lowest_JJT )_) on_IN mother_NN with_
IN no_AT rise_NN at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT sentence_NN ;_. ;_. this_DT is
_BEZ a_AT ``_`` fade_NN ''_'' ending_NN ,_, and_CC what_WDT you_PPSS have_HV her
e_RB is_BEZ a_AT downtalking_JJ style_NN of_IN speech_NN ,_, expressing_VBG some
thing_PN less_AP than_CS conventional_JJ respect_NN for_IN mother_NN ._. Even_RB
less_AP regard_NN for_IN mom_NN and_CC mom's_NN$ apple_NN pie_NN goes_VBZ with_
IN :_: Af_NN In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, the_AT way_NN the_AT speaker_NN relate
s_VBZ to_IN mother_NN is_BEZ clearly_RB indicated_VBN ._. And_CC while_CS the_AT
meaning_NN of_IN the_AT words_NNS is_BEZ not_* in_IN this_DT instance_NN altere
d_VBN ,_, the_AT quality_NN of_IN communication_NN in_IN both_ABX the_AT second_
OD and_CC third_OD examples_NNS is_BEZ definitely_RB impaired_VBN ._. An_AT acco
mpanying_VBG record_NN of_IN paralanguage_NN factors_NNS for_IN the_AT second_OD
example_NN might_MD also_RB note_VB a_AT throaty_JJ rasp_NN ._. With_IN this_DT
seven-word_JJ sentence_NN --_-- though_CS the_AT speaker_NN undoubtedly_RB thou
ght_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ dealing_VBG only_RB with_IN the_AT subject_NN of_IN food
_NN --_-- he_PPS was_BEDZ telling_VBG things_NNS about_IN himself_PPL and_CC ,_,
in_IN the_AT last_AP two_CD examples_NNS ,_, revealing_VBG that_CS he_PPS had_H
VD departed_VBN from_IN the_AT customs_NNS of_IN his_PP$ culture_NN ._. The_AT j
oint_NN investigations_NNS of_IN linguistics_NN and_CC psychiatry_NN have_HV est
ablished_VBN ,_, in_IN point_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, that_CS no_AT matter_NN what_W
DT the_AT subject_NN of_IN conversation_NN is_BEZ or_CC what_WDT words_NNS are_B
ER involved_VBN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ impossible_JJ for_CS people_NNS to_TO talk_VB
at_IN all_ABN without_IN telling_VBG over_RP and_CC over_RP again_RB what_WDT so
rt_NN of_IN people_NNS they_PPSS are_BER and_CC how_WRB they_PPSS relate_VB to_I
N the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Since_CS interviewing_VBG is_BEZ the_
AT basic_JJ therapeutic_JJ and_CC diagnostic_JJ instrument_NN of_IN modern_JJ ps
ychiatry_NN ,_, the_AT recording_NN of_IN interviews_NNS for_IN playbacks_NNS an
d_CC study_NN has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT boost_NN of_IN Redstone_NP proportions_NNS i
n_IN new_JJ research_NN and_CC training_NN ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT earliest_JJ
T recordings_NNS ,_, made_VBN in_IN the_AT 1940's_NNS demonstrated_VBD that_CS p
sychiatrists_NNS reacted_VBD immediately_RB to_IN anger_NN and_CC anxiety_NN in_
IN the_AT sound_NN track_NN ,_, whereas_CS written_VBN records_NNS of_IN the_AT
same_AP interview_NN offered_VBD far_QL fewer_AP cues_NNS to_IN therapy_NN which
_WDT --_-- if_CS they_PPSS were_BED at_IN all_ABN discernible_JJ in_IN print_NN
--_-- were_BED picked_VBN up_RP only_RB by_IN the_AT most_QL skilled_JJ and_CC s
ensitive_JJ experts_NNS ._. In_IN a_AT general_JJ way_NN ,_, psychiatrists_NNS w
ere_BED able_JJ to_TO establish_VB on_IN a_AT wide_JJ basis_NN what_WDT many_AP
of_IN them_PPO had_HVD always_RB felt_VBN --_-- that_CS the_AT most_QL telling_J
J cues_NNS in_IN psychotherapy_NN are_BER acoustic_JJ ,_, that_CS such_JJ things
_NNS as_CS stress_NN and_CC nagging_NN are_BER transmitted_VBN by_IN sound_NN al
one_RB and_CC not_* necessarily_RB by_IN words_NNS ._. At_IN a_AT minimum_NN ,_,
recording_VBG --_-- usually_RB on_IN tape_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ now_RB in_IN
wide_JJ professional_JJ use_NN --_-- brings_VBZ the_AT psychiatric_JJ interview_
NN alive_JJ so_CS that_CS the_AT full_JJ range_NN of_IN emotion_NN and_CC meanin
g_NN can_MD be_BE explored_VBN repeatedly_RB by_IN the_AT therapist_NN or_CC by_
IN a_AT battery_NN of_IN therapists_NNS ._. Newest_JJT to_IN this_DT high-powere
d_JJ battery_NN are_BER the_AT experts_NNS in_IN linguistics_NN who_WPS have_HV
carried_VBN that_DT minimum_NN to_IN a_AT new_JJ level_NN ._. By_IN adding_VBG a
_AT systematic_JJ analysis_NN with_IN symbols_NNS to_IN the_AT typed_VBN transcr
ipts_NNS of_IN interviews_NNS ,_, they_PPSS have_HV supplied_VBN a_AT new_JJ set
_NN of_IN techniques_NNS for_IN the_AT therapist_NN ._. Linguistic_JJ charting_N
N of_IN the_AT transcribed_VBN interview_NN flags_VBZ points_NNS where_WRB the_A
T patient's_NN$ voice_NN departs_VBZ from_IN expected_VBN norms_NNS ._. It_PPS f
lags_VBZ such_JJ possible_JJ breakdowns_NNS of_IN communication_NN as_CS rehears
ed_VBN dialogue_NN ,_, the_AT note_NN of_IN disapproval_NN ,_, ambivalence_NN or
_CC ambiguity_NN ,_, annoyance_NN ,_, resentment_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT disinclina
tion_NN to_TO speak_VB at_IN all_ABN --_-- this_DT last_AP often_RB marked_VBN b
y_IN a_AT fade-in_JJ beginning_NN of_IN sentences_NNS ._. Interpretation_NN ,_,
naturally_RB ,_, remains_VBZ the_AT role_NN of_IN the_AT therapist_NN ,_, but_CC
orientation_NN --_-- not_* only_RB the_AT patient's_NN$ vocal_JJ giveaways_NNS
of_IN geographical_JJ and_CC socio-economic_JJ background_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB
vocal_JJ but_CC non-verbal_JJ giveaways_NNS of_IN danger_NN spots_NNS in_IN his_
PP$ relationship_NN to_IN people_NNS --_-- can_MD be_BE considerably_RB beefed_V
BN up_RP by_IN the_AT linguist_NN ._. His_PP$ esoteric_JJ chartings_NNS of_IN th
e_AT voice_NN alert_VB the_AT therapist_NN to_IN areas_NNS where_WRB deeper_JJR
probing_VBG may_MD bring_VB to_IN light_NN underlying_VBG psychological_JJ diffi
culties_NNS ,_, making_VBG them_PPO apparent_JJ first_RB to_IN the_AT therapist_
NN and_CC eventually_RB to_IN the_AT patient_NN ._. In_IN one_CD now-historic_JJ
first_OD interview_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT transcript_NN (_( reprod
uced_VBN from_IN the_AT book_NN ,_, The_AT First_OD-TL Five_CD-TL Minutes_NNS-TL
)_) goes_VBZ like_CS this_DT :_: The_AT therapist's_NN$ level_JJ tone_NN is_BEZ
bland_JJ and_CC neutral_JJ --_-- he_PPS has_HVZ ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, avoid
ed_VBN stressing_VBG ``_`` you_PPSS-NC ''_'' ,_, which_WDT would_MD imply_VB dis
approval_NN ;_. ;_. or_CC surprise_NN ,_, which_WDT would_MD set_VB the_AT patie
nt_NN apart_RB from_IN other_AP people_NNS ._. The_AT patient_NN ,_, on_IN the_A
T other_AP hand_NN ,_, is_BEZ far_RB from_IN neutral_JJ ;_. ;_. aside_RB from_IN
her_PP$ specifically_RB regional_JJ accent_NN ,_, she_PPS reveals_VBZ by_IN the
_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT triad_NN ,_, ``_`` irritable_JJ ,_, tense_JJ ,_, depress
ed_VBN ''_'' ,_, a_AT certain_JJ pedantic_JJ itemization_NN that_WPS indicates_V
BZ she_PPS has_HVZ some_DTI familiarity_NN with_IN literary_JJ or_CC scientific_
JJ language_NN (_( i.e._RB ,_, she_PPS must_MD have_HV had_HVN at_IN least_AP a_
AT high-school_NN education_NN )_) ,_, and_CC she_PPS is_BEZ telling_VBG a_AT st
ory_NN she_PPS has_HVZ mentally_RB rehearsed_VBN some_DTI time_NN before_RB ._.
Then_RB she_PPS catapults_VBZ into_IN ``_`` everything_PN and_CC everybody_PN ''
_'' ,_, putting_VBG particular_JJ violence_NN on_IN ``_`` everybody_PN ''_'' ,_,
indicating_VBG to_IN the_AT linguist_NN that_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT spot_NN to_
TO flag_VB --_-- that_DT is_BEZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* congruent_JJ to_IN the_A
T patient's_NN$ general_JJ style_NN of_IN speech_NN up_IN to_IN this_DT point_NN
._. Consequently_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ referred_VBN to_IN the_AT therapist_NN fo
r_IN attention_NN ._. He_PPS may_MD then_RB very_QL well_RB conclude_VB that_CS
``_`` everybody_PN ''_'' is_BEZ probably_RB not_* the_AT true_JJ target_NN of_IN
her_PP$ resentment_NN ._. Immediately_RB thereafter_RB ,_, the_AT patient_NN fr
actures_VBZ her_PP$ rehearsed_VBN story_NN ,_, veering_VBG into_IN an_AT oversof
t_JJ ,_, breathy_JJ ,_, sloppily_RB articulated_VBN ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS don't_DO* f
eel_VB like_CS talking_VBG right_QL now_RB ''_'' ._. Within_IN the_AT first_OD f
ive_CD minutes_NNS of_IN this_DT interview_NN it_PPS is_BEZ apparent_JJ to_IN th
e_AT therapist_NN that_CS ``_`` everybody_PN ''_'' truthfully_RB refers_VBZ to_I
N the_AT woman's_NN$ husband_NN ._. She_PPS says_VBZ later_RBR ,_, but_CC still_
RB within_IN the_AT opening_VBG five_CD minutes_NNS ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS keep_VB thi
nking_VBG of_IN a_AT divorce_NN but_CC that's_DT+BEZ another_DT emotional_JJ dea
th_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT linguistic_JJ and_CC paralinguistic_JJ signals_NNS of_IN
misery_NN are_BER all_ABN present_RB in_IN the_AT voice_NN chart_NN for_IN this_
DT sentence_NN ;_. ;_. so_RB are_BER certain_JJ signals_NNS that_CS she_PPS does
_DOZ not_* accept_VB divorce_NN ._. By_IN saying_VBG ``_`` another_DT emotional_
JJ death_NN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS reveals_VBZ that_CS there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT
previous_JJ one_CD ,_, although_CS she_PPS has_HVZ not_* described_VBN it_PPO i
n_IN words_NNS ._. This_DT the_AT therapist_NN may_MD pursue_VB in_IN later_JJR
questioning_NN ._. The_AT phrase_NN ,_, ``_`` emotional_JJ death_NN ''_'' ,_, in
teresting_JJ and_CC ,_, to_IN a_AT non-scientific_JJ mind_NN ,_, rather_QL touch
ing_JJ ,_, suggests_VBZ that_CS this_DT woman_NN may_MD have_HV some_DTI flair_N
N for_IN words_NNS ,_, perhaps_RB even_RB something_PN of_IN the_AT temperament_
NN regrettably_RB called_VBN ``_`` creative_JJ ''_'' ._. Since_CS the_AT psychia
tric_JJ interview_NN ,_, like_CS any_DTI other_AP interview_NN ,_, depends_VBZ o
n_IN communication_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ significant_JJ to_TO note_VB that_CS the
_AT therapist_NN in_IN this_DT interview_NN was_BEDZ a_AT man_NN of_IN marked_VB
N skill_NN and_CC long_JJ experience_NN ._. His_PP$ own_JJ communication_NN appa
ratus_NN operated_VBD superbly_RB ,_, and_CC Lillian_NP Ross_NP readers_NNS will
_MD note_VB instantly_RB its_PP$ total_NN lack_NN of_IN resemblance_NN to_IN the
_AT blunted_VBN ,_, monumentally_RB unmeshed_JJ mechanism_NN of_IN Dr._NN-TL Bla
uberman_NP ._. Interestingly_RB enough_QLP --_-- although_CS none_PN of_IN the_A
T real-life_NN therapists_NNS involved_VBN could_MD conceivably_RB compare_VB wi
th_IN Blauberman_NP --_-- when_WRB groups_NNS of_IN them_PPO began_VBD playing_V
BG back_RB interviews_NNS ,_, they_PPSS discovered_VBD any_DTI number_NN of_IN w
ays_NNS in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO polish_VB their_PP$ own_JJ in
terview_NN techniques_NNS ;_. ;_. almost_RB everyone_PN ,_, on_IN first_RB heari
ng_VBG one_CD of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ sessions_NNS on_IN tape_NN ,_, expressed_VBD
some_DTI desire_NN to_TO take_VB the_AT whole_JJ thing_NN over_RP again_RB ._. Y
et_RB ,_, in_IN spite_NN of_IN this_DT ,_, intensive_JJ study_NN of_IN the_AT ta
ped_VBN interviews_NNS by_IN teams_NNS of_IN psychotherapists_NNS and_CC linguis
ts_NNS laid_VBD bare_JJ the_AT surprising_VBG fact_NN that_CS ,_, in_IN the_AT f
irst_OD five_CD minutes_NNS of_IN an_AT initial_JJ interview_NN ,_, the_AT patie
nt_NN often_RB reveals_VBZ as_QL many_AP as_CS a_AT dozen_NN times_NNS just_RB w
hat's_WDT+BEZ wrong_JJ with_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_. to_TO spot_VB these_DTS giveaways
_NNS the_AT therapist_NN must_MD know_VB either_CC intuitively_RB or_CC scientif
ically_RB how_WRB to_TO listen_VB ._. Naturally_RB ,_, the_AT patient_NN does_DO
Z not_* say_VB ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS hate_VB my_PP$ father_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_`` S
ibling_NP rivalry_NN is_BEZ what_WDT bugs_VBZ me_PPO ''_'' ._. What_WDT he_PPS d
oes_DOZ do_DO is_BEZ give_VB himself_PPL away_RB by_IN communicating_VBG informa
tion_NN over_IN and_CC above_IN the_AT words_NNS involved_VBN ._. Some_DTI of_IN
the_AT classic_JJ indicators_NNS ,_, as_CS described_VBN by_IN Drs._NNS-TL Pitt
enger_NP ,_, Hockett_NP ,_, and_CC Danehy_NP in_IN The_AT First_OD-TL Five_CD-TL
Minutes_NNS-TL ,_, are_BER these_DTS :_: ambiguity_NN-HL of_IN-HL pronouns_NNS-
HL :_:-HL Stammering_VBG or_CC repetition_NN of_IN I_PPSS-NC ,_, you_PPSS-NC ,_,
he_PPS-NC ,_, she_PPS-NC ,_, et_FW-CC cetera_FW-NNS may_MD signal_VB ambiguity_
NN or_CC uncertainty_NN ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN significant_JJ facts_N
NS may_MD be_BE concealed_VBN --_-- she_PPS may_MD mean_VB I_PPSS-NC or_CC every
body_PN-NC ,_, as_CS it_PPS did_DOD with_IN the_AT tense_JJ and_CC irritable_JJ
woman_NN mentioned_VBN before_RB ,_, may_MD refer_VB to_IN a_AT specific_JJ pers
on_NN ._. The_AT word_NN that_WPS is_BEZ not_* used_VBN can_MD be_BE as_QL impor
tant_JJ as_CS the_AT word_NN that_WPS is_BEZ used_VBN ;_. ;_. therapist_NN and/o
r_CC linguist_NN must_MD always_RB consider_VB the_AT alternatives_NNS ._. When_
WRB someone_PN says_VBZ ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, ``_`` They_PPSS took_VBD x-ray
s_NNS to_TO see_VB that_CS there_EX was_BEDZ nothing_PN wrong_JJ with_IN me_PPO
''_'' ,_, it_PPS pays_VBZ to_TO consider_VB how_WRB this_DT statement_NN would_M
D normally_RB be_BE made_VBN ._. (_( This_DT patient_NN ,_, in_IN actuality_NN ,
_, was_BEDZ a_AT neurasthenic_NN who_WPS had_HVD almost_RB come_VBN to_IN the_AT
point_NN of_IN accepting_VBG the_AT fact_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* her_P
P$ soma_NN but_CC her_PP$ psyche_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ the_AT cause_NN of_IN her_
PP$ difficulty_NN ._. )_) Amateur_JJ linguists_NNS note_VB here_RB that_CS Purse
warden_NP ,_, in_IN Durrell's_NP$ Alexandria_NP-TL Quartet_NN-TL ,_, stammered_V
BD when_WRB he_PPS spoke_VBD of_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ hardly_R
B surprising_JJ in_IN view_NN of_IN their_PP$ disastrous_JJ relationship_NN ._.
She_PPS was_BEDZ just_RB another_DT freighter_NN from_IN the_AT States_NNS-TL ,_
, and_CC she_PPS seemed_VBD as_QL commonplace_JJ as_CS her_PP$ name_NN ._. She_P
PS was_BEDZ the_AT John_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL ,_, one_CD of_IN those_DTS Atlantic_J
J sea-horses_NNS that_WPS had_HVD sailed_VBN to_IN Bari_NP to_TO bring_VB beans_
NNS ,_, bombs_NNS ,_, and_CC bullets_NNS to_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Fifteenth_OD-TL
Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL ,_, to_IN Field_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL Montgomery's_NP$ Eigh
th_OD-TL Army_NN-TL then_RB racing_VBG up_IN the_AT calf_NN of_IN the_AT boot_NN
of_IN Italy_NP in_IN that_DT early_JJ December_NP of_IN 1943_CD ._. The_AT John
_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL arrived_VBD in_IN Bari_NP ,_, a_AT port_NN on_IN the_AT Adri
atic_NP ,_, on_IN November_NP 28th_OD ,_, making_VBG for_IN Porto_FW-NN-TL Nuovo
_FW-JJ-TL ,_, which_WDT ,_, as_CS the_AT name_NN indicates_VBZ ,_, was_BEDZ the_
AT ancient_JJ city's_NN$ new_JJ and_CC modern_JJ harbor_NN ._. Hardly_RB anyone_
PN ashore_RB marked_VBD her_PPO as_CS she_PPS anchored_VBD stern-to_RB off_IN Be
rth_NN-TL 29_CD-TL on_IN the_AT mole_NN ._. If_CS anyone_PN thought_VBD of_IN th
e_AT John_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO observe_VB that_CS she_PP
S was_BEDZ straddled_VBN by_IN a_AT pair_NN of_IN ships_NNS heavily_QL laden_JJ
with_IN high_JJ explosive_NN and_CC if_CS they_PPSS were_BED hit_VBN the_AT John
_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL would_MD likely_RB be_BE blown_VBN up_RP with_IN her_PP$ own
_JJ ammo_NN and_CC whatever_WDT else_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ that_WPO she_PPS carried
_VBD ._. Which_WDT was_BEDZ poison_NN gas_NN ._. It_PPS had_HVD required_VBN the
_AT approval_NN of_IN President_NN-TL Franklin_NP Delano_NP Roosevelt_NP before_
CS the_AT John_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL could_MD be_BE loaded_VBN with_IN 100_CD tons_
NNS of_IN mustard_NN gas_NN and_CC despatched_VBN to_IN the_AT Italian_JJ warfro
nt_NN ._. For_CS in_IN a_AT world_NN as_QL yet_RB unacquainted_JJ with_IN the_AT
horrors_NNS of_IN the_AT mushroom_NN cloud_NN ,_, poison_NN gas_NN was_BEDZ sti
ll_RB regarded_VBN as_CS the_AT ultimate_JJ in_IN hideous_JJ weapons_NNS ._. Thr
oughout_IN the_AT early_JJ years_NNS of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_,
reports_NNS persisted_VBD that_CS the_AT Axis_NN-TL powers_NNS had_HVD used_VBN
gas_NN --_-- Germany_NP in_IN Russia_NP ,_, Japan_NP in_IN China_NP again_RB ._
. They_PPSS were_BED always_RB denied_VBN ._. Influential_JJ people_NNS in_IN Am
erica_NP were_BED warning_VBG the_AT Pentagon_NN-TL to_TO be_BE prepared_VBN aga
inst_IN desperation_NN gas_NN attacks_NNS by_IN the_AT Germans_NPS in_IN future_
JJ campaigns_NNS ._. Some_DTI extremists_NNS went_VBD so_QL far_RB as_CS to_TO u
rge_VB our_PP$ using_VBG it_PPO first_RB ._. To_TO silence_VB extremists_NNS ,_,
to_TO warn_VB the_AT Axis_NN-TL ,_, President_NN-TL Roosevelt_NP issued_VBD thi
s_DT statement_NN for_IN the_AT Allies_NNS-TL in_IN August_NP :_: ``_`` From_IN
time_NN to_IN time_NN since_CS the_AT present_JJ war_NN began_VBD there_EX have_
HV been_BEN reports_NNS that_CS one_CD or_CC more_AP of_IN the_AT Axis_NN-TL pow
ers_NNS were_BED seriously_RB contemplating_VBG use_NN of_IN poisonous_JJ gas_NN
or_CC noxious_JJ gases_NNS or_CC other_AP inhumane_JJ devices_NNS of_IN warfare
_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN loath_JJ to_TO believe_VB that_CS any_DTI nation
_NN ,_, even_RB our_PP$ present_JJ enemies_NNS ,_, could_MD or_CC would_MD be_BE
willing_JJ to_TO loose_VB upon_IN mankind_NN such_QL terrible_JJ and_CC inhuman
e_JJ weapons_NNS ._. ``_`` However_RB ,_, evidence_NN that_CS the_AT Axis_NN-TL
powers_NNS are_BER making_VBG significant_JJ preparations_NNS indicative_JJ of_I
N such_ABL an_AT intention_NN is_BEZ being_BEG reported_VBN with_IN increasing_V
BG frequency_NN from_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN sources_NNS ._. ``_`` Use_NN of_IN
such_JJ weapons_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN outlawed_VBN by_IN the_AT general_JJ opini
on_NN of_IN civilized_VBN mankind_NN ._. This_DT country_NN has_HVZ not_* used_V
BN them_PPO ,_, and_CC I_PPSS hope_VB that_CS we_PPSS never_RB will_MD be_BE com
pelled_VBN to_TO use_VB them_PPO ._. I_PPSS state_VB categorically_RB that_CS we
_PPSS shall_MD under_IN no_AT circumstances_NNS resort_VB to_IN the_AT use_NN of
_IN such_JJ weapons_NNS unless_CS they_PPSS are_BER first_RB used_VBN by_IN our_
PP$ enemies_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT following_VBG month_NN the_AT invasion_NN of_IN
Italy_NP was_BEDZ begun_VBN ,_, and_CC Roosevelt_NP gave_VBD effect_NN to_IN hi
s_PP$ warning_NN by_IN consenting_VBG to_IN the_AT stockpiling_NN of_IN poison_N
N gas_NN in_IN southern_JJ Italy_NP ._. Bari_NP was_BEDZ chosen_VBN as_CS a_AT d
epot_NN ,_, not_* only_RB for_IN its_PP$ seeming_JJ safety_NN ,_, but_CC because
_RB of_IN its_PP$ proximity_NN to_IN airfields_NNS ._. Any_DTI retaliatory_JJ ga
s_NN attack_NN would_MD be_BE airborne_JJ ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE made_VBN in_
IN three_CD waves_NNS --_-- the_AT first_OD to_TO lay_VB down_RP a_AT smokescree
n_NN ,_, the_AT second_OD to_TO drop_VB the_AT gas_NN bombs_NNS ,_, the_AT third
_OD to_TO shower_VB incendiaries_NNS which_WDT would_MD burn_VB everything_PN be
low_RB ._. So_RB the_AT vile_JJ cargo_NN went_VBD into_IN the_AT hole_NN of_IN t
he_AT John_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL ._. A_AT detachment_NN of_IN six_CD men_NNS from_I
N the_AT 701st_OD-TL Chemical_JJ-TL Maintenance_NN-TL Company_NN-TL under_IN Fir
st_OD-TL Lt._NN-TL Howard_NP D._NP Beckstrom_NP went_VBD aboard_RB ,_, followed_
VBN by_IN Lt._NN-TL Thomas_NP H._NP Richardson_NP ,_, the_AT Cargo_NN-TL Securit
y_NN-TL Officer_NN-TL ._. Secrecy_NN was_BEDZ paramount_JJS ._. Only_RB a_AT few
_AP other_AP people_NNS --_-- very_QL important_JJ people_NNS --_-- knew_VBD of_
IN the_AT nitrogen-mustard_NN eggs_NNS nestled_VBN below_IN decks_NNS ._. No_AT
one_PN else_RB must_MD know_VB ._. Thus_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT immemorial_JJ way_NN
--_-- in_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN the_AT right_JJ hand_NN that_WPS knows_VBZ and_
CC the_AT left_JJ that_WPS does_DOZ not_* --_-- was_BEDZ the_AT stage_NN set_VBN
for_IN tragedy_NN at_IN Bari_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT night_NN of_IN Decem
ber_NP 2_CD ,_, 1943_CD ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ growing_VBG dark_JJ in_IN Bar
i_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ getting_VBG on_RP toward_IN 7_CD o'clock_RB and_CC the_
AT German_JJ Me-210_NN plane_NN had_HVD been_BEN and_CC gone_VBN on_IN its_PP$ e
ighth_OD straight_JJ visit_NN ._. Capt._NN-TL A._NP B._NP Jenks_NP of_IN the_AT
Office_NN-TL of_IN-TL Harbor_NN-TL Defense_NN-TL was_BEDZ very_QL worried_VBN ._
. He_PPS knew_VBD that_CS German_JJ long-range_NN bombers_NNS had_HVD been_BEN r
eturning_VBG to_IN the_AT attack_NN in_IN Italy_NP ._. On_IN November_NP 24th_OD
,_, they_PPSS had_HVD made_VBN a_AT raid_NN on_IN La_NP Maddalena_NP ._. Two_CD
days_NNS later_RBR ,_, some_RB 30_CD of_IN them_PPO had_HVD struck_VBN at_IN a_
AT convoy_NN off_IN Bougie_NP ,_, sinking_VBG a_AT troopship_NN --_-- and_CC it_
PPS had_HVD been_BEN that_DT very_AP night_NN that_CS the_AT Me-210_NN had_HVD m
ade_VBN its_PP$ first_OD appearance_NN ._. After_CS it_PPS had_HVD reappeared_VB
N the_AT next_AP two_CD nights_NNS ,_, Jenks_NP went_VBD to_IN higher_JJR headqu
arters_NN and_CC said_VBD :_: ``_`` For_IN three_CD days_NNS now_RB a_AT German_
JJ reconnaissance_NN plane_NN has_HVZ been_BEN over_IN the_AT city_NN taking_VBG
pictures_NNS ._. They're_PPSS+BER just_RB waiting_VBG for_IN the_AT proper_JJ t
ime_NN to_TO come_VB over_IN here_RB and_CC dump_VB this_DT place_NN into_IN the
_AT Adriatic_NP ''_'' ._. But_CC the_AT older_JJR and_CC wiser_JJR heads_NNS had
_HVD dismissed_VBN his_PP$ warning_NN as_CS alarmist_JJ ._. Even_RB though_CS it
_PPS was_BEDZ known_VBN that_CS the_AT Luftwaffe_NP in_IN the_AT north_NR was_BE
DZ now_RB being_BEG directed_VBN by_IN the_AT young_JJ and_CC energetic_JJ Gener
al_NN-TL Peltz_NP ,_, the_AT commander_NN who_WPS would_MD conduct_VB the_AT ``_
`` Little_JJ-TL Blitz_NN-TL ''_'' on_IN London_NP in_IN 1944_CD ,_, a_AT major_J
J raid_NN on_IN Bari_NP at_IN this_DT juncture_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN was_BEDZ n
ot_* to_TO be_BE considered_VBN seriously_RB ._. True_RB ,_, there_EX had_HVD be
en_BEN raids_NNS on_IN Naples_NP --_-- but_CC Naples_NP was_BEDZ pretty_QL far_Q
L north_NR on_IN the_AT opposite_JJ coast_NN ._. No_RB ,_, Bari_NP was_BEDZ out_
IN of_IN range_NN ._. More_AP than_CS that_DT ,_, Allied_VBN-TL air_NN had_HVD c
omplete_JJ superiority_NN in_IN the_AT Eighth_OD-TL Army's_NN$-TL sector_NN ._.
So_RB Captain_NN-TL Jenks_NP returned_VBD to_IN his_PP$ harbor_NN post_NN to_TO
watch_VB the_AT scouting_VBG plane_NN put_VB in_RP five_CD more_AP appearances_N
NS ,_, and_CC to_TO feel_VB the_AT certainty_NN of_IN this_DT dread_NN rising_VB
G within_IN him_PPO ._. For_CS Jenks_NP knew_VBD that_CS Bari's_NP$ defenses_NNS
were_BED made_VBN of_IN paper_NN ._. The_AT Royal_JJ-TL Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL h
ad_HVD but_RB a_AT single_AP light_JJ anti-aircraft_JJ squadron_NN and_CC two_CD
balloon_NN units_NNS available_JJ ._. There_EX were_BED no_AT R.A.F._NP fighter
_NN squadrons_NNS on_IN Bari_NP airfield_NN ._. The_AT radar_NN station_NN with_
IN the_AT best_JJT location_NN was_BEDZ still_RB not_* serviceable_JJ ._. Teleph
one_NN communication_NN was_BEDZ bad_JJ ._. And_CC everywhere_RB in_IN evidence_
NN among_IN the_AT few_AP remaining_VBG defensive_JJ units_NNS was_BEDZ that_DT
old_JJ handmaiden_NN of_IN disaster_NN --_-- multiple_JJ command_NN ._. It_PPS h
ad_HVD been_BEN made_VBN shockingly_QL evident_JJ that_DT very_AP morning_NN to_
IN Ensign_NN-TL Kay_NP K._NP Vesole_NP ,_, in_IN charge_NN of_IN the_AT armed_VB
N guard_NN aboard_IN the_AT John_NP Bascom_NP ._. A_AT British_JJ officer_NN had
_HVD come_VBN aboard_RB and_CC told_VBN him_PPO that_CS in_IN case_NN of_IN enem
y_NN air_NN attack_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* to_TO open_VB fire_NN until_CS bombs
_NNS were_BED actually_RB dropped_VBN ._. Then_RB he_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO co-ordin
ate_VB his_PP$ fire_NN with_IN a_AT radar-controlled_JJ shore_NN gun_NN firing_V
BG white_JJ tracers_NNS ._. ``_`` This_DT harbor_NN is_BEZ a_AT bomber's_NN$ par
adise_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT Britisher_NP had_HVD said_VBN with_IN frank_JJ grimnes
s_NN ._. ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ up_IN to_IN you_PPO to_TO protect_VB yourselves_PPLS
._. We_PPSS can't_MD* expect_VB any_DTI help_NN from_IN the_AT fighters_NNS at_
IN Foggia_NP ,_, either_RB ._. They're_PPSS+BER all_ABN being_BEG used_VBN on_IN
offensive_JJ missions_NNS ''_'' ._. Vesole_NP had_HVD been_BEN stunned_VBN ._.
Not_* fire_VB until_CS the_AT bombs_NNS came_VBD down_RP !_. !_. He_PPS thought_
VBD of_IN the_AT tons_NNS and_CC tons_NNS of_IN flammable_JJ fluid_NN beneath_IN
his_PP$ feet_NNS and_CC shook_VBD his_PP$ head_NN ._. Like_CS hell_NN !_. !_. L
ike_CS hell_NN he'd_PPS+MD wait_VB --_-- and_CC supposing_CS the_AT radar-contro
lled_JJ gun_NN got_VBD knocked_VBN out_RP ?_. ?_. What_WDT would_MD his_PP$ guns
_NNS guide_VB on_IN then_RB --_-- the_AT North_JJ-TL Star_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Ensign_N
N-TL Vesole_NP decided_VBD that_CS he_PPS would_MD not_* tarry_VB until_CS he_PP
S heard_VBD the_AT whispering_NN of_IN the_AT bombs_NNS ,_, and_CC when_WRB nigh
t_NN began_VBD to_TO fall_VB ,_, he_PPS put_VBD Seaman_NN-TL 2/c_NP-TL Donald_NP
L._NP Norton_NP and_CC Seaman_NN-TL 1/c_NP-TL William_NP A._NP Rochford_NP on_I
N the_AT guns_NNS and_CC told_VBD them_PPO to_TO start_VB shooting_VBG the_AT mo
ment_NN they_PPSS saw_VBD an_AT enemy_NN silhouette_NN ._. Below_IN decks_NNS ,_
, Seaman_NN-TL 1/c_NP-TL Stanley_NP Bishop_NP had_HVD begun_VBN to_TO write_VB a
_AT letter_NN home_NR ._. Above_IN decks_NNS on_IN the_AT John_NP-TL Harvey_NP-T
L ,_, Lieutenant_NN-TL Richardson_NP gazed_VBD at_IN the_AT lights_NNS still_RB
burning_VBG on_IN the_AT port_JJ wall_NN and_CC felt_VBD uneasy_JJ ._. There_EX
were_BED lights_NNS glinting_VBG in_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, even_RB tho
ugh_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ now_RB dark_JJ enough_QLP for_IN a_AT few_AP stars_NNS to
_TO become_VB visible_JJ ._. Bari_NP was_BEDZ asking_VBG for_IN it_PPO ,_, he_PP
S thought_VBD ._. For_IN five_CD days_NNS now_RB ,_, they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN
in_IN port_NN and_CC that_DT filthy_JJ stuff_NN was_BEDZ still_RB in_IN the_AT h
old_NN ._. Richardson_NP wondered_VBD when_WRB it_PPS would_MD be_BE unloaded_VB
N ._. He_PPS hoped_VBD they_PPSS would_MD put_VB in_RP somewhere_RB way_QL ,_, w
ay_QL down_RP in_IN the_AT earth_NN ._. The_AT burden_NN of_IN his_PP$ secret_NN
was_BEDZ pressing_VBG down_RP on_IN him_PPO ,_, as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ on_IN Lie
utenant_NN-TL Beckstrom_NP and_CC his_PP$ six_CD enlisted_VBN men_NNS ._. Lieute
nant_NN-TL Richardson_NP could_MD envy_VB the_AT officers_NNS and_CC men_NNS of_
IN the_AT John_NP-TL Harvey_NP-TL in_IN their_PP$ innocent_JJ assumption_NN that
_CS the_AT ship_NN contained_VBD nothing_PN more_QL dangerous_JJ than_CS high_JJ
explosive_JJ bombs_NNS ._. They_PPSS seemed_VBD happy_JJ at_IN the_AT delay_NN
in_IN unloading_VBG ,_, glad_JJ at_IN the_AT chance_NN to_TO go_VB ashore_RB in_
IN a_AT lively_JJ liberty_NN port_NN such_JJ as_CS Bari_NP ._. Nine_CD of_IN the
m_PPO had_HVD gone_VBN down_IN the_AT gangplank_NN already_RB ._. Deck_NN-TL Cad
et_NN-TL James_NP L._NP Cahill_NP and_CC Seaman_NN-TL Walter_NP Brooks_NP had_HV
D been_BEN the_AT first_OD to_TO leave_VB ._. Richardson_NP had_HVD returned_VBN
their_PP$ departing_VBG grins_NNS with_IN the_AT noncommittal_JJ nod_NN that_WP
S is_BEZ the_AT security_NN officer's_NN$ stock_NN in_IN trade_NN ._. The_AT oth
er_AP half_ABN of_IN the_AT crew_NN ,_, plus_CC Beckstrom_NP and_CC his_PP$ men_
NNS ,_, had_HVD remained_VBN aboard_RB ._. Richardson_NP glanced_VBD to_IN sea_N
N and_CC started_VBD slightly_RB ._. Damned_VBN if_CS that_DT wasn't_BEDZ* a_AT
sailing_VBG ship_NN standing_VBG out_IN of_IN the_AT old_JJ harbor_NN --_-- Port
o_NP Vecchio_NP ._. The_AT night_NN was_BEDZ so_QL clear_JJ that_CS Richardson_N
P had_HVD no_AT difficulty_NN making_VBG out_RP the_AT silhouette_NN ._. Then_RB
the_AT thought_NN of_IN a_AT cloudless_JJ sky_NN made_VBD him_PPO shiver_VB ,_,
and_CC he_PPS glanced_VBD upward_RB ._. His_PP$ eyes_NNS boggled_VBD ._. It_PPS
was_BEDZ a_AT clear_JJ night_NN and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ raining_VBG !_. !_. Capt
._NN-TL Michael_NP A._NP Musmanno_NP ,_, Military_JJ-TL governor_NN of_IN the_AT
Sorrentine_NP-TL Peninsula_NN-TL ,_, had_HVD also_RB seen_VBN and_CC felt_VBN t
he_AT ``_`` rain_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC he_PPS had_HVD mistaken_VBN it_PPO for_IN b
ugs_NNS ._. Captain_NN-TL Musmanno's_NP$ renovated_VBN schooner_NN with_IN the_A
T flamboyant_JJ name_NN Unsinkable_JJ-TL had_HVD just_RB left_VBN Porto_NP Vecch
io_NP with_IN a_AT cargo_NN of_IN badly-needed_JJ olive_NN oil_NN for_IN the_AT
Sorrentine's_NP$ civilian_NN population_NN ._. Musmanno_NP was_BEDZ on_IN deck_N
N ._. At_IN exactly_RB 7:30_CD ,_, he_PPS felt_VBD a_AT fluttering_VBG object_NN
brush_VB his_PP$ face_NN ._. He_PPS snatched_VBD at_IN it_PPO savagely_RB ._. H
e_PPS turned_VBD the_AT beam_NN of_IN his_PP$ flashlight_NN on_IN it_PPO ._. He_
PPS laughed_VBD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT silver_JJ foil_NN from_IN the_AT choc
olate_NN bar_NN he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN eating_VBG ._. He_PPS frowned_VBD ._. Bu
t_CC how_WRB could_MD --_-- ?_. ?_. Another_DT ,_, longer_JJR strip_NN of_IN tin
sel_NN whipped_VBD his_PP$ mouth_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ two_CD feet_NNS long_JJ
._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* candy_NN wrapping_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` window_
NN ''_'' --_-- the_AT tinsel_NN paper_NN dropped_VBD by_IN bombers_NNS to_TO jam
_VB radar_NN sets_NNS ,_, to_TO fill_VB the_AT scope_NN with_IN hundreds_NNS of_
IN blips_NNS that_WPS would_MD seem_VB to_TO be_BE approaching_VBG bombers_NNS .
_. ``_`` Fermate_FW-VB ''_'' !_. !_. Musmanno_NP bellowed_VBD to_IN his_PP$ Ital
ian_JJ crewmen_NNS ._. ``_`` Stop_VB !_. !_. Stop_VB the_AT engines_NNS ''_'' !_
. !_. Unsinkable_JJ-TL slowed_VBD and_CC stopped_VBD ,_, hundreds_NNS of_IN bril
liant_JJ white_JJ flares_NNS swayed_VBD eerily_RB down_RP from_IN the_AT black_J
J ,_, the_AT air_NN raid_NN sirens_NNS ashore_RB rose_VBD in_IN a_AT keening_VBG
shriek_NN ,_, the_AT anti-aircraft_JJ guns_NNS coughed_VBD and_CC chattered_VBD
--_-- and_CC above_IN it_PPO all_ABN motors_NNS roared_VBD and_CC the_AT bombs_
NNS came_VBD whispering_VBG and_CC wailing_VBG and_CC crashing_VBG down_RP among
_IN the_AT ships_NNS at_IN anchor_NN at_IN Bari_NP ._. They_PPSS had_HVD come_VB
N from_IN airports_NNS in_IN the_AT Balkans_NPS ,_, these_DTS hundred-odd_CD Jun
kers_NP-TL 88's_NNS-TL ._. They_PPSS had_HVD winged_VBN over_IN the_AT Adriatic_
NP ,_, they_PPSS had_HVD taken_VBN Bari_NP by_IN complete_JJ surprise_NN and_CC
now_RB they_PPSS were_BED battering_VBG her_PPO ,_, attacking_VBG with_IN deadly
_JJ skill_NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD ruined_VBN the_AT radar_NN warning_VBG system
_NN with_IN their_PP$ window_NN ,_, they_PPSS had_HVD made_VBN themselves_PPLS i
nvisible_JJ above_IN their_PP$ flares_NNS ._. And_CC they_PPSS also_RB had_HVD t
he_AT lights_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, the_AT port_NN wall_NN lanterns_NNS ,_
, and_CC a_AT shore_NN crane's_NN$ spotlight_NN to_TO guide_VB on_IN ._. After_C
S the_AT first_OD two_CD were_BED blacked_VBN out_RP ,_, the_AT third_OD light_N
N was_BEDZ abandoned_VBN by_IN a_AT terrified_VBN Italian_JJ crew_NN ,_, who_WPS
left_VBD their_PP$ light_NN to_TO shine_VB for_IN nine_CD minutes_NNS like_CS a
n_AT unerring_JJ homing_VBG beacon_NN until_CS British_JJ MP's_NN shot_VBD it_PP
O out_RP ._. In_IN that_DT interval_NN ,_, the_AT German_JJ bombers_NNS made_VBD
a_AT hell_NN of_IN Bari_NP harbor_NN ._. Merchant_NN ships_NNS illuminated_VBN
in_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN the_AT flares_NNS ,_, made_VBN to_TO seem_VB like_CS
stones_NNS imbedded_VBN in_IN a_AT lake_NN of_IN polished_VBN mud_NN ,_, were_B
ED impossible_JJ to_TO miss_VB ._. The_AT little_JJ Unsinkable_JJ-TL sank_VBD al
most_QL immediately_RB ._. Captain_NN-TL Musmanno_NP roared_VBD at_IN his_PP$ me
n_NNS to_TO lash_VB three_CD of_IN the_AT casks_NNS of_IN olive_NN oil_NN togeth
er_RB for_IN a_AT raft_NN ._. They_PPSS got_VBD it_PPO over_IN the_AT side_NN an
d_CC clambered_VBD aboard_RB only_RB a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS before_CS their_PP$
schooner_NN went_VBD under_RB ._. John_NP Bascom_NP went_VBD down_RP early_RB ,
_, too_RB ._. Ensign_NN-TL Vesole_NP and_CC his_PP$ gunners_NNS had_HVD fought_V
BN valiantly_RB ,_, but_CC they_PPSS had_HVD no_AT targets_NNS ._. Most_AP of_IN
the_AT Junkers_NPS were_BED above_IN the_AT blinding_VBG light_NN of_IN the_AT
flares_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT radar-controlled_JJ shore_NN gun_NN had_HVD been_BE
N knocked_VBN out_RP by_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD sticks_NNS of_IN bombs_N
NS ._. Vesole_NP rushed_VBD from_IN gun_NN to_IN gun_NN ,_, attempting_VBG to_TO
direct_VB fire_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ wounded_VBN ,_, but_CC fought_VBD on_RP .
_. Norton_NP and_CC Rochford_NP fired_VBD wildly_RB at_IN the_AT sounds_NNS of_I
N the_AT motors_NNS ._. Bishop_NP rushed_VBD on_IN deck_NN to_TO grab_VB a_AT 20
-mm_NN gun_NN ,_, pumping_VBG out_RP 400_CD rounds_NNS before_CS sticks_NNS of_I
N three_CD bombs_NNS each_DT crashed_VBD into_IN Holds_NNS-TL One_CD-TL ,_, Thre
e_CD-TL and_CC Five_CD-TL ._. Now_RB the_AT Bascom_NP was_BEDZ mortally_RB wound
ed_VBN ._. Luckily_RB ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ not_* completely_QL aflame_JJ and_CC
would_MD go_VB down_RP before_CS the_AT gasoline_NN could_MD erupt_VB ._. The_AT
order_NN to_TO abandon_VB ship_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN ,_, but_CC cries_NNS of_IN
pain_NN could_MD be_BE heard_VBN from_IN the_AT wounded_VBN below_IN decks_NNS
._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT pause_NN in_IN the_AT merriment_NN as_CS your_PP$ frien
ds_NNS gaze_VB at_IN you_PPO ,_, wondering_VBG why_WRB you_PPSS are_BER staring_
VBG ,_, open-mouthed_JJ in_IN amazement_NN ._. You_PPSS explain_VB ,_, ``_`` I_P
PSS have_HV the_AT strangest_JJT feeling_NN of_IN having_HVG lived_VBN through_I
N this_DT very_QL same_AP event_NN before_RB ._. I_PPSS can't_MD* tell_VB when_W
RB ,_, but_CC I'm_PPSS+BEM positive_JJ I_PPSS witnessed_VBD this_DT same_AP scen
e_NN of_IN this_DT particular_JJ gathering_NN at_IN some_DTI time_NN in_IN the_A
T past_NN ''_'' !_. !_. This_DT experience_NN will_MD have_HV happened_VBN to_IN
many_AP of_IN you_PPO ._. Emerson_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ lecture_NN ,_, refers_VB
Z to_IN the_AT ``_`` startling_JJ experience_NN which_WDT almost_RB every_AT per
son_NN confesses_VBZ in_IN daylight_NN ,_, that_CS particular_JJ passages_NNS of
_IN conversation_NN and_CC action_NN have_HV occurred_VBN to_IN him_PPO in_IN th
e_AT same_AP order_NN before_RB ,_, whether_CS dreaming_VBG or_CC waking_VBG ,_,
a_AT suspicion_NN that_CS they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN with_IN precisely_RB these
_DTS persons_NNS in_IN precisely_RB this_DT room_NN ,_, and_CC heard_VBN precise
ly_RB this_DT dialogue_NN ,_, at_IN some_DTI former_AP hour_NN ,_, they_PPSS kno
w_VB not_* when_WRB ''_'' ._. Most_AP psychiatrists_NNS dismiss_VB these_DTS ins
tances_NNS of_IN that_DT weird_JJ feeling_NN as_CS the_AT deja_FW-RB vue_FW-VBN
(_( already_RB seen_VBN )_) illusion_NN ,_, just_RB as_CS they_PPSS dismiss_VB d
ream_NN previsions_NNS as_CS coincidences_NNS ._. In_IN this_DT manner_NN they_P
PSS side-step_VB the_AT seemingly_QL hopeless_JJ investigation_NN of_IN the_AT g
reater_JJR depths_NNS of_IN mystery_NN in_IN which_WDT all_ABN of_IN us_PPO grop
e_VB continually_RB ._. When_WRB a_AT man_NN recognizes_VBZ a_AT certain_JJ expe
rience_NN as_CS the_AT exact_JJ pattern_NN of_IN a_AT previous_JJ dream_NN ,_, w
e_PPSS have_HV an_AT instance_NN of_IN deja_FW-RB vue_FW-VBN ,_, except_IN for_I
N the_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS knows_VBZ just_RB why_WRB the_AT experience_NN s
eems_VBZ familiar_JJ ._. Occasionally_RB there_EX are_BER examples_NNS of_IN pre
-vision_NN which_WDT cannot_MD* be_BE pushed_VBN aside_RB without_IN confessing_
VBG an_AT unscientific_JJ attitude_NN ._. One_CD day_NN Maeterlinck_NP ,_, comin
g_VBG with_IN a_AT friend_NN upon_IN an_AT event_NN which_WDT he_PPS recognized_
VBD as_CS the_AT exact_JJ pattern_NN of_IN a_AT previous_JJ dream_NN ,_, detaile
d_VBN the_AT ensuing_VBG occurrences_NNS in_IN advance_NN so_QL accurately_RB th
at_CS his_PP$ companion_NN was_BEDZ completely_RB mystified_VBN ._. Rudyard_NP K
ipling's_NP$ scorn_NN for_IN the_AT ``_`` jargon_NN ''_'' of_IN psychical_JJ res
earch_NN was_BEDZ altered_VBN somewhat_RB when_WRB he_PPS wondered_VBD ``_`` how
_WRB ,_, or_CC why_WRB ,_, had_HVD I_PPSS been_BEN shown_VBN an_AT unreleased_JJ
roll_NN of_IN my_PP$ life_NN film_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT famous_JJ author_NN t
ells_VBZ us_PPO of_IN the_AT strange_JJ incident_NN in_IN Something_PN-TL About_
IN-TL Myself_PPL-TL ._. One_CD day_NN when_WRB he_PPS attended_VBD a_AT war_NN m
emorial_JJ ceremony_NN in_IN Westminster_NP-TL Abbey_NN-TL his_PP$ view_NN was_B
EDZ obstructed_VBN by_IN a_AT stout_JJ man_NN on_IN his_PP$ left_NR ,_, his_PP$
attention_NN turned_VBD to_IN the_AT irregular_JJ pattern_NN of_IN the_AT rough_
JJ slab_NN flooring_NN and_CC someone_PN ,_, clasping_VBG him_PPO by_IN the_AT a
rm_NN ,_, whispered_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS want_VB a_AT word_NN with_IN you_PPO ,_
, please_UH ''_'' ._. At_IN that_DT moment_NN Kipling_NP was_BEDZ overwhelmed_VB
N with_IN awed_VBN amazement_NN ,_, suddenly_RB recalling_VBG that_CS these_DTS
identical_JJ details_NNS of_IN scene_NN ,_, action_NN and_CC word_NN had_HVD occ
urred_VBN to_IN him_PPO in_IN a_AT dream_NN six_CD weeks_NNS earlier_RBR ._. Fre
ud_NP probably_RB contributed_VBD more_RBR than_CS anyone_PN else_RB to_IN the_A
T understanding_NN of_IN dreams_NNS ,_, enabling_VBG us_PPO to_TO recognize_VB t
heir_PP$ equivalents_NNS in_IN our_PP$ wakeful_JJ thoughts_NNS ._. However_RB ,_
, readers_NNS who_WPS accept_VB Freud's_NP$ findings_NNS and_CC believe_VB that_
CS he_PPS has_HVZ solved_VBN completely_RB the_AT mystery_NN of_IN dreams_NNS ,_
, should_MD ponder_VB over_IN the_AT following_VBG words_NNS in_IN his_PP$ Inter
pretation_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Dreams_NNS-TL ,_, Chapter_NN-TL 1_CD-TL :_. :_. As_CS `
`_`` a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN no_AT such_JJ complete_JJ solution_NN of_IN th
e_AT dream_NN has_HVZ ever_RB been_BEN accomplished_VBN in_IN any_DTI case_NN ,_
, ,_, and_CC what_WDT is_BEZ more_AP ,_, every_AT one_CD attempting_VBG such_JJ
solution_NN has_HVZ found_VBN that_CS in_IN most_AP cases_NNS there_EX have_HV r
emained_VBN a_AT great_JJ many_AP components_NNS of_IN the_AT dream_NN the_AT so
urce_NN of_IN which_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN unable_JJ to_TO explain_VB nor_C
C is_BEZ the_AT discussion_NN closed_VBN on_IN the_AT subject_NN of_IN the_AT ma
ntic_JJ or_CC prophetic_JJ power_NN of_IN dreams_NNS ''_'' ._. Dreams_NNS presen
t_VB many_AP mysteries_NNS of_IN telepathy_NN ,_, clairvoyance_NN ,_, prevision_
NN and_CC retrovision_NN ._. The_AT basic_JJ mystery_NN of_IN dreams_NNS ,_, whi
ch_WDT embraces_VBZ all_ABN the_AT others_NNS and_CC challenges_VBZ us_PPO from_
IN even_RB the_AT most_QL common_JJ typical_JJ dream_NN ,_, is_BEZ in_IN the_AT
fact_NN that_CS they_PPSS are_BER original_JJ ,_, visual_JJ continuities_NNS ._.
I_PPSS recall_VB the_AT startling_JJ ,_, vivid_JJ realism_NN of_IN a_AT dream_N
N in_IN which_WDT I_PPSS lived_VBD through_IN the_AT horror_NN of_IN the_AT bomb
ing_VBG of_IN a_AT little_JJ Korean_JJ town_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ that_CS
nothing_PN within_IN me_PPO is_BEZ capable_JJ of_IN composing_VBG that_QL life-
like_JJ sequence_NN ,_, so_QL complete_JJ in_IN detail_NN ,_, from_IN the_AT hod
ge-podge_NN of_IN news_NN pictures_NNS I_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN ._. And_CC when_W
RB psychology_NN explains_VBZ glibly_RB ,_, ``_`` but_CC the_AT subconscious_JJ
mind_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO produce_VB it_PPO ''_'' it_PPS refers_VBZ to_IN a_A
T mental_JJ region_NN so_QL vaguely_RB identified_VBN that_CS it_PPS may_MD embr
ace_VB the_AT entire_JJ universal_JJ mind_NN as_QL conceivably_RB as_CS part_NN
of_IN the_AT individual_JJ mind_NN ._. Skeptics_NNS may_MD deny_VB the_AT more_Q
L startling_JJ phenomena_NNS of_IN dreams_NNS as_CS things_NNS they_PPSS have_HV
never_RB personally_RB observed_VBN ,_, but_CC failure_NN to_TO wonder_VB at_IN
their_PP$ basic_JJ mystery_NN is_BEZ outright_JJ avoidance_NN of_IN routine_JJ
evidence_NN ._. The_AT question_NN becomes_VBZ ,_, ``_`` What_WDT is_BEZ a_AT dr
eam_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ a_AT dream_NN simply_RB a_AT mental_JJ or_CC cerebra
l_JJ movie_NN ?_. ?_. Every_AT dream_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ of_IN
a_AT mental_JJ image_NN of_IN any_DTI type_NN even_RB though_CS it_PPS may_MD be
_BE readily_RB interpreted_VBN into_IN its_PP$ equivalent_JJ of_IN wakeful_JJ th
ought_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT psychic_JJ phenomenon_NN for_IN which_WDT no_AT explana
tion_NN is_BEZ available_JJ ._. In_IN most_AP cases_NNS we_PPSS recognize_VB cer
tain_JJ words_NNS ,_, persons_NNS ,_, animals_NNS or_CC objects_NNS ._. But_CC t
hese_DTS are_BER dreamed_VBN in_IN original_JJ action_NN ,_, in_IN some_DTI part
icular_JJ continuity_NN which_WDT we_PPSS don't_DO* remember_VB having_HVG seen_
VBN in_IN real_JJ life_NN ._. For_IN instance_NN ,_, the_AT dreamer_NN sees_VBZ
himself_PPL seated_VBN behind_IN neighbor_NN Smith_NP and_CC ,_, with_IN photogr
aphic_JJ realism_NN ,_, sees_VBZ Smith_NP driving_VBG the_AT car_NN ;_. ;_. wher
eas_CS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN that_CS Smith_NP cannot_MD
* drive_VB a_AT car_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN to_TO suggest_VB that_CS t
he_AT brain_NN can_MD alter_VB past_AP impressions_NNS to_TO fit_VB into_IN an_A
T original_JJ ,_, realistic_JJ and_CC unbroken_JJ continuity_NN like_CS we_PPSS
experience_VB in_IN dreams_NNS ._. The_AT entire_JJ concept_NN of_IN cerebral_JJ
imagery_NN as_CS the_AT physical_JJ basis_NN of_IN a_AT mental_JJ image_NN can_
MD find_VB no_AT logical_JJ support_NN ._. A_AT ``_`` mental_JJ image_NN ''_'' s
ubconsciously_RB impressing_VBG us_PPO from_IN beneath_IN its_PP$ language_NN sy
mbols_NNS in_IN wakeful_JJ thought_NN ,_, or_CC consciously_RB in_IN light_JJ sl
eep_NN ,_, is_BEZ actually_RB not_* an_AT image_NN at_IN all_ABN but_CC is_BEZ c
omprised_VBN of_IN realities_NNS ,_, viewed_VBN not_* in_IN the_AT concurrent_JJ
sensory_JJ stream_NN ,_, but_CC within_IN the_AT depths_NNS of_IN the_AT fourth
_OD dimension_NN ._. Dreams_NNS that_WPS display_VB events_NNS of_IN the_AT futu
re_NN with_IN photographic_JJ detail_NN call_VB for_IN a_AT theory_NN explaining
_VBG their_PP$ basic_JJ mystery_NN and_CC all_ABN its_PP$ components_NNS ,_, inc
luding_IN that_DT weird_JJ feeling_NN of_IN deja_FW-RB vue_FW-VBN ,_, inevitably
_RB fantastic_JJ though_CS that_DT theory_NN must_MD seem_VB ._. As_CS in_IN the
_AT theory_NN of_IN perception_NN ,_, established_VBN in_IN psycho-physiology_NN
,_, the_AT eye_NN is_BEZ recognized_VBN as_CS an_AT integral_JJ part_NN of_IN t
he_AT brain_NN ._. But_CC then_RB this_DT theory_NN confesses_VBZ that_CS it_PPS
is_BEZ completely_RB at_IN a_AT loss_NN as_IN to_IN how_WRB the_AT image_NN can
_MD possibly_RB be_BE received_VBN by_IN the_AT brain_NN ._. The_AT opening_VBG
paragraph_NN of_IN the_AT chapter_NN titled_VBN The_AT Theory_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Rep
resentative_JJ-TL Perception_NN-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT book_NN Philosophies_NNS-TL
Of_IN-TL Science_NN-TL by_IN Albert_NP G._NP Ramsperger_NP says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` pa
ssed_VBN on_IN to_IN the_AT brain_NN ,_, and_CC there_RB ,_, by_IN some_DTI unex
plained_JJ process_NN ,_, it_PPS causes_VBZ the_AT mind_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT pe
rception_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC why_WRB is_BEZ it_PPS necessary_JJ to_TO reproduce_
VB the_AT retinal_JJ image_NN within_IN the_AT brain_NN ?_. ?_. As_CS retinal_JJ
images_NNS are_BER conceded_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT integral_JJ function_NN of_IN
the_AT brain_NN it_PPS seems_VBZ logical_JJ to_TO suppose_VB that_CS the_AT ner
ves_NNS ,_, between_IN the_AT inner_JJ brain_NN and_CC the_AT eyes_NNS ,_, carry
_VB the_AT direct_JJ drive_NN for_IN cooperation_NN from_IN the_AT various_JJ br
ain_NN centers_NNS --_-- rather_IN than_IN to_TO theorize_VB on_IN the_AT transm
ission_NN of_IN an_AT image_NN which_WDT is_BEZ already_RB in_IN required_VBN lo
cation_NN ._. Hereby_RB ,_, the_AT external_JJ object_NN viewed_VBN by_IN the_AT
eyes_NNS remains_VBZ the_AT thing_NN that_WPS is_BEZ seen_VBN ,_, not_* the_AT
retinal_JJ image_NN ,_, the_AT purpose_NN of_IN which_WDT would_MD be_BE to_TO a
chieve_VB perceptive_JJ cooperation_NN by_IN stirring_VBG sympathetic_JJ impulse
s_NNS in_IN the_AT other_AP sensory_JJ centers_NNS ,_, motor_NN tensions_NNS ,_,
associated_VBN word_NN symbols_NNS ,_, and_CC consciousness_NN ._. Modern_JJ ph
ysics_NN has_HVZ developed_VBN the_AT theory_NN that_CS all_ABN matter_NN consis
ts_VBZ of_IN minute_JJ waves_NNS of_IN energy_NN ._. We_PPSS know_VB that_CS the
_AT number_NN of_IN radio_NN and_CC television_NN impulses_NNS ,_, sound_NN wave
s_NNS ,_, ultra-violet_JJ rays_NNS ,_, etc._RB ,_, that_WPS may_MD occupy_VB the
_AT very_QL same_AP space_NN ,_, each_DT solitary_NN upon_IN its_PP$ own_JJ freq
uency_NN ,_, is_BEZ infinite_JJ ._. So_CS we_PPSS may_MD conceive_VB the_AT coex
istence_NN of_IN the_AT infinite_JJ number_NN of_IN universal_JJ ,_, apparently_
RB momentary_JJ states_NNS of_IN matter_NN ,_, successive_JJ one_CD after_IN ano
ther_DT in_IN consciousness_NN ,_, but_CC permanent_JJ each_DT on_IN its_PP$ own
_JJ basic_JJ phase_NN of_IN the_AT progressive_JJ frequencies_NNS ._. This_DT th
eory_NN makes_VBZ it_PPO possible_JJ for_CS any_DTI event_NN throughout_IN etern
ity_NN to_TO be_BE continuously_RB available_JJ at_IN any_DTI moment_NN to_IN co
nsciousness_NN ._. Space_NN in_IN any_DTI form_NN is_BEZ completely_RB measured_
VBN by_IN the_AT three_CD dimensions_NNS ._. If_CS the_AT fourth_OD dimension_NN
is_BEZ a_AT physical_JJ concept_NN and_CC not_* purely_QL metaphysical_JJ ,_, t
hrough_IN what_WDT medium_NN does_DOZ it_PPS extend_VB ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ not
_* through_IN space_NN nor_CC time_NN that_CS the_AT time_NN machine_NN most_RBT
approved_VBN by_IN science_NN fiction_NN must_MD travel_VB for_IN a_AT visit_NN
to_IN the_AT permanent_JJ prehistoric_JJ past_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT ever-existent
_JJ past-fantasy_NN future_NN ._. Three_CD seconds_NNS flat_RB is_BEZ the_AT usu
al_JJ time_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT space_NN is_BEZ crossed_VBN by_IN moderate_JJ mi
leage_NN ,_, while_CS the_AT overwhelming_JJ immensity_NN of_IN such_JJ journeys
_NNS must_MD be_BE conceived_VBN as_CS a_AT static_JJ pulsation_NN through_IN an
_AT enormous_JJ number_NN of_IN coexistent_JJ frequencies_NNS which_WDT perpetua
te_VB all_ABN events_NNS ._. The_AT body_NN ,_, senses_NNS and_CC brain_NN ,_, i
n_IN common_JJ with_IN all_ABN matter_NN ,_, have_HV their_PP$ counterpart_NN on
_IN each_DT of_IN a_AT countless_JJ number_NN of_IN frequencies_NNS ._. The_AT s
enses_NNS in_IN each_DT counterpart_NN bear_VB the_AT impression_NN only_RB of_I
N phenomena_NNS that_WPS share_VB its_PP$ own_JJ frequency_NN ,_, whereas_CS tho
se_DTS upon_IN all_ABN other_AP frequencies_NNS are_BER invisible_JJ ,_, inaudib
le_JJ and_CC intactible_JJ to_IN them_PPO ._. Consciousness_NN is_BEZ the_AT fac
tor_NN that_WPS provides_VBZ the_AT progressive_JJ continuity_NN to_IN sensory_J
J impressions_NNS ._. When_WRB consciousness_NN deserts_VBZ the_AT sleeping_VBG
body_NN and_CC the_AT wakeful_JJ world_NN ,_, it_PPS continues_VBZ in_IN the_AT
myriad_JJ progressions_NNS of_IN the_AT ever-present_JJ past_NN and_CC future_NN
,_, in_IN a_AT life_NN as_QL vibrant_JJ and_CC real_JJ as_CS the_AT one_CD left
_VBN when_WRB the_AT body_NN tired_VBD and_CC required_VBD sleep_NN ._. If_CS th
e_AT photographically_RB realistic_JJ continuity_NN of_IN dreams_NNS ,_, however
_WQL bizarre_JJ their_PP$ combinations_NNS ,_, denies_VBZ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ
purely_RB a_AT composition_NN of_IN the_AT brain_NN ,_, it_PPS must_MD be_BE com
pounded_VBN from_IN views_NNS of_IN diverse_JJ realities_NNS ,_, although_CS som
e_DTI of_IN them_PPO may_MD never_RB be_BE encountered_VBN in_IN what_WDT we_PPS
S are_BER pleased_VBN to_TO call_VB the_AT real_JJ life_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL H._NP V
._NP Hilprecht_NP ,_, Professor_NN-TL of_IN-TL Assyrian_NP-TL at_IN the_AT Unive
rsity_NN-TL of_IN-TL Pennsylvania_NP-TL ,_, dreamed_VBD that_CS a_AT Babylonian_
JJ priest_NN ,_, associated_VBN with_IN the_AT king_NN Kurigalzu_NP ,_, (_( 1300
_CD B.C._NP )_) escorted_VBD him_PPO to_IN the_AT treasure_NN chamber_NN of_IN t
he_AT temple_NN of_IN Bel_NP ,_, gave_VBD him_PPO six_CD novel_JJ points_NNS of_
IN information_NN about_IN a_AT certain_JJ broken_VBN relic_NN ,_, and_CC correc
ted_VBD an_AT error_NN in_IN its_PP$ identification_NN ._. As_CS a_AT matter_NN
of_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT incorrect_JJ classification_NN ,_, the_AT result_NN of_
IN many_AP weeks_NNS of_IN labor_NN by_IN Dr._NN-TL Hilprecht_NP ,_, was_BEDZ ab
out_RB to_TO be_BE published_VBN by_IN him_PPO the_AT following_VBG day_NN ._. S
ome_DTI time_NN later_RBR the_AT missing_VBG part_NN of_IN the_AT relic_NN was_B
EDZ found_VBN and_CC the_AT complete_JJ inscription_NN ,_, together_RB with_IN o
ther_AP new_JJ evidence_NN ,_, fully_RB corroborated_VBN the_AT ancient_JJ pries
t's_NN$ information_NN ._. Dr._NN-TL Hilprecht_NP was_BEDZ uncertain_JJ as_IN to
_IN the_AT language_NN used_VBN by_IN the_AT ancient_JJ priest_NN in_IN his_PP$
dream_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ almost_RB positive_JJ it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* Assyria
n_JJ nor_CC Cassite_JJ ,_, and_CC imagined_VBD it_PPS must_MD have_HV been_BEN G
erman_NP or_CC English_NP ._. We_PPSS may_MD conclude_VB that_CS all_ABN six_CD
points_NNS of_IN information_NN ,_, ostensibly_RB given_VBN by_IN the_AT dream_N
N priest_NN ,_, could_MD have_HV been_BEN furnished_VBN by_IN Dr._NN-TL Hilprech
t's_NP$ subconscious_JJ reasoning_NN ._. But_CC ,_, in_IN denying_VBG any_DTI ph
ysical_JJ reality_NN for_IN this_DT dream_NN ,_, how_WRB could_MD the_AT brain_N
N possibly_RB compose_VB that_DT realistic_JJ ,_, vividly_RB visual_JJ continuit
y_NN uninterrupted_JJ by_IN misty_JJ fadeout_NN ,_, violent_JJ break_NN or_CC su
dden_JJ substitution_NN ?_. ?_. Which_WDT theory_NN is_BEZ more_QL fantastic_JJ
:_: 1_CD ._. That_CS the_AT perfect_JJ continuity_NN was_BEDZ composed_VBN from_
IN the_AT joblot_NN of_IN memory_NN impressions_NNS in_IN the_AT professor's_NN$
brain_NN ,_, or_CC 2_CD ._. That_CS the_AT dream_NN was_BEDZ a_AT reality_NN on
_IN the_AT infinite_JJ progressions_NNS of_IN universal_JJ ,_, gradient_JJ frequ
encies_NNS ,_, across_IN which_WDT the_AT modern_JJ professor_NN and_CC the_AT p
riest_NN of_IN ancient_JJ Nippur_NP met_VBD ?_. ?_. The_AT degree_NN of_IN circu
mstance_NN ,_, the_AT ratio_NN of_IN memory_NN to_IN forgetfulness_NN ,_, determ
ines_VBZ whether_CS a_AT dream_NN will_MD be_BE a_AT recognized_VBN ,_, fulfille
d_VBN prevision_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT vaguely_QL ,_, effective_JJ source_NN of_IN
the_AT weird_JJ deja_FW-RB vue_FW-VBN feeling_NN ._. No_AT doubt_NN some_DTI exp
eriences_NNS vanish_VB so_QL completely_RB as_CS to_TO leave_VB no_AT trace_NN o
n_IN the_AT sleeper's_NN$ mind_NN ._. Probably_RB less_AP than_IN one_CD percent
_NN of_IN our_PP$ previsions_NNS escape_VB final_JJ obliteration_NN before_CS we
_PPSS wake_VB ._. When_WRB we_PPSS arrive_VB at_IN the_AT events_NNS concerned_V
BN in_IN the_AT vanished_VBN majority_NN ,_, they_PPSS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, c
annot_MD* impress_VB us_PPO as_CS anything_PN familiar_JJ ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_
, there_EX are_BER notably_RB frequent_JJ instances_NNS of_IN deja_FW-RB vue_FW-
VBN ,_, in_IN which_WDT our_PP$ recognition_NN of_IN an_AT entirely_QL novel_JJ
event_NN is_BEZ a_AT feeling_NN of_IN having_HVG lived_VBN through_IN it_PPO bef
ore_RB ,_, a_AT feeling_NN which_WDT ,_, though_CS vague_JJ ,_, withstands_VBZ t
he_AT verbal_JJ barrage_NN from_IN the_AT most_QL impressive_JJ corps_NN of_IN p
sychologists_NNS ._. If_CS deja_FW-RB vue_FW-VBN is_BEZ an_AT illusion_NN ,_, th
en_RB peculiarly_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT most_QL prevalent_JJ mental_JJ distur
bance_NN affecting_VBG even_RB the_AT most_QL level-headed_JJ people_NNS ._. Cha
uncey_NP Depew_NP ,_, one-time_JJ runner-up_NN for_IN the_AT Republican_JJ-TL Pr
esidential_JJ-TL nomination_NN ,_, was_BEDZ attending_VBG a_AT convention_NN at_
IN Saratoga_NP ,_, where_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ scheduled_VBN to_TO nominate_VB Col
onel_NN-TL Theodore_NP Roosevelt_NP for_IN Governor_NN-TL of_IN-TL New_JJ-TL Yor
k_NP-TL when_WRB he_PPS noticed_VBD that_CS the_AT temporary_JJ chairman_NN was_
BEDZ a_AT man_NN he_PPS had_HVD never_RB met_VBN ._. After_CS the_AT preliminary
_JJ business_NN affair_NN was_BEDZ finished_VBN Depew_NP arose_VBD and_CC delive
red_VBD the_AT convincing_JJ speech_NN that_WPS clinched_VBD the_AT nomination_N
N for_IN Roosevelt_NP ._. If_CS Depew_NP had_HVD told_VBN any_DTI academic_JJ ps
ychologist_NN that_CS he_PPS had_HVD a_AT weird_JJ feeling_NN of_IN having_HVG l
ived_VBN through_IN that_DT identical_JJ convention_NN session_NN at_IN some_DTI
time_NN in_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN informed_VBN
that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT victim_NN of_IN deja_FW-RB vue_FW-VBN ._. But_CC th
e_AT famous_JJ orator_NN felt_VBD more_AP than_IN vague_JJ recognition_NN for_IN
the_AT scene_NN ._. He_PPS remembered_VBD exactly_RB when_WRB he_PPS had_HVD li
ved_VBN through_IN it_PPO before_RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS had_HVD something_PN to_TO
prove_VB he_PPS had_HVD ._. One_CD week_NN before_IN the_AT convention_NN ,_, D
epew_NP was_BEDZ seated_VBN on_IN the_AT porch_NN of_IN a_AT country_NN home_NN
on_IN the_AT Hudson_NP ,_, gazing_VBG at_IN the_AT opposite_JJ shore_NN ._. ``_`
` The_AT food_NN is_BEZ wonderful_JJ and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN fun_
NN to_TO be_BE here_RB ''_'' !_. !_. So_RB wrote_VBD a_AT ten_CD year_NN old_JJ
student_NN in_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN his_PP$ parents_NNS from_IN North_JJ-TL Co
untry_NN-TL School_NN-TL ,_, Lake_NN-TL Placid_JJ-TL ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._
. In_IN this_DT one_CD sentence_NN ,_, he_PPS unwittingly_RB revealed_VBD the_AT
basic_JJ philosophy_NN of_IN the_AT nutrition_NN and_CC psychological_JJ progra
ms_NNS in_IN operation_NN at_IN the_AT school_NN ._. Because_CS the_AT food_NN i
s_BEZ selected_VBN with_IN thought_NN for_IN its_PP$ nutritional_JJ value_NN ,_,
care_NN for_IN its_PP$ origin_NN ,_, and_CC prepared_VBN in_IN a_AT manner_NN t
hat_WPS retains_VBZ the_AT most_AP nutrients_NNS ,_, the_AT food_NN does_DOZ tas
te_VB good_JJ ._. When_WRB served_VBN in_IN a_AT psychological_JJ atmosphere_NN
that_WPS allows_VBZ young_JJ bodies_NNS to_TO assimilate_VB the_AT greatest_JJT
good_NN from_IN what_WDT they_PPSS eat_VB because_CS they_PPSS are_BER free_JJ f
rom_IN tension_NN ,_, a_AT foundation_NN is_BEZ laid_VBN for_IN a_AT high_JJ lev
el_NN of_IN health_NN that_WPS releases_VBZ the_AT children_NNS from_IN physical
_JJ handicaps_NNS to_TO participate_VB with_IN enjoyment_NN in_IN the_AT work_NN
assignments_NNS ,_, the_AT athletic_JJ programs_NNS and_CC the_AT most_QL impor
tant_JJ phase_NN ,_, the_AT educational_JJ opportunities_NNS ._. Situated_VBN in
_IN a_AT region_NN of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT loveliest_JJT mountain_NN scenery
_NN in_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, the_AT school_NN buildings_NNS are_BER located_V
BN amid_IN open_JJ fields_NNS and_CC farm_NN lands_NNS ._. These_DTS contemporar
y_JJ structures_NNS ,_, beautifully_RB adapted_VBN to_IN a_AT school_NN in_IN th
e_AT country_NN ,_, are_BER home_NN to_IN 60_CD children_NNS ,_, ages_NNS eight_
CD to_IN fourteen_CD ,_, grades_NNS four_CD through_IN eight_CD ._. From_IN four
teen_CD states_NNS and_CC three_CD foreign_JJ countries_NNS they_PPSS come_VB to
_TO spend_VB the_AT months_NNS from_IN mid-September_NP to_IN June_NP ._. The_AT
Director_NN-TL ,_, Walter_NP E._NP Clark_NP ,_, believes_VBZ that_CS a_AT schoo
l_NN with_IN children_NNS living_VBG full_JJ time_NN in_IN its_PP$ care_NN must_
MD take_VB full_JJ responsibility_NN for_IN their_PP$ welfare_NN ._. To_IN him_P
PO this_DT means_VBZ caring_VBG for_IN the_AT whole_JJ child_NN ,_, providing_VB
G basic_JJ nutrition_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT spiritual_JJ attitude_NN that_WPS lends_
VBZ freedom_NN for_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN the_AT mind_NN ._. Improved_VB
N-HL farming_VBG-HL methods_NNS-HL The_AT concept_NN of_IN good_JJ nutrition_NN
really_RB began_VBD with_IN the_AT garden_NN ._. The_AT school_NN has_HVZ always
_RB maintained_VBN a_AT farm_NN to_TO supply_VB the_AT needs_NNS of_IN the_AT sc
hool_NN ._. In_IN a_AT climate_NN hostile_JJ to_IN agriculture_NN ,_, Mr._NP Cla
rk_NP has_HVZ had_HVN to_TO keep_VB alert_JJ to_IN the_AT most_QL productive_JJ
farm_NN techniques_NNS ._. Where_WRB a_AT growing_VBG season_NN may_MD ,_, with_
IN luck_NN ,_, allow_VB 60_CD days_NNS without_IN frost_NN ,_, and_CC where_WRB
the_AT soil_NN is_BEZ poor_JJ ,_, sandy_JJ ,_, quick-drying_JJ and_CC subject_JJ
to_IN erosion_NN ,_, many_AP farmers_NNS fail_VB ._. Throughout_IN the_AT Adiro
ndack_NP region_NN abandoned_VBN farm_NN homes_NNS and_CC wild_JJ orchards_NNS b
ear_VB ghostly_JJ testimony_NN that_CS their_PP$ owners_NNS met_VBD defeat_NN ._
. Mr._NP Clark_NP found_VBD that_CS orthodox_JJ procedures_NNS of_IN deep_JJ plo
wing_NN ,_, use_NN of_IN chemical_NN fertilizers_NNS and_CC insecticides_NNS ,_,
plus_CC the_AT application_NN of_IN conservation_NN principles_NNS of_IN rotati
on_NN and_CC contouring_VBG ,_, did_DOD not_* prevent_VB sheet_NN erosion_NN in_
IN the_AT potato_NN fields_NNS and_CC depreciation_NN of_IN the_AT soil_NN ._. `
`_`` To_TO give_VB up_RP these_DTS notions_NNS required_VBD a_AT revolution_NN i
n_IN thought_NN ''_'' ,_, Mr._NP Clark_NP said_VBD in_IN reminiscing_VBG about_I
N the_AT abrupt_JJ changes_NNS in_IN ideas_NNS he_PPS experienced_VBD when_WRB h
e_PPS began_VBD reading_VBG ``_`` Organic_JJ-TL Gardening_NN-TL ''_'' And_CC-TL
``_`` Modern_JJ-TL Nutrition_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN a_AT search_NN for_IN help_NN wit
h_IN his_PP$ problems_NNS ._. ``_`` Louis_NP Bromfield's_NP$ writings_NNS excite
d_VBD me_PPO as_CS a_AT conservationist_NN ''_'' ._. By_IN 1952_CD he_PPS was_BE
DZ convinced_VBN he_PPS would_MD no_QL longer_RBR spray_VB ._. He_PPS locked_VBD
his_PP$ equipment_NN in_IN a_AT cabinet_NN where_WRB it_PPS still_RB remains_VB
Z ._. After_CS reading_VBG ``_`` Plowman's_NN$-TL Folly_NN-TL ''_'' by_IN Edward
_NP H._NP Faulkner_NP ,_, he_PPS stopped_VBD plowing_VBG ._. The_AT basis_NN for
_IN compost_NN materials_NNS already_RB existed_VBD on_IN the_AT school_NN farm_
NN with_IN a_AT stable_NN of_IN animals_NNS for_IN the_AT riding_VBG program_NN
,_, poultry_NN for_IN eggs_NNS ,_, pigs_NNS to_TO eat_VB garbage_NN ,_, a_AT bee
f_NN herd_NN and_CC wastes_NNS of_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS ._. Separate_JJ pails_NNS
were_BED kept_VBN in_IN the_AT kitchen_NN for_IN coffee_NN grounds_NNS and_CC e
gg_NN shells_NNS ._. All_ABN these_DTS materials_NNS and_CC supplementary_JJ man
ure_NN and_CC other_AP fertilizers_NNS from_IN neighboring_VBG dairy_NN and_CC p
oultry_NN farms_NNS made_VBD over_RP 40_CD tons_NNS of_IN finished_VBN compost_N
N a_AT year_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ applied_VBN with_IN a_AT compost_NN shredder_
NN made_VBN from_IN a_AT converted_VBN manure_NN spreader_NN ._. Years_NNS of_IN
patient_JJ application_NN of_IN compost_NN and_CC leaf_NN mulching_VBG has_HVZ
changed_VBN the_AT structure_NN of_IN the_AT soil_NN and_CC its_PP$ water-holdin
g_JJ capacity_NN ._. Soon_RB after_CS the_AT method_NN changed_VBD ,_, visitors_
NNS began_VBD asking_VBG how_WRB he_PPS managed_VBD to_TO irrigate_VB his_PP$ so
il_NN to_TO keep_VB it_PPO looking_VBG moist_JJ ,_, when_WRB in_IN reality_NN ,_
, it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT soil_NN treatment_NN alone_RB that_WPS accomplished_VBD
this_DT ._. To_TO demonstrate_VB the_AT soil_NN of_IN his_PP$ vegetable_NN gard
ens_NNS as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ today_NR ,_, Mr._NP Clark_NP stooped_VBD to_TO scoop
_VB up_RP a_AT handful_NN of_IN rich_JJ dark_JJ earth_NN ._. Sniffing_VBG its_PP
$ sweet_JJ smell_NN and_CC letting_VBG it_PPO fall_VB to_TO show_VB its_PP$ good
_JJ crumbly_JJ consistency_NN ,_, he_PPS pointed_VBD to_IN the_AT nearby_JJ driv
eway_NN and_CC said_VBD ,_, ``_`` This_DT soil_NN used_VBD to_TO be_BE like_CS t
hat_DT hard_JJ packed_VBN road_NN over_IN there_RB ''_'' ._. ``_`` People_NNS an
d_CC soils_NNS respond_VB slowly_RB ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Walter_NP Clark_NP ,_, ``
_`` but_CC the_AT time_NN has_HVZ now_RB come_VBN when_WRB the_AT gardens_NNS pr
oduce_VB delicious_JJ long-keeping_JJ vegetables_NNS due_RB to_IN this_DT enrich
ment_NN program_NN ._. No_AT chemical_NN fertilizers_NNS and_CC poisonous_JJ ins
ecticides_NNS and_CC fungicides_NNS are_BER used_VBN ''_'' ._. The_AT garden_NN
supplies_VBZ enough_AP carrots_NNS ,_, turnips_NNS ,_, rutabagas_NNS ,_, potatoe
s_NNS ,_, beets_NNS ,_, cabbage_NN and_CC squash_NN to_TO store_VB for_IN winter
_NN meals_NNS in_IN the_AT root_NN cellar_NN ._. The_AT carrots_NNS sometimes_RB
don't_DO* make_VB it_PPO through_IN the_AT winter_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT cabbage_NN
and_CC squash_NN keep_VB until_IN March_NP or_CC April_NP ._. There_EX is_BEZ ne
ver_RB enough_AP corn_NN ,_, peas_NNS or_CC strawberries_NNS ._. Mr._NP Clark_NP
still_RB has_HVZ to_TO use_VB rotenone_NN with_IN potatoes_NNS grown_VBN on_IN
the_AT least_QL fertile_JJ fields_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS has_HVZ watched_VBN the_
AT insect_NN damage_NN decrease_VB steadily_RB and_CC hopes_VBZ that_CS continue
d_VBN use_NN of_IN compost_NN and_CC leaf_NN mulch_NN will_MD allow_VB him_PPO t
o_TO do_DO without_IN it_PPO in_IN the_AT future_NN ._. A_AT new_JJ project_NN p
lanned_VBN is_BEZ the_AT use_NN of_IN Bio-Dynamic_JJ-TL Starter_NN-TL ._. New_JJ
ideas_NNS for_IN improving_VBG nutrition_NN came_VBD with_IN the_AT study_NN of
_IN soil_NN treatment_NN ._. ``_`` After_IN the_AT soil_NN ,_, the_AT kitchen_NN
''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Mr._NP Clark_NP ._. The_AT first_OD major_JJ change_NN was_B
EDZ that_DT of_IN providing_VBG wholewheat_NN bread_NN instead_RB of_IN white_JJ
bread_NN ._. ``_`` Adults_NNS take_VB a_AT long_JJ time_NN to_TO convince_VB an
d_CC you_PPSS are_BER thwarted_VBN if_CS you_PPSS try_VB to_TO push_VB ''_'' ._.
At_IN first_RB the_AT kitchen_NN help_NN was_BEDZ tolerant_JJ ,_, but_CC ordere
d_VBD their_PP$ own_JJ supply_NN of_IN white_JJ bread_NN for_IN themselves_PPLS
._. ``_`` You_PPSS can't_MD* make_VB French_JJ toast_NN with_IN whole-wheat_NN b
read_NN ''_'' ,_, was_BEDZ an_AT early_JJ complaint_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN they_
PPSS learned_VBD in_IN time_NN that_CS they_PPSS not_* only_RB could_MD use_VB w
hole-wheat_NN bread_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT children_NNS liked_VBD it_PPO better_RB
R ._. Homemade_JJ-HL bread_NN-HL Mrs._NP Clark_NP ,_, as_CS house_NN manager_NN
,_, planned_VBD the_AT menus_NNS and_CC cared_VBD for_IN the_AT ordering_NN ._.
Then_JJ Miss_NP Lillian_NP Colman_NP came_VBD from_IN Vermont_NP to_TO be_BE kit
chen_NN manager_NN ._. Today_NR whole_JJ grains_NNS are_BER freshly_RB ground_VB
N every_AT day_NN and_CC baked_VBN into_IN bread_NN ._. Mr._NP Clark's_NP$ studi
es_NNS taught_VBD him_PPO that_CS the_AT only_AP way_NN to_TO conserve_VB the_AT
vitamins_NNS in_IN the_AT whole_JJ grain_NN was_BEDZ prompt_JJ use_NN of_IN the
_AT flour_NN ._. Once_CS the_AT grains_NNS are_BER ground_VBN ,_, vitamin_NN E_N
N begins_VBZ to_TO deteriorate_VB immediately_RB and_CC half_ABN of_IN it_PPO is
_BEZ lost_VBN by_IN oxidation_NN and_CC exposure_NN to_IN the_AT air_NN within_I
N one_CD week_NN ._. A_AT mill_NN stands_VBZ in_IN a_AT room_NN off_IN the_AT ki
tchen_NN ._. Surrounding_VBG it_PPO are_BER metal_NN cans_NNS of_IN grains_NNS o
rdered_VBN from_IN organic_JJ farms_NNS in_IN the_AT state_NN ._. Miss_NP Colman
_NP pours_VBZ measures_NNS of_IN whole_JJ wheat_NN ,_, oats_NN ,_, and_CC soy_NN
beans_NNS and_CC turns_VBZ on_RP the_AT motor_NN ._. She_PPS goes_VBZ on_RP abo
ut_IN her_PP$ work_NN and_CC listens_VBZ for_IN the_AT completion_NN of_IN the_A
T grinding_NN ._. The_AT bread_NN baked_VBN from_IN this_DT mixture_NN is_BEZ li
ght_JJ in_IN color_NN and_CC fragrant_JJ in_IN aroma_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ well_Q
L liked_VBN by_IN the_AT children_NNS and_CC faculty_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ one_
CD problem_NN with_IN the_AT bread_NN ._. ``_`` Lillian's_NP$ bread_NN is_BEZ so
_QL good_JJ and_CC everything_PN tastes_VBZ so_QL much_QL better_JJR here_RB tha
t_CS it_PPS is_BEZ hard_JJ not_* to_TO eat_VB too_QL much_AP ''_'' ,_, said_VBD
the_AT secretary_NN ruefully_RB eyeing_VBG her_PP$ extra_JJ pounds_NNS ._. Hot_J
J-HL ,_,-HL freshly-ground_JJ-HL cereal_NN-HL The_AT school_NN has_HVZ not_* use
d_VBN cold_JJ prepared_VBN cereals_NNS for_IN years_NNS ,_, though_CS at_IN one_
CD time_NN that_DT was_BEDZ all_ABN they_PPSS ever_RB served_VBD ._. When_WRB th
e_AT chance_NN came_VBD ,_, they_PPSS first_RB eliminated_VBD cold_JJ cereal_NN
once_RB a_AT week_NN ,_, then_RB gradually_RB converted_VBD to_IN hot_JJ fresh-g
round_JJ cereal_NN every_AT day_NN ._. They_PPSS serve_VB cracked_VBN wheat_NN ,
_, oats_NN or_CC cornmeal_NN ._. Occasionally_RB ,_, the_AT children_NNS find_VB
steamed_VBN ,_, whole-wheat_NN grains_NNS for_IN cereal_NN which_WDT they_PPSS
call_VB ``_`` buckshot_NN ''_'' ._. At_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN the_AT schoo
l_NN year_NN ,_, the_AT new_JJ students_NNS don't_DO* eat_VB the_AT cereal_NN ri
ght_QL away_RB ,_, but_CC within_IN a_AT short_JJ time_NN they_PPSS are_BER eati
ng_VBG it_PPO voraciously_RB ._. When_WRB they_PPSS leave_VB for_IN vacations_NN
S they_PPSS miss_VB the_AT hot_JJ cereal_NN ._. The_AT school_NN has_HVZ receive
d_VBN letters_NNS from_IN parents_NNS asking_VBG ,_, ``_`` What_WDT happened_VBD
to_IN Johnny_NP ?_. ?_. He_PPS never_RB used_VBD to_TO like_VB any_DTI hot_JJ c
ereal_NN ,_, now_RB that's_DT+BEZ the_AT only_AP kind_NN he_PPS wants_VBZ ._. Wh
ere_WRB can_MD we_PPSS get_VB this_DT cereal_NN he_PPS likes_VBZ so_QL much_RB '
'_'' ?_. ?_. Body-building_JJ-HL foods_NNS-HL Salads_NNS are_BER served_VBN at_I
N least_AP once_RB a_AT day_NN ._. Vegetables_NNS are_BER served_VBN liberally_R
B ._. Most_AP come_VB from_IN the_AT root_NN cellar_NN or_CC from_IN the_AT free
zer_NN ._. Home-made_JJ sauerkraut_NN is_BEZ served_VBN once_RB a_AT week_NN ._.
Sprouted_VBN grains_NNS and_CC seeds_NNS are_BER used_VBN in_IN salads_NNS and_
CC dishes_NNS such_JJ as_CS chop_NN suey_NN ._. Sometimes_RB sprouted_VBN wheat_
NN is_BEZ added_VBN to_IN bread_NN and_CC causes_VBZ the_AT children_NNS to_TO r
emark_VB ,_, ``_`` Lillian_NP ,_, did_DOD you_PPSS put_VB nuts_NNS in_IN the_AT
bread_NN today_NR ''_'' ?_. ?_. Milk_NN appears_VBZ twice_RB a_AT day_NN ._. The
_AT school_NN raises_VBZ enough_AP poultry_NN ,_, pigs_NNS ,_, and_CC beef_NN ca
ttle_NNS for_IN most_AP of_IN their_PP$ needs_NNS ._. Lots_NNS of_IN cheese_NN m
ade_VBN from_IN June_NP grass_NN milk_NN is_BEZ served_VBN ._. Hens_NNS are_BER
kept_VBN on_IN the_AT range_NN and_CC roosters_NNS are_BER kept_VBN with_IN them
_PPO for_IN their_PP$ fertility_NN ._. Organ_NN meats_NNS such_JJ as_CS beef_NN
and_CC chicken_NN liver_NN ,_, tongue_NN and_CC heart_NN are_BER planned_VBN onc
e_RB a_AT week_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, salt_NN water_NN fish_NN is_BEZ on_IN the_AT t
able_NN once_RB a_AT week_NN ._. For_IN deserts_NNS ,_, puddings_NNS and_CC pies
_NNS are_BER each_DT served_VBN once_RB a_AT week_NN ._. Most_AP other_AP desser
ts_NNS are_BER fruit_NN in_IN some_DTI form_NN ,_, fresh_JJ fruits_NNS once_RB d
aily_RB at_IN least_AP ,_, sometimes_RB at_IN snack_NN time_NN ._. Dried_VBN fru
its_NNS are_BER purchased_VBN from_IN sources_NNS where_WRB they_PPSS are_BER ne
ither_CC sulphured_VBN nor_CC sprayed_VBN ._. Apples_NNS come_VB from_IN a_AT fa
rm_NN in_IN Vermont_NP where_WRB they_PPSS are_BER not_* sprayed_VBN ._. Oranges
_NNS and_CC grapefruit_NNS are_BER shipped_VBN from_IN Florida_NP weekly_RB from
_IN an_AT organic_JJ farm_NN ._. Finding_VBG sources_NNS for_IN these_DTS high_J
J quality_NN foods_NNS is_BEZ a_AT problem_NN ._. Sometimes_RB the_AT solution_N
N comes_VBZ in_IN unexpected_JJ ways_NNS ._. Following_VBG a_AT talk_NN by_IN Mr
._NP Clark_NP at_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL State_NN-TL Natural_JJ-TL Food_N
N-TL Associates_NNS-TL Convention_NN-TL ,_, a_AT man_NN from_IN the_AT audience_
NN offered_VBD to_TO ship_VB his_PP$ unsprayed_JJ apples_NNS to_IN the_AT school
_NN from_IN Vermont_NP ._. Wheat-germ_NN ,_, brewer's_NN$ yeast_NN and_CC ground
_VBN kelp_NN are_BER used_VBN in_IN bread_NN and_CC in_IN dishes_NNS such_JJ as_
CS spaghetti_NN sauce_NN ,_, meat_NN loaves_NNS ._. Miss_NP Colman_NP hopes_VBZ
to_TO find_VB suitable_JJ shakers_NNS so_CS that_CS kelp_NN can_MD be_BE availab
le_JJ at_IN the_AT tables_NNS ._. Raw_JJ wheat-germ_NN is_BEZ available_JJ on_IN
the_AT breakfast_NN table_NN for_IN the_AT children_NNS to_TO help_VB themselve
s_PPLS ._. Very_QL few_AP fried_VBN foods_NNS are_BER used_VBN and_CC the_AT use
_NN of_IN salt_NN and_CC pepper_NN is_BEZ discouraged_VBN ._. Drinking_VBG with_
IN meals_NNS is_BEZ also_RB discouraged_VBN ;_. ;_. pitchers_NNS of_IN water_NN
merely_RB appear_VB on_IN the_AT tables_NNS ._. Nothing_PN is_BEZ peeled_VBN ._.
The_AT source_NN is_BEZ known_VBN so_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_AT necessity_NN to_T
O remove_VB insecticide_NN residues_NNS ._. The_AT cooking_VBG conserves_VBZ a_A
T maximum_JJ of_IN the_AT vitamin_NN C_NN content_NN of_IN vegetables_NNS by_IN
methods_NNS which_WDT use_VB very_QL little_AP water_NN and_CC cook_VB in_IN the
_AT shortest_JJT time_NN possible_JJ ._. Wholesome_JJ-HL snacks_NNS-HL ,_,-HL no
_AT-HL candy_NN-HL Since_CS Mr._NP Clark_NP believes_VBZ firmly_RB that_CS the_A
T chewing_NN of_IN hard_JJ foods_NNS helps_VBZ develop_VB healthy_JJ gums_NNS an
d_CC teeth_NNS ,_, raw_JJ vegetables_NNS and_CC raw_JJ whole-wheat_NN grains_NNS
are_BER handed_VBN out_RP with_IN fresh_JJ fruit_NN and_CC whole-wheat_NN cooki
es_NNS at_IN snack_NN time_NN in_IN the_AT afternoons_NNS ._. To_TO solve_VB the
_AT problem_NN of_IN the_AT wheat_NN grains_NNS spilling_VBG on_IN the_AT floor_
NN and_CC getting_VBG underfoot_RB ,_, a_AT ball_NN of_IN maple_NN syrup_NN boil
ed_VBN to_IN candy_NN consistency_NN was_BEDZ invented_VBN to_TO hold_VB the_AT
grains_NNS ._. On_IN their_PP$ frequent_JJ hikes_NNS into_IN the_AT nearby_JJ mo
untains_NNS ,_, the_AT children_NNS carry_VB whole_JJ grains_NNS to_TO munch_VB
along_IN the_AT trail_NN ._. They_PPSS learn_VB to_TO like_VB these_DTS so_QL we
ll_RB that_CS it_PPS isn't_BEZ* surprising_JJ to_TO hear_VB that_CS one_CD boy_N
N tried_VBD the_AT oats_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ feeding_VBG his_PP$ horse_NN at_IN ch
ore_NN time_NN ._. They_PPSS tasted_VBD good_JJ to_IN him_PPO ,_, so_RB he_PPS b
rought_VBD some_DTI to_IN breakfast_NN to_TO eat_VB in_IN his_PP$ cereal_NN bowl
_NN with_IN milk_NN and_CC honey_NN ._. Maple_NN syrup_NN is_BEZ made_VBN by_IN
the_AT children_NNS in_IN the_AT woods_NNS on_IN the_AT school_NN grounds_NNS ._
. This_DT and_CC raw_JJ sugar_NN replace_VB ordinary_JJ refined_VBN sugar_NN on_
IN the_AT tables_NNS and_CC very_QL little_AP sugar_NN is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN coo
king_VBG ._. Candy_NN is_BEZ not_* allowed_VBN ._. Parents_NNS are_BER asked_VBN
in_IN the_AT bulletin_NN to_TO send_VB packages_NNS of_IN treats_NNS consisting
_VBG of_IN fruit_NN and_CC nuts_NNS ,_, but_CC no_AT candy_NN ._. Nourishing_VBG
meals_NNS Mr._NP Clark_NP believes_VBZ in_IN a_AT good_JJ full_JJ breakfast_NN
of_IN fruit_NN ,_, hot_JJ cereal_NN ,_, milk_NN ,_, honey_NN ,_, whole-wheat_NN
toast_NN with_IN real_JJ butter_NN and_CC eggs_NNS ._. The_AT heavy_JJ meal_NN c
omes_VBZ in_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the_AT day_NN ._. Soup_NN is_BEZ often_RB
the_AT important_JJ dish_NN at_IN supper_NN ._. Homemade_JJ of_IN meat_NN ,_, bo
nes_NNS and_CC vegetables_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ rich_JJ in_IN dissolved_VBN mine
rals_NNS and_CC vitamins_NNS ._. The_AT school_NN finds_VBZ that_CS the_AT child
ren_NNS are_BER satisfied_VBN with_IN smaller_JJR amounts_NNS of_IN food_NN sinc
e_CS all_ABN of_IN it_PPO is_BEZ high_JJ in_IN quality_NN ._. The_AT cost_NN to_
TO feed_VB one_CD person_NN is_BEZ just_QL under_IN one_CD dollar_NN a_AT day_NN
._. Outdoor_JJ-HL exercises_NNS-HL Even_RB before_CS he_PPS saw_VBD the_AT nece
ssity_NN of_IN growing_VBG better_JJR food_NN and_CC planning_VBG good_JJ nutrit
ion_NN ,_, Mr._NP Clark_NP felt_VBD the_AT school_NN had_HVD a_AT good_JJ health
_NN program_NN ._. Rugged_JJ outdoor_JJ exercise_NN for_IN an_AT hour_NN and_CC
a_AT half_ABN every_AT day_NN in_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN weather_NN was_BEDZ
the_AT rule_NN ._. A_AT vigorous_JJ program_NN existed_VBD in_IN skiing_VBG ,_,
skating_VBG sports_NNS and_CC overnight_JJ hiking_NN ._. Healthier_JJR-HL childr
en_NNS-HL Since_IN the_AT change_NN to_IN better_JJR nutrition_NN ,_, he_PPS fee
ls_VBZ he_PPS can_MD report_VB on_IN improvements_NNS in_IN health_NN ,_, though
_CS he_PPS considers_VBZ the_AT following_VBG statements_NNS observations_NNS an
d_CC not_* scientific_JJ proof_NN ._. Visitors_NNS to_IN the_AT school_NN ask_VB
what_WDT shampoo_NN they_PPSS use_VB on_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ hair_NN to_TO
bring_VB out_RP the_AT sheen_NN ._. The_AT ruddy_JJ complexion_NN of_IN the_AT
faces_NNS also_RB brings_VBZ comment_NN ._. Buffeted_VBN by_IN swirling_VBG wind
s_NNS ,_, the_AT little_JJ green_JJ biplane_NN struggled_VBD northward_RB betwee
n_IN the_AT mountains_NNS beyond_IN Northfield_NP-TL Gulf_NN-TL ._. Wires_NNS wh
ined_VBD as_CS a_AT cold_JJ November_NP blast_NN rocked_VBD the_AT silver_JJ win
gs_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT engine_NN roar_NN was_BEDZ reassuring_VBG to_IN the_AT
pilot_NN bundled_VBN in_IN the_AT open_JJ cockpit_NN ._. He_PPS peered_VBD ahead
_RB and_CC grinned_VBD as_CS the_AT railroad_NN tracks_NNS came_VBD into_IN view
_NN again_RB below_RB ._. ``_`` Good_JJ old_JJ iron_NN compass_NN ''_'' !_. !_.
He_PPS thought_VBD ._. A_AT plume_NN of_IN smoke_NN rose_VBD from_IN a_AT Centra
l_JJ-TL Vermont_NP-TL locomotive_NN which_WDT idled_VBD behind_IN a_AT string_NN
of_IN gravel_NN cars_NNS ,_, and_CC little_JJ figures_NNS that_WPS were_BED wor
kmen_NNS labored_VBD to_TO set_VB the_AT ruptured_VBN roadbed_NN to_IN rights_NN
S ._. The_AT girders_NNS of_IN a_AT shattered_VBN Dog_NN-TL River_NN-TL bridge_N
N lay_VBD strewn_VBN for_IN half_ABN a_AT mile_NN downstream_RB ._. Vermont's_NP
$ main_JJS railroad_NN line_NN was_BEDZ prostrate_JJ ._. And_CC in_IN the_AT dar
k_JJ days_NNS after_IN the_AT Great_JJ-TL Flood_NN-TL of_IN 1927_CD --_-- the_AT
worst_JJT natural_JJ disaster_NN in_IN the_AT state's_NN$ history_NN --_-- the_
AT little_JJ plane_NN was_BEDZ its_PP$ sole_JJ replacement_NN in_IN carrying_VBG
the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL mails_NNS ._. Rain_NN of_IN near_JJ cloudbur
st_NN proportions_NNS had_HVD fallen_VBN for_IN three_CD full_JJ days_NNS and_CC
it_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB raining_VBG on_IN the_AT morning_NN of_IN Friday_NR ,_
, November_NP 4_CD ,_, 1927_CD ,_, when_WRB officials_NNS of_IN the_AT Post_NN-T
L Office_NN-TL Department's_NN$-TL Railway_NN-TL Mail_NN-TL Service_NN-TL realiz
ed_VBD that_CS their_PP$ distribution_NN system_NN for_IN Vermont_NP had_HVD bee
n_BEN almost_QL totally_RB destroyed_VBN overnight_RB ._. Clerks_NNS and_CC post
masters_NNS shoveled_VBD muck_NN out_IN of_IN their_PP$ offices_NNS --_-- those_
DTS who_WPS still_RB had_HVD offices_NNS --_-- and_CC wondered_VBD how_WRB to_TO
move_VB the_AT mail_NN ._. The_AT state's_NN$ railroad_NN system_NN counted_VBD
miles_NNS of_IN broken_VBN bridges_NNS and_CC missing_VBG rights-of-way_NNS :_:
it_PPS would_MD obviously_RB remain_VB out_IN of_IN commission_NN for_IN weeks_
NNS ._. And_CC once_RB medicine_NN ,_, food_NN ,_, clothing_NN and_CC shelter_NN
had_HVD been_BEN provided_VBN for_IN the_AT flood's_NN$ victims_NNS ,_, communi
cations_NNS and_CC the_AT mail_NN were_BED the_AT next_AP top_JJS problems_NNS .
_. From_IN Burlington_NP ,_, outgoing_JJ mail_NN could_MD be_BE ferried_VBN acro
ss_IN Lake_NN-TL Champlain_NP-TL to_IN the_AT railroad_NN at_IN Port_NN-TL Kent_
NP-TL ,_, N._NP Y._NP ._. But_CC what_WDT came_VBD in_RP was_BEDZ piling_VBG up_
RP ._. The_AT nearest_JJT undisrupted_JJ end_NN of_IN track_NN from_IN Boston_NP
was_BEDZ at_IN Concord_NP ,_, N._NP H._NP ._. When_WRB Governor_NN-TL Al_NP Smi
th_NP offered_VBD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL National_JJ-TL Guard_NN-TL planes_NNS to_
TO fly_VB the_AT mail_NN in_RP and_CC out_IN of_IN the_AT state_NN ,_, it_PPS se
emed_VBD a_AT likely_JJ temporary_JJ solution_NN ,_, easing_VBG Burlington's_NP$
bottleneck_NN and_CC that_DT at_IN Montpelier_NP too_RB ._. The_AT question_NN
was_BEDZ ``_`` Where_WRB to_TO land_VB ''_'' ?_. ?_. There_EX was_BEDZ no_RB suc
h_JJ thing_NN as_CS an_AT airport_NN in_IN Vermont_NP ._. Burlington_NP aviator_
NN John_NP J._NP Burns_NP suggested_VBD the_AT parade_NN ground_NN southwest_NR
of_IN Fort_NN-TL Ethan_NP-TL Allen_NP-TL ,_, and_CC soon_RB a_AT dozen_NN hastil
y-summoned_JJ National_JJ-TL Guard_NN-TL pilots_NNS were_BED bringing_VBG their_
PP$ wide-winged_JJ ``_`` Jenny_NP ''_'' and_CC DeHaviland_NP two-seaters_NNS to_
IN rest_NN on_IN the_AT frozen_VBN sod_NN of_IN the_AT military_JJ base_NN ._. T
he_AT only_AP available_JJ field_NN that_WPS could_MD be_BE used_VBN near_IN flo
od-ravaged_JJ Montpelier_NP was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT Towne_NP farm_NN off_IN upper_
JJ Main_JJS-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, a_AT narrow_JJ hillside_NN where_WRB takeoffs_NN
S and_CC landings_NNS could_MD be_BE safely_RB made_VBN only_RB under_IN light_J
J wind_NN conditions_NNS ._. Over_RP in_IN Barre_NP the_AT streets_NNS had_HVD b
een_BEN deep_JJ in_IN swirling_VBG water_NN ,_, and_CC bridges_NNS were_BED crum
pled_VBN and_CC gone_VBN ._. Anticipating_VBG delivery_NN of_IN medicines_NNS an
d_CC yeast_NN by_IN plane_NN ,_, Granite_NN-TL City_NN-TL citizens_NNS formed_VB
D an_AT airfield_NN committee_NN and_CC with_IN the_AT aid_NN of_IN quarrymen_NN
S and_CC the_AT 172nd_OD-TL Infantry_NN-TL ,_, Vermont_NP-TL National_JJ-TL Guar
d_NN-TL ,_, laid_VBD out_RP runways_NNS on_IN Wilson_NP flat_NN ,_, high_RB on_I
N Millstone_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL ._. The_AT ``_`` Barre_NP-TL Aviation_NN-TL Field_N
N-TL ''_'' was_BEDZ set_VBN to_TO receive_VB its_PP$ first_OD aircraft_NN the_AT
Sunday_NR following_VBG the_AT flood_NN ._. Though_CS the_AT makeshift_JJ airpo
rts_NNS were_BED ready_JJ ,_, the_AT York_NP-TL State_NN-TL Guard_NN-TL flyers_N
NS proved_VBD unable_JJ to_TO keep_VB any_DTI kind_NN of_IN mail_NN schedule_NN
._. They_PPSS had_HVD courage_NN but_CC their_PP$ meager_JJ training_NN consiste
d_VBD of_IN weekend_NN hops_NNS in_IN good_JJ weather_NN ,_, in_RP and_CC out_IN
of_IN established_VBN airports_NNS ,_, And_CC the_AT increasingly_RB cold_JJ we
ather_NN soon_RB raised_VBD hob_NN with_IN the_AT water_NN cooled_VBN engines_NN
S of_IN their_PP$ World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, planes_NNS ._. It_PPS seemed
_VBD like_CS a_AT good_JJ time_NN for_IN officials_NNS to_TO use_VB a_AT recentl
y-passed_JJ law_NN empowering_VBG the_AT post_NN office_NN department_NN to_TO c
ontract_VB for_IN the_AT transport_NN of_IN first_OD class_NN mail_NN by_IN air_
NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD to_TO act_VB fast_RB ,_, for_CS letters_NNS were_BED cl
ogging_VBG the_AT terminals_NNS ._. Down_RP in_IN Concord_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL Hamps
hire_NP-TL ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT flier_NN in_IN the_AT right_JJ place_NN at_IN the_A
T right_JJ time_NN :_: Robert_NP S._NP Fogg_NP ,_, a_AT native_JJ New_JJ-TL Engl
ander_NP-TL ,_, had_HVD been_BEN a_AT World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, flying_V
BG instructor_NN ,_, barnstormer_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD of_IN the_AT original_JJ p
lanners_NNS of_IN the_AT Concord_NP-TL Airport_NN-TL ._. Tall_JJ ,_, wiry_JJ ,_,
dark-haired_JJ Bob_NP Fogg_NP had_HVD already_RB racked_VBN up_RP one_CD histor
ical_JJ first_OD in_IN air_NN mail_NN history_NN ._. Piloting_VBG a_AT Curtiss_N
P-TL Navy_NN-TL MF_NN flying_VBG boat_NN off_IN Lake_NN-TL Winnipesaukee_NP-TL i
n_IN 1925_CD ,_, he_PPS had_HVD inaugurated_VBN the_AT original_JJ Rural_JJ-TL D
elivery_NN-TL air_NN service_NN in_IN America_NP ._. During_IN the_AT excitement
_NN following_VBG Lindbergh's_NP$ flight_NN to_IN Paris_NP earlier_RBR in_IN 192
7_CD ,_, dare_VB devil_NN aviators_NNS overnight_RB became_VBD legendary_JJ hero
es_NNS ._. In_IN Concord_NP ,_, Bob_NP Fogg_NP was_BEDZ the_AT most_QL prominent
_JJ New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-TL boy_NN with_IN wings_NNS ._. Public-spirited_JJ ba
ckers_NNS staked_VBD him_PPO to_IN a_AT brand-new_JJ airplane_NN ,_, aimed_VBD a
t_IN putting_VBG their_PP$ city_NN and_CC state_NN on_IN the_AT flying_VBG map_N
N ._. The_AT ship_NN was_BEDZ a_AT Waco_NP biplane_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT fi
rst_OD two_CD of_IN its_PP$ type_NN to_TO be_BE fitted_VBN with_IN the_AT air_NN
cooled_VBN ,_, 225/hp_JJ Wright_NP radial_JJ engine_NN known_VBN as_CS the_AT W
hirlwind_NN-TL ._. A_AT trim_JJ green_JJ and_CC silver-painted_JJ craft_NN only_
RB 22-1/2_CD feet_NNS long_JJ ,_, the_AT Waco_NP was_BEDZ entered_VBN to_TO comp
ete_VB in_IN the_AT ``_`` On-to-Spokane_JJ-TL ''_'' Air_NN-TL Derby_NN-TL of_IN
1927_CD ._. As_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, Fogg_NP and_CC his_PP$ plane_
NN didn't_DOD* get_VB beyond_IN Pennsylvania_NP in_IN the_AT race_NN --_-- an_AT
engine_NN oil_NN leak_NN forced_VBD him_PPO down_RP --_-- but_CC the_AT flying_
VBG service_NN and_CC school_NN he_PPS started_VBD subsequently_RB were_BED firs
t_OD steps_NNS in_IN paying_VBG off_RP his_PP$ wry-faced_JJ backers_NNS ._. So_R
B with_IN all_ABN this_DT experience_NN ,_, Bob_NP Fogg_NP was_BEDZ a_AT natural
_JJ choice_NN to_TO receive_VB the_AT first_OD Emergency_NN-TL Air_NN-TL Mail_NN
-TL Star_NN-TL Route_NN-TL contract_NN ._. His_PP$ work_NN began_VBD just_RB six
_CD days_NNS after_IN the_AT flood_NN ._. By_IN airline_NN from_IN Concord_NP to
_IN Burlington_NP is_BEZ a_AT distance_NN of_IN about_RB 150_CD miles_NNS ,_, co
unting_VBG a_AT slight_JJ deviation_NN for_IN the_AT stop_NN at_IN either_CC Bar
re_NP or_CC Montpelier_NP ._. The_AT first_OD few_AP days_NNS Bob_NP Fogg_NP set
_VBD his_PP$ plane_NN down_RP on_IN Towne_NP field_NN back_RB of_IN the_AT State
_NN-TL House_NN-TL when_WRB the_AT wind_NN was_BEDZ right_JJ ,_, and_CC used_VBD
Wilson_NP flat_NN above_IN Barre_NP when_WRB it_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* ._. Between_IN
the_AT unsafe_JJ Towne_NP field_NN and_CC the_AT long_JJ roundabout_JJ back_JJ
road_NN haul_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ necessary_JJ to_TO gain_VB access_NN to_IN Wil
son_NP flat_NN ,_, arrangements_NNS at_IN the_AT state_NN capital_NN were_BED fa
r_QL from_IN satisfactory_JJ ._. Each_DT time_NN in_RP ,_, the_AT unhappy_JJ pil
ot_NN ,_, pushing_VBG his_PP$ luck_NN ,_, begged_VBD the_AT postal_JJ officials_
NNS that_WPS met_VBD him_PPO to_TO find_VB a_AT safer_JJR landing_VBG place_NN ,
_, preferably_RB on_IN the_AT flat-topped_JJ hills_NNS across_IN the_AT Winooski
_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. ``_`` But_CC Fogg_NP ''_'' ,_, they_PPSS countered_VBD ,_
, ``_`` we_PPSS can't_MD* get_VB over_IN there_RB ._. And_CC besides_RB you_PPSS
seem_VB to_TO make_VB it_PPO all_QL right_RB here_RB ''_'' ._. It_PPS took_VBD
a_AT tragedy_NN to_TO bring_VB things_NNS to_IN a_AT head_NN ._. After_CS a_AT w
eek_NN of_IN precarious_JJ uphill_JJ landings_NNS and_CC downwind_JJ takeoffs_NN
S ,_, Fogg_NP one_CD day_NN looked_VBD down_RP at_IN the_AT shattered_VBN yellow
_JJ wreckage_NN of_IN an_AT Army_NN-TL plane_NN strewn_VBN across_IN snow-covere
d_JJ Towne_NP field_NN ._. Sent_VBN to_IN Montpelier_NP by_IN Secretary_NN-TL He
rbert_NP Hoover_NP ,_, Red_JJ-TL Cross_NN-TL Aide_NN-TL Reuben_NP Sleight_NP had
_HVD been_BEN killed_VBN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ pilot_NN ,_, Lt._NN-TL Franklin_NP W
olfe_NP ,_, badly_RB injured_VBN ._. With_IN the_AT field_NN a_AT blur_NN of_IN
white_JJ the_AT unfortunate_JJ pilot_NN had_HVD simply_RB flown_VBN into_IN the_
AT hillside_NN ._. Faced_VBN with_IN this_DT situation_NN ,_, Postmaster_NN-TL C
harles_NP F._NP McKenna_NP of_IN Montpelier_NP went_VBD with_IN Fogg_NP on_IN a_
AT Burlington_NP trip_NN ,_, and_CC together_RB they_PPSS scouted_VBD the_AT ter
rain_NN on_IN the_AT heights_NNS of_IN Berlin_NP ._. A_AT long_JJ flat_JJ known_
VBN as_CS the_AT St._NP John_NP field_NN seemed_VBD to_TO answer_VB their_PP$ pu
rpose_NN ,_, and_CC since_CS the_AT Winooski_NP bridges_NNS were_BED at_IN last_
RB passable_JJ ,_, they_PPSS decided_VBD to_TO use_VB it_PPO ._. With_IN a_AT wa
ry_JJ eye_NN on_IN the_AT farmer's_NN$ bull_NN ,_, Fred_NP Somers_NP of_IN Montp
elier_NP and_CC Mr._NP St._NP John_NP marked_VBD the_AT field_NN with_IN a_AT re
d_JJ table_NN cloth_NN ._. As_CS a_AT wind_NN direction_NN indicator_NN ,_, they
_PPSS tied_VBD a_AT cotton_NN rag_NN to_IN a_AT sapling_NN ._. With_IN these_DTS
aids_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT pair_NN of_IN skiis_NNS substituting_VBG for_IN wheels
_NNS on_IN the_AT Waco_NP ,_, Bob_NP Fogg_NP made_VBD the_AT first_OD landing_NN
on_IN what_WDT is_BEZ now_RB part_NN of_IN the_AT Barre-Montpelier_JJ-TL Airpor
t_NN-TL on_IN November_NP 21_CD ,_, 1927_CD ._. Each_DT trip_NN saw_VBD the_AT f
ront_JJ cockpit_NN filled_VBD higher_RBR with_IN mail_NN pouches_NNS ._. During_
IN the_AT second_OD week_NN of_IN operations_NNS ,_, Fogg_NP received_VBD a_AT t
elegram_NN from_IN the_AT Post_NN-TL Office_NN-TL Department_NN-TL ,_, asking_VB
G him_PPO to_TO ``_`` put_VB on_RP two_CD airplanes_NNS and_CC make_VB two_CD fl
ights_NNS daily_RB ,_, plus_CC one_CD Sunday_NR trip_NN ''_'' ._. Since_CS Fogg'
s_NP$ was_BEDZ a_AT one-man_JJ ,_, one-plane_NN flying_VBG service_NN ,_, this_D
T meant_VBD that_CS he_PPS would_MD have_HV to_TO do_DO both_ABX trips_NNS ,_, f
lying_VBG alone_RB 600_CD miles_NNS a_AT day_NN ,_, under_IN sub-freezing_JJ tem
perature_NN conditions_NNS ._. Over_IN the_AT weeks_NNS ,_, America's_NP$ first_
OD Star_NN-TL Route_NN-TL Air_NN-TL Mail_NN-TL settled_VBD into_IN a_AT routine_
JJ pattern_NN despite_IN the_AT vagaries_NNS of_IN weather_NN and_CC the_AT lack
_NN of_IN ground_NN facilities_NNS and_CC aids_NNS to_IN navigation_NN ._. Each_
DT morning_NN at_IN five_CD Fogg_NP crawled_VBD out_IN of_IN bed_NN to_TO bundle
_VB into_IN flying_VBG togs_NNS over_IN the_AT furnace_NN register_NN of_IN his_
PP$ home_NN ._. Always_RB troubled_VBN by_IN poor_JJ circulation_NN in_IN his_PP
$ feet_NNS ,_, he_PPS experimented_VBD with_IN various_JJ combinations_NNS of_IN
socks_NNS and_CC shoes_NNS before_CS finally_RB adopting_VBG old-style_NN felt_
NN farmer's_NN$ boots_NNS with_IN his_PP$ sheepskin_NN flying_VBG boots_NNS pull
ed_VBN over_IN them_PPO ._. A_AT sheep-lined_JJ leather_NN flying_VBG suit_NN ,_
, plus_CC helmet_NN ,_, goggles_NNS and_CC mittens_NNS completed_VBD his_PP$ att
ire_NN for_IN the_AT rigors_NNS of_IN the_AT open_JJ cockpit_NN ._. The_AT airma
n's_NN$ stock_NN answer_NN to_IN ``_`` Weren't_BED* you_PPSS cold_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?
_. Became_VBD ``_`` Yes_RB ,_, the_AT first_OD half_ABN hour_NN is_BEZ tough_JJ
,_, but_CC by_IN then_RB I'm_PPSS+BEM so_QL numb_JJ I_PPSS don't_DO* notice_VB i
t_PPO ''_'' !_. !_. As_CS daylight_NN began_VBD to_TO show_VB through_IN the_AT
frosty_JJ windows_NNS ,_, Fogg_NP would_MD place_VB a_AT call_NN to_IN William_N
P A._NP Shaw_NP at_IN the_AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Weather_NN-TL Station_NN-TL at_IN
Northfield_NP ,_, Vermont_NP ,_, for_IN temperature_NN and_CC wind-velocity_NN
readings_NNS ._. Shaw_NP could_MD also_RB give_VB the_AT flyer_NN a_AT pretty_QL
good_JJ idea_NN of_IN area_NN visibility_NN by_IN a_AT visual_JJ check_NN of_IN
the_AT mountains_NNS to_TO be_BE seen_VBN from_IN his_PP$ station_NN ._. ``_``
Ceilings_NNS ''_'' were_BED judged_VBN by_IN comparison_NN with_IN known_VBN mou
ntain_NN heights_NNS and_CC cloud_NN positions_NNS ._. Later_RBR on_RP in_IN the
_AT day_NN Fogg_NP could_MD get_VB a_AT better_JJR weather_NN picture_NN from_IN
the_AT Burlington_NP-TL Weather_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL supervised_VBN by_IN Frank_N
P E._NP Hartwell_NP ._. Out_RP at_IN the_AT airport_NN each_DT morning_NN ,_, Fo
gg's_NP$ skilled_JJ mechanic_NN Caleb_NP Marston_NP would_MD have_HV the_AT Waco
_NP warmed_VBN up_RP and_CC running_VBG in_IN the_AT drafty_JJ hangar_NN ._. (_(
He'd_PPS+MD get_VB the_AT engine_NN oil_NN flowing_VBG with_IN an_AT electric_J
J heater_NN under_IN a_AT big_JJ canvas_NN cover_NN ._. )_) Wishing_VBG to_TO sh
ow_VB that_CS aviation_NN was_BEDZ dependable_JJ and_CC here_RB to_TO stay_VB ,_
, Bob_NP Fogg_NP always_RB made_VBD a_AT point_NN of_IN taking_VBG off_RP each_D
T morning_NN on_IN the_AT dot_NN of_IN seven_CD ,_, disregarding_VBG rain_NN ,_,
snow_NN and_CC sleet_NN in_IN true_JJ postal_JJ tradition_NN ._. Concord_NP lea
rned_VBD to_TO set_VB its_PP$ clocks_NNS by_IN the_AT rackety_JJ bark_NN of_IN t
he_AT Whirlwind's_NN$-TL exhaust_NN overhead_RB ._. Sometimes_RB the_AT pilot_NN
had_HVD to_TO turn_VB back_RB if_CS fully_RB blocked_VBN by_IN fog_NN ,_, but_C
C 85%_NN of_IN his_PP$ trips_NNS were_BED completed_VBN ._. Plane_NN radios_NNS
were_BED not_* yet_RB available_JJ ,_, and_CC once_RB in_IN the_AT air_NN ,_, Fo
gg_NP flew_VBD his_PP$ ship_NN by_IN compass_NN ,_, a_AT good_JJ memory_NN for_I
N landmarks_NNS as_QL seen_VBN from_IN above_RB ,_, and_CC a_AT capacity_NN for_
IN dead_JJ reckoning_NN and_CC quick_JJ computation_NN ._. Often_RB ,_, threadin
g_VBG through_IN the_AT overcast_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ forced_VBN to_TO fly_VB
close_RB to_IN the_AT ground_NN by_IN a_AT low_JJ ceiling_NN ,_, skimming_VBG ab
ove_IN the_AT Winooski_NP or_CC the_AT White_JJ-TL River_NN-TL along_IN the_AT l
ine_NN of_IN the_AT broken_VBN railroad_NN ._. When_WRB driving_VBG rain_NN or_C
C mist_NN socked_VBD in_IN one_CD valley_NN ,_, Fogg_NP would_MD chandelle_VB up
_RP and_CC over_RP to_TO reverse_VB course_NN and_CC try_VB another_DT one_CD ,_
, ranging_VBG from_IN the_AT Ottauquechee_NP up_IN to_IN Danville_NP in_IN searc
h_NN of_IN safe_JJ passage_NN through_IN the_AT mountain_NN passes_NNS ._. The_A
T dependable_JJ Wright_NP engine_NN was_BEDZ never_RB stopped_VBN on_IN these_DT
S trips_NNS ._. It_PPS ticked_VBD over_RP smoothly_RB ,_, idling_VBG while_CS Fo
gg_NP exchanged_VBD mails_NNS with_IN the_AT armed_VBN messenger_NN from_IN Burl
ington_NP at_IN Fort_NN-TL Ethan_NP-TL Allen_NP-TL ,_, and_CC one_CD from_IN Mon
tpelier_NP and_CC Barre_NP at_IN the_AT St._NP John_NP field_NN ._. Sometimes_RB
,_, on_IN a_AT return_JJ trip_NN ,_, the_AT aviator_NN would_MD ``_`` go_VB ups
tairs_RB ''_'' high_RB over_IN the_AT clouds_NNS ._. There_RB he'd_PPS+MD take_V
B a_AT compass_NN reading_NN ,_, figure_VB his_PP$ air_NN speed_NN ,_, and_CC de
duce_VB that_CS in_IN a_AT certain_JJ number_NN of_IN minutes_NNS he'd_PPS+MD be
_BE over_IN the_AT broad_JJ meadows_NNS of_IN the_AT Merrimack_NP-TL Valley_NN-T
L where_WRB it_PPS would_MD be_BE safe_JJ to_TO let_VB down_RP through_IN the_AT
overcast_NN and_CC see_VB the_AT ground_NN before_CS it_PPS hit_VBD him_PPO ._.
Bob_NP Fogg_NP didn't_DOD* have_HV today's_NR$ advantages_NNS of_IN Instrument_
NN-TL Flight_NN-TL and_CC Ground_NN-TL Control_NN-TL Approach_NN-TL systems_NNS
._. At_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT calculated_VBN time_NN he'd_PPS+MD nose_VB
the_AT Waco_NP down_RP through_IN the_AT cloud_NN bank_NN and_CC hope_VB to_TO b
reak_VB through_RP where_WRB some_DTI feature_NN of_IN the_AT winter_NN landscap
e_NN would_MD be_BE recognizable_JJ ._. Usually_RB back_RB in_IN Concord_NP by_I
N noon_NN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ just_RB time_NN to_TO get_VB partially_RB thawed
_VBN out_RP ,_, refuel_VB ,_, and_CC grab_VB a_AT bit_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Fogg's_NP
$ hot_JJ broth_NN before_CS starting_VBG the_AT second_OD trip_NN ._. Day_NN aft
er_IN day_NN Fogg_NP shuttled_VBD back_RB and_CC forth_RB on_IN his_PP$ one-man_
JJ air_NN mail_NN route_NN ,_, until_CS the_AT farmers_NNS in_IN their_PP$ snowy
_JJ barnyards_NNS and_CC the_AT road_NN repairmen_NNS came_VBD to_TO recognize_V
B the_AT stubby_JJ plane_NN as_CS their_PP$ link_NN with_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN
the_AT country_NN ._. The_AT flyer_NN had_HVD his_PP$ share_NN of_IN near-misse
s_NNS ._. At_IN Fort_NN-TL Ethan_NP-TL Allen_NP-TL the_AT ever-present_JJ wind_N
N off_IN Lake_NN-TL Champlain_NP-TL could_MD readily_RB flip_VB a_AT puny_JJ man
-made_JJ thing_NN like_CS an_AT airplane_NN if_CS the_AT pilot_NN miscalculated_
VBD ._. Once_CS the_AT soldiers_NNS from_IN the_AT barracks_NNS had_HVD to_TO ho
ld_VB the_AT ship_NN from_IN blowing_VBG away_RB while_CS Fogg_NP revved_VBD the
_AT engine_NN and_CC got_VBD the_AT tail_NN up_RP ._. At_IN a_AT nod_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ head_NN they_PPSS let_VB go_VB ,_, turning_VBG to_TO cup_VB their_PP$ ears
_NNS against_IN the_AT icy_JJ slipstream_NN ._. Tracks_NNS in_IN the_AT snow_NN
showed_VBD the_AT plane_NN was_BEDZ airborne_JJ in_IN less_AP than_IN a_AT hundr
ed_CD feet_NNS ._. One_CD afternoon_NN during_IN a_AT cold_JJ ,_, powdery_JJ sno
wstorm_NN ,_, Fogg_NP took_VBD off_RP for_IN Concord_NP from_IN the_AT St._NP Jo
hn_NP field_NN ._. Are_BER you_PPSS retiring_VBG now_RB ?_. ?_. If_CS so_RB ,_,
are_BER you_PPSS saying_VBG ,_, ``_`` Where_WRB did_DOD the_AT last_AP few_AP ye
ars_NNS go_VB ?_. ?_. How_WRB did_DOD I_PPSS get_VB to_TO be_BE sixty-five_CD so
_QL fast_RB ?_. ?_. What_WDT do_DO I_PPSS do_DO now_RB ''_'' ?_. ?_. Yes_RB ,_,
retirement_NN seems_VBZ to_TO creep_VB upon_IN you_PPO suddenly_RB ._. Somehow_R
B we_PPSS old-timers_NNS never_RB figured_VBD we_PPSS would_MD ever_RB retire_VB
._. We_PPSS always_RB thought_VBD we_PPSS would_MD die_VB with_IN our_PP$ boots
_NNS on_RP ._. Out_IN of_IN the_AT blue_NN comes_VBZ talk_NN of_IN pension_NN pl
ans_NNS ._. Compulsory_JJ retirement_NN at_IN sixty-five_CD looms_VBZ on_IN our_
PP$ horizon_NN ._. Still_RB ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ in_IN the_AT far_JJ future_NN .
_. Suddenly_RB ,_, one_CD day_NN ,_, up_RP it_PPS pops_VBZ !_. !_. Sixty-five_CD
years_NNS and_CC you've_PPSS+HV had_HVN it_PPO !_. !_. So_RB ,_, now_RB what_WD
T ?_. ?_. Oh_UH sure_RB !_. !_. You've_PPSS+HV thought_VBN about_IN it_PPO befor
e_RB in_IN a_AT hazy_JJ sort_NN of_IN way_NN ._. But_CC !_. !_. It_PPS never_RB
seemed_VBD real_JJ ;_. ;_. never_RB seemed_VBD as_CS if_CS it_PPS could_MD happe
n_VB to_IN you_PPO ;_. ;_. only_RB to_IN the_AT other_AP fellow_NN ._. Now_RB !_
. !_. Here_RB it_PPS is_BEZ !_. !_. How_WRB am_BEM I_PPSS going_VBG to_TO live_V
B ?_. ?_. What_WDT am_BEM I_PPSS going_VBG to_TO do_DO ?_. ?_. Where_WRB do_DO I
_PPSS go_VB from_IN here_RB ?_. ?_. A_AT great_QL many_AP retired_VBN people_NNS
are_BER the_AT so-called_JJ white_JJ collar_JJ workers_NNS ._. Are_BER you_PPSS
one_CD of_IN these_DTS ?_. ?_. If_CS so_RB ,_, you_PPSS are_BER of_IN the_AT ol
d_JJ school_NN ._. You_PPSS are_BER conscientious_JJ ,_, hard_RB working_VBG ,_,
honest_JJ ,_, accurate_JJ ,_, a_AT good_JJ penman_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT stickler_N
N for_IN a_AT job_NN well_RB done_VBN ,_, with_IN no_AT loose_JJ ends_NNS ._. Ev
erything_PN must_MD balance_VB to_IN the_AT last_AP penny_NN ._. Also_RB you_PPS
S can_MD spell_VB ,_, without_IN consulting_VBG a_AT dictionary_NN for_IN every_
AT other_AP word_NN ._. You_PPSS never_RB are_BER late_JJ for_IN work_NN and_CC
seldom_RB absent_JJ ._. Actually_RB ,_, you_PPSS can_MD take_VB no_AT special_JJ
credit_NN for_IN this_DT ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT way_NN you_PPSS were_BED taug
ht_VBN and_CC your_PP$ way_NN of_IN life_NN ._. All_QL this_DT is_BEZ standard_J
J equipment_NN for_IN a_AT man_NN of_IN your_PP$ day_NN ;_. ;_. your_PP$ stock_N
N in_IN trade_NN ;_. ;_. your_PP$ livelihood_NN ._. However_RB ,_, the_AT last_A
P few_AP years_NNS of_IN your_PP$ life_NN ,_, things_NNS seem_VB to_TO be_BE cha
nging_VBG ._. Your_PP$ way_NN doesn't_DOZ* seem_VB to_TO be_BE so_QL darned_VBN
important_JJ any_DTI more_RBR ._. You_PPSS realize_VB you_PPSS are_BER getting_V
BG in_IN the_AT old_JJ fogy_NN class_NN ._. To_TO put_VB it_PPO bluntly_RB ,_, y
ou_PPSS are_BER getting_VBG out-moded_JJ ._. What's_WDT+HVZ happened_VBN ?_. ?_.
The_AT answer_NN is_BEZ a_AT new_JJ era_NN ._. Now_RB ,_, looming_VBG on_IN the
_AT horizon_NN are_BER such_JJ things_NNS as_CS estimated_VBN totals_NNS ,_, cal
culated_VBN risks_NNS and_CC I.B.M._NP machines_NNS ._. The_AT Planning_VBG-TL D
ept._NN-TL comes_VBZ into_IN existence_NN ._. All_ABN sorts_NNS of_IN plans_NNS
come_VB to_IN life_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ followed_VBN by_IN a_AT boom_NN in_IN c
onferences_NNS ._. Yes_RB sir_NN !_. !_. Conferences_NNS become_VB very_QL popul
ar_JJ ._. When_WRB a_AT plan_NN burst_VBD its_PP$ seams_NNS ,_, hasty_JJ confere
nces_NNS supply_VB the_AT necessary_JJ patch_NN ,_, and_CC life_NN goes_VBZ merr
ily_RB on_RP ._. That's_DT+BEZ called_VBN progress_NN !_. !_. The_AT new_JJ way_
NN of_IN life_NN !_. !_. Let's_VB+PPO face_VB it_PPO !_. !_. You_PPSS had_HVD yo
ur_PP$ day_NN and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ day_NN ._. Let_VB this_DT gene
ration_NN have_HV theirs_PP$$ ._. Time_NN marches_VBZ on_RP !_. !_. Well_UH ,_,
to_TO get_VB back_RB to_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN retirement_NN ._. Every_AT re
tiring_VBG person_NN has_HVZ a_AT different_JJ situation_NN facing_VBG him_PPO .
_. Some_DTI have_HV plenty_NN of_IN money_NN --_-- some_DTI have_HV very_QL litt
le_AP money_NN ._. Some_DTI are_BER blest_VBN with_IN an_AT abundance_NN of_IN g
ood_JJ health_NN --_-- some_DTI are_BER in_IN poor_JJ health_NN and_CC many_AP a
re_BER invalids_NNS ._. Some_DTI have_HV lovely_JJ homes_NNS --_-- some_DTI live
_VB in_IN small_JJ apartments_NNS ._. Some_DTI have_HV beautiful_JJ gardens_NNS
--_-- some_DTI not_* even_RB a_AT blade_NN of_IN grass_NN ._. Some_DTI have_HV s
erenity_NN of_IN mind_NN ,_, the_AT ability_NN to_TO accept_VB what_WDT they_PPS
S have_HV ,_, and_CC make_VB the_AT most_AP of_IN it_PPO (_( a_AT wonderful_JJ g
ift_NN to_TO have_HV ,_, believe_VB me_PPO )_) --_-- some_DTI see_VB only_AP dar
kness_NN ,_, the_AT bitter_JJ side_NN of_IN everything_PN ._. Well_UH ,_, whatev
er_WDT you_PPSS have_HV ,_, that's_DT+BEZ it_PPS !_. !_. You've_PPSS+HV got_VBN
to_TO learn_VB to_TO live_VB with_IN it_PPO ._. Now_RB !_. !_. The_AT question_N
N is_BEZ ``_`` How_WRB are_BER you_PPSS going_VBG to_TO live_VB with_IN it_PPO '
'_'' ?_. ?_. You_PPSS can_MD sit_VB back_RB and_CC moan_VB and_CC bewail_VB your
_PP$ lot_NN ._. Yes_RB !_. !_. You_PPSS can_MD do_DO this_DT ._. But_CC ,_, if_C
S you_PPSS do_DO ,_, your_PP$ life_NN will_MD be_BE just_RB one_CD thing_NN --_-
- unhappiness_NN --_-- complete_JJ and_CC unabridged_JJ ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ to_
IN me_PPO ,_, the_AT first_OD thing_NN you've_PPSS+HV got_VBN to_TO do_DO ,_, to
_TO be_BE happy_JJ ,_, is_BEZ to_TO face_VB up_RP to_IN your_PP$ problems_NNS ,_
, no_AT matter_NN what_WDT they_PPSS may_MD be_BE ._. Make_VB up_RP your_PP$ min
d_NN to_TO pool_VB your_PP$ resources_NNS and_CC get_VB the_AT most_AP out_IN of
_IN your_PP$ remaining_VBG years_NNS of_IN life_NN ._. One_CD thing_NN ,_, I_PPS
S am_BEM sure_JJ of_IN ,_, you_PPSS must_MD get_VB an_AT interest_NN in_IN life_
NN ._. You've_PPSS+HV got_VBN to_TO do_DO something_PN ._. Many_AP of_IN you_PPO
will_MD say_VB ,_, ``_`` Well_UH ,_, what_WDT can_MD I_PPSS do_DO ''_'' ?_. ?_.
Believe_VB me_PPO !_. !_. There_EX are_BER many_AP ,_, many_AP things_NNS to_TO
do_DO ._. Find_VB out_RP what_WDT you_PPSS like_VB to_TO do_DO most_RBT and_CC
really_RB give_VB it_PPO a_AT whirl_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS can't_MD* think_VB of_
IN a_AT thing_NN to_TO do_DO ,_, try_VB something_PN --_-- anything_PN ._. Maybe
_RB you_PPSS will_MD surprise_VB yourself_PPL ._. True_RB !_. !_. We_PPSS are_BE
R not_* all_ABN great_JJ artists_NNS ._. I_PPSS ,_, frankly_RB ,_, can't_MD* dra
w_VB a_AT straight_JJ line_NN ._. Maybe_RB you_PPSS are_BER not_* that_QL gifted
_JJ either_RB ,_, but_CC how_WRB about_IN puttering_VBG around_RB with_IN the_AT
old_JJ paints_NNS ?_. ?_. You_PPSS may_MD amaze_VB yourself_PPL and_CC acquire_
VB a_AT real_JJ knack_NN for_IN it_PPO ._. Anyway_RB ,_, I'll_PPSS+MD bet_VB you
_PPSS have_HV a_AT lot_NN of_IN fun_NN ._. Do_DO you_PPSS like_VB to_TO sew_VB ?
_. ?_. Does_DOZ making_VBG your_PP$ own_JJ clothes_NNS or_CC even_RB doll_NN clo
thes_NNS ,_, interest_VB you_PPO ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_PPSS love_VB to_TO run_VB up_
RP a_AT hem_NN ,_, sew_VB on_IN buttons_NNS ,_, make_VB neat_JJ buttonholes_NNS
?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS do_DO ,_, go_VB to_IN it_PPO ._. There_EX is_BEZ always_R
B a_AT market_NN for_IN this_DT line_NN of_IN work_NN ._. Some_DTI women_NNS can
_MD sit_VB and_CC sew_VB ,_, crochet_VB ,_, tat_VB or_CC knit_VB by_IN the_AT ho
ur_NN ,_, and_CC look_VB calm_JJ and_CC relaxed_VBN and_CC turn_VB out_RP beauti
ful_JJ work_NN ._. Where_WRB sewing_VBG is_BEZ concerned_VBN ,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM a_
AT total_NN loss_NN ._. When_WRB you_PPSS see_VB a_AT needle_NN in_IN my_PP$ han
ds_NNS you_PPSS will_MD know_VB the_AT family_NN buttons_NNS have_HV fallen_VBN
off_RP and_CC I_PPSS have_HV to_TO sew_VB them_PPO back_RB on_RP ,_, or_CC get_V
B out_RP the_AT safety_NN pins_NNS ._. Then_RB again_RB ,_, there's_EX+BEZ alway
s_RB that_DT lovely_JJ old_JJ pastime_NN of_IN hooking_VBG or_CC braiding_VBG ru
gs_NNS ._. Not_* for_IN me_PPO ,_, but_CC perhaps_RB just_RB the_AT thing_NN for
_IN you_PPO ._. Well_UH !_. !_. How's_WRB+BEZ about_RB mosaic_JJ tile_NN ,_, cer
amics_NN or_CC similar_JJ arts_NNS and_CC crafts_NNS ?_. ?_. Some_DTI people_NNS
love_VB to_TO crack_VB tile_NN and_CC it's_PPS+BEZ amazing_JJ what_WDT beautifu
l_JJ designs_NNS they_PPSS come_VB up_RP with_IN as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN thei
r_PP$ cracking_QL good_JJ time_NN ._. How_WRB about_RB the_AT art_NN of_IN cooki
ng_VBG ?_. ?_. Do_DO you_PPSS yearn_VB to_TO make_VB cakes_NNS and_CC pies_NNS ,
_, or_CC special_JJ cookies_NNS and_CC candies_NNS ?_. ?_. There_EX is_BEZ alway
s_RB an_AT open_JJ market_NN for_IN this_DT sort_NN of_IN delicacy_NN ,_, in_IN
spite_NN of_IN low_JJ calorie_NN diets_NNS ,_, cottage_NN cheese_NN and_CC hands
-off-all-sweets_NN to_IN the_AT contrary_NN ._. Some_DTI people_NNS can_MD carve
_VB most_RB anything_PN out_IN of_IN a_AT piece_NN of_IN wood_NN ._. Some_DTI ma
ke_VB beautiful_JJ chairs_NNS ,_, cabinets_NNS ,_, chests_NNS ,_, doll_NN houses
_NNS ,_, etc._RB ._. Perhaps_RB you_PPSS couldn't_MD* do_DO that_DT but_CC have_
HV you_PPSS ever_RB tried_VBN to_TO see_VB what_WDT you_PPSS could_MD do_DO with
_IN a_AT hunk_NN of_IN wood_NN ?_. ?_. Outside_RB of_IN cutting_VBG your_PP$ fin
gers_NNS ,_, maybe_RB you_PPSS would_MD come_VB up_RP with_IN nothing_PN at_IN a
ll_ABN ,_, but_CC then_RB again_RB ,_, you_PPSS might_MD turn_VB out_RP some_DTI
dandy_JJ little_JJ gadgets_NNS ._. Some_DTI women_NNS get_VB a_AT real_JJ thril
l_NN out_IN of_IN housework_NN ._. They_PPSS love_VB to_TO dust_VB ,_, scrub_VB
,_, polish_VB ,_, wax_VB floors_NNS ,_, move_VB the_AT furniture_NN around_RB fr
om_IN place_NN to_IN place_NN ,_, take_VB down_RP the_AT curtains_NNS ,_, put_VB
up_RP new_JJ ones_NNS and_CC have_HV themselves_PPLS a_AT real_JJ ball_NN ._. M
aybe_RB that's_DT+BEZ your_PP$ forte_NN ._. It_PPS certainly_RB isn't_BEZ* mine_
PP$$ ._. I_PPSS can_MD look_VB at_IN furniture_NN in_IN one_CD spot_NN year_NN i
n_RP and_CC year_NN out_RP and_CC really_RB feel_VB for_IN sure_JJ that's_DT+BEZ
where_WRB it_PPS belongs_VBZ ._. Perhaps_RB you_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO bec
ome_VB a_AT writer_NN ._. This_DT gives_VBZ you_PPO a_AT wide_JJ and_CC varied_V
BN choice_NN ._. Will_MD it_PPS be_BE short_JJ stories_NNS ,_, fiction_NN ,_, no
nfiction_NN ,_, biography_NN ,_, poetry_NN ,_, children's_NNS$ stories_NNS ,_, o
r_CC even_RB a_AT book_NN if_CS you_PPSS are_BER really_QL ambitious_JJ ?_. ?_.
Ever_RB since_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ a_AT child_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV always_RB had_
HVN a_AT yen_NN to_TO try_VB my_PP$ hand_NN at_IN writing_VBG ._. If_CS you_PPSS
do_DO decide_VB to_TO write_VB ,_, you_PPSS will_MD soon_RB become_VB acquainte
d_VBN with_IN rejection_NN slips_NNS and_CC dejection_NN ._. Don't_DO* be_BE dis
couraged_VBN !_. !_. This_DT is_BEZ just_RB being_BEG a_AT normal_JJ writer_NN .
_. Just_RB let_VB the_AT rejection_NN slips_NNS fall_VB where_WRB they_PPSS may_
MD ,_, and_CC keep_VB on_RP plugging_VBG ,_, and_CC finally_RB you_PPSS will_MD
make_VB the_AT grade_NN ._. Few_AP new_JJ writers_NNS have_HV their_PP$ first_OD
story_NN accepted_VBN ,_, so_RB they_PPSS tell_VB me_PPO ._. But_CC ,_, it_PPS
could_MD happen_VB ,_, and_CC it_PPS may_MD happen_VB to_IN you_PPO ._. Then_RB
there's_EX+BEZ always_RB hobbies_NNS ,_, collecting_VBG stamps_NNS ,_, coins_NNS
,_, timetables_NNS ,_, salt_NN and_CC pepper_NN shakers_NNS ,_, elephants_NNS ,
_, dogs_NNS ,_, dolls_NNS ,_, shells_NNS ,_, or_CC shall_MD we_PPSS just_RB say_
VB collecting_VBG anything_PN your_PP$ heart_NN desires_VBZ ?_. ?_. I_PPSS can_M
D hear_VB some_DTI of_IN you_PPO folks_NNS protesting_VBG ._. You_PPSS say_VB ,_
, ``_`` But_CC it_PPS costs_VBZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN money_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT ho
bby_NN ._. I_PPSS haven't_HV* got_VBN that_DT kind_NN of_IN money_NN ''_'' ._. T
rue_JJ !_. !_. It_PPS does_DOZ cost_VB a_AT lot_NN of_IN money_NN for_IN most_AP
hobbies_NNS but_CC there_EX are_BER hobbies_NNS that_WPS are_BER for_IN free_JJ
._. How_WRB about_RB a_AT rock_NN collection_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT collection_NN of
_IN leaves_NNS from_IN different_JJ trees_NNS or_CC shrubs_NNS and_CC in_IN diff
erent_JJ colors_NNS ?_. ?_. Then_RB ,_, take_VB flowers_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BE
R many_AP and_CC varied_VBN ._. Also_RB ,_, there's_EX+BEZ scrap_NN books_NNS ,_
, collecting_VBG newspaper_NN pictures_NNS and_CC clippings_NNS ,_, or_CC any_DT
I items_NNS of_IN interest_NN to_IN you_PPO ._. It's_PPS+BEZ getting_VBG interes
ted_VBN in_IN something_PN that_WPS counts_VBZ ._. As_CS for_IN me_PPO ,_, I_PPS
S am_BEM holding_VBG in_IN reserve_NN two_CD huge_JJ puzzles_NNS (_( I_PPSS love
_VB puzzles_NNS )_) to_TO put_VB together_RB when_WRB time_NN hangs_VBZ heavy_JJ
on_IN my_PP$ hands_NNS ._. So_QL far_RB ,_, the_AT covers_NNS have_HV never_RB
been_BEN off_IN the_AT boxes_NNS ._. I_PPSS just_RB don't_DO* have_HV time_NN to
_TO do_DO half_ABN the_AT things_NNS I_PPSS want_VB to_TO do_DO now_RB ._. So_RB
in_IN closing_VBG ,_, fellow_NN retired_VBN members_NNS ,_, I_PPSS advise_VB yo
u_PPO to_TO make_VB the_AT most_AP of_IN each_DT day_NN ,_, enjoy_VB each_DT one
_CD to_IN the_AT n'th_NN degree_NN ._. Travel_VB ,_, if_CS you_PPSS can_MD ._. K
eep_VB occupied_VBN to_IN the_AT point_NN you_PPSS are_BER not_* bored_VBN with_
IN life_NN and_CC you_PPSS will_MD truly_RB find_VB these_DTS final_JJ days_NNS
and_CC years_NNS of_IN your_PP$ lives_NNS to_TO be_BE sunshine_NN sweet_JJ ._. G
ood_JJ Luck_NN !_. !_. To_IN one_CD and_CC all_ABN --_-- Good_JJ Days_NNS ahead_
RB !_. !_. An_AT important_JJ criterion_NN of_IN maturity_NN is_BEZ creativity_N
N ._. The_AT mature_JJ person_NN is_BEZ creative_JJ ._. What_WDT does_DOZ it_PPS
mean_VB to_TO be_BE creative_JJ ,_, a_AT term_NN we_PPSS hear_VB with_IN increa
sing_VBG frequency_NN these_DTS days_NNS ?_. ?_. When_WRB we_PPSS turn_VB to_IN
Noah_NP Webster_NP we_PPSS find_VB him_PPO helpful_JJ as_CS usual_JJ ._. ``_`` T
o_TO be_BE creative_JJ is_BEZ to_TO have_HV the_AT ability_NN to_TO cause_VB to_
TO exist_VB --_-- to_TO produce_VB where_WRB nothing_PN was_BEDZ before_RB --_--
to_TO bring_VB forth_RB an_AT original_JJ production_NN of_IN human_JJ intellig
ence_NN or_CC power_NN ''_'' ._. We_PPSS are_BER creative_JJ ,_, it_PPS seems_VB
Z ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS produce_VB something_PN which_WDT has_HVZ not_* previousl
y_RB existed_VBN ._. Thus_RB creativity_NN may_MD run_VB all_ABN the_AT way_NN f
rom_IN making_VBG a_AT cake_NN ,_, building_VBG a_AT chicken_NN coop_NN ,_, or_C
C producing_VBG a_AT book_NN ,_, to_IN founding_VBG a_AT business_NN ,_, creatin
g_VBG a_AT League_NN-TL of_IN-TL Nations_NNS-TL or_CC ,_, developing_VBG a_AT ma
ture_JJ character_NN ._. All_ABN living_VBG creatures_NNS from_IN the_AT lowest_
JJT form_NN of_IN insect_NN or_CC animal_NN life_NN evidence_VB the_AT power_NN
of_IN creativity_NN ,_, if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB to_TO reproduce_VB a_AT form
_NN like_CS their_PP$ own_JJ ._. While_CS man_NN shares_VBZ this_DT procreative_
JJ function_NN with_IN all_ABN his_PP$ predecessors_NNS in_IN the_AT evolutionar
y_JJ process_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ the_AT only_AP animal_NN with_IN a_AT true_JJ
non-instinctive_JJ and_CC conscious_JJ creative_JJ ability_NN ._. An_AT animal_N
N ,_, bird_NN or_CC insect_NN creates_VBZ either_CC a_AT burrow_NN ,_, or_CC nes
t_NN or_CC hive_NN in_IN unending_JJ sameness_NN according_IN to_IN specie_FW-NN
._. Man's_NN$ great_JJ superiority_NN over_IN these_DTS evolutionary_JJ forbear
s_NNS is_BEZ in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN his_PP$ imagination_NN ._. This_D
T gives_VBZ him_PPO the_AT power_NN to_TO form_VB in_IN his_PP$ mind_NN new_JJ i
mage_NN combinations_NNS of_IN old_JJ memories_NNS ,_, ideas_NNS and_CC experien
ces_NNS and_CC to_TO project_VB them_PPO outside_RB of_IN himself_PPL into_IN hi
s_PP$ environment_NN in_IN new_JJ and_CC ever-changing_JJ forms_NNS ._. It_PPS h
as_HVZ been_BEN truly_RB said_VBN that_CS anything_PN man_NN can_MD imagine_VB h
e_PPS can_MD produce_VB or_CC create_VB by_IN projecting_VBG this_DT inner_JJ im
age_NN into_IN its_PP$ counterpart_NN in_IN the_AT objective_JJ world_NN ._. In_
IN our_PP$ own_JJ time_NN we_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN the_AT most_QL fantastic_JJ i
magery_NN of_IN a_AT Jules_NP Verne_NP come_VB into_IN actuality_NN ._. The_AT v
ision_NN of_IN a_AT Lord_NN-TL Tennyson_NP expressed_VBN in_IN a_AT poem_NN 100_
CD years_NNS ago_RB took_VBD visible_JJ form_NN over_IN London_NP in_IN the_AT a
ir_NN blitzes_NNS of_IN 1941_CD ._. In_IN fact_NN all_ABN of_IN our_PP$ civilize
d_VBN world_NN is_BEZ the_AT resultant_NN of_IN man's_NN$ projection_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ imagination_NN over_IN the_AT past_AP 60_CD centuries_NNS or_CC more_AP ._
. It_PPS is_BEZ in_IN this_DT one_CD aspect_NN ,_, at_IN least_AP ,_, that_CS ma
n_NN seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE made_VBN in_IN the_AT image_NN of_IN his_PP$ Creator_
NN-TL ._. Not_* only_RB can_MD man_NN project_VB his_PP$ imagination_NN out_RP i
nto_IN his_PP$ environment_NN in_IN concrete_JJ forms_NNS ,_, but_CC even_RB mor
e_QL importantly_RB ,_, he_PPS can_MD turn_VB it_PPO inward_RB to_TO help_VB cre
ate_VB new_JJ and_CC better_JJR forms_NNS of_IN himself_PPL ._. We_PPSS recogniz
e_VB that_CS young_JJ people_NNS through_IN imaginative_JJ mind_NN and_CC body_N
N training_NN can_MD become_VB athletes_NNS ,_, acrobats_NNS ,_, dancers_NNS ,_,
musicians_NNS and_CC artists_NNS ,_, developing_VBG many_AP potentialities_NNS
._. We_PPSS know_VB that_CS actors_NNS can_MD learn_VB to_TO portray_VB a_AT wid
e_JJ variety_NN of_IN character_NN roles_NNS ._. By_IN this_DT same_AP combinati
on_NN of_IN the_AT will_NN and_CC the_AT imagination_NN ,_, each_DT one_CD of_IN
us_PPO can_MD learn_VB to_TO portray_VB permanently_RB the_AT kind_NN of_IN cha
racter_NN we_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO be_BE ._. We_PPSS must_MD realize_VB wi
th_IN Prof._NN-TL Charles_NP Morris_NP in_IN his_PP$ The_AT-TL Open_NN-TL Self_N
N-TL that_CS ``_`` Man_NN is_BEZ the_AT being_NN that_WPS can_MD continually_RB
remake_VB himself_PPL ,_, the_AT artisan_NN that_WPS is_BEZ himself_PPL the_AT m
aterial_NN for_IN his_PP$ own_JJ creation_NN ''_'' ._. So_QL far_RB in_IN histor
y_NN man_NN has_HVZ been_BEN too_QL greatly_RB over-occupied_JJ with_IN projecti
ng_VBG things_NNS into_IN his_PP$ environment_NN rather_IN than_IN first_RB crea
ting_VBG the_AT sort_NN of_IN person_NN who_WPS can_MD make_VB the_AT highest_JJ
T use_NN of_IN the_AT things_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ created_VBN ._. Is_BEZ not_* the
_AT present_JJ world_NN crisis_NN a_AT race_NN between_IN things_NNS we_PPSS hav
e_HV created_VBN which_WDT can_MD now_RB destroy_VB us_PPO and_CC between_IN pop
ulations_NNS of_IN sufficient_JJ wisdom_NN and_CC character_NN to_TO forestall_V
B the_AT tragedy_NN ._. Is_BEZ it_PPS not_* the_AT obligation_NN of_IN us_PPO ol
der_JJR citizens_NNS to_TO lend_VB our_PP$ weight_NN to_IN being_BEG creative_JJ
on_IN the_AT character_NN side_NN and_CC to_TO hasten_VB our_PP$ own_JJ maturin
g_VBG process_NN ?_. ?_. Sir_NP Julian_NP Huxley_NP in_IN his_PP$ book_NN Unique
ness_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Man_NN-TL makes_VBZ the_AT novel_JJ point_NN that_CS just_RB
as_CS man_NN is_BEZ unique_JJ in_IN being_BEG the_AT only_AP animal_NN which_WD
T requires_VBZ a_AT long_JJ period_NN of_IN infancy_NN and_CC childhood_NN under
_IN family_NN protection_NN ,_, so_RB is_BEZ he_PPS the_AT only_AP animal_NN who
_WPS has_HVZ a_AT long_JJ period_NN after_IN the_AT decline_NN of_IN his_PP$ pro
creativity_NN ._. Some_DTI recent_JJ writings_NNS assume_VB that_CS the_AT ignor
ant_JJ young_JJ couples_NNS are_BER a_AT thing_NN of_IN the_AT remote_JJ ,_, Vic
torian_JJ past_NN ;_. ;_. that_CS nowadays_RB all_ABN honeymooners_NNS are_BER t
horoughly_QL familiar_JJ with_IN the_AT best_JJT sex-manuals_NNS and_CC know_VB
enough_AP from_IN talk_NN with_IN friends_NNS and_CC personal_JJ experimentation
_NN to_TO take_VB all_ABN the_AT anxiety_NN and_CC hazards_NNS out_IN of_IN the_
AT situation_NN ._. Perhaps_RB --_-- but_CC extensive_JJ discussions_NNS with_IN
contemporary_JJ practitioners_NNS ,_, family_NN doctors_NNS and_CC gynecologist
s_NNS indicate_VB that_CS this_DT is_BEZ still_RB an_AT area_NN of_IN enormous_J
J ignorance_NN ._. Joking_VBG and_CC talking_VBG may_MD be_BE freer_JJR and_CC e
asier_JJR ,_, but_CC the_AT important_JJ factual_JJ information_NN is_BEZ still_
RB lacking_VBG for_IN far_QL too_QL many_AP newly-married_JJ men_NNS and_CC wome
n_NNS ._. Various_JJ factors_NNS in_IN the_AT setting_NN can_MD still_RB be_BE o
f_IN great_JJ advantage_NN in_IN making_VBG the_AT first_OD intercourse_NN a_AT
good_JJ rather_IN than_IN a_AT bad_JJ memory_NN for_IN one_CD or_CC both_ABX ._.
Privacy_NN must_MD be_BE highly_RB assured_VBN both_ABX in_IN time_NN and_CC pl
ace_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ ,_, locking_VBG the_AT room_NN or_CC stateroom_NN door
_NN gives_VBZ privacy_NN of_IN location_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ equally_QL i
mportant_JJ to_TO be_BE sure_JJ there_EX is_BEZ time_NN enough_AP for_IN an_AT u
tterly_QL unhurried_JJ fulfillment_NN ._. If_CS the_AT wedding_NN party_NN laste
d_VBD late_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT travel_NN schedule_NN means_VBZ there_EX are_BER
only_RB a_AT few_AP hours_NNS before_CS resuming_VBG the_AT trip_NN or_CC makin
g_VBG an_AT early_JJ start_NN ,_, the_AT husband_NN may_MD forestall_VB tensions
_NNS and_CC uncertainties_NNS by_IN confiding_VBG to_IN his_PP$ bride_NN that_CS
lying_VBG in_IN each_DT other's_AP$ arms_NNS will_MD be_BE bliss_NN enough_AP f
or_IN these_DTS few_AP hours_NNS ._. The_AT consummation_NN should_MD come_VB at
_IN the_AT next_AP stopping_VBG place_NN when_WRB they_PPSS have_HV a_AT long_JJ
private_JJ time_NN (_( day_NN or_CC night_NN )_) for_IN that_DT purpose_NN ._.
First_OD intercourse_NN for_IN the_AT bride_NN brings_VBZ with_IN it_PPO the_AT
various_JJ problems_NNS connected_VBN with_IN virginity_NN and_CC the_AT hymen_N
N ._. One_CD thing_NN should_MD be_BE clear_JJ to_IN both_ABX husband_NN and_CC
wife_NN --_-- neither_CC pain_NN nor_CC profuse_JJ bleeding_NN has_HVZ to_TO occ
ur_VB when_WRB the_AT hymen_NN is_BEZ ruptured_VBN during_IN the_AT first_OD sex
_NN act_NN ._. Ignorance_NN on_IN this_DT point_NN has_HVZ caused_VBN a_AT great
_JJ deal_NN of_IN needless_JJ anxiety_NN ,_, misunderstanding_VBG and_CC suspici
on_NN ._. The_AT hymen_NN is_BEZ ,_, in_IN essence_NN ,_, a_AT fragile_JJ membra
ne_NN that_WPS more_QL or_CC less_QL completely_RB covers_VBZ the_AT entrance_NN
to_IN the_AT vagina_NN in_IN most_AP female_JJ human_JJ beings_NNS who_WPS have
_HV not_* had_HVN sex_NN relations_NNS ._. (_( Hymen_NN ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, is
_BEZ the_AT Greek_JJ word_NN for_IN membrane_NN ._. )_) Often_RB it_PPS is_BEZ t
hin_JJ and_CC fragile_JJ and_CC gives_VBZ way_NN readily_RB to_IN the_AT male_JJ
organ_NN at_IN the_AT first_OD attempt_NN at_IN intercourse_NN ._. As_CS might_
MD be_BE expected_VBN ,_, girls_NNS in_IN this_DT situation_NN bleed_VB very_QL
little_RB and_CC perhaps_RB not_* at_IN all_ABN in_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN lo
sing_VBG their_PP$ virginity_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ also_RB important_JJ to_TO rea
lize_VB that_CS many_AP girls_NNS are_BER born_VBN without_IN a_AT hymen_NN or_C
C at_IN most_AP only_RB a_AT tiny_JJ trace_NN of_IN one_CD ;_. ;_. so_CS that_CS
the_AT absence_NN of_IN the_AT hymen_NN is_BEZ by_IN no_AT means_NNS positive_J
J proof_NN that_CS a_AT girl_NN has_HVZ had_HVN sex_NN relations_NNS ._. But_CC
there_EX is_BEZ a_AT basis_NN in_IN fact_NN for_IN the_AT exaggerations_NNS of_I
N the_AT folk-lore_NN beliefs_NNS ._. Some_DTI hymens_NNS are_BER so_QL strongly
_RB developed_VBN that_CS they_PPSS cannot_MD* be_BE torn_VBN without_IN conside
rable_JJ pain_NN to_IN the_AT girl_NN and_CC marked_VBN loss_NN of_IN blood_NN .
_. More_QL rarely_RB ,_, the_AT hymen_NN is_BEZ so_QL sturdy_JJ that_CS it_PPS d
oes_DOZ not_* yield_VB to_IN penetration_NN ._. Extreme_JJ cases_NNS are_BER on_
IN record_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT doctor_NN has_HVZ had_HVN to_TO use_VB instr
uments_NNS to_TO cut_VB through_IN the_AT hymen_NN to_TO permit_VB marital_JJ re
lations_NNS to_TO be_BE consummated_VBN ._. These_DTS cases_NNS ,_, for_IN all_A
BN their_PP$ rarity_NN ,_, are_BER so_QL dramatic_JJ that_CS friends_NNS and_CC
relations_NNS repeat_VB the_AT story_NN until_CS the_AT general_JJ population_NN
may_MD get_VB an_AT entirely_QL false_JJ notion_NN of_IN how_WQL often_RB the_A
T hymen_NN is_BEZ a_AT serious_JJ problem_NN to_IN newly-weds_NNS ._. In_IN rece
nt_JJ times_NNS ,_, when_WRB sexual_JJ matters_NNS began_VBD to_TO be_BE discuss
ed_VBN more_QL scientifically_RB and_CC more_QL openly_RB ,_, the_AT emotional_J
J aspects_NNS of_IN virginity_NN received_VBD considerable_JJ attention_NN ._. O
bviously_RB ,_, the_AT bridal_JJ pair_NN has_HVZ many_AP adjustments_NNS to_TO m
ake_VB to_IN their_PP$ new_JJ situation_NN ._. Is_BEZ it_PPS necessary_JJ to_TO
add_VB to_IN the_AT other_AP tensions_NNS the_AT hazard_NN of_IN making_VBG the_
AT loving_VBG husband_NN the_AT one_CD who_WPS brought_VBD pain_NN to_IN his_PP$
bride_NN ?_. ?_. Gynecologists_NNS and_CC marriage_NN manuals_NNS began_VBD to_
TO advise_VB that_CS the_AT bride_NN should_MD consult_VB a_AT physician_NN befo
re_IN marriage_NN ._. If_CS he_PPS foresaw_VBD any_DTI problem_NN because_RB of_
IN the_AT quality_NN of_IN the_AT hymen_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ recommended_VBN t
hat_CS simple_JJ procedures_NNS be_BE undertaken_VBN at_IN once_RB to_TO incise_
VB the_AT hymen_NN or_CC ,_, preferably_RB ,_, to_TO dilate_VB it_PPO ._. As_CS
a_AT natural_JJ outgrowth_NN of_IN this_DT approach_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ often_RB
suggested_VBN that_CS the_AT doctor_NN should_MD complete_VB the_AT preparation_
NN for_IN painless_JJ intercourse_NN by_IN dilating_VBG the_AT vagina_NN ._. Thi
s_DT recommendation_NN was_BEDZ based_VBN on_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT hy
men_NN was_BEDZ not_* the_AT only_AP barrier_NN to_IN smooth_JJ consummation_NN
of_IN the_AT sex_NN act_NN ._. The_AT vagina_NN is_BEZ an_AT organ_NN capable_JJ
of_IN remarkable_JJ contraction_NN and_CC dilation_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ obviou
s_JJ when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ remembered_VBN that_CS ,_, during_IN childbirth_NN ,
_, the_AT vagina_NN must_MD dilate_VB enough_RB to_TO permit_VB the_AT passage_N
N of_IN the_AT baby_NN ._. The_AT intricate_JJ system_NN of_IN muscles_NNS that_
WPS manage_VB the_AT contraction_NN and_CC dilatation_NN of_IN the_AT vagina_NN
are_BER partly_RB under_IN voluntary_JJ control_NN ._. But_CC an_AT instinctive_
JJ reflex_NN may_MD work_VB against_IN the_AT conscious_JJ intention_NN of_IN th
e_AT woman_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ ,_, when_WRB first_OD penetration_NN takes_VBZ
place_NN ,_, the_AT pressure_NN and_CC pain_NN signals_NNS may_MD involuntarily_
RB cause_VB all_ABN the_AT vaginal_JJ muscles_NNS to_TO contract_VB in_IN an_AT
effort_NN to_TO bar_VB the_AT intrusion_NN and_CC prevent_VB further_AP pain_NN
._. The_AT advantages_NNS of_IN dilatation_NN by_IN the_AT physician_NN are_BER
both_ABX physical_JJ and_CC psychological_JJ ._. Since_CS it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT pur
ely_QL professional_JJ situation_NN ,_, none_PN of_IN the_AT pain_NN is_BEZ asso
ciated_VBN with_IN love-making_NN or_CC the_AT beloved_JJ ._. By_IN using_VBG in
struments_NNS of_IN gradually_RB increasing_VBG size_NN ,_, the_AT vagina_NN is_
BEZ gently_RB ,_, and_CC with_IN minimum_JJ pain_NN at_IN each_DT stage_NN ,_, t
aught_VBN to_TO yield_VB to_IN an_AT object_NN of_IN the_AT appropriate_JJ shape
_NN ._. In_IN this_DT process_NN the_AT vaginal_JJ muscles_NNS come_VB under_IN
better_JJR conscious_JJ control_NN by_IN the_AT girl_NN ._. She_PPS learns_VBZ h
ow_WRB to_TO relax_VB them_PPO to_TO accept_VB --_-- instead_RB of_IN contractin
g_VBG them_PPO to_TO repel_VB --_-- the_AT entering_VBG object_NN ._. Apart_RB f
rom_IN the_AT standard_JJ problem_NN of_IN controlling_VBG the_AT vaginal_JJ mus
cles_NNS ,_, other_AP serious_JJ barriers_NNS may_MD exist_VB that_WPS need_VB s
pecial_JJ gynecological_JJ treatment_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ far_QL better_JJR to_T
O have_HV such_JJ conditions_NNS treated_VBN in_IN advance_NN than_CS to_TO have
_HV them_PPO show_VB up_RP on_IN the_AT honeymoon_NN where_WRB they_PPSS can_MD
create_VB a_AT really_QL serious_JJ situation_NN ._. When_WRB no_AT medical_JJ p
roblems_NNS exist_VB ,_, the_AT newly_RB married_VBN couple_NN generally_RB pref
er_VB to_TO cope_VB with_IN the_AT adjustments_NNS of_IN their_PP$ new_JJ relati
onship_NN by_IN themselves_PPLS ._. Special_JJ information_NN and_CC guidance_NN
about_IN the_AT possible_JJ difficulties_NNS are_BER still_RB of_IN great_JJ va
lue_NN ._. Folk-lore_NN ,_, superstition_NN and_CC remembered_VBN passages_NNS f
rom_IN erotic_JJ literature_NN can_MD create_VB physical_JJ and_CC emotional_JJ
problems_NNS if_CS blindly_RB taken_VBN as_CS scientific_JJ facts_NNS and_CC use
ful_JJ hints_NNS ._. The_AT importance_NN of_IN loving_VBG tenderness_NN is_BEZ
obvious_JJ ._. The_AT long_JJ ,_, unhurried_JJ approach_NN and_CC the_AT deliber
ate_JJ prolongation_NN of_IN fore-play_NN work_VB on_IN several_AP levels_NNS ._
. Under_IN the_AT excitement_NN of_IN caresses_NNS and_CC sexual_JJ stimulation_
NN the_AT vagina_NN relaxes_VBZ and_CC dilates_VBZ and_CC the_AT local_JJ moistu
re_NN greatly_RB increases_VBZ ,_, providing_VBG an_AT excellent_JJ lubricant_NN
to_TO help_VB achieve_VB an_AT easier_JJR penetration_NN ._. Extensive_JJ obser
vations_NNS by_IN physicians_NNS during_IN vaginal_JJ examinations_NNS have_HV e
stablished_VBN the_AT fact_NN that_CS a_AT single_AP finger_NN inserted_VBN alon
g_IN the_AT anterior_JJ wall_NN (_( the_AT top_JJS line_NN of_IN the_AT vagina_N
N as_CS the_AT woman_NN lies_VBZ on_IN her_PP$ back_NN )_) may_MD cause_VB a_AT
great_JJ deal_NN of_IN distress_NN in_IN a_AT virgin_NN ._. But_CC during_IN the
_AT same_AP examination_NN ,_, two_CD fingers_NNS may_MD be_BE inserted_VBN alon
g_IN the_AT posterior_JJ wall_NN (_( the_AT bottom_NN of_IN the_AT vagina_NN in_
IN the_AT same_AP position_NN )_) without_IN any_DTI pain_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC in_I
N fact_NN without_IN any_DTI difficulty_NN if_CS the_AT pressure_NN is_BEZ kept_
VBN downward_RB at_IN all_ABN times_NNS ._. These_DTS regional_JJ differences_NN
S of_IN sensitivity_NN to_IN pain_NN may_MD be_BE of_IN crucial_JJ significance_
NN during_IN the_AT earliest_JJT intercourse_NN ._. The_AT husband_NN and_CC wif
e_NN should_MD start_VB with_IN this_DT anatomical_JJ information_NN clearly_RB
in_IN mind_NN ._. They_PPSS may_MD then_RB adjust_VB their_PP$ positions_NNS and
_CC movements_NNS to_TO avoid_VB too_QL much_AP pressure_NN on_IN the_AT urethra
_NN and_CC the_AT anterior_JJ wall_NN of_IN the_AT vagina_NN ;_. ;_. at_IN least
_AP until_CS repeated_VBN intercourse_NN has_HVZ dilated_VBN it_PPO and_CC pain_
NN is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR a_AT possible_JJ threat_NN against_IN the_AT full_JJ
pleasure_NN of_IN love-making_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT technical_JJ proce
dure_NN in_IN medical_JJ examinations_NNS may_MD be_BE wisely_RB adapted_VBN to_
IN his_PP$ romantic_JJ purposes_NNS by_IN the_AT husband_NN during_IN the_AT hon
eymoon_NN ._. Locker-room_NN talk_NN often_RB stresses_VBZ the_AT idea_NN that_C
S a_AT man_NN is_BEZ doing_VBG the_AT girl_NN a_AT favor_NN if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ
forceful_JJ and_CC ruthless_JJ during_IN the_AT first_OD penetration_NN ._. The_
AT false_JJ reasoning_NN is_BEZ that_CS a_AT gradual_JJ advance_NN prolongs_VBZ
the_AT pain_NN while_CS a_AT swift_JJ powerful_JJ act_NN gets_VBZ it_PPO over_RP
with_RB and_CC leaves_VBZ the_AT girl_NN pleased_VBN with_IN his_PP$ virility_N
N and_CC grateful_JJ for_IN his_PP$ decisiveness_NN in_IN settling_VBG the_AT pr
oblem_NN once_RB and_CC for_IN all_ABN ._. Such_JJ talk_NN is_BEZ seriously_RB i
n_IN error_NN ._. Ruthlessness_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN can_MD be_BE a_AT very_Q
L severe_JJ shock_NN to_IN the_AT bride_NN ,_, both_ABX physically_RB and_CC psy
chologically_RB ._. The_AT insistent_JJ ,_, forceful_JJ penetration_NN may_MD te
ar_VB and_CC inflame_VB the_AT vaginal_JJ walls_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS do_DO ex
cessive_JJ damage_NN to_IN the_AT hymen_NN ._. The_AT pain_NN and_CC distress_NN
associated_VBN with_IN the_AT performance_NN may_MD easily_RB give_VB the_AT wi
fe_NN a_AT deep-seated_JJ dread_NN of_IN marital_JJ relations_NNS and_CC cause_V
B her_PPO ,_, unconsciously_RB ,_, to_TO make_VB the_AT sex_NN act_NN unpleasant
_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ for_IN both_ABX by_IN exercising_VBG her_PP$ vaginal_JJ
muscles_NNS to_TO complicate_VB his_PP$ penetration_NN instead_RB of_IN relaxing
_VBG them_PPO to_TO facilitate_VB it_PPO ._. Serious_JJ attention_NN must_MD als
o_RB be_BE given_VBN to_IN the_AT husband's_NN$ problems_NNS in_IN the_AT honeym
oon_NN situation_NN ._. The_AT necessity_NN for_IN keeping_VBG alert_JJ to_IN hi
s_PP$ bride's_NN$ hazards_NNS can_MD act_VB as_CS an_AT interference_NN with_IN
the_AT man's_NN$ spontaneous_JJ desire_NN ._. The_AT emotional_JJ stimulation_NN
may_MD be_BE so_QL great_JJ that_CS he_PPS may_MD experience_VB a_AT premature_
JJ climax_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT very_QL common_JJ experience_NN and_CC shou
ld_MD in_IN no_AT way_NN discourage_VB or_CC dishearten_VB either_CC husband_NN
or_CC wife_NN ._. Or_CC the_AT frequent_JJ need_NN to_TO check_VB and_CC discipl
ine_VB himself_PPL to_IN the_AT wisest_JJT pace_NN of_IN the_AT consummation_NN
can_MD put_VB him_PPO off_IN stride_NN and_CC make_VB it_PPO impossible_JJ for_I
N him_PPO to_TO be_BE continuously_RB ready_JJ for_IN penetration_NN over_IN a_A
T long_JJ period_NN ._. The_AT signals_NNS to_TO proceed_VB may_MD therefore_RB
come_VB when_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ momentarily_RB not_* able_JJ to_TO take_VB advant
age_NN of_IN them_PPO ._. The_AT best_JJT course_NN is_BEZ to_TO recover_VB his_
PP$ physical_JJ excitement_NN by_IN a_AT change_NN of_IN pace_NN that_WPS makes_
VBZ him_PPO ardent_JJ again_RB ._. This_DT may_MD require_VB imagination_NN and_
CC reminding_VBG himself_PPL that_CS now_RB he_PPS can_MD be_BE demanding_VBG an
d_CC self-centered_JJ ._. He_PPS can_MD take_VB security_NN from_IN the_AT fact_
NN that_CS the_AT progress_NN he_PPS has_HVZ made_VBN by_IN his_PP$ gentle_JJ ap
proach_NN will_MD not_* be_BE lost_VBN ._. Now_RB while_CS he_PPS uses_VBZ talk_
NN ,_, caresses_NNS or_CC requires_VBZ caresses_NNS from_IN her_PPO ,_, his_PP$
bride_NN will_MD sympathetically_RB understand_VB the_AT situation_NN and_CC eag
erly_RB help_VB him_PPO restore_VB his_PP$ physical_JJ situation_NN so_CS they_P
PSS can_MD have_HV the_AT consummation_NN they_PPSS both_ABX so_QL eagerly_RB de
sire_VB ._. A_AT final_JJ word_NN ._. The_AT accumulated_VBN information_NN on_I
N this_DT point_NN shows_VBZ that_CS first_OD intercourse_NN ,_, even_RB when_WR
B it_PPS is_BEZ achieved_VBN with_IN minimum_JJ pain_NN or_CC difficulty_NN ,_,
is_BEZ seldom_RB an_AT overwhelming_JJ sexual_JJ experience_NN to_IN a_AT woman_
NN ._. Too_QL many_AP new_JJ things_NNS are_BER happening_VBG for_CS it_PPO to_T
O be_BE a_AT complete_JJ erotic_JJ fulfillment_NN ._. Only_RB under_IN rare_JJ c
ircumstances_NNS would_MD a_AT bride_NN experience_NN an_AT orgasm_NN during_IN
her_PP$ first_OD intercourse_NN ._. Both_ABX man_NN and_CC wife_NN should_MD be_
BE aware_JJ of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS a_AT lack_NN of_IN climax_NN ,_, and_CC
even_RB the_AT absence_NN of_IN the_AT anticipated_VBN keen_JJ pleasure_NN are_
BER not_* a_AT sign_NN that_CS the_AT wife_NN may_MD be_BE cold_JJ or_CC frigid_
JJ ._. If_CS the_AT early_JJ approaches_NNS are_BER wise_JJ ,_, understanding_VB
G and_CC patient_JJ ,_, the_AT satisfactions_NNS of_IN marital_JJ fulfillment_NN
will_MD probably_RB be_BE discovered_VBN before_CS the_AT marriage_NN is_BEZ mu
ch_QL older_JJR ._. Writing_VBG in_IN a_AT large_JJ volume_NN on_IN the_AT nude_
JJ in_IN painting_VBG and_CC sculptures_NNS ,_, titled_VBN The_AT-TL Nude_JJ-TL
:_: A_AT-TL Study_NN-TL In_IN-TL Ideal_JJ-TL Form_NN-TL ,_, Kenneth_NP Clark_NP
declares_VBZ :_: ``_`` The_AT human_JJ body_NN ,_, as_CS a_AT nucleus_NN ,_, is_
BEZ rich_JJ in_IN associations_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ ourselves_PPLS and_CC arous
es_VBZ memories_NNS of_IN all_ABN the_AT things_NNS we_PPSS wish_VB to_TO do_DO
with_IN ourselves_PPLS ''_'' ._. Perhaps_RB this_DT is_BEZ a_AT clue_NN to_IN th
e_AT amazing_JJ variety_NN and_CC power_NN of_IN reactions_NNS ,_, attitudes_NNS
,_, and_CC emotions_NNS precipitated_VBN by_IN the_AT nude_JJ form_NN ._. The_A
T wide_JJ divergence_NN of_IN reactions_NNS is_BEZ clearly_RB illustrated_VBN in
_IN the_AT Kinsey_NP studies_NNS in_IN human_JJ sexuality_NN ._. Differences_NNS
were_BED related_VBN to_IN social_JJ ,_, economic_JJ ,_, and_CC educational_JJ
backgrounds_NNS ._. Whereas_CS persons_NNS of_IN eighth_OD grade_NN education_NN
or_CC less_AP were_BED more_QL apt_JJ to_TO avoid_VB or_CC be_BE shocked_VBN by
_IN nudity_NN ,_, those_DTS educated_VBN beyond_IN the_AT eighth_OD grade_NN inc
reasingly_RB welcomed_VBD and_CC approved_VBD nudity_NN in_IN sexual_JJ relation
s_NNS ._. Such_JJ understanding_NN helps_VBZ to_TO explain_VB why_WRB one_CD mat
ron_NN celebrating_VBG thirty-five_CD years_NNS of_IN married_VBN life_NN could_
MD declare_VB with_IN some_DTI pride_NN that_CS her_PP$ husband_NN had_HVD ``_``
never_RB seen_VBN her_PPO entirely_QL naked_JJ ''_'' ,_, while_CS another_DT wo
man_NN ,_, boasting_VBG an_AT equal_JJ number_NN of_IN years_NNS of_IN married_V
BN life_NN ,_, is_BEZ proud_JJ of_IN having_HVG ``_`` shared_VBN the_AT nudist_N
N way_NN of_IN life_NN --_-- the_AT really_QL free_JJ ,_, natural_JJ nude_JJ lif
e_NN --_-- for_IN most_AP of_IN that_DT period_NN ''_'' ._. Attempts_NNS at_IN c
ensorship_NN always_RB involve_VB and_CC reveal_VB such_JJ complex_JJ and_CC mul
tiple_JJ individual_JJ reactions_NNS ._. The_AT indignant_JJ crusader_NN sees_VB
Z the_AT nude_JJ or_CC semi-nude_JJ human_JJ form_NN as_CS ``_`` lewd_JJ and_CC
pornographic_JJ ,_, a_AT threat_NN and_CC danger_NN ''_'' to_IN all_ABN the_AT y
oung_JJ ,_, or_CC good_JJ ,_, or_CC religious_JJ ,_, or_CC moral_JJ persons_NNS
._. The_AT equally_QL ardent_JJ proponent_NN of_IN freedom_NN from_IN any_DTI ki
nd_NN of_IN censorship_NN may_MD find_VB the_AT nude_JJ human_JJ form_NN the_AT
``_`` natural_JJ ,_, honest_JJ ,_, free_JJ expression_NN of_IN man's_NN$ spirit_
NN and_CC the_AT epitome_NN of_IN beauty_NN and_CC inspiration_NN ''_'' ._. One_
PN is_BEZ always_RB a_AT little_JJ surprised_VBN to_TO bump_VB into_IN such_JJ i
ndividual_JJ distinctions_NNS when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ unexpected_JJ ._. I_PPSS st
ill_RB recall_VB the_AT mild_JJ shock_NN I_PPSS experienced_VBD in_IN reading_VB
G material_NN of_IN an_AT enthusiastic_JJ advocate_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` clean_J
J ,_, healthful_JJ ,_, free_JJ way_NN of_IN natural_JJ life_NN in_IN nudism_NN '
'_'' ,_, who_WPS seemed_VBD to_TO brave_VB much_AP misunderstanding_NN and_CC pe
rsecution_NN in_IN fine_JJ spirit_NN ._. In_IN tradition_NN and_CC in_IN poetry_
NN ,_, the_AT marriage_NN bed_NN is_BEZ a_AT place_NN of_IN unity_NN and_CC harm
ony_NN ._. The_AT partners_NNS each_DT bring_VB to_IN it_PPO unselfish_JJ love_N
N ,_, and_CC each_DT takes_VBZ away_RB an_AT equal_JJ share_NN of_IN pleasure_NN
and_CC joy_NN ._. At_IN its_PP$ most_QL ecstatic_JJ moments_NNS ,_, husband_NN
and_CC wife_NN are_BER elevated_VBN far_QL above_IN worldly_JJ cares_NNS ._. Eve
rything_PN else_RB is_BEZ closed_VBN away_RB ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT ideal_JJ
._. But_CC marriage_NN experts_NNS say_VB that_CS such_JJ mutual_JJ contribution
_NN and_CC mutual_JJ joy_NN are_BER seldom_RB achieved_VBN ._. Instead_RB one_CD
partner_NN or_CC the_AT other_AP dominates_VBZ the_AT sexual_JJ relationship_NN
._. In_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT husband_NN who_WPS
has_HVZ been_BEN dominant_JJ and_CC the_AT wife_NN passive_JJ ._. But_CC today_N
R there_EX are_BER signs_NNS that_CS these_DTS roles_NNS are_BER being_BEG rever
sed_VBN ._. In_IN a_AT growing_VBG number_NN of_IN American_JJ homes_NNS ,_, mar
riage_NN counselors_NNS report_VB ,_, the_AT wife_NN is_BEZ taking_VBG a_AT comm
anding_VBG role_NN in_IN sexual_JJ relationships_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ she_PPS w
ho_WPS decides_VBZ the_AT time_NN ,_, the_AT place_NN ,_, the_AT surroundings_NN
S ,_, and_CC the_AT frequency_NN of_IN the_AT sexual_JJ act_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
she_PPS who_WPS says_VBZ aye_RB or_CC nay_RB to_IN the_AT intimate_JJ questions
_NNS of_IN sexual_JJ technique_NN and_CC mechanics_NNS --_-- not_* the_AT husban
d_NN ._. The_AT whole_JJ act_NN is_BEZ tailored_VBN to_IN her_PP$ pleasure_NN ,_
, and_CC not_* to_IN theirs_PP$$ ._. Beyond_IN a_AT certain_JJ point_NN ,_, of_I
N course_NN ,_, no_AT woman_NN can_MD be_BE dominant_JJ --_-- nature_NN has_HVZ
seen_VBN to_IN that_DT ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ little_AP doubt_NN that_CS in_
IN many_AP marriages_NNS the_AT wife_NN is_BEZ boss_NN of_IN the_AT marital_JJ b
ed_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, there_EX remain_VB many_AP ``_`` old-fashioned_JJ
''_'' marriages_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT husband_NN maintains_VBZ his_PP$ supr
emacy_NN ._. Yet_CC even_RB in_IN these_DTS marriages_NNS ,_, psychologists_NNS
say_VB ,_, wives_NNS are_BER asserting_VBG themselves_PPLS more_QL strongly_RB .
_. The_AT meekest_JJT ,_, most_QL submissive_JJ wife_NN of_IN today_NR is_BEZ a_
AT tiger_NN by_IN her_PP$ mother's_NN$ or_CC grandmother's_NN$ standards_NNS ._.
To_IN many_AP experts_NNS ,_, this_DT trend_NN was_BEDZ inevitable_JJ ._. They_
PPSS consider_VB it_PPO simply_RB a_AT sign_NN of_IN our_PP$ times_NNS ._. Our_P
P$ society_NN has_HVZ ``_`` emancipated_VBN ''_'' the_AT woman_NN ,_, giving_VBG
her_PPO new_JJ independence_NN and_CC new_JJ authority_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ onl
y_RB natural_JJ that_CS she_PPS assert_VB herself_PPL in_IN the_AT sexual_JJ rol
e_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT sexual_JJ relationship_NN does_DOZ not_* exist_VB in_IN a_
AT vacuum_NN ''_'' ,_, declares_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Mary_NP Steichen_NP Calderone_NP ,
_, medical_JJ director_NN of_IN the_AT Planned_VBN-TL Parenthood_NN-TL Federatio
n_NN-TL of_IN-TL America_NP and_CC author_NN of_IN the_AT recent_JJ book_NN ,_,
Release_NN-TL From_IN-TL Sexual_JJ-TL Tensions_NNS-TL ._. ``_`` It_PPS reflects_
VBZ what_WDT is_BEZ going_VBG on_RP in_IN other_AP areas_NNS of_IN the_AT marria
ge_NN and_CC in_IN society_NN itself_PPL ._. A_AT world_NN in_IN which_WDT wives
_NNS have_HV taken_VBN a_AT more_QL active_JJ role_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO pro
duce_VB sexual_JJ relationships_NNS in_IN which_WDT wives_NNS are_BER more_QL se
lf-assertive_JJ ,_, too_RB ''_'' ._. Yet_CC many_AP psychologists_NNS and_CC mar
riage_NN counselors_NNS agree_VB that_CS domination_NN of_IN the_AT sex_NN relat
ionship_NN by_IN one_CD partner_NN or_CC the_AT other_AP can_MD be_BE unhealthy_
JJ and_CC even_RB dangerous_JJ ._. It_PPS can_MD ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, wreck_VB
a_AT marriage_NN ._. When_WRB a_AT husband_NN is_BEZ sexually_RB selfish_JJ and_
CC heedless_JJ of_IN his_PP$ wife's_NN$ desires_NNS ,_, she_PPS is_BEZ cheated_V
BN of_IN the_AT fulfillment_NN and_CC pleasure_NN nature_NN intended_VBD for_IN
her_PPO ._. And_CC she_PPS begins_VBZ to_TO regard_VB him_PPO as_CS savage_JJ ,_
, bestial_JJ and_CC unworthy_JJ ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, wifely_JJ
supremacy_NN demeans_VBZ the_AT husband_NN ,_, saps_VBZ his_PP$ self-respect_NN
,_, and_CC robs_VBZ him_PPO of_IN his_PP$ masculinity_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT
target_NN of_IN ridicule_NN to_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, and_CC often_RB --_-- sinc
e_CS private_JJ affairs_NNS rarely_RB remain_VB private_JJ --_-- to_IN the_AT ou
tside_JJ world_NN as_QL well_RB ._. ``_`` A_AT marriage_NN can_MD survive_VB alm
ost_RB any_DTI kind_NN of_IN stress_NN except_IN an_AT open_JJ and_CC direct_JJ
challenge_NN to_IN the_AT husband's_NN$ maleness_NN ''_'' ,_, declares_VBZ Dr._N
N-TL Calderone_NP ._. This_DT opinion_NN is_BEZ supported_VBN by_IN one_CD of_IN
the_AT nation's_NN$ leading_VBG psychiatrists_NNS ,_, Dr._NN-TL Maurice_NP E._N
P Linden_NP ,_, director_NN of_IN the_AT Mental_JJ-TL Health_NN-TL Division_NN-T
L of_IN the_AT Philadelphia_NP-TL Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Public_JJ-TL Health_
NN-TL ._. ``_`` When_WRB the_AT roles_NNS of_IN husband_NN and_CC wife_NN are_BE
R reversed_VBN ,_, so_CS that_CS the_AT wife_NN becomes_VBZ leader_NN and_CC the
_AT husband_NN follower_NN ''_'' ,_, Dr._NN-TL Linden_NP says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` the_
AT effects_NNS on_IN their_PP$ whole_JJ relationship_NN ,_, sexual_JJ and_CC oth
erwise_RB ,_, can_MD be_BE disastrous_JJ ''_'' ._. In_IN one_CD extreme_JJ case_
NN ,_, cited_VBN by_IN a_AT Pittsburgh_NP psychologist_NN ,_, an_AT office_NN wo
rker's_NN$ wife_NN refused_VBD to_TO have_HV sexual_JJ relations_NNS with_IN her
_PP$ husband_NN unless_CS he_PPS bought_VBD her_PPO the_AT luxuries_NNS she_PPS
demanded_VBD ._. To_TO win_VB her_PP$ favors_NNS ,_, her_PP$ husband_NN first_RB
took_VBD an_AT additional_JJ job_NN ,_, then_RB desperately_RB began_VBD to_TO
embezzle_VB from_IN his_PP$ employer_NN ._. Caught_VBN at_IN last_RB ,_, he_PPS
was_BEDZ sentenced_VBN to_IN prison_NN ._. While_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN custod
y_NN his_PP$ wife_NN divorced_VBD him_PPO ._. More_QL typical_JJ is_BEZ the_AT c
ase_NN of_IN a_AT suburban_JJ Long_JJ-TL Island_NN-TL housewife_NN described_VBN
by_IN a_AT marriage_NN counselor_NN ._. This_DT woman_NN repeatedly_RB complain
ed_VBD she_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` too_QL tired_JJ ''_'' for_IN marital_JJ relations_
NNS ._. To_TO please_VB her_PPO ,_, her_PP$ husband_NN assumed_VBD some_DTI of_I
N the_AT domestic_JJ chores_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ cooking_VBG ,
_, washing_VBG dishes_NNS ,_, bathing_VBG the_AT children_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB
ironing_VBG --_-- and_CC still_RB his_PP$ wife_NN refused_VBD to_TO have_HV rel
ations_NNS as_QL often_RB as_CS he_PPS desired_VBD them_PPO ._. One_CD wife_NN ,
_, described_VBN by_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL psychologist_NN ,_, so_QL domin
ated_VBD her_PP$ husband_NN that_CS she_PPS actually_RB placed_VBD their_PP$ sex
ual_JJ relationship_NN on_IN a_AT schedule_NN ,_, writing_VBG it_PPO down_RP rig
ht_QL between_IN the_AT weekly_JJ PTA_NN meetings_NNS and_CC the_AT Thursday-nig
ht_JJ neighborhood_NN card_NN parties_NNS ._. Another_DT put_VBD sex_NN on_IN a_
AT dollars-and-cents_NNS basis_NN ._. After_IN every_AT money_NN argument_NN ,_,
she_PPS rebuffed_VBD her_PP$ husband's_NN$ overtures_NNS until_CS the_AT matter
_NN was_BEDZ settled_VBN in_IN her_PP$ favor_NN ._. Experts_NNS say_VB the_AT pa
rtners_NNS in_IN marriages_NNS like_CS these_DTS can_MD almost_RB be_BE typed_VB
N ._. The_AT wife_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE young_JJ ,_, sophisticated_JJ
,_, smart_JJ as_CS a_AT whip_NN --_-- often_RB a_AT girl_NN who_WPS has_HVZ sacr
ificed_VBN a_AT promising_JJ career_NN for_IN marriage_NN ._. She_PPS knows_VBZ
the_AT power_NN of_IN the_AT sex_NN urge_NN and_CC how_WRB to_TO use_VB it_PPO t
o_TO manipulate_VB her_PP$ husband_NN ._. The_AT husband_NN is_BEZ usually_RB a_
AT well-educated_JJ professional_NN ,_, preoccupied_VBN with_IN his_PP$ job_NN -
-_-- often_RB an_AT organization_NN man_NN whose_WP$ motto_NN for_IN getting_VBG
ahead_RB is_BEZ :_: ``_`` Don't_DO* rock_VB the_AT boat_NN ''_'' ._. Sometimes_
RB this_DT leads_VBZ to_IN his_PP$ becoming_NN demandingly_RB dominant_JJ in_IN
marriage_NN ._. Hemmed_VBN in_RP on_IN the_AT job_NN and_CC unable_JJ to_TO asse
rt_VB himself_PPL ,_, he_PPS uses_VBZ the_AT sex_NN act_NN so_CS he_PPS can_MD b
e_BE supreme_JJ in_IN at_IN least_AP one_CD area_NN ._. More_QL often_RB ,_, tho
ugh_RB ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ so_QL accustomed_VBN to_IN submitting_VBG to_IN authori
ty_NN on_IN the_AT job_NN without_IN argument_NN that_CS he_PPS lives_VBZ by_IN
the_AT same_AP rule_NN at_IN home_NN ._. Some_DTI psychologists_NNS ,_, in_IN fa
ct_NN ,_, suggest_VB that_CS career-bound_JJ husbands_NNS often_RB are_BER more_
RBR to_TO blame_VB for_IN topsy-turvy_JJ marriages_NNS than_CS their_PP$ wives_N
NS ._. The_AT wife's_NN$ attempt_NN at_IN control_NN ,_, these_DTS psychologists
_NNS contend_VB ,_, is_BEZ sometimes_RB merely_RB a_AT pathetic_JJ effort_NN to_
TO compel_VB her_PP$ husband_NN to_TO pay_VB as_QL much_AP attention_NN to_IN he
r_PPO as_CS he_PPS does_DOZ to_IN his_PP$ job_NN ._. Naturally_RB no_AT woman_NN
can_MD ever_RB completely_RB monopolize_VB the_AT sexual_JJ initiative_NN ._. U
nless_CS her_PP$ husband_NN also_RB desires_VBZ sex_NN ,_, the_AT act_NN cannot_
MD* be_BE consummated_VBN ._. Generally_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, in_IN such_JJ marr
iages_NNS as_CS those_DTS cited_VBN ,_, the_AT husband_NN is_BEZ at_IN his_PP$ w
ife's_NN$ mercy_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT pattern_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Mort
on_NP Schillinger_NP ,_, psychologist_NN at_IN New_JJ-TL York's_NP$-TL Lincoln_N
P-TL Institute_NN-TL for_IN-TL Psychotherapy_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ for_IN the_A
T husband_NN to_TO hover_VB about_RB anxiously_RB and_CC eagerly_RB ,_, virtuall
y_RB trembling_VBG in_IN his_PP$ hope_NN that_CS she_PPS will_MD flash_VB him_PP
O the_AT signal_NN that_CS tonight_NR is_BEZ the_AT night_NN ''_'' ._. No_AT one
_PN seriously_RB contends_VBZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT domineering
_VBG wife_NN is_BEZ ,_, sexually_RB speaking_VBG ,_, a_AT new_JJ character_NN in
_IN our_PP$ world_NN ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT henpecked_VBN husband_NN wi
th_IN his_PP$ shrewish_JJ wife_NN is_BEZ a_AT comic_JJ figure_NN of_IN long_JJ s
tanding_NN ,_, in_IN literature_NN and_CC on_IN the_AT stage_NN ,_, as_CS Dr._NN
-TL Schillinger_NP points_VBZ out_RP ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT evidence_NN that_
CS these_DTS Milquetoasts_NNS-TL became_VBD suddenly_RB emboldened_VBN when_WRB
they_PPSS crossed_VBD the_AT threshhold_NN of_IN the_AT master_JJS bedroom_NN ._
. Furthermore_RB ,_, Dr._NN-TL Calderone_NP says_VBZ ,_, a_AT certain_JJ number_
NN of_IN docile_JJ ,_, retiring_VBG men_NNS always_RB have_HV been_BEN around_RB
._. They_PPSS aren't_BER* ``_`` frigid_JJ ''_'' and_CC they_PPSS aren't_BER* ho
mosexual_JJ ;_. ;_. they're_PPSS+BER just_RB restrained_VBN in_IN all_ABN of_IN
life_NN ._. They_PPSS like_VB to_TO be_BE dominated_VBN ._. One_CD such_JJ man_N
N once_RB confided_VBD to_IN Dr._NN-TL Theodor_NP Reik_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-
TL psychiatrist_NN ,_, that_CS he_PPS preferred_VBD to_TO have_HV his_PP$ wife_N
N the_AT sexual_JJ aggressor_NN ._. Asked_VBN why_WRB ,_, he_PPS replied_VBD pri
mly_RB :_: ``_`` Because_CS that's_DT+BEZ no_AT activity_NN for_IN a_AT gentlema
n_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC such_JJ cases_NNS were_BED ,_, in_IN the_AT past_NN ,_, un
usual_JJ ._. Society_NN here_RB and_CC abroad_RB has_HVZ been_BEN built_VBN arou
nd_IN the_AT dominating_VBG male_NN --_-- even_RB the_AT Bible_NP appears_VBZ to
_TO endorse_VB the_AT concept_NN ._. Family_NN survival_NN on_IN our_PP$ own_JJ
Western_JJ-TL frontier_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, could_MD quite_QL literally_
RB depend_VB on_IN a_AT man's_NN$ strength_NN and_CC ability_NN to_TO bring_VB h
ome_NR the_AT bacon_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT dependent_JJ wife_NN seldom_RB ques
tioned_VBD his_PP$ judgment_NN about_IN anything_PN ,_, including_IN the_AT marr
iage_NN bed_NN ._. This_DT carried_VBD over_RP into_IN the_AT more_QL urbanized_
VBN late_JJ 19th_OD and_CC early_JJ 20th_OD centuries_NNS ,_, when_WRB the_AT ma
n_NN ruled_VBD the_AT roost_NN in_IN the_AT best_JJT bull-roaring_JJ Life_NN-TL
With_IN-TL Father_NN-TL manner_NN ._. In_IN those_DTS days_NNS ,_, a_AT wife_NN
had_HVD mighty_QL few_AP rights_NNS in_IN the_AT domestic_JJ sphere_NN and_CC ev
en_QL fewer_AP in_IN the_AT sexual_JJ sphere_NN ._. ``_`` Grandma_NN wasn't_BEDZ
* expected_VBN to_TO like_VB it_PPO ''_'' ,_, Dr._NN-TL Marion_NP Hilliard_NP ,_
, the_AT late_JJ Toronto_NP gynecologist_NN ,_, once_RB summed_VBD up_RP the_AT
attitude_NN of_IN the_AT '90s_NNS ._. Wives_NNS of_IN the_AT period_NN shameface
dly_RB thought_VBD of_IN themselves_PPLS as_CS ``_`` used_VBN ''_'' by_IN their_
PP$ husbands_NNS --_-- and_CC ,_, history_NN indicates_VBZ ,_, they_PPSS often_R
B quite_QL literally_RB were_BED ._. When_WRB was_BEDZ the_AT turning_VBG point_
NN ?_. ?_. When_WRB did_DOD women_NNS begin_VB to_TO assert_VB themselves_PPLS s
exually_RB ?_. ?_. Some_DTI date_VB it_PPO from_IN woman_NN suffrage_NN ,_, othe
rs_NNS from_IN when_WRB women_NNS first_RB began_VBD to_TO challenge_VB men_NNS
in_IN the_AT marketplace_NN ,_, still_RB others_NNS from_IN the_AT era_NN of_IN
the_AT emancipated_VBN flapper_NN and_CC bathtub_NN gin_NN ._. Virtually_RB ever
yone_PN agrees_VBZ ,_, however_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT trend_NN toward_IN female_J
J sexual_JJ aggressiveness_NN was_BEDZ tremendously_RB accelerated_VBN with_IN t
he_AT postwar_JJ rush_NN to_IN the_AT suburbs_NNS ._. Left_VBN alone_RB while_CS
her_PP$ husband_NN was_BEDZ miles_NNS away_RB in_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, the_AT m
odern_JJ wife_NN assumed_VBD more_AP and_CC more_AP duties_NNS normally_RB reser
ved_VBN for_IN the_AT male_NN ._. Circumstances_NNS gave_VBD her_PPO almost_RB u
ndisputed_JJ sway_NN over_IN child-rearing_NN ,_, money-handling_NN and_CC home_
NN maintenance_NN ._. She_PPS found_VBD she_PPS could_MD cope_VB with_IN all_ABN
kinds_NNS of_IN problems_NNS for_IN which_WDT she_PPS was_BEDZ once_RB consider
ed_VBN too_QL helpless_JJ ._. She_PPS liked_VBD this_DT taste_NN of_IN authority
_NN and_CC independence_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, with_IN darkness_NN ,_, was_BEDZ not_*
likely_JJ to_TO give_VB it_PPO up_RP ._. ``_`` Very_QL few_AP wives_NNS ''_'' ,
_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Calderone_NP ,_, ``_`` who_WPS balance_VB the_AT checkbook
_NN ,_, fix_VB the_AT car_NN ,_, choose_VB where_WRB the_AT family_NN will_MD li
ve_VB and_CC deal_VB with_IN the_AT tradesmen_NNS ,_, are_BER suddenly_RB going_
VBG to_TO become_VB submissive_JJ where_WRB sex_NN is_BEZ concerned_VBN ._. A_AT
woman_NN who_WPS dominates_VBZ other_AP family_NN affairs_NNS will_MD dominate_
VB the_AT sexual_JJ relationship_NN as_QL well_RB ''_'' ._. And_CC an_AT additio
nal_JJ factor_NN was_BEDZ helping_VBG to_TO make_VB women_NNS more_AP sexually_R
B self-assertive_JJ --_-- the_AT comparatively_QL recent_JJ discovery_NN of_IN t
he_AT true_JJ depths_NNS of_IN female_JJ desire_NN and_CC response_NN ._. Marria
ge_NN manuals_NNS and_CC women's_NNS$ magazine_NN articles_NNS began_VBD to_TO s
tress_VB the_AT importance_NN of_IN the_AT female_JJ climax_NN ._. They_PPSS beg
an_VBD to_TO describe_VB in_IN detail_NN the_AT woman's_NN$ capacity_NN for_IN r
esponse_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT noted_VBN psychologist_NN and_CC sex_NN
researcher_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Albert_NP Ellis_NP ,_, has_HVZ declared_VBN flatly_R
B that_CS women_NNS are_BER ``_`` sexually_RB superior_JJ ''_'' to_IN men_NNS ._
. According_IN to_IN Dr._NN-TL Ellis_NP ,_, the_AT average_JJ 20-year-old_JJ Ame
rican_JJ woman_NN is_BEZ capable_JJ of_IN far_QL greater_JJR sexual_JJ arousal_N
N than_CS her_PP$ partner_NN ._. Not_* surprisingly_RB ,_, Dr._NN-TL Ellis_NP sa
ys_VBZ ,_, some_DTI recently_RB enlightened_VBN wives_NNS are_BER out_RP to_TO c
laim_VB these_DTS capabilities_NNS ._. Yet_RB ,_, paradoxically_RB ,_, according
_IN to_IN Dr._NN-TL Maurice_NP Linden_NP ,_, many_AP wives_NNS despise_VB their_
PP$ husbands_NNS for_IN not_* standing_VBG up_RP to_IN them_PPO ._. An_AT aggres
sive_JJ woman_NN wants_VBZ a_AT man_NN to_TO demand_VB ,_, not_* knuckle_VB unde
r_RB ._. ``_`` When_WRB the_AT husband_NN becomes_VBZ passive_JJ in_IN the_AT fa
ce_NN of_IN his_PP$ wife's_NN$ aggressiveness_NN ''_'' ,_, Dr._NN-TL Linden_NP s
ays_VBZ ,_, ``_`` the_AT wife_NN ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, finds_VBZ him_PPO inadequ
ate_JJ ._. Often_RB she_PPS fails_VBZ to_TO gain_VB sexual_JJ satisfaction_NN ''
_'' ._. One_CD such_JJ wife_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Linden_NP says_VBZ ,_, became_VBD d
isgusted_VBN with_IN her_PP$ weak_JJ husband_NN and_CC flurried_VBD through_IN a
_AT series_NN of_IN extramarital_JJ affairs_NNS in_IN the_AT hope_NN of_IN findi
ng_VBG a_AT stronger_JJR man_NN ._. But_CC her_PP$ personality_NN was_BEDZ such_
JJ that_CS each_DT affair_NN lasted_VBD only_RB until_CS that_DT lover_NN ,_, to
o_RB ,_, had_HVD been_BEN conquered_VBN and_CC reduced_VBN to_IN passivity_NN ._
. Then_RB the_AT wife_NN bed-hopped_VBD to_IN the_AT next_AP on_IN the_AT list_N
N ._. In_IN some_DTI cases_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, domination_NN of_IN the_AT sex
_NN act_NN by_IN one_CD partner_NN can_MD be_BE temporary_JJ ,_, triggered_VBN b
y_IN a_AT passing_VBG but_CC urgent_JJ emotional_JJ need_NN ._. Thus_RB a_AT man
_NN who_WPS is_BEZ butting_VBG a_AT stone_NN wall_NN at_IN the_AT office_NN may_
MD become_VB unusually_QL aggressive_JJ in_IN bed_NN --_-- the_AT one_CD place_N
N he_PPS can_MD still_RB be_BE champion_NN ._. If_CS his_PP$ on-the-job_JJ probl
ems_NNS work_VB out_RP ,_, he_PPS may_MD return_VB to_IN his_PP$ old_JJ pattern_
NN ._. Sometimes_RB a_AT burst_NN of_IN aggressiveness_NN will_MD sweep_VB over_
IN a_AT man_NN --_-- or_CC his_PP$ wife_NN --_-- because_CS he_PPS or_CC she_PPS
feels_VBZ age_NN creeping_VBG up_RP ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, a_AT
husband_NN who_WPS always_RB has_HVZ been_BEN vigorous_JJ and_CC assertive_JJ ma
y_MD suddenly_RB become_VB passive_JJ --_-- asking_VBG ,_, psychologists_NNS say
_VB ,_, for_IN reassurance_NN that_CS his_PP$ wife_NN still_RB finds_VBZ him_PPO
desirable_JJ ._. Or_CC a_AT wife_NN may_MD make_VB sudden_JJ demands_NNS that_C
S she_PPS be_BE courted_VBN ,_, flattered_VBN or_CC coaxed_VBN ,_, simply_RB bec
ause_CS she_PPS needs_VBZ her_PP$ ego_NN lifted_VBN ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN ,_
, Dr._NN-TL Calderone_NP remarks_VBZ ,_, such_JJ problems_NNS are_BER a_AT coupl
e's_NN$ own_JJ affair_NN ,_, and_CC can't_MD* always_RB be_BE measured_VBN by_IN
a_AT general_JJ yardstick_NN ._. ``_`` As_QL long_RB as_CS the_AT couple_NN is_
BEZ in_IN agreement_NN in_IN their_PP$ approach_NN to_IN sex_NN ,_, it_PPS makes
_VBZ little_AP difference_NN if_CS one_CD or_CC the_AT other_AP dominates_VBZ ''
_'' ,_, Dr._NN-TL Calderone_NP declares_VBZ ._. ``_`` The_AT important_JJ point_
NN is_BEZ that_CS both_ABX be_BE satisfied_VBN with_IN the_AT adjustment_NN ''_'
' ._. Other_AP experts_NNS say_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, that_CS if_CS sexual_JJ dom
ination_NN by_IN one_CD or_CC the_AT other_AP partner_NN exists_VBZ for_IN longe
r_RBR than_IN a_AT brief_JJ period_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO shake_VB
the_AT marriage_NN ._. And_CC just_RB as_CS domination_NN today_NR often_RB beg
ins_VBZ with_IN the_AT wife_NN ,_, so_RB the_AT cure_NN generally_RB must_MD lie
_VB with_IN the_AT husband_NN ._. ``_`` To_TO get_VB a_AT marriage_NN back_RB wh
ere_WRB it_PPS belongs_VBZ ''_'' ,_, comments_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Schillinger_NP of_IN
the_AT Lincoln_NP-TL Institute_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` the_AT husband_NN must_MD take_V
B some_DTI very_QL basic_JJ steps_NNS ._. He_PPS must_MD begin_VB ,_, paradoxica
lly_RB ,_, by_IN becoming_VBG more_QL selfish_JJ ._. He_PPS must_MD become_VB mo
re_QL expressive_JJ of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ desires_NNS ,_, more_QL demanding_JJ an
d_CC less_QL '_' understanding_JJ '_' ''_'' ._. Too_QL many_AP husbands_NNS ,_,
Dr._NN-TL Schillinger_NP continues_VBZ ,_, worry_VB about_IN ``_`` how_WQL well_
RB they're_PPSS+BER doing_VBG ''_'' ,_, and_CC fear_VB that_CS their_PP$ success
_NN depends_VBZ on_IN some_DTI trick_NN or_CC technique_NN of_IN sexual_JJ play_
NN ._. She_PPS gave_VBD herself_PPL a_AT title_NN ,_, Lady_NN-TL Diana_NP Harrin
gton_NP ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL D.A._NP-TL gave_VBD her_PPO another_DT ,
_, The_AT-TL Golden_JJ-TL Girl_NN-TL of_IN cafe_NN society_NN ._. Houston_NP pol
ice_NN gave_VBD her_PPO a_AT third_OD ,_, less_QL flamboyant_JJ ,_, title_NN ,_,
prostitute_NN ._. And_CC Houston_NP police_NN have_HV the_AT final_JJ say_NN in
_IN the_AT matter_NN since_CS she_PPS died_VBD there_RB on_IN September_NP 20_CD
,_, 1960_CD ,_, ``_`` Diane_NP Harris_NP Graham_NP ,_, 30_CD ,_, D.O.A._JJ ,_,
circumstances_NNS --_-- unusual_JJ ''_'' ._. Early_RB in_IN her_PP$ life_NN she_
PPS had_HVD discovered_VBN that_CS where_WRB there_EX were_BED men_NNS ,_, there
_EX was_BEDZ money_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN the_AT two_CD came_VBD luxury_NN and_CC
liquor_NN ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB in_IN the_AT play_NN for_IN pay_NN busi
ness_NN when_WRB she_PPS died_VBD ,_, a_AT top_JJS trollop_NN who_WPS had_HVD gi
ven_VBN the_AT world's_NN$ oldest_JJT profession_NN one_CD of_IN its_PP$ rare_JJ
flashes_NNS of_IN glamour_NN ._. She_PPS never_RB hid_VBD the_AT fact_NN that_C
S she_PPS liked_VBD to_TO play_VB ._. Her_PP$ neighbors_NNS in_IN the_AT expensi
ve_JJ Houston_NP apartment_NN building_NN told_VBD reporters_NNS that_CS the_AT
ash-blonde_JJ beauty_NN had_HVD talked_VBN at_IN times_NNS about_IN her_PP$ past
_NN as_CS ``_`` the_AT Golden_JJ-TL Girl_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Mickey_NP Jelke_NP t
rial_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT trial_NN of_IN oleomargarine_NN heir_NN
Minot_NP (_( Mickey_NP )_) Jelke_NP for_IN compulsory_JJ prostitution_NN in_IN
New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL that_WPS put_VBD the_AT spotlight_NN on_IN the_AT internati
onal_JJ play-girl_NN ._. (_( Jelke_NP later_RBR served_VBD 21_CD months_NNS when
_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ found_VBN guilty_JJ of_IN masterminding_VBG a_AT ring_NN of
_IN high-priced_JJ call_NN girls_NNS ._. )_) Diane_NP was_BEDZ needed_VBN as_CS
a_AT material_NN witness_NN in_IN the_AT case_NN and_CC New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL pol
ice_NN searched_VBD three_CD continents_NNS before_CS they_PPSS found_VBD her_PP
O in_IN their_PP$ own_JJ back_JJ yard_NN --_-- in_IN a_AT swank_JJ hotel_NN ,_,
of_IN course_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD been_BEN moving_VBG in_IN cafe_NN society_NN
as_CS Lady_NN-TL Diana_NP Harrington_NP ,_, a_AT name_NN that_WPS made_VBD some
_DTI of_IN the_AT gossip_NN columns_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ when_WRB she_PPS was
_BEDZ seized_VBN as_CS a_AT material_NN witness_NN that_CS she_PPS got_VBD the_A
T designation_NN she_PPS liked_VBD best_RBT ._. Clad_VBN in_IN mink_NN and_CC di
amonds_NNS ,_, she_PPS listened_VBD to_IN Assistant_JJ-TL District_NN-TL Attorne
y_NN-TL Anthony_NP Liebler_NP describe_VB her_PPO to_IN the_AT arraigning_VBG ju
dge_NN :_: ``_`` This_DT girl_NN is_BEZ the_AT Golden_JJ-TL Girl_NN-TL of_IN caf
e_NN society_NN ._. ``_`` In_IN 1951_CD she_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT prostitute_NN in_I
N New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL County_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT spring_NN and_CC early_JJ s
ummer_NN of_IN that_DT year_NN she_PPS met_VBD a_AT wealthy_JJ foreign_JJ tycoon
_NN who_WPS took_VBD her_PPO to_IN France_NP ,_, where_WRB she_PPS later_RBR met
_VBD a_AT very_QL wealthy_JJ man_NN and_CC toured_VBD all_ABN Europe_NP with_IN
him_PPO ._. ``_`` At_IN Deauville_NP she_PPS met_VBD an_AT Egyptian_JJ by_IN the
_AT name_NN of_IN Pulley_NP Bey_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT official_JJ procur
er_NN for_IN King_NN-TL Farouk_NP ,_, now_RB in_IN exile_NN ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ
in_IN Egypt_NP during_IN the_AT revolution_NN and_CC had_HVD passport_NN diffic
ulty_NN ._. She_PPS lied_VBD in_IN order_NN to_TO get_VB it_PPO ._. ``_`` We_PPS
S have_HV checked_VBN her_PPO in_IN different_JJ parts_NNS of_IN Europe_NP and_C
C Egypt_NP and_CC finally_RB back_RB into_IN this_DT country_NN ._. She_PPS has_
HVZ been_BEN acting_VBG as_CS a_AT prostitute_NN ._. ``_`` Our_PP$ information_N
N is_BEZ that_CS she_PPS gave_VBD the_AT proceeds_NNS of_IN her_PP$ acts_NNS to_
IN Jelke_NP ''_'' ._. Diane_NP sobbingly_RB denied_VBD this_DT to_IN the_AT cour
t_NN ._. ``_`` That's_DT+BEZ a_AT lie_NN ._. I_PPSS never_RB gave_VBD that_DT bo
y_NN a_AT cent_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM not_* a_AT prostitute_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS h
ad_HVD only_RB one_CD very_QL wealthy_JJ boy_NN friend_NN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS said
_VBD ._. During_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN the_AT trial_NN ,_, Jelke_NP backed_VB
D up_RP part_NN of_IN that_DT statement_NN ._. ``_`` Diane_NP is_BEZ the_AT type
_NN of_IN girl_NN ''_'' ,_, Jelke_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` who_WPS wouldn't_MD* get
_VB loving_VBG --_-- even_RB on_IN her_PP$ wedding_NN night_NN --_-- unless_CS y
ou_PPSS piled_VBD up_RP all_ABN your_PP$ money_NN in_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN t
he_AT floor_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC she_PPS seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV underestimated_
VBN the_AT number_NN of_IN her_PP$ ``_`` boy_NN friends_NNS ''_'' ._. She_PPS ca
me_VBD to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL from_IN Detroit_NP as_CS a_AT teenager_NN ,_,
but_CC with_IN a_AT ``_`` sponsor_NN ''_'' instead_RB of_IN a_AT chaperone_NN ._
. As_CS she_PPS told_VBD it_PPO ,_, ``_`` He's_PPS+BEZ a_AT rich_JJ boy_NN frien
d_NN ,_, an_AT old_JJ guy_NN about_RB 60_CD ''_'' ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ Mary_NP L
ou_NP Brew_NP then_RB ,_, wide-eyed_JJ ,_, but_CC not_* naive_JJ ._. She_PPS had
_HVD talked_VBN her_PP$ ``_`` boy_NN friend_NN ''_'' into_IN sending_VBG her_PPO
to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL to_TO take_VB a_AT screen_NN test_NN ._. The_AT scre
en_NN test_NN was_BEDZ never_RB made_VBN --_-- but_CC Diane_NP was_BEDZ ._. She_
PPS quickly_RB moved_VBD into_IN cafe_NN society_NN ,_, possibly_RB easing_VBG h
er_PP$ conscience_NN by_IN talking_VBG constantly_RB of_IN her_PP$ desire_NN to_
TO be_BE in_IN show_NN business_NN ._. She_PPS seemed_VBD so_QL anxious_JJ to_TO
go_VB on_IN the_AT stage_NN that_CS some_DTI of_IN her_PP$ friends_NNS in_IN th
e_AT cocktail_NN circuit_NN set_VBD up_RP a_AT practical_JJ joke_NN ._. An_AT ex
-fighter_NN was_BEDZ introduced_VBN to_IN her_PPO in_IN a_AT bar_NN as_CS ``_``
Mr._NP Warfield_NP ,_, the_AT famous_JJ producer_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT phony_JJ pr
oducer_NN asked_VBD her_PPO if_CS she_PPS would_MD like_VB to_TO be_BE in_IN one
_CD of_IN his_PP$ shows_NNS ._. ``_`` I'd_PPSS+MD love_VB to_TO audition_VB for_
IN you_PPO ''_'' ,_, she_PPS gushed_VBD ._. The_AT audition_NN was_BEDZ held_VBN
a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS later_RBR in_IN somebody's_PN$ apartment_NN ._. She_PPS
thought_VBD she_PPS had_HVD great_JJ possibilities_NNS in_IN the_AT ballet_NN a
nd_CC wanted_VBD to_TO show_VB the_AT eminent_JJ producer_NN how_WQL well_RB she
_PPS could_MD dance_VB ._. After_IN a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS he_PPS said_VBD ,_,
``_`` I_PPSS can't_MD* use_VB you_PPO if_CS you_PPSS dance_VB like_CS that_DT ._
. I'd_PPSS+MD like_VB to_TO see_VB you_PPO dance_VB nude_JJ ''_'' ._. She_PPS ha
stily_RB complied_VBD ._. Diane_NP loved_VBD to_TO dance_VB in_IN the_AT nude_JJ
,_, something_PN she_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO demonstrate_VB time_NN and_CC again_RB
._. She_PPS developed_VBD another_DT quaint_JJ habit_NN ._. Even_RB among_IN the
_AT fast_JJ set_NN in_IN which_WDT she_PPS was_BEDZ moving_VBG ,_, her_PP$ metho
d_NN for_IN keeping_VBG an_AT escort_NN from_IN departing_VBG too_QL early_RB wa
s_BEDZ unique_JJ ._. When_WRB the_AT date_NN would_MD try_VB to_TO bid_VB her_PP
O good-night_UH at_IN the_AT door_NN ,_, she_PPS would_MD tell_VB him_PPO ,_, ``
_`` If_CS you_PPSS go_VB home_NR now_RB ,_, I'll_PPSS+MD scream_VB ''_'' ._. Mor
e_QL often_RB than_CS not_* he_PPS would_MD bow_VB to_IN the_AT inevitable_JJ ._
. One_CD who_WPS needed_VBD no_RB such_JJ threats_NNS was_BEDZ a_AT French_JJ fi
nancier_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT blonde's_NN$ yearnings_NNS that_WPO he_PPS sa
tisfied_VBD was_BEDZ for_IN travel_NN ._. She_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO go_VB around_
IN the_AT world_NN ,_, but_CC she_PPS settled_VBD for_IN a_AT French_JJ holiday_
NN ._. In_IN an_AT anonymous_JJ interview_NN with_IN a_AT French_JJ newspaper_NN
the_AT financier_NN told_VBD of_IN spending_VBG several_AP months_NNS with_IN h
er_PPO ._. ``_`` Then_RB she_PPS went_VBD to_IN Deauville_NP where_WRB she_PPS m
et_VBD a_AT member_NN of_IN a_AT powerful_JJ Greek_JJ syndicate_NN of_IN gambler
s_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT Greek_NP evidently_RB fell_VBD for_IN her_PPO ,_, ``_`` M
onsieur_NP X_NP-TL ''_'' recounted_VBD ,_, and_CC to_TO clinch_VB what_WDT he_PP
S thought_VBD was_BEDZ an_AT affair_NN in_IN the_AT making_NN he_PPS gave_VBD he
r_PPO 100,000_CD francs_NNS (_( about_RB $300_NNS )_) and_CC led_VBD her_PPO to_
IN the_AT roulette_NN tables_NNS ._. She_PPS could_MD do_DO no_AT wrong_NN at_IN
the_AT tables_NNS that_DT time_NN ._. And_CC in_IN short_JJ order_NN the_AT cro
upier_NN had_HVD pushed_VBN several_AP million_CD francs_NNS her_PP$ way_NN ._.
Smarter_JJR than_CS most_AP gamblers_NNS ,_, she_PPS slipped_VBD away_RB from_IN
the_AT casino_NN ,_, packed_VBD her_PP$ bag_NN and_CC took_VBD the_AT night_NN
train_NN to_IN Paris_NP ._. No_AT one_PN ever_RB learned_VBD what_WDT happened_V
BD to_IN the_AT Greek_NP ._. The_AT luxury_NN of_IN Paris'_NP$ most_QL fashionab
le_JJ hotel_NN ,_, the_AT George_NP 5_CD-TL ,_, ,_, bored_VBD the_AT beautifully
-built_JJ blonde_JJ ,_, so_RB she_PPS high-tailed_VBD it_PPO to_IN Rome_NP ._. S
he_PPS teamed_VBD up_RP with_IN another_DT beauty_NN ,_, whose_WP$ name_NN has_H
VZ been_BEN lost_VBN to_IN history_NN ,_, and_CC commenced_VBD with_IN some_DTI
fiddling_NN that_WPS would_MD have_HV made_VBN Nero_NP envious_JJ ._. To_TO clim
ax_VB her_PP$ Roman_JJ revels_NNS ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ thrown_VBN out_IN of_IN t
he_AT swanky_JJ Hotel_NN-TL Excelsior_NN-TL after_CS she_PPS had_HVD run_VBN nak
ed_JJ through_IN its_PP$ marble_NN halls_NNS screaming_VBG for_IN help_NN ._. It
_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT rugged_JJ finish_NN for_IN what_WDT must_MD have_HV been_BEN
a_AT very_QL interesting_JJ night_NN ._. Discreet_JJ Italian_JJ police_NN descri
bed_VBD it_PPO in_IN a_AT manner_NN typically_RB continental_JJ ._. ``_`` There_
EX had_HVD been_BEN a_AT threesome_NN at_IN the_AT party_NN in_IN the_AT suite's
_NN$ bedroom_NN :_: Miss_NP Harrington_NP (_( this_DT was_BEDZ Diane's_NP$ choic
e_NN for_IN a_AT Roman_JJ name_NN )_) ,_, another_DT woman_NN who_WPS has_HVZ fi
gured_VBN in_IN other_AP very_QL interesting_JJ events_NNS and_CC one_CD of_IN y
our_PP$ well-known_JJ American_JJ actors_NNS ._. ``_`` The_AT actor_NN had_HVD h
ad_HVN much_AP to_TO drink_VB and_CC apparently_RB became_VBD very_QL violent_JJ
._. The_AT hotel_NN staff_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS residents_NNS of_IN the_AT
Excelsior_NN-TL ,_, told_VBD us_PPO they_PPSS saw_VBD that_CS both_ABX ladies_N
NS were_BED bleeding_VBG from_IN scratches_NNS as_CS they_PPSS were_BED seen_VBN
fleeing_VBG down_IN the_AT hall_NN ._. ``_`` They_PPSS were_BED wearing_VBG not
hing_PN but_IN their_PP$ scratches_NNS ._. They_PPSS were_BED asked_VBN to_TO le
ave_VB the_AT hotel_NN ._. No_AT charges_NNS were_BED filed_VBN ''_'' ._. The_AT
girls_NNS ,_, after_CS dressing_VBG ,_, were_BED indignant_JJ ._. ``_`` You_PPS
S can't_MD* do_DO this_DT to_IN us_PPO ''_'' ,_, Diane_NP screamed_VBD ._. ``_``
We_PPSS are_BER Americans_NPS ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT morning_NN she_PPS found_V
BD rooms_NNS directly_RB across_IN from_IN the_AT Excelsior_NN-TL at_IN the_AT e
qually_QL luxurious_JJ Hotel_NN-TL Ambassador_NN-TL ._. With_IN the_AT Ambassado
r_NN-TL as_CS headquarters_NN ,_, she_PPS continued_VBD to_TO promote_VB good_JJ
will_NN abroad_RB ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, her_PP$ benevolence_NN was_BEDZ limit
ed_VBN to_IN those_DTS who_WPS could_MD afford_VB it_PPO ,_, but_CC then_RB ther
e_EX is_BEZ a_AT limit_NN to_IN what_WDT one_CD person_NN can_MD do_DO ._. By_IN
this_DT time_NN Diane_NP was_BEDZ a_AT beguiling_JJ lass_NN of_IN 19_CD and_CC
still_RB seeking_VBG her_PP$ place_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. She_PPS thought_
VBD royal_JJ status_NN might_MD come_VB her_PP$ way_NN when_WRB ,_, while_CS she
_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB in_IN Rome_NP ,_, she_PPS met_VBD Pulley_NP Bey_NP ,_, a_
AT personal_JJ procurer_NN to_IN King_NN-TL Farouk_NP of_IN Egypt_NP ._. A_AT cl
ose_JJ friend_NN of_IN hers_PP$$ in_IN the_AT Roman_JJ days_NNS described_VBD it
_PPO this_DT way_NN :_: ``_`` It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT strange_JJ relationship_NN ._
. Pulley_NP Bey_NP spoke_VBD no_AT English_NP ._. Diane_NP spoke_VBD no_AT Itali
an_NP or_CC French_NP ._. She_PPS had_HVD a_AT hard_JJ time_NN making_VBG him_PP
O understand_VB that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ Farouk_NP she_PPS wished_VBD to_TO meet_
VB ._. ``_`` Pulley_NP Bey_NP insisted_VBD that_CS she_PPS bestow_VB her_PP$ fav
ors_NNS on_IN him_PPO ''_'' ,_, the_AT friend_NN continued_VBD ._. It_PPS seemed
_VBD as_CS though_CS she_PPS were_BED always_RB auditioning_VBG ._. No_AT believ
er_NN in_IN the_AT traditional_JJ devotion_NN of_IN royal_JJ servitors_NNS ,_, t
he_AT plump_JJ Pulley_NP broke_VBD the_AT language_NN barrier_NN and_CC lured_VB
D her_PPO to_IN Cairo_NP where_WRB she_PPS waited_VBD for_IN nine_CD months_NNS
,_, vainly_RB hoping_VBG to_TO see_VB Farouk_NP ._. Pulley_NP had_HVD set_VBN he
r_PPO up_RP at_IN the_AT Semiramis_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL ,_, but_CC she_PPS grew_VBD
impatient_JJ waiting_VBG for_IN a_AT royal_JJ reception_NN and_CC moved_VBD to_
IN a_AT luxurious_JJ apartment_NN to_IN which_WDT the_AT royal_JJ pimp_NN had_HV
D no_AT key_NN ._. She_PPS picked_VBD her_PP$ own_JJ Middle-Eastern_JJ friends_N
NS from_IN the_AT flock_NN of_IN ardent_JJ Egyptians_NPS that_WPS buzzed_VBD aro
und_IN her_PPO ._. Tewfik_NP Badrawi_NP ,_, Mohammed_NP Gaafer_NP and_CC numerou
s_JJ other_AP wealthy_JJ members_NNS of_IN Cairo_NP society_NN enjoyed_VBD her_P
P$ company_NN ._. ``_`` So_QL extensive_JJ became_VBD her_PP$ circle_NN of_IN ad
mirers_NNS ''_'' ,_, Egyptian_JJ police_NN said_VBD ,_, ``_`` that_CS her_PP$ es
capades_NNS caused_VBD distrust_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT roof_NN was_BEDZ about_RP re
ady_JJ to_TO fall_VB in_RP on_IN Diane's_NP$ little_JJ world_NN ,_, but_CC it_PP
S took_VBD nothing_PN less_AP than_CS the_AT Egyptian_JJ revolution_NN to_TO bri
ng_VB it_PPO down_RP ._. When_WRB Farouk_NP was_BEDZ overthrown_VBN ,_, police_N
N picked_VBD up_RP his_PP$ personal_JJ pimp_NN ,_, Pulley_NP Bey_NP ._. They_PPS
S also_RB called_VBD upon_RB Diane_NP with_IN a_AT request_NN for_IN a_AT look_N
N at_IN her_PP$ passport_NN ._. The_AT cagey_JJ Pulley_NP Bey_NP ,_, who_WPS spo
ke_VBD no_AT English_NP ,_, had_HVD taken_VBN the_AT passport_NN so_CS that_CS D
iane_NP couldn't_MD* leave_VB the_AT country_NN without_IN his_PP$ approval_NN .
_. Officials_NNS provided_VBD a_AT temporary_JJ passport_NN ,_, good_JJ only_RB
for_IN return_NN to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. And_CC return_VB t
o_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL she_PPS did_DOD ,_, into_IN waiting_VBG
arms_NNS --_-- the_AT unromantic_JJ ones_NNS of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL D
istrict_NN-TL Attorney's_NN$-TL office_NN ._. Held_VBN as_CS a_AT material_NN wi
tness_NN in_IN the_AT compulsory_JJ prostitution_NN trial_NN of_IN Mickey_NP Jel
ke_NP ,_, the_AT comely_JJ courtesan_NN was_BEDZ unable_JJ to_TO raise_VB bail_N
N and_CC was_BEDZ committed_VBN to_IN the_AT Women's_NNS$-TL House_NN-TL of_IN-T
L Detention_NN-TL ,_, a_AT terribly_QL overcrowded_VBN prison_NN ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ a_AT tribute_NN to_IN her_PP$ talents_NNS that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to
_TO talk_VB the_AT District_NN-TL Attorney_NN-TL into_IN having_HVG her_PPO remo
ved_VBN from_IN the_AT prison_NN to_IN a_AT hotel_NN room_NN ,_, with_IN her_PP$
meals_NNS taken_VBN at_IN Vesuvio's_NP$ ,_, an_AT excellent_JJ Italian_JJ resta
urant_NN ._. Newspapers_NNS at_IN the_AT time_NN noted_VBD that_CS the_AT move_N
N indicated_VBD that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ co-operating_VBG with_IN the_AT Distric
t_NN-TL Attorney_NN-TL ._. With_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT trial_NN Diane_NP
disappeared_VBD from_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ no_QL longer_RB
R fashionable_JJ to_TO be_BE seen_VBN with_IN fabulous_JJ ``_`` Lady_NN-TL Harri
ngton_NP ''_'' ._. Several_AP years_NNS ago_RB she_PPS married_VBD a_AT Houston_
NP business_NN man_NN ,_, Robert_NP Graham_NP ._. She_PPS later_RBR divorced_VBD
Graham_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ believed_VBN to_TO have_HV moved_VBN to_IN Bolivia
_NP ._. Houston_NP police_NN got_VBD to_TO know_VB Diane_NP two_CD years_NNS ago
_RB when_WRB the_AT vice_NN squad_NN picked_VBD her_PPO up_RP for_IN questioning
_VBG about_IN a_AT call_NN girl_NN ring_NN ._. Last_AP May_NP ,_, they_PPSS said
_VBD ,_, she_PPS admitted_VBD being_BEG a_AT prostitute_NN ._. The_AT next_AP ti
me_NN the_AT police_NN saw_VBD her_PPO she_PPS was_BEDZ dead_JJ ._. It_PPS was_B
EDZ September_NP 20_CD ,_, 1960_CD ,_, in_IN a_AT lavishly_QL decorated_VBN apar
tment_NN littered_VBN with_IN liquor_NN bottles_NNS ._. She_PPS had_HVD had_HVN
a_AT party_NN with_IN a_AT regular_JJ visitor_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL William_NP W._NP
McClellan_NP ._. McClellan_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD once_RB lost_VBN his_PP$ medic
al_JJ license_NN temporarily_RB on_IN a_AT charge_NN of_IN drug_NN addiction_NN
,_, was_BEDZ with_IN her_PPO when_WRB she_PPS died_VBD ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_B
EN in_IN the_AT apartment_NN two_CD days_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ hazy_JJ about_IN wh
at_WDT had_HVD happened_VBN during_IN that_DT time_NN ._. When_WRB he_PPS realiz
ed_VBD she_PPS was_BEDZ dead_JJ ,_, he_PPS called_VBD two_CD lawyers_NNS and_CC
then_RB the_AT police_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT police_NN arrived_VBD ,_, they_PPSS
found_VBD McClellan_NP and_CC the_AT two_CD lawyers_NNS sitting_VBG and_CC star
ing_VBG silently_RB ._. The_AT blonde's_NN$ nude_JJ body_NN was_BEDZ in_IN bed_N
N ,_, a_AT green_JJ sheet_NN and_CC a_AT pink_JJ blanket_NN covered_VBD her_PPO
._. Pictures_NNS of_IN her_PPO in_IN more_QL glamorous_JJ days_NNS were_BED on_I
N the_AT walls_NNS ._. An_AT autopsy_NN disclosed_VBD a_AT large_JJ amount_NN of
_IN morphine_NN in_IN Diane's_NP$ body_NN ._. Police_NNS theorize_VB that_CS a_A
T combination_NN of_IN dope_NN ,_, drink_NN and_CC drugs_NNS killed_VBD her_PPO
._. ``_`` I_PPSS think_VB that_CS maybe_RB she_PPS wanted_VBD it_PPO this_DT way
_NN ''_'' ,_, a_AT vice_NN squad_NN cop_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` A_AT maid_NN told_
VBD us_PPO that_CS she_PPS still_RB bragged_VBD about_IN getting_VBG $50_NNS a_A
T date_NN ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT junk_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS slide_V
B fast_RB when_WRB that_DT happens_VBZ ._. At_IN least_AP she_PPS never_RB knew_
VBD what_WDT the_AT bottom_NN was_BEDZ like_JJ ''_'' ._. I_PPSS am_BEM a_AT carp
et_NN salesman_NN ._. I_PPSS work_VB for_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT biggest_JJT chai
ns_NNS of_IN retail_JJ carpet_NN houses_NNS in_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ._. We_PPSS
cater_VB mostly_RB to_IN nice_JJ people_NNS in_IN the_AT $5-8,000_NNS annual_JJ
income_NN bracket_NN and_CC we_PPSS run_VB a_AT string_NN of_IN snazzy_JJ ,_, ne
on-lit_JJ ,_, chromium-plated_JJ suburban_JJ stores_NNS ._. I_PPSS am_BEM sellin
g_VBG the_AT stuff_NN of_IN which_WDT is_BEZ made_VBN one_CD of_IN the_AT Great_
JJ-TL American_JJ-TL Dreams_NNS-TL --_-- wall-to-wall_JJ carpeting_NN ._. There_
EX is_BEZ only_RB one_CD trouble_NN with_IN this_DT big_JJ ,_, beautiful_JJ drea
m_NN ._. From_IN where_WRB I_PPSS sit_VB it_PPS looks_VBZ more_RBR like_CS a_AT
nightmare_NN ._. People_NNS come_VB to_IN me_PPO with_IN confidence_NN ._. They_
PPSS depend_VB on_IN my_PP$ supposedly_RB expert_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN a_AT trad
e_NN of_IN which_WDT they_PPSS themselves_PPLS know_VB little_AP ._. But_CC I_PP
SS knowingly_RB abuse_VB their_PP$ confidence_NN ._. Franklin_NP D._NP Lee_NP pr
oved_VBD a_AT man_NN of_IN prompt_JJ action_NN when_WRB Mrs._NP Claire_NP Shaefe
r_NP ,_, accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT friend_NN ,_, visited_VBD him_PPO in_IN Bake
rsfield_NP ,_, California_NP ,_, several_AP months_NNS ago_RB as_CS a_AT prospec
tive_JJ patient_NN ._. ``_`` Doctor_NN-TL ''_'' Lee_NP asked_VBD her_PPO to_TO l
ie_VB down_RP on_IN a_AT bed_NN and_CC remove_VB her_PP$ shoes_NNS ._. Then_RB ,
_, by_IN squeezing_VBG her_PP$ foot_NN three_CD times_NNS ,_, he_PPS came_VBD up
_RP --_-- presto_UH --_-- with_IN a_AT different_JJ diagnosis_NN with_IN each_DT
squeeze_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD --_-- he_PPS informed_VBD her_PPO --_-- kidney_N
N trouble_NN ,_, liver_NN trouble_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT severe_JJ female_JJ disorde
r_NN ._. (_( He_PPS explained_VBD that_CS he_PPS could_MD diagnose_VB these_DTS
ailments_NNS from_IN squeezing_VBG her_PP$ foot_NN because_CS all_ABN of_IN the_
AT nervous_JJ system_NN was_BEDZ connected_VBN to_IN it_PPO ._. )_) He_PPS knew_
VBD just_RB the_AT thing_NN for_IN her_PPO --_-- a_AT treatment_NN from_IN his_P
P$ ``_`` cosmic_JJ light_NN ozone_NN generator_NN ''_'' machine_NN ._. As_CS he_
PPS applied_VBD the_AT applicator_NN extending_VBG from_IN the_AT machine_NN --_
-- which_WDT consisted_VBD of_IN seven_CD differently_RB colored_VBN neon_NN tub
es_NNS superimposed_VBN on_IN a_AT rectangular_JJ base_NN --_-- to_IN the_AT sup
posedly_RB diseased_JJ portions_NNS of_IN Mrs._NP Shaefer's_NP$ body_NN ,_, Lee_
NP kept_VBD up_RP a_AT steady_JJ stream_NN of_IN pseudo-scientific_JJ mumbo-jumb
o_NN ._. Yes_RB ,_, the_AT ozone_NN from_IN his_PP$ machine_NN would_MD cure_VB
practically_RB everything_PN ,_, he_PPS assured_VBD her_PPO ._. Did_DOD she_PPS
know_VB ,_, he_PPS asked_VBD ,_, why_WRB the_AT colors_NNS of_IN the_AT tubes_NN
S were_BED important_JJ to_IN people's_NNS$ health_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT human_JJ bo
dy_NN --_-- he_PPS pointed_VBD out_RP ,_, for_IN example_NN --_-- required_VBD 3
3_CD units_NNS of_IN blue_JJ light_NN ._. For_IN that_DT reason_NN ,_, he_PPS in
formed_VBD her_PPO ,_, the_AT Lord_NN-TL made_VBD the_AT sky_NN blue_JJ ._. Cont
inuing_VBG glibly_RB in_IN this_DT vein_NN ,_, he_PPS paused_VBD to_TO comfort_V
B her_PPO :_: ``_`` Don't_DO* you_PPSS worry_VB ._. This_DT machine_NN will_MD c
ure_VB your_PP$ cancer-ridden_JJ body_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Cancer_NN ''_'' !_. !_.
Mrs._NP Shaefer_NP practically_RB shrieked_VBD ._. ``_`` You_PPSS didn't_DOD* t
ell_VB me_PPO I_PPSS had_HVD cancer_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` You_PPSS have_HV it_PPO ,
_, all_QL right_RB ._. But_CC as_QL long_RB as_CS you_PPSS can_MD have_HV treatm
ent_NN from_IN my_PP$ machine_NN you_PPSS have_HV nothing_PN to_TO worry_VB abou
t_IN ._. Why_WRB ,_, I_PPSS once_RB used_VBD this_DT machine_NN to_TO cure_VB a_
AT woman_NN with_IN 97_CD pounds_NNS of_IN cancer_NN in_IN her_PP$ body_NN ''_''
._. He_PPS urged_VBD her_PPO to_TO buy_VB one_CD of_IN his_PP$ machines_NNS --_
-- for_IN $300_NNS ._. When_WRB she_PPS said_VBD that_CS she_PPS didn't_DOD* hav
e_HV the_AT money_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD that_CS she_PPS could_MD come_VB in_RP
for_IN treatment_NN with_IN his_PP$ office_NN model_NN until_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ
ready_JJ to_TO buy_VB one_CD ._. He_PPS then_RB sold_VBD her_PPO minerals_NNS t
o_TO cure_VB her_PP$ kidney_NN ailment_NN ,_, a_AT can_NN of_IN sage_NN ``_`` to
_TO make_VB her_PPO look_VB like_CS a_AT girl_NN again_RB ''_'' ,_, and_CC an_AT
application_NN of_IN plain_JJ mud_NN to_TO take_VB her_PP$ wrinkles_NNS away_RB
._. Lee_NP renewed_VBD his_PP$ pressure_NN on_IN Mrs._NP Shaefer_NP to_TO buy_V
B his_PP$ machine_NN when_WRB she_PPS visited_VBD him_PPO the_AT next_AP day_NN
._. After_IN another_DT treatment_NN with_IN the_AT machine_NN ,_, he_PPS told_V
BD her_PPO that_CS ``_`` her_PP$ entire_JJ body_NN was_BEDZ shot_VBN through_RP
with_IN tumors_NNS and_CC cysts_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS then_RB sold_VBD her_PPO so
me_DTI capsules_NNS that_WPS he_PPS asserted_VBD would_MD take_VB care_NN of_IN
the_AT tumors_NNS and_CC cysts_NNS until_CS she_PPS could_MD collect_VB the_AT m
oney_NN for_IN buying_VBG his_PP$ machine_NN ._. When_WRB she_PPS submitted_VBD
to_IN his_PP$ treatment_NN with_IN the_AT capsules_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Shaefer_NP fe
lt_VBD intense_JJ pain_NN ._. Leaving_VBG Lee's_NP$ office_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Shaefe
r_NP hurried_VBD over_RP to_IN her_PP$ family_NN physician_NN ,_, who_WPS treate
d_VBD her_PPO for_IN burned_VBN tissue_NN ._. For_IN several_AP days_NNS ,_, she
_PPS was_BEDZ ill_JJ as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN Lee's_NP$ treatment_NN ._. Mrs._
NP Shaefer_NP never_RB got_VBD around_RB to_IN joining_VBG the_AT thousand_CD or
_CC so_RB people_NNS who_WPS paid_VBD Lee_NP some_DTI $30,000_NNS for_IN his_PP$
ozone_NN machines_NNS ._. For_CS Mrs._NP Shaefer_NP --_-- who_WPS had_HVD been_
BEN given_VBN a_AT clean_JJ bill_NN of_IN health_NN by_IN her_PP$ own_JJ physici
an_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN she_PPS visited_VBD Lee_NP --_-- and_CC her_PP$ frien
d_NN were_BED agents_NNS for_IN the_AT California_NP-TL Pure_JJ-TL Food_NN-TL an
d_CC-TL Drug_NN-TL Inspection_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL ._. And_CC she_PPS felt_VBD amp
ly_QL rewarded_VBN for_IN her_PP$ suffering_NN when_WRB the_AT evidence_NN of_IN
Lee's_NP$ quack_NN shenanigans_NNS ,_, gathered_VBN by_IN the_AT tape_NN record
er_NN under_IN her_PP$ friend's_NN$ clothing_NN ,_, proved_VBD adequate_JJ in_IN
court_NN for_IN convicting_VBG Franklin_NP D._NP Lee_NP ._. The_AT charge_NN :_
: violation_NN of_IN the_AT California_NP-TL Medical_JJ-TL Practices_NNS-TL Act_
NN-TL by_IN practicing_VBG medicine_NN without_IN a_AT license_NN and_CC selling
_VBG misbranded_VBN drugs_NNS ._. The_AT sentence_NN :_: 360_CD days'_NNS$ confi
nement_NN in_IN the_AT county_NN jail_NN ._. An_AT isolated_VBN case_NN of_IN qu
ackery_NN ?_. ?_. By_IN no_AT means_NNS ._. Rather_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ typical_
JJ of_IN the_AT thousands_NNS of_IN quacks_NNS who_WPS use_VB phony_JJ therapeut
ic_JJ devices_NNS to_TO fatten_VB themselves_PPLS on_IN the_AT miseries_NNS of_I
N hundreds_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN Americans_NPS by_IN robbing_VBG them_PP
O of_IN millions_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS and_CC luring_VBG them_PPO away_RB from_I
N legitimate_JJ ,_, ethical_JJ medical_JJ treatment_NN of_IN serious_JJ diseases
_NNS ._. The_AT machine_NN quack_NN makes_VBZ his_PP$ Rube_NP Goldberg_NP device
s_NNS out_IN of_IN odds_NNS and_CC ends_NNS of_IN metals_NNS ,_, wires_NNS ,_, a
nd_CC radio_NN parts_NNS ._. With_IN these_DTS gadgets_NNS --_-- impressive_JJ t
o_IN the_AT gullible_JJ because_RB of_IN their_PP$ flashing_VBG light_NN bulbs_N
NS ,_, ticks_NNS ,_, and_CC buzzes_NNS --_-- he_PPS then_RB carries_VBZ out_RP a
_AT vicious_JJ medical_JJ con_NN game_NN ,_, capitalizing_VBG on_IN people's_NNS
$ respect_NN for_IN the_AT electrical_JJ and_CC atomic_JJ wonders_NNS of_IN our_
PP$ scientific_JJ age_NN ._. He_PPS milks_VBZ the_AT latest_JJT scientific_JJ ad
vances_NNS ,_, translating_VBG them_PPO into_IN his_PP$ own_JJ special_JJ Buck_N
P Rogers_NP vocabulary_NN to_TO huckster_VB his_PP$ fake_JJ machines_NNS as_CS a
_AT cure-all_NN for_IN everything_PN from_IN hay_NN fever_NN to_IN sexual_JJ imp
otence_NN and_CC cancer_NN ._. The_AT gadget_NN faker_NN operates_VBZ or_CC sell
s_VBZ his_PP$ phony_JJ machines_NNS for_IN $5_NNS to_IN $10,000_NNS --_-- anythi
ng_PN the_AT traffic_NN will_MD bear_VB ._. He_PPS may_MD call_VB himself_PPL a_
AT anaprapath_NN ,_, a_AT physiotherapist_NN ,_, an_AT electrotherapist_NN ,_, a
_AT naturopath_NN ,_, a_AT sanipractor_NN ,_, a_AT medical_JJ cultist_NN ,_, a_A
T masseur_NN ,_, a_AT ``_`` doctor_NN ''_'' --_-- or_CC what_WDT have_HV you_PPS
S ._. Not_* only_RB do_DO these_DTS quacks_NNS assume_VB impressive_JJ titles_NN
S ,_, but_CC represent_VB themselves_PPLS as_CS being_BEG associated_VBN with_IN
various_JJ scientific_JJ or_CC impressive_JJ foundations_NNS --_-- foundations_
NNS which_WDT often_RB have_HV little_QL more_AP than_CS a_AT letterhead_NN exis
tence_NN ._. The_AT medical_JJ device_NN pirate_NN of_IN today_NR ,_, of_IN cour
se_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT far_QL more_QL sophisticated_JJ operator_NN than_CS his_PP
$ predecessor_NN of_IN yesteryear_NN --_-- the_AT gallus-snapping_JJ hawker_NN o
f_IN snake_NN oil_NN and_CC other_AP patent_NN medicines_NNS ._. His_PP$ plunder
_NN is_BEZ therefore_RB far_QL higher_JJR --_-- running_VBG into_IN hundreds_NNS
of_IN millions_NNS ._. According_IN to_IN the_AT Food_NN-TL And_CC-TL Drug_NN-T
L Administration_NN-TL (_( FDA_NP )_) ,_, ``_`` Doctor_NN-TL ''_'' Ghadiali_NP ,
_, Dr._NN-TL Albert_NP Abrams_NP and_CC his_PP$ clique_NN ,_, and_CC Dr._NN-TL W
ilhelm_NP Reich_NP --_-- to_TO name_VB three_CD notorious_JJ device_NN quacks_NN
S --_-- succeeded_VBD ,_, respectively_RB ,_, in_IN distributing_VBG 10,000_CD ,
_, 5000_CD ,_, and_CC 2000_CD fake_JJ health_NN machines_NNS ._. Authorities_NNS
believe_VB that_CS many_AP of_IN the_AT Doctor_NN-TL Frauds_NNS-TL using_VBG th
ese_DTS false_JJ health_NN gadgets_NNS are_BER still_RB in_IN business_NN ._. Lo
ok_VB at_IN the_AT sums_NNS paid_VBN by_IN two_CD device_NN quack_NN victims_NNS
in_IN Cleveland_NP ._. Sarah_NP Gross_NP ,_, a_AT dress_NN shop_NN proprietor_N
N ,_, paid_VBD $1020_NNS to_IN a_AT masseur_NN ,_, and_CC Mr._NP A._NP ,_, a_AT
laborer_NN ,_, paid_VBD $4200_NNS to_IN a_AT chiropractor_NN for_IN treatment_NN
with_IN two_CD fake_JJ health_NN machines_NNS --_-- the_AT ``_`` radioclast_NN
''_'' and_CC the_AT ``_`` diagnometer_NN ''_'' ._. Multiply_VB these_DTS figures
_NNS by_IN the_AT millions_NNS of_IN people_NNS known_VBN to_TO be_BE conned_VBN
by_IN medical_JJ pirates_NNS annually_RB ._. You_PPSS will_MD come_VB up_RP wit
h_IN a_AT frightening_VBG total_NN ._. That's_DT+BEZ why_WRB the_AT FDA_NN ,_, t
he_AT American_JJ-TL Medical_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL (_( AMA_NP )_) ,_, and_CC t
he_AT National_JJ-TL Better_JJR-TL Business_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL (_( BBB_NP )_) ha
ve_HV estimated_VBN the_AT toll_NN of_IN mechanical_JJ quackery_NN to_TO be_BE a
_AT substantial_JJ portion_NN of_IN the_AT $610_NNS million_CD or_CC so_RB paid_
VBN to_IN medical_JJ charlatans_NNS annually_RB ._. The_AT Postmaster_NN-TL Gene
ral_JJ-TL recently_RB reported_VBD that_CS mail_NN order_NN frauds_NNS --_-- amo
ng_IN which_WDT fake_JJ therapeutic_JJ devices_NNS figure_VB prominently_RB --_-
- are_BER at_IN the_AT highest_JJT level_NN in_IN history_NN ._. Similarly_RB ,_
, the_AT American_JJ-TL Cancer_NN-TL Society_NN-TL (_( ACS_NP )_) ,_, the_AT Art
hritis_NN-TL and_CC-TL Rheumatism_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT BBB_N
N have_HV each_DT stated_VBN lately_RB that_CS medical_JJ quackery_NN is_BEZ at_
IN a_AT new_JJ high_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT BBB_NN has_HVZ reported_
VBN it_PPS was_BEDZ receiving_VBG four_CD times_NNS as_QL many_AP inquiries_NNS
about_IN quack_NN devices_NNS and_CC 10_CD times_NNS as_QL many_AP complaints_NN
S compared_VBN with_IN two_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. Authorities_NNS hesitate_VB t
o_TO quote_VB exact_JJ figures_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, believing_VBG that_CS any_
DTI sum_NN they_PPSS come_VB up_RP with_IN is_BEZ only_RB a_AT surface_NN manife
station_NN --_-- turned_VBN up_RP by_IN their_PP$ inevitably_RB limited_VBN poli
cing_NN --_-- of_IN the_AT real_JJ loot_NN of_IN the_AT medical_JJ racketeer_NN
._. In_IN this_DT sense_NN ,_, authorities_NNS believe_VB that_CS all_ABN estima
tes_NNS of_IN phony_JJ device_NN quackery_NN are_BER conservative_JJ ._. The_AT
economic_JJ toll_NN that_WPO the_AT device_NN quack_NN extracts_VBZ is_BEZ impor
tant_JJ ,_, of_IN course_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ our_PP$ health_NN --_-- mor
e_QL precious_JJ than_CS all_ABN the_AT money_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN --_-- tha
t_WPO these_DTS modern_JJ witch_NN doctors_NNS with_IN their_PP$ fake_JJ therape
utic_JJ gadgets_NNS are_BER gambling_VBG away_RB ._. By_IN preying_VBG on_IN the
_AT sick_JJ ,_, by_IN playing_VBG callously_RB on_IN the_AT hopes_NNS of_IN the_
AT desperate_JJ ,_, by_IN causing_VBG the_AT sufferer_NN to_TO delay_VB proper_J
J medical_JJ care_NN ,_, these_DTS medical_JJ ghouls_NNS create_VB pain_NN and_C
C misery_NN by_IN their_PP$ very_AP activity_NN ._. Typically_RB ,_, Sarah_NP Gr
oss_NP and_CC Mr._NP A_NP-TL both_ABX lost_VBD more_AP than_CS their_PP$ money_N
N as_CS the_AT result_NN of_IN their_PP$ experiences_NNS with_IN their_PP$ Cleve
land_NP quacks_NNS ._. Sarah_NP Gross_NP found_VBD that_CS the_AT treatments_NNS
given_VBN her_PPO for_IN a_AT nervous_JJ ailment_NN by_IN the_AT masseur_NN wer
e_BED not_* helping_VBG her_PPO ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, she_PPS consulted_V
BD medical_JJ authorities_NNS and_CC learned_VBD that_CS the_AT devices_NNS her_
PP$ quack_NN ``_`` doctor_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ using_VBG were_BED phony_JJ ._. She_
PPS suffered_VBD a_AT nervous_JJ breakdown_NN and_CC had_HVD to_TO be_BE institu
tionalized_VBN ._. Mr._NP A._NP ,_, her_PP$ fellow_NN townsman_NN ,_, also_RB ex
perienced_VBD a_AT nervous_JJ breakdown_NN just_QL as_QL soon_RB as_CS he_PPS di
scovered_VBD that_CS he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN bilked_VBN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN sa
vings_NNS by_IN the_AT limited_VBN practitioner_NN who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN trea
ting_VBG his_PP$ wife_NN --_-- a_AT woman_NN suffering_VBG from_IN an_AT incurab
le_JJ disease_NN ,_, multiple_JJ sclerosis_NN --_-- and_CC himself_PPL ._. Mr._N
P A_NP-TL has_HVZ recovered_VBN ,_, but_CC he_PPS is_BEZ ,_, justifiably_RB ,_,
a_AT bitter_JJ man_NN ._. ``_`` That's_DT+BEZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN hard-earned_JJ m
oney_NN to_TO lose_VB ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ today_NR ._. ``_`` Neither_CC me
_PPO nor_CC my_PP$ wife_NN were_BED helped_VBN by_IN that_DT chiropractor's_NN$
treatments_NNS ''_'' ._. And_CC there_EX was_BEDZ the_AT case_NN of_IN Tom_NP He
pker_NP ,_, a_AT machinist_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ referred_VBN by_IN a_AT frien
d_NN to_IN a_AT health_NN machine_NN quack_NN who_WPS treated_VBD him_PPO with_I
N a_AT so-called_JJ diagnostic_JJ machine_NN for_IN what_WDT Doctor_NN-TL Fraud_
NN-TL said_VBD was_BEDZ a_AT system_NN full_JJ of_IN arsenic_NN and_CC strychnin
e_NN ._. After_CS his_PP$ pains_NNS got_VBD worse_JJR ,_, Tom_NP decided_VBD to_
TO see_VB a_AT real_JJ doctor_NN ,_, from_IN whom_WPO he_PPS learned_VBD he_PPS
was_BEDZ suffering_VBG from_IN cancer_NN of_IN the_AT lung_NN ._. Yes_RB ,_, Tom
_NP caught_VBD it_PPO in_IN time_NN to_TO stay_VB alive_JJ ._. But_CC he's_PPS+B
EZ a_AT welfare_NN case_NN now_RB --_-- a_AT human_JJ wreck_NN --_-- thanks_NNS
to_IN this_DT modern_JJ witch_NN doctor_NN ._. But_CC the_AT machine_NN quack_NN
can_MD cause_VB far_QL more_AP than_CS just_RB suffering_VBG ._. In_IN such_JJ
diseases_NNS as_CS cancer_NN ,_, tuberculosis_NN ,_, and_CC heart_NN disease_NN
,_, early_JJ diagnosis_NN and_CC treatment_NN are_BER so_QL vital_JJ that_CS the
_AT waste_NN of_IN time_NN by_IN the_AT patient_NN with_IN Doctor_NN-TL Fraud's_
NP$ cure-all_NN gadget_NN can_MD prove_VB fatal_JJ ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT di
abetic_JJ patient_NN who_WPS relies_VBZ on_IN cure_NN by_IN the_AT quack_NN devi
ce_NN and_CC therefore_RB cuts_VBZ off_RP his_PP$ insulin_NN intake_NN can_MD be
_BE committing_VBG suicide_NN ._. For_IN instance_NN :_: In_IN Chicago_NP ,_, so
me_DTI time_NN ago_RB ,_, Mr._NP H._NP ,_, age_NN 27_CD ,_, a_AT diabetic_JJ sin
ce_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ six_CD ,_, stopped_VBD using_VBG insulin_NN because_CS he_
PPS had_HVD bought_VBN a_AT ``_`` magic_JJ spike_NN ''_'' --_-- a_AT glass_NN tu
be_NN about_RB the_AT size_NN of_IN a_AT pencil_NN filled_VBN with_IN barium_NN
chloride_NN worth_JJ a_AT small_JJ fraction_NN of_IN a_AT cent_NN --_-- sold_VBN
by_IN the_AT Vrilium_NP-TL Company_NN-TL of_IN Chicago_NP for_IN $306_NNS as_CS
a_AT cure-all_NN ._. ``_`` Hang_VB this_DT around_IN your_PP$ neck_NN or_CC att
ach_VB it_PPO to_IN other_AP parts_NNS of_IN your_PP$ anatomy_NN ,_, and_CC its_
PP$ rays_NNS will_MD cure_VB any_DTI disease_NN you_PPSS have_HV ''_'' ,_, said_
VBD the_AT company_NN ._. Mr._NP H._NP is_BEZ dead_JJ today_NR because_CS he_PPS
followed_VBD this_DT advice_NN ._. Doris_NP Hull_NP ,_, suffering_VBG from_IN t
uberculosis_NN ,_, was_BEDZ taken_VBN by_IN her_PP$ husband_NN to_TO see_VB Otis
_NP G._NP Carroll_NP ,_, a_AT sanipractor_NN --_-- a_AT licensed_VBN drugless_JJ
healer_NN --_-- in_IN Spokane_NP ._. Carroll_NP diagnosed_VBD Mrs._NP Hull_NP b
y_IN taking_VBG a_AT drop_NN of_IN blood_NN from_IN her_PP$ ear_NN and_CC puttin
g_VBG it_PPO on_IN his_PP$ ``_`` radionic_JJ ''_'' machine_NN and_CC twirling_VB
G some_DTI knobs_NNS (_( fee_NN $50_CD )_) ._. His_PP$ prescription_NN :_: hot_J
J and_CC cold_JJ compresses_NNS to_TO increase_VB her_PP$ absorption_NN of_IN wa
ter_NN ._. Although_CS she_PPS weighed_VBD only_RB 108_CD pounds_NNS when_WRB sh
e_PPS visited_VBD him_PPO ,_, Carroll_NP permitted_VBD her_PPO to_TO go_VB on_IN
a_AT 10-day_JJ fast_NN in_IN which_WDT she_PPS took_VBD nothing_PN but_IN water
_NN ._. Inevitably_RB ,_, Mrs._NP Hull_NP died_VBD of_IN starvation_NN and_CC tu
berculosis_NN ,_, weighing_VBG 60_CD pounds_NNS ._. Moreover_RB ,_, her_PP$ husb
and_NN and_CC child_NN contracted_VBD T.B._NP from_IN her_PPO ._. (_( Small_JJ w
onder_NN a_AT Spokane_NP jury_NN awarded_VBD the_AT husband_NN $35,823_NNS for_I
N his_PP$ wife's_NN$ death_NN ._. )_) In_IN California_NP ,_, a_AT few_AP years_
NNS ago_RB ,_, a_AT ghoul_NN by_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN H._NP F._NP Bell_NP sold
_VBD electric_JJ blankets_NNS as_CS a_AT cure_NN for_IN cancer_NN ._. He_PPS did
_DOD this_DT by_IN the_AT charming_JJ practice_NN of_IN buying_VBG up_RP used_VB
N electric_JJ blankets_NNS for_IN $5_NNS to_IN $10_NNS from_IN survivors_NNS of_
IN patients_NNS who_WPS had_HVD died_VBN ,_, reconditioning_VBG them_PPO ,_, and
_CC selling_VBG them_PPO at_IN $185_NNS each_DT ._. When_WRB authorities_NNS con
victed_VBD him_PPO of_IN practicing_VBG medicine_NN without_IN a_AT license_NN (
_( he_PPS got_VBD off_RP with_IN a_AT suspended_VBN sentence_NN of_IN three_CD y
ears_NNS because_RB of_IN his_PP$ advanced_VBN age_NN of_IN 77_CD )_) ,_, one_CD
of_IN his_PP$ victims_NNS was_BEDZ not_* around_RB to_TO testify_VB :_: He_PPS
was_BEDZ dead_JJ of_IN cancer_NN ._. By_IN no_AT means_NNS are_BER these_DTS iso
lated_VBN cases_NNS ._. ``_`` Unfortunately_RB ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Chief_JJS-TL P
ostal_JJ-TL Inspector_NN-TL David_NP H._NP Stephens_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ prose
cuted_VBN many_AP device_NN quacks_NNS ,_, ``_`` the_AT ghouls_NNS who_WPS trade
_VB on_IN the_AT hopes_NNS of_IN the_AT desperately_QL ill_JJ often_RB cannot_MD
* be_BE successfully_RB prosecuted_VBN because_CS the_AT patients_NNS who_WPS ar
e_BER the_AT chief_JJS witnesses_NNS die_VB before_CS the_AT case_NN is_BEZ call
ed_VBN up_RP in_IN court_NN ''_'' ._. Death_NN !_. !_. Have_HV no_AT doubt_NN ab
out_IN it_PPO ._. That's_DT+BEZ where_WRB device_NN quackery_NN can_MD lead_VB .
_. The_AT evidence_NN shows_VBZ that_CS fake_JJ therapeutic_JJ machines_NNS ,_,
substituted_VBN for_IN valid_JJ medical_JJ cures_NNS ,_, have_HV hastened_VBN th
e_AT deaths_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS ._. Who_WPS are_BER the_AT victims_NNS of_IN
the_AT device_NN quacks_NNS ?_. ?_. Authorities_NNS say_VB that_CS oldsters_NNS
are_BER a_AT prime_JJ target_NN ._. Says_VBZ Wallace_NP F._NP Jannsen_NP ,_, di
rector_NN of_IN the_AT FDA's_NN Division_NN-TL of_IN-TL Public_JJ-TL Information
_NN-TL :_: ``_`` Quacks_NNS are_BER apt_JJ to_TO direct_VB their_PP$ appeal_NN d
irectly_RB to_IN older_JJR people_NNS ,_, or_CC to_IN sufferers_NNS from_IN chro
nic_JJ ailments_NNS such_JJ as_CS arthritis_NN ,_, rheumatism_NN ,_, diabetes_NN
,_, and_CC cancer_NN ._. People_NNS who_WPS have_HV not_* been_BEN able_JJ to_T
O get_VB relief_NN from_IN regular_JJ medical_JJ doctors_NNS are_BER especially_
RB apt_JJ to_TO be_BE taken_VBN in_RP by_IN quacks_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT victims_
NNS of_IN the_AT quacks_NNS are_BER frequently_RB poor_JJ people_NNS ,_, like_CS
Mr._NP A._NP ,_, who_WPS scrape_VB up_RP their_PP$ life_NN savings_NNS to_TO of
fer_VB as_CS a_AT sacrifice_NN to_IN Doctor_NN-TL Fraud's_NP$ avarice_NN ._. The
y_PPSS are_BER often_RB ignorant_JJ as_QL well_RB as_CS underprivileged_JJ ._. T
en-year-old_JJ Richard_NP Stewart_NP had_HVD been_BEN irritable_JJ and_CC quarre
lsome_JJ for_IN almost_RB a_AT year_NN ._. His_PP$ grades_NNS had_HVD gone_VBN s
teadily_RB downhill_RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS had_HVD stopped_VBN bringing_VBG friend
s_NNS and_CC classmates_NNS home_NR from_IN school_NN ._. Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP
Stewart_NP were_BED puzzled_VBN and_CC concerned_VBN ._. Then_RB one_CD day_NN D
ick's_NP$ classmate_NN Jimmy_NP ,_, from_IN next_AP door_NN ,_, let_VB the_AT ca
t_NN out_IN of_IN the_AT bag_NN ._. The_AT youngsters_NNS in_IN the_AT boys'_NNS
$ class_NN had_HVD nicknamed_VBN Dick_NP ``_`` Bugs_NP Bunny_NP ''_'' because_CS
his_PP$ teeth_NNS protruded_VBD ._. When_WRB Richard's_NP$ parents_NNS told_VBD
him_PPO they_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO take_VB him_PPO to_IN an_AT orthodontist_NN
--_-- a_AT dentist_NN who_WPS specializes_VBZ in_IN realigning_VBG teeth_NNS and
_CC jaws_NNS --_-- their_PP$ young_JJ son_NN was_BEDZ interested_VBN ._. During_
IN the_AT year_NN that_WPS followed_VBD ,_, Dick_NP co-operated_VBD whole-hearte
dly_RB with_IN the_AT dentist_NN and_CC was_BEDZ delighted_VBN with_IN the_AT fi
nal_JJ result_NN achieved_VBN --_-- an_AT upper_JJ row_NN of_IN strong_JJ straig
ht_JJ teeth_NNS that_WPS completely_RB changed_VBD his_PP$ facial_JJ appearance_
NN ._. Richard_NP Stewart_NP is_BEZ no_AT special_JJ case_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT ma
jority_NN of_IN children_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL could_MD b
enefit_VB by_IN some_DTI form_NN of_IN orthodontic_JJ treatment_NN ''_'' ,_, say
s_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Allan_NP G._NP Brodie_NP ,_, professor_NN and_CC head_NN of_IN t
he_AT department_NN of_IN orthodontics_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Illinois_NP-TL and_CC a_AT nationally_RB recognized_VBN authority_NN in_IN his_
PP$ field_NN ._. What_WDT do_DO parents_NNS need_VB to_TO know_VB about_IN those
_DTS ``_`` years_NNS of_IN the_AT braces_NNS ''_'' in_IN order_NN not_* to_TO wa
ste_VB a_AT child's_NN$ time_NN and_CC their_PP$ money_NN ?_. ?_. How_WRB can_MD
they_PPSS tell_VB whether_CS a_AT child_NN needs_VBZ orthodontic_JJ treatment_N
N ?_. ?_. Why_WRB and_CC when_WRB should_MD tooth-straightening_NN be_BE underta
ken_VBN ?_. ?_. What_WDT is_BEZ it_PPS likely_JJ to_TO cost_VB ?_. ?_. Tooth_NN-
HL fit_NN-HL explained_VBN-HL occlusion_NN is_BEZ the_AT dentist's_NN$ expressio
n_NN for_IN the_AT way_NN teeth_NNS fit_VB together_RB when_WRB the_AT jaws_NNS
are_BER closed_VBN ._. Malocclusion_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT bad_JJ fit_NN ,_, is_BEZ w
hat_WDT parents_NNS need_VB to_TO look_VB out_RP for_IN ._. One_CD main_JJS type
_NN of_IN malocclusion_NN is_BEZ characterized_VBN by_IN a_AT receding_VBG chin_
NN and_CC protruding_VBG upper_JJ front_JJ teeth_NNS ._. A_AT chin_NN too_QL pro
minent_JJ in_IN relation_NN to_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT face_NN ,_, a_AT t
hrusting_NN forward_RB of_IN the_AT lower_JJR front_JJ teeth_NNS ,_, an_AT overd
eveloped_VBN lower_JJR jawbone_NN ,_, and_CC an_AT underdeveloped_JJ upper_JJ ja
w_NN indicate_VB the_AT opposite_JJ type_NN of_IN malocclusion_NN ._. These_DTS
two_CD basic_JJ malformations_NNS have_HV ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, many_AP variat
ions_NNS ._. A_AT child_NN probably_RB requires_VBZ some_DTI form_NN of_IN treat
ment_NN if_CS he_PPS has_HVZ any_DTI of_IN the_AT following_VBG conditions_NNS :
_: A_AT noticeable_JJ protrusion_NN of_IN the_AT upper_JJ or_CC lower_JJR jaw_NN
._. Crooked_JJ ,_, overlapping_VBG ,_, twisted_VBN ,_, or_CC widely_RB spaced_V
BN teeth_NNS ._. Front_JJ teeth_NNS not_* meeting_VBG when_WRB the_AT back_JJ te
eth_NNS close_VB ._. Upper_JJ teeth_NNS completely_RB covering_VBG the_AT lowers
_NNS when_WRB the_AT back_JJ teeth_NNS close_VB ._. The_AT eyeteeth_NNS (_( thir
d_OD from_IN the_AT middle_NN on_IN top_NN ,_, counting_VBG each_DT front_JJ too
th_NN as_CS the_AT first_OD )_) beginning_VBG to_TO protrude_VB like_CS fangs_NN
S ._. Second_OD teeth_NNS that_WPS have_HV come_VBN in_RP before_CS the_AT first
_OD ones_NNS have_HV fallen_VBN out_RP ,_, making_VBG a_AT double_JJ row_NN ._.
Contrary_JJ to_IN the_AT thinking_NN of_IN 30_CD to_IN 40_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_
, when_WRB all_ABN malocclusion_NN was_BEDZ blamed_VBN on_IN some_DTI unfortunat
e_JJ habit_NN ,_, recent_JJ studies_NNS show_VB that_CS most_AP tooth_NN irregul
arity_NN has_HVZ at_IN least_AP its_PP$ beginning_NN in_IN hereditary_JJ predisp
osition_NN ._. However_RB ,_, this_DT does_DOZ not_* mean_VB that_CS a_AT child'
s_NN$ teeth_NNS or_CC jaws_NNS must_MD necessarily_RB resemble_VB those_DTS of_I
N someone_PN in_IN his_PP$ family_NN ._. Tooth_NN deformity_NN may_MD be_BE the_
AT result_NN of_IN excessive_JJ thumb-_NN or_CC finger-sucking_NN ,_, tongue-thr
usting_NN ,_, or_CC lip-sucking_NN --_-- but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ important_JJ to_TO
remember_VB that_CS there's_EX+BEZ a_AT difference_NN between_IN normal_JJ and_C
C excessive_JJ sucking_VBG habits_NNS ._. It's_PPS+BEZ perfectly_QL normal_JJ fo
r_IN babies_NNS to_TO suck_VB their_PP$ thumbs_NNS ,_, and_CC no_AT mother_NN ne
ed_MD worry_VB if_CS a_AT child_NN continues_VBZ this_DT habit_NN until_CS he_PP
S is_BEZ two_CD or_CC three_CD years_NNS old_JJ ._. Occasional_JJ sucking_VBG up
_IN to_IN the_AT fifth_OD year_NN may_MD not_* affect_VB a_AT youngster's_NN$ te
eth_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC after_IN that_DT ,_, if_CS thumb-sucking_NN pressure_NN i
s_BEZ frequent_JJ ,_, it_PPS will_MD have_HV an_AT effect_NN ._. Malocclusion_NN
can_MD also_RB result_VB if_CS baby_NN teeth_NNS are_BER lost_VBN too_QL soon_R
B or_CC retained_VBN too_QL long_RB ._. If_CS a_AT child_NN loses_VBZ a_AT molar
_NN at_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN two_CD ,_, the_AT adjoining_VBG teeth_NNS may_MD s
hift_VB toward_IN the_AT empty_JJ space_NN ,_, thus_RB narrowing_VBG the_AT plac
e_NN intended_VBN for_IN the_AT permanent_JJ ones_NNS and_CC producing_VBG a_AT
jumble_NN ._. If_CS baby_NN teeth_NNS are_BER retained_VBN too_QL long_RB ,_, th
e_AT incoming_JJ second_OD teeth_NNS may_MD be_BE prevented_VBN from_IN emerging
_VBG at_IN the_AT normal_JJ time_NN or_CC may_MD have_HV to_TO erupt_VB in_IN th
e_AT wrong_JJ place_NN ._. Correction_NN-HL can_MD-HL save_VB-HL teeth_NNS-HL ev
ery_AT orthodontist_NN sees_VBZ children_NNS who_WPS are_BER embarrassed_VBN by_
IN their_PP$ malformed_JJ teeth_NNS ._. Some_DTI such_JJ youngsters_NNS rarely_R
B smile_VB ,_, or_CC they_PPSS try_VB to_TO speak_VB with_IN the_AT mouth_NN clo
sed_VBN ._. In_IN certain_JJ cases_NNS ,_, as_CS in_IN Dick_NP Stewart's_NP$ ,_,
a_AT child's_NN$ personality_NN is_BEZ affected_VBN ._. Yet_CC from_IN the_AT d
entist's_NN$ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, bad-fitting_JJ teeth_NNS should_MD be_BE
corrected_VBN for_IN physical_JJ reasons_NNS ._. Bad_JJ alignment_NN may_MD res
ult_VB in_IN early_JJ loss_NN of_IN teeth_NNS through_IN a_AT breakdown_NN of_IN
the_AT bony_JJ structure_NN that_WPS supports_VBZ their_PP$ roots_NNS ._. This_
DT serious_JJ condition_NN ,_, popularly_RB known_VBN as_CS pyorrhea_NN ,_, is_B
EZ one_CD of_IN the_AT chief_JJS causes_NNS of_IN tooth_NN loss_NN in_IN adults_
NNS ._. Then_RB ,_, too_RB ,_, misplaced_VBN or_CC jammed-together_JJ teeth_NNS
are_BER prone_JJ to_IN trapping_VBG food_NN particles_NNS ,_, increasing_VBG the
_AT likelihood_NN of_IN rapid_JJ decay_NN ._. ``_`` For_IN these_DTS and_CC othe
r_AP reasons_NNS ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP ,_, ``_`` orthodontics_N
N can_MD prolong_VB the_AT life_NN of_IN teeth_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT failure_NN o
f_IN teeth_NNS to_TO fit_VB together_RB when_WRB closed_VBN interferes_VBZ with_
IN normal_JJ chewing_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS a_AT child_NN may_MD swallow_VB food_N
N whole_JJ and_CC put_VB a_AT burden_NN on_IN his_PP$ digestive_JJ system_NN ._.
Because_RB of_IN these_DTS chewing_VBG troubles_NNS ,_, a_AT child_NN may_MD av
oid_VB certain_JJ foods_NNS he_PPS needs_VBZ for_IN adequate_JJ nutrition_NN ._.
Badly_RB placed_VBN teeth_NNS can_MD also_RB cause_VB such_ABL a_AT speech_NN h
andicap_NN as_CS lisping_VBG ._. The_AT-HL when_WRB-HL and_CC-HL how_WRB-HL of_I
N-HL straightening_VBG-HL ``_`` most_AP orthodontic_JJ work_NN is_BEZ done_VBN o
n_IN children_NNS between_IN the_AT ages_NNS of_IN 10_CD and_CC 14_CD ,_, though
_CS there_EX have_HV been_BEN patients_NNS as_QL young_JJ as_CS two_CD and_CC as
_QL old_JJ as_CS 55_CD ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP ._. In_IN the_AT p
eriod_NN from_IN 10_CD to_IN 14_CD the_AT permanent_JJ set_NN of_IN teeth_NNS is
_BEZ usually_RB completed_VBN ,_, yet_CC the_AT continuing_VBG growth_NN of_IN b
ony_JJ tissue_NN makes_VBZ moving_VBG badly_RB placed_VBN teeth_NNS comparativel
y_QL easy_RB ._. Orthodontic_JJ work_NN is_BEZ possible_JJ because_CS teeth_NNS
are_BER held_VBN firmly_RB but_CC not_* rigidly_RB ,_, by_IN a_AT system_NN of_I
N peridontal_JJ membrane_NN with_IN an_AT involved_VBN nerve_NN network_NN ,_, t
o_IN the_AT bone_NN in_IN the_AT jaw_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER not_* anchored
_VBN directly_RB to_IN the_AT bone_NN ._. Abnormal_JJ pressure_NN ,_, applied_VB
N over_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN time_NN ,_, produces_VBZ a_AT change_NN in_IN the
_AT bony_JJ deposit_NN ,_, so_RB a_AT tooth_NN functions_VBZ normally_RB in_IN t
he_AT new_JJ position_NN into_IN which_WDT it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN guided_VBN ._
. What_WDT can_MD 10-year-old_JJ Susan_NP expect_VB when_WRB she_PPS enters_VBZ
the_AT orthodontist's_NN$ office_NN ?_. ?_. On_IN her_PP$ first_OD visit_NN the_
AT orthodontist_NN will_MD take_VB x-rays_NNS ,_, photographs_NNS ,_, tooth_NN m
easurements_NNS ,_, and_CC ``_`` tooth_NN prints_NNS ''_'' --_-- an_AT impressio
n_NN of_IN the_AT mouth_NN that_WPS permits_VBZ him_PPO to_TO study_VB her_PP$ t
eeth_NNS and_CC jaws_NNS ._. If_CS he_PPS decides_VBZ to_TO proceed_VB ,_, he_PP
S will_MD custom-make_VB for_IN Susie_NP an_AT appliance_NN consisting_IN of_IN
bands_NNS ,_, plastic_NN plates_NNS ,_, fine_JJ wires_NNS ,_, and_CC tiny_JJ spr
ings_NNS ._. This_DT appliance_NN will_MD exert_VB a_AT gentle_JJ and_CC continu
ous_JJ or_CC intermittent_JJ pressure_NN on_IN the_AT bone_NN ._. As_CS the_AT t
ooth_NN moves_VBZ ,_, bone_NN cells_NNS on_IN the_AT pressure_NN side_NN of_IN i
t_PPO will_MD dissolve_VB ,_, and_CC new_JJ ones_NNS will_MD form_VB on_IN the_A
T side_NN from_IN which_WDT the_AT tooth_NN has_HVZ moved_VBN ._. This_DT must_M
D be_BE done_VBN at_IN the_AT rate_NN at_IN which_WDT new_JJ bony_JJ tissue_NN g
rows_VBZ ,_, and_CC no_QL faster_RBR ._. ``_`` If_CS teeth_NNS are_BER moved_VBN
too_QL rapidly_RB ,_, serious_JJ injury_NN can_MD be_BE done_VBN to_IN their_PP
$ roots_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS to_IN the_AT surrounding_VBG bone_NN holding_VBG
them_PPO in_IN place_NN ''_'' ,_, explains_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP ._. ``_`` Mo
ving_VBG one_CD or_CC two_CD teeth_NNS can_MD affect_VB the_AT whole_JJ system_N
N ,_, and_CC an_AT ill-conceived_JJ plan_NN of_IN treatment_NN can_MD disrupt_VB
the_AT growth_NN pattern_NN of_IN a_AT child's_NN$ face_NN ''_'' ._. During_IN
the_AT first_OD few_AP days_NNS of_IN wearing_VBG the_AT appliance_NN and_CC imm
ediately_RB following_VBG each_DT adjustment_NN ,_, Susan_NP may_MD have_HV a_AT
slight_JJ discomfort_NN or_CC soreness_NN ,_, but_CC after_IN a_AT short_JJ tim
e_NN this_DT will_MD disappear_VB ._. Parents_NNS are_BER often_RB concerned_VBN
that_CS orthodontic_JJ appliances_NNS may_MD cause_VB teeth_NNS to_TO decay_VB
._. When_WRB in_IN place_NN ,_, a_AT well-cemented_JJ band_NN actually_RB protec
ts_VBZ the_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT tooth_NN that_WPS is_BEZ covered_VBN ._. Next
_RB Susie_NP will_MD enter_VB the_AT treatment_NN stage_NN and_CC visit_VB the_A
T orthodontist_NN once_RB or_CC twice_RB a_AT month_NN ,_, depending_IN on_IN th
e_AT severity_NN of_IN her_PP$ condition_NN ._. During_IN these_DTS visits_NNS t
he_AT dentist_NN will_MD adjust_VB the_AT braces_NNS to_TO increase_VB the_AT pr
essure_NN on_IN her_PP$ teeth_NNS ._. Last_RB comes_VBZ the_AT retention_NN stag
e_NN ._. Susie's_NP$ teeth_NNS have_HV now_RB been_BEN guided_VBN into_IN a_AT d
esirable_JJ new_JJ position_NN ._. But_CC because_CS teeth_NNS sometimes_RB may_
MD drift_VB back_RB to_IN their_PP$ original_JJ position_NN ,_, a_AT retaining_V
BG appliance_NN is_BEZ used_VBN to_IN lock_NN them_PPO in_IN place_NN ._. Usuall
y_RB this_DT is_BEZ a_AT thin_JJ band_NN of_IN wire_NN attached_VBN to_IN the_AT
molars_NNS and_CC stretching_VBG across_IN the_AT teeth_NNS ._. Susie_NP may_MD
wear_VB this_DT only_RB at_IN night_NN or_CC for_IN a_AT few_AP hours_NNS durin
g_IN the_AT day_NN ._. Then_RB comes_VBZ the_AT time_NN when_WRB the_AT last_AP
wire_NN is_BEZ removed_VBN and_CC Susie_NP walks_VBZ out_RP a_AT healthier_JJR a
nd_CC more_QL attractive_JJ girl_NN than_CS when_WRB she_PPS first_RB went_VBD t
o_IN the_AT orthodontist_NN ._. How_WQL long_RB will_MD this_DT take_NN ?_. ?_.
Straightening_VBG one_CD tooth_NN that_WPS has_HVZ come_VBN in_RP wrong_RB may_M
D take_VB only_RB a_AT few_AP months_NNS ._. Aligning_VBG all_ABN the_AT teeth_N
NS may_MD take_VB a_AT year_NN or_CC more_AP ._. An_AT added_VBN complication_NN
such_JJ as_CS a_AT malformed_JJ jaw_NN may_MD take_VB two_CD or_CC three_CD yea
rs_NNS to_TO correct_VB ._. What_WDT-HL is_BEZ-HL the_AT-HL cost_NN-HL ?_.-HL ?_
.-HL The_AT charge_NN for_IN a_AT complete_JJ full-banded_JJ job_NN differs_VBZ
in_IN various_JJ parts_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN ._. Work_NN that_WPS might_MD
cost_VB $500_NNS to_IN $750_NNS in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL could_MD cost_VB $750_
NNS to_IN $1,200_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL or_CC Chicago_NP ._.
An_AT average_JJ national_JJ figure_NN for_IN two_CD to_IN three_CD years_NNS of
_IN treatment_NN would_MD be_BE $650_NNS to_IN $1,000_NNS ._. ``_`` Factors_NNS
in_IN the_AT cost_NN of_IN treatment_NN are_BER the_AT length_NN of_IN time_NN i
nvolved_VBN and_CC the_AT skill_NN and_CC education_NN of_IN the_AT practitioner
_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP ._. To_TO become_VB an_AT orthodontis
t_NN ,_, a_AT man_NN must_MD first_RB be_BE licensed_VBN by_IN his_PP$ state_NN
as_CS a_AT dentist_NN ,_, then_RB he_PPS must_MD spend_VB at_IN least_AP two_CD
years_NNS in_IN additional_JJ training_NN to_TO acquire_VB a_AT license_NN as_CS
a_AT specialist_NN ._. ``_`` Costs_NNS may_MD seem_VB high_JJ ,_, but_CC they_P
PSS used_VBD to_TO be_BE even_QL higher_JJR ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Brodie_
NP ._. ``_`` Fees_NNS are_BER about_RB half_ABN to_IN a_AT third_OD of_IN what_W
DT they_PPSS were_BED 25_CD years_NNS ago_RB ''_'' ._. The_AT reason_NN ?_. ?_.
People_NNS today_NR are_BER aware_JJ of_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN orthodontics_NN
,_, and_CC as_CS a_AT result_NN there_EX are_BER more_AP practitioners_NNS in_I
N the_AT field_NN ._. Most_AP orthodontists_NNS require_VB an_AT initial_JJ paym
ent_NN to_TO cover_VB the_AT cost_NN of_IN diagnostic_JJ materials_NNS and_CC co
nstruction_NN of_IN the_AT appliances_NNS ,_, but_CC usually_RB the_AT remainder
_NN of_IN the_AT cost_NN may_MD be_BE spread_VBN over_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN mo
nths_NNS or_CC years_NNS ._. In_IN many_AP cities_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL clinics_NNS associated_VBN with_IN dental_JJ schools_NNS will_MD
take_VB patients_NNS at_IN a_AT nominal_JJ fee_NN ._. Some_DTI municipal_JJ agen
cies_NNS will_MD pay_VB for_IN orthodontic_JJ treatment_NN for_IN children_NNS o
f_IN needy_JJ parents_NNS ._. Research_NN-HL helps_VBZ-HL families_NNS-HL growth
_NN studies_NNS have_HV been_BEN carried_VBN on_RP consistently_RB by_IN orthodo
ntists_NNS ._. Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP has_HVZ 30-year_JJ records_NNS of_IN head_NN
growth_NN ,_, started_VBN 20_CD minutes_NNS after_IN children's_NNS$ births_NNS
._. ``_`` In_IN the_AT past_NN anyone_PN who_WPS said_VBD that_CS 90%_NN of_IN a
ll_ABN malocclusion_NN is_BEZ hereditary_JJ was_BEDZ scoffed_VBN at_IN ;_. ;_. n
ow_RB we_PPSS know_VB that_CS family_NN characteristics_NNS do_DO affect_VB toot
h_NN formation_NN to_IN a_AT large_JJ extent_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ._. ``
_`` Fortunately_RB through_IN our_PP$ growth_NN studies_NNS we_PPSS have_HV been
_BEN able_JJ to_TO see_VB what_WDT nature_NN does_DOZ ,_, and_CC that_DT helps_V
BZ us_PPO know_VB what_WDT we_PPSS can_MD do_DO ''_'' ._. This_DT knowledge_NN b
oth_ABX modifies_VBZ and_CC dictates_VBZ diagnosis_NN and_CC treatment_NN ._. Fo
r_IN example_NN ,_, a_AT boy_NN may_MD inherit_VB a_AT small_JJ jaw_NN from_IN o
ne_CD ancestor_NN and_CC large_JJ teeth_NNS from_IN another_DT ._. In_IN the_AT
past_NN an_AT orthodontist_NN might_MD have_HV tried_VBN ,_, over_IN four_CD or_
CC five_CD years_NNS ,_, to_TO straighten_VB and_CC fit_VB the_AT boy's_NN$ larg
e_JJ teeth_NNS into_IN a_AT jaw_NN that_WPS ,_, despite_IN some_DTI growth_NN ,_
, would_MD never_RB accommodate_VB them_PPO ._. Now_RB a_AT dentist_NN can_MD re
commend_VB extraction_NN immediately_RB ._. In_IN other_AP cases_NNS ,_, in_IN v
iew_NN of_IN present-day_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN head_NN growth_NN ,_, orthodontis
ts_NNS will_MD recommend_VB waiting_VBG four_CD or_CC five_CD years_NNS before_I
N treatment_NN ._. The_AT child_NN is_BEZ kept_VBN on_IN call_NN ,_, and_CC the_
AT orthodontist_NN watches_VBZ the_AT growth_NN ._. ``_`` Nature_NN often_RB tak
es_VBZ care_NN of_IN the_AT problem_NN ''_'' ,_, says_VBZ Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP ._
. ``_`` A_AT child_NN with_IN a_AT certain_JJ type_NN of_IN head_NN and_CC teeth
_NNS will_MD outgrow_VB tooth_NN deformity_NN ''_'' ._. That_DT is_BEZ why_WRB D
r._NN-TL Brodie_NP asks_VBZ parents_NNS not_* to_TO insist_VB ,_, against_IN the
ir_PP$ dentist's_NN$ advice_NN ,_, that_CS their_PP$ child_NN have_HV orthodonti
c_JJ work_NN done_VBN too_QL early_RB ._. ``_`` Both_ABX because_RB of_IN our_PP
$ culture's_NN$ stress_NN on_IN beauty_NN and_CC our_PP$ improved_VBN economic_J
J conditions_NNS ,_, some_DTI parents_NNS demand_VB that_CS the_AT dentist_NN tr
y_NN to_TO correct_VB a_AT problem_NN before_CS it_PPS is_BEZ wise_JJ to_TO do_D
O so_RB ._. Let_VB the_AT orthodontist_NN decide_VB the_AT proper_JJ time_NN to_
TO start_VB treatment_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS urges_VBZ ._. Superior_JJ new_JJ mater
ial_NN for_IN orthodontic_JJ work_NN is_BEZ another_DT result_NN of_IN research_
NN ._. Plastics_NNS are_BER easier_JJR to_TO handle_VB than_CS the_AT vulcanized
_VBN rubber_NN formerly_RB used_VBN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS save_VB time_NN and_CC
money_NN ._. Plaster_NN of_IN Paris_NP ,_, once_RB utilized_VBN in_IN making_VBG
impressions_NNS of_IN teeth_NNS ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN replaced_VBN by_IN alginat
es_NNS (_( gelatin-like_JJ material_NN )_) that_WPS work_VB quickly_RB and_CC ac
curately_RB and_CC with_IN least_AP discomfort_NN to_IN a_AT child_NN ._. Preven
tion_NN-HL is_BEZ-HL best_JJT-HL as_CS a_AT rule_NN ,_, the_AT earlier_JJR gener
al_JJ dental_JJ treatment_NN is_BEZ started_VBN ,_, the_AT less_QL expensive_JJ
and_CC more_QL satisfactory_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE ._. ``_`` Aft
er_CS your_PP$ child's_NN$ baby_NN teeth_NNS are_BER all_ABN in_RP --_-- usually
_RB at_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN two_CD and_CC one_CD half_ABN to_IN three_CD --_--
it's_PPS+BEZ time_NN for_IN that_DT first_OD dental_JJ appointment_NN ''_'' ,_,
Dr._NN-TL Brodie_NP advises_VBZ ._. ``_`` Then_RB see_VB that_CS your_PP$ young
ster_NN has_HVZ a_AT routine_JJ checkup_NN once_RB a_AT year_NN ''_'' ._. To_TO
help_VB prevent_VB orthodontic_JJ problems_NNS from_IN arising_VBG ,_, your_PP$
dentist_NN can_MD do_DO these_DTS things_NNS :_: He_PPS can_MD correct_VB decay_
NN ,_, thus_RB preventing_VBG early_JJ loss_NN of_IN teeth_NNS ._. If_CS a_AT ch
ild_NN does_DOZ lose_VB his_PP$ first_OD teeth_NNS prematurely_RB because_RB of_
IN decay_NN --_-- and_CC if_CS no_AT preventive_JJ steps_NNS are_BER taken_VBN -
-_-- the_AT other_AP teeth_NNS may_MD shift_VB out_IN of_IN position_NN ,_, beco
me_VB overcrowded_VBN and_CC malformed_JJ ._. In_IN turn_NN the_AT other_AP teet
h_NNS are_BER likely_JJ to_TO decay_VB because_CS food_NN particles_NNS may_MD b
ecome_VB impacted_VBN in_IN them_PPO ._. From_IN time_NN to_IN time_NN the_AT me
dium_NN mentions_VBZ other_AP people_NNS ``_`` around_IN him_PPO ''_'' ,_, who_W
PS were_BED ``_`` on_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC reports_VBZ wha
t_WDT they_PPSS are_BER saying_VBG ._. After_IN a_AT while_NN there_EX come_VB i
nitials_NNS and_CC names_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ interested_VBN to_TO hear_
VB some_DTI rather_QL unusual_JJ family_NN nicknames_NNS ._. As_CS the_AT hour_N
N progresses_VBZ ,_, the_AT sensitive_JJ seems_VBZ to_TO probe_VB more_QL deeply
_RB and_CC to_TO make_VB more_QL personal_JJ and_CC specific_JJ statements_NNS .
_. There_EX are_BER a_AT few_AP prognoses_NNS of_IN coming_VBG events_NNS ._. An
other_DT medium_NN ,_, another_DT sitter_NN ,_, would_MD produce_VB a_AT somewha
t_QL different_JJ content_NN ,_, but_CC in_IN general_JJ it_PPS would_MD probabl
y_RB sound_VB much_RB like_CS the_AT foregoing_VBG reading_NN ._. Some_DTI mediu
ms_NNS speak_VB in_IN practical_JJ ,_, down-to-earth_JJ terms_NNS ,_, while_CS o
thers_NNS may_MD stress_VB the_AT spiritual_JJ ._. Not_* all_ABN ,_, as_CS a_AT
matter_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, consider_VB themselves_PPLS ``_`` mediums_NNS ''_''
in_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN receiving_VBG messages_NNS from_IN the_AT deceased_N
N ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, some_DTI sensitives_NNS rule_VB this_DT out_RP ,_, prefe
rring_VBG to_TO consider_VB their_PP$ expression_NN as_CS strictly_RB extra-sens
ory_JJ perception_NN (_( ESP_NP )_) ,_, on_IN this_DT side_NN of_IN the_AT ``_``
veil_NN ''_'' ._. However_WRB that_DT may_MD be_BE ,_, people_NNS are_BER known
_VBN to_TO go_VB to_IN mediums_NNS for_IN diverse_JJ reasons_NNS ._. Perhaps_RB
they_PPSS are_BER mourning_VBG a_AT recent_JJ death_NN and_CC want_VB comfort_NN
,_, to_TO feel_VB in_IN touch_NN with_IN the_AT deceased_NN ,_, or_CC seek_VB i
ndications_NNS for_IN future_JJ plans_NNS ._. They_PPSS may_MD ,_, of_IN course_
NN ,_, be_BE curiosity_NN seekers_NNS --_-- or_CC they_PPSS may_MD just_RB be_BE
interested_VBN in_IN the_AT phenomenon_NN of_IN mediumship_NN ._. The_AT medium
s_NNS with_IN whom_WPO the_AT Parapsychology_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL is_BEZ worki
ng_VBG in_IN this_DT experiment_NN are_BER in_IN a_AT waking_VBG or_CC only_RB s
lightly_QL dissociated_VBN state_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS the_AT sitter_NN can_MD ma
ke_VB comments_NNS ,_, ask_VB and_CC answer_VB questions_NNS ,_, instead_RB of_I
N talking_VBG with_IN a_AT ``_`` control_NN ''_'' who_WPS speaks_VBZ through_IN
an_AT entranced_VBN sensitive_JJ ._. What_WDT we_PPSS have_HV here_RB is_BEZ in_
IN some_DTI ways_NNS more_RBR like_CS an_AT ordinary_JJ conversation_NN ._. But_
CC it_PPS is_BEZ not_* really_RB only_RB a_AT conversation_NN ._. Many_ABN a_AT
sitter_NN (_( in_IN a_AT personal_JJ sitting_NN )_) has_HVZ been_BEN amazed_VBN
to_TO realize_VB that_CS the_AT medium_NN was_BEDZ describing_VBG very_QL vividl
y_RB his_PP$ state_NN of_IN mind_NN ._. He_PPS himself_PPL might_MD not_* have_H
V been_BEN really_QL aware_JJ of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ mood_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS had_HV
D been_BEN latent_JJ ,_, unspecified_JJ ,_, semi-conscious_JJ and_CC only_QL par
tly_QL realized_VBN --_-- until_CS she_PPS described_VBD it_PPO to_IN him_PPO !_
. !_. Most_QL striking_JJ indeed_RB is_BEZ this_DT beyond-normal_JJ ability_NN t
o_TO put_VB a_AT finger_NN on_IN ``_`` pre-conscious_JJ ''_'' moods_NNS and_CC t
o_TO clarify_VB them_PPO ._. However_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT next_AP visit_NN that_W
PO the_AT researcher_NN made_VBD to_IN the_AT medium_NN ,_, he_PPS did_DOD not_*
receive_VB a_AT personal_JJ reading_NN ._. Instead_RB he_PPS brought_VBD with_I
N him_PPO the_AT names_NNS of_IN some_DTI people_NNS he_PPS had_HVD never_RB met
_VBN and_CC of_IN whom_WPO the_AT medium_NN knew_VBD nothing_PN ._. For_CS this_
DT was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE a_AT ``_`` proxy_NN sitting_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS was_BEDZ
noted_VBN earlier_RBR ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ important_JJ that_CS in_IN valid_JJ ,_,
objective_JJ study_NN of_IN this_DT sort_NN of_IN communication_NN ,_, the_AT in
terested_VBN sitter_NN should_MD be_BE separated_VBN from_IN the_AT sensitive_JJ
._. Dr._NN-TL Karlis_NP Osis_NP ,_, Director_NN-TL of_IN-TL Research_NN-TL at_I
N the_AT Parapsychology_NN-TL Foundation_NN-TL ,_, described_VBD the_AT basis_NN
for_IN the_AT experiment_NN in_IN a_AT tomorrow_NR article_NN ,_, (_( ``_`` New
_JJ-TL Research_NN-TL On_IN-TL Survival_NN-TL After_IN-TL Death_NN-TL ''_'' ,_,
Spring_NN-TL 1958_CD )_) ._. He_PPS remarked_VBD :_: ``_`` It_PPS has_HVZ been_B
EN clearly_RB established_VBN that_CS in_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN instances_NNS t
he_AT message_NN did_DOD not_* come_VB from_IN a_AT spirit_NN but_CC was_BEDZ re
ceived_VBN telepathically_RB by_IN the_AT medium_NN from_IN the_AT sitter_NN ''_
'' ._. The_AT possibility_NN has_HVZ to_TO be_BE ruled_VBN out_RP that_CS the_AT
medium's_NN$ ESP_NN may_MD tap_VB the_AT memory_NN of_IN the_AT sitter_NN ,_, a
nd_CC to_TO do_DO this_DT ,_, the_AT two_CD central_JJ characters_NNS in_IN this
_DT drama_NN must_MD be_BE separated_VBN ._. One_CD way_NN to_TO do_DO this_DT i
s_BEZ by_IN ``_`` proxy_NN sittings_NNS ''_'' ,_, wherein_WRB the_AT person_NN s
eeking_VBG a_AT message_NN does_DOZ not_* himself_PPL meet_VB with_IN the_AT med
ium_NN but_CC is_BEZ represented_VBN by_IN a_AT substitute_NN ,_, the_AT proxy_N
N sitter_NN ._. If_CS the_AT latter_AP knows_VBZ nothing_PN about_IN the_AT abse
nt_JJ sitter_NN except_IN his_PP$ name_NN (_( given_VBN by_IN the_AT experimente
r_NN )_) ,_, he_PPS cannot_MD* possibly_RB give_VB any_DTI clues_NNS ,_, conscio
us_JJ or_CC unconscious_JJ ,_, far_QL less_RBR ask_VB leading_VBG questions_NNS
._. All_ABN he_PPS can_MD do_DO is_BEZ to_TO be_BE an_AT objective_JJ and_CC car
eful_JJ questioner_NN ,_, seeking_VBG to_TO help_VB the_AT sensitive_JJ in_IN cl
arifying_VBG and_CC making_VBG more_QL specific_JJ her_PP$ paranormal_JJ impress
ions_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB in_IN these_DTS experiments_NNS ``_`` appointment_NN s
ittings_NNS ''_'' are_BER used_VBN ._. Here_RB the_AT absent_JJ sitter_NN makes_
VBZ a_AT ``_`` date_NN ''_'' with_IN a_AT communicator_NN (_( someone_PN close_J
J to_IN him_PPO who_WPS is_BEZ deceased_JJ )_) ,_, asking_VBG him_PPO to_TO ``_`
` come_VB in_RP ''_'' at_IN a_AT certain_JJ hour_NN ,_, when_WRB a_AT channel_NN
will_MD be_BE open_JJ for_IN him_PPO ._. In_IN this_DT case_NN the_AT proxy_NN
sitter_NN will_MD know_VB only_RB the_AT name_NN of_IN the_AT communicator_NN ,_
, nothing_PN else_RB ._. He_PPS gives_VBZ this_DT to_IN the_AT medium_NN at_IN t
he_AT appointed_VBN time_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT reading_NN then_RB will_MD be_BE c
oncerned_VBN with_IN material_NN about_IN or_CC messages_NNS from_IN the_AT comm
unicator_NN ._. As_CS always_RB ,_, a_AT tape_NN recording_NN or_CC detailed_VBN
notes_NNS are_BER made_VBN ,_, and_CC a_AT typescript_NN of_IN this_DT is_BEZ s
ent_VBN to_IN the_AT absent_JJ sitter_NN ._. So_RB this_DT proxy_NN situation_NN
has_HVZ set_VBN up_RP at_IN least_AP a_AT partial_JJ barrier_NN between_IN the_
AT medium's_NN$ ESP_NN and_CC the_AT absent_JJ sitter's_NN$ mind_NN ._. It_PPS i
s_BEZ now_RB harder_JJR to_TO assume_VB telepathy_NN as_CS a_AT basis_NN for_IN
the_AT statements_NNS --_-- though_CS research_NN still_RB does_DOZ not_* know_V
B how_WRB far_QL afield_RB ESP_NN can_MD range_NN ._. Now_RB the_AT original_JJ
absent_JJ sitter_NN must_MD decide_VB whether_CS the_AT statements_NNS are_BER m
eaningful_JJ to_IN him_PPO ._. Here_RB again_RB laboratory_NN approaches_NNS are
_BER being_BEG evolved_VBN ,_, for_CS it_PPS is_BEZ recognized_VBN how_WQL ``_``
elastic_JJ ''_'' these_DTS readings_NNS can_MD be_BE ,_, how_WRB they_PPSS can_
MD apply_VB to_IN many_AP people_NNS ,_, and_CC are_BER often_RB stated_VBN in_I
N general_JJ terms_NNS all_QL too_QL easily_RB applied_VBN to_IN any_DTI individ
ual's_NN$ own_JJ case_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS look_VB at_IN a_AT reading_NN meant_
VBN for_IN someone_PN else_RB ,_, you_PPSS will_MD probably_RB see_VB that_CS ma
ny_AP of_IN the_AT items_NNS could_MD be_BE considered_VBN as_CS applicable_JJ t
o_IN you_PPO ,_, even_RB when_WRB you_PPSS were_BED not_* in_IN the_AT picture_N
N at_IN all_ABN !_. !_. An_AT interested_VBN sitter_NN may_MD think_VB the_AT se
nsitive_JJ has_HVZ made_VBN a_AT ``_`` hit_NN ''_'' ,_, describing_VBG something
_PN accurately_RB for_IN him_PPO ,_, but_CC can_MD he_PPS really_RB be_BE sure_J
J that_CS another_DT sitter_NN ,_, hearing_VBG the_AT same_AP statement_NN ,_, w
ould_MD not_* apply_VB it_PPO subjectively_RB to_IN his_PP$ own_JJ circumstances
_NNS ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, easy_JJ to_TO see_VB how_WRB
``_`` J_NN ''_'' will_MD mean_VB Uncle_NP Jack_NP to_IN one_CD person_NN and_CC
little_JJ Jane_NP to_IN another_DT ._. ``_`` A_AT journey_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` a_A
T little_JJ white_JJ house_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` a_AT change_NN of_IN outlook_NN ''
_'' ,_, can_MD apply_VB to_IN many_AP people_NNS ._. And_CC even_QL more_QL comp
lex_JJ items_NNS can_MD be_BE interpreted_VBN to_TO conform_VB to_IN one's_PN$ o
wn_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ by_IN nature_NN so_QL personal
_JJ ._. One_CD sitter_NN may_MD think_VB ``_`` a_AT leather_NN couch_NN ''_'' id
entifies_VBZ a_AT reading_NN as_CS surely_RB directed_VBN to_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_.
to_IN another_DT ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ that_CS nobody_PN but_IN his_PP$ father_NN
ever_RB used_VBD the_AT phrase_NN ,_, ``_`` Atta_UH boy_NN ''_'' !_. !_. To_TO
get_VB around_IN this_DT quite_QL difficult_JJ corner_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ one
_CD first_OD aid_NN to_IN objectiveness_NN :_: prevent_VB the_AT distant_JJ sitt
er_NN from_IN knowing_VBG which_WDT reading_NN was_BEDZ for_IN him_PPO ._. If_CS
he_PPS is_BEZ not_* told_VBN which_WDT of_IN four_CD or_CC five_CD readings_NNS
was_BEDZ meant_VBN for_IN him_PPO ,_, he_PPS can_MD more_QL readily_RB assess_V
B each_DT item_NN in_IN a_AT larger_JJR frame_NN :_: ``_`` Does_DOZ that_DT stat
ement_NN really_RB sound_VB as_CS if_CS it_PPS were_BED for_IN me_PPO ,_, signif
icant_JJ in_IN my_PP$ particular_JJ life_NN ?_. ?_. Or_CC am_BEM I_PPSS taking_V
BG something_PN that_WPS could_MD really_RB apply_VB to_IN almost_RB anybody_PN
,_, and_CC forgetting_VBG that_CS many_AP other_AP people_NNS probably_RB have_H
V had_HVN a_AT similar_JJ experience_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Conversely_RB ,_, experime
nters_NNS would_MD consider_VB as_CS impressive_JJ such_JJ statements_NNS as_CS
the_AT following_NN ,_, which_WDT ,_, if_CS they_PPSS turned_VBD out_RP to_TO be
_BE hits_NNS ,_, are_BER so_QL unusual_JJ as_CS to_TO be_BE really_QL significan
t_JJ :_: ``_`` He_PPS had_HVD four_CD children_NNS ,_, two_CD sets_NNS of_IN twi
ns_NNS ._. After_CS being_BEG a_AT lawyer_NN for_IN twenty-five_CD years_NNS he_
PPS started_VBD studying_VBG for_IN the_AT ministry_NN ._. Part_NN of_IN his_PP$
house_NN had_HVD been_BEN moved_VBN to_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN of_IN the_AT
road_NN ._. He_PPS died_VBD of_IN typhoid_NN in_IN 1921_CD ''_'' ._. Methods_NNS
have_HV been_BEN developed_VBN of_IN assigning_VBG ``_`` weights_NNS ''_'' to_I
N statements_NNS ;_. ;_. that_DT is_BEZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ known_VBN empirically_
RB that_CS names_NNS beginning_VBG with_IN R_NN are_BER more_QL common_JJ than_C
S those_DTS beginning_VBG with_IN Z_NN ;_. ;_. that_QL fewer_AP women_NNS are_BE
R named_VBN Miranda_NP than_CS Elizabeth_NP ;_. ;_. that_CS in_IN the_AT United_
VBN-TL States_NNS-TL more_AP people_NNS die_VB of_IN heart_NN disease_NN than_CS
of_IN smallpox_NN ._. So_RB each_DT reading_NN can_MD be_BE given_VBN a_AT weig
ht_NN and_CC each_DT reading_NN a_AT score_NN by_IN adding_VBG up_RP these_DTS w
eights_NNS ._. Specific_JJ dates_NNS would_MD be_BE important_JJ ,_, as_CS would
_MD double_JJ names_NNS ._. Various_JJ categories_NNS have_HV been_BEN explored_
VBN to_TO find_VB out_RP about_IN these_DTS ``_`` empirical_JJ probabilities_NNS
''_'' against_IN which_WDT to_TO measure_VB the_AT readings_NNS ._. In_IN the_A
T parapsychology_NN foundation's_NN$ long-range_NN experiment_NN ,_, readings_NN
S are_BER made_VBN by_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN sensitives_NNS for_IN a_AT large_
JJ number_NN of_IN cooperating_VBG sitters_NNS ,_, trying_VBG to_TO throw_VB lig
ht_NN on_IN this_DT question_NN of_IN the_AT significance_NN of_IN mediumistic_J
J statements_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ very_QL important_JJ indeed_RB ,_, in_IN the_
AT field_NN of_IN extra-sensory_JJ perception_NN and_CC its_PP$ relation_NN to_I
N the_AT survival_NN hypothesis_NN ,_, to_TO know_VB whether_CS the_AT statement
s_NNS are_BER actually_RB only_RB those_DTS which_WDT any_DTI intuitive_JJ perso
n_NN might_MD venture_VB and_CC an_AT eager_JJ sitter_NN attach_VB to_IN himself
_PPL ._. Or_CC ,_, on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, are_BER unlikely_JJ facts_N
NS being_BEG stated_VBN ,_, facts_NNS which_WDT are_BER in_IN themselves_PPLS si
gnificant_JJ and_CC not_* easily_RB applicable_JJ to_IN everybody_PN ?_. ?_. Tha
t_DT is_BEZ one_CD thing_NN the_AT experiments_NNS are_BER designed_VBN to_TO fi
nd_VB out_RP ._. So_RB ,_, after_CS the_AT sitting_NN has_HVZ been_BEN held_VBN
,_, several_AP readings_NNS at_IN one_CD time_NN are_BER mailed_VBN ,_, and_CC t
he_AT distant_JJ sitter_NN (_( whose_WP$ name_NN or_CC whose_WP$ communicator's_
NN$ name_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN to_IN the_AT medium_NN )_) must_MD mark_VB each_D
T little_JJ item_NN as_CS Correct_JJ-TL (_( Hit_NN-TL )_) ,_, Incorrect_JJ-TL (_
( Miss_NN-TL )_) ,_, Doubtful_JJ-TL ,_, or_CC Especially_QL-TL Significant_JJ-TL
(_( applying_VBG to_IN him_PPO and_CC ,_, he_PPS feels_VBZ ,_, not_* to_IN anyo
ne_PN else_RB )_) ._. He_PPS is_BEZ required_VBN to_TO mark_VB every_AT item_NN
and_CC to_TO indicate_VB which_WDT reading_VBG he_PPS feels_VBZ is_BEZ actually_
RB his_PP$$ ._. All_QL these_DTS evaluations_NNS are_BER then_RB totted_VBN up_R
P and_CC tabulated_VBN ,_, by_IN adding_VBG up_RP the_AT Hits_NNS-TL and_CC Sign
ificants_NNS-TL ,_, with_IN the_AT weight_NN placed_VBN on_IN those_DTS in_IN th
e_AT sitter's_NN$ own_JJ reading_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ ,_, if_CS he_PPS marks_VB
Z as_CS most_QL correct_JJ a_AT reading_NN not_* meant_VBN for_IN him_PPO ,_, th
e_AT total_NN experimental_JJ score_NN falls_VBZ ._. Conversely_RB ,_, if_CS he_
PPS gives_VBZ a_AT heavy_JJ rating_NN to_IN his_PP$ own_JJ reading_NN ,_, and_CC
finds_VBZ more_QL accurate_JJ facts_NNS in_IN it_PPO than_CS in_IN the_AT other
s_NNS ,_, a_AT point_NN is_BEZ chalked_VBN up_RP for_IN the_AT intrinsic_JJ ,_,
objective_JJ meaningfulness_NN of_IN this_DT type_NN of_IN mediumistic_JJ materi
al_NN ._. And_CC there_EX are_BER some_DTI positive_JJ results_NNS ,_, though_CS
the_AT final_JJ findings_NNS will_MD not_* be_BE known_VBN for_IN a_AT long_JJ
time_NN --_-- and_CC then_RB further_JJR research_NN can_MD be_BE formulated_VBN
._. In_IN another_DT approach_NN to_IN the_AT same_AP procedure_NN ,_, the_AT c
ontent_NN of_IN the_AT readings_NNS is_BEZ analyzed_VBN so_RB as_CS to_TO see_VB
how_WRB the_AT particular_JJ medium_NN is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO slant_VB her_PP$
statements_NNS ._. Does_DOZ she_PPS often_RB speak_VB of_IN locations_NNS ,_, of
_IN cause_NN of_IN death_NN ?_. ?_. Does_DOZ she_PPS accurately_RB give_VB dates
_NNS ,_, ages_NNS ,_, kind_NN of_IN occupation_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ possible
_JJ to_TO find_VB out_RP in_IN which_WDT categories_NNS most_AP of_IN her_PP$ co
rrect_JJ statements_NNS fall_VB ,_, and_CC where_WRB she_PPS makes_VBZ most_AP o
f_IN her_PP$ ``_`` hits_NNS ''_'' ._. Now_RB when_WRB ,_, so_RB to_TO speak_VB ,
_, the_AT cream_NN has_HVZ been_BEN skimmed_VBN off_RP ,_, and_CC the_AT items_N
NS in_IN the_AT successful_JJ categories_NNS separated_VBN out_RP ,_, the_AT sit
ter_NN can_MD be_BE asked_VBN to_TO consider_VB and_CC rate_VB only_RB this_DT c
oncentrated_VBN ``_`` cream_NN ''_'' ,_, where_WRB the_AT sensitive_JJ is_BEZ at
_IN her_PP$ best_JJT ._. Mediumistic_JJ impressions_NNS are_BER evidently_RB of_
IN all_ABN sorts_NNS and_CC seem_VB to_TO involve_VB all_ABN the_AT senses_NNS .
_. ``_`` I_PPSS feel_VB cold_JJ ''_'' ,_, the_AT medium_NN says_VBZ ,_, or_CC ``
_`` My_PP$ leg_NN aches_VBZ ''_'' ,_, ``_`` My_PP$ head_NN is_BEZ heavy_JJ ''_''
._. Or_CC perhaps_RB she_PPS hears_VBZ words_NNS or_CC sounds_NNS :_: ``_`` The
re's_EX+BEZ such_ABL a_AT noise_NN of_IN loud_JJ machinery_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``
_`` I_PPSS hear_VB a_AT child_NN crying_VBG ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_`` He_PPS says_VB
Z we're_PPSS+BER all_ABN here_RB and_CC glad_JJ to_TO see_VB you_PPO ''_'' ._. M
aybe_RB an_AT entire_JJ scene_NN comes_VBZ into_IN consciousness_NN ,_, with_IN
action_NN and_CC motion_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT static_JJ view_NN :_: ``_`` a_AT house
_NN under_IN a_AT pine_NN tree_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT little_JJ stone_NN path_NN go
ing_VBG up_IN to_IN the_AT door_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT sensitive_JJ often_RB seems_
VBZ to_TO smell_VB definite_JJ odors_NNS ,_, too_RB ,_, or_CC subjectively_RB fe
els_VBZ emotions_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB she_PPS displays_VBZ amazing_JJ eidetic_JJ
imagery_NN and_CC seems_VBZ to_TO see_VB all_ABN details_NNS in_IN perspective_
NN ,_, as_CS if_CS the_AT scene_NN were_BED actually_RB there_RB ._. If_CS press
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT sitter_NN for_IN more_AP detail_NN ,_, she_PPS may_MD be_BE
able_JJ to_TO bring_VB the_AT picture_NN more_RBR into_IN focus_NN and_CC see_VB
more_QL sharply_RB ,_, almost_RB as_CS if_CS she_PPS were_BED physically_RB goi
ng_VBG closer_RBR ._. If_CS asked_VBN how_WRB she_PPS gets_VBZ her_PP$ impressio
ns_NNS ,_, she_PPS probably_RB can_MD only_RB say_VB that_CS she_PPS ``_`` just_
RB gets_VBZ them_PPO ''_'' --_-- some_DTI more_QL vividly_RB than_CS others_NNS
._. Perhaps_RB this_DT is_BEZ not_* so_QL extraordinary_JJ after_IN all_ABN ._.
Even_RB in_IN normal_JJ experience_NN one_PN gets_VBZ impressions_NNS without_IN
knowing_VBG exactly_RB how_WRB --_-- of_IN atmosphere_NN ,_, of_IN one_CD anoth
er's_DT$ personalities_NNS ,_, moods_NNS ,_, intentions_NNS ._. Of_IN course_NN
,_, there_EX is_BEZ an_AT element_NN of_IN training_VBG here_RB :_: these_DTS gi
fted_JJ people_NNS ,_, by_IN concentration_NN ,_, study_NN ,_, guidance_NN ,_, h
ave_HV learned_VBN to_TO develop_VB their_PP$ power_NN ._. Simply_RB using_VBG i
t_PPS increases_VBZ its_PP$ intensity_NN ,_, I_PPSS was_BEDZ told_VBN by_IN one_
CD sensitive_JJ ._. Nor_CC does_DOZ a_AT medium_NN automatically_RB know_VB how_
WRB to_TO interpret_VB her_PP$ imagery_NN ._. Impressions_NNS often_RB appear_VB
in_IN a_AT symbolic_JJ form_NN and_CC cannot_MD* be_BE taken_VBN at_IN face_NN
value_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ apparently_RB by_IN symbols_NNS that_CS the_AT uncons
cious_JJ speaks_VBZ to_IN the_AT conscious_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT medium_NN has_HV
Z to_TO translate_VB these_DTS into_IN meaning_NN ._. If_CS communication_NN wit
h_IN an_AT entity_NN on_IN the_AT ``_`` other_AP side_NN ''_'' is_BEZ taking_VBG
place_NN ,_, this_DT too_RB may_MD assume_VB the_AT form_NN of_IN clairvoyant_J
J symbolism_NN ._. During_IN one_CD reading_VBG an_AT image_NN appeared_VBD of_I
N a_AT prisoner_NN in_IN irons_NNS ._. But_CC this_DT did_DOD not_* necessarily_
RB refer_VB to_IN an_AT actual_JJ jail_NN ;_. ;_. taken_VBN with_IN other_AP det
ails_NNS it_PPS could_MD have_HV referred_VBN to_IN a_AT state_NN of_IN mental_J
J or_CC spiritual_JJ confinement_NN ._. In_IN this_DT connection_NN it_PPS is_BE
Z worth_JJ noting_VBG how_WRB names_NNS are_BER sometimes_RB obtained_VBN ._. Th
ough_CS they_PPSS are_BER often_RB heard_VBN clairaudiently_RB ,_, as_CS if_CS a
_AT voice_NN were_BED speaking_VBG them_PPO ,_, in_IN other_AP cases_NNS they_PP
SS are_BER apprehended_VBN visually_RB as_CS symbols_NNS :_: a_AT slope_NN to_TO
signify_VB the_AT name_NN ``_`` Hill_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, for_IN instance_NN ._. One
_CD medium_NN saw_VBD two_CD sheets_NNS flapping_VBG on_IN a_AT line_NN and_CC f
ound_VBD that_CS the_AT name_NN Shietz_NP was_BEDZ significant_JJ to_IN the_AT s
itter_NN ._. Farming_VBG is_BEZ confining_VBG ._. The_AT farmer's_NN$ life_NN mu
st_MD be_BE arranged_VBN to_TO meet_VB the_AT demands_NNS of_IN crops_NNS and_CC
livestock_NN ._. Livestock_NN must_MD be_BE tended_VBN every_AT day_NN ,_, rout
inely_RB ._. A_AT slight_JJ change_NN in_IN the_AT work_NN schedule_NN may_MD cu
t_VB the_AT production_NN of_IN cows_NNS or_CC chickens_NNS ._. Even_RB if_CS th
ere_EX are_BER no_AT livestock_NN ,_, the_AT farmer_NN cannot_MD* leave_VB the_A
T farm_NN for_IN long_JJ periods_NNS ,_, particularly_RB during_IN the_AT growin
g_VBG season_NN ._. The_AT worker_NN who_WPS lives_VBZ on_IN a_AT farm_NN cannot
_MD* change_VB jobs_NNS readily_RB ._. He_PPS cannot_MD* leave_VB the_AT farm_NN
to_TO take_VB work_NN in_IN another_DT locality_NN on_IN short_JJ notice_NN ;_.
;_. such_ABL a_AT move_NN may_MD mean_VB a_AT loss_NN of_IN capital_NN ._. Hard
_JJ physical_JJ labor_NN and_CC undesirable_JJ hours_NNS are_BER a_AT part_NN of
_IN life_NN ._. The_AT farmer_NN must_MD get_VB up_RP early_RB ,_, and_CC ,_, at
_IN times_NNS ,_, work_VB late_RB at_IN night_NN ._. Frequently_RB he_PPS must_M
D work_VB long_JJ hours_NNS in_IN the_AT hot_JJ sun_NN or_CC cold_JJ rain_NN ._.
No_AT matter_NN how_WQL well_RB work_NN is_BEZ planned_VBN ,_, bad_JJ weather_N
N or_CC unexpected_JJ setbacks_NNS can_MD cause_VB extra_JJ work_NN that_WPS mus
t_MD be_BE caught_VBN up_RP ._. It_PPS may_MD not_* be_BE profitable_JJ for_IN a
_AT part-time_JJ farmer_NN to_TO own_VB the_AT labor-saving_JJ machinery_NN that
_CS a_AT full-time_JJ farmer_NN can_MD invest_VB in_IN profitably_RB ._. Product
ion_NN may_MD fall_VB far_QL below_IN expectations_NNS ._. Drought_NN ,_, hail_N
N ,_, disease_NN ,_, and_CC insects_NNS take_VB their_PP$ toll_NN of_IN crops_NN
S ._. Sickness_NN or_CC loss_NN of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT livestock_NN may_MD
cut_VB into_IN the_AT owner's_NN$ earnings_NNS ,_, even_RB into_IN his_PP$ capit
al_NN ._. Returns_NNS for_IN money_NN and_CC labor_NN invested_VBN may_MD be_BE
small_JJ even_RB in_IN a_AT good_JJ year_NN ._. The_AT high_JJ cost_NN of_IN lan
d_NN ,_, supplies_NNS ,_, and_CC labor_NN make_VB it_PPO difficult_JJ to_TO farm
_VB profitably_RB on_IN a_AT part-time_JJ basis_NN ._. Land_NN within_IN commuti
ng_VBG distance_NN of_IN a_AT growing_VBG city_NN is_BEZ usually_RB high_JJ in_I
N price_NN ,_, higher_JJR if_CS it_PPS has_HVZ subdivision_NN possibilities_NNS
._. Part-time_JJ farmers_NNS generally_RB must_MD pay_VB higher_JJR prices_NNS f
or_IN supplies_NNS than_CS full-time_JJ farmers_NNS because_CS they_PPSS buy_VB
in_IN smaller_JJR quantities_NNS ._. If_CS the_AT farm_NN is_BEZ in_IN an_AT ind
ustrial_JJ area_NN where_WRB wages_NNS are_BER high_JJ ,_, farm_NN labor_NN cost
s_NNS will_MD also_RB be_BE high_JJ ._. A_AT part-time_JJ farmer_NN needs_VBZ un
usual_JJ skill_NN to_TO get_VB as_QL high_JJ production_NN per_IN hen_NN ,_, per
_IN cow_NN ,_, or_CC per_IN acre_NN as_CS can_MD be_BE obtained_VBN by_IN a_AT c
ompetent_JJ full-time_JJ farmer_NN ._. It_PPS will_MD frequently_RB be_BE unecon
omical_JJ for_IN him_PPO to_TO own_VB the_AT most_QL up-to-date_JJ equipment_NN
._. He_PPS may_MD have_HV to_TO depend_VB upon_IN custom_NN service_NN for_IN sp
ecialized_VBN operations_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS spraying_VBG or_CC threshing_VBG
,_, and_CC for_IN these_DTS ,_, he_PPS may_MD have_HV to_TO wait_VB his_PP$ turn
_NN ._. There_EX will_MD be_BE losses_NNS caused_VBN by_IN emergencies_NNS that_
WPS arise_VB while_CS he_PPS is_BEZ away_RB at_IN his_PP$ off-farm_JJ job_NN ._.
The_AT farm_NN may_MD be_BE an_AT additional_JJ burden_NN if_CS the_AT main_JJS
job_NN is_BEZ lost_VBN ._. This_DT may_MD be_BE true_JJ whether_CS the_AT farm_
NN is_BEZ owned_VBN or_CC rented_VBN ._. If_CS the_AT farm_NN is_BEZ rented_VBN
,_, the_AT rent_NN must_MD be_BE paid_VBN ._. If_CS it_PPS is_BEZ owned_VBN ,_,
taxes_NNS must_MD be_BE paid_VBN ,_, and_CC if_CS the_AT place_NN is_BEZ not_* f
ree_JJ of_IN mortgage_NN ,_, there_EX will_MD be_BE interest_NN and_CC payments_
NNS on_IN the_AT principal_JJS to_TO take_VB care_NN of_IN ._. Advantages_NNS-HL
A_AT farm_NN provides_VBZ a_AT wholesome_JJ and_CC healthful_JJ environment_NN
for_IN children_NNS ._. It_PPS gives_VBZ them_PPO room_NN to_TO play_VB and_CC p
lenty_NN of_IN fresh_JJ air_NN ._. The_AT children_NNS can_MD do_DO chores_NNS a
dapted_VBN to_IN their_PP$ age_NN and_CC ability_NN ._. Caring_VBG for_IN a_AT c
alf_NN ,_, a_AT pig_NN ,_, or_CC some_DTI chickens_NNS develops_VBZ in_IN childr
en_NNS a_AT sense_NN of_IN responsibility_NN for_IN work_NN ._. Part-time_JJ far
ming_NN gives_VBZ a_AT measure_NN of_IN security_NN if_CS the_AT regular_JJ job_
NN is_BEZ lost_VBN ,_, provided_VBN the_AT farm_NN is_BEZ owned_VBN free_JJ of_I
N debt_NN and_CC furnishes_VBZ enough_AP income_NN to_TO meet_VB fixed_VBN expen
ses_NNS and_CC minimum_JJ living_VBG costs_NNS ._. For_IN some_DTI retired_VBN p
ersons_NNS ,_, part-time_JJ farming_NN is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ way_NN to_TO suppleme
nt_VB retirement_NN income_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ particularly_QL suitable_JJ for_
IN those_DTS who_WPS need_VB to_TO work_VB or_CC exercise_VB out_IN of_IN doors_
NNS for_IN their_PP$ health_NN ._. Generally_RB ,_, the_AT same_AP level_NN of_I
N living_VBG costs_VBZ less_AP in_IN the_AT country_NN than_CS in_IN the_AT city
_NN ._. The_AT savings_NNS are_BER not_* as_QL great_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, as_CS
is_BEZ sometime_RB supposed_VBN ._. Usually_RB ,_, the_AT cost_NN of_IN food_NN
and_CC shelter_NN will_MD be_BE somewhat_QL less_AP on_IN the_AT farm_NN and_CC
the_AT cost_NN of_IN transportation_NN and_CC utilities_NNS somewhat_QL more_AP
._. Where_WRB schools_NNS ,_, fire_NN and_CC police_NN protection_NN ,_, and_CC
similar_JJ municipal_JJ services_NNS are_BER of_IN equal_JJ quality_NN in_IN ci
ty_NN and_CC country_NN ,_, real_JJ estate_NN taxes_NNS are_BER usually_RB about
_RB the_AT same_AP ._. A_AT part-time_JJ farmer_NN and_CC his_PP$ family_NN can_
MD use_VB their_PP$ spare_JJ time_NN profitably_RB ._. Some_DTI persons_NNS cons
ider_VB the_AT work_NN on_IN a_AT farm_NN recreational_JJ ._. For_IN some_DTI wh
ite-collar_NN workers_NNS it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT welcome_JJ change_NN from_IN the_AT
regular_JJ job_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT physical_JJ conditioner_NN ._. Land_NN-HL ,_,
-HL labor_NN-HL ,_,-HL and_CC-HL equipment_NN-HL needed_VBN-HL Part-time_JJ farm
ing_NN can_MD take_VB comparatively_QL little_AP land_NN ,_, labor_NN ,_, and_CC
equipment_NN --_-- or_CC a_AT great_JJ deal_NN ._. It_PPS depends_VBZ on_IN the
_AT kind_NN and_CC the_AT scale_NN of_IN the_AT farming_VBG operation_NN ._. Gen
eral_JJ requirements_NNS for_IN land_NN ,_, labor_NN ,_, and_CC equipment_NN are
_BER discussed_VBN below_RB ._. Specific_JJ requirements_NNS for_IN each_DT of_I
N various_JJ types_NNS of_IN enterprises_NNS are_BER discussed_VBN on_IN pages_N
NS 8_CD to_IN 14_CD ._. Land_NN-HL Three_CD quarters_NNS to_IN 1_CD acre_NN of_I
N good_JJ land_NN is_BEZ enough_AP for_IN raising_VBG fruits_NNS and_CC vegetabl
es_NNS for_IN home_NN use_NN ,_, and_CC for_IN a_AT small_JJ flock_NN of_IN chic
kens_NNS ,_, a_AT cow_NN ,_, and_CC two_CD pigs_NNS ._. You_PPSS could_MD not_*
,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, raise_VB feed_NN for_IN the_AT livestock_NN on_IN a_AT p
lot_NN this_DT small_JJ ._. If_CS you_PPSS want_VB to_TO raise_VB feed_NN or_CC
carry_VB out_RP some_DTI enterprise_NN on_IN a_AT larger_JJR scale_NN ,_, you'll
_PPSS+MD need_VB more_AP land_NN ._. In_IN deciding_VBG how_WQL much_AP land_NN
you_PPSS want_VB ,_, take_VB into_IN account_NN the_AT amount_NN you'll_PPSS+MD
need_VB to_TO bring_VB in_IN the_AT income_NN you_PPSS expect_VB ._. But_CC cons
ider_VB also_RB how_WQL much_AP you_PPSS and_CC your_PP$ family_NN can_MD keep_V
B up_RP along_RB with_IN your_PP$ other_AP work_NN ._. The_AT cost_NN of_IN land
_NN and_CC the_AT prospects_NNS for_IN appreciation_NN in_IN value_NN may_MD inf
luence_VB your_PP$ decision_NN ._. Some_DTI part-time_JJ farmers_NNS buy_VB more
_AP land_NN than_CS they_PPSS need_VB in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN suburban_JJ de
velopment_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT highly_QL speculative_JJ venture_NN ._. Som
etimes_RB a_AT desired_VBN acreage_NN is_BEZ offered_VBN only_RB as_CS part_NN o
f_IN a_AT larger_JJR tract_NN ._. When_WRB surplus_NN land_NN is_BEZ not_* expen
sive_JJ to_TO buy_VB or_CC to_TO keep_VB up_RP ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ usually_RB bett
er_JJR to_TO buy_VB it_PPO than_CS to_TO buy_VB so_QL small_JJ an_AT acreage_NN
that_CS the_AT development_NN of_IN adjoining_VBG properties_NNS might_MD impair
_VB the_AT residential_JJ value_NN of_IN the_AT farm_NN ._. Labor_NN-HL If_CS yo
u_PPSS have_HV a_AT year-round_JJ ,_, full-time_JJ job_NN you_PPSS can't_MD* exp
ect_VB to_TO grow_VB much_QL more_AP than_CS your_PP$ family_NN uses_VBZ --_-- u
nless_CS other_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT family_NN do_DO a_AT good_JJ deal_NN
of_IN the_AT work_NN or_CC you_PPSS hire_VB help_NN ._. As_CS a_AT rule_NN ,_, p
art-time_JJ farmers_NNS hire_VB little_AP help_NN ._. In_IN deciding_VBG on_IN t
he_AT enterprises_NNS to_TO be_BE managed_VBN by_IN family_NN labor_NN ,_, compa
re_VB the_AT amount_NN of_IN labor_NN that_WPS can_MD be_BE supplied_VBN by_IN t
he_AT family_NN with_IN the_AT labor_NN needs_NNS of_IN various_JJ enterprises_N
NS listed_VBN in_IN table_NN 1_CD ._. List_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN hours_NNS t
he_AT family_NN can_MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO work_VB each_DT month_NN ._. You
_PPSS may_MD want_VB to_TO include_VB your_PP$ own_JJ regular_JJ vacation_NN per
iod_NN if_CS you_PPSS have_HV one_CD ._. Do_DO not_* include_VB all_ABN your_PP$
spare_JJ time_NN or_CC all_ABN your_PP$ family's_NN$ spare_JJ time_NN --_-- onl
y_RB what_WDT you_PPSS are_BER willing_JJ to_TO use_VB for_IN farm_NN work_NN ._
. Equipment_NN-HL If_CS you_PPSS are_BER going_VBG to_TO produce_VB for_IN home_
NN use_NN only_RB ,_, you_PPSS will_MD need_VB only_RB hand_NN tools_NNS ._. You
_PPSS will_MD probably_RB want_VB to_TO hire_VB someone_PN to_TO do_DO the_AT pl
owing_NN ,_, however_RB ._. For_IN larger_JJR plantings_NNS ,_, you'll_PPSS+MD n
eed_VB some_DTI kind_NN of_IN power_NN for_IN plowing_VBG ,_, harrowing_VBG ,_,
disking_VBG ,_, and_CC cultivating_VBG ._. If_CS you_PPSS have_HV a_AT planting_
NN of_IN half_ABN an_AT acre_NN or_CC more_AP you_PPSS may_MD want_VB to_TO buy_
VB a_AT small_JJ garden_NN tractor_NN (_( available_JJ for_IN $300_NNS to_IN $50
0_NNS with_IN attachments_NNS ,_, 1960_CD prices_NNS )_) ._. These_DTS tractors_
NNS are_BER not_* entirely_QL satisfactory_JJ for_IN plowing_VBG ,_, particularl
y_RB on_IN heavier_JJR soils_NNS ,_, so_RB you_PPSS may_MD still_RB want_VB to_T
O hire_VB someone_PN to_TO do_DO the_AT plowing_NN ._. Cost_NN of_IN power_NN an
d_CC machinery_NN is_BEZ often_RB a_AT serious_JJ problem_NN to_IN the_AT small-
scale_NN farmer_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS are_BER going_VBG to_TO farm_VB for_IN ext
ra_JJ cash_NN income_NN on_IN a_AT part-time_JJ basis_NN you_PPSS must_MD keep_V
B in_IN mind_NN the_AT needed_VBN machinery_NN investments_NNS when_WRB you_PPSS
choose_VB among_IN farm_NN enterprises_NNS ._. You_PPSS can_MD keep_VB your_PP$
machinery_NN investment_NN down_RP by_IN buying_VBG good_JJ secondhand_NN machi
nery_NN ,_, by_IN sharing_VBG the_AT cost_NN and_CC upkeep_NN of_IN machinery_NN
with_IN a_AT neighbor_NN ,_, and_CC by_IN hiring_VBG someone_PN with_IN machine
ry_NN to_TO do_DO certain_JJ jobs_NNS ._. If_CS an_AT expensive_JJ and_CC specia
lized_VBN piece_NN of_IN machinery_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN --_-- such_JJ as_CS a_AT
spray_NN rig_NN ,_, a_AT combine_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT binder_NN --_-- it_PPS is_BE
Z better_JJR to_TO pay_VB someone_PN with_IN a_AT machine_NN to_TO do_DO the_AT
work_NN ._. Selecting_VBG-HL a_AT-HL farm_NN-HL Before_CS you_PPSS look_VB for_I
N a_AT farm_NN you'll_PPSS+MD need_VB to_TO know_VB (_( 1_CD )_) the_AT kind_NN
and_CC scale_NN of_IN farming_VBG you_PPSS want_VB to_TO undertake_VB ;_. ;_. an
d_CC (_( 2_CD )_) whether_CS you_PPSS want_VB to_TO buy_VB or_CC rent_VB ._. Inf
ormation_NN on_IN pages_NNS 8_CD to_IN 14_CD may_MD help_VB you_PPO in_IN decidi
ng_VBG on_IN the_AT kind_NN and_CC scale_NN of_IN your_PP$ farming_VBG venture_N
N ._. If_CS you_PPSS are_BER not_* well_QL acquainted_VBN with_IN the_AT area_NN
in_IN which_WDT you_PPSS wish_VB to_TO locate_VB ,_, or_CC if_CS you_PPSS are_B
ER not_* sure_JJ that_CS you_PPSS and_CC your_PP$ family_NN will_MD like_VB and_
CC make_VB a_AT success_NN of_IN farming_VBG ,_, usually_RB you_PPSS would_MD do
_DO better_JJR to_TO rent_VB a_AT place_NN for_IN a_AT year_NN or_CC two_CD befo
re_CS you_PPSS buy_VB ._. Discussed_VBN below_RB are_BER some_DTI of_IN the_AT m
ain_JJS things_NNS to_TO look_VB for_IN when_WRB you_PPSS select_VB a_AT part-ti
me_JJ farm_NN ._. Location_NN-HL nearness_NN-HL to_IN-HL work_NN-HL ._.-HL --_--
-HL Choose_VB a_AT location_NN within_IN easy_JJ commuting_VBG distance_NN of_IN
both_ABX the_AT regular_JJ job_NN and_CC other_AP employment_NN opportunities_N
NS ._. Then_RB if_CS you_PPSS change_VB jobs_NNS you_PPSS won't_MD* necessarily_
RB have_HV to_TO sell_VB the_AT farm_NN ._. The_AT presence_NN of_IN alternative
_JJ job_NN opportunities_NNS also_RB will_MD make_VB the_AT place_NN easier_RBR
to_TO sell_VB if_CS that_DT should_MD become_VB desirable_JJ ._. Obviously_RB th
e_AT farm_NN should_MD be_BE on_IN an_AT all-weather_JJ road_NN ._. Nearness_NN-
HL to_IN-HL markets_NNS-HL ._.-HL --_---HL If_CS you_PPSS grow_VB anything_PN to
_TO sell_VB you_PPSS will_MD need_VB markets_NNS nearby_RB ._. If_CS you_PPSS pl
an_VB to_TO sell_VB fresh_JJ vegetables_NNS or_CC whole_JJ milk_NN ,_, for_IN ex
ample_NN ,_, you_PPSS should_MD be_BE close_JJ to_IN a_AT town_NN or_CC city_NN
._. Kind_NN-HL of_IN-HL neighborhood_NN-HL ._.-HL --_---HL Look_VB for_IN a_AT f
arm_NN in_IN a_AT neighborhood_NN of_IN well-kept_JJ homes_NNS ._. There_EX are_
BER slums_NNS in_IN the_AT country_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS in_IN the_AT city_NN .
_. Few_AP rural_JJ areas_NNS are_BER protected_VBN by_IN zoning_VBG ._. A_AT tav
ern_NN ,_, filling_VBG station_NN ,_, junk_NN yard_NN ,_, rendering_VBG plant_NN
,_, or_CC some_DTI other_AP business_NN may_MD go_VB up_RP near_IN enough_QLP t
o_TO hurt_VB your_PP$ home_NN or_CC to_TO hurt_VB its_PP$ value_NN ._. Facilitie
s_NNS-HL in_IN-HL the_AT-HL area_NN-HL ._.-HL --_---HL Check_VB on_IN the_AT sch
ools_NNS in_IN the_AT area_NN ,_, the_AT quality_NN of_IN teaching_VBG ,_, and_C
C the_AT provision_NN for_IN transportation_NN to_IN and_CC from_IN them_PPO ._.
Find_VB out_RP whether_CS fire_NN protection_NN ,_, sewage_NN system_NN ,_, gas
_NN ,_, water_NN mains_NNS ,_, and_CC electrical_JJ lines_NNS are_BER available_
JJ in_IN the_AT locality_NN ._. If_CS these_DTS facilities_NNS are_BER not_* at_
IN the_AT door_NN ,_, getting_VBG them_PPO may_MD cost_VB more_AP than_CS you_PP
SS expect_VB ._. You_PPSS may_MD have_HV to_TO provide_VB them_PPO yourself_PPL
or_CC get_VB along_RB without_IN them_PPO ._. You_PPSS cannot_MD* get_VB along_R
B without_IN an_AT adequate_JJ supply_NN of_IN pure_JJ water_NN ._. If_CS you_PP
SS are_BER considering_VBG a_AT part-time_JJ farm_NN where_WRB the_AT water_NN m
ust_MD be_BE provided_VBN by_IN a_AT well_NN ,_, find_VB out_RP if_CS there_EX i
s_BEZ a_AT good_JJ well_NN on_IN the_AT farm_NN or_CC the_AT probable_JJ cost_NN
of_IN having_HVG one_CD drilled_VBN ._. A_AT pond_NN may_MD provide_VB adequate
_JJ water_NN for_IN livestock_NN and_CC garden_NN ._. Pond_NN water_NN can_MD be
_BE filtered_VBN for_IN human_JJ use_NN ,_, but_CC most_AP part-time_JJ farmers_
NNS would_MD not_* want_VB to_TO go_VB to_IN so_QL much_AP trouble_NN ._. The_AT
following_VBG amounts_NNS of_IN water_NN are_BER needed_VBN per_IN day_NN for_I
N livestock_NN and_CC domestic_JJ uses_NNS ._. Topography_NN-HL and_CC-HL soil_N
N-HL Is_BEZ the_AT land_NN suited_VBN to_IN the_AT crops_NNS you_PPSS intend_VB
to_TO raise_VB ?_. ?_. If_CS you_PPSS can't_MD* tell_VB ,_, get_VB help_NN from_
IN your_PP$ county_NN agricultural_JJ agent_NN or_CC other_AP local_JJ specialis
t_NN ._. Soil_NN type_NN ,_, drainage_NN ,_, or_CC degree_NN of_IN slope_NN can_
MD make_VB the_AT difference_NN between_IN good_JJ crops_NNS and_CC poor_JJ ones
_NNS ._. Small_JJ areas_NNS that_WPS aren't_BER* right_JJ for_IN a_AT certain_JJ
crop_NN may_MD lie_VB next_RB to_IN areas_NNS that_WPS are_BER well_QL suited_V
BN to_IN that_DT crop_NN ._. The_AT-HL house_NN-HL Will_MD the_AT house_NN on_IN
any_DTI part-time_JJ farm_NN you_PPSS are_BER considering_VBG make_NN a_AT sati
sfactory_JJ full-time_JJ residence_NN ?_. ?_. How_WQL much_AP will_MD it_PPS cos
t_VB to_TO do_DO any_DTI necessary_JJ modernizing_NN and_CC redecorating_VBG ?_.
?_. If_CS the_AT house_NN is_BEZ not_* wired_VBN adequately_RB for_IN electrici
ty_NN or_CC if_CS plumbing_NN or_CC a_AT central_JJ heating_VBG system_NN must_M
D be_BE installed_VBN ,_, check_VB into_IN the_AT cost_NN of_IN making_VBG these
_DTS improvements_NNS ._. Buying_VBG-HL a_AT-HL farm_NN-HL The_AT value_NN of_IN
the_AT farm_NN to_IN you_PPO will_MD depend_VB on_IN --_-- Its_PP$ worth_NN as_
CS a_AT place_NN to_TO live_VB ._. The_AT value_NN of_IN the_AT products_NNS you
_PPSS can_MD raise_VB on_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT possibilities_NNS of_IN selling_VB
G the_AT property_NN later_RBR on_RP for_IN suburban_JJ subdivision_NN ._. Decid
e_VB first_RB what_WDT the_AT place_NN is_BEZ worth_JJ to_IN you_PPO and_CC your
_PP$ family_NN as_CS a_AT home_NN in_IN comparison_NN with_IN what_WDT it_PPS wo
uld_MD cost_VB to_TO live_VB in_IN town_NN ._. Take_VB into_IN account_NN the_AT
difference_NN in_IN city_NN and_CC county_NN taxes_NNS ,_, insurance_NN rates_N
NS ,_, utility_NN rates_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT cost_NN of_IN travel_NN to_IN work
_NN ._. Next_RB ,_, estimate_VB the_AT value_NN of_IN possible_JJ earnings_NNS o
f_IN the_AT farm_NN ._. To_TO do_DO this_DT ,_, set_VB up_RP a_AT plan_NN on_IN
paper_NN for_IN operating_VBG the_AT farm_NN ._. List_VB the_AT kind_NN and_CC q
uantity_NN of_IN things_NNS the_AT farm_NN can_MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO produ
ce_VB in_IN an_AT average_JJ year_NN ._. Estimate_VB the_AT value_NN of_IN the_A
T produce_NN at_IN normal_JJ prices_NNS ._. The_AT total_NN is_BEZ the_AT probab
ly_RB gross_NN income_NN from_IN farming_VBG ._. To_TO find_VB estimated_VBN net
_NN farm_NN income_NN ,_, subtract_VB estimated_VBN annual_JJ farming_VBG expend
itures_NNS from_IN probable_JJ gross_NN income_NN from_IN farming_VBG ._. Includ
e_VB as_CS expenditures_NNS an_AT allowance_NN for_IN depreciation_NN of_IN farm
_NN buildings_NNS and_CC equipment_NN ._. Also_RB count_VB as_CS an_AT expense_N
N a_AT charge_NN for_IN the_AT labor_NN to_TO be_BE contributed_VBN by_IN the_AT
family_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE hard_JJ to_TO decide_VB what_WDT this_DT labo
r_NN is_BEZ worth_JJ ,_, but_CC charge_VB something_PN for_IN it_PPO ._. Otherwi
se_RB ,_, you_PPSS may_MD pay_VB too_QL much_RB for_IN the_AT farm_NN and_CC get
_VB nothing_PN for_IN your_PP$ labor_NN ._. To_TO figure_VB the_AT value_NN of_I
N the_AT farm_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN investment_NN income_NN ,_, divide_VB the
_AT estimated_VBN annual_JJ net_NN farm_NN income_NN by_IN the_AT percentage_NN
that_WPS you_PPSS could_MD expect_VB to_TO get_VB in_IN interest_NN if_CS the_AT
money_NN were_BED invested_VBN in_IN some_DTI other_AP way_NN ._. Everyone_PN w
ith_IN a_AT personal_JJ or_CC group_NN tragedy_NN to_TO relate_VB had_HVD to_TO
be_BE given_VBN his_PP$ day_NN in_IN court_NN as_CS in_IN some_DTI vast_JJ colle
ctive_JJ dirge_NN ._. For_IN almost_RB two_CD months_NNS ,_, the_AT defendant_NN
and_CC the_AT world_NN heard_VBD from_IN individuals_NNS escaped_VBN from_IN th
e_AT grave_NN about_IN fathers_NNS and_CC mothers_NNS ,_, graybeards_NNS ,_, ado
lescents_NNS ,_, babies_NNS ,_, starved_VBN ,_, beaten_VBN to_IN death_NN ,_, st
rangled_VBN ,_, machine-gunned_VBN ,_, gassed_VBN ,_, burned_VBN ._. One_CD who_
WPS had_HVD been_BEN a_AT boy_NN in_IN Auschwitz_NP had_HVD to_TO tell_VB how_WR
B children_NNS had_HVD been_BEN selected_VBN by_IN height_NN for_IN the_AT gas_N
N chambers_NNS ._. The_AT gruesome_JJ humor_NN of_IN the_AT Nazis_NPS was_BEDZ n
ot_* forgotten_VBN --_-- the_AT gas_NN chamber_NN with_IN a_AT sign_NN on_IN it_
PPO with_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN a_AT Jewish_JJ foundation_NN and_CC bearing_VBG
a_AT copper_NN Star_NN-TL of_IN-TL David_NP-TL --_-- nor_CC the_AT gratuitous_J
J sadism_NN of_IN SS_NN officers_NNS ._. Public_JJ relations_NNS strategists_NNS
everywhere_RB ,_, watching_VBG the_AT reaction_NN of_IN the_AT German_JJ press_
NN ,_, the_AT liberal_JJ press_NN ,_, the_AT lunatic-fringe_NN press_NN ,_, list
ening_VBG to_IN their_PP$ neighbors_NNS ,_, studying_VBG interviews_NNS with_IN
men_NNS and_CC women_NNS on_IN the_AT street_NN ,_, cried_VBD out_RP :_: Too_QL
much_RB ,_, too_QL much_RB --_-- the_AT mind_NN of_IN the_AT audience_NN is_BEZ
becoming_VBG dulled_VBN ,_, the_AT horrors_NNS are_BER losing_VBG their_PP$ effe
ct_NN ._. And_CC still_RB another_DT witness_NN ,_, one_CD who_WPS had_HVD crawl
ed_VBN out_RP from_IN under_IN a_AT heap_NN of_IN corpses_NNS ,_, had_HVD to_TO
tell_VB how_WRB the_AT victims_NNS had_HVD been_BEN forced_VBN to_TO lay_VB them
selves_PPLS head_NN to_IN foot_NN one_CD on_IN top_NN of_IN the_AT other_AP befo
re_CS being_BEG shot_VBN ._. Most_AP of_IN this_DT testimony_NN may_MD have_HV b
een_BEN legally_RB admissible_JJ as_CS bearing_VBG on_IN the_AT corpus_FW-NN del
icti_FW-NN of_IN the_AT total_NN Nazi_NP crime_NN but_CC seemed_VBD subject_JJ t
o_TO question_VB when_WRB not_* tied_VBN to_IN the_AT part_NN in_IN it_PPO of_IN
the_AT defendant's_NN$ Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jewish_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL ._
. Counsel_NN for_IN the_AT defense_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, shrewdly_RB allowing_VB
G himself_PPL to_TO be_BE swept_VBN by_IN the_AT current_NN of_IN dreadful_JJ re
collections_NNS ,_, rarely_RB raised_VBD an_AT objection_NN ._. Would_MD not_* t
he_AT emotional_JJ catharsis_NN eventually_RB brought_VBN on_RP by_IN this_DT aw
fulness_NN have_HV a_AT calming_VBG ,_, if_CS not_* exhausting_VBG ,_, effect_NN
likely_JJ to_TO improve_VB his_PP$ client's_NN$ chances_NNS ?_. ?_. Those_DTS w
ho_WPS feared_VBD ``_`` emotionalism_NN ''_'' at_IN the_AT Trial_NN-TL showed_VB
D less_AP understanding_NN than_CS Dr._NN-TL Servatius_NP of_IN the_AT route_NN
by_IN which_WDT man_NN achieves_VBZ the_AT distance_NN necessary_JJ for_IN fairn
ess_NN toward_IN enemies_NNS ._. Interruptions_NNS came_VBD largely_RB from_IN t
he_AT bench_NN ,_, which_WDT numerous_JJ times_NNS rebuked_VBD the_AT Attorney_N
N-TL General_JJ-TL for_IN letting_VBG his_PP$ witnesses_NNS run_VB on_RP ,_, tho
ugh_CS it_PPS ,_, too_RB ,_, made_VBD no_RB serious_JJ effort_NN to_TO choke_VB
off_RP the_AT flow_NN ._. But_CC there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT contrast_NN even_QL more
_QL decisive_JJ than_CS a_AT hunger_NN for_IN fact_NN between_IN the_AT Trial_NN
-TL in_IN Jerusalem_NP and_CC those_DTS in_IN Moscow_NP and_CC New_JJ-TL York_NP
-TL ._. In_IN each_DT of_IN the_AT last_AP ,_, the_AT trial_NN marked_VBD the_AT
beginning_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ course_NN :_: in_IN Moscow_NP the_AT liquidation
_NN of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL Bolsheviks_NPS-TL and_CC the_AT tightening_NN of_IN S
talin's_NP$ dictatorship_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL the
_AT initiation_NN of_IN militant_JJ anti-Communism_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT repenta
nt_JJ ex-Communist_NN-TL in_IN the_AT vanguard_NN ._. These_DTS trials_NNS were_
BED properly_RB termed_VBN ``_`` political_JJ cases_NNS ''_'' in_IN that_DT the_
AT trial_NN itself_PPL was_BEDZ a_AT political_JJ act_NN producing_VBG political
_JJ consequences_NNS ._. But_CC what_WDT could_MD the_AT Eichmann_NP-TL Trial_NN
-TL initiate_VB ?_. ?_. Of_IN what_WDT new_JJ course_NN could_MD it_PPS mark_VB
the_AT beginning_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT Eichmann_NP case_NN looked_VBD to_IN the_AT p
ast_NN ,_, not_* to_IN the_AT future_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT conclusion_NN
of_IN the_AT first_OD phase_NN of_IN a_AT process_NN of_IN tragic_JJ recollecti
on_NN ,_, and_CC of_IN refining_VBG the_AT recollection_NN ,_, that_WPS will_MD
last_VB as_QL long_RB as_CS there_EX are_BER Jews_NPS ._. As_CS such_JJ ,_, it_P
PS was_BEDZ beyond_IN politics_NN and_CC had_HVD no_AT need_NN of_IN justificati
on_NN by_IN a_AT ``_`` message_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ not_* an_AT indi
vidual_NN that_WPS is_BEZ in_IN the_AT dock_NN at_IN this_DT historical_JJ trial
_NN ''_'' --_-- said_VBD Ben_NP Gurion_NP ,_, ``_`` and_CC not_* the_AT Nazi_NP
regime_NN alone_RB --_-- but_CC anti-Semitism_NN throughout_IN history_NN ''_''
._. How_WRB could_MD supplying_VBG Eichmann_NP with_IN a_AT platform_NN on_IN wh
ich_WDT to_TO maintain_VB that_CS one_PN could_MD collaborate_VB in_IN the_AT mu
rder_NN of_IN millions_NNS of_IN Jews_NPS without_IN being_BEG an_AT anti-semite
_NN contribute_VB to_IN a_AT verdict_NN against_IN anti-Semitism_NN ?_. ?_. And_
CC if_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* an_AT individual_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT
dock_NN ,_, why_WRB was_BEDZ the_AT Trial_NN-TL ,_, as_CS we_PPSS shall_MD obse
rve_VB later_RBR ,_, all_ABN but_IN scuttled_VBN in_IN the_AT attempt_NN to_TO p
rove_VB Eichmann_NP a_AT ``_`` fiend_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. These_DTS questions_NNS to
uch_VB the_AT root_NN of_IN confusion_NN in_IN the_AT prosecution's_NN$ case_NN
._. It_PPS might_MD be_BE contended_VBN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS Eichmann
_NP in_IN stubbornly_RB denying_VBG anti-Semitic_JJ feelings_NNS was_BEDZ lying_
VBG or_CC insisting_VBG on_IN a_AT private_JJ definition_NN of_IN anti-Semitism_
NN ._. But_CC in_IN either_DTX event_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT wrong_JJ man_NN f
or_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN case_NN outlined_VBN by_IN Ben_NP Gurion_NP and_CC se
t_VBD forth_RB in_IN the_AT indictment_NN ._. In_IN such_ABL a_AT case_NN the_AT
defendant_NN should_MD serve_VB as_CS a_AT clear_JJ example_NN and_CC not_* hav
e_HV to_TO be_BE tied_VBN to_IN the_AT issue_NN by_IN argument_NN ._. One_CD who
_WPS could_MD be_BE linked_VBN to_IN anti-Semitism_NN only_RB by_IN overcoming_V
BG his_PP$ objections_NNS is_BEZ scarcely_RB a_AT good_JJ specimen_NN of_IN the_
AT Jew-baiter_NN throughout_IN the_AT ages_NNS ._. Shout_VB at_IN Eichmann_NP th
ough_CS he_PPS might_MD ,_, the_AT Prosecutor_NN-TL could_MD not_* establish_VB
that_CS the_AT defendant_NN was_BEDZ falsifying_VBG the_AT way_NN he_PPS felt_VB
D about_IN Jews_NPS or_CC that_CS what_WDT he_PPS did_DOD feel_VB fell_VBD into_
IN the_AT generally_RB recognized_VBN category_NN of_IN anti-Semitism_NN ._. Yes
_RB ,_, he_PPS believed_VBD that_CS the_AT Jews_NPS were_BED ``_`` enemies_NNS o
f_IN the_AT Reich_NP ''_'' ,_, and_CC such_ABL a_AT belief_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN c
ourse_NN ,_, typical_JJ of_IN ``_`` patriotic_JJ ''_'' anti-Semites_NNS ;_. ;_.
but_CC he_PPS believed_VBD in_IN the_AT Jew-as-enemy_NN in_IN a_AT kind_NN of_IN
abstract_JJ ,_, theological_JJ way_NN ,_, like_CS a_AT member_NN of_IN a_AT cul
t_NN speculating_VBG on_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN things_NNS ._. The_AT real_JJ
question_NN was_BEDZ how_WRB one_PN passed_VBD from_IN anti-Semitism_NN of_IN th
is_DT sort_NN to_IN murder_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT answer_NN to_IN this_DT question
_NN is_BEZ not_* to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN anti-Semitism_NN itself_PPL ._. In_
IN regard_NN to_IN Eichmann_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN t
he_AT Nazi_NP outlook_NN ,_, which_WDT contained_VBD a_AT principle_NN separate_
JJ from_IN and_CC far_QL worse_JJR than_CS anti-Semitism_NN ,_, a_AT principle_N
N by_IN which_WDT the_AT poison_NN of_IN anti-Semitism_NN itself_PPL was_BEDZ ma
de_VBN more_QL virulent_JJ ._. Perhaps_RB under_IN the_AT guidance_NN of_IN this
_DT Nazi_NP principle_NN one_PN could_MD ,_, as_CS Eichmann_NP declared_VBD ,_,
feel_VB personally_RB friendly_JJ toward_IN the_AT Jews_NPS and_CC still_RB be_B
E their_PP$ murderer_NN ._. Not_* through_IN fear_NN of_IN disobeying_VBG orders
_NNS ,_, as_CS Eichmann_NP kept_VBD trying_VBG to_TO explain_VB ,_, but_CC throu
gh_IN a_AT peculiar_JJ giddiness_NN that_WPS began_VBD in_IN a_AT half-acceptanc
e_NN of_IN the_AT vicious_JJ absurdities_NNS contained_VBN in_IN the_AT Nazi_NP
interpretation_NN of_IN history_NN and_CC grew_VBD with_IN each_DT of_IN Hitler'
s_NP$ victories_NNS into_IN a_AT permanent_JJ light-mindedness_NN and_CC sense_N
N of_IN magical_JJ rightness_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO respond_VB to_IN
any_DTI proposal_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT more_QL outrageous_JJ the_AT better_JJR ,
_, ``_`` Well_UH ,_, let's_VB+PPO try_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. At_IN any_DTI rate_NN
,_, the_AT substance_NN of_IN Eichmann's_NP$ testimony_NN was_BEDZ that_CS all_A
BN his_PP$ actions_NNS flowed_VBD from_IN his_PP$ membership_NN in_IN the_AT par
ty_NN and_CC the_AT SS_NN ,_, and_CC though_CS the_AT Prosecutor_NN-TL did_DOD h
is_PP$ utmost_NN to_TO prove_VB actual_JJ personal_JJ hatred_NN of_IN Jews_NPS ,
_, his_PP$ success_NN on_IN this_DT score_NN was_BEDZ doubtful_JJ and_CC the_AT
anti-Semitic_JJ lesson_NN weakened_VBN to_IN that_DT extent_NN ._. But_CC if_CS
the_AT Trial_NN-TL did_DOD not_* expose_VB the_AT special_JJ Nazi_NP mania_NN so
_QL deadly_JJ to_IN Jews_NPS as_QL well_RB as_CS to_IN anyone_PN upon_IN whom_WP
O it_PPS happened_VBD to_TO light_VB ,_, neither_CC did_DOD it_PPS warn_VB very_
QL effectively_RB against_IN the_AT ordinary_JJ anti-Semitism_NN of_IN which_WDT
the_AT Nazis_NPS made_VBD such_JJ effective_JJ use_NN in_IN Germany_NP and_CC w
herever_WRB else_RB they_PPSS could_MD find_VB it_PPO ._. If_CS anti-Semitism_NN
was_BEDZ on_IN trial_NN in_IN Jerusalem_NP ,_, why_WRB was_BEDZ it_PPS not_* id
entified_VBN ,_, and_CC with_IN enough_AP emphasis_NN to_TO capture_VB the_AT no
tice_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN press_NN ,_, in_IN its_PP$ connection_NN with_IN t
he_AT activities_NNS of_IN Eichmann's_NP$ Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jewish_JJ-TL
Affairs_NNS-TL ,_, as_CS exemplified_VBN by_IN the_AT betrayal_NN and_CC murder
_NN of_IN Jews_NPS by_IN non-police_NN and_CC non-party_NN anti-Semites_NNS in_I
N Germany_NP ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS in_IN Poland_NP ,_, Czechoslovakia_NP ,_, H
ungary_NP ?_. ?_. The_AT infamous_JJ Wansee_NP-TL Conference_NN-TL called_VBN by
_IN Heydrich_NP in_IN January_NP 1942_CD ,_, to_TO organize_VB the_AT material_N
N and_CC technical_JJ means_NNS to_TO put_VB to_IN death_NN the_AT eleven_CD mil
lion_CD Jews_NPS spread_VBN throughout_IN the_AT nations_NNS of_IN Europe_NP ,_,
was_BEDZ attended_VBN by_IN representatives_NNS of_IN major_JJ organs_NNS of_IN
the_AT German_JJ state_NN ,_, including_IN the_AT Reich_NP Minister_NN-TL of_IN
-TL the_AT-TL Interior_NN-TL ,_, the_AT State_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL in_IN charge
_NN of_IN the_AT Four_CD-TL Year_NN-TL Plan_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Reich_NP Minister_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Justice_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Under_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Fore
ign_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL ._. The_AT measures_NNS for_IN annihilation_NN proposed
_VBN and_CC accepted_VBN at_IN the_AT Conference_NN-TL affected_VBD industry_NN
,_, transportation_NN ,_, civilian_JJ agencies_NNS of_IN government_NN ._. Heydr
ich_NP ,_, in_IN opening_VBG the_AT Conference_NN-TL ,_, followed_VBD the_AT rea
soning_NN and_CC even_RB the_AT phraseology_NN of_IN the_AT order_NN issued_VBN
earlier_RBR by_IN Goering_NP which_WDT authorized_VBD the_AT Final_JJ-TL Solutio
n_NN-TL as_CS ``_`` a_AT complement_NN to_IN ''_'' previous_JJ ``_`` solutions_N
NS ''_'' for_IN eliminating_VBG the_AT Jews_NPS from_IN German_JJ living_VBG spa
ce_NN through_IN violence_NN ,_, economic_JJ strangulation_NN ,_, forced_VBN emi
gration_NN ,_, and_CC evacuation_NN ._. In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, the_AT prom
ulgators_NNS of_IN the_AT murder_NN plan_NN made_VBD clear_JJ that_CS physically
_RB exterminating_VBG the_AT Jews_NPS was_BEDZ but_CC an_AT extension_NN of_IN t
he_AT anti-Semitic_JJ measures_NNS already_RB operating_VBG in_IN every_AT phase
_NN of_IN German_JJ life_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS the_AT new_JJ conspiracy_NN count
ed_VBD on_IN the_AT general_JJ anti-Semitism_NN that_WPS had_HVD made_VBN those_
DTS measures_NNS effective_JJ ,_, as_CS a_AT readiness_NN for_IN murder_NN ._. T
his_DT ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, it_PPS turned_VBD out_RP to_TO be_BE ._. Since_CS t
he_AT magnitude_NN of_IN the_AT plan_NN made_VBD secrecy_NN impossible_JJ ,_, on
ce_CS the_AT wheels_NNS had_HVD began_VBD to_TO turn_VB ,_, persons_NNS controll
ing_VBG German_JJ industries_NNS ,_, social_JJ institutions_NNS ,_, and_CC armed
_VBN forces_NNS became_VBD ,_, through_IN their_PP$ anti-Semitism_NN or_CC their
_PP$ tolerance_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, conscious_JJ accomplices_NNS of_IN Hitler's_N
P$ crimes_NNS ;_. ;_. whether_CS in_IN the_AT last_AP degree_NN or_CC a_AT lesse
r_JJR one_CD was_BEDZ a_AT matter_NN to_TO be_BE determined_VBN individually_RB
._. What_WDT more_AP could_MD be_BE asked_VBN for_IN a_AT Trial_NN-TL intended_V
BN to_TO warn_VB the_AT world_NN against_IN anti-Semitism_NN than_CS this_DT opp
ortunity_NN to_TO expose_VB the_AT exact_JJ link_NN between_IN the_AT respectabl
e_JJ Anti-Semite_NN and_CC the_AT concentration-camp_NN brute_NN ?_. ?_. Not_* i
n_IN Eichmann's_NP$ anti-Semitism_NN but_CC in_IN the_AT anti-Semitism_NN of_IN
the_AT sober_JJ German_JJ man_NN of_IN affairs_NNS lay_VB the_AT potential_JJ wa
rning_NN of_IN the_AT Trial_NN-TL ._. No_AT doubt_NN many_AP of_IN the_AT citize
ns_NNS of_IN the_AT Third_OD-TL Reich_NP-TL had_HVD conceived_VBN their_PP$ anti
-Semitism_NN as_CS an_AT ``_`` innocent_JJ ''_'' dislike_NN of_IN Jews_NPS ,_, a
s_CS do_DO others_NNS like_CS them_PPO today_NR ._. The_AT Final_JJ-TL Solution_
NN-TL proved_VBD that_CS the_AT Jew-baiter_NN of_IN any_DTI variety_NN exposes_V
BZ himself_PPL as_CS being_BEG implicated_VBN in_IN the_AT criminality_NN and_CC
madness_NN of_IN others_NNS ._. Ought_MD not_* an_AT edifying_VBG Trial_NN-TL h
ave_HV made_VBN every_AT effort_NN to_TO demonstrate_VB this_DT once_RB and_CC f
or_IN all_ABN by_IN showing_VBG how_WRB representative_JJ types_NNS of_IN ``_``
mere_JJ ''_'' anti-Semites_NNS were_BED drawn_VBN step_NN by_IN step_NN into_IN
the_AT program_NN of_IN skull-bashings_NNS and_CC gassings_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT Pr
osecutor_NN-TL in_IN his_PP$ opening_VBG remarks_NNS did_DOD refer_VB to_IN ``_`
` the_AT germ_NN of_IN anti-Semitism_NN ''_'' among_IN the_AT Germans_NPS which_
WDT Hitler_NP ``_`` stimulated_VBD and_CC transformed_VBD ''_'' ._. But_CC if_CS
there_EX was_BEDZ evidence_NN at_IN the_AT Trial_NN-TL that_WPS aimed_VBD over_
IN Eichmann's_NP$ head_NN at_IN his_PP$ collaborators_NNS in_IN the_AT societies
_NNS where_WRB he_PPS functioned_VBD ,_, the_AT press_NN seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV
missed_VBN it_PPO ._. Nor_CC did_DOD the_AT Trial_NN-TL devote_VB much_AP atten
tion_NN to_IN exposing_VBG the_AT usefulness_NN of_IN anti-Semitism_NN to_IN the
_AT Nazis_NPS ,_, both_ABX in_IN building_VBG their_PP$ own_JJ power_NN and_CC i
n_IN destroying_VBG that_DT of_IN rival_JJ organizations_NNS and_CC states_NNS .
_. Certainly_RB ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT best_JJT ways_NNS of_IN warning_VBG the_
AT world_NN against_IN anti-Semitism_NN is_BEZ to_TO demonstrate_VB its_PP$ work
ings_NNS as_CS a_AT dangerous_JJ weapon_NN ._. Eichmann_NP himself_PPL is_BEZ a_
AT model_NN of_IN how_WRB the_AT myth_NN of_IN the_AT enemy-Jew_NN can_MD be_BE
used_VBN to_TO transform_VB the_AT ordinary_JJ man_NN of_IN present-day_JJ socie
ty_NN into_IN a_AT menace_NN to_IN all_ABN his_PP$ neighbors_NNS ._. Do_DO patri
ots_NNS everywhere_RB know_VB enough_AP about_IN how_WRB the_AT persecution_NN o
f_IN the_AT Jews_NPS in_IN Germany_NP and_CC later_RBR in_IN the_AT occupied_VBN
countries_NNS contributed_VBD to_IN terrorizing_VBG the_AT populations_NNS ,_,
splitting_VBG apart_RB individuals_NNS and_CC groups_NNS ,_, arousing_VBG the_AT
meanest_JJT and_CC most_QL dishonest_JJ impulses_NNS ,_, pulverizing_VBG trust_
NN and_CC personal_JJ dignity_NN ,_, and_CC finally_RB forcing_VBG people_NNS to
_TO follow_VB their_PP$ masters_NNS into_IN the_AT abyss_NN by_IN making_VBG the
m_PPO partners_NNS in_IN unspeakable_JJ crimes_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT career_NN of_I
N Eichmann_NP made_VBD the_AT Trial_NN-TL a_AT potential_JJ showcase_NN for_IN a
nti-Semitic_JJ demoralization_NN :_: fearful_JJ of_IN being_BEG mistaken_VBN for
_IN a_AT Jew_NP ,_, he_PPS seeks_VBZ protection_NN in_IN his_PP$ Nazi_NP uniform
_NN ;_. ;_. clinging_VBG to_IN the_AT enemy-Jew_NN idea_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ for
ced_VBN to_TO overcome_VB habits_NNS of_IN politeness_NN and_CC neighborliness_N
N ;_. ;_. once_RB in_IN power_NN he_PPS begins_VBZ to_TO give_VB vent_NN to_IN a
_AT criminal_JJ opportunism_NN that_WPS causes_VBZ him_PPO to_TO alternate_VB be
tween_IN megalomania_NN and_CC envy_NN of_IN those_DTS above_IN him_PPO ._. ``_`
` Is_BEZ this_DT the_AT type_NN of_IN citizen_NN you_PPSS desire_VB ''_'' ?_. ?_
. The_AT Trial_NN-TL should_MD have_HV asked_VBN the_AT nations_NNS ._. But_CC t
hough_CS this_DT characterization_NN in_IN no_AT way_NN diminished_VBD Eichmann'
s_NP$ guilt_NN ,_, the_AT Prosecutor_NN-TL ,_, more_QL deeply_RB involved_VBN in
_IN the_AT tactics_NNS of_IN a_AT criminal_JJ case_NN than_CS a_AT political_JJ
one_CD ,_, would_MD have_HV none_PN of_IN it_PPO ._. Finally_RB ,_, if_CS the_AT
mission_NN of_IN the_AT Trial_NN-TL was_BEDZ to_TO convict_VB anti-Semitism_NN
,_, how_WRB could_MD it_PPO have_HV failed_VBN to_TO post_VB before_IN the_AT wo
rld_NN the_AT contrasting_VBG fates_NNS of_IN the_AT countries_NNS in_IN which_W
DT the_AT Final_JJ-TL Solution_NN-TL was_BEDZ aided_VBN by_IN native_JJ Jew-hate
rs_NNS --_-- i.e._RB ,_, Germany_NP ,_, Poland_NP ,_, Hungary_NP ,_, Czechoslova
kia_NP --_-- and_CC those_DTS in_IN which_WDT it_PPS met_VBD the_AT obstacle_NN
of_IN human_JJ solidarity_NN --_-- Denmark_NP ,_, Holland_NP ,_, Italy_NP ,_, Bu
lgaria_NP ,_, France_NP ?_. ?_. Should_MD not_* everyone_PN have_HV been_BEN awa
kened_VBN to_IN it_PPO as_CS an_AT outstanding_JJ fact_NN of_IN our_PP$ time_NN
that_CS the_AT nations_NNS poisoned_VBN by_IN anti-Semitism_NN proved_VBN less_Q
L fortunate_JJ in_IN regard_NN to_IN their_PP$ own_JJ freedom_NN than_CS those_D
TS whose_WP$ citizens_NNS saved_VBD their_PP$ Jewish_JJ compatriots_NNS from_IN
the_AT transports_NNS ?_. ?_. Wasn't_BEDZ* this_DT meaning_NN of_IN Eichmann's_N
P$ experience_NN in_IN various_JJ countries_NNS worth_JJ highlighting_VBG ?_. ?_
. As_CS the_AT first_OD collective_JJ confrontation_NN of_IN the_AT Nazi_NP outr
age_NN ,_, the_AT Trial_NN-TL of_IN Eichmann_NP represents_VBZ a_AT recovery_NN
of_IN the_AT Jews_NPS from_IN the_AT shock_NN of_IN the_AT death_NN camps_NNS ,_
, a_AT recovery_JJ that_WPS took_VBD fifteen_CD years_NNS and_CC which_WDT is_BE
Z still_RB by_IN no_AT means_NNS complete_JJ (_( though_CS let_VB no_AT one_PN b
elieve_VB that_CS it_PPS could_MD be_BE hastened_VBN by_IN silence_NN )_) ._. On
ly_RB across_IN a_AT distance_NN of_IN time_NN could_MD the_AT epic_JJ accountin
g_NN begin_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ already_RB difficult_JJ to_TO recall_VB how_WQL
little_AP we_PPSS knew_VBD before_IN the_AT Trial_NN-TL of_IN what_WDT had_HVD b
een_BEN done_VBN to_IN the_AT Jews_NPS of_IN Europe_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* t
hat_CS the_AT facts_NNS of_IN the_AT persecution_NN were_BED unavailable_JJ ;_.
;_. most_AP of_IN the_AT information_NN elicited_VBN in_IN Jerusalem_NP had_HVD
been_BEN brought_VBN to_IN the_AT surface_NN by_IN the_AT numerous_JJ War_NN-TL
Crimes_NNS-TL tribunals_NNS and_CC investigating_VBG commissions_NNS ,_, and_CC
by_IN reports_NNS ,_, memoirs_NNS ,_, and_CC survivors'_NNS$ accounts_NNS ._. In
_IN Poughkeepsie_NP ,_, N.Y._NP ,_, ,_, in_IN 1952_CD ,_, a_AT Roman_JJ Catholic
_JJ hospital_NN presented_VBD seven_CD Protestant_JJ physicians_NNS with_IN an_A
T ultimatum_NN to_TO quit_VB the_AT Planned_VBN-TL Parenthood_NN-TL Federation_N
N-TL or_CC to_TO resign_VB from_IN the_AT hospital_NN staff_NN ._. Three_CD agre
ed_VBD ,_, but_CC four_CD declined_VBD and_CC were_BED suspended_VBN ._. After_I
N a_AT flood_NN of_IN protests_NNS ,_, they_PPSS were_BED reinstated_VBN at_IN t
he_AT beginning_NN of_IN 1953_CD ._. The_AT peace_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN w
as_BEDZ badly_QL disturbed_VBN ,_, and_CC people_NNS across_IN the_AT nation_NN
,_, reading_VBG of_IN the_AT incident_NN ,_, felt_VBD uneasy_JJ ._. In_IN New_JJ
-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL in_IN 1958_CD ,_, the_AT city's_NN$ Commissioner_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Hospitals_NNS-TL refused_VBD to_TO permit_VB a_AT physician_NN to_TO p
rovide_VB a_AT Protestant_JJ mother_NN with_IN a_AT contraceptive_JJ device_NN .
_. He_PPS thereby_RB precipitated_VBD a_AT bitter_JJ controversy_NN involving_VB
G Protestants_NPS ,_, Jews_NPS and_CC Roman_JJ-TL Catholics_NPS that_WPS continu
ed_VBD for_IN two_CD months_NNS ,_, until_CS the_AT city's_NN$ Board_NN-TL of_IN
-TL Hospitals_NNS-TL lifted_VBD the_AT ban_NN on_IN birth-control_NN therapy_NN
._. A_AT year_NN later_RBR in_IN Albany_NP ,_, N.Y._NP ,_, a_AT Roman_JJ Catholi
c_JJ hospital_NN barred_VBD an_AT orthopedic_JJ surgeon_NN because_CS of_IN his_
PP$ connection_NN with_IN the_AT Planned_VBN-TL Parenthood_NN-TL Association_NN-
TL ._. Immediately_RB ,_, the_AT religious_JJ groups_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN we
re_BED embroiled_VBN in_IN an_AT angry_JJ dispute_NN over_IN the_AT alleged_VBN
invasion_NN of_IN a_AT man's_NN$ right_NN to_IN freedom_NN of_IN religious_JJ be
lief_NN and_CC conscience_NN ._. These_DTS incidents_NNS ,_, typical_JJ of_IN ma
ny_AP others_NNS ,_, dramatize_VB the_AT distressing_JJ fact_NN that_WPS no_AT c
ontroversy_NN during_IN the_AT last_AP several_AP decades_NNS has_HVZ caused_VBN
more_AP tension_NN ,_, rancor_NN and_CC strife_NN among_IN religious_JJ groups_
NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN than_CS the_AT birth-control_NN issue_NN ._. It_PPS
has_HVZ flared_VBN up_RP periodically_RB on_IN the_AT front_JJ pages_NNS of_IN
newspapers_NNS in_IN communities_NNS divided_VBN over_IN birth-prevention_NN reg
ulations_NNS in_IN municipal_JJ hospitals_NNS and_CC health_NN and_CC family-wel
fare_NN agencies_NNS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ erupted_VBN on_IN the_AT national_JJ lev
el_NN in_IN the_AT matter_NN of_IN including_VBG birth-control_NN information_NN
and_CC material_NN in_IN foreign_JJ aid_NN to_IN underdeveloped_JJ countries_NN
S ._. Where_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* actually_RB erupting_VBG ,_, it_PPS rumbles_
VBZ and_CC smolders_VBZ in_IN sullen_JJ resentment_NN like_CS a_AT volcano_NN ,_
, ready_JJ to_TO explode_VB at_IN any_DTI moment_NN ._. The_AT time_NN has_HVZ c
ome_VBN for_IN citizens_NNS of_IN all_ABN faiths_NNS to_TO unite_VB in_IN an_AT
effort_NN to_TO remove_VB this_DT divisive_JJ and_CC nettlesome_JJ issue_NN from
_IN the_AT political_JJ and_CC social_JJ life_NN of_IN our_PP$ nation_NN ._. The
_AT first_OD step_NN toward_IN the_AT goal_NN is_BEZ the_AT establishment_NN of_
IN a_AT new_JJ atmosphere_NN of_IN mutual_JJ good_JJ will_NN and_CC friendly_JJ
communication_NN on_IN other_AP than_CS the_AT polemical_JJ level_NN ._. Instead
_RB of_IN emotional_JJ recrimination_NN ,_, loaded_VBN phrases_NNS and_CC slogan
eering_VBG ,_, we_PPSS need_MD a_AT dispassionate_JJ study_NN of_IN the_AT facts
_NNS ,_, a_AT better_JJR understanding_NN of_IN the_AT opposite_JJ viewpoint_NN
and_CC a_AT more_QL serious_JJ effort_NN to_TO extend_VB the_AT areas_NNS of_IN
agreement_NN until_CS a_AT solution_NN is_BEZ reached_VBN ._. ``_`` All_QL too_Q
L frequently_RB ''_'' ,_, points_VBZ out_RP James_NP O'Gara_NP ,_, managing_VBG
editor_NN of_IN Commonweal_NP ,_, ``_`` Catholics_NPS run_VB roughshod_JJ over_I
N Protestant_JJ sensibilities_NNS in_IN this_DT matter_NN ,_, by_IN failure_NN t
o_TO consider_VB the_AT reasoning_NN behind_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ position_NN
and_CC ,_, particularly_RB ,_, by_IN their_PP$ jibes_NNS at_IN the_AT fact_NN th
at_CS Protestant_JJ opinion_NN on_IN birth_NN control_NN has_HVZ changed_VBN in_
IN recent_JJ decades_NNS ''_'' ._. All_QL too_QL often_RB our_PP$ language_NN is
_BEZ unduly_QL harsh_JJ ._. The_AT second_OD step_NN is_BEZ to_TO recognize_VB t
he_AT substantial_JJ agreement_NN --_-- frequently_RB blurred_VBN by_IN emotiona
lism_NN and_CC inaccurate_JJ newspaper_NN reporting_NN --_-- already_RB existing
_VBG between_IN Catholics_NPS and_CC Non-Catholics_NPS concerning_IN the_AT over
-all_JJ objectives_NNS of_IN family_NN planning_NN ._. Instead_RB of_IN Catholic
s'_NPS$ being_BEG obliged_VBN or_CC even_RB encouraged_VBN to_TO beget_VB the_AT
greatest_JJT possible_JJ number_NN of_IN offspring_NN ,_, as_CS many_AP Non-Cat
holics_NPS imagine_VB ,_, the_AT ideal_NN of_IN responsible_JJ parenthood_NN is_
BEZ stressed_VBN ._. Family_NN planning_NN is_BEZ encouraged_VBN ,_, so_CS that_
CS parents_NNS will_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO provide_VB properly_RB for_IN their_P
P$ offspring_NN ._. Pope_NN-TL Pius_NP 12_CD-TL ,_, declared_VBD in_IN 1951_CD t
hat_CS it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO be_BE exempt_JJ from_IN the_AT normal_JJ
obligation_NN of_IN parenthood_NN for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN and_CC even_RB for
_IN the_AT whole_JJ duration_NN of_IN married_VBN life_NN ,_, if_CS there_EX are
_BER serious_JJ reasons_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS those_DTS often_RB mentioned_VBN i
n_IN the_AT so-called_JJ medical_JJ ,_, eugenic_JJ ,_, economic_JJ and_CC social
_JJ ``_`` indications_NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT means_VBZ that_CS such_JJ factors_NN
S as_CS the_AT health_NN of_IN the_AT parents_NNS ,_, particularly_RB the_AT mot
her_NN ,_, their_PP$ ability_NN to_TO provide_VB their_PP$ children_NNS with_IN
the_AT necessities_NNS of_IN life_NN ,_, the_AT degree_NN of_IN population_NN de
nsity_NN of_IN a_AT country_NN and_CC the_AT shortage_NN of_IN housing_VBG facil
ities_NNS may_MD legitimately_RB be_BE taken_VBN into_IN consideration_NN in_IN
determining_VBG the_AT number_NN of_IN offspring_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER substa
ntially_RB the_AT same_AP factors_NNS considered_VBN by_IN Non-Catholics_NPS in_
IN family_NN planning_NN ._. The_AT laws_NNS of_IN many_AP states_NNS permit_VB
birth_NN control_NN only_RB for_IN medical_JJ reasons_NNS ._. The_AT Roman_JJ Ca
tholic_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ,_, however_RB ,_, sanctions_VBZ a_AT much_QL more_QL
liberal_JJ policy_NN on_IN family_NN planning_NN ._. Catholics_NPS ,_, Protestan
ts_NPS and_CC Jews_NPS are_BER in_IN agreement_NN over_IN the_AT objectives_NNS
of_IN family_NN planning_NN ,_, but_CC disagree_VB over_IN the_AT methods_NNS to
_TO be_BE used_VBN ._. The_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL sanctions_VBZ
only_RB abstention_NN or_CC the_AT rhythm_NN method_NN ,_, also_RB known_VBN as
_CS the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT infertile_JJ or_CC safe_JJ period_NN ._. The_AT C
hurch_NN-TL considers_VBZ this_DT to_TO be_BE the_AT method_NN provided_VBN by_I
N nature_NN and_CC its_PP$ divine_JJ Author_NN-TL :_: It_PPS involves_VBZ no_AT
frustration_NN of_IN nature's_NN$ laws_NNS ,_, but_CC simply_RB an_AT intelligen
t_JJ and_CC disciplined_VBN use_NN of_IN them_PPO ._. With_IN the_AT exception_N
N of_IN the_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ and_CC the_AT Orthodox_JJ-TL Catholic_JJ-TL
Churches_NNS-TL ,_, most_AP churches_NNS make_VB no_AT moral_JJ distinction_NN b
etween_IN rhythm_NN and_CC mechanical_JJ or_CC chemical_NN contraceptives_NNS ,_
, allowing_VBG the_AT couple_NN free_JJ choice_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT diffe
rence_NN in_IN theological_JJ belief_NN where_WRB there_EX seems_VBZ little_AP c
hance_NN of_IN agreement_NN ._. The_AT grounds_NNS for_IN the_AT Church's_NN$-TL
position_NN are_BER Scriptural_JJ-TL (_( Old_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL )_) ,_, the_
AT teachings_NNS of_IN the_AT fathers_NNS and_CC doctors_NNS of_IN the_AT early_
JJ Church_NN-TL ,_, the_AT unbroken_JJ tradition_NN of_IN nineteen_CD centuries_
NNS ,_, the_AT decisions_NNS of_IN the_AT highest_JJT ecclesiastical_JJ authorit
y_NN and_CC the_AT natural_JJ law_NN ._. The_AT latter_AP plays_VBZ a_AT promine
nt_JJ role_NN in_IN Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ theology_NN and_CC is_BEZ considered_VB
N decisive_JJ ,_, entirely_QL apart_RB from_IN Scripture_NN-TL ,_, in_IN determi
ning_VBG the_AT ethical_JJ character_NN of_IN birth-prevention_NN methods_NNS ._
. The_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ natural-law_NN tradition_NN regards_VBZ as_CS self
-evident_JJ that_CS the_AT primary_JJ objective_JJ purpose_NN of_IN the_AT conju
gal_JJ act_NN is_BEZ procreation_NN and_CC that_CS the_AT fostering_NN of_IN the
_AT mutual_JJ love_NN of_IN the_AT spouses_NNS is_BEZ the_AT secondary_JJ and_CC
subjective_JJ end_NN ._. This_DT conclusion_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN two_CD pr
opositions_NNS :_: that_CS man_NN by_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN his_PP$ reason_NN ca
n_MD ascertain_VB God's_NP$ purpose_NN in_IN the_AT universe_NN and_CC that_CS G
od_NP makes_VBZ known_VBN His_PP$ purpose_NN by_IN certain_JJ ``_`` given_VBN ''
_'' physical_JJ arrangements_NNS ._. Thus_RB ,_, man_NN can_MD readily_RB deduce
_VB that_CS the_AT primary_JJ objective_JJ end_NN of_IN the_AT conjugal_JJ act_N
N is_BEZ procreation_NN ,_, the_AT propagation_NN of_IN the_AT race_NN ._. Moreo
ver_RB ,_, man_NN may_MD not_* supplant_VB or_CC frustrate_VB the_AT physical_JJ
arrangements_NNS established_VBN by_IN God_NP ,_, who_WPS through_IN the_AT law
_NN of_IN rhythm_NN has_HVZ provided_VBN a_AT natural_JJ method_NN for_IN the_AT
control_NN of_IN conception_NN ._. Believing_VBG that_CS God_NP is_BEZ the_AT A
uthor_NN-TL of_IN this_DT law_NN and_CC of_IN all_ABN laws_NNS of_IN nature_NN ,
_, Roman_JJ-TL Catholics_NPS believe_VB that_CS they_PPSS are_BER obliged_VBN to
_TO obey_VB those_DTS laws_NNS ,_, not_* frustrate_VB or_CC mock_VB them_PPO ._.
Let_VB it_PPS be_BE granted_VBN then_RB that_CS the_AT theological_JJ differenc
es_NNS in_IN this_DT area_NN between_IN Protestants_NPS and_CC Roman_JJ-TL Catho
lics_NPS appear_VB to_TO be_BE irreconcilable_JJ ._. But_CC people_NNS differ_VB
in_IN their_PP$ religious_JJ beliefs_NNS on_IN scores_NNS of_IN doctrines_NNS ,
_, without_IN taking_VBG up_RP arms_NNS against_IN those_DTS who_WPS disagree_VB
with_IN them_PPO ._. Why_WRB is_BEZ it_PPS so_QL different_JJ in_IN regard_NN t
o_IN birth_NN control_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ because_CS each_DT side_NN has_HV
Z sought_VBN to_IN implement_VB its_PP$ distinctive_JJ theological_JJ belief_NN
through_IN legislation_NN and_CC thus_RB indirectly_RB force_VB its_PP$ belief_N
N ,_, or_CC at_IN least_AP the_AT practical_JJ consequences_NNS thereof_RB ,_, u
pon_IN others_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ always_RB a_AT temptation_NN for_IN a_AT rel
igious_JJ organization_NN ,_, especially_RB a_AT powerful_JJ or_CC dominant_JJ o
ne_CD ,_, to_TO impose_VB through_IN the_AT clenched_VBN fist_NN of_IN the_AT la
w_NN its_PP$ creedal_JJ viewpoint_NN upon_IN others_NNS ._. Both_ABX Roman_JJ-TL
Catholics_NPS and_CC Protestants_NPS have_HV succumbed_VBN to_IN this_DT tempta
tion_NN in_IN the_AT past_NN ._. Consider_VB what_WDT happened_VBD during_IN Wor
ld_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, ,_, when_WRB the_AT Protestant_JJ churches_NNS un
ited_VBD to_TO push_VB the_AT Prohibition_NN-TL law_NN through_IN Congress_NP ._
. Many_AP of_IN them_PPO sincerely_RB believe_VB that_CS the_AT use_NN of_IN liq
uor_NN in_IN any_DTI form_NN or_CC in_IN any_DTI degree_NN is_BEZ intrinsically_
RB evil_JJ and_CC sinful_JJ ._. With_IN over_RP four_CD million_CD American_JJ m
en_NNS away_RB at_IN war_NN ,_, Protestants_NPS forced_VBD their_PP$ distinctive
_JJ theological_JJ belief_NN upon_IN the_AT general_JJ public_NN ._. With_IN the
_AT return_NN of_IN our_PP$ soldiers_NNS ,_, it_PPS soon_RB became_VBD apparent_
JJ that_CS the_AT belief_NN was_BEDZ not_* shared_VBN by_IN the_AT great_JJ majo
rity_NN of_IN citizens_NNS ._. The_AT attempt_NN to_TO enforce_VB that_DT belief
_NN ushered_VBD in_RP a_AT reign_NN of_IN bootleggers_NNS ,_, racketeers_NNS ,_,
hijackers_NNS and_CC gangsters_NNS that_WPS led_VBD to_IN a_AT breakdown_NN of_
IN law_NN unparalleled_JJ in_IN our_PP$ history_NN ._. The_AT so-called_JJ ``_``
noble_JJ experiment_NN ''_'' came_VBD to_IN an_AT inglorious_JJ end_NN ._. That
_DT tumultuous_JJ ,_, painful_JJ and_CC costly_JJ experience_NN shows_VBZ clearl
y_RB that_CS a_AT law_NN expressing_VBG a_AT moral_JJ judgment_NN cannot_MD* be_
BE enforced_VBN when_WRB it_PPS has_HVZ little_AP correspondence_NN with_IN the_
AT general_JJ view_NN of_IN society_NN ._. That_DT experience_NN holds_VBZ a_AT
lesson_NN for_IN us_PPO all_ABN in_IN regard_NN to_IN birth_NN control_NN today_
NR ._. Up_IN to_IN the_AT turn_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN ,_, contraception_NN w
as_BEDZ condemned_VBN by_IN all_ABN Christian_JJ churches_NNS as_CS immoral_JJ ,
_, unnatural_JJ and_CC contrary_JJ to_IN divine_JJ law_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ g
enerally_RB reflected_VBN in_IN the_AT civil_JJ laws_NNS of_IN Christian_JJ coun
tries_NNS ._. Today_NR ,_, the_AT Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ and_CC Orthodox_JJ-TL Chu
rches_NNS-TL stand_VB virtually_QL alone_RB in_IN holding_VBG that_DT conviction
_NN ._. The_AT various_JJ Lambeth_NP-TL Conferences_NNS-TL ,_, expressing_VBG th
e_AT Anglican_JJ viewpoint_NN ,_, mirror_VB the_AT gradual_JJ change_NN that_WPS
has_HVZ taken_VBN place_NN among_IN Protestants_NPS generally_RB ._. In_IN 1920
_CD ,_, the_AT Lambeth_NP-TL Conference_NN-TL repeated_VBD its_PP$ 1908_CD conde
mnation_NN of_IN contraception_NN and_CC issued_VBD ``_`` an_AT emphatic_JJ warn
ing_NN against_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN unnatural_JJ means_NNS for_IN the_AT avoid
ance_NN of_IN conception_NN ,_, together_RB with_IN the_AT grave_JJ dangers_NNS
--_-- physical_JJ ,_, moral_JJ ,_, and_CC religious_JJ --_-- thereby_RB incurred
_VBN ,_, and_CC against_IN the_AT evils_NNS which_WDT the_AT extension_NN of_IN
such_JJ use_NN threaten_VB the_AT race_NN ''_'' ._. Denouncing_VBG the_AT view_N
N that_CS the_AT sexual_JJ union_NN is_BEZ an_AT end_NN in_IN itself_PPL ,_, the
_AT Conference_NN-TL declared_VBD :_: ``_`` We_PPSS steadfastly_RB uphold_VB wha
t_WDT must_MD always_RB be_BE regarded_VBN as_CS the_AT governing_VBG considerat
ions_NNS of_IN Christian_JJ marriage_NN ._. One_CD is_BEZ the_AT primary_JJ purp
ose_NN for_IN which_WDT marriage_NN exists_VBZ ,_, namely_RB ,_, the_AT continua
nce_NN of_IN the_AT race_NN through_IN the_AT gift_NN and_CC heritage_NN of_IN c
hildren_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT other_AP is_BEZ the_AT paramount_JJS importance_NN in
_IN married_VBN life_NN of_IN deliberate_JJ and_CC thoughtful_JJ self-control_NN
''_'' ._. The_AT Conference_NN-TL called_VBD for_IN a_AT vigorous_JJ campaign_N
N against_IN the_AT open_JJ or_CC secret_JJ sale_NN of_IN contraceptives_NNS ._.
In_IN 1930_CD ,_, the_AT Lambeth_NP-TL Conference_NN-TL again_RB affirmed_VBD t
he_AT primary_JJ purpose_NN of_IN marriage_NN to_TO be_BE the_AT procreation_NN
of_IN children_NNS ,_, but_CC conceded_VBD that_CS ,_, in_IN certain_JJ limited_
VBN circumstances_NNS ,_, contraception_NN might_MD be_BE morally_RB legitimate_
JJ ._. In_IN 1958_CD ,_, the_AT Conference_NN-TL endorsed_VBD birth_NN control_N
N as_CS the_AT responsibility_NN laid_VBN by_IN God_NP on_IN parents_NNS everywh
ere_RB ._. Many_AP other_AP Protestant_JJ denominations_NNS preceded_VBD the_AT
Anglicans_NPS in_IN such_JJ action_NN ._. In_IN March_NP ,_, 1931_CD ,_, 22_CD o
ut_IN of_IN 28_CD members_NNS of_IN a_AT committee_NN of_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL
Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Churches_NNS-TL ratified_VBD artificial_JJ methods_NNS o
f_IN birth_NN control_NN ._. ``_`` As_IN to_IN the_AT necessity_NN ''_'' ,_, the
_AT committee_NN declared_VBD ,_, ``_`` for_IN some_DTI form_NN of_IN effective_
JJ control_NN of_IN the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT family_NN and_CC the_AT spacing_
NN of_IN children_NNS ,_, and_CC consequently_RB of_IN control_NN of_IN concepti
on_NN ,_, there_EX can_MD be_BE no_AT question_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ general_JJ
agreement_NN also_RB that_CS sex_NN union_NN between_IN husbands_NNS and_CC wiv
es_NNS as_CS an_AT expression_NN of_IN mutual_JJ affection_NN without_IN relatio
n_NN to_IN procreation_NN is_BEZ right_JJ ''_'' ._. Since_IN then_RB ,_, many_AP
Protestant_JJ denominations_NNS have_HV made_VBN separate_JJ pronouncements_NNS
,_, in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS not_* only_RB approved_VBD birth_NN control_NN ,_
, but_CC declared_VBD it_PPO at_IN times_NNS to_TO be_BE a_AT religious_JJ duty_
NN ._. What_WDT determines_VBZ the_AT morality_NN ,_, they_PPSS state_VB ,_, is_
BEZ not_* the_AT means_NNS used_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT motive_NN In_IN general_JJ
,_, the_AT means_NNS (_( excluding_VBG abortion_NN )_) that_WPS prove_VB most_Q
L effective_JJ are_BER considered_VBN the_AT most_QL ethical_JJ ._. This_DT deve
lopment_NN is_BEZ reflected_VBN in_IN the_AT action_NN taken_VBN in_IN February_
NP ,_, 1961_CD ,_, by_IN the_AT general_JJ board_NN of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL
Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Churches_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT largest_JJT Protestant_JJ orga
nization_NN in_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. The_AT board_NN approved_VBD and_CC commended
_VBD the_AT use_NN of_IN birth-control_NN devices_NNS as_CS a_AT part_NN of_IN C
hristian_JJ responsibility_NN in_IN family_NN planning_NN ._. It_PPS called_VBD
for_IN opposition_NN to_IN laws_NNS and_CC institutional_JJ practices_NNS restri
cting_VBG the_AT information_NN or_CC availability_NN of_IN contraceptives_NNS .
_. The_AT general_JJ board_NN declared_VBD :_: ``_`` Most_AP of_IN the_AT Protes
tant_JJ churches_NNS hold_VB contraception_NN and_CC periodic_JJ continence_NN t
o_TO be_BE morally_RB right_JJ when_WRB the_AT motives_NNS are_BER right_JJ ._.
The_AT general_JJ Protestant_JJ conviction_NN is_BEZ that_CS motives_NNS ,_, rat
her_IN than_IN methods_NNS ,_, form_VB the_AT primary_JJ moral_JJ issue_NN ,_, p
rovided_VBN the_AT methods_NNS are_BER limited_VBN to_IN the_AT prevention_NN of
_IN conception_NN ''_'' ._. An_AT action_NN once_RB universally_RB condemned_VBN
by_IN all_ABN Christian_JJ churches_NNS and_CC forbidden_VBN by_IN the_AT civil
_JJ law_NN is_BEZ now_RB not_* only_RB approved_VBN by_IN the_AT overwhelming_JJ
majority_NN of_IN Protestant_JJ denominations_NNS ,_, but_CC also_RB deemed_VBN
,_, at_IN certain_JJ times_NNS ,_, to_TO be_BE a_AT positive_JJ religious_JJ du
ty_NN ._. This_DT viewpoint_NN has_HVZ now_RB been_BEN translated_VBN into_IN ac
tion_NN by_IN the_AT majority_NN of_IN people_NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN ._. R
epeated_VBN polls_NNS have_HV disclosed_VBN that_CS most_AP married_VBN couples_
NNS are_BER now_RB using_VBG contraceptives_NNS in_IN the_AT practice_NN of_IN b
irth_NN control_NN ._. For_IN all_ABN concerned_VBN with_IN social-welfare_NN le
gislation_NN ,_, the_AT significance_NN of_IN this_DT radical_NN and_CC revoluti
onary_JJ change_NN in_IN the_AT thought_NN and_CC habits_NNS of_IN the_AT vast_J
J majority_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ people_NNS is_BEZ clear_JJ ,_, profound_J
J and_CC far-reaching_JJ ._. To_TO try_VB to_TO oppose_VB the_AT general_JJ reli
gious_JJ and_CC moral_JJ conviction_NN of_IN such_ABL a_AT majority_NN by_IN a_A
T legislative_JJ fiat_NN would_MD be_BE to_TO invite_VB the_AT same_AP breakdown
_NN of_IN law_NN and_CC order_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ occasioned_VBN by_IN the_AT i
ll-starred_JJ Prohibition_NN-TL experiment_NN ._. This_DT brings_VBZ us_PPO to_I
N the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT realities_NNS we_PPSS are_BER dealing_VBG with_I
N lie_VB not_* in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN civil_JJ legislation_NN ,_, but_CC in
_IN the_AT realm_NN of_IN conscience_NN and_CC religion_NN :_: They_PPSS are_BER
moral_JJ judgments_NNS and_CC matters_NNS of_IN theological_JJ belief_NN ._. Co
nscience_NN and_CC religion_NN are_BER concerned_VBN with_IN private_JJ sin_NN :
_: The_AT civil_JJ law_NN is_BEZ concerned_VBN with_IN public_JJ crimes_NNS ._.
Only_RB confusion_NN ,_, failure_NN and_CC anarchy_NN result_VB when_WRB the_AT
effort_NN is_BEZ made_VBN to_TO impose_VB upon_IN the_AT civil_JJ authority_NN t
he_AT impossible_JJ task_NN of_IN policing_VBG private_JJ homes_NNS to_TO preclu
de_VB the_AT possibility_NN of_IN sin_NN ._. Among_IN the_AT chief_JJS victims_N
NS of_IN such_ABL an_AT ill-conceived_JJ imposition_NN would_MD be_BE religion_N
N itself_PPL ._. On_IN April_NP 17_CD ,_, 1610_CD ,_, the_AT sturdy_JJ little_JJ
three-masted_JJ bark_NN ,_, Discovery_NN-TL ,_, weighed_VBD anchor_NN in_IN St.
_NP Katherine's_NP$ Pool_NN-TL ,_, London_NP ,_, and_CC floated_VBD down_IN the_
AT Thames_NP toward_IN the_AT sea_NN ._. She_PPS carried_VBD ,_, besides_IN her_
PP$ captain_NN ,_, a_AT crew_NN of_IN twenty-one_CD and_CC provisions_NNS for_IN
a_AT voyage_NN of_IN exploration_NN of_IN the_AT Arctic_NP waters_NNS of_IN Nor
th_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ._. Seventeen_CD months_NNS later_RBR ,_, on_IN September
_NP 6_CD ,_, 1611_CD ,_, an_AT Irish_JJ fishing_VBG boat_NN sighted_VBD the_AT D
iscovery_NN-TL limping_VBG eastward_RB outside_IN Galway_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL ._. Whe
n_WRB she_PPS reached_VBD port_NN ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ found_VBN to_TO have_HV o
n_IN board_NN only_RB eight_CD men_NNS ,_, all_ABN near_IN starvation_NN ._. The
_AT captain_NN was_BEDZ gone_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT mate_NN was_BEDZ gone_VBN ._.
The_AT man_NN who_WPS now_RB commanded_VBD her_PPO had_HVD started_VBN the_AT v
oyage_NN as_CS an_AT ordinary_JJ seaman_NN ._. What_WDT disaster_NN struck_VBD t
he_AT Discovery_NN-TL during_IN those_DTS seventeen_CD months_NNS ?_. ?_. What_W
DT happened_VBD to_IN the_AT fourteen_CD missing_VBG men_NNS ?_. ?_. These_DTS q
uestions_NNS have_HV remained_VBN one_CD of_IN the_AT great_JJ sea_NN mysteries_
NNS of_IN all_ABN time_NN ._. For_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN years_NNS ,_, the_AT evi
dence_NN available_JJ consisted_VBN of_IN (_( 1_CD )_) the_AT captain's_NN$ frag
mentary_JJ journal_NN ,_, (_( 2_CD )_) a_AT highly_QL prejudiced_VBN account_NN
by_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT survivors_NNS ,_, (_( 3_CD )_) a_AT note_NN found_VBN
in_IN a_AT dead_JJ man's_NN$ desk_NN on_IN board_NN ,_, and_CC (_( 4_CD )_) seve
ral_AP second-hand_NN reports_NNS ._. All_ABN told_VBN ,_, they_PPSS offered_VBD
a_AT highly_QL confused_VBN picture_NN ._. But_CC since_IN 1927_CD ,_, research
ers_NNS digging_VBG into_IN ancient_JJ court_NN records_NNS and_CC legal_JJ file
s_NNS have_HV been_BEN able_JJ to_TO find_VB illuminating_JJ pieces_NNS of_IN in
formation_NN ._. Not_* enough_AP to_TO do_DO away_RB with_IN all_ABN doubts_NNS
,_, but_CC sufficient_JJ to_TO give_VB a_AT fairly_QL accurate_JJ picture_NN of_
IN the_AT events_NNS of_IN the_AT voyage_NN ._. Historians_NNS have_HV had_HVN t
wo_CD reasons_NNS for_IN persisting_VBG so_QL long_RB in_IN their_PP$ investigat
ions_NNS ._. First_OD ,_, they_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO clarify_VB a_AT tantalizing
_VBG ,_, bizarre_JJ enigma_NN ._. Second_OD ,_, they_PPSS believed_VBD it_PPO im
portant_JJ to_TO determine_VB the_AT fate_NN of_IN the_AT captain_NN --_-- a_AT
man_NN whose_WP$ name_NN is_BEZ permanently_RB stamped_VBN on_IN our_PP$ maps_NN
S ,_, on_IN American_JJ towns_NNS and_CC counties_NNS ,_, on_IN a_AT great_JJ Am
erican_JJ river_NN ,_, and_CC on_IN half_ABN a_AT million_CD square_JJ miles_NNS
of_IN Arctic_NP seas_NNS ._. The_AT name_NN :_: Henry_NP Hudson_NP ._. This_DT
is_BEZ the_AT story_NN of_IN his_PP$ last_AP tragic_JJ voyage_NN ,_, as_QL nearl
y_RB as_CS we_PPSS are_BER able_JJ --_-- or_CC ever_RB ,_, probably_RB ,_, will_
MD be_BE able_JJ --_-- to_TO determine_VB :_: The_AT sailing_NN in_IN the_AT spr
ing_NN of_IN 1610_CD was_BEDZ Hudson's_NP$ fourth_OD in_IN four_CD years_NNS ._.
Each_DT time_NN his_PP$ objective_NN had_HVD been_BEN the_AT same_AP --_-- a_AT
direct_JJ water_NN passage_NN from_IN Western_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL to_IN the_AT F
ar_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ._. In_IN 1607_CD and_CC 1608_CD ,_, the_AT English_JJ-TL Mu
scovy_NP-TL Company_NN-TL had_HVD sent_VBN him_PPO northward_RB to_TO look_VB fo
r_IN a_AT route_NN over_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL Pole_NN-TL or_CC across_IN the_AT
top_NN of_IN Russia_NP ._. Twice_RB he_PPS had_HVD failed_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT
Muscovy_NP-TL Company_NN-TL indicated_VBD it_PPS would_MD not_* back_VB him_PPO
again_RB ._. In_IN 1609_CD ,_, the_AT Dutch_JJ-TL East_JJ-TL India_NP-TL Company
_NN-TL hired_VBD Hudson_NP ,_, gave_VBD him_PPO two_CD learned_VBN geographers_N
NS ,_, fitted_VBN him_PPO out_RP with_IN a_AT ship_NN called_VBN the_AT Half_NN-
TL Moon_NN-TL ,_, and_CC supplied_VBD him_PPO with_IN Dutch_JJ sailors_NNS ._. T
his_DT time_NN he_PPS turned_VBD westward_RB ,_, to_IN the_AT middle_JJ Atlantic
_JJ coast_NN of_IN North_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ._. His_PP$ chief_JJS discovery_NN
was_BEDZ important_JJ --_-- the_AT Great_JJ-TL North_JJ-TL (_( later_RBR ,_, the
_AT Hudson_NP )_) River_NN-TL --_-- but_CC it_PPS produced_VBD no_AT northwest_J
J passage_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT Half_NN-TL Moon_NN-TL put_VBD in_RP at_IN Dartm
outh_NP ,_, England_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT fall_NN of_IN 1609_CD ,_, word_NN of_IN
Hudson's_NP$ findings_NNS leaked_VBD out_RP ,_, and_CC English_JJ interest_NN in
_IN him_PPO revived_VBN ._. The_AT government_NN forbade_VBD Hudson_NP to_TO ret
urn_VB to_IN Amsterdam_NP with_IN his_PP$ ship_NN ._. He_PPS thereupon_RB went_V
BD to_IN London_NP and_CC spent_VBD the_AT winter_NN talking_VBG to_IN men_NNS o
f_IN wealth_NN ._. By_IN springtime_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ supported_VBN by_IN a
_AT rich_JJ merchant_NN syndicate_NN under_IN the_AT patronage_NN of_IN Henry_NP
,_, Prince_NN-TL of_IN-TL Wales_NP-TL ._. He_PPS had_HVD obtained_VBN and_CC pr
ovisioned_VBN a_AT veteran_JJ ship_NN called_VBN the_AT Discovery_NN-TL and_CC h
ad_HVD recruited_VBN a_AT crew_NN of_IN twenty-one_CD ,_, the_AT largest_JJT he_
PPS had_HVD ever_RB commanded_VBN ._. The_AT purpose_NN of_IN this_DT fourth_OD
voyage_NN was_BEDZ clear_JJ ._. A_AT century_NN of_IN exploration_NN had_HVD est
ablished_VBN that_CS a_AT great_JJ land_NN mass_NN ,_, North_JJ-TL and_CC South_
JJ-TL America_NP-TL ,_, lay_VBD between_IN Europe_NP and_CC the_AT Indies_NPS ._
. One_CD by_IN one_CD ,_, the_AT openings_NNS in_IN the_AT coast_NN that_WPS pro
mised_VBD a_AT passage_NN through_RP had_HVD been_BEN explored_VBN and_CC discar
ded_VBN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, Hudson's_NP$ sail_NN up_IN the_AT Great_JJ-TL Nort
h_JJ-TL River_NN-TL had_HVD disposed_VBN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT last_AP hopes
_NNS ._. But_CC there_EX remained_VBD one_CD mysterious_JJ ,_, unexplored_JJ gap
_NN ,_, far_QL to_IN the_AT north_NR ._. Nearly_RB twenty-five_CD years_NNS befo
re_RB ,_, Captain_NN-TL John_NP Davis_NP had_HVD noted_VBN ,_, as_CS he_PPS sail
ed_VBD near_IN the_AT Arctic_JJ-TL Circle_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` a_AT very_QL great_JJ
gulf_NN ,_, the_AT water_NN whirling_VBG and_CC roaring_VBG ,_, as_CS it_PPS wer
e_BED the_AT meeting_NN of_IN tides_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS named_VBD this_DT openi
ng_VBG ,_, between_IN Baffin_NP-TL Island_NN-TL and_CC Labrador_NP ,_, the_AT ``
_`` Furious_JJ-TL Overfall_NN-TL ''_'' ._. (_( Later_RBR ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ to_
TO be_BE called_VBN Hudson_NP-TL Strait_NN-TL ._. )_) In_IN 1602_CD ,_, George_N
P Waymouth_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT same_AP little_AP Discovery_NN-TL that_WPS Hudson
_NP now_RB commanded_VBD ,_, had_HVD sailed_VBN 300_CD miles_NNS up_IN the_AT st
rait_NN before_CS his_PP$ frightened_VBN men_NNS turned_VBD the_AT ship_NN back_
RB ._. Hudson_NP now_RB proposed_VBD to_TO sail_VB all_ABN the_AT way_NN through
_RP and_CC test_VB the_AT seas_NNS beyond_RB for_IN the_AT long-sought_JJ waterw
ay_NN ._. Even_RB Hudson_NP ,_, experienced_VBN in_IN Arctic_JJ sailing_NN and_C
C determined_VBN as_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, must_MD have_HV had_HVN qualms_NNS as
_CS he_PPS slid_VBD down_IN the_AT Thames_NP ._. Ahead_RB were_BED perilous_JJ ,
_, ice-filled_JJ waters_NNS ._. On_IN previous_JJ voyages_NNS ,_, it_PPS had_HVD
been_BEN in_IN precisely_QL such_JJ dangerous_JJ situations_NNS that_CS he_PPS
had_HVD failed_VBN as_CS a_AT leader_NN and_CC captain_NN ._. On_IN the_AT secon
d_OD voyage_NN ,_, he_PPS had_HVD turned_VBN back_RB at_IN the_AT frozen_VBN isl
and_NN of_IN Novaya_NP Zemlya_NP and_CC meekly_RB given_VBN the_AT crew_NN a_AT
certificate_NN stating_VBG that_CS he_PPS did_DOD so_RB of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ fre
e_JJ will_NN --_-- which_WDT was_BEDZ obviously_RB not_* the_AT case_NN ._. On_I
N the_AT third_OD voyage_NN ,_, a_AT near-mutiny_NN rising_VBG from_IN a_AT quar
rel_NN between_IN Dutch_JJ and_CC English_JJ crew_NN members_NNS on_IN the_AT Ha
lf_NN-TL Moon_NN-TL had_HVD almost_RB forced_VBN him_PPO to_TO head_VB the_AT sh
ip_NN back_RB to_IN Amsterdam_NP in_IN Mid-Atlantic_NP ._. Worse_JJR ,_, his_PP$
present_JJ crew_NN included_VBN five_CD men_NNS who_WPS had_HVD sailed_VBN with
_IN him_PPO before_RB ._. Of_IN only_RB one_CD could_MD he_PPS be_BE sure_JJ --_
-- young_JJ John_NP Hudson_NP ,_, his_PP$ second_OD son_NN ._. The_AT mate_NN ,_
, Robert_NP Juet_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD kept_VBN the_AT journal_NN on_IN the_AT
Half_NN-TL Moon_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ experienced_VBN --_-- but_IN he_PPS was_BEDZ
a_AT bitter_JJ old_JJ man_NN ,_, ready_JJ to_TO complain_VB or_CC desert_VB at_I
N any_DTI opportunity_NN ._. Philip_NP Staffe_NP ,_, the_AT ship's_NN$ carpenter
_NN ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ worker_NN ,_, but_CC perversely_QL independent_JJ
._. Arnold_NP Lodley_NP and_CC Michael_NP Perse_NP were_BED like_CS the_AT rest_
NN --_-- lukewarm_JJ ,_, ready_JJ to_TO swing_VB against_IN Hudson_NP in_IN a_AT
crisis_NN ._. But_CC men_NNS willing_JJ to_TO sail_VB at_IN all_ABN into_IN wat
ers_NNS where_WRB wooden_JJ ships_NNS could_MD be_BE crushed_VBN like_CS eggs_NN
S were_BED hard_JJ to_TO find_VB ._. Hudson_NP knew_VBD he_PPS had_HVD to_TO use
_VB these_DTS men_NNS as_QL long_RB as_CS he_PPS remained_VBD an_AT explorer_NN
._. And_CC he_PPS refused_VBD to_TO be_BE anything_PN else_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
believed_VBN that_CS Hudson_NP was_BEDZ related_VBN to_IN other_AP seafaring_JJ
men_NNS of_IN the_AT Muscovy_NP-TL Company_NN-TL and_CC was_BEDZ trained_VBN on_
IN company_NN ships_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT Londoner_NP ,_, married_VBN ,_,
with_IN three_CD sons_NNS ._. (_( The_AT common_JJ misconception_NN that_CS he_
PPS was_BEDZ Dutch_JJ and_CC that_CS his_PP$ first_OD name_NN was_BEDZ Hendrik_N
P stem_VB from_IN Dutch_JJ documents_NNS of_IN his_PP$ third_OD voyage_NN ._. )_
) In_IN 1610_CD ,_, Hudson_NP was_BEDZ probably_RB in_IN his_PP$ early_JJ fortie
s_NNS ,_, a_AT good_JJ navigator_NN ,_, a_AT stubborn_JJ voyager_NN ,_, but_CC o
therwise_RB fatally_QL unsuited_JJ to_IN his_PP$ chosen_VBN profession_NN ._. Hu
dson's_NP$ first_OD error_NN of_IN the_AT fourth_OD voyage_NN occurred_VBD only_
RB a_AT few_AP miles_NNS down_IN the_AT Thames_NP ._. There_RB at_IN the_AT rive
r's_NN$ edge_NN waited_VBD one_CD Henry_NP Greene_NP ,_, whom_WPO Hudson_NP list
ed_VBD as_CS a_AT ``_`` clerk_NN ''_'' ._. Greene_NP was_BEDZ in_IN actuality_NN
a_AT young_JJ ruffian_NN from_IN Kent_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD broken_VBN with_IN
his_PP$ parents_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO keep_VB the_AT company_NN he_PPS prefe
rred_VBD --_-- pimps_NNS ,_, panders_NNS and_CC whores_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ n
ot_* the_AT sort_NN of_IN sailor_NN Hudson_NP wanted_VBD his_PP$ backers_NNS to_
TO see_VB on_IN board_NN and_CC he_PPS had_HVD Greene_NP wait_VB at_IN Gravesend
_NP ,_, where_WRB the_AT Discovery_NN-TL picked_VBD him_PPO up_RP ._. For_IN the
_AT first_OD three_CD weeks_NNS ,_, the_AT ship_NN skirted_VBD up_IN the_AT east
_NR coast_NN of_IN Great_JJ-TL Britain_NP-TL ,_, then_RB turned_VBD westward_RB
._. On_IN May_NP 11_CD ,_, she_PPS reached_VBD Iceland_NP ._. Poor_JJ winds_NNS
and_CC fog_NN locked_VBD her_PPO up_RP in_IN a_AT harbor_NN the_AT crew_NN calle
d_VBN ``_`` Lousie_JJ-TL Bay_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT subsequent_JJ two-weeks_NNS
wait_NN made_VBD the_AT crew_NN quarrelsome_JJ ._. With_IN Hudson_NP looking_VBG
on_RP ,_, his_PP$ protege_NN Greene_NP picked_VBD a_AT fight_NN with_IN the_AT
ship's_NN$ surgeon_NN ,_, Edward_NP Wilson_NP ._. The_AT issue_NN was_BEDZ settl
ed_VBN on_IN shore_NN ,_, Greene_NP winning_VBG and_CC Wilson_NP remaining_VBG a
shore_RB ,_, determined_VBN to_TO catch_VB the_AT next_AP fishing_VBG boat_NN ba
ck_RB to_IN England_NP ._. With_IN difficulty_NN ,_, Hudson_NP persuaded_VBD him
_PPO to_TO rejoin_VB the_AT ship_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS sailed_VBD from_IN Icel
and_NP ._. Early_RB in_IN June_NP ,_, the_AT Discovery_NN-TL passed_VBD ``_`` De
solation_NN-TL ''_'' (_( southern_JJ Greenland_NP )_) and_CC in_IN mid-June_NP e
ntered_VBD the_AT ``_`` Furious_JJ-TL Overfall_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Floating_VBG ice_
NN bore_VBD down_RP from_IN the_AT north_NR and_CC west_NR ._. Fog_NN hung_VBD o
ver_IN the_AT route_NN constantly_RB ._. Turbulent_JJ tides_NNS rose_VBD as_QL m
uch_AP as_CS fifty_CD feet_NNS ._. The_AT ship's_NN$ compass_NN was_BEDZ useless
_JJ because_RB of_IN the_AT nearness_NN of_IN the_AT magnetic_JJ North_JJ-TL Pol
e_NN-TL ._. As_CS the_AT bergs_NNS grew_VBD larger_JJR ,_, Hudson_NP was_BEDZ fo
rced_VBN to_TO turn_VB south_NR into_IN what_WDT is_BEZ now_RB Ungava_NP-TL Bay_
NN-TL ,_, an_AT inlet_NN of_IN the_AT Great_JJ-TL Strait_NN-TL ._. After_IN find
ing_VBG that_CS its_PP$ coasts_NNS led_VBD nowhere_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, he_PPS
turned_VBD north_NR again_RB ,_, toward_IN the_AT main_JJS ,_, ice-filled_JJ pas
sageway_NN --_-- and_CC the_AT crew_NN ,_, at_IN first_RB uneasy_JJ ,_, then_RB
frightened_VBN ,_, rebelled_VBN ._. The_AT trouble_NN was_BEDZ at_IN least_AP pa
rtly_RB Juet's_NP$ doing_NN ._. For_IN weeks_NNS he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN saying_
VBG that_CS Hudson's_NP$ idea_NN of_IN sailing_VBG through_IN to_IN Java_NP was_
BEDZ absurd_JJ ._. The_AT great_JJ ,_, crushing_VBG ice_NN masses_NNS coming_VBG
into_IN view_NN made_VBD him_PPO sound_VB like_CS the_AT voice_NN of_IN pure_JJ
reason_NN ._. A_AT group_NN of_IN sailors_NNS announced_VBD to_IN Hudson_NP tha
t_CS they_PPSS would_MD sail_VB no_QL farther_RBR ._. Instead_RB of_IN quelling_
VBG the_AT dissension_NN ,_, as_CS many_AP captains_NNS of_IN the_AT era_NN woul
d_MD have_HV done_VBN (_( Sir_NP Francis_NP Drake_NP lopped_VBD a_AT man's_NN$ h
ead_NN off_RP under_IN similar_JJ circumstances_NNS )_) ,_, Hudson_NP decided_VB
D to_TO be_BE reasonable_JJ ._. He_PPS went_VBD to_IN his_PP$ cabin_NN and_CC em
erged_VBD carrying_VBG a_AT large_JJ chart_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS set_VBD up_RP
in_IN view_NN of_IN the_AT crew_NN ._. Patiently_RB ,_, he_PPS explained_VBD wh
at_WDT he_PPS knew_VBD about_IN their_PP$ course_NN and_CC their_PP$ objectives_
NNS ._. When_WRB Hudson_NP had_HVD finished_VBN ,_, the_AT ``_`` town_NN meeting
_NN ''_'' broke_VBD down_RP into_IN a_AT general_JJ ,_, wordy_JJ argument_NN ._.
One_CD man_NN remarked_VBD that_CS if_CS he_PPS had_HVD a_AT hundred_CD pounds_
NNS ,_, he_PPS would_MD give_VB ninety_CD of_IN them_PPO to_TO be_BE back_RB in_
IN England_NP ._. Up_RP spoke_VBD carpenter_NN Staffe_NP ,_, who_WPS said_VBD he
_PPS wouldn't_MD* give_VB ten_CD pounds_NNS to_TO be_BE home_NR ._. The_AT state
ment_NN was_BEDZ effective_JJ ._. The_AT meeting_NN broke_VBD up_RP ._. Hudson_N
P was_BEDZ free_JJ to_TO sail_VB on_RP ._. All_QL through_IN July_NP the_AT Disc
overy_NN-TL picked_VBD her_PP$ way_NN along_IN the_AT 450-mile-long_JJ strait_NN
,_, avoiding_VBG ice_NN and_CC rocky_JJ islands_NNS ._. On_IN August_NP 3_CD ,_
, two_CD massive_JJ headlands_NNS reared_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT mists_NNS --_--
great_JJ gateways_NNS never_RB before_RB ,_, so_QL far_RB as_CS Hudson_NP knew_
VBD ,_, seen_VBN by_IN Europeans_NPS ._. To_IN starboard_JJ was_BEDZ a_AT cape_N
N a_AT thousand_CD feet_NNS high_JJ ,_, patched_VBN with_IN ice_NN and_CC snow_N
N ,_, populated_VBN by_IN thousands_NNS of_IN screaming_VBG sea_NN birds_NNS ._.
To_IN port_JJ was_BEDZ a_AT point_NN 200_CD feet_NNS high_JJ rising_VBG behind_
RB to_IN a_AT precipice_NN of_IN 2,000_CD feet_NNS ._. Hudson_NP named_VBD the_A
T capes_NNS Digges_NP and_CC Wolstenholme_NP ,_, for_IN two_CD of_IN his_PP$ bac
kers_NNS ._. Hudson_NP pointed_VBD the_AT Discovery_NN-TL down_IN the_AT east_NR
coast_NN of_IN the_AT newly_RB discovered_VBN sea_NN (_( now_RB called_VBN Huds
on_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL )_) ,_, confident_JJ he_PPS was_BEDZ on_IN his_PP$ way_NN to_
IN the_AT warm_JJ waters_NNS of_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL ._. After_IN three_CD we
eks'_NNS$ swift_JJ sailing_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, the_AT ship_NN entered_VBD an_A
T area_NN of_IN shallow_JJ marshes_NNS and_CC river_NN deltas_NNS ._. The_AT shi
p_NN halted_VBD ._. The_AT great_JJ ``_`` sea_NN to_IN the_AT westwards_RB ''_''
was_BEDZ a_AT dead_JJ end_NN ._. This_DT must_MD have_HV been_BEN Hudson's_NP$
blackest_JJT discovery_NN ._. For_CS he_PPS seemed_VBD to_TO sense_VB at_IN once
_RB that_CS before_IN him_PPO was_BEDZ no_AT South_JJ-TL Sea_NN-TL ,_, but_CC th
e_AT solid_JJ bulk_NN of_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL American_JJ-TL continent_NN ._. T
his_DT was_BEDZ the_AT bitter_JJ end_NN ,_, and_CC Hudson_NP seemed_VBD to_TO kn
ow_VB he_PPS was_BEDZ destined_VBN to_IN failure_NN ._. Feverishly_RB ,_, he_PPS
tried_VBD to_TO brush_VB away_RB this_DT intuition_NN ._. North_NR and_CC south
_NR ,_, east_NR and_CC west_NR ,_, back_RB and_CC forth_RB he_PPS sailed_VBD in_
IN the_AT land-locked_JJ bay_NN ,_, plowing_VBG furiously_RB forward_RB until_CS
land_NN appeared_VBD ,_, then_RB turning_VBG to_TO repeat_VB the_AT process_NN
,_, day_NN after_IN day_NN ,_, week_NN after_IN week_NN ._. Hundreds_NNS of_IN m
iles_NNS to_IN the_AT north_NR ,_, the_AT route_NN back_RB to_IN England_NP thro
ugh_IN the_AT ``_`` Furious_JJ-TL Overfall_NN-TL ''_'' was_BEDZ again_RB filling
_VBG with_IN ice_NN ._. The_AT men_NNS were_BED at_IN first_RB puzzled_VBN ,_, t
hen_RB angered_VBN by_IN the_AT aimless_JJ tacking_VBG ._. Once_RB more_RBR ,_,
Juet's_NP$ complaints_NNS were_BED the_AT loudest_JJT ._. Hudson's_NP$ reply_NN
was_BEDZ to_TO accuse_VB the_AT mate_NN of_IN disloyalty_NN ._. Juet_NP demanded
_VBD that_CS Hudson_NP prove_VB his_PP$ charges_NNS in_IN an_AT open_JJ trial_NN
._. The_AT trial_NN was_BEDZ held_VBN September_NP 10_CD ._. Hudson_NP ,_, pres
iding_VBG ,_, heard_VBD Juet's_NP$ defense_NN ,_, then_RB called_VBD for_IN test
imony_NN from_IN crew_NN members_NNS ._. Juet_NP had_HVD made_VBN plentiful_JJ e
nemies_NNS ,_, several_AP men_NNS stepped_VBD forward_RB ._. Hands_NNS on_IN Bib
le_NP ,_, seaman_NN Lodley_NP and_CC carpenter_NN Staffe_NP swore_VBD that_CS Ju
et_NP had_HVD tried_VBN to_TO persuade_VB them_PPO to_TO keep_VB muskets_NNS and
_CC swords_NNS in_IN their_PP$ cabins_NNS ._. Cook_NN Bennett_NP Mathues_NP said
_VBD Juet_NP had_HVD predicted_VBN bloodshed_NN on_IN the_AT ship_NN ._. Others_
NNS added_VBD that_CS Juet_NP had_HVD wanted_VBN to_TO turn_VB the_AT ship_NN ho
meward_RB ._. Hudson_NP deposed_VBD Juet_NP and_CC cut_VBD his_PP$ pay_NN ._. Th
e_AT new_JJ mate_NN was_BEDZ Robert_NP Bylot_NP ,_, talented_JJ but_IN inexperie
nced_JJ ._. There_EX were_BED other_AP shifts_NNS and_CC pay_NN cuts_NNS accordi
ng_IN to_IN the_AT way_NN individuals_NNS had_HVD conducted_VBN themselves_PPLS
._. The_AT important_JJ result_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, was_BEDZ that_CS Juet_NP an
d_CC Francis_NP Clemens_NP ,_, the_AT deposed_VBN boatswain_NN ,_, became_VBD Hu
dson's_NP$ sworn_VBN enemies_NNS ._. As_CS Hudson_NP resumed_VBD his_PP$ despera
te_JJ criss-crossing_NN of_IN the_AT little_JJ bay_NN ,_, every_AT incident_NN l
essened_VBD the_AT crew's_NN$ respect_NN for_IN him_PPO ._. Once_RB ,_, after_CS
the_AT Discovery_NN-TL lay_VBD for_IN a_AT week_NN in_IN rough_JJ weather_NN ,_
, Hudson_NP ordered_VBD the_AT anchor_NN raised_VBN before_CS the_AT sea_NN had_
HVD calmed_VBN ._. Just_RB as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ being_BEG hauled_VBN inboard_RB
,_, a_AT sea_NN hit_VBD the_AT ship_NN ._. Michael_NP Butt_NP and_CC Adame_NP M
oore_NP were_BED thrown_VBN off_IN the_AT capstan_NN and_CC badly_RB injured_VBN
._. The_AT anchor_NN cable_NN would_MD have_HV been_BEN lost_VBN overboard_RB ,
_, but_CC Philip_NP Staffe_NP was_BEDZ on_IN hand_NN to_TO sever_VB it_PPO with_
IN his_PP$ axe_NN ._. Thomas_NP Douglas_NP ,_, fifth_OD Earl_NN-TL of_IN-TL Selk
irk_NP-TL ,_, a_AT noble_JJ humanitarian_NN Scot_NP concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT
plight_NN of_IN the_AT crofters_NNS of_IN his_PP$ native_JJ Highlands_NNS-TL ,_
, conceived_VBD a_AT plan_NN to_TO settle_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT valley_NN of_
IN the_AT Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL North_NR-TL ._. Since_CS the_
AT land_NN he_PPS desired_VBD lay_VBD within_IN the_AT great_JJ northern_JJ empi
re_NN of_IN the_AT Hudson's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS purchased_
VBD great_JJ blocks_NNS of_IN the_AT Comany's_NN$-TL stock_NN with_IN the_AT vie
w_NN to_IN controlling_VBG its_PP$ policies_NNS ._. Having_HVG achieved_VBN this
_DT end_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO buy_VB 116,000_CD square_JJ miles_N
NS in_IN the_AT valleys_NNS of_IN the_AT Red_JJ-TL and_CC Assiniboine_NP rivers_
NNS ._. The_AT grant_NN ,_, which_WDT stretched_VBD southward_RB to_IN Lake_NN-T
L Traverse_VB-TL --_-- the_AT headwaters_NNS of_IN the_AT Red_JJ-TL --_-- was_BE
DZ made_VBN in_IN May_NP ,_, 1811_CD ,_, and_CC by_IN October_NP of_IN that_DT y
ear_NN a_AT small_JJ group_NN of_IN Scots_NPS was_BEDZ settling_VBG for_IN the_A
T winter_NN at_IN York_NP-TL Factory_NN-TL on_IN Hudson_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL ._. Thus
_RB at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN that_CS William_NP Henry_NP Harrison_NP was_BED
Z preparing_VBG to_TO pacify_VB the_AT aborigines_NNS of_IN Indiana_NP-TL Territ
ory_NN-TL and_CC winning_VBG fame_NN at_IN the_AT battle_NN of_IN Tippecanoe_NP
,_, Anglo-Saxon_JJ settlement_NN made_VBD a_AT great_JJ leap_NN into_IN the_AT c
enter_NN of_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL American_JJ continent_NN to_IN the_AT west_NR
of_IN the_AT American_JJ agricultural_JJ frontier_NN ._. Seven_CD hundred_CD mil
es_NNS south_NR of_IN York_NP-TL Factory_NN-TL ,_, at_IN ``_`` the_AT Forks_NNS-
TL ''_'' of_IN the_AT Red_NP and_CC the_AT Assiniboine_NP ,_, twenty-three_CD me
n_NNS located_VBD a_AT settlement_NN in_IN August_NP 1812_CD ._. By_IN October_N
P the_AT little_JJ colony_NN about_IN Fort_NN-TL Douglas_NP-TL (_( present-day_J
J Winnipeg_NP )_) numbered_VBD 100_CD ._. Within_IN a_AT few_AP years_NNS the_AT
Scots_NPS ,_, engaged_VBN in_IN breaking_VBG the_AT thick_JJ sod_NN and_CC stir
ring_VBG the_AT rich_JJ soil_NN of_IN the_AT valley_NN ,_, were_BED joined_VBN b
y_IN a_AT group_NN called_VBN Meurons_NPS ._. The_AT latter_AP ,_, members_NNS o
f_IN two_CD regiments_NNS of_IN Swiss_JJ mercenaries_NNS transported_VBN by_IN G
reat_JJ-TL Britain_NP-TL to_IN Canada_NP to_TO fight_VB the_AT Americans_NPS in_
IN the_AT War_NN-TL of_IN-TL 1812_CD-TL ,_, had_HVD settled_VBN in_IN Montreal_N
P and_CC Kingston_NP at_IN the_AT close_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN in_IN 1815_CD ._.
Selkirk_NP persuaded_VBD eighty_CD men_NNS and_CC four_CD officers_NNS to_TO go
_VB to_IN Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL where_WRB they_PPSS were_BED to_TO serve_VB as_C
S a_AT military_JJ force_NN to_TO protect_VB his_PP$ settlers_NNS from_IN the_AT
hostile_JJ Northwest_NN-TL Company_NN-TL which_WDT resented_VBD the_AT intrusio
n_NN of_IN farmers_NNS into_IN the_AT fur_NN traders'_NNS$ empire_NN ._. The_AT
mercenaries_NNS were_BED little_QL interested_VBN in_IN farming_VBG and_CC added
_VBD nothing_PN to_IN the_AT output_NN of_IN the_AT farm_NN plots_NNS on_IN whic
h_WDT all_ABN work_NN was_BEDZ still_RB done_VBN with_IN hoes_NNS as_QL late_RB
as_CS 1818_CD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT low_JJ yield_NN of_IN the_AT Selkirk_NP
plots_NNS and_CC the_AT ravages_NNS of_IN grasshoppers_NNS in_IN 1818_CD that_W
PS led_VBD to_IN the_AT dispersal_NN of_IN the_AT settlement_NN southward_RB ._.
When_WRB late_RB in_IN the_AT summer_NN the_AT full_JJ extent_NN of_IN the_AT d
amage_NN was_BEDZ assessed_VBN ,_, all_ABN but_IN fifty_CD of_IN the_AT Scots_NP
S ,_, Swiss_NPS and_CC metis_FW-NNS moved_VBD up_IN the_AT Red_NP to_IN the_AT m
outh_NN of_IN the_AT Pembina_NP-TL river_NN ._. Here_RB they_PPSS built_VBD huts
_NNS and_CC a_AT stockade_NN named_VBN Fort_NN-TL Daer_NP-TL after_IN Selkirk's_
NP$ barony_NN in_IN Scotland_NP ._. The_AT new_JJ site_NN was_BEDZ somewhat_QL w
armer_JJR than_CS Fort_NN-TL Douglas_NP-TL and_CC much_QL closer_RBR to_IN the_A
T great_JJ herds_NNS of_IN buffalo_NNS on_IN which_WDT the_AT settlement_NN must
_MD depend_VB for_IN food_NN ._. The_AT Selkirk_NP settlers_NNS had_HVD been_BEN
anticipated_VBN in_IN their_PP$ move_NN southward_RB by_IN British_JJ fur_NN tr
aders_NNS ._. For_IN many_AP years_NNS the_AT Northwest_NN-TL Company_NN-TL had_
HVD its_PP$ southern_JJ headquarters_NNS at_IN Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP on_IN t
he_AT Mississippi_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, some_DTI 300_CD miles_NNS southeast_NR o
f_IN present-day_JJ St._NP Paul_NP ,_, Minnesota_NP ._. When_WRB in_IN 1816_CD a
n_AT act_NN of_IN Congress_NP forced_VBD the_AT foreign_JJ firm_NN out_IN of_IN
the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, its_PP$ British-born_JJ employees_NNS ,_,
now_RB become_VBN American_JJ citizens_NNS --_-- Joseph_NP Rolette_NP ,_, Josep
h_NP Renville_NP and_CC Alexis_NP Bailly_NP --_-- continued_VBD in_IN the_AT fur
_NN business_NN ._. On_IN Big_JJ-TL Stone_NN-TL Lake_NN-TL near_IN the_AT headwa
ters_NNS of_IN the_AT Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL ,_, Robert_NP Dickson_NP ,_, Superin
tendent_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Western_JJ-TL Indian_NP-TL Department_NN-TL of_
IN-TL Canada_NP ,_, had_HVD a_AT trading_VBG post_NN and_CC planned_VBD in_IN 18
18_CD to_TO build_VB a_AT fort_NN to_TO be_BE defended_VBN by_IN twenty_CD men_N
NS and_CC two_CD small_JJ artillery_NN pieces_NNS ._. His_PP$ trading_VBG goods_
NNS came_VBD from_IN Canada_NP to_IN the_AT Forks_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Red_JJ-TL Rive
r_NN-TL and_CC from_IN Selkirk's_NP$ settlement_NN he_PPS brought_VBD them_PPO s
outh_NR in_IN carts_NNS ._. These_DTS carts_NNS were_BED of_IN a_AT type_NN devi
sed_VBN in_IN Pembina_NP in_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN Alexander_NP Henry_NP the_A
T-TL Younger_JJR-TL about_RB a_AT decade_NN before_CS the_AT Selkirk_NP colony_N
N was_BEDZ begun_VBN ._. In_IN 1802_CD Henry_NP referred_VBD to_IN ``_`` our_PP$
new_JJ carts_NNS ''_'' as_CS being_BEG about_RB four_CD feet_NNS off_IN the_AT
ground_NN and_CC carrying_VBG five_CD times_NNS as_QL much_AP as_CS a_AT horse_N
N could_MD pack_VB ._. They_PPSS were_BED held_VBN together_RB by_IN pegs_NNS an
d_CC withes_NNS and_CC in_IN later_JJR times_NNS drawn_VBN by_IN a_AT single_AP
ox_NN in_IN thills_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ Dickson_NP who_WPS suggested_VBD to_I
N Lord_NN-TL Selkirk_NP that_CS he_PPS return_VB to_IN the_AT Atlantic_JJ coast_
NN by_IN way_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. In_IN September_NP
1817_CD at_IN Fort_NN-TL Daer_NP-TL (_( Pembina_NP )_) Dickson_NP met_VBD the_AT
noble_JJ lord_NN whom_WPO ,_, with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN a_AT band_NN of_IN S
ioux_NPS ,_, he_PPS escorted_VBD to_IN Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP ._. During_IN t
he_AT trip_NN Selkirk_NP decided_VBD that_CS the_AT route_NN through_IN Illinois
_NP territory_NN to_IN Indiana_NP and_CC the_AT eastern_JJ United_VBN-TL States_
NNS-TL was_BEDZ the_AT best_JJT route_NN for_IN goods_NNS from_IN England_NP to_
TO reach_VB Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL and_CC that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS
-TL was_BEDZ a_AT better_JJR source_NN of_IN supply_NN for_IN many_AP goods_NNS
than_CS either_CC Canada_NP or_CC England_NP ._. Upon_IN arriving_VBG at_IN Balt
imore_NP ,_, Selkirk_NP on_IN December_NP 22_CD wrote_VBD to_IN John_NP Quincy_N
P Adams_NP ,_, Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL at_IN Washington_NP ,_, inqu
iring_VBG about_IN laws_NNS covering_VBG trade_NN with_IN ``_`` Missouri_NP and_
CC Illinois_NP-TL Territories_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. This_DT traffic_NN ,_, he_PPS dec
lared_VBD prophetically_RB ,_, ``_`` tho'_CS it_PPS might_MD be_BE of_IN small_J
J account_NN at_IN first_RB ,_, would_MD increase_VB with_IN the_AT progress_NN
of_IN our_PP$ Settlements_NNS-TL ._. ''_'' The_AT route_NN which_WDT he_PPS had_
HVD traveled_VBN and_CC which_WDT he_PPS believed_VBD might_MD develop_VB into_I
N a_AT trade_NN route_NN was_BEDZ followed_VBN by_IN his_PP$ settlers_NNS earlie
r_RBR than_CS he_PPS might_MD have_HV expected_VBN ._. In_IN 1819_CD grasshopper
s_NNS again_RB destroyed_VBD the_AT crop_NN at_IN ``_`` the_AT Forks_NNS-TL ''_'
' (_( Fort_NN-TL Douglas_NP-TL )_) and_CC in_IN December_NP 1819_CD ,_, twenty_C
D men_NNS left_VBD Fort_NN-TL Daer_NP-TL for_IN the_AT most_QL northerly_JJ Amer
ican_JJ outpost_NN at_IN Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT thre
e-month_JJ journey_NN in_IN the_AT dead_JJ of_IN winter_NN followed_VBN by_IN th
ree_CD months_NNS of_IN labor_NN on_IN Mackinac_NP boats_NNS ._. With_IN these_D
TS completed_VBN and_CC ice_NN gone_VBN from_IN the_AT St._NN-TL Peter's_NP$-TL
River_NN-TL (_( present-day_JJ Minnesota_NP-TL river_NN )_) their_PP$ 250_CD bus
hels_NNS of_IN wheat_NN ,_, 100_CD bushels_NNS of_IN oats_NN and_CC barley_NN an
d_CC 30_CD bushels_NNS of_IN peas_NNS and_CC some_DTI chickens_NNS were_BED load
ed_VBN onto_IN the_AT flat-bottomed_JJ boats_NNS and_CC rowed_VBN up_IN the_AT r
iver_NN to_IN Big_JJ-TL Stone_NN-TL Lake_NN-TL ,_, across_RP into_IN Lake_NN-TL
Traverse_VB-TL ,_, and_CC down_IN the_AT Red_NP ._. They_PPSS reached_VBD Fort_N
N-TL Douglas_NP-TL in_IN June_NP 1820_CD ._. This_DT epic_JJ effort_NN to_TO sec
ure_VB seed_NN for_IN the_AT colony_NN cost_VBD Selkirk_NP Ab1,040_CD ._. Nevert
heless_RB so_QL short_JJ was_BEDZ the_AT supply_NN of_IN seed_NN that_CS the_AT
settlers_NNS were_BED forced_VBN to_TO retreat_VB to_IN Fort_NN-TL Daer_NP-TL fo
r_IN food_NN ._. Thereafter_RB seed_NN and_CC food_NN became_VBD more_QL plentif
ul_JJ and_CC the_AT colony_NN remained_VBD in_IN the_AT north_NR the_AT year_NN
round_RB ._. Activity_NN by_IN British_JJ traders_NNS and_CC the_AT presence_NN
of_IN a_AT colony_NN on_IN the_AT Red_NP prompted_VBD the_AT United_VBN-TL State
_NN-TL War_NN-TL Department_NN-TL in_IN 1819_CD to_TO send_VB Lieutenant-Colonel
_NN-TL Henry_NP Leavenworth_NP from_IN Detroit_NP to_TO put_VB a_AT post_NN 300_
CD miles_NNS northwest_NR of_IN Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP ,_, until_IN then_RB t
he_AT most_QL advanced_VBN United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL post_NN ._. In_IN Septemb
er_NP 1822_CD two_CD companies_NNS of_IN infantry_NN arrived_VBD at_IN the_AT mo
uth_NN of_IN the_AT St._NN-TL Peter's_NP$-TL River_NN-TL ,_, the_AT head_NN of_I
N navigation_NN on_IN the_AT Mississippi_NP ,_, and_CC began_VBD construction_NN
of_IN Fort_NN-TL St._NN-TL Anthony_NP-TL which_WDT ,_, upon_IN completion_NN ,_
, was_BEDZ renamed_VBN in_IN honor_NN of_IN its_PP$ commander_NN ,_, Colonel_NN-
TL Josiah_NP Snelling_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ from_IN the_AT American_JJ outposts
_NNS that_CS Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL shortages_NNS of_IN livestock_NN were_BED to_
TO be_BE made_VBN good_JJ ._. Hercules_NP L._NP Dousman_NP ,_, fur_NN trader_NN
and_CC merchant_NN at_IN Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP ,_, contracted_VBD to_TO supp
ly_VB Selkirk's_NP$ people_NNS with_IN some_DTI 300_CD head_NNS of_IN cattle_NNS
,_, and_CC Alexis_NP Bailly_NP and_CC Francois_NP Labothe_NP were_BED hired_VBN
as_CS drovers_NNS ._. Bailly_NP ,_, after_IN leaving_VBG Fort_NN-TL Snelling_NP
in_IN August_NP 1821_CD ,_, was_BEDZ forced_VBN to_TO leave_VB some_DTI of_IN t
he_AT cattle_NNS at_IN the_AT Hudson's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL Company's_NN$-TL post_NN
on_IN Lake_NN-TL Traverse_VB-TL ``_`` in_IN the_AT Sieux_NPS-TL Country_NN-TL '
'_'' and_CC reached_VBD Fort_NN-TL Garry_NP-TL ,_, as_CS the_AT Selkirk_NP Hudso
n's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL Company_NN-TL center_NN was_BEDZ now_RB called_VBN ,_, late
_RB in_IN the_AT fall_NN ._. He_PPS set_VBD out_RP on_IN his_PP$ 700-mile_JJ ret
urn_JJ journey_NN with_IN five_CD families_NNS of_IN discontented_JJ and_CC disa
ppointed_VBN Swiss_NPS who_WPS turned_VBD their_PP$ eyes_NNS toward_IN the_AT Un
ited_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Observing_VBG their_PP$ distressing_JJ condition_N
N ,_, Colonel_NN-TL Snelling_NP allowed_VBD these_DTS half-starved_JJ immigrants
_NNS to_TO settle_VB on_IN the_AT military_JJ reservation_NN ._. As_CS these_DTS
Swiss_NPS were_BED moving_VBG from_IN the_AT Selkirk_NP settlement_NN to_TO bec
ome_VB the_AT first_OD civilian_JJ residents_NNS of_IN Minnesota_NP ,_, Dousman_
NP of_IN Michilimackinac_NP ,_, Michigan_NP ,_, and_CC Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP
was_BEDZ traveling_VBG to_IN Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL to_TO open_VB a_AT trade_NN
in_IN merchandise_NN ._. Early_RB in_IN 1822_CD he_PPS was_BEDZ at_IN Fort_NN-TL
Garry_NP-TL offering_VBG to_TO bring_VB in_RP pork_NN ,_, flour_NN ,_, liquor_N
N and_CC tobacco_NN ._. Alexander_NP McDonnell_NP ,_, governor_NN of_IN Red_JJ-T
L River_NN-TL ,_, and_CC James_NP Bird_NP ,_, a_AT chief_JJS factor_NN of_IN the
_AT Hudson's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, ordered_VBD such_JJ ``_`` sundry
_JJ articles_NNS ''_'' to_IN a_AT value_NN of_IN Ab4,500_CD ._. For_IN its_PP$ p
art_NN the_AT Hudson's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL Company_NN-TL was_BEDZ troubled_VBN by_I
N the_AT approach_NN of_IN American_JJ settlement_NN ._. As_CS the_AT time_NN dr
ew_VBD near_RB for_IN the_AT drawing_NN of_IN the_AT British-American_JJ frontie
r_NN by_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_AT agreement_NN of_IN 1818_CD ,_, the_AT company_
NN suspected_VBD that_CS the_AT Pembina_NP colony_NN --_-- its_PP$ own_JJ post_N
N and_CC Fort_NN-TL Daer_NP-TL --_-- was_BEDZ on_IN American_JJ territory_NN ._.
Accordingly_RB Selkirk's_NP$ agents_NNS ordered_VBD the_AT settlers_NNS to_TO m
ove_VB north_NR ,_, and_CC by_IN October_NP ,_, John_NP Halkett_NP had_HVD torn_
VBN down_RP both_ABX posts_NNS ,_, floating_VBG the_AT timber_NN to_IN ``_`` the
_AT Forks_NNS-TL ''_'' in_IN rafts_NNS ._. ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV done_VBN everyth
ing_PN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` to_TO break_VB up_RP the_AT whole_NN
of_IN that_DT unfortunate_JJ establishment_NN ._. ''_'' Despite_IN Company_NN-T
L threats_NNS ,_, duly_RB carried_VBN through_RP ,_, to_TO cut_VB off_RP supplie
s_NNS of_IN powder_NN ,_, ball_NN ,_, and_CC thread_NN for_IN fishing_VBG nets_N
NS ,_, about_RB 350_CD persons_NNS stayed_VBD in_IN the_AT village_NN ._. They_P
PSS would_MD attempt_VB to_TO bring_VB supplies_NNS from_IN St._NP Louis_NP or_C
C Prairie_NP Du_NP Chien_NP at_IN ``_`` great_JJ expense_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS
danger_NN ''_'' ._. At_IN Fort_NN-TL Garry_NP-TL some_DTI of_IN the_AT Swiss_JJ
also_RB decided_VBD to_TO cast_VB their_PP$ lot_NN with_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC in_IN 1823_CD several_AP families_NNS paid_VBD guides_N
NS to_TO take_VB them_PPO to_IN Fort_NN-TL Snelling_NP-TL ._. The_AT disasters_N
NS of_IN 1825-1826_CD caused_VBD more_AP to_TO leave_VB ._. After_IN heavy_JJ ra
ins_NNS and_CC an_AT onslaught_NN of_IN mice_NNS ,_, snow_NN fell_VBD on_IN Octo
ber_NP 15_CD ,_, 1825_CD ,_, and_CC remained_VBD on_IN the_AT ground_NN through_
IN a_AT winter_NN so_QL cold_JJ that_CS the_AT ice_NN on_IN the_AT Red_NP was_BE
DZ five_CD feet_NNS thick_JJ ._. In_IN April_NP came_VBD a_AT rapid_JJ thaw_NN t
hat_WPS produced_VBD high_JJ waters_NNS which_WDT did_DOD not_* recede_VB until_
IN mid-June_NP ._. On_IN June_NP 24_CD more_AP than_IN 400_CD families_NNS start
ed_VBD the_AT three-month_JJ trip_NN across_IN the_AT plains_NNS to_IN the_AT Mi
ssissippi_NP ._. By_IN fall_NN ,_, 443_CD survivors_NNS of_IN this_DT arduous_JJ
journey_NN were_BED clustered_VBN about_IN Fort_NN-TL Snelling_NP-TL ,_, but_CC
most_AP of_IN them_PPO were_BED sent_VBN on_RP to_IN Galena_NP and_CC St._NP Lo
uis_NP ,_, with_IN a_AT few_AP going_VBG as_QL far_RB as_CS Vevay_NP ,_, Indiana
_NP ,_, a_AT notable_JJ Swiss_JJ center_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS
-TL ._. In_IN 1837_CD ,_, 157_CD Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL people_NNS with_IN more_A
P than_IN 200_CD cattle_NNS were_BED living_VBG on_IN the_AT reservation_NN at_I
N Fort_NN-TL Snelling_NP-TL ._. Below_IN the_AT fort_NN ,_, high_JJ bluffs_NNS e
xtended_VBD uninterruptedly_RB for_IN six_CD miles_NNS along_IN the_AT Mississip
pi_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. At_IN the_AT point_NN where_WRB they_PPSS ended_VBD ,_,
another_DT settlement_NN grew_VBD up_RP around_IN a_AT chapel_NN built_VBN at_I
N the_AT boat_NN landing_NN by_IN Father_NN-TL Lucian_NP Galtier_NP in_IN 1840_C
D ._. Its_PP$ people_NNS ,_, including_IN Pierre_NP Bottineau_NP and_CC other_AP
American_JJ-TL Fur_NN-TL Company_NN-TL employees_NNS and_CC the_AT refugees_NNS
from_IN Fort_NN-TL Garry_NP-TL ,_, were_BED joined_VBN by_IN the_AT remaining_V
BG Scots_NPS and_CC Swiss_NPS from_IN Fort_NN-TL Snelling_NP-TL when_WRB Major_N
N-TL Joseph_NP Plympton_NP expelled_VBD them_PPO from_IN the_AT reservation_NN i
n_IN May_NP 1840_CD ._. The_AT resultant_JJ town_NN ,_, platted_VBN in_IN 1847_C
D and_CC named_VBN for_IN the_AT patron_NN of_IN Father_NN-TL Galtier's_NP$ miss
ion_NN ,_, St._NP Paul_NP ,_, was_BEDZ to_TO become_VB an_AT important_JJ center
_NN of_IN the_AT fur_NN trade_NN and_CC was_BEDZ to_TO take_VB on_RP a_AT new_JJ
interest_NN for_IN those_DTS Selkirkers_NPS who_WPS remained_VBD at_IN Red_JJ-T
L River_NN-TL ._. While_CS population_NN at_IN Fort_NN-TL Garry_NP-TL increased_
VBD rapidly_RB ,_, from_IN 2,417_CD in_IN 1831_CD to_IN 4,369_CD in_IN 1840_CD ,
_, economic_JJ opportunities_NNS did_DOD not_* increase_VB at_IN a_AT similar_JJ
rate_NN ._. Accordingly_RB ,_, though_CS the_AT practice_NN violated_VBD the_AT
no-trading_JJ provision_NN of_IN the_AT Selkirk_NP charter_NN which_WDT reserve
d_VBD all_ABN such_JJ activity_NN in_IN merchandise_NN and_CC furs_NNS to_IN the
_AT Hudson's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, some_DTI settlers_NNS went_VBD i
nto_IN trade_NN ._. The_AT Company_NN-TL maintained_VBD a_AT store_NN at_IN whic
h_WDT products_NNS of_IN England_NP could_MD be_BE purchased_VBN and_CC brought_
VBN in_IN goods_NNS for_IN the_AT new_JJ merchants_NNS on_IN the_AT understandin
g_NN that_CS they_PPSS refrain_VB from_IN trading_VBG in_IN furs_NNS ._. Despite
_IN this_DT prohibiton_NN ,_, by_IN 1844_CD some_DTI of_IN the_AT Fort_NN-TL Gar
ry_NP-TL merchants_NNS were_BED trading_VBG with_IN the_AT Indians_NPS for_IN fu
rs_NNS ._. In_IN June_NP 1845_CD ,_, the_AT Governor_NN-TL and_CC-TL Council_NN-
TL of_IN-TL Assiniboia_NP imposed_VBD a_AT 20_CD per_IN cent_NN duty_NN on_IN im
ports_NNS via_IN Hudson's_NP$-TL Bay_NN-TL which_WDT were_BED viewed_VBN as_CS a
imed_VBN at_IN the_AT ``_`` very_AP vitals_NNS of_IN the_AT Company's_NN$-TL tra
de_NN and_CC power_NN ''_'' ._. To_TO reduce_VB further_RBR the_AT flow_NN of_IN
goods_NNS from_IN England_NP ,_, the_AT Company's_NN$-TL local_JJ officials_NNS
asked_VBD that_CS its_PP$ London_NP authorities_NNS refrain_VB from_IN forwardi
ng_VBG any_DTI more_AP trade_NN goods_NNS to_IN these_DTS men_NNS ._. With_IN th
eir_PP$ customary_JJ source_NN of_IN supply_NN cut_VBN off_RP ,_, the_AT Fort_NN
-TL Garry_NP-TL free_JJ traders_NNS engaged_VBD three_CD men_NNS to_TO cart_VB g
oods_NNS to_IN them_PPO from_IN the_AT Mississippi_NP country_NN ._. Others_NNS
carried_VBD pemmican_NN from_IN ``_`` the_AT Forks_NNS-TL ''_'' to_IN St._NP Pau
l_NP and_CC goods_NNS from_IN St._NP Paul_NP to_IN Red_JJ-TL River_NN-TL ,_, as_
CS in_IN the_AT summer_NN of_IN 1847_CD when_WRB one_CD trader_NN ,_, Wells_NP ,
_, transported_VBD twenty_CD barrels_NNS of_IN whisky_NN to_IN the_AT British_JJ
settlement_NN ._. This_DT trade_NN was_BEDZ subject_JJ to_IN a_AT tariff_NN of_
IN 7.5_CD per_IN cent_NN after_IN February_NP 1835_CD ,_, but_CC much_AP was_BED
Z smuggled_VBN into_IN Assiniboia_NP with_IN the_AT result_NN that_CS the_AT dut
y_NN was_BEDZ reduced_VBN by_IN 1841_CD to_IN 4_CD per_IN cent_NN on_IN the_AT i
nitiative_NN of_IN the_AT London_NP committee_NN ._. The_AT trade_NN in_IN a_AT
few_AP commodities_NNS noted_VBN above_RB was_BEDZ to_TO grow_VB in_IN volume_NN
as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN changes_NNS both_ABX north_NR and_CC south_NR of_IN
the_AT 49th_OD parallel_NN ._. The_AT letters_NNS of_IN the_AT common_JJ soldier
s_NNS are_BER rich_JJ in_IN humor_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, no_AT richer_JJR humor_NN
is_BEZ to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN the_AT whole_NN of_IN American_JJ literature
_NN than_CS in_IN the_AT letters_NNS of_IN the_AT semi-literate_JJ men_NNS who_W
PS wore_VBD the_AT blue_JJ and_CC the_AT gray_JJ ._. Some_DTI of_IN their_PP$ fi
gures_NNS of_IN speech_NN were_BED colorful_JJ and_CC expressive_JJ ._. A_AT Con
federate_NN-TL observed_VBD that_CS the_AT Yankees_NPS were_BED :_: ``_`` thicke
r_JJR than_CS lise_NNS on_IN a_AT hen_NN and_CC a_AT dam_JJ site_NN ornraier_JJR
''_'' ._. Another_DT reported_VBD that_CS his_PP$ comrades_NNS were_BED ``_`` i
n_IN fine_JJ spirits_NNS pitching_VBG around_RB like_CS a_AT blind_JJ dog_NN in_
IN a_AT meat_NN house_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT third_OD wrote_VBD that_CS it_PPS was_BE
DZ ``_`` raining_VBG like_CS poring_VBG peas_NNS on_IN a_AT rawhide_NN ''_'' ._.
Yanks_NPS were_BED equally_QL adept_JJ at_IN figurative_JJ expression_NN ._. On
e_CD wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` (_( I_PPSS am_BEM so_QL hungry_JJ )_) I_PPSS could_MD e
at_VB a_AT rider_NN off_IN his_PP$ horse_NN &_CC snap_VB at_IN the_AT stirups_NN
S ''_'' ._. A_AT second_OD reported_VBD that_CS the_AT dilapidated_VBN houses_NN
S in_IN Virginia_NP ``_`` look_VB like_CS the_AT latter_AP end_NN of_IN original
_JJ sin_NN and_CC hard_JJ times_NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT third_OD remarked_VBD of_IN s
lowness_NN of_IN Southerners_NNS-TL :_: ``_`` they_PPSS moved_VBD about_RB from_
IN corner_NN to_IN corner_NN ,_, as_QL uneasy_JJ as_CS a_AT litter_NN of_IN hung
ry_JJ leaches_NNS on_IN the_AT neck_NN of_IN a_AT wooden_JJ god_NN ''_'' ._. Sti
ll_RB another_DT ,_, annoyed_VBN by_IN the_AT brevity_NN of_IN a_AT recently_RB
received_VBN missive_NN ,_, wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` yore_PP$ letter_NN was_BEDZ shor
t_JJ and_CC sweet_JJ ,_, jist_RB like_CS a_AT roasted_VBN maget_NN ''_'' ._. A_A
T Yankee_JJ sergeant_NN gave_VBD the_AT following_VBG description_NN of_IN his_P
P$ sweetheart_NN :_: ``_`` my_PP$ girl_NN is_BEZ none_PN of_IN your_PP$ one-hors
e_NN girls_NNS ._. She_PPS is_BEZ a_AT regular_JJ stub_NN and_CC twister_NN ,_,
double_RB geered_VBN ._. She_PPS is_BEZ well-educated_JJ and_CC refined_VBN ,_,
all_ABN wildcat_NN and_CC fur_NN ,_, and_CC Union_NN-TL from_IN the_AT muzzle_NN
to_IN the_AT crupper_NN ''_'' ._. Humor_NN found_VBD many_AP modes_NNS of_IN ex
pression_NN ._. A_AT Texan_NP wrote_VBD to_IN a_AT male_JJ companion_NN at_IN ho
me_NN :_: ``_`` what_WDT has_HVZ become_VBN of_IN Halda_NP and_CC Laura_NP ?_. ?
_. When_WRB you_PPSS see_VB them_PPO again_RB give_VB them_PPO my_PP$ love_NN --
_-- not_* best_JJT respects_NNS now_RB ,_, but_CC love_NN by_IN God_NP ''_'' ._.
William_NP R._NP Stillwell_NP ,_, an_AT admirable_JJ Georgian_NP whose_WP$ deli
ghtful_JJ correspondence_NN is_BEZ preserved_VBN in_IN the_AT Georgia_NP-TL Depa
rtment_NN-TL of_IN-TL Archives_NNS-TL and_CC-TL History_NN-TL ,_, liked_VBD to_T
O tease_VB his_PP$ wife_NN in_IN his_PP$ letters_NNS ._. After_CS he_PPS had_HVD
been_BEN away_RB from_IN home_NN about_RB a_AT year_NN he_PPS wrote_VBD :_: ``_
`` (_( dear_JJ Wife_NN-TL )_) if_CS I_PPSS did_DOD not_* write_VB and_CC receive
_VB letters_NNS from_IN you_PPO I_PPSS believe_VB that_CS I_PPSS would_MD forgit
_VB that_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ married_VBN ._. I_PPSS don't_DO* feel_VB much_RB lik
e_CS a_AT maryed_VBN man_NN but_CC I_PPSS never_RB forgit_VB it_PPO sofar_RB as_
CS to_TO court_VB enny_DTI other_AP lady_NN but_CC if_CS I_PPSS should_MD you_PP
SS must_MD forgive_VB me_PPO as_CS I_PPSS am_BEM so_QL forgitful_JJ ''_'' ._. A_
AT Yank_NP ,_, disturbed_VBN by_IN his_PP$ increasing_VBG corpulence_NN ,_, wrot
e_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM growing_VBG so_QL fat_JJ I_PPSS am_BEM a_AT burden
_NN 2_IN myself_PPL ''_'' ._. Another_DT Yank_NP parodied_VBD the_AT familiar_JJ
bedtime_NN prayer_NN :_: ``_`` now_RB I_PPSS lay_VB me_PPO down_RP to_TO sleep_
VB ,_, the_AT gray-backs_NNS o'er_IN my_PP$ body_NN creep_VB ;_. ;_. if_CS they_
PPSS should_MD bite_VB before_CS I_PPSS wake_VB ,_, I_PPSS pray_VB the_AT Lord_N
N-TL their_PP$ jaws_NNS to_TO break_VB ''_'' ._. Charles_NP Thiot_NP ,_, a_AT sp
lendid_JJ Georgia_NP soldier_NN ,_, differed_VBD from_IN most_AP of_IN his_PP$ c
omrades_NNS in_IN the_AT ranks_NNS in_IN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT owner_NN
of_IN a_AT large_JJ plantation_NN ,_, well-educated_JJ ,_, and_CC nearly_RB fif
ty_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ very_QL much_RB like_CS
his_PP$ associates_NNS in_IN his_PP$ hatred_NN of_IN camp_NN routine_NN ._. Near
_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN his_PP$ service_NN he_PPS wrote_VBD that_CS when_WRB the
_AT war_NN was_BEDZ over_RP he_PPS was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO buy_VB two_CD pups_N
NS ,_, name_VB one_CD of_IN them_PPO ``_`` Fall-in_NP ''_'' and_CC the_AT other_
AP ``_`` Close-up_NP ''_'' ,_, and_CC then_RB shoot_VB them_PPO both_ABX ,_, ``_
`` and_CC that_DT will_MD be_BE the_AT end_NN of_IN Fall-in_NP and_CC Close-up_N
P ''_'' ._. The_AT soldiers_NNS who_WPS comprised_VBD the_AT rank_NN and_CC file
_NN of_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL armies_NNS were_BED an_AT earthy_JJ peopl
e_NNS ._. They_PPSS talked_VBD and_CC wrote_VBD much_RB about_IN the_AT elementa
l_JJ functions_NNS of_IN the_AT body_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL common_J
J of_IN camp_NN maladies_NNS was_BEDZ diarrhoea_NN ._. Men_NNS of_IN more_QL del
icate_JJ sensibilities_NNS referred_VBD to_IN this_DT condition_NN as_CS ``_`` l
ooseness_NN of_IN the_AT bowels_NNS ''_'' ;_. ;_. but_CC a_AT much_QL more_QL co
mmon_JJ designation_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` the_AT sh-ts_NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT Michigan_N
P soldier_NN stationed_VBN in_IN Georgia_NP wrote_VBD in_IN 1864_CD :_. :_. ``_`
` I_PPSS expect_VB to_TO be_BE tough_JJ as_CS a_AT knott_NN as_QL soon_RB as_CS
I_PPSS get_VB over_RP the_AT Georgia_NP-TL Shitts_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. Johnny_NP Reb
s_NPS from_IN the_AT deep_JJ South_NR-TL who_WPS were_BED plagued_VBN with_IN di
arrhoea_NN after_IN transfer_NN to_IN the_AT Virginia_NP front_NN often_RB infor
med_VBD their_PP$ families_NNS that_CS they_PPSS were_BED suffering_VBG from_IN
the_AT ``_`` the_AT Virginia_NP quickstep_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT Georgia_NP soldier_N
N gave_VBD his_PP$ wife_NN the_AT following_VBG description_NN of_IN the_AT caus
e_NN and_CC consequence_NN of_IN diarrhoea_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV bin_NN a_
AT little_QL sick_JJ with_IN diorah_NN two_CD or_CC three_CD days_NNS ._. I_PPSS
eat_VB too_QL much_AP eggs_NNS and_CC poark_NN ._. It_PPS sowered_VBD (_( on_IN
)_) my_PP$ stomack_NN and_CC turn_VB loose_RB on_IN me_PPO ''_'' ._. A_AT Michi
gan_NP soldier_NN wrote_VBD his_PP$ brother_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM well_JJ a
t_IN present_NN with_IN the_AT exception_NN I_PPSS have_HV got_VBN the_AT Dyerea
r_NN and_CC I_PPSS hope_VB thease_DTS few_AP lines_NNS find_VB you_PPO the_AT sa
me_AP ''_'' ._. The_AT letters_NNS which_WDT poured_VBD forth_RB from_IN camps_N
NS were_BED usually_RB written_VBN under_IN adverse_JJ circumstances_NNS ._. Sav
e_IN for_IN brief_JJ periods_NNS in_IN garrison_NN or_CC winter_NN quarters_NNS
,_, soldiers_NNS rarely_RB enjoyed_VBD the_AT luxury_NN of_IN a_AT writing_VBG d
esk_NN or_CC table_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT letters_NNS were_BED written_VBN
in_IN the_AT hubbub_NN of_IN camp_NN ,_, on_IN stumps_NNS ,_, pieces_NNS of_IN b
ark_NN ,_, drum_NN heads_NNS ,_, or_CC the_AT knee_NN ._. In_IN the_AT South_NR-
TL ,_, after_IN the_AT first_OD year_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN ,_, paper_NN and_CC
ink_NN were_BED very_QL poor_JJ ._. Scarcity_NN of_IN paper_NN caused_VBD many_A
P Southerners_NNS-TL to_TO adopt_VB the_AT practice_NN of_IN cross-writing_NN ,_
, i.e._RB ,_, after_CS writing_VBG from_IN left_NR to_IN right_NR of_IN the_AT p
age_NN in_IN the_AT usual_JJ manner_NN ,_, they_PPSS gave_VBD the_AT sheet_NN a_
AT half_ABN turn_NN and_CC wrote_VBD from_IN end_NN to_IN end_NN across_IN the_A
T lines_NNS previously_RB written_VBN ._. Sometimes_RB soldiers_NNS wrote_VBD le
tters_NNS while_CS bullets_NNS were_BED whizzing_VBG about_IN their_PP$ heads_NN
S ._. A_AT Yank_NP writing_VBG from_IN Vicksburg_NP ,_, May_NP 28_CD ,_, 1863_CD
,_, stated_VBD :_: ``_`` not_* less_AP than_IN 50_CD balls_NNS have_HV passed_V
BN over_IN me_PPO since_CS I_PPSS commenced_VBD writing_VBG ._. I_PPSS could_MD
tell_VB you_PPO of_IN plenty_NN narrow_JJ escapes_NNS ,_, but_CC we_PPSS take_VB
no_AT notice_NN of_IN them_PPO now_RB ''_'' ._. A_AT Reb_NP stationed_VBN near_
IN Petersburg_NP informed_VBD his_PP$ mother_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS need_VB not_* t
ell_VB you_PPO that_CS I_PPSS dodge_VB pretty_QL often_RB for_CS you_PPSS can_MD
see_VB that_DT very_QL plainly_RB by_IN the_AT blots_NNS in_IN this_DT letter_N
N ._. Just_RB count_VB each_DT blot_NN a_AT dodge_NN and_CC add_VB in_RP a_AT fe
w_AP for_CS I_PPSS don't_DO* dodge_VB every_AT time_NN ''_'' ._. Another_DT Reb_
NP writing_VBG under_IN similar_JJ circumstances_NNS before_IN Atlanta_NP report
ed_VBD :_: ``_`` the_AT Yankees_NPS keep_VB shooting_VBG so_RB I_PPSS am_BEM afr
aid_JJ they_PPSS will_MD knock_VB over_RP my_PP$ ink_NN ,_, so_RB I_PPSS will_MD
close_VB ''_'' ._. 3_CD-HL ,_, the_AT most_QL common_JJ type_NN of_IN letter_NN
was_BEDZ that_DT of_IN soldier_NN husbands_NNS to_IN their_PP$ wives_NNS ._. Bu
t_CC fathers_NNS often_RB addressed_VBD communications_NNS to_IN their_PP$ small
_JJ children_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC these_DTS ,_, full_JJ of_IN homely_JJ advice_NN
,_, are_BER among_IN the_AT most_QL human_JJ and_CC revealing_JJ of_IN Civil_JJ-
TL War_NN-TL letters_NNS ._. Rebs_NPS who_WPS owned_VBD slaves_NNS occasionally_
RB would_MD include_VB in_IN their_PP$ letters_NNS admonitions_NNS or_CC greetin
gs_NNS to_IN members_NNS of_IN the_AT Negro_NP community_NN ._. Occasionally_RB
they_PPSS would_MD write_VB to_IN the_AT slaves_NNS ._. Early_RB in_IN the_AT wa
r_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* uncommon_JJ for_CS planters'_NNS$ sons_NNS to_TO reta
in_VB in_IN camp_NN Negro_NP ``_`` body_NN servants_NNS ''_'' to_TO perform_VB t
he_AT menial_JJ chores_NNS such_JJ as_CS cooking_VBG ,_, foraging_VBG ,_, cleani
ng_VBG the_AT quarters_NNS ,_, shining_VBG shoes_NNS ,_, and_CC laundering_VBG c
lothes_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB these_DTS servants_NNS wrote_VBD or_CC dictated_VBD
for_IN enclosure_NN with_IN the_AT letters_NNS of_IN their_PP$ soldier-masters_N
NS messages_NNS to_IN their_PP$ relatives_NNS and_CC to_IN members_NNS of_IN the
ir_PP$ owners'_NNS$ families_NNS ._. Unmarried_JJ soldiers_NNS carried_VBD on_RP
correspondence_NN with_IN sweethearts_NNS at_IN home_NN ._. Owing_VBG to_IN the
_AT restrained_VBN usages_NNS characteristic_JJ of_IN 19th-century_NN America_NP
,_, these_DTS letters_NNS usually_RB were_BED stereotyped_VBN and_CC revealed_V
BD little_AP depth_NN of_IN feeling_VBG ._. Occasionally_RB gay_JJ young_JJ blad
es_NNS would_MD write_VB vividly_RB to_IN boon_JJ companions_NNS at_IN home_NN a
bout_IN their_PP$ amorous_JJ exploits_NNS in_IN Richmond_NP ,_, Petersburg_NP ,_
, Washington_NP ,_, or_CC Nashville_NP ._. But_CC these_DTS comments_NNS are_BER
hardly_RB printable_JJ ._. An_AT Alabama_NP soldier_NN whose_WP$ feminine_JJ as
sociations_NNS were_BED of_IN the_AT more_QL admirable_JJ type_NN wrote_VBD boas
tfully_RB of_IN his_PP$ achievements_NNS among_IN the_AT Virginia_NP belles_NNS
:_: ``_`` they_PPSS thout_VBD I_PPSS was_BEDZ a_AT saint_NN ._. I_PPSS told_VBD
them_PPO some_DTI sweet_JJ lies_NNS and_CC they_PPSS believed_VBD it_PPO all_ABN
._. I_PPSS would_MD tell_VB them_PPO I_PPSS got_VBD a_AT letter_NN from_IN home
_NN stating_VBG that_CS five_CD of_IN my_PP$ Negroes_NPS had_HVD runaway_VBN and
_CC ten_CD of_IN Pappy's_NP$ ._. But_CC I_PPSS wold_MD say_VB I_PPSS recond_VBD
he_PPS did_DOD not_* mind_VB it_PPO for_CS he_PPS had_HVD a_AT plenty_NN more_AP
left_VBN and_CC then_RB they_PPSS would_MD lean_VB to_IN me_PPO like_CS a_AT so
re_JJ eyd_JJ kitten_NN to_IN a_AT basin_NN of_IN milk_NN ''_'' ._. Some_DTI of_I
N the_AT letters_NNS were_BED pungently_QL expressive_JJ ._. An_AT Ohio_NP soldi
er_NN who_WPS ,_, from_IN a_AT comrade_NN just_RB returned_VBN from_IN leave_NN
,_, received_VBD an_AT unfavorable_JJ comment_NN on_IN the_AT conduct_NN of_IN h
is_PP$ sister_NN ,_, took_VBD pen_NN in_IN hand_NN and_CC delivered_VBD himself_
PPL thus_RB :_: ``_`` dear_JJ Sis_NP ._. Alf_NP sed_VBD he_PPS heard_VBD that_CS
you_PPSS and_CC Hardy_NP was_BEDZ a_AT runing_VBG together_RB all_ABN the_AT ti
me_NN and_CC he_PPS though_VBD he_PPS wod_MD gust_RB quit_VB having_HVG any_DTI
thing_NN mor_AP to_TO doo_DO with_IN you_PPO for_CS he_PPS thought_VBD it_PPS wa
s_BEDZ no_AT more_AP yuse_NN ._. I_PPSS think_VB you_PPSS made_VBD a_AT dam_VBN
good_JJ chouise_NN to_TO turn_VB off_RP as_QL nise_JJ a_AT feler_NN as_CS Alf_NP
Dyer_NP and_CC let_VB that_DT orney_JJ thefin_VBG ,_, drunkard_NN ,_, damed_VBN
card_NN playing_VBG sun_NN of_IN a_AT bich_NN com_VB to_TO sea_VB you_PPO ,_, t
he_AT god_NN damed_VBN theaf_NN and_CC lop_JJ yeard_VBN pigen_NN tode_JJ helion_
NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ too_QL orney_JJ for_IN hel_NN ._. I_PPSS will_MD shute_VB h
im_PPO as_QL shore_RB as_CS I_PPSS sea_VB him_PPO ''_'' ._. Initiation_NN into_I
N combat_NN sometimes_RB elicited_VBD from_IN soldier_NN correspondents_NNS choi
ce_JJ comments_NNS about_IN their_PP$ experiences_NNS and_CC reactions_NNS ._. A
_AT Federal_JJ-TL infantryman_NN wrote_VBD to_IN his_PP$ father_NN shortly_RB af
ter_IN his_PP$ first_OD skirmish_NN in_IN Virginia_NP :_: ``_`` dear_JJ Pa_NN-TL
._. Went_VBD out_RP a_AT skouting_VBG yesterday_NR ._. We_PPSS got_VBD to_IN on
e_CD house_NN where_WRB there_EX were_BED five_CD secessionists_NNS ._. They_PPS
S brok_VBD &_CC run_VBD and_CC Arch_NP holored_VBD out_RP to_TO shoot_VB the_AT
ornery_JJ suns_NNS of_IN biches_NNS and_CC we_PPSS all_ABN let_VB go_VB at_IN th
em_PPO ._. Thay_PPSS may_MD say_VB what_WDT they_PPSS please_VB but_CC godamit_U
H Pa_NN-TL it_PPS is_BEZ fun_NN ''_'' ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT choicest_JJT rem
arks_NNS made_VBN by_IN soldiers_NNS in_IN their_PP$ letters_NNS were_BED in_IN
disparagement_NN of_IN unpopular_JJ officers_NNS ._. A_AT Mississippi_NP soldier
_NN wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` our_PP$ General_NN-TL Reub_NP Davis_NP is_BEZ a_AT vain_
JJ ,_, stuck-up_JJ ,_, illiterate_JJ ass_NN ''_'' ._. An_AT Alabamian_NP wrote_V
BD :_: ``_`` Col._NN-TL Henry_NP is_BEZ (_( an_AT ignoramus_NN )_) fit_JJ for_IN
nothing_PN higher_RBR than_CS the_AT cultivation_NN of_IN corn_NN ''_'' ._. A_A
T Floridian_NP stated_VBD that_CS his_PP$ officers_NNS were_BED ``_`` not_* fit_
JJ to_TO tote_VB guts_NNS to_IN a_AT bear_NN ''_'' ._. On_IN December_NP 9_CD ,_
, 1862_CD ,_, Sergeant_NN-TL Edwin_NP H._NP Fay_NP ,_, an_AT unusual_JJ Louisian
an_NP who_WPS held_VBD A.B._NP and_CC M.A._NP degrees_NNS from_IN Harvard_NP-TL
University_NN-TL and_CC who_WPS before_IN the_AT war_NN was_BEDZ headmaster_NN o
f_IN a_AT private_JJ school_NN for_IN boys_NNS in_IN Louisiana_NP ,_, wrote_VBD
his_PP$ wife_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS saw_VBD Pemberton_NP and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ the_A
T most_QL insignificant_JJ puke_NN I_PPSS ever_RB saw_VBD ._. His_PP$ head_NN ca
nnot_MD* contain_VB enough_AP sense_NN to_TO command_VB a_AT regiment_NN ,_, muc
h_QL less_AP a_AT corps_NN ._. Jackson_NP runs_VBZ first_RB and_CC his_PP$ Caval
ry_NN-TL are_BER well_QL drilled_VBN to_TO follow_VB their_PP$ leader_NN ._. He_
PPS is_BEZ not_* worth_JJ shucks_NNS ._. But_CC he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT West_JJ-TL Po
int_NN-TL graduate_NN and_CC therefore_RB must_MD be_BE born_VBN to_TO command_V
B ''_'' ._. Similar_JJ comments_NNS about_IN officers_NNS are_BER to_TO be_BE fo
und_VBN in_IN the_AT letters_NNS of_IN Northern_JJ-TL soldiers_NNS ._. A_AT Mass
achusetts_NP soldier_NN ,_, who_WPS seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV been_BEN a_AT Civil_
JJ-TL War_NN-TL version_NN of_IN Bill_NP Mauldin_NP ,_, wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` the_
AT officers_NNS consider_VB themselves_PPLS as_CS made_VBN of_IN a_AT different_
JJ material_NN from_IN the_AT low_JJ fellows_NNS in_IN the_AT ranks_NNS ._. They
_PPSS get_VB all_ABN the_AT glory_NN and_CC most_AP of_IN the_AT pay_NN and_CC d
on't_DO* earn_VB ten_CD cents_NNS apiece_RB on_IN the_AT average_NN ,_, the_AT d
runken_JJ rascals_NNS ''_'' ._. Private_NN-TL George_NP Gray_NP Hunter_NP of_IN
Pennsylvania_NP wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM well_QL convinced_VBN in_IN my
_PP$ own_JJ mind_NN that_CS had_HVD it_PPS not_* been_BEN for_IN officers_NNS th
is_DT war_NN would_MD have_HV ended_VBN long_QL ago_RB ''_'' ._. Another_DT Yank
ee_NP became_VBD so_QL disgusted_VBN as_CS to_TO state_VB :_: ``_`` I_PPSS wish_
VB to_IN God_NP one_CD half_ABN of_IN our_PP$ officers_NNS were_BED knocked_VBN
in_IN the_AT head_NN by_IN slinging_VBG them_PPO against_IN (_( the_AT other_AP
half_ABN )_) ''_'' ._. No_AT group_NN of_IN officers_NNS came_VBD in_RP for_IN m
ore_QL spirited_VBN denunciation_NN than_CS the_AT doctors_NNS ._. One_CD Federa
l_JJ-TL soldier_NN wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` the_AT docters_NNS is_BEZ no_AT aconte_NN
--_-- hell_NN will_MD be_BE filde_VBN with_IN do(c)ters_NNS and_CC offersey_NNS
when_WRB this_DT war_NN is_BEZ over_RP ''_'' ._. Shortly_RB after_IN the_AT beg
inning_NN of_IN Sherman's_NP$ Georgia_NP campaign_NN ,_, an_AT ailing_VBG Yank_N
P wrote_VBD his_PP$ homefolk_NNS :_: ``_`` the_AT surgeon_NN insisted_VBD on_IN
sending_VBG me_PPO to_IN the_AT hospital_NN for_IN treatment_NN ._. I_PPSS insis
ted_VBD on_IN takeing_NN the_AT field_NN and_CC prevailed_VBD --_-- thinking_VBG
that_CS I_PPSS had_HVD better_RBR die_VB by_IN rebel_NN bullets_NNS than_CS (_(
by_IN )_) Union_NN-TL quackery_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT attitudes_NNS which_WDT the_
AT Rebs_NPS and_CC Yanks_NPS took_VBD toward_IN each_DT other_AP were_BED very_Q
L much_AP the_AT same_AP and_CC ranged_VBD over_IN the_AT same_AP gamut_NN of_IN
feeling_VBG ,_, from_IN friendliness_NN to_IN extreme_JJ hatred_NN ._. The_AT R
ebs_NPS were_BED ,_, to_IN a_AT Massachusetts_NP corporal_NN ,_, ``_`` fighting_
VBG madmen_NNS or_CC not_* men_NNS at_IN all_ABN but_CC whiskey_NN &_CC gunpowde
r_NN put_VBN into_IN a_AT human_JJ frame_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT Pennsylvania_NP soldi
er_NN wrote_VBD that_CS ``_`` they_PPSS were_BED the_AT hardest_JJT looking_JJ s
et_NN of_IN men_NNS that_CS ever_RB I_PPSS saw_VB ._. They_PPSS looked_VBD as_CS
if_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN fed_VBN on_IN vinegar_NN and_CC shavings_NNS .
_. ''_'' Private_NN-TL Jenkins_NP Lloyd_NP Jones_NP of_IN the_AT Wisconsin_NP-TL
Light_JJ-TL Artillery_NN-TL wrote_VBD in_IN his_PP$ diary_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS s
trolled_VBD among_IN the_AT Alabamans_NPS on_IN the_AT right_NR ,_, found_VBD so
me_DTI of_IN the_AT greenest_JJT specimens_NNS of_IN humanity_NN I_PPSS think_VB
in_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, their_PP$ ignorance_NN being_BEG little_QL less_AP
than_IN the_AT slave_NN they_PPSS despise_VB with_IN as_CS imperfect_JJ a_AT di
alect_NN ._. They_PPSS recooned_VBD as_CS how_WRB you'uns_PPSS all_ABN would_MD
be_BE a_AT heap_NN wus_JJR to_IN we'uns_PPO all_ABN '_' ''_'' ._. In_IN a_AT sim
ilar_JJ vein_NN ,_, but_CC writing_VBG from_IN the_AT opposite_JJ side_NN ,_, Th
omas_NP Taylor_NP ,_, a_AT private_NN in_IN the_AT 6th_OD-TL Alabama_NP-TL Volun
teers_NNS-TL ,_, in_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, stated_VBD :_: `
`_`` you_PPSS know_VB that_CS my_PP$ heart_NN is_BEZ with_IN you_PPO but_CC I_PP
SS never_RB could_MD have_HV been_BEN satisfied_VBN to_TO have_HV staid_VBN at_I
N home_NN when_WRB my_PP$ country_NN is_BEZ invaded_VBN by_IN a_AT thievin_VBG f
oe_NN ,_, by_IN a_AT set_NN of_IN cowardly_JJ skunks_NNS whose_WP$ motto_NN is_B
EZ Booty_NN ._. The_AT popularity_NN of_IN folklore_NN in_IN America_NP stands_V
BZ in_IN direct_JJ proportion_NN to_IN the_AT popularity_NN of_IN nationalism_NN
in_IN America_NP ._. And_CC the_AT emphasis_NN on_IN nationalism_NN in_IN Ameri
ca_NP is_BEZ in_IN proportion_NN to_IN the_AT growth_NN of_IN American_JJ influe
nce_NN across_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, if_CS we_PPSS are_BER to_TO obs
erve_VB American_JJ folklore_NN in_IN the_AT twentieth_OD century_NN ,_, we_PPSS
will_MD do_DO well_RB to_TO establish_VB the_AT relationships_NNS between_IN fo
lklore_NN ,_, nationalism_NN and_CC imperialism_NN at_IN the_AT outset_NN ._. Hi
storians_NNS have_HV come_VBN to_TO recognize_VB two_CD cardinal_JJ facts_NNS co
ncerning_IN nationalism_NN and_CC international_JJ influence_NN ._. 1_CD )_) Eve
ry_AT age_NN rewrites_VBZ the_AT events_NNS of_IN its_PP$ history_NN in_IN terms
_NNS of_IN what_WDT should_MD have_HV been_BEN ,_, creating_VBG legends_NNS abou
t_IN itself_PPL that_WPS rationalize_VB contemporary_JJ beliefs_NNS and_CC excus
e_VB contemporary_JJ actions_NNS ._. What_WDT actually_RB occurred_VBD in_IN the
_AT past_NN is_BEZ seldom_RB as_QL important_JJ as_CS what_WDT a_AT given_VBN ge
neration_NN feels_VBZ must_MD have_HV occurred_VBN ._. 2_CD )_) As_CS a_AT count
ry_NN superimposes_VBZ its_PP$ cultural_JJ and_CC political_JJ attitudes_NNS on_
IN others_NNS ,_, it_PPS searches_VBZ its_PP$ heritage_NN in_IN hopes_NNS of_IN
justifying_VBG its_PP$ aggressiveness_NN ._. Its_PP$ folklore_NN and_CC legend_N
N ,_, usually_RB disguised_VBN as_CS history_NN ,_, are_BER allowed_VBN to_TO ac
count_VB for_IN group_NN actions_NNS ,_, to_TO provide_VB a_AT focal_JJ point_NN
for_IN group_NN loyalty_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO become_VB a_AT cohesive_JJ force_NN
for_IN national_JJ identification_NN ._. One_PN can_MD apply_VB these_DTS facts
_NNS to_IN Britain_NP in_IN the_AT late_JJ eighteenth_OD and_CC nineteenth_OD ce
nturies_NNS as_CS she_PPS spread_VBD her_PP$ dominion_NN over_IN palm_NN and_CC
pine_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS can_MD be_BE applied_VBN again_RB to_IN the_AT Unit
ed_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL in_IN more_QL recent_JJ years_NNS ._. The_AT popularity_
NN of_IN local_JJ color_NN literature_NN before_IN the_AT Spanish-American_JJ-TL
War_NN-TL ,_, the_AT steady_JJ currency_NN of_IN the_AT Lincoln_NP myth_NN ,_,
the_AT increased_VBN emphasis_NN on_IN the_AT frontier_NN West_NR-TL in_IN our_P
P$ mass_NN media_NNS are_BER cases_NNS in_IN point_NN ._. Nor_CC is_BEZ it_PPS a
n_AT accident_NN that_DT baseball_NN ,_, growing_VBG into_IN the_AT national_JJ
game_NN in_IN the_AT last_AP 75_CD years_NNS ,_, has_HVZ become_VBN a_AT microco
sm_NN of_IN American_JJ life_NN ,_, that_CS learned_VBN societies_NNS such_JJ as
_CS the_AT American_JJ-TL Folklore_NN-TL Society_NN-TL and_CC the_AT American_JJ
-TL Historical_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL were_BED founded_VBN in_IN the_AT 1880s_N
NS ,_, or_CC that_CS courses_NNS in_IN American_JJ literature_NN ,_, American_JJ
civilization_NN ,_, American_JJ anything_PN have_HV swept_VBN our_PP$ school_NN
and_CC college_NN curricula_NNS ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, nationalism_NN has_HVZ
really_RB outlived_VBN its_PP$ usefulness_NN in_IN a_AT country_NN as_QL world-o
riented_JJ as_CS ours_PP$$ ,_, and_CC its_PP$ continued_VBN existence_NN reflect
s_VBZ one_CD of_IN the_AT major_JJ culture_NN lags_NNS of_IN the_AT twentieth-ce
ntury_NN United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Yet_CC nationalism_NN has_HVZ lost_VBN
few_AP of_IN its_PP$ charms_NNS for_IN the_AT historian_NN ,_, writer_NN or_CC m
an_NN in_IN the_AT street_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ an_AT understandable_JJ paradox_N
N that_CS most_AP American_JJ history_NN and_CC most_AP American_JJ literature_N
N is_BEZ today_NR written_VBN from_IN an_AT essentially_RB egocentric_JJ and_CC
isolationistic_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN at_IN the_AT very_AP time_NN America_NP
is_BEZ spreading_VBG her_PP$ dominion_NN over_IN palm_NN and_CC pine_NN ._. Aft
er_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT average_JJ American_NP as_CS he_PPS lies_VBZ and_CC wai
ts_VBZ for_IN the_AT enemy_NN in_IN Korea_NP or_CC as_CS she_PPS scans_VBZ the_A
T newspaper_NN in_IN some_DTI vain_JJ hope_NN of_IN personal_JJ contact_NN with_
IN the_AT front_NN is_BEZ unconcerned_JJ that_CS his_PP$ or_CC her_PP$ plight_NN
is_BEZ the_AT result_NN of_IN a_AT complex_NN of_IN personal_JJ ,_, economic_JJ
and_CC governmental_JJ actions_NNS far_QL beyond_IN the_AT normal_JJ citizen's_
NN$ comprehension_NN and_CC control_NN ._. Anyone's_PN$ identification_NN with_I
N an_AT international_JJ struggle_NN ,_, whether_CS warlike_JJ or_CC peaceful_JJ
,_, requires_VBZ absurd_JJ oversimplification_NN and_CC intense_JJ emotional_JJ
involvement_NN ._. Such_JJ identification_NN comes_VBZ for_IN each_DT group_NN
in_IN each_DT crisis_NN by_IN rewriting_VBG history_NN into_IN legend_NN and_CC
developing_VBG appropriate_JJ national_JJ heroes_NNS ._. In_IN America_NP ,_, su
ch_JJ self-deception_NN has_HVZ served_VBN a_AT particularly_QL useful_JJ purpos
e_NN ._. A_AT heterogeneous_JJ people_NNS have_HV needed_VBN it_PPO to_TO attain
_VB an_AT element_NN of_IN cultural_JJ and_CC political_JJ cohesion_NN in_IN a_A
T new_JJ and_CC ever-changing_JJ land_NN ._. But_CC we_PPSS must_MD never_RB for
get_VB ,_, most_AP of_IN the_AT appropriate_JJ heroes_NNS and_CC their_PP$ legen
ds_NNS were_BED created_VBN overnight_RB ,_, to_TO answer_VB immediate_JJ needs_
NNS ,_, almost_RB always_RB with_IN conscious_JJ aims_NNS and_CC ends_NNS ._. Pa
rson_NN-TL Weems's_NP$ George_NP Washington_NP became_VBD the_AT symbol_NN of_IN
honesty_NN and_CC the_AT father_NN image_NN of_IN the_AT uniting_VBG States_NNS
-TL ._. Abraham_NP Lincoln_NP emerged_VBD as_CS an_AT incarnation_NN of_IN the_A
T national_JJ Constitution_NN-TL ._. Robert_NP E._NP Lee_NP represented_VBD the_
AT dignity_NN needed_VBN by_IN a_AT rebelling_VBG confederacy_NN ._. And_CC thei
r_PP$ roles_NNS are_BER paralleled_VBN by_IN those_DTS of_IN Patrick_NP Henry_NP
,_, Nathan_NP Hale_NP ,_, Andrew_NP Jackson_NP ,_, Davy_NP Crockett_NP ,_, Theo
dore_NP Roosevelt_NP and_CC many_AP ,_, many_AP more_AP ._. Therefore_RB ,_, the
_AT scholar_NN ,_, as_CS he_PPS looks_VBZ at_IN our_PP$ national_JJ folklore_NN
of_IN the_AT last_AP 60_CD years_NNS ,_, will_MD be_BE mindful_JJ of_IN two_CD f
acts_NNS ._. 1_CD )_) Most_AP of_IN the_AT legends_NNS that_WPS are_BER created_
VBN to_TO fan_VB the_AT fires_NNS of_IN patriotism_NN are_BER essentially_QL pro
pagandistic_JJ and_CC are_BER not_* folk_NN legends_NNS at_IN all_ABN ._. 2_CD )
_) The_AT concept_NN that_CS an_AT ``_`` American_JJ national_JJ folklore_NN ''_
'' exists_VBZ is_BEZ itself_PPL probably_RB another_DT propagandistic_JJ legend_
NN ._. Folklore_NN is_BEZ individually_RB created_VBN art_NN that_WPO a_AT homog
eneous_JJ group_NN of_IN people_NNS preserve_VB ,_, vary_VB and_CC recreate_VB t
hrough_IN oral_JJ transmission_NN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ come_VBN to_TO mean_VB myth
s_NNS ,_, legends_NNS ,_, tales_NNS ,_, songs_NNS ,_, proverbs_NNS ,_, riddles_N
NS ,_, superstitions_NNS ,_, rhymes_NNS and_CC such_JJ literary_JJ forms_NNS of_
IN expression_NN ._. Related_VBN to_IN written_VBN literature_NN ,_, and_CC ofte
n_RB remaining_VBG temporarily_RB frozen_VBN in_IN written_VBN form_NN ,_, it_PP
S loses_VBZ its_PP$ vitality_NN when_WRB transcribed_VBN or_CC removed_VBN from_
IN its_PP$ oral_JJ existence_NN ._. Though_CS it_PPS may_MD exist_VB in_IN eithe
r_CC literate_JJ or_CC illiterate_JJ societies_NNS ,_, it_PPS assumes_VBZ a_AT r
ole_NN of_IN true_JJ cultural_JJ importance_NN only_RB in_IN the_AT latter_AP ._
. In_IN its_PP$ propagandistic_JJ and_CC commercial_JJ haste_NN to_TO discover_V
B our_PP$ folk_NN heritage_NN ,_, the_AT public_NN has_HVZ remained_VBN ignorant
_JJ of_IN definitions_NNS such_JJ as_CS this_DT ._. Enthusiastically_RB ,_, Amer
icans_NPS have_HV swept_VBN subliterary_JJ and_CC bogus_JJ materials_NNS like_CS
Paul_NP Bunyan_NP tales_NNS ,_, Abe_NP Lincoln_NP anecdotes_NNS and_CC labor_NN
union_NN songs_NNS up_RP as_CS true_JJ products_NNS of_IN our_PP$ American_JJ o
ral_JJ tradition_NN ._. Nor_CC have_HV we_PPSS remembered_VBN that_CS in_IN the_
AT melting_VBG pot_NN of_IN America_NP the_AT hundreds_NNS of_IN isolated_VBN an
d_CC semi-isolated_JJ ethnic_JJ ,_, regional_JJ and_CC occupational_JJ groups_NN
S did_DOD not_* fuse_VB into_IN a_AT homogeneous_JJ national_JJ unit_NN until_CS
long_RB after_CS education_NN and_CC industrialization_NN had_HVD caused_VBN th
em_PPO to_TO cast_VB oral_JJ tradition_NN aside_RB as_CS a_AT means_NN of_IN car
rying_VBG culturally_RB significant_JJ material_NN ._. Naturally_RB ,_, such_JJ
scholarly_JJ facts_NNS are_BER of_IN little_AP concern_NN to_IN the_AT man_NN tr
ying_VBG to_TO make_VB money_NN or_CC fan_VB patriotism_NN by_IN means_NN of_IN
folklore_NN ._. That_DT much_AP of_IN what_WDT he_PPS calls_VBZ folklore_NN is_B
EZ the_AT result_NN of_IN beliefs_NNS carefully_RB sown_VBN among_IN the_AT peop
le_NNS with_IN the_AT conscious_JJ aim_NN of_IN producing_VBG a_AT desired_VBN m
ass_JJ emotional_JJ reaction_NN to_IN a_AT particular_JJ situation_NN or_CC set_
NN of_IN situations_NNS is_BEZ irrelevant_JJ ._. As_QL long_RB as_CS his_PP$ mat
erial_NN is_BEZ Americana_NP ,_, can_MD in_IN some_DTI way_NN be_BE ascribed_VBN
to_IN the_AT masses_NNS and_CC appears_VBZ ``_`` democratic_JJ ''_'' to_IN his_
PP$ audience_NN ,_, he_PPS remains_VBZ satisfied_VBN ._. From_IN all_ABN this_DT
we_PPSS can_MD now_RB see_VB that_CS two_CD streams_NNS of_IN development_NN ru
n_VB through_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN twentieth-century_NN American_JJ folklor
e_NN ._. On_IN the_AT one_CD side_NN we_PPSS have_HV the_AT university_NN profes
sors_NNS and_CC their_PP$ students_NNS ,_, trained_VBN in_IN Teutonic_JJ methods
_NNS of_IN research_NN ,_, who_WPS have_HV sought_VBN out_RP ,_, collected_VBN a
nd_CC studied_VBN the_AT true_JJ products_NNS of_IN the_AT oral_JJ traditions_NN
S of_IN the_AT ethnic_JJ ,_, regional_JJ and_CC occupational_JJ groups_NNS that_
WPS make_VB up_RP this_DT nation_NN ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP we_PPSS have_HV th
e_AT flag-wavers_NNS and_CC the_AT national_JJ sentimentalists_NNS who_WPS have_
HV been_BEN willing_JJ to_TO use_VB any_DTI patriotic_JJ ,_, ``_`` frontier_NN w
estern_JJ ''_'' or_CC colonial_JJ material_NN willy-nilly_RB ._. Unfortunately_R
B ,_, few_AP of_IN the_AT artists_NNS (_( writers_NNS ,_, movie_NN producers_NNS
,_, dramatists_NNS and_CC musicians_NNS )_) who_WPS have_HV used_VBN American_J
J folklore_NN since_IN 1900_CD have_HV known_VBN enough_AP to_TO distinguish_VB
between_IN the_AT two_CD streams_NNS even_RB in_IN the_AT most_QL general_JJ of_
IN ways_NNS ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT field_NN is_BEZ large_JJ ,_, difficu
lt_JJ to_TO define_VB and_CC seldom_RB taught_VBN properly_RB to_IN American_JJ
undergraduates_NNS ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, this_DT country_NN has_HVZ been_BEN
settled_VBN by_IN many_AP peoples_NNS of_IN many_AP heritages_NNS and_CC their_
PP$ lore_NN has_HVZ become_VBN acculturated_VBN slowly_RB ,_, in_IN an_AT age_NN
of_IN print_NN and_CC easy_JJ communication_NN ,_, within_IN an_AT ever-expandi
ng_JJ and_CC changing_VBG society_NN ._. The_AT problems_NNS confuse_VB even_RB
the_AT experts_NNS ._. For_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, the_AT experts_NNS themselve
s_PPLS are_BER a_AT mixed_VBN breed_NN ._. Anthropologists_NNS ,_, housewives_NN
S ,_, historians_NNS and_CC such_JJ by_IN profession_NN ,_, they_PPSS approach_V
B their_PP$ discipline_NN as_CS amateurs_NNS ,_, collectors_NNS ,_, commercial_J
J propagandists_NNS ,_, analysts_NNS or_CC some_DTI combination_NN of_IN the_AT
four_CD ._. They_PPSS have_HV widely_QL varying_JJ backgrounds_NNS and_CC aims_N
NS ._. They_PPSS have_HV little_AP ``_`` esprit_FW-NN de_FW-IN corps_FW-NN ''_''
._. The_AT outlook_NN for_IN the_AT amateur_NN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, is_BE
Z usually_RB dependent_JJ on_IN his_PP$ fondness_NN for_IN local_JJ history_NN o
r_CC for_IN the_AT picturesque_JJ ._. His_PP$ love_NN of_IN folklore_NN has_HVZ
romanticism_NN in_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC he_PPS doesn't_DOZ* care_VB much_RB about
_IN the_AT dollar-sign_NN or_CC the_AT footnote_NN ._. Folklore_NN is_BEZ his_PP
$ hobby_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS ,_, all_QL too_QL rightly_RB ,_, wishes_VBZ it_PPO
to_TO remain_VB as_CS such_JJ ._. The_AT amateur_NN is_BEZ closely_RB related_VB
N to_IN the_AT collector_NN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ actually_RB no_AT more_AP than_CS
the_AT amateur_NN who_WPS has_HVZ taken_VBN to_IN the_AT field_NN ._. The_AT co
llector_NN enjoys_VBZ the_AT contact_NN with_IN rural_JJ life_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS
hunts_VBZ folklore_NN for_IN the_AT very_AP ``_`` field_NN and_CC stream_NN ''_'
' reasons_NNS that_CS many_AP persons_NNS hunt_VB game_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC only_RB
rarely_RB is_BEZ he_PPS acutely_RB concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT meaning_NN of_I
N what_WDT he_PPS has_HVZ located_VBN ._. Fundamentally_RB ,_, both_ABX these_DT
S types_NNS ,_, the_AT amateur_NN and_CC the_AT collector_NN ,_, are_BER uncriti
cal_JJ and_CC many_AP of_IN them_PPO don't_DO* distinguish_VB well_RB between_IN
real_JJ folklore_NN and_CC bogus_JJ material_NN ._. But_CC there_EX are_BER als
o_RB the_AT commercial_JJ propagandists_NNS and_CC the_AT analysts_NNS --_-- one
_CD dominated_VBN by_IN money_NN ,_, the_AT other_AP by_IN nineteenth-century_NN
German_JJ scholarship_NN ._. Both_ABX are_BER primarily_RB concerned_VBN with_I
N the_AT uses_NNS that_WPS can_MD be_BE made_VBN of_IN the_AT material_NN that_W
PO the_AT collector_NN has_HVZ found_VBN ._. Both_ABX shudder_VB at_IN the_AT th
ought_NN of_IN proceeding_VBG too_QL far_RB beyond_IN the_AT sewage_NN system_NN
and_CC the_AT electric_JJ light_NN lines_NNS ._. The_AT commercial_JJ propagand
ist_NN ,_, who_WPS can't_MD* afford_VB to_TO be_BE critical_JJ ,_, gets_VBZ alon
g_RB well_RB with_IN the_AT amateur_NN ,_, from_IN whom_WPO he_PPS feeds_VBZ ,_,
but_CC he_PPS frequently_RB steps_VBZ on_IN the_AT analyst's_NN$ toes_NNS by_IN
refusing_VBG to_TO keep_VB his_PP$ material_NN genuine_JJ ._. His_PP$ standards
_NNS are_BER ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, completely_QL foreign_JJ to_IN those_DTS of
_IN the_AT analyst_NN ._. To_IN both_ABX the_AT amateur_NN and_CC the_AT commerc
ial_JJ progandist_NN the_AT analyst_NN lacks_VBZ a_AT soul_NN ,_, lacks_VBZ appr
eciation_NN with_IN his_PP$ endless_JJ probings_NNS and_CC classifications_NNS .
_. Dominated_VBN by_IN the_AT vicious_JJ circle_NN of_IN the_AT university_NN pr
omotion_NN system_NN ,_, the_AT analyst_NN looks_VBZ down_RP on_IN and_CC gets_V
BZ along_RB poorly_RB with_IN the_AT other_AP three_CD groups_NNS ,_, although_C
S he_PPS cannot_MD* deny_VB his_PP$ debt_NN to_IN the_AT collector_NN ._. The_AT
knowledge_NN that_CS most_AP Americans_NPS have_HV of_IN folklore_NN comes_VBZ
through_IN contact_NN with_IN commercial_JJ propagandists_NNS and_CC a_AT few_AP
energetic_JJ amateurs_NNS and_CC collectors_NNS ._. The_AT work_NN done_VBN by_
IN the_AT analysts_NNS ,_, the_AT men_NNS who_WPS really_RB know_VB what_WDT fol
klore_NN is_BEZ all_ABN about_IN ,_, has_HVZ no_AT more_AP appeal_NN than_CS any
_DTI other_AP work_NN of_IN a_AT truly_QL scientific_JJ sort_NN and_CC reaches_V
BZ a_AT limited_VBN ,_, learned_VBN audience_NN ._. Publishers_NNS want_VB books
_NNS that_WPS will_MD sell_VB ,_, recording_VBG studios_NNS want_VB discs_NNS th
at_WPS will_MD not_* seem_VB strange_JJ to_IN ears_NNS used_VBN to_IN hillbilly_
NN and_CC jazz_NN music_NN ,_, grade_NN and_CC high_JJ schools_NNS want_VB quain
t_JJ ,_, but_CC moral_JJ ,_, material_NN ._. The_AT analyst_NN is_BEZ apt_JJ to_
TO be_BE too_QL honest_JJ to_TO fit_VB in_RP ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, most_A
P people_NNS don't_DO* have_HV more_AP than_IN a_AT vague_JJ idea_NN what_WDT fo
lklore_NN actually_RB is_BEZ ;_. ;_. they_PPSS see_VB it_PPO as_CS a_AT potpourr
i_NN of_IN charming_JJ ,_, moral_JJ legends_NNS and_CC patriotic_JJ anecdotes_NN
S ,_, with_IN a_AT superstition_NN or_CC remedy_NN thrown_VBN in_RP here_RB and_
CC there_RB ._. And_CC so_QL well_RB is_BEZ such_JJ ignorance_NN preserved_VBN b
y_IN the_AT amateur_NN and_CC the_AT money-maker_NN that_CS even_RB at_IN the_AT
college_NN level_NN most_AP of_IN the_AT hundred-odd_CD folklore_NN courses_NNS
given_VBN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL survive_VB on_IN sentiment_N
N and_CC nationalism_NN alone_RB ._. If_CS one_PN wishes_VBZ to_TO discuss_VB a_
AT literary_JJ figure_NN who_WPS uses_VBZ folklore_NN in_IN his_PP$ work_NN ,_,
the_AT first_OD thing_NN he_PPS must_MD realize_VB is_BEZ that_CS the_AT literar
y_JJ figure_NN is_BEZ probably_RB part_NN of_IN this_DT ignorant_JJ American_JJ
public_NN ._. And_CC while_CS every_AT writer_NN must_MD be_BE dealt_VBN with_IN
as_CS a_AT special_JJ case_NN ,_, the_AT interested_VBN student_NN will_MD want
_VB to_TO ask_VB himself_PPL a_AT number_NN of_IN questions_NNS about_IN each_DT
._. Does_DOZ the_AT writer_NN know_NN the_AT difference_NN between_IN an_AT ``_
`` ersatz_FW-NN ''_'' ballad_NN or_CC tall_JJ tale_NN and_CC a_AT true_JJ produc
t_NN of_IN the_AT folk_NN ?_. ?_. When_WRB the_AT writer_NN uses_VBZ material_NN
does_DOZ he_PPS tamper_VB with_IN it_PPO to_TO improve_VB its_PP$ commercial_JJ
effect_NN or_CC does_DOZ he_PPS leave_VB it_PPO pure_JJ ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ the_AT w
riter_NN propagandistic_JJ ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ he_PPS swept_VBD away_RB by_IN sentime
nt_NN and_CC nostalgia_NN for_IN an_AT America_NP that_WPS was_BEDZ ?_. ?_. Or_C
C does_DOZ he_PPS sincerely_RB want_VB to_TO tap_VB the_AT real_JJ springs_NNS o
f_IN American_JJ attitude_NN and_CC culture_NN regardless_RB of_IN how_WQL unpop
ular_JJ and_CC embarrassing_VBG they_PPSS may_MD be_BE ?_. ?_. When_WRB he_PPS g
ets_VBZ the_AT answers_NNS to_IN his_PP$ questions_NNS he_PPS will_MD be_BE disc
ouraged_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ,_, a_AT good_JJ many_AP writers_
NNS who_WPS are_BER said_VBN to_TO use_VB folklore_NN ,_, do_DO not_* ,_, unless
_CS one_PN counts_VBZ an_AT occasional_JJ superstition_NN or_CC tale_NN ._. Robe
rt_NP Frost_NP ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, writes_VBZ about_IN rural_JJ life_NN i
n_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ,_, but_CC he_PPS does_DOZ not_* include_VB any_DTI
significant_JJ amount_VB of_IN folklore_NN in_IN his_PP$ poems_NNS ._. This_DT
has_HVZ not_* ,_, however_RB ,_, prevented_VBN publishers_NNS from_IN labeling_V
BG him_PPO a_AT ``_`` folk_NN poet_NN ''_'' ,_, simply_RB because_CS he_PPS is_B
EZ a_AT rural_JJ one_CD ._. In_IN the_AT second_OD place_NN ,_, a_AT large_JJ nu
mber_NN of_IN writers_NNS ,_, making_VBG a_AT more_QL direct_JJ claim_NN than_CS
Frost_NP to_IN being_BEG ``_`` folk_NN writers_NNS ''_'' of_IN one_CD sort_NN o
r_CC another_DT ,_, clearly_RB make_VB no_AT distinctions_NNS between_IN genuine
_JJ and_CC bogus_JJ material_NN ._. Stephen_NP Vincent_NP Benet's_NP$ John_NP-TL
Brown's_NP$-TL Body_NN-TL comes_VBZ immediately_RB to_IN mind_NN in_IN this_DT
connection_NN ,_, as_CS does_DOZ John_NP Steinbeck's_NP$ The_AT-TL Grapes_NNS-TL
Of_IN-TL Wrath_NN-TL and_CC Carl_NP Sandburg's_NP$ The_AT-TL People_NNS-TL ,_,
Yes_RB-TL ._. The_AT last_AP two_CD writers_NNS introduce_VB strong_JJ political
_JJ bias_NN into_IN their_PP$ works_NNS ,_, and_CC not_* unlike_IN the_AT union_
NN leaders_NNS that_WPO we_PPSS will_MD discuss_VB soon_RB ,_, see_VB folklore_N
N as_CS a_AT reservoir_NN of_IN protest_NN by_IN a_AT downtrodden_JJ and_CC publ
ically_RB silenced_VBN mass_NN ._. Folklore_NN ,_, as_CS used_VBN by_IN such_JJ
writers_NNS ,_, really_RB reflects_VBZ images_NNS engraved_VBN into_IN it_PPO by
_IN the_AT very_AP person_NN using_VBG it_PPO ._. The_AT folk_NN are_BER simply_
RB not_* homogeneous_JJ with_IN respect_NN to_IN nation_NN or_CC political_JJ at
titude_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ much_AP evidence_NN to_TO indica
te_VB they_PPSS don't_DO* care_VB a_AT bit_NN about_IN anything_PN beyond_IN the
ir_PP$ particular_JJ regional_JJ ,_, ethnic_JJ and_CC occupational_JJ limits_NNS
._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, with_IN a_AT reading_VBG public_NN that_WPS longs_VBZ f
or_IN the_AT ``_`` good_JJ old_JJ days_NNS ''_'' and_CC with_IN an_AT awareness_
NN of_IN our_PP$ expanding_VBG international_JJ interests_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ
easy_JJ for_CS the_AT Benets_NPS to_TO obtain_VB a_AT magnified_VBN position_NN
in_IN literature_NN by_IN use_NN of_IN all_ABN sorts_NNS of_IN Americana_NP ,_,
real_JJ or_CC fake_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ easy_JJ for_CS the_AT Steinbecks_
NPS and_CC Sandburgs_NPS to_TO support_VB their_PP$ messages_NNS of_IN reform_NN
by_IN reading_VBG messages_NNS of_IN reform_NN into_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN t
he_AT folk_NN ._. As_CS part_NN of_IN the_AT same_AP arrangement_NN ,_, Torrio_N
P had_HVD ,_, in_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN peace_NN and_CC good_JJ will_NN ,_, a
nd_CC in_IN exchange_NN for_IN armed_VBN support_NN in_IN the_AT April_NP electi
on_NN campaign_NN ,_, bestowed_VBN upon_IN O'Banion_NP a_AT third_OD share_NN in
_IN the_AT Hawthorne_NP-TL Smoke_NN-TL Shop_NN-TL proceeds_NNS and_CC a_AT cut_N
N in_IN the_AT Cicero_NP beer_NN trade_NN ._. The_AT coalition_NN was_BEDZ to_TO
prove_VB inadvisable_JJ ._. O'Banion_NP was_BEDZ a_AT complex_JJ and_CC frighte
ning_VBG man_NN ,_, whose_WP$ bright_JJ blue_JJ eyes_NNS stared_VBD with_IN a_AT
kind_NN of_IN frozen_VBN candour_NN into_IN others'_NNS$ ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_A
T round_JJ ,_, frank_JJ Irish_JJ face_NN ,_, creased_VBN in_IN a_AT jovial_JJ gr
in_NN that_WPS stayed_VBD bleakly_RB in_IN place_NN even_RB when_WRB he_PPS was_
BEDZ pumping_VBG bullets_NNS into_IN someone's_PN$ body_NN ._. He_PPS carried_VB
D three_CD guns_NNS --_-- one_CD in_IN the_AT right_JJ trouser_NN pocket_NN ,_,
one_CD under_IN his_PP$ left_JJ armpit_NN ,_, one_CD in_IN the_AT left_NR outsid
e_JJ coat_NN pocket_NN --_-- and_CC was_BEDZ equally_QL lethal_JJ with_IN both_A
BX hands_NNS ._. He_PPS killed_VBD accurately_RB ,_, freely_RB ,_, and_CC dispas
sionately_RB ._. The_AT police_NN credited_VBD him_PPO with_IN twenty-five_CD mu
rders_NNS but_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ never_RB brought_VBN to_IN trial_NN for_IN one_
CD of_IN them_PPO ._. Like_CS a_AT fair_JJ number_NN of_IN bootleggers_NNS he_PP
S disliked_VBD alcohol_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ an_AT expert_JJ florist_NN ,_, ten
derly_QL dextrous_JJ in_IN the_AT arrangement_NN of_IN bouquets_NNS and_CC wreat
hs_NNS ._. He_PPS had_HVD no_RB apparent_JJ comprehension_NN of_IN morality_NN ;
_. ;_. he_PPS divided_VBD humanity_NN into_IN ``_`` right_JJ guys_NNS ''_'' and_
CC ``_`` wrong_JJ guys_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT wrong_JJ ones_NNS he_PPS was_
BEDZ always_RB willing_JJ to_TO kill_VB and_CC trample_VB under_RB ._. He_PPS ha
d_HVD what_WDT was_BEDZ described_VBN by_IN a_AT psychologist_NN as_CS a_AT ``_`
` sunny_JJ brutality_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS walked_VBD with_IN a_AT heavy_JJ list_N
N to_IN the_AT right_NR ,_, as_CS that_DT leg_NN was_BEDZ four_CD inches_NNS sho
rter_JJR than_CS the_AT other_AP ,_, but_CC the_AT lurch_NN did_DOD not_* reduce
_VB his_PP$ feline_JJ quickness_NN with_IN his_PP$ guns_NNS ._. Landesco_NP thou
ght_VBD him_PPO ``_`` just_RB a_AT superior_JJ sort_NN of_IN plugugly_NN ''_'' b
ut_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, with_IN his_PP$ aggression_NN and_CC
hostility_NN ,_, and_CC nerveless_JJ indifference_NN to_IN risking_VBG or_CC ad
ministering_VBG pain_NN ,_, a_AT casebook_NN psychopath_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a
lso_RB at_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, although_CS not_* so_QL interwoven_VBN in_IN hi
gh_JJ politics_NN and_CC the_AT rackets_NNS as_CS Torrio_NP and_CC Capone_NP ,_,
the_AT most_QL powerful_JJ and_CC most_QL dangerous_JJ mob_NN leader_NN in_IN t
he_AT Chicago_NP underworld_NN ,_, the_AT roughneck_NN king_NN ._. O'Banion_NP w
as_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN poverty_NN ,_, the_AT son_NN of_IN an_AT immigrant_NN Iri
sh_JJ plasterer_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL Side's_NN$-TL Little_JJ-TL Hell_
NN-TL ,_, close_RB by_IN the_AT Sicilian_JJ quarter_NN and_CC Death_NN-TL Corner
_NN-TL ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN a_AT choir_NN boy_NN at_IN the_AT Holy_JJ-TL
Name_NN-TL Cathedral_NN-TL and_CC also_RB served_VBD as_CS an_AT acolyte_NN to_I
N Father_NN-TL O'Brien_NP ._. The_AT influence_NN of_IN Mass_NN-TL was_BEDZ less
_QL pervasive_JJ than_CS that_DT of_IN the_AT congested_VBN ,_, slum_NN tenement
s_NNS among_IN the_AT bawdy_JJ houses_NNS ,_, honkytonks_NNS ,_, and_CC sawdust_
NN saloons_NNS of_IN his_PP$ birthplace_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS ran_VBD wild_RB with_I
N the_AT child_NN gangs_NNS of_IN the_AT neighbourhood_NN ,_, and_CC went_VBD th
rough_IN the_AT normal_JJ pressure-cooker_NN course_NN of_IN thieving_VBG ,_, po
lice-dodging_NN ,_, and_CC housebreaking_NN ._. At_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN ten_CD
,_, when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ working_VBG as_CS a_AT newsboy_NN in_IN the_AT Loo
p_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ knocked_VBN down_RP by_IN a_AT streetcar_NN which_WD
T resulted_VBD in_IN his_PP$ permanently_RB shortened_VBN leg_NN ._. Because_RB
of_IN this_DT he_PPS was_BEDZ known_VBN as_CS Gimpy_NP (_( but_CC ,_, as_CS with
_IN Capone_NP and_CC his_PP$ nickname_NN of_IN Scarface_NP ,_, never_RB in_IN hi
s_PP$ presence_NN )_) ._. In_IN his_PP$ teens_NNS O'Banion_NP was_BEDZ enrolled_
VBN in_IN the_AT vicious_JJ Market_NN-TL Street_NN-TL gang_NN and_CC he_PPS beca
me_VBD a_AT singing_VBG waiter_NN in_IN McGovern's_NP$-TL Cafe_NN-TL ,_, a_AT no
toriously_QL low_JJ and_CC rowdy_JJ dive_NN in_IN North_JJ-TL Clark_NP-TL Street
_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB befuddled_VBN customers_NNS were_BED methodically_RB looted
_VBN of_IN their_PP$ money_NN by_IN the_AT singing_VBG waiters_NNS before_CS bei
ng_BEG thrown_VBN out_RP ._. He_PPS then_RB got_VBD a_AT job_NN with_IN the_AT C
hicago_NP Herald-Examiner_NP as_CS a_AT circulation_NN slugger_NN ,_, a_AT rough
_JJ fighter_NN employed_VBN to_TO see_VB that_CS his_PP$ paper's_NN$ news_NN pit
ches_NNS were_BED not_* trespassed_VBN upon_RB by_IN rival_JJ vendors_NNS ._. He
_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN gaining_VBG practical_JJ expe
rience_NN as_CS a_AT safe_NN breaker_NN and_CC highwayman_NN ,_, and_CC learning
_VBG how_WRB to_TO shoot_VB to_TO kill_VB from_IN a_AT Neanderthal_NP convicted_
VBN murderer_NN named_VBN Gene_NP Geary_NP ,_, later_RBR committed_VBN to_IN Che
ster_NP-TL Asylum_NN-TL as_CS a_AT homicidal_JJ maniac_NN ,_, but_CC whose_WP$ e
yes_NNS misted_VBD with_IN tears_NNS when_WRB the_AT young_JJ Dion_NP sang_VBD a
_AT ballad_NN about_IN an_AT Irish_JJ mother_NN in_IN his_PP$ clear_JJ and_CC sy
rupy_JJ tenor_NN ._. O'Banion's_NP$ first_OD conflict_NN with_IN the_AT police_N
N came_VBD in_IN 1909_CD ,_, at_IN seventeen_CD ,_, when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ com
mitted_VBN to_IN Bridewell_NP-TL Prison_NN-TL for_IN three_CD months_NNS for_IN
burglary_NN ;_. ;_. two_CD years_NNS later_RBR he_PPS served_VBD another_DT thre
e_CD months_NNS for_IN assault_NN ._. Those_DTS were_BED his_PP$ only_AP interlu
des_NNS behind_IN bars_NNS ,_, although_CS he_PPS collected_VBD four_CD more_AP
charges_NNS on_IN his_PP$ police_NN record_NN in_IN 1921_CD and_CC 1922_CD ,_, t
hree_CD for_IN burglary_NN and_CC one_CD for_IN robbery_NN ._. But_CC by_IN now_
RB O'Banion's_NP$ political_JJ pull_NN was_BEDZ beginning_VBG to_TO be_BE effect
ive_JJ ._. On_IN the_AT occasion_NN of_IN his_PP$ 1922_CD indictment_NN the_AT $
10,000_NNS bond_NN was_BEDZ furnished_VBN by_IN an_AT alderman_NN ,_, and_CC the
_AT charge_NN was_BEDZ nolle_VB prossed_VBN ._. On_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ 1921_
CD ventures_NNS he_PPS was_BEDZ actually_RB come_VBN upon_RB by_IN a_AT Detectiv
e_NN-TL Sergeant_NN-TL John_NP J._NP Ryan_NP down_RP on_IN his_PP$ knees_NNS wit
h_IN a_AT tool_NN embedded_VBN in_IN a_AT labour_NN office_NN safe_NN in_IN the_
AT Postal_JJ-TL Telegraph_NN-TL Building_NN-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT jury_NN wanted_VBD
better_JJR evidence_NN than_CS that_DT and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ acquitted_VBN ,_,
at_IN a_AT cost_NN of_IN $30,000_NNS in_IN bribes_NNS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ estim
ated_VBN ._. As_QL promptly_RB as_CS Torrio_NP ,_, O'Banion_NP jumped_VBD into_I
N bootlegging_VBG ._. He_PPS conducted_VBD it_PPO with_IN less_AP diplomacy_NN a
nd_CC more_AP spontaneous_JJ violence_NN than_CS the_AT Sicilians_NPS ,_, but_CC
he_PPS had_HVD his_PP$ huge_JJ North_JJ-TL Side_NN-TL portion_NN to_TO exploit_
VB and_CC he_PPS made_VBD a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN money_NN ._. Unlike_IN the
_AT Sicilians_NPS ,_, he_PPS additionally_RB conducted_VBD holdups_NNS ,_, robbe
ries_NNS ,_, and_CC safe-cracking_JJ expeditions_NNS ,_, and_CC refused_VBD to_T
O touch_VB prostitution_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB personally_RB active_JJ i
n_IN ward_NN politics_NN ,_, and_CC by_IN 1924_CD O'Banion_NP had_HVD acquired_V
BN sufficient_JJ political_JJ might_NN to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO state_VB :_: ``
_`` I_PPSS always_RB deliver_VB my_PP$ borough_NN as_CS per_IN requirements_NNS
''_'' ._. But_CC whose_WP$ requirements_NNS ?_. ?_. Until_IN 1924_CD O'Banion_NP
pistoleers_NNS and_CC knuckle-duster_NN bullyboys_NNS had_HVD kept_VBN his_PP$
North_JJ-TL Side_NN-TL domain_NN solidly_RB Democratic_JJ-TL ._. There_EX was_BE
DZ a_AT question-and-answer_NN gag_NN that_WPS went_VBD around_RB at_IN that_DT
time_NN :_: Q._NP ``_`` Who'll_WPS+MD carry_VB the_AT Forty-second_OD-TL and_CC
Forty-third_OD-TL wards_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. A._NP O'Banion_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ pi
stol_NN pocket_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC as_CS November_NP 1924_CD drew_VBD close_RB t
he_AT Democratic_JJ-TL hierarchy_NN was_BEDZ sorely_RB troubled_VBN by_IN grapev
ine_NN reports_NNS that_CS O'Banion_NP was_BEDZ being_BEG wooed_VBN by_IN the_AT
opposition_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ meeting_VBG and_CC conferring_VBG with_IN imp
ortant_JJ Republicans_NPS ._. To_TO forestall_VB any_DTI change_NN of_IN allegia
nce_NN ,_, the_AT Democrats_NPS hastily_RB organised_VBD a_AT testimonial_JJ ban
quet_NN for_IN O'Banion_NP ,_, as_CS public_JJ reward_NN for_IN his_PP$ past_AP
services_NNS and_CC as_CS a_AT reminder_NN of_IN where_WRB his_PP$ loyalties_NNS
lay_VBD ._. The_AT reception_NN was_BEDZ held_VBN in_IN a_AT private_JJ dining_
VBG room_NN of_IN the_AT Webster_NP-TL Hotel_NN-TL on_IN Lincoln_NP-TL Park_NN-T
L West_JJ-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ an_AT interesting_JJ fraternisation_NN of_IN ex
-convicts_NNS ,_, union_NN racketeers_NNS ,_, ward_NN heelers_NNS ,_, sold-out_J
J officials_NNS ,_, and_CC gunmen_NNS ._. The_AT guest_NN list_NN is_BEZ in_IN i
tself_PPL a_AT little_JJ parable_NN of_IN the_AT state_NN of_IN American_JJ civi
c_JJ life_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN ._. It_PPS included_VBD the_AT top_JJS O'Bani
on_NP men_NNS and_CC Chief_NN-TL of_IN-TL Detectives_NNS-TL Michael_NP Hughes_NP
._. When_WRB Mayor_NN-TL Dever_NP heard_VBD of_IN the_AT banquet_NN he_PPS summ
oned_VBD Hughes_NP for_IN an_AT explanation_NN of_IN why_WRB he_PPS had_HVD been
_BEN dishonouring_VBG the_AT police_NN department_NN by_IN consorting_VBG with_I
N these_DTS felons_NNS and_CC fixers_NNS ._. Hughes_NP said_VBD that_CS he_PPS h
ad_HVD understood_VBN the_AT party_NN was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE in_IN honour_NN of_IN
Jerry_NP O'Connor_NP ,_, the_AT proprieter_NN of_IN a_AT Loop_NN-TL gambling_VB
G house_NN ._. ``_`` But_CC when_WRB I_PPSS arrived_VBD and_CC recognised_VBD a_
AT number_NN of_IN notorious_JJ characters_NNS I_PPSS had_HVD thrown_VBN into_IN
the_AT detective_NN bureau_NN basement_NN half_ABN a_AT dozen_NN times_NNS ,_,
I_PPSS knew_VBD I_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN framed_VBN ,_, and_CC withdrew_VBD almos
t_RB at_IN once_RB ''_'' ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, O'Connor_NP was_BEDZ honoured_VBN
during_IN the_AT ceremony_NN with_IN the_AT presentation_NN of_IN a_AT $2500_NN
S diamond_NN stickpin_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT brief_JJ interruption_NN whi
le_CS one_CD of_IN O'Banion's_NP$ men_NNS jerked_VBD out_RP both_ABX his_PP$ gun
s_NNS and_CC threatened_VBD to_TO shoot_VB a_AT waiter_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ peste
ring_VBG him_PPO for_IN a_AT tip_NN ._. Then_RB O'Banion_NP was_BEDZ presented_V
BN with_IN a_AT platinum_NN watch_NN set_VBN with_IN rubies_NNS and_CC diamonds_
NNS ._. This_DT dinner_NN was_BEDZ the_AT start_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ blatancy_NN
in_IN the_AT relationship_NN between_IN the_AT gangs_NNS and_CC the_AT politici
ans_NNS ,_, which_WDT ,_, prior_RB to_IN 1924_CD ,_, says_VBZ Pasley_NP ,_, ``_`
` had_HVD been_BEN maintained_VBN with_IN more_AP or_CC less_AP stealth_NN ''_''
,_, but_CC which_WDT henceforth_RB was_BEDZ marked_VBN by_IN these_DTS ostentat
ious_JJ gatherings_NNS ,_, denounced_VBN by_IN a_AT clergyman_NN as_CS ``_`` Bel
shazzar_NP feasts_NNS ''_'' ,_, at_IN which_WDT ``_`` politicians_NNS fraternize
d_VBD cheek_NN by_IN jowl_NN with_IN gangsters_NNS ,_, openly_RB ,_, in_IN the_A
T big_JJ downtown_NR hotels_NNS ''_'' ._. Pasley_NP continued_VBD :_: ``_`` They
_PPSS became_VBD an_AT institution_NN of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP scene_NN and_CC ma
rked_VBD the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT moral_JJ and_CC financial_JJ collapse_NN of_
IN the_AT municipal_JJ and_CC county_NN governments_NNS in_IN 1928-29_CD ''_'' .
_. However_RB ,_, this_DT inaugural_NN feast_NN did_DOD its_PP$ sponsors_NNS no_
AT good_NN whatever_WDT ._. O'Banion_NP accepted_VBD his_PP$ platinum_NN watch_N
N and_CC the_AT tributes_NNS to_IN his_PP$ loyalty_NN ,_, and_CC proceeded_VBD w
ith_IN the_AT bigger_JJR and_CC better_JJR Republican_NP deal_NN ._. On_IN Elect
ion_NN-TL Day_NN-TL --_-- November_NP 4_CD --_-- he_PPS energetically_RB marshal
led_VBD his_PP$ force_NN of_IN bludgeon_NN men_NNS ,_, bribers_NNS ,_, and_CC ex
perts_NNS in_IN forging_VBG repeat_NN votes_NNS ._. The_AT result_NN was_BEDZ a_
AT landslide_NN for_IN the_AT Republican_NP candidates_NNS ._. This_DT further_J
JR demonstration_NN of_IN O'Banion's_NP$ ballooning_VBG power_NN did_DOD not_* p
lease_VB Torrio_NP and_CC Capone_NP ._. In_IN the_AT past_AP year_NN there_EX ha
d_HVD been_BEN too_QL many_AP examples_NNS of_IN his_PP$ euphoric_JJ self-confid
ence_NN and_CC self-aggrandisement_NN for_IN their_PP$ liking_NN ._. He_PPS beha
ved_VBD publicly_RB with_IN a_AT cocky_JJ ,_, swaggering_VBG truculence_NN that_
WPS offended_VBD their_PP$ vulpine_JJ Latin_JJ minds_NNS ,_, and_CC behaved_VBD
towards_IN them_PPO personally_RB with_IN an_AT unimpressed_JJ insolence_NN that
_WPS enraged_VBD them_PPO beneath_IN their_PP$ blandness_NN ._. They_PPSS were_B
ED disturbed_VBN by_IN his_PP$ idiotic_JJ bravado_NN --_-- as_CS ,_, when_WRB hi
s_PP$ bodyguard_NN ,_, Yankee_NP Schwartz_NP ,_, complained_VBD that_CS he_PPS h
ad_HVD been_BEN snubbed_VBN by_IN Dave_NP Miller_NP ,_, a_AT prize-fight_NN refe
ree_NN ,_, chieftain_NN of_IN a_AT Jewish_JJ gang_NN and_CC one_CD of_IN four_CD
brothers_NNS of_IN tough_JJ reputation_NN ,_, who_WPS were_BED Hirschey_NP ,_,
a_AT gambler-politician_NN in_IN loose_JJ beer-running_NN league_NN with_IN Torr
io_NP and_CC O'Banion_NP ,_, Frank_NP ,_, a_AT policeman_NN ,_, and_CC Max_NP ,_
, the_AT youngest_JJT ._. To_TO settle_VB this_DT slight_NN ,_, O'Banion_NP went
_VBD down_RP to_IN the_AT La_NP-TL Salle_NP-TL Theatre_NN-TL in_IN the_AT Loop_N
N-TL ,_, where_WRB ,_, he_PPS had_HVD learned_VBN ,_, Dave_NP Miller_NP was_BEDZ
attending_VBG the_AT opening_NN of_IN a_AT musical_JJ comedy_NN ._. At_IN the_A
T end_NN of_IN the_AT performance_NN ,_, Dave_NP and_CC Max_NP came_VBD out_RP i
nto_IN the_AT brilliantly_QL lit_VBN foyer_NN among_IN a_AT surge_NN of_IN gowne
d_JJ and_CC tuxedoed_JJ first_OD nighters_NNS ._. O'Banion_NP drew_VBD his_PP$ g
uns_NNS and_CC fired_VBD at_IN Dave_NP ,_, severely_RB wounding_VBG him_PPO in_I
N the_AT stomach_NN ._. A_AT second_OD bullet_NN ricocheted_VBD off_IN Max's_NP$
belt_NN buckle_NN ,_, leaving_VBG him_PPO unhurt_JJ but_CC in_IN some_DTI distr
ess_NN ._. O'Banion_NP tucked_VBD away_RB his_PP$ gun_NN and_CC walked_VBD out_I
N of_IN the_AT theatre_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS was_BEDZ neither_CC prosecuted_VBN nor_
CC even_RB arrested_VBN ._. That_DT sort_NN of_IN braggadocio_NN ,_, for_IN that
_DT sort_NN of_IN reason_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT view_NN of_IN Torrio_NP and_CC Capo
ne_NP ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT nonsense_NN ._. A_AT further_JJR example_NN of_IN the_AT
incompatible_JJ difference_NN in_IN personalities_NNS was_BEDZ when_WRB two_CD
policemen_NNS held_VBD up_RP a_AT Torrio_NP beer_NN convoy_NN on_IN a_AT West_JJ
-TL Side_NN-TL street_NN and_CC demanded_VBD $300_NNS to_TO let_VB it_PPO throug
h_RP ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT beer-runners_NNS telephoned_VBD O'Banion_NP --_-- o
n_IN a_AT line_NN tapped_VBN by_IN the_AT detective_NN bureau_NN --_-- and_CC re
ported_VBD the_AT situation_NN ._. O'Banion's_NP$ reaction_NN was_BEDZ :_: ``_``
Three_CD hundred_CD dollars_NNS !_. !_. To_IN them_PPO bums_NNS ?_. ?_. Why_WRB
,_, I_PPSS can_MD get_VB them_PPO knocked_VBN off_RP for_IN half_ABN that_DT mu
ch_AP ''_'' ._. Upon_IN which_WDT the_AT detective_NN bureau_NN despatched_VBD r
ifle_NN squads_NNS to_TO prevent_VB trouble_NN if_CS O'Banion_NP should_MD send_
VB his_PP$ gunmen_NNS out_RP to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_AT hijacking_VBG policeme
n_NNS ._. But_CC in_IN the_AT meantime_NN the_AT beer-runner_NN ,_, unhappy_JJ w
ith_IN this_DT solution_NN ,_, telephoned_VBD Torrio_NP and_CC returned_VBD to_I
N O'Banion_NP with_IN the_AT message_NN :_: ``_`` Say_UH ,_, Dionie_NP ,_, I_PPS
S just_RB been_BEN talking_VBG to_IN Johnny_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS said_VBD to_TO
let_VB them_PPO cops_NNS have_HV the_AT three_CD hundred_CD ._. He_PPS says_VBZ
he_PPS don't_DO* want_VB no_AT trouble_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC Torrio_NP and_CC Capo
ne_NP had_HVD graver_JJR cause_NN to_TO hate_VB and_CC distrust_VB the_AT Irishm
an_NP ._. For_IN three_CD years_NNS ,_, since_IN the_AT liquor_NN territorial_JJ
conference_NN ,_, Torrio_NP had_HVD ,_, with_IN his_PP$ elastic_JJ patience_NN
,_, and_CC because_CS he_PPS knew_VBD that_CS retaliation_NN could_MD cause_VB o
nly_RB violent_JJ warfare_NN and_CC disaster_NN to_IN business_NN ,_, tolerated_
VBN O'Banion's_NP$ impudent_JJ double-crossing_NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD suffered
_VBN ,_, in_IN sulky_JJ silence_NN ,_, the_AT sight_NN of_IN his_PP$ sharp_JJ pr
actice_NN in_IN Cicero_NP ._. When_WRB ,_, as_CS a_AT diplomatic_JJ gesture_NN o
f_IN amity_NN and_CC in_IN payment_NN for_IN the_AT loan_NN of_IN gunmen_NNS in_
IN the_AT April_NP election_NN ,_, Torrio_NP had_HVD given_VBN O'Banion_NP a_AT
slice_NN of_IN Cicero_NP ,_, the_AT profits_NNS from_IN that_DT district_NN had_
HVD been_BEN $20,000_NNS a_AT month_NN ._. In_IN six_CD months_NNS O'Banion_NP h
ad_HVD boosted_VBN the_AT profits_NNS to_IN $100,000_NNS a_AT month_NN --_-- mai
nly_RB by_IN bringing_VBG pressure_NN to_TO bear_VB on_IN fifty_CD Chicago_NP sp
eak-easy_NN proprietors_NNS to_TO shift_VB out_RP to_IN the_AT suburb_NN ._. The
se_DTS booze_NN customers_NNS had_HVD until_IN then_RB been_BEN buying_VBG their
_PP$ supplies_NNS from_IN the_AT Sheldon_NP ,_, Saltis-McErlane_NP ,_, and_CC Dr
uggan-Lake_NP gangs_NNS ,_, and_CC now_RB they_PPSS were_BED competing_VBG for_I
N trade_NN with_IN the_AT Torrio-Capone_NP saloons_NNS ;_. ;_. once_RB again_RB
O'Banion's_NP$ brash_JJ recklessness_NN had_HVD caused_VBN a_AT proliferation_NN
of_IN ill_JJ will_NN ._. The_AT revenue_NN from_IN O'Banion's_NP$ Cicero_NP ter
ritory_NN went_VBD up_RP still_QL higher_RBR ,_, until_CS the_AT yield_NN was_BE
DZ more_AP than_IN the_AT Torrio-Capone_NP takings_NNS from_IN the_AT far_QL big
ger_JJR trade_NN area_NN of_IN Chicago's_NP$ South_JJ-TL and_CC West_JJ-TL Sides
_NNS-TL ._. But_CC he_PPS still_RB showed_VBD no_AT intention_NN of_IN sharing_V
BG with_IN the_AT syndicate_NN ._. At_IN last_AP ,_, even_RB the_AT controlled_V
BN Torrio_NP was_BEDZ unable_JJ to_TO hold_VB still_RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS tentati
vely_RB suggested_VBD that_CS O'Banion_NP should_MD take_VB a_AT percentage_NN i
n_IN the_AT Stickney_NP brothels_NNS in_IN return_NN for_IN one_CD from_IN his_P
P$ Cicero_NP beer_NN concession_NN ._. O'Banion's_NP$ reply_NN was_BEDZ a_AT rau
cous_JJ laugh_NN and_CC a_AT flat_JJ refusal_NN ._. Still_QL more_AP jealous_JJ
bitterness_NN was_BEDZ engendered_VBN by_IN the_AT O'Banion_NP gang's_NN$ seizur
e_NN from_IN a_AT West_JJ-TL Side_NN-TL marshalling_VBG yard_NN of_IN a_AT freig
ht-car_NN load_NN of_IN Canadian_JJ whisky_NN worth_JJ $100,000_NNS and_CC by_IN
one_CD of_IN the_AT biggest_JJT coups_NNS of_IN the_AT Prohibition_NN-TL era_NN
--_-- the_AT Sibley_NP warehouse_NN robbery_NN ,_, which_WDT became_VBD famous_
JJ for_IN the_AT cool_JJ brazenness_NN of_IN the_AT operation_NN ._. Here_RB was
_BEDZ stored_VBN $1,000,000_NNS worth_JJ of_IN bonded_VBN whisky_NN ._. These_DT
S 1750_CD cases_NNS were_BED carted_VBN off_RP in_IN a_AT one-night_NN operation
_NN by_IN the_AT O'Banion_NP men_NNS ,_, who_WPS left_VBD in_IN their_PP$ stead_
NN the_AT same_AP number_NN of_IN barrels_NNS filled_VBN with_IN water_NN ._. A_
AT tsunami_NN may_MD be_BE started_VBN by_IN a_AT sea_NN bottom_NN slide_NN ,_,
an_AT earthquake_NN or_CC a_AT volcanic_JJ eruption_NN ._. The_AT most_QL infamo
us_JJ of_IN all_ABN was_BEDZ launched_VBN by_IN the_AT explosion_NN of_IN the_AT
island_NN of_IN Krakatoa_NP in_IN 1883_CD ;_. ;_. it_PPS raced_VBD across_IN th
e_AT Pacific_JJ-TL at_IN 300_CD miles_NNS an_AT hour_NN ,_, devastated_VBD the_A
T coasts_NNS of_IN Java_NP and_CC Sumatra_NP with_IN waves_NNS 100_CD to_IN 130_
CD feet_NNS high_JJ ,_, and_CC pounded_VBD the_AT shore_NN as_QL far_QL away_RB
as_CS San_NP Francisco_NP ._. The_AT ancient_JJ Greeks_NPS recorded_VBD several_
AP catastrophic_JJ inundations_NNS by_IN huge_JJ waves_NNS ._. Whether_CS or_CC
not_* Plato's_NP$ tale_NN of_IN the_AT lost_VBN continent_NN of_IN Atlantis_NP i
s_BEZ true_JJ ,_, skeptics_NNS concede_VB that_CS the_AT myth_NN may_MD have_HV
some_DTI foundation_NN in_IN a_AT great_JJ tsunami_NN of_IN ancient_JJ times_NNS
._. Indeed_RB ,_, a_AT tremendously_QL destructive_JJ tsunami_NN that_WPS arose
_VBD in_IN the_AT Arabian_JJ-TL Sea_NN-TL in_IN 1945_CD has_HVZ even_RB revived_
VBN the_AT interest_NN of_IN geologists_NNS and_CC archaeologists_NNS in_IN the_
AT Biblical_JJ story_NN of_IN the_AT Flood_NN-TL ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL
damaging_VBG tsunami_NN on_IN record_NN followed_VBD the_AT famous_JJ Lisbon_NP
earthquake_NN of_IN November_NP 1_CD ,_, 1755_CD ;_. ;_. its_PP$ waves_NNS pers
isted_VBD for_IN a_AT week_NN and_CC were_BED felt_VBN as_QL far_QL away_RB as_C
S the_AT English_JJ coast_NN ._. Tsunami_NNS are_BER rare_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_,
in_IN the_AT Atlantic_JJ-TL Ocean_NN-TL ;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER far_QL more_QL
common_JJ in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL ._. Japan_NP has_HVZ had_HVN 15_CD destruc
tive_JJ ones_NNS (_( eight_CD of_IN them_PPO disastrous_JJ )_) since_IN 1596_CD
._. The_AT Hawaiian_JJ-TL Islands_NNS-TL are_BER struck_VBN severely_RB an_AT av
erage_NN of_IN once_RB every_AT 25_CD years_NNS ._. In_IN 1707_CD an_AT earthqua
ke_NN in_IN Japan_NP generated_VBD waves_NNS so_QL huge_JJ that_CS they_PPSS pil
ed_VBD into_IN the_AT Inland_JJ-TL Sea_NN-TL ;_. ;_. one_CD wave_NN swamped_VBD
more_AP than_IN 1,000_CD ships_NNS and_CC boats_NNS in_IN Osaka_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL
._. A_AT tsunami_NN in_IN the_AT Hawaiian_JJ-TL Islands_NNS-TL in_IN 1869_CD was
hed_VBD away_RB an_AT entire_JJ town_NN (_( Ponoluu_NP )_) ,_, leaving_VBG only_
RB two_CD forlorn_JJ trees_NNS standing_VBG where_WRB the_AT community_NN had_HV
D been_BEN ._. In_IN 1896_CD a_AT Japanese_JJ tsunami_NN killed_VBD 27,000_CD pe
ople_NNS and_CC swept_VBD away_RB 10,000_CD homes_NNS ._. The_AT dimensions_NNS
of_IN these_DTS waves_NNS dwarf_VB all_ABN our_PP$ usual_JJ standards_NNS of_IN
measurement_NN ._. An_AT ordinary_JJ sea_NN wave_NN is_BEZ rarely_RB more_AP tha
n_IN a_AT few_AP hundred_CD feet_NNS long_JJ from_IN crest_NN to_IN crest_NN --_
-- no_QL longer_JJR than_CS 320_CD feet_NNS in_IN the_AT Atlantic_NP or_CC 1,000
_CD feet_NNS in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL ._. But_CC a_AT tsunami_NNS often_RB ext
ends_VBZ more_AP than_IN 100_CD miles_NNS and_CC sometimes_RB as_QL much_AP as_C
S 600_CD miles_NNS from_IN crest_NN to_IN crest_NN ._. While_CS a_AT wind_NN wav
e_NN never_RB travels_VBZ at_IN more_AP than_IN 60_CD miles_NNS per_IN hour_NN ,
_, the_AT velocity_NN of_IN a_AT tsunami_NN in_IN the_AT open_JJ sea_NN must_MD
be_BE reckoned_VBN in_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN miles_NNS per_IN hour_NN ._. The_AT
greater_JJR the_AT depth_NN of_IN the_AT water_NN ,_, the_AT greater_JJR is_BEZ
the_AT speed_NN of_IN the_AT wave_NN ;_. ;_. Lagrange's_NP$ law_NN says_VBZ that
_CS its_PP$ velocity_NN is_BEZ equal_JJ to_IN the_AT square_JJ root_NN of_IN the
_AT product_NN of_IN the_AT depth_NN times_VBZ the_AT acceleration_NN due_JJ to_
IN gravity_NN ._. In_IN the_AT deep_JJ waters_NNS of_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL the
se_DTS waves_NNS reach_VB a_AT speed_NN of_IN 500_CD miles_NNS per_IN hour_NN ._
. Tsunami_NNS are_BER so_QL shallow_JJ in_IN comparison_NN with_IN their_PP$ len
gth_NN that_CS in_IN the_AT open_JJ ocean_NN they_PPSS are_BER hardly_QL detecta
ble_JJ ._. Their_PP$ amplitude_NN sometimes_RB is_BEZ as_QL little_JJ as_CS two_
CD feet_NNS from_IN trough_NN to_IN crest_NN ._. Usually_RB it_PPS is_BEZ only_R
B when_WRB they_PPSS approach_VB shallow_JJ water_NN on_IN the_AT shore_NN that_
CS they_PPSS build_VB up_RP to_IN their_PP$ terrifying_VBG heights_NNS ._. On_IN
the_AT fateful_JJ day_NN in_IN 1896_CD when_WRB the_AT great_JJ waves_NNS appro
ached_VBD Japan_NP ,_, fishermen_NNS at_IN sea_NN noticed_VBD no_AT unusual_JJ s
wells_NNS ._. Not_* until_CS they_PPSS sailed_VBD home_NR at_IN the_AT end_NN of
_IN the_AT day_NN ,_, through_IN a_AT sea_NN strewn_VBN with_IN bodies_NNS and_C
C the_AT wreckage_NN of_IN houses_NNS ,_, were_BED they_PPSS aware_JJ of_IN what
_WDT had_HVD happened_VBN ._. The_AT seemingly_RB quiet_JJ ocean_NN had_HVD cras
hed_VBN a_AT wall_NN of_IN water_NN from_IN 10_CD to_IN 100_CD feet_NNS high_JJ
upon_IN beaches_NNS crowded_VBN with_IN bathers_NNS ,_, drowning_VBG thousands_N
NS of_IN them_PPO and_CC flattening_VBG villages_NNS along_IN the_AT shore_NN ._
. The_AT giant_JJ waves_NNS are_BER more_QL dangerous_JJ on_IN flat_JJ shores_NN
S than_CS on_IN steep_NN ones_NNS ._. They_PPSS usually_RB range_VB from_IN 20_C
D to_IN 60_CD feet_NNS in_IN height_NN ,_, but_CC when_WRB they_PPSS pour_VB int
o_IN a_AT V-shaped_NN inlet_NN or_CC harbor_NN they_PPSS may_MD rise_VB to_IN mo
untainous_JJ proportions_NNS ._. Generally_RB the_AT first_OD salvo_NN of_IN a_A
T tsunami_NN is_BEZ a_AT rather_QL sharp_JJ swell_NN ,_, not_* different_JJ enou
gh_QLP from_IN an_AT ordinary_JJ wave_NN to_TO alarm_VB casual_JJ observers_NNS
._. This_DT is_BEZ followed_VBN by_IN a_AT tremendous_JJ suck_NN of_IN water_NN
away_RB from_IN the_AT shore_NN as_CS the_AT first_OD great_JJ trough_NN arrives
_VBZ ._. Reefs_NNS are_BER left_VBN high_JJ and_CC dry_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT beac
hes_NNS are_BER covered_VBN with_IN stranded_VBN fish_NN ._. At_IN Hilo_NP large
_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN people_NNS ran_VBD out_RP to_TO inspect_VB the_AT amazing_
JJ spectacle_NN of_IN the_AT denuded_VBN beach_NN ._. Many_AP of_IN them_PPO pai
d_VBD for_IN their_PP$ curiosity_NN with_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS ,_, for_CS some_
DTI minutes_NNS later_RBR the_AT first_OD giant_JJ wave_NN roared_VBD over_IN th
e_AT shore_NN ._. After_IN an_AT earthquake_NN in_IN Japan_NP in_IN 1793_CD peop
le_NNS on_IN the_AT coast_NN at_IN Tugaru_NP were_BED so_QL terrified_VBN by_IN
the_AT extraordinary_JJ ebbing_VBG of_IN the_AT sea_NN that_CS they_PPSS scurrie
d_VBD to_IN higher_JJR ground_NN ._. When_WRB a_AT second_OD quake_NN came_VBD ,
_, they_PPSS dashed_VBD back_RB to_IN the_AT beach_NN ,_, fearing_VBG that_CS th
ey_PPSS might_MD be_BE buried_VBN under_IN landslides_NNS ._. Just_RB as_CS they
_PPSS reached_VBD the_AT shore_NN ,_, the_AT first_OD huge_JJ wave_NN crashed_VB
D upon_IN them_PPO ._. A_AT tsunami_NN is_BEZ not_* a_AT single_AP wave_NN but_C
C a_AT series_NN ._. The_AT waves_NNS are_BER separated_VBN by_IN intervals_NNS
of_IN 15_CD minutes_NNS to_IN an_AT hour_NN or_CC more_AP (_( because_RB of_IN t
heir_PP$ great_JJ length_NN )_) ,_, and_CC this_DT has_HVZ often_RB lulled_VBN p
eople_NNS into_IN thinking_VBG after_CS the_AT first_OD great_JJ wave_NN has_HVZ
crashed_VBN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ all_ABN over_RP ._. The_AT waves_NNS may_MD k
eep_VB coming_VBG for_IN many_AP hours_NNS ._. Usually_RB the_AT third_OD to_IN
the_AT eighth_OD waves_NNS in_IN the_AT series_NNS are_BER the_AT biggest_JJT ._
. Among_IN the_AT observers_NNS of_IN the_AT 1946_CD tsunami_NNS at_IN Hilo_NP w
as_BEDZ Francis_NP P._NP Shepard_NP of_IN the_AT Scripps_NP-TL Institution_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Oceanography_NN-TL ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT world's_NN$ foremost_JJS ma
rine_JJ geologists_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO make_VB a_AT detailed_V
BN inspection_NN of_IN the_AT waves_NNS ._. Their_PP$ onrush_NN and_CC retreat_N
N ,_, he_PPS reported_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT great_JJ hissi
ng_NN ,_, roaring_NN and_CC rattling_VBG ._. The_AT third_OD and_CC fourth_OD wa
ves_NNS seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE the_AT highest_JJT ._. On_IN some_DTI of_IN the_A
T islands'_NNS$ beaches_NNS the_AT waves_NNS came_VBD in_RP gently_RB ;_. ;_. th
ey_PPSS were_BED steepest_JJT on_IN the_AT shores_NNS facing_VBG the_AT directio
n_NN of_IN the_AT seaquake_NN from_IN which_WDT the_AT waves_NNS had_HVD come_VB
N ._. In_IN Hilo_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL they_PPSS were_BED from_IN 21_CD to_IN 26_CD fe
et_NNS high_JJ ._. The_AT highest_JJT waves_NNS ,_, 55_CD feet_NNS ,_, occurred_
VBD at_IN Pololu_NP-TL Valley_NN-TL ._. Scientists_NNS and_CC fishermen_NNS have
_HV occasionally_RB seen_VBN strange_JJ by-products_NNS of_IN the_AT phenomenon_
NN ._. During_IN a_AT 1933_CD tsunami_NN in_IN Japan_NP the_AT sea_NN glowed_VBD
brilliantly_RB at_IN night_NN ._. The_AT luminosity_NN of_IN the_AT water_NN is
_BEZ now_RB believed_VBN to_TO have_HV been_BEN caused_VBN by_IN the_AT stimulat
ion_NN of_IN vast_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN the_AT luminescent_JJ organism_NN Noctilu
ca_NP-TL miliaris_NN-TL by_IN the_AT turbulence_NN of_IN the_AT sea_NN ._. Japan
ese_JJ fishermen_NNS have_HV sometimes_RB observed_VBN that_CS sardines_NNS haul
ed_VBN up_RP in_IN their_PP$ nets_NNS during_IN a_AT tsunami_NN have_HV enormous
ly_QL swollen_JJ stomachs_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT fish_NNS have_HV swallowed_VBN vast
_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN bottom-living_JJ diatoms_NNS ,_, raised_VBN to_IN the_AT s
urface_NN by_IN the_AT disturbance_NN ._. The_AT waves_NNS of_IN a_AT 1923_CD ts
unami_NN in_IN Sagami_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL brought_VBD to_IN the_AT surface_NN and_CC
battered_VBD to_IN death_NN huge_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN fishes_NNS that_WPS norma
lly_RB live_VB at_IN a_AT depth_NN of_IN 3,000_CD feet_NNS ._. Gratified_VBN fis
hermen_NNS hauled_VBD them_PPO in_RP by_IN the_AT thousands_NNS ._. The_AT tsuna
mi-warning_JJ system_NN developed_VBN since_IN the_AT 1946_CD disaster_NN in_IN
Hawaii_NP relies_VBZ mainly_RB on_IN a_AT simple_JJ and_CC ingenious_JJ instrume
nt_NN devised_VBN by_IN Commander_NN-TL C._NP K._NP Green_NP of_IN the_AT Coast_
NN-TL and_CC-TL Geodetic_JJ-TL Survey_NN-TL staff_NN ._. It_PPS consists_VBZ of_
IN a_AT series_NN of_IN pipes_NNS and_CC a_AT pressure-measuring_JJ chamber_NN w
hich_WDT record_VB the_AT rise_NN and_CC fall_NN of_IN the_AT water_NN surface_N
N ._. Ordinary_JJ water_NN tides_NNS are_BER disregarded_VBN ._. But_CC when_WRB
waves_NNS with_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN between_IN 10_CD and_CC 40_CD minutes_NN
S begin_VB to_TO roll_VB over_IN the_AT ocean_NN ,_, they_PPSS set_VB in_IN moti
on_NN a_AT corresponding_JJ oscillation_NN in_IN a_AT column_NN of_IN mercury_NN
which_WDT closes_VBZ an_AT electric_JJ circuit_NN ._. This_DT in_IN turn_NN set
s_VBZ off_RP an_AT alarm_NN ,_, notifying_VBG the_AT observers_NNS at_IN the_AT
station_NN that_CS a_AT tsunami_NN is_BEZ in_IN progress_NN ._. Such_JJ equipmen
t_NN has_HVZ been_BEN installed_VBN at_IN Hilo_NP ,_, Midway_NP ,_, Attu_NP and_
CC Dutch_JJ-TL Harbor_NN-TL ._. The_AT moment_NN the_AT alarm_NN goes_VBZ off_RP
,_, information_NN is_BEZ immediately_RB forwarded_VBN to_IN Honolulu_NP ,_, wh
ich_WDT is_BEZ the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT warning_VBG system_NN ._. This_DT c
enter_NN also_RB receives_VBZ prompt_JJ reports_NNS on_IN earthquakes_NNS from_I
N four_CD Coast_NN-TL Survey_NN-TL stations_NNS in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL which
_WDT are_BER equipped_VBN with_IN seismographs_NNS ._. Its_PP$ staff_NN makes_VB
Z a_AT preliminary_JJ determination_NN of_IN the_AT epicenter_NN of_IN the_AT qu
ake_NN and_CC alerts_VBZ tide_NN stations_NNS near_IN the_AT epicenter_NN for_IN
a_AT tsunami_NN ._. By_IN means_NN of_IN charts_NNS showing_VBG wave-travel_NN
times_NNS and_CC depths_NNS in_IN the_AT ocean_NN at_IN various_JJ locations_NNS
,_, it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO estimate_VB the_AT rate_NN of_IN approach_N
N and_CC probable_JJ time_NN of_IN arrival_NN at_IN Hawaii_NP of_IN a_AT tsunami
_NN getting_VBG under_IN way_NN at_IN any_DTI spot_NN in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL
._. The_AT civil_JJ and_CC military_JJ authorities_NNS are_BER then_RB advised_
VBN of_IN the_AT danger_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS issue_VB warnings_NNS and_CC tak
e_VB all_ABN necessary_JJ protective_JJ steps_NNS ._. All_ABN of_IN these_DTS ac
tivities_NNS are_BER geared_VBN to_IN a_AT top-priority_NN communication_NN syst
em_NN ,_, and_CC practice_NN tests_NNS have_HV been_BEN held_VBN to_TO assure_VB
that_CS everything_PN will_MD work_VB smoothly_RB ._. Since_IN the_AT 1946_CD d
isaster_NN there_EX have_HV been_BEN 15_CD tsunami_NNS in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-T
L ,_, but_CC only_RB one_CD was_BEDZ of_IN any_DTI consequence_NN ._. On_IN Nove
mber_NP 4_CD ,_, 1952_CD ,_, an_AT earthquake_NN occurred_VBD under_IN the_AT se
a_NN off_IN the_AT Kamchatka_NP-TL Peninsula_NN-TL ._. At_IN 17:07_CD that_DT af
ternoon_NN (_( Greenwich_NP time_NN )_) the_AT shock_NN was_BEDZ recorded_VBN by
_IN the_AT seismograph_NN alarm_NN in_IN Honolulu_NP ._. The_AT warning_VBG syst
em_NN immediately_RB went_VBD into_IN action_NN ._. Within_IN about_RB an_AT hou
r_NN with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN reports_NNS from_IN seismic_JJ stations_NNS in
_IN Alaska_NP ,_, Arizona_NP and_CC California_NP ,_, the_AT quake's_NN$ epicent
er_NN was_BEDZ placed_VBN at_IN 51_CD degrees_NNS North_JJ-TL latitude_NN and_CC
158_CD degrees_NNS East_JJ-TL longitude_NN ._. While_CS accounts_NNS of_IN the_
AT progress_NN of_IN the_AT tsunami_NN came_VBD in_RP from_IN various_JJ points_
NNS in_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL (_( Midway_NP reported_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ covere
d_VBN with_IN nine_CD feet_NNS of_IN water_NN )_) ,_, the_AT Hawaiian_JJ station
_NN made_VBD its_PP$ calculations_NNS and_CC notified_VBD the_AT military_JJ ser
vices_NNS and_CC the_AT police_NN that_CS the_AT first_RB big_JJ wave_NN would_M
D arrive_VB at_IN Honolulu_NP at_IN 23:30_CD Greenwich_NP time_NN ._. It_PPS tur
ned_VBD out_RP that_CS the_AT waves_NNS were_BED not_* so_QL high_JJ as_CS in_IN
1946_CD ._. They_PPSS hurled_VBD a_AT cement_NN barge_NN against_IN a_AT freigh
ter_NN in_IN Honolulu_NP-TL Harbor_NN-TL ,_, knocked_VBD down_RP telephone_NN li
nes_NNS ,_, marooned_VBD automobiles_NNS ,_, flooded_VBD lawns_NNS ,_, killed_VB
D six_CD cows_NNS ._. But_CC not_* a_AT single_AP human_JJ life_NN was_BEDZ lost
_VBN ,_, and_CC property_NN damage_NN in_IN the_AT Hawaiian_JJ-TL Islands_NNS-TL
did_DOD not_* exceed_VB $800,000_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ little_AP doubt_NN tha
t_CS the_AT warning_VBG system_NN saved_VBD lives_NNS and_CC reduced_VBD the_AT
damage_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ plain_JJ that_CS a_AT warning_VBG system_NN ,
_, however_WQL efficient_JJ ,_, is_BEZ not_* enough_AP ._. In_IN the_AT vulnerab
le_JJ areas_NNS of_IN the_AT Pacific_JJ-TL there_EX should_MD be_BE restrictions
_NNS against_IN building_VBG homes_NNS on_IN exposed_VBN coasts_NNS ,_, or_CC at
_IN least_AP a_AT requirement_NN that_CS they_PPSS be_BE either_CC raised_VBN of
f_IN the_AT ground_NN or_CC anchored_VBN strongly_RB against_IN waves_NNS ._. Th
e_AT key_NN to_IN the_AT world_NN of_IN geology_NN is_BEZ change_NN ;_. ;_. noth
ing_PN remains_VBZ the_AT same_AP ._. Life_NN has_HVZ evolved_VBN from_IN simple
_JJ combinations_NNS of_IN molecules_NNS in_IN the_AT sea_NN to_IN complex_JJ co
mbinations_NNS in_IN man_NN ._. The_AT land_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, is_BEZ changing_VB
G ,_, and_CC earthquakes_NNS are_BER daily_JJ reminders_NNS of_IN this_DT ._. Ea
rthquakes_NNS result_VB when_WRB movements_NNS in_IN the_AT earth_NN twist_VB ro
cks_NNS until_CS they_PPSS break_VB ._. Sometimes_RB this_DT is_BEZ accompanied_
VBN by_IN visible_JJ shifts_NNS of_IN the_AT ground_NN surface_NN ;_. ;_. often_
RB the_AT shifts_NNS cannot_MD* be_BE seen_VBN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS are_BER ther
e_RB ;_. ;_. and_CC everywhere_RB can_MD be_BE found_VBN scars_NNS of_IN earlier
_JJR breaks_NNS once_RB deeply_RB buried_VBN ._. Today's_NR$ earthquakes_NNS are
_BER most_QL numerous_JJ in_IN belts_NNS where_WRB the_AT earth's_NN$ restlessne
ss_NN is_BEZ presently_RB concentrated_VBN ,_, but_CC scars_NNS of_IN the_AT pas
t_NN show_VB that_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT earth_NN that_WP
S has_HVZ not_* had_HVN them_PPO ._. The_AT effects_NNS of_IN earthquakes_NNS on
_IN civilization_NN have_HV been_BEN widely_RB publicized_VBN ,_, even_RB overem
phasized_VBN ._. The_AT role_NN of_IN an_AT earthquake_NN in_IN starting_VBG the
_AT destruction_NN of_IN whole_JJ cities_NNS is_BEZ tremendously_QL frightening_
VBG ,_, but_CC fire_NN may_MD actually_RB be_BE the_AT principal_JJS agent_NN in
_IN a_AT particular_JJ disaster_NN ._. Superstition_NN has_HVZ often_RB blended_
VBN with_IN fact_NN to_TO color_VB reports_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV learned_VBN f
rom_IN earthquakes_NNS much_AP of_IN what_WDT we_PPSS now_RB know_VB about_IN th
e_AT earth's_NN$ interior_NN ,_, for_CS they_PPSS send_VB waves_NNS through_IN t
he_AT earth_NN which_WDT emerge_VB with_IN information_NN about_IN the_AT materi
als_NNS through_IN which_WDT they_PPSS have_HV traveled_VBN ._. These_DTS waves_
NNS have_HV shown_VBN that_CS 1,800_CD miles_NNS below_IN the_AT surface_NN a_AT
liquid_NN core_NN begins_VBZ ,_, and_CC that_CS it_PPS ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, ha
s_HVZ a_AT solid_JJ inner_JJ core_NN ._. Earthquakes_NNS originate_VB as_QL far_
RB as_CS 400_CD miles_NNS below_IN the_AT surface_NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS do_DO
not_* occur_VB at_IN greater_JJR depths_NNS ._. Two_CD unsolved_JJ mysteries_NNS
are_BER based_VBN on_IN these_DTS facts_NNS ._. (_( 1_CD )_) As_QL far_QL down_
RP as_CS 400_CD miles_NNS below_IN the_AT surface_NN the_AT material_NN should_M
D be_BE hot_JJ enough_QLP to_TO be_BE plastic_JJ and_CC adjust_VB itself_PPL to_
IN twisting_VBG forces_NNS by_IN sluggish_JJ flow_NN rather_IN than_IN by_IN bre
aking_VBG ,_, as_CS rigid_JJ surface_NN rocks_NNS do_DO ._. (_( 2_CD )_) If_CS e
arthquakes_NNS do_DO occur_VB at_IN such_JJ depths_NNS ,_, why_WRB not_* deeper_
RBR ?_. ?_. Knowledge_NN gained_VBN from_IN studying_VBG earthquake_NN waves_NNS
has_HVZ been_BEN applied_VBN in_IN various_JJ fields_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT searc
h_NN for_IN oil_NN and_CC gas_NN ,_, we_PPSS make_VB similar_JJ waves_NNS under_
IN controlled_VBN conditions_NNS with_IN dynamite_NN and_CC learn_VB from_IN the
m_PPO where_WRB there_EX are_BER buried_VBN rock_NN structures_NNS favorable_JJ
to_IN the_AT accumulation_NN of_IN these_DTS resources_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV a
lso_RB developed_VBN techniques_NNS for_IN recognizing_VBG and_CC locating_VBG u
nderground_RB nuclear_JJ tests_NNS through_IN the_AT waves_NNS in_IN the_AT grou
nd_NN which_WDT they_PPSS generate_VB ._. The_AT following_VBG discussion_NN of_
IN this_DT subject_NN has_HVZ been_BEN adapted_VBN from_IN the_AT book_NN Causes
_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Catastrophe_NN-TL by_IN L._NP Don_NP Leet_NP ._. The_AT-HL rest
less_JJ-HL earth_NN-HL and_CC-HL its_PP$-HL interior_NN-HL At_IN twelve_CD minut
es_NNS after_IN five_CD on_IN the_AT morning_NN of_IN Wednesday_NR ,_, April_NP
18_CD ,_, 1906_CD ,_, San_NP Francisco_NP was_BEDZ shaken_VBN by_IN a_AT severe_
JJ earthquake_NN ._. A_AT sharp_JJ tremor_NN was_BEDZ followed_VBN by_IN a_AT je
rky_JJ roll_NN ._. In_IN Ireland's_NP$ County_NN-TL Limerick_NP-TL ,_, near_IN t
he_AT River_NN-TL Shannon_NP-TL ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT quiet_JJ little_JJ subu
rb_NN by_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN Garryowen_NP ,_, which_WDT means_VBZ ``_`` Gard
en_NN-TL of_IN-TL Owen_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Undoubtedly_RB none_PN of_IN the_AT resid
ents_NNS realize_VB the_AT influence_NN their_PP$ town_NN has_HVZ had_HVN on_IN
American_JJ military_JJ history_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT deeds_NNS of_IN valor_NN tha
t_WPS have_HV been_BEN done_VBN in_IN its_PP$ name_NN ._. The_AT cry_NN ``_`` Ga
rryowen_NP ''_'' !_. !_. Bursting_VBG from_IN the_AT lips_NNS of_IN a_AT chargin
g_VBG cavalry_NN trooper_NN was_BEDZ the_AT last_AP sound_NN heard_VBN on_IN thi
s_DT earth_NN by_IN untold_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN Cheyennes_NPS ,_, Sioux_NPS and_
CC Apaches_NPS ,_, Mexican_JJ banditos_FW-NNS under_IN Pancho_NP Villa_NP ,_, Ja
panese_NPS in_IN the_AT South_JJ-TL Pacific_JJ-TL ,_, and_CC Chinese_JJ and_CC N
orth_JJ-TL Korean_JJ-TL Communists_NNS-TL in_IN Korea_NP ._. Garryowen_NP is_BEZ
the_AT battle_NN cry_NN of_IN the_AT 7th_OD-TL U.S._NP-TL Cavalry_NN-TL Regimen
t_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Fighting_VBG-TL Seventh_OD-TL ''_'' ._. Today_NR a_A
T battle_NN cry_NN may_MD seem_VB an_AT anachronism_NN ,_, for_CS in_IN the_AT m
odern_JJ Army_NN-TL ,_, esprit_FW-NN de_FW-IN corps_FW-NN has_HVZ been_BEN sacri
ficed_VBN to_IN organizational_JJ charts_NNS and_CC tables_NNS ._. But_CC don't_
DO* tell_VB that_DT to_IN a_AT veteran_NN of_IN the_AT Fighting_VBG-TL Seventh_O
D-TL ,_, especially_RB in_IN a_AT saloon_NN on_IN Saturday_NR night_NN ._. Of_IN
all_ABN the_AT thousands_NNS of_IN men_NNS who_WPS have_HV served_VBN in_IN the
_AT 7th_OD-TL Cav_NP-TL ,_, perhaps_RB no_AT one_PN knows_VBZ its_PP$ spirit_NN
better_RBR than_CS Lieutenant_NN-TL Colonel_NN-TL Melbourne_NP C._NP Chandler_NP
._. Wiry_JJ and_CC burr-headed_JJ ,_, with_IN steel_NN blue_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC
a_AT chest_NN splattered_VBN with_IN medals_NNS ,_, Chandler_NP is_BEZ the_AT ep
itome_NN of_IN the_AT old-time_JJ trooper_NN ._. The_AT truth_NN is_BEZ ,_, howe
ver_RB ,_, that_CS when_WRB Mel_NP Chandler_NP first_RB reported_VBD to_IN the_A
T regiment_NN the_AT only_AP steed_NN he_PPS had_HVD ever_RB ridden_VBN was_BEDZ
a_AT swivel_JJ chair_NN and_CC the_AT only_AP weapon_NN he_PPS had_HVD ever_RB
wielded_VBN was_BEDZ a_AT pencil_NN ._. Chandler_NP had_HVD been_BEN commissione
d_VBN in_IN the_AT Medical_JJ-TL Service_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL and_CC was_BEDZ servi
ng_VBG as_CS a_AT personnel_NNS officer_NN for_IN the_AT Kansas_NP-TL City_NN-TL
Medical_JJ-TL Depot_NN-TL when_WRB he_PPS decided_VBD that_CS if_CS he_PPS was_
BEDZ going_VBG to_TO make_VB the_AT Army_NN-TL his_PP$ career_NN ,_, he_PPS want
ed_VBD to_TO be_BE in_IN the_AT fighting_VBG part_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. Though_CS
he_PPS knew_VBD no_AT more_AP about_IN military_JJ science_NN and_CC tactics_NNS
than_CS any_DTI other_AP desk_NN officer_NN ,_, he_PPS managed_VBD to_TO get_VB
transferred_VBN to_IN the_AT combat_NN forces_NNS ._. The_AT next_AP thing_NN h
e_PPS knew_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ reporting_VBG for_IN duty_NN as_CS commanding_VBG
officer_NN of_IN Troop_NN-TL H_NP-TL ,_, 7th_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL ,_, in_IN the_
AT middle_NN of_IN corps_NN maneuvers_NNS in_IN Japan_NP ._. Outside_RB of_IN co
mbat_NN ,_, he_PPS couldn't_MD* have_HV landed_VBN in_IN a_AT tougher_JJR spot_N
N ._. First_OD of_IN all_ABN ,_, no_AT unit_NN likes_VBZ to_TO have_HV a_AT new_
JJ CO_NN brought_VBN in_RP from_IN the_AT outside_NN ,_, especially_RB when_WRB
he's_PPS+BEZ an_AT armchair_NN trooper_NN ._. Second_RB ,_, if_CS there_EX is_BE
Z ever_RB a_AT perfect_JJ time_NN to_TO pull_VB the_AT rug_NN out_RP from_IN und
er_IN him_PPO ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ on_IN maneuvers_NNS ._. In_IN combat_NN ,_, helpi
ng_VBG your_PP$ CO_NN make_VB a_AT fool_NN of_IN himself_PPL might_MD mean_VB ge
tting_VBG yourself_PPL killed_VBN ._. But_CC in_IN maneuvers_NNS ,_, with_IN the
_AT top_JJS brass_NN watching_VBG him_PPO all_ABN the_AT time_NN ,_, it's_PPS+BE
Z easy_JJ ._. Chandler_NP understood_VBD this_DT and_CC expected_VBD the_AT wors
t_JJT ._. But_CC his_PP$ first_OD few_AP days_NNS with_IN Troop_NN-TL H_NP-TL we
re_BED full_JJ of_IN surprises_NNS ,_, beginning_VBG with_IN First_OD-TL Sergean
t_NN-TL Robert_NP Early_NP ._. Chandler_NP had_HVD expected_VBN a_AT tough_JJ ol
d_JJ trooper_NN with_IN a_AT gravel_NN voice_NN ._. Instead_RB Sergeant_NN-TL Ea
rly_NP was_BEDZ quiet_JJ ,_, sharp_JJ and_CC confident_JJ ._. He_PPS had_HVD enl
isted_VBN in_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL straight_RB out_IN of_IN high_JJ school_NN and
_CC had_HVD immediately_RB set_VBN about_IN learning_VBG his_PP$ new_JJ trade_NN
._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT weapon_NN Early_NP could_MD not_* take_VB apart_RB
and_CC reassemble_VB blind-folded_VBN ._. He_PPS could_MD lead_VB a_AT patrol_NN
and_CC he_PPS knew_VBD his_PP$ paper_NN work_NN ._. Further_RBR ,_, he_PPS had_
HVD taken_VBN full_JJ advantage_NN of_IN the_AT Army's_NN$-TL correspondence_NN
courses_NNS ._. He_PPS not_* only_RB knew_VBD soldiering_VBG ,_, but_CC mathemat
ics_NN ,_, history_NN and_CC literature_NN as_QL well_RB ._. But_CC for_IN all_A
BN his_PP$ erudite_JJ confidence_NN ,_, Sergeant_NN-TL Early_NP was_BEDZ right_Q
L out_IN of_IN the_AT Garryowen_NP mold_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ filled_VBN with_I
N the_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT Fighting_VBG-TL Seventh_OD-TL ._. That_DT saved_
VBD Mel_NP Chandler_NP ._. Sergeant_NN-TL Early_NP let_VBD the_AT new_JJ CO_NN k
now_VB just_QL how_WQL lucky_JJ he_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE in_IN the_AT best_JJ
T troop_NN in_IN the_AT best_JJT regiment_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_N
NS-TL Army_NN-TL ._. He_PPS fed_VBD the_AT captain_NN bits_NNS of_IN history_NN
about_IN the_AT troops_NNS and_CC the_AT regiment_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, i
t_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT battalion_NN of_IN the_AT 7th_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL under_IN C
olonel_NN-TL George_NP Armstrong_NP Custer_NP that_WPS had_HVD been_BEN wiped_VB
N out_RP at_IN the_AT Battle_NN-TL of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Little_JJ-TL Big_JJ-TL Hor
n_NN-TL ._. It_PPS didn't_DOD* take_VB Captain_NN-TL Chandler_NP long_RB to_TO r
ealize_VB that_CS he_PPS had_HVD to_TO carry_VB a_AT heavy_JJ load_NN of_IN trad
ition_NN on_IN his_PP$ shoulders_NNS as_CS commander_NN of_IN Troop_NN-TL Aj_NP-
TL ._. But_CC what_WDT made_VBD the_AT load_NN lighter_JJR was_BEDZ the_AT reali
zation_NN that_CS every_AT officer_NN ,_, non-com_NN and_CC trooper_NN was_BEDZ
ready_JJ and_CC willing_JJ to_TO help_VB him_PPO carry_VB it_PPO ,_, for_IN the_
AT good_NN of_IN the_AT troop_NN and_CC the_AT regiment_NN ._. Maneuvers_NNS ove
r_RP ,_, the_AT 7th_OD returned_VBD to_IN garrison_NN duty_NN in_IN Tokyo_NP ,_,
Captain_NN-TL Chandler_NP still_RB with_IN them_PPO ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT
7th_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL whose_WP$ troopers_NNS were_BED charged_VBN with_IN guar
ding_VBG the_AT Imperial_JJ-TL Palace_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Emperor_NN-TL ._.
But_CC still_RB Mel_NP Chandler_NP was_BEDZ not_* completely_QL convinced_VBN t
hat_CS men_NNS would_MD really_RB die_VB for_IN a_AT four-syllable_JJ word_NN ,_
, ``_`` Garryowen_NP-NC ''_'' ._. The_AT final_JJ proof_NN was_BEDZ a_AT small_J
J incident_NN ._. It_PPS happened_VBD at_IN the_AT St._NN-TL Patrick's_NP$-TL Da
y_NN-TL party_NN ,_, a_AT big_JJ affair_NN for_IN a_AT regiment_NN which_WDT had
_HVD gone_VBN into_IN battle_NN for_IN over_RP three-quarters_NNS of_IN a_AT cen
tury_NN to_IN the_AT strains_NNS of_IN an_AT Irish_JJ march_NN ._. In_IN the_AT
middle_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN Chandler_NP looked_VBD up_RP to_TO see_VB four_C
D smiling_VBG faces_NNS bearing_VBG down_RP upon_IN him_PPO ,_, each_DT beaming_
VBG above_IN the_AT biggest_JJT ,_, greenest_JJT shamrock_NN he_PPS had_HVD ever
_RB seen_VBN ._. The_AT faces_NNS belonged_VBD to_IN Lieutenant_NN-TL Marvin_NP
Goulding_NP ,_, his_PP$ wife_NN and_CC their_PP$ two_CD children_NNS ._. And_CC
when_WRB the_AT singing_NN began_VBD ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT Gouldings_NPS wh
o_WPS sang_VBD the_AT old_JJ Irish_JJ songs_NNS the_AT best_RBT ._. Though_CS th
ere_EX was_BEDZ an_AT occasional_JJ good-natured_JJ chuckle_NN about_IN Marvin_N
P Goulding_NP ,_, the_AT Jewish_JJ officer_NN from_IN Chicago_NP ,_, singing_VBG
tearfully_RB about_IN the_AT ould_JJ sod_NN ,_, no_AT one_PN really_RB thought_
VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ strange_JJ ._. For_CS Marvin_NP Goulding_NP ,_, like_CS Giov
anni_NP Martini_NP ,_, the_AT bugler_NN boy_NN who_WPS carried_VBD Custer's_NP$
last_AP message_NN ,_, or_CC Margarito_NP Lopez_NP ,_, the_AT one-man_JJ Army_NN
-TL on_IN Leyte_NP ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT Garryowen_NP ,_, through_RP and_CC through_
RP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ no_AT coincidence_NN that_CS Goulding_NP was_BEDZ one_CD
of_IN the_AT most_QL beloved_JJ platoon_NN leaders_NNS in_IN the_AT regiment_NN
._. And_CC so_RB Mel_NP Chandler_NP got_VBD the_AT spirit_NN of_IN Garryowen_NP
._. He_PPS set_VBD out_RP to_TO keep_VB Troop_NN-TL H_NP-TL the_AT best_JJT troo
p_NN in_IN the_AT best_JJT regiment_NN ._. One_CD of_IN his_PP$ innovations_NNS
was_BEDZ to_TO see_VB to_IN it_PPO that_CS every_AT man_NN --_-- cook_NN and_CC
clerk_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS rifleman_NN --_-- qualified_VBD with_IN every_AT we
apon_NN in_IN the_AT troop_NN ._. Even_RB the_AT mess_NN sergeant_NN ,_, Bill_NP
Brown_NP ,_, a_AT dapper_JJ ,_, cocky_JJ transfer_NN from_IN an_AT airborne_JJ
division_NN ,_, went_VBD out_RP on_IN the_AT range_NN ._. The_AT troop_NN receiv
ed_VBD a_AT new_JJ leader_NN ,_, Lieutenant_NN-TL Robert_NP M._NP Carroll_NP ,_,
fresh_JJ out_IN of_IN ROTC_NN and_CC bucking_VBG for_IN Regular_JJ-TL Army_NN-T
L status_NN ._. Carroll_NP was_BEDZ sharp_JJ and_CC military_JJ ,_, but_CC he_PP
S was_BEDZ up_RP against_IN tough_JJ competition_NN for_IN that_DT RA_NN berth_N
N ,_, and_CC he_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO play_VB it_PPO cool_RB ._. So_RB Mel_NP Cha
ndler_NP set_VBD out_RP to_TO sell_VB him_PPO on_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN Garry
owen_NP ,_, just_RB as_CS he_PPS himself_PPL had_HVD been_BEN sold_VBN a_AT shor
t_JJ time_NN before_RB ._. When_WRB the_AT Korean_JJ war_NN began_VBD ,_, on_IN
June_NP 25_CD ,_, 1950_CD ,_, the_AT anniversary_NN of_IN the_AT day_NN Custer_N
P had_HVD gone_VBN down_RP fighting_VBG at_IN the_AT Little_JJ-TL Big_JJ-TL Horn
_NN-TL and_CC the_AT day_NN the_AT regiment_NN had_HVD assaulted_VBN the_AT beac
hhead_NN of_IN Leyte_NP during_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, the_AT 7
th_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL was_BEDZ not_* in_IN the_AT best_JJT fighting_VBG conditi
on_NN ._. Its_PP$ entire_JJ complement_NN of_IN non-commissioned_JJ officers_NNS
on_IN the_AT platoon_NN level_NN had_HVD departed_VBN as_CS cadre_NN for_IN ano
ther_DT unit_NN ,_, and_CC its_PP$ vehicles_NNS were_BED still_RB those_DTS used
_VBN in_IN the_AT drive_NN across_IN Luzon_NP in_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-T
L ._. Just_RB a_AT month_NN after_CS the_AT Korean_JJ-TL War_NN-TL broke_VBD out
_RP ,_, the_AT 7th_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL was_BEDZ moving_VBG into_IN the_AT lines_
NNS ,_, ready_JJ for_IN combat_NN ._. From_IN then_RB on_RP the_AT Fighting_VBG-
TL Seventh_OD-TL was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT thick_JJ of_IN the_AT bitterest_JJT fight
ing_NN in_IN Korea_NP ._. One_CD night_NN on_IN the_AT Naktong_NP-TL River_NN-TL
,_, Mel_NP Chandler_NP called_VBD on_IN that_DT fabled_JJ esprit_FW-NN de_FW-IN
corps_FW-NN ._. The_AT regiment_NN was_BEDZ dug_VBN in_RP on_IN the_AT east_NR
side_NN of_IN the_AT river_NN and_CC the_AT North_JJ-TL Koreans_NPS were_BED ste
adily_RB building_VBG up_RP a_AT concentration_NN of_IN crack_NN troops_NNS on_I
N the_AT other_AP side_NN ._. The_AT troopers_NNS knew_VBD an_AT attack_NN was_B
EDZ coming_VBG ,_, but_CC they_PPSS didn't_DOD* know_VB when_WRB ,_, and_CC they
_PPSS didn't_DOD* know_VB where_WRB ._. At_IN 6_CD o'clock_RB on_IN the_AT morni
ng_NN of_IN August_NP 12_CD ,_, they_PPSS were_BED in_IN doubt_NN no_QL longer_R
BR ._. Then_RB it_PPS came_VBD ,_, against_IN Troop_NN-TL Aj_NP-TL ._. The_AT en
emy_NN had_HVD filtered_VBN across_IN the_AT river_NN during_IN the_AT night_NN
and_CC a_AT full_JJ force_NN of_IN 1000_CD men_NNS ,_, armed_VBN with_IN Russian
_JJ machine_NN guns_NNS ,_, attacked_VBD the_AT position_NN held_VBN by_IN Chand
ler's_NP$ men_NNS ._. They_PPSS came_VBD in_IN waves_NNS ._. First_RB came_VBD t
he_AT cannon_NN fodder_NN ,_, white-clad_JJ civilians_NNS being_BEG driven_VBN i
nto_IN death_NN as_CS a_AT massive_JJ human_JJ battering_VBG ram_NN ._. They_PPS
S were_BED followed_VBN by_IN crack_NN North_JJ-TL Korean_JJ-TL troops_NNS ,_, w
ho_WPS mounted_VBD one_CD charge_NN after_IN another_DT ._. They_PPSS overran_VB
D the_AT 7th_OD-TL Cav's_NP$-TL forward_JJ machine-gun_NN positions_NNS through_
IN sheer_JJ weight_NN of_IN numbers_NNS ,_, over_IN piles_NNS of_IN their_PP$ ow
n_JJ dead_JJ ._. Another_DT force_NN flanked_VBD the_AT company_NN and_CC took_V
BD up_RP a_AT position_NN on_IN a_AT hill_NN to_IN the_AT rear_NN ._. Captain_NN
-TL Chandler_NP saw_VBD that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ building_VBG up_RP strength_NN .
_. He_PPS assembled_VBD a_AT group_NN of_IN 25_CD men_NNS ,_, composed_VBN of_IN
wounded_VBN troopers_NNS awaiting_VBG evacuation_NN ,_, the_AT company_NN clerk
_NN ,_, supply_NN men_NNS ,_, cooks_NNS and_CC drivers_NNS ,_, and_CC led_VBD th
em_PPO to_IN the_AT hill_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT more_QL seriously_RB wounded
_VBN was_BEDZ Lieutenant_NN-TL Carroll_NP ,_, the_AT young_JJ officer_NN bucking
_VBG for_IN the_AT Regular_JJ-TL Army_NN-TL ._. Chandler_NP left_VBD Carroll_NP
at_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN the_AT hill_NN to_TO direct_VB any_DTI reinforcemen
ts_NNS he_PPS could_MD find_VB to_IN the_AT fight_NN ._. Then_RB Mel_NP Chandler
_NP started_VBD up_IN the_AT hill_NN ._. He_PPS took_VBD one_CD step_NN ,_, two_
CD ,_, broke_VBD into_IN a_AT trot_NN and_CC then_RB into_IN a_AT run_NN ._. The
_AT first_OD thing_NN he_PPS knew_VBD the_AT words_NNS ``_`` Garryowen_NP ''_''
!_. !_. Burst_VBD from_IN his_PP$ throat_NN ._. His_PP$ followers_NNS shouted_VB
D the_AT old_JJ battle_NN cry_NN after_IN him_PPO and_CC charged_VBD the_AT hill
_NN ,_, firing_VBG as_CS they_PPSS ran_VBD ._. The_AT Koreans_NPS fell_VBD back_
RB ,_, but_CC regrouped_VBD at_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT hill_NN and_CC pinn
ed_VBD down_RP the_AT cavalrymen_NNS with_IN a_AT screen_NN of_IN fire_NN ._. Ch
andler_NP ,_, looking_VBG to_IN right_NR and_CC left_NR to_TO see_VB how_WRB his
_PP$ men_NNS were_BED faring_VBG ,_, suddenly_RB saw_VBD another_DT figure_NN bo
unding_VBG up_IN the_AT hill_NN ,_, hurling_VBG grenades_NNS and_CC hollering_VB
G the_AT battle_NN cry_NN as_CS he_PPS ran_VBD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ Bob_NP Carrol
l_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD suddenly_RB found_VBN himself_PPL imbued_VBN with_IN th
e_AT spirit_NN of_IN Garryowen_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD formed_VBN his_PP$ own_JJ t
ask_NN force_NN of_IN three_CD stragglers_NNS and_CC led_VBD them_PPO up_IN the_
AT hill_NN in_IN a_AT Fighting_VBG-TL Seventh_OD-TL charge_NN ._. Because_RB of_
IN this_DT diversionary_JJ attack_NN the_AT main_JJS group_NN that_WPS had_HVD b
een_BEN pinned_VBN down_RP on_IN the_AT hill_NN was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO surge_VB
forward_RB again_RB ._. But_CC an_AT enemy_NN grenade_NN hit_VBD Carroll_NP in_I
N the_AT head_NN and_CC detonated_VBD simultaneously_RB ._. He_PPS went_VBD down
_RP like_CS a_AT wet_JJ rag_NN and_CC the_AT attackers_NNS hit_VB the_AT dirt_NN
in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN the_AT withering_VBG enemy_NN fire_NN ._. Enemy_NN r
einforcements_NNS came_VBD pouring_VBG down_RP ,_, seeking_VBG a_AT soft_JJ spot
_NN ._. They_PPSS found_VBD it_PPO at_IN the_AT junction_NN between_IN Troops_NN
S-TL H_NP-TL and_CC G_NP-TL ,_, and_CC prepared_VBD to_TO counterattack_VB ._. M
arvin_NP Goulding_NP saw_VBD what_WDT was_BEDZ happening_VBG ._. He_PPS turned_V
BD to_IN his_PP$ platoon_NN ._. ``_`` Okay_UH ,_, men_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_
VBD ._. ``_`` Follow_VB me_PPO ''_'' ._. Goulding_NP leaped_VBD to_IN his_PP$ fe
et_NNS and_CC started_VBD forward_RB ,_, ``_`` Garryowen_NP ''_'' !_. !_. On_IN
his_PP$ lips_NNS ,_, his_PP$ men_NNS following_VBG ._. But_CC the_AT bullets_NNS
whacked_VBD home_NR before_CS he_PPS finished_VBD his_PP$ battle_NN cry_NN and_
CC Marvin_NP Goulding_NP fell_VBD dead_JJ ._. For_IN an_AT instant_NN his_PP$ me
n_NNS hesitated_VBD ,_, unable_JJ to_TO believe_VB that_CS their_PP$ lieutenant_
NN ,_, the_AT most_QL popular_JJ officer_NN in_IN the_AT regiment_NN ,_, was_BED
Z dead_JJ ._. Then_RB they_PPSS let_VB out_RP a_AT bellow_NN of_IN anguish_NN an
d_CC rage_NN and_CC ,_, cursing_VBG ,_, screaming_VBG and_CC hollering_VBG ``_``
Garryowen_NP ''_'' !_. !_. They_PPSS charged_VBD into_IN the_AT enemy_NN like_C
S wild_JJ men_NNS ._. That_WPS finished_VBD the_AT job_NN that_WPS Captain_NN-TL
Chandler_NP and_CC Lieutenant_NN-TL Carroll_NP had_HVD begun_VBN ._. Goulding's
_NP$ platoon_NN pushed_VBD back_RB the_AT enemy_NN soldiers_NNS and_CC broke_VBD
up_RP the_AT timing_NN of_IN the_AT entire_JJ enemy_NN attack_NN ._. Reinforcem
ents_NNS came_VBD up_RP quickly_RB to_TO take_VB advantage_NN of_IN the_AT openi
ng_NN made_VBN by_IN Goulding's_NP$ platoon_NN ._. The_AT North_JJ-TL Koreans_NP
S threw_VBD away_RB their_PP$ guns_NNS and_CC fled_VBD across_IN the_AT rice_NN
paddies_NNS ._. Artillery_NN and_CC air_NN strikes_NNS were_BED called_VBN in_RP
to_TO kill_VB them_PPO by_IN the_AT hundreds_NNS ._. Though_CS Bob_NP Carroll_N
P seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV had_HVN his_PP$ head_NN practically_RB blown_VBN off_
RP by_IN the_AT exploding_VBG grenade_NN ,_, he_PPS lived_VBD ._. Today_NR he_PP
S is_BEZ a_AT major_NN --_-- in_IN the_AT Regular_JJ-TL Army_NN-TL ._. So_QL fil
led_VBN was_BEDZ Mel_NP Chandler_NP with_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN Garryowen_NP
that_CS after_IN Korea_NP was_BEDZ over_RP ,_, he_PPS took_VBD on_RP the_AT job_
NN of_IN writing_VBG the_AT complete_JJ history_NN of_IN the_AT regiment_NN ._.
After_IN years_NNS of_IN digging_VBG ,_, nights_NNS and_CC weekends_NNS ,_, he_P
PS put_VBD together_RB the_AT big_JJ ,_, profusely_RB illustrated_VBN book_NN ,_
, Of_IN-TL Garryowen_NP-TL And_CC-TL Glory_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ probably_R
B the_AT most_QL complete_JJ history_NN of_IN any_DTI military_JJ unit_NN ._. Th
e_AT battle_NN of_IN the_AT Naktong_NP-TL River_NN-TL is_BEZ just_RB one_CD exam
ple_NN of_IN how_WRB the_AT battle_NN cry_NN and_CC the_AT spirit_NN of_IN The_A
T-TL Fighting_VBG-TL Seventh_OD-TL have_HV paid_VBN off_RP ._. For_IN nearly_RB
a_AT century_NN the_AT cry_NN has_HVZ never_RB failed_VBN to_TO rally_VB the_AT
fighting_VBG men_NNS of_IN the_AT regiment_NN ._. Take_VB the_AT case_NN of_IN M
ajor_NN-TL Marcus_NP A._NP Reno_NP ,_, who_WPS survived_VBD the_AT Battle_NN-TL
of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Little_JJ-TL Big_JJ-TL Horn_NN-TL in_IN 1876_CD ._. From_IN t
he_AT enlisted_VBN men_NNS he_PPS pistol-whipped_VBD to_IN the_AT subordinate_JJ
officer_NN whose_WP$ wife_NN he_PPS tried_VBD to_TO rape_VB ,_, a_AT lot_NN of_
IN men_NNS had_HVD plenty_NN of_IN reason_NN heartily_RB to_TO dislike_VB Marcus
_NP Reno_NP ._. Many_AP of_IN his_PP$ fellow_NN officers_NNS refused_VBD to_TO s
peak_VB to_IN him_PPO ._. But_CC when_WRB a_AT board_NN of_IN inquiry_NN was_BED
Z called_VBN to_TO look_VB into_IN the_AT charges_NNS of_IN cowardice_NN made_VB
N against_IN him_PPO ,_, the_AT men_NNS who_WPS had_HVD seen_VBN Reno_NP leave_V
B the_AT battlefield_NN and_CC the_AT officer_NN who_WPS had_HVD heard_VBN Reno_
NP suggest_VB that_CS the_AT wounded_VBN be_BE left_VBN to_TO be_BE tortured_VBN
by_IN the_AT Sioux_NPS ,_, refused_VBD to_TO say_VB a_AT harsh_JJ word_NN again
st_IN him_PPO ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT member_NN of_IN The_AT-TL Fighting_VBG-TL
Seventh_OD-TL ._. Although_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ at_IN the_AT Battle_NN-TL of_IN-T
L The_AT-TL Little_JJ-TL Horn_NN-TL ,_, about_IN which_WDT more_AP words_NNS hav
e_HV been_BEN written_VBN than_CS any_DTI other_AP battle_NN in_IN American_JJ h
istory_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT 7th_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL first_RB made_VBD its_PP$ m
ark_NN in_IN history_NN ,_, the_AT regiment_NN was_BEDZ ten_CD years_NNS old_JJ
by_IN then_RB ._. Brevet_JJ-TL Major_NN-TL General_NN-TL George_NP Armstrong_NP
Custer_NP was_BEDZ the_AT regiment's_NN$ first_OD permanent_JJ commander_NN and_
CC ,_, like_CS such_JJ generals_NNS as_CS George_NP S._NP Patton_NP and_CC Terry
_NP De_NP La_NP Mesa_NP Allen_NP in_IN their_PP$ rise_NN to_IN military_JJ promi
nence_NN ,_, Custer_NP was_BEDZ a_AT believer_NN in_IN blood_NN and_CC guts_NNS
warfare_NN ._. During_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, Custer_NP ,_, who_WPS
achieved_VBD a_AT brilliant_JJ record_NN ,_, was_BEDZ made_VBN brigadier_NN gene
ral_NN at_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN 23_CD ._. He_PPS finished_VBD the_AT war_NN as_
CS a_AT major_NN general_NN ,_, commanding_VBG a_AT full_JJ division_NN ,_, and_
CC at_IN 25_CD was_BEDZ the_AT youngest_JJT major_NN general_NN in_IN the_AT his
tory_NN of_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Army_NN-TL ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* mean_VB to_TO
suggest_VB that_CS these_DTS assumptions_NNS are_BER self-evident_JJ ,_, in_IN t
he_AT sense_NN that_CS everyone_PN agrees_VBZ with_IN them_PPO ._. If_CS they_PP
SS were_BED ,_, Walter_NP Lippmann_NP would_MD be_BE writing_VBG the_AT same_AP
columns_NNS as_CS George_NP Sokolsky_NP ,_, and_CC Herb_NP Lock_NP would_MD have
_HV nothing_PN to_TO draw_VB cartoons_NNS about_IN ._. I_PPSS do_DO mean_VB ,_,
however_RB ,_, that_CS I_PPSS take_VB them_PPO for_CS granted_VBN ,_, and_CC tha
t_CS everything_PN I_PPSS shall_MD be_BE saying_VBG would_MD appear_VB quite_QL
idiotic_JJ against_IN any_DTI contrary_JJ assumptions_NNS ._. Assumption_NN-HL 1
_CD-HL ._.-HL The_AT ultimate_JJ objective_NN of_IN American_JJ policy_NN is_BEZ
to_TO help_VB establish_VB a_AT world_NN in_IN which_WDT there_EX is_BEZ the_AT
largest_JJT possible_JJ measure_NN of_IN freedom_NN and_CC justice_NN and_CC pe
ace_NN and_CC material_NN prosperity_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN particular_JJ --_--
since_CS this_DT is_BEZ our_PP$ special_JJ responsibility_NN --_-- that_CS thes
e_DTS conditions_NNS be_BE enjoyed_VBN by_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN the_AT Unit
ed_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. I_PPSS speak_VB of_IN ``_`` the_AT largest_JJT possi
ble_JJ measure_NN ''_'' because_CS any_DTI person_NN who_WPS supposes_VBZ that_C
S these_DTS conditions_NNS can_MD be_BE universally_RB and_CC perfectly_RB achie
ved_VBN --_-- ever_RB --_-- reckons_VBZ without_IN the_AT inherent_JJ imperfecta
bility_NN of_IN himself_PPL and_CC his_PP$ fellow_NN human_JJ beings_NNS ,_, and
_CC is_BEZ therefore_RB a_AT dangerous_JJ man_NN to_TO have_HV around_RB ._. Ass
umption_NN-HL 2_CD-HL ._.-HL These_DTS conditions_NNS are_BER unobtainable_JJ --
_-- are_BER not_* even_RB approachable_JJ in_IN the_AT qualified_VBN sense_NN I_
PPSS have_HV indicated_VBN --_-- without_IN the_AT prior_JJ defeat_NN of_IN worl
d_NN Communism_NN-TL ._. This_DT is_BEZ true_JJ for_IN two_CD reasons_NNS :_: be
cause_CS Communism_NN-TL is_BEZ both_ABX doctrinally_RB ,_, and_CC in_IN practic
e_NN ,_, antithetical_JJ to_IN these_DTS conditions_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC because_C
S Communists_NNS-TL have_HV the_AT will_NN and_CC ,_, as_QL long_JJ as_CS Soviet
_NN-TL power_NN remains_VBZ intact_JJ ,_, the_AT capacity_NN to_TO prevent_VB th
eir_PP$ realization_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, as_CS Communist_JJ-TL power_NN increa
ses_VBZ ,_, the_AT enjoyment_NN of_IN these_DTS conditions_NNS throughout_IN the
_AT world_NN diminishes_VBZ pro_IN rata_FW-NNS and_CC the_AT possibility_NN of_I
N their_PP$ restoration_NN becomes_VBZ increasingly_QL remote_JJ ._. Assumption_
NN-HL 3_CD-HL ._.-HL It_PPS follows_VBZ that_CS victory_NN over_IN Communism_NN-
TL is_BEZ the_AT dominant_JJ ,_, proximate_JJ goal_NN of_IN American_JJ policy_N
N ._. Proximate_JJ in_IN the_AT sense_NN that_CS there_EX are_BER more_QL distan
t_JJ ,_, more_QL ``_`` positive_JJ ''_'' ends_NNS we_PPSS seek_VB ,_, to_IN whic
h_WDT victory_NN over_IN Communism_NN-TL is_BEZ but_IN a_AT means_NN ._. But_CC
dominant_JJ in_IN the_AT sense_NN that_CS every_AT other_AP objective_NN ,_, no_
AT matter_NN how_WQL worthy_JJ intrinsically_RB ,_, must_MD defer_VB to_IN it_PP
O ._. Peace_NN is_BEZ a_AT worthy_JJ objective_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC if_CS we_PPSS m
ust_MD choose_VB between_IN peace_NN and_CC keeping_VBG the_AT Communists_NNS-TL
out_IN of_IN Berlin_NP ,_, then_RB we_PPSS must_MD fight_VB ._. Freedom_NN ,_,
in_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN self-determination_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT worthy_JJ obje
ctive_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC if_CS granting_VBG self-determination_NN to_IN the_AT Al
gerian_JJ-TL rebels_NNS entails_VBZ sweeping_VBG that_DT area_NN into_IN the_AT
Sino-Soviet_NP orbit_NN ,_, then_RB Algerian_JJ-TL freedom_NN must_MD be_BE post
poned_VBN ._. Justice_NN is_BEZ a_AT worthy_JJ objective_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC if_CS
justice_NN for_IN Bantus_NPS entails_VBZ driving_VBG the_AT government_NN of_IN
the_AT Union_NN-TL of_IN-TL South_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL away_RB from_IN the_AT Wes
t_NR-TL ,_, then_RB the_AT Bantus_NPS must_MD be_BE prepared_VBN to_TO carry_VB
their_PP$ identification_NN cards_NNS yet_RB a_AT while_NN longer_RBR ._. Prospe
rity_NN is_BEZ a_AT worthy_JJ objective_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC if_CS providing_VBG hi
gher_JJR standards_NNS of_IN living_VBG gets_VBZ in_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN produ
cing_VBG sufficient_JJ guns_NNS to_TO resist_VB Communist_JJ aggression_NN ,_, t
hen_RB material_NN sacrifices_NNS and_CC denials_NNS will_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE
made_VBN ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS such_JJ object
ives_NNS can_MD be_BE pursued_VBN consisently_RB with_IN a_AT policy_NN designed
_VBN to_TO overthrow_VB Communism_NN-TL ;_. ;_. my_PP$ point_NN is_BEZ that_CS w
here_WRB conflicts_NNS arise_VB they_PPSS must_MD always_RB be_BE resolved_VBN i
n_IN favor_NN of_IN achieving_VBG the_AT indispensable_JJ condition_NN for_IN a_
AT tolerant_JJ world_NN --_-- the_AT absence_NN of_IN Soviet_NN-TL Communist_NN-
TL power_NN ._. The_AT-HL uses_NNS-HL of_IN-HL power_NN-HL This_DT much_AP havin
g_HVG been_BEN said_VBN ,_, the_AT question_NN remains_VBZ whether_CS we_PPSS ha
ve_HV the_AT resources_NNS for_IN the_AT job_NN we_PPSS have_HV to_TO do_DO --_-
- defeat_VB Communism_NN-TL --_-- and_CC ,_, if_CS so_RB ,_, how_WRB those_DTS r
esources_NNS ought_MD to_TO be_BE used_VBN ._. This_DT brings_VBZ us_PPO squarel
y_RB to_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN power_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT uses_NNS a_AT nati
on_NN makes_VBZ of_IN power_NN ._. I_PPSS submit_VB that_CS this_DT is_BEZ the_A
T key_JJS problem_NN of_IN international_JJ relations_NNS ,_, that_CS it_PPS alw
ays_RB has_HVZ been_BEN ,_, that_CS it_PPS always_RB will_MD be_BE ._. And_CC I_
PPSS suggest_VB further_RBR that_CS the_AT main_JJS cause_NN of_IN the_AT troubl
e_NN we_PPSS are_BER in_IN has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT failure_NN of_IN American_JJ
policy-makers_NNS ,_, ever_QL since_RB we_PPSS assumed_VBD free_JJ world_NN lead
ership_NN in_IN 1945_CD ,_, to_TO deal_VB with_IN this_DT problem_NN realistical
ly_RB and_CC seriously_RB ._. In_IN the_AT recent_JJ political_JJ campaign_NN tw
o_CD charges_NNS were_BED leveled_VBN affecting_VBG the_AT question_NN of_IN pow
er_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS think_VB we_PPSS might_MD begin_VB by_IN trying_VBG to_T
O put_VB them_PPO into_IN proper_JJ focus_NN ._. One_CD was_BEDZ demonstrably_RB
false_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT other_AP ,_, for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN ,_, true_JJ
._. The_AT first_OD was_BEDZ that_CS America_NP had_HVD become_VBN --_-- or_CC w
as_BEDZ in_IN danger_NN of_IN becoming_VBG --_-- a_AT second-rate_JJ military_JJ
power_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB I_PPSS do_DO not_* have_HV to_TO dwell_VB here_RB o
n_IN the_AT absurdity_NN of_IN that_DT contention_NN ._. You_PPSS may_MD have_HV
misgivings_NNS about_IN certain_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN our_PP$ military_JJ establ
ishment_NN --_-- I_PPSS certainly_RB do_DO --_-- but_CC you_PPSS know_VB any_DTI
comparison_NN of_IN over-all_JJ American_JJ strength_NN with_IN over-all_JJ Sov
iet_NN-TL strength_NN finds_VBZ the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL not_* only_RB
superior_JJ ,_, but_CC so_QL superior_JJ both_ABX in_IN present_JJ weapons_NNS
and_CC in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN new_JJ ones_NNS that_CS our_PP$ advanta
ge_NN promises_VBZ to_TO be_BE a_AT permanent_JJ feature_NN of_IN U.S.-Soviet_JJ
relations_NNS for_IN the_AT foreseeable_JJ future_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV often_R
B searched_VBN for_IN a_AT graphic_JJ way_NN of_IN impressing_VBG our_PP$ superi
ority_NN on_IN those_DTS Americans_NPS who_WPS have_HV doubts_NNS ,_, and_CC I_P
PSS think_VB Mr._NP Jameson_NP Campaigne_NP has_HVZ done_VBN it_PPO well_RB in_I
N his_PP$ new_JJ book_NN American_JJ-TL Might_NN-TL And_CC-TL Soviet_NN-TL Myth_
NN-TL ._. Suppose_VB ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, that_CS the_AT tables_NNS were_BED
turned_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS were_BED in_IN the_AT Soviets'_NPS$ position_NN :_
: ``_`` There_EX would_MD be_BE more_AP than_IN 2,000_CD modern_JJ Soviet_NN-TL
fighters_NNS ,_, all_ABN better_JJR than_CS ours_PP$$ ,_, stationed_VBN at_IN 25
0_CD bases_NNS in_IN Mexico_NP and_CC the_AT Caribbean_NP ._. Overwhelming_JJ Ru
ssian_JJ naval_JJ power_NN would_MD always_RB be_BE within_IN a_AT few_AP hundre
d_CD miles_NNS of_IN our_PP$ coast_NN ._. Half_ABN of_IN the_AT population_NN of
_IN the_AT U.S._NP would_MD be_BE needed_VBN to_TO work_VB on_IN arms_NNS just_R
B to_TO feed_VB the_AT people_NNS ''_'' ._. Add_VB this_DT to_IN the_AT unrest_N
N in_IN the_AT countries_NNS around_IN us_PPO where_WRB oppressed_VBN peoples_NN
S would_MD be_BE ready_JJ to_TO turn_VB on_IN us_PPO at_IN the_AT first_OD oppor
tunity_NN ._. Add_VB also_RB a_AT comparatively_QL primitive_JJ industrial_JJ pl
ant_NN which_WDT would_MD severely_RB limit_VB our_PP$ capacity_NN to_TO keep_VB
abreast_RB of_IN the_AT Soviets_NPS even_RB in_IN the_AT missile_NN field_NN wh
ich_WDT is_BEZ reputed_VBN to_TO be_BE our_PP$ main_JJS strength_NN ._. If_CS we
_PPSS look_VB at_IN the_AT situation_NN this_DT way_NN ,_, we_PPSS can_MD get_VB
an_AT idea_NN of_IN Khrushchev's_NP$ nightmarish_JJ worries_NNS --_-- or_CC ,_,
at_IN least_AP ,_, of_IN the_AT worries_NNS he_PPS might_MD have_HV if_CS his_P
P$ enemies_NNS were_BED disposed_VBN to_TO exploit_VB their_PP$ advantage_NN ._.
U.S._NP-HL ``_`` prestige_NN-HL ''_'' The_AT other_AP charge_NN was_BEDZ that_C
S America's_NP$ political_JJ position_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN has_HVZ progressi
vely_RB deteriorated_VBN in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ._. The_AT contention_NN need
s_VBZ to_TO be_BE formulated_VBN with_IN much_QL greater_JJR precision_NN than_C
S it_PPS ever_RB was_BEDZ during_IN the_AT campaign_NN ,_, but_CC once_CS that_D
T has_HVZ been_BEN done_VBN ,_, I_PPSS fail_VB to_TO see_VB how_WRB any_DTI seri
ous_JJ student_NN of_IN world_NN affairs_NNS can_MD quarrel_VB with_IN it_PPO ._
. The_AT argument_NN was_BEDZ typically_RB advanced_VBN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN U.
S._NP ``_`` prestige_NN ''_'' ._. Prestige_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ only_RB
a_AT minor_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT problem_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC even_RB then_RB ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT concept_NN that_WPS can_MD be_BE highly_QL misleading_JJ ._.
Prestige_NN is_BEZ a_AT measure_NN of_IN how_WRB other_AP people_NNS think_VB o
f_IN you_PPO ,_, well_RB or_CC ill_RB ._. But_CC contrary_JJ to_IN what_WDT was_
BEDZ implied_VBN during_IN the_AT campaign_NN ,_, prestige_NN is_BEZ surely_RB n
ot_* important_JJ for_IN its_PP$ own_JJ sake_NN ._. Only_RB the_AT vain_JJ and_C
C incurably_QL sentimental_JJ among_IN us_PPO will_MD lose_VB sleep_NN simply_RB
because_CS foreign_JJ peoples_NNS are_BER not_* as_QL impressed_VBN by_IN our_P
P$ strength_NN as_CS they_PPSS ought_MD to_TO be_BE ._. The_AT thing_NN to_TO lo
se_VB sleep_NN over_RP is_BEZ what_WDT people_NNS ,_, having_HVG concluded_VBN t
hat_CS we_PPSS are_BER weaker_JJR than_CS we_PPSS are_BER ,_, are_BER likely_JJ
to_TO do_DO about_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT evidence_NN suggests_VBZ that_CS foreign_
JJ peoples_NNS believe_VB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_BEZ weaker_JJR t
han_CS the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, and_CC is_BEZ bound_VBN to_TO fall_VB
still_QL further_RBR behind_RB in_IN the_AT years_NNS ahead_RB ._. This_DT igno
rant_JJ estimate_NN ,_, I_PPSS repeat_VB ,_, is_BEZ not_* of_IN any_DTI interest
_NN in_IN itself_PPL ;_. ;_. but_CC it_PPS becomes_VBZ very_QL important_JJ if_C
S foreign_JJ peoples_NNS react_VB the_AT way_NN human_JJ beings_NNS typically_RB
do_DO --_-- namely_RB ,_, by_IN taking_VBG steps_NNS to_TO end_VB up_RP on_IN w
hat_WDT appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT winning_VBG side_NN ._. To_IN the_AT exte
nt_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, that_CS declining_VBG U.S._NP prestige_NN means_VBZ that_C
S other_AP nations_NNS will_MD be_BE tempted_VBN to_TO place_VB their_PP$ bets_N
NS on_IN an_AT ultimate_JJ American_JJ defeat_NN ,_, and_CC will_MD thus_RB be_B
E more_QL vulnerable_JJ to_IN Soviet_NN-TL intimidation_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ r
eason_NN for_IN concern_NN ._. Still_RB ,_, these_DTS guesses_NNS about_IN the_A
T outcome_NN of_IN the_AT struggle_NN cannot_MD* be_BE as_QL important_JJ as_CS
the_AT actual_JJ power_NN relationship_NN between_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Union_N
N-TL and_CC ourselves_PPLS ._. Here_RB I_PPSS do_DO not_* speak_VB of_IN militar
y_JJ power_NN where_WRB our_PP$ advantage_NN is_BEZ obvious_JJ and_CC overwhelmi
ng_JJ but_CC of_IN political_JJ power_NN --_-- of_IN influence_NN ,_, if_CS you_
PPSS will_MD --_-- about_IN which_WDT the_AT relevant_JJ questions_NNS are_BER :
_: Is_BEZ Soviet_NN-TL influence_NN throughout_IN the_AT world_NN greater_JJR or
_CC less_AP than_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ ten_CD years_NNS ago_RB ?_. ?_. And_CC is_BE
Z Western_JJ-TL influence_NN greater_JJR or_CC less_AP than_CS it_PPS used_VBD t
o_TO be_BE ?_. ?_. Communist_JJ-HL gains_NNS-HL In_IN answering_VBG these_DTS qu
estions_NNS ,_, we_PPSS need_VB to_TO ask_VB not_* merely_RB whether_CS Communis
t_JJ troops_NNS have_HV crossed_VBN over_RP into_IN territories_NNS they_PPSS di
d_DOD not_* occupy_VB before_RB ,_, and_CC not_* merely_RB whether_CS discipline
d_VBN agents_NNS of_IN the_AT Cominform_NP are_BER in_IN control_NN of_IN govern
ments_NNS from_IN which_WDT they_PPSS were_BED formerly_RB excluded_VBN :_: the_
AT success_NN of_IN Communism's_NN$-TL war_NN against_IN the_AT West_NR-TL does_
DOZ not_* depend_VB on_IN such_JJ spectacular_JJ and_CC definitive_JJ conquests_
NNS ._. Success_NN may_MD mean_VB merely_RB the_AT displacement_NN of_IN Western
_JJ-TL influence_NN ._. Communist_JJ political_JJ warfare_NN ,_, we_PPSS must_MD
remember_VB ,_, is_BEZ waged_VBN insidiously_RB and_CC in_IN deliberate_JJ stag
es_NNS ._. Fearful_JJ of_IN inviting_VBG a_AT military_JJ showdown_NN with_IN th
e_AT West_NR-TL which_WDT they_PPSS could_MD not_* win_VB ,_, the_AT Communists_
NNS-TL seek_VB to_TO undermine_VB Western_JJ-TL power_NN where_WRB the_AT nuclea
r_JJ might_NN of_IN the_AT West_NR-TL is_BEZ irrelevant_JJ --_-- in_IN backwoods
_JJ guerrilla_NN skirmishes_NNS ,_, in_IN mob_NN uprisings_NNS in_IN the_AT stre
ets_NNS ,_, in_IN parliaments_NNS ,_, in_IN clandestine_JJ meetings_NNS of_IN un
dercover_JJ conspirators_NNS ,_, at_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ,_, o
n_IN the_AT propaganda_NN front_NN ,_, at_IN diplomatic_JJ conferences_NNS --_--
preferably_RB at_IN the_AT highest_JJT level_NN ._. The_AT Soviets_NPS understa
nd_VB ,_, moreover_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT first_OD step_NN in_IN turning_VBG a_AT
country_NN toward_IN Communism_NN-TL is_BEZ to_TO turn_VB it_PPO against_IN the
_AT West_NR-TL ._. Thus_RB ,_, typically_RB ,_, the_AT first_OD stage_NN of_IN a
_AT Communist_JJ takeover_NN is_BEZ to_TO ``_`` neutralize_VB ''_'' a_AT country
_NN ._. The_AT second_OD stage_NN is_BEZ to_TO retain_VB the_AT nominal_JJ class
ification_NN of_IN ``_`` neutralist_NN ''_'' ,_, while_CS in_IN fact_NN turning_
VBG the_AT country_NN into_IN an_AT active_JJ advocate_NN and_CC adherent_NN of_
IN Soviet_NN-TL policy_NN ._. And_CC this_DT may_MD be_BE as_QL far_RB as_CS the
_AT process_NN will_MD go_VB ._. The_AT Kremlin's_NP$ goal_NN is_BEZ the_AT isol
ation_NN and_CC capture_NN ,_, not_* of_IN Ghana_NP ,_, but_CC of_IN the_AT Unit
ed_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL --_-- and_CC this_DT purpose_NN may_MD be_BE served_VBN
very_QL well_RB by_IN countries_NNS that_WPS masquerade_VB under_IN a_AT ``_`` n
eutralist_NN ''_'' mask_NN ,_, yet_CC in_IN fact_NN are_BER dependable_JJ auxili
aries_NNS of_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Office_NN-TL ._. To_TO recite_
VB the_AT particulars_NNS of_IN recent_JJ Soviet_NN-TL successes_NNS is_BEZ hard
ly_RB reassuring_VBG ._. Six_CD years_NNS ago_RB French_JJ-TL Indochina_NP-TL ,_
, though_CS in_IN troubie_NN ,_, was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL camp_NN ._.
Today_NR Northern_JJ-TL Vietnam_NP-TL is_BEZ overtly_RB Communist_JJ ;_. ;_. La
os_NP is_BEZ teetering_VBG between_IN Communism_NN-TL and_CC pro-Communist_JJ ne
utralism_NN ;_. ;_. Cambodia_NP is_BEZ ,_, for_IN all_ABN practical_JJ purposes_
NNS ,_, neutralist_JJ ._. Indonesia_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT early_JJ days_NNS of_IN
the_AT Republic_NN-TL ,_, leaned_VBD toward_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ._. Today_NR Su
karno's_NP$ government_NN is_BEZ heavily_QL besieged_VBN by_IN avowed_VBN Commun
ists_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC for_IN all_ABN of_IN its_PP$ ``_`` neutralist_JJ ''_'' pr
etensions_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT firm_JJ ally_NN of_IN Soviet_NN-TL policy_N
N ._. Ceylon_NP has_HVZ moved_VBN from_IN a_AT pro-Western_JJ orientation_NN to_
IN a_AT neutralism_NN openly_QL hostile_JJ to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ._. In_IN the
_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ,_, Iraq_NP ,_, Syria_NP and_CC Egypt_NP were_BED ,_
, a_AT short_JJ while_NN ago_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL camp_NN ._. Today
_NR the_AT Nasser_NP and_CC Kassem_NP governments_NNS are_BER adamantly_QL hosti
le_JJ to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ,_, are_BER dependent_JJ for_IN their_PP$ military
_JJ power_NN on_IN Soviet_NN-TL equipment_NN and_CC personnel_NNS ;_. ;_. in_IN
almost_RB every_AT particular_JJ follow_VB the_AT Kremlin's_NP$ foreign_JJ polic
y_NN line_NN ._. A_AT short_JJ time_NN ago_RB all_ABN Africa_NP was_BEDZ a_AT We
stern_JJ-TL preserve_NN ._. Never_RB mind_VB whether_CS the_AT Kikiyus_NPS and_C
C the_AT Bantus_NPS enjoyed_VBD Wilsonian_JJ self-determination_NN :_: the_AT po
int_NN is_BEZ that_CS in_IN the_AT struggle_NN for_IN the_AT world_NN that_DT va
st_JJ land_NN mass_NN was_BEDZ under_IN the_AT domination_NN and_CC influence_NN
of_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ._. Today_NR ,_, Africa_NP is_BEZ swerving_VBG violentl
y_RB away_RB from_IN the_AT West_NR-TL and_CC plunging_VBG ,_, it_PPS would_MD s
eem_VB ,_, into_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL orbit_NN ._. Latin_JJ-TL America_NP-TL wa
s_BEDZ once_CS an_AT area_NN as_QL ``_`` safe_JJ ''_'' for_IN the_AT West_NR-TL
as_CS Nebraska_NP was_BEDZ for_IN Nixon_NP ._. Today_NR it_PPS is_BEZ up_RP for_
IN grabs_NNS ._. One_CD Latin_JJ American_JJ country_NN ,_, Cuba_NP ,_, has_HVZ
become_VBN a_AT Soviet_NN-TL bridgehead_NN ninety_CD miles_NNS off_IN our_PP$ co
ast_NN ._. In_IN some_DTI countries_NNS the_AT trend_NN has_HVZ gone_VBN further
_RBR than_CS others_NNS :_: Mexico_NP ,_, Panama_NP ,_, and_CC Venezuela_NP are_
BER displaying_VBG open_JJ sympathy_NN for_IN Castroism_NP ,_, and_CC there_EX i
s_BEZ no_AT country_NN --_-- save_VB the_AT Dominican_NP-TL Republic_NN-TL whose
_WP$ funeral_JJ services_NNS we_PPSS recently_RB arranged_VBD --_-- where_WRB Ca
stroism_NP and_CC Anti-Americanism_NN does_DOZ not_* prevent_VB the_AT governmen
t_NN from_IN unqualifiedly_QL espousing_VBG the_AT American_JJ cause_NN ._. Only
_RB in_IN Europe_NP have_HV our_PP$ lines_NNS remained_VBN firm_JJ --_-- and_CC
there_RB only_RB on_IN the_AT surface_NN ._. The_AT strains_NNS of_IN neutralism
_NN are_BER running_VBG strong_RB ,_, notably_RB in_IN England_NP ,_, and_CC eve
n_RB in_IN Germany_NP ._. Opportunities_NNS-HL missed_VBN-HL What_WDT have_HV we
_PPSS to_TO show_VB by_IN way_NN of_IN counter-successes_NNS ?_. ?_. We_PPSS hav
e_HV had_HVN opportunities_NNS --_-- clear_JJ invitations_NNS to_TO plant_VB our
_PP$ influence_NN on_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN of_IN the_AT Iron_JJ-TL Curtain_
NN-TL ._. There_EX was_BEDZ the_AT Hungarian_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL which_WDT we
_PPSS praised_VBD and_CC mourned_VBD ,_, but_CC did_DOD nothing_PN about_IN ._.
There_EX was_BEDZ the_AT Polish_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL which_WDT we_PPSS misunde
rstood_VBD and_CC then_RB helped_VBD guide_VB along_IN a_AT course_NN favorable_
JJ to_IN Soviet_NN-TL interests_NNS ._. There_EX was_BEDZ the_AT revolution_NN i
n_IN Tibet_NP which_WDT we_PPSS pretended_VBD did_DOD not_* exist_VB ._. Only_RB
in_IN one_CD instance_NN have_HV we_PPSS moved_VBN purposively_RB and_CC effect
ively_RB to_TO dislodge_VB existing_VBG Communist_JJ power_NN :_: in_IN Guatemal
a_NP ._. And_CC contrary_JJ to_IN what_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN said_VBN recently_RB
,_, we_PPSS did_DOD not_* wait_VB for_IN ``_`` outside_JJ pressures_NNS ''_'' a
nd_CC ``_`` world_NN opinion_NN ''_'' to_TO bring_VB down_RP that_DT Communist_J
J government_NN ;_. ;_. we_PPSS moved_VBD decisively_RB to_TO effect_VB an_AT An
ti-Communist_JJ coup_FW-NN d'etat_FW-IN+NN ._. We_PPSS served_VBD our_PP$ nation
al_JJ interests_NNS ,_, and_CC by_IN so_RB doing_VBG we_PPSS saved_VBD the_AT Gu
atemalan_JJ people_NNS the_AT ultimate_JJ in_IN human_JJ misery_NN ._. The_AT fi
rst_OD rattle_NN of_IN the_AT machine_NN guns_NNS ,_, at_IN 7:10_CD in_IN the_AT
evening_NN ,_, roused_VBD around_IN me_PPO the_AT varied_VBN voices_NNS and_CC
faces_NNS of_IN fear_NN ._. ``_`` Sounds_NNS exactly_RB like_CS last_AP time_NN
''_'' ._. The_AT young_JJ man_NN spoke_VBD steadily_RB enough_QLP ,_, but_CC all
_ABN at_IN once_RB he_PPS looked_VBD grotesquely_RB unshaven_JJ ._. The_AT middl
e-aged_JJ man_NN said_VBD over_RP and_CC over_RP ,_, ``_`` Why_WRB did_DOD I_PPS
S come_VB here_RB ,_, why_WRB did_DOD I_PPSS come_VB here_RB ''_'' ._. Then_RB h
e_PPS was_BEDZ sick_JJ ._. Amid_IN the_AT crackle_NN of_IN small_JJ arms_NNS and
_CC automatic_JJ weapons_NNS ,_, I_PPSS heard_VBD the_AT thumping_NN of_IN morta
rs_NNS ._. Then_RB the_AT lights_NNS went_VBD out_RP ._. This_DT was_BEDZ my_PP$
second_OD day_NN in_IN Vientiane_NP ,_, the_AT administrative_JJ capital_NN of_
IN Laos_NP ,_, and_CC my_PP$ thoughts_NNS were_BED none_PN too_QL brave_JJ ._. W
here_WRB was_BEDZ my_PP$ flashlight_NN ?_. ?_. Where_WRB should_MD I_PPSS go_VB
?_. ?_. To_IN my_PP$ room_NN ?_. ?_. Better_RBR stay_VB in_IN the_AT hotel_NN lo
bby_NN ,_, where_WRB the_AT walls_NNS looked_VBD good_JJ and_CC thick_JJ ._. Chi
nese_JJ and_CC Indian_JJ merchants_NNS across_IN the_AT street_NN were_BED slamm
ing_VBG their_PP$ steel_NN shutters_NNS ._. Hotel_NN attendants_NNS pulled_VBD p
arked_VBN bicycles_NNS into_IN the_AT lobby_NN ._. A_AT woman_NN with_IN a_AT sm
all_JJ boy_NN slipped_VBD in_RP between_IN them_PPO ._. ``_`` Please_VB ''_'' ,_
, she_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` please_VB ''_'' ._. She_PPS held_VBD out_RP her_PP$
hand_VB to_TO show_VB that_CS she_PPS had_HVD money_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ n
ewspaperman_NN worried_VBD about_IN getting_VBG to_IN the_AT cable_NN office_NN
._. But_CC what_WDT was_BEDZ the_AT story_NN ?_. ?_. Had_HVD the_AT Communist-le
d_JJ Pathet_NP Lao_NP finally_RB come_VBN this_QL far_RB ?_. ?_. Or_CC was_BEDZ
it_PPS another_DT revolt_NN inside_IN Vientiane_NP ?_. ?_. ``_`` Let's_VB+PPO pl
ay_VB hero_NN ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS said_VBD ._. ``_`` Let's_VB+PPO go_VB to_IN the_A
T roof_NN and_CC see_VB ''_'' ._. Gunfire_NN-HL saves_VBZ-HL the_AT-HL moon_NN-H
L By_IN 7:50_CD the_AT answer_NN was_BEDZ plain_JJ ._. There_EX had_HVD been_BEN
an_AT eclipse_NN of_IN the_AT moon_NN ._. A_AT traditional_JJ Lao_NP explanatio
n_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT moon_NN was_BEDZ being_BEG swallowed_VBN by_IN a_AT t
oad_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT remedy_NN was_BEDZ to_TO make_VB all_QL possible_JJ noi
se_NN ,_, ideally_RB with_IN firearms_NNS ._. The_AT din_NN was_BEDZ successful_
JJ ,_, too_RB ,_, for_CS just_QL before_CS the_AT moon_NN disappeared_VBD ,_, th
e_AT frightened_VBN toad_NN had_HVD begun_VBN to_TO spit_VB it_PPO out_RP again_
RB ,_, which_WDT meant_VBD good_JJ luck_NN all_QL around_RB ._. How_WQL quaint_J
J it_PPS all_ABN seemed_VBD the_AT next_AP day_NN ._. A_AT restaurant_NN posted_
VBD a_AT reminder_NN to_IN patrons_NNS ``_`` who_WPS became_VBD excited_VBN and_
CC left_VBD without_IN paying_VBG their_PP$ checks_NNS ''_'' ._. But_CC everyone
_PN I_PPSS met_VBD had_HVN sought_VBD cover_NN first_RB and_CC asked_VBD questio
ns_NNS later_RBR ._. And_CC no_AT wonder_NN ,_, for_CS Vientiane_NP ,_, the_AT o
ld_JJ City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Sandalwood_NN-TL ,_, had_HVD become_VBN the_AT City_NN
-TL of_IN-TL Bullet_NN-TL Holes_NNS-TL ._. I_PPSS saw_VB holes_NNS in_IN planes_
NNS at_IN the_AT airport_NN and_CC in_IN cars_NNS in_IN the_AT streets_NNS ._. A
long_IN the_AT main_JJS thoroughfares_NNS hardly_RB a_AT house_NN had_HVD not_*
been_BEN peppered_VBN ._. In_IN place_NN of_IN the_AT police_NN headquarters_NN
was_BEDZ a_AT new_JJ square_NN filled_VBN with_IN rubble_NN ._. Mortars_NNS had_
HVD demolished_VBN the_AT defense_NN ministry_NN and_CC set_VBN fire_NN to_IN th
e_AT American_JJ-TL Embassy_NN-TL next_AP door_NN ._. What_WDT had_HVD been_BEN
the_AT ambassador's_NN$ suite_NN was_BEDZ now_RB jagged_JJ walls_NNS of_IN black
ened_VBN brick_NN ._. This_DT damage_NN had_HVD been_BEN done_VBN in_IN the_AT b
attle_NN of_IN Vientiane_NP ,_, fought_VBN less_AP than_IN three_CD months_NNS e
arlier_RBR when_WRB four_CD successive_JJ governments_NNS had_HVD ruled_VBN here
_RB in_IN three_CD days_NNS (_( December_NP 9-11_CD ,_, 1960_CD )_) ._. And_CC n
ow_RB ,_, in_IN March_NP ,_, all_ABN Laos_NP suffered_VBD a_AT state_NN of_IN si
ege_NN ._. The_AT Pathet_NP Lao_NP forces_NNS held_VBD two_CD northern_JJ provin
ces_NNS and_CC openly_RB took_VBD the_AT offensive_JJ in_IN three_CD more_AP ._.
Throughout_IN the_AT land_NN their_PP$ hit-and-run_JJ terrorists_NNS spread_VBD
fear_NN of_IN ambush_NN and_CC death_NN ._. ``_`` And_CC it's_PPS+BEZ all_ABN t
he_AT more_QL tragic_JJ because_CS it's_PPS+BEZ so_QL little_QL deserved_VBN ''_
'' ,_, said_VBD Mr._NP J._NP J._NP A._NP Frans_NP ,_, a_AT Belgian_JJ official_N
N of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL Educational_JJ-TL ,_, Scientific_JJ-
TL ,_, and_CC-TL Cultural_JJ-TL Organization_NN-TL ._. We_PPSS talked_VBD after_
CS I_PPSS hailed_VBD his_PP$ Jeep_NN-TL marked_VBN with_IN the_AT U.N._NP flag_N
N ._. Practically_QL all_ABN the_AT people_NNS of_IN Laos_NP ,_, he_PPS explaine
d_VBD --_-- about_RB two_CD million_CD of_IN them_PPO --_-- are_BER rice_NN farm
ers_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT means_NNS and_CC motives_NNS of_IN modern_JJ war_NN ar
e_BER as_QL strange_JJ to_IN them_PPO as_CS clocks_NNS and_CC steel_NN plows_NNS
._. They_PPSS look_VB after_RB their_PP$ fields_NNS and_CC children_NNS and_CC
water_NN buffaloes_NNS in_IN ten_CD or_CC eleven_CD thousand_CD villages_NNS ,_,
with_IN an_AT average_NN of_IN 200_CD souls_NNS ._. Nobody_PN can_MD tell_VB mo
re_QL closely_RB how_WQL many_AP villages_NNS there_EX are_BER ._. They_PPSS spr
ead_VBD over_IN an_AT area_NN no_QL larger_JJR than_CS Oregon_NP ;_. ;_. yet_CC
they_PPSS include_VB peoples_NNS as_QL different_JJ from_IN one_CD another_DT as
_CS Oregonians_NPS are_BER from_IN Patagonians_NPS ._. Life_NN-HL must_MD-HL be_
BE-HL kept_VBN-HL in_IN-HL harmony_NN-HL ``_`` ._.-HL What_WDT matters_VBZ here_
RB is_BEZ family_NN loyalty_NN ;_. ;_. faith_NN in_IN the_AT Buddha_NP and_CC st
aying_VBG at_IN peace_NN with_IN the_AT phis_FW-NNS ,_, the_AT spirits_NNS ;_. ;
_. and_CC to_TO live_VB in_IN harmony_NN with_IN nature_NN ''_'' ._. Harmony_NN
in_IN Laos_NP ?_. ?_. ``_`` Precisely_RB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Mr._NP Frans_NP ._.
He_PPS spoke_VBD of_IN the_AT season_NN of_IN dryness_NN and_CC dust_NN ,_, brou
ght_VBN by_IN the_AT monsoon_NN from_IN the_AT northeast_NR ,_, in_IN harmony_NN
with_IN the_AT season_NN of_IN rain_NN and_CC mud_NN ,_, brought_VBN by_IN the_
AT monsoon_NN from_IN the_AT southwest_NR ._. The_AT slim_JJ pirogues_NNS in_IN
harmony_NN with_IN the_AT majestically_QL meandering_VBG Mekong_NP-TL River_NN-T
L ._. Shy_JJ ,_, slender-waisted_JJ girls_NNS at_IN the_AT loom_NN in_IN harmony
_NN with_IN the_AT frangipani_NN by_IN the_AT wayside_NN ._. Even_RB life_NN in_
IN harmony_NN with_IN death_NN ._. For_CS so_QL long_RB as_CS death_NN was_BEDZ
not_* violent_JJ ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ natural_JJ and_CC to_TO be_BE welcomed_VBN
,_, making_VBG a_AT funeral_NN a_AT feast_NN ._. To_IN many_ABN a_AT Frenchman_N
P --_-- they_PPSS came_VBD 95_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, colonized_VBD ,_, and_CC s
tayed_VBD until_CS Laos_NP became_VBD independent_JJ in_IN 1953_CD --_-- the_AT
land_NN had_HVD been_BEN even_QL more_QL delightfully_RB tranquil_JJ than_CS Tah
iti_NP ._. Yet_CC Laos_NP was_BEDZ now_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL explosive_
JJ headaches_NNS of_IN statesmen_NNS around_IN the_AT globe_NN ._. The_AT Pathet
_NP Lao_NP ,_, stiffened_VBN by_IN Communist_JJ-TL Veterans_NNS-TL from_IN neigh
boring_VBG North_JJ-TL Viet_NP-TL Nam_NP-TL ,_, were_BED supplied_VBN by_IN Sovi
et_NN-TL aircraft_NN ._. The_AT Royal_JJ-TL Lao_NP-TL Army_NN-TL ,_, on_IN the_A
T other_AP hand_NN ,_, was_BEDZ paid_VBN and_CC equipped_VBN with_IN American_JJ
funds_NNS ._. In_IN six_CD years_NNS ,_, U.S._NP aid_NN had_HVD amounted_VBN to
_IN more_AP than_IN $1.60_NNS for_IN each_DT American_NP --_-- a_AT total_NN of_
IN three_CD hundred_CD million_CD dollars_NNS ._. We_PPSS were_BED there_RB at_I
N a_AT moment_NN when_WRB the_AT situation_NN in_IN Laos_NP threatened_VBD to_TO
ignite_VB another_DT war_NN among_IN the_AT world's_NN$ giants_NNS ._. Even_RB
if_CS it_PPS did_DOD not_* ,_, how_WRB would_MD this_DT little_JJ world_NN of_IN
gentle_JJ people_NNS cope_VB with_IN its_PP$ new_JJ reality_NN of_IN grenades_N
NS and_CC submachine_JJ guns_NNS ?_. ?_. To_TO find_VB out_RP ,_, we_PPSS travel
ed_VBD throughout_IN that_DT part_NN of_IN Laos_NP still_RB nominally_RB control
led_VBN ,_, in_IN the_AT daytime_NN at_IN least_AP ,_, by_IN the_AT Royal_JJ-TL
Lao_NP-TL Army_NN-TL :_: from_IN Attopeu_NP ,_, the_AT City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Buffa
lo_NN-TL Dung_NN-TL in_IN the_AT southeast_NR ,_, to_IN Muong_NP Sing_NP ,_, the
_AT City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Lions_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT northwest_NR ,_, close_JJ to_I
N Communist_NN-TL China_NP (_( map_NN ,_, page_NN 250_CD )_) ._. We_PPSS rode_VB
D over_IN roads_NNS so_QL rough_JJ that_CS our_PP$ Jeep_NN-TL came_VBD to_IN res
t_NN atop_IN the_AT soil_NN between_IN ruts_NNS ,_, all_ABN four_CD wheels_NNS s
pinning_VBG uselessly_RB ._. We_PPSS flew_VBD in_IN rickety_JJ planes_NNS so_QL
overloaded_VBN that_CS we_PPSS wondered_VBD why_WRB they_PPSS didn't_DOD* crash_
VB ._. In_IN the_AT end_NN we_PPSS ran_VBD into_IN Communist_JJ artillery_NN fir
e_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS ''_'' were_BED Bill_NP Garrett_NP of_IN the_AT National_J
J-TL Geographic_JJ-TL Illustrations_NNS-TL Staff_NN-TL ,_, whose_WP$ three_CD ca
meras_NNS and_CC eight_CD lenses_NNS made_VBD him_PPO look_VB as_QL formidable_J
J as_CS any_DTI fighting_VBG man_NN we_PPSS met_VBD ;_. ;_. Boun_NP My_NP ,_, ou
r_PP$ interpreter_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC myself_PPL ._. Boun_NP My_NP --_-- the_AT na
me_NN means_VBZ one_CD who_WPS has_HVZ a_AT boun_FW-NN ,_, a_AT celebration_NN ,
_, and_CC is_BEZ therefore_RB lucky_JJ --_-- was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Savannakhet
_NP ,_, the_AT Border_NN-TL of_IN-TL Paradise_NN-TL ._. He_PPS had_HVD attended_
VBN three_CD universities_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. But_C
C he_PPS had_HVD never_RB seen_VBN the_AT mountainous_JJ half_ABN of_IN his_PP$
native_JJ land_NN north_NR of_IN Vientiane_NP ,_, including_IN the_AT royal_JJ c
apital_NN ,_, Luang_NP Prabang_NP ._. Before_CS the_AT airplanes_NNS came_VBD ,_
, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, travel_NN in_IN Laos_NP was_BEDZ just_QL about_RB impossib
le_JJ ._. Prime_JJ-HL minister_NN-HL moves_VBZ-HL fast_RB-HL Alas_UH ,_, so_RB i
t_PPS almost_RB proved_VBD for_IN us_PPO ,_, too_RB ._. To_TO go_VB outside_RB t
he_AT few_AP cities_NNS required_VBD permits_NNS ._. And_CC getting_VBG them_PPO
seemed_VBD a_AT life's_NN$ work_NN ._. Nobody_PN wanted_VBD Americans_NPS to_TO
be_BE hurt_VBN or_CC captured_VBN ,_, and_CC few_AP soldiers_NNS could_MD be_BE
spared_VBN as_CS escorts_NNS ._. We_PPSS were_BED told_VBN that_CS to_IN the_AT
Pathet_NP Lao_NP ,_, a_AT kidnaped_VBN American_NP was_BEDZ worth_JJ at_IN leas
t_AP $750_NNS ,_, a_AT fortune_NN in_IN Laos_NP ._. Everyone_PN had_HVD heard_VB
N of_IN the_AT American_JJ contractor_NN who_WPS had_HVD spurned_VBN an_AT escor
t_NN ._. Now_RB Pathet_NP Lao_NP propagandists_NNS were_BED reported_VBN marchin
g_VBG him_PPO barefoot_JJ from_IN village_NN to_IN village_NN ,_, as_CS evidence
_NN of_IN evil_JJ American_JJ intervention_NN ._. Although_CS we_PPSS enjoyed_VB
D our_PP$ rounds_NNS of_IN the_AT government_NN offices_NNS in_IN Vientiane_NP ,
_, with_IN officials_NNS offering_VBG tea_NN and_CC pleasing_JJ conversation_NN
in_IN French_NP ,_, we_PPSS were_BED getting_VBG nowhere_RB ._. We_PPSS had_HVD
nearly_RB decided_VBN that_CS all_ABN the_AT tales_NNS of_IN Lao_NP lethargy_NN
must_MD be_BE true_JJ ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS were_BED invited_VBN to_TO take_VB a_
AT trip_NN with_IN the_AT Prime_JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL ._. Could_MD we_PPSS be_BE
ready_JJ in_IN 15_CD minutes_NNS ?_. ?_. His_PP$ Highness_NN-TL had_HVD decided_
VBN only_RB two_CD hours_NNS ago_RB to_TO go_VB out_IN of_IN town_NN ,_, and_CC
he_PPS was_BEDZ eager_JJ to_TO be_BE off_RP ._. Prince_NN-TL-HL wears_VBZ-HL ten
-gallon_JJ-HL hat_NN-HL And_CC so_RB ,_, after_IN a_AT flight_NN southeast_NR to
_IN Savannakhet_NP ,_, we_PPSS found_VBD ourselves_PPLS bouncing_VBG along_RB in
_IN a_AT Jeep_NN-TL right_QL behind_IN the_AT Land-Rover_NP of_IN Prince_NN-TL B
oun_NP Oum_NP of_IN Champassak_NP ,_, a_AT tall_JJ man_NN of_IN Churchillian_JJ
mien_NN in_IN a_AT bush_NN jacket_NN and_CC a_AT ten-gallon_JJ hat_NN from_IN Te
xas_NP ._. From_IN his_PP$ shoulder_NN bag_NN peeked_VBD the_AT seven-inch_JJ ba
rrel_NN of_IN a_AT Luger_NP ._. The_AT temperature_NN rose_VBD to_IN 105-degrees
_NNS ._. With_IN our_PP$ company_NN of_IN soldiers_NNS ,_, we_PPSS made_VBD one_
CD long_JJ column_NN of_IN reddish_JJ dust_NN ._. In_IN Keng_NP Kok_NP ,_, the_A
T City_NN-TL of_IN-TL Silkworms_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT Prime_JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL bou
ght_VBD fried_VBN chickens_NNS and_CC fried_VBN cicadas_NNS ,_, and_CC two_CD no
tebooks_NNS for_IN me_PPO ._. Then_RB we_PPSS drove_VBD on_RP ,_, until_CS there
_EX was_BEDZ no_QL more_AP road_NN and_CC we_PPSS traversed_VBD dry_JJ rice_NN f
ields_NNS ,_, bouncing_VBG across_IN their_PP$ squat_NN earth_NN walls_NNS ._. I
t_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT spleen-crushing_JJ day_NN ._. An_AT hour_NN of_IN bouncing_V
BG ,_, a_AT brief_JJ stop_NN in_IN a_AT village_NN to_TO inspect_VB a_AT new_JJ
school_NN or_CC dispensary_NN ._. More_AP bouncing_NN ,_, another_DT stop_NN ,_,
a_AT new_JJ house_NN for_IN teachers_NNS ,_, a_AT new_JJ well_NN ._. Then_RB of
f_RP again_RB ,_, rushing_VBG to_TO keep_VB up_RP ._. We_PPSS were_BED miserable
_JJ ._. But_CC our_PP$ two_CD Jeep_NN-TL mates_NNS --_-- Keo_NP Viphakone_NP fro
m_IN Luang_NP Prabang_NP and_CC John_NP Cool_NP from_IN Beaver_NP ,_, Pennsylvan
ia_NP --_-- were_BED beaming_VBG under_IN their_PP$ coatings_NNS of_IN dust_NN .
_. Together_RB they_PPSS had_HVD probably_RB done_VBN more_AP than_CS any_DTI ot
her_AP men_NNS to_TO help_VB push_VB Laos_NP toward_IN the_AT 20th_OD century_NN
--_-- constructively_RB ._. Mr._NP Keo_NP ,_, once_CS a_AT diplomat_NN in_IN Pa
ris_NP and_CC Washington_NP ,_, was_BEDZ Commissioner_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rural_JJ-TL
Affairs_NNS-TL ._. John_NP ,_, an_AT engineer_NN and_CC anthropologist_NN with_
IN a_AT doctorate_NN from_IN the_AT London_NP-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Economics
_NN-TL ,_, headed_VBD the_AT rural_JJ development_NN division_NN of_IN USOM_NN ,
_, the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Operations_NNS-TL Mission_NN-TL administer
ing_VBG U.S._NP aid_NN ._. ``_`` What_WDT you_PPSS see_VB are_BER self-help_NN p
rojects_NNS ''_'' ,_, John_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` We_PPSS ask_VB the_AT people_NN
S what_WDT they_PPSS want_VB ,_, and_CC they_PPSS supply_VB the_AT labor_NN ._.
We_PPSS send_VB shovels_NNS ,_, cement_NN ,_, nails_NNS ,_, and_CC corrugated_VB
N iron_NN for_IN roofs_NNS ._. That_DT way_NN they_PPSS have_HV an_AT infirmary_
NN for_IN $400_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV 2,500_CD such_JJ projects_NNS ,_, and_CC
they_PPSS add_VB up_RP to_IN a_AT lot_NN more_AP than_CS just_RB roads_NNS and_C
C wells_NNS and_CC schools_NNS ._. Ask_VB Mr._NP Keo_NP ''_'' ._. Mr._NP Keo_NP
agreed_VBD ._. ``_`` Our_PP$ people_NNS have_HV been_BEN used_VBN to_IN acceptin
g_VBG things_NNS as_CS they_PPSS found_VBD them_PPO ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._
. ``_`` Where_WRB there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT road_NN ,_, they_PPSS lived_VBD withou
t_IN one_CD ._. Now_RB they_PPSS learn_VB that_CS men_NNS can_MD change_VB their
_PP$ surroundings_NNS ,_, through_IN their_PP$ traditional_JJ village_NN elders_
NNS ,_, without_IN violence_NN ._. That's_DT+BEZ a_AT big_JJ step_NN toward_IN a
_AT modern_JJ state_NN ._. You_PPSS might_MD say_VB we_PPSS are_BER in_IN the_AT
nation-building_JJ business_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT villages_NNS people_VB li
ned_VBD up_RP to_TO give_VB us_PPO flowers_NNS ._. Then_RB came_VBD coconuts_NNS
,_, eggs_NNS ,_, and_CC rice_NN wine_NN ._. The_AT Prime_JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL p
aid_VBD his_PP$ respects_NNS to_IN the_AT Buddhist_JJ-TL monks_NNS ,_, strode_VB
D rapidly_RB among_IN the_AT houses_NNS ,_, joked_VBD with_IN the_AT local_JJ so
ldiery_NN ,_, and_CC made_VBD a_AT speech_NN ._. The_AT soldiers_NNS are_BER fig
hting_VBG and_CC the_AT Americans_NPS are_BER helping_VBG ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_
, but_CC in_IN the_AT fight_NN against_IN the_AT Pathet_NP Lao_NP the_AT key_JJS
factor_NN is_BEZ the_AT villager_NN himself_PPL ._. Then_RB we_PPSS were_BED of
f_RP again_RB ._. We_PPSS did_DOD it_PPO for_IN three_CD days_NNS ._. But_CC our
_PP$ stumping_VBG tour_NN of_IN the_AT south_NR wasn't_BEDZ* all_ABN misery_NN .
_. Crossing_VBG the_AT 4,000-foot_JJ width_NN of_IN the_AT Mekong_NP at_IN Champ
assak_NP ,_, on_IN a_AT raft_NN with_IN an_AT outboard_JJ motor_NN ,_, we_PPSS t
ook_VBD off_IN our_PP$ dusty_JJ shirts_NNS and_CC enjoyed_VBD a_AT veritable_JJ
ocean_NN breeze_NN ._. Then_RB we_PPSS hung_VBD overboard_RB in_IN the_AT water_
NN ._. Briefly_RB we_PPSS rolled_VBD over_IN a_AT paved_VBN road_NN up_RP to_IN
Pak_NP Song_NP ,_, on_IN the_AT cool_JJ Bolovens_NP-TL Plateau_NN-TL ._. The_AT
Prince_NN-TL visited_VBD the_AT hospital_NN of_IN Operation_NN-TL Brotherhood_NN
-TL ,_, supported_VBN by_IN the_AT Junior_JJ-TL Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_
NN-TL of_IN the_AT Philippines_NPS ,_, and_CC fed_VBD rice_NN to_IN two_CD pet_N
N elephants_NNS he_PPS kept_VBD at_IN his_PP$ residence_NN at_IN Pak_NP Song_NP
._. Strings_NNS-HL keep_VB-HL souls_NNS-HL in_IN-HL place_NN-HL In_IN the_AT vil
lage_NN of_IN Soukhouma_NP ,_, which_WDT means_VBZ ``_`` Peaceful_JJ-TL ''_'' ,_
, we_PPSS had_HVD a_AT baci_FW-NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT most_QL endearing_JJ
of_IN Lao_NP ceremonies_NNS ._. It_PPS takes_VBZ place_NN in_IN the_AT househol
d_NN ,_, a_AT rite_NN of_IN well-wishing_NN for_IN myriad_NN occasions_NNS --_--
for_IN the_AT traveler_NN ,_, a_AT wedding_NN ,_, a_AT newborn_JJ child_NN ,_,
the_AT sick_JJ ,_, the_AT New_JJ-TL Year_NN-TL ,_, for_IN any_DTI good_JJ purpos
e_NN ._. The_AT preparations_NNS were_BED elaborate_JJ :_: flowers_NNS ,_, candl
es_NNS ,_, incense_NN sticks_NNS ,_, rice_NN wine_NN ,_, dozens_NNS of_IN delica
cies_NNS ,_, and_CC pieces_NNS of_IN white_JJ cotton_NN string_NN ._. The_AT str
ings_NNS were_BED draped_VBN around_IN flowers_NNS in_IN tall_JJ silver_NN bowls
_NNS (_( page_NN 261_CD )_) ._. The_AT candles_NNS were_BED lighted_VBN ,_, and_
CC we_PPSS sat_VBD on_IN split-bamboo_NN mats_NNS among_IN the_AT village_NN not
ables_NNS ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ careful_JJ to_TO keep_VB my_PP$ feet_NNS ,_, the_A
T seat_NN of_IN the_AT least_QL worthy_JJ spirits_NNS ,_, from_IN pointing_VBG a
t_IN anyone's_PN$ head_NN ,_, where_WRB the_AT worthiest_JJT spirits_NNS reside_
VB ._. Now_RB a_AT distinguished_VBN old_JJ man_NN called_VBD on_IN nine_CD divi
nities_NNS to_TO come_VB and_CC join_VB us_PPO ._. Next_RB he_PPS addressed_VBD
himself_PPL to_IN our_PP$ souls_NNS ._. A_AT man_NN has_HVZ 32_CD souls_NNS ,_,
one_CD for_IN each_DT part_NN of_IN the_AT body_NN ._. Those_DTS souls_NNS like_
VB to_TO wander_VB off_RP ,_, and_CC must_MD be_BE called_VBN back_RB ._. With_I
N the_AT divinities_NNS present_RB and_CC our_PP$ souls_NNS in_IN place_NN ,_, w
e_PPSS were_BED wished_VBN health_NN ,_, happiness_NN ,_, and_CC power_NN ._. Th
en_RB ,_, one_CD after_IN another_DT ,_, the_AT villagers_NNS tied_VBD the_AT wa
iting_VBG cotton_NN strings_NNS around_IN our_PP$ wrists_NNS ._. These_DTS were_
BED to_TO be_BE kept_VBN on_RP ,_, to_TO hold_VB in_RP the_AT 32_CD souls_NNS ._
. As_CS we_PPSS stepped_VBD out_RP into_IN the_AT sunlight_NN ,_, a_AT man_NN ca
me_VBD up_RP to_IN John_NP Cool_NP and_CC silently_RB showed_VBD him_PPO his_PP$
hand_NN ._. It_PPS had_HVD a_AT festering_VBG hole_NN as_QL big_JJ as_CS a_AT s
ilver_NN dollar_NN ._. We_PPSS could_MD see_VB maggots_NNS moving_VBG ._. John_N
P said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV some_DTI antiseptic_JJ salve_NN with_IN me_P
PO ,_, but_CC it's_PPS+BEZ too_QL late_RB for_IN that_DT ''_'' ._. My_PP$ interv
iews_NNS with_IN teen-agers_NNS confirmed_VBD this_DT portrait_NN of_IN the_AT w
eakening_NN of_IN religious_JJ and_CC ethnic_JJ bonds_NNS ._. Jewish_JJ identity
_NN was_BEDZ often_RB confused_VBN with_IN social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ striving
s_NNS ._. ``_`` Being_BEG Jewish_JJ gives_VBZ you_PPO tremendous_JJ drive_NN ''_
'' ,_, a_AT boy_NN remarked_VBD ._. ``_`` It_PPS means_VBZ that_CS you_PPSS have
_HV to_TO get_VB ahead_RB ''_'' ._. When_WRB I_PPSS pressed_VBD for_IN a_AT pure
ly_QL religious_JJ definition_NN ,_, I_PPSS encountered_VBD the_AT familiar_JJ b
lend_NN of_IN liberal_JJ piety_NN ,_, interfaith_JJ good_JJ will_NN ,_, and_CC a
_AT small_JJ residue_NN of_IN ethnic_JJ loyalty_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS like_VB the_
AT tradition_NN ''_'' ,_, a_AT girl_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS like_VB to_TO f
ollow_VB the_AT holidays_NNS when_WRB they_PPSS come_VB along_RB ._. But_CC you_
PPSS don't_DO* have_HV to_TO worship_VB in_IN the_AT traditional_JJ way_NN ._. Y
ou_PPSS can_MD communicate_VB in_IN your_PP$ own_JJ way_NN ._. As_CS I_PPSS see_
VB it_PPO ,_, there's_EX+BEZ no_AT real_JJ difference_NN between_IN being_BEG Je
wish_JJ ,_, Catholic_JJ ,_, or_CC Protestant_JJ ''_'' ._. Another_DT teen-ager_N
N remarked_VBD :_: ``_`` Most_AP Jews_NPS don't_DO* believe_VB in_IN God_NP ,_,
but_CC they_PPSS believe_VB in_IN people_NNS --_-- in_IN helping_VBG people_NNS
''_'' ._. Still_RB another_DT boy_NN asserted_VBD :_: ``_`` To_TO be_BE a_AT goo
d_JJ Jew_NP is_BEZ to_TO do_DO no_AT wrong_NN ;_. ;_. it's_PPS+BEZ to_TO be_BE a
_AT good_JJ person_NN ''_'' ._. When_WRB asked_VBN how_WRB this_DT was_BEDZ diff
erent_JJ from_IN being_BEG a_AT good_JJ Protestant_NP ,_, the_AT boy_NN answered
_VBD ,_, ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ the_AT same_AP thing_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT accords_VB
Z with_IN the_AT study_NN by_IN Maier_NP and_CC Spinrad_NP ._. They_PPSS discove
red_VBD that_CS ,_, although_CS 42_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN a_AT sample_NN of_IN
Catholic_JJ students_NNS and_CC 15_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT Protestants_NP
S believed_VBD it_PPO important_JJ to_TO live_VB in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the
_AT teachings_NNS of_IN their_PP$ religion_NN ,_, only_RB 8_CD per_IN cent_NN of
_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ students_NNS had_HVD this_DT conviction_NN ._. The_AT most_
QL important_JJ aims_NNS of_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ students_NNS were_BED as_CS foll
ows_VBZ :_: to_TO make_VB the_AT world_NN a_AT better_JJR place_NN to_TO live_VB
in_IN --_-- 30_CD per_IN cent_NN ;_. ;_. to_TO get_VB happiness_NN for_IN yours
elf_PPL --_-- 28_CD per_IN cent_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC financial_JJ independence_NN -
-_-- 21_CD per_IN cent_NN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, most_AP of_IN the_AT teen-ager
s_NNS I_PPSS interviewed_VBD believed_VBD in_IN maintaining_VBG their_PP$ Jewish
_JJ identity_NN and_CC even_RB envisioned_VBD joining_VBG a_AT synagogue_NN or_C
C temple_NN ._. However_RB ,_, they_PPSS were_BED hostile_JJ to_IN Jewish_JJ-TL
Orthodoxy_NN-TL ,_, professing_VBG to_TO believe_VB in_IN Judaism_NP ``_`` but_C
C in_IN a_AT moderate_JJ way_NN ''_'' ._. One_CD boy_NN said_VBD querulously_RB
about_IN Orthodox_JJ-TL Jews_NPS :_: ``_`` It's_PPS+BEZ the_AT twentieth_OD cent
ury_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS don't_DO* have_HV to_TO wear_VB beards_NNS ''_'' ._.
The_AT reason_NN offered_VBN for_IN clinging_VBG to_IN the_AT ancestral_JJ fait
h_NN lacked_VBD force_NN and_CC authority_NN even_RB in_IN the_AT teen-agers'_NN
S$ minds_NNS ._. ``_`` We_PPSS were_BED brought_VBN up_RP that_DT way_NN ''_'' w
as_BEDZ one_CD statement_NN which_WDT won_VBD general_JJ assent_NN ._. ``_`` I_P
PSS want_VB to_TO show_VB respect_NN for_IN my_PP$ parents'_NNS$ religion_NN ''_
'' was_BEDZ the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT a_AT boy_NN justified_VBD his_PP$ inha
biting_VBG a_AT halfway_JJ house_NN of_IN Judaism_NP ._. Still_RB another_DT sug
gested_VBD that_CS he_PPS would_MD join_VB a_AT temple_NN ``_`` for_IN social_JJ
reasons_NNS ,_, since_CS I'll_PPSS+MD be_BE living_VBG in_IN a_AT suburb_NN ''_
'' ._. Intermarriage_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ generally_RB regarded_VBN as_CS a_A
T threat_NN to_IN Jewish_JJ survival_NN ,_, was_BEDZ regarded_VBN not_* with_IN
horror_NN or_CC apprehension_NN but_CC with_IN a_AT kind_NN of_IN mild_JJ ,_, cl
inical_JJ disapproval_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT teen-agers_NNS I_PPSS intervie
wed_VBD rejected_VBN it_PPO on_IN pragmatic_JJ grounds_NNS ._. ``_`` When_WRB yo
u_PPSS marry_VB ,_, you_PPSS want_VB to_TO have_HV things_NNS in_IN common_JJ ''
_'' ,_, a_AT girl_NN said_VBD ,_, ``_`` and_CC it's_PPS+BEZ hard_JJ when_WRB you
_PPSS don't_DO* marry_VB someone_PN with_IN your_PP$ own_JJ background_NN ''_''
._. A_AT fourteen-year-old_JJ girl_NN from_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL West_NR-TL obs
erved_VBD wryly_RB that_CS ,_, in_IN her_PP$ community_NN ,_, religion_NN inconv
eniently_RB interfered_VBD with_IN religious_JJ activities_NNS --_-- at_IN least
_AP with_IN the_AT peripheral_JJ activities_NNS that_WPS many_AP middle_JJ class
_NN Jews_NPS now_RB regard_VB as_CS religious_JJ ._. It_PPS appears_VBZ that_CS
an_AT Orthodox_JJ-TL girl_NN in_IN the_AT community_NN disrupted_VBD plans_NNS f
or_IN an_AT outing_NN sponsored_VBN by_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ service_
NN groups_NNS because_CS she_PPS would_MD not_* travel_VB on_IN Saturday_NR and_
CC ,_, in_IN addition_NN ,_, required_VBD kosher_JJ food_NN ._. Another_DT girl_
NN from_IN a_AT relatively_QL large_JJ midwestern_JJ city_NN described_VBD herse
lf_PPL as_CS ``_`` the_AT only_AP Orthodox_JJ-TL girl_NN in_IN town_NN ''_'' ._.
This_DT is_BEZ ,_, no_AT doubt_NN ,_, inaccurate_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PPS does_DOZ
convey_VB how_WQL isolated_VBN she_PPS feels_VBZ among_IN the_AT vast_JJ army_NN
of_IN the_AT nonobservant_JJ ._. The_AT-HL older_JJR-HL teens_NNS-HL One_CD of_
IN the_AT significant_JJ things_NNS about_IN Jewish_JJ culture_NN in_IN the_AT o
lder_JJR teen_NN years_NNS is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ largely_QL college-orien
ted_JJ ._. Sixty-five_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ teen-agers_NNS of
_IN college_NN age_NN attend_VB institutions_NNS of_IN higher_JJR learning_NN ._
. This_DT is_BEZ substantially_QL higher_JJR than_CS the_AT figures_NNS for_IN t
he_AT American_JJ population_NN at_IN large_JJ --_-- 45.6_CD per_IN cent_NN for_
IN males_NNS and_CC 29.2_CD per_IN cent_NN for_IN females_NNS ._. This_DT may_MD
help_VB explain_VB a_AT phenomenon_NN described_VBN by_IN a_AT small-town_NN Je
wish_JJ boy_NN ._. In_IN their_PP$ first_OD two_CD years_NNS in_IN high_JJ schoo
l_NN ,_, Jewish_JJ boys_NNS in_IN this_DT town_NN make_VB strenuous_JJ exertions
_NNS to_TO win_VB positions_NNS on_IN the_AT school_NN teams_NNS ._. However_RB
,_, in_IN their_PP$ junior_JJ and_CC senior_JJ years_NNS ,_, they_PPSS generally
_RB forego_VB their_PP$ athletic_JJ pursuits_NNS ,_, presumably_RB in_IN the_AT
interest_NN of_IN better_JJR academic_JJ achievement_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ signif
icant_JJ ,_, too_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT older_JJR teen-agers_NNS I_PPSS interview
ed_VBD believed_VBD ,_, unlike_IN the_AT younger_JJR ones_NNS ,_, that_CS Jewish
_JJ students_NNS tend_VB to_TO do_DO better_RBR academically_RB than_CS their_PP
$ gentile_JJ counterparts_NNS ._. The_AT percentage_NN of_IN Jewish_JJ girls_NNS
who_WPS attend_VB college_NN is_BEZ almost_QL as_QL high_JJ as_CS that_DT of_IN
boys_NNS ._. The_AT motivations_NNS for_IN both_ABX sexes_NNS ,_, to_TO be_BE s
ure_JJ ,_, are_BER different_JJ ._. The_AT vocational_JJ motive_NN is_BEZ the_AT
dominant_JJ one_CD for_IN boys_NNS ,_, while_CS Jewish_JJ girls_NNS attend_VB c
ollege_NN for_IN social_JJ reasons_NNS and_CC to_TO become_VB culturally_RB deve
loped_VBN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT significant_JJ developments_NNS in_IN American
-Jewish_JJ life_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT cultural_JJ consumers_NNS are_BER large
ly_RB the_AT women_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ they_PPSS who_WPS read_VB --_-- and_CC
make_VB --_-- Jewish_JJ best-sellers_NNS and_CC then_RB persuade_VB their_PP$ hu
sbands_NNS to_TO read_VB them_PPO ._. In_IN upper_JJ teen_NN Jewish_JJ life_NN ,
_, the_AT non-college_NN group_NN tends_VBZ to_TO have_HV a_AT sense_NN of_IN ma
rginality_NN ._. ``_`` People_NNS automatically_RB assume_VB that_CS I'm_PPSS+BE
M in_IN college_NN ''_'' ,_, a_AT nineteen-year-old_JJ machinist_NN observed_VBD
irritably_RB ._. However_RB ,_, among_IN the_AT girls_NNS ,_, there_EX are_BER
some_DTI morale-enhancing_JJ compensations_NNS for_IN not_* going_VBG to_IN coll
ege_NN ._. The_AT Jewish_JJ working_VBG girl_NN almost_QL invariably_RB works_VB
Z in_IN an_AT office_NN --_-- in_IN contradistinction_NN to_IN gentile_JJ factor
y_NN workers_NNS --_-- and_CC ,_, buttressed_VBN by_IN a_AT respectable_JJ incom
e_NN ,_, she_PPS is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO dress_VB better_RBR and_CC live_VB more_
QL expansively_RB than_CS the_AT college_NN student_NN ._. She_PPS is_BEZ even_R
B prone_JJ to_TO regard_VB the_AT college_NN girl_NN as_CS immature_JJ ._. The_A
T-HL lower-middle_JJ-HL class_NN-HL college_NN-HL student_NN-HL One_CD of_IN the
_AT reasons_NNS for_IN the_AT high_JJ percentage_NN of_IN Jewish_JJ teen-agers_N
NS in_IN college_NN is_BEZ that_CS a_AT great_JJ many_AP urban_JJ Jews_NPS are_B
ER enabled_VBN to_TO attend_VB local_JJ colleges_NNS at_IN modest_JJ cost_NN ._.
This_DT is_BEZ particularly_QL true_JJ in_IN large_JJ centers_NNS of_IN Jewish_
JJ population_NN like_CS New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, Chicago_NP ,_, and_CC Philadel
phia_NP ._. What_WDT is_BEZ noteworthy_JJ about_IN this_DT large_JJ group_NN of_
IN teen-agers_NNS is_BEZ that_CS ,_, although_CS their_PP$ attitudes_NNS hardly_
RB differentiate_VB them_PPO from_IN their_PP$ gentile_JJ counterparts_NNS ,_, t
hey_PPSS actually_RB lead_VB their_PP$ lives_NNS in_IN a_AT vast_JJ self-enclose
d_JJ Jewish_JJ cosmos_NN with_IN relatively_QL little_AP contact_NN with_IN the_
AT non-Jewish_JJ world_NN ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT Jewish_JJ students_NNS at_IN Bro
oklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL --_-- constituting_VBG 85_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN thos
e_DTS who_WPS attend_VB the_AT day_NN session_NN --_-- can_MD serve_VB as_CS a_A
T paradigm_NN of_IN the_AT urban_JJ ,_, lower-middle_JJ class_NN Jewish_JJ stude
nt_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ ,_, to_TO begin_VB ,_, an_AT important_JJ sex_NN diffe
rence_NN ._. Typically_RB ,_, in_IN a_AT lower-middle_JJ class_NN Jewish_JJ fami
ly_NN ,_, a_AT son_NN will_MD be_BE sent_VBN to_IN an_AT out-of-town_JJ school_N
N ,_, if_CS financial_JJ resources_NNS warrant_VB it_PPO ,_, while_CS the_AT dau
ghter_NN will_MD attend_VB the_AT local_JJ college_NN ._. There_EX are_BER two_C
D reasons_NNS for_IN this_DT ._. First_OD ,_, the_AT girl's_NN$ education_NN has
_HVZ a_AT lower_JJR priority_NN than_CS the_AT son's_NN$ ._. Second_OD ,_, the_A
T attitude_NN in_IN Jewish_JJ families_NNS is_BEZ far_QL more_RBR protective_JJ
toward_IN the_AT daughter_NN than_CS toward_IN the_AT son_NN ._. Most_AP Jewish_
JJ mothers_NNS are_BER determined_VBN to_TO exercise_VB vigilance_NN over_IN the
_AT social_JJ and_CC sexual_JJ lives_NNS of_IN their_PP$ daughters_NNS by_IN kee
ping_VBG them_PPO home_NR ._. The_AT consequence_NN of_IN this_DT is_BEZ that_CS
the_AT girls_NNS at_IN Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL outnumber_VB the_AT boys_NN
S and_CC do_DO somewhat_QL better_RBR academically_RB ._. One_PN can_MD assume_V
B that_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT brightest_JJT boys_NNS are_BER out_IN of_IN town
_NN ._. Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL students_NNS have_HV an_AT ambivalent_JJ at
titude_NN toward_IN their_PP$ school_NN ._. On_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_, ther
e_EX is_BEZ a_AT sense_NN of_IN not_* having_HVG moved_VBN beyond_IN the_AT ambi
ance_NN of_IN their_PP$ high_JJ school_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ particularly_QL acu
te_JJ for_IN those_DTS who_WPS attended_VBD Midwood_NP-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-T
L directly_RB across_IN the_AT street_NN from_IN Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL ._
. They_PPSS have_HV a_AT sense_NN of_IN marginality_NN at_IN being_BEG denied_VB
N that_DT special_JJ badge_NN of_IN status_NN ,_, the_AT out-of-town_JJ school_N
N ._. At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_I
N self-congratulation_NN at_IN attending_VBG a_AT good_JJ college_NN --_-- they_
PPSS are_BER even_RB inclined_VBN to_TO exaggerate_VB its_PP$ not_* inconsiderab
le_JJ virtues_NNS --_-- and_CC they_PPSS express_VB pleasure_NN at_IN the_AT coz
y_JJ in-group_NN feeling_NN that_CS the_AT college_NN generates_VBZ ._. ``_`` It
's_PPS+BEZ people_NNS of_IN your_PP$ own_JJ kind_NN ''_'' ,_, a_AT girl_NN remar
ked_VBD ._. ``_`` You_PPSS don't_DO* have_HV to_TO watch_VB what_WDT you_PPSS sa
y_VB ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO go_VB to_IN an_AT out
-of-town_JJ school_NN where_WRB there_EX are_BER all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN people_
NNS ,_, but_CC I_PPSS would_MD want_VB lots_NNS of_IN Jewish_JJ kids_NNS there_R
B ''_'' ._. For_IN most_AP Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL students_NNS ,_, college
_NN is_BEZ at_IN once_CS a_AT perpetuation_NN of_IN their_PP$ ethnic_JJ attachme
nts_NNS and_CC a_AT breaking_NN away_RB from_IN the_AT cage_NN of_IN neighborhoo
d_NN and_CC family_NN ._. Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL is_BEZ unequivocally_QL J
ewish_JJ in_IN tone_NN ,_, and_CC efforts_NNS to_TO detribalize_VB the_AT colleg
e_NN by_IN bringing_VBG in_RP unimpeachably_QL midwestern_JJ types_NNS on_IN the
_AT faculty_NN have_HV been_BEN unavailing_JJ ._. However_RB ,_, a_AT growing_VB
G intellectual_JJ sophistication_NN and_CC the_AT new_JJ certitudes_NNS imparted
_VBN by_IN courses_NNS in_IN psychology_NN and_CC anthropology_NN make_VB the_AT
students_NNS increasingly_QL critical_JJ of_IN their_PP$ somewhat_QL provincial
_JJ and_CC overprotective_JJ parents_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT rebellion_NN of_IN th
ese_DTS third_OD generation_NN Jews_NPS is_BEZ not_* the_AT traditional_JJ confl
ict_NN of_IN culture_NN but_CC ,_, rather_RB ,_, a_AT protest_NN against_IN a_AT
culture_NN that_CS they_PPSS view_VB as_CS softly_QL and_CC insidiously_QL enve
loping_VBG ._. ``_`` As_QL long_RB as_CS I'm_PPSS+BEM home_NR ,_, I'll_PPSS+MD n
ever_RB grow_VB up_RP ''_'' ,_, a_AT nineteen-year-old_JJ boy_NN observed_VBD sa
dly_RB ._. ``_`` They_PPSS don't_DO* like_VB it_PPO if_CS I_PPSS do_DO anything_
PN away_RB from_IN home_NR ._. It's_PPS+BEZ so_QL much_AP trouble_NN ,_, I_PPSS
don't_DO* usually_RB bother_VB ''_'' ._. For_IN girls_NNS ,_, the_AT overprotect
ion_NN is_BEZ far_QL more_QL pervasive_JJ ._. Parents_NNS will_MD drive_VB on_IN
Friday_NR night_NN to_TO pick_VB up_RP their_PP$ daughters_NNS after_IN a_AT so
rority_NN or_CC House_NN-TL Plan_NN-TL meeting_NN ._. A_AT freshman_NN girl's_NN
$ father_NN not_* too_QL long_RB ago_RB called_VBD a_AT dean_NN at_IN Brooklyn_N
P-TL College_NN-TL and_CC demanded_VBD the_AT ``_`` low-down_NN ''_'' on_IN a_AT
boy_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ going_VBG out_RP with_IN his_PP$ daughter_NN ._. The_AT
domestic_JJ tentacles_NNS even_RB extend_VB to_IN the_AT choice_NN of_IN a_AT m
ajor_JJ field_NN ._. Under_IN pressure_NN from_IN parents_NNS ,_, the_AT majorit
y_NN of_IN Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL girls_NNS major_VB in_IN education_NN si
nce_CS that_DT co-ordinates_VBZ best_RBT with_IN marriage_NN plans_NNS --_-- lim
ited_VBN graduate_JJ study_NN requirement_NN and_CC convenient_JJ working_VBG ho
urs_NNS ._. This_DT means_VBZ that_CS a_AT great_QL many_AP academically_RB tale
nted_JJ girls_NNS are_BER discouraged_VBN from_IN pursuing_VBG graduate_JJ work_
NN of_IN a_AT more_QL demanding_JJ nature_NN ._. A_AT kind_NN of_IN double_JJ st
andard_NN exists_VBZ here_RB for_IN Jewish_JJ boys_NNS and_CC girls_NNS as_CS it
_PPS does_DOZ in_IN the_AT realm_NN of_IN sex_NN ._. The_AT breaking_NN away_RB
from_IN the_AT prison_NN house_NN of_IN Brooklyn_NP is_BEZ gradual_JJ ._. First_
RB ,_, the_AT student_NN trains_VBZ on_IN his_PP$ hapless_JJ parents_NNS the_AT
heavy_JJ artillery_NN of_IN his_PP$ newly_JJ acquired_VBN psychological_JJ and_C
C sociological_JJ insights_NNS ._. Then_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT new_JJ affluence_N
N ,_, there_EX is_BEZ actually_RB a_AT sallying_NN forth_RB into_IN the_AT wide_
JJ ,_, wide_JJ world_NN beyond_IN the_AT precincts_NNS of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-T
L ._. It_PPS is_BEZ significant_JJ that_CS the_AT Catskills_NPS ,_, which_WDT us
ed_VBD to_TO be_BE the_AT summer_NN playground_NN for_IN older_JJR teen-agers_NN
S ,_, a_AT kind_NN of_IN summer_NN suburb_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, no_Q
L longer_RBR attracts_VBZ them_PPO in_IN great_JJ numbers_NNS --_-- except_IN fo
r_IN those_DTS who_WPS work_VB there_RB as_CS waiters_NNS ,_, bus_NN boys_NNS ,_
, or_CC counselors_NNS in_IN the_AT day_NN camps_NNS ._. The_AT great_JJ world_N
N beyond_IN beckons_VBZ ._. But_CC it_PPS should_MD be_BE pointed_VBN out_RP tha
t_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT new_JJ watering_VBG places_NNS --_-- Fire_NN-TL Islan
d_NN-TL ,_, Nantucket_NP ,_, Westhampton_NP ,_, Long_JJ-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, for_
IN example_NN --_-- tend_VB to_TO be_BE homogeneously_QL Jewish_JJ ._. Although_
CS Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL does_DOZ not_* yet_RB have_HV a_AT junior-year-a
broad_JJ program_NN ,_, a_AT good_JJ number_NN of_IN students_NNS spend_VB summe
rs_NNS in_IN Europe_NP ._. In_IN general_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, the_AT timetable_
NN of_IN travel_NN lags_VBZ considerably_QL behind_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT stude
nt_NN at_IN Harvard_NP or_CC Smith_NP ._. And_CC acculturation_NN into_IN the_AT
world_NN at_IN large_JJ is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO occur_VB for_IN the_AT Brooklyn_
NP-TL College_NN-TL student_NN after_IN college_NN rather_IN than_IN during_IN t
he_AT four_CD school_NN years_NNS ._. Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL is_BEZ Marjor
ie_NP Morningstar_NP territory_NN ,_, as_QL much_RB as_CS the_AT Bronx_NP or_CC
Central_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL West_JJ-TL ._. There_EX are_BER hordes_NNS of_IN nubile
_JJ young_JJ women_NNS there_RB who_WPS ,_, prodded_VBN by_IN their_PP$ impatien
t_JJ mothers_NNS ,_, are_BER determined_VBN to_TO marry_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ int
eresting_JJ that_CS ,_, although_CS the_AT percentage_NN of_IN married_VBN stude
nts_NNS is_BEZ not_* appreciably_QL higher_JJR at_IN Brooklyn_NP than_CS elsewhe
re_RB --_-- about_RB 30_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT women_NNS and_CC 25_CD pe
r_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT men_NNS in_IN the_AT graduating_VBG class_NN --_-- the
_AT anxiety_NN of_IN the_AT unmarried_JJ has_HVZ puffed_VBN up_RP the_AT estimat
e_NN ._. ``_`` Almost_RB everybody_PN in_IN the_AT senior_JJ class_NN is_BEZ mar
ried_VBN ''_'' ,_, students_NNS say_VB dogmatically_RB ._. And_CC the_AT school_
NN newspaper_NN sells_VBZ space_NN to_IN jubilant_JJ fraternities_NNS ,_, sorori
ties_NNS ,_, and_CC houses_NNS (_( in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL Plan_NN-TL Associati
on_NN-TL )_) that_WPS have_HV good_JJ news_NN to_TO impart_VB ._. These_DTS anno
uncements_NNS are_BER ,_, in_IN effect_NN ,_, advertisements_NNS for_IN themselv
es_PPLS as_CS thriving_VBG marriage_NN marts_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER boxed_VBN
proclamations_NNS in_IN the_AT newspaper_NN of_IN watchings_NNS ,_, pinnings_NNS
,_, ringings_NNS ,_, engagements_NNS ,_, and_CC marriages_NNS in_IN a_AT scrupu
lously_QL graded_VBN hierarchy_NN of_IN felicity_NN ._. ``_`` Witt_NP-TL House_N
N-TL happily_RB announces_VBZ the_AT engagement_NN of_IN Fran_NP Horowitz_NP to_
IN Erwin_NP Schwartz_NP of_IN Fife_NP-TL House_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT Brooklyn_N
P-TL College_NN-TL student_NN shows_VBZ some_DTI striking_JJ departures_NNS from
_IN prevailing_VBG collegiate_JJ models_NNS ._. The_AT Ivy_NN-TL League_NN-TL en
joys_VBZ no_AT easy_JJ dominion_NN here_RB ,_, and_CC the_AT boys_NNS are_BER as
_QL likely_JJ to_TO dress_VB in_IN rather_QL foppish_JJ Continental_JJ-TL fashio
n_NN ,_, or_CC even_RB in_IN nondescript_JJ working_VBG class_NN manner_NN ,_, a
s_CS they_PPSS are_BER in_IN the_AT restrained_VBN ,_, button-down_JJ Ivy_NN-TL
way_NN ._. The_AT girls_NNS are_BER prone_JJ to_TO dress_VB far_QL more_QL flamb
oyantly_RB than_CS their_PP$ counterparts_NNS out_IN of_IN town_NN ,_, and_CC ey
e_NN shadow_NN ,_, mascara_NN ,_, and_CC elaborate_JJ bouffant_JJ hairdos_NNS --
_-- despite_IN the_AT admonitions_NNS of_IN cautious_JJ guidance_NN personnel_NN
S --_-- are_BER not_* unknown_JJ even_RB in_IN early_JJ morning_NN classes_NNS .
_. Among_IN the_AT boys_NNS ,_, there_EX is_BEZ very_QL little_AP bravado_NN abo
ut_IN drinking_VBG ._. Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL is_BEZ distinctive_JJ for_IN
not_* having_HVG an_AT official_JJ drinking_VBG place_NN ._. The_AT Fort_NN-TL
Lauderdale_NP-TL encampment_NN for_IN drinking_VBG is_BEZ foreign_JJ to_IN most_
AP Brooklyn_NP-TL College_NN-TL boys_NNS ._. This_DT should_MD be_BE used_VBN fr
equently_RB (_( but_CC shaken_VBN before_IN using_VBG )_) ._. For_IN galled_VBN
breasts_NNS ,_, the_AT mother_NN should_MD shave_VB into_IN half_ABN a_AT cup_NN
of_IN fresh_JJ unsalted_JJ lard_NN enough_AP white_JJ chalk_NN to_TO make_VB a_
AT paste_NN ._. This_DT could_MD also_RB be_BE used_VBN for_IN any_DTI other_AP
skin_NN irritation_NN ._. Or_CC she_PPS might_MD place_VB cornstarch_NN in_IN th
e_AT oven_NN for_IN a_AT short_JJ time_NN and_CC then_RB apply_VB this_DT under_
IN her_PP$ breasts_NNS ._. ``_`` Female_JJ troubles_NNS ''_'' of_IN various_JJ k
inds_NNS do_DO not_* seem_VB to_TO have_HV been_BEN common_JJ on_IN the_AT front
ier_NN ;_. ;_. at_IN least_AP I_PPSS have_HV only_RB one_CD remedy_NN for_IN any
thing_PN of_IN this_DT kind_NN in_IN my_PP$ collection_NN ,_, one_CD for_IN hast
ening_VBG delayed_VBN menstruation_NN ._. The_AT sufferer_NN drinks_VBZ tansy_NN
tea_NN ._. Bruises_NNS ,_, burns_NNS ,_, cuts_NNS ,_, etc._RB ,_, occurred_VBD
frequently_RB on_IN the_AT frontier_NN ,_, and_CC folk_NN medicine_NN gave_VBD t
he_AT answers_NNS to_IN these_DTS problems_NNS too_RB ._. Bruises_NNS and_CC bla
ck_JJ eyes_NNS were_BED relieved_VBN by_IN application_NN of_IN raw_JJ beefsteak
_NN ._. (_( Doctors_NNS now_RB say_VB that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* the_AT meat_
NN but_CC the_AT coolness_NN of_IN the_AT applications_NNS which_WDT relieved_VB
D the_AT pain_NN ._. )_) Salted_VBN butter_NN was_BEDZ another_DT cure_NN for_IN
bruises_NNS ._. Many_AP people_NNS agreed_VBD that_CS burns_NNS should_MD be_BE
treated_VBN with_IN bland_JJ oily_JJ salves_NNS or_CC unsalted_JJ butter_NN or_
CC lard_NN ,_, but_CC one_CD informant_NN told_VBD me_PPO that_CS a_AT burn_NN s
hould_MD be_BE bathed_VBN in_IN salt_NN water_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT burn_NN oozed_VB
D watery_JJ fluid_NN for_IN many_AP days_NNS ,_, and_CC finally_RB the_AT healin
g_NN was_BEDZ completed_VBN by_IN bathing_VBG it_PPO with_IN epsom_NN salts_NNS
._. Another_DT swore_VBD by_IN vinegar_NN baths_NNS for_IN burns_NNS ,_, and_CC
still_RB another_DT recommended_VBD salted_VBN butter_NN ._. ``_`` Butter_NN sal
ve_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` butter_NN ointment_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ used_VBN for_IN bur
ns_NNS ,_, and_CC for_IN bruises_NNS as_QL well_RB ._. This_DT was_BEDZ made_VBN
by_IN putting_VBG butter_NN in_IN a_AT pan_NN of_IN water_NN and_CC allowing_VB
G it_PPO to_TO boil_VB ;_. ;_. when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ cool_JJ ,_, the_AT fat_N
N was_BEDZ skimmed_VBN off_RP and_CC bottled_VBN ._. Cow's_NN$ milk_NN was_BEDZ
another_DT cure_NN for_IN burns_NNS ,_, and_CC burns_NNS covered_VBN with_IN gum
_NN arabic_JJ or_CC plain_JJ mucilage_NN healed_VBD quickly_RB ._. One_CD man_NN
,_, badly_RB burned_VBN about_IN the_AT face_NN and_CC eyes_NNS by_IN an_AT arc
_NN welding_NN torch_NN ,_, was_BEDZ blinded_VBN and_CC could_MD not_* find_VB a
_AT doctor_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN ._. A_AT sympathetic_JJ friend_NN made_VBD po
ultices_NNS of_IN raw_JJ potato_NN parings_NNS ,_, which_WDT she_PPS said_VBD wa
s_BEDZ the_AT best_JJT and_CC quickest_JJT way_NN to_TO draw_VB out_RP the_AT ``
_`` heat_NN ''_'' ._. Later_RBR the_AT doctor_NN used_VBD mineral_NN oil_NN on_I
N the_AT burns_NNS ._. The_AT results_NNS were_BED good_JJ ,_, but_CC which_WDT
treatment_NN helped_VBN is_BEZ still_RB not_* known_VBN ._. To_TO stop_VB bleedi
ng_VBG ,_, cobwebs_NNS were_BED applied_VBN to_IN cuts_NNS and_CC wounds_NNS ._.
One_CD old-timer_NN said_VBD to_TO sprinkle_VB sugar_NN on_IN a_AT bleeding_VBG
cut_NN ,_, even_RB when_WRB on_IN a_AT knuckle_NN ,_, if_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ mad
e_VBN by_IN a_AT rusty_JJ tool_NN ;_. ;_. this_DT would_MD stop_VB the_AT flow_N
N and_CC also_RB prevent_VB infection_NN ._. My_PP$ lawyer_NN told_VBD me_PPO th
at_CS his_PP$ mother_NN used_VBD a_AT similar_JJ remedy_NN for_IN cuts_NNS and_C
C wounds_NNS ;_. ;_. she_PPS sprinkled_VBD common_JJ sugar_NN directly_RB on_IN
the_AT injury_NN and_CC then_RB bound_VBD it_PPO loosely_RB with_IN cotton_NN cl
oth_NN ,_, over_IN which_WDT she_PPS poured_VBD turpentine_NN ._. He_PPS showed_
VBD me_PPO one_CD of_IN his_PP$ fingers_NNS which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN practical
ly_QL amputated_VBN and_CC which_WDT his_PP$ mother_NN had_HVD treated_VBN ;_. ;
_. there_EX is_BEZ scarcely_RB a_AT scar_NN showing_VBG ._. Tobacco_NN was_BEDZ
common_JJ first_OD aid_NN ._. A_AT ``_`` chaw_NN ''_'' of_IN tobacco_NN put_VBN
on_IN an_AT open_JJ wound_NN was_BEDZ both_ABX antiseptic_JJ and_CC healing_VBG
._. Or_CC a_AT thin_JJ slice_NN of_IN plug_NN tobacco_NN might_MD be_BE laid_VBN
on_IN the_AT open_JJ wound_NN without_IN chewing_VBG ._. One_CD old_JJ man_NN t
old_VBD me_PPO that_CS when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT boy_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ kick
ed_VBN in_IN the_AT head_NN by_IN a_AT fractious_JJ mule_NN and_CC had_HVD his_P
P$ scalp_NN laid_VBN back_RB from_IN the_AT entire_JJ front_NN of_IN his_PP$ hea
d_NN ._. His_PP$ brother_NN ran_VBD a_AT mile_NN to_TO get_VB the_AT father_NN ;
_. ;_. when_WRB they_PPSS reached_VBD the_AT boy_NN ,_, the_AT father_NN sliced_
VBD a_AT new_JJ plug_NN of_IN tobacco_NN ,_, put_VBD the_AT scalp_NN back_RB in_
IN place_NN ,_, and_CC covered_VBD the_AT raw_JJ edges_NNS with_IN the_AT slices
_NNS ._. Then_RB he_PPS put_VBD a_AT rag_NN around_IN the_AT dressing_NN to_TO k
eep_VB it_PPO in_IN place_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT cleaning_NN or_CC furth
er_JJR care_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT wound_NN healed_VBD in_IN less_AP than_IN two_C
D weeks_NNS and_CC showed_VBD no_AT scar_NN ._. Veronica_NN from_IN the_AT herb_
NN garden_NN was_BEDZ also_RB used_VBN to_TO stop_VB bleeding_VBG ,_, and_CC rue
_NN was_BEDZ an_AT antiseptic_NN ._. Until_IN quite_QL recently_RB ,_, ``_`` ste
rile_JJ ''_'' maggots_NNS could_MD be_BE bought_VBN to_TO apply_VB to_IN a_AT wo
und_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS would_MD feed_VB on_IN its_PP$ surface_NN ,_, leaving_V
BG it_PPO clean_JJ so_CS that_CS it_PPS could_MD be_BE medically_RB treated_VBN
._. Tetanus_NN could_MD be_BE avoided_VBN by_IN pouring_VBG warm_JJ turpentine_N
N over_IN a_AT wound_NN ._. One_CD family_NN bound_VBD wounds_NNS with_IN bacon_
NN or_CC salt_NN pork_NN strips_NNS ,_, or_CC ,_, if_CS these_DTS were_BED not_*
handy_JJ ,_, plain_JJ lard_NN ._. Another_DT sprinkled_VBD sugar_NN on_IN hot_J
J coals_NNS and_CC held_VBD the_AT wounded_VBN foot_NN or_CC hand_NN in_IN the_A
T smoke_NN ._. Rabies_NN were_BED cured_VBN or_CC prevented_VBN by_IN ``_`` mads
tones_NNS ''_'' which_WDT the_AT pioneer_NN wore_VBD or_CC carried_VBD ._. In_IN
1872_CD there_EX were_BED known_VBN to_TO be_BE twenty-two_CD in_IN Norton_NP-T
L County_NN-TL ,_, and_CC one_CD had_HVD been_BEN in_IN the_AT family_NN for_IN
200_CD years_NNS ._. Another_DT cure_NN for_IN hydrophobia_NN was_BEDZ to_TO suc
k_VB the_AT wounds_NNS ,_, then_RB cauterize_VB them_PPO with_IN a_AT hot_JJ kni
fe_NN or_CC poker_NN ._. While_CS nowadays_RB we_PPSS recognize_VB the_AT fact_N
N that_CS there_EX are_BER many_AP causes_NNS for_IN bleeding_VBG at_IN the_AT n
ose_NN ,_, not_* long_RB ago_RB a_AT nosebleed_NN was_BEDZ simply_RB that_DT ,_,
and_CC treatment_NN had_HVD little_AP variation_NN ._. Since_CS a_AT fall_NN or
_CC blow_NN might_MD have_HV caused_VBN it_PPO ,_, a_AT cold_JJ pack_NN was_BEDZ
usually_RB first_OD aid_NN ._. This_DT might_NN be_BE applied_VBN to_IN the_AT
top_NN of_IN the_AT nose_NN or_CC the_AT back_NN of_IN the_AT neck_NN ,_, presse
d_VBD on_IN the_AT upper_JJ lip_NN ,_, or_CC inserted_VBD into_IN the_AT nostril
_NN (_( cotton_NN was_BEDZ usually_RB used_VBN in_IN this_DT last_AP )_) ._. Nos
ebleed_NN could_MD be_BE stopped_VBN by_IN wrapping_VBG a_AT red_JJ woolen_JJ st
ring_NN about_IN the_AT patient's_NN$ neck_NN and_CC tying_VBG it_PPO in_IN a_AT
knot_NN for_IN each_DT year_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN ._. Or_CC the_AT victim_NN
could_MD chew_VB hard_RB on_IN a_AT piece_NN of_IN paper_NN ,_, meanwhile_RB pr
essing_VBG his_PP$ fingers_NNS tight_RB in_IN his_PP$ ears_NNS ._. Old_JJ sores_
NNS could_MD be_BE healed_VBN by_IN the_AT constant_JJ application_NN of_IN a_AT
wash_NN made_VBN of_IN equal_JJ parts_NNS vinegar_NN and_CC water_NN ._. Blood_
NN blisters_NNS could_MD be_BE prevented_VBN from_IN forming_VBG by_IN rubbing_V
BG a_AT work_NN blister_NN immediately_RB with_IN any_DTI hard_JJ nonpoisonous_J
J substance_NN ._. Felons_NNS were_BED cured_VBN by_IN taking_VBG common_JJ salt
_NN and_CC drying_VBG it_PPO in_IN the_AT oven_NN ,_, pounding_VBG it_PPO fine_J
J ,_, and_CC mixing_VBG it_PPO with_IN equal_JJ parts_NNS of_IN spirits_NNS of_I
N turpentine_NN ;_. ;_. this_DT mixture_NN was_BEDZ then_RB spread_VBN on_IN a_A
T cloth_NN and_CC wrapped_VBN around_IN the_AT affected_VBN part_NN ._. As_CS th
e_AT cloth_NN dried_VBD ,_, more_AP of_IN the_AT mixture_NN was_BEDZ applied_VBN
,_, and_CC after_IN twenty-four_CD hours_NNS the_AT felon_NN was_BEDZ supposed_
VBN to_TO be_BE ``_`` killed_VBN ''_'' ._. Insect_NN bites_NNS were_BED cured_VB
N in_IN many_AP ways_NNS ._. Many_ABN an_AT old-timer_NN swore_VBD by_IN the_AT
saliva_NN method_NN ;_. ;_. ``_`` get_VB a_AT bite_NN ,_, spit_VB on_IN it_PPO '
'_'' was_BEDZ a_AT proverb_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ used_VBN also_RB for_IN bruis
es_NNS ._. Yellow_JJ clay_NN was_BEDZ used_VBN as_CS a_AT poultice_NN for_IN ins
ect_NN bites_NNS and_CC also_RB for_IN swellings_NNS ;_. ;_. not_* long_RB ago_R
B ``_`` Denver_NP-TL Mud_NN-TL ''_'' was_BEDZ most_QL popular_JJ ._. Chiggers_NN
S were_BED a_AT common_JJ pest_NN along_IN streams_NNS and_CC where_WRB gardens_
NNS and_CC berries_NNS thrived_VBD ;_. ;_. so_QL small_JJ as_CS to_TO be_BE scar
cely_QL visible_JJ to_IN the_AT eye_NN ,_, they_PPSS buried_VBD themselves_PPLS
in_IN the_AT victim's_NN$ flesh_NN ._. Bathing_VBG the_AT itching_VBG parts_NNS
with_IN kerosene_NN gave_VBD relief_NN and_CC also_RB killed_VBD the_AT pests_NN
S ._. Ant_NN bites_NNS were_BED eased_VBN by_IN applying_VBG liquid_JJ bluing_NN
._. For_IN mosquito_NN bites_NNS a_AT paste_NN of_IN half_ABN a_AT glass_NN of_
IN salt_NN and_CC half_ABN a_AT glass_NN of_IN soda_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN ._. For
_IN wasp_NN stings_NNS onion_NN juice_NN ,_, obtained_VBN by_IN scraping_VBG an_
AT onion_NN ,_, gave_VBD quick_JJ relief_NN ._. A_AT handier_JJR remedy_NN was_B
EDZ to_TO bathe_VB the_AT painful_JJ part_NN in_IN strong_JJ soapy_JJ water_NN ;
_. ;_. mud_NN was_BEDZ sometimes_RB used_VBN as_QL well_RB as_CS soap_NN ._. Jus
t_RB plain_JJ old_JJ black_JJ dirt_NN was_BEDZ also_RB used_VBN as_CS a_AT pack_
NN to_TO relieve_VB wasp_NN or_CC bee_NN stings_NNS ._. Bedbugs_NNS were_BED a_A
T common_JJ pest_NN in_IN pioneer_NN days_NNS ;_. ;_. to_TO keep_VB them_PPO out
_IN of_IN homes_NNS ,_, even_RB in_IN the_AT 1900's_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT chore_
NN ._. Bed_NN slats_NNS were_BED washed_VBN in_IN alum_NN water_NN ,_, legs_NNS
of_IN beds_NNS were_BED placed_VBN in_IN cups_NNS of_IN kerosene_NN ,_, and_CC a
ll_ABN woodwork_NN was_BEDZ treated_VBN liberally_RB with_IN corrosive_JJ sublim
ate_NN ,_, applied_VBN with_IN a_AT feather_NN ._. Kerosene_NN was_BEDZ very_QL
effective_JJ in_IN ridding_VBG pioneer_NN homes_NNS of_IN the_AT pests_NNS ._. A
t_IN times_NNS pioneer_NN children_NNS got_VBD lice_NNS in_IN their_PP$ hair_NN
._. A_AT kerosene_NN shampoo_NN seems_VBZ a_AT heroic_JJ treatment_NN ,_, but_CC
it_PPS did_DOD the_AT job_NN ._. To_TO remove_VB an_AT insect_NN from_IN one's_
PN$ ear_NN warm_JJ water_NN should_MD be_BE inserted_VBN ._. A_AT cinder_NN or_C
C other_AP small_JJ object_NN could_MD be_BE removed_VBN from_IN the_AT eye_NN b
y_IN placing_VBG a_AT flaxseed_NN in_IN the_AT eye_NN ._. As_CS the_AT seed_NN s
welled_VBD its_PP$ glutinous_JJ covering_NN protected_VBD the_AT eyeball_NN from
_IN irritation_NN ,_, and_CC both_ABX the_AT cinder_NN and_CC the_AT seed_NN cou
ld_MD soon_RB be_BE washed_VBN out_RP ._. Another_DT way_NN to_TO remove_VB smal
l_JJ objects_NNS from_IN the_AT eye_NN was_BEDZ to_TO have_HV the_AT person_NN l
ook_NN cross-eyed_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT particle_NN would_MD then_RB move_VB toward_
IN the_AT nose_NN ,_, where_WRB it_PPS could_MD be_BE wiped_VBN out_RP with_IN a
_AT wisp_NN of_IN cotton_NN ._. Shingles_NNS were_BED cured_VBN by_IN gentian_NN
,_, an_AT old_JJ drug_NN ,_, used_VBN in_IN combinations_NNS ._. For_IN erysipe
las_NN a_AT mixture_NN of_IN one_CD dram_NN borax_NN and_CC one_CD ounce_NN glyc
erine_NN was_BEDZ applied_VBN to_IN the_AT afflicted_VBN part_NN on_IN linen_NN
cloth_NN ._. Itching_VBG skin_NN ,_, considered_VBN ``_`` just_RB nerves_NNS ''_
'' ,_, was_BEDZ eased_VBN by_IN treating_VBG with_IN whiskey_NN and_CC salt_NN .
_. Winter_NN itch_NN was_BEDZ treated_VBN by_IN applying_VBG strong_JJ apple_NN
cider_NN in_IN which_WDT pulverized_VBD bloodroot_NN had_HVD been_BEN steeped_VB
N ._. To_TO cure_VB fungus_NN growths_NNS on_IN mouth_NN or_CC hands_NNS people_
NNS made_VBD a_AT strong_JJ tea_NN by_IN using_VBG a_AT handful_NN of_IN sassafr
as_NN bark_NN in_IN a_AT quart_NN of_IN water_NN ._. They_PPSS drank_VBD half_AB
N a_AT cup_NN of_IN this_DT morning_NN and_CC night_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS also
_RB washed_VBD and_CC soaked_VBD their_PP$ hands_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP soluti
on_NN ._. Six_CD treatments_NNS cured_VBD one_CD case_NN which_WDT lasted_VBD a_
AT month_NN and_CC had_HVD defied_VBN other_AP remedies_NNS ._. Frostbite_NN was
_BEDZ treated_VBN by_IN putting_VBG the_AT feet_NNS and_CC hands_NNS in_IN ice_N
N water_NN or_CC by_IN rubbing_VBG them_PPO with_IN snow_NN ._. Now_RB one_CD he
ars_VBZ that_CS heat_NN and_CC hot_JJ water_NN are_BER used_VBN instead_RB ._. A
nother_DT remedy_NN was_BEDZ oil_NN of_IN eucalyptus_NN ,_, used_VBN as_QL well_
RB for_IN chilblains_NNS ._. Chilblains_NNS were_BED also_RB treated_VBN with_IN
tincture_NN of_IN capsicum_NN or_CC cabbage_NN leaves_NNS ._. Boils_NNS have_HV
always_RB been_BEN a_AT source_NN of_IN much_AP trouble_NN ._. A_AT German_JJ i
nformant_NN gave_VBD me_PPO a_AT sure_JJ cure_NN made_VBN by_IN combining_VBG ry
e_NN flour_NN and_CC molasses_NN into_IN a_AT poultice_NN ._. Another_DT poultic
e_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN from_IN the_AT inner_JJ bark_NN of_IN the_AT elm_NN tree_
NN ,_, steeped_VBN in_IN water_NN until_CS it_PPS formed_VBD a_AT sticky_JJ ,_,
gummy_JJ solution_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ also_RB used_VBD for_IN sores_NNS ._.
Another_DT frequent_JJ pioneer_NN difficulty_NN ,_, caused_VBN by_IN wearing_VBG
rough_JJ and_CC heavy_JJ shoes_NNS and_CC boots_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ corns_NNS ._.
One_CD veracious_JJ woman_NN tells_VBZ me_PPO she_PPS has_HVZ used_VBN thin_JJ p
otato_NN parings_NNS for_IN both_ABX corns_NNS and_CC calluses_NNS on_IN her_PP$
feet_NNS and_CC they_PPSS remove_VB the_AT pain_NN or_CC ``_`` fire_NN ''_'' ._
. Another_DT common_JJ cure_NN was_BEDZ to_TO soak_VB the_AT feet_NNS five_CD or
_CC ten_CD minutes_NNS in_IN warm_JJ water_NN ,_, then_RB to_TO apply_VB a_AT so
lution_NN of_IN equal_JJ parts_NNS of_IN soda_NN and_CC common_JJ brown_JJ soap_
NN on_IN a_AT kid_NN bandage_NN overnight_RB ._. This_DT softened_VBD the_AT ski
n_NN so_CS that_CS in_IN the_AT morning_NN when_WRB the_AT bandage_NN was_BEDZ r
emoved_VBN the_AT corn_NN could_MD be_BE scraped_VBN off_RP and_CC a_AT bit_NN o
f_IN corn_NN plaster_NN put_VBN on_RP ._. There_EX were_BED many_AP cures_NNS fo
r_IN warts_NNS ._. One_CD young_JJ girl_NN told_VBD me_PPO how_WRB her_PP$ mothe
r_NN removed_VBD a_AT wart_NN from_IN her_PP$ finger_NN by_IN soaking_VBG a_AT c
opper_NN penny_NN in_IN vinegar_NN for_IN three_CD days_NNS and_CC then_RB paint
ing_VBG the_AT finger_NN with_IN the_AT liquid_NN several_AP times_NNS ._. Anoth
er_DT wart_NN removal_NN method_NN was_BEDZ to_TO rub_VB each_DT wart_NN with_IN
a_AT bean_NN split_VBN open_JJ and_CC then_RB to_TO bury_VB the_AT bean_NN halv
es_NNS under_IN the_AT drip_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN for_IN seven_CD days_NNS ._
. Saliva_NN gathered_VBD in_IN the_AT mouth_NN after_IN a_AT night's_NN$ sleep_N
N was_BEDZ considered_VBN poisonous_JJ ;_. ;_. wetting_VBG a_AT wart_NN with_IN
this_DT saliva_NN on_IN wakening_VBG the_AT first_OD thing_NN in_IN the_AT morni
ng_NN was_BEDZ supposed_VBN to_TO cause_VB it_PPO to_TO disappear_VB after_IN on
ly_AP a_AT few_AP treatments_NNS ,_, and_CC strangely_RB enough_QLP many_AP wart
s_NNS did_DOD just_RB that_DT ._. One_CD wart_NN cure_NN was_BEDZ to_TO wrap_VB
it_PPO in_IN a_AT hair_NN from_IN a_AT blonde_JJ gypsy_NN ._. Another_DT was_BED
Z to_TO soak_VB raw_JJ beef_NN in_IN vinegar_NN for_IN twenty-four_CD hours_NNS
,_, tie_VB it_PPO on_IN the_AT wart_NN ,_, and_CC wear_VB it_PPO for_IN a_AT wee
k_NN ._. A_AT simpler_JJR method_NN was_BEDZ to_TO tie_VB a_AT thread_NN tightly
_RB around_IN the_AT wart_NN at_IN its_PP$ base_NN and_CC wear_VB it_PPO this_DT
way_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB this_DT worked_VBD ._. One_CD person_NN recommended_V
BD to_IN me_PPO washing_VBG the_AT wart_NN with_IN sulphur_NN water_NN ;_. ;_. a
nother_DT said_VBD it_PPS should_MD be_BE rubbed_VBN with_IN a_AT cut_VBN potato
_NN three_CD times_NNS daily_RB ._. Another_DT common_NN method_NN was_BEDZ to_T
O cut_VB an_AT onion_NN in_IN two_CD and_CC place_VB each_DT half_ABN on_IN the_
AT wart_NN for_IN a_AT moment_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT onion_NN was_BEDZ then_RB fasten
ed_VBN together_RB with_IN string_NN and_CC placed_VBN beneath_IN a_AT dripping_
VBG eave_NN ._. As_CS the_AT onion_NN decayed_VBD ,_, so_RB did_DOD the_AT wart_
NN ._. Sore_JJ muscles_NNS were_BED relieved_VBN by_IN an_AT arnica_NN rub_NN ;_
. ;_. sore_JJ feet_NNS by_IN calf's-foot_NN ,_, an_AT herb_NN from_IN the_AT pio
neer's_NN$ ubiquitous_JJ herb_NN garden_NN ,_, or_CC by_IN soaking_VBG the_AT fe
et_NNS in_IN a_AT pan_NN of_IN hot_JJ water_NN in_IN which_WDT two_CD cups_NNS o
f_IN salt_NN had_HVD been_BEN dissolved_VBN ._. Leg_NN cramps_NNS ,_, one_CD per
son_NN tells_VBZ me_PPO ,_, were_BED relieved_VBN by_IN standing_VBG barefoot_JJ
with_IN the_AT weight_NN of_IN the_AT body_NN on_IN the_AT heel_NN and_CC press
ing_VBG down_RP hard_RB ._. This_DT does_DOZ give_VB relief_NN ,_, as_CS I_PPSS
can_MD testify_VB ._. One_CD doctor_NN prescribed_VBD a_AT tablespoon_NN of_IN w
hiskey_NN or_CC brandy_NN before_IN each_DT meal_NN for_IN leg_NN cramps_NNS ._.
Pains_NNS in_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN the_AT leg_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT abdomen_
NN were_BED prevented_VBN from_IN reaching_VBG the_AT upper_JJ body_NN by_IN tyi
ng_VBG a_AT rope_NN about_IN the_AT patient's_NN$ waist_NN ._. For_IN sprains_NN
S and_CC swellings_NNS ,_, one_CD pint_NN of_IN cider_NN vinegar_NN and_CC half_
ABN a_AT pint_NN of_IN spirits_NNS of_IN turpentine_NN added_VBN to_IN three_CD
well_QL beaten_VBN eggs_NNS was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO give_VB speedy_JJ relief_NN
._. Except_IN for_IN the_AT wine_NN waiter_NN in_IN a_AT restaurant_NN --_-- alw
ays_RB an_AT inscrutable_JJ plenipotentiary_NN unto_IN himself_PPL ,_, the_AT ge
nii_NN with_IN the_AT keys_NNS to_TO unlock_VB the_AT gates_NNS of_IN the_AT win
e_NN world_NN are_BER one's_PN$ dealer_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT foreign_JJ shipper_N
N or_CC negociant_FW-NN who_WPS in_IN turn_NN supplies_VBZ him_PPO ._. In_IN ins
tances_NNS where_WRB both_ABX of_IN these_DTS are_BER persons_NNS or_CC firms_NN
S with_IN integrity_NN ,_, the_AT situation_NN is_BEZ ideal_JJ ._. It_PPS may_MD
,_, on_IN occasion_NN ,_, be_BE anything_PN but_IN that_DT ._. However_WRB ,_,
by_IN cultivating_VBG a_AT wine_NN dealer_NN and_CC accepting_VBG his_PP$ advice
_NN ,_, one_PN will_MD soon_RB enough_QLP ascertain_VB whether_CS he_PPS has_HVZ
any_DTI knowledge_NN of_IN wines_NNS (_( as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN what_WDT he_PP
S may_MD have_HV been_BEN told_VBN by_IN salesmen_NNS and_CC promoters_NNS )_) a
nd_CC ,_, better_JJR yet_QL ,_, whether_CS he_PPS has_HVZ a_AT taste_NN for_IN w
ine_NN ._. Again_RB ,_, by_IN spreading_VBG one's_PN$ purchases_NNS over_IN seve
ral_AP wine_NN dealers_NNS ,_, one_CD becomes_VBZ familiar_JJ with_IN the_AT nam
es_NNS and_CC specialties_NNS of_IN reputable_JJ wine_NN dealers_NNS and_CC ship
pers_NNS abroad_RB ._. This_DT is_BEZ important_JJ because_CS ,_, despite_IN all
_ABN the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN the_AT French_JJ government_NN ,_, an_AT appreciab
le_JJ segment_NN of_IN France's_NP$ export_NN trade_NN in_IN wines_NNS is_BEZ st
ill_RB tainted_VBN with_IN a_AT misrepresentation_NN approaching_VBG downright_J
J dishonesty_NN ,_, and_CC there_EX are_BER many_AP too_QL many_AP negociants_FW
-NNS who_WPS would_MD rather_RB turn_VB a_AT sou_FW-NN than_CS amass_VB a_AT cre
ditable_JJ reputation_NN overseas_RB ._. A_AT good_JJ negociant_FW-NN or_CC ship
per_NN will_MD not_* only_RB be_BE the_AT man_NN or_CC the_AT firm_NN which_WDT
has_HVZ cornered_VBN the_AT wines_NNS from_IN the_AT best_JJT vineyards_NNS ,_,
or_CC the_AT best_JJT parts_NNS of_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. he_PPS may_MD also_RB be_
BE the_AT one_CD who_WPS makes_VBZ and_CC bottles_VBZ the_AT best_JJT blends_NNS
--_-- sound_JJ wines_NNS from_IN vineyards_NNS generally_RB in_IN his_PP$ own_J
J district_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER the_AT wines_NNS the_AT French_NPS themselve
s_PPLS use_VB for_IN everyday_JJ drinking_NN ,_, for_CS even_RB in_IN France_NP
virtually_RB no_AT one_PN drinks_VBZ the_AT Grands_FW-JJ-TL Crus_FW-NNS-TL on_IN
a_AT meal-to-meal_JJ basis_NN ._. The_AT Grands_FW-JJ-TL Crus_FW-NNS-TL are_BER
expensive_JJ ,_, and_CC even_RB doting_VBG palates_NNS tire_VB of_IN them_PPO .
_. And_CC certainly_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN the_AT beginner_NN or_CC t
he_AT comparatively_QL uninitiated_JJ wine_NN drinker_NN ,_, the_AT palate_NN an
d_CC the_AT capacity_NN for_IN appreciation_NN will_MD not_* be_BE ready_JJ for_
IN the_AT Grands_FW-JJ-TL Crus_FW-NNS-TL as_CS a_AT steady_JJ diet_NN without_IN
frequent_JJ recourse_NN to_IN crus_FW-NNS of_IN less_AP renown_NN ._. There_EX
is_BEZ nothing_PN infra_IN dig_NN about_IN a_AT good_JJ blend_NN from_IN a_AT go
od_JJ shipper_NN ._. Some_DTI of_IN them_PPO are_BER very_QL delicious_JJ indeed
_QLP ,_, and_CC there_EX are_BER many_AP good_JJ ones_NNS exported_VBN --_-- unf
ortunately_RB ,_, along_RB with_IN others_NNS not_* so_QL good_JJ ,_, and_CC wor
se_JJR ._. Consultation_NN with_IN a_AT reputable_JJ wine_NN dealer_NN and_CC co
nstant_JJ experimentation_NN --_-- ``_`` steering_VBG ever_RB from_IN the_AT kno
wn_VBN to_IN the_AT unknown_JJ ''_'' --_-- are_BER the_AT requisites_NNS ._. Win
e_NN waiters_NNS are_BER something_PN else_RB again_RB ;_. ;_. especially_RB if_
CS one_CD is_BEZ travelling_VBG or_CC dining_VBG out_RP a_AT great_JJ deal_NN ,_
, their_PP$ importance_NN mounts_VBZ ._. Most_AP of_IN them_PPO ,_, the_AT world
_NN over_RP ,_, operate_VB on_IN the_AT same_AP principle_NN by_IN which_WDT jus
tice_NN is_BEZ administered_VBN in_IN France_NP and_CC some_DTI other_AP Latin_J
J countries_NNS :_: the_AT customer_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE considered_VBN guilty_
JJ of_IN abysmal_JJ ignorance_NN until_CS proven_VBN otherwise_RB ,_, with_IN th
e_AT burden_NN of_IN proof_NN on_IN the_AT customer_NN himself_PPL ._. Now_RB th
e_AT drinking_NN of_IN wine_NN (_( and_CC happily_RB so_RB !_. !_. )_) is_BEZ fo
r_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN a_AT recondite_JJ affair_NN ,_, for_CS manifestly_RB
,_, if_CS everyone_PN in_IN the_AT world_NN who_WPS could_MD afford_VB the_AT b
est_JJT wines_NNS also_RB liked_VBD them_PPO ,_, the_AT supply_NN would_MD dry_V
B up_RP in_IN no_AT time_NN at_IN all_ABN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT only_AP vali
d_JJ ,_, and_CC extenuating_VBG ,_, argument_NN that_WPS may_MD be_BE advanced_V
BN in_IN defense_NN of_IN the_AT reprehensible_JJ attitude_NN of_IN the_AT commo
n_JJ wine_NN waiter_NN ._. A_AT really_QL good_JJ wine_NN waiter_NN is_BEZ ,_, p
aradoxically_RB ,_, the_AT guardian_NN (_( and_CC not_* the_AT purveyor_NN )_) o
f_IN his_PP$ cellar_NN against_IN the_AT Visigoths_NPS ._. Faced_VBN ,_, on_IN t
he_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_, with_IN an_AT always_QL exhaustible_JJ supply_NN of_IN
his_PP$ best_JJT wines_NNS ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT other_AP by_IN a_AT clientele
_NN usually_RB equipped_VBN with_IN inexhaustible_JJ pocketbooks_NNS ,_, it_PPS
is_BEZ a_AT wonder_NN indeed_RB that_CS all_ABN wine_NN waiters_NNS are_BER not_
* afflicted_VBN with_IN chronic_JJ ambivalence_NN ._. The_AT one_CD way_NN to_TO
get_VB around_IN them_PPO --_-- short_JJ of_IN knowing_VBG exactly_RB what_WDT
one_PN wants_VBZ and_CC sticking_VBG to_IN it_PPO --_-- is_BEZ to_TO frequent_VB
a_AT single_AP establishment_NN until_CS its_PP$ wine_NN waiter_NN is_BEZ persu
aded_VBN that_CS one_PN is_BEZ at_IN least_AP as_QL interested_VBN in_IN wine_NN
as_CS in_IN spending_VBG money_NN ._. Only_QL then_RB ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, will_M
D he_PPS reveal_VB his_PP$ jewels_NNS and_CC his_PP$ bargains_NNS ._. Wine_NN bo
ught_VBN from_IN a_AT dealer_NN should_MD ideally_RB be_BE allowed_VBN to_TO res
t_VB for_IN several_AP weeks_NNS before_CS it_PPS is_BEZ served_VBN ._. This_DT
is_BEZ especially_RB true_JJ of_IN red_JJ wines_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT practice_NN
which_WDT ,_, though_CS not_* always_RB practicable_JJ ,_, is_BEZ well_QL worth_
JJ the_AT effort_NN ._. It_PPS does_DOZ no_AT harm_NN for_IN wine_NN to_TO stand
_VB on_IN end_NN for_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN days_NNS ,_, but_CC in_IN terms_NNS
of_IN months_NNS and_CC years_NNS it_PPS is_BEZ fatal_JJ ._. Wine_NN stored_VBN
for_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN should_MD be_BE on_IN its_PP$ side_NN ;_. ;_. other
wise_RB ,_, the_AT cork_NN dries_VBZ and_CC air_NN enters_VBZ to_TO spoil_VB it_
PPO ._. When_WRB stacking_VBG wine_NN on_IN its_PP$ side_NN in_IN a_AT bin_NN ,_
, care_NN should_MD always_RB be_BE taken_VBN to_TO be_BE sure_JJ there_EX is_BE
Z no_AT air_NN bubble_NN left_VBN next_IN to_IN the_AT cork_NN ._. Fat_JJ bottle
s_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS Burgundies_NPS ,_, have_HV a_AT way_NN of_IN rolling_VBG
around_RB in_IN the_AT bin_NN and_CC often_RB need_VB little_AP props_NNS ,_, s
uch_JJ as_CS a_AT bit_NN of_IN cardboard_NN or_CC a_AT chip_NN of_IN wood_NN ,_,
to_TO hold_VB them_PPO in_IN the_AT proper_JJ reclining_VBG posture_NN ._. Too_
QL much_AP dampness_NN in_IN the_AT cellar_NN rots_VBZ the_AT corks_NNS ,_, agai
n_RB with_IN ill_JJ effects_NNS ._. The_AT best_JJT rule_NN of_IN thumb_NN for_I
N detecting_VBG corked_VBN wine_NN (_( provided_VBN the_AT eye_NN has_HVZ not_*
already_RB spotted_VBN it_PPO )_) is_BEZ to_TO smell_VB the_AT wet_JJ end_NN of_
IN the_AT cork_NN after_CS pulling_VBG it_PPO :_: if_CS it_PPS smells_VBZ of_IN
wine_NN ,_, the_AT bottle_NN is_BEZ probably_RB all_QL right_JJ ;_. ;_. if_CS it
_PPS smells_VBZ of_IN cork_NN ,_, one_PN has_HVZ grounds_NNS for_IN suspicion_NN
._. Seasonal_JJ rises_NNS or_CC drops_NNS in_IN temperature_NN are_BER bad_JJ f
or_IN wine_NN :_: they_PPSS age_VB it_PPO prematurely_RB ._. The_AT ideal_JJ sto
rage_NN temperature_NN for_IN long_JJ periods_NNS is_BEZ about_RB fifty-five_CD
degrees_NNS ,_, with_IN an_AT allowable_JJ range_NN of_IN five_CD degrees_NNS ab
ove_IN or_CC below_IN this_DT ,_, provided_VBN there_EX are_BER no_AT sudden_JJ
or_CC frequent_JJ changes_NNS ._. Prolonged_VBN vibration_NN is_BEZ also_RB unde
sirable_JJ ;_. ;_. consequently_RB ,_, one's_PN$ wine_NN closet_NN or_CC cellar_
NN should_MD be_BE away_RB from_IN machines_NNS or_CC electrically_RB driven_VBN
furnaces_NNS ._. If_CS one_PN lives_VBZ near_IN a_AT subway_NN or_CC an_AT expr
ess_NN parkway_NN ,_, the_AT solution_NN is_BEZ to_TO have_HV one's_PN$ wines_NN
S stored_VBN with_IN a_AT dealer_NN and_CC brought_VBN home_NR a_AT few_AP at_IN
a_AT time_NN ._. Light_NN ,_, especially_RB daylight_NN ,_, is_BEZ always_RB ba
d_JJ for_IN wine_NN ._. All_ABN in_IN all_ABN ,_, though_RB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ
a_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN nonsense_NN expended_VBN over_IN the_AT preparations_
NNS thought_VBN necessary_JJ for_IN ordinary_JJ wine_NN drinking_NN ;_. ;_. many
_AP people_NNS go_VB to_IN extreme_JJ lengths_NNS in_IN decanting_VBG ,_, chilli
ng_VBG or_CC warming_VBG ,_, or_CC banishing_VBG without_IN further_JJR investig
ation_NN any_DTI bottle_NN with_IN so_QL much_AP as_CS a_AT slightly_QL suspicio
us_JJ cork_NN ._. No_AT one_PN should_MD wish_VB to_TO deny_VB these_DTS purists
_NNS the_AT obvious_JJ pleasure_NN they_PPSS derive_VB from_IN all_ABN this_DT ,
_, and_CC to_TO give_VB fair_JJ warning_NN where_WRB warning_VBG is_BEZ due_JJ ,
_, no_AT one_PN who_WPS becomes_VBZ fond_JJ of_IN wines_NNS ever_RB avoids_VBZ a
cquiring_VBG some_DTI degree_NN of_IN purism_NN !_. !_. But_CC the_AT fact_NN re
mains_VBZ that_CS in_IN most_AP restaurants_NNS ,_, including_IN some_DTI of_IN
the_AT best_JJT of_IN Paris_NP and_CC Bordeaux_NP and_CC Dijon_NP ,_, the_AT bot
tle_NN is_BEZ frankly_RB and_CC simply_RB brought_VBN from_IN the_AT cellar_NN t
o_IN the_AT table_NN when_WRB ordered_VBN ,_, and_CC all_ABN the_AT conditioning
_NN or_CC preparation_NN it_PPS ever_RB receives_VBZ takes_VBZ place_NN while_CS
the_AT chef_NN is_BEZ preparing_VBG the_AT meal_NN ._. A_AT white_JJ wine_NN ,_
, already_RB at_IN cool_JJ cellar_NN temperature_NN ,_, may_MD be_BE adequately_
RB chilled_VBN in_IN a_AT bucket_NN of_IN ice_NN and_CC water_NN or_CC the_AT fr
eezing_VBG compartment_NN of_IN a_AT refrigerator_NN (_( the_AT former_AP is_BEZ
far_QL preferable_JJ )_) in_IN about_RB fifteen_CD minutes_NNS ;_. ;_. for_IN t
hose_DTS who_WPS live_VB in_IN a_AT winter_NN climate_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ not
hing_PN better_JJR than_CS a_AT bucket_NN of_IN water_NN and_CC snow_NN ._. Thou
gh_CS by_IN no_AT means_NNS an_AT ideal_JJ procedure_NN ,_, a_AT red_JJ wine_NN
may_MD similarly_RB be_BE brought_VBN from_IN the_AT cellar_NN to_IN the_AT dini
ng_VBG room_NN and_CC opened_VBN twenty_CD minutes_NNS or_CC so_RB before_IN ser
ving_VBG time_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE a_AT bit_NN cold_JJ when_WRB poured_VBN
;_. ;_. but_CC again_RB ,_, as_CS one_PN will_MD have_HV observed_VBN at_IN any
_DTI restaurant_NN worth_JJ its_PP$ salt_NN ,_, wine_NN should_MD be_BE served_V
BN in_IN a_AT large_JJ ,_, tulip-shaped_JJ glass_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ never_R
B filled_VBN more_AP than_IN half_ABN full_JJ ._. In_IN this_DT way_NN ,_, red_J
J wine_NN warms_VBZ of_IN itself_PPL quite_QL rapidly_RB --_-- and_CC though_CS
it_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ that_CS it_PPS may_MD not_* attain_VB its_PP$ potential_NN
of_IN taste_NN and_CC fragrance_NN until_IN after_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the
_AT meal_NN (_( or_CC the_AT course_NN )_) ,_, in_IN the_AT meantime_NN it_PPS w
ill_MD have_HV run_VBN the_AT gamut_NN of_IN many_AP beguiling_JJ and_CC interes
ting_JJ stages_NNS ._. The_AT only_AP cardinal_JJ sin_NN which_WDT may_MD be_BE
committed_VBN in_IN warming_VBG a_AT wine_NN is_BEZ to_TO force_VB it_PPO by_IN
putting_VBG it_PPO next_RB to_IN the_AT stove_NN or_CC in_IN front_NN of_IN an_A
T open_JJ fire_NN ._. This_DT invariably_RB effaces_VBZ any_DTI wine's_NN$ chara
cter_NN ,_, and_CC drives_VBZ its_PP$ fragrance_NN underground_RB ._. It_PPS sho
uld_MD not_* be_BE forgotten_VBN that_CS wines_NNS mature_VB fastest_RBT in_IN h
alf-bottles_NNS ,_, less_QL fast_RB in_IN full_JJ bottles_NNS ,_, slowly_RB in_I
N Magnums_NNS --_-- and_CC slower_RBR yet_QL in_IN Tregnums_NPS ,_, double_JJ Ma
gnums_NNS ,_, Jeroboams_NPS ,_, Methuselahs_NPS ,_, and_CC Imperiales_NPS ,_, re
spectively_RB ._. Very_QL old_JJ red_JJ wines_NNS often_RB require_VB several_AP
hours_NNS of_IN aeration_NN ,_, and_CC any_DTI red_JJ wine_NN ,_, brought_VBN f
rom_IN the_AT cellar_NN within_IN half_ABN an_AT hour_NN of_IN mealtime_NN ,_, s
hould_MD be_BE uncorked_VBN and_CC allowed_VBN some_DTI air_NN ._. But_CC white_
JJ wines_NNS never_RB !_. !_. White_JJ wines_NNS should_MD be_BE opened_VBN when
_WRB served_VBN ,_, having_HVG been_BEN previously_RB chilled_VBN in_IN proporti
on_NN to_IN their_PP$ sweetness_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, Sauternes_NPS or_CC Barsacs_N
PS should_MD be_BE very_QL cold_JJ ;_. ;_. a_AT Pouilly-Fuisse_NP or_CC a_AT Cha
blis_NP somewhat_QL less_QL cold_JJ ._. Over-chilling_NN is_BEZ an_AT accepted_V
BN method_NN for_IN covering_VBG up_RP the_AT faults_NNS of_IN many_ABN a_AT che
ap_JJ or_CC poor_JJ white_JJ wine_NN ,_, especially_RB a_AT dry_JJ wine_NN --_--
and_CC certainly_RB less_AP of_IN a_AT crime_NN than_CS serving_VBG a_AT wine_N
N at_IN a_AT temperature_NN which_WDT reveals_VBZ it_PPO as_CS unattractive_JJ .
_. The_AT fragrance_NN and_CC taste_NN of_IN any_DTI white_JJ wine_NN will_MD di
e_VB a_AT lingering_VBG death_NN when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ allowed_VBN to_TO warm_V
B or_CC is_BEZ exposed_VBN for_IN long_RB to_IN the_AT air_NN ._. To_TO quote_VB
Professor_NN-TL Saintsbury_NP :_: ``_`` The_AT last_AP glass_NN of_IN claret_NN
or_CC Burgundy_NP is_BEZ as_QL good_JJ as_CS the_AT first_OD ;_. ;_. but_CC the
_AT first_OD glass_NN of_IN Chateau_FW-NN-TL d'Yquem_FW-IN+NP-TL or_CC Montrache
t_NP is_BEZ a_AT great_JJ deal_NN better_JJR than_CS the_AT last_AP ''_'' !_. !_
. This_DT does_DOZ not_* mean_VB ,_, though_CS ,_, that_CS a_AT red_JJ wine_NN i
mproves_VBZ with_IN prolonged_VBN aeration_NN :_: there_EX is_BEZ a_AT reasonabl
e_JJ limit_NN --_-- and_CC wines_NNS kept_VBN over_RP to_IN the_AT next_AP meal_
NN or_CC the_AT next_AP day_NN ,_, after_CS they_PPSS have_HV once_RB been_BEN o
pened_VBN ,_, are_BER never_RB as_CS good_JJ ._. If_CS this_DT must_MD be_BE don
e_VBN ,_, they_PPSS should_MD always_RB be_BE corked_VBN and_CC kept_VBN in_IN a
_AT cool_JJ place_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS should_MD be_BE remembered_VBN that_CS their
_PP$ lasting_VBG qualities_NNS are_BER appreciably_QL shorter_JJR than_CS those_
DTS of_IN milk_NN ._. A_AT few_AP red_JJ wines_NNS ,_, notably_RB those_DTS of_I
N the_AT Beaujolais_NP ,_, are_BER better_JJR consumed_VBN at_IN cellar_NN tempe
rature_NN ._. By_IN tradition_NN ,_, a_AT red_JJ wine_NN should_MD be_BE served_
VBN at_IN approximately_RB room_NN temperature_NN --_-- if_CS anything_PN a_AT l
ittle_QL cooler_JJR --_-- and_CC be_BE aged_VBN enough_QLP for_IN the_AT tannin_
NN and_CC acids_NNS to_TO have_HV worked_VBN out_RP and_CC the_AT sediment_NN ha
ve_HV settled_VBN well_RB ._. Thus_RB ,_, red_JJ wine_NN must_MD ,_, if_CS possi
ble_JJ ,_, never_RB be_BE disturbed_VBN or_CC shaken_VBN ;_. ;_. very_QL old_JJ
red_JJ wine_NN is_BEZ often_RB decanted_VBN so_CS that_CS the_AT puckering_VBG ,
_, bitter_JJ elements_NNS which_WDT have_HV settled_VBN to_IN the_AT bottom_NN w
ill_MD not_* be_BE mingled_VBN with_IN the_AT wine_NN itself_PPL ._. A_AT tug-of
-war_NN between_IN an_AT old_JJ bottle_NN and_CC an_AT inefficient_JJ corkscrew_
NN may_MD do_DO as_QL much_AP harm_NN as_CS a_AT week_NN at_IN sea_NN ._. The_AT
cork_NN should_MD be_BE pulled_VBN gradually_RB and_CC smoothly_RB ,_, and_CC t
he_AT lip_NN of_IN the_AT bottle_NN wiped_VBN afterward_RB ._. Many_AP people_NN
S use_VB wicker_NN cradles_NNS for_IN old_JJ red_JJ wine_NN ,_, lifting_VBG the_
AT bottle_NN carefully_RB from_IN the_AT bin_NN into_IN the_AT cradle_NN and_CC
eventually_RB to_IN the_AT table_NN ,_, without_IN disturbing_VBG the_AT sedimen
t_NN ._. Another_DT school_NN frowns_VBZ on_IN such_ABL a_AT shortcut_NN ,_, and
_CC insists_VBZ that_CS after_IN leaving_VBG the_AT bin_NN an_AT old_JJ red_JJ w
ine_NN should_MD first_RB stand_VB on_IN end_NN for_IN several_AP days_NNS to_TO
allow_VB the_AT sediment_NN to_TO roll_VB to_IN the_AT very_AP bottom_NN ,_, af
ter_IN which_WDT the_AT bottle_NN may_MD be_BE gently_RB eased_VBN to_IN a_AT ti
lted_VBN position_NN on_IN its_PP$ side_NN in_IN the_AT cradle_NN ._. In_IN Fran
ce_NP ,_, when_WRB one_PN wishes_VBZ to_TO entertain_VB at_IN a_AT restaurant_NN
and_CC serve_VB truly_QL fine_JJ old_JJ red_JJ wines_NNS ,_, one_PN visits_VBZ
the_AT restaurant_NN well_QL ahead_RB of_IN time_NN ,_, chooses_VBZ the_AT wines
_NNS and_CC ,_, with_IN the_AT advice_NN of_IN the_AT manager_NN and_CC his_PP$
chef_NN ,_, builds_VBZ the_AT menu_NN around_IN them_PPO ._. The_AT wine_NN wait
er_NN will_MD see_VB to_IN it_PPO that_CS the_AT bottles_NNS are_BER taken_VBN f
rom_IN the_AT bin_NN and_CC opened_VBN at_IN least_AP in_IN time_NN to_TO warm_V
B and_CC aerate_VB ,_, preferably_RB allowed_VBN to_TO stand_VB on_IN end_NN for
_IN as_QL long_RB as_CS possible_JJ and_CC ,_, perhaps_RB in_IN the_AT case_NN o
f_IN very_QL old_JJ wines_NNS ,_, be_BE decanted_VBN ._. Decanting_VBG old_JJ wi
ne_NN aerates_VBZ it_PPO fully_RB ;_. ;_. it_PPS may_MD also_RB be_BE --_-- prac
tically_RB speaking_VBG --_-- a_AT matter_NN of_IN good_JJ economy_NN ._. For_CS
,_, in_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN decanting_VBG ,_, the_AT bottle_NN is_BEZ onl
y_RB tilted_VBN once_RB instead_RB of_IN several_AP or_CC more_AP times_NNS at_I
N the_AT table_NN :_: hence_RB ,_, a_AT minimum_NN of_IN the_AT undesirable_JJ m
ixture_NN of_IN wine_NN and_CC dregs_NNS ._. Though_CS there_EX are_BER many_AP
exceptions_NNS ,_, which_WDT we_PPSS have_HV noted_VBN in_IN preceding_VBG pages
_NNS ,_, white_JJ wine_NN is_BEZ as_CS a_AT rule_NN best_JJT consumed_VBN betwee
n_IN two_CD and_CC six_CD years_NNS old_JJ ,_, and_CC red_JJ wines_NNS ,_, nowad
ays_RB ,_, between_IN three_CD and_CC ten_CD ._. Red_JJ wines_NNS of_IN good_JJ
years_NNS tend_VB to_IN mature_VB later_RBR and_CC to_TO keep_VB longer_JJR ;_.
;_. the_AT average_JJ claret_NN is_BEZ notably_QL longer-lived_JJR than_CS its_P
P$ opposite_JJ number_NN ,_, red_JJ Burgundy_NP ._. Some_DTI clarets_NNS do_DO n
ot_* come_VB into_IN their_PP$ own_JJ until_CS they_PPSS are_BER ten_CD or_CC fi
fteen_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN ,_, or_CC even_QL more_AP ._. If_CS a_AT red_JJ
Bordeaux_NP of_IN a_AT good_JJ name_NN and_CC year_NN is_BEZ bitter_JJ or_CC aci
d_JJ ,_, or_CC cloying_VBG and_CC muddy-tasting_JJ ,_, leave_VB it_PPO alone_RB
for_IN a_AT while_NN ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT wines_NNS of_IN Beaujolais_NP ,_,
on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, should_MD be_BE drunk_JJ while_CS very_QL youn
g_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC Alsatians_NPS may_MD be_BE ._. Giffen_NP replied_VBD punctua
lly_RB and_CC enthusiastically_RB :_: ``_`` Rest_VB assured_VBD that_CS your_PP$
accompanying_VBG Letter_NN of_IN Instructions_NNS shall_MD be_BE in_IN the_AT L
etter_NN and_CC Spirit_NN strictly_RB complied_VBN with_IN and_CC most_QL partic
ularly_RB in_IN regard_NN to_IN that_DT part_NN of_IN them_PPO relative_JJ to_IN
the_AT completion_NN of_IN your_PP$ noble_JJ and_CC humane_JJ views_NNS ''_'' .
_. Giffen_NP lost_VBD no_AT time_NN in_IN visiting_VBG the_AT plantation_NN ._.
The_AT slaves_NNS appeared_VBD to_TO be_BE in_IN good_JJ health_NN and_CC at_IN
work_NN under_IN John_NP Palfrey's_NP$ overseer_NN ._. An_AT excellent_JJ crop_N
N was_BEDZ expected_VBN that_DT year_NN ._. William_NP ,_, who_WPS lived_VBD in_
IN neighboring_VBG St._NN-TL Mary's_NP$-TL parish_NN ,_, had_HVD taken_VBN charg
e_NN and_CC decided_VBN that_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE best_JJT for_IN all_ABN if
_CS the_AT plantation_NN were_BED operated_VBN for_IN another_DT year_NN ._. Gif
fen_NP advised_VBD acceptance_NN of_IN this_DT plan_NN ,_, citing_VBG the_AT dep
ressed_VBN market_NN for_IN land_NN then_RB prevailing_VBG and_CC the_AT large_J
J stock_NN of_IN provisions_NNS at_IN the_AT plantation_NN ._. If_CS sold_VBN th
en_RB ,_, the_AT land_NN and_CC improvements_NNS might_MD bring_VB only_RB $5,00
0_NNS ._. Early_RB in_IN January_NP ,_, 1844_CD he_PPS had_HVD a_AT conference_N
N with_IN Henry_NP and_CC William_NP in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ,_, and_CC up
on_IN learning_VBG of_IN Gorham's_NP$ intention_NN ,_, Henry_NP remonstrated_VBD
calmly_RB but_CC firmly_RB with_IN his_PP$ brother_NN ._. The_AT emancipation_N
N plan_NN would_MD not_* only_RB be_BE injurious_JJ to_IN all_ABN the_AT heirs_N
NS ,_, he_PPS contended_VBD ,_, but_CC would_MD be_BE a_AT form_NN of_IN cruelty
_NN perpetrated_VBN on_IN the_AT hapless_JJ Negroes_NPS ._. They_PPSS were_BED n
ot_* capable_JJ of_IN supporting_VBG themselves_PPLS off_IN the_AT plantation_NN
,_, and_CC Louisiana_NP law_NN required_VBD their_PP$ removal_NN from_IN the_AT
state_NN ._. Gorham_NP refused_VBD to_TO accept_VB money_NN for_IN slave_NN pro
perty_NN ,_, but_CC did_DOD he_PPS realize_VB how_WQL much_AP expense_NN and_CC
trouble_NN the_AT transportation_NN of_IN his_PP$ Negroes_NPS to_IN the_AT North
_NR-TL involved_VBD ?_. ?_. The_AT suggestion_NN that_CS Giffen_NP hire_VB out_R
P the_AT slaves_NNS was_BEDZ not_* realistic_JJ ,_, since_CS no_AT planter_NN wo
uld_MD take_VB the_AT risk_NN of_IN having_HVG Negroes_NPS who_WPS knew_VBD they
_PPSS were_BED to_TO be_BE free_JJ living_VBG with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ slaves_NNS
._. Henry_NP hid_VBD his_PP$ annoyance_NN ,_, although_CS both_ABX he_PPS and_CC
William_NP were_BED furious_JJ with_IN their_PP$ Yankee_JJ brother_NN ._. Willi
am_NP ,_, who_WPS did_DOD not_* write_VB to_IN Gorham_NP ,_, told_VBD Giffen_NP
that_CS unless_CS he_PPS could_MD operate_VB the_AT plantation_NN as_CS usual_JJ
for_IN a_AT year_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD sue_VB ``_`` amicably_RB ''_'' to_TO pr
otect_VB his_PP$ interests_NNS ._. Palfrey_NP was_BEDZ determined_VBN that_CS hi
s_PP$ portion_NN of_IN the_AT slaves_NNS be_BE converted_VBN to_IN wage_NN labor
ers_NNS during_IN the_AT transition_NN period_NN before_IN emancipation_NN ._. I
f_CS William_NP wished_VBD to_TO continue_VB operations_NNS for_IN a_AT year_NN
,_, why_WRB not_* simply_RB leave_VB the_AT Negroes_NPS undisturbed_JJ and_CC pa
y_VB them_PPO ``_`` as_QL high_JJ wages_NNS to_TO remain_VB there_RB as_CS are_B
ER ever_RB paid_VBN the_AT labor_NN of_IN persons_NNS of_IN their_PP$ sex_NN &_C
C age_NN ._. A_AT disposition_NN to_TO exert_VB themselves_PPLS for_IN my_PP$ be
nefit_NN would_MD perhaps_RB be_BE a_AT motive_NN with_IN some_DTI of_IN them_PP
O to_TO come_VB into_IN the_AT scheme_NN ._. Their_PP$ having_HVG family_NN ties
_NNS on_IN our_PP$ plantation_NN &_CC the_AT adjoining_VBG one_CD would_MD be_BE
a_AT stronger_JJR inducement_NN ''_'' ._. When_WRB he_PPS heard_VBD of_IN his_P
P$ brothers'_NNS$ anger_NN ,_, Palfrey_NP was_BEDZ still_RB hopeful_JJ that_CS t
hey_PPSS could_MD be_BE persuaded_VBN to_TO accept_VB his_PP$ notion_NN of_IN pa
ying_VBG wages_NNS ._. If_CS not_* ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ willing_JJ to_TO accede_V
B to_IN William's_NP$ wishes_NNS in_IN any_DTI way_NN that_WPS did_DOD not_* blo
ck_VB his_PP$ ultimate_JJ aim_NN ._. William_NP was_BEDZ adamant_JJ on_IN one_CD
point_NN :_: under_IN no_AT circumstances_NNS would_MD he_PPS allow_VB the_AT N
egroes_NPS to_TO remain_VB on_IN the_AT plantation_NN with_IN his_PP$ and_CC Hen
ry's_NP$ slaves_NNS if_CS they_PPSS were_BED told_VBN of_IN their_PP$ coming_VBG
freedom_NN ._. Knowing_VBG the_AT antipathy_NN that_WPS existed_VBD in_IN Louis
iana_NP against_IN increasing_VBG the_AT number_NN of_IN free_JJ Negroes_NPS ,_,
Giffen_NP suggested_VBD that_CS Palfrey_NP bring_VB them_PPO to_IN Boston_NP at
_IN once_RB ,_, and_CC then_RB send_VB them_PPO on_RP to_IN Liberia_NP ._. Lacki
ng_VBG specific_JJ instructions_NNS ,_, he_PPS agreed_VBD to_IN William's_NP$ co
ndition_NN ._. In_IN March_NP there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT division_NN of_IN the_AT sl
aves_NNS ,_, and_CC Giffen_NP carried_VBD out_RP his_PP$ instructions_NNS as_QL
nearly_RB as_QL possible_JJ ._. Of_IN the_AT fifty-two_CD slaves_NNS ,_, Giffen_
NP succeeded_VBD in_IN getting_VBG a_AT lot_NN of_IN twenty_CD ,_, twelve_CD of_
IN whom_WPO were_BED females_NNS ._. ``_`` I_PPSS considered_VBD that_CS your_PP
$ views_NNS would_MD be_BE best_RBT carried_VBN out_RP ''_'' ,_, he_PPS explaine
d_VBD ,_, ``_`` by_IN taking_VBG women_NNS whose_WP$ progeny_NN will_MD of_IN co
urse_NN be_BE free_JJ &_CC more_QL fully_RB extend_VB the_AT philantrophy_NN of_
IN Emancipation_NN-TL ._. I_PPSS have_HV also_RB taken_VBN the_AT old_JJ servant
s_NNS of_IN your_PP$ father_NN as_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN Conscience_NN &_CC Jus
tice_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT ages_NNS of_IN the_AT slaves_NNS ranged_VBD from_IN six
ty-five_CD ,_, for_IN an_AT old_JJ house_NN servant_NN ,_, to_IN an_AT unnamed_J
J newborn_JJ child_NN ._. If_CS Palfrey_NP ever_RB had_HVD any_DTI doubts_NNS ab
out_IN the_AT wickedness_NN of_IN slavery_NN ,_, they_PPSS were_BED put_VBN asid
e_RB after_CS he_PPS received_VBD an_AT inventory_NN of_IN the_AT slave_NN prope
rty_NN he_PPS had_HVD inherited_VBN ._. This_DT cold_NN reckoning_NN of_IN human
_JJ worth_NN in_IN a_AT legal_JJ paper_NN ,_, devoid_JJ of_IN compassion_NN or_C
C humanity_NN ,_, was_BEDZ all_ABN he_PPS needed_VBD ._. Each_DT human_JJ being_
BEG ,_, known_VBN only_RB by_IN a_AT given_VBN name_NN ,_, had_HVD a_AT cash_NN
value_NN ._. Old_JJ Sam's_NP$ sixty-five_CD years_NNS had_HVD reduced_VBN his_PP
$ value_NN to_IN $150_NNS ;_. ;_. ;_. ;_. Rose_NP ,_, a_AT twelve-year-old_JJ wi
th_IN child-bearing_JJ potential_NN ,_, was_BEDZ worth_JJ $400_NNS ._. In_IN rej
ecting_VBG any_DTI claim_NN to_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN the_AT slave_NN property
_NN ,_, Palfrey_NP was_BEDZ giving_VBG up_RP close_RB to_IN $7,000_NNS ._. Palfr
ey's_NP$ brothers_NNS each_DT received_VBD lots_NNS of_IN sixteen_CD Negroes_NPS
,_, and_CC for_IN bookkeeping_NN purposes_NNS it_PPS was_BEDZ agreed_VBN that_C
S all_ABN lots_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE valued_VBN at_IN $6,666.66_NNS ._. Thus_
RB twenty_CD ``_`` black_JJ souls_NNS ''_'' were_BED to_TO remain_VB ignorant_JJ
of_IN their_PP$ imminent_JJ journey_NN to_IN the_AT land_NN of_IN free_JJ men_N
NS ._. Giffen_NP extracted_VBD one_CD concession_NN from_IN William_NP :_: the_A
T house_NN servants_NNS could_MD be_BE free_JJ at_IN any_DTI time_NN Gorham_NP t
hought_VBD expedient_JJ ._. Despite_IN Giffen's_NP$ warning_NN ,_, Palfrey_NP st
ill_RB had_HVD plans_NNS for_IN freeing_VBG his_PP$ slaves_NNS in_IN Louisiana_N
P ._. Yet_CC even_RB if_CS he_PPS could_MD get_VB the_AT necessary_JJ approval_N
N ,_, fourteen_CD of_IN his_PP$ Negroes_NPS could_MD not_* be_BE manumitted_VBN
without_IN special_JJ permission_NN ._. According_IN to_IN state_NN law_NN a_AT
slave_NN had_HVD to_TO be_BE at_IN least_AP thirty_CD years_NNS old_JJ before_CS
he_PPS could_MD be_BE freed_VBN ._. Palfrey_NP petitioned_VBD the_AT state_NN l
egislature_NN to_TO waive_VB the_AT requirement_NN ._. Otherwise_RB ,_, freedom_
NN would_MD mean_VB removal_NN from_IN the_AT state_NN in_IN which_WDT ``_`` as_
CS the_AT place_NN of_IN their_PP$ past_AP residence_NN from_IN birth_NN ,_, or_
CC for_IN many_AP years_NNS ,_, it_PPS would_MD be_BE materially_RB for_IN their
_PP$ advantage_NN to_TO be_BE at_IN liberty_NN to_TO remain_VB ''_'' ._. On_IN M
arch_NP 11_CD the_AT Louisiana_NP legislature_NN voted_VBD unanimously_RB to_TO
table_VB the_AT petition_NN ._. News_NN of_IN the_AT legislative_JJ veto_NN appe
ared_VBD in_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL papers_NNS ,_, and_CC Henry_NP and
_CC William_NP became_VBD incensed_VBN by_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS they_PPSS ha
d_HVD not_* been_BEN told_VBN of_IN the_AT attempt_NN in_IN advance_NN ._. Henry
_NP stormed_VBD into_IN Giffen's_NP$ office_NN waving_VBG a_AT copy_NN of_IN the
_AT New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL Courier_NN-TL ,_, shouting_VBG that_CS the_AT emanci
pation_NN scheme_NN had_HVD become_VBN a_AT public_JJ affair_NN ,_, and_CC that_
CS it_PPS would_MD reach_VB the_AT ``_`` Ears_NNS of_IN the_AT People_NNS on_IN
the_AT Plantation_NN-TL ,_, and_CC make_VB them_PPO restless_JJ &_CC unhappy_JJ
''_'' ._. His_PP$ brothers'_NNS$ anger_NN caused_VBD Palfrey_NP genuine_JJ conce
rn_NN ,_, for_CS he_PPS had_HVD imposed_VBN a_AT dual_JJ mission_NN upon_IN hims
elf_PPL :_: to_TO free_VB his_PP$ slaves_NNS ,_, and_CC to_TO keep_VB the_AT fam
ily_NN from_IN falling_VBG apart_RB over_IN the_AT issue_NN ._. When_WRB Giffen_
NP decided_VBD to_TO charge_VB him_PPO interest_NN on_IN the_AT loan_NN from_IN
John_NP Palfrey_NP ,_, Gorham_NP readily_RB assented_VBD ,_, vowing_VBG that_CS
in_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN dollars_NNS and_CC cents_NNS ,_, his_PP$ brothers_NNS
would_MD never_RB have_HV any_DTI cause_NN to_TO complain_VB of_IN him_PPO ._.
In_IN view_NN of_IN these_DTS difficulties_NNS ,_, Palfrey_NP decided_VBD to_TO
go_VB to_IN Louisiana_NP ._. Giffen_NP had_HVD already_RB urged_VBN him_PPO to_T
O journey_VB south_NR ,_, if_CS only_RB for_IN a_AT few_AP days_NNS to_TO clear_
VB up_RP matters_NNS ._. His_PP$ duties_NNS as_CS Massachusetts_NP-TL Secretary_
NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL obliged_VBD him_PPO to_TO wait_VB until_IN the_AT adj
ournment_NN of_IN the_AT legislature_NN in_IN mid-April_NP ._. Palfrey_NP told_V
BD his_PP$ wife_NN of_IN his_PP$ intentions_NNS for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN ,
_, and_CC left_VBD for_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL apprehensively_RB invoking_VBG
a_AT special_JJ blessing_NN of_IN Providence_NP that_CS he_PPS might_MD be_BE a
llowed_VBN to_TO see_VB his_PP$ family_NN again_RB ._. During_IN his_PP$ journey
_NN Palfrey_NP stopped_VBD off_RP to_TO see_VB two_CD abolitionists_NNS ._. In_I
N both_ABX cases_NNS he_PPS desired_VBD information_NN about_IN placing_VBG the_
AT freedmen_NNS in_IN homes_NNS once_CS they_PPSS arrived_VBD in_IN the_AT North
_NR-TL ._. In_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, Lydia_NP Maria_NP Child_NP welcomed_VB
D him_PPO enthusiastically_RB :_: ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV lately_RB heard_VBN of_IN
you_PPO from_IN the_AT Legislature_NN-TL of_IN-TL Louisiana_NP-TL ,_, and_CC fe
lt_VBD joy_NN at_IN your_PP$ public_JJ recognition_NN of_IN the_AT brotherhood_N
N of_IN man_NN ''_'' ._. Mrs._NP Child_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD once_RB apologized
_VBN for_CS sending_VBG editor_NN Palfrey_NP a_AT book_NN on_IN slavery_NN ,_, n
ow_RB confided_VBD that_CS she_PPS had_HVD helped_VBN one_CD of_IN Henry_NP Palf
rey's_NP$ slaves_NNS escape_VB to_IN Canada_NP some_DTI years_NNS before_RB ,_,
but_CC asked_VBD him_PPO not_* to_TO advertise_VB the_AT fact_NN in_IN Louisiana
_NP ._. She_PPS agreed_VBD to_TO take_VB charge_NN of_IN five_CD or_CC six_CD of
_IN the_AT Negroes_NPS should_MD Palfrey_NP decide_VB to_TO send_VB them_PPO nor
th_NR immediately_RB ._. At_IN Lexington_NP ,_, Kentucky_NP ,_, Palfrey_NP consu
lted_VBD with_IN Cassius_NP M._NP Clay_NP on_IN the_AT same_AP subject_NN ,_, bu
t_CC with_IN no_RB apparent_JJ result_NN ._. Despite_IN his_PP$ apprehensions_NN
S about_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ safety_NN ,_, Palfrey's_NP$ reception_NN in_IN Ne
w_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL was_BEDZ more_AP than_CS cordial_JJ ._. Instead_RB of_IN t
he_AT expected_VBN ``_`` annoyances_NNS ''_'' due_JJ to_IN the_AT nature_NN of_I
N his_PP$ mission_NN ,_, he_PPS received_VBD many_AP calling_VBG cards_NNS and_C
C invitations_NNS from_IN ``_`` gentlemen_NNS of_IN mark_NN ,_, on_IN whom_WPO I
_PPSS had_HVD no_AT sort_NN of_IN claim_NN ,_, &_CC have_HV had_HVN many_QL more
_AP invitations_NNS than_CS I_PPSS could_MD accept_VB ''_'' ._. He_PPS later_RBR
told_VBD abolitionist_NN Edmund_NP Quincy_NP of_IN the_AT ``_`` marked_VBN atte
ntion_NN and_CC civility_NN ''_'' with_IN which_WDT the_AT New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-
TL gentlemen_NNS and_CC the_AT upriver_JJ planters_NNS greeted_VBD him_PPO ._. T
he_AT memory_NN of_IN this_DT southern_JJ hospitality_NN did_DOD not_* survive_V
B the_AT trials_NNS of_IN coming_VBG antislavery_JJ years_NNS and_CC Civil_JJ-TL
War_NN-TL ._. Palfrey's_NP$ autobiography_NN contains_VBZ a_AT melodramatic_JJ
account_NN of_IN two_CD perilous_JJ days_NNS spent_VBN among_IN the_AT planters_
NNS of_IN Attakapas_NP ,_, ``_`` many_AP of_IN whom_WPO were_BED coarse_JJ &_CC
passionate_JJ people_NNS ,_, much_QL excited_VBN by_IN what_WDT they_PPSS heard_
VBD of_IN my_PP$ plans_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS proceeded_VBD with_IN his_PP$ task_N
N bravely_RB --_-- in_IN his_PP$ memoirs_NNS ,_, at_IN least_AP --_-- before_CS
the_AT ``_`` passions_NNS of_IN my_PP$ neighbors_NNS should_MD have_HV time_NN t
o_TO boil_VB too_QL high_RB ''_'' ._. Palfrey_NP had_HVD already_RB made_VBN up_
RP his_PP$ mind_NN that_CS he_PPS would_MD allow_VB the_AT men_NNS ,_, but_CC no
t_* the_AT women_NNS ,_, to_TO choose_VB freely_RB whether_CS or_CC not_* to_TO
go_VB North_NR-TL for_IN freedom_NN ._. The_AT women_NNS by_IN remaining_VBG beh
ind_RB condemned_VBD their_PP$ children_NNS ,_, born_JJ and_CC unborn_JJ ,_, to_
IN bondage_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_AT short_JJ private_JJ talk_NN with_IN each_D
T adult_NN slave_NN ._. Only_RB one_CD objected_VBD ,_, but_CC Palfrey_NP soon_R
B convinced_VBD him_PPO that_CS he_PPS ought_MD to_TO go_VB with_IN the_AT other
s_NNS ._. All_QL the_AT slaves_NNS joined_VBD in_IN requesting_VBG that_CS they_
PPSS be_BE allowed_VBN to_TO delay_VB their_PP$ departure_NN until_CS the_AT end
_NN of_IN the_AT planting_VBG season_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS they_PPSS could_MD get
_VB in_RP ``_`` their_PP$ own_JJ little_JJ produce_NN ''_'' ._. Palfrey_NP agree
d_VBD ;_. ;_. the_AT slaves_NNS were_BED to_TO remain_VB as_CS wage_NN laborers_
NNS for_IN his_PP$ account_NN ._. William's_NP$ threat_NN that_CS under_IN no_AT
conditions_NNS would_MD he_PPS allow_VB ``_`` freedom-conscious_JJ ''_'' slaves
_NNS to_TO mix_VB with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ was_BEDZ not_* carried_VBN out_RP ,_, f
or_CS the_AT plantation_NN continued_VBD in_IN operation_NN as_CS before_RB ._.
Palfrey_NP returned_VBD to_IN Massachusetts_NP greatly_RB relieved_VBN to_TO hav
e_HV made_VBN an_AT arrangement_NN ``_`` so_QL satisfactory_JJ to_IN my_PP$ judg
ment_NN &_CC my_PP$ conscience_NN ''_'' ._. From_IN Cambridge_NP ,_, Palfrey_NP
maintained_VBD a_AT close_JJ interest_NN in_IN the_AT welfare_NN of_IN his_PP$ s
laves_NNS ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT time_NN for_IN their_PP$ departure_
NN approached_VBD ,_, his_PP$ solicitousness_NN increased_VBD ._. Should_MD any_
DTI slave_NN change_VB his_PP$ mind_NN and_CC request_VB to_TO leave_VB earlier_
RBR ,_, Giffen_NP was_BEDZ to_TO provide_VB passage_NN at_IN once_RB ._. When_WR
B a_AT sailing_VBG date_NN of_IN March_NP ,_, 1845_CD was_BEDZ finally_RB establ
ished_VBN ,_, Palfrey_NP made_VBD sure_JJ that_CS the_AT Negroes_NPS would_MD ha
ve_HV comfortable_JJ quarters_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL and_CC aboard_IN
ship_NN ._. Giffen_NP assured_VBD him_PPO that_CS the_AT captain_NN and_CC his_
PP$ mate_NN had_HVD personally_RB promised_VBN to_TO treat_VB the_AT Negroes_NPS
with_IN consideration_NN ._. Palfrey_NP was_BEDZ also_RB concerned_VBN about_IN
the_AT question_NN of_IN what_WDT wage_NN to_TO pay_VB for_IN their_PP$ labor_N
N throughout_IN 1844_CD ._. The_AT plantation_NN was_BEDZ sold_VBN in_IN January
_NP ,_, 1845_CD ,_, and_CC Palfrey_NP thought_VBD the_AT new_JJ owner_NN ought_M
D to_TO pay_VB his_PP$ people_NNS two_CD months'_NNS$ wages_NNS ._. Giffen_NP su
ggested_VBD fifty_CD dollars_NNS as_CS fair_JJ compensation_NN for_IN a_AT year'
s_NN$ work_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT new_JJ owner_NN at_IN Attakapas_NP declined_VBD to_
TO enter_VB into_IN any_DTI philanthropic_JJ arrangement_NN ._. On_IN March_NP 2
1_CD ,_, 1845_CD the_AT bark_NN Bashaw_NP weighed_VBD anchor_NN at_IN New_JJ-TL
Orleans_NP-TL ,_, while_CS on_IN the_AT levee_NN Henry_NP and_CC William_NP Palf
rey_NP waved_VBD farewell_NN to_IN their_PP$ father's_NN$ former_AP chattels_NNS
who_WPS must_MD have_HV looked_VBN back_RB at_IN the_AT receding_VBG shore_NN w
ith_IN mingled_VBN regret_NN and_CC jubilation_NN ._. Not_* all_ABN of_IN Palfre
y's_NP$ slaves_NNS were_BED aboard_RB the_AT Bashaw_NP ._. Giffen_NP had_HVD adv
ised_VBN that_CS it_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE too_QL difficult_JJ to_TO obtain_VB
freedom_NN locally_RB for_IN the_AT old_JJ house_NN servants_NNS ._. Two_CD of_
IN these_DTS were_BED included_VBN in_IN Palfrey's_NP$ lot_NN ._. Giffen_NP file
d_VBD a_AT petition_NN for_IN permission_NN to_TO emancipate_VB four_CD slaves_N
NS (_( all_ABN more_AP than_IN fifty_CD years_NNS old_JJ )_) with_IN the_AT St._
NN-TL Martin's_NP$-TL Parish_NN-TL Police_NNS-TL Jury_NN-TL ._. After_IN an_AT i
nitial_JJ rejection_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS attributed_VBD to_IN a_AT ``_`` gene
ral_JJ Excitement_NN against_IN Abolition_NN and_CC Emancipation_NN ''_'' ,_, Gi
ffen_NP bribed_VBD the_AT right_JJ individuals_NNS on_IN the_AT jury_NN ,_, and_
CC got_VBD the_AT permission_NN without_IN further_JJR delay_NN ._. When_WRB the
_AT Negroes_NPS landed_VBD at_IN Boston_NP a_AT month_NN later_RBR they_PPSS wer
e_BED ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, no_QL longer_RBR slaves_NNS ._. Slavery_NN was_BED
Z prohibited_VBN in_IN Massachusetts_NP by_IN the_AT terms_NNS of_IN the_AT cons
titution_NN of_IN 1780_CD ,_, which_WDT declared_VBD ``_`` all_ABN men_NNS are_B
ER born_VBN free_JJ and_CC equal_JJ ''_'' ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, Palfrey_NP arr
anged_VBD a_AT religious_JJ ceremony_NN at_IN King's_NN$-TL Chapel_NN-TL to_TO f
ormalize_VB the_AT emancipation_NN ._. An_AT eyewitness_NN recalled_VBD how_WQL
awkward_JJ the_AT red-turbaned_JJ colored_VBN women_NNS appeared_VBD as_CS they_
PPSS curtseyed_VBD in_IN the_AT church_NN doorway_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT diffidenc
e_NN the_AT former_AP slaves_NNS displayed_VBD while_CS they_PPSS listened_VBD t
o_IN the_AT few_AP words_NNS that_WPS declared_VBD them_PPO free_JJ ._. Once_CS
the_AT question_NN of_IN emancipation_NN was_BEDZ settled_VBN to_IN Palfrey's_NP
$ satisfaction_NN ,_, he_PPS faced_VBD a_AT real_JJ problem_NN in_IN placing_VBG
the_AT freedmen_NNS in_IN suitable_JJ homes_NNS as_CS servants_NNS ._. Palfrey_
NP tried_VBD fruitlessly_RB to_TO place_VB a_AT Negro_NP boy_NN in_IN the_AT Hop
edale_NP-TL Community_NN-TL ,_, but_CC he_PPS had_HVD better_JJR luck_NN in_IN h
is_PP$ other_AP attempts_NNS ._. Mrs._NP Child_NP ,_, true_JJ to_IN her_PP$ word
_NN ,_, helped_VBD place_VB Anna_NP and_CC her_PP$ four_CD children_NNS with_IN
a_AT Quaker_NP family_NN named_VBN Hathaway_NP near_IN Canandaigua_NP ,_, New_JJ
-TL York_NP-TL ._. This_DT group_NN had_HVD been_BEN Palfrey's_NP$ greatest_JJT
worry_NN since_CS Anna_NP was_BEDZ in_IN bad_JJ health_NN ,_, and_CC her_PP$ chi
ldren_NNS were_BED too_QL young_JJ to_TO work_VB for_IN their_PP$ keep_NN ._. Bu
t_CC certainly_RB the_AT New_JJ-TL Frontier_NN-TL has_HVZ brought_VBN to_IN Wash
ington_NP a_AT group_NN more_QL varied_VBN in_IN background_NN and_CC interest_N
N ._. Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL Dean_NP Rusk_NP ,_, a_AT former_AP Rh
odes_NP-TL Scholar_NN-TL and_CC Mills_NP-TL College_NN-TL dean_NN ,_, has_HVZ he
aded_VBN the_AT Rockefeller_NP-TL Foundation_NN-TL and_CC in_IN that_DT role_NN
expended_VBD large_JJ sums_NNS for_IN international_JJ cultural_JJ exchange_NN .
_. One_CD of_IN his_PP$ initial_JJ acts_NNS in_IN office_NN was_BEDZ to_TO appoi
nt_VB Philip_NP Coombs_NP of_IN the_AT Ford_NP-TL Foundation_NN-TL as_CS the_AT
first_OD Assistant_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL for_IN-TL Educatio
nal_JJ-TL and_CC-TL Cultural_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL ._. (_( ``_`` In_IN the_AT lat
e_JJ forties_NNS and_CC fifties_NNS ''_'' ,_, Coombs_NP has_HVZ declared_VBN in_
IN defining_VBG his_PP$ role_NN ,_, ``_`` two_CD strong_JJ new_JJ arms_NNS were_
BED added_VBN to_TO reinforce_VB United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL foreign_JJ policy_N
N economic_JJ assistance_NN and_CC military_JJ assistance_NN ._. As_CS we_PPSS e
mbark_VB upon_IN the_AT sixties_NNS we_PPSS have_HV an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO b
uild_VB a_AT third_OD strong_JJ arm_NN ,_, aimed_VBN at_IN the_AT development_NN
of_IN people_NNS ,_, at_IN the_AT fuller_JJR realization_NN of_IN their_PP$ cre
ative_JJ human_JJ potential_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT better_JJR understanding_NN among
_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. )_) Many_AP of_IN the_AT new_JJ appointees_NNS are_BER ar
t_NN collectors_NNS ._. Ambassador-at-Large_NN-TL Averell_NP Harriman_NP has_HVZ
returned_VBN to_IN the_AT capital_NN with_IN a_AT collection_NN of_IN paintings
_NNS that_WPS include_VB Renoir_NP ,_, Cezanne_NP ,_, Gauguin_NP ,_, Van_NP Gogh
_NP ,_, Toulouse-Lautrec_NP ,_, Degas_NP ,_, Matisse_NP ,_, Picasso_NP ,_, and_C
C Walt_NP Kuhn_NP ._. The_AT Director_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Peace_NN-TL Corps
_NN-TL ,_, R._NP Sargent_NP Shriver_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, a_AT Kennedy_NP brother-in
-law_NN ,_, collects_VBZ heavily_RB among_IN the_AT moderns_NNS ,_, including_IN
Kenzo_NP Okada_NP and_CC Josef_NP Albers_NP ._. Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT
-TL Treasury_NN-TL Douglas_NP Dillon_NP owns_VBZ a_AT prize_NN Monet_NP ,_, Femm
es_FW-NNS-TL dans_FW-IN-TL un_FW-AT-TL Jardin_FW-NN-TL ._. Secretary_NN-TL of_IN
-TL Defense_NN-TL Robert_NP McNamara_NP ,_, former_AP President_NN-TL of_IN the_
AT Ford_NP-TL Motor_NN-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, comes_VBZ from_IN a_AT generation_NN
different_JJ from_IN that_DT of_IN Eisenhower's_NP$ own_JJ first_OD Secretary_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Defense_NN-TL ,_, Charles_NP Wilson_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD been_BE
N head_NN of_IN General_JJ-TL Motors_NNS-TL ._. Unlike_IN Wilson_NP ,_, who_WPS
at_IN times_NNS seemed_VBD almost_QL anti-intellectual_JJ in_IN his_PP$ earthy_J
J pragmatism_NN ._. McNamara_NP is_BEZ the_AT scholar-businessman_NN ._. An_AT i
nveterate_JJ reader_NN of_IN books_NNS ,_, he_PPS chose_VBD while_CS working_VBG
in_IN Detroit_NP to_TO live_VB in_IN the_AT University_NN-TL community_NN of_IN
Ann_NP Arbor_NP ,_, almost_RB forty_CD miles_NNS away_RB ._. He_PPS selected_VB
D as_CS Comptroller_NN-TL of_IN-TL Defense_NN-TL ,_, not_* a_AT veteran_JJ accou
ntant_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT former_AP Rhodes_NP-TL Scholar_NN-TL ,_, Charles_NP Hit
ch_NP ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ author_NN of_IN a_AT study_NN on_IN The_AT Economics_NN
-TL Of_IN-TL Defense_NN-TL In_IN-TL The_AT-TL Nuclear_JJ-TL Age_NN-TL ._. One_CD
of_IN the_AT President's_NN$-TL special_JJ assistants_NNS ,_, the_AT Harvard_NP
dean_NN McGeorge_NP Bundy_NP ,_, was_BEDZ co-author_NN with_IN Henry_NP L._NP S
timson_NP of_IN the_AT latter's_NN$ classic_JJ memoir_NN ,_, On_IN-TL Active_JJ-
TL Service_NN-TL ._. Another_DT ,_, Arthur_NP M._NP Schlesinger_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_
, has_HVZ won_VBN a_AT Pulitzer_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL in_IN history_NN ;_. ;_. his_P
P$ wife_NN ,_, Marion_NP ,_, is_BEZ a_AT portrait_NN painter_NN ._. The_AT Press
_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL ,_, Pierre_NP Salinger_NP ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT child_NN prod
igy_NN as_CS a_AT pianist_NN ._. (_( ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ always_RB of_IN sorrow_
NN to_IN me_PPO when_WRB I_PPSS find_VB people_NNS who_WPS neither_CC know_VB no
r_CC understand_VB music_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS declared_VBD not_* long_RB ago_RB i
n_IN proposing_VBG that_CS White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL prizes_NNS be_BE awarded_VBN
for_IN music_NN and_CC art_NN ._. )_) Mrs._NP Arthur_NP Goldberg_NP ,_, wife_NN
of_IN the_AT Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Labor_NN-TL ,_, paints_VBZ professionally_
RB and_CC helps_VBZ sponsor_VB the_AT Associated_VBN-TL Artists'_NNS$-TL Gallery
_NN-TL in_IN the_AT District_NN-TL of_IN-TL Columbia_NP-TL ._. (_( ``_`` Artists
_NNS are_BER always_RB at_IN a_AT new_JJ frontier_NN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS claims_VB
Z ._. ``_`` In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT search_NN is_BEZ almost_QL more_QL importan
t_JJ than_CS the_AT find_NN ''_'' ._. )_) Mrs._NP Henry_NP Labouisse_NP ,_, wife
_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ director_NN of_IN the_AT foreign_JJ aid_NN program_NN ,_
, is_BEZ the_AT writer_NN and_CC lecturer_NN Eve_NP Curie_NP ._. The_AT list_NN
goes_VBZ on_RP ._. At_IN last_AP count_NN ,_, sixteen_CD former_AP Rhodes_NP-TL
Scholars_NNS-TL (_( see_VB box_NN on_IN page_NN 13_CD )_) had_HVD been_BEN appoi
nted_VBN to_IN the_AT Administration_NN-TL ,_, second_OD in_IN number_NN only_RB
to_IN its_PP$ Harvard_NP graduates_NNS ._. Besides_IN Schlesinger_NP ,_, the_AT
Justice_NN-TL Department's_NN$-TL Information_NN-TL Director_NN-TL ,_, Edwin_NP
Guthman_NP ,_, has_HVZ won_VBN a_AT Pulitzer_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL (_( for_IN natio
nal_JJ reporting_NN )_) ._. Postmaster_NN-TL General_JJ-TL J._NP Edward_NP Day_N
P ,_, who_WPS must_MD deal_VB with_IN matters_NNS of_IN postal_JJ censorship_NN
,_, is_BEZ himself_PPL author_NN of_IN a_AT novel_NN ,_, Bartholf_NP-TL Street_N
N-TL ,_, albeit_CS one_CD he_PPS was_BEDZ obliged_VBN to_TO publish_VB at_IN his
_PP$ own_JJ expense_NN ._. Two_CD men_NNS show_VB promise_NN of_IN playing_VBG p
rominent_JJ roles_NNS :_: William_NP Walton_NP ,_, a_AT writer-turned-painter_NN
,_, has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT long-time_NN friend_NN of_IN the_AT President_NN-TL .
_. They_PPSS arrived_VBD in_IN Washington_NP about_RB the_AT same_AP time_NN dur
ing_IN the_AT early_RB postwar_JJ years_NNS :_: Kennedy_NP as_CS the_AT young_JJ
Congressman_NN-TL from_IN Massachusetts_NP ;_. ;_. Walton_NP ,_, after_IN a_AT
wartime_NN stint_NN with_IN Time-Life_NP ,_, to_TO become_VB bureau_NN chief_NN
for_IN The_AT-TL New_JJ-TL Republic_NN-TL ._. Both_ABX lived_VBD in_IN Georgetow
n_NP ,_, were_BED unattached_JJ ,_, and_CC shared_VBD an_AT active_JJ social_JJ
life_NN ._. Walton_NP ,_, who_WPS soon_RB made_VBD a_AT break_NN from_IN journal
ism_NN to_TO become_VB one_CD of_IN the_AT capital's_NN$ leading_VBG semi-abstra
ct_JJ painters_NNS ,_, vows_VBZ that_CS he_PPS and_CC Kennedy_NP never_QL once_R
B discussed_VBD art_NN in_IN those_DTS days_NNS ._. Nonetheless_RB ,_, they_PPSS
found_VBD common_JJ interests_NNS ._. During_IN last_AP year's_NN$ campaign_NN
,_, Kennedy_NP asked_VBD Walton_NP ,_, an_AT utter_JJ novice_NN in_IN organizati
on_NN politics_NN ,_, to_TO assist_VB him_PPO ._. Walton_NP dropped_VBD everythi
ng_PN to_TO serve_VB as_CS a_AT district_NN co-ordinator_NN in_IN the_AT hard-fo
ught_JJ Wisconsin_NP primary_NN and_CC proved_VBD so_QL useful_JJ that_CS he_PPS
was_BEDZ promoted_VBN to_TO be_BE liaison_NN officer_NN to_IN critically_QL imp
ortant_JJ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL ._. Walton_NP ,_, who_WPS served_VBD a
s_CS a_AT correspondent_NN with_IN General_NN-TL James_NP Gavin's_NP$ paratroope
rs_NNS during_IN the_AT invasion_NN of_IN France_NP ,_, combines_VBZ the_AT soul
_NN of_IN an_AT artist_NN with_IN the_AT lingo_NN of_IN a_AT tough_JJ guy_NN ._.
He_PPS provoked_VBD outraged_JJ editorials_NNS when_WRB ,_, after_IN a_AT post-
Inaugural_JJ inspection_NN of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL with_IN Mrs._NP
Kennedy_NP ,_, he_PPS remarked_VBD to_IN reporters_NNS ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS just_RB
cased_VBD the_AT joint_NN to_TO see_VB what_WDT was_BEDZ there_RB ''_'' ._. But
_CC his_PP$ credentials_NNS are_BER impeccable_JJ ._. Already_RB the_AT Presiden
t_NN-TL and_CC the_AT First_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL have_HV deputized_VBN him_PPO to_TO
advise_VB on_IN matters_NNS ranging_VBG from_IN the_AT furnishing_NN of_IN the_
AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL to_IN the_AT renovation_NN of_IN Lafayette_NP-TL Squa
re_NN-TL ._. A_AT man_NN of_IN great_JJ talent_NN ,_, he_PPS will_MD continue_VB
to_TO serve_VB as_CS a_AT sort_NN of_IN Presidential_JJ-TL trouble-shooter_NN ,
_, strictly_RB ex_FW-IN officio_FW-NN ,_, for_IN culture_NN ._. A_AT more_QL off
icial_JJ representative_NN is_BEZ the_AT Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Inte
rior_NN-TL ._. Udall_NP ,_, who_WPS comes_VBZ from_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT Mormon
_NP first-families_NNS of_IN Arizona_NP ,_, is_BEZ a_AT bluff_JJ ,_, plain-spoke
n_JJ man_NN with_IN a_AT lust_NN for_IN politics_NN and_CC a_AT habit_NN of_IN l
anding_VBG right_QL in_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the_AT fight_NN ._. But_CC even
_RB while_CS sparring_VBG furiously_RB with_IN Republican_NP politicians_NNS ,_,
he_PPS displays_VBZ a_AT deep_JJ and_CC awesome_JJ veneration_NN for_IN anyone_
PN with_IN cultural_JJ attainments_NNS ._. His_PP$ private_JJ dining_VBG room_NN
has_HVZ become_VBN a_AT way_NN station_NN for_IN visiting_VBG intellectuals_NNS
such_JJ as_CS C._NP P._NP Snow_NP ,_, Arnold_NP Toynbee_NP ,_, and_CC Aaron_NP
Copland_NP ._. Udall_NP argues_VBZ that_CS Interior_NN-TL affairs_NNS should_MD
cover_VB a_AT great_JJ deal_NN more_AP than_CS dams_NNS and_CC wildlife_NN prese
rves_NNS ._. After_IN promoting_VBG Frost's_NP$ appearance_NN at_IN the_AT Inaug
uration_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS persuaded_VBD the_AT poet_NN to_TO return_VB several_AP
months_NNS later_RBR to_TO give_VB a_AT reading_NN to_IN a_AT select_JJ audienc
e_NN of_IN Cabinet_NN-TL members_NNS ,_, members_NNS of_IN Congress_NP ,_, and_C
C other_AP Washington_NP notables_NNS gathered_VBD in_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Depa
rtment_NN-TL auditorium_NN ._. The_AT event_NN was_BEDZ so_QL successful_JJ that
_CS the_AT Interior_NN-TL Secretary_NN-TL plans_VBZ to_TO serve_VB as_CS impresa
rio_NN for_IN similar_JJ ones_NNS from_IN time_NN to_IN time_NN ,_, hoping_VBG t
hereby_RB to_TO add_VB to_IN the_AT cultural_JJ enrichment_NN of_IN the_AT Admin
istration_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ Ideas_NNS in_IN this_DT respect_NN ,_, however_RB ,_
, sometimes_RB arouse_VB critical_JJ response_NN ._. One_CD tempest_NN was_BEDZ
stirred_VBN up_RP last_AP March_NP when_WRB Udall_NP announced_VBD that_CS an_AT
eight-and-a-half-foot_JJ bronze_NN statue_NN of_IN William_NP Jennings_NP Bryan
_NP ,_, sculpted_VBN by_IN the_AT late_JJ Gutzon_NP Borglum_NP ,_, would_MD be_B
E sent_VBN ``_`` on_IN indefinite_JJ loan_NN ''_'' to_IN Salem_NP ,_, Illinois_N
P ,_, Bryan's_NP$ birthplace_NN ._. Spokesmen_NNS for_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ tra
dition-minded_JJ sculptors_NNS promptly_RB claimed_VBD that_CS Udall_NP was_BEDZ
exiling_VBG the_AT statue_NN because_RB of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ hostility_NN to_IN
this_DT art_NN form_NN ._. They_PPSS dug_VBD up_RP a_AT speech_NN he_PPS had_HV
D made_VBN two_CD years_NNS earlier_RBR as_CS a_AT Congressman_NN-TL ,_, decryin
g_VBG the_AT more_AP than_IN two_CD hundred_CD statues_NNS ,_, monuments_NNS ,_,
and_CC memorials_NNS which_WDT ``_`` dot_VB the_AT Washington_NP landscape_NN a
s_CS patriotic_JJ societies_NNS and_CC zealous_JJ friends_NNS are_BER constantly
_RB hatching_VBG new_JJ plans_NNS ''_'' ._. Hoping_VBG to_TO cut_VB down_RP on_I
N such_JJ works_NNS ,_, Udall_NP had_HVD proposed_VBN that_CS a_AT politician_NN
be_BE at_IN least_AP fifty_CD years_NNS departed_VBN before_CS he_PPS is_BEZ me
morialized_VBN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ not_* likely_JJ to_TO win_VB this_DT battle_NN
easily_RB ._. In_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN the_AT Borglum_NP statue_NN an_AT Inter
ior_NN-TL aide_NN was_BEDZ obliged_VBN to_TO announce_VB that_CS there_EX had_HV
D been_BEN a_AT misunderstanding_NN and_CC that_CS the_AT Secretary_NN-TL had_HV
D no_AT desire_NN to_TO ``_`` hustle_VB ''_'' it_PPO out_IN of_IN Washington_NP
._. The_AT last_AP Congress_NP adopted_VBD seven_CD bills_NNS for_IN memorials_N
NS ,_, including_IN one_CD to_IN Taras_NP Shevchenko_NP ,_, the_AT Ukrainian_JJ
poet_NN laureate_JJ ;_. ;_. eleven_CD others_NNS were_BED introduced_VBN ._. Act
ive_JJ warfare_NN is_BEZ raging_VBG between_IN the_AT forces_NNS pressing_VBG fo
r_IN a_AT monument_NN to_IN the_AT first_OD Roosevelt_NP on_IN Theodore_NP-TL Ro
osevelt_NP-TL Island_NN-TL in_IN the_AT Potomac_NP ,_, and_CC TR.'s_NP$ own_JJ l
iving_VBG children_NNS ,_, who_WPS wish_VB to_TO preserve_VB the_AT island_NN as
_CS a_AT wildlife_NN sanctuary_NN ._. The_AT hotly_QL debated_VBN plan_NN for_IN
the_AT capital's_NN$ Franklin_NP D._NP Roosevelt_NP Memorial_NN-TL ,_, a_AT cir
cle_NN of_IN huge_JJ tablets_NNS engraved_VBN with_IN his_PP$ speeches_NNS (_( a
nd_CC promptly_RB dubbed_VBD by_IN one_CD of_IN its_PP$ critics_NNS ,_, ``_`` In
stant_JJ-TL Stonehenge_NP-TL ''_'' )_) ,_, is_BEZ another_DT of_IN Udall's_NP$ h
eadaches_NNS ,_, since_CS as_CS supervisor_NN of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Parks_
NNS-TL Commission_NN-TL he_PPS will_MD share_VB in_IN the_AT responsibility_NN f
or_IN building_VBG it_PPO ._. ``_`` Washington_NP ''_'' ,_, President_NN-TL Kenn
edy_NP has_HVZ been_BEN heard_VBN to_TO remark_VB ironically_RB ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ
a_AT city_NN of_IN southern_JJ efficiency_NN and_CC northern_JJ charm_NN ''_''
._. There_EX have_HV been_BEN indications_NNS that_CS he_PPS hopes_VBZ to_TO red
ress_VB that_DT situation_NN ,_, commencing_VBG with_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House
_NN-TL ._. One_CD of_IN Mrs._NP Kennedy's_NP$ initial_JJ concerns_NNS as_CS Firs
t_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL was_BEDZ the_AT sad_JJ state_NN of_IN the_AT furnishings_NNS
in_IN a_AT building_NN which_WDT is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO be_BE a_AT national_J
J shrine_NN ._. Ever_QL since_RB the_AT fire_NN of_IN 1812_CD destroyed_VBD the_
AT beautiful_JJ furniture_NN assembled_VBN by_IN President_NN-TL Thomas_NP Jeffe
rson_NP ,_, the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL has_HVZ collected_VBN a_AT hodgepodge
_NN of_IN period_NN pieces_NNS ,_, few_AP of_IN them_PPO authentic_JJ or_CC aest
hetic_JJ ._. Mrs._NP Kennedy_NP shows_VBZ a_AT determination_NN to_TO change_VB
all_ABN this_DT ._. Not_* long_RB after_IN moving_VBG in_RP she_PPS turned_VBD u
p_RP a_AT richly_QL carved_VBN desk_NN ,_, hewed_VBN from_IN the_AT timbers_NNS
of_IN the_AT British_JJ ship_NN H.M.S._NP Resolute_NP and_CC presented_VBN to_IN
President_NN-TL Hayes_NP by_IN Queen_NN-TL Victoria_NP ._. It_PPS now_RB serves
_VBZ the_AT President_NN-TL in_IN his_PP$ oval_JJ office_NN ._. Later_RBR ,_, br
owsing_VBG in_IN an_AT old_JJ issue_NN of_IN the_AT Gazette_FW-NN-TL Des_FW-IN+A
T-T Beaux-Arts_FW-NNS-TL ,_, she_PPS found_VBD a_AT description_NN of_IN a_AT ha
ndsome_JJ gilt_JJ pier-table_NN purchased_VBN in_IN 1817_CD by_IN President_NN-T
L James_NP Monroe_NP ._. She_PPS traced_VBD it_PPO to_IN a_AT storage_NN room_NN
._. With_IN its_PP$ coating_NN of_IN gold_NN radiator_NN paint_NN removed_VBN -
-_-- a_AT gaucherie_NN of_IN some_DTI earlier_JJR tenant_NN --_-- it_PPS will_MD
now_RB occupy_VB its_PP$ rightful_JJ place_NN in_IN the_AT oval_JJ Blue_JJ-TL R
oom_NN-TL on_IN the_AT first_OD floor_NN of_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._
. But_CC it_PPS soon_RB became_VBD clear_JJ that_CS the_AT search_NN for_IN eigh
teenth-century_JJ furniture_NN (_( which_WDT Mrs._NP Kennedy_NP feels_VBZ is_BEZ
the_AT proper_JJ period_NN for_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL )_) must_MD be
_BE pursued_VBN in_IN places_NNS other_AP than_CS government_NN storage_NN rooms
_NNS ._. The_AT First_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL appointed_VBD a_AT Fine_JJ-TL Arts_NNS-TL
Advisory_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL for_IN-TL the_AT-TL White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ,_,
to_TO locate_VB authentic_JJ pieces_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS to_TO arrange_VB way
s_NNS to_TO acquire_VB them_PPO ._. Her_PP$ effort_NN to_TO put_VB the_AT home_N
N of_IN living_VBG Presidents_NNS-TL on_IN the_AT same_AP basis_NN as_CS Mount_N
N-TL Vernon_NP-TL and_CC Monticello_NP recognizes_VBZ no_AT party_NN lines_NNS .
_. By_IN rough_JJ estimate_NN her_PP$ Committee_NN-TL ,_, headed_VBN by_IN Henry
_NP Francis_NP Du_NP Pont_NP ,_, contains_VBZ three_CD times_NNS as_QL many_AP R
epublicans_NPS as_CS Democrats_NPS ._. The_AT press_NN releases_NNS emanating_VB
G from_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL give_VB a_AT clue_NN to_IN the_AT activ
ity_NN within_RB ._. A_AT curator_NN has_HVZ been_BEN appointed_VBN ._. A_AT val
uable_JJ pencil-and-sepia_NN allegorical_JJ drawing_NN of_IN Benjamin_NP Frankli
n_NP by_IN Jean-Honore_NP Fragonard_NP has_HVZ been_BEN donated_VBN by_IN the_AT
art_NN dealer_NN Georges_NP Wildenstein_NP and_CC now_RB hangs_VBZ in_IN the_AT
Blue_JJ-TL Room_NN-TL ._. The_AT American_JJ-TL Institute_NN-TL of_IN-TL Interi
or_NN-TL Designers_NNS-TL is_BEZ redecorating_VBG the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL
library_NN ._. Secretary_NN and_CC Mrs._NP Dillon_NP have_HV contributed_VBN en
ough_AP pieces_NNS of_IN Empire_NN-TL furniture_NN ,_, including_IN Dolley_NP Ma
dison's_NP$ own_JJ sofa_NN ,_, to_TO furnish_VB a_AT room_NN in_IN that_DT style
_NN ._. And_CC part_NN of_IN a_AT fabulous_JJ collection_NN of_IN vermeil_FW-JJ
hollowware_NN ,_, bequeathed_VBN to_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL by_IN the_
AT late_JJ Mrs._NP Margaret_NP Thompson_NP Biddle_NP ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN taken_
VBN out_IN of_IN its_PP$ locked_VBN cases_NNS and_CC put_VBN on_IN display_NN in
_IN the_AT State_NN-TL dining_VBG room_NN ._. Woman's_NN$ place_NN is_BEZ in_IN
the_AT home_NN :_: man_NN must_MD attend_VB to_IN matters_NNS of_IN the_AT yard_
NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT vexatious_JJ problems_NNS to_TO first_RB confront_VB
President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP was_BEDZ the_AT property_NN lying_VBG just_QL across_
IN Pennsylvania_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL from_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. Co
ngress_NP had_HVD already_RB appropriated_VBN money_NN ,_, and_CC plans_NNS were
_BED well_QL along_RB to_TO tear_VB down_RP the_AT buildings_NNS flanking_VBG La
fayette_NP-TL Square_NN-TL and_CC replace_VB them_PPO with_IN what_WDT one_CD cr
itic_NN calls_VBZ the_AT ``_`` marble_NN monumentality_NN ''_'' of_IN government
_NN office_NN buildings_NNS ._. While_CS a_AT Senator_NN-TL ,_, Kennedy_NP had_H
VD unsuccessfully_RB pushed_VBN a_AT bill_NN to_TO preserve_VB the_AT Belasco_NP
-TL Theater_NN-TL ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT Dolley_NP Madison_NP and_CC the
_AT Benjamin_NP Taylor_NP houses_NNS ,_, all_ABN scheduled_VBN for_IN razing_VBG
._. What_WDT to_TO do_DO about_IN it_PPO now_RB that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ Preside
nt_NN-TL ?_. ?_. Only_RB a_AT few_AP days_NNS after_IN moving_VBG into_IN the_AT
White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. Kennedy_NP made_VBD a_AT midnight_NN inspection_NN
of_IN the_AT Square_NN-TL ._. Then_RB he_PPS called_VBD in_RP his_PP$ friend_NN
Walton_NP and_CC turned_VBD over_RP the_AT problem_NN to_IN him_PPO ,_, with_IN
instructions_NNS to_TO work_VB out_RP what_WDT was_BEDZ best_JJT --_-- provided_
VBN it_PPS didn't_DOD* pile_VB unnecessary_JJ burdens_NNS on_IN the_AT President
_NN-TL ._. The_AT situation_NN involved_VBD some_DTI political_JJ perils_NNS ._.
One_CD of_IN the_AT offices_NNS slated_VBN for_IN reconstruction_NN is_BEZ the_
AT aged_VBN Court_NN-TL of_IN-TL Claims_NNS-TL ,_, diagonally_RB across_IN the_A
T street_NN from_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. Logically_RB ,_, it_PPS s
hould_MD be_BE moved_VBN downtown_NR ._. But_CC Judge_NN-TL Marvin_NP Jones_NP ,
_, senior_JJ member_NN of_IN the_AT Court_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ an_AT elderly_JJ gent
leman_NN who_WPS lives_VBZ at_IN the_AT nearby_JJ Metropolitan_JJ-TL Club_NN-TL
and_CC desires_VBZ to_TO walk_VB to_IN work_NN ._. More_QL importantly_RB ,_, he
_PPS also_RB happens_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT brother-in-law_NN of_IN Sam_NP Raybu
rn_NP ,_, Speaker_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL House_NN-TL ._. There_EX were_BED aes
thetic_JJ problems_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS political_JJ ._. On_IN delving_VBG de
eper_RBR ,_, Walton_NP discovered_VBD that_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT buildings_NNS
fronting_VBG the_AT Square_NN-TL could_MD be_BE classified_VBN as_CS ``_`` earl
y_JJ nondescript_JJ ''_'' ._. The_AT old_JJ Belasco_NP-TL Theater_NN-TL ,_, over
_IN which_WDT many_AP people_NNS had_HVD grown_VBN sentimental_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ o
nly_RB a_AT shell_NN of_IN its_PP$ former_AP self_NN after_IN arduous_JJ years_N
NS as_CS a_AT USO_NN Center_NN-TL ._. The_AT Dolley_NP-TL Madison_NP-TL House_NN
-TL ,_, Walton_NP concluded_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ scarcely_QL worth_JJ preserving_VBG
._. ``_`` The_AT attempt_NN to_TO save_VB the_AT Square's_NN$-TL historic_JJ va
lue_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS declares_VBZ ,_, ``_`` came_VBD half_ABN a_AT century_NN
too_QL late_RB ''_'' ._. Surrounded_VBN by_IN ancient_JJ elms_NNS ,_, the_AT ca
mpus_NN is_BEZ spacious_JJ and_CC beautiful_JJ ._. The_AT buildings_NNS are_BER
mostly_RB Georgian_JJ ._. The_AT Dartmouth_NP student_NN does_DOZ not_* live_VB
in_IN monastic_JJ seclusion_NN ,_, as_CS he_PPS once_RB did_DOD ._. But_CC his_P
P$ is_BEZ still_RB a_AT simple_JJ life_NN relatively_QL free_JJ of_IN the_AT fem
ale_JJ presence_NN or_CC influence_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS must_MD go_VB far_RB ,_,
even_RB though_CS he_PPS may_MD go_VB fast_RB ,_, for_IN sophisticated_JJ pleas
ures_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ still_RB heir_NN to_IN the_AT rare_JJ gifts_NNS of_IN
space_NN and_CC silence_NN ,_, if_CS he_PPS chooses_VBZ to_TO be_BE ._. He_PPS
is_BEZ by_IN no_AT means_NN the_AT country_NN boy_NN he_PPS might_MD have_HV bee
n_BEN in_IN the_AT last_AP century_NN ,_, down_RP from_IN the_AT hills_NNS with_
IN bear_NN grease_NN on_IN his_PP$ hair_NN and_CC a_AT zeal_NN for_IN book_NN le
arning_NN in_IN his_PP$ heart_NN ._. The_AT men's_NNS$ shops_NNS on_IN Hanover's
_NP$ Main_JJS-TL Street_NN-TL compare_VB favorably_RB with_IN those_DTS in_IN Pr
inceton_NP and_CC New_JJ-TL Haven_NN-TL ._. And_CC the_AT automobiles_NNS that_W
PS stream_VB out_IN of_IN Hanover_NP each_DT weekend_NN ,_, toward_IN Smith_NP a
nd_CC Wellesley_NP and_CC Mount_NN-TL Holyoke_NP-TL ,_, are_BER no_QL less_QL ra
kish_JJ than_CS those_DTS leaving_VBG Cambridge_NP or_CC West_JJ-TL Philadelphia
_NP-TL ._. But_CC there_EX has_HVZ always_RB been_BEN an_AT outdoor_JJ air_NN to
_IN Dartmouth_NP ._. The_AT would-be_JJ sophisticate_NN and_CC the_AT citybred_J
J youth_NN adopt_VB this_DT air_NN without_IN embarrassment_NN ._. No_AT one_PN
here_RB pokes_VBZ fun_NN at_IN manly_JJ virtues_NNS ._. And_CC this_DT gives_VBZ
rise_NN to_IN an_AT easy_JJ camaraderie_NN probably_RB unequaled_JJ elsewhere_R
B in_IN the_AT Ivy_NN-TL League_NN-TL ._. It_PPS even_RB affects_VBZ the_AT facu
lty_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, when_WRB Dartmouth's_NP$ Winter_NN-TL Carnival_NN-TL --_-
- widely_RB recognized_VBN as_CS the_AT greatest_JJT ,_, wildest_JJT ,_, roaring
est_JJT college_NN weekend_NN anywhere_RB ,_, any_DTI time_NN --_-- was_BEDZ bro
adcast_VBN over_IN a_AT national_JJ television_NN hookup_NN ,_, Prexy_NP John_NP
Sloan_NP Dickey_NP appeared_VBD on_IN the_AT screen_NN in_IN rugged_JJ winter_N
N garb_NN ,_, topped_VBN off_RP by_IN a_AT tam-o'-shanter_NN which_WDT he_PPS co
nfessed_VBD had_HVD been_BEN acquired_VBN from_IN a_AT Smith_NP girl_NN ._. Pres
ident_NN-TL Dickey's_NP$ golden_JJ retriever_NN ,_, frolicking_VBG in_IN the_AT
snow_NN at_IN his_PP$ feet_NNS ,_, added_VBD to_IN the_AT picture_NN of_IN mascu
line_JJ informality_NN ._. This_DT carefree_JJ disdain_NN for_IN ``_`` side_NN '
'_'' cropped_VBD up_RP again_RB in_IN the_AT same_AP television_NN broadcast_NN
._. Dean_NN-TL Thaddeus_NP Seymour_NP ,_, wearing_VBG ski_NN clothes_NNS ,_, was
_BEDZ crowning_VBG a_AT beauteous_JJ damsel_NN queen_NN of_IN the_AT Carnival_NN
-TL ._. She_PPS must_MD have_HV looked_VBN temptingly_QL pretty_JJ to_IN the_AT
dean_NN as_CS he_PPS put_VBD the_AT crown_NN on_IN her_PP$ head_NN ._. So_RB he_
PPS kissed_VBD her_PPO ._. No_AT Dartmouth_NP man_NN was_BEDZ surprised_VBN ._.
Dartmouth_NP students_NNS enjoy_VB other_AP unusual_JJ diversions_NNS with_IN eq
ual_JJ sang-froid_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, groups_NNS regularly_RB canoe_VB
down_IN the_AT Connecticut_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. This_DT is_BEZ in_IN honor_NN o
f_IN John_NP Ledyard_NP ,_, class_NN of_IN 1773_CD ,_, who_WPS scooped_VBD a_AT
canoe_NN out_IN of_IN a_AT handy_JJ tree_NN and_CC first_RB set_VBD the_AT cours
e_NN way_QL back_RB in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ student_NN days_NNS ._. And_CC these_DT
S hardy_JJ travelers_NNS are_BER not_* unappreciated_JJ today_NR ._. They_PPSS a
re_BER hailed_VBN by_IN the_AT nation's_NN$ press_NN ,_, and_CC Smith_NP girls_N
NS throng_VB the_AT riverbanks_NNS at_IN Northampton_NP and_CC refresh_VB the_AT
voyageurs_FW-NNS with_IN hot_JJ soup_NN and_CC kisses_NNS ._. Dartmouth's_NP$ f
avorite_JJ and_CC most_QL characteristic_JJ recreation_NN is_BEZ skiing_VBG ._.
Since_IN the_AT days_NNS when_WRB their_PP$ two_CD thousand_CD pairs_NNS of_IN s
kis_NNS outnumbered_VBD those_DTS assembled_VBN anywhere_RB else_RB in_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, the_AT students_NNS have_HV stopped_VBN regardi
ng_VBG the_AT Olympic_JJ-TL Ski_NN-TL Team_NN-TL as_CS another_DT name_NN for_IN
their_PP$ own_JJ ._. Yet_CC Dartmouth_NP still_RB is_BEZ the_AT dominant_JJ mem
ber_NN of_IN the_AT Intercollegiate_JJ-TL Ski_NN-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT in
cludes_VBZ the_AT winter_NN sports_NNS colleges_NNS of_IN Canada_NP as_QL well_R
B as_CS those_DTS of_IN this_DT country_NN ._. Dartmouth_NP students_NNS ski_JJ
everywhere_RB in_IN winter_NN ,_, starting_VBG with_IN their_PP$ own_JJ front_JJ
door_NN ._. They_PPSS can_MD hire_VB a_AT horse_NN and_CC go_VB ski-joring_VBG
behind_IN him_PPO ,_, or_CC move_VB out_RP to_IN Oak_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL ,_, where_
WRB there's_EX+BEZ a_AT lift_NN ._. The_AT Dartmouth_NP Skiway_NP ,_, at_IN Holt
's_NP$-TL Ledge_NN-TL ,_, ten_CD miles_NNS north_NR of_IN the_AT campus_NN ,_, h
as_HVZ one_CD of_IN the_AT best_JJT terrains_NNS in_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ,_, ran
ging_VBG from_IN novice_NN to_IN expert_JJ ._. Forty_CD miles_NNS farther_RBR no
rth_NR is_BEZ Mount_NN-TL Moosilauke_NP-TL ,_, Dartmouth's_NP$ own_JJ mountain_N
N ._. Here_RB ,_, at_IN the_AT Ravine_NN-TL Lodge_NN-TL ,_, President_NN-TL Dick
ey_NP acts_VBZ as_CS host_NN every_AT year_NN to_IN about_RB a_AT hundred_CD fre
shmen_NNS who_WPS are_BER being_BEG introduced_VBN by_IN the_AT Dartmouth_NP-TL
Outing_NN-TL Club_NN-TL to_IN life_NN on_IN the_AT trails_NNS ._. The_AT Lodge_N
N-TL ,_, built_VBN of_IN hand-hewn_JJ virgin_JJ spruce_NN ,_, can_MD handle_VB f
ifty_CD people_NNS for_IN dining_VBG ,_, sleeping_VBG ,_, or_CC lounging_VBG in_
IN its_PP$ huge_JJ living_VBG room_NN ._. The_AT Outing_NN-TL Club_NN-TL also_RB
owns_VBZ a_AT chain_NN of_IN fourteen_CD cabins_NNS and_CC several_AP shelters_
NNS ,_, extending_VBG from_IN the_AT Vermont_NP hills_NNS ,_, just_QL across_IN
the_AT river_NN from_IN the_AT college_NN ,_, through_IN Hanover_NP to_IN the_AT
College_NN-TL Grant_NN-TL --_-- 27,000_CD acres_NNS of_IN wilderness_NN 140_CD
miles_NNS north_NR up_RP in_IN the_AT logging_VBG country_NN ._. The_AT cabins_N
NS are_BER equipped_VBN with_IN bunks_NNS ,_, blankets_NNS ,_, and_CC cooking_VB
G equipment_NN and_CC are_BER ideal_JJ bases_NNS for_IN hikes_NNS and_CC skiing_
VBG trips_NNS ._. The_AT club_NN runs_VBZ regular_JJ trips_NNS to_IN the_AT cabi
ns_NNS ,_, but_CC many_AP of_IN the_AT students_NNS prefer_VB to_TO take_VB off_
RP in_IN small_JJ unofficial_JJ groups_NNS for_IN a_AT weekend_NN of_IN hunting_
VBG ,_, fishing_VBG ,_, climbing_VBG ,_, or_CC skiing_VBG ._. Under_IN the_AT au
spices_NNS of_IN the_AT Outing_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ,_, Dartmouth_NP also_RB has_HVZ
the_AT Mountaineering_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT takes_VBZ on_RP tough_JJ c
limbs_NNS like_CS Mount_NN-TL McKinley_NP-TL ,_, and_CC Bait_NN-TL &_CC-TL Bulle
t_NN-TL ,_, whose_WP$ interests_NNS are_BER self-evident_JJ ,_, and_CC even_RB s
ports_VBZ a_AT Woodman's_NP$-TL Team_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT competes_VBZ with_IN ot
her_AP New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL colleges_NNS in_IN wood_NN sawing_NN and_CC chopp
ing_VBG ,_, canoe_NN races_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT like_JJ ._. There_EX is_BEZ muc
h_AP to_TO be_BE said_VBN for_IN a_AT college_NN that_WPS ,_, while_CS happily_R
B attuned_VBN to_IN the_AT sophisticated_JJ Ivies_NPS ,_, still_RB gives_VBZ its
_PP$ students_NNS a_AT chance_NN to_TO get_VB up_RP early_RB in_IN the_AT mornin
g_NN and_CC drive_VB along_IN back_JJ roads_NNS where_WRB a_AT glimpse_NN of_IN
small_JJ game_NN ,_, deer_NNS ,_, or_CC even_RB bear_NNS is_BEZ not_* uncommon_J
J ._. City_NN boys_NNS find_VB a_AT lot_NN of_IN learning_VBG in_IN the_AT feel_
NN of_IN an_AT ax_NN handle_NN or_CC in_IN the_AT sharp_JJ tang_NN of_IN a_AT sa
wmill_NN ,_, come_VBN upon_RB suddenly_RB in_IN a_AT backwoods_NNS logging_VBG c
amp_NN ._. And_CC on_IN the_AT summit_NN of_IN Mount_NN-TL Washington_NP-TL ,_,
where_WRB thirty-five_CD degrees_NNS below_IN zero_CD is_BEZ commonplace_JJ and_
CC the_AT wind_NN velocity_NN has_HVZ registered_VBN higher_RBR than_CS anywhere
_RB else_RB in_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT kind_NN of_IN wisdom_
NN to_TO be_BE found_VBN that_CS other_AP men_NNS often_RB seek_VB in_IN the_AT
Himalayas_NPS ``_`` because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ there_RB ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ
much_AP to_TO be_BE said_VBN for_IN such_ABL a_AT college_NN --_-- and_CC Dartmo
uth_NP men_NNS have_HV been_BEN accused_VBN of_IN saying_VBG it_PPO too_QL often
_RB and_CC too_QL loudly_RB ._. Their_PP$ affection_NN for_IN their_PP$ college_
NN home_NN has_HVZ even_RB caused_VBN President_NN-TL Dickey_NP to_TO comment_VB
on_IN this_DT ``_`` place_NN loyalty_NN ''_'' as_CS something_PN rather_QL spec
ially_RB Hanoverian_JJ ._. Probably_RB a_AT lawyer_NN once_RB said_VBD it_PPO be
st_RBT for_IN all_ABN time_NN in_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL of_IN-TL th
e_AT-TL United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Early_RB in_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD cent
ury_NN the_AT State_NN-TL of_IN-TL New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-TL was_BEDZ casting_VB
G about_RB for_IN a_AT way_NN to_TO found_VB its_PP$ own_JJ state_NN university_
NN ._. It_PPS fixed_VBD on_IN Dartmouth_NP-TL College_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT was_BE
DZ ready-made_JJ and_CC just_RB what_WDT the_AT proctor_NN ordered_VBD ._. The_A
T legislators_NNS decided_VBD to_TO ``_`` liberate_VB ''_'' Dartmouth_NP and_CC
entered_VBD into_IN a_AT tug-o'-war_NN with_IN the_AT college_NN trustees_NNS ov
er_IN the_AT control_NN of_IN classrooms_NNS ,_, faculty_NN ,_, and_CC chapel_NN
._. For_IN a_AT time_NN there_EX were_BED two_CD factions_NNS on_IN the_AT camp
us_NN fighting_VBG for_IN possession_NN of_IN the_AT student_NN body_NN ._. The_
AT struggle_NN was_BEDZ resolved_VBN in_IN 1819_CD in_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Co
urt_NN-TL in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL intriguing_JJ cases_NNS in_IN our_PP
$ judicial_JJ history_NN ._. In_IN 1817_CD the_AT lawyers_NNS were_BED generally
_RB debating_VBG the_AT legal_JJ inviolability_NN of_IN private_JJ contracts_NNS
and_CC charters_NNS ._. A_AT lawyer_NN ,_, hired_VBN by_IN the_AT college_NN ,_
, was_BEDZ arguing_VBG specifically_RB for_IN Dartmouth_NP :_: Daniel_NP Webster
_NP ,_, class_NN of_IN 1801_CD ,_, made_VBD her_PP$ plight_NN the_AT dramatic_JJ
focus_NN of_IN his_PP$ whole_JJ plea_NN ._. In_IN an_AT age_NN of_IN oratory_NN
,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT king_NN of_IN orators_NNS ,_, and_CC both_ABX he_PPS
himself_PPL and_CC Chief_JJS-TL Justice_NN-TL Marshall_NP were_BED bathed_VBN i
n_IN manly_JJ tears_NNS ,_, as_CS Uncle_NP Dan'l_NP reached_VBD his_PP$ thunderi
ng_VBG climax_NN :_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, sir_NN ,_, as_CS I_PPSS have_HV sai
d_VBN ,_, a_AT small_JJ college_NN ,_, and_CC yet_RB there_EX are_BER those_DTS
who_WPS love_VB it_PPO ._. ''_'' Dartmouth_NP is_BEZ today_NR still_RB a_AT smal
l_JJ college_NN --_-- and_CC still_RB a_AT private_JJ one_CD ,_, thanks_NNS to_I
N Webster's_NP$ eloquence_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* out_IN of_IN keeping_VBG w
ith_IN its_PP$ origins_NNS ,_, probably_RB the_AT most_QL humble_JJ of_IN any_DT
I in_IN the_AT Ivy_NN-TL group_NN ._. Eleazar_NP Wheelock_NP ,_, a_AT Presbyteri
an_JJ minister_NN ,_, founded_VBD the_AT school_NN in_IN 1769_CD ,_, naming_VBG
it_PPO after_IN the_AT second_OD earl_NN of_IN Dartmouth_NP ,_, its_PP$ sponsor_
NN and_CC benefactor_NN ._. Eleazar_NP ,_, pausing_VBG on_IN the_AT Hanover_NP p
lain_NN ,_, found_VBD its_PP$ great_JJ forests_NNS and_CC remoteness_NN good_JJ
and_CC with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ hands_NNS built_VBD the_AT first_OD College_NN-TL
Hall_NN-TL ,_, a_AT log_NN hut_NN dedicated_VBN ``_`` for_IN the_AT education_NN
&_CC instruction_NN of_IN Youth_NN of_IN the_AT Indian_JJ-TL Tribes_NNS-TL in_I
N this_DT Land_NN in_IN reading_VBG ,_, writing_VBG &_CC all_ABN parts_NNS of_IN
learning_VBG which_WDT shall_MD appear_VB necessary_JJ and_CC expedient_JJ for_
IN civilizing_VBG &_CC christianizing_VBG Children_NNS of_IN Pagans_NNS as_QL we
ll_RB as_CS in_IN all_ABN liberal_JJ Arts_NNS and_CC Sciences_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC
also_RB of_IN English_NP Youth_NN and_CC any_DTI others_NNS ''_'' ._. It_PPS wa
s_BEDZ a_AT hardy_JJ undertaking_NN ,_, and_CC Wheelock's_NP$ was_BEDZ indeed_RB
``_`` a_AT voice_NN crying_VBG in_IN the_AT wilderness_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT road_N
N had_HVD to_TO be_BE hacked_VBN through_IN trackless_JJ forests_NNS between_IN
Hanover_NP and_CC Portsmouth_NP to_TO permit_VB Governor_NN-TL Wentworth_NP and_
CC a_AT company_NN of_IN gentlemen_NNS to_TO attend_VB the_AT first_OD Dartmouth
_NP commencement_NN in_IN 1771_CD ._. The_AT governor_NN and_CC his_PP$ retinue_
NN thoughtfully_RB brought_VBD with_IN them_PPO a_AT glorious_JJ silver_NN punch
bowl_NN which_WDT is_BEZ still_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT cherished_VBN possessions_
NNS of_IN the_AT college_NN ._. The_AT exuberance_NN on_IN this_DT occasion_NN s
et_VBD a_AT standard_NN for_IN subsequent_JJ Dartmouth_NP gatherings_NNS ._. A_A
T student_NN orator_NN ``_`` produced_VBD tears_NNS from_IN a_AT great_JJ number
_NN of_IN the_AT learned_VBN ''_'' even_RB before_CS the_AT punch_NN was_BEDZ se
rved_VBN ._. Then_RB from_IN the_AT branches_NNS of_IN a_AT near-by_JJ tree_NN a
n_AT Indian_JJ underclassman_NN ,_, disdaining_VBG both_ABX the_AT platform_NN a
nd_CC the_AT English_JJ language_NN ,_, harangued_VBD the_AT assemblage_NN in_IN
his_PP$ aboriginal_JJ tongue_NN ._. Governor_NN-TL Wentworth_NP contributed_VBD
an_AT ox_NN for_IN a_AT barbecue_NN on_IN the_AT green_NN beneath_IN the_AT thr
ee-hundred-foot_JJ pines_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT barrel_NN of_IN rum_NN was_BEDZ bro
ached_VBN ._. The_AT cook_NN got_VBD drunk_JJ ,_, and_CC President_NN-TL Wheeloc
k_NP proved_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT man_NN of_IN broad_JJ talents_NNS by_IN carving
_VBG the_AT ox_NN himself_PPL ._. Future_JJ commencements_NNS were_BED more_QL d
ecorous_JJ perhaps_RB ,_, but_CC the_AT number_NN of_IN graduates_NNS increased_
VBD from_IN the_AT original_JJ four_CD at_IN a_AT relatively_QL slow_JJ pace_NN
._. By_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN ,_, in_IN 1893_CD
,_, when_WRB the_AT Big_JJ-TL Three_CD-TL ,_, Columbia_NP ,_, and_CC Penn_NP wer
e_BED populous_JJ centers_NNS of_IN learning_VBG ,_, Dartmouth_NP graduated_VBD
only_RB sixty-nine_CD ._. The_AT dormitories_NNS ,_, including_IN the_AT beloved
_JJ Dartmouth_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL ,_, could_MD barely_RB house_VB two_CD hundred_CD
students_NNS in_IN Spartan_NP fashion_NN ._. Then_RB in_IN 1893_CD Dr._NN-TL Wi
lliam_NP Jewett_NP Tucker_NP became_VBD president_NN and_CC the_AT college's_NN$
great_JJ awakening_NN began_VBD ._. He_PPS transformed_VBD Dartmouth_NP from_IN
a_AT small_JJ New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-TL institution_NN into_IN a_AT national_JJ
college_NN ._. By_IN 1907_CD the_AT number_NN of_IN undergraduates_NNS had_HVD
risen_VBN to_IN 1,107_CD ._. And_CC at_IN his_PP$ last_AP commencement_NN ,_, in
_IN that_DT year_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Tucker_NP and_CC Dartmouth_NP were_BED honored
_VBN by_IN the_AT presence_NN of_IN distinguished_VBN academic_JJ visitors_NNS a
ttesting_VBG to_IN the_AT new_JJ stature_NN of_IN the_AT college_NN ._. The_AT p
residents_NNS of_IN Cornell_NP ,_, Wisconsin_NP ,_, C.C.N.Y._NP ,_, Bowdoin_NP ,
_, Vermont_NP ,_, Brown_NP ,_, Columbia_NP ,_, Princeton_NP ,_, Yale_NP ,_, and_
CC Harvard_NP and_CC the_AT presidents_NNS emeritus_JJ of_IN Harvard_NP and_CC M
ichigan_NP were_BED there_RB ._. Dartmouth_NP is_BEZ numerically_RB still_RB a_A
T small_JJ college_NN today_NR ,_, with_IN approximately_RB twenty-nine_CD hundr
ed_CD undergraduates_NNS ._. But_CC it_PPS has_HVZ achieved_VBN a_AT cross-secti
on_NN of_IN students_NNS from_IN almost_RB all_ABN the_AT states_NNS ,_, and_CC
two-thirds_NNS of_IN its_PP$ undergraduates_NNS come_VB from_IN outside_IN New_J
J-TL England_NP-TL ._. Over_RP 450_CD different_JJ schools_NNS are_BER usually_R
B represented_VBN in_IN each_DT entering_VBG class_NN ._. Only_RB a_AT dozen_NN
or_CC so_RB schools_NNS send_VB as_QL many_AP as_CS six_CD students_NNS ,_, and_
CC there_EX are_BER seldom_RB more_AP than_IN fifteen_CD men_NNS in_IN any_DTI s
ingle_AP delegation_NN ._. About_RB two-thirds_NNS of_IN the_AT boys_NNS now_RB
come_VB from_IN public_JJ schools_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ still_RB a_AT college_NN
only_RB and_CC not_* a_AT university_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN
,_, the_AT only_AP college_NN in_IN the_AT Ivy_NN-TL group_NN ._. However_RB ,_
, three_CD distinguished_VBN associated_VBN graduate_JJ schools_NNS offer_VB pro
fessional_JJ curriculums_NNS --_-- the_AT Dartmouth_NP-TL Medical_JJ-TL School_N
N-TL (_( third_OD oldest_JJT in_IN the_AT country_NN and_CC founded_VBN in_IN 17
97_CD )_) ,_, the_AT-TL Thayer_NP-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Engineering_NN-TL ,_,
and_CC the_AT Amos_NP-TL Tuck_NP-TL School_NN-TL of_IN-TL Business_NN-TL Admini
stration_NN-TL ._. All_ABN three_CD are_BER purposely_RB kept_VBN small_JJ ,_, w
ith_IN a_AT current_JJ total_NN enrollment_NN of_IN about_RB two_CD hundred_CD .
_. All_ABN three_CD schools_NNS coordinate_VB their_PP$ educational_JJ programs_
NNS with_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT undergraduate_JJ college_NN and_CC ,_, like_CS
the_AT college_NN proper_JJ ,_, place_VB emphasis_NN upon_IN a_AT broad_JJ liber
al_JJ arts_NNS course_NN as_CS the_AT proper_JJ foundation_NN for_IN specialized
_VBN study_NN ._. Students_NNS of_IN the_AT college_NN who_WPS are_BER candidate
s_NNS for_IN the_AT A.B._NP degree_NN and_CC can_MD satisfy_VB the_AT academic_J
J requirements_NNS of_IN the_AT medical_JJ and_CC business_NN schools_NNS ,_, ma
y_MD enter_VB either_DTX of_IN these_DTS associated_VBN schools_NNS at_IN the_AT
beginning_NN of_IN senior_JJ year_NN ,_, thus_RB completing_VBG the_AT two-year
_JJ postgraduate_JJ course_NN in_IN one_CD year_NN ._. The_AT Thayer_NP-TL Schoo
l_NN-TL offers_VBZ a_AT year_NN of_IN postgraduate_JJ study_NN in_IN somewhat_RB
the_AT same_AP way_NN ,_, after_CS a_AT boy_NN wins_VBZ a_AT B.S._NP in_IN engi
neering_VBG ._. So_RB Dartmouth_NP is_BEZ moving_VBG closer_RBR to_IN the_AT oth
ers_NNS in_IN the_AT Ivy_NN-TL group_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ still_RB ,_, however_R
B ,_, the_AT junior_JJ member_NN of_IN the_AT League_NN-TL ,_, if_CS not_* in_IN
years_NNS at_IN least_AP in_IN the_AT catching_NN up_RP it_PPS has_HVZ had_HVN
to_TO do_DO ._. It_PPS has_HVZ not_* been_BEN a_AT well-known_JJ school_NN for_I
N any_DTI part_NN of_IN the_AT span_NN the_AT other_AP Ivies_NPS have_HV enjoyed
_VBN ._. However_WQL much_AP football_NN has_HVZ been_BEN over-emphasized_VBN ,_
, the_AT public_NN likes_VBZ to_TO measure_VB its_PP$ collegiate_JJ favorites_NN
S by_IN the_AT scoreboard_NN ,_, so_RB ,_, while_CS Yale_NP need_VB never_RB giv
e_VB its_PP$ record_NN a_AT thought_NN again_RB since_CS outscoring_VBG its_PP$
opponents_NNS 694_CD to_IN 0_CD in_IN the_AT season_NN of_IN 1888_CD ,_, Dartmou
th_NP had_HVD to_TO wait_VB until_IN its_PP$ championship_NN team_NN of_IN 1925_
CD for_IN national_JJ recognition_NN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ come_VBN on_RP with_IN a
_AT rush_NN in_IN more_QL significant_JJ areas_NNS ._. Today_NR it_PPS espouses_
VBZ certain_JJ ideas_NNS in_IN its_PP$ curriculum_NN that_WPO other_AP instituti
ons_NNS might_MD consider_VB somewhat_QL breathtaking_JJ ._. But_CC Dartmouth_NP
preserves_VBZ its_PP$ youthful_JJ brashness_NN even_RB in_IN its_PP$ educationa
l_JJ attitudes_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, although_CS some_DTI of_IN its_PP$ experiments
_NNS may_MD still_RB be_BE in_IN the_AT testing_VBG stage_NN ,_, they_PPSS make_
VB for_IN lively_JJ copy_NN ._. President_NN-TL Emeritus_JJ-TL Hopkins_NP once_R
B proposed_VBD to_TO corral_VB an_AT ``_`` aristocracy_NN of_IN brains_NNS ''_''
in_IN Hanover_NP ._. The_AT person_NN who_WPS left_VBD the_AT buggy_NN there_RB
has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN identified_VBN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT busy_JJ stree
t_NN ,_, conveniently_RB near_IN the_AT shopping_VBG center_NN ,_, and_CC unatte
nded_JJ horses_NNS and_CC wagons_NNS were_BED often_RB left_VBN at_IN the_AT cur
bside_NN ._. There_EX are_BER ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, many_AP weaknesses_NNS in_
IN any_DTI case_NN against_IN Emma_NP ._. She_PPS didn't_DOD* like_VB her_PP$ st
epmother_NN ,_, but_CC nothing_PN is_BEZ known_VBN to_TO have_HV occurred_VBN sh
ortly_RB before_IN the_AT crime_NN that_WPS could_MD have_HV caused_VBN such_ABL
a_AT murderous_JJ rage_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD no_AT way_NN of_IN knowing_VBG in
_IN advance_NN whether_CS an_AT opportunity_NN for_IN murder_NN existed_VBD ._.
She_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN taking_VBG more_AP than_IN a_AT fair_JJ risk_N
N of_IN being_BEG seen_VBN and_CC recognized_VBN during_IN her_PP$ travels_NNS .
_. If_CS she_PPS avoided_VBD the_AT train_NN and_CC hired_VBD a_AT buggy_NN ,_,
the_AT stableman_NN might_MD have_HV recognized_VBN her_PPO ._. If_CS police_NN
had_HVD checked_VBN on_IN her_PPO more_QL thoroughly_RB than_CS is_BEZ indicated
_VBN ,_, she_PPS would_MD be_BE completely_RB eliminated_VBN as_CS a_AT suspect_
NN ._. Uncle_NN-TL John_NP Vinnicum_NP Morse_NP was_BEDZ the_AT immediate_JJ pop
ular_JJ suspect_NN ._. His_PP$ sudden_JJ unannounced_JJ appearance_NN at_IN the_
AT Borden_NP home_NN was_BEDZ strange_JJ in_IN that_CS he_PPS did_DOD not_* carr
y_VB an_AT iota_NN of_IN baggage_NN with_IN him_PPO ,_, although_CS he_PPS clear
ly_RB intended_VBD to_TO stay_VB overnight_RB ,_, if_CS not_* longer_RBR ._. Liz
zie_NP stated_VBD during_IN the_AT inquest_NN that_CS while_CS her_PP$ father_NN
and_CC uncle_NN were_BED in_IN the_AT sitting_VBG room_NN the_AT afternoon_NN b
efore_IN the_AT murders_NNS ,_, she_PPS had_HVD been_BEN disturbed_VBN by_IN the
ir_PP$ voices_NNS and_CC had_HVD closed_VBN her_PP$ door_NN ,_, even_RB though_C
S it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT very_QL hot_JJ day_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ evident_JJ that_C
S Lizzie_NP did_DOD not_* tell_VB everything_PN she_PPS overheard_VBD between_IN
her_PP$ father_NN and_CC her_PP$ Uncle_NN-TL Morse_NP ._. At_IN that_DT time_NN
Jennings_NP had_HVD a_AT young_JJ law_NN associate_NN named_VBN Arthur_NP S._NP
Phillips_NP ._. A_AT few_AP years_NNS ago_RB ,_, not_* too_QL long_RB before_IN
his_PP$ death_NN ,_, Phillips_NP revealed_VBD in_IN a_AT newspaper_NN story_NN
that_CS he_PPS had_HVD always_RB suspected_VBN Morse_NP of_IN the_AT murders_NNS
._. He_PPS said_VBD Morse_NP and_CC Borden_NP had_HVD quarreled_VBN violently_R
B in_IN the_AT house_NN that_DT day_NN ,_, information_NN which_WDT must_MD have
_HV come_VBN from_IN Lizzie_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ obviously_RB the_AT sound_NN
of_IN this_DT argument_NN that_WPS caused_VBD Lizzie_NP to_TO close_VB her_PP$ d
oor_NN ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL Bedford_NP-TL Standard-Times_NP-TL has_HVZ reported_
VBN Knowlton_NP as_CS saying_VBG ,_, long_RB after_IN the_AT trial_NN ,_, that_C
S if_CS he_PPS only_RB knew_VBD what_WDT Borden_NP said_VBD during_IN his_PP$ co
nversation_NN with_IN Morse_NP ,_, he_PPS would_MD have_HV convicted_VBN ``_`` s
omebody_PN ''_'' ._. Notice_VB ,_, Knowlton_NP did_DOD not_* say_VB that_CS he_P
PS would_MD have_HV obtained_VBN a_AT conviction_NN in_IN the_AT trial_NN of_IN
Lizzie_NP Borden_NP ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS would_MD have_HV convicted_VBN ``
_`` somebody_PN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ known_VBN that_CS Morse_NP did_DOD assoc
iate_VB with_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN itinerant_JJ horse_NN traders_NNS who_WPS ma
de_VBD their_PP$ headquarters_NN at_IN Westport_NP ,_, a_AT town_NN not_* far_RB
from_IN Fall_NN-TL River_NN-TL ._. They_PPSS were_BED a_AT vagabond_NN lot_NN a
nd_CC considered_VBN to_TO be_BE shady_JJ and_CC undesirable_JJ characters_NNS .
_. Fall_NN-TL River_NN-TL police_NNS did_DOD go_VB to_IN Westport_NP to_TO see_V
B if_CS they_PPSS could_MD get_VB any_DTI information_NN against_IN Morse_NP and
_CC possibly_RB find_VB an_AT accomplice_NN whom_WPO he_PPS might_MD have_HV hir
ed_VBN from_IN among_IN these_DTS men_NNS ._. These_DTS officers_NNS found_VBD n
o_AT incriminating_VBG information_NN ._. Morse's_NP$ alibi_NN was_BEDZ not_* as
_QL solid_JJ as_CS it_PPS seemed_VBD ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS returned_VBD fro
m_IN the_AT visit_NN to_IN his_PP$ niece_NN on_IN the_AT 11:20_CD streetcar_NN .
_. The_AT woman_NN in_IN the_AT house_NN where_WRB the_AT niece_NN was_BEDZ stay
ing_VBG backed_VBD up_RP his_PP$ story_NN and_CC said_VBD she_PPS left_VBD when_
WRB he_PPS did_DOD to_TO shop_VB for_IN her_PP$ dinner_NN ._. Fall_NN-TL River_N
N-TL is_BEZ not_* a_AT fashionable_JJ town_NN ._. The_AT dinner_NN hour_NN there
_RB was_BEDZ twelve_CD noon_NN ._. If_CS this_DT woman_NN had_HVD delayed_VBN un
til_IN after_IN 11:20_CD to_TO start_VB her_PP$ shopping_NN ,_, she_PPS would_MD
have_HV had_HVN little_AP time_NN in_IN which_WDT to_TO prepare_VB the_AT subst
antial_JJ meal_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ eaten_VBN at_IN dinner_NN in_IN those_DTS da
ys_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS Morse_NP told_VBD the_AT woman_NN i
t_PPS was_BEDZ 11:20_CD ,_, but_CC it_PPS could_MD have_HV been_BEN earlier_RBR
,_, since_CS she_PPS did_DOD serve_VB dinner_NN on_IN time_NN ._. Police_NNS did
_DOD make_VB an_AT attempt_NN to_TO check_VB on_IN Morse's_NP$ alibi_NN ._. They
_PPSS interviewed_VBD the_AT conductor_NN of_IN the_AT streetcar_NN Morse_NP sai
d_VBD he_PPS had_HVD taken_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT man_NN did_DOD not_* remember_V
B Morse_NP as_CS a_AT passenger_NN ._. Questioned_VBN further_RBR ,_, Morse_NP s
aid_VBD that_CS there_EX had_HVD been_BEN four_CD or_CC five_CD priests_NNS ridi
ng_VBG on_IN the_AT same_AP car_NN with_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT conductor_NN did_D
OD recall_VB having_HVG priests_NNS as_CS passengers_NNS and_CC this_DT satisfie
d_VBD police_NNS ,_, although_CS the_AT conductor_NN also_RB pointed_VBD out_RP
that_CS in_IN heavily_RB Catholic_JJ Fall_NN-TL River_NN-TL there_EX were_BED pr
iests_NNS riding_VBG on_IN almost_RB every_AT trip_NN the_AT streetcar_NN made_V
BD ,_, so_RB Morse's_NP$ statement_NN really_RB proved_VBD nothing_PN ._. We_PPS
S do_DO know_VB that_CS Morse_NP left_VBD the_AT house_NN before_IN nine_CD o'cl
ock_RB ._. Bridget_NP testified_VBD she_PPS saw_VBD him_PPO leave_VB through_IN
the_AT side_JJ door_NN ._. Morse_NP said_VBD Borden_NP let_VB him_PPO out_RP and
_CC locked_VBD the_AT screen_NN door_NN ._. From_IN that_DT point_NN on_RP he_PP
S said_VBD he_PPS went_VBD to_IN the_AT post_NN office_NN and_CC then_RB walked_
VBD leisurely_RB to_IN where_WRB his_PP$ niece_NN was_BEDZ staying_VBG ,_, more_
AP than_IN a_AT mile_NN away_RB ._. He_PPS met_VBD nobody_PN he_PPS knew_VBD on_
IN this_DT walk_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT accounting_NN of_IN his_PP$ movemen
ts_NNS in_IN this_DT long_JJ gap_NN of_IN time_NN which_WDT covers_VBZ the_AT ea
rly_JJ hours_NNS when_WRB Mrs._NP Borden_NP was_BEDZ killed_VBN ._. Morse_NP tes
tified_VBD that_CS while_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ having_HVG breakfast_NN in_IN the_AT
dining_VBG room_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Borden_NP told_VBD the_AT servant_NN ,_, ``_`` B
ridget_NP ,_, I_PPSS want_VB you_PPO to_TO wash_VB these_DTS windows_NNS today_N
R ''_'' ._. Bridget's_NP$ testimony_NN was_BEDZ in_IN direct_JJ contradiction_NN
._. She_PPS said_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ after_CS she_PPS returned_VBD from_IN her_
PP$ vomiting_VBG spell_NN in_IN the_AT back_JJ yard_NN that_CS Mrs._NP Borden_NP
told_VBD her_PPO to_TO wash_VB the_AT windows_NNS ._. This_DT was_BEDZ long_RB
after_CS Morse_NP had_HVD left_VBN the_AT house_NN ._. Morse's_NP$ knowledge_NN
of_IN what_WDT Mrs._NP Borden_NP told_VBD Bridget_NP could_MD indicate_VB that_C
S he_PPS had_HVD returned_VBN secretly_RB to_IN the_AT house_NN and_CC was_BEDZ
hidden_VBN there_RB ._. He_PPS knew_VBD the_AT house_NN fairly_QL well_RB ,_, he
_PPS had_HVD been_BEN there_RB on_IN two_CD previous_JJ visits_NNS during_IN the
_AT past_AP three_CD or_CC four_CD months_NNS alone_RB ._. And_CC despite_IN Kno
wlton's_NP$ attempts_NNS to_TO show_VB that_CS the_AT house_NN was_BEDZ locked_V
BN up_RP tighter_RBR than_CS a_AT drum_NN ,_, this_DT was_BEDZ not_* true_JJ ._.
The_AT screen_NN door_NN was_BEDZ unlocked_VBN for_IN some_RB ten_CD or_CC fift
een_CD minutes_NNS while_VB Bridget_NP was_BEDZ sick_JJ in_IN the_AT back_NN ._.
It_PPS was_BEDZ unlocked_VBN all_ABN the_AT time_NN she_PPS was_BEDZ washing_VB
G windows_NNS ._. Morse_NP could_MD have_HV returned_VBN openly_RB while_CS Brid
get_NP was_BEDZ sick_JJ in_IN the_AT back_JJ yard_NN and_CC gone_VBN up_RP to_IN
the_AT room_NN he_PPS had_HVD occupied_VBN ._. Mrs._NP Borden_NP would_MD not_*
have_HV been_BEN alarmed_VBN if_CS she_PPS saw_VBD Morse_NP with_IN an_AT ax_NN
or_CC hatchet_NN in_IN his_PP$ hand_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN to_IN the_AT
farm_NN the_AT previous_JJ day_NN and_CC he_PPS could_MD have_HV said_VBN they_
PPSS needed_VBD the_AT ax_NN or_CC hatchet_NN at_IN the_AT farm_NN ._. Mrs._NP B
orden_NP would_MD have_HV had_HVN no_AT reason_NN to_TO disbelieve_VB him_PPO an
d_CC he_PPS could_MD have_HV approached_VBN close_RB enough_QLP to_IN her_PPO to
_TO swing_VB before_CS she_PPS could_MD cry_VB out_RP ._. He_PPS could_MD have_H
V left_VBN for_IN Weybosset_NP-TL Street_NN-TL after_IN her_PP$ murder_NN and_CC
made_VBN it_PPO in_IN plenty_NN of_IN time_NN by_IN using_VBG the_AT streetcar_
NN ._. If_CS he_PPS took_VBD an_AT earlier_JJR streetcar_NN than_CS the_AT 11:20
_CD on_IN his_PP$ return_NN ,_, he_PPS could_MD have_HV arrived_VBN at_IN the_AT
Borden_NP house_NN shortly_RB after_CS Mr._NP Borden_NP came_VBD home_NR ._. Wi
th_IN Lizzie_NP in_IN the_AT barn_NN ,_, the_AT screen_NN door_NN unlocked_VBN a
nd_CC Bridget_NP upstairs_RB in_IN her_PP$ attic_NN room_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD
have_HV had_HVN free_JJ and_CC easy_JJ access_NN to_IN the_AT house_NN ._. With_
IN the_AT second_OD murder_NN over_RP ,_, he_PPS could_MD have_HV left_VBN ,_, h
idden_VBN the_AT weapon_NN in_IN some_DTI vacant_JJ lot_NN or_CC an_AT abandoned
_VBN cistern_NN in_IN the_AT neighborhood_NN ._. His_PP$ unconcerned_JJ stroll_N
N down_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN to_IN a_AT pear_NN tree_NN ,_, wi
th_IN crowds_NNS already_RB gathering_VBG in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT building_N
N and_CC Sawyer_NP guarding_VBG the_AT side_JJ door_NN ,_, was_BEDZ odd_JJ ._. T
here_EX was_BEDZ no_AT close_JJ examination_NN of_IN his_PP$ clothes_NNS for_IN
bloodstains_NNS ,_, and_CC certainly_RB no_AT scientific_JJ test_NN was_BEDZ mad
e_VBN of_IN them_PPO ._. And_CC for_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS traveled_VBD around_R
B without_IN any_DTI change_NN of_IN clothing_NN ,_, a_AT few_AP more_AP stains_
NNS on_IN his_PP$ dark_JJ suit_NN may_MD very_QL well_RB have_HV gone_VBN unnoti
ced_JJ ._. The_AT motive_NN may_MD have_HV been_BEN the_AT mysterious_JJ quarrel
_NN ;_. ;_. there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT financial_JJ gain_NN for_IN Morse_NP in_IN t
he_AT murders_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN of_IN the_AT ledger_NN is_BE
Z the_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS did_DOD see_VB his_PP$ niece_NN and_CC the_AT wo
man_NN with_IN whom_WPO she_PPS was_BEDZ staying_VBG ._. The_AT time_NN would_MD
have_HV been_BEN shortly_RB after_IN the_AT murder_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Borden_NP a
nd_CC they_PPSS noticed_VBD nothing_PN unusual_JJ in_IN his_PP$ behavior_NN ._.
He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS had_HVD promised_VBN Mrs._NP Borden_NP to_TO return_VB in
_IN time_NN for_IN dinner_NN and_CC that_DT was_BEDZ close_RB to_IN the_AT time_
NN when_WRB he_PPS did_DOD turn_VB up_RP at_IN the_AT Borden_NP house_NN ._. Wha
t_WDT did_DOD Pearson_NP say_VB about_IN Bridget_NP Sullivan_NP as_CS a_AT possi
ble_JJ suspect_NN in_IN his_PP$ trial-book_NN essay_NN ?_. ?_. He_PPS wrote_VBD
:_: ``_`` The_AT police_NNS soon_RB ceased_VBD to_TO look_VB upon_RB either_CC B
ridget_NP or_CC Mr._NP Morse_NP as_CS in_IN possession_NN of_IN guilty_JJ knowle
dge_NN ._. Neither_DTX had_HVD any_DTI interest_NN in_IN the_AT deaths_NNS ;_. ;
_. indeed_UH ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ probably_RB to_IN Mr._NP Morse's_NP$ advantage_
NN to_TO have_HV Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Borden_NP alive_JJ ._. Both_ABX he_PPS an
d_CC Bridget_NP were_BED exonerated_VBN by_IN Lizzie_NP herself_PPL ''_'' ._. Th
at_DT was_BEDZ his_PP$ complete_JJ discussion_NN of_IN Bridget_NP Sullivan_NP as
_CS a_AT possible_JJ suspect_NN ._. Although_CS Pearson_NP disbelieved_VBD almos
t_RB everything_PN Lizzie_NP said_VBD ,_, and_CC read_VBD a_AT sinister_JJ purpo
se_NN into_IN almost_RB everything_PN she_PPS did_DOD ,_, he_PPS happily_RB acce
pted_VBD her_PP$ statement_NN about_IN Bridget_NP as_CS the_AT whole_JJ truth_NN
._. He_PPS felt_VBD nothing_PN further_RBR need_MD be_BE said_VBN about_IN the_
AT servant_NN girl_NN ._. The_AT exoneration_NN Pearson_NP speaks_VBZ of_IN is_B
EZ not_* an_AT exoneration_NN ,_, but_CC Lizzie's_NP$ expression_NN of_IN her_PP
$ opinion_NN ,_, as_CS reported_VBN in_IN the_AT testimony_NN of_IN Assistant_JJ
-TL Marshal_NN-TL Fleet_NP ._. This_DT officer_NN had_HVD asked_VBN Lizzie_NP if
_CS she_PPS suspected_VBD her_PP$ Uncle_NN-TL Morse_NP ,_, and_CC she_PPS replie
d_VBD she_PPS didn't_DOD* think_VB he_PPS did_DOD it_PPO because_CS he_PPS left_
VBD the_AT house_NN before_IN the_AT murders_NNS and_CC returned_VBD after_IN th
em_PPO ._. Fleet_NP asked_VBD the_AT same_AP question_NN about_IN Bridget_NP ,_,
and_CC Lizzie_NP pointed_VBD out_RP that_CS as_QL far_RB as_CS she_PPS knew_VBD
Bridget_NP had_HVD gone_VBN up_RP to_IN her_PP$ room_NN before_IN her_PP$ fathe
r's_NN$ murder_NN and_CC came_VBD down_RP when_WRB she_PPS called_VBD her_PPO ._
. Lizzie_NP ,_, actually_RB ,_, never_RB named_VBD any_DTI suspect_NN ._. She_PP
S told_VBD police_NNS about_IN the_AT prospective_JJ tenant_NN she_PPS had_HVD h
eard_VBN quarreling_VBG with_IN her_PP$ father_NN some_DTI weeks_NNS before_IN t
he_AT murders_NNS ,_, but_CC she_PPS said_VBD she_PPS thought_VBD he_PPS was_BED
Z from_IN out_IN of_IN town_NN because_CS she_PPS heard_VBD him_PPO mention_VB s
omething_PN about_IN talking_VBG to_IN his_PP$ partner_NN ._. And_CC ,_, much_RB
as_CS she_PPS detested_VBD Hiram_NP Harrington_NP ,_, she_PPS also_RB did_DOD n
ot_* accuse_VB him_PPO ._. At_IN the_AT inquest_NN she_PPS was_BEDZ asked_VBN sp
ecifically_RB whether_CS she_PPS knew_VBD anybody_PN her_PP$ father_NN had_HVD b
ad_JJ feelings_NNS toward_IN ,_, or_CC who_WPS had_HVD bad_JJ feelings_NNS towar
d_IN her_PP$ father_NN ._. She_PPS replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS know_VB of_IN on
e_CD man_NN that_WPS has_HVZ not_* been_BEN friendly_JJ with_IN him_PPO ._. They
_PPSS have_HV not_* been_BEN friendly_JJ for_IN years_NNS ''_'' ._. Asked_VBN wh
o_WPS this_DT was_BEDZ ,_, she_PPS named_VBD Harrington_NP ._. Her_PP$ statement
_NN certainly_RB was_BEDZ true_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT press_NN reported_VBD the_AT sa
me_AP facts_NNS in_IN using_VBG Harrington's_NP$ interview_NN ,_, but_CC Lizzie_
NP did_DOD not_* suggest_VB at_IN the_AT inquest_NN that_CS Harrington_NP was_BE
DZ the_AT killer_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS interviewed_VBD Kirby_NP ,_, who_WPS as_
CS a_AT boy_NN picked_VBD up_RP pears_NNS in_IN the_AT Borden_NP yard_NN ,_, I_P
PSS asked_VBD if_CS anybody_PN else_RB in_IN the_AT household_NN besides_IN Lizz
ie_NP and_CC Morse_NP had_HVD been_BEN under_IN any_DTI suspicion_NN at_IN the_A
T time_NN of_IN the_AT murders_NNS ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS had_HVD not_* hear
d_VBN of_IN anybody_PN else_RB ._. ``_`` How_WRB about_IN Bridget_NP Sullivan_NP
''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS inquired_VBD ._. ``_`` Oh_UH ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ just_RB
the_AT maid_NN there_RB ''_'' ,_, he_PPS replied_VBD ,_, waving_VBG a_AT hand_NN
to_TO indicate_VB how_WQL completely_QL unimportant_JJ she_PPS was_BEDZ ._. Kir
by_NP was_BEDZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, reflecting_VBG the_AT opinion_NN that_WPS
existed_VBD at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN murders_NNS ._. Everyone_PN somehow_RB m
anages_VBZ to_TO overlook_VB completely_RB the_AT fact_NN that_CS ,_, as_QL far_
RB as_CS we_PPSS know_VB ,_, there_EX were_BED exactly_RB two_CD people_NNS in_I
N and_CC about_IN the_AT house_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN both_ABX murders_NN
S :_: Lizzie_NP Borden_NP and_CC Bridget_NP Sullivan_NP ._. All_ABN the_AT offic
ials_NNS on_IN the_AT case_NN seem_VB to_TO have_HV been_BEN afflicted_VBN with_
IN a_AT similar_JJ myopia_NN as_QL far_RB as_CS Bridget_NP was_BEDZ concerned_VB
N ,_, although_CS records_NNS in_IN police_NNS files_NNS contain_VB many_AP repo
rts_NNS of_IN servants_NNS who_WPS have_HV murdered_VBN their_PP$ employers_NNS
._. True_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR cricket_NN for_IN the_AT butler_N
N to_TO be_BE the_AT killer_NN in_IN mystery_NN fiction_NN ,_, but_CC we_PPSS ar
e_BER dealing_VBG here_RB with_IN actual_JJ people_NNS in_IN real_JJ life_NN and
_CC not_* imaginary_JJ characters_NNS and_CC situations_NNS ._. The_AT actions_N
NS of_IN Bridget_NP should_MD be_BE examined_VBN ,_, since_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ t
here_RB and_CC opportunity_NN did_DOD exist_VB ,_, if_CS only_RB to_TO establish
_VB her_PP$ innocence_NN ._. There_EX are_BER also_RB other_AP factors_NNS that_
WPS require_VB closer_JJR examination_NN ._. The_AT legend_NN as_CS it_PPS exist
s_VBZ in_IN Fall_NN-TL River_NN-TL today_NR always_RB includes_VBZ the_AT solemn
_JJ assurance_NN that_CS Bridget_NP returned_VBD to_IN Ireland_NP after_IN the_A
T trial_NN with_IN a_AT ``_`` big_JJ bundle_NN ''_'' of_IN cash_NN which_WDT Liz
zie_NP gave_VBD her_PPO for_IN keeping_VBG her_PP$ mouth_NN shut_VBN ._. The_AT
people_NNS who_WPS believe_VB and_CC retell_VB the_AT legend_NN have_HV apparent
ly_RB never_RB troubled_VBN to_TO read_VB the_AT trial_NN testimony_NN and_CC do
_DO not_* know_VB that_CS the_AT maid_NN changed_VBD her_PP$ testimony_NN on_IN
several_AP key_JJS points_NNS ,_, always_RB to_IN the_AT detriment_NN of_IN Lizz
ie_NP ._. If_CS Bridget_NP did_DOD get_VB any_DTI bundles_NNS of_IN cash_NN ,_,
the_AT last_AP person_NN who_WPS would_MD have_HV rewarded_VBN her_PPO for_IN se
rvices_NNS rendered_VBN would_MD have_HV been_BEN Lizzie_NP Borden_NP ._. Bridge
t_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Ireland_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN fourteen_CD children_NN
S ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ apparently_RB the_AT pioneer_NN in_IN her_PP$ family_NN b
ecause_CS she_PPS had_HVD no_AT close_JJ relatives_NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN
at_IN that_DT time_NN ._. She_PPS worked_VBD as_CS a_AT domestic_NN ,_, first_RB
in_IN Newport_NP for_IN a_AT year_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB in_IN South_JJ-TL Bethl
ehem_NP-TL ,_, Pennsylvania_NP ,_, for_IN another_DT year_NN ._. She_PPS finally
_RB settled_VBD in_IN Fall_NN-TL River_NN-TL and_CC ,_, after_CS being_BEG emplo
yed_VBN for_IN a_AT time_NN by_IN a_AT Mrs._NP Reed_NP ,_, was_BEDZ hired_VBN by
_IN the_AT Bordens_NPS ._. I_PPSS have_HV previously_RB described_VBN how_WRB ,_
, during_IN the_AT week_NN of_IN the_AT murder_NN ,_, Bridget_NP spent_VBD the_A
T first_OD few_AP hot_JJ days_NNS scrubbing_VBG and_CC ironing_VBG clothes_NNS .
_. Her_PP$ father_NN ,_, James_NP Upton_NP ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT Upton_NP mentione
d_VBN by_IN Hawthorne_NP in_IN the_AT famous_JJ introduction_NN to_IN the_AT Sca
rlet_JJ-TL Letter_NN-TL as_CS one_CD of_IN those_DTS who_WPS came_VBD into_IN th
e_AT old_JJ custom_NN house_NN to_TO do_DO business_NN with_IN him_PPO as_CS the
_AT surveyor_NN of_IN the_AT port_NN ._. A_AT gentleman_NN of_IN the_AT old_JJ s
chool_NN ,_, Mr._NP Upton_NP possessed_VBD intellectual_JJ power_NN ,_, ample_JJ
means_NNS ,_, and_CC withal_RB ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT devoted_VBN Christian_NP ._. T
he_AT daughter_NN profited_VBD from_IN his_PP$ interest_NN in_IN scientific_JJ a
nd_CC philosophical_JJ subjects_NNS ._. Her_PP$ mother_NN also_RB was_BEDZ a_AT
person_NN of_IN superior_JJ mind_NN and_CC broad_JJ interests_NNS ._. There_EX i
s_BEZ clear_JJ evidence_NN that_CS Lucy_NP from_IN childhood_NN had_HVD an_AT un
usual_JJ mind_NN ._. She_PPS possessed_VBD an_AT observant_JJ eye_NN ,_, a_AT re
tentive_JJ memory_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT critical_JJ faculty_NN ._. When_WRB she_PPS
was_BEDZ nine_CD years_NNS old_JJ ,_, she_PPS wrote_VBD a_AT description_NN of_
IN a_AT store_NN she_PPS had_HVD visited_VBN ._. She_PPS named_VBD 48_CD items_N
NS ,_, and_CC said_VBD there_EX were_BED ``_`` many_AP more_AP things_NNS which_
WDT it_PPS would_MD take_VB too_QL long_RB to_TO write_VB ''_'' ._. An_AT essay_
NN on_IN ``_`` Freedom_NN-TL ''_'' written_VBN at_IN 10_CD years_NNS of_IN age_N
N quoted_VBD the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN-TL Independence_NN-TL ,_, the_AT fre
edom_NN given_VBN to_IN slaves_NNS in_IN Canada_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT views_NNS o
f_IN George_NP Washington_NP ._. Lucy_NP Upton_NP was_BEDZ graduated_VBN from_IN
the_AT Salem_NP High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL when_WRB few_AP colleges_NNS ,_, only_A
P Oberlin_NP and_CC Elmira_NP ,_, were_BED open_JJ to_IN women_NNS ;_. ;_. and_C
C she_PPS had_HVD an_AT appetite_NN for_IN learning_VBG that_WPO could_MD not_*
be_BE denied_VBN ._. A_AT picture_NN of_IN her_PPO in_IN high_JJ school_NN comes
_VBZ from_IN a_AT younger_JJR schoolmate_NN ,_, Albert_NP S._NP Flint_NP ,_, fri
end_NN of_IN her_PP$ brother_NN Winslow_NP ,_, and_CC later_RBR ,_, like_CS Wins
low_NP ,_, a_AT noted_VBN astronomer_NN ._. He_PPS recalled_VBD Lucy_NP ,_, as_C
S ``_`` a_AT bright-looking_JJ black-eyed_JJ young_JJ lady_NN who_WPS came_VBD r
egularly_RB through_IN the_AT boys'_NNS$ study_NN hall_NN to_TO join_VB the_AT c
lass_NN in_IN Greek_NP in_IN the_AT little_JJ recitation_NN room_NN beyond_RB ''
_'' ._. The_AT study_NN of_IN Greek_NP was_BEDZ the_AT distinctive_JJ mark_NN of
_IN boys_NNS destined_VBN to_TO go_VB to_IN college_NN ,_, and_CC Lucy_NP Upton_
NP too_RB expected_VBD to_TO go_VB to_IN college_NN and_CC take_VB the_AT full_J
J classical_JJ course_NN offered_VBN to_IN men_NNS ._. The_AT death_NN of_IN her
_PP$ mother_NN in_IN 1865_CD prevented_VBD this_DT ._. With_IN four_CD younger_J
JR children_NNS at_IN home_NN ,_, Lucy_NP stepped_VBD into_IN her_PP$ mother's_N
N$ role_NN ,_, and_CC even_RB after_CS the_AT brothers_NNS and_CC sisters_NNS we
re_BED grown_VBN ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ her_PP$ father's_NN$ comfort_NN and_CC sta
y_NN until_CS he_PPS died_VBD in_IN 1879_CD ._. But_CC even_RB so_RB Lucy_NP cou
ld_MD not_* give_VB up_RP her_PP$ intellectual_JJ pursuits_NNS ._. When_WRB her_
PP$ brother_NN Winslow_NP became_VBD a_AT student_NN at_IN Brown_NP-TL Universit
y_NN-TL in_IN 1874_CD ,_, she_PPS wrote_VBD him_PPO about_IN a_AT course_NN in_I
N history_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ taking_VBG under_IN Professor_NN-TL Diman_NP :_: ``
_`` What_WDT is_BEZ Prof._NN-TL Diman's_NP$ definition_NN of_IN civilization_NN
,_, and_CC take_VB the_AT world_NN through_RP ,_, is_BEZ its_PP$ progress_NN eve
r_RB onward_RB ,_, or_CC does_DOZ it_PPS retrograde_VB at_IN times_NNS ?_. ?_. D
o_DO you_PPO think_VB I_PPSS might_MD profitably_RB study_VB some_DTI of_IN the_
AT history_NN you_PPSS do_DO ,_, perhaps_RB two_CD weeks_NNS behind_IN you_PPO .
_. ''_'' And_CC that_CS she_PPS proceeded_VBD to_TO do_DO ._. Many_AP years_NNS
later_RBR (_( on_IN August_NP 3_CD ,_, 1915_CD )_) ,_, Lucy_NP Upton_NP wrote_VB
D Winslow's_NP$ daughter_NN soon_RB to_TO be_BE graduated_VBN from_IN Smith_NP-T
L College_NN-TL :_: ``_`` While_CS I_PPSS love_VB botany_NN which_WDT ,_, after_
CS dabbling_VBG in_RP for_IN years_NNS ,_, I_PPSS studied_VBD according_IN to_IN
the_AT methods_NNS of_IN that_DT day_NN exactly_RB forty_CD years_NNS ago_RB in
_IN a_AT summer_NN school_NN ,_, it_PPS must_MD be_BE fascinating_JJ to_TO take_
VB up_RP zoology_NN in_IN the_AT way_NN you_PPSS are_BER doing_VBG ._. Whatever_
WDT was_BEDZ the_AT science_NN in_IN the_AT high_JJ school_NN course_NN for_IN t
he_AT time_NN being_BEG ,_, that_DT was_BEDZ my_PP$ favorite_JJ study_NN ._. Mat
hematics_NN came_VBD next_RB ''_'' ._. Her_PP$ study_NN of_IN history_NN was_BED
Z persistently_RB pursued_VBN ._. She_PPS read_VBD Maitland's_NP$ Dark_JJ-TL Age
s_NNS-TL ,_, ``_`` which_WDT I_PPSS enjoyed_VBD very_QL much_RB ''_'' ;_. ;_. La
_NP Croix_NP on_IN the_AT Customs_NNS-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NN
S-TL ,_, 16_CD chapters_NNS of_IN Bryce_NP ``_`` and_CC liked_VBD it_PPO more_RB
R and_CC more_RBR ''_'' ;_. ;_. more_AP chapters_NNS of_IN Guizot_NP ;_. ;_. Lec
ky_NP and_CC Stanley's_NP$ Eastern_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL ._. She_PPS discussed_VBD
in_IN her_PP$ letters_NNS to_IN Winslow_NP some_DTI of_IN the_AT questions_NNS t
hat_WPS came_VBD to_TO her_PPO as_CS she_PPS studied_VBD alone_RB ._. Lucy's_NP$
correspondence_NN with_IN brother_NN Winslow_NP during_IN his_PP$ college_NN da
ys_NNS was_BEDZ not_* entirely_RB taken_VBN up_RP with_IN academic_JJ studies_NN
S ._. She_PPS played_VBD chess_NN with_IN him_PPO by_IN postcard_NN ._. Also_RB
Lucy_NP and_CC Winslow_NP had_HVD a_AT private_JJ contest_NN to_TO see_VB which_
WDT one_CD could_MD make_VB the_AT most_AP words_NNS from_IN the_AT letters_NNS
in_IN ``_`` importunately_RB-NC ''_'' ._. Who_WPS won_VBD is_BEZ not_* revealed_
VBN ,_, but_CC Winslow's_NP$ daughter_NN Eleanor_NP says_VBZ they_PPSS got_VBD u
p_IN to_IN 1,212_CD words_NNS ._. There_EX was_BEDZ another_DT family_NN interes
t_NN also_RB ._. Winslow_NP had_HVD musical_JJ talents_NNS ,_, as_CS had_HVD his
_PP$ father_NN before_IN him_PPO ._. At_IN different_JJ times_NNS he_PPS served_
VBD as_CS glee-club_NN and_CC choir_NN leader_NN and_CC as_CS organist_NN ._. An
d_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ Lucy_NP Upton_NP who_WPS first_RB started_VBD the_AT idea_N
N of_IN a_AT regular_JJ course_NN in_IN Music_NN-TL at_IN Spelman_NP-TL College_
NN-TL ._. Winslow_NP Upton_NP after_IN graduation_NN from_IN Brown_NP-TL Univers
ity_NN-TL and_CC two_CD years_NNS of_IN graduate_JJ study_NN ,_, accepted_VBD a_
AT position_NN at_IN the_AT Harvard_NP-TL Observatory_NN-TL ._. For_IN three_CD
years_NNS he_PPS was_BEDZ connected_VBN with_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Naval_JJ-TL Ob
servatory_NN-TL and_CC with_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Signal_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL ;_. ;_
. and_CC after_IN 1883_CD ,_, was_BEDZ professor_NN of_IN astronomy_NN at_IN Bro
wn_NP-TL University_NN-TL ._. The_AT six_CD expeditions_NNS to_TO study_VB eclip
ses_NNS of_IN the_AT sun_NN ,_, of_IN which_WDT he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT member_NN ,
_, took_VBD him_PPO to_IN Colorado_NP ,_, Virginia_NP ,_, and_CC California_NP a
s_QL well_RB as_CS to_IN the_AT South_JJ-TL Pacific_JJ-TL and_CC to_IN Russia_NP
._. After_IN her_PP$ father's_NN$ death_NN ,_, Lucy_NP and_CC her_PP$ youngest_
JJT sister_NN lived_VBD for_IN a_AT few_AP years_NNS with_IN Winslow_NP in_IN Wa
shington_NP ,_, D.C._NP ._. ``_`` Their_PP$ house_NN ''_'' ,_, writes_VBZ Albert
_NP S._NP Flint_NP ,_, ``_`` was_BEDZ always_RB a_AT haven_NN of_IN hospitality_
NN and_CC good_JJ cheer_NN ,_, especially_RB grateful_JJ to_IN one_PN like_CS my
self_PPL far_RB from_IN home_NN ''_'' ._. Lucy_NP was_BEDZ a_AT lively_JJ part_N
N of_IN the_AT household_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, she_PPS had_HVD physical_JJ as_Q
L well_RB as_CS mental_JJ vigor_NN ._. Winslow_NP ,_, as_CS his_PP$ daughters_NN
S Eleanor_NP and_CC Margaret_NP recall_VB ,_, used_VBD to_TO characterize_VB her
_PPO as_CS ``_`` our_PP$ iron_NN sister_NN ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ reason_NN t
o_TO suppose_VB that_CS Lucy_NP would_MD have_HV made_VBN a_AT record_NN as_QL p
ublicly_RB distinguished_VBN as_CS her_PP$ brother_NN had_HVD it_PPS not_* been_
BEN that_CS her_PP$ mother's_NN$ death_NN occurred_VBD just_RB as_CS she_PPS was
_BEDZ about_RB to_TO enter_VB college_NN ._. As_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN
,_, Albert_NP S._NP Flint_NP expressed_VBD his_PP$ conviction_NN that_CS ``_`` h
er_PP$ physical_JJ strength_NN ,_, her_PP$ mental_JJ power_NN ,_, her_PP$ lively
_JJ interest_NN in_IN all_ABN objects_NNS about_IN her_PPO and_CC her_PP$ readin
ess_NN to_TO serve_VB her_PP$ fellow_NN beings_NNS ''_'' would_MD have_HV led_VB
N her_PPO ``_`` to_IN a_AT distinguished_VBN career_NN amongst_IN the_AT noted_V
BN women_NNS of_IN this_DT country_NN ''_'' ._. While_CS in_IN Washington_NP ,_,
D.C._NP ,_, Lucy_NP Upton_NP held_VBD positions_NNS in_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Cen
sus_NN-TL Office_NN-TL ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT Pension_NN-TL Bureau_NN-TL ._. Th
ey_PPSS were_BED not_* sufficiently_QL challenging_JJ however_WRB ,_, and_CC she
_PPS resigned_VBD in_IN 1887_CD ,_, to_TO go_VB to_IN Germany_NP with_IN her_PP$
brother_NN Winslow_NP and_CC his_PP$ family_NN while_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ there_R
B on_IN study_NN ._. After_IN the_AT months_NNS in_IN Europe_NP ,_, she_PPS retu
rned_VBD to_IN Boston_NP and_CC became_VBD active_JJ in_IN church_NN and_CC comm
unity_NN life_NN ._. What_WDT was_BEDZ called_VBN an_AT ``_`` accidental_JJ meet
ing_NN ''_'' with_IN Miss_NP Packard_NP in_IN Washington_NP turned_VBD her_PP$ a
ttention_NN to_IN Spelman_NP ._. Here_RB was_BEDZ a_AT cause_NN she_PPS believed
_VBD in_IN ._. After_IN correspondence_NN with_IN Miss_NP Packard_NP and_CC to_I
N the_AT joy_NN of_IN Miss_NP Packard_NP and_CC Miss_NP Giles_NP ,_, she_PPS cam
e_VBD to_IN Atlanta_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT fall_NN of_IN 1888_CD ,_, to_TO help_VB
wherever_WRB needed_VBN ,_, although_CS there_EX was_BEDZ then_RB no_AT money_NN
available_JJ to_TO pay_VB her_PPO a_AT salary_NN ._. She_PPS served_VBD for_IN
a_AT number_NN of_IN years_NNS without_IN pay_NN beyond_IN her_PP$ travel_NN and
_CC maintenance_NN ._. Her_PP$ students_NNS have_HV spoken_VBN of_IN the_AT exac
ting_VBG standards_NNS of_IN scholarship_NN and_CC of_IN manners_NNS and_CC cond
uct_NN she_PPS expected_VBD and_CC achieved_VBD from_IN the_AT students_NNS ;_.
;_. of_IN her_PP$ ``_`` great_JJ power_NN of_IN discernment_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. of_
IN ``_`` her_PP$ exquisiteness_NN of_IN dress_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` her_PP$ well-mo
dulated_JJ voice_NN that_WPS went_VBD straight_RB to_IN the_AT hearts_NNS of_IN
the_AT hearers_NNS ''_'' ;_. ;_. her_PP$ great_JJ love_NN of_IN flowers_NNS and_
CC plants_NNS and_CC birds_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC her_PP$ close_JJ knowledge_NN of_I
N individual_JJ students_NNS ._. She_PPS drew_VBD on_IN all_ABN her_PP$ resource
s_NNS of_IN mind_NN and_CC heart_NN to_TO help_VB them_PPO --_-- to_TO make_VB t
hem_PPO at_IN home_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC as_CS graduates_NNS g
ratefully_RB recall_VB ,_, she_PPS drew_VBD on_IN her_PP$ purse_NN as_QL well_RB
._. Many_ABN a_AT student_NN was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO remain_VB at_IN Spelman_NP
,_, only_RB because_RB of_IN her_PP$ unobtrusive_JJ help_NN ._. Under_IN Miss_NP
Upton_NP ,_, the_AT work_NN of_IN the_AT year_NN 1909-10_CD went_VBD forward_RB
without_IN interruption_NN ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, she_PPS had_HVD come_VBN to
_IN Spelman_NP-TL Seminary_NN-TL in_IN 1888_CD ,_, and_CC had_HVD been_BEN since
_IN 1891_CD except_IN for_IN one_CD year_NN ,_, Associate_NN-TL Principal_NN-TL
or_CC Dean_NN-TL ._. She_PPS had_HVD taught_VBN classes_NNS in_IN botany_NN ,_,
astronomy_NN (_( with_IN the_AT aid_NN of_IN a_AT telescope_NN )_) ,_, geometry_
NN ,_, and_CC psychology_NN ._. Miss_NP Upton_NP and_CC Miss_NP Packard_NP ,_, a
s_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, had_HVD many_AP tastes_NNS in_IN common_JJ
._. Both_ABX had_HVD eager_JJ and_CC inquiring_VBG minds_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC bot
h_ABX believed_VBD that_CS intellectual_JJ growth_NN must_MD go_VB hand_NN in_IN
hand_NN with_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN sturdy_JJ character_NN and_CC Chris
tian_JJ zeal_NN ._. Both_ABX loved_VBD the_AT out-of-doors_NN ,_, including_IN m
ountain_NN climbing_NN and_CC horseback_NN riding_NN ._. In_IN 1890_CD when_WRB
the_AT trip_NN to_IN Europe_NP and_CC the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Land_NN-TL was_BEDZ arra
nged_VBN for_IN Miss_NP Packard_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ Miss_NP Upton_NP who_WPS
planned_VBD the_AT trip_NN ,_, and_CC ``_`` with_IN rare_JJ executive_JJ ability
_NN ''_'' bore_VBD the_AT brunt_NN of_IN ``_`` the_AT entire_JJ pilgrimage_NN fr
om_IN beginning_NN to_IN end_NN ''_'' ._. So_QL strenuous_JJ it_PPS was_BEDZ phy
sically_RB ,_, with_IN its_PP$ days_NNS of_IN horseback_NN riding_NN over_IN rou
gh_JJ roads_NNS that_CS it_PPS seems_VBZ an_AT amazing_JJ feat_NN of_IN enduranc
e_NN for_IN both_ABX Miss_NP Packard_NP and_CC Miss_NP Upton_NP ._. Yet_CC they_
PPSS thrived_VBD on_IN it_PPO ._. At_IN the_AT Fifteenth_OD-TL Anniversary_NN-TL
(_( 1896_CD )_) as_CS already_RB quoted_VBN ,_, Miss_NP Upton_NP projected_VBD
with_IN force_NN and_CC eloquence_NN the_AT Spelman_NP of_IN the_AT Future_NN-TL
as_CS a_AT college_NN of_IN first_OD rank_NN ,_, with_IN expanding_VBG and_CC u
nlimited_JJ horizons_NNS ._. When_WRB Dr._NN-TL Wallace_NP Buttrick_NP ,_, wise_
JJ in_IN his_PP$ judgment_NN of_IN people_NNS ,_, declined_VBD to_TO have_HV the
_AT Science_NN-TL Building_NN-TL named_VBN for_IN him_PPO ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD M
iss_NP Tapley_NP (_( April_NP 7_CD ,_, 1923_CD )_) ``_`` If_CS you_PPSS had_HVD
asked_VBN me_PPO ,_, I_PPSS think_VB I_PPSS would_MD have_HV suggested_VBN that_
CS you_PPSS name_VB the_AT building_NN for_IN Miss_NP Upton_NP ._. Her_PP$ servi
ces_NNS to_IN the_AT School_NN-TL for_IN many_AP years_NNS were_BED of_IN a_AT v
ery_QL high_JJ character_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS have_HV often_RB thought_VBN that_
CS one_CD of_IN the_AT buildings_NNS should_MD be_BE named_VBN for_IN her_PPO ''
_'' ._. Such_JJ were_BED the_AT qualities_NNS of_IN the_AT Acting-President_NN-T
L of_IN the_AT Seminary_NN-TL after_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN Miss_NP Giles_NP ._
. At_IN the_AT meeting_NN of_IN the_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN Trustees_NNS-TL ,_, on_
IN March_NP 3_CD ,_, 1910_CD ,_, Miss_NP Upton_NP presented_VBD the_AT annual_JJ
report_NN of_IN the_AT President_NN-TL ._. She_PPS noted_VBD that_CS no_AT stud
ent_NN had_HVD been_BEN withdrawn_VBN through_IN loss_NN of_IN confidence_NN ;_.
;_. that_CS the_AT enrollment_NN showed_VBD an_AT increase_NN of_IN boarding_VB
G students_NNS as_CS was_BEDZ desired_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC that_CS the_AT year's_N
N$ work_NN had_HVD gone_VBN forward_RB smoothly_RB ._. She_PPS urged_VBD the_AT
importance_NN of_IN more_QL thorough_JJ preparation_NN for_IN admission_NN ._. T
he_AT raising_NN of_IN the_AT $25,000_NNS Improvement_NN-TL Fund_NN-TL two_CD da
ys_NNS before_IN the_AT time_NN limit_NN expired_VBD ,_, and_CC the_AT spontaneo
us_JJ ``_`` praise_NN demonstration_NN ''_'' held_VBN afterward_RB on_IN the_AT
campus_NN ,_, were_BED reported_VBN as_CS events_NNS which_WDT had_HVD brought_V
BN happiness_NN to_IN Miss_NP Giles_NP ._. With_IN the_AT Fund_NN-TL in_IN hand_
NN ,_, the_AT debt_NN on_IN the_AT boilers_NNS had_HVD been_BEN paid_VBN ;_. ;_.
Rockefeller_NP and_CC Packard_NP-TL Halls_NNS-TL had_HVD been_BEN renovated_VBN
;_. ;_. walks_NNS laid_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC ground_NN had_HVD been_BEN broken_VBN
for_IN the_AT superintendent's_NN$ home_NN ._. Miss_NP Upton_NP spoke_VBD grate
fully_RB of_IN the_AT response_NN of_IN Spelman_NP graduates_NNS and_CC Negro_NP
friends_NNS in_IN helping_VBG to_TO raise_VB the_AT Fund_NN-TL ,_, and_CC their
_PP$ continuing_VBG efforts_NNS to_TO raise_VB money_NN for_IN greatly_RB needed
_VBN current_JJ expenses_NNS ._. She_PPS spoke_VBD also_RB with_IN deep_JJ thank
fulness_NN of_IN the_AT many_AP individuals_NNS and_CC agencies_NNS whose_WP$ in
terest_NN and_CC efforts_NNS through_IN the_AT years_NNS had_HVD made_VBN the_AT
work_NN so_QL fruitful_JJ in_IN results_NNS ._. Two_CD bequests_NNS were_BED re
corded_VBN :_: one_CD of_IN $200_NNS under_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Harri
et_NP A._NP Copp_NP of_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC one_CD of_IN $2,000_N
NS under_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN Miss_NP Celia_NP L._NP Brett_NP of_IN Hamilton_
NP ,_, New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, a_AT friend_NN from_IN the_AT early_JJ days_NNS
._. Miss_NP Upton_NP told_VBD the_AT Trustees_NNS-TL that_CS the_AT death_NN of_
IN Miss_NP Giles_NP was_BEDZ ``_`` the_AT sorest_JJT grief_NN ''_'' the_AT Semin
ary_NN-TL had_HVD ever_RB been_BEN called_VBN upon_RB to_TO bear_VB ._. The_AT d
aughters_NNS of_IN Spelman_NP ,_, she_PPS said_VBD ,_, had_HVD never_RB known_VB
N or_CC thought_VBN of_IN Spelman_NP without_IN her_PPO ._. The_AT removal_NN of
_IN Miss_NP Packard_NP 18_CD years_NNS earlier_RBR had_HVD caused_VBN them_PPO g
reat_JJ sorrow_NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS still_RB had_HVD Miss_NP Giles_NP ._. Now
_RB the_AT school_NN was_BEDZ indeed_RB bereft_JJ ._. ``_`` Yet_CC Spelman_NP ha
s_HVZ strong_JJ ,_, deep_JJ roots_NNS ,_, and_CC will_MD live_VB for_IN the_AT b
lessing_NN of_IN generations_NNS to_TO come_VB ''_'' ._. Miss_NP Mary_NP Jane_NP
Packard_NP ,_, Sophia's_NP$ half-sister_NN ,_, became_VBD ill_JJ in_IN March_NP
,_, 1910_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC when_WRB school_NN closed_VBD ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ u
nable_JJ to_TO travel_VB to_IN Massachusetts_NP ._. She_PPS remained_VBD in_IN A
tlanta_NP through_IN June_NP and_CC July_NP ;_. ;_. she_PPS died_VBD on_IN Augus
t_NP sixth_OD ._. Before_CS coming_VBG on_IN a_AT visit_NN to_IN Spelman_NP in_I
N 1885_CD ,_, Miss_NP Mary_NP had_HVD been_BEN a_AT successful_JJ teacher_NN in_
IN Worcester_NP ,_, and_CC her_PP$ position_NN there_RB was_BEDZ held_VBN open_J
J for_IN her_PPO for_IN a_AT considerable_JJ period_NN ._. But_CC she_PPS decide
d_VBD to_TO stay_VB at_IN Spelman_NP ._. She_PPS helped_VBD with_IN teaching_VBG
as_QL well_RB as_CS office_NN work_NN for_IN a_AT few_AP years_NNS --_-- the_AT
catalogues_NNS show_VB that_CS she_PPS had_HVD classes_NNS in_IN geography_NN ,
_, rhetoric_NN and_CC bookkeeping_NN ._. Soon_RB the_AT office_NN work_NN claime
d_VBD all_ABN her_PP$ time_NN ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ closely_RB associated_VBN wit
h_IN the_AT Founders_NNS-TL in_IN all_ABN their_PP$ trials_NNS and_CC hardships_
NNS ._. Quiet_JJ and_CC energetic_JJ ,_, cheerful_JJ and_CC calm_JJ ,_, she_PPS
too_RB was_BEDZ a_AT power_NN in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN the_AT seminary_
NN ._. Miss_NP Giles_NP always_RB used_VBD to_TO refer_VB to_IN her_PPO as_CS ``
_`` Sister_NN-TL ''_'' ._. She_PPS served_VBD as_CS secretary_NN in_IN the_AT Se
minary_NN-TL office_NN for_IN 25_CD years_NNS ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ in_IN charge_N
N of_IN correspondence_NN ,_, records_NNS ,_, and_CC bookkeeping_NN ._. The_AT b
ooks_NNS of_IN the_AT school_NN hold_VB a_AT memorial_NN to_IN her_PPO ;_. ;_. a
nd_CC so_RB do_DO the_AT hearts_NNS of_IN students_NNS and_CC of_IN teachers_NNS
._. Mary_NP J._NP Packard_NP ,_, states_VBZ a_AT Messenger_NN-TL editorial_NN ,
_, was_BEDZ ``_`` efficient_JJ ,_, pains-taking_JJ ,_, self-effacing_JJ ,_, lovi
ng_VBG ,_, radiating_VBG the_AT spirit_NN of_IN her_PP$ Master_NN-TL ._. With_IN
infinite_JJ patience_NN she_PPS responded_VBD to_IN every_AT call_NN ,_, no_AT
matter_NN at_IN what_WDT cost_NN to_IN herself_PPL ,_, and_CC to_IN her_PPO all_
ABN went_VBD ,_, for_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ sure_JJ to_TO have_HV the_AT needed_VBN
information_NN or_CC word_NN of_IN cheer_NN ._. In_IN a_AT few_AP school_NN dis
tricts_NNS one_PN finds_VBZ a_AT link_NN between_IN school_NN and_CC job_NN ._.
In_IN those_DTS vocational_JJ programs_NNS organized_VBN with_IN Smith-Hughes_NP
money_NN ,_, there_EX may_MD be_BE a_AT close_JJ tie_NN between_IN the_AT labor
_NN union_NN and_CC a_AT local_JJ employer_NN on_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN and_CC
the_AT vocational_JJ teacher_NN on_IN the_AT other_AP ._. In_IN these_DTS cases
_NNS a_AT graduate_NN may_MD enter_VB directly_RB into_IN an_AT apprentice_NN pr
ogram_NN ,_, saving_VBG a_AT year_NN because_RB of_IN his_PP$ vocational_JJ cour
ses_NNS in_IN grades_NNS 11_CD and_CC 12_CD ._. The_AT apprentice_NN program_NN
will_MD involve_VB further_JJR education_NN on_IN a_AT part-time_JJ basis_NN ,_,
usually_RB at_IN night_NN ,_, perhaps_RB using_VBG some_DTI of_IN the_AT same_A
P equipment_NN of_IN the_AT high_JJ school_NN ._. These_DTS opportunities_NNS ar
e_BER to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN certain_JJ cities_NNS in_IN such_JJ crafts_NNS
as_CS auto_NN mechanics_NNS ,_, carpentry_NN ,_, drafting_VBG ,_, electrical_JJ
work_NN ,_, tool-and-die_NN work_NN ,_, and_CC sheet-metal_NN work_NN ._. Forma
lly_RB organized_VBN vocational_JJ programs_NNS supported_VBN by_IN federal_JJ f
unds_NNS allow_VB high_JJ school_NN students_NNS to_TO gain_VB experience_NN in_
IN a_AT field_NN of_IN work_NN which_WDT is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO lead_VB to_IN a_
AT full-time_JJ job_NN on_IN graduation_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` diversified_VBN occu
pations_NNS ''_'' program_VB is_BEZ a_AT part-time_JJ trade-preparatory_JJ progr
am_NN conducted_VBN over_IN two_CD school_NN years_NNS on_IN a_AT cooperative_JJ
basis_NN between_IN the_AT school_NN and_CC local_JJ industrial_JJ and_CC busin
ess_NN employers_NNS ._. The_AT ``_`` distributive_JJ education_NN ''_'' program
_NN operates_VBZ in_IN a_AT similar_JJ way_NN ,_, with_IN arrangements_NNS betwe
en_IN the_AT school_NN and_CC employers_NNS in_IN merchandising_VBG fields_NNS .
_. In_IN both_ABX cases_NNS the_AT student_NN attends_VBZ school_NN half-time_RB
and_CC works_VBZ in_IN a_AT regular_JJ job_NN the_AT other_AP half_ABN ._. He_P
PS receives_VBZ remuneration_NN for_IN his_PP$ work_NN ._. In_IN a_AT few_AP pla
ces_NNS cooperative_JJ programs_NNS between_IN schools_NNS and_CC employers_NNS
in_IN clerical_JJ work_NN have_HV shown_VBN the_AT same_AP possibilities_NNS for
_IN allowing_VBG the_AT student_NN ,_, while_CS still_RB in_IN school_NN ,_, to_
TO develop_VB skills_NNS which_WDT are_BER immediately_RB marketable_JJ upon_IN
graduation_NN ._. Adult_NN education_NN courses_NNS ,_, work-study_NN programs_N
NS of_IN various_JJ sorts_NNS --_-- these_DTS are_BER all_ABN evidence_NN of_IN
a_AT continuing_VBG interest_NN of_IN the_AT schools_NNS in_IN furthering_VBG ed
ucational_JJ opportunities_NNS for_IN out-of-school_JJ youth_NN ._. In_IN genera
l_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, it_PPS may_MD be_BE said_VBN that_CS when_WRB a_AT boy_N
N or_CC a_AT girl_NN leaves_VBZ the_AT high_JJ school_NN ,_, the_AT school_NN au
thorities_NNS play_VB little_AP or_CC no_AT part_NN in_IN the_AT decision_NN of_
IN what_WDT happens_VBZ next_RB ._. If_CS the_AT student_NN drops_VBZ out_IN of_
IN high_JJ school_NN ,_, the_AT break_NN with_IN the_AT school_NN is_BEZ even_QL
more_QL complete_JJ ._. When_WRB there_EX is_BEZ employment_NN opportunity_NN f
or_IN youth_NN ,_, this_DT arrangement_NN --_-- or_CC lack_NN of_IN arrangement_
NN --_-- works_VBZ out_RP quite_QL well_RB ._. Indeed_UH ,_, in_IN some_DTI peri
ods_NNS of_IN our_PP$ history_NN and_CC in_IN some_DTI neighborhoods_NNS the_AT
job_NN opportunities_NNS have_HV been_BEN so_QL good_JJ that_CS undoubtedly_RB a
_AT great_QL many_AP boys_NNS who_WPS were_BED potential_JJ members_NNS of_IN th
e_AT professions_NNS quit_VB school_NN at_IN an_AT early_JJ age_NN and_CC went_V
BD to_IN work_NN ._. Statistically_RB this_DT has_HVZ represented_VBN a_AT loss_
NN to_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, although_CS one_PN must_MD admit_VB that_CS in_IN
an_AT individual_JJ case_NN the_AT decision_NN in_IN retrospect_NN may_MD have_H
V been_BEN a_AT wise_JJ one_CD ._. I_PPSS make_VB no_AT attempt_NN to_TO measure
_VB the_AT enduring_VBG satisfaction_NN and_CC material_NN well-being_NN of_IN a
_AT man_NN who_WPS went_VBD to_IN work_NN on_IN graduation_NN from_IN high_JJ sc
hool_NN and_CC was_BEDZ highly_QL successful_JJ in_IN the_AT business_NN which_W
DT he_PPS entered_VBD ._. He_PPS may_MD or_CC may_MD not_* be_BE ``_`` better_QL
off_RP ''_'' than_CS his_PP$ classmate_NN who_WPS went_VBD on_RP to_IN a_AT col
lege_NN and_CC professional_JJ school_NN ._. But_CC in_IN the_AT next_AP decades
_NNS the_AT nation_NN needs_VBZ to_TO educate_VB for_IN the_AT professions_NNS a
ll_ABN the_AT potential_JJ professional_JJ talent_NN ._. In_IN a_AT later_JJR ch
apter_NN dealing_VBG with_IN the_AT suburban_JJ school_NN ,_, I_PPSS shall_MD di
scuss_VB the_AT importance_NN of_IN arranging_VBG a_AT program_NN for_IN the_AT
academically_RB talented_JJ and_CC highly_QL gifted_JJ youth_NN in_IN any_DTI hi
gh_JJ school_NN where_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ found_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT Negro_NP neig
hborhoods_NNS and_CC also_RB to_IN some_DTI extent_NN in_IN the_AT mixed_VBN nei
ghborhoods_NNS the_AT problem_NN may_MD be_BE one_CD of_IN identification_NN and
_CC motivation_NN ._. High_JJ motivation_NN towards_IN higher_JJR education_NN m
ust_MD start_VB early_RB enough_QLP so_CS that_CS by_IN the_AT time_NN the_AT bo
y_NN or_CC girl_NN reaches_VBZ grade_NN 9_CD he_PPS or_CC she_PPS has_HVZ at_IN
least_AP developed_VBN those_DTS basic_JJ skills_NNS which_WDT are_BER essential
_JJ for_IN academic_JJ work_NN ._. Undoubtedly_RB far_QL more_AP can_MD be_BE do
ne_VBN in_IN the_AT lower_JJR grades_NNS in_IN this_DT regard_NN in_IN the_AT Ne
gro_NP schools_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, the_AT teacher_NN can_MD only_RB go_VB so_
QL far_RB if_CS the_AT attitude_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN and_CC the_AT famil
y_NN is_BEZ anti-intellectual_JJ ._. And_CC the_AT fact_NN remains_VBZ that_CS t
here_EX are_BER today_NR few_AP shining_VBG examples_NNS of_IN Negroes_NPS in_IN
positions_NNS of_IN intellectual_JJ leadership_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* due_
JJ to_IN any_DTI policy_NN of_IN discrimination_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN th
e_AT Northern_JJ-TL universities_NNS ._. Quite_ABL the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, as_CS
I_PPSS can_MD testify_VB from_IN personal_JJ experience_NN as_CS a_AT former_AP
university_NN president_NN ._. Rather_RB we_PPSS see_VB here_RB another_DT vicio
us_JJ circle_NN ._. The_AT absence_NN of_IN successful_JJ Negroes_NPS in_IN the_
AT world_NN of_IN scholarship_NN and_CC science_NN has_HVZ tended_VBN to_TO tamp
_VB down_RP enthusiasm_NN among_IN Negro_NP youth_NN for_IN academic_JJ careers_
NNS ._. I_PPSS believe_VB the_AT situation_NN is_BEZ improving_VBG ,_, but_CC th
e_AT success_NN stories_NNS need_VB to_TO be_BE heavily_RB publicized_VBN ._. He
re_RB again_RB we_PPSS run_VB into_IN the_AT roadblock_NN that_CS Negroes_NPS do
_DO not_* like_VB to_TO be_BE designated_VBN as_CS Negroes_NPS in_IN the_AT pres
s_NN ._. How_WRB can_MD the_AT vicious_JJ circle_NN be_BE broken_VBN ?_. ?_. Thi
s_DT is_BEZ a_AT problem_NN to_IN which_WDT leaders_NNS of_IN opinion_NN ,_, bot
h_ABX Negro_NP and_CC white_JJ ,_, should_MD devote_VB far_QL more_AP attention_
NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ at_IN least_AP as_QL important_JJ as_CS the_AT more_QL dram
atic_JJ attempts_NNS to_TO break_VB down_RP barriers_NNS of_IN inequality_NN in_
IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. Vocational_JJ-HL education_NN-HL I_PPSS should_MD like
_VB to_TO underline_VB four_CD points_NNS I_PPSS made_VBD in_IN my_PP$ first_OD
report_NN with_IN respect_NN to_IN vocational_JJ education_NN ._. First_OD and_C
C foremost_RB ,_, vocational_JJ courses_NNS should_MD not_* replace_VB courses_N
NS which_WDT are_BER essential_JJ parts_NNS of_IN the_AT required_VBN academic_J
J program_NN for_IN graduation_NN ._. Second_OD ,_, vocational_JJ courses_NNS sh
ould_MD be_BE provided_VBN in_IN grades_NNS 11_CD and_CC 12_CD and_CC not_* requ
ire_VB more_AP than_IN half_ABN the_AT student's_NN$ time_NN in_IN those_DTS yea
rs_NNS ;_. ;_. however_RB ,_, for_IN slow_JJ learners_NNS and_CC prospective_JJ
dropouts_NNS these_DTS courses_NNS ought_MD to_TO begin_VB earlier_RBR ._. Third
_OD ,_, the_AT significance_NN of_IN the_AT vocational_JJ courses_NNS is_BEZ tha
t_CS those_DTS enrolled_VBN are_BER keenly_RB interested_VBN in_IN the_AT work_N
N ;_. ;_. they_PPSS realize_VB the_AT relevance_NN of_IN what_WDT they_PPSS are_
BER learning_VBG to_IN their_PP$ future_JJ careers_NNS ,_, and_CC this_DT sense_
NN of_IN purpose_NN is_BEZ carried_VBN over_RP to_IN the_AT academic_JJ courses_
NNS which_WDT they_PPSS are_BER studying_VBG at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ._. Fo
urth_OD ,_, the_AT type_NN of_IN vocational_JJ training_VBG programs_NNS should_
MD be_BE related_VBN to_IN the_AT employment_NN opportunities_NNS in_IN the_AT g
eneral_JJ locality_NN ._. This_DT last_AP point_NN is_BEZ important_JJ because_C
S if_CS high_JJ school_NN pupils_NNS are_BER aware_JJ that_CS few_AP ,_, if_CS a
ny_DTI ,_, graduates_NNS who_WPS have_HV chosen_VBN a_AT certain_JJ vocational_J
J program_NN have_HV obtained_VBN a_AT job_NN as_CS a_AT consequence_NN of_IN th
e_AT training_NN ,_, the_AT whole_JJ idea_NN of_IN relevance_NN disappears_VBZ .
_. Vocational_JJ training_NN which_WDT holds_VBZ no_AT hope_NN that_CS the_AT sk
ill_NN developed_VBN will_MD be_BE in_IN fact_NN a_AT marketable_JJ skill_NN bec
omes_VBZ just_RB another_DT school_NN ``_`` chore_NN ''_'' for_IN those_DTS whos
e_WP$ interest_NN in_IN their_PP$ studies_NNS has_HVZ begun_VBN to_TO falter_VB
._. Those_DTS who_WPS ,_, because_RB of_IN population_NN mobility_NN and_CC the_
AT reputed_VBN desire_NN of_IN employers_NNS to_TO train_VB their_PP$ own_JJ emp
loyees_NNS ,_, would_MD limit_VB vocational_JJ education_NN to_IN general_JJ rat
her_IN than_IN specific_JJ skills_NNS ought_MD to_TO bear_VB in_IN mind_NN the_A
T importance_NN of_IN motivation_NN in_IN any_DTI kind_NN of_IN school_NN experi
ence_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN using_JJ-NC the_AT word_NN ``_`` vocational_
NN ''_'' as_CS a_AT layman_NN would_MD at_IN first_OD sight_NN think_VB it_PPS s
hould_MD be_BE used_VBN ._. I_PPSS intend_VB to_TO include_VB under_IN the_AT te
rm_NN all_ABN the_AT practical_JJ courses_NNS open_JJ to_IN boys_NNS and_CC girl
s_NNS ._. These_DTS courses_NNS develop_VB skills_NNS other_AP than_IN those_DTS
we_PPSS think_VB of_IN when_WRB we_PPSS use_VB the_AT adjective_NN ``_`` academ
ic_NN ''_'' ._. Practically_RB all_ABN of_IN these_DTS practical_JJ skills_NNS a
re_BER of_IN such_ABL a_AT nature_NN that_CS a_AT degree_NN of_IN mastery_NN can
_MD be_BE obtained_VBN in_IN high_JJ school_NN sufficient_JJ to_TO enable_VB the
_AT youth_NN to_TO get_VB a_AT job_NN at_IN once_RB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN
the_AT skill_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER in_IN this_DT sense_NN skills_NNS marketab
le_JJ immediately_RB on_IN graduation_NN from_IN high_JJ school_NN ._. To_TO be_
BE sure_JJ ,_, in_IN tool-and-die_NN work_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT building_VBG tr
ades_NNS ,_, the_AT first_OD job_NN must_MD be_BE often_RB on_IN an_AT apprentic
e_NN basis_NN ,_, but_CC two_CD years_NNS of_IN half-time_NN vocational_JJ train
ing_NN enables_VBZ the_AT young_JJ man_NN thus_RB to_TO anticipate_VB one_CD yea
r_NN of_IN apprentice_NN status_NN ._. Similarly_RB ,_, a_AT girl_NN who_WPS gra
duates_VBZ with_IN a_AT good_JJ working_VBG knowledge_NN of_IN stenography_NN an
d_CC the_AT use_NN of_IN clerical_JJ machines_NNS and_CC who_WPS is_BEZ able_JJ
to_TO get_VB a_AT job_NN at_IN once_RB may_MD wish_VB to_TO improve_VB her_PP$ s
kill_NN and_CC knowledge_NN by_IN a_AT year_NN or_CC two_CD of_IN further_JJR st
udy_NN in_IN a_AT community_NN college_NN or_CC secretarial_JJ school_NN ._. Of_
IN course_NN ,_, it_PPS can_MD be_BE argued_VBN that_CS an_AT ability_NN to_TO w
rite_VB English_NP correctly_RB and_CC with_IN some_DTI degree_NN of_IN elegance
_NN is_BEZ a_AT marketable_JJ skill_NN ._. So_RB ,_, too_RB ,_, is_BEZ the_AT ma
thematical_JJ competence_NN of_IN a_AT college_NN graduate_NN who_WPS has_HVZ ma
jored_VBN in_IN mathematics_NN ._. In_IN a_AT sense_NN almost_RB all_ABN high_JJ
school_NN and_CC college_NN courses_NNS could_MD be_BE considered_VBN as_CS voc
ational_JJ to_IN the_AT extent_NN that_CS later_RBR in_IN life_NN the_AT student
_NN in_IN his_PP$ vocation_NN (_( which_WDT may_MD be_BE a_AT profession_NN )_)
will_MD be_BE called_VBN upon_RB to_TO use_VB some_DTI of_IN the_AT skills_NNS d
eveloped_VBN and_CC the_AT competence_NN obtained_VBN ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN t
he_AT shading_NN of_IN one_CD type_NN of_IN course_NN into_IN another_DT ,_, I_P
PSS believe_VB it_PPS is_BEZ useful_JJ to_TO talk_VB about_IN vocational_JJ cour
ses_NNS as_CS apart_RB from_IN academic_JJ courses_NNS ._. Perhaps_RB a_AT cours
e_NN in_IN typewriting_NN might_MD be_BE regarded_VBN as_CS the_AT exception_NN
which_WDT proves_VBZ the_AT rule_NN ._. Today_NR many_AP college_NN bound_VBN st
udents_NNS try_VB to_TO take_VB a_AT course_NN in_IN personal_JJ typing_VBG ,_,
as_CS they_PPSS feel_VB a_AT certain_JJ degree_NN of_IN mastery_NN of_IN this_DT
skill_NN is_BEZ almost_QL essential_JJ for_IN one_PN who_WPS proposes_VBZ to_TO
do_DO academic_JJ work_NN in_IN college_NN and_CC a_AT professional_JJ school_N
N ._. Most_AP of_IN our_PP$ largest_JJT cities_NNS have_HV one_CD or_CC more_AP
separate_JJ vocational_JJ or_CC technical_JJ high_JJ schools_NNS ._. In_IN this_
DT respect_NN ,_, public_JJ education_NN in_IN the_AT large_JJ cities_NNS differ
s_VBZ from_IN education_NN in_IN the_AT smaller_JJR cities_NNS and_CC consolidat
ed_VBN school_NN districts_NNS ._. The_AT neighborhood_NN high_JJ schools_NNS ar
e_BER not_* ,_, strictly_RB speaking_VBG ,_, comprehensive_JJ schools_NNS ,_, be
cause_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT boys_NNS and_CC girls_NNS may_MD be_BE attending_
VBG a_AT vocational_JJ or_CC technical_JJ high_JJ school_NN instead_RB of_IN the
_AT local_JJ school_NN ._. Indeed_UH ,_, one_CD school_NN superintendent_NN in_I
N a_AT large_JJ city_NN objects_VBZ to_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT term_NN com
prehensive_JJ high_JJ school_NN for_IN the_AT senior_JJ high_JJ schools_NNS in_I
N his_PP$ city_NN ,_, because_CS these_DTS schools_NNS do_DO not_* offer_VB stri
ctly_RB vocational_JJ programs_NNS ._. He_PPS prefers_VBZ to_TO designate_VB suc
h_JJ schools_NNS as_CS ``_`` general_JJ ''_'' high_JJ schools_NNS ._. The_AT sub
urban_JJ high_JJ school_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ worth_JJ noting_VBG ,_, also_RB is_
BEZ not_* a_AT widely_RB comprehensive_JJ high_JJ school_NN because_CS of_IN the
_AT absence_NN of_IN vocational_JJ programs_NNS ._. The_AT reason_NN is_BEZ that
_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT lack_NN of_IN interest_NN on_IN the_AT part_NN of_IN th
e_AT community_NN ._. Therefore_RB employment_NN and_CC education_NN in_IN all_A
BN the_AT schools_NNS in_IN a_AT metropolitan_JJ area_NN are_BER related_VBN in_
IN different_JJ ways_NNS from_IN those_DTS which_WDT are_BER characteristic_JJ o
f_IN the_AT comprehensive_JJ high_JJ school_NN described_VBN in_IN my_PP$ first_
OD report_NN ._. The_AT separate_JJ vocational_JJ or_CC technical_JJ high_JJ sch
ools_NNS in_IN the_AT large_JJ cities_NNS must_MD be_BE reckoned_VBN as_CS perma
nent_JJ institutions_NNS ._. By_RB and_CC large_RB their_PP$ programs_NNS are_BE
R satisfactorily_RB connected_VBN both_ABX to_IN the_AT employment_NN situation_
NN and_CC to_IN the_AT realities_NNS of_IN the_AT apprentice_NN system_NN ._. It
_PPS is_BEZ not_* often_RB realized_VBN to_IN what_WDT degree_NN certain_JJ trad
es_NNS are_BER in_IN many_AP communities_NNS closed_VBN areas_NNS of_IN employme
nt_NN ,_, except_IN for_IN a_AT lucky_JJ few_AP ._. One_PN has_HVZ to_TO talk_VB
confidentially_RB with_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT directors_NNS of_IN vocational_
JJ high_JJ schools_NNS to_TO realize_VB that_CS a_AT boy_NN cannot_MD* just_RB s
ay_VB ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS want_VB to_TO be_BE a_AT plumber_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC then
_RB ,_, by_IN doing_VBG good_JJ work_NN ,_, find_VB a_AT job_NN ._. It_PPS is_BE
Z far_QL more_QL difficult_JJ in_IN many_AP communities_NNS to_TO obtain_VB admi
ssion_NN to_IN an_AT apprentice_NN program_NN which_WDT involves_VBZ union_NN ap
proval_NN than_CS to_TO get_VB into_IN the_AT most_QL selective_JJ medical_JJ sc
hool_NN in_IN the_AT nation_NN ._. Two_CD stories_NNS will_MD illustrate_VB what
_WDT I_PPSS have_HV in_IN mind_NN ._. One_CD vocational_JJ instructor_NN in_IN a
_AT city_NN vocational_JJ school_NN ,_, speaking_VBG of_IN his_PP$ course_NN in_
IN a_AT certain_JJ field_NN ,_, said_VBD he_PPS had_HVD no_AT difficulty_NN plac
ing_VBG all_ABN students_NNS in_IN jobs_NNS outside_RB of_IN the_AT city_NN ._.
In_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, the_AT waiting_VBG list_NN for_IN t
hose_DTS who_WPS want_VB to_TO join_VB the_AT union_NN is_BEZ so_QL long_JJ that
_CS unless_CS a_AT boy_NN has_HVZ an_AT inside_JJ track_NN he_PPS can't_MD* get_
VB in_RP ._. In_IN a_AT far_QL distant_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Sta
tes_NNS-TL ,_, I_PPSS was_BEDZ talking_VBG to_IN an_AT instructor_NN about_IN a_
AT boy_NN who_WPS in_IN the_AT twelfth_OD grade_NN was_BEDZ doing_VBG special_JJ
work_NN ._. ``_`` What_WDT does_DOZ he_PPS have_HV in_IN mind_NN to_TO do_DO wh
en_WRB he_PPS graduates_VBZ ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Oh_UH ,_, he'll_PPS+MD be_BE a_A
T plumber_NN ''_'' ,_, came_VBD the_AT answer_NN ._. ``_`` But_CC isn't_BEZ* it_
PPS almost_RB impossible_JJ to_TO get_VB into_IN the_AT union_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. I
_PPSS asked_VBD ._. ``_`` He'll_PPS+MD have_HV no_AT difficulty_NN ''_'' ,_, I_P
PSS was_BEDZ told_VBN ._. ``_`` He_PPS has_HVZ very_QL good_JJ connections_NNS '
'_'' ._. In_IN my_PP$ view_NN ,_, there_EX should_MD be_BE a_AT school_NN which_
WDT offers_VBZ significant_JJ vocational_JJ programs_NNS for_IN boys_NNS within_
IN easy_JJ reach_NN of_IN every_AT family_NN in_IN a_AT city_NN ._. Ideally_RB t
hese_DTS schools_NNS should_MD be_BE so_RB located_VBN that_CS one_CD or_CC more
_AP should_MD be_BE in_IN the_AT area_NN where_WRB demand_NN for_IN practical_JJ
courses_NNS is_BEZ at_IN the_AT highest_JJT ._. An_AT excellent_JJ example_NN o
f_IN a_AT successful_JJ location_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ vocational_JJ high_JJ scho
ol_NN is_BEZ the_AT Dunbar_NP-TL Vocational_JJ-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL in_IN
Chicago_NP ._. Located_VBN in_IN a_AT bad_JJ slum_NN area_NN now_RB undergoing_V
BG redevelopment_NN ,_, this_DT school_NN and_CC its_PP$ program_NN are_BER espe
cially_RB tailored_VBN to_IN the_AT vocational_JJ aims_NNS of_IN its_PP$ student
s_NNS ._. Hardly_RB a_AT window_NN has_HVZ been_BEN broken_VBN since_CS Dunbar_N
P first_RB was_BEDZ opened_VBN (_( and_CC vandalism_NN in_IN schools_NNS is_BEZ
a_AT major_JJ problem_NN in_IN many_AP slum_NN areas_NNS )_) ._. I_PPSS discover
ed_VBD in_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN a_AT visit_NN there_RB that_CS almost_RB all
_ABN the_AT pupils_NNS were_BED Negroes_NPS ._. They_PPSS were_BED learning_VBG
trades_NNS as_QL diverse_JJ as_CS shoe_NN repairing_NN ,_, bricklaying_NN ,_, ca
rpentry_NN ,_, cabinet_NN making_NN ,_, auto_NN mechanics_NNS ,_, and_CC airplan
e_NN mechanics_NNS ._. The_AT physical_JJ facilities_NNS at_IN Dunbar_NP are_BER
impressive_JJ ,_, but_CC more_QL impressive_JJ is_BEZ the_AT attitude_NN of_IN
the_AT pupils_NNS ._. The_AT soybean_NN seed_NN is_BEZ the_AT most_QL important_
JJ leguminous_JJ food_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. In_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL St
ates_NNS-TL ,_, where_WRB half_ABN of_IN the_AT world_NN crop_NN is_BEZ grown_VB
N ,_, soybeans_NNS are_BER processed_VBN for_IN their_PP$ edible_JJ oil_NN ._. T
he_AT residue_NN from_IN soybean_NN processing_NN goes_VBZ mainly_RB into_IN ani
mal_NN feeds_NNS ._. Soybeans_NNS are_BER extensively_RB processed_VBN into_IN a
_AT remarkable_JJ number_NN of_IN food_NN products_NNS in_IN the_AT Orient_NP ._
. American_JJ chemists_NNS ,_, seeking_VBG to_TO increase_VB exports_NNS of_IN s
oybeans_NNS ,_, have_HV adapted_VBN modern_JJ techniques_NNS and_CC fermentation
_NN methods_NNS to_TO improve_VB their_PP$ use_NN in_IN such_JJ traditional_JJ J
apanese_JJ foods_NNS as_CS tofu_FW-NN and_CC miso_FW-NN and_CC in_IN tempeh_FW-N
N of_IN Indonesia_NP ._. Soybean_NN flour_NN ,_, grits_NNS ,_, flakes_NNS ,_, ``
_`` milk_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC curd_NN can_MD be_BE bought_VBN in_IN the_AT United
_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Peanuts_NNS are_BER the_AT world's_NN$ second_OD most_
QL important_JJ legume_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER used_VBN mainly_RB for_IN their_
PP$ oil_NN ._. We_PPSS produce_VB peanut_NN oil_NN ,_, but_CC to_IN a_AT much_QL
greater_JJR extent_NN we_PPSS eat_VB the_AT entire_JJ seed_NN ._. Blanched_VBN
peanuts_NNS ,_, as_CS prepared_VBN for_IN making_VBG peanut_NN butter_NN or_CC f
or_IN eating_VBG as_CS nuts_NNS ,_, are_BER roasted_VBN seeds_NNS whose_WP$ seed
coats_NNS have_HV been_BEN rubbed_VBN off_RP ._. Cereal_NN grains_NNS ,_, supple
mented_VBN with_IN soybeans_NNS or_CC dry_JJ edible_JJ peas_NNS or_CC beans_NNS
,_, comprise_VB about_RB two-thirds_NNS or_CC three-fourths_NNS of_IN the_AT die
t_NN in_IN parts_NNS of_IN Asia_NP and_CC Africa_NP ._. In_IN western_JJ Europe_
NP and_CC North_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT level_NN of_IN economic
_JJ development_NN is_BEZ higher_JJR ,_, grains_NNS and_CC other_AP seed_NN prod
ucts_NNS furnish_VB less_AP than_IN one-third_NN of_IN the_AT food_NN consumed_V
BN ._. Rather_RB ,_, meat_NN and_CC potatoes_NNS ,_, sugar_NN ,_, and_CC dairy_N
N products_NNS are_BER the_AT main_JJS sources_NNS of_IN carbohydrate_NN ,_, pro
tein_NN ,_, oils_NNS ,_, and_CC fats_NNS ._. People_NNS depend_VB less_RBR on_IN
seeds_NNS for_IN foods_NNS in_IN Australia_NP ,_, New_JJ-TL Zealand_NP-TL ,_, a
nd_CC Argentina_NP ,_, where_WRB extensive_JJ grazing_VBG lands_NNS support_VB s
heep_NNS or_CC cattle_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT consumption_NN of_IN meat_NN is_BEZ
high_JJ ._. Feeds_NNS for_IN livestock_NN took_VBD about_RB one-sixth_NN of_IN t
he_AT world's_NN$ cereal_NN crop_NN in_IN 1957-1958_CD ._. Most_AP of_IN the_AT
grain_NN is_BEZ fed_VBN to_IN swine_NNS and_CC dairy_NN cows_NNS and_CC lesser_J
JR amounts_NNS to_IN beef_NN cattle_NNS and_CC poultry_NN ._. About_RB 90_CD per
cent_NN of_IN the_AT corn_NN used_VBN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL i
s_BEZ fed_VBN to_IN animals_NNS ._. The_AT rest_NN is_BEZ used_VBN for_IN human_
JJ food_NN and_CC industrial_JJ products_NNS ._. More_AP than_IN half_ABN of_IN
the_AT sorghum_NN and_CC barley_NN seeds_NNS we_PPSS produce_VB and_CC most_AP o
f_IN the_AT byproducts_NNS of_IN the_AT milling_NN of_IN cereals_NNS and_CC the_
AT crushing_NN of_IN oilseeds_NNS are_BER fed_VBN to_IN livestock_NN ._. More_AP
than_IN 200_CD million_CD tons_NNS of_IN seeds_NNS and_CC seed_NN products_NNS
are_BER fed_VBN to_IN livestock_NN annually_RB in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States
_NNS-TL ._. The_AT efficiency_NN with_IN which_WDT animals_NNS convert_VB grains
_NNS and_CC forages_NNS to_IN meat_NN has_HVZ risen_VBN steadily_RB in_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL since_IN the_AT 1930's_NNS and_CC has_HVZ parallele
d_VBN the_AT increased_VBN feeding_NN of_IN the_AT cake_NN and_CC meal_NN that_W
PS are_BER a_AT byproduct_NN when_WRB seeds_NNS are_BER processed_VBN for_IN oil
_NN ._. The_AT demand_NN for_IN food_NN is_BEZ so_QL great_JJ in_IN the_AT world
_NN that_CS little_AP arable_JJ land_NN can_MD be_BE given_VBN over_RP to_IN gro
wing_VBG the_AT nonfood_NN crops_NNS ._. Seeds_NNS grown_VBN for_IN industrial_J
J uses_NNS hold_VB a_AT relatively_QL minor_JJ position_NN ._. Chief_JJS among_I
N the_AT seed_NN crops_NNS grown_VBN primarily_RB for_IN industrial_JJ uses_NNS
are_BER the_AT oil-bearing_JJ seeds_NNS --_-- flax_NN ,_, castor_NN ,_, tung_NN
(_( nuts_NNS from_IN the_AT China_NP wood-oil_NN tree_NN )_) ,_, perilla_NN (_(
from_IN an_AT Oriental_JJ-TL mint_NN )_) ,_, and_CC oiticica_NN (_( from_IN a_AT
Brazilian_JJ tree_NN )_) ._. Oils_NNS ,_, or_CC liquid_NN fats_NNS ,_, from_IN
the_AT seeds_NNS of_IN flax_NN and_CC tung_NN have_HV long_RB been_BEN the_AT pr
incipal_JJS constituents_NNS of_IN paints_NNS and_CC varnishes_NNS for_IN protec
ting_VBG and_CC beautifying_VBG the_AT surfaces_NNS of_IN wood_NN and_CC metal_N
N ._. These_DTS oils_NNS develop_VB hard_JJ ,_, smooth_JJ films_NNS when_WRB the
y_PPSS dry_VB and_CC form_VB resinlike_JJ substances_NNS ._. The_AT artist_NN wh
o_WPS paints_VBZ in_IN oil_NN uses_VBZ drying_VBG oils_NNS to_TO carry_VB the_AT
pigments_NNS and_CC to_TO protect_VB his_PP$ finished_VBN work_NN for_IN the_AT
ages_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT finest_JJT of_IN artists'_NNS$ oils_NNS comes_
VBZ from_IN poppy_NN seeds_NNS ._. Seeds_NNS of_IN soybean_NN ,_, cotton_NN ,_,
corn_NN ,_, sesame_NN ,_, and_CC rape_NN yield_VB semidrying_VBG oils_NNS ._. So
me_DTI are_BER used_VBN in_IN paints_NNS along_RB with_IN drying_VBG oils_NNS ._
. Palm_NN oil_NN protects_VBZ the_AT surfaces_NNS of_IN steel_NN sheets_NNS befo
re_CS they_PPSS are_BER plated_VBN with_IN tin_NN ._. Castor_NN oil_NN ,_, made_
VBN from_IN castorbeans_NNS ,_, has_HVZ gone_VBN out_IN of_IN style_NN as_CS a_A
T medicine_NN ._. This_DT nondrying_JJ oil_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ now_RB m
ore_RBR in_IN demand_NN than_CS ever_RB before_RB as_CS a_AT fine_JJ lubricant_N
N ,_, as_CS a_AT constituent_NN of_IN fluids_NNS for_IN hydraulically_RB operate
d_VBN equipment_NN ,_, and_CC as_CS a_AT source_NN of_IN chemicals_NNS to_TO mak
e_VB plastics_NNS ._. Almond_NN oil_NN ,_, another_DT nondrying_JJ oil_NN ,_, wa
s_BEDZ once_RB used_VBN extensively_RB in_IN perfumery_NN to_TO extract_VB flowe
r_NN fragrances_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ still_RB used_VBN in_IN drugs_NNS and_CC c
osmetics_NNS ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ rather_QL scarce_JJ and_CC sometimes_RB is
_BEZ adulterated_VBN with_IN oils_NNS from_IN peach_NN and_CC plum_NN seeds_NNS
._. Liquid_NN fats_NNS from_IN all_ABN these_DTS oilseeds_NNS enter_VB into_IN t
he_AT manufacture_NN of_IN soaps_NNS for_IN industry_NN and_CC the_AT household_
NN and_CC of_IN glycerin_NN for_IN such_JJ industrial_JJ uses_NNS as_CS making_V
BG explosives_NNS ._. Sizable_JJ amounts_VBZ of_IN soybean_NN ,_, coconut_NN ,_,
and_CC palm_NN kernel_NN oil_NN --_-- seed_NN oils_NNS that_WPS are_BER produce
d_VBN primarily_RB for_IN food_NN purposes_NNS --_-- also_RB are_BER used_VBN to
_TO make_VB soaps_NNS ,_, detergents_NNS ,_, and_CC paint_NN resins_NNS ._. Soli
d_JJ fats_NNS from_IN the_AT seeds_NNS of_IN the_AT mahua_NN tree_NN ,_, the_AT
shea_NN tree_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT coconut_NN palm_NN are_BER used_VBN to_TO make
_VB candles_NNS in_IN tropical_JJ countries_NNS ._. Seeds_NNS are_BER a_AT main_
JJS source_NN of_IN starch_NN for_IN industrial_JJ and_CC food_NN use_NN in_IN m
any_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Corn_NN and_CC wheat_NN supply_VB mos
t_AP of_IN the_AT starch_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, Canada_
NP ,_, and_CC Australia_NP ._. In_IN other_AP countries_NNS where_WRB cereal_NN
grains_NNS are_BER not_* among_IN the_AT principal_JJS crops_NNS of_IN a_AT regi
on_NN ,_, starchy_JJ tubers_NNS or_CC roots_NNS are_BER processed_VBN for_IN sta
rch_NN ._. Starch_NN is_BEZ used_VBN in_IN the_AT paper_NN ,_, textile_NN ,_, an
d_CC food-processing_JJ industries_NNS and_CC in_IN a_AT multitude_NN of_IN othe
r_AP manufacturing_VBG operations_NNS ._. Gums_NNS were_BED extracted_VBN from_I
N quince_NN ,_, psyllium_NN (_( fleawort_NN )_) ,_, flax_NN ,_, and_CC locust_NN
(_( carob_FW-NN )_) seeds_NNS in_IN ancient_JJ times_NNS ._. Today_NR the_AT ye
arly_JJ import_NN into_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL of_IN locust_NN bea
n_NN gum_NN is_BEZ more_AP than_IN 15_CD million_CD pounds_NNS ;_. ;_. of_IN psy
llium_NN seed_NN ,_, more_AP than_IN 2.6_CD million_CD ._. The_AT discovery_NN d
uring_IN the_AT Second_OD-TL World_NN-TL War_NN-TL that_CS guar_NN gum_NN was_BE
DZ similar_JJ to_IN imported_VBN locust_NN gum_NN increased_VBD its_PP$ cultivat
ion_NN in_IN western_JJ Asia_NP and_CC initiated_VBD it_PPO in_IN the_AT United_
VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Water-soluble_JJ gums_NNS are_BER used_VBN in_IN foods_
NNS and_CC drugs_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT manufacture_NN of_IN pulp_NN and_CC pap
er_NN as_CS thickeners_NNS ,_, stabilizers_NNS ,_, or_CC dispersing_VBG agents_N
NS ._. Guar_NN gum_NN thickens_VBZ salad_NN dressings_NNS and_CC stabilizes_VBZ
ice_NN cream_NN ._. Quince_NN seed_NN gum_NN is_BEZ the_AT main_JJS ingredient_N
N in_IN wave-setting_JJ lotions_NNS ._. Once_RB regarded_VBN as_CS an_AT agricul
tural_JJ nuisance_NN ,_, psyllium_NN was_BEDZ sold_VBN in_IN the_AT 1930's_NNS a
s_CS a_AT mechanical_JJ laxative_NN under_IN 117_CD different_JJ brands_NNS ._.
Locust_NN gum_NN is_BEZ added_VBN to_IN pulp_NN slurries_NNS to_TO break_VB up_R
P the_AT lumps_NNS of_IN fibers_NNS in_IN making_VBG paper_NN ._. The_AT seeds_N
NS of_IN hard_JJ ,_, fibrous_JJ ,_, stony_JJ fruits_NNS ,_, called_VBN nuts_NNS
,_, provide_VB highly_QL concentrated_VBN foods_NNS ,_, oils_NNS ,_, and_CC othe
r_AP materials_NNS of_IN value_NN ._. Most_AP nuts_NNS consist_VB of_IN the_AT r
ichly_QL packaged_VBN storage_NN kernel_NN and_CC its_PP$ thick_JJ ,_, adherent_
JJ ,_, brown_JJ covering_NN --_-- the_AT seedcoat_NN ._. The_AT kernels_NNS of_I
N brazil_NN nuts_NNS ,_, cashews_NNS ,_, coconuts_NNS ,_, filberts_NNS ,_, hazel
nuts_NNS ,_, hickory_NN nuts_NNS ,_, pecans_NNS ,_, walnuts_NNS ,_, and_CC pine_
NN nuts_NNS are_BER predominantly_QL oily_JJ ._. Almonds_NNS and_CC pistachio_NN
nuts_NNS are_BER not_* so_QL high_JJ in_IN oil_NN but_CC are_BER rich_JJ in_IN
protein_NN ._. Chestnuts_NNS are_BER starchy_JJ ._. All_ABN nut_NN kernels_NNS a
re_BER rich_JJ in_IN protein_NN ._. The_AT world_NN production_NN of_IN familiar
_JJ seed_NN nuts_NNS --_-- almonds_NNS ,_, brazil_NN nuts_NNS ,_, filberts_NNS ,
_, and_CC the_AT English_JJ walnuts_NNS --_-- totals_VBZ about_RB 300_CD thousan
d_CD tons_NNS annually_RB ._. Coconuts_NNS ,_, the_AT fruit_NN of_IN the_AT coco
nut_NN palm_NN ,_, have_HV the_AT largest_JJT of_IN all_ABN known_VBN seeds_NNS
and_CC are_BER grown_VBN in_IN South_JJ-TL Pacific_NP-TL islands_NNS as_CS a_AT
crop_NN for_IN domestic_JJ and_CC export_NN markets_NNS ._. The_AT oil_NN palm_N
N of_IN West_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL yields_VBZ edible_JJ oil_NN from_IN both_ABX the
_AT flesh_NN and_CC the_AT seed_NN or_CC kernel_NN of_IN its_PP$ fruit_NN ._. Wo
rld_NN production_NN of_IN copra_NN ,_, the_AT oil-bearing_JJ flesh_NN of_IN the
_AT coconut_NN ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT little_QL more_AP than_IN 3_CD million_CD tons_
NNS in_IN 1959_CD ._. Exports_NNS from_IN producing_VBG countries_NNS in_IN term
s_NNS of_IN equivalent_JJ oil_NN were_BED a_AT little_QL more_AP than_IN 1_CD mi
llion_CD tons_NNS ,_, about_RB half_ABN of_IN which_WDT was_BEDZ palm_NN kernels
_NNS or_CC oil_NN from_IN them_PPO and_CC about_RB half_ABN was_BEDZ palm_NN oil
_NN ._. Other_AP nuts_NNS consumed_VBN in_IN lesser_JJR quantity_NN include_VB t
he_AT spicy_JJ nutmeg_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT soap_NN nut_NN ,_, which_WDT owes_VBZ it
s_PP$ sudsing_VBG power_NN to_IN natural_JJ saponins_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT marking_
VBG nut_NN ,_, used_VBN for_IN ink_NN and_CC varnish_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT aromatic_
JJ sassafras_NN nut_NN of_IN South_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT swe
et-smelling_JJ cumara_NN nut_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ suited_VBN for_IN perfumes_
NNS ._. A_AT forest_NN crop_NN that_WPS has_HVZ not_* been_BEN extensively_RB cu
ltivated_VBN is_BEZ ivory_NN nuts_NNS from_IN the_AT tagua_NN palm_NN ._. The_AT
so-called_JJ vegetable_NN ivory_NN is_BEZ the_AT hard_JJ endosperm_NN of_IN the
_AT egg-sized_JJ seed_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ used_VBN for_IN making_VBG buttons_NN
S and_CC other_AP small_JJ ,_, hard_JJ objects_NNS of_IN turnery_NN ._. Seeds_NN
S of_IN the_AT sago_NN palm_NN are_BER used_VBN in_IN Bermuda_NP to_TO make_VB h
eads_NNS and_CC faces_NNS of_IN dolls_NNS sold_VBN to_IN tourists_NNS ._. The_AT
color_NN and_CC shape_NN of_IN seeds_NNS have_HV long_RB made_VBN them_PPO attr
active_JJ for_IN ornaments_NNS and_CC decorations_NNS ._. Since_IN Biblical_JJ t
imes_NNS ,_, rosaries_NNS have_HV been_BEN made_VBN from_IN jobs-tears_NNS --_--
the_AT seeds_NNS of_IN an_AT Asiatic_JJ grass_NN ._. Bead_NN tree_NN seeds_NNS
are_BER the_AT necklaces_NNS of_IN South_JJ-TL Pacific_JJ-TL islanders_NNS and_C
C the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN Buddha_NP dolls_NNS in_IN Cuba_NP ._. Victorian_JJ ladie
s_NNS had_HVD a_AT fad_NN of_IN stringing_VBG unusual_JJ seeds_NNS to_TO wear_VB
as_CS jewelry_NN ._. Handmade_JJ Christmas_NP wreaths_NNS and_CC trees_NNS ofte
n_RB contain_VB a_AT variety_NN of_IN seeds_NNS collected_VBN during_IN the_AT y
ear_NN ._. Tradition_NN has_HVZ assigned_VBN medicinal_JJ values_NNS to_IN seeds
_NNS because_RB of_IN their_PP$ alkaloids_NNS ,_, aromatic_JJ oils_NNS ,_, and_C
C highly_QL flavored_VBN components_NNS ._. Although_CS science_NN has_HVZ given
_VBN us_PPO more_QL effective_JJ materials_NNS ,_, preparations_NNS from_IN anis
e_NN ,_, castorbean_NN ,_, colchicum_NN ,_, nux_NN vomica_NN ,_, mustard_NN ,_,
fennel_NN ,_, and_CC stramonium_NN are_BER familiar_JJ to_IN many_AP for_IN the_
AT relief_NN of_IN human_JJ ailments_NNS ._. Flaxseed_NN poultices_NNS and_CC mu
stard_NN plasters_NNS still_RB are_BER used_VBN by_IN some_DTI persons_NNS ._. P
eanut_NN and_CC sesame_NN oils_NNS often_RB are_BER used_VBN as_CS carriers_NNS
or_CC diluents_NNS for_IN medicines_NNS administered_VBN by_IN injection_NN ._.
Still_RB another_DT group_NN of_IN seeds_NNS (_( sometimes_RB tiny_JJ ,_, dry_JJ
,_, seed-bearing_JJ fruits_NNS )_) provide_VB distinctive_JJ flavors_NNS and_CC
odors_NNS to_IN foods_NNS ,_, although_CS the_AT nutrients_NNS they_PPSS supply
_VB are_BER quite_QL negligible_JJ ._. The_AT common_JJ spices_NNS ,_, flavoring
s_NNS ,_, and_CC condiments_NNS make_VB up_RP this_DT group_NN ._. Each_DT year_
NN millions_NNS of_IN pounds_NNS of_IN anise_NN ,_, caraway_NN ,_, mustard_NN ,_
, celery_NN ,_, and_CC coriander_NN and_CC the_AT oils_NNS extracted_VBN from_IN
them_PPO are_BER imported_VBN ._. Single-seeded_JJ dry_JJ fruits_NNS used_VBN f
or_IN flavoring_VBG include_VB several_AP of_IN the_AT carrot_NN family_NN ,_, s
uch_JJ as_CS cumin_NN ,_, dill_NN ,_, fennel_NN ,_, and_CC angelica_NN ._. Less_
QL common_JJ seeds_NNS used_VBN in_IN cooking_VBG and_CC beverages_NNS include_V
B fenugreek_NN (_( artificial_JJ maple_NN flavor_NN )_) and_CC cardamom_NN ._. W
hite_JJ pepper_NN is_BEZ the_AT ground_VBN seed_NN of_IN the_AT common_JJ black_
JJ pepper_NN fruit_NN ._. Sesame_NN seed_NN ,_, which_WDT comes_VBZ from_IN the_
AT tall_JJ pods_NNS of_IN a_AT plant_NN grown_VBN in_IN Egypt_NP ,_, Brazil_NP ,
_, and_CC Central_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ,_, has_HVZ a_AT toasted-nut_NN flavor_NN
and_CC can_MD be_BE used_VBN in_IN almost_RB any_DTI dish_NN calling_VBG for_IN
almonds_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT main_JJS flavoring_NN for_IN halvah_NN ,_, th
e_AT candy_NN of_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL ._. Sesame_NN sticks_NNS ,_,
a_AT snack_NN dip_NN ,_, originated_VBN in_IN the_AT Southwest_NR-TL ._. Beverag
es_NNS are_BER made_VBN from_IN seeds_NNS the_AT world_NN over_RP ._. Coffee_NN
is_BEZ made_VBN from_IN the_AT roasted_VBN and_CC ground_VBN seeds_NNS of_IN the
_AT coffee_NN tree_NN ._. World_NN production_NN of_IN coffee_NN broke_VBD all_Q
L previous_JJ records_NNS in_IN 1959_CD and_CC 1960_CD at_IN more_AP than_IN 5_C
D million_CD tons_NNS ._. Per_IN capita_NNS consumption_NN remains_VBZ around_RB
16_CD pounds_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Cocoa_NN ,_, choc
olate_NN ,_, and_CC cocoa_NN butter_NN come_VB from_IN the_AT ground_VBN seeds_N
NS of_IN the_AT cacao_NN tree_NN ._. World_NN production_NN of_IN about_RB 1_CD
million_CD tons_NNS is_BEZ divided_VBN primarily_RB between_IN Africa_NP (_( 63_
CD percent_NN )_) and_CC South_JJ-TL America_NP-TL (_( 27_CD percent_NN )_) ._.
Several_AP soft_JJ drinks_NNS contain_VB extracts_NNS from_IN kola_NN nuts_NNS ,
_, the_AT seed_NN of_IN the_AT kola_NN tree_NN cultivated_VBN in_IN the_AT West_
JJ-TL Indies_NPS-TL and_CC South_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ._. Cereal_NN grains_NNS ha
ve_HV been_BEN used_VBN for_IN centuries_NNS to_TO prepare_VB fermented_VBN beve
rages_NNS ._. The_AT Japanese_JJ sake_FW-NN is_BEZ wine_NN fermented_VBN from_IN
rice_NN grain_NN ._. Arrack_NN is_BEZ distilled_VBN from_IN fermented_VBN rice_
NN in_IN India_NP ._. Beer_NN ,_, generally_RB fermented_VBN from_IN barley_NN ,
_, is_BEZ an_AT old_JJ alcoholic_JJ beverage_NN ._. Beer_NN was_BEDZ brewed_VBN
by_IN the_AT Babylonians_NPS and_CC Egyptians_NPS more_AP than_IN 6_CD thousand_
CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. Brewers_NNS today_NR use_NN corn_NN ,_, rice_NN ,_, and_
CC malted_VBN barley_NN ._. Distillers_NNS use_VB corn_NN ,_, malt_NN ,_, wheat_
NN ,_, grain_NN sorghum_NN ,_, and_CC rye_NN in_IN making_VBG beverage_NN alcoho
l_NN ._. Seed_NN crops_NNS hold_VB a_AT prominent_JJ place_NN in_IN the_AT agric
ultural_JJ economy_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. The_AT farm_N
N value_NN of_IN seeds_NNS produced_VBN in_IN this_DT country_NN for_IN all_ABN
purposes_NNS ,_, including_IN the_AT cereals_NNS ,_, is_BEZ nearly_RB 10_CD bill
ion_CD dollars_NNS a_AT year_NN ._. Cereal_NN grains_NNS ,_, oilseeds_NNS ,_, an
d_CC dry_JJ beans_NNS and_CC peas_NNS account_VB for_IN about_RB 57_CD percent_N
N of_IN the_AT farm_NN value_NN of_IN all_ABN crops_NNS raised_VBN ._. The_AT ec
onomic_JJ importance_NN of_IN seed_NN crops_NNS actually_RB is_BEZ even_QL great
er_JJR ,_, because_CS additional_JJ returns_NNS are_BER obtained_VBN from_IN mos
t_AP of_IN the_AT corn_NN ,_, oats_NN ,_, barley_NN ,_, and_CC sorghum_NN --_--
as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT cake_NN and_CC meal_NN from_IN the_AT processing_NN o
f_IN flaxseed_NN ,_, cottonseed_NN ,_, and_CC soybeans_NNS --_-- through_IN conv
ersion_NN to_IN poultry_NN ,_, meat_NN ,_, and_CC dairy_NN products_NNS ._. Seed
s_NNS furnish_VB about_RB 40_CD percent_NN of_IN the_AT total_NN nutrients_NNS c
onsumed_VBN by_IN all_ABN livestock_NN ._. Hay_NN and_CC pasture_NN are_BER the_
AT other_AP chief_JJS sources_NNS of_IN livestock_NN feed_NN ._. Seeds_NNS are_B
ER the_AT essential_JJ raw_JJ materials_NNS for_IN milling_VBG grain_NN ,_, baki
ng_VBG ,_, crushing_VBG oilseed_NN ,_, refining_VBG edible_JJ oil_NN ,_, brewing
_VBG ,_, distilling_VBG ,_, and_CC mixing_VBG feed_NN ._. More_AP than_IN 11_CD
thousand_CD business_NN establishments_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS
-TL were_BED based_VBN on_IN cereals_NNS and_CC oilseeds_NNS in_IN 1954_CD ._. T
he_AT value_NN of_IN products_NNS from_IN these_DTS industries_NNS was_BEDZ 15.8
_CD billion_CD dollars_NNS ,_, of_IN which_WDT about_RB one-third_NN was_BEDZ cr
eated_VBN by_IN manufacturing_VBG processes_NNS ._. Not_* included_VBN was_BEDZ
the_AT value_NN of_IN seed_NN oil_NN in_IN paints_NNS and_CC varnishes_NNS or_CC
the_AT value_NN of_IN the_AT coffee_NN and_CC chocolate_NN industries_NNS that_
WPS are_BER based_VBN on_IN imported_VBN seed_NN or_CC seed_NN products_NNS ._.
Cereal_NN grains_NNS furnish_VB about_RB one-fourth_NN of_IN the_AT total_NN foo
d_NN calories_NNS in_IN the_AT American_JJ diet_NN and_CC about_RB one-third_NN
of_IN the_AT total_NN nutrients_NNS consumed_VBN by_IN all_ABN livestock_NN and_
CC poultry_NN ._. To_TO hold_VB a_AT herd_NN of_IN cattle_NNS on_IN a_AT new_JJ
range_NN till_CS they_PPSS felt_VBD at_IN home_NR was_BEDZ called_VBN ``_`` loca
tin'_VBG ''_'' 'em_PPO ._. To_TO keep_VB 'em_PPO scattered_VBN somewhat_RB and_C
C yet_RB herd_VB 'em_PPO was_BEDZ called_VBN ``_`` loose_JJ herdin'_NN ''_'' ._.
To_TO hold_VB 'em_PPO in_IN a_AT compact_JJ mass_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` close_JJ her
din'_NN ''_'' ._. Cattle_NNS were_BED inclined_VBN to_TO remain_VB in_IN a_AT te
rritory_NN with_IN which_WDT they_PPSS were_BED acquainted_VBN ._. That_DT becam
e_VBD their_PP$ ``_`` home_NN range_NN ''_'' ._. Yet_CC there_EX were_BED always
_RB some_DTI that_WPS moved_VBD farther_RBR and_CC farther_RBR out_RP ,_, seekin
'_VBG grass_NN and_CC water_NN ._. These_DTS became_VBD ``_`` strays_NNS ''_'' ,
_, the_AT term_NN bein'_BEG restricted_VBN to_IN cattle_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, a
s_CS hosses_NNS ,_, under_IN like_JJ circumstances_NNS ,_, were_BED spoken_VBN o
f_IN as_CS ``_`` stray_JJ hosses_NNS ''_'' ,_, not_* merely_RB ``_`` strays_NNS
''_'' ._. Cattle_NNS would_MD drift_VB day_NN and_CC night_NN in_IN a_AT blizzar
d_NN till_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ over_RP ._. You_PPSS couldn't_MD* stop_VB 'em_PPO ;
_. ;_. you_PPSS had_HVD to_TO go_VB with_IN 'em_PPO or_CC wait_VB till_CS the_AT
storm_NN was_BEDZ over_RP ,_, and_CC follow_VB ._. Such_JJ marchin'_NN in_IN wh
olesale_JJ numbers_NNS was_BEDZ called_VBN a_AT ``_`` drift_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC `
`_`` winter_NN drift_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC if_CS the_AT storm_NN was_BEDZ prolonge
d_VBN it_PPS usually_RB resulted_VBD in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT tragedies_NNS of_
IN the_AT range_NN ._. The_AT cowboy_NN made_VBD a_AT technical_JJ distinction_N
N in_IN reference_NN to_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN them_DTS animals_NNS ._. The_A
T single_AP animal_NN or_CC a_AT small_JJ bunch_NN were_BED referred_VBN to_IN a
s_CS ``_`` strays_NNS ''_'' ;_. ;_. but_CC when_WRB a_AT large_JJ number_NN were
_BED ``_`` bunched_VBN up_RP ''_'' or_CC ``_`` banded_VBN up_RP ''_'' ,_, and_CC
marched_VBN away_RB from_IN their_PP$ home_NN range_NN ,_, as_QL long_RB as_CS
they_PPSS stayed_VBD together_RB the_AT group_NN was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO be_BE a
_AT ``_`` drift_NN ''_'' ._. Drifts_NNS usually_RB occurred_VBD in_IN winter_NN
in_IN an_AT effort_NN to_TO escape_VB the_AT severe_JJ cold_JJ winds_NNS ,_, but
_CC it_PPS could_MD also_RB occur_VB in_IN summer_NN as_CS the_AT result_NN of_I
N lack_NN of_IN water_NN or_CC grass_NN because_RB of_IN a_AT drought_NN ,_, or_
CC as_CS an_AT aftermath_NN of_IN a_AT stampede_NN ._. Drifts_NNS usually_RB hap
pened_VBD only_RB with_IN cattle_NNS ,_, for_CS hosses_NNS had_HVD 'nough_AP sen
se_NN to_TO avoid_VB 'em_PPO ,_, and_CC to_TO find_VB shelter_NN for_IN 'emselve
s_PPLS ._. The_AT wholesale_JJ death_NN of_IN cattle_NNS as_CS a_AT result_NN of
_IN blizzards_NNS ,_, and_CC sometimes_RB droughts_NNS ,_, over_IN a_AT wide_JJ
range_NN of_IN territory_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN a_AT ``_`` die-up_NN ''_'' ._. F
ollowin'_VBG such_ABL an_AT event_NN there_EX was_BEDZ usually_RB a_AT harvest_N
N of_IN ``_`` fallen_VBN hides_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT ranchers_NNS needed_V
BD skinnin'_VBG knives_NNS instead_RB of_IN brandin'_VBG irons_NNS ._. Cattle_NN
S were_BED said_VBN to_TO be_BE ``_`` potted_VBN ''_'' when_WRB ``_`` blizzard_N
N choked_VBN ''_'' ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, caught_VBN in_IN a_AT corner_NN or_CC
a_AT draw_NN ,_, or_CC against_IN a_AT ``_`` drift_NN fence_NN ''_'' durin'_IN a
_AT storm_NN ._. Cattle_NNS which_WDT died_VBD from_IN them_DTS winter_NN storms
_NNS were_BED referred_VBN to_IN as_CS the_AT ``_`` winter_NN kill_NN ''_'' ._.
When_WRB cattle_NNS in_IN winter_NN stopped_VBD and_CC humped_VBD their_PP$ back
s_NNS up_RP they_PPSS were_BED said_VBN to_TO ``_`` bow_VB up_RP ''_'' ._. This_
DT term_NN was_BEDZ also_RB used_VBN by_IN the_AT cowboy_NN in_IN the_AT sense_N
N of_IN a_AT human_JJ showin'_VBG fight_NN ,_, as_CS one_CD cowhand_NN was_BEDZ
heard_VBN to_TO say_VB ,_, ``_`` He_PPS arches_VBZ his_PP$ back_NN like_CS a_AT
mule_NN in_IN a_AT hailstorm_NN ''_'' ._. Cattle_NNS drove_VBN to_IN the_AT nort
hern_JJ ranges_NNS and_CC held_VBN for_IN two_CD winters_NNS to_IN mature_JJ 'em
_PPO into_IN prime_JJ beef_NN were_BED said_VBN to_TO be_BE ``_`` double_RB wint
ered_VBN ''_'' ._. Cattle_NNS brought_VBN into_IN a_AT range_NN from_IN a_AT dis
tance_NN were_BED called_VBN ``_`` immigrants_NNS ''_'' ._. Them_DTS new_JJ to_I
N the_AT country_NN were_BED referred_VBN to_IN as_CS ``_`` pilgrims_NNS ''_'' .
_. This_DT word_NN was_BEDZ first_RB applied_VBN to_IN the_AT imported_VBN hot-b
looded_JJ cattle_NNS ,_, but_CC later_RBR was_BEDZ more_QL commonly_RB used_VBN
as_CS reference_NN to_IN a_AT human_JJ tenderfoot_NN ._. Hereford_NP cattle_NNS
were_BED often_RB called_VBN ``_`` white_JJ faces_NNS ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_`` open
-face_NN cattle_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT old-time_JJ cowman_NN gave_VBD the_A
T name_NN of_IN ``_`` hothouse_NN stock_NN ''_'' to_IN them_DTS newly_RB introdu
ced_VBN cattle_NNS ._. Because_CS Holstein_NP cattle_NNS weren't_BED* a_AT beef_
NN breed_NN ,_, they_PPSS were_BED rarely_RB seen_VBN on_IN a_AT ranch_NN ,_, th
ough_CS one_CD might_MD be_BE found_VBN now_RB and_CC then_RB for_IN the_AT milk
_NN supply_NN ._. The_AT cowboy_NN called_VBD this_DT breed_NN of_IN cattle_NNS
``_`` magpies_NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT ``_`` cattaloe_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ a_AT hybrid_NN
offspring_NN of_IN buffalo_NN and_CC cattle_NNS ._. ``_`` Dry_JJ stock_NN ''_''
denoted_VBD ,_, regardless_RB of_IN age_NN or_CC sex_NN ,_, such_JJ bovines_NNS
as_CS were_BED givin'_VBG no_AT milk_NN ._. A_AT ``_`` wet_JJ herd_NN ''_'' was
_BEDZ a_AT herd_NN of_IN cattle_NNS made_VBN up_RP entirely_RB of_IN cows_NNS ,_
, while_CS ``_`` wet_JJ stuff_NN ''_'' referred_VBD to_IN cows_NNS givin'_VBG mi
lk_NN ._. The_AT cowboy's_NN$ humorous_JJ name_NN for_IN a_AT cow_NN givin'_VBG
milk_NN was_BEDZ a_AT ``_`` milk_NN pitcher_NN ''_'' ._. Cows_NNS givin'_VBG no_
AT milk_NN were_BED knowed_VBN as_CS ``_`` strippers_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT termin
ology_NN of_IN the_AT range_NN ,_, in_IN speakin'_VBG of_IN ``_`` dry_JJ stock_N
N ''_'' and_CC ``_`` wet_JJ stock_NN ''_'' ,_, was_BEDZ confusin'_VBG to_IN the_
AT tenderfoot_NN ._. The_AT most_QL common_JJ reference_NN to_IN ``_`` wet_JJ st
ock_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ with_IN the_AT meanin'_NN that_CS such_JJ animals_NNS had_
HVD been_BEN smuggled_VBN across_IN the_AT Rio_NP Grande_NP after_CS bein'_BEG s
tolen_VBN from_IN their_PP$ rightful_JJ owners_NNS ._. The_AT term_NN soon_RB be
came_VBD used_VBN and_CC applied_VBN to_IN all_ABN stolen_VBN animals_NNS ._. ``
_`` Mixed_VBN-NC herd_NN-NC ''_'' meant_VBD a_AT herd_NN of_IN mixed_VBN sexes_N
NS ,_, while_CS a_AT ``_`` straight_JJ steer_NN herd_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ one_CD co
mposed_VBN entirely_RB of_IN steers_NNS ,_, and_CC when_WRB the_AT cowman_NN spo
ke_VBD of_IN ``_`` mixed_VBN cattle_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS meant_VBD cattle_NNS of
_IN various_JJ grades_NNS ,_, ages_NNS ,_, and_CC sexes_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT spr
ing_NN when_WRB penned_VBN cattle_NNS were_BED turned_VBN out_RP to_IN grass_NN
,_, this_DT was_BEDZ spoken_VBN of_IN as_CS ``_`` turn-out_NN time_NN ''_'' ,_,
or_CC ``_`` put_VBN to_IN grass_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Shootin'_VBG 'em_PPO out_RP '
'_'' was_BEDZ gettin'_VBG cattle_NNS out_IN of_IN a_AT corral_NN onto_IN the_AT
range_NN ._. When_WRB a_AT cow_NN came_VBD out_IN of_IN a_AT corral_NN in_IN a_A
T crouchin'_VBG run_NN she_PPS was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO ``_`` come_VB out_RP a-st
oopin'_VBG ''_'' ._. To_TO stir_VB cattle_NNS up_RP and_CC get_VB 'em_PPO heated
_VBN and_CC excited_VBN was_BEDZ to_TO ``_`` mustard_VB the_AT cattle_NNS ''_''
,_, and_CC the_AT act_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN ``_`` ginnin'_VBG 'em_PPO 'round_RB
''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_`` chousin'_VBG 'em_PPO ''_'' ._. After_IN a_AT roundup_NN t
he_AT pushin'_NN of_IN stray_JJ cattle_NNS of_IN outside_JJ brands_NNS toward_IN
their_PP$ home_NN range_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN ``_`` throwin'_VBG over_RP ''_''
._. A_AT cow_NN rose_VBD from_IN the_AT ground_NN rear_JJ end_NN first_RB ._. B
y_IN the_AT time_NN her_PP$ hindquarters_NNS were_BED in_IN a_AT standin'_VBG po
sition_NN ,_, her_PP$ knees_NNS were_BED on_IN the_AT ground_NN in_IN a_AT prayi
n'_VBG attitude_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ when_WRB she_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN this_DT p
osition_NN that_CS the_AT name_NN ``_`` prayin'_VBG cow_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ sugges
ted_VBN to_IN the_AT cowboy_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED said_VBN to_TO be_BE ``_``
on_IN their_PP$ heads_NNS ''_'' when_WRB grazin'_VBG ._. ``_`` On_IN-NC the_AT-
NC hoof_NN-NC ''_'' was_BEDZ a_AT reference_NN to_IN live_JJ cattle_NNS and_CC w
as_BEDZ also_RB used_VBN in_IN referrin'_VBG to_IN cattle_NNS travelin'_VBG by_I
N trail_NN under_IN their_PP$ own_JJ power_NN as_CS against_IN goin'_VBG by_IN r
ail_NN ._. Shippin'_VBG cattle_NNS by_IN train_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN a_AT ``_``
stock_NN run_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT general_JJ classification_NN given_VBN grass-fed
_JJ cattle_NNS was_BEDZ ``_`` grassers_NNS ''_'' ._. When_WRB a_AT cowboy_NN spo
ke_VBD of_IN ``_`` dustin'_VBG ''_'' a_AT cow_NN ,_, he_PPS meant_VBD that_CS he
_PPS throwed_VBD dust_NN into_IN her_PP$ eyes_NNS ._. The_AT cow_NN ,_, unlike_I
N a_AT bull_NN or_CC steer_NN ,_, kept_VBD her_PP$ eyes_NNS open_JJ and_CC her_P
P$ mind_NN on_IN her_PP$ business_NN when_WRB chargin'_VBG ,_, and_CC a_AT cow_N
N ``_`` on_IN the_AT prod_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` on_IN the_AT peck_NN ''_'' was_BE
DZ feared_VBN by_IN the_AT cowhand_NN more_RBR than_CS any_DTI of_IN his_PP$ oth
er_AP charges_NNS ._. The_AT Injun's_NP$ name_NN for_IN beef_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` w
ohaw_FW-NN-NC ''_'' ,_, and_CC many_AP of_IN the_AT old_JJ frontiersmen_NNS adop
ted_VBD it_PPO from_IN their_PP$ association_NN with_IN the_AT Injun_NP on_IN th
e_AT trails_NNS ._. The_AT first_OD cattle_NNS the_AT Injuns_NPS saw_VBD under_I
N the_AT white_JJ man's_NN$ control_NN were_BED the_AT ox_NN teams_NNS of_IN the
_AT early_JJ freighters_NNS ._. Listenin'_VBG with_IN wonder_NN at_IN the_AT str
ange_JJ words_NNS of_IN the_AT bullwhackers_NNS as_CS they_PPSS shouted_VBD ``_`
` Whoa_UH ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Haw_UH ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` Gee_UH ''_'' ,_, they_PP
SS thought_VBD them_DTS words_NNS the_AT names_NNS of_IN the_AT animals_NNS ,_,
and_CC began_VBD callin'_VBG cattle_NNS ``_`` wohaws_FW-NNS ''_'' ._. Rarely_RB
did_DOD a_AT trail_NN herd_NN pass_VB through_IN the_AT Injun_NP country_NN on_I
N its_PP$ march_NN north_NR that_CS it_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* stopped_VBN to_TO receiv
e_VB demand_NN for_IN ``_`` wohaw_FW-NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Tailin'_NN ''_'' was_BED
Z the_AT throwin'_VBG of_IN an_AT animal_NN by_IN the_AT tail_NN in_IN lieu_NN o
f_IN a_AT rope_NN ._. Any_DTI animal_NN could_MD when_WRB travelin'_VBG fast_RB
,_, be_BE sent_VBN heels_NNS over_IN head_NN by_IN the_AT simple_JJ process_NN o
f_IN overtakin'_VBG the_AT brute_NN ,_, seizin'_VBG its_PP$ tail_NN ,_, and_CC g
ivin'_VBG the_AT latter_AP a_AT pull_NN to_IN one_CD side_NN ._. This_DT throwed
_VBD the_AT animal_NN off_IN balance_NN ,_, and_CC over_RP it'd_PPS+MD crash_VB
onto_IN its_PP$ head_NN and_CC shoulders_NNS ._. Though_CS the_AT slightest_JJT
yank_NN was_BEDZ frequently_RB capable_JJ of_IN producin'_VBG results_NNS ,_, ma
ny_AP men_NNS assured_VBD success_NN through_IN a_AT turn_NN of_IN the_AT tail_N
N 'bout_IN the_AT saddle_NN horn_NN ,_, supplemented_VBN sometimes_RB ,_, in_IN
the_AT case_NN of_IN cattle_NNS ,_, by_IN a_AT downward_JJ heave_NN of_IN the_AT
rider's_NN$ leg_NN upon_IN the_AT strainin'_VBG tail_NN ._. Such_JJ tactics_NNS
were_BED resorted_VBN to_IN frequently_RB with_IN the_AT unmanageable_JJ longho
rns_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT thorough_JJ ``_`` tailin'_NN ''_'' usually_RB knocked_VB
D the_AT breath_NN out_IN of_IN a_AT steer_NN ,_, and_CC so_RB dazed_VBD 'im_PPO
that_CS he'd_PPS+MD behave_VB for_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT day_NN ._. It_
PPS required_VBD both_ABX a_AT quick_JJ and_CC swift_JJ hoss_NN and_CC a_AT dari
n'_VBG rider_NN ._. When_WRB cattle_NNS became_VBD more_QL valuable_JJ ,_, ranch
_NN owners_NNS frowned_VBD upon_IN this_DT practice_NN and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ di
scontinued_VBN ,_, at_IN least_AP when_WRB the_AT boss_NN was_BEDZ 'round_RB ._.
When_WRB the_AT cowboy_NN used_VBD the_AT word_NN ``_`` tailin's_NNS-NC ''_'' ,
_, he_PPS meant_VBD stragglers_NNS ._. ``_`` Bull_NN tailin'_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ a
_AT game_NN once_RB pop'lar_JJ with_IN the_AT Mexican_JJ cowboys_NNS of_IN Texas
_NP ._. From_IN a_AT pen_NN of_IN wild_JJ bulls_NNS one_CD would_MD be_BE releas
ed_VBN ,_, and_CC with_IN much_AP yellin'_VBG a_AT cowhand'd_NN+MD take_VB after
_IN 'im_PPO ._. Seizin'_VBG the_AT bull_NN by_IN the_AT tail_NN ,_, he_PPS rushe
d_VBD his_PP$ hoss_NN forward_RB and_CC a_AT little_JJ to_IN one_CD side_NN ,_,
throwin'_VBG the_AT bull_NN off_IN balance_NN ,_, and_CC ``_`` bustin'_VBG ''_''
'im_PPO with_IN terrific_JJ force_NN ._. Rammin'_VBG one_CD horn_NN of_IN a_AT
downed_VBN steer_NN into_IN the_AT ground_NN to_TO hold_VB 'im_PPO down_RP was_B
EDZ called_VBN ``_`` peggin'_VBG ''_'' ._. Colors_NNS of_IN cattle_NNS came_VBD
in_RP for_IN their_PP$ special_JJ names_NNS ._. An_AT animal_NN covered_VBN with
_IN splotches_NNS or_CC spots_NNS of_IN different_JJ colors_NNS was_BEDZ called_
VBN a_AT ``_`` brindle_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` brockle_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT ``_`` line
back_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ an_AT animal_NN with_IN a_AT stripe_NN of_IN different_JJ
color_NN from_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN its_PP$ body_NN runnin'_VBG down_IN its_P
P$ back_NN ,_, while_CS a_AT ``_`` lobo_NN stripe_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ the_AT white
_JJ ,_, yeller_JJ ,_, or_CC brown_JJ stripe_NN runnin'_VBG down_IN the_AT back_N
N ,_, from_IN neck_NN to_IN tail_NN ,_, a_AT characteristic_NN of_IN many_AP Spa
nish_JJ cattle_NNS ._. A_AT ``_`` mealynose_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ a_AT cow_NN or_CC
steer_NN of_IN the_AT longhorn_NN type_NN ,_, with_IN lines_NNS and_CC dots_NNS
of_IN a_AT color_NN lighter'n_JJR+CS the_AT rest_NN of_IN its_PP$ body_NN 'round
_IN the_AT eyes_NNS ,_, face_NN ,_, and_CC nose_NN ._. Such_ABL an_AT animal_NN
was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO be_BE ``_`` mealynosed_JJ ''_'' ._. ``_`` Sabinas_FW-NNS
-NC ''_'' was_BEDZ a_AT Spanish_JJ word_NN used_VBN to_TO describe_VB cattle_NNS
of_IN red_JJ and_CC white_JJ peppered_VBN and_CC splotched_VBN colorin'_NN ._.
The_AT northern_JJ cowboy_NN called_VBD all_ABN the_AT red_JJ Mexican_JJ cattle_
NNS which_WDT went_VBD up_IN the_AT trail_NN ``_`` Sonora_NP reds_NNS ''_'' ,_,
while_CS they_PPSS called_VBD all_ABN cattle_NNS drove_VBN up_RP from_IN Mexico_
NP ``_`` yaks_NNS ''_'' ,_, because_CS they_PPSS came_VBD from_IN the_AT Yaqui_N
P Injun_NP country_NN ,_, or_CC gave_VBD 'em_PPO the_AT name_NN of_IN ``_`` Mexi
can_JJ buckskins_NNS ''_'' ._. Near_IN the_AT southern_JJ border_NN ,_, cattle_N
NS of_IN the_AT early_JJ longhorn_NN breed_NN whose_WP$ coloration_NN was_BEDZ b
lack_JJ with_IN a_AT lineback_NN ,_, with_IN white_JJ speckles_NNS frequently_RB
appearin'_VBG on_IN the_AT sides_NNS and_CC belly_NN ,_, were_BED called_VBN ``
_`` zorrillas_FW-NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT word_NN was_BEDZ from_IN the_AT Spanish_J
J ,_, meanin'_VBG ``_`` polecat_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Yeller_JJ bellies_NNS ''_'' w
ere_BED cattle_NNS of_IN Mexican_JJ breed_NN splotched_VBN on_IN flank_NN and_CC
belly_NN with_IN yellerish_JJ color_NN ._. An_AT animal_NN with_IN distinct_JJ
coloration_NN ,_, or_CC other_AP marks_NNS easily_RB distinguished_VBN and_CC re
membered_VBN by_IN the_AT owner_NN and_CC his_PP$ riders_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ someti
mes_RB used_VBN as_CS a_AT ``_`` marker_NN ''_'' ._. Such_ABL an_AT animal_NN ha
s_HVZ frequently_RB been_BEN the_AT downfall_NN of_IN the_AT rustler_NN ._. Coun
tin'_VBG each_DT grazin'_VBG bunch_NN of_IN cattle_NNS where_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ
found_VBN on_IN the_AT range_NN and_CC driftin'_VBG it_PPO back_RB so_CS that_C
S it_PPS didn't_DOD* mix_VB with_IN the_AT uncounted_JJ cattle_NNS was_BEDZ call
ed_VBN a_AT ``_`` range_NN count_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT countin'_NN of_IN cattle_NN
S in_IN a_AT pasture_NN without_IN throwin'_VBG 'em_PPO together_RB for_IN the_A
T purpose_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN a_AT ``_`` pasture_NN count_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT
counters_NNS rode_VBD through_IN the_AT pasture_NN countin'_VBG each_DT bunch_N
N of_IN grazin'_VBG cattle_NNS ,_, and_CC drifted_VBD it_PPO back_RB so_CS that_
CS it_PPS didn't_DOD* get_VB mixed_VBN with_IN the_AT uncounted_JJ cattle_NNS ah
ead_RB ._. This_DT method_NN of_IN countin'_VBG was_BEDZ usually_RB done_VBN at_
IN the_AT request_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT presence_NN ,_, of_IN a_AT represen
tative_NN of_IN the_AT bank_NN that_WPS held_VBD the_AT papers_NNS against_IN th
e_AT herd_NN ._. Them_DTS notes_NNS and_CC mortgages_NNS were_BED spoken_VBN of_
IN as_CS ``_`` cattle_NNS paper_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT ``_`` book_NN count_NN ''_'' w
as_BEDZ the_AT sellin'_NN of_IN cattle_NNS by_IN the_AT books_NNS ,_, commonly_R
B resorted_VBN to_IN in_IN the_AT early_JJ days_NNS ,_, sometimes_RB much_RB to_
IN the_AT profit_NN of_IN the_AT seller_NN ._. This_DT led_VBD to_IN the_AT famo
us_JJ sayin'_NN in_IN the_AT Northwest_NN-TL of_IN the_AT ``_`` books_NNS won't_
MD* freeze_VB ''_'' ._. This_DT became_VBD a_AT common_JJ byword_NN durin'_IN th
e_AT boom_NN days_NNS when_WRB Eastern_JJ-TL and_CC foreign_JJ capital_NN were_B
ED so_QL eager_JJ to_TO buy_VB cattle_NNS interests_NNS ._. The_AT origin_NN of_
IN this_DT sayin'_NN was_BEDZ credited_VBN to_IN a_AT saloonkeeper_NN by_IN the_
AT name_NN of_IN Luke_NP Murrin_NP ._. His_PP$ saloon_NN was_BEDZ a_AT meetin'_V
BG place_NN for_IN influential_JJ Wyoming_NP cattlemen_NNS ,_, and_CC one_CD yea
r_NN durin'_IN a_AT severe_JJ blizzard_NN ,_, when_WRB his_PP$ herd-owner_NN cus
tomers_NNS were_BED wearin'_VBG long_JJ faces_NNS ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_``
Cheer_VB up_RP ,_, boys_NNS ,_, whatever_WDT happens_VBZ ,_, the_AT books_NNS wo
n't_MD* freeze_VB ''_'' ._. In_IN this_DT carefree_JJ sentence_NN he_PPS summed_
VBD up_RP the_AT essence_NN of_IN the_AT prevailin'_VBG custom_NN of_IN buyin'_V
BG by_IN book_NN count_NN ,_, and_CC created_VBD a_AT sayin'_NN which_WDT has_HV
Z survived_VBN through_IN the_AT years_NNS ._. ``_`` Range_NN-NC delivery_NN-NC
''_'' meant_VBD that_CS the_AT buyer_NN ,_, after_CS examinin'_VBG the_AT seller
's_NN$ ranch_NN records_NNS and_CC considerin'_IN his_PP$ rep'tation_NN for_IN t
ruthfulness_NN ,_, paid_VBD for_IN what_WDT the_AT seller_NN claimed_VBD to_TO o
wn_VB ,_, then_RB rode_VBD out_RP and_CC tried_VBD to_TO find_VB it_PPO ._. When
_WRB a_AT cowhand_NN said_VBD that_CS a_AT man_NN had_HVD ``_`` good_JJ cow_NN s
ense_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS meant_VBD to_TO pay_VB 'im_PPO a_AT high_JJ compliment_
NN ._. No_AT matter_NN by_IN what_WDT name_NN cattle_NNS were_BED called_VBN ,_,
there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT denyin'_NN that_CS they_PPSS not_* only_RB saved_VBD Te
xas_NP from_IN financial_JJ ruin_NN ,_, but_CC went_VBD far_RB toward_IN redeemi
n'_VBG from_IN a_AT wilderness_NN vast_JJ territories_NNS of_IN the_AT Northwest
_NR-TL ._. 21_CD-HL swingin'_VBG-HL a_AT-HL wide_JJ-HL loop_NN-HL the_AT first_O
D use_NN of_IN the_AT word_NN ``_`` rustler_NN-NC ''_'' was_BEDZ as_CS a_AT syno
nym_NN for_IN ``_`` hustler_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, becomin'_VBG an_AT established_VBN t
erm_NN for_IN any_DTI person_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ active_JJ ,_, pushin'_VBG ,_, a
nd_CC bustlin'_VBG in_IN any_DTI enterprise_NN ._. Again_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ used
_VBN as_CS the_AT title_NN for_IN the_AT hoss_NN wrangler_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB
the_AT order_NN was_BEDZ given_VBN to_TO go_VB out_RP and_CC ``_`` rustle_VB th
e_AT hosses_NNS ''_'' ,_, it_PPS meant_VBD for_CS 'im_PPO to_TO go_VB out_RP and
_CC herd_VB 'em_PPO in_RP ._. Eventually_RB herdin'_VBG the_AT hosses_NNS was_BE
DZ spoken_VBN of_IN as_CS ``_`` hoss_NN rustlin'_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT wran
gler_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN the_AT ``_`` hoss_NN rustler_NN ''_'' ._. Later_RBR
,_, the_AT word_NN became_VBD almost_QL exclusively_RB applied_VBN to_IN a_AT co
w_NN thief_NN ,_, startin'_VBG from_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN the_AT maverick_NN
when_WRB cowhands_NNS were_BED paid_VBN by_IN their_PP$ employers_NNS to_TO ``_`
` get_VB out_RP and_CC rustle_VB a_AT few_AP mavericks_NNS ''_'' ._. It_PPS was_
BEDZ John_NP who_WPS found_VBD the_AT lion_NN tracks_NNS ._. He_PPS found_VBD th
em_PPO near_IN the_AT carcass_NN of_IN a_AT zebra_NN that_WPS had_HVD been_BEN k
illed_VBN the_AT night_NN before_RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS circled_VBD once_RB ,_, no
se_NN to_IN the_AT ground_NN ,_, hair_NN shooting_VBG up_RP along_IN his_PP$ bac
k_NN ,_, as_CS it_PPS did_DOD when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ after_IN lion_NN or_CC be
ar_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB he_PPS lifted_VBD his_PP$ head_NN and_CC bayed_VBD ,_,
and_CC the_AT pack_NN joined_VBD in_RP ,_, all_ABN heads_NNS high_JJ ,_, and_CC
Jones_NP knew_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT hot_JJ trail_NN ._. He_PPS stifled_VBD th
e_AT Comanche_NP yell_NN and_CC let_VBD John_NP lead_VB him_PPO straight_RB towa
rd_IN the_AT nearby_JJ black_JJ volcanic_JJ mountain_NN ._. This_DT mountain_NN
was_BEDZ known_VBN as_CS The_AT-TL Black_JJ-TL Reef_NN-TL and_CC it_PPS rose_VBD
almost_RB perpendicularly_RB for_IN about_RB two_CD hundred_CD feet_NNS ,_, hon
eycombed_VBN with_IN caves_NNS ,_, top_NN covered_VBN with_IN dense_JJ scrub_NN
and_CC creepers_NNS and_CC tall_JJ grass_NN ._. On_IN the_AT south_NR it_PPS end
ed_VBD sharply_RB as_CS though_CS the_AT lava_NN had_HVD been_BEN cut_VBN off_RP
there_RB suddenly_RB ._. Kearton_NP and_CC Ulyate_NP had_HVD started_VBN the_AT
day_NN together_RB while_CS Jones_NP followed_VBD the_AT dogs_NNS ,_, and_CC Me
ans_NP and_CC Loveless_NP had_HVD taken_VBN another_DT route_NN ,_, and_CC now_R
B ,_, with_IN the_AT discovery_NN of_IN the_AT fresh_JJ trail_NN still_RB unknow
n_JJ to_IN him_PPO ,_, Ulyate_NP reined_VBD in_RP ,_, in_IN the_AT shadow_NN of_
IN the_AT Reef_NN-TL and_CC pointed_VBD ._. Kearton_NP focussed_VBD his_PP$ fiel
d_NN glasses_NNS ._. ``_`` That's_DT+BEZ the_AT Colonel_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, he_PPS s
aid_VBD ,_, ``_`` But_CC I_PPSS can't_MD* see_VB the_AT dogs_NNS ''_'' ._. As_CS
they_PPSS watched_VBD ,_, Jones_NP rode_VBD straight_RB for_IN the_AT Reef_NN-T
L ._. Then_RB they_PPSS picked_VBD up_RP the_AT smaller_JJR black_JJ specks_NNS
on_IN the_AT plain_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT dogs_NNS were_BED
working_VBG a_AT trail_NN --_-- lion_NN ?_. ?_. Hyena_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT pack_NN
had_HVD made_VBN a_AT bend_NN to_IN the_AT north_NR ,_, swinging_VBG back_RB tow
ard_IN the_AT Reef_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Kearton_NP and_CC Ulyate_NP could_MD hear_VB
them_PPO faintly_RB ._. Kearton_NP got_VBD off_RP and_CC tore_VBD up_RP some_DT
I dry_JJ grass_NN that_WPS grew_VBD in_IN cracks_NNS between_IN the_AT rocks_NNS
and_CC piled_VBD it_PPO in_IN a_AT heap_NN and_CC wanted_VBD to_TO make_VB the_
AT smoke_NN signal_NN that_WPS would_MD bring_VB Loveless_NP and_CC Means_NP and
_CC the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN ._. ``_`` Not_* yet_RB ''_'' ,_, cautio
ned_VBD Ulyate_NP ._. Jones_NP came_VBD toward_IN them_PPO fast_RB ,_, now_RB ,_
, along_IN the_AT southern_JJ toe_NN of_IN the_AT Reef_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT d
ogs_NNS could_MD be_BE heard_VBN plainly_RB ,_, Old_JJ-TL John_NP with_IN his_PP
$ Grand_JJ-TL Canyon_NN-TL voice_NN outstanding_JJ above_IN the_AT others_NNS ._
. There_EX was_BEDZ Sounder_NP ,_, too_RB ,_, also_RB a_AT veteran_NN of_IN the_
AT North_JJ-TL Rim_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Rastus_NP and_CC the_AT Rake_NP from_IN a_AT
pack_NN of_IN English_JJ fox-hounds_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT collie_NN from_IN a_AT
London_NP pound_NN ,_, and_CC Simba_NP ,_, a_AT terrier_NN ._. A_AT motley_JJ pa
ck_NN ,_, chosen_VBN for_IN effectiveness_NN ,_, not_* beauty_NN ._. Jones_NP wa
s_BEDZ galloping_VBG close_RB behind_IN them_PPO leaning_VBG down_RP ,_, cheerin
g_VBG them_PPO on_RP ._. ``_`` Light_VB it_PPO ''_'' !_. !_. Ulyate_NP said_VBD
,_, and_CC Kearton_NP touched_VBD a_AT match_NN to_IN the_AT pile_NN of_IN grass
_NN ,_, blew_VBD on_IN it_PPO and_CC flame_NN licked_VBD out_RP ._. He_PPS threw
_VBD green_JJ stuff_NN on_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC a_AT thin_JJ blue_JJ column_NN of
_IN smoke_NN rose_VBD ._. ``_`` That_DT will_MD fetch_VB the_AT gang_NN and_CC t
ell_VB the_AT Colonel_NN-TL where_WRB we_PPSS are_BER ''_'' ._. Two_CD quick_JJ
shots_NNS sounded_VBD ._. Then_RB there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT chorus_NN of_IN wild_JJ
barking_NN and_CC baying_NN ._. Then_RB the_AT heavy_JJ roar_NN of_IN a_AT lion
_NN ._. Kearton_NP and_CC Ulyate_NP looked_VBD at_IN each_DT other_AP and_CC beg
an_VBD to_TO gallop_VB toward_IN the_AT sound_NN ._. It_PPS came_VBD from_IN the
_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT Reef_NN-TL not_* half_ABN a_AT mile_NN away_RB ._. At_IN
the_AT base_NN of_IN the_AT rocky_JJ hillside_NN ,_, they_PPSS left_VBD their_P
P$ horses_NNS and_CC climbed_VBD on_IN foot_NN ._. The_AT route_NN was_BEDZ chok
ed_VBN with_IN rugged_JJ lava-rocks_NNS ,_, creepers_NNS and_CC bushes_NNS ,_, s
o_QL thickly_RB overgrown_VBN that_CS when_WRB Kearton_NP lost_VBD sight_NN of_I
N Ulyate_NP and_CC called_VBD ,_, Ulyate_NP answered_VBD from_IN ten_CD feet_NNS
away_RB ._. Nice_JJ country_NN to_TO meet_VB a_AT lion_NN in_IN face_NN to_IN f
ace_NN ._. Ulyate_NP and_CC Kearton_NP climbed_VBD on_RP toward_IN the_AT sound_
NN of_IN the_AT barking_NN of_IN the_AT dogs_NNS and_CC the_AT sporadic_JJ roari
ng_NN of_IN the_AT lion_NN ,_, till_CS they_PPSS came_VBD ,_, out_RP of_IN breat
h_NN ,_, to_IN the_AT crest_NN ,_, and_CC peering_VBG through_IN the_AT branches
_NNS of_IN a_AT bush_NN ,_, this_DT is_BEZ what_WDT Ulyate_NP saw_VBD :_: Jones_
NP who_WPS had_HVD apparently_RB (_( and_CC actually_RB had_HVD )_) ridden_VBN u
p_IN the_AT nearly_QL impassable_JJ hillside_NN ,_, sitting_VBG calmly_RB on_IN
his_PP$ horse_NN within_IN forty_CD feet_NNS of_IN a_AT full-grown_JJ young_JJ l
ioness_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ crouched_VBN on_IN a_AT flat_JJ rock_NN and_CC se
emed_VBD just_QL about_RB to_TO charge_VB him_PPO ,_, while_CS the_AT dogs_NNS w
hirled_VBD around_IN her_PPO ._. Ulyate_NP drew_VBD back_RB with_IN a_AT start_N
N ,_, and_CC put_VBD finger_NN to_IN lips_NNS ,_, almost_QL afraid_JJ to_TO move
_VB or_CC whisper_VB lest_CS it_PPS set_VB her_PPO off_RP ,_, ``_`` The_AT dogs_
NNS have_HV got_VBN her_PPO bayed_VBN ._. She's_PPS+BEZ just_RB the_AT other_AP
side_NN of_IN that_DT bush_NN ''_'' !_. !_. And_CC when_WRB they_PPSS had_HVD dr
awn_VBN back_RB a_AT step_NN he_PPS added_VBD :_: ``_`` Jones_NP is_BEZ sitting_
VBG on_IN his_PP$ horse_NN right_QL in_IN front_NN of_IN her_PPO ._. Why_WRB she
_PPS doesn't_DOZ* charge_VB him_PPO ,_, I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB ._. And_CC he_P
PS hasn't_HVZ* even_RB got_VBN a_AT knife_NN on_IN him_PPO ._. He_PPS couldn't_M
D* get_VB away_RB from_IN her_PPO in_IN this_DT kind_NN of_IN ground_NN ._. Care
ful_JJ ,_, don't_DO* disturb_VB her_PPO ''_'' ._. Jones_NP had_HVD been_BEN abou
t_RB a_AT hundred_CD and_CC fifty_CD feet_NNS from_IN her_PPO when_WRB he_PPS fi
rst_RB broke_VBD through_RP to_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN the_AT Reef_NN-TL ._. She_
PPS was_BEDZ standing_VBG on_IN a_AT flat_JJ rock_NN three_CD feet_NNS above_IN
ground_NN and_CC when_WRB she_PPS saw_VBD him_PPO she_PPS rose_VBD to_IN full_JJ
height_NN and_CC roared_VBD ,_, opening_VBG her_PP$ mouth_NN wide_RB ,_, lashin
g_VBG her_PP$ tail_NN ,_, and_CC stamping_VBG at_IN the_AT rock_NN with_IN both_
ABX forefeet_NNS in_IN irritation_NN ,_, as_QL much_RB as_CS to_TO say_VB :_: ``
_`` How_WRB dare_MD you_PPSS disturb_VB me_PPO in_IN my_PP$ sacred_JJ precinct_N
N ''_'' ?_. ?_. Intuition_NN told_VBD him_PPO ,_, however_RB ,_, that_CS she_PPS
was_BEDZ tired_VBN and_CC winded_VBN from_IN the_AT run_NN up_IN the_AT Reef_NN
-TL and_CC would_MD not_* charge_VB ,_, yet_RB ._. He_PPS moved_VBD forward_RB t
o_IN within_IN thirty-five_CD feet_NNS of_IN her_PPO ,_, being_BEG careful_JJ ,_
, because_CS he_PPS knew_VBD the_AT female_JJ is_BEZ less_QL predictable_JJ than
_CS the_AT male_JJ ._. (_( In_IN the_AT graveyard_NN at_IN Nairobi_NP he_PPS had
_HVD been_BEN shown_VBN the_AT graves_NNS of_IN thirty-four_CD big_JJ game_NN hu
nters_NNS killed_VBN hunting_VBG the_AT animals_NNS he_PPS was_BEDZ attempting_V
BG to_TO lasso_VB ._. Of_IN the_AT thirty-four_CD ,_, seventeen_CD had_HVD been_
BEN killed_VBN by_IN lions_NNS ,_, and_CC eleven_CD out_IN of_IN the_AT seventee
n_CD by_IN lionesses_NNS ._. )_) She_PPS snarled_VBD terribly_RB but_CC intuitio
n_NN told_VBD him_PPO ,_, again_RB ,_, that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ bluffing_VBG ,_,
and_CC he_PPS could_MD see_VB that_CS half_ABN her_PP$ attention_NN was_BEDZ di
stracted_VBN by_IN the_AT dogs_NNS ._. He_PPS threw_VBD the_AT lasso_NN ._. It_P
PS was_BEDZ falling_VBG over_IN her_PP$ head_NN when_WRB a_AT branch_NN of_IN a_
AT bush_NN caught_VBD it_PPO and_CC it_PPS fell_VBD in_IN front_NN of_IN her_PPO
on_IN the_AT rock_NN ._. Even_RB then_RB ,_, if_CS she_PPS took_VBD one_CD step
_NN forward_RB he_PPS could_MD catch_VB her_PPO ._. But_CC John_NP nipped_VBD he
r_PP$ rear_JJ end_NN --_-- one_CD lion's_NN$ rear_JJ end_NN was_BEDZ as_QL good_
JJ as_CS another_DT to_IN John_NP ,_, Africa_NP ,_, Arizona_NP no_AT matter_NN -
-_-- and_CC she_PPS changed_VBD ends_NNS and_CC took_VBD a_AT swipe_NN at_IN Joh
n_NP ,_, but_CC he_PPS ducked_VBD back_RB ._. Jones_NP then_RB recoiled_VBD his_
PP$ rope_NN and_CC threw_VBD again_RB ,_, this_DT time_NN hitting_VBG her_PPO on
_IN the_AT back_NN but_CC failing_VBG to_TO encircle_VB her_PPO ._. She_PPS whir
led_VBD and_CC faced_VBD him_PPO ,_, roaring_VBG terribly_RB ,_, and_CC Ulyate_N
P ,_, watching_VBG through_IN the_AT leaves_NNS ,_, could_MD not_* understand_VB
why_WRB she_PPS did_DOD not_* charge_VB and_CC obliterate_VB him_PPO ,_, becaus
e_CS he_PPS wouldn't_MD* have_HV much_AP of_IN a_AT chance_NN of_IN getting_VBG
away_RB ,_, in_IN that_DT thick_JJ growth_NN ,_, but_CC she_PPS seemed_VBD just_
RB a_AT trace_NN uncertain_JJ ;_. ;_. while_CS Jones_NP ,_, on_IN the_AT other_A
P hand_NN ,_, appeared_VBD perfectly_QL confident_JJ and_CC Ulyate_NP decided_VB
D perhaps_RB that_DT was_BEDZ the_AT answer_NN ._. From_IN the_AT lioness'_NN$ p
oint_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, this_DT strange_JJ creature_NN on_IN the_AT back_NN of
_IN another_DT creature_NN ,_, lashing_VBG out_RP with_IN its_PP$ long_JJ thin_J
J paw_NN ,_, very_QL likely_RB appeared_VBD as_CS something_PN she_PPS could_MD
not_* at_IN first_RB cope_VB with_IN ._. But_CC now_RB she_PPS sank_VBD lower_RB
R to_IN the_AT rock_NN ._. Her_PP$ roar_NN changed_VBD to_IN a_AT growl_NN ._. H
er_PP$ tail_NN no_QL longer_RBR lashed_VBD ._. Although_CS she_PPS appeared_VBD
more_QL subdued_VBN and_CC defeated_VBN ,_, Jones_NP knew_VBD she_PPS was_BEDZ g
rowing_VBG more_QL dangerous_JJ ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ rested_VBN and_CC could_MD
mount_VB a_AT charge_NN ._. Just_RB the_AT tip_NN of_IN her_PP$ tail_NN was_BEDZ
moving_VBG as_CS she_PPS crouched_VBD ,_, and_CC she_PPS was_BEDZ treading_VBG
lightly_RB up_RP and_CC down_RP with_IN her_PP$ hind_JJ feet_NNS ._. At_IN this_
DT moment_NN ,_, Loveless_NP and_CC Means_NP arrived_VBD ,_, crashing_VBG throug
h_IN the_AT undergrowth_NN with_IN their_PP$ horses_NNS ,_, and_CC distracted_VB
D her_PPO ,_, and_CC she_PPS ran_VBD off_RP a_AT short_JJ distance_NN and_CC jum
ped_VBD into_IN a_AT crevice_NN between_IN two_CD rocks_NNS ._. The_AT dogs_NNS
followed_VBD her_PPO and_CC she_PPS killed_VBD three_CD and_CC badly_RB wounded_
VBD Old_JJ-TL John_NP ._. ``_`` We've_PPSS+HV got_VBN to_TO get_VB her_PPO out_I
N of_IN there_RB ''_'' !_. !_. Jones_NP yelled_VBD ,_, ``_`` or_CC she'll_PPS+MD
kill_VB 'em_PPO all_ABN ._. Bring_VB me_PPO the_AT firecrackers_NNS ''_'' ._. F
or_IN such_ABL an_AT emergency_NN he_PPS had_HVD included_VBN Fourth-of-July_NP
cannon_NN crackers_NNS as_CS part_NN of_IN their_PP$ equipment_NN ._. Lighting_V
BG one_CD he_PPS pitched_VBD it_PPO into_IN the_AT crevice_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT
lioness_NN left_VBD off_RP mauling_VBG the_AT dogs_NNS and_CC departed_VBD ._. `
`_`` Ain't_BEZ* she_PPS a_AT beauty_NN ,_, though_RB ''_'' ?_. ?_. Called_VBD ou
t_RP Means_NP as_CS she_PPS ran_VBD ._. ``_`` Don't_DO* you_PPO go_VB a_AT step_
NN nearer_IN her_PPO than_CS I_PPSS do_DO ''_'' ,_, Jones_NP warned_VBD ,_, ``_`
` and_CC if_CS you_PPSS do_DO ,_, go_VB at_IN a_AT run_NN so_CS you'll_PPSS+MD h
ave_HV momentum_NN ''_'' !_. !_. For_IN two_CD hours_NNS they_PPSS drove_VBD her
_PPO from_IN one_CD strong_JJ point_NN to_IN another_DT along_IN the_AT side_NN
of_IN the_AT Reef_NN-TL ,_, trying_VBG to_TO maneuver_VB her_PPO onto_IN the_AT
plain_NN where_WRB they_PPSS could_MD get_VB a_AT good_JJ throw_NN ._. But_CC sh
e_PPS clung_VBD to_IN the_AT rocks_NNS and_CC brush_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT day_NN
wore_VBD away_RB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ hot_JJ ._. The_AT dogs_NNS were_BED tired_V
BN ._. The_AT men_NNS were_BED tired_VBN too_RB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT story
_NN of_IN the_AT rhinoceros_NN fight_NN all_QL over_IN again_RB ._. And_CC the_A
T sun_NN was_BEDZ beginning_VBG to_TO go_VB down_RP ._. If_CS dark_NN came_VBD t
hey_PPSS would_MD lose_VB her_PPO ._. ``_`` I'll_PPSS+MD get_VB a_AT pole_NN ''_
'' ,_, Jones_NP said_VBD finally_RB ,_, ``_`` and_CC I'll_PPSS+MD poke_VB a_AT n
oose_NN over_IN her_PP$ head_NN ''_'' !_. !_. At_IN this_DT moment_NN she_PPS wa
s_BEDZ crouched_VBN in_IN a_AT cave-like_JJ aperture_NN halfway_RB down_IN the_A
T Reef_NN-TL ._. Ulyate_NP made_VBD no_AT comment_NN but_CC his_PP$ face_NN show
ed_VBD what_WDT he_PPS thought_VBD of_IN poking_VBG ropes_NNS over_IN lions'_NNS
$ heads_NNS with_IN poles_NNS ,_, and_CC of_IN course_NN these_DTS were_BED the_
AT lions_NNS of_IN fifty_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, not_* the_AT gentler_JJR ones_N
NS of_IN today_NR ,_, and_CC this_DT one_CD was_BEDZ angry_JJ ,_, with_IN good_J
J reason_NN ._. Loveless_NP ,_, too_RB ,_, objected_VBD ._. ``_`` It_PPS won't_M
D* work_VB ,_, Colonel_NN-TL ''_'' ._. ``_`` Just_RB the_AT same_AP we'll_PPSS+M
D try_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. But_CC without_IN waiting_VBG for_IN them_PPO to_TO tr
y_VB it_PPO ,_, she_PPS scattered_VBD the_AT dogs_NNS and_CC shot_VBD down_IN th
e_AT Reef_NN-TL and_CC out_RP across_IN the_AT plain_NN ._. John_NP led_VBD the_
AT chase_NN after_IN her_PPO and_CC the_AT other_AP dogs_NNS strung_VBD out_RP b
ehind_RB ,_, many_AP of_IN them_PPO trailing_VBG blood_NN ._. John_NP himself_PP
L was_BEDZ bruised_VBN and_CC clawed_VBN from_IN head_NN to_IN tail_NN ,_, but_C
C he_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN this_DT fight_NN to_IN the_AT finish_NN ,_, running_VBG
almost_RB as_QL strongly_RB now_RB as_CS in_IN the_AT morning_NN ._. She_PPS too
k_VBD refuge_NN on_IN a_AT tongue_NN of_IN land_NN extending_VBG into_IN a_AT gu
lly_NN ,_, crouched_VBN at_IN the_AT base_NN of_IN a_AT thorn_NN tree_NN ,_, and
_CC waited_VBD for_IN them_PPO to_TO come_VB up_RP ._. She_PPS had_HVD chosen_VB
N the_AT spot_NN well_RB ._. With_IN the_AT gully_NN on_IN three_CD sides_NNS ,_
, she_PPS could_MD be_BE approached_VBN only_RB along_IN the_AT tongue_NN of_IN
land_NN ._. ``_`` Careful_JJ ,_, now_RB ''_'' ,_, Jones_NP warned_VBD ._. Means_
NP tried_VBD her_PPO first_RB ._. Very_QL slowly_RB he_PPS maneuvered_VBD his_PP
$ rawboned_JJ bay_NN gelding_NN ,_, edging_VBG closer_RBR ,_, watching_VBG for_I
N a_AT chance_NN to_TO throw_VB ,_, but_CC ready_JJ to_TO spin_VB and_CC run_VB
,_, rope_NN whining_VBG about_IN his_PP$ head_NN ,_, horse_NN edging_VBG tensely
_RB under_IN him_PPO ,_, but_CC the_AT gelding_NN was_BEDZ obedient_JJ and_CC re
sponded_VBD and_CC was_BEDZ not_* paralyzed_VBN by_IN the_AT close_JJ proximity_
NN of_IN the_AT lion_NN ._. They_PPSS tell_VB you_PPO horses_NNS go_VB crazy_JJ
at_IN the_AT sight_NN or_CC smell_NN of_IN a_AT bear_NN or_CC a_AT lion_NN ,_, b
ut_CC these_DTS didn't_DOD* ._. Means_NP edged_VBD closer_RBR ._. She_PPS snarle
d_VBD warningly_RB ._. Means_NNS spit_VBD and_CC edged_VBD on_RP ._. Again_RB sh
e_PPS snarled_VBD ,_, and_CC again_RB he_PPS edged_VBD ._. The_AT pony_NN was_BE
DZ sidewise_RB to_IN her_PPO ._. With_IN a_AT whirling_VBG jump_NN ,_, it_PPS co
uld_MD get_VB into_IN gear_NN ._. However_RB nothing_PN on_IN four_CD legs_NNS w
as_BEDZ supposed_VBN to_TO be_BE faster_RBR than_CS a_AT lion_NN over_IN a_AT sh
ort_JJ distance_NN ,_, unless_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT cheetah_NN ._. She_PPS cha
rged_VBD ._. Means_NP spun_VBD and_CC spurred_VBD ._. For_IN thirty_CD yards_NNS
she_PPS gained_VBD rapidly_RB ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ closing_VBG and_CC within_IN
one_CD more_AP bound_NN would_MD have_HV been_BEN able_JJ to_TO reach_VB the_AT
rear_JJ end_NN of_IN the_AT bay_NN ,_, but_CC --_-- and_CC here_RB Jones_NP and
_CC Loveless_NP and_CC Ulyate_NP were_BED holding_VBG breath_NN for_IN all_ABN t
hey_PPSS were_BED worth_JJ --_-- she_PPS never_RB quite_QL caught_VBD up_RP that
_DT last_AP bound_NN ._. Means_NP held_VBD steady_RB one_CD jump_NN ahead_RB of_
IN her_PPO ._. Then_RB gradually_RB he_PPS began_VBD to_TO pull_VB away_RB ._. A
_AT Western_JJ-TL cowpony_NN had_HVD outrun_VBN an_AT African_JJ lion_NN ,_, fro
m_IN a_AT standing_VBG start_NN ._. Photos_NNS showed_VBD later_RBR that_CS she'
d_PPS+HVD been_BEN about_RB six_CD feet_NNS from_IN Means_NP ._. Of_IN course_NN
the_AT factor_NN of_IN head_NN start_NN made_VBD all_ABN the_AT difference_NN .
_. How_WQL much_AP head_NN start_NN ?_. ?_. No_AT one_PN knew_VBD exactly_RB ._.
That_DT was_BEDZ the_AT whole_JJ question_NN ._. Enough_AP ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT
answer_NN ._. The_AT lioness_NN quickly_RB changed_VBD front_NN ,_, when_WRB she
_PPS saw_VBD she_PPS couldn't_MD* catch_VB Means_NP ,_, and_CC made_VBD for_IN J
ones_NP ._. As_CS she_PPS had_HVD done_VBN with_IN Means_NP ,_, she_PPS gained_V
BD rapidly_RB at_IN first_RB ,_, but_CC then_RB Baldy_NP began_VBD to_TO draw_VB
away_RB ._. Somewhere_NN in_IN the_AT few_AP scant_JJ yards_NNS of_IN head_NN s
tart_NN was_BEDZ the_AT determining_VBG point_NN ._. When_WRB Jones_NP too_RB dr
ew_VBD away_RB ,_, she_PPS returned_VBD to_IN a_AT thorn_NN bush_NN in_IN the_AT
neck_NN of_IN land_NN running_VBG into_IN the_AT gully_NN ,_, crouched_VBD low_
RB and_CC waited_VBD as_CS before_RB ._. This_DT new_JJ position_NN ,_, however_
RB ,_, gave_VBD the_AT ropers_NNS a_AT better_JJR chance_NN ._. There_EX was_BED
Z room_NN to_TO make_VB a_AT quick_JJ dash_NN past_IN the_AT bush_NN and_CC thro
w_VB as_CS you_PPSS went_VBD ._. So_RB :_: Means_NP edged_VBD around_RB on_IN th
e_AT north_NR side_NN of_IN her_PPO ,_, Jones_NP moved_VBD in_RP from_IN the_AT
south_NR ._. Tossing_VBG his_PP$ rope_NN and_CC shouting_VBG he_PPS attracted_VB
D her_PP$ attention_NN ._. He_PPS succeeded_VBD almost_QL too_QL well_RB ,_, bec
ause_CS once_CS she_PPS rose_VBD as_CS if_CS to_TO charge_VB ,_, and_CC he_PPS h
alf_QL wheeled_VBD his_PP$ horse_NN --_-- he_PPS was_BEDZ within_IN fifty_CD fee
t_NNS --_-- but_CC she_PPS sank_VBD back_RB ._. From_IN behind_IN her_PPO Means_
NP shot_VBD forward_RB at_IN a_AT run_NN ._. Kearton_NP began_VBD shouting_VBG ,
_, ``_`` Wait_VB ,_, wait_VB --_-- the_AT camera's_NN+BEZ jammed_VBN ''_'' !_. !
_. But_CC Means_NP kept_VBD on_RP ._. He_PPS raced_VBD by_RB within_IN twenty_CD
feet_NNS of_IN her_PPO ,_, roped_VBD her_PPO around_IN the_AT neck_NN ,_, but_C
C a_AT lioness'_NN$ neck_NN is_BEZ short_JJ and_CC thick_JJ and_CC with_IN a_AT
quick_JJ twist_NN she_PPS slipped_VBD the_AT noose_NN off_RP ._. The_AT missiona
ry_NN obligation_NN to_TO proclaim_VB the_AT gospel_NN to_IN all_ABN the_AT worl
d_NN was_BEDZ once_RB left_VBN to_IN zealous_JJ individuals_NNS and_CC voluntary
_JJ societies_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT time_NN came_VBD when_WRB a_AT church_NN tha
t_WPS had_HVD no_AT part_NN in_IN the_AT missionary_NN movement_NN was_BEDZ look
ed_VBN upon_RB as_CS deficient_JJ in_IN its_PP$ essential_JJ life_NN ._. The_AT
Christian_JJ education_NN of_IN children_NNS ,_, too_RB ,_, was_BEDZ once_RB har
dly_RB more_AP than_CS a_AT sideshow_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT day_NN came_VBD when_W
RB a_AT congregation_NN that_WPS did_DOD not_* assume_VB full_JJ oversight_NN of
_IN a_AT church_NN school_NN was_BEDZ thought_VBN of_IN as_CS failing_VBG in_IN
its_PP$ duty_NN ._. The_AT most_QL serious_JJ weakness_NN of_IN the_AT ecumenica
l_JJ movement_NN today_NR is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ generally_RB regarded_VBN
as_CS the_AT responsibility_NN of_IN a_AT few_AP national_JJ leaders_NNS in_IN
each_DT denomination_NN and_CC a_AT few_AP interdenominational_JJ executives_NNS
._. Most_AP pastors_NNS and_CC laymen_NNS ,_, even_RB though_CS they_PPSS belie
ve_VB it_PPO to_TO be_BE important_JJ ,_, assume_VB that_CS the_AT ecumenical_JJ
movement_NN lies_VBZ outside_IN the_AT province_NN of_IN their_PP$ parishes_NNS
._. They_PPSS may_MD even_VB dismiss_VB it_PPO from_IN their_PP$ minds_NNS as_C
S something_PN that_WPS concerns_VBZ only_RB the_AT ``_`` ecclesiastical_JJ Rove
r_NP-TL Boys_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, as_CS someone_PN has_HVZ dubbed_VBN them_PPO ,_, w
ho_WPS like_VB to_TO go_VB to_IN national_JJ and_CC international_JJ assemblies_
NNS ,_, and_CC have_HV expense_NN accounts_NNS that_WPS permit_VB them_PPO to_TO
do_DO so_RB ._. As_QL long_RB as_CS this_DT point_NN of_IN view_NN prevails_VBZ
,_, the_AT ecumenical_JJ movement_NN will_MD be_BE lame_JJ and_CC halt_VB ._. T
he_AT next_AP stage_NN ahead_RB is_BEZ that_DT of_IN making_VBG it_PPO thoroughl
y_RB at_IN home_NR in_IN the_AT local_JJ community_NN ._. Progress_NN will_MD ta
ke_VB place_NN far_QL less_QL through_IN what_WDT is_BEZ done_VBN in_IN any_DTI
``_`` summit_NN conference_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL or
_CC the_AT World_NN-TL Council_NN-TL ,_, or_CC even_RB in_IN offices_NNS of_IN t
he_AT denominational_JJ boards_NNS ,_, than_CS through_IN what_WDT happens_VBZ i
n_IN the_AT communities_NNS where_WRB Christian_JJ people_NNS live_VB together_R
B as_CS neighbors_NNS ._. The_AT front_JJ line_NN of_IN advance_NN is_BEZ where_
WRB witnessing_VBG and_CC worshiping_VBG congregations_NNS of_IN different_JJ tr
aditions_NNS exist_VB side_NN by_IN side_NN ._. Until_CS they_PPSS see_VB the_AT
ecumenical_JJ movement_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_AT difference_NN it_PPS mak
es_VBZ in_IN their_PP$ own_JJ attitudes_NNS ,_, programs_NNS ,_, and_CC relation
ships_NNS ,_, it_PPS will_MD have_HV an_AT inevitable_JJ aspect_NN of_IN unreali
ty_NN ._. As_CS things_NNS now_RB stand_VB ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT grievous_JJ
disparity_NN between_IN the_AT unity_NN in_IN Christ_NP which_WDT we_PPSS profes
s_VB in_IN ecumenical_JJ meetings_NNS and_CC the_AT complacent_JJ separateness_N
N of_IN most_AP congregations_NNS on_IN any_DTI Main_JJS-TL Street_NN-TL in_IN t
he_AT nation_NN ._. The_AT-HL ecumenical_JJ-HL congregation_NN-HL The_AT crux_NN
of_IN ecumenical_JJ advance_NN is_BEZ an_AT even_QL more_RBR personalized_VBN m
atter_NN than_CS the_AT relation_NN between_IN congregations_NNS in_IN the_AT sa
me_AP community_NN ._. The_AT decisive_JJ question_NN is_BEZ what_WDT happens_VB
Z within_IN each_DT congregation_NN and_CC ,_, finally_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT minds
_NNS and_CC hearts_NNS of_IN the_AT individual_JJ members_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
here_RB that_CS the_AT local_JJ and_CC ecumenical_JJ must_MD meet_VB ._. It_PPS
is_BEZ here_RB that_CS the_AT ecumenical_JJ must_MD become_VB local_JJ and_CC th
e_AT local_JJ become_VB ecumenical_JJ ._. It_PPS has_HVZ become_VBN almost_QL tr
ite_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT ecumenical_JJ movement_NN must_MD be_BE ``_``
carried_VBN down_RP to_IN the_AT grass_NN roots_NNS ''_'' ._. This_DT way_NN of
_IN describing_VBG the_AT matter_NN is_BEZ unfortunate_JJ ._. It_PPS implies_VBZ
two_CD misconceptions_NNS ._. One_CD is_BEZ that_CS whatever_WDT is_BEZ ecumeni
cal_JJ has_HVZ to_TO do_DO with_IN some_DTI over-all_JJ organization_NN at_IN ``
_`` the_AT top_NN ''_'' and_CC needs_VBZ only_RB to_TO be_BE understood_VBN at_I
N the_AT so-called_JJ ``_`` lower_JJR levels_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT truth_NN ,_, h
owever_RB ,_, is_BEZ that_CS the_AT ecumenical_JJ church_NN is_BEZ just_RB the_A
T local_JJ church_NN in_IN its_PP$ own_JJ true_JJ character_NN as_CS an_AT integ
ral_JJ unit_NN of_IN the_AT whole_JJ People_NNS-TL of_IN-TL God_NP-TL throughout
_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT other_AP misconception_NN is_BEZ that_CS our_PP$
ecumenical_JJ problems_NNS will_MD be_BE solved_VBN if_CS only_RB the_AT knowled
ge_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN in_IN its_PP$ world-wide_JJ extension_NN and_CC its
_PP$ interdenominational_JJ connections_NNS ,_, now_RB comprehended_VBN by_IN ma
ny_AP national_JJ leaders_NNS ,_, can_MD be_BE communicated_VBN to_IN all_ABN co
ngregations_NNS ._. However_WQL needed_VBN this_DT may_MD be_BE ,_, the_AT funda
mental_JJ problem_NN is_BEZ not_* information_NN but_CC active_JJ commitment_NN
to_IN the_AT total_NN mission_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN of_IN Christ_NP in_IN th
e_AT world_NN ._. The_AT basic_JJ unit_NN in_IN the_AT church_NN ,_, of_IN whate
ver_WDT denominational_JJ polity_NN ,_, is_BEZ always_RB the_AT congregation_NN
._. It_PPS is_BEZ hardly_QL possible_JJ to_TO emphasize_VB this_DT too_QL much_R
B ._. Most_AP people_NNS do_DO not_* realize_VB that_CS the_AT congregation_NN ,
_, as_CS a_AT gathered_VBN fellowship_NN meeting_VBG regularly_RB face_NN to_IN
face_NN ,_, personally_RB sharing_VBG in_IN a_AT common_JJ experience_NN and_CC
expressing_VBG that_DT experience_NN in_IN daily_JJ relationships_NNS with_IN on
e_CD another_DT ,_, is_BEZ unique_JJ ._. The_AT idea_NN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ a_
AT feature_NN of_IN all_ABN religions_NNS is_BEZ entirely_RB mistaken_VBN ._. Th
e_AT Jewish_JJ synagogue_NN affords_VBZ a_AT parallel_NN to_IN the_AT Christian_
JJ congregation_NN ,_, but_CC Hinduism_NP ,_, Buddhism_NP ,_, Islam_NP ,_, Confu
cianism_NP ,_, Taoism_NP ,_, Shintoism_NP ,_, although_CS they_PPSS have_HV sacr
ed_JJ scriptures_NNS ,_, priests_NNS ,_, spiritual_JJ disciplines_NNS ,_, and_CC
places_NNS of_IN prayer_NN ,_, do_DO not_* have_HV a_AT congregation_NN as_CS a
_AT local_JJ household_NN of_IN faith_NN and_CC love_NN ._. Their_PP$ characteri
stic_JJ experience_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN the_AT individual_NN at_IN an_AT alta
r_NN or_CC a_AT shrine_NN rather_IN than_IN that_DT of_IN a_AT continuing_VBG so
cial_JJ group_NN with_IN a_AT distinctive_JJ kind_NN of_IN fellowship_NN ._. How
_WQL far_RB the_AT fellowship_NN in_IN most_AP local_JJ churches_NNS falls_NNS b
elow_IN what_WDT the_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL means_VBZ by_IN koinonia_FW-NN
!_. !_. What_WDT is_BEZ now_RB called_VBN Christian_JJ fellowship_NN is_BEZ oft
en_RB little_QL more_AP than_CS the_AT social_JJ chumminess_NN of_IN having_HVG
a_AT gracious_JJ time_NN with_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN people_NNS one_PN likes_VB
Z ._. The_AT koinonia_FW-NN of_IN Acts_NNS-TL and_CC of_IN the_AT Epistles_NNS-T
L means_VBZ sharing_VBG in_IN a_AT common_JJ relation_NN to_IN Christ_NP ._. It_
PPS is_BEZ an_AT experience_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ depth_NN of_IN community_NN der
ived_VBN from_IN an_AT awareness_NN of_IN the_AT corporate_JJ indwelling_VBG of_
IN Christ_NP in_IN His_PP$ people_NNS ._. As_CS Dietrich_NP Bonhoffer_NP puts_VB
Z it_PPO ,_, ``_`` Our_PP$ community_NN with_IN one_CD another_DT consists_VBZ s
olely_RB in_IN what_WDT Christ_NP has_HVZ done_VBN to_IN both_ABX of_IN us_PPO '
'_'' ._. This_DT may_MD mean_VB having_HVG fellowship_NN in_IN the_AT church_NN
with_IN people_NNS with_IN whom_WPO ,_, on_IN the_AT level_NN of_IN merely_RB hu
man_JJ agreeableness_NN ,_, we_PPSS might_MD prefer_VB not_* to_TO have_HV any_D
TI association_NN at_IN all_ABN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT vast_JJ difference_NN b
etween_IN the_AT community_NN of_IN reconciliation_NN which_WDT the_AT New_JJ-TL
Testament_NN-TL describes_VBZ and_CC the_AT community_NN of_IN congeniality_NN
found_VBN in_IN the_AT average_JJ church_NN building_NN ._. Whenever_WRB a_AT co
ngregation_NN really_RB sees_VBZ itself_PPL as_CS a_AT unit_NN in_IN the_AT univ
ersal_JJ Church_NN-TL ,_, in_IN vital_JJ relation_NN with_IN the_AT whole_JJ Bod
y_NN-TL of_IN-TL Christ_NP-TL and_CC participating_VBG in_IN His_PP$ mission_NN
to_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, a_AT necessary_JJ foundation-stone_NN of_IN the_AT ecu
menical_JJ movement_NN has_HVZ been_BEN laid_VBN ._. The_AT antithesis_NN of_IN
the_AT ecumenical_JJ and_CC the_AT local_JJ then_RB no_QL longer_RBR exists_VBZ
._. The_AT local_JJ and_CC the_AT ecumenical_JJ are_BER one_CD ._. Of_IN course_
NN ,_, the_AT perspective_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS are_BER dealing_VBG directl
y_RB with_IN the_AT world-wide_JJ problems_NNS of_IN the_AT People_NNS-TL of_IN-
TL God_NP-TL will_MD always_RB be_BE different_JJ from_IN the_AT perspective_NN
of_IN those_DTS who_WPS are_BER dealing_VBG with_IN the_AT nearby_JJ problems_NN
S of_IN particular_JJ persons_NNS in_IN a_AT particular_JJ place_NN ._. Each_DT
viewpoint_NN is_BEZ valid_JJ if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ organically_RB related_VBN to_I
N the_AT other_AP ._. Neither_DTX is_BEZ adequate_JJ if_CS it_PPS stands_VBZ alo
ne_RB ._. Our_PP$ difficulty_NN arises_VBZ when_WRB either_DTX viewpoint_NN shut
s_VBZ out_RP the_AT other_AP ._. And_CC this_DT is_BEZ what_WDT all_QL too_QL of
ten_RB happens_VBZ ._. Divergent_JJ-HL perspectives_NNS-HL A_AT little_JJ parabl
e_NN illustrative_JJ of_IN this_DT truth_NN is_BEZ afforded_VBN by_IN an_AT inci
dent_NN related_VBN by_IN Professor_NN-TL Bela_NP Vasady_NP at_IN the_AT end_NN
of_IN the_AT Second_OD-TL World_NN-TL War_NN-TL ._. With_IN great_JJ difficulty_
NN he_PPS made_VBD his_PP$ way_NN from_IN his_PP$ native_JJ Hungary_NP to_IN Gen
eva_NP to_TO renew_VB his_PP$ contacts_NNS as_CS a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT Pro
visional_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL for_IN the_AT World_NN-TL Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Churches_NNS-TL ._. When_WRB he_PPS had_HVD the_AT mishap_NN of_IN breaking_VBG
his_PP$ spectacles_NNS ,_, his_PP$ ecumenical_JJ colleagues_NNS insisted_VBD on_
IN providing_VBG him_PPO with_IN new_JJ ones_NNS ._. They_PPSS were_BED bifocals
_NNS ._. He_PPS often_RB spoke_VBD of_IN them_PPO as_CS his_PP$ ``_`` ecumenical
_JJ ''_'' glasses_NNS and_CC used_VBD them_PPO as_CS a_AT symbol_NN of_IN the_AT
kind_NN of_IN vision_NN that_WPS is_BEZ required_VBN in_IN the_AT church_NN ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, a_AT bifocal_JJ vision_NN ,_, which_WDT c
an_MD see_VB both_ABX the_AT near-at-hand_JJ and_CC the_AT distant_JJ and_CC kee
p_VB a_AT Christian_NP in_IN right_JJ relation_NN to_IN both_ABX ._. As_CS thing
s_NNS stand_VB now_RB ,_, the_AT local_JJ and_CC the_AT ecumenical_JJ tend_VB to
_TO compete_VB with_IN each_DT other_AP ._. On_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_, ther
e_EX are_BER ecumenists_NNS who_WPS are_BER so_QL stirred_VBN by_IN the_AT crise
s_NNS of_IN the_AT church_NN in_IN its_PP$ encounter_NN with_IN the_AT world_NN
at_IN large_JJ that_CS they_PPSS have_HV no_AT eyes_NNS for_IN what_WDT the_AT c
hurch_NN is_BEZ doing_VBG in_IN their_PP$ own_JJ town_NN ._. They_PPSS do_DO not
_* escape_VB the_AT pitfall_NN into_IN which_WDT Charles_NP Dickens_NP pictured_
VBD Mrs._NP Jellyby_NP as_CS falling_VBG ._. Her_PP$ concern_NN for_IN the_AT na
tives_NNS of_IN Borrioboola-Gha_NP was_BEDZ so_QL intense_JJ that_CS she_PPS qui
te_QL forgot_VBD and_CC neglected_VBD her_PP$ son_NN Peepy_NP !_. !_. Likewise_R
B ,_, the_AT ecumenist_NN may_MD become_VB so_QL absorbed_VBN in_IN the_AT confl
ict_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN with_IN the_AT totalitarian_JJ state_NN in_IN East
_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ,_, the_AT precarious_JJ situation_NN of_IN the_AT church_N
N in_IN revolutionary_JJ China_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT anguish_NN of_IN the_AT chur
ch_NN over_IN apartheid_NN in_IN South_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL that_CS he_PPS loses_V
BZ close_JJ contact_NN with_IN the_AT parish_NN church_NN in_IN its_PP$ unspecta
cular_JJ but_CC indispensable_JJ ministry_NN of_IN worship_NN ,_, pastoral_JJ se
rvice_NN and_CC counseling_NN ,_, and_CC Christian_JJ nurture_NN for_IN a_AT fac
e-to-face_JJ group_NN of_IN individuals_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_
, many_ABN a_AT pastor_NN is_BEZ so_QL absorbed_VBN in_IN ministering_VBG to_IN
the_AT intimate_JJ ,_, personal_JJ needs_NNS of_IN individuals_NNS in_IN his_PP$
congregation_NN that_CS he_PPS does_DOZ little_AP or_CC nothing_PN to_TO lead_V
B them_PPO into_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN social_JJ responsibility_NN and_CC world_
NN mission_NN ._. As_CS a_AT result_NN ,_, they_PPSS go_VB on_RP thinking_VBG of
_IN the_AT church_NN ,_, with_IN introverted_VBN and_CC self-centered_JJ satisfa
ction_NN ,_, only_RB in_IN connection_NN with_IN the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT i
t_PPS serves_VBZ them_PPO and_CC their_PP$ families_NNS ._. It_PPS would_MD hard
ly_RB be_BE an_AT exaggeration_NN to_TO say_VB that_CS ninety_CD per_IN cent_NN
of_IN the_AT energy_NN of_IN most_AP churches_NNS --_-- whether_CS in_IN terms_N
NS of_IN finance_NN or_CC spiritual_JJ concern_NN --_-- is_BEZ poured_VBN into_I
N the_AT private_JJ and_CC domestic_JJ interests_NNS of_IN the_AT members_NNS ._
. The_AT parish_NN lives_VBZ for_IN itself_PPL rather_IN than_IN for_IN the_AT c
ommunity_NN or_CC the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT gap_NN between_IN the_AT ecumenical
_JJ perspective_NN and_CC the_AT parish_NN perspective_NN appears_VBZ most_QL st
arkly_RB in_IN a_AT church_NN in_IN any_DTI of_IN our_PP$ comfortable_JJ suburbs
_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ eminently_QL successful_JJ according_IN to_IN all_ABN con
ventional_JJ standards_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ growing_VBG in_IN numbers_NNS ._. I
ts_PP$ people_NNS are_BER agreeable_JJ friends_NNS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ a_AT beaut
iful_JJ edifice_NN ._. Its_PP$ preaching_NN and_CC its_PP$ music_NN give_VB refr
eshment_NN of_IN spirit_NN to_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS living_VBG under_IN he
avy_JJ strain_NN ._. It_PPS provides_VBZ pastoral_JJ care_NN for_IN the_AT sick_
JJ and_CC troubled_VBN ._. It_PPS helps_VBZ children_NNS grow_VB up_RP with_IN a
t_IN least_AP a_AT nodding_VBG acquaintance_NN with_IN the_AT Bible_NP ._. It_PP
S draws_VBZ young_JJ people_NNS into_IN the_AT circle_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS
continue_VB the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN from_IN generation_NN to_IN g
eneration_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ easy_JJ for_IN the_AT ecumenical_JJ enthus
iast_NN to_TO lose_VB sight_NN of_IN how_WQL basic_JJ all_ABN this_DT is_BEZ ._.
But_CC what_WDT is_BEZ this_DT church_NN doing_VBG to_TO help_VB its_PP$ member
s_NNS understand_VB their_PP$ roles_NNS as_CS Christians_NPS in_IN the_AT world_
NN ?_. ?_. All_QL too_QL often_RB its_PP$ conception_NN of_IN parish_NN ministry
_NN and_CC pastoral_JJ care_NN includes_VBZ no_AT responsibility_NN for_IN them_
PPO in_IN their_PP$ relation_NN to_IN issues_NNS of_IN the_AT most_QL desperate_
JJ urgency_NN for_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN mankind_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* sti
rring_VBG them_PPO to_TO confront_VB the_AT racial_JJ tensions_NNS of_IN today_N
R with_IN the_AT mind_NN of_IN Christ_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* helping_VBG the
m_PPO face_VB the_AT moral_JJ crisis_NN involved_VBN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN n
uclear_JJ energy_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* making_VBG them_PPO sensitive_JJ to_
IN the_AT sub-Christian_JJ level_NN of_IN much_AP of_IN our_PP$ economic_JJ and_
CC industrial_JJ life_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ raising_VBG no_AT disturbing_JJ quest
ion_NN as_IN to_IN what_WDT Christian_JJ stewardship_NN means_VBZ for_IN the_AT
relationship_NN of_IN the_AT richest_JJT nation_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN to_IN e
conomically_RB underdeveloped_JJ peoples_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* developing_
VBG an_AT awareness_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ kind_NN of_IN missionary_NN strategy_
NN that_WPS is_BEZ called_VBN for_IN as_CS young_JJ churches_NNS emerge_VB in_IN
Asia_NP and_CC Africa_NP ._. To_TO put_VB it_PPO bluntly_RB ,_, many_ABN a_AT l
ocal_JJ church_NN is_BEZ giving_VBG its_PP$ members_NNS only_RB what_WDT they_PP
SS consciously_RB want_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* disturbing_VBG them_PPO by_IN
thoughts_NNS of_IN their_PP$ Christian_JJ responsibility_NN in_IN relation_NN to
_IN the_AT world_NN ._. We_PPSS shall_MD not_* make_VB a_AT decisive_JJ advance_
NN in_IN the_AT ecumenical_JJ movement_NN until_CS such_ABL a_AT church_NN begin
s_VBZ to_TO see_VB itself_PPL not_* merely_RB as_CS a_AT haven_NN of_IN comfort_
NN and_CC peace_NN but_CC as_CS a_AT base_NN of_IN Christian_JJ witness_NN and_C
C mission_NN to_IN the_AT world_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT humorous_JJ but_CC r
evealing_JJ story_NN about_IN a_AT rancher_NN who_WPS owned_VBD a_AT large_JJ sl
ice_NN of_IN Texas_NP and_CC who_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO have_HV on_IN it_PPO every
thing_PN that_DT was_BEDZ necessary_JJ for_IN a_AT completely_QL pleasant_JJ com
munity_NN ._. He_PPS built_VBD a_AT school_NN and_CC a_AT library_NN ,_, then_RB
a_AT recreation_NN center_NN and_CC an_AT inn_NN ._. Desiring_VBG to_TO fill_VB
the_AT only_AP remaining_VBG lack_NN ,_, he_PPS selected_VBD the_AT best_JJT si
te_NN on_IN the_AT ranch_NN for_IN a_AT chapel_NN and_CC spared_VBD no_AT expens
e_NN in_IN erecting_VBG it_PPO ._. A_AT visitor_NN to_IN the_AT beautiful_JJ lit
tle_JJ building_NN inquired_VBD ,_, ``_`` Do_DO you_PPSS belong_VB to_IN this_DT
church_NN ,_, Mr._NP Rancher_NN-TL ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Why_WRB ,_, no_RB ,_, ma
'am_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` this_DT church_NN belongs_VBZ to_I
N me_PPO ''_'' !_. !_. The_AT story_NN reflects_VBZ the_AT way_NN too_QL many_AP
people_NNS feel_VB ._. As_QL long_RB as_CS the_AT congregation_NN regards_VBZ t
he_AT church_NN as_CS ``_`` our_PP$ ''_'' church_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT minister_NN
thinks_VBZ of_IN it_PPO as_CS ``_`` my_PP$ ''_'' church_NN ,_, just_RB so_QL lo
ng_RB the_AT ecumenical_JJ movement_NN will_MD make_VB no_RB significant_JJ adva
nce_NN ._. There_EX must_MD first_RB be_BE a_AT deeper_JJR sense_NN that_CS the_
AT church_NN belongs_VBZ not_* to_IN us_PPO but_CC to_IN Christ_NP ,_, and_CC th
at_CS it_PPS is_BEZ His_PP$ purpose_NN ,_, not_* our_PP$ own_JJ interests_NNS an
d_CC preferences_NNS ,_, that_DT determines_VBZ what_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO be_
BE and_CC do_DO ._. Local_JJ-HL embodiment_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL whole_JJ-HL
A_AT local_JJ church_NN which_WDT conceives_VBZ its_PP$ function_NN to_TO be_BE
entirely_RB that_DT of_IN ministering_VBG to_IN the_AT conscious_JJ desires_NNS
and_CC concerns_NNS of_IN its_PP$ members_NNS tends_VBZ to_TO look_VB on_IN ever
ything_PN ecumenical_JJ as_CS an_AT extra_JJ ,_, not_* as_CS a_AT normal_JJ aspe
ct_NN of_IN its_PP$ own_JJ life_NN as_CS a_AT church_NN ._. It_PPS would_MD doub
tless_RB be_BE greatly_RB surprised_VBN to_TO be_BE told_VBN that_CS in_IN faili
ng_VBG to_TO be_BE ecumenical_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ really_RB failing_VBG to_TO be_BE
the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL Christ_NP-TL ._. Yet_CC the_AT truth_NN ,_, accord
ing_IN to_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL ,_, is_BEZ that_CS every_AT local_
JJ church_NN has_HVZ its_PP$ existence_NN only_RB by_IN being_BEG the_AT embodim
ent_NN of_IN the_AT whole_JJ church_NN in_IN that_DT particular_JJ place_NN ._.
Yet_CC a_AT crowd_NN came_VBD out_RP to_TO see_VB some_DTI fresh_JJ kids_NNS fro
m_IN the_AT city_NN try_VB to_TO match_VB the_AT boys_NNS from_IN the_AT neighbo
ring_VBG farms_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC buggies_NNS and_CC wagons_NNS and_CC chugging_
VBG Fords_NPS kept_VBD gathering_VBG all_ABN morning_NN ,_, until_CS the_AT edge
s_NNS of_IN the_AT field_NN were_BED packed_VBN thick_RB and_CC small_JJ boys_NN
S kept_VBD scampering_VBG out_RP on_IN the_AT playing_VBG field_NN to_TO make_VB
fun_NN of_IN the_AT visitors_NNS --_-- whose_WP$ pitcher_NN was_BEDZ a_AT formi
dable_JJ looking_VBG young_JJ man_NN with_IN the_AT only_AP baseball_NN cap_NN .
_. This_DT was_BEDZ a_AT bitterly_RB fought_VBN game_NN ,_, carrying_VBG almost_
RB as_QL much_AP grudge_NN as_CS a_AT fist_NN fight_NN ,_, with_IN no_AT friendl
iness_NN exhibited_VBN between_IN the_AT teams_NNS except_VB the_AT formal_JJ po
liteness_NN that_WPS accompanied_VBD the_AT setting_NN forth_RB of_IN ground_NN
rules_NNS and_CC agreements_NNS on_IN balls_NNS that_WPS went_VBD into_IN the_AT
crowd_NN ._. Every_AT pitch_NN in_IN the_AT game_NN brought_VBD forth_RB a_AT h
owl_NN from_IN the_AT enraptured_VBN audience_NN and_CC every_AT fly_NN ball_NN
the_AT visitors_NNS dropped_VBD (_( and_CC because_CS their_PP$ right_JJ fielder
_NN was_BEDZ still_RB a_AT little_QL fuzzy_JJ from_IN drink_NN ,_, they_PPSS dro
pped_VBD many_AP )_) called_VBD forth_RB yelps_NNS of_IN derision_NN ._. At_IN o
ne_CD point_NN in_IN the_AT game_NN when_WRB the_AT skinny_JJ old_JJ man_NN in_I
N suspenders_NNS who_WPS was_BEDZ acting_VBG as_CS umpire_NN got_VBD in_IN the_A
T way_NN of_IN a_AT thrown_VBN ball_NN and_CC took_VBD it_PPO painfully_RB in_IN
the_AT kidneys_NNS ,_, he_PPS lay_VBD there_RB unattended_JJ while_CS players_N
NS and_CC spectators_NNS wrangled_VBD over_IN whether_CS the_AT ball_NN was_BEDZ
``_`` dead_JJ ''_'' or_CC the_AT base_NN runners_NNS were_BED free_JJ to_TO sco
re_VB ._. This_DT was_BEDZ typical_JJ of_IN such_JJ games_NNS ,_, which_WDT were
_BED earnestly_RB played_VBN to_TO win_VB and_CC practically_QL never_RB wound_V
B up_RP in_IN an_AT expression_NN of_IN good_JJ fellowship_NN ._. When_WRB the_A
T visitors_NNS ,_, after_IN losing_VBG this_DT game_NN ,_, rode_VBD along_IN the
_AT village_NN streets_NNS toward_IN home_NR ,_, the_AT youngsters_NNS who_WPS c
ould_MD keep_VB abreast_RB of_IN them_PPO for_IN a_AT moment_NN or_CC two_CD scr
eamed_VBD triumphantly_RB ,_, ``_`` You_PPSS bunch_NN of_IN hay-shakers_NNS !_.
!_. G'ahn_VB+RP back_RB home_NR !_. !_. You_PPSS hay-shakers_NNS ''_'' !_. !_. B
aseball_NN was_BEDZ surely_RB the_AT national_JJ game_NN in_IN those_DTS days_NN
S ,_, even_RB though_CS professional_JJ baseball_NN may_MD have_HV been_BEN mere
ly_RB a_AT business_NN ._. Radio_NN broadcasts_NNS had_HVD not_* begun_VBN and_C
C most_AP devotees_NNS of_IN baseball_NN attended_VBD the_AT games_NNS near_IN h
ome_NR ,_, in_IN the_AT town_NN park_NN or_CC a_AT pasture_NN ,_, with_IN perhap
s_RB two_CD or_CC three_CD trips_NNS to_IN the_AT city_NN each_DT season_NN to_T
O see_VB the_AT Cubs_NPS or_CC the_AT Pirates_NNS-TL or_CC the_AT Indians_NPS or
_CC the_AT Red_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL ._. Young_JJ men_NNS in_IN school_NN could_MD lo
ok_VB forward_RB to_IN playing_VBG ball_NN for_IN money_NN in_IN a_AT dozen_NN d
ifferent_JJ places_NNS ,_, even_RB if_CS they_PPSS failed_VBD to_TO make_VB the_
AT major_JJ leagues_NNS ._. Nearly_RB any_DTI lad_NN with_IN a_AT modicum_NN of_
IN skill_NN might_MD find_VB a_AT payday_NN awaiting_VBG him_PPO in_IN the_AT Th
ree_CD-TL I_NN-TL League_NN-TL ,_, or_CC the_AT Pony_NN-TL League_NN-TL ,_, or_C
C the_AT Coastal_JJ-TL Plains_NNS-TL League_NN-TL ,_, or_CC the_AT fast_JJ Easte
rn_JJ-TL League_NN-TL ,_, if_CS not_* indeed_RB in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT hundre
ds_NNS of_IN city_NN leagues_NNS that_WPS abounded_VBD everywhere_RB ._. Even_RB
a_AT city_NN of_IN thirty_CD thousand_CD might_MD have_HV six_CD baseball_NN te
ams_NNS ,_, sponsored_VBN by_IN grocers_NNS and_CC hardware_NN merchants_NNS or_
CC department_NN stores_NNS ,_, that_WPS played_VBD two_CD or_CC three_CD times_
NNS a_AT week_NN throughout_IN the_AT summer_NN ,_, usually_RB in_IN the_AT cool
_NN of_IN the_AT evening_NN ,_, before_IN an_AT earnest_JJ and_CC partisan_JJ au
dience_NN who_WPS did_DOD not_* begrudge_VB a_AT quarter_NN each_DT ,_, or_CC ev
en_QL more_AP ,_, to_TO be_BE dropped_VBN into_IN a_AT hat_NN when_WRB the_AT ga
me_NN was_BEDZ half_ABN over_RP ._. Babe_NP Ruth_NP ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, was_
BEDZ everyone's_PN$ hero_NN ,_, and_CC everyone_PN knew_VBD him_PPO ,_, even_RB
though_CS relatively_QL few_AP ever_RB saw_VBD him_PPO play_VB ball_NN ._. His_P
P$ face_NN was_BEDZ always_RB in_IN the_AT newspapers_NNS ,_, sometimes_RB in_IN
cartoons_NNS that_WPS seemed_VBD nearly_RB as_QL large_JJ as_CS life_NN ._. As_
CS the_AT twenties_NNS grew_VBD older_JJR ,_, and_CC as_CS radio_NN broadcasts_N
NS of_IN baseball_NN games_NNS began_VBD to_TO involve_VB more_AP and_CC more_AP
people_NNS daily_RB in_IN the_AT doings_NNS of_IN the_AT professionals_NNS ,_,
the_AT great_JJ hitters_NNS (_( always_RB led_VBN by_IN Babe_NP Ruth_NP )_) over
shadowed_VBD the_AT game_NN so_CS that_CS pitchers_NNS were_BED nearly_RB of_IN
no_AT account_NN ._. Boys_NNS no_QL longer_RBR bothered_VBD learning_VBG to_TO b
unt_VB and_CC even_RB school_NN kids_NNS scorned_VBD to_TO ``_`` choke_VB up_RP
''_'' on_IN a_AT bat_NN as_CS Willie_NP Keeler_NP and_CC the_AT famous_JJ hitter
s_NNS of_IN another_DT day_NN had_HVD done_VBN ._. Other_AP hitters_NNS bloomed_
VBD with_IN more_AP or_CC less_AP vigor_NN in_IN the_AT news_NN and_CC a_AT few_
AP even_RB dared_VBD to_TO dream_VB of_IN matching_VBG Ruth_NP ,_, who_WPS was_B
EDZ still_RB called_VBN Jidge_NP by_IN all_ABN his_PP$ friends_NNS ,_, or_CC Leo
_NP or_CC Two-Head_NP by_IN those_DTS who_WPS dared_VBD to_TO taunt_VB him_PPO (
_( Leo_NP was_BEDZ the_AT name_NN of_IN the_AT ball_NN player_NN he_PPS liked_VB
D the_AT least_AP )_) and_CC who_WPS called_VBD most_AP of_IN the_AT world_NN ``
_`` Kid_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Lou_NP Gehrig_NP was_BEDZ given_VBN the_AT nickname_NN B
uster_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS ran_VBD Ruth_NP a_AT close_JJ race_NN in_IN home_NN r
uns_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT nickname_NN never_RB stuck_VBD and_CC Gehrig_NP was_BE
DZ no_AT match_NN for_IN Ruth_NP in_IN ``_`` color_NN ''_'' --_-- which_WDT is_B
EZ sometimes_RB a_AT polite_JJ word_NN for_IN delinquent_JJ behavior_NN on_IN an
d_CC off_IN the_AT field_NN ._. Ruth_NP was_BEDZ a_AT delinquent_JJ boy_NN still
_RB ,_, but_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN every_AT way_NN a_AT great_JJ ball_NN playe
r_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ out_RP to_TO win_VB the_AT game_NN and_CC occasionally_RB
risked_VBD a_AT cracked_VBN bone_NN to_TO do_DO it_PPO ._. A_AT few_AP professio
nal_JJ baseball_NN players_NNS cultivated_VBD eccentricities_NNS ,_, with_IN the
_AT encouragement_NN of_IN the_AT press_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS they_PPSS might_MD
see_VB their_PP$ names_NNS in_IN big_JJ black_JJ print_NN ,_, along_RB with_IN D
addy_NN-TL Browning's_NP$ ,_, Al_NP Capone's_NP$ ,_, Earl_NP Sande's_NP$ ,_, and
_CC the_AT Prince_NN-TL of_IN-TL Wales'_NP$ ._. One_CD who_WPS ,_, for_IN a_AT t
ime_NN ,_, succeeded_VBD best_RBT and_CC was_BEDZ still_RB the_AT sorriest_JJT o
f_IN all_ABN was_BEDZ Charles_NP Arthur_NP Shires_NP ,_, who_WPS called_VBD hims
elf_PPL ,_, in_IN the_AT newspapers_NNS ,_, Art_NP-TL the_AT-TL Great_JJ-TL ,_,
or_CC The_AT-TL Great_JJ-TL Shires_NP-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ his_PP$ brag_NN tha
t_CS he_PPS could_MD beat_VB everybody_PN at_IN anything_PN ,_, but_CC especiall
y_RB at_IN fighting_VBG ,_, and_CC he_PPS once_RB took_VBD on_RP the_AT manager_
NN of_IN his_PP$ club_NN and_CC worked_VBD him_PPO over_RP thoroughly_RB with_IN
his_PP$ fists_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ given_VBN to_IN public_JJ carousing_NN an
d_CC to_IN acting_VBG the_AT clown_NN on_IN the_AT diamond_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC a_A
T policeman_NN asserted_VBD he_PPS had_HVD found_VBN a_AT pair_NN of_IN brass_NN
knuckles_NNS in_IN Art's_NP$ pocket_NN once_RB when_WRB he_PPS had_HVD occasion
_NN to_TO collar_VB the_AT Great_JJ-TL First_OD-TL Baseman_NN-TL for_IN some_DTI
forgotten_VBN reason_NN ._. (_( This_DT made_VBD a_AT sportswriter_NN named_VBN
Pegler_NP wonder_VB in_IN print_NN if_CS Art_NP had_HVD worn_VBN this_DT armame
nt_NN when_WRB he_PPS defeated_VBD his_PP$ manager_NN ._. )_) The_AT sorry_JJ fa
ct_NN about_IN this_DT young_JJ man_NN ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ barely_RB of_IN age_
NN when_WRB he_PPS broke_VBD into_IN major-league_NN baseball_NN ,_, was_BEDZ th
at_CS he_PPS really_RB was_BEDZ a_AT better_JJR ball_NN player_NN than_CS he_PPS
was_BEDZ given_VBN credit_NN for_IN being_BEG --_-- never_RB so_QL good_JJ as_C
S he_PPS claimed_VBD ,_, and_CC always_RB an_AT irritant_NN to_IN his_PP$ associ
ates_NNS ,_, but_CC a_AT good_JJ steady_JJ performer_NN when_WRB he_PPS could_MD
fight_VB down_RP the_AT temptation_NN to_TO orate_VB on_IN his_PP$ skills_NNS o
r_CC cut_VB up_RP in_IN public_JJ ._. In_IN his_PP$ minor_JJ way_NN Charles_NP A
rthur_NP Shires_NP was_BEDZ perhaps_RB more_QL typical_JJ of_IN his_PP$ era_NN t
han_CS Ruth_NP was_BEDZ ,_, for_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ but_RB one_CD of_IN many_AP y
oung_JJ men_NNS who_WPS laid_VBD waste_NN their_PP$ talents_NNS in_IN these_DTS
Scott_NP Fitzgerald_NP days_NNS for_IN the_AT sake_NN of_IN earning_VBG space_NN
in_IN the_AT newspapers_NNS ._. There_EX were_BED others_NNS who_WPS climbed_VB
D flagpoles_NNS and_CC refused_VBD to_TO come_VB down_RP ;_. ;_. or_CC who_WPS i
ngested_VBD strange_JJ objects_NNS ,_, like_CS live_JJ fish_NN ;_. ;_. or_CC who
_WPS undertook_VBD to_TO set_VB records_NNS for_IN remaining_VBG erect_JJ on_IN
a_AT dance_NN floor_NN ,_, with_IN or_CC without_IN a_AT partner_NN ;_. ;_. or_C
C who_WPS essayed_VBD to_TO down_VB full_JJ bottles_NNS of_IN illicit_JJ gin_NN
without_IN pausing_VBG for_IN breath_NN ._. One_CD young_JJ man_NN ,_, exhilarat
ed_VBN to_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN insanity_NN by_IN liquor_NN and_CC the_AT exc
itement_NN of_IN the_AT moment_NN ,_, performed_VBD a_AT perfect_JJ swan_NN dive
_NN out_IN of_IN the_AT stands_NNS at_IN the_AT Yale_NP-TL Bowl_NN-TL during_IN
the_AT Yale-Army_NP football_NN game_NN ,_, landed_VBD squarely_RB on_IN his_PP$
head_NN on_IN the_AT concrete_NN ramp_NN below_RB ,_, and_CC died_VBD at_IN onc
e_CS ._. But_CC the_AT twenties_NNS were_BED not_* all_ABN insanity_NN and_CC a_
AT striving_NN after_IN recognition_NN ._. The_AT business_NN of_IN baseball_NN
began_VBD to_TO prosper_VB along_RB with_IN other_AP entertainments_NNS ,_, and_
CC performers_NNS --_-- thanks_NNS partly_RB to_IN George_NP Herman_NP Ruth's_NP
$ spectacular_JJ efforts_NNS each_DT season_NN to_TO run_VB his_PP$ salary_NN hi
gher_JJR and_CC higher_JJR --_-- prospered_VBD too_RB ._. While_CS fifty_CD year
s_NNS before_RB ,_, Albert_NP Goodwill_NP Spalding_NP ,_, secretary_NN of_IN the
_AT Chicago_NP-TL Ball_NN-TL Club_NN-TL of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL League_NN-TL
,_, could_MD write_VB earnestly_RB to_IN the_AT manager_NN of_IN the_AT Buffalo
_NP club_NN and_CC request_VB a_AT guarantee_NN of_IN one_CD hundred_CD dollars_
NNS for_IN a_AT baseball_NN game_NN in_IN August_NP ,_, in_IN this_DT Golden_JJ-
TL Era_NN-TL a_AT game_NN at_IN the_AT Yankee_JJ-TL Stadium_NN-TL might_MD bring
_VB in_RP nearly_RB a_AT hundred_CD thousand_CD dollars_NNS at_IN the_AT gate_NN
._. And_CC while_CS less_AP than_IN ten_CD years_NNS earlier_RBR the_AT wayward
_JJ Black_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL --_-- all_ABN of_IN them_PPO top_JJS performers_NNS i
n_IN their_PP$ positions_NNS --_-- had_HVD toiled_VBN for_IN stingy_JJ Charles_N
P Comiskey_NP at_IN salaries_NNS ranging_VBG from_IN twenty-five_CD hundred_CD d
ollars_NNS to_IN forty-five_CD hundred_CD dollars_NNS a_AT year_NN ,_, stars_NNS
now_RB were_BED asking_VBG ten_CD thousand_CD dollars_NNS ,_, twenty_CD thousan
d_CD dollars_NNS ,_, yes_RB ,_, even_RB fifty_CD thousand_CD dollars_NNS a_AT se
ason_NN ._. The_AT greatest_JJT team_NN of_IN this_DT period_NN was_BEDZ unquest
ionably_RB the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Yankees_NPS-TL ,_, bought_VBN by_IN brewe
ry_NN millions_NNS and_CC made_VBN into_IN a_AT ball_NN club_NN by_IN men_NNS na
med_VBN Ed_NP Barrow_NP and_CC Miller_NP Huggins_NP ._. Boston_NP fans_NNS somet
imes_RB liked_VBD to_TO wring_VB some_DTI wry_JJ satisfaction_NN out_IN of_IN th
e_AT fact_NN that_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT great_JJ 1923-27_CD crew_NN were_BED g
raduates_NNS of_IN the_AT Red_JJ-TL Sox_NPS-TL --_-- sold_VBN to_IN millionaires
_NNS Huston_NP and_CC Ruppert_NP by_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS could_MD not_* deny_V
B them_PPO their_PP$ most_QL trifling_VBG desire_NN ._. Ruth_NP himself_PPL ,_,
still_RB owning_VBG his_PP$ farm_NN in_IN Massachusetts_NP and_CC an_AT interest
_NN in_IN the_AT Massachusetts_NP cigar_NN business_NN that_WPS printed_VBD his_
PP$ round_JJ boyish_JJ face_NN on_IN the_AT wrappers_NNS ,_, had_HVD led_VBN the
_AT parade_NN down_RP from_IN Fenway_NP-TL Park_NN-TL ,_, followed_VBN by_RB pit
chers_NNS Carl_NP Mays_NP ,_, Leslie_NP ``_`` Joe_NP ''_'' Bush_NP ,_, Waite_NP
Hoyt_NP ,_, Herb_NP Pennock_NP ,_, and_CC Sam_NP Jones_NP ,_, catcher_NN Wally_N
P Schang_NP ,_, third_OD baseman_NN Joe_NP Dugan_NP (_( who_WPS completed_VBD th
e_AT ``_`` playboy_NN trio_NN ''_'' of_IN Ruth_NP ,_, Dugan_NP ,_, and_CC Hoyt_N
P )_) ,_, and_CC shortstop_NN Everett_NP Scott_NP ._. By_IN 1926_CD ,_, when_WRB
the_AT mighty_JJ Yanks_NPS were_BED at_IN their_PP$ mightiest_JJT ,_, only_RB a
_AT few_AP of_IN these_DTS were_BED left_VBN but_CC they_PPSS still_RB shone_VBD
brightest_RBT ,_, even_RB beside_IN able_JJ and_CC agile_JJ rookies_NNS like_CS
Tony_NP Lazzeri_NP (_( who_WPS managed_VBD never_RB to_TO have_HV one_CD of_IN
his_PP$ epileptic_JJ fits_NNS on_IN the_AT field_NN )_) ,_, Mark_NP Koenig_NP ,_
, Lou_NP Gehrig_NP ,_, George_NP Pipgras_NP ,_, and_CC gray-thatched_JJ Earl_NP
Combs_NP ._. The_AT deeds_NNS of_IN this_DT team_NN ,_, through_IN two_CD season
s_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT two_CD World's_NN$-TL Series_NNS-TL that_WPS followed_
VBD ,_, have_HV been_BEN written_VBN and_CC talked_VBN about_RB until_CS hardly_
RB a_AT word_NN is_BEZ left_VBN to_TO be_BE said_VBN ._. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ
one_CD small_JJ episode_NN that_WPO a_AT few_AP New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL fans_NNS wh
o_WPS happened_VBD to_TO sit_VB in_IN the_AT cheap_JJ seats_NNS for_IN one_CD Wo
rld's_NN$-TL Series_NN-TL game_NN in_IN 1926_CD like_VB best_RBT to_TO recall_VB
._. Babe_NP Ruth_NP ,_, as_CS he_PPS always_RB did_DOD in_IN the_AT Stadium_NN-
TL ,_, played_VBD right_JJ field_NN to_TO avoid_VB having_HVG the_AT sun_NN in_I
N his_PP$ eyes_NNS ,_, and_CC Tommy_NP Thevenow_NP ,_, a_AT rather_QL mediocre_J
J hitter_NN who_WPS played_VBD shortstop_NN for_IN the_AT St._NP-TL Louis_NP-TL
Cardinals_NNS-TL ,_, knocked_VBD a_AT ball_NN with_IN all_ABN his_PP$ might_NN i
nto_IN the_AT sharp_JJ angle_NN formed_VBN by_IN the_AT permanent_JJ stands_NNS
and_CC the_AT wooden_JJ bleachers_NNS ,_, where_WRB Ruth_NP could_MD not_* reach
_VB it_PPO ._. The_AT ball_NN lay_VBD there_RB ,_, shining_VBG white_JJ on_IN th
e_AT grass_NN in_IN view_NN of_IN nearly_QL every_AT fan_NN in_IN the_AT park_NN
while_CS Ruth_NP ,_, red-necked_JJ with_IN frustration_NN ,_, charged_VBD about
_IN the_AT small_JJ patch_NN of_IN ground_NN screaming_VBG ,_, ``_`` Where's_WRB
+BEZ the_AT --_-- -ing_VBG ball_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. But_CC ,_, as_CS he_PPS snarled
_VBD unhappily_RB when_WRB the_AT inning_NN was_BEDZ over_RP ,_, ``_`` not_* a_A
T sonofabitch_NN in_IN the_AT place_NN would_MD tell_VB me_PPO ''_'' ,_, so_RB l
ittle_JJ Tommy_NP ran_VBD all_ABN the_AT way_NN home_NR ._. The_AT ordinary_JJ m
an_NN and_CC woman_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, saw_VBD little_AP of_IN the_AT great_JJ
professional_JJ games_NNS of_IN those_DTS Golden_JJ-TL Days_NNS-TL ,_, or_CC of
_IN any_DTI other_AP sporting_VBG event_NN for_IN that_DT matter_VB ._. Promoter
s_NNS always_RB hastened_VBN to_TO place_VB their_PP$ choice_JJ tickets_NNS in_I
N the_AT hands_NNS of_IN the_AT wealthy_JJ speculators_NNS ,_, and_CC only_RB th
e_AT man_NN who_WPS knew_VBD the_AT man_NN who_WPS knew_VBD the_AT fellow_NN who
_WPS had_HVD an_AT in_NN with_IN the_AT guy_NN at_IN the_AT box_NN office_NN eve
r_RB came_VBD up_RP with_IN a_AT good_JJ seat_NN for_IN a_AT contest_NN of_IN an
y_DTI importance_NN ._. Radio_NN broadcasts_NNS ,_, however_RB --_-- now_RB that
_CS even_QL plain_JJ people_NNS could_MD afford_VB ``_`` loud_JJ speakers_NNS ''
_'' on_IN their_PP$ sets_NNS --_-- held_VBD old_JJ fans_NNS to_IN the_AT major-l
eague_NN races_NNS and_CC attracted_VBD new_JJ ones_NNS ,_, chiefly_RB women_NNS
,_, who_WPS through_IN what_WDT the_AT philosopher_NN called_VBD the_AT ineluct
able_JJ modality_NN of_IN audition_NN ,_, became_VBD first_RB inured_VBN ,_, the
n_RB attracted_VBN ,_, then_RB addicted_VBN to_IN the_AT long_JJ afternoon_NN re
citals_NNS of_IN the_AT doings_NNS in_IN some_DTI distant_JJ baseball_NN park_NN
._. In_IN some_DTI cities_NNS games_NNS were_BED broadcast_VBN throughout_IN th
e_AT week_NN and_CC then_RB on_IN weekends_NNS the_AT announcer_NN was_BEDZ sile
nced_VBN ,_, and_CC fans_NNS must_MD needs_VBZ drive_VB to_IN the_AT city_NN fro
m_IN all_ABN the_AT broadcast_NN area_NN to_TO discover_VB how_WRB their_PP$ her
oes_NNS were_BED faring_VBG ._. This_DT had_HVD a_AT pleasant_JJ effect_NN upon_
IN the_AT Sunday_NR gate_NN receipts_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS upon_IN the_AT inta
ke_NN of_IN the_AT rail_NN and_CC bus_NN companies_NNS ,_, some_DTI of_IN which_
WDT began_VBD to_TO offer_VB special_JJ excursion_NN rates_NNS ,_, including_IN
seats_NNS at_IN the_AT park_NN ,_, just_RB as_CS the_AT trolley_NN and_CC ferry_
NN companies_NNS had_HVD when_WRB baseball_NN was_BEDZ new_JJ ._. While_CS women
_NNS had_HVD always_RB attended_VBN ball_NN games_NNS in_IN small_JJ numbers_NNS
(_( it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT part_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` dead_JJ game_NN sport_NN ''
_'' in_IN the_AT early_JJ years_NNS of_IN the_AT twentieth_OD century_NN to_TO b
e_BE taken_VBN out_RP to_IN the_AT ball_NN park_NN and_CC to_TO root_VB ,_, root
_VB ,_, root_VB for_IN the_AT home_NN team_NN )_) ,_, they_PPSS had_HVD often_RB
sat_VBN in_IN patient_JJ martyrdom_NN ,_, unable_JJ even_RB to_TO read_VB the_A
T scoreboard_NN ,_, which_WDT sometimes_RB seemed_VBD to_TO indicate_VB that_CS
one_CD team_NN led_VBD another_DT by_IN a_AT score_NN of_IN three_CD hundred_CD
and_CC eighty_CD to_IN one_CD hundred_CD and_CC fifty-one_CD ._. The_AT question
s_NNS women_NNS asked_VBD at_IN baseball_NN games_NNS were_BED standard_JJ grist
_NN for_IN amateur_JJ comedy_NN ,_, as_CS were_BED the_AT doings_NNS of_IN women
_NNS automobile_NN drivers_NNS ;_. ;_. for_CS every_AT grown_VBN man_NN (_( exce
pt_IN a_AT few_AP who_WPS were_BED always_RB suspected_VBN of_IN being_BEG shy_J
J on_IN virility_NN )_) knew_VBD at_IN least_AP the_AT fundamentals_NNS of_IN ba
seball_NN ,_, just_RB as_CS every_AT male_NN American_NP in_IN this_DT era_NN li
ked_VBD to_TO imagine_VB (_( or_CC pretend_VB )_) that_CS he_PPS could_MD fight_
VB with_IN his_PP$ fists_NNS ._. And_CC women_NNS were_BED not_* expected_VBN to
_TO know_VB that_CS the_AT pitcher_NN was_BEDZ trying_VBG not_* to_TO let_VB the
_AT batter_NN hit_VB the_AT ball_NN ._. Radio_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, so_QL increa
sed_VBN the_AT interest_NN of_IN women_NNS in_IN the_AT game_NN that_CS it_PPS w
as_BEDZ hardly_QL necessary_JJ even_RB to_TO have_HV ``_`` Ladies'_NNS$-TL Days_
NNS-TL ''_'' any_DTI longer_RBR to_TO enable_VB men_NNS to_TO get_VB to_IN the_A
T ball_NN park_NN without_IN interference_NN at_IN home_NR ._. Women_NNS actuall
y_RB began_VBD to_TO appear_VB unaccompanied_JJ in_IN the_AT stands_NNS ,_, wher
e_WRB they_PPSS still_RB occasionally_RB ran_VBD the_AT risk_NN of_IN coming_VBG
home_NR with_IN a_AT tobacco-juice_NN stain_NN on_IN a_AT clean_JJ skirt_NN or_
CC a_AT new_JJ curse_NN word_NN tingling_VBG their_PP$ ears_NNS ._. The_AT radio
_NN broadcasts_NNS themselves_PPLS were_BED often_RB so_QL patiently_RB informat
ive_JJ ,_, despite_IN the_AT baseball_NN jargon_NN ,_, that_CS girls_NNS and_CC
women_NNS could_MD begin_VB to_TO store_VB up_RP in_IN their_PP$ minds_NNS the_A
T same_AP sort_NN of_IN random_JJ and_CC meaningless_JJ statistics_NNS that_WPS
small_JJ boys_NNS had_HVD long_RB learned_VBN better_RBR than_CS they_PPSS ever_
RB did_DOD their_PP$ lessons_NNS in_IN school_NN ._. This_DT conclusion_NN is_BE
Z dependent_JJ on_IN the_AT assumption_NN that_CS traditional_JJ sex_NN mores_NN
S will_MD continue_VB to_TO sanction_VB both_ABX premarital_JJ chastity_NN as_CS
the_AT ``_`` ideal_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT double_JJ standard_NN holding_VBG
females_NNS primarily_RB responsible_JJ for_IN preserving_VBG the_AT ideal_NN .
_. Our_PP$ discussion_NN of_IN this_DT involves_VBZ using_VBG Erik_NP Erikson's_
NP$ schema_NN of_IN ``_`` identity_NN vs._IN identity_NN diffusion_NN ''_'' as_C
S a_AT conceptual_JJ tool_NN in_IN superimposing_VBG a_AT few_AP common_JJ denom
inators_NNS onto_IN the_AT diverse_JJ personality_NN and_CC family_NN configurat
ions_NNS of_IN the_AT unwed_JJ mothers_NNS from_IN whose_WP$ case_NN histories_N
NS we_PPSS quoted_VBD earlier_RBR ._. Our_PP$ discussion_NN does_DOZ not_* utili
ze_VB all_ABN the_AT identity_NN crises_NNS postulated_VBN by_IN Erikson_NP ,_,
but_CC is_BEZ intended_VBN to_TO demonstrate_VB the_AT utility_NN of_IN his_PP$
theoretical_JJ schema_NN for_IN studying_VBG unwed_JJ mothers_NNS ._. We_PPSS ho
pe_VB thereby_RB to_TO emphasize_VB that_CS ,_, from_IN a_AT psychological_JJ st
andpoint_NN ,_, the_AT effectual_JJ prevention_NN of_IN illegitimacy_NN is_BEZ a
_AT continuous_JJ long-term_NN process_NN involving_VBG the_AT socialization_NN
of_IN the_AT female_NN from_IN infancy_NN through_IN adolescence_NN ._. Hypothes
izing_VBG a_AT series_NNS of_IN developmental_JJ stages_NNS that_WPS begin_VB in
_IN the_AT individual's_NN$ infancy_NN and_CC end_VB in_IN his_PP$ old_JJ age_NN
,_, Erikson_NP has_HVZ indicated_VBN that_CS the_AT adolescent_NN is_BEZ faced_
VBN with_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN identity_NN crises_NNS ._. The_AT successful_JJ
and_CC positive_JJ resolution_NN of_IN these_DTS crises_NNS during_IN adolescen
ce_NN involves_VBZ an_AT epigenetic_JJ principle_NN --_-- during_IN adolescence_
NN ,_, the_AT individual's_NN$ positive_JJ resolutions_NNS in_IN each_DT area_NN
of_IN identity_NN crisis_NN depend_VB ,_, to_IN a_AT considerable_JJ degree_NN
,_, on_IN his_PP$ already_RB having_HVG resolved_VBN preliminary_JJ and_CC prepa
ratory_JJ identity_NN crises_NNS during_IN his_PP$ infancy_NN ,_, childhood_NN ,
_, and_CC early_JJ adolescence_NN ._. Within_IN Erikson's_NP$ schema_NN ,_, the_
AT adolescent's_NN$ delinquent_JJ behavior_NN --_-- in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, he
r_PP$ unwed_JJ motherhood_NN --_-- reflects_VBZ her_PP$ ``_`` identity_NN diffus
ion_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC her_PP$ inability_NN to_TO resolve_VB these_DTS various_J
J identity_NN crises_NNS positively_RB ._. The_AT adolescent_NN experiences_VBZ
identity_NN crises_NNS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN time_NN perspective_NN vs._IN time_
NN diffusion_NN ._. Time_NN perspective_NN --_-- the_AT ability_NN to_TO plan_VB
for_IN the_AT future_NN and_CC to_TO postpone_VB gratifying_VBG immediate_JJ wa
nts_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO achieve_VB long-range_NN objectives_NNS --_-- is_BE
Z more_QL easily_RB developed_VBN if_CS ,_, from_IN infancy_NN on_RP ,_, the_AT
individual_NN has_HVZ been_BEN able_JJ to_TO rely_VB on_IN and_CC trust_VB peopl
e_NNS and_CC the_AT world_NN in_IN which_WDT she_PPS lives_VBZ ._. Erikson_NP ha
s_HVZ noted_VBN that_CS ,_, unless_CS this_DT trust_NN developed_VBD early_RB ,_
, the_AT time_NN ambivalence_NN experienced_VBN ,_, in_IN varying_VBG degree_NN
and_CC temporarily_RB ,_, by_IN all_ABN adolescents_NNS (_( as_CS a_AT result_NN
of_IN their_PP$ remembering_VBG the_AT more_QL immediate_JJ gratification_NN of
_IN wants_NNS during_IN childhood_NN ,_, while_CS not_* yet_RB having_HVG fully_
RB accepted_VBN the_AT long-range_NN planning_NN required_VBN by_IN adulthood_NN
)_) may_MD develop_VB into_IN a_AT more_QL permanent_JJ sense_NN of_IN time_NN
diffusion_NN ._. Experience_NN of_IN this_DT time_NN diffusion_NN ranges_VBZ fro
m_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN utter_JJ apathy_NN to_IN a_AT feeling_NN of_IN desperat
e_JJ urgency_NN to_TO act_VB immediately_RB ._. These_DTS polar_JJ extremes_NNS
in_IN time_NN diffusion_NN were_BED indicated_VBN in_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT co
mments_NNS by_IN unwed_JJ mothers_NNS reported_VBD in_IN earlier_JJR chapters_NN
S ._. Some_DTI of_IN these_DTS mothers_NNS ,_, apparently_RB feeling_VBG a_AT de
sperate_JJ urgency_NN ,_, made_VBD ,_, on_IN the_AT spur_NN of_IN the_AT moment_
NN ,_, commitments_NNS ,_, in_IN love_NN and_CC sex_NN ,_, that_WPS would_MD hav
e_HV life-long_JJ consequences_NNS ._. Others_NNS displayed_VBD utter_JJ apathy_
NN and_CC indifference_NN to_IN any_DTI decision_NN about_IN the_AT past_NN or_C
C the_AT future_NN ._. For_IN many_AP of_IN these_DTS unwed_JJ mothers_NNS ,_, t
he_AT data_NNS on_IN their_PP$ family_NN life_NN and_CC early_JJ childhood_NN ex
periences_NNS revealed_VBD several_AP indications_NNS and_CC sources_NNS of_IN t
heir_PP$ basic_JJ mistrust_NN of_IN their_PP$ parents_NNS in_IN particular_JJ an
d_CC of_IN the_AT world_NN in_IN general_JJ ._. However_RB ,_, as_CS Erickson_NP
has_HVZ noted_VBN ,_, the_AT individual's_NN$ failure_NN to_TO develop_VB preli
minary_JJ identities_NNS during_IN infancy_NN and_CC childhood_NN need_MD not_*
be_BE irreversibly_QL deterministic_JJ with_IN respect_NN to_IN a_AT given_VBN a
rea_NN of_IN identity_NN diffusion_NN in_IN his_PP$ (_( or_CC her_PP$ )_) adoles
cence_NN ._. And_CC ,_, as_CS shown_VBN in_IN Chapter_NN-TL 6_CD-TL ,_, ,_, some
_DTI SNP_NN females_NNS originally_RB developed_VBD such_JJ trust_NN only_RB dur
ing_IN their_PP$ adolescence_NN ,_, through_IN the_AT aid_NN of_IN ,_, and_CC th
eir_PP$ identification_NN with_IN ,_, alter-parents_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT specifi
c_JJ case_NN of_IN time_NN diffusion_NN ,_, we_PPSS must_MD emphasize_VB the_AT
significance_NN of_IN the_AT earlier_JJR development_NN of_IN mistrust_NN when_W
RB it_PPS is_BEZ combined_VBN with_IN the_AT inevitable_JJ time_NN crisis_NN exp
erienced_VBN by_IN most_AP (_( if_CS not_* all_ABN )_) adolescents_NNS in_IN our
_PP$ society_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN the_AT failure_NN of_IN the_AT adolescent_JJ
period_NN to_TO provide_VB opportunities_NNS for_IN developing_VBG trust_NN ._.
The_AT adolescent_NN experiences_VBZ two_CD closely_RB related_VBN crises_NNS :_
: self-certainty_NN vs._IN an_AT identity_NN consciousness_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC rol
e-experimentation_NN vs._IN negative_JJ identity_NN ._. A_AT sense_NN of_IN self
-certainty_NN and_CC the_AT freedom_NN to_TO experiment_VB with_IN different_JJ
roles_NNS ,_, or_CC confidence_NN in_IN one's_PN$ own_JJ unique_JJ behavior_NN a
s_CS an_AT alternative_NN to_IN peer-group_NN conformity_NN ,_, is_BEZ more_QL e
asily_RB developed_VBN during_IN adolescence_NN if_CS ,_, during_IN early_JJ chi
ldhood_NN ,_, the_AT individual_NN was_BEDZ permitted_VBN to_TO exercise_VB init
iative_NN and_CC encouraged_VBN to_TO develop_VB some_DTI autonomy_NN ._. Howeve
r_RB ,_, if_CS the_AT child_NN has_HVZ been_BEN constantly_RB surrounded_VBN ,_,
during_IN nursery_NN and_CC early_JJ school_NN age_NN ,_, by_IN peer_NN groups_
NNS ;_. ;_. inculcated_VBN with_IN the_AT primacy_NN of_IN group_NN acceptance_N
N and_CC group_NN standards_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC allowed_VBN little_AP initiative_
NN in_IN early_JJ play_NN and_CC work_NN patterns_NNS --_-- then_RB in_IN adoles
cence_NN her_PP$ normal_JJ degree_NN of_IN vanity_NN ,_, sensitivity_NN ,_, and_
CC preoccupation_NN with_IN whether_CS others_NNS find_VB her_PPO appearance_NN
and_CC behavior_NN acceptable_JJ ,_, will_MD be_BE compounded_VBN ._. Her_PP$ os
tensible_JJ indifference_NN to_IN and_CC rebellion_NN against_IN suggestions_NNS
and_CC criticisms_NNS by_IN anyone_PN except_IN peer_NN friends_NNS during_IN a
dolescence_NN are_BER the_AT manifestations_NNS ,_, in_IN her_PP$ adolescence_NN
,_, of_IN her_PPO having_HVG been_BEN indoctrinated_VBN in_IN childhood_NN to_T
O feel_VB shame_NN ,_, if_CS not_* guilt_NN ,_, for_IN failing_VBG to_TO behave_
VB in_IN a_AT manner_NN acceptable_JJ to_IN ,_, and_CC judged_VBN by_IN ,_, the_
AT performance_NN of_IN her_PP$ nursery-_NN and_CC elementary-school_NN peer_NN
friends_NNS ._. To_TO be_BE different_JJ is_BEZ to_TO invite_VB shame_NN and_CC
doubt_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ better_JJR to_TO be_BE shamed_VBN and_CC c
riticized_VBN by_IN one's_PN$ parents_NNS ,_, who_WPS already_RB consider_VB one
_CD different_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ to_TO understand_VB ,_, than_CS by_IN one's
_PN$ peers_NNS ,_, who_WPS are_BER also_RB experiencing_VBG a_AT similar_JJ grop
ing_NN for_IN and_CC denial_NN of_IN adult_NN status_NN ._. The_AT attitudes_NNS
of_IN some_DTI unwed_JJ mothers_NNS quoted_VBN in_IN Chapter_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_,
,_, revealed_VBD both_ABX considerable_JJ preoccupation_NN with_IN being_BEG acc
epted_VBN by_IN others_NNS and_CC a_AT marked_VBN absence_NN of_IN self-certaint
y_NN ._. Many_AP appeared_VBD to_TO regard_VB their_PP$ sexual_JJ behavior_NN as
_CS a_AT justifiable_JJ means_NN of_IN gaining_VBG acceptance_NN from_IN and_CC
identification_NN with_IN others_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC very_QL few_AP seemed_VBN aw
are_JJ that_CS such_JJ acceptance_NN and_CC identification_NN need_VB to_TO be_B
E supplemented_VBN with_IN more_QL enduring_VBG and_CC stable_JJ identification_
NN of_IN and_CC with_IN one's_PN$ self_NN ._. Another_DT identity_NN crisis_NN c
onfronting_VBG the_AT adolescent_NN involves_VBZ anticipation_NN of_IN achieveme
nt_NN vs._IN work-paralysis_NN ._. The_AT adolescent's_NN$ capacity_NN to_TO ant
icipate_VB achievement_NN and_CC to_TO exercise_VB the_AT self-discipline_NN nec
essary_JJ to_TO complete_VB tasks_NNS successfully_RB depends_VBZ on_IN the_AT d
egree_NN to_IN which_WDT he_PPS or_CC she_PPS developed_VBD autonomy_NN ,_, init
iative_NN ,_, and_CC self-discipline_NN during_IN childhood_NN ._. The_AT develo
pmental_JJ process_NN involves_VBZ the_AT individual's_NN$ progressively_RB expe
riencing_VBG a_AT sense_NN of_IN dignity_NN and_CC achievement_NN resulting_VBG
from_IN having_HVG completed_VBN tasks_NNS ,_, having_HVG kept_VBN commitments_N
NS ,_, and_CC having_HVG created_VBN something_PN (_( however_WQL small_JJ or_CC
simple_JJ --_-- even_RB a_AT doll_NN dress_NN of_IN one's_PN$ own_JJ design_NN
rather_IN than_IN in_IN the_AT design_NN ``_`` it_PPS ought_MD to_TO be_BE ''_''
)_) ._. These_DTS childhood_NN experiences_NNS are_BER sources_NNS of_IN the_AT
self-certainty_NN that_CS the_AT adolescent_NN needs_VBZ ,_, for_IN experimenti
ng_VBG with_IN many_AP roles_NNS ,_, and_CC for_IN the_AT freedom_NN to_TO fail_
VB sometimes_RB in_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN exploring_VBG and_CC discovering_V
BG her_PP$ skills_NNS and_CC abilities_NNS ._. If_CS she_PPS has_HVZ not_* had_H
VN such_JJ experiences_NNS ,_, the_AT female's_NN$ normal_JJ adolescent_JJ degre
e_NN of_IN indecision_NN will_MD be_BE compounded_VBN ._. She_PPS may_MD well_RB
be_BE incapacitated_VBN by_IN it_PPO when_WRB she_PPS is_BEZ confronted_VBN wit
h_IN present_JJ and_CC future_JJ alternatives_NNS --_-- e.g._RB ,_, whether_CS t
o_TO prepare_VB primarily_RB for_IN a_AT career_NN or_CC for_IN the_AT role_NN o
f_IN a_AT homemaker_NN ;_. ;_. whether_CS to_TO stay_VB financially_RB dependent
_JJ on_IN her_PP$ parents_NNS or_CC help_VB support_VB herself_PPL while_CS atte
nding_VBG school_NN ;_. ;_. whether_CS to_TO pursue_VB a_AT college_NN education
_NN or_CC a_AT job_NN after_IN high_JJ school_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC whether_CS to_TO
attend_VB this_DT or_CC that_DT college_NN and_CC to_TO follow_VB this_DT or_CC
that_DT course_NN of_IN study_NN ._. Erikson_NP has_HVZ noted_VBN that_CS ,_, a
s_CS this_DT indecision_NN mounts_VBZ ,_, it_PPS may_MD result_VB in_IN a_AT ``_
`` paralysis_NN of_IN workmanship_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT paralysis_NN may_MD be_BE
expressed_VBN in_IN the_AT female's_NN$ starting_VBG --_-- and_CC never_RB comp
leting_VBG --_-- many_AP jobs_NNS ,_, tasks_NNS ,_, and_CC courses_NNS of_IN stu
dy_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS she_PPS bases_VBZ her_PP$ deci
sions_NNS about_IN work_NN ,_, college_NN ,_, carreer_NN ,_, and_CC studies_NNS
on_IN what_WDT others_NNS are_BER doing_VBG ,_, rather_IN than_IN on_IN her_PP$
own_JJ sense_NN of_IN identity_NN with_IN given_VBN skills_NNS ,_, abilities_NNS
,_, likes_NNS ,_, and_CC dislikes_NNS ._. The_AT absence_NN ,_, during_IN her_P
P$ childhood_NN and_CC early_JJ adolescence_NN ,_, of_IN experiences_NNS in_IN d
eveloping_VBG the_AT self-discipline_NN to_TO complete_VB tasks_NNS within_IN he
r_PP$ ability_NN --_-- experiences_NNS that_WPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN subseq
uent_JJ sources_NNS of_IN anticipation_NN of_IN achievement_NN --_-- and_CC her_
PP$ lack_NN of_IN childhood_NN opportunities_NNS to_TO practice_VB autonomy_NN a
nd_CC initiative_NN in_IN play_NN and_CC expression_NN ,_, both_ABX tend_VB in_I
N her_PP$ adolescence_NN to_TO deprive_VB her_PPO of_IN the_AT freedoms_NNS to_T
O role-experiment_VB and_CC to_TO fail_VB occasionally_RB in_IN experimenting_VB
G ._. The_AT comments_NNS made_VBN by_IN some_DTI unwed_JJ mothers_NNS (_( quote
d_VBN in_IN Chapter_NN-TL 2_CD-TL )_) )_) reflect_VB this_DT paralysis_NN of_IN
workmanship_NN ._. They_PPSS attended_VBD school_NN and_CC selected_VBD courses_
NNS primarily_RB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN decisions_NNS others_NNS made_VBD ;
_. ;_. they_PPSS accepted_VBD a_AT job_NN primarily_RB because_CS it_PPS was_BED
Z available_JJ ,_, convenient_JJ ,_, and_CC paid_VBN reasonably_RB ._. These_DTS
things_NNS both_ABX express_VB and_CC ,_, at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, cont
inue_VB contributing_VBG to_IN ,_, their_PP$ identity_NN diffusion_NN in_IN an_A
T area_NN that_WPS could_MD have_HV become_VBN a_AT source_NN of_IN developing_V
BG dignity_NN and_CC self-certainty_NN ._. As_CS their_PP$ identity_NN diffusion
_NN increased_VBD ,_, they_PPSS became_VBD more_QL susceptible_JJ to_IN sporadic
_JJ diversions_NNS in_IN love_NN and_CC sexual_JJ affairs_NNS ._. These_DTS affa
irs_NNS temporarily_RB relieved_VBD the_AT monotony_NN of_IN school_NN or_CC wor
k_NN activities_NNS containing_VBG no_AT anticipation_NN of_IN achievement_NN an
d_CC joy_NN of_IN craftsmanship_NN ,_, no_AT sense_NN of_IN dignity_NN derived_V
BN from_IN a_AT job_NN well_RB done_VBN ._. Childhood_NN experiences_NNS in_IN l
earning_VBG work_NN and_CC self-discipline_NN habits_NNS within_IN a_AT context_
NN of_IN developing_VBG autonomy_NN and_CC initiative_NN have_HV considerable_JJ
significance_NN for_IN the_AT prevention_NN of_IN illegitimacy_NN ._. The_AT ex
cerpts_NNS from_IN case_NN histories_NNS presented_VBN above_RB confirm_VB this_
DT significance_NN ,_, though_CS through_IN different_JJ facets_NNS of_IN experi
ence_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, some_DTI unwed_JJ mothers_NNS had_HVD had_HVN
no_AT work_NN experiences_NNS ,_, household_NN chores_NNS ,_, and_CC responsibil
ities_NNS during_IN childhood_NN and_CC early_JJ adolescence_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPS
S subsequently_RB occupied_VBD their_PP$ leisure_NN hours_NNS in_IN searching_VB
G for_IN something_PN exciting_JJ and_CC diverting_VBG ._. Sex_NN was_BEDZ both_
ABX ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, some_DTI unwed_JJ mothers_NNS had_HVD
had_HVN so_QL much_AP work_NN and_CC responsibility_NN imposed_VBN on_IN them_PP
O at_IN an_AT early_JJ age_NN ,_, and_CC had_HVD thus_RB had_HVN so_QL little_AP
freedom_NN or_CC opportunity_NN to_TO develop_VB autonomy_NN and_CC initiative_
NN ,_, that_CS their_PP$ work_NN and_CC responsibilities_NNS became_VBD dull_JJ
and_CC unrewarding_JJ burdens_NNS --_-- to_TO be_BE escaped_VBN and_CC rebelled_
VBN against_RB through_IN fun_NN and_CC experimentation_NN with_IN forbidden_VBN
sexual_JJ behavior_NN ._. The_AT adolescent_NN also_RB faces_VBZ the_AT identit
y_NN crisis_NN that_CS Erikson_NP has_HVZ termed_VBN ideological_JJ polarization
_NN vs._IN diffusion_NN of_IN ideals_NNS ._. In_IN discussing_VBG the_AT ways_NN
S this_DT crisis_NN is_BEZ germane_JJ to_IN consderations_NNS for_IN the_AT prev
ention_NN of_IN illegitimacy_NN ,_, we_PPSS shall_MD again_RB superimpose_VB Eri
kson's_NP$ concept_NN on_IN our_PP$ data_NN ._. Adolescents_NNS have_HV a_AT muc
h-discussed_JJ tendency_NN to_TO polarize_VB ideas_NNS and_CC values_NNS ,_, to_
TO perceive_VB things_NNS as_CS ``_`` either-or_JJ ''_'' ,_, black_JJ or_CC whit
e_JJ --_-- nuances_NNS of_IN meaning_NN are_BER relatively_QL unimportant_JJ ._.
This_DT tendency_NN is_BEZ ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, most_QL clearly_RB revealed_VBN i
n_IN the_AT literature_NN on_IN religious_JJ conversions_NNS and_CC experiences_
NNS of_IN adolescents_NNS ._. Erikson_NP has_HVZ postulated_VBN that_CS such_JJ
ideological_JJ polarization_NN temporarily_RB resolves_VBZ their_PP$ search_NN f
or_IN something_PN stable_JJ and_CC definite_JJ in_IN the_AT rapidly_QL changing
_VBG and_CC fluctuating_VBG no-man's-land_NN between_IN childhood_NN and_CC adul
thood_NN ._. It_PPS provides_VBZ identification_NN --_-- with_IN an_AT idea_NN ,
_, a_AT value_NN ,_, a_AT cause_NN that_WPS cuts_VBZ through_IN ,_, or_CC even_R
B transcends_VBZ ,_, the_AT multiple_JJ and_CC ambivalent_JJ identities_NNS of_I
N their_PP$ passage_NN from_IN child_NN to_IN adult_NN ,_, and_CC permits_VBZ th
eir_PP$ forceful_JJ and_CC overt_JJ expression_NN of_IN emotion_NN ._. The_AT po
sitive_JJ development_NN ,_, during_IN adolescence_NN ,_, of_IN this_DT capacity
_NN to_TO think_VB and_CC to_TO feel_VB strongly_RB and_CC with_IN increasing_VB
G independence_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO identify_VB overtly_RB either_CC with_IN or_C
C against_IN given_VBN ideas_NNS ,_, values_NNS ,_, and_CC practices_NNS ,_, dep
ends_VBZ to_IN a_AT considerable_JJ degree_NN on_IN both_ABX previous_JJ and_CC
present_JJ opportunities_NNS for_IN developing_VBG autonomy_NN ,_, initiative_NN
,_, and_CC self-certainty_NN ._. Most_AP adolescents_NNS have_HV some_DTI ideol
ogical_JJ diffusion_NN at_IN various_JJ developmental_JJ stages_NNS ,_, as_CS th
ey_PPSS experience_VB a_AT proliferation_NN of_IN ideas_NNS and_CC values_NNS ._
. The_AT diffusion_NN is_BEZ most_QL pronounced_VBN and_CC most_QL likely_JJ to_
TO become_VB fixed_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, in_IN those_DTS who_WPS have_HV had_HV
N no_AT or_CC very_QL minimal_JJ opportunities_NNS to_TO develop_VB the_AT auton
omy_NN and_CC initiative_NN that_WPS could_MD have_HV been_BEN directed_VBN into
_IN constructive_JJ expression_NN and_CC so_RB served_VBD as_CS sources_NNS of_I
N developing_VBG self-certainty_NN ._. A_AT pronounced_VBN ideological_JJ diffus
ion_NN --_-- i.e._RB ,_, inability_NN to_TO identify_VB independently_RB with_IN
given_VBN ideas_NNS and_CC value_NN systems_NNS --_-- is_BEZ reflected_VBN in_I
N many_AP ways_NNS ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ evinced_VBN by_IN the
_AT adolescent_NN (_( or_CC adult_NN )_) whose_WP$ beliefs_NNS and_CC actions_NN
S represent_VB primarily_RB his_PP$ rebellion_NN and_CC reaction_NN against_IN t
he_AT ideas_NNS and_CC behavior_NN patterns_NNS of_IN others_NNS ,_, rather_IN t
han_IN his_PP$ inner_JJ conviction_NN and_CC choice_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ mirrore
d_VBN by_IN the_AT individual_JJ Willie_NP Lohmans_NPS ,_, whose_WP$ ideas_NNS a
nd_CC behavior_NN patterns_NNS are_BER so_QL dependent_JJ and_CC relativistic_JJ
that_CS they_PPSS always_RB coincide_VB with_IN those_DTS of_IN the_AT individu
al_NN or_CC group_NN present_RB and_CC most_QL important_JJ at_IN the_AT moment_
NN ._. In_IN another_DT sense_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ represented_VBN in_IN the_AT
arguments_NNS of_IN the_AT ``_`` true_JJ believers_NNS ''_'' who_WPS seek_VB to_
TO disprove_VB the_AT validity_NN of_IN all_ABN other_AP beliefs_NNS and_CC idea
s_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO retain_VB confidence_NN in_IN theirs_PP$$ ._. The_AT
case_NN histories_NNS provide_VB some_DTI interesting_JJ illustrations_NNS of_IN
ideological_JJ diffusion_NN ,_, embodied_VBN in_IN the_AT unwed_JJ mother's_NN$
inability_NN to_TO identify_VB independently_RB a_AT given_VBN value_NN system_
NN or_CC behavior_NN pattern_NN ,_, ,_, and_CC her_PP$ subsequent_JJ disinclinat
ion_NN to_TO assume_VB any_DTI individual_JJ responsibility_NN for_IN her_PP$ se
xual_JJ behavior_NN ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT unwed_JJ mothers_NNS expres
sed_VBD their_PP$ frustration_NN with_IN males_NNS who_WPS did_DOD not_* indicat
e_VB more_QL explicitly_RB ``_`` what_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ they_PPSS really_RB want
_VB from_IN a_AT girl_NN so_CS one_PN can_MD act_VB accordingly_RB ''_'' ._. The
y_PPSS were_BED disappointed_VBN by_IN the_AT physical_JJ and_CC emotional_JJ hu
rt_NN of_IN premarital_JJ sexual_JJ intercourse_NN ._. They_PPSS condemned_VBD t
he_AT movie_NN script_NN writers_NNS for_IN implying_VBG that_CS sex_NN was_BEDZ
enjoyable_JJ and_CC exhilarating_JJ ._. They_PPSS criticized_VBD parents_NNS fo
r_IN never_RB having_HVG emphasized_VBN traditional_JJ concepts_NNS of_IN right_
NN and_CC wrong_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC they_PPSS censured_VBD parents_NNS who_WPS ``_
`` never_RB disciplined_VBD and_CC were_BED too_QL permissive_JJ ''_'' or_CC who
_WPS ``_`` never_RB explained_VBD how_WQL easy_JJ it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO get_VB p
regnant_JJ ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT adult_NN world_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER a_AT nu
mber_NN of_IN rather_QL general_JJ and_CC diffuse_JJ sources_NNS of_IN ideologic
al_JJ diffusion_NN that_WPS further_RBR compound_VB the_AT adolescent's_NN$ sear
ch_NN for_IN meaning_NN during_IN this_DT particular_NN identity_NN crisis_NN ._
. For_IN example_NN ,_, some_DTI contemporary_JJ writing_NN tends_VBZ to_TO fuse
_VB the_AT ``_`` good_JJ guys_NNS ''_'' and_CC the_AT ``_`` bad_JJ guys_NNS ''_'
' ,_, to_TO portray_VB the_AT weak_JJ people_NNS as_CS heroes_NNS and_CC weaknes
s_NN as_CS a_AT virtue_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO explain_VB (_( or_CC even_RB justify_
VB )_) asocial_JJ behavior_NN by_IN attributing_VBG it_PPO to_IN deterministic_J
J psychological_JJ ,_, familial_JJ ,_, and_CC social_JJ experiences_NNS ._. In_I
N the_AT final_JJ accounting_NN ,_, these_DTS would_MD have_HV augmented_VBN the
_AT bill_NN for_IN both_ABX sides_NNS ._. An_AT estimate_NN of_IN one_CD million
_CD dollars_NNS is_BEZ probably_RB not_* excessive_JJ ._. Yet_CC the_AT huge_JJ
amount_NN of_IN money_NN consumed_VBN by_IN the_AT Selden_NP litigation_NN ,_, w
hich_WDT many_AP regarded_VBN as_CS wasteful_JJ ,_, indirectly_RB contributed_VB
N to_IN constructive_JJ changes_NNS in_IN legal_JJ procedure_NN ._. The_AT durat
ion_NN and_CC other_AP circumstances_NNS of_IN the_AT Selden_NP case_NN made_VBD
it_PPO a_AT flagrant_JJ example_NN of_IN the_AT gross_JJ abuses_NNS of_IN paten
t_NN infringement_NN actions_NNS ._. The_AT suit_NN ,_, as_CS we_PPSS have_HV se
en_VBN ,_, came_VBD before_IN the_AT courts_NNS when_WRB patent_NN attorneys_NNS
,_, inventors_NNS ,_, and_CC laymen_NNS were_BED making_VBG mounting_VBG demand
s_NNS for_IN reforms_NNS in_IN the_AT American_JJ patent_NN system_NN ._. Chief_
JJS among_IN the_AT defects_NNS they_PPSS singled_VBD out_RP were_BED the_AT com
plicated_VBN and_CC wearisome_JJ procedures_NNS in_IN equity_NN ._. In_IN a_AT l
ong_JJ and_CC angry_JJ footnote_NN to_IN his_PP$ opinion_NN ,_, Judge_NN-TL Houg
h_NP had_HVD lent_VBN the_AT weight_NN of_IN judicial_JJ condemnation_NN to_IN s
uch_JJ criticism_NN ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT duty_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Houg
h_NP ,_, ``_`` not_* to_TO let_VB pass_VB this_DT opportunity_NN of_IN protestin
g_VBG against_IN the_AT methods_NNS of_IN taking_VBG and_CC printing_VBG testimo
ny_NN in_IN Equity_NN-TL ,_, current_JJ in_IN this_DT circuit_NN (_( and_CC prob
ably_RB others_NNS )_) ,_, excused_VBN if_CS not_* justified_VBN by_IN the_AT ru
les_NNS of_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL ,_, especially_RB to_TO be_BE fou
nd_VBN in_IN patent_NN causes_NNS ,_, and_CC flagrantly_RB exemplified_VBN in_IN
this_DT litigation_NN ._. As_QL long_RB as_CS the_AT bar_NN prefers_VBZ to_TO a
dduce_VB evidence_NN by_IN written_VBN deposition_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN viva_
FW-JJ voce_FW-NN before_IN an_AT authoritative_JJ judicial_JJ officer_NN ,_, I_P
PSS fear_VB that_CS the_AT antiquated_VBN rules_NNS will_MD remain_VB unchanged_
JJ ,_, and_CC expensive_JJ prolixity_NN remain_VB the_AT best_JJT known_VBN char
acteristic_NN of_IN Equity_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Observing_VBG that_CS ``_`` reforms_N
NS sometimes_RB begin_VB with_IN the_AT contemplation_NN of_IN horrible_JJ examp
les_NNS ''_'' ,_, Hough_NP catalogued_VBD the_AT many_AP abuses_NNS encouraged_V
BN by_IN existing_VBG procedures_NNS ._. He_PPS cited_VBD the_AT elephantine_JJ
dimensions_NNS of_IN the_AT Selden_NP case_NN record_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT duplicati
on_NN of_IN testimony_NN and_CC exhibits_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT numerous_JJ squabble
s_NNS over_IN minor_JJ matters_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT ``_`` objections_NNS stated_VB
N at_IN outrageous_JJ length_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT frequent_JJ and_CC r
ancorous_JJ verbal_JJ bouts_NNS ,_, ``_`` uncalled_JJ for_RB and_CC unjustifiabl
e_JJ ,_, from_IN the_AT retort_NN discourteous_JJ to_IN the_AT lie_NN direct_JJ
''_'' ._. The_AT fundamental_JJ difficulty_NN of_IN which_WDT the_AT Selden_NP c
ase_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` a_AT striking_JJ (_( though_CS not_* singular_JJ )_) examp
le_NN ''_'' ,_, concluded_VBD Hough_NP ,_, ``_`` will_MD remain_VB as_QL long_RB
as_CS testimony_NN is_BEZ taken_VBN without_IN any_DTI authoritative_JJ judicia
l_JJ officer_NN present_RB ,_, and_CC responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT maintenance_N
N of_IN discipline_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT reception_NN or_CC exclusion_NN of_IN te
stimony_NN ''_'' ._. Not_* least_AP among_IN the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT pat
ent_NN bar_NN who_WPS echoed_VBD this_DT powerful_JJ indictment_NN were_BED thos
e_DTS who_WPS had_HVD participated_VBN in_IN the_AT Selden_NP suit_NN ._. Willia
m_NP A._NP Redding_NP asserted_VBD that_CS if_CS the_AT case_NN had_HVD been_BEN
heard_VBN in_IN open_JJ court_NN under_IN rules_NNS of_IN evidence_NN ,_, the_A
T testimony_NN would_MD have_HV been_BEN completed_VBN in_IN sixty_CD days_NNS i
nstead_RB of_IN five_CD years_NNS ._. Inventors_NNS joined_VBD lawyers_NNS in_IN
the_AT clamor_NN for_IN reform_NN ,_, inevitably_RB centering_VBG upon_IN the_A
T Selden_NP litigation_NN as_CS a_AT ``_`` horrible_JJ example_NN ''_'' ._. Its_
PP$ costive_JJ deliberations_NNS were_BED likened_VBN to_IN those_DTS of_IN the_
AT British_JJ courts_NNS of_IN chancery_NN mercilessly_RB caricatured_VBN by_IN
Dickens_NP in_IN Bleak_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. Parker_NP ,_, who_WPS agreed_VBD wi
th_IN much_AP of_IN this_DT criticism_NN ,_, did_DOD not_* conceal_VB his_PP$ di
ssatisfaction_NN with_IN procedural_JJ defects_NNS ._. But_CC he_PPS felt_VBD th
at_CS the_AT Selden_NP case_NN was_BEDZ being_BEG unfairly_RB pilloried_VBN ._.
In_IN a_AT detailed_VBN letter_NN published_VBN in_IN the_AT Scientific_JJ-TL Am
erican_NP-TL in_IN 1912_CD ,_, he_PPS remarked_VBD that_CS ``_`` loose_JJ statem
ents_NNS ''_'' about_IN the_AT case_NN showed_VBD scant_JJ understanding_NN of_I
N the_AT facts_NNS ._. The_AT suit_NN ,_, although_CS commonly_RB designated_VBN
as_CS a_AT single_AP action_NN ,_, actually_RB embraced_VBD five_CD cases_NNS .
_. Parker_NP insisted_VBD that_CS the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT record_NN would_MD
have_HV been_BEN drastically_RB reduced_VBN but_CC for_IN an_AT unavoidable_JJ
duplication_NN of_IN testimony_NN ._. In_IN a_AT private_JJ communication_NN wri
tten_VBN in_IN 1911_CD ,_, Parker_NP had_HVD been_BEN more_RBR to_IN the_AT poin
t_NN ._. Noting_VBG the_AT complaints_NNS of_IN inventors_NNS and_CC members_NNS
of_IN the_AT patent_NN bar_NN ,_, he_PPS admitted_VBD that_CS some_DTI of_IN th
e_AT strictures_NNS ``_`` were_BED fairly_QL well_RB founded_VBN ''_'' ,_, but_C
C he_PPS added_VBD that_CS under_IN existing_VBG rules_NNS the_AT courts_NNS cou
ld_MD not_* consolidate_VB testimony_NN in_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN suits_NNS invo
lving_VBG separate_JJ infringements_NNS of_IN the_AT same_AP patent_NN ._. The_A
T vast_JJ industrial_JJ interests_NNS caught_VBN up_RP in_IN the_AT Selden_NP su
it_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT complex_JJ character_NN of_IN the_AT automo
tive_JJ art_NN ,_, encouraged_VBD both_ABX sides_NNS to_TO exploit_VB ``_`` ever
y_AT possible_JJ chance_NN ''_'' for_IN or_CC against_IN the_AT patent_NN ,_, sa
id_VBD Parker_NP ._. ``_`` This_DT very_QL seldom_RB happens_VBZ in_IN this_DT c
lass_NN or_CC in_IN other_AP cases_NNS ,_, and_CC of_IN course_NN all_ABN of_IN
these_DTS matters_NNS led_VBD to_IN a_AT volume_NN and_CC an_AT expense_NN of_IN
the_AT record_NN beyond_IN what_WDT ordinarily_RB would_MD occur_VB ''_'' ._. P
arker_NP listed_VBD the_AT remedies_NNS he_PPS deemed_VBD essential_JJ for_IN re
ducing_VBG the_AT cost_NN and_CC mass_NN of_IN testimony_NN ._. The_AT most_QL i
mportant_JJ of_IN these_DTS found_VBD him_PPO in_IN agreement_NN with_IN Hough's
_NP$ plea_NN for_IN reform_NN ._. Parker_NP called_VBD for_IN abolition_NN of_IN
the_AT indiscriminate_JJ or_CC uncontrolled_JJ right_NN of_IN taking_VBG deposi
tions_NNS before_IN officers_NNS of_IN the_AT court_NN who_WPS had_HVD no_AT aut
hority_NN to_TO limit_VB testimony_NN ._. The_AT taking_NN of_IN depositions_NNS
,_, he_PPS suggested_VBD ,_, should_MD be_BE placed_VBN under_IN a_AT special_J
J court_NN examiner_NN empowered_VBN to_TO compel_VB responsive_JJ and_CC releva
nt_JJ answers_NNS and_CC to_TO exclude_VB immaterial_JJ testimony_NN ._. ``_`` I
_PPSS am_BEM satisfied_VBN that_CS in_IN the_AT Selden_NP case_NN had_HVD this_D
T power_NN existed_VBN and_CC this_DT course_NN (_( been_BEN )_) pursued_VBN ,_,
it_PPS would_MD have_HV shortened_VBN the_AT depositions_NNS of_IN some_DTI of_
IN the_AT experts_NNS nearly_RB one-half_NN and_CC of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT o
ther_AP witnesses_NNS thereto_RB more_AP than_CS that_CS ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT
end_NN Hough's_NP$ acidulous_JJ protest_NN ,_, which_WDT Parker_NP called_VBD th
e_AT ``_`` now_RB somewhat_QL famous_JJ note_NN on_IN this_DT '_' Selden_NP '_'
case_NN ''_'' ,_, did_DOD not_* go_VB unheeded_JJ ._. In_IN 1912_CD the_AT Unite
d_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL adopted_VBD a_AT new_JJ set_NN
of_IN rules_NNS of_IN equity_NN which_WDT became_VBD effective_JJ on_IN February
_NP 1_CD ,_, 1913_CD ._. The_AT revised_VBN procedure_NN was_BEDZ acclaimed_VBN
as_CS a_AT long-overdue_JJ reform_NN ._. Under_IN the_AT new_JJ rules_NNS ,_, te
stimony_NN is_BEZ taken_VBN orally_RB in_IN open_JJ court_NN in_IN all_ABN cases
_NNS except_IN those_DTS of_IN an_AT extraordinary_JJ character_NN ._. Other_AP
expeditious_JJ methods_NNS are_BER designed_VBN to_TO prevent_VB prolixity_NN ,_
, limit_VB delays_NNS ,_, and_CC reduce_VB the_AT expense_NN of_IN infringement_
NN suits_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT A.L.A.M._NP lawyers_NNS observed_VBD that_C
S if_CS the_AT Selden_NP case_NN had_HVD been_BEN tried_VBN under_IN this_DT sim
plified_VBN procedure_NN ,_, the_AT testimony_NN which_WDT filled_VBD more_AP th
an_IN a_AT score_NN of_IN volumes_NNS ,_, ``_`` at_IN a_AT minimum_NN cost_NN of
_IN $1_NNS a_AT page_NN for_IN publication_NN alone_RB ,_, could_MD have_HV been
_BEN contained_VBN in_IN one_CD volume_NN ''_'' ._. While_CS patent_NN suits_NNS
are_BER still_RB among_IN the_AT most_QL complex_JJ and_CC expensive_JJ forms_N
NS of_IN litigation_NN ,_, these_DTS rules_NNS have_HV saved_VBN litigants_NNS u
ncounted_JJ sums_NNS of_IN money_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ little_AP doubt_NN that_
CS they_PPSS were_BED promulgated_VBN by_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL as_
CS a_AT direct_JJ result_NN of_IN the_AT Selden_NP patent_NN suit_NN ._. 3_CD-HL
._.-HL Even_RB before_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ formally_RB dissolved_VBN in_IN 1912_C
D ,_, the_AT A.L.A.M._NP was_BEDZ succeeded_VBN by_IN the_AT Automobile_NN-TL Bo
ard_NN-TL of_IN-TL Trade_NN-TL ,_, the_AT direct_JJ lineal_JJ ancestor_NN of_IN
the_AT present-day_JJ Automobile_NN-TL Manufacturers_NNS-TL Association_NN-TL ._
. The_AT trade_NN bodies_NNS which_WDT came_VBD in_IN the_AT wake_NN of_IN the_A
T A.L.A.M._NP were_BED more_QL representative_JJ ,_, for_CS they_PPSS never_RB a
dopted_VBD a_AT policy_NN of_IN exclusion_NN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, it_PPS is_B
EZ from_IN the_AT Selden_NP organization_NN that_CS the_AT industry_NN inherited
_VBD its_PP$ institutional_JJ machinery_NN for_IN furthering_VBG the_AT broader_
JJR interests_NNS of_IN the_AT trade_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT chief_JJS featur
es_NNS of_IN this_DT community_NN of_IN interest_NN is_BEZ the_AT automotive_JJ
patents_NNS cross-licensing_JJ agreement_NN ,_, a_AT milestone_NN in_IN the_AT d
evelopment_NN of_IN American_JJ industrial_JJ cooperation_NN ._. Its_PP$ origin_
NN lies_VBZ in_IN the_AT Selden_NP patent_NN controversy_NN and_CC its_PP$ after
math_NN ._. From_IN the_AT earliest_JJT days_NNS of_IN the_AT motor_NN car_NN in
dustry_NN ,_, before_CS the_AT A.L.A.M._NP was_BEDZ established_VBN ,_, patent_N
N infringement_NN loomed_VBD as_CS a_AT serious_JJ and_CC vexing_VBG problem_NN
._. Many_AP patent_NN contests_NNS were_BED waged_VBN over_IN automobile_NN comp
onents_NNS and_CC accessories_NNS ,_, among_IN them_PPO tires_NNS ,_, detachable
_JJ rims_NNS ,_, ball_NN bearings_NNS ,_, license_NN brackets_NNS ,_, and_CC ele
ctric_JJ horns_NNS ._. The_AT fluidity_NN and_CC momentum_NN of_IN the_AT young_
JJ industry_NN abetted_VBD a_AT general_JJ disregard_NN of_IN patent_NN claims_N
NS ._. As_QL early_RB as_CS 1900_CD a_AT Wall_NN-TL Street_NN-TL combination_NN
acquired_VBD detail_NN patents_NNS with_IN the_AT intention_NN of_IN exacting_VB
G heavy_JJ tribute_NN from_IN automobile_NN manufacturers_NNS ._. This_DT scheme
_NN failed_VBD ,_, and_CC the_AT following_VBG decade_NN brought_VBD a_AT deluge
_NN of_IN infringement_NN suits_NNS among_IN individual_JJ manufacturers_NNS tha
t_WPS reached_VBD its_PP$ crest_NN in_IN 1912_CD ._. In_IN this_DT tangle_NN of_
IN conflicting_VBG claims_NNS ,_, the_AT patent-sharing_JJ scheme_NN adopted_VBN
by_IN the_AT A.L.A.M._NP at_IN its_PP$ founding_VBG proved_VBD to_TO be_BE the_
AT best_JJT device_NN for_IN avoiding_VBG or_CC mitigating_VBG the_AT burdens_NN
S of_IN incessant_JJ litigation_NN ._. The_AT interchange_NN of_IN shop_NN licen
ses_NNS for_IN a_AT nominal_JJ royalty_NN eliminated_VBD infringement_NN suits_N
NS among_IN the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT A.L.A.M._NP patent_NN pool_NN (_( al
though_CS it_PPS did_DOD not_* protect_VB them_PPO against_IN outside_JJ actions
_NNS )_) and_CC kept_VBD open_JJ channels_NNS for_IN the_AT cross-fertilization_
NN of_IN automotive_JJ technology_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT conditions_NNS of_I
N the_AT pool_NN was_BEDZ a_AT prohibition_NN upon_IN the_AT withholding_NN of_I
N patent_NN rights_NNS among_IN A.L.A.M._NP members_NNS ._. Within_IN its_PP$ li
mits_NNS ,_, this_DT arrangement_NN had_HVD the_AT actual_JJ or_CC potential_JJ
characteristics_NNS of_IN a_AT cross-licensing_JJ agreement_NN ._. Its_PP$ posit
ive_JJ features_NNS outweighed_VBD the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT pool_NN was_BED
Z an_AT adjunct_NN of_IN a_AT wouldbe_JJ monopoly_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT A.L.A.M
._NP holdings_NNS embraced_VBD only_RB about_RB twenty-five_CD per_IN cent_NN of
_IN motor_NN vehicle_NN patents_NNS ,_, the_AT denial_NN of_IN rights_NNS to_IN
independent_JJ companies_NNS did_DOD not_* retard_VB technical_JJ progress_NN in
_IN unlicensed_JJ sectors_NNS of_IN the_AT industry_NN ._. The_AT highly_QL impo
rtant_JJ Dyer_NP patents_NNS on_IN the_AT sliding_VBG gear_NN transmission_NN we
re_BED held_VBN by_IN the_AT A.L.A.M._NP pool_NN ._. But_CC Henry_NP Ford_NP use
d_VBD the_AT planetary_JJ transmission_NN in_IN his_PP$ Model_NN-TL T_NN-TL and_
CC earlier_JJR cars_NNS and_CC ,_, in_IN 1905_CD ,_, as_CS a_AT precautionary_JJ
measure_NN ,_, took_VBD out_RP a_AT license_NN from_IN the_AT man_NN who_WPS cl
aimed_VBD to_TO be_BE its_PP$ inventor_NN ._. For_IN those_DTS affiliated_VBN wi
th_IN it_PPO ,_, the_AT A.L.A.M._NP pool_NN was_BEDZ a_AT haven_NN from_IN the_A
T infringement_NN actions_NNS involving_VBG detail_NN patents_NNS that_WPS beset
_VBD the_AT industry_NN with_IN mounting_VBG intensity_NN after_IN 1900_CD ._. B
y_IN 1910_CD the_AT courts_NNS were_BED crowded_VBN with_IN cases_NNS ,_, many_A
P of_IN them_PPO brought_VBN by_IN freebooters_NNS who_WPS trafficked_VBD in_IN
disputed_VBN inventions_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ commonplace_JJ for_IN auto_NN ma
kers_NNS ,_, parts-suppliers_NNS ,_, and_CC dealers_NNS to_TO find_VB warning_VB
G notices_NNS and_CC threats_NNS of_IN infringement_NN suits_NNS in_IN their_PP$
daily_JJ mail_NN ._. ``_`` Purely_RB from_IN the_AT business_NN man's_NN$ stand
point_NN and_CC without_IN regard_NN to_IN the_AT lawyer's_NN$ view_NN ''_'' ,_,
commented_VBD a_AT trade_NN journal_NN ,_, ``_`` the_AT matter_NN of_IN patents
_NNS in_IN the_AT automobile_NN and_CC accessory_NN trade_NN is_BEZ developing_V
BG some_DTI phases_NNS and_CC results_NNS that_WPS challenge_VB thought_NN as_IN
to_IN how_WQL far_RB patents_NNS are_BER to_TO become_VB weapons_NNS of_IN warf
are_NN in_IN business_NN ,_, instead_RB of_IN simple_JJ beneficient_JJ protectio
n_NN devices_NNS for_IN encouraging_VBG inventive_JJ creation_NN ''_'' ._. Occas
ionally_RB new_JJ enterprise_NN was_BEDZ discouraged_VBN by_IN the_AT almost_QL
certain_JJ prospect_NN of_IN legal_JJ complications_NNS ._. One_CD manufacturer_
NN who_WPS held_VBD an_AT allegedly_QL basic_JJ patent_NN said_VBD :_: ``_`` I_P
PSS would_MD readily_RB put_VB over_RP $50,000_NNS into_IN the_AT manufacture_NN
of_IN the_AT device_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ so_QL easy_JJ to_TO make_VB tha
t_CS we_PPSS would_MD enter_VB immediately_RB into_IN a_AT prolonged_VBN ordeal_
NN of_IN patent_NN litigation_NN which_WDT would_MD eat_VB up_RP all_ABN our_PP$
profits_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT prevailing_VBG view_NN in_IN the_AT industry_NN wa
s_BEDZ summed_VBN up_RP in_IN 1912_CD by_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN auto_NN makers_N
NS who_WPS told_VBD a_AT Senate_NN-TL committee_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT exceedingly_
QL unsatisfactory_JJ and_CC uselessly_QL expensive_JJ conditions_NNS ,_, includi
ng_IN delays_NNS surrounding_VBG legal_JJ disputes_NNS ,_, particularly_RB in_IN
patent_NN litigation_NN ,_, are_BER items_NNS of_IN industrial_JJ burden_NN whi
ch_WDT must_MD be_BE written_VBN large_RB in_IN figures_NNS of_IN many_AP millio
ns_NNS of_IN dollars_NNS of_IN industrial_JJ waste_NN ''_'' ._. By_IN that_DT ti
me_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ commonly_RB agreed_VBN that_CS patent_NN warfare_NN was_BE
DZ sapping_VBG constructive_JJ achievement_NN and_CC blocking_VBG the_AT free_JJ
exchange_NN of_IN technical_JJ information_NN ._. At_IN this_DT point_NN Charle
s_NP C._NP Hanch_NP ,_, long_RB an_AT advocate_NN of_IN patent_NN peace_NN in_IN
the_AT industry_NN ,_, became_VBD chairman_NN of_IN the_AT patents_NNS committe
e_NN of_IN the_AT National_JJ-TL Automobile_NN-TL Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerc
e_NN-TL ,_, successor_NN to_IN the_AT Automobile_NN-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL Trad
e_NN-TL ._. Hanch_NP was_BEDZ treasurer_NN of_IN the_AT Nordyke_NP-TL &_CC-TL Ma
rmon_NP-TL Company_NN-TL ,_, an_AT Indianapolis_NP firm_NN which_WDT had_HVD man
ufactured_VBN flour-milling_JJ machinery_NN before_IN producing_VBG the_AT Marmo
n_NP car_NN in_IN 1904_CD ._. He_PPS had_HVD first-hand_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN th
e_AT patent_NN wars_NNS which_WDT had_HVD driven_VBN about_RB ninety_CD per_IN c
ent_NN of_IN the_AT milling_VBG equipment_NN makers_NNS out_IN of_IN business_NN
in_IN the_AT mid-1890's_NNS ._. Anxious_JJ to_TO avoid_VB a_AT similar_JJ debac
le_NN in_IN the_AT motor_NN car_NN industry_NN ,_, Hanch_NP went_VBD to_IN Detro
it_NP in_IN 1909_CD to_TO enlist_VB the_AT support_NN of_IN leading_VBG A.L.A.M.
_NP members_NNS for_IN an_AT industry-wide_JJ patent-sharing_JJ plan_NN ._. The_
AT breach_NN created_VBN by_IN the_AT Selden_NP patent_NN doomed_VBD his_PP$ pro
posal_NN ,_, but_CC Hanch_NP did_DOD not_* abandon_VB his_PP$ scheme_NN ._. Afte
r_IN the_AT demise_NN of_IN the_AT A.L.A.M._NP ,_, the_AT time_NN was_BEDZ propi
tious_JJ for_IN establishing_VBG such_ABL a_AT pool_NN ._. Most_AP manufacturers
_NNS were_BED now_RB disposed_VBN to_TO heed_VB a_AT proposal_NN for_IN the_AT f
ormal_JJ interchange_NN of_IN patents_NNS ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT much_QL e
asier_JJR course_NN to_TO agree_VB to_TO let_VB one_CD another_DT alone_RB so_QL
far_RB as_CS ordinary_JJ patents_NNS are_BER concerned_VBN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD a
_AT trade_NN authority_NN ,_, ``_`` than_CS to_TO continue_VB the_AT costly_JJ e
ffort_NN of_IN straightening_VBG the_AT tangle_NN in_IN the_AT courts_NNS or_CC
seeking_VBG to_TO reform_VB the_AT patent_NN system_NN ,_, which_WDT appears_VBZ
to_TO be_BE getting_VBG into_IN deeper_JJR confusion_NN every_AT day_NN ''_'' .
_. With_IN the_AT other_AP members_NNS of_IN the_AT patents_NNS committee_NN --_
-- Wilfred_NP C._NP Leland_NP ,_, Howard_NP E._NP Coffin_NP ,_, Windsor_NP T._NP
White_NP ,_, and_CC W._NP H._NP Vandervoort_NP --_-- Hanch_NP drafted_VBD a_AT
cross-licensing_JJ agreement_NN whose_WP$ essential_JJ feature_NN of_IN royalty-
free_JJ licensing_VBG was_BEDZ his_PP$ own_JJ contribution_NN ._. The_AT plan_NN
was_BEDZ supported_VBN by_IN Frederick_NP P._NP Fish_NP ,_, counsel_NN for_IN t
he_AT National_JJ-TL Automobile_NN-TL Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_NN-TL ._.
It_PPS will_MD be_BE recalled_VBN that_CS in_IN his_PP$ summation_NN for_IN the_
AT A.L.A.M._NP before_IN Judge_NN-TL Hough_NP ,_, Fish_NP had_HVD condemned_VBN
patent_NN litigation_NN as_CS the_AT curse_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ industria
l_JJ community_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ well_QL aware_JJ that_CS some_DTI inventor
s_NNS and_CC their_PP$ allies_NNS used_VBD their_PP$ patents_NNS solely_RB for_I
N nuisance_NN value_NN ._. ``_`` My_PP$ personal_JJ view_NN is_BEZ that_CS not_*
one_CD patented_VBN invention_NN in_IN ten_CD is_BEZ worth_JJ making_VBG ''_''
,_, he_PPS later_RBR told_VBD a_AT Congressional_JJ-TL committee_NN ._. The_AT e
loquent_JJ persuasions_NNS of_IN Fish_NP guaranteed_VBD the_AT adoption_NN of_IN
the_AT plan_NN by_IN the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT automotive_JJ trade_NN ass
ociation_NN ._. Drawn_VBN up_RP in_IN 1914_CD ,_, the_AT cross-licensing_JJ agre
ement_NN became_VBD effective_JJ in_IN 1915_CD ._. It_PPS remained_VBD in_IN for
ce_NN for_IN ten_CD years_NNS and_CC has_HVZ been_BEN renewed_VBN at_IN five-yea
r_JJ intervals_NNS since_IN 1925_CD ._. A_AT little_QL farther_RBR along_IN the_
AT road_NN you_PPSS come_VB to_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL Santa_NP Sabina_N
P ,_, called_VBN the_AT ``_`` Pearl_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Aventine_NP-TL ''_'
' ._. Continue_VB another_DT hundred_CD yards_NNS to_IN the_AT Piazza_FW-NN-TL o
f_IN the_AT Knights_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Malta_NP-TL ._. On_IN the_AT wall_NN of_IN t
his_DT square_NN there_EX are_BER delightful_JJ bas-reliefs_NNS of_IN musical_JJ
instruments_NNS ._. The_AT massive_JJ gate_NN of_IN the_AT Maltese_JJ villa_NN
affords_VBZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL extraordinary_JJ views_NNS in_IN Rome_NP
._. If_CS you_PPSS look_VB through_IN the_AT keyhole_NN ,_, you_PPSS will_MD se
e_VB an_AT artistically_RB landscaped_VBN garden_NN with_IN the_AT white_JJ dome
_NN of_IN St._NN-TL Peter's_NP$-TL framed_VBN in_IN a_AT long_JJ avenue_NN of_IN
cropped_VBN laurel_NN trees_NNS ._. Retrace_NN your_PP$ steps_NNS a_AT few_AP y
ards_NNS on_IN the_AT Via_NP-TL Di_NP-TL Santa_NP-TL Sabina_NP and_CC turn_VB ri
ght_NR on_IN the_AT Via_NP Di_NP S._NP Alessio_NP ,_, a_AT street_NN lined_VBN w
ith_IN stately_JJ homes_NNS ._. Oleanders_NNS ,_, cypress_NN ,_, and_CC palms_NN
S in_IN the_AT spacious_JJ gardens_NNS add_VB much_AP color_NN and_CC beauty_NN
to_IN this_DT attractive_JJ residential_JJ section_NN ._. Turn_VB left_NR a_AT b
lock_NN or_CC so_RB before_CS the_AT street_NN ends_VBZ ,_, and_CC then_RB turn_
VB right_NR down_IN the_AT Via_NP-TL Di_NP-TL Santa_NP-TL Prisca_NP-TL to_IN the
_AT Viale_NP Aventino_NP ._. Here_RB you_PPSS can_MD pick_VB up_IN a_AT taxi_NN
or_CC public_JJ transport_NN to_TO return_VB to_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT
city_NN ._. The_AT-HL renaissance_NN-HL city_NN-HL to_IN-HL the_AT-HL piazza_NN
-HL Navona_NP-HL and_CC-HL pantheon_NN-HL These_DTS two_CD walks_NNS take_VB you
_PPO through_IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN Rome_NP ._. You_PPSS will_MD walk_VB some_
DTI of_IN the_AT narrow_JJ ,_, old_JJ streets_NNS ,_, hemmed_VBN in_RP by_IN mas
sive_JJ palazzi_FW-NNS ._. You_PPSS will_MD visit_VB a_AT few_AP churches_NNS th
at_WPS are_BER exceptional_JJ yet_CC often_RB by-passed_VBN ,_, a_AT magnificent
_JJ square_NN ,_, the_AT main_JJS shopping_VBG district_NN ,_, the_AT Spanish_JJ
-TL Steps_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT lovely_JJ Pincian_JJ-TL Gardens_NNS-TL ._. By
_IN seeing_VBG such_JJ varied_VBN places_NNS ,_, both_ABX interesting_JJ and_CC
beautiful_JJ ,_, you_PPSS will_MD become_VB aware_JJ of_IN the_AT many_AP differ
ent_JJ civilizations_NNS Rome_NP has_HVZ lived_VBN through_IN ,_, and_CC in_IN p
articular_JJ ,_, get_VB a_AT feel_NN of_IN Renaissance_NN-TL Rome_NP ._. You_PPS
S will_MD realize_VB why_WRB Rome_NP is_BEZ indeed_RB the_AT Eternal_JJ-TL City_
NN-TL ._. Start_VB on_IN the_AT Via_NP D._NP Teatro_NP Di_NP Marcello_NP at_IN t
he_AT foot_NN of_IN the_AT Capitoline_NP-TL Hill_NN-TL ._. The_AT majestic_JJ ci
rcular_JJ tiers_NNS of_IN stone_NN of_IN the_AT Theatre_NN-TL of_IN-TL Marcellus
_NP-TL give_VB you_PPO some_DTI idea_NN of_IN the_AT huge_JJ edifice_NN that_CS
the_AT Emperor_NN-TL Augustus_NP erected_VBD in_IN 13_CD B.C._NP ._. Twenty-two_
CD thousand_CD spectators_NNS used_VBD to_TO crowd_VB it_PPO in_IN Roman_JJ days
_NNS ._. Andrea_NP Palladio_NP ,_, an_AT Italian_JJ architect_NN of_IN the_AT si
xteenth_OD century_NN ,_, modeled_VBD his_PP$ designs_NNS on_IN its_PP$ Doric_JJ
and_CC Ionic_JJ-TL columns_NNS ._. Wander_VB past_IN the_AT three_CD superb_JJ
Columns_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Apollo_NP-TL by_IN the_AT arches_NNS of_IN the_AT theatr
e_NN ._. The_AT remains_NNS of_IN the_AT Portico_NN-TL of_IN-TL Octavia_NP-TL ar
e_BER now_RB in_IN front_NN of_IN you_PPO ._. Climb_VB the_AT steps_NNS from_IN
the_AT theatre_NN to_IN the_AT Via_NP Della_NP Tribuna_NP Di_NP Campitelli_NP fo
r_IN an_AT even_QL better_JJR view_NN of_IN the_AT Columns_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Apoll
o_NP-TL ._. Turn_VB to_IN the_AT right_NR along_IN a_AT narrow_JJ street_NN to_I
N the_AT tiny_JJ Piazza_NP Campitelli_NP ,_, then_RB proceed_VB along_IN the_AT
Via_NP Dei_NP Funari_NP to_IN the_AT Piazza_NP Mattei_NP ._. Here_RB is_BEZ one_
CD of_IN-TL the_AT-TL loveliest_JJT fountains_NNS in_IN Rome_NP ,_, the_AT Fonta
na_NP delle_NP Tartarughe_NP or_CC ``_`` Fountain_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Torto
ises_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. It's_PPS+BEZ typical_JJ of_IN Rome_NP that_CS in_IN the_AT
midst_NN of_IN this_DT rather_QL poor_JJ area_NN you_PPSS should_MD find_VB suc
h_ABL an_AT artistic_JJ work_NN in_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN a_AT little_AP squa
re_NN ._. Stand_VB here_RB for_IN a_AT few_AP moments_NNS and_CC look_VB at_IN t
his_DT gem_NN of_IN a_AT fountain_NN with_IN its_PP$ four_CD youths_NNS ,_, each
_DT holding_NN a_AT tortoise_NN and_CC each_DT with_IN a_AT foot_NN resting_VBG
on_IN the_AT head_NN of_IN a_AT dolphin_NN ._. The_AT figures_NNS have_HV been_B
EN executed_VBN so_QL skillfully_RB that_CS one_CD senses_VBZ a_AT great_JJ feel
ing_NN of_IN life_NN and_CC movement_NN ._. Opposite_RB is_BEZ the_AT Palazzo_NP
Mattei_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN Rome's_NP$ oldest_JJT palaces_NNS ,_, now_RB the_AT
headquarters_NN of_IN the_AT Italo-American_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL ._. Go_VB in
side_RB for_IN a_AT closer_JJR look_NN at_IN a_AT Renaissance_NN-TL palace_NN ._
. In_IN the_AT first_OD courtyard_NN there_EX are_BER some_DTI fine_JJ bas-relie
fs_NNS and_CC friezes_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT second_OD a_AT series_NN of_IN
delightful_JJ terraced_VBN roof_NN gardens_NNS above_IN an_AT ivy-covered_JJ wa
ll_NN ._. The_AT Palazzo_NP Caetani_NP ,_, still_RB inhabited_VBN by_IN the_AT C
aetani_NP family_NN ,_, adjoins_VBZ the_AT Palazzo_NP Mattei_NP ._. Keep_VB stra
ight_RB ahead_RB on_IN the_AT Via_NP Falegnami_NP ,_, cross_NN the_AT wide_JJ Vi
a_NP Arenula_NP ,_, and_CC you_PPSS will_MD come_VB to_IN the_AT Piazza_NP B._NP
Cairoli_NP ,_, where_WRB you_PPSS should_MD look_VB in_RP at_IN the_AT Church_N
N-TL of_IN-TL San_NP-TL Carlo_NP-TL Ai_NP-TL Catinari_NP-TL to_TO see_VB the_AT
frescoes_NNS on_IN the_AT ceiling_NN ._. Follow_VB the_AT colorful_JJ and_CC bus
y_VB Via_NP D._NP Giubbonari_NP for_IN a_AT hundred_CD yards_NNS or_CC so_RB ._.
Now_RB turn_VB left_NR at_IN the_AT Via_NP dell'_NP Arco_NP Del_NP Monte_NP to_
IN the_AT Piazza_NP Dei_NP Pellegrini_NP ._. Just_RB a_AT few_AP yards_NNS to_IN
the_AT right_NR on_IN the_AT Via_NP Capo_NP Di_NP Ferro_NP will_MD bring_VB you
_PPO to_IN the_AT Palazzo_NP Spada_NP ,_, built_VBN in_IN 1540_CD and_CC now_RB
occupied_VBN by_IN the_AT Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL ._. Paintings_NNS b
y_IN Titian_NP ,_, Caravaggio_NP ,_, and_CC Rubens_NP are_BER on_IN display_NN (
_( open_VB 9:30_CD to_IN 4:00_CD )_) ._. Before_CS you_PPSS enter_VB the_AT pala
zzo_NN ,_, note_VB Francesco_NP Borromini's_NP$ facade_NN ._. The_AT great_JJ ar
chitect_NN also_RB designed_VBD the_AT fine_JJ interior_JJ staircase_NN and_CC c
olonnade_NN which_WDT connects_VBZ the_AT two_CD courts_NNS ._. The_AT large_JJ
statue_NN on_IN the_AT first_OD floor_NN is_BEZ believed_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT
statue_NN of_IN Pompey_NP at_IN the_AT base_NN of_IN which_WDT Julius_NP Caesar_
NP was_BEDZ stabbed_VBN to_IN death_NN (_( if_CS so_RB ,_, the_AT statue_NN once
_RB stood_VBD in_IN the_AT senate_NN house_NN )_) ._. (_( This_DT is_BEZ shown_V
BN in_IN the_AT afternoon_NN and_CC on_IN Sunday_NR morning_NN ._. )_) By_IN tip
ping_VBG the_AT porter_NN ,_, you_PPSS can_MD see_VB in_IN the_AT courtyard_NN B
orromini's_NP$ unusual_JJ and_CC fascinating_JJ trick_NN in_IN perspective_NN ._
. When_WRB you_PPSS stand_VB before_IN the_AT barrel-vaulted_JJ colonnade_NN you
_PPSS have_HV the_AT impression_NN that_CS the_AT statue_NN at_IN the_AT end_NN
is_BEZ at_IN a_AT considerable_JJ distance_NN ,_, yet_CC it_PPS is_BEZ actually_
RB only_RB a_AT few_AP feet_NNS away_RB ._. The_AT sense_NN of_IN perspective_NN
has_HVZ been_BEN created_VBN by_IN designing_VBG the_AT length_NN of_IN the_AT
columns_NNS so_CS that_CS those_DTS at_IN the_AT far_JJ end_NN of_IN the_AT colo
nnade_NN are_BER much_QL shorter_JJR than_CS those_DTS in_IN front_JJ ._. The_AT
gardens_NNS of_IN the_AT palazzo_FW-NN ,_, shaded_VBN by_IN a_AT huge_JJ magnol
ia_NN tree_NN ,_, are_BER most_QL attractive_JJ ._. The_AT courtyard_NN is_BEZ m
agnificently_RB decorated_VBN ._. From_IN the_AT Palazzo_NP Spada_NP you_PPSS co
ntinue_VB another_DT block_NN along_IN the_AT Via_NP Capo_NP Di_NP Ferro_NP and_
CC Vicolo_NP De_NP Venti_NP to_IN the_AT imposing_VBG Palazzo_NP Farnese_NP ,_,
begun_VBN in_IN 1514_CD and_CC considered_VBD by_IN many_AP to_TO be_BE the_AT f
inest_JJT palace_NN of_IN all_ABN ._. Michelangelo_NP was_BEDZ the_AT most_QL di
stinguished_VBN of_IN several_AP noted_VBN architects_NNS who_WPS helped_VBD des
ign_NN it_PPO ._. Today_NR it_PPS is_BEZ occupied_VBN by_IN the_AT French_JJ-TL
Embassy_NN-TL ._. Its_PP$ lovely_JJ seventeenth-century_NN ceiling_NN frescoes_N
NS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT huge_JJ guards_NNS room_VB with_IN a_AT tremen
dously_QL high_JJ and_CC beautifully_QL carved_VBN wooden_JJ ceiling_NN ,_, can_
MD be_BE seen_VBN Sundays_NRS (_( 11:00_CD to_IN 12:00_CD noon_NN )_) ._. Ask_VB
to_TO see_VB the_AT modern_JJ tapestries_NNS of_IN Paris_NP and_CC Rome_NP desi
gned_VBN by_IN Lurcat_NP ._. Directly_RB in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT palace_NN a
long_IN the_AT Via_NP D._NP Baullari_NP you_PPSS will_MD come_VB to_IN the_AT Ca
mpo_NP Di_NP Fiori_NP ,_, the_AT famous_JJ site_NN of_IN executions_NNS during_I
N the_AT turbulent_JJ days_NNS of_IN Renaissance_NN-TL Rome_NP ._. Today_NR ,_,
by_IN contrast_NN it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT lively_JJ and_CC colorful_JJ fruit_NN ,_, v
egetable_NN ,_, and_CC flower_NN market_NN ._. Continue_VB on_IN the_AT Via_NP D
._NP Baullari_NP to_IN the_AT Corso_NP Vittorio_NP Emanuele_NP ,_, then_RB turn_
VB right_NR for_IN a_AT couple_NN of_IN hundred_CD yards_NNS to_IN the_AT Church
_NN-TL of_IN-TL Sant'_NP-TL Andrea_NP-TL Della_NP-TL Valle_NP-TL ._. As_CS you_P
PSS approach_VB the_AT church_NN on_IN the_AT Via_NP D._NP Baullari_NP you_PPSS
are_BER passing_VBG within_IN yards_NNS of_IN the_AT remains_NNS of_IN the_AT Ro
man_JJ-TL Theatre_NN-TL of_IN-TL Pompey_NP-TL ,_, near_IN which_WDT is_BEZ belie
ved_VBN to_TO have_HV been_BEN the_AT place_NN where_WRB Julius_NP Caesar_NP was
_BEDZ assassinated_VBN ._. The_AT dome_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN is_BEZ ,_, outs
ide_RB of_IN St._NN-TL Peter's_NP$-TL ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT largest_JJT in_IN
Rome_NP ._. Opera_NN lovers_NNS will_MD be_BE interested_VBN to_TO learn_VB that
_CS this_DT church_NN was_BEDZ the_AT scene_NN for_IN the_AT first_OD act_NN of_
IN Tosca_NP ._. At_IN this_DT point_NN you_PPSS cross_VB the_AT wide_JJ Corso_NP
Vittorio_NP Emanuele_NP 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, walk_VB along_IN the_AT Corso_NP Del_NP
Rinascimento_NP a_AT couple_NN of_IN hundred_CD yards_NNS ,_, then_RB turn_VB l
eft_NR on_IN the_AT Via_NP Dei_NP Canestrani_NP to_TO enter_VB the_AT splendid_J
J Piazza_NP Navona_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT truly_QL glorious_JJ sights_NNS in
_IN Rome_NP ._. Your_PP$ first_OD impression_NN of_IN this_DT elongated_VBN squa
re_NN with_IN its_PP$ three_CD elegant_JJ fountains_NNS ,_, its_PP$ two_CD churc
hes_NNS that_WPS almost_RB face_VB each_DT other_AP ,_, and_CC its_PP$ russet-co
lored_JJ buildings_NNS ,_, is_BEZ a_AT sense_NN of_IN restful_JJ spaciousness_NN
--_-- particularly_QL welcome_JJ after_CS wandering_VBG around_IN the_AT narrow
_JJ and_CC dark_JJ streets_NNS that_CS you_PPSS have_HV followed_VBN since_CS st
arting_VBG this_DT walk_NN ._. The_AT site_NN of_IN the_AT oblong_JJ piazza_NN i
s_BEZ Domitian's_NP$ ancient_JJ stadium_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ probably_RB us
ed_VBN for_IN horse_NN and_CC chariot_NN races_NNS ._. For_IN centuries_NNS it_P
PS was_BEDZ the_AT location_NN of_IN historic_JJ festivals_NNS and_CC open-air_N
N sports_NNS events_NNS ._. From_IN the_AT seventeenth_OD to_IN the_AT nineteent
h_OD century_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT popular_JJ practice_NN to_TO flood_VB the_A
T piazza_NN in_IN the_AT summer_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT aristocrats_NNS would_MD th
en_RB ride_VB around_IN the_AT inundated_VBN square_NN in_IN their_PP$ carriages
_NNS ._. Giovanni_NP Bernini's_NP$ ``_`` Fountain_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL River
s_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, in_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT piazza_NN ,_, is_BEZ buil
t_VBN around_IN a_AT Roman_JJ obelisk_NN from_IN the_AT Circus_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ma
xentius_NP-TL which_WDT rests_VBZ on_IN grottoes_NNS and_CC rocks_NNS ,_, with_I
N four_CD huge_JJ figures_NNS ,_, one_CD at_IN each_DT corner_NN ,_, denoting_VB
G four_CD great_JJ rivers_NNS from_IN different_JJ continents_NNS --_-- the_AT D
anube_NP ,_, the_AT Ganges_NP ,_, the_AT Nile_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Plate_NP ._.
The_AT eyes_NNS of_IN the_AT figure_NN of_IN the_AT Nile_NP are_BER covered_VBN
,_, perhaps_RB either_CC to_TO symbolize_VB the_AT mystery_NN of_IN her_PP$ sour
ce_NN or_CC to_TO obscure_VB from_IN her_PP$ sight_NN the_AT baroque_JJ facade_N
N of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL Sant'_NP-TL Agnese_NP-TL in_IN-TL Agone_NP-
TL ,_, the_AT work_NN of_IN Bernini's_NP$ rival_NN ,_, Borromini_NP ._. In_IN th
e_AT Piazza_NP Navona_NP there_EX are_BER many_AP delightful_JJ cafes_NNS where_
WRB you_PPSS can_MD sit_VB ,_, have_HV a_AT drink_NN or_CC lunch_NN ,_, and_CC w
atch_VB the_AT fountains_NNS in_IN the_AT square_NN ._. The_AT scene_NN before_I
N you_PPO is_BEZ indeed_RB theatrical_JJ and_CC often_RB appears_VBZ in_IN movie
s_NNS about_IN Rome_NP ._. Perhaps_RB a_AT street_NN musician_NN will_MD pass_VB
to_TO add_VB that_DT extra_JJ touch_NN ._. Take_VB the_AT Via_NP-TL Di_NP-TL S.
_NP-TL Agnese_NP-TL in_IN-TL Agone_NP-TL ,_, next_RB to_IN the_AT church_NN and_
CC opposite_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT square_NN ,_, then_RB turn_VB right
_NR after_IN about_RB two_CD hundred_CD yards_NNS to_TO reach_VB the_AT beautifu
l_JJ Church_NN-TL of_IN-TL Santa_NP Maria_NP Della_NP Pace_NP ._. Inside_RB you_
PPSS will_MD find_VB the_AT lovely_JJ Sibyls_NPS painted_VBN by_IN Raphael_NP an
d_CC a_AT chapel_NN designed_VBN by_IN Michelangelo_NP ._. The_AT church's_NN$ c
loisters_NNS are_BER among_IN Donato_NP Bramante's_NP$ most_QL beautiful_JJ crea
tions_NNS ._. Now_RB return_VB to_IN the_AT Piazza_NP Navona_NP and_CC leave_VB
it_PPO on_IN the_AT opposite_JJ side_NN by_IN the_AT Corsia_NP Agonale_NP ;_. ;_
. in_IN a_AT moment_NN cross_VB the_AT Corso_NP Del_NP Rinascimento_NP ._. In_IN
front_NN of_IN you_PPO is_BEZ the_AT Palazzo_NP Madama_NP ,_, once_RB belonging
_VBG to_IN the_AT Medici_NPS and_CC now_RB the_AT Italian_JJ-TL Senate_NN-TL ._.
Walk_VB by_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT palazzo_NN and_CC after_IN two_CD blo
cks_NNS along_IN the_AT Via_NP Giustiniani_NP you_PPSS will_MD come_VB to_IN the
_AT Piazza_NP Della_NP Rotonda_NP ._. You_PPSS are_BER now_RB facing_VBG the_AT
Pantheon_NP ,_, the_AT largest_JJT and_CC best-preserved_JJT building_NN still_R
B standing_VBG from_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN ancient_JJ Rome_NP ._. This_DT circ
ular_JJ edifice_NN ,_, constructed_VBN by_IN Agrippa_NP in_IN B.C._NP 27_CD ,_,
was_BEDZ rebuilt_VBN in_IN its_PP$ present_JJ shape_NN by_IN the_AT Emperor_NN-T
L Hadrian_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ dedicated_VBN as_CS a_AT church_NN in_IN the_AT
seventh_OD century_NN ._. As_CS you_PPSS pause_VB in_IN the_AT piazza_NN by_IN
the_AT Egyptian_JJ obelisk_NN brought_VBN from_IN the_AT Temple_NN-TL of_IN-TL I
sis_NP-TL ,_, you_PPSS will_MD admire_VB the_AT Pantheon's_NP$ impressive_JJ Cor
inthian_JJ columns_NNS ._. The_AT Pantheon's_NP$ interior_NN ,_, still_RB in_IN
its_PP$ original_JJ form_NN ,_, is_BEZ truly_QL majestic_JJ and_CC an_AT archite
ctural_JJ triumph_NN ._. Its_PP$ rotunda_NN forms_VBZ a_AT perfect_JJ circle_NN
whose_WP$ diameter_NN is_BEZ equal_JJ to_IN the_AT height_NN from_IN the_AT floo
r_NN to_IN the_AT ceiling_NN ._. The_AT only_AP means_NN of_IN interior_JJ light
_NN is_BEZ the_AT twenty-nine-foot-wide_JJ aperture_NN in_IN the_AT stupendous_J
J dome_NN ._. Standing_VBG before_IN the_AT tomb_NN of_IN Raphael_NP ,_, the_AT
great_JJ genius_NN of_IN the_AT Renaissance_NN-TL ,_, when_WRB shafts_NNS of_IN
sunlight_NN are_BER penetrating_VBG this_DT great_JJ Roman_JJ temple_NN ,_, you_
PPSS are_BER once_RB again_RB reminded_VBN of_IN the_AT varied_VBN civilizations
_NNS so_QL characteristic_JJ of_IN Rome_NP ._. As_CS you_PPSS leave_VB the_AT Pa
ntheon_NP ,_, take_NN the_AT narrow_JJ street_NN to_IN the_AT right_NR ,_, the_A
T Via_NP Del_NP Seminario_NP ,_, a_AT block_NN to_IN Sant'_NP Ignazio_NP ,_, one
_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL splendid_JJ baroque_JJ churches_NNS in_IN the_AT city_N
N ._. (_( Along_IN the_AT way_NN there_RB ,_, about_RB one_CD hundred_CD yards_N
NS on_IN your_PP$ right_NR ,_, you_PPSS pass_VB a_AT simple_JJ restaurant_NN ,_,
La_NP Sacrestia_NP ,_, where_WRB you_PPSS can_MD have_HV the_AT best_JJT pizza_
NN in_IN Rome_NP ._. )_) The_AT curve_NN of_IN faded_VBN terra-cotta-colored_JJ
houses_NNS in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN seems_VBZ like_CS a_AT stage_NN
set_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL charming_JJ little_JJ squ
ares_NNS in_IN this_DT part_NN of_IN Rome_NP ._. One_CD block_NN along_IN the_AT
Via_NP De_NP Burro_NP (_( in_IN front_JJ of_IN the_AT church_NN )_) will_MD bri
ng_VB you_PPO to_IN the_AT Stock_NN-TL Exchange_NN-TL in_IN the_AT old_JJ Temple
_NN-TL of_IN-TL Neptune_NP-TL ._. A_AT few_AP yards_NNS farther_RBR ,_, on_IN th
e_AT Via_NP Dei_NP Bergamaschi_NP ,_, is_BEZ the_AT Piazza_NP Colonna_NP ._. The
_AT great_JJ column_NN from_IN which_WDT the_AT square_NN takes_VBZ its_PP$ name
_NN was_BEDZ erected_VBN by_IN the_AT Emperor_NN-TL Marcus_NP Aurelius_NP ._. Yo
u_PPSS are_BER now_RB at_IN the_AT Corso_NP ,_, though_CS narrow_JJ ,_, one_CD o
f_IN Rome's_NP$ busiest_JJT streets_NNS ._. Horse_NN races_NNS took_VBD place_NN
here_RB in_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NNS-TL ._. If_CS you_PPSS have_HV taken_
VBN this_DT stroll_NN in_IN the_AT morning_NN ,_, and_CC you_PPSS have_HV the_AT
time_NN and_CC inclination_NN ,_, walk_VB to_IN the_AT right_NR along_IN the_AT
crowded_VBN Corso_NP for_IN half_ABN a_AT dozen_NN blocks_NNS to_TO visit_VB th
e_AT fine_JJ private_JJ collection_NN of_IN paintings_NNS --_-- mainly_RB of_IN
the_AT sixteenth_OD and_CC seventeenth_OD centuries_NNS --_-- in_IN the_AT Palaz
zo_NP Doria_NP (_( open_VB Sunday_NR ,_, Tuesday_NR ,_, and_CC Thursday_NR ,_, 1
0:00_CD to_IN 1:00_CD )_) ._. Here_RB is_BEZ your_PP$ opportunity_NN to_TO see_V
B the_AT inside_NN of_IN a_AT palazzo_NN where_WRB the_AT family_NN still_RB liv
es_VBZ ._. Otherwise_RB ,_, cross_VB over_IN the_AT Corso_NP and_CC walk_VB a_AT
block_NN or_CC so_RB to_IN the_AT left_NR ._. You_PPSS will_MD come_VB to_IN Al
emagna_NP ,_, a_AT delightful_JJ ,_, though_CS moderately_QL expensive_JJ restau
rant_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ particularly_RB noted_VBN for_IN its_PP$ exceptiona
l_JJ selection_NN of_IN ice_NN creams_NNS and_CC patisseries_NNS ._. Either_CC h
ere_RB ,_, or_CC in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT modest_JJ restaurants_NNS nearby_RB ,
_, is_BEZ just_RB the_AT place_NN to_TO end_VB this_DT first_OD walk_NN through_
IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN Rome_NP ._. To_IN-HL the_AT-HL Spanish_JJ-HL steps_NNS-
HL The_AT second_OD walk_NN through_IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN Rome_NP should_MD b
e_BE taken_VBN after_IN lunch_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS you_PPSS will_MD reach_VB the
_AT Pincian_JJ-TL Hill_NN-TL when_WRB the_AT soft_JJ light_NN of_IN the_AT late_
JJ afternoon_NN is_BEZ at_IN its_PP$ best_JJT ._. Rare_JJ ,_, indeed_QLP ,_, is_
BEZ the_AT Harlem_NP citizen_NN ,_, from_IN the_AT most_QL circumspect_JJ church
_NN member_NN to_IN the_AT most_QL shiftless_JJ adolescent_NN ,_, who_WPS does_D
OZ not_* have_HV a_AT long_JJ tale_NN to_TO tell_VB of_IN police_NN incompetence
_NN ,_, injustice_NN ,_, or_CC brutality_NN ._. I_PPSS myself_PPL have_HV witnes
sed_VBN and_CC endured_VBN it_PPO more_AP than_IN once_RB ._. The_AT businessmen
_NNS and_CC racketeers_NNS also_RB have_HV a_AT story_NN ._. And_CC so_RB do_DO
the_AT prostitutes_NNS ._. (_( And_CC this_DT is_BEZ not_* ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, th
e_AT place_NN to_TO discuss_VB Harlem's_NP$ very_QL complex_JJ attitude_NN towar
d_IN black_JJ policemen_NNS ,_, nor_CC the_AT reasons_NNS ,_, according_IN to_IN
Harlem_NP ,_, that_CS they_PPSS are_BER nearly_QL all_ABN downtown_NR ._. )_) I
t_PPS is_BEZ hard_JJ ,_, on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, to_TO blame_VB the_AT
policeman_NN ,_, blank_JJ ,_, good-natured_JJ ,_, thoughtless_JJ ,_, and_CC ins
uperably_QL innocent_JJ ,_, for_IN being_BEG such_ABL a_AT perfect_JJ representa
tive_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS he_PPS serves_VBZ ._. He_PPS ,_, too_RB ,_, beli
eves_VBZ in_IN good_JJ intentions_NNS and_CC is_BEZ astounded_VBN and_CC offende
d_VBN when_WRB they_PPSS are_BER not_* taken_VBN for_IN the_AT deed_NN ._. He_PP
S has_HVZ never_RB ,_, himself_PPL ,_, done_VBN anything_PN for_IN which_WDT to_
TO be_BE hated_VBN --_-- which_WDT of_IN us_PPO has_HVZ ?_. ?_. --_-- and_CC yet
_RB he_PPS is_BEZ facing_VBG ,_, daily_RB and_CC nightly_RB ,_, people_NNS who_W
PS would_MD gladly_RB see_VB him_PPO dead_JJ ,_, and_CC he_PPS knows_VBZ it_PPO
._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT way_NN for_IN him_PPO not_* to_TO know_VB it_PPO :_: t
here_EX are_BER few_AP things_NNS under_IN heaven_NN more_QL unnerving_VBG than_
CS the_AT silent_JJ ,_, accumulating_VBG contempt_NN and_CC hatred_NN of_IN a_AT
people_NNS ._. He_PPS moves_VBZ through_IN Harlem_NP ,_, therefore_RB ,_, like_
CS an_AT occupying_VBG soldier_NN in_IN a_AT bitterly_QL hostile_JJ country_NN ;
_. ;_. which_WDT is_BEZ precisely_RB what_WDT ,_, and_CC where_WRB ,_, he_PPS is
_BEZ ,_, and_CC is_BEZ the_AT reason_NN he_PPS walks_VBZ in_IN twos_NNS and_CC t
hrees_NNS ._. And_CC he_PPS is_BEZ not_* the_AT only_RB one_CD who_WPS knows_VBZ
why_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ always_RB in_IN company_NN :_: the_AT people_NNS who_WPS
are_BER watching_VBG him_PPO know_VB why_WRB ,_, too_RB ._. Any_DTI street_NN me
eting_NN ,_, sacred_JJ or_CC secular_JJ ,_, which_WDT he_PPS and_CC his_PP$ coll
eagues_NNS uneasily_RB cover_VB has_HVZ as_CS its_PP$ explicit_JJ or_CC implicit
_JJ burden_NN the_AT cruelty_NN and_CC injustice_NN of_IN the_AT white_JJ domina
tion_NN ._. And_CC these_DTS days_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, in_IN terms_NNS in
creasingly_QL vivid_JJ and_CC jubilant_JJ ,_, it_PPS speaks_VBZ of_IN the_AT end
_NN of_IN that_DT domination_NN ._. The_AT white_JJ policeman_NN standing_VBG on
_IN a_AT Harlem_NP street_NN corner_NN finds_VBZ himself_PPL at_IN the_AT very_A
P center_NN of_IN the_AT revolution_NN now_RB occurring_VBG in_IN the_AT world_N
N ._. He_PPS is_BEZ not_* prepared_VBN for_IN it_PPO --_-- naturally_RB ,_, nobo
dy_PN is_BEZ --_-- and_CC ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ possibly_RB much_QL more_AP to_IN
the_AT point_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ exposed_VBN ,_, as_CS few_AP white_JJ people_N
NS are_BER ,_, to_IN the_AT anguish_NN of_IN the_AT black_JJ people_NNS around_I
N him_PPO ._. Even_RB if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ gifted_JJ with_IN the_AT merest_JJT mu
stard_NN grain_NN of_IN imagination_NN ,_, something_PN must_MD seep_VB in_RP ._
. He_PPS cannot_MD* avoid_VB observing_VBG that_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT childre
n_NNS ,_, in_IN spite_NN of_IN their_PP$ color_NN ,_, remind_VB him_PPO of_IN ch
ildren_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ known_VBN and_CC loved_VBN ,_, perhaps_RB even_RB of_I
N his_PP$ own_JJ children_NNS ._. He_PPS knows_VBZ that_CS he_PPS certainly_RB d
oes_DOZ not_* want_VB his_PP$ children_NNS living_VBG this_DT way_NN ._. He_PPS
can_MD retreat_VB from_IN his_PP$ uneasiness_NN in_IN only_RB one_CD direction_N
N :_: into_IN a_AT callousness_NN which_WDT very_QL shortly_RB becomes_VBZ secon
d_OD nature_NN ._. He_PPS becomes_VBZ more_QL callous_JJ ,_, the_AT population_N
N becomes_VBZ more_QL hostile_JJ ,_, the_AT situation_NN grows_VBZ more_QL tense
_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT police_NN force_NN is_BEZ increased_VBN ._. One_CD day_NN
,_, to_IN everyone's_PN$ astonishment_NN ,_, someone_PN drops_VBZ a_AT match_NN
in_IN the_AT powder_NN keg_NN and_CC everything_PN blows_VBZ up_RP ._. Before_CS
the_AT dust_NN has_HVZ settled_VBN or_CC the_AT blood_NN congealed_VBN ,_, edit
orials_NNS ,_, speeches_NNS ,_, and_CC civil-rights_NNS commissions_NNS are_BER
loud_JJ in_IN the_AT land_NN ,_, demanding_VBG to_TO know_VB what_WDT happened_V
BD ._. What_WDT happened_VBD is_BEZ that_CS Negroes_NPS want_VB to_TO be_BE trea
ted_VBN like_CS men_NNS ._. Negroes_NPS want_VB to_TO be_BE treated_VBN like_CS
men_NNS :_: a_AT perfectly_QL straightforward_JJ statement_NN ,_, containing_VBG
only_RB seven_CD words_NNS ._. People_NNS who_WPS have_HV mastered_VBN Kant_NP
,_, Hegel_NP ,_, Shakespeare_NP ,_, Marx_NP ,_, Freud_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Bible
_NP find_VB this_DT statement_NN utterly_QL impenetrable_JJ ._. The_AT idea_NN s
eems_VBZ to_TO threaten_VB profound_JJ ,_, barely_QL conscious_JJ assumptions_NN
S ._. A_AT kind_NN of_IN panic_NN paralyzes_VBZ their_PP$ features_NNS ,_, as_CS
though_CS they_PPSS found_VBD themselves_PPLS trapped_VBN on_IN the_AT edge_NN
of_IN a_AT steep_NN place_NN ._. I_PPSS once_RB tried_VBD to_TO describe_VB to_I
N a_AT very_QL well-known_JJ American_JJ intellectual_NN the_AT conditions_NNS a
mong_IN Negroes_NPS in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. My_PP$ recital_NN disturbed_VBD
him_PPO and_CC made_VBD him_PPO indignant_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC he_PPS asked_VBD me
_PPO in_IN perfect_JJ innocence_NN ,_, ``_`` Why_WRB don't_DO* all_ABN the_AT Ne
groes_NPS in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL move_VB North_NR-TL ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS trie
d_VBD to_TO explain_VB what_WDT has_HVZ happened_VBN ,_, unfailingly_RB ,_, when
ever_WRB a_AT significant_JJ body_NN of_IN Negroes_NPS move_VB North_NR-TL ._. T
hey_PPSS do_DO not_* escape_VB Jim_NP Crow_NP :_: they_PPSS merely_RB encounter_
VB another_DT ,_, not-less-deadly_JJ variety_NN ._. They_PPSS do_DO not_* move_V
B to_IN Chicago_NP ,_, they_PPSS move_VB to_IN the_AT South_JJ-TL Side_NN-TL ;_.
;_. they_PPSS do_DO not_* move_VB to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, they_PPSS move
_VB to_IN Harlem_NP ._. The_AT pressure_NN within_IN the_AT ghetto_NN causes_VBZ
the_AT ghetto_NN walls_NNS to_TO expand_VB ,_, and_CC this_DT expansion_NN is_B
EZ always_RB violent_JJ ._. White_JJ people_NNS hold_VB the_AT line_NN as_QL lon
g_RB as_CS they_PPSS can_MD ,_, and_CC in_IN as_QL many_AP ways_NNS as_CS they_P
PSS can_MD ,_, from_IN verbal_JJ intimidation_NN to_IN physical_JJ violence_NN .
_. But_CC inevitably_RB the_AT border_NN which_WDT has_HVZ divided_VBN the_AT gh
etto_NN from_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN falls_VBZ into_IN the_AT ha
nds_NNS of_IN the_AT ghetto_NN ._. The_AT white_JJ people_NNS fall_VB back_RB bi
tterly_RB before_IN the_AT black_JJ horde_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT landlords_NNS make_V
B a_AT tidy_JJ profit_NN by_IN raising_VBG the_AT rent_NN ,_, chopping_VBG up_RP
the_AT rooms_NNS ,_, and_CC all_ABN but_CC dispensing_VBG with_IN the_AT upkeep
_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC what_WDT has_HVZ once_RB been_BEN a_AT neighborhood_NN turns_
VBZ into_IN a_AT ``_`` turf_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT is_BEZ precisely_RB what_WDT ha
ppened_VBD when_WRB the_AT Puerto_NP Ricans_NPS arrived_VBD in_IN their_PP$ thou
sands_NNS --_-- and_CC the_AT bitterness_NN thus_RB caused_VBN is_BEZ ,_, as_CS
I_PPSS write_VB ,_, being_BEG fought_VBN out_RP all_QL up_IN and_CC down_IN thos
e_DTS streets_NNS ._. Northerners_NNS indulge_VB in_IN an_AT extremely_QL danger
ous_JJ luxury_NN ._. They_PPSS seem_VB to_TO feel_VB that_CS because_CS they_PPS
S fought_VBD on_IN the_AT right_JJ side_NN during_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-T
L ,_, and_CC won_VBD ,_, they_PPSS have_HV earned_VBN the_AT right_NN merely_RB
to_TO deplore_VB what_WDT is_BEZ going_VBG on_RP in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, wi
thout_IN taking_VBG any_DTI responsibility_NN for_IN it_PPO ;_. ;_. and_CC that_
CS they_PPSS can_MD ignore_VB what_WDT is_BEZ happening_VBG in_IN Northern_JJ-TL
cities_NNS because_CS what_WDT is_BEZ happening_VBG in_IN Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-
TL or_CC Birmingham_NP is_BEZ worse_JJR ._. Well_UH ,_, in_IN the_AT first_OD pl
ace_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* possible_JJ for_IN anyone_PN who_WPS has_HVZ not_
* endured_VBN both_ABX to_TO know_VB which_WDT is_BEZ ``_`` worse_JJR ''_'' ._.
I_PPSS know_VB Negroes_NPS who_WPS prefer_VB the_AT South_NR-TL and_CC white_JJ
Southerners_NNS-TL ,_, because_CS ``_`` At_IN least_AP there_RB ,_, you_PPSS hav
en't_HV* got_VBN to_TO play_VB any_DTI guessing_VBG games_NNS ''_'' !_. !_. The_
AT guessing_VBG games_NNS referred_VBN to_TO have_HV driven_VBN more_AP than_IN
one_CD Negro_NP into_IN the_AT narcotics_NNS ward_NN ,_, the_AT madhouse_NN ,_,
or_CC the_AT river_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB another_DT Negro_NP ,_, a_AT man_NN ver
y_QL dear_JJ to_IN me_PPO ,_, who_WPS says_VBZ ,_, with_IN conviction_NN and_CC
with_IN truth_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL is_BEZ the_
AT spirit_NN of_IN America_NP ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN the_AT No
rth_NR-TL and_CC did_DOD his_PP$ military_JJ training_NN in_IN the_AT South_NR-T
L ._. He_PPS did_DOD not_* ,_, as_QL far_RB as_CS I_PPSS can_MD gather_VB ,_, fi
nd_VB the_AT South_NR-TL ``_`` worse_JJR ''_'' ;_. ;_. he_PPS found_VBD it_PPO ,
_, if_CS anything_PN ,_, all_QL too_QL familiar_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT second_OD pl
ace_NN ,_, though_CS ,_, even_RB if_CS Birmingham_NP is_BEZ worse_JJR ,_, no_AT
doubt_NN Johannesburg_NP ,_, South_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ,_, beats_VBZ it_PPO by_IN
several_AP miles_NNS ,_, and_CC Buchenwald_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT wors
t_JJT things_NNS that_WPS ever_RB happened_VBD in_IN the_AT entire_JJ history_NN
of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. The_AT world_NN has_HVZ never_RB lacked_VBN for_IN ho
rrifying_JJ examples_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC I_PPSS do_DO not_* believe_VB that_CS th
ese_DTS examples_NNS are_BER meant_VBN to_TO be_BE used_VBN as_CS justification_
NN for_IN our_PP$ own_JJ crimes_NNS ._. This_DT perpetual_JJ justification_NN em
pties_VBZ the_AT heart_NN of_IN all_ABN human_JJ feeling_NN ._. The_AT emptier_J
JR our_PP$ hearts_NNS become_VB ,_, the_AT greater_JJR will_MD be_BE our_PP$ cri
mes_NNS ._. Thirdly_RB ,_, the_AT South_NR-TL is_BEZ not_* merely_RB an_AT embar
rassingly_QL backward_JJ region_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT part_NN of_IN this_DT country
_NN ,_, and_CC what_WDT happens_VBZ there_RB concerns_VBZ every_AT one_CD of_IN
us_PPO ._. As_QL far_RB as_CS the_AT color_NN problem_NN is_BEZ concerned_VBN ,_
, there_EX is_BEZ but_RB one_CD great_JJ difference_NN between_IN the_AT Souther
n_JJ-TL white_JJ and_CC the_AT Northerner_NN-TL :_: the_AT Southerner_NN-TL reme
mbers_VBZ ,_, historically_RB and_CC in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ psyche_NN ,_, a_AT kin
d_NN of_IN Eden_NP in_IN which_WDT he_PPS loved_VBD black_JJ people_NNS and_CC t
hey_PPSS loved_VBD him_PPO ._. Historically_RB ,_, the_AT flaming_VBG sword_NN l
aid_VBN across_IN this_DT Eden_NP is_BEZ the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ._. Person
ally_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT Southerner's_NN$-TL sexual_JJ coming_NN of_IN a
ge_NN ,_, when_WRB ,_, without_IN any_DTI warning_NN ,_, unbreakable_JJ taboos_N
NS are_BER set_VBN up_RP between_IN himself_PPL and_CC his_PP$ past_NN ._. Every
thing_PN ,_, thereafter_RB ,_, is_BEZ permitted_VBN him_PPO except_IN the_AT lov
e_NN he_PPS remembers_VBZ and_CC has_HVZ never_RB ceased_VBN to_TO need_VB ._. T
he_AT resulting_VBG ,_, indescribable_JJ torment_NN affects_VBZ every_AT Souther
n_JJ-TL mind_NN and_CC is_BEZ the_AT basis_NN of_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL hyster
ia_NN ._. None_PN of_IN this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ for_IN the_AT Northerner_NN-TL ._
. Negroes_NPS represent_VB nothing_PN to_IN him_PPO personally_RB ,_, except_RB
,_, perhaps_RB ,_, the_AT dangers_NNS of_IN carnality_NN ._. He_PPS never_RB see
s_VBZ Negroes_NPS ._. Southerners_NNS-TL see_VB them_PPO all_ABN the_AT time_NN
._. Northerners_NNS-TL never_RB think_VB about_IN them_PPO whereas_CS Southerner
s_NNS-TL are_BER never_RB really_RB thinking_VBG of_IN anything_PN else_RB ._. N
egroes_NPS are_BER ,_, therefore_RB ,_, ignored_VBN in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL and
_CC are_BER under_IN surveillance_NN in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, and_CC suffer_
VB hideously_RB in_IN both_ABX places_NNS ._. Neither_CC the_AT Southerner_NN-TL
nor_CC the_AT Northerner_NN-TL is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO look_VB on_IN the_AT Negro_
NP simply_RB as_CS a_AT man_NN ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE indispensable_JJ
to_IN the_AT national_JJ self-esteem_NN that_CS the_AT Negro_NP be_BE considere
d_VBN either_CC as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN ward_NN (_( in_IN which_WDT case_NN we_
PPSS are_BER told_VBN how_WQL many_AP Negroes_NPS ,_, comparatively_RB ,_, bough
t_VBD Cadillacs_NPS last_AP year_NN and_CC how_WQL few_AP ,_, comparatively_RB ,
_, were_BED lynched_VBN )_) ,_, or_CC as_CS a_AT victim_NN (_( in_IN which_WDT c
ase_NN we_PPSS are_BER promised_VBN that_CS he_PPS will_MD never_RB vote_VB in_I
N our_PP$ assemblies_NNS or_CC go_VB to_IN school_NN with_IN our_PP$ kids_NNS )_
) ._. They_PPSS are_BER two_CD sides_NNS of_IN the_AT same_AP coin_NN and_CC the
_AT South_NR-TL will_MD not_* change_VB --_-- cannot_MD* change_VB --_-- until_C
S the_AT North_NR-TL changes_VBZ ._. The_AT country_NN will_MD not_* change_VB u
ntil_CS it_PPS re-examines_VBZ itself_PPL and_CC discovers_VBZ what_WDT it_PPS r
eally_RB means_VBZ by_IN freedom_NN ._. In_IN the_AT meantime_NN ,_, generations
_NNS keep_VB being_BEG born_VBN ,_, bitterness_NN is_BEZ increased_VBN by_IN inc
ompetence_NN ,_, pride_NN ,_, and_CC folly_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT world_NN shrinks
_VBZ around_IN us_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT terrible_JJ ,_, an_AT inexorable_JJ
,_, law_NN that_CS one_CD cannot_MD* deny_VB the_AT humanity_NN of_IN another_D
T without_IN diminishing_VBG one's_PN$ own_JJ :_: in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN one
's_PN$ victim_NN ,_, one_PN sees_VBZ oneself_PPL ._. Walk_VB through_IN the_AT s
treets_NNS of_IN Harlem_NP and_CC see_VB what_WDT we_PPSS ,_, this_DT nation_NN
,_, have_HV become_VBN ._. 4_CD-HL ._.-HL East_JJ-TL-HL River_NN-TL-HL ,_,-HL do
wntown_NR-HL :_:-HL postscript_NN-HL to_IN-HL a_AT-HL letter_NN-HL from_IN-HL Ha
rlem_NP-HL the_AT fact_NN that_CS American_JJ Negroes_NPS rioted_VBD in_IN the_A
T U.N._NP while_CS Adlai_NP Stevenson_NP was_BEDZ addressing_VBG the_AT Assembly
_NN-TL shocked_VBD and_CC baffled_VBD most_AP white_JJ Americans_NPS ._. Stevens
on's_NP$ speech_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT spectacular_JJ disturbance_NN in_IN the_AT
gallery_NN ,_, were_BED both_ABX touched_VBN off_RP by_IN the_AT death_NN ,_, in
_IN Katanga_NP ,_, the_AT day_NN before_RB ,_, of_IN Patrice_NP Lumumba_NP ._. S
tevenson_NP stated_VBD ,_, in_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN his_PP$ address_NN ,_, t
hat_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL was_BEDZ ``_`` against_IN ''_'' coloni
alism_NN ._. God_NP knows_VBZ what_WDT the_AT African_JJ nations_NNS ,_, who_WPS
hold_VB 25_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT voting_VBG stock_NN in_IN the_AT U.N.
_NP were_BED thinking_VBG --_-- they_PPSS may_MD ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, have_
HV been_BEN thinking_VBG of_IN the_AT U.S._NP abstention_NN when_WRB the_AT vote
_NN on_IN Algerian_JJ freedom_NN was_BEDZ before_IN the_AT Assembly_NN-TL --_--
but_CC I_PPSS think_VB I_PPSS have_HV a_AT fairly_QL accurate_JJ notion_NN of_IN
what_WDT the_AT Negroes_NPS in_IN the_AT gallery_NN were_BED thinking_VBG ._. I
_PPSS had_HVD intended_VBN to_TO be_BE there_RB myself_PPL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ m
y_PP$ first_OD reaction_NN upon_IN hearing_VBG of_IN Lumumba's_NP$ death_NN ._.
I_PPSS was_BEDZ curious_JJ about_IN the_AT impact_NN of_IN this_DT political_JJ
assassination_NN on_IN Negroes_NPS in_IN Harlem_NP ,_, for_CS Lumumba_NP had_HVD
--_-- has_HVZ --_-- captured_VBN the_AT popular_JJ imagination_NN there_RB ._.
I_PPSS was_BEDZ curious_JJ to_TO know_VB if_CS Lumumba's_NP$ death_NN ,_, which_
WDT is_BEZ surely_RB among_IN the_AT most_QL sinister_JJ of_IN recent_JJ events_
NNS ,_, would_MD elicit_VB from_IN ``_`` our_PP$ ''_'' side_NN anything_PN more_
AP than_CS the_AT usual_JJ ,_, well-meaning_JJ rhetoric_NN ._. And_CC I_PPSS was
_BEDZ curious_JJ about_IN the_AT African_JJ reaction_NN ._. However_RB ,_, the_A
T chaos_NN on_IN my_PP$ desk_NN prevented_VBD my_PP$ being_BEG in_IN the_AT U.N.
_NP gallery_NN ._. Had_HVD I_PPSS been_BEN there_RB ,_, I_PPSS ,_, too_RB ,_, in
_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN most_AP Americans_NPS ,_, would_MD have_HV been_BEN me
rely_RB a_AT pawn_NN in_IN the_AT hands_NNS of_IN the_AT Communists_NNS-TL ._. T
he_AT climate_NN and_CC the_AT events_NNS of_IN the_AT last_AP decade_NN ,_, and
_CC the_AT steady_JJ pressure_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` cold_JJ ''_'' war_NN ,_, hav
e_HV given_VBN Americans_NPS yet_RB another_DT means_NN of_IN avoiding_VBG self-
examination_NN ,_, and_CC so_CS it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN decided_VBN that_CS the_
AT riots_NNS were_BED ``_`` Communist_NP ''_'' inspired_VBD ._. Nor_CC was_BEDZ
it_PPS long_RB ,_, naturally_RB ,_, before_CS prominent_JJ Negroes_NPS rushed_VB
D forward_RB to_TO assure_VB the_AT republic_NN that_CS the_AT U.N._NP rioters_N
NS do_DO not_* represent_VB the_AT real_JJ feeling_NN of_IN the_AT Negro_NP comm
unity_NN ._. According_IN ,_, then_RB ,_, to_IN what_WDT I_PPSS take_VB to_TO be
_BE the_AT prevailing_VBG view_NN ,_, these_DTS rioters_NNS were_BED merely_RB a
_AT handful_NN of_IN irresponsible_JJ ,_, Stalinist-corrupted_JJ provocateurs_NN
S ._. I_PPSS find_VB this_DT view_NN amazing_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT view_NN w
hich_WDT even_RB a_AT minimal_JJ effort_NN at_IN observation_NN would_MD immedia
tely_RB contradict_VB ._. One_PN has_HVZ only_RB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, to_TO
walk_VB through_IN Harlem_NP and_CC ask_VB oneself_PPL two_CD questions_NNS ._.
The_AT first_OD question_NN is_BEZ :_: Would_MD I_PPSS like_VB to_TO live_VB he
re_RB ?_. ?_. And_CC the_AT second_OD question_NN is_BEZ :_: Why_WRB don't_DO* t
hose_DTS who_WPS now_RB live_VB here_RB move_VB out_RP ?_. ?_. The_AT answer_NN
to_IN both_ABX questions_NNS is_BEZ immediately_QL obvious_JJ ._. Unless_CS one_
PN takes_VBZ refuge_NN in_IN the_AT theory_NN --_-- however_WQL disguised_VBN --
_-- that_CS Negroes_NPS are_BER ,_, somehow_RB ,_, different_JJ from_IN white_JJ
people_NNS ,_, I_PPSS do_DO not_* see_VB how_WRB one_PN can_MD escape_VB the_AT
conclusion_NN that_CS the_AT Negro's_NP$ status_NN in_IN this_DT country_NN is_
BEZ not_* only_RB a_AT cruel_JJ injustice_NN but_CC a_AT grave_JJ national_JJ li
ability_NN ._. Now_RB ,_, I_PPSS do_DO not_* doubt_VB that_CS ,_, among_IN the_A
T people_NNS at_IN the_AT U.N._NP that_DT day_NN ,_, there_EX were_BED Stalinist
_NP and_CC professional_JJ revolutionists_NNS acting_VBG out_IN of_IN the_AT mos
t_QL cynical_JJ motives_NNS ._. Wherever_WRB there_EX is_BEZ great_JJ social_JJ
discontent_NN ,_, these_DTS people_NNS are_BER ,_, sooner_RBR or_CC later_RBR ,_
, to_TO be_BE found_VBN ._. Their_PP$ presence_NN is_BEZ not_* as_QL frightening
_VBG as_CS the_AT discontent_NN which_WDT creates_VBZ their_PP$ opportunity_NN .
_. What_WDT I_PPSS find_VB appalling_JJ --_-- and_CC really_QL dangerous_JJ --_-
- is_BEZ the_AT American_JJ assumption_NN that_CS the_AT Negro_NP is_BEZ so_QL c
ontented_VBN with_IN his_PP$ lot_NN here_RB that_CS only_RB the_AT cynical_JJ ag
ents_NNS of_IN a_AT foreign_JJ power_NN can_MD rouse_VB him_PPO to_TO protest_VB
._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT notion_NN which_WDT contains_VBZ a_AT gratuitous_JJ insu
lt_NN ,_, implying_VBG ,_, as_CS it_PPS does_DOZ ,_, that_CS Negroes_NPS can_MD
make_VB no_AT move_NN unless_CS they_PPSS are_BER manipulated_VBN ._. Color_NN w
as_BEDZ delayed_VBN until_IN 1935_CD ,_, the_AT wide_JJ screen_NN until_IN the_A
T early_JJ fifties_NNS ._. Movement_NN itself_PPL was_BEDZ the_AT chief_JJS and_
CC often_RB the_AT only_AP attraction_NN of_IN the_AT primitive_JJ movies_NNS of
_IN the_AT nineties_NNS ._. Each_DT film_NN consisted_VBD of_IN fifty_CD feet_NN
S ,_, which_WDT gives_VBZ a_AT running_VBG time_NN of_IN about_RB one_CD minute_
NN on_IN the_AT screen_NN ._. As_QL long_RB as_CS audiences_NNS came_VBD to_TO s
ee_VB the_AT movement_NN ,_, there_EX seemed_VBD little_AP reason_NN to_TO adven
ture_VB further_RBR ._. Motion-picture_NN exhibitions_NNS took_VBD place_NN in_I
N stores_NNS in_IN a_AT general_JJ atmosphere_NN like_CS that_DT of_IN the_AT pe
nny_NN arcade_NN which_WDT can_MD still_RB be_BE found_VBN in_IN such_JJ urban_J
J areas_NNS as_CS Times_NNS-TL Square_NN-TL ._. Brief_JJ snips_NNS of_IN actual_
JJ events_NNS were_BED shown_VBN :_: parades_NNS ,_, dances_NNS ,_, street_NN sc
enes_NNS ._. The_AT sensational_JJ and_CC frightening_VBG enjoyed_VBD popularity
_NN :_: a_AT train_NN rushes_VBZ straight_RB at_IN the_AT audience_NN ,_, or_CC
a_AT great_JJ wave_NN threatens_VBZ to_TO break_VB over_IN the_AT seats_NNS ._.
An_AT early_JJ Edison_NP production_NN was_BEDZ The_AT-TL Execution_NN-TL Of_IN-
TL Mary_NP-TL ,_, Queen_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Scots_NPS-TL ._. The_AT unfortunate_JJ qu
een_NN mounted_VBD the_AT scaffold_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT headsman_NN swung_VBD his_P
P$ axe_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT head_NN dropped_VBD off_RP ;_. ;_. end_NN of_IN film_NN
._. An_AT early_JJ film_NN by_IN a_AT competitor_NN of_IN the_AT Wizard_NN-TL o
f_IN-TL Menlo_NP-TL Park_NN-TL simply_RB showed_VBD a_AT long_JJ kiss_NN perform
ed_VBN by_IN two_CD actors_NNS of_IN the_AT contemporary_JJ stage_NN ._. In_IN t
he_AT field_NN of_IN entertainment_NN there_EX is_BEZ no_AT spur_NN to_IN financ
ial_JJ daring_NN so_QL effective_JJ as_CS audience_NN boredom_NN ,_, and_CC the_
AT first_OD decade_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ device_NN was_BEDZ not_* over_RP befor
e_CS audiences_NNS began_VBD staying_VBG away_RB in_IN large_JJ numbers_NNS from
_IN the_AT simple-minded_JJ ,_, one-minute_NN shows_NNS ._. In_IN response_NN ,_
, the_AT industry_NN allowed_VBD the_AT discovery_NN of_IN the_AT motion_NN pict
ure_NN as_CS a_AT form_NN of_IN fiction_NN and_CC thus_RB gave_VBD the_AT movies
_NNS the_AT essential_JJ form_NN they_PPSS have_HV had_HVN to_IN this_DT day_NN
._. Despite_IN the_AT sheer_JJ beauty_NN and_CC spectacle_NN of_IN numerous_JJ d
ocumentaries_NNS ,_, art_NN films_NNS ,_, and_CC travelogues_NNS ,_, despite_IN
the_AT impressive_JJ financial_JJ success_NN of_IN such_ABL a_AT recent_JJ devel
opment_NN as_CS Cinerama_NP ,_, the_AT movies_NNS are_BER at_IN heart_NN a_AT fo
rm_NN of_IN fiction_NN ,_, like_CS the_AT play_NN ,_, the_AT novel_NN ,_, or_CC
the_AT short_JJ story_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT most_QL artistically_RB succ
essful_JJ of_IN the_AT nonfiction_NN films_NNS have_HV invariably_RB borrowed_VB
N the_AT narrative_JJ form_NN from_IN the_AT fiction_NN feature_NN ._. Thus_RB s
uch_JJ great_JJ American_JJ documentaries_NNS as_CS The_AT-TL River_NN-TL and_CC
The_AT-TL Plow_NN-TL That_WPS-TL Broke_VBD-TL The_AT-TL Plains_NNS-TL were_BED
composed_VBN as_CS visual_JJ stories_NNS rather_IN than_IN as_CS illustrated_VBN
lectures_NNS ._. The_AT discovery_NN that_CS movies_NNS are_BER a_AT form_NN of
_IN fiction_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN in_IN the_AT early_JJ years_NNS of_IN this_DT c
entury_NN and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ made_VBN chiefly_RB by_IN two_CD men_NNS ,_, a_
AT French_JJ magician_NN ,_, Georges_NP Melies_NP ,_, and_CC an_AT American_JJ e
mployee_NN of_IN Edison_NP ,_, Edwin_NP S._NP Porter_NP ._. Of_IN the_AT two_CD
,_, Porter_NP is_BEZ justly_RB the_AT better_RBR known_VBN ,_, for_CS he_PPS wen
t_VBD far_RB beyond_IN the_AT vital_JJ finding_NN of_IN fiction_NN for_IN films_
NNS to_TO take_VB the_AT first_OD step_NN toward_IN fashioning_VBG a_AT language
_NN of_IN film_NN ,_, toward_IN making_VBG the_AT motion_NN picture_NN the_AT in
tricate_JJ ,_, efficient_JJ time_NN machine_NN that_WPO it_PPS has_HVZ remained_
VBN since_RB ,_, even_RB in_IN the_AT most_QL inept_JJ hands_NNS ._. Narrative_J
J-HL time_NN-HL and_CC-HL film_NN-HL time_NN-HL Melies_NP ,_, however_WRB ,_, ou
t_IN of_IN his_PP$ professional_JJ instincts_NNS as_CS a_AT magician_NN ,_, disc
overed_VBD and_CC made_VBD use_NN of_IN a_AT number_NN of_IN illusionary_JJ tech
niques_NNS that_WPS remain_VB part_NN of_IN the_AT vocabulary_NN of_IN film_NN .
_. One_CD of_IN these_DTS is_BEZ the_AT ``_`` dissolve_NN ''_'' ,_, which_WDT ma
kes_VBZ possible_JJ a_AT visually_RB smooth_JJ transition_NN from_IN scene_NN to
_IN scene_NN ._. As_CS the_AT first_OD scene_NN begins_VBZ to_TO fade_VB ,_, the
_AT succeeding_VBG scene_NN begins_VBZ to_TO appear_VB ._. For_IN a_AT moment_NN
or_CC two_CD ,_, both_ABX scenes_NNS are_BER present_JJ simultaneously_RB ,_, o
ne_CD growing_VBG weaker_JJR ,_, one_CD growing_VBG stronger_JJR ._. In_IN a_AT
series_NN of_IN fairy_NN tales_NNS and_CC fantasies_NNS ,_, Melies_NP demonstrat
ed_VBD that_CS the_AT film_NN is_BEZ superbly_QL equipped_VBN to_TO tell_VB a_AT
straightforward_JJ story_NN ,_, with_IN beginning_NN ,_, middle_NN and_CC end_N
N ,_, complications_NNS ,_, resolutions_NNS ,_, climaxes_NNS ,_, and_CC conclusi
ons_NNS ._. Immediately_RB ,_, the_AT film_NN improved_VBD and_CC it_PPS improve
d_VBD because_CS in_IN narrative_NN it_PPS found_VBD a_AT content_NN based_VBN o
n_IN time_NN to_TO complement_VB its_PP$ own_JJ unbreakable_JJ connection_NN wit
h_IN time_NN ._. Physically_RB ,_, a_AT movie_NN is_BEZ possible_JJ because_CS a
_AT series_NN of_IN images_NNS is_BEZ projected_VBN one_CD at_IN a_AT time_NN at
_IN such_ABL a_AT speed_NN that_CS the_AT eye_NN ``_`` remembers_VBZ ''_'' the_A
T one_CD that_WPS has_HVZ gone_VBN before_RB even_RB as_CS it_PPS registers_VBZ
the_AT one_CD now_RB appearing_VBG ._. Linking_VBG the_AT smoothly_RB changing_V
BG images_NNS together_RB ,_, the_AT eye_NN itself_PPL endows_VBZ them_PPO with_
IN the_AT illusion_NN of_IN movement_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` projection_NN ''_'' tim
e_NN of_IN painting_VBG and_CC sculpture_NN is_BEZ highly_QL subjective_JJ ,_, v
arying_VBG from_IN person_NN to_IN person_NN and_CC even_RB varying_VBG for_IN a
_AT given_VBN person_NN on_IN different_JJ occasions_NNS ._. So_RB is_BEZ the_AT
time_NN of_IN the_AT novel_NN ._. The_AT drama_NN in_IN the_AT theater_NN and_C
C the_AT concert_NN in_IN the_AT hall_NN both_ABX have_HV a_AT fixed_VBN time_NN
,_, but_CC the_AT time_NN is_BEZ fixed_VBN by_IN the_AT director_NN and_CC the_
AT players_NNS ,_, the_AT conductor_NN and_CC the_AT instrumentalists_NNS ,_, su
bject_JJ ,_, therefore_RB ,_, to_IN much_AP variation_NN ,_, as_CS record_NN col
lectors_NNS well_RB know_VB ._. The_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT motion_NN picture_NN
is_BEZ fixed_VBN absolutely_RB ._. The_AT film_NN consists_VBZ of_IN a_AT serie
s_NN of_IN still_JJ ,_, transparent_JJ photographs_NNS ,_, or_CC ``_`` frames_NN
S ''_'' ,_, 35-mm.-wide_JJ ._. Each_DT frame_NN comes_VBZ between_IN the_AT ligh
t_NN and_CC the_AT lens_NN and_CC is_BEZ individually_RB projected_VBN on_IN the
_AT screen_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT rate_NN ,_, for_IN silent_JJ movies_NNS ,_, of_IN
16_CD frames_NNS per_IN second_OD ,_, and_CC ,_, for_IN sound_NN films_NNS ,_,
24_CD frames_NNS per_IN second_OD ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT rate_NN of_IN projec
tion_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB the_AT rate_NN of_IN photographing_VBG ._.
Time_NN is_BEZ built_VBN into_IN the_AT motion_NN picture_NN ,_, which_WDT cann
ot_MD* exist_VB without_IN time_NN ._. Now_RB time_NN is_BEZ also_RB the_AT conc
ern_NN of_IN the_AT fictional_JJ narrative_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ ,_, at_IN its
_PP$ simplest_JJT ,_, the_AT story_NN of_IN an_AT action_NN with_IN ,_, usually_
RB ,_, a_AT beginning_NN ,_, a_AT middle_NN ,_, and_CC an_AT end_NN --_-- elemen
ts_NNS which_WDT demand_VB time_NN as_CS the_AT first_OD condition_NN for_IN the
ir_PP$ existence_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` moving_VBG ''_'' picture_NN of_IN the_AT tr
ain_NN or_CC the_AT wave_NN coming_VBG at_IN the_AT audience_NN is_BEZ ,_, to_TO
be_BE sure_JJ ,_, more_QL intense_JJ than_CS a_AT still_JJ picture_NN of_IN the
_AT same_AP subject_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT difference_NN is_BEZ really_RB one_CD o
f_IN degree_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT cinematic_JJ element_NN of_IN time_NN is_BEZ merel
y_RB used_VBN to_TO increase_VB the_AT realism_NN of_IN an_AT object_NN which_WD
T would_MD still_RB be_BE reasonably_QL realistic_JJ in_IN a_AT still_JJ photo_N
N ._. In_IN narrative_NN ,_, time_NN is_BEZ essential_JJ ,_, as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ
in_IN film_NN ._. Almost_RB everything_PN about_IN the_AT movies_NNS that_WPS i
s_BEZ peculiarly_RB of_IN the_AT movies_NNS derives_VBZ from_IN a_AT tension_NN
created_VBN and_CC maintained_VBN between_IN narrative_NN time_NN and_CC film_NN
time_NN ._. This_DT discovery_NN of_IN Melies_NP was_BEDZ vastly_QL more_QL imp
ortant_JJ than_CS his_PP$ sometimes_RB dazzling_VBG ,_, magician's_NN$ tricks_NN
S produced_VBN on_IN film_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ Porter_NP ,_, however_RB ,_, wh
o_WPS produced_VBD the_AT very_QL first_OD movie_NN whose_WP$ name_NN has_HVZ li
ved_VBN on_RP through_IN the_AT half_ABN century_NN of_IN film_NN history_NN tha
t_WPS has_HVZ since_RB ensued_VBN ._. The_AT movie_NN was_BEDZ The_AT-TL Great_J
J-TL Train_NN-TL Robbery_NN-TL and_CC its_PP$ effects_NNS on_IN the_AT young_JJ
industry_NN and_CC art_NN were_BED all_ABN but_IN incalculable_JJ ._. Overnight_
RB ,_, for_IN one_CD thing_NN ,_, Porter's_NP$ film_NN multiplied_VBD the_AT sta
ndard_JJ running_VBG time_NN of_IN movies_NNS by_IN ten_CD ._. The_AT-TL Great_J
J-TL Train_NN-TL Robbery_NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT one-reel_NN film_NN ._. One_CD reel_N
N --_-- from_IN eight_CD to_IN twelve_CD minutes_NNS --_-- became_VBD the_AT sta
ndard_JJ length_NN from_IN the_AT year_NN of_IN Robbery_NN-TL ,_, 1903_CD ,_, un
til_CS Griffith_NP shattered_VBD that_DT limit_NN forever_RB with_IN Birth_NN-TL
Of_IN-TL A_AT-TL Nation_NN-TL in_IN 1915_CD ._. The_AT reel_NN itself_PPL becam
e_VBD and_CC still_RB is_BEZ the_AT standard_NN of_IN measure_NN for_IN the_AT m
ovies_NNS ._. The_AT material_NN of_IN the_AT Porter_NP film_NN is_BEZ simplicit
y_NN itself_PPL ;_. ;_. much_AP of_IN it_PPO has_HVZ continued_VBN to_TO be_BE u
sed_VBN over_IN the_AT years_NNS and_CC the_AT heart_NN of_IN it_PPO --_-- good_
JJ guys_NNS and_CC bad_JJ guys_NNS in_IN the_AT old_JJ West_NR-TL --_-- pretty_Q
L well_RB dominated_VBD television_NN toward_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT 1950'
s_NNS ._. A_AT band_NN of_IN robbers_NNS enters_VBZ a_AT railroad_NN station_NN
,_, overpowers_VBZ and_CC ties_VBZ up_RP the_AT telegraph_NN operator_NN ,_, hol
ds_VBZ up_RP the_AT train_NN and_CC escapes_VBZ ._. A_AT posse_NN is_BEZ formed_
VBN and_CC pursues_VBZ the_AT robbers_NNS ,_, who_WPS ,_, having_HVG made_VBN th
eir_PP$ escape_NN ,_, are_BER whooping_VBG it_PPO up_RP with_IN some_DTI wild_JJ
,_, wild_JJ women_NNS in_IN a_AT honky-tonk_NN hide-out_NN ._. The_AT robbers_N
NS run_VB from_IN the_AT hide-out_NN ,_, take_VB cover_NN in_IN a_AT wooded_JJ d
eclivity_NN ,_, and_CC are_BER shot_VBN dead_JJ by_IN the_AT posse_NN ._. As_CS
a_AT finale_NN is_BEZ appended_VBN a_AT close-up_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT ba
nd_NN taking_VBG aim_NN and_CC firing_VBG his_PP$ revolver_NN straight_RB at_IN
the_AT audience_NN ._. All_ABN this_DT is_BEZ simple_JJ enough_QLP ,_, but_CC in
_IN telling_VBG the_AT story_NN Porter_NP did_DOD two_CD important_JJ things_NNS
that_WPS had_HVD not_* been_BEN done_VBN before_RB ._. Each_DT scene_NN is_BEZ
shot_VBN straight_RB through_RP ,_, as_CS had_HVD been_BEN the_AT universal_JJ c
ustom_NN ,_, from_IN a_AT camera_NN fixed_VBN in_IN a_AT single_JJ position_NN ,
_, but_CC in_IN the_AT outdoor_JJ scenes_NNS ,_, especially_RB in_IN the_AT capt
ure_NN and_CC destruction_NN of_IN the_AT outlaws_NNS ,_, Porter's_NP$ camera_NN
position_NN breaks_VBZ ,_, necessarily_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT camera_NN position
_NN standard_JJ until_IN then_RB ,_, which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN ,_, roughly_RB ,
_, that_DT of_IN a_AT spectator_NN in_IN a_AT center_JJ orchestra_NN seat_NN at_
IN a_AT play_NN ._. The_AT plane_NN of_IN the_AT action_NN in_IN the_AT scene_NN
is_BEZ not_* parallel_JJ with_IN the_AT plane_NN of_IN the_AT film_NN in_IN the
_AT camera_NN or_CC on_IN the_AT screen_NN ._. If_CS the_AT change_NN ,_, at_IN
first_OD sight_NN ,_, seems_VBZ minor_JJ ,_, we_PPSS may_MD recall_VB that_CS it
_PPS took_VBD the_AT Italian_JJ painters_NNS about_RB two_CD hundred_CD years_NN
S to_TO make_VB an_AT analogous_JJ change_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT Italian_JJ painte
rs_NNS ,_, by_IN universal_JJ consent_NN ,_, were_BED the_AT most_QL brilliant_J
J group_NN of_IN geniuses_NNS any_DTI art_NN has_HVZ seen_VBN ._. In_IN that_DT
apparently_RB simple_JJ shift_NN Porter_NP opened_VBD the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT
sensitive_JJ use_NN of_IN the_AT camera_NN as_CS an_AT instrument_NN of_IN art_
NN as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT mechanical_JJ recording_VBG device_NN ._. He_PPS did
_DOD more_AP than_CS that_DT ._. He_PPS revealed_VBD the_AT potential_JJ value_N
N of_IN the_AT ``_`` cut_NN ''_'' as_CS the_AT basic_JJ technique_NN in_IN the_A
T art_NN of_IN the_AT film_NN ._. Cutting_VBG ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, takes_VBZ
place_NN automatically_RB in_IN the_AT creation_NN of_IN a_AT film_NN ._. The_AT
meaning_NN of_IN the_AT word_NN is_BEZ quite_QL physical_JJ ,_, to_TO begin_VB
with_IN ._. The_AT physical_JJ film_NN is_BEZ cut_VBN with_IN a_AT knife_NN at_I
N the_AT end_NN of_IN one_CD complete_JJ sequence_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT cut_VBN e
dge_NN is_BEZ joined_VBN physically_RB ,_, by_IN cement_NN ,_, to_IN the_AT cut_
VBN edge_NN of_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN the_AT next_AP sequence_NN ._. If_CS
,_, as_CS a_AT home_NN movie_NN maker_NN ,_, you_PPSS shoot_VB the_AT inevitabl
e_JJ footage_NN of_IN your_PP$ child_NN taking_VBG its_PP$ first_OD steps_NNS ,_
, you_PPSS have_HV merely_RB recorded_VBN an_AT historical_JJ event_NN ._. If_CS
,_, in_IN preparing_VBG that_DT shot_NN for_IN the_AT inevitable_JJ showing_VBG
to_IN your_PP$ friends_NNS ,_, you_PPSS interrupt_VB the_AT sequence_NN to_TO p
aste_VB in_RP a_AT few_AP frames_NNS of_IN the_AT child's_NN$ grandmother_NN wat
ching_VBG this_DT event_NN ,_, you_PPSS have_HV begun_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT arti
st_NN in_IN film_NN ;_. ;_. you_PPSS are_BER employing_VBG the_AT basic_JJ techn
ique_NN of_IN film_NN ;_. ;_. you_PPSS are_BER cutting_VBG ._. This_DT is_BEZ wh
at_WDT Porter_NP did_DOD ._. As_CS the_AT robbers_NNS leave_VB the_AT looted_VBN
train_NN ,_, the_AT film_NN suddenly_RB cuts_VBZ back_RB to_IN the_AT station_N
N ,_, where_WRB the_AT telegrapher's_NN$ little_JJ daughter_NN arrives_VBZ with_
IN her_PP$ father's_NN$ dinner_NN pail_NN only_RB to_TO find_VB him_PPO bound_VB
N on_IN the_AT floor_NN ._. She_PPS dashes_VBZ around_RB in_IN alarm_NN ._. The_
AT two_CD events_NNS are_BER taking_VBG place_NN at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ._
. Time_NN and_CC space_NN have_HV both_ABX become_VBN cinematic_JJ ._. We_PPSS l
eap_VB from_IN event_NN to_IN event_NN --_-- including_IN the_AT formation_NN of
_IN the_AT posse_NN --_-- even_RB though_CS the_AT events_NNS ,_, in_IN ``_`` re
ality_NN ''_'' are_BER taking_VBG place_NN not_* in_IN sequence_NN but_CC simult
aneously_RB ,_, and_CC not_* near_IN each_DT other_AP but_CC at_IN a_AT consider
able_JJ distance_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` chase_NN ''_'' as_CS a_AT standard_JJ film_
NN device_NN probably_RB dates_VBZ from_IN The_AT-TL Great_JJ-TL Train_NN-TL Rob
bery_NN-TL ,_, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ a_AT reason_NN for_IN the_AT continued_VBN
popularity_NN of_IN the_AT device_NN ._. The_AT chase_NN in_IN itself_PPL is_BE
Z a_AT narrative_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS presumes_VBZ both_ABX speed_NN and_CC urgency
_NN and_CC it_PPS demands_VBZ cutting_VBG --_-- both_ABX from_IN pursued_VBN to_
IN pursuer_NN and_CC from_IN stage_NN to_IN stage_NN of_IN the_AT journey_NN of_
IN both_ABX ._. The_AT simple_JJ ,_, naked_JJ idea_NN of_IN one_CD man_NN chasin
g_VBG another_DT is_BEZ of_IN its_PP$ nature_NN better_RBR fitted_VBN for_IN the
_AT film_NN than_CS it_PPS is_BEZ for_IN any_DTI other_AP form_NN of_IN fiction_
NN ._. The_AT cowboy_NN films_NNS ,_, the_AT cops_NNS and_CC robbers_NNS films_N
NS ,_, and_CC the_AT slapstick_NN comedy_NN films_NNS culminating_VBG in_IN an_A
T insane_JJ chase_NN are_BER not_* only_RB catering_VBG to_IN what_WDT critics_N
NS may_MD assume_VB to_TO be_BE a_AT vulgar_JJ taste_NN for_IN violence_NN ;_. ;
_. these_DTS films_NNS and_CC these_DTS sequences_NNS are_BER also_RB seeking_VB
G out_RP --_-- instinctively_RB or_CC by_IN design_NN --_-- the_AT peculiarly_RB
cinematic_JJ elements_NNS of_IN narrative_NN ._. The_AT-HL creator_NN-HL of_IN-
HL the_AT-HL art_NN-HL of_IN-HL the_AT-HL film_NN-HL :_:-HL D.W._NP-HL Griffith_
NP-HL There_EX still_RB remained_VBD the_AT need_NN for_IN one_CD great_JJ film_
NN artist_NN to_TO explore_VB the_AT full_JJ potential_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ fo
rm_NN and_CC to_TO make_VB it_PPO an_AT art_NN ._. The_AT man_NN was_BEDZ D.W._N
P Griffith_NP ._. When_WRB he_PPS came_VBD to_IN the_AT movies_NNS --_-- more_RB
R or_CC less_RBR by_IN accident_NN --_-- they_PPSS were_BED still_RB cheap_JJ en
tertainment_NN capable_JJ of_IN enthralling_VBG the_AT unthinking_JJ for_IN an_A
T idle_JJ few_AP minutes_NNS ._. In_IN about_RB seven_CD years_NNS Griffith_NP e
ither_CC invented_VBD or_CC first_RB realized_VBD the_AT possibilities_NNS of_IN
virtually_RB every_AT resource_NN at_IN the_AT disposal_NN of_IN the_AT film_NN
maker_NN ._. Before_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ forty_CD Griffith_NP had_HVD created_VBN
the_AT art_NN of_IN the_AT film_NN ._. Not_* that_CS there_EX had_HVD not_* bee
n_BEN attempts_NNS ,_, mostly_RB European_JJ ,_, to_TO do_DO exactly_RB that_DT
._. But_CC in_IN general_JJ the_AT European_JJ efforts_NNS to_TO make_VB an_AT a
rt_NN of_IN the_AT entertainment_NN had_HVD ignored_VBN the_AT slowly_RB emergin
g_VBG language_NN of_IN the_AT film_NN itself_PPL ._. Staggeringly_QL condensed_
VBN versions_NNS of_IN famous_JJ novels_NNS and_CC famous_JJ plays_NNS were_BED
presented_VBN ._. Great_JJ actors_NNS and_CC actresses_NNS --_-- the_AT most_QL
notable_JJ being_BEG Sarah_NP Bernhardt_NP --_-- were_BED hired_VBN to_TO repeat
_VB their_PP$ stage_NN performances_NNS before_IN the_AT camera_NN ._. In_IN all
_ABN of_IN this_DT extensive_JJ and_CC expensive_JJ effort_NN ,_, the_AT camera_
NN was_BEDZ downgraded_VBN to_IN the_AT status_NN of_IN recording_VBG instrument
_NN for_IN art_NN work_NN produced_VBN elsewhere_RB by_IN the_AT actor_NN or_CC
by_IN the_AT author_NN ._. The_AT phonograph_NN today_NR ,_, for_IN all_ABN its_
PP$ high_JJ fidelity_NN and_CC stereophonic_JJ sound_NN ,_, is_BEZ precisely_RB
what_WDT the_AT early_JJ art_NN purveyors_NNS in_IN the_AT movies_NNS wished_VBD
to_TO make_VB of_IN the_AT camera_NN ._. Not_* surprisingly_RB ,_, this_DT appr
oach_NN did_DOD not_* work_VB ._. The_AT effort_NN produced_VBD a_AT valuable_JJ
record_NN of_IN stage_NN techniques_NNS in_IN the_AT early_JJ years_NNS of_IN t
he_AT century_NN and_CC some_DTI interesting_JJ records_NNS of_IN great_JJ theat
er_NN figures_NNS who_WPS would_MD otherwise_RB be_BE only_AP names_NNS ._. But_
CC no_AT art_NN at_IN all_ABN was_BEDZ born_VBN of_IN the_AT art_NN effort_NN in
_IN the_AT early_JJ movies_NNS ._. In_IN general_JJ ,_, religious_JJ interest_NN
seems_VBZ to_TO exist_VB in_IN all_ABN parts_NNS of_IN the_AT metropolis_NN ;_.
;_. congregational_JJ membership_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ another_DT thing_
NN ._. A_AT congregation_NN survives_VBZ only_RB if_CS it_PPS can_MD sustain_VB
a_AT socially_RB homogeneous_JJ membership_NN ;_. ;_. that_DT is_BEZ ,_, when_WR
B it_PPS can_MD preserve_VB economic_JJ integration_NN ._. Religious_JJ faith_NN
can_MD be_BE considered_VBN a_AT necessary_JJ condition_NN of_IN membership_NN
in_IN a_AT congregation_NN ,_, since_CS the_AT decision_NN to_TO join_VB a_AT wo
rshiping_VBG group_NN requires_VBZ some_DTI motive_JJ force_NN ,_, but_CC faith_
NN is_BEZ not_* a_AT sufficient_JJ condition_NN for_IN joining_VBG ;_. ;_. the_A
T presence_NN of_IN other_AP members_NNS of_IN similar_JJ social_JJ and_CC econo
mic_JJ level_NN is_BEZ the_AT sufficient_JJ condition_NN ._. The_AT breakdown_NN
of_IN social_JJ homogeneity_NN in_IN inner_JJ city_NN areas_NNS and_CC the_AT s
pread_NN of_IN inner_JJ city_NN blight_NN account_VB for_IN the_AT decline_NN of
_IN central_JJ city_NN churches_NNS ._. Central_JJ cities_NNS reveal_VB two_CD a
dverse_JJ features_NNS for_IN the_AT major_JJ denominations_NNS :_: (_( 1_CD )_)
central_JJ cities_NNS tend_VB to_TO be_BE areas_NNS of_IN residence_NN for_IN l
ower_JJR social_JJ classes_NNS ;_. ;_. (_( 2_CD )_) central_JJ cities_NNS tend_V
B to_TO be_BE more_QL heterogeneous_JJ in_IN social_JJ composition_NN ._. The_AT
central_JJ city_NN areas_NNS ,_, in_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, exhibit_VB the_AT
two_CD characteristics_NNS which_WDT violate_VB the_AT life_NN principle_NN of_
IN congregations_NNS of_IN the_AT major_JJ denominations_NNS :_: they_PPSS have_
HV too_QL few_AP middle-class_NN people_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS mix_VB middle-clas
s_NN people_NNS with_IN lower-class_NN residents_NNS ._. Central_JJ city_NN area
s_NNS have_HV become_VBN progressively_RB poorer_JJR locales_NNS for_IN the_AT m
ajor_JJ denominations_NNS since_CS the_AT exodus_NN of_IN middle-class_NN people
_NNS from_IN most_AP central_JJ cities_NNS ._. With_IN few_AP exceptions_NNS ,_,
the_AT major_JJ denominations_NNS are_BER rapidly_RB losing_VBG their_PP$ hold_
NN on_IN the_AT central_JJ city_NN ._. The_AT key_NN to_IN Protestant_JJ develop
ment_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, is_BEZ economic_JJ integration_NN of_IN the_AT nucl
eus_NN of_IN the_AT congregation_NN ._. Members_NNS of_IN higher_JJR and_CC lowe
r_JJR social_JJ status_NN often_RB cluster_VB around_IN this_DT nucleus_NN ,_, s
o_CS that_CS Protestant_JJ figures_NNS on_IN social_JJ class_NN give_VB the_AT i
mpression_NN of_IN spread_NN over_IN all_ABN social_JJ classes_NNS ;_. ;_. but_C
C this_DT is_BEZ deceptive_JJ ,_, for_CS the_AT core_NN of_IN membership_NN is_B
EZ concentrated_VBN in_IN a_AT single_AP social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ stratum_NN
._. The_AT congregation_NN perishes_VBZ when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR
possible_JJ to_TO replenish_VB that_DT core_NN from_IN the_AT neighborhood_NN ;
_. ;_. moreover_RB ,_, residential_JJ mobility_NN is_BEZ so_QL high_JJ in_IN met
ropolitan_JJ areas_NNS that_CS churches_NNS have_HV to_TO recruit_VB constantly_
RB in_IN their_PP$ core_NN stratum_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO survive_VB ;_. ;_. th
ey_PPSS can_MD lose_VB higher-_JJR and_CC lower-status_NN members_NNS from_IN th
e_AT church_NN without_IN collapsing_VBG ,_, but_CC they_PPSS need_VB adequate_J
J recruits_NNS for_IN the_AT core_NN stratum_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO preserve_VB
economic_JJ integration_NN ._. The_AT congregation_NN is_BEZ first_RB and_CC fo
remost_RB an_AT economic_JJ peer_NN group_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ secondarily_R
B a_AT believing_VBG and_CC worshiping_VBG fellowship_NN ._. If_CS it_PPS were_B
ED primarily_RB a_AT believing_VBG fellowship_NN ,_, it_PPS would_MD recruit_VB
believers_NNS from_IN all_ABN social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ ranks_NNS ,_, somethi
ng_PN which_WDT most_AP congregations_NNS of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Protestantism_N
P-TL (_( with_IN a_AT few_AP notable_JJ exceptions_NNS )_) have_HV not_* been_BE
N able_JJ to_TO do_DO ._. They_PPSS survive_VB only_RB when_WRB they_PPSS can_MD
recruit_VB social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ peers_NNS ._. The_AT vulnerability_NN o
f_IN Protestant_JJ congregations_NNS to_IN social_JJ differences_NNS has_HVZ oft
en_RB been_BEN attributed_VBN to_IN the_AT ``_`` folksy_JJ spirit_NN ''_'' of_IN
Protestant_JJ religious_JJ life_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN fact_NN ,_, a_AT contrast_NN i
s_BEZ often_RB drawn_VBN in_IN this_DT regard_NN with_IN the_AT ``_`` impersonal
_JJ ''_'' Roman_JJ Catholic_JJ parish_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN that_CS th
e_AT folksy_JJ spirit_NN is_BEZ confined_VBN to_IN economic_JJ peers_NNS ;_. ;_.
consequently_RB ,_, the_AT vulnerability_NN to_IN social_JJ difference_NN shoul
d_MD not_* be_BE attributed_VBN to_IN the_AT stress_NN on_IN personal_JJ communi
ty_NN in_IN Protestant_JJ congregations_NNS ;_. ;_. actually_RB ,_, there_EX is_
BEZ little_AP evidence_NN of_IN such_JJ personal_JJ community_NN in_IN Protestan
t_JJ congregations_NNS ,_, as_CS we_PPSS shall_MD see_VB in_IN another_DT connec
tion_NN ._. The_AT vulnerability_NN of_IN Protestantism_NP to_IN social_JJ diffe
rences_NNS stems_VBZ from_IN the_AT peculiar_JJ role_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ reli
gious_JJ style_NN in_IN middle-class_NN life_NN ,_, where_WRB the_AT congregatio
n_NN is_BEZ a_AT vehicle_NN of_IN social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ group_NN identity
_NN and_CC must_MD conform_VB ,_, therefore_RB ,_, to_IN the_AT principle_NN of_
IN economic_JJ integration_NN ._. This_DT fact_NN is_BEZ evident_JJ in_IN the_AT
recruitment_NN of_IN new_JJ members_NNS ._. Mission_NN-HL as_CS-HL co-optation_
NN-HL The_AT rule_NN of_IN economic_JJ integration_NN in_IN congregational_JJ li
fe_NN can_MD be_BE seen_VBN in_IN the_AT missionary_JJ outreach_NN of_IN the_AT
major_JJ denominations_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ much_AP talk_NN in_IN theological
_JJ circles_NNS about_IN the_AT ``_`` Church_NN-TL as_CS-TL Mission_NN-TL ''_''
and_CC the_AT ``_`` Church's_NN$-TL Mission_NN-TL ''_'' ;_. ;_. theologians_NNS
have_HV been_BEN stressing_VBG the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT Church_NN-TL does_D
OZ not_* exist_VB for_IN its_PP$ own_JJ sake_NN but_CC as_CS a_AT testimony_NN i
n_IN the_AT world_NN for_IN the_AT healing_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. A_AT cru
cial_JJ question_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, is_BEZ what_WDT evangelism_NN and_CC mi
ssion_NN actually_RB mean_VB in_IN metropolitan_JJ Protestantism_NP ._. If_CS ec
onomic_JJ integration_NN really_RB shapes_VBZ congregational_JJ life_NN ,_, then
_RB evangelism_NN should_MD be_BE a_AT process_NN of_IN extending_VBG economic_J
J integration_NN ._. The_AT task_NN of_IN a_AT congregation_NN would_MD be_BE de
fined_VBN ,_, according_IN to_IN economic_JJ integration_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT wor
k_NN of_IN co-opting_VBG individuals_NNS and_CC families_NNS of_IN similar_JJ so
cial_JJ and_CC economic_JJ position_NN to_TO replenish_VB the_AT nuclear_JJ core
_NN of_IN the_AT congregation_NN ._. (_( Co-optation_NN means_VBZ to_TO choose_V
B by_IN joint_JJ action_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO fill_VB a_AT vacancy_NN ;_. ;_.
it_PPS can_MD also_RB mean_VB the_AT assimilation_NN of_IN centers_NNS of_IN pow
er_NN from_IN an_AT environment_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO strengthen_VB an_AT orga
nization_NN ._. )_) In_IN a_AT mobile_JJ society_NN ,_, congregational_JJ health
_NN depends_VBZ on_IN a_AT constant_JJ process_NN of_IN recruitment_NN ;_. ;_. t
his_DT recruitment_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, must_MD follow_VB the_AT pattern_NN of_
IN economic_JJ integration_NN or_CC it_PPS will_MD disrupt_VB the_AT congregatio
n_NN ;_. ;_. therefore_RB ,_, the_AT recruitment_NN or_CC missionary_JJ outreach
_NN of_IN the_AT congregation_NN will_MD be_BE co-optation_NN rather_IN than_IN
proclamation_NN --_-- like_JJ elements_NNS will_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE assimilat
ed_VBN ._. Evangelism_NN and_CC congregational_JJ outreach_NN have_HV not_* been
_BEN carefully_RB studied_VBN in_IN the_AT churches_NNS ;_. ;_. one_CD study_NN
in_IN Pittsburgh_NP ,_, however_RB ,_, has_HVZ illuminated_VBN the_AT situation_
NN ._. In_IN a_AT sample_NN of_IN new_JJ members_NNS of_IN Pittsburgh_NP churche
s_NNS ,_, almost_RB 60_CD per_IN cent_NN were_BED recruited_VBN by_IN initial_JJ
``_`` contacts_NNS with_IN friendly_JJ members_NNS ''_'' ._. If_CS we_PPSS add_
VB to_IN these_DTS contacts_NNS with_IN friendly_JJ members_NNS the_AT ``_`` con
tacts_NNS with_IN an_AT organization_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN ''_'' (_( 11.2_CD
per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT cases_NNS )_) ,_, then_RB a_AT substantial_JJ two_C
D thirds_NNS of_IN all_ABN recruitment_NN is_BEZ through_IN friendly_JJ contact_
NN ._. On_IN the_AT surface_NN ,_, this_DT seems_VBZ a_AT sound_JJ approach_NN t
o_IN Christian_JJ mission_NN :_: members_NNS of_IN the_AT congregation_NN show_V
B by_IN their_PP$ friendly_JJ attitudes_NNS that_CS they_PPSS care_VB for_IN new
_JJ people_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT new_JJ people_NNS respond_VB in_IN kind_NN by_IN j
oining_VBG the_AT church_NN ._. Missionary_JJ outreach_NN by_IN friendly_JJ cont
act_NN looks_VBZ somewhat_QL different_JJ when_WRB one_PN reflects_VBZ on_IN wha
t_WDT is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN friendly_JJ contact_NN in_IN metropolitan_JJ nei
ghborhoods_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT majority_NN of_IN such_JJ contacts_NNS are_BER wit
h_IN people_NNS of_IN similar_JJ social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ position_NN ;_. ;_
. association_NN by_IN level_NN of_IN achievement_NN is_BEZ the_AT dominant_JJ p
rinciple_NN of_IN informal_JJ relations_NNS ._. This_DT means_VBZ that_CS the_AT
antennae_NNS of_IN the_AT congregation_NN are_BER extended_VBN into_IN the_AT c
ommunity_NN ,_, picking_VBG up_RP the_AT wave_NN lengths_NNS of_IN those_DTS who
_WPS will_MD fit_VB into_IN the_AT social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ level_NN of_IN t
he_AT congregation_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT mission_NN of_IN the_AT church_NN is_BEZ ac
tually_RB a_AT process_NN of_IN informal_JJ co-optation_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT lay_JJ
ministry_NN is_BEZ a_AT means_NN to_TO recruit_VB like-minded_JJ people_NNS who
_WPS will_MD strengthen_VB the_AT social_JJ class_NN nucleus_NN of_IN the_AT con
gregation_NN ._. Churches_NNS can_MD be_BE strengthened_VBN through_IN this_DT p
rocess_NN of_IN co-optation_NN so_QL long_RB as_CS the_AT environs_NNS of_IN the
_AT church_NN provide_VB a_AT sufficient_JJ pool_NN of_IN people_NNS who_WPS can
_MD fit_VB the_AT pattern_NN of_IN economic_JJ integration_NN ;_. ;_. once_CS th
e_AT pool_NN of_IN recruits_NNS diminishes_VBZ ,_, the_AT congregation_NN is_BEZ
helpless_JJ --_-- friendly_JJ contacts_NNS no_QL longer_RBR keep_VB it_PPO goin
g_VBG ._. The_AT transmutation_NN of_IN mission_NN to_IN co-optation_NN is_BEZ f
urther_RBR indicated_VBN by_IN the_AT insignificance_NN of_IN educational_JJ act
ivities_NNS ,_, worship_NN ,_, preaching_VBG ,_, and_CC publicity_NN in_IN reach
ing_VBG new_JJ members_NNS ._. The_AT proclamation_NN of_IN the_AT churches_NNS
is_BEZ almost_QL totally_RB confined_VBN to_IN pastoral_JJ contacts_NNS by_IN th
e_AT clergy_NN (_( 17.3_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN new_JJ members_NNS )_) and_CC fr
iendly_JJ contacts_NNS by_IN members_NNS (_( over_RP two_CD thirds_NNS if_CS org
anizational_JJ activities_NNS are_BER included_VBN )_) ._. Publicity_NN accounte
d_VBD for_IN 1.1_CD per_IN cent_NN of_IN the_AT initial_JJ contacts_NNS with_IN
new_JJ members_NNS ._. In_IN general_JJ ,_, friendly_JJ contact_NN with_IN a_AT
member_NN followed_VBN by_IN contact_NN with_IN a_AT clergyman_NN will_MD accoun
t_VB for_IN a_AT major_JJ share_NN of_IN recruitment_NN by_IN the_AT churches_NN
S ,_, making_VBG it_PPO quite_QL evident_JJ that_CS the_AT extension_NN of_IN ec
onomic_JJ integration_NN through_IN co-optation_NN is_BEZ the_AT principal_JJS f
orm_NN of_IN mission_NN in_IN the_AT contemporary_JJ church_NN ;_. ;_. economic_
JJ integration_NN and_CC co-optation_NN are_BER the_AT two_CD methods_NNS by_IN
which_WDT Protestants_NPS associate_VB with_IN and_CC recruit_VB from_IN the_AT
neighborhood_NN ._. The_AT inner_JJ life_NN of_IN congregations_NNS will_MD pros
per_VB so_QL long_RB as_CS like-minded_JJ people_NNS of_IN similar_JJ social_JJ
and_CC economic_JJ level_NN can_MD fraternize_VB together_RB ;_. ;_. the_AT oute
r_JJ life_NN of_IN congregations_NNS --_-- the_AT suitability_NN of_IN the_AT en
vironment_NN to_IN their_PP$ survival_NN --_-- will_MD be_BE propitious_JJ so_QL
long_RB as_CS the_AT people_NNS in_IN the_AT area_NN are_BER of_IN the_AT same_
AP social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ level_NN as_CS the_AT membership_NN ._. Economic
_JJ integration_NN ceases_VBZ when_WRB the_AT social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ statu
ses_NNS in_IN an_AT area_NN become_VB too_QL mixed_VBN or_CC conflict_VB with_IN
the_AT status_NN of_IN the_AT congregation_NN ._. In_IN a_AT rapidly_RB changin
g_VBG society_NN congregations_NNS will_MD run_VB into_IN difficulties_NNS repea
tedly_RB ,_, since_CS such_JJ nice_JJ balances_NNS of_IN economic_JJ integration
_NN are_BER hard_JJ to_TO sustain_VB in_IN the_AT metropolis_NN for_IN more_AP t
han_IN a_AT single_AP generation_NN ._. The_AT fact_NN that_CS metropolitan_JJ c
hurches_NNS of_IN the_AT major_JJ denominations_NNS have_HV moved_VBN approximat
ely_RB every_AT generation_NN for_IN the_AT last_AP hundred_CD years_NNS becomes
_VBZ somewhat_QL more_QL intelligible_JJ in_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN this_DT str
uggle_NN to_TO maintain_VB economic_JJ balance_NN ._. The_AT expense_NN of_IN th
is_DT type_NN of_IN organization_NN in_IN religious_JJ life_NN ,_, when_WRB one_
PN recalls_VBZ the_AT number_NN of_IN city_NN churches_NNS which_WDT deteriorate
d_VBD beyond_IN repair_NN before_CS being_BEG abandoned_VBN ,_, raises_VBZ funda
mental_JJ questions_NNS about_IN the_AT principle_NN of_IN Protestant_JJ surviva
l_NN in_IN a_AT mobile_JJ society_NN ;_. ;_. nonetheless_RB ,_, the_AT prevalenc
e_NN of_IN economic_JJ integration_NN in_IN congregations_NNS illumines_VBZ the_
AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ development_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ obser
ved_VBN in_IN the_AT introductory_JJ chapter_NN that_CS metropolitan_JJ life_NN
had_HVD split_VBN into_IN two_CD trends_NNS --_-- expanding_VBG interdependence_
NN on_IN an_AT impersonal_JJ basis_NN and_CC growing_VBG exclusiveness_NN in_IN
local_JJ communal_JJ groupings_NNS ._. These_DTS trends_NNS seem_VB to_TO be_BE
working_VBG at_IN cross-purposes_NNS in_IN the_AT metropolis_NN ._. Residential_
JJ associations_NNS struggle_VB to_TO insulate_VB themselves_PPLS against_IN int
rusions_NNS ._. The_AT motifs_NNS of_IN impersonal_JJ interdependence_NN and_CC
insulation_NN of_IN residential_JJ communities_NNS have_HV polarized_VBN ;_. ;_.
the_AT schism_NN between_IN central_JJ city_NN and_CC suburb_NN ,_, Negro_NP an
d_CC White_JJ-TL ,_, blue_JJ collar_NN and_CC white_JJ collar_NN can_MD be_BE vi
ewed_VBN as_CS symptomatic_JJ of_IN this_DT deeper_JJR polarization_NN of_IN tre
nds_NNS in_IN the_AT metropolis_NN ._. It_PPS now_RB becomes_VBZ evident_JJ that
_CS the_AT denominational_JJ church_NN is_BEZ intimately_RB involved_VBN with_IN
the_AT economy_NN of_IN middle-class_NN culture_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS serves_VBZ
to_TO crystallize_VB the_AT social_JJ class_NN identity_NN of_IN middle-class_N
N residential_JJ groupings_NNS ._. The_AT accelerated_VBN pace_NN of_IN metropol
itan_JJ changes_NNS has_HVZ accentuated_VBN the_AT drive_NN to_IN conformity_NN
in_IN congregations_NNS of_IN the_AT major_JJ denominations_NNS ._. This_DT conf
ormity_NN represents_VBZ a_AT desperate_JJ attempt_NN to_TO stabilize_VB a_AT ho
pelessly_QL unstable_JJ environment_NN ._. More_AP than_IN creatures_NNS of_IN m
etropolitan_JJ forces_NNS ,_, the_AT churches_NNS have_HV taken_VBN the_AT lead_
NN in_IN counteracting_VBG the_AT interdependence_NN of_IN metropolitan_JJ life_
NN ,_, crystallizing_VBG and_CC perpetuating_VBG the_AT stratification_NN of_IN
peoples_NNS ,_, giving_VBG form_NN to_IN the_AT struggle_NN for_IN social_JJ hom
ogeneity_NN in_IN a_AT world_NN of_IN heterogeneous_JJ peoples_NNS ._. Since_CS
American_JJ life_NN is_BEZ committed_VBN above_IN all_ABN to_IN productivity_NN
and_CC a_AT higher_JJR standard_NN of_IN economic_JJ life_NN ,_, the_AT counterv
ailing_VBG forces_NNS of_IN residential_JJ and_CC religious_JJ exclusiveness_NN
have_HV fought_VBN a_AT desperate_JJ ,_, rearguard_NN action_NN against_IN the_A
T expanding_VBG interdependence_NN of_IN the_AT metropolis_NN ._. Consumer_NN co
mmunities_NNS have_HV suffered_VBN at_IN the_AT hands_NNS of_IN the_AT productiv
e_JJ interests_NNS ._. Negroes_NPS ,_, Puerto_NP Ricans_NPS ,_, and_CC rural_JJ
newcomers_NNS are_BER slowly_RB making_VBG their_PP$ way_NN into_IN the_AT citie
s_NNS ._. Soon_RB they_PPSS will_MD fight_VB their_PP$ way_NN into_IN the_AT low
er_JJR middle-class_NN suburbs_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT churches_NNS will_MD experi
ence_VB the_AT same_AP decay_NN and_CC rebuilding_VBG cycle_NN which_WDT has_HVZ
characterized_VBN their_PP$ history_NN for_IN a_AT century_NN ._. The_AT identi
fication_NN of_IN the_AT basic_JJ unit_NN of_IN religious_JJ organization_NN --_
-- the_AT parish_NN or_CC congregation_NN --_-- with_IN a_AT residential_JJ area
_NN is_BEZ self-defeating_JJ in_IN a_AT modern_JJ metropolis_NN ,_, for_CS it_PP
S simply_RB means_VBZ the_AT closing_NN of_IN an_AT iron_NN trap_NN on_IN the_AT
outreach_NN of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ fellowship_NN and_CC the_AT transmutation
_NN of_IN mission_NN to_IN co-optation_NN ._. Mission_NN to_IN the_AT metropolis
_NN contradicts_VBZ survival_NN of_IN the_AT congregation_NN in_IN the_AT reside
ntial_JJ community_NN ,_, because_CS the_AT middle_JJ classes_NNS are_BER fighti
ng_VBG metropolitan_JJ interdependence_NN with_IN residential_JJ exclusion_NN ._
. This_DT interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT role_NN of_IN residence_NN in_IN the_AT
economy_NN of_IN middle-class_NN culture_NN could_MD lead_VB to_IN various_JJ p
rojections_NNS for_IN the_AT churches_NNS ._. It_PPS could_MD be_BE argued_VBN t
hat_CS any_DTI fellowship_NN which_WDT centers_VBZ in_IN residential_JJ neighbor
hoods_NNS is_BEZ doomed_VBN to_TO become_VB an_AT expression_NN of_IN the_AT pan
ic_NN for_IN stable_JJ identity_NN among_IN the_AT middle_JJ classes_NNS ._. It_
PPS could_MD be_BE argued_VBN that_CS only_RB such_JJ neighborhoods_NNS can_MD s
ustain_VB religious_JJ activity_NN ,_, since_CS worship_NN presupposes_VBZ some_
DTI local_JJ stabilities_NNS ._. Whatever_WDT projection_NN one_PN makes_VBZ ,_,
the_AT striking_JJ fact_NN about_IN congregational_JJ and_CC parochial_JJ life_
NN is_BEZ the_AT extent_NN to_IN which_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT vehicle_NN of_IN t
he_AT social_JJ identity_NN of_IN middle-class_NN people_NNS ._. Attention_NN wi
ll_MD be_BE given_VBN in_IN the_AT next_AP chapter_NN to_IN the_AT style_NN of_I
N association_NN in_IN the_AT denominational_JJ churches_NNS ;_. ;_. this_DT sty
le_NN is_BEZ characteristically_RB an_AT expression_NN of_IN the_AT communal_JJ
style_NN of_IN the_AT middle_JJ classes_NNS ._. The_AT keynotes_NNS of_IN this_D
T style_NN are_BER activism_NN and_CC emphasis_NN on_IN achievements_NNS in_IN g
aining_VBG self-esteem_NN ._. These_DTS values_NNS give_VB direction_NN to_IN th
e_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT middle-class_NN man_NN or_CC woman_NN ,_, dictating_VB
G the_AT methods_NNS of_IN child_NN rearing_NN ,_, determining_VBG the_AT patter
n_NN of_IN community_NN participation_NN ,_, setting_VBG the_AT style_NN for_IN
the_AT psychiatric_JJ treatment_NN of_IN middle-class_NN illness_NN ,_, and_CC i
nforming_VBG the_AT congregational_JJ life_NN of_IN the_AT major_JJ denomination
s_NNS ._. ``_`` Fellowship_NN by_IN likeness_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` mission_NN by
_IN friendly_JJ contact_NN ''_'' form_VB the_AT iron_NN cage_NN of_IN denominati
onal_JJ religion_NN ._. Its_PP$ contents_NNS are_BER another_DT matter_NN ,_, fo
r_CS they_PPSS reveal_VB the_AT kinds_NNS of_IN interests_NNS pursued_VBN by_IN
the_AT congregation_NN ._. What_WDT goes_VBZ on_RP in_IN the_AT cage_NN will_MD
occupy_VB our_PP$ attention_NN under_IN the_AT rubric_NN of_IN the_AT organizati
on_NN church_NN ._. An_AT understanding_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ role_NN of_IN res
idential_JJ association_NN in_IN an_AT industrial_JJ society_NN serves_VBZ to_TO
illuminate_VB the_AT forces_NNS which_WDT have_HV fashioned_VBN the_AT iron_NN
cage_NN of_IN conformity_NN which_WDT imprisons_VBZ the_AT churches_NNS in_IN th
eir_PP$ suburban_JJ captivity_NN ._. The_AT perplexing_JJ question_NN still_RB r
emains_VBZ as_IN to_IN why_WRB the_AT middle_JJ classes_NNS turn_VB to_IN the_AT
churches_NNS as_CS a_AT vehicle_NN of_IN social_JJ identity_NN when_WRB their_P
P$ clubs_NNS and_CC charities_NNS should_MD fill_VB the_AT same_AP need_NN ._. W
ith_IN capital_NN largely_RB squandered_VBN ,_, there_EX seemed_VBD to_IN them_P
PO no_AT other_AP course_NN to_TO pursue_VB ._. The_AT directors_NNS sold_VBD di
rectly_RB to_IN concessionaires_NNS ,_, who_WPS had_HVD to_TO make_VB their_PP$
profits_NNS above_IN the_AT high_JJ prices_NNS asked_VBN by_IN the_AT company_NN
._. These_DTS concessionaires_NNS traded_VBD where_WRB they_PPSS wished_VBD and
_CC generally_RB dealt_VBD with_IN the_AT Indians_NPS through_IN engages_FW-NNS
,_, who_WPS might_MD be_BE habitants_NNS ,_, voyageurs_FW-NNS ,_, or_CC even_RB
soldiers_NNS ._. The_AT concessionaires_NNS also_RB had_HVD to_TO pay_VB a_AT ta
x_NN of_IN one-tenth_NN on_IN the_AT goods_NNS they_PPSS traded_VBD ,_, and_CC a
ll_ABN pelts_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE taken_VBN to_IN company_NN stores_NNS and_
CC shipped_VBN to_IN France_NP in_IN company_NN ships_NNS ._. The_AT company_NN
disposed_VBD of_IN the_AT pelts_NNS ,_, but_CC with_IN what_WDT profit_NN ,_, th
e_AT records_NNS do_DO not_* show_VB ._. In_IN accord_NN with_IN its_PP$ penurio
us_JJ policy_NN ,_, the_AT company_NN failed_VBD to_TO furnish_VB presents_NNS t
o_TO hold_VB the_AT loyalty_NN of_IN the_AT principal_JJS Indians_NPS ._. The_AT
lavish_JJ use_NN of_IN presents_NNS had_HVD been_BEN effective_JJ in_IN expandi
ng_VBG the_AT Indian_JJ trade_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL France_NP-TL and_CC Louisiana_N
P in_IN the_AT previous_JJ century_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT change_NN in_IN liberali
ty_NN aroused_VBD resentment_NN in_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN the_AT red_JJ men_N
NS ._. Traders_NNS from_IN the_AT English_JJ colonies_NNS were_BED far_QL more_Q
L generous_JJ ,_, and_CC Indian_JJ loyalty_NN turned_VBD to_IN them_PPO ._. Prot
ests_NNS from_IN governors_NNS and_CC intendants_NNS passed_VBD unheeded_JJ ,_,
and_CC the_AT parsimonious_JJ policy_NN of_IN the_AT company_NN probably_RB let_
VB loose_RB Indian_JJ insurrections_NNS that_WPS brought_VBD ruin_NN to_IN the_A
T company_NN ._. In_IN 1721_CD the_AT King_NN-TL sent_VBD three_CD commissioners
_NNS to_IN Louisiana_NP with_IN full_JJ powers_NNS to_TO do_DO all_ABN that_WPS
was_BEDZ necessary_JJ to_TO protect_VB the_AT colony_NN ._. They_PPSS ordered_VB
D the_AT raising_NN of_IN troops_NNS and_CC obtained_VBD 75,000_CD livres_NNS wi
th_IN which_WDT to_TO build_VB forts_NNS ._. They_PPSS adopted_VBD a_AT program_
NN by_IN which_WDT Louisiana_NP was_BEDZ divided_VBN into_IN five_CD districts_N
NS ._. In_IN each_DT of_IN these_DTS there_EX was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE a_AT strong_J
J military_JJ post_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT trading_VBG depot_NN to_TO supply_VB the_A
T smaller_JJR trading_VBG houses_NNS ._. For_IN southeastern_JJ Louisiana_NP ,_,
Mobile_NP was_BEDZ the_AT principal_JJS post_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ to_T
O furnish_VB supplies_NNS for_IN trade_NN to_IN the_AT north_NR and_CC east_NR ,
_, in_IN the_AT region_NN threatened_VBN by_IN British_JJ traders_NNS ._. Mobile
_NP was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE the_AT anchor_NN of_IN a_AT chain_NN of_IN posts_NNS ex
tending_VBG northward_RB to_IN the_AT sources_NNS of_IN the_AT Tennessee_NP-TL R
iver_NN-TL ._. Fort_NN-TL Toulouse_NP-TL ,_, on_IN the_AT Alabama_NP-TL River_NN
-TL ,_, had_HVD been_BEN erected_VBN in_IN 1714_CD for_IN trade_NN with_IN the_A
T Alabamas_NPS and_CC Choctaws_NPS ,_, but_CC money_NN was_BEDZ available_JJ for
_IN only_RB one_CD other_AP new_JJ post_NN ,_, near_IN the_AT present_JJ Nashvil
le_NP ,_, Tennessee_NP ,_, and_CC this_DT was_BEDZ soon_RB abandoned_VBN ._. Wes
t_NR of_IN the_AT Mobile_NP district_NN was_BEDZ the_AT lower_JJR Mississippi_NP
district_NN ,_, of_IN which_WDT New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL was_BEDZ headquarters_N
N ._. Dependent_JJ upon_IN it_PPO were_BED posts_NNS on_IN the_AT lower_JJR Miss
issippi_NP and_CC the_AT region_NN westward_RB to_IN the_AT frontiers_NNS of_IN
New_JJ-TL Spain_NP-TL ._. On_IN the_AT middle_JJ Mississippi_NP a_AT principal_J
JS post_NN was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE located_VBN near_IN the_AT mouth_NN of_IN the_AT
Arkansas_NP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ hoped_VBN that_CS to_IN this_DT post_NN would_M
D flow_VB a_AT large_JJ quantity_NN of_IN furs_NNS from_IN the_AT west_NR ,_, pr
incipally_RB down_IN the_AT Arkansas_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. On_IN the_AT Ohio_NP
or_CC Wabash_NP was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE built_VBN another_DT post_NN ``_`` at_IN th
e_AT fork_NN of_IN two_CD great_JJ rivers_NNS ''_'' ._. Other_AP posts_NNS would
_MD be_BE established_VBN up_IN the_AT Ohio_NP and_CC Wabash_NP to_TO protect_VB
communication_NN with_IN Canada_NP ._. On_IN the_AT upper_JJ Mississippi_NP the
_AT Illinois_NP post_NN was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE established_VBN near_IN Kaskaskia_N
P ,_, and_CC dependent_JJ posts_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE built_VBN on_IN the_AT
Missouri_NP ,_, ``_`` where_WRB there_EX are_BER mines_NNS in_IN abundance_NN ''
_'' ._. Each_DT of_IN the_AT five_CD principal_JJS posts_NNS was_BEDZ to_TO have
_HV a_AT director_NN ,_, responsible_JJ to_IN a_AT director-general_NN at_IN New
_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ._. An_AT elaborate_JJ system_NN of_IN accounting_VBG and_C
C reports_NNS was_BEDZ worked_VBN out_RP ,_, and_CC the_AT trade_NN was_BEDZ to_
TO be_BE managed_VBN in_IN the_AT most_QL scientific_JJ way_NN ._. Concessionair
es_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE under_IN the_AT supervision_NN of_IN the_AT director
s_NNS ._. Engages_FW-NNS must_MD be_BE loyal_JJ to_IN the_AT concessionaires_NNS
,_, and_CC must_MD serve_VB until_CS the_AT term_NN provided_VBN in_IN the_AT e
ngagement_NN was_BEDZ ended_VBN ._. The_AT habitants_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE en
couraged_VBN to_TO trade_VB and_CC were_BED to_TO dispose_VB of_IN their_PP$ pel
ts_NNS to_IN the_AT concessionaires_NNS ._. Only_RB two_CD principal_JJS storeho
uses_NNS were_BED actually_RB established_VBN --_-- one_CD at_IN Mobile_NP ,_, t
he_AT other_AP at_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL ._. New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL supplie
d_VBD the_AT goods_NNS for_IN the_AT trade_NN on_IN the_AT Mississippi_NP ,_, an
d_CC west_NR of_IN that_DT river_NN ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT Ohio_NP and_CC Wabas
h_NP ._. Mobile_NP was_BEDZ also_RB supplied_VBN by_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL w
ith_IN goods_NNS for_IN the_AT Mobile_NP district_NN ._. The_AT power_NN that_CS
Bienville_NP exercised_VBD during_IN his_PP$ first_OD administration_NN cannot_
MD* be_BE determined_VBN ._. Regulations_NNS for_IN the_AT Indian_JJ trade_NN we
re_BED made_VBN by_IN the_AT Conseil_FW-NN-TL superieure_FW-JJ-TL de_FW-IN la_FW
-AT-TL Louisiane_NP-TL ,_, and_CC Bienville_NP apparently_RB did_DOD not_* have_
HV control_NN of_IN that_DT body_NN ._. The_AT Conseil_FW-NN-TL even_RB treated_
VBD the_AT serious_JJ matter_NN of_IN British_JJ aggression_NN as_CS its_PP$ bus
iness_NN and_CC ,_, on_IN its_PP$ own_JJ authority_NN ,_, sent_VBD to_IN disaffe
cted_VBN savages_NNS merchandise_NN ``_`` suitable_JJ for_IN the_AT peltry_NN tr
ade_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS decided_VBD ,_, also_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT purely_QL sec
ular_JJ efforts_NNS of_IN Bienville_NP were_BED insufficient_JJ ,_, and_CC sent_
VBD missionaries_NNS to_TO win_VB the_AT savages_NNS from_IN the_AT heathen_JJ C
arolinians_NPS ._. During_IN the_AT first_OD administration_NN of_IN Bienville_N
P ,_, the_AT peltry_NN trade_NN of_IN the_AT Mobile_NP district_NN was_BEDZ a_AT
lucrative_JJ source_NN of_IN revenue_NN ._. The_AT Alabamas_NPS brought_VBD in_
RP annually_RB 15,000_CD to_IN 20,000_CD deerskins_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT Choctaw
s_NPS and_CC Chickasaws_NPS brought_VBD the_AT total_NN up_RP to_IN 50,000_CD pe
lts_NNS ._. These_DTS deerskins_NNS were_BED the_AT raw_JJ material_NN for_IN th
e_AT manufacture_NN of_IN leather_NN ,_, and_CC were_BED the_AT only_AP articles
_NNS which_WDT the_AT tribes_NNS of_IN this_DT district_NN had_HVD to_TO exchang
e_VB for_IN European_JJ goods_NNS ._. During_IN his_PP$ first_OD administration_
NN ,_, Bienville_NP succeeded_VBD in_IN keeping_VBG Carolina_NP traders_NNS out_
IN of_IN the_AT Alabama_NP country_NN and_CC the_AT Choctaw_JJ country_NN ._. Th
e_AT director_NN of_IN the_AT post_NN at_IN Mobile_NP kept_VBD an_AT adequate_JJ
amount_VB of_IN French_JJ goods_NNS ,_, of_IN a_AT kind_NN to_IN which_WDT they
_PPSS were_BED accustomed_VBN ,_, to_TO supply_VB the_AT Indian_JJ needs_NNS ._.
The_AT Alabama_NP and_CC Tombigbee_NP rivers_NNS furnished_VBD a_AT highway_NN
by_IN which_WDT goods_NNS could_MD be_BE moved_VBN quickly_RB and_CC cheaply_RB
._. De_NP La_NP Laude_NP ,_, commander_NN of_IN the_AT Alabama_NP post_NN ,_, ha
d_HVD the_AT friendship_NN of_IN the_AT natives_NNS ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ able_JJ
to_TO make_VB them_PPO look_VB upon_RB the_AT British_NPS as_QL poor_JJ competit
ors_NNS ._. Diron_NP D'Artaguette_NP ,_, the_AT most_QL prominent_JJ trader_NN i
n_IN the_AT district_NN ,_, was_BEDZ energetic_JJ and_CC resourceful_JJ ,_, but_
CC his_PP$ methods_NNS often_RB aroused_VBD the_AT ire_NN of_IN the_AT French_JJ
governors_NNS ._. He_PPS became_VBD ,_, after_IN a_AT time_NN ,_, commander_NN
of_IN a_AT post_NN on_IN the_AT Alabama_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, but_CC his_PP$ ope
rations_NNS extended_VBD from_IN Mobile_NP throughout_IN the_AT district_NN ,_,
and_CC he_PPS finally_RB obtained_VBD a_AT monopoly_NN of_IN the_AT Indian_JJ tr
ade_NN ._. The_AT Chickasaws_NPS were_BED the_AT principal_JJS source_NN of_IN t
rouble_NN in_IN the_AT Mobile_NP district_NN ._. Their_PP$ territory_NN lay_VBD
to_IN the_AT north_NR ,_, near_IN the_AT sources_NNS of_IN the_AT Alabama_NP ,_,
the_AT Tombigbee_NP ,_, the_AT Tennessee_NP ,_, and_CC Cumberland_NP rivers_NNS
,_, and_CC was_BEDZ easily_RB accessible_JJ to_IN traders_NNS among_IN the_AT n
ear-by_JJ Cherokees_NPS ._. In_IN 1720_CD some_DTI Chickasaws_NPS massacred_VBD
the_AT French_JJ traders_NNS among_IN them_PPO ,_, and_CC did_DOD not_* make_VB
peace_NN for_IN four_CD years_NNS ._. Venturesome_JJ traders_NNS ,_, however_RB
,_, continued_VBD to_TO come_VB to_IN them_PPO from_IN Mobile_NP ,_, and_CC to_T
O obtain_VB a_AT considerable_JJ number_NN of_IN pelts_NNS for_IN the_AT French_
JJ markets_NNS ._. British_JJ traders_NNS from_IN South_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL inc
ited_VBD the_AT Indians_NPS against_IN the_AT French_NPS ,_, and_CC there_EX dev
eloped_VBD French_JJ and_CC British_JJ Factions_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT tribe_NN ._.
The_AT Chickasaws_NPS finally_RB were_BED the_AT occasion_NN for_IN the_AT most
_QL disastrous_JJ wars_NNS during_IN the_AT French_JJ control_NN of_IN Louisiana
_NP ._. To_TO hold_VB them_PPO was_BEDZ an_AT essential_JJ part_NN of_IN French_
JJ policy_NN ,_, for_CS they_PPSS controlled_VBD the_AT upper_JJ termini_NNS of_
IN the_AT routes_NNS from_IN the_AT north_NR to_IN Mobile_NP ._. They_PPSS threa
tened_VBD constantly_RB to_TO give_VB the_AT British_NPS a_AT hold_NN on_IN this
_DT region_NN ,_, from_IN whence_WRB they_PPSS could_MD move_VB easily_RB down_I
N the_AT rivers_NNS to_IN the_AT French_JJ settlements_NNS near_IN the_AT Gulf_N
N-TL ._. Bienville_NP realized_VBD that_CS if_CS the_AT French_NPS were_BED to_T
O hold_VB the_AT southeastern_JJ tribes_NNS against_IN the_AT enticements_NNS of
_IN British_JJ goods_NNS ,_, French_JJ traders_NNS must_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO o
ffer_VB a_AT supply_NN as_QL abundant_JJ as_CS the_AT Carolinians_NPS and_CC at_
IN reasonable_JJ prices_NNS ._. His_PP$ urgings_NNS brought_VBD some_DTI results
_NNS ._. The_AT Company_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Indies_NPS promised_VBD to_TO s
end_VB over_RP a_AT supply_NN of_IN Indian_JJ trading_VBG goods_NNS ,_, and_CC t
o_TO price_VB them_PPO more_QL cheaply_RB in_IN terms_NNS of_IN deerskins_NNS ._
. But_CC it_PPS coupled_VBD with_IN this_DT a_AT requirement_NN that_CS Indians_
NPS must_MD bring_VB their_PP$ pelts_NNS to_IN Mobile_NP and_CC thus_RB save_VB
all_ABN costs_NNS of_IN transportation_NN into_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN the_AT Ind
ian_JJ country_NN ._. The_AT insistence_NN of_IN Bienville_NP upon_IN giving_VBG
liberal_JJ prices_NNS to_IN the_AT Indians_NPS ,_, in_IN order_NN to_TO drive_V
B back_RB the_AT Carolina_NP traders_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ probably_RB a_AT factor_NN
that_WPS led_VBD to_IN his_PP$ recall_NN in_IN 1724_CD ._. For_IN two_CD years_
NNS his_PP$ friend_NN and_CC cousin_NN ,_, Boisbriant_NP ,_, remained_VBD as_CS
acting_VBG governor_NN and_CC could_MD do_DO little_AP to_TO stem_VB the_AT Angl
ican_JJ advance_NN ._. Although_CS he_PPS incited_VBD a_AT few_AP friendly_JJ In
dians_NPS to_TO pillage_VB the_AT invaders_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB kill_VB some_D
TI of_IN them_PPO ,_, the_AT Carolina_NP advance_NN continued_VBD ._. The_AT com
pany_NN was_BEDZ impressed_VBN with_IN some_DTI ideas_NNS of_IN the_AT danger_NN
from_IN Carolina_NP ,_, and_CC when_WRB Perier_NP came_VBD over_RP as_CS govern
or_NN in_IN 1727_CD ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ given_VBN special_JJ instructions_NNS re
garding_IN the_AT trade_NN of_IN the_AT Mobile_NP district_NN ._. But_CC the_AT
Company_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Indies_NPS ,_, holding_VBG to_IN its_PP$ program_NN o
f_IN economy_NN ,_, made_VBD no_AT arrangements_NNS to_TO furnish_VB better_JJR
goods_NNS at_IN attractive_JJ prices_NNS ._. To_IN the_AT directors_NNS the_AT p
roblem_NN appeared_VBD a_AT matter_NN of_IN intrigue_NN or_CC diplomacy_NN ._. P
erier_NP attempted_VBD to_TO understand_VB the_AT problem_NN by_IN sending_VBG a
gents_NNS to_TO inquire_VB among_IN the_AT Indians_NPS ._. These_DTS agents_NNS
were_BED to_TO ascertain_VB the_AT difference_NN between_IN English_JJ and_CC Fr
ench_JJ goods_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT prices_NNS charged_VBN the_AT Indians_NPS ._
. They_PPSS were_BED to_TO conciliate_VB the_AT unfriendly_JJ savages_NNS ,_, an
d_CC ,_, wherever_WRB possible_JJ ,_, to_TO incite_VB the_AT natives_NNS to_TO p
illage_VB the_AT traders_NNS from_IN Carolina_NP ._. They_PPSS were_BED to_TO pr
omise_VB fine_JJ presents_NNS to_IN the_AT loyal_JJ red_JJ men_NNS ,_, as_QL wel
l_RB as_CS an_AT abundant_JJ supply_NN of_IN trading_VBG goods_NNS at_IN better_
JJR prices_NNS than_CS the_AT opposition_NN was_BEDZ offering_VBG ._. Perier's_N
P$ intrigues_NNS gained_VBD some_DTI successes_NNS ._. The_AT savages_NNS divide
d_VBD into_IN two_CD factions_NNS ;_. ;_. one_CD was_BEDZ British_JJ and_CC the_
AT other_AP ,_, French_JJ ._. So_QL hostile_JJ did_DOD these_DTS factions_NNS be
come_VB that_CS ,_, among_IN the_AT Choctaws_NPS ,_, civil_JJ war_NN broke_VBD o
ut_RP ._. Perier's_NP$ efforts_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, were_BED on_IN the_AT whol
e_NN ineffective_JJ in_IN winning_VBG back_RB the_AT tribes_NNS of_IN the_AT Mob
ile_NP district_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS decided_VBD to_TO send_VB troops_NNS into_I
N the_AT troubled_VBN country_NN ._. He_PPS asked_VBD the_AT government_NN for_I
N two_CD hundred_CD soldiers_NNS ,_, who_WPS were_BED to_TO be_BE specifically_R
B assigned_VBN to_TO arrest_VB English_JJ traders_NNS and_CC disloyal_JJ Indians
_NPS ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT company's_NN$ restrictions_NNS ,_, he_PPS p
lanned_VBD to_TO build_VB new_JJ posts_NNS in_IN the_AT territory_NN ._. He_PPS
asked_VBD also_RB for_IN more_AP supplies_NNS to_TO trade_VB at_IN a_AT low_JJ p
rice_NN for_IN the_AT Indians'_NPS$ pelts_NNS ._. No_AT help_NN came_VBD from_IN
the_AT crown_NN ,_, and_CC Perier_NP ,_, in_IN desperation_NN ,_, gave_VBD a_AT
monopoly_NN of_IN the_AT Indian_JJ trade_NN in_IN the_AT district_NN to_IN D'Ar
taguette_NP ._. D'Artaguette_NP went_VBD vigorously_RB to_IN work_NN ,_, and_CC
gave_VBD credit_NN to_IN many_AP hunters_NNS ._. But_CC they_PPSS brought_VBD ba
ck_RB few_AP pelts_NNS to_TO pay_VB their_PP$ debts_NNS ,_, and_CC soon_RB Frenc
h_JJ trade_NN in_IN the_AT region_NN was_BEDZ at_IN an_AT end_NN ._. Perier_NP f
inally_RB ,_, in_IN one_CD last_AP bid_NN in_IN 1730_CD ,_, cut_VBD the_AT price
_NN of_IN goods_NNS to_IN an_AT advance_NN of_IN 40_CD per_IN cent_NN above_IN t
he_AT cost_NN in_IN France_NP ._. The_AT Indians_NPS were_BED not_* impressed_VB
N and_CC held_VBD to_IN the_AT Carolina_NP traders_NNS ,_, who_WPS swarmed_VBD o
ver_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, almost_RB to_IN the_AT Mississippi_NP ._. With_IN t
he_AT loss_NN of_IN the_AT Mobile_NP trade_NN ,_, which_WDT ended_VBD all_ABN pr
ofits_NNS from_IN Louisiana_NP ,_, the_AT Natchez_NP Indians_NPS revolted_VBD ._
. They_PPSS destroyed_VBD a_AT trading_VBG house_NN and_CC pillaged_VBD the_AT g
oods_NNS ,_, and_CC harassed_VBD French_JJ shipping_NN on_IN the_AT Mississippi_
NP ._. The_AT war_NN to_TO subdue_VB them_PPO taxed_VBD the_AT resources_NNS of_
IN the_AT colony_NN and_CC piled_VBD up_RP enormous_JJ debts_NNS ._. In_IN Janua
ry_NP ,_, 1731_CD ,_, the_AT company_NN asked_VBD the_AT crown_NN to_TO relieve_
VB it_PPO of_IN the_AT government_NN of_IN the_AT colony_NN ._. It_PPS stated_VB
D that_CS it_PPS had_HVD lost_VBN 20,000,000_CD livres_NNS in_IN its_PP$ operati
ons_NNS ,_, and_CC apparently_RB blamed_VBD its_PP$ poor_JJ success_NN largely_R
B on_IN the_AT Indian_JJ trade_NN ._. It_PPS offered_VBD to_TO surrender_VB its_
PP$ right_NN to_IN exclusive_JJ trade_NN ,_, but_CC asked_VBD an_AT indemnity_NN
._. The_AT King_NN-TL accepted_VBD the_AT surrender_NN and_CC fixed_VBD the_AT
compensation_NN of_IN the_AT company_NN at_IN 1,450,000_CD livres_NNS ._. Thence
forth_RB ,_, the_AT commerce_NN of_IN Louisiana_NP was_BEDZ free_JJ to_IN all_AB
N Frenchmen_NPS ._. Company_NN rule_NN in_IN Louisiana_NP left_VBD the_AT colony
_NN without_IN fortifications_NNS ,_, arms_NNS ,_, munitions_NNS ,_, or_CC suppl
ies_NNS ._. The_AT difficulties_NNS of_IN trade_NN had_HVD ruined_VBN many_AP vo
yageurs_FW-NNS ,_, and_CC numbers_NNS of_IN them_PPO had_HVD gone_VBN to_TO live
_VB with_IN the_AT natives_NNS and_CC rear_VB half-blood_JJ families_NNS ._. Oth
ers_NNS left_VBD the_AT country_NN ,_, and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT one_PN fam
iliar_JJ with_IN the_AT Indian_JJ trade_NN ._. If_CS this_DT trade_NN should_MD
be_BE resumed_VBN ,_, the_AT habitants_NNS who_WPS had_HVD come_VBN to_TO be_BE
farmers_NNS or_CC artisans_NNS ,_, and_CC soldiers_NNS discharged_VBN from_IN th
e_AT army_NN ,_, must_MD be_BE hardened_VBN to_IN the_AT severe_JJ life_NN of_IN
coureurs_FW-NNS de_FW-IN bois_FW-NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ a_AT slow_JJ and_CC di
fficult_JJ course_NN ,_, and_CC French_JJ trade_NN suffered_VBD from_IN the_AT m
any_AP mistakes_NNS of_IN the_AT new_JJ group_NN of_IN traders_NNS ._. These_DTS
men_NNS were_BED without_IN capital_NN or_CC experience_NN ._. Perier_NP and_CC
Salmon_NP ,_, the_AT intendant_NN ,_, wished_VBD either_CC to_TO entrust_VB the
_AT trade_NN to_IN an_AT association_NN of_IN merchants_NNS or_CC to_TO have_HV
the_AT crown_NN furnish_VB goods_NNS on_IN credit_NN to_IN individuals_NNS who_W
PS would_MD repay_VB their_PP$ debts_NNS with_IN pelts_NNS ._. Bienville_NP ,_,
who_WPS returned_VBD to_TO succeed_VB Perier_NP in_IN 1732_CD ,_, objected_VBD t
hat_CS the_AT merchants_NNS would_MD not_* accept_VB the_AT responsibility_NN of
_IN managing_VBG a_AT trade_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS could_MD see_VB no_AT h
ope_NN of_IN profits_NNS ._. He_PPS reported_VBD ,_, too_RB ,_, that_CS among_IN
the_AT habitants_NNS there_EX were_BED none_PN of_IN probity_NN and_CC ability_
NN sufficient_JJ to_TO justify_VB entrusting_VBG them_PPO with_IN the_AT King's_
NN$-TL goods_NNS ._. He_PPS did_DOD find_VB some_DTI to_TO trust_VB ,_, however_
RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS employed_VBD the_AT King's_NN$-TL soldiers_NNS to_TO trade_
VB ._. With_IN no_AT company_NN to_TO interfere_VB ,_, he_PPS kept_VBD close_JJ
control_NN over_IN all_ABN the_AT traders_NNS ._. In_IN order_NN to_TO compete_V
B with_IN English_JJ traders_NNS ,_, Bienville_NP radically_RB changed_VBD the_A
T price_NN schedule_NN ._. The_AT King_NN-TL should_MD expect_VB no_AT profit_NN
,_, and_CC an_AT advance_NN of_IN only_RB 20_CD per_IN cent_NN above_IN the_AT
cost_NN in_IN France_NP ,_, which_WDT would_MD cover_VB the_AT expense_NN of_IN
transportation_NN and_CC handling_VBG ,_, was_BEDZ all_ABN he_PPS charged_VBD th
e_AT traders_NNS ._. They_PPSS would_MD not_* be_BE pleased_VBN to_TO have_HV it
_PPO published_VBN back_RB home_NR that_CS they_PPSS planned_VBD a_AT frolic_NN
in_IN Paris_NP or_CC Hong_NP Kong_NP at_IN the_AT Treasury's_NN$-TL expense_NN .
_. They_PPSS would_MD be_BE particularly_RB displeased_VBN with_IN the_AT State_
NN-TL Department_NN-TL if_CS it_PPS were_BED the_AT source_NN of_IN such_JJ repo
rts_NNS ._. Few_AP things_NNS are_BER more_QL perilous_JJ for_IN the_AT State_NN
-TL Department_NN-TL than_CS a_AT displeased_VBN congressman_NN ._. The_AT reaso
n_NN for_IN this_DT bears_VBZ explaining_VBG for_IN those_DTS who_WPS may_MD won
der_VB why_WRB State_NN-TL spends_VBZ so_QL much_AP of_IN its_PP$ diplomatic_JJ
energy_NN on_IN Congress_NP when_WRB the_AT Russians_NPS are_BER so_QL available
_JJ ._. First_RB ,_, the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL is_BEZ unique_JJ among_
IN government_NN agencies_NNS for_IN its_PP$ lack_NN of_IN public_JJ supporters_
NNS ._. The_AT farmers_NNS may_MD be_BE aroused_VBN if_CS Congress_NP cuts_VBZ i
nto_IN the_AT Agriculture_NN-TL Department's_NN$-TL budget_NN ._. Businessmen_NN
S will_MD rise_VB if_CS Congress_NP attacks_VBZ the_AT Commerce_NN-TL Department
_NN-TL ._. Labor_NN restrains_VBZ undue_JJ brutality_NN toward_IN the_AT Labor_N
N-TL Department_NN-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT Chamber_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commerce_NN-TL ,_, a
ssaults_VBZ upon_IN the_AT Treasury_NN-TL ._. A_AT kaleidoscope_NN of_IN pressur
e_NN groups_NNS make_VB it_PPO unpleasant_JJ for_IN the_AT congressman_NN who_WP
S becomes_VBZ ugly_JJ toward_IN the_AT Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL Health_NN-TL ,_
, Education_NN-TL ,_, and_CC-TL Welfare_NN-TL ._. The_AT congressman's_NN$ patri
otism_NN is_BEZ always_RB involved_VBN when_WRB he_PPS turns_VBZ upon_IN the_AT
Defense_NN-TL Department_NN-TL ._. Tampering_VBG with_IN the_AT Post_NN-TL Offic
e_NN-TL may_MD infuriate_VB every_AT voter_NN who_WPS can_MD write_VB ._. With_I
N all_ABN these_DTS agencies_NNS ,_, the_AT congressman_NN must_MD constantly_RB
check_VB the_AT political_JJ wind_NN and_CC trim_VB his_PP$ sails_NNS according
ly_RB ._. No_AT such_JJ political_JJ restraint_NN subdues_VBZ his_PP$ blood_NN w
hen_WRB he_PPS gazes_VBZ upon_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL in_IN anger
_NN ._. In_IN many_AP sections_NNS he_PPS may_MD even_RB reap_VB applause_NN fro
m_IN press_NN and_CC public_NN for_IN giving_VBG it_PPO a_AT good_JJ lesson_NN .
_. After_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT money_NN dispensed_VBN by_IN State_NN-TL goes_VBZ
not_* to_IN the_AT farmer_NN ,_, the_AT laborer_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT businessman
_NN ,_, but_CC to_IN foreigners_NNS ._. Not_* only_RB do_DO these_DTS foreigners
_NNS not_* vote_VB for_IN American_JJ congressmen_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER
also_RB probably_RB ungrateful_JJ for_IN Uncle's_NN$-TL Sam's_NP$ bounty_NN ._.
And_CC are_BER not_* the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL men_NNS who_WPS dispens
e_VB this_DT largesse_NN merely_RB crackpots_NNS and_CC do-gooders_NNS who_WPS h
ave_HV never_RB met_VBN a_AT payroll_NN ?_. ?_. Will_MD not_* the_AT righteous_J
J congressman_NN be_BE cheered_VBN at_IN the_AT polls_NNS if_CS he_PPS reminds_V
BZ them_PPO to_TO get_VB right_RB with_IN America_NP and_CC if_CS he_PPS saves_V
BZ the_AT taxpayer_NN some_DTI money_NN by_IN spoiling_VBG a_AT few_AP of_IN the
ir_PP$ schemes_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT chances_NNS are_BER excellent_JJ that_CS he_PP
S will_MD ._. The_AT result_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT State_NN-TL Department's_NN
$-TL perpetual_JJ position_NN before_IN Congress_NP is_BEZ the_AT resigned_VBN p
ose_NN of_IN the_AT whipping_VBG boy_NN who_WPS expects_VBZ to_TO be_BE kicked_V
BN whenever_WRB the_AT master_NN has_HVZ had_HVN a_AT dyspeptic_JJ outing_NN wit
h_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ._. People_NNS in_IN this_DT position_NN do_DO not_* offend
_VB the_AT master_NN by_IN relating_VBG his_PP$ peccadilloes_NNS to_IN the_AT ne
wspapers_NNS ._. State_NN-TL keeps_VBZ the_AT junketeering_VBG list_NN a_AT secr
et_NN ._. The_AT Department_NN-TL expects_VBZ and_CC receives_VBZ no_AT thanks_N
NS from_IN Congress_NP for_IN its_PP$ discretion_NN ._. Congress_NP is_BEZ a_AT
harsh_JJ master_NN ._. State_NN-TL is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO arrange_VB the_AT t
ouring_VBG Cicero's_NP$ foreign_JJ itinerary_NN ;_. ;_. its_PP$ embassies_NNS ar
e_BER expected_VBN to_TO supply_VB him_PPO with_IN reams_NNS of_IN local_JJ mone
y_NN to_TO pay_VB his_PP$ way_NN ;_. ;_. embassy_NN workers_NNS are_BER expected
_VBN to_TO entertain_VB him_PPO according_IN to_IN his_PP$ whim_NN ,_, frequentl
y_RB with_IN their_PP$ savings_NNS for_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ college_NN tuit
ion_NN ._. But_CC come_VB the_AT next_AP session_NN of_IN Congress_NP ,_, State_
NN-TL can_MD expect_VB only_RB that_CS its_PP$ summer_NN guest_NN will_MD bite_V
B its_PP$ hand_NN when_WRB it_PPS goes_VBZ to_IN the_AT Capitol_NN-TL asking_VBG
money_NN for_IN diplomatic_JJ entertaining_VBG expenses_NNS abroad_RB or_CC for
_IN living_VBG expenses_NNS for_IN its_PP$ diplomats_NNS ._. The_AT congressman_
NN who_WPS ,_, in_IN Paris_NP ,_, may_MD have_HV stuffed_VBN his_PP$ wallet_NN w
ith_IN enough_AP franc_NN notes_NNS to_TO paper_VB the_AT roof_NN of_IN Notre-Da
me_NP will_MD systematically_RB scream_VB that_CS a_AT $200_NNS increase_NN in_I
N entertainment_NN allowance_NN for_IN a_AT second_OD secretary_NN is_BEZ tantam
ount_JJ to_IN debauchery_NN of_IN the_AT Treasury_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT matter_
NN of_IN money_NN State's_NN$-TL most_QL unrelenting_JJ watchdog_NN during_IN th
e_AT Eisenhower_NP years_NNS was_BEDZ Representative_NN-TL John_NP J._NP Rooney_
NP ,_, of_IN Brooklyn_NP ,_, who_WPS controlled_VBD the_AT purse_NN for_IN diplo
matic_JJ administrative_JJ expenses_NNS ._. Diplomats_NNS stayed_VBD up_RP night
s_NNS thinking_VBG of_IN ways_NNS to_TO attain_VB peaceful_JJ coexistence_NN ,_,
not_* with_IN Nikita_NP Khrushchev_NP ,_, but_CC with_IN John_NP Rooney_NP ._.
Nothing_PN worked_VBD ._. In_IN the_AT most_QL confidential_JJ whispers_NNS amba
ssadors_NNS told_VBD of_IN techniques_NNS they_PPSS had_HVD tried_VBN to_TO brin
g_VB Rooney_NP around_RB --_-- friendly_JJ persuasion_NN ,_, groveling_VBG abase
ment_NN ,_, pressure_NN subtly_RB exerted_VBN through_IN other_AP powerful_JJ co
ngressmen_NNS ,_, tales_NNS of_IN heartbreak_NN and_CC penury_NN among_IN a_AT t
hreadbare_JJ diplomatic_JJ corps_NN ._. Rooney_NP remained_VBD untouched_JJ ._.
``_`` The_AT trouble_NN ,_, ''_'' explained_VBD Loy_NP Henderson_NP ,_, then_JJ
Deputy_JJ-TL Undersecretary_NN-TL for_IN-TL Administration_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` is_BE
Z that_CS when_WRB we_PPSS get_VB into_IN an_AT argument_NN with_IN him_PPO abou
t_IN this_DT thing_NN ,_, it_PPS always_RB turns_VBZ out_RP that_CS Rooney_NP kn
ows_VBZ more_AP about_IN our_PP$ budget_NN than_CS we_PPSS do_DO ''_'' ._. One_C
D year_NN the_AT Department_NN-TL collected_VBD a_AT file_NN of_IN case_NN histo
ries_NNS to_TO document_VB its_PP$ argument_NN that_CS men_NNS in_IN the_AT fiel
d_NN were_BED paying_VBG the_AT government's_NN$ entertainment_NN bills_NNS out_
IN of_IN personal_JJ income_NN ._. News_NN of_IN the_AT project_NN reached_VBD t
he_AT press_NN ._. Next_AP day_NN ,_, reports_NNS went_VBD through_IN the_AT Dep
artment_NN-TL that_CS Rooney_NP had_HVD been_BEN outraged_VBN by_IN what_WDT he_
PPS considered_VBD a_AT patent_JJ attempt_NN to_TO put_VB public_JJ pressure_NN
on_IN him_PPO for_IN increased_VBN entertainment_NN allowances_NNS and_CC had_HV
D sworn_VBN an_AT oath_NN that_CS ,_, that_DT year_NN ,_, expense_NN allowances_
NNS would_MD not_* rise_VB a_AT dollar_NN ._. They_PPSS didn't_DOD* ._. The_AT D
epartment's_NN$-TL constant_JJ fight_NN with_IN the_AT House_NN-TL for_IN money_
NN is_BEZ a_AT polite_JJ minuet_NN compared_VBN with_IN its_PP$ periodic_JJ bloo
dy_JJ engagements_NNS with_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL ._. Armed_VBN with_IN constitu
tional_JJ power_NN to_TO negate_VB the_AT Executive's_NN$-TL foreign_JJ policy_N
N ,_, the_AT Senate_NN-TL carries_VBZ a_AT big_JJ stick_NN and_CC is_BEZ easily_
RB provoked_VBN to_TO use_VB it_PPO on_IN the_AT State_NN-TL Department's_NN$-TL
back_NN ,_, or_CC on_IN the_AT head_NN of_IN the_AT Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL St
ate_NN-TL ._. With_IN its_PP$ power_NN to_TO investigate_VB ,_, the_AT Senate_NN
-TL can_MD paralyze_VB the_AT Secretary_NN-TL by_IN keeping_VBG him_PPO in_IN a_
AT state_NN of_IN perpetual_JJ testimony_NN before_IN committees_NNS ,_, as_CS i
t_PPS did_DOD with_IN Dean_NP Acheson_NP ._. John_NP Foster_NP Dulles_NP escaped
_VBD by_IN keeping_VBG his_PP$ personal_JJ show_NN on_IN the_AT road_NN and_CC b
ecause_CS Lyndon_NP Johnson_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ then_RB operating_VBG the_AT
Senate_NN-TL ,_, refused_VBD to_TO let_VB it_PPS become_VB an_AT Inquisition_NN
-TL ._. During_IN Dulles's_NP$ first_OD two_CD years_NNS in_IN office_NN ,_, whi
le_CS Republicans_NPS ran_VBD the_AT Senate_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Department_NN-TL wa
s_BEDZ at_IN the_AT mercy_NN of_IN men_NNS who_WPS had_HVD thirsted_VBN for_IN i
ts_PP$ blood_NN since_IN 1945_CD ._. An_AT internal_JJ police_NN operation_NN ma
naged_VBN by_IN Scott_NP McLeod_NP ,_, a_AT former_AP F.B.I._NP man_NN installed
_VBN as_CS security_NN officer_NN upon_IN congressional_JJ insistence_NN ,_, was
_BEDZ part_NN of_IN the_AT vengeance_NN ._. So_RB was_BEDZ the_AT attack_NN upon
_IN Charles_NP E._NP Bohlen_NP when_WRB Eisenhower_NP appointed_VBD him_PPO Amba
ssador_NN-TL to_IN-TL Moscow_NP-TL ._. The_AT principal_JJS mauler_NN ,_, howeve
r_RB ,_, was_BEDZ Senator_NN-TL Joseph_NP McCarthy_NP ._. Where_WRB Acheson_NP h
ad_HVD fought_VBN a_AT gallant_JJ losing_VBG battle_NN for_IN the_AT Department_
NN-TL ,_, Dulles_NP fed_VBD the_AT crocodile_NN with_IN his_PP$ subordinates_NNS
._. Fretting_VBG privately_RB but_CC eschewing_VBG public_JJ defense_NN of_IN h
is_PP$ terrorized_VBN bureaucrats_NNS ,_, Dulles_NP remained_VBD serene_JJ and_C
C detached_VBN while_CS the_AT hatchet_NN men_NNS had_HVD their_PP$ way_NN ._. I
n_IN view_NN of_IN Eisenhower's_NP$ reluctance_NN to_TO concede_VB that_CS anyth
ing_PN was_BEDZ amiss_JJ in_IN the_AT Terror_NN-TL ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ doubtful_JJ
that_CS heroic_JJ intervention_NN by_IN Dulles_NP could_MD have_HV produced_VBN
anything_PN but_IN disaster_NN for_IN him_PPO and_CC the_AT country's_NN$ forei
gn_JJ policy_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI event_NN ,_, the_AT example_NN of_IN Acheson's
_NP$ trampling_NN by_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL did_DOD not_* encourage_VB Dulles_NP
to_TO provoke_VB it_PPO ._. He_PPS elected_VBD to_TO ``_`` get_VB along_RB ''_'
' ._. During_IN this_DT dark_JJ chapter_NN in_IN State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL hi
story_NN ,_, men_NNS who_WPS had_HVD offered_VBN foreign-policy_NN ideas_NNS lat
er_RBR proven_VBN wrong_JJ by_IN events_NNS filled_VBD the_AT tumbrels_NNS sent_
VBN up_RP to_IN Capitol_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL ._. Their_PP$ old_JJ errors_NNS of_IN j
udgment_NN were_BED equated_VBN ,_, in_IN the_AT curious_JJ logic_NN of_IN the_A
T time_NN ,_, with_IN present_JJ treasonous_JJ intent_NN ._. Their_PP$ successor
s_NNS ,_, absorbing_VBG the_AT lesson_NN ,_, made_VBD it_PPO a_AT point_NN to_TO
have_HV few_AP ideas_NNS ._. This_DT ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, brought_VBD a_AT new
_JJ fashion_NN in_IN senatorial_JJ criticism_NN as_CS the_AT Democrats_NPS took_
VBD control_NN ._. In_IN the_AT new_JJ style_NN ,_, the_AT Department_NN-TL was_
BEDZ berated_VBN as_CS intellectually_RB barren_JJ and_CC unable_JJ to_TO produc
e_VB the_AT vital_JJ ideas_NNS needed_VBN to_TO outwit_VB the_AT Russians_NPS ._
. For_IN three_CD or_CC four_CD years_NNS in_IN the_AT mid-1950's_NNS ,_, this_D
T complaint_NN was_BEDZ heard_VBN rumbling_VBG up_RP from_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL
floor_NN whenever_WRB there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT dull_JJ legislative_JJ afternoon_N
N ._. It_PPS became_VBD smart_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT fault_NN was_BEDZ w
ith_IN Dulles_NP because_CS he_PPS would_MD not_* countenance_NN thinking_VBG do
ne_VBN by_IN anyone_PN but_IN himself_PPL ._. An_AT equally_RB tenable_JJ thesis
_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT dearth_NN of_IN new_JJ thought_NN was_BEDZ created_VBN
by_IN the_AT Senate's_NN$-TL own_JJ penchant_NN for_IN crucifying_VBG anyone_PN
whose_WP$ ideas_NNS seem_VB unorthodox_JJ to_IN the_AT next_AP generation_NN ._
. Getting_VBG-HL along_RB-HL with_IN-HL foreigners_NNS-HL there_EX are_BER ninet
y-eight_CD foreign_JJ embassies_NNS and_CC legations_NNS in_IN Washington_NP ._.
They_PPSS range_VB from_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL Embassy_NN-TL on_IN Sixteenth_OD
-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, a_AT gray_JJ shuttered_VBN pile_NN suggesting_VBG a_AT fune
ral-accessories_NNS display_NN house_NN ,_, to_IN what_WDT Congressman_NN-TL Roo
ney_NP has_HVZ called_VBN ``_`` that_DT monstrosity_NN on_IN Thirty-fourth_OD-TL
Street_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT modern_JJ cement-and-glass_JJ chancery_NN of_IN t
he_AT Belgians_NPS ._. Here_RB is_BEZ the_AT world_NN of_IN the_AT chauffeured_V
BN limousine_NN and_CC the_AT gossip_NN reporter_NN ,_, of_IN caviar_NN on_IN st
ale_JJ crackers_NNS and_CC the_AT warm_JJ martini_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT poseur_NN
,_, the_AT spy_NN ,_, the_AT party_NN crasher_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT patriot_NN ,_
, of_IN the_AT rented_VBN tails_NNS ,_, the_AT double_JJ cross_NN ,_, and_CC the
_AT tired_VBN Lothario_NP ._. Into_IN its_PP$ chanceries_NNS each_DT day_NN pour
_VB reports_NNS from_IN ministries_NNS around_IN the_AT earth_NN and_CC an_AT en
dless_JJ stream_NN of_IN home-office_NN instructions_NNS on_IN how_WRB to_TO han
dle_VB Uncle_NN-TL Sam_NP in_IN an_AT infinite_JJ variety_NN of_IN contingencies
_NNS ._. Here_RB are_BER hatched_VBN plans_NNS for_IN getting_VBG a_AT share_NN
of_IN the_AT American_JJ bounty_NN ,_, the_AT secret_NN of_IN the_AT anti-missil
e_JJ missile_NN ,_, or_CC an_AT invitation_NN to_IN dinner_NN ._. Out_IN of_IN i
t_PPO each_DT week_NN go_VB hundreds_NNS of_IN thousands_NNS of_IN words_NNS pur
porting_VBG to_TO inform_VB home_NN ministries_NNS about_IN what_WDT is_BEZ real
ly_RB happening_VBG inside_IN Washington_NP ._. Some_DTI ,_, like_CS the_AT Brit
ish_NPS and_CC the_AT French_NPS ,_, maintain_VB an_AT elaborate_JJ system_NN of
_IN personal_JJ contacts_NNS and_CC have_HV experts_NNS constantly_RB studying_V
BG special_JJ areas_NNS of_IN the_AT American_JJ scene_NN ._. Other_AP embassies
_NNS cable_VB home_NR The_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL without_IN changi
ng_VBG a_AT comma_NN ._. Each_DT has_HVZ its_PP$ peculiar_JJ style_NN ._. The_AT
Soviet_NN-TL Embassy_NN-TL is_BEZ popularly_RB regarded_VBN as_CS Russian_JJ es
pionage_NN headquarters_NN ._. When_WRB Ambassador_NN-TL Mikhail_NP Menshikov_NP
took_VBD it_PPO over_RP in_IN 1957_CD from_IN Georgi_NP Zaroubin_NP ,_, he_PPS
made_VBD a_AT determined_VBN effort_NN to_TO change_VB this_DT idea_NN ._. Mensh
ikov_NP hit_VBD Washington_NP with_IN a_AT TV_NN announcer's_NN$ grin_NN and_CC
a_AT hearty_JJ handclasp_NN ._. To_IN everyone's_PN$ astonishment_NN he_PPS seem
ed_VBD no_QL more_RBR like_CS the_AT run-of-the-mine_JJ Russian_JJ ambassador_NN
than_CS George_NP Babbitt_NP was_BEDZ like_CS Fyodor_NP Pavlovitch_NP Karamazov
_NP ._. Where_WRB his_PP$ predecessors_NNS had_HVD glowered_VBN ,_, Menshikov_NP
smiled_VBD ._. Where_WRB they_PPSS had_HVD affected_VBN the_AT bleak_JJ social_
JJ style_NN of_IN embalmers'_NNS$ assistants_NNS ,_, Menshikov_NP went_VBD abroa
d_RB gorgeous_JJ in_IN white_JJ tie_NN and_CC tails_NNS ._. Overnight_RB he_PPS
became_VBD the_AT most_QL available_JJ man_NN in_IN Washington_NP ._. Speeches_N
NS by_IN the_AT Soviet_NN-TL ambassador_NN became_VBD the_AT vogue_NN as_CS he_P
PS obliged_VBD rural_JJ Maryland_NP Rotarians_NPS and_CC National_JJ-TL Press_NN
-TL Club_NN-TL alike_RB ._. In_IN Senator_NN-TL Joseph_NP McCarthy's_NP$ phrase_
NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT most_QL unheard-of_JJ thing_NN ever_RB heard_VBN o
f_IN ._. A_AT newspaperman_NN who_WPS met_VBD him_PPO at_IN a_AT reception_NN sw
ore_VBD that_CS he_PPS asked_VBD Menshikov_NP :_: ``_`` What_WDT should_MD we_PP
SS call_VB you_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. And_CC that_CS Menshikov_NP replied_VBD :_: ``_
`` Just_RB call_VB me_PPO Mike_NP ''_'' ._. ``_`` Smilin'_VBG-TL Mike_NP-TL ''_'
' was_BEDZ the_AT sobriquet_NN Washington_NP gave_VBD him_PPO ._. His_PP$ Englis
h_NP was_BEDZ usable_JJ and_CC he_PPS used_VBD it_PPO fearlessly_RB ._. Toasting
_VBG in_IN champagne_NN one_CD night_NN at_IN the_AT embassy_NN ,_, he_PPS hoist
ed_VBD his_PP$ glass_NN to_IN a_AT senator's_NN$ wife_NN and_CC gaily_RB cried_V
BD :_: ``_`` Up_IN your_PP$ bottom_NN ''_'' !_. !_. For_IN a_AT few_AP giddy_JJ
months_NNS that_DT coincided_VBD with_IN one_CD of_IN Moscow's_NP$ smiling_VBG m
oods_NNS ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT sensation_NN of_IN Washington_NP ._. At_IN t
he_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL ,_, hard-bitten_JJ Russian_JJ experts_NNS com
plained_VBD that_CS the_AT Capitol_NN-TL was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN its_PP$ wits_NNS
._. Newspaper_NN punditry_NN was_BEDZ inspired_VBN to_TO remind_VB everyone_PN t
hat_CS Judas_NP ,_, too_RB ,_, had_HVD been_BEN able_JJ to_TO smile_VB ._. The_A
T Menshikov_NP interlude_NN ended_VBD as_CS larks_NNS with_IN the_AT Russians_NP
S usually_RB end_VB ._. Finding_VBG peaceful_JJ coexistence_NN temporarily_RB un
suitable_JJ because_RB of_IN domestic_JJ politics_NN ,_, Moscow_NP resumed_VBD s
cowling_VBG and_CC ``_`` Smilin'_VBG-TL Mike_NP-TL ''_'' dropped_VBD quietly_RB
out_IN of_IN the_AT press_NN except_IN for_IN an_AT occasional_JJ story_NN repor
ting_VBG that_CS he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN stoned_VBN somewhere_RB in_IN the_AT Mi
ddle_JJ-TL West_NR-TL ._. The_AT most_QL inscrutable_JJ embassies_NNS are_BER th
e_AT Arabs'_NPS$ ,_, and_CC the_AT most_QL inscrutable_JJ of_IN the_AT Arabs_NPS
are_BER the_AT Saudi_NP Arabians_NPS ._. When_WRB King_NN-TL Saud_NP visited_VB
D Washington_NP ,_, the_AT overwhelming_JJ question_NN consuming_VBG the_AT pres
s_NN was_BEDZ the_AT size_NN of_IN his_PP$ family_NN ._. Rumor_NN had_HVD it_PPO
that_CS his_PP$ children_NNS numbered_VBD in_IN the_AT hundreds_NNS ._. The_AT
State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL was_BEDZ little_AP help_NN on_IN this_DT ,_, or_CC
on_IN much_AP else_RB about_IN Saudi_NP Arabia_NP ._. A_AT reporter_NN who_WPS c
onsulted_VBD a_AT Middle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL Information_NN-TL officer_NN for_IN ro
utine_JJ vital_JJ statistics_NNS got_VBD nowhere_RB until_CS the_AT State_NN-TL
Department_NN-TL man_NN produced_VBD from_IN his_PP$ bottom_JJ desk_NN drawer_NN
a_AT brochure_NN published_VBN by_IN the_AT Arabian-American_JJ-TL Oil_NN-TL Co
mpany_NN-TL ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ where_WRB I_PPSS get_VB my_PP$ information_
NN from_IN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS confided_VBD ._. ``_`` But_CC bring_VB it_PPO right_
QL back_RB ._. It's_PPS+BEZ the_AT only_AP copy_NN I've_PPSS+HV got_VBN ''_'' ._
. The_AT size_NN of_IN Saud's_NP$ family_NN was_BEDZ still_RB being_BEG debated_
VBN when_WRB the_AT King_NN-TL appeared_VBD for_IN his_PP$ first_OD meeting_NN w
ith_IN Eisenhower_NP ._. When_WRB it_PPS ended_VBD ,_, a_AT dusky_JJ sheik_NN in
_IN desert_NN robes_NNS flowed_VBD into_IN Hagerty's_NP$ office_NN to_TO report_
VB on_IN the_AT interview_NN ._. The_AT massed_VBN reporters_NNS brushed_VBD asi
de_RB the_AT customary_JJ bromides_NNS about_IN Saudi-American_JJ friendship_NN
to_TO bore_VB in_RP on_IN the_AT central_JJ question_NN ._. How_WQL many_AP chil
dren_NNS did_DOD the_AT King_NN-TL have_HV ?_. ?_. ``_`` Twenty-one_CD ''_'' ,_,
replied_VBD the_AT sheik_NN ._. And_CC how_WQL many_AP of_IN these_DTS were_BED
sons_NNS ?_. ?_. ``_`` Twenty-five_CD ''_'' ,_, the_AT sheik_NN replied_VBD ._.
``_`` Do_DO you_PPSS mean_VB to_TO tell_VB us_PPO ''_'' ,_, a_AT reporter_NN as
ked_VBD ,_, ``_`` that_CS the_AT King_NN-TL has_HVZ twenty-one_CD children_NNS ,
_, twenty-five_CD of_IN whom_WPO are_BER sons_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT sheik_NN
smiled_VBD and_CC murmured_VBD :_: ``_`` That_DT is_BEZ precisely_QL correct_JJ
''_'' ._. The_AT Egyptians_NPS are_BER noted_VBN for_IN elusiveness_NN of_IN lan
guage_NN ._. When_WRB Dag_NP Hammarskjold_NP was_BEDZ negotiating_VBG the_AT Mid
dle_JJ-TL East_NR-TL peace_NN after_IN Israel's_NP$ 1956_CD invasion_NN of_IN Eg
ypt_NP ,_, he_PPS soon_RB found_VBD himself_PPL speaking_VBG the_AT mysterious_J
J phrases_NNS of_IN Cairo_NP ,_, a_AT language_NN as_QL anarchic_JJ as_CS Casey_
NP Stengel's_NP$ ._. The_AT reports_NNS of_IN President_NN-TL Nasser's_NP$ pledg
es_NNS which_WDT Hammarskjold_NP was_BEDZ relaying_VBG from_IN Cairo_NP to_IN Wa
shington_NP became_VBD increasingly_QL incomprehensible_JJ to_IN other_AP diplom
ats_NNS ,_, including_IN the_AT Israeli_JJ-TL Foreign_JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL ,_, M
rs._NP Golda_NP Meir_NP ._. Finally_RB he_PPS reported_VBD that_CS Nasser_NP was
_BEDZ ready_JJ to_TO make_VB a_AT concrete_JJ commitment_NN in_IN return_NN for_
IN Israeli_JJ concessions_NNS ._. The_AT deep_JJ water_NN is_BEZ used_VBN by_IN
many_AP people_NNS ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ always_RB clean_JJ ,_, for_CS the_AT
washing_NN is_BEZ done_VBN outside_RB ._. I_PPSS know_VB now_RB why_WRB our_PP$
Japanese_JJ friends_NNS were_BED surprised_VBN when_WRB they_PPSS walked_VBD in
to_IN our_PP$ bathroom_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, most_AP toilets_NNS are_BER Ea
stern_JJ-TL style_NN --_-- at_IN floor_NN level_NN --_-- but_CC even_RB when_WRB
they_PPSS are_BER raised_VBN to_IN chair_NN height_NN ,_, they_PPSS are_BER act
ually_RB outside_JJ toilets_NNS --_-- inside_RB ._. A_AT few_AP newer_JJR homes_
NNS have_HV Western_JJ-TL flush_NN toilets_NNS ,_, but_CC even_RB with_IN runnin
g_VBG water_NN ,_, they_PPSS are_BER usually_RB Eastern_JJ-TL style_NN ._. The_A
T next_AP day_NN I_PPSS visited_VBD International_JJ-TL Christian_JJ-TL College_
NN-TL which_WDT has_HVZ developed_VBN since_IN the_AT war_NN under_IN the_AT lea
dership_NN of_IN people_NNS who_WPS were_BED interned_VBN and_CC who_WPS know_VB
Japan_NP well_RB ._. They_PPSS are_BER trying_VBG to_TO demonstrate_VB some_DTI
different_JJ ways_NNS of_IN teaching_VBG and_CC learning_VBG ._. The_AT library
_NN has_HVZ open_JJ shelves_NNS even_RB in_IN the_AT unbound_VBN periodical_NN s
tockroom_NN ._. Spiritual_JJ life_NN is_BEZ cultivated_VBN ,_, but_CC students_N
NS do_DO not_* need_VB to_TO be_BE Christian_NP ._. They_PPSS have_HV an_AT envi
able_JJ record_NN of_IN being_BEG able_JJ to_TO place_VB in_IN employment_NN 100
%_NN of_IN their_PP$ graduates_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT afternoon_NN Miss_NP Hosaka_
NP and_CC her_PP$ mother_NN invited_VBD me_PPO to_TO go_VB with_IN them_PPO and_
CC young_JJ Mrs._NP Kodama_NP to_TO see_VB the_AT famous_JJ Spring_NN-TL dances_
NNS of_IN the_AT Geisha_NP dancers_NNS ._. Mrs._NP Hosaka_NP is_BEZ one_CD of_IN
the_AT Japanese_JJ women_NNS one_PN reads_VBZ about_IN --_-- beautiful_JJ ,_, a
rtistically_RB talented_JJ ,_, an_AT artful_JJ manager_NN of_IN her_PP$ big_JJ h
ousehold_NN --_-- (_( four_CD boys_NNS and_CC four_CD girls_NNS )_) ,_, and_CC y
et_RB looking_VBG like_CS a_AT pampered_VBN ,_, gentle_JJ Japanese_JJ woman_NN .
_. She_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT real_JJ experience_NN !_. !_. The_AT dances_NNS were_BE
D as_QL beautiful_JJ as_CS anything_PN I_PPSS have_HV ever_RB seen_VBN --_-- the
y_PPSS rival_VB the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Rockettes_NPS-TL for_IN scenery_NN a
nd_CC precision_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS imagination_NN ._. Because_CS Don_NP was_
BEDZ leaving_VBG the_AT next_AP day_NN ,_, I_PPSS spent_VBD the_AT evening_NN wi
th_IN him_PPO at_IN Asia_NP-TL Center_NN-TL ._. The_AT following_VBG morning_NN
Mr._NP Morikawa_NP called_VBD for_IN me_PPO ,_, and_CC we_PPSS went_VBD to_TO vi
sit_VB schools_NNS --_-- kindergarten_NN ,_, middle-school_NN ,_, elementary_JJ
school_NN ,_, and_CC high_JJ school_NN --_-- Mr._NP Yoshimoto's_NP$ school_NN ._
. There_EX is_BEZ much_QL more_AP freedom_NN in_IN the_AT schools_NNS here_RB th
an_CS I_PPSS expected_VBD --_-- some_DTI think_VB too_QL much_AP ._. There_EX is
_BEZ a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN thought_NN being_BEG given_VBN to_IN the_AT que
stion_NN of_IN moral_JJ education_NN in_IN the_AT schools_NNS ._. With_IN the_AT
loss_NN of_IN the_AT Emperor_NN-TL diety_NN in_IN Japan_NP ,_, the_AT people_NN
S are_BER left_VBN in_IN confusion_NN with_IN no_AT God_NP or_CC moral_JJ teachi
ngs_NNS that_WPS have_HV strength_NN ._. The_AT older_JJR parents_NNS continued_
VBD to_TO teach_VB their_PP$ children_NNS traditional_JJ principles_NNS ,_, but_
CC the_AT younger_JJR people_NNS ,_, who_WPS have_HV lost_VBN all_ABN faith_NN a
nd_CC convictions_NNS ,_, are_BER now_RB parents_NNS ._. There_EX seems_VBZ to_T
O be_BE no_AT purpose_NN in_IN life_NN that_WPS is_BEZ sure_JJ --_-- no_AT certa
in_JJ guiding_VBG principles_NNS to_TO give_VB stability_NN ._. As_CS a_AT resul
t_NN ,_, money_NN is_BEZ spent_VBN quickly_RB and_CC freely_RB ,_, with_IN no_AT
thought_NN of_IN its_PP$ value_NN ._. Gambling_VBG is_BEZ everywhere_NN ,_, esp
ecially_RB among_IN students_NNS ._. Parents_NNS indulge_VB their_PP$ children_N
NS ._. The_AT government_NN has_HVZ recognized_VBN the_AT dilemma_NN and_CC is_B
EZ beginning_VBG to_TO devise_VB some_DTI moral_JJ education_NN for_IN the_AT sc
hools_NNS --_-- but_CC the_AT teachers_NNS often_RB have_HV no_AT firm_JJ convic
tion_NN and_CC are_BER confused_VBN ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ told_VBN that_CS it_PPS
is_BEZ quite_QL likely_JJ that_CS Japanese_JJ soldiers_NNS would_MD not_* fight_
VB again_RB --_-- for_CS why_WRB should_MD they_PPSS ?_. ?_. It_PPS will_MD be_B
E painful_JJ ,_, but_CC interesting_JJ ,_, to_TO see_VB what_WDT kind_NN of_IN a
_AT god_NN these_DTS people_NNS will_MD create_VB or_CC what_WDT strong_JJ convi
ctions_NNS they_PPSS will_MD develop_VB ._. In_IN the_AT evening_NN the_AT forme
r_AP Oregon_NP-TL State_NN-TL science_NN teachers_NNS met_VBD for_IN dinner_NN a
t_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Tokyo_NP-TL Restaurant_NN-TL where_WRB I_PPSS had_HVD my_P
P$ first_OD raw_JJ fish_NN and_CC found_VBD it_PPO good_JJ ._. They_PPSS suggest
ed_VBD several_AP new_JJ foods_NNS ,_, and_CC usually_RB I_PPSS found_VBD them_P
PO good_JJ ,_, except_IN the_AT sweets_NNS ,_, which_WDT I_PPSS think_VB I_PPSS
could_MD learn_VB to_TO like_VB ._. Six_CD of_IN the_AT science_NN teachers_NNS
were_BED present_RB ,_, and_CC we_PPSS had_HVD great_JJ fun_NN ._. Kyoto_NP-HL A
fter_IN a_AT day_NN at_IN Nikko_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Kodama_NP put_VBD me_PPO on_IN th
e_AT train_NN for_IN Kyoto_NP ._. My_PP$ instructions_NNS were_BED that_CS Mr._N
P Nishimo_NP would_MD meet_VB me_PPO at_IN the_AT hotel_NN ,_, but_CC instead_RB
he_PPS and_CC three_CD others_NNS were_BED at_IN the_AT station_NN with_IN a_AT
very_QL warm_JJ welcome_NN ._. My_PP$ hotel_NN rooms_NNS on_IN the_AT trip_NN w
ere_BED arranged_VBN by_IN Masu_NP and_CC the_AT Japan_NP-TL Travel_NN-TL Bureau
_NN-TL and_CC were_BED more_QL elegant_JJ than_CS I_PPSS would_MD have_HV chosen
_VBN ,_, but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ fun_NN for_IN once_RB to_TO be_BE elegant_JJ --_
-- I_PPSS did_DOD explain_VB to_IN the_AT students_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, that_C
S this_DT was_BEDZ not_* my_PP$ usual_JJ style_NN ,_, for_CS their_PP$ salaries_
NNS are_BER very_QL small_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS seemed_VBD out_IN of_IN place_NN
for_CS me_PPO to_TO be_BE housed_VBN so_QL well_RB ._. They_PPSS understood_VBD
and_CC teased_VBD me_PPO a_AT bit_NN about_IN it_PPO ._. I_PPSS think_VB I_PPSS
would_MD have_HV been_BEN much_QL disappointed_VBN in_IN Japan_NP if_CS I_PPSS h
ad_HVD not_* seen_VBN Kyoto_NP ,_, Nara_NP ,_, and_CC Hiroshima_NP ._. Kyoto_NP
is_BEZ the_AT ancient_JJ capital_NN of_IN Japan_NP and_CC still_RB its_PP$ cultu
ral_JJ center_NN ._. It_PPS ,_, along_RB with_IN Nara_NP ,_, was_BEDZ untouched_
JJ by_IN the_AT war_NN --_-- and_CC is_BEZ now_RB a_AT beautiful_JJ example_NN o
f_IN the_AT loveliness_NN of_IN prewar_JJ Japan_NP ._. Here_RB I_PPSS was_BEDZ a
ccompanied_VBN by_IN Mrs._NP Okamoto_NP (_( Fumio's_NP$ mother_NN )_) ,_, her_PP
$ son_NN ,_, Mr._NP Washizu_NP (_( a_AT prospective_JJ student_NN with_IN whom_W
PO I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN corresponding_VBG for_IN more_AP than_IN a_AT year_NN
)_) ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Nishima_NP ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT science_NN teachers_NN
S ._. I_PPSS arrived_VBD at_IN 7:00_CD a.m._RB and_CC by_IN 9:00_CD a.m._RB I_PP
SS had_HVD finished_VBN breakfast_NN and_CC was_BEDZ on_IN my_PP$ way_NN to_TO s
ee_VB what_WDT they_PPSS had_HVD planned_VBN ._. We_PPSS walked_VBD miles_NNS an
d_CC saw_VBD various_JJ shrines_NNS and_CC gardens_NNS ._. We_PPSS visited_VBD t
he_AT Okamoto_NP home_NN --_-- where_WRB for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN I_PPSS s
aw_VBD the_AT famous_JJ tea_NN ceremony_NN ._. At_IN 6:00_CD p.m._RB we_PPSS wen
t_VBD to_IN the_AT Kyoto_NP-TL Spring_NN-TL dances_NNS at_IN the_AT place_NN whe
re_WRB these_DTS beautiful_JJ dances_NNS originated_VBD ._. They_PPSS were_BED e
ven_RB better_JJR than_CS those_DTS of_IN Tokyo_NP --_-- more_QL spectacular_JJ
and_CC more_QL imaginative_JJ ._. After_IN a_AT supper_NN of_IN unagi_FW-NN (_(
rice_NN with_IN eel_NN --_-- eel_NN which_WDT is_BEZ raised_VBN in_IN an_AT ice-
cold_JJ pond_NN at_IN the_AT foot_NN of_IN Mt._NN-TL Fuji_NP )_) ,_, I_PPSS retu
rned_VBD to_IN my_PP$ beautiful_JJ room_NN to_TO sleep_VB as_QL hard_RB as_CS po
ssible_JJ to_TO be_BE ready_JJ for_IN another_DT busy_JJ day_NN ._. We_PPSS star
ted_VBD at_IN 9_CD a.m._RB to_TO visit_VB the_AT Kyoto_NP-TL University_NN-TL wh
ere_WRB Mr._NP Washizu_NP is_BEZ attending_VBG ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ amazed_VBN at
_IN the_AT very_QL poor_JJ hospital_NN facilities_NNS accompanying_VBG the_AT me
dical_JJ school_NN ._. They_PPSS apologized_VBD for_IN the_AT condition_NN ,_, i
ncluding_IN dirt_NN and_CC flies_NNS ,_, and_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ a_AT little_AP a
t_IN a_AT loss_NN to_TO know_VB what_WDT to_TO say_VB ._. There_EX seemed_VBD to
_TO be_BE no_AT excuse_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS don't_DO* have_HV the_AT answer_NN yet_
RB ._. We_PPSS had_HVD tea_NN at_IN Mr._NP Washizu's_NP$ home_NN where_WRB I_PPS
S learned_VBD that_CS he_PPS ,_, too_RB ,_, comes_VBZ from_IN a_AT very_QL wealt
hy_JJ family_NN ._. His_PP$ grandfather_NN is_BEZ a_AT Buddhist_JJ-TL priest_NN
;_. ;_. and_CC he_PPS ,_, being_BEG the_AT eldest_JJT ,_, was_BEDZ supposed_VBN
to_TO be_BE a_AT priest_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS chose_VBD to_TO do_DO differently_R
B ,_, and_CC one_CD of_IN his_PP$ brothers_NNS is_BEZ to_TO become_VB the_AT pri
est_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT significant_JJ fact_NN in_IN Japan_NP ,_, for_CS
only_RB a_AT few_AP years_NNS ago_RB he_PPS would_MD have_HV had_HVN no_AT choic
e_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ big_JJ home_NN live_VB four_CD families_NNS and_CC thirty
_CD people_NNS ,_, so_RB it_PPS needs_VBZ to_TO be_BE big_JJ ._. Also_RB ,_, the
re_EX are_BER housed_VBN here_RB some_DTI priceless_JJ historical_JJ treasures_N
NS from_IN 400_CD to_IN 600_CD years_NNS old_JJ --_-- paintings_NNS ,_, lacquer_
NN ,_, brocade_NN ,_, etc._RB ._. He_PPS had_HVD displayed_VBN more_AP of_IN the
m_PPO than_CS usual_JJ so_CS that_CS I_PPSS could_MD enjoy_VB them_PPO ._. About
_RB 100_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL important_JJ items_NNS he_PPS had_HVD already_RB
given_VBN to_IN the_AT museum_NN ._. The_AT house_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ 400_CD y
ears_NNS old_JJ with_IN all_ABN the_AT craftsmanship_NN of_IN older_JJR ,_, less
-hurried_JJ times_NNS ._. Nara_NP-HL ,_,-HL Osaka_NP-HL ,_,-HL and_CC-HL Hiroshi
ma_NP-HL Mr._NP Nishima_NP went_VBD with_IN me_PPO on_IN the_AT train_NN to_IN N
ara_NP ._. We_PPSS passed_VBD his_PP$ house_NN and_CC school_NN on_IN the_AT way
_NN ._. In_IN Nara_NP I_PPSS stayed_VBD at_IN the_AT hotel_NN where_WRB the_AT P
rince_NN-TL and_CC Princess_NN-TL had_HVD stayed_VBN on_IN their_PP$ honeymoon_N
N ._. A_AT new_JJ red_JJ carpet_NN had_HVD been_BEN laid_VBN for_IN their_PP$ co
ming_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS walked_VBD on_IN it_PPO ,_, too_RB ._. Here_RB Mr._NP
Yoneda_NP met_VBD us_PPO after_IN a_AT three-hour_JJ train_NN trip_NN from_IN th
e_AT town_NN where_WRB he_PPS teaches_VBZ ._. Even_RB though_CS we_PPSS had_HVD
walked_VBN miles_NNS in_IN Kyoto_NP that_DT day_NN ,_, we_PPSS started_VBD out_R
P again_RB to_TO see_VB Nara_NP at_IN night_NN ._. In_IN the_AT evening_NN both_
ABX of_IN the_AT men_NNS went_VBD with_IN me_PPO on_IN the_AT train_NN 30_CD mil
es_NNS to_IN Osaka_NP to_TO put_VB me_PPO on_IN the_AT train_NN for_IN Hiroshima
_NP ._. Again_RB the_AT plan_NN was_BEDZ for_CS me_PPO to_TO go_VB alone_RB ,_,
but_CC they_PPSS wouldn't_MD* let_VB me_PPO ._. At_IN Osaka_NP ,_, Mr._NP Yoneda
_NP had_HVD to_TO leave_VB us_PPO to_TO get_VB the_AT train_NN to_IN his_PP$ hom
e_NN ,_, but_CC Mr._NP Nishima_NP and_CC I_PPSS had_HVD an_AT hour_NN and_CC a_A
T half_ABN before_IN train_NN time_NN to_TO see_VB Osaka_NP at_IN night_NN ._. I
t_PPS is_BEZ the_AT second_OD largest_JJT city_NN in_IN Japan_NP ,_, with_IN abo
ut_RB four_CD million_CD people_NNS ._. One_CD spot_NN in_IN Osaka_NP I_PPSS sha
ll_MD always_RB remember_VB --_-- the_AT bridge_NN where_WRB we_PPSS stood_VBD t
o_TO watch_VB the_AT reflections_NNS of_IN the_AT elaborate_JJ neon_NN signs_NNS
in_IN the_AT still_JJ waters_NNS of_IN the_AT river_NN ._. In_IN the_AT midst_N
N of_IN a_AT great_JJ busy_JJ city_NN ,_, people_NNS take_VB time_NN to_TO enjoy
_VB the_AT beauty_NN of_IN natural_JJ reflection_NN of_IN artificial_JJ light_NN
._. My_PP$ train_NN arrived_VBD in_IN Hiroshima_NP at_IN the_AT awful_JJ hour_N
N of_IN 4:45_CD a.m._RB ._. I_PPSS had_HVD planned_VBN to_TO go_VB to_IN the_AT
hotel_NN by_IN taxi_NN and_CC sleep_VB a_AT little_AP ,_, after_IN which_WDT Mr.
_NP Uno_NP would_MD arrive_VB and_CC pilot_VB me_PPO around_RB ._. But_CC there_
RB he_PPS was_BEDZ at_IN the_AT train_NN with_IN an_AT Oregon_NP-TL State_NN-TL
pennant_NN in_IN his_PP$ hand_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB now_RB why_WRB the_AT studen
ts_NNS insisted_VBD that_CS I_PPSS go_VB to_IN Hiroshima_NP even_RB when_WRB I_P
PSS told_VBD them_PPO I_PPSS didn't_DOD* want_VB to_TO ._. They_PPSS knew_VBD th
at_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ still_RB grieving_VBG over_IN the_AT tragic_JJ event_NN ,_
, and_CC they_PPSS felt_VBD that_CS if_CS I_PPSS could_MD see_VB the_AT recovery
_NN and_CC the_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS ,_, who_WPS hold_VB no_AT gr
udge_NN ,_, but_CC who_WPS also_RB regret_VB Pearl_NN-TL Harbor_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS
would_MD be_BE happier_JJR and_CC would_MD understand_VB better_RBR a_AT new_JJ
Japan_NP ._. There_EX were_BED no_AT words_NNS to_TO say_VB this_DT but_CC ther
e_EX was_BEDZ no_AT need_NN ._. The_AT teachers_NNS of_IN Mr._NP Uno's_NP$ schoo
l_NN gave_VBD me_PPO a_AT small_JJ gift_NN to_TO thank_VB me_PPO for_IN coming_V
BG ._. Hiroshima_NP is_BEZ a_AT better_JJR city_NN than_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ befor
e_RB --_-- in_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN the_AT people_NNS I_PPSS met_VBD was_BED
Z a_AT strong_JJ determination_NN for_IN peace_NN and_CC understanding_VBG ._. I
_PPSS was_BEDZ grateful_JJ for_IN their_PP$ insight_NN into_IN my_PP$ need_NN fo
r_IN this_DT experience_NN ._. A_AT better_JJR world_NN may_MD yet_RB come_VB ou
t_IN of_IN Hiroshima_NP ._. Tokyo_NP-HL On_IN arriving_VBG in_IN Tokyo_NP later_
RBR we_PPSS were_BED met_VBN by_IN Masu_NP who_WPS took_VBD us_PPO immediately_R
B to_IN her_PP$ university_NN ,_, the_AT Japanese_JJ-TL Women's_NNS$-TL Universi
ty_NN-TL ._. This_DT day_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` Open_JJ-TL House_NN-TL for_IN Parents
_NNS-TL ''_'' day_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT girls_NNS were_BED busy_JJ preparing_VBG
exhibits_NNS and_CC arranging_VBG tea_NN tables_NNS ._. Everything_PN was_BEDZ i
n_IN an_AT exciting_JJ turmoil_NN --_-- full_JJ of_IN anticipation_NN and_CC fun
_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ thrilling_JJ to_TO see_VB the_AT effect_NN of_IN an_AT A
merican-trained_JJ teacher_NN on_IN Japanese_JJ students_NNS in_IN a_AT class_NN
in_IN Home_NN-TL Planning_VBG-TL ._. Our_PP$ Masu_NP is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT
very_QL few_AP architects_NNS in_IN Japan_NP who_WPS is_BEZ trying_VBG to_TO pl
an_VB homes_NNS around_IN family_NN functions_NNS and_CC women's_NNS$ needs_NNS
._. I_PPSS am_BEM told_VBN the_AT time_NN will_MD soon_RB come_VB when_WRB women
_NNS will_MD find_VB it_PPO necessary_JJ to_TO do_DO most_AP of_IN their_PP$ own
_JJ work_NN ,_, and_CC even_RB now_RB it_PPS is_BEZ important_JJ to_TO have_HV c
onveniences_NNS for_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN servants_NNS ._. Many_AP of_IN the_AT
features_NNS of_IN the_AT homes_NNS are_BER the_AT latest_JJT modern_JJ devices
_NNS in_IN American_JJ homes_NNS ,_, but_CC an_AT interesting_JJ blend_NN of_IN
cultures_NNS finds_VBZ us_PPO using_VBG Japanese_JJ artfulness_NN in_IN our_PP$
own_JJ Western_JJ-TL architecture_NN at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN that_CS the_AT
Japanese_NPS are_BER adopting_VBG Western_JJ-TL utility_NN patterns_NNS ._. At_
IN this_DT Women's_NNS$-TL University_NN-TL we_PPSS find_VB a_AT monument_NN to_
IN a_AT courageous_JJ family_NN who_WPS believed_VBD that_CS Japanese_JJ women_N
NS also_RB should_MD be_BE educated_VBN ._. Even_RB today_NR there_EX are_BER so
me_DTI doubts_NNS about_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN education_NN for_IN Japanese_JJ
women_NNS ,_, but_CC this_DT University_NN-TL continues_VBZ to_TO grow_VB and_C
C to_TO send_VB its_PP$ students_NNS out_RP into_IN the_AT community_NN ._. Acti
ve_JJ alumnae_NNS have_HV built_VBN a_AT fine_JJ building_NN on_IN the_AT campus
_NN where_WRB members_NNS can_MD come_VB and_CC stay_VB for_IN a_AT few_AP days_
NNS or_CC longer_RBR and_CC where_WRB they_PPSS can_MD have_HV their_PP$ social_
JJ gatherings_NNS and_CC professional_JJ meetings_NNS ._. As_QL far_RB as_CS I_P
PSS am_BEM concerned_VBN there_EX is_BEZ continuous_JJ piling_VBG up_RP of_IN ev
idence_NN that_CS the_AT creative_JJ fresh_JJ ideas_NNS which_WDT are_BER needed
_VBN in_IN the_AT world_NN are_BER going_VBG to_TO be_BE found_VBN by_IN educate
d_VBN women_NNS unafraid_JJ to_TO break_VB traditions_NNS ._. Masu_NP is_BEZ als
o_RB teaching_VBG in_IN a_AT municipally-sponsored_JJ school_NN for_IN Japanese_
JJ widows_NNS in_IN Tokyo_NP ._. Here_RB the_AT women_NNS learn_VB to_TO keep_VB
house_NN as_CS maids_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS become_VB skilled_JJ in_IN cooking_V
BG and_CC cleaning_VBG and_CC in_IN receiving_VBG guests_NNS ._. They_PPSS learn
_VB how_WRB to_TO take_VB care_NN of_IN children_NNS and_CC sick_JJ members_NNS
of_IN the_AT family_NN ._. They_PPSS have_HV model_NN kitchens_NNS ,_, a_AT sick
_JJ room_NN with_IN a_AT model_NN patient_NN in_IN bed_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT nurser
y_NN with_IN a_AT life-like_JJ doll_NN ._. Although_CS the_AT training_NN is_BEZ
only_RB for_IN one_CD month_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ intensive_JJ and_CC thorough_J
J ._. Graduates_NNS of_IN this_DT maid's_NN$ school_NN are_BER much_RB in_IN dem
and_NN and_CC can_MD always_RB find_VB work_NN immediately_RB ._. Occasionally_R
B they_PPSS return_VB for_IN additional_JJ training_NN ._. Masu's_NP$ home_NN ec
onomics_NN training_NN comes_VBZ into_IN play_NN as_CS she_PPS designs_VBZ cupbo
ards_NNS along_IN modern_JJ functional_JJ lines_NNS for_IN the_AT storage_NN of_
IN cleaning_VBG materials_NNS ._. Masu_NP also_RB uses_VBZ the_AT training_NN sh
e_PPS got_VBD in_IN an_AT American_JJ home_NN where_WRB she_PPS learned_VBD to_T
O polish_VB furniture_NN ,_, clean_VB corners_NNS ,_, and_CC work_VB effectively
_RB in_IN keeping_VBG a_AT shiny_JJ house_NN ._. Her_PP$ education_NN in_IN the_
AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, not_* just_RB in_IN a_AT classroom_NN ,_, but
_CC also_RB in_IN an_AT American_JJ house_NN with_IN an_AT American_JJ housekeep
er_NN ,_, stands_VBZ her_PPO in_IN good_JJ stead_NN ._. University_NN-TL-HL of_I
N-HL Tokyo_NP-HL After_IN a_AT fine_JJ luncheon_NN in_IN the_AT cafeteria_NN ,_,
the_AT kitchen_NN of_IN which_WDT Masu_NP had_HVD planned_VBN ,_, Mr._NP Washiz
u_NP and_CC I_PPSS left_VBD to_TO meet_VB representatives_NNS of_IN the_AT USIS_
NN for_IN a_AT visit_NN to_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Tokyo_NP-TL ._. H
ere_RB again_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ vacation_NN time_NN and_CC there_EX were_BED man
y_AP things_NNS I_PPSS could_MD not_* see_VB ,_, but_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ able_JJ
to_TO visit_VB with_IN a_AT professor_NN who_WPS is_BEZ famous_JJ in_IN Japanese
_JJ circles_NNS and_CC be_BE guided_VBN through_IN the_AT grounds_NNS by_IN his_
PP$ assistant_NN ._. The_AT achievement_NN of_IN the_AT desegregation_NN of_IN c
ertain_JJ lunch_NN counters_NNS not_* only_RB by_IN wise_JJ action_NN by_IN loca
l_JJ community_NN leaders_NNS but_CC by_IN voluntary_JJ action_NN following_VBG
consultation_NN between_IN Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Rogers_NP and_CC the_AT
heads_NNS of_IN certain_JJ national_JJ chain_NN stores_NNS should_MD ,_, of_IN c
ourse_NN ,_, be_BE applauded_VBN ._. But_CC for_CS it_PPO to_TO be_BE just_JJ to
_TO attain_VB this_DT same_AP result_NN by_IN means_NN of_IN the_AT force_NN of_
IN a_AT boycott_NN throughout_IN the_AT nation_NN would_MD require_VB the_AT ver
ification_NN of_IN facts_NNS contrary_JJ to_IN those_DTS assumed_VBN in_IN the_A
T foregoing_VBG case_NN ._. The_AT suppositions_NNS in_IN the_AT previous_JJ ill
ustration_NN might_MD be_BE sufficiently_RB altered_VBN by_IN establishing_VBG a
_AT connection_NN between_IN general_JJ company_NN practice_NN and_CC local_JJ p
ractice_NN in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, and_CC by_IN establishing_VBG such_JJ di
rect_JJ connection_NN between_IN the_AT practice_NN and_CC the_AT economic_JJ we
ll-being_NN of_IN stores_NNS located_VBN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL and_CC gener
al_JJ company_NN policy_NN ._. Then_RB the_AT boycott_NN would_MD not_* be_BE se
condary_JJ ,_, but_CC a_AT primary_JJ one_CD ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE directed_
VBN against_IN the_AT actual_JJ location_NN of_IN the_AT unjust_JJ policy_NN whi
ch_WDT ,_, for_IN love's_NN$ sake_NN and_CC for_IN the_AT sake_NN of_IN justice_
NN ,_, must_MD be_BE removed_VBN ,_, and_CC ,_, indivisible_JJ from_IN this_DT ,
_, to_IN the_AT economic_JJ injury_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS directly_RB and_CC
objectively_RB a_AT part_NN of_IN this_DT policy_NN ._. Perhaps_RB this_DT woul
d_MD be_BE sufficient_JJ to_TO justify_VB an_AT economic_JJ boycott_NN of_IN an_
AT entire_JJ national_JJ chain_NN in_IN order_NN ,_, by_IN threatening_VBG poten
tial_JJ injury_NN to_IN its_PP$ entire_JJ economy_NN ,_, to_TO effect_VB an_AT a
lteration_NN of_IN the_AT policy_NN of_IN its_PP$ local_JJ stores_NNS in_IN the_
AT matter_NN of_IN segregation_NN ._. Such_ABL a_AT general_JJ boycott_NN might_
MD still_RB be_BE a_AT blunt_JJ or_CC indiscriminating_JJ instrument_NN ,_, and_
CC therefore_RB of_IN questionable_JJ justification_NN ._. Action_NN located_VBN
where_WRB the_AT evil_NN is_BEZ concentrated_VBN will_MD prove_VB most_QL decis
ive_JJ and_CC is_BEZ most_QL clearly_RB legitimate_JJ ._. Moreover_RB ,_, pruden
ce_NN alone_RB would_MD indicate_VB that_CS ,_, unless_CS the_AT local_JJ custom
s_NNS are_BER already_RB ready_JJ to_TO fall_VB when_WRB pushed_VBN ,_, the_AT r
esults_NNS of_IN direct_JJ economic_JJ action_NN everywhere_RB upon_IN national_
JJ chain_NN stores_NNS will_MD likely_RB be_BE simply_RB to_TO give_VB undue_JJ
advantage_NN to_IN local_JJ and_CC state_NN stores_NNS which_WDT conform_VB to_I
N these_DTS customs_NNS ,_, leading_VBG to_IN greater_JJR decentralization_NN an
d_CC local_JJ autonomy_NN within_IN the_AT company_NN ,_, or_CC even_RB (_( as_C
S the_AT final_JJ self-defeat_NN of_IN an_AT unjust_JJ application_NN of_IN econ
omic_JJ pressure_NN to_TO correct_VB injustice_NN )_) to_IN its_PP$ going_VBG ou
t_IN of_IN business_NN in_IN certain_JJ sections_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN (_(
as_CS ,_, for_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, the_AT Quakers_NPS ,_, who_WPS once_RB h
ad_HVD many_AP meetings_NNS in_IN the_AT pre-Civil_JJ War_NN-TL South_NR-TL ,_,
largely_RB went_VBD out_IN of_IN business_NN in_IN that_DT part_NN of_IN the_AT
country_NN over_IN the_AT slavery_NN issue_NN ,_, never_RB to_TO recover_VB a_AT
large_JJ number_NN of_IN southern_JJ adherents_NNS )_) ._. In_IN any_DTI case_N
N ,_, anyone_PN who_WPS fails_VBZ to_TO make_VB significant_JJ distinction_NN be
tween_IN primary_JJ and_CC secondary_JJ applications_NNS of_IN economic_JJ press
ure_NN would_MD in_IN principle_NN already_RB have_HV justified_VBN that_DT use_
NN of_IN economic_JJ boycott_NN as_CS a_AT means_NN which_WDT broke_VBD out_RP a
_AT few_AP years_NNS ago_RB or_CC was_BEDZ skillfully_RB organized_VBN by_IN Whi
te_JJ-TL Citizens'_NNS$-TL Councils_NNS-TL in_IN the_AT entire_JJ state_NN of_IN
Mississippi_NP against_IN every_AT local_JJ Philco_NP dealer_NN in_IN that_DT s
tate_NN ,_, in_IN protest_NN against_IN a_AT Philco-sponsored_JJ program_NN over
_IN a_AT national_JJ TV_NN network_NN on_IN which_WDT was_BEDZ presented_VBN a_A
T drama_NN showing_VBG ,_, it_PPS seemed_VBD ,_, a_AT ``_`` high_JJ yellow_JJ ga
l_NN ''_'' smooching_VBG with_IN a_AT white_JJ man_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ
,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT end_NN or_CC objective_NN of_IN this_DT a
ction_NN was_BEDZ different_JJ ._. But_CC since_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT world_NN
in_IN which_WDT people_NNS disagree_VB about_IN ends_NNS and_CC goals_NNS and_CC
concerning_IN justice_NN and_CC injustice_NN ,_, and_CC since_CS ,_, in_IN a_AT
situation_NN where_WRB direct_JJ action_NN and_CC economic_JJ pressure_NN are_B
ER called_VBN for_IN ,_, the_AT justice_NN of_IN the_AT matter_NN has_HVZ either
_CC not_* been_BEN clearly_RB defined_VBN by_IN law_NN or_CC the_AT law_NN is_BE
Z not_* effectively_RB present_RB ,_, there_EX has_HVZ to_TO be_BE a_AT morality
_NN of_IN means_NN applied_VBN in_IN every_AT case_NN in_IN which_WDT people_NNS
take_VB it_PPO upon_IN themselves_PPLS to_TO use_VB economic_JJ pressures_NNS o
r_CC other_AP forms_NNS of_IN force_NN ._. The_AT need_NN that_CS we_PPSS not_*
give_VB unqualified_JJ approval_NN to_IN any_DTI but_IN a_AT limited_VBN use_NN
of_IN economic_JJ pressure_NN directed_VBN against_IN the_AT actual_JJ doers_NNS
of_IN injustice_NN is_BEZ clear_JJ also_RB in_IN light_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN
that_CS White_JJ-TL Citizens'_NNS$-TL Councils_NNS-TL seem_VB resolved_VBN to_TO
maintain_VB segregation_NN mainly_RB by_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN these_DTS same_A
P means_NNS and_CC not_* ordinarily_RB by_IN physical_JJ violence_NN ._. An_AT u
nlimited_JJ use_NN of_IN economic_JJ pressures_NNS for_IN diametrically_QL oppos
ite_JJ causes_NNS could_MD devastate_VB the_AT pre-conditions_NNS of_IN any_DTI
fellow_NN humanity_NN as_QL surely_RB as_CS this_DT would_MD be_BE destroyed_VBN
by_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN more_QL obviously_RB brutal_JJ means_NNS ._. The_AT e
nd_NN or_CC aim_NN of_IN the_AT action_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ also_RB
important_JJ ,_, especially_RB where_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* alone_RB a_AT matt
er_NN of_IN changing_VBG community_NN customs_NNS but_CC of_IN the_AT use_NN of_
IN deadly_JJ economic_JJ power_NN to_TO intimidate_VB a_AT person_NN from_IN ste
pping_VBG forward_RB to_TO claim_VB his_PP$ legal_JJ rights_NNS ,_, e.g._RB ,_,
against_IN Negroes_NPS who_WPS register_VB to_TO vote_VB in_IN Fayette_NP-TL Cou
nty_NN-TL ,_, Tennessee_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT present_JJ moment_NN ._. Here_RB the
_AT recourse_NN is_BEZ in_IN steps_NNS to_TO give_VB economic_JJ sustenance_NN t
o_IN those_DTS being_BEG despoiled_VBN ,_, and_CC to_IN legal_JJ remedies_NNS ._
. This_DT ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ sufficient_JJ to_TO show_VB that_CS more_QL
or_CC less_QL non-violent_JJ resistance_NN and_CC economic_JJ conflict_NN (_( if
_CS both_ABX sides_NNS are_BER strong_JJ enough_QLP )_) can_MD be_BE war_NN of_I
N all_ABN against_IN all_ABN no_QL less_RBR than_CS if_CS other_AP means_NNS are
_BER used_VBN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ also_RB sufficient_JJ to_TO show_VB the_AT Chris
tian_NP and_CC any_DTI other_AP champion_NN of_IN justice_NN that_CS he_PPS need
s_VBZ to_TO make_VB sure_JJ not_* only_RB that_CS his_PP$ cause_NN is_BEZ just_J
J but_CC also_RB that_CS his_PP$ conduct_NN is_BEZ just_JJ ,_, i.e._RB ,_, that_
CS ,_, if_CS economic_JJ pressure_NN has_HVZ to_TO be_BE resorted_VBN to_IN ,_,
this_DT be_BE applied_VBN directly_RB against_IN those_DTS persons_NNS directly_
RB in_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN some_DTI salutary_JJ change_NN in_IN business_NN or
_CC institutional_JJ practices_NNS ,_, while_CS ,_, if_CS injury_NN fall_VB upon
_IN others_NNS ,_, it_PPS fall_VB upon_IN them_PPO indirectly_RB and_CC secondar
ily_RB (_( however_WQL inevitably_RB )_) and_CC not_* by_IN deliberate_JJ intent
_NN and_CC direct_JJ action_NN against_IN them_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ clear_JJ th
at_CS non-violent_JJ resistance_NN is_BEZ a_AT mode_NN of_IN action_NN in_IN nee
d_NN of_IN justification_NN and_CC limitation_NN in_IN Christian_JJ morality_NN
,_, like_CS any_DTI other_AP form_NN of_IN resistance_NN ._. The_AT language_NN
used_VBN itself_PPL often_RB makes_VBZ very_QL clear_JJ that_CS this_DT is_BEZ o
nly_RB another_DT form_NN of_IN struggle_NN for_IN victory_NN (_( perhaps_RB to_
TO be_BE chosen_VBN above_IN all_ABN others_NNS )_) ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT sit-
in_NN leaders_NNS has_HVZ said_VBN :_: ``_`` Nobody_PN from_IN the_AT top_NN of_
IN Heaven_NN-TL to_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN Hell_NN-TL can_MD stop_VB the_AT ma
rch_NN to_IN freedom_NN ._. Everybody_PN in_IN the_AT world_NN today_NR might_MD
as_QL well_RB make_VB up_RP their_PP$ minds_NNS to_TO march_VB with_IN freedom_
NN or_CC freedom_NN is_BEZ going_VBG to_TO march_VB over_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. T
he_AT present_JJ writer_NN certainly_RB agrees_VBZ with_IN that_DT statement_NN
,_, and_CC would_MD also_RB affirm_VB this_DT --_-- in_IN the_AT order_NN of_IN
justice_NN ._. However_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB a_AT Christian_JJ insight_NN
to_TO know_VB that_CS unless_CS charity_NN interpenetrates_VBZ justice_NN it_PP
S is_BEZ not_* likely_JJ to_TO be_BE freedom_NN that_WPS marches_VBZ forward_RB
._. And_CC when_WRB charity_NN interpenetrates_VBZ man's_NN$ struggle_NN for_IN
justice_NN and_CC freedom_NN it_PPS does_DOZ not_* simply_RB surround_VB this_DT
with_IN a_AT sentimental_JJ good_JJ will_NN ._. It_PPS also_RB definitely_RB fa
shions_VBZ conduct_NN in_IN the_AT way_NN explained_VBN above_RB ,_, and_CC this
_DT means_VBZ far_QL more_AP than_CS in_IN the_AT choice_NN of_IN non-violent_JJ
means_NNS ._. R._NP B._NP Gregg_NP has_HVZ written_VBN that_DT ``_`` non-violen
ce_NN and_CC good_JJ will_NN of_IN the_AT victim_NN act_VB like_CS the_AT lack_N
N of_IN physical_JJ opposition_NN by_IN the_AT user_NN of_IN physical_JJ jiu-jit
su_NN ,_, to_TO cause_VB the_AT attacker_NN to_TO lose_VB his_PP$ moral_JJ balan
ce_NN ._. He_PPS suddenly_RB and_CC unexpectedly_RB loses_VBZ the_AT moral_JJ su
pport_NN which_WDT the_AT usual_JJ violent_JJ resistance_NN of_IN most_AP victim
s_NNS would_MD render_VB him_PPO ''_'' ;_. ;_. and_CC again_RB ,_, that_CS ``_``
the_AT object_NN of_IN non-violent_JJ resistance_NN is_BEZ partly_QL analogous_
JJ to_IN this_DT object_NN of_IN war_NN --_-- namely_RB ,_, to_TO demoralize_VB
the_AT opponent_NN ,_, to_TO break_VB his_PP$ will_NN ,_, to_TO destroy_VB his_P
P$ confidence_NN ,_, enthusiasm_NN ,_, and_CC hope_NN ._. In_IN another_DT respe
ct_NN it_PPS is_BEZ dissimilar_JJ ,_, for_CS non-violent_JJ resistance_NN demora
lizes_VBZ the_AT opponent_NN only_RB to_TO re-establish_VB in_IN him_PPO a_AT ne
w_JJ morale_NN that_WPS is_BEZ firmer_JJR because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ based_VBN on_
IN sounder_JJR values_NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT trial_NN of_IN strength_NN ,_, however_
RB ,_, is_BEZ made_VBN quite_QL inevitable_JJ by_IN virtue_NN of_IN the_AT fact_
NN that_CS anyone_PN engaging_VBG in_IN non-violent_JJ resistance_NN will_MD be_
BE convinced_VBN that_CS his_PP$ action_NN is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN sounder_JJR va
lues_NNS than_CS those_DTS of_IN his_PP$ opponent_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN warfar
e_NN with_IN any_DTI means_NN ,_, men_NNS commonly_RB disagree_VB over_IN the_AT
justice_NN of_IN the_AT cause_NN ._. This_DT makes_VBZ necessary_JJ a_AT morali
ty_NN of_IN means_NNS ,_, and_CC principles_NNS governing_VBG the_AT conduct_NN
of_IN resistance_NN whenever_WRB this_DT is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO be_BE justifie
d_VBN ._. The_AT question_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, is_BEZ whether_CS sufficient_JJ dis
crimination_NN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN even_RB non-violent_JJ means_NNS of_IN
coercion_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS such_JJ co
nduct_NN demoralizes_VBZ and_CC overcomes_VBZ the_AT opponent_NN while_CS re-mor
alizing_VBG and_CC re-establishing_VBG him_PPO ._. Here_RB it_PPS is_BEZ relevan
t_JJ to_TO remember_VB that_CS men_NNS commonly_RB regard_VB some_DTI causes_NNS
as_CS more_QL important_JJ than_CS their_PP$ lives_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC to_IN the
m_PPO it_PPS will_MD seem_VB insignificant_JJ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ proposed_VBN
to_TO defeat_VB such_JJ causes_NNS non-violently_RB ._. A_AT technique_NN by_IN
which_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ proposed_VBN to_TO enter_VB with_IN compulsion_NN into_
IN the_AT very_AP heart_NN of_IN a_AT man_NN and_CC determine_VB his_PP$ values_
NNS may_MD often_RB in_IN fact_NN seem_VB the_AT more_QL unlimited_JJ aggression
_NN ._. Among_IN Christian_JJ groups_NNS ,_, the_AT Mennonites_NPS have_HV commo
nly_RB been_BEN aware_JJ more_RBR than_CS others_NNS of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_C
S the_AT nature_NN of_IN divine_JJ charity_NN raises_VBZ decisively_RB the_AT qu
estion_NN of_IN the_AT Christian_JJ use_NN of_IN all_ABN forms_NNS of_IN pressur
e_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT will_NN and_CC word_NN of_IN God_NP are_BER for_IN them
_PPO concentrated_VBN in_IN Christ-like_JJ love_NN ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ clear_JJ
to_IN them_PPO that_QL non-violent_JJ resistance_NN is_BEZ quite_ABL another_DT
thing_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT primary_JJ objective_NN of_IN non-violence_NN ''_'' ,
_, writes_VBZ the_AT outstanding_JJ Mennonite_JJ ethicist_NN ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ no
t_* peace_NN ,_, or_CC obedience_NN to_IN the_AT divine_JJ will_NN ,_, but_CC ra
ther_RB certain_JJ desired_VBN social_JJ changes_NNS ,_, for_IN personal_JJ ,_,
or_CC class_NN ,_, or_CC national_JJ advantage_NN ''_'' ._. Without_IN agreeing_
VBG with_IN every_AT phrase_NN in_IN this_DT statement_NN ,_, we_PPSS must_MD ce
rtainly_RB assert_VB the_AT great_JJ difference_NN between_IN Christian_JJ love_
NN and_CC any_DTI form_NN of_IN resistance_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB go_VB on_RP bey
ond_IN the_AT Mennonite_JJ position_NN and_CC affirm_VB that_CS Christian_JJ lov
e-in-action_NN must_MD first_RB justify_VB and_CC then_RB determine_VB the_AT mo
ral_JJ principles_NNS limiting_VBG resistance_NN ._. These_DTS principles_NNS we
_PPSS have_HV now_RB set_VBN forth_RB ._. Economy_NN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN p
ower_NN needs_VBZ not_* only_RB to_TO be_BE asserted_VBN ,_, but_CC clearly_RB s
pecified_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC when_WRB this_DT is_BEZ done_VBN it_PPS will_MD be_B
E found_VBN that_CS the_AT principles_NNS governing_VBG Christian_JJ resistance_
NN cut_VB across_IN the_AT distinction_NN between_IN violent_JJ and_CC non-viole
nt_JJ means_NNS ,_, and_CC apply_VB to_IN both_ABX alike_RB ,_, justifying_VBG e
ither_DTX on_IN occasion_NN and_CC always_RB limiting_VBG either_DTX action_NN .
_. Economy_NN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN power_NN means_VBZ more_AP than_CS infli
cting_VBG a_AT barely_RB intolerable_JJ pressure_NN upon_IN an_AT opponent_NN an
d_CC upon_IN the_AT injustice_NN opposed_VBN ._. That_DT would_MD amount_VB to_I
N calculating_VBG the_AT means_NNS and_CC justifying_VBG them_PPO wholly_RB in_I
N terms_NNS of_IN their_PP$ effectiveness_NN in_IN reaching_VBG desired_VBN goal
s_NNS ._. There_EX must_MD also_RB be_BE additional_JJ and_CC more_QL fundamenta
l_JJ discrimination_NN in_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN means_NNS of_IN resistance_NN ,
_, violent_JJ or_CC non-violent_JJ ._. The_AT justification_NN in_IN Christian_J
J conscience_NN of_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN any_DTI mode_NN of_IN resistance_NN al
so_RB lays_VBZ down_RP its_PP$ limitation_NN --_-- in_IN the_AT distinction_NN b
etween_IN the_AT persons_NNS against_IN whom_WPO pressure_NN is_BEZ primarily_RB
directed_VBN ,_, those_DTS upon_IN whom_WPO it_PPS may_MD be_BE permitted_VBN a
lso_RB to_TO fall_VB ,_, and_CC those_DTS who_WPS may_MD never_RB be_BE directly
_RB repressed_VBN for_IN the_AT sake_NN even_RB of_IN achieving_VBG some_DTI gre
at_JJ good_NN ._. In_IN these_DTS terms_NNS ,_, the_AT ``_`` economic_JJ withdra
wal_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT Negroes_NPS of_IN Nashville_NP ,_, Tennessee_NP ,_, fr
om_IN trading_VBG in_IN the_AT center_NN city_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, was_B
EDZ clearly_RB justified_VBN ,_, since_CS these_DTS distinctions_NNS do_DO not_*
require_VB that_CS only_RB people_NNS subjectively_QL guilty_JJ be_BE singled_V
BN out_RP ._. We_PPSS may_MD now_RB take_VB up_RP for_IN consideration_NN a_AT h
ard_JJ case_NN which_WDT seems_VBZ to_TO require_VB either_CC no_AT action_NN em
ploying_VBG economic_JJ pressure_NN or_CC else_RB action_NN that_WPS would_MD se
em_VB to_TO violate_VB the_AT principles_NNS set_VB forth_RB above_RB ._. There_
EX may_MD be_BE instances_NNS in_IN which_WDT ,_, if_CS economic_JJ pressure_NN
is_BEZ to_TO be_BE undertaken_VBN at_IN all_ABN ,_, this_DT would_MD have_HV to_
TO be_BE applied_VBN without_IN discrimination_NN against_IN a_AT whole_JJ peopl
e_NNS ._. An_AT excellent_JJ article_NN was_BEDZ published_VBN recently_RB in_IN
the_AT Journal_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Church_NN-TL Peace_NN-TL Union_NN-TL by
_IN a_AT South_JJ-TL African_NP-TL journalist_NN on_IN the_AT inhuman_JJ economi
c_JJ conditions_NNS of_IN the_AT blacks_NNS in_IN South_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL ,_, a
mounting_VBG to_IN virtual_JJ slavery_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT economic_JJ complicit
y_NN of_IN both_ABX the_AT government_NN and_CC the_AT people_NNS of_IN the_AT U
nited_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL in_IN these_DTS conditions_NNS ._. ``_`` Billions_NNS
of_IN American_JJ dollars_NNS ,_, not_* only_RB from_IN capital_NN investors_NN
S but_CC also_RB from_IN the_AT pockets_NNS of_IN U.S._NP taxpayers_NNS ''_'' ,_
, this_DT author_NN states_VBZ ,_, ``_`` are_BER being_BEG poured_VBN into_IN So
uth_JJ-TL Africa_NP-TL to_TO support_VB a_AT system_NN dedicated_VBN to_IN the_A
T oppression_NN ,_, the_AT persecution_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT almost_QL diabolical
_JJ exploitation_NN of_IN 12_CD million_CD people_NNS the_AT color_NN of_IN whos
e_WP$ skins_VBZ happens_VBZ not_* to_TO be_BE white_JJ ''_'' ._. Both_ABX the_AT
conditions_NNS and_CC the_AT complicity_NN are_BER documented_VBN in_IN conside
rable_JJ detail_NN ._. This_DT leads_VBZ to_IN the_AT conclusion_NN that_CS ``_`
` the_AT fact_NN is_BEZ inescapable_JJ that_CS America_NP does_DOZ have_HV a_AT
say_NN in_IN whether_CS or_CC not_* apartheid_FW-NN shall_MD continue_VB ''_'' .
_. Our_PP$ leadership_NN in_IN a_AT wide_JJ economic_JJ boycott_NN of_IN South_J
J-TL Africa_NP-TL would_MD be_BE not_* only_RB in_IN accord_NN ,_, it_PPS seems_
VBZ ,_, with_IN the_AT moral_JJ conscience_NN of_IN America_NP ,_, not_* to_TO b
e_BE denied_VBN because_CS we_PPSS also_RB as_CS a_AT people_NNS have_HV widespr
ead_JJ injustice_NN in_IN the_AT relations_NNS of_IN the_AT races_NNS in_IN our_
PP$ own_JJ country_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB in_IN accord_NN with_IN our_PP$ law_NN
,_, U.S._NP-TL Code_NN-TL Title_NN-TL 19_CD-TL ,_, Section_NN-TL 1307_CD-TL ,_,
which_WDT forbids_VBZ the_AT importation_NN of_IN goods_NNS made_VBN by_IN force
d_VBN or_CC convict_NN labor_NN ._. Not_* only_RB should_MD this_DT provision_NN
be_BE enforced_VBN but_CC other_AP economic_JJ and_CC political_JJ actions_NNS
might_MD be_BE taken_VBN which_WDT ,_, this_DT author_NN believes_VBZ ,_, ``_``
must_MD surely_RB be_BE supported_VBN by_IN every_AT American_NP who_WPS values_
VBZ the_AT freedom_NN that_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN won_VBN for_IN him_PPO and_CC wh
ose_WP$ conscience_NN is_BEZ not_* so_QL dominated_VBN by_IN the_AT lines_NNS in
_IN his_PP$ account_NN books_NNS that_CS he_PPS can_MD willingly_RB and_CC knowi
ngly_RB contribute_VB to_IN the_AT enslavement_NN of_IN another_DT nation_NN ''_
'' ._. Northern_JJ liberals_NNS are_BER the_AT chief_JJS supporters_NNS of_IN ci
vil_JJ rights_NNS and_CC of_IN integration_NN ._. They_PPSS have_HV also_RB led_
VBN the_AT nation_NN in_IN the_AT direction_NN of_IN a_AT welfare_NN state_NN ._
. And_CC both_ABX in_IN their_PP$ objectives_NNS of_IN non-discrimination_NN and
_CC of_IN social_JJ progress_NN they_PPSS have_HV had_HVN ranged_VBN against_IN
them_PPO the_AT Southerners_NNS-TL who_WPS are_BER called_VBN Bourbons_NPS ._. T
he_AT name_NN presumably_RB derives_VBZ from_IN the_AT French_JJ royal_JJ house_
NN which_WDT never_RB learned_VBD and_CC never_RB forgot_VBD ;_. ;_. since_CS Bo
urbon_NP whiskey_NN ,_, though_CS of_IN Kentucky_NP origin_NN ,_, is_BEZ at_IN l
east_QL as_QL much_AP favored_VBN by_IN liberals_NNS in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL as
_CS by_IN conservatives_NNS in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. The_AT nature_NN of_IN
the_AT opposition_NN between_IN liberals_NNS and_CC Bourbons_NPS is_BEZ too_QL l
ittle_AP understood_VBN in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ._. The_AT race_NN problem_NN h
as_HVZ tended_VBN to_TO obscure_VB other_AP ,_, less_QL emotional_JJ ,_, issues_
NNS which_WDT may_MD fundamentally_RB be_BE even_QL more_QL divisive_JJ ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ these_DTS other_AP differences_NNS between_IN North_NR-TL and_CC South
_NR-TL --_-- other_AP ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, than_CS those_DTS which_WDT concern
_VB discrimination_NN or_CC social_JJ welfare_NN --_-- which_WDT I_PPSS chiefly_
RB discuss_VB herein_RB ._. I_PPSS write_VB about_IN Northern_JJ-TL liberals_NNS
from_IN considerable_JJ personal_JJ experience_NN ._. A_AT Southerner_NN-TL mar
ried_VBD to_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL Englander_NP-TL ,_, I_PPSS have_HV lived_VBN for_I
N many_AP years_NNS in_IN a_AT Connecticut_NP commuting_VBG town_NN with_IN a_AT
high_JJ percentage_NN of_IN artists_NNS ,_, writers_NNS ,_, publicity_NN men_NN
S ,_, and_CC business_NN executives_NNS of_IN egghead_NN tastes_NNS ._. Most_AP
of_IN them_PPO are_BER Democrats_NPS and_CC nearly_QL all_ABN consider_VB themse
lves_PPLS ,_, and_CC are_BER viewed_VBN as_CS ,_, liberals_NNS ._. This_DT is_BE
Z puzzling_JJ to_IN an_AT outsider_NN conscious_JJ of_IN the_AT classic_JJ tradi
tion_NN of_IN liberalism_NN ,_, because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS these_
DTS Democrats_NPS who_WPS are_BER left-of-center_JJ are_BER at_IN opposite_JJ po
les_NNS from_IN the_AT liberal_JJ Jefferson_NP ,_, who_WPS held_VBD that_CS the_
AT best_JJT government_NN was_BEDZ the_AT least_AP government_NN ._. Yet_CC para
doxically_RB my_PP$ liberal_JJ friends_NNS continue_VB to_TO view_VB Jefferson_N
P as_CS one_CD of_IN their_PP$ patron_NN saints_NNS ._. When_WRB I_PPSS question
_VB them_PPO as_IN to_IN what_WDT they_PPSS mean_VB by_IN concepts_NNS like_CS l
iberty_NN and_CC democracy_NN ,_, I_PPSS find_VB that_CS they_PPSS fall_VB into_
IN two_CD categories_NNS :_: the_AT simpler_JJR ones_NNS who_WPS have_HV simply_
RB accepted_VBN the_AT shibboleths_NNS of_IN their_PP$ faith_NN without_IN analy
sis_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT intelligent_JJ ,_, cynical_JJ ones_NNS who_WPS scor
nfully_RB reply_VB that_CS these_DTS things_NNS don't_DO* count_VB any_DTI more_
RBR in_IN the_AT world_NN of_IN to-day_NR ._. I_PPSS am_BEM naive_JJ ,_, they_PP
SS say_VB ,_, to_TO make_VB use_NN of_IN such_JJ words_NNS ._. I_PPSS take_VB th
is_DT to_TO mean_VB that_CS the_AT intelligent_JJ --_-- and_CC therefore_RB nece
ssarily_QL cynical_JJ ?_. ?_. --_-- liberal_NN considers_VBZ that_CS the_AT need
_NN for_IN a_AT national_JJ economy_NN with_IN controls_NNS that_WPS will_MD ass
ure_VB his_PP$ conception_NN of_IN social_JJ justice_NN is_BEZ so_QL great_JJ th
at_CS individual_JJ and_CC local_JJ liberties_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS democratic
_JJ processes_NNS may_MD have_HV to_TO yield_VB before_IN it_PPO ._. This_DT see
ms_VBZ like_CS an_AT attitude_NN favoring_VBG a_AT sort_NN of_IN totalitarian_JJ
bureaucracy_NN which_WDT ,_, under_IN a_AT President_NN-TL of_IN the_AT same_AP
stamp_NN ,_, would_MD try_VB to_TO coerce_VB an_AT uncooperative_JJ Congress_NP
or_CC Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL ._. As_CS for_IN states'_NNS$ rights_NNS ,_, th
ey_PPSS have_HV never_RB counted_VBN in_IN the_AT thinking_NN of_IN my_PP$ liber
al_JJ friends_NNS except_IN as_CS irritations_NNS of_IN a_AT minor_JJ and_CC imm
oral_JJ nature_NN which_WDT exist_VB now_RB only_RB as_CS anachronisms_NNS ._. T
he_AT American_JJ liberal_NN may_MD ,_, in_IN the_AT world_NN of_IN to-day_NR ,_
, have_HV a_AT strong_JJ case_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC he_PPS presents_VBZ it_PPO publi
cly_RB so_QL enmeshed_VBN in_IN hypocrisy_NN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ not_* an_AT h
onest_JJ one_CD ._. Why_WRB ,_, in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ,_, call_VB himse
lf_PPL a_AT liberal_JJ if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ against_IN laissez-faire_NN and_CC fa
vors_VBZ an_AT authoritarian_JJ central_JJ government_NN with_IN womb-to-tomb_JJ
controls_NNS over_IN everybody_PN ?_. ?_. If_CS he_PPS attaches_VBZ little_AP i
mportance_NN to_IN personal_JJ liberty_NN ,_, why_WRB not_* make_VB this_DT know
n_VBN to_IN the_AT world_NN ?_. ?_. And_CC if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ so_QL scornful_JJ
of_IN the_AT rights_NNS of_IN states_NNS ,_, why_WRB not_* advocate_VB a_AT dif
ferent_JJ sort_NN of_IN constitution_NN that_CS he_PPS could_MD more_QL sincerel
y_RB support_VB ?_. ?_. I_PPSS am_BEM concerned_VBN here_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, w
ith_IN the_AT Northern_JJ-TL liberal's_NN$ attitude_NN toward_IN the_AT South_NR
-TL ._. It_PPS appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE one_CD of_IN intense_JJ dislike_NN ,_, wh
ich_WDT he_PPS makes_VBZ little_AP effort_NN to_TO conceal_VB even_RB in_IN the_
AT presence_NN of_IN Southern_JJ-TL friends_NNS ._. His_PP$ assumption_NN seems_
VBZ to_TO be_BE that_CS any_DTI such_JJ friends_NNS ,_, being_BEG tolerable_JJ h
umans_NNS ,_, must_MD be_BE more_QL liberal_JJ than_CS most_AP Southerners_NNS-T
L and_CC therefore_RB at_IN least_QL partly_RB in_IN sympathy_NN with_IN his_PP$
views_NNS ._. Time's_NN$-TL editor_NN ,_, Thomas_NP Griffith_NP ,_, in_IN his_P
P$ book_NN ,_, The_AT-TL Waist-High_JJ-TL Culture_NN-TL ,_, wrote_VBD :_: ``_``
most_AP of_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ different_JJ about_IN it_PPO (_( the_AT Deep_JJ-
TL South_NR-TL )_) I_PPSS found_VBD myself_PPL unsympathetic_JJ to_IN ._. ''_''
This_DT ,_, for_IN the_AT liberals_NNS I_PPSS know_VB ,_, would_MD be_BE an_AT u
nderstatement_NN ._. Theirs_PP$$ is_BEZ no_AT mere_JJ lack_NN of_IN sympathy_NN
,_, but_CC something_PN closer_JJR to_IN the_AT passionate_JJ hatred_NN that_WPS
was_BEDZ directed_VBN against_IN Fascism_NP ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* think_VB tha
t_CS my_PP$ experience_NN would_MD be_BE typical_JJ for_IN Southerners_NNS-TL li
ving_VBG in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ._. In_IN business_NN circles_NNS ,_, usually_
RB conservative_JJ ,_, this_DT sort_NN of_IN atmosphere_NN would_MD hardly_RB be
_BE found_VBN ._. But_CC in_IN our_PP$ case_NN --_-- and_CC neither_CC my_PP$ wi
fe_NN nor_CC I_PPSS have_HV extreme_JJ views_NNS on_IN integration_NN ,_, nor_CC
are_BER we_PPSS given_VBN to_IN emotional_JJ outbursts_NNS --_-- the_AT situati
on_NN has_HVZ ruined_VBN one_CD or_CC two_CD valued_VBN friendships_NNS and_CC c
ome_VBN close_RB to_IN wrecking_VBG several_AP more_AP ._. In_IN fact_NN it_PPS
has_HVZ caused_VBN us_PPO to_TO give_VB serious_JJ thought_NN to_IN moving_VBG o
ur_PP$ residence_NN south_NR ,_, because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ not_* easy_JJ for_IN t
he_AT most_QL objective_JJ Southerner_NN-TL to_TO sit_VB calmly_RB by_RB when_WR
B his_PP$ host_NN is_BEZ telling_VBG a_AT roomful_NN of_IN people_NNS that_CS th
e_AT only_AP way_NN to_TO deal_VB with_IN Southerners_NNS-TL who_WPS oppose_VB i
ntegration_NN is_BEZ to_TO send_VB in_RP troops_NNS and_CC shoot_VB the_AT basta
rds_NNS down_RP ._. Accounts_NNS have_HV been_BEN published_VBN of_IN Northern_J
J-TL liberals_NNS in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL up_RP against_IN segregationist_NN pr
ejudice_NN ,_, especially_RB in_IN state-supported_JJ universities_NNS where_WRB
pressure_NN may_MD be_BE strong_JJ to_TO uphold_VB the_AT majority_NN view_NN .
_. But_CC these_DTS accounts_NNS do_DO not_* show_VB that_CS Northerners_NNS-TL
have_HV been_BEN subjected_VBN to_IN embarrassment_NN or_CC provocation_NN by_IN
Yankee-hatred_NN displayed_VBN in_IN social_JJ gatherings_NNS ._. From_IN my_PP
$ wife's_NN$ experience_NN and_CC other_AP sources_NNS ,_, this_DT seems_VBZ to_
TO be_BE rarely_RB encountered_VBN in_IN educated_VBN circles_NNS ._. The_AT str
ong_JJ feeling_NN is_BEZ certainly_RB there_RB ;_. ;_. but_CC there_EX is_BEZ a_
AT leavening_NN of_IN liberalism_NN among_IN college_NN graduates_NNS throughout
_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, especially_RB among_IN those_DTS who_WPS studied_VBD
in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ._. And_CC social_JJ relations_NNS arising_VBG out_IN o
f_IN business_NN ties_NNS impose_VB courtesy_NN ,_, if_CS not_* sympathy_NN ,_,
toward_IN resident_NN and_CC visiting_VBG Northerners_NNS-TL ._. Also_RB ,_, amo
ng_IN the_AT latter_AP a_AT large_JJ percentage_NN soon_RB acquire_VB the_AT pre
valent_JJ Southern_JJ-TL attitude_NN on_IN most_AP social_JJ problems_NNS ._. Th
ere_EX are_BER of_IN course_NN many_AP Souths_NRS-TL ;_. ;_. but_CC for_IN this_
DT discussion_NN the_AT most_QL important_JJ division_NN is_BEZ between_IN those
_DTS who_WPS have_HV been_BEN reconstructed_VBN and_CC those_DTS who_WPS haven't
_HV* ._. My_PP$ definition_NN of_IN this_DT much_QL abused_VBN adjective_NN is_B
EZ that_CS a_AT reconstructed_VBN rebel_NN is_BEZ one_CD who_WPS is_BEZ glad_JJ
that_CS the_AT North_NR-TL won_VBD the_AT War_NN-TL ._. Nobody_PN knows_VBZ how_
WRB many_AP Southerners_NNS-TL there_EX are_BER in_IN this_DT category_NN ._. I_
PPSS suspect_VB that_CS there_EX are_BER far_QL more_QL unreconstructed_JJ ones_
NNS than_CS the_AT North_NR-TL likes_VBZ to_TO believe_VB ._. I_PPSS never_RB he
ard_VBD of_IN a_AT poll_NN being_BEG taken_VBN on_IN the_AT question_NN ._. No_A
T doubt_NN such_ABL a_AT thing_NN would_MD be_BE considered_VBN unpatriotic_JJ .
_. Prior_RB to_IN 1954_CD I_PPSS imagine_VB that_CS a_AT majority_NN of_IN South
erners_NNS-TL would_MD have_HV voted_VBN against_IN the_AT Confederacy_NN-TL ._.
Since_CS the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court's_NN$-TL decision_NN of_IN that_DT year_NN
this_DT is_BEZ more_QL doubtful_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC if_CS a_AT poll_NN had_HVD bee
n_BEN taken_VBN immediately_RB following_VBG the_AT dispatch_NN of_IN troops_NNS
to_IN Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL I_PPSS believe_VB the_AT majority_NN would_MD hav
e_HV been_BEN for_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL South_NR-TL ._. Belief_NN in_IN the_AT tra
ditional_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN persists_VBZ much_QL more_RBR in_IN the_AT olde
r_JJR states_NNS than_CS in_IN the_AT new_JJ ones_NNS ._. Probably_RB a_AT large
r_JJR percentage_NN of_IN Virginians_NPS and_CC South_JJ-TL Carolinians_NPS-TL r
emain_VB unreconstructed_JJ than_CS elsewhere_RB ,_, with_IN Georgia_NP ,_, Nort
h_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL ,_, and_CC Alabama_NP following_VBG along_RB after_IN the
m_PPO ._. Old_JJ attitudes_NNS are_BER held_VBN more_QL tenaciously_RB in_IN the
_AT Tidewater_NN-TL than_CS the_AT Piedmont_NP ;_. ;_. so_CS that_CS a_AT line_N
N running_VBG down_IN the_AT length_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL marking_VBG the_
AT upper_JJ limits_NNS of_IN tidewater_NN would_MD roughly_RB divide_VB the_AT O
ld_JJ-TL South_NR-TL from_IN the_AT new_JJ ,_, but_CC with_IN ,_, of_IN course_N
N ,_, important_JJ minority_NN enclaves_NNS ._. The_AT long-settled_JJ areas_NNS
of_IN states_NNS like_VB Virginia_NP and_CC South_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL develope
d_VBD the_AT ante-bellum_JJ culture_NN to_IN its_PP$ richest_JJT flowering_NN ,_
, and_CC there_RB the_AT memory_NN is_BEZ more_QL precious_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT
consciousness_NN of_IN loss_NN the_AT greater_JJR ._. Also_RB ,_, we_PPSS should
_MD not_* even_RB to-day_NR discount_VB the_AT fact_NN that_CS a_AT region_NN su
ch_JJ as_CS the_AT coastal_JJ lowlands_NNS centering_VBG on_IN Charleston_NP had
_HVD closer_JJR ties_NNS with_IN England_NP and_CC the_AT West_JJ-TL Indies_NPS-
TL than_CS with_IN the_AT North_NR-TL even_RB after_IN independence_NN ._. The_A
T social_JJ and_CC psychological_JJ consequences_NNS of_IN this_DT continue_VB t
o_TO affect_VB the_AT area_NN ._. In_IN certain_JJ respects_NNS defeat_NN increa
sed_VBD the_AT persistent_JJ Anglophilia_NN of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL South_NR-TL .
_. Poor_JJ where_WRB they_PPSS had_HVD once_RB been_BEN rich_JJ ,_, humbled_VBN
where_WRB they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN arrogant_JJ ,_, having_HVG no_QL longer_RBR
any_DTI hope_NN of_IN sharing_VBG in_IN the_AT leadership_NN of_IN the_AT natio
n_NN ,_, the_AT rebels_NNS who_WPS would_MD not_* surrender_VB in_IN spirit_NN d
rew_VBD comfort_NN from_IN the_AT sympathy_NN they_PPSS felt_VBD extended_VBN to
_IN them_PPO by_IN the_AT mother_NN country_NN ._. And_CC no_AT doubt_NN many_AP
people_NNS in_IN states_NNS like_CS the_AT Carolinas_NPS and_CC Georgia_NP ,_,
which_WDT were_BED among_IN the_AT most_AP Tory_NP in_IN sentiment_NN in_IN the_
AT eighteenth_OD century_NN ,_, bitterly_RB regretted_VBD the_AT revolt_NN again
st_IN the_AT Crown_NN-TL ._. Among_IN Bourbons_NPS the_AT racial_JJ issue_NN may
_MD have_HV less_AP to_TO do_DO with_IN their_PP$ remaining_VBG unreconstructed_
JJ than_CS other_AP factors_NNS ._. All_ABN Southerners_NNS-TL agree_VB that_CS
slavery_NN had_HVD to_TO go_VB ;_. ;_. but_CC many_AP historians_NNS maintain_VB
that_CS except_IN for_IN Northern_JJ-TL meddling_NN it_PPS would_MD have_HV end
ed_VBN in_IN states_NNS like_VB Virginia_NP years_NNS before_CS it_PPS did_DOD .
_. Southern_JJ resentment_NN has_HVZ been_BEN over_IN the_AT method_NN of_IN its
_PP$ ending_NN ,_, the_AT invasion_NN ,_, and_CC Reconstruction_NN-TL ;_. ;_. th
eir_PP$ fears_NNS now_RB are_BER of_IN miscegenation_NN and_CC Negro_NP politica
l_JJ control_NN in_IN many_AP counties_NNS ._. But_CC apart_RB from_IN racial_JJ
problems_NNS ,_, the_AT old_JJ unreconstructed_JJ South_NR-TL --_-- to_TO use_V
B the_AT moderate_JJ words_NNS favored_VBN by_IN Mr._NP Thomas_NP Griffith_NP --
_-- finds_VBZ itself_PPL unsympathetic_JJ to_IN most_AP of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ di
fferent_JJ about_IN the_AT civilization_NN of_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ._. And_CC t
his_DT ,_, in_IN effect_NN ,_, means_VBZ most_AP of_IN modern_JJ America_NP ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ hard_JJ to_TO see_VB how_WRB the_AT situation_NN could_MD be_BE ot
herwise_RB ._. And_CC therein_RB ,_, I_PPSS feel_VB ,_, many_AP Northerners_NNS-
TL delude_VB themselves_PPLS about_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. For_IN one_CD thing
_NN ,_, this_DT is_BEZ not_* a_AT subject_NN often_RB discussed_VBN or_CC analyz
ed_VBN ._. There_EX seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE almost_RB a_AT conspiracy_NN of_IN sil
ence_NN veiling_VBG it_PPO ._. I_PPSS suppose_VB the_AT reason_NN is_BEZ a_AT ki
nd_NN of_IN wishful_JJ thinking_NN :_: don't_DO* talk_VB about_IN the_AT final_J
J stages_NNS of_IN Reconstruction_NN-TL and_CC they_PPSS will_MD take_VB care_NN
of_IN themselves_PPLS ._. Or_CC else_RB the_AT North_NR-TL really_RB believes_V
BZ that_CS all_ABN Southerners_NNS-TL except_IN a_AT few_AP quaint_JJ old_JJ cha
racters_NNS have_HV come_VBN around_RB to_IN realizing_VBG the_AT errors_NNS of_
IN their_PP$ past_NN ,_, and_CC are_BER now_RB at_IN heart_NN sharers_NNS of_IN
the_AT American_JJ-TL Dream_NN-TL ,_, like_CS everybody_PN else_RB ._. If_CS the
_AT circumstances_NNS are_BER faced_VBN frankly_RB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* reasonabl
e_JJ to_TO expect_VB this_DT to_TO be_BE true_JJ ._. The_AT situation_NN of_IN t
he_AT South_NR-TL since_IN 1865_CD has_HVZ been_BEN unique_JJ in_IN the_AT weste
rn_JJ world_NN ._. Regardless_RB of_IN rights_NNS and_CC wrongs_NNS ,_, a_AT pop
ulation_NN and_CC an_AT area_NN appropriate_JJ to_IN a_AT pre-World-War-_JJ 1_CD
great_JJ power_NN have_HV been_BEN ,_, following_VBG conquest_NN ,_, ruled_VBN
against_IN their_PP$ will_NN by_IN a_AT neighboring_VBG people_NNS ,_, and_CC ha
ve_HV had_HVN imposed_VBN upon_IN them_PPO social_JJ and_CC economic_JJ controls
_NNS they_PPSS dislike_VB ._. And_CC the_AT great_JJ majority_NN of_IN these_DTS
people_NNS are_BER of_IN Anglo-Saxon_JJ or_CC Celtic_JJ descent_NN ._. This_DT
is_BEZ the_AT only_AP case_NN in_IN modern_JJ history_NN of_IN a_AT people_NNS o
f_IN Britannic_JJ origin_NN submitting_VBG without_IN continued_VBN struggle_NN
to_IN what_WDT they_PPSS view_VB as_QL foreign_JJ domination_NN ._. The_AT fact_
NN is_BEZ due_JJ mainly_RB to_IN international_JJ wars_NNS ,_, both_ABX hot_JJ a
nd_CC cold_JJ ._. In_IN every_AT war_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL
since_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL the_AT South_NR-TL was_BEDZ more_QL belli
gerent_JJ than_CS the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT country_NN ._. So_RB instead_RB of
_IN being_BEG tests_NNS of_IN the_AT South's_NR$-TL loyalty_NN ,_, the_AT Spanis
h_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, the_AT two_CD World_NN-TL Wars_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT Ko
rean_JJ-TL War_NN-TL all_ABN served_VBD to_TO overcome_VB old_JJ grievances_NNS
and_CC cement_VB reunion_NN ._. And_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT section_NN of_IN th
e_AT nation_NN more_QL ardent_JJ than_CS the_AT South_NR-TL in_IN the_AT cold_JJ
war_NN against_IN Communism_NN-TL ._. Had_HVD the_AT situation_NN been_BEN reve
rsed_VBN ,_, had_HVD ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, England_NP been_BEN the_AT enemy
_NN in_IN 1898_CD because_RB of_IN issues_NNS of_IN concern_NN chiefly_RB to_IN
New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ,_, there_EX is_BEZ little_AP doubt_NN that_CS large_JJ
numbers_NNS of_IN Southerners_NNS-TL would_MD have_HV happily_RB put_VBN on_RP t
heir_PP$ old_JJ Confederate_JJ-TL uniforms_NNS to_TO fight_VB as_CS allies_NNS o
f_IN Britain_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ extraordinary_JJ that_CS a_AT people_NNS as_QL
proud_JJ and_CC warlike_JJ as_CS Southerners_NNS-TL should_MD have_HV been_BEN
as_QL docile_JJ as_CS they_PPSS have_HV ._. The_AT North_NR-TL should_MD thank_V
B its_PP$ stars_NNS that_CS such_JJ has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT case_NN ;_. ;_. but_
CC at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN it_PPS should_MD not_* draw_VB false_JJ inferenc
es_NNS therefrom_RB ._. The_AT two_CD main_JJS charges_NNS levelled_VBN against_
IN the_AT Bourbons_NPS by_IN liberals_NNS is_BEZ that_CS they_PPSS are_BER racis
ts_NNS and_CC social_JJ reactionaries_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ much_AP truth_NN i
n_IN both_ABX these_DTS charges_NNS ,_, and_CC not_* many_AP Bourbons_NPS deny_V
B them_PPO ._. Whatever_WDT their_PP$ faults_NNS ,_, they_PPSS are_BER not_* hyp
ocrites_NNS ._. Most_AP of_IN them_PPO sincerely_RB believe_VB that_CS the_AT An
glo-Saxon_NP is_BEZ the_AT best_JJT race_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN and_CC that_CS
it_PPS should_MD remain_VB pure_JJ ._. Many_AP Northeners_NNS-TL believe_VB thi
s_DT ,_, too_RB ,_, but_CC few_AP of_IN them_PPO will_MD say_VB so_RB publicly_R
B ._. The_AT Bourbon_NP economic_JJ philosophy_NN ,_, moreover_RB ,_, is_BEZ not
_* very_QL different_JJ from_IN that_DT of_IN Northern_JJ-TL conservatives_NNS .
_. But_CC those_DTS among_IN the_AT Bourbons_NPS who_WPS remain_VB unreconstruct
ed_JJ go_VB much_QL further_RBR than_IN this_DT ._. They_PPSS believe_VB that_CS
if_CS the_AT South_NR-TL had_HVD been_BEN let_VBN alone_RB it_PPS would_MD have
_HV produced_VBN a_AT civilization_NN superior_JJ to_IN that_DT of_IN modern_JJ
America_NP ._. As_CS it_PPS is_BEZ ,_, they_PPSS consider_VB that_CS the_AT Nort
h_NR-TL is_BEZ now_RB reaping_VBG the_AT fruits_NNS of_IN excess_JJ egalitariani
sm_NN ,_, that_DT in_IN spite_NN of_IN its_PP$ high_JJ standard_NN of_IN living_
VBG the_AT ``_`` American_JJ way_NN ''_'' has_HVZ been_BEN proved_VBN inferior_J
J to_IN the_AT English_JJ and_CC Scandinavian_JJ ways_NNS ,_, although_CS they_P
PSS disapprove_VB of_IN the_AT socialistic_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT latter_A
P ._. The_AT South's_NR$-TL antipathy_NN to_IN Northern_JJ-TL civilization_NN in
cludes_VBZ such_JJ charges_NNS as_CS poor_JJ manners_NNS ,_, harsh_JJ accents_NN
S ,_, lack_NN of_IN appreciation_NN of_IN the_AT arts_NNS of_IN living_VBG like_
CS gastronomy_NN and_CC the_AT use_NN of_IN leisure_NN ._. Their_PP$ own_JJ easi
er_JJR ,_, slower_JJR tempo_NN is_BEZ especially_QL dear_JJ to_IN Southerners_NN
S-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC I_PPSS have_HV heard_VBN many_AP say_NN that_CS they_PPSS ar
e_BER content_JJ to_TO earn_VB a_AT half_ABN or_CC a_AT third_OD as_QL much_AP a
s_CS they_PPSS could_MD up_IN North_NR-TL because_CS they_PPSS so_QL much_RB pre
fer_VB the_AT quieter_JJR habits_NNS of_IN their_PP$ home_NN town_NN ._. In_IN t
he_AT past_NN ,_, the_AT duties_NNS of_IN the_AT state_NN ,_, as_CS Sir_NP Henry
_NP Maine_NP noted_VBD long_RB ago_RB ,_, were_BED only_RB two_CD in_IN number_N
N :_: internal_JJ order_NN and_CC external_JJ security_NN ._. By_IN prevailing_V
BG over_IN other_AP claimants_NNS for_IN the_AT loyalties_NNS of_IN men_NNS ,_,
the_AT nation-state_NN maintained_VBD an_AT adequate_JJ measure_NN of_IN certain
ty_NN and_CC order_NN within_IN its_PP$ territorial_JJ borders_NNS ._. Outside_I
N those_DTS limits_NNS it_PPS asserted_VBD ,_, as_CS against_IN other_AP states_
NNS ,_, a_AT position_NN of_IN sovereign_NN equality_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, as_CS aga
inst_IN the_AT ``_`` inferior_JJ ''_'' peoples_NNS of_IN the_AT non-Western_JJ w
orld_NN ,_, a_AT position_NN of_IN dominance_NN ._. It_PPS became_VBD the_AT sol
e_JJ ``_`` subject_NN ''_'' of_IN ``_`` international_JJ law_NN ''_'' (_( a_AT t
erm_NN which_WDT ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ pertinent_JJ to_TO remember_VB ,_, was_BEDZ c
oined_VBN by_IN Bentham_NP )_) ,_, a_AT body_NN of_IN legal_JJ principle_NN whic
h_WDT by_IN and_CC large_JJ was_BEDZ made_VBN up_RP of_IN what_WDT Western_JJ-TL
nations_NNS could_MD do_DO in_IN the_AT world_NN arena_NN ._. (_( That_DT corpu
s_NN of_IN law_NN was_BEDZ a_AT reflection_NN of_IN the_AT power_NN system_NN in
_IN existence_NN during_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD and_CC nineteenth_OD centuries_N
NS ._. Speaking_VBG generally_RB ,_, it_PPS furthered_VBD --_-- and_CC still_RB
tends_VBZ to_TO further_VB --_-- the_AT interests_NNS of_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL
powers_NNS ._. The_AT enormous_JJ changes_NNS in_IN world_NN politics_NN have_H
V ,_, however_RB ,_, thrown_VBN it_PPO into_IN confusion_NN ,_, so_QL much_RB so
_RB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ safe_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS all_QL international_JJ l
aw_NN is_BEZ now_RB in_IN need_NN of_IN reexamination_NN and_CC clarification_NN
in_IN light_NN of_IN the_AT social_JJ conditions_NNS of_IN the_AT present_JJ er
a_NN ._. )_) Beyond_IN the_AT two_CD basic_JJ tasks_NNS mentioned_VBN above_RB ,
_, no_AT attention_NN was_BEDZ paid_VBN by_IN statesman_NN or_CC scholar_NN to_I
N an_AT idea_NN of_IN state_NN responsibility_NN ,_, either_CC internally_RB or_
CC externally_RB ._. This_DT was_BEDZ particularly_QL true_JJ in_IN the_AT world
_NN arena_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ an_AT anarchical_JJ battleground_NN characte
rized_VBN by_IN strife_NN and_CC avaricious_JJ competition_NN for_IN colonial_JJ
empires_NNS ._. That_CS any_DTI sort_NN of_IN duty_NN was_BEDZ owed_VBN by_IN h
is_PP$ nation_NN to_IN other_AP nations_NNS would_MD have_HV astonished_VBN a_AT
nineteenth-century_NN statesman_NN ._. His_PP$ duty_NN was_BEDZ to_IN his_PP$ s
overeign_NN and_CC to_IN his_PP$ nation_NN ,_, and_CC an_AT extension_NN to_IN p
eoples_NNS beyond_IN the_AT territorial_JJ boundaries_NNS was_BEDZ not_* to_TO b
e_BE contemplated_VBN ._. Thus_RB ,_, to_TO cite_VB but_RB one_CD example_NN ,_,
the_AT Pax_FW-NN-TL Britannica_FW-JJ-TL of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN ,
_, whether_CS with_IN the_AT British_JJ navy_NN ruling_VBG the_AT seas_NNS or_CC
with_IN the_AT City_NN-TL of_IN-TL London_NP-TL ruling_VBG world_NN finance_NN
,_, was_BEDZ strictly_QL national_JJ in_IN motivation_NN ,_, however_WQL much_RB
other_AP nations_NNS (_( e.g._RB ,_, the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL )_) may
_MD have_HV incidentally_RB benefited_VBN ._. At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, a
ll_ABN suggestions_NNS that_CS some_DTI sort_NN of_IN societal_JJ responsibility
_NN existed_VBD for_IN the_AT welfare_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS within_IN the_A
T territorial_JJ state_NN was_BEDZ strongly_RB resisted_VBN ._. Social_JJ Darwin
ism_NP was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO stave_VB off_RP the_AT incipient_JJ socialist_NN m
ovement_NN until_CS well_RB into_IN the_AT present_JJ century_NN ._. However_RB
,_, in_IN recent_JJ decades_NNS ,_, for_IN what_WDT doubtless_RB are_BER multipl
e_JJ reasons_NNS ,_, an_AT unannounced_JJ but_CC nonetheless_RB readily_QL obser
vable_JJ shift_NN has_HVZ occurred_VBN in_IN both_ABX facets_NNS of_IN national_
JJ activity_NN ._. A_AT concept_NN of_IN responsibility_NN is_BEZ in_IN process_
NN of_IN articulation_NN and_CC establishment_NN ._. Already_RB firmly_RB implan
ted_VBN internally_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT growing_VBG factor_NN in_IN externa
l_JJ matters_NNS ._. A_AT little_QL more_AP than_IN twenty_CD years_NNS ago_RB t
he_AT American_JJ people_NNS turned_VBD an_AT important_JJ corner_NN ._. In_IN w
hat_WDT has_HVZ aptly_RB been_BEN called_VBN a_AT ``_`` constitutional_JJ revolu
tion_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT basic_JJ nature_NN of_IN government_NN was_BEDZ transfo
rmed_VBN from_IN one_CD essentially_QL negative_JJ in_IN nature_NN (_( the_AT ``
_`` night-watchman_NN state_NN ''_'' )_) to_IN one_CD with_IN affirmative_JJ dut
ies_NNS to_TO perform_VB ._. The_AT ``_`` positive_JJ state_NN ''_'' came_VBD in
to_IN existence_NN ._. For_IN lawyers_NNS ,_, reflecting_VBG perhaps_RB their_PP
$ parochial_JJ preferences_NNS ,_, there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT special_JJ fas
cination_NN since_IN then_RB in_IN the_AT role_NN played_VBN by_IN the_AT Suprem
e_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL in_IN that_DT transformation_NN --_-- the_AT manner_NN in_IN
which_WDT its_PP$ decisions_NNS altered_VBD in_IN ``_`` the_AT switch_NN in_IN
time_NN that_WPS saved_VBD nine_CD ''_'' ,_, President_NN-TL Roosevelt's_NP$ ill
-starred_JJ but_CC in_IN effect_NN victorious_JJ ``_`` Court-packing_NN plan_NN
''_'' ,_, the_AT imprimatur_NN of_IN judicial_JJ approval_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ f
inally_RB placed_VBN upon_IN social_JJ legislation_NN ._. Of_IN greater_JJR impo
rtance_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ the_AT content_NN of_IN those_DTS programs_N
NS ,_, which_WDT have_HV had_HVN and_CC are_BER having_HVG enormous_JJ consequen
ces_NNS for_IN the_AT American_JJ people_NNS ._. Labor_NN relations_NNS have_HV
been_BEN transformed_VBN ,_, income_NN security_NN has_HVZ become_VBN a_AT stand
ardized_VBN feature_NN of_IN political_JJ platforms_NNS ,_, and_CC all_ABN the_A
T many_AP facets_NNS of_IN the_AT American_JJ version_NN of_IN the_AT welfare_NN
state_NN have_HV become_VBN part_NN of_IN the_AT conventional_JJ wisdom_NN ._.
A_AT national_JJ consensus_NN of_IN near_IN unanimity_NN exists_VBZ that_CS thes
e_DTS governmental_JJ efforts_NNS are_BER desirable_JJ as_QL well_RB as_CS neces
sary_JJ ._. Ratified_VBN in_IN the_AT Republican_NP-TL Party_NN-TL victory_NN in
_IN 1952_CD ,_, the_AT Positive_JJ-TL State_NN-TL is_BEZ now_RB evidenced_VBN by
_IN political_JJ campaigns_NNS being_BEG waged_VBN not_* on_IN whether_CS but_CC
on_IN how_WQL much_AP social_JJ legislation_NN there_EX should_MD be_BE ._. The
_AT general_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN governmental_JJ (_( i.e.
_RB ,_, societal_JJ )_) responsibility_NN for_IN the_AT economic_JJ well-being_N
N of_IN the_AT American_JJ people_NNS is_BEZ surely_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT two_C
D most_QL significant_JJ watersheds_NNS in_IN American_JJ constitutional_JJ hist
ory_NN ._. The_AT other_AP ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT Civil_JJ-TL W
ar_NN-TL ,_, the_AT conflict_NN which_WDT a_AT century_NN ago_RB insured_VBD nat
ional_JJ unity_NN over_IN fragmentation_NN ._. A_AT third_OD ,_, one_CD of_IN at
_IN least_AP equal_JJ and_CC perhaps_RB even_QL greater_JJR importance_NN ,_, is
_BEZ now_RB being_BEG traversed_VBN :_: American_JJ immersion_NN and_CC involvem
ent_NN in_IN world_NN affairs_NNS ._. Internal_JJ national_JJ responsibility_NN
,_, now_RB a_AT truism_NN ,_, need_VB not_* be_BE documented_VBN ._. Nevertheles
s_RB ,_, it_PPS may_MD be_BE helpful_JJ to_TO cite_VB one_CD example_NN --_-- th
at_DT of_IN employment_NN --_-- for_CS ,_, as_CS will_MD be_BE shown_VBN below_R
B ,_, it_PPS cuts_VBZ across_IN both_ABX facets_NNS of_IN the_AT new_JJ concept_
NN ._. Thirty_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, while_CS the_AT nation_NN was_BEDZ wallowi
ng_VBG in_IN economic_JJ depression_NN ,_, the_AT prevailing_VBG philosophy_NN o
f_IN government_NN was_BEDZ to_TO stand_VB aside_RB and_CC allow_VB ``_`` natura
l_JJ forces_NNS ''_'' to_TO operate_VB and_CC cure_VB the_AT distress_NN ._. Tha
t_DT guiding_VBG principle_NN of_IN the_AT Hoover_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL fel
l_VBD to_IN the_AT siege_NN guns_NNS of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Deal_NN-TL ;_. ;_. l
ess_AP than_IN a_AT score_NN of_IN years_NNS later_RBR Congress_NP enacted_VBD t
he_AT Employment_NN-TL Act_NN-TL of_IN-TL 1946_CD-TL ,_, by_IN which_WDT the_AT
national_JJ government_NN assumed_VBD the_AT responsibility_NN of_IN taking_VBG
action_NN to_TO insure_VB conditions_NNS of_IN maximum_JJ employment_NN ._. Hand
s-off_RB the_AT economy_NN was_BEDZ replaced_VBN by_IN conscious_JJ guidance_NN
through_IN planning_VBG --_-- the_AT economic_JJ side_NN of_IN the_AT constituti
onal_JJ revolution_NN ._. In_IN 1961_CD the_AT first_OD important_JJ legislative
_JJ victory_NN of_IN the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_NN-TL came_VBD when_WRB
the_AT principle_NN of_IN national_JJ responsibility_NN for_IN local_JJ economi
c_JJ distress_NN won_VBD out_RP over_IN a_AT ``_`` state's-responsibility_NN ''_
'' proposal_NN --_-- provision_NN was_BEDZ made_VBN for_IN payment_NN for_IN une
mployment_NN relief_NN by_IN nation-wide_JJ taxation_NN rather_IN than_IN by_IN
a_AT levy_NN only_RB on_IN those_DTS states_NNS afflicted_VBN with_IN manpower_N
N surplus_NN ._. The_AT American_JJ people_NNS have_HV indeed_RB come_VBN a_AT l
ong_JJ way_NN in_IN the_AT brief_JJ interval_NN between_IN 1930_CD and_CC 1961_C
D ._. Internal_JJ national_JJ responsibility_NN is_BEZ a_AT societal_JJ response
_NN to_IN the_AT impact_NN of_IN the_AT Industrial_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL ._. Re
duced_VBN to_IN its_PP$ simplest_JJT terms_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ an_AT assumptio
n_NN of_IN a_AT collective_JJ duty_NN to_TO compensate_VB for_IN the_AT inabilit
y_NN of_IN individuals_NNS to_TO cope_VB with_IN the_AT rigors_NNS of_IN the_AT
era_NN ._. National_JJ responsibility_NN for_IN individual_JJ welfare_NN is_BEZ
a_AT concept_NN not_* limited_VBN to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL or_CC
even_RB to_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL nations_NNS ._. A_AT measure_NN of_IN its_PP
$ widespread_JJ acceptance_NN may_MD be_BE derived_VBN from_IN a_AT statement_NN
of_IN the_AT International_JJ-TL Congress_NP-TL of_IN-TL Jurists_NNS-TL in_IN 1
959_CD ._. Meeting_VBG in_IN New_JJ-TL Delhi_NP-TL under_IN the_AT auspices_NNS
of_IN the_AT International_JJ-TL Commission_NN-TL of_IN-TL Jurists_NNS-TL ,_, a_
AT body_NN of_IN lawyers_NNS from_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN ,_, the_AT Congress
_NP redefined_VBD and_CC expanded_VBD the_AT traditional_JJ Rule_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Law_NN-TL to_TO include_VB affirmative_JJ governmental_JJ duties_NNS ._. It_PPS
is_BEZ noteworthy_JJ that_CS the_AT majority_NN of_IN the_AT delegates_NNS to_IN
the_AT Congress_NP were_BED from_IN the_AT less_QL developed_VBN ,_, former_AP
colonial_JJ nations_NNS ._. The_AT Rule_NN-TL of_IN-TL Law_NN-TL ,_, historicall
y_RB a_AT principle_NN according_VBG everyone_PN his_PP$ ``_`` day_NN in_IN cour
t_NN ''_'' before_IN an_AT impartial_JJ tribunal_NN ,_, was_BEDZ broadened_VBN s
ubstantively_RB by_IN making_VBG it_PPO a_AT responsibility_NN of_IN government_
NN to_TO promote_VB individual_JJ welfare_NN ._. Recognizing_VBG that_CS the_AT
Rule_NN-TL of_IN-TL Law_NN-TL is_BEZ ``_`` a_AT dynamic_JJ concept_NN which_WDT
should_MD be_BE employed_VBN not_* only_RB to_TO safeguard_VB the_AT civil_JJ an
d_CC political_JJ rights_NNS of_IN the_AT individual_NN in_IN a_AT free_JJ socie
ty_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT Congress_NP asserted_VBD that_CS it_PPS also_RB included_
VBD the_AT responsibility_NN ``_`` to_TO establish_VB social_JJ ,_, economic_JJ
,_, educational_JJ and_CC cultural_JJ conditions_NNS under_IN which_WDT his_PP$
legitimate_JJ aspirations_NNS and_CC dignity_NN may_MD be_BE realized_VBN ''_''
._. The_AT idea_NN of_IN national_JJ responsibility_NN thus_RB has_HVZ become_VB
N a_AT common_JJ feature_NN of_IN the_AT nations_NNS of_IN the_AT non-Soviet_JJ
world_NN ._. For_IN better_JJR or_CC for_IN worse_JJR ,_, we_PPSS all_ABN now_RB
live_VB in_IN welfare_NN states_NNS ,_, the_AT organizing_VBG principle_NN of_I
N which_WDT is_BEZ collective_JJ responsibility_NN for_IN individual_JJ well-bei
ng_NN ._. Whether_CS a_AT concept_NN analogous_JJ to_IN the_AT principle_NN of_I
N internal_JJ responsibility_NN operates_VBZ in_IN a_AT nation's_NN$ external_JJ
relations_NNS is_BEZ less_QL obvious_JJ and_CC more_QL difficult_JJ to_TO estab
lish_VB ._. The_AT hypothesis_NN ventured_VBN here_RB is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS does
_DOZ ,_, and_CC that_CS evidence_NN is_BEZ accumulating_VBG validating_VBG that_
DT proposition_NN ._. The_AT content_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT same_AP ,_, however_
RB :_: rather_IN than_IN individual_JJ security_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT secu
rity_NN and_CC continuing_VBG existence_NN of_IN an_AT ``_`` ideological_JJ grou
p_NN ''_'' --_-- those_DTS in_IN the_AT ``_`` free_JJ world_NN ''_'' --_-- that_
DT is_BEZ basic_JJ ._. External_JJ national_JJ responsibility_NN involves_VBZ a_
AT burgeoning_VBG requirement_NN that_CS the_AT leaders_NNS of_IN the_AT Western
_JJ-TL nations_NNS so_RB guide_VB their_PP$ decisions_NNS as_CS to_TO further_VB
the_AT viability_NN of_IN other_AP friendly_JJ nations_NNS ._. If_CS internal_J
J responsibility_NN suggests_VBZ acceptance_NN of_IN the_AT socialist_JJ ideal_N
N of_IN equality_NN ,_, then_RB external_JJ responsibility_NN implies_VBZ adhere
nce_NN to_IN principles_NNS of_IN ideological_JJ supranationalism_NN ._. Referen
ce_NN to_IN two_CD other_AP concepts_NNS --_-- nationalism_NN and_CC sovereignty
_NN --_-- may_MD help_VB to_TO reveal_VB the_AT contours_NNS of_IN the_AT new_JJ
principle_NN ._. In_IN its_PP$ beginnings_NNS the_AT nation-state_NN had_HVD to
_TO struggle_VB to_TO assert_VB itself_PPL --_-- internally_RB ,_, against_IN fe
udal_JJ groups_NNS ,_, and_CC externally_RB ,_, against_IN the_AT power_NN and_C
C influence_NN of_IN such_JJ other_AP claimants_NNS for_IN loyalty_NN as_CS the_
AT Church_NN-TL ._. The_AT breakup_NN of_IN the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Roman_JJ-TL Empire
_NN-TL and_CC the_AT downfall_NN of_IN feudalism_NN led_VBD ,_, not_* more_AP th
an_IN two_CD centuries_NNS ago_RB ,_, to_IN the_AT surge_NN of_IN nationalism_NN
._. (_( Since_IN the_AT time-span_NN of_IN the_AT nation-state_NN coincides_VBZ
roughly_RB with_IN the_AT separate_JJ existence_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL S
tates_NNS-TL as_CS an_AT independent_JJ entity_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ perhaps_RB n
atural_JJ for_IN Americans_NPS to_TO think_VB of_IN the_AT nation_NN as_CS repre
sentative_JJ of_IN the_AT highest_JJT form_NN of_IN order_NN ,_, something_PN pe
rmanent_JJ and_CC unchanging_JJ ._. )_) The_AT concept_NN of_IN nationalism_NN i
s_BEZ the_AT political_JJ principle_NN that_WPS epitomizes_VBZ and_CC glorifies_
VBZ the_AT territorial_JJ state_NN as_CS the_AT characteristic_JJ type_NN of_IN
socal_JJ structure_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ more_AP than_CS that_DT ._. For_C
S it_PPS includes_VBZ the_AT emotional_JJ ties_NNS that_WPS bind_VB men_NNS to_I
N their_PP$ homeland_NN and_CC the_AT complex_JJ motivations_NNS that_WPS hold_V
B a_AT large_JJ group_NN of_IN people_NNS together_RB as_CS a_AT unit_NN ._. Tod
ay_NR ,_, as_QL new_JJ nations_NNS rise_VB from_IN the_AT former_AP colonial_JJ
empires_NNS ,_, nationalism_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT hurricane_NN forces_NN
S loose_JJ in_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Almost_QL febrile_JJ in_IN intensity_NN ,_,
the_AT principle_NN has_HVZ become_VBN worldwide_JJ in_IN application_NN --_--
unfortunately_RB at_IN the_AT very_AP time_NN that_CS nationalist_NN fervors_NNS
can_MD wreak_VB greatest_JJT harm_NN ._. Historically_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, the
_AT concept_NN is_BEZ one_CD that_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN of_IN marked_VBN benefit_
NN to_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL civilizational_JJ group_NN
._. By_IN subduing_VBG disparate_JJ lesser_JJR groups_NNS the_AT nation_NN has_
HVZ ,_, to_IN some_DTI degree_NN at_IN least_AP ,_, broadened_VBN the_AT capacit
y_NN for_IN individual_JJ liberty_NN ._. Within_IN their_PP$ confines_NNS ,_, mo
reover_RB ,_, technological_JJ and_CC industrial_JJ growth_NN has_HVZ proceeded_
VBN at_IN an_AT accelerated_VBN pace_NN ,_, thus_RB increasing_VBG the_AT cornuc
opia_NN from_IN which_WDT material_NN wants_NNS can_MD be_BE satisfied_VBN ._. W
hile_CS the_AT pattern_NN is_BEZ uneven_JJ ,_, some_DTI having_HVG gained_VBN mo
re_AP than_CS others_NNS ,_, nationalism_NN has_HVZ in_IN fact_NN served_VBD the
_AT Western_JJ-TL peoples_NNS well_RB ._. (_( Whether_CS historical_JJ nationali
sm_NN helped_VBD the_AT peoples_NNS of_IN the_AT remainder_NN of_IN the_AT world
_NN ,_, and_CC whether_CS today's_NR$ nationalism_NN in_IN the_AT former_AP colo
nial_JJ areas_NNS has_HVZ equally_QL beneficial_JJ aspects_NNS ,_, are_BER other
_AP questions_NNS ._. )_) It_PPS is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT ironic_JJ quirks_NNS
of_IN history_NN that_CS the_AT viability_NN and_CC usefulness_NN of_IN nationa
lism_NN and_CC the_AT territorial_JJ state_NN are_BER rapidly_RB dissipating_VBG
at_IN precisely_RB the_AT time_NN that_CS the_AT nation-state_NN attained_VBD i
ts_PP$ highest_JJT number_NN (_( approximately_RB 100_CD )_) ._. But_CC it_PPS i
s_BEZ more_AP than_CS irony_NN :_: one_CD of_IN the_AT main_JJS reasons_NNS why_
WRB nationalism_NN is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR a_AT tenable_JJ concept_NN is_BEZ bec
ause_CS it_PPS has_HVZ spread_VBN throughout_IN the_AT planet_NN ._. In_IN other
_AP words_NNS ,_, nationalism_NN worked_VBD well_RB enough_QLP when_WRB it_PPS h
ad_HVD limited_VBN application_NN ,_, both_ABX as_IN to_IN geography_NN and_CC a
s_IN to_IN population_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS becomes_VBZ a_AT perilous_JJ anachronism
_NN when_WRB adopted_VBN on_IN a_AT world-wide_JJ basis_NN ._. Complementing_VBG
the_AT political_JJ principle_NN of_IN nationalism_NN is_BEZ the_AT legal_JJ pr
inciple_NN of_IN sovereignty_NN ._. The_AT former_AP receives_VBZ its_PP$ legiti
macy_NN from_IN the_AT latter_AP ._. Operating_VBG side_NN by_IN side_NN ,_, tog
ether_RB they_PPSS helped_VBD shore_NN up_RP the_AT nation-state_NN ._. While_CS
sovereignty_NN has_HVZ roots_NNS in_IN antiquity_NN ,_, in_IN its_PP$ present_J
J usage_NN it_PPS is_BEZ essentially_QL modern_JJ ._. Jean_NP Bodin_NP ,_, writi
ng_VBG in_IN the_AT sixteenth_OD century_NN ,_, may_MD have_HV been_BEN the_AT s
eminal_JJ thinker_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT vastly_QL influential_JJ
John_NP Austin_NP who_WPS set_VBD out_RP the_AT main_JJS lines_NNS of_IN the_AT
concept_NN as_CS now_RB understood_VBN ._. Austin's_NP$ nineteenth-century_NN vi
ew_NN of_IN law_NN and_CC sovereignty_NN still_RB dominates_VBZ much_AP of_IN to
day's_NR$ legal_JJ and_CC political_JJ thinking_NN ._. To_IN him_PPO ,_, law_NN
is_BEZ the_AT command_NN of_IN the_AT sovereign_NN (_( the_AT English_JJ monarch
_NN )_) who_WPS personifies_VBZ the_AT power_NN of_IN the_AT nation_NN ,_, while
_CS sovereignty_NN is_BEZ the_AT power_NN to_TO make_VB law_NN --_-- i.e._RB ,_,
to_TO prevail_VB over_IN internal_JJ groups_NNS and_CC to_TO be_BE free_JJ from
_IN the_AT commands_NNS of_IN other_AP sovereigns_NNS in_IN other_AP nations_NNS
._. These_DTS fundamental_JJ ideas_NNS --_-- the_AT indivisibility_NN of_IN sov
ereignty_NN and_CC its_PP$ dual_JJ (_( internal-external_JJ )_) aspects_NNS --_-
- still_RB remain_VB the_AT core_NN of_IN that_DT concept_NN of_IN ultimate_JJ p
olitical_JJ power_NN ._. The_AT nation-state_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, exemplifies_VBZ
the_AT principle_NN of_IN nationalism_NN and_CC exercises_VBZ sovereignty_NN :_:
supreme_JJ power_NN over_IN domestic_JJ affairs_NNS and_CC independence_NN from
_IN outside_JJ control_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, both_ABX principl
es_NNS have_HV always_RB been_BEN nebulous_JJ and_CC loosely_RB defined_VBN ._.
High-level_NN abstractions_NNS are_BER always_RB difficult_JJ to_TO pin_VB down_
RP with_IN precision_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ particularly_QL true_JJ of_IN soverei
gnty_NN when_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ applied_VBN to_IN democratic_JJ societies_NNS ,_,
in_IN which_WDT ``_`` popular_JJ ''_'' sovereignty_NN is_BEZ said_VBN to_TO exi
st_VB ,_, and_CC in_IN federal_JJ nations_NNS ,_, in_IN which_WDT the_AT jobs_NN
S of_IN government_NN are_BER split_VBN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, nationalism_NN a
nd_CC sovereignty_NN are_BER reputed_VBN ,_, in_IN the_AT accepted_VBN wisdom_NN
,_, to_TO describe_VB the_AT modern_JJ world_NN ._. Is_BEZ there_EX a_AT differ
ent_JJ reality_NN behind_IN the_AT facade_NN ?_. ?_. Does_DOZ the_AT surface_NN
hide_NN a_AT quite_QL different_JJ picture_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT short_JJ answer_NN
to_IN those_DTS questions_NNS is_BEZ ``_`` yes_RB ''_'' ._. Both_ABX concepts_NN
S are_BER undergoing_VBG alteration_NN ;_. ;_. to_IN some_DTI degree_NN they_PPS
S are_BER being_BEG supplanted_VBN by_IN a_AT concept_NN of_IN national_JJ respo
nsibility_NN ._. As_CS evidence_NN to_TO support_VB that_DT view_NN ,_, consider
_VB the_AT following_VBG illustrative_JJ instances_NNS ._. Can_MD thermonuclear_
JJ war_NN be_BE set_VBN off_RP by_IN accident_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT steps_NNS have
_HV been_BEN taken_VBN to_TO guard_VB against_IN the_AT one_CD sort_NN of_IN mis
hap_NN that_WPS could_MD trigger_VB the_AT destruction_NN of_IN continents_NNS ?
_. ?_. Are_BER we_PPSS as_QL safe_JJ as_CS we_PPSS should_MD be_BE from_IN such_
ABL a_AT disaster_NN ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ anything_PN being_BEG done_VBN to_TO increas
e_VB our_PP$ margin_NN of_IN safety_NN ?_. ?_. Will_MD the_AT danger_NN increase
_VB or_CC decrease_VB ?_. ?_. I_PPSS have_HV just_RB asked_VBN these_DTS questio
ns_NNS in_IN the_AT Pentagon_NN-TL ,_, in_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ,_,
in_IN offices_NNS of_IN key_JJS scientists_NNS across_IN the_AT country_NN and_C
C aboard_IN the_AT submarines_NNS that_WPS prowl_VB for_IN months_NNS underwater
_RB ,_, with_IN neat_JJ rows_NNS of_IN green_JJ launch_NN tubes_NNS which_WDT co
ntain_VB Polaris_NP missiles_NNS and_CC which_WDT are_BER affectionately_RB know
n_VBN as_CS ``_`` Sherwood_NP-TL Forest_NN-TL ''_'' ._. I_PPSS asked_VBD the_AT
same_AP questions_NNS inside_IN the_AT launch-control_NN rooms_NNS of_IN an_AT A
tlas_NP missile_NN base_NN in_IN Wyoming_NP ,_, where_WRB officers_NNS who_WPS w
ear_VB sidearms_NNS are_BER manning_VBG the_AT ``_`` commit_JJ buttons_NNS ''_''
that_WPS could_MD start_VB a_AT war_NN --_-- accidentally_RB or_CC by_IN design
_NN --_-- and_CC in_IN the_AT command_NN centers_NNS where_WRB other_AP pistol-p
acking_JJ men_NNS could_MD give_VB orders_NNS to_TO push_VB such_JJ buttons_NNS
._. To_IN the_AT men_NNS in_IN the_AT instrument-jammed_JJ bomber_NN cockpits_NN
S ,_, submarine_NN compartments_NNS and_CC the_AT antiseptic_JJ ,_, windowless_J
J rooms_NNS that_WPS would_MD be_BE the_AT foxholes_NNS of_IN tomorrow's_NR$ imp
ersonal_JJ intercontinental_JJ wars_NNS ,_, the_AT questions_NNS seem_VB farfetc
hed_JJ ._. There_EX is_BEZ unceasing_JJ pressure_NN ,_, but_CC its_PP$ sources_N
NS are_BER immediate_JJ ._. ``_`` Readiness_NN exercises_NNS ''_'' are_BER almos
t_QL continuous_JJ ._. Each_DT could_MD be_BE the_AT real_JJ thing_NN ._. In_IN
the_AT command_NN centers_NNS there_EX are_BER special_JJ clocks_NNS ready_VB to
_TO tick_VB off_RP the_AT minutes_NNS elapsed_VBN since_IN ``_`` E_NN hour_NN ''
_'' ._. ``_`` E_NP ''_'' stands_VBZ for_IN ``_`` execution_NN-NC ''_'' --_-- the
_AT moment_NN a_AT ``_`` go_VB order_NN ''_'' would_MD unleash_VB an_AT American
_JJ nuclear_JJ strike_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ little_AP time_NN for_IN the_AT men
_NNS in_IN the_AT command_NN centers_NNS to_TO reflect_VB about_IN the_AT implic
ations_NNS of_IN these_DTS clocks_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER preoccupied_VBN ridi
ng_VBG herd_NN on_IN control_NN panels_NNS ,_, switches_NNS ,_, flashing_VBG col
ored_VBN lights_NNS on_IN pale_JJ green_JJ or_CC gray_JJ consoles_NNS that_WPS l
ook_VB like_CS business_NN machines_NNS ._. They_PPSS know_VB little_AP about_IN
their_PP$ machinery_NN beyond_IN mechanical_JJ details_NNS ._. Accidental_JJ wa
r_NN is_BEZ so_QL sensitive_JJ a_AT subject_NN that_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT peop
le_NNS who_WPS could_MD become_VB directly_RB involved_VBN in_IN one_CD are_BER
told_VBN just_RB enough_AP so_CS they_PPSS can_MD perform_VB their_PP$ portions_
NNS of_IN incredibly_QL complex_JJ tasks_NNS ._. Among_IN the_AT policy_NN maker
s_NNS ,_, generals_NNS ,_, physicists_NNS ,_, psychologists_NNS and_CC others_NN
S charged_VBN with_IN controlling_VBG the_AT actions_NNS of_IN the_AT button_NN
pushers_NNS and_CC their_PP$ ``_`` hardware_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT answers_NNS to_I
N my_PP$ questions_NNS varied_VBD partly_RB according_IN to_IN a_AT man's_NN$ fl
air_NN for_IN what_WDT the_AT professionals_NNS in_IN this_DT field_NN call_VB `
`_`` scenarios_NNS ''_'' ._. As_CS an_AT Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL psychiatrist_NN p
ut_VBD it_PPO :_: ``_`` You_PPSS can't_MD* have_HV dry_JJ runs_NNS on_IN this_DT
one_CD ''_'' ._. The_AT experts_NNS are_BER thus_RB forced_VBN to_TO hypothesiz
e_VB sequences_NNS of_IN events_NNS that_WPS have_HV never_RB occurred_VBN ,_, p
robably_RB never_RB will_MD --_-- but_CC possibly_RB might_MD ._. Only_RB one_CD
rule_NN prevailed_VBD in_IN my_PP$ conversations_NNS with_IN these_DTS men_NNS
:_: The_AT more_QL highly_QL placed_VBN they_PPSS are_BER --_-- that_DT is_BEZ ,
_, the_AT more_AP they_PPSS know_VB --_-- the_AT more_QL concerned_VBN they_PPSS
have_HV become_VBN ._. Already_RB accidental_JJ war_NN is_BEZ a_AT silent_JJ gu
est_NN at_IN the_AT discussions_NNS within_IN the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administratio
n_NN-TL about_IN the_AT urgency_NN of_IN disarmament_NN and_CC nearly_RB all_ABN
other_AP questions_NNS of_IN national_JJ security_NN ._. Only_QL recently_RB ne
w_JJ ``_`` holes_NNS ''_'' were_BED discovered_VBN in_IN our_PP$ safety_NN measu
res_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT search_NN is_BEZ now_RB on_RP for_IN more_AP ._. Work_NN
is_BEZ under_IN way_NN to_TO see_VB whether_CS new_JJ restraining_VBG devices_N
NS should_MD be_BE installed_VBN on_IN all_ABN nuclear_JJ weapons_NNS ._. Meanwh
ile_RB ,_, the_AT experts_NNS speak_VB of_IN wars_NNS triggered_VBN by_IN ``_``
false_JJ pre-emption_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` escalation_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` unauthoriz
ed_JJ behavior_NN ''_'' and_CC other_AP terms_NNS that_WPS will_MD be_BE discuss
ed_VBN in_IN this_DT report_NN ._. They_PPSS inhabit_VB a_AT secret_JJ world_NN
centered_VBN on_IN ``_`` go_VB codes_NNS ''_'' and_CC ``_`` gold_JJ phones_NNS '
'_'' ._. Their_PP$ conversations_NNS were_BED ,_, almost_QL invariably_RB ,_, ac
companied_VBN by_IN the_AT same_AP gestures_NNS --_-- arms_NNS and_CC pointed_VB
N forefingers_NNS darting_VBG toward_IN each_DT other_AP in_IN arclike_JJ semici
rcular_JJ motions_NNS ._. One_CD arm_NN represented_VBD our_PP$ bombers_NNS and_
CC missiles_NNS ,_, the_AT other_AP arm_NN ``_`` theirs_PP$$ ''_'' ._. Yet_CC im
plicit_JJ in_IN each_DT movement_NN was_BEDZ the_AT death_NN of_IN millions_NNS
,_, perhaps_RB hundreds_NNS of_IN millions_NNS ,_, perhaps_RB you_PPSS and_CC me
_PPO --_-- and_CC the_AT experts_NNS ._. These_DTS men_NNS are_BER not_* callous
_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ their_PP$ job_NN to_TO think_VB about_IN the_AT unthinkabl
e_JJ ._. Unanimously_RB they_PPSS believe_VB that_CS the_AT world_NN would_MD be
come_VB a_AT safer_JJR place_NN if_CS more_AP of_IN us_PPO --_-- and_CC more_AP
Russians_NPS and_CC Communist_JJ Chinese_NPS ,_, too_RB --_-- thought_VBD about_
IN accidental_JJ war_NN ._. The_AT first_OD systematic_JJ thinking_NN about_IN t
his_DT Pandora's_NP$ box_NN within_IN Pandora's_NP$ boxes_NNS was_BEDZ done_VBN
four_CD years_NNS ago_RB by_IN Fred_NP Ikle_NP ,_, a_AT frail_JJ ,_, meek-manner
ed_JJ Swiss-born_JJ sociologist_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, and_CC is_BEZ ,_, wit
h_IN the_AT RAND_NN-TL Corporation_NN-TL ,_, a_AT nonprofit_JJ pool_NN of_IN thi
nkers_NNS financed_VBN by_IN the_AT U.S._NP-TL Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL ._. His_PP$
investigations_NNS made_VBD him_PPO the_AT Paul_NP Revere_NP of_IN accidental_J
J war_NN ,_, and_CC safety_NN procedures_NNS were_BED enormously_QL increased_VB
N ._. In_IN recent_JJ weeks_NNS ,_, as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN a_AT sweeping_VBG
defense_NN policy_NN reappraisal_NN by_IN the_AT Kennedy_NP-TL Administration_N
N-TL ,_, basic_JJ United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL strategy_NN has_HVZ been_BEN modif
ied_VBN --_-- and_CC large_JJ new_JJ sums_NNS allocated_VBN --_-- to_TO meet_VB
the_AT accidental-war_JJ danger_NN and_CC to_TO reduce_VB it_PPO as_QL quickly_R
B as_CS possible_JJ ._. The_AT chain_NN starts_VBZ at_IN BMEWS_NN (_( Ballistic_
JJ-TL Missile_NN-TL Early_JJ-TL Warning_NN-TL System_NN-TL )_) in_IN Thule_NP ,_
, Greenland_NP ._. Its_PP$ radar_NN screens_NNS would_MD register_VB Soviet_NP m
issiles_NNS shortly_RB after_CS they_PPSS are_BER launched_VBN against_IN the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. BMEWS_NP intelligence_NN is_BEZ simultaneously_
QL flashed_VBN to_IN NORAD_NN (_( North_JJ-TL American_JJ-TL Air_NN-TL Defense_N
N-TL Command_NN-TL )_) in_IN Colorado_NP-TL Springs_NNS-TL ,_, Colorado_NP ,_, f
or_IN interpretation_NN ;_. ;_. to_IN the_AT SAC_NN command_NN and_CC control_NN
post_NN ,_, forty-five_CD feet_NNS below_IN the_AT ground_NN at_IN Offutt_NP-TL
Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL Base_NN-TL ,_, near_IN Omaha_NP ,_, Nebraska_NP ;_. ;_. t
o_IN the_AT Joint_JJ-TL War_NN-TL Room_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Joint_JJ-TL Chiefs_NNS
-TL of_IN-TL Staff_NN-TL in_IN the_AT Pentagon_NN-TL and_CC to_IN the_AT Preside
nt_NN-TL ._. Telephones_NNS ,_, Teletypes_NNS ,_, several_AP kinds_NNS of_IN rad
io_NN systems_NNS and_CC ,_, in_IN some_DTI cases_NNS ,_, television_NN ,_, link
_VB all_QL vital_JJ points_NNS ._. Alternate_JJ locations_NNS exist_VB for_IN al
l_ABN key_JJS command_NN centers_NNS ._. For_IN last-ditch_NN emergencies_NNS SA
C_NN has_HVZ alternate_JJ command_NN posts_NNS on_IN KC-135_NN jet_NN tankers_NN
S ._. Multiple_JJ circuits_NNS ,_, routings_NNS and_CC frequencies_NNS make_VB t
he_AT chain_NN as_QL unbreakable_JJ as_CS possible_JJ ._. The_AT same_AP princip
le_NN of_IN ``_`` redundancy_NN ''_'' applies_VBZ to_IN all_ABN communications_N
NS on_IN these_DTS special_JJ networks_NNS ._. And_CC no_AT messages_NNS can_MD
be_BE transmitted_VBN on_IN these_DTS circuits_NNS until_CS senders_NNS and_CC r
eceivers_NNS authenticate_VB in_IN advance_NN ,_, by_IN special_JJ codes_NNS ,_,
that_CS the_AT messages_NNS actually_RB come_VB from_IN their_PP$ purported_VBN
sources_NNS ._. Additional_JJ codes_NNS can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO challenge_V
B and_CC counterchallenge_VB the_AT authentications_NNS ._. Only_RB the_AT Presi
dent_NN-TL is_BEZ permitted_VBN to_TO authorize_VB the_AT use_NN of_IN nuclear_J
J weapons_NNS ._. That's_DT+BEZ the_AT law_NN ._. But_CC what_WDT if_CS somebody
_PN decides_VBZ to_TO break_VB it_PPO ?_. ?_. The_AT President_NN-TL cannot_MD*
personally_RB remove_VB the_AT safety_NN devices_NNS from_IN every_AT nuclear_JJ
trigger_NN ._. He_PPS makes_VBZ the_AT momentous_JJ decision_NN ._. Hundreds_NN
S of_IN men_NNS are_BER required_VBN to_TO pass_VB the_AT word_NN to_IN the_AT b
utton_NN pushers_NNS and_CC to_TO push_VB the_AT buttons_NNS ._. What_WDT if_CS
one_CD or_CC more_AP of_IN them_PPO turn_VB irrational_JJ or_CC suddenly_RB ,_,
coolly_RB ,_, decide_VB to_TO clobber_VB the_AT Russians_NPS ?_. ?_. What_WDT if
_CS the_AT President_NN-TL himself_PPL ,_, in_IN the_AT language_NN of_IN the_AT
military_JJ ,_, ``_`` goes_VBZ ape_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Or_CC singlehandedly_RB dec
ided_VBD to_TO reverse_VB national_JJ policy_NN and_CC hit_VB the_AT Soviets_NPS
without_IN provocation_NN ?_. ?_. Nobody_PN can_MD be_BE absolutely_QL certain_
JJ of_IN the_AT answers_NNS ._. However_RB ,_, the_AT system_NN is_BEZ designed_
VBN ,_, ingeniously_RB and_CC hopefully_RB ,_, so_CS that_CS no_AT one_CD man_NN
could_MD initiate_VB a_AT thermonuclear_JJ war_NN ._. Even_RB the_AT President_
NN-TL cannot_MD* pick_VB up_RP his_PP$ telephone_NN and_CC give_VB a_AT ``_`` go
_VB ''_'' order_NN ._. Even_RB he_PPS does_DOZ not_* know_VB the_AT one_CD signa
l_NN for_IN a_AT nuclear_JJ strike_NN --_-- the_AT ``_`` go_VB code_NN ''_'' ._.
In_IN an_AT emergency_NN he_PPS would_MD receive_VB available_JJ intelligence_N
N on_IN the_AT ``_`` gold-phone_JJ circuit_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT system_NN of_IN ``_
`` gold_JJ ''_'' --_-- actually_RB yellow_JJ --_-- phones_NNS connects_VBZ him_P
PO with_IN the_AT offices_NNS and_CC action_NN stations_NNS of_IN the_AT Secreta
ry_NN-TL of_IN-TL Defense_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Joint_JJ-TL Chiefs_NNS-TL of_IN-TL St
aff_NN-TL ,_, the_AT SAC_NN commander_NN and_CC other_AP key_JJS men_NNS ._. All
_ABN can_MD be_BE connected_VBN with_IN the_AT gold_JJ circuit_NN from_IN their_
PP$ homes_NNS ._. All_ABN could_MD help_VB the_AT President_NN-TL make_VB his_PP
$ decision_NN ._. The_AT talk_NN would_MD not_* be_BE in_IN code_NN ,_, but_CC n
either_CC would_MD it_PPO ramble_VB ._. Vital_JJ questions_NNS would_MD be_BE qu
ickly_RB answered_VBN according_IN to_IN a_AT preprepared_VBN agenda_NN ._. Offi
cers_NNS who_WPS participate_VB in_IN the_AT continual_JJ practice_NN drills_NNS
assured_VBD me_PPO that_CS the_AT President's_NN$-TL decision_NN could_MD be_BE
made_VBN and_CC announced_VBN on_IN the_AT gold_JJ circuit_NN within_IN minutes
_NNS after_IN the_AT first_OD flash_NN from_IN Aj_NN ._. If_CS communications_NN
S work_VB ,_, his_PP$ decision_NN would_MD be_BE instantly_QL known_VBN in_IN al
l_ABN command_NN posts_NNS that_WPS would_MD originate_VB the_AT actual_JJ go_VB
order_NN ._. For_CS these_DTS centers_NNS ,_, too_RB ,_, are_BER on_IN the_AT g
old_JJ circuit_NN ._. They_PPSS include_VB the_AT Navy's_NN$-TL Atlantic_JJ-TL C
ommand_NN-TL at_IN Norfolk_NP ,_, Virginia_NP ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ in_IN contact
_NN with_IN the_AT Polaris_NP subs_NNS ;_. ;_. NATO_NN headquarters_NNS in_IN Eu
rope_NP ;_. ;_. Air_NN-TL Force_NN-TL forward_JJ headquarters_NNS in_IN Europe_N
P and_CC in_IN the_AT Pacific_NP ,_, which_WDT control_NN tactical_JJ fighters_N
NS on_IN ships_NNS and_CC land_NN bases_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC SAC_NN ,_, which_WDT
controls_VBZ long-range_NN bombers_NNS and_CC Atlas_NP missiles_NNS ._. Let_VB u
s_PPO look_VB in_RP on_IN one_CD of_IN these_DTS nerve_NN centers_NNS --_-- SAC_
NN at_IN Omaha_NP --_-- and_CC see_VB what_WDT must_MD still_RB happen_VB before
_CS a_AT wing_NN of_IN B-52_NN bombers_NNS could_MD drop_VB their_PP$ Aj_NN ._.
In_IN a_AT word_NN ,_, plenty_NN ._. The_AT key_JJS man_NN almost_QL certainly_R
B would_MD be_BE Col._NN-TL William_NP W._NP Wisman_NP ,_, SAC's_NN senior_JJ co
ntroller_NN ._. He_PPS or_CC his_PP$ deputy_NN or_CC one_CD of_IN their_PP$ seve
n_CD assistants_NNS ,_, all_ABN full_JJ colonels_NNS ,_, mans_VBZ the_AT heart_N
N of_IN the_AT command_NN post_NN twenty-four_CD hours_NNS a_AT day_NN ._. It_PP
S is_BEZ a_AT quiet_JJ but_CC impressive_JJ room_NN --_-- 140_CD feet_NNS long_J
J ,_, thirty-nine_CD feet_NNS wide_JJ ,_, twenty-one_CD feet_NNS high_JJ ._. Mov
able_JJ panels_NNS of_IN floor-to-ceiling_JJ maps_NNS and_CC charts_NNS are_BER
crammed_VBN with_IN intelligence_NN information_NN ._. And_CC Bill_NP Wisman_NP
,_, forty-three_CD ,_, a_AT farmer's_NN$ son_NN from_IN Beallsville_NP ,_, Ohio_
NP ,_, is_BEZ a_AT quiet_JJ but_CC impressive_JJ man_NN ._. His_PP$ eyes_NNS are
_BER steady_JJ anchors_NNS of_IN the_AT deepest_JJT brown_JJ ._. His_PP$ movemen
ts_NNS and_CC speech_NN are_BER precise_JJ ,_, clear_JJ and_CC quick_JJ ._. No_A
T question_NN ruffles_VBZ him_PPO or_CC causes_VBZ him_PPO to_TO hesitate_VB ._.
Wisman_NP ,_, who_WPS has_HVZ had_HVN the_AT chief_JJS controller's_NN$ job_NN
for_IN four_CD years_NNS ,_, calls_VBZ the_AT signals_NNS for_IN a_AT team_NN op
erating_VBG three_CD rows_NNS of_IN dull-gray_JJ consoles_NNS studded_VBN with_I
N lights_NNS ,_, switches_NNS and_CC buttons_NNS ._. At_IN least_AP a_AT dozen_N
N men_NNS ,_, some_DTI armed_VBN ,_, are_BER never_RB far_QL away_RB from_IN him
_PPO ._. In_IN front_NN of_IN him_PPO is_BEZ a_AT gold_JJ phone_NN ._. In_IN eme
rgencies_NNS the_AT SAC_NN commander_NN ,_, Gen._NN-TL Thomas_NP Power_NP ,_, or
_CC his_PP$ deputies_NNS and_CC their_PP$ staff_NN would_MD occupy_VB a_AT balco
ny_NN that_WPS stretches_VBZ across_IN the_AT length_NN of_IN the_AT room_NN abo
ve_IN Wisman_NP and_CC his_PP$ staff_NN ._. At_IN General_NN-TL Power's_NP$ seat
_NN in_IN the_AT balcony_NN there_EX is_BEZ also_RB a_AT gold_JJ phone_NN ._. Ge
neral_NN-TL Power_NP would_MD participate_VB in_IN the_AT decision_NN making_NN
._. Wisman_NP ,_, below_RB ,_, would_MD listen_VB in_RP and_CC act_VB ._. His_PP
$ consoles_NNS can_MD give_VB him_PPO instant_JJ contact_NN with_IN more_AP than
_IN seventy_CD bases_NNS around_IN the_AT world_NN and_CC with_IN every_AT SAC_N
N aircraft_NN ._. He_PPS need_MD only_RB pick_VB up_RP one_CD of_IN the_AT two_C
D red_JJ telephone_NN receivers_NNS at_IN his_PP$ extreme_JJ left_NR ,_, right_Q
L next_RB to_IN the_AT big_JJ red_JJ button_NN marked_VBN alert_NN ._. (_( There
_EX are_BER two_CD receivers_NNS in_IN case_NN one_CD should_MD be_BE dropped_VB
N and_CC damaged_VBN ._. )_) But_CC Wisman_NP ,_, too_RB ,_, does_DOZ not_* know
_VB the_AT go_VB code_NN ._. He_PPS must_MD take_VB it_PPO from_IN ``_`` the_AT
red_JJ box_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN point_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, this_DT is_BEZ a_AT bei
ge_JJ box_NN with_IN a_AT bright_JJ red_JJ door_NN ,_, about_RB one_CD and_CC a_
AT half_ABN feet_NNS square_JJ and_CC hung_VBD from_IN the_AT wall_NN about_RB s
ix_CD feet_NNS from_IN the_AT door_NN to_IN Wisman's_NP$ right_NR ._. The_AT box
_NN is_BEZ internally_RB wired_VBN so_CS the_AT door_NN can_MD never_RB be_BE op
ened_VBN without_IN setting_VBG off_RP a_AT screeching_VBG klaxon_NN (_( ``_`` I
t's_PPS+BEZ real_QL obnoxious_JJ ''_'' )_) ._. Now_RB we_PPSS must_MD become_VB
vague_JJ ,_, for_CS we_PPSS are_BER approaching_VBG one_CD of_IN the_AT nation's
_NN$ most_QL guarded_VBN secrets_NNS ._. The_AT codes_NNS in_IN the_AT red_JJ bo
x_NN --_-- there_EX are_BER several_AP of_IN them_PPO covering_VBG various_JJ co
ntingencies_NNS --_-- are_BER contained_VBN in_IN a_AT sealed_VBN X-ray-proof_NN
``_`` unique_JJ device_NN ''_'' ._. They_PPSS are_BER supplied_VBN ,_, a_AT bat
ch_NN at_IN a_AT time_NN ,_, by_IN a_AT secret_JJ source_NN and_CC are_BER conti
nually_RB changed_VBN by_IN Wisman_NP or_CC his_PP$ staff_NN ,_, at_IN random_JJ
intervals_NNS ._. But_CC even_RB the_AT contents_NNS of_IN Wisman's_NP$ box_NN
cannot_MD* start_VB a_AT war_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER mere_JJ fragments_NNS ,_,
just_RB one_CD portion_NN of_IN preprepared_VBN messages_NNS ._. What_WDT these_
DTS fragments_NNS are_BER and_CC how_WRB they_PPSS activate_VB the_AT go_VB orde
r_NN may_MD not_* be_BE revealed_VBN ._. The_AT pieces_NNS must_MD be_BE placed_
VBN in_IN the_AT context_NN of_IN the_AT prepared_VBN messages_NNS by_IN Wisman'
s_NP$ staff_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN to_IN the_AT authentication_NN and_CC ackno
wledgment_NN procedures_NNS which_WDT precede_VB and_CC follow_VB the_AT sending
_NN of_IN the_AT go_VB messages_NNS ,_, again_RB in_IN special_JJ codes_NNS ,_,
each_DT message_NN also_RB contains_VBZ an_AT ``_`` internal_JJ authenticator_NN
''_'' ,_, another_DT specific_JJ signal_NN to_TO convince_VB the_AT recipient_N
N that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ getting_VBG the_AT real_JJ thing_NN ._. I_PPSS asked_VBD
Wisman_NP what_WDT would_MD happen_VB if_CS he_PPS broke_VBD out_RP the_AT go_V
B codes_NNS and_CC tried_VBD to_TO start_VB transmitting_VBG one_CD ._. ``_`` I'
d_PPSS+MD wind_VB up_RP full_JJ of_IN bullet_NN holes_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_
VBD ,_, and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT question_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ talki
ng_VBG about_IN bullets_NNS fired_VBN by_IN his_PP$ coworkers_NNS ._. Now_RB let
_VB us_PPO imagine_VB a_AT wing_NN of_IN B-52's_NN ,_, on_IN alert_JJ near_IN th
eir_PP$ ``_`` positive_JJ control_NN (_( or_CC fail-safe_JJ )_) points_NNS ''_''
,_, the_AT spots_NNS on_IN the_AT map_NN ,_, many_AP miles_NNS from_IN Soviet_N
P territory_NN ,_, beyond_IN which_WDT they_PPSS are_BER forbidden_VBN to_TO fly
_VB without_IN specific_JJ orders_NNS to_TO proceed_VB to_IN their_PP$ targets_N
NS ._. They_PPSS ,_, too_RB ,_, have_HV fragments_NNS of_IN the_AT go_VB code_NN
with_IN them_PPO ._. As_CS Wisman_NP put_VB it_PPO ,_, ``_`` They_PPSS have_HV
separate_JJ pieces_NNS of_IN the_AT pie_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS have_HV the_AT who
le_JJ pie_NN ._. Once_CS we_PPSS send_VB out_RP the_AT whole_JJ pie_NN ,_, they_
PPSS can_MD put_VB their_PP$ pieces_NNS into_IN it_PPO ._. Unless_CS we_PPSS sen
d_VB out_RP the_AT whole_JJ pie_NN ,_, their_PP$ pieces_NNS mean_VB nothing_PN '
'_'' ._. Why_WRB does_DOZ Wisman's_NP$ ever-changing_JJ code_NN always_RB mesh_V
B with_IN the_AT fragments_NNS in_IN possession_NN of_IN the_AT button_NN pusher
s_NNS ?_. ?_. The_AT answer_NN is_BEZ a_AT cryptographic_JJ secret_NN ._. At_IN
any_DTI rate_NN ,_, three_CD men_NNS out_IN of_IN a_AT six-man_JJ B-52_NN crew_N
N are_BER required_VBN to_TO copy_VB down_RP Wisman's_NP$ go-to-war_JJ message_N
N ._. Each_DT must_MD match_VB Wisman's_NP$ ``_`` pie_NN ''_'' with_IN the_AT fr
agment_NN that_WPO he_PPS carries_VBZ with_IN him_PPO ._. All_ABN three_CD must_
MD compare_VB notes_NNS and_CC agree_VB to_TO ``_`` go_VB ''_'' ._. After_IN tha
t_DT ,_, it_PPS requires_VBZ several_AP minutes_NNS of_IN concentrated_VBN work_
NN ,_, including_IN six_CD separate_JJ and_CC deliberate_JJ actions_NNS by_IN a_
AT minimum_NN of_IN three_CD men_NNS sitting_VBG at_IN three_CD separate_JJ stat
ions_NNS in_IN a_AT bomber_NN ,_, each_DT with_IN another_DT man_NN beside_IN hi
m_PPO to_TO help_VB ,_, for_IN an_AT armed_VBN bomb_NN to_TO be_BE released_VBN
._. Unless_CS all_ABN gadgets_NNS are_BER properly_RB operated_VBN --_-- and_CC
the_AT wires_NNS and_CC seals_NNS from_IN the_AT handles_NNS removed_VBN first_R
B --_-- no_AT damage_NN can_MD be_BE done_VBN ._. Suddenly_RB ,_, however_RB ,_,
their_PP$ posture_NN changed_VBD and_CC the_AT game_NN ended_VBD ._. They_PPSS
went_VBD as_QL rigid_JJ as_CS black_JJ statuary_NN six_CD figures_NNS ,_, lean_J
J and_CC tall_JJ and_CC angular_JJ ,_, went_VBD still_RB ._. Their_PP$ heads_NNS
were_BED in_IN the_AT air_NN sniffing_VBG ._. They_PPSS all_ABN swung_VBD at_IN
the_AT same_AP instant_NN in_IN the_AT same_AP direction_NN ._. They_PPSS saw_V
BD it_PPO before_CS I_PPSS did_DOD ,_, even_RB with_IN my_PP$ binoculars_NNS ._.
It_PPS was_BEDZ nothing_PN more_AP than_CS a_AT tiny_JJ distant_JJ rain_NN squa
ll_NN ,_, a_AT dull_JJ gray_JJ sheet_NN which_WDT reached_VBD from_IN a_AT layer
_NN of_IN clouds_NNS to_IN the_AT earth_NN ._. In_IN the_AT 360_CD degrees_NNS o
f_IN horizon_NN it_PPS obscured_VBD only_RB a_AT degree_NN ,_, no_AT more_AP ._.
A_AT white_JJ man_NN would_MD not_* have_HV seen_VBN it_PPO ._. The_AT aborigin
es_NNS fastened_VBD upon_IN it_PPO with_IN a_AT concentration_NN beyond_IN patho
s_NN ._. Watching_VBG ,_, they_PPSS waited_VBD until_CS the_AT squall_NN thicken
ed_VBD and_CC began_VBD to_TO move_VB in_IN a_AT long_JJ drifting_VBG slant_NN a
cross_IN the_AT dry_JJ burning_VBG land_NN ._. At_IN once_RB the_AT whole_JJ ban
d_NN set_VBD off_RP at_IN a_AT lope_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED chasing_VBG a_AT r
ain_NN cloud_NN ._. They_PPSS went_VBD after_IN the_AT squall_NN as_QL merciless
ly_RB as_CS a_AT wolf_NN pack_NN after_IN an_AT abandoned_VBN cow_NN ._. I_PPSS
followed_VBD them_PPO in_IN the_AT jeep_NN and_CC now_RB they_PPSS did_DOD not_*
care_VB ._. The_AT games_NNS were_BED over_RP ,_, this_DT was_BEDZ life_NN ._.
Occasionally_RB ,_, for_IN no_AT reason_NN that_CS I_PPSS could_MD see_VB ,_, th
ey_PPSS would_MD suddenly_RB alter_VB the_AT angle_NN of_IN their_PP$ trot_NN ._
. Sometimes_RB I_PPSS guessed_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ because_CS the_AT rain_NN squa
ll_NN had_HVD changed_VBN direction_NN ._. Sometimes_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO sk
irt_VB a_AT gulley_NN ._. Their_PP$ gait_NN is_BEZ impossible_JJ to_TO convey_VB
in_IN words_NNS ._. It_PPS has_HVZ nothing_PN of_IN the_AT proud_JJ stride_NN o
f_IN the_AT trained_VBN runner_NN about_IN it_PPO ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* a_AT l
ope_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* done_VBN with_IN style_NN or_CC verve_NN ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ the_AT gait_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ who_WPS must_MD run_VB to_TO live
_VB :_: arms_NNS dangling_VBG ,_, legs_NNS barely_QL swinging_VBG over_IN the_AT
ground_NN ,_, head_NN hung_VBD down_RP and_CC only_QL occasionally_RB swinging_
VBG up_RP to_TO see_VB the_AT target_NN ,_, a_AT loose_JJ motion_NN that_WPS is_
BEZ just_RB short_JJ of_IN stumbling_VBG and_CC yet_RB is_BEZ wonderfully_QL gra
ceful_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT barely_RB controlled_VBN skimming_NN of_IN the_A
T ground_NN ._. They_PPSS ran_VBD for_IN three_CD hours_NNS ._. Finally_RB ,_, a
voiding_VBG hummocks_NNS and_CC seeking_VBG low_JJ ground_NN ,_, they_PPSS inter
cepted_VBD the_AT rain_NN squall_NN ._. For_IN ten_CD minutes_NNS they_PPSS ran_
VBD beneath_IN the_AT squall_NN ,_, raising_VBG their_PP$ arms_NNS and_CC ,_, fo
r_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN ,_, shouting_VBG and_CC capering_VBG ._. Then_RB th
e_AT wind_NN died_VBD and_CC the_AT rain_NN squall_NN held_VBD steady_RB ._. The
y_PPSS were_BED studying_VBG the_AT ground_NN ._. Suddenly_RB one_CD of_IN them_
PPO shouted_VBD ,_, ran_VBD a_AT few_AP feet_NNS ,_, bent_VBD forward_RB and_CC
put_VBD his_PP$ mouth_NN to_IN the_AT ground_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD found_VBN a_A
T depression_NN with_IN rain_NN water_NN in_IN it_PPO ._. He_PPS bent_VBD down_R
P ,_, a_AT black_JJ cranelike_JJ figure_NN ,_, and_CC put_VBD his_PP$ mouth_NN t
o_IN the_AT ground_NN ._. With_IN a_AT lordly_JJ and_CC generous_JJ gesture_NN ,
_, the_AT discoverer_NN stood_VBD up_RP and_CC beckoned_VBD to_IN the_AT closest
_JJT of_IN his_PP$ fellows_NNS ._. The_AT other_AP trotted_VBD over_RP and_CC sw
ooped_VBD at_IN the_AT tiny_JJ puddle_NN ._. In_IN an_AT instant_NN he_PPS had_H
VD sucked_VBN it_PPO dry_JJ ._. The_AT aborigine_NN lives_VBZ on_IN the_AT cruel
est_JJT land_NN I_PPSS have_HV ever_RB seen_VBN ._. Which_WDT does_DOZ not_* mea
n_VB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ ugly_JJ ._. Part_NN of_IN it_PPO is_BEZ ,_, of_IN cou
rse_NN ._. There_EX are_BER thousands_NNS of_IN square_JJ miles_NNS of_IN salt_N
N pan_NN which_WDT are_BER hideous_JJ ._. They_PPSS are_BER huge_JJ areas_NNS wh
ich_WDT have_HV been_BEN swept_VBN by_IN winds_NNS for_IN so_QL many_AP centurie
s_NNS that_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_AT soil_NN left_VBN ,_, but_CC only_RB deep_JJ
bare_JJ ridges_NNS fifty_CD or_CC sixty_CD yards_NNS apart_RB with_IN ravines_NN
S between_IN them_PPO thirty_CD or_CC forty_CD feet_NNS deep_JJ and_CC the_AT on
ly_AP thing_NN that_WPS moves_NNS is_BEZ a_AT scuttling_VBG layer_NN of_IN sand_
NN ._. Such_JJ stretches_NNS have_HV an_AT inhuman_JJ moonlike_JJ quality_NN ._.
But_CC much_AP of_IN the_AT land_NN which_WDT the_AT aborigine_NN wanders_VBZ l
ooks_VBZ as_CS if_CS it_PPS should_MD be_BE hospitable_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ soft
ened_VBN by_IN the_AT saltbush_NN and_CC the_AT bluebush_NN ,_, has_HVZ a_AT pea
ceful_JJ quality_NN ,_, the_AT hills_NNS roll_VB softly_RB ._. The_AT malignancy
_NN of_IN such_ABL a_AT landscape_NN has_HVZ been_BEN beautifully_RB described_V
BN by_IN the_AT Australian_NP Charles_NP Bean_NP ._. He_PPS tells_VBZ of_IN thre
e_CD men_NNS who_WPS started_VBD out_RP on_IN a_AT trip_NN across_IN a_AT single
_AP paddock_NN ,_, a_AT ten-by-ten-mile_JJ square_NN owned_VBN by_IN a_AT sheep_
NN grazer_NN ._. They_PPSS went_VBD well-equipped_JJ with_IN everything_PN excep
t_IN knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` outback_JJ ''_'' country_NN ._. ``_`` The_A
T countryside_NN looked_VBD like_CS a_AT beautiful_JJ open_JJ park_NN with_IN ge
ntle_JJ slopes_NNS and_CC soft_JJ gray_JJ tree-clumps_NNS ._. Nothing_PN appalli
ng_JJ or_CC horrible_JJ rushed_VBN upon_IN these_DTS men_NNS ._. Only_RB there_E
X happened_VBD --_-- nothing_PN ._. There_EX might_MD have_HV been_BEN a_AT pool
_NN of_IN cool_JJ water_NN behind_IN any_DTI of_IN these_DTS tree-clumps_NNS :_:
only_RB --_-- there_EX was_BEDZ not_* ._. It_PPS might_MD have_HV rained_VBN ,_
, any_DTI time_NN ;_. ;_. only_RB --_-- it_PPS did_DOD not_* ._. There_EX might_
MD have_HV been_BEN a_AT fence_NN or_CC a_AT house_NN just_QL over_IN the_AT nex
t_AP rise_NN ;_. ;_. only_RB --_-- there_EX was_BEDZ not_* ._. They_PPSS lay_VBD
,_, with_IN the_AT birds_NNS hopping_VBG from_IN branch_NN to_IN branch_NN abov
e_IN them_PPO and_CC the_AT bright_JJ sky_NN peeping_VBG down_RP at_IN them_PPO
._. No_AT one_PN came_VBD ''_'' ._. The_AT white_JJ men_NNS died_VBD ._. And_CC
countless_JJ others_NNS like_CS them_PPO have_HV died_VBN ._. Even_RB today_NR r
ange_NN riders_NNS will_MD come_VB upon_IN mummified_VBN bodies_NNS of_IN men_NN
S who_WPS attempted_VBD nothing_PN more_QL difficult_JJ than_CS a_AT twenty-mile
_JJ hike_NN and_CC slowly_RB lost_VBN direction_NN ,_, were_BED tortured_VBN by_
IN the_AT heat_NN ,_, driven_VBN mad_JJ by_IN the_AT constant_JJ and_CC unfulfil
led_JJ promise_NN of_IN the_AT landscape_NN ,_, and_CC who_WPS finally_RB died_V
BD ._. The_AT aborigine_NN is_BEZ not_* deceived_VBN ;_. ;_. he_PPS knows_VBZ th
at_CS the_AT land_NN is_BEZ hard_JJ and_CC pitiless_JJ ._. He_PPS knows_VBZ that
_CS the_AT economy_NN of_IN life_NN in_IN the_AT ``_`` outback_NN ''_'' is_BEZ a
wful_JJ ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT room_NN for_IN error_NN or_CC waste_NN ._. Any
_DTI organism_NN that_WPS falters_VBZ or_CC misperceives_VBZ the_AT signals_NNS
or_CC weakens_VBZ is_BEZ done_VBN ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* know_VB if_CS such_ABL
a_AT way_NN of_IN life_NN can_MD come_VB to_TO be_BE a_AT self-conscious_JJ chal
lenge_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS suspect_VB that_CS it_PPS can_MD ._. Perhaps_RB this_
DT is_BEZ what_WDT gives_VBZ the_AT aborigine_NN his_PP$ odd_JJ air_NN of_IN dig
nity_NN ._. The_AT-HL family_NN-HL at_IN-HL the_AT-HL boulder_NN-HL seeing_VBG a
n_AT aborigine_NN today_NR is_BEZ a_AT difficult_JJ thing_NN ._. Many_AP of_IN t
hem_PPO have_HV drifted_VBN into_IN the_AT cities_NNS and_CC towns_NNS and_CC se
aports_NNS ._. Others_NNS are_BER confined_VBN to_IN vast_JJ reservations_NNS ,_
, and_CC not_* only_RB does_DOZ the_AT Australian_JJ government_NN justifiably_R
B not_* wish_VB them_PPO to_TO be_BE viewed_VBN as_CS exhibits_NNS in_IN a_AT zo
o_NN ,_, but_CC on_IN their_PP$ reservations_NNS they_PPSS are_BER extremely_QL
fugitive_JJ ,_, shunning_VBG camps_NNS ,_, coming_VBG together_RB only_RB for_IN
corroborees_FW-NNS at_IN which_WDT their_PP$ strange_JJ culture_NN comes_VBZ to
_IN its_PP$ highest_JJT pitch_NN --_-- which_WDT is_BEZ very_QL low_JJ indeed_QL
P ._. I_PPSS persuaded_VBD an_AT Australian_JJ friend_NN who_WPS had_HVD lived_V
BN ``_`` outback_RB ''_'' for_IN years_NNS to_TO take_VB me_PPO to_TO see_VB som
e_DTI aborigines_NNS living_VBG in_IN the_AT bush_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT di
fficult_JJ and_CC ambiguous_JJ kind_NN of_IN negotiation_NN ,_, even_RB though_C
S the_AT rancher_NN was_BEDZ said_VBN to_TO be_BE expert_JJ in_IN his_PP$ knowle
dge_NN of_IN the_AT aborigines_NNS and_CC their_PP$ language_NN ._. Finally_RB ,
_, however_RB ,_, the_AT arrangements_NNS were_BED made_VBN and_CC we_PPSS drove
_VBD out_RP into_IN the_AT bush_NN in_IN a_AT Land_NN-TL Rover_NN-TL ._. We_PPSS
followed_VBD the_AT asphalt_NN road_NN for_IN a_AT few_AP miles_NNS and_CC then
_RB swung_VBD off_RP onto_IN a_AT smaller_JJR road_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ nothing
_PN more_AP than_CS two_CD tire_NN marks_NNS on_IN the_AT earth_NN ._. The_AT ra
ncher_NN went_VBD a_AT mile_NN down_IN this_DT road_NN and_CC then_RB ,_, when_W
RB he_PPS reached_VBD a_AT big_JJ red_JJ boulder_NN ,_, swung_VBD off_IN the_AT
road_NN ._. At_IN once_CS he_PPS started_VBD to_TO glance_VB toward_IN the_AT in
strument_NN panel_NN ._. It_PPS took_VBD me_PPO a_AT moment_NN to_TO realize_VB
what_WDT was_BEDZ odd_JJ about_IN that_DT panel_NN :_: there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT gi
mbaled_JJ compass_NN welded_VBN to_IN it_PPO ,_, which_WDT rocked_VBD gently_RB
back_RB and_CC forth_RB as_CS the_AT Land_NN-TL Rover_NN-TL bounced_VBD about_RB
._. The_AT rancher_NN was_BEDZ navigating_VBG his_PP$ way_NN across_IN the_AT f
latland_NN ._. ``_`` Do_DO you_PPSS always_RB navigate_VB like_CS this_DT ''_''
?_. ?_. I_PPSS asked_VBD ._. ``_`` Damned_VBN right_JJ ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD
._. ``_`` Once_CS I_PPSS get_VB out_RP on_IN the_AT flat_JJ I_PPSS do_DO ._. So
me_DTI chaps_NNS that_WPS know_VB an_AT area_NN well_RB can_MD make_VB their_PP$
way_NN by_IN landmarks_NNS ,_, a_AT tree_NN here_RB ,_, a_AT wash_NN here_RB ,_
, a_AT boulder_NN there_RB ._. But_CC if_CS you_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB the_AT pl
ace_NN like_CS the_AT palm_NN of_IN your_PP$ hand_NN ,_, you'd_PPSS+HVD better_R
BR use_VB a_AT compass_NN and_CC the_AT speedometer_NN ._. Two_CD miles_NNS nort
heast_NR ,_, then_RB five_CD miles_NNS southwest_NR that_DT sort_NN of_IN thing_
NN ._. Very_QL simple_JJ ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ right_JJ ._. The_AT landscape
_NN kept_VBD repeating_VBG itself_PPL ._. I_PPSS would_MD try_VB to_TO memorize_
VB landmarks_NNS and_CC saw_VBD in_IN a_AT half-hour_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ
hopeless_JJ ._. Finally_RB we_PPSS approached_VBD the_AT bivouac_NN of_IN the_AT
aborigines_NNS ._. They_PPSS were_BED camped_VBN beside_IN a_AT large_JJ column
-shaped_JJ boulder_NN :_: a_AT man_NN ,_, his_PP$ lubra_FW-NN ,_, and_CC two_CD
children_NNS ._. The_AT sun_NN was_BEDZ not_* yet_RB high_JJ and_CC all_ABN of_I
N them_PPO were_BED in_IN the_AT small_JJ area_NN of_IN shade_NN cast_VBN by_IN
the_AT boulder_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT dog_NN ,_, a_AT dingo_NN do
g_NN ._. Its_PP$ ribs_NNS showed_VBD ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT yellow_JJ nondescr
ipt_JJ color_NN ,_, it_PPS suffered_VBD from_IN a_AT variety_NN of_IN sores_NNS
,_, hair_NN had_HVD scabbed_VBN off_IN its_PP$ body_NN in_IN patches_NNS ._. It_
PPS lay_VBD with_IN its_PP$ head_NN on_IN its_PP$ paws_NNS and_CC only_RB its_PP
$ eyes_NNS moving_VBG ,_, watching_VBG us_PPO carefully_RB ._. It_PPS struck_VBD
me_PPO as_CS a_AT very_QL bright_JJ and_CC very_QL malnourished_JJ dog_NN ._. N
o_AT one_PN patted_VBD the_AT dog_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* a_AT pet_NN ._. I
t_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT worker_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT buggers_NNS love_VB shade_NN ''_'
' ,_, the_AT rancher_NN said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS suppose_VB because_CS it_PPS s
aves_VBZ them_PPO some_DTI loss_NN of_IN body_NN water_NN ._. They'll_PPSS+MD mo
ve_VB around_IN that_DT rock_NN all_ABN day_NN ,_, following_VBG the_AT shade_NN
._. During_IN the_AT hottest_JJT part_NN of_IN the_AT day_NN ,_, of_IN course_N
N ,_, the_AT sun_NN comes_VBZ straight_QL down_RP and_CC there_EX isn't_BEZ* any
_DTI shade_NN ''_'' ._. We_PPSS drove_VBD close_RB to_IN the_AT boulder_NN ,_, s
topped_VBD the_AT Land_NN-TL Rover_NN-TL ,_, and_CC walked_VBD over_RP toward_IN
the_AT family_NN ._. The_AT man_NN was_BEDZ leaning_VBG against_IN the_AT rock_
NN ._. He_PPS gazed_VBD away_RB from_IN us_PPO as_CS we_PPSS approached_VBD ._.
He_PPS was_BEDZ over_RP six_CD feet_NNS tall_JJ and_CC very_QL thin_JJ ._. His_P
P$ legs_NNS were_BED narrow_JJ and_CC very_QL long_JJ ._. Every_AT bone_NN and_C
C muscle_NN in_IN his_PP$ body_NN showed_VBD ,_, but_CC he_PPS did_DOD not_* giv
e_VB the_AT appearance_NN of_IN starving_VBG ._. He_PPS had_HVD long_JJ black_JJ
hair_NN and_CC a_AT wispy_JJ beard_NN ._. The_AT ridges_NNS over_IN his_PP$ eye
s_NNS were_BED huge_JJ and_CC his_PP$ eyelids_NNS were_BED half_QL shut_VBN ._.
There_EX was_BEDZ something_PN about_IN his_PP$ face_NN that_WPS disturbed_VBD m
e_PPO and_CC it_PPS took_VBD several_AP seconds_NNS to_TO realize_VB what_WDT ._
. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* merely_RB that_CS flies_NNS were_BED crawling_VBG over_I
N his_PP$ face_NN but_CC his_PP$ narrowed_VBN eyelids_NNS did_DOD not_* blink_VB
when_WRB the_AT flies_NNS crawled_VBD into_IN his_PP$ eye_NN sockets_NNS ._. A_
AT fly_NN would_MD crawl_VB down_IN the_AT bulging_VBG forehead_NN ,_, into_IN t
he_AT socket_NN of_IN the_AT eye_NN ,_, walk_VB along_IN the_AT man's_NN$ lashes
_NNS and_CC across_IN the_AT wet_JJ surface_NN of_IN the_AT eyeball_NN ,_, and_C
C the_AT eye_NN did_DOD not_* blink_VB ._. The_AT Australian_NP and_CC I_PPSS bo
th_ABX were_BED wearing_VBG insect_NN repellent_NN and_CC were_BED not_* badly_Q
L bothered_VBN by_IN insects_NNS ,_, but_CC my_PP$ eyes_NNS watered_VBD as_CS we
_PPSS stood_VBD watching_VBG the_AT aborigine_NN ._. I_PPSS turned_VBD to_TO loo
k_VB at_IN the_AT lubra_FW-NN ._. She_PPS remained_VBD squatting_VBG on_IN her_P
P$ heels_NNS all_ABN the_AT time_NN we_PPSS were_BED there_RB ;_. ;_. like_CS th
e_AT man_NN ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ entirely_QL naked_JJ ._. Her_PP$ long_JJ thin_J
J arms_NNS moved_VBD in_IN a_AT slow_JJ rhythmical_JJ gesture_NN over_IN the_AT
family_NN possessions_NNS which_WDT were_BED placed_VBN in_IN front_NN of_IN her
_PPO ._. There_EX were_BED two_CD rubbing_VBG sticks_NNS for_IN making_VBG fire_
NN ,_, two_CD stones_NNS shaped_VBN roughly_RB like_CS knives_NNS ,_, a_AT woven
-root_JJ container_NN which_WDT held_VBD a_AT few_AP pounds_NNS of_IN dried_VBN
worms_NNS and_CC the_AT dead_JJ body_NN of_IN some_DTI rodent_NN ._. There_EX wa
s_BEDZ also_RB a_AT long_JJ wooden_JJ spear_NN and_CC a_AT woomera_NN ,_, a_AT s
pear-throwing_JJ device_NN which_WDT gives_VBZ the_AT spear_NN an_AT enormous_JJ
velocity_NN and_CC high_JJ accuracy_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT boome
rang_NN ,_, elaborately_QL carved_VBN ._. Everything_PN was_BEDZ burnished_VBN w
ith_IN sweat_NN and_CC grease_NN so_CS that_CS all_ABN of_IN the_AT objects_NNS
seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV been_BEN carved_VBN from_IN the_AT same_AP material_NN
and_CC to_TO be_BE ageless_JJ ._. The_AT two_CD children_NNS ,_, both_ABX boys_N
NS ,_, wandered_VBD around_IN the_AT Australian_NP and_CC me_PPO for_IN a_AT few
_AP moments_NNS and_CC then_RB returned_VBD to_IN their_PP$ work_NN ._. They_PPS
S squatted_VBD on_IN their_PP$ heels_NNS with_IN their_PP$ heads_NNS bent_VBN fa
r_QL forward_RB ,_, their_PP$ eyes_NNS only_RB a_AT few_AP inches_NNS from_IN th
e_AT ground_NN ._. They_PPSS had_HVD located_VBN the_AT runway_NN of_IN a_AT col
ony_NN of_IN ants_NNS and_CC as_CS the_AT ants_NNS came_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT
ground_NN ,_, the_AT boys_NNS picked_VBD them_PPO up_RP ,_, one_CD at_IN a_AT ti
me_NN ,_, and_CC pinched_VBD them_PPO dead_JJ ._. The_AT tiny_JJ bodies_NNS ,_,
dropped_VBD onto_IN a_AT dry_JJ leaf_NN ,_, made_VBD a_AT pile_NN as_QL big_JJ a
s_CS a_AT small_JJ apple_NN ._. The_AT odor_NN here_RB was_BEDZ more_QL powerful
_JJ than_CS that_DT which_WDT surrounded_VBD the_AT town_NN aborigines_NNS ._. T
he_AT smell_NN at_IN first_RB was_BEDZ more_QL surprising_JJ than_CS unpleasant_
JJ ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB subtly_QL familiar_JJ ,_, for_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ
the_AT odor_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ body_NN ,_, but_CC multiplied_VBN innumerab
le_JJ times_NNS because_RB of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT aborigines_NNS ne
ver_RB bathed_VBD ._. One's_PN$ impulse_NN is_BEZ to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT sm
ell_NN was_BEDZ a_AT stink_NN and_CC unpleasant_JJ ._. But_CC that_DT is_BEZ a_A
T cliche_NN and_CC a_AT dishonest_JJ one_CD ._. The_AT smell_NN is_BEZ sexual_JJ
,_, but_CC so_QL powerfully_RB so_RB that_CS a_AT civilized_VBN nose_NN must_MD
deny_VB it_PPO ._. Their_PP$ skin_NN was_BEDZ covered_VBN with_IN a_AT thin_JJ
coating_NN of_IN sweat_NN and_CC dirt_NN which_WDT had_HVD almost_RB the_AT cons
istency_NN of_IN a_AT second_OD skin_NN ._. They_PPSS roll_VB at_IN night_NN in_
IN ashes_NNS to_TO keep_VB warm_JJ and_CC their_PP$ second_OD skin_NN has_HVZ a_
AT light_JJ dusty_JJ cast_NN to_IN it_PPO ._. In_IN spots_NNS such_JJ as_CS the_
AT elbows_NNS and_CC knees_NNS the_AT second_OD skin_NN is_BEZ worn_VBN off_RP a
nd_CC I_PPSS realized_VBD the_AT aborigines_NNS were_BED much_QL darker_JJR than
_CS they_PPSS appeared_VBD ;_. ;_. as_CS if_CS the_AT coating_NN of_IN sweat_NN
,_, dirt_NN ,_, and_CC ashes_NNS were_BED a_AT cosmetic_NN ._. The_AT boys_NNS h
ad_HVD beautiful_JJ dark_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC unlike_IN their_PP$ father_NN they_P
PSS brushed_VBD constantly_RB at_IN the_AT flies_NNS and_CC blinked_VBD their_PP
$ eyes_NNS ._. ``_`` That_DT smell_NN is_BEZ something_PN ,_, eh_UH ,_, mate_NN
''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT Australian_NP asked_VBD ._. ``_`` They_PPSS swear_VB that_C
S every_AT person_NN smells_VBZ different_JJ and_CC every_AT family_NN smells_VB
Z different_JJ from_IN every_AT other_AP ._. At_IN the_AT corroborees_FW-NNS ,_,
when_WRB they_PPSS get_VB to_IN dancing_VBG and_CC sweating_VBG ,_, you'll_PPSS
+MD see_VB them_PPO rubbing_VBG up_RP against_IN a_AT man_NN who's_WPS+BEZ suppo
sed_VBN to_TO have_HV a_AT specially_RB good_JJ smell_NN ._. Idje_NP ,_, here_RB
''_'' ,_, and_CC he_PPS nodded_VBD at_IN the_AT man_NN ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ said_VB
N to_TO have_HV great_JJ odor_NN ._. The_AT stink_NN is_BEZ all_QL the_AT same_A
P to_IN me_PPO ,_, but_CC I_PPSS really_RB think_VB they_PPSS can_MD make_VB one
_CD another_DT out_RP blindfolded_VBN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Here_RB ,_, Idje_NP ,_, yo
u_PPSS fella_NN like_VB tabac_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. He_PPS said_VBD sharply_RB ._. Id
je_NP still_RB stared_VBD over_IN our_PP$ shoulders_NNS at_IN the_AT horizon_NN
._. The_AT Australian_NP stopped_VBD trying_VBG to_TO talk_VB a_AT pidgin_NN I_P
PSS could_MD understand_VB ,_, and_CC spoke_VBD strange_JJ words_NNS from_IN dee
p_JJ in_IN his_PP$ chest_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT fortunate_JJ time_NN in_IN
which_WDT to_TO build_VB ,_, for_CS the_AT seventeenth_OD century_NN was_BEDZ a_
AT great_JJ period_NN in_IN Persian_JJ art_NN ._. The_AT architects_NNS ,_, the_
AT tile_NN and_CC carpet_NN makers_NNS ,_, the_AT potters_NNS ,_, painters_NNS ,
_, calligraphers_NNS ,_, and_CC metalsmiths_NNS worked_VBD through_IN Abbas's_NP
$ reign_NN and_CC those_DTS of_IN his_PP$ successors_NNS to_TO enrich_VB the_AT
city_NN ._. Travelers_NNS entering_VBG from_IN the_AT desert_NN were_BED confoun
ded_VBN by_IN what_WDT must_MD have_HV seemed_VBN an_AT illusion_NN :_: a_AT gre
at_JJ garden_NN filled_VBN with_IN nightingales_NNS and_CC roses_NNS ,_, cut_VBN
by_IN canals_NNS and_CC terraced_VBN promenades_NNS ,_, studded_VBN with_IN wat
er_NN tanks_NNS of_IN turquoise_JJ tile_NN in_IN which_WDT were_BED reflected_VB
N the_AT glistening_VBG blue_JJ curves_NNS of_IN a_AT hundred_CD domes_NNS ._. A
t_IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN all_ABN of_IN this_DT was_BEDZ the_AT square_NN ,_, w
hich_WDT one_CD such_JJ traveler_NN declared_VBD to_TO be_BE ``_`` as_QL spaciou
s_JJ ,_, as_QL pleasant_JJ and_CC aromatick_JJ a_AT Market_NN-TL as_CS any_DTI i
n_IN the_AT Universe_NN-TL ''_'' ._. In_IN time_NN Isfahan_NP came_VBD to_TO be_
BE known_VBN as_CS ``_`` half_ABN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ,_, Isfahan_NP nisf-i-ja
han_FW-NN-NC ._. In_IN the_AT early_JJ eighteenth_OD century_NN this_DT fantasti
c_JJ city_NN ,_, then_RB the_AT size_NN of_IN London_NP ,_, started_VBD to_TO de
cline_VB ._. The_AT Afghans_NPS invaded_VBD ;_. ;_. the_AT Safavids_NPS fell_VBD
from_IN power_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT capital_NN went_VBD elsewhere_RB ;_. ;_. the_AT
desert_NN encroached_VBD ._. Isfahan_NP became_VBD more_AP of_IN a_AT legend_NN
than_CS a_AT place_NN ,_, and_CC now_RB it_PPS is_BEZ for_IN many_AP people_NNS
simply_RB a_AT name_NN to_IN which_WDT they_PPSS attach_VB their_PP$ notions_NN
S of_IN old_JJ Persia_NP and_CC sometimes_RB of_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ._. They_PP
SS think_VB of_IN it_PPO as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN spooky_JJ museum_NN in_IN whic
h_WDT they_PPSS may_MD half_RB see_VB and_CC half_RB imagine_VB the_AT old_JJ sp
lendor_NN ._. Those_DTS who_WPS actually_RB get_VB there_RB find_VB that_CS it_P
PS isn't_BEZ* spooky_JJ at_IN all_ABN but_CC as_QL brilliant_JJ as_CS a_AT tile_
NN in_IN sunlight_NN ._. But_CC even_RB for_IN them_PPO it_PPS remains_VBZ a_AT
museum_NN ,_, or_CC perhaps_RB it_PPS would_MD be_BE more_QL accurate_JJ to_TO s
ay_VB a_AT tomb_NN ,_, a_AT tomb_NN in_IN which_WDT Persia_NP lies_VBZ well_QL p
reserved_VBN but_CC indeed_RB dead_JJ ._. Everyone_PN is_BEZ ready_JJ to_TO gran
t_VB the_AT Persians_NPS their_PP$ history_NN ,_, but_CC almost_RB no_AT one_PN
is_BEZ willing_JJ to_TO acknowledge_VB their_PP$ present_NN ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ
that_CS for_IN Persia_NP ,_, and_CC especially_RB for_IN this_DT city_NN ,_, th
ere_EX are_BER only_RB two_CD times_NNS :_: the_AT glorious_JJ past_IN and_CC th
e_AT corrupt_JJ ,_, depressing_JJ ,_, sterile_JJ present_NN ._. The_AT one_CD ap
parent_JJ connection_NN between_IN the_AT two_CD is_BEZ a_AT score_NN of_IN buil
dings_NNS which_WDT somehow_RB or_CC other_AP have_HV survived_VBN and_CC which_
WDT naturally_RB enough_QLP are_BER called_VBN ``_`` historical_JJ monuments_NNS
''_'' ._. However_RB ,_, just_RB as_CS all_ABN the_AT buildings_NNS have_HV not
_* fallen_VBN and_CC flowed_VBN back_RB to_IN their_PP$ original_JJ mud_NN ,_, s
o_RB the_AT values_NNS which_WDT wanted_VBD them_PPO and_CC saw_VBD that_CS they
_PPSS were_BED built_VBN have_HV not_* all_ABN disappeared_VBN ._. The_AT values
_NNS and_CC talents_NNS which_WDT made_VBD the_AT tile_NN and_CC the_AT dome_NN
,_, the_AT rug_NN ,_, the_AT poem_NN and_CC the_AT miniature_NN ,_, continue_VB
in_IN certain_JJ social_JJ institutions_NNS which_WDT rise_VB above_IN the_AT or
dinary_JJ life_NN of_IN this_DT city_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT great_JJ buildings_NNS
rise_VB above_IN blank_JJ walls_NNS and_CC dirty_JJ lanes_NNS ._. Often_RB ,_, t
oo_RB ,_, the_AT social_JJ institutions_NNS are_BER housed_VBN in_IN these_DTS p
avilions_NNS and_CC palaces_NNS and_CC bridges_NNS ,_, for_IN these_DTS great_JJ
structures_NNS are_BER not_* simply_RB ``_`` historical_JJ monuments_NNS ''_''
;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER the_AT places_NNS where_WRB Persians_NPS live_VB ._. T
he_AT promenade_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, continues_VBZ to_TO take_VB place_N
N on_IN the_AT Chahar_NP Bagh_NP ,_, a_AT mile-long_JJ garden_NN of_IN plane_NN
and_CC poplar_NN trees_NNS that_WPS now_RB serves_VBZ as_CS the_AT city's_NN$ pr
incipal_JJS street_NN ._. It_PPS takes_VBZ place_NN as_QL well_RB along_IN the_A
T terraces_NNS and_CC through_IN the_AT arcades_NNS of_IN the_AT Khaju_NP bridge
_NN ,_, and_CC also_RB in_IN the_AT gardens_NNS of_IN the_AT square_NN ._. On_IN
Fridays_NRS ,_, the_AT day_NN when_WRB many_AP Persians_NPS relax_VB with_IN po
etry_NN ,_, talk_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT samovar_NN ,_, people_NNS do_DO not_* ,_, it
_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ ,_, stream_VB into_IN Chehel_NP Sotun_NP --_-- a_AT pavilion
_NN and_CC garden_NN built_VBN by_IN Shah_NN-TL Abbas_NP 2_CD-TL ,_, in_IN the_A
T seventeenth_OD century_NN --_-- but_CC they_PPSS do_DO retire_VB into_IN hundr
eds_NNS of_IN pavilions_NNS throughout_IN the_AT city_NN and_CC up_IN the_AT riv
er_NN valley_NN ,_, which_WDT are_BER smaller_JJR ,_, more_QL humble_JJ copies_N
NS of_IN the_AT former_AP ._. And_CC of_IN course_NN religious_JJ life_NN contin
ues_VBZ to_TO center_VB in_IN the_AT more_QL famous_JJ mosques_NNS ,_, and_CC co
mmercial_JJ life_NN --_-- very_QL much_RB a_AT social_JJ institution_NN --_-- in
_IN the_AT bazaar_NN ._. Those_DTS three_CD other_AP great_JJ activities_NNS of_
IN the_AT Persians_NPS ,_, the_AT bath_NN ,_, the_AT teahouse_NN ,_, and_CC the_
AT zur_FW-NN khaneh_FW-NN (_( the_AT latter_AP a_AT kind_NN of_IN club_NN in_IN
which_WDT a_AT leader_NN and_CC a_AT group_NN of_IN men_NNS in_IN an_AT octagona
l_JJ pit_NN move_VB through_IN a_AT rite_NN of_IN calisthenics_NNS ,_, dance_NN
,_, chanted_VBN poetry_NN ,_, and_CC music_NN )_) ,_, do_DO not_* take_VB place_
NN in_IN buildings_NNS to_IN which_WDT entrance_NN tickets_NNS are_BER sold_VBN
,_, but_CC some_DTI of_IN them_PPO occupy_VB splendid_JJ examples_NNS of_IN Pers
ian_JJ domestic_JJ architecture_NN :_: long_JJ ,_, domed_VBN ,_, chalk-white_JJ
rooms_NNS with_IN daises_NNS of_IN turquoise_NN tile_NN ,_, their_PP$ end_NN wal
ls_NNS cut_VBN through_RP to_IN the_AT orchards_NNS and_CC the_AT sky_NN by_IN o
pen_JJ arches_NNS ._. But_CC more_QL important_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT thing_NN whi
ch_WDT the_AT casual_JJ traveler_NN and_CC the_AT blind_JJ sojourner_NN often_RB
do_DO not_* see_VB ,_, is_BEZ that_CS these_DTS places_NNS and_CC activities_NN
S are_BER often_RB the_AT settings_NNS in_IN which_WDT Persians_NPS exercise_VB
their_PP$ extraordinary_JJ aesthetic_JJ sensibilities_NNS ._. Water_NN ,_, air_N
N ,_, fruit_NN ,_, poetry_NN ,_, music_NN ,_, the_AT human_JJ form_NN --_-- thes
e_DTS things_NNS are_BER important_JJ to_IN Persians_NPS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS ex
perience_VB them_PPO with_IN an_AT intense_JJ and_CC discriminating_VBG awarenes
s_NN ._. I_PPSS should_MD like_VB ,_, by_IN the_AT way_NN ,_, to_TO make_VB it_P
PO clear_JJ that_CS I_PPSS am_BEM not_* using_VBG the_AT word_NN ``_`` Persians_
NPS ''_'' carelessly_RB ._. I_PPSS don't_DO* mean_VB a_AT few_AP aesthetes_NNS w
ho_WPS play_VB about_RB with_IN sensations_NNS ,_, like_CS a_AT young_JJ prince_
NN in_IN a_AT miniature_NN dabbling_VBG his_PP$ hand_NN in_IN a_AT pool_NN ._. T
hese_DTS things_NNS are_BER important_JJ to_IN almost_QL all_ABN Persians_NPS an
d_CC perhaps_RB most_QL important_JJ to_IN the_AT most_QL ordinary_JJ ._. The_AT
men_NNS crying_VBG love_NN poems_NNS in_IN an_AT orchard_NN on_IN any_DTI summe
r's_NN$ night_NN are_BER as_QL often_RB as_CS not_* the_AT lutihaw_FW-NNS ,_, mu
stachioed_JJ toughs_NNS who_WPS spend_VB most_AP of_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS in_IN
and_CC out_IN of_IN the_AT local_JJ prisons_NNS ,_, brothels_NNS ,_, and_CC tea
houses_NNS ._. A_AT few_AP months_NNS ago_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT fairly_QL typi
cal_JJ landlord_NN who_WPS in_IN the_AT dead_JJ of_IN night_NN lugged_VBD me_PPO
up_IN a_AT mountainside_NN to_TO drink_VB from_IN a_AT spring_NN famous_JJ in_I
N the_AT neighborhood_NN for_IN its_PP$ clarity_NN and_CC flavor_NN ._. Not_* lo
ng_RB ago_RB an_AT acquaintance_NN ,_, a_AT slick-headed_JJ water_NN rat_NN of_I
N a_AT lad_NN up_RP from_IN the_AT maw_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, stood_VBD on_
IN the_AT balcony_NN puffing_VBG his_PP$ first_OD cigarette_NN in_IN weeks_NNS .
_. The_AT air_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ just_QL right_JJ ;_. ;_. a_AT
cigarette_NN would_MD taste_VB particularly_QL good_JJ ._. I_PPSS really_RB didn
't_DOD* know_VB what_WDT he_PPS meant_VBD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT nice_JJ day_N
N ,_, granted_VBN ._. But_CC he_PPS knew_VBD ;_. ;_. he_PPS sniffed_VBD the_AT a
ir_NN and_CC licked_VBD it_PPO on_IN his_PP$ lip_NN and_CC knew_VBD as_CS a_AT v
intner_NN knows_VBZ a_AT vintage_NN ._. The_AT natural_JJ world_NN then_RB ,_, p
lus_CC poetry_NN and_CC some_DTI kinds_NNS of_IN art_NN ,_, receives_VBZ from_IN
the_AT most_QL ordinary_JJ of_IN Persians_NPS a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_IN atten
tion_NN ._. The_AT line_NN of_IN an_AT eyebrow_NN ,_, the_AT color_NN of_IN the_
AT skin_NN ,_, a_AT ghazal_FW-NN from_IN Hafiz_NP ,_, the_AT purity_NN of_IN spr
ing_NN water_NN ,_, the_AT long_JJ afternoon_NN among_IN the_AT boughs_NNS which
_WDT crowd_VB the_AT upper_JJ story_NN of_IN a_AT pavilion_NN --_-- these_DTS th
ings_NNS are_BER noticed_VBN ,_, judged_VBN ,_, and_CC valued_VBN ._. Nowhere_RB
in_IN Isfahan_NP is_BEZ this_DT rich_JJ aesthetic_JJ life_NN of_IN the_AT Persi
ans_NPS shown_VBN so_CS well_RB as_CS during_IN the_AT promenade_NN at_IN the_AT
Khaju_NP bridge_NN ._. There_EX has_HVZ probably_RB always_RB been_BEN a_AT bri
dge_NN of_IN some_DTI sort_NN at_IN the_AT southeastern_JJ corner_NN of_IN the_A
T city_NN ._. For_IN one_CD thing_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT natural_JJ belt_NN
of_IN rock_NN across_IN the_AT river_NN bed_NN ;_. ;_. for_IN another_DT ,_, it
_PPS was_BEDZ here_RB that_CS one_CD of_IN the_AT old_JJ caravan_NN routes_NNS c
ame_VBD in_RP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO provide_VB a_AT safe_JJ and_CC spacious_
JJ crossing_NN for_IN these_DTS caravans_NNS ,_, and_CC also_RB to_TO make_VB a_
AT pleasance_NN for_IN the_AT city_NN ,_, that_WPO Shah_NN-TL Abbas_NP 2_CD-TL ,
_, in_IN about_RB 1657_CD built_VBD ,_, of_IN sun-baked_JJ brick_NN ,_, tile_NN
,_, and_CC stone_NN ,_, the_AT present_JJ bridge_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT splen
did_JJ structure_NN ._. From_IN upstream_RB it_PPS looks_VBZ like_CS a_AT long_J
J arcaded_JJ box_NN laid_VBN across_IN the_AT river_NN ;_. ;_. from_IN downstrea
m_RB ,_, where_WRB the_AT water_NN level_NN is_BEZ much_QL lower_JJR ,_, it_PPS
is_BEZ a_AT high_JJ ,_, elaborately_QL facaded_JJ pavilion_NN ._. The_AT top_JJS
story_NN contains_VBZ more_AP than_IN thirty_CD alcoves_NNS separated_VBN from_
IN each_DT other_AP by_IN spandrels_NNS of_IN blue_JJ and_CC yellow_JJ tile_NN .
_. At_IN either_DTX end_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT center_NN there_EX are_BER bays_N
NS which_WDT contain_VB nine_CD greater_JJR alcoves_NNS as_QL frescoed_VBN and_C
C capacious_JJ as_CS church_NN apses_NNS ._. Here_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT old_JJ day
s_NNS --_-- when_WRB they_PPSS had_HVD come_VBN to_TO see_VB the_AT moon_NN or_C
C displays_NNS of_IN fireworks_NNS --_-- sat_VBD the_AT king_NN and_CC his_PP$ c
ourt_NN while_CS priests_NNS ,_, soldiers_NNS ,_, and_CC other_AP members_NNS of
_IN the_AT party_NN lounged_VBD in_IN the_AT smaller_JJR alcoves_NNS between_IN
._. Below_RB ,_, twenty_CD vaults_NNS tunnel_VB through_IN the_AT understructure
_NN of_IN the_AT bridge_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER traversed_VBN by_IN another_DT
line_NN of_IN vaults_NNS ,_, and_CC thus_RB rooms_NNS ,_, arched_VBN on_IN all_A
BN four_CD sides_NNS ,_, are_BER formed_VBN ._. Down_RP through_IN the_AT axis_N
N of_IN the_AT bridge_NN there_EX is_BEZ a_AT long_JJ diminishing_VBG vista_NN l
ike_CS a_AT visual_JJ echo_NN of_IN piers_NNS and_CC arches_NNS ,_, while_CS the
_AT vaults_NNS fronting_VBG upstream_RB and_CC down_RP frame_VB the_AT sunset_NN
and_CC sunrise_NN ,_, the_AT mountains_NNS and_CC river_NN pools_NNS ._. Here_R
B ,_, on_IN the_AT hottest_JJT day_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ cool_JJ beneath_IN the_A
T stone_NN and_CC fresh_JJ from_IN the_AT water_NN flowing_VBG in_IN the_AT slui
ces_NNS at_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN the_AT vaults_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT downstre
am_JJ ,_, or_CC ``_`` pavilion_NN ''_'' ,_, side_NN these_DTS vaults_NNS give_VB
out_RP onto_IN terraces_NNS twice_RB as_QL wide_JJ as_CS the_AT bridge_NN itsel
f_PPL ._. From_IN the_AT terraces_NNS --_-- eighteen_CD in_IN all_ABN --_-- broa
d_JJ flights_NNS of_IN steps_NNS descend_VB into_IN the_AT water_NN or_CC onto_I
N still_QL more_AP terraces_NNS barely_QL above_IN the_AT level_NN of_IN the_AT
river_NN ._. Out_IN of_IN water_NN ,_, brick_NN ,_, and_CC tile_NN they_PPSS hav
e_HV made_VBN far_QL more_AP than_CS just_RB a_AT bridge_NN ._. On_IN spring_NN
and_CC summer_NN evenings_NNS people_NNS leave_VB their_PP$ shops_NNS and_CC hou
ses_NNS and_CC walk_VB up_RP through_IN the_AT lanes_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN to
_IN the_AT bridge_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT great_JJ spectacle_NN ._. The_AT bri
dge_NN itself_PPL rises_VBZ up_RP from_IN the_AT river_NN ,_, light-flared_JJ an
d_CC enormous_JJ ,_, like_CS the_AT outdoor_JJ set_NN for_IN an_AT epic_JJ opera
_NN ._. Crowds_NNS press_VB along_IN the_AT terraces_NNS ,_, down_IN the_AT step
s_NNS ,_, in_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN the_AT arcades_NNS ,_, massing_VBG against_I
N it_PPO as_CS though_CS it_PPS were_BED a_AT fortress_NN under_IN siege_NN ._.
All_ABN kinds_NNS come_VB to_TO walk_VB in_IN the_AT promenade_NN :_: merchants_
NNS from_IN the_AT bazaar_NN bickering_VBG over_IN a_AT deal_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT Bak
htiari_NP khan_NN in_IN a_AT cap_NN and_CC hacking_VBG jacket_NN ;_. ;_. dervish
es_NNS who_WPS stand_VB with_IN the_AT stillness_NN of_IN the_AT blind_JJ ,_, th
eir_PP$ eyes_NNS filmed_VBN with_IN rheum_NN and_CC visions_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT o
ld_JJ Kajar_NP princes_NNS arriving_VBG in_IN their_PP$ ancient_JJ limousines_NN
S ;_. ;_. students_NNS ,_, civil_JJ servants_NNS ,_, beggars_NNS ,_, musicians_N
NS ,_, hawkers_NNS ,_, and_CC clowns_NNS ._. Families_NNS go_VB out_RP to_IN the
_AT edge_NN of_IN the_AT terraces_NNS to_TO sit_VB on_IN carpets_NNS around_IN a
_AT samovar_NN ._. Below_RB ,_, people_NNS line_VB the_AT steps_NNS ,_, as_CS th
ough_CS on_IN bleachers_NNS ,_, to_TO watch_VB the_AT sky_NN and_CC river_NN ._.
Above_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT tiled_VBN prosceniums_NNS of_IN the_AT alcoves_NNS ,_
, boys_NNS sing_VB the_AT ghazals_FW-NNS of_IN Hafiz_NP and_CC Saadi_NP ,_, whil
e_CS at_IN the_AT very_AP bottom_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT vaults_NNS ,_, the_AT tough
s_NNS and_CC blades_NNS of_IN the_AT city_NN hoot_VB and_CC bang_VB their_PP$ dr
ums_NNS ,_, drink_VB arak_NN ,_, play_VB dice_NNS ,_, and_CC dance_VB ._. Here_R
B in_IN an_AT evening_NN Persians_NPS enjoy_VB many_AP of_IN the_AT things_NNS w
hich_WDT are_BER important_JJ to_IN them_PPO :_: poetry_NN ,_, water_NN ,_, the_
AT moon_NN ,_, a_AT beautiful_JJ face_NN ._. To_IN a_AT stranger_NN their_PP$ de
light_NN in_IN these_DTS things_NNS may_MD seem_VB paradoxical_JJ ,_, for_CS Per
sians_NPS chase_VB the_AT golden_JJ calf_NN as_QL much_AP as_CS any_DTI people_N
NS ._. Many_AP of_IN them_PPO ,_, moreover_RB ,_, are_BER beginning_VBG to_TO co
mplain_VB about_IN the_AT scarcity_NN of_IN Western_JJ-TL amusements_NNS and_CC
to_TO ridicule_VB the_AT old_JJ life_NN of_IN the_AT bazaar_NN merchant_NN ,_, t
he_AT mullah_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT peasant_NN ._. Nonetheless_RB ,_, they_PPSS ta
ke_NN time_NN out_RP --_-- much_AP time_NN --_-- from_IN the_AT game_NN of_IN gr
ab_NN and_CC these_DTS new_JJ Western_JJ-TL experiments_NNS to_TO go_VB to_IN th
e_AT gardens_NNS and_CC riverbanks_NNS ._. Above_IN all_ABN ,_, they_PPSS will_M
D stop_VB in_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN anything_PN ,_, anywhere_RB ,_, to_TO hea
r_VB or_CC quote_VB some_DTI poetry_NN ._. Poetry_NN in_IN Persian_JJ life_NN is
_BEZ far_QL more_AP than_CS a_AT common_JJ ground_NN on_IN which_WDT --_-- in_IN
a_AT society_NN deeply_RB fissured_VBN by_IN antagonisms_NNS --_-- all_ABN may_
MD stand_VB ._. It_PPS contains_VBZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, their_PP$ whole_JJ out
look_NN on_IN life_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ expressed_VBN ,_, at_IN least_AP
to_IN their_PP$ taste_NN ,_, in_IN a_AT perfect_JJ form_NN ._. Poetry_NN for_IN
a_AT Persian_NP is_BEZ nothing_PN less_AP than_CS truth_NN and_CC beauty_NN ._.
In_IN most_AP Western_JJ-TL cultures_NNS today_NR these_DTS twins_NNS have_HV be
en_BEN sent_VBN away_RB to_IN the_AT libraries_NNS and_CC museums_NNS ._. In_IN
Persia_NP ,_, where_WRB practically_RB speaking_VBG there_EX are_BER no_AT museu
ms_NNS or_CC libraries_NNS or_CC ,_, for_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, hardly_RB any_
DTI books_NNS ,_, the_AT twins_NNS run_VB free_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ perhaps_RB d
ifficult_JJ to_TO conceive_VB ,_, but_CC imagine_VB that_CS tonight_NR on_IN Lon
don_NP bridge_NN the_AT Teddy_NP boys_NNS of_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL End_NN-TL will
_MD gather_VB to_TO sing_VB Marlowe_NP ,_, Herrick_NP ,_, Shakespeare_NP ,_, and
_CC perhaps_RB some_DTI lyrics_NNS of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ ._. That_CS ,_, at_IN
any_DTI rate_NN ,_, is_BEZ what_WDT happens_VBZ at_IN the_AT Khaju_NP bridge_NN
._. Boys_NNS and_CC men_NNS go_VB along_IN the_AT riverbank_NN or_CC to_IN the_A
T alcoves_NNS in_IN the_AT top_JJS arcade_NN ._. Here_RB in_IN these_DTS little_
AP rooms_NNS --_-- or_CC stages_NNS arched_VBN open_JJ to_IN the_AT sky_NN and_C
C river_NN --_-- they_PPSS choose_VB a_AT few_AP lines_NNS out_IN of_IN the_AT h
undreds_NNS they_PPSS may_MD know_VB and_CC sing_VB them_PPO according_IN to_IN
one_CD of_IN the_AT modes_NNS into_IN which_WDT Persian_JJ music_NN is_BEZ divid
ed_VBN ._. Each_DT mode_NN is_BEZ believed_VBN to_TO have_HV a_AT specific_JJ at
tribute_NN --_-- one_CD inducing_VBG pleasure_NN ,_, another_DT generosity_NN ,_
, another_DT love_NN ,_, and_CC so_RB on_RP ,_, to_TO include_VB all_ABN of_IN t
he_AT emotions_NNS ._. The_AT singer_NN simply_RB matches_VBZ the_AT poem_NN to_
IN a_AT mode_NN ;_. ;_. for_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT mode_NN of_IN bravery_NN to
_IN this_DT anonymous_JJ folk_NN poem_NN :_: ``_`` They_PPSS brought_VBD me_PPO
news_NN that_CS Spring_NN-TL is_BEZ in_IN the_AT plains_NNS And_CC Ahmad's_NP$ b
lood_NN the_AT crimson_JJ tulip_NN stains_VBZ ;_. ;_. Go_VB ,_, tell_VB his_PP$
aged_VBN mother_NN that_CS her_PP$ son_NN Fought_VBD with_IN a_AT thousand_CD fo
es_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ one_CD ''_'' ._. Or_CC the_AT mode_NN of_IN lo
ve_NN to_IN this_DT fragment_NN by_IN a_AT recent_JJ poet_NN :_: ``_`` Know_VB y
e_PPSS ,_, fair_JJ folk_NN who_WPS dwell_VB on_IN earth_NN Or_CC shall_MD hereaf
ter_RB come_VB to_IN birth_NN ,_, That_DT here_RB ,_, with_IN dust_NN upon_IN hi
s_PP$ eyes_NNS ,_, Iraj_NP ,_, the_AT sweet-tongued_JJ singer_NN ,_, lies_VBZ ._
. In_IN this_DT true_JJ lover's_NN$ tomb_NN interred_VBN A_AT world_NN of_IN lov
e_NN lies_VBZ sepulchred_VBN ._. ''_'' These_DTS songs_NNS (_( practically_QL al
l_ABN Persian_JJ music_NN ,_, for_IN that_DT matter_NN )_) are_BER limited_VBN t
o_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN two_CD octaves_NNS ._. Yet_CC within_IN this_DT limitat
ion_NN there_EX is_BEZ an_AT astonishing_JJ variety_NN :_: design_NN as_QL intri
cate_JJ as_CS that_DT in_IN the_AT carpet_NN or_CC miniature_NN ,_, with_IN the_
AT melodic_JJ line_NN like_CS the_AT painted_VBN or_CC woven_VBN line_NN often_R
B flowing_VBG into_IN an_AT arabesque_NN ._. Die_FW-AT Frist_FW-NN ist_FW-BEZ um
_FW-RB ,_, und_FW-CC wiederum_FW-RB verstrichen_FW-VBN sind_FW-BER sieben_FW-CD
Jahr_FW-NNS ,_, the_AT Maestro_NN-TL quoted_VBD The_AT-TL Flying_VBG-TL Dutchman
_NP-TL ,_, as_CS he_PPS told_VBD of_IN his_PP$ career_NN and_CC wanderings_NNS ,
_, explaining_VBG that_CS the_AT number_NN seven_CD had_HVD significantly_RB rec
urred_VBN in_IN his_PP$ life_NN several_AP times_NNS ._. The_AT music_NN directo
r_NN of_IN the_AT Pittsburgh_NP-TL Symphony_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL ,_, William_NP
Steinberg_NP ,_, has_HVZ molded_VBN his_PP$ group_NN into_IN a_AT prominent_JJ
musical_JJ organization_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ his_PP$ life_NN ._. When_WRB he_
PPS added_VBD to_IN his_PP$ Pittsburgh_NP commitments_NNS the_AT directorship_NN
of_IN the_AT London_NP-TL Philharmonic_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL in_IN 1958_CD ,_,
he_PPS conducted_VBD one_CD hundred_CD fifty_CD concerts_NNS within_IN nine_CD m
onths_NNS ,_, ``_`` commuting_VBG ''_'' between_IN the_AT two_CD cities_NNS ._.
This_DT schedule_NN became_VBD too_QL strenuous_JJ ,_, even_RB for_IN the_AT ene
rgetic_JJ and_CC conscientious_JJ Mr._NP Steinberg_NP ._. His_PP$ London_NP cont
ract_NN was_BEDZ rescinded_VBN ,_, and_CC now_RB ,_, he_PPS explains_VBZ cheerfu
lly_RB ,_, as_CS a_AT bright_JJ smile_NN lightens_VBZ his_PP$ intense_JJ ,_, mob
ile_JJ face_NN ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS conduct_VB only_RB one_CD hundred_CD and_CC twen
ty_CD concerts_NNS ''_'' !_. !_. Our_PP$ meeting_NN took_VBD place_NN in_IN May_
NP ,_, 1961_CD ,_, during_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT Maestro's_NN$-TL stop-overs_NNS
in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, before_CS he_PPS left_VBD for_IN Europe_NP ._. A
s_CS we_PPSS began_VBD to_TO converse_VB in_IN the_AT lounge_NN of_IN his_PP$ Fi
fth_OD-TL Avenue_NN-TL hotel_NN ,_, his_PP$ restlessness_NN and_CC sensitivity_N
N to_IN light_NN and_CC sound_NN became_VBD immediately_QL apparent_JJ ._. Seeki
ng_VBG an_AT obscure_JJ ,_, dark_JJ ,_, relatively_QL quiet_JJ corner_NN in_IN t
he_AT airy_JJ room_NN otherwise_RB suffused_VBN with_IN afternoon_NN sunshine_NN
,_, he_PPS asked_VBD if_CS the_AT soft_JJ background_NN music_NN could_MD be_BE
turned_VBN off_RP ._. Unfortunately_RB ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ Muzak_NP ,_, which_W
DT automatically_RB is_BEZ piped_VBN into_IN the_AT public_JJ rooms_NNS ,_, and_
CC which_WDT nolens_FW-VBG volens_FW-VBG had_HVD to_TO be_BE endured_VBN ._. As_
CS he_PPS talked_VBD about_IN himself_PPL ,_, time_NN and_CC again_RB stuffing_V
BG and_CC dragging_VBG on_IN his_PP$ pipe_NN ,_, Steinberg_NP began_VBD to_TO re
lax_VB and_CC the_AT initial_JJ hurried_VBN feeling_NN grew_VBD faint_JJ and_CC
was_BEDZ dispelled_VBN ._. Did_DOD he_PPS come_VB from_IN a_AT musical_JJ family
_NN ?_. ?_. Yes_RB :_: though_CS not_* professional_JJ musicians_NNS ,_, they_PP
SS were_BED a_AT music-loving_JJ family_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ native_JJ Cologne_N
P ,_, where_WRB his_PP$ mother_NN taught_VBD him_PPO to_TO play_VB the_AT piano_
NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO read_VB notes_NNS before_CS he_PPS learned_
VBD the_AT alphabet_NN ._. She_PPS even_RB devised_VBD a_AT system_NN of_IN colo
rs_NNS ,_, whereby_WRB the_AT boy_NN could_MD easily_RB distinguish_VB the_AT di
fferent_JJ note_NN values_NNS ._. When_WRB he_PPS started_VBD school_NN at_IN th
e_AT age_NN of_IN five-and-a-half_CD ,_, he_PPS could_MD not_* understand_VB why
_WRB the_AT alphabet_NN begins_VBZ with_IN the_AT letter_NN A_AT-TL ,_, instead_
RB of_IN C_NP ,_, as_CS in_IN the_AT scale_NN ._. Because_CS ,_, like_CS many_AP
other_AP children_NNS ,_, he_PPS intensely_RB disliked_VBD practicing_VBG Czern
y_NP Etudes_NPS ,_, he_PPS composed_VBD his_PP$ own_JJ studies_NNS ._. When_WRB
he_PPS was_BEDZ eight_CD he_PPS began_VBD violin_NN lessons_NNS ._. Soon_RB he_P
PS was_BEDZ playing_VBG in_IN the_AT Cologne_NP-TL Municipal_JJ-TL Orchestra_NN-
TL ,_, and_CC during_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, ,_, when_WRB musicians
_NNS were_BED scarce_JJ ,_, he_PPS joined_VBD the_AT opera_NN orchestra_NN as_QL
well_RB ._. Steinberg_NP claims_VBZ that_CS these_DTS early_JJ years_NNS of_IN
orchestra_NN participation_NN were_BED of_IN invaluable_JJ help_NN to_IN his_PP$
career_NN ._. ``_`` By_IN observing_VBG the_AT conductor_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS sa
ys_VBZ with_IN a_AT twinkle_NN in_IN his_PP$ eyes_NNS ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS learned_V
BD how_WRB not_* to_TO conduct_VB ''_'' ._. The_AT musician_NN ran_VBD away_RB f
rom_IN school_NN when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ fifteen_CD ,_, but_CC this_DT escapade
_NN did_DOD not_* save_VB him_PPO from_IN the_AT Gymnasium_NN-TL ._. Simultaneou
sly_RB ,_, he_PPS pursued_VBD his_PP$ musical_JJ studies_NNS at_IN the_AT conser
vatory_NN ,_, receiving_VBG sound_JJ training_NN in_IN counterpoint_NN and_CC ha
rmony_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB in_IN the_AT violin_NN and_CC piano_NN ._. His_PP$ pr
ofessional_JJ career_NN began_VBD when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ twenty_CD ;_. ;_. he_
PPS became_VBD Otto_NP Klemperer's_NP$ personal_JJ assistant_NN at_IN the_AT Col
ogne_NP-TL Opera_NN-TL ,_, and_CC a_AT year_NN later_RBR was_BEDZ promoted_VBN t
o_IN the_AT position_NN of_IN regular_JJ conductor_NN ._. Wasn't_BEDZ* this_DT a
n_AT unusually_RB young_JJ age_NN to_TO fill_VB such_ABL a_AT responsible_JJ pos
t_NN ?_. ?_. Yes_RB ,_, the_AT Maestro_NN-TL assented_VBD ._. Had_HVD he_PPS alw
ays_RB wished_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT conductor_NN ?_. ?_. No_RB ,_, originally_RB
he_PPS had_HVD hoped_VBN to_TO become_VB a_AT concert_NN pianist_NN and_CC had_H
VD even_RB performed_VBN as_CS such_JJ ._. However_RB ,_, when_WRB he_PPS assume
d_VBD the_AT duties_NNS of_IN a_AT conductor_NN ,_, he_PPS relinquished_VBD his_
PP$ career_NN as_CS a_AT pianist_NN ._. Five_CD years_NNS were_BED spent_VBN wit
h_IN the_AT Cologne_NP-TL Opera_NN-TL ,_, after_IN which_WDT he_PPS was_BEDZ cal
led_VBN to_IN Prague_NP by_IN Alexander_NP von_NP Zemlinsky_NP ,_, teacher_NN of
_IN Arnold_NP Schonberg_NP and_CC Erich_NP Korngold_NP ._. In_IN 1927_CD he_PPS
succeeded_VBD Zemlinsky_NP as_CS opera_NN director_NN of_IN the_AT German_JJ-TL
Theater_NN-TL at_IN Prague_NP ._. During_IN his_PP$ tenure_NN he_PPS also_RB ful
filled_VBD guest_NN engagements_NNS at_IN the_AT Berlin_NP-TL State_NN-TL Opera_
NN-TL ._. Two_CD years_NNS later_RBR he_PPS became_VBD director_NN of_IN the_AT
Frankfurt_NP-TL Opera_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS remained_VBD until_CS he_PPS lo
st_VBD this_DT position_NN in_IN 1933_CD through_IN the_AT rise_NN of_IN the_AT
Hitler_NP regime_NN ._. During_IN these_DTS years_NNS the_AT youthful_JJ conduct
or_NN had_HVD contributed_VBN greatly_RB to_IN the_AT high_JJ level_NN of_IN mus
ical_JJ life_NN in_IN Germany_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD presented_VBN the_AT first_O
D German_JJ performances_NNS of_IN Puccini's_NP$ Manon_NP-TL Lescaut_NP-TL and_C
C De_NP Falla's_NP$ La_NP Vida_NP Breve_NP ._. The_AT Frankfurt_NP years_NNS wer
e_BED particularly_QL noteworthy_JJ for_IN his_PP$ performance_NN of_IN Berg's_N
P$ Wozzek_NP soon_RB after_IN the_AT Berlin_NP premiere_NN under_IN Erich_NP Kle
iber_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT world_NN premiere_NN of_IN Schonberg's_NP$ Von_FW-IN-T
L heute_FW-NR-TL auf_FW-IN-TL morgen_FW-NR-TL ._. At_IN the_AT outset_NN of_IN h
is_PP$ career_NN ,_, Steinberg_NP had_HVD dedicated_VBN himself_PPL to_IN the_AT
advancement_NN of_IN contemporary_JJ music_NN by_IN vowing_VBG to_TO do_DO a_AT
Schonberg_NP work_NN every_AT year_NN ._. In_IN Frankfurt_NP ,_, too_RB ,_, he_
PPS directed_VBD the_AT Museum_NN-TL and_CC Opera_NN-TL House_NN-TL concerts_NNS
which_WDT ,_, in_IN addition_NN to_IN the_AT standard_JJ repertoire_NN ,_, feat
ured_VBD novelties_NNS like_CS Erdmann's_NP$ Piano_NN-TL Concerto_NN-TL and_CC M
ahler's_NP$ Sixth_OD-TL Symphony_NN-TL ._. Because_RB of_IN the_AT political_JJ
upheaval_NN in_IN Germany_NP in_IN the_AT 1930's_NNS ,_, Steinberg_NP was_BEDZ f
orced_VBN to_TO restrict_VB his_PP$ activities_NNS to_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ commun
ity_NN ._. Through_IN the_AT Frankfurt_NP-TL Jewish_JJ-TL Kulturbund_FW-NN-TL he
_PPS began_VBD to_TO give_VB sonata_NN recitals_NNS in_IN synagogues_NNS ,_, wit
h_IN Cellist_NN-TL Emanuel_NP Feuermann_NP ._. As_CS more_AP and_CC more_AP Jewi
sh_JJ musicians_NNS lost_VBD their_PP$ jobs_NNS with_IN professional_JJ organiza
tions_NNS Steinberg_NP united_VBD them_PPO into_IN the_AT Frankfurt_NP-TL Kultur
bund_FW-NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT also_RB gave_VBD guest_NN performanc
es_NNS in_IN other_AP German_JJ cities_NNS ._. In_IN 1936_CD he_PPS accepted_VBD
the_AT leadership_NN of_IN the_AT Berlin_NP-TL Kulturbund_FW-NN-TL ._. In_IN th
e_AT fall_NN of_IN that_DT year_NN the_AT best_JJT musicians_NNS of_IN the_AT Be
rlin_NP and_CC Frankfurt_NP-TL Kulturbund_FW-NN-TL orchestras_NNS joined_VBD und
er_IN the_AT combined_VBN efforts_NNS of_IN Bronislaw_NP Hubermann_NP and_CC Ste
inberg_NP to_TO become_VB the_AT Palestine_NP-TL Orchestra_NN-TL --_-- now_RB kn
own_VBN as_CS the_AT Israel_NP-TL Philharmonic_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL --_-- with_
IN Steinberg_NP as_CS founder-conductor_NN ._. In_IN 1938_CD ,_, at_IN the_AT in
sistence_NN of_IN Arturo_NP Toscanini_NP ,_, Steinberg_NP left_VBD Germany_NP fo
r_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, by_IN way_NN of_IN Switzerland_NP ._
. After_CS he_PPS had_HVD spent_VBN the_AT first_OD three_CD years_NNS in_IN New
_JJ-TL York_NP-TL as_CS associate_JJ conductor_NN ,_, at_IN Toscanini's_NP$ invi
tation_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT NBC_NN-TL Orchestra_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS made_VBD numerou
s_JJ guest_NN appearances_NNS throughout_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL a
nd_CC Latin_JJ-TL America_NP-TL ._. In_IN 1945_CD he_PPS became_VBD conductor_NN
of_IN the_AT Buffalo_NP-TL Philharmonic_NN-TL ._. Seven_CD years_NNS later_RBR
he_PPS was_BEDZ asked_VBN to_TO become_VB director_NN of_IN the_AT Pittsburgh_NP
-TL Symphony_NN-TL ._. Since_IN 1944_CD he_PPS has_HVZ also_RB conducted_VBN reg
ularly_RB at_IN the_AT San_NP-TL Francisco_NP-TL Opera_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PP
S made_VBD his_PP$ debut_NN with_IN a_AT memorable_JJ performance_NN of_IN Verdi
's_NP$ Falstaff_NP-TL ._. In_IN recent_JJ years_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ traveled_VBN
widely_RB in_IN Europe_NP ,_, conducting_VBG in_IN Italy_NP ,_, France_NP ,_, Au
stria_NP ,_, and_CC Switzerland_NP ._. He_PPS returned_VBD to_IN Germany_NP for_
IN the_AT first_OD time_NN in_IN 1953_CD ,_, where_WRB he_PPS has_HVZ since_RB c
onducted_VBN in_IN Cologne_NP ,_, Frankfurt_NP ,_, and_CC Berlin_NP ._. Where_WR
B in_IN Europe_NP was_BEDZ he_PPS going_VBG now_RB ?_. ?_. First_OD of_IN all_AB
N ,_, to_IN Italy_NP for_IN a_AT short_JJ vacation_NN --_-- Forte_NP Dei_NP Marm
i_NP ,_, a_AT place_NN he_PPS loves_VBZ ._. Since_CS it_PPS is_BEZ not_* far_RB
from_IN Viareggio_NP ,_, he_PPS will_MD visit_VB Puccini's_NP$ house_NN ,_, as_C
S he_PPS never_RB fails_VBZ to_TO do_DO ,_, to_TO pay_VB his_PP$ respects_NNS to
_IN the_AT memory_NN of_IN the_AT composer_NN of_IN La_NP-TL Boheme_NP-TL ,_, wh
ich_WDT he_PPS considers_VBZ one_CD of_IN Puccini's_NP$ masterpieces_NNS ._. Ste
inberg_NP spoke_VBD with_IN warmth_NN and_CC enthusiasm_NN about_IN Italy_NP :_:
``_`` Rome_NP is_BEZ my_PP$ second_OD home_NN ._. I_PPSS consider_VB it_PPO the
_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN and_CC make_VB it_PPO a_AT point_NN to_TO be
_BE there_RB once_RB a_AT year_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS will_MD conduct_VB two_CD con
certs_NNS at_IN the_AT Accademia_NP Di_NP Santa_NP Cecilia_NP ,_, as_QL well_RB
as_CS concerts_NNS in_IN Munich_NP and_CC Cologne_NP ._. ``_`` Then_RB I_PPSS re
turn_VB to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL for_IN engagements_NNS at_IN th
e_AT Hollywood_NP-TL Bowl_NN-TL and_CC in_IN Philadelphia_NP ''_'' ,_, he_PPS ad
ded_VBD ._. The_AT forthcoming_JJ season_NN in_IN Pittsburgh_NP also_RB promises
_VBZ to_TO be_BE of_IN unusual_JJ interest_NN ._. There_EX will_MD be_BE premier
es_NNS of_IN new_JJ works_NNS ,_, made_VBN possible_JJ through_IN Ford_NP-TL Fou
ndation_NN-TL commissions_NNS :_: Carlisle_NP Floyd's_NP$ Mystery_NN-TL ,_, with
_IN Phyllis_NP Curtin_NP as_CS soprano_NN soloist_NN ._. Other_AP world_NN premi
eres_NNS will_MD be_BE Gardner_NP Read's_NP$ Third_OD-TL Symphony_NN-TL and_CC B
urle_NP Marx's_NP$ Samba_FW-NN-TL Concertante_FW-JJ-TL ._. ``_`` And_CC next_AP
year_NN we_PPSS will_MD do_DO --_-- also_RB a_AT Ford_NP commission_NN --_-- a_A
T piano_NN concerto_NN by_IN Elliott_NP Carter_NP ,_, with_IN Jacob_NP Lateiner_
NP as_CS soloist_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, I_PPSS shall_MD conduct_VB Mahler_NP
and_CC Bruckner_NP works_NNS in_IN the_AT coming_VBG season_NN ,_, as_CS usual_
JJ ._. We'll_PPSS+MD play_VB Bruckner's_NP$ Fifth_OD-TL Symphony_NN-TL in_IN the
_AT original_JJ version_NN ,_, and_CC Mahler's_NP$ Seventh_OD-TL --_-- the_AT le
ast_QL accessible_JJ ,_, known_VBN ,_, and_CC played_VBN of_IN Mahler's_NP$ work
s_NNS ._. My_PP$ Pittsburghers_NPS have_HV become_VBN real_JJ addicts_NNS to_IN
Mahler_NP and_CC Bruckner_NP ''_'' ._. He_PPS added_VBD that_CS he_PPS also_RB s
tresses_VBZ the_AT works_NNS of_IN these_DTS favorite_JJ masters_NNS on_IN tour_
NN ,_, especially_RB Mahler's_NP$ First_OD-TL and_CC Fourth_OD-TL symphonies_NNS
,_, and_CC Das_FW-AT-TL Lied_VBD-TL Von_FW-IN-TL der_FW-AT-TL Erde_FW-NN-TL ,_,
and_CC Bruckner's_NP$ Sixth_OD-TL --_-- which_WDT is_BEZ rarely_RB played_VBN -
-_-- and_CC Seventh_OD-TL ._. Bruckner's_NP$ Eighth_OD-TL he_PPS refers_VBZ to_I
N as_CS ``_`` my_PP$ travel_NN symphony_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS recalled_VBD that_CS
in_IN California_NP after_CS a_AT critic_NN had_HVD attacked_VBN him_PPO for_IN
``_`` still_RB trying_VBG to_TO sell_VB Bruckner_NP to_IN the_AT Americans_NPS
''_'' ,_, the_AT public's_NN$ response_NN at_IN the_AT next_AP concert_NN was_BE
DZ a_AT standing_VBG ovation_NN ._. ``_`` Now_RB that_CS Bruno_NP Walter_NP is_B
EZ virtually_RB in_IN retirement_NN and_CC my_PP$ dear_JJ friend_NN Dimitri_NP M
itropoulos_NP is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR with_IN us_PPO ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM probably_
RB the_AT only_AP one_PN --_-- with_IN the_AT possible_JJ exception_NN of_IN Leo
nard_NP Bernstein_NP --_-- who_WPS has_HVZ this_DT special_JJ affinity_NN for_IN
and_CC champions_VBZ the_AT works_NNS of_IN Bruckner_NP and_CC Mahler_NP ''_''
._. Since_CS he_PPS introduces_VBZ so_QL much_AP modern_JJ music_NN ,_, I_PPSS c
ould_MD not_* resist_VB asking_VBG how_WRB he_PPS felt_VBD about_IN it_PPO ._. `
`_`` There_EX was_BEDZ always_RB and_CC at_IN all_ABN times_NNS a_AT contemporar
y_JJ music_NN and_CC it_PPS expresses_VBZ the_AT era_NN in_IN which_WDT it_PPS w
as_BEDZ created_VBN ._. But_CC I_PPSS usually_RB stick_VB to_IN the_AT old_JJ ph
rase_NN :_: '_' Ich_FW-PPSS habe_FW-HV ein_FW-AT Amt_FW-NN ,_, aber_FW-CC keine_
FW-AT Meinung_FW-NN (_( I_PPSS hold_VB an_AT office_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS do_DO n
ot_* feel_VB entitled_VBN to_TO have_HV an_AT opinion_NN )_) ._. I_PPSS consider
_VB it_PPO to_TO be_BE my_PP$ job_NN to_TO expose_VB the_AT public_NN to_IN what
_WDT is_BEZ being_BEG written_VBN today_NR ''_'' ._. With_IN all_ABN his_PP$ mus
ical_JJ activities_NNS ,_, did_DOD he_PPS have_HV the_AT time_NN and_CC inclinat
ion_NN to_TO do_DO anything_PN else_RB ?_. ?_. He_PPS had_HVD just_RB paid_VBN a
_AT brief_JJ visit_NN to_IN the_AT Frick_NP-TL Collection_NN-TL to_TO admire_VB
his_PP$ favorite_JJ paintings_NNS by_IN Rembrandt_NP and_CC Franz_NP Hals_NP ._.
He_PPS was_BEDZ not_* enthusiastic_JJ over_IN the_AT newly_RB acquired_VBN Clau
de_NP Lorrain_NP ,_, but_CC reminisced_VBD with_IN pleasure_NN over_IN a_AT Pous
sin_NP exhibit_NN he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN able_JJ to_TO see_VB in_IN Paris_NP a_
AT year_NN ago_RB ._. And_CC how_WRB did_DOD he_PPS feel_VB about_IN modern_JJ a
rt_NN ?_. ?_. Again_RB Steinberg_NP was_BEDZ cautious_JJ and_CC replied_VBD with
_IN a_AT smile_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* exposed_VBN to_IN it_PPO enough_
RB to_TO hazard_VB comments_NNS ._. ``_`` As_CS my_PP$ wife_NN puts_VBZ it_PPO '
'_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, again_RB with_IN a_AT twinkle_NN in_IN his_PP$ eyes
_NNS ,_, ``_`` all_ABN you_PPSS know_VB is_BEZ your_PP$ music_NN ._. But_CC afte
r_IN all_ABN ,_, you_PPSS never_RB learned_VBD anything_PN else_RB ''_'' !_. !_.
What_WDT did_DOD he_PPS do_DO for_IN relaxation_NN ?_. ?_. Like_CS his_PP$ late
_JJ colleague_NN ,_, Mitropoulos_NP ,_, he_PPS reads_VBZ mystery_NN stories_NNS
,_, in_IN particular_JJ Sir_NP Arthur_NP Conan_NP Doyle_NP ._. He_PPS cited_VBD
Heine_NP and_CC Stendhal_NP as_CS favorites_NNS in_IN literature_NN ._. But_CC h
is_PP$ prime_JJ interest_NN ,_, apart_RB from_IN music_NN ,_, he_PPS insisted_VB
D seriously_RB ,_, was_BEDZ his_PP$ family_NN --_-- his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, daughter
_NN and_CC son_NN ._. At_IN the_AT moment_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ excited_VBN about_I
N his_PP$ son's_NN$ having_HVG received_VBN the_AT Prix_FW-NN-TL De_FW-IN-TL Rom
e_NP-TL in_IN archaeology_NN and_CC was_BEDZ looking_VBG forward_RB to_TO being_
BEG present_RB this_DT summer_NN at_IN the_AT excavation_NN of_IN an_AT Etruscan
_JJ tomb_NN ._. ``_`` Both_ABX children_NNS are_BER musical_JJ and_CC my_PP$ wif
e_NN is_BEZ a_AT music_NN lover_NN of_IN unfailing_JJ instinct_NN and_CC judgeme
nt_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Is_BEZ the_AT attitude_NN of_IN German_JJ youth_NN compara
ble_JJ to_IN that_DT of_IN ``_`` the_AT angry_JJ young_JJ men_NNS '_' of_IN Engl
and_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. Was_BEDZ the_AT topic_NN for_IN a_AT round-table_NN discuss
ion_NN at_IN the_AT Bayerische_FW-JJ-TL Rundfunk_FW-NP-TL in_IN Munich_NP ._. I_
PPSS was_BEDZ chairman_NN ,_, the_AT only_AP not_* youthful_JJ participant_NN ._
. Since_CS attack_NN serves_VBZ to_TO stimulate_VB interest_NN in_IN broadcasts_
NNS ,_, I_PPSS added_VBD to_IN my_PP$ opening_VBG statement_NN a_AT sentence_NN
in_IN which_WDT I_PPSS claimed_VBD that_CS German_JJ youth_NN seemed_VBD to_TO l
ack_VB the_AT enthusiasm_NN which_WDT is_BEZ a_AT necessary_JJ ingredient_NN of_
IN anger_NN ,_, and_CC might_MD be_BE classified_VBN as_CS uninterested_JJ and_C
C bored_VBN rather_IN than_IN angry_JJ ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ far_RB from_IN convin
ced_VBN of_IN the_AT truth_NN of_IN my_PP$ statement_NN ,_, but_CC could_MD not_
* think_VB of_IN anything_PN that_WPS might_MD evoke_VB responses_NNS more_QL qu
ickly_RB ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ easy_JJ for_CS you_PPSS to_TO talk_VB ''_'' ;_.
;_. countered_VBD a_AT twenty_CD year_NN old_JJ law_NN student_NN ,_, ``_`` you
_PPSS travel_VB around_IN the_AT world_NN ._. We_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO do_
DO that_DT too_RB ''_'' ._. ``_`` But_CC you_PPSS want_VB a_AT job_NN guaranteed
_VBN when_WRB you_PPSS return_VB ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS continued_VBD my_PP$ attack_NN
._. ``_`` You_PPSS must_MD have_HV some_DTI security_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD a_AT
young_JJ clerk_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS mentioned_VBD that_CS for_IN my_PP$ first
_OD long_JJ voyage_NN I_PPSS did_DOD not_* even_RB have_HV the_AT money_NN for_I
N the_AT return_NN fare_NN ,_, but_CC had_HVD trusted_VBN to_IN luck_NN that_CS
I_PPSS would_MD earn_VB a_AT sufficient_JJ amount_VB ,_, the_AT young_JJ people_
NNS looked_VBD at_IN me_PPO doubtingly_RB ._. One_CD girl_NN expressed_VBD what_
WDT was_BEDZ obviously_RB in_IN their_PP$ minds_NNS ._. ``_`` Would_MD you_PPO a
dvise_VB us_PPO to_TO act_VB the_AT same_AP way_NN ?_. ?_. You_PPSS might_MD hav
e_HV failed_VBN ._. I_PPSS think_VB it_PPS is_BEZ rather_QL foolhardy_JJ to_TO t
rust_VB to_IN luck_NN ''_'' ._. Others_NNS mentioned_VBD that_CS I_PPSS might_MD
have_HV had_HVN to_TO ask_VB friends_NNS or_CC even_RB strangers_NNS for_IN hel
p_NN and_CC that_CS to_TO be_BE stranded_VBN in_IN a_AT foreign_JJ country_NN wi
thout_IN sufficient_JJ funds_NNS did_DOD not_* contribute_VB to_IN international
_JJ understanding_NN ._. The_AT debate_NN needed_VBD no_AT additional_JJ controv
ersy_NN and_CC soon_RB I_PPSS could_MD ask_VB each_DT individually_RB what_WDT h
e_PPS expected_VBD from_IN life_NN ,_, what_WDT his_PP$ hopes_NNS were_BED and_C
C what_WDT his_PP$ fears_NNS ._. Though_CS the_AT four_CD boys_NNS and_CC two_CD
girls_NNS ,_, the_AT youngest_JJT nineteen_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN ,_, the_AT
oldest_JJT twenty-four_CD ,_, came_VBD from_IN varying_VBG backgrounds_NNS and_
CC had_HVD different_JJ professional_JJ and_CC personal_JJ interests_NNS ,_, the
re_EX was_BEDZ surprising_VBG agreement_NN among_IN them_PPO ._. What_WDT they_P
PSS wished_VBD for_IN most_RBT was_BEDZ security_NN ;_. ;_. what_WDT they_PPSS f
eared_VBD most_RBT was_BEDZ war_NN or_CC political_JJ instability_NN in_IN their
_PP$ own_JJ country_NN ._. The_AT ideal_JJ home_NN ,_, they_PPSS agreed_VBD ,_,
would_MD be_BE a_AT small_JJ private_JJ house_NN or_CC a_AT city_NN apartment_NN
of_IN four_CD to_IN five_CD rooms_NNS ,_, just_RB enough_AP for_IN a_AT family_
NN consisting_IN of_IN husband_NN ,_, wife_NN ,_, and_CC two_CD children_NNS ._.
No_AT one_PN wanted_VBD a_AT larger_JJR family_NN or_CC no_AT children_NNS ,_,
and_CC none_PN hoped_VBD for_IN a_AT castle_NN or_CC said_VBD that_CS living_VBG
in_IN less_QL settled_VBN circumstances_NNS would_MD be_BE satisfactory_JJ ._.
All_ABN expressed_VBD interest_NN in_IN world_NN affairs_NNS but_CC no_AT one_PN
offered_VBD to_TO make_VB any_DTI sacrifices_NNS to_TO satisfy_VB this_DT inter
est_NN ._. Once_RB again_RB ,_, as_CS in_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN the_AT Foundin
g_VBG-TL Fathers_NNS-TL ,_, America_NP faces_VBZ a_AT stern_JJ test_NN ._. That_
DT test_NN ,_, as_CS President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP forthrightly_RB depicted_VBD it_
PPO in_IN his_PP$ State_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Union_NN-TL message_NN ,_, will
_MD determine_VB ``_`` whether_CS a_AT nation_NN organized_VBN and_CC governed_V
BN such_JJ as_CS ours_PP$$ can_MD endure_VB ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ well_JJ then
_RB that_CS in_IN this_DT hour_NN both_ABX of_IN ``_`` national_JJ peril_NN ''_'
' and_CC of_IN ``_`` national_JJ opportunity_NN ''_'' we_PPSS can_MD take_VB cou
nsel_NN with_IN the_AT men_NNS who_WPS made_VBD the_AT nation_NN ._. Incapable_J
J of_IN self-delusion_NN ,_, the_AT Founding_VBG-TL Fathers_NNS-TL found_VBD the
_AT crisis_NN of_IN their_PP$ time_NN to_TO be_BE equally_QL grave_JJ ,_, and_CC
yet_RB they_PPSS had_HVD confidence_NN that_CS America_NP would_MD surmount_VB
it_PPO and_CC that_CS a_AT republic_NN of_IN free_JJ peoples_NNS would_MD prospe
r_VB and_CC serve_VB as_CS an_AT example_NN to_IN a_AT world_NN aching_VBG for_I
N liberty_NN ._. Seven_CD Founders_NNS-TL --_-- George_NP Washington_NP ,_, Benj
amin_NP Franklin_NP ,_, John_NP Adams_NP ,_, Thomas_NP Jefferson_NP ,_, Alexande
r_NP Hamilton_NP ,_, James_NP Madison_NP and_CC John_NP Jay_NP --_-- determined_
VBD the_AT destinies_NNS of_IN the_AT new_JJ nation_NN ._. In_IN certain_JJ resp
ects_NNS ,_, their_PP$ task_NN was_BEDZ incomparably_QL greater_JJR than_CS ours
_PP$$ today_NR ,_, for_CS there_EX was_BEDZ nobody_PN before_IN them_PPO to_TO s
how_VB them_PPO the_AT way_NN ._. As_CS Madison_NP commented_VBD to_IN Jefferson
_NP in_IN 1789_CD ,_, ``_`` We_PPSS are_BER in_IN a_AT wilderness_NN without_IN
a_AT single_AP footstep_NN to_TO guide_VB us_PPO ._. Our_PP$ successors_NNS will
_MD have_HV an_AT easier_JJR task_NN ''_'' ._. They_PPSS thought_VBD of_IN thems
elves_PPLS ,_, to_TO use_VB Jefferson's_NP$ words_NNS ,_, as_CS ``_`` the_AT Arg
onauts_NPS ''_'' who_WPS had_HVD lived_VBN in_IN ``_`` the_AT Heroic_JJ-TL Age_N
N-TL ''_'' ._. Accordingly_RB ,_, they_PPSS took_VBD special_JJ pains_NNS to_TO
preserve_VB their_PP$ papers_NNS as_CS essential_JJ sources_NNS for_IN posterity
_NN ._. Their_PP$ writings_NNS assume_VB more_AP than_IN dramatic_JJ or_CC patri
otic_JJ interest_NN because_RB of_IN their_PP$ conviction_NN that_CS the_AT stru
ggle_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS were_BED involved_VBN was_BEDZ neither_CC self
ish_JJ nor_CC parochial_JJ but_CC ,_, rather_RB ,_, as_CS Washington_NP in_IN hi
s_PP$ last_AP wartime_NN circular_NN reminded_VBD his_PP$ fellow_NN countrymen_N
NS ,_, that_CS ``_`` with_IN our_PP$ fate_NN will_MD the_AT destiny_NN of_IN unb
orn_JJ millions_NNS be_BE involved_VBN ''_'' ._. Strong_JJ men_NNS with_IN stron
g_JJ opinions_NNS ,_, frank_JJ to_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN being_BEG refreshingl
y_QL indiscreet_JJ ,_, the_AT Founding_VBG-TL Seven_CD-TL were_BED essentially_R
B congenial_JJ minds_NNS ,_, and_CC their_PP$ agreements_NNS with_IN each_DT oth
er_AP were_BED more_QL consequential_JJ than_CS their_PP$ differences_NNS ._. Ev
en_RB though_CS in_IN most_AP cases_NNS the_AT completion_NN of_IN the_AT defini
tive_JJ editions_NNS of_IN their_PP$ writings_NNS is_BEZ still_RB years_NNS off_
RP ,_, enough_AP documentation_NN has_HVZ already_RB been_BEN assembled_VBN to_T
O warrant_VB drawing_VBG a_AT new_JJ composite_JJ profile_NN of_IN the_AT leader
ship_NN which_WDT performed_VBD the_AT heroic_JJ dual_JJ feats_NNS of_IN winning
_VBG American_JJ independence_NN and_CC founding_VBG a_AT new_JJ nation_NN ._. B
efore_CS merging_VBG them_PPO into_IN a_AT common_JJ profile_NN it_PPS is_BEZ we
ll_RB to_TO remember_VB that_CS their_PP$ separate_JJ careers_NNS were_BED extra
ordinary_JJ ._. Certainly_RB no_AT other_AP seven_CD American_JJ statesmen_NNS f
rom_IN any_DTI later_JJR period_NN achieved_VBD so_QL much_AP in_IN so_QL concen
trated_VBN a_AT span_NN of_IN years_NNS ._. Eldest_JJT of_IN the_AT seven_CD ,_,
Benjamin_NP Franklin_NP ,_, a_AT New_JJ-TL Englander_NP-TL transplanted_VBN to_
IN Philadelphia_NP ,_, wrote_VBD the_AT most_QL dazzling_VBG success_NN story_NN
in_IN our_PP$ history_NN ._. The_AT young_JJ printer's_NN$ apprentice_NN achiev
ed_VBD greatness_NN in_IN a_AT half-dozen_NN different_JJ fields_NNS ,_, as_CS e
ditor_NN and_CC publisher_NN ,_, scientist_NN ,_, inventor_NN ,_, philanthropist
_NN and_CC statesman_NN ._. Author_NN of_IN the_AT Albany_NP-TL Plan_NN-TL Of_IN
-TL Union_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT ,_, had_HVD it_PPS been_BEN adopted_VBN ,_, might_
MD have_HV avoided_VBN the_AT Revolution_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS fought_VBD the_AT colo
nists'_NNS$ front-line_NN battles_NNS in_IN London_NP ,_, negotiated_VBD the_AT
treaty_NN of_IN alliance_NN with_IN France_NP and_CC the_AT peace_NN that_WPS en
ded_VBD the_AT war_NN ,_, headed_VBD the_AT state_NN government_NN of_IN Pennsyl
vania_NP ,_, and_CC exercised_VBD an_AT important_JJ moderating_VBG influence_NN
at_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Convention_NN-TL ._. On_IN a_AT military_JJ mission_
NN for_IN his_PP$ native_JJ Virginia_NP the_AT youthful_JJ George_NP Washington_
NP touched_VBD off_RP the_AT French_JJ-TL and_CC-TL Indian_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, t
hen_RB guarded_VBD his_PP$ colony's_NN$ frontier_NN as_CS head_NN of_IN its_PP$
militia_NN ._. Commanding_VBG the_AT Continental_JJ-TL Army_NN-TL for_IN six_CD
long_JJ years_NNS of_IN the_AT Revolution_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT indis
pensable_JJ factor_NN in_IN the_AT ultimate_JJ victory_NN ._. Retiring_VBG to_IN
his_PP$ beloved_JJ Mount_NN-TL Vernon_NP-TL ,_, he_PPS returned_VBD to_TO presi
de_VB over_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Convention_NN-TL ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ the_AT o
nly_AP man_NN in_IN history_NN to_TO be_BE unanimously_RB elected_VBN President_
NN-TL ._. During_IN his_PP$ two_CD terms_NNS the_AT Constitution_NN-TL was_BEDZ
tested_VBN and_CC found_VBN workable_JJ ,_, strong_JJ national_JJ policies_NNS w
ere_BED inaugurated_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT traditions_NNS and_CC powers_NNS of_IN
the_AT Presidential_JJ-TL office_NN firmly_RB fixed_VBN ._. John_NP Adams_NP fa
shioned_VBD much_AP of_IN pre-Revolutionary_JJ radical_JJ ideology_NN ,_, wrote_
VBD the_AT constitution_NN of_IN his_PP$ home_NN state_NN of_IN Massachusetts_NP
,_, negotiated_VBD ,_, with_IN Franklin_NP and_CC Jay_NP ,_, the_AT peace_NN wi
th_IN Britain_NP and_CC served_VBD as_CS our_PP$ first_OD Vice_JJ-TL President_N
N-TL and_CC our_PP$ second_OD President_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ political_JJ opponent_
NN and_CC lifetime_NN friend_NN ,_, Thomas_NP Jefferson_NP ,_, achieved_VBD immo
rtality_NN through_IN his_PP$ authorship_NN of_IN the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN
-TL Independence_NN-TL ,_, but_CC equally_QL notable_JJ were_BED the_AT legal_JJ
and_CC constitutional_JJ reforms_NNS he_PPS instituted_VBD in_IN his_PP$ native
_JJ Virginia_NP ,_, his_PP$ role_NN as_CS father_NN of_IN our_PP$ territorial_JJ
system_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ acquisition_NN of_IN the_AT Louisiana_NP-TL Territ
ory_NN-TL during_IN his_PP$ first_OD term_NN as_CS President_NN-TL ._. During_IN
the_AT greater_JJR part_NN of_IN Jefferson's_NP$ career_NN he_PPS enjoyed_VBD t
he_AT close_JJ collaboration_NN of_IN a_AT fellow_NN Virginian_NP ,_, James_NP M
adison_NP ,_, eight_CD years_NNS his_PP$ junior_JJ ._. The_AT active_JJ sponsor_
NN of_IN Jefferson's_NP$ measure_NN for_IN religious_JJ liberty_NN in_IN Virgini
a_NP ,_, Madison_NP played_VBD the_AT most_QL influential_JJ single_AP role_NN i
n_IN the_AT drafting_NN of_IN the_AT Constitution_NN-TL and_CC in_IN securing_VB
G its_PP$ ratification_NN in_IN Virginia_NP ,_, founded_VBD the_AT first_OD poli
tical_JJ party_NN in_IN American_JJ history_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, as_CS Jefferson's_
NP$ Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL and_CC his_PP$ successor_NN in_IN the_A
T Presidency_NN-TL ,_, guided_VBD the_AT nation_NN through_IN the_AT troubled_VB
N years_NNS of_IN our_PP$ second_OD war_NN with_IN Britain_NP ._. If_CS Franklin
_NP was_BEDZ an_AT authentic_JJ genius_NN ,_, then_JJ Alexander_NP Hamilton_NP ,
_, with_IN his_PP$ exceptional_JJ precocity_NN ,_, consuming_VBG energy_NN ,_, a
nd_CC high_JJ ambition_NN ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT political_JJ prodigy_NN ._. His_PP$
revolutionary_JJ pamphlets_NNS ,_, published_VBN when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ only_R
B 19_CD ,_, quickly_RB brought_VBD him_PPO to_IN the_AT attention_NN of_IN the_A
T patriot_NN leaders_NNS ._. Principal_NN author_NN of_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Federa
list_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, he_PPS swung_VBD New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL over_RP from_IN oppos
ition_NN to_IN the_AT Constitution_NN-TL to_IN ratification_NN almost_QL single-
handedly_RB ._. His_PP$ collaboration_NN with_IN Washington_NP ,_, begun_VBN whe
n_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT general's_NN$ aide_NN during_IN the_AT Revolution_N
N-TL ,_, was_BEDZ resumed_VBN when_WRB he_PPS entered_VBD the_AT first_OD Cabine
t_NN-TL as_CS Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Treasury_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ bold
_JJ fiscal_JJ program_NN and_CC his_PP$ broad_JJ interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT
Constitution_NN-TL stand_VB as_CS durable_JJ contributions_NNS ._. Less_QL dazzl
ing_VBG than_CS Hamilton_NP ,_, less_QL eloquent_JJ than_CS Jefferson_NP ,_, Joh
n_NP Jay_NP commands_VBZ an_AT equally_QL high_JJ rank_NN among_IN the_AT Foundi
ng_VBG-TL Fathers_NNS-TL ._. He_PPS served_VBD as_CS president_NN of_IN the_AT C
ontinental_JJ-TL Congress_NP-TL ._. He_PPS played_VBD the_AT leading_VBG role_NN
in_IN negotiating_VBG the_AT treaty_NN with_IN Great_JJ-TL Britain_NP-TL that_W
PS ended_VBD the_AT Revolution_NN-TL ,_, and_CC directed_VBD America's_NP$ forei
gn_JJ affairs_NNS throughout_IN the_AT Confederation_NN-TL period_NN ._. As_CS f
irst_OD Chief_JJS-TL Justice_NN-TL ,_, his_PP$ strong_JJ nationalist_JJ opinions
_NNS anticipated_VBD John_NP Marshall_NP ._. He_PPS ended_VBD his_PP$ public_JJ
career_NN as_CS a_AT two-term_JJ governor_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Thes
e_DTS Seven_CD-TL Founders_NNS-TL constituted_VBD an_AT intellectual_JJ and_CC s
ocial_JJ elite_NN ,_, the_AT most_QL respectable_JJ and_CC disinterested_JJ lead
ership_NN any_DTI revolution_NN ever_RB confessed_VBD ._. Their_PP$ social_JJ st
atus_NN was_BEDZ achieved_VBN in_IN some_DTI cases_NNS by_IN birth_NN ,_, as_CS
with_IN Washington_NP ,_, Jefferson_NP and_CC Jay_NP ;_. ;_. in_IN others_NNS by
_IN business_NN and_CC professional_JJ acumen_NN ,_, as_CS with_IN Franklin_NP a
nd_CC Adams_NP ,_, or_CC ,_, in_IN Hamilton's_NP$ case_NN ,_, by_IN an_AT influe
ntial_JJ marriage_NN ._. Unlike_IN so_QL many_AP of_IN the_AT power-starved_JJ i
ntellectuals_NNS in_IN underdeveloped_JJ nations_NNS of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ day_NN
,_, they_PPSS commanded_VBD both_ABX prestige_NN and_CC influence_NN before_CS
the_AT Revolution_NN-TL started_VBD ._. As_QL different_JJ physically_RB as_CS t
he_AT tall_JJ ,_, angular_JJ Jefferson_NP was_BEDZ from_IN the_AT chubby_JJ ,_,
rotund_JJ Adams_NP ,_, the_AT seven_CD were_BED striking_JJ individualists_NNS .
_. Ardent_JJ ,_, opinionated_JJ ,_, even_RB obstinate_JJ ,_, they_PPSS were_BED
amazingly_QL articulate_JJ ,_, wrote_VBD their_PP$ own_JJ copy_NN ,_, and_CC wer
e_BED masters_NNS of_IN phrasemaking_NN ._. Capable_JJ of_IN enduring_VBG friend
ships_NNS ,_, they_PPSS were_BED also_RB stout_JJ controversialists_NNS ,_, who_
WPS could_MD write_VB with_IN a_AT drop_NN of_IN vitriol_NN on_IN their_PP$ pens
_NNS ._. John_NP Adams_NP dismissed_VBD John_NP Dickinson_NP ,_, who_WPS voted_V
BD against_IN the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN-TL Independence_NN-TL ,_, as_CS ``_
`` a_AT certain_JJ great_JJ fortune_NN and_CC piddling_VBG genius_NN ''_'' ._. W
ashington_NP castigated_VBD his_PP$ critic_NN ,_, General_NN-TL Conway_NP ,_, as
_CS being_BEG capable_JJ of_IN ``_`` all_ABN the_AT meanness_NN of_IN intrigue_N
N to_TO gratify_VB the_AT absurd_JJ resentment_NN of_IN disappointed_VBN vanity_
NN ''_'' ._. And_CC Hamilton_NP ,_, who_WPS felt_VBD it_PPO ``_`` a_AT religious
_JJ duty_NN ''_'' to_TO oppose_VB Aaron_NP Burr's_NP$ political_JJ ambitions_NNS
,_, would_MD have_HV been_BEN a_AT better_JJR actuarial_JJ risk_NN had_HVD he_P
PS shown_VBN more_AP literary_JJ restraint_NN ._. The_AT Seven_CD-TL Founders_NN
S-TL were_BED completely_RB dedicated_VBN to_IN the_AT public_JJ service_NN ._.
Madison_NP once_RB remarked_VBD :_: ``_`` My_PP$ life_NN has_HVZ been_BEN so_QL
much_AP a_AT public_JJ one_CD ''_'' ,_, a_AT comment_NN which_WDT fits_VBZ the_A
T careers_NNS of_IN the_AT other_AP six_CD ._. Franklin_NP retired_VBD from_IN e
diting_VBG and_CC publishing_VBG at_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN 42_CD ,_, and_CC for_
IN the_AT next_AP forty-two_CD years_NNS devoted_VBD himself_PPL to_IN public_JJ
,_, scientific_JJ ,_, and_CC philanthropic_JJ interests_NNS ._. Washington_NP n
ever_RB had_HVD a_AT chance_NN to_TO work_VB for_IN an_AT extended_VBN stretch_N
N at_IN the_AT occupation_NN he_PPS loved_VBD best_RBT ,_, plantation_NN managem
ent_NN ._. He_PPS served_VBD as_CS Commander_NN-TL in_IN-TL Chief_NN-TL during_I
N the_AT Revolution_NN-TL without_IN compensation_NN ._. John_NP Adams_NP took_V
BD to_IN heart_NN the_AT advice_NN given_VBN him_PPO by_IN his_PP$ legal_JJ ment
or_NN ,_, Jeremiah_NP Gridley_NP ,_, to_TO ``_`` pursue_VB the_AT study_NN of_IN
the_AT law_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN the_AT gain_NN of_IN it_PPO ''_'' ._. In_IN
taking_VBG account_NN of_IN seventeen_CD years_NNS of_IN law_NN practice_NN ,_,
Adams_NP concluded_VBD that_CS ``_`` no_AT lawyer_NN in_IN America_NP ever_RB d
id_DOD so_QL much_AP business_NN as_CS I_PPSS did_DOD ''_'' and_CC ``_`` for_IN
so_QL little_AP profit_NN ''_'' ._. When_WRB the_AT Revolution_NN-TL broke_VBD o
ut_RP ,_, he_PPS ,_, along_RB with_IN Jefferson_NP and_CC Jay_NP ,_, abandoned_V
BD his_PP$ career_NN at_IN the_AT bar_NN ,_, with_IN considerable_JJ financial_J
J sacrifice_NN ._. Hamilton_NP ,_, poorest_JJT of_IN the_AT seven_CD ,_, gave_VB
D up_RP a_AT brilliant_JJ law_NN practice_NN to_TO enter_VB Washington's_NP$ Cab
inet_NN-TL ._. While_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ handling_VBG the_AT multi-million-dollar
_JJ funding_VBG operations_NNS of_IN the_AT Government_NN-TL he_PPS had_HVD to_T
O resort_VB to_IN borrowing_VBG small_JJ sums_NNS from_IN friends_NNS ._. ``_``
If_CS you_PPSS can_MD conveniently_RB let_VB me_PPO have_HV twenty_CD dollars_NN
S ''_'' ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD one_CD friend_NN in_IN 1791_CD when_WRB he_PPS was_
BEDZ Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Treasury_NN-TL ._. To_TO support_VB his_
PP$ large_JJ family_NN Hamilton_NP went_VBD back_RB to_IN the_AT law_NN after_IN
each_DT spell_NN of_IN public_JJ service_NN ._. Talleyrand_NP passed_VBD his_PP
$ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL law_NN office_NN one_CD night_NN on_IN the_AT way_NN to_I
N a_AT party_NN ._. Hamilton_NP was_BEDZ bent_VBN over_IN his_PP$ desk_NN ,_, dr
afting_VBG a_AT legal_JJ paper_NN by_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN a_AT candle_NN ._.
The_AT Frenchman_NP was_BEDZ astonished_VBN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV just_RB co
me_VBN from_IN viewing_VBG a_AT man_NN who_WPS had_HVD made_VBN the_AT fortune_N
N of_IN his_PP$ country_NN ,_, but_CC now_RB is_BEZ working_VBG all_ABN night_NN
in_IN order_NN to_TO support_VB his_PP$ family_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS reflected_VB
D ._. All_ABN seven_CD combined_VBD ardent_JJ devotion_NN to_IN the_AT cause_NN
of_IN revolution_NN with_IN a_AT profound_JJ respect_NN for_IN legality_NN ._. J
ohn_NP Adams_NP asserted_VBD in_IN the_AT Continental_JJ-TL Congress'_NN$-TL Dec
laration_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rights_NNS-TL that_CS the_AT demands_NNS of_IN the_AT co
lonies_NNS were_BED in_IN accordance_NN with_IN their_PP$ charters_NNS ,_, the_A
T British_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL and_CC the_AT common_JJ law_NN ,_, and_CC Jef
ferson_NP appealed_VBD in_IN the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN Independence_NN-TL `
`_`` to_IN the_AT tribunal_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN ''_'' for_IN support_NN of_I
N a_AT revolution_NN justified_VBN by_IN ``_`` the_AT laws_NNS of_IN nature_NN a
nd_CC of_IN nature's_NN$ God_NP ''_'' ._. They_PPSS fought_VBD hard_RB ,_, but_C
C they_PPSS were_BED forgiving_VBG to_IN former_AP foes_NNS ,_, and_CC sought_VB
D to_TO prevent_VB vindictive_JJ legislatures_NNS from_IN confiscating_VBG Tory_
NP property_NN in_IN violation_NN of_IN the_AT Treaty_NN-TL of_IN 1783_CD ._. Th
is_DT sense_NN of_IN moderation_NN and_CC fairness_NN is_BEZ superbly_RB exempli
fied_VBN in_IN an_AT exchange_NN of_IN letters_NNS between_IN John_NP Jay_NP and
_CC a_AT Tory_NP refugee_NN ,_, Peter_NP Van_NP Schaack_NP ._. Jay_NP had_HVD pa
rticipated_VBN in_IN the_AT decision_NN that_WPS exiled_VBD his_PP$ old_JJ frien
d_NN Van_NP Schaack_NP ._. Yet_CC when_WRB ,_, at_IN war's_NN$ end_NN ,_, the_AT
ex-Tory_NP made_VBD the_AT first_OD move_NN to_TO resume_VB correspondence_NN ,
_, Jay_NP wrote_VBD him_PPO from_IN Paris_NP ,_, where_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ negot
iating_VBG the_AT peace_NN settlement_NN :_: ``_`` As_CS an_AT independent_JJ Am
erican_NP I_PPSS considered_VBD all_ABN who_WPS were_BED not_* for_IN us_PPO ,_,
and_CC you_PPO amongst_IN the_AT rest_NN ,_, as_CS against_IN us_PPO ,_, yet_CC
be_BE assured_VBN that_CS John_NP Jay_NP never_RB ceased_VBD to_TO be_BE the_AT
friend_NN of_IN Peter_NP Van_NP Schaack_NP ''_'' ._. The_AT latter_AP in_IN tur
n_NN assured_VBD him_PPO that_CS ``_`` were_BED I_PPSS arraigned_VBD at_IN the_A
T bar_NN ,_, and_CC you_PPSS my_PP$ judge_NN ,_, I_PPSS should_MD expect_VB to_T
O stand_VB or_CC fall_VB only_RB by_IN the_AT merits_NNS of_IN my_PP$ cause_NN '
'_'' ._. All_ABN seven_CD recognized_VBD that_CS independence_NN was_BEDZ but_RB
the_AT first_OD step_NN toward_IN building_VBG a_AT nation_NN ._. ``_`` We_PPSS
have_HV now_RB a_AT national_JJ character_NN to_TO establish_VB ''_'' ,_, Washi
ngton_NP wrote_VBD in_IN 1783_CD ._. ``_`` Think_VB continentally_RB ''_'' ,_, H
amilton_NP counseled_VBD the_AT young_JJ nation_NN ._. This_DT new_JJ force_NN ,
_, love_NN of_IN country_NN ,_, super-imposed_VBN upon_IN --_-- if_CS not_* disp
lacing_VBG --_-- affectionate_JJ ties_NNS to_IN one's_PN$ own_JJ state_NN ,_, wa
s_BEDZ epitomized_VBN by_IN Washington_NP ._. His_PP$ first_OD inaugural_JJ addr
ess_NN speaks_VBZ of_IN ``_`` my_PP$ country_NN whose_WP$ voice_NN I_PPSS can_MD
never_RB hear_VB but_IN with_IN veneration_NN and_CC love_NN ''_'' ._. All_ABN
sought_VBD the_AT fruition_NN of_IN that_DT nationalism_NN in_IN a_AT Federal_JJ
-TL Government_NN-TL with_IN substantial_JJ powers_NNS ._. Save_IN Jefferson_NP
,_, all_ABN participated_VBD in_IN the_AT framing_NN or_CC ratification_NN of_IN
the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL ._. They_PPSS supported_VBD it_PPO ,_,
not_* as_CS a_AT perfect_JJ instrument_NN ,_, but_CC as_CS the_AT best_JJT obtai
nable_JJ ._. Historians_NNS have_HV traditionally_RB regarded_VBN the_AT great_J
J debates_NNS of_IN the_AT Seventeen_CD-TL Nineties_NNS-TL as_CS polarizing_VBG
the_AT issues_NNS of_IN centralized_VBN vs._IN limited_VBN government_NN ,_, wit
h_IN Hamilton_NP and_CC the_AT nationalists_NNS supporting_VBG the_AT former_AP
and_CC Jefferson_NP and_CC Madison_NP upholding_VBG the_AT latter_AP position_NN
._. The_AT state's_NN$ rights_NNS position_NN was_BEDZ formulated_VBN by_IN Jef
ferson_NP and_CC Madison_NP in_IN the_AT Kentucky_NP and_CC Virginia_NP-TL Resol
ves_VBZ-TL ,_, but_CC in_IN their_PP$ later_JJR careers_NNS as_CS heads_NNS of_I
N state_NN the_AT two_CD proved_VBD themselves_PPLS better_JJR Hamiltonians_NPS
than_CS Jeffersonians_NPS ._. In_IN purchasing_VBG Louisiana_NP ,_, Jefferson_NP
had_HVD to_TO adopt_VB Hamilton's_NP$ broad_JJ construction_NN of_IN the_AT Con
stitution_NN-TL ,_, and_CC so_RB did_DOD Madison_NP in_IN advocating_VBG the_AT
rechartering_NN of_IN Hamilton's_NP$ bank_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS had_HVD so_QL
strenuously_RB opposed_VBN at_IN its_PP$ inception_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN adopting_
VBG a_AT Hamiltonian_JJ protective_JJ tariff_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, the_AT old_JJ
Jeffersonians_NPS were_BED far_QL more_QL atune_JJ to_IN the_AT Hamilton-oriente
d_JJ Whigs_NPS than_CS they_PPSS were_BED to_IN the_AT Jacksonian_JJ Democrats_N
PS ._. When_WRB ,_, in_IN 1832_CD ,_, the_AT South_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL nullifie
rs_NNS adopted_VBD the_AT principle_NN of_IN state_NN interposition_NN which_WDT
Madison_NP had_HVD advanced_VBN in_IN his_PP$ old_JJ Virginia_NP-TL Resolve_NN-
TL ,_, they_PPSS elicited_VBD no_AT encouragement_NN from_IN that_DT senior_JJ s
tatesman_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ political_JJ testament_NN ,_, ``_`` Advice_NN-TL T
o_IN-TL My_PP$-TL Country_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, penned_VBN just_QL before_IN his_PP$ d
eath_NN ,_, Madison_NP expressed_VBD the_AT wish_NN ``_`` that_CS the_AT Union_N
N-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL States_NNS-TL be_BE cherished_VBN and_CC perpetuated_VBN
._. Let_VB the_AT open_JJ enemy_NN to_IN it_PPO be_BE regarded_VBN as_CS a_AT P
andora_NP with_IN her_PP$ box_NN opened_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT disguised_VBN
one_CD ,_, as_CS the_AT serpent_NN creeping_VBG with_IN his_PP$ deadly_JJ wiles_
NNS into_IN Paradise_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Tobacco_NN-TL-HL Road_NN-TL-HL is_BEZ-HL de
ad_JJ-HL ._.-HL Long_RB-HL live_VB-HL Tobacco_NN-TL-HL Road_NN-TL-HL ._.-HL Nost
algic_JJ Yankee_JJ readers_NNS of_IN Erskine_NP Caldwell_NP are_BER today_NR inf
ormed_VBN by_IN proud_JJ Georgians_NPS that_CS Tobacco_NN-TL Road_NN-TL is_BEZ b
uried_VBN beneath_IN a_AT four-lane_JJ super_JJ highway_NN ,_, over_IN which_WDT
travel_VB each_DT day_NN suburbanite_JJ businessmen_NNS more_QL concerned_VBN w
ith_IN the_AT Dow-Jones_NP average_NN than_CS with_IN the_AT cotton_NN crop_NN .
_. Thus_RB we_PPSS are_BER compelled_VBN to_TO face_VB the_AT urbanization_NN of
_IN the_AT South_NR-TL --_-- an_AT urbanization_NN which_WDT ,_, despite_IN its_
PP$ dramatic_JJ and_CC overwhelming_JJ effects_NNS upon_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL
culture_NN ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN utterly_RB ignored_VBN by_IN the_AT bulk_NN of_
IN Southern_JJ-TL writers_NNS ._. Indeed_RB ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ that_CS only_RB
in_IN today's_NR$ Southern_JJ-TL fiction_NN does_DOZ Tobacco_NN-TL Road_NN-TL ,
_, with_IN all_ABN the_AT traditional_JJ trimmings_NNS of_IN sowbelly_NN and_CC
cornbread_NN and_CC mint_NN juleps_NNS ,_, continue_VB to_TO live_VB --_-- but_C
C only_RB as_CS a_AT weary_JJ ,_, overexploited_VBN phantom_NN ._. Those_DTS wri
ters_NNS known_VBN collectively_RB as_CS the_AT ``_`` Southern_JJ-TL school_NN '
'_'' have_HV received_VBN accolades_NNS from_IN even_RB those_DTS critics_NNS le
ast_QL prone_JJ to_TO eulogize_VB ;_. ;_. according_IN to_IN many_AP critics_NNS
,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT South_NR-TL has_HVZ led_VBN the_AT North_NR-TL in_
IN literature_NN since_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, both_ABX quantitative
ly_RB and_CC qualitatively_RB ._. Such_JJ writers_NNS as_CS William_NP Faulkner_
NP and_CC Robert_NP Penn_NP Warren_NP have_HV led_VBN the_AT field_NN of_IN some
what_QL less_QL important_JJ writers_NNS in_IN a_AT sort_NN of_IN post-bellum_JJ
renaissance_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ interesting_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, that_CS desp
ite_IN this_DT strong_JJ upsurge_NN in_IN Southern_JJ-TL writing_NN ,_, almost_R
B none_PN of_IN the_AT writers_NNS has_HVZ forsaken_VBN the_AT firmly_RB entrenc
hed_VBN concept_NN of_IN the_AT white-suited_JJ big-daddy_NN colonel_NN sipping_
VBG a_AT mint_NN julep_NN as_CS he_PPS silently_RB recounts_VBZ the_AT revenue_N
N from_IN the_AT season's_NN$ cotton_NN and_CC tobacco_NN crops_NNS ;_. ;_. of_I
N the_AT stereotyped_VBN Negro_NP servants_NNS chanting_VBG hymns_NNS as_CS they
_PPSS plow_VB the_AT fields_NNS ;_. ;_. of_IN these_DTS and_CC a_AT host_NN of_I
N other_AP antiquated_VBN legends_NNS that_WPS deny_VB the_AT South_NR-TL its_PP
$ progressive_JJ leaps_NNS of_IN the_AT past_AP century_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ no
t_* to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT South_NR-TL is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR agrarian_JJ
;_. ;_. such_ABL a_AT statement_NN would_MD be_BE the_AT rankest_JJT form_NN of_
IN oversimplification_NN ._. But_CC the_AT South_NR-TL is_BEZ ,_, and_CC has_HVZ
been_BEN for_IN the_AT past_AP century_NN ,_, engaged_VBN in_IN a_AT wide-sweep
ing_JJ urbanization_NN which_WDT ,_, oddly_RB enough_QLP ,_, is_BEZ not_* reflec
ted_VBN in_IN its_PP$ literature_NN ._. In_IN 1900_CD the_AT South_NR-TL was_BED
Z only_RB 15%_NN urban_JJ ;_. ;_. in_IN 1950_CD it_PPS had_HVD become_VBN 47.1%_
NN urban_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT mere_JJ half-century_NN the_AT South_NR-TL has_HVZ mo
re_AP than_IN tripled_VBN its_PP$ urban_JJ status_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT Ne
w_JJ-TL South_NR-TL emerging_VBG ,_, a_AT South_NR-TL losing_VBG the_AT folksy_J
J traditions_NNS of_IN an_AT agrarian_JJ society_NN with_IN the_AT rapidity_NN o
f_IN an_AT avalanche_NN --_-- especially_RB within_IN recent_JJ decades_NNS ._.
As_CS the_AT New_JJ-TL South_NR-TL snowballs_VBZ toward_IN further_JJR urbanizat
ion_NN ,_, it_PPS becomes_VBZ more_QL and_CC more_QL homogeneous_JJ with_IN the_
AT North_NR-TL --_-- a_AT tendency_NN which_WDT Willard_NP Thorp_NP terms_VBZ ``
_`` Yankeefication_NP ''_'' ,_, as_CS evidenced_VBN in_IN such_JJ cities_NNS as_
CS Charlotte_NP ,_, Birmingham_NP ,_, and_CC Houston_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ said_V
BN that_CS ,_, even_RB at_IN the_AT present_JJ stage_NN of_IN Southern_JJ-TL urb
anization_NN ,_, such_ABL a_AT city_NN as_CS Atlanta_NP is_BEZ not_* distinctly_
QL unlike_IN Columbus_NP or_CC Trenton_NP ._. Undoubtedly_RB even_RB the_AT old_
JJ Southern_JJ-TL stalwart_JJ Richmond_NP has_HVZ felt_VBN the_AT new_JJ wind_NN
:_: William_NP Styron_NP mentions_VBZ in_IN his_PP$ latest_JJT novel_NN an_AT a
venue_NN named_VBN for_IN Bankhead_NP McGruder_NP ,_, a_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL
general_NN ,_, now_RB renamed_VBN ,_, in_IN typical_JJ California_NP fashion_NN
,_, ``_`` Buena_NP-TL Vista_NP-TL Terrace_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT effects_NNS of
_IN television_NN and_CC other_AP mass_JJ media_NNS are_BER erasing_VBG regional
_JJ dialects_NNS and_CC localisms_NNS with_IN a_AT startling_JJ force_NN ._. As_
IN for_IN progress_NN ,_, the_AT ``_`` backward_JJ South_NR-TL ''_'' can_MD boas
t_VB of_IN Baton_NP Rouge_NP ,_, which_WDT increased_VBD its_PP$ population_NN b
etween_IN 1940_CD and_CC 1950_CD by_IN two_CD hundred_CD and_CC sixty-two_CD per
cent_NN ,_, to_IN 126,000_CD ,_, the_AT second_OD largest_JJT growth_NN of_IN th
e_AT period_NN for_IN all_ABN cities_NNS over_IN 25,000_CD ._. The_AT field_NN ,
_, then_RB ,_, is_BEZ ripe_JJ for_CS new_JJ Southerners_NNS-TL to_TO step_VB to_
IN the_AT fore_NN and_CC write_VB of_IN this_DT twentieth-century_NN phenomenon_
NN ,_, the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Yankeefication_NP-TL :_: the_AT new_JJ urban_JJ eco
nomy_NN ,_, the_AT city-dweller_NN ,_, the_AT pains_NNS of_IN transition_NN ,_,
the_AT labor_NN problems_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT list_NN is_BEZ ,_, obviously_RB ,_,
endless_JJ ._. But_CC these_DTS sources_NNS have_HV not_* been_BEN tapped_VBN ._
. Truman_NP Capote_NP is_BEZ still_RB reveling_VBG in_IN Southern_JJ-TL Gothicis
m_NP-TL ,_, exaggerating_VBG the_AT old_JJ Southern_JJ-TL legends_NNS into_IN so
mething_PN beautiful_JJ and_CC grotesque_JJ ,_, but_CC as_QL unreal_JJ as_CS --_
-- or_CC even_RB more_QL unreal_JJ than_CS --_-- yesterday_NR ._. William_NP Sty
ron_NP ,_, while_CS facing_VBG the_AT changing_VBG economy_NN with_IN a_AT certa
in_JJ uneasy_JJ reluctance_NN ,_, insists_VBZ he_PPS is_BEZ not_* to_TO be_BE cl
assified_VBN as_CS a_AT Southern_JJ-TL writer_NN and_CC yet_RB includes_VBZ trad
itional_JJ Southern_JJ-TL concepts_NNS in_IN everything_PN he_PPS publishes_VBZ
._. Even_RB the_AT great_JJ god_NN Faulkner_NP ,_, the_AT South's_NR$-TL one_CD
probable_JJ contender_NN for_IN literary_JJ immortality_NN ,_, has_HVZ little_RB
concerned_VBN himself_PPL with_IN these_DTS matters_NNS ;_. ;_. such_JJ are_BER
simply_RB not_* within_IN his_PP$ bounded_VBN province_NN ._. Where_WRB are_BER
the_AT writers_NNS to_TO treat_VB these_DTS changes_NNS ?_. ?_. Has_HVZ the_AT
agrarian_JJ tradition_NN become_VBN such_ABL an_AT addiction_NN that_CS the_AT s
witch_NN to_IN urbanism_NN is_BEZ somehow_RB dreaded_VBN or_CC unwanted_JJ ?_. ?
_. Perhaps_RB present_JJ writers_NNS hypnotically_RB cling_VB to_IN the_AT older
_JJR order_NN because_CS they_PPSS consider_VB it_PPO useful_JJ and_CC reliable_
JJ through_IN repeated_VBN testings_NNS over_IN the_AT decades_NNS ._. Lacking_V
BG the_AT pioneer_NN spirit_NN necessary_JJ to_TO write_VB of_IN a_AT new_JJ eco
nomy_NN ,_, these_DTS writers_NNS seem_VB to_TO be_BE contenting_VBG themselves_
PPLS with_IN an_AT old_JJ one_CD that_WPS is_BEZ now_RB as_QL defunct_JJ as_CS C
onfederate_JJ-TL money_NN ._. An_AT example_NN of_IN the_AT changes_NNS which_WD
T have_HV crept_VBN over_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL region_NN may_MD be_BE seen_VB
N in_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Negro's_NP$ quest_NN for_IN a_AT position_NN in_IN
the_AT white-dominated_JJ society_NN ,_, a_AT problem_NN that_WPS has_HVZ been_
BEN reflected_VBN in_IN regional_JJ fiction_NN especially_RB since_IN 1865_CD ._
. Today_NR the_AT Negro_NP must_MD discover_VB his_PP$ role_NN in_IN an_AT indus
trialized_VBN South_NR-TL ,_, which_WDT indicates_VBZ that_CS the_AT racial_JJ a
spect_NN of_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL dilemma_NN hasn't_HVZ* changed_VBN radicall
y_RB ,_, but_CC rather_RB has_HVZ gradually_RB come_VBN to_TO be_BE reflected_VB
N in_IN this_DT new_JJ context_NN ,_, this_DT new_JJ coat_NN of_IN paint_NN ._.
The_AT Negro_NP faces_VBZ as_QL much_AP ,_, if_CS not_* more_AP ,_, difficulty_N
N in_IN fitting_VBG himself_PPL into_IN an_AT urban_JJ economy_NN as_CS he_PPS d
id_DOD in_IN an_AT agrarian_JJ one_CD ._. This_DT represents_VBZ a_AT gradual_JJ
change_NN in_IN an_AT ever-present_JJ social_JJ problem_NN ._. But_CC there_EX
have_HV been_BEN abrupt_JJ changes_NNS as_QL well_RB :_: the_AT sit-ins_NNS ,_,
the_AT picket_NN lines_NNS ,_, the_AT bus_NN strikes_NNS --_-- all_ABN of_IN the
se_DTS were_BED unheard-of_JJ even_RB ten_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. Today's_NR$ ev
idence_NN ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT fact_NN that_CS only_RB three_CD Southern_JJ-
TL states_NNS (_( South_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL ,_, Alabama_NP and_CC Mississippi_N
P )_) still_RB openly_RB defy_VB integration_NN ,_, would_MD have_HV astounded_V
BN many_AP of_IN yesterday's_NR$ Southerners_NNS-TL into_IN speechlessness_NN ._
. Other_AP examples_NNS of_IN gradual_JJ changes_NNS that_WPS have_HV affected_V
BN the_AT Negro_NP have_HV been_BEN his_PP$ moving_VBG up_RP ,_, row_NN by_IN ro
w_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT buses_NNS ;_. ;_. his_PP$ requesting_VBG ,_, and_CC often_
RB getting_VBG ,_, higher_JJR wages_NNS ,_, better_JJR working_VBG conditions_NN
S ,_, better_JJR schools_NNS --_-- changes_NNS that_WPS were_BED slowly_RB emerg
ing_VBG even_RB before_IN the_AT Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL decision_NN of_IN 195
4_CD ._. Then_RB came_VBD this_DT decision_NN ,_, which_WDT sped_VBD the_AT proc
ess_NN of_IN gaining_VBG equality_NN (_( or_CC perhaps_RB hindered_VBD it_PPO ;_
. ;_. only_RB historical_JJ evolution_NN will_MD determine_VB which_WDT )_) :_:
an_AT abrupt_JJ change_NN ._. Since_IN 1954_CD the_AT Negro's_NP$ desire_NN for_
IN social_JJ justice_NN has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN an_AT ironically_RB anarchical_JJ
rebellion_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ frequently_RB refused_VBN to_TO move_VB from_IN
white_JJ lunch_NN counters_NNS ,_, refused_VBN to_TO obey_VB local_JJ laws_NNS w
hich_WDT he_PPS considers_VBZ unjust_JJ ,_, while_CS in_IN other_AP cases_NNS he
_PPS has_HVZ appealed_VBN to_IN federal_JJ laws_NNS ._. This_DT bold_JJ self-ass
ertion_NN ,_, after_IN decades_NNS of_IN humble_JJ subservience_NN ,_, is_BEZ in
deed_RB a_AT twentieth-century_NN phenomenon_NN ,_, an_AT abrupt_JJ change_NN in
_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL way_NN of_IN existence_NN ._. A_AT new_JJ order_NN is_
BEZ thrusting_VBG itself_PPL into_IN being_BEG ._. A_AT new_JJ South_NR-TL is_BE
Z emerging_VBG after_IN the_AT post-bellum_JJ years_NNS of_IN hesitation_NN ,_,
uncertainty_NN ,_, and_CC lack_NN of_IN action_NN from_IN the_AT Negro_NP in_IN
defining_VBG his_PP$ new_JJ role_NN in_IN the_AT amorphously_RB defined_VBN soci
o-political_JJ organizations_NNS of_IN the_AT white_JJ man_NN ._. The_AT modern_
JJ Negro_NP has_HVZ not_* made_VBN a_AT decisive_JJ debut_NN into_IN Southern_JJ
-TL fiction_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ clear_JJ that_CS ,_, while_CS most_AP writers_N
NS enjoy_VB picturing_VBG the_AT Negro_NP as_CS a_AT woolly-headed_JJ ,_, humble
_JJ old_JJ agrarian_NN who_WPS mutters_VBZ ``_`` yassuhs_NNS ''_'' and_CC ``_``
sho'_RB nufs_NNS ''_'' with_IN blissful_JJ deference_NN to_IN his_PP$ white_JJ e
mployer_NN (_( or_CC ,_, in_IN Old_JJ-TL South_NR-TL terms_NNS ,_, ``_`` massuh_
NN ''_'' )_) ,_, this_DT stereotype_NN is_BEZ doomed_VBN to_TO become_VB in_IN r
eality_NN as_QL obsolete_JJ as_CS Caldwell's_NP$ Lester_NP ._. While_CS there_EX
may_MD still_RB be_BE many_AP Faulknerian_JJ Lucas_NP Beauchamps_NP scattered_V
BD through_IN the_AT rural_JJ South_NR-TL ,_, such_JJ men_NNS appear_VB to_TO be
_BE a_AT vanishing_VBG breed_NN ._. Writers_NNS openly_RB admit_VB that_CS the_A
T Negro_NP is_BEZ easier_JJR to_TO write_VB than_CS the_AT white_JJ man_NN ;_. ;
_. but_CC they_PPSS obviously_RB mean_VB by_IN this_DT ,_, not_* a_AT Negro_NP p
ersonality_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT Negro_NP type_NN ._. Presenting_VBG an_AT individu
alized_VBN Negro_NP character_NN ,_, it_PPS would_MD seem_VB ,_, is_BEZ one_CD o
f_IN the_AT most_QL difficult_JJ assignments_NNS a_AT Southern_JJ-TL writer_NN c
ould_MD tackle_VB ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT success_NN of_IN such_ABL an_AT endeavor
_NN is_BEZ ,_, as_CS suggested_VBN above_RB ,_, glaringly_RB rare_JJ ._. Just_RB
as_CS the_AT Negro_NP situation_NN points_VBZ up_RP the_AT gradual_JJ and_CC ab
rupt_JJ changes_NNS affecting_VBG Southern_JJ-TL life_NN ,_, it_PPS also_RB poin
ts_VBZ up_RP the_AT non-representation_NN of_IN urbanism_NN in_IN Southern_JJ-TL
literature_NN ._. The_AT book_NN concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT Negro's_NP$ role_
NN in_IN an_AT urban_JJ society_NN is_BEZ rare_JJ indeed_QLP ;_. ;_. recently_RB
only_RB Keith_NP Wheeler's_NP$ novel_NN ,_, Peaceable_JJ-TL Lane_NN-TL ,_, has_
HVZ openly_RB faced_VBN the_AT problem_NN ._. All_ABN but_IN the_AT most_QL rabi
d_JJ of_IN Confederate_JJ-TL flag_NN wavers_NNS admit_VB that_CS the_AT Old_JJ-T
L Southern_JJ-TL tradition_NN is_BEZ defunct_JJ in_IN actuality_NN and_CC sigh_V
B that_CS its_PP$ passing_VBG was_BEDZ accompanied_VBN by_IN the_AT disappearanc
e_NN of_IN many_AP genteel_JJ and_CC aristocratic_JJ traditions_NNS of_IN the_AT
reputedly_RB languid_JJ ante-bellum_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN ._. Many_AP earlier
_JJR writers_NNS ,_, mourning_VBG the_AT demise_NN of_IN the_AT old_JJ order_NN
,_, tended_VBD to_TO romanticize_VB and_CC exaggerate_VB this_DT ``_`` gracious_
JJ Old_JJ-TL South_NR-TL ''_'' imagery_NN ,_, creating_VBG such_JJ lasting_VBG i
mpressions_NNS as_CS Margaret_NP Mitchell's_NP$ ``_`` Tara_NP-TL ''_'' Plantatio
n_NN-TL ._. Modern_JJ writers_NNS ,_, who_WPS are_BER supposed_VBN to_TO keep_VB
their_PP$ fingers_NNS firmly_RB upon_IN the_AT pulse_NN of_IN their_PP$ subject
s_NNS ,_, insist_VB upon_IN drawing_VBG out_RP this_DT legend_NN ,_, prolonging_
VBG its_PP$ burial_NN ,_, when_WRB it_PPS well_RB deserves_VBZ a_AT rest_NN afte
r_IN the_AT overexploitation_NN of_IN the_AT past_AP century_NN ._. Perhaps_RB t
hese_DTS writers_NNS have_HV been_BEN too_QL deeply_RB moved_VBN by_IN this_DT r
omanticizing_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC they_PPSS can_MD hardly_RB deny_VB that_CS ,_, ex
aggerated_VBN or_CC not_* ,_, the_AT old_JJ panorama_NN is_BEZ dead_JJ ._. As_CS
John_NP T._NP Westbrook_NP says_VBZ in_IN his_PP$ article_NN ,_, ``_`` Twilight
_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Southern_JJ-TL Regionalism_NN-TL ''_'' (_( Southwest_JJ-TL Revie
w_NN-TL ,_, Winter_NN-TL 1957_CD )_) :_: ``_`` The_AT miasmal_JJ mausoleum_NN wh
ere_WRB an_AT Old_JJ-TL South_NR-TL ,_, already_RB too_QL minutely_RB autopsied_
VBN in_IN prose_NN and_CC poetry_NN ,_, should_MD be_BE left_VBN to_TO rest_VB i
n_IN peace_NN ,_, forever_RB dead_JJ and_CC (_( let_VB us_PPO fervently_RB hope_
VB )_) forever_RB done_VBN with_IN ''_'' ._. Westbrook_NP further_RBR bemoans_VB
Z the_AT Southern_JJ-TL writers'_NNS$ creation_NN of_IN an_AT unreal_JJ image_NN
of_IN their_PP$ homeland_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ too_QL readily_RB assimilated_
VBN by_IN both_ABX foreign_JJ readers_NNS and_CC visiting_VBG Yankees_NPS :_: ``
_`` Our_PP$ northerner_NN is_BEZ suspicious_JJ of_IN all_ABN this_DT crass_JJ ev
idence_NN (_( of_IN urbanization_NN )_) presented_VBN to_IN his_PP$ senses_NNS .
_. It_PPS bewilders_VBZ and_CC befuddles_VBZ him_PPO ._. He_PPS is_BEZ too_QL de
eply_RB steeped_VBN in_IN William_NP Faulkner_NP and_CC Robert_NP Penn_NP Warren
_NP ._. The_AT fumes_NNS of_IN progress_NN are_BER in_IN his_PP$ nose_NN and_CC
the_AT bright_JJ steel_NN of_IN industry_NN towers_VBZ before_IN his_PP$ eyes_NN
S ,_, but_CC his_PP$ heart_NN is_BEZ away_RB in_IN Yoknapatawpha_NP-TL County_NN
-TL with_IN razorback_NN hogs_NNS and_CC night_NN riders_NNS ._. On_IN this_DT t
rip_NN to_IN the_AT South_NR-TL he_PPS wants_VBZ ,_, above_IN all_ABN else_RB ,_
, to_TO sniff_VB the_AT effluvium_NN of_IN backwoods-and-sand-hill_JJ subhumanit
y_NN and_CC to_TO see_VB at_IN least_AP one_CD barn_NN burn_VB at_IN midnight_NN
''_'' ._. Obviously_RB ,_, such_ABL a_AT Northern_JJ-TL tourist's_NN$ purpose_N
N is_BEZ somewhat_QL akin_JJ to_IN a_AT child's_NN$ experience_NN with_IN Disney
land_NP :_: he_PPS wants_VBZ to_TO see_VB a_AT world_NN of_IN make-believe_NN ._
. In_IN the_AT meantime_NN ,_, while_CS the_AT South_NR-TL has_HVZ been_BEN unde
rgoing_VBG this_DT phenomenal_JJ modernization_NN that_WPS is_BEZ so_QL disappoi
nting_JJ to_IN the_AT curious_JJ Yankee_NP ,_, Southern_JJ-TL writers_NNS have_H
V certainly_RB done_VBN little_AP to_TO reflect_VB and_CC promote_VB their_PP$ r
egion's_NN$ progress_NN ._. Willard_NP Thorp_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ new_JJ book_NN
,_, American_JJ-TL Writing_NN-TL In_IN-TL The_AT-TL Twentieth_OD-TL Century_NN-
TL ,_, observes_VBZ ,_, quite_QL validly_RB it_PPS seems_VBZ :_: ``_`` Certain_J
J subjects_NNS are_BER conspicuously_QL absent_JJ or_CC have_HV been_BEN only_RB
lightly_RB touched_VBN ._. No_AT Southern_JJ-TL novelist_NN has_HVZ done_VBN fo
r_IN Atlanta_NP or_CC Birmingham_NP what_WDT Herrick_NP ,_, Dreiser_NP ,_, and_C
C Farrell_NP did_DOD for_IN Chicago_NP or_CC Dos_NP Passos_NP did_DOD for_IN New
_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. There_EX are_BER almost_RB no_AT fictional_JJ treatments_N
NS of_IN the_AT industrialized_VBN south_NR ''_'' ._. Not_* a_AT single_AP South
ern_JJ-TL author_NN ,_, major_JJ or_CC minor_JJ ,_, has_HVZ made_VBN the_AT urba
n_JJ problems_NNS of_IN an_AT urban_JJ South_NR-TL his_PP$ primary_JJ source_NN
material_NN ._. Faulkner_NP ,_, for_IN one_CD ,_, appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE safe_J
J from_IN the_AT accusing_VBG fingers_NNS of_IN all_ABN assailants_NNS in_IN thi
s_DT regard_NN ._. Faulkner_NP culminates_VBZ the_AT Southern_JJ-TL legend_NN pe
rhaps_RB more_QL masterfully_RB than_CS it_PPS has_HVZ ever_RB been_BEN ,_, or_C
C could_MD ever_RB be_BE ,_, done_VBN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ made_VBN it_PPO his_PP$
$ ,_, and_CC his_PP$$ it_PPS remains_VBZ ,_, irrevocably_RB ._. He_PPS treats_VB
Z it_PPO with_IN a_AT mythological_JJ ,_, universal_JJ application_NN ._. As_CS
his_PP$ disciples_NNS boast_VB ,_, even_RB though_CS his_PP$ emphasis_NN is_BEZ
elsewhere_RB ,_, Faulkner_NP does_DOZ show_VB his_PP$ awareness_NN of_IN the_AT
changing_VBG order_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL quite_QL keenly_RB ,_, as_CS can_
MD be_BE proven_VBN by_IN a_AT quick_JJ recalling_NN of_IN his_PP$ Sartoris_NP a
nd_CC Snopes_NP families_NNS ._. Even_RB two_CD decades_NNS ago_RB in_IN Go_VB-T
L Down_RB-TL ,_, Moses_NP-TL Faulkner_NP was_BEDZ looking_VBG to_IN the_AT more_
QL urban_JJ future_NN with_IN a_AT glimmer_NN of_IN hope_NN that_CS through_IN i
ts_PP$ youth_NN and_CC its_PP$ new_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN the_AT South_NR-TL mi
ght_MD be_BE reborn_VBN and_CC the_AT curse_NN of_IN slavery_NN erased_VBN from_
IN its_PP$ soil_NN ._. Yet_CC his_PP$ concern_NN even_RB here_RB is_BEZ with_IN
a_AT slowly_RB changing_VBG socio-economic_JJ order_NN in_IN general_JJ ,_, and_
CC he_PPS never_RB deals_VBZ with_IN such_JJ specific_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN this_
DT change_NN as_CS the_AT urban_JJ and_CC industrial_JJ impact_NN ._. Faulkner_N
P traces_VBZ ,_, in_IN his_PP$ vast_JJ and_CC overpowering_VBG saga_NN of_IN Yok
napatawpha_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, the_AT gradual_JJ changes_NNS which_WDT seep_V
B into_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, building_VBG layer_NN upon_IN layer_NN of_IN mi
nute_JJ ,_, subtle_JJ innovation_NN which_WDT eventually_RB tend_VB largely_RB t
o_TO hide_VB the_AT Old_JJ-TL Way_NN-TL ._. Thus_RB Faulkner_NP reminds_VBZ us_P
PO ,_, and_CC wisely_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT ``_`` new_JJ ''_'' South_NR-TL has_HV
Z gradually_RB evolved_VBN out_IN of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL South_NR-TL ,_, and_CC
consequently_RB its_PP$ agrarian_JJ roots_NNS persist_VB ._. Yet_CC he_PPS prese
nts_VBZ a_AT realm_NN of_IN source_NN material_NN which_WDT may_MD well_RB serve
_VB other_AP writers_NNS if_CS not_* himself_PPL :_: the_AT problems_NNS with_IN
which_WDT a_AT New_JJ-TL South_NR-TL must_MD grapple_VB in_IN groping_VBG throu
gh_IN a_AT blind_JJ adolescence_NN into_IN the_AT maturity_NN of_IN urbanization
_NN ._. With_IN new_JJ mechanization_NN the_AT modern_JJ farmer_NN must_MD perfo
rm_VB the_AT work_NN of_IN six_CD men_NNS :_: a_AT machine_NN stands_VBZ between
_IN the_AT agrarian_NN and_CC his_PP$ soil_NN ._. The_AT thousands_NNS of_IN cit
y_NN migrants_NNS who_WPS desert_VB the_AT farms_NNS yearly_RB must_MD readjust_
VB with_IN even_QL greater_JJR stress_NN and_CC tension_NN :_: the_AT sacred_JJ
wilderness_NN is_BEZ gradually_RB surrendering_VBG to_IN suburbs_NNS and_CC rese
arch_NN parks_NNS and_CC industrial_JJ areas_NNS ._. Another_DT element_NN to_TO
concern_VB the_AT choreographer_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN the_AT visual_JJ device
s_NNS of_IN the_AT theatre_NN ._. Most_AP avant-garde_NN creators_NNS ,_, true_J
J to_IN their_PP$ interest_NN in_IN the_AT self-sufficiency_NN of_IN pure_JJ mov
ement_NN ,_, have_HV tended_VBN to_TO dress_VB their_PP$ dancers_NNS in_IN simpl
e_JJ lines_NNS and_CC solid_JJ colors_NNS (_( often_RB black_NN )_) and_CC to_TO
give_VB them_PPO a_AT bare_JJ cyclorama_NN for_IN a_AT setting_NN ._. But_CC Ro
bert_NP Rauschenberg_NP ,_, the_AT neo-dadaist_NN artist_NN ,_, has_HVZ collabor
ated_VBN with_IN several_AP of_IN them_PPO ._. He_PPS has_HVZ designed_VBN a_AT
matching_VBG backdrop_NN and_CC costumes_NNS of_IN points_NNS of_IN color_NN on_
IN white_JJ for_IN Mr._NP Cunningham's_NP$ Summerspace_NP ,_, so_CS that_CS danc
ers_NNS and_CC background_NN merge_VB into_IN a_AT shimmering_VBG unity_NN ._. F
or_CS Mr._NP Taylor's_NP$ Images_NNS-TL And_CC-TL Reflections_NNS-TL she_PPS mad
e_VBD some_DTI diaphanous_JJ tents_NNS that_WPS alternately_RB hide_VB and_CC re
veal_VB the_AT performer_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT girl's_NN$ cape_NN lined_VBN with_IN
grass_NN ._. Mr._NP Nikolais_NP has_HVZ made_VBN a_AT distinctive_JJ contributi
on_NN to_IN the_AT arts_NNS of_IN costume_NN and_CC decor_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,
_, he_PPS calls_VBZ his_PP$ productions_NNS dance-theatre_NN works_NNS of_IN mot
ion_NN ,_, shape_NN ,_, light_NN ,_, and_CC sound_NN ._. To_TO raise_VB the_AT d
ancer_NN out_IN of_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ ,_, pedestrian_JJ self_NN ,_, Mr._NP N
ikolais_NP has_HVZ experimented_VBN with_IN relating_VBG him_PPO to_IN a_AT larg
er_JJR ,_, environmental_JJ orbit_NN ._. He_PPS began_VBD with_IN masks_NNS to_T
O make_VB the_AT dancer_NN identify_VB himself_PPL with_IN the_AT creature_NN he
_PPS appeared_VBD to_TO be_BE ._. He_PPS went_VBD on_RP to_TO use_VB objects_NNS
--_-- hoops_NNS ,_, poles_NNS ,_, capes_NNS --_-- which_WDT he_PPS employed_VBD
as_CS extensions_NNS of_IN the_AT body_NN of_IN the_AT dancer_NN ,_, who_WPS mo
ved_VBD with_IN them_PPO ._. The_AT depersonalization_NN continued_VBD as_CS the
_AT dancer_NN was_BEDZ further_RBR metamorphosed_VBN by_IN the_AT play_NN of_IN
lights_NNS upon_IN his_PP$ figure_NN ._. In_IN each_DT case_NN ,_, the_AT object
_NN ,_, the_AT color_NN ,_, even_RB the_AT percussive_JJ sounds_NNS of_IN the_AT
electronic_JJ score_NN were_BED designed_VBN to_TO become_VB part_NN of_IN the_
AT theatrical_JJ being_BEG of_IN the_AT performer_NN ._. The_AT dancer_NN who_WP
S never_RB loosens_VBZ her_PP$ hold_NN on_IN a_AT parasol_NN ,_, begins_VBZ to_T
O feel_VB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ part_NN of_IN herself_PPL ._. Or_CC ,_, clad_VBN
from_IN head_NN to_IN toe_NN in_IN fabric_NN stretched_VBN over_IN a_AT series_
NN of_IN hoops_NNS ,_, the_AT performer_NN may_MD well_RB lose_VB his_PP$ sense_
NN of_IN self_NN in_IN being_BEG a_AT ``_`` finial_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS the_AT dan
cer_NN is_BEZ depersonalized_VBN ,_, his_PP$ accouterments_NNS are_BER animized_
VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT combined_VBN elements_NNS give_VB birth_NN to_IN a_AT new_
JJ being_NN ._. From_IN this_DT being_NN come_VB new_JJ movement_NN ideas_NNS th
at_WPS utilize_VB dancer_NN and_CC property_NN as_CS a_AT single_AP unit_NN ._.
Thus_RB ,_, the_AT avant-garde_NN choreographers_NNS have_HV extended_VBN the_AT
scope_NN of_IN materials_NNS available_JJ for_IN dance_NN composition_NN ._. Bu
t_CC ,_, since_CS they_PPSS have_HV rejected_VBN both_ABX narrative_JJ and_CC em
otional_JJ continuity_NN ,_, how_WRB are_BER they_PPSS to_TO unify_VB the_AT imp
ressive_JJ array_NN of_IN materials_NNS at_IN their_PP$ disposal_NN ?_. ?_. Some
_DTI look_VB deliberately_RB to_IN devices_NNS used_VBN by_IN creators_NNS in_IN
the_AT other_AP arts_NNS and_CC apply_VB corresponding_JJ methods_NNS to_IN the
ir_PP$ own_JJ work_NN ._. Others_NNS ,_, less_QL consciously_RB but_CC quite_QL
probably_RB influenced_VBN by_IN the_AT trends_NNS of_IN the_AT times_NNS ,_, ex
periment_VB with_IN approaches_NNS that_WPS parallel_VB those_DTS of_IN the_AT c
ontemporary_JJ poet_NN ,_, painter_NN ,_, and_CC musician_NN ._. An_AT approach_
NN that_WPS has_HVZ appealed_VBN to_IN some_DTI choreographers_NNS is_BEZ remini
scent_JJ of_IN Charles_NP Olson's_NP$ statement_NN of_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN
projective_JJ verse_NN :_: ``_`` one_CD perception_NN must_MD immediately_RB an
d_CC directly_RB lead_VB to_IN a_AT further_JJR perception_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT c
reator_NN trusts_VBZ his_PP$ intuition_NN to_TO lead_VB him_PPO along_IN a_AT pa
th_NN that_WPS has_HVZ internal_JJ validity_NN because_CS it_PPS mirrors_VBZ the
_AT reality_NN of_IN his_PP$ experience_NN ._. He_PPS disdains_VBZ external_JJ r
estrictions_NNS --_-- conventional_JJ syntax_NN ,_, traditional_JJ metre_NN ._.
The_AT unit_NN of_IN form_NN is_BEZ determined_VBN subjectively_RB :_: ``_`` the
_AT Heart_NN-TL ,_, by_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN the_AT Breath_NN-TL ,_, to_IN the_
AT Line_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT test_NN of_IN form_NN is_BEZ fidelity_NN to_IN th
e_AT experience_NN ,_, a_AT gauge_NN also_RB accepted_VBN by_IN the_AT abstract_
JJ expressionist_NN painters_NNS ._. An_AT earlier_JJR but_CC still_RB influenti
al_JJ school_NN of_IN painting_VBG ,_, surrealism_NN ,_, had_HVD suggested_VBN t
he_AT way_NN of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN the_AT dream_NN experience_NN ,_, that_DT
event_NN in_IN which_WDT seemingly_QL incongruous_JJ objects_NNS are_BER linked
_VBN together_RB through_IN the_AT curious_JJ associations_NNS of_IN the_AT subc
onscious_NN ._. The_AT resulting_VBG picture_NN might_MD appear_VB a_AT maze_NN
of_IN restless_JJ confusions_NNS and_CC contradictions_NNS ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_
BEZ more_QL true_JJ to_IN life_NN than_CS a_AT portrait_NN of_IN an_AT artificia
lly_RB contrived_VBN order_NN ._. The_AT contemporary_JJ painter_NN tends_VBZ to
_TO depict_VB not_* the_AT concrete_JJ objects_NNS of_IN his_PP$ experience_NN b
ut_CC their_PP$ essences_NNS as_CS revealed_VBN in_IN abstractions_NNS of_IN the
ir_PP$ lines_NNS ,_, colors_NNS ,_, masses_NNS ,_, and_CC energies_NNS ._. He_PP
S is_BEZ still_RB concerned_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, with_IN a_AT personal_JJ even
t_NN ._. He_PPS accepts_VBZ the_AT accidents_NNS of_IN his_PP$ brushwork_NN beca
use_CS they_PPSS provide_VB evidence_NN of_IN the_AT vitality_NN of_IN the_AT ex
perience_NN of_IN creation_NN ._. The_AT work_NN must_MD be_BE true_JJ to_IN bot
h_ABX the_AT physical_JJ and_CC the_AT spiritual_JJ character_NN of_IN the_AT ex
perience_NN ._. Some_DTI painters_NNS have_HV less_AP interest_NN in_IN the_AT e
xperience_NN of_IN the_AT moment_NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$ attendant_JJ urgencies_N
NS and_CC ambiguities_NNS ,_, than_CS in_IN looking_VBG beyond_IN the_AT flux_NN
of_IN particular_JJ impressions_NNS to_IN a_AT higher_JJR ,_, more_QL serene_JJ
level_NN of_IN truth_NN ._. Rather_IN than_IN putting_VBG their_PP$ trust_NN in
_IN ephemeral_JJ sensations_NNS they_PPSS seek_VB form_NN in_IN the_AT stable_JJ
relationships_NNS of_IN pure_JJ design_NN ,_, which_WDT symbolize_VB an_AT orde
r_NN more_QL real_JJ than_CS the_AT disorder_NN of_IN the_AT perceptual_JJ world
_NN ._. The_AT concept_NN remains_VBZ subjective_JJ ._. But_CC in_IN this_DT app
roach_NN it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT artist's_NN$ ultimate_JJ insight_NN ,_, rather_IN
than_IN his_PP$ immediate_JJ impressions_NNS ,_, that_WPS gives_VBZ form_NN to_I
N the_AT work_NN ._. Others_NNS look_VB to_IN more_QL objective_JJ devices_NNS o
f_IN order_NN ._. The_AT musician_NN employing_VBG the_AT serial_JJ technique_NN
of_IN composition_NN establishes_VBZ a_AT mathematical_JJ system_NN of_IN rotat
ions_NNS that_WPS ,_, once_CS set_VBN in_IN motion_NN ,_, determines_VBZ the_AT
sequence_NN of_IN pitches_NNS and_CC even_RB of_IN rhythms_NNS and_CC intensitie
s_NNS ._. The_AT composer_NN may_MD reverse_VB or_CC invert_VB the_AT order_NN o
f_IN his_PP$ original_JJ set_NN of_IN intervals_NNS (_( or_CC rhythms_NNS or_CC
dynamic_JJ changes_NNS )_) ._. He_PPS may_MD even_RB alter_VB the_AT pattern_NN
by_IN applying_VBG a_AT scheme_NN of_IN random_JJ numbers_NNS ._. But_CC he_PPS
cannot_MD* order_VB his_PP$ elements_NNS by_IN will_NN ,_, either_CC rational_JJ
or_CC inspired_VBN ._. The_AT system_NN works_VBZ as_CS an_AT impersonal_JJ mec
hanism_NN ._. Musicians_NNS who_WPS use_VB the_AT chance_NN method_NN also_RB ex
clude_VB subjective_JJ control_NN of_IN formal_JJ development_NN ._. Again_RB ,_
, the_AT composer_NN must_MD select_VB his_PP$ own_JJ materials_NNS ._. But_CC a
_AT tossing_NN of_IN coins_NNS ,_, with_IN perhaps_RB the_AT added_VBN safeguard
_NN of_IN reference_NN to_IN the_AT oracles_NNS of_IN the_AT I_NP Ching_NP ,_, t
he_AT Chinese_JJ Book_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Changes_NNS-TL ,_, dictates_VBZ the_AT hand
ling_NN of_IN the_AT chosen_VBN materials_NNS ._. Avant-garde_NN choreographers_
NNS ,_, seeking_VBG new_JJ forms_NNS of_IN continuity_NN for_IN their_PP$ new_JJ
vocabulary_NN of_IN movements_NNS ,_, have_HV turned_VBN to_IN similar_JJ appro
aches_NNS ._. Some_DTI let_VB dances_NNS take_VB their_PP$ form_NN from_IN the_A
T experience_NN of_IN creation_NN ._. According_IN to_IN Katherine_NP Litz_NP ,_
, ``_`` the_AT becoming_NN ,_, the_AT process_NN of_IN realization_NN ,_, is_BEZ
the_AT dance_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT process_NN stipulates_VBZ that_CS the_AT chore
ographer_NN sense_VB the_AT quality_NN of_IN the_AT initial_JJ movement_NN he_PP
S has_HVZ discovered_VBN and_CC that_CS he_PPS feel_VB the_AT rightness_NN of_IN
the_AT quality_NN that_WPS is_BEZ to_TO follow_VB it_PPO ._. The_AT sequence_NN
may_MD involve_VB a_AT sharp_JJ contrast_NN :_: for_IN example_NN ,_, a_AT quie
t_JJ meditative_JJ sway_NN of_IN the_AT body_NN succeeded_VBN by_IN a_AT violent
_JJ leap_NN ;_. ;_. or_CC it_PPS may_MD involve_VB more_QL subtle_JJ distinction
s_NNS :_: the_AT sway_NN may_MD be_BE gradually_RB minimized_VBN or_CC enlarged_
VBN ,_, its_PP$ rhythmic_JJ emphasis_NN may_MD be_BE slightly_RB modified_VBN ,_
, or_CC it_PPS may_MD be_BE transferred_VBN to_TO become_VB a_AT movement_NN of_
IN only_RB the_AT arms_NNS or_CC the_AT head_NN ._. Even_RB the_AT least_AP alte
ration_NN will_MD change_VB the_AT quality_NN ._. An_AT exploration_NN of_IN the
se_DTS possible_JJ relationships_NNS constitutes_VBZ the_AT process_NN of_IN cre
ation_NN and_CC thereby_RB gives_VBZ form_NN to_IN the_AT dance_NN ._. The_AT ap
proach_NN to_IN the_AT depiction_NN of_IN the_AT experience_NN of_IN creation_NN
may_MD be_BE analytic_JJ ,_, as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ for_IN Miss_NP Litz_NP ,_, or_
CC spontaneous_JJ ,_, as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ for_IN Merle_NP Marsicano_NP ._. She_P
PS ,_, too_RB ,_, is_BEZ concerned_VBN with_IN ``_`` the_AT becoming_NN ,_, the_
AT process_NN of_IN realization_NN ''_'' ,_, but_CC she_PPS does_DOZ not_* think
_VB in_IN terms_NNS of_IN subtle_JJ variations_NNS of_IN spatial_JJ or_CC tempor
al_JJ patterns_NNS ._. The_AT design_NN is_BEZ determined_VBN emotionally_RB :_:
``_`` I_PPSS must_MD reach_VB into_IN myself_PPL for_IN the_AT spring_NN that_W
PS will_MD send_VB me_PPO catapulting_VBG recklessly_RB into_IN the_AT chaos_NN
of_IN event_NN with_IN which_WDT the_AT dance_NN confronts_VBZ me_PPO ''_'' ._.
Looking_VBG back_RB ,_, Miss_NP Marsicano_NP feels_VBZ that_CS her_PP$ ideas_NNS
may_MD have_HV been_BEN influenced_VBN by_IN those_DTS of_IN Jackson_NP Pollock
_NP ._. At_IN one_CD time_NN she_PPS felt_VBD impelled_VBN to_TO make_VB dances_
NNS that_WPS ``_`` moved_VBD all_QL over_IN the_AT stage_NN ''_'' ,_, much_RB as
_CS Pollock's_NP$ paintings_NNS move_VB violently_RB over_IN the_AT full_JJ exte
nt_NN of_IN the_AT canvas_NN ._. But_CC her_PP$ conscious_JJ need_NN was_BEDZ to
_TO break_VB away_RB from_IN constricting_VBG patterns_NNS of_IN form_NN ,_, a_A
T need_NN to_TO let_VB the_AT experience_NN shape_VB itself_PPL ._. Midi_NP Gart
h_NP also_RB believes_VBZ in_IN subjective_JJ continuity_NN that_WPS begins_VBZ
with_IN the_AT feeling_NN engendered_VBN by_IN an_AT initial_JJ movement_NN ._.
It_PPS may_MD be_BE a_AT free_JJ front-back_JJ swing_NN of_IN the_AT leg_NN ,_,
leading_VBG to_IN a_AT sideways_JJ swing_NN of_IN the_AT arm_NN that_WPS develop
s_VBZ into_IN a_AT turn_NN and_CC the_AT sensation_NN of_IN taking_VBG off_RP fr
om_IN the_AT ground_NN ._. This_DT became_VBD a_AT dance_NN called_VBN Prelude_N
N-TL To_IN-TL Flight_NN-TL ._. A_AT pervading_VBG quality_NN of_IN free_JJ lyric
ism_NN and_CC a_AT building_NN from_IN turns_NNS close_RB to_IN the_AT ground_NN
towards_IN jumps_NNS into_IN the_AT air_NN gives_VBZ the_AT work_NN its_PP$ cen
tral_JJ focus_NN ._. Alwin_NP Nikolais_NP objects_VBZ to_IN art_NN as_CS an_AT o
utpouring_NN of_IN personal_JJ emotion_NN ._. He_PPS seeks_VBZ to_TO make_VB his
_PP$ dancers_NNS more_QL ``_`` godlike_JJ ''_'' by_IN relating_VBG them_PPO to_I
N the_AT impersonal_JJ elements_NNS of_IN shape_NN ,_, light_NN ,_, color_NN ,_,
and_CC sound_NN ._. If_CS his_PP$ dancers_NNS are_BER sometimes_RB made_VBN to_
TO look_VB as_CS if_CS they_PPSS might_MD be_BE creatures_NNS from_IN Mars_NP ,_
, this_DT is_BEZ consistent_JJ with_IN his_PP$ intention_NN of_IN placing_VBG th
em_PPO in_IN the_AT orbit_NN of_IN another_DT world_NN ,_, a_AT world_NN in_IN w
hich_WDT they_PPSS are_BER freed_VBN of_IN their_PP$ pedestrian_JJ identities_NN
S ._. It_PPS is_BEZ through_IN the_AT metamorphosed_VBN dancer_NN that_CS the_AT
germ_NN of_IN form_NN is_BEZ discovered_VBN ._. In_IN his_PP$ recognition_NN of
_IN his_PP$ impersonal_JJ self_NN the_AT dancer_NN moves_VBZ ,_, and_CC this_DT
self_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT ``_`` first_OD revealed_VBN stroke_NN of_IN its_PP$ exi
stence_NN ''_'' ,_, states_VBZ the_AT theme_NN from_IN which_WDT all_ABN else_RB
must_MD follow_VB ._. The_AT theme_NN may_MD be_BE the_AT formation_NN of_IN a_
AT shape_NN from_IN which_WDT other_AP shapes_NNS evolve_VB ._. It_PPS may_MD be
_BE a_AT reaction_NN to_IN a_AT percussive_JJ sound_NN ,_, the_AT following_VBG
movements_NNS constituting_VBG further_JJR reactions_NNS ._. It_PPS may_MD estab
lish_VB the_AT relation_NN of_IN the_AT figure_NN of_IN the_AT dancer_NN to_IN l
ight_NN and_CC color_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT case_NN changes_NNS in_IN the_AT lig
ht_NN or_CC color_NN will_MD set_VB off_RP a_AT kaleidescope_NN of_IN visual_JJ
designs_NNS ._. Unconcerned_JJ with_IN the_AT practical_JJ function_NN of_IN his
_PP$ actions_NNS ,_, the_AT dancer_NN is_BEZ engrossed_VBN exclusively_RB in_IN
their_PP$ ``_`` motional_JJ content_NN ''_'' ._. Movements_NNS unfold_VB freely_
RB because_CS they_PPSS are_BER uninhibited_JJ by_IN emotional_JJ bias_NN or_CC
purposive_JJ drive_NN ._. But_CC the_AT metamorphosis_NN must_MD come_VB first_R
B ._. Though_CS he_PPS is_BEZ also_RB concerned_VBN with_IN freeing_VBG dance_NN
from_IN pedestrian_JJ modes_NNS of_IN activity_NN ,_, Merce_NP Cunningham_NP ha
s_HVZ selected_VBN a_AT very_QL different_JJ method_NN for_IN achieving_VBG his_
PP$ aim_NN ._. He_PPS rejects_VBZ all_ABN subjectively_RB motivated_VBN continui
ty_NN ,_, any_DTI line_NN of_IN action_NN related_VBN to_IN the_AT concept_NN of
_IN cause_NN and_CC effect_NN ._. He_PPS bases_VBZ his_PP$ approach_NN on_IN the
_AT belief_NN that_CS anything_PN can_MD follow_VB anything_PN ._. An_AT order_N
N can_MD be_BE chanced_VBN rather_IN than_IN chosen_VBN ,_, and_CC this_DT appro
ach_NN produces_VBZ an_AT experience_NN that_WPS is_BEZ ``_`` free_JJ and_CC dis
covered_VBN rather_IN than_IN bound_VBN and_CC remembered_VBN ''_'' ._. Thus_RB
,_, there_EX is_BEZ freshness_NN not_* only_RB in_IN the_AT individual_JJ moveme
nts_NNS of_IN the_AT dance_NN but_CC in_IN the_AT shape_NN of_IN their_PP$ conti
nuity_NN as_QL well_RB ._. Chance_NN ,_, he_PPS finds_VBZ ,_, enables_VBZ him_PP
O to_TO create_VB ``_`` a_AT world_NN beyond_IN imagination_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS
cites_VBZ with_IN pleasure_NN the_AT comment_NN of_IN a_AT lady_NN ,_, who_WPS e
xclaimed_VBD after_IN a_AT concert_NN :_: ``_`` Why_UH ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ extremel
y_QL interesting_JJ ._. But_CC I_PPSS would_MD never_RB have_HV thought_VBN of_I
N it_PPO myself_PPL ''_'' ._. The_AT sequence_NN of_IN movements_NNS in_IN a_AT
Cunningham_NP dance_NN is_BEZ unlike_IN any_DTI sequence_NN to_TO be_BE seen_VBN
in_IN life_NN ._. At_IN one_CD side_NN of_IN the_AT stage_NN a_AT dancer_NN jum
ps_VBZ excitedly_RB ;_. ;_. nearby_RB ,_, another_DT sits_VBZ motionless_JJ ,_,
while_CS still_RB another_DT is_BEZ twirling_VBG an_AT umbrella_NN ._. A_AT man_
NN and_CC a_AT girl_NN happen_VB to_TO meet_VB ;_. ;_. they_PPSS look_VB straigh
t_RB at_IN the_AT audience_NN ,_, not_* at_IN each_DT other_AP ._. He_PPS lifts_
VBZ her_PPO ,_, puts_VBZ her_PPO down_RP ,_, and_CC walks_VBZ off_RP ,_, neither
_CC pleased_VBN nor_CC disturbed_VBN ,_, as_CS if_CS nothing_PN had_HVD happened
_VBN ._. If_CS one_CD dancer_NN slaps_VBZ another_DT ,_, the_AT victim_NN may_MD
do_DO a_AT pirouette_NN ,_, sit_VB down_RP ,_, or_CC offer_VB his_PP$ assailant
_NN a_AT fork_NN and_CC spoon_NN ._. Events_NNS occur_VB without_IN apparent_JJ
reason_NN ._. Their_PP$ consequences_NNS are_BER irrelevant_JJ --_-- or_CC there
_EX are_BER no_AT consequences_NNS at_IN all_ABN ._. The_AT sequence_NN is_BEZ d
etermined_VBN by_IN chance_NN ,_, and_CC Mr._NP Cunningham_NP makes_VBZ use_NN o
f_IN any_DTI one_CD of_IN several_AP chance_NN devices_NNS ._. He_PPS may_MD tos
s_VB coins_NNS ;_. ;_. he_PPS may_MD take_VB slips_NNS of_IN paper_NN from_IN a_
AT grab_NN bag_NN ._. The_AT answers_NNS derived_VBN by_IN these_DTS means_NNS m
ay_MD determine_VB not_* only_RB the_AT temporal_JJ organization_NN of_IN the_AT
dance_NN but_CC also_RB its_PP$ spatial_JJ design_NN ,_, special_JJ slips_NNS d
esignating_VBG the_AT location_NN on_IN the_AT stage_NN where_WRB the_AT movemen
t_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE performed_VBN ._. The_AT other_AP variables_NNS include_
VB the_AT dancer_NN who_WPS is_BEZ to_TO perform_VB the_AT movement_NN and_CC th
e_AT length_NN of_IN time_NN he_PPS is_BEZ to_TO take_VB in_IN its_PP$ performan
ce_NN ._. The_AT only_AP factors_NNS that_WPS are_BER personally_RB set_VBN by_I
N the_AT choreographer_NN are_BER the_AT movements_NNS themselves_PPLS ,_, the_A
T number_NN of_IN the_AT dancers_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT approximate_JJ total_NN d
uration_NN of_IN the_AT dance_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` approximate_JJ-NC ''_'' is_BEZ
important_JJ ,_, because_CS even_RB after_CS the_AT order_NN of_IN the_AT work_
NN has_HVZ been_BEN established_VBN by_IN the_AT chance_NN method_NN ,_, the_AT
result_NN is_BEZ not_* inviolable_JJ ._. Each_DT performance_NN may_MD be_BE dif
ferent_JJ ._. If_CS a_AT work_NN is_BEZ divided_VBN into_IN several_AP large_JJ
segments_NNS ,_, a_AT last-minute_NN drawing_NN of_IN random_JJ numbers_NNS may_
MD determine_VB the_AT order_NN of_IN the_AT segments_NNS for_IN any_DTI particu
lar_JJ performance_NN ._. And_CC any_DTI sequence_NN can_MD not_* only_RB change
_VB its_PP$ positions_NNS in_IN the_AT work_NN but_CC can_MD even_RB be_BE elimi
nated_VBN from_IN it_PPO altogether_RB ._. Mr._NP Cunningham_NP tries_VBZ not_*
to_TO cheat_VB the_AT chance_NN method_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS adheres_VBZ to_IN its_P
P$ dictates_NNS as_QL faithfully_RB as_CS he_PPS can_MD ._. However_RB ,_, there
_EX is_BEZ always_RB the_AT possibility_NN that_CS chance_NN will_MD make_VB dem
ands_NNS the_AT dancers_NNS find_VB impossible_JJ to_TO execute_VB ._. Then_RB t
he_AT choreographer_NN must_MD arbitrate_VB ._. He_PPS must_MD rearrange_VB matt
ers_NNS so_CS that_CS two_CD performers_NNS do_DO not_* bump_VB into_IN each_DT
other_AP ._. He_PPS must_MD construct_VB transitions_NNS so_CS that_CS a_AT danc
er_NN who_WPS is_BEZ told_VBN to_TO lie_VB prone_RB one_CD second_NN and_CC to_T
O leap_VB wildly_RB the_AT next_AP will_MD have_HV some_DTI physical_JJ preparat
ion_NN for_IN the_AT leap_NN ._. The_AT North_NR-TL and_CC the_AT South_NR-TL we
re_BED in_IN greater_JJR agreement_NN on_IN sovereignty_NN ,_, through_IN all_AB
N their_PP$ dispute_NN about_IN it_PPO ,_, than_CS were_BED the_AT Founding_VBG-
TL Fathers_NNS-TL ._. The_AT truth_NN in_IN their_PP$ conflicting_VBG concepts_N
NS was_BEDZ expounded_VBN by_IN statesmen_NNS of_IN the_AT calibre_NN of_IN Webs
ter_NP and_CC Calhoun_NP ,_, and_CC defended_VBN in_IN the_AT end_NN by_IN leade
rs_NNS of_IN the_AT nobility_NN of_IN Lincoln_NP and_CC Lee_NP ._. The_AT people
_NNS everywhere_RB had_HVD grown_VBN meanwhile_RB in_IN devotion_NN to_IN basic_
JJ democratic_JJ principles_NNS ,_, in_IN understanding_NN of_IN and_CC belief_N
N in_IN the_AT federal_JJ balance_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN love_NN of_IN their_PP$ Un
ion_NN-TL ._. Repeated_VBN efforts_NNS --_-- beginning_VBG with_IN the_AT Missou
ri_NP-TL Compromise_NN-TL of_IN 1821_CD --_-- were_BED made_VBN by_IN such_JJ ma
ster_JJS moderates_NNS as_CS Clay_NN-TL and_CC Douglas_NP to_TO resolve_VB the_A
T difference_NN peacefully_RB by_IN compromise_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN clear_JJ
thought_NN and_CC timely_JJ action_NN ._. Even_RB so_RB ,_, confusion_NN in_IN
this_DT period_NN gained_VBD such_JJ strength_NN (_( from_IN compromise_NN and_C
C other_AP factors_NNS )_) that_CS it_PPS led_VBD to_IN the_AT bloodiest_JJT war
_NN of_IN the_AT Nineteenth_OD-TL century_NN ._. Nothing_PN can_MD show_VB more_
AP than_CS this_DT the_AT immensity_NN of_IN the_AT danger_NN to_IN democratic_J
J peoples_NNS that_WPS lies_VBZ in_IN even_QL relatively_QL slight_JJ deviation_
NN from_IN their_PP$ true_JJ concept_NN of_IN sovereignty_NN ._. The_AT present_
JJ issue_NN in_IN Atlantica_NP --_-- whether_CS to_TO transform_VB an_AT allianc
e_NN of_IN sovereign_JJ nations_NNS into_IN a_AT federal_JJ union_NN of_IN sover
eign_JJ citizens_NNS --_-- resembles_VBZ the_AT American_JJ one_CD of_IN 1787-89
_CD rather_IN than_IN the_AT one_CD that_WPS was_BEDZ resolved_VBN by_IN Civil_J
J-TL War_NN-TL ._. And_CC so_RB I_PPSS would_MD only_RB touch_VB upon_IN it_PPO
now_RB (_( much_RB as_CS I_PPSS have_HV long_RB wanted_VBN to_TO write_VB a_AT b
ook_NN about_IN it_PPO )_) ._. I_PPSS think_VB it_PPS is_BEZ essential_JJ ,_, ho
wever_RB ,_, to_TO pinpoint_VB here_RB the_AT difference_NN between_IN the_AT tw
o_CD concepts_NNS of_IN sovereignty_NN that_WPS went_VBD to_IN war_NN in_IN 1861
_CD --_-- if_CS only_RB to_TO see_VB better_RBR how_WQL imperative_JJ is_BEZ our
_PP$ need_NN today_NR to_TO clarify_VB completely_RB our_PP$ far_QL worse_JJR co
nfusion_NN on_IN this_DT subject_NN ._. The_AT difference_NN came_VBD down_RP to
_IN this_DT :_: The_AT Southern_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL insisted_VBD that_CS the_AT
United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL was_BEDZ ,_, in_IN last_AP analysis_NN ,_, what_WDT
its_PP$ name_NN implied_VBD --_-- a_AT Union_NN-TL of_IN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. To
_IN their_PP$ leaders_NNS the_AT Constitution_NN-TL was_BEDZ a_AT compact_NN mad
e_VBN by_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN sovereign_JJ states_NNS ,_, who_WPS therefor
e_RB retained_VBD the_AT right_NN to_TO secede_VB from_IN it_PPO ._. This_DT rig
ht_NN of_IN the_AT State_NN-TL ,_, its_PP$ upholders_NNS contended_VBD ,_, was_B
EDZ essential_JJ to_TO maintain_VB the_AT federal_JJ balance_NN and_CC protect_V
B the_AT liberty_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS from_IN the_AT danger_NN of_IN centr
alizing_VBG power_NN in_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL government_NN ._. The_AT champions
_NNS of_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL maintained_VBD that_CS the_AT Constitution_NN-TL h
ad_HVD formed_VBN ,_, fundamentally_RB ,_, the_AT united_VBN people_NNS of_IN Am
erica_NP ,_, that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT compact_NN among_IN sovereign_JJ citiz
ens_NNS rather_IN than_IN states_NNS ,_, and_CC that_CS therefore_RB the_AT stat
es_NNS had_HVD no_AT right_NN to_TO secede_VB ,_, though_CS the_AT citizens_NNS
could_MD ._. Writing_VBG to_IN Speed_NP on_IN August_NP 24_CD ,_, 1855_CD ,_, Li
ncoln_NP made_VBD the_AT latter_AP point_NN clear_JJ ._. In_IN homely_JJ terms_N
NS whose_WP$ timeliness_NN is_BEZ startling_JJ today_NR ,_, he_PPS thus_RB decla
red_VBD his_PP$ own_JJ right_NN to_TO secede_VB ._. ``_`` We_PPSS began_VBD by_I
N declaring_VBG that_CS all_ABN men_NNS are_BER created_VBN equal_JJ ._. We_PPSS
now_RB practically_RB read_VB it_PPO ,_, all_ABN men_NNS are_BER created_VBN eq
ual_JJ except_IN Negroes_NPS ._. When_WRB the_AT Know-nothings_NPS get_VB contro
l_NN ,_, it_PPS will_MD read_VB ,_, All_ABN men_NNS are_BER created_VBN equal_JJ
except_IN Negroes_NPS and_CC foreigners_NNS and_CC Catholics_NPS ._. When_WRB i
t_PPS comes_VBZ to_IN this_DT ,_, I_PPSS shall_MD prefer_VB emigrating_VBG to_IN
some_DTI country_NN where_WRB they_PPSS make_VB no_AT pretence_NN of_IN loving_
VBG liberty_NN --_-- to_IN Russia_NP ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, where_WRB despot
ism_NN can_MD be_BE taken_VBN pure_JJ ,_, without_IN the_AT base_JJ alloy_NN of_
IN hypocrisy_NN ''_'' (_( His_PP$ emphasis_NN )_) ._. When_WRB the_AT Southern_J
J-TL States_NNS-TL exercised_VBD their_PP$ ``_`` right_NN to_TO secede_VB ''_''
,_, they_PPSS formed_VBD what_WDT they_PPSS officially_RB styled_VBD ``_`` The_A
T-TL Confederate_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Dictionari
es_NNS ,_, as_CS we_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN ,_, still_RB cite_VB this_DT governmen
t_NN ,_, along_RB with_IN the_AT Articles_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Confederation_NN-TL of
_IN 1781_CD ,_, as_CS an_AT example_NN of_IN a_AT confederacy_NN ._. The_AT fact
_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Confederacy_NN-TL differed_VBD from_IN
the_AT earlier_JJR one_CD almost_QL as_QL much_RB as_CS the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Con
stitution_NN-TL did_DOD ._. The_AT Confederate_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL copied_V
BD much_AP of_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL verbatim_RB ,_, and_CC
most_AP of_IN the_AT rest_NN in_IN substance_NN ._. It_PPS operated_VBD on_IN ,_
, by_IN and_CC for_IN the_AT people_NNS individually_RB just_RB as_CS did_DOD th
e_AT Federal_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL ._. It_PPS made_VBD substantially_RB the_A
T same_AP division_NN of_IN power_NN between_IN the_AT central_JJ and_CC state_N
N governments_NNS ,_, and_CC among_IN the_AT executive_JJ ,_, legislative_JJ and
_CC judicial_JJ branches_NNS ._. The_AT-HL difference_NN-HL between_IN-HL confed
eracy_NN-HL and_CC-HL federal_JJ-HL union_NN-HL in_IN-HL 1861_CD-HL Many_AP beli
eve_VB --_-- and_CC understandably_RB --_-- that_CS the_AT great_JJ difference_N
N between_IN the_AT Constitution_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Southern_JJ-TL Confede
racy_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL was_BEDZ that_CS the_A
T former_AP recognized_VBD the_AT right_NN of_IN each_DT state_NN to_TO secede_V
B ._. But_CC though_CS each_DT of_IN its_PP$ members_NNS had_HVD asserted_VBN th
is_DT right_NN against_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL ,_, the_AT final_JJ Constitution_NN
-TL which_WDT the_AT Confederacy_NN-TL signed_VBD on_IN March_NP 11_CD --_-- nea
rly_RB a_AT month_NN before_CS hostilities_NNS began_VBD --_-- included_VBD no_A
T explicit_JJ provision_NN authorizing_VBG a_AT state_NN to_TO secede_VB ._. Its
_PP$ drafters_NNS discussed_VBD this_DT vital_JJ point_NN but_CC left_VBD it_PPO
out_IN of_IN their_PP$ Constitution_NN-TL ._. Their_PP$ President_NN-TL ,_, Jef
ferson_NP Davis_NP ,_, interpreted_VBD their_PP$ Constitution_NN-TL to_TO mean_V
B that_CS it_PPS ``_`` admits_VBZ of_IN no_AT coerced_VBN association_NN ''_'' ,
_, but_CC this_DT remained_VBD so_QL doubtful_JJ that_CS ``_`` there_EX were_BED
frequent_JJ demands_NNS that_CS the_AT right_NN to_TO secede_VB be_BE put_VBN i
nto_IN the_AT Constitution_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT Constitution_NN-TL of_IN-TL th
e_AT-TL Southern_JJ-TL ``_`` Confederation_NN-TL ''_'' differed_VBD from_IN that
_DT of_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Union_NN-TL only_RB in_IN two_CD important_JJ res
pects_NNS :_: It_PPS openly_RB ,_, defiantly_RB ,_, recognized_VBD slavery_NN --
_-- an_AT institution_NN which_WDT the_AT Southerners_NNS-TL of_IN 1787_CD ,_, e
ven_RB though_CS they_PPSS continued_VBD it_PPO ,_, found_VBD so_QL impossible_J
J to_TO reconcile_VB with_IN freedom_NN that_CS they_PPSS carefully_RB avoided_V
BD mentioning_VBG the_AT word_NN in_IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL Constitution_NN-TL .
_. They_PPSS recognized_VBD that_CS slavery_NN was_BEDZ a_AT moral_JJ issue_NN a
nd_CC not_* merely_RB an_AT economic_JJ interest_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS to_TO rec
ognize_VB it_PPO explicitly_RB in_IN their_PP$ Constitution_NN-TL would_MD be_BE
in_IN explosive_JJ contradiction_NN to_IN the_AT concept_NN of_IN sovereignty_N
N they_PPSS had_HVD set_VBN forth_RB in_IN the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN 1776_C
D that_CS ``_`` all_ABN men_NNS are_BER created_VBN equal_JJ ,_, that_CS they_PP
SS are_BER endowed_VBN by_IN their_PP$ Creator_NN-TL with_IN certain_JJ unaliena
ble_JJ rights_NNS ,_, that_CS among_IN them_PPO are_BER life_NN ,_, liberty_NN a
nd_CC the_AT pursuit_NN of_IN happiness_NN ._. ''_'' The_AT other_AP important_J
J difference_NN between_IN the_AT two_CD Constitutions_NNS-TL was_BEDZ that_CS t
he_AT President_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Confederacy_NN-TL held_VBD office_NN fo
r_IN six_CD (_( instead_RB of_IN four_CD )_) years_NNS ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ limit
ed_VBN to_IN one_CD term_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER not_* ,_, however_RB ,_, diffe
rences_NNS in_IN federal_JJ structure_NN ._. The_AT only_AP important_JJ differe
nces_NNS from_IN that_DT standpoint_NN ,_, between_IN the_AT two_CD Constitution
s_NNS-TL ,_, lies_VBZ in_IN their_PP$ Preambles_NNS-TL ._. The_AT one_CD of_IN 1
861_CD made_VBD clear_JJ that_CS in_IN making_VBG their_PP$ government_NN the_AT
people_NNS were_BED acting_VBG through_IN their_PP$ states_NNS ,_, whereas_CS t
he_AT Preamble_NN-TL of_IN 1787-89_CD expressed_VBD ,_, as_QL clearly_RB as_CS l
anguage_NN can_MD ,_, the_AT opposite_JJ concept_NN ,_, that_CS they_PPSS were_B
ED acting_VBG directly_RB as_CS citizens_NNS ._. Here_RB are_BER the_AT two_CD P
reambles_NNS-TL :_: Federal_JJ-TL-HL Constitution_NN-TL-HL ,_,-HL 1789_CD-HL ``_
`` we_PPSS the_AT People_NNS of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, in_IN
order_NN to_TO form_VB a_AT more_QL perfect_JJ Union_NN ,_, establish_VB Justice
_NN ,_, insure_VB domestic_JJ Tranquility_NN ,_, provide_VB for_IN the_AT common
_JJ Defence_NN ,_, promote_VB the_AT general_JJ Welfare_NN ,_, and_CC secure_VB
the_AT Blessings_NNS of_IN Liberty_NN to_IN ourselves_PPLS and_CC our_PP$ Poster
ity_NN ,_, do_DO ordain_VB and_CC establish_VB this_DT Constitution_NN-TL for_IN
-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL of_IN America_NP ''_'' ._. Confederate
_JJ-TL-HL Constitution_NN-TL-HL ,_,-HL 1861_CD-HL ``_`` We_PPSS the_AT people_NN
S of_IN the_AT Confederate_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, each_DT state_NN acting_VBG i
n_IN its_PP$ sovereign_JJ and_CC independent_JJ character_NN ,_, in_IN order_NN
to_TO form_VB a_AT permanent_JJ federal_JJ government_NN ,_, establish_VB justic
e_NN ,_, insure_VB domestic_JJ tranquility_NN ,_, and_CC secure_VB the_AT blessi
ngs_NNS of_IN liberty_NN to_IN ourselves_PPLS and_CC our_PP$ posterity_NN --_--
invoking_VBG the_AT favor_NN and_CC the_AT guidance_NN of_IN Almighty_NP God_NP
--_-- do_DO ordain_VB and_CC establish_VB this_DT Constitution_NN-TL for_IN-TL t
he_AT-TL Confederate_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL of_IN-TL America_NP-TL ''_'' ._. One_PN
is_BEZ tempted_VBN to_TO say_VB that_CS ,_, on_IN the_AT difference_NN between_
IN the_AT concepts_NNS of_IN sovereignty_NN in_IN these_DTS two_CD preambles_NNS
,_, the_AT worst_JJT war_NN of_IN the_AT Nineteenth_OD-TL century_NN was_BEDZ f
ought_VBN ._. But_CC though_CS the_AT Southern_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, when_WRB
drafting_VBG a_AT constitution_NN to_TO unite_VB themselves_PPLS ,_, narrowed_VB
D the_AT difference_NN to_IN this_DT fine_JJ point_NN by_IN omitting_VBG to_TO a
ssert_VB the_AT right_NN to_TO secede_VB ,_, the_AT fact_NN remained_VBD that_CS
by_IN seceding_VBG from_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL they_PPSS had_HVD already_RB acte
d_VBN on_IN the_AT concept_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ composed_VBN primarily_RB
of_IN sovereign_JJ states_NNS ._. If_CS the_AT Union_NN-TL conceded_VBD this_DT
to_IN them_PPO ,_, the_AT same_AP right_NN must_MD be_BE conceded_VBN to_IN each
_DT remaining_VBG state_NN whenever_WRB it_PPS saw_VBD fit_JJ to_TO secede_VB :_
: This_DT would_MD destroy_VB the_AT federal_JJ balance_NN between_IN it_PPO and
_CC the_AT states_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT end_NN sacrifice_VB to_IN the_AT s
overeignty_NN of_IN the_AT states_NNS all_ABN the_AT liberty_NN the_AT citizens_
NNS had_HVD gained_VBN by_IN their_PP$ Union_NN-TL ._. Lincoln_NP saw_VBD that_C
S the_AT act_NN of_IN secession_NN made_VBD the_AT issue_NN for_IN the_AT Union_
NN-TL a_AT vital_JJ one_CD :_: Whether_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT Union_NN-TL of_IN
sovereign_JJ citizens_NNS that_WPS should_MD continue_VB to_TO live_VB ,_, or_C
C an_AT association_NN of_IN sovereign_JJ states_NNS that_WPS must_MD fall_VB pr
ey_NN either_CC to_IN ``_`` anarchy_NN or_CC despotism_NN ''_'' ._. Much_RB as_C
S he_PPS abhorred_VBD slavery_NN ,_, Lincoln_NP was_BEDZ always_RB willing_JJ to
_TO concede_VB to_IN each_DT ``_`` slave_NN state_NN ''_'' the_AT right_NN to_TO
decide_VB independently_RB whether_CS to_TO continue_VB or_CC end_VB it_PPO ._.
Though_CS his_PP$ election_NN was_BEDZ interpreted_VBN by_IN many_AP Southerner
s_NNS-TL as_CS the_AT forerunner_NN of_IN a_AT dangerous_JJ shift_NN in_IN the_A
T federal_JJ balance_NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL ,_, Lincoln_NP h
imself_PPL proposed_VBD no_AT such_JJ change_NN in_IN the_AT rights_NNS the_AT C
onstitution_NN-TL gave_VBD the_AT states_NNS ._. After_CS the_AT war_NN began_VB
D ,_, he_PPS long_RB refused_VBD to_TO permit_VB emancipation_NN of_IN the_AT sl
aves_NNS by_IN Union_NN-TL action_NN even_RB in_IN the_AT Border_NN-TL States_NN
S-TL that_WPS stayed_VBD with_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL ._. He_PPS issued_VBD his_PP
$ Emancipation_NN-TL Proclamation_NN-TL only_RB when_WRB he_PPS felt_VBD that_CS
necessity_NN left_VBD him_PPO no_AT other_AP way_NN to_TO save_VB the_AT Union_
NN-TL ._. In_IN his_PP$ Message_NN-TL of_IN December_NP 2_CD ,_, 1862_CD ,_, he_
PPS put_VBD his_PP$ purpose_NN and_CC his_PP$ policy_NN in_IN these_DTS words_NN
S --_-- which_WDT I_PPSS would_MD call_VB the_AT Lincoln_NP-TL Law_NN-TL of_IN-T
L Liberty-and-Union_NN-TL :_: ``_`` In_IN giving_VBG freedom_NN to_IN the_AT sla
ve_NN ,_, we_PPSS assure_VB freedom_NN to_IN the_AT free_JJ ''_'' ._. What_WDT L
incoln_NP could_MD not_* concede_VB was_BEDZ that_CS the_AT states_NNS rather_IN
than_IN the_AT people_NNS were_BED sovereign_JJ in_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL ._. He
_PPS fought_VBD to_IN the_AT end_NN to_TO preserve_VB it_PPO as_CS a_AT ``_`` go
vernment_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS ,_, by_IN the_AT people_NNS ,_, for_IN the_A
T people_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT-HL truth_NN-HL on_IN-HL each_DT-HL side_NN-HL won_
VBD-HL in_IN-HL the_AT-HL civil_JJ-HL war_NN-HL The_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT Am
ericans_NPS who_WPS upheld_VBD the_AT sovereignty_NN of_IN their_PP$ states_NNS
did_DOD this_DT in_IN order_NN to_TO keep_VB many_AP of_IN their_PP$ people_NNS
more_QL securely_RB in_IN slavery_NN --_-- the_AT antithesis_NN of_IN individual
_JJ liberty_NN --_-- made_VBD the_AT conflict_NN grimmer_JJR ,_, and_CC the_AT g
reater_JJR ._. Out_IN of_IN this_DT ordeal_NN the_AT citizen_NN emerged_VBD ,_,
in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL as_CS in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ,_, as_CS America's_NP$
true_JJ sovereign_NN ,_, in_IN ``_`` a_AT new_JJ birth_NN of_IN freedom_NN ''_''
,_, as_CS Lincoln_NP promised_VBD ._. But_CC before_CS this_DT came_VBD about_R
B ,_, 214,938_CD Americans_NPS had_HVD given_VBN their_PP$ lives_NNS in_IN battl
e_NN for_IN the_AT two_CD concepts_NNS of_IN the_AT sovereign_JJ rights_NNS of_I
N men_NNS and_CC of_IN states_NNS ._. On_IN their_PP$ decisive_JJ battlefield_NN
Lincoln_NP did_DOD not_* distinguish_VB between_IN them_PPO when_WRB he_PPS pai
d_VBD tribute_NN to_IN the_AT ``_`` brave_JJ men_NNS ,_, living_VBG and_CC dead_
JJ ,_, who_WPS fought_VBD here_RB ''_'' ._. He_PPS understood_VBD that_CS both_A
BX sides_NNS were_BED at_IN fault_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS reached_VBD the_AT height
_NN of_IN saying_VBG so_RB explicitly_RB in_IN his_PP$ Second_OD-TL Inaugural_NN
-TL ._. To_IN my_PP$ knowledge_NN ,_, Lincoln_NP remains_VBZ the_AT only_AP Head
_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL and_CC Commander-in-Chief_NN-TL who_WPS ,_, while_CS
fighting_VBG a_AT fearful_JJ war_NN whose_WP$ issue_NN was_BEDZ in_IN doubt_NN
,_, proved_VBD man_NN enough_AP to_TO say_VB this_DT publicly_RB --_-- to_TO giv
e_VB his_PP$ foe_NN the_AT benefit_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS in_IN all_ABN
human_JJ truth_NN there_EX is_BEZ some_DTI error_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN all_ABN ou
r_PP$ error_NN ,_, some_DTI truth_NN ._. So_QL great_JJ a_AT man_NN could_MD not
_* but_IN understand_VB ,_, too_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT thing_NN that_WPS moves_VB
Z men_NNS to_TO sacrifice_VB their_PP$ lives_NNS is_BEZ not_* the_AT error_NN of
_IN their_PP$ thought_NN ,_, which_WDT their_PP$ opponents_NNS see_VB and_CC att
ack_VB ,_, but_CC the_AT truth_NN which_WDT the_AT latter_AP do_DO not_* see_VB
--_-- any_DTI more_AP than_CS they_PPSS see_VB the_AT error_NN which_WDT mars_VB
Z the_AT truth_NN they_PPSS themselves_PPLS defend_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ much_QL
less_QL difficult_JJ now_RB than_CS in_IN Lincoln's_NP$ day_NN to_TO see_VB that
_CS on_IN both_ABX sides_NNS sovereign_JJ Americans_NPS had_HVD given_VBN their_
PP$ lives_NNS in_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL to_TO maintain_VB the_AT balanc
e_NN between_IN the_AT powers_NNS they_PPSS had_HVD delegated_VBN to_IN the_AT S
tates_NNS-TL and_CC to_IN their_PP$ Union_NN-TL ._. They_PPSS differed_VBD in_IN
the_AT balance_NN they_PPSS believed_VBD essential_JJ to_IN the_AT sovereignty_
NN of_IN the_AT citizen_NN --_-- but_CC the_AT supreme_JJ sacrifice_NN each_DT m
ade_VBD served_VBD to_TO maintain_VB a_AT still_QL more_QL fundamental_JJ truth_
NN :_: That_CS individual_JJ life_NN ,_, liberty_NN and_CC happiness_NN depend_V
B on_IN a_AT right_JJ balance_NN between_IN the_AT two_CD --_-- and_CC on_IN the
_AT limitation_NN of_IN sovereignty_NN ,_, in_IN all_ABN its_PP$ aspects_NNS ,_,
which_WDT this_DT involves_VBZ ._. The_AT 140,414_CD Americans_NPS who_WPS gave
_VBD ``_`` the_AT last_AP full_JJ measure_NN of_IN devotion_NN ''_'' to_TO preve
nt_VB disunion_NN ,_, preserved_VBD individual_JJ freedom_NN in_IN the_AT United
_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL from_IN the_AT dangers_NNS of_IN anarchy_NN ,_, inherent_J
J in_IN confederations_NNS ,_, which_WDT throughout_IN history_NN have_HV proved
_VBN fatal_JJ in_IN the_AT end_NN to_IN all_ABN associations_NNS composed_VBN pr
imarily_RB of_IN sovereign_JJ states_NNS ,_, and_CC to_IN the_AT liberties_NNS o
f_IN their_PP$ people_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT fact_NN that_CS 70,524_CD other_AP A
mericans_NPS gave_VBD the_AT same_AP measure_NN of_IN devotion_NN to_IN an_AT op
posing_VBG concept_NN served_VBD Liberty-and-Union_NN-TL in_IN other_AP essentia
l_JJ ways_NNS ._. Its_PP$ appeal_NN from_IN ballots_NNS to_IN bullets_NNS at_IN
Fort_NN-TL Sumter_NP-TL ended_VBD by_IN costing_VBG the_AT Southerners_NNS-TL th
eir_PP$ right_NN to_TO have_HV slaves_NNS --_-- a_AT right_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ
even_QL less_QL compatible_JJ with_IN the_AT sovereignty_NN of_IN man_NN ._. The
_AT very_AP fact_NN that_CS they_PPSS came_VBD so_QL near_RB to_IN winning_VBG b
y_IN the_AT wrong_JJ method_NN ,_, war_NN ,_, led_VBD directly_RB to_IN their_PP
$ losing_VBG both_ABX the_AT war_NN and_CC the_AT wrong_JJ thing_NN they_PPSS fo
ught_VBD for_IN ,_, since_CS it_PPS forced_VBD Lincoln_NP to_TO free_VB their_PP
$ slaves_NNS as_CS a_AT military_JJ measure_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT divine
_JJ justice_NN in_IN one_CD wrong_NN thus_RB undoing_VBG another_DT ._. There_EX
was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT lesson_NN ,_, one_CD that_DT has_HVZ served_VBN ever_RB s
ince_RB to_TO keep_VB Americans_NPS ,_, in_IN their_PP$ conflicts_NNS with_IN on
e_CD another_DT ,_, from_IN turning_VBG from_IN the_AT ballot_NN to_IN the_AT bu
llet_NN ._. Yet_RB though_CS the_AT Southern_JJ-TL States_NNS-TL lost_VBD the_AT
worst_JJT errors_NNS in_IN their_PP$ case_NN ,_, they_PPSS did_DOD not_* lose_V
B the_AT truth_NN they_PPSS fought_VBD for_IN ._. The_AT lives_NNS so_QL many_AP
of_IN them_PPO gave_VBD ,_, to_TO forestall_VB what_WDT they_PPSS believed_VBD
would_MD be_BE a_AT fatal_JJ encroachment_NN by_IN the_AT Union_NN-TL on_IN the_
AT powers_NNS reserved_VBN to_IN their_PP$ states_NNS have_HV continued_VBN ever
_RB since_RB to_TO safeguard_VB all_ABN Americans_NPS against_IN freedom's_NN$ o
ther_AP foe_NN ._. As_CS cells_NNS coalesced_VBD into_IN organisms_NNS ,_, they_
PPSS built_VBD new_JJ ``_`` unnatural_JJ ''_'' and_CC internally_RB controlled_V
BN environments_NNS to_TO cope_VB even_QL more_QL successfully_RB with_IN the_AT
entropy-increasing_JJ properties_NNS of_IN the_AT external_JJ world_NN ._. The_
AT useful_JJ suggestion_NN of_IN Professor_NN-TL David_NP Hawkins_NP which_WDT c
onsiders_VBZ culture_NN as_CS a_AT third_OD stage_NN in_IN biological_JJ evoluti
on_NN fits_VBZ quite_QL beautifully_RB then_RB with_IN our_PP$ suggestion_NN tha
t_CS science_NN has_HVZ provided_VBN us_PPO with_IN a_AT rather_QL successful_JJ
technique_NN for_IN building_VBG protective_JJ artificial_JJ environments_NNS .
_. One_PN wonders_VBZ about_IN its_PP$ applicability_NN to_IN people_NNS ._. Wil
l_MD advances_NNS in_IN human_JJ sciences_NNS help_VB us_PPO build_VB social_JJ
structures_NNS and_CC governments_NNS which_WDT will_MD enable_VB us_PPO to_TO c
ope_VB with_IN people_NNS as_QL effectively_RB as_CS the_AT primitive_JJ combina
tion_NN of_IN protein_NN and_CC nucleic_JJ acid_NN built_VBD a_AT structure_NN o
f_IN molecules_NNS which_WDT enabled_VBD it_PPO to_TO adapt_VB to_IN a_AT sea_NN
of_IN molecular_JJ interaction_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT answer_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN cou
rse_NN ,_, yes_RB ._. For_CS the_AT family_NN is_BEZ the_AT simplest_JJT example
_NN of_IN just_RB such_ABL a_AT unit_NN ,_, composed_VBN of_IN people_NNS ,_, wh
ich_WDT gives_VBZ us_PPO both_ABX some_DTI immunity_NN from_IN ,_, and_CC a_AT w
ay_NN of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN ,_, other_AP people_NNS ._. Social_JJ invention_
NN did_DOD not_* have_HV to_TO await_VB social_JJ theory_NN any_QL more_RBR than
_CS use_NN of_IN the_AT warmth_NN of_IN a_AT fire_NN had_HVD to_TO await_VB Lavo
isier_NP or_CC the_AT buoyant_JJ protection_NN of_IN a_AT boat_NN the_AT formula
tions_NNS of_IN Archimedes_NP ._. But_CC it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN during_IN the_A
T last_AP two_CD centuries_NNS ,_, during_IN the_AT scientific_JJ revolution_NN
,_, that_CS our_PP$ independence_NN from_IN the_AT physical_JJ environment_NN ha
s_HVZ made_VBN the_AT most_QL rapid_JJ strides_NNS ._. We_PPSS have_HV ample_JJ
light_NN when_WRB the_AT sun_NN sets_VBZ ;_. ;_. the_AT temperature_NN of_IN our
_PP$ homes_NNS is_BEZ independent_JJ of_IN the_AT seasons_NNS ;_. ;_. we_PPSS fl
y_VB through_IN the_AT air_NN ,_, although_CS gravity_NN pulls_VBZ us_PPO down_R
P ;_. ;_. the_AT range_NN of_IN our_PP$ voice_NN ignores_VBZ distance_NN ._. At_
IN what_WDT stage_NN are_BER social_JJ sciences_NNS then_RB ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ the_A
T future_NN of_IN psychology_NN akin_JJ to_IN the_AT rich_JJ future_NN of_IN phy
sics_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Newton_NP ?_. ?_. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT haunti
ng_JJ resemblance_NN between_IN the_AT notion_NN of_IN cause_NN in_IN Copernicus
_NP and_CC in_IN Freud_NP ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ certainly_RB no_AT slight_NN
to_IN either_DTX of_IN them_PPO to_TO compare_VB both_ABX their_PP$ achievements
_NNS and_CC their_PP$ impact_NN ._. Political_JJ theoretical_JJ understanding_NN
,_, although_CS almost_RB at_IN a_AT standstill_NN during_IN this_DT century_NN
,_, did_DOD develop_VB during_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD and_CC nineteenth_OD cent
uries_NNS ,_, and_CC resulted_VBD in_IN a_AT flood_NN of_IN inventions_NNS which
_WDT increased_VBD the_AT possibility_NN for_CS man_NN to_TO coexist_VB with_IN
man_NN ._. Consitutional_JJ government_NN ,_, popular_JJ vote_NN ,_, trial_NN by
_IN jury_NN ,_, public_JJ education_NN ,_, labor_NN unions_NNS ,_, cooperatives_
NNS ,_, communes_NNS ,_, socialized_VBN ownership_NN ,_, world_NN courts_NNS ,_,
and_CC the_AT veto_NN power_NN in_IN world_NN councils_NNS are_BER but_RB a_AT
few_AP examples_NNS ._. Most_AP of_IN these_DTS ,_, with_IN horrible_JJ exceptio
ns_NNS ,_, were_BED conceived_VBN as_CS is_BEZ a_AT ship_NN ,_, not_* as_CS an_A
T attempt_NN to_TO quell_VB the_AT ocean_NN of_IN mankind_NN ,_, nor_CC to_TO de
ny_VB its_PP$ force_NN ,_, but_CC as_CS a_AT means_NN to_TO survive_VB and_CC en
joy_VB it_PPO ._. The_AT most_QL effective_JJ political_JJ inventions_NNS seem_V
B to_TO make_VB maximum_JJ use_NN of_IN natural_JJ harbors_NNS and_CC are_BER aw
are_JJ that_CS restraining_VBG breakwaters_NNS can_MD play_VB only_RB a_AT minor
_JJ part_NN in_IN the_AT whole_JJ scheme_NN ._. Just_RB as_CS present_JJ technol
ogy_NN had_HVD to_TO await_VB the_AT explanations_NNS of_IN physics_NN ,_, so_RB
one_PN might_MD expect_VB that_CS social_JJ invention_NN will_MD follow_VB grow
ing_VBG sociological_JJ understanding_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER desperately_RB in_I
N the_AT need_NN of_IN such_JJ invention_NN ,_, for_CS man_NN is_BEZ still_RB ve
ry_QL much_RB at_IN the_AT mercy_NN of_IN man_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN the_AT accumu
lation_NN of_IN the_AT hardware_NN of_IN destruction_NN is_BEZ day_NN by_IN day_
NN increasing_VBG our_PP$ fear_NN of_IN each_DT other_AP ._. 3_CD ,_, I_PPSS wan
t_VB ,_, therefore_RB ,_, to_TO discuss_VB a_AT second_OD and_CC quite_QL differ
ent_JJ fruit_NN of_IN science_NN ,_, the_AT connection_NN between_IN scientific_
JJ understanding_NN and_CC fear_NN ._. There_EX are_BER certainly_RB large_JJ ar
eas_NNS of_IN understanding_VBG in_IN the_AT human_JJ sciences_NNS which_WDT in_
IN themselves_PPLS and_CC even_RB without_IN political_JJ invention_NN can_MD he
lp_VB to_TO dispel_VB our_PP$ present_JJ fears_NNS ._. Lucretius_NP has_HVZ rema
rked_VBN :_: ``_`` The_AT reason_NN why_WRB all_ABN Mortals_NNS-TL are_BER so_QL
gripped_VBN by_IN fear_NN is_BEZ that_CS they_PPSS see_VB all_ABN sorts_NNS of_
IN things_NNS happening_VBG in_IN the_AT earth_NN and_CC sky_NN with_IN no_AT di
scernable_JJ cause_NN ,_, and_CC these_DTS they_PPSS attribute_VB to_IN the_AT w
ill_NN of_IN God_NP ''_'' ._. Perhaps_RB things_NNS were_BED even_QL worse_JJR t
hen_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO reconstruct_VB the_AT primeval_JJ fe
ars_NNS of_IN man_NN ._. We_PPSS get_VB some_DTI clue_NN from_IN a_AT few_AP rem
embrances_NNS of_IN childhood_NN and_CC from_IN the_AT circumstance_NN that_CS w
e_PPSS are_BER probably_RB not_* much_QL more_QL afraid_JJ of_IN people_NNS now_
RB than_CS man_NN ever_RB was_BEDZ ._. We_PPSS are_BER not_* now_RB afraid_JJ of
_IN atomic_JJ bombs_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP way_NN that_CS people_NNS once_RB f
eared_VBD comets_NNS ._. The_AT bombs_NNS are_BER as_QL harmless_JJ as_CS an_AT
automobile_NN in_IN a_AT garage_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER worried_VBN about_IN what
_WDT people_NNS may_MD do_DO with_IN them_PPO --_-- that_CS some_DTI crazy_JJ fo
ol_NN may_MD ``_`` push_VB the_AT button_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS am_BEM certainly_RB
not_* adequately_QL trained_VBN to_TO describe_VB or_CC enlarge_VB on_IN human_
JJ fears_NNS ,_, but_CC there_EX are_BER certain_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT fe
ars_NNS dispelled_VBN by_IN scientific_JJ explanations_NNS that_WPS stand_VB out
_RP quite_QL clearly_RB ._. They_PPSS are_BER in_IN general_JJ those_DTS fears_N
NS that_WPS once_RB seemed_VBD to_TO have_HV been_BEN amenable_JJ to_IN prayer_N
N or_CC ritual_NN ._. They_PPSS include_VB both_ABX individual_JJ fears_NNS and_
CC collective_JJ ones_NNS ._. They_PPSS arise_VB in_IN situations_NNS in_IN whic
h_WDT one_PN believes_VBZ that_CS what_WDT happens_VBZ depends_VBZ not_* only_RB
on_IN the_AT external_JJ world_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB on_IN the_AT precise_JJ pa
ttern_NN of_IN behavior_NN of_IN the_AT individual_NN or_CC group_NN ._. Often_R
B it_PPS is_BEZ recognized_VBN that_CS all_ABN the_AT details_NNS of_IN the_AT p
attern_NN may_MD not_* be_BE essential_JJ to_IN the_AT outcome_NN but_CC ,_, bec
ause_CS the_AT pattern_NN was_BEDZ empirically_RB determined_VBN and_CC not_* de
veloped_VBN through_IN theoretical_JJ understanding_NN ,_, one_PN is_BEZ never_R
B quite_QL certain_JJ which_WDT behavior_NN elements_NNS are_BER effective_JJ ,_
, and_CC the_AT whole_JJ pattern_NN becomes_VBZ ritualized_VBN ._. Yet_CC often_
RB fear_NN persists_VBZ because_CS ,_, even_RB with_IN the_AT most_QL rigid_JJ r
itual_NN ,_, one_PN is_BEZ never_RB quite_QL free_JJ from_IN the_AT uneasy_JJ fe
eling_NN that_CS one_PN might_MD make_VB some_DTI mistake_NN or_CC that_CS in_IN
every_AT previous_JJ execution_NN one_PN had_HVD been_BEN unaware_JJ of_IN the_
AT really_QL decisive_JJ act_NN ._. To_TO say_VB that_CS science_NN had_HVD redu
ced_VBN many_AP such_JJ fears_NNS merely_RB reiterates_VBZ the_AT obvious_JJ and
_CC frequent_JJ statement_NN that_CS science_NN eliminated_VBD much_AP of_IN mag
ic_NN and_CC superstition_NN ._. But_CC a_AT somewhat_QL more_QL detailed_VBN an
alysis_NN of_IN this_DT process_NN may_MD be_BE illuminating_JJ ._. The_AT frequ
ently_RB postulated_VBN antique_JJ worry_NN that_CS the_AT daylight_NN hours_NNS
might_MD dwindle_VB to_IN complete_JJ darkness_NN apparently_RB gave_VBD rise_N
N to_IN a_AT ritual_NN and_CC celebration_NN which_WDT we_PPSS still_RB recogniz
e_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ curious_JJ that_CS even_RB centuries_NNS of_IN repetition
_NN of_IN the_AT yearly_JJ cycle_NN did_DOD not_* induce_VB a_AT sufficient_JJ d
egree_NN of_IN confidence_NN to_TO allow_VB people_NNS to_TO abandon_VB the_AT c
eremonies_NNS of_IN the_AT winter_NN solstice_NN ._. This_DT and_CC other_AP fea
rs_NNS of_IN the_AT solar_JJ system_NN have_HV disappeared_VBN gradually_RB ,_,
first_RB ,_, with_IN the_AT Ptolemaic_JJ system_NN and_CC its_PP$ built-in_JJ co
ncept_NN of_IN periodicity_NN and_CC then_RB ,_, more_QL firmly_RB ,_, with_IN t
he_AT Newtonian_JJ innovation_NN of_IN an_AT universal_JJ force_NN that_WPS coul
d_MD account_VB quantitatively_RB for_IN both_ABX terrestial_JJ and_CC celestial
_JJ motions_NNS ._. This_DT understanding_NN provides_VBZ a_AT very_QL simple_JJ
example_NN of_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS one_PN can_MD eliminate_VB fear_NN with
out_IN instituting_VBG any_DTI controls_NNS ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, although_CS we
_PPSS have_HV dispelled_VBN the_AT fear_NN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV not_* necessarily
_RB assured_VBN ourselves_PPLS that_CS there_EX are_BER no_AT dangers_NNS ._. Th
ere_EX is_BEZ still_RB the_AT remote_JJ possibility_NN of_IN planetoid_NN collis
ion_NN ._. A_AT meteor_NN could_MD fall_VB on_IN San_NP Francisco_NP ._. Solar_J
J activities_NNS could_MD presumably_RB bring_VB long_JJ periods_NNS of_IN flood
_NN or_CC drought_NN ._. Our_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN the_AT solar_JJ system_N
N has_HVZ taught_VBN us_PPO to_TO replace_VB our_PP$ former_AP elaborate_JJ ritu
als_NNS with_IN the_AT appropriate_JJ action_NN which_WDT ,_, in_IN this_DT case
_NN ,_, amounts_VBZ to_IN doing_VBG nothing_PN ._. Yet_CC we_PPSS no_QL longer_R
BR feel_VB uneasy_JJ ._. This_DT almost_QL trivial_JJ example_NN is_BEZ neverthe
less_RB suggestive_JJ ,_, for_CS there_EX are_BER some_DTI elements_NNS in_IN co
mmon_JJ between_IN the_AT antique_JJ fear_NN that_CS the_AT days_NNS would_MD ge
t_VB shorter_JJR and_CC shorter_JJR and_CC our_PP$ present_JJ fear_NN of_IN war_
NN ._. We_PPSS ,_, in_IN our_PP$ country_NN ,_, think_VB of_IN war_NN as_CS an_A
T external_JJ threat_NN which_WDT ,_, if_CS it_PPS occurs_VBZ ,_, will_MD not_*
be_BE primarily_RB of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ doing_VBG ._. And_CC yet_RB we_PPSS obvi
ously_RB also_RB believe_VB that_CS the_AT avoidance_NN of_IN the_AT disaster_NN
depends_VBZ in_IN some_DTI obscure_JJ or_CC at_IN least_AP uncertain_JJ way_NN
on_IN the_AT details_NNS of_IN how_WRB we_PPSS behave_VB ._. What_WDT elements_N
NS of_IN our_PP$ behavior_NN are_BER decisive_JJ ?_. ?_. Our_PP$ weapons_NNS pro
duction_NN ,_, our_PP$ world_NN prestige_NN ,_, our_PP$ ideas_NNS of_IN democrac
y_NN ,_, our_PP$ actions_NNS of_IN trust_NN or_CC stubbornness_NN or_CC secrecy_
NN or_CC espionage_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS have_HV staved_VBN off_RP a_AT war_NN and_
CC ,_, since_CS our_PP$ behavior_NN has_HVZ involved_VBN all_ABN these_DTS eleme
nts_NNS ,_, we_PPSS can_MD only_RB keep_VB adding_VBG to_IN our_PP$ ritual_NN wi
thout_IN daring_VBG to_TO abandon_VB any_DTI part_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, since_CS w
e_PPSS have_HV not_* the_AT slightest_JJT notion_NN which_WDT parts_NNS are_BER
effective_JJ ._. I_PPSS think_VB that_CS we_PPSS are_BER here_RB also_RB talking
_VBG of_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN fear_NN that_WPO a_AT young_JJ boy_NN has_HVZ fo
r_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN boys_NNS who_WPS are_BER approaching_VBG at_IN night_NN
along_IN the_AT streets_NNS of_IN a_AT large_JJ city_NN ._. If_CS an_AT automob
ile_NN were_BED approaching_VBG him_PPO ,_, he_PPS would_MD know_VB what_WDT was
_BEDZ required_VBN of_IN him_PPO ,_, even_RB though_CS he_PPS might_MD not_* be_
BE able_JJ to_TO act_VB quickly_RB enough_QLP ._. With_IN the_AT group_NN of_IN
boys_NNS it_PPS is_BEZ different_JJ ._. He_PPS does_DOZ not_* know_VB whether_CS
to_TO look_VB up_RP or_CC look_VB aside_RB ,_, to_TO put_VB his_PP$ hands_NNS i
n_IN his_PP$ pockets_NNS or_CC to_TO clench_VB them_PPO at_IN his_PP$ side_NN ,_
, to_TO cross_VB the_AT street_NN ,_, or_CC to_TO continue_VB on_IN the_AT same_
AP side_NN ._. When_WRB confronted_VBN with_IN a_AT drunk_NN or_CC an_AT insane_
JJ person_NN I_PPSS have_HV no_AT notion_NN of_IN what_WDT any_DTI one_CD of_IN
them_PPO might_MD do_DO to_IN me_PPO or_CC to_IN himself_PPL or_CC to_IN others_
NNS ._. I_PPSS believe_VB that_CS what_WDT I_PPSS do_DO has_HVZ some_DTI effect_
NN on_IN his_PP$ actions_NNS and_CC I_PPSS have_HV learned_VBN ,_, in_IN a_AT wa
y_NN ,_, to_TO commune_VB with_IN drunks_NNS ,_, but_CC certainly_RB my_PP$ acti
ons_NNS seem_VB to_TO resemble_VB more_QL nearly_RB the_AT performance_NN of_IN
a_AT rain_NN dance_NN than_CS the_AT carrying_NN out_RP of_IN an_AT experiment_N
N in_IN physics_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM usually_RB filled_VBN with_IN an_AT uneasin
ess_NN that_CS through_IN some_DTI unwitting_JJ slip_NN all_ABN hell_NN may_MD b
reak_VB loose_RB ._. Our_PP$ inability_NN to_TO explain_VB why_WRB certain_JJ pe
ople_NNS are_BER fond_JJ of_IN us_PPO frequently_RB induces_VBZ the_AT same_AP k
ind_NN of_IN ritual_NN and_CC malaise_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER forced_VBN ,_, in_I
N our_PP$ behavior_NN towards_IN others_NNS ,_, to_TO adopt_VB empirically_RB su
ccessful_JJ patterns_NNS in_IN toto_NN because_CS we_PPSS have_HV such_ABL a_AT
minimal_JJ understanding_NN of_IN their_PP$ essential_JJ elements_NNS ._. Our_PP
$ collective_JJ policies_NNS ,_, group_NN and_CC national_JJ ,_, are_BER similar
ly_RB based_VBN on_IN voodoo_NN ,_, but_CC here_RB we_PPSS often_RB lack_VB even
_RB the_AT empirically_RB successful_JJ rituals_NNS and_CC are_BER still_RB enga
ged_VBN in_IN determing_VBG them_PPO ._. We_PPSS use_VB terms_NNS from_IN our_PP
$ personal_JJ experience_NN with_IN individuals_NNS such_JJ as_CS ``_`` trust_VB
-NC ''_'' ,_, ``_`` cheat_VB-NC ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` get_VB-NC tough_JJ-NC ''_
'' ._. We_PPSS talk_VB about_IN national_JJ character_NN in_IN the_AT same_AP wa
y_NN that_CS Copernicus_NP talked_VBD of_IN the_AT compulsions_NNS of_IN celesti
al_JJ bodies_NNS to_TO move_VB in_IN circles_NNS ._. We_PPSS perform_VB elaborat
e_JJ international_JJ exhortations_NNS and_CC ceremonies_NNS with_IN virtually_R
B no_AT understanding_NN of_IN social_JJ cause_NN and_CC effect_NN ._. Small_JJ
wonder_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, that_CS we_PPSS fear_VB ._. The_AT achievements_NNS wh
ich_WDT dispelled_VBD our_PP$ fears_NNS of_IN the_AT cosmos_NN took_VBD place_NN
three_CD centuries_NNS ago_RB ._. What_WDT additional_JJ roles_NNS has_HVZ the_
AT scientific_JJ understanding_NN of_IN the_AT 19th_OD and_CC 20th_OD centuries_
NNS played_VBN ?_. ?_. In_IN the_AT physical_JJ sciences_NNS ,_, these_DTS achie
vements_NNS concern_VB electricity_NN ,_, chemistry_NN ,_, and_CC atomic_JJ phys
ics_NN ._. In_IN the_AT life_NN sciences_NNS ,_, there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN an_AT
enormous_JJ increase_NN in_IN our_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN disease_NN ,_, in_
IN the_AT mechanisms_NNS of_IN heredity_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN bio-_JJ and_CC physi
ological_JJ chemistry_NN ._. The_AT major_JJ effect_NN of_IN these_DTS advances_
NNS appears_VBZ to_TO lie_VB in_IN the_AT part_NN they_PPSS have_HV played_VBN i
n_IN the_AT industrial_JJ revolution_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT tools_NNS which_WDT
scientific_JJ understanding_NN has_HVZ given_VBN us_PPO to_TO build_VB and_CC ma
nipulate_VB a_AT more_QL protective_JJ environment_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_,
our_PP$ way_NN of_IN dealing_VBG directly_RB with_IN natural_JJ phenomena_NNS ha
s_HVZ also_RB changed_VBN ._. Even_RB in_IN domains_NNS where_WRB detailed_VBN a
nd_CC predictive_JJ understanding_NN is_BEZ still_RB lacking_VBG ,_, but_CC wher
e_WRB some_DTI explanations_NNS are_BER possible_JJ ,_, as_CS with_IN lightning_
NN and_CC weather_NN and_CC earthquakes_NNS ,_, the_AT appropriate_JJ kind_NN of
_IN human_JJ action_NN has_HVZ been_BEN more_QL adequately_RB indicated_VBN ._.
Apparently_RB the_AT population_NN as_CS a_AT whole_JJ eventually_RB acquires_VB
Z enough_AP confidence_NN in_IN the_AT explanations_NNS of_IN the_AT scientists_
NNS to_TO modify_VB its_PP$ procedures_NNS and_CC its_PP$ fears_NNS ._. How_WRB
and_CC why_WRB this_DT process_NN occurs_VBZ would_MD provide_VB an_AT interesti
ng_JJ separate_JJ subject_NN for_IN study_NN ._. In_IN some_DTI areas_NNS ,_, th
e_AT progress_NN is_BEZ slower_JJR than_CS in_IN others_NNS ._. In_IN agricultur
e_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, despite_IN the_AT advances_NNS in_IN biology_NN ,
_, elaborate_JJ rituals_NNS tend_VB to_TO persist_VB along_RB with_IN a_AT conti
nued_VBN sense_NN of_IN the_AT imminence_NN of_IN some_DTI natural_JJ disaster_N
N ._. In_IN child_NN care_NN ,_, the_AT opposite_JJ extreme_NN prevails_VBZ ;_.
;_. procedures_NNS change_VB rapidly_RB and_CC parental_JJ confidence_NN probabl
y_RB exceeds_VBZ anything_PN warranted_VBN by_IN established_VBN psychological_J
J theory_NN ._. There_EX are_BER many_AP domains_NNS in_IN which_WDT understandi
ng_VBG has_HVZ brought_VBN about_RP widespread_JJ and_CC quite_QL appropriate_JJ
reduction_NN in_IN ritual_NN and_CC fear_NN ._. Much_AP of_IN the_AT former_AP
extreme_JJ uneasiness_NN associated_VBN with_IN visions_NNS and_CC hallucination
s_NNS and_CC with_IN death_NN has_HVZ disappeared_VBN ._. The_AT persistent_JJ h
orror_NN of_IN having_HVG a_AT malformed_JJ child_NN has_HVZ ,_, I_PPSS believe_
VB ,_, been_BEN reduced_VBN ,_, not_* because_CS we_PPSS have_HV gained_VBN any_
DTI control_NN over_IN this_DT misfortune_NN ,_, but_CC precisely_RB because_CS
we_PPSS have_HV learned_VBN that_CS we_PPSS have_HV so_QL little_AP control_NN o
ver_IN it_PPO ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT recent_JJ warnings_NNS about_IN the_A
T use_NN of_IN X-rays_NN have_HV introduced_VBN fears_NNS and_CC ambiguities_NNS
of_IN action_NN which_WDT now_RB require_VB more_QL detailed_VBN understanding_
NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB in_IN this_DT instance_NN ,_, science_NN has_HVZ momentari
ly_RB aggravated_VBN our_PP$ fears_NNS ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, insofar_RB as_CS sc
ience_NN generates_VBZ any_DTI fear_NN ,_, it_PPS stems_VBZ not_* so_QL much_RB
from_IN scientific_JJ prowess_NN and_CC gadgets_NNS but_CC from_IN the_AT fact_N
N that_CS new_JJ unanswered_JJ questions_NNS arise_VB ,_, which_WDT ,_, until_CS
they_PPSS are_BER understood_VBN ,_, create_VB uncertainty_NN ._. Perhaps_RB th
e_AT most_QL illuminating_JJ example_NN of_IN the_AT reduction_NN of_IN fear_NN
through_IN understanding_VBG is_BEZ derived_VBN from_IN our_PP$ increased_VBN kn
owledge_NN of_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN disease_NN ._. The_AT situation_NN with_
IN regard_NN to_IN our_PP$ attitude_NN and_CC ``_`` control_NN ''_'' of_IN disea
se_NN contains_VBZ close_JJ analogies_NNS to_IN problems_NNS confronting_VBG us_
PPO with_IN respect_NN to_IN people_NNS ._. The_AT fear_NN of_IN disease_NN was_
BEDZ formerly_RB very_QL much_AP the_AT kind_NN of_IN fear_NN I_PPSS have_HV tri
ed_VBN to_TO describe_VB ._. Nothing_PN like_CS Godot_NP ,_, he_PPS arrived_VBD
before_IN the_AT hour_NN ._. His_PP$ letter_NN had_HVD suggested_VBN we_PPSS mee
t_VB at_IN my_PP$ hotel_NN at_IN noon_NN on_IN Sunday_NR ,_, and_CC I_PPSS came_
VBD into_IN the_AT lobby_NN as_CS the_AT clock_NN struck_VBD twelve_CD ._. He_PP
S was_BEDZ waiting_VBG ._. My_PP$ wish_NN to_TO meet_VB Samuel_NP Beckett_NP had
_HVD been_BEN prompted_VBN by_IN simple_JJ curiosity_NN and_CC interest_NN in_IN
his_PP$ work_NN ._. American_JJ newspaper_NN reviewers_NNS like_VB to_TO call_V
B his_PP$ plays_NNS nihilistic_JJ ._. They_PPSS find_VB deep_JJ pessimism_NN in_
IN them_PPO ._. Even_RB so_QL astute_JJ a_AT commentator_NN as_CS Harold_NP Clur
man_NP of_IN The_AT-TL Nation_NN-TL has_HVZ said_VBN that_CS ``_`` Waiting_VBG-T
L For_IN-TL Godot_NP-TL ''_'' is_BEZ ``_`` the_AT concentrate_NN of_IN the_AT co
ntemporary_JJ European_JJ mood_NN of_IN despair_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC to_IN me_PPO
Beckett's_NP$ writing_NN had_HVD seemed_VBN permeated_VBN with_IN love_NN for_I
N human_JJ beings_NNS and_CC with_IN a_AT kind_NN of_IN humor_NN that_WPS I_PPSS
could_MD reconcile_VB neither_CC with_IN despair_NN nor_CC with_IN nihilism_NN
._. Could_MD it_PPO be_BE that_CS my_PP$ own_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC ears_NNS had_HVD
deceived_VBN me_PPO ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ his_PP$ a_AT literature_NN of_IN defeat_NN ,
_, irrelevant_JJ to_IN the_AT social_JJ crises_NNS we_PPSS face_VB ?_. ?_. Or_CC
is_BEZ it_PPS relevant_JJ because_CS it_PPS teaches_VBZ us_PPO something_PN use
ful_JJ to_TO know_VB about_IN ourselves_PPLS ?_. ?_. I_PPSS knew_VBD that_CS a_A
T conversation_NN with_IN the_AT author_NN would_MD not_* settle_VB such_JJ ques
tions_NNS ,_, because_CS a_AT man_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT same_AP as_CS his_PP$ w
riting_NN :_: in_IN the_AT last_AP analysis_NN ,_, the_AT questions_NNS had_HVD
to_TO be_BE settled_VBN by_IN the_AT work_NN itself_PPL ._. Nevertheless_RB I_PP
SS was_BEDZ curious_JJ ._. My_PP$ curiosity_NN was_BEDZ sharpened_VBN a_AT day_N
N or_CC two_CD before_IN the_AT interview_NN by_IN a_AT conversation_NN I_PPSS h
ad_HVD with_IN a_AT well-informed_JJ teacher_NN of_IN literature_NN ,_, a_AT Jes
uit_NP father_NN ,_, at_IN a_AT conference_NN on_IN religious_JJ drama_NN near_I
N Paris_NP ._. When_WRB Beckett's_NP$ name_NN came_VBD into_IN the_AT discussion
_NN ,_, the_AT priest_NN grew_VBD loud_JJ and_CC told_VBD me_PPO that_CS Beckett
_NP ``_`` hates_VBZ life_NN ''_'' ._. That_WPS ,_, I_PPSS thought_VBD ,_, is_BEZ
at_IN least_AP one_CD thing_NN I_PPSS can_MD find_VB out_RP when_WRB we_PPSS me
et_VB ._. Beckett's_NP$ appearance_NN is_BEZ rough-hewn_JJ Irish_JJ ._. The_AT f
eatures_NNS of_IN his_PP$ face_NN are_BER distinct_JJ ,_, but_CC not_* fine_JJ .
_. They_PPSS look_VB as_CS if_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN sculptured_VBN with_
IN an_AT unsharpened_JJ chisel_NN ._. Unruly_JJ hair_NN goes_VBZ straight_QL up_
RP from_IN his_PP$ forehead_NN ,_, standing_VBG so_QL high_JJ that_CS the_AT top
_NN falls_VBZ gently_RB over_RP ,_, as_CS if_CS to_TO show_VB that_CS it_PPS rea
lly_RB is_BEZ hair_NN and_CC not_* bristle_NN ._. One_PN might_MD say_VB it_PPS
combines_VBZ the_AT man_NN ;_. ;_. own_JJ pride_NN and_CC humility_NN ._. For_CS
he_PPS has_HVZ the_AT pride_NN that_WPS comes_VBZ of_IN self-acceptance_NN and_
CC the_AT humility_NN ,_, perhaps_RB of_IN the_AT same_AP genesis_NN ,_, not_* t
o_TO impose_VB himself_PPL upon_IN another_DT ._. His_PP$ light_JJ blue_JJ eyes_
NNS ,_, set_VBN deep_RB within_IN the_AT face_NN ,_, are_BER actively_RB and_CC
continually_RB looking_VBG ._. He_PPS seems_VBZ ,_, by_IN some_DTI unconscious_J
J division_NN of_IN labor_NN ,_, to_TO have_HV given_VBN them_PPO that_DT one_CD
function_NN and_CC no_AT other_AP ,_, leaving_VBG communication_NN to_IN the_AT
rest_NN of_IN the_AT face_NN ._. The_AT mouth_NN frequently_RB breaks_VBZ into_
IN a_AT disarming_VBG smile_NN ._. The_AT voice_NN is_BEZ light_JJ in_IN timbre_
NN ,_, with_IN a_AT rough_JJ edge_NN that_WPS corresponds_VBZ to_IN his_PP$ visa
ge_NN ._. The_AT Irish_JJ accent_NN is_BEZ ,_, as_CS one_PN would_MD expect_VB ,
_, combined_VBN with_IN slight_JJ inflections_NNS from_IN the_AT French_NP ._. H
is_PP$ tweed_NN suit_NN was_BEDZ a_AT baggy_JJ gray_JJ and_CC green_JJ ._. He_PP
S wore_VBD a_AT brown_JJ knit_VBN sports_NNS shirt_NN with_IN no_AT tie_NN ._. W
e_PPSS walked_VBD down_IN the_AT Rue_FW-NN-TL De_FW-IN L'Arcade_FW-AT+NN-TL ,_,
thence_RB along_RB beside_IN the_AT Madeleine_NP and_CC across_RP to_IN a_AT sid
ewalk_NN cafe_NN opposite_IN that_DT church_NN ._. The_AT conversation_NN that_W
PS ensued_VBD may_MD have_HV been_BEN engrossing_JJ but_CC it_PPS could_MD hardl
y_RB be_BE called_VBN world-shattering_JJ ._. For_CS one_CD thing_NN ,_, the_AT
world_NN that_WPO Beckett_NP sees_VBZ is_BEZ already_RB shattered_VBN ._. His_PP
$ talk_NN turns_VBZ to_IN what_WDT he_PPS calls_VBZ ``_`` the_AT mess_NN ''_'' ,
_, or_CC sometimes_RB ``_`` this_DT buzzing_VBG confusion_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS re
construct_VB his_PP$ sentences_NNS from_IN notes_NNS made_VBN immediately_RB aft
er_IN our_PP$ conversation_NN ._. What_WDT appears_VBZ here_RB is_BEZ shorter_JJ
R than_CS what_WDT he_PPS actually_RB said_VBD but_CC very_QL close_RB to_IN his
_PP$ own_JJ words_NNS ._. ``_`` The_AT confusion_NN is_BEZ not_* my_PP$ inventio
n_NN ._. We_PPSS cannot_MD* listen_VB to_IN a_AT conversation_NN for_IN five_CD
minutes_NNS without_IN being_BEG acutely_QL aware_JJ of_IN the_AT confusion_NN .
_. It_PPS is_BEZ all_ABN around_IN us_PPO and_CC our_PP$ only_AP chance_NN now_R
B is_BEZ to_TO let_VB it_PPO in_RP ._. The_AT only_AP chance_NN of_IN renovation
_NN is_BEZ to_TO open_VB our_PP$ eyes_NNS and_CC see_VB the_AT mess_NN ._. It_PP
S is_BEZ not_* a_AT mess_NN you_PPSS can_MD make_VB sense_NN of_IN ''_'' ._. I_P
PSS suggested_VBD that_CS one_PN must_MD let_VB it_PPO in_RP because_CS it_PPS i
s_BEZ the_AT truth_NN ,_, but_CC Beckett_NP did_DOD not_* take_VB to_IN the_AT w
ord_NN truth_NN ._. ``_`` What_WDT is_BEZ more_QL true_JJ than_CS anything_PN el
se_RB ?_. ?_. To_TO swim_VB is_BEZ true_JJ ,_, and_CC to_TO sink_VB is_BEZ true_
JJ ._. One_CD is_BEZ not_* more_QL true_JJ than_CS the_AT other_AP ._. One_PN ca
nnot_MD* speak_VB anymore_RB of_IN being_BEG ,_, one_PN must_MD speak_VB only_RB
of_IN the_AT mess_NN ._. When_WRB Heidegger_NP and_CC Sartre_NP speak_VB of_IN
a_AT contrast_NN between_IN being_BEG and_CC existence_NN ,_, they_PPSS may_MD b
e_BE right_JJ ,_, I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB ,_, but_CC their_PP$ language_NN is_B
EZ too_QL philosophical_JJ for_IN me_PPO ._. I_PPSS am_BEM not_* a_AT philosophe
r_NN ._. One_PN can_MD only_RB speak_VB of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ in_IN front_NN of_
IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC that_DT now_RB is_BEZ simply_RB the_AT mess_NN ''_'' ._. T
hen_RB he_PPS began_VBD to_TO speak_VB about_IN the_AT tension_NN in_IN art_NN b
etween_IN the_AT mess_NN and_CC form_NN ._. Until_IN recently_RB ,_, art_NN has_
HVZ withstood_VBN the_AT pressure_NN of_IN chaotic_JJ things_NNS ._. It_PPS has_
HVZ held_VBN them_PPO at_IN bay_NN ._. It_PPS realized_VBD that_CS to_TO admit_V
B them_PPO was_BEDZ to_TO jeopardize_VB form_NN ._. ``_`` How_WRB could_MD the_A
T mess_NN be_BE admitted_VBN ,_, because_CS it_PPS appears_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_A
T very_QL opposite_JJ of_IN form_NN and_CC therefore_RB destructive_JJ of_IN the
_AT very_AP thing_NN that_DT art_NN holds_VBZ itself_PPL to_TO be_BE ''_'' ?_. ?
_. But_CC now_RB we_PPSS can_MD keep_VB it_PPO out_RP no_QL longer_RBR ,_, becau
se_CS we_PPSS have_HV come_VBN into_IN a_AT time_NN when_WRB ``_`` it_PPS invade
s_VBZ our_PP$ experience_NN at_IN every_AT moment_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ there_RB
and_CC it_PPS must_MD be_BE allowed_VBN in_RP ''_'' ._. I_PPSS granted_VBD this_
DT might_MD be_BE so_RB ,_, but_CC found_VBD the_AT result_NN to_TO be_BE even_Q
L more_RBR attention_NN to_IN form_NN than_CS was_BEDZ the_AT case_NN previously
_RB ._. And_CC why_WRB not_* ?_. ?_. How_WRB ,_, I_PPSS asked_VBD ,_, could_MD c
haos_NN be_BE admitted_VBN to_IN chaos_NN ?_. ?_. Would_MD not_* that_DT be_BE t
he_AT end_NN of_IN thinking_VBG and_CC the_AT end_NN of_IN art_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS
we_PPSS look_VB at_IN recent_JJ art_NN we_PPSS find_VB it_PPO preoccupied_VBN wi
th_IN form_NN ._. Beckett's_NP$ own_JJ work_NN is_BEZ an_AT example_NN ._. Plays
_NNS more_QL highly_QL formalized_VBN than_CS ``_`` Waiting_VBG-TL For_IN-TL God
ot_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Endgame_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` Krapp's_NP$-TL Las
t_AP-TL Tape_NN-TL ''_'' would_MD be_BE hard_JJ to_TO find_VB ._. ``_`` What_WDT
I_PPSS am_BEM saying_VBG does_DOZ not_* mean_VB that_CS there_EX will_MD hencef
orth_RB be_BE no_AT form_NN in_IN art_NN ._. It_PPS only_RB means_VBZ that_CS th
ere_EX will_MD be_BE new_JJ form_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS this_DT form_NN will_MD b
e_BE of_IN such_ABL a_AT type_NN that_CS it_PPS admits_VBZ the_AT chaos_NN and_C
C does_DOZ not_* try_VB to_TO say_VB that_CS the_AT chaos_NN is_BEZ really_RB so
mething_PN else_RB ._. The_AT form_NN and_CC the_AT chaos_NN remain_VB separate_
JJ ._. The_AT latter_AP is_BEZ not_* reduced_VBN to_IN the_AT former_AP ._. That
_DT is_BEZ why_WRB the_AT form_NN itself_PPL becomes_VBZ a_AT preoccupation_NN ,
_, because_CS it_PPS exists_VBZ as_CS a_AT problem_NN separate_JJ from_IN the_AT
material_NN it_PPS accommodates_VBZ ._. To_TO find_VB a_AT form_NN that_WPS acc
ommodates_VBZ the_AT mess_NN ,_, that_DT is_BEZ the_AT task_NN of_IN the_AT arti
st_NN now_RB ''_'' ._. Yet_RB ,_, I_PPSS responded_VBD ,_, could_MD not_* simila
r_JJ things_NNS be_BE said_VBN about_IN the_AT art_NN of_IN the_AT past_NN ?_. ?
_. Is_BEZ it_PPS not_* characteristic_JJ of_IN the_AT greatest_JJT art_NN that_C
S it_PPS confronts_VBZ us_PPO with_IN something_PN we_PPSS cannot_MD* clarify_VB
,_, demanding_VBG that_CS the_AT viewer_NN respond_VB to_TO it_PPO in_IN his_PP
$ own_JJ never-predictable_JJ way_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT is_BEZ the_AT history_NN o
f_IN criticism_NN but_CC the_AT history_NN of_IN men_NNS attempting_VBG to_TO ma
ke_VB sense_NN of_IN the_AT manifold_JJ elements_NNS in_IN art_NN that_WPS will_
MD not_* allow_VB themselves_PPLS to_TO be_BE reduced_VBN to_IN a_AT single_AP p
hilosophy_NN or_CC a_AT single_AP aesthetic_JJ theory_NN ?_. ?_. Isn't_BEZ* all_
ABN art_NN ambiguous_JJ ?_. ?_. ``_`` Not_* this_DT ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_
, and_CC gestured_VBD toward_IN the_AT Madeleine_NP ._. The_AT classical_JJ line
s_NNS of_IN the_AT church_NN which_WDT Napoleon_NP thought_VBD of_IN as_CS a_AT
Temple_NN-TL of_IN-TL Glory_NN-TL ,_, dominated_VBD all_ABN the_AT scene_NN wher
e_WRB we_PPSS sat_VBD ._. The_AT Boulevard_NP De_NP La_NP Madeleine_NP ,_, the_A
T Boulevard_NP Malesherbes_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT Rue_FW-NN-TL Royale_FW-JJ-TL ran
_VBD to_IN it_PPO with_IN graceful_JJ flattery_NN ,_, bearing_VBG tidings_NNS of
_IN the_AT Age_NN-TL of_IN-TL Reason_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Not_* this_DT ._. This_DT i
s_BEZ clear_JJ ._. This_DT does_DOZ not_* allow_VB the_AT mystery_NN to_TO invad
e_VB us_PPO ._. With_IN classical_JJ art_NN ,_, all_ABN is_BEZ settled_VBN ._. B
ut_CC it_PPS is_BEZ different_JJ at_IN Chartres_NP ._. There_EX is_BEZ the_AT un
explainable_JJ ,_, and_CC there_RB art_NN raises_VBZ questions_NNS that_CS it_PP
S does_DOZ not_* attempt_VB to_TO answer_VB ''_'' ._. I_PPSS asked_VBD about_IN
the_AT battle_NN between_IN life_NN and_CC death_NN in_IN his_PP$ plays_NNS ._.
Didi_NP and_CC Gogo_NP hover_VB on_IN the_AT edge_NN of_IN suicide_NN ;_. ;_. Ha
mm's_NP$ world_NN is_BEZ death_NN and_CC Clov_NP may_MD or_CC may_MD not_* get_V
B out_IN of_IN it_PPO to_TO join_VB the_AT living_VBG child_NN outside_RB ._. Is
_BEZ this_DT life-death_JJ question_NN a_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT chaos_NN ?_. ?_
. ``_`` Yes_RB ._. If_CS life_NN and_CC death_NN did_DOD not_* both_ABX present_
VB themselves_PPLS to_IN us_PPO ,_, there_EX would_MD be_BE no_AT inscrutability
_NN ._. If_CS there_EX were_BED only_RB darkness_NN ,_, all_ABN would_MD be_BE c
lear_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ because_CS there_EX is_BEZ not_* only_RB darkness_NN b
ut_CC also_RB light_NN that_CS our_PP$ situation_NN becomes_VBZ inexplicable_JJ
._. Take_VB Augustine's_NP$ doctrine_NN of_IN grace_NN given_VBN and_CC grace_NN
withheld_VBN :_: have_HV you_PPSS pondered_VBN the_AT dramatic_JJ qualities_NNS
in_IN this_DT theology_NN ?_. ?_. Two_CD thieves_NNS are_BER crucified_VBN with
_IN Christ_NP ,_, one_CD saved_VBN and_CC the_AT other_AP damned_VBN ._. How_WRB
can_MD we_PPSS make_VB sense_NN of_IN this_DT division_NN ?_. ?_. In_IN classic
al_JJ drama_NN ,_, such_JJ problems_NNS do_DO not_* arise_VB ._. The_AT destiny_
NN of_IN Racine's_NP$ Phedre_NP is_BEZ sealed_VBN from_IN the_AT beginning_NN :_
: she_PPS will_MD proceed_VB into_IN the_AT dark_NN ._. As_CS she_PPS goes_VBZ ,
_, she_PPS herself_PPL will_MD be_BE illuminated_VBN ._. At_IN the_AT beginning_
NN of_IN the_AT play_NN she_PPS has_HVZ partial_JJ illumination_NN and_CC at_IN
the_AT end_NN she_PPS has_HVZ complete_JJ illumination_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX ha
s_HVZ been_BEN no_AT question_NN but_CC that_CS she_PPS moves_VBZ toward_IN the_
AT dark_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ the_AT play_NN ._. Within_IN this_DT notion_NN cla
rity_NN is_BEZ possible_JJ ,_, but_CC for_IN us_PPO who_WPS are_BER neither_CC G
reek_JJ nor_CC Jansenist_JJ there_EX is_BEZ not_* such_JJ clarity_NN ._. The_AT
question_NN would_MD also_RB be_BE removed_VBN if_CS we_PPSS believed_VBD in_IN
the_AT contrary_JJ --_-- total_JJ salvation_NN ._. But_CC where_WRB we_PPSS have
_HV both_ABX dark_NN and_CC light_NN we_PPSS have_HV also_RB the_AT inexplicable
_JJ ._. The_AT key_JJS word_NN in_IN my_PP$ plays_NNS is_BEZ '_' perhaps_RB-NC '
_' ''_'' ._. Given_VBN a_AT theological_JJ lead_NN ,_, I_PPSS asked_VBD what_WDT
he_PPS thinks_VBZ about_IN those_DTS who_WPS find_VB a_AT religious_JJ signific
ance_NN to_IN his_PP$ plays_NNS ._. ``_`` Well_UH ,_, really_RB there_EX is_BEZ
none_PN at_IN all_ABN ._. I_PPSS have_HV no_RB religious_JJ feeling_NN ._. Once_
CS I_PPSS had_HVD a_AT religious_JJ emotion_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ at_IN my_PP$
first_OD Communion_NN-TL ._. No_QL more_RBR ._. My_PP$ mother_NN was_BEDZ deeply
_QL religious_JJ ._. So_RB was_BEDZ my_PP$ brother_NN ._. He_PPS knelt_VBD down_
RP at_IN his_PP$ bed_NN as_QL long_RB as_CS he_PPS could_MD kneel_VB ._. My_PP$
father_NN had_HVD none_PN ._. The_AT family_NN was_BEDZ Protestant_JJ ,_, but_IN
for_IN me_PPO it_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB irksome_JJ and_CC I_PPSS let_VB it_PPO go
_VB ._. My_PP$ brother_NN and_CC mother_NN got_VBD no_AT value_NN from_IN their_
PP$ religion_NN when_WRB they_PPSS died_VBD ._. At_IN the_AT moment_NN of_IN cri
sis_NN it_PPS had_HVD no_AT more_AP depth_NN than_CS an_AT old_JJ school_NN tie_
NN ._. Irish_JJ Catholicism_NN-TL is_BEZ not_* attractive_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PPS i
s_BEZ deeper_JJR ._. When_WRB you_PPSS pass_VB a_AT church_NN on_IN an_AT Irish_
JJ bus_NN ,_, all_ABN the_AT hands_NNS flurry_VB in_IN the_AT sign_NN of_IN the_
AT cross_NN ._. One_CD day_NN the_AT dogs_NNS of_IN Ireland_NP will_MD do_DO tha
t_DT too_RB and_CC perhaps_RB also_RB the_AT pigs_NNS ''_'' ._. But_CC do_DO the
_AT plays_NNS deal_VB with_IN the_AT same_AP facets_NNS of_IN experience_NN reli
gion_NN must_MD also_RB deal_VB with_IN ?_. ?_. ``_`` Yes_RB ,_, for_CS they_PPS
S deal_VB with_IN distress_NN ._. Some_DTI people_NNS object_VB to_IN this_DT in
_IN my_PP$ writing_NN ._. At_IN a_AT party_NN an_AT English_JJ intellectual_NN -
-_-- so-called_JJ --_-- asked_VBD me_PPO why_WRB I_PPSS write_VB always_RB about
_IN distress_NN ._. As_CS if_CS it_PPS were_BED perverse_JJ to_TO do_DO so_RB !_
. !_. He_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO know_VB if_CS my_PP$ father_NN had_HVD beaten_VBN
me_PPO or_CC my_PP$ mother_NN had_HVD run_VBN away_RB from_IN home_NR to_TO give
_VB me_PPO an_AT unhappy_JJ childhood_NN ._. I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO no_RB ,_, t
hat_CS I_PPSS had_HVD had_HVN a_AT very_QL happy_JJ childhood_NN ._. Then_RB he_
PPS thought_VBD me_PPO more_QL perverse_JJ than_CS ever_RB ._. I_PPSS left_VBD t
he_AT party_NN as_QL soon_RB as_CS possible_JJ and_CC got_VBD into_IN a_AT taxi_
NN ._. On_IN the_AT glass_NN partition_NN between_IN me_PPO and_CC the_AT driver
_NN were_BED three_CD signs_NNS :_: one_CD asked_VBD for_IN help_NN for_IN the_A
T blind_JJ ,_, another_DT help_NN for_IN orphans_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT third_OD
for_IN relief_NN for_IN the_AT war_NN refugees_NNS ._. One_PN does_DOZ not_* hav
e_HV to_TO look_VB for_IN distress_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ screaming_VBG at_IN you_
PPO even_RB in_IN the_AT taxis_NNS of_IN London_NP ''_'' ._. Lunch_NN was_BEDZ o
ver_RP ,_, and_CC we_PPSS walked_VBD back_RB to_IN the_AT hotel_NN with_IN the_A
T light_NN and_CC dark_NN of_IN Paris_NP screaming_VBG at_IN us_PPO ._. The_AT p
ersonal_JJ quality_NN of_IN Samuel_NP Beckett_NP is_BEZ similar_JJ to_IN qualiti
es_NNS I_PPSS had_HVD found_VBN in_IN the_AT plays_NNS ._. He_PPS says_VBZ nothi
ng_PN that_WPS compresses_VBZ experience_NN within_IN a_AT closed_VBN pattern_NN
._. ``_`` Perhaps_RB ''_'' stands_VBZ in_IN place_NN of_IN commitment_NN ._. At
_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ plainly_QL sympathetic_JJ ,_, clear
ly_QL friendly_JJ ._. If_CS there_EX were_BED only_RB the_AT mess_NN ,_, all_ABN
would_MD be_BE clear_JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC there_EX is_BEZ also_RB compassion_NN ._
. As_CS a_AT Christian_NP ,_, I_PPSS know_VB I_PPSS do_DO not_* stand_VB where_W
RB Beckett_NP stands_VBZ ,_, but_CC I_PPSS do_DO see_VB much_AP of_IN what_WDT h
e_PPS sees_VBZ ._. As_CS a_AT writer_NN on_IN the_AT theater_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_
HV paid_VBN close_JJ attention_NN to_IN the_AT plays_NNS ._. Harold_NP Clurman_N
P is_BEZ right_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS ``_`` Waiting_VBG-TL For_IN-TL Godot_NP-T
L ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT reflection_NN (_( he_PPS calls_VBZ it_PPO a_AT distorted_VBN
reflection_NN )_) ``_`` of_IN the_AT impasse_NN and_CC disarray_NN of_IN Europe
's_NP$ present_JJ politics_NN ,_, ethic_NN ,_, and_CC common_JJ way_NN of_IN lif
e_NN ''_'' ._. Yet_CC it_PPS is_BEZ not_* only_RB Europe_NP the_AT play_NN refer
s_VBZ to_IN ._. ``_`` Waiting_VBG-TL For_IN-TL Godot_NP-TL ''_'' sells_VBZ even_
QL better_RBR in_IN America_NP than_CS in_IN France_NP ._. The_AT consciousness_
NN it_PPS mirrors_VBZ may_MD have_HV come_VBN earlier_RBR to_IN Europe_NP than_C
S to_IN America_NP ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT consciousness_NN that_WPS mos
t_AP ``_`` mature_JJ ''_'' societies_NNS arrive_VB at_IN when_WRB their_PP$ succ
esses_NNS in_IN technological_JJ and_CC economic_JJ systematization_NN propel_VB
them_PPO into_IN a_AT time_NN of_IN examining_VBG the_AT not-strictly-practical
_JJ ends_NNS of_IN culture_NN ._. America_NP is_BEZ now_RB joining_VBG Europe_NP
in_IN this_DT ``_`` mature_JJ ''_'' phase_NN of_IN development_NN ._. Whether_C
S any_DTI of_IN us_PPO remain_VB in_IN it_PPO long_RB will_MD depend_VB on_IN wh
at_WDT happens_VBZ as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT technological_JJ and_CC eco
nomic_JJ revolutions_NNS now_RB going_VBG on_RP in_IN the_AT countries_NNS of_IN
Asia_NP and_CC Africa_NP ,_, and_CC also_RB of_IN course_NN on_IN how_WRB long_
RB the_AT cold_JJ war_NN remains_VBZ cold_JJ ._. Even_RB Hemingway_NP ,_, for_IN
all_ABN his_PP$ efforts_NNS to_TO formulate_VB a_AT naturalistic_JJ morality_NN
in_IN The_AT-TL Sun_NN-TL Also_RB-TL Rises_VBZ-TL and_CC A_AT-TL Farewell_NN-TL
To_IN-TL Arms_NNS-TL never_RB maintained_VBD that_CS sex_NN was_BEDZ all_ABN ._
. Hemingway's_NP$ fiction_NN is_BEZ supported_VBN by_IN a_AT ``_`` moral_JJ ''_'
' backbone_NN and_CC in_IN its_PP$ search_NN for_IN ultimate_JJ meaning_NN hints
_VBZ at_IN a_AT religious_JJ dimension_NN ._. And_CC D._NP H._NP Lawrence_NP ,_,
in_IN Fantasia_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Unconscious_NN-TL ,_, protested_VBD veh
emently_RB against_IN the_AT overestimation_NN of_IN the_AT sexual_JJ motive_NN
._. Though_CS sex_NN in_IN some_DTI form_NN or_CC other_AP enters_VBZ into_IN al
l_ABN human_JJ activity_NN and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ thing_NN that_CS
Freud_NP emphasized_VBD this_DT aspect_NN of_IN human_JJ nature_NN ,_, it_PPS is
_BEZ fantastic_JJ to_TO explain_VB everything_PN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN sex_NN ._
. ``_`` All_ABN is_BEZ not_* sex_NN ''_'' ,_, declared_VBD Lawrence_NP ._. Man_N
N is_BEZ not_* confined_VBN to_IN one_CD outlet_NN for_IN his_PP$ vital_JJ energ
y_NN ._. The_AT creative_JJ urge_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, transcends_VBZ the
_AT body_NN and_CC the_AT self_NN ._. But_CC for_IN the_AT beat_NN generation_NN
all_ABN is_BEZ sex_NN ._. Nothing_PN is_BEZ more_QL revealing_JJ of_IN the_AT w
ay_NN of_IN life_NN and_CC literary_JJ aspirations_NNS of_IN this_DT group_NN th
an_CS their_PP$ attitude_NN toward_IN sex_NN ._. For_CS the_AT beatnik_NN ,_, li
ke_CS the_AT hipster_NN ,_, is_BEZ in_IN opposition_NN to_IN a_AT society_NN tha
t_WPS is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN the_AT repression_NN of_IN the_AT sex_NN instinct_N
N ._. He_PPS has_HVZ elevated_VBN sex_NN --_-- not_* Eros_NP or_CC libido_NN but
_CC pure_JJ ,_, spontaneous_JJ ,_, uninhibited_JJ sex_NN --_-- to_IN the_AT rank
_NN of_IN the_AT godhead_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ Astarte_NP ,_, Ishtar_NP ,_, V
enus_NP ,_, Yahwe_NP ,_, Dionysus_NP ,_, Christ_NP ,_, the_AT mysterious_JJ and_
CC divine_JJ orgone_NN energy_NN flowing_VBG through_IN the_AT body_NN of_IN the
_AT universe_NN ._. Jazz_NN is_BEZ sex_NN ,_, marijuana_NN is_BEZ a_AT stimulus_
NN to_IN sex_NN ,_, the_AT beat_NN tempo_NN is_BEZ adjusted_VBN to_IN the_AT org
iastic_JJ release_NN of_IN the_AT sexual_JJ impulse_NN ._. Lawrence_NP Lipton_NP
,_, in_IN The_AT-TL Holy_JJ-TL Barbarians_NNS-TL ,_, stresses_VBZ that_CS for_I
N the_AT beat_NN generation_NN sex_NN is_BEZ more_AP than_CS a_AT source_NN of_I
N pleasure_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT mystique_NN ,_, and_CC their_PP$ privat
e_JJ language_NN is_BEZ rich_JJ in_IN the_AT multivalent_JJ ambiguities_NNS of_I
N sexual_JJ reference_NN so_CS that_CS they_PPSS dwell_VB in_IN a_AT sexualized_
VBN universe_NN of_IN discourse_NN ._. The_AT singular_JJ uncompromising_JJ forc
e_NN of_IN their_PP$ revolt_NN against_IN the_AT cult_NN of_IN restraint_NN is_B
EZ illustrated_VBN by_IN their_PP$ refusal_NN to_TO dance_VB in_IN a_AT public_J
J place_NN ._. The_AT dance_NN is_BEZ but_RB a_AT disguised_VBN ritual_NN for_IN
the_AT expression_NN of_IN ungratified_JJ sexual_JJ desire_NN ._. For_IN this_D
T reason_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, their_PP$ language_NN is_BEZ more_QL forthright_JJ an
d_CC earthy_JJ ._. The_AT beatniks_NNS crave_VB a_AT sexual_JJ experience_NN in_
IN which_WDT their_PP$ whole_JJ being_BEG participates_VBZ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the
refore_RB not_* surprising_JJ that_CS they_PPSS resist_VB the_AT lure_NN of_IN m
arriage_NN and_CC the_AT trap_NN of_IN domesticity_NN ,_, for_CS like_CS cats_NN
S they_PPSS are_BER determined_VBN not_* to_TO tame_VB their_PP$ sexual_JJ energ
y_NN ._. They_PPSS withdraw_VB to_IN the_AT underground_NN of_IN the_AT slums_NN
S where_WRB they_PPSS can_MD defy_VB the_AT precepts_NNS of_IN legalized_VBN pro
priety_NN ._. Unlike_IN the_AT heroes_NNS and_CC flappers_NNS of_IN the_AT lost_
VBN generation_NN ,_, they_PPSS disdain_VB the_AT art_NN of_IN ``_`` necking_VBG
''_'' and_CC ``_`` petting_VBG ''_'' ._. That_DT is_BEZ reserved_VBN for_IN the
_AT squares_NNS ._. If_CS they_PPSS avoid_VB the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT pungent_
JJ ,_, outlawed_VBN four-letter_JJ word_NN it_PPS is_BEZ because_CS it_PPS is_BE
Z taboo_JJ ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ sacred_JJ ._. As_CS Lipton_NP ,_, the_AT prophe
t_NN of_IN the_AT beat_NN generation_NN ,_, declares_VBZ :_: ``_`` In_IN the_AT
sexual_JJ act_NN ,_, the_AT beat_NNS are_BER filled_VBN with_IN mana_NN ,_, the_
AT divine_JJ power_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ far_QL from_IN the_AT vulgar_JJ ,_, lee
ring_VBG sexuality_NN of_IN the_AT middle-class_NN square_NN in_IN heat_NN ''_''
._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT Holy_JJ-TL Grail_NN-TL these_DTS knights_NNS of_IN th
e_AT orgasm_NN pursue_VB ,_, this_DT is_BEZ the_AT irresistible_JJ cosmic_JJ urg
e_NN to_IN which_WDT they_PPSS respond_VB ._. If_CS Wilhelm_NP Reich_NP is_BEZ t
he_AT Moses_NP who_WPS has_HVZ led_VBN them_PPO out_IN of_IN the_AT Egypt_NP of_
IN sexual_JJ slavery_NN ,_, Dylan_NP Thomas_NP is_BEZ the_AT poet_NN who_WPS off
ers_VBZ them_PPO the_AT Dionysian_JJ dialectic_NN of_IN justification_NN for_IN
their_PP$ indulgence_NN in_IN liquor_NN ,_, marijuana_NN ,_, sex_NN ,_, and_CC j
azz_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN converted_VBN to_IN
Zen_NP Buddhism_NP ,_, with_IN its_PP$ glorification_NN of_IN all_ABN that_DT is
_BEZ ``_`` natural_JJ ''_'' and_CC mysteriously_RB alive_JJ ,_, the_AT sense_NN
that_CS everything_PN in_IN the_AT world_NN is_BEZ flowing_VBG ._. Thus_RB ,_, p
aradoxically_RB ,_, the_AT beat_NN writers_NNS resort_VB to_IN ``_`` religious_J
J ''_'' metaphors_NNS :_: they_PPSS are_BER in_IN search_NN of_IN mana_NN ,_, th
e_AT spiritual_JJ ,_, the_AT numinous_JJ ,_, but_CC not_* anything_PN connected_
VBN with_IN formal_JJ religion_NN ._. What_WDT they_PPSS are_BER after_RB is_BEZ
the_AT beatific_JJ vision_NN ._. And_CC Zen_NP Buddhism_NP ,_, though_CS it_PPS
is_BEZ extremely_QL difficult_JJ to_TO understand_VB how_WRB these_DTS internal
_JJ contradictions_NNS are_BER reconciled_VBN ,_, helps_VBZ them_PPO in_IN their
_PP$ struggle_NN to_TO achieve_VB personal_JJ salvation_NN through_IN sexual_JJ
release_NN ._. The_AT style_NN of_IN life_NN chosen_VBN by_IN the_AT beat_NN gen
eration_NN ,_, the_AT rhythm_NN and_CC ritual_NN they_PPSS have_HV adopted_VBN a
s_CS uniquely_RB their_PP$ own_JJ ,_, is_BEZ designed_VBN to_TO enhance_VB the_A
T value_NN of_IN the_AT sexual_JJ experience_NN ._. Jazz_NN is_BEZ good_JJ not_*
only_RB because_CS it_PPS promotes_VBZ wholeness_NN but_CC because_CS of_IN its
_PP$ decided_VBN sexual_JJ effect_NN ._. Jazz_NN is_BEZ the_AT musical_JJ langua
ge_NN of_IN sex_NN ,_, the_AT vocabulary_NN of_IN the_AT orgasm_NN ;_. ;_. indee
d_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ maintained_VBN that_CS the_AT sexual_JJ element_NN in_IN
jazz_NN ,_, by_IN freeing_VBG the_AT listener_NN of_IN his_PP$ inhibitions_NNS ,
_, can_MD have_HV therapeutic_JJ value_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ why_WRB ,_, the_AT
argument_NN runs_VBZ ,_, the_AT squares_NNS are_BER so_QL fearful_JJ of_IN jazz_
NN and_CC yet_RB perversely_RB fascinated_VBN by_IN it_PPO ._. Instead_RB of_IN
giving_VBG themselves_PPLS spontaneously_RB to_IN the_AT orgiastic_JJ release_NN
that_WPS jazz_NN can_MD give_VB them_PPO ,_, they_PPSS undergo_VB psychoanalysi
s_NN or_CC flirt_VB with_IN mysticism_NN or_CC turn_VB to_IN prostitutes_NNS for
_IN satisfaction_NN ._. Thus_RB jazz_NN is_BEZ transmuted_VBN into_IN something_
PN holy_JJ ,_, the_AT sacred_JJ road_NN to_IN integration_NN of_IN being_BEG ._.
Jazz_NN ,_, like_CS sex_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT mystique_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_*
a_AT substitute_JJ for_IN sex_NN but_CC a_AT dynamic_JJ expression_NN of_IN the_
AT creative_JJ impulse_NN in_IN unfettered_JJ man_NN ._. The_AT mystique_NN of_I
N sex_NN ,_, combined_VBN with_IN marijuana_NN and_CC jazz_NN ,_, is_BEZ intende
d_VBN to_TO provide_VB a_AT design_NN for_IN living_VBG ._. Those_DTS who_WPS ar
e_BER sexually_RB liberated_VBN can_MD become_VB creatively_RB alive_JJ and_CC f
ree_JJ ,_, their_PP$ instincts_NNS put_VB at_IN the_AT service_NN of_IN the_AT i
magination_NN ._. Righteous_JJ in_IN their_PP$ denunciation_NN of_IN all_ABN tha
t_WPS makes_VBZ for_IN death_NN ,_, the_AT beat_NN prophets_NNS bid_VB all_ABN m
en_NNS become_VB cool_JJ cats_NNS ;_. ;_. let_VB them_PPO learn_VB to_TO ``_`` s
wing_VB ''_'' freely_RB ,_, to_TO let_VB go_VB ,_, to_TO become_VB authentically
_RB themselves_PPLS ,_, and_CC then_RB perhaps_RB civilization_NN will_MD be_BE
saved_VBN ._. The_AT beatnik_NN ,_, seceding_VBG from_IN a_AT society_NN that_WP
S is_BEZ fatally_RB afflicted_VBN with_IN a_AT deathward_JJ drive_VB ,_, is_BEZ
concerned_VBN with_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ salvation_NN in_IN the_AT living_VBG p
resent_NN ._. If_CS he_PPS is_BEZ the_AT child_NN of_IN nothingness_NN ,_, if_CS
he_PPS is_BEZ the_AT predestined_VBN victim_NN of_IN an_AT age_NN of_IN atomic_
JJ wars_NNS ,_, then_RB he_PPS will_MD consult_VB only_RB his_PP$ own_JJ organic
_JJ needs_NNS and_CC go_VB beyond_IN good_NN and_CC evil_NN ._. He_PPS will_MD n
ot_* curb_VB his_PP$ instinctual_JJ desires_NNS but_CC release_VB the_AT energy_
NN within_IN him_PPO that_WPS makes_VBZ him_PPO feel_VB truly_QL and_CC fully_QL
alive_JJ ,_, even_RB if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB for_IN this_DT brief_JJ moment
_NN before_CS the_AT apocalypse_NN of_IN annihilation_NN explodes_VBZ on_IN eart
h_NN ._. That_DT is_BEZ why_WRB the_AT members_NNS of_IN the_AT beat_NN generati
on_NN proudly_RB assume_VB the_AT title_NN of_IN the_AT holy_JJ barbarians_NNS ;
_. ;_. they_PPSS will_MD destroy_VB the_AT shrines_NNS ,_, temples_NNS ,_, museu
ms_NNS ,_, and_CC churches_NNS of_IN the_AT state_NN that_WPS is_BEZ the_AT impl
acable_JJ enemy_NN of_IN the_AT life_NN they_PPSS believe_VB in_IN ._. Apart_RB
from_IN the_AT categorical_JJ imperative_NN they_PPSS derive_VB from_IN the_AT m
etaphysics_NN of_IN the_AT orgasm_NN ,_, the_AT only_AP affirmation_NN they_PPSS
are_BER capable_JJ of_IN making_VBG is_BEZ that_CS art_NN is_BEZ their_PP$ only
_AP refuge_NN ._. Their_PP$ writing_NN ,_, born_VBN of_IN their_PP$ experiments_
NNS in_IN marijuana_NN and_CC untrammeled_JJ sexuality_NN ,_, reflects_VBZ the_A
T extremity_NN of_IN their_PP$ existential_JJ alienation_NN ._. The_AT mind_NN h
as_HVZ betrayed_VBN them_PPO ,_, reason_NN is_BEZ the_AT foe_NN of_IN life_NN ;_
. ;_. they_PPSS will_MD trust_VB only_RB their_PP$ physical_JJ sensations_NNS ,_
, the_AT wisdom_NN of_IN the_AT body_NN ,_, the_AT holy_JJ promptings_NNS of_IN
the_AT unconscious_NN ._. With_IN lyrical_JJ intensity_NN they_PPSS reveal_VB wh
at_WDT they_PPSS hate_VB ,_, but_CC their_PP$ faith_NN in_IN love_NN ,_, inspire
d_VBN by_IN the_AT revolutionary_JJ rhythms_NNS of_IN jazz_NN ,_, culminates_VBZ
in_IN the_AT climax_NN of_IN the_AT orgasm_NN ._. Their_PP$ work_NN mirrors_VBZ
the_AT mentality_NN of_IN the_AT psychopath_NN ,_, rootless_JJ and_CC irrespons
ible_JJ ._. Their_PP$ rebellion_NN against_IN authoritarian_JJ society_NN is_BEZ
not_* far_QL removed_VBN from_IN the_AT violence_NN of_IN revolt_NN characteris
tic_JJ of_IN the_AT juvenile_JJ delinquent_NN ._. And_CC the_AT life_NN they_PPS
S lead_VB is_BEZ undisciplined_JJ and_CC for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN unproduct
ive_JJ ,_, even_RB though_CS they_PPSS make_VB a_AT fetish_NN of_IN devoting_VBG
themselves_PPLS to_IN some_DTI creative_JJ pursuit_NN --_-- writing_VBG ,_, pai
nting_VBG ,_, music_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER non-conformists_NNS on_IN principle
_NN ._. When_WRB they_PPSS express_VB themselves_PPLS it_PPS is_BEZ incandescent
_JJ hatred_NN that_WPS shines_VBZ forth_RB ,_, the_AT rage_NN of_IN repudiation_
NN ,_, the_AT ecstasy_NN of_IN negation_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ sex_NN that_WPS obs
esses_VBZ them_PPO ,_, sex_NN that_WPS is_BEZ at_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN their_
PP$ aesthetic_JJ creed_NN ._. What_WDT they_PPSS discuss_VB with_IN dialectical_
JJ seriousness_NN is_BEZ the_AT degree_NN to_IN which_WDT sex_NN can_MD inspire_
VB the_AT Muse_NN-TL ._. Monogamy_NN is_BEZ the_AT vice_NN from_IN which_WDT the
_AT abjectly_QL fearful_JJ middle_JJ class_NN continue_VB to_TO suffer_VB ,_, wh
ereas_CS the_AT beatnik_NN has_HVZ the_AT courage_NN to_TO break_VB out_RP of_IN
that_DT prison_NN of_IN respectability_NN ._. One_CD girl_NN describes_VBZ her_
PP$ past_NN ,_, her_PP$ succession_NN of_IN broken_VBN marriages_NNS ,_, the_AT
abortions_NNS she_PPS has_HVZ had_HVN and_CC finally_RB confesses_VBZ that_CS sh
e_PPS loves_VBZ sex_NN and_CC sees_VBZ no_AT reason_NN why_WRB she_PPS must_MD j
ustify_VB her_PP$ passion_NN ._. If_CS it_PPS is_BEZ an_AT honest_JJ feeling_NN
,_, then_RB why_WRB should_MD she_PPS not_* yield_VB to_IN it_PPO ?_. ?_. ``_``
Most_QL often_RB ''_'' ,_, she_PPS says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` it's_PPS+BEZ the_AT monoga
mous_JJ relationship_NN that_WPS is_BEZ dishonest_JJ ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ n
othing_PN holy_JJ in_IN wedlock_NN ._. This_DT girl_NN soon_RB drops_VBZ the_AT
bourgeois_NN pyschiatrist_NN who_WPS disapproves_VBZ of_IN her_PP$ life_NN ._. S
he_PPS finds_VBZ married_VBN life_NN stifling_VBG and_CC every_AT prolonged_VBN
sex_NN relationship_NN unbearably_QL monotonous_JJ ._. This_DT confession_NN ser
ves_VBZ to_TO make_VB clear_JJ in_IN part_NN what_WDT is_BEZ behind_IN this_DT s
exual_JJ revolution_NN :_: the_AT craving_NN for_IN sensation_NN for_IN its_PP$
own_JJ sake_NN ,_, the_AT need_NN for_IN change_NN ,_, for_IN new_JJ experiences
_NNS ._. Boredom_NN is_BEZ death_NN ._. In_IN the_AT realm_NN of_IN physical_JJ
sensations_NNS ,_, sex_NN reigns_VBZ supreme_JJ ._. Hence_RB the_AT beatniks_NNS
sustain_VB themselves_PPLS on_IN marijuana_NN ,_, jazz_NN ,_, free_JJ swinging_
VBG poetry_NN ,_, exhausting_VBG themselves_PPLS in_IN orgies_NNS of_IN sex_NN ;
_. ;_. some_DTI of_IN them_PPO are_BER driven_VBN over_IN the_AT borderline_NN o
f_IN sanity_NN and_CC lose_VB contact_NN with_IN reality_NN ._. One_CD beat_NN p
oet_NN composes_VBZ a_AT poem_NN ,_, ``_`` Lines_NNS-TL On_IN-TL A_AT-TL Tijuana
_NP-TL John_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT contains_VBZ a_AT few_AP happy_JJ hints_NN
S for_IN survival_NN ._. The_AT new_JJ fact_NN the_AT initiates_NNS of_IN this_D
T cult_NN have_HV to_TO learn_VB is_BEZ that_CS they_PPSS must_MD move_VB toward
_IN simplicity_NN ._. The_AT professed_VBN mission_NN of_IN this_DT disaffiliate
d_JJ generation_NN is_BEZ to_TO find_VB a_AT new_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN which_W
DT they_PPSS can_MD express_VB in_IN poetry_NN and_CC fiction_NN ,_, but_CC what
_WDT they_PPSS produce_VB is_BEZ unfortunately_RB disordered_VBN ,_, nourished_V
BN solely_RB on_IN the_AT hysteria_NN of_IN negation_NN ._. Who_WPS are_BER the_
AT creative_JJ representatives_NNS of_IN this_DT movement_NN ?_. ?_. Nymphomania
cs_NNS ,_, junkies_NNS ,_, homosexuals_NNS ,_, drug_NN addicts_NNS ,_, lesbians_
NNS ,_, alcoholics_NNS ,_, the_AT weak_JJ ,_, the_AT frustrated_VBN ,_, the_AT i
rresolute_JJ ,_, the_AT despairing_NN ,_, the_AT derelicts_NNS and_CC outcasts_N
NS of_IN society_NN ._. They_PPSS embrace_VB independent_JJ poverty_NN ,_, usual
ly_RB with_IN a_AT ``_`` shack-up_JJ ''_'' partner_NN who_WPS will_MD help_VB su
pport_VB them_PPO ._. They_PPSS are_BER full_JJ of_IN contempt_NN for_IN the_AT
institution_NN of_IN matrimony_NN ._. Their_PP$ previous_JJ legalized_VBN marria
ges_NNS do_DO not_* count_VB ,_, for_CS they_PPSS hold_VB the_AT laws_NNS of_IN
the_AT state_NN null_JJ and_CC void_JJ ._. They_PPSS feel_VB they_PPSS are_BER l
eagued_VBN against_IN a_AT hostile_JJ ,_, persecutory_JJ world_NN ,_, faced_VBN
with_IN the_AT concerted_JJ malevolent_JJ opposition_NN of_IN squares_NNS and_CC
their_PP$ hirelings_NNS ,_, the_AT police_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT rhetoric
_NN of_IN righteousness_NN the_AT beatniks_NNS use_VB in_IN defending_VBG their_
PP$ way_NN of_IN life_NN ,_, their_PP$ search_NN for_IN wholeness_NN ,_, though_
CS their_PP$ actual_JJ existence_NN fails_VBZ to_TO reach_VB these_DTS ``_`` rel
igious_JJ ''_'' heights_NNS ._. One_CD beatnik_NN got_VBD the_AT woman_NN he_PPS
was_BEDZ living_VBG with_IN so_QL involved_VBN in_IN drugs_NNS and_CC self-anal
ysis_NN and_CC all-night_JJ sessions_NNS of_IN sex_NN that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ b
eginning_VBG to_TO crack_VB up_RP ._. What_WDT obsessions_NNS had_HVD she_PPS pi
cked_VBN up_RP during_IN these_DTS long_JJ nights_NNS of_IN talk_NN ?_. ?_. Sex_
NN as_CS the_AT creative_JJ principle_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, the_AT sec
ret_NN of_IN primitive_JJ religion_NN ,_, the_AT life_NN of_IN myth_NN ._. Every
thing_PN in_IN the_AT final_JJ analysis_NN reduced_VBD itself_PPL to_IN sexual_J
J symbolism_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ chapter_NN on_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Loveways_NNS-T
L Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Beat_JJ-TL Generation_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Lipton_NP spares_VBZ
the_AT reader_NN none_PN of_IN the_AT sordid_JJ details_NNS ._. No_AT one_PN ask
s_VBZ questions_NNS about_IN the_AT free_JJ union_NN of_IN the_AT sexes_NNS in_I
N West_JJ-TL Venice_NP-TL so_QL long_RB as_CS the_AT partners_NNS share_VB the_A
T negative_JJ attitudes_NNS of_IN the_AT group_NN ._. The_AT women_NNS who_WPS c
ome_VB to_IN West_JJ-TL Venice_NP-TL ,_, having_HVG forsaken_VBN radicalism_NN ,
_, are_BER interested_VBN in_IN living_VBG only_RB for_IN the_AT moment_NN ,_, i
n_IN being_BEG constantly_RB on_IN the_AT move_NN ._. Others_NNS who_WPS are_BER
attracted_VBN to_IN this_DT Mecca_NP of_IN the_AT beat_NN generation_NN are_BER
homosexuals_NNS ,_, heroin_NN addicts_NNS ,_, and_CC smalltime_NN hoodlums_NNS
._. Those_DTS who_WPS are_BER sexual_JJ deviants_NNS are_BER naturally_RB drawn_
VBN to_TO join_VB the_AT beatniks_NNS ._. Since_CS the_AT homosexuals_NNS widely
_RB use_VB marijuana_NN ,_, they_PPSS do_DO not_* have_HV to_TO be_BE initiated_
VBN ._. Part_NN of_IN the_AT ritual_NN of_IN sex_NN is_BEZ the_AT use_NN of_IN m
arijuana_NN ._. As_CS Lipton_NP puts_VBZ it_PPO :_: ``_`` The_AT-TL Eros_NP-TL i
s_BEZ felt_VBN in_IN the_AT magic_JJ circle_NN of_IN marijuana_NN with_IN far_QL
greater_JJR force_NN ,_, as_CS a_AT unifying_VBG principle_NN in_IN human_JJ re
lationships_NNS ,_, than_CS at_IN any_DTI other_AP time_NN except_IN ,_, perhaps
_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT mutual_JJ metaphysical_JJ orgasms_NNS ._. The_AT magic_JJ c
ircle_NN is_BEZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, a_AT symbol_NN of_IN and_CC preparation_NN
for_IN the_AT metaphysical_JJ orgasm_NN ''_'' ._. Under_IN the_AT influence_NN
of_IN marijuana_NN the_AT beatnik_NN comes_VBZ alive_JJ within_IN and_CC experie
nces_VBZ a_AT wonderfully_QL enhanced_VBN sense_NN of_IN self_NN as_CS if_CS he_
PPS had_HVD discovered_VBN the_AT open_JJ sesame_NN to_IN the_AT universe_NN of_
IN being_BEG ._. Carried_VBN high_RB on_IN this_DT ``_`` charge_NN ''_'' ,_, he_
PPS composes_VBZ ``_`` magical_JJ ''_'' poetry_NN that_WPS captures_VBZ the_AT o
rganic_JJ rhythms_NNS of_IN life_NN in_IN words_NNS ._. If_CS he_PPS thus_RB ach
ieves_VBZ a_AT lyrical_JJ ,_, dreamlike_JJ ,_, drugged_VBN intensity_NN ,_, he_P
PS pays_VBZ the_AT price_NN for_IN his_PP$ indulgence_NN by_IN producing_VBG wor
k_NN --_-- Allen_NP Ginsberg's_NP$ ``_`` Howl_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT striking_J
J example_NN of_IN this_DT tendency_NN --_-- that_WPS is_BEZ disoriented_VBN ,_,
Dionysian_JJ but_CC without_IN depth_NN and_CC without_IN Apollonian_JJ control
_NN ._. For_CS drugs_NNS are_BER in_IN themselves_PPLS no_AT royal_JJ road_NN to
_IN creativity_NN ._. How_WRB is_BEZ the_AT beat_NN poet_NN to_TO achieve_VB uni
ty_NN of_IN form_NN when_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN engaged_
VBN in_IN a_AT systematic_JJ derangement_NN of_IN senses_NNS ._. If_CS love_NN r
eflects_VBZ the_AT nature_NN of_IN man_NN ,_, as_CS Ortega_NP Y_NP Gasset_NP bel
ieves_VBZ ,_, if_CS the_AT person_NN in_IN love_NN betrays_VBZ decisively_RB wha
t_WDT he_PPS is_BEZ by_IN his_PP$ behavior_NN in_IN love_NN ,_, then_RB the_AT w
riters_NNS of_IN the_AT beat_NN generation_NN are_BER creating_VBG a_AT new_JJ l
iterary_JJ genre_NN ._. There_EX were_BED fences_NNS in_IN the_AT old_JJ days_NN
S when_WRB we_PPSS were_BED children_NNS ._. Across_IN the_AT front_NN of_IN a_A
T yard_NN and_CC down_IN the_AT side_NN ,_, they_PPSS were_BED iron_NN ,_, eithe
r_CC spiked_VBN along_IN the_AT top_NN or_CC arched_VBN in_IN half_ABN circles_N
NS ._. Alley_NN fences_NNS were_BED made_VBN of_IN solid_JJ boards_NNS higher_JJ
R than_CS one's_PN$ head_NN ,_, but_CC not_* so_QL high_JJ as_CS the_AT golden_J
J glow_NN in_IN a_AT corner_NN or_CC the_AT hollyhocks_NNS that_WPS grew_VBD in_
IN a_AT line_NN against_IN them_PPO ._. Side_JJ fences_NNS were_BED hidden_VBN b
eneath_IN lilacs_NNS and_CC hundred-leaf_JJ roses_NNS ;_. ;_. front_JJ fences_NN
S were_BED covered_VBN with_IN Virginia_NP creeper_NN or_CC trumpet_NN vines_NNS
or_CC honeysuckle_NN ._. Square_JJ corner-_NN and_CC gate_NN posts_NNS were_BED
an_AT open-work_NN pattern_NN of_IN cast-iron_NN foliage_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS w
ere_BED topped_VBN by_IN steeples_NNS complete_JJ in_IN every_AT detail_NN :_: h
igh-pitched_JJ roof_NN ,_, pinnacle_NN ,_, and_CC narrow_JJ gable_NN ._. On_IN t
hese_DTS posts_NNS the_AT gates_NNS swung_VBD open_JJ with_IN a_AT squeak_NN and
_CC shut_VB with_IN a_AT metallic_JJ clang_NN ._. The_AT only_AP extended_VBN vi
ew_NN possible_JJ to_IN anyone_PN less_QL tall_JJ than_CS the_AT fences_NNS was_
BEDZ that_DT obtained_VBN from_IN an_AT upper_JJ bough_NN of_IN the_AT apple_NN
tree_NN ._. The_AT primary_JJ quality_NN of_IN that_DT view_NN seems_VBZ ,_, now
_RB ,_, to_TO have_HV been_BEN its_PP$ quietness_NN ,_, but_CC that_DT cannot_MD
* at_IN the_AT time_NN have_HV impressed_VBN us_PPO ._. What_WDT one_PN actually
_RB remembers_VBZ is_BEZ its_PP$ greenness_NN ._. From_IN high_JJ in_IN the_AT t
ree_NN ,_, the_AT whole_JJ block_NN lay_VBD within_IN range_NN of_IN the_AT eye_
NN ,_, but_CC the_AT ground_NN was_BEDZ almost_QL nowhere_RB visible_JJ ._. One_
PN looked_VBD down_RP on_IN a_AT sea_NN of_IN leaves_NNS ,_, a_AT breaking_VBG w
ave_NN of_IN flower_NN ._. Every_AT path_NN from_IN back_JJ door_NN to_IN barn_N
N was_BEDZ covered_VBN by_IN a_AT grape-arbor_NN ,_, and_CC every_AT yard_NN had
_HVD its_PP$ fruit_NN trees_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN any_DTI open_JJ
space_NN remaining_VBG our_PP$ grandfathers_NNS had_HVD planted_VBN syringa_NN
and_CC sweet-shrub_NN ,_, snowball_NN ,_, rose-of-Sharon_NN and_CC balm-of-Gilea
d_NN ._. From_IN above_RB one_PN could_MD only_RB occasionally_RB catch_VB a_AT
glimpse_NN of_IN life_NN on_IN the_AT floor_NN of_IN this_DT green_NN sea_NN :_:
a_AT neighbor's_NN$ gingham_NN skirt_NN flashing_VBG into_IN sight_NN for_IN an
_AT instant_NN on_IN the_AT path_NN beneath_IN her_PP$ grape-arbor_NN ,_, or_CC
the_AT movement_NN of_IN hands_NNS above_IN a_AT clothesline_NN and_CC the_AT fl
utter_NN of_IN garments_NNS hung_VBD there_RB ,_, half-way_QL down_IN the_AT blo
ck_NN ._. That_DT was_BEDZ one_CD epoch_NN :_: the_AT apple-tree_NN epoch_NN ._.
Another_DT had_HVD ended_VBN before_CS it_PPS began_VBD ._. Time_NN is_BEZ a_AT
queer_JJ thing_NN and_CC memory_NN a_AT queerer_JJR ;_. ;_. the_AT tricks_NNS t
hat_CS time_NN plays_VBZ with_IN memory_NN and_CC memory_NN with_IN time_NN are_
BER queerest_JJT of_IN all_ABN ._. From_IN maturity_NN one_PN looks_VBZ back_RB
at_IN the_AT succession_NN of_IN years_NNS ,_, counts_VBZ them_PPO and_CC makes_
VBZ them_PPO many_AP ,_, yet_CC cannot_MD* feel_VB length_NN in_IN the_AT number
_NN ,_, however_WQL large_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT stream_NN that_WPS turns_VBZ a_AT mi
ll-wheel_NN there_EX is_BEZ a_AT lot_NN of_IN water_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT mill-pond_
NN is_BEZ quiet_JJ ,_, its_PP$ surface_NN dark_JJ and_CC shadowed_VBN ,_, and_CC
there_EX does_DOZ not_* seem_VB to_TO be_BE much_AP water_NN in_IN it_PPO ._. T
ime_NN in_IN the_AT sum_NN is_BEZ nothing_PN ._. And_CC yet_RB --_-- a_AT year_N
N to_IN a_AT child_NN is_BEZ an_AT eternity_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT memory_NN
that_DT phase_NN of_IN one's_PN$ being_BEG --_-- a_AT certain_JJ mental_JJ land
scape_NN --_-- will_MD seem_VB to_TO have_HV endured_VBN without_IN beginning_NN
and_CC without_IN end_NN ._. The_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT mind_NN that_WPS prese
rves_VBZ dates_NNS and_CC events_NNS may_MD remonstrate_VB ,_, ``_`` It_PPS coul
d_MD have_HV been_BEN like_CS that_DT for_IN only_RB a_AT little_JJ while_NN ''_
'' ;_. ;_. but_CC true_JJ memory_NN does_DOZ not_* count_VB nor_CC add_VB :_: it
_PPS holds_VBZ fast_RB to_IN things_NNS that_WPS were_BED and_CC they_PPSS are_B
ER outside_RB of_IN time_NN ._. Once_RB ,_, then_RB --_-- for_IN how_WQL many_AP
years_NNS or_CC how_WQL few_AP does_DOZ not_* matter_VB --_-- my_PP$ world_NN w
as_BEDZ bound_VBN round_RB by_IN fences_NNS ,_, when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ too_QL
small_JJ to_TO reach_VB the_AT apple_NN tree_NN bough_NN ,_, to_TO twist_VB my_P
P$ knee_NN over_IN it_PPO and_CC pull_VB myself_PPL up_RP ._. That_DT world_NN w
as_BEDZ in_IN scale_NN with_IN my_PP$ own_JJ smallness_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV no_
AT picture_NN in_IN my_PP$ mind_NN of_IN the_AT garden_NN as_CS a_AT whole_JJ --
_-- that_CS I_PPSS could_MD not_* see_VB --_-- but_CC certain_JJ aspects_NNS of_
IN certain_JJ corners_NNS linger_VB in_IN the_AT memory_NN :_: wind-blown_JJ ,_,
frost-bitten_JJ ,_, white_JJ chrysanthemums_NNS beneath_IN a_AT window_NN ,_, w
ith_IN their_PP$ brittle_JJ brown_JJ leaves_NNS and_CC their_PP$ sharp_JJ scent_
NN of_IN November_NP ;_. ;_. ripe_JJ pears_NNS lying_VBG in_IN long_JJ grass_NN
,_, to_TO be_BE turned_VBN over_RP by_IN a_AT dusty-slippered_JJ foot_NN ,_, cau
tiously_RB ,_, lest_CS bees_NNS still_RB worked_VBN in_IN the_AT ragged_JJ ,_, b
rown-edged_JJ holes_NNS ;_. ;_. hot-colored_JJ verbenas_NNS in_IN the_AT corner_
NN between_IN the_AT dining-room_NN wall_NN and_CC the_AT side_NN porch_NN ,_, w
here_WRB we_PPSS passed_VBD on_IN our_PP$ way_NN to_IN the_AT pump_NN with_IN th
e_AT half-gourd_NN tied_VBN to_IN it_PPO as_CS a_AT cup_NN by_IN my_PP$ grandmot
her_NN for_IN our_PP$ childish_JJ pleasure_NN in_IN drinking_VBG from_IN it_PPO
._. It_PPS was_BEDZ mother_NN who_WPS planted_VBD the_AT verbenas_NNS ._. I_PPSS
think_VB that_CS my_PP$ grandmother_NN was_BEDZ not_* an_AT impassioned_JJ gard
ener_NN :_: she_PPS was_BEDZ too_QL indulgent_JJ a_AT lover_NN of_IN dogs_NNS an
d_CC grandchildren_NNS ._. My_PP$ great-grandmother_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV been_B
EN told_VBN ,_, made_VBD her_PP$ garden_NN her_PP$ great_JJ pride_NN ;_. ;_. she
_PPS cherished_VBD rare_JJ and_CC delicate_JJ plants_NNS like_CS oleanders_NNS i
n_IN tubs_NNS and_CC wall-flowers_NNS and_CC lemon_NN verbenas_NNS in_IN pots_NN
S that_WPS had_HVD to_TO be_BE wintered_VBN in_IN the_AT cellar_NN ;_. ;_. she_P
PS filled_VBD the_AT waste_NN spots_NNS of_IN the_AT yard_NN with_IN common_JJ t
hings_NNS like_CS the_AT garden_NN heliotrope_NN in_IN a_AT corner_NN by_IN the_
AT woodshed_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT plantain_NN lilies_NNS along_IN the_AT west_NR
side_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN ._. These_DTS my_PP$ grandmother_NN left_VBD in_IN
their_PP$ places_NNS (_( they_PPSS are_BER still_RB there_RB ,_, more_QL persis
tent_JJ and_CC longer-lived_JJR than_CS the_AT generations_NNS of_IN man_NN )_)
and_CC planted_VBD others_NNS like_CS them_PPO ,_, that_WPS flourished_VBD witho
ut_IN careful_JJ tending_NN ._. Three_CD of_IN these_DTS only_RB were_BED protec
ted_VBN from_IN us_PPO by_IN stern_JJ commandment_NN :_: the_AT roses_NNS ,_, wh
ose_WP$ petals_NNS might_MD not_* be_BE collected_VBN until_CS they_PPSS had_HVD
fallen_VBN ,_, to_TO be_BE made_VBN into_IN perfume_NN or_CC rose-tea_NN to_TO
drink_VB ;_. ;_. the_AT peonies_NNS ,_, whose_WP$ tight_JJ sticky_JJ buds_NNS wo
uld_MD be_BE blighted_VBN by_IN the_AT laying_VBG on_RP of_IN a_AT finger_NN ,_,
although_CS they_PPSS were_BED not_* apparently_RB harmed_VBN by_IN the_AT ants
_NNS that_WPS crawled_VBD over_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT poppies_NNS ._.
I_PPSS have_HV more_AP than_IN once_RB sat_VBN cross-legged_JJ in_IN the_AT gra
ss_NN through_IN a_AT long_JJ summer_NN morning_NN and_CC watched_VBD without_IN
touching_VBG while_CS a_AT poppy_NN bud_NN higher_JJR than_CS my_PP$ head_NN sl
owly_RB but_CC visibly_RB pushed_VBD off_IN its_PP$ cap_NN ,_, unfolded_VBD ,_,
and_CC shook_VBD out_RP like_CS a_AT banner_NN in_IN the_AT sun_NN its_PP$ flami
ng_VBG vermilion_NN petals_NNS ._. Other_AP flowers_NNS we_PPSS might_MD gather_
VB as_CS we_PPSS pleased_VBD :_: myrtle_NN and_CC white_JJ violets_NNS from_IN b
eneath_IN the_AT lilacs_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT lilacs_NNS themselves_PPLS ,_, that_W
PS bloomed_VBD so_QL prodigally_RB but_CC for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN beyond_I
N our_PP$ reach_NN ;_. ;_. snowballs_NNS ;_. ;_. hollyhock_NN blossoms_NNS that_
WPS ,_, turned_VBD upside_RB down_RP ,_, make_VB pink-petticoated_JJ ladies_NNS
;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT little_JJ ,_, dark_JJ blue_JJ larkspur_NN that_WPS scatter
ed_VBD its_PP$ seed_NN everywhere_RB ._. More_QL potent_JJ a_AT charm_NN to_TO b
ring_VB back_RB that_DT time_NN of_IN life_NN than_CS this_DT record_NN of_IN a_
AT few_AP pictures_NNS and_CC a_AT few_AP remembered_VBN facts_NNS would_MD be_B
E a_AT catalogue_NN of_IN the_AT minutiae_NNS which_WDT are_BER of_IN the_AT ver
y_AP stuff_NN of_IN the_AT mind_NN ,_, intrinsic_JJ ,_, because_CS they_PPSS wer
e_BED known_VBN in_IN the_AT beginning_NN not_* by_IN the_AT eye_NN alone_RB but
_CC by_IN the_AT hand_NN that_WPS held_VBD them_PPO ._. Flowers_NNS ,_, stones_N
NS ,_, and_CC small_JJ creatures_NNS ,_, living_VBG and_CC dead_JJ ._. Pale_JJ y
ellow_JJ snapdragons_NNS that_WPS by_IN pinching_VBG could_MD be_BE made_VBN to_
TO bite_VB ;_. ;_. seed-pods_NNS of_IN the_AT balsams_NNS that_WPS snapped_VBD l
ike_CS fire-crackers_NNS at_IN a_AT touch_NN ;_. ;_. red-and-yellow_JJ columbine
s_NNS whose_WP$ round-tipped_JJ spurs_NNS were_BED picked_VBN off_RP and_CC eate
n_VBN for_IN the_AT honey_NN in_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. morning-glory_NN buds_NNS wh
ich_WDT could_MD be_BE so_RB grasped_VBN and_CC squeezed_VBN that_CS they_PPSS b
urst_VB like_CS a_AT blown-up_JJ paper_NN bag_NN ;_. ;_. bright_JJ flowers_NNS f
rom_IN the_AT trumpet_NN vine_NN that_WPS made_VBD ``_`` gloves_NNS ''_'' on_IN
the_AT ends_NNS of_IN ten_CD waggling_VBG fingers_NNS ._. Fuzzy_JJ caterpillars_
NNS ,_, snails_NNS with_IN their_PP$ sensitive_JJ horns_NNS ,_, struggling_VBG g
rasshoppers_NNS held_VBN by_IN their_PP$ long_JJ hind_JJ legs_NNS and_CC command
ed_VBD to_TO ``_`` spit_VB tobacco_NN ,_, spit_VB ''_'' ._. Dead_JJ fledgling_NN
birds_NNS ,_, their_PP$ squashed-looking_JJ nakedness_NN and_CC the_AT odor_NN
of_IN decay_NN that_WPS clung_VBD to_IN the_AT hand_NN when_WRB they_PPSS had_HV
D been_BEN buried_VBN in_IN our_PP$ graveyard_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT pur
ple_JJ flags_NNS ._. And_CC the_AT cast_NN shell_NN of_IN a_AT locust_NN ,_, str
aw-colored_JJ and_CC transparent_JJ ,_, weighing_VBG nothing_PN ,_, fragile_JJ b
ut_CC entire_JJ ,_, with_IN eyes_NNS like_CS bubbles_NNS and_CC a_AT gaping_VBG
slit_NN down_IN its_PP$ back_NN ._. Every_AT morning_NN early_RB ,_, in_IN the_A
T summer_NN ,_, we_PPSS searched_VBD the_AT trunks_NNS of_IN the_AT trees_NNS as
_QL high_JJ as_CS we_PPSS could_MD reach_VB for_IN the_AT locust_NN shells_NNS ,
_, carefully_RB detached_VBN their_PP$ hooked_VBN claws_NNS from_IN the_AT bark_
NN where_WRB they_PPSS hung_VBD ,_, and_CC stabled_VBD them_PPO ,_, a_AT weird_J
J faery_NN herd_NN ,_, in_IN an_AT angle_NN between_IN the_AT high_JJ roots_NNS
of_IN the_AT tulip_NN tree_NN ,_, where_WRB no_AT grass_NN grew_VBD in_IN the_AT
dense_JJ shade_NN ._. We_PPSS collected_VBD ``_`` lucky_JJ stones_NNS ''_'' --_
-- all_ABN the_AT creamy_JJ translucent_JJ pebbles_NNS ,_, worn_VBN smooth_JJ an
d_CC round_JJ ,_, that_CS we_PPSS could_MD find_VB in_IN the_AT driveway_NN ._.
When_WRB these_DTS had_HVD been_BEN pocketed_VBN ,_, we_PPSS could_MD still_RB s
pend_VB a_AT morning_NN cracking_VBG open_JJ other_AP pebbles_NNS for_IN our_PP$
delight_NN in_IN seeing_VBG how_WQL much_QL prettier_JJR they_PPSS were_BED ins
ide_RB than_CS their_PP$ dull_JJ exteriors_NNS indicated_VBD ._. We_PPSS showed_
VBD them_PPO to_IN each_DT other_AP and_CC said_VBD ``_`` Would_MD you_PPSS have
_HV guessed_VBN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Squatting_VBG on_IN our_PP$ haunches_NNS beside_IN
the_AT flat_JJ stone_NN we_PPSS broke_VBD them_PPO on_IN ,_, we_PPSS were_BED s
afe_JJ behind_IN the_AT high_JJ closed_VBN gates_NNS at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN t
he_AT drive_NN :_: safe_JJ from_IN interruption_NN and_CC the_AT observation_NN
and_CC possible_JJ amusement_NN of_IN the_AT passers-by_NNS ._. Thus_RB shielded
_VBN ,_, we_PPSS played_VBD many_AP foolish_JJ games_NNS in_IN comfortable_JJ un
selfconsciousness_NN ;_. ;_. even_RB when_WRB the_AT fences_NNS became_VBD a_AT
part_NN of_IN the_AT game_NN --_-- when_WRB a_AT vine-embowered_JJ gate-post_NN
was_BEDZ the_AT Sleeping_VBG-TL Beauty's_NN$-TL enchanted_VBN castle_NN ,_, or_C
C when_WRB Rapunzel_NP let_VB down_RP her_PP$ golden_JJ hair_NN from_IN beneath_
IN the_AT crocketed_JJ spire_NN ,_, even_RB then_RB we_PPSS paid_VBD little_AP h
eed_NN to_IN those_DTS who_WPS went_VBD by_RB on_IN the_AT path_NN outside_RB ._
. We_PPSS enjoyed_VBD a_AT paradoxical_JJ freedom_NN when_WRB we_PPSS were_BED s
till_RB too_QL young_JJ for_IN school_NN ._. In_IN the_AT heat_NN of_IN the_AT s
ummer_NN ,_, the_AT garden_NN solitudes_NNS were_BED ours_PP$$ alone_RB ;_. ;_.
our_PP$ elders_NNS stayed_VBD in_IN the_AT dark_JJ house_NN or_CC sat_VBD fannin
g_VBG on_IN the_AT front_JJ porch_NN ._. They_PPSS never_RB troubled_VBD themsel
ves_PPLS about_IN us_PPO while_CS we_PPSS were_BED playing_VBG ,_, because_CS th
e_AT fence_NN formed_VBD such_ABL a_AT definite_JJ boundary_NN and_CC ``_`` Don'
t_DO* go_VB outside_IN the_AT gate_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ a_AT command_NN so_QL impos
sible_JJ of_IN misinterpretation_NN ._. We_PPSS were_BED not_* ,_, however_RB ,_
, entirely_QL unacquainted_JJ with_IN the_AT varying_VBG aspects_NNS of_IN the_A
T street_NN ._. We_PPSS were_BED forbidden_VBN to_TO swing_VB on_IN the_AT gates
_NNS ,_, lest_CS they_PPSS sag_VB on_IN their_PP$ hinges_NNS in_IN a_AT poor-whi
te-trash_NN way_NN ,_, but_CC we_PPSS could_MD stand_VB on_IN them_PPO ,_, when_
WRB they_PPSS were_BED latched_VBN ,_, rest_VB our_PP$ chins_NNS on_IN the_AT to
p_NN ,_, and_CC stare_VB and_CC stare_VB ,_, committing_VBG to_IN memory_NN ,_,
quite_QL unintentionally_RB ,_, all_ABN the_AT details_NNS that_WPS lay_VBD befo
re_IN our_PP$ eyes_NNS ._. The_AT street_NN that_WPS is_BEZ full_JJ now_RB of_IN
traffic_NN and_CC parked_VBN cars_NNS then_RB and_CC for_IN many_AP years_NNS d
rowsed_VBD on_IN an_AT August_NP afternoon_NN in_IN the_AT shade_NN of_IN the_AT
curbside_JJ trees_NNS ,_, and_CC silence_NN was_BEDZ a_AT weight_NN ,_, almost_
QL palpable_JJ ,_, in_IN the_AT air_NN ._. Every_AT slight_JJ sound_NN that_WPS
rose_VBD against_IN that_DT pressure_NN fell_VBD away_RB again_RB ,_, crushed_VB
N beneath_IN it_PPO ._. A_AT hay-wagon_NN moved_VBD slowly_RB along_IN the_AT gu
tter_NN ,_, the_AT top_NN of_IN it_PPO swept_VBN by_IN the_AT low_JJ boughs_NNS
of_IN the_AT maple_NN trees_NNS ,_, and_CC loose_JJ straws_NNS were_BED left_VBN
hanging_VBG tangled_VBN among_IN the_AT leaves_NNS ._. A_AT wheel_NN squeaked_V
BD on_IN a_AT hub_NN ,_, was_BEDZ still_JJ ,_, and_CC squeaked_VBD again_RB ._.
If_CS a_AT child_NN watched_VBD its_PP$ progress_NN he_PPS whispered_VBD ,_, ``_
`` Hay_NN ,_, hay_NN ,_, load_NN of_IN hay_NN --_-- make_VB a_AT wish_NN and_CC
turn_VB away_RB ''_'' ,_, and_CC then_RB stared_VBD rigidly_RB in_IN the_AT oppo
site_JJ direction_NN until_CS the_AT sound_NN of_IN the_AT horses'_NNS$ feet_NNS
returned_VBD no_QL more_RBR ._. When_WRB the_AT hay_NN wagon_NN had_HVD gone_VB
N ,_, and_CC an_AT interval_NN passed_VBD ,_, a_AT huckster's_NN$ cart_NN might_
MD turn_VB the_AT corner_NN ._. The_AT horse_NN walked_VBD ,_, the_AT reins_NNS
were_BED slack_JJ ,_, the_AT huckster_NN rode_VBD with_IN bowed_VBN shoulders_NN
S ,_, his_PP$ forearms_NNS across_IN his_PP$ knees_NNS ._. Sleepily_RB ,_, as_CS
if_CS half-reluctant_JJ to_TO break_VB the_AT silence_NN ,_, he_PPS lifted_VBD
his_PP$ voice_NN :_: ``_`` Rhu-beb-ni-ice_NN nice_JJ fresh_JJ rhu-beb_NN today_N
R ''_'' !_. !_. The_AT lazy_JJ sing-song_NN was_BEDZ spaced_VBN in_IN time_NN li
ke_CS the_AT drone_NN of_IN a_AT bumble-bee_NN ._. No_AT one_PN seemed_VBD to_TO
hear_VB him_PPO ,_, no_AT one_PN heeded_VBD ._. The_AT horse_NN plodded_VBD on_
RP ,_, and_CC he_PPS repeated_VBD his_PP$ call_NN ._. It_PPS became_VBD so_QL mo
notonous_JJ as_CS to_TO seem_VB a_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT quietness_NN ._. After
_IN his_PP$ passage_NN ,_, the_AT street_NN was_BEDZ empty_JJ again_RB ._. The_A
T sun_NN moved_VBD slant-wise_RB across_IN the_AT sky_NN and_CC down_RP ;_. ;_.
the_AT trees'_NNS$ shadows_NNS circled_VBD from_IN street_NN to_IN sidewalk_NN ,
_, from_IN sidewalk_NN to_IN lawn_NN ._. At_IN four-o'clock_NN ,_, or_CC four-th
irty_CD ,_, the_AT coming_NN of_IN the_AT newsboy_NN marked_VBD the_AT end_NN of
_IN the_AT day_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS tossed_VBD a_AT paper_NN toward_IN every_AT fro
nt_JJ door_NN ,_, and_CC housewives_NNS came_VBD down_RP to_IN their_PP$ steps_N
NS to_TO pick_VB them_PPO up_RP and_CC read_VBD what_WDT their_PP$ neighbors_NNS
had_HVD been_BEN doing_VBG ._. The_AT streets_NNS of_IN any_DTI county_NN town_
NN were_BED like_CS this_DT on_IN any_DTI sunshiny_JJ afternoon_NN in_IN summer_
NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS were_BED like_CS this_DT fifty-odd_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_,
and_CC yesterday_NR ._. But_CC the_AT fences_NNS were_BED still_RB in_IN place_N
N fifty-odd_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, and_CC when_WRB we_PPSS stood_VBD on_IN the_
AT gate_NN to_TO look_VB over_RP ,_, the_AT sidewalk_NN under_IN our_PP$ eyes_NN
S was_BEDZ not_* cement_NN but_CC two_CD rows_NNS of_IN paving_VBG stones_NNS wi
th_IN grass_NN between_IN and_CC on_IN both_ABX sides_NNS ._. The_AT curb_NN was
_BEDZ a_AT line_NN of_IN stone_NN laid_VBN edgewise_RB in_IN the_AT dirt_NN and_
CC tilted_VBN this_DT way_NN and_CC that_DT by_IN frost_NN in_IN the_AT ground_N
N or_CC the_AT roots_NNS of_IN trees_NNS ._. Opposite_IN every_AT gate_NN was_BE
DZ a_AT hitching_VBG post_NN or_CC a_AT stone_NN carriage-step_NN ,_, set_VBN wi
th_IN a_AT rusty_JJ iron_NN ring_NN for_IN tying_VBG a_AT horse_NN ._. The_AT st
reet_NN was_BEDZ unpaved_JJ and_CC rose_VBD steeply_RB toward_IN the_AT center_N
N ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ mud_NN in_IN wet_JJ weather_NN and_CC dust_NN ,_, ankl
e-deep_JJ ,_, in_IN dry_JJ ,_, and_CC could_MD be_BE crossed_VBN only_RB at_IN t
he_AT corner_NN where_WRB there_EX were_BED stepping_VBG stones_NNS ._. It_PPS h
ad_HVD a_AT bucolic_JJ atmosphere_NN that_CS it_PPS has_HVZ lost_VBN long_QL sin
ce_RB ._. The_AT hoofmarks_NNS of_IN cattle_NNS and_CC the_AT prints_NNS of_IN b
are_JJ feet_NNS in_IN the_AT mud_NN or_CC in_IN the_AT dust_NN were_BED as_QL nu
merous_JJ as_CS the_AT traces_NNS of_IN shod_VBN horses_NNS ._. Cows_NNS were_BE
D kept_VBN in_IN backyard_NN barns_NNS ,_, boys_NNS were_BED hired_VBN to_TO dri
ve_VB them_PPO to_IN and_CC from_IN the_AT pasture_NN on_IN the_AT edge_NN of_IN
town_NN ,_, and_CC familiar_JJ to_IN the_AT ear_NN ,_, morning_NN and_CC evenin
g_NN ,_, were_BED the_AT boys'_NNS$ coaxing_VBG voices_NNS ,_, the_AT thud_NN of
_IN hooves_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT thwack_NN of_IN a_AT stick_NN on_IN cowhide_NN
._. It_PPS is_BEZ worth_JJ dwelling_VBG in_IN some_DTI detail_NN on_IN the_AT cr
isis_NN of_IN this_DT story_NN ,_, because_CS it_PPS brings_VBZ together_RB a_AT
number_NN of_IN characteristic_JJ elements_NNS and_CC makes_VBZ of_IN them_PPO
a_AT curious_JJ ,_, riddling_VBG compound_NN obscurely_RB but_CC centrally_QL si
gnificant_JJ for_IN Mann's_NP$ work_NN ._. The_AT wife_NN ,_, Amra_NP ,_, and_CC
her_PP$ lover_NN are_BER both_ABX savagely_QL portrayed_VBN ,_, she_PPS as_CS i
ncarnate_JJ sensuality_NN ,_, ``_`` voluptuous_JJ ''_'' and_CC ``_`` indolent_JJ
''_'' ,_, possibly_RB ``_`` a_AT mischief_NN maker_NN ''_'' ,_, with_IN ``_`` a
_AT kind_NN of_IN luxurious_JJ cunning_NN ''_'' to_TO set_VB against_IN her_PP$
apparent_JJ simplicity_NN ,_, her_PP$ ``_`` birdlike_JJ brain_NN ''_'' ._. Lautn
er_NP ,_, for_IN his_PP$ part_NN ,_, ``_`` belonged_VBD to_IN the_AT present-day
_JJ race_NN of_IN small_JJ artists_NNS ,_, who_WPS do_DO not_* demand_VB the_AT
utmost_NN of_IN themselves_PPLS ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT bitter_JJ description_NN
of_IN the_AT type_NN includes_VBZ such_JJ epithets_NNS as_CS ``_`` wretched_JJ
little_JJ poseurs_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT devastating_VBG indictment_NN ``_`` they_
PPSS do_DO not_* know_VB how_WRB to_TO be_BE wretched_JJ decently_RB and_CC in_I
N order_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC the_AT somewhat_QL extreme_JJ prophecy_NN ,_, so_QL
far_RB not_* fulfilled_VBN :_: ``_`` They_PPSS will_MD be_BE destroyed_VBN ''_''
._. The_AT trick_NN these_DTS two_CD play_VB upon_IN Jacoby_NP reveals_VBZ thei
r_PP$ want_NN not_* simply_RB of_IN decency_NN but_CC of_IN imagination_NN as_QL
well_RB ._. His_PP$ appearance_NN as_CS Lizzy_NP evokes_VBZ not_* amusement_NN
but_CC horror_NN in_IN the_AT audience_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT spectacle_N
N absolutely_QL painful_JJ ,_, an_AT epiphany_NN of_IN the_AT suffering_VBG fles
h_NN unredeemed_JJ by_IN spirit_NN ,_, untouched_JJ by_IN any_DTI spirit_NN othe
r_AP than_CS abasement_NN and_CC humiliation_NN ._. At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN
the_AT multiple_JJ transvestitism_NN involved_VBD --_-- the_AT fat_JJ man_NN as
_CS girl_NN and_CC as_CS baby_NN ,_, as_CS coquette_NN pretending_VBG to_TO be_B
E a_AT baby_NN --_-- touches_VBZ for_IN a_AT moment_NN horrifyingly_RB upon_IN t
he_AT secret_JJ sources_NNS of_IN a_AT life_NN like_CS Jacoby's_NP$ ,_, upon_IN
the_AT sinister_JJ dreams_NNS which_WDT form_VB the_AT sources_NNS of_IN any_DTI
human_JJ life_NN ._. The_AT music_NN which_WDT Lautner_NP has_HVZ composed_VBN
for_IN this_DT episode_NN is_BEZ for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN ``_`` rather_QL p
retty_JJ and_CC perfectly_QL banal_JJ ''_'' ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ characteris
tic_JJ of_IN him_PPO ,_, we_PPSS are_BER told_VBN ,_, ``_`` his_PP$ little_JJ ar
tifice_NN ''_'' ,_, to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO introduce_VB ``_`` into_IN a_AT fa
irly_QL vulgar_JJ and_CC humorous_JJ piece_NN of_IN hackwork_NN a_AT sudden_JJ p
hrase_NN of_IN genuine_JJ creative_JJ art_NN ''_'' ._. And_CC this_DT occurs_VBZ
now_RB ,_, at_IN the_AT refrain_NN of_IN Jacoby's_NP$ song_NN --_-- at_IN the_A
T point_NN ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT name_NN ``_`` Lizzy_NP ''_'' --_--
;_. ;_. a_AT modulation_NN described_VBN as_CS ``_`` almost_RB a_AT stroke_NN o
f_IN genius_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` A_AT miracle_NN ,_, a_AT revelation_NN ,_, it_PPS
was_BEDZ like_CS a_AT curtain_NN suddenly_RB torn_VBN away_RB to_TO reveal_VB s
omething_PN nude_JJ ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT modulation_NN which_WDT reve
als_VBZ to_IN Jacoby_NP his_PP$ own_JJ frightful_JJ abjection_NN and_CC ,_, simu
ltaneously_RB ,_, his_PP$ wife's_NN$ infidelity_NN ._. By_IN the_AT same_AP mean
s_NNS he_PPS perceives_VBZ this_DT fact_NN as_CS having_HVG communicated_VBN its
elf_PPL to_IN the_AT audience_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS collapses_VBZ ,_, and_CC dies_VB
Z ._. In_IN the_AT work_NN of_IN every_AT artist_NN ,_, I_PPSS suppose_VB ,_, th
ere_EX may_MD be_BE found_VBN one_CD or_CC more_AP moments_NNS which_WDT strike_
VB the_AT student_NN as_QL absolutely_QL decisive_JJ ,_, ultimately_QL emblemati
c_JJ of_IN what_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ all_ABN about_IN ;_. ;_. not_* less_QL strikin
gly_RB so_RB for_IN being_BEG mysterious_JJ ,_, as_CS though_CS some_DTI deeply_
QL hidden_VBN constatation_NN of_IN thoughts_NNS were_BED enciphered_VBN in_IN a
_AT single_AP image_NN ,_, a_AT single_AP moment_NN ._. So_RB here_RB ._. The_AT
horrifying_JJ humor_NN ,_, the_AT specifically_QL sexual_JJ embarrassment_NN of
_IN the_AT joke_NN gone_VBN wrong_JJ ,_, the_AT monstrous_JJ image_NN of_IN the_
AT fat_JJ man_NN dressed_VBN up_RP as_CS a_AT whore_NN dressing_VBG up_RP as_CS
a_AT baby_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT epiphany_NN of_IN that_DT quivering_VBG flesh_NN ;_.
;_. the_AT bringing_NN together_RB around_IN it_PPO of_IN the_AT secret_JJ liai
son_NN between_IN indolent_JJ ,_, mindless_JJ sensuality_NN and_CC sharp_JJ ,_,
shrewd_JJ talent_NN ,_, cleverness_NN with_IN an_AT occasional_JJ touch_NN of_IN
genius_NN (_( which_WDT ,_, however_RB ,_, does_DOZ not_* know_VB ``_`` how_WRB
to_TO attack_VB the_AT problem_NN of_IN suffering_VBG ''_'' )_) ;_. ;_. the_AT
miraculous_JJ way_NN in_IN which_WDT music_NN ,_, revelation_NN and_CC death_NN
are_BER associated_VBN in_IN a_AT single_AP instant_NN --_-- all_ABN this_DT see
ms_VBZ a_AT triumph_NN of_IN art_NN ,_, a_AT rather_QL desperate_JJ art_NN ,_, i
n_IN itself_PPL ;_. ;_. beyond_IN itself_PPL ,_, also_RB ,_, it_PPS evokes_VBZ n
umerous_JJ and_CC distant_JJ resonances_NNS from_IN the_AT entire_JJ body_NN of_
IN Mann's_NP$ work_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS try_VB to_TO work_VB out_RP my_PP$ rea
sons_NNS for_IN feeling_VBG that_CS this_DT passage_NN is_BEZ of_IN critical_JJ
significance_NN ,_, I_PPSS come_VB up_RP with_IN the_AT following_VBG ideas_NNS
,_, which_WDT I_PPSS shall_MD express_VB very_QL briefly_RB here_RB and_CC rever
t_VB to_IN in_IN a_AT later_JJR essay_NN ._. Love_NN is_BEZ the_AT crucial_JJ di
lemma_NN of_IN experience_NN for_IN Mann's_NP$ heroes_NNS ._. The_AT dramatic_JJ
construction_NN of_IN his_PP$ stories_NNS characteristically_RB turns_VBZ on_IN
a_AT situation_NN in_IN which_WDT someone_PN is_BEZ simultaneously_RB compelled
_VBN and_CC forbidden_VBN to_TO love_VB ._. The_AT release_NN ,_, the_AT freedom
_NN ,_, involved_VBN in_IN loving_VBG another_DT is_BEZ either_CC terribly_QL di
fficult_JJ or_CC else_RB absolutely_QL impossible_JJ ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT motio
n_NN toward_IN it_PPO brings_VBZ disaster_NN ._. This_DT prohibition_NN on_IN lo
ve_NN has_HVZ an_AT especially_QL poignant_JJ relation_NN to_IN art_NN ;_. ;_. i
t_PPS is_BEZ particularly_RB the_AT artist_NN (_( Tonio_NP Kroger_NP ,_, Aschenb
ach_NP ,_, Leverkuhn_NP )_) who_WPS suffers_VBZ from_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT specif
ic_JJ analogy_NN to_IN the_AT dilemma_NN of_IN love_NN is_BEZ the_AT problem_NN
of_IN the_AT ``_`` breakthrough_NN ''_'' in_IN the_AT realm_NN of_IN art_NN ._.
Again_RB ,_, the_AT sufferings_NNS and_CC disasters_NNS produced_VBN by_IN any_D
TI transgression_NN against_IN the_AT commandment_NN not_* to_IN love_NN are_BER
almost_QL invariably_RB associated_VBN in_IN one_CD way_NN or_CC another_DT wit
h_IN childhood_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT figure_NN of_IN a_AT child_NN ._. Finally_R
B ,_, the_AT theatrical_JJ (_( and_CC perversely_QL erotic_JJ )_) notions_NNS of
_IN dressing_VBG up_RP ,_, cosmetics_NNS ,_, disguise_NN ,_, and_CC especially_R
B change_NN of_IN costume_NN (_( or_CC singularity_NN of_IN costume_NN ,_, as_CS
with_IN Cipolla_NP )_) ,_, are_BER characteristically_RB associated_VBN with_IN
the_AT catastrophes_NNS of_IN Mann's_NP$ stories_NNS ._. We_PPSS shall_MD retur
n_VB to_IN these_DTS statements_NNS and_CC deal_VB with_IN them_PPO more_QL full
y_RB as_CS the_AT evidence_NN for_IN them_PPO accumulates_VBZ ._. For_IN the_AT
present_NN it_PPS is_BEZ enough_AP to_TO note_VB that_DT in_IN the_AT grotesque_
JJ figure_NN of_IN Jacoby_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT moment_NN of_IN his_PP$ collapse_N
N ,_, all_ABN these_DTS elements_NNS come_VB together_RB in_IN prophetic_JJ paro
dy_NN ._. Professionally_RB a_AT lawyer_NN ,_, that_DT is_BEZ to_TO say_VB assoc
iated_VBN with_IN dignity_NN ,_, reserve_NN ,_, discipline_NN ,_, with_IN much_A
P that_WPS is_BEZ essentially_QL middle-class_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ compelled_VBN
by_IN an_AT impossible_JJ love_NN to_TO exhibit_VB himself_PPL dressed_VBN up_R
P ,_, disguised_VBN --_-- that_DT is_BEZ ,_, paradoxically_RB ,_, revealed_VBN -
-_-- as_CS a_AT child_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, worse_JJR ,_, as_CS a_AT whore_NN masque
rading_VBG as_CS a_AT child_NN ._. That_CS this_DT abandonment_NN takes_VBZ plac
e_NN on_IN a_AT stage_NN ,_, during_IN an_AT '_' artistic_JJ '_' performance_NN
,_, is_BEZ enough_AP to_TO associate_VB Jacoby_NP with_IN art_NN ,_, and_CC to_T
O bring_VB down_RP upon_IN him_PPO the_AT punishment_NN for_IN art_NN ;_. ;_. th
at_DT is_BEZ ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ suspect_JJ ,_, guilty_JJ ,_, punishable_JJ ,_, as
_CS is_BEZ anyone_PN in_IN Mann's_NP$ stories_NNS who_WPS produces_VBZ illusion_
NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ even_RB though_CS the_AT constant_JJ elemen
ts_NNS of_IN the_AT artist-nature_NN ,_, technique_NN ,_, magic_NN ,_, guilt_NN
and_CC suffering_VBG ,_, are_BER divided_VBN in_IN this_DT story_NN between_IN J
acoby_NP and_CC Lautner_NP ._. It_PPS appears_VBZ that_CS the_AT dominant_JJ ten
dency_NN of_IN Mann's_NP$ early_JJ tales_NNS ,_, however_WQL pictorial_JJ or_CC
even_RB picturesque_JJ the_AT surface_NN ,_, is_BEZ already_RB toward_IN the_AT
symbolic_JJ ,_, the_AT emblematic_JJ ,_, the_AT expressionistic_JJ ._. In_IN a_A
T certain_JJ perfectly_QL definite_JJ way_NN ,_, the_AT method_NN and_CC the_AT
theme_NN of_IN his_PP$ stories_NNS are_BER one_CD and_CC the_AT same_AP ._. Some
thing_PN of_IN this_DT can_MD be_BE learned_VBN from_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Way_NN-T
L To_IN-TL The_AT-TL Churchyard_NN-TL ''_'' (_( 1901_CD )_) ,_, an_AT anecdote_N
N about_IN an_AT old_JJ failure_NN whose_WP$ fit_NN of_IN anger_NN at_IN a_AT pa
ssing_VBG cyclist_NN causes_VBZ him_PPO to_TO die_VB of_IN a_AT stroke_NN or_CC
seizure_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT more_AP ``_`` plot_NN ''_'' than_CS that_DT
;_. ;_. only_RB slightly_QL more_AP ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, than_CS a_AT newspaper_N
N account_NN of_IN such_ABL an_AT incident_NN would_MD give_VB ._. The_AT artist
ic_JJ interest_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, lies_VBZ in_IN what_WDT the_AT encounter_NN ma
y_MD be_BE made_VBN to_TO represent_VB ,_, in_IN the_AT power_NN of_IN some_DTI
central_JJ significance_NN to_TO draw_VB the_AT details_NNS into_IN relevance_NN
and_CC meaningfulness_NN ._. The_AT first_OD sentence_NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$ pl
atitudinous_JJ irony_NN ,_, announces_VBZ an_AT emblematic_JJ intent_NN :_: ``_`
` The_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT churchyard_NN ran_VBD along_RB beside_IN the_AT hig
hroad_NN ,_, ran_VBD beside_IN it_PPO all_ABN the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT end_NN
;_. ;_. that_DT is_BEZ to_TO say_VB ,_, to_IN the_AT churchyard_NN ''_'' ._. And
_CC the_AT action_NN is_BEZ consistently_RB presented_VBN with_IN regard_NN for_
IN this_DT distinction_NN ._. The_AT highroad_NN ,_, one_PN might_MD say_VB at_I
N first_RB ,_, belongs_VBZ to_IN life_NN ,_, while_CS the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT
churchyard_NN belongs_VBZ to_IN death_NN ._. But_CC that_DT is_BEZ too_QL simpl
e_JJ ,_, and_CC won't_MD* hold_VB up_RP ._. As_CS the_AT first_OD sentence_NN su
ggests_VBZ ,_, both_ABX roads_NNS belong_VB to_IN death_NN in_IN the_AT end_NN .
_. But_CC the_AT highroad_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN the_AT description_NN of_IN
its_PP$ traffic_NN ,_, belongs_VBZ to_IN life_NN as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ lived_VBN i
n_IN unawareness_NN of_IN death_NN ,_, while_CS the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT churc
hyard_NN belongs_VBZ to_IN some_DTI other_AP sort_NN of_IN life_NN :_: a_AT suff
ering_VBG form_NN ,_, an_AT existence_NN wholly_QL comprised_VBN in_IN the_AT aw
areness_NN of_IN death_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, on_IN the_AT highroad_NN ,_, a_AT troo
p_NN of_IN soldiers_NNS ``_`` marched_VBD in_IN their_PP$ own_JJ dust_NN and_CC
sang_VBD ''_'' ,_, while_CS on_IN the_AT footpath_NN one_CD man_NN walks_VBZ alo
ne_RB ._. This_DT man's_NN$ isolation_NN is_BEZ not_* merely_RB momentary_JJ ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ permanent_JJ ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT widower_NN ,_, his_PP$ three_
CD children_NNS are_BER dead_JJ ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ no_AT one_PN left_VBN on_IN e
arth_NN ;_. ;_. also_RB he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT drunk_NN ,_, and_CC has_HVZ lost_VBN
his_PP$ job_NN on_IN that_DT account_NN ._. His_PP$ name_NN is_BEZ Praisegod_NP
Piepsam_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ rather_QL fully_RB described_VBN as_IN to_IN
his_PP$ clothing_NN and_CC physiognomy_NN in_IN a_AT way_NN which_WDT relates_V
BZ him_PPO to_IN a_AT sinister_JJ type_NN in_IN the_AT author's_NN$ repertory_NN
--_-- he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT forerunner_NN of_IN those_DTS enigmatic_JJ strangers_N
NS in_IN ``_`` Death_NN-TL In_IN-TL Venice_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_,
who_WPS represent_VB some_DTI combination_NN of_IN cadaver_NN ,_, exotic_JJ ,_,
and_CC psychopomp_NN ._. This_DT strange_JJ person_NN quarrels_VBZ with_IN a_AT
cyclist_NN because_CS the_AT latter_AP is_BEZ using_VBG the_AT path_NN rather_I
N than_IN the_AT highroad_NN ._. The_AT cyclist_NN ,_, a_AT sufficiently_QL comm
onplace_JJ young_JJ fellow_NN ,_, is_BEZ not_* named_VBN but_CC identified_VBN s
imply_RB as_CS ``_`` Life_NN-TL ''_'' --_-- that_DT and_CC a_AT license_NN numbe
r_NN ,_, which_WDT Piepsam_NP uses_VBZ in_IN addressing_VBG him_PPO ._. ``_`` Li
fe_NN ''_'' points_VBZ out_RP that_CS ``_`` everybody_PN uses_VBZ this_DT path_N
N ''_'' ,_, and_CC starts_VBZ to_TO ride_VB on_RP ._. Piepsam_NP tries_VBZ to_TO
stop_VB him_PPO by_IN force_NN ,_, receives_VBZ a_AT push_NN in_IN the_AT chest
_NN from_IN ``_`` Life_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC is_BEZ left_VBN standing_VBG in_IN
impotent_JJ and_CC growing_VBG rage_NN ,_, while_CS a_AT crowd_NN begins_VBZ to
_TO gather_VB ._. His_PP$ rage_NN assumes_VBZ a_AT religious_JJ form_NN ;_. ;_.
that_DT is_BEZ ,_, on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ sinfulness_NN and_
CC abject_JJ wretchedness_NN ,_, Piepsam_NP becomes_VBZ a_AT prophet_NN who_WPS
in_IN his_PP$ ecstasy_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN God_NP imprecates_VBZ
doom_NN on_IN Life_NN-TL --_-- not_* only_RB the_AT cyclist_NN now_RB ,_, but_C
C the_AT audience_NN ,_, the_AT world_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB :_: ``_`` all_ABN you
_PPSS light-headed_JJ breed_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT passion_NN brings_VBZ on_IN a_A
T fit_NN which_WDT proves_VBZ fatal_JJ ._. Then_RB an_AT ambulance_NN comes_VBZ
along_RB ,_, and_CC they_PPSS drive_VB Praisegod_NP Piepsam_NP away_RB ._. This_
DT is_BEZ simple_JJ enough_QLP ,_, but_CC several_AP more_AP points_NNS of_IN in
terest_NN may_MD be_BE mentioned_VBN as_CS relevant_JJ ._. The_AT season_NN ,_,
between_IN spring_NN and_CC summer_NN ,_, belongs_VBZ to_IN life_NN in_IN its_PP
$ carefree_JJ aspect_NN ._. Piepsam's_NP$ fatal_JJ rage_NN arises_VBZ not_* only
_RB because_CS he_PPS cannot_MD* stop_VB the_AT cyclist_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB be
cause_CS God_NP will_MD not_* stop_VB him_PPO ;_. ;_. as_CS Piepsam_NP says_VBZ
to_IN the_AT crowd_NN in_IN his_PP$ last_AP moments_NNS :_: ``_`` His_PP$ justic
e_NN is_BEZ not_* of_IN this_DT world_NN ''_'' ._. Life_NN is_BEZ further_RBR ch
aracterized_VBN ,_, in_IN antithesis_NN to_IN Piepsam_NP ,_, as_CS animal_NN :_:
the_AT image_NN of_IN a_AT dog_NN ,_, which_WDT appears_VBZ at_IN several_AP pl
aces_NNS ,_, is_BEZ first_RB given_VBN as_CS the_AT criterion_NN of_IN amiable_J
J ,_, irrelevant_JJ interest_NN aroused_VBN by_IN life_NN considered_VBN simply_
RB as_CS a_AT spectacle_NN :_: a_AT dog_NN in_IN a_AT wagon_NN is_BEZ ``_`` admi
rable_JJ ''_'' ,_, ``_`` a_AT pleasure_NN to_TO contemplate_VB ''_'' ;_. ;_. ano
ther_DT wagon_NN has_HVZ no_AT dog_NN ,_, and_CC therefore_RB is_BEZ ``_`` devoi
d_JJ of_IN interest_NN ''_'' ._. Piepsam_NP calls_VBZ the_AT cyclist_NN ``_`` cu
r_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` puppy_NN ''_'' among_IN other_AP things_NNS ,_, and_CC a
t_IN the_AT crisis_NN of_IN his_PP$ fit_NN a_AT little_JJ fox-terrier_NN stands_
VBZ before_IN him_PPO and_CC howls_VBZ into_IN his_PP$ face_NN ._. The_AT ambula
nce_NN is_BEZ drawn_VBN by_IN two_CD ``_`` charming_JJ ''_'' little_JJ horses_NN
S ._. Piepsam_NP is_BEZ not_* ,_, certainly_RB ,_, religious_JJ in_IN any_DTI co
nventional_JJ sense_NN ._. His_PP$ religiousness_NN is_BEZ intimately_RB ,_, or_
CC dialectically_RB ,_, connected_VBN with_IN his_PP$ sinfulness_NN ;_. ;_. the_
AT two_CD may_MD in_IN fact_NN be_BE identical_JJ ._. His_PP$ unsuccessful_JJ st
rivings_NNS to_TO give_VB up_RP drink_NN are_BER represented_VBN as_QL religious
_JJ strivings_NNS ;_. ;_. he_PPS keeps_VBZ a_AT bottle_NN in_IN a_AT wardrobe_NN
at_IN home_NN ,_, and_CC ``_`` before_IN this_DT wardrobe_NN Praisegod_NP Pieps
am_NP had_HVD before_IN now_RB gone_VBN literally_RB on_IN his_PP$ knees_NNS ,_,
and_CC in_IN his_PP$ wrestlings_NNS had_HVD bitten_VBN his_PP$ tongue_NN --_--
and_CC still_RB in_IN the_AT end_NN capitulated_VBD ''_'' ._. The_AT cyclist_NN
,_, by_IN contrast_NN ,_, blond_JJ and_CC blue-eyed_JJ ,_, is_BEZ simply_RB unre
flective_JJ ,_, unproblematic_JJ Life_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` blithe_JJ and_CC carefree_
JJ ''_'' ._. ``_`` He_PPS made_VBD no_AT claims_NNS to_TO belong_VB to_IN the_AT
great_JJ and_CC mighty_JJ of_IN this_DT earth_NN ''_'' ._. Piepsam_NP is_BEZ gr
otesque_JJ ,_, a_AT disturbing_JJ parody_NN ;_. ;_. his_PP$ end_NN is_BEZ ridicu
lous_JJ and_CC trivial_JJ ._. He_PPS is_BEZ ``_`` a_AT man_NN raving_QL mad_JJ o
n_IN the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT churchyard_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC he_PPS is_BEZ mor
e_QL interesting_JJ than_CS the_AT others_NNS ,_, the_AT ones_NNS who_WPS come_V
B from_IN the_AT highroad_NN to_TO watch_VB him_PPO ,_, more_QL interesting_JJ t
han_CS Life_NN-TL considered_VBN as_CS a_AT cyclist_NN ._. And_CC if_CS I_PPSS h
ave_HV gone_VBN into_IN so_QL much_AP detail_NN about_IN so_QL small_JJ a_AT wor
k_NN ,_, that_DT is_BEZ because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB so_QL typical_JJ a_AT w
ork_NN ,_, representing_VBG the_AT germinal_JJ form_NN of_IN a_AT conflict_NN wh
ich_WDT remains_VBZ essential_JJ in_IN Mann's_NP$ writing_NN :_: the_AT crude_JJ
sketch_NN of_IN Piepsam_NP contains_VBZ ,_, in_IN its_PP$ critical_JJ ,_, destr
uctive_JJ and_CC self-destructive_JJ tendencies_NNS ,_, much_AP that_WPS is_BEZ
enlarged_VBN and_CC illuminated_VBN in_IN the_AT figures_NNS of_IN ,_, for_IN in
stance_NN ,_, Naphta_NP and_CC Leverkuhn_NP ._. In_IN method_NN as_QL well_RB as
_CS in_IN theme_NN this_DT little_JJ anecdote_NN with_IN its_PP$ details_NNS sel
ected_VBN as_QL much_RB for_IN expressiveness_NN and_CC allegory_NN as_CS for_IN
``_`` realism_NN ''_'' ,_, anticipates_VBZ a_AT kind_NN of_IN musical_JJ compos
ition_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN fictional_JJ composition_NN
,_, in_IN which_WDT ,_, as_CS Leverkuhn_NP says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` there_EX shall_MD
be_BE nothing_PN unthematic_JJ ''_'' ._. It_PPS resembles_VBZ ,_, too_RB ,_, pic
tures_NNS such_JJ as_CS Durer_NP and_CC Bruegel_NP did_DOD ,_, in_IN which_WDT a
ll_ABN that_WPS looks_VBZ at_IN first_RB to_TO be_BE solely_QL pictorial_JJ prov
es_VBZ on_IN inspection_NN to_TO be_BE also_RB literary_JJ ,_, the_AT representa
tion_NN of_IN a_AT proverb_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT deadly_JJ sin
_NN ._. ``_`` Gladius_FW-NN-TL Dei_FW-NN$-TL ''_'' (_( 1902_CD )_) resembles_VBZ
``_`` The_AT-TL Way_NN-TL To_IN-TL The_AT-TL Churchyard_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN its_P
P$ representation_NN of_IN a_AT conflict_NN between_IN light_NN and_CC dark_NN ,
_, between_IN ``_`` Life_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC a_AT spirit_NN of_IN criticism_NN ,_
, negation_NN ,_, melancholy_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS goes_VBZ considerably_QL furth
er_RBR in_IN characterizing_VBG the_AT elements_NNS of_IN this_DT conflict_NN ._
. The_AT monk_NN Savonarola_NP ,_, brought_VBN over_RP from_IN the_AT Renaissanc
e_NN-TL and_CC placed_VBN against_IN the_AT background_NN of_IN Munich_NP at_IN
the_AT turn_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN ,_, protests_VBZ against_IN the_AT luxuri
ous_JJ works_NNS displayed_VBN in_IN the_AT art-shop_NN of_IN M._NP Bluthenzweig
_NP ;_. ;_. in_IN particular_JJ against_IN a_AT Madonna_NP portrayed_VBN in_IN a
_AT voluptuous_JJ style_NN and_CC modeled_VBN ,_, according_IN to_IN gossip_NN ,
_, upon_IN the_AT painter's_NN$ mistress_NN ._. Hieronymus_NP ,_, like_CS Piepsa
m_NP ,_, makes_VBZ his_PP$ protest_NN quite_QL in_IN vain_JJ ,_, and_CC his_PP$
rejection_NN ,_, though_CS not_* fatal_JJ ,_, is_BEZ ridiculous_JJ and_CC humili
ating_JJ ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ simply_RB thrown_VBN out_IN of_IN the_AT shop_NN
by_IN the_AT porter_NN ._. On_IN the_AT street_NN outside_RB ,_, Hieronymus_NP e
nvisions_VBZ a_AT holocaust_NN of_IN the_AT vanities_NNS of_IN this_DT world_NN
,_, such_ABL a_AT burning_NN of_IN artistic_JJ and_CC erotic_JJ productions_NNS
as_CS his_PP$ namesake_NN actually_RB brought_VBD to_TO pass_VB in_IN Florence_N
P ,_, and_CC prophetically_RB he_PPS issues_VBZ his_PP$ curse_NN :_: ``_`` Gladi
us_FW-NN Dei_FW-NN$-TL super_FW-IN terram_FW-NN cito_FW-RB et_FW-CC velociter_FW
-RB ''_'' ._. The_AT ``_`` reality_NN ''_'' to_IN which_WDT they_PPSS respond_VB
is_BEZ rationally_QL empty_JJ and_CC their_PP$ art_NN is_BEZ an_AT imitation_NN
of_IN the_AT inescapable_JJ powerfulness_NN of_IN this_DT unknown_JJ and_CC emp
ty_JJ world_NN ._. Their_PP$ artistic_JJ rationale_NN is_BEZ given_VBN to_IN the
_AT witness_NN of_IN unreason_NN ._. These_DTS polar_JJ concerns_NNS (_( imitati
on_NN vs._IN formalism_NN )_) reflect_VB a_AT philosophical_JJ and_CC religious_
JJ situation_NN which_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN developing_VBG over_IN a_AT long_JJ p
eriod_NN of_IN time_NN ._. The_AT breakdown_NN of_IN classical_JJ structures_NNS
of_IN meaning_NN in_IN all_ABN realms_NNS of_IN western_JJ culture_NN has_HVZ g
iven_VBN rise_NN to_IN several_AP generations_NNS of_IN artists_NNS who_WPS have
_HV documented_VBN the_AT disintegrative_JJ processes_NNS ._. Thus_RB the_AT ima
ge_NN of_IN man_NN has_HVZ suffered_VBN complete_JJ fragmentation_NN in_IN perso
nal_JJ and_CC spiritual_JJ qualities_NNS ,_, and_CC complete_JJ objectification_
NN in_IN sub-human_JJ and_CC quasi-mechanistic_JJ powers_NNS ._. The_AT image_NN
of_IN the_AT world_NN tends_VBZ to_TO reflect_VB the_AT hostility_NN and_CC ind
ifference_NN of_IN man_NN or_CC else_RB to_TO dissolve_VB into_IN empty_JJ space
s_NNS and_CC overwhelming_JJ mystery_NN ._. The_AT image_NN of_IN God_NP has_HVZ
simply_RB disappeared_VBN ._. All_ABN such_JJ imitations_NNS of_IN negative_JJ
quality_NN have_HV given_VBN rise_NN to_IN a_AT compensatory_JJ response_NN in_I
N the_AT form_NN of_IN a_AT heroic_JJ and_CC highly_QL individualistic_JJ humani
sm_NN :_: if_CS man_NN can_MD neither_CC know_VB nor_CC love_VB reality_NN as_CS
it_PPS is_BEZ ,_, he_PPS can_MD at_IN least_AP invent_VB an_AT artistic_JJ ``_`
` reality_NN ''_'' which_WDT is_BEZ its_PP$ own_JJ world_NN and_CC which_WDT can
_MD speak_VB to_IN man_NN of_IN purely_QL personal_JJ and_CC subjective_JJ quali
ties_NNS capable_JJ of_IN being_BEG known_VBN and_CC worthy_JJ of_IN being_BEG l
oved_VBN ._. The_AT person_NN of_IN the_AT artist_NN becomes_VBZ a_AT final_JJ b
astion_NN of_IN meaning_NN in_IN a_AT world_NN rendered_VBN meaningless_JJ by_IN
the_AT march_NN of_IN events_NNS and_CC the_AT decay_NN of_IN classical_JJ reli
gious_JJ and_CC philosophical_JJ systems_NNS ._. Whatever_WDT pole_NN of_IN this
_DT contrast_NN one_PN emphasizes_VBZ and_CC whatever_WDT the_AT tension_NN betw
een_IN these_DTS two_CD approaches_NNS to_IN understanding_VBG the_AT artistic_J
J imagination_NN ,_, it_PPS will_MD be_BE readily_RB seen_VBN that_CS they_PPSS
are_BER not_* mutually_QL exclusive_JJ ,_, that_CS they_PPSS belong_VB together_
RB ._. Without_IN the_AT decay_NN of_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN objective_JJ referen
ce_NN (_( except_IN as_CS the_AT imitation_NN of_IN mystery_NN )_) ,_, the_AT st
ress_NN on_IN subjective_JJ invention_NN would_MD never_RB have_HV been_BEN stim
ulated_VBN into_IN being_BEG ._. And_CC although_CS these_DTS insights_NNS into_
IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN art_NN may_MD be_BE in_IN themselves_PPLS insufficient
_JJ for_IN a_AT thoroughgoing_JJ philosophy_NN of_IN art_NN ,_, their_PP$ peculi
ar_JJ authenticity_NN in_IN this_DT day_NN and_CC age_NN requires_VBZ that_CS th
ey_PPSS be_BE taken_VBN seriously_RB and_CC gives_VBZ promise_NN that_CS from_IN
their_PP$ very_QL substance_NN ,_, new_JJ and_CC valid_JJ chapters_NNS in_IN th
e_AT philosophy_NN of_IN art_NN may_MD be_BE written_VBN ._. For_IN better_JJR o
r_CC worse_JJR we_PPSS cannot_MD* regard_VB ``_`` imitation_NN ''_'' in_IN the_A
T arts_NNS in_IN the_AT simple_JJ mode_NN of_IN classical_JJ rationalism_NN or_C
C detached_VBN realism_NN ._. A_AT broader_JJR concept_NN of_IN imitation_NN is_
BEZ needed_VBN ,_, one_CD which_WDT acknowledges_VBZ that_CS true_JJ invention_N
N is_BEZ important_JJ ,_, that_CS the_AT artist's_NN$ creativity_NN in_IN part_N
N transcends_VBZ the_AT non-artistic_JJ causal_JJ factors_NNS out_IN of_IN which
_WDT it_PPS arises_VBZ ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, we_PPSS cannot_MD*
regard_VB artistic_JJ invention_NN as_CS pure_JJ ,_, uncaused_JJ ,_, and_CC unre
lated_JJ to_IN the_AT times_NNS in_IN which_WDT it_PPS occurs_VBZ ._. We_PPSS ne
ed_MD a_AT doctrine_NN of_IN imitation_NN to_TO save_VB us_PPO from_IN the_AT so
lipsism_NN and_CC futility_NN of_IN pure_JJ formalism_NN ._. Accordingly_RB ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT aim_NN of_IN this_DT essay_NN to_TO advance_VB a_AT new_JJ
theory_NN of_IN imitation_NN (_( which_WDT I_PPSS shall_MD call_VB mimesis_NN in
_IN order_NN to_TO distinguish_VB it_PPO from_IN earlier_JJR theories_NNS of_IN
imitation_NN )_) and_CC a_AT new_JJ theory_NN of_IN invention_NN (_( which_WDT I
_PPSS shall_MD call_VB symbol_NN for_IN reasons_NNS to_TO be_BE stated_VBN herea
fter_RB )_) ._. The_AT mimetic_JJ imagination_NN in_IN the_AT arts_NNS The_AT wo
rd_NN ``_`` mimesis_NN ''_'' (_( ``_`` imitation_NN ''_'' )_) is_BEZ usually_RB
associated_VBN with_IN Plato_NP and_CC Aristotle_NP ._. For_IN Plato_NP ,_, ``_`
` imitation_NN ''_'' is_BEZ twice_RB removed_VBN from_IN reality_NN ,_, being_BE
G a_AT poor_JJ copy_NN of_IN physical_JJ appearance_NN ,_, which_WDT in_IN itsel
f_PPL is_BEZ a_AT poor_JJ copy_NN of_IN ideal_JJ essence_NN ._. All_ABN artistic
_JJ and_CC mythological_JJ representations_NNS ,_, therefore_RB ,_, are_BER ``_`
` imitations_NNS of_IN imitations_NNS ''_'' and_CC are_BER completely_QL superse
ded_VBN by_IN the_AT truth_NN value_NN of_IN ``_`` dialectic_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT
proper_JJ use_NN of_IN the_AT inquiring_VBG intellect_NN ._. In_IN Plato's_NP$
judgment_NN ,_, the_AT arts_NNS play_VB a_AT meaningful_JJ role_NN in_IN society
_NN only_RB in_IN the_AT education_NN of_IN the_AT young_JJ ,_, prior_RB to_IN t
he_AT full_JJ development_NN of_IN their_PP$ intellectual_JJ powers_NNS ._. Pres
upposed_VBN in_IN Plato's_NP$ system_NN is_BEZ a_AT doctrine_NN of_IN levels_NNS
of_IN insight_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT a_AT certain_JJ kind_NN of_IN detached_VBN
understanding_NN is_BEZ alone_RB capable_JJ of_IN penetrating_VBG to_IN the_AT
most_QL sublime_JJ wisdom_NN ._. Aristotle_NP also_RB tended_VBD to_TO stratify_
VB all_ABN aspects_NNS of_IN human_JJ nature_NN and_CC activity_NN into_IN level
s_NNS of_IN excellence_NN and_CC ,_, like_CS Plato_NP ,_, he_PPS put_VBD the_AT
pure_JJ and_CC unimpassioned_JJ intellect_NN on_IN the_AT top_JJS level_NN ._. T
he_AT Poetics_NN-TL ,_, in_IN affirming_VBG that_CS all_ABN human_JJ arts_NNS ar
e_BER ``_`` modes_NNS of_IN imitation_NN ''_'' ,_, gives_VBZ a_AT more_QL seriou
s_JJ role_NN to_IN artistic_JJ mimesis_NN than_CS did_DOD Plato_NP ._. But_CC Ar
istotle_NP kept_VBD the_AT principle_NN of_IN levels_NNS and_CC even_RB augmente
d_VBD it_PPO by_IN describing_VBG in_IN the_AT Poetics_NN-TL what_WDT kinds_NNS
of_IN character_NN and_CC action_NN must_MD be_BE imitated_VBN if_CS the_AT play
_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE a_AT vehicle_NN of_IN serious_JJ and_CC important_JJ huma
n_JJ truths_NNS ._. For_IN both_ABX Plato_NP and_CC Aristotle_NP artistic_JJ mim
esis_NN ,_, in_IN contrast_NN to_IN the_AT power_NN of_IN dialectic_NN ,_, is_BE
Z relatively_QL incapable_JJ of_IN expressing_VBG the_AT character_NN of_IN fund
amental_JJ reality_NN ._. The_AT central_JJ concern_NN of_IN Erich_NP Auerbach's
_NP$ impressive_JJ volume_NN called_VBN Mimesis_NN-TL is_BEZ to_TO describe_VB t
he_AT shift_NN from_IN a_AT classic_JJ theory_NN of_IN imitation_NN (_( based_VB
N upon_IN a_AT recognition_NN of_IN levels_NNS of_IN truth_NN )_) to_IN a_AT Chr
istian_JJ theory_NN of_IN imitation_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT levels_NNS are_BER
dissolved_VBN ._. Following_VBG the_AT theme_NN of_IN Incarnation_NN-TL in_IN t
he_AT Gospels_NPS ,_, the_AT Christian_JJ artist_NN and_CC critic_NN sees_VBZ in
_IN the_AT most_QL commonplace_JJ and_CC ordinary_JJ events_NNS ``_`` figures_NN
S ''_'' of_IN divine_JJ power_NN and_CC reality_NN ._. Here_RB artistic_JJ reali
sm_NN involves_VBZ the_AT audience_NN in_IN an_AT impassioned_JJ participation_N
N in_IN events_NNS whose_WP$ overtones_NNS and_CC implications_NNS are_BER trans
cendent_JJ ._. Artistic_JJ mimesis_NN under_IN Christian_JJ influence_NN records
_VBZ the_AT involvement_NN of_IN all_ABN persons_NNS ,_, however_WQL humble_JJ ,
_, in_IN a_AT divine_JJ drama_NN ._. The_AT artist_NN ,_, unlike_IN the_AT philo
sopher_NN ,_, is_BEZ not_* a_AT removed_VBN observer_NN aiming_VBG at_IN neutral
_JJ and_CC rarified_VBN high_JJ levels_NNS of_IN abstraction_NN ._. He_PPS is_BE
Z the_AT conveyor_NN of_IN a_AT sacred_JJ reality_NN by_IN which_WDT he_PPS has_
HVZ been_BEN grasped_VBN ._. I_PPSS have_HV chosen_VBN to_TO use_VB the_AT word_
NN ``_`` mimesis_NN ''_'' in_IN its_PP$ Christian_JJ rather_IN than_IN its_PP$ c
lassic_JJ implications_NNS and_CC to_TO discover_VB in_IN the_AT concrete_JJ for
ms_NNS of_IN both_ABX art_NN and_CC myth_NN powers_NNS of_IN theological_JJ expr
ession_NN which_WDT ,_, as_CS in_IN the_AT Christian_JJ mind_NN ,_, are_BER the_
AT direct_JJ consequence_NN of_IN involvement_NN in_IN historical_JJ experience_
NN ,_, which_WDT are_BER not_* reserved_VBN ,_, as_CS in_IN the_AT Greek_JJ mind
_NN ,_, only_RB to_IN moments_NNS of_IN theoretical_JJ reflection_NN ._. In_IN t
he_AT first_OD instance_NN ,_, ``_`` mimesis_NN ''_'' is_BEZ here_RB used_VBN to
_TO mean_VB the_AT recalling_NN of_IN experience_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN vivid_
JJ images_NNS rather_IN than_CS in_IN terms_NNS of_IN abstract_JJ ideas_NNS or_C
C conventional_JJ designations_NNS ._. By_IN ``_`` image_NN ''_'' is_BEZ meant_V
BN not_* only_RB a_AT visual_JJ presentation_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB remembered_VB
N sensations_NNS of_IN any_DTI of_IN the_AT five_CD senses_NNS plus_CC the_AT fe
elings_NNS which_WDT are_BER immediately_RB conjoined_VBN therewith_RB ._. This_
DT is_BEZ the_AT primary_JJ function_NN of_IN the_AT imagination_NN operating_VB
G in_IN the_AT absence_NN of_IN the_AT original_JJ experiential_JJ stimulus_NN b
y_IN which_WDT the_AT images_NNS were_BED first_RB appropriated_VBN ._. Mimesis_
NN is_BEZ the_AT nearest_JJT possible_JJ thing_NN to_IN the_AT actual_JJ re-livi
ng_NN of_IN experience_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT the_AT imagining_VBG person_NN rec
overs_VBZ through_IN images_NNS something_PN of_IN the_AT force_NN and_CC depth_
NN characteristic_JJ of_IN experience_NN itself_PPL ._. The_AT images_NNS themse
lves_PPLS ,_, like_CS their_PP$ counterparts_NNS in_IN experience_NN ,_, are_BER
not_* neutral_JJ qualities_NNS to_TO be_BE surveyed_VBN dispassionately_RB ;_.
;_. they_PPSS are_BER fields_NNS of_IN force_NN exerting_VBG a_AT unique_JJ infl
uence_NN on_IN the_AT sensibilities_NNS and_CC a_AT unique_JJ relatedness_NN to_
IN one_CD another_DT ._. They_PPSS bring_VB an_AT inextricable_JJ component_NN o
f_IN value_NN within_IN themselves_PPLS ,_, with_IN attractions_NNS and_CC repul
sions_NNS native_JJ to_IN their_PP$ own_JJ quality_NN ._. As_CS in_IN experience
_NN one_PN is_BEZ seized_VBN by_IN given_VBN entities_NNS and_CC their_PP$ inter
relations_NNS and_CC is_BEZ forced_VBN to_TO respond_VB in_IN value_NN feelings_
NNS to_IN them_PPO ,_, so_CS one_PN is_BEZ similarly_RB seized_VBN in_IN the_AT
mimetic_JJ presentation_NN of_IN images_NNS ._. Mimesis_NN here_RB is_BEZ not_*
to_TO be_BE confused_VBN with_IN literalism_NN or_CC realism_NN in_IN the_AT con
ventional_JJ sense_NN ._. A_AT word_NN taken_VBN in_IN its_PP$ dictionary_NN mea
ning_NN ,_, a_AT photographic_JJ image_NN of_IN a_AT recognizable_JJ object_NN ,
_, the_AT mere_JJ picturing_NN of_IN a_AT ``_`` scene_NN ''_'' tends_VBZ to_TO l
ose_VB experiential_JJ vividness_NN and_CC to_TO connote_VB such_JJ conventional
_JJ abstractions_NNS as_CS to_TO invite_VB neutral_JJ reception_NN without_IN th
e_AT incitement_NN of_IN value_NN feelings_NNS ._. Similarly_RB experience_NN it
self_PPL can_MD be_BE conventionalized_VBN so_CS that_CS people_NNS react_VB to_
IN certain_JJ preconceived_VBN clues_NNS for_IN behavior_NN without_IN awareness
_NN of_IN the_AT vitality_NN of_IN their_PP$ experiential_JJ field_NN ._. A_AT t
ruly_QL vivid_JJ imagination_NN moves_VBZ beyond_IN the_AT conventional_JJ recol
lection_NN to_IN a_AT sense_NN of_IN immediacy_NN ._. The_AT mimetic_JJ characte
r_NN of_IN the_AT imaginative_JJ consciousness_NN tends_VBZ to_TO express_VB its
elf_PPL in_IN the_AT presentation_NN of_IN artistic_JJ forms_NNS and_CC material
s_NNS ._. When_WRB words_NNS can_MD be_BE used_VBN in_IN a_AT more_QL fresh_JJ a
nd_CC primitive_JJ way_NN so_CS that_CS they_PPSS strike_VB with_IN the_AT force
_NN of_IN sights_NNS and_CC sounds_NNS ,_, when_WRB tones_NNS of_IN sound_NN and
_CC colors_NNS of_IN paint_NN and_CC the_AT carven_JJ shape_NN all_ABN strike_VB
the_AT sensibilities_NNS with_IN an_AT undeniable_JJ force_NN of_IN data_NNS in
_IN and_CC of_IN themselves_PPLS ,_, compelling_VBG the_AT observer_NN into_IN a
n_AT attitude_NN of_IN attention_NN ,_, all_ABN this_DT imitates_VBZ the_AT way_
NN experience_NN itself_PPL in_IN its_PP$ deepest_JJT character_NN strikes_VBZ u
pon_IN the_AT door_NN of_IN consciousness_NN and_CC clamors_VBZ for_IN entrance_
NN ._. These_DTS are_BER like_CS the_AT initial_JJ ways_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_
AT world_NN forces_VBZ itself_PPL upon_IN the_AT self_NN and_CC thrusts_VBZ the_
AT self_NN into_IN decision_NN and_CC choice_NN ._. The_AT presence_NN of_IN gen
uine_JJ mimesis_NN in_IN art_NN is_BEZ marked_VBN by_IN the_AT persistence_NN wi
th_IN which_WDT the_AT work_NN demands_VBZ attention_NN and_CC compels_VBZ valua
tion_NN even_RB though_CS it_PPS is_BEZ but_RB vaguely_RB understood_VBN ._. Und
erlying_VBG these_DTS conceptions_NNS of_IN mimesis_NN are_BER certain_JJ presup
positions_NNS concerning_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN primary_JJ human_JJ experienc
e_NN which_WDT require_VB some_DTI exposition_NN before_CS the_AT main_JJS argum
ent_NN can_MD proceed_VB ._. Experience_NN is_BEZ not_* seen_VBN ,_, as_CS it_PP
S is_BEZ in_IN classical_JJ rationalism_NN ,_, as_CS presenting_VBG us_PPO initi
ally_RB with_IN clear_JJ and_CC distinct_JJ objects_NNS simply_RB located_VBN in
_IN space_NN and_CC registering_VBG their_PP$ character_NN ,_, movements_NNS ,_,
and_CC changes_NNS on_IN the_AT tabula_FW-NN rasa_FW-VBN of_IN an_AT uninvolved
_JJ intellect_NN ._. Neither_CC is_BEZ primary_JJ experience_NN understood_VBN a
ccording_IN to_IN the_AT attitude_NN of_IN modern_JJ empiricism_NN in_IN which_W
DT nothing_PN is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO be_BE received_VBN other_AP than_CS signa
ls_NNS of_IN sensory_JJ qualities_NNS producing_VBG their_PP$ responses_NNS in_I
N the_AT appropriate_JJ sense_NN organs_NNS ._. Primary_JJ feelings_NNS of_IN th
e_AT world_NN come_VBN neither_CC as_CS a_AT collection_NN of_IN clearly_QL know
n_VBN objects_NNS (_( houses_NNS ,_, trees_NNS ,_, implements_NNS ,_, etc._RB )_
) nor_CC a_AT collection_NN of_IN isolated_VBN and_CC neutral_JJ sensory_JJ qual
ities_NNS ._. In_IN contrast_NN to_IN all_ABN this_DT ,_, primary_JJ data_NNS ar
e_BER data_NNS of_IN a_AT self_NN involved_VBN in_IN environing_VBG processes_NN
S and_CC powers_NNS ._. The_AT most_QL primitive_JJ feelings_NNS are_BER rudimen
tary_JJ value_NN feelings_NNS ,_, both_ABX positive_JJ and_CC negative_JJ :_: a_
AT desire_NN to_IN appropriate_JJ this_DT or_CC that_DT part_NN of_IN the_AT env
ironment_NN into_IN oneself_PPL ;_. ;_. a_AT desire_NN to_TO avoid_VB and_CC rep
el_VB this_DT or_CC that_DT other_AP part_NN ._. These_DTS desires_NNS presuppos
e_VB a_AT sense_NN of_IN causally_RB efficacious_JJ powers_NNS in_IN which_WDT o
ne_PN is_BEZ involved_VBN ,_, some_DTI working_VBG for_IN one's_PN$ good_NN ,_,
others_NNS threatening_VBG ill_NN ._. Gone_VBN is_BEZ the_AT tabula_FW-NN rasa_F
W-VBN of_IN the_AT mind_NN ._. In_IN its_PP$ place_NN is_BEZ a_AT passionate_JJ
consciousness_NN grasped_VBN and_CC molded_VBN to_IN feelings_NNS of_IN positive
_JJ or_CC negative_JJ values_NNS even_RB as_CS the_AT actions_NNS of_IN one's_PN
$ life_NN are_BER determined_VBN by_IN constellations_NNS of_IN process_NN in_IN
which_WDT one_PN is_BEZ caught_VBN ._. The_AT principal_JJS defender_NN of_IN t
his_DT view_NN of_IN primary_JJ experience_NN as_CS ``_`` causal_JJ efficacy_NN
''_'' is_BEZ Alfred_NP North_NP Whitehead_NP ._. Our_PP$ most_QL elemental_JJ an
d_CC unavoidable_JJ impressions_NNS ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, are_BER those_DTS of
_IN being_BEG involved_VBN in_IN a_AT large_JJ arena_NN of_IN powers_NNS which_W
DT have_HV a_AT longer_JJR past_NN than_CS our_PP$ own_JJ ,_, which_WDT are_BER
interrelated_VBN in_IN a_AT vast_JJ movement_NN through_IN the_AT present_NN tow
ard_IN the_AT future_NN ._. We_PPSS feel_VB the_AT quality_NN of_IN these_DTS po
wers_NNS initially_RB as_CS in_IN some_DTI degree_NN wholesome_JJ or_CC threaten
ing_VBG ._. Later_RBR abstractive_JJ and_CC rational_JJ processes_NNS may_MD ind
icate_VB errors_NNS of_IN judgment_NN in_IN these_DTS apprehensions_NNS of_IN va
lue_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT apprehensions_NNS themselves_PPLS are_BER the_AT primar
y_JJ stuff_NN of_IN experience_NN ._. It_PPS takes_VBZ a_AT great_JJ deal_NN of_
IN abstraction_NN to_TO free_VB oneself_PPL from_IN the_AT primitive_JJ impressi
on_NN of_IN larger_JJR unities_NNS of_IN power_NN and_CC influence_NN and_CC to_
TO view_VB one's_PN$ world_NN simply_RB as_CS a_AT collection_NN of_IN sense_NN
data_NNS arranged_VBN in_IN such_JJ and_CC such_JJ sequence_NN and_CC pattern_NN
,_, devoid_JJ of_IN all_ABN power_NN to_TO move_VB the_AT feelings_NNS and_CC a
ctions_NNS except_IN in_IN so_QL far_RB as_CS they_PPSS present_VB themselves_PP
LS for_IN inspection_NN ._. Whitehead_NP is_BEZ here_RB questioning_VBG David_NP
Hume's_NP$ understanding_NN of_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN experience_NN ;_. ;_.
he_PPS is_BEZ questioning_VBG ,_, also_RB ,_, every_AT epistemology_NN which_WDT
stems_VBZ from_IN Hume's_NP$ presupposition_NN that_CS experience_NN is_BEZ mer
ely_RB sense_NN data_NNS in_IN abstraction_NN from_IN causal_JJ efficacy_NN ,_,
and_CC that_CS causal_JJ efficacy_NN is_BEZ something_PN intellectually_RB imput
ed_VBN to_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, not_* directly_RB perceived_VBN ._. What_WDT Hu
me_NP calls_VBZ ``_`` sensation_NN ''_'' is_BEZ what_WDT Whitehead_NP calls_VBZ
``_`` perception_NN in_IN the_AT mode_NN of_IN presentational_JJ immediacy_NN ''
_'' which_WDT is_BEZ a_AT sophisticated_JJ abstraction_NN from_IN perception_NN
in_IN the_AT mode_NN of_IN causal_JJ efficacy_NN ._. As_QL long_RB as_CS percept
ion_NN is_BEZ seen_VBN as_QL composed_VBN only_RB of_IN isolated_VBN sense_NN da
ta_NNS ,_, most_AP of_IN the_AT quality_NN and_CC interconnectedness_NN of_IN ex
istence_NN loses_VBZ its_PP$ objectivity_NN ,_, becomes_VBZ an_AT invention_NN o
f_IN consciousness_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT result_NN is_BEZ a_AT philosophical_JJ s
cepticism_NN ._. Whitehead_NP contends_VBZ that_CS the_AT human_JJ way_NN of_IN
understanding_VBG existence_NN as_CS a_AT unity_NN of_IN interlocking_VBG and_CC
interdependent_JJ processes_NNS which_WDT constitute_VB each_DT other_AP and_CC
which_WDT cause_VB each_DT other_AP to_TO be_BE and_CC not_* to_TO be_BE is_BEZ
possible_JJ only_RB because_CS the_AT basic_JJ form_NN of_IN such_ABL an_AT und
erstanding_NN ,_, for_IN all_ABN its_PP$ vagueness_NN and_CC tendency_NN to_TO m
istake_VB the_AT detail_NN ,_, is_BEZ initially_RB given_VBN in_IN the_AT way_NN
man_NN feels_VBZ the_AT world_NN ._. In_IN this_DT respect_NN experience_NN is_
BEZ broader_JJR and_CC full_JJ of_IN a_AT richer_JJR variety_NN of_IN potential_
JJ meanings_NNS than_CS the_AT mind_NN of_IN man_NN or_CC any_DTI of_IN his_PP$
arts_NNS or_CC culture_NN are_BER capable_JJ of_IN making_VBG clear_JJ and_CC di
stinct_JJ ._. A_AT chief_JJS characteristic_NN of_IN experience_NN in_IN the_AT
mode_NN of_IN causal_JJ efficacy_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN derivation_NN from_IN th
e_AT past_NN ._. Both_ABX I_PPSS and_CC my_PP$ feelings_NNS come_VB up_RP out_IN
of_IN a_AT chain_NN of_IN events_NNS that_WPS fan_VB out_RP into_IN the_AT past
_NN into_IN sources_NNS that_WPS are_BER ultimately_RB very_QL unlike_IN the_AT
entity_NN which_WDT I_PPSS now_RB am_BEM ._. After_IN only_RB eighteen_CD years_
NNS of_IN non-interference_NN ,_, there_EX were_BED already_RB indications_NNS o
f_IN melioration_NN ,_, though_CS ``_`` in_IN a_AT slight_JJ degree_NN ''_'' ,_,
to_TO be_BE sure_JJ ._. There_EX were_BED more_AP indications_NNS by_IN the_AT
mid-twentieth_OD century_NN ._. I_PPSS leave_VB it_PPO to_IN the_AT statistician
s_NNS to_TO say_VB what_WDT they_PPSS were_BED ,_, but_CC I_PPSS noticed_VBD sev
eral_AP a_AT few_AP years_NNS ago_RB ,_, during_IN an_AT automobile_NN ride_NN f
rom_IN Memphis_NP to_IN Hattiesburg_NP ._. In_IN town_NN after_IN town_NN my_PP$
companion_NN pointed_VBD out_RP the_AT Negro_NP school_NN and_CC the_AT White_J
J-TL school_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN every_AT instance_NN the_AT former_AP made_VBD a
_AT better_JJR appearance_NN (_( it_PPS was_BEDZ newer_JJR ,_, for_IN one_CD thi
ng_NN )_) ._. It_PPS really_RB looked_VBD as_CS if_CS a_AT change_NN of_IN the_A
T sort_NN predicted_VBN by_IN Booker_NP T._NP Washington_NP had_HVD been_BEN goi
ng_VBG on_RP ._. But_CC with_IN the_AT renewal_NN of_IN interference_NN in_IN 19
54_CD (_( as_CS with_IN its_PP$ beginning_NN in_IN 1835_CD )_) ,_, the_AT improv
ement_NN was_BEDZ impaired_VBN ._. For_IN over_RP a_AT hundred_CD years_NNS Sout
herners_NNS-TL have_HV felt_VBN that_CS the_AT North_NR-TL was_BEDZ picking_VBG
on_IN them_PPO ._. It's_PPS+BEZ infuriating_JJ ,_, this_DT feeling_NN that_CS on
e_PN is_BEZ being_BEG picked_VBN on_IN ,_, continually_RB ,_, constantly_RB ._.
By_IN what_WDT right_NN of_IN superior_JJ virtue_NN ,_, Southerners_NNS-TL ask_V
B ,_, do_DO the_AT people_NNS of_IN the_AT North_NR-TL do_DO this_DT ?_. ?_. The
_AT traditional_JJ strategy_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL has_HVZ been_BEN to_TO e
xpose_VB the_AT vices_NNS of_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ,_, to_TO demonstrate_VB that
_CS the_AT North_NR-TL possessed_VBD no_AT superior_JJ virtue_NN ,_, to_TO ``_``
show_VB the_AT world_NN that_CS ''_'' as_CS James's_NP$ Christopher_NP Newman_N
P said_VBD to_IN his_PP$ adversaries_NNS )_) ``_`` however_WQL bad_JJ I_PPSS may
_MD be_BE ,_, you're_PPSS+BER not_* quite_ABL the_AT people_NNS to_TO say_VB it_
PPO ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT pre-Civil_JJ War_NN-TL years_NNS ,_, the_AT South_NR-
TL argued_VBD that_CS the_AT slave_NN was_BEDZ not_* less_QL humanely_RB treated
_VBN than_CS the_AT factory_NN worker_NN of_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ._. At_IN the_
AT present_JJ time_NN ,_, the_AT counter-attack_NN takes_VBZ the_AT line_NN that
_CS there's_EX+BEZ no_AT more_AP of_IN the_AT true_JJ spirit_NN of_IN ``_`` inte
gration_NN ''_'' in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL than_CS in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. T
he_AT line_NN is_BEZ a_AT pretty_QL good_JJ one_CD ._. People_NNS talk_VB about_
IN ``_`` the_AT law_NN of_IN the_AT land_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT expression_NN has_H
VZ become_VBN quite_ABL a_AT cliche_NN ._. But_CC people_NNS can't_MD* be_BE mad
e_VBN to_TO integrate_VB ,_, socialize_VB (_( the_AT two_CD are_BER inseparable_
JJ by_IN Southern_JJ-TL standards_NNS )_) by_IN law_NN ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ havin
g_HVG lunch_NN not_* long_RB ago_RB (_( apologies_NNS to_IN N._NP V._NP Peale_NP
)_) with_IN three_CD distinguished_VBN historians_NNS (_( one_PN specializing_V
BG in_IN the_AT European_JJ-TL Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NNS-TL ,_, one_CD in_IN America
n_JJ history_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD in_IN the_AT Far_JJ-TL East_NR-TL )_) ,_, and_
CC I_PPSS asked_VBD them_PPO if_CS they_PPSS could_MD name_VB instances_NNS wher
e_WRB the_AT general_JJ mores_NNS had_HVD been_BEN radically_RB changed_VBN with
_IN ``_`` deliberate_JJ speed_NN ,_, majestic_JJ instancy_NN ''_'' (_( Francis_N
P Thompson's_NP$ words_NNS for_IN the_AT Hound_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Heaven's_NN$-TL Pu
rsuit_NN-TL )_) by_IN judicial_JJ fiat_NN ._. They_PPSS didn't_DOD* seem_VB to_T
O be_BE able_JJ to_TO think_VB of_IN any_DTI ._. A_AT Virginia_NP judge_NN a_AT
while_NN back_RB cited_VBD a_AT Roman_JJ jurist_NN to_IN the_AT effect_NN that_C
S ten_CD years_NNS might_MD be_BE a_AT reasonable_JJ length_NN of_IN time_NN for
_IN such_ABL a_AT change_NN ._. But_CC I_PPSS suspect_VB that_CS the_AT old_JJ R
oman_JJ was_BEDZ referring_VBG to_IN change_NN made_VBN under_IN military_JJ occ
upation_NN --_-- the_AT sort_NN of_IN change_NN which_WDT Tacitus_NP was_BEDZ ta
lking_VBG about_IN when_WRB he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` They_PPSS make_VB a_AT des
ert_NN ,_, and_CC call_VB it_PPO peace_NN ''_'' (_( ``_`` Solitudinem_FW-NN faci
unt_FW-VB ,_, pacem_FW-NN appellant_FW-VBG ''_'' ._. )_) ._. Moreover_RB ,_, the
_AT law_NN of_IN the_AT land_NN is_BEZ not_* irrevocable_JJ ;_. ;_. it_PPS can_M
D be_BE changed_VBN ;_. ;_. it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN ,_, many_AP times_NNS ._. Mr
._NP Justice_NP Taney's_NP$ Dred_NP Scott_NP decision_NN in_IN 1857_CD was_BEDZ
unpopular_JJ in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL ,_, and_CC soon_RB became_VBD a_AT dead_JJ
letter_NN ._. Prohibition_NN was_BEDZ the_AT law_NN of_IN the_AT land_NN ,_, bu
t_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ unpopular_JJ (_( how_WQL many_AP of_IN us_PPO oldsters_NNS
took_VBD up_RP drinking_VBG in_IN prohibition_NN days_NNS ,_, drinking_VBG was_B
EDZ so_QL gay_JJ ,_, so_QL fashionable_JJ ,_, especially_RB in_IN the_AT sophist
icated_JJ Northeast_NR-TL !_. !_. )_) and_CC was_BEDZ repealed_VBN ._. The_AT cl
iche_NN loses_VBZ its_PP$ talismanic_JJ virtue_NN in_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN a_
AT little_AP history_NN ._. The_AT Declaration_NN-TL of_IN-TL Independence_NN-TL
says_VBZ that_CS ``_`` governments_NNS derive_VB their_PP$ just_JJ powers_NNS f
rom_IN the_AT consent_NN of_IN the_AT governed_VBN ''_'' ._. The_AT phrase_NN ``
_`` consent_NN of_IN the_AT governed_VBN ''_'' needs_VBZ a_AT hard_JJ look_NN ._
. How_WRB do_DO we_PPSS define_VB it_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ the_AT consent_NN
of_IN the_AT governed_VBN a_AT numerical_JJ majority_NN ?_. ?_. Calhoun_NP dealt
_VBD with_IN this_DT question_NN in_IN his_PP$ ``_`` Disquisition_NN-TL On_IN-TL
Government_NN-TL ''_'' ._. To_TO guard_VB against_IN the_AT tyranny_NN of_IN a_
AT numerical_JJ majority_NN ,_, Calhoun_NP developed_VBD his_PP$ theory_NN of_IN
``_`` concurrent_JJ majority_NN ''_'' ,_, which_WDT ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_
`` by_IN giving_VBG to_IN each_DT portion_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN which_WDT
may_MD be_BE unequally_RB affected_VBN by_IN the_AT action_NN of_IN government_
NN ,_, a_AT negative_NN on_IN the_AT others_NNS ,_, prevents_VBZ all_ABN partial
_JJ or_CC local_JJ legislation_NN ''_'' ._. Who_WPS will_MD say_VB that_CS our_P
P$ country_NN is_BEZ even_QL now_RB a_AT homogeneous_JJ community_NN ?_. ?_. Tha
t_CS regional_JJ peculiarities_NNS do_DO not_* still_RB exist_VB ?_. ?_. That_CS
the_AT Court_NN-TL order_NN does_DOZ not_* unequally_RB affect_VB the_AT Southe
rn_JJ-TL region_NN ?_. ?_. Who_WPS will_MD deny_VB that_CS in_IN a_AT vast_JJ po
rtion_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL the_AT Federal_JJ-TL action_NN is_BEZ incompat
ible_JJ with_IN the_AT Jeffersonian_JJ concept_NN of_IN ``_`` the_AT consent_NN
of_IN the_AT governed_VBN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Circumstances_NNS alter_VB cases_NNS ._.
A_AT friend_NN of_IN mine_PP$$ in_IN New_JJ-TL Mexico_NP-TL said_VBD the_AT Cou
rt_NN-TL order_NN had_HVD caused_VBN no_AT particular_JJ trouble_NN out_IN there
_RB ,_, that_CS all_ABN had_HVD gone_VBN as_QL merry_JJ as_CS a_AT marriage_NN b
ell_NN ._. He_PPS seemed_VBD a_AT little_QL surprised_VBN that_CS it_PPS should_
MD have_HV caused_VBN any_DTI particular_JJ trouble_NN anywhere_RB ._. I_PPSS mu
rmured_VBD something_PN about_IN a_AT possible_JJ difference_NN between_IN New_J
J-TL Mexico's_NP$-TL history_NN and_CC Mississippi's_NP$ ._. One_PN can_MD meet_
VB with_IN aloofness_NN almost_RB anywhere_RB :_: the_AT THIDIU_NP viewpoint_NN
,_, It_PPS-TL Doesn't_DOZ*-TL Affect_VB Us_PPO-TL !_. !_. Southern_JJ-TL Liberal
s_NNS-TL (_( there_EX are_BER a_AT good_JJ many_AP )_) --_-- especially_RB if_CS
they're_PPSS+BER rich_JJ --_-- often_RB exhibit_VB blithe_JJ insouciance_NN ._.
The_AT trouble_NN here_RB is_BEZ that_CS it's_PPS+BEZ almost_RB too_QL easy_JJ
to_TO take_VB the_AT high_JJ moral_JJ ground_NN when_WRB it_PPS doesn't_DOZ* cos
t_VB you_PPO anything_PN ._. You've_PPSS+HV already_RB sent_VBN your_PP$ daughte
r_NN to_IN Miss_NP X's_NP$ select_JJ academy_NN for_IN girls_NNS and_CC your_PP$
son_NN to_IN Mr._NP Y's_NP$ select_JJ academy_NN for_IN boys_NNS ,_, and_CC you
_PPSS can_MD be_BE as_QL liberal_JJ as_CS you_PPSS please_VB with_IN strict_JJ i
mpunity_NN ._. If_CS there's_EX+BEZ no_AT suitable_JJ academy_NN in_IN your_PP$
own_JJ neighborhood_NN ,_, there's_EX+BEZ always_RB New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ._.
New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL academies_NNS welcome_VB fugitives_NNS from_IN the_AT pr
ovinces_NNS ,_, South_NR-TL as_QL well_RB as_CS West_NR-TL ._. They_PPSS may_MD
even_RB enroll_VB a_AT colored_VBN student_NN or_CC two_CD for_IN show_NN ,_, th
ough_CS he_PPS usually_RB turns_VBZ out_RP to_TO be_BE from_IN Thailand_NP ,_, o
r_CC any_DTI place_NN other_AP than_CS the_AT American_JJ-TL South_NR-TL ._. It_
PPS would_MD be_BE interesting_JJ to_TO know_VB how_WQL much_AP ``_`` integratio
n_NN ''_'' there_EX is_BEZ in_IN the_AT famous_JJ ,_, fashionable_JJ colleges_NN
S and_CC prep_NN schools_NNS of_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ._. A_AT recent_JJ ne
wspaper_NN report_NN said_VBD there_EX were_BED five_CD Negroes_NPS in_IN the_AT
1960_CD graduating_VBG class_NN of_IN nearly_RB one_CD thousand_CD at_IN Yale_N
P ;_. ;_. that_DT is_BEZ ,_, about_RB one-half_NN of_IN one_CD per_IN cent_NN ,_
, which_WDT looks_VBZ pretty_QL ``_`` tokenish_JJ ''_'' to_IN me_PPO ,_, especia
lly_RB in_IN an_AT institution_NN which_WDT professes_VBZ to_TO be_BE ``_`` nati
onal_JJ ''_'' ._. I_PPSS must_MD confess_VB that_CS I_PPSS prefer_VB the_AT Libe
ral_NN-TL who_WPS is_BEZ personally_RB affected_VBN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ willing_J
J to_TO send_VB his_PP$ own_JJ children_NNS to_IN a_AT mixed_VBN school_NN as_CS
proof_NN of_IN his_PP$ faith_NN ._. I_PPSS leave_VB out_IN of_IN account_NN the
_AT question_NN of_IN the_AT best_JJT interests_NNS of_IN the_AT children_NNS ,_
, the_AT question_NN of_IN what_WDT their_PP$ best_JJT interests_NNS really_RB a
re_BER ._. I'm_PPSS+BEM talking_VBG about_IN the_AT grand_JJ manner_NN of_IN the
_AT Liberal_NN-TL --_-- North_NR-TL and_CC South_NR-TL --_-- who_WPS is_BEZ not_
* affected_VBN personally_RB ._. If_CS these_DTS people_NNS were_BED denied_VBN
a_AT voice_NN (_( do_DO they_PPSS have_HV a_AT moral_JJ right_NN to_IN a_AT voic
e_NN ?_. ?_. )_) ,_, what_WDT voices_NNS would_MD be_BE left_VBN ?_. ?_. Who_WPS
is_BEZ involved_VBN willy_RB nilly_RB ?_. ?_. Well_UH ,_, after_CS everybody_PN
has_HVZ followed_VBN the_AT New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL pattern_NN of_IN segregatin
g_VBG one's_PN$ children_NNS into_IN private_JJ schools_NNS ,_, only_RB the_AT p
oor_JJ folks_NNS are_BER left_VBN ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ precisely_RB in_IN th
is_DT poorer_JJR economic_JJ class_NN that_CS one_PN finds_VBZ ,_, and_CC has_HV
Z always_RB found_VBN ,_, the_AT most_QL racial_JJ friction_NN ._. A_AT dear_JJ
,_, respected_VBN friend_NN of_IN mine_PP$$ ,_, who_WPS like_CS myself_PPL grew_
VBD up_RP in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL and_CC has_HVZ spent_VBN many_AP years_NNS in
_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ,_, said_VBD to_IN me_PPO not_* long_RB ago_RB :_: `
`_`` I_PPSS can't_MD* forgive_VB New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL for_IN rejecting_VBG al
l_ABN complicity_NN ''_'' ._. Being_BEG a_AT teacher_NN of_IN American_JJ litera
ture_NN ,_, I_PPSS remembered_VBD Whittier's_NP$ ``_`` Massachusetts_NP-TL To_IN
-TL Virginia_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, where_WRB he_PPS said_VBD :_: ``_`` But_CC that_DT
one_CD dark_JJ loathsome_JJ burden_NN ye_PPSS must_MD stagger_VB with_IN alone_R
B ,_, And_CC reap_VB the_AT bitter_JJ harvest_NN which_WDT ye_PPSS yourselves_PP
LS have_HV sown_VBN ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT legend_NN (_( Hawthorne_NP re
cords_VBZ it_PPO in_IN his_PP$ ``_`` English_JJ-TL Notebooks_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. An
d_CC one_CD finds_VBZ it_PPO again_RB in_IN Thomas_NP Nelson_NP Page_NP )_) to_I
N the_AT effect_NN that_CS the_AT Mayflower_NP on_IN its_PP$ second_OD voyage_NN
brought_VBD a_AT cargo_NN of_IN Negro_NP slaves_NNS ._. Whether_CS historically
_RB a_AT fact_NN or_CC not_* ,_, the_AT legend_NN has_HVZ a_AT certain_JJ symbol
ic_JJ value_NN ._. Complicity_NN is_BEZ an_AT embarrassing_VBG word_NN ._. It_PP
S is_BEZ something_PN which_WDT most_AP of_IN us_PPO try_VB to_TO get_VB out_RP
from_IN under_IN ._. Like_CS the_AT cowboy_NN in_IN Stephen_NP Crane's_NP$ ``_``
Blue_JJ-TL Hotel_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, we_PPSS run_VB around_RB crying_VBG ,_, ``_``
Well_UH ,_, I_PPSS didn't_DOD* do_DO anything_PN ,_, did_DOD I_PPSS ''_'' ?_. ?_
. Robert_NP Penn_NP Warren_NP puts_VBZ it_PPO this_DT way_NN in_IN ``_`` Brother
_NN-TL To_IN-TL Dragons_NNS-TL ''_'' :_: ``_`` The_AT recognition_NN of_IN compl
icity_NN is_BEZ the_AT beginning_NN of_IN innocence_NN ''_'' ,_, where_WRB innoc
ence_NN ,_, I_PPSS think_VB ,_, means_VBZ about_RB the_AT same_AP thing_NN as_CS
redemption_NN ._. A_AT man_NN must_MD be_BE able_JJ to_TO say_VB ,_, ``_`` Fath
er_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS have_HV sinned_VBN ''_'' ,_, or_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT hop
e_NN for_IN him_PPO ._. Lincoln_NP understood_VBD this_DT better_RBR than_CS mos
t_AP when_WRB he_PPS said_VBD in_IN his_PP$ ``_`` Second_OD-TL Inaugural_NN-TL '
'_'' that_CS God_NP ``_`` gives_VBZ to_IN both_ABX North_NR-TL and_CC South_NR-T
L this_DT terrible_JJ war_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT woe_NN due_JJ to_IN those_DTS by_I
N whom_WPO the_AT offense_NN came_VBD ''_'' ._. He_PPS also_RB spoke_VBD of_IN `
`_`` the_AT wealth_NN piled_VBN by_IN the_AT bondsman's_NN$ two_CD hundred_CD an
d_CC fifty_CD years_NNS in_IN unrequited_JJ toil_NN ''_'' ._. Lincoln_NP was_BED
Z historian_NN and_CC economist_NN enough_AP to_TO know_VB that_CS a_AT substant
ial_JJ portion_NN of_IN this_DT wealth_NN had_HVD accumulated_VBN in_IN the_AT h
ands_NNS of_IN the_AT descendants_NNS of_IN New_JJ-TL Englanders_NPS-TL engaged_
VBN in_IN the_AT slave_NN trade_NN ._. After_IN how_WQL many_AP generations_NNS
is_BEZ such_JJ wealth_NN (_( mounting_VBG all_ABN the_AT while_NN through_IN the
_AT manipulations_NNS of_IN high_JJ finance_NN )_) purified_VBN of_IN taint_NN ?
_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT question_NN which_WDT New_JJ-TL Englanders_NPS-TL long
_RB ago_RB put_VBD out_IN of_IN their_PP$ minds_NNS ._. But_CC didn't_DOD* they_
PPSS get_VB off_RP too_QL easy_RB ?_. ?_. The_AT slaves_NNS never_RB shared_VBD
in_IN their_PP$ profits_NNS ,_, while_CS they_PPSS did_DOD share_VB ,_, in_IN a_
AT very_QL real_JJ sense_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT profits_NNS of_IN the_AT slave-owne
rs_NNS :_: they_PPSS were_BED fed_VBN ,_, clothed_VBN ,_, doctored_VBN ,_, and_C
C so_RB forth_RB ;_. ;_. they_PPSS were_BED the_AT beneficiaries_NNS of_IN respo
nsible_JJ ,_, paternalistic_JJ care_NN ._. Emerson_NP --_-- Platonist_NP ,_, ide
alist_NN ,_, doctrinaire_NN --_-- sounded_VBD a_AT high_JJ Transcendental_JJ-TL
note_NN in_IN his_PP$ ``_`` Boston_NP-TL Hymn_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, delivered_VBN in_I
N 1863_CD in_IN the_AT Boston_NP-TL Music_NN-TL Hall_NN-TL amidst_IN thundering_
VBG applause_NN :_: ``_`` Pay_VB ransom_NN to_IN the_AT owner_NN and_CC fill_VB
the_AT bag_NN to_IN the_AT brim_NN ._. Who_WPS is_BEZ the_AT owner_NN ?_. ?_. Th
e_AT slave_NN is_BEZ owner_NN ,_, And_CC ever_RB was_BEDZ ._. Pay_VB him_PPO ''_
'' !_. !_. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT abstractionism_NN ,_, the_AT unrealism_NN ,_, of
_IN the_AT pure_JJ idealist_NN ._. It_PPS ignores_VBZ the_AT sordid_JJ financial
_JJ aspects_NNS (_( quite_QL conveniently_RB ,_, too_RB ,_, for_IN his_PP$ audie
nce_NN ,_, who_WPS could_MD indulge_VB in_IN moral_JJ indignation_NN without_IN
visible_JJ ,_, or_CC even_QL conscious_JJ ,_, discomfort_NN ,_, their_PP$ money_
NN from_IN the_AT transaction_NN having_HVG been_BEN put_VBN away_RB long_RB ago
_RB in_IN a_AT good_JJ antiseptic_JJ brokerage_NN )_) ._. Like_CS Pilate_NP ,_,
they_PPSS had_HVD washed_VBN their_PP$ hands_NNS ._. But_CC can_MD one_PN ,_, re
ally_RB ?_. ?_. Can_MD God_NP be_BE mocked_VBN ,_, ever_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT long
_JJ run_NN ?_. ?_. New_JJ-TL Englanders_NPS-TL were_BED a_AT bit_NN sensitive_JJ
on_IN the_AT subject_NN of_IN their_PP$ complicity_NN in_IN Negro_NP slavery_NN
at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT drafting_NN of_IN the_AT Declaration_NN-TL of
_IN-TL Independence_NN-TL ,_, as_CS Jefferson_NP explained_VBD in_IN his_PP$ ``_
`` Autobiography_NN-TL ''_'' :_: ``_`` The_AT clause_NN reprobating_VBG the_AT e
nslaving_NN the_AT inhabitants_NNS of_IN Africa_NP was_BEDZ struck_VBN out_RP in
_IN complaisance_NN to_IN South_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL and_CC Georgia_NP ,_, who_W
PS had_HVD never_RB attempted_VBN to_TO restrain_VB the_AT importation_NN of_IN
slaves_NNS ,_, and_CC who_WPS on_IN the_AT contrary_JJ still_RB wished_VBD to_TO
continue_VB it_PPO ._. Our_PP$ Northern_JJ-TL brethren_NNS also_RB I_PPSS belie
ve_VB felt_VBD a_AT little_QL tender_JJ under_IN those_DTS censures_NNS ;_. ;_.
for_CS though_CS their_PP$ people_NNS had_HVD very_QL few_AP slaves_NNS themselv
es_PPLS ,_, yet_CC they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN pretty_QL considerable_JJ carriers
_NNS of_IN them_PPO to_IN others_NNS ''_'' ._. But_CC that_DT was_BEDZ a_AT long
_JJ time_NN ago_RB ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL conscience_NN became_VBD d
esensitized_VBN ._. George_NP W._NP Cable_NP (_( naturalized_VBN New_JJ-TL Engla
nder_NP-TL )_) ,_, writing_VBG in_IN 1889_CD from_IN ``_`` Paradise_NN-TL Road_N
N-TL ,_, Northampton_NP ''_'' (_( lovely_JJ symbolic_JJ name_NN )_) ,_, agitated
_VBN continuously_RB the_AT ``_`` Southern_JJ-TL question_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS wa
s_BEDZ nice_JJ to_TO be_BE able_JJ to_TO isolate_VB it_PPO ._. New_JJ-TL England
_NP-TL ,_, as_CS everyone_PN knows_VBZ ,_, has_HVZ long_RB been_BEN schoolmaster
_NN to_IN the_AT Nation_NN-TL ._. There_RB one_PN finds_VBZ concentrated_VBN in_
IN a_AT comparatively_QL small_JJ area_NN the_AT chief_JJS universities_NNS ,_,
colleges_NNS ,_, and_CC preparatory_JJ schools_NNS of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL St
ates_NNS-TL ._. Why_WRB should_MD this_DT be_BE so_RB ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ true
_JJ that_CS New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ,_, more_AP than_CS any_DTI other_AP section
_NN ,_, was_BEDZ dedicated_VBN to_IN education_NN from_IN the_AT start_NN ._. Bu
t_CC I_PPSS think_VB that_CS something_PN more_AP than_CS this_DT is_BEZ involve
d_VBN ._. How_WRB did_DOD it_PPO happen_VB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, that_CS the
_AT state_NN university_NN ,_, that_DT great_JJ symbol_NN of_IN American_JJ demo
cracy_NN ,_, failed_VBD to_TO flourish_VB in_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL as_CS it
_PPS did_DOD in_IN other_AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN ?_. ?_. Isn't_BEZ*
it_PPS a_AT bit_NN odd_JJ that_CS the_AT three_CD states_NNS of_IN Southern_JJ-
TL New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL (_( Massachusetts_NP ,_, Connecticut_NP ,_, and_CC Rh
ode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL )_) have_HV had_HVN state_NN institutions_NNS of_IN unive
rsity_NN status_NN only_RB in_IN the_AT very_QL recent_JJ past_NN ,_, these_DTS
institutions_NNS having_HVG previously_RB been_BEN A_NN &_CC M_NN colleges_NNS ?
_. ?_. Was_BEDZ it_PPS supposed_VBD ,_, perchance_RB ,_, that_CS A_NN &_CC M_NN
(_( vocational_JJ training_NN ,_, that_DT is_BEZ )_) was_BEDZ quite_QL sufficien
t_JJ for_IN the_AT immigrant_NN class_NN which_WDT flooded_VBD that_DT part_NN o
f_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL world_NN in_IN the_AT post-Civil_JJ War_NN-T
L period_NN ,_, the_AT immigrants_NNS having_HVG been_BEN brought_VBN in_RP from
_IN Southern_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL ,_, to_TO work_VB in_IN the_AT mills_NNS ,_, to_
TO make_VB up_RP for_IN the_AT labor_NN shortage_NN caused_VBN by_IN migration_N
N to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ it_PPS not_* ironical_JJ that_CS Roger_
NP Williams's_NP$ state_NN ,_, Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL ,_, should_MD have_HV be
en_BEN the_AT very_QL last_AP of_IN the_AT forty-eight_CD to_TO establish_VB a_A
T state_NN university_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT state_NN universities_NNS of_IN Maine_NP
,_, New_JJ-TL Hampshire_NP-TL ,_, And_CC-TL Vermont_NP are_BER older_JJR and_CC
more_QL ``_`` respectable_JJ ''_'' ;_. ;_. they_PPSS had_HVD less_AP immigratio
n_NN to_TO contend_VB with_IN ._. A_AT Yale_NP historian_NN ,_, writing_VBG a_AT
few_AP years_NNS ago_RB in_IN The_AT Yale_NP-TL Review_NN-TL ,_, said_VBD :_: `
`_`` We_PPSS in_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL have_HV long_QL since_RB segregated_V
BN our_PP$ children_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ referring_VBG not_* only_RB to
_IN the_AT general_JJ college_NN situation_NN but_CC more_QL especially_RB to_IN
the_AT preparatory_JJ schools_NNS ._. And_CC what_WDT a_AT galaxy_NN of_IN thos
e_DTS adorns_VBZ that_DT fair_JJ land_NN !_. !_. I_PPSS don't_DO* propose_VB to_
TO go_VB into_IN their_PP$ history_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS have_HV one_CD or_CC two
_CD surmises_NNS ._. One_CD is_BEZ that_CS they_PPSS were_BED established_VBN ,_
, or_CC gained_VBD eminence_NN ,_, under_IN pressure_NN provided_VBN by_IN these
_DTS same_AP immigrants_NNS ,_, from_IN whom_WPO the_AT old_JJ families_NNS wish
ed_VBD to_TO segregate_VB their_PP$ children_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT early_JJ days_
NNS of_IN a_AT homogeneous_JJ population_NN ,_, the_AT public_JJ school_NN was_B
EDZ quite_QL satisfactory_JJ ._. Among_IN the_AT recipients_NNS of_IN the_AT Nob
el_NP-TL Prize_NN-TL for_IN-TL Literature_NN-TL more_AP than_IN half_ABN are_BER
practically_QL unknown_JJ to_IN readers_NNS of_IN English_NP ._. Of_IN these_DT
S there_EX are_BER surely_RB few_AP that_WPS would_MD be_BE more_QL rewarding_JJ
discoveries_NNS than_CS Verner_NP Von_NP Heidenstam_NP ,_, the_AT Swedish_JJ po
et_NN and_CC novelist_NN who_WPS received_VBD the_AT award_NN in_IN 1916_CD and_
CC whose_WP$ centennial_NN was_BEDZ celebrated_VBN two_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. E
qually_RB a_AT master_NN of_IN prose_NN and_CC verse_NN ,_, he_PPS recreates_VBZ
the_AT glory_NN of_IN Sweden_NP in_IN the_AT past_NN and_CC continues_VBZ it_PP
O into_IN the_AT present_NN ._. In_IN the_AT following_VBG sketch_NN we_PPSS sha
ll_MD present_VB a_AT brief_JJ outline_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN and_CC let_VB hi
m_PPO as_QL much_RB as_CS possible_JJ speak_VB for_IN himself_PPL ._. Heidenstam
_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN 1859_CD ,_, of_IN a_AT prosperous_JJ family_NN ._. O
n_IN his_PP$ father's_NN$ side_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ of_IN German_JJ descent_NN ,_,
on_IN his_PP$ mother's_NN$ he_PPS came_VBD of_IN the_AT old_JJ Swedish_JJ nobil
ity_NN ._. The_AT family_NN estate_NN was_BEDZ situated_VBN near_IN Vadstena_NP
on_IN Lake_NN-TL Vattern_NP-TL in_IN south_JJ central_JJ Sweden_NP ._. It_PPS is
_BEZ a_AT lonely_JJ ,_, rather_QL desolate_JJ region_NN ,_, but_CC full_JJ of_IN
legendary_JJ and_CC historic_JJ associations_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT boy_NN in_IN a_
AT local_JJ school_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ shy_JJ and_CC solitary_JJ ,_, absorbed_VBN
in_IN his_PP$ fondness_NN for_IN nature_NN and_CC his_PP$ visions_NNS of_IN Swe
den's_NP$ ancient_JJ glory_NN ._. He_PPS liked_VBD to_TO fancy_VB himself_PPL as
_CS a_AT chieftain_NN and_CC to_TO dress_VB for_IN the_AT part_NN ._. Being_BEG
somewhat_QL delicate_JJ in_IN health_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN sixteen_CD
he_PPS was_BEDZ sent_VBN to_IN Southern_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL ,_, for_IN which_WDT
he_PPS at_IN once_RB developed_VBD a_AT passion_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS he_PPS spe
nt_VBD nearly_QL all_ABN of_IN the_AT following_VBG ten_CD years_NNS abroad_RB ,
_, at_IN first_RB in_IN Italy_NP ,_, then_RB in_IN Greece_NP ,_, Egypt_NP ,_, As
ia_NP-TL Minor_JJ-TL ,_, and_CC Palestine_NP ._. In_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ summ
ers_NNS at_IN home_NN he_PPS married_VBD ,_, to_IN the_AT great_JJ disapproval_N
N of_IN his_PP$ father_NN ,_, who_WPS objected_VBD because_CS of_IN his_PP$ extr
eme_JJ youth_NN ._. Deciding_VBG to_TO become_VB a_AT painter_NN ,_, he_PPS ente
red_VBD the_AT studio_NN of_IN Gerome_NP in_IN Paris_NP ,_, where_WRB he_PPS enj
oyed_VBD the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT artists_NNS ,_, but_CC soon_RB found_VBD th
at_CS whatever_WDT talent_NN he_PPS might_MD have_HV did_DOD not_* lie_VB in_IN
that_DT direction_NN ._. He_PPS gives_VBZ us_PPO an_AT account_NN of_IN this_DT
in_IN his_PP$ lively_JJ and_CC humorous_JJ poem_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Happy_JJ-
TL Artists_NNS-TL ''_'' ._. ``_`` I_PPSS scanned_VBD the_AT world_NN through_IN
printed_VBN symbol_NN swart_JJ ,_, And_CC through_IN the_AT beggar's_NN$ rags_NN
S I_PPSS strove_VBD to_TO see_VB The_AT inner_JJ man_NN ._. I_PPSS looked_VBD un
ceasingly_RB With_IN my_PP$ cold_JJ mind_NN and_CC with_IN my_PP$ burning_VBG he
art_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN this_DT final_JJ line_NN ,_, we_PPSS have_HV the_AT key_N
N to_IN his_PP$ nature_NN ._. Few_AP writers_NNS have_HV better_RBR understood_V
BN their_PP$ deepest_JJT selves_NNS ._. Heidenstam_NP could_MD never_RB be_BE sa
tisfied_VBN by_IN surface_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD ,_, however_RB ,_, be_BE noted_VB
N that_CS his_PP$ gift_NN for_IN color_NN and_CC imagery_NN must_MD have_HV been
_BEN greatly_RB stimulated_VBN by_IN his_PP$ stay_NN in_IN Paris_NP ._. The_AT f
irst_OD result_NN of_IN Heidenstam's_NP$ long_JJ sojourn_NN abroad_RB was_BEDZ a
_AT volume_NN of_IN poems_NNS ,_, Pilgrimage_NN-TL And_CC-TL Wander-Years_NNS-TL
(_( Vallfart_FW-NN-TL och_FW-CC-TL Vandringsar_FW-NNS-TL )_) ,_, published_VBN
in_IN 1888_CD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT brilliant_JJ debut_NN ,_, so_QL much_RB s
o_RB indeed_RB that_CS it_PPS aroused_VBD a_AT new_JJ vitality_NN in_IN the_AT y
ounger_JJR poets_NNS ,_, as_CS did_DOD Byron's_NP$ Childe_NP Harold_NP ._. Profe
ssor_NN Fredrik_NP Book_NP ,_, Sweden's_NP$ foremost_JJS critic_NN of_IN the_AT
period_NN ,_, acclaims_VBZ it_PPO as_CS follows_VBZ :_: ``_`` In_IN this_DT we_P
PSS have_HV the_AT verse_NN of_IN a_AT painter_NN ;_. ;_. strongly_QL colorful_J
J ,_, plastic_JJ ,_, racy_JJ ,_, vivid_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT bold_JJ ,_, sometimes_R
B careless_JJ ,_, form_NN there_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN academic_JJ ;_. ;_. all_ABN
is_BEZ seen_VBN and_CC felt_VBN and_CC experienced_VBN ,_, the_AT observation_N
N is_BEZ sharp_JJ and_CC the_AT imagination_NN lively_JJ ._. The_AT young_JJ poe
t-painter_NN reproduces_VBZ the_AT French_JJ life_NN of_IN the_AT streets_NNS ;_
. ;_. he_PPS tells_VBZ stories_NNS of_IN the_AT Thousand_CD-TL and_CC-TL One_CD-
TL Nights_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC conjures_VBZ up_RP before_IN us_PPO the_AT bazaars_N
NS of_IN Damascus_NP ._. In_IN the_AT care-free_JJ indolence_NN of_IN the_AT Eas
t_NR-TL he_PPS sees_VBZ the_AT last_AP reflection_NN of_IN the_AT old_JJ happy_J
J existence_NN ,_, and_CC for_IN that_DT reason_NN he_PPS loves_VBZ it_PPO ._. A
nd_CC yet_RB amid_IN all_ABN the_AT gay_JJ hedonism_NN in_IN Pilgrimage_NN-TL An
d_CC-TL Wander-Years_NNS-TL is_BEZ a_AT cycle_NN of_IN short_JJ poems_NNS ,_, ``
_`` Thoughts_NNS-TL In_IN-TL Loneliness_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, filled_VBN with_IN brood
ing_VBG ,_, melancholy_JJ ,_, and_CC sombre_JJ longing_NN ''_'' ._. Of_IN the_AT
longer_JJR pieces_NNS of_IN the_AT volume_NN none_PN is_BEZ so_QL memorable_JJ
as_CS ``_`` Nameless_JJ-TL And_CC-TL Immortal_JJ-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT at_IN on
ce_RB took_VBD rank_NN among_IN the_AT finest_JJT poems_NNS ever_RB written_VBN
in_IN the_AT Swedish_JJ language_NN ._. It_PPS celebrates_VBZ the_AT unknown_JJ
architect_NN who_WPS designed_VBD the_AT temple_NN of_IN Neptune_NP at_IN Paestu
m_NP ,_, next_RB to_IN the_AT Parthenon_NP the_AT noblest_JJT example_NN of_IN G
recian_JJ classic_JJ style_NN now_RB in_IN existence_NN ._. On_IN the_AT eve_NN
of_IN his_PP$ return_NN to_IN their_PP$ native_JJ Naxos_NP he_PPS speaks_VBZ wit
h_IN his_PP$ wife_NN of_IN the_AT masterpiece_NN which_WDT rises_VBZ before_IN t
hem_PPO in_IN its_PP$ completed_VBN perfection_NN ._. The_AT supreme_JJ object_N
N of_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS is_BEZ now_RB fulfilled_VBN ,_, says_VBZ the_AT wife
_NN ,_, her_PP$ husband_NN has_HVZ achieved_VBN immortality_NN ._. Not_* so_RB ,
_, he_PPS answers_VBZ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* the_AT architect_NN but_CC the_AT
temple_NN that_WPS is_BEZ immortal_JJ ._. ``_`` The_AT man's_NN$ true_JJ reputat
ion_NN is_BEZ his_PP$ work_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT short_JJ poems_NNS grouped_VBN at
_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT volume_NN as_CS ``_`` Thoughts_NNS-TL in_IN-TL Lo
neliness_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ ,_, as_CS Professor_NN-TL Book_NP indicated_VBD ,_,
in_IN sharp_JJ contrast_NN with_IN the_AT others_NNS ._. It_PPS consists_VBZ of_
IN fragmentary_JJ personal_JJ revelations_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS ``_`` The_AT-TL
Spark_NN-TL ''_'' :_: ``_`` There_EX is_BEZ a_AT spark_NN dwells_VBZ deep_RB wit
hin_IN my_PP$ soul_NN ._. To_TO get_VB it_PPO out_RP into_IN the_AT daylight's_N
N$ glow_NN Is_BEZ my_PP$ life's_NN$ aim_NN both_ABX first_RB and_CC last_RB ,_,
the_AT whole_NN ._. It_PPS slips_VBZ away_RB ,_, it_PPS burns_VBZ and_CC torture
s_VBZ me_PPO ._. That_DT little_JJ spark_NN is_BEZ all_ABN the_AT wealth_NN I_PP
SS know_VB ,_, That_DT little_JJ spark_NN is_BEZ my_PP$ life's_NN$ misery_NN ''_
'' ._. A_AT dominant_JJ motive_NN is_BEZ the_AT poet's_NN$ longing_NN for_IN his
_PP$ homeland_NN and_CC its_PP$ boyhood_NN associations_NNS :_: ``_`` Not_* men-
folk_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT fields_NNS where_WRB I_PPSS would_MD stray_VB ,_, The
_AT stones_NNS where_WRB as_CS a_AT child_NN I_PPSS used_VBD to_TO play_VB ''_''
._. He_PPS is_BEZ utterly_QL disappointed_VBN in_IN himself_PPL and_CC in_IN th
e_AT desultory_JJ life_NN he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN leading_VBG ._. What_WDT he_PP
S really_RB wants_NNS is_BEZ to_TO find_VB ``_`` a_AT sacred_JJ cause_NN ''_'' t
o_IN which_WDT he_PPS can_MD honestly_RB devote_VB himself_PPL ._. This_DT restl
ess_JJ individualism_NN found_VBD its_PP$ answer_NN when_WRB he_PPS returned_VBD
to_TO live_VB nearly_QL all_ABN the_AT rest_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN in_IN Swed
en_NP ._. His_PP$ cause_NN was_BEDZ to_TO commemorate_VB the_AT glory_NN of_IN h
er_PP$ past_AP and_CC to_TO incite_VB her_PP$ people_NNS to_TO perpetuate_VB it_
PPO in_IN the_AT present_NN ._. He_PPS did_DOD not_* ,_, however_RB ,_, find_VB
himself_PPL at_IN once_RB ._. His_PP$ next_AP major_JJ work_NN ,_, completed_VBN
in_IN 1892_CD ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT long_JJ fantastic_JJ epic_NN in_IN prose_NN ,_,
entitled_VBN Hans_NP-TL Alienus_NP-TL ,_, which_WDT Professor_NN-TL Book_NP des
cribes_VBZ as_CS a_AT monument_NN on_IN the_AT grave_NN of_IN his_PP$ carefree_J
J and_CC indolent_JJ youth_NN ._. The_AT hero_NN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ himself_PPL
,_, is_BEZ represented_VBN as_CS a_AT pilgrim_NN in_IN the_AT storied_JJ lands_N
NS of_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ,_, a_AT sort_NN of_IN Faustus_NP type_NN ,_, who_WPS
,_, to_TO quote_VB from_IN Professor_NN-TL Book_NP again_RB ,_, ``_`` even_RB i
n_IN the_AT pleasure_NN gardens_NNS of_IN Sardanapalus_NP can_MD not_* cease_VB
from_IN his_PP$ painful_JJ search_NN after_IN the_AT meaning_NN of_IN life_NN ._
. He_PPS is_BEZ driven_VBN back_RB by_IN his_PP$ yearning_NN to_IN the_AT wintry
_JJ homeland_NN of_IN his_PP$ fathers_NNS in_IN the_AT forest_NN of_IN Tiveden_N
P ''_'' ._. From_IN this_DT time_NN on_RP Heidenstam_NP proceeded_VBD to_TO find
_VB his_PP$ deeper_JJR self_NN ._. By_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN his_PP$ father_NN
in_IN 1888_CD he_PPS had_HVD come_VBN into_IN possession_NN of_IN the_AT family
_NN estate_NN and_CC had_HVD re-assumed_VBN its_PP$ traditions_NNS ._. He_PPS di
d_DOD not_* ,_, however_RB ,_, settle_VB back_RB into_IN acquiescence_NN with_IN
things_NNS as_CS they_PPSS were_BED ._. Like_CS his_PP$ friend_NN and_CC contem
porary_NN August_NP Strindberg_NP he_PPS had_HVD little_AP patience_NN with_IN c
ollective_JJ mediocrity_NN ._. He_PPS saw_VBD Sweden_NP as_CS a_AT country_NN of
_IN smug_JJ and_CC narrow_JJ provincialism_NN ,_, indifferent_JJ to_IN the_AT he
roic_JJ spirit_NN of_IN its_PP$ former_AP glory_NN ._. Strindberg's_NP$ remedy_N
N for_IN this_DT condition_NN was_BEDZ to_TO tear_VB down_RP the_AT old_JJ struc
tures_NNS and_CC build_VB anew_RB from_IN the_AT ground_NN up_RP ._. Heidenstam'
s_NP$ conception_NN ,_, on_IN the_AT contrary_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ to_TO revive_VB th
e_AT present_NN by_IN the_AT memories_NNS of_IN the_AT past_NN ._. Whether_CS in
_IN prose_NN or_CC poetry_NN ,_, all_ABN of_IN Heidenstam's_NP$ later_JJR work_N
N was_BEDZ concerned_VBN with_IN Sweden_NP ._. With_IN the_AT first_OD of_IN a_A
T group_NN of_IN historical_JJ novels_NNS ,_, The_AT Charles_NP-TL Men_NNS-TL (_
( Karolinerna_NP )_) ,_, published_VBN in_IN 1897-8_CD ,_, he_PPS achieved_VBD t
he_AT masterpiece_NN of_IN his_PP$ career_NN ._. In_IN scope_NN and_CC power_NN
it_PPS can_MD only_RB be_BE compared_VBN to_IN Tolstoy's_NP$ War_NN-TL And_CC-TL
Peace_NN-TL ._. About_RB one-third_NN as_QL long_JJ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ less_QL i
ntimate_JJ and_CC detailed_VBN ,_, but_CC better_RBR coordinated_VBN ,_, more_QL
concise_JJ and_CC more_QL dramatic_JJ ._. Though_CS it_PPS centers_VBZ around_I
N the_AT brilliant_JJ and_CC enigmatic_JJ figure_NN of_IN Charles_NP 12_CD-TL ,_
, ,_, the_AT true_JJ hero_NN is_BEZ not_* finally_RB the_AT king_NN himself_PPL
._. Hence_RB the_AT title_NN of_IN the_AT book_NN ,_, referring_VBG to_IN the_AT
soldiers_NNS and_CC subjects_NNS of_IN the_AT king_NN ;_. ;_. on_IN the_AT fata
l_JJ battlefield_NN of_IN Poltava_NP ,_, to_TO quote_VB from_IN the_AT novel_NN
,_, ``_`` the_AT wreath_NN he_PPS twined_VBD for_IN himself_PPL slipped_VBD down
_RP upon_IN his_PP$ people_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT-TL Charles_NP-TL Men_NNS-TL cons
ists_VBZ not_* of_IN a_AT connected_VBN narrative_NN but_CC of_IN a_AT group_NN
of_IN short_JJ stories_NNS ,_, each_DT depicting_VBG a_AT special_JJ phase_NN of
_IN the_AT general_JJ subject_NN ._. Somewhat_QL uneven_JJ in_IN interest_NN for
_IN an_AT average_JJ reader_NN ,_, eight_CD or_CC ten_CD of_IN these_DTS are_BER
among_IN the_AT finest_JJT of_IN their_PP$ kind_NN in_IN literature_NN ._. They
_PPSS comprise_VB a_AT great_JJ variety_NN of_IN scene_NN and_CC interest_NN :_:
grim_JJ episodes_NNS of_IN war_NN ,_, idyllic_JJ interludes_NNS ,_, superb_JJ c
anvases_NNS of_IN world-shaking_JJ events_NNS ,_, and_CC delightfully_QL humorou
s_JJ sketches_NNS of_IN odd_JJ characters_NNS ._. The_AT general_JJ effect_NN is
_BEZ tragic_JJ ._. Almost_RB nothing_PN is_BEZ said_VBN of_IN Charles'_NP$ spect
acular_JJ victories_NNS ,_, the_AT central_JJ theme_NN being_BEG the_AT heroic_J
J loyalty_NN of_IN the_AT Swedish_JJ people_NNS to_IN their_PP$ idolized_VBN kin
g_NN in_IN misfortune_NN and_CC defeat_NN ._. To_TO carry_VB out_RP this_DT exal
ted_VBN conception_NN the_AT author_NN has_HVZ combined_VBN the_AT vivid_JJ real
ism_NN and_CC imaginative_JJ power_NN we_PPSS have_HV noticed_VBN in_IN his_PP$
early_JJ poetry_NN and_CC carried_VBD them_PPO out_RP on_IN a_AT grand_JJ scale_
NN ._. His_PP$ peculiar_JJ gift_NN ,_, as_CS had_HVD been_BEN suggested_VBN befo
re_RB ,_, is_BEZ his_PP$ intensity_NN ._. George_NP Meredith_NP has_HVZ said_VBN
that_CS fervor_NN is_BEZ the_AT core_NN of_IN style_NN ._. Of_IN few_AP authors
_NNS is_BEZ this_DT more_QL true_JJ than_CS of_IN Heidenstam_NP ._. The_AT-TL Ch
arles_NP-TL Men_NNS-TL has_HVZ a_AT tremendous_JJ range_NN of_IN characters_NNS
,_, of_IN common_JJ folk_NN even_RB more_AP than_CS of_IN major_JJ figures_NNS .
_. The_AT career_NN of_IN Charles_NP 12_CD-TL ,_, is_BEZ obviously_RB very_QL si
milar_JJ to_IN that_DT of_IN Napoleon_NP ._. His_PP$ ideal_NN was_BEDZ Alexander
_NP of_IN Macedon_NP ,_, as_CS Napoleon's_NP$ was_BEDZ Julius_NP Caesar_NP ._. H
is_PP$ purpose_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, was_BEDZ not_* to_TO establish_VB an_AT emp
ire_NN ,_, but_CC to_TO assert_VB the_AT principle_NN of_IN divine_JJ justice_NN
._. Each_DT aspired_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT god_NN in_IN human_JJ form_NN ,_, but_
CC with_IN each_DT it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT different_JJ kind_NN of_IN god_NN ._. Ea
ch_DT failed_VBD catastrophically_RB in_IN an_AT invasion_NN of_IN Russia_NP and
_CC each_DT brought_VBD ruin_NN on_IN the_AT country_NN that_WPS worshipped_VBD
him_PPO ._. Each_DT is_BEZ still_RB glorified_VBN as_CS a_AT national_JJ hero_NN
._. The_AT first_OD half_ABN of_IN The_AT-TL Charles_NP-TL Men_NNS-TL ,_, endin
g_VBG on_IN the_AT climax_NN of_IN the_AT battle_NN of_IN Poltava_NP in_IN 1709_
CD ,_, is_BEZ more_QL dramatically_RB coherent_JJ than_CS the_AT second_OD ._. A
fter_IN the_AT collapse_NN of_IN that_DT desperate_JJ and_CC ill-fated_JJ campai
gn_NN the_AT character_NN of_IN the_AT king_NN degenerated_VBD for_IN a_AT time_
NN into_IN a_AT futility_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ not_* merely_RB pitiable_JJ but_CC
often_RB ridiculous_JJ ._. Like_CS Napoleon_NP ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT worst
_JJT of_IN losers_NNS ._. There_EX are_BER ,_, however_RB ,_, some_DTI wonderful
_JJ chapters_NNS at_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN the_AT second_OD part_NN ,_, co
ncerning_IN the_AT reactions_NNS of_IN the_AT Swedes_NPS in_IN adversity_NN ._.
Then_RB more_RBR than_IN ever_RB before_RB did_DOD they_PPSS show_VB their_PP$ f
ortitude_NN and_CC patient_JJ cheerfulness_NN ._. This_DT comes_VBZ out_RP in_IN
``_`` When_WRB-TL The_AT-TL Bells_NNS-TL Ring_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT describ
es_VBZ the_AT rallying_NN of_IN the_AT peasants_NNS in_IN southern_JJ Sweden_NP
to_TO repel_VB an_AT invasion_NN by_IN the_AT Danes_NPS ._. In_IN ``_`` The_AT-T
L King's_NN$-TL Ride_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Charles_NP breaks_VBZ out_RP of_IN a_AT lon
g_JJ period_NN of_IN petulance_NN and_CC inertia_NN ,_, regains_VBZ his_PP$ old_
JJ self_NN ,_, escapes_VBZ from_IN Turkey_NP ,_, and_CC finally_RB reaches_VBZ h
is_PP$ own_JJ land_NN after_IN an_AT absence_NN of_IN eighteen_CD years_NNS ._.
He_PPS finds_VBZ it_PPO in_IN utter_JJ misery_NN and_CC desolation_NN ._. All_AB
N his_PP$ people_NNS ask_VB for_IN is_BEZ no_AT more_AP war_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS
plunges_VBZ into_IN yet_RB another_DT ,_, this_DT time_NN with_IN Norway_NP ,_,
and_CC is_BEZ killed_VBN in_IN an_AT assault_NN on_IN the_AT fortress_NN of_IN
Fredrikshall_NP ,_, being_BEG only_RB thirty-six_CD years_NNS of_IN age_NN when_
WRB he_PPS died_VBD ._. He_PPS had_HVD become_VBN king_NN at_IN fifteen_CD ._. T
hen_RB suddenly_RB there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT tremendous_JJ revulsion_NN of_IN popul
ar_JJ feeling_NN ._. From_IN being_BEG a_AT hated_VBN tyrant_NN and_CC madman_NN
he_PPS was_BEDZ now_RB the_AT symbol_NN of_IN all_ABN that_WPS was_BEDZ noblest
_JJT and_CC best_JJT in_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN Sweden_NP ._. This_DT is_BEZ
brought_VBN out_RP in_IN the_AT next_AP to_IN last_AP chapter_NN of_IN the_AT bo
ok_NN ,_, ``_`` A_AT-TL Hero's_NN$-TL Funeral_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, written_VBN in_IN
the_AT form_NN of_IN an_AT impassioned_JJ prose_NN poem_NN ._. Slowly_RB the_AT
procession_NN of_IN warriors_NNS and_CC statesmen_NNS passes_NNS through_IN the_
AT snow_NN beside_IN the_AT black_JJ water_NN and_CC into_IN the_AT brilliantly_
QL lighted_VBN cathedral_NN ,_, the_AT shrine_NN of_IN so_QL many_AP precious_JJ
memories_NNS ._. The_AT guns_NNS are_BER fired_VBN ,_, the_AT hymns_NNS are_BER
sung_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT body_NN of_IN Charles_NP is_BEZ carried_VBN down_RP
to_IN the_AT vault_NN and_CC laid_VBN beside_IN the_AT tombs_NNS of_IN his_PP$ a
ncestors_NNS ._. As_CS he_PPS had_HVD longed_VBN to_TO be_BE ,_, he_PPS became_V
BD the_AT echo_NN of_IN a_AT saga_NN ._. Heidenstam_NP wrote_VBD four_CD other_A
P works_NNS of_IN fiction_NN about_IN earlier_JJR figures_NNS revered_VBN in_IN
Swedish_JJ memory_NN ._. Excellent_JJ in_IN their_PP$ way_NN ,_, they_PPSS lack_
VB the_AT wide_JJ appeal_NN of_IN The_AT-TL Charles_NP-TL Men_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC
need_VB not_* detain_VB us_PPO here_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ different_JJ with_IN hi
s_PP$ volume_NN The_AT-TL Swedes_NPS And_CC-TL Their_PP$-TL Chieftains_NNS-TL (_
( Svenskarna_FW-NPS-TL och_FW-CC-TL deras_FW-PP$-TL Hovdingar_FW-NNS-TL )_) ,_,
a_AT history_NN intended_VBN for_IN the_AT general_JJ reader_NN and_CC particula
rly_RB suited_VBN for_IN high_JJ school_NN students_NNS ._. Admirably_RB written
_VBN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT perfect_JJ introduction_NN to_IN Swedish_JJ history_
NN for_IN readers_NNS of_IN other_AP countries_NNS ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT ear
lier_JJR episodes_NNS have_HV touches_NNS of_IN the_AT supernatural_JJ ,_, as_CS
suited_VBN to_IN the_AT legendary_JJ background_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER sugges
tive_JJ of_IN Selma_NP Lagerlof_NP ._. Especially_RB touching_JJ is_BEZ the_AT c
hapter_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Little_JJ-TL Sister_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, about_IN a_AT
king's_NN$ daughter_NN who_WPS became_VBD a_AT nun_NN in_IN the_AT convent_NN of
_IN St._NN-TL Birgitta_NP ._. The_AT record_NN teems_VBZ with_IN romance_NN and_
CC adventure_NN ._. Gustaf_NP Vasa_NP is_BEZ a_AT superb_JJ example_NN ,_, and_C
C Charles_NP 10_CD-TL ,_, ,_, the_AT conqueror_NN of_IN Denmark_NP ,_, hardly_QL
less_QL so_RB ._. Of_IN Gustavus_NP Adolphus_NP and_CC Charles_NP 12_CD-TL ,_,
it_PPS is_BEZ unnecessary_JJ to_TO speak_VB ._. Today_NR the_AT private_JJ detec
tive_NN will_MD also_RB investigate_VB insurance_NN claims_NNS or_CC handle_VB d
ivorce_NN cases_NNS ,_, but_CC his_PP$ primary_JJ function_NN remains_VBZ what_W
DT it_PPS has_HVZ always_RB been_BEN ,_, to_TO assist_VB those_DTS who_WPS have_
HV money_NN in_IN their_PP$ unending_JJ struggle_NN with_IN those_DTS who_WPS ha
ve_HV not_* ._. It_PPS is_BEZ from_IN this_DT unpromising_JJ background_NN that_
CS the_AT fictional_JJ private_JJ detective_NN was_BEDZ recruited_VBN ._. The_AT
mythological_JJ private_JJ eye_NN differs_VBZ from_IN his_PP$ counterpart_NN in
_IN real_JJ life_NN in_IN two_CD essential_JJ ways_NNS ._. On_IN the_AT one_CD h
and_NN ,_, he_PPS does_DOZ not_* work_VB for_IN a_AT large_JJ agency_NN ,_, but_
CC is_BEZ almost_QL always_RB self-employed_JJ ._. As_CS a_AT free-lance_NN inve
stigator_NN ,_, the_AT fictional_JJ detective_NN is_BEZ responsible_JJ to_IN no_
AT one_PN but_IN himself_PPL and_CC his_PP$ client_NN ._. For_IN this_DT reason_
NN ,_, he_PPS appears_VBZ as_CS an_AT independent_JJ and_CC self-reliant_JJ figu
re_NN ,_, whose_WP$ rugged_JJ individualism_NN need_VB not_* be_BE pressed_VBN i
nto_IN the_AT mold_NN of_IN a_AT 9_CD to_IN 5_CD routine_NN ._. On_IN the_AT oth
er_AP hand_NN ,_, the_AT fictional_JJ detective_NN does_DOZ not_* break_VB strik
es_NNS or_CC handle_VB divorce_NN cases_NNS ;_. ;_. no_AT client_NN would_MD eve
r_RB think_VB of_IN asking_VBG him_PPO to_TO do_DO such_JJ things_NNS ._. Whatev
er_WDT his_PP$ original_JJ assignment_NN ,_, the_AT fictional_JJ private_JJ eye_
NN ends_VBZ up_RP by_IN investigating_VBG and_CC solving_VBG a_AT crime_NN ,_, u
sually_RB a_AT murder_NN ._. Operating_VBG as_CS a_AT one_CD man_NN police_NN fo
rce_NN in_IN fact_NN if_CS not_* in_IN name_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ at_IN once_RB m
ore_QL independent_JJ and_CC more_QL dedicated_VBN than_CS the_AT police_NN them
selves_PPLS ._. He_PPS catches_VBZ criminals_NNS not_* merely_RB because_CS he_P
PS is_BEZ paid_VBN to_TO do_DO so_RB (_( frequently_RB he_PPS does_DOZ not_* rec
eive_VB a_AT fee_NN at_IN all_ABN )_) ,_, but_CC because_CS he_PPS enjoys_VBZ hi
s_PP$ work_NN ,_, because_CS he_PPS firmly_RB believes_VBZ that_CS murder_NN mus
t_MD be_BE punished_VBN ._. Thus_RB the_AT fictional_JJ detective_NN is_BEZ much
_QL more_AP than_CS a_AT simple_JJ businessman_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ ,_, first_RB
and_CC foremost_RB ,_, a_AT defender_NN of_IN public_JJ morals_NNS ,_, a_AT ser
vant_NN of_IN society_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT curious_JJ blend_NN of_IN rug
ged_JJ individualism_NN and_CC public_JJ service_NN which_WDT accounts_VBZ for_I
N the_AT great_JJ appeal_NN of_IN the_AT mythological_JJ detective_NN ._. By_IN
virtue_NN of_IN his_PP$ self-reliance_NN ,_, his_PP$ individualism_NN and_CC his
_PP$ freedom_NN from_IN external_JJ restraint_NN ,_, the_AT private_JJ eye_NN is
_BEZ a_AT perfect_JJ embodiment_NN of_IN the_AT middle_JJ class_NN conception_NN
of_IN liberty_NN ,_, which_WDT amounts_VBZ to_IN doing_VBG what_WDT you_PPSS pl
ease_VB and_CC let_VB the_AT devil_NN take_VB the_AT hindmost_JJT ._. At_IN the_
AT same_AP time_NN ,_, because_CS the_AT personal_JJ code_NN of_IN the_AT detect
ive_NN coincides_VBZ with_IN the_AT legal_JJ dictates_NNS of_IN his_PP$ society_
NN ,_, because_CS he_PPS likes_VBZ to_TO catch_VB criminals_NNS ,_, he_PPS is_BE
Z in_IN middle_JJ class_NN eyes_NNS a_AT virtuous_JJ man_NN ._. In_IN this_DT wa
y_NN ,_, the_AT private_JJ detective_NN gets_VBZ the_AT best_JJT of_IN two_CD po
ssible_JJ worlds_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ an_AT individualist_NN but_CC not_* an_AT
anarchist_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT public_JJ servant_NN but_CC not_* a_AT
cop_NN ._. In_IN short_JJ ,_, the_AT fictional_JJ private_JJ eye_NN is_BEZ a_AT
specialized_VBN version_NN of_IN Adam_NP Smith's_NP$ ideal_JJ entrepreneur_NN ,_
, the_AT man_NN whose_WP$ private_JJ ambitions_NNS must_MD always_RB and_CC ever
ywhere_RB promote_VB the_AT public_NN welfare_NN ._. In_IN the_AT mystery_NN sto
ry_NN ,_, as_CS in_IN The_AT-TL Wealth_NN-TL of_IN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ,_, individ
ualism_NN and_CC the_AT social_JJ good_NN are_BER two_CD sides_NNS of_IN the_AT
same_AP benevolent_JJ coin_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ only_RB one_CD catch_NN to_IN
this_DT idyllic_JJ arrangement_NN :_: Adam_NP Smith_NP was_BEDZ wrong_JJ ._. Not
_* only_RB did_DOD the_AT ideal_JJ entrepreneur_NN not_* produce_VB the_AT great
est_JJT good_NN for_IN the_AT greatest_JJT number_NN ,_, he_PPS ended_VBD by_IN
destroying_VBG himself_PPL ,_, by_IN giving_VBG birth_NN to_IN monopoly_NN capit
alism_NN ._. The_AT rise_NN of_IN the_AT giant_JJ corporations_NNS in_IN Western
_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL and_CC the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL dates_VBZ from_IN
the_AT period_NN 1880-1900_CD ._. Now_RB ,_, although_CS the_AT roots_NNS of_IN
the_AT mystery_NN story_NN in_IN serious_JJ literature_NN go_VB back_RB as_QL fa
r_RB as_CS Balzac_NP ,_, Dickens_NP ,_, and_CC Poe_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ not_*
until_IN the_AT closing_VBG decades_NNS of_IN the_AT 19th_OD century_NN that_CS
the_AT private_JJ detective_NN became_VBD an_AT established_VBN figure_NN in_IN
popular_JJ fiction_NN ._. Sherlock_NP Holmes_NP ,_, the_AT ancestor_NN of_IN all
_ABN private_JJ eyes_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ born_VBN during_IN the_AT 1890s_NNS ._. Th
us_RB the_AT transformation_NN of_IN Adam_NP Smith's_NP$ ideal_JJ entrepreneur_N
N into_IN a_AT mythological_JJ detective_NN coincides_VBZ closely_RB with_IN the
_AT decline_NN of_IN the_AT real_JJ entrepreneur_NN in_IN economic_JJ life_NN ._
. Driven_VBN from_IN the_AT marketplace_NN by_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN history_
NN ,_, our_PP$ hero_NN disguises_VBZ himself_PPL as_CS a_AT private_JJ detective
_NN ._. The_AT birth_NN of_IN the_AT myth_NN compensates_VBZ for_IN the_AT death
_NN of_IN the_AT ideal_NN ._. Even_RB on_IN the_AT fictional_JJ level_NN ,_, how
ever_RB ,_, the_AT contradictions_NNS which_WDT give_VB rise_NN to_IN the_AT mys
tery_NN story_NN are_BER not_* fully_RB resolved_VBN ._. The_AT individualism_NN
and_CC public_JJ service_NN of_IN the_AT private_JJ detective_NN both_ABX stem_
VB from_IN his_PP$ dedication_NN to_IN a_AT personal_JJ code_NN of_IN conduct_NN
:_: he_PPS enforces_VBZ the_AT law_NN without_IN being_BEG told_VBN to_TO do_DO
so_RB ._. The_AT private_JJ eye_NN is_BEZ therefore_RB a_AT moral_JJ man_NN ;_.
;_. but_CC his_PP$ morality_NN rests_VBZ upon_IN that_DT of_IN his_PP$ society_
NN ._. The_AT basic_JJ premise_NN of_IN all_ABN mystery_NN stories_NNS is_BEZ th
at_CS the_AT distinction_NN between_IN good_NN and_CC bad_NN coincides_VBZ with_
IN the_AT distinction_NN between_IN legal_JJ and_CC illegal_JJ ._. Unfortunately
_RB ,_, this_DT assumption_NN does_DOZ not_* always_RB hold_VB good_JJ ._. As_CS
capitalism_NN in_IN the_AT 20th_OD century_NN has_HVZ become_VBN increasingly_Q
L dependent_JJ upon_IN force_NN and_CC violence_NN for_IN its_PP$ survival_NN ,_
, the_AT private_JJ detective_NN is_BEZ placed_VBN in_IN a_AT serious_JJ dilemma
_NN ._. If_CS he_PPS is_BEZ good_JJ ,_, he_PPS may_MD not_* be_BE legal_JJ ;_. ;
_. if_CS he_PPS is_BEZ legal_JJ ,_, he_PPS may_MD not_* be_BE good_JJ ._. It_PPS
is_BEZ the_AT gradual_JJ unfolding_VBG and_CC deepening_NN of_IN this_DT contra
diction_NN which_WDT creates_VBZ the_AT inner_JJ dialectic_NN of_IN the_AT evolu
tion_NN of_IN the_AT mystery_NN story_NN ._. With_IN the_AT advent_NN of_IN Sir_
NP Arthur_NP Conan_NP Doyle's_NP$ Sherlock_NP Holmes_NP ,_, the_AT development_N
N of_IN the_AT modern_JJ private_JJ detective_NN begins_VBZ ._. Sherlock_NP Holm
es_NP is_BEZ not_* merely_RB an_AT individualist_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ very_Q
L close_JJ to_IN being_BEG a_AT mental_JJ case_NN ._. A_AT brief_JJ list_NN of_I
N the_AT great_JJ detective's_NN$ little_JJ idiosyncrasies_NNS would_MD provide_
VB Dr._NN-TL Freud_NP with_IN ample_JJ food_NN for_IN thought_NN ._. Holmes_NP i
s_BEZ addicted_VBN to_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN cocaine_NN and_CC other_AP refreshi
ng_VBG stimulants_NNS ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ prone_JJ to_IN semi-catatonic_JJ tra
nces_NNS induced_VBN by_IN the_AT playing_NN of_IN the_AT vioiln_NN ;_. ;_. he_P
PS is_BEZ a_AT recluse_NN ,_, an_AT incredible_JJ egotist_NN ,_, a_AT confirmed_
VBN misogynist_NN ._. Holmes_NP rebels_NNS against_IN the_AT social_JJ conventio
ns_NNS of_IN his_PP$ day_NN not_* on_IN moral_JJ but_CC rather_RB on_IN aestheti
c_JJ grounds_NNS ._. His_PP$ eccentricity_NN begins_VBZ as_CS a_AT defense_NN ag
ainst_IN boredom_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN order_NN to_TO avoid_VB the_AT stu
ffy_JJ routine_NN of_IN middle_JJ class_NN life_NN that_CS Holmes_NP became_VBD
a_AT detective_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ._. As_CS he_PPS informs_VBZ Wa
tson_NP ,_, ``_`` My_PP$ life_NN is_BEZ spent_VBN in_IN one_CD long_JJ effort_NN
to_TO escape_VB from_IN the_AT commonplaces_NNS of_IN existence_NN ._. These_DT
S little_JJ problems_NNS help_VB me_PPO to_TO do_DO so_RB ''_'' ._. Holmes_NP is
_BEZ a_AT public_JJ servant_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE sure_JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT soc
iety_NN which_WDT he_PPS serves_VBZ bores_VBZ him_PPO to_IN tears_NNS ._. The_AT
curious_JJ relationship_NN between_IN Holmes_NP and_CC Scotland_NP-TL Yard_NN-T
L provides_VBZ an_AT important_JJ clue_NN to_IN the_AT deeper_JJR significance_N
N of_IN his_PP$ eccentric_JJ behavior_NN ._. Although_CS he_PPS is_BEZ perfectly
_QL willing_JJ to_TO cooperate_VB with_IN Scotland_NP-TL Yard_NN-TL ,_, Holmes_N
P has_HVZ nothing_PN but_IN contempt_NN for_IN the_AT intelligence_NN and_CC men
tality_NN of_IN the_AT police_NN ._. They_PPSS for_IN their_PP$ part_NN are_BER
convinced_VBN that_CS Holmes_NP is_BEZ too_QL ``_`` unorthodox_JJ ''_'' and_CC `
`_`` theoretical_JJ ''_'' to_TO make_VB a_AT good_JJ detective_NN ._. Why_WRB do
_DO the_AT police_NN find_VB Holmes_NP ``_`` unorthodox_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_. On_IN t
he_AT face_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ because_CS he_PPS employs_VBZ deduc
tive_JJ techniques_NNS alien_JJ to_IN official_JJ police_NN routine_NN ._. Anoth
er_DT ,_, more_QL interesting_JJ explanation_NN ,_, is_BEZ hinted_VBN at_IN by_I
N Watson_NP when_WRB he_PPS observes_VBZ on_IN several_AP occasions_NNS that_CS
Holmes_NP would_MD have_HV made_VBN a_AT magnificent_JJ criminal_NN ._. The_AT g
reat_JJ detective_NN modestly_RB agrees_VBZ ._. Watson's_NP$ insight_NN is_BEZ v
erified_VBN by_IN the_AT mysterious_JJ link_NN between_IN Holmes_NP and_CC his_P
P$ arch-opponent_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Moriarty_NP ._. The_AT two_CD men_NNS resemble
_VB each_DT other_AP closely_RB in_IN their_PP$ cunning_NN ,_, their_PP$ egotism
_NN ,_, their_PP$ relentlessness_NN ._. The_AT first_OD series_NN of_IN Sherlock
_NP Holmes_NP adventures_NNS ends_VBZ with_IN Holmes_NP and_CC Moriarty_NP grapp
ling_VBG together_RB on_IN the_AT edge_NN of_IN a_AT cliff_NN ._. They_PPSS are_
BER presumed_VBN to_TO have_HV plunged_VBN to_IN a_AT common_JJ grave_NN in_IN t
his_DT fatal_JJ embrace_NN ._. Linked_VBN to_IN Holmes_NP even_RB in_IN death_NN
,_, Moriarty_NP represents_VBZ the_AT alter-ego_NN of_IN the_AT great_JJ detect
ive_NN ,_, the_AT image_NN of_IN what_WDT our_PP$ hero_NN might_MD have_HV becom
e_VBN were_BED he_PPS not_* a_AT public_JJ servant_NN ._. Just_RB as_CS Holmes_N
P the_AT eccentric_JJ stands_VBZ behind_IN Holmes_NP the_AT detective_NN ,_, so_
RB Holmes_NP the_AT potential_JJ criminal_NN lurks_VBZ behind_IN both_ABX ._. In
_IN the_AT modern_JJ English_JJ ``_`` whodunnit_NN ''_'' ,_, this_DT insinuation
_NN of_IN latent_JJ criminality_NN in_IN the_AT detective_NN himself_PPL has_HVZ
almost_QL entirely_RB disappeared_VBN ._. Hercule_NP Poirot_NP and_CC Lord_NN-T
L Peter_NP Whimsey_NP (_( the_AT respective_JJ creations_NNS of_IN Agatha_NP Chr
istie_NP and_CC Dorothy_NP Sayers_NP )_) have_HV retained_VBN Holmes'_NP$ egotis
m_NN but_CC not_* his_PP$ zest_NN for_IN life_NN and_CC eccentric_JJ habits_NNS
._. Poirot_NP and_CC his_PP$ counterparts_NNS are_BER perfectly_QL respectable_J
J people_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ that_CS they_PPSS are_BER also_RB ext
remely_QL dull_JJ ._. Their_PP$ dedication_NN to_IN the_AT status_NN quo_FW-WDT
has_HVZ been_BEN affirmed_VBN at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN the_AT fascinating_J
J but_CC dangerous_JJ individualism_NN of_IN a_AT Sherlock_NP Holmes_NP ._. The_
AT latter's_NN$ real_JJ descendents_NNS were_BED unable_JJ to_TO take_VB root_NN
in_IN England_NP ;_. ;_. they_PPSS fled_VBD from_IN the_AT Victorian_JJ parlor_
NN and_CC made_VBD their_PP$ way_NN across_IN the_AT stormy_JJ Atlantic_NP ._. I
n_IN the_AT American_JJ ``_`` hardboiled_JJ ''_'' detective_NN story_NN of_IN th
e_AT '20s_NNS and_CC '30s_NNS ,_, the_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT mad_JJ genius_NN
from_IN Baker_NP-TL Street_NN-TL lives_VBZ on_RP ._. Like_CS Holmes_NP ,_, the_
AT American_JJ private_JJ eye_NN rejects_VBZ the_AT social_JJ conventions_NNS of
_IN his_PP$ time_NN ._. But_CC unlike_IN Holmes_NP ,_, he_PPS feels_VBZ his_PP$
society_NN to_TO be_BE not_* merely_QL dull_JJ but_CC also_RB corrupt_JJ ._. Sur
rounded_VBN by_IN crime_NN and_CC violence_NN everywhere_RB ,_, the_AT ``_`` har
dboiled_JJ ''_'' private_JJ eye_NN can_MD retain_VB his_PP$ purity_NN only_RB th
rough_IN a_AT life_NN of_IN self-imposed_JJ isolation_NN ._. His_PP$ alienation_
NN is_BEZ far_QL more_QL acute_JJ than_CS Holmes'_NP$ ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ not_
* an_AT eccentric_NN but_IN rather_RB an_AT outcast_NN ._. With_IN Rex_NP Stout'
s_NP$ Nero_NP Wolfe_NP ,_, alienation_NN is_BEZ represented_VBN on_IN a_AT purel
y_QL physical_JJ plane_NN ._. Wolfe_NP refuses_VBZ to_TO ever_RB leave_VB his_PP
$ own_JJ house_NN ,_, and_CC spends_VBZ most_AP of_IN his_PP$ time_NN drinking_V
BG beer_NN and_CC playing_VBG with_IN orchids_NNS ._. More_QL profound_JJ and_CC
more_QL disturbing_JJ ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ the_AT moral_JJ isolation_NN of
_IN Raymond_NP Chandler's_NP$ Philip_NP Marlowe_NP ._. In_IN a_AT society_NN whe
re_WRB everything_PN is_BEZ for_IN sale_NN ,_, Marlowe_NP is_BEZ the_AT only_AP
man_NN who_WPS cannot_MD* be_BE bought_VBN ._. His_PP$ tough_JJ honesty_NN conde
mns_VBZ him_PPO to_IN a_AT solitary_JJ and_CC difficult_JJ existence_NN ._. Beat
en_VBN ,_, bruised_VBN and_CC exhausted_VBN ,_, he_PPS pursues_VBZ the_AT elusiv
e_JJ killer_NN through_IN the_AT demi-monde_NN of_IN high_JJ society_NN and_CC l
ow_JJ morals_NNS ,_, always_RB alone_RB ,_, always_RB despised_VBN ._. In_IN the
_AT end_NN ,_, he_PPS gets_VBZ his_PP$ man_NN ,_, but_CC no_AT one_PN seems_VBZ
to_TO care_VB ;_. ;_. virtue_NN is_BEZ its_PP$ own_JJ and_CC only_AP reward_NN .
_. A_AT similar_JJ tone_NN of_IN underlying_VBG futility_NN and_CC despair_NN pe
rvades_VBZ the_AT spy_NN thrillers_NNS of_IN Eric_NP Ambler_NP and_CC dominates_
VBZ the_AT most_QL famous_JJ of_IN all_ABN American_JJ mystery_NN stories_NNS ,_
, Dashiell_NP Hammett's_NP$ The_AT-TL Maltese_JJ-TL Falcon_NN-TL ._. Sam_NP Spad
e_NP joins_VBZ forces_NNS with_IN a_AT band_NN of_IN adventurers_NNS in_IN searc
h_NN of_IN a_AT priceless_JJ jeweled_JJ statue_NN of_IN a_AT falcon_NN ;_. ;_. b
ut_CC when_WRB the_AT bird_NN is_BEZ found_VBN at_IN last_AP ,_, it_PPS turns_VB
Z out_RP to_TO be_BE a_AT fake_NN ._. Now_RB the_AT detective_NN must_MD save_VB
his_PP$ own_JJ skin_NN by_IN informing_VBG on_IN the_AT girl_NN he_PPS loves_VB
Z ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ also_RB the_AT real_JJ murderer_NN ._. For_IN Sam_NP Spade_
NP ,_, neither_CC crime_NN nor_CC virtue_NN pays_VBZ ;_. ;_. moreover_RB ,_, it_
PPS is_BEZ increasingly_QL difficult_JJ to_TO distinguish_VB between_IN the_AT t
wo_CD ._. Because_CS the_AT private_JJ eye_NN intends_VBZ to_TO save_VB society_
NN in_IN spite_NN of_IN himself_PPL ,_, he_PPS invariably_RB finds_VBZ himself_P
PL in_IN trouble_NN with_IN the_AT police_NNS ._. The_AT latter_AP are_BER eithe
r_CC too_QL stupid_JJ to_TO catch_VB the_AT killer_NN or_CC too_QL corrupt_JJ to
_TO care_VB ._. In_IN either_DTX case_NN ,_, they_PPSS do_DO not_* appreciate_VB
the_AT private_JJ detective's_NN$ zeal_NN ._. Perry_NP Mason_NP and_CC Hamilton
_NP Burger_NP ,_, Nero_NP Wolfe_NP and_CC Inspector_NN-TL Cramer_NP spend_VB mor
e_AP time_NN fighting_VBG each_DT other_AP than_CS they_PPSS do_DO in_IN looking
_VBG for_IN the_AT criminal_NN ._. Frequently_RB enough_QLP ,_, the_AT police_NN
are_BER themselves_PPLS in_IN league_NN with_IN the_AT killer_NN ;_. ;_. Dashie
ll_NP Hammett's_NP$ Red_JJ-TL Harvest_NN-TL provides_VBZ a_AT classic_JJ example
_NN of_IN this_DT theme_NN ._. But_CC even_RB when_WRB the_AT police_NNS are_BER
honest_JJ ,_, they_PPSS do_DO not_* trust_VB the_AT private_JJ eye_NN ._. He_PP
S is_BEZ ,_, like_CS Phillip_NP Marlowe_NP ,_, too_QL alienated_VBN to_TO be_BE
reliable_JJ ._. Finally_RB ,_, in_IN The_AT Maltese_JJ-TL Falcon_NN-TL among_IN
others_NNS ,_, the_AT clash_NN between_IN detective_NN and_CC police_NNS is_BEZ
carried_VBN to_IN its_PP$ logical_JJ conclusion_NN :_: Sam_NP Spade_NP becomes_V
BZ the_AT chief_JJS murder_NN suspect_NN ._. In_IN order_NN to_TO exonerate_VB h
imself_PPL ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ compelled_VBN to_TO find_VB the_AT real_JJ criminal
_NN ,_, who_WPS happens_VBZ to_TO be_BE his_PP$ girl_NN friend_NN ._. What_WDT w
as_BEDZ only_RB a_AT vague_JJ suspicion_NN in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN Sherlock_N
P Holmes_NP now_RB appears_VBZ as_CS a_AT direct_JJ accusation_NN :_: the_AT pri
vate_JJ eye_NN is_BEZ in_IN danger_NN of_IN turning_VBG into_IN his_PP$ opposite
_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT growing_VBG contradiction_NN between_IN individuali
sm_NN and_CC public_JJ service_NN in_IN the_AT mystery_NN story_NN which_WDT cre
ates_VBZ this_DT fatal_JJ dilemma_NN ._. By_IN upholding_VBG his_PP$ own_JJ pers
onal_JJ code_NN of_IN behavior_NN ,_, the_AT private_JJ detective_NN has_HVZ pla
ced_VBN himself_PPL in_IN opposition_NN to_IN a_AT society_NN whose_WP$ fabric_N
N is_BEZ permeated_VBN with_IN crime_NN and_CC corruption_NN ._. That_DT society
_NN responds_VBZ by_IN condemning_VBG the_AT private_JJ eye_NN as_CS a_AT threat
_NN to_IN the_AT status_NN quo_FW-WDT ,_, a_AT potential_JJ criminal_NN ._. If_C
S the_AT detective_NN insists_VBZ upon_IN retaining_VBG his_PP$ personal_JJ stan
dards_NNS ,_, he_PPS must_MD now_RB do_DO so_RB in_IN conscious_JJ defiance_NN o
f_IN his_PP$ society_NN ._. He_PPS must_MD ,_, in_IN short_JJ ,_, cease_VB to_TO
be_BE a_AT detective_NN and_CC become_VB a_AT rebel_NN ._. On_IN the_AT other_A
P hand_NN ,_, if_CS he_PPS wishes_VBZ to_TO continue_VB in_IN his_PP$ chosen_VBN
profession_NN ,_, he_PPS must_MD abandon_VB his_PP$ own_JJ code_NN and_CC sacri
fice_VB his_PP$ precious_JJ individualism_NN ._. Dashiell_NP Hammett_NP resolved
_VBD this_DT contradiction_NN by_IN ceasing_VBG to_TO write_VB mystery_NN storie
s_NNS and_CC turning_VBG to_IN other_AP pursuits_NNS ._. His_PP$ successors_NNS
have_HV adopted_VBN the_AT opposite_JJ alternative_NN ._. In_IN order_NN to_TO s
ave_VB the_AT mystery_NN story_NN ,_, they_PPSS have_HV converted_VBN the_AT pri
vate_JJ detective_NN into_IN an_AT organization_NN man_NN ._. The_AT first_OD of
_IN two_CD possible_JJ variations_NNS on_IN this_DT theme_NN is_BEZ symbolized_V
BN by_IN Mickey_NP Spillane's_NP$ Mike_NP Hammer_NP ._. At_IN first_OD glance_NN
,_, this_DT hero_NN seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE more_AP rather_IN than_IN less_AP of_
IN an_AT individualist_NN than_CS any_DTI of_IN his_PP$ predecessors_NNS ._. For
_IN Hammer_NP ,_, nothing_PN is_BEZ forbidden_VBN ._. He_PPS kills_VBZ when_WRB
he_PPS pleases_VBZ ,_, takes_VBZ his_PP$ women_NNS where_WRB he_PPS finds_VBZ th
em_PPO and_CC always_RB acts_VBZ as_CS judge_NN ,_, jury_NN and_CC executioner_N
N rolled_VBN into_IN one_CD ._. It_PPS will_MD be_BE shown_VBN that_CS the_AT ob
jectives_NNS of_IN the_AT cooperative_JJ people_NNS in_IN an_AT organization_NN
determine_VB the_AT type_NN of_IN network_NN required_VBN ,_, because_CS the_AT
type_NN of_IN network_NN functions_VBZ according_IN to_IN the_AT characteristics
_NNS of_IN the_AT messages_NNS enumerated_VBN in_IN Table_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ._. Grea
t_JJ stress_NN is_BEZ placed_VBN on_IN the_AT role_NN that_CS the_AT monitoring_
NN of_IN information_NN sending_VBG plays_VBZ in_IN maintaining_VBG the_AT effec
tiveness_NN of_IN the_AT network_NN ._. By_IN monitoring_VBG ,_, we_PPSS mean_VB
some_DTI system_NN of_IN control_NN over_IN the_AT types_NNS of_IN information_
NN sent_VBN from_IN the_AT various_JJ centers_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT word_NN of_IN c
aution_NN ,_, we_PPSS should_MD be_BE aware_JJ that_CS in_IN actual_JJ practice_
NN no_AT message_NN is_BEZ purely_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT four_CD types_NNS ,_, q
uestion_NN ,_, command_NN ,_, statement_NN ,_, or_CC exclamation_NN ._. For_IN e
xample_NN ,_, suppose_VB a_AT man_NN wearing_VBG a_AT $200_NNS watch_NN ,_, driv
ing_VBG a_AT 1959_CD Rolls_NP Royce_NP ,_, stops_VBZ to_TO ask_VB a_AT man_NN on
_IN the_AT sidewalk_NN ,_, ``_`` What_WDT time_NN is_BEZ it_PPS ''_'' ?_. ?_. Th
is_DT sentence_NN would_MD have_HV most_AP of_IN the_AT characteristics_NNS of_I
N a_AT question_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS has_HVZ some_DTI of_IN the_AT characteristi
cs_NNS of_IN a_AT statement_NN because_CS the_AT questioner_NN has_HVZ conveyed_
VBN the_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ no_AT faith_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ ti
mepiece_NN or_CC the_AT one_CD attached_VBN to_IN his_PP$ car_NN ._. If_CS the_A
T man_NN on_IN the_AT sidewalk_NN is_BEZ surprised_VBN at_IN this_DT question_NN
,_, it_PPS has_HVZ served_VBN as_CS an_AT exclamation_NN ._. Also_RB ,_, since_
CS the_AT man_NN questioned_VBN feels_VBZ a_AT strong_JJ compulsion_NN to_TO ans
wer_VB (_( and_CC thereby_RB avoid_VB the_AT consequences_NNS of_IN being_BEG th
ought_VBN queer_JJ )_) the_AT question_NN has_HVZ assumed_VBN some_DTI measurabl
e_JJ properties_NNS of_IN a_AT command_NN ._. However_RB ,_, for_IN convenience_
NN we_PPSS will_MD stick_VB to_IN the_AT idea_NN that_CS information_NN can_MD b
e_BE classified_VBN according_IN to_IN Table_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ._. On_IN this_DT bas
is_NN ,_, certain_JJ extreme_JJ kinds_NNS of_IN networks_NNS will_MD be_BE discu
ssed_VBN for_IN illustrative_JJ purposes_NNS ._. Networks_NNS illustrating_VBG s
ome_DTI special_JJ types_NNS of_IN organization_NN the_AT cocktail_NN party_NN .
_. Presumably_RB a_AT cocktail_NN party_NN is_BEZ expected_VBN to_TO fulfill_VB
the_AT host's_NN$ desire_NN to_TO get_VB together_RB a_AT number_NN of_IN people
_NNS who_WPS are_BER inadequately_RB acquainted_VBN and_CC thereby_RB arrange_VB
for_IN bringing_VBG the_AT level_NN of_IN acquaintance_NN up_RP to_IN adequacy_
NN for_IN future_JJ cooperative_JJ endeavors_NNS ._. The_AT party_NN is_BEZ usua
lly_RB in_IN a_AT room_NN small_JJ enough_QLP so_CS that_CS all_ABN guests_NNS a
re_BER within_IN sight_NN and_CC hearing_NN of_IN one_CD another_DT ._. The_AT i
nformation_NN is_BEZ furnished_VBN by_IN each_DT of_IN the_AT guests_NNS ,_, is_
BEZ sent_VBN by_IN oral_JJ broadcasting_NN over_IN the_AT air_NN waves_NNS ,_, a
nd_CC is_BEZ received_VBN by_IN the_AT ears_NNS ._. Since_CS the_AT air_NN is_BE
Z a_AT continuum_NN ,_, the_AT network_NN of_IN communication_NN remains_VBZ int
act_JJ regardless_RB of_IN the_AT positions_NNS or_CC motions_NNS of_IN the_AT p
oints_NNS (_( the_AT people_NNS )_) in_IN the_AT net_NN ._. As_CS shown_VBN in_I
N Figure_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a_AT connection_NN for_IN communicati
on_NN between_IN every_AT pair_NN of_IN points_NNS ._. This_DT ,_, and_CC other_
AP qualifications_NNS ,_, make_VB the_AT cocktail_NN party_NN the_AT most_QL com
plete_JJ and_CC most_QL chaotic_JJ communication_NN system_NN ever_RB dreamed_VB
N up_RP ._. All_ABN four_CD types_NNS of_IN message_NN listed_VBN in_IN Table_NN
-TL 1_CD-TL are_BER permitted_VBN ,_, although_CS decorum_NN and_CC cocktail_NN
tradition_NN require_VB holding_VBG the_AT commands_NNS to_IN a_AT minimum_NN ,_
, while_CS exclamations_NNS having_HVG complimentary_JJ intonations_NNS are_BER
more_AP than_IN customarily_RB encouraged_VBN ._. The_AT completeness_NN of_IN t
he_AT connections_NNS provide_VB that_CS ,_, for_IN N_NN people_NNS ,_, there_EX
are_BER Af_NN lines_NNS of_IN communication_NN between_IN the_AT pairs_NNS ,_,
which_WDT can_MD become_VB a_AT large_JJ number_NN (_( 1,225_CD )_) for_IN a_AT
party_NN of_IN fifty_CD guests_NNS ._. Looking_VBG at_IN the_AT diagram_NN ,_, w
e_PPSS see_VB that_CS Af_NN connection_NN lines_NNS come_VB in_RP to_IN each_DT
member_NN ._. Thus_RB the_AT cocktail_NN party_NN would_MD appear_VB to_TO be_BE
the_AT ideal_JJ system_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX is_BEZ one_CD weakness_NN ._. In_
IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT dreams_NNS of_IN the_AT host_NN for_IN oneness_NN in_IN
the_AT group_NN ,_, the_AT Af_NN incoming_JJ messages_NNS for_IN each_DT guest_
NN overload_VB his_PP$ receiving_VBG system_NN beyond_IN comprehension_NN if_CS
N_NN exceeds_VBZ about_RB six_CD ._. The_AT crowd_NN consequently_RB breaks_VBZ
up_RP into_IN temporary_JJ groups_NNS ranging_VBG in_IN size_NN from_IN two_CD t
o_IN six_CD ,_, with_IN a_AT half-life_NN for_IN the_AT cluster_NN ranging_VBG f
rom_IN three_CD to_IN twenty_CD minutes_NNS ._. For_IN the_AT occasion_NN on_IN
which_WDT everyone_PN already_RB knows_VBZ everyone_PN else_RB and_CC the_AT hos
t_NN wishes_VBZ them_PPO to_TO meet_VB one_CD or_CC a_AT few_AP honored_VBN newc
omers_NNS ,_, then_RB the_AT ``_`` open_JJ house_NN ''_'' system_NN is_BEZ advan
tageous_JJ because_CS the_AT honored_VBN guests_NNS are_BER fixed_VBN connective
_JJ points_NNS and_CC the_AT drifting_VBG guests_NNS make_VB and_CC break_VB con
nections_NNS at_IN the_AT door_NN ._. The_AT rural_JJ community_NN ._. We_PPSS c
onsider_VB a_AT rural_JJ community_NN as_CS an_AT assemblage_NN of_IN inhabited_
VBN dwellings_NNS whose_WP$ configuration_NN is_BEZ determined_VBN by_IN the_AT
location_NN and_CC size_NN of_IN the_AT arable_JJ land_NN sites_NNS necessary_JJ
for_IN family_NN subsistence_NN ._. We_PPSS assume_VB for_IN this_DT illustrati
on_NN that_CS the_AT size_NN of_IN the_AT land_NN plots_NNS is_BEZ so_QL great_J
J that_CS the_AT distance_NN between_IN dwellings_NNS is_BEZ greater_JJR than_CS
the_AT voice_NN can_MD carry_VB and_CC that_CS most_AP of_IN the_AT communicati
on_NN is_BEZ between_IN nearest_JJT neighbors_NNS only_RB ,_, as_CS shown_VBN in
_IN Figure_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ._. Information_NN beyond_IN nearest_JJT neighbor_NN is
_BEZ carried_VBN second-_OD ,_, third-_OD ,_, and_CC fourth-hand_RB as_CS a_AT d
istortable_JJ rumor_NN ._. In_IN Figure_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, the_AT points_NNS in_I
N the_AT network_NN are_BER designated_VBN by_IN a_AT letter_NN accompanied_VBN
by_IN a_AT number_NN ._. The_AT numbers_NNS indicate_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN n
earest_JJT neighbors_NNS ._. It_PPS will_MD be_BE noted_VBN that_CS point_NN f_N
N has_HVZ seven_CD nearest_JJT neighbors_NNS ,_, h_NN and_CC e_NN have_HV six_CD
,_, and_CC p_NN has_HVZ only_RB one_CD ,_, while_CS the_AT remaining_VBG points
_NNS have_HV intermediate_JJ numbers_NNS ._. In_IN any_DTI social_JJ system_NN i
n_IN which_WDT communications_NNS have_HV an_AT importance_NN comparable_JJ with
_IN that_DT of_IN production_NN and_CC other_AP human_JJ factors_NNS ,_, a_AT po
int_NN like_CS f_NN in_IN Figure_NN-TL 2_CD-TL would_MD (_( other_AP things_NNS
being_BEG equal_JJ )_) be_BE the_AT dwelling_VBG place_NN for_IN the_AT communit
y_NN leader_NN ,_, while_CS e_NN and_CC h_NN would_MD house_VB the_AT next_QL mo
st_QL important_JJ citizens_NNS ._. A_AT point_NN like_CS p_NN gets_VBZ informat
ion_NN directly_RB from_IN n_NN ,_, but_CC all_ABN information_NN beyond_IN n_NN
is_BEZ indirectly_RB relayed_VBN through_IN n_NN ._. The_AT dweller_NN at_IN p_
NN is_BEZ last_AP to_TO hear_VB about_IN a_AT new_JJ cure_NN ,_, the_AT slowest_
JJT to_TO announce_VB to_IN his_PP$ neighbors_NNS his_PP$ urgent_JJ distresses_N
NS ,_, the_AT one_CD who_WPS goes_VBZ the_AT farthest_JJT to_TO trade_VB ,_, and
_CC the_AT one_CD with_IN the_AT greatest_JJT difficulty_NN of_IN all_ABN in_IN
putting_VBG over_RP an_AT idea_NN or_CC getting_VBG people_NNS to_TO join_VB him
_PPO in_IN a_AT cooperative_JJ effort_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT hazards_NNS of_IN p
oor_JJ communication_NN are_BER so_QL great_JJ ,_, p_NN can_MD be_BE justified_V
BN as_CS a_AT habitable_JJ site_NN only_RB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN unusual_J
J productivity_NN such_JJ as_CS is_BEZ made_VBN available_JJ by_IN a_AT waterfal
l_NN for_IN milling_VBG purposes_NNS ,_, a_AT mine_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT sugar_NN ma
ple_NN camp_NN ._. Location_NN theorists_NNS have_HV given_VBN these_DTS matters
_NNS much_AP consideration_NN ._. Military_JJ organizations_NNS ._. The_AT netwo
rks_NNS for_IN military_JJ communications_NNS are_BER one_CD of_IN the_AT best_J
JT examples_NNS of_IN networks_NNS which_WDT not_* only_RB must_MD be_BE changed
_VBN with_IN the_AT changes_NNS in_IN objectives_NNS but_CC also_RB must_MD be_B
E changed_VBN with_IN the_AT addition_NN of_IN new_JJ machines_NNS of_IN war_NN
._. They_PPSS also_RB furnish_VB proof_NN that_CS ,_, in_IN modern_JJ war_NN ,_,
message_NN sending_NN must_MD be_BE monitored_VBN ._. Without_IN monitoring_VBG
,_, a_AT military_JJ hookup_NN becomes_VBZ a_AT noisy_JJ party_NN ._. The_AT ne
ed_NN for_IN monitoring_VBG became_VBD greater_JJR when_WRB radio_NN was_BEDZ ad
opted_VBN for_IN military_JJ signaling_NN ._. Alexander_NP-TL the_AT-TL Great_JJ
-TL ,_, who_WPS used_VBD runners_NNS as_CS message_NN carriers_NNS ,_, did_DOD n
ot_* have_HV to_TO worry_VB about_IN having_HVG every_AT officer_NN in_IN his_PP
$ command_NN hear_VB what_WDT he_PPS said_VBD and_CC having_HVG hundreds_NNS of_
IN them_PPO comment_VB at_IN once_RB ._. As_CS time_NN has_HVZ passed_VBN and_CC
science_NN has_HVZ progressed_VBN ,_, the_AT speed_NN of_IN military_JJ vehicle
s_NNS has_HVZ increased_VBN ,_, the_AT range_NN of_IN missiles_NNS has_HVZ been_
BEN extended_VBN ,_, the_AT use_NN of_IN target-hunting_JJ noses_NNS on_IN the_A
T projectiles_NNS has_HVZ been_BEN adopted_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT range_NN and_CC
breadth_NN of_IN message_NN sending_VBG has_HVZ increased_VBN ._. Next_IN to_IN
the_AT old_JJ problem_NN of_IN the_AT slowness_NN of_IN decision_NN making_VBG
,_, network_NN structure_NN seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE paramount_JJS ,_, and_CC witho
ut_IN monitoring_VBG no_AT network_NN has_HVZ value_NN ._. On_IN the_AT parade_N
N ground_NN the_AT net_NN may_MD be_BE similar_JJ to_IN that_DT shown_VBN in_IN
Figure_NN-TL 3_CD-TL ._. The_AT monitoring_NN is_BEZ the_AT highest_JJT and_CC m
ost_QL restrictive_JJ of_IN any_DTI organization_NN in_IN existence_NN ._. No_AT
questions_NNS ,_, statements_NNS ,_, or_CC explanations_NNS are_BER permitted_V
BN --_-- only_AP commands_NNS ._. Commands_NNS go_VB only_RB from_IN an_AT offic
er_NN to_IN the_AT man_NN of_IN nearest_JJT lower_JJR rank_NN ._. The_AT same_AP
command_NN is_BEZ repeated_VBN as_QL many_AP times_NNS as_CS there_EX are_BER l
evels_NNS in_IN rank_NN from_IN general_NN to_IN corporal_NN ._. All_ABN orders_
NNS originate_VB with_IN the_AT officer_NN of_IN highest_JJT rank_NN and_CC term
inate_VB with_IN action_NN of_IN the_AT men_NNS in_IN the_AT ranks_NNS ._. Even_
RB the_AT officer_NN in_IN charge_NN ,_, be_BE it_PPS a_AT captain_NN (_( for_IN
small_JJ display_NN )_) or_CC a_AT general_NN ,_, is_BEZ restrained_VBN by_IN m
onitoring_VBG ._. This_DT is_BEZ done_VBN for_IN simplicity_NN of_IN commands_NN
S and_CC to_TO bring_VB the_AT hidden_VBN redundancy_NN up_RP to_TO where_WRB mi
sunderstanding_VBG has_HVZ almost_RB zero_CD possibility_NN ._. The_AT commands_
NNS are_BER specified_VBN by_IN the_AT military_JJ regulations_NNS ;_. ;_. are_B
ER few_AP in_IN number_NN ,_, briefly_RB worded_VBN ,_, all_ABN different_JJ in_
IN sound_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC are_BER combinable_JJ into_IN sequences_NNS which_WDT
permit_VB any_DTI marching_VBG maneuver_NN that_WPS could_MD be_BE desired_VBN
on_IN a_AT parade_NN ground_NN ._. This_DT monitoring_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ bec
ause_CS ,_, on_IN a_AT parade_NN ground_NN ,_, everyone_PN can_MD hear_VB too_QL
much_AP ,_, and_CC without_IN monitoring_VBG a_AT confused_VBN social_JJ event_
NN would_MD develop_VB ._. With_IN troops_NNS dispersed_VBN on_IN fields_NNS of_
IN battle_NN rather_IN than_IN on_IN the_AT parade_NN ground_NN ,_, it_PPS may_M
D seem_VB that_CS a_AT certain_JJ amount_NN of_IN monitoring_VBG is_BEZ automati
cally_RB enforced_VBN by_IN the_AT lines_NNS of_IN communication_NN ._. Years_NN
S ago_RB this_DT was_BEDZ true_JJ ,_, but_CC with_IN the_AT replacement_NN of_IN
wires_NNS or_CC runners_NNS by_IN radio_NN and_CC radar_NN (_( and_CC perhaps_R
B television_NN )_) ,_, these_DTS restrictions_NNS have_HV disappeared_VBN and_C
C now_RB again_RB too_QL much_AP is_BEZ heard_VBN ._. In_IN contrast_NN to_IN co
cktail_NN parties_NNS ,_, military_JJ organizations_NNS ,_, even_RB in_IN the_AT
field_NN ,_, are_BER more_QL formal_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT extreme_JJ and_CC overs
implified_VBN example_NN suggested_VBN in_IN Figure_NN-TL 3_CD-TL ,_, the_AT org
anization_NN is_BEZ more_QL easily_RB understood_VBN and_CC more_QL predictable_
JJ in_IN behavior_NN ._. A_AT military_JJ organization_NN has_HVZ an_AT objectiv
e_NN chosen_VBN by_IN the_AT higher_JJR command_NN ._. This_DT objective_NN is_B
EZ adhered_VBN to_IN throughout_IN the_AT duration_NN of_IN the_AT action_NN ._.
The_AT connective_NN system_NN ,_, or_CC network_NN ,_, is_BEZ tailored_VBN to_
TO meet_VB the_AT requirements_NNS of_IN the_AT objective_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS i
s_BEZ therefore_RB not_* surprising_JJ that_CS a_AT military_JJ body_NN acting_V
BG as_CS a_AT single_AP coordinated_VBN unit_NN has_HVZ a_AT different_JJ commun
ication_NN network_NN than_CS a_AT factory_NN ,_, a_AT college_NN ,_, or_CC a_AT
rural_JJ village_NN ._. The_AT assumptions_NNS upon_IN which_WDT the_AT example
_NN shown_VBN in_IN Figure_NN-TL 3_CD-TL is_BEZ based_VBN are_BER :_: (_( A_AT-T
L )_) One_CD man_NN can_MD direct_VB about_RB six_CD subordinates_NNS if_CS the_
AT subordinates_NNS are_BER chosen_VBN carefully_RB so_CS that_CS they_PPSS do_D
O not_* need_VB too_QL much_AP personal_JJ coaching_NN ,_, indoctrinating_NN ,_,
etc._RB ._. (_( B_NN-TL )_) A_AT message_NN runs_VBZ too_QL great_JJ a_AT risk_
NN of_IN being_BEG distorted_VBN if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO be_BE relayed_VBN mor
e_AP than_IN about_RB six_CD consecutive_JJ times_NNS ._. (_( C_NP )_) Decisions
_NNS of_IN a_AT general_JJ kind_NN are_BER made_VBN by_IN the_AT central_JJ comm
and_NN ._. And_CC (_( D_NP )_) all_ABN action_NN of_IN a_AT physical_JJ kind_NN
pertinent_JJ to_IN the_AT mission_NN is_BEZ relegated_VBN to_IN the_AT line_NN o
f_IN men_NNS on_IN the_AT lower_JJR rank_NN ._. These_DTS assumptions_NNS lead_V
B to_IN an_AT organization_NN with_IN one_CD man_NN at_IN the_AT top_NN ,_, six_
CD directly_RB under_IN him_PPO ,_, six_CD under_IN each_DT of_IN these_DTS ,_,
and_CC so_RB on_RP until_CS there_EX are_BER six_CD levels_NNS of_IN personnel_N
NS ._. The_AT number_NN of_IN people_NNS acting_VBG as_CS one_CD body_NN by_IN t
his_DT scheme_NN gives_VBZ a_AT surprisingly_QL large_JJ army_NN of_IN 55,987_CD
men_NNS ._. This_DT organizational_JJ network_NN would_MD be_BE of_IN no_AT ava
il_NN if_CS there_EX were_BED no_AT regulations_NNS pertaining_VBG to_IN the_AT
types_NNS of_IN message_NN sent_VBN ._. Of_IN types_NNS of_IN message_NN listed_
VBN in_IN Table_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, commands_NNS and_CC statements_NNS are_BER the
_AT only_AP ones_NNS sent_VBN through_IN the_AT vertical_JJ network_NN shown_VBN
in_IN Figure_NN-TL 3_CD-TL ._. A_AT further_JJR regulation_NN is_BEZ that_CS co
mmands_NNS always_RB go_VB down_RP ,_, unaccompanied_JJ by_IN statements_NNS ,_,
and_CC statements_NNS always_RB go_VB up_RP ,_, unaccompanied_JJ by_IN commands
_NNS ._. Questions_NNS and_CC ,_, particularly_RB ,_, exclamations_NNS are_BER u
sually_RB channeled_VBN along_IN informal_JJ ,_, horizontal_JJ lines_NNS not_* i
ndicated_VBN in_IN Figure_NN-TL 3_CD-TL and_CC seldom_RB are_BER carried_VBN bey
ond_IN the_AT nearest_JJT neighbor_NN ._. It_PPS will_MD readily_RB be_BE seen_V
BN that_CS in_IN this_DT suggested_VBN network_NN (_( not_* materially_RB differ
ent_JJ from_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT networks_NNS in_IN vogue_NN today_NR )_) gr
eater_JJR emphasis_NN on_IN monitoring_VBG is_BEZ implied_VBN than_CS is_BEZ usu
ally_RB put_VBN into_IN practice_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, the_AT network_NN in_
IN Figure_NN-TL 3_CD-TL is_BEZ only_RB the_AT basic_JJ net_NN through_IN which_W
DT other_AP networks_NNS pertaining_VBG to_IN logistics_NN and_CC the_AT like_JJ
are_BER interlaced_VBN ._. Not_* discussed_VBN here_RB are_BER some_DTI militar
y_JJ problems_NNS of_IN modern_JJ times_NNS such_JJ as_CS undersea_JJ warfare_NN
,_, where_WRB the_AT surveillance_NN ,_, sending_VBG ,_, transmitting_NN ,_, an
d_CC receiving_VBG are_BER all_ABN so_QL inadequate_JJ that_CS networks_NNS and_
CC decision_NN making_VBG are_BER not_* the_AT bottlenecks_NNS ._. Such_JJ probl
ems_NNS are_BER of_IN extreme_JJ interest_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS importance_NN a
nd_CC are_BER so_QL much_QL like_CS fighting_VBG in_IN a_AT rain_NN forest_NN or
_CC guerrilla_NN warfare_NN at_IN night_NN in_IN tall_JJ grass_NN that_CS we_PPS
S might_MD have_HV to_TO re-examine_VB primitive_JJ conflicts_NNS for_IN what_WD
T they_PPSS could_MD teach_VB ._. A_AT team_NN for_IN useful_JJ research_NN ._.
This_DT is_BEZ an_AT unsolved_JJ problem_NN which_WDT probably_RB has_HVZ never_
RB been_BEN seriously_RB investigated_VBN ,_, although_CS one_PN frequently_RB h
ears_VBZ the_AT comment_NN that_CS we_PPSS have_HV insufficient_JJ specialists_N
NS of_IN the_AT kind_NN who_WPS can_MD compete_VB with_IN the_AT Germans_NPS or_
CC Swiss_NPS ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, in_IN precision_JJ machinery_NN and_CC ma
thematics_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT Finns_NPS in_IN geochemistry_NN ._. We_PPSS hear_V
B equally_QL fervent_JJ concern_NN over_IN the_AT belief_NN that_CS we_PPSS have
_HV not_* enough_AP generalists_NNS who_WPS can_MD see_VB the_AT over-all_JJ pic
ture_NN and_CC combine_VB our_PP$ national_JJ skills_NNS and_CC knowledge_NN for
_IN useful_JJ purposes_NNS ._. This_DT problem_NN of_IN the_AT optimum_JJ balanc
e_NN in_IN the_AT relative_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN generalists_NNS and_CC specialis
ts_NNS can_MD be_BE investigated_VBN on_IN a_AT communicative_JJ network_NN basi
s_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT difficulty_NN of_IN drawing_VBG the_AT net_NN is_BEZ gr
eat_JJ ,_, we_PPSS will_MD merely_RB discuss_VB it_PPO ._. First_RB ,_, we_PPSS
realize_VB that_CS a_AT pure_JJ specialist_NN does_DOZ not_* exist_VB ._. But_CC
,_, for_IN practical_JJ purposes_NNS ,_, we_PPSS have_HV people_NNS who_WPS can
_MD be_BE considered_VBN as_CS such_JJ ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, there_EX are_BE
R persons_NNS who_WPS are_BER in_IN physical_JJ science_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT fiel
d_NN of_IN mineralogy_NN ,_, trained_VBN in_IN crystallography_NN ,_, who_WPS us
e_VB only_AP X-rays_NNS-TL ,_, applying_VBG only_RB the_AT powder_NN technique_N
N of_IN X-ray_NN-TL diffraction_NN ,_, to_IN clay_NN minerals_NNS only_RB ,_, an
d_CC who_WPS have_HV spent_VBN the_AT last_AP fifteen_CD years_NNS concentrating
_VBG on_IN the_AT montmorillonites_NNS ;_. ;_. or_CC persons_NNS in_IN the_AT so
cial_JJ sciences_NNS in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN anthropology_NN ,_, studying_VB
G the_AT lung_NN capacity_NN of_IN seven_CD Andean_JJ Indians_NPS ._. So_RB we_P
PSS see_VB that_CS a_AT specialist_NN is_BEZ a_AT man_NN who_WPS knows_VBZ more_
AP and_CC more_AP about_IN less_AP and_CC less_AP as_CS he_PPS develops_VBZ ,_,
as_CS contrasted_VBN to_IN the_AT generalist_NN ,_, who_WPS knows_VBZ less_AP an
d_CC less_AP about_IN more_AP and_CC more_AP ._. American_JJ democratic_JJ thoug
ht_NN ,_, pointed_VBD up_RP the_AT relation_NN between_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ m
ovement_NN in_IN this_DT country_NN and_CC the_AT development_NN of_IN a_AT soci
al_JJ religion_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS called_VBD the_AT American_JJ Democratic_
JJ-TL Faith_NN-TL ._. Those_DTS familiar_JJ with_IN his_PP$ work_NN will_MD reme
mber_VB that_CS he_PPS placed_VBD the_AT incipience_NN of_IN the_AT democratic_J
J faith_NN at_IN around_RB 1850_CD ._. And_CC he_PPS describes_VBZ it_PPO as_CS
a_AT balanced_VBN polarity_NN between_IN the_AT notions_NNS of_IN the_AT free_JJ
individual_NN and_CC what_WDT he_PPS called_VBD the_AT fundamental_JJ law_NN ._
. I_PPSS want_VB to_TO say_VB more_AP about_IN Gabriel's_NP$ so-called_JJ fundam
ental_JJ law_NN ._. But_CC first_RB I_PPSS want_VB to_TO quote_VB him_PPO on_IN
the_AT relationship_NN that_WPO he_PPS found_VBD between_IN religion_NN and_CC p
olitics_NN in_IN this_DT country_NN and_CC what_WDT happened_VBD to_IN it_PPO ._
. He_PPS points_VBZ out_RP that_CS from_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Jackson_NP on_RP
through_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_, ,_, evangelical_JJ Protestantism_N
P was_BEDZ a_AT dominant_JJ influence_NN in_IN the_AT social_JJ and_CC political
_JJ life_NN of_IN America_NP ._. He_PPS terms_VBZ this_DT early_JJ enthusiasm_NN
``_`` Romantic_JJ-TL Christianity_NP-TL ''_'' and_CC concludes_VBZ that_CS its_
PP$ similarity_NN to_IN democratic_JJ beliefs_NNS of_IN that_DT day_NN is_BEZ so
_QL great_JJ that_CS ``_`` the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN liberty_NN seems_VBZ but_RB
a_AT secular_JJ version_NN of_IN its_PP$ counterpart_NN in_IN evangelical_JJ Pro
testantism_NP ''_'' ._. Let_VB me_PPO quote_VB him_PPO even_QL more_QL fully_RB
,_, for_CS his_PP$ analysis_NN is_BEZ important_JJ to_IN my_PP$ theme_NN ._. He_
PPS says_VBZ :_: ``_`` beside_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ philosophy_NN of_IN Progre
ss_NN-TL ,_, as_CS expressed_VBN in_IN radical_JJ or_CC conservative_JJ millenar
ianism_NN ,_, should_MD be_BE placed_VBN the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN the_AT democra
tic_JJ faith_NN which_WDT affirmed_VBD it_PPO to_TO be_BE the_AT duty_NN of_IN t
he_AT destiny_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL to_TO assist_VB in_IN
the_AT creation_NN of_IN a_AT better_JJR world_NN by_IN keeping_VBG lighted_VBN
the_AT beacon_NN of_IN democracy_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS specifies_VBZ ,_, ``_`` in_
IN the_AT middle_JJ period_NN of_IN the_AT Nineteenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL it_PPS
was_BEDZ colored_VBN by_IN Christian_JJ supernaturalism_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT Twe
ntieth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL it_PPS was_BEDZ affected_VBN by_IN naturalism_NN ._.
But_CC in_IN every_AT period_NN it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN humanism_NN ''_'' ._. An
d_CC let_VB me_PPO add_VB ,_, utopianism_NN ,_, also_RB ._. Some_RB fourteen_CD
or_CC fifteen_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, in_IN an_AT essay_NN I_PPSS called_VBD The
_AT-TL Leader_NN-TL Follows_VBZ-TL --_-- Where_WRB-TL ?_. ?_. I_PPSS used_VBD hi
s_PP$ polarity_NN to_TO illustrate_VB what_WDT I_PPSS thought_VBD had_HVD happen
ed_VBN to_IN us_PPO in_IN that_DT form_NN of_IN liberalism_NN we_PPSS call_VB Pr
ogressivism_NN-TL ._. It_PPS seemed_VBD to_IN me_PPO that_CS the_AT liberals_NNS
had_HVD scrapped_VBN the_AT balanced_VBN polarity_NN and_CC reposed_VBN both_AB
X liberty_NN and_CC the_AT fundamental_JJ law_NN in_IN the_AT common_JJ man_NN .
_. That_DT is_BEZ to_TO say_VB Gabriel's_NP$ fundamental_JJ law_NN had_HVD been_
BEN so_QL much_RB modified_VBN by_IN this_DT time_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ nei
ther_CC fundamental_JJ nor_CC law_NN any_QL more_RBR ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT weak
ness_NN of_IN Gabriel's_NP$ analysis_NN that_CS he_PPS never_RB seems_VBZ to_TO
realize_VB that_CS his_PP$ so-called_JJ fundamental_JJ law_NN had_HVD already_RB
been_BEN cut_VBN loose_RB from_IN its_PP$ foundations_NNS when_WRB it_PPS was_B
EDZ adapted_VBN to_IN democracy_NN ._. And_CC with_IN Progressivism_NN-TL the_AT
Religion_NN-TL of_IN-TL Humanity_NN-TL was_BEDZ replacing_VBG what_WDT Gabriel_
NP called_VBD Christian_JJ supernaturalism_NN ._. And_CC the_AT common_JJ man_NN
was_BEDZ developing_VBG mythic_JJ power_NN ,_, or_CC charisma_NN ,_, on_IN his_
PP$ own_JJ ._. During_IN the_AT decade_NN that_WPS followed_VBD ,_, the_AT commo
n_JJ man_NN ,_, as_CS that_DT piece_NN put_VBD it_PPO ,_, grew_VBD uncomfortable
_JJ as_CS the_AT Voice_NN-TL of_IN God_NP and_CC fled_VBD from_IN behind_IN Sain
t_NN-TL Woodrow_NP (_( Wilson_NP )_) only_RB to_TO learn_VB from_IN Science_NN-T
L ,_, to_IN his_PP$ shocked_VBN relief_NN that_CS after_IN all_ABN there_EX was_
BEDZ no_AT God_NP he_PPS had_HVD to_TO speak_VB for_IN and_CC that_CS he_PPS was
_BEDZ just_RB an_AT animal_NN anyhow_RB --_-- that_CS there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT che
mical_NN formula_NN for_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC that_CS too_QL much_AP couldn't_MD
* be_BE expected_VBN of_IN him_PPO ._. The_AT socialism_NN implicit_JJ in_IN the
_AT slogan_NN of_IN the_AT Roosevelt_NP-TL Revolution_NN-TL ,_, freedom_NN from_
IN want_NN and_CC fear_NN ,_, seems_VBZ a_AT far_JJ cry_NN from_IN the_AT indivi
dualism_NN of_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Amendment_NN-TL to_IN the_AT Constitution_NN
-TL ,_, or_CC of_IN the_AT Jacksonian_JJ frontier_NN ._. What_WDT had_HVD happen
ed_VBN to_IN the_AT common_JJ man_NN ?_. ?_. French_JJ-TL Egalitarianism_NN-TL h
ad_HVD had_HVN only_AP nominal_JJ influence_NN in_IN this_DT country_NN before_I
N the_AT days_NNS of_IN Popularism_NP ._. The_AT riotous_JJ onrush_NN of_IN indu
strialism_NN after_IN the_AT War_NN-TL for_IN-TL Southern_JJ-TL Independence_NN-
TL and_CC the_AT general_JJ secular_JJ drift_NN to_IN the_AT Religion_NN-TL of_I
N-TL Humanity_NN-TL ,_, however_RB ,_, prepared_VBD the_AT way_NN for_IN a_AT re
ception_NN of_IN the_AT French_JJ-TL Revolution's_NN$-TL socialistic_JJ offsprin
g_NN of_IN one_CD sort_NN of_IN another_DT ._. The_AT first_OD of_IN which_WDT t
o_TO find_VB important_JJ place_NN in_IN our_PP$ federal_JJ government_NN was_BE
DZ the_AT graduated_VBN income_NN tax_NN under_IN Wilson_NP ._. Moreover_RB the_
AT centralization_NN of_IN our_PP$ economy_NN during_IN the_AT 1920s_NNS ,_, the
_AT dislocations_NNS of_IN the_AT Depression_NN-TL ,_, the_AT common_JJ ethos_NN
of_IN Materialism_NN-TL everywhere_RB ,_, all_ABN contributed_VBD in_IN various
_JJ ways_NNS to_IN the_AT face-lifting_NN that_WPS replaced_VBD Mike_NP Fink_NP
and_CC the_AT Great_JJ-TL Gatsby_NP-TL with_IN the_AT anonymous_JJ physiognomy_N
N of_IN the_AT Little_JJ-TL People_NNS-TL ._. However_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ impor
tant_JJ to_TO trace_VB the_AT philosophy_NN of_IN the_AT French_JJ-TL Revolution
_NN-TL to_IN its_PP$ sources_NNS to_TO understand_VB the_AT common_JJ democratic
_JJ origin_NN of_IN individualism_NN and_CC socialism_NN and_CC the_AT influence
_NN of_IN the_AT latter_AP on_IN the_AT former_AP ._. That_CS John_NP Locke's_NP
$ philosophy_NN of_IN the_AT social_JJ contract_NN fathered_VBD the_AT American_
JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL with_IN its_PP$ Declaration_NN-TL of_IN-TL Independence_N
N-TL ,_, I_PPSS believe_VB ,_, we_PPSS generally_RB accept_VB ._. Yet_CC ,_, aft
er_CS Rousseau_NP had_HVD given_VBN the_AT social_JJ contract_NN a_AT new_JJ twi
st_NN with_IN his_PP$ notion_NN of_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL Will_NN-TL ,_, the_AT
same_AP philosophy_NN ,_, it_PPS may_MD be_BE said_VBN ,_, became_VBD the_AT id
ea_NN source_NN of_IN the_AT French_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL also_RB ._. The_AT im
portance_NN of_IN Rousseau's_NP$ twist_NN has_HVZ not_* always_RB been_BEN clear
_JJ to_IN us_PPO ,_, however_RB ._. This_DT notion_NN of_IN the_AT General_JJ-TL
Will_NN-TL gave_VBD rise_NN to_IN the_AT Commune_NN-TL of_IN-TL Paris_NP-TL in_
IN the_AT Revolution_NN-TL and_CC later_RBR brought_VBD Napoleon_NP to_IN dictat
orship_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ clearly_RB argued_VBN by_IN Lord_NN-TL Percy_
NP of_IN-TL Newcastle_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ remarkable_JJ long_JJ essay_NN ,_, Th
e_AT-TL Heresy_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Democracy_NN-TL ,_, and_CC in_IN a_AT more_QL gene
ral_JJ way_NN by_IN Voegelin_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ New_JJ-TL Science_NN-TL Of_IN-
TL Politics_NN-TL ,_, that_CS this_DT same_AP Rousseauan_JJ idea_NN ,_, descendi
ng_VBG through_IN European_JJ democracy_NN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT source_NN of_IN Mar
x's_NP$ theory_NN of_IN the_AT dictatorship_NN of_IN the_AT proletariat_NN ._. T
his_DT is_BEZ important_JJ to_IN understanding_VBG the_AT position_NN that_WPO d
octrinaire_JJ liberals_NNS found_VBD themselves_PPLS in_IN after_IN World_NN-TL
War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, and_CC our_PP$ great_JJ democratic_JJ victory_NN that_WPS
brought_VBD no_AT peace_NN ._. The_AT long_JJ road_NN that_WPS had_HVD taken_VBN
liberals_NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN into_IN the_AT social_JJ religion_NN of_I
N democracy_NN ,_, into_IN a_AT worship_NN of_IN man_NN ,_, led_VBD logically_RB
to_IN the_AT Marxist_NP dream_NN of_IN a_AT classless_JJ society_NN under_IN a_
AT Socialist_JJ-TL State_NN-TL ._. And_CC the_AT ussr_NN existed_VBD as_CS the_A
T revolutionary_JJ experiment_NN in_IN radical_JJ socialism_NN ,_, the_AT ultima
te_JJ exemplar_NN ._. And_CC by_IN the_AT time_NN the_AT war_NN ended_VBD ,_, li
beral_JJ leadership_NN in_IN this_DT country_NN was_BEDZ spiritually_RB Marxist_
NP ._. We_PPSS will_MD recall_VB that_CS the_AT still_RB confident_JJ liberals_N
NS of_IN the_AT Truman_NP administration_NN gathered_VBD with_IN other_AP Wester
n_JJ-TL utopians_NNS in_IN San_NP Francisco_NP to_TO set_VB up_RP the_AT legal_J
J framework_NN ,_, finally_RB and_CC at_IN last_AP ,_, to_TO rationalize_VB war_
NN --_-- to_TO rationalize_VB want_NN and_CC fear_NN --_-- out_IN of_IN the_AT w
orld_NN :_: the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL ._. We_PPSS of_IN the_AT liberal
-led_JJ world_NN got_VBD all_QL set_VBN for_IN peace_NN and_CC rehabilitation_NN
._. Then_RB suddenly_RB we_PPSS found_VBD ourselves_PPLS in_IN the_AT middle_NN
of_IN another_DT fight_NN ,_, an_AT irrational_JJ ,_, an_AT indecent_JJ ,_, an_
AT undeclared_JJ and_CC immoral_JJ war_NN with_IN our_PP$ strongest_JJT (_( and_
CC some_DTI had_HVD thought_VBN noblest_JJT )_) ally_NN ._. During_IN the_AT nex
t_AP five_CD years_NNS the_AT leaders_NNS of_IN the_AT Fair_JJ-TL Deal_NN-TL rel
uctantly_RB backed_VBD down_RP from_IN the_AT optimistic_JJ expectations_NNS of_
IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Deal_NN-TL ._. During_IN the_AT next_AP five_CD years_NNS li
beral_JJ leaders_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL sank_VBD in_IN the
_AT cumulative_JJ confusion_NN attendant_JJ upon_IN and_CC manifested_VBN in_IN
a_AT negative_JJ policy_NN of_IN Containment_NN-TL --_-- and_CC the_AT bitterest
_JJT irony_NN --_-- enforced_VBN and_CC enforceable_JJ only_RB by_IN threat_NN o
f_IN a_AT weapon_NN that_WPS we_PPSS felt_VBD the_AT greatest_JJT distaste_NN fo
r_IN but_CC could_MD not_* abandon_VB :_: the_AT atom_NN bomb_NN ._. In_IN 1952_
CD ,_, it_PPS will_MD be_BE remembered_VBN ,_, the_AT G.O.P._NP without_IN posit
ive_JJ program_NN campaigned_VBD on_IN the_AT popular_JJ disillusionment_NN with
_IN liberal_JJ leadership_NN and_CC won_VBD overwhelmingly_RB ._. All_ABN of_IN
this_DT ,_, I_PPSS know_VB ,_, is_BEZ recent_JJ history_NN familiar_JJ to_IN you
_PPO ._. But_CC I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN at_IN some_DTI pains_NNS to_TO review_VB
it_PPO as_CS the_AT drama_NN of_IN the_AT common_JJ man_NN ,_, to_TO point_VB u
p_RP what_WDT happened_VBD to_IN him_PPO under_IN Eisenhower's_NP$ leadership_NN
._. A_AT perceptive_JJ journalist_NN ,_, Sam_NP Lubell_NP ,_, has_HVZ phrased_V
BN it_PPO in_IN the_AT title_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ books_NNS as_CS the_A
T revolt_NN of_IN the_AT moderates_NNS ._. He_PPS opens_VBZ his_PP$ discourse_NN
,_, however_RB ,_, with_IN a_AT review_NN of_IN the_AT Eisenhower_NP inaugural_
NN festivities_NNS at_IN which_WDT a_AT sympathetic_JJ press_NN had_HVD assemble
d_VBN its_PP$ massive_JJ talents_NNS ,_, all_ABN primed_VBN to_TO catch_VB some_
DTI revelation_NN of_IN the_AT emerging_VBG new_JJ age_NN ._. The_AT show_NN was
_BEDZ colorful_JJ ,_, indeed_RB ,_, exuberant_JJ ,_, but_CC the_AT press_NN for_
IN all_ABN its_PP$ assiduity_NN could_MD detect_VB no_AT note_NN of_IN a_AT fate
ful_JJ rendezvous_NN with_IN destiny_NN ._. Lubell_NP offers_VBZ his_PP$ book_NN
as_CS an_AT explanation_NN of_IN why_WRB there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT clue_NN ._. An
d_CC I_PPSS select_VB this_DT sentence_NN as_CS its_PP$ pertinent_JJ summation_N
N :_: ``_`` in_IN essence_NN the_AT drama_NN of_IN his_PP$ (_( Eisenhower's_NP$
)_) Presidency_NN-TL can_MD be_BE described_VBN as_CS the_AT ordeal_NN of_IN a_A
T nation_NN turned_VBN conservative_JJ and_CC struggling_VBG --_-- thus_QL far_R
B with_IN but_RB limited_VBN and_CC precarious_JJ success_NN --_-- to_TO give_VB
effective_JJ voice_NN and_CC force_NN to_IN that_DT conservatism_NN ''_'' ._. I
_PPSS will_MD assume_VB that_CS we_PPSS are_BER all_ABN aware_JJ of_IN the_AT co
ntinuing_VBG struggle_NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$ limited_VBN and_CC precarious_JJ su
ccess_NN ,_, toward_IN conservatism_NN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ moved_VBN on_IN variou
s_JJ levels_NNS ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN clamorous_JJ and_CC confused_VBN ._.
Obviously_RB there_EX has_HVZ been_BEN no_AT agreement_NN on_IN what_WDT Americ
an_JJ conservatism_NN is_BEZ ,_, or_CC rather_RB ,_, what_WDT it_PPS should_MD b
e_BE ._. For_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ neglected_VBN ,_, not_* to_TO say_VB nascent_JJ
,_, when_WRB the_AT struggle_NN began_VBD ._. I_PPSS saw_VBD a_AT piece_NN the_A
T other_AP day_NN assailing_VBG William_NP Buckley_NP ,_, author_NN of_IN Man_NN
-TL And_CC-TL God_NP-TL at_IN-TL Yale_NP-TL and_CC publisher_NN of_IN The_AT-TL
National_JJ-TL Review_NN-TL ,_, as_CS no_AT conservative_NN at_IN all_ABN ,_, bu
t_CC an_AT old_JJ liberal_NN ._. I_PPSS would_MD agree_VB with_IN this_DT view_N
N ._. But_CC I'm_PPSS+BEM not_* here_RB to_TO define_VB conservatism_NN ._. What
_WDT I_PPSS am_BEM here_RB to_TO do_DO is_BEZ to_TO report_VB on_IN the_AT gyrat
ions_NNS of_IN the_AT struggle_NN --_-- a_AT struggle_NN that_WPS amounts_VBZ to
_IN self-redefinition_NN --_-- to_TO see_VB if_CS we_PPSS can_MD predict_VB its_
PP$ future_JJ course_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT obvious_JJ conclusions_NNS we_PP
SS can_MD make_VB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN the_AT last_AP election_NN ,_, I_P
PSS suppose_VB ,_, is_BEZ that_CS we_PPSS ,_, the_AT majority_NN ,_, were_BED di
ssatisfied_VBN with_IN Eisenhower_NP conservatism_NN ._. Though_CS ,_, to_TO be_
BE sure_JJ ,_, we_PPSS gave_VBD Kennedy_NP no_AT very_QL positive_JJ approval_NN
in_IN the_AT margin_NN of_IN his_PP$ preferment_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ ,_, howev
er_RB ,_, symptomatic_JJ of_IN our_PP$ national_JJ malaise_NN ._. But_CC before_
CS I_PPSS try_VB to_TO diagnose_VB it_PPO ,_, I_PPSS would_MD offer_VB other_AP
evidence_NN ._. I_PPSS will_MD mention_VB two_CD volumes_NNS of_IN specific_JJ c
omment_NN on_IN this_DT malaise_NN that_WPS appeared_VBD last_AP year_NN ._. The
_AT earlier_JJR of_IN them_PPO was_BEDZ an_AT unofficial_JJ enterprise_NN ,_, sp
onsored_VBN by_IN Life_NN-TL magazine_NN ,_, under_IN the_AT title_NN of_IN The_
AT-TL National_JJ-TL Purpose_NN-TL ._. The_AT contributors_NNS to_IN this_DT tes
tament_NN were_BED all_ABN well-known_JJ :_: a_AT former_AP Democratic_JJ-TL can
didate_NN for_IN President_NN-TL ,_, a_AT New_JJ-TL Deal_NN-TL poet_NN ,_, the_A
T magazine's_NN$ chief_JJS editorial_NN writer_NN ,_, two_CD newspaper_NN column
ists_NNS ,_, head_NN of_IN a_AT national_JJ broadcasting_VBG company_NN ,_, a_AT
popular_JJ Protestant_JJ evangelist_NN ,_, etc._RB ._. What_WDT I_PPSS want_VB
to_TO point_VB out_RP here_RB is_BEZ that_CS all_ABN of_IN them_PPO are_BER ex-l
iberals_NNS ,_, or_CC modified_VBN liberals_NNS ,_, with_IN perhaps_RB one_CD ex
ception_NN ._. I_PPSS suppose_VB we_PPSS might_MD classify_VB Billy_NP Graham_NP
as_CS an_AT old_JJ liberal_NN ._. And_CC I_PPSS would_MD further_RBR note_VB th
at_CS they_PPSS all_ABN --_-- with_IN one_CD exception_NN again_RB --_-- sang_VB
D in_IN one_CD key_NN or_CC another_DT the_AT same_AP song_NN ._. Its_PP$ refrai
n_NN was_BEDZ :_: ``_`` let_VB us_PPO return_VB to_IN the_AT individualistic_JJ
democracy_NN of_IN our_PP$ forefathers_NNS for_IN our_PP$ salvation_NN ''_'' ._.
Adlai_NP Stevenson_NP expressed_VBD some_DTI reservations_NNS about_IN this_DT
return_NN ._. Others_NNS invoked_VBD technology_NN and_CC common_JJ sense_NN ._.
Only_RB Walter_NP Lippman_NP envisioned_VBD the_AT possibility_NN of_IN our_PP$
having_HVG ``_`` outlived_VBN most_AP of_IN what_WDT we_PPSS used_VBD to_TO reg
ard_VB as_CS the_AT program_NN of_IN our_PP$ national_JJ purposes_NNS ''_'' ._.
But_CC the_AT most_QL notable_JJ thing_NN about_IN the_AT incantation_NN of_IN t
hese_DTS ex-liberals_NNS was_BEDZ that_CS the_AT one-time_JJ shibboleth_NN of_IN
socialism_NN was_BEDZ conspicuously_RB absent_JJ ._. The_AT second_OD specific_
JJ comment_NN was_BEDZ the_AT report_NN of_IN Eisenhower's_NP$ Commission_NN-TL
on_IN-TL National_JJ-TL Goals_NNS-TL ,_, titled_VBN Goals_NNS-TL For_IN-TL Ameri
cans_NPS-TL ._. They_PPSS ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, gave_VBD the_AT pitch_NN of_IN thei
r_PP$ position_NN in_IN the_AT preface_NN where_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ said_VBN tha
t_CS Eisenhower_NP requested_VBD that_CS the_AT Commission_NN-TL be_BE administe
red_VBN by_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL of_IN Columbia_NP-TL Universi
ty_NN-TL ,_, because_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ non-partisan_JJ ._. The_AT Commission_NN
-TL seems_VBZ to_TO represent_VB the_AT viewpoint_NN of_IN what_WDT I_PPSS would
_MD call_VB the_AT unconscious_JJ liberal_JJ ,_, but_CC not_* unconscious_JJ eno
ugh_QLP ,_, to_TO invoke_VB the_AT now_RB taboo_JJ symbolism_NN of_IN socialism_
NN ._. And_CC here_RB again_RB we_PPSS hear_VB the_AT same_AP refrain_NN mention
ed_VBN above_RB :_: ``_`` the_AT paramount_JJS goal_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-T
L States_NNS-TL set_VBN long_QL ago_RB was_BEDZ to_TO guard_VB the_AT rights_NNS
of_IN the_AT individual_NN ,_, ensure_VB his_PP$ development_NN ,_, enlarge_VB
his_PP$ opportunity_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT group_NN is_BEZ secularist_JJ and_CC th
eir_PP$ program_NN tends_VBZ to_TO be_BE technological_JJ ._. But_CC it_PPS is_B
EZ the_AT need_NN to_TO undertake_VB these_DTS testaments_NNS that_WPO I_PPSS wo
uld_MD submit_VB here_RB as_CS symptom_NN of_IN the_AT common_JJ man's_NN$ malai
se_NN ._. And_CC let_VB me_PPO add_VB Murray's_NP$ new_JJ book_NN as_CS another_
DT symptom_NN of_IN it_PPO ,_, particularly_RB so_RB in_IN view_NN of_IN the_AT
attention_NN Time_NN-TL magazine_NN gave_VBD it_PPO when_WRB it_PPS came_VBD out
_RP recently_RB ._. Father_NN-TL Murray_NP goes_VBZ back_RB to_IN the_AT Declara
tion_NN-TL of_IN-TL Independence_NN-TL ,_, too_RB ,_, though_CS I_PPSS may_MD ad
d_VB ,_, with_IN considerably_QL more_AP historical_JJ perception_NN ._. I_PPSS
will_MD reserve_VB discussion_NN of_IN it_PPO for_IN a_AT moment_NN ,_, however_
RB ,_, to_TO return_VB to_IN President_NN-TL Kennedy_NP ._. As_CS symptomatic_JJ
of_IN the_AT common_JJ man's_NN$ malaise_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ most_QL significa
nt_JJ :_: a_AT liberal_JJ and_CC a_AT Catholic_JJ ,_, elected_VBN by_IN the_AT s
kin_NN of_IN his_PP$ teeth_NNS ._. Does_DOZ that_DT not_* suggest_VB to_IN you_P
PO an_AT uncertain_JJ and_CC uneasy_JJ ,_, not_* to_TO say_VB confused_VBN ,_, s
tate_NN of_IN the_AT public_JJ mind_NN ?_. ?_. What_WDT is_BEZ the_AT common_JJ
man's_NN$ complaint_NN ?_. ?_. Let's_VB+PPO take_VB a_AT panoramic_JJ look_NN ba
ck_RB over_IN the_AT course_NN we_PPSS have_HV come_VBN ._. Has_HVZ not_* that_D
T way_NN been_BEN lit_VBN always_RB by_IN the_AT lamp_NN of_IN liberalism_NN up_
RP until_IN the_AT turning_NN back_RB under_IN Eisenhower_NP ?_. ?_. And_CC the_
AT basic_JJ character_NN of_IN that_DT liberalism_NN has_HVZ been_BEN spiritual_
JJ rather_IN than_IN economic_JJ ._. Ralph_NP Gabriel_NP gave_VBD it_PPO the_AT
name_NN of_IN Protestant_JJ philosophy_NN of_IN Progress_NN-TL ._. But_CC there'
s_EX+BEZ a_AT subjective_JJ side_NN to_IN that_DT utopian_JJ outlook_NN ._. Does
_DOZ our_PP$ society_NN have_HV a_AT runaway_JJ ,_, uncontrollable_JJ growth_NN
of_IN technology_NN which_WDT may_MD end_VB our_PP$ civilization_NN ,_, or_CC a_
AT normal_JJ ,_, healthy_JJ growth_NN ?_. ?_. Here_RB there_EX may_MD be_BE an_A
T analogy_NN with_IN cancer_NN :_: we_PPSS can_MD detect_VB cancers_NNS by_IN th
eir_PP$ rapidly_RB accelerating_VBG growth_NN ,_, determinable_JJ only_RB when_W
RB related_VBN to_IN the_AT more_QL normal_JJ rate_NN of_IN healthy_JJ growth_NN
._. Should_MD the_AT accelerating_VBG growth_NN of_IN technology_NN then_RB war
n_VB us_PPO ?_. ?_. Noting_VBG such_JJ evidence_NN is_BEZ the_AT first_OD step_N
N ;_. ;_. and_CC almost_RB the_AT only_AP ``_`` cure_NN ''_'' is_BEZ early_JJ de
tection_NN and_CC removal_NN ._. One_CD way_NN to_TO determine_VB whether_CS we_
PPSS have_HV so_QL dangerous_JJ a_AT technology_NN would_MD be_BE to_TO check_VB
the_AT strength_NN of_IN our_PP$ society's_NN$ organs_NNS to_TO see_VB if_CS th
eir_PP$ functioning_NN is_BEZ as_QL healthy_JJ as_CS before_RB ._. So_RB an_AT o
bjective_JJ look_NN at_IN our_PP$ present_JJ procedures_NNS may_MD move_VB us_PP
O to_TO consider_VB seriously_RB this_DT possibly_RB analogous_JJ situation_NN .
_. In_IN any_DTI event_NN ,_, whether_CS society_NN may_MD have_HV cancer_NN ,_,
or_CC merely_RB a_AT virus_NN infection_NN ,_, the_AT ``_`` disease_NN ''_'' ,_
, we_PPSS shall_MD find_VB ,_, is_BEZ political_JJ ,_, economical_JJ ,_, social_
JJ ,_, and_CC even_RB medical_JJ ._. Have_HV not_* our_PP$ physical_JJ abilities
_NNS already_RB deteriorated_VBN because_RB of_IN the_AT more_QL sedentary_JJ li
ves_NNS we_PPSS are_BER now_RB living_VBG ?_. ?_. Hence_RB the_AT prime_JJ issue
_NN ,_, as_CS I_PPSS see_VB it_PPO ,_, is_BEZ whether_CS a_AT democratic_JJ or_C
C free_JJ society_NN can_MD master_VB technology_NN for_IN the_AT benefit_NN of_
IN mankind_NN ,_, or_CC whether_CS technology_NN will_MD rule_VB and_CC develop_
VB its_PP$ own_JJ society_NN compatible_JJ with_IN its_PP$ own_JJ needs_NNS as_C
S a_AT force_NN of_IN nature_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER already_RB committed_VBN to_
IN establishing_VBG man's_NN$ supremacy_NN over_IN nature_NN and_CC everywhere_R
B on_IN earth_NN ,_, not_* merely_RB in_IN the_AT limited_VBN social-political-e
conomical_JJ context_NN we_PPSS are_BER fond_JJ of_IN today_NR ._. Otherwise_RB
,_, we_PPSS go_VB on_RP endlessly_RB trying_VBG to_TO draw_VB the_AT line_NN ,_,
color_NN and_CC other_AP ,_, as_IN to_IN which_WDT kind_NN of_IN man_NN we_PPSS
wish_VB to_TO see_VB dominate_VB ._. We_PPSS have_HV proved_VBN so_QL able_JJ t
o_TO solve_VB technological_JJ problems_NNS that_CS to_TO contend_VB we_PPSS can
not_MD* realize_VB a_AT universal_JJ goal_NN in_IN the_AT immediate_JJ future_NN
is_BEZ to_TO be_BE extremely_QL shortsighted_JJ ,_, if_CS nothing_PN else_RB ._
. We_PPSS must_MD believe_VB we_PPSS have_HV the_AT ability_NN to_TO affect_VB o
ur_PP$ own_JJ destinies_NNS :_: otherwise_RB why_WRB try_VB anything_PN ?_. ?_.
So_RB in_IN these_DTS pages_NNS the_AT term_NN ``_`` technology_NN-NC ''_'' is_B
EZ used_VBN to_TO include_VB any_DTI and_CC all_ABN means_NNS which_WDT could_MD
amplify_VB ,_, project_VB ,_, or_CC augment_VB man's_NN$ control_NN over_IN him
self_PPL and_CC over_IN other_AP men_NNS ._. Naturally_RB this_DT includes_VBZ a
ll_ABN communication_NN forms_NNS ,_, e.g._RB languages_NNS ,_, or_CC any_DTI so
cial_JJ ,_, political_JJ ,_, economic_JJ or_CC religious_JJ structures_NNS emplo
yed_VBN for_IN such_JJ control_NN ._. Properly_RB mindful_JJ of_IN all_ABN the_A
T cultures_NNS in_IN existence_NN today_NR throughout_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, we_
PPSS must_MD employ_VB these_DTS resources_NNS without_IN war_NN or_CC violent_J
J revolution_NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS were_BED creating_VBG a_AT wholly_QL new_JJ so
ciety_NN ,_, we_PPSS could_MD insist_VB that_CS our_PP$ social_JJ ,_, political_
JJ ,_, economic_JJ and_CC philosophic_JJ institutions_NNS foster_VB rather_IN th
an_IN hamper_VB man_NN ;_. ;_. best_JJT growth_NN ._. But_CC we_PPSS cannot_MD*
start_VB off_RP with_IN a_AT clean_JJ slate_NN ._. So_RB we_PPSS must_MD first_R
B analyze_VB our_PP$ present_JJ institutions_NNS with_IN respect_NN to_IN the_AT
effect_NN of_IN each_DT on_IN man's_NN$ major_JJ needs_NNS ._. Asked_VBN which_
WDT institution_NN most_RBT needs_VBZ correction_NN ,_, I_PPSS would_MD say_VB t
he_AT corporation_NN as_CS it_PPS exists_VBZ in_IN America_NP today_NR ._. At_IN
first_OD glance_NN this_DT appears_VBZ strange_JJ :_: of_IN all_ABN people_NNS
,_, was_BEDZ not_* America_NP founded_VBN by_IN rugged_JJ individualists_NNS who
_WPS established_VBD a_AT new_JJ way_NN of_IN life_NN still_RB inspiring_VBG ``_
`` undeveloped_JJ ''_'' societies_NNS abroad_RB ?_. ?_. But_CC hear_VB Harrison_
NP E._NP Salisbury_NP ,_, former_AP Moscow_NP correspondent_NN of_IN The_AT-TL N
ew_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC author_NN of_IN ``_`` To_IN-TL Mosco
w_NP-TL --_-- And_CC-TL Beyond_RB-TL ''_'' ._. In_IN a_AT book_NN review_NN of_I
N ``_`` The_AT-TL Soviet_NN-TL Cultural_JJ-TL Offensive_JJ-TL ''_'' ,_, he_PPS s
ays_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Long_RB before_CS the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL organize
d_VBD its_PP$ bureaucracy_NN into_IN an_AT East-West_JJ-TL Contacts_NNS-TL Staff
_NN-TL in_IN order_NN to_TO wage_VB a_AT cultural_JJ counter-offensive_NN within
_IN Soviet_NN-TL borders_NNS ,_, the_AT sharp_JJ cutting-edge_NN of_IN American_
JJ culture_NN had_HVD carved_VBN its_PP$ mark_NN across_IN the_AT Russian_JJ ste
ppes_NNS ,_, as_CS when_WRB the_AT enterprising_JJ promoters_NNS of_IN '_' Porgy
_NP-TL And_CC-TL Bess_NP-TL '_' overrode_VBD the_AT State_NN-TL Department_NN-TL
to_TO carry_VB the_AT contemporary_JJ '_' cultural_JJ warfare_NN '_' behind_IN
the_AT enemy_NN lines_NNS ._. They_PPSS were_BED not_* diplomats_NNS or_CC jazz_
NN musicians_NNS ,_, or_CC even_RB organizers_NNS of_IN reading-rooms_NNS and_CC
photo-montage_NN displays_NNS ,_, but_CC rugged_JJ capitalist_NN entrepreneurs_
NNS like_CS Henry_NP Ford_NP ,_, Hugh_NP Cooper_NP ,_, Thomas_NP Campbell_NP ,_,
the_AT International_JJ-TL Harvester_NP-TL Co._NN-TL ,_, and_CC David_NP W._NP
Griffith_NP ._. Their_PP$ kind_NN created_VBD an_AT American_JJ culture_NN super
ior_JJ to_IN any_DTI in_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, an_AT industrial_JJ and_CC techno
logical_JJ culture_NN which_WDT penetrated_VBD Russia_NP as_CS it_PPS did_DOD al
most_RB every_AT corner_NN of_IN the_AT earth_NN without_IN a_AT nickel_NN from_
IN the_AT Federal_JJ-TL treasury_NN or_CC a_AT single_AP governmental_JJ special
ist_NN to_TO contrive_VB directives_NNS or_CC program_VB a_AT series_NN of_IN co
nsultations_NNS of_IN interested_VBN agencies_NNS ._. This_DT favorable_JJ image
_NN of_IN America_NP in_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN Russian_JJ men_NNS and_CC wome
n_NNS is_BEZ still_RB there_RB despite_IN years_NNS of_IN energetic_JJ anti-Amer
ican_JJ propaganda_NN ''_'' corporations_NNS now_RB outmoded_JJ ._. Perhaps_RB t
he_AT public's_NN$ present_JJ attitude_NN toward_IN business_NN stems_VBZ from_I
N the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT ``_`` rugged_JJ capitalist_NN entrepreneur_NN ''
_'' no_QL more_RBR exists_VBZ in_IN America_NP ._. In_IN his_PP$ stead_NN is_BEZ
a_AT milquetoast_NN version_NN known_VBN as_CS ``_`` the_AT corporation_NN ''_'
' ._. But_CC even_RB if_CS we_PPSS cannot_MD* see_VB the_AT repulsive_JJ charact
eristics_NNS in_IN this_DT new_JJ image_NN of_IN America_NP ,_, foreigners_NNS c
an_MD ;_. ;_. and_CC our_PP$ loss_NN of_IN ``_`` prestige_NN ''_'' abroad_RB is_
BEZ the_AT direct_JJ result_NN ._. No_AT amount_NN of_IN ballyhoo_NN will_MD cov
er_VB up_RP the_AT sordid_JJ facts_NNS ._. If_CS we_PPSS want_VB respect_NN from
_IN ourselves_PPLS or_CC others_NNS ,_, we_PPSS will_MD have_HV to_TO earn_VB it
_PPO ._. First_RB ,_, let_VB us_PPO realize_VB that_CS whatever_WDT good_NN this
_DT set-up_NN achieved_VBD in_IN earlier_JJR times_NNS ,_, now_RB the_AT corpora
tion_NN per_IN se_FW-PPL cannot_MD* take_VB economic_JJ leadership_NN ._. Busine
sses_NNS must_MD develop_VB as_CS a_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT ideas_NNS ,_, ener
gies_NNS and_CC ambitions_NNS of_IN an_AT individual_NN having_HVG purpose_NN an
d_CC comprehensive_JJ ability_NN within_IN one_CD mind_NN ._. When_WRB we_PPSS `
`_`` forced_VBD ''_'' individuals_NNS to_TO assume_VB the_AT corporate_JJ struct
ure_NN by_IN means_NN of_IN taxes_NNS and_CC other_AP legal_JJ statutes_NNS ,_,
we_PPSS adopted_VBD what_WDT I_PPSS would_MD term_VB ``_`` pseudo-capitalism_NN
''_'' and_CC so_RB took_VBD a_AT major_JJ step_NN toward_IN socialism_NN ._. The
_AT biggest_JJT loss_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT individual's_NN$
lessened_VBN desire_NN and_CC ability_NN to_TO give_VB his_PP$ services_NNS to_
IN the_AT growth_NN of_IN his_PP$ company_NN and_CC our_PP$ economy_NN ._. Socia
lism_NN ,_, I_PPSS grant_VB ,_, has_HVZ a_AT definite_JJ place_NN in_IN our_PP$
society_NN ._. But_CC let_VB us_PPO not_* complain_VB of_IN the_AT evils_NNS of_
IN capitalism_NN by_IN referring_VBG to_IN a_AT form_NN that_WPS is_BEZ not_* tr
uly_QL capitalistic_JJ ._. Some_DTI forms_NNS of_IN capitalism_NN do_DO indeed_R
B work_VB --_-- superb_JJ organizations_NNS ,_, a_AT credit_NN to_IN any_DTI soc
iety_NN ._. But_CC the_AT pseudo-capitalism_NN which_WDT dictates_VBZ our_PP$ wh
ole_JJ economy_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS our_PP$ politics_NN and_CC social_JJ life_
NN ,_, will_MD not_* stand_VB close_JJ scrutiny_NN ._. Its_PP$ pretense_NN to_TO
operate_VB in_IN the_AT public_JJ interest_NN is_BEZ little_AP more_AP than_CS
a_AT sham_NN ._. It_PPS serves_VBZ only_RB its_PP$ own_JJ stockholders_NNS and_C
C poorly_RB at_IN that_DT ._. As_CS a_AT creative_JJ enterprise_NN ,_, its_PP$ a
bilities_NNS are_BER primarily_RB in_IN ``_`` swallowing_VBG ''_'' creative_JJ e
nterprises_NNS developed_VBN outside_IN its_PP$ own_JJ organization_NN (_( an_AT
ability_NN made_VBN possible_JJ by_IN us_PPO ,_, and_CC almost_QL mandatory_JJ
)_) ._. As_IN to_IN benefits_NNS to_IN employees_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ notorious
_JJ for_IN its_PP$ callous_JJ disregard_NN except_IN where_WRB it_PPS depends_VB
Z on_IN them_PPO for_IN services_NNS ._. The_AT corporation_NN in_IN America_NP
is_BEZ in_IN reality_NN our_PP$ form_NN of_IN socialism_NN ,_, vying_VBG in_IN a
_AT sense_NN with_IN the_AT other_AP socialistic_JJ form_NN that_WPS has_HVZ eme
rged_VBN within_IN governmental_JJ bureaucracy_NN ._. But_CC while_CS the_AT cor
poration_NN has_HVZ all_ABN the_AT disadvantages_NNS of_IN the_AT socialist_JJ f
orm_NN of_IN organization_NN (_( so_QL cumbersome_JJ it_PPS cannot_MD* construct
ively_RB do_DO much_AP of_IN anything_PN not_* compatible_JJ with_IN its_PP$ nee
d_NN to_TO perpetuate_VB itself_PPL and_CC maintain_VB its_PP$ status_NN quo_FW-
WDT )_) ,_, unluckily_RB it_PPS does_DOZ not_* have_HV the_AT desirable_JJ aspec
t_NN of_IN socialism_NN ,_, the_AT motivation_NN to_TO operate_VB for_IN the_AT
benefit_NN of_IN society_NN as_CS a_AT whole_NN ._. So_RB we_PPSS are_BER faced_
VBN with_IN a_AT vast_JJ network_NN of_IN amorphous_JJ entities_NNS perpetuating
_VBG themselves_PPLS in_IN whatever_WDT manner_NN they_PPSS can_MD ,_, without_I
N regard_NN to_IN the_AT needs_NNS of_IN society_NN ,_, controlling_VBG society_
NN and_CC forcing_VBG upon_IN it_PPO a_AT regime_NN representing_VBG only_RB the
_AT corporation's_NN$ needs_NNS for_IN survival_NN ._. The_AT corporation_NN has
_HVZ a_AT limited_VBN ,_, specific_JJ place_NN in_IN our_PP$ society_NN ._. Idea
lly_RB speaking_VBG ,_, it_PPS should_MD be_BE allowed_VBN to_TO operate_VB only
_RB where_WRB the_AT public_NN has_HVZ a_AT great_JJ stake_NN in_IN the_AT conti
nuity_NN of_IN supply_NN or_CC services_NNS ,_, and_CC where_WRB the_AT actions_
NNS of_IN a_AT single_AP proprietor_NN are_BER secondary_JJ to_IN the_AT needs_N
NS of_IN society_NN ._. Examples_NNS are_BER in_IN public_JJ utilities_NNS ,_, m
aking_VBG military_JJ aircraft_NNS and_CC accessories_NNS ,_, or_CC where_WRB th
e_AT investment_NN and_CC risk_NN for_IN a_AT proprietorship_NN would_MD be_BE t
oo_QL great_JJ for_IN a_AT much_QL needed_VBN project_NN impossible_JJ to_TO ach
ieve_VB by_IN any_DTI means_NN other_AP than_CS the_AT corporate_JJ form_NN ,_,
e.g._RB constructing_VBG major_JJ airports_NNS or_CC dams_NNS ._. Thus_RB ,_, if
_CS corporations_NNS are_BER not_* to_TO run_VB away_RB with_IN us_PPO ,_, they_
PPSS must_MD become_VB quasi-governmental_JJ institutions_NNS ,_, subject_JJ to_
IN public_JJ control_NN and_CC needs_NNS ._. In_IN all_ABN other_AP areas_NNS ,_
, private_JJ initiative_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` proprietorship_NN ''_'' type_NN sh
ould_MD be_BE urged_VBN to_TO produce_VB the_AT desired_VBN goods_NNS and_CC ser
vices_NNS ._. Proprietorship_NN Avoiding_VBG runaway_JJ technology_NN can_MD be_
BE done_VBN only_RB by_IN assuring_VBG a_AT humane_JJ society_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC
for_IN this_DT human_JJ beings_NNS must_MD be_BE firmly_RB in_IN control_NN of_I
N the_AT economics_NN on_IN which_WDT our_PP$ society_NN rests_VBZ ._. Such_JJ g
enuine_JJ human_JJ leadership_NN the_AT proprietorship_NN can_MD offer_VB ,_, co
rporations_NNS cannot_MD* ._. It_PPS can_MD project_VB long-range_NN goals_NNS f
or_IN itself_PPL ._. Corporations_NNS react_VB violently_RB to_IN short-range_NN
stimuli_NNS ,_, e.g._RB ,_, quarterly_JJ and_CC annual_JJ dividend_NN reports_N
NS ._. Proprietorships_NNS can_MD establish_VB a_AT unity_NN and_CC integrity_NN
of_IN control_NN ;_. ;_. corporations_NNS ,_, being_BEG more_QL amorphous_JJ ,_
, cannot_MD* ._. Proprietorships_NNS can_MD establish_VB a_AT meaningful_JJ iden
tity_NN ,_, representing_VBG a_AT human_JJ personality_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB est
ablish_VB sincere_JJ relationships_NNS with_IN customers_NNS and_CC community_NN
._. Corporations_NNS are_BER apt_JJ by_IN nature_NN to_TO be_BE impersonal_JJ ,
_, inhumane_JJ ,_, shortsighted_JJ and_CC almost_QL exclusively_QL profit-motiva
ted_JJ ,_, a_AT picture_NN they_PPSS could_MD scarcely_RB afford_VB to_TO presen
t_VB to_IN the_AT public_NN ._. The_AT proprietor_NN is_BEZ able_JJ to_TO create
_VB a_AT leadership_NN impossible_JJ in_IN the_AT corporate_JJ structure_NN with
_IN its_PP$ board_NN of_IN directors_NNS and_CC stockholders_NNS ._. Leadership_
NN is_BEZ lacking_VBG in_IN our_PP$ society_NN because_CS it_PPS has_HVZ no_AT l
egitimate_JJ place_NN to_TO develop_VB ._. Men_NNS continuously_RB at_IN the_AT
head_NN of_IN growing_VBG enterprises_NNS can_MD acquire_VB experiences_NNS of_I
N the_AT most_QL varied_VBN ,_, complicated_VBN and_CC trying_JJ type_NN so_CS t
hat_CS at_IN maturation_NN they_PPSS have_HV developed_VBN the_AT competence_NN
and_CC willingness_NN to_TO accept_VB the_AT personal_JJ responsibility_NN so_QL
sorely_RB needed_VBN now_RB ._. Hence_RB government_NN must_MD establish_VB gre
ater_JJR controls_NNS upon_IN corporations_NNS so_CS that_CS their_PP$ activitie
s_NNS promote_VB what_WDT is_BEZ deemed_VBN essential_JJ to_IN the_AT national_J
J interest_NN ._. Proprietorships_NNS should_MD get_VB the_AT tax_NN advantages_
NNS now_RB accruing_VBG to_IN corporations_NNS ,_, e.g._RB the_AT chance_NN to_T
O accumulate_VB capital_NN so_QL vital_JJ for_IN growth_NN ._. Corporations_NNS
should_MD pay_VB added_VBN taxes_NNS ,_, to_TO be_BE used_VBN for_IN educational
_JJ purposes_NNS (_( not_* necessarily_RB of_IN the_AT formal_JJ type_NN )_) ._.
The_AT right_NN to_TO leave_VB legacies_NNS should_MD be_BE substantially_RB re
duced_VBN and_CC ultimately_RB eliminated_VBN ._. To_TO perpetuate_VB wealth_NN
control_NN led_VBN by_IN small_JJ groups_NNS of_IN individuals_NNS who_WPS playe
d_VBD no_AT role_NN in_IN its_PP$ creation_NN prevents_VBZ those_DTS with_IN rea
l_JJ initiative_NN from_IN coming_VBG to_IN the_AT fore_NN ,_, and_CC is_BEZ bas
ically_RB anti-democratic_JJ ._. When_WRB the_AT proprietor_NN dies_VBZ ,_, the_
AT establishment_NN should_MD become_VB a_AT corporation_NN until_CS it_PPS is_B
EZ either_CC acquired_VBN by_IN another_DT proprietor_NN or_CC the_AT government
_NN decides_VBZ to_TO drop_VB it_PPO ._. Strikes_NNS should_MD be_BE declared_VB
N illegal_JJ against_IN corporations_NNS because_CS disagreements_NNS would_MD h
ave_HV to_TO be_BE settled_VBN by_IN government_NN representatives_NNS acting_VB
G as_CS controllers_NNS of_IN the_AT corporation_NN whose_WP$ responsibility_NN
to_IN the_AT state_NN would_MD now_RB be_BE defined_VBN against_IN proprietorshi
p_NN because_CS employees_NNS and_CC proprietors_NNS must_MD be_BE completely_QL
interdependent_JJ ,_, as_CS they_PPSS are_BER each_DT a_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT
whole_NN ._. Strikes_NNS threatening_VBG the_AT security_NN of_IN the_AT propri
etorship_NN ,_, if_CS internally_RB motivated_VBN ,_, prevent_VB a_AT healthy_JJ
relationship_NN ._. Certainly_RB external_JJ forces_NNS should_MD not_* be_BE a
pplied_VBN arbitrarily_RB out_IN of_IN mere_JJ power_NN available_JJ to_TO do_DO
so_RB ._. If_CS we_PPSS cannot_MD* stop_VB warfare_NN in_IN our_PP$ own_JJ econ
omic_JJ system_NN ,_, how_WRB can_MD we_PPSS expect_VB to_TO abolish_VB it_PPO i
nternationally_RB ?_. ?_. One_CD kind_NN of_IN proprietorship_NN These_DTS propo
sals_NNS would_MD go_VB far_RB toward_IN creating_VBG the_AT economic_JJ atmosph
ere_NN favoring_VBG growth_NN of_IN the_AT individual_NN ,_, who_WPS ,_, in_IN t
urn_NN ,_, would_MD help_VB us_PPO to_TO cope_VB with_IN runaway_JJ technology_N
N ._. Individual_JJ human_JJ strength_NN is_BEZ needed_VBN to_TO pit_VB against_
IN an_AT inhuman_JJ condition_NN ._. The_AT battle_NN is_BEZ not_* easy_JJ ._. W
e_PPSS are_BER tempted_VBN to_TO blame_VB others_NNS for_IN our_PP$ problems_NNS
rather_IN than_IN look_VB them_PPO straight_RB in_IN the_AT face_NN and_CC real
ize_VB they_PPSS are_BER of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ making_NN and_CC possible_JJ of_IN
solution_NN only_RB by_IN ourselves_PPLS with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN desperate
ly_RB needed_VBN ,_, enlightened_VBN ,_, competent_JJ leaders_NNS ._. Persons_NN
S developed_VBN in_IN today's_NR$ corporations_NNS cannot_MD* hope_VB to_TO serv
e_VB here_RB --_-- a_AT judgment_NN based_VBN on_IN experiences_NNS of_IN my_PP$
own_JJ in_IN business_NN and_CC in_IN activities_NNS outside_RB ._. In_IN my_PP
$ own_JJ company_NN ,_, in_IN effect_NN a_AT partnership_NN ,_, although_CS lega
lly_RB a_AT corporation_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN able_JJ to_TO do_DO many_
AP things_NNS for_IN my_PP$ employees_NNS which_WDT ``_`` normal_JJ ''_'' corpor
ations_NNS of_IN comparable_JJ size_NN and_CC nature_NN would_MD have_HV been_BE
N unable_JJ to_TO do_DO ._. Also_RB ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM convinced_VBN that_CS if_C
S my_PP$ company_NN were_BED a_AT sole_JJ proprietorship_NN instead_RB of_IN a_A
T partnership_NN ,_, I_PPSS would_MD have_HV been_BEN even_QL abler_JJR to_TO so
lve_VB long-range_NN problems_NNS for_IN myself_PPL and_CC my_PP$ fellow-employe
es_NNS ._. Any_DTI abilities_NNS I_PPSS may_MD have_HV were_BED achieved_VBN in_
IN their_PP$ present_JJ shape_NN from_IN experience_NN in_IN sharing_VBG in_IN t
he_AT growth_NN and_CC control_NN of_IN my_PP$ business_NN ,_, coupled_VBN with_
IN raising_VBG my_PP$ family_NN ._. This_DT combined_VBN experience_NN ,_, on_IN
a_AT foundation_NN of_IN very_QL average_JJ ,_, I_PPSS assure_VB you_PPO ,_, in
telligence_NN and_CC background_NN ,_, has_HVZ helped_VBN me_PPO do_DO things_NN
S many_AP well-informed_JJ people_NNS would_MD bet_VB heavily_RB against_IN ._.
Perhaps_RB a_AT list_NN of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT ``_`` practices_NNS ''_'' of
_IN my_PP$ company_NN will_MD help_VB here_RB ._. The_AT company_NN grew_VBD out
_IN of_IN efforts_NNS by_IN two_CD completely_QL inexperienced_JJ men_NNS in_IN
their_PP$ late_JJ twenties_NNS ,_, neither_DTX having_HVG a_AT formal_JJ educati
on_NN applicable_JJ to_IN ,_, or_CC experience_NN in_IN ,_, manufacturing_VBG or
_CC selling_VBG our_PP$ type_NN of_IN articles_NNS ._. From_IN an_AT initial_JJ
investment_NN of_IN $1,200_NNS in_IN 1943_CD ,_, it_PPS has_HVZ grown_VBN ,_, wi
th_IN no_AT additional_JJ capital_NN investment_NN ,_, to_IN a_AT present_JJ val
ue_NN estimated_VBN by_IN some_DTI as_CS exceeding_VBG $10,000,000_NNS (_( we_PP
SS don't_DO* disclose_VB financial_JJ figures_NNS to_IN the_AT public_NN )_) ._.
Its_PP$ growth_NN continues_VBZ steadily_RB on_IN a_AT par_NN with_IN past_AP g
rowth_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC no_AT limitation_NN is_BEZ in_IN evidence_NN ._. Our_PP$
pin-curl_NN clips_NNS and_CC self-locking_JJ nuts_NNS achieved_VBD dominance_NN
in_IN just_RB a_AT few_AP years_NNS time_NN ,_, despite_IN substantial_JJ ,_, w
ell_QL established_VBN competition_NN ._. During_IN the_AT last_AP years_NNS of_
IN Woodrow_NP Wilson's_NP$ administration_NN ,_, a_AT red_JJ scare_NN developed_
VBD in_IN our_PP$ country_NN ._. Many_AP Americans_NPS reacted_VBD irrationally_
RB to_IN the_AT challenge_NN of_IN Russia_NP and_CC turned_VBD to_IN the_AT repr
ession_NN of_IN ideas_NNS by_IN force_NN ._. Postmaster_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Burl
eson_NP set_VBD about_RB to_TO protect_VB the_AT American_JJ people_NNS against_
IN radical_JJ propaganda_NN that_WPS might_MD be_BE spread_VBN through_IN the_AT
mails_NNS ._. Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Palmer_NP made_VBD a_AT series_NN of
_IN raids_NNS that_WPS sent_VBD more_AP than_IN 4,000_CD so-called_JJ radicals_N
NS to_IN the_AT jails_NNS ,_, in_IN direct_JJ violation_NN of_IN their_PP$ const
itutional_JJ rights_NNS ._. Then_RB ,_, not_* many_AP years_NNS later_RBR ,_, th
e_AT Un-American_JJ-TL Activities_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, under_IN the_AT lea
dership_NN of_IN Martin_NP Dies_NP ,_, pilloried_VBD hundreds_NNS of_IN decent_J
J ,_, patriotic_JJ citizens_NNS ._. Anyone_PN who_WPS tried_VBD to_TO remedy_VB
some_DTI of_IN the_AT most_QL glaring_VBG defects_NNS in_IN our_PP$ form_NN of_I
N democracy_NN was_BEDZ denounced_VBN as_CS a_AT traitorous_JJ red_NN whose_WP$
real_JJ purpose_NN was_BEDZ the_AT destruction_NN of_IN our_PP$ government_NN ._
. This_DT hysteria_NN reached_VBD its_PP$ height_NN under_IN the_AT leadership_N
N of_IN Senator_NN-TL Joseph_NP McCarthy_NP ._. Demagogues_NNS of_IN this_DT sor
t_NN found_VBD communist_NN bogeys_NNS lurking_VBG behind_IN any_DTI new_JJ idea
_NN that_WPS would_MD run_VB counter_RB to_IN stereotyped_VBN notions_NNS ._. Ne
w_JJ ideas_NNS were_BED dangerous_JJ and_CC must_MD be_BE repressed_VBN ,_, no_A
T matter_NN how_WRB ._. Those_DTS who_WPS would_MD suppress_VB dangerous_JJ thou
ghts_NNS ,_, credit_VB ideas_NNS with_IN high_JJ potency_NN ._. They_PPSS give_V
B strict_JJ interpretation_NN to_IN William_NP James'_NP$ statement_NN that_CS `
`_`` Every_AT idea_NN that_WPS enters_VBZ the_AT mind_NN tends_VBZ to_TO express
_VB itself_PPL ''_'' ._. They_PPSS seem_VB to_TO believe_VB that_CS a_AT person_
NN will_MD act_VB automatically_RB as_QL soon_RB as_CS he_PPS contacts_VBZ somet
hing_PN new_JJ ._. Hence_RB ,_, the_AT only_AP defensible_JJ procedure_NN is_BEZ
to_TO repress_VB any_DTI and_CC every_AT notion_NN ,_, unless_CS it_PPS gives_V
BZ evidence_NN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ perfectly_QL safe_JJ ._. Despite_IN this_DT
danger_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, we_PPSS are_BER informed_VBN on_IN every_AT hand_N
N that_CS ideas_NNS ,_, not_* machines_NNS ,_, are_BER our_PP$ finest_JJT tools_
NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER priceless_JJ even_RB though_CS they_PPSS cannot_MD
* be_BE recorded_VBN on_IN a_AT ledger_NN page_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS are_BER the_
AT most_QL valuable_JJ of_IN commodities_NNS --_-- and_CC the_AT most_QL salable
_JJ ,_, for_CS their_PP$ demand_NN far_RB exceeds_VBZ supply_NN ._. So_QL all-im
portant_JJ are_BER ideas_NNS ,_, we_PPSS are_BER told_VBN ,_, that_CS persons_NN
S successful_JJ in_IN business_NN and_CC happy_JJ in_IN social_JJ life_NN usuall
y_RB fall_VB into_IN two_CD classes_NNS :_: those_DTS who_WPS invent_VB new_JJ i
deas_NNS of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ ,_, and_CC those_DTS who_WPS borrow_VB ,_, beg_V
B ,_, or_CC steal_VB from_IN others_NNS ._. Seemingly_RB ,_, with_IN an_AT unres
tricted_JJ flow_NN of_IN ideas_NNS ,_, all_ABN will_MD be_BE well_JJ ,_, and_CC
we_PPSS are_BER even_RB assured_VBN that_CS ``_`` an_AT idea_NN a_AT day_NN will
_MD keep_VB the_AT sheriff_NN away_RB ''_'' ._. That_DT ,_, however_RB ,_, may_M
D also_RB bring_VB the_AT police_NNS ,_, if_CS the_AT thinking_NN does_DOZ not_*
meet_VB with_IN social_JJ approval_NN ._. Criminals_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS
model_JJ citizens_NNS ,_, exercise_VB their_PP$ minds_NNS ._. Merely_RB having_
HVG a_AT mental_JJ image_NN of_IN some_DTI sort_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT all-impor
tant_JJ consideration_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, there_EX must_MD be_BE clarity_
NN :_: a_AT single_AP distinct_JJ impression_NN is_BEZ more_QL valuable_JJ than_
CS many_AP fuzzy_JJ ones_NNS ._. But_CC clarity_NN is_BEZ not_* enough_AP ._. Th
e_AT writer_NN took_VBD a_AT class_NN of_IN college_NN students_NNS to_IN the_AT
state_NN hospital_NN for_IN the_AT mentally_RB ill_JJ in_IN St._NP Joseph_NP ,_
, Missouri_NP ._. An_AT inmate_NN ,_, a_AT former_AP university_NN professor_NN
,_, expounded_VBD to_IN us_PPO ,_, logically_RB and_CC clearly_RB ,_, that_CS so
meone_PN was_BEDZ pilfering_VBG his_PP$ thoughts_NNS ._. He_PPS appealed_VBD to_
IN us_PPO to_TO bring_VB his_PP$ case_NN to_IN the_AT attention_NN of_IN the_AT
authorities_NNS that_CS justice_NN might_MD be_BE done_VBN ._. Despite_IN the_AT
clarity_NN of_IN his_PP$ presentation_NN ,_, his_PP$ idea_NN was_BEDZ not_* of_
IN Einsteinian_JJ calibre_NN ._. True_JJ ,_, ideas_NNS are_BER important_JJ ,_,
perhaps_RB life's_NN$ most_QL precious_JJ treasures_NNS ._. But_CC have_HV we_PP
SS not_* gone_VBN overboard_RB in_IN stressing_VBG their_PP$ significance_NN ?_.
?_. Have_HV we_PPSS not_* actually_RB developed_VBN idea_NN worship_NN ?_. ?_.
Ideas_NNS we_PPSS must_MD have_HV ,_, and_CC we_PPSS seek_VB them_PPO everywhere
_RB ._. We_PPSS scour_VB literature_NN for_IN them_PPO ;_. ;_. here_RB we_PPSS f
ind_VB stored_VBN the_AT wisdom_NN of_IN great_JJ minds_NNS ._. But_CC are_BER a
ll_ABN these_DTS works_NNS worthy_JJ of_IN consideration_NN ?_. ?_. Can_MD they_
PPSS stand_VB rigid_JJ scrutiny_NN ?_. ?_. Shakespeare's_NP$ wit_NN and_CC wisdo
m_NN ,_, his_PP$ profound_JJ insight_NN into_IN human_JJ nature_NN ,_, have_HV s
tood_VBN the_AT test_NN of_IN centuries_NNS ._. But_CC was_BEDZ he_PPS infallibl
e_JJ in_IN all_ABN things_NNS ?_. ?_. What_WDT of_IN his_PP$ treatment_NN of_IN
the_AT Jew_NP in_IN The_AT-TL Merchant_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Venice_NP-TL ?_. ?_. Shake
speare_NP gives_VBZ us_PPO a_AT vivid_JJ picture_NN of_IN Shylock_NP ,_, but_CC
probably_RB he_PPS never_RB saw_VBD a_AT Jew_NP ,_, unless_CS in_IN some_DTI of_
IN his_PP$ travels_NNS ._. The_AT Jews_NPS had_HVD been_BEN banished_VBN from_IN
England_NP in_IN 1290_CD and_CC were_BED not_* permitted_VBN to_TO return_VB be
fore_IN 1655_CD ,_, when_WRB Shakespeare_NP had_HVD been_BEN dead_JJ for_IN thir
ty-nine_CD years_NNS ._. If_CS any_DTI had_HVD escaped_VBN expulsion_NN by_IN hi
ding_VBG ,_, they_PPSS certainly_RB would_MD not_* frequent_VB the_AT market-pla
ce_NN ._. Shakespeare_NP did_DOD not_* usually_RB invent_VB the_AT incidents_NNS
in_IN his_PP$ plays_NNS ,_, but_CC borrowed_VBD them_PPO from_IN old_JJ stories
_NNS ,_, ballads_NNS ,_, and_CC plays_NNS ,_, wove_VBD them_PPO together_RB ,_,
and_CC then_RB breathed_VBD into_IN them_PPO his_PP$ spark_NN of_IN life_NN ._.
Rather_IN than_IN from_IN a_AT first-hand_JJ study_NN of_IN Jewish_JJ people_NNS
,_, his_PP$ delineation_NN of_IN Shylock_NP stems_VBZ from_IN a_AT collection_N
N of_IN Italian_JJ stories_NNS ,_, Il_NP-TL Pecorone_NP-TL ,_, published_VBN in_
IN 1558_CD ,_, although_CS written_VBN almost_RB two_CD centuries_NNS earlier_RB
R ._. He_PPS could_MD learn_VB at_IN second_OD hand_NN from_IN books_NNS ,_, but
_CC could_MD not_* thus_RB capture_VB the_AT real_JJ Jewish_JJ spirit_NN ._. Har
ris_NP J._NP Griston_NP ,_, in_IN Shaking_VBG The_AT-TL Dust_NN-TL From_IN-TL Sh
akespeare_NP-TL (_( 216_CD )_) ,_, writes_VBZ :_: ``_`` There_EX is_BEZ not_* a_
AT word_NN spoken_VBN by_IN Shylock_NP which_WDT one_PN would_MD expect_VB from_
IN a_AT real_JJ Jew_NP ''_'' ._. He_PPS took_VBD the_AT story_NN of_IN the_AT po
und_NN of_IN flesh_NN and_CC had_HVD to_TO fasten_VB it_PPO on_IN someone_PN ._.
The_AT Jew_NP was_BEDZ the_AT safest_JJT victim_NN ._. No_AT Jew_NP was_BEDZ on
_IN hand_NN to_TO boycott_VB his_PP$ financially_RB struggling_VBG theater_NN ._
. It_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN unwise_JJ policy_NN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_
, to_TO apply_VB the_AT pound-of-flesh_NN characterization_NN to_IN the_AT thrif
ty_JJ Scotchman_NP ._. Just_RB as_CS now_RB anyone_PN may_MD hurl_VB insults_NNS
at_IN a_AT citizen_NN of_IN Mars_NP ,_, or_CC even_RB of_IN Tikopia_NP ,_, and_
CC no_AT senatorial_JJ investigation_NN will_MD result_VB ._. Who_WPS cares_VBZ
about_IN them_PPO !_. !_. Shakespeare_NP does_DOZ not_* tell_VB us_PPO that_CS S
hylock_NP was_BEDZ an_AT aberrant_JJ individual_NN ._. He_PPS sets_VBZ him_PPO f
orth_RB as_CS being_BEG typical_JJ of_IN the_AT group_NN ._. He_PPS tells_VBZ of
_IN his_PP$ ``_`` Jewish_JJ heart_NN ''_'' --_-- not_* a_AT Shylockian_JJ heart_
NN ;_. ;_. but_CC a_AT Jewish_JJ heart_NN ._. This_DT would_MD make_VB anyone_PN
crafty_JJ and_CC cruel_JJ ,_, capable_JJ of_IN fiendish_JJ revenge_NN ._. There
_EX is_BEZ no_AT justification_NN for_IN such_JJ misrepresentation_NN ._. If_CS
living_VBG Jews_NPS were_BED unavailable_JJ for_IN study_NN ,_, the_AT Bible_NP
was_BEDZ at_IN hand_NN ._. Reading_VBG the_AT Old_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL would_MD
have_HV shown_VBN the_AT dramatist_NN that_CS the_AT ideas_NNS attributed_VBN t
o_IN Shylock_NP were_BED abhorrent_JJ to_IN the_AT Jews_NPS ._. Are_BER we_PPSS
better_RBR off_RP for_IN having_HVG Shakespeare's_NP$ idea_NN of_IN Shylock_NP ?
_. ?_. Studying_VBG The_AT-TL Merchant_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Venice_NP-TL in_IN high_JJ
school_NN and_CC college_NN has_HVZ given_VBN many_AP young_JJ people_NNS their
_PP$ notions_NNS about_IN Jews_NPS ._. Does_DOZ this_DT help_VB the_AT non-Jew_N
P to_TO understand_VB this_DT group_NN ?_. ?_. Thomas_NP De_NP Torquemada_NP ,_,
Inquisitor-General_NP of_IN the_AT Spanish_JJ-TL Inquisition_NN-TL ,_, put_VBD
many_AP persons_NNS to_IN death_NN ._. His_PP$ name_NN became_VBD synonymous_JJ
with_IN cold-blooded_JJ cruelty_NN ._. Would_MD we_PPSS gain_VB by_IN keeping_VB
G alive_JJ his_PP$ memory_NN and_CC besmirching_VBG today's_NR$ Roman_JJ-TL Cath
olics_NPS by_IN saying_VBG he_PPS had_HVD a_AT Catholic_JJ heart_NN ?_. ?_. Let_
VB his_PP$ bones_NNS and_CC his_PP$ memory_NN rest_VB in_IN the_AT fifteenth_OD
century_NN where_WRB they_PPSS belong_VB ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ out_IN of_IN plac
e_NN in_IN our_PP$ times_NNS ._. Shakespeare's_NP$ Shylock_NP ,_, too_RB ,_, is_
BEZ of_IN dubious_JJ value_NN in_IN the_AT modern_JJ world_NN ._. Ideas_NNS ,_,
in_IN and_CC of_IN themselves_PPLS ,_, are_BER not_* necessarily_RB the_AT great
est_JJT good_NN ._. A_AT successful_JJ businessman_NN recently_RB prefaced_VBD h
is_PP$ address_NN to_IN a_AT luncheon_NN group_NN with_IN the_AT statement_NN th
at_CS all_ABN economists_NNS should_MD be_BE sent_VBN to_IN the_AT hospitals_NNS
for_IN the_AT mentally_RB deranged_VBN where_WRB they_PPSS and_CC their_PP$ the
ories_NNS might_MD rot_VB together_RB ._. Will_MD his_PP$ words_NNS come_VB to_T
O be_BE treasured_VBN and_CC quoted_VBN through_IN the_AT years_NNS ?_. ?_. Freq
uently_RB we_PPSS are_BER given_VBN assurance_NN that_CS automatically_RB all_AB
N ideas_NNS will_MD be_BE sifted_VBN and_CC resifted_VBN and_CC in_IN the_AT end
_NN only_RB the_AT good_JJ ones_NNS will_MD survive_VB ._. But_CC is_BEZ that_DT
not_* like_JJ going_VBG to_IN a_AT chemistry_NN laboratory_NN and_CC blindly_RB
pouring_VBG out_RP liquids_NNS and_CC powders_NNS from_IN an_AT array_NN of_IN
bottles_NNS and_CC then_RB ,_, after_CS stirring_VBG ,_, expecting_VBG a_AT new_
JJ wonder_JJ drug_NN inevitably_RB to_TO result_VB ?_. ?_. What_WDT of_IN the_AT
efficiency_NN of_IN this_DT natural_JJ instrument_NN of_IN free_JJ discussion_N
N ?_. ?_. Is_BEZ there_EX some_DTI magic_NN in_IN it_PPO that_WPS assures_VBZ re
sults_NNS ?_. ?_. When_WRB Peter_NP B._NP Kyne_NP (_( Pride_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Palom
ar_NP-TL ,_, 43_CD )_) informed_VBD us_PPO in_IN 1921_CD that_CS we_PPSS had_HVD
an_AT instinctive_JJ dislike_NN for_IN the_AT Japanese_NPS ,_, did_DOD the_AT h
eated_VBN debates_NNS of_IN the_AT Californians_NPS settle_VB the_AT truth_NN or
_CC falsity_NN of_IN the_AT proposition_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT-TL Leopard's_NN$-TL Sp
ots_NNS-TL came_VBD from_IN the_AT pen_NN of_IN Thomas_NP Dixon_NP in_IN 1902_CD
,_, and_CC in_IN this_DT he_PPS announced_VBD an_AT ``_`` unchangeable_JJ ''_''
law_NN ._. If_CS a_AT child_NN had_HVD a_AT single_AP drop_NN of_IN Negro_NP bl
ood_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD revert_VB to_IN the_AT ancestral_JJ line_NN which_WDT
,_, except_IN as_CS slaves_NNS under_IN a_AT superior_JJ race_NN ,_, had_HVD no
t_* made_VBN one_CD step_NN of_IN progress_NN in_IN 3,000_CD years_NNS ._. That_
DT doctrine_NN has_HVZ been_BEN accepted_VBN by_IN many_AP ,_, but_CC has_HVZ it
_PPS produced_VBN good_JJ results_NNS ?_. ?_. In_IN the_AT same_AP vein_NN ,_, a
_AT certain_JJ short-story_NN plot_NN has_HVZ been_BEN overworked_VBN ._. The_AT
son_NN and_CC heir_NN of_IN a_AT prominent_JJ family_NN marries_VBZ a_AT girl_N
N who_WPS has_HVZ tell-tale_JJ shadows_NNS on_IN the_AT half-moons_NNS of_IN her
_PP$ finger_NN nails_NNS ._. In_IN time_NN she_PPS presents_VBZ her_PPO aristocr
atic_JJ husband_NN with_IN a_AT coal-black_JJ child_NN ._. Is_BEZ the_AT world_N
N better_JJR for_CS having_HVG this_DT idea_NN thrust_VB upon_IN it_PPO ?_. ?_.
Will_MD argument_NN and_CC debate_NN decide_VB its_PP$ truth_NN or_CC falsity_NN
?_. ?_. For_IN answers_NNS to_IN such_JJ questions_NNS we_PPSS must_MD turn_VB
to_IN the_AT anthropologists_NNS ,_, the_AT biologists_NNS ,_, the_AT historians
_NNS ,_, the_AT psychologists_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT sociologists_NNS ._. Long_QL
ago_RB they_PPSS consigned_VBD the_AT notions_NNS of_IN Kyne_NP and_CC Dixon_NP
to_IN the_AT scrap_NN heap_NN ._. False_JJ ideas_NNS surfeit_VB another_DT sect
or_NN of_IN our_PP$ life_NN ._. For_IN several_AP generations_NNS much_AP fictio
n_NN has_HVZ appeared_VBN dealing_VBG with_IN the_AT steprelationship_NN ._. The
_AT stepmother_NN ,_, almost_RB without_IN exception_NN ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN pre
sented_VBN as_CS a_AT cruel_JJ ogress_NN ._. Children_NNS ,_, conditioned_VBN by
_IN this_DT mistaken_VBN notion_NN ,_, have_HV feared_VBN stepmothers_NNS ,_, wh
ile_CS adults_NNS ,_, by_IN their_PP$ antagonistic_JJ attitudes_NNS ,_, have_HV
made_VBN the_AT role_NN of_IN the_AT substitute_JJ parents_NNS a_AT difficult_JJ
one_CD ._. Debate_NN is_BEZ not_* likely_JJ to_TO resolve_VB the_AT tensions_NN
S and_CC make_VB the_AT lot_NN of_IN the_AT stepchild_NN a_AT happier_JJR one_CD
._. Research_NN ,_, on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, has_HVZ shown_VBN many_AP
stepmothers_NNS to_TO be_BE eminently_QL successful_JJ ,_, some_DTI far_QL bett
er_JJR than_CS the_AT real_JJ mothers_NNS ._. Helen_NP Deutsch_NP informed_VBD u
s_PPO (_( The_AT-TL Psychology_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Women_NNS-TL ,_, Vol._NN-TL 2_CD-T
L ,_, ,_, 434_CD )_) that_CS in_IN all_ABN cultures_NNS ``_`` the_AT term_NN '_'
stepmother_NN '_' automatically_RB evokes_VBZ deprecatory_JJ implications_NNS '
'_'' ,_, a_AT conclusion_NN accepted_VBN by_IN many_AP ._. Will_MD mere_JJ debat
e_NN on_IN that_DT proposition_NN ,_, even_RB though_CS it_PPS be_BE free_JJ and
_CC untrammeled_JJ ,_, remove_VB the_AT dross_NN and_CC leave_VB a_AT residue_NN
of_IN refined_VBN gold_NN ?_. ?_. That_DT is_BEZ questionable_JJ ,_, to_TO say_
VB the_AT least_AP ._. Research_NN into_IN several_AP cultures_NNS has_HVZ prove
n_VBN her_PP$ position_NN to_TO be_BE a_AT mistaken_VBN one_CD ._. Most_QL assur
edly_RB ideas_NNS are_BER invaluable_JJ ._. But_CC ideas_NNS ,_, just_RB for_IN
the_AT sake_NN of_IN having_HVG them_PPO ,_, are_BER not_* enough_AP ._. In_IN t
he_AT 1930's_NNS ,_, cures_NNS for_IN the_AT depression_NN literally_RB flooded_
VBD Washington_NP ._. For_IN a_AT time_NN the_AT President_NN-TL received_VBD hu
ndreds_NNS of_IN them_PPO every_AT day_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN them_PPO worthless_J
J ._. Ideas_NNS need_VB to_TO be_BE tested_VBN ,_, and_CC not_* merely_RB by_IN
argument_NN and_CC debate_NN ._. When_WRB some_DTI question_NN arises_VBZ in_IN
the_AT medical_JJ field_NN concerning_IN cancer_NN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, we
_PPSS do_DO not_* turn_VB to_IN free_JJ and_CC open_JJ discussion_NN as_CS in_IN
a_AT political_JJ campaign_NN ._. We_PPSS have_HV recourse_NN to_IN the_AT scie
ntifically-trained_JJ specialist_NN in_IN the_AT laboratory_NN ._. The_AT merits
_NNS of_IN the_AT Salk_NP anti-polio_JJ vaccine_NN were_BED not_* established_VB
N on_IN the_AT forensic_JJ platform_NN or_CC in_IN newspaper_NN editorials_NNS ,
_, but_CC in_IN the_AT laboratory_NN and_CC by_IN tests_NNS in_IN the_AT field_N
N on_IN thousands_NNS of_IN children_NNS ._. Our_PP$ presidential_JJ campaigns_N
NS provide_VB much_AP debate_NN and_CC argument_NN ._. But_CC is_BEZ the_AT resu
lt_NN new_JJ barnsful_NNS of_IN tested_VBN knowledge_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of
_IN which_WDT we_PPSS can_MD with_IN confidence_NN solve_VB our_PP$ domestic_JJ
and_CC international_JJ problems_NNS ?_. ?_. Man_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER told_VBN
,_, is_BEZ endowed_VBN with_IN reason_NN and_CC is_BEZ capable_JJ of_IN disting
uishing_VBG good_NN from_IN bad_NN ._. But_CC what_WDT a_AT super-Herculean_JJ t
ask_NN it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO winnow_VB anything_PN of_IN value_NN from_IN the_AT m
ud-beplastered_JJ arguments_NNS used_VBN so_QL freely_RB ,_, particularly_RB sin
ce_CS such_JJ common_JJ use_NN is_BEZ made_VBN of_IN cliches_NNS and_CC stereoty
pes_NNS ,_, in_IN themselves_PPLS declarations_NNS of_IN intellectual_JJ bankrup
tcy_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER reminded_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, that_CS freedom_NN of
_IN thought_NN and_CC discussion_NN ,_, the_AT unfettered_JJ exchange_NN of_IN i
deas_NNS ,_, is_BEZ basic_JJ under_IN our_PP$ form_NN of_IN government_NN ._. As
suredly_RB in_IN our_PP$ political_JJ campaigns_NNS there_EX is_BEZ freedom_NN t
o_TO think_VB ,_, to_TO examine_VB any_DTI and_CC all_ABN issues_NNS ,_, and_CC
to_TO speak_VB without_IN restraint_NN ._. No_AT holds_NNS are_BER barred_VBN ._
. But_CC have_HV the_AT results_NNS been_BEN heartening_JJ ?_. ?_. May_MD we_PPS
S state_VB with_IN confidence_NN that_CS in_IN such_ABL an_AT exhibition_NN a_AT
republic_NN will_MD find_VB its_PP$ greatest_JJT security_NN ?_. ?_. We_PPSS mu
st_MD not_* forget_VB ,_, to_TO be_BE sure_JJ ,_, that_CS free_JJ discussion_NN
and_CC debate_NN have_HV produced_VBN beneficial_JJ results_NNS ._. In_IN truth_
NN ,_, we_PPSS can_MD say_VB that_CS this_DT broke_VBD the_AT power_NN of_IN Sen
ator_NN-TL Joseph_NP McCarthy_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ finally_RB exposed_VBN in_
IN full_JJ light_NN to_IN the_AT American_JJ people_NNS ._. If_CS he_PPS had_HVD
been_BEN ``_`` liquidated_VBN ''_'' in_IN some_DTI way_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD h
ave_HV become_VBN a_AT martyr_NN ,_, a_AT rallying_VBG point_NN for_IN people_NN
S who_WPS shared_VBD his_PP$ ideas_NNS ._. Debate_NN in_IN the_AT political_JJ a
rena_NN can_MD be_BE productive_JJ of_IN good_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT c
lumsy_JJ and_CC wasteful_JJ process_NN :_: it_PPS can_MD produce_VB negative_JJ
results_NNS but_CC not_* much_AP that_WPS is_BEZ positive_JJ ._. Debate_NN rid_V
BD us_PPO of_IN McCarthy_NP but_CC did_DOD not_* give_VB us_PPO much_AP that_WPS
is_BEZ positive_JJ ._. It_PPS did_DOD something_PN to_TO clear_VB the_AT ground
_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS erected_VBD no_AT striking_JJ new_JJ structure_NN ;_. ;_.
it_PPS did_DOD not_* even_RB provide_VB the_AT architect's_NN$ plan_NN for_IN an
ything_PN new_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN the_AT natural_JJ sciences_NNS
,_, scientifically_RB verified_VBN data_NNS are_BER quite_QL readily_RB availabl
e_JJ and_CC any_DTI discussion_NN can_MD be_BE shortened_VBN with_IN good_JJ res
ults_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN the_AT social_JJ sciences_NNS a_AT cons
iderable_JJ fund_NN of_IN tested_VBN knowledge_NN has_HVZ been_BEN accumulated_V
BN that_WPS can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_IN good_JJ advantage_NN ._. By_IN no_AT mea
ns_NNS would_MD we_PPSS discourage_VB the_AT production_NN of_IN ideas_NNS :_: t
hey_PPSS provide_VB raw_JJ materials_NNS with_IN which_WDT to_TO work_VB ;_. ;_.
they_PPSS provide_VB stimulations_NNS that_WPS lead_VB to_IN further_JJR produc
tion_NN ._. We_PPSS would_MD establish_VB no_AT censorship_NN ._. The_AT Preside
nt's_NN$-TL personality_NN would_MD have_HV opened_VBN that_DT office_NN to_IN h
im_PPO ._. And_CC for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN a_AT representative_NN of_IN th
e_AT highest_JJT office_NN in_IN the_AT land_NN would_MD have_HV been_BEN liable
_JJ to_IN the_AT charge_NN that_CS he_PPS had_HVD attempted_VBN to_TO make_VB it
_PPO a_AT successorship_NN by_IN inheritance_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ testimony_NN t
o_IN the_AT deep_JJ respect_NN in_IN which_WDT Mr._NP Eisenhower_NP was_BEDZ hel
d_VBN by_IN members_NNS of_IN all_ABN parties_NNS that_CS the_AT moral_JJ consid
erations_NNS raised_VBN by_IN his_PP$ approach_NN to_IN the_AT matter_NN were_BE
D not_* explicitly_RB to_TO be_BE broached_VBN ._. These_DTS began_VBD to_TO be_
BE apparent_JJ in_IN a_AT press_NN conference_NN held_VBN during_IN the_AT secon
d_OD illness_NN in_IN order_NN that_CS the_AT consulting_VBG specialists_NNS mig
ht_MD clarify_VB the_AT President's_NN$-TL condition_NN for_IN the_AT nation_NN
._. And_CC if_CS Howard_NP Rutstein_NP felt_VBD impelled_VBN thereafter_RB to_TO
formulate_VB the_AT ethics_NNS of_IN the_AT medical_JJ profession_NN ,_, his_PP
$ article_NN in_IN the_AT Atlantic_JJ-TL Monthly_NN-TL accomplished_VBD a_AT goo
d_JJ deal_NN more_AP ._. It_PPS forced_VBD us_PPO to_TO fix_VB the_AT responsibi
lity_NN for_IN the_AT position_NN in_IN which_WDT all_ABN medical_JJ commentator
s_NNS had_HVD been_BEN placed_VBN ._. The_AT discussion_NN of_IN professional_JJ
ethics_NNS inevitably_RB reminded_VBD us_PPO that_CS in_IN the_AT historical_JJ
perspective_NN the_AT President's_NN$-TL decision_NN will_MD finally_RB clarify
_VB itself_PPL as_CS a_AT moral_JJ ,_, rather_IN than_IN a_AT medical_JJ ,_, pro
blem_NN ._. Because_CS the_AT responsibility_NN for_IN resolving_VBG the_AT issu
e_NN lay_VBD with_IN the_AT President_NN-TL ,_, rather_IN than_IN with_IN his_PP
$ doctors_NNS ,_, nothing_PN raises_VBZ more_QL surely_RB for_IN us_PPO the_AT d
ifficulties_NNS simple_JJ goodness_NN faces_VBZ in_IN dealing_VBG with_IN comple
x_JJ moral_JJ problems_NNS under_IN political_JJ pressure_NN ._. For_CS the_AT P
resident_NN-TL had_HVD dealt_VBN with_IN the_AT matter_NN humbly_RB ,_, in_IN wh
at_WDT he_PPS conceived_VBD as_CS the_AT democratic_JJ way_NN ._. But_CC the_AT
problem_NN is_BEZ one_CD which_WDT gives_VBZ us_PPO the_AT measure_NN of_IN a_AT
man_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN a_AT group_NN of_IN men_NNS ,_, whether_CS a_AT gr
oup_NN of_IN doctors_NNS ,_, a_AT group_NN of_IN party_NN members_NNS assembled_
VBN at_IN a_AT dinner_NN to_TO give_VB their_PP$ opinion_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT mas
ses_NNS of_IN the_AT voters_NNS ._. Any_DTI attempt_NN to_TO reconcile_VB this_D
T statement_NN of_IN the_AT central_JJ issue_NN in_IN the_AT campaign_NN of_IN 1
956_CD with_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN the_AT man_NN who_WPS could_MD not_* conce
ive_VB it_PPO as_CS the_AT central_JJ issue_NN will_MD at_IN least_AP resolve_VB
our_PP$ confusions_NNS about_IN the_AT chaotic_JJ and_CC misleading_VBG results
_NNS of_IN the_AT earnestness_NN of_IN both_ABX doctors_NNS and_CC President_NN-
TL in_IN a_AT situation_NN which_WDT should_MD never_RB have_HV arisen_VBN ._. I
t_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT response_NN to_IN the_AT conflict_NN between_IN political_JJ
pressure_NN and_CC the_AT moral_JJ intuition_NN which_WDT resulted_VBD in_IN at
tempts_NNS at_IN prediction_NN ._. In_IN no_AT other_AP situation_NN would_MD a_
AT group_NN of_IN doctors_NNS ,_, struggling_VBG competently_RB to_TO improve_VB
the_AT life_NN expectancy_NN of_IN a_AT man_NN beloved_JJ by_IN the_AT world_NN
,_, be_BE subjected_VBN to_IN such_JJ merciless_JJ and_CC persistent_JJ questio
ning_NN ,_, and_CC before_CS they_PPSS were_BED prepared_VBN to_TO demonstrate_V
B the_AT kind_NN of_IN verbal_JJ precision_NN which_WDT alone_RB can_MD clarify_
VB for_IN mankind_NN the_AT problems_NNS it_PPS faces_VBZ ._. And_CC though_CS w
e_PPSS can_MD look_VB back_RB now_RB and_CC see_VB their_PP$ errors_NNS ,_, we_P
PSS can_MD look_VB back_RB also_RB to_IN the_AT ultimate_JJ error_NN ._. It_PPS
recurred_VBD in_IN the_AT press_NN conferences_NNS :_: the_AT President's_NN$-TL
remarks_NNS about_IN his_PP$ running_VBG developed_VBD a_AT singular_JJ tone_NN
,_, one_CD which_WDT we_PPSS find_VB in_IN few_AP statements_NNS made_VBN by_IN
public_JJ individuals_NNS on_IN such_ABL a_AT matter_NN ._. The_AT press_NN con
ference_NN became_VBD a_AT stage_NN which_WDT betrayed_VBD the_AT drift_NN of_IN
his_PP$ private_JJ thinking_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN his_PP$ convictions_NNS ._
. He_PPS commented_VBD --_-- thoughtfully_RB ,_, a_AT reporter_NN told_VBD us_PP
O --_-- that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` not_* too_QL important_JJ for_IN the_AT in
dividual_NN how_WRB he_PPS ends_VBZ up_RP ''_'' ._. He_PPS gave_VBD us_PPO a_AT
simile_NN to_TO explain_VB his_PP$ admission_NN that_CS even_RB at_IN the_AT wor
st_JJT period_NN of_IN his_PP$ second_OD illness_NN it_PPS never_RB occurred_VBD
to_IN him_PPO there_EX was_BEDZ any_DTI renewed_VBN question_NN about_IN his_PP
$ running_VBG :_: as_CS in_IN the_AT Battle_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Bulge_NN-TL
,_, he_PPS had_HVD no_AT fears_NNS about_IN the_AT outcome_NN until_CS he_PPS r
ead_VBD the_AT American_JJ newspapers_NNS ._. Yet_CC the_AT attitude_NN that_WPO
the_AT fate_NN of_IN the_AT Presidency_NN-TL demands_VBZ in_IN such_ABL a_AT si
tuation_NN is_BEZ quite_QL distinct_JJ from_IN the_AT simple_JJ courage_NN that_
WPS can_MD proceed_VB with_IN battles_NNS to_TO be_BE fought_VBN ,_, regardless_
RB of_IN the_AT consequences_NNS ._. In_IN this_DT case_NN others_NNS should_MD
not_* have_HV had_HVN to_TO raise_VB the_AT doubts_NNS and_CC fears_NNS ._. The_
AT Presidency_NN-TL demands_VBZ an_AT incisive_JJ awareness_NN of_IN the_AT larg
er_JJR implications_NNS of_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN any_DTI incumbent_JJ ._. It_
PPS is_BEZ of_IN the_AT utmost_JJS importance_NN to_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN A
merica_NP and_CC of_IN the_AT world_NN how_WRB their_PP$ governing_VBG President
_NN-TL ``_`` ends_VBZ up_RP ''_'' during_IN the_AT four_CD years_NNS of_IN his_P
P$ term_NN ._. Only_RB when_WRB that_DT term_NN is_BEZ ended_VBN and_CC he_PPS i
s_BEZ a_AT private_JJ citizen_NN again_RB can_MD he_PPS be_BE permitted_VBN the_
AT freedom_NN and_CC the_AT courage_NN to_TO discount_VB the_AT dangers_NNS of_I
N his_PP$ death_NN ._. Ironically_RB enough_QLP ,_, in_IN this_DT instance_NN su
ch_JJ personal_JJ virtues_NNS were_BED a_AT luxury_NN ._. At_IN the_AT national_
JJ and_CC international_JJ level_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ the_AT highe
st_JJT kind_NN of_IN morality_NN for_IN the_AT private_JJ citizen_NN represents_
VBZ an_AT instance_NN of_IN political_JJ immorality_NN ._. And_CC we_PPSS had_HV
D the_AT uneasy_JJ sense_NN that_CS the_AT cleavage_NN between_IN the_AT moral_J
J and_CC the_AT political_JJ progressed_VBD amid_IN the_AT events_NNS which_WDT
concern_VB us_PPO ._. For_CS the_AT tone_NN of_IN the_AT editorials_NNS which_WD
T greeted_VBD Mr._NP Eisenhower's_NP$ original_JJ announcement_NN of_IN his_PP$
running_VBG had_HVD been_BEN strangely_RB disquieting_JJ ._. Neither_CC the_AT v
ibrant_JJ enthusiasm_NN which_WDT bespeaks_VBZ a_AT people's_NNS$ intuitive_JJ s
ense_NN of_IN the_AT fitness_NN of_IN things_NNS at_IN climactic_JJ moments_NNS
nor_CC the_AT vital_JJ argumentation_NN betraying_VBG its_PP$ sense_NN that_CS s
omething_PN significant_JJ has_HVZ transpired_VBN was_BEDZ in_IN evidence_NN ._.
Nothing_PN testifies_VBZ more_QL clearly_RB to_IN that_DT cleavage_NN than_CS t
he_AT peculiar_JJ editorial_NN page_NN appearing_VBG in_IN a_AT July_NP issue_NN
of_IN Life_NN-TL Magazine_NN-TL ,_, the_AT issue_NN which_WDT also_RB carried_V
BD the_AT second_OD announcement_NN of_IN the_AT candidacy_NN ._. The_AT double_
JJ editorial_NN on_IN Two_CD-TL Aspects_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL ``_`` The_AT-TL U.S._NP-
TL Spirit_NN-TL ''_'' was_BEDZ subtly_RB calculated_VBN to_TO suggest_VB a_AT mo
ral_JJ sanction_NN for_IN gambles_NNS great_JJ as_QL well_RB as_CS small_JJ ,_,
reflecting_VBG popular_JJ approval_NN of_IN this_DT questionable_JJ attitude_NN
toward_IN the_AT highest_JJT office_NN in_IN the_AT land_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT-TL
Moral_JJ-TL Creed_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` The_AT-TL Will_NN-TL To_TO-TL Risk_VB
-TL ''_'' live_VB happily_RB together_RB ,_, if_CS we_PPSS do_DO not_* examine_V
B where_WRB the_AT line_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE drawn_VBN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS may_MD
possibly_RB be_BE a_AT greater_JJR risk_NN than_CS is_BEZ the_AT normal_JJ perso
n_NN of_IN my_PP$ age_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL had_HVD said_VBN on_IN
February_NP 29th_OD of_IN the_AT election_NN year_NN ,_, ignoring_VBG the_AT fa
ct_NN that_CS no_AT one_PN of_IN his_PP$ age_NN had_HVD ever_RB lived_VBN out_RP
another_DT term_NN ._. ``_`` My_PP$ doctors_NNS assure_VB me_PPO that_CS this_D
T increased_VBN percentage_NN of_IN risk_NN is_BEZ not_* great_JJ ''_'' ._. But_
CC by_IN the_AT time_NN the_AT risk_NN was_BEDZ doubled_VBN ,_, events_NNS had_H
VD dismissed_VBN from_IN his_PP$ mind_NN both_ABX increased_VBN percentages_NNS
and_CC a_AT previously_RB stated_VBN intention_NN of_IN considering_VBG carefull
y_RB anything_PN more_QL serious_JJ than_CS a_AT bout_NN of_IN influenza_NN ._.
Only_RB infrequently_RB did_DOD the_AT situation_NN color_VB his_PP$ thinking_NN
._. Ironically_RB no_AT president_NN we_PPSS have_HV had_HVN would_MD have_HV r
egretted_VBN more_RBR than_CS President_NN-TL Eisenhower_NP the_AT possibility_N
N to_IN which_WDT his_PP$ own_JJ words_NNS ,_, in_IN the_AT press_NN conference_
NN held_VBN at_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN August_NP ,_, testified_VBD :_: that
_CS unable_JJ as_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ himself_PPL to_TO say_VB his_PP$ running_VBG
was_BEDZ best_JJT for_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, unconsciously_RB he_PPS had_HVD
placed_VBN his_PP$ party_NN before_IN his_PP$ nation_NN ._. So_RB it_PPS is_BEZ
that_CS we_PPSS relive_VB his_PP$ opening_VBG statement_NN in_IN the_AT first_OD
television_NN address_NN with_IN the_AT dramatic_JJ immediacy_NN of_IN the_AT p
resent_NN ._. No_AT consideration_NN of_IN risk_NN urges_VBZ itself_PPL upon_IN
him_PPO now_RB :_: for_CS this_DT is_BEZ what_WDT the_AT mind_NN does_DOZ with_I
N the_AT ideas_NNS on_IN which_WDT it_PPS has_HVZ not_* properly_RB focussed_VBN
._. Yet_CC with_IN a_AT mind_NN less_QL shallow_JJ ,_, if_CS less_QL sharp_JJ ,
_, than_CS some_DTI of_IN the_AT fortune-happy_JJ syndicates_NNS which_WDT back_
VB him_PPO ,_, he_PPS feels_VBZ what_WDT he_PPS cannot_MD* formulate_VB ;_. ;_.
and_CC we_PPSS watch_VB him_PPO amid_IN the_AT overtones_NNS which_WDT suggest_V
B he_PPS could_MD never_RB in_IN any_DTI conscience_NN urge_VB a_AT risk_NN upon
_IN the_AT voters_NNS ._. Moving_VBG as_CS he_PPS is_BEZ into_IN the_AT phase_NN
of_IN the_AT campaign_NN which_WDT demands_VBZ conviction_NN of_IN him_PPO ,_,
he_PPS adopts_VBZ a_AT position_NN that_WPS is_BEZ morally_RB indefensible_JJ ._
. He_PPS ascribes_VBZ to_IN the_AT mercy_NN of_IN God_NP the_AT peace_NN which_W
DT this_DT personal_JJ matter_NN --_-- the_AT assurance_NN that_CS he_PPS can_MD
physically_RB sustain_VB the_AT burden_NN of_IN the_AT office_NN longer_RBR tha
n_CS any_DTI individual_NN in_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN our_PP$ nation_NN has_H
VZ been_BEN able_JJ to_TO do_DO --_-- has_HVZ brought_VBN him_PPO ._. What_WDT i
s_BEZ simply_RB an_AT opinion_NN formed_VBN in_IN defiance_NN of_IN the_AT laws_
NNS of_IN human_JJ probability_NN ,_, whether_CS or_CC not_* it_PPS is_BEZ later
_RBR confirmed_VBN ,_, has_HVZ become_VBN by_IN September_NP of_IN the_AT electi
on_NN year_NN ``_`` a_AT firm_JJ conviction_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS a_AT means_NN of_
IN silencing_VBG a_AT discussion_NN which_WDT ought_MD to_TO have_HV taken_VBN p
lace_NN ,_, the_AT statement_NN is_BEZ an_AT effective_JJ one_CD :_: we_PPSS sym
pathize_VB with_IN the_AT universal_JJ confusion_NN which_WDT gives_VBZ rise_NN
to_IN such_JJ convictions_NNS ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ also_RB the_AT climax_NN
to_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT absorbing_VBG chapters_NNS in_IN our_PP$ current_JJ po
litical_JJ history_NN ._. In_IN assigning_VBG to_IN God_NP the_AT responsibility
_NN which_WDT he_PPS learned_VBD could_MD not_* rest_VB with_IN his_PP$ doctors_
NNS ,_, Eisenhower_NP gave_VBD evidence_NN of_IN that_DT weakening_NN of_IN the_
AT moral_JJ intuition_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ to_TO characterize_VB his_PP$ admini
stration_NN in_IN the_AT years_NNS to_TO follow_VB ._. In_IN any_DTI other_AP ma
n_NN this_DT reassurance_NN to_IN the_AT electorate_NN would_MD have_HV caused_V
BN us_PPO a_AT profound_JJ moral_JJ shock_NN ._. About_IN this_DT man_NN we_PPSS
had_HVD to_TO think_VB twice_RB ._. We_PPSS knew_VBD that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ ,_
, as_CS reassurance_NN ,_, the_AT ironic_JJ fruit_NN of_IN a_AT deeply_QL moral_
JJ nature_NN ._. But_CC the_AT fact_NN remains_VBZ that_CS even_RB the_AT uncons
cious_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN himself_PPL as_CS a_AT man_NN of_IN destiny_NN divi
nely_RB protected_VBN must_MD be_BE censored_VBN in_IN any_DTI man_NN who_WPS ev
ades_VBZ the_AT responsibility_NN for_IN his_PP$ major_JJ decisions_NNS ,_, and_
CC thus_RB for_IN imposing_VBG his_PP$ will_NN on_IN the_AT people_NNS ._. And_C
C in_IN the_AT context_NN of_IN drifting_VBG personal_JJ utterances_NNS we_PPSS
have_HV examined_VBN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ occasional_JJ evidence_NN of_IN the_A
T origin_NN of_IN all_ABN such_JJ evasions_NNS ._. When_WRB the_AT possibility_N
N that_CS he_PPS had_HVD not_* given_VBN reconsideration_NN to_IN so_QL weighty_
JJ a_AT decision_NN seemed_VBD to_TO disconcert_VB his_PP$ questioners_NNS ,_, M
r._NP Eisenhower_NP was_BEDZ known_VBN to_TO make_VB his_PP$ characteristic_JJ s
tatement_NN to_IN the_AT press_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* going_VBG to_TO
talk_VB about_IN the_AT matter_NN any_QL more_RBR ._. Thinking_VBG had_HVD stopp
ed_VBN ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* to_TO be_BE resumed_VBN ._. The_AT portrait
_NN that_WPS had_HVD developed_VBN ,_, fragmentarily_RB but_CC consistently_RB ,
_, was_BEDZ the_AT portrait_NN of_IN a_AT man_NN to_IN whom_WPO serious_JJ think
ing_NN is_BEZ alien_JJ enough_QLP that_CS the_AT making_NN of_IN a_AT decision_N
N inhibits_VBZ ,_, when_WRB it_PPS does_DOZ not_* forestall_VB ,_, any_DTI abili
ty_NN to_TO review_VB the_AT decision_NN in_IN the_AT light_NN of_IN new_JJ evid
ence_NN ._. This_DT does_DOZ not_* mean_VB that_CS the_AT decision_NN to_TO run_
VB for_IN office_NN should_MD inevitably_RB have_HV been_BEN revoked_VBN ._. Ins
tead_RB it_PPS means_VBZ that_CS the_AT thinking_NN in_IN which_WDT decision_NN
issues_VBZ has_HVZ the_AT power_NN to_TO determine_VB the_AT morality_NN of_IN t
he_AT decision_NN ,_, as_CS in_IN this_DT instance_NN the_AT pressure_NN for_IN
renewed_VBN practical_JJ or_CC legislative_JJ attention_NN to_IN the_AT constitu
tional_JJ problems_NNS the_AT decision_NN had_HVD uncovered_VBN might_MD have_HV
done_VBN ._. Drifting_VBG through_IN a_AT third_OD illness_NN ,_, apparently_RB
without_IN any_DTI provision_NN for_IN the_AT handling_NN of_IN a_AT major_JJ n
ational_JJ emergency_NN other_AP than_IN a_AT talk_NN with_IN the_AT vice-presid
ent_NN ,_, Eisenhower_NP revealed_VBD the_AT singularly_RB static_JJ quality_NN
of_IN his_PP$ thinking_NN ._. Despite_IN three_CD warnings_NNS ,_, no_AT sense_N
N of_IN moral_JJ urgency_NN impelled_VBD him_PPO to_TO distinguish_VB his_PP$ si
tuation_NN ,_, and_CC thus_RB his_PP$ responsibilities_NNS ,_, from_IN Wilson's_
NP$ ._. By_IN contrast_NN ,_, the_AT energetic_JJ reaction_NN of_IN the_AT leade
r_NN to_IN the_AT full_JJ demands_NNS his_PP$ decision_NN imposes_VBZ upon_IN hi
m_PPO strengthens_VBZ the_AT moral_JJ intuition_NN and_CC gives_VBZ us_PPO the_A
T measure_NN of_IN the_AT man_NN ._. Only_RB by_IN means_NN of_IN an_AT intensiv
e_JJ preoccupation_NN with_IN the_AT detailed_VBN considerations_NNS following_V
BG from_IN any_DTI decision_NN can_MD he_PPS ensure_VB attention_NN to_IN the_AT
practical_JJ details_NNS to_TO be_BE dealt_VBN with_IN if_CS the_AT implication
s_NNS of_IN immorality_NN in_IN the_AT major_JJ decision_NN are_BER effectively_
RB to_TO be_BE checked_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT incessant_JJ struggle_NN with_IN rec
alcitrant_JJ political_JJ fact_NN he_PPS learns_VBZ to_TO focus_VB the_AT essenc
e_NN of_IN a_AT problem_NN in_IN the_AT significant_JJ detail_NN ,_, and_CC to_T
O articulate_VB the_AT distinctions_NNS which_WDT clarify_VB the_AT detail_NN as
_CS significant_JJ ,_, with_IN what_WDT is_BEZ sometimes_RB astounding_JJ rapidi
ty_NN ._. Like_CS Lincoln_NP ,_, he_PPS can_MD distinguish_VB his_PP$ relation_N
N to_IN God_NP from_IN the_AT constitutional_JJ responsibilities_NNS a_AT questi
onable_JJ decision_NN exacts_VBZ of_IN him_PPO ._. Like_CS Roosevelt_NP ,_, he_P
PS can_MD distinguish_VB an_AT attitude_NN toward_IN a_AT Russian_JJ leader_NN h
e_PPS may_MD share_VB with_IN a_AT host_NN of_IN Americans_NPS from_IN the_AT re
sponsibilities_NNS diplomatic_JJ convention_NN may_MD impose_VB upon_IN him_PPO
._. He_PPS chooses_VBZ to_TO subordinate_VB one_CD to_IN the_AT other_AP ,_, som
etimes_RB reluctantly_RB ,_, accepting_VBG criticism_NN for_IN the_AT lesser_JJR
immoralities_NNS facts_NNS breed_VB ._. The_AT very_AP nature_NN of_IN a_AT cho
ice_NN so_QL grounded_VBN in_IN distinction_NN and_CC fact_NN leads_VBZ to_IN th
e_AT valid_JJ convictions_NNS which_WDT become_VB force_NN of_IN will_NN in_IN t
he_AT manifest_JJ leader_NN ._. The_AT capacity_NN for_IN making_VBG the_AT dist
inctions_NNS of_IN which_WDT diplomacy_NN is_BEZ compact_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT fa
cility_NN with_IN language_NN which_WDT can_MD render_VB them_PPO into_IN validi
ty_NN in_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN other_AP men_NNS are_BER the_AT leader's_NN$ m
eans_NNS for_IN transforming_VBG the_AT moral_JJ intuition_NN into_IN moral_JJ l
eadership_NN ._. The_AT making_NN of_IN distinctions_NNS ,_, like_CS the_AT perc
eption_NN of_IN the_AT great_JJ distinctions_NNS made_VBN ,_, is_BEZ an_AT inord
inately_QL difficult_JJ business_NN ._. Lincoln's_NP$ slow_JJ progress_NN toward
s_IN the_AT several_AP marking_VBG his_PP$ achievement_NN is_BEZ even_QL now_RB
unrecognizable_JJ as_CS such_JJ ,_, and_CC loosely_QL interpreted_VBN as_CS the_
AT alternation_NN of_IN inconsistency_NN with_IN vision_NN ._. But_CC because_CS
it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT function_NN of_IN the_AT mind_NN to_TO turn_VB the_AT one_
CD into_IN the_AT other_AP by_IN means_NN of_IN the_AT capacities_NNS with_IN wh
ich_WDT words_NNS endow_VB it_PPO ,_, we_PPSS do_DO not_* unwisely_RB examine_VB
the_AT type_NN of_IN distinction_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT sphere_NN of_IN politics_N
N ,_, on_IN which_WDT decisions_NNS hang_VB ._. Only_QL recently_RB ,_, and_CC p
erhaps_RB because_CS a_AT television_NN debate_NN can_MD so_QL effectively_RB dr
amatize_VB President_NN-TL Kennedy's_NP$ extraordinary_JJ mastery_NN of_IN detai
l_NN ,_, have_HV the_AT abilities_NNS on_IN which_WDT the_AT capacity_NN for_IN
making_VBG distinctions_NNS depend_VB begun_VBN to_TO be_BE clearly_QL discernib
le_JJ at_IN the_AT level_NN of_IN politics_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ recent_JJ evalua
tion_NN of_IN Kennedy's_NP$ potentialities_NNS for_IN leadership_NN ,_, Walter_N
P Lippmann_NP has_HVZ cited_VBN the_AT ``_`` precision_NN ''_'' of_IN his_PP$ mi
nd_NN ,_, his_PP$ ``_`` immense_JJ command_NN ''_'' of_IN factual_JJ detail_NN ,
_, and_CC his_PP$ ``_`` instinct_NN for_IN the_AT crucial_JJ point_NN ''_'' as_C
S impressive_JJ in_IN the_AT extreme_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ surely_QL c
lear_JJ that_CS the_AT first_OD of_IN these_DTS is_BEZ the_AT result_NN of_IN th
e_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT individual's_NN$ command_NN of_IN language_NN
interacts_VBZ with_IN the_AT other_AP two_CD ._. For_CS this_DT change_NN is_BE
Z not_* a_AT change_NN from_IN one_CD positive_JJ position_NN to_IN another_DT ,
_, but_CC a_AT change_NN from_IN order_NN and_CC truth_NN to_IN disorder_NN and_
CC negation_NN ._. The_AT liberal-conservative_JJ division_NN ,_, we_PPSS might_
MD observe_VB in_IN passing_VBG ,_, is_BEZ not_* of_IN itself_PPL directly_RB in
volved_VBN in_IN a_AT private_JJ interest_NN conflict_NN nor_CC even_RB in_IN st
ruggle_NN between_IN ruling_VBG groups_NNS ._. Rather_RB it_PPS is_BEZ rooted_VB
N in_IN a_AT difference_NN of_IN response_NN to_IN the_AT threat_NN of_IN social
_JJ disintegration_NN ._. The_AT division_NN is_BEZ not_* between_IN those_DTS w
ho_WPS wish_VB to_TO preserve_VB what_WDT they_PPSS have_HV and_CC those_DTS who
_WPS want_VB change_NN ._. Rather_RB it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT division_NN established_
VBN by_IN two_CD absolutely_QL different_JJ ways_NNS of_IN thought_NN with_IN re
gard_NN to_IN man's_NN$ life_NN in_IN society_NN ._. These_DTS ways_NNS are_BER
absolutely_QL irreconcilable_JJ because_CS they_PPSS offer_VB two_CD different_J
J recipes_NNS for_IN man's_NN$ redemption_NN from_IN chaos_NN ._. The_AT civiliz
ational_JJ crisis_NN ,_, the_AT third_OD type_NN of_IN change_NN raises_VBZ the_
AT question_NN ``_`` what_WDT are_BER we_PPSS to_TO do_DO ''_'' ?_. ?_. On_IN th
e_AT most_QL primitive_JJ level_NN ._. For_CS the_AT answer_NN cannot_MD* be_BE
derived_VBN from_IN any_DTI socially_RB cohesive_JJ element_NN in_IN the_AT disr
upting_VBG community_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT socially_RB existential_JJ ans
wer_NN to_IN the_AT question_NN ._. For_CS the_AT truth_NN formerly_RB experienc
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT community_NN no_QL longer_RBR has_HVZ existential_JJ status_
NN in_IN the_AT community_NN ,_, nor_CC does_DOZ any_DTI answer_NN elaborated_VB
N by_IN philosophers_NNS or_CC theoriticians_NNS ._. In_IN this_DT phase_NN of_I
N change_NN ,_, no_AT idea_NN has_HVZ social_JJ acceptance_NN and_CC so_RB none_
PN has_HVZ ontological_JJ status_NN in_IN the_AT community_NN ._. An_AT interreg
num_NN ensues_VBZ in_IN which_WDT not_* men_NNS but_CC ideas_NNS compete_VB for_
IN existence_NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS examine_VB the_AT three_CD types_NNS of_IN cha
nge_NN from_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN view_NN of_IN their_PP$ internal_JJ structu
re_NN we_PPSS find_VB an_AT additional_JJ profound_JJ difference_NN between_IN t
he_AT third_OD and_CC the_AT first_OD two_CD ,_, one_CD that_WPS accounts_VBZ fo
r_IN the_AT notable_JJ difference_NN between_IN the_AT responses_NNS they_PPSS e
voke_VB ._. The_AT first_OD two_CD types_NNS of_IN change_NN occur_VB within_IN
the_AT inward_RB and_CC immanent_JJ structure_NN of_IN the_AT society_NN ._. The
_AT first_OD involves_VBZ a_AT simple_JJ shift_NN of_IN interests_NNS in_IN the_
AT society_NN ._. The_AT second_OD involves_VBZ something_PN deeper_JJR ,_, but_
CC its_PP$ characteristic_JJ form_NN focuses_VBZ on_IN a_AT shift_NN in_IN polic
y_NN for_IN the_AT community_NN ,_, not_* in_IN the_AT truth_NN on_IN which_WDT
the_AT community_NN rests_VBZ ._. Thus_RB in_IN both_ABX types_NNS attention_NN
is_BEZ focused_VBN on_IN the_AT community_NN itself_PPL ,_, and_CC its_PP$ pheno
menological_JJ life_NN ._. The_AT third_OD type_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, wrenches_V
BZ attention_NN from_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN action_NN and_CC interests_NNS in_I
N the_AT community_NN and_CC focuses_VBZ it_PPO on_IN the_AT ground_NN of_IN bei
ng_BEG on_IN which_WDT the_AT community_NN depends_VBZ for_IN its_PP$ existence_
NN ._. Voegelin_NP has_HVZ analyzed_VBN this_DT experience_NN in_IN the_AT case_
NN of_IN the_AT stable_JJ ,_, healthy_JJ community_NN ._. There_RB the_AT commun
ity_NN ,_, faced_VBN with_IN the_AT need_NN to_TO formulate_VB policy_NN on_IN t
he_AT level_NN of_IN absolute_JJ justice_NN ,_, can_MD find_VB the_AT answer_NN
to_IN its_PP$ problem_NN in_IN the_AT absolute_JJ truth_NN which_WDT it_PPS hold
s_VBZ as_CS partially_QL experienced_VBN ._. This_DT ,_, however_RB ,_, cannot_M
D* be_BE done_VBN by_IN a_AT community_NN whose_WP$ very_AP experience_NN of_IN
truth_NN is_BEZ confused_VBN and_CC incoherent_JJ :_: it_PPS has_HVZ no_AT absol
ute_JJ standard_NN ,_, and_CC consequently_RB cannot_MD* distinguish_VB the_AT a
bsolute_NN from_IN the_AT contingent_NN ._. It_PPS has_HVZ lost_VBN its_PP$ grou
nd_NN of_IN being_BEG and_CC floats_VBZ in_IN a_AT mist_NN of_IN appearances_NNS
._. Relativism_NN and_CC equality_NN are_BER its_PP$ characteristic_JJ diseases
_NNS ._. Precisely_RB at_IN the_AT moment_NN when_WRB it_PPS has_HVZ lost_VBN it
s_PP$ vision_NN the_AT mind_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN turns_VBZ out_RP from_I
N itself_PPL in_IN a_AT search_NN for_IN the_AT ontological_JJ standard_NN where
by_WRB it_PPS can_MD measure_VB itself_PPL ._. For_CS paradigmatic_JJ history_NN
``_`` breaks_VBZ ''_'' rather_IN than_IN unfolds_VBZ precisely_RB when_WRB the_
AT movement_NN is_BEZ from_IN order_NN to_IN disorder_NN ,_, and_CC not_* from_I
N one_CD order_NN to_IN a_AT new_JJ order_NN ._. The_AT liberal-conservative_JJ
split_NN ,_, to_TO define_VB it_PPO further_RBR ,_, derives_VBZ from_IN a_AT bas
ic_JJ difference_NN concerning_IN the_AT existential_JJ status_NN of_IN standard
_NN sought_VBN and_CC about_IN the_AT spiritual_JJ experience_NN that_WPS leads_
VBZ to_IN its_PP$ identification_NN ._. When_WRB disruptive_JJ change_NN has_HVZ
penetrated_VBN to_IN the_AT third_OD level_NN of_IN social_JJ order_NN ,_, the_
AT process_NN of_IN disruption_NN rapidly_RB reaches_VBZ a_AT point_NN of_IN no_
AT return_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ probable_JJ that_CS this_DT point_N
N is_BEZ reached_VBN the_AT moment_NN the_AT third_OD level_NN of_IN change_NN b
egins_VBZ ._. At_IN that_DT point_NN we_PPSS reach_VB the_AT ``_`` closed_VBN ''
_'' historical_JJ situation_NN :_: the_AT situation_NN in_IN which_WDT man_NN is
_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR free_JJ to_TO return_VB to_IN a_AT status_NN quo_FW-WDT an
te_NN ._. At_IN that_DT point_NN men_NNS become_VB aware_JJ of_IN the_AT mystery
_NN of_IN history_NN called_VBN variously_RB ``_`` fate_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_``
destiny_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_`` providence_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC feel_VB themsel
ves_PPLS caught_VBN helplessly_RB in_IN the_AT writhing_NN of_IN a_AT disrupted_
VBN society_NN ._. The_AT reasons_NNS for_IN this_DT experience_NN are_BER roote
d_VBN in_IN the_AT metaphysical_JJ characteristics_NNS of_IN such_ABL a_AT chang
e_NN ._. Of_IN all_ABN forms_NNS of_IN being_BEG ,_, society_NN ,_, or_CC commun
ity_NN ,_, has_HVZ the_AT greatest_JJT element_NN of_IN determinability_NN ._. I
ts_PP$ ontological_JJ status_NN is_BEZ itself_PPL most_QL tenuous_JJ because_CS
apart_RB from_IN individual_JJ men_NNS ,_, who_WPS are_BER its_PP$ ``_`` matter_
NN ''_'' ,_, tradition_NN ,_, the_AT ``_`` form_NN ''_'' of_IN society_NN exists
_VBZ only_RB as_CS a_AT shared_VBN perception_NN of_IN truth_NN ._. The_AT ontol
ogical_JJ status_NN of_IN society_NN thus_RB is_BEZ constituted_VBN by_IN the_AT
psychological_JJ status_NN of_IN society's_NN$ members_NNS ._. The_AT content_N
N of_IN that_DT psychological_JJ status_NN determines_VBZ ,_, ultimately_RB ,_,
the_AT content_NN of_IN civilization_NN ._. Those_DTS social_JJ ,_, civilization
al_JJ factors_NNS not_* rooted_VBN in_IN the_AT human_JJ spirit_NN of_IN the_AT
group_NN ,_, ultimately_RB cease_VB to_TO exist_VB ._. Civilization_NN itself_PP
L --_-- tradition_NN --_-- falls_VBZ out_IN of_IN existence_NN when_WRB the_AT h
uman_JJ spirit_NN itself_PPL becomes_VBZ confused_VBN ._. Civilization_NN is_BEZ
what_WDT man_NN has_HVZ made_VBN of_IN himself_PPL ._. Its_PP$ massive_JJ conto
urs_NNS are_BER rooted_VBN in_IN the_AT simple_JJ need_NN of_IN man_NN ,_, since
_CS he_PPS is_BEZ always_RB incomplete_JJ ,_, to_TO complete_VB himself_PPL ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ not_* enough_AP for_IN man_NN to_TO be_BE an_AT ontological_JJ ess
e_FW-VB ._. He_PPS needs_VBZ existential_JJ completion_NN ,_, he_PPS needs_VBZ ,
_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, to_TO move_VB in_IN the_AT direction_NN of_IN completion_N
N ._. And_CC the_AT direction_NN of_IN that_DT movement_NN is_BEZ determined_VBN
by_IN his_PP$ perception_NN of_IN the_AT truth_NN about_IN himself_PPL ._. He_P
PS must_MD ,_, consequently_RB ,_, exist_VB as_CS a_AT self-perceived_JJ substan
tive_JJ ,_, developing_VBG agent_NN ,_, or_CC he_PPS does_DOZ not_* exist_VB as_
CS man_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ no_AT mystical_JJ intuition_NN ,_, but_C
C an_AT analyzable_JJ conception_NN to_TO say_VB that_CS man_NN and_CC his_PP$ t
radition_NN can_MD ``_`` fall_VB out_IN of_IN existence_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT hap
pens_VBZ at_IN the_AT moment_NN man_NN loses_VBZ the_AT perception_NN of_IN mora
l_JJ substance_NN in_IN himself_PPL ,_, of_IN a_AT nature_NN that_CS ,_, in_IN M
aritain's_NP$ words_NNS ,_, is_BEZ perceived_VBN as_CS a_AT ``_`` locus_NN of_IN
intelligible_JJ necessities_NNS ''_'' ._. An_AT existentialist_NN is_BEZ a_AT m
an_NN who_WPS perceives_VBZ himself_PPL only_RB as_CS ``_`` esse_FW-VB-NC ''_''
,_, as_CS existence_NN without_IN substance_NN ._. Thus_RB human_JJ perception_N
N and_CC human_JJ volition_NN is_BEZ the_AT immanent_JJ cause_NN of_IN all_ABN s
ocial_JJ change_NN and_CC this_DT most_QL truly_RB when_WRB the_AT change_NN rea
ches_VBZ the_AT civilizational_JJ level_NN ._. Thus_RB with_IN regard_NN to_IN t
he_AT loss_NN of_IN tradition_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT change_NN from_IN order_NN to_
IN disorder_NN the_AT metaphysics_NN of_IN change_NN works_VBZ itself_PPL out_RP
as_CS a_AT disruption_NN of_IN the_AT individual_JJ soul_NN ,_, a_AT change_NN
in_IN which_WDT man_NN continues_VBZ as_CS an_AT objective_JJ ontological_JJ exi
stent_NN ,_, but_CC no_QL longer_RBR as_CS a_AT man_NN ._. Further_RBR ,_, chang
e_NN is_BEZ a_AT form_NN of_IN motion_NN ,_, it_PPS occurs_VBZ as_CS the_AT act_
NN of_IN a_AT being_NN in_IN potency_NN insofar_RB as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN pot
ency_NN and_CC has_HVZ not_* yet_RB reached_VBN the_AT terminus_NN of_IN the_AT
change_NN ._. With_IN regard_NN to_IN the_AT change_NN we_PPSS are_BER examining
_VBG ,_, the_AT question_NN is_BEZ ,_, at_IN what_WDT point_NN does_DOZ the_AT c
hange_NN become_VB irreversible_JJ ?_. ?_. A_AT number_NN of_IN considerations_N
NS suggest_VB that_CS this_DT occurs_VBZ early_RB in_IN the_AT process_NN ._. Ch
ange_NN involves_VBZ the_AT displacement_NN of_IN form_NN ._. This_DT means_VBZ
that_CS the_AT inception_NN of_IN change_NN itself_PPL can_MD begin_VB only_RB w
hen_WRB the_AT factors_NNS conducive_JJ to_IN change_NN have_HV already_RB becom
e_VBN more_QL powerful_JJ than_CS those_DTS anchoring_VBG the_AT existent_JJ for
m_NN in_IN being_BEG ._. If_CS the_AT existent_JJ form_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE ret
ained_VBN new_JJ factors_NNS that_WPS reinforce_VB it_PPO must_MD be_BE introduc
ed_VBN into_IN the_AT situation_NN ._. In_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN social_JJ deca
y_NN ,_, form_NN is_BEZ displaced_VBN simply_RB by_IN the_AT process_NN of_IN di
ssolution_NN with_IN no_AT form_NN at_IN the_AT terminus_NN of_IN the_AT process
_NN ._. Now_RB in_IN the_AT mere_JJ fact_NN of_IN the_AT beginning_NN of_IN such
_JJ displacement_NN we_PPSS have_HV prima-facie_JJ evidence_NN of_IN the_AT onto
logical_JJ weakness_NN of_IN the_AT fading_VBG form_NN ._. And_CC when_WRB we_PP
SS consider_VB the_AT tenuous_JJ hold_NN tradition_NN has_HVZ on_IN existence_NN
,_, any_DTI weakening_NN of_IN that_DT hold_NN constitutes_VBZ a_AT crisis_NN o
f_IN existence_NN ._. The_AT retention_NN of_IN a_AT tradition_NN confronted_VBN
with_IN such_ABL a_AT crisis_NN necessitates_VBZ the_AT introduction_NN of_IN n
ew_JJ spiritual_JJ forces_NNS into_IN the_AT situation_NN ._. However_RB ,_, the
_AT crisis_NN occurs_VBZ precisely_RB as_CS a_AT weakening_NN of_IN spiritual_JJ
forces_NNS ._. It_PPS would_MD seem_VB ,_, therefore_RB ,_, that_CS in_IN a_AT
civilizational_JJ crisis_NN man_NN cannot_MD* save_VB himself_PPL ._. The_AT eme
rgence_NN of_IN the_AT crisis_NN itself_PPL would_MD seem_VB to_TO constitute_VB
a_AT warranty_NN for_IN the_AT victory_NN of_IN disorder_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS w
ould_MD seem_VB that_CS history_NN is_BEZ a_AT witness_NN to_IN this_DT truth_NN
._. As_CS a_AT further_JJR characterization_NN of_IN the_AT liberal_JJ conserva
tive_JJ split_NN we_PPSS may_MD observe_VB that_CS it_PPS involves_VBZ differenc
es_NNS in_IN the_AT formula_NN for_IN escaping_VBG inevitabilities_NNS in_IN his
tory_NN ._. These_DTS differences_NNS ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, derive_VB from_IN pr
ior_JJ differences_NNS concerning_IN the_AT friendly_JJ or_CC hostile_JJ charact
er_NN of_IN change_NN ._. Unanalyzed_JJ responses_NNS anxiety_NN and_CC deep_JJ
insecurity_NN are_BER the_AT characteristic_JJ responses_NNS evoked_VBN by_IN th
e_AT crisis_NN in_IN tradition_NN ._. To_TO experience_VB them_PPO ,_, it_PPS is
_BEZ not_* necessary_JJ for_IN a_AT people_NNS to_TO be_BE actively_QL aware_JJ
of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ happening_VBG to_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT process_NN of_IN ero
sion_NN need_MD only_RB undermine_VB the_AT tradition_NN and_CC a_AT series_NNS
of_IN consequences_NNS begin_VB unfolding_VBG within_IN the_AT individual_NN ,_,
while_CS in_IN institutions_NNS a_AT quiet_JJ but_CC deep_JJ transformation_NN
of_IN processes_NNS occurs_VBZ ._. Within_IN the_AT individual_NN the_AT reactio
n_NN has_HVZ been_BEN called_VBN various_JJ names_NNS ,_, all_ABN ,_, however_RB
,_, pointing_VBG to_IN the_AT same_AP basic_JJ experience_NN ._. Weil_NP identi
fies_VBZ it_PPO as_CS being_BEG ``_`` rootless_JJ ''_'' ,_, Guardini_NP as_CS be
ing_BEG ``_`` placeless_JJ ''_'' ,_, Riesman_NP as_CS being_BEG ``_`` lonely_JJ
''_'' ._. Others_NNS call_VB it_PPO ``_`` alienation_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC mean_VB
by_IN that_DT no_AT simple_JJ economic_JJ experience_NN (_( as_CS Marx_NP does_
DOZ )_) but_CC a_AT deep_JJ spiritual_JJ sense_NN of_IN dislocation_NN ._. Withi
n_IN institutions_NNS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT marked_VBN decline_NN of_IN the_AT pr
ocess_NN of_IN persuasion_NN and_CC the_AT substitution_NN of_IN a_AT force-fear
_JJ process_NN which_WDT masquerades_VBZ as_CS the_AT earlier_JJR one_CD of_IN p
ersuasion_NN ._. We_PPSS note_VB the_AT use_NN of_IN rhetoric_NN as_CS a_AT weap
on_NN ,_, the_AT manipulation_NN of_IN the_AT masses_NNS by_IN propaganda_NN ,_,
the_AT ``_`` mobilization_NN ''_'' of_IN effort_NN and_CC resources_NNS ._. Wit
hin_IN this_DT context_NN of_IN spontaneous_JJ and_CC unanalyzed_JJ responses_NN
S to_IN the_AT experience_NN of_IN civilizational_JJ crisis_NN ,_, two_CD basic_
JJ organizations_NNS of_IN response_NN are_BER observable_JJ :_: reaction_NN and
_CC ideological_JJ progressivism_NN ._. These_DTS responses_NNS are_BER explicab
le_JJ in_IN terms_NNS of_IN characteristics_NNS inherent_JJ in_IN the_AT crisis_
NN ._. Both_ABX are_BER predictably_RB destined_VBN to_TO fail_VB ._. The_AT res
ponse_NN of_IN reaction_NN is_BEZ dominated_VBN by_IN a_AT concern_NN for_IN wha
t_WDT is_BEZ vanishing_VBG ._. Its_PP$ essence_NN lies_VBZ in_IN its_PP$ attempt
_NN to_TO recover_VB previous_JJ order_NN through_IN the_AT repression_NN of_IN
disruptive_JJ forces_NNS ._. To_IN this_DT end_NN political_JJ authority_NN is_B
EZ called_VBN upon_RB to_TO exercise_VB its_PP$ negative_JJ and_CC coercive_JJ p
owers_NNS ._. The_AT implicit_JJ assumption_NN of_IN this_DT response_NN is_BEZ
that_CS history_NN is_BEZ reversible_JJ ._. Seemingly_RB ,_, order_NN is_BEZ per
ceived_VBN as_CS a_AT kind_NN of_IN subsistent_JJ entity_NN now_RB covered_VBN b
y_IN adventitious_JJ accretions_NNS ._. The_AT problem_NN is_BEZ to_TO remove_VB
the_AT accretions_NNS and_CC thereby_RB uncover_VB the_AT order_NN that_WPS was
_BEDZ always_RB there_RB ._. Such_JJ a_AT response_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, mi
sses_VBZ the_AT point_NN that_CS in_IN crisis_NN order_NN is_BEZ going_VBG out_I
N of_IN existence_NN ._. Moreover_RB its_PP$ posture_NN of_IN stubborn_JJ but_CC
simple_JJ resistance_NN is_BEZ doomed_VBN to_IN failure_NN because_RB of_IN the
_AT metaphysical_JJ weakness_NN of_IN the_AT existent_JJ form_NN of_IN order_NN
,_, once_CS the_AT activation_NN of_IN change_NN has_HVZ reached_VBN visible_JJ
proportions_NNS ._. The_AT most_AP reaction_NN can_MD achieve_VB is_BEZ stasis_N
N ,_, and_CC a_AT stasis_NN that_WPS can_MD be_BE maintained_VBN only_RB by_IN t
he_AT expenditure_NN of_IN an_AT effort_NN which_WDT ultimately_RB exhausts_VBZ
itself_PPL ._. Despite_IN the_AT hopelessness_NN of_IN the_AT response_NN ,_, it
_PPS is_BEZ explicable_JJ in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_AT crisis_NN of_IN tradition
_NN itself_PPL ._. Since_CS a_AT civilizational_JJ crisis_NN involves_VBZ also_R
B a_AT crisis_NN in_IN private_JJ interests_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT ruling_VBG c
lass_NN ,_, reaction_NN is_BEZ normally_RB found_VBN among_IN those_DTS who_WPS
feel_VB themselves_PPLS to_TO be_BE among_IN the_AT ruling_VBG class_NN ._. Thei
r_PP$ great_JJ error_NN is_BEZ to_TO mingle_VB the_AT responses_NNS typical_JJ o
f_IN each_DT of_IN the_AT three_CD types_NNS of_IN change_NN ._. Since_CS civili
zational_JJ change_NN is_BEZ the_AT most_QL difficult_JJ to_TO perceive_VB and_C
C analyze_VB ,_, it_PPS seldom_RB is_BEZ given_VBN adequate_JJ attention_NN ._.
And_CC the_AT anxiety_NN it_PPS generates_VBZ is_BEZ misinterpreted_VBN as_CS an
xiety_NN over_IN private_JJ interest_NN and_CC threatened_VBN social_JJ status_N
N ._. The_AT basic_JJ truth_NN in_IN the_AT reactionary_JJ response_NN is_BEZ to
_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN its_PP$ realistic_JJ assumption_NN of_IN the_AT primac
y_NN of_IN the_AT real_JJ over_IN the_AT ideational_JJ ._. But_CC this_DT truth_
NN is_BEZ distorted_VBN by_IN its_PP$ extreme_JJ application_NN :_: the_AT assum
ption_NN of_IN the_AT separate_JJ existence_NN of_IN tradition_NN ._. The_AT rea
ctionary_JJ misses_VBZ the_AT point_NN that_DT tradition_NN exists_VBZ ontologic
ally_RB only_RB in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN psychological-intellectual_JJ relatio
ns_NNS ._. Reactionary_JJ theories_NNS ,_, for_IN this_DT reason_NN ,_, usually_
RB assume_VB some_DTI form_NN of_IN organismic_JJ theory_NN ._. In_IN its_PP$ de
fensive_JJ formulations_NNS ,_, the_AT theory_NN will_MD attack_VB conscious_JJ
change_NN on_IN the_AT grounds_NNS of_IN the_AT independent_JJ existence_NN of_I
N the_AT community_NN ._. In_IN its_PP$ dynamic_JJ form_NN ,_, it_PPS visualizes
_VBZ the_AT community_NN as_CS the_AT embodiment_NN of_IN an_AT ontological_JJ f
orce_NN --_-- the_AT race_NN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, which_WDT unfolds_VBZ in
_IN history_NN ._. In_IN both_ABX cases_NNS the_AT individual_NN tends_VBZ to_TO
be_BE treated_VBN as_CS an_AT instrument_NN of_IN the_AT organic_JJ reality_NN
._. When_WRB the_AT reactionary_JJ response_NN is_BEZ thus_RB bolstered_VBN by_I
N an_AT intellectual_JJ defense_NN ,_, the_AT characteristics_NNS of_IN that_DT
defense_NN are_BER explicable_JJ only_RB in_IN terms_NNS of_IN the_AT basic_JJ a
ttitudes_NNS of_IN unanalyzed_JJ reaction_NN ._. Reaction_NN is_BEZ rooted_VBN i
n_IN a_AT perception_NN of_IN tradition_NN as_CS a_AT whole_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ
a_AT total_NN situation_NN that_WPS is_BEZ defended_VBN :_: the_AT ``_`` good_J
J old_JJ days_NNS ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_AT selectivity_NN ;_. ;_. even_RB
the_AT questionable_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT past_NN are_BER defended_VBN .
_. The_AT point_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT reactionary_JJ ,_, for_IN whatever_WDT
motive_NN ,_, perceives_VBZ himself_PPL to_TO have_HV been_BEN part_NN or_CC a_A
T partner_NN of_IN something_PN that_WPS extended_VBD beyond_IN himself_PPL ,_,
something_PN which_WDT ,_, consequently_RB ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* able_JJ to_
TO accept_VB or_CC reject_VB on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN subjective_JJ preferenc
e_NN ._. The_AT reactionary_NN is_BEZ confused_VBN about_IN the_AT existential_J
J status_NN of_IN a_AT decaying_VBG tradition_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS does_DOZ perc
eive_VB the_AT unity_NN tradition_NN had_HVD when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ healthy_JJ
._. All_ABN of_IN which_WDT brings_VBZ up_RP another_DT problem_NN in_IN the_AT
use_NN of_IN psychoanalytic_JJ insight_NN in_IN a_AT literary_JJ work_NN ._. Is
_BEZ the_AT Oedipus_NP complex_NN ,_, the_AT clinical_JJ syndrome_NN ,_, materia
l_NN for_IN a_AT tragedy_NN ?_. ?_. If_CS we_PPSS remove_VB ourselves_PPLS for_I
N a_AT moment_NN from_IN our_PP$ time_NN and_CC our_PP$ infatuation_NN with_IN m
ental_JJ disease_NN ,_, isn't_BEZ* there_EX something_PN absurd_JJ about_IN a_AT
hero_NN in_IN a_AT novel_NN who_WPS is_BEZ defeated_VBN by_IN his_PP$ infantile
_JJ neurosis_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS am_BEM not_* making_VBG a_AT clinical_JJ judgment
_NN here_RB ,_, for_CS such_JJ personal_JJ tragedies_NNS are_BER real_JJ and_CC
are_BER commonplace_JJ in_IN the_AT analyst's_NN$ consulting_VBG room_NN ,_, but
_CC literature_NN makes_VBZ a_AT different_JJ claim_NN upon_IN our_PP$ sympathie
s_NNS than_CS tragedy_NN in_IN life_NN ._. A_AT man_NN in_IN a_AT novel_NN who_W
PS is_BEZ defeated_VBN in_IN his_PP$ childhood_NN and_CC condemned_VBN by_IN unc
onscious_JJ forces_NNS within_IN him_PPO to_IN tiredly_RB repeat_VB his_PP$ earl
iest_JJT failure_NN in_IN love_NN ,_, only_RB makes_VBZ us_PPO a_AT little_QL we
ary_JJ of_IN man_NN ;_. ;_. his_PP$ tragedy_NN seems_VBZ unworthy_JJ and_CC triv
ial_JJ ._. Now_RB we_PPSS can_MD argue_VB that_CS the_AT irresistible_JJ fate_NN
of_IN Oedipus_NP Rex_NP was_BEDZ nothing_PN more_AP than_CS the_AT irresistible
_JJ unconscious_JJ longings_NNS of_IN Oedipus_NP projected_VBN outward_RB ,_, bu
t_CC this_DT externalization_NN of_IN unconscious_JJ conflict_NN makes_VBZ all_A
BN the_AT difference_NN between_IN a_AT story_NN and_CC a_AT clinical_JJ case_NN
history_NN ._. We_PPSS can_MD also_RB argue_VB that_CS the_AT three_CD brothers
_NNS Karamazov_NP and_CC Smerdyakov_NP were_BED the_AT external_JJ representativ
es_NNS of_IN an_AT internal_JJ conflict_NN within_IN one_CD man_NN ,_, Dostoevsk
y_NP ,_, a_AT conflict_NN having_HVG to_TO do_DO with_IN father-murder_NN and_CC
the_AT wish_NN to_TO possess_VB the_AT father's_NN$ woman_NN ._. But_CC a_AT no
vel_NN in_IN which_WDT one_CD man_NN Karamazov_NP explored_VBD the_AT divisions_
NNS within_IN his_PP$ personality_NN would_MD scarcely_RB merit_VB publication_N
N in_IN the_AT Psychoanalytic_JJ-TL Quarterly_NN-TL ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT mista
ke_NN to_TO look_VB upon_RB the_AT Oedipus_NP of_IN Oedipus_NP-TL Complex_NN-TL
as_CS a_AT literary_JJ descendant_NN of_IN Oedipus_NP Rex_NP ._. Whatever_WDT th
e_AT psychological_JJ truth_NN in_IN the_AT Oedipus_NP myth_NN ,_, an_AT Oedipus
_NP who_WPS is_BEZ drawn_VBN to_IN his_PP$ fate_NN by_IN irresistible_JJ externa
l_JJ forces_NNS can_MD carry_VB the_AT symbol_NN of_IN humanity_NN and_CC its_PP
$ archaic_JJ crime_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT incest_NN that_WPS is_BEZ unknowing_JJ r
enews_VBZ the_AT mystery_NN of_IN the_AT eternal_JJ dream_NN of_IN childhood_NN
and_CC absorbs_VBZ us_PPO in_IN the_AT secret_NN ._. But_CC a_AT modern_JJ Oedip
us_NP who_WPS is_BEZ doomed_VBN because_CS he_PPS cannot_MD* oppose_VB his_PP$ o
wn_JJ childhood_NN is_BEZ only_RB pathetic_JJ ,_, and_CC for_IN renouncing_VBG t
he_AT mystery_NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN psychological_JJ truth_NN he_PPS gives_VBZ
up_RP the_AT claim_NN on_IN our_PP$ sympathies_NNS ._. I_PPSS am_BEM suggesting
_VBG that_CS a_AT case-history_NN approach_NN to_IN the_AT Oedipus_NP complex_NN
is_BEZ a_AT blind_JJ alley_NN for_IN a_AT storyteller_NN ._. The_AT best_JJT gi
fts_NNS of_IN the_AT novelist_NN will_MD be_BE wasted_VBN on_IN the_AT reader_NN
who_WPS is_BEZ insulated_VBN against_IN any_DTI surprises_NNS the_AT novelist_N
N may_MD have_HV in_IN store_NN for_IN him_PPO ._. Incest_NN is_BEZ still_RB a_A
T durable_JJ theme_NN ,_, but_CC if_CS it_PPS wants_VBZ to_TO get_VB written_VBN
about_RB it_PPS will_MD have_HV to_TO find_VB ways_NNS to_TO surprise_VB the_AT
emotions_NNS ,_, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT better_JJR way_NN to_TO do_DO thi
s_DT than_CS that_DT of_IN concealment_NN and_CC symbolic_JJ representation_NN .
_. And_CC the_AT best_JJT way_NN to_TO conceal_VB and_CC disguise_VB the_AT elem
ents_NNS of_IN an_AT incest_NN story_NN is_BEZ not_* to_TO set_VB out_RP to_TO w
rite_VB an_AT incest_NN story_NN ._. Which_WDT brings_VBZ to_IN mind_NN another_
DT Lawrence_NP story_NN and_CC some_DTI interesting_JJ comparisons_NNS in_IN the
_AT treatment_NN of_IN the_AT Oedipal_JJ-TL theme_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT-TL Rocking
_VBG-TL Horse_NN-TL Winner_NN-TL ''_'' is_BEZ also_RB a_AT story_NN about_IN a_A
T boy's_NN$ love_NN for_IN his_PP$ mother_NN ._. If_CS I_PPSS now_RB risk_VB som
e_DTI comparisons_NNS with_IN Sons_NNS-TL And_CC-TL Lovers_NNS-TL let_VB it_PPO
be_BE clear_JJ that_CS I_PPSS am_BEM not_* comparing_VBG the_AT two_CD works_NNS
or_CC judging_VBG their_PP$ merits_NNS ;_. ;_. I_PPSS am_BEM only_RB singling_V
BG out_RP differences_NNS in_IN treatment_NN of_IN a_AT theme_NN and_CC the_AT r
esultant_JJ effects_NNS ._. ``_`` The_AT-TL Rocking_VBG-TL Horse_NN-TL Winner_NN
-TL ''_'' is_BEZ a_AT fantasy_NN with_IN extraordinary_JJ power_NN to_TO disturb
_VB the_AT reader_NN --_-- but_CC we_PPSS do_DO not_* know_VB why_WRB ._. It_PPS
is_BEZ the_AT story_NN of_IN the_AT hopeless_JJ love_NN of_IN a_AT little_JJ bo
y_NN for_IN his_PP$ cold_JJ and_CC vain_JJ mother_NN ._. There_EX are_BER ghostl
y_JJ scenes_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT little_JJ boy_NN on_IN his_PP$ rocking_VB
G horse_NN rocks_VBZ madly_RB toward_IN the_AT climax_NN that_WPS will_MD magica
lly_RB give_VB him_PPO the_AT name_NN of_IN the_AT winning_VBG horse_NN ._. The_
AT child_NN grows_VBZ rich_JJ on_IN his_PP$ winnings_NNS and_CC conspires_VBZ wi
th_IN his_PP$ uncle_NN to_TO make_VB secret_JJ gifts_NNS of_IN his_PP$ money_NN
to_IN his_PP$ mother_NN ._. The_AT story_NN ends_VBZ in_IN the_AT child's_NN$ il
lness_NN and_CC delirium_NN brought_VBN on_RP by_IN the_AT feverish_JJ compulsio
n_NN to_TO ride_VB his_PP$ horse_NN to_TO win_VB for_IN his_PP$ mother_NN ._. Th
e_AT child_NN dies_VBZ with_IN his_PP$ mourning_VBG mother_NN at_IN his_PP$ beds
ide_NN ._. I_PPSS had_HVD read_VBN the_AT story_NN many_AP times_NNS without_IN
asking_VBG myself_PPL why_WRB it_PPS affected_VBD me_PPO or_CC caring_VBG why_WR
B it_PPS did_DOD ._. But_CC on_IN one_CD occasion_NN when_WRB I_PPSS encountered
_VBD a_AT similar_JJ fantasy_NN in_IN a_AT little_JJ boy_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ my_
PP$ patient_NN I_PPSS began_VBD to_TO understand_VB the_AT uncanny_JJ effects_NN
S of_IN this_DT story_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, a_AT little
_JJ boy's_NN$ fantasy_NN of_IN winning_VBG his_PP$ mother_NN to_IN himself_PPL ,
_, and_CC replacing_VBG the_AT father_NN who_WPS could_MD not_* give_VB her_PPO
the_AT things_NNS she_PPS wanted_VBD --_-- a_AT classical_JJ oedipal_JJ fantasy_
NN if_CS you_PPSS like_VB --_-- but_CC if_CS it_PPS were_BED only_RB this_DT the
_AT story_NN would_MD be_BE banal_JJ ._. Why_WRB does_DOZ the_AT story_NN affect
_VB us_PPO ?_. ?_. How_WRB does_DOZ the_AT rocking_NN exert_VB its_PP$ uncanny_J
J effect_NN upon_IN the_AT reader_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT rocking_NN is_BEZ actually_R
B felt_VBN in_IN the_AT story_NN ,_, a_AT terrible_JJ and_CC ominous_JJ rhythm_N
N that_WPS prophesies_VBZ the_AT tragedy_NN ._. The_AT rocking_NN ,_, I_PPSS rea
lized_VBD ,_, is_BEZ the_AT single_AP element_NN in_IN the_AT story_NN that_WPS
carries_VBZ the_AT erotic_JJ message_NN ,_, the_AT unspoken_JJ and_CC unconsciou
s_JJ undercurrent_NN that_WPS would_MD mar_VB the_AT innocence_NN of_IN a_AT chi
ld's_NN$ fantasy_NN and_CC disturb_VB the_AT effects_NNS of_IN the_AT work_NN if
_CS it_PPS were_BED made_VBN explicit_JJ ._. The_AT rocking_NN has_HVZ the_AT am
biguous_JJ function_NN of_IN keeping_VBG the_AT erotic_JJ undercurrent_NN silent
_JJ and_CC making_VBG it_PPO present_RB ;_. ;_. it_PPS conceals_VBZ and_CC yet_R
B is_BEZ suggestive_JJ ;_. ;_. a_AT perfect_JJ symbol_NN ._. And_CC if_CS we_PPS
S understand_VB the_AT rocking_NN as_CS an_AT erotic_JJ symbol_NN we_PPSS can_MD
also_RB see_VB how_WQL well_RB it_PPS serves_VBZ as_CS the_AT symbol_NN of_IN i
mpending_VBG tragedy_NN ._. For_CS this_DT love_NN of_IN the_AT boy_NN for_IN hi
s_PP$ mother_NN is_BEZ a_AT hopeless_JJ and_CC forbidden_VBN love_NN ,_, doomed_
VBN by_IN its_PP$ nature_NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER also_RB struck_VBN by_IN the_AT
fact_NN that_CS this_DT story_NN of_IN a_AT boy's_NN$ love_NN for_IN his_PP$ mot
her_NN does_DOZ not_* offend_VB ,_, while_CS the_AT incestuous_JJ love_NN of_IN
the_AT man_NN ,_, Paul_NP Morel_NP ,_, sometimes_RB repels_VBZ ._. It's_PPS+BEZ
easy_JJ to_TO see_VB why_WRB ._. This_DT love_NN belongs_VBZ to_IN childhood_NN
;_. ;_. we_PPSS accord_VB it_PPO its_PP$ place_NN there_RB ,_, and_CC in_IN Lawr
ence's_NP$ treatment_NN we_PPSS are_BER given_VBN the_AT innocent_JJ fantasy_NN
of_IN a_AT child_NN ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, the_AT form_NN in_IN which_WDT oedipal
_JJ love_NN is_BEZ expressed_VBN in_IN childhood_NN ._. And_CC when_WRB the_AT c
hild_NN dies_VBZ in_IN Lawrence's_NP$ story_NN in_IN a_AT delirium_NN that_WPS i
s_BEZ somehow_RB brought_VBN on_RP by_IN his_PP$ mania_NN to_TO win_VB and_CC to
_TO make_VB his_PP$ mother_NN rich_JJ ,_, the_AT manifest_JJ absurdity_NN of_IN
such_ABL a_AT disease_NN and_CC such_ABL a_AT death_NN does_DOZ not_* enter_VB i
nto_IN our_PP$ thoughts_NNS at_IN all_ABN ._. We_PPSS have_HV so_QL completely_R
B entered_VBN the_AT child's_NN$ fantasy_NN that_CS his_PP$ illness_NN and_CC hi
s_PP$ death_NN are_BER the_AT plausible_JJ and_CC the_AT necessary_JJ conclusion
_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM sure_JJ that_CS none_PN of_IN the_AT effects_NNS of_IN thi
s_DT story_NN were_BED consciously_RB employed_VBN by_IN Lawrence_NP to_TO descr
ibe_VB an_AT oedipal_JJ fantasy_NN in_IN childhood_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ most_QL
probable_JJ that_CS Freud_NP and_CC the_AT Oedipus_NP complex_NN never_RB entere
d_VBD his_PP$ head_NN in_IN the_AT writing_NN of_IN this_DT story_NN ._. He_PPS
was_BEDZ simply_RB writing_VBG a_AT story_NN that_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO be_BE tol
d_VBN ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT writing_NN a_AT childhood_NN fantasy_NN of_IN his_
PP$ own_JJ emerged_VBD ._. He_PPS would_MD not_* have_HV cared_VBN why_WRB it_PP
S emerged_VBD ,_, he_PPS only_RB wanted_VBD to_TO capture_VB a_AT memory_NN to_T
O play_VB with_IN it_PPO again_RB in_IN his_PP$ imagination_NN and_CC somehow_RB
to_TO fix_VB and_CC hold_VB in_IN the_AT story_NN the_AT disturbing_JJ emotions
_NNS that_WPS accompanied_VBD the_AT fantasy_NN ._. In_IN our_PP$ own_JJ time_NN
we_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN that_CS the_AT novelist's_NN$ debt_NN to_IN psychoanal
ysis_NN has_HVZ increased_VBN but_CC that_CS the_AT novel_NN itself_PPL has_HVZ
not_* profited_VBN much_RB from_IN this_DT marriage_NN ._. Ortega's_NP$ hope_NN
that_CS modern_JJ psychology_NN might_MD yet_RB bring_VB forth_RB a_AT last_AP f
lowering_NN of_IN the_AT novel_NN has_HVZ only_RB been_BEN partially_QL fulfille
d_VBN ._. The_AT young_JJ writer_NN seems_VBZ intimidated_VBN by_IN psychologica
l_JJ knowledge_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS has_HVZ lost_VBN confidence_NN in_IN his_PP$ ow
n_JJ eyes_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT validity_NN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ psychological
_JJ insights_NNS ._. He_PPS borrows_VBZ the_AT insights_NNS of_IN psychology_NN
to_TO improve_VB his_PP$ impaired_VBN vision_NN but_CC cannot_MD* bring_VB to_IN
his_PP$ work_NN the_AT distinctive_JJ vision_NN that_WPS should_MD be_BE a_AT n
ovelist's_NN$ own_JJ ._. He_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN seduced_VBN by_IN the_AT marvel
s_NNS of_IN the_AT unconscious_JJ and_CC has_HVZ lost_VBN interest_NN in_IN stud
ying_VBG the_AT surfaces_NNS of_IN character_NN ._. If_CS many_AP of_IN the_AT c
haracters_NNS in_IN contemporary_JJ novels_NNS appear_VB to_TO be_BE the_AT bloo
dless_JJ relations_NNS of_IN characters_NNS in_IN a_AT case_NN history_NN it_PPS
is_BEZ because_CS the_AT novelist_NN is_BEZ often_RB forgetful_JJ today_NR that
_CS those_DTS things_NNS that_WPO we_PPSS call_VB character_NN manifest_VB thems
elves_PPLS in_IN surface_JJ behavior_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT ego_NN is_BEZ still_R
B the_AT executive_JJ agency_NN of_IN personality_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS all_ABN
we_PPSS know_VB of_IN personality_NN must_MD be_BE discerned_VBN through_IN the_
AT ego_NN ._. The_AT novelist_NN who_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN badly_RB baptized_VBN
in_IN psychoanalysis_NN often_RB gives_VBZ us_PPO the_AT impression_NN that_CS s
ince_CS all_ABN men_NNS must_MD have_HV an_AT Oedipus_NP complex_NN all_ABN men_
NNS must_MD have_HV the_AT same_AP faces_NNS ._. 2_CD ._. I_PPSS have_HV argued_
VBN that_CS Oedipus_NP of_IN the_AT Oedipus_NP complex_NN has_HVZ a_AT doubtful_
JJ future_NN as_CS a_AT tragic_JJ figure_NN in_IN literature_NN ._. But_CC a_AT
writer_NN who_WPS has_HVZ a_AT taste_NN for_IN irony_NN and_CC who_WPS sees_VBZ
incest_NN in_IN all_ABN its_PP$ modern_JJ dimensions_NNS can_MD let_VB his_PP$ i
magination_NN work_VB on_IN the_AT disturbing_JJ joke_NN in_IN the_AT incest_NN
myth_NN ,_, the_AT joke_NN that_WPS strikes_VBZ right_QL at_IN the_AT center_NN
of_IN man's_NN$ humanness_NN ._. Moral_JJ dread_NN is_BEZ seen_VBN as_CS the_AT
other_AP face_NN of_IN desire_NN ,_, and_CC here_RB psychoanalysis_NN delivers_V
BZ to_IN the_AT writer_NN a_AT magnificent_JJ irony_NN and_CC a_AT moral_JJ prob
lem_NN of_IN great_JJ complexity_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ probably_RB some_DTI sig
nificance_NN in_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS two_CD of_IN the_AT best_JJT incest_NN
stories_NNS I_PPSS have_HV encountered_VBN in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS are_BER bu
rlesques_NNS of_IN the_AT incest_NN myth_NN ._. The_AT ancient_JJ types_NNS are_
BER reassembled_VBN in_IN gloom_NN and_CC foreboding_NN to_TO be_BE irresistibly
_RB drawn_VBN to_IN their_PP$ destinies_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT myth_NN fails_VBZ
before_IN the_AT modern_JJ truth_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT oracle_NN speaks_VBZ false_RB
and_CC the_AT dream_NN speaks_VBZ true_RB ._. In_IN both_ABX the_AT farmer's_NN
$ tale_NN in_IN Ralph_NP Ellison's_NP$ Invisible_JJ-TL Man_NN-TL and_CC in_IN Th
omas_NP Mann's_NP$ The_AT-TL Holy_JJ-TL Sinner_NN-TL ,_, the_AT incest_NN hero_N
N rises_VBZ above_IN the_AT myth_NN by_IN accepting_VBG the_AT wish_NN as_CS mot
ive_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT heroic_JJ act_NN is_BEZ the_AT casting_NN off_RP of_IN pre
tense_NN ._. Thomas_NP Mann_NP wrote_VBD The_AT-TL Holy_JJ-TL Sinner_NN-TL in_IN
1951_CD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ conceived_VBN as_CS a_AT leave-taking_NN ,_, a_AT k
ind_NN of_IN melancholy_JJ gathering-in_NN of_IN the_AT myths_NNS of_IN the_AT W
est_NR-TL ,_, ``_`` bevor_FW-CS die_FW-AT Nacht_FW-NN sinkt_FW-VBZ ,_, eine_FW-A
T lange_FW-JJ Nacht_FW-NN vielleicht_FW-RB und_FW-CC ein_FW-AT tiefes_FW-JJ Verg
essen_FW-NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS chose_VBD a_AT medieval_JJ legend_NN of_IN incest_N
N ,_, Gregorius_NP Vom_NP Stein_NP ,_, and_CC freely_RB borrowed_VBD and_CC paro
died_VBD other_AP myths_NNS of_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ,_, mixing_VBG themes_NNS ,_
, language_NN ,_, peoples_NNS and_CC times_NNS in_IN a_AT master_NN myth_NN in_I
N which_WDT the_AT old_JJ forms_NNS continually_RB renew_VB themselves_PPLS ,_,
as_CS in_IN his_PP$ previous_JJ treatment_NN of_IN Joseph_NP ._. But_CC The_AT-T
L Holy_JJ-TL Sinner_NN-TL is_BEZ not_* simply_RB a_AT retelling_NN of_IN old_JJ
stories_NNS for_IN an_AT old_JJ man's_NN$ entertainment_NN ._. Mann_NP understoo
d_VBD better_RBR than_CS most_AP men_NNS the_AT incest_NN comedy_NN at_IN the_AT
center_NN of_IN the_AT myth_NN and_CC the_AT psychological_JJ truth_NN in_IN wh
ich_WDT dread_NN is_BEZ shown_VBN as_CS the_AT other_AP face_NN as_CS longing_VB
G was_BEDZ for_IN him_PPO just_RB the_AT kind_NN of_IN deep_JJ and_CC complicate
d_VBN joke_NN he_PPS liked_VBD to_TO tell_VB ._. And_CC when_WRB he_PPS retold_V
BD the_AT legend_NN of_IN Gregorius_NP he_PPS interpolated_VBD a_AT modern_JJ ve
rsion_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT medieval_JJ players_NNS speak_VB contemporary_JJ
thoughts_NNS in_IN archaic_JJ language_NN ;_. ;_. while_CS they_PPSS move_VB th
rough_IN the_AT pageantry_NN of_IN the_AT ancient_JJ incest_NN myth_NN and_CC co
ver_VB themselves_PPLS through_IN not-knowing_NN ,_, they_PPSS reveal_VB the_AT
unconscious_JJ motive_NN in_IN seeking_VBG each_DT other_AP and_CC in_IN the_AT
last_AP scene_NN make_VB an_AT extraordinary_JJ confession_NN of_IN guilt_NN in_
IN the_AT twentieth-century_NN manner_NN ._. Grigorss_NP is_BEZ the_AT child_NN
of_IN an_AT incestuous_JJ union_NN between_IN a_AT royal_JJ brother_NN and_CC si
ster_NN ,_, the_AT twins_NNS Sibylla_NP and_CC Wiligis_NP ._. He_PPS is_BEZ born
_VBN in_IN secrecy_NN after_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN his_PP$ father_NN and_CC ca
st_VB adrift_RB soon_RB after_IN birth_NN ._. The_AT infant_NN is_BEZ discovered
_VBN by_IN a_AT fisherman_NN who_WPS brings_VBZ him_PPO home_NR to_TO rear_VB hi
m_PPO ._. An_AT ivory_NN tablet_NN in_IN the_AT infant's_NN$ cask_NN recounts_VB
Z the_AT story_NN of_IN his_PP$ sinful_JJ origins_NNS and_CC is_BEZ preserved_VB
N for_IN the_AT child_NN by_IN the_AT monks_NNS of_IN a_AT monastery_NN in_IN th
e_AT fishing_VBG village_NN ._. Grigorss_NP ,_, at_IN seventeen_CD ,_, learns_VB
Z his_PP$ story_NN and_CC goes_VBZ forth_RB as_CS a_AT knight_NN to_TO uncover_V
B his_PP$ origins_NNS ._. His_PP$ sailing_VBG vessel_NN is_BEZ guided_VBN by_IN
fate_NN to_IN the_AT shores_NNS of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ country_NN at_IN a_AT time_
NN when_WRB Sibylla's_NP$ domain_NN is_BEZ overrun_VBN by_IN the_AT armies_NNS o
f_IN one_CD of_IN her_PPO rejected_VBN suitors_NNS ._. Grigorss_NP overcomes_VBZ
the_AT suitor_NN in_IN battle_NN ,_, delivers_VBZ the_AT city_NN from_IN its_PP
$ oppressors_NNS and_CC marries_VBZ Sibylla_NP who_WPS had_HVD fallen_VBN in_IN
love_NN with_IN the_AT beautiful_JJ knight_NN the_AT moment_NN she_PPS saw_VBD h
im_PPO ._. Sibylla_NP is_BEZ pregnant_JJ with_IN their_PP$ second_OD child_NN wh
en_WRB she_PPS finds_VBZ the_AT ivory_NN tablet_NN concealed_VBN by_IN her_PP$ h
usband_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT identities_NNS of_IN mother_NN and_CC son_NN are_BER
revealed_VBN ._. Grigorss_NP goes_VBZ off_RP to_TO do_DO penance_NN on_IN a_AT
rock_NN for_IN seventeen_CD years_NNS ._. At_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN this_DT peri
od_NN two_CD pious_JJ Christians_NPS in_IN Rome_NP receive_VB the_AT revelation_
NN which_WDT leads_VBZ them_PPO to_TO seek_VB the_AT next_AP Pope_NN-TL on_IN th
e_AT rock_NN ._. Grigorss_NP comes_VBZ to_IN Rome_NP and_CC becomes_VBZ a_AT gre
at_JJ and_CC beloved_JJ Pope_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT last_AP pages_NNS of_IN the_
AT book_NN Sibylla_NP comes_VBZ to_IN Rome_NP to_TO seek_VB an_AT audience_NN wi
th_IN the_AT great_JJ Pope_NN-TL and_CC to_TO give_VB her_PP$ confession_NN ._.
Mother_NN and_CC son_NN recognize_VB each_DT other_AP and_CC ,_, in_IN Mann's_NP
$ version_NN of_IN this_DT legend_NN ,_, make_VB a_AT remarkable_JJ confession_N
N of_IN guilt_NN to_IN each_DT other_AP ,_, the_AT confession_NN of_IN unconscio
us_JJ motive_NN and_CC unconscious_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN their_PP$ true_JJ ident
ities_NNS from_IN the_AT time_NN they_PPSS had_HVD first_RB set_VBN eyes_NNS on_
IN each_DT other_AP ._. In_IN recollection_NN he_PPS has_HVZ said_VBN :_: ``_``
Natural_JJ or_CC man-made_JJ objects_NNS kept_VBD coming_VBG into_IN my_PP$ head
_NN ,_, but_CC I_PPSS would_MD suppress_VB them_PPO sternly_RB ''_'' ._. Moreove
r_RB ,_, he_PPS organized_VBD the_AT movement_NN of_IN his_PP$ forms_NNS ,_, wit
hin_IN his_PP$ rigorously_RB shaped_VBN space_NN ,_, into_IN highly_QL complex_J
J equilibriums_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC used_VBN gradations_NNS of_IN color_NN value_N
N as_QL well_RB as_CS sharply_RB contrasting_VBG elementary_JJ colors_NNS ._. Th
e_AT worthy_JJ Mondrian_NP ,_, seeing_VBG these_DTS pictures_NNS ,_, said_VBD in
_IN a_AT tone_NN of_IN kindly_JJ reproof_NN :_: ``_`` But_CC you_PPSS are_BER re
ally_RB an_AT artist_NN of_IN the_AT naturalistic_JJ tradition_NN ''_'' !_. !_.
Helion_NP did_DOD not_* realize_VB it_PPO at_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS
was_BEDZ true_JJ ._. His_PP$ ``_`` monumental_JJ ''_'' abstraction_NN ,_, made_
VBN up_RP of_IN smooth_JJ ,_, metallic_JJ ``_`` non-objects_NNS ''_'' acting_VBG
upon_IN each_DT other_AP with_IN great_JJ tension_NN ,_, won_VBD Helion_NP much
_AP acclaim_NN during_IN the_AT 'thirties_NNS ._. The_AT play_NN of_IN novel_JJ
lighting_VBG effects_NNS also_RB entered_VBD into_IN these_DTS compositions_NNS
,_, whose_WP$ controlled_VBN power_NN and_CC varied_VBN activity_NN made_VBD the
m_PPO well_QL worth_JJ meditating_VBG ._. As_CS Helion's_NP$ work_NN showed_VBD
more_AP and_CC more_AP nostalgia_NN for_IN the_AT world_NN of_IN man_NN and_CC n
ature_NN ,_, the_AT pure_JJ abstractionists_NNS expressed_VBD some_DTI disapprov
al_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC Leger_NP ,_, Arp_NP ,_, Lipchitz_NP and_CC Alexander_NP Cal
der_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, gave_VBD him_PPO their_PP$ blessing_NN ._. H
is_PP$ canvases_NNS nowadays_RB bore_VB titles_NNS frankly_RB declaring_VBG them
_PPO to_TO be_BE ``_`` Figures_NNS-TL In_IN-TL Space_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_``
Blue_JJ-TL Figure_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, or_CC ``_`` Pink_JJ-TL Figure_NN-TL ''_'' ;_.
;_. and_CC they_PPSS had_HVD (_( vaguely_RB )_) heads_NNS and_CC feet_NNS ._. E
xhibited_VBN in_IN shows_NNS in_IN London_NP in_IN 1935_CD ,_, and_CC in_IN New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL the_AT following_VBG year_NN ,_, the_AT new_JJ ,_, more_QL elab
orated_VBN abstracts_NNS were_BED much_RB favored_VBN in_IN the_AT circles_NNS o
f_IN the_AT modernists_NNS as_CS three-dimentional_JJ dramas_NNS of_IN great_JJ
intellectual_JJ coherence_NN ._. At_IN this_DT period_NN the_AT thirty-year_JJ o
ld_JJ Helion_NP was_BEDZ ranked_VBN ``_`` as_CS one_CD of_IN the_AT mature_JJ le
aders_NNS of_IN the_AT modern_JJ movement_NN ''_'' ,_, according_IN to_IN Herber
t_NP Read_NP ,_, ``_`` and_CC in_IN the_AT direct_JJ line_NN of_IN descent_NN fr
om_IN Cezanne_NP ,_, Seurat_NP ,_, Gris_NP and_CC Leger_NP ''_'' ._. In_IN Ameri
ca_NP ,_, Meyer_NP Schapiro_NP observed_VBD that_CS ,_, unlike_IN the_AT Mondria
n_NP school_NN ,_, Helion_NP ``_`` sought_VBD a_AT return_NN path_NN to_IN the_A
T fullness_NN of_IN nature_NN within_IN the_AT framework_NN of_IN abstract_JJ ar
t_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ notable_JJ that_CS at_IN this_DT time_NN he_PPS was
_BEDZ writing_VBG with_IN admiration_NN of_IN Cimabue's_NP$ and_CC Poussin's_NP$
way_NN of_IN filling_VBG space_NN ._. Abstract_JJ art_NN was_BEDZ still_RB the_
AT right_JJ path_NN for_IN him_PPO ;_. ;_. but_CC ,_, he_PPS held_VBD ,_, instea
d_RB of_IN continuing_VBG as_CS an_AT ``_`` art_NN of_IN reduction_NN ''_'' ,_,
it_PPS must_MD grow_VB ,_, must_MD make_VB a_AT place_NN for_IN the_AT contribut
ions_NNS of_IN the_AT Raphaels_NPS and_CC Poussins_NPS as_QL well_RB as_CS for_I
N those_DTS of_IN the_AT early_JJ cubists_NNS and_CC Mondrian_NP ._. Later_RBR H
elion_NP wrote_VBD of_IN this_DT phase_NN :_: ``_`` For_IN years_NNS I_PPSS buil
t_VBD for_IN myself_PPL a_AT subtle_JJ instrument_NN of_IN relationships_NNS --_
-- colors_NNS and_CC forms_NNS without_IN a_AT name_NN ._. I_PPSS played_VBD on_
IN it_PPO my_PP$ secret_JJ songs_NNS ,_, unexplained_JJ ,_, passionate_JJ and_CC
peaceful_JJ ''_'' ._. But_CC his_PP$ own_JJ work_NN was_BEDZ evolving_VBG furth
er_RBR ._. The_AT extreme_JJ limitations_NNS he_PPS sensed_VBD in_IN all_ABN cur
rent_JJ abstract_JJ art_NN made_VBD that_DT seem_VB to_IN him_PPO increasingly_Q
L arid_JJ and_CC cold_JJ ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ engaged_VBN in_IN constant_JJ exper
iments_NNS that_WPS searched_VBD for_IN new_JJ directions_NNS ._. Where_WRB woul
d_MD it_PPS all_ABN lead_VB ?_. ?_. He_PPS himself_PPL did_DOD not_* know_VB ,_,
as_CS he_PPS said_VBD in_IN 1935_CD ._. But_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` afraid_JJ
of_IN the_AT future_NN --_-- he_PPS would_MD in_IN fact_NN welcome_VB a_AT way_N
N back_RB to_IN social_JJ integration_NN ,_, a_AT functional_JJ art_NN of_IN som
e_DTI kind_NN ''_'' ._. During_IN the_AT 1920's_NNS the_AT Abstractionists_NNS-T
L ,_, the_AT German_JJ Bauhaus_NP group_NN of_IN industrial_JJ designers_NNS ,_,
and_CC the_AT new_JJ architects_NNS all_ABN had_HVD the_AT dream_NN of_IN some_
DTI well_QL ordered_VBN utopia_NN ,_, or_CC welfare_NN state_NN ,_, in_IN which_
WDT their_PP$ neat_JJ and_CC logical_JJ constructions_NNS might_MD find_VB their
_PP$ proper_JJ place_NN ._. But_CC whereas_CS the_AT postwar_JJ American_JJ abst
ractionists_NNS seem_VB to_IN Helion_NP to_TO be_BE determined_VBN to_TO ``_`` e
scape_VB ''_'' from_IN the_AT real_JJ world_NN ,_, or_CC simply_RB to_TO rebel_V
B against_IN it_PPO ,_, the_AT ordered_VBN abstractions_NNS which_WDT he_PPS and
_CC his_PP$ associates_NNS of_IN the_AT 1930's_NNS were_BED painting_VBG embodie
d_VBD the_AT hope_NN of_IN ``_`` improving_VBG ''_'' things_NNS ._. ``_`` We_PPS
S were_BED possessed_VBN by_IN visions_NNS of_IN a_AT new_JJ civilization_NN to_
TO come_VB ,_, very_QL pure_JJ and_CC elevated_VBN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ said
_VBN ,_, ``_`` in_IN fact_NN some_DTI ideal_JJ form_NN of_IN socialism_NN such_J
J as_CS we_PPSS had_HVD dreamed_VBN of_IN since_IN the_AT war_NN of_IN 1914-1918
_CD ''_'' ._. Instead_RB of_IN this_DT the_AT 1930's_NNS witnessed_VBD a_AT trag
ic_JJ economic_JJ depression_NN ,_, the_AT rise_NN of_IN Fascist_JJ dictators_NN
S in_IN Europe_NP ,_, the_AT wasting_VBG Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL in_IN Spain_NP ._
. Very_QL much_RB the_AT political_JJ man_NN ,_, Helion_NP felt_VBD himself_PPL
deeply_QL affected_VBN by_IN the_AT increasingly_QL pessimistic_JJ atmosphere_NN
of_IN France_NP and_CC all_ABN Europe_NP ,_, whose_WP$ foundations_NNS seemed_V
BD to_IN him_PPO more_QL and_CC more_QL shaky_JJ ._. In_IN 1936_CD he_PPS decide
d_VBD to_TO migrate_VB to_IN America_NP ._. The_AT Rooseveltian_JJ America_NP wa
s_BEDZ a_AT haven_NN of_IN liberalism_NN and_CC progress_NN and_CC seemed_VBD to
_IN him_PPO to_TO constitute_VB the_AT last_AP best_JJT hope_NN for_IN civilizat
ion_NN ._. Helion_NP also_RB hoped_VBD that_CS America's_NP$ mastery_NN of_IN te
chnology_NN and_CC industrial_JJ efficiency_NN would_MD be_BE accompanied_VBN by
_IN the_AT production_NN of_IN new_JJ and_CC beautiful_JJ art_NN works_NNS ._. `
`_`` I_PPSS arrived_VBD in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL with_IN the_AT
idea_NN of_IN establishing_VBG myself_PPL there_RB more_QL or_CC less_QL permane
ntly_RB and_CC finding_VBG inspiration_NN for_IN new_JJ compositions_NNS ''_'' .
_. In_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL he_PPS was_BEDZ well_RB received_VBN by_IN what_WD
T was_BEDZ then_RB only_RB a_AT small_JJ brave_JJ band_NN of_IN non-figurative_J
J artists_NNS ,_, including_IN Alexander_NP Calder_NP ,_, George_NP K._NP L._NP
Morris_NP ,_, De_NP Kooning_NP ,_, Holty_NP and_CC a_AT few_AP others_NNS ._. Af
ter_IN a_AT year_NN in_IN a_AT studio_NN on_IN Sheridan_NP-TL Square_NN-TL ,_, h
aving_HVG married_VBN an_AT American_JJ girl_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ a_AT native_NN
of_IN Virginia_NP ,_, Helion_NP moved_VBD to_IN a_AT village_NN in_IN the_AT Blu
e_JJ-TL Ridge_NN-TL mountains_NNS ,_, where_WRB he_PPS produced_VBD some_DTI of_
IN the_AT most_QL imposing_VBG of_IN his_PP$ abstract_JJ canvases_NNS ._. The_AT
darkening_VBG world_NN scene_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT Munich_NP
-TL Pact_NN-TL ,_, continued_VBD to_TO trouble_VB his_PP$ mind_NN even_RB in_IN
his_PP$ remote_JJ Virginia_NP studio_NN ._. ``_`` Fear_NN possessed_VBN me_PPO ,
_, and_CC the_AT certainty_NN of_IN war_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ related_VBN
._. ``_`` I_PPSS truly_RB smelled_VBD blood_NN ,_, death_NN ,_, heaps_NNS of_IN
corpses_NNS everywhere_RB ''_'' ._. In_IN haste_NN he_PPS labored_VBD to_TO fini
sh_VB some_DTI last_AP abstract_JJ paintings_NNS :_: a_AT three-panel_JJ frieze_
NN ,_, with_IN a_AT flying_VBG figure_NN and_CC a_AT fallen_VBN figure_NN ;_. ;_
. a_AT ``_`` Double-Figure_NP ''_'' ,_, which_WDT went_VBD to_IN the_AT Chicago_
NP-TL Art_NN-TL Institute_NN-TL ,_, and_CC is_BEZ considered_VBN by_IN him_PPO t
he_AT most_QL successful_JJ of_IN his_PP$ abstracts_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN ear
ly_JJ 1939_CD ,_, a_AT ``_`` Fallen_VBN-TL Figure_NN-TL ''_'' of_IN very_QL omin
ous_JJ character_NN ,_, which_WDT concluded_VBD his_PP$ abstract_JJ phase_NN ._.
``_`` I_PPSS knew_VBD I_PPSS was_BEDZ carrying_VBG on_RP with_IN abstraction_NN
to_IN its_PP$ very_AP end_NN --_-- for_IN me_PPO ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD of_I
N the_AT two_CD years'_NNS$ output_NN in_IN Virginia_NP ._. With_IN those_DTS pa
intings_NNS of_IN big_JJ constructions_NNS crashing_VBG down_RP ,_, he_PPS felt_
VBD he_PPS could_MD stop_VB ._. They_PPSS were_BED ,_, in_IN effect_NN his_PP$ l
ast_AP testament_NN to_IN non-objective_JJ art_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD taken_VBN o
ut_RP first_OD papers_NNS for_IN American_JJ citizenship_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC after
_CS war_NN came_VBD to_IN Europe_NP ,_, he_PPS decided_VBD to_TO return_VB to_IN
France_NP ,_, arriving_VBG there_RB in_IN January_NP ,_, 1940_CD ._. ``_`` I_PP
SS hated_VBD the_AT war_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` but_CC thought_VB
D I_PPSS ought_MD to_TO go_VB because_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, one_
CD of_IN those_DTS who_WPS hadn't_HVD* done_VBN enough_AP to_TO prevent_VB it_PP
O ''_'' ._. In_IN June_NP ,_, 1940_CD ,_, Sergeant_NN-TL Helion_NP ,_, with_IN a
_AT company_NN of_IN reserve_NN troops_NNS waiting_VBG to_TO go_VB into_IN battl
e_NN ,_, was_BEDZ sketching_VBG the_AT hills_NNS south_NR of_IN the_AT Loire_NP-
TL River_NN-TL ,_, when_WRB the_AT war_NN suddenly_RB rolled_VBD in_RP upon_IN h
im_PPO ._. Its_PP$ first_OD apparition_NN was_BEDZ a_AT long_JJ ,_, gloomy_JJ co
lumn_NN of_IN refugees_NNS riding_VBG in_IN farm_NN wagons_NNS ,_, or_CC pushing
_VBG prams_NNS ._. His_PP$ company_NN then_RB carried_VBD out_RP a_AT confused_V
BN retreating_VBG movement_NN until_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ surrounded_VBN by_IN the_
AT Germans_NPS ,_, a_AT few_AP days_NNS before_CS France_NP capitulated_VBD ._.
After_IN a_AT sort_NN of_IN death_NN march_NN during_IN four_CD days_NNS without
_IN food_NN ,_, Helion_NP and_CC his_PP$ comrades_NNS were_BED shipped_VBN by_IN
cattle-car_NN to_IN a_AT labor_NN camp_NN at_IN an_AT estate_NN farm_NN in_IN E
ast_JJ-TL Germany_NP-TL ._. A_AT year_NN later_RBR they_PPSS were_BED removed_VB
N to_IN a_AT Stalag_NP in_IN the_AT harbor_NN of_IN Stettin_NP ._. At_IN the_AT
time_NN of_IN his_PP$ capture_NN Helion_NP had_HVD on_IN his_PP$ person_NN a_AT
sketchbook_NN he_PPS had_HVD bought_VBN at_IN Woolworth's_NP$ in_IN New_JJ-TL Yo
rk_NP-TL ._. When_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ stripped_VBN ,_, deloused_VBN and_CC numbe
red_VBN by_IN his_PP$ guards_NNS ,_, his_PP$ much-thumbed_JJ sketchbook_NN was_B
EDZ seized_VBN and_CC thrown_VBN on_IN a_AT pile_NN of_IN prisoners'_NNS$ goods_
NNS to_TO be_BE confiscated_VBN ._. ``_`` It_PPS was_BEDZ then_RB I_PPSS knew_VB
D that_CS they_PPSS were_BED making_VBG war_NN against_IN Man_NN-TL ,_, the_AT i
ndividual_NN within_RB !_. !_. --_-- who_WPS questioned_VBD things_NNS when_WRB
given_VBN orders_NNS ''_'' ._. At_IN Stettin_NP the_AT university-educated_JJ ar
tist_NN ,_, who_WPS had_HVD studied_VBN German_NP ,_, was_BEDZ chosen_VBN to_TO
serve_VB as_CS interpreter_NN and_CC clerk_NN in_IN the_AT office_NN of_IN the_A
T Stalag_NP commander_NN ._. In_IN secret_NN he_PPS also_RB acted_VBD as_CS a_AT
member_NN of_IN the_AT prisoners'_NNS$ Central_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_, which_
WDT plotted_VBD sabotage_NN ,_, planned_VBD a_AT few_AP escapes_NNS ,_, and_CC m
aintained_VBD a_AT hidden_VBN control_NN over_IN the_AT wretched_JJ French_JJ sl
ave-laborers_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT Stalag_NP ,_, Helion_NP came_VBD to_TO know_VB
and_CC love_VB his_PP$ comrades_NNS ,_, most_AP of_IN them_PPO plain_JJ folk_NN
,_, who_WPS ,_, in_IN their_PP$ extremity_NN ,_, showed_VBD true_JJ courage_NN
and_CC ran_VBD great_JJ risks_NNS to_TO help_VB each_DT other_AP ._. How_WQL muc
h_AP they_PPSS esteemed_VBD him_PPO is_BEZ shown_VBN by_IN the_AT fact_NN that_C
S their_PP$ underground_JJ committee_NN selected_VBD him_PPO as_CS one_CD of_IN
the_AT few_AP who_WPS would_MD be_BE helped_VBN to_TO escape_VB ._. In_IN the_AT
prison_NN camp's_NN$ Black_JJ-TL Market_NN-TL civilian_JJ clothes_NNS were_BED
quietly_RB bought_VBN and_CC forged_VBN papers_NNS were_BED devised_VBN for_IN h
im_PPO ;_. ;_. during_IN long_JJ weeks_NNS the_AT plan_NN for_IN his_PP$ flight_
NN was_BEDZ rehearsed_VBN ._. Every_AT morning_NN contingents_NNS of_IN prisoner
s_NNS would_MD be_BE sent_VBN out_RP to_TO labor_VB in_IN nearby_JJ factories_NN
S ._. One_CD evening_NN ,_, while_CS a_AT volley-ball_NN game_NN was_BEDZ being_
BEG played_VBN in_IN the_AT yard_NN among_IN the_AT prisoners_NNS remaining_VBG
there_RB ,_, a_AT simulated_VBN melee_NN was_BEDZ staged_VBN --_-- just_RB as_CS
the_AT gates_NNS were_BED opened_VBN to_TO admit_VB other_AP prisoners_NNS retu
rning_VBG from_IN work_NN ._. As_CS Helion_NP wrote_VBD afterward_RB :_: ``_`` T
heir_PP$ sentry_NN followed_VBD ._. Four_CD hands_NNS were_BED stretched_VBN tow
ard_IN me_PPO by_IN my_PP$ comrades_NNS behind_IN me_PPO ._. Marquet_NP held_VBD
my_PP$ briefcase_NN ;_. ;_. Finot_NP held_VBD a_AT wallet_NN with_IN my_PP$ mon
ey_NN and_CC papers_NNS ;_. ;_. Moineau_NP and_CC David_NP held_VBD nothing_PN b
ut_IN their_PP$ fingers_NNS ._. They_PPSS felt_VBD rough_JJ and_CC kind_JJ and_C
C warm_JJ ._. At_IN this_DT moment_NN the_AT volley-ball_NN hit_VBD the_AT groun
d_NN ._. Duclos_NP ran_VBD toward_IN Desprez_NP with_IN fists_NNS raised_VBN ._.
The_AT guards_NNS all_ABN rushed_VBD up_RP to_TO intervene_VB ''_'' Shedding_VB
G his_PP$ prison_NN cloak_NN ,_, Helion_NP shot_VBD through_IN the_AT gates_NNS
,_, now_RB clad_VBN in_IN civilian_JJ garments_NNS and_CC with_IN the_AT passpor
t_NN of_IN a_AT Flemish_JJ worker_NN ._. Riding_VBG trains_NNS ,_, hitching_VBG
hikes_NNS on_IN trucks_NNS across_IN Germany_NP ,_, slipping_VBG through_IN guar
ded_VBN frontiers_NNS with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN secret_JJ guides_NNS ,_, he_P
PS eventually_RB reached_VBD Vichy_NP France_NP ,_, and_CC ,_, by_IN the_AT wint
er_NN of_IN 1943_CD ,_, was_BEDZ back_RB in_IN Virginia_NP ._. He_PPS wrote_VBD
:_: ``_`` To_IN escape_VB from_IN a_AT prison_NN camp_NN required_VBD a_AT very_
QL special_JJ state_NN of_IN mind_NN ;_. ;_. not_* only_RB loathing_NN of_IN cap
tivity_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT faith_NN ,_, a_AT hope_NN that_WPS is_BEZ even_QL stro
nger_JJR ._. I_PPSS left_VBD behind_IN me_PPO brave_JJ men_NNS ,_, whom_WPO capt
ivity_NN had_HVD robbed_VBN of_IN all_ABN hope_NN ._. They_PPSS too_RB loved_VBD
their_PP$ families_NNS ,_, longed_VBD for_IN their_PP$ villages_NNS :_: yet_CC
lacked_VBD the_AT faith_NN that_WPS drove_VBD one_CD to_TO dare_VB the_AT fearfu
l_JJ chance_NN of_IN escape_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT time_NN of_IN reve
lations_NNS for_IN him_PPO ._. Even_RB the_AT most_QL rational_JJ of_IN men_NNS
,_, under_IN great_JJ stress_NN ,_, may_MD be_BE transported_VBN by_IN a_AT new_
JJ faith_NN and_CC behave_VB like_CS mystics_NNS ._. Helion_NP knew_VBD that_CS
he_PPS owed_VBD his_PP$ freedom_NN as_QL much_RB to_IN the_AT self-sacrifice_NN
of_IN his_PP$ fellow-men_NNS in_IN Arbeitskommando_NP-TL 13_CD-TL ,_, ,_, Stetti
n_NP ,_, as_CS to_TO his_PP$ own_JJ fierce_JJ will_NN and_CC love_NN of_IN life_
NN ._. After_IN that_DT ,_, he_PPS declared_VBD ,_, ``_`` to_TO return_VB to_IN
freedom_NN was_BEDZ to_TO fall_VB to_IN one's_PN$ knees_NNS before_IN the_AT rea
l_JJ world_NN and_CC adore_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. In_IN prison_NN he_PPS had_HVD be
en_BEN able_JJ to_TO sketch_VB nothing_PN but_IN figures_NNS from_IN life_NN ,_,
his_PP$ guards_NNS ,_, his_PP$ companions_NNS in_IN misery_NN ._. Now_RB all_AB
N his_PP$ desires_NNS centered_VBD on_IN ``_`` rediscovering_VBG and_CC singing_
VBG of_IN the_AT prosaic_JJ and_CC yet_RB beautiful_JJ world_NN of_IN men_NNS an
d_CC objects_NNS so_QL long_RB barred_VBN from_IN me_PPO by_IN a_AT barbed_VBN w
ire_NN fence_NN ''_'' ._. And_CC ,_, he_PPS added_VBD :_: ``_`` During_IN the_AT
many_AP months_NNS in_IN prison_NN camp_NN ,_, all_ABN abstract_JJ images_NNS v
anished_VBD from_IN my_PP$ mind_NN ''_'' ._. Before_IN leaving_VBG for_IN Americ
a_NP ,_, he_PPS happened_VBD to_TO see_VB his_PP$ old_JJ friend_NN Jean_NP Arp_N
P and_CC confided_VBD to_IN him_PPO his_PP$ new_JJ resolutions_NNS ._. Arp_NP pr
otested_VBD :_: ``_`` But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ impossible_JJ !_. !_. Everything_PN i
n_IN the_AT way_NN of_IN representation_NN has_HVZ already_RB been_BEN done_VBN
by_IN the_AT old_JJ masters_NNS ''_'' ._. Helion_NP ,_, however_RB ,_, clung_VBD
to_IN the_AT belief_NN that_CS ``_`` in_IN escaping_VBG from_IN the_AT Stalag_N
P I_PPSS had_HVD also_RB escaped_VBN from_IN Abstraction_NN-TL ''_'' ._. While_C
S convalescing_VBG in_IN his_PP$ Virginia_NP home_NN he_PPS wrote_VBD a_AT book_
NN recording_VBG his_PP$ prison_NN experiences_NNS and_CC escape_NN ,_, entitled
_VBN :_: They_PPSS-TL Shall_MD-TL Not_*-TL Have_HV-TL Me_PPO-TL Published_VBN or
iginally_RB in_IN (_( Helion's_NP$ )_) English_NP by_IN Dutton_NP-TL &_CC-TL Co.
_NN-TL of_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, in_IN 1943_CD ,_, the_AT book_NN was_BEDZ
received_VBN by_IN the_AT press_NN as_CS a_AT work_NN of_IN astonishing_JJ liter
ary_JJ power_NN and_CC one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL realistic_JJ accounts_NNS of_
IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, from_IN the_AT French_JJ side_NN ._. It_PPS
was_BEDZ very_QL widely_RB read_VBN ,_, too_RB ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT author_NN
,_, who_WPS seemed_VBD the_AT embodiment_NN of_IN France's_NP$ rising_VBG spirit
_NN of_IN resistance_NN to_IN her_PP$ conquerors_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ much_RB compli
mented_VBN for_IN his_PP$ daring_VBG military_JJ action_NN ._. But_CC when_WRB h
e_PPS showed_VBD his_PP$ new_JJ figurative_JJ pictures_NNS to_IN his_PP$ artist_
NN friends_NNS of_IN the_AT abstract_JJ camp_NN ,_, they_PPSS paid_VBD him_PPO n
o_AT compliments_NNS and_CC drew_VBD long_JJ faces_NNS ._. Between_IN 1944_CD an
d_CC 1947_CD Helion_NP had_HVD a_AT series_NN of_IN one-man_JJ shows_NNS --_-- a
t_IN the_AT Paul_NP-TL Rosenberg_NP-TL Gallery_NN-TL in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL
and_CC in_IN Paris_NP --_-- of_IN his_PP$ new_JJ realistic_JJ pictures_NNS ._. T
hey_PPSS reincarnated_VBD the_AT figures_NNS of_IN human_JJ beings_NNS banished_
VBN from_IN his_PP$ canvases_NNS since_IN the_AT 1920's_NNS ._. These_DTS new_JJ
pictures_NNS focussed_VBD on_IN the_AT familiar_JJ and_CC commonplace_JJ object
s_NNS that_CS he_PPS had_HVD heard_VBN the_AT men_NNS in_IN his_PP$ prison_NN ca
mp_NN talking_VBG about_IN as_CS the_AT things_NNS they_PPSS missed_VBD most_RBT
,_, hence_RB associated_VBN with_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN lost_VBN freedom_NN :
_: the_AT cafe_NN at_IN the_AT corner_NN ,_, the_AT newspaper_NN kiosk_NN ,_, th
e_AT girls_NNS in_IN doorways_NNS and_CC windows_NNS along_IN the_AT street_NN ,
_, the_AT golden-crusted_JJ French_JJ bread_NN they_PPSS lacked_VBD ,_, the_AT c
igarettes_NNS denied_VBN them_PPO ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT pictures_NNS was_BEDZ
of_IN a_AT man_NN with_IN hat_NN drawn_VBN over_IN his_PP$ face_NN ceremoniously
_RB lighting_VBG a_AT cigarette_NN ;_. ;_. others_NNS were_BED of_IN men_NNS dof
fing_VBG their_PP$ hats_NNS to_IN each_DT other_AP ,_, carrying_VBG umbrellas_NN
S with_IN pomp_NN ,_, reading_VBG newspapers_NNS ,_, or_CC simply_RB showing_VBG
loaves_NNS of_IN bread_NN spread_VBN out_RP ._. Important_JJ as_CS was_BEDZ Mr.
_NP O'Donnell's_NP$ essay_NN ,_, his_PP$ thesis_NN is_BEZ so_QL restricting_JJ a
s_CS to_TO deny_VB Faulkner_NP the_AT stature_NN which_WDT he_PPS obviously_RB h
as_HVZ ._. He_PPS and_CC also_RB Mr._NP Cowley_NP and_CC Mr._NP Warren_NP have_H
V fallen_VBN to_IN the_AT temptation_NN which_WDT besets_VBZ many_AP of_IN us_PP
O to_TO read_VB into_IN our_PP$ authors_NNS --_-- Nathaniel_NP Hawthorne_NP ,_,
for_IN example_NN ,_, and_CC Herman_NP Melville_NP --_-- protests_VBZ against_IN
modernism_NN ,_, material_JJ progress_NN ,_, and_CC science_NN which_WDT are_BE
R genuine_JJ protests_NNS of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ but_CC may_MD not_* have_HV been_
BEN theirs_PP$$ ._. Faulkner's_NP$ total_NN works_NNS today_NR ,_, and_CC in_IN
fact_NN those_DTS of_IN his_PP$ works_NNS which_WDT existed_VBD in_IN 1946_CD wh
en_WRB Mr._NP Cowley_NP made_VBD his_PP$ comment_NN ,_, or_CC in_IN 1939_CD ,_,
when_WRB Mr._NP O'Donnell_NP wrote_VBD his_PP$ essay_NN ,_, reveal_VB no_AT such
_JJ simple_JJ attitude_NN toward_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. If_CS he_PPS is_BEZ a
_AT traditionalist_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ an_AT eclectic_JJ traditionalist_NN ._.
If_CS he_PPS condemns_VBZ the_AT recent_JJ or_CC the_AT present_NN ,_, he_PPS co
ndemns_VBZ the_AT past_NN with_IN no_QL less_AP force_NN ._. If_CS he_PPS sees_V
BZ the_AT heroic_JJ in_IN a_AT Sartoris_NP or_CC a_AT Sutpen_NP ,_, he_PPS sees_
VBZ also_RB --_-- and_CC he_PPS shows_VBZ --_-- the_AT blind_JJ and_CC the_AT me
an_JJ ,_, and_CC he_PPS sees_VBZ the_AT Compson_NP family_NN disintegrating_VBG
from_IN within_RB ._. If_CS the_AT barn-burner's_NN$ family_NN produces_VBZ a_AT
Flem_NP Snopes_NP ,_, who_WPS personifies_VBZ commercialism_NN and_CC materiali
sm_NN in_IN hyperbolic_JJ crassness_NN ,_, the_AT Compson_NP family_NN produces_
VBZ a_AT Jason_NP Compson_NP 4_CD ._. Faulkner_NP is_BEZ a_AT most_QL untraditio
nal_JJ traditionalist_NN ._. Others_NNS writing_VBG on_IN Faulkner_NP have_HV fo
und_VBN the_AT phrase_NN ``_`` traditional_JJ moralist_NN ''_'' either_CC inadeq
uate_JJ or_CC misleading_VBG ._. Among_IN them_PPO are_BER Frederick_NP J._NP Ho
ffman_NP ,_, William_NP Van_NP O'Connor_NP ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP Olga_NP Vickery_NP
._. They_PPSS have_HV indicated_VBN the_AT direction_NN but_CC they_PPSS have_H
V not_* been_BEN explicit_JJ enough_QLP ,_, I_PPSS believe_VB ,_, in_IN pointing
_VBG out_RP Faulkner's_NP$ independence_NN ,_, his_PP$ questioning_VBG if_CS not
_* indeed_RB challenging_VBG the_AT Southern_JJ-TL tradition_NN ._. Faulkner's_N
P$ is_BEZ not_* the_AT mind_NN of_IN the_AT apologist_NN which_WDT Mr._NP O'Donn
ell_NP implies_VBZ that_WPS it_PPS is_BEZ ._. He_PPS is_BEZ not_* one_CD to_TO r
emain_VB more_QL comfortably_RB and_CC unquestioningly_RB within_IN a_AT body_NN
of_IN social_JJ ,_, cultural_JJ ,_, or_CC literary_JJ traditions_NNS than_CS he
_PPS was_BEDZ within_IN the_AT traditions_NNS --_-- or_CC possibly_RB the_AT reg
ulations_NNS --_-- governing_VBG his_PP$ tenure_NN in_IN the_AT post_NN office_N
N at_IN Oxford_NP ,_, Mississippi_NP ,_, thirty-five_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. Tha
t_DT is_BEZ not_* to_TO deny_VB that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN aware_JJ of_IN t
raditions_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ steeped_VBN in_IN th
em_PPO ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, or_CC that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ dealt_VBN with_IN them
_PPO ,_, in_IN his_PP$ books_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ to_TO say_VB rather_RB ,_, I_
PPSS believe_VB ,_, that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ brought_VBN to_TO bear_VB on_IN the_A
T history_NN ,_, the_AT traditions_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT lore_NN of_IN his_PP$ r
egion_NN a_AT critical_JJ ,_, skeptical_JJ mind_NN --_-- the_AT same_AP mind_NN
which_WDT has_HVZ made_VBN of_IN him_PPO an_AT inveterate_JJ experimenter_NN in_
IN literary_JJ form_NN and_CC technique_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ employed_VBN from_
IN his_PP$ section_NN rich_JJ immediate_JJ materials_NNS which_WDT in_IN a_AT lo
ose_JJ sense_NN can_MD be_BE termed_VBN Southern_JJ-TL ._. The_AT fact_NN that_C
S he_PPS has_HVZ cast_VBN over_IN those_DTS materials_NNS the_AT light_NN of_IN
a_AT skeptical_JJ mind_NN does_DOZ not_* make_VB him_PPO any_DTI the_AT less_QL
Southern_JJ-TL ,_, I_PPSS rather_RB think_VB ,_, for_CS the_AT South_NR-TL has_H
VZ been_BEN no_QL more_QL solid_JJ than_CS other_AP regions_NNS except_IN in_IN
the_AT political_JJ and_CC related_VBN areas_NNS where_WRB patronage_NN and_CC f
orce_NN and_CC intimidation_NN and_CC fear_NN may_MD produce_VB a_AT surface_NN
uniformity_NN ._. Some_DTI of_IN us_PPO might_MD be_BE inclined_VBN to_TO argue_
VB ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, that_CS an_AT independence_NN of_IN mind_NN and_CC acti
on_NN and_CC an_AT intolerance_NN of_IN regimentation_NN ,_, either_CC mental_JJ
or_CC physical_JJ ,_, are_BER particularly_RB Southern_JJ-TL traits_NNS ._. The
re_EX is_BEZ no_AT necessity_NN ,_, I_PPSS suppose_VB ,_, to_TO assert_VB that_C
S Mr._NP Faulkner_NP is_BEZ Southern_JJ-TL ._. It_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE easy_
JJ to_TO discover_VB a_AT more_QL thoroughly_QL Southern_JJ-TL pedigree_NN than_
CS that_DT of_IN his_PP$ family_NN ._. And_CC ,_, after_IN all_ABN ,_, he_PPS ha
s_HVZ lived_VBN comfortably_RB at_IN both_ABX Oxford_NP ,_, Mississippi_NP ,_, a
nd_CC Charlottesville_NP ,_, Virginia_NP ._. The_AT young_JJ William_NP Faulkner
_NP in_IN New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL in_IN the_AT 1920's_NNS impressed_VBD the_AT n
ovelist_NN Hamilton_NP Basso_NP as_CS obviously_QL conscious_JJ of_IN being_BEG
a_AT Southerner_NN-TL ,_, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT evidence_NN that_CS since
_IN then_RB he_PPS has_HVZ ever_RB considered_VBN himself_PPL any_DTI less_AP so
_RB ._. Besides_IN showing_VBG no_AT inclination_NN ,_, apparently_RB ,_, to_TO
absent_VB himself_PPL from_IN his_PP$ native_JJ region_NN even_RB for_IN short_J
J periods_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN addition_NN writing_VBG a_AT shelf_NN of_IN books
_NNS set_VBN in_IN the_AT region_NN ,_, he_PPS has_HVZ handled_VBN in_IN those_D
TS books_NNS an_AT astonishingly_QL complete_JJ list_NN of_IN matters_NNS which_
WDT have_HV been_BEN important_JJ in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL during_IN the_AT past
_AP hundred_CD years_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ more_QL difficult_JJ with_IN Faulkner
_NP than_CS with_IN most_AP authors_NNS to_TO say_VB what_WDT is_BEZ the_AT exte
nt_NN and_CC what_WDT is_BEZ the_AT source_NN of_IN his_PP$ knowledge_NN ._. His
_PP$ own_JJ testimony_NN is_BEZ that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ read_VBN very_QL little_A
P in_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, implying_VBG that_CS what
_WDT he_PPS knows_VBZ of_IN that_DT history_NN has_HVZ come_VBN to_IN him_PPO or
ally_RB and_CC that_CS he_PPS knows_VBZ the_AT world_NN around_IN him_PPO primar
ily_RB from_IN his_PP$ own_JJ unassisted_JJ observation_NN ._. His_PP$ denials_N
NS of_IN extensive_JJ reading_NN notwithstanding_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ no_AT doub
t_NN safe_JJ to_TO assume_VB that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ spent_VBN time_NN schooling_
VBG himself_PPL in_IN Southern_JJ-TL history_NN and_CC that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ ga
ined_VBN some_DTI acquaintance_NN with_IN the_AT chief_JJS literary_JJ authors_N
NS who_WPS have_HV lived_VBN in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL or_CC have_HV written_VBN
about_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ._. To_TO believe_VB otherwise_RB would_MD be_BE unr
ealistic_JJ ._. But_CC in_IN looking_VBG at_IN Faulkner_NP against_IN his_PP$ ba
ckground_NN in_IN Mississippi_NP and_CC the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ imp
ortant_JJ not_* to_TO lose_VB the_AT broader_JJR perspective_NN ._. His_PP$ earl
iest_JJT work_NN reflected_VBD heavy_JJ influences_NNS from_IN English_NP and_CC
continental_JJ writers_NNS ._. Evidence_NN is_BEZ plentiful_JJ that_CS early_RB
and_CC later_RBR also_RB he_PPS has_HVZ been_BEN indebted_JJ to_IN the_AT Gothi
c_JJ-TL romancers_NNS ,_, who_WPS deal_VB in_IN extravagant_JJ horror_NN ,_, to_
IN the_AT symbolists_NNS writing_VBG at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT preceding_
VBG century_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN particular_JJ to_IN the_AT stream-of-consciousne
ss_NN novelists_NNS ,_, Henry_NP James_NP and_CC James_NP Joyce_NP among_IN them
_PPO ._. His_PP$ repeated_VBN experimentation_NN with_IN the_AT techniques_NNS o
f_IN fiction_NN testifies_VBZ to_IN an_AT independence_NN of_IN mind_NN and_CC a
n_AT originality_NN of_IN approach_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS also_RB shows_VBZ him_PP
O touching_VBG at_IN many_AP points_NNS the_AT stream_NN of_IN literary_JJ devel
opment_NN back_RB of_IN him_PPO ._. My_PP$ intention_NN ,_, therefore_RB ,_, is_
BEZ not_* to_TO say_VB that_CS Faulkner's_NP$ awareness_NN has_HVZ been_BEN conf
ined_VBN within_IN the_AT borders_NNS of_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, but_CC rather
_RB that_CS he_PPS has_HVZ looked_VBN at_IN his_PP$ world_NN as_CS a_AT Southern
er_NN-TL and_CC that_CS presumably_RB his_PP$ outlook_NN is_BEZ Southern_JJ-TL .
_. The_AT ingredients_NNS of_IN Faulkner's_NP$ novels_NNS and_CC stories_NNS are
_BER by_IN no_AT means_NNS new_JJ with_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC most_AP of_IN the_A
T problems_NNS he_PPS takes_VBZ up_RP have_HV had_HVN the_AT attention_NN of_IN
authors_NNS before_IN him_PPO ._. A_AT useful_JJ comment_NN on_IN his_PP$ relati
on_NN to_IN his_PP$ region_NN may_MD be_BE made_VBN ,_, I_PPSS think_VB ,_, by_I
N noting_VBG briefly_RB how_WRB in_IN handling_VBG Southern_JJ-TL materials_NNS
and_CC Southern_JJ-TL problems_NNS he_PPS has_HVZ deviated_VBN from_IN the_AT pa
ttern_NN set_VBN by_IN other_AP Southern_JJ-TL authors_NNS while_CS remaining_VB
G faithful_JJ to_IN the_AT essential_JJ character_NN of_IN the_AT region_NN ._.
The_AT planter_NN aristocracy_NN has_HVZ appeared_VBN in_IN literature_NN at_IN
least_AP since_CS John_NP Pendleton_NP Kennedy_NP published_VBD Swallow-Barn_NP
in_IN 1832_CD and_CC in_IN his_PP$ genial_JJ portrait_NN of_IN Frank_NP Meriweth
er_NP presiding_VBG over_IN his_PP$ plantation_NN dominion_NN initiated_VBD the_
AT most_QL persistent_JJ tradition_NN of_IN Southern_JJ-TL literature_NN ._. The
_AT thoroughgoing_JJ idealization_NN of_IN the_AT planter_NN society_NN did_DOD
not_* come_VB ,_, however_RB ,_, until_IN after_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL
when_WRB Southern_JJ-TL writers_NNS were_BED eager_JJ to_TO defend_VB a_AT way_N
N of_IN life_NN which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN destroyed_VBN ._. As_CS they_PPSS loo
ked_VBD with_IN nostalgia_NN to_IN a_AT society_NN which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN sw
ept_VBN away_RB ,_, they_PPSS were_BED probably_RB no_QL more_RBR than_CS half-c
onscious_JJ that_CS they_PPSS painted_VBD in_IN colors_NNS which_WDT had_HVD nev
er_RB existed_VBN ._. Their_PP$ books_NNS found_VBD no_QL less_QL willing_JJ rea
ders_NNS outside_RB than_CS inside_IN the_AT South_NR-TL ,_, even_RB while_CS me
mories_NNS of_IN the_AT war_NN were_BED still_RB sharp_JJ ._. The_AT tradition_N
N reached_VBD its_PP$ apex_NN ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT works_NNS of_IN Th
omas_NP Nelson_NP Page_NP toward_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN ,_, an
d_CC reappeared_VBD undiminished_JJ as_QL late_RB as_CS 1934_CD in_IN the_AT bes
t-selling_JJ novel_NN So_QL-TL Red_JJ-TL The_AT-TL Rose_NN-TL ,_, by_IN Stark_NP
Young_NP ._. Although_CS Faulkner_NP was_BEDZ the_AT heir_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_
JJ family_NN to_IN this_DT tradition_NN ,_, he_PPS did_DOD not_* have_HV Stark_N
P Young's_NP$ inclination_NN to_TO romanticize_VB and_CC sentimentalize_VB the_A
T planter_NN society_NN ._. The_AT myth_NN of_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL plantatio
n_NN has_HVZ had_HVN only_RB a_AT tangential_JJ relation_NN with_IN actuality_NN
,_, as_CS Francis_NP Pendleton_NP Gaines_NP showed_VBD forty_CD years_NNS ago_R
B ,_, and_CC I_PPSS suspect_VB it_PPS has_HVZ had_HVN a_AT far_QL narrower_JJR a
cceptance_NN as_CS something_PN real_JJ than_CS has_HVZ generally_RB been_BEN su
pposed_VBN ._. Faulkner_NP has_HVZ found_VBN it_PPO useful_JJ ,_, but_CC he_PPS
has_HVZ employed_VBN it_PPO with_IN his_PP$ habitual_JJ independence_NN of_IN mi
nd_NN and_CC skeptical_JJ outlook_NN ._. Without_IN saying_VBG or_CC seeming_VBG
to_TO say_VB that_CS in_IN portraying_VBG the_AT Sartoris_NP and_CC the_AT Comp
son_NP families_NNS Faulkner's_NP$ chief_JJS concern_NN is_BEZ social_JJ critici
sm_NN ,_, we_PPSS can_MD say_VB nevertheless_RB that_CS through_IN those_DTS fam
ilies_NNS he_PPS dramatizes_VBZ his_PP$ comment_NN on_IN the_AT planter_NN dynas
ties_NNS as_CS they_PPSS have_HV existed_VBN since_IN the_AT decades_NNS before_
IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE that_CS in_IN this_DT co
mment_NN he_PPS has_HVZ broken_VBN from_IN the_AT conventional_JJ pattern_NN mor
e_QL violently_RB than_CS in_IN any_DTI other_AP regard_NN ,_, for_CS the_AT tre
atment_NN in_IN his_PP$ books_NNS is_BEZ far_QL removed_VBN from_IN even_RB the_
AT genial_JJ irony_NN of_IN Ellen_NP Glasgow_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ the_AT only
_RB important_JJ novelist_NN before_IN him_PPO to_TO challenge_VB the_AT convent
ional_JJ picture_NN of_IN planter_NN society_NN ._. Faulkner's_NP$ low-class_NN
characters_NNS had_HVD but_RB few_AP counterparts_NNS in_IN earlier_JJR Southern
_JJ-TL novels_NNS dealing_VBG with_IN plantation_NN life_NN ._. They_PPSS have_H
V an_AT ancestry_NN extending_VBG back_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, at_IN least_AP to_I
N 1728_CD ,_, when_WRB William_NP Byrd_NP described_VBD the_AT Lubberlanders_NPS
he_PPS encountered_VBD in_IN the_AT back_JJ country_NN of_IN Virginia_NP and_CC
North_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL ._. The_AT chief_JJS literary_JJ antecedents_NNS of_
IN the_AT Snopes_NP clan_NN appeared_VBD in_IN the_AT realistic_JJ ,_, humorous_
JJ writing_NN which_WDT originated_VBD in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL and_CC the_AT So
uthwest_NR-TL in_IN the_AT three_CD decades_NNS before_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War
_NN-TL ._. These_DTS narratives_NNS of_IN coarse_JJ action_NN and_CC crude_JJ la
nguage_NN appeared_VBD first_RB in_IN local_JJ newspapers_NNS ,_, as_CS a_AT rul
e_NN ,_, and_CC later_RBR found_VBD their_PP$ way_NN between_IN book_NN covers_N
NS ,_, though_CS rarely_RB into_IN the_AT planters'_NNS$ libraries_NNS beside_IN
the_AT morocco-bound_JJ volumes_NNS of_IN Horace_NP ,_, Mr._NP Addison_NP ,_, M
r._NP Pope_NP ,_, and_CC Sir_NP Walter_NP Scott_NP ._. There_EX is_BEZ evidence_
NN to_TO suggest_VB ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, that_CS many_AP authors_NNS of_IN the_
AT humorous_JJ sketches_NNS were_BED prompted_VBN to_TO write_VB them_PPO --_--
or_CC to_TO make_VB them_PPO as_QL indelicate_JJ as_CS they_PPSS are_BER --_-- b
y_IN way_NN of_IN protesting_VBG against_IN the_AT artificial_JJ refinements_NNS
which_WDT had_HVD come_VBN to_TO dominate_VB the_AT polite_JJ letters_NNS of_IN
the_AT South_NR-TL ._. William_NP Gilmore_NP Simms_NP ,_, sturdy_JJ realist_NN
that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, pleaded_VBD for_IN a_AT natural_JJ robustness_NN suc
h_JJ as_CS he_PPS found_VBD in_IN his_PP$ favorites_NNS the_AT great_JJ Elizabet
hans_NPS ,_, to_TO vivify_VB the_AT pale_JJ writings_NNS being_BEG produced_VBN
around_IN him_PPO ._. Simms_NP admired_VBD the_AT raucous_JJ tales_NNS emanating
_VBG from_IN the_AT backwoods_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS had_HVD himself_PPL social_J
J affiliations_NNS which_WDT would_MD not_* allow_VB him_PPO to_TO approve_VB th
em_PPO fully_RB ._. Augustus_NP Baldwin_NP Longstreet_NP ,_, a_AT preacher_NN an
d_CC a_AT college_NN and_CC university_NN president_NN in_IN four_CD Southern_JJ
-TL states_NNS ,_, published_VBD the_AT earliest_JJT of_IN these_DTS backwoods_N
NS sketches_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT character_NN Ransy_NP Sniffle_NP ,_, in_IN t
he_AT accounts_NNS of_IN sharp_JJ horse-trading_NN and_CC eye-gouging_JJ physica
l_JJ combat_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT shockingly_QL unliterary_JJ speech_NN of_
IN his_PP$ characters_NNS ,_, he_PPS set_VBD an_AT example_NN followed_VBN by_IN
many_AP after_IN him_PPO ._. Others_NNS who_WPS wrote_VBD of_IN low_JJ characte
rs_NNS and_CC low_JJ life_NN included_VBD Thomas_NP Bangs_NP Thorpe_NP ,_, creat
or_NN of_IN the_AT Big_JJ-TL Bear_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Arkansas_NP-TL and_CC Tom_NP Ow
en_NP ,_, the_AT Bee-Hunter_NP ;_. ;_. Johnson_NP Jones_NP Hooper_NP ,_, whose_W
P$ character_NN Simon_NP Suggs_NP bears_VBZ a_AT close_JJ kinship_NN to_IN Flem_
NP Snopes_NP in_IN both_ABX his_PP$ willingness_NN to_TO take_VB cruel_JJ advant
age_NN of_IN all_ABN and_CC sundry_JJ and_CC the_AT sharpness_NN with_IN which_W
DT he_PPS habitually_RB carried_VBD out_RP his_PP$ will_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC George
_NP Washington_NP Harris_NP ,_, whose_WP$ Tennessee_NP hillbilly_NN character_NN
Sut_NP Lovingood_NP perpetrated_VBD more_AP unmalicious_JJ mischief_NN and_CC m
ore_AP unintended_JJ pain_NN than_CS any_DTI other_AP character_NN in_IN literat
ure_NN ._. It_PPS would_MD be_BE profitable_JJ ,_, I_PPSS believe_VB ,_, to_TO r
ead_VB these_DTS realistic_JJ humorists_NNS alongside_IN Faulkner's_NP$ works_NN
S ,_, the_AT thought_NN being_BEG not_* that_CS he_PPS necessarily_RB read_VBD t
hem_PPO and_CC owed_VBD anything_PN to_IN them_PPO directly_RB ,_, but_CC rather
_RB that_CS they_PPSS dealt_VBD a_AT hundred_CD years_NNS ago_RB with_IN a_AT cl
ass_NN of_IN people_NNS and_CC a_AT type_NN of_IN life_NN which_WDT have_HV cont
inued_VBN down_RP to_IN our_PP$ time_NN ,_, to_IN Faulkner's_NP$ time_NN ._. Suc
h_ABL a_AT comparison_NN reminds_VBZ us_PPO that_CS in_IN employing_VBG low_JJ c
haracters_NNS in_IN his_PP$ works_NNS Faulkner_NP is_BEZ recording_VBG actuality
_NN in_IN the_AT South_NR-TL and_CC moreover_RB is_BEZ following_VBG a_AT long-e
stablished_JJ literary_JJ precedent_NN ._. Such_JJ characters_NNS ,_, with_IN th
eir_PP$ low_JJ existence_NN and_CC often_RB low_JJ morality_NN ,_, produce_VB hu
morous_JJ effects_NNS in_IN his_PP$ novels_NNS and_CC tales_NNS ,_, as_CS they_P
PSS did_DOD in_IN the_AT writing_NN of_IN Longstreet_NP and_CC Hooper_NP and_CC
Harris_NP ,_, but_CC it_PPS need_MD not_* be_BE added_VBN that_CS he_PPS gives_V
BZ them_PPO far_QL subtler_JJR and_CC more_QL intricate_JJ functions_NNS than_CS
they_PPSS had_HVD in_IN the_AT earlier_JJR writers_NNS ;_. ;_. nor_CC is_BEZ th
ere_EX need_NN to_TO add_VB that_CS among_IN them_PPO are_BER some_DTI of_IN the
_AT most_QL highly_QL individualized_VBN and_CC most_QL successful_JJ of_IN his_
PP$ characters_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT early_JJ humorists_NNS already_RB men
tioned_VBN ,_, Thomas_NP Bangs_NP Thorpe_NP ,_, can_MD be_BE used_VBN to_TO illu
strate_VB another_DT point_NN where_WRB Faulkner_NP touches_VBZ authentic_JJ Sou
thern_JJ-TL materials_NNS and_CC also_RB earlier_JJR literary_JJ treatment_NN of
_IN those_DTS materials_NNS ._. Thorpe_NP came_VBD to_IN Louisiana_NP from_IN th
e_AT East_NR-TL as_CS a_AT young_JJ man_NN prepared_VBN to_TO find_VB in_IN the_
AT new_JJ country_NN the_AT setting_NN of_IN romantic_JJ adventure_NN and_CC ide
alized_VBN beauty_NN ._. But_CC Thorpe_NP saw_VBD also_RB the_AT hardships_NNS o
f_IN pioneer_NN existence_NN ,_, the_AT cultural_JJ poverty_NN of_IN the_AT fron
tier_NN settlements_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT slack_JJ morality_NN which_WDT abounde
d_VBD in_IN the_AT new_JJ regions_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT consequence_NN of_IN the_AT
tensions_NNS thus_RB produced_VBN in_IN his_PP$ thoughts_NNS and_CC feelings_NN
S ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD on_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN sketches_NNS of_IN idealized_
VBN hunting_VBG trips_NNS and_CC on_IN the_AT other_AP an_AT anecdote_NN of_IN t
he_AT village_NN of_IN Hardscrabble_NP ,_, Arkansas_NP ,_, where_WRB no_AT one_P
N had_HVD ever_RB seen_VBN a_AT piano_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC he_PPS wrote_VBD also_RB
the_AT masterpiece_NN of_IN frontier_NN humor_NN ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL Big_JJ-TL
Bear_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Arkansas_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, in_IN which_WDT earthy_JJ realism_N
N is_BEZ placed_VBN alongside_RB the_AT exaggeration_NN of_IN the_AT backwoods_N
NS tall-tale_NN and_CC the_AT awe_NN with_IN which_WDT man_NN contemplates_VBZ t
he_AT grandeur_NN and_CC the_AT mysteries_NNS of_IN nature_NN ._. Some_DTI years
_NNS ago_RB Julian_NP Huxley_NP proposed_VBD to_IN an_AT audience_NN made_VBN up
_RP of_IN members_NNS of_IN the_AT British_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL for_IN-TL the
_AT-TL Advancement_NN-TL of_IN-TL Science_NN-TL that_CS ``_`` man's_NN$ supernor
mal_JJ or_CC extra-sensory_JJ faculties_NNS are_BER (_( now_RB )_) in_IN the_AT
same_AP case_NN as_CS were_BED his_PP$ mathematical_JJ faculties_NNS during_IN t
he_AT ice_NN age_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS a_AT Humanist_NN-TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL Huxley_NP
interests_VBZ himself_PPL in_IN the_AT possibilities_NNS of_IN human_JJ developm
ent_NN ,_, and_CC one_CD thing_NN we_PPSS can_MD say_VB about_IN this_DT suggest
ion_NN ,_, which_WDT comes_VBZ from_IN a_AT leading_VBG zoologist_NN ,_, is_BEZ
that_CS ,_, so_QL far_RB as_CS he_PPS is_BEZ concerned_VBN ,_, the_AT scientific
_JJ outlook_NN places_VBZ no_AT rigid_JJ limitation_NN upon_IN the_AT idea_NN of
_IN future_JJ human_JJ evolution_NN ._. This_DT text_NN from_IN Dr._NN-TL Huxley
_NP is_BEZ sometimes_RB used_VBN by_IN enthusiasts_NNS to_TO indicate_VB that_CS
they_PPSS have_HV the_AT permission_NN of_IN the_AT scientists_NNS to_TO press_
VB the_AT case_NN for_IN a_AT wonderful_JJ unfoldment_NN of_IN psychic_JJ powers
_NNS in_IN human_JJ beings_NNS ._. There_EX may_MD be_BE a_AT case_NN of_IN this
_DT sort_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ not_* one_CD we_PPSS wish_VB to_TO argue_VB
,_, here_RB ._. Even_RB if_CS people_NNS do_DO ,_, in_IN a_AT not_* far_QL dist
ant_JJ future_NN ,_, begin_VB to_TO read_VB one_CD another's_DT$ minds_NNS ,_, t
here_EX will_MD still_RB be_BE the_AT question_NN of_IN whether_CS what_WDT you_
PPSS find_VB in_IN another_DT man's_NN$ mind_NN is_BEZ especially_QL worth_JJ re
ading_VBG --_-- worth_JJ more_RBR ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, than_CS what_WDT you_PP
SS can_MD read_VB in_IN good_JJ books_NNS ._. Even_RB if_CS men_NNS eventually_R
B find_VB themselves_PPLS able_JJ to_TO look_VB through_IN walls_NNS and_CC arou
nd_IN corners_NNS ,_, one_PN may_MD question_VB whether_CS this_DT will_NN help_
VB them_PPO to_TO live_VB better_JJR lives_NNS ._. There_EX would_MD be_BE side-
conclusions_NNS to_TO be_BE drawn_VBN ,_, of_IN course_NN ;_. ;_. such_JJ capaci
ties_NNS are_BER impressive_JJ evidence_NN pointing_VBG to_IN a_AT conception_NN
of_IN the_AT human_JJ being_BEG which_WDT does_DOZ not_* appear_VB in_IN the_AT
accounts_NNS of_IN biologists_NNS and_CC organic_JJ evolutionists_NNS ;_. ;_. b
ut_CC the_AT basic_JJ puzzles_NNS of_IN existence_NN would_MD still_RB be_BE puz
zling_JJ ,_, and_CC we_PPSS should_MD still_RB have_HV to_TO work_VB out_RP the_
AT sort_NN of_IN problems_NNS we_PPSS plan_VB to_TO discuss_VB in_IN this_DT art
icle_NN ._. All_ABN we_PPSS want_VB from_IN Dr._NN-TL Huxley's_NP$ statement_NN
is_BEZ the_AT feeling_NN that_CS this_DT is_BEZ an_AT open_JJ world_NN ,_, in_IN
the_AT view_NN of_IN the_AT best_JJT scientific_JJ opinion_NN ,_, with_IN pract
ically_QL no_AT directional_JJ commitments_NNS as_IN to_IN what_WDT may_MD happe
n_VB next_RB ,_, and_CC no_AT important_JJ confinements_NNS with_IN respect_NN t
o_IN what_WDT may_MD be_BE possible_JJ ._. It_PPS seems_VBZ quite_QL obvious_JJ
that_CS all_ABN the_AT really_QL difficult_JJ tasks_NNS of_IN human_JJ beings_NN
S arise_VB from_IN the_AT fact_NN that_DT man_NN is_BEZ not_* one_CD ,_, but_CC
many_AP ._. Each_DT man_NN ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, is_BEZ both_ABX one_CD and_CC
many_AP ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT dreamer_NN of_IN the_AT good_JJ society_NN with_I
N a_AT plan_NN to_TO put_VB into_IN effect_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ an_AT ind
ividual_JJ craftsman_NN with_IN something_PN to_TO make_VB for_IN himself_PPL an
d_CC the_AT people_NNS of_IN his_PP$ time_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT parent_NN wi
th_IN a_AT child_NN to_TO nurture_VB ,_, here_RB and_CC now_RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS
is_BEZ an_AT educator_NN who_WPS worries_VBZ about_IN the_AT children_NNS half_
ABN way_NN round_IN the_AT world_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT utopian_NN with_IN a_
AT stake_NN in_IN tomorrow_NR and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT vulnerable_JJ human_JJ m
ade_VBN captive_JJ by_IN the_AT circumstances_NNS of_IN today_NR ._. He_PPS can_
MD sacrifice_VB himself_PPL for_IN tomorrow_NR and_CC he_PPS can_MD sacrifice_VB
tomorrow_NR for_IN himself_PPL ._. He_PPS is_BEZ a_AT Craig's_NP$ wife_NN who_W
PS agonizes_VBZ about_IN tobacco_NN ash_NN on_IN the_AT living_VBG room_NN rug_N
N and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT forgetful_JJ genius_NN who_WPS goes_VBZ boating_VBG
with_IN the_AT town_NN baker_NN when_WRB dignitaries_NNS from_IN the_AT local_JJ
university_NN have_HV come_VBN to_TO call_VB ._. He_PPS is_BEZ the_AT stern_JJ
guardian_NN of_IN the_AT status_NN quo_FW-WDT who_WPS has_HVZ raised_VBN the_AT
utilitarian_JJ structures_NNS of_IN the_AT age_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ the_A
T revolutionary_JJ poet_NN with_IN a_AT gun_NN in_IN his_PP$ hand_NN who_WPS wri
tes_VBZ a_AT tragic_JJ apologetic_NN to_IN posterity_NN for_IN the_AT men_NNS he
_PPS has_HVZ killed_VBN ._. What_WDT will_MD be_BE the_AT final_JJ symmetry_NN o
f_IN the_AT good_JJ society_NN ?_. ?_. For_IN what_WDT do_DO the_AT utopians_NNS
labor_VB ?_. ?_. Here_RB ,_, on_IN a_AT desk_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT stack_NN of_IN
pamphlets_NNS representing_VBG the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT be
st_JJT men_NNS of_IN the_AT day_NN to_TO penetrate_VB these_DTS questions_NNS ._
. The_AT pamphlets_NNS are_BER about_IN law_NN ,_, the_AT corporation_NN ,_, for
ms_NNS of_IN government_NN ,_, the_AT idea_NN of_IN freedom_NN ,_, the_AT defens
e_NN of_IN liberty_NN ,_, the_AT various_JJ lethargies_NNS which_WDT overtake_VB
our_PP$ major_JJ institutions_NNS ,_, the_AT gap_NN between_IN traditional_JJ s
ocial_JJ ideals_NNS and_CC the_AT working_VBG mechanisms_NNS that_WPS have_HV be
en_BEN set_VBN in_IN motion_NN for_IN their_PP$ realization_NN ._. The_AT thing_
NN that_WPS is_BEZ notable_JJ in_IN all_ABN these_DTS discussions_NNS is_BEZ the
_AT lack_NN of_IN ideological_JJ ardor_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ another_DT kind_NN
of_IN ardor_NN ,_, a_AT quiet_JJ ,_, sure_JJ devotion_NN to_IN the_AT fundament
al_JJ decencies_NNS of_IN human_JJ life_NN ,_, but_CC no_AT angry_JJ utopian_JJ
contentions_NNS ._. Actually_RB ,_, you_PPSS could_MD wish_VB for_IN some_DTI pa
ssion_NN ,_, now_RB and_CC then_RB ,_, but_CC when_WRB you_PPSS look_VB around_I
N the_AT world_NN and_CC see_VB the_AT little_JJ volcanos_NNS of_IN current_JJ h
istory_NN which_WDT partisan_JJ social_JJ passions_NNS have_HV wrought_VBN ,_, y
ou_PPSS are_BER glad_JJ that_CS in_IN these_DTS pamphlets_NNS there_EX is_BEZ at
_IN least_AP some_DTI civilized_VBN calm_NN ._. You_PPSS could_MD also_RB say_VB
that_CS in_IN these_DTS pamphlets_NNS is_BEZ a_AT relieving_VBG quality_NN of_I
N maturity_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ essential_JJ pleasantness_NN in_IN reading_VBG
the_AT writing_NN of_IN men_NNS who_WPS are_BER not_* angry_JJ ,_, who_WPS can_
MD contend_VB without_IN quarreling_VBG ._. This_DT is_BEZ the_AT good_JJ kind_N
N of_IN sophistication_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN all_ABN our_PP$ problems_NNS and_CC
crises_NNS this_DT kind_NN of_IN sophistication_NN has_HVZ flowered_VBN in_IN t
he_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL during_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ._. A_AT charact
eristic_JJ expression_NN of_IN such_JJ concern_NN and_CC inquiry_NN is_BEZ found
_VBN in_IN Joseph_NP P._NP Lyford's_NP$ Introduction_NN-TL To_IN-TL The_AT-TL Ag
reeable_JJ-TL Autocracies_NNS-TL ,_, a_AT recent_JJ paperback_NN study_NN of_IN
the_AT institutions_NNS of_IN modern_JJ democratic_JJ society_NN ._. Mr._NP Lyfo
rd_NP gives_VBZ voice_NN to_IN a_AT temper_NN that_WPS represents_VBZ ,_, we_PPS
S think_VB ,_, an_AT achieved_VBN plateau_NN of_IN reflective_JJ thinking_NN ._.
After_IN casting_VBG about_RB for_IN a_AT way_NN of_IN describing_VBG this_DT s
pirit_NN ,_, we_PPSS decided_VBD that_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE better_JJR to_TO
use_VB Mr._NP Lyford's_NP$ introduction_NN as_CS an_AT illustration_NN ._. He_PP
S begins_VBZ :_: ``_`` At_IN one_CD time_NN it_PPS seemed_VBD as_CS if_CS the_AT
Soviet_NP-TL Union_NN-TL had_HVD done_VBN us_PPO a_AT favor_NN by_IN providing_
VBG a_AT striking_JJ example_NN of_IN how_WRB not_* to_TO behave_VB towards_IN o
ther_AP peoples_NNS and_CC other_AP nations_NNS ._. As_CS things_NNS turned_VBD
out_RP ,_, however_RB ,_, we_PPSS have_HV not_* profited_VBN greatly_RB from_IN
the_AT lesson_NN :_: instead_RB of_IN persistently_RB following_VBG a_AT nationa
l_JJ program_NN of_IN our_PP$ own_JJ we_PPSS have_HV often_RB been_BEN satisfied
_VBN to_TO be_BE against_IN whatever_WDT Soviet_NP-TL policy_NN seemed_VBD to_TO
be_BE at_IN the_AT moment_NN ._. Such_JJ activity_NN may_MD or_CC may_MD not_*
have_HV irritated_VBN the_AT Kremlin_NP ,_, but_CC it_PPS has_HVZ frequently_RB
condemned_VBN America_NP to_IN an_AT unnatural_JJ defensiveness_NN that_WPS has_
HVZ undermined_VBN our_PP$ effort_NN to_TO give_VB leadership_NN to_IN the_AT fr
ee_JJ world_NN ._. The_AT defensiveness_NN has_HVZ been_BEN exaggerated_VBN by_I
N another_DT bad_JJ habit_NN ,_, our_PP$ tendency_NN to_TO rate_VB the_AT ``_``
goodness_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` badness_NN ''_'' of_IN other_AP nations_NNS by_IN
the_AT extent_NN to_IN which_WDT they_PPSS applaud_VB the_AT slogans_NNS we_PPSS
circulate_VB about_IN ourselves_PPLS ._. Since_CS the_AT slogans_NNS have_HV li
ttle_AP application_NN to_IN reality_NN and_CC are_BER sanctimonious_JJ to_TO bo
ot_VB ,_, the_AT applause_NN is_BEZ faint_JJ even_RB in_IN areas_NNS of_IN the_A
T world_NN where_WRB we_PPSS should_MD expect_VB to_TO find_VB the_AT greatest_J
JT affection_NN for_IN free_JJ government_NN ._. Shocked_VBN at_IN the_AT respon
se_NN to_IN our_PP$ proclamations_NNS ,_, we_PPSS grow_VB more_QL defensive_JJ ,
_, and_CC worse_JJR ,_, we_PPSS lose_VB our_PP$ sense_NN of_IN humor_NN and_CC p
roportion_NN ._. Mr._NP Nehru_NP is_BEZ subjected_VBN to_IN stern_JJ lectures_NN
S on_IN neutralism_NN by_IN our_PP$ Department_NN-TL of_IN-TL State_NN-TL ,_, an
d_CC an_AT American_JJ-TL President_NN-TL observes_VBZ sourly_RB that_CS Sweden_
NP would_MD be_BE a_AT little_QL less_QL neurotic_JJ if_CS it_PPS were_BED a_AT
little_QL more_QL capitalistic_JJ ''_'' ._. One_CD thing_NN you_PPSS can_MD say_
VB about_IN Mr._NP Lyford_NP is_BEZ that_CS he_PPS does_DOZ not_* suffer_VB from
_IN any_DTI insecurity_NN as_CS an_AT American_NP ._. Those_DTS who_WPS are_BER
insecure_JJ fear_VB to_TO be_BE candid_JJ in_IN self-examination_NN ._. Only_RB
the_AT strong_JJ look_NN squarely_RB at_IN weakness_NN ._. The_AT maturity_NN in
_IN this_DT point_NN of_IN view_NN lies_VBZ in_IN its_PP$ recognition_NN that_CS
no_AT basic_JJ problem_NN is_BEZ ever_RB solved_VBN without_IN being_BEG clearl
y_RB understood_VBN ._. Mr._NP Lyford_NP continues_VBZ :_: ``_`` Even_RB if_CS t
he_AT self_NN portrait_NN we_PPSS distribute_VB for_IN popular_JJ consumption_NN
were_BED accurate_JJ it_PPS would_MD be_BE dangerous_JJ to_TO present_VB it_PPO
as_CS a_AT picture_NN of_IN the_AT ideal_JJ society_NN ._. We_PPSS would_MD be_
BE ignoring_VBG the_AT special_JJ circumstances_NNS of_IN other_AP countries_NNS
._. The_AT picture_NN is_BEZ the_AT more_QL treacherous_JJ when_WRB it_PPS misr
epresents_VBZ the_AT facts_NNS of_IN American_JJ life_NN ._. The_AT discrepancy_
NN between_IN what_WDT we_PPSS commonly_RB profess_VB and_CC what_WDT we_PPSS pr
actice_VB or_CC tolerate_VB is_BEZ great_JJ ,_, and_CC it_PPS does_DOZ not_* esc
ape_VB the_AT notice_NN of_IN others_NNS ._. If_CS our_PP$ sincerity_NN is_BEZ g
ranted_VBN ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_BEZ granted_VBN ,_, the_AT discrepancy_NN can_MD
only_RB be_BE explained_VBN by_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS we_PPSS have_HV come_V
BN to_TO believe_VB hearsay_NN and_CC legend_NN about_IN ourselves_PPLS in_IN pr
eference_NN to_IN an_AT understanding_NN gained_VBN by_IN earnest_JJ self-examin
ation_NN ._. What_WDT is_BEZ more_AP ,_, the_AT legends_NNS have_HV become_VBN s
o_QL sacrosanct_JJ that_CS the_AT very_AP habit_NN of_IN self-examination_NN or_
CC self-criticism_NN smells_VBZ of_IN low_JJ treason_NN ,_, and_CC men_NNS who_W
PS practice_VB it_PPO are_BER defeatists_NNS and_CC unpatriotic_JJ scoundrels_NN
S ._. Although_CS we_PPSS continue_VB to_TO pay_VB our_PP$ conversational_JJ dev
otions_NNS to_TO ``_`` free_VB private_JJ enterprise_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` individu
al_JJ initiative_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_`` the_AT democratic_JJ way_NN ''_'' ,_, ``_``
government_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS ''_'' ,_, ``_`` competition_NN of_IN the_A
T marketplace_NN ''_'' ,_, etc._RB ,_, we_PPSS live_VB rather_QL comfortably_RB
in_IN a_AT society_NN in_IN which_WDT economic_JJ competition_NN is_BEZ diminish
ing_VBG in_IN large_JJ areas_NNS ,_, bureaucracy_NN is_BEZ corroding_VBG represe
ntative_JJ government_NN ,_, technology_NN is_BEZ weakening_VBG the_AT citizen's
_NN$ confidence_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ power_NN to_TO make_VB decisions_NNS ,_,
and_CC the_AT threat_NN of_IN war_NN is_BEZ driving_VBG him_PPO economically_RB
and_CC physically_RB into_IN the_AT ground_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT interesting_JJ t
hing_NN about_IN Mr._NP Lyford's_NP$ approach_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT approach_NN o
f_IN the_AT contributors_NNS to_IN The_AT-TL Agreeable_JJ-TL Autocracies_NNS-TL
(_( Oceana_NP-TL Publications_NNS-TL ,_, 1961_CD )_) to_IN the_AT situation_NN o
f_IN American_JJ civilization_NN ,_, is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ concerned_VBN
with_IN comprehending_VBG the_AT psychological_JJ relationships_NNS which_WDT ar
e_BER having_HVG a_AT decisive_JJ effect_NN on_IN American_JJ life_NN ._. In_IN
an_AT ideological_JJ argument_NN ,_, the_AT participants_NNS tend_VB to_TO thump
_VB the_AT table_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER determined_VBN to_TO prove_VB somethin
g_PN ._. The_AT new_JJ spirit_NN ,_, so_QL well_RB illustrated_VBN by_IN Mr._NP
Lyford's_NP$ work_NN ,_, is_BEZ wholly_QL free_JJ of_IN this_DT anxiety_NN ._. T
he_AT problem_NN is_BEZ rather_RB to_TO find_VB out_RP what_WDT is_BEZ actually_
RB happening_VBG ,_, and_CC this_DT is_BEZ especially_QL difficult_JJ for_IN the
_AT reason_NN that_CS ``_`` we_PPSS are_BER busily_RB being_BEG defended_VBN fro
m_IN a_AT knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT present_NN ,_, sometimes_RB by_IN the_AT ver
y_AP agencies_NNS --_-- our_PP$ educational_JJ system_NN ,_, our_PP$ mass_NN med
ia_NNS ,_, our_PP$ statesmen_NNS --_-- on_IN which_WDT we_PPSS have_HV had_HVN t
o_TO rely_VB most_QL heavily_RB for_IN understanding_VBG of_IN ourselves_PPLS ''
_'' ._. The_AT Introduction_NN-TL continues_VBZ :_: ``_`` We_PPSS experience_VB
a_AT vague_JJ uneasiness_NN about_IN events_NNS ,_, a_AT suspicion_NN that_CS ou
r_PP$ political_JJ and_CC economic_JJ institutions_NNS ,_, like_CS the_AT genie_
NN in_IN the_AT bottle_NN ,_, have_HV escaped_VBN confinement_NN and_CC that_CS
we_PPSS have_HV lost_VBN the_AT power_NN to_TO recall_VB them_PPO ._. We_PPSS fe
el_VB uncomfortable_JJ at_IN being_BEG bossed_VBN by_IN a_AT corporation_NN or_C
C a_AT union_NN or_CC a_AT television_NN set_NN ,_, but_CC until_CS we_PPSS have
_HV some_DTI knowledge_NN about_IN these_DTS phenomena_NNS and_CC what_WDT they_
PPSS are_BER doing_VBG to_IN us_PPO ,_, we_PPSS can_MD hardly_RB learn_VB to_TO
control_VB them_PPO ._. It_PPS does_DOZ not_* appear_VB that_CS we_PPSS will_MD
be_BE delivered_VBN from_IN our_PP$ situation_NN by_IN articles_NNS on_IN The_AT
-TL National_JJ-TL Purpose_NN-TL ._. The_AT-TL Agreeable_JJ-TL Autocracies_NNS-T
L is_BEZ an_AT attempt_NN to_TO explore_VB some_DTI of_IN the_AT institutions_NN
S which_WDT both_ABX reflect_VB and_CC determine_VB the_AT character_NN of_IN th
e_AT free_JJ society_NN today_NR ._. The_AT men_NNS who_WPS speculate_VB on_IN t
hese_DTS institutions_NNS have_HV ,_, for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN ,_, come_VBN
to_IN at_IN least_AP one_CD common_JJ conclusion_NN :_: that_CS many_AP of_IN t
he_AT great_JJ enterprises_NNS and_CC associations_NNS around_IN which_WDT our_P
P$ democracy_NN is_BEZ formed_VBN are_BER in_IN themselves_PPLS autocratic_JJ in
_IN nature_NN ,_, and_CC possessed_VBN of_IN power_NN which_WDT can_MD be_BE use
d_VBN to_TO frustrate_VB the_AT citizen_NN who_WPS is_BEZ trying_VBG to_TO asser
t_VB his_PP$ individuality_NN in_IN the_AT modern_JJ world_NN ''_'' ._. These_DT
S institutions_NNS which_WDT Mr._NP Lyford_NP names_VBZ ``_`` agreeable_JJ autoc
racies_NNS ''_'' --_-- where_WRB did_DOD they_PPSS come_VB from_IN ?_. ?_. Of_IN
one_CD thing_NN we_PPSS can_MD be_BE sure_JJ :_: they_PPSS were_BED not_* sketc
hed_VBN out_RP by_IN the_AT revolutionary_JJ theorists_NNS of_IN the_AT eighteen
th_OD century_NN who_WPS formulated_VBD the_AT political_JJ principles_NNS and_C
C originally_RB shaped_VBN the_AT political_JJ institutions_NNS of_IN what_WDT w
e_PPSS term_VB the_AT ``_`` free_JJ society_NN ''_'' ._. No_AT doubt_NN there_EX
are_BER historians_NNS who_WPS can_MD explain_VB to_IN a_AT great_JJ extent_NN
what_WDT happened_VBD to_IN the_AT plans_NNS and_CC projects_NNS of_IN the_AT ei
ghteenth_OD century_NN ._. Going_VBG back_RB over_IN this_DT ground_NN and_CC an
alyzing_VBG the_AT composition_NN of_IN forces_NNS which_WDT have_HV created_VBN
the_AT present_JJ scene_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT tasks_NNS undertaken_VBN
by_IN the_AT Center_NN-TL for_IN-TL the_AT-TL Study_NN-TL of_IN-TL Democratic_JJ
-TL Institutions_NNS-TL ,_, in_IN Santa_NP Barbara_NP ._. But_CC however_WRB we_
PPSS come_VB ,_, finally_RB ,_, to_TO explain_VB and_CC account_VB for_IN the_AT
present_NN ,_, the_AT truth_NN we_PPSS are_BER trying_VBG to_TO expose_VB ,_, r
ight_QL now_RB ,_, is_BEZ that_CS the_AT makers_NNS of_IN constitutions_NNS and_
CC the_AT designers_NNS of_IN institutions_NNS find_VB it_PPO difficult_JJ if_CS
not_* impossible_JJ to_TO anticipate_VB the_AT behavior_NN of_IN the_AT host_NN
of_IN all_ABN their_PP$ enterprises_NNS ._. The_AT host_NN is_BEZ the_AT flowin
g_VBG life_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ race_NN ._. This_DT life_NN has_HVZ its_PP$
own_JJ currents_NNS and_CC rhythms_NNS ,_, its_PP$ own_JJ multiple_JJ cycles_NNS
and_CC adaptations_NNS ._. On_IN occasion_NN it_PPS produces_VBZ extraordinary_
JJ novelties_NNS ._. Should_MD Rousseau_NP have_HV been_BEN able_JJ to_TO leave_
VB room_NN in_IN his_PP$ social_JJ theory_NN for_IN the_AT advent_NN of_IN telev
ision_NN ,_, atomic_JJ energy_NN ,_, and_CC IBM_NN machines_NNS ?_. ?_. How_WRB
would_MD Thomas_NP Jefferson_NP feel_VB after_CS reading_VBG Factories_NNS-TL In
_IN-TL The_AT-TL Field_NN-TL ?_. ?_. They_PPSS tell_VB us_PPO ,_, sir_NN ,_, tha
t_CS we_PPSS are_BER free_JJ ,_, because_CS we_PPSS have_HV in_IN one_CD hand_NN
a_AT ballot_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT other_AP a_AT stock_NN certificate_NN ._
. With_IN these_DTS we_PPSS shape_VB our_PP$ destiny_NN and_CC own_VB private_JJ
property_NN ,_, and_CC that_DT ,_, sir_NN ,_, makes_VBZ ours_PP$$ the_AT best_J
JT of_IN all_ABN possible_JJ societies_NNS ._. The_AT reality_NN of_IN the_AT si
tuation_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, is_BEZ described_VBN by_IN Mr._NP Lyford_NP :_: ``
_`` Many_AP of_IN us_PPO may_MD even_RB be_BE secretly_RB relieved_VBN at_IN hav
ing_HVG a_AT plausible_JJ excuse_NN to_TO delegate_VB ancient_JJ civic_JJ respon
sibilities_NNS to_IN a_AT new_JJ bureaucracy_NN of_IN experts_NNS ._. Thus_RB th
e_AT member_NN of_IN an_AT industrial_JJ union_NN comes_VBZ to_TO regard_VB his_
PP$ officers_NNS as_CS business_NN agents_NNS who_WPS may_MD proceed_VB without_
IN interference_NN or_CC recall_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT stockholder_NN delivers_VBZ hi
s_PP$ proxy_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT citizen_NN narrows_VBZ his_PP$ political_JJ
participation_NN to_IN the_AT mere_JJ act_NN of_IN voting_VBG --_-- if_CS he_PP
S votes_VBZ at_IN all_ABN ''_'' ._. Copernicus_NP did_DOD not_* question_VB it_P
PO ,_, Ptolemy_NP could_MD not_* ._. Given_VBN the_AT conceptual_JJ context_NN w
ithin_IN which_WDT ancient_JJ thought_NN thrived_VBD ,_, how_WRB could_MD anyone
_PN have_HV questioned_VBN this_DT principle_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT reasons_NNS for_I
N this_DT are_BER partly_QL observational_JJ ,_, partly_QL philosophical_JJ ,_,
and_CC reinforced_VBN by_IN other_AP aesthetic_JJ and_CC cultural_JJ factors_NNS
._. First_OD ,_, the_AT observational_JJ reasons_NNS ._. The_AT obvious_JJ natu
ral_JJ fact_NN to_IN ancient_JJ thinkers_NNS was_BEDZ the_AT diurnal_JJ rotation
_NN of_IN the_AT heavens_NNS ._. Not_* only_RB did_DOD constellations_NNS like_C
S Draco_NP ,_, Cepheus_NP ,_, and_CC Cassiopeia_NP spin_VB circles_NNS around_IN
the_AT pole_NN ,_, but_CC stars_NNS which_WDT were_BED not_* circumpolar_JJ ros
e_VBD and_CC set_VBD at_IN the_AT same_AP place_NN on_IN the_AT horizon_NN each_
DT night_NN ._. Nor_CC did_DOD a_AT constellation's_NN$ stars_NNS vary_VB in_IN
brightness_NN during_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN their_PP$ nocturnal_JJ flights_NN
S ._. The_AT conclusion_NN --_-- the_AT distances_NNS of_IN the_AT constellation
s_NNS did_DOD not_* vary_VB and_CC their_PP$ paths_NNS were_BED circular_JJ ._.
Moreover_RB ,_, the_AT sun's_NN$ path_NN over_IN earth_NN described_VBD a_AT seg
ment_NN of_IN a_AT great_JJ circle_NN ;_. ;_. this_DT was_BEDZ clear_JJ from_IN
the_AT contour_NN of_IN the_AT shadow_NN traced_VBN by_IN a_AT gnomon_NN before_
IN and_CC after_IN noon_NN ._. As_QL early_RB as_CS the_AT 6th_OD century_NN B.C
._NP the_AT earth_NN was_BEDZ seen_VBN to_TO be_BE spherical_JJ ._. Ships_NNS di
sappear_VB hull-first_RB over_IN the_AT horizon_NN ;_. ;_. approaching_VBG shore
_NN their_PP$ masts_NNS appeared_VBD first_RB ._. Earth_NN ,_, being_BEG at_IN t
he_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, would_MD have_HV the_AT same_AP sha
pe_NN as_CS the_AT latter_AP ;_. ;_. so_RB ,_, e.g._RB did_DOD Aristotle_NP argu
e_VB ,_, although_CS this_DT may_MD not_* be_BE an_AT observational_JJ reason_NN
in_IN favor_NN of_IN circularity_NN ._. The_AT discoid_JJ shapes_NNS of_IN sun_
NN and_CC moon_NN were_BED also_RB felt_VBN to_TO indicate_VB the_AT shape_NN of
_IN celestial_JJ things_NNS ._. In_IN light_NN of_IN all_ABN this_DT ,_, one_CD
would_MD require_VB special_JJ reasons_NNS for_IN saying_VBG that_CS the_AT path
s_NNS of_IN the_AT heavenly_JJ bodies_NNS were_BED other_AP than_CS circular_JJ
._. Why_WRB ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, should_MD the_AT ancients_NNS have_HV supp
osed_VBN the_AT diurnal_JJ rotation_NN of_IN the_AT heavens_NNS to_TO be_BE elli
ptical_JJ ?_. ?_. Or_CC oviform_JJ ?_. ?_. Or_CC angular_JJ ?_. ?_. There_EX wer
e_BED no_AT reasons_NNS for_IN such_JJ suppositions_NNS then_RB ._. This_DT ,_,
conjoined_VBN with_IN the_AT considerations_NNS above_RB ,_, made_VBD the_AT cir
cular_JJ motions_NNS of_IN heavenly_JJ bodies_NNS appear_VB an_AT almost_QL dire
ctly_RB observed_VBN fact_NN ._. Additional_JJ philosophical_JJ considerations_N
NS ,_, advanced_VBN notably_RB by_IN Aristotle_NP ,_, supported_VBD further_RBR
the_AT circularity_NN principle_NN ._. By_IN distinguishing_VBG superlunary_JJ (
_( celestial_JJ )_) and_CC sublunary_JJ (_( terrestrial_JJ )_) existence_NN ,_,
and_CC reinforcing_VBG this_DT with_IN the_AT four-element_JJ physics_NN of_IN E
mpedocles_NP ,_, Aristotle_NP came_VBD to_TO speak_VB of_IN the_AT stars_NNS as_
CS perfect_JJ bodies_NNS ,_, which_WDT moved_VBD in_IN only_RB a_AT perfect_JJ w
ay_NN ,_, viz._RB in_IN a_AT perfect_JJ circle_NN ._. Now_RB what_WDT is_BEZ per
fect_JJ motion_NN ?_. ?_. It_PPS must_MD ,_, apparently_RB ,_, be_BE motion_NN w
ithout_IN termini_NNS ._. Because_CS motion_NN which_WDT begins_VBZ and_CC ends_
VBZ at_IN discrete_JJ places_NNS would_MD (_( e.g._RB for_IN Aristotle_NP )_) be
_BE incomplete_JJ ._. Circular_JJ motion_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, since_CS it_PPS i
s_BEZ eternal_JJ and_CC perfectly_QL continuous_JJ ,_, lacks_VBZ termini_NNS ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ never_RB motion_NN towards_IN something_PN ._. Only_RB imcomplete
_JJ ,_, imperfect_JJ things_NNS move_VB towards_IN what_WDT they_PPSS lack_VB ._
. Perfect_JJ ,_, complete_JJ entities_NNS ,_, if_CS they_PPSS move_VB at_IN all_
ABN ,_, do_DO not_* move_VB towards_IN what_WDT they_PPSS lack_VB ._. They_PPSS
move_VB only_RB in_IN accordance_NN with_IN what_WDT is_BEZ in_IN their_PP$ natu
res_NNS ._. Thus_RB ,_, circular_JJ motion_NN is_BEZ itself_PPL one_CD of_IN the
_AT essential_JJ characteristics_NNS of_IN completely_QL perfect_JJ celestial_JJ
existence_NN ._. To_TO return_VB now_RB to_IN the_AT four-element_JJ physics_NN
,_, a_AT mixture_NN of_IN muddy_JJ ,_, frothy_JJ water_NN will_MD ,_, when_WRB
standing_VBG in_IN a_AT jar_NN ,_, separate_VB out_RP with_IN earth_NN at_IN the
_AT bottom_NN ,_, water_NN on_IN top_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT air_NN on_IN top_NN of
_IN that_DT ._. A_AT candle_NN alight_JJ in_IN the_AT air_NN directs_VBZ its_PP$
flame_NN and_CC smoke_VB upwards_RB ._. This_DT gives_VBZ a_AT clue_NN to_IN th
e_AT cosmical_JJ order_NN of_IN elements_NNS ._. Thus_RB earth_NN has_HVZ fallen
_VBN to_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT universe_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ covered_V
BN (_( partly_RB )_) with_IN water_NN ,_, air_NN is_BEZ atop_RB of_IN that_DT ._
. Pure_JJ fire_NN (_( the_AT stars_NNS )_) is_BEZ in_IN the_AT heavens_NNS ._. W
hen_WRB combined_VBN with_IN the_AT metaphysical_JJ notion_NN that_QL pure_JJ fo
rms_NNS of_IN this_DT universe_NN are_BER best_QL appreciated_VBN when_WRB least
_QL embodied_VBN in_IN a_AT material_JJ substratum_NN ,_, it_PPS becomes_VBZ cle
ar_JJ that_CS while_CS earth_NN will_MD be_BE dross_NN on_IN a_AT scale_NN of_IN
material-formal_JJ ratios_NNS ,_, celestial_JJ bodies_NNS will_MD be_BE of_IN a
_AT subtle_JJ ,_, quickened_VBN ,_, ethereal_JJ existence_NN ,_, in_IN whose_WP$
embodiment_NN pure_JJ form_NN will_MD be_BE the_AT dominant_JJ component_NN and
_CC matter_NN will_MD be_BE absent_JJ or_CC remain_VB subsidiary_JJ ._. The_AT s
tars_NNS constitute_VB an_AT order_NN of_IN existence_NN different_JJ from_IN wh
at_WDT we_PPSS encounter_VB on_IN earth_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ clear_JJ when_WRB
one_PN distinguishes_VBZ the_AT types_NNS of_IN motion_NN appropriate_JJ to_IN b
oth_ABX regions_NNS ._. A_AT projectile_NN shot_VBN up_RP from_IN earth_NN retur
ns_VBZ rectlinearly_RB to_IN its_PP$ '_' natural_JJ '_' place_NN of_IN rest_NN .
_. But_CC the_AT natural_JJ condition_NN for_IN the_AT heavenly_JJ bodies_NNS is
_BEZ neither_CC rest_NN ,_, nor_CC rectilinear_JJ motion_NN ._. Being_BEG less_Q
L encumbered_VBN by_IN material_NN embodiments_NNS they_PPSS partake_VB more_RBR
of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ divine_JJ ._. Their_PP$ motion_NN will_MD be_BE eternal_J
J and_CC perfect_JJ ._. Let_VB us_PPO re-examine_VB the_AT publicized_VBN contra
sts_NNS between_IN Ptolemaic_JJ and_CC Copernican_JJ astronomy_NN ._. Bluntly_RB
,_, there_EX never_RB was_BEDZ a_AT Ptolemaic_JJ system_NN of_IN astronomy_NN .
_. Copernicus'_NP$ achievement_NN was_BEDZ to_TO have_HV invented_VBN systematic
_JJ astronomy_NN ._. The_AT-TL Almagest_NP-TL and_CC The_AT-TL Hypotheses_NNS-TL
outline_VB Ptolemy's_NP$ conception_NN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ task_NN as_CS the_A
T provision_NN of_IN computational_JJ tables_NNS ,_, independent_JJ calculating_
VBG devices_NNS for_IN the_AT prediction_NN of_IN future_JJ planetary_JJ perturb
ations_NNS ._. Indeed_RB ,_, in_IN the_AT Halma_NP edition_NN of_IN Theon's_NP$
presentation_NN of_IN The_AT-TL Hypotheses_NNS-TL there_EX is_BEZ a_AT chart_NN
setting_VBG out_RP (_( under_IN six_CD distinct_JJ headings_NNS )_) otherwise_RB
unrelated_JJ diagrams_NNS for_IN describing_VBG the_AT planetary_JJ motions_NNS
._. No_AT attempt_NN is_BEZ made_VBN by_IN Ptolemy_NP to_TO weld_VB into_IN a_A
T single_AP scheme_NN (_( a-la-Aristotle_RB )_) ,_, these_DTS independent_JJ pre
dicting-machines_NNS ._. They_PPSS all_ABN have_HV this_DT in_IN common_JJ :_: t
he_AT earth_NN is_BEZ situated_VBN near_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT deferen
t_NN ._. But_CC that_CS one_PN should_MD superimpose_VB all_ABN these_DTS charts
_NNS ,_, run_VB a_AT pin_NN through_IN the_AT common_JJ point_NN ,_, and_CC then
_RB scale_VB each_DT planetary_JJ deferent_NN larger_JJR and_CC smaller_JJR (_(
to_TO keep_VB the_AT epicycles_NNS from_IN '_' bumping_VBG '_' )_) ,_, this_DT i
s_BEZ contrary_JJ to_IN any_DTI intention_NN Ptolemy_NP ever_RB expresses_VBZ ._
. He_PPS might_MD even_RB suppose_VB the_AT planets_NNS to_TO move_VB at_IN infi
nity_NN ._. Ptolemy's_NP$ problem_NN is_BEZ to_TO forecast_VB where_WRB ,_, agai
nst_IN the_AT inverted_VBN bowl_NN of_IN night_NN ,_, some_DTI particular_JJ lig
ht_NN will_MD be_BE found_VBN at_IN future_JJ times_NNS ._. His_PP$ problem_NN c
oncerns_VBZ longitudes_NNS ,_, latitudes_NNS ,_, and_CC angular_JJ velocities_NN
S ._. The_AT distances_NNS of_IN these_DTS points_NNS of_IN light_NN is_BEZ a_AT
problem_NN he_PPS cannot_MD* master_VB ,_, beyond_IN crude_JJ conjectures_NNS a
s_IN to_IN the_AT orderings_NNS of_IN the_AT planetary_JJ orbits_NNS viewed_VBN
outward_RB from_IN earth_NN ._. But_CC none_PN of_IN this_DT has_HVZ prevented_V
BN scientists_NNS ,_, philosophers_NNS ,_, and_CC even_RB historians_NNS of_IN s
cience_NN ,_, from_IN speaking_VBG of_IN the_AT Ptolemaic_JJ system_NN ,_, in_IN
contrast_NN to_IN the_AT Copernican_JJ ._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT mistake_NN ._. I
t_PPS is_BEZ engendered_VBN by_IN confounding_VBG the_AT Aristotelian_JJ cosmolo
gy_NN in_IN The_AT-TL Almagest_NP-TL with_IN the_AT geocentric_JJ astronomy_NN .
_. Ptolemy_NP recurrently_RB denies_VBZ that_CS he_PPS could_MD ever_RB explain_
VB planetary_JJ motion_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ what_WDT necessitates_VBZ the_AT no
nsystematic_JJ character_NN of_IN his_PP$ astronomy_NN ._. So_RB when_WRB textbo
oks_NNS ,_, like_CS that_DT of_IN Baker_NP set_VB out_RP drawings_NNS of_IN the_
AT '_' Ptolemaic_JJ System_NN-TL '_' ,_, complete_JJ with_IN earth_NN in_IN-TL t
he_AT center_NN and_CC the_AT-TL seven_CD heavenly_JJ bodies_NNS epicyclically_R
B arranged_VBN on_IN their_PP$ several_AP deferents_NNS ,_, we_PPSS have_HV noth
ing_PN but_IN a_AT misleading_VBG 20th-century_NN idea_NN of_IN what_WDT never_R
B existed_VBD historically_RB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ the_AT chief_JJS merit_NN in_IN
Copernicus'_NP$ work_NN that_CS all_ABN his_PP$ planetary_JJ calculations_NNS ar
e_BER interdependent_JJ ._. He_PPS cannot_MD* ,_, e.g._RB compute_VB the_AT retr
ograde_JJ arc_NN traveled_VBN by_IN Mars_NP ,_, without_IN also_RB making_VBG su
ppositions_NNS about_IN the_AT earth's_NN$ own_JJ motion_NN ._. He_PPS cannot_MD
* describe_VB eclipses_NNS without_IN entertaining_VBG some_DTI form_NN of_IN a_
AT three-body_JJ problem_NN ._. In_IN Ptolemaic_JJ terms_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_,
eclipses_NNS and_CC retrograde_JJ motion_NN were_BED phenomena_NNS simpliciter_F
W-RB ,_, to_TO be_BE explained_VBN directly_RB as_CS possible_JJ resultants_NNS
of_IN epicyclical_JJ combinations_NNS ._. In_IN a_AT systematic_JJ astronomy_NN
,_, like_CS that_DT of_IN Copernicus_NP ,_, retrogradations_NNS become_VB part_N
N of_IN the_AT conceptual_JJ structure_NN of_IN the_AT system_NN ;_. ;_. they_PP
SS are_BER no_QL longer_RBR a_AT puzzling_JJ aspect_NN of_IN intricately_QL vari
able_JJ ,_, local_JJ planetary_JJ motions_NNS ._. Another_DT contrast_NN stresse
d_VBN when_WRB discussing_VBG Ptolemaic_JJ vs._IN Copernican_JJ astronomy_NN ,_,
turns_VBZ on_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN simplicity_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ often_RB s
tated_VBN that_CS Copernican_JJ astronomy_NN is_BEZ '_' simpler_JJR '_' than_CS
Ptolemaic_JJ ._. Some_DTI even_RB say_VB that_CS this_DT is_BEZ the_AT reason_NN
for_IN the_AT ultimate_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN the_AT former_AP ._. Thus_RB ,_,
Margenau_NP remarks_VBZ :_: ``_`` A_AT large_JJ number_NN of_IN unrelated_JJ epi
cycles_NNS was_BEDZ needed_VBN to_TO explain_VB the_AT observations_NNS ,_, but_
CC otherwise_RB the_AT (_( Ptolemaic_JJ )_) system_NN served_VBD well_RB and_CC
with_IN quantitative_JJ precision_NN ._. Copernicus_NP ,_, by_IN placing_VBG the
_AT sun_NN at_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN the_AT planetary_JJ universe_NN ,_, was_
BEDZ able_JJ to_TO reduce_VB the_AT number_NN of_IN epicycles_NNS from_IN eighty
-three_CD to_IN seventeen_CD ._. Historical_JJ records_NNS indicate_VB that_CS C
opernicus_NP was_BEDZ unaware_JJ of_IN the_AT fundamental_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN h
is_PP$ so-called_JJ '_' revolution_NN '_' ,_, unaware_JJ perhaps_RB of_IN its_PP
$ historical_JJ importance_NN ,_, he_PPS rested_VBD content_JJ with_IN having_HV
G produced_VBN a_AT simpler_JJR scheme_NN for_IN prediction_NN ._. As_CS an_AT i
llustration_NN of_IN the_AT principle_NN of_IN simplicity_NN the_AT heliocentric
_JJ discovery_NN has_HVZ a_AT peculiar_JJ appeal_NN because_CS it_PPS allows_VBZ
simplicity_NN to_TO be_BE arithmetized_VBN ;_. ;_. it_PPS involves_VBZ a_AT red
uction_NN in_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN epicycles_NNS from_IN eighty-three_CD to_
IN seventeen_CD ''_'' ._. Without_IN careful_JJ qualification_NN this_DT can_MD
be_BE misleading_VBG ._. If_CS in_IN any_DTI one_CD calculation_NN Ptolemy_NP ha
d_HVD had_HVN to_TO invoke_VB 83_CD epicycles_NNS all_ABN at_IN once_RB ,_, whil
e_CS Copernicus_NP never_RB required_VBD more_AP than_IN one_CD third_OD this_DT
number_NN ,_, then_RB (_( in_IN the_AT sense_NN obvious_JJ to_IN Margenau_NP )_
) Ptolemaic_JJ astronomy_NN would_MD be_BE simpler_JJR than_CS Copernican_JJ ._.
But_CC no_AT single_AP planetary_JJ problem_NN ever_RB required_VBD of_IN Ptole
my_NP more_AP than_IN six_CD epicycles_NNS at_IN one_CD time_NN ._. This_DT ,_,
of_IN course_NN ,_, results_VBZ from_IN the_AT non-systematic_JJ ,_, '_' cellula
r_JJ '_' character_NN of_IN Ptolemaic_JJ theory_NN ._. Calculations_NNS within_I
N the_AT Copernican_JJ framework_NN always_RB raised_VBD questions_NNS about_IN
planetary_JJ configurations_NNS ._. These_DTS could_MD be_BE met_VBN only_RB by_
IN considering_IN the_AT dynamical_JJ elements_NNS of_IN several_AP planets_NNS
at_IN one_CD time_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ more_QL ambitious_JJ than_CS Ptolemy_NP
is_BEZ ever_RB required_VBN to_TO be_BE when_WRB he_PPS faces_VBZ his_PP$ isolat
ed_VBN problems_NNS ._. Thus_RB ,_, in_IN no_AT ordinary_JJ sense_NN of_IN '_' s
implicity_NN '_' is_BEZ the_AT Ptolemaic_JJ theory_NN simpler_JJR than_CS the_AT
Copernican_JJ ._. The_AT latter_AP required_VBD juggling_VBG several_AP element
s_NNS simultaneously_RB ._. This_DT was_BEDZ not_* simpler_JJR but_CC much_QL mo
re_QL difficult_JJ than_CS exercises_NNS within_IN Ptolemy's_NP$ astronomy_NN ._
. Analogously_RB ,_, anyone_PN who_WPS argues_VBZ that_CS Einstein's_NP$ theory_
NN of_IN gravitation_NN is_BEZ simpler_JJR than_CS Newton's_NP$ ,_, must_MD say_
VB rather_QL more_AP to_TO explain_VB how_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ that_CS the_AT latte
r_AP is_BEZ mastered_VBN by_IN student-physicists_NNS ,_, while_CS the_AT former
_AP can_MD be_BE managed_VBN (_( with_IN difficulty_NN )_) only_RB by_IN accompl
ished_VBN experts_NNS ._. In_IN a_AT sense_NN ,_, Einstein's_NP$ theory_NN is_BE
Z simpler_JJR than_CS Newton's_NP$ ,_, and_CC there_EX is_BEZ a_AT corresponding
_JJ sense_NN in_IN which_WDT Copernicus'_NP$ theory_NN is_BEZ simpler_JJR than_C
S Ptolemy's_NP$ ._. But_CC '_' simplicity_NN '_' here_RB refers_VBZ to_IN system
atic_JJ simplicity_NN ._. The_AT number_NN of_IN primitive_JJ ideas_NNS in_IN sy
stematically-simple_JJ theories_NNS is_BEZ reduced_VBN to_IN a_AT minimum_NN ._.
The_AT Axioms_NNS-TL required_VBN to_TO make_VB the_AT theoretical_JJ machinery
_NN operate_VB are_BER set_VBN out_RP tersely_RB and_CC powerfully_RB ,_, so_CS
that_CS all_ABN permissible_JJ operations_NNS within_IN the_AT theory_NN can_MD
be_BE traced_VBN rigorously_RB back_RB to_IN these_DTS axioms_NNS ,_, rules_NNS
,_, and_CC primitive_JJ notions_NNS ._. This_DT characterizes_VBZ Euclid's_NP$ f
ormulation_NN of_IN geometry_NN ,_, but_CC not_* Ptolemy's_NP$ astronomy_NN ._.
There_EX are_BER in_IN The_AT-TL Almagest_NP-TL no_AT rules_NNS for_IN determini
ng_VBG in_IN advance_NN whether_CS a_AT new_JJ epicycle_NN will_MD be_BE require
d_VBN for_IN dealing_VBG with_IN abberations_NNS in_IN lunar_JJ ,_, solar_JJ ,_,
or_CC planetary_JJ behavior_NN ._. The_AT strongest_JJT appeal_NN of_IN the_AT
Copernican_JJ formulation_NN consisted_VBD in_IN just_RB this_DT :_: ideally_RB
,_, the_AT justification_NN for_IN dealing_VBG with_IN special_JJ problems_NNS i
n_IN particular_JJ ways_NNS is_BEZ completely_RB set_VBN out_RP in_IN the_AT bas
ic_JJ '_' rules_NNS '_' of_IN the_AT theory_NN ._. The_AT lower-level_NN hypothe
ses_NNS are_BER never_RB '_' ad_FW-IN hoc_FW-PN '_' ,_, never_RB introduced_VBN
ex_FW-IN post_FW-IN facto_FW-NN just_RB to_TO sweep_VB up_RP within_IN the_AT th
eory_NN some_DTI recalcitrant_JJ datum_NN ._. Copernicus_NP ,_, to_IN an_AT exte
nt_NN unachieved_JJ by_IN Ptolemy_NP ,_, approximated_VBD to_IN Euclid's_NP$ vis
ion_NN ._. De_FW-IN-TL Revolutionibus_FW-NNS-TL is_BEZ not_* just_RB a_AT collec
tion_NN of_IN facts_NNS and_CC techniques_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ an_AT organized_
VBN system_NN of_IN these_DTS things_NNS ._. Solving_VBG astronomical_JJ problem
s_NNS requires_VBZ ,_, for_IN Copernicus_NP ,_, not_* a_AT random_JJ search_NN o
f_IN unrelated_JJ tables_NNS ,_, but_CC a_AT regular_JJ employment_NN of_IN the_
AT rules_NNS defining_VBG the_AT entire_JJ discipline_NN ._. Hence_RB ,_, noting
_VBG the_AT simplicity_NN achieved_VBN in_IN Copernicus'_NP$ formulation_NN does
_DOZ not_* provide_VB another_DT reason_NN for_IN the_AT acceptance_NN of_IN De_
FW-IN-TL Revolutionibus_FW-NNS-TL ,_, another_DT reason_NN beyond_IN its_PP$ sys
tematic_JJ superiority_NN ._. It_PPS provides_VBZ exactly_RB the_AT same_AP reas
on_NN ._. 1543_CD A.D._RB is_BEZ often_RB venerated_VBN as_CS the_AT birthday_NN
of_IN the_AT scientific_JJ revolution_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ really_RB the_AT fun
eral_NN day_NN of_IN scholastic_JJ science_NN ._. Granted_VBN ,_, the_AT cosmolo
gical_JJ ,_, philosophical_JJ ,_, and_CC cultural_JJ reverberations_NNS initiate
d_VBN by_IN the_AT De_FW-IN-TL Revolutionibus_FW-NNS-TL were_BED felt_VBN with_I
N increasing_VBG violence_NN during_IN the_AT 300_CD years_NNS to_TO follow_VB .
_. But_CC ,_, considered_VBN within_IN technical_JJ astronomy_NN ,_, a_AT differ
ent_JJ pattern_NN can_MD be_BE traced_VBN ._. In_IN what_WDT does_DOZ the_AT dis
satisfaction_NN of_IN Copernicus-the-astronomer_NP consist_VB ?_. ?_. What_WDT i
n_IN The_AT-TL Almagest_NP-TL draws_VBZ his_PP$ fire_NN ?_. ?_. Geocentricism_NN
per_IN se_FW-PPL ?_. ?_. No_RB ._. The_AT formal_JJ displacement_NN of_IN the_A
T geocentric_JJ principle_NN far_QL from_IN being_BEG Copernicus'_NP$ primary_JJ
concern_NN ,_, was_BEDZ introduced_VBN only_RB to_TO resolve_VB what_WDT seemed
_VBD to_IN him_PPO intolerable_JJ in_IN orthodox_JJ astronomy_NN ,_, namely_RB ,
_, the_AT '_' unphysical_JJ '_' triplication_NN of_IN centric_JJ reference-point
s_NNS :_: one_CD center_NN from_IN which_WDT the_AT planet's_NN$ distances_NNS w
ere_BED calculated_VBN ,_, another_DT around_IN which_WDT planetary_JJ velocitie
s_NNS were_BED computed_VBN ,_, and_CC still_RB a_AT third_OD center_NN (_( the_
AT earth_NN )_) from_IN which_WDT the_AT observations_NNS originated_VBD ._. Thi
s_DT arrangement_NN was_BEDZ for_IN Copernicus_NP literally_QL monstrous_JJ :_:
``_`` With_IN (_( the_AT Ptolemaists_NPS )_) it_PPS is_BEZ as_QL though_CS an_AT
artist_NN were_BED to_TO gather_VB the_AT hands_NNS ,_, feet_NNS ,_, head_NN an
d_CC other_AP members_NNS for_IN his_PP$ images_NNS from_IN divers_JJ models_NNS
,_, each_DT part_NN excellently_QL drawn_VBN ,_, but_CC not_* related_VBN to_IN
a_AT single_AP body_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC since_CS they_PPSS in_IN no_AT way_NN mat
ch_VB each_DT other_AP ,_, the_AT result_NN would_MD be_BE a_AT monster_NN rathe
r_IN than_IN a_AT man_NN ''_'' ._. Copernicus_NP required_VBD a_AT systematicall
y_QL integrated_VBN ,_, physically_QL intelligible_JJ astronomy_NN ._. His_PP$ o
bjective_NN was_BEDZ ,_, essentially_RB ,_, to_TO repair_VB those_DTS aspects_NN
S of_IN orthodox_JJ astronomy_NN responsible_JJ for_IN its_PP$ deficiencies_NNS
in_IN achieving_VBG these_DTS ends_NNS ._. That_CS such_JJ deficiencies_NNS exis
ted_VBD within_IN Ptolemy's_NP$ theory_NN was_BEDZ not_* discovered_VBN de_FW-IN
novo_FW-NN by_IN Copernicus_NP ._. The_AT critical_JJ ,_, rigorous_JJ examinati
ons_NNS of_IN Nicholas_NP-TL of_IN-TL Cusa_NP-TL and_CC Nicholas_NP-TL of_IN-TL
Oresme_NP-TL provided_VBD the_AT context_NN (_( a_AT late_JJ medieval_JJ context
_NN )_) for_IN Nicholas_NP Copernicus'_NP$ own_JJ work_NN ._. The_AT latter_AP l
ooked_VBD backward_RB upon_IN inherited_VBN deficiencies_NNS ._. Without_IN aban
doning_VBG too_QL much_AP ,_, Copernicus_NP sought_VBD to_TO make_VB orthodox_JJ
astronomy_NN systematically_RB and_CC mechanically_RB acceptable_JJ ._. He_PPS
did_DOD not_* think_VB himself_PPL to_TO be_BE firing_VBG the_AT first_OD shot_N
N of_IN an_AT intellectual_JJ revolution_NN ._. Henrietta's_NP$ feeling_NN of_IN
identity_NN with_IN Sara_NP Sullam_NP was_BEDZ crowned_VBN by_IN her_PP$ discov
ery_NN of_IN the_AT coincidence_NN that_CS Sara's_NP$ epitaph_NN in_IN the_AT Je
wish_JJ cemetery_NN in_IN Venice_NP referred_VBD to_IN her_PPO as_CS ``_`` the_A
T Sulamite_NP ''_'' ._. Into_IN the_AT texture_NN of_IN this_DT tapestry_NN of_I
N history_NN and_CC human_JJ drama_NN Henrietta_NP ,_, as_CS every_AT artist_NN
delights_VBZ to_TO do_DO ,_, wove_VBD strands_NNS of_IN her_PP$ own_JJ intuitive
_JJ insights_NNS into_IN human_JJ nature_NN and_CC --_-- especially_RB in_IN the
_AT remarkable_JJ story_NN of_IN the_AT attraction_NN and_CC conflict_NN between
_IN two_CD so_QL disparate_JJ and_CC fervent_JJ characters_NNS as_CS this_DT pai
r_NN --_-- into_IN the_AT relations_NNS of_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS :_: ``_``
In_IN their_PP$ relations_NNS ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT giver_NN and_CC he_PP
S the_AT receiver_NN ,_, nay_RB the_AT demander_NN ._. His_PP$ feeling_NN always
_RB exacted_VBD sacrifices_NNS from_IN her_PPO ._. One_CD is_BEZ so_QL accustome
d_VBN to_TO think_VB of_IN men_NNS as_CS the_AT privileged_JJ who_WPS need_VB bu
t_IN ask_VB and_CC receive_VB ,_, and_CC women_NNS as_CS submissive_JJ and_CC yi
elding_VBG ,_, that_CS our_PP$ sympathies_NNS are_BER usually_RB enlisted_VBN on
_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT man_NN whose_WP$ love_NN is_BEZ not_* returned_V
BN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS condemn_VB the_AT woman_NN as_CS a_AT coquette_NN ._. The_
AT very_AP firmness_NN of_IN her_PP$ convictions_NNS and_CC logical_JJ clearness
_NN of_IN her_PP$ arguments_NNS captivated_VBD and_CC stimulated_VBD him_PPO to_
TO make_VB greater_JJR efforts_NNS ;_. ;_. usually_RB ,_, this_DT is_BEZ most_QL
exasperating_JJ to_IN men_NNS ,_, who_WPS expect_VB every_AT woman_NN to_TO ver
ify_VB their_PP$ preconceived_VBN notions_NNS concerning_IN her_PP$ sex_NN ,_, a
nd_CC when_WRB she_PPS does_DOZ not_* ,_, immediately_RB condemn_VB her_PPO as_C
S eccentric_JJ and_CC unwomanly_JJ ._. She_PPS had_HVD the_AT opportunity_NN tha
t_CS few_AP clever_JJ women_NNS can_MD resist_VB ,_, of_IN showing_VBG her_PP$ s
uperiority_NN in_IN argument_NN over_IN a_AT man_NN ._. Women_NNS themselves_PPL
S have_HV come_VBN to_TO look_VB upon_RB matters_NNS in_IN the_AT same_AP light_
NN as_CS the_AT outside_JJ world_NN ,_, and_CC scarcely_RB find_VB any_DTI wrong
_JJ in_IN submitting_VBG to_IN the_AT importunities_NNS of_IN a_AT stronger_JJR
will_NN ,_, even_RB when_WRB their_PP$ affections_NNS are_BER withheld_VBN ._. S
he_PPS was_BEDZ exposing_VBG herself_PPL to_IN temptation_NN which_WDT it_PPS is
_BEZ best_JJT to_TO avoid_VB where_WRB it_PPS can_MD consistently_RB be_BE done_
VBN ._. One_PN who_WPS invites_VBZ such_JJ trials_NNS of_IN character_NN is_BEZ
either_CC foolhardy_JJ ,_, overconfident_JJ or_CC too_QL simple_JJ and_CC childl
ike_JJ in_IN faith_NN in_IN mankind_NN to_TO see_VB the_AT danger_NN ._. In_IN a
ny_DTI case_NN but_CC the_AT last_AP ,_, such_ABL a_AT course_NN is_BEZ sure_JJ
to_TO avenge_VB itself_PPL upon_IN the_AT individual_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT moral_JJ
powers_NNS no_QL more_RBR than_CS the_AT physical_JJ and_CC mental_JJ ,_, can_MD
bear_VB overstraining_VBG ._. And_CC ,_, in_IN the_AT last_AP case_NN ,_, a_AT
bitter_JJ disappointment_NN but_IN too_QL often_RB meets_VBZ the_AT confiding_VB
G nature_NN ._. ''_'' Henrietta_NP was_BEDZ discovering_VBG in_IN the_AT process
_NN of_IN writing_VBG ,_, as_CS the_AT born_VBN writer_NN does_DOZ ,_, not_* mer
ely_RB a_AT channel_NN for_IN the_AT discharge_NN of_IN accumulated_VBN informat
ion_NN but_CC a_AT stimulus_NN to_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN the_AT creative
_JJ powers_NNS of_IN observation_NN ,_, insight_NN and_CC intuition_NN ._. Dr._N
N-TL Isaacs_NP was_BEDZ so_QL pleased_VBN with_IN the_AT quality_NN of_IN her_PP
$ biographical_JJ study_NN of_IN Sara_NP Sullam_NP that_CS he_PPS considered_VBD
submitting_VBG it_PPO to_IN the_AT Century_NN-TL Magazine_NN-TL or_CC Harper's_
NP$-TL but_CC he_PPS decided_VBD that_CS its_PP$ Jewish_JJ subject_NN probably_R
B would_MD not_* interest_VB them_PPO and_CC published_VBD it_PPO in_IN The_AT-T
L Messenger_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` so_RB our_PP$ readers_NNS will_MD be_BE benefited_VB
N instead_RB ''_'' ._. Under_IN her_PP$ father's_NN$ influence_NN it_PPS did_DOD
not_* occur_VB to_IN Henrietta_NP that_CS she_PPS might_MD write_VB on_IN subje
cts_NNS outside_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ field_NN ,_, but_CC she_PPS did_DOD begin_VB
writing_VBG for_IN other_AP Anglo-Jewish_JJ papers_NNS and_CC thus_RB increased
_VBD her_PP$ output_NN and_CC her_PP$ audience_NN ._. And_CC she_PPS wrote_VBD t
he_AT libretto_NN for_IN an_AT oratorio_NN on_IN the_AT subject_NN of_IN Judas_N
P Maccabeus_NP performed_VBN at_IN the_AT Hanukkah_NP festival_NN which_WDT came
_VBD in_IN December_NP ._. By_IN her_PP$ eighteenth_OD birthday_NN her_PP$ bent_
NN for_IN writing_VBG was_BEDZ so_QL evident_JJ that_CS Papa_NP and_CC Mamma_NN-
TL gave_VBD her_PPO a_AT Life_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Dickens_NP-TL as_CS a_AT spur_NN to
_IN her_PP$ aspiration_NN ._. Another_DT source_NN of_IN intellectual_JJ stimulu
s_NN was_BEDZ opened_VBN to_IN her_PPO at_IN that_DT time_NN by_IN the_AT foundi
ng_NN of_IN Johns_NP-TL Hopkins_NP-TL University_NN-TL within_IN walking_VBG dis
tance_NN of_IN home_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ established_VBN in_IN a_AT couple_NN
of_IN buildings_NNS in_IN the_AT shopping_VBG district_NN ,_, with_IN only_RB a_
AT few_AP professors_NNS ,_, but_CC all_ABN eminent_JJ men_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT f
ew_AP hundred_CD eager_JJ students_NNS housed_VBN in_IN nearby_JJ dwellings_NNS
._. In_IN September_NP '76_CD Thomas_NP Huxley_NP ,_, Darwin's_NP$ famous_JJ dis
ciple_NN ,_, came_VBD from_IN England_NP to_TO speak_VB in_IN a_AT crowded_VBN a
uditorium_NN at_IN the_AT formal_JJ opening_NN of_IN the_AT University_NN-TL ;_.
;_. and_CC although_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT school_NN for_IN men_NNS only_RB ,_
, it_PPS afforded_VBD Henrietta_NP an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO attend_VB its_PP$
public_JJ lectures_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT following_VBG year_NN her_PP$ father_NN
undertook_VBD to_TO give_VB a_AT course_NN in_IN Hebrew_JJ theology_NN to_IN Joh
ns_NP-TL Hopkins_NP-TL students_NNS ,_, and_CC this_DT brought_VBD to_IN the_AT
Szold_NP house_NN a_AT group_NN of_IN bright_JJ young_JJ Jews_NPS who_WPS had_HV
D come_VBN to_IN Baltimore_NP to_TO study_VB ,_, and_CC who_WPS enjoyed_VBD bein
g_BEG fed_VBN and_CC mothered_VBN by_IN Mamma_NN-TL and_CC entertained_VBN by_IN
Henrietta_NP and_CC Rachel_NP ,_, who_WPS played_VBD and_CC sang_VBD for_IN the
m_PPO in_IN the_AT upstairs_JJ sitting_VBG room_NN on_IN Sunday_NR evenings_NNS
._. From_IN Philadelphia_NP came_VBD Cyrus_NP Adler_NP and_CC Joseph_NP Jastrow_
NP ._. Adler_NP ,_, Judge_NN-TL Sulzberger's_NP$ nephew_NN ,_, came_VBD to_TO st
udy_VB Assyriology_NP ._. A_AT smart_JJ ,_, shrewd_JJ and_CC ambitious_JJ young_
JJ man_NN ,_, well_QL connected_VBN ,_, and_CC with_IN a_AT knack_NN for_IN gett
ing_VBG in_IN the_AT good_JJ graces_NNS of_IN important_JJ people_NNS ,_, he_PPS
was_BEDZ bound_VBN to_TO go_VB far_RB ._. Joseph_NP Jastrow_NP ,_, the_AT young
er_JJR son_NN of_IN the_AT distinguished_VBN rabbi_NN ,_, Marcus_NP Jastrow_NP ,
_, was_BEDZ a_AT friendly_JJ ,_, round-faced_JJ fellow_NN with_IN a_AT little_JJ
mustache_NN ,_, whose_WP$ field_NN was_BEDZ psychology_NN ,_, and_CC who_WPS wa
s_BEDZ also_RB a_AT punster_NN and_CC a_AT jolly_JJ tease_NN ._. His_PP$ father_
NN was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ friend_NN of_IN Rabbi_NN-TL Szold_NP ,_, and_CC Joe_NP
lived_VBD with_IN the_AT Szolds_NPS for_IN a_AT while_NN ._. Both_ABX these_DTS
youths_NNS ,_, who_WPS greatly_RB admired_VBN Henrietta_NP ,_, were_BED somewhat
_QL younger_JJR than_CS she_PPS ,_, as_CS were_BED also_RB the_AT neighboring_VB
G Friedenwald_NP boys_NNS ,_, who_WPS were_BED then_RB studying_VBG medicine_NN
;_. ;_. and_CC bright_JJ though_CS they_PPSS all_ABN were_BED ,_, they_PPSS coul
d_MD not_* possibly_RB compete_VB for_IN her_PP$ interest_NN with_IN Papa_NP ,_,
whose_WP$ mind_NN --_-- although_CS he_PPS never_RB tried_VBD to_TO dazzle_VB o
r_CC patronize_VB lesser_AP lights_NNS with_IN it_PPO --_-- naturally_RB eclipse
d_VBD theirs_PP$$ and_CC made_VBD them_PPO seem_VB to_IN her_PPO even_QL younger
_JJR than_CS they_PPSS were_BED ._. Besides_RB ,_, Miss_NP Henrietta_NP --_-- as
_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ generally_RB known_VBN since_CS she_PPS had_HVD put_VBN up_
RP her_PP$ hair_NN with_IN a_AT chignon_NN in_IN the_AT back_NN --_-- had_HVD li
ttle_AP time_NN to_TO spare_VB them_PPO from_IN her_PP$ teaching_NN and_CC writi
ng_VBG ;_. ;_. so_RB Cyrus_NP Adler_NP became_VBD interested_VBN in_IN her_PP$ f
riend_NN Racie_NP Friedenwald_NP ,_, and_CC Joe_NP Jastrow_NP --_-- the_AT only_
RB young_JJ man_NN who_WPS when_WRB he_PPS wrote_VBD had_HVD the_AT temerity_NN
to_TO address_VB her_PPO as_CS Henrietta_NP ,_, and_CC signed_VBD himself_PPL Jo
e_NP --_-- fell_VBD in_IN love_NN with_IN pretty_JJ sister_NN Rachel_NP ._. Henr
ietta_NP ,_, however_RB ,_, was_BEDZ at_IN that_DT time_NN engaged_VBN in_IN a_A
T lengthy_JJ correspondence_NN with_IN Joe's_NP$ older_JJR and_CC more_QL seriou
s_JJ brother_NN ,_, Morris_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ just_QL about_RB her_PP$ own_
JJ age_NN and_CC whom_WPO she_PPS had_HVD got_VBN to_TO know_VB well_RB during_I
N trips_NNS to_IN Philadelphia_NP with_IN Papa_NP ,_, when_WRB he_PPS substitute
d_VBD for_IN Rabbi_NN-TL Jastrow_NP at_IN Rodeph_NP-TL Shalom_NP-TL Temple_NN-TL
there_RB during_IN its_PP$ Rabbi's_NN$-TL absence_NN in_IN Europe_NP ._. Young_
JJ Morris_NP ,_, who_WPS ,_, while_CS attending_VBG the_AT University_NN-TL of_I
N-TL Pennsylvania_NP-TL ,_, also_RB taught_VBD and_CC edited_VBD a_AT paper_NN ,
_, found_VBD time_NN to_TO write_VB Henrietta_NP twenty-page_JJ letters_NNS on_I
N everything_PN that_WPS engaged_VBD his_PP$ interest_NN ,_, from_IN the_AT acti
ng_NN of_IN Sarah_NP Bernhardt_NP in_IN Philadelphia_NP to_IN his_PP$ reactions_
NNS to_IN the_AT comments_NNS of_IN ``_`` Sulamith_NP ''_'' on_IN the_AT Jewish_
JJ reform_NN movement_NN being_BEG promulgated_VBN by_IN the_AT Hebrew_JJ-TL Uni
on_NN-TL College_NN-TL in_IN Cincinnati_NP ._. Unlike_IN his_PP$ younger_JJR bro
ther_NN ,_, Joe_NP ,_, he_PPS never_RB presumed_VBD to_TO address_VB her_PPO mor
e_QL familiarly_RB than_CS as_CS ``_`` My_PP$ dear_JJ friend_NN ''_'' ,_, althou
gh_CS he_PPS praised_VBD and_CC envied_VBD the_AT elegance_NN and_CC purity_NN o
f_IN her_PP$ style_NN ._. And_CC when_WRB he_PPS complained_VBD of_IN the_AT lac
k_NN of_IN time_NN for_IN all_ABN he_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO do_DO ,_, Henrietta_NP
advised_VBD him_PPO to_TO rise_VB at_IN five_CD in_IN the_AT morning_NN as_CS s
he_PPS and_CC Papa_NP did_DOD ._. One_CD thing_NN Papa_NP had_HVD not_* taught_V
BN Henrietta_NP was_BEDZ how_WRB to_TO handle_VB a_AT young_JJ man_NN as_QL high
-spirited_JJ and_CC opinionated_JJ as_CS herself_PPL ._. She_PPS could_MD not_*
resist_VB the_AT opportunity_NN ``_`` of_IN showing_VBG her_PP$ superiority_NN i
n_IN argument_NN over_IN a_AT man_NN ''_'' which_WDT she_PPS had_HVD remarked_VB
N as_CS one_CD of_IN the_AT ``_`` feminine_JJ follies_NNS ''_'' of_IN Sara_NP Su
llam_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN her_PP$ forthright_JJ way_NN ,_, Henrietta_NP ,_, w
ho_WPS in_IN her_PP$ story_NN of_IN Sara_NP had_HVD indicated_VBN her_PP$ own_JJ
unwillingness_NN ``_`` to_TO think_VB of_IN men_NNS as_CS the_AT privileged_JJ
''_'' and_CC ``_`` women_NNS as_CS submissive_JJ and_CC yielding_VBG ''_'' ,_, f
elt_VBD obliged_VBN to_TO defend_VB vigorously_RB any_DTI statement_NN of_IN her
s_PP$$ to_IN which_WDT Morris_NP Jastrow_NP took_VBD the_AT slightest_JJT except
ion_NN --_-- he_PPS objected_VBD to_IN her_PP$ stand_NN on_IN the_AT Corbin_NP a
ffair_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS on_IN the_AT radical_JJ reforms_NNS of_IN Dr._N
N-TL Wise_NP of_IN Hebrew_JJ-TL Union_NN-TL College_NN-TL --_-- until_IN once_RB
,_, in_IN sheer_JJ desperation_NN ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD that_CS he_PPS had_HVD g
iven_VBN up_RP hope_NN they_PPSS would_MD ever_RB agree_VB on_IN anything_PN ._.
But_CC that_DT did_DOD not_* prevent_VB him_PPO from_IN writing_VBG more_AP lon
g_JJ letters_NNS ,_, or_CC from_IN coming_VBG to_TO spend_VB his_PP$ Christmas_N
P vacations_NNS with_IN the_AT hospitable_JJ ,_, lively_JJ Szolds_NPS in_IN thei
r_PP$ pleasant_JJ house_NN on_IN Lombard_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ._. 1880s_NNS :_: ``
_`` little_JJ women_NNS ''_'' ``_`` we've_PPSS+HV got_VBN Father_NN-TL and_CC Mo
ther_NN-TL and_CC each_DT other_AP ''_'' said_VBD Beth_NP on_IN the_AT first_OD
page_NN of_IN Louisa_NP Alcott's_NP$ Little_JJ-TL Women_NNS-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC ,_
, ``_`` I_PPSS do_DO think_VB that_CS families_NNS are_BER the_AT most_QL beauti
ful_JJ things_NNS in_IN all_ABN the_AT world_NN ''_'' ,_, burst_VBD out_RP Jo_NP
some_DTI five_CD hundred_CD pages_NNS later_RBR in_IN that_DT popular_JJ story_
NN of_IN the_AT March_NP family_NN ,_, which_WDT had_HVD first_RB appeared_VBN w
hen_WRB Henrietta_NP was_BEDZ eight_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT Szold_NP family_NN
,_, as_CS it_PPS developed_VBD ,_, bore_VBD a_AT striking_JJ resemblance_NN to_I
N the_AT Marches_NPS ._. Mr._NP March_NP ,_, like_CS Benjamin_NP Szold_NP ,_, wa
s_BEDZ a_AT clergyman_NN ,_, although_CS of_IN an_AT indeterminate_JJ denominati
on_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC ``_`` Marmee_NP ''_'' March_NP ,_, like_CS Sophie_NP Szold_
NP ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT competent_JJ manager_NN of_IN her_PP$ brood_NN of_IN girl
s_NNS ,_, of_IN whom_WPO the_AT Marches_NPS had_HVD only_RB four_CD to_IN the_AT
Szolds'_NPS$ five_CD ._. But_CC the_AT March_NP girls_NNS had_HVD their_PP$ cou
nterparts_NNS in_IN the_AT Szold_NP girls_NNS ._. Henrietta_NP could_MD easily_R
B identify_VB herself_PPL with_IN Jo_NP March_NP ,_, although_CS Jo_NP was_BEDZ
not_* the_AT eldest_JJT sister_NN ._. Neither_CC was_BEDZ Henrietta_NP hoydenish
_JJ like_CS Jo_NP ,_, who_WPS frankly_RB wished_VBD she_PPS were_BED a_AT boy_NN
and_CC had_HVD deliberately_RB shortened_VBN her_PP$ name_NN ,_, which_WDT ,_,
like_CS Henrietta's_NP$ ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT feminine_JJ form_NN of_IN a_AT boy's
_NN$ name_NN ._. But_CC both_ABX were_BED high-spirited_JJ and_CC vivacious_JJ ,
_, both_ABX had_HVD tempers_NNS to_TO control_VB ,_, both_ABX loved_VBD language
s_NNS ,_, especially_RB English_NP and_CC German_NP ,_, both_ABX were_BED good_J
J teachers_NNS and_CC wrote_VBD for_IN publication_NN ._. Each_DT was_BEDZ her_P
P$ mother's_NN$ assistant_NN and_CC confidante_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC each_DT stood_V
BD out_RP conspicuously_RB in_IN the_AT family_NN picture_NN ._. Bertha_NP Szold
_NP was_BEDZ more_RBR like_CS Meg_NP ,_, the_AT eldest_JJT March_NP girl_NN ,_,
who_WPS ``_`` learned_VBD that_CS a_AT woman's_NN$ happiest_JJT kingdom_NN is_BE
Z home_NN ,_, her_PP$ highest_JJT honor_NN the_AT art_NN of_IN ruling_VBG it_PPO
,_, not_* as_CS a_AT queen_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT wise_JJ wife_NN and_CC mother_NN
''_'' ._. Bertha_NP ,_, blue-eyed_JJ like_CS Mamma_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ from_IN th
e_AT start_NN her_PP$ mother's_NN$ daughter_NN ,_, destined_VBN for_IN her_PP$ m
other's_NN$ role_NN in_IN life_NN ._. Sadie_NP ,_, like_CS Beth_NP March_NP ,_,
suffered_VBD ill_JJ health_NN --_-- got_VBD rheumatic_JJ fever_NN and_CC had_HVD
to_TO be_BE careful_JJ of_IN her_PP$ heart_NN --_-- but_CC that_DT never_RB dam
pened_VBD her_PP$ spirits_NNS ._. When_WRB her_PP$ right_JJ hand_NN was_BEDZ inc
apacitated_VBN by_IN the_AT rheumatism_NN ,_, Sadie_NP learned_VBD to_TO write_V
B with_IN her_PP$ left_JJ hand_NN ._. She_PPS wrote_VBD gay_JJ plays_NNS about_I
N the_AT girls_NNS for_IN family_NN entertainments_NNS ,_, like_CS ``_`` Oh_UH ,
_, What_WPS-TL Fun_NN-TL !_. !_. A_AT-TL Comedy_NN-TL In_IN-TL Three_CD-TL Acts_
NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, in_IN which_WDT ,_, under_IN ``_`` Personages_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_,
Henrietta_NP appeared_VBD as_CS ``_`` A_AT Schoolmarm_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC Ber
tha_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ only_RB a_AT trifle_NN less_QL brilliant_JJ in_IN hi
gh_JJ school_NN than_CS Henrietta_NP had_HVD been_BEN ,_, appeared_VBD as_CS ``_
`` Dummkopf_FW-NN ''_'' ._. Sadie_NP studied_VBD piano_NN ;_. ;_. played_VBD Cho
pin_NP in_IN the_AT ``_`` Soiree_FW-NN-TL Musicale_FW-JJ-TL of_IN Mr._NP Guthrie
's_NP$ Pupils_NNS-TL ''_'' ;_. ;_. and_CC she_PPS recited_VBD ``_`` Hector's_NP$
-TL Farewell_NN-TL To_IN-TL Andromache_NP-TL ''_'' most_QL movingly_RB ,_, to_IN
the_AT special_JJ delight_NN of_IN Rabbi_NN-TL Jastrow_NP at_IN his_PP$ home_NN
in_IN Germantown_NP near_IN Philadelphia_NP ,_, where_WRB the_AT Szold_NP girls
_NNS took_VBD turns_NNS visiting_VBG between_IN the_AT visits_NNS of_IN the_AT J
astrow_NP boys_NNS at_IN the_AT Szolds'_NPS$ in_IN Baltimore_NP ._. Adele_NP ,_,
like_CS Amy_NP ,_, the_AT youngest_JJT of_IN the_AT Marches_NPS ,_, was_BEDZ th
e_AT rebellious_JJ ,_, mischievous_JJ ,_, rather_QL calculating_VBG and_CC ambit
ious_JJ one_CD ._. For_IN Rachel_NP ,_, conceded_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT pretties
t_JJT of_IN the_AT Szold_NP girls_NNS --_-- and_CC she_PPS did_DOD make_VB a_AT
pretty_JJ picture_NN sitting_VBG in_IN the_AT grape-arbor_NN strumming_VBG her_P
P$ guitar_NN and_CC singing_VBG in_IN her_PP$ silvery_JJ tones_NNS --_-- there_E
X was_BEDZ no_AT particular_JJ March_NP counterpart_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC both_ABX g
roups_NNS were_BED so_QL closely_RB knit_VBN that_CS despite_IN individual_JJ di
fferences_NNS the_AT family_NN life_NN in_IN both_ABX cases_NNS was_BEDZ remarka
bly_RB similar_JJ in_IN atmosphere_NN if_CS not_* entirely_RB in_IN content_NN -
-_-- the_AT one_CD being_BEG definitely_RB Jewish_JJ and_CC the_AT other_AP vagu
ely_RB Christian_JJ ._. The_AT Szolds_NPS ,_, like_CS the_AT Marches_NPS ,_, enj
oyed_VBD and_CC loved_VBD living_VBG together_RB ,_, even_RB in_IN troubled_VBN
times_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC ,_, as_CS in_IN the_AT March_NP home_NN ,_, any_DTI you
ng_JJ man_NN who_WPS called_VBD on_IN the_AT Szolds_NPS found_VBD himself_PPL co
nfronted_VBN with_IN a_AT phalanx_NN of_IN femininity_NN which_WDT made_VBD it_P
PO rather_QL difficult_JJ to_TO direct_VB his_PP$ particular_JJ attention_NN to_
IN any_DTI one_CD of_IN them_PPO ._. This_DT included_VBD Mamma_NN-TL ,_, jolly_
JJ ,_, generous_JJ ,_, and_CC pretty_JJ ,_, with_IN whom_WPO they_PPSS all_ABN f
ell_VBD in_IN love_NN ,_, just_RB as_CS Papa_NP had_HVD first_RB fallen_VBN in_I
N love_NN with_IN her_PP$ Mamma_NN-TL before_CS he_PPS chose_VBD her_PPO ;_. ;_.
and_CC when_WRB a_AT young_JJ man_NN like_CS Morris_NP Jastrow_NP had_HVD enjoy
ed_VBN the_AT Szold_NP hospitality_NN ,_, he_PPS felt_VBD obliged_VBN to_TO send
_VB his_PP$ respects_NNS and_CC his_PP$ gifts_NNS not_* merely_RB to_IN Henriett
a_NP ,_, in_IN whom_WPO he_PPS was_BEDZ really_RB interested_VBN ,_, but_CC to_I
N all_ABN the_AT Szold_NP girls_NNS and_CC Mamma_NN-TL ._. And_CC just_RB as_CS
``_`` Laurie_NP ''_'' Lawrence_NP was_BEDZ first_RB attracted_VBN to_IN bright_J
J Jo_NP March_NP ,_, who_WPS found_VBD him_PPO immature_JJ by_IN her_PP$ high_JJ
standards_NNS ,_, and_CC then_RB had_HVD to_TO content_VB himself_PPL with_IN h
er_PP$ younger_JJR sister_NN Amy_NP ,_, so_RB Joe_NP Jastrow_NP ,_, who_WPS had_
HVD also_RB been_BEN writing_VBG Henrietta_NP before_CS he_PPS came_VBD to_IN Jo
hns_NP-TL Hopkins_NP-TL ,_, had_HVD to_TO content_VB himself_PPL with_IN her_PP$
younger_JJR sister_NN ,_, pretty_JJ Rachel_NP ._. And_CC like_CS Jo_NP March_NP
,_, who_WPS saw_VBD her_PP$ sisters_NNS Meg_NP and_CC Amy_NP involved_VBN in_IN
``_`` lovering_NN ''_'' before_IN herself_PPL ,_, Henrietta_NP saw_VBD her_PP$
sisters_NNS Rachel_NP and_CC Sadie_NP drawn_VBN outside_IN their_PP$ family_NN c
ircle_NN by_IN the_AT attraction_NN of_IN suitors_NNS ,_, Rachel_NP by_IN Joe_NP
Jastrow_NP ,_, and_CC Sadie_NP by_IN Max_NP Lobl_NP ,_, a_AT young_JJ businessm
an_NN who_WPS would_MD write_VB her_PPO romantic_JJ descriptions_NNS of_IN his_P
P$ trips_NNS by_IN steamboat_NN down_IN the_AT Mississippi_NP ._. This_DT time_N
N he_PPS was_BEDZ making_VBG no_AT mistake_NN ._. Olgivanna_NP --_-- in_IN her_P
P$ country_NN the_AT nickname_NN was_BEDZ a_AT respectful_JJ form_NN of_IN addre
ss_NN --_-- was_BEDZ not_* only_RB attractive_JJ but_CC shrewd_JJ ,_, durable_JJ
,_, sensible_JJ ,_, and_CC smart_JJ ._. No_AT wonder_NN Wright_NP was_BEDZ ench
anted_VBN --_-- no_AT two_CD better_RBR suited_VBN people_NNS ever_RB met_VBD ._
. Almost_RB from_IN that_DT day_NN ,_, until_IN his_PP$ death_NN ,_, Olgivanna_N
P was_BEDZ to_TO stay_VB at_IN his_PP$ side_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT years_NNS t
hat_WPS immediately_RB followed_VBN were_BED to_TO be_BE extraordinarily_RB tryi
ng_JJ ,_, both_ABX for_IN Wright_NP and_CC his_PP$ Montenegrin_JJ lady_NN ._. It
_PPS must_MD be_BE granted_VBN that_CS the_AT flouting_NN of_IN convention_NN ,_
, no_AT matter_NN how_WQL well_QL intentioned_JJ one_PN may_MD be_BE ,_, is_BEZ
sure_JJ to_TO lead_VB to_IN trouble_NN ,_, or_CC at_IN least_AP to_IN the_AT dis
comfort_NN that_WPS goes_VBZ with_IN social_JJ disapproval_NN ._. Even_RB so_RB
,_, many_AP of_IN the_AT things_NNS that_WPS happened_VBD to_IN Wright_NP and_CC
Olgivanna_NP seem_VB inordinately_QL severe_JJ ._. Their_PP$ afflictions_NNS ce
ntered_VBD on_IN one_CD maddening_VBG difficulty_NN :_: Miriam_NP held_VBD up_RP
the_AT divorce_NN proceedings_NNS that_WPO she_PPS herself_PPL had_HVD asked_VB
N for_IN ._. Reporters_NNS began_VBD to_TO trail_VB Miriam_NP everywhere_RB ,_,
and_CC to_TO encourage_VB her_PPO to_TO make_VB appalling_JJ statements_NNS abou
t_IN Wright_NP and_CC his_PP$ doings_NNS ._. Flocks_NNS of_IN writs_NNS ,_, atta
chments_NNS ,_, and_CC unpleasant_JJ legal_JJ papers_NNS of_IN every_AT sort_NN
began_VBD to_TO fly_VB through_IN the_AT air_NN ._. The_AT distracted_VBN Miriam
_NP would_MD agree_VB to_IN a_AT settlement_NN through_IN her_PP$ legal_JJ repre
sentative_NN ,_, then_RB change_VB her_PP$ mind_NN and_CC make_VB another_DT att
ack_NN on_IN Wright_NP as_CS a_AT person_NN ._. At_IN last_RB her_PP$ lawyer_NN
,_, Arthur_NP D._NP Cloud_NP ,_, gave_VBD up_RP the_AT case_NN because_CS she_PP
S turned_VBD down_RP three_CD successive_JJ settlements_NNS he_PPS arranged_VBD
._. Cloud_NN-TL made_VBD an_AT interesting_JJ statement_NN in_IN parting_VBG fro
m_IN his_PP$ client_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT lawyer_NN ,_
, and_CC Mrs._NP Wright_NP wanted_VBD me_PPO to_TO be_BE an_AT avenging_VBG ange
l_NN ._. So_CS I_PPSS got_VBD out_RP ._. Mrs._NP Wright_NP is_BEZ without_IN fun
ds_NNS ._. The_AT first_OD thing_NN to_TO do_DO is_BEZ get_VB her_PPO some_DTI m
oney_NN by_IN a_AT temporary_JJ but_CC definite_JJ adjustment_NN pending_IN a_AT
final_JJ disposition_NN of_IN the_AT case_NN ._. But_CC every_AT time_NN I_PPSS
suggested_VBD this_DT to_IN her_PPO ,_, Mrs._NP Wright_NP turned_VBD it_PPO dow
n_RP and_CC demanded_VBD that_CS I_PPSS go_VB out_RP and_CC punish_VB Mr._NP Wri
ght_NP ._. I_PPSS am_BEM an_AT attorney_NN ,_, not_* an_AT instrument_NN of_IN v
engeance_NN ''_'' ._. Miriam_NP Noel_NP disregarded_VBD the_AT free_JJ advice_NN
of_IN her_PP$ departing_VBG counselor_NN ,_, and_CC appointed_VBD a_AT heavy-fa
ced_JJ young_JJ man_NN named_VBN Harold_NP Jackson_NP to_TO take_VB his_PP$ plac
e_NN ._. There_EX were_BED three_CD years_NNS of_IN this_DT strange_JJ warfare_N
N ;_. ;_. and_CC during_IN the_AT unhappy_JJ time_NN ,_, Miriam_NP often_RB woul
d_MD charge_VB that_CS Wright_NP and_CC Olgivanna_NP were_BED misdemeanants_NNS
against_IN the_AT public_JJ order_NN of_IN Wisconsin_NP ._. Yet_CC somehow_RB ,_
, when_WRB officers_NNS were_BED prodded_VBN into_IN visiting_VBG Taliesin_NP to
_TO execute_VB the_AT warrants_NNS ,_, they_PPSS would_MD find_VB neither_CC Wri
ght_NP nor_CC Olgivanna_NP at_IN home_NN ._. This_DT showed_VBD that_CS common_J
J sense_NN had_HVD not_* died_VBN out_RP at_IN the_AT county_NN and_CC village_N
N level_NN --_-- though_CS why_WRB the_AT unhappy_JJ and_CC obviously_QL unbalan
ced_VBN woman_NN was_BEDZ not_* restrained_VBN remains_VBZ a_AT puzzle_NN ._. Th
e_AT misery_NN of_IN Miriam's_NP$ bitterness_NN can_MD be_BE felt_VBN today_NR b
y_IN anyone_PN who_WPS studies_VBZ the_AT case_NN --_-- it_PPS was_BEDZ hopeless
_JJ ,_, agonizing_JJ ,_, and_CC destructive_JJ ,_, with_IN Miriam_NP herself_PPL
bearing_VBG the_AT heaviest_JJT burden_NN of_IN shame_NN and_CC pain_NN ._. To_
TO get_VB an_AT idea_NN of_IN the_AT embarrassment_NN and_CC chagrin_NN that_WPS
was_BEDZ heaped_VBN upon_IN Wright_NP and_CC Olgivanna_NP ,_, we_PPSS should_MD
bear_VB in_IN mind_NN that_CS the_AT raids_NNS were_BED sometimes_RB led_VBN by
_IN Miriam_NP in_IN person_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL distressing_JJ of_
IN these_DTS scenes_NNS occurred_VBD at_IN Spring_NN-TL Green_NN-TL toward_IN th
e_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT open_JJ warfare_NN ,_, on_IN a_AT beautiful_JJ day_NN i
n_IN June_NP ._. At_IN this_DT time_NN Miriam_NP Noel_NP appeared_VBD ,_, urging
_VBG on_RP Constable_NN-TL Henry_NP Pengally_NP ,_, whose_WP$ name_NN showed_VBD
him_PPO to_TO be_BE a_AT descendant_NN of_IN the_AT Welsh_JJ settlers_NNS in_IN
the_AT neighborhood_NN ._. A_AT troop_NN of_IN reporters_NNS brought_VBD up_RP
the_AT rear_NN ._. Miriam_NP was_BEDZ stopped_VBN at_IN the_AT Taliesin_NP gate_
NN ,_, and_CC William_NP Weston_NP ,_, now_RB the_AT estate_NN foreman_NN ,_, ca
me_VBD out_RP to_IN parley_VB ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS Mr._NP Wright_NP was_B
EDZ not_* in_RP ,_, and_CC so_RB could_MD not_* be_BE arrested_VBN on_IN somethi
ng_PN called_VBN a_AT peace_NN warrant_NN that_WPO Miriam_NP was_BEDZ waving_VBG
in_IN the_AT air_NN ._. Miriam_NP now_RB ordered_VBD Pengally_NP to_TO break_VB
down_RP the_AT gate_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS said_VBD he_PPS really_RB couldn't_MD*
go_VB that_QL far_RB ._. At_IN this_DT point_NN Mrs._NP Frances_NP Cupply_NP ,_
, one_CD of_IN Wright's_NP$ handsome_JJ daughters_NNS by_IN his_PP$ first_OD wif
e_NN ,_, came_VBD from_IN the_AT house_NN and_CC tried_VBD to_TO calm_VB Miriam_
NP as_CS she_PPS tore_VBD down_RP a_AT no_AT visitors_NNS sign_VB and_CC smashed
_VBD the_AT glass_NN pane_NN on_IN another_DT sign_NN with_IN a_AT rock_NN ._. M
iriam_NP Noel_NP Wright_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Here_RB I_PPSS am_BEM at_IN my_PP$
own_JJ home_NR ,_, locked_VBN out_RP so_CS I_PPSS must_MD stand_VB in_IN the_AT
road_NN ''_'' !_. !_. Then_RB she_PPS rounded_VBD on_IN Weston_NP and_CC cried_
VBD ,_, ``_`` You_PPSS always_RB did_DOD Wright's_NP$ dirty_JJ work_NN !_. !_. W
hen_WRB I_PPSS take_VB over_RP Taliesin_NP ,_, the_AT first_OD thing_NN I'll_PPS
S+MD do_DO is_BEZ fire_VB you_PPO ''_'' ._. ``_`` Madame_NP Noel_NP ,_, I_PPSS t
hink_VB you_PPO had_HVN better_RBR go_VB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Mrs._NP Cupply_NP ._
. ``_`` And_CC I_PPSS think_VB you_PPSS had_HVD better_RBR leave_VB ''_'' ,_, re
plied_VBD Miriam_NP ._. Turning_VBG to_IN the_AT reporters_NNS ,_, she_PPS asked
_VBD ,_, ``_`` Did_DOD you_PPSS hear_VB her_PPO ?_. ?_. '_' I_PPSS think_VB you_
PPSS had_HVD better_RBR leave_VB '_' !_. !_. And_CC this_DT is_BEZ my_PP$ own_JJ
home_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT silence_NN that_WPS followed_VBD ,_, Miriam_NP w
alked_VBD close_RB to_IN Mrs._NP Cupply_NP ,_, who_WPS drew_VBD back_RB a_AT ste
p_NN on_IN her_PP$ side_NN of_IN the_AT gate_NN ._. Then_RB ,_, with_IN staring_
VBG eyes_NNS and_CC lips_NNS drawn_VBN thin_JJ ,_, Miriam_NP said_VBD to_IN the_
AT young_JJ woman_NN ,_, ``_`` You_PPSS are_BER ugly_JJ --_-- uglier_JJR than_CS
you_PPSS used_VBD to_TO be_BE ,_, and_CC you_PPSS were_BED always_RB very_QL ug
ly_JJ ._. You_PPSS are_BER even_QL uglier_JJR than_CS Mr._NP Wright_NP ''_'' ._.
The_AT animosity_NN expressed_VBN by_IN such_ABL a_AT scene_NN had_HVD the_AT p
enetrating_JJ quality_NN of_IN a_AT natural_JJ force_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC it_PPS ga
ve_VBD Miriam_NP Noel_NP a_AT fund_NN of_IN energy_NN like_CS that_DT of_IN a_AT
person_NN inspired_VBN to_TO complete_VB some_DTI great_JJ and_CC universal_JJ
work_NN of_IN art_NN ._. As_CS if_CS to_TO make_VB certain_JJ that_CS Wright_NP
would_MD be_BE unable_JJ to_TO pay_VB any_DTI settlement_NN at_IN all_ABN ,_, Mi
riam_NP wrote_VBD to_IN prospective_JJ clients_NNS denouncing_VBG him_PPO ;_. ;_
. she_PPS also_RB went_VBD to_IN Washington_NP and_CC appealed_VBD to_IN Senator
_NN-TL George_NP William_NP Norris_NP of_IN Nebraska_NP ,_, the_AT Fighting_VBG-
TL Liberal_NN-TL ,_, from_IN whose_WP$ office_NN a_AT sympathetic_JJ but_CC caut
ious_JJ harrumphing_NN was_BEDZ heard_VBN ._. Then_RB ,_, after_IN overtures_NNS
to_TO accept_VB a_AT settlement_NN and_CC go_VB through_RP with_IN a_AT divorce
_NN ,_, Miriam_NP gave_VBD a_AT ghastly_JJ echo_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Micawber_NP by_
IN suddenly_RB stating_VBG ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS will_MD never_RB leave_VB Mr._NP Wri
ght_NP ''_'' ._. Under_IN this_DT kind_NN of_IN pressure_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ no
t_* surprising_JJ that_CS Wright_NP would_MD make_VB sweeping_VBG statements_NNS
to_IN the_AT newspapers_NNS ._. Miriam_NP had_HVD not_* yet_RB goaded_VBN him_P
PO into_IN mentioning_VBG her_PPO directly_RB ,_, but_CC one_PN can_MD feel_VB t
he_AT generalized_VBN anger_NN in_IN Wright's_NP$ remarks_NNS to_IN reporters_NN
S when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ asked_VBN ,_, one_CD morning_NN on_IN arrival_NN in_I
N Chicago_NP ,_, what_WDT he_PPS thought_VBD of_IN the_AT city_NN as_CS a_AT who
le_NN ._. First_RB ,_, Wright_NP said_VBD ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ choked_VBN by_IN t
he_AT smoke_NN ,_, which_WDT fortunately_RB kept_VBD him_PPO from_IN seeing_VBG
the_AT dreadful_JJ town_NN ._. But_CC surely_RB Michigan_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL was_
BEDZ handsome_JJ ?_. ?_. ``_`` That_DT isn't_BEZ* a_AT boulevard_NN ,_, it's_PPS
+BEZ a_AT racetrack_NN ''_'' !_. !_. Cried_VBD Wright_NP ,_, showing_VBG that_CS
automobiles_NNS were_BED considered_VBN to_TO be_BE a_AT danger_NN as_QL early_
RB as_CS the_AT 1920's_NNS ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ a_AT horrible_JJ way_NN to_T
O live_VB ''_'' ,_, Wright_NP went_VBD on_RP ._. ``_`` You_PPSS are_BER being_BE
G strangled_VBN by_IN traffic_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ then_RB asked_VBN for
_IN a_AT solution_NN of_IN the_AT difficulty_NN ,_, and_CC began_VBD to_TO talk_
VB trenchant_JJ sense_NN ,_, though_CS private_JJ anguish_NN showed_VBD through_
RP in_IN the_AT vehemence_NN of_IN his_PP$ manner_NN ._. ``_`` Take_VB a_AT giga
ntic_JJ knife_NN and_CC sweep_VB it_PPO over_IN the_AT Loop_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Wrig
ht_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` Cut_VB off_RP every_AT building_NN at_IN the_AT seventh
_OD floor_NN ._. Spread_VB everything_PN out_RP ._. You_PPSS don't_DO* need_VB c
oncentration_NN ._. If_CS you_PPSS cut_VB down_RP these_DTS horrible_JJ building
s_NNS you'll_PPSS+MD have_HV no_QL more_AP traffic_NN jams_NNS ._. You'll_PPSS+M
D have_HV trees_NNS again_RB ._. You'll_PPSS+MD have_HV some_DTI joy_NN in_IN th
e_AT life_NN of_IN this_DT city_NN ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, that's_DT+BEZ the_AT
job_NN of_IN the_AT architect_NN --_-- to_TO give_VB the_AT world_NN a_AT littl
e_AP joy_NN ''_'' ._. Little_AP enough_QLP joy_NN was_BEDZ afforded_VBN Wright_N
P in_IN the_AT spring_NN of_IN 1925_CD ,_, when_WRB another_DT destructive_JJ fi
re_NN broke_VBD out_RP at_IN Taliesin_NP ._. The_AT first_OD news_NN stories_NNS
had_HVD it_PPO that_CS this_DT blaze_NN was_BEDZ started_VBN by_IN a_AT bolt_NN
of_IN lightning_NN ,_, as_CS though_CS Miriam_NP could_MD call_VB down_RP fire_
NN from_IN heaven_NN like_CS a_AT prophet_NN of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL Testament_NN
-TL ._. A_AT storm_NN did_DOD take_VB place_NN that_DT night_NN ,_, and_CC fortu
nately_RB enough_QLP ,_, it_PPS included_VBD a_AT cloudburst_NN that_WPS helped_
VBD put_VB out_RP the_AT flames_NNS ._. Later_JJR accounts_NNS blamed_VBD defect
ive_JJ wiring_NN for_IN starting_VBG the_AT fire_NN ;_. ;_. at_IN any_DTI rate_N
N ,_, heat_NN grew_VBD so_QL intense_JJ in_IN the_AT main_JJS part_NN of_IN the_
AT house_NN that_CS it_PPS melted_VBD the_AT window_NN panes_NNS ,_, and_CC fuse
d_VBD the_AT K'ang-si_NP pottery_NN to_IN cinders_NNS ._. Wright_NP set_VBD his_
PP$ loss_NN at_IN $200,000_NNS ,_, a_AT figure_NN perhaps_RB justified_VBN by_IN
the_AT unique_JJ character_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN that_WPS had_HVD been_BEN r
uined_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT faultless_JJ taste_NN that_WPS had_HVD gone_VBN into
_IN the_AT selection_NN of_IN the_AT prints_NNS and_CC other_AP things_NNS that_
WPS were_BED destroyed_VBN ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT disaster_NN ,_, Wrigh
t_NP completed_VBD during_IN this_DT period_NN plans_NNS for_IN the_AT Lake_NN-T
L Tahoe_NP-TL resort_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT he_PPS suggested_VBD the_AT shapes_N
NS of_IN American_JJ-TL Indian_JJ-TL tepees_NNS --_-- a_AT project_NN of_IN grea
t_JJ and_CC appropriate_JJ charm_NN ,_, that_DT came_VBD to_IN nothing_PN ._. Am
id_IN a_AT shortage_NN of_IN profitable_JJ work_NN ,_, the_AT memory_NN of_IN Al
bert_NP Johnson's_NP$ $20,000_NNS stood_VBD out_RP in_IN lonely_JJ grandeur_NN -
-_-- the_AT money_NN had_HVD quickly_RB melted_VBN away_RB ._. A_AT series_NN of
_IN conferences_NNS with_IN friends_NNS and_CC bankers_NNS began_VBD about_RB th
is_DT time_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT question_NN before_IN these_DTS meetings_NNS
was_BEDZ ,_, here_RB is_BEZ a_AT man_NN of_IN international_JJ reputation_NN an
d_CC proved_VBN earning_VBG power_NN ;_. ;_. how_WRB can_MD he_PPS be_BE finance
d_VBN so_CS that_CS he_PPS can_MD find_VB the_AT work_NN he_PPS ought_MD to_TO d
o_DO ?_. ?_. While_CS this_DT was_BEDZ under_IN consideration_NN ,_, dauntless_J
J as_CS ever_RB Wright_NP set_VBD about_IN the_AT building_NN of_IN Taliesin_NP
3_CD ._. As_CS he_PPS made_VBD plans_NNS for_IN the_AT new_JJ Taliesin_NP ,_, Wr
ight_NP also_RB got_VBD on_IN paper_NN his_PP$ conception_NN of_IN a_AT cathedra
l_NN of_IN steel_NN and_CC glass_NN to_TO house_VB a_AT congregation_NN of_IN al
l_ABN faiths_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT idea_NN for_IN a_AT planetarium_NN with_IN a_
AT sloping_VBG ramp_NN ._. Years_NNS were_BED to_TO pass_VB before_CS these_DTS
plans_NNS came_VBD off_IN the_AT paper_NN ,_, and_CC Wright_NP was_BEDZ justifie
d_VBN in_IN thinking_VBG ,_, as_CS the_AT projects_NNS failed_VBD ,_, that_CS mu
ch_AP of_IN what_WDT he_PPS had_HVD to_TO show_VB his_PP$ country_NN and_CC the_
AT world_NN would_MD never_RB be_BE seen_VBN except_RB by_IN visitors_NNS to_IN
Taliesin_NP ._. And_CC now_RB there_EX was_BEDZ some_DTI question_NN as_IN to_IN
his_PP$ continued_VBN residence_NN there_RB ._. Billy_NP Koch_NP ,_, who_WPS ha
d_HVD once_RB worked_VBN for_IN Wright_NP as_CS a_AT chauffeur_NN ,_, gave_VBD a
_AT deposition_NN for_IN Miriam's_NP$ use_NN that_WPO he_PPS had_HVD seen_VBN Ol
givanna_NP living_VBG at_IN Taliesin_NP ._. This_DT might_MD put_VB Wright_NP in
_IN such_ABL a_AT bad_JJ light_NN before_IN a_AT court_NN that_CS Miriam_NP woul
d_MD be_BE awarded_VBN Taliesin_NP ;_. ;_. nor_CC was_BEDZ she_PPS moved_VBD by_
IN a_AT letter_NN from_IN Wright_NP pointing_VBG out_RP that_CS if_CS he_PPS was
_BEDZ not_* ``_`` compelled_VBN to_TO spend_VB money_NN on_IN useless_JJ lawyer'
s_NN$ bills_NNS ,_, useless_JJ hotel_NN bills_NNS ,_, and_CC useless_JJ doctor's
_NN$ bills_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS could_MD more_QL quickly_RB provide_VB Miriam_NP
with_IN a_AT suitable_JJ home_NN either_CC in_IN Los_NP Angeles_NP or_CC Paris_
NP ,_, as_CS she_PPS preferred_VBD ._. Miriam_NP sniffed_VBD at_IN this_DT ,_, a
nd_CC complained_VBD that_CS Wright_NP had_HVD said_VBN unkind_JJ things_NNS abo
ut_IN her_PPO to_IN reporters_NNS ._. His_PP$ reply_NN was_BEDZ ,_, ``_`` Everyt
hing_PN that_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN printed_VBN derogatory_JJ to_IN you_PPO ,_, pu
rporting_VBG to_TO have_HV come_VBN from_IN me_PPO ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT betrayal_NN
,_, and_CC nothing_PN yet_RB has_HVZ been_BEN printed_VBN which_WDT I_PPSS have
_HV sanctioned_VBN ''_'' ._. What_WDT irritated_VBD Miriam_NP was_BEDZ that_CS W
right_NP had_HVD told_VBN the_AT papers_NNS about_IN a_AT reasonable_JJ offer_NN
he_PPS had_HVD made_VBN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS considered_VBD she_PPS would_MD ac
cept_VB ``_`` when_WRB she_PPS tires_VBZ of_IN publicity_NN ''_'' ._. From_IN he
r_PP$ California_NP headquarters_NN ,_, Miriam_NP fired_VBD back_RB ,_, ``_`` I_
PPSS shall_MD never_RB divorce_VB Mr._NP Wright_NP ,_, to_TO permit_VB him_PPO t
o_TO marry_VB Olga_NP Milanoff_NP ''_'' ._. Then_RB Miriam_NP varied_VBD the_AT
senseless_JJ psychological_JJ warfare_NN by_IN suddenly_RB withdrawing_VBG a_AT
suit_NN for_IN separate_JJ maintenance_NN that_WPS had_HVD been_BEN pending_JJ ,
_, and_CC asking_VBG for_IN divorce_NN on_IN the_AT grounds_NNS of_IN cruelty_NN
,_, with_IN the_AT understanding_NN that_CS Wright_NP would_MD not_* contest_VB
it_PPO ._. The_AT Bank_NN-TL of_IN-TL Wisconsin_NP-TL sent_VBD a_AT representat
ive_NN to_IN the_AT judge's_NN$ chambers_NNS in_IN Madison_NP to_TO give_VB info
rmation_NN on_IN Wright's_NP$ ability_NN to_TO meet_VB the_AT terms_NNS ._. He_P
PS said_VBD that_CS the_AT architect_NN might_MD reasonably_RB be_BE expected_VB
N to_TO carry_VB his_PP$ financial_JJ burdens_NNS if_CS all_ABN harrassment_NN c
ould_MD be_BE brought_VBN to_IN an_AT end_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS the_AT bank_NN w
ould_MD accept_VB a_AT mortgage_NN on_IN Taliesin_NP to_TO help_VB bring_VB this
_DT about_RP ._. Miriam_NP said_VBD that_CS she_PPS must_MD be_BE assured_VBN th
at_CS ``_`` that_DT other_AP woman_NN ,_, Olga_NP ,_, will_MD not_* be_BE in_IN
luxury_NN while_CS I_PPSS am_BEM scraping_VBG along_RB ''_'' ._. This_DT exhaust
ed_VBD Wright's_NP$ patience_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN consequence_NN he_PPS talked_VB
D freely_RB to_IN reporters_NNS in_IN a_AT Madison_NP hotel_NN suite_NN ._. ``_`
` Volstead_NP laws_NNS ,_, speed_NN laws_NNS ,_, divorce_NN laws_NNS ''_'' ,_, h
e_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` as_CS they_PPSS now_RB stand_VB ,_, demoralize_VB the_A
T individual_NN ,_, make_VB liars_NNS and_CC law_NN breakers_NNS of_IN us_PPO in
_IN one_CD way_NN or_CC another_DT ,_, and_CC tend_VB to_TO make_VB our_PP$ expe
riment_NN in_IN democracy_NN absurd_JJ ._. If_CS Mrs._NP Wright_NP doesn't_DOZ*
accept_VB the_AT terms_NNS in_IN the_AT morning_NN ,_, I'll_PPSS+MD go_VB either
_CC to_IN Tokyo_NP or_CC to_IN Holland_NP ,_, to_TO do_DO what_WDT I_PPSS can_MD
._. I_PPSS realize_VB ,_, in_IN taking_VBG this_DT stand_NN ,_, just_RB what_WD
T it_PPS means_VBZ to_IN me_PPO and_CC mine_PP$$ ''_'' ._. Here_RB Wright_NP gav
e_VBD a_AT slight_JJ sigh_NN of_IN weariness_NN ,_, and_CC continued_VBD ,_, ``_
`` It_PPS means_VBZ more_AP long_JJ years_NNS lived_VBN across_IN the_AT social_
JJ grain_NN of_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN our_PP$ people_NNS ,_, making_VBG shift_N
N to_TO live_VB in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN popular_JJ disrespect_NN and_CC misun
derstanding_VBG as_CS I_PPSS best_RBT can_MD for_IN myself_PPL and_CC those_DTS
dependent_JJ upon_IN me_PPO ''_'' ._. Next_AP day_NN ,_, word_NN came_VBD that_C
S Miriam_NP was_BEDZ not_* going_VBG through_RP with_IN the_AT divorce_NN ;_. ;_
. but_CC Wright_NP stayed_VBD in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. His_P
P$ mentioning_NN of_IN Japan_NP and_CC Holland_NP had_HVD been_BEN merely_RB the
_AT expression_NN of_IN wishful_JJ thinking_NN ._. No_AT matter_NN what_WDT trou
bles_NNS might_MD betide_VB him_PPO ,_, this_DT most_QL American_JJ of_IN artist
s_NNS knew_VBD in_IN his_PP$ heart_NN he_PPS could_MD not_* function_VB properly
_RB outside_IN his_PP$ native_JJ land_NN ._. In_IN a_AT few_AP weeks_NNS Miriam_
NP made_VBD another_DT sortie_NN at_IN Taliesin_NP ,_, but_CC was_BEDZ repulsed_
VBN at_IN the_AT locked_VBN and_CC guarded_VBN gates_NNS ._. More_QL likely_RB ,
_, you_PPSS simply_RB told_VBD yourself_PPL ,_, as_CS you_PPSS handed_VBD us_PPO
the_AT book_NN ,_, that_CS it_PPS mattered_VBD little_RB what_WDT we_PPSS incan
ted_VBD providing_CS we_PPSS underwent_VBD the_AT discipline_NN of_IN incantatio
n_NN ._. For_IN pride's_NN$ sake_NN ,_, I_PPSS will_MD not_* say_VB that_CS the_
AT coy_JJ and_CC leering_VBG vade_FW-VB mecum_FW-PPO+IN of_IN those_DTS verses_N
NS insinuated_VBD itself_PPL into_IN my_PP$ soul_NN ._. Besides_RB ,_, that_DT p
articular_JJ message_NN does_DOZ no_QL more_AP than_CS weakly_RB echo_VB the_AT
roar_NN in_IN all_ABN fresh_JJ blood_NN ._. But_CC what_WDT you_PPSS could_MD no
t_* know_VB ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, was_BEDZ how_WQL smoothly_RB the_AT Victoria
n_JJ Fitzgerald_NP was_BEDZ to_TO lead_VB into_IN an_AT American_JJ Fitzgerald_N
P of_IN my_PP$ own_JJ vintage_NN under_IN whose_WP$ banner_NN we_PPSS adolescent
s_NNS were_BED to_TO come_VB ,_, if_CS not_* of_IN age_NN ,_, then_RB into_IN a_
AT bright_JJ ,_, taut_JJ semblance_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* suppos
e_VB you_PPO ever_RB heard_VBD of_IN F._NP Scott_NP Fitzgerald_NP ,_, living_VBG
or_CC dead_JJ ,_, and_CC moreover_RB I_PPSS do_DO not_* suppose_VB that_CS ,_,
even_RB if_CS you_PPSS had_HVD ,_, his_PP$ legend_NN would_MD have_HV seemed_VBN
to_IN you_PPO to_TO warrant_VB more_AP than_CS a_AT cluck_NN of_IN disapproval_
NN ._. Neither_CC his_PP$ appetites_NNS ,_, his_PP$ exacerbations_NNS ,_, nor_CC
his_PP$ despair_NN were_BED kin_NN to_IN yours_PP$$ ._. He_PPS might_MD have_HV
been_BEN the_AT man_NN in_IN the_AT moon_NN for_IN all_ABN you_PPSS could_MD ha
ve_HV understood_VBN him_PPO ._. But_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ no_AT man_NN in_IN the_A
T moon_NN to_IN me_PPO ._. Although_CS his_PP$ tender_JJ nights_NNS were_BED not
_* the_AT ones_NNS I_PPSS dreamed_VBD of_IN ,_, nor_CC was_BEDZ it_PPS for_IN ya
chts_NNS ,_, sports_NNS cars_NNS ,_, tall_JJ drinks_NNS ,_, and_CC swimming_VBG
pools_NNS ,_, nor_CC yet_RB for_IN money_NN or_CC what_WDT money_NN buys_VBZ tha
t_CS I_PPSS burned_VBD ,_, I_PPSS too_RB was_BEDZ burning_VBG and_CC watching_VB
G myself_PPL burn_VB ._. The_AT flame_NN was_BEDZ simply_RB of_IN a_AT different
_JJ kind_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ symbolized_VBN (_( at_IN least_AP for_IN those_D
TS of_IN us_PPO who_WPS recognized_VBD ourselves_PPLS in_IN the_AT image_NN )_)
by_IN that_DT self-consuming_JJ ,_, elegiac_JJ candle_NN of_IN Edna_NP St._NP Vi
ncent_NP Millay's_NP$ ,_, that_DT candle_NN which_WDT from_IN the_AT quatrain_NN
where_WRB she_PPS ensconced_VBD it_PPO became_VBD a_AT beacon_NN to_IN us_PPO ,
_, but_CC which_WDT in_IN point_NN of_IN fact_NN would_MD have_HV had_HVN to_TO
be_BE as_QL tall_JJ as_CS a_AT funeral_NN taper_NN to_TO last_VB even_RB the_AT
evening_NN ,_, let_VB alone_RB the_AT night_NN ._. One_PN should_MD not_* ,_, of
_IN course_NN ,_, pluck_VB the_AT head_NN off_IN a_AT flower_NN and_CC expect_VB
its_PP$ perfume_NN to_TO linger_VB on_RP ._. Yet_CC this_DT passion_NN for_IN p
assion_NN ,_, now_RB that_CS I_PPSS look_VB back_RB on_IN it_PPO with_IN passion
_NN spent_VBN ,_, seems_VBZ somewhat_QL overblown_JJ and_CC operatic_JJ ,_, thou
gh_CS as_CS a_AT diva_NN Miss_NP Millay_NP perfectly_RB controlled_VBD her_PP$ n
otes_NNS ._. Only_RB what_WDT else_RB was_BEDZ she_PPS singing_VBG but_CC the_AT
old_JJ Song_NN-TL of_IN-TL Songs_NNS-TL ,_, that_DT most_QL ancient_JJ of_IN tu
nes_NNS that_WPO nature_NN plays_VBZ with_IN such_JJ unfailing_JJ response_NN up
on_IN young_JJ nerves_NNS ?_. ?_. Perhaps_RB this_DT is_BEZ not_* so_QL little_A
P ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT mere_JJ fact_NN that_CS by_IN plucking_VBG on_IN the_AT
nerves_NNS nature_NN can_MD awaken_VB in_IN the_AT most_QL ordinary_JJ of_IN us_
PPO ,_, temporarily_RB anyway_RB ,_, the_AT sleeping_VBG poet_NN ,_, and_CC in_I
N poets_NNS can_MD discover_VB their_PP$ immortality_NN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT most_Q
L remarkable_JJ of_IN all_ABN the_AT remarkable_JJ phenomena_NNS to_IN which_WDT
we_PPSS can_MD attest_VB ?_. ?_. One_PN can_MD see_VB it_PPO as_CS humiliating_
JJ that_CS an_AT extra_JJ hormone_NN casually_RB fed_VBN into_IN our_PP$ chemist
ry_NN may_MD induce_VB us_PPO to_TO lay_VB down_RP our_PP$ lives_NNS for_IN a_AT
lover_NN or_CC a_AT friend_NN ;_. ;_. one_PN can_MD take_VB it_PPO as_CS no_QL
more_AP than_CS another_DT veil_NN torn_VBN from_IN the_AT mystery_NN of_IN the_
AT soul_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS could_MD also_RB be_BE looked_VBN at_IN from_IN the
_AT other_AP end_NN of_IN the_AT spectrum_NN ._. One_PN could_MD see_VB this_DT
chemical_NN determinant_NN as_CS in_IN itself_PPL a_AT miracle_NN ._. In_IN any_
DTI case_NN ,_, Miss_NP Millay's_NP$ sweet-throated_JJ bitterness_NN ,_, her_PP$
variations_NNS on_IN the_AT theme_NN that_CS the_AT world_NN was_BEDZ not_* onl
y_RB well_QL lost_VBN for_IN love_NN but_CC even_RB well_QL lost_VBN for_IN lost
_VBN love_NN ,_, her_PP$ constant_JJ and_CC wonderfully_QL tragic_JJ posture_NN
,_, so_QL unlike_IN that_DT of_IN Fitzgerald_NP since_CS it_PPS required_VBD no_
AT scenery_NN or_CC props_NNS ,_, drew_VBD from_IN the_AT me_PPO that_CS I_PPSS
was_BEDZ when_WRB I_PPSS fell_VBD upon_IN her_PP$ verses_NNS an_AT overwhelming_
JJ yea_RB ._. But_CC all_ABN this_DT ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM well_QL aware_JJ ,_, is_B
EZ the_AT bel_FW-JJ canto_FW-NN of_IN love_NN ,_, and_CC although_CS I_PPSS have
_HV always_RB liked_VBN to_TO think_VB that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ to_IN the_AT bel_
FW-JJ canto_FW-NN and_CC to_IN that_DT alone_RB that_CS I_PPSS listened_VBD ,_,
I_PPSS know_VB well_RB enough_QLP that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* ._. If_CS I_PPSS
am_BEM to_TO speak_VB the_AT whole_JJ truth_NN about_IN my_PP$ knowledge_NN of_
IN love_NN ,_, I_PPSS will_MD have_HV to_TO stop_VB trying_VBG to_TO emulate_VB
the_AT transcendant_JJ nightingale_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ another_DT side_NN of_
IN love_NN ,_, more_QL nearly_RB symbolized_VBN by_IN the_AT croak_NN of_IN the_
AT mating_VBG capercailzie_NN ,_, or_CC better_RBR still_RB perhaps_RB by_IN the
_AT mute_JJ antics_NNS of_IN the_AT slug_NN ._. Whether_CS you_PPSS experienced_
VBD the_AT passion_NN of_IN desire_NN I_PPSS have_HV ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, no_
AT way_NN of_IN knowing_VBG ,_, nor_CC indeed_RB have_HV I_PPSS wished_VBN with_
IN even_RB the_AT most_QL fleeting_JJ fragment_NN of_IN a_AT wish_NN to_TO know_
VB ,_, for_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS one_PN constitutes_VBZ by_IN one's_PN$ mere
_JJ existence_NN so_RB to_TO speak_VB the_AT proof_NN of_IN some_DTI sort_NN of_
IN passion_NN makes_VBZ any_DTI speculation_NN upon_IN this_DT part_NN of_IN one
's_PN$ parents'_NNS$ experience_NN more_QL immodest_JJ ,_, more_QL scandalizing_
JJ ,_, more_QL deeply_QL unwelcome_JJ than_CS an_AT obscenity_NN from_IN a_AT st
ranger_NN ._. I_PPSS recoil_VB from_IN the_AT very_AP thought_NN ._. At_IN the_A
T same_AP time_NN ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM aware_JJ that_CS my_PP$ recoil_NN could_MD b
e_BE interpreted_VBN by_IN readers_NNS of_IN the_AT tea_NN leaves_NNS at_IN the_
AT bottom_NN of_IN my_PP$ psyche_NN as_CS an_AT incestuous_JJ sign_NN ,_, since_
CS theirs_PP$$ is_BEZ a_AT science_NN of_IN paradox_NN :_: if_CS one_PN hates_VB
Z ,_, they_PPSS say_VB it_PPS is_BEZ because_CS one_PN loves_VBZ ;_. ;_. if_CS o
ne_PN bullies_VBZ ,_, they_PPSS say_VB it_PPS is_BEZ because_CS one_PN is_BEZ af
raid_JJ ;_. ;_. if_CS one_PN shuns_VBZ ,_, they_PPSS say_VB it_PPS is_BEZ becaus
e_CS one_PN desires_VBZ ;_. ;_. and_CC according_IN to_IN them_PPO ,_, whatever_
WDT one_PN fancies_VBZ one_PN feels_VBZ ,_, what_WDT one_PN feels_VBZ in_IN fact
_NN is_BEZ the_AT opposite_NN ._. Well_RB ,_, normally_QL abnormal_JJ or_CC norm
ally_QL normal_JJ ,_, neurotic_JJ or_CC merely_RB fastidious_JJ (_( do_DO the_AT
tea-leaf_NN readers_NNS ,_, by_IN the_AT way_NN ,_, allow_VB psyches_NNS to_TO
have_HV moral_JJ taste_NN ?_. ?_. )_) ,_, I_PPSS have_HV never_RB wanted_VBN to_
TO know_VB what_WDT you_PPSS knew_VBD of_IN passion_NN ._. You_PPSS probably_RB
would_MD not_* remember_VB ,_, since_CS you_PPSS never_RB seemed_VBD to_TO remem
ber_VB even_RB the_AT same_AP moments_NNS as_CS I_PPSS ,_, much_QL less_RBR thei
r_PP$ intensity_NN ,_, one_CD sunny_JJ midday_NN on_IN Fifth_OD-TL Avenue_NN-TL
when_WRB you_PPSS had_HVD set_VBN out_RP with_IN me_PPO for_IN some_DTI final_JJ
shopping_NN less_AP than_CS a_AT week_NN before_IN the_AT wedding_NN you_PPSS s
taged_VBD for_IN me_PPO with_IN such_JJ reluctance_NN at_IN the_AT Farm_NN-TL ._
. I_PPSS can_MD see_VB us_PPO now_RB ._. We_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN walking_VBG qu
ite_QL briskly_RB ,_, for_CS despite_IN your_PP$ being_BEG so_QL small_JJ and_CC
me_PPO so_QL tall_JJ ,_, your_PP$ stride_NN in_IN those_DTS days_NNS could_MD e
asily_RB match_VB mine_PP$$ ._. We_PPSS had_HVD stopped_VBN before_IN a_AT shop_
NN window_NN to_TO assess_VB its_PP$ autumnal_JJ display_NN ,_, when_WRB you_PPS
S suddenly_RB turned_VBD to_IN me_PPO ,_, looking_VBG up_RP from_IN beneath_IN o
ne_CD of_IN your_PP$ wrong_JJ hats_NNS ,_, and_CC with_IN your_PP$ nervous_JJ ``
_`` ahem_UH ''_'' !_. !_. Said_VBD :_: ``_`` There_EX are_BER things_NNS I_PPSS
must_MD tell_VB you_PPO about_IN this_DT man_NN you_PPSS are_BER marrying_VBG wh
ich_WDT he_PPS does_DOZ not_* know_VB himself_PPL ''_'' ._. If_CS you_PPSS had_H
VD screamed_VBN right_QL there_RB in_IN the_AT street_NN where_WRB we_PPSS stood
_VBD ,_, I_PPSS could_MD not_* have_HV felt_VBN more_AP fear_NN ._. With_IN scar
cely_RB a_AT mumble_NN of_IN excuse_NN ,_, I_PPSS fled_VBD ._. I_PPSS fled_VBD ,
_, however_RB ,_, not_* from_IN what_WDT might_MD have_HV been_BEN the_AT natura
l_JJ fear_NN of_IN being_BEG unable_JJ to_TO disguise_VB from_IN you_PPO that_CS
the_AT things_NNS about_IN my_PP$ bridegroom_NN --_-- in_IN the_AT sense_NN you
_PPSS meant_VBD the_AT word_NN ``_`` things_NNS ''_'' --_-- which_WDT you_PPSS h
ad_HVD been_BEN galvanizing_VBG yourself_PPL to_TO tell_VB me_PPO as_CS a_AT pai
nful_JJ part_NN of_IN your_PP$ maternal_JJ duty_NN were_BED things_NNS which_WDT
I_PPSS had_HVD already_RB insisted_VBN upon_IN finding_VBG out_RP for_IN myself
_PPL (_( despite_IN ,_, I_PPSS may_MD now_RB say_VB ,_, the_AT unspeakable_JJ aw
kwardness_NN of_IN making_VBG the_AT discovery_NN on_IN principle_NN ,_, yes_RB
,_, on_IN principle_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN cold_JJ blood_NN )_) because_CS I_PPSS w
as_BEDZ resolved_VBN ,_, as_CS a_AT modern_JJ woman_NN ,_, not_* to_TO be_BE a_A
T mollycoddle_NN waiting_VBG for_IN Life_NN-TL but_CC to_TO seize_VB Life_NN-TL
by_IN the_AT throat_NN ._. I_PPSS had_HVD developed_VBN too_QL foolproof_JJ a_AT
facade_NN to_TO be_BE afraid_JJ of_IN self-betrayal_NN ._. What_WDT I_PPSS fled
_VBD from_IN was_BEDZ my_PP$ fear_NN of_IN what_WDT ,_, unwittingly_RB ,_, you_P
PSS might_MD betray_VB ,_, without_IN meaning_VBG to_TO ,_, about_IN my_PP$ fath
er_NN and_CC yourself_PPL ._. But_CC I_PPSS can_MD see_VB from_IN this_DT latest
_JJT trick_NN of_IN memory_NN how_WQL much_QL more_QL arbitrary_JJ and_CC influe
ntial_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ than_CS the_AT will_NN ._. While_CS my_PP$ memory_NN hold
s_VBZ with_IN relentless_JJ tenacity_NN ,_, as_CS I_PPSS cannot_MD* too_QL often
_RB stress_VB ,_, to_IN my_PP$ wrongs_NNS ,_, when_WRB it_PPS comes_VBZ to_IN my
_PP$ shames_NNS ,_, it_PPS gestures_VBZ and_CC jokes_VBZ and_CC toys_VBZ with_IN
chronology_NN like_CS a_AT prestidigitator_NN in_IN the_AT hope_NN of_IN distra
cting_VBG me_PPO from_IN them_PPO ._. Just_RB as_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ about_RB to_
TO enlarge_VB upon_IN my_PP$ discovery_NN of_IN the_AT underside_NN of_IN the_AT
leaf_NN of_IN love_NN ,_, memory_NN ,_, displeased_VBN at_IN being_BEG asked_VB
N to_TO yield_VB its_PP$ unsavory_JJ secrets_NNS ,_, dashed_VBD ahead_RB of_IN m
e_PPO ,_, calling_VBG back_RB over_IN its_PP$ shoulder_NN :_: ``_`` Skip_VB it_P
PO ._. Cut_VB it_PPO out_RP ''_'' ._. But_CC I_PPSS will_MD not_* skip_VB it_PPO
or_CC cut_VB it_PPO out_RP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* my_PP$ intention_NN in_IN th
is_DT narrative_NN to_TO picture_VB myself_PPL as_CS a_AT helpless_JJ victim_NN
moored_VBN to_IN the_AT rock_NN of_IN experience_NN and_CC left_VBN to_IN the_AT
buffetings_NNS of_IN chance_NN ._. If_CS to_TO be_BE innocent_JJ is_BEZ to_TO b
e_BE helpless_JJ ,_, then_RB I_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN --_-- as_CS are_BER we_PPSS
all_ABN --_-- helpless_JJ at_IN the_AT start_NN ._. But_CC the_AT time_NN came_
VBD when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ no_QL longer_RBR innocent_JJ and_CC therefore_RB no
_QL longer_RBR helpless_JJ ._. Helpless_JJ in_IN that_DT sense_NN I_PPSS can_MD
never_RB be_BE again_RB ._. However_RB ,_, I_PPSS confess_VB my_PP$ hope_NN that
_CS I_PPSS will_MD be_BE innocent_JJ again_RB ,_, not_* with_IN a_AT pristine_JJ
,_, accidental_JJ innocence_NN ,_, but_CC rather_RB with_IN an_AT innocence_NN
achieved_VBN by_IN the_AT slow_JJ cutting_NN away_RB of_IN the_AT flesh_NN to_TO
reach_VB the_AT bone_NN ._. For_CS innocence_NN ,_, of_IN all_ABN the_AT graces
_NNS of_IN the_AT spirit_NN ,_, is_BEZ I_PPSS believe_VB the_AT one_CD most_RBT
to_TO be_BE prayed_VBN for_IN ._. Although_CS it_PPS is_BEZ constantly_RB made_V
BN to_TO look_VB foolish_JJ (_( too_QL simple_JJ to_TO come_VB in_RP out_IN of_I
N the_AT rain_NN ,_, people_NNS say_VB ,_, who_WPS have_HV found_VBN in_IN the_A
T innocent_JJ an_AT impediment_NN )_) ,_, it_PPS does_DOZ not_* mind_VB looking_
VBG foolish_JJ because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ not_* concerned_VBN with_IN how_WRB it_P
PS looks_VBZ ._. It_PPS assumes_VBZ that_CS things_NNS are_BER as_CS they_PPSS s
eem_VB when_WRB they_PPSS seem_VB best_JJT ,_, and_CC when_WRB they_PPSS seem_VB
worst_JJT it_PPS overlooks_VBZ them_PPO ._. To_IN innocence_NN ,_, a_AT word_NN
given_VBN is_BEZ a_AT word_NN that_WPS will_MD be_BE kept_VBN ._. Instinctively
_RB ,_, innocence_NN does_DOZ unto_IN others_NNS as_CS it_PPS expects_VBZ to_TO
be_BE done_VBN by_IN ._. But_CC when_WRB these_DTS expectations_NNS are_BER once
_RB too_QL often_RB ground_VBN into_IN the_AT dust_NN ,_, innocence_NN can_MD fa
lter_VB ,_, since_CS its_PP$ strength_NN is_BEZ according_IN to_IN the_AT streng
th_NN of_IN him_PPO who_WPS possesses_VBZ it_PPO ._. The_AT innocence_NN of_IN w
hich_WDT I_PPSS speak_VB is_BEZ ,_, I_PPSS know_VB ,_, not_* incorruptible_JJ ._
. But_CC I_PPSS insist_VB upon_IN believing_VBG that_CS even_RB when_WRB it_PPS
is_BEZ lost_VBN ,_, it_PPS may_MD ,_, like_CS paradise_NN ,_, be_BE regained_VBN
._. However_RB ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* of_IN innocence_NN in_IN general_JJ th
at_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ speaking_VBG ,_, but_CC of_IN perhaps_RB the_AT frailest_J
JT and_CC surely_RB the_AT least_QL important_JJ side_NN of_IN it_PPO which_WDT
is_BEZ innocence_NN in_IN romantic_JJ love_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, if_CS anywhere_RB
,_, it_PPS is_BEZ not_* wholly_QL incontrovertible_JJ ._. To_IN you_PPO ,_, for_
IN instance_NN ,_, the_AT word_NN innocence_NN ,_, in_IN this_DT connotation_NN
,_, probably_RB retained_VBD its_PP$ Biblical_JJ ,_, or_CC should_MD I_PPSS say_
VB technical_JJ sense_NN ,_, and_CC therefore_RB I_PPSS suppose_VB I_PPSS must_M
D make_VB myself_PPL quite_QL clear_JJ by_IN saying_VBG that_CS I_PPSS lost_VBD
--_-- or_CC rather_RB handed_VBD over_RP --_-- what_WDT you_PPSS would_MD have_H
V considered_VBN to_TO be_BE my_PP$ innocence_NN two_CD weeks_NNS before_CS I_PP
SS was_BEDZ legally_RB entitled_VBN ,_, and_CC in_IN fact_NN by_IN oath_NN requi
red_VBN ,_, to_TO hand_VB it_PPO over_RP along_RB with_IN what_WDT other_AP good
s_NNS and_CC bads_NNS I_PPSS had_HVD ._. But_CC to_IN me_PPO innocence_NN is_BEZ
far_QL less_QL tangible_JJ ._. I_PPSS had_HVD long_RB since_RB begun_VBN to_TO
lose_VB my_PP$ general_JJ innocence_NN when_WRB I_PPSS lost_VBD my_PP$ trust_NN
in_IN you_PPO ,_, but_CC this_DT special_NN innocence_NN I_PPSS lost_VBD before_
IN ever_RB I_PPSS loved_VBD ,_, through_IN my_PP$ discovery_NN that_CS one_PN co
uld_MD tremble_VB with_IN desire_NN and_CC even_RB experience_VB a_AT flaming_VB
G delight_NN that_WPS had_HVD nothing_PN ,_, nothing_PN whatever_WDT to_TO do_DO
with_IN friendship_NN or_CC liking_VBG ,_, let_VB alone_RB with_IN love_NN ._.
I_PPSS knew_VBD this_DT knowledge_NN to_TO be_BE corrupting_VBG at_IN the_AT tim
e_NN I_PPSS acquired_VBD it_PPO ;_. ;_. today_NR ,_, these_DTS many_AP years_NNS
later_RBR ,_, after_IN all_ABN the_AT temptations_NNS resisted_VBN or_CC yielde
d_VBN to_IN ,_, the_AT weasel_NN satisfactions_NNS and_CC the_AT engulfing_VBG d
issatisfactions_NNS since_IN endured_VBN ,_, I_PPSS call_VB it_PPO corrupting_VB
G still_RB ._. You_PPSS ,_, I_PPSS could_MD swear_VB to_IN it_PPO ,_, remained_V
BD innocent_JJ in_IN this_DT sense_NN until_IN the_AT end_NN ._. Yours_PP$$ ,_,
but_CC not_* mine_PP$$ ,_, was_BEDZ an_AT age_NN in_IN which_WDT innocence_NN wa
s_BEDZ fostered_VBN and_CC carefully_RB --_-- if_CS not_* perhaps_RB altogether_
QL innocently_RB --_-- preserved_VBN ._. You_PPSS had_HVD grown_VBN up_RP at_IN
a_AT time_NN when_WRB the_AT most_QL distinguishing_VBG mark_NN of_IN a_AT lady_
NN was_BEDZ the_AT noli_FW-VB me_FW-PPO tangere_FW-VB writ_VBN plain_RB across_I
N her_PP$ face_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_, because_RB of_IN the_AT particular_JJ blot
_NN on_IN your_PP$ family_NN escutcheon_NN through_IN what_WDT may_MD only_RB ha
ve_HV been_BEN one_CD unbridled_VBN moment_NN on_IN your_PP$ grandmother's_NN$ p
art_NN ,_, and_CC because_CS you_PPSS had_HVD the_AT lean-to_NN kitchen_NN and_C
C trundle_NN bed_NN of_IN your_PP$ childhood_NN to_TO outgrow_VB ,_, what_WDT yo
u_PPSS obviously_RB most_QL desired_VBN with_IN both_ABX your_PP$ conscious_JJ a
nd_CC unconscious_JJ person_NN ,_, what_WDT you_PPSS bent_VBD your_PP$ whole_JJ
will_NN ,_, sensibility_NN ,_, and_CC intelligence_NN upon_IN ,_, was_BEDZ to_TO
be_BE a_AT lady_NN ._. Before_CS being_BEG daughter_NN ,_, wife_NN ,_, or_CC mo
ther_NN ,_, before_CS being_BEG cultured_VBN (_( a_AT word_NN now_RB bereft_JJ b
oth_ABX socially_RB and_CC politically_RB of_IN the_AT sheen_NN you_PPSS childre
n_NNS of_IN frontiersmen_NNS bestowed_VBD on_IN it_PPO )_) ,_, before_CS being_B
EG sorry_JJ for_IN the_AT poor_JJ ,_, progressive_JJ about_IN public_JJ health_N
N ,_, and_CC prettily_RB if_CS somewhat_QL imprecisely_QL humanitarian_JJ ,_, in
deed_RB first_OD and_CC foremost_RB ,_, you_PPSS were_BED a_AT lady_NN ._. There
_EX was_BEDZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, more_AP to_IN the_AT portrait_NN of_IN a_AT
lady_NN you_PPSS carried_VBD in_IN your_PP$ mind's_NN$ eye_NN than_CS the_AT si
ne_FW-IN qua_FW-WDT non_FW-* of_IN her_PP$ virtue_NN ._. A_AT lady_NN ,_, you_PP
SS made_VBD clear_JJ to_IN me_PPO both_ABX by_IN precept_NN and_CC example_NN ,_
, never_RB raised_VBD her_PP$ voice_NN or_CC slumped_VBD in_IN her_PP$ chair_NN
,_, never_RB failed_VBD in_IN social_JJ tact_NN (_( in_IN heaven_NN ,_, for_IN i
nstance_NN ,_, would_MD not_* mention_VB St._NN-TL John_NP-TL the_AT-TL Baptist'
s_NP$-TL head_NN )_) ,_, never_RB pouted_VBD or_CC withdrew_VBD or_CC scandalize
d_VBD in_IN company_NN ,_, never_RB reminded_VBD others_NNS of_IN her_PP$ physic
al_JJ presence_NN by_IN unseemly_JJ sound_NN or_CC gesture_NN ,_, never_RB indul
ged_VBD in_IN public_JJ scenes_NNS or_CC private_JJ confidences_NNS ,_, never_RB
spoke_VBD of_IN money_NN save_IN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN alleviating_VBG sufferin
g_VBG ,_, never_RB gossiped_VBD or_CC maligned_VBD ,_, never_RB stressed_VBD but
_CC always_RB minimized_VBD the_AT hopelessness_NN of_IN anything_PN from_IN sin
_NN to_IN death_NN itself_PPL ._. With_IN each_DT song_NN he_PPS gave_VBD verbal
_JJ footnotes_NNS ._. The_AT songs_NNS Sandburg_NP sang_VBD often_RB reminded_VB
N listeners_NNS of_IN songs_NNS of_IN a_AT kindred_NN character_NN they_PPSS kne
w_VBD entirely_RB or_CC in_IN fragments_NNS ._. Often_RB these_DTS listeners_NNS
would_MD refer_VB Sandburg_NP to_IN persons_NNS who_WPS had_HVD similar_JJ ball
ads_NNS or_CC ditties_NNS ._. In_IN due_JJ time_NN Sandburg_NP was_BEDZ a_AT wal
king_VBG thesaurus_NN of_IN American_JJ folk_NN music_NN ._. After_CS he_PPS had
_HVD finished_VBN the_AT first_OD two_CD volumes_NNS of_IN his_PP$ Lincoln_NP ,_
, Sandburg_NP went_VBD to_IN work_NN assembling_VBG a_AT book_NN of_IN songs_NNS
out_IN of_IN hobo_NN and_CC childhood_NN days_NNS and_CC from_IN the_AT memory_
NN of_IN songs_NNS others_NNS had_HVD taught_VBN him_PPO ._. He_PPS rummaged_VBD
,_, found_VBD composers_NNS and_CC arrangers_NNS ,_, collaborated_VBD on_IN the
_AT main_JJS design_NN and_CC outline_NN of_IN harmonization_NN with_IN musician
s_NNS ,_, ballad_NN singers_NNS ,_, and_CC musicologists_NNS ._. The_AT result_N
N was_BEDZ a_AT collection_NN of_IN 280_CD songs_NNS ,_, ballads_NNS ,_, ditties
_NNS ,_, brought_VBN together_RB from_IN all_ABN regions_NNS of_IN America_NP ,_
, more_AP than_IN one_CD hundred_CD never_RB before_RB published_VBN :_: The_AT
American_JJ-TL Songbag_NN-TL ._. Each_DT song_NN or_CC ditty_NN was_BEDZ preface
d_VBN by_IN an_AT author's_NN$ note_NN which_WDT indicated_VBD the_AT origin_NN
and_CC meaning_NN of_IN the_AT song_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS special_JJ interest_N
N the_AT song_NN had_HVD ,_, musical_JJ arrangement_NN ,_, and_CC most_AP of_IN
the_AT chorus_NN and_CC verses_NNS ._. The_AT book_NN ,_, published_VBN in_IN 19
27_CD ,_, has_HVZ been_BEN selling_VBG steadily_RB ever_QL since_RB ._. As_CS Sa
ndburg_NP said_VBD at_IN the_AT time_NN :_: ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ as_QL ancient_JJ
as_CS the_AT medieval_JJ European_JJ ballads_NNS brought_VBN to_IN the_AT Appal
achian_NP-TL Mountains_NNS-TL ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ as_QL modern_JJ as_CS skyscraper
s_NNS ,_, the_AT Volstead_NP-TL Act_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT latest_JJT oil_NN we
ll_NN gusher_NN ''_'' ._. Schopenhauer_NP never_RB learned_VBD Sandburg_NP is_BE
Z in_IN constant_JJ demand_NN as_CS an_AT entertainer_NN ._. Two_CD things_NNS c
ontribute_VB to_IN his_PP$ popularity_NN ._. First_OD ,_, Carl_NP respects_VBZ h
is_PP$ audience_NN and_CC prepares_VBZ his_PP$ speeches_NNS carefully_RB ._. Eve
n_RB when_WRB he_PPS is_BEZ called_VBN upon_RB for_IN impromptu_JJ remarks_NNS ,
_, he_PPS has_HVZ notes_NNS written_VBN on_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN handy_JJ enve
lopes_NNS ._. He_PPS has_HVZ his_PP$ own_JJ system_NN of_IN shorthand_NN ,_, dev
ised_VBN by_IN abbreviations_NNS :_: ``_`` humility_NN ''_'' will_MD be_BE ``_``
humly_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, ``_`` with_IN-NC ''_'' will_MD be_BE ``_`` w_NN ''_'' ,_,
and_CC ``_`` that_DT-NC ''_'' will_MD be_BE ``_`` tt_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT second
_OD reason_NN for_IN his_PP$ popularity_NN is_BEZ his_PP$ complete_JJ spontaneit
y_NN with_IN the_AT guitar_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT mistake_NN ,_, however_RB ,
_, to_TO imagine_VB that_CS Sandburg_NP uses_VBZ the_AT guitar_NN as_CS a_AT pro
p_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ no_RB dextrous-fingered_JJ college_NN boy_NN but_CC rathe
r_RB a_AT dedicated_VBN ,_, humble_JJ ,_, and_CC bashful_JJ apostle_NN of_IN thi
s_DT instrument_NN ._. At_IN age_NN seventy-four_CD ,_, he_PPS became_VBD what_W
DT he_PPS shyly_RB terms_VBZ a_AT ``_`` pupil_NN ''_'' of_IN Andres_NP Segovia_N
P ,_, the_AT great_JJ guitarist_NN of_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL world_NN ._. It_PP
S is_BEZ not_* easy_JJ to_TO become_VB Segovia's_NP$ pupil_NN ._. One_PN needs_V
BZ high_JJ talent_NN ._. Segovia_NP has_HVZ written_VBN about_IN Carl_NP :_: ``_
`` His_PP$ fingers_NNS labor_VB heavily_RB on_IN the_AT strings_NNS and_CC he_PP
S asked_VBD for_IN my_PP$ help_NN in_IN disciplining_VBG them_PPO ._. I_PPSS fou
nd_VBD that_CS this_DT precocious_JJ ,_, grown-up_JJ boy_NN of_IN 74_CD deserved
_VBD to_TO be_BE taught_VBN ._. There_EX has_HVZ long_RB existed_VBN a_AT brothe
rly_JJ affection_NN between_IN us_PPO ,_, thus_RB I_PPSS accepted_VBD him_PPO as
_CS my_PP$ pupil_NN ._. Just_RB as_CS in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN every_AT prodig
y_NN child_NN ,_, we_PPSS must_MD watch_VB for_IN the_AT efficacy_NN of_IN my_PP
$ teaching_NN to_TO show_VB up_RP in_IN the_AT future_NN --_-- if_CS he_PPS shou
ld_MD master_VB all_ABN the_AT strenuous_JJ exercises_NNS I_PPSS inflicted_VBD o
n_IN him_PPO ._. To_TO play_VB the_AT guitar_NN as_CS he_PPS aspires_VBZ will_MD
devour_VB his_PP$ three-fold_JJ energy_NN as_CS a_AT historian_NN ,_, a_AT poet
_NN and_CC a_AT singer_NN ._. One_CD cause_NN of_IN Schopenhauer's_NP$ pessimism
_NN was_BEDZ the_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS failed_VBD to_TO learn_VB the_AT guit
ar_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM certain_JJ that_CS Carl_NP Sandburg_NP will_MD not_* fal
l_VB into_IN the_AT same_AP sad_JJ philosophy_NN ._. The_AT heart_NN of_IN this_
DT great_JJ poet_NN constantly_RB bubbles_VBZ forth_RB a_AT generous_JJ joy_NN o
f_IN life_NN --_-- with_IN or_CC without_IN the_AT guitar_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT pu
blic's_NN$ identification_NN of_IN Carl_NP Sandburg_NP and_CC the_AT guitar_NN i
s_BEZ no_AT happenstance_NN ._. Nor_CC does_DOZ Carl_NP reject_VB this_DT identi
ty_NN ._. He_PPS is_BEZ proud_JJ of_IN having_HVG Segovia_NP for_IN a_AT friend_
NN and_CC dedicated_VBD a_AT poem_NN to_IN him_PPO titled_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL Gu
itar_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Carl_NP says_VBZ it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT greatest_JJT poem_NN
ever_RB written_VBN to_IN the_AT guitar_NN because_CS he_PPS has_HVZ never_RB he
ard_VBN of_IN any_DTI other_AP poem_NN to_IN that_DT subtle_JJ instrument_NN ._.
``_`` A_AT portable_JJ companion_NN always_RB ready_JJ to_TO go_VB where_WRB yo
u_PPSS go_VB --_-- a_AT small_JJ friend_NN weighing_VBG less_AP than_CS a_AT fre
shborn_JJ infant_NN --_-- to_TO be_BE shared_VBN with_IN few_AP or_CC many_AP --
_-- just_RB two_CD of_IN you_PPO in_IN sweet_JJ meditation_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT N
ew_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Herald_NN-TL Tribune's_NN$-TL photographer_NN ,_, Ira_NP Ros
enberg_NP ,_, tells_VBZ an_AT anecdote_NN about_IN the_AT time_NN he_PPS wanted_
VBD to_TO take_VB a_AT picture_NN of_IN Carl_NP playing_VBG a_AT guitar_NN ._. C
arl_NP hadn't_HVD* brought_VBN his_PP$$ along_RB ._. Mr._NP Rosenberg_NP suggest
ed_VBD that_CS they_PPSS go_VB out_RP and_CC find_VB one_CD ._. ``_`` Preferably
_RB ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Carl_NP ,_, ``_`` one_CD battered_VBN and_CC worn_VBN ,_,
such_JJ as_CS might_MD be_BE found_VBN in_IN a_AT pawnshop_NN ''_'' ._. They_PP
SS went_VBD to_IN the_AT pawnshop_NN of_IN Joseph_NP Miller_NP of_IN 1162_CD-TL
Sixth_OD-TL Avenue_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Mr._NP Miller_NP was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT shop_N
N ''_'' ,_, the_AT Herald_NN-TL Tribune_NN-TL story_NN related_VBD ,_, ``_`` but
_CC was_BEDZ reluctant_JJ to_TO have_HV anybody's_PN$ picture_NN taken_VBN insid
e_RB ,_, because_CS his_PP$ business_NN was_BEDZ too_QL '_' confidential_JJ '_'
for_IN pictures_NNS ._. ``_`` But_CC after_IN introductions_NNS he_PPS asked_VBD
:_: '_' Carl_NP Sandburg_NP ?_. ?_. Well_RB you_PPSS can_MD pose_VB inside_RB .
_. ``_`` He_PPS wanted_VBD Mr._NP Sandburg_NP to_TO pose_VB with_IN one_CD of_IN
the_AT guitars_NNS he_PPS had_HVD displayed_VBN behind_IN glass_NN in_IN the_AT
center_NN of_IN his_PP$ shop_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT poet_NN eyed_VBD this_DT some
what_QL distastefully_RB ._. '_' Kalamazoo_NP guitars_NNS '_' ,_, he_PPS said_VB
D ,_, '_' used_VBN by_IN radio_NN hillbilly_NN singers_NNS ._. ``_`` He_PPS chos
e_VBD one_CD from_IN Mr._NP Miller's_NP$ window_NN ,_, a_AT plain_JJ guitar_NN w
ith_IN no_AT fancy_JJ polish_NN ._. While_CS the_AT picture_NN was_BEDZ taken_VB
N ,_, Mr._NP Miller's_NP$ disposition_NN to_TO be_BE generous_JJ to_IN Mr._NP Sa
ndburg_NP increased_VBD to_IN the_AT point_NN where_WRB he_PPS advised_VBD ,_, '
_' I_PPSS won't_MD* even_VB charge_VB you_PPO the_AT one_CD dollar_NN rental_NN
fee_NN '_' ''_'' ._. A_AT knowledgeable_JJ celebrity_NN When_WRB someone_PN in_I
N the_AT audience_NN rose_VBD and_CC asked_VBD how_WRB does_DOZ it_PPS feel_VB t
o_TO be_BE a_AT celebrity_NN ,_, Carl_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` A_AT celebrity_NN is
_BEZ a_AT fellow_NN who_WPS eats_VBZ celery_NN with_IN celerity_NN ''_'' ._. Thi
s_DT has_HVZ always_RB been_BEN Carl's_NP$ attitude_NN ._. Lloyd_NP Lewis_NP wro
te_VBD that_CS when_WRB he_PPS first_RB knew_VBD Carl_NP in_IN 1916_CD ,_, Sandb
urg_NP was_BEDZ making_VBG $27.50_NNS a_AT week_NN writing_VBG features_NNS for_
IN the_AT Day_NN-TL Book_NN-TL and_CC eating_VBG sparse_JJ luncheons_NNS in_IN o
ne-arm_NN restaurants_NNS ._. He_PPS walked_VBD home_NR at_IN night_NN for_IN tw
o_CD miles_NNS beyond_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN a_AT suburban_JJ trolley_NN ._. Whe
n_WRB fame_NN came_VBD it_PPS changed_VBD Sandburg_NP only_QL slightly_RB ._. Le
wis_NP remembered_VBD another_DT newspaperman_NN asking_VBG ,_, ``_`` Carl_NP ,_
, have_HV your_PP$ ideas_NNS changed_VBN any_DTI since_CS you_PPSS got_VBD all_A
BN these_DTS comforts_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. Carl_NP thought_VBD the_AT question_NN o
ver_RP slowly_RB and_CC answered_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS know_VB a_AT starving_VBG
man_NN who_WPS is_BEZ fed_VBN never_RB remembers_VBZ all_ABN the_AT pangs_NNS of
_IN his_PP$ starvation_NN ,_, I_PPSS know_VB that_DT ''_'' ._. That_DT was_BEDZ
all_ABN he_PPS said_VBD ,_, Lewis_NP reports_VBZ ._. That_DT was_BEDZ all_ABN he
_PPS had_HVD to_TO say_VB ._. In_IN answer_NN to_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Ti
mes_NNS-TL query_NN on_IN what_WDT is_BEZ fame_NN (_( ``_`` Thoughts_NNS-TL On_I
N-TL Fame_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, October_NP 23_CD ,_, 1960_CD )_) ,_, Carl_NP said_VBD
:_: ``_`` Fame_NN is_BEZ a_AT figment_NN of_IN a_AT pigment_NN ._. It_PPS comes_
VBZ and_CC goes_VBZ ._. It_PPS changes_VBZ with_IN every_AT generation_NN ._. Th
ere_EX never_RB were_BED two_CD fames_NNS alike_JJ ._. One_CD fame_NN is_BEZ pre
cious_JJ and_CC luminous_JJ ;_. ;_. another_DT is_BEZ a_AT bubble_NN of_IN a_AT
bauble_NN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Ah_UH ,_, did_DOD you_PPSS once_RB see_VB Shelley_NP p
lain_RB ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT impression_NN you_PPSS get_VB from_IN Carl_NP Sandb
urg's_NP$ home_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN laughter_NN and_CC happiness_NN ;_. ;_. an
d_CC the_AT laughter_NN and_CC the_AT happiness_NN are_BER even_QL more_RBR pron
ounced_VBN when_WRB no_AT company_NN is_BEZ present_RB ._. Carl_NP has_HVZ been_
BEN married_VBN to_IN Paula_NP for_IN fifty-three_CD years_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS
has_HVZ not_* made_VBN a_AT single_AP major_JJ decision_NN without_IN careful_J
J consideration_NN and_CC thorough_JJ discussion_NN with_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ._.
Through_IN all_ABN these_DTS years_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Sandburg_NP has_HVZ pointedly
_RB avoided_VBN the_AT limelight_NN ._. She_PPS has_HVZ shared_VBN her_PP$ husba
nd's_NN$ greatness_NN ,_, but_CC only_RB within_IN the_AT confines_NNS of_IN the
ir_PP$ home_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT dedication_NN which_WDT began_VBD the_
AT moment_NN she_PPS met_VBD Carl_NP ._. Mrs._NP Sandburg_NP received_VBD a_AT P
hi_NP Beta_NP Kappa_NP key_NN from_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicago_N
P-TL and_CC she_PPS was_BEDZ busy_JJ writing_VBG and_CC teaching_VBG when_WRB sh
e_PPS met_VBD Sandburg_NP ._. ``_`` You_PPSS are_BER the_AT '_' Peoples'_NNS$-TL
Poet_NN-TL '_' ''_'' was_BEDZ her_PP$ appraisal_NN in_IN 1908_CD ,_, and_CC she
_PPS stopped_VBD teaching_VBG and_CC writing_VBG to_TO devote_VB herself_PPL to_
IN the_AT fulfillment_NN of_IN her_PP$ husband's_NN$ career_NN ._. She_PPS has_H
VZ rarely_RB been_BEN photographed_VBN with_IN him_PPO and_CC ,_, except_IN for_
IN Carl's_NP$ seventy-fifth_OD anniversary_NN celebration_NN in_IN Chicago_NP in
_IN 1953_CD ,_, she_PPS has_HVZ not_* attended_VBN the_AT dozens_NNS of_IN banqu
ets_NNS ,_, functions_NNS ,_, public_JJ appearances_NNS ,_, and_CC dinners_NNS h
onoring_VBG him_PPO --_-- all_ABN of_IN this_DT upon_IN her_PP$ insistence_NN ._
. Even_QL now_RB I_PPSS will_MD not_* intrude_VB upon_IN her_PPO except_IN to_TO
state_VB a_AT few_AP bare_JJ facts_NNS ._. The_AT only_AP way_NN to_TO describe
_VB Paula_NP Sandburg_NP is_BEZ to_TO say_VB she_PPS is_BEZ beautiful_JJ in_IN a
_AT Grecian_JJ sense_NN ._. Her_PP$ clothes_NNS ,_, her_PP$ hair_NN ,_, everythi
ng_PN about_IN her_PPO is_BEZ both_ABX graceful_JJ and_CC simple_JJ ._. She_PPS
has_HVZ small_JJ ,_, broad_JJ ,_, capable_JJ hands_NNS and_CC an_AT enormous_JJ
energy_NN ._. She_PPS is_BEZ not_* only_RB a_AT trained_VBN mathematician_NN and
_CC Classicist_NP ,_, but_CC a_AT good_JJ architect_NN ._. She_PPS designed_VBD
and_CC supervised_VBD the_AT building_NN of_IN the_AT Harbert_NP ,_, Michigan_NP
,_, house_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN which_WDT was_BEDZ constructed_VBN by_IN one_CD
local_JJ carpenter_NN who_WPS carried_VBD the_AT heavy_JJ beams_NNS singly_RB up
on_IN his_PP$ shoulder_NN ._. As_CS the_AT Sandburg_NP goat_NN herd_NN increased
_VBD ,_, she_PPS also_RB designed_VBD the_AT barn_NN alterations_NNS to_TO accom
modate_VB them_PPO ._. When_WRB erosion_NN threatened_VBD the_AT foundation_NN o
f_IN their_PP$ home_NN in_IN Harbert_NP ,_, Paula_NP Sandburg_NP planted_VBD gra
pevines_NNS and_CC arranged_VBD the_AT snow_NN fences_NNS which_WDT helped_VBD h
old_NN the_AT sands_NNS away_RB ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ born_VBN Lilian_NP Steichen
_NP ,_, her_PP$ parents_NNS immigrants_NNS from_IN Luxemburg_NP ._. Her_PP$ moth
er_NN called_VBD her_PPO Paus'l_NP ,_, a_AT Luxemburg_NP endearment_NN meaning_V
BG ``_`` pussycat_NN ''_'' ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT children_NNS of_IN the_AT f
amily_NN could_MD not_* pronounce_VB this_DT name_NN and_CC called_VBD her_PPO P
aula_NP ,_, a_AT soubriquet_NN Carl_NP liked_VBD so_QL much_RB she_PPS has_HVZ b
een_BEN Paula_NP ever_QL since_RB ._. But_CC neither_CC was_BEDZ Lilian_NP her_P
P$ baptismal_JJ name_NN ._. Her_PP$ parents_NNS ,_, pious_JJ Roman_JJ-TL Catholi
cs_NPS-TL ,_, christened_VBD her_PPO Mary_NP Anne_NP Elizabeth_NP Magdalene_NP S
teichen_NP ._. ``_`` My_PP$ mother_NN read_VBD a_AT book_NN right_QL after_CS I_
PPSS was_BEDZ born_VBN and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT Lilian_NP in_IN the_AT book
_NN she_PPS loved_VBD and_CC I_PPSS became_VBD Lilian_NP --_-- and_CC eventually
_RB I_PPSS became_VBD Paula_NP ''_'' ._. Lilian_NP Steichen_NP was_BEDZ an_AT ex
ceptional_JJ student_NN ._. This_DT family_NN of_IN Luxemburg_NP immigrants_NNS
,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, produced_VBD two_CD exceptional_JJ children_NNS ._. Paula'
s_NP$ older_JJR brother_NN is_BEZ Edward_NP Steichen_NP ,_, a_AT talented_JJ art
ist_NN and_CC ,_, for_IN the_AT past_AP half-century_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT
world's_NN$ eminent_JJ photographers_NNS ._. (_( Two_CD years_NNS ago_RB the_AT
photography_NN editor_NN of_IN Vogue_NN-TL Magazine_NN-TL titled_VBD his_PP$ art
icle_NN about_IN Steichen_NP ,_, ``_`` The_AT-TL World's_NN$-TL Greatest_JJT-TL
Photographer_NN-TL ''_'' ._. )_) By_IN the_AT time_NN Lilian_NP had_HVD been_BEN
graduated_VBN from_IN public_JJ school_NN ,_, her_PP$ parents_NNS were_BED doin
g_VBG quite_QL well_RB ._. Her_PP$ mother_NN was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ manager_NN an
d_CC established_VBD a_AT millinery_NN business_NN in_IN Milwaukee_NP ._. But_CC
her_PP$ father_NN was_BEDZ not_* enthusiastic_JJ about_IN sending_VBG young_JJ
Paula_NP to_IN high_JJ school_NN ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ no_AT place_NN for_IN
a_AT young_JJ girl_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. The_AT parents_NNS compromis
ed_VBD ,_, however_RB ,_, on_IN a_AT convent_NN school_NN and_CC Paula_NP went_V
BD to_IN Ursuline_NP-TL Academy_NN-TL in_IN London_NP ,_, Ontario_NP ._. She_PPS
was_BEDZ pious_JJ ,_, too_RB ,_, once_RB kneeling_VBG through_IN the_AT night_N
N from_IN Holy_JJ-TL Thursday_NR-TL to_IN Good_JJ-TL Friday_NR-TL ,_, despite_IN
the_AT protest_NN of_IN the_AT nuns_NNS that_CS this_DT was_BEDZ too_QL much_RB
for_IN a_AT young_JJ girl_NN ._. She_PPS knelt_VBD out_IN of_IN reverence_NN fo
r_IN having_HVG read_VBN the_AT Meditations_NNS-TL of_IN-TL St._NN-TL Augustine_
NP-TL ._. She_PPS read_VBD everything_PN else_RB she_PPS could_MD get_VB her_PP$
hands_NNS on_IN ,_, including_IN an_AT article_NN (_( she_PPS thinks_VBZ it_PPS
was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT Atlantic_JJ-TL Monthly_NN-TL )_) by_IN Mark_NP Twain_NP o
n_IN ``_`` White_JJ-TL Slavery_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Paula_NP was_BEDZ saddened_VBN ab
out_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ happening_VBG to_IN little_JJ girls_NNS and_CC vowed_VB
D to_TO kneel_VB no_QL more_RBR in_IN Chapel_NN-TL ._. She_PPS had_HVD come_VBN
to_IN a_AT decision_NN ._. If_CS there_EX was_BEDZ ever_RB a_AT thought_NN in_IN
her_PP$ mind_NN she_PPS might_MD devote_VB her_PP$ life_NN to_IN religion_NN ,_
, it_PPS was_BEDZ now_RB dispelled_VBN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS felt_VBD that_CS I_PPSS
must_MD devote_VB myself_PPL to_IN the_AT '_' outside_JJ '_' world_NN ''_'' ._.
She_PPS passed_VBD the_AT entrance_NN examinations_NNS to_IN the_AT University_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Illinois_NP-TL ,_, but_CC during_IN the_AT year_NN at_IN Urbana_NP
felt_VBD more_QL important_JJ events_NNS transpired_VBD at_IN the_AT University
_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicago_NP-TL ._. ``_`` And_CC besides_RB ,_, Thorstein_NP Veble
n_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT Chicago_NP professors_NNS ''_'' ._. At_IN the_
AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Chicago_NP-TL she_PPS studied_VBD Whitman_NP and_CC
Shelley_NP ,_, and_CC became_VBD a_AT Socialist_NN-TL ._. Socialist_JJ-TL leade
rs_NNS in_IN Milwaukee_NP recognized_VBD her_PP$ worth_NN ,_, not_* only_RB beca
use_RB of_IN her_PP$ dedication_NN but_CC because_CS of_IN her_PP$ fluency_NN in
_IN German_NP ,_, French_NP ,_, and_CC Luxemburg_NP ._. She_PPS once_RB gave_VBD
a_AT German_NP recitation_NN before_IN a_AT convention_NN of_IN German-language
_JJ teachers_NNS in_IN Milwaukee_NP ._. Carl_NP and_CC Paula_NP met_VBD in_IN Mi
lwaukee_NP in_IN 1907_CD during_IN Paula's_NP$ Christmas_NP holiday_NN visit_NN
to_IN her_PP$ parents_NNS ._. Carl_NP was_BEDZ still_RB Charles_NP A._NP Sandbur
g_NP ._. He_PPS ``_`` legitimized_VBD ''_'' Paula_NP for_IN Lilian_NP Steichen_N
P ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ Paula_NP who_WPS insisted_VBD on_IN Carl_NP for_IN
Charles_NP ._. Victor_NP Berger_NP ,_, the_AT panjandrum_NN of_IN Wisconsin_NP-T
L Socialism_NN-TL and_CC member_NN of_IN Congress_NP ,_, had_HVD asked_VBN Paula
_NP Steichen_NP to_TO translate_VB some_DTI of_IN his_PP$ German_NP editorials_N
NS into_IN English_NP ._. Carl_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ stationed_VBN in_IN Apple
ton_NP ,_, Wisconsin_NP ,_, organizing_VBG for_IN the_AT Social_JJ-TL Democrats_
NPS-TL ,_, was_BEDZ in_IN Berger's_NP$ office_NN and_CC made_VBD it_PPO his_PP$
business_NN to_TO escort_VB Paula_NP to_IN the_AT streetcar_NN ._. She_PPS left_
VBD the_AT next_AP day_NN for_IN her_PP$ teaching_VBG job_NN at_IN Princeton_NP
,_, Illinois_NP ._. (_( After_IN graduation_NN from_IN the_AT University_NN-TL o
f_IN-TL Chicago_NP-TL ,_, Paula_NP taught_VBD for_IN two_CD years_NNS in_IN the_
AT normal_JJ school_NN at_IN Valley_NN-TL City_NN-TL ,_, North_JJ-TL Dakota_NP-T
L ,_, then_RB two_CD years_NNS at_IN Princeton_NP-TL (_( Illinois_NP )_) Townshi
p_NN-TL High_JJ-TL School_NN-TL ._. )_) By_IN the_AT time_NN the_AT streetcar_NN
pulled_VBD away_RB ,_, he_PPS had_HVD fallen_VBN in_IN love_NN with_IN Paula_NP
._. A_AT letter_NN awaited_VBD her_PPO at_IN Princeton_NP ._. Paula_NP says_VBZ
that_CS even_RB though_CS Carl's_NP$ letters_NNS usually_RB began_VBD ,_, ``_``
Dear_JJ Miss_NP Steichen_NP ''_'' ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ an_AT understanding_NN
from_IN the_AT beginning_NN that_CS they_PPSS would_MD become_VB husband_NN and_
CC wife_NN ._. Paula_NP generously_RB lent_VBD me_PPO one_CD of_IN Carl's_NP$ lo
ve_NN letters_NNS ,_, dated_VBN February_NP 21_CD ,_, 1908_CD ,_, Hotel_NN-TL At
hearn_NP-TL ,_, Oshkosh_NP ,_, Wisconsin_NP :_: ``_`` Dear_JJ Miss_NP Steichen_N
P :_: It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT very_QL good_JJ letter_NN you_PPSS send_VB me_PPO --_--
softens_VBZ the_AT intensity_NN of_IN this_DT guerilla_NN warfare_NN I_PPSS am_
BEM carrying_VBG on_RP up_IN here_RB ._. Never_RB until_IN in_IN this_DT work_NN
of_IN S-D_NN organization_NN have_HV I_PPSS realized_VBN and_CC felt_VBD the_AT
attitude_NN and_CC experience_NN of_IN a_AT Teacher_NN ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL is_BEZ always_RB ready_JJ to_TO participate_VB with_IN the_AT Sov
iet_NP-TL Union_NN-TL in_IN serious_JJ discussion_NN of_IN these_DTS or_CC any_D
TI other_AP subjects_NNS that_WPS may_MD lead_VB to_IN peace_NN with_IN justice_
NN ._. Certainly_RB it_PPS is_BEZ not_* necessary_JJ to_TO repeat_VB that_CS the
_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL has_HVZ no_AT intention_NN of_IN interfering_VBG
in_IN the_AT internal_JJ affairs_NNS of_IN any_DTI nation_NN ;_. ;_. by_IN the_
AT same_AP token_NN ,_, we_PPSS reject_VB any_DTI Soviet_NP attempt_NN to_TO imp
ose_VB its_PP$ system_NN on_IN us_PPO or_CC other_AP peoples_NNS by_IN force_NN
or_CC subversion_NN ._. Now_RB this_DT concern_NN for_IN the_AT freedom_NN of_IN
other_AP peoples_NNS is_BEZ the_AT intellectual_JJ and_CC spiritual_JJ cement_N
N which_WDT has_HVZ allied_VBN us_PPO with_IN more_AP than_IN forty_CD other_AP
nations_NNS in_IN a_AT common_JJ defense_NN effort_NN ._. Not_* for_IN a_AT mome
nt_NN do_DO we_PPSS forget_VB that_CS our_PP$ own_JJ fate_NN is_BEZ firmly_RB fa
stened_VBN to_IN that_DT of_IN these_DTS countries_NNS ;_. ;_. we_PPSS will_MD n
ot_* act_VB in_IN any_DTI way_NN which_WDT would_MD jeopardize_VB our_PP$ solemn
_JJ commitments_NNS to_IN them_PPO ._. We_PPSS and_CC our_PP$ friends_NNS are_BE
R ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, concerned_VBN with_IN self-defense_NN ._. Growing_VBG
out_IN of_IN this_DT concern_NN is_BEZ the_AT realization_NN that_CS all_ABN peo
ple_NNS of_IN the_AT Free_JJ-TL World_NN-TL have_HV a_AT great_JJ stake_NN in_IN
the_AT progress_NN ,_, in_IN freedom_NN ,_, of_IN the_AT uncommitted_JJ and_CC
newly_RB emerging_VBG nations_NNS ._. These_DTS peoples_NNS ,_, desperately_RB h
oping_VBG to_TO lift_VB themselves_PPLS to_IN decent_JJ levels_NNS of_IN living_
VBG must_MD not_* ,_, by_IN our_PP$ neglect_NN ,_, be_BE forced_VBN to_TO seek_V
B help_NN from_IN ,_, and_CC finally_RB become_VB virtual_JJ satellites_NNS of_I
N ,_, those_DTS who_WPS proclaim_VB their_PP$ hostility_NN to_IN freedom_NN ._.
But_CC they_PPSS must_MD have_HV technical_JJ and_CC investment_NN assistance_NN
._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT problem_NN to_TO be_BE solved_VBN not_* by_IN America_N
P alone_RB ,_, but_CC also_RB by_IN every_AT nation_NN cherishing_VBG the_AT sam
e_AP ideals_NNS and_CC in_IN position_NN to_TO provide_VB help_NN ._. In_IN rece
nt_JJ years_NNS America's_NP$ partners_NNS and_CC friends_NNS in_IN Western_JJ-T
L Europe_NP-TL and_CC Japan_NP have_HV made_VBN great_JJ economic_JJ progress_NN
._. The_AT international_JJ economy_NN of_IN 1960_CD is_BEZ markedly_QL differe
nt_JJ from_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT early_JJ postwar_JJ years_NNS ._. No_QL longe
r_RBR is_BEZ the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL the_AT only_AP major_JJ industri
al_JJ country_NN capable_JJ of_IN providing_VBG substantial_JJ amounts_NNS of_IN
the_AT resources_NNS so_QL urgently_RB needed_VBN in_IN the_AT newly_RB develop
ed_VBN countries_NNS ._. To_TO remain_VB secure_JJ and_CC prosperous_JJ themselv
es_PPLS ,_, wealthy_JJ nations_NNS must_MD extend_VB the_AT kind_NN of_IN co-ope
ration_NN to_IN the_AT less_QL fortunate_JJ members_NNS that_WPS will_MD inspire
_VB hope_NN ,_, confidence_NN ,_, and_CC progress_NN ._. A_AT rich_JJ nation_NN
can_MD for_IN a_AT time_NN ,_, without_IN noticeable_JJ damage_NN to_IN itself_P
PL ,_, pursue_VB a_AT course_NN of_IN self-indulgence_NN ,_, making_VBG its_PP$
single_AP goal_NN the_AT material_NN ease_NN and_CC comfort_NN of_IN its_PP$ own
_JJ citizens_NNS --_-- thus_RB repudiating_VBG its_PP$ own_JJ spiritual_JJ and_C
C material_NN stake_NN in_IN a_AT peaceful_JJ and_CC prosperous_JJ society_NN of
_IN nations_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT enmities_NNS it_PPS will_MD incur_VB ,_, the_A
T isolation_NN into_IN which_WDT it_PPS will_MD descend_VB ,_, and_CC the_AT int
ernal_JJ moral_JJ and_CC spiritual_JJ softness_NN that_WPS will_MD be_BE engende
red_VBN ,_, will_MD ,_, in_IN the_AT long_JJ term_NN ,_, bring_VB it_PPO to_IN e
conomic_JJ and_CC political_JJ disaster_NN ._. America_NP did_DOD not_* become_V
B great_JJ through_IN softness_NN and_CC self-indulgence_NN ._. Her_PP$ miraculo
us_JJ progress_NN in_IN material_NN achievements_NNS flows_VBZ from_IN other_AP
qualities_NNS far_QL more_QL worthy_JJ and_CC substantial_JJ :_: adherence_NN to
_IN principles_NNS and_CC methods_NNS consonant_JJ with_IN our_PP$ religious_JJ
philosophy_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT satisfaction_NN in_IN hard_JJ work_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT
readiness_NN to_TO sacrifice_VB for_IN worthwhile_JJ causes_NNS ;_. ;_. the_AT c
ourage_NN to_TO meet_VB every_AT challenge_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT intellectual_JJ hon
esty_NN and_CC capacity_NN to_TO recognize_VB the_AT true_JJ path_NN of_IN her_P
P$ own_JJ best_JJT interests_NNS ._. To_IN us_PPO and_CC to_IN every_AT nation_N
N of_IN the_AT Free_JJ-TL World_NN-TL ,_, rich_JJ or_CC poor_JJ ,_, these_DTS qu
alities_NNS are_BER necessary_JJ today_NR as_CS never_QL before_RB if_CS we_PPSS
are_BER to_TO march_VB together_RB to_IN greater_JJR security_NN ,_, prosperity
_NN and_CC peace_NN ._. I_PPSS believe_VB that_CS the_AT industrial_JJ countries
_NNS are_BER ready_JJ to_TO participate_VB actively_RB in_IN supplementing_VBG t
he_AT efforts_NNS of_IN the_AT developing_VBG nations_NNS to_TO achieve_VB progr
ess_NN ._. The_AT immediate_JJ need_NN for_IN this_DT kind_NN of_IN co-operation
_NN is_BEZ underscored_VBN by_IN the_AT strain_NN in_IN this_DT nation's_NN$ int
ernational_JJ balance_NN of_IN payments_NNS ._. Our_PP$ surplus_NN from_IN forei
gn_JJ business_NN transactions_NNS has_HVZ in_IN recent_JJ years_NNS fallen_VBN
substantially_RB short_JJ of_IN the_AT expenditures_NNS we_PPSS make_VB abroad_R
B to_TO maintain_VB our_PP$ military_JJ establishments_NNS overseas_RB ,_, to_TO
finance_VB private_JJ investment_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO provide_VB assistance_NN t
o_IN the_AT less_QL developed_VBN nations_NNS ._. In_IN 1959_CD our_PP$ deficit_
NN in_IN balance_NN of_IN payments_NNS approached_VBD four_CD billion_CD dollars
_NNS ._. Continuing_VBG deficits_NNS of_IN anything_PN like_CS this_DT magnitude
_NN would_MD ,_, over_IN time_NN ,_, impair_VB our_PP$ own_JJ economic_JJ growth
_NN and_CC check_VB the_AT forward_JJ progress_NN of_IN the_AT Free_JJ-TL World_
NN-TL ._. We_PPSS must_MD meet_VB this_DT situation_NN by_IN promoting_VBG a_AT
rising_VBG volume_NN of_IN exports_NNS and_CC world_NN trade_NN ._. Further_RBR
,_, we_PPSS must_MD induce_VB all_ABN industrialized_VBN nations_NNS of_IN the_A
T Free_JJ-TL World_NN-TL to_TO work_VB together_RB to_TO help_VB lift_VB the_AT
scourge_NN of_IN poverty_NN from_IN less_QL fortunate_JJ ._. This_DT co-operatio
n_NN in_IN this_DT matter_NN will_MD provide_VB both_ABX for_IN the_AT necessary
_JJ sharing_NN of_IN this_DT burden_NN and_CC in_IN bringing_VBG about_RP still_
QL further_JJR increases_NNS in_IN mutually_QL profitable_JJ trade_NN ._. New_JJ
Nations_NNS-TL ,_, and_CC others_NNS struggling_VBG with_IN the_AT problems_NNS
of_IN development_NN ,_, will_MD progress_VB only_RB --_-- regardless_RB of_IN
any_DTI outside_JJ help_NN --_-- if_CS they_PPSS demonstrate_VB faith_NN in_IN t
heir_PP$ own_JJ destiny_NN and_CC use_VB their_PP$ own_JJ resources_NNS to_TO fu
lfill_VB it_PPO ._. Moreover_RB ,_, progress_NN in_IN a_AT national_JJ transform
ation_NN can_MD be_BE only_QL gradually_RB earned_VBN ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ no
_AT easy_JJ and_CC quick_JJ way_NN to_TO follow_VB from_IN the_AT oxcart_NN to_I
N the_AT jet_NN plane_NN ._. But_CC ,_, just_RB as_CS we_PPSS drew_VBD on_IN Eur
ope_NP for_IN assistance_NN in_IN our_PP$ earlier_JJR years_NNS ,_, so_RB now_RB
do_DO these_DTS new_JJ and_CC emerging_VBG nations_NNS that_WPS do_DO have_HV t
his_DT faith_NN and_CC determination_NN deserve_VB help_NN ._. Respecting_IN the
ir_PP$ need_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT major_JJ focal_JJ points_NNS of_IN our_PP
$ concern_NN is_BEZ the_AT South-Asian_JJ region_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, in_IN two_CD
nations_NNS alone_RB ,_, are_BER almost_RB five_CD hundred_CD million_CD people
_NNS ,_, all_ABN working_VBG ,_, and_CC working_VBG hard_RB ,_, to_TO raise_VB t
heir_PP$ standards_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN doing_VBG so_RB ,_, to_TO make_VB of_IN
themselves_PPLS a_AT strong_JJ bulwark_NN against_IN the_AT spread_NN of_IN an_A
T ideology_NN that_WPS would_MD destroy_VB liberty_NN ._. I_PPSS cannot_MD* expr
ess_VB to_IN you_PPO the_AT depth_NN of_IN my_PP$ conviction_NN that_CS ,_, in_I
N our_PP$ own_JJ and_CC free_JJ world_NN interest_NN ,_, we_PPSS must_MD co-oper
ate_VB with_IN others_NNS to_TO help_VB these_DTS people_NNS achieve_VB their_PP
$ legitimate_JJ ambitions_NNS ,_, as_CS expressed_VBN in_IN their_PP$ different_
JJ multi-year_JJ plans_NNS ._. Through_IN the_AT World_NN-TL Bank_NN-TL and_CC o
ther_AP instrumentalities_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS through_IN individual_JJ a
ction_NN by_IN every_AT nation_NN in_IN position_NN to_TO help_VB ,_, we_PPSS mu
st_MD squarely_RB face_VB this_DT titanic_JJ challenge_NN ._. I_PPSS shall_MD co
ntinue_VB to_TO urge_VB the_AT American_JJ people_NNS ,_, in_IN the_AT interests
_NNS of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ security_NN ,_, prosperity_NN and_CC peace_NN ,_, to
_TO make_VB sure_JJ that_CS their_PP$ own_JJ part_NN of_IN this_DT great_JJ proj
ect_NN be_BE amply_RB and_CC cheerfully_RB supported_VBN ._. Free_JJ world_NN de
cisions_NNS in_IN this_DT matter_NN may_MD spell_VB the_AT difference_NN between
_IN world_NN disaster_NN and_CC world_NN progress_NN in_IN freedom_NN ._. Other_
AP countries_NNS ,_, some_DTI of_IN which_WDT I_PPSS visited_VBD last_AP month_N
N ,_, have_HV similar_JJ needs_NNS ._. A_AT common_JJ meeting_VBG ground_NN is_B
EZ desirable_JJ for_IN those_DTS nations_NNS which_WDT are_BER prepared_VBN to_T
O assist_VB in_IN the_AT development_NN effort_NN ._. During_IN the_AT past_AP y
ear_NN I_PPSS have_HV discussed_VBN this_DT matter_NN with_IN the_AT leaders_NNS
of_IN several_AP Western_JJ-TL nations_NNS ._. Because_RB of_IN its_PP$ wealth_
NN of_IN experience_NN ,_, the_AT Organization_NN-TL for_IN-TL European_JJ-TL Ec
onomic_JJ-TL Cooperation_NN-TL could_MD help_VB with_IN the_AT initial_JJ studie
s_NNS needed_VBN ._. The_AT goal_NN is_BEZ to_TO enlist_VB all_ABN available_JJ
economic_JJ resources_NNS in_IN the_AT industrialized_VBN Free_JJ-TL World_NN-TL
,_, especially_RB private_JJ investment_NN capital_NN ._. By_IN extending_VBG t
his_DT help_NN ,_, we_PPSS hope_VB to_TO make_VB possible_JJ the_AT enthusiastic
_JJ enrollment_NN of_IN these_DTS nations_NNS under_IN freedom's_NN$ banner_NN .
_. No_AT more_QL startling_JJ contrast_NN to_IN a_AT system_NN of_IN sullen_JJ s
atellites_NNS could_MD be_BE imagined_VBN ._. If_CS we_PPSS grasp_VB this_DT opp
ortunity_NN to_TO build_VB an_AT age_NN of_IN productive_JJ partnership_NN betwe
en_IN the_AT less_QL fortunate_JJ nations_NNS and_CC those_DTS that_WPS have_HV
already_RB achieved_VBN a_AT high_JJ state_NN of_IN economic_JJ advancement_NN ,
_, we_PPSS will_MD make_VB brighter_JJR the_AT outlook_NN for_IN a_AT world_NN o
rder_NN based_VBN upon_IN security_NN and_CC freedom_NN ._. Otherwise_RB ,_, the
_AT outlook_NN could_MD be_BE dark_JJ indeed_QLP ._. We_PPSS face_VB ,_, indeed_
RB ,_, what_WDT may_MD be_BE a_AT turning_VBG point_NN in_IN history_NN ,_, and_
CC we_PPSS must_MD act_VB decisively_RB and_CC wisely_RB ._. As_CS a_AT nation_N
N we_PPSS can_MD successfully_RB pursue_VB these_DTS objectives_NNS only_RB from
_IN a_AT position_NN of_IN broadly_QL based_VBN strength_NN ._. No_AT matter_NN
how_WQL earnest_JJ is_BEZ our_PP$ quest_NN for_IN guaranteed_VBN peace_NN ,_, we
_PPSS must_MD maintain_VB a_AT high_JJ degree_NN of_IN military_JJ effectiveness
_NN at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN we_PPSS are_BER engaged_VBN in_IN negotiating_V
BG the_AT issue_NN of_IN arms_NNS reduction_NN ._. Until_CS tangible_JJ and_CC m
utually_QL enforceable_JJ arms_NNS reduction_NN measures_NNS are_BER worked_VBN
out_RP we_PPSS will_MD not_* weaken_VB the_AT means_NNS of_IN defending_VBG our_
PP$ institutions_NNS ._. America_NP possesses_VBZ an_AT enormous_JJ defense_NN p
ower_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ my_PP$ studied_VBN conviction_NN that_CS no_AT nation_
NN will_MD ever_RB risk_VB general_JJ war_NN against_IN us_PPO unless_CS we_PPSS
should_MD become_VB so_QL foolish_JJ as_CS to_TO neglect_VB the_AT defense_NN f
orces_NNS we_PPSS now_RB so_QL powerfully_RB support_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ world-
wide_JJ knowledge_NN that_CS any_DTI power_NN which_WDT might_MD be_BE tempted_V
BN today_NR to_TO attack_VB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL by_IN surprise_NN
,_, even_RB though_CS we_PPSS might_MD sustain_VB great_JJ losses_NNS ,_, would
_MD itself_PPL promptly_RB suffer_VB a_AT terrible_JJ destruction_NN ._. But_CC
I_PPSS once_RB again_RB assure_VB all_ABN peoples_NNS and_CC all_ABN nations_NNS
that_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, except_RB in_IN defense_NN ,_, w
ill_MD never_RB turn_VB loose_RB this_DT destructive_JJ power_NN ._. During_IN t
he_AT past_AP year_NN ,_, our_PP$ long-range_NN striking_VBG power_NN ,_, unmatc
hed_JJ today_NR in_IN manned_VBN bombers_NNS ,_, has_HVZ taken_VBN on_RP new_JJ
strength_NN as_CS the_AT Atlas_NP intercontinental_JJ ballistic_JJ missile_NN ha
s_HVZ entered_VBN the_AT operational_JJ inventory_NN ._. In_IN fourteen_CD recen
t_JJ test_NN launchings_NNS ,_, at_IN ranges_NNS of_IN five_CD thousand_CD miles
_NNS ,_, Atlas_NP has_HVZ been_BEN striking_VBG on_IN an_AT average_NN within_IN
two_CD miles_NNS of_IN the_AT target_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ less_AP than_CS the_
AT length_NN of_IN a_AT jet_NN runway_NN --_-- well_QL within_IN the_AT circle_N
N of_IN destruction_NN ._. Incidentally_RB ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ an_AT Atlas_NP
firing_NN last_AP night_NN ._. From_IN all_ABN reports_NNS so_QL far_RB received
_VBN ,_, its_PP$ performance_NN conformed_VBD to_IN the_AT high_JJ standards_NNS
I_PPSS have_HV just_RB described_VBN ._. Such_JJ performance_NN is_BEZ a_AT gre
at_JJ tribute_NN to_IN American_JJ scientists_NNS and_CC engineers_NNS ,_, who_W
PS in_IN the_AT past_AP five_CD years_NNS have_HV had_HVN to_TO telescope_VB tim
e_NN and_CC technology_NN to_TO develop_VB these_DTS long-range_NN ballistic_JJ
missiles_NNS ,_, where_WRB America_NP had_HVD none_PN before_RB ._. This_DT year
_NN ,_, moreover_RB ,_, growing_VBG numbers_NNS of_IN nuclear_JJ powered_VBN sub
marines_NNS will_MD enter_VB our_PP$ active_JJ forces_NNS ,_, some_DTI to_TO be_
BE armed_VBN with_IN Polaris_NP missiles_NNS ._. These_DTS remarkable_JJ ships_N
NS and_CC weapons_NNS ,_, ranging_VBG the_AT oceans_NNS ,_, will_MD be_BE capabl
e_JJ of_IN accurate_JJ fire_NN on_IN targets_NNS virtually_RB anywhere_RB on_IN
earth_NN ._. To_TO meet_VB situations_NNS of_IN less_AP than_CS general_JJ nucle
ar_JJ war_NN ,_, we_PPSS continue_VB to_TO maintain_VB our_PP$ carrier_NN forces
_NNS ,_, our_PP$ many_AP service_NN units_NNS abroad_RB ,_, our_PP$ always_QL re
ady_JJ Army_NN-TL strategic_JJ forces_NNS and_CC Marine_NN-TL Corps_NN-TL divisi
ons_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT civilian_JJ components_NNS ._. The_AT continuing_VBG m
odernization_NN of_IN these_DTS forces_NNS is_BEZ a_AT costly_JJ but_CC necessar
y_JJ process_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ scheduled_VBN to_TO go_VB forward_RB at_IN a_A
T rate_NN which_WDT will_MD steadily_RB add_VB to_IN our_PP$ strength_NN ._. The
_AT deployment_NN of_IN a_AT portion_NN of_IN these_DTS forces_NNS beyond_IN our
_PP$ shores_NNS ,_, on_IN land_NN and_CC sea_NN ,_, is_BEZ persuasive_JJ demonst
ration_NN of_IN our_PP$ determination_NN to_TO stand_VB shoulder-to-shoulder_RB
with_IN our_PP$ allies_NNS for_IN collective_JJ security_NN ._. Moreover_RB ,_,
I_PPSS have_HV directed_VBN that_CS steps_NNS be_BE taken_VBN to_TO program_VB o
n_IN a_AT longer_JJR range_NN basis_NN our_PP$ military_JJ assistance_NN to_IN t
hese_DTS allies_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ necessary_JJ for_IN a_AT sounder_JJR coll
ective_JJ defense_NN system_NN ._. Next_RB I_PPSS refer_VB to_IN our_PP$ program
_NN in_IN space_NN exploration_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ often_RB mistakenly_RB su
pposed_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT integral_JJ part_NN of_IN defense_NN research_NN an
d_CC development_NN ._. We_PPSS note_VB that_CS ,_, first_OD ,_, America_NP has_
HVZ already_RB made_VBN great_JJ contributions_NNS in_IN the_AT past_AP two_CD y
ears_NNS to_IN the_AT world's_NN$ fund_NN of_IN knowledge_NN of_IN astrophysics_
NN and_CC space_NN science_NN ._. These_DTS discoveries_NNS are_BER of_IN presen
t_JJ interest_NN chiefly_RB to_IN the_AT scientific_JJ community_NN ;_. ;_. but_
CC they_PPSS are_BER important_JJ foundation_NN stones_NNS for_IN more_QL extens
ive_JJ exploration_NN of_IN outer_JJ space_NN for_IN the_AT ultimate_JJ benefit_
NN of_IN all_ABN mankind_NN ._. Second_OD ,_, our_PP$ military_JJ missile_NN pro
gram_NN ,_, going_VBG forward_RB so_QL successfully_RB ,_, does_DOZ not_* suffer
_VB from_IN our_PP$ present_JJ lack_NN of_IN very_QL large_JJ rocket_NN engines_
NNS ,_, which_WDT are_BER necessary_JJ in_IN distant_JJ space_NN exploration_NN
._. I_PPSS am_BEM assured_VBN by_IN experts_NNS that_CS the_AT thrust_NN of_IN o
ur_PP$ present_JJ missiles_NNS is_BEZ fully_QL adequate_JJ for_IN defense_NN req
uirements_NNS ._. Third_OD ,_, the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL is_BEZ pressin
g_VBG forward_RB in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN large_JJ rocket_NN engines_NN
S to_TO place_VB vehicles_NNS of_IN many_AP tons_NNS into_IN space_NN for_IN exp
loration_NN purposes_NNS ._. Fourth_OD ,_, in_IN the_AT meantime_NN ,_, it_PPS i
s_BEZ necessary_JJ to_TO remember_VB that_CS we_PPSS have_HV only_RB begun_VBN t
o_TO probe_VB the_AT environment_NN immediately_RB surrounding_VBG the_AT earth_
NN ._. Using_VBG launch_NN systems_NNS presently_RB available_JJ ,_, we_PPSS are
_BER developing_VBG satellites_NNS to_TO scout_VB the_AT world's_NN$ weather_NN
;_. ;_. satellite_NN relay_NN stations_NNS to_TO facilitate_VB and_CC extend_VB
communications_NNS over_IN the_AT globe_NN ;_. ;_. for_IN navigation_NN aids_NNS
to_TO give_VB accurate_JJ bearings_NNS to_IN ships_NNS and_CC aircraft_NN ;_. ;
_. and_CC for_IN perfecting_VBG instruments_NNS to_TO collect_VB and_CC transmit
_VB the_AT data_NNS we_PPSS seek_VB ._. Fifth_OD ,_, we_PPSS have_HV just_RB com
pleted_VBN a_AT year's_NN$ experience_NN with_IN our_PP$ new_JJ space_NN law_NN
._. I_PPSS believe_VB it_PPO deficient_JJ in_IN certain_JJ particulars_NNS ._. S
uggested_VBN improvements_NNS will_MD be_BE submitted_VBN to_IN the_AT Congress_
NP shortly_RB ._. The_AT accomplishment_NN of_IN the_AT many_AP tasks_NNS I_PPSS
have_HV alluded_VBN to_IN requires_VBZ the_AT continuous_JJ strengthening_NN of
_IN the_AT spiritual_JJ ,_, intellectual_JJ ,_, and_CC economic_JJ sinews_NNS of
_IN American_JJ life_NN ._. The_AT steady_JJ purpose_NN of_IN our_PP$ society_NN
is_BEZ to_TO assure_VB justice_NN ,_, before_IN God_NP ,_, for_IN every_AT indi
vidual_NN ._. We_PPSS must_MD be_BE ever_RB alert_JJ that_CS freedom_NN does_DOZ
not_* wither_VB through_IN the_AT careless_JJ amassing_NN of_IN restrictive_JJ
controls_NNS or_CC the_AT lack_NN of_IN courage_NN to_TO deal_VB boldly_RB with_
IN the_AT issues_NNS of_IN the_AT day_NN ._. A_AT year_NN ago_RB ,_, when_WRB I_
PPSS met_VBD with_IN you_PPO ,_, the_AT nation_NN was_BEDZ emerging_VBG from_IN
an_AT economic_JJ downturn_NN ,_, even_RB though_CS the_AT signs_NNS of_IN resur
gent_JJ prosperity_NN were_BED not_* then_RB sufficiently_QL convincing_JJ to_IN
the_AT doubtful_JJ ._. Today_NR our_PP$ surging_VBG strength_NN is_BEZ apparent
_JJ to_IN everyone_PN ._. 1960_CD promises_VBZ to_TO be_BE the_AT most_QL prospe
rous_JJ year_NN in_IN our_PP$ history_NN ._. Yet_CC we_PPSS continue_VB to_TO be
_BE afflicted_VBN by_IN nagging_VBG disorders_NNS ._. Among_IN current_JJ proble
ms_NNS that_WPS require_VB solutions_NNS ,_, participated_VBN in_IN by_IN citize
ns_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS government_NN ,_, are_BER :_: the_AT need_NN to_TO pr
otect_VB the_AT public_JJ interest_NN in_IN situations_NNS of_IN prolonged_VBN l
abor-management_NN stalemate_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT persistent_JJ refusal_NN to_TO co
me_VB to_IN grips_NNS with_IN a_AT critical_JJ problem_NN in_IN one_CD sector_NN
of_IN American_JJ agriculture_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT continuing_VBG threat_NN of_IN
inflation_NN ,_, together_RB with_IN the_AT persisting_VBG tendency_NN toward_IN
fiscal_JJ irresponsibility_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN certain_JJ instances_NNS the_AT den
ial_NN to_IN some_DTI of_IN our_PP$ citizens_NNS of_IN equal_JJ protection_NN of
_IN the_AT law_NN ._. The_AT group_NN ,_, upon_IN the_AT issuance_NN of_IN its_P
P$ first_OD press_NN release_NN on_IN December_NP 21_CD ,_, 1957_CD ,_, designat
ed_VBD itself_PPL a_AT ``_`` Committee_NN-TL of_IN-TL Investigation_NN-TL ''_''
._. In_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN its_PP$ inquiry_NN ,_, it_PPS took_VBD testimon
y_NN from_IN only_RB seven_CD witnesses_NNS ._. It_PPS heard_VBD Bang-Jensen_NP
twice_RB and_CC his_PP$ lawyer_NN ,_, Adolf_NP A._NP Berle_NP ,_, Jr._NP ,_, onc
e_RB ._. Its_PP$ second_OD press_NN release_NN was_BEDZ on_IN January_NP 15_CD ,
_, 1958_CD ,_, and_CC it_PPS recommended_VBD that_CS the_AT secret_JJ papers_NNS
be_BE destroyed_VBN ._. It_PPS also_RB implied_VBD that_CS Paul_NP Bang-Jensen_
NP had_HVD been_BEN irresponsible_JJ ._. On_IN January_NP 18_CD ,_, Ernest_NP Gr
oss_NP conducted_VBD a_AT press_NN conference_NN at_IN the_AT U.N._NP lasting_VB
G an_AT hour_NN ._. Here_RB ,_, he_PPS openly_RB attacked_VBD Bang-Jensen_NP and
_CC referred_VBD to_IN his_PP$ ``_`` aberrant_JJ conduct_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT co
nference_NN was_BEDZ held_VBN despite_IN Stavropoulos'_NP$ assurance_NN to_IN Ad
olf_NP Berle_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ leaving_VBG the_AT same_AP day_NN for_IN Pu
erto_NP Rico_NP ,_, that_CS nothing_PN would_MD be_BE done_VBN until_IN his_PP$
return_NN on_IN January_NP 22_CD ,_, except_IN that_CS the_AT Secretary_NN-TL Ge
neral_JJ-TL would_MD probably_RB order_VB the_AT list_NN destroyed_VBN ._. On_IN
January_NP 24_CD Paul_NP Bang-Jensen_NP ,_, accompanied_VBN by_IN Adolf_NP Berl
e_NP ,_, was_BEDZ met_VBN by_IN Dragoslav_NP Protitch_NP and_CC Colonel_NN-TL Fr
ank_NP Begley_NP ,_, former_AP Police_NNS-TL Chief_NN-TL of_IN Farmington_NP ,_,
Conn._NP ,_, and_CC now_RB head_NN of_IN U.N._NP special_JJ police_NN ._. The_A
T four_CD ,_, bundled_VBN in_IN overcoats_NNS ,_, mounted_VBD to_IN the_AT wind-
swept_JJ roof_NN of_IN the_AT U.N._NP There_RB ,_, Begley_NP lit_VBD a_AT fire_N
N in_IN a_AT wire_NN basket_NN ,_, and_CC Bang-Jensen_NP dropped_VBD four_CD sea
led_VBN envelopes_NNS into_IN the_AT flames_NNS ._. In_IN one_CD of_IN these_DTS
he_PPS said_VBD were_BED notes_NNS on_IN the_AT identities_NNS of_IN the_AT eig
hty-one_CD refugees_NNS ._. The_AT method_NN of_IN destroying_VBG the_AT evidenc
e_NN embarrassed_VBD Paul_NP Bang-Jensen_NP ._. He_PPS knew_VBD it_PPS would_MD
be_BE implied_VBN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ done_VBN in_IN this_DT way_NN at_IN hi
s_PP$ insistence_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ right_JJ ,_, and_CC Peter_NP Marshall_NP
could_MD not_* help_VB but_CC recall_VB Andrew_NP Cordier's_NP$ words_NNS on_IN
the_AT subject_NN ,_, ``_`` Well_UH ,_, it_PPS seemed_VBD as_QL good_JJ a_AT pl
ace_NN as_CS any_DTI to_TO do_DO the_AT job_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT Gross_NP group_N
N had_HVD been_BEN formed_VBN for_IN the_AT express_JJ purpose_NN of_IN advising
_VBG the_AT Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL ._. Hammarskjold's_NP$ supposed_VBN de
sire_NN to_TO seek_VB outside_JJ legal_JJ advice_NN in_IN the_AT guise_NN of_IN
Ernest_NP Gross_NP is_BEZ illusion_NN ,_, at_IN best_JJT ._. Gross's_NP$ ,_, bei
ng_BEG ``_`` outside_IN ''_'' the_AT U.N._NP applied_VBD only_RB to_IN a_AT phys
ical_JJ state_NN ,_, not_* an_AT objective_JJ one_CD ._. But_CC by_IN the_AT tim
e_NN the_AT papers_NNS were_BED finally_RB disposed_VBN of_IN ,_, the_AT group_N
N had_HVD informed_VBN the_AT world_NN of_IN its_PP$ purpose_NN ,_, its_PP$ reco
mmendations_NNS ,_, and_CC its_PP$ belief_NN that_CS Paul_NP Bang-Jensen_NP was_
BEDZ not_* of_IN sound_JJ mind_NN ._. Shortly_RB the_AT group_NN would_MD issue_
VB its_PP$ report_NN to_IN the_AT Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL ,_, recommending
_VBG Paul_NP Bang-Jensen's_NP$ dismissal_NN from_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations
_NNS-TL ._. The_AT contents_NNS of_IN this_DT 195-page_JJ document_NN would_MD b
ecome_VB known_VBN to_IN many_AP before_CS it_PPS would_MD become_VB known_VBN t
o_IN the_AT man_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ written_VBN about_IN ._. ``_`` Until_CS this_
DT Hungarian_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL matter_NN came_VBD up_RP ,_, Bang-Jensen_NP w
as_BEDZ a_AT fine_JJ and_CC devoted_VBN individual_NN ._. I_PPSS had_HVD known_V
BN him_PPO for_IN some_DTI years_NNS ,_, when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ a_AT delegate_
NN and_CC before_RB ,_, and_CC this_DT manner_NN had_HVD never_RB been_BEN his_P
P$$ ''_'' ._. Ernest_NP A._NP Gross_NP leaned_VBD back_RB in_IN his_PP$ chair_NN
and_CC told_VBD Peter_NP Marshall_NP how_WRB Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Dag_
NP Hammarskjold_NP had_HVD ,_, on_IN December_NP 4_CD ,_, 1957_CD ,_, called_VBN
him_PPO in_RP as_CS a_AT private_JJ lawyer_NN to_TO review_VB Bang-Jensen's_NP$
conduct_NN ``_`` relating_VBG to_IN his_PP$ association_NN with_IN the_AT Speci
al_JJ-TL Committee_NN-TL on_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN Hungary_NP ''_'' ._. The_
AT result_NN was_BEDZ the_AT ``_`` Gross_NP-TL Report_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, prepared_V
BN by_IN Gross_NP ,_, as_CS chairman_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT assistance_NN of_IN t
wo_CD U.N._NP-TL Under_JJ-TL Secretaries_NNS-TL ,_, Constantin_NP Stavropoulos_N
P and_CC Philippe_NP De_NP Seynes_NP ._. ``_`` Yes_RB ''_'' ,_, Gross_NP went_VB
D on_RP ,_, ``_`` Bang-Jensen_NP was_BEDZ an_AT up-and-coming_JJ young_JJ man_NN
._. He_PPS had_HVD always_RB done_VBN well_RB ._. Never_RB well_QL known_VBN ,_
, but_CC he_PPS had_HVD done_VBN his_PP$ work_NN competently_RB ._. ''_'' Gross_
NP had_HVD received_VBN Marshall_NP courteously_RB and_CC they_PPSS were_BED dis
cussing_VBG the_AT case_NN ._. ``_`` You_PPSS know_VB ''_'' ,_, the_AT lawyer_NN
said_VBD ,_, ``_`` it's_PPS+BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO talk_VB like_CS this_DT abou
t_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS can't_MD* answer_VB back_RB ''_'' ._. Gross_NP was_BEDZ
behind_IN a_AT clean-top_JJ desk_NN ,_, only_RB a_AT manila_NN folder_NN before
_IN him_PPO ._. Marshall_NP sat_VBD in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT several_AP leather
_NN chairs_NNS ._. Outside_IN the_AT office_NN windows_NNS ,_, twenty-four_CD st
ories_NNS above_IN Wall_NN-TL Street_NN-TL ,_, a_AT light_JJ rain_NN was_BEDZ fa
lling_VBG ._. ``_`` Mr._NP Gross_NP ,_, your_PP$ report_NN says_VBZ that_CS '_'
our_PP$ function_NN is_BEZ investigative_JJ and_CC advisory_JJ and_CC does_DOZ n
ot_* in_IN any_DTI way_NN derogate_VB from_IN or_CC prejudice_VB Mr._NP Bang-Jen
sen's_NP$ rights_NNS as_CS a_AT staff_NN member_NN ._. You_PPSS know_VB ,_, Bang
-Jensen_NP characterized_VBD your_PP$ Committee_NN-TL as_CS having_HVG prejudged
_VBN his_PP$ case_NN ''_'' ._. Gross_NP swung_VBD his_PP$ swivel_NN chair_NN ._.
``_`` Well_RB ,_, how_WRB could_MD that_DT have_HV been_BEN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS don'
t_DO* consider_VB that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ prejudged_VBN ._. We_PPSS were_BED giv
en_VBN a_AT job_NN and_CC we_PPSS carried_VBD it_PPO out_RP ,_, and_CC later_RBR
,_, his_PP$ case_NN was_BEDZ taken_VBN up_RP by_IN the_AT Disciplinary_JJ-TL Co
mmittee_NN-TL ._. ``_`` We_PPSS have_HV nothing_PN to_TO hide_VB under_IN a_AT b
ushel_NN ._. We_PPSS did_DOD our_PP$ job_NN ,_, Mr._NP Stavropoulos_NP and_CC Mr
._NP De_NP Seynes_NP and_CC myself_PPL ,_, taking_VBG evidence_NN from_IN a_AT n
umber_NN of_IN people_NNS ''_'' ._. ``_`` What_WDT did_DOD you_PPSS think_VB abo
ut_IN his_PP$ mental_JJ state_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` I_PPSS think_VB our_PP$ rep
ort_NN sums_VBZ up_RP our_PP$ finding_NN ''_'' ,_, Gross_NP answered_VBD ._. ``_
`` Don't_DO* forget_VB ,_, here_RB was_BEDZ a_AT man_NN who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN
accusing_VBG his_PP$ colleagues_NNS for_IN almost_RB a_AT year_NN of_IN willful
ly_RB attempting_VBG to_TO present_VB an_AT incorrect_JJ report_NN ._. ``_`` Thi
s_DT was_BEDZ not_* merely_RB alleging_VBG errors_NNS ,_, but_CC was_BEDZ carrie
d_VBN out_RP by_IN day-after-day_JJ allegations_NNS in_IN memos_NNS ,_, written_
VBN charges_NNS of_IN serious_JJ consequence_NN ._. ``_`` This_DT is_BEZ a_AT di
stressing_JJ thing_NN ._. Supposing_CS you_PPSS or_CC I_PPSS were_BED being_BEG
accused_VBN in_IN this_DT manner_NN ,_, and_CC yet_RB we_PPSS were_BED doing_VBG
our_PP$ level_JJ best_JJT to_TO carry_VB on_RP our_PP$ work_NN ._. No_AT organi
zation_NN can_MD carry_VB on_RP like_CS that_DT ._. ``_`` I've_PPSS+HV been_BEN
in_IN government_NN and_CC I_PPSS can_MD tell_VB some_DTI pretty_QL hairy_JJ sto
ries_NNS about_IN personnel_NNS difficulties_NNS ,_, so_RB I_PPSS know_VB what_W
DT a_AT problem_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ ''_'' ._. ``_`` What_WDT I'd_PPSS+MD like_VB
you_PPSS to_TO comment_VB on_IN is_BEZ the_AT criticism_NN leveled_VBN at_IN you
r_PP$ Committee_NN-TL ''_'' ._. ``_`` What_WDT do_DO you_PPSS mean_VB ''_'' ?_.
?_. ``_`` For_IN instance_NN ,_, regarding_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT Gros
s_NP-TL Committee_NN-TL issued_VBD two_CD interim_JJ announcements_NNS to_IN the
_AT press_NN during_IN its_PP$ investigation_NN ._. You_PPSS know_VB Bang-Jensen
_NP was_BEDZ told_VBN the_AT Committee_NN-TL was_BEDZ '_' to_TO convey_VB its_PP
$ views_NNS ,_, suggestions_NNS and_CC recommendations_NNS to_IN the_AT Secretar
y_NN-TL General_JJ-TL ._. In_IN his_PP$ own_JJ words_NNS ,_, Bang-Jensen_NP '_'
took_VBD it_PPO for_IN granted_VBN that_CS the_AT Group_NN-TL would_MD report_VB
to_IN the_AT Secretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL privately_RB and_CC not_* in_IN publ
ic_NN ._. He_PPS claimed_VBD that_CS the_AT release_NN of_IN the_AT preliminary_
JJ findings_NNS was_BEDZ '_' prejudicial_JJ to_IN his_PP$ position_NN '_' ''_''
._. Gross_NP bristled_VBD ._. For_IN an_AT instant_NN he_PPS glared_VBD speechle
ss_JJ at_IN Marshall_NP ._. ``_`` Listen_VB ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_``
I_PPSS thought_VBD the_AT entire_JJ report_NN was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO be_BE con
fidential_JJ from_IN beginning_NN to_IN end_NN ._. But_CC you_PPSS know_VB Bang-
Jensen_NP launched_VBD an_AT active_JJ campaign_NN against_IN us_PPO in_IN the_A
T press_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ getting_VBG so_RB that_CS we_PPSS ,_, the_AT Comm
ittee_NN-TL ,_, were_BED being_BEG tried_VBN ._. You_PPSS can_MD find_VB it_PPO
in_IN the_AT papers_NNS ''_'' ._. ``_`` Well_UH ,_, as_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN f
act_NN ,_, I've_PPSS+HV looked_VBN through_IN back-issue_NN files_NNS of_IN New_
JJ-TL York_NP-TL papers_NNS for_IN December_NP ,_, 1957_CD ,_, and_CC haven't_HV
* found_VBN a_AT great_JJ deal_NN ''_'' --_-- Gross_NP shot_VBD another_DT look_
NN at_IN Marshall_NP ._. ``_`` It_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* necessarily_RB all_ABN here_R
B in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Don't_DO* forget_VB the_AT foreign_JJ press_NN
''_'' ._. ``_`` Then_RB what_WDT about_IN the_AT second_OD interim_JJ public_JJ
announcement_NN ?_. ?_. This_DT cited_VBD Bang-Jensen's_NP$ '_' aberrant_JJ cond
uct_NN '_' ''_'' ._. ``_`` The_AT reason_NN for_IN that_DT report_NN was_BEDZ to
_TO settle_VB the_AT matter_NN of_IN the_AT list_NN ._. As_QL far_RB as_CS I'm_P
PSS+BEM concerned_VBN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT separate_JJ matter_NN from_IN the
_AT general_JJ Committee_NN-TL study_NN of_IN Bang-Jensen's_NP$ conduct_NN ._. T
he_AT January_NP fifteen_CD report_NN recommended_VBD that_CS Bang-Jensen_NP be_
BE instructed_VBN to_TO burn_VB the_AT list_NN --_-- the_AT papers_NNS --_-- in_
IN the_AT presence_NN of_IN a_AT U.N._NP-TL Security_NN-TL Officer_NN-TL ''_'' .
_. ``_`` How_WRB about_IN your_PP$ press_NN conference_NN three_CD days_NNS late
r_RBR --_-- what_WDT was_BEDZ the_AT reason_NN for_IN that_DT ?_. ?_. Bang-Jense
n_NP said_VBD you_PPSS told_VBD correspondents_NNS that_CS you_PPSS had_HVD chec
ked_VBN in_IN advance_NN to_TO make_VB sure_JJ the_AT term_NN '_' aberrant_JJ co
nduct_NN '_' was_BEDZ not_* libelous_JJ ._. He_PPS claimed_VBD you_PPSS made_VBN
other_AP slanderous_JJ allegations_NNS ''_'' ._. Gross_NP paused_VBD and_CC rep
eated_VBD himself_PPL ._. ``_`` The_AT entire_JJ object_NN of_IN the_AT press_NN
conference_NN was_BEDZ to_TO clarify_VB the_AT problem_NN of_IN the_AT list_NN
,_, since_CS many_AP in_IN the_AT press_NN were_BED querying_VBG the_AT U.N._NP
about_IN it_PPO ._. What_WDT was_BEDZ the_AT list_NN ?_. ?_. I_PPSS don't_DO* kn
ow_VB ._. Bang-Jensen_NP never_RB explained_VBD what_WDT the_AT documents_NNS or
_CC papers_NNS were_BED that_WPO he_PPS had_HVD in_IN his_PP$ possession_NN ._.
``_`` It_PPS was_BEDZ foolish_JJ of_IN him_PPO to_TO keep_VB them_PPO ,_, whatev
er_WDT they_PPSS were_BED ._. He_PPS could_MD have_HV been_BEN blackmailed_VBN ,
_, or_CC his_PP$ family_NN might_MD have_HV been_BEN threatened_VBN ._. Of_IN co
urse_NN the_AT matter_NN caught_VBD the_AT public's_NN$ attention_NN ._. We_PPSS
attempted_VBD to_TO conclude_VB this_DT ,_, and_CC did_DOD so_RB by_IN having_H
VG the_AT papers_NNS burned_VBN ._. Hammarskjold_NP didn't_DOD* like_VB the_AT w
ay_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ carried_VBN out_RP ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT sort_NN of_IN
Gotterdammerung_NP affair_NN ._. Hammarskjold_NP believes_VBZ the_AT U.N._NP is_
BEZ an_AT organization_NN that_WPS settles_VBZ matters_NNS in_IN a_AT procedural
_JJ way_NN ._. ''_'' Peter_NP Marshall_NP reflected_VBD ._. If_CS Hammarskjold_N
P had_HVD not_* wanted_VBN the_AT list_NN disposed_VBN of_IN in_IN this_DT manne
r_NN ,_, and_CC if_CS Bang-Jensen_NP had_HVD not_* wanted_VBN it_PPO --_-- who_W
PS had_HVD ordered_VBN it_PPO ?_. ?_. ``_`` Mr._NP Gross_NP ,_, concerning_IN th
e_AT formation_NN of_IN your_PP$ Committee_NN-TL ,_, there's_EX+BEZ the_AT fact_
NN that_CS you_PPSS have_HV been_BEN a_AT legal_JJ adviser_NN to_IN the_AT U.N._
NP in_IN the_AT past_NN ;_. ;_. as_CS I_PPSS understand_VB it_PPO ,_, Mr._NP Ham
marskjold_NP wanted_VBD outside_JJ advice_NN ._. Could_MD you_PPSS comment_VB on
_IN that_DT ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` I've_PPSS+HV served_VBN as_CS a_AT counsel_NN fo
r_IN the_AT U.N._NP for_IN some_DTI years_NNS ,_, specializing_VBG particularly_
RB in_IN real_JJ estate_NN matters_NNS or_CC other_AP problems_NNS that_CS the_A
T regular_JJ U.N._NP legal_JJ staff_NN might_MD not_* be_BE equipped_VBN to_TO h
andle_VB ._. Mr._NP Stavropoulos_NP is_BEZ the_AT U.N._NP legal_JJ chief_NN and_
CC a_AT very_QL good_JJ man_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS is_BEZ not_* fully_RB versed_JJ
on_IN some_DTI technical_JJ points_NNS of_IN American_JJ law_NN ''_'' ._. ``_``
What_WDT did_DOD you_PPO think_VB about_IN Bang-Jensen's_NP$ contention_NN of_I
N errors_NNS and_CC omissions_NNS in_IN the_AT Hungarian_JJ report_NN ''_'' ?_.
?_. Marshall_NP asked_VBD ._. ``_`` Those_DTS ''_'' !_. !_. Gross_NP answered_VB
D ._. ``_`` Why_WRB ,_, Mick_NP Shann_NP went_VBD over_IN and_CC over_IN the_AT
report_NN with_IN Alsing_NP Andersen_NP ,_, trying_VBG to_TO check_VB them_PPO o
ut_RP ._. Even_RB after_IN the_AT incident_NN between_IN Bang-Jensen_NP and_CC S
hann_NP in_IN the_AT Delegates'_NNS$-TL Lounge_NN-TL and_CC this_DT was_BEDZ not
_* the_AT way_NN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Tribune_NN-TL presented_VBD it_PPO ''_'' .
_. Gross_NP reached_VBD in_IN his_PP$ desk_NN and_CC pulled_VBD out_RP two_CD ne
wspaper_NN clippings_NNS ._. One_CD was_BEDZ an_AT article_NN on_IN the_AT U.N._
NP by_IN Alice_NP Widener_NP from_IN the_AT Cincinnati_NP Enquirer_NP ._. The_AT
other_AP was_BEDZ by_IN Chesly_NP Manley_NP in_IN the_AT Chicago_NP-TL Daily_JJ
-TL Tribune_NN-TL ._. Gross_NP pointed_VBD to_IN the_AT Manley_NP story_NN ._. `
`_`` I_PPSS know_VB Ches_NP ,_, he's_PPS+BEZ a_AT friend_NN of_IN mine_PP$$ ._.
He_PPS probably_RB didn't_DOD* mean_VB to_TO write_VB it_PPO this_DT way_NN ,_,
or_CC maybe_RB he_PPS did_DOD ._. There_EX wasn't_BEDZ* any_DTI '_' violent_JJ a
rgument_NN '_' between_IN Bang-Jensen_NP and_CC Shann_NP ,_, as_CS the_AT Tribun
e_NN-TL puts_VBZ it_PPO ._. That_DT implies_VBZ that_CS Shann_NP was_BEDZ on_IN
the_AT enemy_NN side_NN ._. You_PPSS see_VB what_WDT I_PPSS mean_VB ?_. ?_. How_
WRB it's_PPS+BEZ phrased_VBN there_RB --_-- the_AT word_NN violent_JJ-NC ._. ``_
`` The_AT case_NN was_BEDZ that_CS Bang-Jensen_NP came_VBD up_IN to_IN Shann_NP
claiming_VBG he_PPS had_HVD found_VBN further_JJR errors_NNS in_IN the_AT report
_NN ._. '_' I've_PPSS+HV found_VBN errors_NNS and_CC I_PPSS want_VB you_PPO to_T
O look_VB them_PPO over_RP ._. So_RB once_RB again_RB Shann_NP had_HVD to_TO arg
ue_VB with_IN him_PPO about_IN this_DT ._. But_CC it_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* a_AT viole
nt_JJ discussion_NN ._. And_CC after_IN all_ABN this_DT ,_, Shann_NP went_VBD ov
er_RP all_ABN that_WPO Bang-Jensen_NP had_HVD brought_VBN up_RP ''_'' ._. (_( Sh
ann's_NP$ own_JJ report_NN ,_, Peter_NP Marshall_NP reflected_VBD ,_, describes_
VBZ the_AT encounter_NN as_CS ``_`` immoderate_JJ ''_'' ._. Bang-Jensen_NP was_B
EDZ in_IN ``_`` hysterical_JJ condition_NN ''_'' ._. )_) Gross_NP stopped_VBD br
iefly_RB ,_, then_RB went_VBD on_RP ._. ``_`` Shann_NP was_BEDZ responsible_JJ f
or_IN the_AT report_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ felt_VBN terrible_JJ about_IN all_ABN
this_DT ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ report_NN ,_, he_PPS did_DOD all_ABN he
_PPS could_MD to_TO make_VB it_PPO a_AT good_JJ report_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS sp
eak_VB of_IN how_WRB Shann_NP felt_VBD ,_, I_PPSS know_VB well_RB ._. Don't_DO*
forget_VB ,_, I_PPSS am_BEM an_AT old_JJ member_NN of_IN the_AT club_NN ,_, a_AT
former_AP delegate_NN ._. I_PPSS think_VB you_PPSS are_BER being_BEG unfair_JJ
to_TO take_VB these_DTS things_NNS up_RP now_RB ._. ``_`` You_PPSS know_VB ,_, t
his_DT hits_VBZ in_IN many_AP areas_NNS ._. It_PPS appeals_VBZ to_IN those_DTS w
ho_WPS were_BED frustrated_VBN in_IN the_AT outcome_NN of_IN the_AT Hungarian_JJ
situation_NN ._. Don't_DO* forget_VB ,_, the_AT U.N._NP did_DOD no_QL more_RBR
than_CS the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL did_DOD ._. It_PPS takes_VBZ a_AT gre
at_JJ deal_NN of_IN sophisticated_JJ thought_NN to_TO get_VB the_AT impact_NN of
_IN this_DT fact_NN ''_'' ._. Chapter_NN 22_CD from_IN the_AT home_NN of_IN his_
PP$ friend_NN ,_, Henrik_NP Kauffmann_NP ,_, in_IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C._NP ,_,
Paul_NP Bang-Jensen_NP sent_VBD a_AT telegram_NN dated_VBN December_NP 9_CD ,_,
1957_CD ,_, to_IN Ernest_NP Gross_NP ._. It_PPS said_VBD in_IN part_NN :_: ``_`
` the_AT matters_NNS to_TO be_BE considered_VBN are_BER obviously_RB of_IN a_AT
grave_JJ character_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS therefore_RB respectfully_RB request_VB
that_CS the_AT hearing_NN be_BE postponed_VBN for_IN two_CD weeks_NNS in_IN orde
r_NN that_CS I_PPSS might_MD make_VB adequate_JJ preparation_NN ''_'' ._. Ernest
_NP Gross_NP replied_VBD the_AT next_AP day_NN ,_, putting_VBG the_AT suspended_
VBN diplomat's_NN$ fears_NNS to_IN rest_NN ._. ``_`` This_DT reveals_VBZ some_DT
I misunderstanding_NN on_IN your_PP$ part_NN ._. The_AT group_NN conducting_VBG
the_AT review_NN is_BEZ not_* holding_VBG formal_JJ hearings_NNS ._. It_PPS wish
ed_VBD to_TO pursue_VB ,_, in_IN the_AT course_NN of_IN this_DT review_NN ,_, qu
estions_NNS arising_VBG from_IN the_AT body_NN of_IN material_NN already_RB in_I
N its_PP$ possession_NN ._. ''_'' It_PPS sounded_VBD like_CS a_AT fair_JJ enough
_QLP invitation_NN ,_, Peter_NP Marshall_NP reflected_VBD ,_, and_CC Bang-Jensen
_NP must_MD have_HV thought_VBN so_RB too_RB ,_, because_CS on_IN the_AT thirtee
nth_OD ,_, he_PPS met_VBD the_AT group_NN of_IN three_CD on_IN the_AT thirty-six
th_OD floor_NN of_IN the_AT U.N._NP ._. There_RB ,_, Ernest_NP Gross_NP further_
RBR assured_VBD him_PPO :_: ``_`` We_PPSS were_BED requested_VBN by_IN the_AT Se
cretary_NN-TL General_JJ-TL ,_, as_CS I_PPSS understand_VB it_PPO ,_, to_TO disc
uss_VB with_IN you_PPO such_JJ matters_NNS as_CS appear_VB to_IN us_PPO to_TO be
_BE relevant_JJ ,_, and_CC we_PPSS are_BER not_* of_IN course_NN either_CC a_AT
formal_JJ group_NN or_CC a_AT committee_NN in_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN being_BEG
guided_VBN by_IN any_DTI rules_NNS or_CC regulations_NNS of_IN the_AT Secretari
at_NN-TL ._. The_AT only_AP rules_NNS which_WDT I_PPSS think_VB we_PPSS shall_MD
follow_VB will_MD be_BE those_DTS of_IN common_JJ sense_NN ,_, justice_NN ,_, a
nd_CC fairness_NN ''_'' ._. Peter_NP Marshall_NP noted_VBD that_CS Bang-Jensen_N
P had_HVD later_RBR referred_VBN to_IN his_PP$ two_CD interviews_NNS with_IN the
_AT Gross_NP group_NN as_CS ``_`` unfortunate_JJ experiences_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_C
C after_IN his_PP$ second_OD meeting_NN on_IN the_AT sixteenth_OD the_AT Dane_NP
refused_VBD to_TO attend_VB further_JJR hearings_NNS without_IN legal_JJ counse
l_NN ._. Marshall_NP pondered_VBD the_AT reason_NN for_IN this_DT ,_, and_CC pon
dered_VBD too_RB the_AT replacement_NN of_IN one_CD member_NN of_IN the_AT three
-man_JJ group_NN ._. J._NP A._NP C._NP Robertson_NP ,_, after_CS serving_VBG Gro
ss_NP one_CD week_NN ,_, left_VBD for_IN England_NP ._. Fortunately_RB the_AT ho
le_NN was_BEDZ found_VBN at_IN last_RB and_CC plugged_VBN ._. Another_DT week_NN
passed_VBD and_CC even_RB the_AT missionaries_NNS were_BED enjoying_VBG the_AT
voyage_NN ._. The_AT sickness_NN was_BEDZ gone_VBN and_CC ,_, after_IN all_ABN ,
_, the_AT two_CD young_JJ couples_NNS were_BED on_IN their_PP$ honeymoon_NN ._.
The_AT only_AP lasting_VBG difficulty_NN was_BEDZ the_AT food_NN ._. In_IN spite
_NN of_IN Pickering_NP Dodge's_NP$ explicit_JJ instructions_NNS regarding_IN var
iation_NN of_IN meals_NNS ,_, the_AT food_NN did_DOD not_* seem_VB the_AT same_A
P as_CS at_IN home_NN ._. ``_`` Everything_PN tasted_VBD differently_RB from_IN
what_WDT it_PPS does_DOZ on_IN land_NN and_CC those_DTS things_NNS I_PPSS was_BE
DZ most_QL fond_JJ of_IN at_IN home_NN ,_, I_PPSS loathed_VBD the_AT most_RBT he
re_RB ''_'' ,_, Ann_NP noted_VBD ._. At_IN last_RB they_PPSS concluded_VBD that_
CS the_AT heavy_JJ ,_, full_JJ feeling_NN in_IN their_PP$ stomachs_NNS was_BEDZ
due_JJ to_IN lack_NN of_IN exercise_NN ._. Walking_VBG was_BEDZ the_AT remedy_NN
,_, they_PPSS decided_VBD ,_, but_CC a_AT deck_NN full_JJ of_IN chicken_NN coop
s_NNS and_CC pigpens_NNS was_BEDZ hardly_QL suitable_JJ ._. Skipping_VBG was_BED
Z the_AT alternative_NN ._. A_AT rope_NN was_BEDZ found_VBN and_CC ,_, like_CS c
hildren_NNS in_IN school_NN ,_, the_AT missionaries_NNS skipped_VBD for_IN hours
_NNS at_IN a_AT time_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, tiring_VBG of_IN so_QL monotonous_JJ
a_AT form_NN of_IN exercise_NN ,_, they_PPSS decided_VBD to_TO dance_VB instead_
RB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ much_QL more_QL fun_NN ,_, reminding_VBG the_AT girls_NNS
of_IN their_PP$ old_JJ carefree_JJ days_NNS in_IN the_AT Hasseltine_NP frolics_
NNS room_NN at_IN Bradford_NP ._. The_AT weather_NN turned_VBD warmer_JJR and_CC
with_IN it_PPO came_VBD better_JJR appetites_NNS ,_, although_CS Harriet_NP was
_BEDZ still_RB a_AT little_QL off-color_JJ ._. She_PPS could_MD not_* face_VB co
ffee_NN or_CC tea_NN without_IN milk_NN ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ always_RB craving_VB
G types_NNS of_IN food_NN that_WPS were_BED not_* available_JJ aboard_RB a_AT sa
iling_VBG ship_NN ._. By_IN now_RB she_PPS was_BEDZ sure_JJ she_PPS was_BEDZ goi
ng_VBG to_TO have_HV a_AT baby_NN ,_, deciding_VBG it_PPS would_MD be_BE born_VB
N in_IN India_NP or_CC Burma_NP that_DT November_NP ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ more_QL
excited_VBN than_CS frightened_VBN at_IN the_AT prospect_NN of_IN having_HVG he
r_PP$ first_OD child_NN in_IN a_AT foreign_JJ land_NN ._. The_AT crew_NN of_IN t
he_AT Caravan_NP never_RB failed_VBN to_TO amaze_VB Ann_NP ,_, who_WPS during_IN
her_PP$ stay_NN in_IN Salem_NP must_MD frequently_RB have_HV overheard_VBN stro
ng_JJ sailorly_JJ language_NN ._. She_PPS wrote_VBD in_IN her_PP$ journal_NN ,_,
``_`` I_PPSS have_HV not_* heard_VBN the_AT least_QL profane_JJ language_NN sin
ce_CS I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN on_IN board_NN the_AT vessel_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ
very_QL uncommon_JJ ''_'' ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ now_RB enjoying_VBG the_AT voyag
e_NN very_QL much_RB ._. Even_RB the_AT first_OD wave_NN of_IN homesickness_NN h
ad_HVD passed_VBN ,_, although_CS there_EX were_BED moments_NNS when_WRB Captain
_NN-TL Heard_NP pointed_VBD out_RP on_IN his_PP$ compass_NN the_AT direction_NN
of_IN Bradford_NP that_CS she_PPS felt_VBD a_AT little_JJ twinge_NN at_IN her_PP
$ heart_NN ._. As_CS for_IN Adoniram_NP ,_, she_PPS found_VBD him_PPO to_TO be_B
E ``_`` the_AT kindest_JJT ''_'' of_IN husbands_NNS ._. On_IN Sundays_NRS ,_, wi
th_IN the_AT permission_NN of_IN Captain_NN-TL Heard_NP ,_, who_WPS usually_RB a
ttended_VBD with_IN two_CD of_IN his_PP$ officers_NNS ,_, services_NNS were_BED
held_VBN in_IN the_AT double_JJ cabin_NN ._. Sometimes_RB a_AT ship_NN would_MD
be_BE sighted_VBN and_CC the_AT Caravan_NP pass_VB so_QL close_RB that_CS people
_NNS could_MD easily_RB be_BE seen_VBN on_IN the_AT distant_JJ deck_NN ._. Capta
in_NN-TL Heard_NP did_DOD not_* communicate_VB with_IN any_DTI strange_JJ vessel
s_NNS because_RB of_IN the_AT possibility_NN of_IN war_NN between_IN the_AT Unit
ed_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC Britain_NP ._. As_CS warmer_JJR temperatures_NNS
were_BED encountered_VBN Ann_NP and_CC Harriet_NP were_BED introduced_VBN to_IN
the_AT pleasures_NNS of_IN bathing_VBG daily_RB in_IN salt_NN water_NN ._. When_
WRB May_NP came_VBD the_AT Caravan_NP had_HVD already_RB crossed_VBN the_AT Equa
tor_NN-TL ._. They_PPSS were_BED sailing_VBG round_IN the_AT Cape_NN-TL of_IN-TL
Good_JJ-TL Hope_NN-TL ;_. ;_. the_AT weather_NN had_HVD turned_VBN wet_JJ and_C
C cold_JJ ._. At_IN this_DT time_NN Harriet_NP wrote_VBD in_IN a_AT letter_NN wh
ich_WDT after_CS their_PP$ finally_RB landing_VBG in_IN India_NP was_BEDZ sent_V
BN to_IN her_PP$ mother_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS care_VB not_* how_WQL soon_RB we_PPS
S reach_VB Calcutta_NP ,_, and_CC are_BER placed_VBN in_IN a_AT still_JJ room_NN
,_, with_IN a_AT bowl_NN of_IN milk_NN and_CC a_AT loaf_NN of_IN Indian_JJ brea
d_NN ._. I_PPSS can_MD hardly_RB think_VB of_IN this_DT simple_JJ fare_NN withou
t_IN exclaiming_VBG ,_, oh_UH ,_, what_WDT a_AT luxury_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV bee
n_BEN so_QL weary_JJ of_IN the_AT excessive_JJ rocking_NN of_IN the_AT vessel_NN
,_, and_CC the_AT almost_QL intolerable_JJ smell_NN after_IN the_AT rain_NN ,_,
that_CS I_PPSS have_HV done_VBN little_QL more_AP than_CS lounge_VB on_IN the_A
T bed_NN for_IN several_AP days_NNS ._. But_CC I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN blest_VBN
with_IN excellent_JJ spirits_NNS ,_, and_CC to-day_NR have_HV been_BEN running_
VBG about_IN the_AT deck_NN ,_, and_CC dancing_VBG in_IN our_PP$ room_NN for_IN
exercise_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS ever_RB ''_'' ._. While_CS studying_VBG at_I
N the_AT seminary_NN in_IN Andover_NP ,_, Adoniram_NP had_HVD been_BEN working_V
BG on_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL translation_NN from_IN the_AT original_J
J Greek_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD brought_VBN it_PPO along_RB to_TO continue_VB duri
ng_IN the_AT voyage_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ one_CD particular_JJ word_NN that_W
PS troubled_VBD his_PP$ conscience_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT Greek_JJ word_
NN most_QL often_RB translated_VBN as_CS ``_`` baptism_NN ''_'' ._. Born_VBN a_A
T Congregationalist_NP ,_, he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN baptized_VBN as_CS a_AT tiny_
JJ baby_NN in_IN the_AT usual_JJ manner_NN by_IN having_HVG a_AT few_AP drops_NN
S of_IN water_NN sprinkled_VBN on_IN his_PP$ head_NN ,_, yet_CC nowhere_RB in_IN
the_AT whole_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL could_MD he_PPS find_VB
a_AT description_NN of_IN anybody_PN being_BEG baptized_VBN by_IN sprinkling_VBG
._. John_NP-TL the_AT-TL Baptist_NP-TL used_VBD total_JJ immersion_NN in_IN the
_AT River_NN-TL Jordan_NP for_IN believers_NNS ;_. ;_. even_RB Christ_NP was_BED
Z baptized_VBN by_IN this_DT method_NN ._. The_AT more_RBR Adoniram_NP looked_VB
D at_IN the_AT Greek_JJ word_NN for_IN baptism_NN ,_, the_AT more_QL unhappy_JJ
he_PPS became_VBD over_IN its_PP$ true_JJ meaning_NN ._. As_CS was_BEDZ only_RB
natural_JJ he_PPS confided_VBD his_PP$ searchings_NNS to_IN Ann_NP ,_, conceding
_VBG ruefully_RB that_CS it_PPS certainly_RB looked_VBD as_CS if_CS their_PP$ ow
n_JJ Congregationalists_NPS were_BED wrong_JJ and_CC the_AT Baptists_NPS right_J
J ._. Ann_NP was_BEDZ very_QL troubled_VBN ._. By_IN this_DT time_NN she_PPS had
_HVD learned_VBN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ futile_JJ to_TO argue_VB with_IN her_PP
$ young_JJ husband_NN ,_, yet_CC the_AT uncomfortable_JJ fact_NN remained_VBD :_
: the_AT American_JJ-TL Congregationalists_NPS were_BED sending_VBG them_PPO as_
CS missionaries_NNS to_IN the_AT Far_JJ-TL East_NR-TL and_CC paying_VBG their_PP
$ salaries_NNS ._. What_WDT would_MD happen_VB if_CS Adoniram_NP ``_`` changed_V
BD horses_NNS in_IN midstream_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Baptists_NPS and_CC Congregationa
lists_NPS in_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL were_BED on_IN friendly_JJ terms_NNS ._.
How_WQL embarrassing_VBG it_PPS would_MD be_BE if_CS the_AT newly_RB appointed_
VBN Congregationalist_NP missionaries_NNS should_MD suddenly_RB switch_VB their_
PP$ own_JJ beliefs_NNS in_IN order_NN to_TO embrace_VB Baptist_NP teachings_NNS
!_. !_. ``_`` If_CS you_PPSS become_VB a_AT Baptist_NP ,_, I_PPSS will_MD not_*
''_'' ,_, Ann_NP informed_VBD her_PP$ husband_NN ,_, but_CC sweeping_VBG her_PP$
threat_NN aside_RB Adoniram_NP continued_VBD to_TO search_VB for_IN an_AT answe
r_NN to_IN the_AT personal_JJ dilemma_NN in_IN which_WDT he_PPS found_VBD himsel
f_PPL ._. By_IN early_JJ June_NP they_PPSS were_BED a_AT hundred_CD miles_NNS of
f_IN the_AT coast_NN of_IN Ceylon_NP ,_, by_IN which_WDT time_NN all_ABN four_CD
missionaries_NNS were_BED hardened_VBN seafarers_NNS ._. Even_RB Harriet_NP cou
ld_MD boldly_RB write_VB ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS know_VB not_* how_WRB it_PPS is_BEZ ;_
. ;_. but_CC I_PPSS hear_VB the_AT thunder_NN roll_VB ;_. ;_. see_VB the_AT ligh
tning_NN flash_VB ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT waves_NNS threatening_VBG to_TO swallow_
VB up_RP the_AT vessel_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC yet_RB remain_VB unmoved_JJ ''_'' ._. A
nn_NP thrilled_VBD to_IN the_AT sight_NN of_IN a_AT delicate_JJ butterfly_NN and
_CC two_CD strange_JJ tropical_JJ birds_NNS ._. Land_NN was_BEDZ near_RB ,_, and
_CC on_IN June_NP 12_CD ,_, one_CD hundred_CD and_CC fourteen_CD days_NNS after_
CS leaving_VBG America_NP ,_, they_PPSS actually_RB saw_VBD ,_, twenty_CD miles_
NNS away_RB ,_, the_AT coast_NN of_IN Orissa_NP ._. Captain_NN-TL Heard_NP gave_
VBD orders_NNS for_CS the_AT ship_NN to_TO be_BE anchored_VBN in_IN the_AT Bay_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Bengal_NP-TL until_CS he_PPS could_MD obtain_VB the_AT services_NN
S of_IN a_AT reputable_JJ pilot_NN to_TO steer_VB her_PPO through_IN the_AT shal
low_JJ waters_NNS ._. Sometimes_RB ships_NNS waited_VBD for_IN days_NNS for_IN s
uch_ABL a_AT man_NN ,_, but_CC Captain_NN-TL Heard_NP was_BEDZ lucky_JJ ._. Next
_AP day_NN a_AT ship_NN arrived_VBD with_IN an_AT English_JJ pilot_NN ,_, his_PP
$ leadsman_NN ,_, an_AT English_JJ youth_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT first_OD Hindu_NP
the_AT Judsons_NPS and_CC Newells_NPS had_HVD ever_RB seen_VBN ._. A_AT little_J
J man_NN with_IN a_AT ``_`` a_AT dark_JJ copper_JJ color_NN ''_'' skin_NN ,_, he
_PPS was_BEDZ wearing_VBG ``_`` calico_NN trousers_NNS and_CC a_AT white_JJ cott
on_NN short_JJ gown_NN ''_'' ._. Ann_NP was_BEDZ plainly_RB disappointed_VBN in_
IN his_PP$ appearance_NN ._. ``_`` He_PPS looks_VBZ as_QL feminine_JJ as_CS you_
PPSS can_MD imagine_VB ''_'' ,_, she_PPS decided_VBD ._. The_AT pilot_NN possess
ed_VBD excellent_JJ skill_NN at_IN his_PP$ calling_NN ;_. ;_. all_ABN day_NN lon
g_RB the_AT Caravan_NP slowly_RB made_VBD her_PP$ way_NN through_IN the_AT diffi
cult_JJ passages_NNS ._. Alas_UH ,_, to_IN Ann's_NP$ consternation_NN ,_, his_PP
$ language_NN while_CS thus_RB employed_VBN left_VBD much_AP to_TO be_BE desired
_VBN ._. He_PPS swore_VBD so_QL loudly_RB at_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN his_PP$ voic
e_NN ,_, that_CS she_PPS didn't_DOD* get_VB any_DTI sleep_NN all_ABN the_AT next
_AP night_NN ._. Next_AP morning_NN the_AT Caravan_NP was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN the_
AT treacherous_JJ Bay_NN-TL ._. Relieved_VBN of_IN the_AT major_JJ part_NN of_IN
his_PP$ responsibility_NN for_IN the_AT safety_NN of_IN the_AT ship_NN ,_, the_
AT pilot's_NN$ oaths_NNS became_VBD fewer_AP ._. Slowly_RB she_PPS moved_VBD up_
IN the_AT Hooghli_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, a_AT mouth_NN of_IN the_AT mighty_JJ Gan
ges_NP ,_, toward_IN Calcutta_NP ._. Ann_NP was_BEDZ entranced_VBN with_IN the_A
T view_NN ,_, as_CS were_BED her_PP$ husband_NN and_CC friends_NNS ._. Running_V
BG across_IN the_AT deck_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ empty_JJ now_RB that_CS the_A
T livestock_NN had_HVD been_BEN killed_VBN and_CC eaten_VBN ,_, they_PPSS sniffe
d_VBD the_AT spice-laden_JJ breezes_NNS that_WPS came_VBD from_IN the_AT shore_N
N ,_, each_DT pointing_VBG out_RP new_JJ and_CC exciting_JJ wonders_NNS to_IN th
e_AT other_AP ._. Out_RP came_VBD the_AT journal_NN and_CC in_IN it_PPO went_VBD
Ann's_NP$ own_JJ description_NN of_IN the_AT scene_NN :_: ``_`` On_IN each_DT s
ide_NN of_IN the_AT Hoogli_NP ,_, where_WRB we_PPSS are_BER now_RB sailing_VBG ,
_, are_BER the_AT Hindoo_NP cottages_NNS ,_, as_QL thick_RB together_RB as_CS th
e_AT houses_NNS in_IN our_PP$ seaports_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER very_QL small_J
J ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN haystacks_NNS ,_, without_IN either_CC c
himney_NN or_CC windows_NNS ._. They_PPSS are_BER situated_VBN in_IN the_AT mids
t_NN of_IN trees_NNS ,_, which_WDT hang_VB over_IN them_PPO ,_, and_CC appear_VB
truly_QL romantick_JJ ._. The_AT grass_NN and_CC fields_NNS of_IN rice_NN are_B
ER perfectly_QL green_JJ ,_, and_CC herds_NNS of_IN cattle_NNS are_BER everywher
e_RB feeding_VBG on_IN the_AT banks_NNS of_IN the_AT river_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT
natives_NNS are_BER scattered_VBN about_IN differently_RB employed_VBN ._. Some_
DTI are_BER fishing_VBG ,_, some_DTI driving_VBG the_AT team_NN ,_, and_CC many_
AP are_BER sitting_VBG indolently_RB on_IN the_AT banks_NNS of_IN the_AT river_N
N ._. The_AT pagodas_NNS we_PPSS have_HV passed_VBN are_BER much_QL larger_JJR t
han_CS the_AT houses_NNS ''_'' ._. Harriet_NP was_BEDZ just_RB as_QL delighted_V
BN ._. Where_WRB were_BED the_AT hardships_NNS she_PPS had_HVD expected_VBN ?_.
?_. She_PPS was_BEDZ certain_JJ now_RB that_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE no_QL harde
r_RBR to_TO bear_VB her_PP$ child_NN here_RB in_IN such_QL pleasant_JJ surroundi
ngs_NNS than_CS at_IN home_NN in_IN the_AT big_JJ white_JJ house_NN in_IN Haverh
ill_NP ._. With_IN childlike_JJ innocence_NN she_PPS wrote_VBD of_IN the_AT Indi
ans_NPS as_CS ``_`` walking_VBG with_IN fruit_NN and_CC umbrellas_NNS in_IN thei
r_PP$ hands_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT tawny_JJ children_NNS around_IN them_PPO ._.
This_DT is_BEZ the_AT most_QL delightful_JJ trial_NN I_PPSS have_HV ever_RB had_
HVN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS decided_VBD ._. The_AT Indians_NPS who_WPS came_VBD aboard
_RB ship_NN to_TO collect_VB the_AT mail_NN also_RB interested_VBD her_PPO great
ly_RB ,_, even_RB if_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ suitably_RB shocked_VBN ,_, according_I
N to_IN the_AT customs_NNS of_IN the_AT society_NN in_IN which_WDT she_PPS had_H
VD been_BEN reared_VBN ,_, to_TO find_VB them_PPO ``_`` naked_JJ ,_, except_IN a
_AT piece_NN of_IN cotton_NN cloth_NN wrapped_VBN around_IN their_PP$ middle_NN
''_'' ._. At_IN last_AP they_PPSS saw_VBD Calcutta_NP ,_, largest_JJT city_NN of
_IN Bengal_NP and_CC the_AT Caravan's_NP$ destination_NN ._. Founded_VBN August_
NP 24_CD ,_, 1690_CD by_IN Job_NP Charnock_NP of_IN the_AT East_JJ-TL India_NP-T
L Company_NN-TL ,_, and_CC commonly_RB called_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL City_NN-TL of_
IN-TL Palaces_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, it_PPS seemed_VBD a_AT vast_JJ and_CC elegant_JJ
place_NN to_IN Ann_NP Hasseltine_NP Judson_NP ._. Solid_JJ brick_NN buildings_NN
S painted_VBN dazzling_VBG white_JJ ,_, large_JJ domes_NNS and_CC tall_JJ ,_, pi
cturesque_JJ palms_NNS stretched_VBD as_QL far_RB as_CS the_AT eye_NN could_MD s
ee_VB ,_, while_CS the_AT wharves_NNS and_CC harbor_NN were_BED filled_VBN with_
IN tall-masted_JJ sailing_VBG ships_NNS ._. The_AT noise_NN stunned_VBD her_PPO
._. Crowds_NNS flocked_VBD through_IN the_AT waterfront_NN streets_NNS chatterin
g_VBG loudly_RB in_IN their_PP$ strange-sounding_JJ Bengali_JJ tongue_NN ._. Har
riet's_NP$ mouth_NN watered_VBD with_IN anticipation_NN when_WRB after_IN months
_NNS of_IN dreaming_VBG she_PPS sat_VBD down_RP at_IN last_AP to_IN her_PP$ much
-craved_JJ milk_NN and_CC fresh_JJ bread_NN ._. Ann_NP ,_, pleased_VBN to_TO see
_VB her_PP$ friend_NN happy_JJ ,_, was_BEDZ intrigued_VBN by_IN the_AT new_JJ fr
uits_NNS a_AT friend_NN of_IN Captain_NN-TL Heard_NP had_HVD sent_VBN on_IN boar
d_NN for_IN their_PP$ enjoyment_NN ._. Cautiously_RB she_PPS sampled_VBD her_PP$
first_OD pineapple_NN and_CC another_DT fruit_NN whose_WP$ taste_NN she_PPS lik
ened_VBD to_IN that_DT of_IN ``_`` a_AT rich_JJ pear_NN ''_'' ._. Though_CS she_
PPS did_DOD not_* then_RB know_VB its_PP$ name_NN ,_, this_DT strange_JJ new_JJ
fruit_NN was_BEDZ a_AT banana_NN ._. Six_CD The_AT first_OD act_NN of_IN Adonira
m_NP and_CC Samuel_NP on_IN reaching_VBG Calcutta_NP was_BEDZ to_TO report_VB at
_IN the_AT police_NN station_NN ,_, a_AT necessity_NN when_WRB landing_VBG in_IN
East_JJ-TL India_NP-TL Company_NN-TL territory_NN ._. On_IN the_AT way_NN they_
PPSS tried_VBD to_TO discover_VB all_ABN they_PPSS could_MD about_IN Burma_NP ,_
, and_CC they_PPSS were_BED disturbed_VBN to_TO find_VB that_CS Michael_NP Symes
's_NP$ book_NN had_HVD not_* presented_VBN an_AT altogether_QL true_JJ picture_N
N ._. He_PPS had_HVD failed_VBN to_TO realize_VB that_CS the_AT Burmese_NPS were
_BED not_* really_RB treating_VBG him_PPO as_CS the_AT important_JJ visitor_NN h
e_PPS considered_VBD himself_PPL ._. They_PPSS were_BED in_IN fact_NN quietly_RB
laughing_VBG at_IN him_PPO ,_, for_CS their_PP$ King_NN-TL wished_VBD to_TO hav
e_HV nothing_PN to_TO do_DO with_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL world_NN ._. When_WRB C
aptain_NN-TL John_NP Gibault_NP of_IN Salem_NP had_HVD visited_VBN Burma_NP in_I
N 1793_CD his_PP$ ship_NN ,_, the_AT Astra_NP ,_, had_HVD been_BEN promptly_RB c
ommandeered_VBN and_CC taken_VBN by_IN her_PP$ captors_NNS up_IN the_AT Irrawadd
y_NP-TL River_NN-TL ._. Although_CS after_IN much_AP trouble_NN he_PPS did_DOD m
anage_VB to_TO get_VB it_PPO back_RB ,_, he_PPS discovered_VBD there_EX was_BEDZ
no_AT trade_NN to_TO be_BE had_HVN ._. All_ABN Captain_NN-TL Gibault_NP took_VB
D back_RB to_IN Salem_NP were_BED a_AT few_AP items_NNS for_IN the_AT town's_NN$
East_JJ-TL India_NP-TL Museum_NN-TL ._. A_AT year_NN later_RBR another_DT Salem
_NP ship_NN returned_VBD from_IN Burma_NP with_IN a_AT cargo_NN of_IN gum_NN lac
quer_NN which_WDT nobody_PN wanted_VBD to_TO buy_VB ._. After_IN that_DT Salem_N
P ships_NNS decided_VBD to_TO bypass_VB unfriendly_JJ Burma_NP ._. The_AT Burmes
e_NPS appeared_VBD to_TO have_HV little_AP knowledge_NN of_IN British_JJ power_N
N or_CC any_DTI idea_NN of_IN trade_NN ._. They_PPSS despised_VBD foreigners_NNS
._. Cruel_JJ Burmese_JJ governors_NNS could_MD ,_, on_IN the_AT slightest_JJT w
him_NN ,_, take_VB a_AT man's_NN$ life_NN ._. As_IN for_IN missionaries_NNS ,_,
even_RB if_CS they_PPSS succeeded_VBD in_IN getting_VBG into_IN the_AT country_N
N they_PPSS probably_RB would_MD not_* be_BE allowed_VBN to_TO preach_VB the_AT
Christian_JJ faith_NN to_IN the_AT Burmans_NPS ._. Unspeakable_JJ tortures_NNS o
r_CC even_RB execution_NN might_MD well_RB be_BE their_PP$ fate_NN ._. ``_`` Go_
VB back_RB to_IN America_NP or_CC any_DTI other_AP place_NN ''_'' ,_, well-meani
ng_JJ friends_NNS of_IN Captain_NN-TL Heard_NP advised_VBD them_PPO ,_, ``_`` bu
t_CC put_VBD thoughts_NNS of_IN going_VBG to_IN Burma_NP out_IN of_IN your_PP$ h
eads_NNS ''_'' ._. Somewhat_QL daunted_VBN ,_, the_AT two_CD American_JJ mission
aries_NNS reached_VBD the_AT police_NN station_NN where_WRB they_PPSS were_BED q
uestioned_VBN by_IN a_AT most_QL unfriendly_JJ clerk_NN ._. When_WRB he_PPS disc
overed_VBD they_PPSS had_HVD received_VBN from_IN the_AT Company's_NN$-TL Court_
NN-TL of_IN-TL Directors_NNS-TL no_AT permission_NN to_TO live_VB in_IN India_NP
,_, coupled_VBN with_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS they_PPSS were_BED Americans_NPS
who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN sent_VBN to_IN Asia_NP to_TO convert_VB ``_`` the_AT h
eathen_JJ ''_'' ,_, he_PPS became_VBD more_QL belligerent_JJ than_CS ever_RB ._.
They_PPSS explained_VBD that_CS they_PPSS desired_VBD only_RB to_TO stop_VB in_
IN India_NP until_CS a_AT ship_NN traveling_VBG on_RP to_IN Burma_NP could_MD be
_BE found_VBN ._. She_PPS describes_VBZ ,_, first_RB ,_, the_AT imaginary_JJ rea
ction_NN of_IN a_AT foreigner_NN puzzled_VBN by_IN this_DT ``_`` unseasonable_JJ
exultation_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. he_PPS is_BEZ answered_VBN by_IN a_AT confused_VBN
,_, honest_JJ Englishman_NP ._. The_AT reasons_NNS for_IN the_AT Whig_NP joy_NN
on_IN this_DT occasion_NN are_BER found_VBN to_TO be_BE their_PP$ expectation_NN
of_IN regaining_VBG control_NN of_IN the_AT government_NN ,_, their_PP$ delight
_NN at_IN the_AT prospect_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ war_NN ,_, their_PP$ hopes_NNS of
_IN having_HVG the_AT Tories_NPS hanged_VBN ,_, and_CC so_RB on_RP ._. As_IN for
_IN the_AT author_NN of_IN the_AT Englishman_NP ,_, Mrs._NP Manley_NP sarcastica
lly_RB deplores_VBZ that_CS the_AT sole_JJ defense_NN of_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ
cause_NN should_MD be_BE left_VBN to_IN ``_`` Ridpath_NP ,_, Dick_NP Steele_NP
,_, and_CC their_PP$ Associates_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT Apostles_NNS-TL of_IN You
ng_JJ-TL Man's_NN$-TL Coffee-House_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Another_DT controversy_NN typ
ical_JJ of_IN the_AT war_NN between_IN the_AT Englishman_NP and_CC the_AT Examin
er_NN-TL centered_VBD on_IN Robert_NP (_( later_RBR Viscount_NP )_) Molesworth_N
P ,_, a_AT Whig_NP leader_NN in_IN Ireland_NP and_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT
Irish_JJ-TL Privy_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL ._. On_IN December_NP 21_CD ,_, the_AT da
y_NN that_CS the_AT Irish_JJ-TL House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commons_NNS-TL petitioned_V
BD for_IN removal_NN of_IN Sir_NP Constantine_NP Phipps_NP ,_, their_PP$ Tory_NP
-TL Lord_NN-TL Chancellor_NN-TL ,_, Molesworth_NP reportedly_RB made_VBD this_DT
remark_NN on_IN the_AT defense_NN of_IN Phipps_NP by_IN Convocation_NN-TL :_: `
`_`` They_PPSS that_WPS have_HV turned_VBN the_AT world_NN upside_RB down_RP ,_,
are_BER come_VBN hither_RB also_RB ''_'' ._. Upon_IN complaints_NNS from_IN the
_AT Lower_JJR-TL House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Convocation_NN-TL to_IN the_AT House_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Lords_NNS-TL ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ removed_VBN from_IN the_AT Privy_JJ-T
L Council_NN-TL ,_, his_PP$ remark_NN having_HVG been_BEN represented_VBN as_CS
a_AT blasphemous_JJ affront_NN to_IN the_AT clergy_NN ._. Steele_NP ,_, who_WPS
had_HVD earlier_RBR praised_VBN Molesworth_NP in_IN Tatler_NP-TL No._NN-TL 189_C
D-TL ,_, now_RB defended_VBD him_PPO in_IN Englishman_NP-TL No._NN-TL 46_CD-TL ,
_, depicting_VBG his_PP$ removal_NN as_CS a_AT setback_NN to_IN the_AT Constitut
ion_NN-TL ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, Molesworth_NP was_BEDZ naturally
_RB assailed_VBN in_IN the_AT Tory_NP press_NN ._. Swift_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT Dub
lin_NP edition_NN of_IN A_AT-TL Preface_NN-TL to_IN-TL the_AT-TL Bishop_NN-TL of
_IN-TL Sarum's_NP$-TL Introduction_NN-TL ,_, indicated_VBD his_PP$ feelings_NNS
by_IN including_VBG Molesworth_NP ,_, along_RB with_IN Toland_NP ,_, Tindal_NP ,
_, and_CC Collins_NP ,_, in_IN the_AT group_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS ,_, like_
CS Burnet_NP ,_, are_BER engaged_VBN in_IN attacking_VBG all_ABN Convocations_NN
S-TL of_IN the_AT clergy_NN ._. In_IN the_AT same_AP way_NN he_PPS coupled_VBD M
olesworth_NP and_CC Wharton_NP in_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN Archbishop_NN-TL King_
NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS had_HVD earlier_RBR described_VBN him_PPO as_CS ``_`` the_A
T worst_JJT of_IN them_PPO ''_'' in_IN some_DTI ``_`` Observations_NNS-TL ''_''
on_IN-TL the_AT-TL Irish_JJ-TL Privy_JJ-TL Council_NN-TL submitted_VBN to_IN Oxf
ord_NP ._. A_AT month_NN later_RBR ,_, in_IN The_AT-TL Publick_JJ-TL Spirit_NN-T
L Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Whigs_NPS-TL ,_, he_PPS used_VBD Steele's_NP$ defense_NN of
_IN Molesworth_NP as_CS evidence_NN of_IN his_PP$ disrespect_NN for_IN the_AT cl
ergy_NN ,_, calling_VBG Steele's_NP$ position_NN an_AT affront_NN to_IN the_AT `
`_`` whole_JJ Convocation_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ireland_NP-TL ''_'' ._. On_IN this_DT i
ssue_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, as_CS on_IN so_QL many_AP in_IN these_DTS months_NNS ,_,
Steele_NP and_CC Swift_NP took_VBD rigidly_RB opposed_VBN points_NNS of_IN view
_NN ._. In_IN the_AT early_JJ months_NNS of_IN 1714_CD ,_, the_AT battle_NN betw
een_IN Swift_NP and_CC Steele_NP over_IN the_AT issue_NN of_IN the_AT Succession
_NN-TL entered_VBD its_PP$ major_JJ phase_NN ._. The_AT preliminaries_NNS ended_
VBD with_IN the_AT publication_NN of_IN Steele's_NP$ Crisis_NN-TL on_IN January_
NP 19_CD ,_, and_CC from_IN that_DT point_NN on_RP the_AT fight_NN proceeded_VBD
at_IN a_AT rapid_JJ pace_NN ._. In_IN answer_NN to_IN The_AT-TL Crisis_NN-TL ,_
, Swift_NP produced_VBD The_AT-TL Publick_JJ-TL Spirit_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL
Whigs_NPS-TL ,_, his_PP$ most_QL extensive_JJ and_CC bitter_JJ attack_NN on_IN h
is_PP$ old_JJ friend_NN ._. By_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, as_CS we_PPSS shall_MD see
_VB ,_, the_AT Tories_NPS were_BED already_RB planning_VBG to_TO ``_`` punish_VB
''_'' Steele_NP for_IN his_PP$ political_JJ writing_NN by_IN expelling_VBG him_
PPO from_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Commons_NNS-TL ._. Despite_IN his_PP$ de
fense_NN of_IN himself_PPL in_IN the_AT final_JJ paper_NN of_IN the_AT Englishma
n_NP and_CC in_IN his_PP$ speech_NN before_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ,_, their_PP$ e
fforts_NNS were_BED successful_JJ ._. Steele_NP lost_VBD his_PP$ seat_NN in_IN P
arliament_NN-TL ,_, and_CC his_PP$ personal_JJ quarrel_NN with_IN Swift_NP ,_, b
y_IN now_RB a_AT public_JJ issue_NN ,_, thus_RB reached_VBD its_PP$ climax_NN ._
. Of_IN all_ABN the_AT Whig_NP tracts_NNS written_VBN in_IN support_NN of_IN the
_AT Succession_NN-TL ,_, The_AT-TL Crisis_NN-TL is_BEZ perhaps_RB the_AT most_QL
significant_JJ ._. Certainly_RB it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT most_QL pretentious_JJ and
_CC elaborate_JJ ._. Hanoverian_JJ agents_NNS assisted_VBD in_IN promoting_VBG c
irculation_NN ,_, said_VBN to_TO have_HV reached_VBN 40,000_CD ,_, and_CC if_CS
one_PN may_MD judge_VB by_IN the_AT reaction_NN of_IN Swift_NP and_CC other_AP g
overnment_NN writers_NNS ,_, the_AT work_NN must_MD have_HV had_HVN considerable
_JJ impact_NN ._. Steele's_NP$ main_JJS business_NN here_RB is_BEZ to_TO arouse_
VB public_JJ opinion_NN to_IN the_AT immediate_JJ danger_NN of_IN a_AT Stuart_NP
-TL Restoration_NN-TL ._. To_IN this_DT end_NN ,_, the_AT first_OD and_CC longes
t_JJT section_NN of_IN the_AT tract_NN cites_VBZ all_ABN the_AT laws_NNS enacted
_VBN since_IN the_AT Revolution_NN-TL to_TO defend_VB England_NP against_IN the_
AT ``_`` Arbitrary_JJ Power_NN of_IN a_AT Popish_JJ Prince_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN hi
s_PP$ comment_NN on_IN these_DTS laws_NNS Steele_NP sounds_VBZ all_ABN the_AT us
ual_JJ notes_NNS of_IN current_JJ Whig_NP propaganda_NN ,_, ranging_VBG from_IN
a_AT criticism_NN of_IN the_AT Tory_NP peace_NN to_IN an_AT attack_NN on_IN the_
AT dismissal_NN of_IN Marlborough_NP ;_. ;_. but_CC his_PP$ principal_JJS theme_
NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT intrigues_NNS of_IN the_AT Tories_NPS ,_, ``_`` our_PP$
Popish_JJ-TL or_CC Jacobite_JJ-TL Party_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, pose_VB an_AT immediate
_JJ threat_NN to_IN Church_NN-TL and_CC State_NN-TL ._. Like_IN Burnet_NP ,_, he
_PPS deplores_VBZ the_AT indifference_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS in_IN the_AT fa
ce_NN of_IN the_AT crisis_NN ._. Treasonable_JJ books_NNS striking_VBG at_IN the
_AT Hanoverian_JJ-TL Succession_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS complains_VBZ ,_, are_BER allow
ed_VBN to_TO pass_VB unnoticed_JJ ._. In_IN this_DT connection_NN ,_, Swift_NP ,
_, too_RB ,_, is_BEZ drawn_VBN in_RP for_IN attack_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT Author_NN
of_IN The_AT-TL Conduct_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Allies_NNS-TL has_HVZ dared_VB
N to_TO drop_VB Insinuations_NNS about_IN altering_VBG the_AT Succession_NN ''_'
' ._. In_IN his_PP$ effort_NN to_TO stir_VB the_AT public_NN from_IN its_PP$ let
hargy_NN ,_, Steele_NP goes_VBZ so_QL far_RB as_CS to_TO list_VB Catholic_JJ atr
ocities_NNS of_IN the_AT sort_NN to_TO be_BE expected_VBN in_IN the_AT event_NN
of_IN a_AT Stuart_NP-TL Restoration_NN-TL ,_, and_CC ,_, with_IN rousing_JJ rhet
oric_NN ,_, he_PPS asserts_VBZ that_CS the_AT only_AP preservation_NN from_IN th
ese_DTS ``_`` Terrours_NNS ''_'' is_BEZ to_TO be_BE found_VBN in_IN the_AT laws_
NNS he_PPS has_HVZ so_QL tediously_RB cited_VBN ._. ``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ no_AT ti
me_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS writes_VBZ ,_, ``_`` to_TO talk_VB with_IN Hints_NNS and_
CC Innuendos_NNS ,_, but_CC openly_RB and_CC honestly_RB to_TO profess_VB our_PP
$ Sentiments_NNS before_CS our_PP$ Enemies_NNS have_HV compleated_VBN and_CC put
_VBN their_PP$ Designs_NNS in_IN Execution_NN against_IN us_PPO ''_'' ._. Steele
_NP apparently_RB professed_VBD his_PP$ sentiments_NNS in_IN this_DT book_NN too
_QL openly_RB and_CC honestly_RB for_IN his_PP$ own_JJ good_NN ,_, since_CS the_
AT government_NN was_BEDZ soon_RB to_TO use_VB it_PPO as_CS evidence_NN against_
IN him_PPO in_IN his_PP$ trial_NN before_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT
final_JJ issues_NNS of_IN the_AT Englishman_NP ,_, which_WDT ended_VBD just_RB a
s_CS the_AT new_JJ session_NN of_IN Parliament_NN-TL began_VBD ,_, he_PPS provid
ed_VBD his_PP$ enemies_NNS with_IN still_QL more_AP ammunition_NN ._. For_IN exa
mple_NN ,_, No._NN-TL 56_CD-TL printed_VBD the_AT patent_NN giving_VBG the_AT El
ectoral_JJ-TL Prince_NN-TL the_AT title_NN of_IN Duke_NN-TL of_IN-TL Cambridge_N
P-TL ._. In_IN a_AT few_AP months_NNS the_AT Duke_NN-TL was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE the
_AT center_NN of_IN a_AT controversy_NN of_IN some_DTI significance_NN on_IN the
_AT touchy_JJ question_NN of_IN the_AT Protestant_JJ-TL Succession_NN-TL ._. At_
IN the_AT order_NN of_IN the_AT Dowager_NN-TL Electress_NN-TL ,_, the_AT Hanover
ian_JJ agents_NNS ,_, supported_VBN by_IN the_AT Whig_NP leaders_NNS ,_, demande
d_VBD that_CS a_AT writ_NN of_IN summons_NN be_BE issued_VBN which_WDT would_MD
call_VB the_AT Duke_NN-TL to_IN England_NP to_TO sit_VB in_IN Parliament_NN-TL ,
_, thus_RB further_RBR insuring_VBG the_AT Succession_NN by_IN establishing_VBG
a_AT Hanoverian_JJ-TL Prince_NN-TL in_IN England_NP before_IN the_AT Queen's_NN$
-TL death_NN ._. Anne_NP was_BEDZ furious_JJ ,_, and_CC Bolingbroke_NP advised_V
BD that_CS the_AT request_NN be_BE refused_VBN ._. Oxford_NP ,_, realizing_VBG t
hat_CS the_AT law_NN required_VBD the_AT issuance_NN of_IN the_AT writ_NN ,_, to
ok_VBD the_AT opposite_JJ view_NN ,_, for_IN which_WDT the_AT Queen_NN-TL never_
RB forgave_VBD him_PPO ._. Accordingly_RB the_AT request_NN was_BEDZ granted_VBN
,_, but_CC the_AT Elector_NN-TL himself_PPL ,_, who_WPS had_HVD not_* been_BEN
consulted_VBN by_IN his_PP$ mother_NN ,_, rejected_VBD the_AT proposal_NN and_CC
recalled_VBD his_PP$ agent_NN Schutz_NP ,_, whose_WP$ impolitic_JJ handling_NN
of_IN the_AT affair_NN had_HVD caused_VBN the_AT Hanoverian_JJ interest_NN to_TO
suffer_VB and_CC had_HVD made_VBN Oxford's_NP$ dismissal_NN more_QL likely_RB t
han_CS ever_RB ._. Steele_NP in_IN this_DT paper_NN is_BEZ indicating_VBG his_PP
$ sympathy_NN for_IN such_ABL a_AT plan_NN ._. A_AT few_AP days_NNS after_CS thi
s_DT Englishman_NP-TL appeared_VBD ,_, Defoe_NP reported_VBD to_IN Oxford_NP tha
t_CS Steele_NP was_BEDZ expected_VBN to_TO move_VB in_IN Parliament_NN-TL that_C
S the_AT Duke_NN-TL be_BE called_VBN over_RP ;_. ;_. Defoe_NP then_RB commented_
VBD ,_, ``_`` If_CS they_PPSS Could_MD Draw_VB that_DT young_JJ Gentleman_NN int
o_IN Their_PP$ Measures_NNS They_PPSS would_MD show_VB themselves_PPLS quickly_R
B ,_, for_CS they_PPSS are_BER not_* asham'd_JJ to_TO Say_VB They_PPSS want_VB o
nly_RB a_AT head_NN to_IN Make_VB a_AT beginning_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT final_JJ is
sue_NN of_IN the_AT Englishman_NP-TL ,_, No._NN-TL 57_CD-TL for_IN February_NP 1
5_CD ,_, ran_VBD to_IN some_DTI length_NN and_CC was_BEDZ printed_VBN as_CS a_AT
separate_JJ pamphlet_NN ,_, entitled_VBN The_AT-TL Englishman_NP-TL :_: Being_B
EG the_AT Close_NN of_IN the_AT Paper_NN So-called_JJ ._. Steele's_NP$ purpose_N
N is_BEZ to_TO present_VB a_AT general_JJ defense_NN of_IN his_PP$ political_JJ
writing_NN and_CC a_AT resume_NN of_IN the_AT themes_NNS which_WDT had_HVD occup
ied_VBN him_PPO in_IN the_AT Englishman_NP-TL ;_. ;_. but_CC there_EX is_BEZ muc
h_AP here_RB also_RB which_WDT bears_VBZ directly_RB on_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ q
uarrel_NN with_IN Swift_NP ._. Thus_RB he_PPS complains_VBZ ,_, with_IN consider
able_JJ justice_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT Tory_NP writers_NNS have_HV resorted_VBN t
o_IN libel_NN instead_RB of_IN answering_VBG his_PP$ arguments_NNS ._. His_PP$ b
irth_NN ,_, education_NN ,_, and_CC fortune_NN ,_, he_PPS says_VBZ ,_, have_HV a
ll_ABN been_BEN ridiculed_VBN simply_RB because_CS he_PPS has_HVZ spoken_VBN wit
h_IN the_AT freedom_NN of_IN an_AT Englishman_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS assures_VBZ t
he_AT reader_NN that_CS ``_`` whoever_WPS talks_VBZ with_IN me_PPO ,_, is_BEZ sp
eaking_VBG to_IN a_AT Gentleman_NN born_VBN ''_'' ._. As_CS notable_JJ examples_
NNS of_IN this_DT abuse_NN ,_, he_PPS quotes_VBZ passages_NNS from_IN the_AT Exa
miner_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` that_DT Destroyer_NN of_IN all_ABN things_NNS ''_'' ,_, an
d_CC The_AT-TL Character_NN-TL of_IN-TL Richard_NP-TL Steele_NP-TL ,_, which_WDT
he_PPS here_RB attributes_VBZ to_IN Swift_NP ._. Though_CS put_VBN in_IN rather
_QL maudlin_JJ terms_NNS ,_, Steele's_NP$ defense_NN of_IN himself_PPL has_HVZ a
_AT reasonable_JJ basis_NN ._. His_PP$ point_NN is_BEZ simply_RB that_CS the_AT
Tories_NPS have_HV showered_VBN him_PPO with_IN personal_JJ satire_NN ,_, despit
e_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS as_CS a_AT private_JJ subject_NN he_PPS has_HVZ a_AT
right_NN to_TO speak_VB on_IN political_JJ matters_NNS without_IN affronting_VB
G the_AT prerogative_NN of_IN the_AT Sovereign_NN-TL ._. He_PPS claims_VBZ ,_, t
oo_RB ,_, that_CS his_PP$ political_JJ convictions_NNS are_BER simply_RB those_D
TS which_WDT are_BER called_VBN ``_`` Revolution_NN-TL Principles_NNS-TL ''_'' a
nd_CC which_WDT are_BER accepted_VBN by_IN moderate_JJ men_NNS in_IN both_ABX pa
rties_NNS ._. The_AT final_JJ section_NN of_IN this_DT pamphlet_NN is_BEZ of_IN
special_JJ interest_NN in_IN a_AT consideration_NN of_IN Steele's_NP$ relations_
NNS with_IN Swift_NP ._. It_PPS purports_VBZ to_TO be_BE a_AT letter_NN from_IN
Steele_NP to_IN a_AT friend_NN at_IN court_NN ,_, who_WPS ,_, in_IN Miss_NP Blan
chard's_NP$ opinion_NN ,_, could_MD only_RB be_BE meant_VBN as_CS Swift_NP ._. S
teele_NP first_RB answers_VBZ briefly_RB the_AT charges_NNS which_WDT his_PP$ ``
_`` dear_JJ old_JJ Friend_NN ''_'' has_NIL made_NIL about_NIL his_NIL pamphlet_N
IL on_NIL Dunkirk_NIL and_NIL his_NIL Crisis_NIL ._. Then_NIL he_NIL launches_NI
L into_NIL an_NIL attack_NIL on_NIL the_NIL Tory_NIL ministers_NIL ,_, whom_NIL
he_NIL calls_NIL the_NIL ``_`` New_JJ Converts_NNS ''_'' ;_. ;_. by_IN this_DT t
erm_NN he_PPS means_VBZ to_TO ridicule_VB their_PP$ professions_NNS of_IN acting
_VBG in_IN the_AT interest_NN of_IN the_AT Church_NN-TL despite_IN their_PP$ own
_JJ education_NN and_CC manner_NN of_IN life_NN --_-- a_AT gibe_NN ,_, in_IN oth
er_AP words_NNS ,_, at_IN the_AT ``_`` Presbyterianism_NP ''_'' in_IN Harley's_N
P$ family_NN and_CC at_IN Bolingbroke's_NP$ reputed_VBN impiety_NN ._. The_AT To
ry_NP leaders_NNS ,_, he_PPS insinuates_VBZ ,_, are_BER cynically_RB using_VBG t
he_AT Church_NN-TL as_CS a_AT political_JJ ``_`` By-word_NN ''_'' to_TO increase
_VB party_NN friction_NN and_CC keep_VB themselves_PPLS in_IN power_NN ._. This_
DT is_BEZ the_AT principal_JJS point_NN made_VBN in_IN this_DT final_JJ section_
NN of_IN Englishman_NP-TL No._NN-TL 57_CD-TL ,_, and_CC it_PPS caps_VBZ Steele's
_NP$ efforts_NNS in_IN his_PP$ other_AP writing_NN of_IN these_DTS months_NNS to
_TO counteract_VB the_AT notion_NN of_IN the_AT Tories_NPS as_CS a_AT ``_`` Chur
ch_NN-TL Party_NN-TL ''_'' supported_VBN by_IN the_AT body_NN of_IN the_AT clerg
y_NN ._. Next_RB ,_, Steele_NP turns_VBZ his_PP$ attention_NN to_IN the_AT ``_``
Courtier_NN-TL ''_'' he_PPS is_BEZ addressing_VBG ._. He_PPS explains_VBZ that_
CS there_EX are_BER sometimes_RB honorable_JJ courtiers_NNS ,_, but_CC that_CS t
oo_QL often_RB a_AT man_NN who_WPS succeeds_VBZ at_IN court_NN does_DOZ not_* he
sitate_VB to_TO sacrifice_VB his_PP$ Sovereign_NN-TL and_CC nation_NN to_IN his_
PP$ own_JJ avarice_NN and_CC ambition_NN ._. Such_JJ ,_, he_PPS implies_VBZ ,_,
is_BEZ the_AT case_NN with_IN his_PP$ friend_NN ,_, who_WPS is_BEZ not_* really_
RB a_AT new_JJ convert_NN himself_PPL but_CC merely_RB a_AT favorer_NN of_IN new
_JJ converts_NNS ._. If_CS ``_`` Jack_NP-TL the_AT-TL Courtier_NN-TL ''_'' is_BE
Z really_RB to_TO be_BE taken_VBN as_CS Swift_NP ,_, the_AT following_VBG remark
_NN is_BEZ obviously_RB Steele's_NP$ comment_NN on_IN Swift's_NP$ change_NN of_I
N parties_NNS and_CC its_PP$ effect_NN on_IN their_PP$ friendship_NN :_: ``_`` I
_PPSS assure_VB you_PPO ,_, dear_JJ Jack_NP ,_, when_WRB I_PPSS first_RB found_V
BD out_RP such_ABL an_AT Allay_NN in_IN you_PPO ,_, as_CS makes_VBZ you_PPO of_I
N so_QL malleable_JJ a_AT Constitution_NN ,_, that_CS you_PPSS may_MD be_BE work
ed_VBN into_IN any_DTI Form_NN an_AT Artificer_NN pleases_VBZ ,_, I_PPSS foresaw
_VBD I_PPSS should_MD not_* enjoy_VB your_PP$ Favour_NN much_QL longer_RBR ''_''
._. He_PPS closes_VBZ his_PP$ ``_`` letter_NN ''_'' by_IN demanding_VBG that_CS
Dunkirk_NP be_BE demolished_VBN ,_, that_CS the_AT Pretender_NN-TL be_BE forced
_VBN to_TO move_VB farther_QL away_RB from_IN the_AT coast_NN of_IN England_NP ,
_, and_CC that_CS the_AT Queen_NN-TL and_CC the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Hanover_
NP-TL come_VB to_IN a_AT better_JJR understanding_NN ._. The_AT last_AP point_NN
was_BEDZ soon_RB to_TO be_BE included_VBN in_IN the_AT ``_`` seditious_JJ ''_''
remarks_NNS used_VBN against_IN him_PPO in_IN Parliament_NN-TL ._. The_AT Exami
ner_NN-TL ,_, during_IN Steele's_NP$ trial_NN a_AT month_NN later_RBR ,_, printe
d_VBD an_AT answer_NN from_IN the_AT ``_`` Courtier_NN-TL ''_'' addressed_VBN to
_IN ``_`` R._NP S._NP ''_'' at_IN Button's_NP$ coffee-house_NN ._. He_PPS review
s_VBZ Steele's_NP$ entrance_NN into_IN politics_NN and_CC finds_VBZ that_CS his_
PP$ present_JJ difficulties_NNS are_BER due_JJ to_IN his_PP$ habit_NN of_IN attr
ibuting_VBG to_IN his_PP$ own_JJ abilities_NNS and_CC talents_NNS achievements_N
NS which_WDT more_QL properly_RB should_MD be_BE credited_VBN to_IN the_AT indul
gence_NN of_IN his_PP$ friends_NNS ._. Once_RB more_QL ,_, in_IN other_AP words_
NNS ,_, Steele_NP is_BEZ said_VBN to_TO be_BE indebted_JJ to_IN Swift_NP for_IN
his_PP$ ``_`` wit_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. this_DT was_BEDZ the_AT form_NN in_IN which_W
DT their_PP$ private_JJ feud_NN most_QL often_RB appeared_VBD in_IN the_AT Tory_
NP press_NN ,_, especially_RB the_AT Examiner_NN-TL ._. In_IN The_AT Publick_JJ
Spirit_NN of_IN the_AT Whigs_NPS ,_, it_PPS may_MD be_BE noted_VBN ,_, Swift_NP
himself_PPL contemptuously_RB dismissed_VBD Steele's_NP$ reference_NN to_IN his_
PP$ friend_NN at_IN court_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS suppose_VB by_IN the_AT Style_NN o
f_IN old_JJ Friend_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT like_IN ,_, it_PPS must_MD be_BE some_DT
I Body_NN there_RB of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ Level_NN ;_. ;_. among_IN whom_WPO ,_, h
is_PP$ Party_NN have_HV indeed_RB more_AP Friends_NNS-TL than_CS I_PPSS could_MD
wish_VB ''_'' ._. On_IN February_NP 16_CD ,_, Steele_NP took_VBD his_PP$ seat_N
N in_IN Parliament_NN-TL ._. By_IN now_RB he_PPS was_BEDZ undergoing_VBG a_AT fr
esh_JJ torrent_NN of_IN abuse_NN from_IN Tory_NP papers_NNS and_CC pamphlets_NNS
,_, and_CC action_NN was_BEDZ being_BEG taken_VBN to_TO effect_VB his_PP$ punis
hment_NN by_IN expulsion_NN from_IN Parliament_NN-TL ._. On_IN the_AT very_AP da
y_NN that_CS the_AT parliamentary_JJ session_NN began_VBD ,_, another_DT ``_`` I
nfamous_JJ Libel_NN ''_'' appeared_VBD ,_, entitled_VBN A_AT-TL Letter_NN-TL Fro
m_IN-TL The_AT-TL Facetious_JJ-TL Dr._NN-TL Andrew_NP Tripe_NP ,_, At_IN-TL Bath
_NP-TL ,_, To_IN-TL The_AT-TL Venerable_JJ-TL Nestor_NP Ironside_NP ._. It_PPS i
s_BEZ filled_VBN with_IN the_AT usual_JJ personal_JJ abuse_NN of_IN Steele_NP ,_
, especially_RB of_IN his_PP$ physical_JJ appearance_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT ope
ning_VBG paragraph_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, Steele_NP is_BEZ accused_VBN of_IN extreme_
JJ egotism_NN ,_, of_IN giving_VBG ``_`` himself_PPL the_AT preference_NN to_IN
all_ABN the_AT learned_VBN ,_, his_PP$ contemporaries_NNS ,_, from_IN Dr._NN-TL
Swift_NP himself_PPL ,_, even_QL down_RP to_IN Poet_NN-TL Cr--spe_NP-TL of_IN th
e_AT Customhouse_NN-TL ''_'' ._. When_WRB Harold_NP Arlen_NP returned_VBD to_IN
California_NP in_IN the_AT winter_NN of_IN 1944_CD ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO tak
e_VB up_RP again_RB a_AT collaboration_NN with_IN Johnny_NP Mercer_NP ,_, begun_
VBN some_DTI years_NNS before_RB ._. The_AT film_NN they_PPSS did_DOD after_IN h
is_PP$ return_NN was_BEDZ an_AT inconsequential_JJ bit_NN of_IN nothing_PN title
d_VBN Out_RB-TL Of_IN-TL This_DT-TL World_NN-TL ,_, a_AT satire_NN on_IN the_AT
Sinatra_NP bobby-soxer_NN craze_NN ._. The_AT twist_NN lay_VBD in_IN using_VBG B
ing_NP Crosby's_NP$ voice_NN on_IN the_AT sound_NN track_NN while_CS leading_VBG
man_NN Eddie_NP Bracken_NP mouthed_VBD the_AT words_NNS ._. If_CS nothing_PN el
se_RB ,_, at_IN least_AP two_CD good_JJ songs_NNS came_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT p
roject_NN ,_, ``_`` Out_RB-TL Of_IN-TL This_DT-TL World_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_``
June_NP-TL Comes_VBZ-TL Around_RB-TL Every_AT-TL Year_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Though_CS
they_PPSS would_MD produce_VB some_DTI very_QL memorable_JJ and_CC lasting_VBG
songs_NNS ,_, Arlen_NP and_CC Mercer_NP were_BED not_* given_VBN strong_JJ mater
ial_NN to_TO work_VB on_IN ._. Their_PP$ first_OD collaboration_NN came_VBD clos
e_RB ._. Early_RB in_IN 1941_CD they_PPSS were_BED assigned_VBN to_IN a_AT scrip
t_NN titled_VBN Hot_JJ-TL Nocturne_NN-TL ._. It_PPS purported_VBD to_TO be_BE a_
AT reasonably_QL serious_JJ attempt_NN at_IN a_AT treatment_NN of_IN jazz_NN mus
icians_NNS ,_, their_PP$ aims_NNS ,_, their_PP$ problems_NNS --_-- the_AT tug-of
-war_NN between_IN the_AT ``_`` pure_JJ ''_'' and_CC the_AT ``_`` commercial_JJ
''_'' --_-- and_CC seemed_VBD a_AT promising_JJ vehicle_NN ,_, for_CS the_AT two
_CD men_NNS shared_VBD a_AT common_JJ interest_NN in_IN jazz_NN ._. Johnny_NP Me
rcer_NP practically_RB grew_VBD up_RP with_IN the_AT sound_NN of_IN jazz_NN and_
CC the_AT blues_NNS in_IN his_PP$ ears_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN Sa
vannah_NP ,_, Georgia_NP ,_, in_IN 1909_CD ._. His_PP$ father_NN ,_, George_NP A
._NP Mercer_NP ,_, was_BEDZ descended_VBN from_IN an_AT honored_VBN Southern_JJ-
TL family_NN that_WPS could_MD trace_VB its_PP$ ancestry_NN back_RB to_IN one_CD
Hugh_NP Mercer_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD emigrated_VBN from_IN Scotland_NP in_IN 1
747_CD ._. The_AT lyricist's_NN$ father_NN was_BEDZ a_AT lawyer_NN who_WPS had_H
VD branched_VBN out_RP into_IN real_JJ estate_NN ._. His_PP$ second_OD wife_NN ,
_, Lillian_NP ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT mother_NN of_IN John_NP H._NP Mercer_NP ._. By
_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN six_CD young_JJ Johnny_NP indicated_VBD that_CS he_PPS h
ad_HVD the_AT call_NN ._. One_CD day_NN he_PPS followed_VBD the_AT Irish_JJ-TL J
asper_NP Greens_NPS ,_, the_AT town_NN band_NN ,_, to_IN a_AT picnic_NN and_CC s
pent_VBD the_AT entire_JJ day_NN listening_VBG ,_, while_CS his_PP$ family_NN sp
ent_VBD the_AT day_NN looking_VBG ._. The_AT disappearance_NN caused_VBD his_PP$
family_NN to_TO assign_VB a_AT full-time_JJ maid_NN to_IN keeping_VBG an_AT eye
_NN on_IN the_AT boy_NN ._. But_CC one_CD afternoon_NN Mrs._NP Mercer_NP met_VBD
her_PPO ;_. ;_. both_ABX were_BED obviously_RB on_IN the_AT way_NN to_IN the_AT
Mercer_NP home_NN ._. The_AT mother_NN inquired_VBD ,_, ``_`` Where's_WRB+BEZ J
ohnny_NP ,_, and_CC why_WRB did_DOD you_PPO leave_VB him_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_``
There_EX was_BEDZ nothing_PN else_RB I_PPSS could_MD do_DO ''_'' ,_, the_AT mai
d_NN answered_VBD ,_, satisfied_VBN with_IN a_AT rather_QL vague_JJ explanation_
NN ._. But_CC Mrs._NP Mercer_NP demanded_VBD more_AP ._. The_AT maid_NN then_RB
told_VBD her_PPO ,_, ``_`` Because_CS he_PPS fired_VBD me_PPO ''_'' ._. With_IN
her_PP$ son_NN evidencing_VBG so_QL strong_JJ a_AT musical_JJ bent_NN his_PP$ mo
ther_NN could_MD do_DO little_AP else_RB but_CC get_VB him_PPO started_VBN on_IN
the_AT study_NN of_IN music_NN --_-- though_CS she_PPS waited_VBD until_CS he_P
PS was_BEDZ ten_CD --_-- beginning_VBG with_IN the_AT piano_NN and_CC following_
VBG that_DT with_IN the_AT trumpet_NN ._. Young_JJ Mercer_NP showed_VBD a_AT rem
arkable_JJ lack_NN of_IN aptitude_NN for_IN both_ABX instruments_NNS ._. Still_R
B ,_, he_PPS did_DOD like_VB music_NN making_NN and_CC even_RB sang_VBD in_IN th
e_AT chapel_NN choir_NN of_IN the_AT Woodberry_NP-TL Forest_NN-TL School_NN-TL ,
_, near_IN Orange_NP ,_, Virginia_NP ,_, where_WRB he_PPS sounded_VBD fine_RB bu
t_CC did_DOD not_* matriculate_VB too_QL well_RB ._. When_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ fi
fteen_CD John_NP H._NP Mercer_NP turned_VBD out_RP his_PP$ first_OD song_NN ,_,
a_AT jazzy_JJ little_JJ thing_NN he_PPS called_VBD ``_`` Sister_NN-TL Susie_NP-T
L ,_, Strut_VB-TL Your_PP$-TL Stuff_NN-TL ''_'' ._. If_CS his_PP$ scholarship_NN
and_CC formal_JJ musicianship_NN were_BED not_* all_ABN they_PPSS might_MD have
_HV been_BEN ,_, Mercer_NP demonstrated_VBD at_IN an_AT early_JJ age_NN that_CS
he_PPS was_BEDZ gifted_JJ with_IN a_AT remarkable_JJ ear_NN for_IN rhythm_NN and
_CC dialect_NN ._. From_IN his_PP$ playmates_NNS in_IN Savannah_NP ,_, Mercer_NP
had_HVD picked_VBN up_RP ,_, along_RB with_IN a_AT soft_JJ Southern_JJ-TL diale
ct_NN ,_, traces_NNS also_RB of_IN the_AT Gullah_NP dialects_NNS of_IN Africa_NP
._. Such_JJ speech_NN differences_NNS made_VBD him_PPO acutely_QL aware_JJ of_I
N the_AT richness_NN and_CC expressivness_NN of_IN language_NN ._. During_IN the
_AT summers_NNS ,_, while_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB in_IN school_NN ,_, Mercer
_NP worked_VBD for_IN his_PP$ father's_NN$ firm_NN as_CS a_AT messenger_NN boy_N
N ._. It_PPS generally_RB took_VBD well_QL into_IN the_AT autumn_NN for_IN the_A
T firm_NN to_TO recover_VB from_IN the_AT summer's_NN$ help_NN ._. ``_`` We'd_PP
SS+MD give_VB him_PPO things_NNS to_TO deliver_VB ,_, letters_NNS ,_, checks_NNS
,_, deeds_NNS and_CC things_NNS like_CS that_DT ''_'' ,_, remembers_VBZ his_PP$
half-brother_NN Walter_NP ,_, still_RB in_IN the_AT real_JJ estate_NN business_
NN in_IN Savannah_NP ,_, ``_`` and_CC learn_VB days_NNS later_RBR that_CS he'd_P
PS+HVD absent-mindedly_RB stuffed_VBN them_PPO into_IN his_PP$ pocket_NN ._. The
re_RB they_PPSS stayed_VBD ''_'' ._. This_DT rather_QL detached_VBN attitude_NN
toward_IN life's_NN$ encumbrances_NNS has_HVZ seemed_VBN to_TO be_BE the_AT domi
nant_JJ trait_NN in_IN Mercer's_NP$ personality_NN ever_QL since_RB ._. It_PPS i
s_BEZ ,_, however_RB ,_, a_AT disarming_VBG disguise_NN ,_, or_CC perhaps_RB a_A
T shield_NN ,_, for_CS not_* only_RB has_HVZ Mercer_NP proved_VBN himself_PPL to
_TO be_BE one_CD of_IN the_AT few_AP great_JJ lyricists_NNS over_IN the_AT years
_NNS ,_, but_CC also_RB one_CD who_WPS can_MD function_VB remarkably_RB under_IN
pressure_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ also_RB enjoyed_VBN a_AT successful_JJ career_NN
as_CS an_AT entertainer_NN (_( his_PP$ records_NNS have_HV sold_VBN in_IN the_A
T millions_NNS )_) and_CC is_BEZ a_AT sharp_JJ businessman_NN ._. He_PPS has_HVZ
also_RB an_AT extraordinary_JJ conscience_NN ._. In_IN 1927_CD his_PP$ father's
_NN$ business_NN collapsed_VBD ,_, and_CC ,_, rather_IN than_CS go_VB bankrupt_J
J ,_, Mercer_NP senior_JJ turned_VBD his_PP$ firm_NN over_RP to_IN a_AT bank_NN
for_IN liquidation_NN ._. He_PPS died_VBD before_CS he_PPS could_MD completely_R
B pay_VB off_RP his_PP$ debts_NNS ._. Some_DTI years_NNS later_RBR the_AT bank_N
N handling_VBG the_AT Mercer_NP liquidation_NN received_VBD a_AT check_NN for_IN
$300,000_NNS ,_, enough_AP to_TO clear_VB up_RP the_AT debt_NN ._. The_AT check
_NN had_HVD been_BEN mailed_VBN from_IN Chicago_NP ,_, the_AT envelope_NN bore_V
BD no_AT return_NN address_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT check_NN was_BEDZ not_* signed_V
BN ._. ``_`` That's_DT+BEZ Johnny_NP ''_'' ,_, sighed_VBD the_AT bank_NN preside
nt_NN ,_, ``_`` the_AT best-hearted_JJT boy_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ,_, but_CC
absent-minded_JJ ''_'' ._. But_CC Mercer's_NP$ explanation_NN was_BEDZ simple_JJ
:_: ``_`` I_PPSS made_VBD out_RP the_AT check_NN and_CC carried_VBD it_PPO arou
nd_RB a_AT few_AP days_NNS unsigned_JJ --_-- in_IN case_NN I_PPSS lost_VBD it_PP
O ''_'' ._. When_WRB he_PPS remembered_VBD that_CS he_PPS might_MD have_HV not_*
signed_VBN the_AT check_NN ,_, Mercer_NP made_VBD out_RP another_DT for_IN the_
AT same_AP amount_NN ,_, instructing_VBG the_AT bank_NN to_TO destroy_VB the_AT
other_AP --_-- especially_RB if_CS he_PPS had_HVD happened_VBN to_TO have_HV abs
ent-mindedly_RB signed_VBN both_ABX of_IN them_PPO ._. When_WRB the_AT family_NN
business_NN failed_VBD ,_, Mercer_NP left_VBD school_NN and_CC on_IN his_PP$ mo
ther's_NN$ urging_VBG --_-- for_CS she_PPS hoped_VBD that_CS he_PPS would_MD bec
ome_VB an_AT actor_NN --_-- he_PPS joined_VBD a_AT local_JJ little_JJ theater_NN
group_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT troupe_NN traveled_VBD to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL
to_TO participate_VB in_IN a_AT one-act-play_NN competition_NN --_-- and_CC won_
VBD --_-- Mercer_NP ,_, instead_RB of_IN returning_VBG with_IN the_AT rest_NN of
_IN the_AT company_NN in_IN triumph_NN ,_, remained_VBD in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-
TL ._. He_PPS had_HVD talked_VBN one_CD other_AP member_NN of_IN the_AT group_NN
to_TO stay_VB with_IN him_PPO ,_, but_CC that_DT friend_NN had_HVD tired_VBN of
_IN not_* eating_VBG regularly_RB and_CC returned_VBD to_IN Savannah_NP ._. But_
CC Mercer_NP hung_VBD on_RP ,_, living_VBG ,_, after_IN a_AT fashion_NN ,_, in_I
N a_AT Greenwich_NP-TL Village_NN-TL fourth-flight_NN walk-up_NN ._. ``_`` The_A
T place_NN had_HVD no_AT sink_NN or_CC washbasin_NN ,_, only_RB a_AT bathtub_NN
''_'' ,_, his_PP$ mother_NN discovered_VBD when_WRB she_PPS visited_VBD him_PPO
._. ``_`` Johnny_NP insisted_VBD on_IN cooking_VBG a_AT chicken_NN dinner_NN in_
IN my_PP$ honor_NN --_-- he's_PPS+HVZ always_RB been_BEN a_AT good_JJ cook_NN --
_-- and_CC I'll_PPSS+MD never_RB forget_VB him_PPO cleaning_VBG the_AT chicken_N
N in_IN the_AT tub_NN ''_'' ._. A_AT story_NN ,_, no_AT doubt_NN apocryphal_JJ ,
_, for_CS Mercer_NP himself_PPL denies_VBZ it_PPO ,_, has_HVZ him_PPO sporting_V
BG a_AT monacle_NN in_IN those_DTS Village_NN-TL days_NNS ._. Though_CS merely_R
B clear_JJ glass_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT distinctive_JJ trade_NN mark_NN for
_IN an_AT aspiring_VBG actor_NN who_WPS hoped_VBD to_TO imprint_VB himself_PPL u
pon_IN the_AT memories_NNS of_IN producers_NNS ._. One_CD day_NN in_IN a_AT bar_
NN ,_, so_RB the_AT legend_NN goes_VBZ ,_, someone_PN put_VBD a_AT beer_NN stein
_NN with_IN too_QL much_AP force_NN on_IN the_AT monacle_NN and_CC broke_VBD it_
PPO ._. The_AT innocent_JJ malfeasant_NN ,_, filled_VBD with_IN that_DT supreme_
JJ sense_NN of_IN honor_NN found_VBN in_IN bars_NNS ,_, insisted_VBD upon_IN rep
lacing_VBG the_AT destroyed_VBN monacle_NN --_-- and_CC did_DOD ,_, over_IN the_
AT protests_NNS of_IN the_AT former_AP owner_NN --_-- with_IN a_AT square_JJ mon
acle_NN ._. Mercer_NP is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO have_HV refused_VBN it_PPO with_
IN ,_, ``_`` Anyone_PN who_WPS wears_VBZ a_AT square_JJ monacle_NN must_MD be_BE
affected_VBN ''_'' !_. !_. Everett_NP Miller_NP ,_, then_RB assistant_JJ direct
or_NN for_IN the_AT Garrick_NP-TL Gaieties_NNS-TL ,_, a_AT Theatre_NN-TL Guild_N
N-TL production_NN ,_, needed_VBD a_AT lyricist_NN for_IN a_AT song_NN he_PPS ha
d_HVD written_VBN ;_. ;_. he_PPS just_RB happened_VBD not_* to_TO need_VB any_DT
I actor_NN at_IN the_AT moment_NN ,_, however_RB ._. For_IN him_PPO Mercer_NP pr
oduced_VBD the_AT lyric_NN to_IN ``_`` Out_RB-TL Of_IN-TL Breath_NN-TL Scared_VB
N-TL To_IN-TL Death_NN-TL Of_IN-TL You_PPO-TL ''_'' ,_, introduced_VBN in_IN tha
t_DT most_QL successful_JJ of_IN all_ABN the_AT Gaieties_NNS-TL ,_, by_IN Sterli
ng_NP Holloway_NP ._. This_DT 1930_CD edition_NN also_RB had_HVD songs_NNS in_IN
it_PPO by_IN Vernon_NP Duke_NP and_CC Ira_NP Gershwin_NP ,_, by_IN E._NP Y._NP
Harburg_NP and_CC Duke_NP ,_, and_CC by_IN Harry_NP Myers_NP ._. Entrance_NN int
o_IN such_JJ stellar_JJ song_NN writing_VBG company_NN encouraged_VBD the_AT bur
geoning_VBG song_NN writer_NN to_TO take_VB a_AT wife_NN ,_, Elizabeth_NP Meehan
_NP ,_, a_AT dancer_NN in_IN the_AT Gaieties_NNS-TL ._. The_AT Mercers_NPS took_
VBD up_RP residence_NN in_IN Brooklyn_NP ,_, and_CC Mercer_NP found_VBD a_AT reg
ular_JJ job_NN in_IN Wall_NN-TL Street_NN-TL ``_`` misplacing_VBG stocks_NNS and
_CC bonds_NNS ''_'' ._. When_WRB he_PPS heard_VBD that_CS Paul_NP Whiteman_NP wa
s_BEDZ looking_VBG for_IN singers_NNS to_TO replace_VB the_AT Rhythm_NN-TL Boys_
NNS-TL ,_, Mercer_NP applied_VBD and_CC got_VBD the_AT job_NN ,_, ``_`` not_* fo
r_IN my_PP$ voice_NN ,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM sure_JJ ,_, but_CC because_CS I_PPSS could
_MD write_VB songs_NNS and_CC material_NN generally_RB ''_'' ._. While_CS with_I
N the_AT Whiteman_NP band_NN Mercer_NP met_VBD Jerry_NP Arlen_NP ._. He_PPS had_
HVD yet_RB to_TO meet_VB Harold_NP Arlen_NP ,_, for_CS although_CS they_PPSS had
_HVD ``_`` collaborated_VBN ''_'' on_IN ``_`` Satan's_NP$-TL Li'l_JJ-TL Lamb_NN-
TL ''_'' ,_, Mercer_NP and_CC Harburg_NP had_HVD worked_VBN from_IN a_AT lead_NN
sheet_NN the_AT composer_NN had_HVD furnished_VBN them_PPO ._. The_AT lyric_NN
,_, Mercer_NP remembers_VBZ ,_, was_BEDZ tailored_VBN to_TO fit_VB the_AT unusua
l_JJ melody_NN ._. Mercer's_NP$ Whiteman_NP association_NN brought_VBD him_PPO i
nto_IN contact_NN with_IN Hoagy_NP Carmichael_NP ,_, whose_WP$ ``_`` Snowball_NN
-TL ''_'' Mercer_NP relyriced_VBD as_CS ``_`` Lazybones_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, in_IN wh
ich_WDT form_NN it_PPS became_VBD a_AT hit_NN and_CC marked_VBD the_AT real_JJ b
eginning_NN of_IN Mercer's_NP$ song-writing_JJ career_NN ._. After_CS leaving_VB
G Whiteman_NP ,_, Mercer_NP joined_VBD the_AT Benny_NP Goodman_NP band_NN as_CS
a_AT vocalist_NN ._. With_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN Ziggy_NP Elman_NP ,_, also_RB
in_IN the_AT band_NN ,_, he_PPS transformed_VBD a_AT traditional_JJ Jewish_JJ me
lody_NN into_IN a_AT popular_JJ song_NN ,_, ``_`` And_CC-TL The_AT-TL Angels_NNS
-TL Sing_VB-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT countrywide_JJ success_NN of_IN ``_`` Lazybones_
NN-TL ''_'' and_CC ``_`` And_CC-TL The_AT-TL Angels_NNS-TL Sing_VB-TL ''_'' coul
d_MD only_RB lead_VB to_IN Hollywood_NP ,_, where_WRB ,_, besides_IN Harold_NP A
rlen_NP ,_, Mercer_NP collaborated_VBD with_IN Harry_NP Warren_NP ,_, Jimmy_NP V
an_NP Heusen_NP ,_, Richard_NP Whiting_NP ,_, Walter_NP Donaldson_NP ,_, Jerome_
NP Kern_NP ,_, and_CC Arthur_NP Schwartz_NP ._. Mercer_NP has_HVZ also_RB writte
n_VBN both_ABX music_NN and_CC lyrics_NNS for_IN several_AP songs_NNS ._. He_PPS
may_MD be_BE the_AT only_AP song_NN writer_NN ever_RB to_TO have_HV collaborate
d_VBN with_IN a_AT secretary_NN of_IN the_AT U._NP-TL S._NP-TL Treasury_NN-TL ;_
. ;_. he_PPS collaborated_VBD on_IN a_AT song_NN with_IN William_NP Hartman_NP W
oodin_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Treasury_NN-TL
,_, 1932-33_CD ._. When_WRB Johnny_NP Mercer_NP and_CC Harold_NP Arlen_NP began_
VBD their_PP$ collaboration_NN in_IN 1940_CD ,_, Mercer_NP ,_, like_CS Arlen_NP
,_, had_HVD several_AP substantial_JJ film_NN songs_NNS to_IN his_PP$ credit_NN
,_, among_IN them_PPO ``_`` Hooray_UH-TL For_IN-TL Hollywood_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_
`` Ride_VB-TL ,_, Tenderfoot_NN-TL ,_, Ride_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Have_HV-TL You
_PPSS-TL Got_VBN-TL Any_DTI-TL Castles_NNS-TL ,_, Baby_NN-TL ?_.-TL ?_.-TL ''_''
,_, and_CC ``_`` Too_QL-TL Marvelous_JJ-TL For_IN-TL Words_NNS-TL ''_'' (_( all
_ABN with_IN Richard_NP Whiting_NP )_) ;_. ;_. with_IN Harry_NP Warren_NP he_PPS
did_DOD ``_`` The_AT-TL Girl_NN-TL Friend_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Whirling_VBG
-TL Dervish_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, ``_`` Jeepers_UH-TL Creepers_UH-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC
``_`` You_PPSS-TL Must_MD-TL Have_HV-TL Been_BEN-TL A_AT-TL Beautiful_JJ-TL Baby
_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Mercer's_NP$ lyrics_NNS are_BER characterized_VBN by_IN an_AT u
nerring_JJ ear_NN for_IN rhythmic_JJ nuances_NNS ,_, a_AT puckish_JJ sense_NN of
_IN humor_NN expressed_VBN in_IN language_NN with_IN a_AT colloquial_JJ flair_NN
._. Though_CS versatile_JJ and_CC capable_JJ of_IN turning_VBG out_RP a_AT ball
ad_NN lyric_NN with_IN the_AT best_JJT of_IN them_PPO ,_, Mercer's_NP$ forte_NN
is_BEZ a_AT highly_QL polished_VBN quasi-folk_JJ wit_NN ._. His_PP$ casual_JJ ,_
, dreamlike_JJ working_VBG methods_NNS ,_, often_RB as_CS not_* in_IN absentia_N
N ,_, were_BED an_AT abrupt_JJ change_NN from_IN Harburg's_NP$ ,_, so_CS that_CS
Arlen_NP had_HVD to_TO adjust_VB again_RB to_IN another_DT approach_NN to_IN co
llaboration_NN ._. There_EX were_BED times_NNS that_CS he_PPS worked_VBD with_IN
both_ABX lyricists_NNS simultaneously_RB ._. Speaking_VBG of_IN his_PP$ work_NN
with_IN Johnny_NP Mercer_NP ,_, Arlen_NP says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Our_PP$ working_VBG
habits_NNS were_BED strange_JJ ._. After_CS we_PPSS got_VBD a_AT script_NN and_
CC the_AT spots_NNS for_IN the_AT songs_NNS were_BED blocked_VBN out_RP ,_, we'd
_PPSS+MD get_VB together_RB for_IN an_AT hour_NN or_CC so_CS every_AT day_NN ._.
While_CS Johnny_NP made_VBD himself_PPL comfortable_JJ on_IN the_AT couch_NN ,_
, I'd_PPSS+MD play_VB the_AT tunes_NNS for_IN him_PPO ._. He_PPS has_HVZ a_AT wo
nderfully_QL retentive_JJ memory_NN ._. After_CS I_PPSS would_MD finish_VB playi
ng_VBG the_AT songs_NNS ,_, he'd_PPS+MD just_RB go_VB away_RB without_IN a_AT co
mment_NN ._. I_PPSS wouldn't_MD* hear_VB from_IN him_PPO for_IN a_AT couple_NN o
f_IN weeks_NNS ,_, then_RB he'd_PPS+MD come_VB around_RB with_IN the_AT complete
d_VBN lyric_NN ''_'' ._. Arlen_NP is_BEZ one_CD of_IN the_AT few_AP (_( possibly
_RB the_AT only_AP )_) composer_NN Mercer_NP has_HVZ been_BEN able_JJ to_TO work
_VB with_IN so_QL closely_RB ,_, for_CS they_PPSS held_VBD their_PP$ meetings_NN
S in_IN Arlen's_NP$ study_NN ._. ``_`` Some_DTI guys_NNS bothered_VBD me_PPO ''_
'' ,_, Mercer_NP has_HVZ said_VBN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS couldn't_MD* write_VB with_IN
them_PPO in_IN the_AT same_AP room_NN with_IN me_PPO ,_, but_CC I_PPSS could_MD
with_IN Harold_NP ._. He_PPS is_BEZ probably_RB our_PP$ most_QL original_JJ com
poser_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS often_RB uses_VBZ very_QL odd_JJ rhythms_NNS ,_, which_W
DT makes_VBZ it_PPO difficult_JJ ,_, and_CC challenging_JJ ,_, for_IN the_AT lyr
ic_NN writer_NN ''_'' ._. While_CS Arlen_NP and_CC Mercer_NP collaborated_VBD on
_IN Hot_JJ-TL Nocturne_NN-TL ,_, Mercer_NP worked_VBD also_RB with_IN Arthur_NP
Schwartz_NP on_IN another_DT film_NN ,_, Navy_NN-TL Blues_NNS-TL ._. Arlen_NP ,_
, too_RB ,_, worked_VBD on_IN other_AP projects_NNS at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN
with_IN old_JJ friend_NN Ted_NP Koehler_NP ._. Besides_IN doing_VBG a_AT single
_AP song_NN ,_, ``_`` When_WRB-TL The_AT-TL Sun_NN-TL Comes_VBZ-TL Out_RB-TL ''_
'' ,_, they_PPSS worked_VBD on_IN the_AT ambitious_JJ American-Negro_NP-TL Suite
_NN-TL ,_, for_IN voices_NNS and_CC piano_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS songs_NNS f
or_IN films_NNS ._. The_AT American-Negro_NP-TL Suite_NN-TL is_BEZ in_IN a_AT se
nse_NN an_AT extension_NN of_IN the_AT Cotton_NN-TL Club_NN-TL songs_NNS in_IN t
hat_DT it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT collection_NN of_IN Negro_NP songs_NNS ,_, not_* for_I
N a_AT night_NN club_NN ,_, but_CC for_IN the_AT concert_NN stage_NN ._. The_AT
work_NN had_HVD its_PP$ beginning_NN in_IN 1938_CD with_IN an_AT eight-bar_JJ mu
sical_JJ strain_NN to_IN which_WDT Koehler_NP set_VBD the_AT words_NNS ``_`` The
re'll_EX+MD be_BE no_QL more_AP work_NN ;_. ;_. there'll_EX+MD be_BE no_QL more_
AP worry_NN ''_'' ,_, matching_VBG the_AT spiritual_JJ feeling_NN of_IN the_AT j
ot_NN ._. This_DT grew_VBD into_IN the_AT song_NN ``_`` Big_JJ-TL Time_NN-TL Com
in'_VBG-TL ''_'' ._. By_IN September_NP 1940_CD the_AT Suite_NN-TL had_HVD devel
oped_VBN into_IN a_AT collection_NN of_IN six_CD songs_NNS ,_, ``_`` four_CD spi
rituals_NNS ,_, a_AT dream_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT lullaby_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT Negro_
NP composer_NN Hall_NP Johnson_NP studied_VBD the_AT American-Negro_NP-TL Suite_
NN-TL and_CC said_VBD of_IN it_PPO ,_, ``_`` Of_IN all_ABN the_AT many_AP songs_
NNS written_VBN by_IN white_JJ composers_NNS and_CC employing_VBG what_WDT claim
s_VBZ to_TO be_BE a_AT Negroid_JJ idiom_NN in_IN both_ABX words_NNS and_CC music
_NN ,_, these_DTS six_CD songs_NNS by_IN Harold_NP Arlen_NP and_CC Ted_NP Koehle
r_NP easily_RB stand_VB far_QL out_RP above_IN the_AT rest_NN ._. Thoroughly_QL
modern_JJ in_IN treatment_NN ,_, they_PPSS are_BER at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN
,_, full_JJ of_IN simple_JJ sincerity_NN which_WDT invariably_RB characterizes_V
BZ genuine_JJ Negro_NP folk-music_NN and_CC are_BER by_IN no_AT means_NNS to_TO
be_BE confused_VBN with_IN the_AT average_JJ '_' Broadway_NP-TL Spirituals_NNS-T
L '_' which_WDT depend_VB for_IN their_PP$ racial_JJ flavor_NN upon_IN sundry_JJ
allusions_NNS to_IN the_AT '_' Amen_JJ-TL Corner_NN-TL '_' ,_, '_' judgement_NN
-TL Day_NN-TL ,_, '_' Gabriel's_NP$ Horn_NN-TL ,_, and_CC a_AT frustrated_VBN de
vil_NN --_-- with_IN a_AT few_AP random_JJ hallelujahs_NNS thrown_VBN in_RP for_
IN good_JJ measure_NN ._. I_PPSS feel_VB obliged_VBN to_TO describe_VB this_DT c
ubbyhole_NN ._. It_PPS had_HVD a_AT single_AP porcelain_NN stall_NN and_CC but_R
B one_CD cabinet_NN for_IN the_AT chairing_NN of_IN the_AT bards_NNS ._. It_PPS
was_BEDZ here_RB that_CS the_AT terror-stricken_JJ Dennis_NP Moon_NP played_VBD
an_AT unrehearsed_JJ role_NN during_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ party_NN ._. A_AT
much_QL larger_JJR room_NN ,_, adjacent_JJ to_IN the_AT lavatory_NN ,_, served_V
BD as_CS a_AT passageway_NN to_IN and_CC from_IN the_AT skimpy_JJ toilet_NN ._.
That_DT unused_JJ room_NN was_BEDZ large_JJ enough_QLP for_IN --_-- well_UH ,_,
say_VB an_AT elephant_NN could_MD get_VB into_IN it_PPO and_CC ,_, as_CS a_AT ma
tter_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_, an_AT elephant_NN did_DOD ._. Something_PN occurred_VB
D on_IN the_AT morning_NN of_IN the_AT children's_NNS$ party_NN which_WDT may_MD
illustrate_VB the_AT kind_NN of_IN trouble_NN our_PP$ restricted_VBN toilet_NN
facilities_NNS caused_VBD us_PPO ._. It_PPS so_RB happened_VBD that_CS sports_NN
S writer_NN Arthur_NP Robinson_NP got_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT hospital_NN that_D
T morning_NN after_CS promising_VBG his_PP$ doctor_NN that_CS he_PPS be_BE back_
RB in_IN an_AT hour_NN or_CC two_CD to_TO continue_VB his_PP$ convalescence_NN .
_. Arthur_NP Robinson_NP traveled_VBD with_IN the_AT baseball_NN clubs_NNS as_CS
staff_NN correspondent_NN for_IN the_AT American_JJ ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ ghost_N
N writer_NN for_IN Babe_NP Ruth_NP ,_, whose_WP$ main_JJS talent_NN for_IN liter
ary_JJ composition_NN was_BEDZ the_AT signing_NN of_IN his_PP$ autograph_NN ._.
Robbie_NP was_BEDZ a_AT war_NN veteran_NN with_IN battle-shattered_JJ knees_NNS
._. He_PPS arrived_VBD on_IN crutches_NNS at_IN the_AT Newspaper_NN-TL Club_NN-T
L with_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ great_JJ pals_NNS ,_, Oliver_NP Herford_NP ,_, ar
tist_NN ,_, author_NN ,_, and_CC foe_NN of_IN stupidity_NN ._. Mr._NP Herford's_
NP$ appearance_NN was_BEDZ that_DT of_IN a_AT frustrated_VBN gnome_NN ._. He_PPS
seemed_VBD timid_JJ (_( at_IN first_RB ,_, )_) wore_VBD nose_NN glasses_NNS fro
m_IN which_WDT a_AT black_JJ ribbon_NN dangled_VBD ,_, and_CC was_BEDZ no_QL big
ger_JJR than_CS a_AT jockey_NN ._. Robinson_NP asked_VBD Herford_NP to_TO escort
_VB him_PPO to_IN the_AT club's_NN$ lavatory_NN before_CS they_PPSS sat_VBD down
_RP for_IN a_AT highball_NN and_CC a_AT game_NN of_IN cards_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT
jakes_NN ,_, after_CS Robbie_NP and_CC his_PP$ crutches_NNS were_BED properly_R
B stowed_VBN ,_, Mr._NP Herford_NP went_VBD to_IN the_AT adjoining_VBG facility_
NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD barely_RB assumed_VBN his_PP$ stance_NN there_RB when_WRB
a_AT fat_JJ fellow_NN charged_VBD through_IN the_AT doorway_NN ._. Without_IN an
y_DTI regard_NN for_IN rest-room_NN protocol_NN ,_, the_AT hulking_VBG stranger_
NN almost_RB knocked_VBD Herford_NP off_IN his_PP$ pins_NNS ._. The_AT artist-au
thor_NN said_VBD nothing_PN ,_, but_CC stood_VBD to_IN one_CD side_NN ._. He_PPS
waited_VBD a_AT long_JJ time_NN ._. Nothing_PN was_BEDZ said_VBN ,_, nothing_PN
accomplished_VBN ._. The_AT unrelieved_JJ stranger_NN eventually_RB turned_VBD
away_RB from_IN the_AT place_NN of_IN his_PP$ --_-- shall_MD we_PPSS dare_MD say
_VB his_PP$ Waterloo_NP ?_. ?_. --_-- to_TO go_VB to_IN the_AT door_NN ._. Mr._N
P Herford_NP touched_VBD the_AT fat_JJ man's_NN$ arm_NN ._. ``_`` Pardon_VB me_P
PO ,_, sir_NN ._. May_MD I_PPSS say_VB that_CS you_PPSS have_HV just_RB demonstr
ated_VBN the_AT truth_NN of_IN an_AT old_JJ proverb_NN --_-- the_AT younger_JJR
Pliny's_NP$ ,_, if_CS memory_NN serves_VBZ me_PPO --_-- which_WDT ,_, translated
_VBN freely_RB from_IN the_AT archaic_JJ Latin_NP ,_, says_VBZ ,_, '_' The_AT mo
re_AP haste_NN ,_, the_AT less_AP peed_VBN '_' ''_'' ._. Governor_NN-TL Alfred_N
P E._NP Smith_NP was_BEDZ the_AT official_JJ host_NN at_IN the_AT children's_NNS
$ party_NN ._. United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Senator_NN-TL Royal_NP S._NP Copeland
_NP was_BEDZ wearing_VBG the_AT robes_NNS of_IN Santa_NP Claus_NP and_CC a_AT gr
eat_JJ white_JJ beard_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT Honorable_JJ-TL Robert_NP Wagner_NP ,_,
Sr._NP ,_, at_IN that_DT time_NN a_AT justice_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL York_NP-
TL Supreme_JJ-TL Court_NN-TL ,_, was_BEDZ on_IN the_AT reception_NN committee_NN
._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ in_IN charge_NN of_IN the_AT arrangements_NNS --_-- which_W
DT were_BED soon_RB enough_QLP disarranged_VBN ._. I_PPSS had_HVD had_HVN diffic
ulties_NNS from_IN the_AT very_QL first_OD day_NN ._. When_WRB ,_, in_IN my_PP$
enthusiasm_NN ,_, I_PPSS proposed_VBD the_AT party_NN ,_, my_PP$ city_NN editor_
NN (_( who_WPS disliked_VBD the_AT club_NN and_CC many_AP of_IN its_PP$ members_
NNS )_) tried_VBD to_TO block_VB my_PP$ participation_NN in_IN the_AT gala_JJ ev
ent_NN ._. Even_QL earlier_RBR than_CS that_DT he_PPS had_HVD resented_VBN the_A
T fact_NN that_CS I_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN chosen_VBN to_TO edit_VB the_AT club's
_NN$ Reporter_NN-TL ._. City_NN editor_NN Victor_NP Watson_NP of_IN the_AT New_J
J-TL York_NP-TL American_NP-TL was_BEDZ a_AT man_NN of_IN brooding_VBG suspicion
s_NNS and_CC mysterious_JJ shifts_NNS of_IN mood_NN ._. Mr._NP Hearst's_NP$ tele
graphic_JJ code_NN word_NN for_IN Victor_NP Watson_NP was_BEDZ ``_`` fatboy_NN-N
C ''_'' ._. The_AT staff_NN saw_VBD in_IN him_PPO the_AT qualities_NNS of_IN a_A
T Don_NP Cossack_NP ,_, hence_RB ,_, as_CS mentioned_VBN before_RB ,_, his_PP$ n
ickname_NN ``_`` the_AT Hetman_NP ''_'' ._. The_AT Hetman's_NP$ physical_JJ aspe
cts_NNS were_BED not_* those_DTS of_IN a_AT savage_JJ rider_NN of_IN the_AT step
pes_NNS ._. Indeed_RB ,_, he_PPS looked_VBD more_RBR like_CS a_AT well-fleshed_J
J lay_JJ brother_NN of_IN the_AT Hospice_NN-TL of_IN-TL St._NN-TL Bernard_NP-TL
._. Nor_CC were_BED his_PP$ manners_NNS barbaric_JJ ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_AT purr
ing_VBG voice_NN and_CC poker_NN player's_NN$ immobility_NN of_IN features_NNS w
hich_WDT somehow_RB conveyed_VBD the_AT feeling_NN that_CS he_PPS knew_VBD where
_WRB all_ABN the_AT bodies_NNS were_BED buried_VBN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT so
n_NN of_IN a_AT Scottish_JJ father_NN and_CC an_AT American_JJ Jewish_JJ mother_
NN ,_, long_RB widowed_VBN ,_, with_IN whom_WPO he_PPS lived_VBD in_IN a_AT comf
ortable_JJ home_NN in_IN Flushing_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD worked_VBN in_IN the_AT
newspaper_NN business_NN since_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ nineteen_CD years_NNS old_JJ ,
_, always_RB for_IN the_AT Hearst_NP service_NN ._. From_IN the_AT very_QL first
_OD he_PPS regarded_VBD himself_PPL as_CS Mr._NP Hearst's_NP$ disciple_NN ,_, de
fender_NN ,_, and_CC afterward_RB his_PP$ prime_JJ minister_NN ,_, self-ordained
_JJ ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ said_VBN that_CS the_AT Hetman_NP plotted_VBD to_TO take
_VB over_RP the_AT entire_JJ Hearst_NP newspaper_NN empire_NN one_CD day_NN by_I
N means_NNS of_IN various_JJ coups_NNS :_: the_AT destruction_NN of_IN editors_N
NS who_WPS tried_VBD to_TO halt_VB his_PP$ course_NN ,_, the_AT unfrocking_NN of
_IN publishers_NNS whose_WP$ mistakes_NNS of_IN judgment_NN might_MD be_BE magni
fied_VBN in_IN secret_JJ reports_NNS to_IN Mr._NP Hearst_NP ._. Whatever_WDT the
_AT Hetman's_NP$ ambitions_NNS ,_, his_PP$ colleagues_NNS were_BED kept_VBN ill_
JJ at_IN ease_NN ._. Among_IN the_AT outstanding_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT Hea
rst_NP cabinet_NN whom_WPO he_PPS successfully_RB opposed_VBD for_IN a_AT time_N
N were_BED the_AT great_JJ Arthur_NP Brisbane_NP ,_, Bradford_NP Merrill_NP ,_,
S.S._NP Carvalho_NP ,_, and_CC Colonel_NN-TL Van_NP Hamm_NP ._. He_PPS also_RB d
isliked_VBD Runyon_NP ,_, for_IN no_AT good_JJ reason_NN other_AP than_CS the_AT
fact_NN that_CS the_AT Demon's_NN$-TL talent_NN was_BEDZ so_QL marked_VBN as_CS
to_TO put_VB him_PPO well_QL beyond_IN the_AT Hetman's_NP$ say-so_NN or_CC his_
PP$ supervision_NN ._. Runyon_NP ,_, for_IN his_PP$ part_NN ,_, had_HVD a_AT con
temptuous_JJ regard_NN for_IN Mr._NP Watson_NP ._. ``_`` He's_PPS+BEZ a_AT wrong
-o_NN ''_'' ,_, said_VBD Runyon_NP ,_, ``_`` and_CC I_PPSS wouldn't_MD* trust_VB
him_PPO as_QL far_RB as_CS I_PPSS could_MD throw_VB the_AT Statue_NN-TL of_IN-T
L Liberty_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Arthur_NP ``_`` Bugs_NP ''_'' Baer_NP wrote_VBD to_IN
me_PPO just_QL recently_RB ,_, ``_`` Vic_NP wanted_VBD to_TO die_VB in_IN harnes
s_NN ,_, with_IN his_PP$ head_NN towards_IN the_AT wagon_NN ._. He_PPS supported
_VBD his_PP$ mother_NN and_CC his_PP$ brother_NN ,_, who_WPS afterwards_RB commi
tted_VBD suicide_NN ._. Watson_NP told_VBD me_PPO that_CS his_PP$ brother_NN alw
ays_RB sent_VBD roses_NNS to_IN his_PP$ mother_NN ,_, blossoms_NNS bought_VBN wi
th_IN Vic's_NP$ allowance_NN to_IN him_PPO ._. '_' And_CC would_MD you_PPO belie
ve_VB it_PPO '_' ,_, Vic_NP added_VBD ,_, '_' she_PPS likes_VBZ him_PPO better_R
BR than_CS she_PPS does_DOZ me_PPO ._. Why_WRB '_' ''_'' ?_. ?_. About_RB the_AT
only_AP time_NN the_AT Hetman_NP seemed_VBD excited_VBN was_BEDZ when_WRB one_C
D of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ pet_NN ideas_NNS was_BEDZ born_VBN ._. Then_RB he_PPS wou
ld_MD get_VB to_IN his_PP$ feet_NNS ,_, as_CS though_CS rising_VBG in_IN honor_N
N of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ remarkable_JJ powers_NNS ,_, and_CC say_VB almost_QL inva
riably_RB ,_, ``_`` Gentlemen_NNS-TL ,_, this_DT is_BEZ an_AT amazing_JJ story_N
N !_. !_. It's_PPS+BEZ bigger_JJR than_CS the_AT Armistice_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Some_
DTI of_IN the_AT Hetman's_NP$ ``_`` ideas_NNS ''_'' were_BED dream-ridden_JJ ,_,
vaguely_RB imparted_VBN ,_, and_CC at_IN times_NNS preposterous_JJ ._. One_CD d
ay_NN he_PPS assigned_VBD me_PPO to_TO lay_VB bare_JJ a_AT ``_`` plot_NN ''_'' b
y_IN the_AT Duponts_NPS to_TO supply_VB munitions_NNS to_IN a_AT wholly_QL ficti
tious_JJ revolution_NN he_PPS said_VBD was_BEDZ about_RB to_TO occur_VB in_IN Cu
ba_NP ._. He_PPS said_VBD that_CS his_PP$ information_NN was_BEDZ so_QL secret_J
J that_CS he_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE able_JJ to_TO confide_VB in_IN me_PPO the_
AT origin_NN of_IN his_PP$ pipeline_NN tip_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS can_MD tell_VB yo
u_PPO this_DT much_AP ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. It's_PPS+BEZ bigger_JJR than
_CS the_AT Armistice_NN-TL ''_'' ._. I_PPSS worked_VBD for_IN a_AT day_NN on_IN
this_DT plainly_QL ridiculous_JJ assignment_NN and_CC consulted_VBD several_AP o
f_IN my_PP$ own_JJ well-informed_JJ sources_NNS ._. Then_RB I_PPSS spent_VBD the
_AT next_AP two_CD days_NNS at_IN the_AT baseball_NN park_NN and_CC at_IN Jack_N
P Doyle's_NP$ pool_NN parlors_NNS ._. When_WRB I_PPSS returned_VBD to_TO make_VB
my_PP$ report_NN ,_, the_AT Hetman_NP did_DOD not_* remember_VB having_HVG sent
_VBN me_PPO on_IN the_AT secret_JJ mission_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ busy_JJ ,_, he
_PPS said_VBD ,_, in_IN having_HVG someone_PN submit_VB to_IN a_AT monkey-gland_
NN operation_NN ._. And_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ to_TO go_VB to_IN work_NN on_IN that_
DT odd_JJ matter_NN ._. I_PPSS shall_MD tell_VB of_IN it_PPO later_RBR on_RP ._.
The_AT Hetman_NP had_HVD a_AT strong_JJ liking_NN for_IN a_AT story_NN ,_, any_
DTI story_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE had_HVN by_IN means_NN of_IN much_AP
sleuthing_NN or_CC by_IN roundabout_JJ methods_NNS ._. Most_AP of_IN my_PP$ sto
ries_NNS were_BED obtained_VBN by_IN simply_RB seeking_VBG out_RP the_AT person_
NN who_WPS could_MD give_VB me_PPO the_AT facts_NNS ,_, and_CC not_* as_CS a_AT
rule_NN by_IN playing_VBG clever_JJ tricks_NNS ._. One_CD day_NN I_PPSS tired_VB
D of_IN following_VBG the_AT Hetman's_NP$ advice_NN of_IN ``_`` shadowing_VBG ''
_'' and_CC of_IN the_AT ``_`` ring-around-the-rosie_NN ''_'' approach_NN to_IN a
_AT report_NN that_CS Enrico_NP Caruso_NP had_HVD pinched_VBN a_AT lady's_NN$ hi
p_NN while_CS visiting_VBG the_AT Central_JJ-TL Park_NN-TL monkey_NN house_NN ._
. I_PPSS explained_VBD my_PP$ state_NN of_IN mind_NN to_IN artist_NN Winsor_NP M
cCay_NP and_CC to_IN ``_`` Bugs_NP ''_'' Baer_NP ._. Mr._NP Baer_NP obtained_VBD
a_AT supply_NN of_IN crepe_NN hair_NN and_CC spirit-gum_NN from_IN an_AT actor_
NN at_IN the_AT Friars_NNS-TL ._. We_PPSS fashioned_VBD beards_NNS ,_, put_VBD t
hem_PPO on_RP ,_, and_CC reported_VBD to_IN the_AT Hetman_NP at_IN the_AT city_N
N desk_NN ._. Mr._NP Baer_NP had_HVD an_AT auburn_JJ beard_NN ,_, like_CS Longfe
llow's_NP$ ._. Mr._NP McCay_NP had_HVD on_RP a_AT sort_NN of_IN Emperor_NN-TL Ma
ximilian_NP beard_NN and_CC mustache_NN ._. As_CS for_IN myself_PPL ,_, I_PPSS h
ad_HVD on_RP an_AT enormous_JJ black_JJ ``_`` muff_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT ,_, toge
ther_RB with_IN a_AT derby_NN hat_NN and_CC horn-rim_JJ eyeglasses_NNS ,_, gave_
VBD me_PPO the_AT appearance_NN of_IN a_AT Russian_JJ nihilist_NN ._. ``_`` We_P
PSS are_BER ready_JJ for_IN your_PP$ next_RB mysterious_JJ assignment_NN ''_'' ,
_, said_VBD Mr._NP Baer_NP to_IN the_AT Hetman_NP ._. ``_`` Where_WRB to_IN ,_,
sir_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Mr._NP Watson_NP did_DOD not_* have_HV much_AP humor_NN in_
IN his_PP$ make-up_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS managed_VBD a_AT mirthless_JJ smile_NN .
_. Just_QL then_RB a_AT reporter_NN telephoned_VBD in_RP from_IN the_AT Bronx_NP
to_TO give_VB the_AT rewrite_NN desk_NN an_AT account_NN of_IN a_AT murder_NN .
_. The_AT Hetman_NP told_VBD me_PPO to_TO take_VB the_AT story_NN over_IN the_AT
phone_NN and_CC to_TO write_VB it_PPO ._. While_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ sitting_VBG
at_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT rewrite_NN telephones_NNS with_IN my_PP$ derby_NN and_
CC my_PP$ great_JJ beard_NN ,_, Arthur_NP Brisbane_NP whizzed_VBD in_RP with_IN
some_DTI editorial_NN copy_NN in_IN his_PP$ hand_NN ._. He_PPS paused_VBD for_IN
a_AT moment_NN to_TO look_VB at_IN me_PPO ,_, then_RB went_VBD on_RP to_IN the_
AT city_NN desk_NN to_TO deliver_VB his_PP$ ``_`` Today_NR-TL ''_'' column_NN ._
. I_PPSS thought_VBD it_PPO expedient_JJ to_TO take_VB off_RP my_PP$ derby_NN ,_
, my_PP$ glasses_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT beard_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC also_RB to_TO cha
nge_VB telephones_NNS ._. I_PPSS managed_VBD to_TO do_DO this_DT by_IN the_AT ti
me_NN the_AT great_JJ A.B._NP returned_VBD to_IN the_AT place_NN where_WRB he_PP
S last_RB had_HVD seen_VBN the_AT fierce_JJ nihilist_NN ._. He_PPS stood_VBD the
re_RB staring_VBG with_IN disbelief_NN at_IN the_AT vacant_JJ desk_NN ._. Then_R
B he_PPS wrinkled_VBD his_PP$ huge_JJ brow_NN and_CC went_VBD slowly_RB out_IN o
f_IN the_AT room_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_AT somewhat_QL goggle-eyed_JJ expressio
n_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN ``_`` seeing_VBG things_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT He
tman's_NP$ ``_`` ideas_NNS ''_'' for_IN news_NN stories_NNS or_CC editorial_NN c
ampaigns_NNS were_BED by_IN no_AT means_NNS always_RB fruitless_JJ or_CC lacking
_VBG in_IN merit_NN ._. He_PPS campaigned_VBD successfully_RB for_IN the_AT ridd
ance_NN of_IN ``_`` Death_NN-TL Avenue_NN-TL ''_'' and_CC also_RB brought_VBD ab
out_RB the_AT ending_NN of_IN pollution_NN of_IN metropolitan_JJ beaches_NNS by_
IN sewage_NN ._. He_PPS exposed_VBD the_AT bucket-shop_NN racket_NN with_IN the_
AT able_JJ assistance_NN of_IN two_CD excellent_JJ reporters_NNS ,_, Nat_NP Ferb
er_NP and_CC Carl_NP Helm_NP ._. In_IN the_AT conduct_NN of_IN these_DTS and_CC
many_AP other_AP campaigns_NNS ,_, the_AT Hetman_NP proved_VBD to_TO be_BE a_AT
much_QL abler_JJR journalist_NN than_CS his_PP$ critics_NNS allowed_VBD ._. It_P
PS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO now_RB ,_, in_IN a_AT long_JJ backward_JJ glance_NN ,_
, that_CS many_AP of_IN the_AT Hetman's_NP$ conceits_NNS and_CC odd_JJ actions_N
NS --_-- together_RB with_IN his_PP$ grim_JJ posture_NN when_WRB brandishing_VBG
the_AT hatchet_NN in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN Mr._NP Hearst_NP --_-- were_BED ke
yed_VBN with_IN the_AT tragedy_NN which_WDT was_BEDZ to_TO close_VB over_IN him_
PPO one_CD day_NN ._. Alone_RB ,_, rejected_VBN on_IN every_AT hand_NN ,_, divor
ced_VBN ,_, and_CC in_IN financial_JJ trouble_NN ,_, he_PPS leaped_VBD from_IN a
n_AT eleventh-floor_NN window_NN of_IN the_AT Abbey_NN-TL Hotel_NN-TL in_IN 1937
_CD ._. One_PN finds_VBZ it_PPO difficult_JJ to_TO pass_VB censure_NN on_IN the_
AT lonely_JJ figure_NN who_WPS waited_VBD for_IN days_NNS for_IN a_AT saving_VBG
word_NN from_IN his_PP$ zealously_QL served_VBN idol_NN ,_, W.R._NP Hearst_NP .
_. That_DT word_NN was_BEDZ withheld_VBN when_WRB the_AT need_NN of_IN it_PPO se
emed_VBD the_AT measure_NN of_IN his_PP$ despair_NN ._. The_AT unfinished_JJ not
e_NN ,_, written_VBN in_IN pencil_NN upon_IN the_AT back_NN of_IN a_AT used_VBN
envelope_NN ,_, and_CC addressed_VBN to_IN the_AT coroner_NN ,_, makes_VBZ one_P
N wonder_VB about_IN many_AP things_NNS :_: ``_`` God_NP forgive_VB me_PPO for_I
N everything_PN ._. I_PPSS cannot_MD* ''_'' Much_AP to_IN Damon_NP Runyon's_NP$
amazement_NN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS my_PP$ own_JJ ,_, I_PPSS got_VBD along_RB s
plendidly_RB with_IN the_AT Hetman_NP ;_. ;_. that_DT is_BEZ ,_, until_CS I_PPSS
became_VBD an_AT editor_NN ,_, hence_RB ,_, in_IN his_PP$ eyes_NNS ,_, a_AT riv
al_NN ._. Not_* long_RB after_CS Colonel_NN-TL Van_NP Hamm_NP had_HVD foisted_VB
N me_PPO on_IN the_AT Watson_NP staff_NN I_PPSS received_VBD a_AT salary_NN rais
e_NN and_CC a_AT contract_NN on_IN the_AT Hetman's_NP$ recommendation_NN ._. Dur
ing_IN the_AT next_AP years_NNS he_PPS gave_VBD me_PPO the_AT second_OD of_IN th
e_AT five_CD contracts_NNS I_PPSS would_MD sign_VB with_IN the_AT Hearst_NP-TL S
ervice_NN-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT somewhat_QL unusual_JJ thing_NN for_IN a_A
T reporter_NN to_TO have_HV a_AT contract_NN in_IN those_DTS days_NNS before_IN
the_AT epidemic_NN of_IN syndicated_VBN columnists_NNS ._. I_PPSS would_MD like_
VB to_TO believe_VB that_CS my_PP$ ability_NN warranted_VBD this_DT advancement_
NN ._. Somehow_RB I_PPSS think_VB that_CS Watson_NP paid_VBD more_AP attention_N
N to_IN me_PPO than_CS he_PPS otherwise_RB might_MD have_HV because_CS his_PP$ f
oe_NN ,_, Colonel_NN-TL Van_NP Hamm_NP ,_, wouldn't_MD* touch_VB me_PPO with_IN
a_AT ten-foot_JJ blue_JJ pencil_NN ._. I_PPSS remember_VB one_CD day_NN when_WRB
Mr._NP Hearst_NP (_( and_CC I_PPSS never_RB knew_VBD why_WRB he_PPS liked_VBD m
e_PPO ,_, either_RB )_) sent_VBD the_AT Hetman_NP a_AT telegram_NN :_: ``_`` Ple
ase_VB find_VB some_DTI more_AP reporters_NNS like_CS that_DT young_JJ man_NN fr
om_IN Denver_NP ''_'' ._. Watson_NP showed_VBD this_DT wire_NN to_IN Colonel_NN-
TL Van_NP Hamm_NP ._. The_AT colonel_NN grunted_VBD ,_, then_RB made_VBD a_AT re
mark_NN which_WDT might_MD be_BE construed_VBN in_IN either_DTX of_IN two_CD way
s_NNS ._. ``_`` Don't_DO* bother_VB to_TO look_VB any_DTI further_RBR ._. We_PPS
S already_RB have_HV the_AT only_AP one_CD of_IN its_PP$ kind_NN ''_'' ._. The_A
T Hetman_NP did_DOD have_HV friends_NNS ,_, but_CC they_PPSS were_BED mostly_RB
outside_IN the_AT newspaper_NN profession_NN ._. Sergeant_NN-TL Mike_NP Donaldso
n_NP ,_, Congressional_JJ-TL Medal_NN-TL of_IN-TL Honor_NN-TL soldier_NN ,_, was
_BEDZ one_CD of_IN them_PPO ._. Dr._NN-TL Menas_NP S._NP Gregory_NP was_BEDZ ano
ther_DT ._. I_PPSS used_VBD to_TO go_VB with_IN Watson_NP to_TO call_VB on_IN th
e_AT eminent_JJ neurologist_NN at_IN his_PP$ apartment_NN ,_, to_TO sit_VB among
_IN the_AT doctor's_NN$ excellent_JJ collection_NN of_IN statues_NNS ,_, paintin
gs_NNS ,_, and_CC books_NNS and_CC drink_VB Oriental_JJ-TL coffee_NN while_CS Wa
tson_NP seemed_VBD to_TO thaw_VB out_RP and_CC become_VB almost_QL affable_JJ ._
. There_EX was_BEDZ one_CD time_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, when_WRB his_PP$ face_NN c
louded_VBD and_CC he_PPS suddenly_RB blurted_VBD ,_, ``_`` Why_WRB did_DOD my_PP
$ brother_NN commit_VB suicide_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS cannot_MD* remember_VB Dr
._NN-TL Gregory's_NP$ reply_NN ,_, if_CS ,_, indeed_RB ,_, he_PPS made_VBD one_C
D ._. If_CS she_PPS were_BED not_* at_IN home_NN ,_, Mama_NN-TL would_MD see_VB
to_IN it_PPO that_CS a_AT fresh_JJ white_JJ rose_NN was_BEDZ there_RB ._. Someti
mes_RB ,_, Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP would_MD close_VB herself_PPL in_IN the_AT Green_
JJ-TL Suite_NN-TL on_IN the_AT second_OD floor_NN ,_, and_CC play_VB the_AT pian
o_NN she_PPS had_HVD brought_VBN to_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. Mama_N
N-TL knew_VBD she_PPS was_BEDZ playing_VBG her_PP$ son's_NN$ favorite_JJ pieces_
NNS and_CC feeling_NN close_JJ to_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC did_DOD not_* disturb_VB
her_PPO ._. All_QL the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT days_NNS in_IN the_AT White_JJ-T
L House_NN-TL would_MD be_BE shadowed_VBN by_IN the_AT tragic_JJ loss_NN ,_, eve
n_RB though_CS the_AT President_NN-TL tried_VBD harder_RBR than_CS ever_RB to_TO
make_VB his_PP$ little_JJ dry_JJ jokes_NNS and_CC to_TO tease_VB the_AT people_
NNS around_IN him_PPO ._. A_AT little_JJ boy_NN came_VBD to_TO give_VB the_AT Pr
esident_NN-TL his_PP$ personal_JJ condolences_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT President_NN
-TL gave_VBD word_NN that_CS any_DTI little_JJ boy_NN who_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO s
ee_VB him_PPO was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE shown_VBN in_RP ._. Backstairs_RB ,_, the_AT
maids_NNS cried_VBD a_AT little_JJ over_IN that_DT ,_, and_CC the_AT standing_VB
G invitation_NN was_BEDZ not_* mentioned_VBN to_IN Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP ._. The_A
T President_NN-TL was_BEDZ even_QL more_QL generous_JJ with_IN the_AT First_OD-T
L Lady_NN-TL than_CS he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN before_IN the_AT tragedy_NN ._. He_
PPS would_MD bring_VB her_PPO boxes_NNS of_IN candy_NN and_CC other_AP presents_
NNS to_TO coax_VB a_AT smile_NN to_IN her_PP$ lips_NNS ._. He_PPS brought_VBD he
r_PPO shawls_NNS ._. Dresses_NNS were_BED short_JJ in_IN the_AT days_NNS of_IN M
rs._NP Coolidge_NP ,_, and_CC Spanish_JJ shawls_NNS were_BED thrown_VBN over_IN
them_PPO ._. He_PPS got_VBD her_PPO dozens_NNS of_IN them_PPO ._. One_CD shawl_N
N was_BEDZ so_QL tremendous_JJ that_CS she_PPS could_MD not_* wear_VB it_PPO ,_,
so_CS she_PPS draped_VBD it_PPO over_IN the_AT banister_NN on_IN the_AT second_
OD floor_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS hung_VBD over_IN the_AT stairway_NN ._. The_AT Pre
sident_NN-TL used_VBD to_TO look_VB at_IN it_PPO with_IN a_AT ghost_NN of_IN a_A
T smile_NN ._. Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP spent_VBD more_AP time_NN in_IN her_PP$ bedro
om_NN among_IN her_PP$ doll_NN collection_NN ._. She_PPS kept_VBD the_AT dolls_N
NS on_IN the_AT Lincoln_NP bed_NN ._. At_IN night_NN ,_, when_WRB Mama_NN-TL wou
ld_MD turn_VB back_RB the_AT covers_NNS ,_, she_PPS would_MD have_HV to_TO take_
VB all_ABN the_AT dolls_NNS off_IN the_AT bed_NN and_CC place_VB them_PPO elsewh
ere_RB for_IN the_AT night_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL always_RB felt_VBD that_CS the_AT c
ollection_NN symbolized_VBD Mrs._NP Coolidge's_NP$ wish_NN for_IN a_AT little_JJ
girl_NN ._. Among_IN the_AT dolls_NNS was_BEDZ one_CD that_WPS meant_VBD very_Q
L much_RB to_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS would_MD pick_VB it_PP
O up_RP and_CC look_VB at_IN it_PPO often_RB ._. It_PPS had_HVD a_AT tiny_JJ env
elope_NN tied_VBN to_IN its_PP$ wrist_NN ._. An_AT accompanying_VBG sympathetic_
JJ letter_NN explained_VBD that_CS inside_IN the_AT envelope_NN was_BEDZ a_AT na
me_NN for_IN Mrs._NP Coolidge's_NP$ first_OD granddaughter_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL kne
w_VBD this_DT doll_NN was_BEDZ meant_VBN to_TO help_VB Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP overc
ome_VB her_PPO grief_NN by_IN turning_VBG her_PP$ eyes_NNS to_IN the_AT future_N
N ._. The_AT name_NN inside_IN the_AT envelope_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` Cynthia_NP ''_'
' ._. The_AT Coolidges'_NPS$ life_NN ,_, after_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN their_PP
$ son_NN ,_, was_BEDZ quieter_JJR than_CS ever_RB ._. John_NP was_BEDZ away_RB a
t_IN school_NN most_AP of_IN the_AT time_NN ._. Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP would_MD kni
t_VB ,_, and_CC the_AT President_NN-TL would_MD sit_VB reading_VBG ,_, or_CC pla
ying_VBG with_IN the_AT many_AP pets_NNS around_IN them_PPO ._. Now_RB and_CC th
en_RB ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL would_MD call_VB for_IN ``_`` Little_JJ-TL Jack
_NP-TL ,_, Master_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Hounds_NNS-TL ''_'' ,_, which_WDT was
_BEDZ his_PP$ nickname_NN for_IN a_AT messenger_NN who_WPS had_HVD worked_VBN in
_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL since_IN Teddy_NP Roosevelt's_NP$ administrat
ion_NN ,_, and_CC discuss_VB the_AT welfare_NN of_IN some_DTI one_CD of_IN the_A
T animals_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ part_NN of_IN Little_JJ-TL Jack's_NP$-TL work_
NN to_TO look_VB after_IN the_AT dogs_NNS ._. One_CD White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL dog
_NN was_BEDZ immortalized_VBN in_IN a_AT painting_NN ._. That_DT was_BEDZ Rob_NP
Roy_NP ,_, who_WPS posed_VBD with_IN Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP for_IN the_AT portrait
_NN by_IN Howard_NP Chandler_NP Christy_NP ._. To_TO get_VB him_PPO to_TO pose_V
B ,_, Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP would_MD feed_VB him_PPO candy_NN ,_, so_CS he_PPS enj
oyed_VBD the_AT portrait_NN sessions_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS she_PPS did_DOD ._.
I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO straighten_VB out_RP a_AT misconception_NN about_
IN the_AT dress_NN Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP is_BEZ wearing_VBG in_IN this_DT painting
_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* the_AT same_AP dress_NN as_CS the_AT one_CD on_IN he
r_PP$ manikin_NN in_IN the_AT Smithsonian_NP ._. People_NNS think_VB the_AT dres
s_NN in_IN the_AT picture_NN was_BEDZ lengthened_VBN by_IN an_AT artist_NN much_
QL later_RBR on_RP ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* true_JJ ._. The_AT dress_NN in_IN th
e_AT painting_NN is_BEZ a_AT bright_JJ red_JJ ,_, with_IN rhinestones_NNS formin
g_VBG a_AT spray_NN on_IN the_AT right_JJ side_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT long_
JJ train_NN flowing_VBG from_IN the_AT shoulders_NNS ._. Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP gav
e_VBD Mama_NN-TL this_DT dress_NN for_IN me_PPO ,_, and_CC I_PPSS wore_VBD it_PP
O many_AP times_NNS ._. I_PPSS still_RB have_HV the_AT dress_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPS
S hope_VB to_TO give_VB it_PPO to_IN the_AT Smithsonian_NP-TL Institution_NN-TL
as_CS a_AT memento_NN ,_, or_CC ,_, as_CS I_PPSS more_QL fondly_RB hope_VB ,_, t
o_TO present_VB it_PPO to_IN a_AT museum_NN containing_VBG articles_NNS showing_
VBG the_AT daily_JJ lives_NNS of_IN the_AT Presidents_NNS-TL --_-- if_CS I_PPSS
can_MD get_VB it_PPO organized_VBN ._. But_CC to_TO get_VB back_RB to_IN the_AT
Coolidge_NP household_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP so_QL obviously_RB loved_VBD do
gs_NNS ,_, that_CS the_AT public_NN sent_VBD her_PPO more_AP dogs_NNS --_-- Cala
mity_NN-TL Jane_NP ,_, Timmy_NP ,_, and_CC Blackberry_NP ._. The_AT last_AP two_
CD were_BED a_AT red_JJ and_CC a_AT black_JJ chow_NN ._. Rob_NP Roy_NP remained_
VBD boss_NN of_IN all_ABN the_AT dogs_NNS ._. He_PPS showed_VBD them_PPO what_WD
T to_TO do_DO ,_, and_CC taught_VBD them_PPO how_WRB to_TO keep_VB the_AT maids_
NNS around_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL in_IN a_AT state_NN of_IN terror_NN
._. The_AT dogs_NNS would_MD run_VB through_IN the_AT halls_NNS after_IN him_PP
O like_CS a_AT burst_NN of_IN bullets_NNS ,_, and_CC all_ABN the_AT maids_NNS wo
uld_MD run_VB for_IN cover_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL didn't_DOD* know_VB what_WDT to_TO
do_DO --_-- whether_CS to_TO tell_VB on_IN Rob_NP Roy_NP or_CC not_* --_-- since
_CS she_PPS had_HVD the_AT ear_NN of_IN Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP more_RBR than_CS the
_AT other_AP maids_NNS ._. But_CC she_PPS was_BEDZ afraid_JJ the_AT First_OD-TL
Lady_NN-TL would_MD not_* understand_VB ,_, because_CS Rob_NP Roy_NP was_BEDZ a_
AT perfect_JJ angel_NN with_IN the_AT First_OD-TL Family_NN-TL ._. Every_AT day_
NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT President_NN-TL took_VBD his_PP$ nap_NN ,_, Rob_NP Roy_NP
would_MD stretch_VB out_RP on_IN the_AT window_NN seat_NN near_IN him_PPO ,_, l
ike_CS a_AT perfect_JJ gentleman_NN ,_, and_CC stare_VB thoughtfully_RB out_IN t
he_AT window_NN ,_, or_CC he_PPS would_MD take_VB a_AT little_JJ nap_NN himself_
PPL ._. He_PPS would_MD not_* make_VB a_AT sound_NN until_CS the_AT President_NN
-TL had_HVD wakened_VBN and_CC left_VBN for_IN the_AT office_NN ;_. ;_. then_RB
he_PPS would_MD bark_VB to_TO let_VB everyone_PN know_VB the_AT coast_NN was_BED
Z clear_JJ ._. His_PP$ signal_NN was_BEDZ for_IN the_AT other_AP dogs_NNS to_TO
come_VB running_VBG ,_, but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB the_AT signal_NN for_IN M
ama_NN-TL and_CC the_AT other_AP maids_NNS to_TO watch_VB out_RP ._. Rob_NP Roy_
NP was_BEDZ self-appointed_JJ to_TO accompany_VB the_AT President_NN-TL to_IN hi
s_PP$ office_NN every_AT morning_NN ._. Rob_NP Roy_NP was_BEDZ well_QL aware_JJ
of_IN the_AT importance_NN of_IN this_DT mission_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS would_MD w
alk_VB in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT President_NN-TL ,_, looking_VBG neither_CC to
_IN the_AT right_NR nor_CC to_IN the_AT left_NR ._. At_IN dinner_NN ,_, lunch_NN
,_, or_CC breakfast_NN ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL would_MD call_VB out_RP ,_, `
`_`` Supper_NN ''_'' !_. !_. --_-- he_PPS called_VBD all_ABN meals_NNS supper_NN
--_-- after_CS the_AT butler_NN had_HVD announced_VBN the_AT meal_NN ._. All_QL
the_AT dogs_NNS would_MD dash_VB to_TO get_VB on_IN the_AT elevator_NN with_IN
the_AT President_NN-TL and_CC go_VB to_IN the_AT dining_VBG room_NN ._. They_PPS
S would_MD all_ABN lie_VB around_RB on_IN the_AT rug_NN during_IN the_AT meal_NN
,_, a_AT very_QL pretty_JJ sight_NN as_CS Rob_NP Roy_NP ,_, Prudence_NP ,_, and
_CC Calamity_NN-TL Jane_NP were_BED all_ABN snow-white_JJ ._. When_WRB Prudence_
NP and_CC Blackberry_NP were_BED too_QL young_JJ to_TO be_BE trusted_VBN in_IN t
he_AT dining_VBG room_NN ,_, they_PPSS were_BED tied_VBN to_IN the_AT radiator_N
N with_IN their_PP$ leashes_NNS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS would_MD cry_VB ._. Mama_NN
-TL tried_VBD to_TO talk_VB to_IN them_PPO and_CC keep_VB them_PPO quiet_JJ whil
e_CS she_PPS tidied_VBD up_RP the_AT sitting_VBG room_NN before_CS the_AT First_
OD-TL Family_NN-TL returned_VBD ._. Finally_RB ,_, Mama_NN-TL did_DOD mention_VB
to_IN Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP that_CS she_PPS felt_VBD sorry_JJ for_IN the_AT littl
e_JJ dogs_NNS ,_, and_CC then_RB Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP decided_VBD to_TO leave_VB
the_AT radio_NN on_RP for_IN them_PPO while_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ gone_VBN ,_, eve
n_RB though_CS her_PP$ husband_NN disapproved_VBD of_IN the_AT waste_NN of_IN el
ectricity_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL was_BEDZ now_RB the_AT first_OD maid_NN to_IN Mrs._N
P Coolidge_NP ,_, because_CS Catherine_NP ,_, the_AT previous_JJ first_OD maid_N
N ,_, had_HVD become_VBN ill_JJ and_CC died_VBN ._. Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP chose_VB
D Mama_NN-TL in_IN her_PP$ place_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT high_JJ mark_NN for
_IN Mama_NN-TL ._. Every_AT First_OD-TL Family_NN-TL seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV one
_CD couple_NN upon_IN whom_WPO it_PPS relies_VBZ for_IN true_JJ friendship_NN ._
. For_IN the_AT Coolidges_NPS ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ Mr._NP and_CC Mrs._NP Frank_NP
W._NP Stearns_NP of_IN Boston_NP ,_, Massachusetts_NP ,_, owners_NNS of_IN a_AT
large_JJ department_NN store_NN ._. They_PPSS seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE at_IN the_
AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL half_ABN the_AT time_NN ._. The_AT butlers_NNS were_B
ED amused_VBN because_CS when_WRB the_AT Stearns_NPS were_BED there_RB ,_, the_A
T President_NN-TL would_MD say_VB grace_NN at_IN breakfast_NN ._. If_CS the_AT S
tearns_NPS were_BED not_* there_RB ,_, grace_NN would_MD be_BE omitted_VBN ._. S
peaking_VBG of_IN breakfast_NN ,_, the_AT President_NN-TL inaugurated_VBD a_AT n
ew_JJ custom_NN --_-- that_DT of_IN conducting_VBG business_NN at_IN the_AT brea
kfast_NN table_NN ._. The_AT word_NN was_BEDZ that_CS this_DT too_RB was_BEDZ pa
rt_NN of_IN an_AT economy_NN move_NN on_IN his_PP$ part_NN ._. A_AT new_JJ bill_
NN had_HVD been_BEN passed_VBN under_IN Harding_NP that_WPS designated_VBD the_A
T Government_NN-TL ,_, rather_IN than_IN the_AT President_NN-TL ,_, as_CS the_AT
tab-lifter_NN for_IN official_JJ meals_NNS ._. So_CS the_AT President_NN-TL wou
ld_MD make_VB a_AT hearty_JJ breakfast_NN official_JJ by_IN inviting_VBG Governm
ent_NN-TL officials_NNS to_TO attend_VB ._. He_PPS caused_VBD a_AT lot_NN of_IN
talk_NN when_WRB he_PPS also_RB chose_VBD the_AT breakfast_NN hour_NN to_TO have
_HV the_AT barber_NN come_VB in_RP and_CC trim_VB his_PP$ hair_NN while_CS he_PP
S ate_VBD ._. Mama_NN-TL said_VBD that_CS if_CS Presidents_NNS-TL were_BED suppo
sed_VBN to_TO be_BE colorful_JJ ,_, Mr._NP Coolidge_NP certainly_RB made_VBD a_A
T good_JJ president_NN ._. He_PPS knew_VBD exactly_RB how_WRB to_TO be_BE colorf
ul_JJ !_. !_. The_AT favorite_JJ guest_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN ,_, as_QL far_RB
as_CS the_AT staff_NN was_BEDZ concerned_VBN ,_, was_BEDZ Mr._NP Wrigley_NP ,_,
the_AT chewing_VBG gum_NN king_NN ._. The_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL had_HVD ch
ewing_VBG gum_NN until_CS it_PPS could_MD chew_VB no_QL more_RBR ,_, and_CC ever
y_AT Christmas_NP ,_, Mr._NP Wrigley_NP sent_VBD the_AT President_NN-TL a_AT che
ck_NN for_IN $100_NNS ,_, to_TO be_BE divided_VBN among_IN all_ABN the_AT help_N
N ._. You_PPSS can_MD imagine_VB that_CS he_PPS got_VBD pretty_QL good_JJ servic
e_NN ._. Another_DT good_NN friend_NN of_IN the_AT Coolidges'_NPS$ was_BEDZ Geor
ge_NP B._NP Harvey_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ the_AT Ambassador_NN-TL to_IN-TL Grea
t_JJ-TL Britain_NP-TL from_IN 1921_CD to_IN 1923_CD ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN
a_AT friend_NN of_IN the_AT Hardings_NPS ,_, and_CC continued_VBD to_TO be_BE in
vited_VBN by_IN the_AT Coolidges_NPS ._. The_AT first_OD royalty_NN whom_WPO Mam
a_NN-TL ever_RB waited_VBD on_IN in_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL was_BEDZ Q
ueen_NN-TL Marie_NP of_IN Rumania_NP ,_, who_WPS came_VBD to_IN a_AT State_NN-TL
dinner_NN given_VBN in_IN her_PP$ honor_NN on_IN October_NP 21_CD ,_, 1926_CD .
_. She_PPS was_BEDZ not_* an_AT overnight_JJ guest_NN in_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL H
ouse_NN-TL ,_, but_CC Mr._NP Ike_NP Hoover_NP ,_, the_AT chief_JJS usher_NN ,_,
had_HVD Mama_NN-TL check_VB her_PP$ fur_NN coat_NN when_WRB she_PPS came_VBD in_
RP ,_, and_CC take_VB care_NN of_IN her_PP$ needs_NNS ._. Mama_NN-TL said_VBD sh
e_PPS was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT prettiest_JJT ladies_NNS she_PPS had_HVD ever
_RB seen_VBN ._. Mama_NN-TL was_BEDZ very_QL patriotic_JJ ,_, and_CC one_CD of_I
N the_AT duties_NNS she_PPS was_BEDZ proudest_JJT of_IN was_BEDZ repairing_VBG t
he_AT edges_NNS of_IN the_AT flag_NN that_WPS flew_VBD above_IN the_AT White_JJ-
TL House_NN-TL ._. Actually_RB ,_, two_CD flags_NNS were_BED used_VBN at_IN the_
AT mansion_NN --_-- a_AT small_JJ one_CD on_IN rainy_JJ days_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT
big_JJ one_CD on_IN bright_JJ days_NNS ._. The_AT wool_NN would_MD become_VB fr
azzled_VBN around_IN the_AT edges_NNS from_IN blowing_VBG in_IN the_AT wind_NN ,
_, and_CC Mama_NN-TL would_MD mend_VB it_PPO ._. She_PPS would_MD often_RB go_VB
up_RP on_IN the_AT roof_NN to_TO see_VB the_AT attendant_NN take_VB down_RP the
_AT flag_NN in_IN the_AT evening_NN ._. She_PPS used_VBD to_TO tell_VB me_PPO ,_
, ``_`` When_WRB I_PPSS stand_VB there_RB and_CC look_VB at_IN the_AT flag_NN bl
owing_VBG this_DT way_NN and_CC that_DT way_NN ,_, I_PPSS have_HV the_AT wonderf
ul_JJ ,_, safe_JJ feeling_NN that_CS Americans_NPS are_BER protected_VBN no_AT m
atter_NN which_WDT way_NN the_AT wind_NN blows_VBZ ''_'' ._. Even_RB when_WRB Mr
s._NP Coolidge_NP was_BEDZ in_IN mourning_VBG for_IN her_PP$ son_NN ,_, she_PPS
reached_VBD out_RP to_TO help_VB other_AP people_NNS in_IN trouble_NN ._. One_CD
person_NN she_PPS helped_VBD was_BEDZ my_PP$ brother_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL had_HVD
told_VBN her_PPO how_WRB Emmett's_NP$ lungs_NNS had_HVD been_BEN affected_VBN wh
en_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ gassed_VBN in_IN the_AT war_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN
and_CC out_IN of_IN Mount_NN-TL Alto_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL for_IN veterans_NNS an
y_DTI number_NN of_IN times_NNS ._. Taking_VBG a_AT personal_JJ interest_NN ,_,
she_PPS had_HVD the_AT doctor_NN assigned_VBN to_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-
TL ,_, Dr._NN-TL James_NP Coupal_NP ,_, look_VB Emmett_NP over_RP ._. As_CS a_AT
result_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ sent_VBN to_IN a_AT hospital_NN in_IN Arizona_NP
until_CS his_PP$ health_NN improved_VBD enough_RB for_IN him_PPO to_TO come_VB b
ack_RB to_IN Washington_NP to_TO work_VB in_IN the_AT Government_NN-TL service_N
N ._. But_CC again_RB ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ danger_NN that_CS his_PP$ lungs_NNS
would_MD suffer_VB in_IN the_AT muggy_JJ Washington_NP weather_NN ,_, and_CC he_
PPS had_HVD to_TO return_VB to_IN the_AT dry_JJ climate_NN of_IN the_AT West_NR-
TL to_TO live_VB and_CC work_NN ._. When_WRB Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP was_BEDZ in_IN
mourning_VBG ,_, she_PPS did_DOD not_* wear_VB black_JJ ._. She_PPS wore_VBD gre
y_JJ every_AT day_NN ,_, and_CC white_JJ every_AT evening_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL knew
_VBD that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN mourning_VBG when_WRB she_PPS finally
_RB wore_VBD bright_JJ colors_NNS ._. The_AT President_NN-TL helped_VBD her_PPO
a_AT lot_NN by_IN selecting_VBG some_DTI lovely_JJ colored_VBN dresses_NNS to_TO
get_VB her_PPO started_VBN ._. She_PPS opened_VBD the_AT boxes_NNS with_IN a_AT
tear_NN in_IN her_PP$ eye_NN and_CC a_AT sad_JJ smile_NN on_IN her_PP$ face_NN
._. On_IN the_AT social_JJ side_NN ,_, the_AT chore_NN Mama_NN-TL had_HVD at_IN
the_AT formal_JJ receptions_NNS at_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL thrilled_VB
D her_PPO the_AT most_RBT ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ her_PP$ job_NN to_TO stand_VB at_I
N the_AT foot_NN of_IN the_AT stairs_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, just_RB as_CS the_AT Fir
st_OD-TL Lady_NN-TL stepped_VBD off_IN the_AT last_AP tread_NN ,_, Mama_NN-TL wo
uld_MD straighten_VB out_RP her_PP$ long_JJ train_NN before_CS she_PPS marched_V
BD to_IN the_AT Blue_JJ-TL Room_NN-TL to_TO greet_VB her_PP$ guests_NNS with_IN
the_AT President_NN-TL ._. Mama_NN-TL would_MD enjoy_VB the_AT sight_NN of_IN th
e_AT famous_JJ guests_NNS as_QL much_RB as_CS anyone_PN ,_, and_CC would_MD note
_VB a_AT gown_NN here_RB and_CC there_RB to_TO tell_VB me_PPO about_IN that_DT n
ight_NN ._. One_CD night_NN ,_, Mama_NN-TL came_VBD home_NR practically_RB in_IN
a_AT state_NN of_IN shock_NN ._. She_PPS had_HVD stood_VBN at_IN the_AT bottom_
NN of_IN the_AT stairs_NNS ,_, as_CS usual_JJ ,_, when_WRB Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP c
ame_VBD down_RP ,_, in_IN the_AT same_AP dress_NN that_WPS is_BEZ now_RB in_IN t
he_AT Smithsonian_NP ,_, to_TO greet_VB her_PP$ guests_NNS ._. Mama_NN-TL stoope
d_VBD down_RP to_TO fix_VB the_AT train_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT tr
ain_NN there_RB !_. !_. She_PPS reached_VBD and_CC reached_VBD around_IN the_AT
dress_NN ,_, but_CC there_EX was_BEDZ nothing_PN there_RB ._. She_PPS looked_VBD
up_RP and_CC saw_VBD that_CS ,_, without_IN knowing_VBG it_PPO ,_, Mrs._NP Cool
idge_NP was_BEDZ holding_VBG it_PPO aloft_RB ._. Mrs._NP Coolidge_NP looked_VBD
down_RP ,_, saw_VBD Mama's_NN$-TL horrified_VBN expression_NN and_CC quickly_RB
let_VB the_AT whole_JJ thing_NN fall_VB to_IN the_AT floor_NN ._. Mama_NN-TL swi
rled_VBD the_AT train_NN in_IN place_NN ,_, and_CC not_* a_AT step_NN was_BEDZ l
ost_VBN ._. The_AT Coolidges_NPS did_DOD not_* always_RB live_VB at_IN the_AT Wh
ite_JJ-TL House_NN-TL during_IN the_AT Presidency_NN-TL ._. Impressive_JJ as_CS
this_DT enumeration_NN is_BEZ ,_, it_PPS barely_RB hints_VBZ at_IN the_AT divers
e_JJ perceptions_NNS of_IN Jews_NPS ,_, collectively_RB or_CC individually_RB ,_
, that_WPS have_HV been_BEN attested_VBN by_IN their_PP$ Gentile_NP environment_
NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ reasonable_JJ to_TO affirm_VB two_CD propositions_NNS :_: J
ews_NPS have_HV been_BEN perceived_VBN by_IN non-Jews_NPS as_CS all_ABN things_N
NS to_IN all_ABN men_NNS ;_. ;_. some_DTI Jews_NPS have_HV in_IN fact_NN been_BE
N all_ABN things_NNS to_IN all_ABN men_NNS ._. In_IN the_AT arena_NN of_IN power
_NN Jews_NPS have_HV at_IN one_CD time_NN or_CC another_DT been_BEN somebody's_P
N$ ally_NN ;_. ;_. they_PPSS have_HV observed_VBN correct_JJ neutrality_NN ;_. ;
_. they_PPSS have_HV been_BEN someone's_PN$ enemy_NN ._. In_IN the_AT market_NN
place_NN Jews_NPS have_HV in_IN fact_NN under_IN various_JJ circumstances_NNS be
en_BEN valued_VBN customers_NNS and_CC suppliers_NNS ,_, or_CC clannish_JJ monop
olists_NNS and_CC cutthroat_NN competitors_NNS ._. And_CC so_RB on_RP through_IN
the_AT roles_NNS referred_VBN to_IN in_IN the_AT previous_JJ paragraph_NN ._. D
iversity_NN of_IN perception_NN ,_, yes_RB ;_. ;_. diversity_NN of_IN fact_NN ,_
, yes_RB ._. But_CC the_AT two_CD do_DO not_* invariably_RB or_CC even_QL typica
lly_RB coincide_VB ._. The_AT ``_`` conventional_JJ ''_'' image_NN of_IN a_AT pa
rticular_JJ time_NN and_CC place_NN is_BEZ not_* necessarily_RB congruent_JJ wit
h_IN the_AT image_NN of_IN the_AT facts_NNS as_CS established_VBN over_IN the_AT
years_NNS by_IN scholarly_JJ and_CC scientific_JJ research_NN ._. Conventional_
JJ images_NNS of_IN Jews_NPS have_HV this_DT in_IN common_JJ with_IN all_ABN per
ceptions_NNS of_IN a_AT configuration_NN in_IN which_WDT one_CD feature_NN is_BE
Z held_VBN constant_JJ :_: images_NNS can_MD be_BE both_ABX true_JJ and_CC false
_JJ ._. The_AT genuinely_QL interesting_JJ question_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, becomes_V
BZ :_: What_WDT factors_NNS determine_VB the_AT degree_NN of_IN realism_NN or_CC
distortion_NN in_IN conventional_JJ images_NNS of_IN Jews_NPS ?_. ?_. The_AT wo
rking_VBG test_NN of_IN ``_`` the_AT facts_NNS ''_'' must_MD always_RB be_BE the
_AT best_JJT available_JJ description_NN obtainable_JJ from_IN scholars_NNS and_
CC scientists_NNS who_WPS have_HV applied_VBN their_PP$ methods_NNS of_IN invest
igation_NN to_IN relevant_JJ situations_NNS ._. Granted_VBN ,_, such_JJ ``_`` fu
nctional_JJ ''_'' images_NNS are_BER subject_JJ to_IN human_JJ error_NN ;_. ;_.
they_PPSS are_BER self-correcting_JJ in_IN the_AT sense_NN that_CS they_PPSS are
_BER subject_JJ to_IN disciplined_VBN procedures_NNS that_WPS check_VB and_CC re
check_VB against_IN error_NN ._. In_IN accounting_VBG for_IN realism_NN or_CC di
stortion_NN two_CD sets_NNS of_IN factors_NNS can_MD be_BE usefully_RB distingui
shed_VBN :_: current_JJ intelligence_NN ;_. ;_. predispositions_NNS regarding_IN
intelligence_NN ._. General_NN-TL Grant_NP may_MD have_HV been_BEN the_AT victi
m_NN of_IN false_JJ information_NN in_IN the_AT instance_NN reported_VBN in_IN t
his_DT book_NN ;_. ;_. if_CS so_RB ,_, he_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE the_AT first_
OD or_CC last_AP commanding_VBG officer_NN who_WPS has_HVZ succumbed_VBN to_IN b
ad_JJ information_NN and_CC dubious_JJ estimates_NNS of_IN the_AT future_NN ._.
But_CC General_NN-TL Grant_NP may_MD have_HV been_BEN self-victimized_JJ ._. He_
PPS may_MD have_HV entered_VBN the_AT situation_NN with_IN predispositions_NNS t
hat_WPS prepared_VBD him_PPO to_TO act_VB uncritically_RB in_IN the_AT press_NN
of_IN affairs_NNS ._. Predispositions_NNS ,_, in_IN turn_NN ,_, fall_VB convenie
ntly_RB into_IN two_CD categories_NNS for_IN purposes_NNS of_IN analysis_NN ._.
To_IN some_DTI extent_NN predispositions_NNS are_BER shaped_VBN by_IN exposure_N
N to_TO group_NN environments_NNS ._. In_IN some_DTI measure_NN they_PPSS depend
_VB upon_IN the_AT structure_NN of_IN individual_JJ personality_NN ._. The_AT an
ti-Semitism_NN of_IN Hitler_NP owed_VBD something_PN to_IN his_PP$ exposure_NN t
o_IN the_AT ideology_NN of_IN Lueger's_NP$ politically_RB successful_JJ Christia
n_JJ socialist_NN movement_NN in_IN Vienna_NP ._. But_CC millions_NNS of_IN huma
n_JJ beings_NNS were_BED exposed_VBN to_IN Lueger's_NP$ propaganda_NN and_CC rec
ord_NN ._. After_CS allowing_VBG for_IN group_NN exposures_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ
apparent_JJ that_CS other_AP factors_NNS must_MD be_BE considered_VBN if_CS we_
PPSS are_BER to_TO comprehend_VB fanaticism_NN ._. These_DTS are_BER personality
_NN factors_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS include_VB harmonies_NNS and_CC conflicts_NNS
within_IN the_AT whole_JJ man_NN ,_, and_CC mechanisms_NNS whereby_WRB inner_JJ
components_NNS are_BER more_QL or_CC less_QL smoothly_RB met_VBN ._. Modern_JJ p
sychiatric_JJ knowledge_NN provides_VBZ us_PPO with_IN many_AP keys_NNS to_TO un
lock_VB the_AT significance_NN of_IN behavior_NN of_IN the_AT kind_NN ._. The_AT
foregoing_VBG factors_NNS are_BER pertinent_JJ to_IN the_AT analysis_NN of_IN p
erceptual_JJ images_NNS and_CC the_AT broad_JJ conditions_NNS under_IN which_WDT
they_PPSS achieve_VB realism_NN or_CC fall_VB short_RB of_IN it_PPO ._. Undoubt
edly_RB one_CD merit_NN of_IN the_AT vast_JJ panorama_NN of_IN Gentile_NP concep
tions_NNS of_IN the_AT Jew_NP unfolded_VBN in_IN the_AT present_JJ anthology_NN
is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS provides_VBZ a_AT formidable_JJ body_NN of_IN material_NN
that_WPS invites_VBZ critical_JJ examination_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN reality_NN
._. Many_AP selections_NNS are_BER themselves_PPLS convincing_JJ contributions_
NNS to_IN this_DT appraisal_NN ._. Undoubtedly_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, the_AT sign
ificance_NN of_IN the_AT volume_NN is_BEZ greater_JJR than_CS the_AT foregoing_V
BG paragraphs_NNS suggest_VB ._. Speaking_VBG as_CS a_AT non-Jew_NP I_PPSS belie
ve_VB that_CS its_PP$ primary_JJ contribution_NN is_BEZ in_IN the_AT realm_NN of
_IN future_JJ policy_NN ._. Since_CS we_PPSS can_MD neither_CC undo_VB nor_CC re
do_VB the_AT past_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER limited_VBN to_IN the_AT events_NNS of_
IN today_NR and_CC tomorrow_NR ._. In_IN this_DT domain_NN the_AT simple_JJ fact
_NN of_IN coexistence_NN in_IN the_AT same_AP local_JJ ,_, national_JJ ,_, and_C
C world_NN community_NN is_BEZ enough_AP to_TO guarantee_VB that_CS we_PPSS cann
ot_MD* refrain_VB from_IN having_HVG some_DTI effect_NN ,_, large_JJ or_CC small
_JJ ,_, upon_IN Gentile-Jewish_JJ relations_NNS ._. What_WDT shall_MD these_DTS
effects_NNS be_BE ?_. ?_. I_PPSS am_BEM deliberately_RB raising_VBG the_AT polic
y_NN problems_NNS involved_VBN in_IN Gentile-Jewish_JJ relations_NNS ._. Compreh
ensive_JJ examination_NN of_IN any_DTI policy_NN question_NN calls_VBZ for_IN th
e_AT performance_NN of_IN the_AT intellectual_JJ tasks_NNS inseparable_JJ from_I
N any_DTI problem-solving_JJ method_NN ._. The_AT tasks_NNS are_BER briefly_RB i
ndicated_VBN by_IN these_DTS questions_NNS :_: What_WDT are_BER my_PP$ goals_NNS
in_IN Gentile-Jewish_JJ relations_NNS ?_. ?_. What_WDT are_BER the_AT historica
l_JJ trends_NNS in_IN this_DT country_NN and_CC abroad_RB in_IN the_AT extent_NN
to_IN which_WDT these_DTS goals_NNS are_BER effectively_RB realized_VBN ?_. ?_.
What_WDT factors_NNS condition_VB the_AT degree_NN of_IN realization_NN at_IN v
arious_JJ times_NNS and_CC places_NNS ?_. ?_. What_WDT is_BEZ the_AT probable_JJ
course_NN of_IN future_JJ developments_NNS ?_. ?_. What_WDT policies_NNS if_CS
adopted_VBN and_CC applied_VBN in_IN various_JJ circumstances_NNS will_MD increa
se_VB the_AT likelihood_NN that_CS future_JJ events_NNS will_MD coincide_VB with
_IN desired_VBN events_NNS and_CC do_DO so_RB at_IN least_AP cost_NN in_IN terms
_NNS of_IN all_ABN human_JJ values_NNS ?_. ?_. It_PPS is_BEZ beyond_IN the_AT pr
ovince_NN of_IN this_DT epilogue_NN to_TO cover_VB policy_NN questions_NNS of_IN
such_JJ depth_NN and_CC range_NN ._. The_AT discussion_NN is_BEZ therefore_RB l
imited_VBN to_IN a_AT suggested_VBN procedure_NN for_IN realizing_VBG at_IN leas
t_AP some_DTI of_IN the_AT potential_JJ importance_NN of_IN this_DT volume_NN fo
r_IN future_JJ policy_NN ._. As_CS a_AT groundwork_NN for_IN the_AT proposal_NN
I_PPSS give_VB some_DTI attention_NN to_IN the_AT first_OD task_NN enumerated_VB
N above_RB ,_, the_AT clarification_NN of_IN goal_NN ._. My_PP$ reply_NN is_BEZ
that_CS I_PPSS associate_VB myself_PPL with_IN all_ABN those_DTS who_WPS affirm_
VB that_CS Gentile-Jewish_JJ relations_NNS should_MD contribute_VB to_IN the_AT
theory_NN and_CC practice_NN of_IN human_JJ dignity_NN ._. The_AT basic_JJ goal_
NN finds_VBZ partial_JJ expression_NN in_IN the_AT Universal_JJ-TL Declaration_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Human_JJ-TL Rights_NNS-TL ,_, a_AT statement_NN initiated_VBN and_
CC endorsed_VBN by_IN individuals_NNS and_CC organizations_NNS of_IN many_AP rel
igious_JJ and_CC philosophical_JJ traditions_NNS ._. Within_IN this_DT frame_NN
of_IN reference_NN policies_NNS appropriate_JJ to_IN claims_NNS advanced_VBN in_
IN the_AT name_NN of_IN the_AT Jews_NPS depend_VB upon_IN which_WDT Jewish_JJ id
entity_NN is_BEZ involved_VBN ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS upon_IN the_AT nature_NN o
f_IN the_AT claim_NN ,_, the_AT characteristics_NNS of_IN the_AT claimant_NN ,_,
the_AT justifications_NNS proposed_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT predispositions_NNS of
_IN the_AT community_NN decision_NN makers_NNS who_WPS are_BER called_VBN upon_R
B to_TO act_VB ._. If_CS Jews_NPS are_BER identified_VBN as_CS a_AT religious_JJ
body_NN in_IN a_AT controversy_NN that_DT comes_VBZ before_IN a_AT national_JJ
or_CC international_JJ tribunal_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ obviously_RB compatible_JJ
with_IN the_AT goal_NN of_IN human_JJ dignity_NN to_TO protect_VB freedom_NN of_
IN worship_NN ._. When_WRB decision_NN makers_NNS act_VB within_IN this_DT frame
_NN they_PPSS determine_VB whether_CS a_AT claim_NN put_VBN forward_RB in_IN the
_AT name_NN of_IN religion_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE accepted_VBN by_IN the_AT large
r_JJR community_NN as_CS appropriate_JJ to_IN religion_NN ._. Since_CS the_AT re
cognition_NN of_IN Israel_NP as_CS a_AT nation_NN state_NN ,_, claims_NNS are_BE
R made_VBN in_IN many_AP cases_NNS which_WDT identify_VB the_AT claimant_NN as_C
S a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ body_NN politic_JJ ._. Community_NN decisio
n_NN makers_NNS must_MD make_VB up_RP their_PP$ minds_NNS whether_CS a_AT claim_
NN is_BEZ acceptable_JJ to_IN the_AT larger_JJR community_NN in_IN terms_NNS of_
IN prevailing_VBG expectations_NNS regarding_IN members_NNS of_IN nation_NN stat
es_NNS ._. In_IN free_JJ countries_NNS many_AP controversies_NNS involve_VB self
-styled_JJ Jews_NPS who_WPS use_VB the_AT symbol_NN in_IN asserting_VBG a_AT vag
uely_QL ``_`` cultural_JJ ''_'' rather_IN than_IN religious_JJ or_CC political_J
J identity_NN ._. The_AT decision_NN maker_NN who_WPS acts_VBZ for_IN the_AT com
munity_NN as_CS a_AT whole_NN must_MD decide_VB whether_CS the_AT objectives_NNS
pursued_VBN and_CC the_AT methods_NNS used_VBN are_BER appropriate_JJ to_IN pub
lic_JJ policy_NN regarding_IN cultural_JJ groups_NNS ._. We_PPSS know_VB that_CS
much_AP is_BEZ made_VBN of_IN the_AT multiplicity_NN and_CC ambiguity_NN of_IN
the_AT identities_NNS that_WPS cluster_VB around_IN the_AT key_JJS symbol_NN of_
IN the_AT Jew_NP ._. Many_AP public_JJ and_CC private_JJ controversies_NNS will_
MD undoubtedly_RB continue_VB to_TO reflect_VB these_DTS confusions_NNS in_IN th
e_AT mind_NN and_CC usage_NN of_IN Gentile_NP and_CC Jew_NP ._. However_RB ,_, i
n_IN the_AT context_NN of_IN legal_JJ and_CC civic_JJ policy_NN ,_, these_DTS co
ntroversies_NNS are_BER less_AP than_CS novel_JJ ._. They_PPSS involve_VB simila
r_JJ uncertainties_NNS regarding_IN the_AT multiple_JJ identities_NNS of_IN any_
DTI number_NN of_IN non-Jewish_JJ groups_NNS ._. So_QL far_RB as_CS the_AT exist
ing_VBG body_NN of_IN formal_JJ principle_NN and_CC procedure_NN is_BEZ concerne
d_VBN ,_, categorical_JJ novelties_NNS are_BER not_* to_TO be_BE anticipated_VBN
in_IN Jewish-Gentile_JJ relationships_NNS ;_. ;_. claims_NNS are_BER properly_R
B disposed_VBN of_IN according_IN to_IN norms_NNS common_JJ to_IN all_ABN partie
s_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* implied_VBN that_CS formal_JJ principles_NNS and_C
C procedures_NNS are_BER so_QL firmly_RB entrenched_VBN within_IN the_AT public_
JJ order_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN community_NN or_CC even_RB of_IN free_JJ commo
nwealths_NNS that_CS they_PPSS will_MD control_VB in_IN all_ABN circumstances_NN
S involving_VBG Jews_NPS and_CC Gentiles_NPS during_IN coming_VBG years_NNS ._.
Social_JJ process_NN is_BEZ always_RB anchored_VBN in_IN past_AP predisposition_
NN ;_. ;_. but_CC it_PPS is_BEZ perennially_RB restructured_VBN in_IN situations
_NNS where_WRB anchors_NNS are_BER dragged_VBN or_CC lost_VBN ._. In_IN conforma
nce_NN with_IN the_AT maximization_NN principle_NN we_PPSS affirm_VB that_CS Gen
tile-Jewish_JJ relations_NNS will_MD be_BE harmonious_JJ or_CC inharmonious_JJ t
o_IN the_AT degree_NN that_CS one_CD relation_NN or_CC the_AT other_AP is_BEZ ex
pected_VBN by_IN the_AT active_JJ participants_NNS to_TO yield_VB the_AT greates
t_JJT net_NN advantage_NN ,_, taking_VBG all_ABN value_NN outcomes_NNS and_CC ef
fects_NNS into_IN consideration_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* difficult_JJ to_TO an
ticipate_VB circumstances_NNS in_IN which_WDT negative_JJ tensions_NNS will_MD c
umulate_VB ;_. ;_. for_IN instance_NN ,_, imagine_VB the_AT situation_NN if_CS I
srael_NP ever_RB joins_VBZ an_AT enemy_NN coalition_NN ._. The_AT formal_JJ posi
tion_NN of_IN Americans_NPS who_WPS identify_VB themselves_PPLS with_IN one_CD o
r_CC more_AP of_IN the_AT several_AP identities_NNS of_IN the_AT Jewish_JJ symbo
l_NN is_BEZ already_RB clear_JJ ;_. ;_. the_AT future_JJ weight_NN of_IN informa
l_JJ factors_NNS cannot_MD* be_BE so_QL easily_RB assessed_VBN ._. When_WRB we_P
PSS consider_VB the_AT disorganized_VBN state_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN community
_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT legacy_NN of_IN predispositions_NNS adversely_RB directed_
VBN against_IN all_ABN who_WPS are_BER identified_VBN as_CS Jews_NPS ,_, it_PPS
is_BEZ obvious_JJ that_CS the_AT struggle_NN for_IN the_AT minds_NNS and_CC musc
les_NNS of_IN men_NNS needs_VBZ to_TO be_BE prosecuted_VBN with_IN increasing_VB
G vigor_NN and_CC skill_NN ._. During_IN moments_NNS of_IN intense_JJ crisis_NN
the_AT responsibility_NN of_IN political_JJ leaders_NNS is_BEZ overwhelming_JJ .
_. But_CC their_PP$ freedom_NN of_IN policy_NN is_BEZ limited_VBN by_IN the_AT p
attern_NN of_IN predisposition_NN with_IN which_WDT they_PPSS and_CC the_AT peop
le_NNS around_IN them_PPO enter_VB the_AT crisis_NN ._. At_IN such_JJ critical_J
J moments_NNS predispositions_NNS favorable_JJ to_IN human_JJ dignity_NN most_QL
obviously_RB ``_`` pay_VB off_RP ''_'' ._. By_IN the_AT same_AP test_NN predisp
ositions_NNS destructive_JJ of_IN human_JJ personality_NN exercise_VB their_PP$
most_QL sinister_JJ impact_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT result_NN that_CS men_NNS of_IN
good_JJ will_NN are_BER often_RB trapped_VBN and_CC nullified_VBN ._. Among_IN
measures_NNS in_IN anticipation_NN of_IN crisis_NN are_BER plans_NNS to_TO injec
t_VB into_IN the_AT turmoil_NN as_CS assistants_NNS of_IN key_JJS decision_NN ma
kers_NNS qualified_VBN persons_NNS who_WPS are_BER cognizant_JJ of_IN the_AT cor
rosive_JJ effect_NN of_IN crisis_NN upon_IN personal_JJ relationships_NNS and_CC
are_BER also_RB able_JJ to_TO raise_VB calm_JJ and_CC realistic_JJ voices_NNS w
hen_WRB overburdened_VBN leaders_NNS near_VB the_AT limit_NN of_IN self-control_
NN ._. We_PPSS are_BER learning_VBG how_WRB to_TO do_DO these_DTS things_NNS in_
IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT vast_JJ organized_VBN structures_NNS of_IN modern_JJ so
ciety_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT process_NN can_MD be_BE accelerated_VBN ._. A_AT truism_
NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT time_NN to_TO prepare_VB for_IN the_AT worst_JJT is_BEZ
when_WRB times_NNS are_BER best_JJT ._. During_IN intercrisis_NN periods_NNS th
e_AT educational_JJ facilities_NNS of_IN the_AT community_NN have_HV the_AT poss
ibility_NN of_IN remolding_VBG the_AT perspectives_NNS and_CC altering_VBG the_A
T behavior_NN of_IN vast_JJ numbers_NNS of_IN human_JJ beings_NNS of_IN every_AT
age_NN and_CC condition_NN ._. As_CS more_AP men_NNS and_CC women_NNS are_BER m
ade_VBN capable_JJ of_IN living_VBG up_RP to_IN the_AT challenge_NN of_IN decenc
y_NN the_AT chances_NNS are_BER improved_VBN that_CS the_AT pattern_NN of_IN pre
disposition_NN prevailing_VBG in_IN positions_NNS of_IN strength_NN in_IN future
_JJ crises_NNS can_MD be_BE favorably_QL affected_VBN ._. Now_RB an_AT abiding_V
BG difficulty_NN of_IN paragraphs_NNS like_CS the_AT foregoing_NN is_BEZ that_CS
they_PPSS appear_VB to_TO preach_VB ;_. ;_. and_CC in_IN contemporary_JJ societ
y_NN we_PPSS often_RB complain_VB of_IN too_QL much_AP reaffirmation_NN of_IN th
e_AT goodness_NN of_IN the_AT good_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN I_PPSS do_DO not
_* intend_VB to_TO let_VB the_AT present_JJ occasion_NN pass_VB without_IN deali
ng_VBG more_QL directly_RB with_IN the_AT problem_NN of_IN implementing_VBG good
_JJ intentions_NNS ._. I_PPSS assume_VB that_CS the_AT number_NN of_IN readers_N
NS of_IN this_DT anthology_NN who_WPS regard_VB themselves_PPLS as_QL morally_RB
perfect_JJ is_BEZ small_JJ ,_, and_CC that_CS most_AP readers_NNS are_BER willi
ng_JJ to_TO consider_VB procedures_NNS by_IN which_WDT they_PPSS may_MD gain_VB
more_AP insight_NN into_IN themselves_PPLS and_CC better_JJR understanding_NN of
_IN others_NNS ._. Properly_RB used_VBN ,_, the_AT present_JJ book_NN is_BEZ an_
AT excellent_JJ instrument_NN of_IN enlightenment_NN ._. Let_VB us_PPO not_* con
fuse_VB the_AT issue_NN by_IN labeling_VBG the_AT objective_NN or_CC the_AT meth
od_NN ``_`` psychoanalytic_JJ ''_'' ,_, for_CS this_DT is_BEZ a_AT well_QL estab
lished_VBN term_NN of_IN art_NN for_IN the_AT specific_JJ ideas_NNS and_CC proce
dures_NNS initiated_VBN by_IN Sigmund_NP Freud_NP and_CC his_PP$ followers_NNS f
or_IN the_AT study_NN and_CC treatment_NN of_IN disordered_VBN personalities_NNS
._. The_AT traditional_JJ method_NN proceeds_VBZ by_IN the_AT technique_NN of_I
N free_JJ association_NN ,_, punctuated_VBN by_IN interpretations_NNS proposed_V
BN by_IN the_AT psychoanalytic_JJ interviewer_NN ._. What_WDT we_PPSS have_HV in
_IN mind_NN does_DOZ have_HV something_PN in_IN common_JJ with_IN the_AT goals_N
NS of_IN psychoanalysis_NN and_CC with_IN the_AT methods_NNS by_IN which_WDT the
y_PPSS are_BER sought_VBN ._. For_IN what_WDT we_PPSS propose_VB ,_, however_RB
,_, a_AT psychoanalyst_NN is_BEZ not_* necessary_JJ ,_, even_RB though_CS one_CD
aim_NN is_BEZ to_TO enable_VB the_AT reader_NN to_TO get_VB beneath_IN his_PP$
own_JJ defenses_NNS --_-- his_PP$ defenses_NNS of_IN himself_PPL to_IN himself_P
PL ._. For_IN this_DT purpose_NN a_AT degree_NN of_IN intellectual_JJ and_CC emo
tional_JJ involvement_NN is_BEZ necessary_JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC involvement_NN needs
_VBZ to_TO be_BE accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT special_JJ frame_NN of_IN mind_NN ._
. The_AT relatively_QL long_JJ and_CC often_RB colorful_JJ selections_NNS in_IN
this_DT anthology_NN enable_VB the_AT reader_NN to_TO become_VB genuinely_QL abs
orbed_VBN in_IN what_WDT is_BEZ said_VBN ,_, whether_CS he_PPS responds_VBZ with
_IN anger_NN or_CC applause_NN ._. But_CC simple_JJ involvement_NN is_BEZ not_*
enough_AP ;_. ;_. self-discovery_NN calls_VBZ for_IN an_AT open_JJ ,_, permissiv
e_JJ ,_, inquiring_VBG posture_NN of_IN self-observation_NN ._. The_AT symposium
_NN provides_VBZ an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO confront_VB the_AT self_NN with_IN s
pecific_JJ statements_NNS which_WDT were_BED made_VBN at_IN particular_JJ times_
NNS by_IN identifiable_JJ communicators_NNS who_WPS were_BED addressing_VBG defi
nite_JJ audiences_NNS --_-- and_CC throughout_IN several_AP hundred_CD pages_NNS
everyone_PN is_BEZ talking_VBG about_IN the_AT same_AP key_JJS symbol_NN of_IN
identification_NN ._. An_AT advantage_NN of_IN being_BEG exposed_VBN to_IN such_
JJ specificity_NN about_IN an_AT important_JJ and_CC recurring_VBG feature_NN of
_IN social_JJ reality_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS can_MD be_BE taken_VBN advantage_
NN of_IN by_IN the_AT reader_NN to_TO examine_VB covert_JJ as_QL well_RB as_CS o
vert_JJ resonances_NNS within_IN himself_PPL ,_, resonances_NNS triggered_VBN by
_IN explicit_JJ symbols_NNS clustering_VBG around_IN the_AT central_JJ figure_NN
of_IN the_AT Jew_NP ._. Two_CD facets_NNS of_IN this_DT aspect_NN of_IN the_AT
literary_JJ process_NN have_HV special_JJ significance_NN for_IN our_PP$ time_NN
._. One_CD ,_, a_AT reservation_NN on_IN the_AT point_NN I_PPSS have_HV just_RB
made_VBN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT phenomenon_NN of_IN pseudo-thinking_NN ,_, pseudo-fe
eling_NN ,_, and_CC pseudo-willing_NN ,_, which_WDT Fromm_NP discussed_VBD in_IN
The_AT-TL Escape_NN-TL From_IN-TL Freedom_NN-TL ._. In_IN essence_NN this_DT in
volves_VBZ grounding_VBG one's_PN$ thought_NN and_CC emotion_NN in_IN the_AT val
ues_NNS and_CC experience_NN of_IN others_NNS ,_, rather_IN than_IN in_IN one's_
PN$ own_JJ values_NNS and_CC experience_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT risk_NN that
_CS instead_RB of_IN teaching_VBG a_AT person_NN how_WRB to_TO be_BE himself_PPL
,_, reading_VBG fiction_NN and_CC drama_NN may_MD teach_VB him_PPO how_WRB to_T
O be_BE somebody_PN else_RB ._. Clearly_RB what_WDT the_AT person_NN brings_VBZ
to_IN the_AT reading_NN is_BEZ important_JJ ._. Moreover_RB ,_, if_CS the_AT cri
tic_NN instructs_VBZ his_PP$ audience_NN in_IN what_WDT to_TO see_VB in_IN a_AT
work_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ contributing_VBG to_IN this_DT pseudo-thinking_NN ;_.
;_. if_CS he_PPS instructs_VBZ them_PPO in_IN how_WRB to_TO evaluate_VB a_AT wor
k_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ helping_VBG them_PPO to_TO achieve_VB their_PP$ own_JJ id
entity_NN ._. The_AT second_OD timely_JJ part_NN of_IN this_DT sketch_NN of_IN l
iterature_NN and_CC the_AT search_NN for_IN identity_NN has_HVZ to_TO do_DO with
_IN the_AT difference_NN between_IN good_JJ and_CC enduring_VBG literary_JJ work
s_NNS and_CC the_AT ephemeral_JJ mass_NN culture_NN products_NNS of_IN today_NR
._. In_IN the_AT range_NN and_CC variety_NN of_IN characters_NNS who_WPS ,_, in_
IN their_PP$ literary_JJ lives_NNS ,_, get_VB along_RB all_QL right_RB with_IN l
ife_NN styles_NNS one_PN never_RB imagined_VBD possible_JJ ,_, there_EX is_BEZ a
n_AT implicit_JJ lesson_NN in_IN differentiation_NN ._. The_AT reader_NN ,_, obs
erving_VBG this_DT process_NN ,_, might_MD ask_VB ``_`` why_WRB not_* be_BE diff
erent_JJ ''_'' ?_. ?_. And_CC find_VB in_IN the_AT answer_NN a_AT license_NN to_
TO be_BE a_AT variant_NN of_IN the_AT human_JJ species_NN ._. The_AT observer_NN
of_IN television_NN or_CC other_AP products_NNS for_IN a_AT mass_NN audience_NN
has_HVZ only_RB a_AT permit_NN to_TO be_BE ,_, like_CS the_AT models_NNS he_PPS
sees_VBZ ,_, even_QL more_RBR like_CS everybody_PN else_RB ._. And_CC this_DT ,
_, I_PPSS think_VB ,_, holds_VBZ for_IN values_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS life_NN s
tyles_NNS ._. One_PN would_MD need_VB to_TO test_VB this_DT proposition_NN caref
ully_RB ;_. ;_. after_IN all_ABN ,_, the_AT large_JJ (_( and_CC probably_RB unre
liable_JJ )_) Reader's_NN$-TL Digest_NN-TL literature_NN on_IN the_AT ``_`` most
_QL unforgettable_JJ character_NN I_PPSS ever_RB met_VBD ''_'' deals_VBZ with_IN
village_NN grocers_NNS ,_, country_NN doctors_NNS ,_, favorite_JJ if_CS illiter
ate_JJ aunts_NNS ,_, and_CC so_RB forth_RB ._. Scientists_NNS often_RB turn_VB o
ut_RP to_TO be_BE idiosyncratic_JJ ,_, too_RB ._. But_CC still_RB ,_, the_AT pro
position_NN is_BEZ worth_JJ examination_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ that_CS
the_AT study_NN of_IN literature_NN affects_VBZ the_AT conscience_NN ,_, the_AT
morality_NN ,_, the_AT sensitivity_NN to_IN some_DTI code_NN of_IN ``_`` right_
NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` wrong_NN ''_'' ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* know_VB that_CS this
_DT is_BEZ true_JJ ;_. ;_. both_ABX Flugel_NP and_CC Ranyard_NP West_NP deal_VB
with_IN the_AT development_NN and_CC nature_NN of_IN conscience_NN ,_, as_CS do_
DO such_JJ theologians_NNS as_CS Niebuhr_NP and_CC Buber_NP ._. It_PPS forms_VBZ
the_AT core_NN of_IN many_AP ,_, perhaps_RB most_AP ,_, problems_NNS of_IN psyc
hotherapy_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM not_* aware_JJ of_IN great_JJ attention_NN by_IN
any_DTI of_IN these_DTS authors_NNS or_CC by_IN the_AT psychotherapeutic_JJ prof
ession_NN to_IN the_AT role_NN of_IN literary_JJ study_NN in_IN the_AT developme
nt_NN of_IN conscience_NN --_-- most_AP of_IN their_PP$ attention_NN is_BEZ to_I
N a_AT pre-literate_JJ period_NN of_IN life_NN ,_, or_CC ,_, for_IN the_AT theol
ogians_NNS of_IN course_NN ,_, to_IN the_AT influence_NN of_IN religion_NN ._. S
till_RB ,_, it_PPS would_MD be_BE surprising_VBG if_CS what_WDT one_PN reads_VBZ
did_DOD not_* contribute_VB to_IN one's_PN$ ideas_NNS of_IN right_NN and_CC wro
ng_NN ;_. ;_. certainly_RB the_AT awakened_VBN alarm_NN over_IN the_AT comic_JJ
books_NNS and_CC the_AT continuous_JJ concern_NN over_IN prurient_JJ literature_
NN indicate_VB some_DTI peripheral_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN this_DT influence_NN ._.
Probably_RB the_AT most_QL important_JJ thing_NN to_TO focus_VB on_IN is_BEZ no
t_* the_AT development_NN of_IN conscience_NN ,_, which_WDT may_MD well_RB be_BE
almost_RB beyond_IN the_AT reach_NN of_IN literature_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT conte
nts_NNS of_IN conscience_NN ,_, the_AT code_NN which_WDT is_BEZ imparted_VBN to_
IN the_AT developed_VBN or_CC immature_JJ conscience_NN available_JJ ._. This_DT
is_BEZ in_IN large_JJ part_NN a_AT code_NN of_IN behavior_NN and_CC a_AT glossa
ry_NN of_IN values_NNS :_: what_WDT is_BEZ it_PPS that_WPO people_NNS do_DO and_
CC should_MD do_DO and_CC how_WRB one_PN should_MD regard_VB it_PPO ._. In_IN a_
AT small_JJ way_NN this_DT is_BEZ illustrated_VBN by_IN the_AT nineteenth-centur
y_NN novelist_NN who_WPS argued_VBD for_IN the_AT powerful_JJ influence_NN of_IN
literature_NN as_CS a_AT teacher_NN of_IN society_NN and_CC who_WPS illustrated
_VBD this_DT with_IN the_AT way_NN a_AT girl_NN learned_VBD to_TO meet_VB her_PP
$ lover_NN ,_, how_WRB to_TO behave_VB ,_, how_WRB to_TO think_VB about_IN this_
DT new_JJ experience_NN ,_, how_WRB to_TO exercise_VB restraint_NN ._. Literatur
e_NN may_MD be_BE said_VBN to_TO give_VB people_NNS a_AT sense_NN of_IN purpose_
NN ,_, dedication_NN ,_, mission_NN ,_, significance_NN ._. This_DT ,_, no_AT do
ubt_NN ,_, is_BEZ part_NN of_IN what_WDT Gilbert_NP Seldes_NP implies_VBZ when_W
RB he_PPS says_VBZ of_IN the_AT arts_NNS ,_, ``_`` They_PPSS give_VB form_NN and
_CC meaning_NN to_IN life_NN which_WDT might_MD otherwise_RB seem_VB shapeless_J
J and_CC without_IN sense_NN ''_'' ._. Men_NNS seem_VB almost_QL universally_RB
to_TO want_VB a_AT sense_NN of_IN function_NN ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, a_AT feelin
g_NN that_CS their_PP$ existence_NN makes_VBZ a_AT difference_NN to_IN someone_P
N ,_, living_VBG or_CC unborn_JJ ,_, close_JJ and_CC immediate_JJ or_CC generali
zed_VBN ._. Feeling_VBG useless_JJ seems_VBZ generally_RB to_TO be_BE an_AT unpl
easant_JJ sensation_NN ._. A_AT need_NN so_QL deeply_RB planted_VBN ,_, asking_V
BG for_IN direction_NN ,_, so_RB to_TO speak_VB ,_, is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE
gratified_VBN by_IN the_AT vivid_JJ examples_NNS and_CC heroic_JJ proportions_N
NS of_IN literature_NN ._. The_AT terms_NNS ``_`` renewal_NN-NC ''_'' and_CC ``_
`` refreshed_VBN-NC ''_'' ,_, which_WDT often_RB come_VB up_RP in_IN aesthetic_J
J discussion_NN ,_, seem_VB partly_RB to_TO derive_VB their_PP$ import_NN from_I
N the_AT ``_`` renewal_NN ''_'' of_IN purpose_NN and_CC a_AT ``_`` refreshed_VBN
''_'' sense_NN of_IN significance_NN a_AT person_NN may_MD receive_VB from_IN p
oetry_NN ,_, drama_NN ,_, and_CC fiction_NN ._. The_AT notion_NN of_IN ``_`` ins
piration_NN ''_'' is_BEZ somehow_RB cognate_JJ to_IN this_DT feeling_NN ._. How_
WRB literature_NN does_DOZ this_DT ,_, or_CC for_IN whom_WPO ,_, is_BEZ certainl
y_RB not_* clear_JJ ,_, but_CC the_AT content_NN ,_, form_NN ,_, and_CC language
_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` message_NN ''_'' ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT source_NN
,_, would_MD all_ABN play_VB differentiated_VBN parts_NNS in_IN giving_VBG and_
CC molding_VBG a_AT sense_NN of_IN purpose_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL sa
lient_JJ features_NNS of_IN literary_JJ value_NN has_HVZ been_BEN deemed_VBN to_
TO be_BE its_PP$ influence_NN upon_IN and_CC organization_NN of_IN emotion_NN ._
. Let_VB us_PPO differentiate_VB a_AT few_AP of_IN these_DTS ideas_NNS ._. The_A
T Aristotelian_JJ notion_NN of_IN catharsis_NN ,_, the_AT purging_NN of_IN emoti
on_NN ,_, is_BEZ a_AT persistent_JJ and_CC viable_JJ one_CD ._. The_AT idea_NN h
ere_RB is_BEZ one_CD of_IN discharge_NN but_CC this_DT must_MD stand_VB in_IN op
position_NN to_IN a_AT second_OD view_NN ,_, Plato's_NP$ notion_NN of_IN the_AT
arousal_NN of_IN emotion_NN ._. A_AT third_OD idea_NN is_BEZ that_CS artistic_JJ
literature_NN serves_VBZ to_TO reduce_VB emotional_JJ conflicts_NNS ,_, giving_
VBG a_AT sense_NN of_IN serenity_NN and_CC calm_NN to_IN individuals_NNS ._. Thi
s_DT is_BEZ given_VBN some_DTI expression_NN in_IN Beardsley's_NP$ notion_NN of_
IN harmony_NN and_CC the_AT resolution_NN of_IN indecision_NN ._. A_AT fourth_OD
view_NN is_BEZ the_AT transformation_NN of_IN emotion_NN ,_, as_CS in_IN Housma
n's_NP$ fine_JJ phrase_NN on_IN the_AT arts_NNS :_: they_PPSS ``_`` transform_VB
and_CC beautify_VB our_PP$ inner_JJ nature_NN ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ possible_
JJ that_CS the_AT idea_NN of_IN enrichment_NN of_IN emotion_NN is_BEZ a_AT fifth
_OD idea_NN ._. F.S.C._NP Northrop_NP ,_, in_IN his_PP$ discussion_NN of_IN The_
AT-TL ``_`` Functions_NNS-TL And_CC-TL Future_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Poetry_NN-TL ''_''
,_, suggests_VBZ this_DT :_: ``_`` One_CD of_IN the_AT things_NNS which_WDT make
s_VBZ our_PP$ lives_NNS drab_JJ and_CC empty_JJ and_CC which_WDT leaves_VBZ us_P
PO ,_, at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT day_NN ,_, fatigued_VBN and_CC deflated_
VBN spiritually_RB is_BEZ the_AT pressure_NN of_IN the_AT taxing_VBG ,_, practic
al_JJ ,_, utilitarian_JJ concern_NN of_IN common-sense_JJ objects_NNS ._. If_CS
art_NN is_BEZ to_TO release_VB us_PPO from_IN these_DTS postulated_VBN things_NN
S (_( things_NNS we_PPSS must_MD think_VB symbolically_RB about_IN )_) and_CC br
ing_VB us_PPO back_RB to_IN the_AT ineffable_JJ beauty_NN and_CC richness_NN of_
IN the_AT aesthetic_JJ component_NN of_IN reality_NN in_IN its_PP$ immediacy_NN
,_, it_PPS must_MD sever_VB its_PP$ connection_NN with_IN these_DTS common_JJ se
nse_NN entities_NNS ''_'' ._. I_PPSS take_VB the_AT central_JJ meaning_NN here_R
B to_TO be_BE the_AT contrast_NN between_IN the_AT drab_JJ empty_JJ quality_NN o
f_IN life_NN without_IN literature_NN and_CC a_AT life_NN enriched_VBN by_IN it_
PPO ._. Richards'_NP$ view_NN of_IN the_AT aesthetic_JJ experience_NN might_MD c
onstitute_VB a_AT sixth_OD variety_NN :_: for_IN him_PPO it_PPS constitutes_VBZ
,_, in_IN part_NN ,_, the_AT organization_NN of_IN impulses_NNS ._. A_AT sketch_
NN of_IN the_AT emotional_JJ value_NN of_IN the_AT study_NN of_IN literature_NN
would_MD have_HV to_TO take_VB account_NN of_IN all_ABN of_IN these_DTS ._. But_
CC there_EX is_BEZ one_CD in_IN particular_JJ which_WDT ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ to_
IN me_PPO ,_, deserves_VBZ special_JJ attention_NN ._. In_IN the_AT wide_JJ rang
e_NN of_IN experiences_NNS common_JJ to_IN our_PP$ earth-bound_JJ race_NN none_P
N is_BEZ more_QL difficult_JJ to_TO manage_VB ,_, more_QL troublesome_JJ ,_, and
_CC more_QL enduring_VBG in_IN its_PP$ effects_NNS than_CS the_AT control_NN of_
IN love_NN and_CC hate_NN ._. The_AT study_NN of_IN literature_NN contributes_VB
Z to_IN this_DT control_NN in_IN a_AT curious_JJ way_NN ._. William_NP Wimsatt_N
P and_CC Cleanth_NP Brooks_NP ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO ,_, have_HV a_AT
penetrating_JJ insight_NN into_IN the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT this_DT control
_NN is_BEZ effected_VBN :_: ``_`` For_CS if_CS we_PPSS say_VB poetry_NN is_BEZ t
o_TO talk_VB of_IN beauty_NN and_CC love_NN (_( and_CC yet_RB not_* aim_VB at_IN
exciting_VBG erotic_JJ emotion_NN or_CC even_RB an_AT emotion_NN of_IN Platonic
_JJ esteem_NN )_) and_CC if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO talk_VB of_IN anger_NN and_CC
murder_NN (_( and_CC yet_RB not_* aim_VB at_IN arousing_VBG anger_NN and_CC ind
ignation_NN )_) --_-- then_RB it_PPS may_MD be_BE that_CS the_AT poetic_JJ way_N
N of_IN dealing_VBG with_IN these_DTS emotions_NNS will_MD not_* be_BE any_DTI k
ind_NN of_IN intensification_NN ,_, compounding_VBG ,_, or_CC magnification_NN ,
_, or_CC any_DTI direct_JJ assault_NN upon_IN the_AT affections_NNS at_IN all_AB
N ._. Something_PN indirect_JJ ,_, mixed_VBN ,_, reconciling_VBG ,_, tensional_J
J might_MD well_RB be_BE the_AT stratagem_NN ,_, the_AT devious_JJ technique_NN
by_IN which_WDT a_AT poet_NN indulged_VBD in_IN all_ABN kinds_NNS of_IN talk_NN
about_IN love_NN and_CC anger_NN and_CC even_RB in_IN something_PN like_CS ``_``
expressions_NNS ''_'' of_IN these_DTS emotions_NNS ,_, without_IN aiming_VBG at
_IN their_PP$ incitement_NN or_CC even_RB uttering_VBG anything_PN that_CS essen
tially_RB involves_VBZ their_PP$ incitement_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT rehearsal_NN thr
ough_IN literature_NN of_IN emotional_JJ life_NN under_IN controlled_VBN conditi
ons_NNS may_MD be_BE a_AT most_QL valuable_JJ human_JJ experience_NN ._. Here_RB
I_PPSS do_DO not_* mean_VB catharsis_NN ,_, the_AT discharge_NN of_IN emotion_N
N ._. I_PPSS mean_VB something_PN more_RBR like_CS Freud's_NP$ concept_NN of_IN
the_AT utility_NN of_IN ``_`` play_NN ''_'' to_IN a_AT small_JJ child_NN :_: he_
PPS plays_VBZ ``_`` house_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` doctor_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` firem
an_NN ''_'' as_CS a_AT way_NN of_IN mastering_VBG slightly_RB frightening_VBG ex
periences_NNS ,_, reliving_VBG them_PPO imaginatively_RB until_CS they_PPSS are_
BER under_IN control_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT second_OD feature_NN of_IN the_
AT influences_NNS of_IN literature_NN ,_, good_JJ literature_NN ,_, on_IN emotio
nal_JJ life_NN which_WDT may_MD have_HV some_DTI special_JJ value_NN for_IN our_
PP$ time_NN ._. In_IN B._NP M._NP Spinley's_NP$ portrayal_NN of_IN the_AT underp
rivileged_JJ and_CC undereducated_JJ youth_NNS of_IN London_NP ,_, a_AT salient_
JJ finding_NN was_BEDZ the_AT inability_NN to_TO postpone_VB gratification_NN ,_
, a_AT need_NN to_TO satisfy_VB impulses_NNS immediately_RB without_IN the_AT pl
easure_NN of_IN anticipation_NN or_CC of_IN savoring_VBG the_AT experience_NN ._
. Perhaps_RB it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB an_AT analogy_NN ,_, but_CC one_CD of_IN the_
AT most_QL obvious_JJ differences_NNS between_IN cheap_JJ fiction_NN and_CC fict
ion_NN of_IN an_AT enduring_VBG quality_NN is_BEZ the_AT development_NN of_IN a_
AT theme_NN or_CC story_NN with_IN leisure_NN and_CC anticipation_NN ._. Anyone_
PN who_WPS has_HVZ watched_VBN children_NNS develop_VB a_AT taste_NN for_IN lite
rature_NN will_MD understand_VB what_WDT I_PPSS mean_VB ._. It_PPS is_BEZ at_IN
least_AP possible_JJ that_CS the_AT capacity_NN to_TO postpone_VB gratification_
NN is_BEZ developed_VBN as_QL well_RB as_CS expressed_VBN in_IN a_AT continuous_
JJ and_CC guided_VBN exposure_NN to_IN great_JJ literature_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI
inquiry_NN into_IN the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT great_JJ literature_NN affects_
VBZ the_AT emotions_NNS ,_, particularly_RB with_IN respect_NN to_IN the_AT sens
e_NN of_IN harmony_NN ,_, or_CC relief_NN of_IN tension_NN ,_, or_CC sense_NN of
_IN ``_`` a_AT transformed_VBN inner_JJ nature_NN ''_'' which_WDT may_MD occur_V
B ,_, a_AT most_QL careful_JJ exploration_NN of_IN the_AT particular_JJ feature_
NN of_IN the_AT experience_NN which_WDT produces_VBZ the_AT effect_NN would_MD b
e_BE required_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT calm_NN which_WDT follows_VBZ the_AT reading_
NN of_IN a_AT poem_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT effect_NN produced
_VBN by_IN the_AT enforced_VBN quiet_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT musical_JJ quality_NN o
f_IN words_NNS and_CC rhythm_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT sentiments_NNS or_CC sense_NN o
f_IN the_AT poem_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT associations_NNS with_IN earlier_JJR readin
gs_NNS ,_, if_CS it_PPS is_BEZ familiar_JJ ,_, by_IN the_AT boost_NN to_IN the_A
T self-esteem_NN for_IN the_AT semi-literate_JJ ,_, by_IN the_AT diversion_NN of
_IN attention_NN ,_, by_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN security_NN in_IN a_AT legitimi
zed_VBN withdrawal_NN ,_, by_IN a_AT kind_JJ license_NN for_IN some_DTI variety_
NN of_IN fantasy_NN life_NN regarded_VBN as_CS forbidden_VBN ,_, or_CC by_IN hal
f-conscious_JJ ideas_NNS about_IN the_AT magical_JJ power_NN of_IN words_NNS ?_.
?_. These_DTS are_BER ,_, if_CS the_AT research_NN is_BEZ done_VBN with_IN subt
lety_NN and_CC skill_NN ,_, researchable_JJ topics_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT researc
h_NN is_BEZ missing_VBG ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL frequent_JJ views_NNS of
_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN literature_NN is_BEZ the_AT education_NN of_IN sensibi
lity_NN that_WPO it_PPS is_BEZ thought_VBN to_TO provide_VB ._. Sensibility_NN i
s_BEZ a_AT vague_JJ word_NN ,_, covering_VBG an_AT area_NN of_IN meaning_NN rath
er_IN than_IN any_DTI precise_JJ talent_NN ,_, quality_NN ,_, or_CC skill_NN ._.
Among_IN other_AP things_NNS it_PPS means_VBZ perception_NN ,_, discrimination_
NN ,_, sensitivity_NN to_IN subtle_JJ differences_NNS ._. Both_ABX the_AT extent
_NN to_IN which_WDT this_DT is_BEZ true_JJ and_CC the_AT limits_NNS of_IN the_AT
field_NN of_IN perceptual_JJ skill_NN involved_VBN should_MD be_BE acknowledged
_VBN ._. Its_PP$ truth_NN is_BEZ illustrated_VBN by_IN the_AT skill_NN ,_, sensi
tivity_NN ,_, and_CC general_JJ expertise_NN of_IN the_AT English_JJ professor_N
N with_IN whom_WPO one_PN attends_VBZ the_AT theatre_NN ._. The_AT limits_NNS ar
e_BER suggested_VBN by_IN an_AT imaginary_JJ experiment_NN :_: contrast_VB the_A
T perceptual_JJ skill_NN of_IN English_JJ professors_NNS with_IN that_DT of_IN t
heir_PP$ colleagues_NNS in_IN discriminating_VBG among_IN motor_NN cars_NNS ,_,
political_JJ candidates_NNS ,_, or_CC female_JJ beauty_NN ._. Along_IN these_DTS
lines_NNS ,_, the_AT particular_JJ point_NN that_CS sensitivity_NN in_IN litera
ture_NN leads_VBZ to_IN sensitivity_NN in_IN human_JJ relations_NNS would_MD req
uire_VB more_AP proof_NN than_CS I_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN ._. In_IN a_AT symposiu
m_NN and_CC general_JJ exploration_NN of_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN Personal_JJ-TL
Perception_NN-TL and_CC-TL Interpersonal_JJ-TL Behavior_NN-TL the_AT discussion
_NN does_DOZ not_* touch_VB upon_IN this_DT aspect_NN of_IN the_AT subject_NN ,_
, with_IN one_CD possible_JJ exception_NN ;_. ;_. Solomon_NP Asch_NP shows_VBZ t
he_AT transcultural_JJ stability_NN of_IN metaphors_NNS based_VBN on_IN sensatio
n_NN (_( hot_JJ ,_, sweet_JJ ,_, bitter_JJ ,_, etc._RB )_) dealing_VBG with_IN p
ersonal_JJ qualities_NNS of_IN human_JJ beings_NNS and_CC events_NNS ._. But_CC
to_TO go_VB from_IN here_RB to_IN the_AT belief_NN that_CS those_DTS more_QL sen
sitive_JJ to_IN metaphor_NN and_CC language_NN will_MD also_RB be_BE more_QL sen
sitive_JJ to_IN personal_JJ differences_NNS is_BEZ too_QL great_JJ an_AT inferen
tial_JJ leap_NN ._. I_PPSS would_MD say_VB ,_, too_RB ,_, that_CS the_AT study_N
N of_IN literature_NN tends_VBZ to_TO give_VB a_AT person_NN what_WDT I_PPSS sha
ll_MD call_VB depth_NN ._. I_PPSS use_VB this_DT term_NN to_TO mean_VB three_CD
things_NNS :_: a_AT search_NN for_IN the_AT human_JJ significance_NN of_IN an_AT
event_NN or_CC state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS ,_, a_AT tendency_NN to_TO look_VB at
_IN wholes_NNS rather_IN than_IN parts_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT tendency_NN to_TO res
pond_VB to_IN these_DTS events_NNS and_CC wholes_NNS with_IN feeling_VBG ._. It_
PPS is_BEZ the_AT obverse_NN of_IN triviality_NN ,_, shallowness_NN ,_, emotiona
l_JJ anaesthesia_NN ._. I_PPSS think_VB these_DTS attributes_NNS cluster_VB ,_,
but_CC I_PPSS have_HV no_AT evidence_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, I_PPSS can_MD only
_RB say_VB this_DT seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO to_TO follow_VB from_IN a_AT wide_JJ ,
_, continuous_JJ ,_, and_CC properly_RB guided_VBN exposure_NN to_IN literary_JJ
art_NN ._. The_AT late_JJ R._NP G._NP Collingwood_NP ,_, a_AT philosopher_NN wh
ose_WP$ work_NN has_HVZ proved_VBN helpful_JJ to_IN many_AP students_NNS of_IN l
iterature_NN ,_, once_RB wrote_VBD ``_`` :_. :_. We_PPSS are_BER all_ABN ,_, tho
ugh_CS many_AP of_IN us_PPO are_BER snobbish_JJ enough_QLP to_TO wish_VB to_TO d
eny_VB it_PPO ,_, in_IN far_QL closer_JJR sympathy_NN with_IN the_AT art_NN of_I
N the_AT music-hall_NN and_CC picture-palace_NN than_CS with_IN Chaucer_NP and_C
C Cimabue_NP ,_, or_CC even_RB Shakespeare_NP and_CC Titian_NP ._. By_IN an_AT e
ffort_NN of_IN historical_JJ sympathy_NN we_PPSS can_MD cast_VB our_PP$ minds_NN
S back_RB into_IN the_AT art_NN of_IN a_AT remote_JJ past_NN or_CC an_AT alien_J
J present_NN ,_, and_CC enjoy_VB the_AT carvings_NNS of_IN cavemen_NNS and_CC Ja
panese_JJ colour-prints_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC the_AT possibility_NN of_IN this_DT e
ffort_NN is_BEZ bound_VBN up_RP with_IN that_DT development_NN of_IN historical_
JJ thought_NN which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT greatest_JJT achievement_NN of_IN our_PP$
civilization_NN in_IN the_AT last_AP two_CD centuries_NNS ,_, and_CC it_PPS is_B
EZ utterly_QL impossible_JJ to_IN people_NNS in_IN whom_WPO this_DT development_
NN has_HVZ not_* taken_VBN place_NN ._. The_AT natural_JJ and_CC primary_JJ aest
hetic_JJ attitude_NN is_BEZ to_TO enjoy_VB contemporary_JJ art_NN ,_, to_TO desp
ise_VB and_CC dislike_VB the_AT art_NN of_IN the_AT recent_JJ past_NN ,_, and_CC
wholly_RB to_TO ignore_VB everything_PN else_RB ''_'' ._. One_PN might_MD argue
_VB that_CS the_AT ultimate_JJ purpose_NN of_IN literary_JJ scholarship_NN is_BE
Z to_TO correct_VB this_DT spontaneous_JJ provincialism_NN that_WPS is_BEZ likel
y_RB to_TO obscure_VB the_AT horizons_NNS of_IN the_AT general_JJ public_NN ,_,
of_IN the_AT newspaper_NN critic_NN ,_, and_CC of_IN the_AT creative_JJ artist_N
N himself_PPL ._. There_EX results_VBZ a_AT study_NN of_IN literature_NN freed_V
BN from_IN the_AT tyranny_NN of_IN the_AT contemporary_NN ._. Such_JJ study_NN m
ay_MD take_VB many_AP forms_NNS ._. The_AT study_NN of_IN ideas_NNS in_IN litera
ture_NN is_BEZ one_CD of_IN these_DTS ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, it_PPS goes_VBZ wi
thout_IN saying_VBG that_CS no_AT student_NN of_IN ideas_NNS can_MD justifiably_
RB ignore_VB the_AT contemporary_JJ scene_NN ._. He_PPS will_MD frequently_RB re
turn_VB to_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT continuities_NNS ,_, contrasts_NNS ,_, and_CC si
milarities_NNS discernible_JJ when_WRB past_NN and_CC present_NN are_BER surveye
d_VBN together_RB are_BER inexhaustible_JJ and_CC the_AT one_CD is_BEZ often_RB
understood_VBN through_IN the_AT other_AP ._. When_WRB we_PPSS assert_VB the_AT
value_NN of_IN such_JJ study_NN ,_, we_PPSS find_VB ourselves_PPLS committed_VBN
to_IN an_AT important_JJ assumption_NN ._. Most_AP students_NNS of_IN literatur
e_NN ,_, whether_CS they_PPSS call_VB themselves_PPLS scholars_NNS or_CC critics
_NNS ,_, are_BER ready_JJ to_TO argue_VB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO
understand_VB literary_JJ works_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS to_TO enjoy_VB them_PPO
._. Many_AP will_MD add_VB that_CS we_PPSS may_MD find_VB our_PP$ enjoyment_NN
heightened_VBN by_IN our_PP$ understanding_NN ._. This_DT understanding_NN ,_, o
f_IN course_NN ,_, may_MD in_IN its_PP$ turn_NN take_VB many_AP forms_NNS and_CC
some_DTI of_IN these_DTS --_-- especially_RB those_DTS most_QL interesting_JJ t
o_IN the_AT student_NN of_IN comparative_JJ literature_NN --_-- are_BER essentia
lly_RB historical_JJ ._. But_CC the_AT historian_NN of_IN literature_NN need_MD
not_* confine_VB his_PP$ attention_NN to_IN biography_NN or_CC to_IN stylistic_J
J questions_NNS of_IN form_NN ,_, ``_`` texture_NN ''_'' ,_, or_CC technique_NN
._. He_PPS may_MD also_RB consider_VB ideas_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ that_C
S this_DT distinction_NN between_IN style_NN and_CC idea_NN often_RB approaches_
VBZ the_AT arbitrary_JJ since_CS in_IN the_AT end_NN we_PPSS must_MD admit_VB th
at_CS style_NN and_CC content_NN frequently_RB influence_VB or_CC interpenetrate
_VB one_CD another_DT and_CC sometimes_RB appear_VB as_CS expressions_NNS of_IN
the_AT same_AP insight_NN ._. But_CC ,_, in_IN general_JJ ,_, we_PPSS may_MD arg
ue_VB that_CS the_AT student_NN can_MD direct_VB the_AT primary_JJ emphasis_NN o
f_IN his_PP$ attention_NN toward_IN one_CD or_CC the_AT other_AP ._. At_IN this_
DT point_NN a_AT working_VBG definition_NN of_IN idea_NN-NC is_BEZ in_IN order_N
N ,_, although_CS our_PP$ first_OD definition_NN will_MD have_HV to_TO be_BE qua
lified_VBN somewhat_RB as_CS we_PPSS proceed_VB ._. The_AT term_NN idea_NN-NC re
fers_VBZ to_IN our_PP$ more_QL reflective_JJ or_CC thoughtful_JJ consciousness_N
N as_CS opposed_VBN to_IN the_AT immediacies_NNS of_IN sensuous_JJ or_CC emotion
al_JJ experience_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ through_IN such_JJ reflection_NN that_CS l
iterature_NN approaches_VBZ philosophy_NN ._. An_AT idea_NN ,_, let_VB us_PPO sa
y_VB ,_, may_MD be_BE roughly_RB defined_VBN as_CS a_AT theme_NN or_CC topic_NN
with_IN which_WDT our_PP$ reflection_NN may_MD be_BE concerned_VBN ._. In_IN thi
s_DT essay_NN ,_, we_PPSS are_BER ,_, along_RB with_IN most_AP historians_NNS ,_
, interested_VBN in_IN the_AT more_QL general_JJ or_CC more_QL inclusive_JJ idea
s_NNS ,_, that_WPS are_BER so_RB to_TO speak_VB ``_`` writ_VBN large_JJ ''_'' in
_IN history_NN of_IN literature_NN where_WRB they_PPSS recur_VB continually_RB .
_. Outstanding_JJ among_IN these_DTS is_BEZ the_AT idea_NN of_IN human_JJ nature
_NN itself_PPL ,_, including_IN the_AT many_AP definitions_NNS that_WPS have_HV
been_BEN advanced_VBN over_IN the_AT centuries_NNS ;_. ;_. also_RB secondary_JJ
notions_NNS such_JJ as_CS the_AT perfectibility_NN of_IN man_NN ,_, the_AT depra
vity_NN of_IN man_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT dignity_NN of_IN man_NN ._. One_PN might_
MD ,_, indeed_RB ,_, argue_VB that_CS the_AT history_NN of_IN ideas_NNS ,_, in_I
N so_QL far_RB as_CS it_PPS includes_VBZ the_AT literatures_NNS ,_, must_MD cent
er_VB on_IN characterizations_NNS of_IN human_JJ nature_NN and_CC that_CS the_AT
great_JJ periods_NNS of_IN literary_JJ achievement_NN may_MD be_BE distinguishe
d_VBN from_IN one_CD another_DT by_IN reference_NN to_IN the_AT images_NNS of_IN
human_JJ nature_NN that_WPO they_PPSS succeed_VB in_IN fashioning_VBG ._. We_PP
SS need_MD not_* ,_, to_TO be_BE sure_JJ ,_, expect_VB to_TO find_VB such_JJ ide
as_NNS in_IN every_AT piece_NN of_IN literature_NN ._. An_AT idea_NN ,_, of_IN t
he_AT sort_NN that_WPO we_PPSS have_HV in_IN mind_NN ,_, although_CS of_IN neces
sity_NN readily_RB available_JJ to_IN imagination_NN ,_, is_BEZ more_QL general_
JJ in_IN connotation_NN than_CS most_AP poetic_JJ or_CC literary_JJ images_NNS ,
_, especially_RB those_DTS appearing_VBG in_IN lyric_NN poems_NNS that_WPS seek_
VB to_TO capture_VB a_AT moment_NN of_IN personal_JJ experience_NN ._. Thus_RB B
urns's_NP$ ``_`` My_PP$ love_NN is_BEZ like_CS a_AT red_JJ ,_, red_JJ rose_NN ''
_'' and_CC Hopkins'_NP$ ``_`` The_AT thunder-purple_JJ sea-beach_NN ,_, plumed_V
BN purple_NN of_IN Thunder_NN-TL ''_'' although_CS clearly_RB intelligible_JJ in
_IN content_NN ,_, hardly_RB present_VB ideas_NNS of_IN the_AT sort_NN with_IN w
hich_WDT we_PPSS are_BER here_RB concerned_VBN ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN
,_, Arnold's_NP$ ``_`` The_AT unplumbed_JJ ,_, salt_NN ,_, estranging_VBG sea_N
N ''_'' ,_, taken_VBN in_IN its_PP$ context_NN ,_, certainly_RB does_DOZ so_RB .
_. Understanding_VBG a_AT work_NN of_IN art_NN involves_VBZ recognition_NN of_IN
the_AT ideas_NNS that_WPO it_PPS reflects_VBZ or_CC embodies_VBZ ._. Thus_RB th
e_AT student_NN of_IN literature_NN may_MD sometimes_RB find_VB it_PPO helpful_J
J to_TO classify_VB a_AT poem_NN or_CC an_AT essay_NN as_CS being_BEG in_IN idea
_NN or_CC in_IN ideal_JJ content_NN or_CC subject_NN matter_NN typical_JJ or_CC
atypical_JJ of_IN its_PP$ period_NN ._. Again_RB ,_, he_PPS may_MD discover_VB e
mbodied_VBN within_IN its_PP$ texture_NN a_AT theme_NN or_CC idea_NN that_WPS ha
s_HVZ been_BEN presented_VBN elsewhere_RB and_CC at_IN other_AP times_NNS in_IN
various_JJ ways_NNS ._. Our_PP$ understanding_VBG will_MD very_QL probably_RB re
quire_VB both_ABX these_DTS commentaries_NNS ._. Very_QL likely_JJ it_PPS will_M
D also_RB include_VB a_AT recognition_NN that_CS the_AT work_NN we_PPSS are_BER
reading_VBG reflects_VBZ or_CC ``_`` belongs_VBZ to_IN ''_'' some_DTI way_NN of_
IN thought_NN labelled_VBN as_CS a_AT ``_`` school_NN ''_'' or_CC an_AT ``_`` -i
sm_NN ''_'' ,_, i.e._RB a_AT complex_NN or_CC ``_`` syndrome_NN ''_'' of_IN idea
s_NNS occurring_VBG together_RB with_IN sufficient_JJ prominence_NN to_TO warran
t_VB identification_NN ._. Thus_RB ideas_NNS like_CS ``_`` grace_NN ''_'' ,_, ``
_`` salvation_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` providence_NN ''_'' cluster_VB together_
RB in_IN traditional_JJ Christianity_NP ._. Usually_RB the_AT work_NN studied_VB
N offers_VBZ us_PPO a_AT special_JJ or_CC even_RB an_AT individualized_VBN rende
ring_NN or_CC treatment_NN of_IN the_AT ideas_NNS in_IN question_NN ,_, so_CS th
at_CS the_AT student_NN finds_VBZ it_PPO necessary_JJ to_TO distinguish_VB caref
ully_RB between_IN the_AT several_AP expressions_NNS of_IN an_AT ``_`` -ism_NN '
'_'' or_CC mode_NN of_IN thought_NN ._. Accordingly_RB we_PPSS may_MD speak_VB o
f_IN the_AT Platonism_NP peculiar_JJ to_IN Shelley's_NP$ poems_NNS or_CC the_AT
type_NN of_IN Stoicism_NN-TL present_RB in_IN Henley's_NP$ ``_`` Invictus_FW-JJ-
TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC we_PPSS may_MD find_VB that_CS describing_VBG such_JJ Platon
ism_NP or_CC such_JJ Stoicism_NN-TL and_CC contrasting_VBG each_DT with_IN other
_AP expressions_NNS of_IN the_AT same_AP attitude_NN or_CC mode_NN of_IN thought
_NN is_BEZ a_AT difficult_JJ and_CC challenging_JJ enterprise_NN ._. After_IN al
l_ABN ,_, Shelley_NP is_BEZ no_AT ``_`` orthodox_JJ ''_'' or_CC Hellenic_JJ Plat
onist_NP ,_, and_CC even_RB his_PP$ ``_`` romantic_JJ ''_'' Platonism_NP can_MD
be_BE distinguished_VBN from_IN that_DT of_IN his_PP$ contemporaries_NNS ._. Aga
in_RB ,_, Henley's_NP$ attitude_NN of_IN defiance_NN which_WDT colors_VBZ his_PP
$ ideal_NN of_IN self-mastery_NN is_BEZ far_RB from_IN characteristic_JJ of_IN a
_AT Stoic_NP thinker_NN like_CS Marcus_NP Aurelius_NP ,_, whose_WP$ gentle_JJ ac
quiescence_NN is_BEZ almost_RB Christian_JJ ,_, comparable_JJ to_IN the_AT patie
nce_NN expressed_VBN in_IN Milton's_NP$ sonnet_NN on_IN his_PP$ own_JJ blindness
_NN ._. In_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ,_, we_PPSS have_HV come_VBN increasingly_RB t
o_TO recognize_VB that_CS ideas_NNS have_HV a_AT history_NN and_CC that_CS not_*
the_AT least_QL important_JJ chapters_NNS of_IN this_DT history_NN have_HV to_T
O do_DO with_IN thematic_JJ or_CC conceptual_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN literature_NN
and_CC the_AT arts_NNS ,_, although_CS these_DTS aspects_NNS should_MD be_BE stu
died_VBN in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN philosophy_NN ,_,
of_IN religion_NN ,_, and_CC of_IN the_AT sciences_NNS ._. When_WRB these_DTS fi
elds_NNS are_BER surveyed_VBN together_RB ,_, important_JJ patterns_NNS of_IN re
lationship_NN emerge_VB indicating_VBG a_AT vast_JJ community_NN of_IN reciproca
l_JJ influence_NN ,_, a_AT continuity_NN of_IN thought_NN and_CC expression_NN i
ncluding_IN many_AP traditions_NNS ,_, primarily_RB literary_JJ ,_, religious_JJ
,_, and_CC philosophical_JJ ,_, but_CC frequently_RB including_IN contact_NN wi
th_IN the_AT fine_JJ arts_NNS and_CC even_RB ,_, to_IN some_DTI extent_NN ,_, wi
th_IN science_NN ._. Here_RB we_PPSS may_MD observe_VB that_CS at_IN least_AP on
e_CD modern_JJ philosophy_NN of_IN history_NN is_BEZ built_VBN on_IN the_AT assu
mption_NN that_CS ideas_NNS are_BER the_AT primary_JJ objectives_NNS of_IN the_A
T historian's_NN$ research_NN ._. Let_VB us_PPO quote_VB once_RB more_RBR from_I
N R._NP G._NP Collingwood_NP :_: ``_`` History_NN is_BEZ properly_RB concerned_V
BN with_IN the_AT actions_NNS of_IN human_JJ beings_NNS Regarded_VBN from_IN the
_AT outside_NN ,_, an_AT action_NN is_BEZ an_AT event_NN or_CC series_NN of_IN e
vents_NNS occurring_VBG in_IN the_AT physical_JJ world_NN ;_. ;_. regarded_VBN f
rom_IN the_AT inside_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ the_AT carrying_NN into_IN action_NN o
f_IN a_AT certain_JJ thought_NN The_AT historian's_NN$ business_NN is_BEZ to_TO
penetrate_VB to_IN the_AT inside_NN of_IN the_AT actions_NNS with_IN which_WDT h
e_PPS is_BEZ dealing_VBG and_CC reconstruct_VB or_CC rather_RB rethink_VB the_AT
thoughts_NNS which_WDT constituted_VBD them_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT characte
ristic_NN of_IN thoughts_NNS that_CS in_IN re-thinking_VBG them_PPO we_PPSS come
_VB ,_, ipso_FW-JJ facto_FW-NN ,_, to_TO understand_VB why_WRB they_PPSS were_BE
D thought_VBN ''_'' ._. Such_ABL an_AT understanding_NN ,_, although_CS it_PPS m
ust_MD seek_VB to_TO be_BE sympathetic_JJ ,_, is_BEZ not_* a_AT matter_NN of_IN
intuition_NN ._. ``_`` History_NN has_HVZ this_DT in_IN common_JJ with_IN every_
AT other_AP science_NN :_: that_CS the_AT historian_NN is_BEZ not_* allowed_VBN
to_TO claim_VB any_DTI single_AP piece_NN of_IN knowledge_NN ,_, except_IN where
_WRB he_PPS can_MD justify_VB his_PP$ claim_NN by_IN exhibiting_VBG to_IN himsel
f_PPL in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ,_, and_CC secondly_RB to_IN any_DTI one_PN
else_RB who_WPS is_BEZ both_ABX able_JJ and_CC willing_JJ to_TO follow_VB his_P
P$ demonstration_NN ,_, the_AT grounds_NNS upon_IN which_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ based
_VBN ._. This_DT is_BEZ what_WDT was_BEDZ meant_VBN ,_, above_RB ,_, by_IN descr
ibing_VBG history_NN as_CS inferential_JJ ._. The_AT knowledge_NN in_IN virtue_N
N of_IN which_WDT a_AT man_NN is_BEZ an_AT historian_NN is_BEZ a_AT knowledge_NN
of_IN what_WDT the_AT evidence_NN at_IN his_PP$ disposal_NN proves_VBZ about_IN
certain_JJ events_NNS ''_'' ._. It_PPS is_BEZ obvious_JJ that_CS the_AT histori
an_NN who_WPS seeks_VBZ to_TO recapture_VB the_AT ideas_NNS that_WPS have_HV mot
ivated_VBN human_JJ behavior_NN throughout_IN a_AT given_VBN period_NN will_MD f
ind_VB the_AT art_NN and_CC literature_NN of_IN that_DT age_NN one_CD of_IN his_
PP$ central_JJ and_CC major_JJ concerns_NNS ,_, by_IN no_AT means_NN a_AT mere_J
J supplement_NN or_CC adjunct_NN of_IN significant_JJ historical_JJ research_NN
._. The_AT student_NN of_IN ideas_NNS and_CC their_PP$ place_NN in_IN history_NN
will_MD always_RB be_BE concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT patterns_NNS of_IN transit
ion_NN ,_, which_WDT are_BER at_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN patterns_NNS of_IN tra
nsformation_NN ,_, whereby_WRB ideas_NNS pass_VB from_IN one_CD area_NN of_IN ac
tivity_NN to_IN another_DT ._. Let_VB us_PPO survey_VB for_IN a_AT moment_NN the
_AT development_NN of_IN modern_JJ thought_NN --_-- turning_VBG our_PP$ attentio
n_NN from_IN the_AT Reformation_NN-TL toward_IN the_AT revolutionary_JJ and_CC r
omantic_JJ movements_NNS that_WPS follow_VB and_CC dwelling_VBG finally_RB on_IN
more_QL recent_JJ decades_NNS ._. We_PPSS may_MD thus_RB trace_VB the_AT notion
_NN of_IN individual_JJ autonomy_NN from_IN its_PP$ manifestation_NN in_IN relig
ious_JJ practice_NN and_CC theological_JJ reflection_NN through_IN practical_JJ
politics_NN and_CC political_JJ theory_NN into_IN literature_NN and_CC the_AT ar
ts_NNS ._. Finally_RB we_PPSS may_MD note_VB that_CS the_AT idea_NN appears_VBZ
in_IN educational_JJ theory_NN where_WRB its_PP$ influence_NN is_BEZ at_IN prese
nt_NN widespread_RB ._. No_AT one_PN will_MD deny_VB that_CS such_JJ broad_JJ de
velopments_NNS and_CC transitions_NNS are_BER of_IN great_JJ intrinsic_JJ intere
st_NN and_CC the_AT study_NN of_IN ideas_NNS in_IN literature_NN would_MD be_BE
woefully_QL incomplete_JJ without_IN frequent_JJ reference_NN to_IN them_PPO ._.
Still_RB ,_, we_PPSS must_MD remember_VB that_CS we_PPSS cannot_MD* construct_V
B and_CC justify_VB generalizations_NNS of_IN this_DT sort_NN unless_CS we_PPSS
are_BER ready_JJ to_TO consider_VB many_AP special_JJ instances_NNS of_IN influe
nce_NN moving_VBG between_IN such_JJ areas_NNS as_CS theology_NN ,_, philosophy_
NN ,_, political_JJ thought_NN ,_, and_CC literature_NN ._. The_AT actual_JJ mom
ents_NNS of_IN contact_NN are_BER vitally_QL important_JJ ._. These_DTS moments_
NNS are_BER historical_JJ events_NNS in_IN the_AT lives_NNS of_IN individual_JJ
authors_NNS with_IN which_WDT the_AT student_NN of_IN comparative_JJ literature_
NN must_MD be_BE frequently_RB concerned_VBN ._. Perhaps_RB the_AT most_QL power
ful_JJ and_CC most_QL frequently_RB recurring_VBG literary_JJ influence_NN on_IN
the_AT Western_JJ-TL world_NN has_HVZ been_BEN that_DT of_IN the_AT Old_JJ-TL a
nd_CC New_JJ-TL Testament_NN-TL ._. Certainly_RB one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL imp
ortant_JJ comments_NNS that_WPO can_MD be_BE made_VBN upon_IN the_AT spiritual_J
J and_CC cultural_JJ life_NN of_IN any_DTI period_NN of_IN Western_JJ-TL civiliz
ation_NN during_IN the_AT past_AP sixteen_CD or_CC seventeen_CD centuries_NNS ha
s_HVZ to_TO do_DO with_IN the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT its_PP$ leaders_NNS have
_HV read_VBN and_CC interpreted_VBN the_AT Bible_NP ._. This_DT reading_NN and_C
C the_AT comments_NNS that_WPO it_PPS evoked_VBD constitute_VB the_AT influence_
NN ._. A_AT contrast_NN of_IN the_AT scripture_NN reading_NN of_IN ,_, let_VB us
_PPO say_VB ,_, St._NN-TL Augustine_NP ,_, John_NP Bunyan_NP ,_, and_CC Thomas_N
P Jefferson_NP ,_, all_ABN three_CD of_IN whom_WPO found_VBD in_IN such_JJ study
_NN a_AT real_JJ source_NN of_IN enlightenment_NN ,_, can_MD tell_VB us_PPO a_AT
great_JJ deal_NN about_IN these_DTS three_CD men_NNS and_CC the_AT age_NN that_
WPO each_DT represented_VBD and_CC helped_VBD bring_VB to_IN conscious_JJ expres
sion_NN ._. In_IN much_RB the_AT same_AP way_NN ,_, we_PPSS recognize_VB the_AT
importance_NN of_IN Shakespeare's_NP$ familarity_NN with_IN Plutarch_NP and_CC M
ontaigne_NP ,_, of_IN Shelley's_NP$ study_NN of_IN Plato's_NP$ dialogues_NNS ,_,
and_CC of_IN Coleridge's_NP$ enthusiastic_JJ plundering_NN of_IN the_AT writing
s_NNS of_IN many_AP philosophers_NNS and_CC theologians_NNS from_IN Plato_NP to_
IN Schelling_NP and_CC William_NP Godwin_NP ,_, through_IN which_WDT so_QL many_
AP abstract_JJ ideas_NNS were_BED brought_VBN to_IN the_AT attention_NN of_IN En
glish_JJ men_NNS of_IN letters_NNS ._. We_PPSS may_MD also_RB recognize_VB cases
_NNS in_IN which_WDT the_AT poets_NNS have_HV influenced_VBN the_AT philosophers
_NNS and_CC even_RB indirectly_RB the_AT scientists_NNS ._. English_JJ philosoph
er_NN Samuel_NP Alexander's_NP$ debt_NN to_IN Wordsworth_NP and_CC Meredith_NP i
s_BEZ a_AT recent_JJ interesting_JJ example_NN ,_, as_CS also_RB A._NP N._NP Whi
tehead's_NP$ understanding_NN of_IN the_AT English_JJ romantics_NNS ,_, chiefly_
RB Shelley_NP and_CC Wordsworth_NP ._. Hegel's_NP$ profound_JJ admiration_NN for
_IN the_AT insights_NNS of_IN the_AT Greek_JJ tragedians_NNS indicates_VBZ a_AT
broad_JJ channel_NN of_IN classical_JJ influence_NN upon_IN nineteenth-century_N
N philosophy_NN ._. Again_RB the_AT student_NN of_IN evolutionary_JJ biology_NN
will_MD find_VB a_AT fascinating_JJ ,_, if_CS to_IN our_PP$ minds_NNS grotesque_
JJ ,_, anticipation_NN of_IN the_AT theory_NN of_IN chance_NN variations_NNS and
_CC the_AT natural_JJ elimination_NN of_IN the_AT unfit_JJ in_IN Lucretius_NP ,_
, who_WPS in_IN turn_NN seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV borrowed_VBN the_AT concept_NN f
rom_IN the_AT philosopher_NN Empedocles_NP ._. Here_RB an_AT important_JJ caveat
_NN is_BEZ in_IN order_NN ._. We_PPSS must_MD avoid_VB the_AT notion_NN ,_, sugg
ested_VBN to_IN some_DTI people_NNS by_IN examples_NNS such_JJ as_CS those_DTS j
ust_RB mentioned_VBN ,_, that_CS ideas_NNS are_BER ``_`` units_NNS ''_'' in_IN s
ome_DTI way_NN comparable_JJ to_IN coins_NNS or_CC counters_NNS that_WPS can_MD
be_BE passed_VBN intact_JJ from_IN one_CD group_NN of_IN people_NNS to_IN anothe
r_DT or_CC even_RB ,_, for_IN that_DT matter_NN ,_, from_IN one_CD individual_NN
to_IN another_DT ._. ``_`` Suppose_VB you_PPSS take_VB Mr._NP Hearst's_NP$ morn
ing_NN American_NP at_IN $10,000_NNS a_AT year_NN ''_'' ,_, Brisbane_NP proposed
_VBD ._. ``_`` You_PPSS could_MD come_VB down_RP to_IN the_AT office_NN once_RB
a_AT day_NN ,_, look_VB over_IN a_AT few_AP exchanges_NNS ,_, dictate_VB an_AT e
ditorial_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB have_HV the_AT remainder_NN of_IN your_PP$ time_N
N for_IN your_PP$ more_QL serious_JJ literary_JJ labors_NNS ._. If_CS within_IN
one_CD year_NN you_PPSS can_MD make_VB a_AT success_NN out_IN of_IN the_AT Ameri
can_NP ,_, you_PPSS can_MD practically_RB name_VB your_PP$ own_JJ salary_NN ther
eafter_RB ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, if_CS you_PPSS don't_DO* make_VB the_AT Americ
an_NP a_AT success_NN ,_, Hearst_NP will_MD have_HV no_AT further_AP use_NN for_
IN you_PPO ''_'' ._. The_AT blue-eyed_JJ Watson_NP decided_VBD that_CS he_PPS wo
uld_MD dislike_VB living_VBG in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT deal_N
N fell_VBD through_RP ._. Hearst's_NP$ luck_NN was_BEDZ even_QL poorer_JJR when_
WRB he_PPS had_HVD a_AT chat_NN with_IN Franklin_NP K._NP Lane_NP ,_, a_AT promi
nent_JJ California_NP journalist_NN and_CC reform_NN politician_NN ,_, whom_WPO
he_PPS asked_VBD for_IN his_PP$ support_NN ._. Lane_NP was_BEDZ still_RB burning
_VBG because_CS he_PPS had_HVD narrowly_RB missed_VBN election_NN as_CS governor
_NN of_IN California_NP in_IN 1902_CD and_CC laid_VBD his_PP$ defeat_NN to_IN th
e_AT antagonism_NN of_IN Hearst's_NP$ San_NP-TL Francisco_NP-TL Examiner_NN-TL .
_. Hearst_NP disclaimed_VBD blame_NN for_IN this_DT ,_, but_CC the_AT conversati
on_NN ,_, according_IN to_IN Lane_NP ,_, ended_VBD on_IN a_AT tart_JJ note_NN ._
. ``_`` Mr._NP Lane_NP ''_'' ,_, Hearst_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` if_CS you_PPSS eve
r_RB wish_VB anything_PN that_WPO I_PPSS can_MD do_DO ,_, all_ABN you_PPSS will_
MD have_HV to_TO do_DO will_MD be_BE to_TO send_VB me_PPO a_AT telegram_NN askin
g_VBG ,_, and_CC it_PPS will_MD be_BE done_VBN ''_'' ._. ``_`` Mr._NP Hearst_NP
''_'' ,_, Lane_NP replied_VBD as_CS he_PPS left_VBD ,_, ``_`` if_CS you_PPSS eve
r_RB get_VB a_AT telegram_NN from_IN me_PPO asking_VBG you_PPO to_TO do_DO anyth
ing_PN ,_, you_PPSS can_MD put_VB the_AT telegram_NN down_RP as_CS a_AT forgery_
NN ''_'' ._. Hearst_NP took_VBD a_AT brief_JJ respite_NN to_TO hurry_NN home_NR
to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL to_TO become_VB a_AT father_NN ._. On_IN April_NP 10_
CD ,_, 1904_CD ,_, his_PP$ first_OD child_NN was_BEDZ born_VBN ,_, a_AT son_NN n
amed_VBN George_NP after_IN the_AT late_JJ Senator_NN-TL ._. Hearst_NP saw_VBD h
is_PP$ wife_NN and_CC child_NN ,_, sent_VBD a_AT joyful_JJ message_NN to_IN his_
PP$ mother_NN in_IN California_NP ,_, and_CC soon_RB returned_VBD to_IN Washingt
on_NP ,_, where_WRB on_IN April_NP 22_CD ,_, for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN ,_,
he_PPS opened_VBD his_PP$ mouth_NN in_IN Congress_NP ._. This_DT was_BEDZ not_*
before_IN the_AT House_NN-TL but_CC before_IN the_AT Judiciary_NN-TL Committee_N
N-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS asked_VBD for_IN action_NN on_IN one_CD of_IN his_PP$
pet_NN bills_NNS ,_, that_DT calling_VBG for_IN an_AT investigation_NN of_IN the
_AT coal-railroad_NN monopoly_NN ._. Attorney_NN-TL Shearn_NP had_HVD worked_VBN
on_IN this_DT for_IN two_CD years_NNS and_CC had_HVD succeeded_VBN in_IN gettin
g_VBG a_AT report_NN supporting_VBG his_PP$ stand_NN from_IN the_AT United_VBN-T
L States_NNS-TL Attorney_NN-TL for_IN-TL the_AT-TL Southern_JJ-TL District_NN-TL
of_IN-TL New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Hearst_NP had_HVD spent_VBN more_AP than_IN $
60,000_NNS of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ money_NN in_IN the_AT probe_NN ,_, but_CC still_
RB Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL Knox_NP was_BEDZ quiescent_JJ ._. Six_CD of_IN t
he_AT railroads_NNS carrying_VBG coal_NN to_IN Tidewater_NN-TL from_IN the_AT Pe
nnsylvania_NP fields_NNS ,_, Hearst_NP said_VBD ,_, not_* only_RB had_HVD illega
l_JJ agreements_NNS with_IN coal_NN operators_NNS but_CC owned_VBD outright_RB a
t_IN least_AP eleven_CD mines_NNS ._. They_PPSS had_HVD watered_VBN their_PP$ st
ock_NN at_IN immense_JJ profit_NN ,_, then_RB had_HVD raised_VBN the_AT price_NN
of_IN coal_NN fifty_CD cents_NNS a_AT ton_NN ,_, netting_VBG themselves_PPLS an
other_DT $20,000,000_NNS in_IN annual_JJ profit_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT Attorney_NN-
TL General_JJ-TL has_HVZ been_BEN brooding_VBG over_IN that_DT evidence_NN like_
CS an_AT old_JJ hen_NN on_IN a_AT doorknob_NN for_IN eighteen_CD months_NNS ''_'
' ,_, Hearst_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` He_PPS has_HVZ not_* acted_VBN in_IN any_DTI
way_NN ,_, and_CC won't_MD* let_VB anyone_PN take_VB it_PPO away_RB from_IN him_
PPO ._. What_WDT I_PPSS want_VB is_BEZ to_TO have_HV this_DT evidence_NN come_VB
before_IN Congress_NP and_CC if_CS the_AT Attorney_NN-TL General_JJ-TL does_DOZ
not_* report_VB it_PPO ,_, as_CS I_PPSS am_BEM very_QL sure_JJ he_PPS won't_MD*
,_, as_CS he_PPS has_HVZ refused_VBN to_TO do_DO anything_PN of_IN the_AT kind_
NN ,_, I_PPSS then_RB wish_VB that_CS a_AT committee_NN of_IN seven_CD Represent
atives_NNS-TL be_BE appointed_VBN with_IN power_NN to_TO take_VB the_AT evidence
_NN ._. ''_'' The_AT Congressman_NN-TL tried_VBD hard_RB ,_, but_CC failed_VBD .
_. This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT very_AP sort_NN of_IN legislation_NN that_WPO Rooseve
lt_NP himself_PPL had_HVD in_IN mind_NN ._. There_EX can_MD be_BE little_AP doub
t_NN that_CS there_EX was_BEDZ a_AT conspiracy_NN in_IN Washington_NP ,_, overt_
JJ or_CC implied_VBN ,_, to_TO block_VB anything_PN Hearst_NP wanted_VBD ,_, eve
n_RB if_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ something_PN good_JJ ._. Hatred_NN tied_VBD his_PP$ h
ands_NNS in_IN Congress_NP ._. Roosevelt_NP and_CC others_NNS considered_VBD him
_PPO partly_QL responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT murder_NN of_IN McKinley_NP ._. They
_PPSS were_BED repelled_VBN by_IN his_PP$ noisy_JJ newspapers_NNS ,_, his_PP$ pe
rsonal_JJ publicity_NN ,_, his_PP$ presumptuous_JJ campaign_NN for_IN the_AT Pre
sidential_JJ-TL nomination_NN ,_, and_CC by_IN the_AT swelling_VBG cloud_NN of_I
N rumor_NN about_IN his_PP$ moral_JJ lapses_NNS ._. He_PPS might_MD get_VB votes
_NNS from_IN his_PP$ constituents_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS would_MD never_RB get_VB
a_AT helping_VBG hand_NN in_IN Congress_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT House_NN-
TL pariah_NN ._. Even_RB the_AT regular_JJ Democrats_NPS disowned_VBD him_PPO ._
. Inherently_RB incapable_JJ of_IN cooperating_VBG with_IN others_NNS ,_, he_PPS
ran_VBD his_PP$ own_JJ show_NN regardless_RB of_IN how_WQL many_AP party-line_N
N Democratic_JJ-TL toes_NNS he_PPS stepped_VBD on_IN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT po
litical_JJ maverick_NN ,_, a_AT reformer_NN with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ program_NN ,_
, determined_VBN to_TO bulldoze_VB it_PPO through_RP or_CC to_TO blazon_VB the_A
T infamy_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS balked_VBD him_PPO ._. He_PPS showed_VBD lit
tle_AP interest_NN in_IN measures_NNS put_VB forward_RB by_IN the_AT regular_JJ
Democrats_NPS ._. He_PPS sought_VBD to_TO run_VB Congress_NP as_CS he_PPS ran_VB
D his_PP$ New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL American_NP-TL or_CC Journal_NN-TL ,_, a_AT schem
e_NN veteran_JJ legislators_NNS resisted_VBD ._. For_CS a_AT freshman_NN Congres
sman_NN-TL to_TO read_VB political_JJ Lessons_NNS-TL to_IN graybeard_NN Democrat
s_NPS was_BEDZ poor_JJ policy_NN for_IN one_CD who_WPS needed_VBD to_TO make_VB
friends_NNS ._. He_PPS soon_RB quarreled_VBD with_IN all_ABN the_AT party_NN lea
ders_NNS in_IN the_AT House_NN-TL ,_, and_CC came_VBD to_TO be_BE regarded_VBN w
ith_IN detestation_NN by_IN regular_JJ Democrats_NPS as_CS a_AT professional_JJ
radical_JJ leading_VBG a_AT small_JJ pack_NN of_IN obedient_JJ terriers_NNS whos
e_WP$ constant_JJ snapping_NN was_BEDZ demoralizing_VBG to_IN party_NN disciplin
e_NN ._. To_IN old-line_NN Democrats_NPS ,_, the_AT Hearst_NP Presidential_JJ-TL
boom_NN ,_, now_RB in_IN full_JJ cry_NN ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT joke_NN of_IN the_A
T new_JJ century_NN ._. Yet_CC no_AT leader_NN had_HVD come_VBN to_IN the_AT for
e_NN who_WPS seemed_VBD likely_JJ to_TO give_VB the_AT puissant_JJ T._NP R._NP a
_AT semblance_NN of_IN a_AT race_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ talk_NN of_IN dragging
_VBG old_JJ ex-President_NN Cleveland_NP out_IN of_IN retirement_NN for_IN anoth
er_DT try_NN ._. Some_DTI preferred_VBD Judge_NN-TL Alton_NP B._NP Parker_NP of_
IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT host_NN of_IN dark_JJ horses_
NNS ._. The_AT sneers_NNS at_IN Hearst_NP changed_VBD to_IN concern_NN when_WRB
it_PPS was_BEDZ seen_VBN that_CS he_PPS had_HVD strong_JJ support_NN in_IN many_
AP parts_NNS of_IN the_AT country_NN ._. Platoons_NNS of_IN Hearst_NP agents_NNS
were_BED traveling_VBG from_IN state_NN to_IN state_NN in_IN a_AT surprisingly_
QL successful_JJ search_NN for_IN delegates_NNS at_IN the_AT coming_VBG conventi
on_NN ,_, and_CC there_EX were_BED charges_NNS that_CS money_NN was_BEDZ doing_V
BG a_AT large_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT persuading_NN ._. Just_RB when_WRB it_PPS
was_BEDZ needed_VBN for_IN the_AT campaign_NN ,_, Hearst_NP-TL Paper_NN-TL No._N
N-TL 8_CD-TL ,_, the_AT Boston_NP-TL American_NP-TL ,_, began_VBD publication_NN
._. A_AT Bay_NN-TL State_NN-TL supporter_NN said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Mr._NP Hearst's_
NP$ fight_NN has_HVZ been_BEN helped_VBN along_RB greatly_RB by_IN the_AT starti
ng_NN of_IN his_PP$ paper_NN in_IN Boston_NP ''_'' ._. His_PP$ candidacy_NN affe
cted_VBD his_PP$ journalism_NN somewhat_RB ._. He_PPS ordered_VBD his_PP$ editor
s_NNS to_TO tone_VB down_RP on_IN sensationalism_NN and_CC to_TO refrain_VB from
_IN using_VBG such_JJ words_NNS as_CS ``_`` seduction_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, ``_`` rape
_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, ``_`` abortion_NN-NC ''_'' ,_, ``_`` criminal_JJ-NC assault_NN-
NC ''_'' and_CC ``_`` born_VBN-NC out_RB-NC of_IN-NC wedlock_NN-NC ''_'' ._. In_
IN a_AT story_NN headed_VBN ,_, ``_`` Hearst_NP-HL Offers_VBZ-HL Cash_NN-HL ''_'
' ,_, the_AT Republican_NP New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL Tribune_NN-TL spread_VBD the_AT
money_NN rumor_NN ,_, quoting_VBG an_AT unnamed_JJ ``_`` Hearst_NP supporter_NN
''_'' as_CS saying_VBG :_: ``_`` The_AT argument_NN that_WPS is_BEZ cutting_VBG
most_AP ice_NN is_BEZ that_CS Hearst_NP is_BEZ the_AT only_AP candidate_NN who_W
PS is_BEZ fighting_VBG the_AT trusts_NNS fearlessly_RB and_CC who_WPS would_MD u
se_VB all_ABN the_AT powers_NNS of_IN government_NN to_TO disrupt_VB them_PPO if
_CS he_PPS were_BED elected_VBN ._. The_AT Hearst_NP men_NNS say_VB that_CS if_C
S Hearst_NP is_BEZ nominated_VBN ,_, he_PPS and_CC his_PP$ immediate_JJ friends_
NNS will_MD contribute_VB to_IN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL National_JJ-TL Committee
_NN-TL the_AT sum_NN of_IN $1,500,000_NNS ._. This_DT ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ urged_VB
N ,_, would_MD relieve_VB the_AT national_JJ committee_NN from_IN the_AT necessi
ty_NN of_IN appealing_VBG to_IN the_AT trust_NN magnates_NNS ._. The_AT alternat
ive_NN to_IN this_DT is_BEZ that_CS if_CS a_AT conservative_JJ candidate_NN is_B
EZ nominated_VBN the_AT national_JJ committee_NN will_MD have_HV to_TO appeal_VB
to_IN the_AT trusts_NNS for_IN their_PP$ campaign_NN funds_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN
doing_VBG this_DT will_MD incur_VB obligations_NNS which_WDT would_MD make_VB a
_AT Democratic_JJ-TL victory_NN absolutely_QL fruitless_JJ ._. The_AT average_JJ
Democratic_JJ-TL politician_NN ,_, especially_RB in_IN the_AT country_NN distri
cts_NNS ,_, is_BEZ hungry_JJ for_IN the_AT spoils_NNS of_IN office_NN ._. It_PPS
has_HVZ been_BEN a_AT long_JJ time_NN since_CS he_PPS has_HVZ seen_VBN any_DTI
campaign_NN money_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB the_AT proposition_NN is_BEZ laid_VBN d
own_RP to_IN him_PPO as_CS the_AT friends_NNS of_IN Mr._NP Hearst_NP are_BER lay
ing_VBG it_PPO down_RP these_DTS days_NNS he_PPS is_BEZ quite_QL likely_JJ to_TO
get_VB aboard_IN the_AT Hearst_NP bandwagon_NN ''_'' ._. If_CS anything_PN ,_,
the_AT conservative_JJ Democrats_NPS were_BED more_QL opposed_VBN to_IN Hearst_N
P than_CS the_AT Republicans_NPS ._. In_IN his_PP$ own_JJ state_NN of_IN New_JJ-
TL York_NP-TL ,_, the_AT two_CD Democratic_JJ-TL bellwethers_NNS ,_, State_NN-TL
Leader_NN-TL Hill_NP and_CC Tammany_NP-TL Boss_NN-TL Murphy_NP ,_, were_BED say
ing_VBG nothing_PN openly_RB against_IN Hearst_NP but_CC industriously_RB boosti
ng_VBG their_PP$ own_JJ favorites_NNS ,_, Murphy_NP being_BEG for_IN Cleveland_N
P and_CC Hill_NP for_IN Parker_NP ._. They_PPSS had_HVD lost_VBN twice_RB with_I
N the_AT radical_JJ Bryan_NP ,_, and_CC were_BED having_HVG no_AT part_NN of_IN
Hearst_NP ,_, whom_WPO they_PPSS considered_VBD more_QL radical_JJ than_CS Bryan
_NP ._. But_CC his_PP$ increasing_VBG strength_NN in_IN the_AT West_NR-TL looked
_VBD menacing_VBG ._. It_PPS caused_VBD Henry_NP Watterson_NP to_TO sound_VB a_A
T blast_NN in_IN his_PP$ Louisville_NP-TL Courier-Journal_NP-TL :_: ``_`` Does_D
OZ any_DTI sane_JJ Democrat_NP believe_VB that_CS Mr._NP Hearst_NP ,_, a_AT pers
on_NN unknown_JJ even_RB to_IN his_PP$ constituency_NN and_CC his_PP$ colleagues
_NNS ,_, without_IN a_AT word_NN or_CC act_NN in_IN the_AT public_JJ life_NN of_
IN his_PP$ country_NN ,_, past_AP or_CC present_JJ ,_, that_DT can_MD be_BE show
n_VBN to_TO be_BE his_PP$ to_TO commend_VB him_PPO ,_, could_MD by_IN any_DTI po
ssibility_NN be_BE elected_VBN President_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL
States_NNS-TL ?_. ?_. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ a_AT Hearst_NP barrel_NN ._. ''_''
More_QL splenetic_JJ was_BEDZ Senator_NN-TL Edward_NP Carmack_NP of_IN Tennessee
_NP ,_, a_AT Parker_NP man_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT nomination_NN of_IN Hearst_NP wou
ld_MD compass_VB the_AT ruin_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN ''_'' ,_, Carmack_NP said_
VBD ._. ``_`` It_PPS would_MD be_BE a_AT disgrace_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, as_CS I_PPSS
have_HV already_RB said_VBN to_IN the_AT people_NNS of_IN Tennessee_NP ,_, if_C
S Hearst_NP is_BEZ nominated_VBN ,_, we_PPSS may_MD as_QL well_RB pen_VB a_AT di
spatch_NN ,_, and_CC send_VB it_PPO back_RB from_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN battle
_NN :_: '_' All_ABN is_BEZ lost_VBN ,_, including_IN our_PP$ honor_NN '_' ''_''
._. A_AT lone_JJ pro-Hearst_JJ voice_NN from_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL City_NN-TL
was_BEDZ that_DT of_IN William_NP Devery_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN expelle
d_VBN as_CS a_AT Tammany_NP leader_NN but_CC still_RB claimed_VBD strong_JJ infl
uence_NN in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ district_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS understand_VB [_( Hea
rst_NP ]_) is_BEZ a_AT candidate_NN for_IN Presidential_JJ-TL honors_NNS ''_'' ,
_, Devery_NP said_VBD without_IN cracking_VBG a_AT smile_NN ._. ``_`` There's_EX
+BEZ nothing_PN like_CS buildin'_VBG from_IN the_AT bottom_NN up_RP ._. If_CS he
's_PPS+BEZ going_VBG to_IN the_AT St._NP Louis_NP convention_NN as_CS a_AT deleg
ate_NN we_PPSS ought_MD to_TO know_VB it_PPO ._. He's_PPS+BEZ got_VBN a_AT lot_N
N of_IN friends_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS ought_MD to_TO come_VB along_RB and_CC let
_VB us_PPO know_VB if_CS he_PPS wants_VBZ our_PP$ help_NN ''_'' ._. Hearst_NP wo
n_VBD the_AT Iowa_NP state_NN convention_NN ,_, but_CC ran_VBD into_IN a_AT bitt
er_JJ battle_NN in_IN Indiana_NP before_CS losing_VBG to_IN Parker_NP ,_, drawin
g_VBG an_AT angry_JJ statement_NN from_IN Indiana's_NP$ John_NP W._NP Kern_NP :_
: ``_`` We_PPSS are_BER menaced_VBN for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN in_IN the_AT
history_NN of_IN the_AT Republic_NN-TL by_IN the_AT open_JJ and_CC unblushing_JJ
effort_NN of_IN a_AT multi-millionaire_NN to_TO purchase_VB the_AT Presidential
_JJ-TL nomination_NN ._. Our_PP$ state_NN has_HVZ been_BEN overrun_VBN with_IN a
_AT gang_NN of_IN paid_VBN agents_NNS and_CC retainers_NNS ._. As_IN for_IN the_
AT paid_VBN Hessians_NPS from_IN other_AP states_NNS ,_, we_PPSS are_BER here_RB
to_TO instruct_VB the_AT Indiana_NP Democracy_NN-TL in_IN their_PP$ duty_NN ,_,
I_PPSS have_HV nothing_PN but_IN contempt_NN ._. The_AT Hearst_NP dollar_NN mar
k_NN is_BEZ all_QL over_IN them_PPO ._. ''_'' The_AT talk_NN of_IN a_AT Hearst_N
P ``_`` barrel_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ increasing_VBG ._. Another_DT Indiana_NP observ
er_NN later_RBR commented_VBD ,_, ``_`` Perhaps_RB we_PPSS shall_MD never_RB kno
w_VB how_WQL much_AP was_BEDZ spent_VBN (_( by_IN Hearst_NP )_) ,_, but_CC if_CS
as_QL much_AP money_NN was_BEDZ expended_VBN elsewhere_RB as_CS in_IN Indiana_N
P a_AT liberal_JJ fortune_NN was_BEDZ squandered_VBN ''_'' ._. In_IN his_PP$ fig
ht_NN for_IN the_AT Illinois_NP and_CC Indiana_NP delegations_NNS ,_, Hearst_NP
made_VBD several_AP trips_NNS to_IN Chicago_NP to_TO confer_VB with_IN Andrew_NP
Lawrence_NP ,_, the_AT former_AP San_NP-TL Francisco_NP-TL Examiner_NN-TL man_N
N who_WPS was_BEDZ now_RB his_PP$ Chicago_NP kingpin_NN ,_, and_CC once_RB to_TO
meet_VB with_IN Bryan_NP ._. On_IN one_CD visit_NN he_PPS stopped_VBD at_IN the
_AT office_NN of_IN the_AT American_JJ ,_, where_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ known_VBN s
urreptitiously_RB as_CS ``_`` the_AT Great_JJ-TL White_JJ-TL Chief_NN-TL ''_'' ,
_, and_CC for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN met_VBD his_PP$ managing_VBG editor_NN
,_, fat_JJ Moses_NP Koenigsberg_NP ._. Koenigsberg_NP never_RB did_DOD learn_VB
what_WDT Hearst_NP wanted_VBD ,_, for_CS the_AT latter_AP shook_VBD hands_NNS an
d_CC moved_VBD toward_IN the_AT door_NN ._. ``_`` Never_RB mind_VB ,_, thank_VB
you_PPO ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS must_MD hurry_VB to_TO catch_
VB my_PP$ train_NN ''_'' ._. Another_DT editor_NN pointed_VBD despairingly_RB at
_IN a_AT bundle_NN of_IN letters_NNS that_WPS had_HVD accumulated_VBN for_IN him
_PPO ,_, saying_VBG ,_, ``_`` But_CC Mr._NP Hearst_NP ,_, what_WDT shall_MD I_PP
SS do_DO with_IN this_DT correspondence_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` I'll_PPSS+MD show
_VB you_PPO ''_'' ,_, Hearst_NP replied_VBD ,_, grinning_VBG ._. He_PPS took_VBD
the_AT stack_NN of_IN mail_NN and_CC tossed_VBD it_PPO into_IN the_AT waste_NN
basket_NN ._. ``_`` Don't_DO* bother_VB ._. Every_AT letter_NN answers_VBZ itsel
f_PPL in_IN a_AT couple_NN of_IN weeks_NNS ''_'' ._. 2_CD ._. The_AT Hearst_NP `
`_`` barrel_NN ''_'' Hearst_NP hopped_VBD into_IN a_AT private_JJ railroad_NN ca
r_NN with_IN Max_NP Ihmsen_NP and_CC made_VBD an_AT arduous_JJ personal_JJ canva
ss_NN for_IN delegates_NNS in_IN the_AT western_JJ and_CC southern_JJ states_NNS
,_, always_RB wearing_VBG a_AT frock_NN coat_NN ,_, listening_VBG intently_RB t
o_IN local_JJ politicians_NNS ,_, and_CC generally_RB making_VBG a_AT good_JJ im
pression_NN ._. He_PPS laughed_VBD at_IN a_AT story_NN that_CS he_PPS planned_VB
D to_TO bolt_VB the_AT party_NN if_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* nominated_VBN ._. ``
_`` I_PPSS should_MD ,_, of_IN course_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` lik
e_CS any_DTI other_AP man_NN ,_, be_BE honored_VBN and_CC gratified_VBN should_M
D the_AT Democrats_NPS see_VB fit_VBN to_TO nominate_VB me_PPO ._. But_CC I_PPSS
do_DO not_* have_HV to_TO be_BE bribed_VBN by_IN office_NN to_TO be_BE a_AT Dem
ocrat_NP ._. I_PPSS have_HV supported_VBN the_AT Democratic_JJ-TL party_NN in_IN
the_AT last_AP five_CD campaigns_NNS ._. I_PPSS supported_VBD Cleveland_NP thre
e_CD times_NNS and_CC Bryan_NP twice_RB ._. I_PPSS intend_VB to_TO support_VB th
e_AT nominee_NN of_IN the_AT party_NN at_IN St._NP Louis_NP ,_, whoever_WPS he_P
PS may_MD be_BE ''_'' ._. The_AT Hearst_NP press_NN followed_VBD the_AT Chief's_
NN$-TL progress_NN at_IN the_AT various_JJ state_NN conventions_NNS with_IN its_
PP$ usual_JJ admiring_VBG attention_NN ,_, stressing_VBG the_AT ``_`` enthusiasm
_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` loyalty_NN ''_'' he_PPS inspired_VBD ._. This_DT was_BEDZ
historic_JJ in_IN its_PP$ way_NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS marked_VBD the_AT first_OD t
ime_NN an_AT American_JJ Presidential_JJ-TL aspirant_NN had_HVD advertised_VBN h
is_PP$ own_JJ virtues_NNS in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ string_NN of_IN newspapers_NNS sp
anning_VBG the_AT land_NN ._. Yet_CC his_PP$ editors_NNS did_DOD not_* abandon_V
B their_PP$ sense_NN of_IN story_NN value_NN ._. When_WRB Nan_NP Patterson_NP ,_
, a_AT stunning_JJ and_CC money-minded_JJ chorus_NN girl_NN who_WPS had_HVD appe
ared_VBN in_IN a_AT Floradora_NP road_NN show_NN ,_, rode_VBD down_IN Broadway_N
P in_IN a_AT hansom_NN cab_NN with_IN her_PP$ married_VBN lover_NN ,_, Frank_NP
Young_NP ,_, she_PPS stopped_VBD the_AT cab_NN to_TO disclose_VB that_CS Young_N
P had_HVD been_BEN shot_VBN dead_JJ ,_, tearfully_RB insisting_VBG that_CS he_PP
S had_HVD shot_VBN himself_PPL although_CS experts_NNS said_VBD he_PPS could_MD
not_* have_HV done_VBN so_RB ._. Trevelyan's_NP$ Liberalism_NN-TL was_BEDZ above
_IN all_ABN a_AT liberalism_NN of_IN the_AT spirit_NN ,_, a_AT deep_JJ feeling_N
N of_IN communion_NN with_IN men_NNS fighting_VBG for_IN country_NN and_CC for_I
N liberty_NN ._. His_PP$ passion_NN and_CC enthusiasm_NN convey_VB the_AT courag
e_NN and_CC high_JJ adventure_NN of_IN Garibaldi's_NP$ exploits_NNS and_CC give_
VB the_AT reader_NN a_AT unique_JJ sense_NN of_IN participation_NN in_IN the_AT
events_NNS described_VBN ._. The_AT three_CD volumes_NNS brought_VBD to_IN the_A
T fore_NN a_AT characteristic_NN of_IN Trevelyan's_NP$ prose_NN which_WDT remain
ed_VBD conspicuous_JJ through_IN his_PP$ later_JJR works_NNS --_-- a_AT genius_N
N for_IN describing_VBG military_JJ action_NN with_IN clarity_NN and_CC with_IN
authority_NN ._. The_AT confused_VBN rambling_NN of_IN guerrilla_NN warfare_NN ,
_, such_JJ as_CS most_AP of_IN Garibaldi's_NP$ campaigns_NNS were_BED ,_, was_BE
DZ brought_VBN to_IN life_NN by_IN Trevelyan's_NP$ pen_NN in_IN some_DTI of_IN t
he_AT best_JJT passages_NNS in_IN the_AT books_NNS ._. His_PP$ personal_JJ famil
iarity_NN with_IN the_AT scenes_NNS of_IN action_NN undoubtedly_RB contributed_V
BD much_AP to_IN the_AT final_JJ result_NN ,_, but_CC familiarity_NN alone_RB wo
uld_MD not_* have_HV been_BEN enough_AP without_IN other_AP qualities_NNS ._. Mi
litary_JJ knowledge_NN ,_, love_NN of_IN detail_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT sure_JJ feeli
ng_NN for_IN the_AT portrayal_NN of_IN action_NN were_BED the_AT added_VBN ingre
dients_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT Garibaldi_NP volumes_NNS were_BED more_AP than_CS a
_AT romantic_JJ story_NN ._. Trevelyan_NP contributed_VBD considerable_JJ new_JJ
knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT issues_NNS connected_VBN with_IN his_PP$ subject_NN .
_. The_AT outstanding_JJ example_NN was_BEDZ in_IN Garibaldi_NP-TL And_CC-TL The
_AT-TL Thousand_CD-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS made_VBD use_NN of_IN unpublished_JJ
papers_NNS of_IN Lord_NN-TL John_NP Russell_NP and_CC English_JJ consular_JJ mat
erials_NNS to_TO reveal_VB the_AT motives_NNS which_WDT led_VBD the_AT British_J
J government_NN to_TO permit_VB Garibaldi_NP to_TO cross_VB the_AT Straits_NPS o
f_IN-TL Messina_NP-TL ._. In_IN looking_VBG back_RB over_IN the_AT volumes_NNS ,
_, it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO find_VB errors_NNS of_IN interpretation_NN ,_
, some_DTI of_IN which_WDT were_BED not_* so_QL evident_JJ at_IN the_AT time_NN
of_IN writing_VBG ._. Thus_RB Trevelyan_NP repeats_VBZ the_AT story_NN which_WDT
pictured_VBD Victor_NP Emmanuel_NP as_CS refusing_VBG to_TO abandon_VB the_AT f
amous_JJ Statuto_FW-NN-TL at_IN the_AT insistence_NN of_IN General_NN-TL Radetzk
y_NP ._. Later_JJR research_NN has_HVZ shown_VBN this_DT part_NN of_IN the_AT le
gend_NN of_IN the_AT Re_FW-NN-TL Galantuomo_FW-NN-TL to_TO be_BE false_JJ ._. Tr
evelyan_NP accepts_VBZ Italian_JJ nationalism_NN with_IN little_AP analysis_NN ,
_, he_PPS is_BEZ unduly_QL critical_JJ of_IN papal_JJ and_CC French_JJ policy_NN
,_, and_CC he_PPS is_BEZ more_AP than_CS generous_JJ in_IN assessing_VBG Britis
h_JJ policy_NN ._. But_CC fifty_CD years_NNS later_RBR the_AT trilogy_NN still_R
B maintains_VBZ a_AT firm_JJ place_NN in_IN the_AT list_NN of_IN standard_JJ wor
ks_NNS on_IN the_AT unification_NN of_IN Italy_NP ,_, a_AT position_NN cautiousl
y_RB prophesied_VBN by_IN the_AT reviewers_NNS at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN public
ation_NN ._. Trevelyan's_NP$ Manin_NP-TL And_CC-TL The_AT-TL Venetian_JJ-TL Revo
lution_NN-TL Of_IN-TL 1848_CD-TL ,_, his_PP$ last_AP major_JJ volume_NN on_IN an
_AT Italian_JJ theme_NN ,_, was_BEDZ written_VBN in_IN a_AT minor_JJ key_NN ._.
Published_VBN in_IN 1923_CD ,_, it_PPS did_DOD not_* gain_VB the_AT popular_JJ a
cclaim_NN of_IN the_AT Garibaldi_NP volumes_NNS ,_, probably_RB because_CS Treve
lyan_NP felt_VBD less_RBR at_IN home_NR with_IN Manin_NP ,_, the_AT bourgeois_NN
lawyer_NN ,_, than_CS with_IN Garibaldi_NP ,_, the_AT filibuster_NN ._. The_AT
complexities_NNS of_IN Venetian_JJ politics_NN eluded_VBD him_PPO ,_, but_CC the
_AT story_NN of_IN the_AT revolution_NN itself_PPL is_BEZ told_VBN in_IN restrai
ned_VBN measures_NNS ,_, with_IN no_AT superfluous_JJ passages_NNS and_CC only_R
B an_AT occasional_JJ overemphasis_NN of_IN the_AT part_NN played_VBN by_IN its_
PP$ leading_VBG figure_NN ._. If_CS it_PPS is_BEZ not_* one_CD of_IN his_PP$ bes
t_JJT books_NNS ,_, it_PPS can_MD only_RB be_BE considered_VBN unsatisfactory_JJ
when_WRB compared_VBN with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ Garibaldi_NP ._. Already_RB Trevel
yan_NP had_HVD begun_VBN to_TO parallel_VB his_PP$ nineteenth-century_NN Italian
_JJ studies_NNS with_IN several_AP works_NNS on_IN English_JJ figures_NNS of_IN
the_AT same_AP period_NN ._. First_RB The_AT-TL Life_NN-TL Of_IN-TL John_NP-TL B
right_NP-TL appeared_VBD and_CC seven_CD years_NNS later_RBR Lord_NN-TL Grey_NP-
TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Reform_NN-TL Bill_NN-TL ._. Of_IN the_AT two_CD ,_, The_AT
-TL Life_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Bright_NP-TL is_BEZ incomparably_RB the_AT better_JJR bi
ography_NN ._. Trevelyan_NP centers_VBZ too_QL exclusively_RB on_IN Bright_NP ,_
, is_BEZ insufficiently_QL appreciative_JJ of_IN the_AT views_NNS of_IN Bright's
_NP$ opponents_NNS and_CC critics_NNS ,_, and_CC makes_VBZ light_JJ of_IN the_AT
genuine_JJ difficulties_NNS faced_VBN by_IN Peel_NP ._. Yet_CC he_PPS is_BEZ ri
ght_JJ when_WRB he_PPS claims_VBZ in_IN his_PP$ autobiography_NN that_CS he_PPS
drew_VBD the_AT real_JJ features_NNS of_IN the_AT man_NN ,_, his_PP$ tender_JJ a
nd_CC selfless_JJ motives_NNS and_CC his_PP$ rugged_JJ fearless_JJ strength_NN .
_. In_IN the_AT story_NN of_IN Bright_NP and_CC the_AT Corn_NN-TL Law_NN-TL agit
ation_NN ,_, the_AT Crimean_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, the_AT American_JJ Civil_JJ-TL W
ar_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT franchise_NN struggle_NN Trevelyan_NP reflects_VBZ so
mething_PN of_IN the_AT moral_JJ power_NN which_WDT enabled_VBD this_DT independ
ent_JJ man_NN to_TO exercise_VB so_QL immense_JJ an_AT influence_NN over_IN his_
PP$ fellow_NN countrymen_NNS for_IN so_QL long_RB ._. Because_CS Bright's_NP$ sp
eeches_NNS were_BED so_QL much_AP a_AT part_NN of_IN him_PPO ,_, there_EX are_BE
R long_JJ and_CC numerous_JJ quotations_NNS ,_, which_WDT ,_, far_RB from_IN mak
ing_VBG the_AT biography_NN diffuse_JJ ,_, help_VB to_TO give_VB us_PPO the_AT f
eel_NN of_IN the_AT man_NN ._. Associated_VBN in_IN a_AT sense_NN with_IN the_AT
Manchester_NP-TL School_NN-TL through_IN his_PP$ mother's_NN$ family_NN ,_, Tre
velyan_NP conveys_VBZ in_IN this_DT biography_NN something_PN of_IN its_PP$ mora
l_JJ conviction_NN and_CC drive_NN ._. Nineteenth-century_NN virtues_NNS ,_, how
ever_RB ,_, seem_VB somehow_RB to_TO have_HV gone_VBN out_IN of_IN fashion_NN an
d_CC the_AT Bright_NP book_NN has_HVZ never_RB been_BEN particularly_QL popular_
JJ ._. The_AT biography_NN of_IN Lord_NN-TL Grey_NP is_BEZ strictly_RB speaking_
VBG not_* a_AT biography_NN at_IN all_ABN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT Whig_NP history
_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` Tory_NP reaction_NN ''_'' which_WDT preceded_VBD the_AT R
eform_NN-TL Bill_NN-TL of_IN 1832_CD ,_, and_CC it_PPS uses_VBZ the_AT figure_NN
of_IN Grey_NP to_TO give_VB some_DTI unity_NN to_IN the_AT narrative_NN ._. The
_AT volume_NN is_BEZ a_AT piece_NN of_IN passionate_JJ special_JJ pleading_NN ,_
, written_VBN with_IN the_AT heat_NN --_-- and_CC often_RB with_IN the_AT wisdom
_NN ,_, it_PPS must_MD be_BE said_VBN --_-- of_IN a_AT Liberal_NN-TL damning_VBG
the_AT shortsightedness_NN of_IN politicians_NNS from_IN 1782_CD to_IN 1832_CD
._. Characteristically_RB ,_, Trevelyan_NP enjoyed_VBD writing_VBG the_AT work_N
N ._. The_AT theme_NN of_IN glorious_JJ summer_NN coming_VBG after_IN a_AT long_
JJ winter_NN of_IN discontent_NN and_CC repression_NN was_BEDZ ,_, he_PPS has_HV
Z told_VBN us_PPO ,_, congenial_JJ to_IN his_PP$ artistic_JJ sense_NN ._. And_CC
Grey's_NP$ Northumberland_NP background_NN was_BEDZ close_RB to_IN Trevelyan's_
NP$ own_JJ ._. But_CC his_PP$ concentration_NN on_IN personalities_NNS and_CC hi
s_PP$ categorical_JJ assessment_NN of_IN their_PP$ actions_NNS fail_VB to_TO con
vey_VB the_AT political_JJ complexities_NNS of_IN a_AT long_JJ generation_NN har
assed_VBN by_IN world-wide_JJ war_NN and_CC confronted_VBN with_IN the_AT proble
m_NN of_IN adjustment_NN to_IN an_AT unprecedented_JJ industrial_JJ and_CC socia
l_JJ transformation_NN ._. Some_DTI historians_NNS have_HV found_VBN his_PP$ poi
nt_NN of_IN view_NN not_* to_IN their_PP$ taste_NN ,_, others_NNS have_HV compla
ined_VBN that_CS he_PPS makes_VBZ the_AT Tory_NP tradition_NN appear_VB ``_`` co
ntemptible_JJ rather_IN than_IN intelligible_JJ ''_'' ,_, while_CS a_AT sympathe
tic_JJ critic_NN has_HVZ remarked_VBN that_CS the_AT ``_`` intricate_JJ interpla
y_NN of_IN social_JJ dynamics_NNS and_CC political_JJ activity_NN of_IN which_WD
T ,_, at_IN times_NNS ,_, politicians_NNS are_BER the_AT ignorant_JJ marionettes
_NNS is_BEZ not_* a_AT field_NN for_IN the_AT exercise_NN of_IN his_PP$ talents_
NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT Liberal-Radical_NP heritage_NN which_WDT informs_VBZ all_AB
N of_IN Trevelyan's_NP$ interpretations_NNS of_IN history_NN here_RB seems_VBZ c
learly_RB to_TO have_HV distorted_VBN the_AT issues_NNS and_CC oversimplified_VB
N the_AT period_NN ._. For_IN once_RB his_PP$ touch_NN deserted_VBD him_PPO ._.
Research_NN in_IN the_AT period_NN of_IN Grey_NP and_CC Bright_NP led_VBD natura
lly_RB to_IN a_AT more_QL ambitious_JJ work_NN ._. Britain_NP in_IN the_AT ninet
eenth_OD century_NN is_BEZ a_AT textbook_NN designed_VBN ``_`` to_TO give_VB the
_AT sense_NN of_IN continuous_JJ growth_NN ,_, to_TO show_VB how_WRB economic_JJ
led_VBD to_IN social_JJ ,_, and_CC social_JJ to_IN political_JJ change_NN ,_, h
ow_WRB the_AT political_JJ events_NNS reacted_VBD on_IN the_AT economic_JJ and_C
C social_JJ ,_, and_CC how_WRB new_JJ thoughts_NNS and_CC new_JJ ideals_NNS acco
mpanied_VBD or_CC directed_VBD the_AT whole_JJ complicated_VBN process_NN ''_''
._. The_AT plan_NN is_BEZ admirably_QL fulfilled_VBN for_IN the_AT period_NN up_
IN to_IN 1832_CD ._. More_QL temperately_RB than_CS in_IN the_AT study_NN of_IN
Grey_NP and_CC despite_IN his_PP$ Liberal_JJ-TL bias_NN ,_, Trevelyan_NP vividly
_RB sketches_VBZ the_AT England_NP of_IN pre-French_JJ Revolution_NN-TL days_NNS
,_, portrays_VBZ the_AT stresses_NNS and_CC strains_NNS of_IN the_AT revolution
ary_JJ period_NN in_IN rich_JJ colors_NNS ,_, and_CC brings_VBZ developments_NNS
leading_VBG to_IN the_AT Reform_NN-TL Bill_NN-TL into_IN sharp_JJ and_CC clear_
JJ focus_NN ._. His_PP$ technique_NN is_BEZ genuinely_QL masterful_JJ ._. By_IN
what_WDT one_CD reader_NN called_VBD a_AT ``_`` series_NN of_IN dissolving_VBG v
iews_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS merges_VBZ one_CD period_NN into_IN another_DT and_CC
gives_VBZ a_AT sense_NN of_IN continuous_JJ growth_NN ._. But_CC after_IN 1832_C
D ,_, the_AT narrative_NN tends_VBZ to_TO lose_VB its_PP$ balanced_VBN ,_, many-
sided_JJ quality_NN and_CC to_TO become_VB a_AT medley_NN of_IN topics_NNS ,_, o
ften_RB unconnected_JJ by_IN any_DTI single_AP thread_NN ._. Economic_JJ analysi
s_NN was_BEDZ never_RB Trevelyan's_NP$ strong_JJ point_NN and_CC the_AT England_
NP of_IN the_AT industrial_JJ transformation_NN cries_VBZ out_RP for_IN economic
_JJ analysis_NN ._. Yet_CC after_IN 1832_CD ,_, the_AT interrelations_NNS of_IN
economic_JJ and_CC social_JJ and_CC political_JJ affairs_NNS become_VB blurred_V
BN and_CC the_AT narrative_NN becomes_VBZ largely_RB a_AT conventional_JJ politi
cal_JJ account_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, the_AT period_NN after_IN 1870_CD receives_
VBZ little_AP attention_NN and_CC that_DT quite_QL superficial_JJ ._. Yet_CC Bri
tain_NP-TL In_IN-TL The_AT-TL Nineteenth_OD-TL Century_NN-TL became_VBD the_AT v
ade_FW-VB mecum_FW-PPO+IN of_IN beginning_VBG students_NNS of_IN history_NN ,_,
went_VBD through_IN edition_NN after_IN edition_NN ,_, and_CC continues_VBZ to_T
O be_BE reprinted_VBN up_IN to_IN the_AT very_AP present_NN ._. Its_PP$ success_
NN is_BEZ a_AT tribute_NN ,_, above_IN all_ABN ,_, to_IN Trevelyan's_NP$ brillia
nce_NN as_CS a_AT literary_JJ stylist_NN ._. In_IN 1924_CD Trevelyan_NP traveled
_VBD to_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS delivered_VBD
the_AT Lowell_NP lectures_NNS at_IN Harvard_NP-TL University_NN-TL ._. These_DT
S lectures_NNS formed_VBD the_AT nucleus_NN of_IN a_AT general_JJ survey_NN of_I
N English_JJ development_NN which_WDT took_VBD form_NN afterward_RB as_CS A_AT-T
L History_NN-TL Of_IN-TL England_NP-TL ._. In_IN short_JJ order_NN ,_, the_AT ge
neral_JJ history_NN became_VBD his_PP$ most_QL popular_JJ work_NN and_CC has_HVZ
remained_VBN ,_, aside_RB from_IN his_PP$ later_JJR Social_JJ history_NN ,_, th
e_AT work_NN most_QL widely_RB favored_VBN by_IN the_AT public_NN ._. The_AT-TL
History_NN-TL Of_IN-TL England_NP-TL has_HVZ often_RB been_BEN compared_VBN with
_IN Green's_NP$ Short_JJ-TL History_NN-TL ._. Like_CS Green_NP ,_, Trevelyan_NP
aimed_VBD to_TO write_VB a_AT history_NN not_* of_IN ``_`` English_JJ kings_NNS
or_CC English_JJ conquests_NNS ''_'' ,_, but_CC of_IN the_AT English_JJ people_N
NS ._. The_AT result_NN was_BEDZ fortunate_JJ ._. The_AT History_NN-TL takes_VBZ
too_QL much_AP for_IN granted_VBN to_TO serve_VB as_CS a_AT text_NN for_IN othe
r_AP than_CS English_JJ schoolboys_NNS ,_, and_CC like_CS Britain_NP-TL in_IN-TL
the_AT-TL nineteenth_OD-TL century_NN-TL it_PPS deteriorates_VBZ badly_RB as_CS
it_PPS goes_VBZ beyond_IN 1870_CD ._. Trevelyan's_NP$ excursions_NNS into_IN co
ntemporary_JJ history_NN were_BED rarely_RB happy_JJ ones_NNS ._. But_CC as_CS a
_AT stimulating_JJ ,_, provocative_JJ interpretation_NN of_IN the_AT broad_JJ sw
eep_NN of_IN English_JJ development_NN it_PPS is_BEZ incomparable_JJ ._. Living_
VBG pictures_NNS of_IN the_AT early_JJ boroughs_NNS ,_, country_NN life_NN in_IN
Tudor_NP and_CC Stuart_NP times_NNS ,_, the_AT impact_NN of_IN the_AT industria
l_JJ revolution_NN compete_VB with_IN sensitive_JJ surveys_NNS of_IN language_NN
and_CC literature_NN ,_, the_AT common_JJ law_NN ,_, parliamentary_JJ developme
nt_NN ._. The_AT strength_NN of_IN the_AT History_NN-TL is_BEZ also_RB its_PP$ w
eakness_NN ._. Trevelyan_NP is_BEZ militantly_RB sure_JJ of_IN the_AT superiorit
y_NN of_IN English_JJ institutions_NNS and_CC character_NN over_IN those_DTS of_
IN other_AP peoples_NNS ._. His_PP$ nationalism_NN was_BEDZ not_* a_AT new_JJ ch
aracteristic_NN ,_, but_CC its_PP$ self-consciousness_NN ,_, even_RB its_PP$ sel
f-satisfaction_NN ,_, is_BEZ more_QL obvious_JJ in_IN a_AT book_NN that_WPS stre
tches_VBZ over_IN the_AT long_JJ reach_NN of_IN English_JJ history_NN ._. And_CC
yet_RB the_AT elements_NNS which_WDT capture_VB his_PP$ liberal_JJ and_CC human
istic_JJ imagination_NN are_BER those_DTS which_WDT make_VB the_AT English_JJ st
ory_NN worth_JJ telling_VBG and_CC worth_JJ remembering_VBG ._. Tolerance_NN and
_CC compromise_NN ,_, social_JJ justice_NN and_CC civil_JJ liberty_NN ,_, are_BE
R today_NR too_QL often_RB in_IN short_JJ supply_NN for_IN one_PN to_TO be_BE ov
erly_QL critical_JJ of_IN Trevelyan's_NP$ emphasis_NN on_IN their_PP$ central_JJ
place_NN in_IN the_AT English_JJ tradition_NN ._. Like_CS most_AP major_JJ work
s_NNS of_IN synthesis_NN ,_, The_AT-TL History_NN-TL Of_IN-TL England_NP-TL is_B
EZ informed_VBN by_IN the_AT positive_JJ views_NNS of_IN a_AT first-class_JJ min
d_NN ,_, and_CC this_DT is_BEZ surely_RB a_AT major_JJ work_NN ._. Four_CD years
_NNS after_IN the_AT publication_NN of_IN The_AT-TL History_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Engla
nd_NP-TL ,_, the_AT first_OD volume_NN of_IN Trevelyan's_NP$ Queen_NN-TL Anne_NP
trilogy_NN appeared_VBD ._. By_IN now_RB he_PPS had_HVD become_VBN Regius_NP-TL
Professor_NN-TL of_IN-TL Modern_JJ-TL History_NN-TL at_IN Cambridge_NP and_CC h
ad_HVD been_BEN honored_VBN by_IN the_AT award_NN of_IN the_AT Order_NN-TL of_IN
-TL Merit_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ academic_JJ duties_NNS had_HVD little_AP evident_JJ
effect_NN on_IN his_PP$ prolific_JJ pen_NN ._. Blenheim_NP was_BEDZ followed_VBN
in_IN rapid_JJ succession_NN by_IN Ramillies_NP And_CC-TL The_AT-TL Union_NN-TL
With_IN-TL Scotland_NP-TL and_CC by_IN The_AT-TL Peace_NN-TL And_CC-TL The_AT-T
L Protestant_JJ-TL Succession_NN-TL ,_, the_AT three_CD forming_VBG together_RB
a_AT detailed_VBN picture_NN of_IN England_NP under_IN Queen_NN-TL Anne_NP ._. L
ike_CS his_PP$ volume_NN on_IN Wycliffe_NP ,_, the_AT work_NN was_BEDZ accompani
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT publication_NN of_IN a_AT selected_VBN group_NN of_IN docume
nts_NNS ,_, in_IN this_DT case_NN illustrative_JJ of_IN the_AT history_NN of_IN
Queen_NN-TL Anne's_NP$ reign_NN down_RP to_IN 1707_CD ._. Trevelyan_NP was_BEDZ
at_IN least_AP in_IN part_NN attracted_VBN to_IN the_AT period_NN by_IN an_AT al
most_QL unconscious_JJ desire_NN to_TO take_VB up_RP the_AT story_NN where_WRB M
acaulay's_NP$ History_NN-TL Of_IN-TL England_NP-TL had_HVD broken_VBN off_RP ._.
In_IN addition_NN ,_, he_PPS believed_VBD in_IN the_AT ``_`` dramatic_JJ unity_
NN and_CC separateness_NN of_IN the_AT period_NN from_IN 1702-14_CD ,_, lying_VB
G between_IN the_AT Stuart_NP and_CC Hanoverian_JJ eras_NNS with_IN a_AT special
_JJ ethos_NN of_IN its_PP$ own_JJ ''_'' ._. He_PPS saw_VBD the_AT age_NN as_CS o
ne_CD in_IN which_WDT Britain_NP ``_`` settled_VBD her_PPO free_JJ constitution_
NN ''_'' and_CC attained_VBD her_PP$ modern_JJ place_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN ._
. To_IN most_AP observers_NNS ,_, there_EX is_BEZ little_AP doubt_NN that_CS he_
PPS placed_VBD an_AT artificial_JJ strait_NN jacket_NN of_IN unity_NN upon_IN th
e_AT years_NNS of_IN Anne's_NP$ reign_NN which_WDT in_IN reality_NN existed_VBD
only_RB in_IN the_AT pages_NNS of_IN his_PP$ history_NN ._. Of_IN the_AT three_C
D volumes_NNS ,_, Blenheim_NP is_BEZ easily_RB the_AT best_JJT ._. In_IN four_CD
opening_VBG chapters_NNS reminiscent_JJ of_IN Macaulay's_NP$ famous_JJ third_OD
chapter_NN ,_, Trevelyan_NP surveys_VBZ the_AT state_NN of_IN England_NP at_IN
the_AT opening_NN of_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD century_NN ._. His_PP$ delightful_J
J picture_NN of_IN society_NN and_CC institutions_NNS is_BEZ filled_VBN with_IN
warm_JJ detail_NN that_WPS brings_VBZ the_AT period_NN vividly_RB to_IN life_NN
._. He_PPS tends_VBZ to_TO underestimate_VB --_-- or_CC perhaps_RB to_TO view_VB
charitably_RB --_-- the_AT brutality_NN and_CC the_AT violence_NN of_IN the_AT
age_NN ,_, so_CS that_CS there_EX is_BEZ an_AT idyllic_JJ quality_NN in_IN these
_DTS pages_NNS which_WDT hazes_VBZ over_IN some_DTI of_IN its_PP$ sharp_JJ reali
ty_NN ._. Yet_CC as_CS an_AT evocation_NN of_IN time_NN past_AP ,_, there_EX are
_BER few_AP such_JJ successful_JJ portraits_NNS in_IN English_JJ historical_JJ l
iterature_NN ._. Once_CS the_AT scene_NN is_BEZ set_VBN ,_, Trevelyan_NP skilful
ly_RB builds_VBZ up_RP the_AT tense_JJ story_NN until_CS it_PPS reaches_VBZ its_
PP$ climax_NN in_IN the_AT dramatic_JJ victory_NN of_IN Marlborough_NP and_CC Eu
gene_NP of_IN-TL Savoy_NP-TL at_IN Blenheim_NP ._. The_AT account_NN of_IN the_A
T battle_NN is_BEZ ,_, next_IN to_IN his_PP$ descriptions_NNS of_IN Garibaldi's_
NP$ campaigns_NNS ,_, Trevelyan's_NP$ outstanding_JJ military_JJ narrative_NN ._
. The_AT scene_NN is_BEZ etched_VBN in_IN sharp_JJ detail_NN ,_, the_AT military
_JJ problems_NNS brilliantly_RB explained_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT excitement_NN an
d_CC importance_NN of_IN the_AT battle_NN made_VBN evident_JJ ._. If_CS only_RB
for_IN this_DT modest_JJ masterpiece_NN of_IN military_JJ history_NN ,_, Blenhei
m_NP is_BEZ likely_JJ to_TO be_BE read_VBN and_CC reread_VBN long_RB after_CS ne
wer_JJR interpretations_NNS have_HV perhaps_RB altered_VBN our_PP$ picture_NN of
_IN the_AT Marlborough_NP wars_NNS ._. Ramillies_NP-TL And_CC-TL The_AT-TL Union
_NN-TL With_IN-TL Scotland_NP-TL has_HVZ fewer_AP high_JJ spots_NNS than_CS Blen
heim_NP and_CC much_QL less_AP of_IN its_PP$ dramatic_JJ unity_NN ._. Yet_CC in_
IN several_AP chapters_NNS on_IN Scotland_NP in_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD century_
NN ,_, Trevelyan_NP copes_VBZ persuasively_RB with_IN the_AT tangled_VBN confusi
on_NN of_IN Scottish_JJ politics_NN against_IN a_AT vivid_JJ background_NN of_IN
Scottish_JJ religion_NN ,_, customs_NNS ,_, and_CC traditions_NNS ._. I_PPSS st
ood_VBD on_IN a_AT table_NN ,_, surrounded_VBN by_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN expectan
t_JJ young_JJ faces_NNS ._. Questions_NNS came_VBD to_IN me_PPO from_IN all_ABN
sides_NNS about_IN my_PP$ world_NN citizenship_NN activities_NNS ._. After_CS ma
king_VBG a_AT short_JJ statement_NN about_IN human_JJ rights_NNS ,_, and_CC the_
AT freedom_NN to_TO travel_VB ,_, I_PPSS told_VBD them_PPO I_PPSS would_MD be_BE
going_VBG to_IN the_AT Kehl_NP bridge_NN the_AT next_AP morning_NN in_IN order_
NN to_TO cross_VB the_AT Rhine_NP into_IN Germany_NP ._. ``_`` May_MD we_PPSS co
me_VB with_IN you_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. Called_VBN out_RP a_AT dozen_NN young_JJ voi
ces_NNS ._. ``_`` Well_UH ,_, I_PPSS might_MD not_* get_VB that_QL far_RB ''_''
,_, I_PPSS told_VBD them_PPO ,_, ``_`` as_CS actually_RB I_PPSS have_HV no_AT pa
pers_NNS to_TO enter_VB Germany_NP and_CC ,_, as_CS a_AT matter_NN of_IN fact_NN
,_, no_AT permit_NN to_TO return_VB to_IN France_NP once_CS I_PPSS leave_VB ''_
'' ._. That_DT was_BEDZ all_ABN they_PPSS needed_VBD ._. They_PPSS would_MD cham
pion_VB me_PPO ._. We_PPSS would_MD all_ABN meet_VB at_IN ten_CD o'clock_RB at_I
N the_AT Kehl_NP bridge_NN ,_, five_CD miles_NNS from_IN Strasbourg_NP ,_, and_C
C march_VB triumphantly_RB across_RP into_IN Germany_NP ._. There_EX was_BEDZ on
ly_RB one_CD hitch_NN :_: the_AT small_JJ town_NN of_IN Kehl_NP ,_, on_IN the_AT
other_AP side_NN of_IN the_AT Rhine_NP ,_, was_BEDZ still_RB under_IN French_JJ
jurisdiction_NN ._. The_AT real_JJ Franco-German_JJ frontier_NN was_BEDZ beyond
_IN the_AT town's_NN$ limits_NNS ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, all_ABN persons_NNS were_
BED permitted_VBN to_TO cross_VB the_AT Rhine_NP into_IN Kehl_NP ,_, there_EX be
ing_BEG no_AT sentry_NN posted_VBN on_IN the_AT west_NR side_NN of_IN the_AT riv
er_NN ._. That_DT evening_NN ,_, as_CS I_PPSS learned_VBD later_RBR ,_, the_AT s
tudents_NNS ,_, enjoying_VBG that_DT spontaneous_JJ immodesty_NN in_IN action_NN
known_VBN only_RB to_IN university_NN students_NNS ,_, surged_VBD out_RP onto_I
N the_AT streets_NNS of_IN Strasbourg_NP ,_, overturning_VBG empty_JJ streetcars
_NNS ,_, marking_VBG up_RP store_NN fronts_NNS ,_, and_CC shouting_VBG imprudent
ly_RB ,_, ``_`` Garry_NP Davis_NP to_IN power_NN ''_'' !_. !_. As_CS I_PPSS got_
VBD off_IN the_AT trolley_NN at_IN Kehl_NP bridge_NN the_AT next_AP morning_NN ,
_, I_PPSS was_BEDZ met_VBN by_IN what_WDT looked_VBD like_CS 5,000_CD students_N
NS ,_, some_DTI of_IN whom_WPO were_BED carrying_VBG sticks_NNS apparently_RB fo
r_IN the_AT coming_VBG ``_`` battle_NN ''_'' with_IN the_AT police_NNS ._. Alarm
ed_VBN by_IN this_DT display_NN of_IN weapons_NNS ,_, I_PPSS looked_VBD toward_I
N the_AT bridge_NN and_CC there_RB saw_VBD ,_, stretched_VBN across_IN the_AT ne
ar_JJ side_NN ,_, a_AT cordon_NN of_IN policemen_NNS ,_, their_PP$ bicycles_NNS
forming_VBG a_AT roadblock_NN before_IN which_WDT stood_VBD several_AP French_JJ
officers_NNS in_IN uniform_NN and_CC a_AT small_JJ waspish_JJ man_NN in_IN a_AT
brown_JJ derby_NN ._. ``_`` Listen_VB please_VB ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS called_VBD to_
IN the_AT students_NNS in_IN French_NP ._. ``_`` I_PPSS thank_VB you_PPO most_QL
heartily_RB for_IN being_BEG here_RB ._. This_DT is_BEZ full_JJ evidence_NN of_
IN your_PP$ support_NN for_IN my_PP$ principles_NNS ._. These_DTS principles_NNS
,_, however_RB ,_, will_MD not_* be_BE served_VBN by_IN violence_NN in_IN any_D
TI form_NN ._. If_CS they_PPSS are_BER right_JJ ,_, they_PPSS will_MD prevail_VB
of_IN and_CC by_IN themselves_PPLS ._. I_PPSS ask_VB you_PPO all_ABN to_TO supp
ort_VB me_PPO in_IN this_DT ._. If_CS one_CD finger_NN is_BEZ raised_VBN against
_IN the_AT authorities_NNS ,_, all_ABN our_PP$ moral_JJ power_NN will_MD vanish_
VB ._. Your_PP$ self-control_NN in_IN this_DT respect_NN will_MD be_BE the_AT on
ly_AP witness_NN to_IN your_PP$ understanding_NN of_IN what_WDT I_PPSS am_BEM sa
ying_VBG ._. I_PPSS have_HV full_JJ confidence_NN in_IN you_PPO ._. Now_RB ,_, l
et's_VB+PPO go_VB ''_'' ._. I_PPSS marched_VBD up_RP to_IN the_AT waiting_VBG of
ficials_NNS ,_, the_AT students_NNS massed_VBD behind_IN me_PPO ._. As_CS usual_
JJ ,_, the_AT press_NN photographers_NNS were_BED on_IN hand_NN ._. The_AT waspi
sh_JJ man_NN stopped_VBD me_PPO three_CD paces_NNS from_IN the_AT bicycle_NN bar
ricade_NN ,_, and_CC asked_VBD me_PPO in_IN French_NP if_CS I_PPSS had_HVD paper
s_NNS to_TO leave_VB France_NP ._. I_PPSS replied_VBD in_IN the_AT affirmative_J
J ,_, taking_VBG out_RP my_PP$ recently_RB acquired_VBN titre_FW-NN d'identite_F
W-IN+NN et_FW-CC de_FW-IN voyage_FW-NN ,_, on_IN which_WDT was_BEDZ stamped_VBN
a_AT permission_NN to_TO leave_VB France_NP ._. He_PPS examined_VBD it_PPO caref
ully_RB ,_, handed_VBD it_PPO back_RB and_CC said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Eh_UH bien_FW-UH
,_, you_PPSS may_MD leave_VB France_NP ''_'' ._. I_PPSS took_VBD one_CD step_NN
eastward_RB ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT uniformed_JJ officers_NNS stepped_VBD in_IN
my_PP$ way_NN ,_, demanding_VBG to_TO know_VB whether_CS I_PPSS had_HVD permiss
ion_NN to_TO enter_VB Germany_NP ._. ``_`` No_RB ,_, I_PPSS have_HV no_AT permis
sion_NN to_TO enter_VB Germany_NP ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO ._. ``_`` Al
ors_FW-RB ,_, you_PPSS may_MD go_VB no_QL farther_RBR ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD
imperiously_RB ._. ``_`` Is_BEZ this_DT then_RB the_AT frontier_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_.
I_PPSS asked_VBD him_PPO ._. ``_`` Yes_RB ''_'' ._. At_IN this_DT ,_, the_AT st
udents_NNS let_VB out_RP a_AT yell_NN ,_, knowing_VBG full_QL well_RB the_AT act
ual_JJ frontier_NN was_BEDZ beyond_IN the_AT town_NN of_IN Kehl_NP ._. ``_`` But
_CC I_PPSS have_HV no_AT permission_NN to_TO re-enter_VB France_NP ,_, and_CC I_
PPSS have_HV just_RB left_VBN ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO ._. ``_`` I_PPSS
must_MD then_RB be_BE standing_VBG on_IN the_AT line_NN between_IN France_NP an
d_CC Germany_NP ''_'' ._. The_AT waspish_JJ man_NN stepped_VBD forward_RB ._. ``
_`` Line_NN ?_. ?_. Line_NN ?_. ?_. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT line_NN between
_IN France_NP and_CC Germany_NP ,_, that_DT is_BEZ ,_, no_AT actual_JJ line_NN .
_. I_PPSS mean_VB ''_'' ``_`` No_AT line_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS asked_VBD ._. `
`_`` But_CC if_CS there_EX is_BEZ no_AT line_NN ,_, how_WRB can_MD there_EX be_B
E two_CD countries_NNS ?_. ?_. You_PPSS have_HV just_RB given_VBN me_PPO permiss
ion_NN to_TO leave_VB France_NP ,_, which_WDT I_PPSS did_DOD ._. I_PPSS have_HV
witnesses_NNS ._. And_CC as_CS you_PPSS know_VB ,_, I_PPSS have_HV no_AT permiss
ion_NN to_TO re-enter_VB France_NP once_RB out_RP ._. Now_RB I_PPSS learn_VB I_P
PSS cannot_MD* enter_VB Germany_NP ._. Obviously_RB I'm_PPSS+BEM stuck_VBN on_IN
the_AT line_NN between_IN the_AT two_CD countries_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT students
_NNS were_BED laughing_VBG uproariously_RB at_IN this_DT piece_NN of_IN logic_NN
,_, and_CC even_RB the_AT policemen_NNS were_BED trying_VBG hard_RB not_* to_TO
smile_VB ._. ``_`` Mais_FW-CC non_FW-RB ''_'' ,_, the_AT Interior_NN-TL Ministr
y_NN-TL man_NN coaxed_VBD ,_, ``_`` you_PPSS may_MD come_VB back_RB to_IN Strasb
ourg_NP ,_, now_RB ,_, if_CS you_PPSS wish_VB ''_'' ._. ``_`` Oh_UH ?_. ?_. Then
_RB will_MD you_PPSS give_VB me_PPO a_AT visa_NN to_TO re-enter_VB France_NP ''_
'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Visa_NN ?_. ?_. But_CC there_EX is_BEZ no_AT question_NN of_IN
a_AT visa_NN ._. You_PPSS are_BER still_RB in_IN France_NP ''_'' ._. ``_`` Ah_UH
,_, then_RB please_VB tell_VB me_PPO where_WRB the_AT frontier_NN is_BEZ becaus
e_CS this_DT gentleman_NN here_RB ''_'' --_-- I_PPSS indicated_VBD the_AT French
_JJ occupation_NN officer_NN --_-- ``_`` informs_VBZ me_PPO that_CS Germany_NP i
s_BEZ just_QL on_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN of_IN him_PPO ''_'' ._. The_AT Inter
ior_NN-TL man_NN looked_VBD uneasily_RB at_IN his_PP$ French_JJ compatriot_NN ._
. From_IN the_AT crowd_NN were_BED coming_VBG cries_NNS of_IN ``_`` He's_PPS+BEZ
right_JJ ''_'' !_. !_. ``_`` There_EX must_MD be_BE a_AT line_NN ''_'' !_. !_.
And_CC ``_`` Bravo_UH ,_, Garry_NP ,_, continue_VB ''_'' !_. !_. Seeing_VBG thei
r_PP$ hesitation_NN ,_, I_PPSS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Well_UH ,_, until_CS I_PPSS ha
ve_HV permission_NN to_TO enter_VB Germany_NP ,_, or_CC a_AT visa_NN to_TO re-en
ter_VB France_NP ,_, I_PPSS shall_MD be_BE obliged_VBN to_TO remain_VB here_RB o
n_IN the_AT line_NN between_IN two_CD countries_NNS ''_'' ,_, whereupon_CS I_PPS
S moved_VBD to_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT road_NN ,_, parked_VBD my_PP$ back
pack_NN against_IN the_AT small_JJ guardhouse_NN on_IN the_AT sidewalk_NN ,_, sa
t_VBD down_RP ,_, took_VBD out_RP my_PP$ typewriter_NN ,_, and_CC began_VBD typi
ng_VBG the_AT above_JJ conversation_NN ._. The_AT reporters_NNS were_BED questio
ning_VBG the_AT Interior_NN-TL man_NN and_CC the_AT French_JJ officer_NN ,_, bot
h_ABX of_IN whom_WPO remained_VBD noncommittal_JJ as_IN to_IN what_WDT action_NN
,_, if_CS any_DTI ,_, would_MD be_BE taken_VBN in_IN my_PP$ regard_NN ._. Final
ly_RB they_PPSS went_VBD off_RP to_TO file_VB their_PP$ stories_NNS ,_, after_CS
the_AT photographers_NNS had_HVD taken_VBN pictures_NNS of_IN my_PP$ latest_JJT
vigil_NN ._. The_AT students_NNS crowded_VBD around_RB asking_VBG questions_NNS
,_, slapping_VBG me_PPO on_IN the_AT back_NN ,_, and_CC generally_RB being_BEG
friendly_JJ ._. ``_`` But_CC what_WDT will_MD you_PPSS do_DO this_DT evening_NN
,_, Mr._NP Davis_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. Asked_VBD a_AT young_JJ mustached_JJ Frenchman
_NP ._. ``_`` It_PPS will_MD be_BE very_QL cold_JJ ''_'' ._. ``_`` I_PPSS don't_
DO* know_VB ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO ,_, ``_`` except_IN that_CS I_PPSS
will_MD be_BE here_RB ''_'' ._. ``_`` I_PPSS shall_MD see_VB about_IN getting_V
BG you_PPO a_AT tent_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV a_AT
small_JJ sports_NNS shop_NN in_IN Strasbourg_NP ''_'' ._. That_DT would_MD be_BE
a_AT great_JJ help_NN ,_, I_PPSS told_VBD him_PPO ,_, thanking_VBG him_PPO for_
IN his_PP$ thoughtfulness_NN ._. A_AT special_JJ guard_NN was_BEDZ posted_VBN at
_IN my_PP$ end_NN of_IN the_AT bridge_NN to_TO make_VB sure_JJ I_PPSS didn't_DOD
* cross_VB ,_, the_AT ludicrousness_NN of_IN the_AT situation_NN being_BEG revea
led_VBN fully_RB in_IN that_DT everyone_PN else_RB --_-- men_NNS ,_, women_NNS ,
_, and_CC children_NNS ,_, dogs_NNS ,_, cats_NNS ,_, horses_NNS ,_, cars_NNS ,_,
trucks_NNS ,_, baby_NN carriages_NNS --_-- could_MD cross_VB Kehl_NP bridge_NN
into_IN Kehl_NP without_IN surveillance_NN ._. The_AT day_NN passed_VBD eventful
ly_RB enough_QLP ,_, with_IN a_AT constant_JJ stream_NN of_IN visitors_NNS ,_, s
ome_DTI stopping_VBG only_RB to_TO say_VB hello_UH ,_, others_NNS getting_VBG in
to_IN serious_JJ conversations_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS one_CD Andre_NP Fuchs_NP ,_
, a_AT free-lance_NN journalist_NN from_IN Strasbourg_NP who_WPS wrote_VBD an_AT
article_NN for_IN the_AT Nouvelle_FW-JJ-TL Alsatian_FW-JJ-TL in_IN highly_QL sy
mpathetic_JJ terms_NNS ._. Some_DTI students_NNS from_IN the_AT University_NN-TL
returned_VBD around_RB six_CD with_IN a_AT large_JJ pot_NN containing_VBG enoug
h_AP hot_JJ soup_NN to_TO last_VB me_PPO a_AT week_NN ._. A_AT volunteer_NN food
_NN brigade_NN had_HVD been_BEN arranged_VBN ,_, they_PPSS told_VBD me_PPO ,_, w
hich_WDT would_MD supply_VB me_PPO with_IN the_AT necessities_NNS as_QL long_RB
as_CS I_PPSS remained_VBD at_IN the_AT bridge_NN ._. A_AT little_JJ later_RBR ,_
, the_AT sports_NNS shop_NN man_NN returned_VBD with_IN a_AT small_JJ pup_NN ten
t_NN ._. One_CD of_IN the_AT girl_NN students_NNS ,_, sitting_VBG by_RB while_CS
I_PPSS ate_VBD the_AT thick_JJ soup_NN ,_, asked_VBD me_PPO if_CS I_PPSS had_HV
D a_AT sleeping_VBG bag_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS informed_VBD her_PPO that_CS I_PP
SS didn't_DOD* ,_, she_PPS said_VBD she_PPS would_MD borrow_VB her_PP$ brother's
_NN$ and_CC bring_VB it_PPO to_IN me_PPO later_RBR that_DT evening_NN ._. ``_``
You_PPSS do_DO not_* know_VB me_PPO ''_'' ,_, she_PPS said_VBD in_IN good_JJ Eng
lish_NP ,_, ``_`` but_CC my_PP$ mother_NN was_BEDZ your_PP$ governess_NN in_IN P
hiladelphia_NP when_WRB you_PPSS were_BED a_AT child_NN ''_'' ._. Her_PP$ name_N
N was_BEDZ Esther_NP Peter_NP ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ delighted_VBN to_TO make_VB th
at_DT personal_JJ contact_NN in_IN such_JJ trying_JJ and_CC unusual_JJ circumsta
nces_NNS ._. The_AT Peter_NP family_NN proved_VBD wonderful_JJ and_CC helpful_JJ
friends_NNS in_IN the_AT following_VBG days_NNS ,_, Mrs._NP Peter_NP ,_, little
_JJ Esther_NP ,_, and_CC Raoul_NP ,_, who_WPS generously_RB lent_VBD me_PPO his_
PP$ sleeping_VBG bag_NN for_IN my_PP$ ``_`` Watch_NN-TL on_IN-TL the_AT-TL Rhine
_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Sighting_VBG a_AT line_NN from_IN the_AT bridge_NN to_IN a_AT s
mall_JJ field_NN directly_RB to_IN the_AT side_NN ,_, I_PPSS pitched_VBD the_AT
tent_NN that_DT evening_NN on_IN the_AT stateless_JJ ``_`` line_NN ''_'' ,_, dig
ging_VBG a_AT small_JJ trench_NN around_IN it_PPO as_QL best_RBT I_PPSS could_MD
with_IN a_AT toy_NN spade_NN donated_VBN by_IN a_AT neighborhood_NN child_NN ._
. The_AT wind_NN from_IN the_AT Rhine_NP was_BEDZ damp_JJ and_CC chill_JJ ,_, ne
cessitating_VBG a_AT fire_NN for_IN warmth_NN ._. After_CS scouring_VBG around_R
B a_AT bit_NN in_IN the_AT open_JJ area_NN ,_, I_PPSS came_VBD across_IN what_WD
T proved_VBD to_TO be_BE tar-soaked_JJ logs_NNS which_WDT crackled_VBD and_CC bu
rned_VBD brightly_RB ,_, giving_VBG off_RP vast_JJ rolls_NNS of_IN smoke_NN into
_IN the_AT ashen_JJ sky_NN ._. Each_DT evening_NN the_AT students_NNS appeared_V
BD with_IN the_AT soup_NN kettle_NN and_CC several_AP petits_FW-JJ pains_FW-NNS
,_, Esther_NP usually_RB being_BEG among_IN them_PPO ._. I_PPSS had_HVD advised_
VBN friends_NNS to_TO write_VB me_PPO to_IN ``_`` No_AT-TL Man's_NN$-TL Land_NN-
TL ,_, Pont_NP Kehl_NP ,_, Between_IN-TL Strasbourg_NP-TL and_CC-TL Kehl_NP-TL ,
_, France-Germany_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Sure_RB enough_QLP ,_, mail_NN began_VBD trick
ling_VBG in_RP ,_, delivered_VBN by_IN a_AT talkative_JJ ,_, highly_QL amused_VB
N French_JJ postman_NN who_WPS informed_VBD me_PPO there_EX had_HVD been_BEN qui
te_ABL a_AT debate_NN at_IN the_AT post_NN office_NN as_IN to_IN whether_CS that
_DT address_NN would_MD be_BE recognized_VBN ._. On_IN Christmas_NP-TL Eve_NN-TL
,_, students_NNS brought_VBD out_RP two_CD small_JJ Christmas_NP trees_NNS whic
h_WDT I_PPSS placed_VBD on_IN either_DTX side_NN of_IN the_AT tent_NN ._. As_CS
the_AT field_NN on_IN which_WDT my_PP$ tent_NN was_BEDZ pitched_VBN was_BEDZ a_A
T favorite_JJ natural_JJ playground_NN for_IN the_AT kids_NNS of_IN the_AT neigh
borhood_NIL ,_, I_NIL had_NIL made_NIL many_NIL friends_NIL among_NIL them_NIL ,
_, taking_NIL part_NIL in_NIL their_NIL after-school_NIL games_NIL and_NIL tryin
g_NIL desperately_NIL to_NIL translate_NIL Grimm's_NIL Fairy_NIL Tales_NIL into_
NIL an_NIL understandable_JJ French_NP as_CS we_PPSS gathered_VBD around_IN the_
AT fire_NN in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT tent_NN ._. To_IN my_PP$ great_JJ surpris
e_NN and_CC delight_NN ,_, when_WRB they_PPSS saw_VBD the_AT two_CD trees_NNS th
ey_PPSS went_VBD rushing_VBG off_RP ,_, returning_VBG shortly_RB with_IN decorat
ions_NNS from_IN their_PP$ own_JJ trees_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT merry_JJ if
_CS somewhat_QL soggy_JJ Christmas_NP for_IN me_PPO that_DT year_NN ._. In_IN th
e_AT mail_NN were_BED invitations_NNS to_TO speak_VB at_IN the_AT universities_N
NS of_IN Cologne_NP ,_, Heidelberg_NP ,_, and_CC Baden-Baden_NP ._. Twenty_CD th
ousand_CD world_NN citizens_NNS at_IN Stuttgart_NP had_HVD signed_VBN a_AT petit
ion_NN inviting_VBG me_PPO to_TO visit_VB their_PP$ town_NN ._. When_WRB Dr._NN-
TL Adenauer_NP was_BEDZ approached_VBN by_IN a_AT world_NN citizen_NN delegation
_NN to_TO find_VB out_RP his_PP$ disposition_NN of_IN my_PP$ case_NN ,_, he_PPS
gave_VBD them_PPO his_PP$ personal_JJ approval_NN of_IN my_PP$ entry_NN ,_, sayi
ng_VBG that_CS all_ABN men_NNS advocating_VBG peace_NN should_MD be_BE welcomed_
VBN into_IN Germany_NP ._. The_AT special_JJ guard_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, was_BED
Z still_RB posted_VBN on_IN Kehl_NP bridge_NN ._. As_CS it_PPS began_VBD raining
_VBG at_IN around_RB eight_CD o'clock_RB on_IN December_NP 26th_OD ,_, I_PPSS re
tired_VBD into_IN my_PP$ tent_NN early_RB ,_, somewhat_QL tired_VBN and_CC disco
uraged_VBN ,_, my_PP$ body_NN reacting_VBG sluggishly_RB because_RB of_IN the_AT
continued_VBN exposure_NN ._. No_AT matter_NN how_WQL large_JJ the_AT fire_NN ,
_, I_PPSS couldn't_MD* seem_VB to_TO shake_VB off_RP the_AT chill_NN that_DT day
_NN ._. ``_`` Oh_UH ,_, Mr._NP Davis_NP ,_, are_BER you_PPSS there_RB ''_'' ?_.
?_. A_AT voice_NN drifted_VBD in_RP to_IN me_PPO above_IN the_AT patter_NN of_IN
the_AT rain_NN shortly_RB after_CS I_PPSS had_HVD fallen_VBN into_IN a_AT fitfu
l_JJ sleep_NN ._. ``_`` Who_WPS is_BEZ it_PPS ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` We're_PPSS+BER
from_IN the_AT Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Europe_NP-TL ,_, British_JJ delegation_NN
._. May_MD we_PPSS have_HV a_AT word_NN with_IN you_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` I'm
_PPSS+BEM sorry_JJ ._. I've_PPSS+HV had_HVN a_AT trying_JJ day_NN and_CC I_PPSS
just_RB can't_MD* make_VB it_PPO out_RP again_RB ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS told_VBD them_
PPO ._. I_PPSS heard_VBD nothing_PN more_AP ._. Later_RBR I_PPSS learned_VBD tha
t_CS Sir_NP Hugh_NP Dalton_NP had_HVD expressed_VBN a_AT desire_NN to_TO see_VB
me_PPO ,_, hence_RB their_PP$ trip_NN to_IN ``_`` No_AT-TL Man's_NN$-TL Land_NN-
TL ''_'' ._. On_IN the_AT evening_NN of_IN December_NP 27th_OD ,_, Esther_NP not
iced_VBD my_PP$ pallid_JJ look_NN and_CC rasping_VBG voice_NN ._. She_PPS entrea
ted_VBD me_PPO to_TO see_VB a_AT doctor_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB I_PPSS refused_VB
D ,_, brought_VBD one_CD out_RP to_TO see_VB me_PPO ._. He_PPS advised_VBD immed
iate_JJ hospitalization_NN ._. I_PPSS wouldn't_MD* hear_VB of_IN it_PPO because_
CS it_PPS meant_VBD giving_VBG up_RP the_AT ``_`` line_NN ''_'' ,_, though_CS I_
PPSS realized_VBD I_PPSS was_BEDZ in_IN poor_JJ shape_NN physically_RB ._. Esthe
r_NP ,_, mistaking_VBG my_PP$ hesitation_NN ,_, assured_VBD me_PPO that_CS the_A
T hospital_NN expense_NN would_MD be_BE taken_VBN care_NN of_IN by_IN a_AT leadi
ng_VBG merchant_NN in_IN Strasbourg_NP whom_WPO she_PPS had_HVD already_RB appro
ached_VBN ._. ``_`` No_RB ,_, it's_PPS+BEZ not_* that_DT ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS told_V
BD her_PPO ._. ``_`` You_PPSS see_VB ,_, once_CS I_PPSS relinquish_VB the_AT pos
ition_NN I've_PPSS+HV already_RB established_VBN here_RB ,_, I_PPSS couldn't_MD*
regain_VB it_PPO without_IN sacrificing_VBG the_AT logic_NN of_IN it_PPO ''_''
._. At_IN that_DT moment_NN ,_, up_RP walked_VBD a_AT tall_JJ young_JJ man_NN wi
th_IN glasses_NNS who_WPS announced_VBD himself_PPL as_CS a_AT world_NN citizen_
NN from_IN Basel_NP ,_, Switzerland_NP ._. Without_IN preliminaries_NNS ,_, Esth
er_NP asked_VBD him_PPO ,_, ``_`` If_CS you_PPSS are_BER a_AT world_NN citizen_N
N ,_, will_MD you_PPSS take_VB Garry_NP Davis'_NP$ place_NN in_IN his_PP$ tent_N
N while_CS he_PPS goes_VBZ to_IN the_AT hospital_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` But_CC o
f_IN course_NN ,_, with_IN pleasure_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS replied_VBD ._. Esther_N
P looked_VBD at_IN me_PPO ._. I_PPSS looked_VBD from_IN her_PPO to_IN him_PPO ._
. ``_`` What_WDT is_BEZ your_PP$ name_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS asked_VBD him_PPO
._. ``_`` Jean_NP Babel_NP ''_'' ._. ``_`` Shake_VB ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS said_VBD ._
. ``_`` You_PPSS have_HV just_RB enlisted_VBN for_IN the_AT '_' Rhine_NP-TL Camp
aign_NN-TL '_' ''_'' ._. Esther_NP jumped_VBD up_RP ,_, ran_VBD to_IN him_PPO an
d_CC gave_VBD him_PPO a_AT little_JJ hug_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM so_QL happy_
JJ ._. Now_RB come_VB ,_, Garry_NP ,_, we_PPSS must_MD go_VB quickly_RB ._. Ther
e_EX is_BEZ a_AT police_NN car_NN outside_RB ._. Maybe_RB they_PPSS will_MD take
_VB us_PPO ''_'' ._. Such_JJ were_BED the_AT incongruities_NNS of_IN the_AT situ
ation_NN that_CS the_AT very_AP police_NNS assigned_VBN to_TO check_VB up_RP on_
IN me_PPO were_BED drafted_VBN into_IN driving_VBG me_PPO to_IN the_AT Strasbour
g_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL while_CS World_NN-TL Citizen_NN-TL Jean_NP Babel_NP waved
_VBD adieu_FW-UH from_IN the_AT ``_`` Line_NN-TL ''_'' !_. !_. He_PPS remembered
_VBD every_AT detail_NN of_IN his_PP$ pre-assault_JJ movements_NNS but_CC nothin
g_PN of_IN the_AT final_JJ ,_, desperate_JJ rush_NN to_TO come_VB to_IN grips_NN
S with_IN the_AT enemy_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT victory_NN cheer_NN went_VBD up_RP
this_DT officer_NN found_VBD himself_PPL still_RB mounted_VBN ,_, with_IN his_P
P$ horse_NN pressed_VBN broadside_RB against_IN Cleburne's_NP$ log_NN parapet_NN
in_IN a_AT tangled_VBN group_NN of_IN infantrymen_NNS ._. His_PP$ hat_NN was_BE
DZ gone_VBN ,_, the_AT tears_NNS were_BED streaming_VBG from_IN his_PP$ eyes_NNS
._. He_PPS never_RB knew_VBD how_WRB he_PPS got_VBD there_RB ._. Six_CD climact
ic_JJ minutes_NNS in_IN an_AT individual's_NN$ life_NN left_VBD no_AT memory_NN
._. Eight_CD hundred_CD and_CC sixty-five_CD Rebels_NNS-TL surrendered_VBD withi
n_IN their_PP$ works_NNS and_CC a_AT thousand_CD more_AP were_BED captured_VBN o
r_CC surrendered_VBD themselves_PPLS that_DT night_NN and_CC the_AT next_AP day_
NN ._. Eight_CD field_NN guns_NNS were_BED captured_VBN in_IN position_NN ._. Se
ven_CD battle_NN flags_NNS and_CC fourteen_CD officers'_NNS$ swords_NNS were_BED
sent_VBN to_IN Thomas'_NP$ headquarters_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP s
izable_JJ assault_NN upon_IN infantry_NN and_CC artillery_NN behind_IN breastwor
ks_NNS successfully_RB made_VBN by_IN either_DTX side_NN during_IN the_AT Atlant
a_NP campaign_NN ._. The_AT Fourteenth_OD-TL Regiment_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ohio_NP-TL
Volunteers_NNS-TL lost_VBD one-third_NN of_IN its_PP$ numbers_NNS within_IN a_AT
few_AP minutes_NNS ,_, among_IN them_PPO being_BEG several_AP men_NNS whose_WP$
time_NN of_IN service_NN had_HVD expired_VBN but_CC who_WPS had_HVD volunteered
_VBN to_TO advance_VB with_IN their_PP$ regiment_NN ._. The_AT Thirty-eighth_OD-
TL Regiment_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ohio_NP-TL Volunteers_NNS-TL ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT
regiments_NNS in_IN Thomas'_NP$ First_OD-TL Division_NN-TL during_IN Buell's_NP$
command_NN ,_, suffered_VBD its_PP$ greatest_JJT loss_NN of_IN the_AT war_NN in
_IN this_DT action_NN ._. A_AT popular_JJ belief_NN grew_VBD up_RP after_IN the_
AT war_NN that_CS the_AT only_AP time_NN during_IN the_AT Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL
that_CS Thomas_NP ever_RB put_VBD his_PP$ horse_NN to_IN a_AT gallop_NN was_BEDZ
when_WRB he_PPS went_VBD to_TO hurry_VB up_RP Stanley_NP for_IN this_DT assault
_NN ._. Sherman_NP was_BEDZ responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT story_NN when_WRB he_PP
S said_VBD in_IN his_PP$ memoirs_NNS that_CS this_DT was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP tim
e_NN he_PPS could_MD recall_VB seeing_VBG Thomas_NP ride_VB so_QL fast_RB ._. Wh
ile_CS Thomas'_NP$ injured_VBN back_NN led_VBD him_PPO to_TO restrain_VB his_PP$
mount_NN from_IN its_PP$ most_QL violent_JJ gait_NN he_PPS moved_VBD quickly_RB
enough_QLP when_WRB he_PPS had_HVD to_TO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* in_IN the_AT r
ecord_NN ,_, but_CC he_PPS must_MD have_HV galloped_VBN his_PP$ horse_NN at_IN P
each_NN-TL Tree_NN-TL Creek_NN-TL when_WRB he_PPS brought_VBD up_RP Ward's_NP$ g
uns_NNS to_TO save_VB Newton's_NP$ crumbling_VBG line_NN ._. While_CS the_AT fin
al_JJ combat_NN of_IN the_AT campaign_NN was_BEDZ being_BEG worked_VBN out_RP at
_IN Jonesborough_NP ,_, Thomas_NP ,_, on_IN Sherman's_NP$ instructions_NNS ,_, o
rdered_VBD Slocum_NP ,_, now_RB commanding_VBG the_AT Twentieth_OD-TL Corps_NN-T
L ,_, to_TO make_VB an_AT effort_NN to_TO occupy_VB Atlanta_NP if_CS he_PPS coul
d_MD do_DO so_RB without_IN exposing_VBG his_PP$ bridgehead_NN to_IN a_AT counte
rattack_NN ._. The_AT dispatch_NN must_MD have_HV been_BEN sent_VBN after_IN sun
down_NN on_IN September_NP 1_CD ._. Slocum_NP made_VBD his_PP$ reconnaissanace_N
N the_AT next_AP morning_NN ,_, found_VBD the_AT town_NN empty_JJ ,_, accepted_V
BD the_AT surrender_NN of_IN the_AT mayor_NN and_CC occupied_VBD the_AT city_NN
a_AT little_JJ before_IN noon_NN ._. On_IN the_AT morning_NN of_IN September_NP
2_CD the_AT Fourth_OD-TL Corps_NN-TL and_CC the_AT Armies_NNS-TL of_IN the_AT Te
nnessee_NP and_CC the_AT Ohio_NP followed_VBD the_AT line_NN of_IN Hardee's_NP$
retreat_NN ._. About_RB noon_NN they_PPSS came_VBD up_RP with_IN the_AT enemy_NN
two_CD miles_NNS from_IN Lovejoy's_NP$-TL Station_NN-TL and_CC deployed_VBD ._.
The_AT Fourth_OD-TL Corps_NN-TL assaulted_VBD and_CC carried_VBD a_AT small_JJ
portion_NN of_IN the_AT enemy_NN works_NNS but_CC could_MD not_* hold_VB possess
ion_NN of_IN the_AT gain_NN for_IN want_NN of_IN cooperation_NN from_IN the_AT b
alance_NN of_IN the_AT line_NN ._. That_DT night_NN a_AT note_NN written_VBN in_
IN Slocum's_NP$ hand_NN and_CC dated_VBN from_IN inside_IN the_AT captured_VBN c
ity_NN came_VBD to_IN Sherman_NP stating_VBG that_CS the_AT Twentieth_OD-TL Corp
s_NN-TL was_BEDZ in_IN possession_NN of_IN Atlanta_NP ._. Before_CS making_VBG t
he_AT news_NN public_JJ Sherman_NP sent_VBD an_AT officer_NN with_IN the_AT note
_NN to_IN Thomas_NP ._. In_IN a_AT short_JJ time_NN the_AT officer_NN returned_V
BD and_CC Thomas_NP followed_VBD on_IN his_PP$ heels_NNS ._. The_AT cautious_JJ
Thomas_NP re-examined_VBD the_AT note_NN and_CC then_RB ,_, making_VBG up_RP his
_PP$ mind_NN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ genuine_JJ ,_, snapped_VBD his_PP$ fingers_
NNS ,_, whistled_VBD and_CC almost_RB danced_VBD in_IN his_PP$ exuberance_NN ._.
The_AT next_AP day_NN Sherman_NP issued_VBD his_PP$ orders_NNS ending_VBG the_A
T campaign_NN and_CC pulled_VBD his_PP$ armies_NNS back_RB to_IN Atlanta_NP ._.
The_AT measure_NN of_IN combat_NN efficiency_NN in_IN an_AT indecisive_JJ campai
gn_NN is_BEZ a_AT matter_NN of_IN personal_JJ choice_NN ._. Sherman_NP laid_VBD
great_JJ store_NN by_IN place_NN captures_NNS ._. Hood_NP refused_VBD to_TO noti
ce_VB anything_PN except_IN captured_VBN guns_NNS and_CC colors_NNS ._. By_IN bo
th_ABX standards_NNS Thomas_NP had_HVD the_AT right_NN to_TO be_BE proud_JJ ._.
Thomas_NP thanked_VBD his_PP$ men_NNS for_IN their_PP$ tenacity_NN of_IN purpose
_NN ,_, unmurmuring_JJ endurance_NN ,_, cheerful_JJ obedience_NN ,_, brilliant_J
J heroism_NN and_CC high_JJ qualities_NNS in_IN battle_NN ._. Sherman_NP felt_VB
D that_CS his_PP$ own_JJ part_NN in_IN the_AT campaign_NN was_BEDZ skillful_JJ a
nd_CC well_RB executed_VBN but_CC that_CS the_AT slowness_NN of_IN a_AT part_NN
of_IN his_PP$ army_NN robbed_VBD him_PPO of_IN the_AT larger_JJR fruits_NNS of_I
N victory_NN ._. He_PPS supposed_VBD the_AT military_JJ world_NN would_MD approv
e_VB of_IN his_PP$ accomplishment_NN ._. Whatever_WDT the_AT military_JJ world_N
N thought_VBD ,_, the_AT political_JJ world_NN approved_VBD it_PPO wholeheartedl
y_RB ._. For_IN some_DTI time_NN ,_, despondency_NN in_IN some_DTI Northern_JJ-T
L quarters_NNS had_HVD been_BEN displayed_VBN in_IN two_CD ways_NNS --_-- an_AT
eagerness_NN for_IN peace_NN and_CC a_AT dissatisfaction_NN with_IN Lincoln_NP .
_. Proposals_NNS were_BED in_IN the_AT air_NN for_IN a_AT year's_NN$ armistice_N
N ._. Lincoln_NP was_BEDZ sure_JJ that_CS he_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE re-elected
_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT midst_NN of_IN this_DT gloom_NN ,_, at_IN 10:05_CD P.M._RB
on_IN September_NP 2_CD ,_, Slocum's_NP$ telegram_NN to_IN Stanton_NP ,_, ``_``
General_NN-TL Sherman_NP has_HVZ taken_VBN Atlanta_NP ''_'' ,_, shattered_VBD t
he_AT talk_NN of_IN a_AT negotiated_VBN peace_NN and_CC boosted_VBD Lincoln_NP i
nto_IN the_AT White_JJ-TL House_NN-TL ._. To_IN the_AT Republicans_NPS no_AT vic
tory_NN could_MD have_HV been_BEN more_QL complete_JJ ._. Official_JJ congratula
tions_NNS showered_VBD upon_IN Sherman_NP and_CC his_PP$ army_NN ._. Lincoln_NP
mentioned_VBD their_PP$ distinguished_VBN ability_NN ,_, courage_NN and_CC perse
verance_NN ._. He_PPS felt_VBD that_CS this_DT campaign_NN would_MD be_BE famous
_JJ in_IN the_AT annals_NNS of_IN war_NN ._. Grant_NP called_VBD it_PPO prompt_J
J ,_, skillful_JJ and_CC brilliant_JJ ._. Halleck_NP described_VBD it_PPO as_CS
the_AT most_QL brilliant_JJ of_IN the_AT war_NN ._. Actually_RB the_AT Atlanta_N
P campaign_NN was_BEDZ a_AT military_JJ failure_NN ._. Next_AP best_JJT to_IN de
stroying_VBG an_AT army_NN is_BEZ to_TO deprive_VB it_PPO of_IN its_PP$ freedom_
NN of_IN action_NN ._. Sherman_NP had_HVD accomplished_VBN this_DT much_AP of_IN
his_PP$ job_NN and_CC then_RB inexplicably_RB nullified_VBD it_PPO by_IN his_PP
$ thirty-mile_JJ retreat_NN from_IN Lovejoy's_NP$-TL to_IN Atlanta_NP ._. But_CC
,_, so_QL far_RB as_CS its_PP$ territorial_JJ objectives_NNS were_BED concerned
_VBN ,_, the_AT campaign_NN was_BEDZ successful_JJ ._. Within_IN the_AT narrow_J
J frame_NN of_IN military_JJ tactics_NNS ,_, too_RB ,_, the_AT experts_NNS agree
_VB that_CS the_AT campaign_NN was_BEDZ brilliant_JJ ._. In_IN seventeen_CD week
s_NNS the_AT military_JJ front_NN was_BEDZ driven_VBN southward_RB more_AP than_
IN 100_CD miles_NNS ._. There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT battle_NN on_IN an_AT average_NN
of_IN once_RB every_AT three_CD weeks_NNS ._. The_AT skirmishing_NN was_BEDZ alm
ost_QL constant_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT summary_NN of_IN the_AT principal_JJS events
_NNS of_IN the_AT campaign_NN compiled_VBN from_IN the_AT official_JJ records_NN
S there_EX are_BER only_RB ten_CD days_NNS which_WDT show_VB no_AT fighting_NN .
_. The_AT casualties_NNS in_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Cumberland_N
P-TL were_BED 22,807_CD ,_, while_CS for_IN all_ABN three_CD armies_NNS they_PPS
S were_BED 37,081_CD ._. Men_NNS were_BED killed_VBN in_IN their_PP$ camps_NNS ,
_, at_IN their_PP$ meals_NNS and_CC in_IN their_PP$ sleep_NN ._. Rifle_NN fire_N
N often_RB kept_VBD the_AT opposing_VBG gunners_NNS from_IN manning_VBG their_PP
$ pieces_NNS ._. Modern_JJ warfare_NN was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN this_DT campaign_N
N --_-- periscopes_NNS ,_, camouflage_NN ,_, booby_NN traps_NNS ,_, land_NN mine
s_NNS ,_, extended_VBN order_NN ,_, trench_NN raids_NNS ,_, foxholes_NNS ,_, arm
ored_VBN cars_NNS ,_, night_NN attacks_NNS ,_, flares_NNS ,_, sharpshooters_NNS
in_IN trees_NNS ,_, interlaced_VBN vines_NNS and_CC treetops_NNS ,_, which_WDT w
ere_BED the_AT forerunners_NNS of_IN barbed_VBN wire_NN ,_, trip_NN wires_NNS to
_TO thwart_VB a_AT cavalry_NN charge_NN ,_, which_WDT presaged_VBD the_AT mine_N
N trap_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT general_JJ use_NN of_IN anesthetics_NNS ._. The_AT u
se_NN of_IN map_NN coordinates_NNS was_BEDZ begun_VBN when_WRB the_AT senior_JJ
officers_NNS began_VBD to_TO select_VB tactical_JJ points_NNS by_IN designating_
VBG a_AT spot_NN as_CS ``_`` near_IN the_AT letter_NN o_NN in_IN the_AT word_NN
mountain_NN-NC ''_'' ._. A_AT few_AP weeks_NNS later_RBR the_AT maps_NNS were_BE
D being_BEG divided_VBN into_IN squares_NNS and_CC a_AT position_NN was_BEDZ des
cribed_VBN as_CS being_BEG ``_`` about_IN lots_NNS 239_CD ,_, 247_CD and_CC 272_
CD with_IN pickets_NNS forward_RB as_QL far_RB as_CS 196_CD ''_'' ._. This_DT sy
stem_NN was_BEDZ dependent_JJ upon_IN identical_JJ maps_NNS and_CC Thomas_NP sup
plied_VBD them_PPO from_IN a_AT mobile_JJ lithograph_NN press_NN ._. Orders_NNS
of_IN the_AT day_NN began_VBD to_TO specify_VB the_AT standard_JJ map_NN for_IN
the_AT movement_NN ._. Sherman_NP proved_VBD that_CS a_AT railway_NN base_NN cou
ld_MD be_BE movable_JJ and_CC the_AT most_QL brilliant_JJ feature_NN of_IN the_A
T Atlanta_NP campaign_NN was_BEDZ the_AT rapid_JJ repair_NN of_IN the_AT tracks_
NNS ._. To_IN the_AT Rebels_NNS-TL it_PPS seemed_VBD as_CS if_CS Sherman_NP carr
ied_VBD tunnels_NNS and_CC bridges_NNS in_IN his_PP$ pockets_NNS ._. The_AT whis
tle_NN of_IN Sherman's_NP$ locomotives_NNS often_RB drowned_VBD out_RP the_AT ra
ttle_NN of_IN the_AT skirmish_NN fire_NN ._. As_CS always_RB ,_, the_AT ranks_NN
S worked_VBD out_RP new_JJ and_CC better_JJR tactics_NNS ,_, but_CC there_EX was
_BEDZ brilliance_NN in_IN the_AT way_NN the_AT field_NN commands_NNS adopted_VBD
these_DTS methods_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT way_NN the_AT army_NN commanders_NNS
incorporated_VBD them_PPO into_IN their_PP$ military_JJ thinking_NN ._. The_AT f
ossilized_VBN ,_, formalized_VBN ,_, precedent-based_JJ thinking_NN of_IN the_AT
legendary_JJ military_JJ brain_NN was_BEDZ not_* evident_JJ in_IN Sherman's_NP$
armies_NNS ._. Sherman_NP could_MD never_RB be_BE accused_VBN of_IN sticking_VB
G too_QL long_RB with_IN the_AT old_JJ ._. One_CD of_IN Sherman's_NP$ most_QL se
rious_JJ shortcomings_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, was_BEDZ his_PP$ mistrust_NN of_IN
his_PP$ cavalry_NN ._. He_PPS never_RB saw_VBD that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT comp
lement_NN to_IN his_PP$ infantry_NN and_CC not_* a_AT substitute_NN for_IN it_PP
O ._. Then_RB ,_, in_IN some_DTI way_NN ,_, this_DT lack_NN of_IN faith_NN in_IN
the_AT cavalry_NN became_VBD mixed_VBN up_RP in_IN his_PP$ mind_NN with_IN the_
AT dragging_VBG effect_NN of_IN wagon_NN trains_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ hardened_VBN
into_IN a_AT prejudice_NN ._. A_AT horse_NN needed_VBD twenty_CD pounds_NNS of_
IN food_NN a_AT day_NN but_CC the_AT infantryman_NN got_VBD along_RB with_IN two
_CD pounds_NNS ._. The_AT horseman_NN required_VBD eleven_CD times_NNS more_AP t
han_CS the_AT footman_NN ._. So_RB Sherman_NP tried_VBD a_AT compromise_NN ._. H
e_PPS would_MD ship_VB by_IN rail_NN five_CD pounds_NNS per_IN day_NN per_IN ani
mal_NN and_CC the_AT other_AP fifteen_CD pounds_NNS that_WPS were_BED needed_VBN
could_MD be_BE picked_VBN up_RP off_IN the_AT country_NN ._. It_PPS failed_VBD
to_TO work_VB ._. Already_RB debilitated_VBN by_IN the_AT Chattanooga_NP starvat
ion_NN ,_, the_AT quality_NN of_IN Sherman's_NP$ horseflesh_NN ran_VBD downhill_
RB as_CS the_AT campaign_NN progressed_VBD ._. Every_AT recorded_VBN request_NN
by_IN Thomas_NP for_IN a_AT delay_NN in_IN a_AT flank_NN movement_NN or_CC an_AT
advance_NN was_BEDZ to_TO gain_VB time_NN to_TO take_VB care_NN of_IN his_PP$ h
orses_NNS ._. Well_RB led_VBN ,_, properly_RB organized_VBN cavalry_NN ,_, in_IN
its_PP$ complementary_JJ role_NN to_IN infantry_NN ,_, had_HVD four_CD function
s_NNS ._. First_OD ,_, it_PPS could_MD locate_VB the_AT enemy_NN infantry_NN ,_,
learn_VB what_WDT they_PPSS were_BED doing_VBG ,_, and_CC hold_VB them_PPO unti
l_CS the_AT heavy_JJ foot_NN columns_NNS could_MD come_VB up_RP and_CC take_VB o
ver_RP ._. Second_OD ,_, it_PPS could_MD screen_VB its_PP$ own_JJ infantry_NN fr
om_IN the_AT sight_NN of_IN the_AT enemy_NN ._. Third_OD ,_, it_PPS could_MD thr
eaten_VB at_IN all_ABN times_NNS ,_, and_CC destroy_VB when_WRB possible_JJ ,_,
the_AT enemy_NN communications_NNS ._. It_PPS could_MD reach_VB key_JJS tactical
_JJ points_NNS faster_RBR than_CS infantry_NN and_CC destroy_VB them_PPO or_CC h
old_VB them_PPO as_CS the_AT case_NN might_MD be_BE for_IN the_AT foot_NN soldie
r_NN ._. Its_PP$ climactic_JJ role_NN was_BEDZ to_TO pursue_VB and_CC demoralize
_VB a_AT defeated_VBN enemy_NN but_CC this_DT chance_NN never_RB came_VBD in_IN
the_AT Atlanta_NP campaign_NN ._. Thomas_NP tried_VBD hard_RB to_TO have_HV his_
PP$ cavalry_NN ready_JJ for_IN the_AT test_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO meet_VB ,_,
but_CC his_PP$ plans_NNS were_BED wrecked_VBN when_WRB it_PPS was_BEDZ forced_VB
N into_IN a_AT campaign_NN without_IN optimum_JJ mobility_NN and_CC with_IN its_
PP$ commander_NN stripped_VBN from_IN it_PPO ._. Sherman_NP knew_VBD the_AT uses
_NNS of_IN cavalry_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS Thomas_NP but_CC he_PPS imagined_VBD a
_AT moving_VBG base_NN with_IN infantry_NN wings_NNS instead_RB of_IN cavalry_NN
wings_NNS ._. His_PP$ conception_NN proved_VBD workable_JJ but_CC slower_JJR an
d_CC it_PPS enabled_VBD his_PP$ enemy_NN to_TO make_VB clean_JJ ,_, deft_JJ ,_,
well_RB organized_VBN retreats_NNS with_IN small_JJ materiel_NN losses_NNS ._. S
herman_NP insisted_VBD that_CS cavalry_NN could_MD not_* successfully_RB break_V
B up_RP hostile_JJ railways_NNS ,_, yet_CC Garrard's_NP$ Covington_NP raid_NN an
d_CC Rousseau's_NP$ Opelika_NP raid_NN cut_VBD two-thirds_NNS of_IN the_AT rail_
NN lines_NNS he_PPS had_HVD to_TO break_VB and_CC Sherman_NP lived_VBD in_IN mor
tal_JJ fear_NN of_IN what_WDT Forrest_NP might_MD do_DO to_IN his_PP$ communicat
ions_NNS ._. When_WRB McPherson_NP pushed_VBD blindly_RB through_IN Snake_NN-TL
Creek_NN-TL Gap_NN-TL in_IN a_AT potentially_RB decisive_JJ movement_NN ,_, the_
AT only_AP cavalry_NN in_IN his_PP$ van_NN was_BEDZ the_AT Ninth_OD-TL Illinois_
NP-TL Mounted_VBN-TL Infantry_NN-TL ,_, totally_QL inadequate_JJ for_IN its_PP$
role_NN ._. It_PPS stumbled_VBD on_IN infantry_NN where_WRB no_AT infantry_NN sh
ould_MD have_HV been_BEN and_CC McPherson's_NP$ aggressive_JJ impulse_NN faded_V
BD out_RP ,_, overwhelmed_VBN by_IN fears_NNS of_IN the_AT unknown_NN ._. A_AT p
roper_JJ cavalry_NN command_NN in_IN his_PP$ front_NN would_MD have_HV developed
_VBN the_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS had_HVD run_VBN into_IN one_CD division_NN of
_IN Polk's_NP$ Army_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Mississippi_NP-TL moving_VBG up_RP
from_IN the_AT direction_NN of_IN Mobile_NP to_TO join_VB Johnston_NP at_IN Dalt
on_NP ._. From_IN the_AT night_NN of_IN August_NP 30_CD to_IN the_AT morning_NN
of_IN September_NP 2_CD there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT Union_NN-TL cavalry_NN east_NR o
f_IN the_AT Macon_NP railway_NN to_TO disclose_VB to_IN Sherman_NP that_CS he_PP
S was_BEDZ missing_VBG the_AT greatest_JJT opportunity_NN of_IN his_PP$ career_N
N ._. A_AT great_JJ part_NN of_IN the_AT time_NN ,_, Thomas'_NP$ infantry_NN nev
er_RB knew_VBD the_AT location_NN of_IN the_AT enemy_NN line_NN ._. At_IN such_J
J times_NNS Thomas_NP wondered_VBD when_WRB and_CC where_WRB a_AT counterattack_
NN would_MD strike_VB him_PPO ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT hard_JJ way_NN to_TO fi
ght_VB a_AT war_NN but_CC Thomas_NP did_DOD it_PPO without_IN making_VBG any_DTI
disastrous_JJ mistakes_NNS ._. Heat_NN during_IN the_AT Atlanta_NP campaign_NN
,_, coupled_VBN with_IN unsuitable_JJ clothing_NN ,_, caused_VBD individual_JJ i
rritation_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ compounded_VBN by_IN a_AT lack_NN of_IN opportuni
ty_NN to_TO bathe_VB and_CC shift_VB into_IN clean_JJ clothing_NN ._. To_TO reli
eve_VB the_AT itch_NN and_CC sweat_NN galls_NNS ,_, the_AT men_NNS got_VBD into_
IN the_AT water_NN whenever_WRB they_PPSS could_MD and_CC since_CS each_DT sizab
le_JJ stream_NN was_BEDZ generally_RB the_AT dividing_VBG line_NN between_IN the
_AT armies_NNS the_AT pickets_NNS declared_VBD a_AT private_JJ truce_NN while_CS
the_AT men_NNS went_VBD swimming_VBG ._. Johnston_NP believed_VBD that_CS Sherm
an_NP put_VBD his_PP$ naked_JJ engineers_NNS into_IN the_AT swimming_VBG parties
_NNS to_TO locate_VB the_AT various_JJ fords_NNS ._. Lieutenant_NN-TL Colonel_NN
-TL James_NP P._NP Brownlow_NP ,_, who_WPS commanded_VBD the_AT First_OD-TL Brig
ade_NN-TL of_IN Thomas'_NP$ First_OD-TL Cavalry_NN-TL Division_NN-TL ,_, was_BED
Z ordered_VBN across_IN one_CD of_IN these_DTS fords_NNS ._. The_AT water_NN was
_BEDZ deep_JJ and_CC Brownlow_NP took_VBD his_PP$ troopers_NNS across_RP naked_J
J --_-- except_IN for_IN guns_NNS ,_, cartridge_NN boxes_NNS and_CC hats_NNS ._.
They_PPSS kicked_VBD their_PP$ horses_NNS through_IN the_AT deep_JJ water_NN wi
th_IN their_PP$ bare_JJ heels_NNS ,_, drove_VBD the_AT Rebels_NNS-TL out_IN of_I
N their_PP$ rifle_NN pits_NNS and_CC captured_VBD four_CD men_NNS ._. Most_AP of
_IN the_AT Rebels_NNS-TL got_VBD away_RB since_CS they_PPSS could_MD make_VB bet
ter_JJR time_NN through_IN the_AT stiff_JJ brush_NN than_CS their_PP$ naked_JJ p
ursuers_NNS ._. Rank_NN was_BEDZ becoming_VBG an_AT explosive_JJ issue_NN in_IN
all_ABN three_CD of_IN Sherman's_NP$ armies_NNS ._. Merited_VBN recommendations_
NNS from_IN army_NN commanders_NNS were_BED passed_VBN over_RP in_IN favor_NN of
_IN political_JJ appointees_NNS from_IN civil_JJ life_NN ._. In_IN one_CD of_IN
the_AT very_QL few_AP letters_NNS in_IN which_WDT he_PPS ever_RB complained_VBD
of_IN Meynell_NP ,_, Thompson_NP told_VBD Patmore_NP of_IN his_PP$ distress_NN a
t_IN having_HVG had_HVN to_TO leave_VB London_NP before_CS this_DT new_JJ friend
ship_NN had_HVD developed_VBN further_RBR :_: ``_`` That_DT was_BEDZ a_AT very_Q
L absurd_JJ and_CC annoying_JJ situation_NN in_IN which_WDT I_PPSS was_BEDZ plac
ed_VBN by_IN W._NP M.'s_NP$ curious_JJ methods_NNS of_IN handling_VBG me_PPO ._.
He_PPS never_RB let_VBD me_PPO know_VB that_CS my_PP$ visit_NN was_BEDZ about_R
B to_TO terminate_VB until_IN the_AT actual_JJ morning_NN I_PPSS was_BEDZ to_TO
leave_VB for_IN Lymington_NP ._. The_AT result_NN was_BEDZ that_CS I_PPSS found_
VBD myself_PPL in_IN the_AT ridiculous_JJ position_NN of_IN having_HVG made_VBN
a_AT formal_JJ engagement_NN by_IN letter_NN for_IN the_AT next_AP week_NN ,_, o
nly_RB two_CD days_NNS before_IN my_PP$ departure_NN from_IN London_NP ._. Lucki
ly_RB both_ABX women_NNS knew_VBD my_PP$ position_NN and_CC if_CS anyone_PN suff
ered_VBD in_IN their_PP$ opinion_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* I_PPSS ''_'' ._. It_PP
S need_MD hardly_RB be_BE remarked_VBN that_CS Thompson_NP was_BEDZ not_* genera
lly_RB known_VBN for_IN his_PP$ scrupulosity_NN about_IN keeping_VBG his_PP$ soc
ial_JJ engagements_NNS ,_, which_WDT makes_VBZ his_PP$ irritation_NN in_IN this_
DT letter_NN all_ABN the_AT more_QL significant_JJ ._. When_WRB Thompson_NP and_
CC her_PP$ daughter_NN began_VBD a_AT correspondence_NN which_WDT included_VBD f
ervent_JJ verses_NNS from_IN Pantasaph_NP ,_, Mrs._NP King_NP felt_VBD a_AT prop
er_JJ Victorian_JJ alarm_NN ._. Some_DTI ,_, she_PPS knew_VBD ,_, looked_VBD upo
n_RB Thompson_NP almost_RB as_CS a_AT saint_NN ,_, but_CC others_NNS read_VBD in
_IN ``_`` The_AT-TL Hound_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Heaven_NN-TL ''_'' what_WDT they_PPSS t
ook_VBD to_TO be_BE the_AT confessions_NNS of_IN a_AT great_JJ sinner_NN ,_, who
_WPS ,_, like_CS Oscar_NP Wilde_NP ,_, had_HVD --_-- as_CS one_CD pious_JJ write
r_NN later_RBR put_VBD it_PPO --_-- thrown_VBN himself_PPL ``_`` on_IN the_AT sw
elling_VBG wave_NN of_IN every_AT passion_NN ''_'' ._. Consequently_RB ,_, on_IN
October_NP 31_CD ,_, 1896_CD ,_, Mrs._NP King_NP wrote_VBD to_IN Thompson_NP ,_
, quite_QL against_IN her_PP$ daughter's_NN$ wishes_NNS ,_, asking_VBG him_PPO n
ot_* to_TO ``_`` recommence_VB a_AT correspondence_NN which_WDT I_PPSS believe_V
B has_HVZ been_BEN dropped_VBN for_IN some_DTI weeks_NNS ''_'' ._. Katherine_NP
was_BEDZ staying_VBG at_IN a_AT convent_NN ,_, and_CC her_PP$ mother_NN felt_VBD
that_CS ,_, as_CS Thompson_NP himself_PPL seems_VBZ to_TO have_HV suggested_VBN
,_, she_PPS might_MD eventually_RB stay_VB there_RB ._. This_DT prospect_NN did
_DOD not_* please_VB Mrs._NP King_NP any_QL more_RBR than_CS did_DOD the_AT poss
ibility_NN that_CS her_PP$ daughter_NN might_MD marry_VB a_AT Bohemian_NP ,_, bu
t_CC she_PPS used_VBD it_PPO to_TO suggest_VB to_IN Thompson_NP that_CS ,_, ``_`
` It_PPS is_BEZ not_* in_IN her_PP$ nature_NN to_TO love_VB you_PPO ''_'' ._. Fo
r_IN his_PP$ part_NN ,_, Thompson_NP had_HVD explained_VBN in_IN a_AT previous_J
J letter_NN that_CS there_EX would_MD be_BE nothing_PN but_IN an_AT honorable_JJ
friendship_NN between_IN Katie_NP and_CC himself_PPL ._. At_IN no_AT time_NN do
es_DOZ he_PPS seem_VB to_TO have_HV proposed_VBN marriage_NN ,_, and_CC Mrs._NP
King_NP was_BEDZ evidently_RB torn_VBN between_IN a_AT concern_NN for_IN her_PP$
daughter's_NN$ emotions_NNS and_CC the_AT desire_NN to_TO believe_VB that_CS th
e_AT friendship_NN might_MD be_BE continued_VBN without_IN harm_NN to_IN her_PP$
reputation_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI case_NN ,_, she_PPS told_VBD Thompson_NP that_C
S she_PPS saw_VBD no_AT reason_NN why_WRB he_PPS might_MD not_* see_VB Katie_NP
again_RB ,_, ``_`` now_RB that_CS this_DT frank_JJ explanation_NN has_HVZ been_B
EN made_VBN &_CC no_AT one_PN can_MD misunderstand_VB ''_'' ._. She_PPS ended_VB
D her_PP$ letter_NN with_IN the_AT assurance_NN that_CS she_PPS considered_VBD h
is_PP$ friendship_NN for_IN her_PP$ daughter_NN and_CC herself_PPL to_TO be_BE a
n_AT honor_NN ,_, from_IN which_WDT she_PPS could_MD not_* part_VB ``_`` without
_IN still_RB more_AP pain_NN ''_'' ._. After_CS Thompson_NP came_VBD to_IN Londo
n_NP to_TO live_VB ,_, he_PPS received_VBD a_AT letter_NN from_IN Katie_NP ,_, w
hich_WDT was_BEDZ dated_VBN February_NP 8_CD ,_, 1897_CD ._. She_PPS regretted_V
BD what_WDT she_PPS described_VBD as_CS the_AT ``_`` unwarrantable_JJ &_CC unnec
essary_JJ ''_'' check_NN to_IN their_PP$ friendship_NN and_CC said_VBD that_CS s
he_PPS felt_VBD that_CS they_PPSS understood_VBD one_CD another_DT perfectly_RB
._. This_DT letter_NN concluded_VBD with_IN an_AT invitation_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS
am_BEM a_AT great_JJ deal_NN at_IN the_AT little_JJ children's_NNS$ Hospital_NN
-TL ._. Mr._NP Meynell_NP knows_VBZ the_AT way_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB you_PPSS ar
e_BER very_QL busy_JJ now_RB ,_, you_PPSS are_BER writing_VBG a_AT great_JJ deal
_NN &_CC your_PP$ book_NN is_BEZ coming_VBG out_RP ,_, isn't_BEZ* it_PPS ?_. ?_.
But_CC if_CS you_PPSS are_BER able_JJ &_CC care_VB to_TO come_VB ,_, you_PPSS k
now_VB how_WQL glad_JJ I_PPSS shall_MD be_BE ._. Ever_RB yours_PP$$ sincerely_RB
,_, Katherine_NP Douglas_NP King_NP ''_'' The_AT invitation_NN was_BEDZ accepte
d_VBN and_CC other_AP letters_NNS followed_VBD ,_, in_IN which_WDT she_PPS spoke
_VBD of_IN her_PP$ concern_NN for_IN his_PP$ health_NN and_CC her_PP$ delight_NN
in_IN seeing_VBG him_PPO so_QL much_RB at_IN home_NN among_IN the_AT crippled_V
BN children_NNS she_PPS served_VBD ._. It_PPS is_BEZ difficult_JJ to_TO say_VB w
hat_WDT Thompson_NP expected_VBD would_MD come_VB of_IN their_PP$ relationship_N
N ,_, which_WDT had_HVD begun_VBN so_QL soon_RB after_CS his_PP$ emotions_NNS ha
d_HVD been_BEN stirred_VBN by_IN Maggie_NP Brien_NP ,_, but_CC when_WRB Katie_NP
wrote_VBD on_IN April_NP 11_CD ,_, 1900_CD ,_, to_TO tell_VB him_PPO that_CS sh
e_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE married_VBN to_IN the_AT Rev._NP Godfrey_NP Burr_NP ,
_, the_AT vicar_NN of_IN Rushall_NP in_IN Staffordshire_NP ,_, the_AT news_NN ev
idently_RB helped_VBD to_TO deepen_VB his_PP$ discouragement_NN over_IN the_AT f
ailure_NN of_IN his_PP$ hopes_NNS for_IN a_AT new_JJ volume_NN of_IN verse_NN ._
. In_IN a_AT letter_NN to_IN Meynell_NP ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ written_VBN in_IN
June_NP ,_, less_AP than_CS a_AT month_NN before_IN Katie's_NP$ wedding_NN ,_,
he_PPS was_BEDZ highly_QL melodramatic_JJ in_IN his_PP$ despair_NN and_CC once_R
B again_RB announced_VBD his_PP$ intention_NN of_IN returning_VBG to_IN the_AT l
ife_NN of_IN the_AT streets_NNS :_: ``_`` A_AT week_NN in_IN arrears_NNS ,_, and
_CC without_IN means_NN to_TO pay_VB ,_, I_PPSS must_MD go_VB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ
the_AT only_AP right_JJ thing_NN ._. Perhaps_RB Mrs._NP Meynell_NP would_MD do_D
O me_PPO the_AT undeserved_JJ kindness_NN to_TO keep_VB my_PP$ own_JJ copy_NN of
_IN the_AT first_OD edition_NN of_IN my_PP$ first_OD book_NN ,_, with_IN all_ABN
its_PP$ mementos_NNS of_IN her_PPO and_CC the_AT dear_JJ ones_NNS ._. Last_RB ,
_, not_* least_AP ,_, there_EX are_BER some_DTI poems_NNS which_WDT K._NP King_N
P sent_VBD me_PPO (_( addressed_VBN to_IN herself_PPL )_) when_WRB I_PPSS was_BE
DZ preparing_VBG a_AT fresh_JJ volume_NN ,_, asking_VBG me_PPO to_TO include_VB
them_PPO ._. The_AT terrible_JJ blow_NN of_IN the_AT New_JJ-TL Year_NN-TL put_VB
D an_AT end_NN to_IN that_DT project_NN ._. I_PPSS wish_VB you_PPSS would_MD ret
urn_VB them_PPO to_IN her_PPO ._. I_PPSS have_HV not_* the_AT heart_NN ._. I_PPS
S never_RB had_HVD the_AT courage_NN to_TO look_VB at_IN them_PPO ,_, when_WRB m
y_PP$ projected_VBN volume_NN became_VBD hopeless_JJ ,_, fearing_VBG they_PPSS w
ere_BED poor_JJ ,_, until_IN now_RB when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ obliged_VBN to_TO d
o_DO so_RB ._. O_UH my_PP$ genius_NN ,_, young_JJ and_CC ripening_VBG ,_, you_PP
SS would_MD swear_VB ,_, --_-- when_WRB I_PPSS wrote_VBD them_PPO ;_. ;_. and_CC
now_RB !_. !_. What_WDT has_HVZ it_PPS all_ABN come_VBN to_IN ?_. ?_. All_ABN c
hance_NN of_IN fulfilling_VBG my_PP$ destiny_NN is_BEZ over_RP ._. I_PPSS want_V
B you_PPO to_TO be_BE grandfather_NN to_IN these_DTS orphaned_VBN poems_NNS ,_,
dear_JJ father-brother_NN ,_, now_RB I_PPSS am_BEM gone_VBN ;_. ;_. and_CC launc
h_VB them_PPO on_IN the_AT world_NN when_WRB their_PP$ time_NN comes_VBZ ._. For
_IN them_PPO a_AT box_NN will_MD be_BE lodgment_NN enough_AP ._. Katie_NP cannot
_MD* mind_VB your_PP$ seeing_VBG them_PPO now_RB ;_. ;_. since_CS my_PP$ silence
_NN must_MD have_HV ended_VBN when_WRB I_PPSS gave_VBD the_AT purposed_VBN volum
e_NN to_IN you_PPO ._. I_PPSS ask_VB you_PPO to_TO do_DO me_PPO the_AT last_AP f
avour_NN of_IN reading_VBG them_PPO by_IN 8_CD to-morrow_NR evening_NN ,_, about
_RB which_WDT time_NN I_PPSS shall_MD come_VB to_TO say_VB my_PP$ sad_JJ good-by
e_UH ._. If_CS you_PPSS don't_DO* think_VB much_AP of_IN them_PPO ,_, tell_VB me
_PPO the_AT wholesome_JJ truth_NN ._. If_CS otherwise_RB ,_, you_PPSS will_MD gi
ve_VB me_PPO a_AT pleasure_NN ._. O_UH Wilfrid_NP !_. !_. It_PPS is_BEZ strange_
JJ ;_. ;_. but_CC this_DT --_-- yes_RB ,_, terrible_JJ step_NN I_PPSS am_BEM abo
ut_RB to_TO take_VB is_BEZ lightened_VBN with_IN an_AT inundating_VBG joy_NN by_
IN the_AT new-found_JJ hope_NN that_CS here_RB ,_, in_IN these_DTS poems_NNS ,_,
is_BEZ treasure_NN --_-- or_CC at_IN least_AP some_DTI measure_NN of_IN beauty_
NN ,_, which_WDT I_PPSS did_DOD not_* know_VB of_IN ''_'' ._. Thompson_NP ,_, of
_IN course_NN ,_, was_BEDZ persuaded_VBN not_* to_TO take_VB the_AT ``_`` terrib
le_JJ step_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. Meynell_NP once_RB again_RB paid_VBD his_PP$ debts_N
NS and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ Katie_NP ,_, rather_IN than_IN Thompson_NP ,_, whose_W
P$ life_NN was_BEDZ soon_RB ended_VBN ,_, for_CS she_PPS died_VBD in_IN childbir
th_NN in_IN April_NP ,_, 1901_CD ,_, in_IN the_AT first_OD year_NN of_IN her_PP$
marriage_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` orphaned_VBN poems_NNS ''_'' mentioned_VBN in_IN t
he_AT letter_NN to_IN Meynell_NP comprised_VBD a_AT group_NN of_IN five_CD sonne
ts_NNS ,_, which_WDT were_BED published_VBN in_IN the_AT 1913_CD edition_NN of_I
N Thompson's_NP$ works_NNS under_IN the_AT heading_NN ``_`` Ad_FW-IN-TL Amicam_F
W-NN-TL ''_'' ,_, plus_IN certain_AP other_AP completed_VBN pieces_NNS and_CC ro
ugh_JJ drafts_NNS gathered_VBN together_RB in_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT familiar_JJ
exercise_NN books_NNS ._. The_AT publication_NN of_IN Father_NN-TL Connolly's_N
P$ The_AT-TL Man_NN-TL Has_HVZ-TL Wings_NNS-TL has_HVZ made_VBD more_AP of_IN th
e_AT group_NN available_JJ in_IN print_NN so_CS that_CS a_AT general_JJ picture_
NN of_IN what_WDT it_PPS contained_VBD can_MD now_RB be_BE had_HVN without_IN di
fficulty_NN ._. Some_DTI of_IN the_AT poems_NNS express_VB a_AT mood_NN of_IN jo
y_NN in_IN a_AT newly_RB discovered_VBN love_NN ;_. ;_. others_NNS suggest_VB it
s_PP$ coming_VBG loss_NN or_CC describe_VB the_AT poet's_NN$ feelings_NNS when_W
RB he_PPS learns_VBZ of_IN a_AT final_JJ separation_NN ._. The_AT somewhat_QL Pe
trarchan_JJ love_NN story_NN which_WDT these_DTS poems_NNS suggest_VB cannot_MD*
obscure_VB the_AT fact_NN that_CS undoubtedly_RB they_PPSS have_HV more_AP than
_CS a_AT little_JJ of_IN autobiographical_JJ sincerity_NN ._. When_WRB they_PPSS
were_BED first_RB written_VBN ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ evidently_RB no_AT thought_
NN of_IN their_PP$ being_BEG published_VBN ,_, and_CC those_DTS which_WDT refer_
VB to_IN the_AT writer's_NN$ love_NN for_IN Mrs._NP Meynell_NP particularly_RB h
ave_HV the_AT ring_NN of_IN truth_NN ._. In_IN ``_`` My_PP$-TL Song's_NN$-TL You
ng_JJ-TL Virgin_JJ-TL Date_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, Thompson_NP wro
te_VBD :_: ``_`` Yea_RB ,_, she_PPS that_WPS had_HVD my_PP$ song's_NN$ young_JJ
virgin_JJ date_NN Not_* now_RB ,_, alas_UH ,_, that_DT noble_JJ singular_JJ she_
PPS ,_, I_PPSS nobler_JJR hold_VB ,_, though_CS marred_VBN from_IN her_PPO once_
RB state_VB ,_, Than_CS others_NNS in_IN their_PP$ best_JJT integrity_NN ._. My_
PP$ own_JJ stern_JJ hand_NN has_HVZ rent_VBN the_AT ancient_JJ bond_NN ,_, And_C
C thereof_RB shall_MD the_AT ending_NN not_* have_HV end_NN :_: But_CC not_* for
_IN me_PPO ,_, that_WPS loved_VBD her_PPO ,_, to_TO be_BE fond_JJ Lightly_RB to_
TO please_VB me_PPO with_IN a_AT newer_JJR friend_NN Then_RB hold_VB it_PPO more
_RBR than_CS bravest-feathered_JJ song_NN ,_, That_CS I_PPSS affirm_VB to_IN the
e_PPO ,_, with_IN heart_NN of_IN pride_NN ,_, I_PPSS knew_VBD not_* what_WDT did
_DOD to_IN a_AT friend_NN belong_VB Till_CS I_PPSS stood_VBD up_RP ,_, true_JJ f
riend_NN ,_, by_IN thy_PP$ true_JJ side_NN ;_. ;_. Whose_WP$ absence_NN dearer_J
JR comfort_NN is_BEZ ,_, by_IN far_RB ,_, Than_CS presences_NNS of_IN other_AP w
omen_NNS are_BER ''_'' !_. !_. Taking_VBG into_IN account_NN Thompson's_NP$ capa
city_NN for_IN self-dramatization_NN and_CC the_AT possibility_NN of_IN a_AT wis
h_NN to_TO identify_VB his_PP$ own_JJ life_NN with_IN the_AT misfortunes_NNS of_
IN other_AP poets_NNS who_WPS had_HVD known_VBN unhappy_JJ loves_NNS ,_, there_E
X can_MD be_BE no_AT doubt_NN about_IN his_PP$ genuine_JJ emotion_NN for_IN Kati
e_NP King_NP ._. That_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ affected_VBN by_IN his_PP$ protestatio
ns_NNS seems_VBZ obvious_JJ ,_, but_CC since_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ evidently_RB a_
AT sensible_JJ young_JJ woman_NN --_-- as_QL well_RB as_CS an_AT outgoing_JJ and
_CC sympathetic_JJ type_NN --_-- it_PPS would_MD seem_VB that_CS for_IN her_PPO
the_AT word_NN friendship_NN-NC had_HVD a_AT far_QL less_QL intense_JJ emotional
_JJ significance_NN than_CS that_DT which_WDT Thompson_NP gave_VBD it_PPO ._. Fr
om_IN the_AT outset_NN ,_, she_PPS must_MD have_HV realized_VBN that_DT marriage
_NN with_IN him_PPO was_BEDZ out_IN of_IN the_AT question_NN ,_, and_CC although
_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ displeased_VBN by_IN the_AT ``_`` unwarrantable_JJ ''_'' in
terference_NN ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ probable_JJ that_CS she_PPS did_DOD agree_VB
with_IN her_PP$ mother's_NN$ suggestion_NN that_CS the_AT poet_NN was_BEDZ ``_``
perhaps_RB ''_'' a_AT man_NN ``_`` most_QL fitted_VBN to_TO live_VB &_CC die_VB
solitary_JJ ,_, &_CC in_IN the_AT love_NN only_RB of_IN the_AT Highest_JJT-TL L
over_NN-TL ''_'' ._. The_AT poems_NNS which_WDT were_BED addressed_VBN to_IN her
_PPO ,_, while_CS they_PPSS are_BER far_QL more_QL restrained_VBN than_CS those_
DTS of_IN ``_`` Love_NN-TL In_IN-TL Dian's_NP$ Lap_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, show_VB no_AT
great_JJ technical_JJ advance_NN over_IN those_DTS of_IN the_AT ``_`` Narrow_JJ
-TL Vessel_NN-TL ''_'' group_NN and_CC are_BER ,_, if_CS anything_PN ,_, somewha
t_QL more_AP labored_VBN ._. Their_PP$ interest_NN remains_VBZ chiefly_RB biogra
phical_JJ ,_, for_CS they_PPSS throw_VB some_DTI light_NN on_IN the_AT utter_JJ
despair_NN which_WDT overtook_VBD Thompson_NP in_IN the_AT spring_NN and_CC earl
y_JJ summer_NN of_IN 1900_CD ._. Whether_CS or_CC not_* Danchin_NP is_BEZ correc
t_JJ in_IN suggesting_VBG that_CS Thompson's_NP$ resumption_NN of_IN the_AT opiu
m_NN habit_NN also_RB dates_VBZ from_IN this_DT period_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN cours
e_NN ,_, a_AT matter_NN of_IN conjecture_NN ._. Reid_NP simply_RB states_VBZ ,_,
without_IN offering_VBG any_DTI supporting_VBG evidence_NN ,_, that_CS ``_`` af
ter_CS he_PPS returned_VBD to_IN London_NP ,_, he_PPS resumed_VBD his_PP$ draugh
ts_NNS of_IN laudanum_NN ,_, and_CC continued_VBD this_DT right_QL up_RP to_IN h
is_PP$ death_NN ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ every_AT reason_NN to_TO recognize_VB
that_CS in_IN the_AT very_QL last_AP years_NNS of_IN his_PP$ life_NN ,_, as_CS w
e_PPSS shall_MD see_VB ,_, Thompson_NP did_DOD take_VB the_AT drug_NN in_IN care
fully_RB rationed_VBN doses_NNS to_TO ease_VB the_AT pains_NNS of_IN his_PP$ ill
ness_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT exact_JJ date_NN at_IN which_WDT this_DT began_VBD has
_HVZ never_RB been_BEN determined_VBN ._. If_CS ,_, as_CS Reid_NP says_VBZ ,_, `
`_`` nearly_RB all_ABN his_PP$ poetry_NN was_BEDZ produced_VBN when_WRB he_PPS w
as_BEDZ not_* taking_VBG opium_NN ''_'' ,_, there_EX may_MD be_BE some_DTI reaso
n_NN to_TO doubt_VB that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ under_IN its_PP$ influence_NN in_IN
the_AT period_NN from_IN 1896_CD to_IN 1900_CD when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ writing_
VBG the_AT poems_NNS to_IN Katie_NP King_NP and_CC making_VBG plans_NNS for_IN a
nother_DT book_NN of_IN verse_NN ._. In_IN any_DTI event_NN ,_, the_AT critical_
JJ productivity_NN of_IN that_DT time_NN is_BEZ abundant_JJ proof_NN that_CS if_
CS he_PPS was_BEDZ taking_VBG laudanum_NN ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ never_RB in_IN com
mand_NN of_IN him_PPO to_IN the_AT extent_NN that_CS it_PPS had_HVD been_BEN dur
ing_IN his_PP$ vagrant_JJ years_NNS ._. Meynell's_NP$ remedy_NN for_IN Thompson'
s_NP$ despondent_JJ mood_NN was_BEDZ typically_RB practical_JJ ._. He_PPS simply
_RB found_VBD more_AP work_NN for_CS him_PPO to_TO do_DO ,_, and_CC the_AT artic
les_NNS and_CC reviews_NNS continued_VBD without_IN an_AT evident_JJ break_NN ._
. 3_CD ,_, As_CS a_AT reviewer_NN ,_, Thompson_NP generally_RB displayed_VBD a_A
T judicious_JJ attitude_NN ._. That_CS he_PPS read_VBD some_DTI of_IN the_AT boo
ks_NNS assigned_VBN to_IN him_PPO with_IN a_AT studied_VBN carefulness_NN is_BEZ
evident_JJ from_IN his_PP$ notes_NNS ,_, which_WDT are_BER often_RB so_QL full_
JJ that_CS they_PPSS provide_VB an_AT unquestionable_JJ basis_NN for_IN the_AT i
dentification_NN of_IN reviews_NNS that_WPS were_BED printed_VBN without_IN his_
PP$ signature_NN ._. On_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN this_DT careful_JJ reading_NN ,
_, Thompson_NP frequently_RB gave_VBD a_AT clear_JJ ,_, complete_JJ ,_, and_CC i
nteresting_JJ description_NN of_IN a_AT prose_NN work_NN or_CC chose_VBD effecti
ve_JJ quotations_NNS to_TO illustrate_VB his_PP$ discussions_NNS of_IN poetry_NN
._. He_PPS was_BEDZ seldom_RB an_AT unmethodical_JJ critic_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP
$ reviews_NNS generally_RB followed_VBD a_AT systematic_JJ pattern_NN :_: a_AT d
escription_NN of_IN what_WDT the_AT work_NN contained_VBD ,_, a_AT treatment_NN
of_IN the_AT things_NNS that_WPS had_HVD especially_RB interested_VBN him_PPO in
_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC ,_, wherever_WRB possible_JJ ,_, a_AT balancing_NN of_IN w
hatever_WDT artistic_JJ merits_NNS and_CC faults_NNS he_PPS might_MD have_HV fou
nd_VBN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, in_IN this_DT drawing_NN of_I
N the_AT balance_NN sheet_NN of_IN judgment_NN that_CS he_PPS most_QL clearly_RB
displayed_VBD his_PP$ desire_NN to_TO do_DO full_JJ justice_NN to_IN an_AT auth
or_NN ._. Reviewing_VBG Davidson's_NP$ The_AT-TL Testament_NN-TL Of_IN-TL An_AT-
TL Empire_NN-TL Builder_NN-TL ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, Thompson_NP found_VBD th
at_CS there_EX was_BEDZ ``_`` too_QL much_AP metrical_JJ dialectic_NN ''_'' ._.
Poetry_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, must_MD be_BE ``_`` dogmatic_JJ ''_'' :_: it_P
PS must_MD not_* stoop_VB to_TO argue_VB like_CS a_AT ``_`` K.C._NP in_IN cloth-
of-gold_NN ''_'' ._. Yet_CC Davidson_NP impressed_VBD him_PPO as_CS a_AT poet_NN
capable_JJ of_IN ``_`` sustained_VBN power_NN ,_, passion_NN ,_, or_CC beauty_N
N ''_'' ,_, and_CC he_PPS cited_VBD specific_JJ passages_NNS to_TO illustrate_VB
not_* only_RB these_DTS qualities_NNS but_CC Davidson's_NP$ command_NN of_IN im
agery_NN as_QL well_RB ._. Similarly_RB ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD that_CS Laurence_NP
Housman_NP had_HVD a_AT ``_`` too_QL deliberate_JJ manner_NN ''_'' as_QL well_R
B as_CS a_AT lack_NN of_IN ``_`` inevitable_JJ felicity_NN in_IN diction_NN ''_'
' ._. But_CC he_PPS admired_VBD Housman's_NP$ ``_`` subtle_JJ intellectuality_NN
''_'' and_CC delighted_VBD in_IN the_AT inversion_NN by_IN which_WDT Divine_JJ-
TL Love_NN-TL becomes_VBZ the_AT most_QL ``_`` fatal_JJ ''_'' allurement_NN in_I
N ``_`` Love_NN-TL The_AT-TL Tempter_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Of_IN course_NN ,_, there_E
X were_BED books_NNS about_IN which_WDT nothing_PN good_JJ could_MD be_BE said_V
BN ._. Understanding_VBG ,_, as_CS he_PPS did_DOD ,_, the_AT difficulty_NN of_IN
the_AT art_NN of_IN poetry_NN ,_, and_CC believing_VBG that_CS the_AT ``_`` onl
y_AP technical_JJ criticism_NN worth_JJ having_HVG in_IN poetry_NN is_BEZ that_D
T of_IN poets_NNS ''_'' ,_, he_PPS felt_VBD obliged_VBN to_TO insist_VB upon_IN
his_PP$ duty_NN to_TO be_BE hard_JJ to_TO please_VB when_WRB it_PPS came_VBD to_
IN the_AT review_NN of_IN a_AT book_NN of_IN verse_NN ._. As_CS he_PPS had_HVD d
one_VBN on_IN his_PP$ first_OD Imperial_JJ-TL sortie_NN a_AT year_NN and_CC a_AT
half_ABN before_RB ,_, Lewis_NP trekked_VBD southeast_NR through_IN Red_JJ-TL R
ussia_NP to_IN Kamieniec_NP ._. Thence_RB he_PPS pushed_VBD farther_RBR south_NR
than_CS he_PPS had_HVD ever_RB been_BEN before_RB into_IN Podolia_NP and_CC Nog
ay_NP Tartary_NP or_CC the_AT Yedisan_NP ._. There_RB ,_, along_IN the_AT east_N
R bank_NN of_IN the_AT Southern_JJ-TL Bug_NP-TL ,_, opposite_IN the_AT hamlet_NN
of_IN Zhitzhakli_NP a_AT few_AP miles_NNS north_NR of_IN the_AT Black_JJ-TL Sea
_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS arrived_VBD at_IN General_NN-TL Headquarters_NN-TL of_IN-TL th
e_AT-TL Russian_JJ Army_NN-TL ._. By_IN June_NP 19_CD ,_, 1788_CD ,_, he_PPS had
_HVD presented_VBN himself_PPL to_IN its_PP$ Commander_NN-TL in_IN-TL Chief_NN-T
L ,_, the_AT Governor_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Southern_JJ-TL Provinces_NNS-TL ,
_, the_AT Director_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL War_NN-TL College_NN-TL --_-- The_AT
Prince_NN-TL ._. Catherine's_NP$ first_OD war_NN against_IN the_AT Grand_JJ-TL
Turk_NP-TL had_HVD ended_VBN in_IN 1774_CD with_IN a_AT peace_NN treaty_NN quite
_QL favorable_JJ to_IN her_PPO ._. By_IN 1783_CD her_PP$ legions_NNS had_HVD man
aged_VBN to_TO annex_VB the_AT Crimea_NP amid_IN scenes_NNS of_IN wanton_JJ crue
lty_NN and_CC now_RB ,_, in_IN this_DT second_OD combat_NN with_IN the_AT Cresce
nt_NN-TL ,_, were_BED aiming_VBG at_IN suzerainty_NN over_IN all_ABN of_IN the_A
T Black_JJ-TL Sea's_NN$-TL northern_JJ shoreline_NN ._. Through_IN most_AP of_IN
1787_CD operations_NNS on_IN both_ABX sides_NNS had_HVD been_BEN lackadaisical_
JJ ;_. ;_. those_DTS of_IN 1788_CD were_BED going_VBG to_TO prove_VB decisive_JJ
,_, though_CS many_AP of_IN their_PP$ details_NNS are_BER obscure_JJ ._. To_TO
consolidate_VB what_WDT her_PP$ Navy_NN-TL had_HVD won_VBN ,_, the_AT Czarina_NN
-TL was_BEDZ fortunate_JJ that_CS ,_, for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN in_IN Russi
an_JJ history_NN ,_, her_PP$ land_NN forces_NNS enjoyed_VBD absolute_JJ unity_NN
of_IN command_NN under_IN her_PP$ favorite_JJ Giaour_NP ._. Potemkin_NP was_BED
Z directing_VBG this_DT conflict_NN on_IN three_CD fronts_NNS :_: in_IN the_AT C
aucasus_NP ;_. ;_. along_IN the_AT Danube_NP and_CC among_IN the_AT Carpathians_
NPS ,_, in_IN alliance_NN with_IN the_AT Emperor_NN-TL Joseph's_NP$ armies_NNS ;
_. ;_. and_CC in_IN the_AT misty_JJ marshlands_NNS and_CC shallow_JJ coastal_JJ
waters_NNS of_IN Nogay_NP Tartary_NP and_CC Taurida_NP ,_, including_IN the_AT C
rimean_JJ peninsula_NN ._. Here_RB the_AT war_NN would_MD flame_VB to_IN its_PP$
focus_NN ,_, and_CC here_RB Lewis_NP Littlepage_NP had_HVD come_VBN ._. Potemki
n's_NP$ Army_NN-TL of_IN-TL Ekaterinoslav_NP-TL ,_, totaling_VBG ,_, it_PPS was_
BEDZ claimed_VBN ,_, 40,000_CD regular_JJ troops_NNS and_CC 6,000_CD irregulars_
NNS of_IN the_AT Cossack_NP-TL Corps_NN-TL ,_, had_HVD invested_VBN Islam's_NP$
principal_JJS stronghold_NN on_IN the_AT north_NR shore_NN of_IN the_AT Black_JJ
-TL Sea_NN-TL ,_, the_AT fortress_NN town_NN of_IN Oczakov_NP ,_, and_CC was_BED
Z preparing_VBG to_TO test_VB the_AT Turk_NP by_IN land_NN and_CC sea_NN ._. Dur
ing_IN a_AT sojourn_NN of_IN slightly_RB more_AP than_IN three_CD months_NNS Cha
mberlain_NP Littlepage_NP could_MD see_VB action_NN on_IN both_ABX elements_NNS
._. As_CS his_PP$ second_OD in_IN command_NN The_AT-TL Prince_NN-TL had_HVD Mars
hal_NN-TL Repnin_NP ,_, one-time_NN Ambassador_NN-TL to_IN-TL Poland_NP-TL ._. R
epnin_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD a_AT rather_QL narrow_JJ face_NN ,_, longish_JJ nos
e_NN ,_, high_JJ forehead_NN ,_, and_CC arching_VBG brows_NNS ,_, looked_VBD lik
e_CS a_AT quizzical_JJ Mephistopheles_NP ._. Some_DTI people_NNS thought_VBD he_
PPS lacked_VBD both_ABX ability_NN and_CC character_NN ,_, but_CC most_AP agreed
_VBD that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ noble_JJ in_IN appearance_NN and_CC ,_, for_IN a_AT
Russian_NP ,_, humane_JJ ._. The_AT Marshal_NN-TL came_VBD to_TO know_VB Little
page_NP quite_QL well_RB ._. At_IN General_NN-TL Headquarters_NN-TL the_AT newco
mer_NN in_IN turn_NN got_VBD to_TO know_VB others_NNS ._. There_EX was_BEDZ the_
AT Neapolitan_NP ,_, Ribas_NP ,_, a_AT capable_JJ conniver_NN whose_WP$ father_N
N had_HVD been_BEN a_AT blacksmith_NN but_CC who_WPS had_HVD fawned_VBN his_PP$
way_NN up_IN the_AT ladder_NN of_IN Catherine's_NP$ and_CC Potemkin's_NP$ favor_
NN till_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ now_RB a_AT brigadier_NN (_( and_CC would_MD one_CD d
ay_NN be_BE the_AT daggerman_NN designated_VBN to_TO do_DO in_RP Czar_NN-TL Paul
_NP 1_CD-TL ,_, ,_, after_CS traveling_VBG all_ABN the_AT way_NN to_IN Naples_NP
to_TO procure_VB just_RB the_AT right_JJ stiletto_NN )_) ._. Then_RB there_EX w
ere_BED the_AT distinguished_VBN foreign_JJ volunteers_NNS ._. Representing_VBG
the_AT Emperor_NN-TL were_BED the_AT Prince_NN-TL De_NP Ligne_NP ,_, still_RB as
_QL impetuous_JJ as_CS a_AT youth_NN of_IN twenty_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC General_NN-T
L the_AT Count_NN-TL Pallavicini_NP-TL ,_, founder_NN of_IN the_AT Austrian_JJ b
ranch_NN of_IN that_DT celebrated_VBN Italian_JJ house_NN ,_, a_AT courtier_NN L
ittlepage_NP could_MD have_HV met_VBN at_IN Madrid_NP in_IN December_NP ,_, 1780
_CD ._. From_IN Milan_NP came_VBD the_AT young_JJ Chevalier_NP De_NP Litta_NP ,_
, an_AT officer_NN in_IN the_AT service_NN of_IN Malta_NP ._. Out_IN of_IN Saxon
y_NP rode_VBD the_AT Prince_NN-TL of_IN-TL Anhalt-Bernburg_NP-TL ,_, one_CD of_I
N the_AT Czarina's_NN$-TL cousins_NNS and_CC a_AT lieutenant_NN general_NN in_IN
her_PP$ armies_NNS ,_, a_AT frank_JJ ,_, sensitive_JJ ,_, popular_JJ soldier_NN
whose_WP$ kindnesses_NNS Littlepage_NP would_MD ``_`` always_RB recall_VB with_
IN the_AT sincerest_JJT gratitude_NN ''_'' ._. Though_CS Catherine_NP was_BEDZ v
exed_VBN at_IN the_AT number_NN of_IN French_JJ officers_NNS streaming_VBG to_IN
the_AT Turkish_JJ standard_NN ,_, there_EX were_BED several_AP under_IN her_PP$
own_JJ ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT Prince_NN-TL De_NP Nassau_NP ;_. ;_. the_AT ene
rgetic_JJ Parisian_NP ,_, Roger_NP De_NP Damas_NP ,_, three_CD year's_NN$ Little
page's_NP$ junior_NN ,_, to_IN whom_WPO Nassau_NP had_HVD taken_VBN a_AT liking_
NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT artillerist_NN ,_, Colonel_NN-TL Prevost_NP ,_, whom_WP
O the_AT Count_NN-TL De_NP Segur_NP had_HVD persuaded_VBN to_TO lend_VB his_PP$
technical_JJ skills_NNS to_IN Nassau_NP ._. England_NP contributed_VBD a_AT youn
g_JJ subaltern_NN named_VBN Newton_NP and_CC the_AT naval_JJ architect_NN Samuel
_NP Bentham_NP ,_, brother_NN to_IN the_AT economist_NN ,_, who_WPS for_IN his_P
P$ colonel's_NN$ commission_NN was_BEDZ proving_VBG a_AT godsend_NN to_IN the_AT
Russian_JJ fleet_NN ._. From_IN America_NP were_BED the_AT Messrs._NPS Littlepa
ge_NP and_CC Jones_NP ._. Lewis_NP had_HVD expected_VBN to_TO report_VB at_IN on
ce_RB to_IN Jones's_NP$ and_CC Nassau's_NP$ naval_JJ command_NN post_NN ._. On_I
N arrival_NN at_IN headquarters_NN he_PPS had_HVD ,_, however_RB --_-- in_IN Kin
g_NN-TL Stanislas'_NP$ words_NNS to_IN Glayre_NP --_-- ``_`` found_VBN such_JJ f
avor_NN with_IN Pe_NP-TL Potemkin_NP that_CS he_PPS made_VBD him_PPO his_PP$ aid
e-de-camp_FW-NN and_CC up_IN to_IN now_RB does_DOZ not_* want_VB him_PPO to_TO g
o_VB join_VB Paul_NP Jones_NP ._. ''_'' So_RB of_IN course_NN he_PPS stayed_VBD
put_VBN ._. Having_HVG done_VBN so_RB ,_, he_PPS began_VBD to_TO experience_VB a
ll_ABN the_AT frustrations_NNS of_IN others_NNS who_WPS attempted_VBD to_TO get_
VB along_RB with_IN Serenissimus_NP and_CC do_DO a_AT job_NN at_IN the_AT same_A
P time_NN ._. The_AT Prince's_NN$-TL perceptions_NNS were_BED quick_JJ and_CC hi
s_PP$ energy_NN monstrous_JJ ,_, but_CC these_DTS qualities_NNS were_BED sapped_
VBN by_IN an_AT Oriental_JJ-TL lethargy_NN and_CC a_AT policy_NN of_IN letting_V
BG nothing_PN interfere_VB with_IN personal_JJ passions_NNS ._. At_IN headquarte
rs_NN --_-- sufficiently_QL far_RB from_IN the_AT firing_VBG line_NN to_TO make_
VB you_PPO forget_VB occasionally_RB that_CS you_PPSS were_BED in_IN a_AT war_NN
--_-- Lewis_NP found_VBD that_CS the_AT Commander_NN-TL in_IN-TL Chief's_NN$-TL
only_AP desk_NN was_BEDZ his_PP$ knees_NNS (_( and_CC his_PP$ only_AP comb_NN ,
_, his_PP$ fingers_NNS )_) ._. An_AT entire_JJ theater_NN had_HVD been_BEN set_V
BN up_RP for_IN his_PP$ diversion_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT 200-man_JJ Italian_JJ orch
estra_NN under_IN the_AT well-known_JJ Sarti_NP ._. In_IN the_AT great_JJ one's_
NN$ personal_JJ quarters_NNS ,_, a_AT portable_JJ house_NN ,_, almost_RB every_A
T evening_NN saw_VBD an_AT elegant_JJ banquet_NN or_CC reception_NN ._. Lewis_NP
could_MD let_VB his_PP$ eye_NN caress_VB The_AT-TL Prince's_NN$-TL divan_NN ,_,
covered_VBN with_IN a_AT rose-pink_JJ and_CC silver_JJ Turkish_JJ cloth_NN ,_,
or_CC admire_VB the_AT lovely_JJ tapis_NN ,_, interwoven_VBN with_IN gold_JJ ,_,
that_WPS spread_VBD across_IN the_AT floor_NN ._. Filigreed_JJ perfume_NN boxes
_NNS exuded_VBD the_AT aromas_NNS of_IN Araby_NP ._. Around_IN the_AT billiard_N
N tables_NNS were_BED always_RB at_IN least_AP a_AT couple_NN of_IN dozen_NN ber
ibboned_JJ generals_NNS ._. At_IN dinner_NN the_AT courses_NNS were_BED carried_
VBN in_RP by_IN tall_JJ cuirassiers_NNS in_IN red_JJ capes_NNS and_CC black_JJ f
ur_NN caps_NNS topped_VBN with_IN tufts_NNS of_IN feathers_NNS ,_, marching_VBG
in_IN pairs_NNS like_CS guards_NNS from_IN a_AT stage_NN tragedy_NN ._. Among_IN
the_AT visitors_NNS arriving_VBG every_AT now_RB and_CC then_RB there_EX were_B
ED ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, women_NNS ._. For_CS if_CS Serenissimus_NP made_VBD t
he_AT sign_NN of_IN the_AT Cross_NN-TL with_IN his_PP$ right_JJ hand_NN ,_, and_
CC meant_VBD it_PPO ,_, with_IN his_PP$ left_JJ he_PPS beckoned_VBD lewdly_RB to
_IN any_DTI lady_NN who_WPS happened_VBD to_TO catch_VB his_PP$ eye_NN ._. Usual
ly_RB Lewis_NP would_MD find_VB at_IN headquarters_NN one_CD or_CC more_AP of_IN
The_AT-TL Prince's_NN$-TL various_AP nieces_NNS ._. Right_QL now_RB he_PPS foun
d_VBD Sophie_NP De_NP Witt_NP ,_, that_DT magnificent_JJ young_JJ matron_NN he_P
PS had_HVD spotted_VBN at_IN Kamieniec_NP four_CD years_NNS ago_RB ._. The_AT Pr
ince_NN-TL took_VBD her_PPO with_IN him_PPO on_IN every_AT tour_NN around_IN the
_AT area_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ rumored_VBN he_PPS was_BEDZ utilizing_VBG
her_PP$ knowledge_NN of_IN Constantinople_NP as_CS part_NN of_IN his_PP$ espion
age_NN network_NN ._. One_CD evening_NN he_PPS passed_VBD around_IN the_AT banqu
et_NN table_NN a_AT crystal_NN cup_NN full_JJ of_IN diamonds_NNS ,_, requesting_
VBG every_AT female_NN guest_NN to_TO select_VB one_CD as_CS a_AT souvenir_NN ._
. When_WRB a_AT lady_NN chanced_VBD to_TO soil_VB a_AT pair_NN of_IN evening_NN
slippers_NNS ,_, Brigadier_NN-TL Bauer_NP was_BEDZ dispatched_VBN to_IN Paris_NP
for_IN replacements_NNS ._. But_CC if_CS The_AT-TL Prince_NN-TL fancied_VBD wom
en_NNS and_CC was_BEDZ fascinated_VBN by_IN foreigners_NNS ,_, he_PPS could_MD b
e_BE haughtiness_NN personified_VBN to_IN his_PP$ subordinates_NNS ._. He_PPS ha
d_HVD collared_VBN one_CD of_IN his_PP$ generals_NNS in_IN public_NN ._. His_PP$
coat_NN trimmed_VBN in_IN sable_NN ,_, diamond_NN stars_NNS of_IN the_AT Orders
_NNS-TL of_IN Saints_NNS-TL Andrew_NP or_CC George_NP agleam_JJ ,_, he_PPS was_B
EDZ often_RB prone_JJ to_TO sit_VB sulkily_RB ,_, eye_NN downcast_JJ ,_, in_IN a
_AT Scheherazade_NP trance_NN ._. When_WRB this_DT happened_VBD ,_, everything_P
N stopped_VBD ._. As_CS Littlepage_NP noted_VBD :_: ``_`` A_AT complete_JJ pictu
re_NN of_IN Prince_NN-TL Potemkin_NP may_MD be_BE had_HVN in_IN his_PP$ 1788_CD
operations_NNS ._. He_PPS stays_VBZ inactive_JJ for_IN half_ABN the_AT summer_NN
in_IN front_NN of_IN Oczakov_NP ,_, a_AT quite_QL second-rate_JJ spot_NN ,_, be
gins_VBZ to_TO besiege_VB it_PPO formally_RB only_RB during_IN the_AT autumn_NN
rains_NNS ,_, and_CC finally_RB carries_VBZ it_PPO by_IN assault_NN in_IN the_AT
heart_NN of_IN winter_NN ._. There's_EX+BEZ a_AT man_NN who_WPS never_RB goes_V
BZ by_IN the_AT ordinary_JJ road_NN but_CC still_RB arrives_VBZ at_IN his_PP$ go
al_NN ,_, who_WPS gratuitously_RB gets_VBZ himself_PPL into_IN difficulty_NN in_
IN order_NN to_TO get_VB out_RP of_IN it_PPO with_IN eclat_NN ,_, in_IN a_AT wor
d_NN a_AT man_NN who_WPS creates_VBZ monsters_NNS for_IN himself_PPL in_IN order
_NN to_TO appear_VB a_AT Hercules_NP in_IN destroying_VBG them_PPO ''_'' ._. To_
TO help_VB him_PPO do_DO so_RB The_AT Prince_NN-TL had_HVD conferred_VBN control
_NN of_IN his_PP$ land_NN forces_NNS on_IN a_AT soldier_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ diff
erent_JJ from_IN him_PPO in_IN almost_RB every_AT respect_NN save_IN one_CD :_:
both_ABX were_BED eccentrics_NNS of_IN the_AT purest_JJT ray_NN serene_JJ ._. Al
exander_NP Vasilievitch_NP Suvorov_NP ,_, now_RB in_IN his_PP$ fifty-ninth_OD ye
ar_NN (_( ten_CD years_NNS Potemkin's_NP$ senior_JJ )_) ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT thin_J
J ,_, worn-faced_JJ person_NN of_IN less_AP than_CS medium_JJ height_NN who_WPS
looked_VBD like_CS a_AT professor_NN of_IN botany_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD a_AT sma
ll_JJ mouth_NN with_IN deep_JJ furrows_NNS on_IN either_DTX side_NN ,_, a_AT lar
ge_JJ flat_JJ nose_NN ,_, and_CC penetrating_JJ blue_JJ eyes_NNS ._. His_PP$ gra
y_JJ hair_NN was_BEDZ thin_JJ ,_, his_PP$ face_NN beginning_VBG to_TO attract_VB
a_AT swarm_NN of_IN wrinkles_NNS ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ ugly_JJ ._. But_CC Suvorov
's_NP$ face_NN was_BEDZ also_RB a_AT theater_NN of_IN vivacity_NN ,_, and_CC his
_PP$ tough_JJ ,_, stooping_VBG little_JJ frame_NN was_BEDZ briskness_NN embodied
_VBN ._. Like_CS all_ABN Russians_NPS he_PPS was_BEDZ an_AT emotional_JJ man_NN
,_, and_CC in_IN him_PPO the_AT emotions_NNS warred_VBD ._. Kind_JJ by_IN nature
_NN ,_, he_PPS never_RB refused_VBD charity_NN to_IN a_AT beggar_NN or_CC help_N
N to_IN anyone_PN who_WPS asked_VBD him_PPO for_IN it_PPO (_( as_CS Lewis_NP wou
ld_MD one_CD day_NN discover_VB )_) ._. But_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ perpetually_RB en
gaged_VBN in_IN a_AT battle_NN to_TO command_VB his_PP$ own_JJ temper_NN ._. Whe
n_WRB Littlepage_NP was_BEDZ introduced_VBN ,_, if_CS the_AT General_NN-TL behav
ed_VBD as_CS usual_RB ,_, the_AT newcomer_NN faced_VBD a_AT staccato_NN salvo_NN
of_IN queries_NNS :_: origin_NN ?_. ?_. Age_NN ?_. ?_. Mission_NN ?_. ?_. Curre
nt_JJ status_NN ?_. ?_. Woe_NN betide_VB the_AT interviewee_NN if_CS he_PPS answ
ered_VBD vaguely_RB ._. Suvorov's_NP$ contempt_NN for_IN don't-know's_NNS was_BE
DZ proverbial_JJ ;_. ;_. better_JJR to_TO give_VB an_AT asinine_JJ answer_NN tha
n_CS none_PN at_IN all_ABN ._. Despising_VBG luxuries_NNS of_IN any_DTI sort_NN
for_IN a_AT soldier_NN ,_, he_PPS slept_VBD on_IN a_AT pile_NN of_IN hay_NN with
_IN his_PP$ cloak_NN as_CS blanket_NN ._. He_PPS rose_VBD at_IN 4:00_CD A.M._RB
the_AT year_NN round_RB and_CC was_BEDZ apt_JJ to_TO stride_VB through_IN camp_N
N crowing_VBG like_CS a_AT cock_NN to_TO wake_VB his_PP$ men_NNS ._. His_PP$ bre
akfast_NN was_BEDZ tea_NN ;_. ;_. his_PP$ dinner_NN fell_VBD anywhere_RB from_IN
nine_CD to_IN noon_NN ;_. ;_. his_PP$ supper_NN was_BEDZ nothing_PN ._. He_PPS
hadn't_HVD* worn_VBN a_AT watch_NN or_CC carried_VBN pocket_NN money_NN for_IN y
ears_NNS because_CS he_PPS disliked_VBD both_ABX ,_, but_CC highest_RBT among_IN
his_PP$ hates_NNS were_BED looking_VBG glasses_NNS :_: he_PPS had_HVD snatched_
VBN one_CD from_IN an_AT officer's_NN$ grasp_NN and_CC smashed_VBN it_PPO to_IN
smithereens_NNS ._. He_PPS kept_VBD several_AP pet_NN birds_NNS and_CC liked_VBD
cats_NNS well_RB enough_QLP that_CS if_CS one_CD crept_VBD by_RB ,_, he_PPS wou
ld_MD mew_VB at_IN it_PPO in_IN friendly_JJ fashion_NN ._. Passing_VBG dogs_NNS
were_BED greeted_VBN with_IN a_AT cordial_JJ bark_NN ._. Yet_CC General_NN-TL Su
vorov_NP --_-- who_WPS had_HVD never_RB forgotten_VBN hearing_VBG his_PP$ adored
_VBN Czarina_NN-TL declare_VB that_CS all_ABN truly_QL great_JJ men_NNS had_HVD
oddities_NNS --_-- was_BEDZ mad_JJ only_RB north_NR ,_, northwest_NR ._. He_PPS
had_HVD come_VBN to_TO learn_VB that_CS a_AT reputation_NN for_IN peculiarity_NN
allowed_VBD mere_JJ field_NN officers_NNS a_AT certain_JJ leeway_NN at_IN Court
_NN-TL ;_. ;_. in_IN camp_NN he_PPS knew_VBD it_PPO won_VBN you_PPO the_AT affec
tion_NN of_IN your_PP$ men_NNS ._. He_PPS had_HVD accordingly_RB cultivated_VBN
eccentricity_NN to_IN the_AT point_NN of_IN second_OD nature_NN ._. Underneath_R
B ,_, he_PPS remained_VBD one_CD of_IN the_AT best-educated_JJT Russians_NPS of_
IN his_PP$ day_NN ._. He_PPS dabbled_VBD in_IN verse_NN ,_, could_MD get_VB alon
g_RB well_RB among_IN most_AP of_IN the_AT European_JJ languages_NNS ,_, and_CC
was_BEDZ fluent_JJ in_IN French_NP and_CC German_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD also_RB m
astered_VBN the_AT Cossack_NP tongue_NN ._. For_IN those_DTS little_JJ men_NNS w
ith_IN the_AT short_JJ whiskers_NNS ,_, shaven_VBN polls_NNS ,_, and_CC top_NN k
nots_NNS Suvorov_NP reserved_VBD a_AT special_JJ esteem_NN ._. Potemkin_NP --_--
as_CS King_NN-TL Stanislas_NP knew_VBD ,_, and_CC presently_RB informed_VBD Lit
tlepage_NP --_-- looked_VBD on_IN the_AT Cossacks_NPS as_CS geopolitical_JJ tool
s_NNS ._. To_IN Serenissimus_NP such_JJ tribes_NNS as_CS the_AT Cossacks_NPS of_
IN the_AT Don_NP or_CC those_DTS ex-bandits_NNS the_AT Zaporogian_JJ Cossacks_NP
S (_( in_IN whose_WP$ islands_NNS along_IN the_AT lower_JJR Dnieper_NP the_AT Po
lish_JJ novelist_NN Sienkiewicz_NP would_MD one_CD day_NN place_VB With_IN-TL Fi
re_NN-TL And_CC-TL Sword_NN-TL )_) were_BED just_JJ elements_NNS for_IN enforced
_VBN resettlement_NN in_IN ,_, say_UH ,_, Bessarabia_NP ,_, where_WRB ,_, as_CS
``_`` the_AT faithful_NN of_IN the_AT Black_JJ-TL Sea_NN-TL borders_NNS ''_'' ,_
, he_PPS could_MD use_VB their_PP$ presence_NN as_CS bargaining_NN points_NNS in
_IN the_AT Czarina's_NN$-TL territorial_JJ claims_NNS against_IN Turkey_NP ._. S
uvorov_NP saw_VBD in_IN these_DTS scimitar-wielding_JJ skirmishers_NNS not_* dem
ographic_JJ units_NNS but_CC military_JJ men_NNS of_IN a_AT high_JJ potential_NN
._. He_PPS knew_VBD how_WRB to_TO channel_VB their_PP$ exuberant_JJ disorderlin
ess_NN so_CS as_CS to_TO transform_VB them_PPO from_IN mere_JJ plunderers_NNS in
to_IN A-1_JJ guerrilla_NN fighters_NNS ._. He_PPS always_RB kept_VBD a_AT few_AP
on_IN his_PP$ personal_JJ staff_NN ._. He_PPS often_RB donned_VBD their_PP$ tri
bal_JJ costumes_NNS ,_, such_JJ as_CS the_AT one_CD featuring_VBG a_AT tall_JJ ,
_, black_JJ sheepskin_NN hat_NN from_IN the_AT top_NN of_IN which_WDT dangled_VB
D a_AT little_JJ red_JJ bag_NN ornamented_VBN by_IN a_AT chain_NN of_IN worsted_
NN lace_NN and_CC tassels_NNS ;_. ;_. broad_JJ red_JJ stripes_NNS down_IN the_AT
trouser_NN leg_NN ;_. ;_. broader_JJR leather_NN belt_NN round_IN the_AT waist_
NN ,_, holding_VBG cartridges_NNS and_CC light_JJ sabre_NN ._. Suvorov_NP played
_VBD parent_NN not_* just_RB to_IN his_PP$ Cossacks_NPS but_CC to_IN all_ABN his
_PP$ troops_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ probably_RB at_IN this_DT period_NN that_CS
Littlepage_NP got_VBD his_PP$ first_OD good_JJ look_NN at_IN the_AT ordinary_JJ
Russian_JJ soldier_NN ._. These_DTS illiterate_JJ boors_NNS conscripted_VBN from
_IN villages_NNS all_QL across_IN the_AT Czarina's_NN$-TL empire_NN had_HVD ,_,
Suvorov_NP may_MD have_HV told_VBN Lewis_NP ,_, just_RB two_CD things_NNS a_AT c
ommander_NN could_MD count_VB on_IN :_: physical_JJ fitness_NN and_CC personal_J
J courage_NN ._. When_WRB their_PP$ levies_NNS came_VBD shambling_VBG into_IN ca
mp_NN ,_, they_PPSS were_BED all_ABN elbows_NNS ,_, hair_NN ,_, and_CC beard_NN
._. They_PPSS emerged_VBD as_CS interchangeable_JJ cogs_NNS in_IN a_AT faulty_JJ
but_CC formidable_JJ machine_NN :_: shaved_VBN nearly_QL naked_JJ ,_, hair_NN q
ueued_VBN ,_, greatcoated_JJ ,_, jackbooted_JJ ,_, and_CC best_JJT of_IN all_ABN
--_-- in_IN the_AT opinion_NN of_IN the_AT British_JJ professional_NN ,_, Major
_NN-TL Semple-Lisle_NP --_-- ``_`` their_PP$ minds_NNS are_BER not_* estranged_V
BN from_IN the_AT paths_NNS of_IN obedience_NN by_IN those_DTS smatterings_NNS o
f_IN knowledge_NN which_WDT only_RB serve_VB to_TO lead_VB to_IN insubordination
_NN and_CC mutiny_NN ''_'' ._. Mando_NP ,_, pleading_VBG her_PP$ cause_NN ,_, mu
st_MD have_HV said_VBN that_CS Dr._NN-TL Brown_NP was_BEDZ the_AT most_QL distin
guished_VBN physician_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Ameri
ca_NP-TL ,_, for_CS our_PP$ man_NN poured_VBD out_RP his_PP$ symptoms_NNS and_CC
drew_VBD a_AT madly_RB waving_VBG line_NN indicating_VBG the_AT irregularity_NN
of_IN his_PP$ pulse_NN ._. ``_`` He's_PPS+HVZ got_VBN high_JJ blood_NN pressure
_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, and_CC bum_JJ kidneys_NNS ''_'' ,_, the_AT doctor_NN said_VBD
to_IN me_PPO ._. ``_`` Transparent_JJ look_NN ,_, waxy_JJ skin_NN --_-- could_M
D well_RB be_BE uremia_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS looked_VBD disapprovingly_RB at_IN an
_AT ash_NN tray_NN piled_VBN high_RB with_IN cigarette_NN stubs_NNS ,_, shook_VB
D his_PP$ head_NN ,_, and_CC moved_VBD his_PP$ hand_NN back_RB and_CC forth_RB i
n_IN a_AT strong_JJ negative_JJ gesture_NN ._. The_AT little_JJ official_NN hung
_VBD his_PP$ head_NN in_IN shame_NN ._. Seeing_VBG this_DT ,_, his_PP$ colleague
_NN at_IN the_AT next_AP desk_NN gave_VBD a_AT short_JJ ,_, contemptuous_JJ laug
h_NN ,_, pushed_VBD forward_RB his_PP$ own_JJ ash_NN tray_NN ,_, innocent_JJ of_
IN a_AT single_AP butt_NN ,_, thumped_VBD his_PP$ chest_NN to_TO show_VB his_PP$
excellent_JJ condition_NN ,_, and_CC looked_VBD proud_JJ ._. The_AT doctor_NN g
ravely_RB nodded_VBD approval_NN ._. At_IN this_DT moment_NN Mando_NP came_VBD h
urrying_VBG up_RP to_TO announce_VB that_CS the_AT problem_NN was_BEDZ solved_VB
N and_CC all_ABN Norton_NP had_HVD to_TO do_DO was_BEDZ to_TO sign_VB a_AT sheaf
_NN of_IN papers_NNS ._. We_PPSS went_VBD out_IN of_IN the_AT office_NN and_CC d
own_IN the_AT hall_NN to_IN a_AT window_NN where_WRB documents_NNS and_CC more_A
P officials_NNS awaited_VBD us_PPO ,_, the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT office_NN per
sonnel_NNS hot_JJ upon_IN our_PP$ heels_NNS ._. By_IN this_DT time_NN word_NN ha
d_HVD got_VBN around_RB that_CS an_AT American_JJ doctor_NN was_BEDZ on_IN the_A
T premises_NNS ._. One_CD fellow_NN who_WPS had_HVD liver_NN spots_NNS held_VBD
out_RP his_PP$ hands_NNS to_IN the_AT great_JJ healer_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ fun
ny_JJ but_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB touching_VBG ._. ``_`` You_PPSS know_VB ''_
'' ,_, Norton_NP said_VBD to_IN me_PPO later_RBR ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM thinkin
g_VBG of_IN setting_VBG up_RP the_AT Klinico_FW-NN-TL Brownapopolus_NP ._. I_PPS
S might_MD not_* make_VB any_DTI money_NN but_CC I'd_PPSS+MD sure_RB have_HV pat
ients_NNS ''_'' ._. After_IN luncheon_NN we_PPSS took_VBD advantage_NN of_IN the
_AT siesta_NN period_NN to_TO try_VB to_TO get_VB in_IN touch_NN with_IN a_AT fe
w_AP people_NNS to_IN whom_WPO our_PP$ dear_JJ friend_NN Deppy_NP had_HVD writte
n_VBN ._. Deppy_NP is_BEZ Despina_NP Messinesi_NP ,_, a_AT long-time_NN member_N
N of_IN the_AT Vogue_NN-TL staff_NN who_WPS ,_, although_CS born_VBN in_IN Bosto
n_NP ,_, was_BEDZ born_VBN there_RB of_IN Greek_JJ parents_NNS ._. Several_AP ye
ars_NNS of_IN her_PP$ life_NN have_HV been_BEN spent_VBN in_IN the_AT homeland_N
N ,_, and_CC she_PPS had_HVD written_VBN to_IN friends_NNS to_TO alert_VB them_P
PO of_IN our_PP$ coming_NN ._. ``_`` All_ABN you_PPSS have_HV to_TO do_DO ,_, Il
ka_NP dear_JJ ,_, is_BEZ to_TO phone_VB on_IN your_PP$ arrival_NN ._. They_PPSS
are_BER longing_VBG to_TO see_VB you_PPO ''_'' ._. The_AT wear_NN and_CC tear_NN
of_IN life_NN have_HV taught_VBN me_PPO that_CS very_QL few_AP friends_NNS of_I
N mutual_JJ friends_NNS long_VB to_TO see_VB foreign_JJ strangers_NNS ,_, but_CC
I_PPSS planned_VBD on_IN being_BEG the_AT soul_NN of_IN tact_NN ,_, of_IN givin
g_VBG them_PPO plenty_NN of_IN outs_NNS was_BEDZ there_EX the_AT tiniest_JJT imp
lication_NN that_CS their_PP$ cups_NNS were_BED already_RB running_VBG over_RP w
ithout_IN us_PPO ._. My_PP$ diplomacy_NN was_BEDZ needless_JJ ._. Greek_JJ phone
_NN service_NN is_BEZ worse_JJR than_CS French_JJ ,_, so_CS that_CS it_PPS was_B
EDZ to_TO be_BE some_DTI little_JJ time_NN before_CS contact_NN of_IN any_DTI so
rt_NN was_BEDZ established_VBN ._. In_IN the_AT late_JJ afternoon_NN Mando_NP ca
me_VBD back_RB to_TO fetch_VB us_PPO ,_, and_CC we_PPSS drove_VBD to_IN the_AT A
cropolis_NP ._. We_PPSS stopped_VBD first_RB at_IN the_AT amphitheater_NN that_W
PS lies_VBZ at_IN the_AT foot_NN of_IN the_AT height_NN crowned_VBN by_IN the_AT
Parthenon_NP ._. The_AT curving_VBG benches_NNS are_BER broken_VBN ,_, chipped_
VBN ,_, tumbled_VBN ,_, but_CC still_RB in_IN place_NN ,_, as_CS are_BER the_AT
marble_NN chairs_NNS ,_, the_AT seats_NNS of_IN honor_NN for_IN the_AT legislato
rs_NNS ._. The_AT carved_VBN statues_NNS of_IN the_AT frieze_NN against_IN the_A
T low_JJ wall_NN are_BER for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN headless_JJ ,_, but_CC th
eir_PP$ exquisitely_QL graceful_JJ nude_JJ and_CC draped_VBN torsos_NNS and_CC t
he_AT kneeling_VBG Atlantes_FW-NPS are_BER well_RB preserved_VBN in_IN their_PP$
perfect_JJ proportion_NN ._. Having_HVG completed_VBN our_PP$ camera_NN work_NN
,_, we_PPSS started_VBD our_PP$ climb_NN ._. I_PPSS suppose_VB the_AT same_AP e
motion_NN holds_VBZ ,_, if_CS to_IN a_AT lesser_JJR degree_NN ,_, with_IN any_DT
I famous_JJ monument_NN ._. Will_MD it_PPS live_VB up_RP to_IN its_PP$ reputatio
n_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT weight_NN of_IN fame_NN and_CC history_NN is_BEZ formidable_
JJ ,_, and_CC dreary_JJ steel_NN engravings_NNS in_IN schoolbooks_NNS do_DO litt
le_AP to_TO quicken_VB interest_NN and_CC imagination_NN ._. Uh_UH huh_UH ,_, we
_PPSS think_VB ,_, looking_VBG at_IN them_PPO ,_, so_RB that's_DT+BEZ the_AT Par
thenon_NP ._. And_CC then_RB perhaps_RB one_CD day_NN we_PPSS get_VB to_IN Athen
s_NP ._. We_PPSS are_BER here_RB !_. !_. We've_PPSS+HV come_VBN a_AT long_JJ way
_NN and_CC spent_VBN a_AT lot_NN of_IN money_NN ._. It_PPS had_HVD better_RBR be
_BE good_JJ ._. Don't_DO* worry_VB about_IN the_AT Acropolis_NP ._. It_PPS is_BE
Z awe-inspiring_JJ ._. Probably_RB every_AT visitor_NN has_HVZ a_AT favorite_JJ
time_NN for_IN his_PP$ first_OD sight_NN of_IN it_PPO ._. We_PPSS saw_VBD it_PPO
frequently_RB afterward_RB ,_, but_CC our_PP$ suggestion_NN for_IN the_AT very_
QL first_OD encounter_NN is_BEZ near_IN sunset_NN ._. The_AT light_NN at_IN that
_DT time_NN is_BEZ a_AT benediction_NN ._. The_AT serene_JJ ,_, majestic_JJ colu
mns_NNS of_IN the_AT Parthenon_NP ,_, tawny_JJ in_IN color_NN against_IN the_AT
pure_JJ deep_JJ blue_JJ sky_NN ,_, frame_VB incredible_JJ vistas_NNS ._. All_ABN
we_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO do_DO was_BEDZ to_TO stand_VB very_QL quietly_RB and_C
C look_VB and_CC look_VB and_CC look_VB ._. More_AP than_IN twenty-four_CD hundr
ed_CD years_NNS old_JJ ,_, bruised_VBN ,_, battered_VBN ,_, worn_VBN and_CC part
ially_RB destroyed_VBN ,_, combining_VBG to_IN an_AT astounding_JJ degree_NN sol
idity_NN and_CC grace_NN ,_, it_PPS still_RB stands_VBZ ,_, incomparable_JJ test
imony_NN to_IN man's_NN$ aspiration_NN ._. In_IN 1687_CD the_AT Turks_NPS ,_, wh
o_WPS had_HVD been_BEN in_IN control_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN since_IN the_AT fif
teenth_OD century_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT truly_QL shattering_VBG lack_NN of_IN prud
ence_NN used_VBD the_AT Parthenon_NP as_CS a_AT powder_NN magazine_NN ._. It_PPS
was_BEDZ hit_VBN by_IN a_AT shell_NN fired_VBN by_IN the_AT bombarding_VBG Vene
tian_JJ army_NN and_CC the_AT great_JJ central_JJ portion_NN of_IN the_AT temple
_NN was_BEDZ blown_VBN to_IN smithereens_NNS ._. Nearby_RB is_BEZ the_AT temple_
NN of_IN Athena_NP ._. The_AT architectural_JJ feature_NN ,_, the_AT caryatides_
NNS upholding_VBG the_AT portico_NN ,_, famous_JJ around_IN the_AT world_NN as_C
S the_AT Porch_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Maidens_NNS-TL ,_, was_BEDZ referred_VBN
to_IN airily_RB by_IN Mando_NP as_CS the_AT-TL Girls'_NNS$-TL Place_NN-TL ._. A
nother_DT beautiful_JJ building_NN is_BEZ the_AT Propylaea_NP ,_, the_AT entranc
e_NN gate_NN of_IN the_AT Acropolis_NP ._. My_PP$ other_AP nugget_NN of_IN art_N
N and_CC architectural_JJ knowledge_NN --_-- besides_IN remembering_VBG that_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ Ghiberti_NP who_WPS designed_VBD the_AT doors_NNS of_IN the_AT b
aptistery_NN in_IN Florence_NP --_-- is_BEZ the_AT three_CD styles_NNS of_IN Gre
ek_JJ columns_NNS ._. For_IN some_DTI happy_JJ reason_NN Doric_JJ ,_, Ionic_JJ ,
_, and_CC Corinthian_JJ have_HV always_RB stuck_VBN in_IN my_PP$ mind_NN ._. Fur
thermore_RB I_PPSS can_MD identify_VB each_DT design_NN ._. It_PPS remained_VBD
,_, however_RB ,_, for_CS Mando_NP to_TO teach_VB me_PPO that_CS Doric_JJ symbol
ized_VBD strength_NN ,_, Ionic_JJ wisdom_NN ,_, and_CC Corinthian_JJ beauty_NN ,
_, the_AT three_CD pillars_NNS of_IN the_AT ancient_JJ world_NN ._. The_AT colum
ns_NNS of_IN the_AT Parthenon_NP are_BER fluted_VBN Doric_JJ ._. Another_DT clas
sic_JJ sight_NN that_WPS gave_VBD us_PPO considerable_JJ pleasure_NN was_BEDZ th
e_AT Evzone_NP sentry_NN ,_, in_IN his_PP$ ballet_NN skirt_NN with_IN great_JJ p
ompons_NNS on_IN his_PP$ shoes_NNS ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ patrolling_VBG up_RP and
_CC down_RP in_IN front_NN of_IN the_AT palace_NN ._. Gun_NN on_IN shoulder_NN ,
_, he_PPS would_MD march_VB smartly_RB for_IN a_AT few_AP yards_NNS ,_, bring_VB
his_PP$ heels_NNS together_RB with_IN a_AT click_NN ,_, make_VB a_AT brisk_JJ p
irouette_NN ,_, skirts_NNS flaring_VBG ,_, and_CC march_VB back_RB to_IN his_PP$
point_NN of_IN departure_NN ._. We_PPSS did_DOD not_* dare_VB speak_VB to_IN so
_QL exalted_VBN a_AT being_NN ,_, but_CC Norton_NP aimed_VBD his_PP$ camera_NN a
nd_CC shot_VBD him_PPO ,_, so_RB to_TO speak_VB ,_, on_IN the_AT rise_NN ,_, the
_AT split_VBN second_NN between_IN the_AT halt_NN and_CC the_AT turn_NN ._. The_
AT evening_NN of_IN our_PP$ first_OD day_NN we_PPSS drove_VBD with_IN Christophe
r_NP and_CC Judy_NP Sakellariadis_NP ,_, who_WPS were_BED friends_NNS and_CC pat
ients_NNS of_IN Norton_NP ,_, to_TO dine_VB at_IN a_AT restaurant_NN on_IN the_A
T shores_NNS of_IN the_AT Aegean_NP ._. On_IN the_AT way_NN out_RP Mr._NP Sakell
ariadis_NP detoured_VBD up_IN a_AT special_JJ hill_NN from_IN which_WDT one_PN m
ay_MD obtain_VB a_AT matchless_JJ view_NN of_IN the_AT Acropolis_NP lighted_VBN
by_IN night_NN ._. The_AT great_JJ spectacle_NN was_BEDZ a_AT source_NN of_IN ra
ncor_NN ,_, and_CC Son_FW-NN-TL et_FW-CC-TL Lumiere_FW-NN-TL ,_, which_WDT the_A
T French_NPS were_BED trying_VBG to_TO promote_VB with_IN the_AT Athenians_NPS ,
_, was_BEDZ the_AT reason_NN ._. These_DTS performances_NNS were_BED being_BEG s
taged_VBN at_IN historical_JJ monuments_NNS throughout_IN Europe_NP ._. By_IN a_
AT combination_NN of_IN music_NN ,_, lighting_NN effects_NNS ,_, and_CC narratio
n_NN ,_, famous_JJ events_NNS that_WPS have_HV transpired_VBN in_IN these_DTS lo
cations_NNS are_BER evoked_VBN and_CC re-created_VBN for_IN large_JJ audiences_N
NS usually_RB to_IN considerable_JJ acclaim_NN ._. The_AT Acropolis_NP had_HVD b
een_BEN scheduled_VBN for_IN the_AT treatment_NN too_RB ,_, but_CC apparently_RB
it_PPS was_BEDZ to_TO take_VB place_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN the_AT full_J
J moon_NN when_WRB the_AT Athenians_NPS themselves_PPLS ,_, out_IN of_IN respect
_NN for_IN the_AT natural_JJ beauty_NN of_IN the_AT occasion_NN ,_, were_BED won
t_JJ to_TO forgo_VB their_PP$ own_JJ usual_JJ nocturnal_JJ illumination_NN ._. A
thenian_JJ society_NN was_BEDZ split_VBN into_IN two_CD factions_NNS ,_, the_AT
Philistines_NPS and_CC the_AT Artists_NNS-TL ._. The_AT Artists_NNS-TL contended
_VBD that_CS the_AT Philistines_NPS ,_, gross_JJ of_IN soul_NN ,_, were_BED all_
ABN for_IN having_HVG Son_FW-NN-TL et_FW-CC-TL Lumiere_FW-NN-TL ,_, since_CS the
_AT French_NPS were_BED footing_VBG the_AT bill_NN and_CC the_AT attraction_NN ,
_, wherever_WRB it_PPS had_HVD been_BEN done_VBN ,_, had_HVD proven_VBN popular_
JJ ._. This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT crassest_JJT kind_NN of_IN materialism_NN and_CC
they_PPSS ,_, the_AT Artists_NNS-TL ,_, would_MD have_HV no_AT truck_NN with_IN
it_PPO ._. The_AT Acropolis_NP was_BEDZ unique_JJ in_IN the_AT world_NN and_CC i
f_CS that_DT imcomparable_JJ work_NN flooded_VBN by_IN moonlight_NN wasn't_BEDZ*
enough_AP for_IN both_ABX natives_NNS and_CC tourists_NNS ,_, then_RB they_PPSS
were_BED quite_QL simply_RB barbarians_NNS and_CC the_AT hell_NN with_IN them_P
PO ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ very_QL stimulating_JJ ._. The_AT restaurant_NN to_IN whi
ch_WDT the_AT Sakellariadises_NPS took_VBD us_PPO on_IN this_DT night_NN of_IN c
ontroversy_NN was_BEDZ the_AT Asteria_NP ,_, on_IN Asteria_NP beach_NN ._. This_
DT is_BEZ a_AT public_JJ bathing_VBG beach_NN ,_, easily_RB accessible_JJ by_IN
tramway_NN from_IN the_AT center_NN of_IN Athens_NP ._. Office_NN workers_NNS fr
equently_RB go_VB out_RP there_RB to_TO lunch_VB and_CC swim_VB during_IN the_AT
siesta_NN period_NN ,_, which_WDT ,_, during_IN the_AT summer_NN ,_, lasts_VBZ
from_IN two_CD until_IN five_CD in_IN the_AT afternoon_NN ,_, when_WRB shops_NNS
and_CC offices_NNS are_BER again_RB open_JJ for_IN business_NN ._. They_PPSS cl
ose_VB sometime_RB after_IN eight_CD ._. Nine_CD o'clock_RB is_BEZ the_AT rush_N
N hour_NN ,_, when_WRB the_AT busses_NNS are_BER jammed_VBN ,_, and_CC by_IN nin
e-thirty_CD the_AT restaurants_NNS are_BER beginning_VBG to_TO fill_VB ._. Bedti
me_NN is_BEZ late_JJ ,_, for_CS the_AT balmy_JJ evenings_NNS are_BER delightful_
JJ and_CC everyone_PN wants_VBZ to_TO linger_VB under_IN the_AT stars_NNS ._. Th
e_AT sand_NN is_BEZ fine_JJ and_CC pleasant_JJ ,_, the_AT cabanas_NNS are_BER cl
ean_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT parasols_NNS ,_, green_JJ ,_, raspberry_JJ ,_, and_CC b
utter_NN yellow_JJ ,_, are_BER very_QL gay_JJ ._. Although_CS open_JJ to_IN the_
AT general_JJ public_NN it_PPS is_BEZ not_* overcrowded_VBN ;_. ;_. the_AT atmos
phere_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN an_AT attractive_JJ private_JJ beach_NN club_NN at
_IN home_NN ._. We_PPSS went_VBD there_RB a_AT couple_NN of_IN times_NNS to_TO s
wim_VB and_CC enjoyed_VBD ourselves_PPLS thoroughly_RB ._. This_DT agreeable_JJ
state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS is_BEZ explicable_JJ ,_, I_PPSS think_VB ,_, on_IN tw
o_CD counts_NNS ._. One_CD is_BEZ Greece_NP is_BEZ not_* yet_RB suffering_VBG fr
om_IN overpopulation_NN ._. The_AT public_NN may_MD still_RB find_VB pleasure_NN
in_IN public_JJ places_NNS ._. The_AT other_AP is_BEZ that_CS the_AT charge_NN
for_IN cabanas_NNS and_CC parasols_NNS ,_, though_CS modest_JJ from_IN an_AT Ame
rican_JJ point_NN of_IN view_NN ,_, still_RB is_BEZ a_AT little_QL high_JJ for_I
N many_AP Athenians_NPS ._. We_PPSS were_BED struck_VBN by_IN the_AT notable_JJ
absence_NN of_IN banana_NN skins_NNS and_CC beer_NN cans_NNS ,_, but_CC just_RB
so_CS that_CS we_PPSS wouldn't_MD* go_VB overboard_RB on_IN Greek_JJ refinement_
NN ,_, perfection_NN was_BEDZ side-stepped_VBN by_IN a_AT couple_NN of_IN brayin
g_VBG portable_JJ radios_NNS ._. Greek_JJ boys_NNS and_CC girls_NNS also_RB go_V
B for_IN rock-and-roll_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT stations_NNS most_RBT tuned_VBN to_I
N are_BER those_DTS carrying_VBG United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL overseas_JJ program
s_NNS ._. A_AT good_JJ deal_NN of_IN English_NP was_BEDZ spoken_VBN on_IN the_AT
beach_NN ,_, most_AP educated_VBN Greeks_NPS learn_VB it_PPO in_IN childhood_NN
,_, and_CC there_EX were_BED also_RB American_JJ wives_NNS and_CC children_NNS
of_IN our_PP$ overseas_JJ servicemen_NNS ._. For_IN a_AT delightful_JJ drive_NN
out_IN of_IN Athens_NP I_PPSS should_MD recommend_VB Sounion_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT
end_NN of_IN the_AT Attic_NN-TL Peninsula_NN-TL ._. The_AT road_NN ,_, a_AT com
paratively_QL new_JJ one_CD ,_, is_BEZ very_QL good_JJ ,_, winding_VBG along_IN
inlets_NNS ,_, coves_NNS ,_, and_CC bays_NNS of_IN deep_JJ and_CC brilliant_JJ b
lue_NN ._. I_PPSS suppose_VB the_AT day_NN will_MD inevitably_RB come_VB when_WR
B the_AT area_NN will_MD be_BE encrusted_VBN with_IN developments_NNS ,_, but_CC
at_IN present_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ deserted_VBN and_CC seductive_JJ ._. Three_CD be
neficial_JJ hurdles_NNS to_IN progress_NN are_BER the_AT lack_NN of_IN water_NN
,_, electricity_NN ,_, and_CC telephones_NNS ._. At_IN Sounion_NP there_EX is_BE
Z a_AT group_NN of_IN beautiful_JJ columns_NNS ,_, the_AT ruins_NNS of_IN a_AT t
emple_NN to_IN Poseidon_NP ,_, of_IN particular_JJ interest_NN at_IN that_DT tim
e_NN ,_, as_CS active_JJ reconstruction_NN was_BEDZ in_IN progress_NN ._. Gaunt_
JJ scaffoldings_NNS adjoined_VBD the_AT ruins_NNS ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT ground
_NN segments_NNS of_IN columns_NNS two_CD and_CC a_AT half_ABN to_IN three_CD fe
et_NNS in_IN thickness_NN were_BED being_BEG fitted_VBN with_IN sections_NNS cun
ningly_RB chiseled_VBN to_TO match_VB exactly_RB the_AT fluting_NN and_CC propor
tion_NN of_IN the_AT original_NN ._. Later_RBR they_PPSS would_MD be_BE hoisted_
VBN into_IN place_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ a_AT mediocre_JJ restaurant_NN at_IN So
union_NP and_CC I_PPSS fed_VBD a_AT thin_JJ little_JJ Grecian_JJ cat_NN and_CC g
ave_VBD it_PPO two_CD saucers_NNS of_IN water_NN --_-- there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT m
ilk_NN --_-- which_WDT it_PPS lapped_VBD up_RP as_CS though_CS it_PPS were_BED n
ectar_NN ._. I_PPSS think_VB its_PP$ thirst_NN had_HVD never_RB been_BEN assuage
d_VBN before_RB ._. Norton_NP and_CC I_PPSS dined_VBD one_CD night_NN in_IN a_AT
sea-food_NN restaurant_NN in_IN Piraeus_NP right_QL on_IN the_AT water's_NN$ ed
ge_NN ._. To_TO enter_VB it_PPO ,_, you_PPSS go_VB down_IN five_CD or_CC six_CD
steps_NNS from_IN the_AT road_NN ._. Across_IN the_AT road_NN is_BEZ the_AT kitc
hen_NN ,_, and_CC waiters_NNS bearing_VBG great_JJ trays_NNS of_IN dishes_NNS do
dge_VB traffic_NN as_QL nimbly_RB as_CS their_PP$ French_JJ colleagues_NNS at_IN
the_AT restaurant_NN in_IN the_AT Place_FW-NN-TL Du_FW-IN+AT-TL Tertre_FW-NN-TL
in_IN Paris_NP ._. This_DT restaurant_NN ,_, too_RB ,_, had_HVD a_AT cat_NN ,_,
a_AT dusty_JJ ,_, thin_JJ little_JJ creature_NN ._. How_WRB can_MD a_AT cat_NN
be_BE thin_JJ in_IN a_AT fish_NN restaurant_NN ?_. ?_. But_CC this_DT one_CD was
_BEDZ ._. When_WRB offered_VBN a_AT morsel_NN it_PPS glanced_VBD right_NR and_CC
left_NR and_CC winced_VBD ,_, obviously_RB frightened_VBN and_CC expecting_VBG
a_AT kick_NN ,_, but_CC too_QL hungry_JJ not_* to_TO snatch_VB the_AT tidbit_NN
._. Greece_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT highlights_NNS of_IN our_PP$ trip_NN
,_, but_CC beginning_VBG in_IN Greece_NP and_CC continuing_VBG around_IN the_AT
world_NN throughout_IN Southeast_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL the_AT treatment_NN of_IN anim
als_NNS was_BEDZ horrifying_JJ ,_, ranging_VBG from_IN callous_JJ indifference_N
N to_IN active_JJ cruelty_NN ._. This_DT of_IN course_NN was_BEDZ not_* true_JJ
of_IN the_AT educated_VBN and_CC sophisticated_JJ people_NNS we_PPSS met_VBD ,_,
who_WPS loved_VBD their_PP$ pets_NNS ,_, but_CC kindness_NN is_BEZ not_* a_AT b
asic_JJ human_JJ instinct_NN ._. We_PPSS met_VBD some_DTI charming_JJ Athenians_
NPS ,_, and_CC among_IN them_PPO our_PP$ chauffeur_NN Panyotis_NP ranked_VBD hig
h_RB ._. His_PP$ English_NP was_BEDZ limited_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT little_AP he_
PPS knew_VBD he_PPS found_VBD irritating_JJ ._. A_AT particularly_QL galling_JJ
phrase_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` O.K._UH ,_, Panyotis_NP ,_, we_PPSS have_HV time_NN at_
IN our_PP$ disposal_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT he_PPS claimed_VBD was_BEDZ the_AT favo
rite_JJ refrain_NN of_IN the_AT English_NPS ._. They_PPSS would_MD be_BE lolling
_VBG under_IN a_AT tree_NN sipping_VBG Ouzo_NP ,_, relishing_VBG the_AT leisurel
y_JJ life_NN ,_, assuring_VBG him_PPO that_CS the_AT day_NN was_BEDZ yet_RB youn
g_JJ ._. ``_`` Let_VB him_PPO become_VB honest_JJ ,_, and_CC they_PPSS discard_V
B him_PPO ._. --_-- But_CC let_VB him_PPO be_BE ready_JJ to_TO invent_VB whateve
r_WDT falsehood_NN --_-- to_TO assail_VB whatever_WDT character_NN --_-- and_CC
to_TO prostitute_VB his_PP$ paper_NN to_IN whatever_WDT ends_NNS --_-- and_CC th
ey_PPSS hug_VB him_PPO to_IN their_PP$ heart_NN ._. In_IN proportion_NN to_IN th
e_AT degradation_NN of_IN his_PP$ moral_JJ worth_NN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT increase_N
N of_IN his_PP$ worth_NN to_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. To_TO exonerate_VB the_AT legi
slature_NN and_CC thereby_RB extricate_VB himself_PPL from_IN a_AT sticky_JJ sit
uation_NN ,_, Pike_NP took_VBD another_DT course_NN and_CC made_VBD it_PPO appea
r_VB that_CS the_AT legislature_NN had_HVD been_BEN bilked_VBN ._. He_PPS claime
d_VBD in_IN his_PP$ attacks_NNS that_CS Woodruff_NP ,_, with_IN scurrilous_JJ un
derhandedness_NN ,_, had_HVD deliberately_RB written_VBN an_AT ambiguous_JJ bid_
NN that_WPS had_HVD so_QL confused_VBN the_AT honest_JJ members_NNS of_IN the_AT
legislature_NN that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD awarded_VBN him_PPO the_AT contract_NN
without_IN knowing_VBG what_WDT they_PPSS were_BED doing_VBG ._. The_AT charge_
NN was_BEDZ so_QL farfetched_JJ that_CS Woodruff_NP paid_VBD little_AP attention
_NN to_IN it_PPO ,_, and_CC answered_VBD Pike_NP in_IN a_AT rather_QL bored_VBN
way_NN ,_, wearily_RB declaring_VBG that_CS a_AT ``_`` new_JJ hand_NN ''_'' was_
BEDZ pumping_VBG the_AT bellows_NNS of_IN the_AT Crittenden_NP organ_NN ,_, and_
CC concluding_VBG :_: ``_`` In_IN a_AT controversy_NN with_IN an_AT adversary_NN
so_QL utterly_QL destitute_JJ of_IN moral_JJ principles_NNS ,_, even_RB a_AT tr
iumph_NN would_MD entitle_VB the_AT victor_NN to_IN no_AT laurels_NNS ._. The_AT
game_NN is_BEZ not_* worth_JJ the_AT ammunition_NN it_PPS would_MD cost_VB ._.
We_PPSS therefore_RB leave_VB the_AT writer_NN to_IN the_AT enjoyment_NN of_IN t
he_AT unenvied_JJ reputation_NN which_WDT the_AT personal_JJ abuse_NN he_PPS has
_HVZ heaped_VBN on_IN us_PPO will_MD entitle_VB him_PPO to_IN from_IN the_AT low
_JJ and_CC vulgar_JJ herd_NN to_IN which_WDT he_PPS belongs_VBZ ''_'' ._. Despit
e_IN Woodruff's_NP$ continuing_VBG refusal_NN to_TO debate_VB with_IN Pike_NP th
rough_IN the_AT columns_NNS of_IN his_PP$ newspaper_NN ,_, Pike_NP did_DOD not_*
let_VB up_RP his_PP$ attack_NN for_IN a_AT moment_NN ._. Over_IN the_AT months_
NNS he_PPS became_VBD a_AT political_JJ gadfly_NN with_IN an_AT incessant_JJ bar
rage_NN of_IN satirical_JJ poems_NNS ridiculing_VBG Woodruff_NP ,_, the_AT ``_``
Casca_NP ''_'' letters_NNS belittling_VBG Woodruff_NP ,_, and_CC long_JJ analyt
ical_JJ articles_NNS vilifying_VBG Woodruff_NP ._. So_QL persistent_JJ were_BED
these_DTS attacks_NNS that_CS in_IN March_NP of_IN the_AT following_VBG year_NN
,_, Woodruff_NP was_BEDZ finally_RB moved_VBN to_IN action_NN ,_, and_CC Pike_NP
was_BEDZ to_TO learn_VB his_PP$ first_OD lesson_NN in_IN frontier_NN politics_N
N ,_, the_AT subtle_JJ art_NN of_IN diversion_NN ._. To_TO attack_VB Pike_NP dir
ectly_RB would_MD gain_VB Woodruff_NP little_AP ,_, for_CS as_CS a_AT penniless_
JJ newcomer_NN Pike_NP had_HVD nothing_PN to_TO lose_VB ._. By_IN this_DT time_N
N Woodruff_NP had_HVD accurately_RB measured_VBN Pike_NP as_CS a_AT man_NN of_IN
great_JJ personal_JJ pride_NN ,_, a_AT man_NN who_WPS would_MD fly_VB into_IN a
_AT towering_VBG rage_NN if_CS his_PP$ integrity_NN were_BED questioned_VBN ,_,
and_CC who_WPS would_MD be_BE anxious_JJ to_TO avenge_VB himself_PPL ._. Pike's_
NP$ honor_NN would_MD now_RB come_VB under_IN attack_NN ,_, but_CC not_* by_IN W
oodruff_NP himself_PPL ._. The_AT charges_NNS would_MD be_BE made_VBN in_IN The_
AT-TL Gazette_NN-TL by_IN an_AT anonymous_JJ correspondent_NN ,_, and_CC Pike_NP
would_MD be_BE so_QL busy_JJ trying_VBG to_TO track_VB down_RP the_AT illusive_
JJ character_NN assassin_NN that_CS he_PPS would_MD forget_VB about_IN harassing
_VBG Woodruff_NP ._. The_AT strategy_NN worked_VBD perfectly_RB ._. Pike_NP was_
BEDZ stunned_VBN by_IN the_AT first_OD blast_NN against_IN his_PP$ character_NN
,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ published_VBN in_IN the_AT March_NP 4th_OD issue_NN of_IN
The_AT-TL Gazette_NN-TL under_IN the_AT name_NN ``_`` Vale_NP ''_'' ._. The_AT
anonymous_JJ correspondent_NN did_DOD not_* resort_VB to_IN innuendoes_NNS ._. H
e_PPS called_VBD Pike_NP a_AT thief_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD Pike_NP had_HVD stole
n_VBN mules_NNS from_IN Harris_NP during_IN the_AT Santa_NP Fe_NP expedition_NN
;_. ;_. he_PPS accused_VBD Pike_NP of_IN continuing_VBG his_PP$ sticky-fingered_
JJ career_NN in_IN Arkansas_NP with_IN the_AT theft_NN of_IN some_DTI otter_NN s
kins_NNS in_IN Van_NP Buren_NP ._. The_AT charges_NNS caught_VBD Pike_NP off_IN
balance_NN ,_, coming_VBG as_CS they_PPSS did_DOD from_IN an_AT unexpected_JJ qu
arter_NN ._. Outraged_VBN ,_, he_PPS used_VBD the_AT Advocate_NN-TL of_IN March_
NP 7th_OD for_IN a_AT denial_NN ,_, sending_VBG immediately_RB to_IN Santa_NP Fe
_NP and_CC Van_NP Buren_NP for_IN documents_NNS to_TO vindicate_VB himself_PPL ,
_, and_CC demanding_VBG that_CS Woodruff_NP reveal_VB the_AT name_NN of_IN this_
DT perfidious_JJ slanderer_NN who_WPS disguised_VBD himself_PPL under_IN a_AT pa
storal_JJ pseudonym_NN ._. Woodruff_NP said_VBD nothing_PN ,_, and_CC Pike_NP ,_
, frustrated_VBN ,_, stormed_VBD throughout_IN Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL in_IN an_
AT unsuccessful_JJ search_NN for_IN ``_`` Vale_NP ''_'' ,_, asking_VBG his_PP$ f
riends_NNS to_TO keep_VB their_PP$ ears_NNS open_JJ ._. Finally_RB he_PPS learne
d_VBD through_IN the_AT grapevine_NN that_CS the_AT culprit_NN might_MD be_BE on
e_CD James_NP W._NP Robinson_NP in_IN Pope_NP-TL County_NN-TL ._. Without_IN fur
ther_JJR inquiry_NN ,_, Pike_NP jumped_VBD to_IN the_AT conclusion_NN that_CS Ro
binson_NP was_BEDZ guilty_JJ ,_, and_CC ,_, following_VBG the_AT honorable_JJ ro
ute_NN that_WPS would_MD eventually_RB lead_VB to_IN the_AT dueling_VBG ground_N
N ,_, sent_VBD a_AT message_NN to_IN Robinson_NP through_IN his_PP$ friends_NNS
,_, demanding_VBG that_CS he_PPS either_CC confirm_VB or_CC deny_VB his_PP$ comp
licity_NN ._. Robinson_NP did_DOD neither_DTX ._. To_IN Pike_NP ,_, silence_NN w
as_BEDZ tantamount_JJ to_IN an_AT admission_NN of_IN guilt_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS
determined_VBD to_TO get_VB Robinson_NP onto_IN the_AT dueling_VBG ground_NN at_
IN all_ABN costs_NNS ._. On_IN April_NP 11th_OD he_PPS wrote_VBD an_AT open_JJ l
etter_NN in_IN The_AT-TL Advocate_NN-TL ,_, making_VBG it_PPO known_VBN ``_`` to
_IN the_AT world_NN that_CS Jas._NP W._NP Robinson_NP is_BEZ by_IN his_PP$ own_J
J admission_NN a_AT base_JJ liar_NN and_CC a_AT slanderer_NN ''_'' ._. If_CS Rob
inson_NP was_BEDZ a_AT liar_NN and_CC a_AT slanderer_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ also
_RB a_AT very_QL canny_JJ gentleman_NN ,_, for_CS nothing_PN that_WPO Pike_NP co
uld_MD do_DO would_MD pry_VB so_QL much_AP as_CS a_AT single_AP word_NN out_IN o
f_IN him_PPO ._. Preoccupied_VBN with_IN his_PP$ own_JJ defense_NN and_CC his_PP
$ attempts_NNS to_TO get_VB Robinson_NP to_TO fight_VB ,_, Pike_NP lessened_VBD
his_PP$ attacks_NNS on_IN Woodruff_NP ,_, and_CC finally_RB stopped_VBD them_PPO
altogether_RB ._. And_CC Pike_NP never_RB did_DOD find_VB out_RP if_CS Robinson
_NP was_BEDZ really_QL responsible_JJ for_IN the_AT ``_`` Vale_NP ''_'' letter_N
N ._. Woodruff's_NP$ strategy_NN had_HVD been_BEN immensely_QL successful_JJ ._.
It_PPS took_VBD Pike_NP a_AT long_JJ time_NN to_TO realize_VB what_WDT Woodruff
_NP had_HVD done_VBN ,_, and_CC it_PPS had_HVD a_AT profound_JJ effect_NN on_IN
him_PPO ._. Once_CS he_PPS learned_VBD a_AT lesson_NN ,_, he_PPS never_RB forgot
_VBD it_PPO ._. In_IN the_AT next_AP few_AP months_NNS of_IN comparative_JJ sile
nce_NN ,_, Pike_NP waited_VBD patiently_RB until_CS conditions_NNS were_BED perf
ect_JJ for_IN a_AT new_JJ attack_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB ,_, displaying_VBG a_AT r
emarkable_JJ grasp_NN of_IN the_AT subtleties_NNS of_IN political_JJ infighting_
NN ,_, gained_VBN from_IN his_PP$ first_OD bout_NN with_IN Woodruff_NP ,_, he_PP
S used_VBD these_DTS changed_VBN conditions_NNS to_IN excellent_JJ advantage_NN
._. Shortly_RB after_IN the_AT ``_`` Vale_NP ''_'' incident_NN ,_, a_AT rift_NN
began_VBD to_TO develop_VB between_IN William_NP Woodruff_NP and_CC Governor_NN-
TL Pope_NP ._. One-armed_JJ ,_, gruff_JJ ,_, frugally_QL honest_JJ ,_, Governor_
NN-TL Pope_NP had_HVD been_BEN the_AT ideal_JJ man_NN to_TO assume_VB office_NN
in_IN Arkansas_NP after_IN the_AT disgraceful_JJ antics_NNS of_IN political_JJ b
osses_NNS like_CS Crittenden_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS ruled_VBD the_AT state_NN with
_IN an_AT iron_NN fist_NN ,_, tolerating_VBG no_AT nonsense_NN ._. Woodruff_NP h
ad_HVD supported_VBN him_PPO all_ABN the_AT way_NN ,_, both_ABX as_CS a_AT chief
_JJS executive_NN and_CC as_CS a_AT man_NN ._. Besides_IN being_BEG political_JJ
allies_NNS ,_, they_PPSS were_BED also_RB friends_NNS ._. This_DT warm_JJ relat
ionship_NN came_VBD to_IN an_AT abrupt_JJ end_NN in_IN June_NP of_IN 1834_CD whe
n_WRB the_AT National_JJ-TL Congress_NP-TL appropriated_VBD $3,000_NNS for_IN co
mpiling_VBG and_CC printing_VBG the_AT laws_NNS of_IN Arkansas_NP-TL Territory_N
N-TL ,_, and_CC ,_, taking_VBG note_NN of_IN the_AT recent_JJ wave_NN of_IN corr
uption_NN in_IN the_AT legislature_NN ,_, left_VBD it_PPO to_IN the_AT governor_
NN to_TO award_VB the_AT contract_NN ._. Woodruff_NP wanted_VBD this_DT politica
l_JJ windfall_NN very_QL badly_RB ,_, and_CC everyone_PN assumed_VBD that_CS he_
PPS would_MD get_VB it_PPO because_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT close_JJ friend_NN of
_IN the_AT governor_NN and_CC his_PP$ stanchest_JJT supporter_NN ._. After_IN al
l_ABN ,_, Woodruff_NP owned_VBD a_AT competent_JJ printing_VBG plant_NN and_CC w
as_BEDZ the_AT logical_JJ man_NN for_IN the_AT job_NN ._. But_CC because_CS the_
AT governor_NN was_BEDZ determined_VBN that_CS friendship_NN should_MD not_* inf
luence_VB him_PPO one_CD way_NN or_CC the_AT other_AP ,_, he_PPS looked_VBD for_
IN a_AT printer_NN with_IN a_AT knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT law_NN (_( which_WDT W
oodruff_NP did_DOD not_* have_HV )_) ,_, and_CC awarded_VBD the_AT contract_NN t
o_IN a_AT lawyer_NN named_VBN John_NP Steele_NP who_WPS had_HVD started_VBN a_AT
newspaper_NN in_IN Helena_NP the_AT year_NN before_RB ._. Woodruff_NP was_BEDZ
furious_JJ ._. Considering_VBG the_AT governor's_NN$ act_NN a_AT personal_JJ reb
uff_NN ,_, he_PPS aired_VBD his_PP$ feelings_NNS in_IN The_AT-TL Gazette_NN-TL o
n_IN August_NP 26_CD ,_, 1834_CD :_. :_. ``_`` We_PPSS think_VB the_AT governor_
NN treated_VBD us_PPO rather_QL shabbily_RB ,_, to_TO say_VB the_AT least_AP of_
IN it_PPO ._. It_PPS is_BEZ but_RB justice_NN to_IN Mr._NP Steele_NP for_IN us_P
PO to_TO add_VB that_CS ,_, in_IN the_AT above_JJ remarks_NNS ,_, nothing_PN is_
BEZ intended_VBN to_IN his_PP$ disparagement_NN ,_, either_CC as_CS a_AT lawyer_
NN or_CC as_CS a_AT printer_NN ._. He_PPS got_VBD a_AT good_JJ fat_JJ job_NN and
_CC we_PPSS congratulate_VB him_PPO on_IN his_PP$ good_JJ luck_NN ._. We_PPSS ho
pe_VB that_CS he_PPS will_MD execute_VB it_PPO in_IN a_AT manner_NN that_WPS wil
l_MD entitle_VB him_PPO to_IN credit_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS summer_NN cooled_VBD int
o_IN fall_NN and_CC winter_NN ,_, even_RB so_RB the_AT relationship_NN between_I
N the_AT two_CD men_NNS continued_VBD to_TO grow_VB colder_JJR by_IN the_AT day_
NN ,_, and_CC by_IN December_NP of_IN 1834_CD it_PPS was_BEDZ icy_JJ ._. It_PPS
was_BEDZ at_IN this_DT point_NN that_CS Pike_NP decided_VBD to_TO capitalize_VB
on_IN the_AT bad_JJ feelings_NNS between_IN the_AT two_CD men_NNS ._. The_AT eve
ntual_JJ prize_NN in_IN this_DT new_JJ battle_NN was_BEDZ the_AT public_JJ print
ing_VBG contract_NN that_WPO Woodruff_NP still_RB held_VBD ._. From_IN his_PP$ f
irst_OD bout_NN with_IN the_AT canny_JJ Woodruff_NP ,_, Pike_NP had_HVD learned_
VBN that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ better_JJR not_* to_TO attack_VB him_PPO directly_RB
,_, so_RB ,_, harping_VBG on_IN the_AT theme_NN that_CS the_AT cost_NN of_IN pr
inting_VBG was_BEDZ too_QL high_JJ ,_, he_PPS condemned_VBD the_AT governor_NN f
or_IN permitting_VBG such_ABL a_AT state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS to_TO exist_VB ._.
To_TO document_VB his_PP$ charge_NN ,_, Pike_NP set_VBD up_RP two_CD parallel_J
J columns_NNS in_IN The_AT-TL Advocate_NN-TL showing_VBG the_AT price_NN charged
_VBN by_IN The_AT-TL Gazette_NN-TL and_CC the_AT considerably_QL lower_JJR price
_NN for_IN which_WDT the_AT work_NN could_MD be_BE done_VBN elsewhere_RB ._. The
n_RB he_PPS called_VBD on_IN the_AT governor_NN to_TO explain_VB why_WRB ._. The
_AT governor_NN was_BEDZ not_* used_VBN to_IN having_HVG his_PP$ integrity_NN qu
estioned_VBN ,_, and_CC he_PPS promptly_RB passed_VBD the_AT charges_NNS on_RP t
o_IN Woodruff_NP ,_, demanding_VBG that_CS Woodruff_NP answer_VB them_PPO ._. If
_CS Woodruff_NP could_MD not_* furnish_VB a_AT strong_JJ explanation_NN ,_, the_
AT governor_NN insisted_VBD that_CS he_PPS lower_VB his_PP$ prices_NNS in_IN acc
ord_NN with_IN the_AT scale_NN printed_VBN in_IN The_AT-TL Advocate_NN-TL ._. Wo
odruff_NP was_BEDZ now_RB impaled_VBN on_IN the_AT horns_NNS of_IN a_AT dilemma_
NN ._. As_CS a_AT proud_JJ man_NN ,_, his_PP$ prestige_NN would_MD suffer_VB if_
CS he_PPS let_VB Pike_NP dictate_VB to_IN him_PPO through_IN the_AT governor's_N
N$ office_NN ,_, but_CC to_TO lower_VB his_PP$ prices_NNS would_MD be_BE tantamo
unt_JJ to_IN an_AT admission_NN that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN too_QL high_J
J in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ._. As_CS a_AT consequence_NN ,_, he_PPS did_DO
D neither_DTX ._. Very_QL angry_JJ at_IN Woodruff_NP ,_, the_AT governor_NN used
_VBD his_PP$ personal_JJ influence_NN to_TO have_HV the_AT printing_VBG contract
_NN withdrawn_VBN from_IN The_AT-TL Gazette_NN-TL and_CC awarded_VBN to_IN the_A
T lowest_JJT bidder_NN ,_, which_WDT ,_, by_IN a_AT strange_JJ coincidence_NN ,_
, happened_VBN to_TO be_BE Pike's_NP$ Advocate_NN-TL ._. And_CC ,_, for_IN the_A
T moment_NN at_IN least_AP ,_, the_AT governor_NN now_RB found_VBD himself_PPL a
llied_VBN with_IN the_AT head_NN of_IN the_AT Crittenden_NP faction_NN he_PPS ha
d_HVD formerly_RB opposed_VBN ,_, and_CC Pike_NP was_BEDZ credited_VBN with_IN a
_AT clear_JJ triumph_NN over_IN Woodruff_NP ._. But_CC in_IN the_AT confused_VBN
atmosphere_NN of_IN frontier_NN politics_NN ,_, alliances_NNS were_BED as_QL qu
ickly_RB broken_VBN as_CS they_PPSS were_BED formed_VBN ,_, and_CC as_CS Pike_NP
came_VBD to_TO favor_VB with_IN the_AT governor_NN of_IN the_AT Territory_NN-TL
,_, the_AT governor_NN fell_VBD out_IN of_IN favor_NN with_IN the_AT President_
NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. On_IN January_NP 28_CD
,_, 1835_CD ,_, Andrew_NP Jackson_NP removed_VBD Pope_NN-TL from_IN office_NN an
d_CC elevated_VBN Territorial_JJ-TL Secretary_NN-TL William_NP S._NP Fulton_NP t
o_IN the_AT position_NN ._. Fulton_NP was_BEDZ a_AT very_QL close_JJ friend_NN o
f_IN Jackson_NP ,_, and_CC had_HVD been_BEN his_PP$ private_JJ secretary_NN for_
IN a_AT number_NN of_IN years_NNS in_IN the_AT old_JJ days_NNS ._. As_CS a_AT st
anch_JJ party_NN man_NN and_CC a_AT rabid_JJ Democrat_NP ,_, he_PPS had_HVD litt
le_AP tolerance_NN for_IN Whigs_NPS like_CS Pike_NP ,_, and_CC Pike_NP lost_VBD
any_DTI immediate_JJ personal_JJ advantage_NN his_PP$ victory_NN over_IN Woodruf
f_NP might_MD have_HV gained_VBN him_PPO ._. 2_CD ;_. ;_. as_CS Pike_NP proved_V
BD himself_PPL adept_JJ in_IN the_AT political_JJ arena_NN ,_, he_PPS also_RB be
came_VBD a_AT social_JJ lion_NN in_IN the_AT village_NN of_IN Little_JJ-TL Rock_
NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS served_VBD as_CS a_AT symbol_NN of_IN the_AT culture_
NN that_CS the_AT ladies_NNS of_IN the_AT town_NN were_BED striving_VBG so_QL ea
gerly_RB to_TO cultivate_VB ._. After_IN all_ABN ,_, Pike_NP was_BEDZ an_AT esta
blished_VBN poet_NN and_CC his_PP$ work_NN had_HVD been_BEN published_VBN in_IN
the_AT respectable_JJ periodicals_NNS of_IN that_DT center_NN of_IN American_JJ
culture_NN ,_, Boston_NP ._. His_PP$ accomplishments_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT fact_
NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ resident_JJ ,_, did_DOD much_AP to_TO offset_VB the_A
T unkind_JJ words_NNS travelers_NNS used_VBD to_TO describe_VB Little_JJ-TL Rock
_NN-TL after_IN a_AT visit_NN there_RB ._. For_IN some_DTI reason_NN ,_, none_PN
of_IN them_PPO were_BED impressed_VBN with_IN the_AT territorial_JJ capital_NN
._. The_AT internationally_RB known_VBN sportsman_NN and_CC traveler_NN Friedric
h_NP Gerstacker_NP was_BEDZ typical_JJ of_IN its_PP$ detractors_NNS in_IN the_AT
mid-thirties_NNS ._. ``_`` Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL is_BEZ a_AT vile_JJ ,_, dete
stable_JJ place_NN ._. ''_'' He_PPS wrote_VBD ._. ``_`` Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL
is_BEZ ,_, without_IN any_DTI flattery_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT dullest_JJT to
wns_NNS in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL and_CC I_PPSS would_MD not_* ha
ve_HV remained_VBN two_CD hours_NNS in_IN the_AT place_NN ,_, if_CS I_PPSS had_H
VD not_* met_VBN with_IN some_DTI good_JJ friends_NNS who_WPS made_VBD me_PPO fo
rget_VB its_PP$ dreariness_NN ''_'' ._. Pike_NP enjoyed_VBD his_PP$ new_JJ socia
l_JJ position_NN tremendously_RB ,_, and_CC cultivated_VBD in_IN himself_PPL tho
se_DTS traits_NNS necessary_JJ to_IN its_PP$ preservation_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ
especially_QL popular_JJ with_IN women_NNS ,_, for_CS ,_, like_CS the_AT romant
ic_JJ poetry_NN he_PPS wrote_VBD ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ personally_RB gracious_JJ ,
_, gallant_JJ ,_, and_CC chivalrous_JJ ._. He_PPS again_RB began_VBD to_TO play_
VB the_AT violin_NN ,_, and_CC tucking_VBG the_AT instrument_NN beneath_IN his_P
P$ chin_NN ,_, performed_VBD soulful_JJ and_CC romantic_JJ airs_NNS to_IN match_
VB the_AT expressions_NNS on_IN the_AT faces_NNS of_IN the_AT lovely_JJ women_NN
S who_WPS gathered_VBD to_TO hear_VB him_PPO ._. His_PP$ artistic_JJ accomplishm
ents_NNS guaranteed_VBD him_PPO entry_NN into_IN any_DTI social_JJ gathering_NN
._. He_PPS composed_VBD songs_NNS and_CC set_VBD them_PPO to_IN music_NN and_CC
sang_VBD them_PPO in_IN a_AT soft_JJ ,_, melodious_JJ voice_NN ,_, and_CC when_W
RB his_PP$ audience_NN had_HVD had_HVN enough_AP of_IN music_NN he_PPS would_MD
discourse_VB on_IN politics_NN or_CC tell_VB stories_NNS of_IN his_PP$ western_J
J adventures_NNS guaranteed_VBN to_TO excite_VB the_AT emotions_NNS of_IN men_NN
S and_CC women_NNS alike_RB ._. The_AT bulk_NN of_IN his_PP$ early_JJ reputation
_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, came_VBD not_* from_IN his_PP$ poetry_NN or_CC his_PP$ mu
sic_NN ,_, but_CC from_IN his_PP$ excellence_NN as_CS an_AT orator_NN ._. By_IN
1834_CD the_AT art_NN of_IN oratory_NN had_HVD reached_VBN a_AT very_QL high_JJ
level_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL as_CS a_AT literary_JJ form_NN
._. The_AT orator_NN of_IN this_DT period_NN ,_, in_IN order_NN to_TO earn_VB a
_AT reputation_NN ,_, had_HVD to_TO pay_VB close_JJ attention_NN to_IN the_AT fo
rmal_JJ composition_NN of_IN his_PP$ speech_NN ,_, judging_VBG how_WRB it_PPS wo
uld_MD appear_VB in_IN print_NN as_RB well_RB as_RB the_AT effect_NN it_PPS woul
d_MD have_HV on_IN the_AT audience_NN that_WPS heard_VBD it_PPO ._. Very_QL soon
_RB after_IN his_PP$ arrival_NN in_IN Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL ,_, Pike_NP had_HV
D joined_VBN one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL influential_JJ organizations_NNS in_IN
town_NN ,_, the_AT Little_JJ-TL Rock_NN-TL Debating_VBG-TL Society_NN-TL ,_, and
_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ with_IN this_DT group_NN that_CS he_PPS made_VBD his_PP$ deb
ut_NN as_CS an_AT orator_NN ,_, being_BEG invited_VBN to_TO deliver_VB the_AT an
nual_JJ Fourth_OD-TL of_IN-TL July_NP-TL address_NN the_AT club_NN sponsored_VBD
every_AT year_NN ._. Samuel_NP Gorton_NP ,_, founder_NN of_IN Warwick_NP ,_, wa
s_BEDZ styled_VBN by_IN the_AT historian_NN Samuel_NP Greene_NP Arnold_NP ``_``
one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL remarkable_JJ men_NNS who_WPS ever_RB lived_VBD ''_'
' ._. A_AT biographer_NN called_VBD him_PPO ``_`` the_AT premature_JJ John_NP-TL
the_AT-TL Baptist_NP-TL of_IN New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL Transcendentalism_NN-TL '
'_'' ._. The_AT historian_NN Charles_NP Francis_NP Adams_NP called_VBD him_PPO `
`_`` a_AT crude_JJ and_CC half-crazy_JJ thinker_NN ''_'' ._. His_PP$ contemporar
ies_NNS in_IN Massachusetts_NP called_VBD him_PPO an_AT arch-heretic_NN ,_, a_AT
beast_NN ,_, a_AT miscreant_NN ,_, a_AT proud_JJ and_CC pestilent_JJ seducer_NN
,_, a_AT prodigious_JJ minter_NN of_IN exorbitant_JJ novelties_NNS ._. Edward_N
P Rawson_NP ,_, secretary_NN of_IN the_AT colony_NN of_IN Massachusetts_NP-TL Ba
y_NN-TL ,_, described_VBD him_PPO as_CS ``_`` a_AT man_NN whose_WP$ spirit_NN wa
s_BEDZ stark_QL drunk_JJ with_IN blasphemies_NNS and_CC insolence_NN ,_, a_AT co
rrupter_NN of_IN the_AT truth_NN ,_, a_AT disturber_NN of_IN the_AT peace_NN whe
rever_WRB he_PPS comes_VBZ ''_'' ._. Nathaniel_NP Morton_NP stated_VBD he_PPS ``
_`` was_BEDZ deeply_RB leavened_VBN with_IN blasphemous_JJ and_CC familistical_J
J opinions_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ thrown_VBN out_RP ,_, more_RBR or_CC le
ss_RBR ,_, from_IN Boston_NP ,_, Plymouth_NP ,_, Pocasset_NP ,_, Newport_NP ,_,
and_CC Providence_NP ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, Dr._NN-TL Ezra_NP Sty
les_NP recorded_VBD the_AT following_VBG testimony_NN of_IN John_NP Angell_NP ,_
, the_AT last_AP disciple_NN of_IN Gorton_NP :_: ``_`` He_PPS said_VBD Gorton_NP
was_BEDZ a_AT holy_JJ man_NN ;_. ;_. wept_VBD day_NN and_CC night_NN for_CS the
_AT sins_NNS and_CC blindness_NN of_IN the_AT world_NN had_HVD a_AT long_JJ walk
_NN through_IN the_AT trees_NNS and_CC woods_NNS by_IN his_PP$ house_NN ,_, wher
e_WRB he_PPS constantly_RB walked_VBD morning_NN and_CC evening_NN ,_, and_CC ev
en_RB in_IN the_AT depths_NNS of_IN the_AT night_NN ,_, alone_RB by_IN himself_P
PL ,_, for_IN contemplation_NN and_CC the_AT enjoyment_NN of_IN the_AT dispensat
ion_NN of_IN light_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ universally_QL beloved_JJ by_IN his_PP
$ neighbours_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT Indians_NPS ,_, who_WPS esteemed_VBD him_PPO
,_, not_* only_RB as_CS a_AT friend_NN ,_, but_CC one_CD high_JJ in_IN communion
_NN with_IN God_NP in_IN Heaven_NN-TL ''_'' ._. Gorton_NP sometimes_RB signed_VB
D himself_PPL ``_`` a_AT professor_NN of_IN the_AT mysteries_NNS of_IN Christ_NP
''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ plenty_NN more_AP to_TO recommend_VB Gorton_NP ,_, th
e_AT facts_NNS of_IN whose_WP$ life_NN are_BER given_VBN in_IN The_AT-TL Life_NN
-TL And_CC-TL Times_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Samuel_NP-TL Gorton_NP-TL ,_, by_IN Adelos_N
P Gorton_NP ._. He_PPS fought_VBD like_CS a_AT fiend_NN for_IN the_AT helpless_J
J and_CC oppressed_VBN ,_, worked_VBD for_IN the_AT abolition_NN of_IN slavery_N
N ,_, helped_VBD the_AT Quakers_NPS and_CC Indians_NPS ,_, and_CC worked_VBD aga
inst_IN the_AT prosecution_NN of_IN witches_NNS ._. He_PPS defied_VBD the_AT Bos
ton_NP hierarchy_NN ,_, and_CC after_CS they_PPSS sent_VBD a_AT small_JJ army_NN
to_TO get_VB him_PPO he_PPS befuddled_VBD the_AT court_NN ,_, including_IN John
_NP Cotton_NP ,_, with_IN one_CD of_IN the_AT most_QL complicated_VBN religious_
JJ discourses_NNS ever_RB heard_VBN ._. Samuel_NP Gorton_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN at
_IN Gorton_NP ,_, England_NP ,_, near_IN the_AT present_JJ city_NN of_IN Manches
ter_NP ,_, about_RB 1592_CD ._. Although_CS he_PPS did_DOD not_* attend_VB any_D
TI celebrated_VBN schools_NNS or_CC universities_NNS ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT ma
ster_NN of_IN Greek_NP and_CC Hebrew_NP and_CC could_MD read_VB the_AT Bible_NP
in_IN the_AT original_NN ._. He_PPS worked_VBD as_CS a_AT ``_`` clothier_NN ''_'
' in_IN London_NP ,_, but_CC was_BEDZ greatly_RB concerned_VBN with_IN religion_
NN ._. Gorton_NP left_VBD England_NP ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` to_TO enjoy_V
B libertie_NN of_IN conscience_NN in_IN respect_NN to_IN faith_NN towards_IN God
_NP ,_, and_CC for_IN no_AT other_AP end_NN ''_'' ._. With_IN his_PP$ wife_NN an
d_CC three_CD or_CC more_AP children_NNS he_PPS arrived_VBD in_IN Boston_NP in_I
N March_NP ,_, 1637_CD ,_, and_CC soon_RB found_VBD it_PPS was_BEDZ no_AT place_
NN for_IN anyone_PN looking_VBG for_IN liberty_NN of_IN conscience_NN ._. Roger_
NP Williams_NP had_HVD recently_RB been_BEN thrown_VBN out_RP ,_, and_CC Anne_NP
Hutchinson_NP and_CC her_PP$ Antinomians_NPS were_BED slugging_VBG it_PPO out_R
P with_IN the_AT powers-that-be_NNS ._. Gorton_NP and_CC his_PP$ family_NN moved
_VBD to_IN Plymouth_NP ._. Soon_RB he_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN trouble_NN there_RB ,_,
for_IN defending_VBG a_AT woman_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ accused_VBN of_IN smiling_V
BG in_IN church_NN ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ Ellen_NP Aldridge_NP ,_, a_AT widow_NN o
f_IN good_JJ repute_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ employed_VBN by_IN Gorton's_NP$ wife_NN
and_CC lived_VBD with_IN the_AT family_NN ._. The_AT report_NN was_BEDZ :_: ``_`
` It_PPS had_HVD been_BEN whispered_VBN privately_RB that_CS she_PPS had_HVD smi
led_VBN in_IN the_AT congregation_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT Governor_NN-TL Prence_NP
sent_VBD to_TO knoe_VB her_PP$ business_NN ,_, and_CC command_VB ,_, after_IN pu
nishment_NN as_CS the_AT bench_NN see_VB fit_VBN ,_, her_PP$ departure_NN and_CC
also_RB anyone_PN who_WPS brought_VBD her_PPO to_IN the_AT place_NN from_IN whi
ch_WDT she_PPS came_VBD '_' ''_'' ._. Gorton_NP said_VBD they_PPSS were_BED prep
aring_VBG to_TO deport_VB her_PPO as_CS a_AT vagabond_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO escape
_VB the_AT shame_NN she_PPS fled_VBD to_IN the_AT woods_NNS for_IN several_AP da
ys_NNS ,_, returning_VBG at_IN night_NN ._. He_PPS advised_VBD the_AT poor_JJ wo
man_NN not_* to_TO appear_VB in_IN court_NN as_CS what_WDT she_PPS was_BEDZ char
ged_VBN with_IN was_BEDZ not_* in_IN violation_NN of_IN law_NN ._. Gorton_NP app
eared_VBD for_IN her_PPO ,_, however_RB ,_, and_CC what_WDT he_PPS told_VBD the_
AT magistrates_NNS must_MD have_HV been_BEN plenty_NN ,_, for_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ
charged_VBN with_IN deluding_VBG the_AT court_NN ,_, fined_VBN ,_, and_CC told_
VBN to_TO leave_VB the_AT colony_NN within_IN fourteen_CD days_NNS ._. He_PPS le
ft_VBD in_IN a_AT storm_NN for_IN Pocasset_NP ,_, December_NP 4_CD ,_, 1638_CD .
_. His_PP$ wife_NN was_BEDZ in_IN delicate_JJ health_NN and_CC nursing_VBG an_AT
infant_NN with_IN measles_NN ._. The_AT unconquerable_JJ Mrs._NP Hutchinson_NP
was_BEDZ residing_VBG at_IN Pocasset_NP ,_, after_CS having_HVG been_BEN excommu
nicated_VBN by_IN the_AT Boston_NP church_NN and_CC thrown_VBN out_IN of_IN the_
AT colony_NN ._. One_PN can_MD imagine_VB that_CS with_IN her_PPO and_CC Gorton_
NP there_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ no_AT place_NN for_IN anyone_PN with_IN weak_JJ nerv
es_NNS ._. William_NP Coddington_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ running_VBG the_AT colo
ny_NN ,_, felt_VBD constrained_VBN to_TO move_VB seven_CD miles_NNS south_NR whe
re_WRB ,_, with_IN others_NNS --_-- as_CS mentioned_VBN above_RB --_-- he_PPS fo
unded_VBD Newport_NP ._. When_WRB ,_, in_IN March_NP ,_, 1640_CD ,_, the_AT two_
CD towns_NNS were_BED united_VBN under_IN Coddington_NP ,_, Gorton_NP claimed_VB
D the_AT union_NN was_BEDZ irregular_JJ and_CC illegally_RB constituted_VBN and_
CC that_CS it_PPS had_HVD never_RB been_BEN sanctioned_VBN by_IN the_AT majority
_NN of_IN freeholders_NNS ._. Then_RB he_PPS became_VBD involved_VBN in_IN a_AT
ruckus_NN remarkably_QL similar_JJ to_IN the_AT one_CD in_IN Plymouth_NP ._. A_A
T cow_NN owned_VBN by_IN an_AT old_JJ woman_NN trespassed_VBD on_IN Gorton's_NP$
land_NN ._. While_CS driving_VBG the_AT cow_NN back_RB home_NR the_AT woman_NN
was_BEDZ assaulted_VBN by_IN a_AT servant_NN maid_NN of_IN Gorton_NP ._. The_AT
old_JJ woman_NN complained_VBD to_IN the_AT deputy_NN governor_NN ,_, who_WPS or
dered_VBD the_AT servant_NN brought_VBN before_IN the_AT court_NN ._. Gorton_NP
reverted_VBD to_IN his_PP$ Plymouth_NP tactics_NNS ,_, refused_VBD to_TO let_VB
her_PPO go_VB ,_, and_CC appeared_VBD himself_PPL before_IN the_AT Portsmouth_NP
grand_JJ jury_NN ._. During_IN the_AT trial_NN he_PPS told_VBD off_RP the_AT ju
ry_NN ,_, called_VBD them_PPO ``_`` Just_JJ Asses_NNS ''_'' and_CC called_VBD a_
AT freeman_NN ``_`` a_AT saucy_JJ boy_NN and_CC Jack-an-Apes_NP ''_'' ._. He_PPS
was_BEDZ jailed_VBN and_CC banished_VBN ._. Gorton_NP then_RB moved_VBD to_IN P
rovidence_NP and_CC soon_RB put_VBD the_AT town_NN in_IN a_AT turmoil_NN ._. He_
PPS held_VBD that_CS no_AT group_NN of_IN colonists_NNS could_MD set_VB up_RP or
_CC maintain_VB a_AT government_NN without_IN royal_JJ sanction_NN ._. Since_CS
Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL at_IN that_DT time_NN did_DOD not_* have_HV such_JJ san
ction_NN ,_, his_PP$ opinion_NN was_BEDZ not_* popular_JJ ._. Roger_NP Williams_
NP wrote_VBD his_PP$ friend_NN Winthrop_NP as_CS follows_VBZ :_: ``_`` Master_NN
-TL Gorton_NP ,_, having_HVG foully_RB abused_VBN high_JJ and_CC low_JJ at_IN Aq
uidneck_NP is_BEZ now_RB bewitching_VBG and_CC bemaddening_VBG poor_JJ Providenc
e_NP ,_, both_ABX with_IN his_PP$ unclean_JJ and_CC foul_JJ censures_NNS of_IN a
ll_ABN the_AT ministers_NNS of_IN this_DT country_NN (_( for_IN which_WDT myself
_PPL have_HV in_IN Christ's_NP$ name_NN withstood_VBN him_PPO )_) ,_, and_CC als
o_RB denying_VBG all_QL visible_JJ and_CC external_JJ ordinances_NNS in_IN depth
_NN of_IN Familism_NP :_: almost_QL all_ABN suck_VB in_RP his_PP$ poison_NN ,_,
as_CS at_IN first_RB they_PPSS did_DOD at_IN Aquidneck_NP ._. Some_DTI few_AP an
d_CC myself_PPL withstand_VB his_PP$ inhabitation_NN and_CC town_NN privileges_N
NS ,_, without_IN confession_NN and_CC reformation_NN of_IN his_PP$ uncivil_JJ a
nd_CC inhuman_JJ practices_NNS at_IN Portsmouth_NP ;_. ;_. yet_CC the_AT tide_NN
is_BEZ too_QL strong_JJ against_IN us_PPO ,_, and_CC I_PPSS fear_VB (_( if_CS t
he_AT framer_NN of_IN hearts_NNS help_VB not_* )_) it_PPS will_MD force_VB me_PP
O to_IN little_AP Patience_NP ,_, a_AT little_JJ isle_NN next_IN to_IN your_PP$
Prudence_NP ''_'' ._. Williams_NP also_RB stated_VBD :_: ``_`` Our_PP$ peace_NN
was_BEDZ like_CS the_AT peace_NN of_IN a_AT man_NN who_WPS hath_HVZ the_AT terti
an_NN ague_NN ''_'' ._. Providence_NP finally_RB managed_VBD to_TO get_VB Gorton
_NP out_IN of_IN the_AT town_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS and_CC some_DTI friends_NNS bo
ught_VBD land_NN at_IN Pawtuxet_NP on_IN the_AT west_JJ side_NN of_IN Narraganse
tt_NP-TL Bay_NN-TL ,_, five_CD miles_NNS south_NR but_CC still_RB within_IN the_
AT jurisdiction_NN of_IN the_AT Providence_NP colony_NN ._. This_DT town_NN shou
ld_MD not_* be_BE confused_VBN with_IN Pawtucket_NP ,_, just_RB north_NR of_IN P
rovidence_NP ,_, or_CC Pawcatuck_NP ,_, Connecticut_NP ,_, on_IN the_AT Pawcatuc
k_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, opposite_IN Westerly_NP ,_, Rhode_NP-TL Island_NN-TL ._.
Up_IN to_IN now_RB ,_, Gorton_NP had_HVD been_BEN looking_VBG for_IN trouble_NN
,_, and_CC now_RB that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ trying_VBG to_TO get_VB away_RB from_
IN it_PPO ,_, trouble_NN started_VBD looking_VBG for_IN him_PPO ._. Upon_IN inte
lligence_NN that_CS the_AT formidable_JJ agitator_NN was_BEDZ to_TO favor_VB the
m_PPO with_IN his_PP$ presence_NN ,_, the_AT benighted_JJ inhabitants_NNS of_IN
Pawtuxet_NP ,_, alas_UH ,_, gave_VBD their_PP$ allegiance_NN to_IN Massachusetts
_NP and_CC asked_VBD that_DT colony_NN to_TO expel_VB the_AT newcomers_NNS ._. A
s_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT custom_NN of_IN that_DT alert_JJ colony_NN to_TO tak
e_VB over_RP the_AT property_NN of_IN persons_NNS asking_VBG for_IN protection_N
N ,_, this_DT was_BEDZ an_AT act_NN roughly_QL equivalent_JJ to_IN throwing_VBG
open_JJ the_AT door_NN to_IN a_AT pack_NN of_IN wolves_NNS and_CC saying_VBG ``_
`` Come_VB and_CC get_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. Gorton_NP and_CC company_NN ,_, howeve
r_RB ,_, promptly_RB bought_VBD land_NN from_IN Miantonomi_NP a_AT few_AP miles_
NNS south_NR of_IN Pawtuxet_NP ,_, extending_VBG from_IN the_AT present_JJ Gaspe
e_NP-TL Point_NN-TL south_NR to_IN Warwick_NP Neck_NP and_CC twenty_CD miles_NNS
inland_RB ._. The_AT settlement_NN was_BEDZ called_VBN Shawomet_NP ._. It_PPS w
as_BEDZ not_* within_IN the_AT jurisdiction_NN of_IN anybody_PN or_CC anything_P
N ,_, including_IN Providence_NP and_CC Massachusetts_NP ._. If_CS Gorton_NP wan
ted_VBD peace_NN and_CC quiet_NN for_IN his_PP$ complicated_VBN meditations_NNS
this_DT is_BEZ where_WRB he_PPS should_MD have_HV had_HVN it_PPO ._. Instead_RB
of_IN that_DT he_PPS was_BEDZ engulfed_VBN by_IN bedlam_NN ._. Pomham_NP and_CC
Soconoco_NP ,_, a_AT couple_NN of_IN minor_JJ sachems_NNS (_( of_IN something_PN
less_AP than_CS exalted_VBN character_NN )_) under_IN Miantonomi_NP ,_, declare
d_VBD that_CS they_PPSS had_HVD never_RB assented_VBN to_IN the_AT sale_NN of_IN
land_NN to_IN Gorton_NP and_CC had_HVD never_RB received_VBN anything_PN for_IN
it_PPO ._. Following_VBG the_AT glorious_JJ lead_NN of_IN the_AT heroes_NNS of_
IN Pawtuxet_NP ,_, they_PPSS also_RB submitted_VBD themselves_PPLS to_IN the_AT
protection_NN of_IN Massachusetts_NP ._. One_CD historical_JJ authority_NN prese
nts_VBZ laborious_JJ and_CC circuitous_JJ testimony_NN tending_VBG to_TO arouse_
VB suspicion_NN that_CS Massachusetts_NP was_BEDZ behind_IN the_AT clouds_NNS se
ttling_VBG down_RP on_IN the_AT embattled_VBN Gorton_NP ._. However_RB ,_, the_A
T General_NN-TL Court_NN-TL at_IN Boston_NP ordered_VBD the_AT purchasers_NNS of
_IN Shawomet_NP to_TO appear_VB before_IN them_PPO to_TO answer_VB the_AT sachem
s'_NNS$ claim_NN ._. The_AT purchasers_NNS rejected_VBD the_AT order_NN in_IN tw
o_CD letters_NNS written_VBN in_IN vigorous_JJ terms_NNS ._. Then_RB Massachuset
ts_NP switched_VBD to_IN its_PP$ standard_JJ tactics_NNS ._. It_PPS pointed_VBD
out_RP twenty-six_CD instances_NNS of_IN blasphemy_NN in_IN the_AT letters_NNS ,
_, and_CC ordered_VBD the_AT writers_NNS to_TO submit_VB or_CC force_NN of_IN ar
ms_NNS would_MD be_BE used_VBN ._. The_AT next_AP week_NN ,_, forty_CD soldiers_
NNS were_BED sent_VBN to_TO get_VB the_AT miscreants_NNS ._. The_AT latter_AP tr
ied_VBD to_TO arbitrate_VB through_IN a_AT delegation_NN from_IN Providence_NP ,
_, which_WDT offer_NN was_BEDZ declined_VBN by_IN the_AT invaders_NNS ._. The_AT
Commissioners_NNS-TL at_IN Boston_NP wrote_VBD the_AT victims_NNS to_TO see_VB
their_PP$ misdeeds_NNS and_CC repent_VB or_CC they_PPSS should_MD ``_`` look_VB
upon_RB them_PPO as_CS men_NNS prepared_VBN for_IN slaughter_NN ''_'' ._. At_IN
Shawomet_NP ,_, women_NNS and_CC children_NNS fled_VBD in_IN terror_NN across_IN
the_AT Bay_NN-TL ._. The_AT men_NNS fortified_VBD a_AT blockhouse_NN and_CC got
_VBD ready_JJ to_TO fight_VB ,_, but_CC meanwhile_RB appealed_VBD to_IN the_AT K
ing_NN-TL and_CC again_RB tried_VBD to_TO arbitrate_VB ._. Gorton_NP evidently_R
B still_RB had_HVD plenty_NN to_TO learn_VB about_IN Massachusetts_NP ,_, but_CC
he_PPS was_BEDZ learning_VBG fast_RB ._. Governor_NN-TL Winthrop_NP wrote_VBD :
_: ``_`` You_PPSS may_MD do_DO well_RB to_TO take_VB notice_NN ,_, that_CS besid
es_RB the_AT title_NN to_IN land_NN between_IN the_AT English_NPS and_CC the_AT
Indians_NPS there_RB ,_, there_EX are_BER twelve_CD of_IN the_AT English_NPS tha
t_WPS have_HV subscribed_VBN their_PP$ names_NNS to_IN horrible_JJ and_CC detest
able_JJ blasphemies_NNS ,_, who_WPS are_BER rather_RB to_TO be_BE judged_VBN as_
QL blasphemous_JJ than_CS they_PPSS should_MD delude_VB us_PPO by_IN winning_VBG
time_NN under_IN pretence_NN of_IN arbitration_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT attack_NN st
arted_VBD on_IN October_NP 2_CD ,_, 1643_CD ,_, and_CC the_AT Gortonists_NPS hel
d_VBD out_RP for_IN a_AT day_NN and_CC a_AT night_NN ._. The_AT attackers_NNS se
nt_VBD for_IN more_AP soldiers_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT defenders_NNS ,_, to_TO sav
e_VB bloodshed_NN ,_, surrendered_VBD under_IN the_AT promise_NN that_CS they_PP
SS would_MD be_BE treated_VBN as_CS neighbors_NNS ._. Promptly_RB their_PP$ live
stock_NN was_BEDZ taken_VBN and_CC according_IN to_IN Gorton_NP the_AT soldiers_
NNS were_BED ordered_VBN to_TO knock_VB down_RP anyone_PN who_WPS should_MD utte
r_VB a_AT word_NN of_IN insolence_NN ,_, and_CC run_VB through_IN anyone_PN who_
WPS might_MD step_VB out_IN of_IN line_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT captives_NNS arriv
ed_VBD in_IN Boston_NP ,_, ``_`` the_AT chaplain_NN (_( of_IN their_PP$ captors_
NNS )_) went_VBD to_IN prayers_NNS in_IN the_AT open_JJ streets_NNS ,_, that_CS
the_AT people_NNS might_MD take_VB notice_NN what_WDT they_PPSS had_HVD done_VBN
in_IN a_AT holy_JJ manner_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN the_AT Lord_
NN-TL ''_'' ._. Gorton_NP and_CC ten_CD of_IN his_PP$ friends_NNS were_BED throw
n_VBN in_IN jail_NN ._. On_IN Sunday_NR they_PPSS refused_VBD to_TO attend_VB ch
urch_NN ._. The_AT magistrates_NNS were_BED determined_VBN to_TO compel_VB them_
PPO ._. The_AT prisoners_NNS agreed_VBD ,_, provided_VBN they_PPSS might_MD spea
k_VB after_IN the_AT sermon_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ permitted_VBN ._. Here_RB
was_BEDZ Gorton's_NP$ chance_NN to_TO indulge_VB in_IN something_PN at_IN which_
WDT he_PPS was_BEDZ supreme_JJ ._. The_AT Boston_NP elders_NNS were_BED great_JJ
at_IN befuddling_VBG the_AT opposition_NN with_IN torrents_NNS of_IN ecclesiast
ical_JJ obscurities_NNS ,_, but_CC Gorton_NP was_BEDZ better_JJR ._. Reverend_NP
Cotton_NN-TL preached_VBD to_IN them_PPO about_IN Demetrius_NP and_CC the_AT sh
rines_NNS of_IN Ephesus_NP ._. Gorton_NP replied_VBD with_IN blasts_NNS that_WPS
scandalized_VBD the_AT congregation_NN ._. At_IN the_AT trial_NN which_WDT took
_VBD place_NN later_RBR ,_, the_AT Pomham_NP matter_NN was_BEDZ completely_RB om
itted_VBN ._. The_AT Gortonists_NPS were_BED charged_VBN with_IN blasphemy_NN an
d_CC tried_VBN for_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS ._. Four_CD ecclesiastical_JJ question
s_NNS were_BED presented_VBN by_IN the_AT General_NN-TL Court_NN-TL to_IN Gorton
_NP :_: ``_`` 1_CD ._. Whether_CS the_AT Fathers_NNS-TL ,_, who_WPS died_VBD bef
ore_CS Christ_NP was_BEDZ born_VBN of_IN the_AT Virgin_NN-TL Mary_NP-TL ,_, were
_BED justified_VBN and_CC saved_VBN only_RB by_IN the_AT blood_NN which_WDT he_P
PS shed_VBD ,_, and_CC the_AT death_NN which_WDT he_PPS suffered_VBD after_IN hi
s_PP$ incarnation_NN ?_. ?_. 2_CD ._. Whether_CS the_AT only_AP price_NN of_IN o
ur_PP$ redemption_NN were_BED not_* the_AT death_NN of_IN Christ_NP on_IN the_AT
cross_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN his_PP$ sufferings_NNS and_CC obedien
ces_NNS ,_, in_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN here_RB ,_, after_CS he_P
PS was_BEDZ born_VBN of_IN the_AT Virgin_NN-TL Mary_NP-TL ?_. ?_. 3_CD ._. Who_W
PS was_BEDZ the_AT God_NP whom_WPO he_PPS thinke_VB we_PPSS serve_VB ?_. ?_. 4_C
D ._. What_WDT he_PPS means_VBZ when_WRB he_PPS saith_VBZ ,_, wee_PPSS worship_V
B the_AT starre_NN of_IN our_PP$ God_NP Remphan_NP ,_, Chion_NP ,_, Moloch_NP ''
_'' ?_. ?_. Gorton_NP answered_VBD in_IN writing_VBG ._. All_ABN of_IN the_AT el
ders_NNS except_IN three_CD voted_VBD for_IN death_NN ,_, but_CC a_AT majority_N
N of_IN the_AT deputies_NNS refused_VBD to_TO sanction_VB the_AT sentence_NN ._.
Seven_CD of_IN the_AT prisoners_NNS were_BED sentenced_VBN to_TO be_BE confined
_VBN in_IN irons_NNS for_IN as_QL long_RB as_CS it_PPS pleased_VBD the_AT court_
NN ,_, set_VBD to_IN work_NN and_CC ,_, if_CS they_PPSS broke_VBD jail_NN or_CC
proclaimed_VBD heresy_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE executed_VBN if_CS convicted_VBN ._. Th
e_AT three_CD others_NNS got_VBD off_RP easier_RBR ._. The_AT convicts_NNS were_
BED put_VBN in_IN chains_NNS ,_, paraded_VBN before_IN the_AT congregation_NN at
_IN the_AT Reverend_NP Cotton's_NP$ lecture_NN as_CS an_AT example_NN ,_, and_CC
sent_VBN to_IN prisons_NNS in_IN various_JJ towns_NNS ,_, where_WRB they_PPSS l
anguished_VBD all_ABN winter_NN ,_, chains_NNS included_VBN ._. When_WRB Fred_NP
wheeled_VBD him_PPO back_RB into_IN his_PP$ room_NN ,_, the_AT big_JJ one_CD lo
oking_VBG out_RP on_IN the_AT back_JJ porch_NN ,_, and_CC put_VBD him_PPO to_IN
bed_NN ,_, Papa_NP told_VBD him_PPO he_PPS was_BEDZ very_QL tired_VBN but_CC tha
t_CS he_PPS had_HVD enjoyed_VBN greatly_RB the_AT trip_NN downtown_NR ._. ``_``
I've_PPSS+HV been_BEN cooped_VBN up_RP so_QL long_RB ''_'' ,_, he_PPS added_VBD
._. Getting_VBG out_RP again_RB ,_, seeing_VBG old_JJ friends_NNS ,_, had_HVD gi
ven_VBN his_PP$ spirits_NNS a_AT lift_NN ._. That_DT night_NN after_IN supper_NN
I_PPSS went_VBD back_RB over_IN to_IN 48_CD-TL Spruce_NN-TL Street_NN-TL --_--
Ralph_NP and_CC I_PPSS at_IN that_DT time_NN were_BED living_VBG at_IN 168_CD-TL
Chestnut_NN-TL --_-- and_CC Ralph_NP went_VBD with_IN me_PPO ._. Papa_NP was_BE
DZ still_RB elated_VBN over_IN his_PP$ afternoon_NN visit_NN downtown_NR ._. ``_
`` Baby_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS saw_VBD a_AT lot_NN of_IN old_JJ friends_NNS I_PPSS had
n't_HVD* seen_VBN in_IN a_AT long_JJ time_NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS told_VBD me_PPO ,_
, his_PP$ eyes_NNS bright_JJ ._. ``_`` It_PPS was_BEDZ mighty_QL good_JJ for_IN
the_AT old_JJ man_NN to_TO get_VB out_RP again_RB ''_'' ._. The_AT next_AP day_N
N he_PPS seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE in_IN fairly_QL good_JJ shape_NN and_CC still_RB
in_IN excellent_JJ spirits_NNS ._. But_CC a_AT few_AP days_NNS after_IN Fred's_
NP$ return_NN he_PPS began_VBD hemorrhaging_VBG and_CC that_DT was_BEDZ the_AT b
eginning_NN of_IN early_JJ and_CC complete_JJ disintegration_NN ._. It_PPS began
_VBD in_IN the_AT morning_NN ,_, and_CC very_QL quickly_RB the_AT hemorrhage_NN
was_BEDZ a_AT massive_JJ one_CD ._. We_PPSS got_VBD Dr._NN-TL Glenn_NP to_IN him
_PPO as_QL quickly_RB as_CS we_PPSS could_MD ,_, and_CC we_PPSS wired_VBD Tom_NP
of_IN Papa's_NP$ desperate_JJ condition_NN ._. The_AT hemorrhage_NN was_BEDZ in
_IN the_AT prostate_NN region_NN ;_. ;_. Dr._NN-TL Glenn_NP saw_VBD at_IN once_R
B what_WDT had_HVD happened_VBN ._. ``_`` He_PPS has_HVZ lost_VBN much_AP blood_
NN ''_'' ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ._. ``_`` It'll_PPS+MD take_VB a_AT lot_NN to_TO re
place_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. ``_`` Dr._NN-TL Glenn_NP ,_, I've_PPSS+HV got_VBN a_AT
lot_NN of_IN blood_NN ''_'' ,_, Fred_NP spoke_VBD up_RP ,_, ``_`` plenty_NN of_
IN it_PPO ._. Let_VB me_PPO give_VB Papa_NP blood_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT doctor_NN
agreed_VBD ,_, but_CC explained_VBD that_CS it_PPS would_MD be_BE necessary_JJ f
irst_RB to_TO check_VB Fred's_NP$ blood_NN to_TO ascertain_VB whether_CS or_CC n
ot_* it_PPS was_BEDZ of_IN the_AT same_AP type_NN as_CS Papa's_NP$ ._. To_TO giv
e_VB a_AT patient_NN the_AT wrong_JJ type_NN of_IN blood_NN ,_, said_VBD the_AT
doctor_NN ,_, would_MD likely_RB kill_VB him_PPO ._. That_DT was_BEDZ in_IN the_
AT days_NNS before_IN blood_NN banks_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, and_CC transfus
ions_NNS had_HVD to_TO be_BE given_VBN directly_RB from_IN donor_NN to_IN patien
t_NN ._. One_PN had_HVD to_TO find_VB a_AT donor_NN ,_, and_CC usually_RB very_Q
L quickly_RB ,_, whose_WP$ blood_NN corresponded_VBD with_IN the_AT patient's_NN
$ ._. And_CC then_RB it_PPS took_VBD considerably_QL longer_RBR to_TO make_VB pr
eparations_NNS for_IN giving_VBG transfusions_NNS ._. They_PPSS had_HVD to_TO ta
ke_VB blood_NN samples_NNS to_IN the_AT laboratory_NN to_TO test_VB them_PPO ,_,
for_IN one_CD thing_NN ,_, and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ much_AP required_VBN prelim
inary_JJ procedure_NN ._. They_PPSS made_VBD the_AT tests_NNS and_CC came_VBD to
_IN Fred_NP ;_. ;_. by_IN now_RB it_PPS was_BEDZ perhaps_RB two_CD days_NNS or_C
C longer_RBR after_CS Papa_NP had_HVD begun_VBN hemorrhaging_VBG ._. ``_`` Fred_
NP ,_, your_PP$ blood_NN matches_VBZ your_PP$ father's_NN$ ,_, all_QL right_RB '
'_'' ,_, Dr._NN-TL Glenn_NP said_VBD ._. ``_`` But_CC we_PPSS aren't_BER* going_
VBG to_TO let_VB you_PPSS give_VB him_PPO any_DTI ''_'' ._. ``_`` But_CC why_WRB
in_IN the_AT name_NN of_IN God_NP can't_MD* I_PPSS give_VB my_PP$ father_NN blo
od_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Fred_NP demanded_VBN ._. ``_`` Why_WRB can't_MD* I_PPSS ,_,
Doctor_NN-TL ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Because_CS ,_, Fred_NP ,_, it_PPS could_MD do_D
O him_PPO no_AT good_NN ._. It's_PPS+BEZ too_QL late_RB now_RB ._. He's_PPS+BEZ
past_IN helping_VBG ._. He's_PPS+BEZ as_QL good_JJ as_CS gone_VBN ''_'' ._. And_
CC in_IN a_AT few_AP minutes_NNS Papa_NP was_BEDZ dead_JJ ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ we
ll_QL past_IN midnight_NN ._. Papa_NP had_HVD left_VBN us_PPO about_RB the_AT sa
me_AP hour_NN of_IN the_AT night_NN that_CS Ben_NP had_HVD passed_VBN on_RP ._.
The_AT date_NN was_BEDZ June_NP 20_CD ,_, 1922_CD ._. ``_`` W._NP O._NP Wolfe_NP
,_, prominent_JJ business_NN man_NN and_CC pioneer_NN resident_NN of_IN this_DT
section_NN ,_, died_VBD shortly_RB after_IN midnight_NN Tuesday_NR at_IN his_PP
$ home_NN 48_CD-TL Spruce_NN-TL Street_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, the_AT Asheville_NP-TL Ti
mes_NNS-TL of_IN Wednesday_NR ,_, June_NP 21_CD ,_, announced_VBD ._. ``_`` Mr._
NP Wolfe_NP had_HVD been_BEN in_IN declining_VBG health_NN for_IN many_AP years_
NNS and_CC death_NN was_BEDZ not_* unexpected_JJ ''_'' ._. A_AT biographical_JJ
sketch_NN followed_VBD ._. Funeral_NN services_NNS were_BED held_VBN Thursday_NR
afternoon_NN at_IN four_CD o'clock_RB at_IN the_AT home_NN ._. Beloved_JJ Dr._N
N-TL R._NP F._NP Campbell_NP ,_, our_PP$ First_OD-TL Presbyterian_NP-TL Church_N
N-TL pastor_NN ,_, was_BEDZ in_IN charge_NN ._. The_AT burial_NN was_BEDZ out_RP
in_IN Riverside_NP-TL Cemetery_NN-TL ._. All_ABN about_IN him_PPO stood_VBD tom
bstones_NNS his_PP$ own_JJ sensitive_JJ great_JJ hands_NNS had_HVD fashioned_VBN
._. A_AT few_AP years_NNS before_IN his_PP$ death_NN Papa_NP had_HVD agreed_VBN
with_IN Mama_NN-TL to_TO make_VB a_AT joint_NN will_NN with_IN her_PPO in_IN wh
ich_WDT it_PPS would_MD be_BE provided_VBN that_CS in_IN the_AT event_NN of_IN t
he_AT death_NN of_IN either_DTX of_IN them_PPO an_AT accounting_NN would_MD be_B
E made_VBN to_IN their_PP$ children_NNS whereby_WRB each_DT child_NN would_MD re
ceive_VB a_AT bequest_NN of_IN $5000_NNS cash_NN ._. At_IN his_PP$ death_NN Fred
_NP and_CC Ralph_NP ,_, my_PP$ husband_NN ,_, were_BED named_VBN executors_NNS o
f_IN the_AT estate_NN under_IN the_AT terms_NNS of_IN the_AT will_NN ._. Fred_NP
and_CC Ralph_NP qualified_VBD as_CS executors_NNS and_CC paid_VBD off_RP what_W
DT debts_NNS were_BED currently_RB due_JJ ,_, and_CC they_PPSS were_BED all_ABN
current_JJ ,_, since_CS Papa_NP was_BEDZ never_RB one_CD to_TO allow_VB bills_NN
S to_TO go_VB unpaid_JJ ._. The_AT bills_NNS were_BED principally_RB for_IN hosp
italization_NN and_CC doctors'_NNS$ fees_NNS during_IN the_AT last_AP years_NNS
of_IN his_PP$ life_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB he_PPS died_VBD he_PPS owed_VBD in_IN
the_AT main_JJS only_AP current_JJ doctor's_NN$ bills_NNS ._. After_CS they_PPSS
had_HVD paid_VBN all_ABN his_PP$ debts_NNS and_CC the_AT funeral_NN costs_NNS ,
_, Ralph_NP and_CC Fred_NP had_HVD some_DTI fourteen_CD thousand_CD dollars_NNS
,_, as_CS I_PPSS remember_VB ,_, with_IN which_WDT to_TO pay_VB the_AT bequests_
NNS ._. This_DT ,_, manifestly_RB ,_, would_MD not_* provide_VB $5000_NNS to_IN
each_DT of_IN the_AT surviving_VBG five_CD children_NNS ._. So_RB what_WDT Fred_
NP and_CC Ralph_NP did_DOD was_BEDZ to_TO attempt_VB to_TO prorate_VB the_AT mon
ey_NN fairly_RB by_IN taking_VBG into_IN account_NN what_WDT each_DT of_IN the_A
T five_CD had_HVD received_VBN ,_, if_CS anything_PN ,_, from_IN the_AT estate_N
N before_IN Papa's_NP$ death_NN ._. Consequently_RB ,_, Fred_NP and_CC Tom_NP ,_
, the_AT two_CD who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN provided_VBN college_NN educations_NNS
,_, signed_VBD statements_NNS to_IN the_AT effect_NN that_CS each_DT had_HVD rec
eived_VBN his_PP$ bequest_NN in_IN full_JJ ,_, and_CC Effie_NP and_CC I_PPSS wer
e_BED each_DT allotted_VBN $5000_NNS ._. Frank_NP had_HVD been_BEN given_VBN abo
ut_RB half_ABN his_PP$ legacy_NN to_TO use_VB in_IN a_AT business_NN venture_NN
before_IN Papa's_NP$ death_NN ;_. ;_. he_PPS was_BEDZ given_VBN the_AT differenc
e_NN between_IN that_DT amount_NN and_CC $5000_NNS ._. Tom_NP had_HVD received_V
BN four_CD years_NNS of_IN education_NN at_IN the_AT University_NN-TL of_IN-TL N
orth_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL and_CC two_CD at_IN Harvard_NP ,_, and_CC Fred_NP had_
HVD been_BEN in_IN and_CC out_IN of_IN Georgia_NP Tech_NP and_CC Carneigie_NP Te
ch_NP and_CC part_NN of_IN the_AT time_NN had_HVD been_BEN a_AT self-help_NN stu
dent_NN ._. So_RB ,_, because_CS he_PPS had_HVD received_VBN less_AP than_CS Tom
_NP ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ felt_VBN proper_JJ that_CS Fred_NP should_MD receive_VB
the_AT few_AP hundred_CD dollars_NNS that_WPS remained_VBD ._. And_CC that's_DT+
BEZ how_WRB Papa's_NP$ estate_NN was_BEDZ divided_VBN ._. Papa_NP ,_, I_PPSS sho
uld_MD emphasize_VB ,_, had_HVD been_BEN an_AT invalid_NN the_AT last_AP several
_AP years_NNS of_IN his_PP$ life_NN ;_. ;_. his_PP$ hospital_NN and_CC doctor_NN
bills_NNS had_HVD been_BEN large_JJ and_CC his_PP$ income_NN had_HVD been_BEN c
ut_VBN until_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ receiving_VBG little_AP except_IN small_JJ renta
ls_NNS on_IN some_DTI properties_NNS he_PPS still_RB owned_VBN ._. Had_HVD he_PP
S been_BEN able_JJ to_TO escape_VB this_DT long_JJ siege_NN of_IN invalidism_NN
,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM convinced_VBN ,_, Papa_NP would_MD have_HV left_VBN a_AT sizabl
e_JJ estate_NN ._. But_CC he_PPS had_HVD succeeded_VBN well_RB ,_, we_PPSS agree
d_VBD ._. He_PPS had_HVD left_VBN us_PPO a_AT legacy_NN far_QL more_QL valuable_
JJ than_CS houses_NNS and_CC lands_NNS and_CC stocks_NNS and_CC bonds_NNS ._. Fo
r_IN years_NNS Papa_NP and_CC Mama_NN-TL had_HVD been_BEN large_JJ taxpayers_NNS
._. I_PPSS recall_VB that_CS several_AP years_NNS their_PP$ taxes_NNS exceeded_
VBD $800_NNS ._. In_IN those_DTS years_NNS of_IN lower_JJR property_NN valuation
s_NNS and_CC lower_JJR tax_NN rates_NNS ,_, that_DT payment_NN represented_VBD o
wnership_NN of_IN much_AP property_NN ._. ``_`` Merciful_JJ God_NP ,_, Julia_NP
''_'' !_. !_. I_PPSS have_HV known_VBN Papa_NP to_TO exclaim_VB on_IN getting_VB
G his_PP$ tax_NN bill_NN ,_, ``_`` we're_PPSS+BER going_VBG to_IN the_AT dogs_NN
S ''_'' !_. !_. But_CC he_PPS never_RB expected_VBD to_TO do_DO that_DT ._. And_
CC he_PPS didn't_DOD* ,_, by_IN a_AT long_JJ shot_NN !_. !_. 35_CD ._. In_IN the
_AT spring_NN of_IN his_PP$ second_OD year_NN at_IN Harvard_NP ,_, Tom_NP had_HV
D been_BEN offered_VBN a_AT job_NN at_IN Northwestern_JJ-TL University_NN-TL as_
CS an_AT instructor_NN in_IN the_AT English_NP-TL Department_NN-TL ._. But_CC he
_PPS had_HVD delayed_VBN accepting_VBG this_DT job_NN ,_, and_CC as_CS he_PPS wa
s_BEDZ leaving_VBG to_TO come_VB home_NR to_IN Papa_NP in_IN response_NN to_IN o
ur_PP$ telegram_NN ,_, he_PPS dropped_VBD a_AT postcard_NN to_IN Miss_NP McCrady
_NP ,_, head_NN of_IN the_AT Harvard_NP-TL Appointment_NN-TL Office_NN-TL ,_, as
king_VBG her_PPO please_VB to_TO write_VB Northwestern_JJ authorities_NNS and_CC
explain_VB the_AT circumstances_NNS ._. Actually_RB Tom_NP had_HVD been_BEN pos
tponing_VBG giving_VBG them_PPO an_AT answer_NN ,_, I'm_PPSS+BEM confident_JJ ,_
, because_CS he_PPS did_DOD not_* want_VB to_TO go_VB out_RP there_RB to_TO teac
h_VB ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, he_PPS didn't_DOD* want_VB to_TO teach_VB anywhere_RB
._. He_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO go_VB back_RB to_IN Harvard_NP for_IN another_DT ye
ar_NN of_IN playwriting_NN ._. But_CC Papa's_NP$ death_NN had_HVD further_RBR co
mplicated_VBN the_AT financing_NN of_IN Tom's_NP$ hoped-for_JJ third_OD year_NN
,_, and_CC for_IN the_AT weeks_NNS following_VBG it_PPO Tom_NP did_DOD not_* kno
w_VB whether_CS his_PP$ return_NN to_IN Harvard_NP could_MD be_BE arranged_VBN .
_. But_CC things_NNS were_BED worked_VBN out_RP in_IN the_AT family_NN and_CC la
te_RB in_IN August_NP he_PPS wrote_VBD Miss_NP McCrady_NP an_AT explanatory_JJ l
etter_NN in_IN which_WDT he_PPS told_VBD her_PPO that_CS matters_NNS at_IN home_
NN had_HVD been_BEN in_IN an_AT unsettled_VBN condition_NN after_IN Papa's_NP$ d
eath_NN and_CC he_PPS had_HVD not_* known_VBN whether_CS he_PPS would_MD stay_VB
at_IN home_NN with_IN Mama_NN-TL ,_, accept_VB the_AT Northwestern_JJ job_NN ,_
, or_CC return_VB to_IN Harvard_NP ._. But_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ happy_JJ to_TO tel
l_VB her_PPO that_CS his_PP$ finances_NNS were_BED now_RB in_IN such_JJ conditio
n_NN that_CS he_PPS could_MD go_VB back_RB to_IN Harvard_NP for_IN a_AT third_OD
year_NN with_IN Professor_NN-TL Baker_NP ._. And_CC that's_DT+BEZ what_WDT he_P
PS did_DOD ._. That_DT third_OD year_NN he_PPS wrote_VBD plays_NNS with_IN a_AT
fury_NN ._. I_PPSS believe_VB there_EX are_BER seventeen_CD short_JJ plays_NNS b
y_IN Tom_NP now_RB housed_VBN in_IN the_AT Houghton_NP-TL Library_NN-TL at_IN Ha
rvard_NP ;_. ;_. I_PPSS think_VB I'm_PPSS+BEM right_JJ in_IN that_DT figure_NN .
_. That_DT fall_NN he_PPS submitted_VBD to_IN Professor_NN-TL Baker_NP the_AT fi
rst_OD acts_NNS and_CC outlines_NNS of_IN the_AT following_VBG acts_NNS of_IN se
veral_AP plays_NNS ,_, six_CD of_IN them_PPO ,_, according_IN to_IN some_DTI of_
IN his_PP$ associates_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS also_RB worked_VBD on_IN a_AT play_N
N that_WPO he_PPS first_OD called_VBD Niggertown_NP ,_, the_AT material_NN for_I
N which_WDT he_PPS had_HVD collected_VBN during_IN the_AT summer_NN at_IN home_N
N ._. Later_RBR this_DT play_NN would_MD be_BE called_VBN Welcome_UH-TL To_IN-TL
Our_PP$-TL City_NN-TL ._. In_IN the_AT spring_NN ,_, it_PPS must_MD have_HV bee
n_BEN ,_, he_PPS began_VBD working_VBG on_IN the_AT play_NN that_WPO he_PPS call
ed_VBD The_AT-TL House_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT later_RBR would_MD be_BE Mannerhouse_
NP ._. That_DT spring_NN Welcome_UH-TL To_IN-TL Our_PP$-TL City_NN-TL was_BEDZ s
elected_VBN for_IN production_NN by_IN the_AT 47_CD-TL Workshop_NN-TL and_CC it_
PPS was_BEDZ staged_VBN in_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN May_NP ._. It_PPS ran_VBD t
wo_CD nights_NNS ,_, and_CC though_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ generally_RB praised_VBN ,
_, there_EX was_BEDZ considerable_JJ criticism_NN of_IN its_PP$ length_NN ._. It
_PPS ran_VBD until_IN past_IN one_CD o'clock_RB ._. That_DT was_BEDZ Tom's_NP$ w
eakness_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ demonstrated_VBN ,_, many_AP critics_NNS woul
d_MD later_RBR point_VB out_RP ,_, in_IN the_AT length_NN of_IN his_PP$ novels_N
NS ._. In_IN this_DT play_NN there_EX were_BED so_QL many_AP characters_NNS and_
CC so_QL much_AP detail_NN ._. Tom_NP never_RB knew_VBD how_WRB to_TO condense_V
B ,_, to_TO boil_VB down_RP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ always_RB concerned_VBN with_IN
life_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS tried_VBD to_TO picture_VB it_PPO whole_JJ ;_. ;_. he_
PPS wanted_VBD nothing_PN compressed_VBN ,_, tight_JJ ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT b
ig_JJ man_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS wanted_VBD nothing_PN little_JJ ,_, squeezed_VBN
;_. ;_. he_PPS despised_VBD parsimony_NN ,_, and_CC particularly_RB of_IN words_
NNS ._. In_IN this_DT play_NN there_EX were_BED some_DTI thirty_CD or_CC more_AP
named_VBN characters_NNS and_CC I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB how_WQL many_AP more_A
P unnamed_JJ ._. In_IN describing_VBG it_PPO to_IN Professor_NN-TL Baker_NP afte
r_CS it_PPS had_HVD been_BEN chosen_VBN for_IN production_NN ,_, he_PPS defended
_VBD his_PP$ great_JJ array_NN of_IN characters_NNS by_IN declaring_VBG that_CS
he_PPS had_HVD included_VBN that_CS many_AP not_* because_CS ``_`` I_PPSS didn't
_DOD* know_VB how_WRB to_TO save_VB paint_NN ''_'' ,_, but_CC because_CS the_AT
play_NN required_VBD them_PPO ._. And_CC he_PPS threatened_VBD someday_RB to_TO
write_VB a_AT play_NN ``_`` with_IN fifty_CD ,_, eighty_CD ,_, a_AT hundred_CD p
eople_NNS --_-- a_AT whole_JJ town_NN ,_, a_AT whole_JJ race_NN ,_, a_AT whole_J
J epoch_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS would_MD do_DO it_PPO ,_, though_CS
probably_RB nobody_PN would_MD produce_VB it_PPO ,_, for_IN his_PP$ own_JJ ``_``
soul's_NN$ ease_NN and_CC comfort_NN ''_'' ._. That_DT summer_NN Tom_NP attende
d_VBD the_AT summer_NN session_NN at_IN Harvard_NP ,_, but_CC he_PPS did_DOD not
_* ask_VB Mama_NN-TL to_TO send_VB him_PPO back_RB in_IN the_AT fall_NN ._. Inst
ead_RB ,_, he_PPS went_VBD down_RP to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL and_CC submitted_V
BD Welcome_UH-TL To_IN-TL Our_PP$-TL City_NN-TL to_IN the_AT Theatre_NN-TL Guild
_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT had_HVD asked_VBN him_PPO to_TO let_VB them_PPO have_HV a_A
T look_NN at_IN it_PPO after_CS Professor_NN-TL Baker_NP had_HVD recommended_VBN
it_PPO highly_RB ._. He_PPS hung_VBD around_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, waiting
_VBG to_TO hear_VB whether_CS they_PPSS would_MD accept_VB it_PPO for_IN product
ion_NN and_CC in_IN that_DT time_NN came_VBD down_RP to_IN Asheville_NP and_CC a
lso_RB paid_VBD a_AT short_JJ visit_NN to_IN Chapel_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL ,_, where_W
RB with_IN almost_QL childish_JJ delight_NN he_PPS visited_VBD old_JJ friends_NN
S and_CC favorite_JJ campus_NN spots_NNS ._. On_IN returning_VBG to_IN New_JJ-TL
York_NP-TL he_PPS had_HVD a_AT job_NN for_IN several_AP weeks_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PP
S was_BEDZ visiting_VBG University_NN-TL of_IN-TL North_JJ-TL Carolina_NP-TL alu
mni_NNS in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL to_TO ask_VB them_PPO for_IN contributions_NN
S to_IN the_AT Graham_NP-TL Memorial_NN-TL Building_NN-TL fund_NN ._. The_AT Gra
ham_NP-TL Memorial_JJ-TL would_MD be_BE the_AT campus_NN student_NN union_NN hon
oring_VBG the_AT late_JJ and_CC much_QL beloved_JJ Edward_NP Kidder_NP Graham_NP
,_, who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN president_NN when_WRB Tom_NP entered_VBD the_AT un
iversity_NN ._. Well_UH ,_, the_AT Theatre_NN-TL Guild_NN-TL kept_VBD that_DT pl
ay_NN ,_, and_CC kept_VBD it_PPO ,_, and_CC finally_RB in_IN December_NP they_PP
SS turned_VBD it_PPO down_RP ._. But_CC they_PPSS would_MD reconsider_VB it_PPO
,_, they_PPSS assured_VBD him_PPO ,_, if_CS he_PPS would_MD rewrite_VB it_PPO ._
. Tom_NP told_VBD me_PPO about_IN it_PPO ,_, how_WRB one_CD evening_NN he_PPS we
nt_VBD over_RP to_TO see_VB the_AT Theatre_NN-TL Guild_NN-TL man_NN ._. This_DT
man_NN ,_, Tom_NP said_VBD ,_, had_HVD the_AT play_NN shut_VBN up_RP in_IN his_P
P$ desk_NN ,_, I_PPSS believe_VB ,_, and_CC when_WRB Tom_NP sat_VBD down_RP ,_,
he_PPS pulled_VBD it_PPO out_RP and_CC apologetically_RB told_VBD Tom_NP that_CS
they_PPSS wouldn't_MD* be_BE able_JJ to_TO use_VB it_PPO ._. Tom_NP said_VBD he
_PPS almost_RB burst_VB into_IN tears_NNS ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ so_QL disappointed
_VBN and_CC put_VBN out_RP ._. The_AT man_NN ,_, Tom_NP said_VBD ,_, explained_V
BD that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ not_* only_RB too_QL long_JJ and_CC detailed_VBN but_
CC that_CS as_CS it_PPS stood_VBD it_PPS wasn't_BEDZ* the_AT sort_NN of_IN thing
_NN the_AT public_NN wanted_VBD ._. The_AT public_NN ,_, Tom_NP said_VBD the_AT
man_NN told_VBD him_PPO ,_, wanted_VBD realism_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ play_NN was
n't_BEDZ* that_DT ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ fantastic_JJ writing_NN ,_, beautiful_JJ w
riting_NN ,_, the_AT man_NN declared_VBD ,_, but_CC the_AT public_NN ,_, he_PPS
insisted_VBD ,_, wanted_VBD realism_NN ._. Tom_NP was_BEDZ not_* willing_JJ to_T
O revise_VB the_AT play_NN according_IN to_IN the_AT plan_NN the_AT man_NN sugge
sted_VBD ._. Such_ABL a_AT revision_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, would_MD ruin_VB
it_PPO ,_, would_MD change_VB his_PP$ whole_JJ conception_NN of_IN the_AT play_N
N as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT treatment_NN ._. He_PPS thought_VBD about_IN it_PPO
and_CC he_PPS told_VBD the_AT man_NN he_PPS just_RB couldn't_MD* do_DO it_PPO o
ver_RP in_IN accordance_NN with_IN the_AT suggestions_NNS he_PPS had_HVD made_VB
N ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* until_CS we_PPSS had_HVD returned_VBN to_IN the_AT c
ity_NN to_TO live_VB ,_, while_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ still_RB at_IN Brown_NP-TL and
_CC-TL Sharpe's_NP$-TL ,_, that_CS I_PPSS felt_VBD the_AT full_JJ impact_NN of_I
N evangelical_JJ Christianity_NP ._. I_PPSS came_VBD under_IN the_AT spell_NN of
_IN a_AT younger_JJR group_NN in_IN the_AT church_NN led_VBN by_IN the_AT pastor
's_NN$ older_JJR son_NN ._. The_AT spirit_NN of_IN this_DT group_NN was_BEDZ tha
t_CS we_PPSS were_BED --_-- and_CC are_BER --_-- living_VBG in_IN a_AT world_NN
doomed_VBN to_IN eternal_JJ punishment_NN ,_, but_CC that_CS God_NP through_IN J
esus_NP Christ_NP has_HVZ provided_VBN a_AT way_NN of_IN escape_NN for_IN those_
DTS who_WPS confess_VB their_PP$ sins_NNS and_CC accept_VB salvation_NN ._. Ther
e_EX are_BER millions_NNS who_WPS accept_VB this_DT doctrine_NN ,_, but_CC few_A
P indeed_RB are_BER those_DTS who_WPS accept_VB it_PPO so_QL truly_RB that_CS th
e_AT fate_NN of_IN humanity_NN lies_VBZ as_CS a_AT weight_NN on_IN their_PP$ sou
ls_NNS night_NN and_CC day_NN ._. This_DT group_NN in_IN Park_NN-TL Place_NN-TL
Church_NN-TL was_BEDZ made_VBN up_RP of_IN the_AT earnest_JJ few_AP ._. I_PPSS w
as_BEDZ drawn_VBN deeper_RBR and_CC deeper_RBR into_IN these_DTS concerns_NNS an
d_CC responsibilities_NNS ._. I_PPSS engaged_VBD more_RBR and_CC more_RBR in_IN
religious_JJ activities_NNS ._. Besides_IN Church_NN-TL and_CC Sunday_NR-TL Scho
ol_NN-TL I_PPSS went_VBD to_IN out-of-door_JJ meetings_NNS on_IN the_AT sidewalk
_NN at_IN the_AT church_NN door_NN ._. I_PPSS went_VBD to_IN an_AT afternoon_NN
service_NN at_IN the_AT Aj_NN ._. I_PPSS went_VBD to_IN the_AT Christian_JJ-TL E
ndeavor_NN-TL Society_NN-TL and_CC to_IN the_AT evening_NN service_NN of_IN the_
AT church_NN ._. Much_AP of_IN this_DT lacked_VBD the_AT active_JJ support_NN of
_IN the_AT pastor_NN ._. The_AT young_JJ people_NNS were_BED self-energizing_JJ
,_, and_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ energized_VBN ._. Once_RB or_CC twice_RB my_PP$ fathe
r_NN asked_VBD me_PPO if_CS I_PPSS wasn't_BEDZ* overdoing_VBG a_AT bit_NN in_IN
my_PP$ churchgoing_NN ._. Meanwhile_RB I_PPSS myself_PPL was_BEDZ not_* yet_RB s
aved_VBN ._. At_IN least_AP I_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN unable_JJ to_TO lay_VB hold_
NN on_IN the_AT experience_NN of_IN conversion_NN ._. Try_VB as_CS I_PPSS might_
MD to_TO confess_VB my_PP$ sins_NNS and_CC accept_VB salvation_NN ,_, no_AT answ
er_NN came_VBD to_IN me_PPO from_IN heaven_NN ._. Finally_RB ,_, after_IN years_
NNS ,_, I_PPSS gave_VBD up_RP ._. The_AT basic_JJ difficulty_NN ,_, I_PPSS suppo
se_VB ,_, was_BEDZ in_IN my_PP$ ultimate_JJ inability_NN to_TO feel_VB a_AT burd
en_NN of_IN sin_NN from_IN which_WDT I_PPSS sought_VBD relief_NN ._. I_PPSS was_
BEDZ familiar_JJ with_IN Pilgrim's_NN$-TL Progress_NN-TL ,_, which_WDT I_PPSS re
ad_VBD as_CS literature_NN ._. No_AT load_NN of_IN sin_NN had_HVD been_BEN laid_
VBN on_IN my_PP$ shoulders_NNS ,_, nor_CC did_DOD earnest_JJ effort_NN enable_VB
me_PPO to_TO become_VB conscious_JJ of_IN one_CD ._. There_EX is_BEZ ,_, of_IN
course_NN ,_, the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN original_JJ sin_NN ,_, which_WDT asserts_
VBZ that_CS each_DT of_IN us_PPO as_CS individuals_NNS partakes_VBZ of_IN the_AT
guilt_NN of_IN our_PP$ first_OD ancestor_NN ._. In_IN the_AT rhyming_VBG catech
ism_NN this_DT doctrine_NN is_BEZ worded_VBN thus_RB :_: ``_`` In_IN Adam's_NP$
fall_NN We_PPSS sin-ned_VBD all_ABN ''_'' ._. This_DT doctrine_NN was_BEDZ repug
nant_JJ to_IN my_PP$ moral_JJ sense_NN ._. I_PPSS did_DOD not_* feel_VB it_PPO p
resumptuous_JJ to_TO expect_VB that_CS the_AT Creator_NN-TL would_MD be_BE at_IN
least_AP as_QL just_JJ as_CS the_AT most_QL righteous_JJ of_IN His_PP$ creature
s_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN original_JJ sin_NN is_BEZ compound
ed_VBN of_IN injustice_NN ._. Some_DTI of_IN these_DTS thoughts_NNS --_-- not_*
all_ABN of_IN them_PPO --_-- have_HV taken_VBN organized_VBN form_NN in_IN later
_JJR years_NNS ._. The_AT actual_JJ impelling_VBG force_NN which_WDT severed_VBD
me_PPO from_IN evangelical_JJ effort_NN was_BEDZ of_IN another_DT sort_NN ._. I
_PPSS became_VBD disgusted_VBN at_IN being_BEG so_QL preoccupied_VBN with_IN the
_AT state_NN of_IN my_PP$ own_JJ miserable_JJ soul_NN ._. I_PPSS found_VBD mysel
f_PPL becoming_VBG one_CD of_IN that_DT group_NN of_IN people_NNS who_WPS ,_, in
_IN Carlyle's_NP$ words_NNS ,_, ``_`` are_BER forever_RB gazing_VBG into_IN thei
r_PP$ own_JJ navels_NNS ,_, anxiously_RB asking_VBG '_' Am_BEM I_PPSS right_JJ ,
_, am_BEM I_PPSS wrong_JJ '_' ''_'' ?_. ?_. I_PPSS bethought_VBD me_PPO of_IN th
e_AT Lord's_NP$-TL Prayer_NN-TL ,_, and_CC these_DTS words_NNS came_VBD to_IN mi
nd_NN :_: ``_`` Thy_PP$ kingdom_NN come_VB ,_, Thy_PP$ will_NN be_BE done_VBN ,_
, on_IN earth_NN as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ in_IN heaven_NN ''_'' ._. They_PPSS have_HV
remained_VBN on_IN the_AT opened_VBN page_NN of_IN my_PP$ mind_NN in_IN all_ABN
the_AT years_NNS which_WDT since_RB have_HV passed_VBN ._. From_IN that_DT time
_NN to_IN this_DT my_PP$ religious_JJ concern_NN is_BEZ that_CS I_PPSS might_MD
give_VB effective_JJ help_NN to_IN the_AT bringing_NN in_RP of_IN God's_NP$ king
dom_NN on_IN earth_NN ._. I_PPSS do_DO not_* claim_VB to_TO be_BE free_JJ from_I
N sin_NN ,_, or_CC from_IN the_AT need_NN for_IN repentance_NN and_CC forgivenes
s_NN ._. In_IN my_PP$ experience_NN the_AT assurance_NN of_IN forgiveness_NN com
es_VBZ only_RB when_WRB I_PPSS have_HV confessed_VBN to_IN the_AT wronged_VBN on
e_CD and_CC have_HV made_VBN as_QL full_JJ reparation_NN as_CS I_PPSS can_MD dev
ise_VB ._. There_EX was_BEDZ one_CD further_JJR step_NN in_IN my_PP$ religious_J
J progress_NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ taken_VBN after_CS I_PPSS came_VBD to_TO live
_VB in_IN Springfield_NP ,_, and_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ made_VBN under_IN the_AT gui
dance_NN of_IN the_AT Reverend_NP Raymond_NP Beardslee_NP ,_, a_AT young_JJ prea
cher_NN who_WPS came_VBD to_IN the_AT Congregational_JJ-TL Church_NN-TL there_RB
at_IN about_RB the_AT same_AP time_NN that_CS I_PPSS moved_VBD from_IN New_JJ-T
L York_NP-TL ._. His_PP$ father_NN was_BEDZ a_AT professor_NN at_IN Hartford_NP-
TL Theological_JJ-TL Seminary_NN-TL ,_, and_CC from_IN him_PPO he_PPS acquired_V
BD a_AT conviction_NN ,_, which_WDT he_PPS passed_VBD along_RB to_IN me_PPO ,_,
that_CS there_EX is_BEZ in_IN the_AT universe_NN of_IN persons_NNS a_AT moral_JJ
law_NN ,_, the_AT law_NN of_IN love_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ a_AT natural_JJ law
_NN in_IN the_AT same_AP sense_NN as_CS is_BEZ the_AT physical_JJ law_NN ._. It_
PPS is_BEZ most_QL important_JJ that_CS we_PPSS recognize_VB the_AT law_NN of_IN
love_NN as_CS being_BEG unbreakable_JJ in_IN all_QL personal_JJ relationships_N
NS ,_, whether_CS individually_RB ,_, socially_RB or_CC as_CS between_IN whole_J
J nations_NNS of_IN people_NNS ._. If_CS obeyed_VBN ,_, the_AT law_NN brings_VBZ
order_NN and_CC satisfaction_NN ._. If_CS disobeyed_VBN ,_, the_AT result_NN is
_BEZ turmoil_NN and_CC chaos_NN ._. As_CS we_PPSS observe_VB moral_JJ law_NN and
_CC physical_JJ law_NN they_PPSS appear_VB as_CS being_BEG inevitable_JJ ._. We_
PPSS can_MD conceive_VB of_IN no_AT alternatives_NNS ._. Their_PP$ basis_NN seem
s_VBZ deeper_JJR than_CS mere_JJ authority_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER not_* true_J
J because_CS scientists_NNS or_CC prophets_NNS say_VB they_PPSS are_BER true_JJ
._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* the_AT authority_NN of_IN God_NP Himself_PPL which_WDT m
akes_VBZ them_PPO true_JJ ._. Because_CS God_NP is_BEZ what_WDT He_PPS is_BEZ ,_
, the_AT laws_NNS of_IN the_AT universe_NN ,_, material_JJ and_CC spiritual_JJ ,
_, are_BER what_WDT they_PPSS are_BER ._. Deity_NN and_CC Law_NN-TL are_BER one_
CD and_CC inseparable_JJ ._. With_IN this_DT conviction_NN ,_, the_AT partition_
NN between_IN the_AT sacred_JJ and_CC the_AT secular_NN disappears_VBZ ._. One's
_PN$ daily_JJ work_NN becomes_VBZ sacred_JJ ,_, since_CS it_PPS is_BEZ performed
_VBN in_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN influence_NN of_IN the_AT moral_JJ law_NN ,_, d
ealing_VBG as_CS it_PPS does_DOZ with_IN people_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS with_IN
matter_NN and_CC energy_NN ._. In_IN his_PP$ book_NN Civilization_NN-TL And_CC-T
L Ethics_NN-TL Albert_NP Schweitzer_NP faces_VBZ the_AT moral_JJ problems_NNS wh
ich_WDT arise_VB when_WRB moral_JJ law_NN is_BEZ recognized_VBN in_IN business_N
N life_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ._. His_PP$ Ethics_NN-TL defines_VBZ ``_`` posse
ssions_NNS as_CS the_AT property_NN of_IN the_AT community_NN ,_, of_IN which_WD
T the_AT individual_NN is_BEZ sovereign_JJ steward_NN ._. One_PN serves_VBZ soci
ety_NN by_IN conducting_VBG a_AT business_NN from_IN which_WDT a_AT certain_JJ n
umber_NN of_IN employees_NNS draw_VB their_PP$ means_NN of_IN subsistence_NN ;_.
;_. another_DT by_IN giving_VBG away_RB his_PP$ property_NN in_IN order_NN to_T
O help_VB his_PP$ fellow_NN man_NN ._. Each_DT will_MD decide_VB on_IN his_PP$ o
wn_JJ course_NN somewhere_RB between_IN these_DTS two_CD extreme_JJ cases_NNS ac
cording_IN to_IN the_AT sense_NN of_IN responsibility_NN which_WDT is_BEZ determ
ined_VBN for_IN him_PPO by_IN the_AT particular_JJ circumstances_NNS of_IN his_P
P$ own_JJ life_NN ._. No_AT one_PN is_BEZ to_TO judge_VB others_NNS ''_'' ._. He
_PPS is_BEZ uncompromising_JJ in_IN assigning_VBG guilt_NN to_IN the_AT man_NN w
ho_WPS finds_VBZ it_PPO necessary_JJ to_TO inflict_VB or_CC permit_VB injury_NN
to_IN one_CD individual_NN or_CC group_NN for_IN the_AT sake_NN of_IN a_AT large
r_JJR good_NN ._. For_IN this_DT decision_NN a_AT man_NN must_MD take_VB persona
l_JJ responsibility_NN ._. Says_VBZ he_PPS ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS may_MD never_RB imag
ine_VB that_CS in_IN the_AT struggle_NN between_IN personal_JJ and_CC supra-pers
onal_JJ responsibility_NN it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO make_VB a_AT compromis
e_NN between_IN the_AT ethical_JJ and_CC the_AT purposive_JJ in_IN the_AT shape_
NN of_IN a_AT relative_JJ ethic_NN ;_. ;_. or_CC to_TO let_VB the_AT ethical_JJ
be_BE superseded_VBN by_IN the_AT purposive_JJ ._. On_IN the_AT contrary_JJ it_P
PS is_BEZ my_PP$ duty_NN to_TO make_VB my_PP$ own_JJ decision_NN as_CS between_I
N the_AT two_CD ''_'' ._. Schweitzer_NP seems_VBZ ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, to_TO ac
quire_VB for_IN himself_PPL a_AT burden_NN of_IN sin_NN ,_, not_* bequeathed_VBN
by_IN Adam_NP ,_, but_CC accumulated_VBN in_IN the_AT inevitable_JJ judgments_N
NS which_WDT life_NN requires_VBZ of_IN him_PPO as_CS between_IN greater_JJR and
_CC lesser_JJR responsibilities_NNS ._. This_DT viewpoint_NN I_PPSS find_VB inte
resting_JJ ,_, but_CC it_PPS has_HVZ never_RB weighed_VBN on_IN my_PP$ soul_NN .
_. Perhaps_RB it_PPS should_MD have_HV ._. My_PP$ own_JJ experience_NN has_HVZ f
ollowed_VBN simpler_JJR lines_NNS ._. An_AT uncompromising_JJ belief_NN in_IN th
e_AT moral_JJ law_NN has_HVZ the_AT advantage_NN of_IN making_VBG religion_NN na
tural_JJ ,_, even_RB as_CS physical_JJ law_NN is_BEZ natural_JJ ._. Neither_CC t
he_AT engineer_NN nor_CC the_AT ordinary_JJ citizen_NN feels_VBZ any_DTI self-co
nsciousness_NN in_IN obeying_VBG the_AT laws_NNS of_IN matter_NN and_CC energy_N
N ,_, nor_CC can_MD he_PPS achieve_VB a_AT sense_NN of_IN self-righteousness_NN
in_IN such_JJ obedience_NN ._. To_TO obey_VB the_AT moral_JJ law_NN is_BEZ just_
RB ordinary_JJ common_JJ sense_NN ,_, applied_VBN to_IN a_AT neglected_VBN field
_NN ._. Religion_NN thus_RB becomes_VBZ integrated_VBN with_IN life_NN ._. This_
DT truth_NN that_CS the_AT moral_JJ law_NN is_BEZ natural_JJ has_HVZ other_AP im
portant_JJ corollaries_NNS ._. One_CD of_IN them_PPO is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS gives
_VBZ meaning_NN and_CC purpose_NN to_IN life_NN ._. In_IN seeking_VBG for_IN suc
h_JJ meaning_NN and_CC purpose_NN ,_, Albert_NP Schweitzer_NP seized_VBD upon_IN
the_AT concept_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` sacredness_NN of_IN life_NN ''_'' ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ puzzling_JJ to_IN the_AT occidental_JJ mind_NN (_( to_IN mine_PP$$ at_
IN least_AP )_) to_TO assign_VB ``_`` sacredness_NN ''_'' to_IN animal_NN ,_, in
sect_NN ,_, and_CC plant_NN life_NN ._. These_DTS lives_NNS are_BER in_IN themse
lves_PPLS outside_IN of_IN the_AT moral_JJ order_NN and_CC are_BER unburdened_VB
N with_IN moral_JJ responsibility_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ indeed_RB a_AT moral_JJ
responsibility_NN on_IN man_NN himself_PPL ,_, for_IN his_PP$ own_JJ soul's_NN$
sake_NN ,_, to_TO respect_VB lower_JJR life_NN and_CC to_TO avoid_VB the_AT inf
liction_NN of_IN suffering_VBG ,_, but_CC this_DT viewpoint_NN Schweitzer_NP rej
ects_VBZ ._. So_QL far_RB as_CS ``_`` sacredness_NN ''_'' inheres_VBZ in_IN any_
DTI aspect_NN of_IN creation_NN it_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO to_TO be_BE found_
VBN in_IN human_JJ personality_NN ,_, whether_CS in_IN Lambarene_NP ,_, Africa_N
P ,_, or_CC in_IN Washington_NP ,_, D.C._NP ._. One_PN cannot_MD* read_VB the_AT
records_NNS of_IN scientists_NNS ,_, officials_NNS and_CC travelers_NNS who_WPS
have_HV penetrated_VBN to_IN the_AT minds_NNS of_IN the_AT most_QL savage_JJ ra
ces_NNS without_IN realizing_VBG that_CS each_DT individual_NN met_VBN with_IN i
s_BEZ a_AT person_NN ._. Read_VBN ,_, for_IN instance_NN ,_, in_IN Malcolm_NP Ma
cDonald's_NP$ Borneo_NP-TL People_NNS-TL of_IN Segura_NP and_CC her_PP$ wise_JJ
father_NN Tomonggong_NP Koh_NP ,_, and_CC her_PP$ final_JJ adjustment_NN to_IN e
ncroaching_VBG civilization_NN ._. Above_IN all_ABN read_VBN in_IN Jens_NP Bjerr
e's_NP$ The_AT-TL Last_AP-TL Cannibal_NN-TL Show_NN-TL the_AT old_JJ man_NN of_I
N the_AT Wailbri_NP tribe_NN (_( not_* cannibals_NNS )_) in_IN central_JJ Austra
lia_NP gave_VBD to_IN the_AT white_JJ man_NN his_PP$ choicest_JJT possession_NN
,_, while_CS the_AT tears_NNS streamed_VBD down_IN his_PP$ face_NN ._. The_AT Au
stralian_JJ aborigine_NN is_BEZ the_AT conventional_JJ exemplar_NN of_IN degrade
d_VBN humanity_NN ;_. ;_. yet_CC here_RB was_BEDZ a_AT depth_NN of_IN sensibilit
y_NN which_WDT is_BEZ lacking_VBG in_IN a_AT considerable_JJ portion_NN of_IN th
e_AT beneficiaries_NNS of_IN our_PP$ civilization_NN ._. Persons_NNS ,_, whether
_CS white_JJ ,_, black_JJ ,_, brown_JJ or_CC yellow_JJ ,_, are_BER a_AT concern_
NN of_IN God_NP ._. Respect_NN for_IN personality_NN is_BEZ a_AT privilege_NN an
d_CC a_AT duty_NN for_IN us_PPO as_CS brothers_NNS ._. Such_JJ is_BEZ the_AT fie
ld_NN for_IN exercising_VBG our_PP$ reverence_NN ._. As_IN to_IN our_PP$ action_
NN ,_, let_VB us_PPO align_VB ourselves_PPLS with_IN the_AT purpose_NN expressed
_VBN by_IN Jesus_NP in_IN the_AT Lord's_NP$-TL Prayer_NN-TL :_: ``_`` Thy_PP$ ki
ngdom_NN come_VB ,_, Thy_PP$ will_MD be_BE done_VBN ,_, on_IN earth_NN as_CS it_
PPS is_BEZ in_IN heaven_NN ''_'' ._. With_IN the_AT knowledge_NN that_CS the_AT
kingdom_NN comes_VBZ by_IN obedience_NN to_IN the_AT moral_JJ law_NN in_IN our_P
P$ relations_NNS with_IN all_ABN people_NNS ,_, we_PPSS have_HV a_AT firm_JJ int
ellectual_JJ grasp_NN on_IN both_ABX the_AT means_NNS and_CC the_AT ends_NNS of_
IN our_PP$ lives_NNS ._. This_DT intellectual_JJ approach_NN to_IN spiritual_JJ
life_NN suited_VBD me_PPO well_RB ,_, because_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ never_RB conten
t_JJ to_TO lead_VB a_AT divided_VBN life_NN ._. As_CS I_PPSS have_HV said_VBN ,_
, words_NNS from_IN Tennyson_NP remain_VB ever_RB in_IN my_PP$ memory_NN :_: ``_
`` That_CS mind_NN and_CC soul_NN ,_, according_VBG well_RB ,_, May_MD make_VB o
ne_CD music_NN as_CS before_RB ''_'' ._. Let_VB us_PPO now_RB give_VB some_DTI t
hought_NN to_IN the_AT soul_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT young_JJ biologist_NN ,_, Dr.
_NN-TL Ballard_NP ,_, began_VBD to_TO show_VB interest_NN in_IN our_PP$ daughter
_NN Elizabeth_NP ,_, this_DT induced_VBD a_AT corresponding_JJ interest_NN ,_, o
n_IN our_PP$ part_NN ,_, in_IN him_PPO ._. I_PPSS asked_VBD one_CD day_NN what_W
DT he_PPS was_BEDZ doing_VBG ._. He_PPS told_VBD me_PPO that_CS he_PPS had_HVD a
_AT big_JJ newt_NN and_CC a_AT little_JJ newt_NN and_CC that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ
transplanting_VBG a_AT big_JJ eye_NN of_IN the_AT big_JJ newt_NN onto_IN the_AT
little_JJ newt_NN and_CC a_AT little_JJ eye_NN of_IN the_AT little_JJ newt_NN on
to_IN the_AT big_JJ newt_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ then_RB noting_VBG that_CS the_A
T big_JJ eye_NN on_IN the_AT little_JJ newt_NN hung_VBD back_RB until_CS the_AT
little_JJ eye_NN had_HVD grown_VBN up_RP to_IN it_PPO ,_, while_CS the_AT little
_JJ eye_NN on_IN the_AT big_JJ newt_NN grew_VBD rapidly_RB until_CS it_PPS was_B
EDZ as_QL big_JJ as_CS the_AT other_AP ._. Then_RB I_PPSS asked_VBD ,_, ``_`` Wh
at_WDT does_DOZ that_DT teach_VB you_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. Said_VBD he_PPS ,_, ``_``
It_PPS teaches_VBZ me_PPO to_TO wonder_VB ''_'' ._. This_DT was_BEDZ a_AT profo
und_JJ statement_NN ._. In_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN the_AT unfolding_VBG universe
_NN ,_, our_PP$ ultimate_JJ attitude_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN wonder_NN ._. Wonde
r_NN is_BEZ indeed_RB the_AT intellectual_JJ gateway_NN to_IN the_AT spiritual_J
J world_NN ._. Gone_VBN are_BER the_AT days_NNS when_WRB ,_, in_IN the_AT ninete
enth_OD century_NN ,_, scientists_NNS thought_VBD that_CS they_PPSS were_BED clo
se_JJ to_IN the_AT attainment_NN of_IN complete_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN the_AT phy
sical_JJ universe_NN ._. For_IN them_PPO only_RB a_AT little_QL more_AP needed_V
BD to_TO be_BE learned_VBN ,_, and_CC then_RB all_ABN physical_JJ knowledge_NN c
ould_MD be_BE neatly_RB sorted_VBN ,_, packaged_VBN and_CC put_VBN in_IN the_AT
inventory_NN to_TO be_BE drawn_VBN on_IN for_IN the_AT solution_NN of_IN any_DTI
human_JJ problem_NN ._. This_DT complacency_NN was_BEDZ blown_VBN to_IN bits_NN
S by_IN the_AT relativity_NN of_IN Einstein_NP ,_, the_AT revelation_NN of_IN th
e_AT complex_JJ anatomy_NN of_IN the_AT atom_NN and_CC the_AT discovery_NN of_IN
the_AT expanding_VBG universe_NN ._. None_PN of_IN these_DTS discoveries_NNS we
re_BED neatly_RB rounded_VBN off_RP bits_NNS of_IN knowledge_NN ._. Each_DT fade
d_VBD out_RP into_IN the_AT unexplored_JJ areas_NNS of_IN the_AT future_NN ._. I
t_PPS is_BEZ as_CS if_CS we_PPSS ,_, in_IN our_PP$ center_NN of_IN human_JJ obse
rvation_NN ,_, from_IN time_NN to_IN time_NN penetrate_VB more_QL deeply_RB into
_IN the_AT unknown_JJ ._. As_CS our_PP$ radius_NN of_IN penetration_NN ,_, R_NN
,_, increases_VBZ ,_, the_AT area_NN of_IN new_JJ knowledge_NN increases_VBZ by_
IN Af_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT total_NN of_IN human_JJ knowledge_NN becomes_VBZ meas
ured_VBN in_IN terms_NNS of_IN Af_NN ._. Wonder_NN grows_VBZ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ e
ndless_JJ ._. There_EX are_BER some_DTI people_NNS ,_, intelligent_JJ people_NNS
,_, who_WPS seem_VB to_TO be_BE untouched_JJ by_IN the_AT sea_NN of_IN wonder_N
N in_IN which_WDT we_PPSS are_BER immersed_VBN and_CC in_IN which_WDT we_PPSS sp
end_VB our_PP$ lives_NNS ._. One_CD such_JJ is_BEZ Abraham_NP Meyer_NP ,_, the_A
T writer_NN of_IN a_AT recent_JJ book_NN ,_, Speaking_VBG-TL Of_IN-TL Man_NN-TL
._. This_DT is_BEZ a_AT straightforward_JJ denial_NN of_IN the_AT spiritual_JJ w
orld_NN and_CC a_AT vigorous_JJ defense_NN of_IN pure_JJ materialism_NN ._. His_
PP$ inability_NN to_TO wonder_VB vitiates_VBZ his_PP$ argument_NN ._. The_AT sub
ject_NN of_IN immortality_NN brings_VBZ to_IN mind_NN a_AT vivid_JJ incident_NN
which_WDT took_VBD place_NN in_IN 1929_CD at_IN Montreux_NP in_IN Switzerland_NP
._. Criticism_NN is_BEZ as_QL old_JJ as_CS literary_JJ art_NN and_CC we_PPSS ca
n_MD set_VB the_AT stage_NN for_IN our_PP$ study_NN of_IN three_CD moderns_NNS i
f_CS we_PPSS see_VB how_WRB certain_JJ critics_NNS in_IN the_AT past_NN have_HV
dealt_VBN with_IN the_AT ethical_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN literature_NN ._. I_PPSS h
ave_HV chosen_VBN five_CD contrasting_VBG pairs_NNS ,_, ten_CD men_NNS in_IN all
_ABN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS are_BER arranged_VBN in_IN roughly_RB chronological_JJ
order_NN ._. Such_ABL a_AT list_NN must_MD naturally_RB be_BE selective_JJ ,_,
and_CC the_AT treatment_NN of_IN each_DT man_NN is_BEZ brief_JJ ,_, for_CS I_PPS
S am_BEM interested_VBN only_RB in_IN their_PP$ general_JJ ideas_NNS on_IN the_A
T moral_JJ measure_NN of_IN literature_NN ._. Altogether_RB ,_, the_AT list_NN w
ill_MD give_VB us_PPO considerable_JJ variety_NN in_IN attitudes_NNS and_CC some
_DTI typical_JJ ones_NNS ,_, for_CS these_DTS critics_NNS range_VB all_ABN the_A
T way_NN from_IN censors_NNS to_IN those_DTS who_WPS consider_VB art_NN above_IN
ethics_NN ,_, all_ABN the_AT way_NN from_IN Plato_NP to_IN Poe_NP ._. And_CC mo
st_AP of_IN the_AT great_JJ periods_NNS are_BER represented_VBN ,_, because_CS w
e_PPSS will_MD compare_VB Plato_NP and_CC Aristotle_NP from_IN the_AT golden_JJ
age_NN of_IN Greece_NP ;_. ;_. Stephen_NP Gosson_NP and_CC Sir_NP Philip_NP Sidn
ey_NP from_IN renaissance_NN England_NP ;_. ;_. Dr._NN-TL Johnson_NP and_CC Will
iam_NP Hazlitt_NP of_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD and_CC early_JJ nineteenth_OD centu
ries_NNS in_IN England_NP ;_. ;_. and_CC James_NP Russell_NP Lowell_NP and_CC Ed
gar_NP Allan_NP Poe_NP of_IN nineteenth_OD century_NN American_JJ letters_NNS ._
. Plato_NP-HL and_CC-HL Aristotle_NP-HL Plato_NP and_CC Aristotle_NP agree_VB on
_IN some_DTI vital_JJ literary_JJ issues_NNS ._. They_PPSS both_ABX measure_VB l
iterature_NN by_IN moral_JJ standards_NNS ,_, and_CC in_IN their_PP$ political_J
J writings_NNS both_ABX allow_VB for_IN censorship_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT differen
ces_NNS between_IN them_PPO are_BER also_RB significant_JJ ._. While_CS Aristotl
e_NP censors_VBZ literature_NN only_RB for_IN the_AT young_JJ ,_, Plato_NP would
_MD banish_VB all_ABN poets_NNS from_IN his_PP$ ideal_JJ state_NN ._. Even_RB mo
re_QL important_JJ ,_, in_IN his_PP$ Poetics_NN-TL ,_, Aristotle_NP differs_VBZ
somewhat_RB from_IN Plato_NP when_WRB he_PPS moves_VBZ in_IN the_AT direction_NN
of_IN treating_VBG literature_NN as_CS a_AT unique_JJ thing_NN ,_, separate_JJ
and_CC apart_RB from_IN its_PP$ causes_NNS and_CC its_PP$ effects_NNS ._. All_QL
through_IN The_AT-TL Republic_NN-TL ,_, Plato_NP attends_VBZ to_IN the_AT way_N
N art_NN relates_VBZ to_IN the_AT general_JJ life_NN and_CC ultimately_RB to_IN
a_AT good_JJ life_NN for_IN his_PP$ citizens_NNS ._. In_IN short_JJ ,_, he_PPS i
s_BEZ constantly_RB concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT ethical_JJ effects_NNS ._. When
_WRB he_PPS discusses_VBZ the_AT subject_NN matter_NN of_IN poetry_NN ,_, he_PPS
asks_VBZ what_WDT moral_JJ effect_NN the_AT scenes_NNS will_MD have_HV ._. When
_WRB he_PPS turns_VBZ briefly_RB to_IN literary_JJ style_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT Thi
rd_OD-TL Book_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS again_RB looks_VBZ to_IN the_AT effect_NN on_IN t
he_AT audience_NN ._. He_PPS explains_VBZ that_CS his_PP$ citizens_NNS must_MD n
ot_* be_BE corrupted_VBN by_IN any_DTI of_IN the_AT misrepresentations_NNS of_IN
the_AT gods_NNS or_CC heroes_NNS that_WPO one_PN finds_VBZ in_IN much_AP poetry
_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS observes_VBZ that_CS all_ABN ``_`` these_DTS pantomimic_JJ
gentlemen_NNS ''_'' will_MD be_BE sent_VBN to_IN another_DT state_NN ._. Only_R
B those_DTS story_NN tellers_NNS will_MD remain_VB who_WPS can_MD ``_`` imitate_
VB the_AT style_NN of_IN the_AT virtuous_JJ ''_'' ._. Plato_NP is_BEZ ,_, at_IN
times_NNS ,_, just_RB as_QL suspicious_JJ of_IN the_AT poets_NNS themselves_PPLS
as_CS he_PPS is_BEZ of_IN their_PP$ work_NN ._. When_WRB he_PPS discusses_VBZ t
yrants_NNS in_IN the_AT Eighth_OD-TL Book_NN-TL of_IN The_AT-TL Republic_NN-TL ,
_, he_PPS pictures_VBZ the_AT poets_NNS as_CS willing_JJ to_TO praise_VB the_AT
worst_JJT rulers_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT most_QL fundamental_JJ objection_NN he_PP
S has_HVZ to_IN poets_NNS appears_VBZ in_IN the_AT Tenth_OD-TL Book_NN-TL ,_, an
d_CC it_PPS is_BEZ derived_VBN from_IN his_PP$ doctrine_NN of_IN ideal_JJ forms_
NNS ._. In_IN Plato's_NP$ mind_NN there_EX is_BEZ an_AT irresolvable_JJ conflict
_NN between_IN the_AT poet_NN and_CC the_AT philosopher_NN ,_, because_CS the_AT
poet_NN imitates_VBZ only_RB particular_JJ objects_NNS and_CC is_BEZ incapable_
JJ of_IN rising_VBG to_IN the_AT first_OD level_NN of_IN abstraction_NN ,_, much
_QL less_RBR the_AT highest_JJT level_NN of_IN ideal_JJ forms_NNS ._. True_JJ re
ality_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT ideal_JJ ,_, and_CC the_AT poet_N
N knows_VBZ nothing_PN of_IN this_DT ;_. ;_. only_RB the_AT philosopher_NN knows
_VBZ the_AT truth_NN ._. Poets_NNS ,_, moreover_RB ,_, dwell_VB on_IN human_JJ p
assions_NNS ._. And_CC with_IN this_DT point_NN about_IN the_AT passions_NNS ,_,
we_PPSS encounter_VB Plato's_NP$ dualism_NN ._. The_AT same_AP sort_NN of_IN th
inking_VBG plays_VBZ so_QL large_JJ a_AT part_NN in_IN both_ABX Babbitt_NP and_C
C More_NP ,_, that_CS we_PPSS must_MD examine_VB it_PPO in_IN some_DTI detail_NN
._. Plato_NP feels_VBZ that_CS man_NN has_HVZ two_CD competing_VBG aspects_NNS
,_, his_PP$ rational_JJ faculty_NN and_CC his_PP$ irrational_JJ ._. We_PPSS can_
MD be_BE virtuous_JJ only_RB if_CS we_PPSS control_VB our_PP$ lower_JJR natures_
NNS ,_, the_AT passions_NNS in_IN this_DT case_NN ,_, and_CC strengthen_VB our_P
P$ rational_JJ side_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC poetry_NN ,_, with_IN all_ABN its_PP$ emph
asis_NN on_IN the_AT passions_NNS ,_, encourages_VBZ the_AT audience_NN to_TO gi
ve_VB way_NN to_IN emotion_NN ._. For_IN this_DT reason_NN ,_, then_RB ,_, poetr
y_NN tends_VBZ to_TO weaken_VB the_AT power_NN of_IN control_NN ,_, the_AT reaso
n_NN ,_, because_CS it_PPS tempts_VBZ one_CD to_TO indulge_VB his_PP$ passions_N
NS ,_, and_CC even_RB the_AT best_JJT of_IN men_NNS ,_, he_PPS maintains_VBZ ,_,
may_MD be_BE corrupted_VBN by_IN this_DT subtle_JJ influence_NN ._. Plato's_NP$
attitude_NN toward_IN poetry_NN has_HVZ always_RB been_BEN something_PN of_IN a
n_AT enigma_NN ,_, because_CS he_PPS is_BEZ so_QL completely_QL sensitive_JJ to_
IN its_PP$ charm_NN ._. His_PP$ whole_JJ objection_NN ,_, indeed_RB ,_, seems_VB
Z to_TO rise_VB out_IN of_IN a_AT deep_JJ conviction_NN that_CS the_AT poets_NNS
do_DO have_HV great_JJ power_NN to_TO influence_VB ,_, but_CC Plato_NP seldom_R
B pays_VBZ any_DTI attention_NN to_IN what_WDT might_MD be_BE called_VBN the_AT
poem_NN itself_PPL ._. He_PPS is_BEZ ,_, rather_RB ,_, concerned_VBN with_IN the
_AT effect_NN on_IN society_NN and_CC he_PPS wants_VBZ the_AT poets_NNS to_TO jo
in_VB his_PP$ fight_NN for_IN justice_NN ._. He_PPS wants_VBZ them_PPO to_TO use
_VB their_PP$ great_JJ power_NN to_TO strengthen_VB man's_NN$ rational_JJ side_N
N ,_, to_TO teach_VB virtue_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO encourage_VB religion_NN ._. Whi
le_CS Plato_NP finally_RB allows_VBZ a_AT few_AP acceptable_JJ hymns_NNS to_IN t
he_AT gods_NNS and_CC famous_JJ men_NNS ,_, still_RB he_PPS clearly_RB leaves_VB
Z the_AT way_NN open_JJ for_IN further_JJR discussion_NN of_IN the_AT issue_NN .
_. He_PPS even_RB calls_VBZ upon_RB the_AT poets_NNS to_TO defend_VB the_AT Muse
_NN-TL and_CC to_TO show_VB that_DT poetry_NN may_MD contribute_VB to_IN virtue_
NN ._. He_PPS says_VBZ :_: ``_`` We_PPSS may_MD further_RBR grant_VB to_IN those
_DTS of_IN her_PP$ (_( Poetry's_NN$-TL )_) defenders_NNS who_WPS are_BER lovers_
NNS of_IN poetry_NN and_CC yet_RB not_* poets_NNS ,_, the_AT permission_NN to_TO
speak_VB in_IN prose_NN on_IN her_PP$ behalf_NN :_: let_VB them_PPO show_VB not
_* only_RB that_CS she_PPS is_BEZ pleasant_JJ but_CC also_RB useful_JJ to_IN Sta
tes_NNS-TL and_CC to_IN human_JJ life_NN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS will_MD listen_VB in
_IN a_AT kindly_JJ spirit_NN ;_. ;_. for_CS if_CS this_DT can_MD be_BE proved_VB
N we_PPSS shall_MD surely_RB be_BE the_AT gainers_NNS --_-- I_PPSS mean_VB ,_, i
f_CS there_EX is_BEZ a_AT use_NN in_IN poetry_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS a_AT deligh
t_NN ''_'' ._. When_WRB we_PPSS turn_VB to_IN Aristotle's_NP$ ideas_NNS on_IN th
e_AT moral_JJ measure_NN of_IN literature_NN ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ at_IN once_RB app
arent_JJ that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ at_IN times_NNS equally_RB concerned_VBN about_IN
the_AT influence_NN of_IN the_AT art_NN ._. In_IN the_AT ideal_JJ state_NN ,_,
for_IN instance_NN ,_, he_PPS argues_VBZ that_CS the_AT young_JJ citizens_NNS sh
ould_MD hear_VB only_RB the_AT most_QL carefully_RB selected_VBN tales_NNS and_C
C stories_NNS ._. For_IN this_DT reason_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD banish_VB indecen
t_JJ pictures_NNS and_CC speeches_NNS from_IN the_AT stage_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the
_AT young_JJ people_NNS should_MD not_* even_VB be_BE permitted_VBN to_TO see_VB
comedies_NNS till_CS they_PPSS are_BER old_JJ enough_QLP to_TO drink_VB strong_
JJ wine_NN and_CC sit_VB at_IN the_AT public_JJ tables_NNS ._. By_IN the_AT time
_NN they_PPSS reach_VB that_DT age_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, Aristotle_NP no_QL long
er_RBR worries_VBZ about_IN the_AT evil_JJ influence_NN of_IN comedies_NNS ._. I
n_IN Aristotle's_NP$ analysis_NN of_IN tragedy_NN in_IN the_AT Poetics_NN-TL ,_,
we_PPSS find_VB an_AT attempt_NN to_TO isolate_VB the_AT art_NN ,_, to_TO consi
der_VB only_RB those_DTS things_NNS proper_JJ to_IN it_PPO ,_, to_TO discover_VB
how_WRB it_PPS differs_VBZ from_IN other_AP arts_NNS ,_, and_CC to_TO deal_VB w
ith_IN the_AT effects_NNS peculiar_JJ to_IN it_PPO ._. He_PPS assures_VBZ us_PPO
,_, early_RB in_IN the_AT Poetics_NN-TL ,_, that_CS all_ABN art_NN is_BEZ ``_``
imitation_NN ''_'' and_CC that_CS all_ABN imitation_NN gives_VBZ pleasure_NN ,_
, but_CC he_PPS distinguishes_VBZ between_IN art_NN in_IN general_JJ and_CC poet
ic_JJ art_NN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN the_AT means_NN ,_, manner_NN ,_, and_C
C the_AT objects_NNS of_IN the_AT imitation_NN ._. Once_RB the_AT poetic_JJ arts
_NNS are_BER separated_VBN from_IN the_AT other_AP forms_NNS ,_, he_PPS lays_VBZ
down_RP his_PP$ famous_JJ definition_NN of_IN tragedy_NN ,_, which_WDT sets_VBZ
up_RP standards_NNS and_CC so_RB lends_VBZ direction_NN to_IN the_AT remainder_
NN of_IN the_AT work_NN ._. A_AT tragedy_NN ,_, by_IN his_PP$ definition_NN ,_,
is_BEZ an_AT imitation_NN of_IN an_AT action_NN that_WPS is_BEZ serious_JJ ,_, o
f_IN a_AT certain_JJ magnitude_NN ,_, and_CC complete_JJ in_IN itself_PPL ._. It
_PPS should_MD have_HV a_AT dramatic_JJ form_NN with_IN pleasing_JJ language_NN
,_, and_CC it_PPS should_MD portray_VB incidents_NNS which_WDT so_QL arouse_VB p
ity_NN and_CC fear_NN that_CS it_PPS purges_VBZ these_DTS emotions_NNS in_IN the
_AT audience_NN ._. Any_DTI tragedy_NN ,_, he_PPS maintains_VBZ ,_, has_HVZ six_
CD elements_NNS :_: plot_NN ,_, character_NN ,_, and_CC thought_NN (_( the_AT ob
jects_NNS of_IN imitation_NN )_) ,_, diction_NN and_CC melody_NN (_( the_AT mean
s_NN of_IN imitation_NN )_) ,_, and_CC spectacle_NN (_( the_AT manner_NN of_IN i
mitation_NN )_) ._. Throughout_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT Poetics_NN-TL ,_,
Aristotle_NP continues_VBZ to_TO discuss_VB the_AT characteristics_NNS of_IN the
se_DTS six_CD parts_NNS and_CC their_PP$ interrelationship_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS
refers_VBZ frequently_RB to_IN the_AT standards_NNS suggested_VBN by_IN his_PP$
definition_NN of_IN tragedy_NN ._. Aristotle's_NP$ method_NN in_IN the_AT Poetic
s_NN-TL ,_, then_RB ,_, does_DOZ suggest_VB that_CS we_PPSS should_MD isolate_VB
the_AT work_NN ._. The_AT Chicago_NP contingent_NN of_IN modern_JJ critics_NNS
follow_VB Aristotle_NP so_QL far_RB in_IN this_DT direction_NN that_CS it_PPS is
_BEZ hard_JJ to_TO see_VB how_WRB they_PPSS can_MD compare_VB one_CD poem_NN wit
h_IN another_DT for_IN the_AT purpose_NN of_IN evaluation_NN ._. But_CC there_EX
are_BER ,_, however_RB ,_, several_AP features_NNS of_IN Aristotle's_NP$ approa
ch_NN which_WDT open_VB the_AT way_NN for_IN the_AT moral_JJ measure_NN of_IN li
terature_NN ._. For_IN one_CD thing_NN ,_, Aristotle_NP mentions_VBZ that_CS pla
ys_NNS may_MD corrupt_VB the_AT audience_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, his_PP$ de
finition_NN of_IN a_AT tragedy_NN invites_VBZ our_PP$ attention_NN ,_, because_C
S a_AT serious_JJ and_CC important_JJ action_NN may_MD very_QL well_RB be_BE one
_CD that_WPS tests_VBZ the_AT moral_JJ fiber_NN of_IN the_AT author_NN or_CC of_
IN the_AT characters_NNS ._. And_CC there_EX is_BEZ one_CD other_AP point_NN in_
IN the_AT Poetics_NN-TL that_WPS invites_VBZ moral_JJ evaluation_NN :_: Aristotl
e's_NP$ notion_NN that_CS the_AT distinctive_JJ function_NN of_IN tragedy_NN is_
BEZ to_TO purge_VB one's_PN$ emotions_NNS by_IN arousing_VBG pity_NN and_CC fear
_NN ._. He_PPS rejects_VBZ certain_JJ plots_NNS because_CS they_PPSS do_DO not_*
contribute_VB to_IN that_DT end_NN ._. The_AT point_NN is_BEZ that_CS an_AT eth
ical_JJ critic_NN ,_, with_IN an_AT assist_VB from_IN Freud_NP ,_, can_MD seize_
VB on_IN this_DT theory_NN to_TO argue_VB that_CS tragedy_NN provides_VBZ us_PPO
with_IN a_AT harmless_JJ outlet_NN for_IN our_PP$ hostile_JJ urges_NNS ._. In_I
N his_PP$ study_NN Samuel_NP Johnson_NP ,_, Joseph_NP Wood_NP Krutch_NP takes_VB
Z this_DT line_NN when_WRB he_PPS says_VBZ that_CS what_WDT Aristotle_NP really_
RB means_VBZ by_IN his_PP$ theory_NN of_IN catharsis_NN is_BEZ that_CS our_PP$ e
vil_JJ passions_NNS may_MD be_BE so_QL purged_VBN by_IN the_AT dramatic_JJ ritua
l_NN that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ ``_`` less_QL likely_JJ that_CS we_PPSS shall_MD indu
lge_VB them_PPO through_IN our_PP$ own_JJ acts_NNS ''_'' ._. In_IN Krutch's_NP$
view_NN ,_, this_DT is_BEZ one_CD way_NN to_TO show_VB how_WRB literature_NN may
_MD be_BE moral_JJ in_IN effect_NN without_IN employing_VBG the_AT explicit_JJ m
ethods_NNS of_IN a_AT moralist_NN ._. And_CC we_PPSS can_MD add_VB that_CS Krutc
h's_NP$ interpretation_NN of_IN purgation_NN is_BEZ also_RB one_CD answer_NN to_
IN Plato's_NP$ fear_NN that_CS poetry_NN will_MD encourage_VB our_PP$ passions_N
NS ._. If_CS Krutch_NP is_BEZ correct_JJ ,_, tragedy_NN may_MD have_HV quite_ABL
the_AT opposite_JJ effect_NN ._. It_PPS may_MD allay_VB our_PP$ passions_NNS an
d_CC so_RB restore_VB the_AT rule_NN of_IN reason_NN ._. Or_CC in_IN more_QL Fre
udian_JJ terms_NNS ,_, the_AT experience_NN may_MD serve_VB to_TO sublimate_VB o
ur_PP$ destructive_JJ urges_NNS and_CC strengthen_VB the_AT ego_NN and_CC supere
go_NN ._. Gosson_NP and_CC Sidney_NP The_AT second_OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT sixt
eenth_OD century_NN in_IN England_NP was_BEDZ the_AT setting_NN for_IN a_AT viol
ent_JJ and_CC long_JJ controversy_NN over_IN the_AT moral_JJ quality_NN of_IN re
naissance_NN literature_NN ,_, especially_RB the_AT drama_NN ._. No_AT one_PN su
ggested_VBD that_CS the_AT ethical_JJ effects_NNS of_IN the_AT art_NN were_BED i
rrelevant_JJ ._. Both_ABX sides_NNS agreed_VBD that_CS the_AT theater_NN must_MD
stand_VB a_AT moral_JJ test_NN ,_, but_CC they_PPSS could_MD not_* agree_VB on_
IN whether_CS the_AT poets_NNS were_BED a_AT good_JJ or_CC a_AT bad_JJ influence
_NN ._. Both_ABX sides_NNS claimed_VBD that_CS Plato_NP and_CC Aristotle_NP supp
orted_VBD their_PP$ cause_NN ._. Those_DTS who_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO close_VB the
_AT theaters_NNS ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, pointed_VBD to_IN Plato's_NP$ Republi
c_NN-TL and_CC those_DTS who_WPS wished_VBD to_TO keep_VB them_PPO open_JJ calle
d_VBD on_IN the_AT Plato_NP of_IN the_AT Ion_NP-TL to_TO testify_VB in_IN their_
PP$ behalf_NN ._. The_AT most_QL famous_JJ document_NN that_WPS comes_VBZ out_IN
of_IN this_DT dispute_NN is_BEZ perhaps_RB Sir_NP Philip_NP Sidney's_NP$ An_AT-
TL Apologie_NN-TL For_IN-TL Poetrie_NN-TL ,_, published_VBN in_IN 1595_CD ._. Ma
ny_AP students_NNS of_IN literature_NN know_VB that_DT classical_JJ defense_NN .
_. What_WDT is_BEZ not_* so_QL well_RB known_VBN ,_, however_RB ,_, and_CC what_
WDT is_BEZ quite_QL important_JJ for_IN understanding_VBG the_AT issues_NNS of_I
N this_DT early_JJ quarrel_NN ,_, is_BEZ the_AT kind_NN of_IN attack_NN on_IN li
terature_NN that_WPO Sidney_NP was_BEDZ answering_VBG ._. For_IN this_DT reason_
NN ,_, then_RB I_PPSS want_VB to_TO describe_VB ,_, first_OD ,_, two_CD examples
_NNS of_IN the_AT puritanical_JJ attacks_NNS :_: Stephen_NP Gosson's_NP$ The_AT-
TL School_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Abuse_NN-TL ,_, 1579_CD ,_, and_CC his_PP$ later_JJR Pl
ayes_NNS-TL Confuted_VBN-TL ,_, published_VBN in_IN 1582_CD ._. Second_OD ,_, we
_PPSS will_MD see_VB how_WRB Sidney_NP answered_VBD the_AT charges_NNS ,_, for_C
S while_CS Sidney's_NP$ essay_NN was_BEDZ not_* specifically_RB a_AT reply_NN to
_IN Gosson_NP ,_, his_PP$ arguments_NNS do_DO support_VB the_AT new_JJ theater_N
N ._. According_IN to_IN William_NP Ringler's_NP$ study_NN ,_, Stephen_NP Gosson
_NP ,_, the_AT theater_NN business_NN in_IN London_NP had_HVD become_VBN a_AT th
riving_VBG enterprise_NN by_IN 1577_CD ,_, and_CC ,_, in_IN the_AT opinion_NN of
_IN many_AP ,_, a_AT thoroughly_QL bad_JJ business_NN ._. Aroused_VBN by_IN what
_WDT they_PPSS considered_VBD an_AT evil_JJ influence_NN ,_, some_DTI members_NN
S of_IN the_AT clergy_NN ,_, joined_VBN by_IN city_NN authorities_NNS ,_, mercha
nts_NNS ,_, and_CC master_NN craftsmen_NNS ,_, began_VBD the_AT attack_NN on_IN
the_AT plays_NNS and_CC the_AT actors_NNS for_IN what_WDT they_PPSS called_VBD `
`_`` the_AT abuses_NNS of_IN the_AT art_NN ''_'' ,_, but_CC by_IN 1582_CD some_D
TI of_IN them_PPO began_VBD to_TO denounce_VB the_AT whole_JJ idea_NN of_IN acti
ng_VBG ._. Although_CS this_DT kind_NN of_IN wholesale_JJ objection_NN came_VBD
at_IN first_RB from_IN some_DTI men_NNS who_WPS were_BED not_* technically_RB Pu
ritans_NPS ,_, still_RB ,_, once_CS the_AT Puritans_NPS gained_VBD power_NN ,_,
they_PPSS climaxed_VBD the_AT affair_NN by_IN passing_VBG the_AT infamous_JJ ord
inance_NN of_IN 1642_CD which_WDT decreed_VBD that_CS all_ABN ``_`` public_JJ st
age-plays_NNS shall_MD cease_VB and_CC be_BE forborne_VBN ''_'' ._. With_IN that
_DT act_NN of_IN Parliament_NN-TL the_AT opponents_NNS of_IN the_AT stage_NN won
_VBD the_AT day_NN ,_, and_CC for_IN more_AP than_IN two_CD decades_NNS after_IN
that_DT England_NP had_HVD no_AT legitimate_JJ public_JJ drama_NN ._. In_IN the
_AT early_JJ days_NNS of_IN this_DT controversy_NN over_IN the_AT theater_NN one
_CD of_IN the_AT interested_VBN parties_NNS ,_, Stephen_NP Gosson_NP ,_, publish
ed_VBD a_AT little_JJ tract_NN in_IN which_WDT he_PPS objected_VBD mildly_RB to_
IN the_AT abuses_NNS of_IN art_NN ,_, rather_IN than_IN the_AT art_NN itself_PPL
._. But_CC his_PP$ opposition_NN hardened_VBD and_CC by_IN 1579_CD ,_, in_IN Th
e_AT-TL School_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Abuse_NN-TL ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ ready_JJ to_TO ban
ish_VB all_ABN ``_`` players_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS advises_VBZ women_NNS to_TO be
ware_VB ``_`` of_IN those_DTS places_NNS which_WDT in_IN sorrows_NNS cheere_VB y
ou_PPO and_CC beguile_VB you_PPO in_IN mirth_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS does_DOZ not_*
really_RB approve_VB of_IN levity_NN and_CC laughter_NN ,_, but_CC sex_NN is_BEZ
the_AT deadly_JJ sin_NN ._. He_PPS warns_VBZ that_CS a_AT single_AP glance_NN c
an_MD lead_VB us_PPO into_IN temptation_NN ,_, for_CS ``_`` Looking_VBG eies_NNS
have_HV lyking_VBG hartes_NNS ,_, and_CC lyking_VBG hartes_NNS may_MD burne_VB
in_IN lust_NN ''_'' ._. But_CC it_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE very_QL satisfactory_
JJ to_TO leave_VB our_PP$ conclusions_NNS at_IN the_AT point_NN just_RB reached_
VBN ._. Fortunately_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ to_TO be_BE somewhat_QL mor
e_QL concrete_JJ and_CC factual_JJ in_IN diagnosing_VBG the_AT involvement_NN of
_IN values_NNS in_IN education_NN ._. For_IN this_DT purpose_NN we_PPSS now_RB d
raw_VB upon_IN data_NNS from_IN sociological_JJ and_CC psychological_JJ studies_
NNS of_IN students_NNS in_IN American_JJ colleges_NNS and_CC universities_NNS ,_
, and_CC particularly_RB from_IN the_AT Cornell_NP-TL Values_NNS-TL Studies_NNS-
TL ._. In_IN the_AT latter_AP research_NN program_NN ,_, information_NN is_BEZ a
vailable_JJ for_IN 2,758_CD Cornell_NP students_NNS surveyed_VBN in_IN 1950_CD a
nd_CC for_IN 1,571_CD students_NNS surveyed_VBN in_IN 1952_CD ._. Of_IN the_AT l
atter_AP sample_NN ,_, 944_CD persons_NNS had_HVD been_BEN studied_VBN two_CD ye
ars_NNS earlier_RBR ;_. ;_. hence_RB changes_NNS in_IN attitudes_NNS and_CC valu
es_NNS can_MD be_BE analyzed_VBN for_IN identical_JJ individuals_NNS at_IN two_C
D points_NNS in_IN time_NN ._. In_IN addition_NN ,_, the_AT 1952_CD study_NN col
lected_VBD comparable_JJ data_NNS from_IN 4,585_CD students_NNS at_IN ten_CD oth
er_AP colleges_NNS and_CC universities_NNS scattered_VBN across_IN the_AT countr
y_NN :_: Dartmouth_NP ,_, Harvard_NP ,_, Yale_NP ,_, Wesleyan_NP ,_, North_JJ-TL
Carolina_NP-TL ,_, Fisk_NP ,_, Texas_NP ,_, University_NN-TL of_IN-TL Californi
a_NP-TL at_IN-TL Los_NP-TL Angeles_NP-TL ,_, Wayne_NP ,_, and_CC Michigan_NP ._.
We_PPSS find_VB ,_, in_IN the_AT first_OD place_NN ,_, that_CS the_AT students_
NNS overwhelmingly_RB approve_VB of_IN higher_JJR education_NN ,_, positively_RB
evaluate_VB the_AT job_NN their_PP$ own_JJ institution_NN is_BEZ doing_VBG ,_,
do_DO not_* accept_VB most_AP of_IN the_AT criticisms_NNS levelled_VBN against_I
N higher_JJR education_NN in_IN the_AT public_JJ prints_NNS ,_, and_CC ,_, on_IN
the_AT whole_JJ ,_, approve_VB of_IN the_AT way_NN their_PP$ university_NN deal
s_VBZ with_IN value-problems_NNS and_CC value_NN inculcation_NN ._. It_PPS is_BE
Z not_* our_PP$ impression_NN that_CS these_DTS evaluations_NNS are_BER naively_
RB uncritical_JJ resultants_NNS of_IN blissful_JJ ignorance_NN ;_. ;_. rather_RB
,_, the_AT generality_NN of_IN these_DTS students_NNS find_VB their_PP$ univers
ity_NN experience_NN congenial_JJ to_IN their_PP$ own_JJ sense_NN of_IN values_N
NS ._. Students_NNS are_BER approximately_QL equally_RB divided_VBN between_IN t
hose_DTS who_WPS regard_VB vocational_JJ preparation_NN as_CS the_AT primary_JJ
goal_NN of_IN an_AT ideal_JJ education_NN and_CC those_DTS who_WPS chose_VBD a_A
T general_JJ liberal_JJ education_NN ._. Other_AP conceivable_JJ goals_NNS ,_, s
uch_JJ as_CS character-education_NN and_CC social_JJ adjustment_NN ,_, are_BER o
f_IN secondary_JJ importance_NN to_IN them_PPO ._. The_AT ideal_NN of_IN a_AT li
beral_JJ education_NN impresses_VBZ itself_PPL upon_IN the_AT students_NNS more_
RBR and_CC more_RBR as_CS they_PPSS move_VB through_IN college_NN ._. Even_RB in
_IN such_JJ technical_JJ curricula_NNS as_CS engineering_NN ,_, the_AT senior_NN
is_BEZ much_QL more_QL likely_JJ than_CS the_AT freshman_NN to_TO choose_VB ,_,
as_CS an_AT ideal_JJ ,_, liberal_JJ education_NN over_IN specific_JJ vocational
_JJ preparation_NN ._. In_IN the_AT university_NN milieu_NN of_IN scholarship_NN
and_CC research_NN ,_, of_IN social_JJ diversity_NN ,_, of_IN new_JJ ideas_NNS
and_CC varied_VBN and_CC wide-ranging_JJ interests_NNS ,_, ``_`` socialization_N
N ''_'' into_IN a_AT campus_NN culture_NN apparently_RB means_VBZ heightened_VBN
appreciation_NN of_IN the_AT idea_NN of_IN a_AT liberal_JJ education_NN in_IN t
he_AT arts_NNS and_CC sciences_NNS ._. Students'_NNS$ choices_NNS of_IN ideal_JJ
educational_JJ goals_NNS are_BER not_* arbitrary_JJ or_CC whimsical_JJ ._. Ther
e_EX is_BEZ a_AT clear_JJ relationship_NN between_IN their_PP$ educational_JJ ev
aluations_NNS and_CC their_PP$ basic_JJ pattern_NN of_IN general_JJ values_NNS .
_. The_AT selective_JJ and_CC directional_JJ qualities_NNS of_IN basic_JJ value-
orientations_NNS are_BER clearly_QL evident_JJ in_IN these_DTS data_NNS :_: the_
AT ``_`` success-oriented_JJ ''_'' students_NNS choose_VB vocational_JJ preparat
ion_NN ,_, the_AT ``_`` other-directed_JJ ''_'' choose_VB goals_NNS of_IN social
_JJ adjustment_NN (_( ``_`` getting_VBG along_RB with_IN people_NNS ''_'' )_) ,_
, the_AT ``_`` intellectuals_NNS ''_'' choose_VB a_AT liberal_JJ arts_NNS emphas
is_NN ._. The_AT same_AP patterned_VBN consistency_NN shows_VBZ itself_PPL in_IN
occupational_JJ choices_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ impressive_JJ consistency_NN be
tween_IN specific_JJ occupational_JJ preferences_NNS and_CC the_AT student's_NN$
basic_JJ conception_NN of_IN what_WDT is_BEZ for_IN him_PPO a_AT good_JJ way_NN
of_IN life_NN ._. And_CC ,_, contrary_JJ to_IN many_AP popular_JJ assertions_NN
S ,_, the_AT goal-values_NNS chosen_VBN do_DO not_* seem_VB to_IN us_PPO to_TO b
e_BE primarily_RB oriented_VBN to_IN materialistic_JJ success_NN nor_CC to_IN me
re_JJ conformity_NN ._. Our_PP$ students_NNS want_VB occupations_NNS that_WPS pe
rmit_VB them_PPO to_TO use_VB their_PP$ talents_NNS and_CC training_NN ,_, to_TO
be_BE creative_JJ and_CC original_JJ ,_, to_TO work_VB with_IN and_CC to_TO hel
p_VB other_AP people_NNS ._. They_PPSS also_RB want_VB money_NN ,_, prestige_NN
,_, and_CC security_NN ._. But_CC they_PPSS are_BER optimistic_JJ about_IN their
_PP$ prospects_NNS in_IN these_DTS regards_NNS ;_. ;_. they_PPSS set_VBD limits_
NNS to_IN their_PP$ aspirations_NNS --_-- few_AP aspire_VB to_IN millions_NNS of
_IN dollars_NNS or_CC to_IN ``_`` imperial_JJ ''_'' power_NN and_CC glory_NN ._.
Within_IN the_AT fixed_VBN frame_NN of_IN these_DTS aspirations_NNS ,_, they_PP
SS can_MD afford_VB to_TO place_VB a_AT high_JJ value_NN on_IN the_AT expressive
_JJ and_CC people-oriented_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN occupation_NN and_CC to_TO minim
ize_VB the_AT instrumental-reward_JJ values_NNS of_IN power_NN ,_, prestige_NN ,
_, and_CC wealth_NN ._. Occupational_JJ choices_NNS are_BER also_RB useful_JJ --
_-- and_CC interesting_JJ --_-- in_IN bringing_VBG out_RP clearly_RB that_CS val
ues_NNS do_DO not_* constitute_VB the_AT only_AP component_NN in_IN goals_NNS an
d_CC aspirations_NNS ._. For_CS there_EX is_BEZ also_RB the_AT ``_`` face_NN of_
IN reality_NN ''_'' in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN the_AT individual's_NN$ perceptio
ns_NNS of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ abilities_NNS and_CC interests_NNS ,_, of_IN the_AT
objective_JJ possibilities_NNS open_JJ to_IN him_PPO ,_, of_IN the_AT familial_J
J and_CC other_AP social_JJ pressures_NNS to_IN which_WDT he_PPS is_BEZ exposed_
VBN ._. We_PPSS find_VB ``_`` reluctant_JJ recruits_NNS ''_'' whose_WP$ values_N
NS are_BER not_* in_IN line_NN with_IN their_PP$ expected_VBN occupation's_NN$ c
haracteristics_NNS ._. Students_NNS develop_VB occupational_JJ images_NNS --_--
not_* always_RB accurate_JJ or_CC detailed_VBN --_-- and_CC they_PPSS try_VB to_
TO fit_VB their_PP$ values_NNS to_IN the_AT presumed_VBN characteristics_NNS of_
IN the_AT imagined_VBN occupation_NN ._. The_AT purely_QL cognitive_JJ or_CC inf
ormational_JJ problems_NNS are_BER often_RB acute_JJ ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, many
_AP reluctant_JJ recruits_NNS are_BER yielding_VBG to_IN social_JJ demands_NNS ,
_, or_CC compromising_VBG in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ limitation
s_NNS of_IN opportunity_NN ,_, or_CC of_IN ability_NN and_CC performance_NN ._.
Thus_RB ,_, many_ABN a_AT creativity-oriented_JJ aspirant_NN for_IN a_AT career_
NN in_IN architecture_NN ,_, drama_NN ,_, or_CC journalism_NN ,_, resigns_VBZ hi
mself_PPL to_IN a_AT real_JJ estate_NN business_NN ;_. ;_. many_ABN a_AT people-
oriented_JJ student_NN who_WPS dreams_VBZ of_IN the_AT M.D._NP decides_VBZ to_TO
enter_VB his_PP$ father's_NN$ advertising_VBG agency_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC many_ABN
a_AT hopeful_JJ incipient_JJ business_NN executive_NN decides_VBZ it_PPS were_B
ED better_JJR to_TO teach_VB the_AT theory_NN of_IN business_NN administration_N
N than_CS to_TO practice_VB it_PPO ._. The_AT old_JJ ideal_NN of_IN the_AT indep
endent_JJ entrepreneur_NN is_BEZ extant_JJ --_-- but_CC so_RB is_BEZ the_AT reco
gnition_NN that_CS the_AT main_JJS chance_NN may_MD be_BE in_IN a_AT corporate_J
J bureaucracy_NN ._. In_IN their_PP$ views_NNS on_IN dating_VBG ,_, courtship_NN
,_, sex_NN ,_, and_CC family_NN life_NN ,_, our_PP$ students_NNS prefer_VB what
_WDT they_PPSS are_BER expected_VBN to_TO prefer_VB ._. For_IN them_PPO ,_, in_I
N the_AT grim_JJ words_NNS of_IN a_AT once-popular_JJ song_NN ,_, love_NN and_CC
marriage_NN go_VB together_RB like_CS a_AT horse_NN and_CC carriage_NN ._. Thei
r_PP$ expressed_VBN standards_NNS concerning_IN sex_NN roles_NNS ,_, desirable_J
J age_NN for_IN marriage_NN ,_, characteristics_NNS of_IN an_AT ideal_JJ mate_NN
,_, number_NN of_IN children_NNS desired_VBN are_BER congruent_JJ with_IN the_A
T values_NNS and_CC stereotypes_NNS of_IN the_AT preceding_VBG generation_NN --_
-- minus_CC compulsive_JJ rebellion_NN ._. They_PPSS even_RB accept_VB the_AT ``
_`` double_JJ standard_NN ''_'' of_IN sex_NN morality_NN in_IN a_AT double_JJ se
nse_NN ,_, i.e._RB ,_, both_ABX sexes_NNS agree_VB that_CS standards_NNS for_IN
men_NNS differ_VB from_IN standards_NNS for_IN women_NNS ,_, and_CC women_NNS ap
ply_VB to_IN both_ABX sexes_NNS a_AT standard_NN different_JJ from_IN that_DT he
ld_VBN by_IN men_NNS ._. ``_`` Conservatism_NN ''_'' and_CC ``_`` traditionalism
_NN ''_'' seem_VB implied_VBN by_IN what_WDT has_HVZ just_RB been_BEN said_VBN .
_. But_CC these_DTS terms_NNS are_BER treacherous_JJ ._. In_IN the_AT field_NN o
f_IN political_JJ values_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ certainly_RB true_JJ that_CS stud
ents_NNS are_BER not_* radical_JJ ,_, not_* rebels_NNS against_IN their_PP$ pare
nts_NNS or_CC their_PP$ peers_NNS ._. And_CC as_CS they_PPSS go_VB through_IN co
llege_NN ,_, the_AT students_NNS tend_VB to_TO bring_VB their_PP$ political_JJ p
osition_NN in_IN line_NN with_IN that_DT prevalent_JJ in_IN the_AT social_JJ gro
ups_NNS to_IN which_WDT they_PPSS belong_VB ._. Yet_CC they_PPSS have_HV accepte
d_VBN most_AP of_IN the_AT extant_JJ ``_`` welfare_NN state_NN ''_'' provisions_
NNS for_IN health_NN ,_, security_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT regulation_NN of_IN econo
mic_JJ affairs_NNS ,_, and_CC they_PPSS overwhelmingly_RB approve_VB of_IN the_A
T traditional_JJ ``_`` liberalism_NN ''_'' of_IN the_AT Bill_NN-TL of_IN-TL Righ
ts_NNS-TL ._. When_WRB their_PP$ faith_NN in_IN civil_JJ liberties_NNS is_BEZ te
sted_VBN against_IN strong_JJ pressures_NNS of_IN social_JJ expediency_NN in_IN
specific_JJ issues_NNS ,_, e.g._RB ,_, suppression_NN of_IN ``_`` dangerous_JJ i
deas_NNS ''_'' ,_, many_AP waver_VB and_CC give_VB in_RP ._. The_AT students_NNS
who_WPS are_BER most_QL willing_JJ to_TO acquiesce_VB in_IN the_AT suppression_
NN of_IN civil_JJ liberties_NNS are_BER also_RB those_DTS who_WPS are_BER most_Q
L likely_JJ to_TO be_BE prejudiced_VBN against_IN minority_NN groups_NNS ,_, to_
TO be_BE conformist_NN and_CC traditionalistic_JJ in_IN general_JJ social_JJ att
itudes_NNS ,_, and_CC to_TO lack_VB a_AT basic_JJ faith_NN in_IN people_NNS ._.
As_CS one_PN looks_VBZ at_IN the_AT existing_VBG evidence_NN ,_, one_PN finds_VB
Z a_AT correlation_NN ,_, although_CS only_RB a_AT slight_JJ one_CD ,_, between_
IN high_JJ grades_NNS and_CC ``_`` libertarian_JJ ''_'' values_NNS ._. But_CC th
e_AT correlation_NN is_BEZ substantial_JJ only_RB among_IN upperclassmen_NNS ._.
In_IN other_AP words_NNS ,_, as_CS students_NNS go_VB through_IN college_NN ,_,
those_DTS who_WPS are_BER most_QL successful_JJ academically_RB tend_VB to_TO b
ecome_VB more_QL committed_VBN to_IN a_AT ``_`` Bill_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rights_NNS-T
L ''_'' orientation_NN ._. College_NN in_IN gross_NN --_-- just_RB the_AT genera
l_JJ experience_NN --_-- may_MD have_HV varying_VBG effects_NNS ,_, but_CC the_A
T students_NNS who_WPS are_BER successful_JJ emerge_VB with_IN strengthened_VBN
and_CC clarified_VBN democratic_JJ values_NNS ._. This_DT finding_NN is_BEZ cons
istent_JJ also_RB with_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS student_NN leaders_NNS are_BER
more_QL likely_JJ to_TO be_BE supporters_NNS of_IN the_AT values_NNS implicit_JJ
in_IN civil_JJ liberties_NNS than_CS the_AT other_AP students_NNS ._. There_EX
is_BEZ now_RB substantial_JJ evidence_NN from_IN several_AP major_JJ studies_NNS
of_IN college_NN students_NNS that_CS the_AT experience_NN of_IN the_AT college
_NN years_NNS results_VBZ in_IN a_AT certain_JJ ,_, selective_JJ homogenization_
NN of_IN attitudes_NNS and_CC values_NNS ._. Detached_VBN from_IN their_PP$ prio
r_JJ statuses_NNS and_CC social_JJ groups_NNS and_CC exposed_VBN to_IN the_AT pe
rvasive_JJ stimuli_NNS of_IN the_AT university_NN milieu_NN ,_, the_AT students_
NNS tend_VB to_TO assimilate_VB a_AT new_JJ common_JJ culture_NN ,_, to_TO conve
rge_VB toward_IN norms_NNS characteristic_JJ of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ particular_J
J campus_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, in_IN certain_JJ respects_NNS ,_, there_EX ar
e_BER norms_NNS common_JJ to_IN colleges_NNS and_CC universities_NNS across_IN t
he_AT country_NN ._. For_IN instance_NN ,_, college-educated_JJ people_NNS consi
stently_RB show_VB up_RP in_IN study_NN after_IN study_NN as_CS more_QL often_RB
than_CS others_NNS supporters_NNS of_IN the_AT Bill_NN-TL of_IN-TL Rights_NNS-T
L and_CC other_AP democratic_JJ rights_NNS and_CC liberties_NNS ._. The_AT inter
esting_JJ thing_NN in_IN this_DT connection_NN is_BEZ that_CS the_AT norms_NNS u
pon_IN which_WDT students_NNS tend_VB to_TO converge_VB include_VB toleration_NN
of_IN diversity_NN ._. To_IN the_AT extent_NN that_CS our_PP$ sampling_NN of_IN
the_AT orientations_NNS of_IN American_JJ college_NN students_NNS in_IN the_AT
years_NNS 1950_CD and_CC 1952_CD may_MD be_BE representative_JJ of_IN our_PP$ cu
lture_NN --_-- and_CC still_RB valid_JJ in_IN 1959_CD --_-- we_PPSS are_BER disp
osed_VBN to_TO question_VB the_AT summary_NN characterization_NN of_IN the_AT cu
rrent_JJ generation_NN as_CS silent_JJ ,_, beat_VBN ,_, apathetic_JJ ,_, or_CC a
s_CS a_AT mass_NN of_IN other-directed_JJ conformists_NNS who_WPS are_BER guided
_VBN solely_RB by_IN social_JJ radar_NN without_IN benefit_NN of_IN inner_JJ gyr
oscopes_NNS ._. Our_PP$ data_NNS indicate_VB that_CS these_DTS students_NNS of_I
N today_NR do_DO basically_RB accept_VB the_AT existing_VBG institutions_NNS of_
IN the_AT society_NN ,_, and_CC ,_, in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN the_AT realities_
NNS of_IN complex_JJ and_CC large-scale_NN economic_JJ and_CC political_JJ probl
ems_NNS ,_, make_VB a_AT wary_JJ and_CC ambivalent_JJ delegation_NN of_IN trust_
NN to_IN those_DTS who_WPS occupy_VB positions_NNS of_IN legitimized_VBN respons
ibility_NN for_IN coping_VBG with_IN such_JJ collective_JJ concerns_NNS ._. In_I
N a_AT real_JJ sense_NN they_PPSS are_BER admittedly_RB conservative_JJ ,_, but_
CC their_PP$ conservatism_NN incorporates_VBZ a_AT traditionalized_VBN embodimen
t_NN of_IN the_AT original_JJ ``_`` radicalism_NN ''_'' of_IN 1776_CD ._. Althou
gh_CS we_PPSS have_HV no_AT measures_NNS of_IN its_PP$ strength_NN or_CC intensi
ty_NN ,_, the_AT heritage_NN of_IN the_AT doctrine_NN of_IN inalienable_JJ right
s_NNS is_BEZ retained_VBN ._. As_CS they_PPSS move_VB through_IN the_AT college_
NN years_NNS our_PP$ young_JJ men_NNS and_CC women_NNS are_BER ``_`` socialized_
VBN ''_'' into_IN a_AT broadly_QL similar_JJ culture_NN ,_, at_IN the_AT level_N
N of_IN personal_JJ behavior_NN ._. In_IN this_DT sense_NN also_RB ,_, they_PPSS
are_BER surely_RB conformists_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ even_RB true_JJ that_CS som
e_DTI among_IN them_PPO use_VB the_AT sheer_JJ fact_NN of_IN conformity_NN --_--
``_`` everyone_PN does_DOZ it_PPO ''_'' --_-- as_CS a_AT criterion_NN for_IN co
nduct_NN ._. But_CC the_AT extent_NN of_IN ethical_JJ robotism_NN is_BEZ easily_
RB overestimated_VBN ._. Few_AP students_NNS are_BER really_RB so_QL faceless_JJ
in_IN the_AT not-so-lonely_JJ crowd_NN of_IN the_AT swelling_VBG population_NN
in_IN our_PP$ institutions_NNS of_IN higher_JJR learning_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS ma
y_MD be_BE well_RB to_TO recall_VB that_CS to_TO say_VB ``_`` conformity_NN ''_'
' is_BEZ ,_, in_IN part_NN ,_, another_DT way_NN of_IN saying_VBG ``_`` orderly_
JJ human_JJ society_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN the_AT field_NN of_IN religious_JJ belief
s_NNS and_CC values_NNS ,_, the_AT college_NN students_NNS seem_VB to_IN faithfu
lly_RB reflect_VB the_AT surrounding_VBG culture_NN ._. Their_PP$ commitments_NN
S are_BER ,_, for_IN the_AT most_AP part_NN ,_, couched_VBN in_IN a_AT familiar_
JJ idiom_NN ._. Students_NNS testify_VB to_IN a_AT felt_VBN need_NN for_IN a_AT
religious_JJ faith_NN or_CC ultimate_JJ personal_JJ philosophy_NN ._. Avowed_VBN
atheists_NNS or_CC freethinkers_NNS are_BER so_QL rare_JJ as_CS to_TO be_BE a_A
T curiosity_NN ._. The_AT religious_JJ quest_NN is_BEZ often_RB intense_JJ and_C
C deep_JJ ,_, and_CC there_EX are_BER students_NNS on_IN every_AT campus_NN who_
WPS are_BER seriously_RB wrestling_VBG with_IN the_AT most_QL profound_JJ questi
ons_NNS of_IN meaning_NN and_CC value_NN ._. At_IN the_AT same_AP time_NN ,_, a_
AT major_JJ proportion_NN of_IN these_DTS young_JJ men_NNS and_CC women_NNS see_
VB religion_NN as_CS a_AT means_NN of_IN personal_JJ adjustment_NN ,_, an_AT anc
hor_NN for_IN family_NN life_NN ,_, a_AT source_NN of_IN emotional_JJ security_N
N ._. These_DTS personal_JJ and_CC social_JJ goals_NNS often_RB overshadow_VB th
e_AT goals_NNS of_IN intellectual_JJ clarity_NN ,_, and_CC spiritual_JJ transcen
dence_NN ._. The_AT ``_`` cult_NN of_IN adjustment_NN ''_'' does_DOZ exist_VB ._
. It_PPS exists_VBZ alongside_IN the_AT acceptance_NN of_IN traditional_JJ forms
_NNS of_IN organized_VBN religion_NN (_( church_NN ,_, ordained_VBN personnel_NN
S ,_, ritual_NN ,_, dogma_NN )_) ._. Still_RB another_DT segment_NN of_IN the_AT
student_NN population_NN consists_VBZ of_IN those_DTS who_WPS seek_VB ,_, in_IN
what_WDT they_PPSS regard_VB as_CS religion_NN ,_, intellectual_JJ clarity_NN ,
_, rational_JJ belief_NN ,_, and_CC ethical_JJ guidance_NN and_CC reinforcement_
NN ._. Our_PP$ first_OD impression_NN of_IN the_AT data_NNS was_BEDZ that_CS the
_AT students_NNS were_BED surprisingly_RB orthodox_JJ and_CC religiously_RB invo
lved_VBN ._. Upon_IN second_OD thought_NN we_PPSS were_BED forced_VBN to_TO real
ize_VB that_CS we_PPSS have_HV very_QL few_AP reliable_JJ historical_JJ benchmar
ks_NNS against_IN which_WDT we_PPSS might_MD compare_VB the_AT present_JJ situat
ion_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS conclusions_NNS that_CS present-day_JJ students_NNS ar
e_BER ``_`` more_QL ''_'' or_CC ``_`` less_QL ''_'' religious_JJ could_MD not_*
be_BE defended_VBN on_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN our_PP$ data_NNS ._. As_CS we_PPS
S looked_VBD more_QL intently_RB at_IN the_AT content_NN of_IN our_PP$ belief_NN
and_CC the_AT extent_NN of_IN religious_JJ participation_NN ,_, we_PPSS receive
d_VBD the_AT impression_NN that_CS many_AP of_IN the_AT religious_JJ convictions
_NNS expressed_VBN represented_VBD a_AT conventional_JJ acceptance_NN ,_, of_IN
low_JJ intensity_NN ._. But_CC ,_, here_RB again_RB ,_, comparative_JJ benchmark
s_NNS are_BER lacking_VBG ,_, and_CC we_PPSS do_DO not_* know_VB ,_, in_IN any_D
TI case_NN ,_, what_WDT measure_NN of_IN profoundity_NN and_CC intensity_NN to_T
O expect_VB from_IN healthy_JJ ,_, young_JJ ,_, secure_JJ and_CC relatively_QL i
nexperienced_JJ persons_NNS ;_. ;_. after_IN all_ABN ,_, feelings_NNS of_IN immo
rtality_NN and_CC invulnerability_NN are_BER standard_JJ illusions_NNS of_IN you
th_NN ._. Nor_CC are_BER optimistic_JJ and_CC socially-oriented_JJ themes_NNS at
_IN all_QL rare_JJ in_IN the_AT distinctive_JJ religious_JJ history_NN of_IN thi
s_DT country_NN ._. Kluckhohn_NP recently_RB has_HVZ summarized_VBN evidence_NN
regarding_IN changes_NNS in_IN values_NNS during_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN years_N
NS ,_, primarily_RB 1935-1955_CD ,_, but_CC extending_VBG much_QL farther_QL bac
k_RB in_IN some_DTI instances_NNS ._. A_AT variety_NN of_IN data_NNS are_BER ass
embled_VBN to_TO bear_VB upon_IN such_JJ alleged_VBN changes_NNS as_CS diminishe
d_VBN puritan_JJ morality_NN ,_, work-success_NN ethic_NN ,_, individualism_NN ,
_, achievement_NN ,_, lessened_VBN emphasis_NN on_IN future-time_JJ orientation_
NN in_IN favor_NN of_IN sociability_NN ,_, moral_JJ relativism_NN ,_, considerat
ion_NN and_CC tolerance_NN ,_, conformity_NN ,_, hedonistic_JJ present-time_JJ o
rientation_NN ._. Although_CS he_PPS questions_VBZ the_AT extent_NN and_CC natur
e_NN of_IN the_AT alleged_VBN revival_NN of_IN religion_NN and_CC the_AT alleged
_VBN increase_NN in_IN conformity_NN ,_, and_CC thinks_VBZ that_CS ``_`` hedonis
tic_JJ ''_'' present-time_JJ orientation_NN does_DOZ not_* have_HV the_AT meanin
g_NN usually_RB attributed_VBN to_IN it_PPO ,_, he_PPS does_DOZ conclude_VB that
_CS Americans_NPS increasingly_RB enjoy_VB leisure_NN without_IN guilt_NN ,_, do
_DO not_* stress_VB achievement_NN so_QL much_RB as_CS formerly_RB ,_, are_BER m
ore_QL accepting_JJ of_IN group_NN harmony_NN as_CS a_AT goal_NN ,_, more_QL tol
erant_JJ of_IN diversity_NN and_CC aware_JJ of_IN other_AP cultures_NNS ._. From
_IN New_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL ,_, Morgan_NP hastened_VBD to_IN the_AT headquarters_
NN of_IN Washington_NP at_IN Whitemarsh_NP ,_, Pennsylvania_NP ,_, arriving_VBG
there_RB on_IN November_NP 18th_OD ._. There_EX was_BEDZ much_AP sickness_NN in_
IN the_AT corps_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT men_NNS were_BED ,_, in_IN addition_NN ,_,
without_IN the_AT clothing_NN ,_, shoes_NNS ,_, and_CC blankets_NNS needed_VBN f
or_IN the_AT winter_NN weather_NN ._. Morgan_NP himself_PPL had_HVD sciatica_NN
again_RB ._. Even_RB on_IN his_PP$ tough_JJ constitution_NN ,_, the_AT exposure_
NN and_CC strenuous_JJ activity_NN were_BED beginning_VBG to_TO tell_VB in_IN ea
rnest_NN ._. On_IN the_AT morning_NN of_IN November_NP 17th_OD ,_, Cornwallis_NP
and_CC 2,000_CD men_NNS had_HVD left_VBN Philadelphia_NP with_IN the_AT object_
NN of_IN capturing_VBG Fort_NN-TL Mercer_NP-TL at_IN Red_JJ-TL Bank_NN-TL ,_, Ne
w_JJ-TL Jersey_NP-TL ._. In_IN order_NN to_TO prevent_VB this_DT ,_, Washington_
NP hastened_VBD to_TO dispatch_VB several_AP units_NNS to_TO reinforce_VB the_AT
fort_NN ,_, including_IN a_AT force_NN under_IN the_AT Marquis_NP De_NP Lafayet
te_NP containing_VBG some_DTI 160_CD of_IN Morgan's_NP$ riflemen_NNS ,_, all_ABN
who_WPS were_BED fit_VBN for_IN duty_NN at_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, the_AT rest_N
N having_HVG no_AT shoes_NNS ._. Although_CS the_AT fort_NN was_BEDZ evacuated_V
BN in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN the_AT force_NN of_IN Cornwallis_NP ,_, Morgan_NP
and_CC his_PP$ men_NNS did_DOD have_HV a_AT chance_NN to_TO take_VB another_DT s
wing_NN at_IN the_AT redcoats_NNS ._. A_AT picket_NN guard_NN of_IN about_RB 350
_CD ,_, mostly_RB Hessians_NPS ,_, were_BED attacked_VBN by_IN the_AT Americans_
NPS under_IN Lafayette_NP ,_, and_CC driven_VBN back_RB to_IN their_PP$ camp_NN
,_, some_DTI twenty_CD to_IN thirty_CD of_IN them_PPO falling_VBG before_IN the_
AT riflemen's_NNS$ fire_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS never_RB saw_VBD men_NNS ''_'' ,_, L
afayette_NP declared_VBD in_IN regard_NN to_IN the_AT riflemen_NNS ,_, ``_`` so_
QL merry_JJ ,_, so_QL spirited_VBN ,_, and_CC so_QL desirous_JJ to_TO go_VB on_R
P to_IN the_AT enemy_NN ,_, whatever_WDT force_NN they_PPSS might_MD have_HV ,_,
as_CS that_DT small_JJ party_NN in_IN this_DT fight_NN ''_'' ._. Nathanael_NP G
reene_NP told_VBD Washington_NP that_CS ``_`` Lafayette_NP was_BEDZ charmed_VBN
with_IN the_AT spirited_VBN behavior_NN of_IN the_AT militia_NN and_CC riflemen_
NNS ''_'' ._. A_AT few_AP days_NNS later_RBR it_PPS was_BEDZ learned_VBN that_CS
General_NN-TL Howe_NP was_BEDZ planning_VBG an_AT attack_NN upon_IN the_AT Amer
ican_JJ camp_NN ._. The_AT British_JJ general_NN moved_VBD his_PP$ forces_NNS no
rth_NR from_IN Philadelphia_NP to_IN Chestnut_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL ,_, near_IN the_A
T right_JJ wing_NN of_IN the_AT patriot_NN encampment_NN ._. Here_RB the_AT Penn
sylvania_NP militia_NN skirmished_VBD with_IN the_AT British_NPS ,_, but_CC soon
_RB fled_VBD ._. Morgan_NP was_BEDZ ordered_VBN to_TO attack_VB the_AT enemy_NN
,_, who_WPS had_HVD meantime_RB moved_VBN to_IN Edge_NN-TL Hill_NN-TL on_IN the_
AT left_NR of_IN the_AT Americans_NPS ._. Similar_JJ orders_NNS were_BED given_V
BN to_IN the_AT Maryland_NP militia_NN ._. Morgan_NP immediately_RB disposed_VBD
his_PP$ troops_NNS for_IN action_NN and_CC found_VBD he_PPS had_HVD not_* long_
RB to_TO wait_VB ._. A_AT body_NN of_IN redcoats_NNS were_BED seen_VBN marching_
VBG down_IN a_AT nearby_JJ slope_NN ,_, a_AT tempting_VBG target_NN for_IN the_A
T riflemen_NNS ,_, who_WPS threw_VBD a_AT volley_NN into_IN their_PP$ ranks_NNS
and_CC ``_`` messed_VBD up_RP ''_'' the_AT smart_JJ formation_NN considerably_RB
._. Now_RB the_AT riflemen_NNS and_CC the_AT Marylanders_NPS followed_VBD up_RP
their_PP$ beginning_NN and_CC closed_VBD in_RP on_IN the_AT British_NPS ,_, giv
ing_VBG them_PPO another_DT telling_JJ round_NN of_IN fire_NN ._. The_AT redcoat
s_NNS ran_VBD like_CS rabbits_NNS ._. But_CC the_AT Maryland_NP militia_NN had_H
VD likewise_RB fled_VBN ,_, all_ABN too_QL typical_JJ of_IN this_DT type_NN of_I
N soldier_NN during_IN the_AT Revolution_NN-TL ,_, an_AT experience_NN which_WDT
gave_VBD Morgan_NP little_AP confidence_NN in_IN militia_NN in_IN general_JJ ,_
, as_CS he_PPS watched_VBD other_AP instances_NNS of_IN their_PP$ breaking_NN in
_IN hot_JJ engagements_NNS ._. The_AT British_NPS ,_, although_CS suffering_VBG
considerable_JJ losses_NNS ,_, noted_VBD the_AT defection_NN of_IN the_AT Maryla
nders_NPS ,_, made_VBD a_AT stand_NN ,_, then_RB turned_VBD and_CC attacked_VBD
Morgan_NP who_WPS became_VBD greatly_RB outnumbered_VBN and_CC had_HVD to_TO ret
ire_VB ._. The_AT Americans_NPS lost_VBD forty-four_CD men_NNS ,_, among_IN them
_PPO Major_NN-TL Joseph_NP Morris_NP of_IN Morgan's_NP$ regiment_NN ,_, an_AT of
ficer_NN who_WPS was_BEDZ regarded_VBN with_IN high_JJ esteem_NN and_CC affectio
n_NN ,_, not_* only_RB by_IN his_PP$ commander_NN ,_, but_CC by_IN Washington_NP
and_CC Lafayette_NP as_QL well_RB ._. The_AT latter_AP was_BEDZ so_QL upset_VBN
on_IN learning_VBG of_IN the_AT death_NN of_IN Morris_NP ,_, that_CS he_PPS wro
te_VBD Morgan_NP a_AT letter_NN ,_, showing_VBG his_PP$ own_JJ warmhearted_JJ ge
nerosity_NN ._. After_CS complimenting_VBG Morgan_NP and_CC the_AT riflemen_NNS
and_CC saying_VBG he_PPS was_BEDZ praising_VBG them_PPO to_IN Congress_NP ,_, to
o_RB ,_, the_AT ardent_JJ Frenchman_NP added_VBD he_PPS felt_VBD that_CS Congres
s_NP should_MD make_VB some_DTI financial_JJ restitution_NN to_IN the_AT widow_N
N and_CC family_NN of_IN Morris_NP ,_, but_CC that_CS he_PPS knew_VBD Morgan_NP
realized_VBD how_WQL long_RB such_JJ action_NN usually_RB required_VBN ,_, if_CS
it_PPS was_BEDZ done_VBN at_IN all_ABN ._. ``_`` As_CS Mrs._NP Morris_NP may_MD
be_BE in_IN some_DTI want_NN before_IN that_DT time_NN ''_'' ,_, Lafayette_NP c
ontinued_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM going_VBG to_TO trouble_VB you_PPO with_IN
a_AT commission_NN which_WDT I_PPSS beg_VB you_PPSS will_MD execute_VB with_IN t
he_AT greatest_JJT secrecy_NN ._. If_CS she_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO borrow_VB any_D
TI sum_NN of_IN money_NN in_IN expecting_VBG the_AT arrangements_NNS of_IN Congr
ess_NP ,_, it_PPS would_MD not_* become_VB a_AT stranger_NN ,_, unknown_JJ to_IN
her_PPO ,_, to_TO offer_VB himself_PPL for_IN that_DT purpose_NN ._. But_CC you
_PPSS could_MD (_( as_CS from_IN yourself_PPL )_) tell_VB her_PPO that_CS you_PP
SS had_HVD friends_NNS who_WPS ,_, being_BEG with_IN the_AT army_NN ,_, don't_DO
* know_VB what_WDT to_TO do_DO with_IN their_PP$ money_NN and_CC would_MD willin
gly_RB let_VB her_PPO have_HV one_CD or_CC many_AP thousand_CD dollars_NNS ''_''
._. This_DT was_BEDZ accordingly_RB done_VBN ,_, and_CC the_AT plight_NN of_IN
the_AT grateful_JJ Mrs._NP Morris_NP was_BEDZ much_QL relieved_VBN as_CS a_AT re
sult_NN of_IN the_AT generous_JJ loan_NN ,_, the_AT amount_NN of_IN which_WDT is
_BEZ not_* known_VBN ._. Apparently_RB still_RB sensitive_JJ about_IN the_AT ide
a_NN with_IN which_WDT General_NN-TL Gates_NP had_HVD approached_VBN him_PPO at_
IN Saratoga_NP ,_, namely_RB ,_, that_CS George_NP Washington_NP be_BE replaced_
VBN ,_, Morgan_NP was_BEDZ vehement_JJ in_IN his_PP$ support_NN of_IN the_AT com
mander-in-chief_NN during_IN the_AT campaign_NN around_IN Philadelphia_NP ._. Ri
chard_NP Peters_NP ,_, Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL the_AT-TL Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL W
ar_NN-TL ,_, thought_VBD Morgan_NP was_BEDZ so_QL extreme_JJ on_IN the_AT subjec
t_NN that_CS he_PPS accused_VBD him_PPO of_IN trying_VBG to_TO pick_VB a_AT quar
rel_NN ._. Morgan_NP hotly_RB denied_VBD this_DT and_CC informed_VBD the_AT Boar
d_NN-TL of_IN-TL War_NN-TL that_CS the_AT men_NNS in_IN camp_NN linked_VBD the_A
T name_NN of_IN Peters_NP with_IN the_AT plot_NN against_IN Washington_NP ._. Pe
ters_NP insisted_VBD that_CS this_DT impression_NN was_BEDZ a_AT great_JJ misund
erstanding_NN ,_, and_CC evidently_RB ,_, from_IN the_AT quarrel_NN ,_, obtained
_VBN an_AT unfavorable_JJ impression_NN of_IN Morgan's_NP$ judgment_NN ._. Such_
ABL a_AT situation_NN regarding_IN the_AT Board_NN-TL of_IN-TL War_NN-TL could_M
D hardly_RB have_HV helped_VBN Morgan's_NP$ chances_NNS for_IN promotion_NN when
_WRB that_DT matter_NN came_VBD before_IN the_AT group_NN later_RBR on_RP ._. In
_IN late_JJ December_NP ,_, the_AT American_JJ army_NN moved_VBD from_IN Whitema
rsh_NP to_IN Valley_NN-TL Forge_NN-TL ,_, and_CC although_CS the_AT distance_NN
was_BEDZ only_RB 13_CD miles_NNS ,_, the_AT journey_NN took_VBD more_AP than_IN
a_AT week_NN because_RB of_IN the_AT bad_JJ weather_NN ,_, the_AT barefooted_JJ
and_CC almost_QL naked_JJ men_NNS ._. The_AT position_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ cam
p_NN was_BEDZ admirably_RB selected_VBN and_CC well_QL fortified_VBN ,_, its_PP$
easily_QL defensible_JJ nature_NN being_BEG one_CD good_JJ reason_NN why_WRB Ho
we_NP did_DOD not_* attack_VB it_PPO ._. Besides_RB helping_VBG to_TO prevent_VB
the_AT movement_NN of_IN the_AT British_NPS to_IN the_AT west_NR ,_, Valley_NN-
TL Forge_NN-TL also_RB obstructed_VBD the_AT trade_NN between_IN Howe's_NP$ forc
es_NNS and_CC the_AT farmers_NNS ,_, thus_RB threatening_VBG the_AT vital_JJ sub
sistence_NN of_IN the_AT redcoats_NNS and_CC rendering_VBG their_PP$ foraging_NN
to_TO obtain_VB necessary_JJ supplies_NNS extremely_QL hazardous_JJ ._. In_IN o
rder_NN to_TO see_VB that_CS this_DT hindering_VBG situation_NN remained_VBD eff
ective_JJ ,_, Washington_NP detached_VBD several_AP bodies_NNS of_IN his_PP$ tro
ops_NNS to_IN the_AT periphery_NN of_IN the_AT Philadelphia_NP area_NN ._. Morga
n_NP and_CC his_PP$ corps_NN were_BED placed_VBN on_IN the_AT west_NR side_NN of
_IN the_AT Schuylkill_NP-TL River_NN-TL ,_, with_IN instructions_NNS to_TO inter
cept_VB all_ABN supplies_NNS found_VBN going_VBG to_IN the_AT city_NN and_CC to_
TO keep_VB a_AT close_JJ eye_NN on_IN the_AT movements_NNS of_IN the_AT enemy_NN
._. The_AT headquarters_NN of_IN Morgan_NP was_BEDZ on_IN a_AT farm_NN ,_, said
_VBN to_TO have_HV been_BEN particularly_QL well_QL located_VBN so_RB as_IN to_T
O prevent_VB the_AT farmers_NNS nearby_RB from_IN trading_VBG with_IN the_AT Bri
tish_NPS ,_, a_AT practice_NN all_QL too_QL common_JJ to_IN those_DTS who_WPS pr
eferred_VBD to_TO sell_VB their_PP$ produce_NN for_IN British_JJ gold_NN rather_
IN than_IN the_AT virtually_QL worthless_JJ Continental_JJ-TL currency_NN ._. In
_IN his_PP$ dealings_NNS with_IN offenders_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, Morgan_NP was_
BEDZ typically_RB firm_JJ but_CC just_JJ ._. For_IN example_NN ,_, he_PPS captur
ed_VBD some_DTI persons_NNS from_IN York_NP-TL County_NN-TL ,_, who_WPS with_IN
teams_NNS were_BED taking_VBG to_IN Philadelphia_NP the_AT furniture_NN of_IN a_
AT man_NN who_WPS had_HVD just_RB been_BEN released_VBN from_IN prison_NN throug
h_IN the_AT efforts_NNS of_IN his_PP$ wife_NN ,_, and_CC who_WPS apparently_RB w
as_BEDZ helpless_JJ to_TO prevent_VB the_AT theft_NN of_IN his_PP$ household_NN
goods_NNS ._. Morgan_NP took_VBD charge_NN of_IN the_AT furniture_NN and_CC rest
ored_VBD it_PPO to_IN its_PP$ thankful_JJ owners_NNS ,_, but_CC he_PPS let_VB th
e_AT culprits_NNS who_WPS had_HVD stolen_VBN it_PPS go_VB free_JJ ._. Morgan_NP
complained_VBD to_IN Washington_NP about_IN the_AT men_NNS detailed_VBN to_IN hi
m_PPO for_IN scouting_VBG duty_NN ,_, most_AP of_IN them_PPO he_PPS said_VBD bei
ng_BEG useless_JJ ._. ``_`` They_PPSS straggle_VB at_IN such_ABL a_AT rate_NN ''
_'' ,_, he_PPS told_VBD the_AT commander-in-chief_NN ,_, ``_`` that_CS if_CS the
_AT enemy_NN were_BED enterprising_JJ ,_, they_PPSS might_MD get_VB two_CD from_
IN us_PPO ,_, when_WRB we_PPSS would_MD take_VB one_CD of_IN them_PPO ,_, which_
WDT makes_VBZ me_PPO wish_VB General_NN-TL Howe_NP would_MD go_VB on_RP ,_, lest
_CS any_DTI incident_NN happen_VB to_IN us_PPO ''_'' ._. If_CS the_AT hardships_
NNS of_IN the_AT winter_NN at_IN Valley_NN-TL Forge_NN-TL were_BED trying_VBG fo
r_IN healthy_JJ men_NNS ,_, they_PPSS were_BED ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, much_QL m
ore_QL so_RB for_IN those_DTS not_* in_IN good_JJ health_NN ._. Daniel_NP Morgan
's_NP$ rheumatic_JJ condition_NN worsened_VBD with_IN the_AT increase_NN of_IN t
he_AT cold_JJ and_CC damp_JJ weather_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD braved_VBN the_AT ele
ments_NNS and_CC the_AT enemy_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT strain_NN ,_, aided_VBN by_IN
the_AT winter_NN ,_, was_BEDZ catching_VBG up_RP with_IN him_PPO at_IN last_AP
._. Also_RB ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ now_RB forty-three_CD years_NNS old_JJ ._. The_A
T mild_JJ activity_NN of_IN his_PP$ command_NN during_IN the_AT sojourn_NN of_IN
the_AT troops_NNS at_IN Valley_NN-TL Forge_NN-TL could_MD be_BE handled_VBN by_
IN a_AT subordinate_NN ,_, he_PPS felt_VBD ,_, so_RB like_CS Henry_NP Knox_NP ,_
, equally_QL loyal_JJ to_IN Washington_NP ,_, who_WPS went_VBD to_IN Boston_NP a
t_IN this_DT time_NN ,_, Morgan_NP received_VBD permission_NN to_TO visit_VB his
_PP$ home_NN in_IN Virginia_NP for_IN several_AP weeks_NNS ._. In_IN his_PP$ abs
ence_NN ,_, the_AT rifle_NN regiment_NN was_BEDZ under_IN the_AT command_NN of_I
N Major_NN-TL Thomas_NP Posey_NP ,_, another_DT able_JJ Virginian_NP ._. But_CC
Morgan_NP did_DOD not_* leave_VB before_CS he_PPS had_HVD written_VBN a_AT lette
r_NN to_IN a_AT William_NP Pickman_NP in_IN Salem_NP ,_, Massachusetts_NP ,_, ap
parently_RB an_AT acquaintance_NN ,_, praising_VBG Washington_NP and_CC saying_V
BG that_CS the_AT slanders_NNS propagated_VBN about_IN him_PPO were_BED ``_`` op
posed_VBN by_IN the_AT general_JJ current_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS to_TO exalt
_VB General_NN-TL Gates_NP at_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN General_NN-TL Washingto
n_NP was_BEDZ injurious_JJ to_IN the_AT latter_AP ._. If_CS there_EX be_BE a_AT
disinterested_JJ patriot_NN in_IN America_NP ,_, 'tis_PPS+BEZ General_NN-TL Wash
ington_NP ,_, and_CC his_PP$ bravery_NN ,_, none_PN can_MD question_VB ''_'' ._.
It_PPS is_BEZ doubtful_JJ if_CS Morgan_NP was_BEDZ able_JJ to_TO take_VB home_N
R much_AP money_NN to_IN his_PP$ wife_NN and_CC children_NNS ,_, for_CS his_PP$
pay_NN ,_, as_CS shown_VBN by_IN the_AT War_NN-TL Department_NN-TL Abstracts_NNS
-TL of_IN early_JJ 1778_CD was_BEDZ $75_NNS a_AT month_NN as_CS a_AT colonel_NN
,_, and_CC that_DT apt_JJ to_TO be_BE delayed_VBN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ shown_VBN
a_AT warm_JJ welcome_NN regardless_RB ,_, and_CC spent_VBD the_AT time_NN in_IN
Winchester_NP recuperating_VBG from_IN his_PP$ ailment_NN ,_, enjoying_VBG his_P
P$ family_NN and_CC arranging_VBG his_PP$ private_JJ affairs_NNS which_WDT were_
BED ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, run_VBN down_RP ._. His_PP$ neighbors_NNS celebrated
_VBD his_PP$ return_NN ,_, even_RB if_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB temporary_JJ ,_
, and_CC Morgan_NP was_BEDZ especially_QL gratified_VBN by_IN the_AT quaint_JJ e
xpression_NN of_IN an_AT elderly_JJ friend_NN ,_, Isaac_NP Lane_NP ,_, who_WPS t
old_VBD him_PPO ,_, ``_`` A_AT man_NN that_WPS has_HVZ so_QL often_RB left_VBN a
ll_ABN that_WPS is_BEZ dear_JJ to_IN him_PPO ,_, as_CS thou_PPSS hast_HV ,_, to_
TO serve_VB thy_PP$ country_NN ,_, must_MD create_VB a_AT sympathetic_JJ feeling
_NN in_IN every_AT patriotic_JJ heart_NN ''_'' ._. There_EX must_MD have_HV been
_BEN special_JJ feelings_NNS of_IN joy_NN and_CC patriotism_NN in_IN the_AT hear
t_NN of_IN Daniel_NP Morgan_NP too_RB ,_, when_WRB the_AT news_NN was_BEDZ recei
ved_VBN on_IN April_NP 30th_OD of_IN the_AT recognition_NN by_IN France_NP of_IN
the_AT independence_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. His_PP$ fel
low_NN Virginian_NP ,_, George_NP Washington_NP ,_, had_HVD stated_VBN ,_, ``_``
I_PPSS believe_VB no_AT event_NN was_BEDZ ever_RB received_VBN with_IN more_QL
heartfelt_JJ joy_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT dreary_JJ camp_NN at_IN Valley_NN-TL Forge_
NN-TL was_BEDZ turned_VBN into_IN an_AT arena_NN of_IN rejoicing_VBG ._. Even_RB
the_AT dignified_VBN Washington_NP indulged_VBD in_IN a_AT game_NN of_IN wicket
s_NNS with_IN some_DTI children_NNS ._. His_PP$ soldiers_NNS on_IN the_AT whole_
JJ did_DOD not_* celebrate_VB so_QL mildly_RB ._. On_IN May_NP 6th_OD ,_, Morgan
_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD returned_VBN ,_, received_VBD from_IN Washington_NP orde
rs_NNS to_TO ``_`` send_VB out_RP patrols_NNS under_IN vigilant_JJ officers_NNS
''_'' to_TO keep_VB near_IN the_AT enemy_NN ._. ``_`` The_AT reason_NN for_IN th
is_DT ''_'' ,_, the_AT orders_NNS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ that_CS the_AT enemy
_NN may_MD think_VB to_TO take_VB advantage_NN of_IN the_AT celebration_NN of_IN
this_DT day_NN ._. The_AT troops_NNS must_MD have_HV more_AP than_CS the_AT com
mon_JJ quantity_NN of_IN liquor_NN ,_, and_CC perhaps_RB there_EX will_MD be_BE
some_DTI little_JJ drunkenness_NN among_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. Apparently_RB no_A
T serious_JJ disorders_NNS resulted_VBD from_IN the_AT celebration_NN ,_, and_CC
within_IN a_AT few_AP days_NNS ,_, Morgan_NP joined_VBD the_AT force_NN of_IN L
afayette_NP who_WPS now_RB had_HVD command_NN of_IN some_DTI 2,000_CD men_NNS at
_IN Barren_JJ-TL Hill_NN-TL ,_, not_* far_RB above_IN Philadelphia_NP on_IN the_
AT Schuylkill_NP ._. The_AT Frenchman_NP had_HVD been_BEN ordered_VBN to_TO appr
oach_VB the_AT enemy's_NN$ lines_NNS ,_, harass_VB them_PPO and_CC get_VB intell
igence_NN of_IN their_PP$ movements_NNS ._. Interestingly_RB enough_QLP ,_, the_
AT order_NN transmitted_VBN to_IN Morgan_NP through_IN Alexander_NP Hamilton_NP
also_RB informed_VBD him_PPO that_CS ``_`` A_AT party_NN of_IN Indians_NPS will_
MD join_VB the_AT party_NN to_TO be_BE sent_VBN from_IN your_PP$ command_NN at_I
N Whitemarsh_NP ,_, and_CC act_VB with_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. These_DTS were_BED
Oneida_NP Indians_NPS ._. Washington_NP evidently_RB was_BEDZ anxious_JJ for_IN
Morgan_NP to_TO be_BE cautious_JJ as_QL well_RB as_CS aggressive_JJ ,_, for_CS o
n_IN May_NP 17th_OD ,_, 18th_OD and_CC 20th_OD he_PPS admonished_VBD the_AT lead
er_NN of_IN the_AT riflemen-rangers_NNS to_TO be_BE on_IN the_AT alert_NN ._. Ob
viously_RB the_AT commander-in-chief_NN had_HVD confidence_NN that_CS Morgan_NP
would_MD furnish_VB him_PPO good_JJ intelligence_NN too_RB ,_, for_CS on_IN the_
AT 23rd_OD of_IN May_NP ,_, he_PPS told_VBD Morgan_NP that_CS the_AT British_NPS
were_BED prepared_VBN to_TO move_VB ,_, perhaps_RB in_IN the_AT night_NN ,_, an
d_CC asked_VBD Morgan_NP to_TO have_HV two_CD of_IN his_PP$ best_JJT horses_NNS
ready_JJ to_TO dispatch_VB to_IN General_NN-TL Smallwood_NP with_IN the_AT intel
ligence_NN obtained_VBN ._. Meantime_RB ,_, however_RB ,_, this_DT same_AP Gener
al_NN-TL Smallwood_NP seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE serving_VBG chivalry_NN as_QL well_
RB as_CS the_AT American_JJ army_NN ._. Colonel_NN-TL Benjamin_NP Ford_NP wrote_
VBD to_IN Morgan_NP from_IN Wilmington_NP that_CS he_PPS understood_VBD a_AT Mrs
._NP Sanderson_NP from_IN Maryland_NP had_HVD obtained_VBN permission_NN from_IN
Smallwood_NP to_TO visit_VB Philadelphia_NP ,_, and_CC would_MD return_VB on_IN
May_NP 26th_OD ,_, escorted_VBN by_IN several_AP officers_NNS from_IN Maryland_
NP ``_`` belonging_VBG to_IN the_AT new_JJ levies_NNS in_IN the_AT British_JJ se
rvice_NN ''_'' ._. Ford_NP urged_VBD Morgan_NP to_TO capture_VB these_DTS men_NN
S ,_, who_WPS ,_, he_PPS thought_VBD ,_, might_MD be_BE disguised_VBN as_CS Quak
ers_NPS or_CC peasants_NNS ._. Morgan_NP took_VBD the_AT suggested_VBN steps_NNS
,_, but_CC when_WRB Mrs._NP Sanderson_NP appeared_VBD ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ nob
ody_PN with_IN her_PPO but_CC her_PP$ husband_NN ,_, whom_WPO he_PPS promptly_RB
sent_VBD to_IN headquarters_NN to_IN be_BE questioned_VBN ._. But_CC Morgan_NP
evidently_RB reported_VBD matters_NNS of_IN intelligence_NN much_QL more_QL impo
rtant_JJ to_IN his_PP$ commanding_VBG general_NN ._. A_AT letter_NN of_IN a_AT f
ew_AP days_NNS later_RBR from_IN Washington's_NP$ aide_NN to_IN Morgan_NP stated
_VBD ,_, ``_`` His_PP$ Excellency_NN-TL is_BEZ highly_QL pleased_VBN with_IN you
r_PP$ conduct_NN upon_IN this_DT occasion_NN ''_'' ._. For_CS by_IN now_RB the_A
T original_JJ cause_NN of_IN the_AT quarrel_NN ,_, Philip's_NP$ seizure_NN of_IN
Gascony_NP ,_, was_BEDZ only_RB one_CD strand_NN in_IN the_AT spider_NN web_NN
of_IN French_JJ interests_NNS that_WPS overlay_VBD all_ABN western_JJ Europe_NP
and_CC that_DT had_HVD been_BEN so_QL well_RB and_CC closely_RB spun_VBN that_CS
the_AT lightest_JJT movement_NN could_MD set_VB it_PPO trembling_VBG from_IN on
e_CD end_NN to_IN the_AT other_AP ._. Even_RB so_RB ,_, Edward's_NP$ ambassadors
_NNS can_MD scarcely_RB have_HV foreseen_VBN that_CS five_CD years_NNS of_IN unr
emitting_JJ work_NN lay_VBD ahead_RB of_IN them_PPO before_CS peace_NN was_BEDZ
finally_RB made_VBN and_CC that_CS when_WRB it_PPS did_DOD come_VB the_AT countl
ess_JJ embassies_NNS that_WPS left_VBD England_NP for_IN Rome_NP during_IN that_
DT period_NN had_HVD very_QL little_AP to_TO do_DO with_IN it_PPO ._. It_PPS is_
BEZ hard_JJ not_* to_TO lay_VB most_AP of_IN the_AT blame_NN for_IN their_PP$ fa
ilures_NNS on_IN the_AT pope_NN ._. Nogaret_NP is_BEZ hardly_RB an_AT impartial_
JJ witness_NN ,_, and_CC even_RB he_PPS did_DOD not_* make_VB his_PP$ charges_NN
S against_IN Boniface_NP until_CS the_AT latter_AP was_BEDZ dead_JJ ,_, but_CC t
here_EX is_BEZ some_DTI truth_NN in_IN what_WDT he_PPS said_VBD and_CC more_AP i
n_IN what_WDT he_PPS did_DOD not_* say_VB ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ not_* merely_RB a_
AT hunger_NN for_IN ``_`` money_NN ,_, gold_NN and_CC precious_JJ objects_NNS ''
_'' that_WPS delayed_VBD the_AT papal_JJ pronouncement_NN that_WPS could_MD have
_HV brought_VBN the_AT war_NN to_IN an_AT end_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT pope_NN was_BEDZ
playing_VBG a_AT dangerous_JJ game_NN ,_, with_IN so_QL many_AP balls_NNS in_IN
the_AT air_NN at_IN once_RB that_CS a_AT misstep_NN would_MD bring_VB them_PPO
all_ABN about_IN his_PP$ ears_NNS ,_, and_CC his_PP$ only_AP hope_NN was_BEDZ to
_TO temporize_VB so_CS that_CS he_PPS could_MD take_VB advantage_NN of_IN every_
AT change_NN in_IN the_AT delicate_JJ balance_NN of_IN European_JJ affairs_NNS .
_. When_WRB the_AT negotiations_NNS began_VBD ,_, his_PP$ quarrel_NN with_IN the
_AT king_NN of_IN France_NP was_BEDZ temporarily_RB in_IN abeyance_NN ,_, and_CC
he_PPS had_HVD no_AT intention_NN of_IN reviving_VBG it_PPO so_QL long_RB as_CS
there_EX was_BEDZ hope_NN that_CS French_JJ money_NN would_MD come_VB to_TO pay
_VB the_AT troops_NNS who_WPS ,_, under_IN Charles_NP-TL of_IN-TL Valois_NP-TL ,
_, the_AT papal_JJ vicar_NN of_IN Tuscany_NP ,_, were_BED so_QL valuable_JJ in_I
N the_AT crusade_NN against_IN the_AT Colonna_NP cardinals_NNS and_CC their_PP$
Sicilian_JJ allies_NNS ._. If_CS his_PP$ circumspection_NN in_IN regard_NN to_IN
Philip's_NP$ sensibilities_NNS went_VBD so_QL far_RB that_CS he_PPS even_RB ref
used_VBD to_TO grant_VB a_AT dispensation_NN for_IN the_AT marriage_NN of_IN Ama
dee's_NP$ daughter_NN ,_, Agnes_NP ,_, to_IN the_AT son_NN of_IN the_AT dauphin_
NN of_IN Vienne_NP --_-- a_AT truly_QL peacemaking_JJ move_NN according_IN to_IN
thirteenth-century_NN ideas_NNS ,_, for_CS Savoy_NP and_CC Dauphine_NP were_BED
as_CS usual_JJ fighting_VBG on_IN opposite_JJ sides_NNS --_-- for_CS fear_NN th
at_CS he_PPS might_MD seem_VB to_TO be_BE favoring_VBG the_AT anti-French_JJ coa
lition_NN ,_, he_PPS would_MD certainly_RB never_RB take_VB the_AT far_QL more_Q
L drastic_JJ step_NN of_IN ordering_VBG the_AT return_NN of_IN Gascony_NP to_IN
Edward_NP ,_, even_RB though_RB ,_, as_CS he_PPS admitted_VBD to_IN the_AT Engli
sh_JJ ambassadors_NNS ,_, he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN advised_VBN that_CS the_AT ori
ginal_JJ cession_NN was_BEDZ invalid_JJ ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, he
_PPS did_DOD not_* want_VB to_TO offend_VB Edward_NP either_RB ,_, and_CC he_PPS
found_VBD himself_PPL in_IN a_AT very_QL difficult_JJ position_NN ._. On_IN the
_AT surface_NN ,_, the_AT whole_JJ question_NN was_BEDZ purely_QL feudal_JJ ._.
The_AT French_NPS were_BED now_RB occupying_VBG Gascony_NP and_CC Flanders_NP on
_IN the_AT technical_JJ grounds_NNS that_CS their_PP$ rulers_NNS had_HVD forfeit
ed_VBN them_PPO by_IN a_AT breach_NN of_IN the_AT feudal_JJ contract_NN ._. But_
CC Edward_NP was_BEDZ invading_VBG Scotland_NP for_IN precisely_RB the_AT same_A
P reason_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ insubordinate_JJ vassal_NN was_BEDZ the_AT ally_N
N of_IN the_AT king_NN of_IN France_NP ._. Boniface_NP had_HVD to_TO uphold_VB t
he_AT sacredness_NN of_IN the_AT feudal_JJ contract_NN at_IN all_ABN costs_NNS ,
_, for_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB as_CS suzerain_NN of_IN Sicily_NP and_CC of_IN
the_AT Patrimony_NN-TL of_IN-TL Peter_NP-TL that_CS he_PPS had_HVD any_DTI just
ification_NN for_IN his_PP$ Italian_JJ wars_NNS ,_, but_CC in_IN the_AT English-
Scottish-French_JJ triangle_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ almost_QL impossible_JJ for_IN hi
m_PPO to_TO recognize_VB the_AT claims_NNS of_IN any_DTI one_CD of_IN the_AT con
testants_NNS without_IN seeming_VBG to_TO invalidate_VB those_DTS of_IN the_AT o
ther_AP two_CD ._. Because_RB of_IN these_DTS involvements_NNS in_IN the_AT matt
er_NN at_IN stake_NN ,_, Boniface_NP lacked_VBD the_AT impartiality_NN that_WPS
is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO be_BE an_AT essential_JJ qualification_NN for_IN the_A
T position_NN of_IN arbiter_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN retrospect_NN that_WPS would_MD
seem_VB to_TO be_BE sufficient_JJ reason_NN why_WRB the_AT English_JJ embassies_
NNS to_IN the_AT Curia_NP proved_VBD so_QL fruitless_JJ ._. But_CC when_WRB the_
AT situation_NN was_BEDZ so_QL complicated_VBN that_CS even_RB Nogaret_NP ,_, on
e_CD of_IN the_AT principal_JJS actors_NNS in_IN the_AT drama_NN ,_, could_MD mi
sinterpret_VB the_AT pope's_NN$ motives_NNS ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ possible_JJ that_C
S Othon_NP and_CC his_PP$ companions_NNS ,_, equally_RB baffled_VBN ,_, attribut
ed_VBD their_PP$ difficulties_NNS to_IN a_AT more_QL immediate_JJ cause_NN ._. T
his_DT was_BEDZ Boniface's_NP$ monumental_JJ tactlessness_NN ._. ``_`` Tact_NN '
'_'' ,_, by_IN its_PP$ very_AP derivation_NN ,_, implies_VBZ that_CS its_PP$ pos
sessor_NN keeps_VBZ in_IN touch_NN with_IN other_AP people_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT
author_NN of_IN Clericis_FW-NNS-TL Laicos_FW-NNS-TL and_CC-TL Unam_FW-CD-TL San
ctam_FW-JJ-TL ,_, the_AT wielder_NN of_IN the_AT two_CD swords_NNS ,_, the_AT pa
pal_JJ sun_NN of_IN which_WDT the_AT imperial_JJ moon_NN was_BEDZ but_RB a_AT di
m_JJ reflection_NN ,_, the_AT peer_NN of_IN Caesar_NP and_CC vice-regent_NN of_I
N Christ_NP ,_, was_BEDZ so_QL high_JJ above_IN other_AP human_JJ beings_NNS tha
t_CS he_PPS had_HVD forgotten_VBN what_WDT they_PPSS were_BED like_JJ ._. He_PPS
was_BEDZ a_AT learned_VBN and_CC brilliant_JJ man_NN ,_, one_CD of_IN the_AT be
st_JJT jurists_NNS in_IN Europe_NP and_CC with_IN flashes_NNS of_IN penetrating_
JJ insight_NN ,_, and_CC yet_RB in_IN his_PP$ dealings_NNS with_IN other_AP peop
le_NNS ,_, particularly_RB when_WRB he_PPS tried_VBD to_TO be_BE ingratiating_JJ
,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ capable_JJ of_IN an_AT abysmal_JJ stupidity_NN that_WPS can
_MD have_HV come_VBN only_RB from_IN a_AT complete_JJ incomprehension_NN of_IN h
uman_JJ nature_NN and_CC human_JJ motives_NNS ._. This_DT lofty_JJ disregard_NN
for_IN others_NNS was_BEDZ not_* shared_VBN by_IN such_JJ men_NNS as_CS Pierre_N
P Flotte_NP and_CC his_PP$ associates_NNS ,_, that_DT ``_`` brilliant_JJ group_N
N of_IN mediocre_JJ men_NNS ''_'' ,_, as_CS Powicke_NP calls_VBZ them_PPO ,_, wh
o_WPS provided_VBD the_AT brains_NNS for_IN the_AT French_JJ embassy_NN that_WPS
came_VBD to_IN Rome_NP under_IN the_AT nominal_JJ leadership_NN of_IN the_AT ar
chbishop_NN of_IN Narbonne_NP ,_, the_AT duke_NN of_IN Burgundy_NP ,_, and_CC th
e_AT count_NN of_IN St.-Pol_NP ._. They_PPSS had_HVD risen_VBN from_IN humble_JJ
beginnings_NNS by_IN their_PP$ own_JJ diligence_NN and_CC astuteness_NN ,_, the
y_PPSS were_BED unfettered_JJ by_IN the_AT codes_NNS that_WPS bound_VBD nobles_N
NS like_CS Othon_NP or_CC even_RB the_AT older_JJR generation_NN of_IN clerks_NN
S like_CS Hotham_NP ,_, and_CC they_PPSS were_BED working_VBG for_IN an_AT end_N
N that_WPO their_PP$ opponents_NNS had_HVD never_RB even_RB visualized_VBN ._. B
oniface_NP was_BEDZ later_RBR to_TO explain_VB to_IN the_AT English_NPS that_CS
Robert_NP-TL of_IN-TL Burgundy_NP-TL and_CC Guy_NP De_NP St.-Pol_NP were_BED eas
y_JJ enough_QLP to_TO do_DO business_NN with_IN ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT c
lerks_NNS who_WPS caused_VBD the_AT mischief_NN and_CC who_WPS made_VBD him_PPO
say_VB that_CS the_AT ruling_VBG passion_NN of_IN their_PP$ race_NN was_BEDZ cov
etousness_NN and_CC that_CS in_IN dealing_VBG with_IN them_PPO he_PPS never_RB k
new_VBD whether_CS he_PPS had_HVD to_TO do_DO with_IN a_AT Frenchman_NP or_CC wi
th_IN a_AT devil_NN ._. To_IN the_AT pope_NN ,_, head_NN of_IN the_AT universal_
JJ Church_NN-TL ,_, to_IN the_AT duke_NN of_IN Burgundy_NP ,_, taking_VBG full_J
J advantage_NN of_IN his_PP$ position_NN on_IN the_AT borders_NNS of_IN France_N
P and_CC of_IN the_AT Empire_NN-TL ,_, or_CC to_IN Othon_NP ,_, who_WPS found_VB
D it_PPO quite_QL natural_JJ that_CS he_PPS should_MD do_DO homage_NN to_IN Edwa
rd_NP for_IN Tipperary_NP and_CC to_IN the_AT count_NN of_IN Savoy_NP for_IN Gra
ndson_NN-TL ,_, Flotte's_NP$ outspoken_JJ nationalism_NN was_BEDZ completely_QL
incomprehensible_JJ ._. And_CC yet_RB he_PPS made_VBD no_AT pretense_NN about_IN
it_PPO ;_. ;_. when_WRB the_AT pope_NN ,_, trying_VBG no_AT doubt_NN to_TO appe
al_VB to_IN his_PP$ better_JJR nature_NN ,_, said_VBD to_IN him_PPO ,_, ``_`` Yo
u_PPSS have_HV already_RB taken_VBN Normandy_NP ._. Do_DO you_PPSS want_VB to_TO
drive_VB the_AT king_NN of_IN England_NP from_IN all_ABN his_PP$ overseas_JJ po
ssessions_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. The_AT Frenchman's_NP$ answer_NN was_BEDZ a_AT terse
_JJ ``_`` Vous_FW-PPSS dites_FW-VB vrai_FW-JJ ''_'' ._. Loyal_JJ and_CC unscrupu
lous_JJ ,_, with_IN a_AT single-minded_JJ ambition_NN to_IN which_WDT he_PPS dev
oted_VBD all_ABN his_PP$ energies_NNS ,_, he_PPS outmatched_VBD the_AT English_J
J diplomats_NNS time_NN and_CC time_NN again_RB until_CS ,_, by_IN a_AT kind_NN
of_IN poetic_JJ justice_NN ,_, he_PPS fell_VBD at_IN the_AT battle_NN of_IN Cour
trai_NP ,_, the_AT victim_NN of_IN the_AT equally_QL nationalistic_JJ if_CS less
_QL articulate_JJ Flemings_NPS ._. The_AT English_NPS ,_, relying_VBG on_IN a_AT
prejudiced_VBN arbiter_NN and_CC confronted_VBN with_IN superior_JJ diplomatic_
JJ skill_NN ,_, were_BED also_RB hampered_VBN in_IN their_PP$ negotiations_NNS b
y_IN the_AT events_NNS that_WPS were_BED taking_VBG place_NN at_IN home_NN ._. T
he_AT Scots_NPS had_HVD found_VBN a_AT new_JJ leader_NN in_IN William_NP Wallace
_NP ,_, and_CC Edward's_NP$ yearly_JJ expeditions_NNS across_IN the_AT Border_NN
-TL called_VBD for_IN evermounting_JJ taxes_NNS ,_, which_WDT only_RB increased_
VBD his_PP$ difficulties_NNS with_IN the_AT barons_NNS and_CC the_AT clergy_NN .
_. He_PPS was_BEDZ unable_JJ to_TO send_VB any_DTI more_AP help_NN to_IN his_PP$
allies_NNS on_IN the_AT Continent_NN-TL ,_, and_CC during_IN the_AT next_AP few
_AP years_NNS many_AP of_IN them_PPO ,_, left_VBN to_TO resist_VB French_JJ pres
sure_NN unaided_JJ ,_, surrendered_VBD to_IN the_AT inevitable_JJ and_CC made_VB
D their_PP$ peace_NN with_IN Philip_NP ._. The_AT defeat_NN and_CC death_NN of_I
N Adolf_NP-TL of_IN-TL Nassau_NP-TL at_IN the_AT hands_NNS of_IN Albert_NP-TL of
_IN-TL Habsburg_NP-TL also_RB worked_VBD to_IN the_AT disadvantage_NN of_IN the_
AT English_NPS ,_, for_CS all_ABN the_AT efforts_NNS to_TO revive_VB the_AT anti
-French_JJ coalition_NN came_VBD to_IN nothing_PN when_WRB Philip_NP made_VBD an
_AT alliance_NN with_IN the_AT new_JJ king_NN of_IN the_AT Romans_NPS ._. These_
DTS shifts_NNS in_IN alliance_NN and_CC allegiance_NN not_* only_RB increased_VB
N the_AT difficulties_NNS confronting_VBG the_AT English_JJ embassy_NN as_CS a_A
T whole_JJ ,_, but_CC also_RB directly_RB involved_VBD the_AT two_CD Savoyards_N
PS ,_, Amadee_NP and_CC Othon_NP ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT armistice_NN ne
gotiated_VBN by_IN Amadee_NP two_CD years_NNS earlier_RBR ,_, the_AT war_NN betw
een_IN Bishop_NN-TL Guillaume_NP of_IN Lausanne_NP and_CC Louis_NP-TL of_IN-TL S
avoy_NP-TL was_BEDZ still_RB going_VBG on_RP ,_, and_CC although_CS little_AP is
_BEZ known_VBN about_IN it_PPO ,_, that_DT little_AP proves_VBZ that_CS it_PPS w
as_BEDZ yet_RB another_DT phase_NN of_IN the_AT struggle_NN against_IN French_JJ
expansion_NN and_CC was_BEDZ closely_RB interwoven_VBN with_IN the_AT larger_JJ
R conflict_NN ._. A_AT second_OD truce_NN had_HVD been_BEN arbitrated_VBN in_IN
April_NP ,_, 1298_CD ,_, by_IN Jean_NP D'Arlay_NP ,_, lord_NN of_IN Chalon-sur-S
aone_NP ,_, the_AT most_QL staunch_JJ of_IN Edward's_NP$ Burgundian_JJ allies_NN
S ,_, and_CC these_DTS last_AP were_BED represented_VBN in_IN the_AT discussions
_NNS at_IN the_AT Curia_NP by_IN Gautier_NP de_NP Montfaucon_NP ,_, Othon's_NP$
neighbor_NN and_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN the_AT Vaudois_NP coalition_NN ._. But_C
C although_CS in_IN many_AP of_IN these_DTS discussions_NNS Othon_NP and_CC Amad
ee_NP might_MD have_HV been_BEN tempted_VBN to_TO consider_VB their_PP$ own_JJ i
nterests_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS those_DTS of_IN the_AT king_NN ,_, Edward's_NP$
confidence_NN in_IN them_PPO was_BEDZ so_QL absolute_JJ that_CS they_PPSS were_
BED made_VBN the_AT acknowledged_VBN leaders_NNS of_IN the_AT embassy_NN ._. Ama
dee_NP may_MD have_HV owed_VBN this_DT partly_RB to_IN his_PP$ relationship_NN w
ith_IN the_AT king_NN ,_, but_CC Othon_NP ,_, who_WPS at_IN sixty_CD seems_VBZ s
till_RB to_TO have_HV been_BEN a_AT simple_JJ knight_NN ,_, merited_VBD his_PP$
position_NN solely_RB by_IN his_PP$ own_JJ character_NN and_CC ability_NN ._. Th
e_AT younger_JJR men_NNS ,_, Vere_NP ,_, and_CC Pembroke_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ
also_RB Edward's_NP$ cousin_NN and_CC whose_WP$ Lusignan_NP blood_NN gave_VBD h
im_PPO the_AT swarthy_JJ complexion_NN that_WPS caused_VBD Edward_NP-TL of_IN-TL
Carnarvon's_NP$-TL irreverent_JJ friend_NN ,_, Piers_NP Gaveston_NP ,_, to_TO n
ickname_VB him_PPO ``_`` Joseph_NP-TL the_AT-TL Jew_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, were_BED rel
atively_QL new_JJ to_IN the_AT game_NN of_IN diplomacy_NN ,_, but_CC Pontissara_
NP had_HVD been_BEN on_IN missions_NNS to_IN Rome_NP before_RB ,_, and_CC Hotham
_NP ,_, a_AT man_NN of_IN great_JJ learning_NN ,_, ``_`` jocund_JJ in_IN speech_
NN ,_, agreeable_JJ to_TO meet_VB ,_, of_IN honest_JJ religion_NN ,_, and_CC ple
asing_JJ in_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN all_ABN ''_'' ,_, and_CC an_AT archbishop_N
N to_IN boot_NN ,_, was_BEDZ as_QL reliable_JJ and_CC experienced_VBN as_CS Otho
n_NP himself_PPL ._. But_CC all_ABN the_AT reports_NNS of_IN this_DT first_OD em
bassy_NN show_VB that_CS the_AT two_CD Savoyards_NPS were_BED the_AT heads_NNS o
f_IN it_PPO ,_, for_CS they_PPSS were_BED the_AT only_AP ones_NNS who_WPS were_B
ED empowered_VBN to_TO swear_VB for_IN the_AT king_NN that_CS he_PPS would_MD ab
ide_VB by_IN the_AT pope's_NN$ decision_NN and_CC who_WPS were_BED allowed_VBN t
o_TO appoint_VB deputies_NNS in_IN the_AT event_NN that_CS one_CD was_BEDZ unavo
idably_QL absent_JJ ._. This_DT also_RB gave_VBD them_PPO the_AT unpleasant_JJ d
uty_NN of_IN being_BEG spokesmen_NNS for_IN the_AT mission_NN ,_, and_CC they_PP
SS could_MD foresee_VB that_CS that_DT would_MD not_* be_BE easy_JJ ._. Undernea
th_IN all_ABN the_AT high-sounding_JJ phrases_NNS of_IN royal_JJ and_CC papal_JJ
letters_NNS and_CC behind_IN the_AT more_QL down-to-earth_JJ instructions_NNS t
o_IN the_AT envoys_NNS was_BEDZ the_AT inescapable_JJ fact_NN that_CS Edward_NP
would_MD have_HV to_TO desert_VB his_PP$ Flemish_JJ allies_NNS and_CC leave_VB t
hem_PPO to_IN the_AT vengeance_NN of_IN their_PP$ indignant_JJ suzerain_NN ,_, t
he_AT king_NN of_IN France_NP ,_, in_IN return_NN for_IN being_BEG given_VBN an_
AT equally_QL free_JJ hand_NN with_IN the_AT insubordinate_JJ Scots_NPS ._. This
_DT was_BEDZ a_AT doubly_QL bitter_JJ blow_NN to_IN the_AT king_NN ._. In_IN the
_AT eyes_NNS of_IN those_DTS who_WPS still_RB cared_VBN for_IN such_JJ things_NN
S ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT reflection_NN on_IN his_PP$ honor_NN ,_, and_CC it_PP
S gave_VBD further_JJR grounds_NNS for_IN complaint_NN to_IN his_PP$ overtaxed_V
BN subjects_NNS ,_, who_WPS were_BED already_RB grumbling_VBG --_-- although_CS
probably_RB not_* in_IN Latin_NP --_-- ``_`` Non_FW-* est_FW-BEZ lex_FW-NN sana_
FW-JJ Quod_FW-WDT regi_FW-NN sit_FW-BE mea_FW-PP$ lana_FW-NN ''_'' ._. Bad_JJ re
lations_NNS between_IN England_NP and_CC Flanders_NP brought_VBD hard_JJ times_N
NS to_IN the_AT shepherds_NNS scattered_VBN over_IN the_AT dales_NNS and_CC down
s_NNS as_QL well_RB as_CS to_IN the_AT crowded_VBN Flemish_JJ cities_NNS ,_, and
_CC while_CS the_AT English_NPS ,_, so_QL far_RB ,_, had_HVD done_VBN no_AT more
_AP than_CS grumble_NN ,_, Othon_NP had_HVD seen_VBN what_WDT the_AT discontent_
NN might_MD lead_VB to_IN ,_, for_CS before_CS he_PPS left_VBD the_AT Low_JJ-TL
Countries_NNS-TL the_AT citizens_NNS of_IN Ghent_NP had_HVD risen_VBN in_IN prot
est_NN against_IN the_AT expense_NN of_IN supporting_VBG Edward_NP and_CC his_PP
$ troops_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT regular_JJ soldiers_NNS had_HVD found_VBN it_PPO
unexpectedly_RB difficult_JJ to_TO put_VB down_RP the_AT nasty_JJ little_JJ riot
_NN that_WPS ensued_VBD ._. In_IN all_ABN the_AT talk_NN of_IN feudal_JJ rights_
NNS ,_, the_AT knights_NNS and_CC bishops_NNS must_MD never_RB forget_VB the_AT
woolworkers_NNS ,_, nor_CC was_BEDZ it_PPS easy_JJ to_TO do_DO so_RB ,_, for_CS
all_ABN along_IN the_AT road_NN to_IN Italy_NP they_PPSS passed_VBD the_AT Flore
ntine_JJ pack_NN trains_NNS going_VBG home_NR with_IN their_PP$ loads_NNS of_IN
raw_JJ wool_NN from_IN England_NP and_CC rough_JJ Flemish_JJ cloth_NN ,_, the_AT
former_AP to_TO be_BE spun_VBN and_CC woven_VBN by_IN the_AT Arte_FW-NN-TL Dell
a_FW-IN+AT-TL Lana_FW-NN-TL and_CC the_AT latter_AP to_TO be_BE refined_VBN and_
CC dyed_VBN by_IN the_AT Arte_FW-NN-TL Della_FW-IN+AT-TL Calimala_FW-NN-TL with_
IN the_AT pigment_NN recently_RB discovered_VBN in_IN Asia_NP-TL Minor_JJ-TL by_
IN one_CD of_IN their_PP$ members_NNS ,_, Bernardo_NP Rucellai_NP ,_, the_AT sec
ret_NN of_IN which_WDT they_PPSS jealously_RB kept_VBD for_IN themselves_PPLS ._
. These_DTS chatty_JJ merchants_NNS made_VBD amusing_JJ and_CC instructive_JJ tr
aveling_VBG companions_NNS ,_, for_CS their_PP$ business_NN took_VBD them_PPO to
_IN all_ABN four_CD corners_NNS of_IN the_AT globe_NN ,_, and_CC Florentine_JJ g
ossip_NN had_HVD already_RB reached_VBN a_AT high_JJ stage_NN of_IN development_
NN as_CS even_RB a_AT cursory_JJ glance_NN at_IN the_AT Inferno_FW-NN-TL will_MD
prove_VB ._. A_AT northern_JJ ambassador_NN ,_, willing_JJ to_TO keep_VB his_PP
$ mouth_NN shut_VBN and_CC his_PP$ ears_NNS open_JJ ,_, could_MD learn_VB a_AT l
ot_NN that_WPS would_MD stand_VB him_PPO in_IN good_JJ stead_NN at_IN the_AT Cur
ia_NP ._. They_PPSS had_HVD other_AP topics_NNS of_IN conversation_NN ,_, beside
s_IN their_PP$ news_NN from_IN courts_NNS and_CC fairs_NNS ,_, which_WDT were_BE
D of_IN interest_NN to_IN Othon_NP ,_, the_AT builder_NN of_IN castles_NNS in_IN
Wales_NP and_CC churches_NNS in_IN his_PP$ native_JJ country_NN ._. Behind_IN h
im_PPO lay_VBD the_AT Low_JJ-TL Countries_NNS-TL ,_, where_WRB men_NNS were_BED
still_RB completing_VBG the_AT cathedrals_NNS that_CS a_AT later_JJR Florentine_
NP would_MD describe_VB as_CS ``_`` a_AT malediction_NN of_IN little_JJ tabernac
les_NNS ,_, one_CD on_IN top_NN of_IN the_AT other_AP ,_, with_IN so_QL many_AP
pyramids_NNS and_CC spires_NNS and_CC leaves_NNS that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT wond
er_NN they_PPSS stand_VB up_RP at_IN all_ABN ,_, for_CS they_PPSS look_VB as_CS
though_CS they_PPSS were_BED made_VBN of_IN paper_NN instead_RB of_IN stone_NN o
r_CC marble_NN ''_'' ;_. ;_. the_AT Low_JJ-TL Countries_NNS-TL ,_, where_WRB the
_AT Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NNS-TL were_BED to_TO last_VB for_IN another_DT two_CD cen
turies_NNS and_CC die_VB out_RP only_RB when_WRB Charles_NP-TL the_AT-TL Bold_JJ
-TL of_IN Burgundy_NP met_VBD his_PP$ first_OD defeat_NN in_IN the_AT fields_NNS
and_CC forests_NNS below_IN the_AT walls_NNS of_IN Grandson_NN-TL ._. It_PPS us
ually_RB turned_VBD out_RP well_RB for_IN him_PPO because_CS either_CC he_PPS li
ked_VBD the_AT right_JJ people_NNS or_CC there_EX were_BED only_RB a_AT few_AP w
rong_JJ people_NNS in_IN the_AT town_NN ._. Alfred_NP wanted_VBN to_TO invest_VB
in_IN my_PP$ father's_NN$ hotel_NN and_CC advance_VB enough_AP money_NN to_TO b
uild_VB a_AT larger_JJR place_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT very_QL tempting_VBG o
ffer_NN ._. My_PP$ father_NN would_MD have_HV done_VBN it_PPO if_CS it_PPS hadn'
t_HVD* been_BEN for_IN my_PP$ mother_NN ,_, who_WPS had_HVD a_AT fear_NN of_IN b
eing_BEG in_IN debt_NN to_IN anyone_PN --_-- even_RB Alfred_NP Alpert_NP ._. In_
IN spite_NN of_IN his_PP$ being_BEG well_QL liked_VBN there_EX were_BED a_AT few
_AP people_NNS who_WPS were_BED very_QL careful_JJ about_IN Alfred_NP ._. They_P
PSS had_HVD my_PP$ mother's_NN$ opinion_NN of_IN him_PPO :_: that_CS he_PPS was_
BEDZ too_QL sharp_JJ or_CC a_AT little_QL too_QL good_JJ to_TO be_BE true_JJ ._.
One_CD of_IN the_AT people_NNS who_WPS was_BEDZ afraid_JJ of_IN Alfred_NP was_B
EDZ his_PP$ own_JJ brother_NN ,_, Lew_NP ._. I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB how_WRB an
d_CC I_PPSS don't_DO* know_VB why_WRB but_CC the_AT two_CD stores_NNS ,_, the_AT
one_CD in_IN Margaretville_NP and_CC the_AT one_CD in_IN Fleischmanns_NP that_W
PS had_HVD been_BEN set_VBN up_RP as_CS a_AT partnership_NN ,_, were_BED dissolv
ed_VBN ,_, separated_VBN from_IN each_DT other_AP ._. Everything_PN was_BEDZ all
_QL very_QL friendly_JJ ,_, except_RB when_WRB it_PPS came_VBD to_IN Harry_NP ,_
, the_AT youngest_JJT brother_NN ._. Alfred_NP ,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ a_AT good_JJ
deal_NN older_JJR than_CS Harry_NP ,_, had_HVD treated_VBN him_PPO like_CS a_AT
son_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB Harry_NP decided_VBD to_TO stay_VB in_IN business_NN
with_IN Lew_NP instead_RB of_IN going_VBG with_IN Alfred_NP ,_, Alfred_NP looke
d_VBD on_IN the_AT decision_NN as_CS a_AT betrayal_NN ._. From_IN that_DT day_NN
on_RP he_PPS never_RB spoke_VBD to_IN Harry_NP or_CC to_IN Lew_NP ,_, or_CC to_
IN Lew's_NP$ two_CD boys_NNS ,_, Mort_NP and_CC Jimmy_NP ._. The_AT six_CD miles
_NNS between_IN the_AT towns_NNS became_VBD an_AT ocean_NN and_CC the_AT Alperts
_NPS became_VBD a_AT family_NN of_IN strangers_NNS ._. Time_NN went_VBD on_RP an
d_CC everybody_PN got_VBD older_JJR ._. I_PPSS became_VBD fifteen_CD ,_, sixteen
_CD ,_, then_RB twenty_CD ,_, and_CC still_RB Tessie_NP Alpert_NP sat_VBD on_IN
the_AT porch_NN with_IN a_AT rose_NN in_IN her_PP$ hair_NN ,_, and_CC Alfred_NP
got_VBD richer_JJR and_CC sicker_JJR with_IN diabetes_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ in_
IN the_AT spring_NN of_IN the_AT year_NN when_WRB he_PPS took_VBD to_IN his_PP$
bed_NN and_CC Tessie_NP and_CC Alfred_NP found_VBD out_RP that_CS they_PPSS didn
't_DOD* know_VB each_DT other_AP ._. They_PPSS were_BED like_CS two_CD strangers
_NNS ._. The_AT store_NN was_BEDZ their_PP$ marriage_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB Alfr
ed_NP had_HVD to_TO leave_VB it_PPO there_EX was_BEDZ nothing_PN to_TO hold_VB t
hem_PPO together_RB ._. Tessie_NP ,_, everybody_PN thought_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT
strong_JJ woman_NN ,_, but_CC she_PPS was_BEDZ only_RB strong_JJ because_CS she
_PPS had_HVD Alfred_NP to_TO lean_VB on_IN ._. And_CC when_WRB Alfred_NP was_BED
Z forced_VBN into_IN his_PP$ bed_NN ,_, Tessie_NP left_VBD the_AT front_JJ porch
_NN of_IN the_AT store_NN and_CC sat_VBD at_IN home_NN ,_, rocking_VBG in_IN her
_PP$ rocker_NN in_IN the_AT living_VBG room_NN ,_, staring_VBG out_IN the_AT win
dow_NN --_-- the_AT rose_NN still_RB in_IN her_PP$ hair_NN ._. Tessie_NP could_M
D do_DO nothing_PN for_IN Alfred_NP ._. She_PPS couldn't_MD* cook_VB or_CC clean
_VB or_CC make_VB him_PPO comfortable_JJ ._. Instead_RB she_PPS waited_VBD for_I
N Alfred_NP to_TO get_VB better_JJR and_CC take_VB care_NN of_IN her_PPO ._. Spr
ing_NN was_BEDZ life_NN --_-- and_CC Alfred_NP Alpert_NP in_IN his_PP$ sickroom_
NN was_BEDZ death_NN ._. Alfred_NP knew_VBD that_DT ,_, too_RB ._. I_PPSS rememb
er_VB him_PPO pointing_VBG out_IN of_IN the_AT window_NN and_CC saying_VBG that_
CS he_PPS wished_VBD he_PPS could_MD live_VB to_TO see_VB another_DT spring_NN b
ut_CC that_CS he_PPS wouldn't_MD* ._. Alfred_NP began_VBD to_TO put_VB his_PP$ a
ffairs_NNS in_IN order_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS went_VBD about_IN it_PPO like_CS a_A
T man_NN putting_VBG his_PP$ things_NNS into_IN storage_NN ._. My_PP$ father_NN
,_, who_WPS liked_VBD Alfred_NP very_QL much_RB ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT constant_JJ vi
sitor_NN ._. One_CD day_NN Alfred_NP told_VBD him_PPO that_CS he_PPS had_HVD dec
ided_VBN to_TO leave_VB everything_PN to_IN me_PPO ._. My_PP$ father_NN ,_, a_AT
wise_JJ man_NN ,_, asked_VBD him_PPO not_* to_TO ._. He_PPS knew_VBD Alfred_NP
liked_VBD me_PPO ;_. ;_. if_CS he_PPS wanted_VBD to_TO leave_VB me_PPO something
_PN let_VB it_PPS be_BE a_AT trinket_NN ,_, nothing_PN else_RB ._. By_IN leaving
_VBG me_PPO everything_PN he_PPS wouldn't_MD* be_BE doing_VBG me_PPO a_AT favor_
NN ,_, my_PP$ father_NN told_VBD him_PPO ,_, and_CC he_PPS didn't_DOD* want_VB t
o_TO see_VB his_PP$ daughter_NN involved_VBN in_IN a_AT lawsuit_NN ._. He_PPS di
dn't_DOD* want_VB Alfred_NP to_TO leave_VB me_PPO trouble_NN because_CS that's_D
T+BEZ all_ABN it_PPS would_MD be_BE ,_, and_CC Alfred_NP understood_VBD ._. Alfr
ed_NP was_BEDZ getting_VBG too_QL sick_JJ to_TO stay_VB in_IN his_PP$ own_JJ hom
e_NN ._. The_AT doctor_NN wanted_VBD him_PPO in_IN a_AT hospital_NN ;_. ;_. the_
AT nearest_JJT one_CD was_BEDZ forty_CD miles_NNS away_RB in_IN Kingston_NP ._.
The_AT day_NN Alfred_NP left_VBD his_PP$ home_NN and_CC Fleischmanns_NP he_PPS g
ave_VBD up_RP the_AT convictions_NNS of_IN a_AT lifetime_NN ._. He_PPS sent_VBD
me_PPO for_IN Meltzer_NP-TL the_AT-TL Butcher_NN-TL ,_, whom_WPO he_PPS wanted_V
BD not_* as_CS a_AT friend_NN but_CC as_CS a_AT rabbi_NN ._. Meltzer_NP knew_VBD
why_WRB I_PPSS had_HVD come_VBN for_IN him_PPO ._. Solemnly_RB he_PPS walked_VB
D me_PPO back_RB to_IN Alfred's_NP$ house_NN without_IN a_AT word_NN passing_VBG
between_IN us_PPO ._. He_PPS entered_VBD the_AT house_NN in_IN silence_NN ,_, w
alked_VBD into_IN Alfred's_NP$ room_NN ,_, and_CC closed_VBD the_AT door_NN behi
nd_IN him_PPO ._. I_PPSS sat_VBD down_RP to_TO wait_VB ,_, and_CC I_PPSS watched
_VBD Tessie_NP Alpert_NP ,_, who_WPS hadn't_HVD* moved_VBN or_CC said_VBN a_AT w
ord_NN but_CC kept_VBD staring_VBG out_IN of_IN the_AT window_NN ._. For_IN a_AT
few_AP minutes_NNS there_EX was_BEDZ nothing_PN to_TO hear_VB ._. Then_RB Meltz
er's_NP$ voice_NN ,_, quiet_JJ ,_, calm_JJ ,_, strong_JJ ,_, started_VBD the_AT
Kaddish_NP ,_, the_AT prayer_NN for_IN the_AT dead_NN ._. I_PPSS could_MD hear_V
B Alfred's_NP$ voice_NN a_AT few_AP words_NNS behind_IN Meltzer's_NP$ like_CS a_
AT counterpoint_NN ,_, punctuated_VBN by_IN sobs_NNS of_IN sorrow_NN and_CC resi
gnation_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ a_AT finality_NN in_IN the_AT rhythm_NN of_IN t
he_AT prayer_NN --_-- it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT end_NN of_IN a_AT life_NN ,_, the_A
T end_NN of_IN hope_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT wondering_NN if_CS there_EX would_MD ev
er_RB be_BE another_DT beginning_NN ._. Meltzer_NP stayed_VBD with_IN Alfred_NP
,_, and_CC when_WRB the_AT door_NN opened_VBD they_PPSS both_ABX came_VBD out_RP
._. Alfred_NP was_BEDZ dressed_VBN for_IN his_PP$ trip_NN to_IN the_AT hospital
_NN ._. The_AT car_NN was_BEDZ waiting_VBG for_IN him_PPO ._. Alfred_NP ,_, lean
ing_VBG on_IN Meltzer_NP ,_, stopped_VBD for_IN a_AT minute_NN to_TO look_VB at_
IN Tessie_NP ._. She_PPS didn't_DOD* turn_VB away_RB from_IN the_AT window_NN ._
. Alfred_NP nodded_VBN a_AT little_JJ nod_NN and_CC went_VBD out_RP through_IN t
he_AT door_NN ._. Outside_RB ,_, his_PP$ brother_NN Harry_NP was_BEDZ waiting_VB
G for_IN him_PPO --_-- he_PPS had_HVD come_VBN to_TO say_VB good-bye_UH ._. Alfr
ed_NP walked_VBD past_IN him_PPO without_IN a_AT word_NN and_CC got_VBD into_IN
the_AT car_NN ._. Harry_NP ran_VBD to_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN the_AT car_NN wher
e_WRB Alfred_NP was_BEDZ sitting_VBG and_CC looked_VBD at_IN him_PPO ,_, begging
_VBG him_PPO to_TO speak_VB ._. Alfred_NP looked_VBN straight_RB ahead_RB ._. Th
e_AT car_NN began_VBD to_TO move_VB and_CC Harry_NP ran_VBD after_IN it_PPO cryi
ng_VBG ,_, ``_`` Alfred_NP !_. !_. Alfred_NP !_. !_. Speak_VB to_IN me_PPO ''_''
._. But_CC the_AT car_NN moved_VBD off_RP and_CC Alfred_NP just_RB looked_VBD s
traight_RB ahead_RB ._. Harry_NP followed_VBD the_AT car_NN until_CS it_PPS reac
hed_VBD the_AT main_JJS road_NN and_CC turned_VBD towards_IN Kingston_NP ._. He_
PPS stood_VBD there_RB watching_VBG until_CS it_PPS had_HVD gone_VBN from_IN his
_PP$ sight_NN ._. I_PPSS went_VBD to_TO visit_VB Alfred_NP in_IN the_AT Kingston
_NP-TL Hospital_NN-TL a_AT few_AP times_NNS ._. The_AT first_OD time_NN I_PPSS w
ent_VBD there_RB he_PPS asked_VBD me_PPO to_TO bring_VB him_PPO water_NN from_IN
Flagler's_NP$ well_NN --_-- water_NN that_WPS reminded_VBD him_PPO of_IN his_PP
$ first_OD days_NNS in_IN the_AT mountains_NNS --_-- and_CC before_CS I_PPSS cam
e_VBD the_AT next_AP time_NN I_PPSS filled_VBD a_AT five-gallon_JJ jug_NN for_IN
him_PPO and_CC brought_VBD it_PPO to_IN the_AT hospital_NN ._. I_PPSS don't_DO*
think_VB he_PPS ever_RB got_VBD to_TO drink_VB any_DTI of_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT
jug_NN stayed_VBD at_IN the_AT hospital_NN and_CC the_AT water_NN --_-- what_WDT
can_MD happen_VB to_IN water_NN ?_. ?_. --_-- it_PPS evaporated_VBD ,_, disappe
ared_VBD ,_, and_CC came_VBD back_RB to_IN the_AT earth_NN as_CS rain_NN --_-- m
aybe_RB for_IN another_DT well_NN or_CC another_DT stream_NN or_CC another_DT Al
fred_NP Alpert_NP ._. 12_CD ``_`` where_WRB is_BEZ it_PPS written_VBN ''_'' ?_.
?_. Mr._NP Banks_NP was_BEDZ always_RB called_VBN Banks_NP-TL the_AT-TL Butcher_
NN-TL until_CS he_PPS left_VBD town_NN and_CC the_AT shop_NN passed_VBD over_RP
to_IN Meltzer_NP-TL the_AT-TL Scholar_NN-TL who_WPS then_RB became_VBD automatic
ally_RB Meltzer_NP-TL the_AT-TL Butcher_NN-TL ._. Meltzer_NP was_BEDZ a_AT board
er_NN with_IN the_AT Banks_NP family_NN ._. He_PPS came_VBD to_IN Fleischmanns_N
P directly_RB from_IN the_AT boat_NN that_WPS brought_VBD him_PPO to_IN America_
NP from_IN Russia_NP ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT learned_JJ man_NN and_CC a_AT very
_QL gentle_JJ soul_NN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ filled_VBN with_IN knowledge_NN of_IN
the_AT Bible_NP and_CC the_AT Talmud_NP ._. He_PPS knew_VBD the_AT whyfores_NNS
and_CC the_AT wherefores_NNS but_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ weak_JJ ,_, very_QL weak_JJ
,_, on_IN the_AT therefores_NNS ._. Banks_NP-TL the_AT-TL Butcher_NN-TL took_VBD
Meltzer_NP-TL the_AT-TL Scholar_NN-TL as_CS an_AT apprentice_NN and_CC he_PPS m
ade_VBD it_PPO very_QL clear_JJ that_CS a_AT man_NN of_IN learning_VBG must_MD b
e_BE able_JJ to_TO do_DO more_AP than_CS just_RB quote_VB the_AT Commentaries_NN
S-TL of_IN the_AT Talmud_NP in_IN order_NN to_TO live_VB ._. So_CS Meltzer_NP le
arned_VBD a_AT new_JJ trade_NN from_IN Banks_NP ,_, who_WPS supplied_VBD the_AT
town_NN and_CC the_AT hotels_NNS with_IN meat_NN ._. Banks_NP had_HVD a_AT famil
y_NN --_-- a_AT wife_NN ,_, a_AT daughter_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT son_NN ._. The_AT d
aughter_NN ,_, Lilly_NP ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT very_QL good_JJ friend_NN of_IN mine_P
P$$ and_CC I_PPSS always_RB had_HVD hopes_NNS that_CS someday_RB she_PPS and_CC
Meltzer_NP would_MD find_VB each_DT other_AP ._. They_PPSS lived_VBD in_IN the_A
T same_AP house_NN and_CC it_PPS didn't_DOD* seem_VB to_TO be_BE such_ABL a_AT h
ard_JJ thing_NN to_TO do_DO ,_, but_CC the_AT sad_JJ realities_NNS of_IN Lilly's
_NP$ life_NN and_CC the_AT fact_NN that_CS Meltzer_NP didn't_DOD* love_VB her_PP
O never_RB satisfied_VBD my_PP$ wishful_JJ thinking_NN ._. Banks_NP-TL the_AT-TL
Butcher_NN-TL was_BEDZ a_AT hard_JJ master_NN and_CC a_AT hard_JJ father_NN ,_,
a_AT man_NN who_WPS didn't_DOD* seem_VB to_TO know_VB the_AT difference_NN betw
een_IN the_AT living_VBG flesh_NN of_IN his_PP$ family_NN and_CC the_AT hanging_
VBG carcasses_NNS of_IN his_PP$ stock_NN in_IN trade_NN ._. He_PPS treated_VBD b
oth_ABX with_IN equal_JJ indifference_NN and_CC with_IN equal_JJ contempt_NN ;_.
;_. perhaps_RB he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT little_QL more_QL sympathetic_JJ to_IN the_
AT sides_NNS of_IN beef_NN that_WPS hung_VBD silently_RB from_IN his_PP$ hooks_N
NS ._. Lilly_NP Banks_NP and_CC I_PPSS became_VBD friends_NNS ._. She_PPS was_BE
DZ the_AT opposite_NN of_IN everything_PN she_PPS should_MD have_HV been_BEN --_
-- a_AT positive_JJ pole_NN in_IN a_AT negative_JJ home_NN ,_, a_AT living_VBG r
eaction_NN of_IN warmth_NN and_CC kindness_NN to_IN the_AT harsh_JJ reality_NN o
f_IN her_PP$ father_NN ._. And_CC Lilly's_NP$ whole_JJ family_NN seemed_VBD to_T
O be_BE an_AT apology_NN for_IN Mr._NP Banks_NP ._. Her_PP$ brother_NN Karl_NP w
as_BEDZ a_AT very_QL gentle_JJ soul_NN ,_, her_PP$ mother_NN was_BEDZ a_AT quiet
_JJ woman_NN who_WPS said_VBD little_AP but_CC who_WPS had_HVD hard_JJ ,_, probi
ng_VBG eyes_NNS ._. For_IN every_AT rude_JJ word_NN of_IN Mr._NP Banks's_NP$ the
_AT family_NN had_HVD five_CD in_IN apology_NN ._. Every_AT chance_NN I_PPSS got
_VBD I_PPSS left_VBD the_AT hotel_NN to_TO visit_VB Lilly_NP ._. I_PPSS was_BEDZ
free_JJ but_CC she_PPS was_BEDZ bound_VBN to_IN her_PP$ duties_NNS that_WPO not
_* even_RB the_AT coming_NN of_IN Meltzer_NP lightened_VBD ._. She_PPS had_HVD t
o_TO clean_VB the_AT glass_NN on_IN the_AT display_NN cases_NNS in_IN the_AT but
cher_NN shop_NN ,_, help_VB her_PP$ brother_NN scrub_VB the_AT cutting_VBG table
s_NNS with_IN wire_NN brushes_NNS ,_, mop_VB the_AT floors_NNS ,_, put_VB down_R
P new_JJ sawdust_NN on_IN the_AT floors_NNS and_CC help_VB check_VB the_AT outgo
ing_JJ orders_NNS ._. When_WRB these_DTS chores_NNS were_BED finished_VBN ,_, on
ly_RB then_RB ,_, was_BEDZ she_PPS allowed_VBD whatever_WDT freedom_NN she_PPS c
ould_MD find_VB ._. I_PPSS helped_VBD Lilly_NP in_IN the_AT store_NN ._. To_IN m
e_PPO it_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT game_NN ,_, to_IN her_PPO it_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT dead
ly_JJ seriousness_NN of_IN life_NN ._. I_PPSS wanted_VBD to_TO help_VB so_CS tha
t_CS we_PPSS could_MD find_VB time_NN to_TO play_VB ._. And_CC Lilly_NP allowed_
VBD me_PPO to_TO help_VB so_CS that_CS she_PPS could_MD have_HV her_PP$ few_AP l
ittle_JJ hours_NNS of_IN escape_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT work_NN was_BEDZ finished
_VBN ,_, we_PPSS would_MD walk_VB ._. The_AT road_NN past_IN the_AT butcher_NN s
hop_NN took_VBD us_PPO along_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN a_AT stream_NN ._. It_PPS r
an_VBD north_NR ,_, away_RB from_IN the_AT town_NN and_CC the_AT people_NNS ,_,
through_IN woods_NNS and_CC past_IN the_AT nothingness_NN of_IN a_AT graveyard_N
N ._. Lilly_NP preferred_VBD the_AT loneliness_NN of_IN that_DT walk_NN ._. I_PP
SS would_MD have_HV liked_VBN the_AT town_NN and_CC the_AT busyness_NN of_IN its
_PP$ people_NNS but_CC I_PPSS always_RB followed_VBD Lilly_NP into_IN the_AT pea
ce_NN of_IN the_AT silent_JJ and_CC unstaring_JJ road_NN ._. It_PPS wasn't_BEDZ*
hard_JJ to_TO understand_VB ._. To_IN me_PPO Lilly_NP was_BEDZ a_AT fine_JJ and
_CC lovely_JJ girl_NN ._. To_IN people_NNS who_WPS didn't_DOD* know_VB her_PPO s
he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT gawky_JJ ,_, badly_RB dressed_VBN kid_NN whose_WP$ arms_NNS
were_BED too_QL long_JJ ,_, whose_WP$ legs_NNS were_BED a_AT little_QL too_QL b
ony_JJ ._. She_PPS had_HVD the_AT hips_NNS of_IN a_AT boy_NN and_CC a_AT loose-j
ointed_JJ walk_NN that_WPS reminded_VBD me_PPO of_IN a_AT string_NN of_IN beads_
NNS strolling_VBG down_IN the_AT street_NN ._. And_CC she_PPS had_HVD the_AT kin
d_NN of_IN crossed_VBN eyes_NNS that_WPS shocked_VBD ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ unexpec
ted_JJ ,_, unexpected_JJ because_CS Lilly_NP walked_VBD with_IN her_PP$ head_NN
bent_VBN down_RP ,_, down_RP ,_, and_CC her_PP$ mark_NN of_IN friendship_NN was_
BEDZ to_TO look_VB into_IN your_PP$ face_NN ._. I_PPSS accepted_VBD her_PP$ cros
sed_VBN eyes_NNS as_CS she_PPS accepted_VBD my_PP$ childishness_NN ;_. ;_. child
ishness_NN compared_VBN to_IN her_PP$ grown-up_JJ understanding_NN that_CS life_
NN was_BEDZ a_AT punishment_NN for_IN as_QL yet_RB undisclosed_JJ sins_NNS ._. W
e_PPSS were_BED almost_RB the_AT same_AP age_NN ,_, she_PPS was_BEDZ fifteen_CD
,_, I_PPSS was_BEDZ twelve_CD ,_, and_CC where_WRB I_PPSS felt_VBD there_EX was_
BEDZ a_AT life_NN to_TO look_VB forward_RB to_IN Lilly_NP felt_VBD she_PPS had_H
VD had_HVN as_QL much_AP of_IN it_PPO as_CS was_BEDZ necessary_JJ ._. When_WRB w
e_PPSS went_VBD for_IN our_PP$ walks_NNS Lilly's_NP$ brother_NN would_MD come_VB
along_RB every_AT once_RB in_IN a_AT while_NN ._. Karl_NP was_BEDZ an_AT almost
_QL exact_JJ copy_NN of_IN his_PP$ father_NN physically_RB and_CC it_PPS was_BED
Z strange_JJ to_TO see_VB the_AT expected_VBN become_VB the_AT unexpected_JJ ._.
This_DT huge_JJ hulk_NN played_VBD the_AT guitar_NN and_CC he_PPS would_MD take
_VB it_PPO along_RB on_IN our_PP$ walks_NNS and_CC play_VB for_IN us_PPO as_CS w
e_PPSS sat_VBD alone_RB in_IN the_AT woods_NNS or_CC by_IN the_AT stream_NN ._.
Karl_NP played_VBD well_RB and_CC his_PP$ favorite_JJ song_NN was_BEDZ a_AT Schu
bert_NP lullaby_NN ._. He_PPS spoke_VBD no_AT German_NP but_CC he_PPS could_MD s
ing_VB it_PPO and_CC the_AT words_NNS of_IN the_AT song_NN were_BED the_AT only_
AP ones_NNS he_PPS knew_VBD in_IN a_AT foreign_JJ language_NN ._. The_AT song_NN
,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, was_BEDZ called_VBN ``_`` The_AT-TL Stream's_NN$-TL Lul
laby_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC when_WRB he_PPS sang_VBD ,_, ``_`` Gute_FW-JJ ruh_FW
-NN ,_, Gute_FW-JJ ruh_FW-NN ,_, Mach't_FW-VB die_FW-AT augen_FW-NNS zu_FW-RB ,_
, ''_'' there_EX was_BEDZ such_JJ longing_NN and_CC such_JJ simple_JJ sadness_NN
that_CS it_PPS frightened_VBD me_PPO ._. Later_RBR ,_, when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ
older_JJR ,_, I_PPSS found_VBD the_AT song_NN was_BEDZ part_NN of_IN Schubert's
_NP$ Die_FW-AT-TL Schone_FW-JJ-TL Mullerin_FW-NN-TL ._. And_CC even_RB hearing_V
BG it_PPO in_IN a_AT concert_NN hall_NN surrounded_VBN by_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN
people_NNS the_AT words_NNS and_CC the_AT melody_NN would_MD make_VB me_PPO a_AT
little_QL colder_JJR and_CC I_PPSS would_MD reach_VB out_RP for_IN my_PP$ husba
nd's_NN$ hand_NN ._. The_AT brother_NN and_CC sister_NN seemed_VBD to_TO be_BE a
_AT sort_NN of_IN mutual-aid_NN society_NN ,_, a_AT little_JJ fortress_NN of_IN
kindness_NN for_IN each_DT other_AP in_IN a_AT hard_JJ world_NN ._. I_PPSS felt_
VBD very_QL flattered_VBN to_TO be_BE included_VBN in_IN the_AT protection_NN of
_IN their_PP$ company_NN even_RB though_CS I_PPSS had_HVD nothing_PN to_TO be_BE
protected_VBN from_IN ._. The_AT turn_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN ,_, or_CC to_T
O be_BE more_QL precise_JJ ,_, the_AT two_CD decades_NNS preceeding_VBG and_CC f
ollowing_VBG it_PPO ,_, marks_VBZ a_AT great_JJ change_NN in_IN the_AT history_N
N of_IN early_JJ English_JJ scholarship_NN ._. At_IN the_AT bottom_NN of_IN this
_DT change_NN were_BED great_JJ strides_NNS forward_RB in_IN the_AT technical_JJ
equipment_NN and_CC technical_JJ standards_NNS of_IN the_AT historian_NN ._. In
_IN archaeology_NN ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, the_AT contributions_NNS of_IN Fred
erick_NP Haverfield_NP and_CC Reginald_NP Smith_NP to_IN the_AT various_JJ volum
es_NNS of_IN the_AT Victoria_NP-TL County_NN-TL Histories_NNS-TL raised_VBD the_
AT discipline_NN from_IN the_AT status_NN of_IN an_AT antiquarian_JJ pastime_NN
to_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT most_QL valuable_JJ single_AP tool_NN of_IN the_AT ea
rly_JJ English_JJ historian_NN ._. And_CC with_IN the_AT publication_NN of_IN E.
_NP T._NP Leeds'_NP$ Archaeology_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Anglo-Saxon_JJ-TL Sett
lements_NNS-TL the_AT student_NN was_BEDZ presented_VBN with_IN an_AT organized_
VBN synthesis_NN of_IN the_AT archaeological_JJ data_NN then_RB known_VBN ._. Wh
at_WDT was_BEDZ true_JJ for_IN archaeology_NN was_BEDZ also_RB true_JJ of_IN pla
ce-name_NN studies_NNS ._. The_AT value_NN of_IN place-names_NNS in_IN the_AT re
construction_NN of_IN early_JJ English_JJ history_NN had_HVD long_RB been_BEN re
cognized_VBN ._. Place-names_NNS ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, had_HVD been_BEN extensiv
ely_RB utilized_VBN for_IN this_DT purpose_NN from_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Camde
n_NP onwards_RB ._. Without_IN a_AT precise_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN Germanic_JJ ph
ilology_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ debatable_JJ whether_CS their_PP$ us
e_NN was_BEDZ not_* more_QL often_RB a_AT source_NN of_IN confusion_NN and_CC er
ror_NN than_CS anything_PN else_RB ._. Even_RB in_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD centur
y_NN such_JJ accomplished_VBN philologists_NNS as_CS Kemble_NP and_CC Guest_NP w
ere_BED led_VBN into_IN what_WDT now_RB seem_VB ludicrous_JJ errors_NNS because_
RB of_IN their_PP$ failure_NN to_TO recognize_VB that_CS modern_JJ forms_NNS of_
IN place_NN names_NNS are_BER not_* necessarily_RB the_AT result_NN of_IN logica
l_JJ philological_JJ development_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ therefore_RB not_* until
_IN the_AT publication_NN of_IN J.H._NP Round's_NP$ ``_`` The_AT-TL Settlement_N
N-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL South_JJ-TL And_CC-TL East_JJ-TL Saxons_NPS-TL ''_'' ,_,
and_CC W.H._NP Stevenson's_NP$ ``_`` Dr._NN-TL Guest_NP-TL And_CC-TL The_AT-TL
English_JJ Conquest_NN-TL Of_IN-TL South_JJ-TL Britain_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, that_CS a
_AT scientific_JJ basis_NN for_IN place-name_NN studies_NNS was_BEDZ established
_VBN ._. Diplomatic_JJ is_BEZ another_DT area_NN for_IN which_WDT the_AT dawn_NN
of_IN the_AT twentieth_OD century_NN marks_VBZ the_AT beginning_NN of_IN modern
_JJ standards_NNS of_IN scholarship_NN ._. Although_CS because_RB of_IN the_AT i
mportant_JJ achievements_NNS of_IN nineteenth_OD century_NN scholars_NNS in_IN t
he_AT field_NN of_IN textual_JJ criticism_NN the_AT advance_NN is_BEZ not_* so_Q
L striking_JJ as_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN archaeology_NN an
d_CC place-names_NNS ,_, the_AT editorial_JJ principles_NNS laid_VBN down_RP by_
IN Stevenson_NP in_IN his_PP$ great_JJ edition_NN of_IN Asser_NP and_CC in_IN hi
s_PP$ Crawford_NP-TL Charters_NNS-TL were_BED a_AT distinct_JJ improvement_NN up
on_IN those_DTS of_IN his_PP$ predecessors_NNS and_CC remain_VB unimproved_JJ up
on_RB today_NR ._. In_IN sum_NN ,_, it_PPS can_MD be_BE said_VBN that_CS the_AT
techniques_NNS and_CC standards_NNS of_IN present_JJ day_NN have_HV their_PP$ or
igin_NN at_IN the_AT turn_NN of_IN the_AT century_NN ._. And_CC it_PPS is_BEZ th
is_DT ,_, particularly_RB the_AT establishment_NN of_IN archaeology_NN and_CC pl
ace-name_NN studies_NNS on_IN a_AT scientific_JJ basis_NN ,_, which_WDT are_BER
immediately_RB pertinent_JJ to_IN the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL ._. Almost_QL i
nevitably_RB ,_, the_AT first_OD result_NN of_IN this_DT technological_JJ revolu
tion_NN was_BEDZ a_AT reaction_NN against_IN the_AT methods_NNS and_CC in_IN man
y_AP cases_NNS the_AT conclusions_NNS of_IN the_AT Oxford_NP school_NN of_IN Stu
bbs_NP ,_, Freeman_NP and_CC (_( particularly_RB )_) Green_NP regarding_IN the_A
T nature_NN of_IN the_AT Anglo-Saxon_JJ conquest_NN of_IN Britain_NP ._. Even_RB
before_CS the_AT century_NN was_BEDZ out_RP the_AT tide_NN of_IN reaction_NN ha
d_HVD set_VBN in_RP ._. Charles_NP Plummer_NP in_IN the_AT introduction_NN and_C
C notes_NNS to_IN his_PP$ splendid_JJ edition_NN of_IN Bede_NP voiced_VBD some_D
TI early_JJ doubts_NNS concerning_IN the_AT ``_`` elaborate_JJ superstructure_NN
''_'' they_PPSS raised_VBD up_RP over_IN the_AT slim_JJ foundations_NNS afforde
d_VBN by_IN the_AT traditional_JJ narratives_NNS of_IN the_AT conquest_NN ._. It
_PPS was_BEDZ Plummer_NP ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, who_WPS coined_VBD the_AT much_QL
quoted_VBN remark_NN :_: ``_`` Mr._NP Green_NP indeed_RB writes_VBZ as_CS if_CS
he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN present_RB at_IN the_AT landing_NN of_IN the_AT Saxons_
NPS and_CC had_HVD watched_VBN every_AT step_NN of_IN their_PP$ subsequent_JJ pr
ogress_NN ''_'' ._. Sir_NP Henry_NP Howorth_NP ,_, writing_VBG in_IN 1898_CD ,_,
put_VBD himself_PPL firmly_RB in_IN the_AT Lappenburg-Kemble_NP tradition_NN by
_IN attacking_VBG the_AT veracity_NN of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Saxon_NP-TL annals_
NNS ._. Early_RB in_IN the_AT present_JJ century_NN ,_, W._NP H._NP Stevenson_NP
continued_VBD the_AT attack_NN with_IN a_AT savage_JJ article_NN against_IN Gue
st_NP ._. Following_VBG him_PPO in_IN varying_VBG degrees_NNS of_IN scepticism_N
N were_BED T.W._NP Shore_NP ,_, H.M._NP Chadwick_NP ,_, Thomas_NP Hodgkin_NP and
_CC F._NP G._NP Beck_NP ._. By_IN 1913_CD ,_, Ferdinand_NP Lot_NP could_MD begin
_VB an_AT article_NN subtitled_VBN ``_`` La_FW-AT-TL Conquete_FW-NN-TL De_FW-IN
La_FW-AT-TL Grande-Bretagne_NP-TL par_FW-IN Les_FW-AT-TL Saxons_NPS-TL ''_'' wit
h_IN the_AT words_NNS ,_, ``_`` Il_FW-PPS est_FW-BEZ difficile_FW-JJ aujourd'hui
_FW-NR d'entretenir_FW-TO+VB des_FW-IN+AT illusions_FW-NNS sur_FW-IN la_FW-AT va
leur_FW-NN du_FW-IN+AT recit_FW-NN traditionnel_FW-JJ de_FW-IN la_FW-AT conquete
_FW-NN de_FW-IN la_FW-AT Grande-Bretagne_NP ._. ''_'' It_PPS is_BEZ also_RB wort
hy_JJ of_IN note_NN that_CS Lot_NP cited_VBD both_ABX Kemble_NP and_CC Lappenber
g_NP with_IN favor_NN in_IN that_DT article_NN ._. It_PPS would_MD seem_VB that_
CS the_AT wheel_NN had_HVD turned_VBN full_JJ circle_NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, mo
dern_JJ scholarly_JJ opinion_NN in_IN the_AT main_JJS has_HVZ not_* retreated_VB
N all_ABN the_AT way_NN back_RB to_IN the_AT destructive_JJ scepticism_NN of_IN
the_AT first_OD half_ABN of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN ._. Although_CS o
ne_PN meets_VBZ with_IN occasional_JJ extremists_NNS like_CS Zachrisson_NP or_CC
,_, very_QL recently_RB ,_, Arthur_NP Wade-Evans_NP the_AT majority_NN of_IN sc
holars_NNS have_HV taken_VBN a_AT middle_JJ position_NN between_IN the_AT extrem
es_NNS of_IN scepticism_NN and_CC gullibility_NN ._. Most_AP now_RB admit_VB tha
t_CS Bede_NP ,_, Gildas_NP ,_, Nennius_NP and_CC The_AT-TL Anglo-Saxon_JJ Chroni
cles_NNS-TL cannot_MD* be_BE the_AT infallible_JJ guides_NNS to_IN early_JJ Engl
ish_JJ history_NN that_WPS Guest_NP ,_, Freeman_NP and_CC Green_NP thought_VBD t
hem_PPO to_TO be_BE ._. As_CS R.H._NP Hodgkin_NP has_HVZ remarked_VBN :_: ``_``
The_AT critical_JJ methods_NNS of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN shattered_V
BD most_AP of_IN this_DT picturesque_JJ narrative_NN ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP h
and_NN ,_, the_AT consensus_NN of_IN opinion_NN is_BEZ that_CS ,_, used_VBN with
_IN caution_NN and_CC in_IN conjunction_NN with_IN other_AP types_NNS of_IN evid
ence_NN ,_, the_AT native_JJ sources_NNS still_RB provide_VB a_AT valid_JJ rough
_JJ outline_NN for_IN the_AT English_JJ settlement_NN of_IN southern_JJ Britain_
NP ._. As_CS Sir_NP Charles_NP Oman_NP once_RB said_VBD ,_, ``_`` it_PPS is_BEZ
no_QL longer_RBR fashionable_JJ to_TO declare_VB that_CS we_PPSS can_MD say_VB n
othing_PN certain_JJ about_IN Old_JJ-TL English_JJ origins_NNS ''_'' ._. Therefo
re_RB ,_, in_IN one_CD way_NN Kemble_NP and_CC Lappenberg_NP have_HV been_BEN vi
ndicated_VBN ._. Their_PP$ conclusions_NNS concerning_IN the_AT untrustworthines
s_NN of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Saxon_NP-TL annals_NNS ,_, the_AT confused_VBN chro
nology_NN of_IN Bede_NP ,_, the_AT unreliability_NN of_IN the_AT early_JJ positi
ons_NNS of_IN the_AT Anglo-Saxon_JJ genealogies_NNS and_CC the_AT mythological_J
J elements_NNS contained_VBN in_IN Nennius_NP are_BER now_RB mostly_RB accepted_
VBN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, in_IN another_DT way_NN modern_JJ historians_NNS sti
ll_RB labor_VB in_IN the_AT vineyard_NN of_IN the_AT Oxford_NP school_NN ._. For
_CS it_PPS is_BEZ their_PP$ catastrophic_JJ concept_NN of_IN the_AT Anglo-Saxon_
JJ invasions_NNS rather_IN than_IN Kemble's_NP$ gradualist_NN approach_NN which_
WDT dominates_VBZ the_AT field_NN ._. Despite_IN the_AT rejection_NN of_IN the_A
T traditional_JJ accounts_NNS on_IN many_AP points_NNS of_IN detail_NN ,_, as_QL
late_RB as_CS 1948_CD it_PPS was_BEDZ still_RB possible_JJ to_TO postulate_VB a
_AT massive_JJ and_CC comparatively_RB sudden_JJ (_( beginning_VBG in_IN ca._RB
450_NN )_) influx_NN of_IN Germans_NPS as_CS the_AT type_NN of_IN invasions_NNS
._. At_IN this_DT point_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, the_AT issue_NN has_HVZ becom
e_VB complicated_VBN by_IN a_AT development_NN unforeseen_JJ by_IN Lappenberg_NP
and_CC Kemble_NP ._. They_PPSS ,_, however_WQL much_AP they_PPSS were_BED in_IN
disagreement_NN with_IN the_AT late_JJ Victorians_NPS over_IN the_AT method_NN
by_IN which_WDT Britain_NP was_BEDZ Germanized_VBN ,_, agreed_VBD with_IN them_P
PO that_CS the_AT end_NN result_NN was_BEDZ the_AT complete_JJ extinction_NN of_
IN the_AT previous_JJ Celtic_JJ population_NN and_CC civilization_NN ._. But_CC
beginning_VBG ,_, for_IN all_ABN practical_JJ purposes_NNS ,_, with_IN Frederick
_NP Seebohm's_NP$ English_JJ-TL Village_NN-TL Community_NN-TL scholars_NNS have_
HV had_HVN to_TO reckon_VB with_IN a_AT theory_NN involving_VBG institutional_JJ
and_CC agrarian_JJ continuity_NN between_IN Roman_JJ and_CC Anglo-Saxon_JJ time
s_NNS which_WDT is_BEZ completely_RB at_IN odds_NNS with_IN the_AT reigning_VBG
concept_NN of_IN the_AT Anglo-Saxon_JJ invasions_NNS ._. Against_IN Seebohm_NP f
ormidable_JJ foes_NNS have_HV taken_VBN the_AT field_NN ,_, notably_RB F._NP W._
NP Maitland_NP ,_, whose_WP$ Domesday_NP-TL Book_NN-TL And_CC-TL Beyond_RB-TL wa
s_BEDZ written_VBN expressly_RB for_IN this_DT purpose_NN ,_, and_CC Sir_NP Paul
_NP Vinogradoff_NP whose_WP$ The_AT-TL Growth_NN-TL Of_IN-TL The_AT-TL Manor_NN-
TL had_HVD a_AT similar_JJ aim_NN ._. Largely_RB due_RB to_IN their_PP$ efforts_
NNS the_AT catastrophic_JJ invasion-theory_NN has_HVZ maintained_VBN its_PP$ pos
ition_NN although_CS Seebohm_NP has_HVZ always_RB found_VBN supporters_NNS ._. H
.L._NP Gray_NP in_IN his_PP$ English_JJ-TL Field_NN-TL Systems_NNS-TL and_CC Zac
hrisson's_NP$ Romans_NPS-TL ,_, Kelts_NPS-TL And_CC-TL Saxons_NPS-TL defended_VB
D in_IN part_NN the_AT Seebohm_NP thesis_NN while_CS at_IN the_AT present_JJ tim
e_NN H.P.R._NP Finberg_NP and_CC Gordon_NP Copley_NP seem_VB to_TO fall_VB into_
IN the_AT Celtic_JJ survivalist_NN camp_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ nevertheless_RB a_
AT minority_NN view_NN ._. Most_AP scholars_NNS ,_, while_CS willing_JJ to_TO ac
cept_VB a_AT survival_NN (_( revival_NN ?_. ?_. )_) of_IN Celtic_JJ art_NN forms
_NNS and_CC a_AT considerable_JJ proportion_NN of_IN the_AT Celtic_JJ population
_NN ,_, reject_VB any_DTI institutional_JJ legacy_NN from_IN pre-Anglo-Saxon_JJ
Britain_NP ._. Therefore_RB ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ plain_JJ that_CS the_AT clear_JJ d
istinctions_NNS of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN are_BER no_QL longer_RBR w
ith_IN us_PPO ._. In_IN the_AT main_JJS stream_NN of_IN historical_JJ thinking_N
N is_BEZ a_AT group_NN of_IN scholars_NNS ,_, H.M._NP Chadwick_NP ,_, R.H._NP Ho
dgkin_NP ,_, Sir_NP Frank_NP Stenton_NP et_FW-CC al._FW-NNS who_WPS are_BER in_I
N varying_VBG degrees_NNS sceptical_JJ of_IN the_AT native_JJ traditions_NNS of_
IN the_AT conquest_NN but_CC who_WPS defend_VB the_AT catastrophic_JJ type_NN of
_IN invasion_NN suggested_VBN by_IN them_PPO ._. They_PPSS ,_, in_IN effect_NN ,
_, have_HV compromised_VBN the_AT opposing_VBG positions_NNS of_IN the_AT ninete
enth_OD century_NN ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP side_NN are_BER the_AT Celtic_JJ su
rvivalists_NNS who_WPS have_HV taken_VBN a_AT tack_NN divergent_JJ from_IN both_
ABX these_DTS schools_NNS of_IN nineteenth_OD century_NN thought_NN ._. As_CS a_
AT group_NN they_PPSS should_MD be_BE favorable_JJ to_IN a_AT concept_NN of_IN g
radual_JJ Germanic_JJ infiltration_NN although_CS the_AT specialist_NN nature_NN
of_IN much_AP of_IN their_PP$ work_NN ,_, e.g._RB Seebohm_NP ,_, Gray_NP and_CC
Finberg_NP ,_, tends_VBZ to_TO obscure_VB their_PP$ sympathies_NNS ._. Those_DT
S who_WPS do_DO have_HV occasion_NN to_TO deal_VB with_IN the_AT invasions_NNS i
n_IN a_AT more_QL general_JJ way_NN ,_, like_CS T.W._NP Shore_NP and_CC Arthur_N
P Wade-Evans_NP ,_, are_BER on_IN the_AT side_NN of_IN a_AT gradual_JJ and_CC of
ten_RB peaceful_JJ Germanic_JJ penetration_NN into_IN Britain_NP ._. Wade-Evans_
NP ,_, in_IN fact_NN ,_, denies_VBZ that_CS there_EX were_BED any_DTI Anglo-Saxo
n_JJ invasions_NNS at_IN all_ABN other_AP than_CS a_AT minor_JJ Jutish_JJ foray_
NN in_IN A.D._RB 514_CD ._. Now_RB omitting_VBG for_IN a_AT moment_NN some_DTI r
ecent_JJ developments_NNS we_PPSS can_MD say_VB the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL h
ypothesis_NN of_IN Lappenberg_NP and_CC Kemble_NP has_HVZ undergone_VBN virtual_
JJ eclipse_NN in_IN this_DT century_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ no_QL longer_RBR possib
le_JJ to_TO say_VB that_CS a_AT sceptical_JJ attitude_NN towards_IN the_AT recei
ved_VBN accounts_NNS of_IN the_AT invasions_NNS almost_QL automatically_RB produ
ces_VBZ a_AT ``_`` shore_NN occupied_VBN by_IN ''_'' interpretation_NN ._. Every
one_PN is_BEZ more_QL or_CC less_QL sceptical_JJ and_CC virtually_RB no_AT one_P
N has_HVZ been_BEN willing_JJ to_TO accept_VB Lappenberg_NP or_CC Kemble's_NP$ p
osition_NN on_IN that_DT point_NN ._. One_CD reason_NN is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_N
N ,_, that_CS the_AT new_JJ scepticism_NN has_HVZ been_BEN willing_JJ to_TO main
tain_VB the_AT general_JJ picture_NN of_IN the_AT invasions_NNS as_CS portrayed_
VBN in_IN the_AT traditional_JJ sources_NNS ._. The_AT few_AP scholars_NNS who_W
PS have_HV adopted_VBN the_AT ``_`` shore_NN occupied_VBN by_IN ''_'' interpreta
tion_NN ,_, Howorth_NP ,_, Shore_NP ,_, and_CC Wade-Evans_NP ,_, have_HV all_ABN
been_BEN Celtic_JJ survivalists_NNS ._. Moreover_RB ,_, they_PPSS have_HV done_
VBN so_RB in_IN rather_QL special_JJ circumstances_NNS ._. The_AT primary_JJ rea
son_NN for_IN the_AT abandonment_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` shore_NN occupied_VBN by_
IN ''_'' thesis_NN has_HVZ been_BEN the_AT assimilation_NN and_CC accumulation_N
N of_IN archaeological_JJ evidence_NN ,_, the_AT most_QL striking_JJ feature_NN
of_IN early_JJ English_JJ studies_NNS in_IN this_DT century_NN ._. Again_RB omit
ting_VBG recent_JJ developments_NNS ,_, E.T._NP Leeds'_NP$ dictum_NN of_IN 1913_
CD has_HVZ stood_VBN unchallenged_JJ :_: ``_`` So_QL far_RB as_CS archaeology_NN
is_BEZ concerned_VBN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ not_* the_AT least_AP warrant_NN for_I
N the_AT second_OD (_( shore_NN occupied_VBN by_IN )_) of_IN these_DTS theories_
NNS ''_'' ._. Even_RB earlier_RBR Haverfield_NP had_HVD come_VBN to_IN the_AT sa
me_AP conclusion_NN ._. What_WDT they_PPSS meant_VBD was_BEDZ that_CS there_EX w
as_BEDZ no_AT evidence_NN to_TO show_VB that_CS the_AT south_NR and_CC east_NR c
oasts_NNS of_IN Britain_NP received_VBD Germanic_JJ settlers_NNS conspicuously_R
B earlier_RBR than_CS some_DTI other_AP parts_NNS of_IN England_NP ._. That_DT i
s_BEZ ,_, there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT trace_NN of_IN Anglo-Saxons_NPS in_IN Britain_
NP as_QL early_RB as_CS the_AT late_JJ third_OD century_NN ,_, to_IN which_WDT t
ime_NN the_AT archaeological_JJ evidence_NN for_IN the_AT erection_NN of_IN the_
AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL forts_NNS was_BEDZ beginning_VBG to_TO point_VB ._. I
n_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN a_AT clear_JJ judgment_NN from_IN archaeology_NN ,_, t
herefore_RB ,_, it_PPS became_VBD impossible_JJ for_IN a_AT time_NN for_CS schol
ars_NNS to_TO re-adopt_VB the_AT ``_`` shore_NN settled_VBN by_IN ''_'' theory_N
N ._. In_IN recent_JJ years_NNS ,_, however_RB ,_, a_AT wind_NN of_IN change_NN
seems_VBZ to_TO be_BE blowing_VBG through_IN early_JJ English_JJ historical_JJ c
ircles_NNS ._. The_AT great_JJ increase_NN in_IN the_AT amount_NN of_IN archaeol
ogical_JJ activity_NN ,_, and_CC therefore_RB information_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT ye
ars_NNS immediately_RB preceeding_VBG and_CC following_VBG the_AT Second_OD-TL W
orld_NN-TL War_NN-TL has_HVZ brought_VBN to_IN light_NN data_NN which_WDT has_HV
Z changed_VBN the_AT complection_NN of_IN the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL dispute
_NN ._. Where_WRB there_EX were_BED none_PN fifteen_CD years_NNS ago_RB ,_, seve
ral_AP scholars_NNS currently_RB are_BER edging_VBG their_PP$ way_NN cautiously_
RB towards_IN the_AT acceptance_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` shore_NN occupied_VBN by_I
N ''_'' position_NN ._. We_PPSS must_MD ,_, therefore_RB ,_, have_HV a_AT look_N
N at_IN the_AT new_JJ archaeological_JJ material_NN and_CC re-examine_VB the_AT
literary_JJ and_CC place-name_NN evidence_NN which_WDT bears_VBZ upon_IN the_AT
problem_NN ._. What_WDT exactly_RB are_BER we_PPSS trying_VBG to_TO prove_VB ?_.
?_. We_PPSS know_VB that_CS the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL was_BEDZ a_AT phenon
enon_NN of_IN late_JJ Roman_JJ defensive_JJ policy_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN other_AP wor
ds_NNS its_PP$ existence_NN belongs_VBZ to_IN the_AT period_NN of_IN Roman_JJ Br
itain_NP ._. So_RB whenever_WRB the_AT Romans_NPS finally_RB withdrew_VBD from_I
N the_AT island_NN ,_, the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL disappeared_VBD in_IN the_
AT first_OD decade_NN of_IN the_AT fifth_OD century_NN ._. We_PPSS also_RB know_
VB that_CS the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL as_CS reflected_VBN in_IN the_AT Notit
ia_FW-NNS-TL was_BEDZ created_VBN as_CS a_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT Theodosian_JJ
reorganization_NN of_IN Britain_NP (_( post_IN A.D._RB 369_CD )_) ._. My_PP$ arg
ument_NN is_BEZ that_CS there_EX was_BEDZ no_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL prior_RB
to_IN that_DT time_NN even_RB though_CS the_AT forts_NNS had_HVD been_BEN in_IN
existence_NN since_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Carausius_NP ._. Therefore_RB ,_, wh
at_WDT we_PPSS must_MD prove_VB or_CC disprove_VB is_BEZ that_CS there_EX were_B
ED Saxons_NPS ,_, in_IN the_AT broad_JJ sense_NN in_IN which_WDT we_PPSS must_MD
construe_VB the_AT word_NN ,_, in_IN the_AT area_NN of_IN the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Sh
ore_NN-TL at_IN the_AT time_NN it_PPS was_BEDZ called_VBN the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Sho
re_NN-TL ._. That_DT is_BEZ ,_, we_PPSS must_MD find_VB Saxons_NPS in_IN East_JJ
-TL Anglia_NP-TL ,_, Kent_NP ,_, Sussex_NP and_CC Hampshire_NP in_IN the_AT last
_AP half_NN of_IN the_AT fourth_OD century_NN ._. The_AT problem_NN ,_, in_IN ot
her_AP words_NNS ,_, is_BEZ strictly_RB a_AT chronological_JJ one_CD ._. In_IN G
aul_NP the_AT Saxon_NP element_NN on_IN its_PP$ Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL was_BEDZ
plainly_QL visible_JJ because_CS there_RB the_AT Saxons_NPS were_BED an_AT intr
usive_JJ element_NN in_IN the_AT population_NN ._. In_IN Britain_NP ,_, obviousl
y_RB ,_, the_AT archaeological_JJ and_CC place-name_NN characteristics_NNS of_IN
the_AT Saxon_NP-TL Shore_NN-TL region_NN are_BER bound_VBN to_TO be_BE Saxon_NP
._. It_PPS is_BEZ a_AT matter_NN of_IN trying_VBG to_TO sort_VB out_RP an_AT ea
rlier_JJR fourth-century_NN Saxon_NP element_NN from_IN the_AT later_JJR ,_, fif
th-century_NN mainstream_NN of_IN Anglo-Saxon_JJ invasions_NNS ._. This_DT ,_, n
aturally_RB ,_, will_MD be_BE difficult_JJ to_TO do_DO since_CS both_ABX the_AT
archaeological_JJ and_CC place-name_NN evidence_NN in_IN this_DT period_NN ,_, w
ith_IN some_DTI fortunate_JJ exceptions_NNS ,_, is_BEZ insufficient_JJ for_IN pr
ecise_JJ chronological_JJ purposes_NNS ._. It_PPS might_MD be_BE well_JJ to_TO c
onsider_VB the_AT literary_JJ evidence_NN first_RB because_CS it_PPS can_MD prov
ide_VB us_PPO with_IN an_AT answer_NN to_IN one_CD important_JJ question_NN ;_.
;_. namely_RB ,_, is_BEZ the_AT idea_NN that_CS there_EX were_BED Saxon_NP merce
naries_NNS in_IN England_NP at_IN all_ABN reasonable_JJ ?_. ?_. To_TO do_DO so_R
B ,_, something_PN was_BEDZ necessary_JJ beyond_IN volunteering_VBG because_CS t
here_EX was_BEDZ little_AP glamour_NN or_CC romance_NN in_IN the_AT European_JJ
war_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS meant_VBD instead_RB hardship_NN ,_, dirt_NN ,_, and_CC de
ath_NN ._. Baker_NP gave_VBD Leonard_NP Wood_NP credit_NN for_IN the_AT initiati
on_NN of_IN the_AT draft_NN of_IN soldiers_NNS ;_. ;_. from_IN the_AT General's_
NN$-TL idea_NN a_AT chain_NN reaction_NN occurred_VBD ._. Wood_NP took_VBD the_A
T proposal_NN to_IN Chief_NN-TL of_IN-TL Staff_NN-TL Hugh_NP L._NP Scott_NP ,_,
who_WPS passed_VBD it_PPO on_RP to_IN Baker_NP a_AT month_NN before_IN the_AT ac
tual_JJ declaration_NN of_IN war_NN against_IN Germany_NP ._. The_AT Secretary_N
N-TL of_IN-TL War_NN-TL gave_VBD his_PP$ assent_NN after_CS studying_VBG the_AT
history_NN of_IN the_AT draft_NN in_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-
TL as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT British_JJ volunteer_NN system_NN in_IN World_NN-T
L War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ._. He_PPS concluded_VBD that_CS selective_JJ service_NN wou
ld_MD not_* only_RB prevent_VB the_AT disorganization_NN of_IN essential_JJ war_
NN industries_NNS but_CC would_MD avoid_VB the_AT undesirable_JJ moral_JJ effect
s_NNS of_IN the_AT British_JJ reliance_NN on_IN enlistment_NN only_RB --_-- ``_`
` where_WRB the_AT feeling_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS was_BEDZ whipped_VBN into_
IN a_AT frenzy_NN by_IN girls_NNS pinning_VBG white_JJ feathers_NNS on_IN reluct
ant_JJ young_JJ men_NNS ,_, orators_NNS preaching_VBG hate_NN of_IN the_AT Germa
ns_NPS ,_, and_CC newspapers_NNS exaggerating_VBG enemy_NN outrages_NNS to_TO ma
ke_VB men_NNS enlist_VB out_IN of_IN motives_NNS of_IN revenge_NN and_CC retalia
tion_NN ''_'' ._. Baker_NP took_VBD the_AT plan_NN to_IN Wilson_NP who_WPS said_
VBD :_: ``_`` Baker_NP ,_, this_DT is_BEZ plainly_RB right_JJ on_IN any_DTI grou
nd_NN ._. Start_VB to_TO prepare_VB the_AT necessary_JJ legislation_NN so_CS tha
t_CS if_CS I_PPSS am_BEM obliged_VBN to_TO go_VB to_IN Congress_NP the_AT bills_
NNS will_MD be_BE ready_JJ for_IN immediate_JJ consideration_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT
result_NN was_BEDZ that_CS by_IN secret_JJ agreement_NN draft_NN machinery_NN w
as_BEDZ actually_RB ready_JJ long_RB before_CS the_AT country_NN knew_VBD that_C
S the_AT device_NN was_BEDZ to_TO take_VB the_AT place_NN of_IN the_AT volunteer
ing_VBG method_NN which_WDT Theodore_NP Roosevelt_NP favored_VBD ._. Before_CS t
he_AT Draft_NN-TL Act_NN-TL was_BEDZ passed_VBN Baker_NP had_HVD confidentially_
RB briefed_VBN governors_NNS ,_, sheriffs_NNS ,_, and_CC prospective_JJ draft_NN
board_NN members_NNS on_IN the_AT administration_NN of_IN the_AT measure_NN --_
-- and_CC the_AT confidence_NN was_BEDZ kept_VBN so_QL well_RB that_CS only_RB o
ne_CD newspaper_NN learned_VBD what_WDT was_BEDZ going_VBG on_RP ._. It_PPS was_
BEDZ Baker_NP ,_, working_VBG through_IN Provost_NN-TL Marshal_NN-TL Enoch_NP Cr
owder_NP and_CC Major_NN-TL Hugh_NP S._NP (_( ``_`` Old_JJ-TL Ironpants_NN-TL ''
_'' )_) Johnson_NP ,_, who_WPS arranged_VBD for_IN a_AT secret_JJ printing_NN by
_IN the_AT million_CD of_IN selective_JJ service_NN blanks_NNS --_-- again_RB be
fore_CS the_AT Act_NN-TL was_BEDZ passed_VBN --_-- until_CS corridors_NNS in_IN
the_AT Government_NN-TL Printing_VBG-TL Office_NN-TL were_BED full_JJ and_CC the
_AT basement_NN of_IN the_AT Washington_NP-TL Post_NN-TL Office_NN-TL was_BEDZ s
tacked_VBN to_IN the_AT ceiling_NN ._. General_NN-TL Crowder_NP proposed_VBD tha
t_CS Regular_JJ-TL Army_NN-TL officers_NNS select_VB the_AT draftees_NNS in_IN c
ities_NNS and_CC towns_NNS throughout_IN the_AT nation_NN ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BED
Z Baker_NP who_WPS thought_VBD of_IN lessening_VBG the_AT shock_NN ,_, which_WDT
conscription_NN always_RB brings_VBZ to_IN a_AT country_NN ,_, by_IN substituti
ng_VBG ``_`` Greetings_NNS from_IN your_PP$ neighbors_NNS ''_'' for_IN the_AT re
cruiting_VBG sergeant_NN ,_, and_CC registration_NN in_IN familiar_JJ voting_VBG
places_NNS rather_IN than_IN at_IN military_JJ installations_NNS ._. Even_RB so
_RB ,_, the_AT Draft_NN-TL Act_NN-TL encountered_VBD rough_JJ sledding_NN in_IN
its_PP$ progress_NN through_IN the_AT Congress_NP ._. Democratic_JJ-TL Speaker_N
N-TL Champ_NP Clark_NP saw_VBD little_AP difference_NN between_IN a_AT conscript
_NN and_CC a_AT convict_NN ._. Democrat_NP Stanley_NP H._NP Dent_NP ,_, Chairman
_NN-TL of_IN the_AT House_NN-TL Military_JJ-TL Affairs_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL ,_
, declined_VBD to_TO introduce_VB the_AT bill_NN ._. Democratic_JJ-TL Floor_NN-T
L Leader_NN-TL Claude_NP Kitchin_NP would_MD have_HV no_AT part_NN of_IN the_AT
measure_NN ._. In_IN the_AT judgment_NN of_IN Chief_NN-TL of_IN-TL Staff_NN-TL S
cott_NP it_PPS was_BEDZ ironic_JJ that_CS the_AT draft_NN policy_NN of_IN a_AT D
emocratic_JJ-TL President_NN-TL ,_, aimed_VBN at_IN Germany_NP ,_, had_HVD to_TO
be_BE pushed_VBN through_IN the_AT House_NN-TL of_IN-TL Representatives_NNS-TL
by_IN the_AT ranking_VBG minority_NN member_NN of_IN the_AT Military_JJ-TL Affai
rs_NNS-TL Committee_NN-TL --_-- a_AT Republican_NP Jew_NP born_VBN in_IN Germany
_NP !_. !_. He_PPS was_BEDZ Julius_NP Kahn_NP for_IN whom_WPO the_AT Chief_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Staff_NN-TL thought_VBD no_AT honor_NN could_MD be_BE too_QL great_JJ
._. After_IN Kahn's_NP$ death_NN in_IN 1924_CD Scott_NP wrote_VBD :_: ``_`` May_
MD he_PPS rest_VB in_IN peace_NN with_IN the_AT eternal_JJ gratitude_NN of_IN hi
s_PP$ adopted_VBN country_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN spite_NN of_IN powerful_JJ oppositi
on_NN the_AT Draft_NN-TL Act_NN-TL finally_RB passed_VBD Congress_NP on_IN May_N
P 17_CD ,_, 1917_CD ._. In_IN early_JJ June_NP ten_CD million_CD young_JJ men_NN
S registered_VBD by_IN name_NN and_CC number_NN ._. The_AT day_NN passed_VBD wit
hout_IN incident_NN in_IN spite_NN of_IN the_AT warning_NN of_IN Senator_NN-TL J
ames_NP A._NP Reed_NP of_IN Missouri_NP :_: ``_`` Baker_NP ,_, you_PPSS will_MD
have_HV the_AT streets_NNS of_IN our_PP$ American_JJ cities_NNS running_VBG with
_IN blood_NN on_IN registration_NN day_NN ''_'' ._. On_IN July_NP 20_CD ,_, the_
AT first_OD drawing_NN of_IN numbers_NNS occurred_VBD in_IN the_AT Senate_NN-TL
Office_NN-TL Building_NN-TL before_IN a_AT distinguished_VBN group_NN of_IN cong
ressmen_NNS and_CC high_JJ Army_NN-TL officers_NNS ._. Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL
War_NN-TL Baker_NP ,_, blindfolded_VBN ,_, put_VBD his_PP$ hand_NN into_IN a_AT
large_JJ glass_NN bowl_NN and_CC drew_VBD the_AT initial_JJ number_NN of_IN thos
e_DTS to_TO be_BE called_VBN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ 258_CD ._. A_AT man_NN in_IN Mi
ssissippi_NP wired_VBD :_: ``_`` Thanks_NNS for_IN drawing_VBG 258_CD --_-- that
's_DT+BEZ me_PPO ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD of_IN 2,800,000_CD ca
lled_VBN to_IN the_AT Army_NN-TL through_IN the_AT selective_JJ service_NN syste
m_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ one_CD thing_NN to_TO call_VB men_NNS to_IN the_AT colo
rs_NNS ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ another_DT to_TO house_VB ,_, feed_VB ,_, and_CC
train_VB them_PPO ._. The_AT existing_VBG Army_NN-TL posts_NNS were_BED wholly_Q
L inadequate_JJ ._. In_IN a_AT matter_NN of_IN months_NNS the_AT War_NN-TL Depar
tment_NN-TL built_VBD thirty-two_CD camps_NNS ,_, each_DT one_CD accommodating_V
BG fifty_CD thousand_CD men_NNS --_-- sixteen_CD were_BED under_IN canvas_NN in_
IN the_AT South_NR-TL and_CC sixteen_CD with_IN frame_NN structures_NNS in_IN th
e_AT North_NR-TL ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT gargantuan_JJ task_NN ;_. ;_. a_AT typ
ical_JJ cantonment_NN in_IN the_AT North_NR-TL had_HVD twelve_CD hundred_CD buil
dings_NNS ,_, an_AT electric-sewer-water_NN system_NN ,_, and_CC twenty-five_CD
miles_NNS of_IN roads_NNS ._. At_IN Camp_NN-TL Taylor_NP-TL in_IN Kentucky_NP a_
AT barracks_NN was_BEDZ built_VBN in_IN an_AT hour_NN and_CC a_AT half_ABN from_
IN timber_NN that_WPS had_HVD been_BEN standing_VBG in_IN Mississippi_NP forests
_NNS one_CD week_NN before_RB ._. The_AT total_JJ operation_NN was_BEDZ a_AT con
struction_NN project_NN comparable_JJ in_IN magnitude_NN with_IN the_AT Panama_N
P-TL Canal_NN-TL ,_, but_CC in_IN 1917_CD time_NN was_BEDZ in_IN short_JJ supply
_NN ;_. ;_. in_IN three_CD months_NNS the_AT Army_NN-TL spent_VBD three-quarters
_NNS as_QL much_AP as_CS had_HVD been_BEN expended_VBN on_IN the_AT ``_`` big_JJ
Ditch_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN ten_CD years_NNS ._. In_IN later_JJR years_NNS Josephus
_NP Daniels_NP was_BEDZ to_TO claim_VB that_CS World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-TL ,_,
was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD in_IN American_JJ history_NN in_IN which_WDT there_EX
was_BEDZ great_JJ concern_NN for_IN both_ABX the_AT health_NN and_CC morals_NNS
of_IN our_PP$ soldiers_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT first_OD American_JJ war_N
N in_IN which_WDT the_AT death_NN rate_NN from_IN disease_NN was_BEDZ lower_JJR
than_CS that_DT from_IN battle_NN ,_, due_RB to_IN the_AT provision_NN of_IN tra
ined_VBN medical_JJ personnel_NNS (_( of_IN the_AT 200,000_CD officers_NNS ,_, 4
2,000_CD were_BED physicians_NNS )_) ,_, compulsory_JJ vaccination_NN ,_, rigoro
us_JJ camp_NN sanitation_NN ,_, and_CC adequate_JJ hospital_NN facilities_NNS ._
. To_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN September_NP 1918_CD ,_, there_EX had_HVD been_BE
N fewer_AP than_IN 10,000_CD deaths_NNS from_IN disease_NN in_IN the_AT new_JJ a
rmy_NN ._. This_DT enviable_JJ record_NN would_MD have_HV been_BEN maintained_VB
N but_IN for_IN a_AT great_JJ and_CC unexpected_JJ disaster_NN which_WDT struck_
VBD the_AT world_NN with_IN murderous_JJ stealth_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT i
nfluenza_NN pandemic_NN of_IN 1918-19_CD ._. The_AT malady_NN was_BEDZ popularly
_RB known_VBN as_CS the_AT ``_`` Spanish_JJ flu_NN ''_'' from_IN the_AT alleged_
VBN locale_NN of_IN its_PP$ origin_NN ._. The_AT world-wide_JJ total_NN of_IN de
aths_NNS from_IN ``_`` Spanish_JJ flu_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ around_RB twenty_CD mill
ion_CD ;_. ;_. in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL 300,000_CD succumbed_VBD
to_IN it_PPO ._. In_IN mid-September_NP 1918_CD ,_, the_AT influenza-pneumonia_
NN pandemic_NN swept_VBD through_IN every_AT American_JJ military_JJ camp_NN ;_.
;_. during_IN the_AT eight-week_JJ blitz_NN attack_NN 25,000_CD soldiers_NNS di
ed_VBD from_IN the_AT disease_NN and_CC the_AT death_NN rate_NN (_( formerly_RB
5_CD per_IN year_NN per_IN 1,000_CD men_NNS )_) increased_VBD almost_RB fifty_CD
times_NNS to_IN 4_CD per_IN week_NN per_IN 1,000_CD men_NNS ._. In_IN spite_NN
of_IN this_DT catastrophe_NN the_AT final_JJ mortality_NN figure_NN from_IN dise
ase_NN in_IN the_AT American_JJ Army_NN-TL during_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 1_CD-
TL ,_, was_BEDZ 15_CD per_IN 1,000_CD per_IN year_NN ,_, contrasted_VBN with_IN
110_CD per_IN 1,000_CD per_IN year_NN in_IN the_AT Mexican_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ,_, a
nd_CC 65_CD in_IN the_AT American_JJ Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL ._. Both_ABX Secretar
y_NN-TL of_IN-TL War_NN-TL Baker_NP and_CC Secretary_NN-TL of_IN-TL Navy_NN-TL D
aniels_NP devoted_VBD much_AP time_NN and_CC effort_NN to_IN the_AT problem_NN o
f_IN providing_VBG reasonably_QL normal_JJ and_CC wholesome_JJ activities_NNS in
_IN camp_NN for_IN the_AT millions_NNS of_IN men_NNS who_WPS had_HVD been_BEN re
moved_VBN from_IN their_PP$ home_NN environment_NN ._. Their_PP$ policy_NN ran_V
BD counter_RB to_IN the_AT traditional_JJ idea_NN that_CS a_AT good_JJ fighter_N
N was_BEDZ usually_RB a_AT libertine_NN ,_, and_CC that_CS in_IN sex_NN affairs_
NNS ``_`` God-given_JJ passion_NN ''_'' was_BEDZ a_AT proof_NN of_IN manliness_N
N ._. Baker_NP moved_VBD first_RB ;_. ;_. six_CD days_NNS after_CS war_NN was_BE
DZ declared_VBN he_PPS appointed_VBD Raymond_NP Fosdick_NP chairman_NN of_IN the
_AT Commission_NN-TL on_IN-TL Training_VBG-TL Camp_NN-TL Activities_NNS-TL (_( t
he_AT CTCA_NP-TL )_) ._. Fosdick_NP ,_, a_AT brother_NN of_IN minister_NN Harry_
NP Emerson_NP Fosdick_NP ,_, was_BEDZ a_AT graduate_NN of_IN Princeton_NP ,_, an
d_CC a_AT member_NN of_IN Phi_NP Beta_NP Kappa_NP and_CC the_AT American_JJ-TL P
hilosophical_JJ-TL Association_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ assignment_NN was_BEDZ not_* a_
AT new_JJ one_CD because_CS Baker_NP had_HVD sent_VBN him_PPO to_IN the_AT Mexic
an_JJ border_NN in_IN 1916_CD to_TO investigate_VB lurid_JJ newspaper_NN stories
_NNS about_IN lack_NN of_IN discipline_NN ,_, drunkenness_NN ,_, and_CC venereal
_JJ disease_NN in_IN American_JJ military_JJ camps_NNS ._. Fosdick_NP had_HVD fo
und_VBN the_AT installations_NNS surrounded_VBN by_IN a_AT battery_NN of_IN salo
ons_NNS and_CC houses_NNS of_IN prostitution_NN ,_, with_IN filles_FW-NNS de_FW-
IN joie_FW-NN from_IN all_QL over_IN the_AT country_NN flocking_VBG to_IN San_NP
Antonio_NP ,_, Laredo_NP ,_, and_CC El_NP Paso_NP to_TO ``_`` woman_VB the_AT c
ribs_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS also_RB ascertained_VBD that_CS many_AP officers_NNS w
ere_BED indifferent_JJ to_IN the_AT problem_NN ,_, including_IN Commanding_VBG-T
L General_NN-TL Frederick_NP Funston_NP who_WPS gave_VBD Fosdick_NP the_AT nickn
ame_NN of_IN ``_`` Reverend_NP ''_'' ._. On_IN the_AT basis_NN of_IN the_AT long
_JJ chronicle_NN of_IN military_JJ history_NN Funston_NP and_CC his_PP$ brethren
_NNS assumed_VBD that_CS the_AT issue_NN was_BEDZ insoluble_JJ and_CC that_CS an
yone_PN interested_VBN in_IN a_AT mission_NN like_CS Fosdick's_NP$ was_BEDZ an_A
T impractical_JJ idealist_NN or_CC a_AT do-gooder_NN ._. During_IN the_AT brief_
JJ Mexican_JJ venture_NN Fosdick's_NP$ report_NN to_IN the_AT Secretary_NN-TL re
commended_VBD a_AT definite_JJ stand_NN by_IN the_AT War_NN-TL Department_NN-TL
against_IN the_AT saloon_NN and_CC the_AT excesses_NNS of_IN prostitution_NN ._.
The_AT problem_NN involved_VBD military_JJ necessity_NN as_QL much_AP as_CS mor
ality_NN ,_, for_CS in_IN pre-penicillin_JJ days_NNS venereal_JJ disease_NN was_
BEDZ a_AT crippling_VBG disability_NN ._. Fosdick_NP insisted_VBD that_CS a_AT s
trong_JJ word_NN was_BEDZ needed_VBN from_IN Washington_NP ,_, and_CC it_PPS was
_BEDZ immediately_RB forthcoming_JJ ._. Baker_NP put_VBD the_AT ``_`` cribs_NNS
''_'' and_CC the_AT saloons_NNS out_IN of_IN bounds_NNS ,_, ordered_VBD the_AT c
o-operation_NN of_IN military_JJ officers_NNS with_IN local_JJ law_NN authoritie
s_NNS ,_, and_CC told_VBD communities_NNS that_CS the_AT troops_NNS would_MD be_
BE moved_VBN unless_CS wholesome_JJ conditions_NNS were_BED restored_VBN ._. Bot
h_ABX Baker_NP and_CC Fosdick_NP knew_VBD that_CS a_AT substitute_NN was_BEDZ ne
cessary_JJ ,_, that_CS a_AT verboten_FW-VBN approach_NN was_BEDZ not_* the_AT re
al_JJ answer_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED aware_JJ that_CS soldiers_NNS went_VBD to
_IN town_NN ,_, in_IN more_AP ways_NNS than_IN one_CD ,_, because_RB of_IN the_A
T monotony_NN of_IN camp_NN life_NN ,_, to_TO find_VB the_AT only_AP release_NN
available_JJ in_IN the_AT absence_NN of_IN movies_NNS ,_, reading_VBG rooms_NNS
,_, and_CC playing_VBG fields_NNS with_IN adequate_JJ athletic_JJ equipment_NN .
_. Both_ABX knew_VBD that_CS when_WRB trains_NNS stopped_VBD at_IN Texan_JJ cros
sroads_NNS bored_VBN soldiers_NNS would_MD sometimes_RB enter_VB to_TO ask_VB th
e_AT passengers_NNS if_CS they_PPSS had_HVD any_DTI reading_VBG material_NN to_T
O spare_VB ,_, even_RB a_AT newspaper_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT time_NN in_
IN the_AT short_JJ Mexican_JJ encounter_NN to_TO evolve_VB a_AT solution_NN but_
CC the_AT area_NN provided_VBD a_AT proving_VBG ground_NN for_IN new_JJ departur
es_NNS in_IN the_AT near_JJ future_NN ._. When_WRB the_AT United_VBN-TL States_N
NS-TL entered_VBD the_AT First_OD-TL World_NN-TL War_NN-TL Baker_NP made_VBD cer
tain_JJ that_CS the_AT Draft_NN-TL Act_NN-TL of_IN 1917_CD prohibited_VBD the_AT
sale_NN of_IN liquor_NN to_IN men_NNS in_IN uniform_NN and_CC that_CS it_PPS pr
ovided_VBD for_IN broad_JJ zones_NNS around_IN the_AT camps_NNS in_IN which_WDT
prostitution_NN was_BEDZ outlawed_VBN ._. Even_RB so_RB Fosdick_NP ,_, as_CS the
_AT new_JJ Chairman_NN-TL of_IN the_AT Commission_NN-TL on_IN-TL Training_VBG-TL
Camp_NN-TL Activities_NNS-TL ,_, encountered_VBD strong_JJ and_CC vociferous_JJ
opposition_NN ._. New_JJ-TL Orleans_NP-TL had_HVD a_AT notorious_JJ red-light_N
N district_NN extending_VBG over_IN twenty-eight_CD city_NN blocks_NNS ,_, and_C
C the_AT business-minded_JJ mayor_NN of_IN the_AT city_NN journeyed_VBD to_IN Wa
shington_NP to_TO present_VB the_AT case_NN for_IN ``_`` the_AT God-given_JJ rig
ht_NN of_IN men_NNS to_TO be_BE men_NNS ''_'' ._. In_IN Europe_NP ,_, Premier_NN
-TL Clemenceau_NP ,_, showing_VBG his_PP$ animal_NN proclivities_NNS as_CS the_A
T ``_`` Tiger_NN-TL of_IN-TL France_NP-TL ''_'' ,_, asked_VBD Pershing_NP by_IN
letter_NN for_IN the_AT creation_NN of_IN special_JJ houses_NNS where_WRB the_AT
sexual_JJ desires_NNS of_IN American_JJ men_NNS could_MD be_BE satisfied_VBN ._
. When_WRB Fosdick_NP showed_VBD the_AT letter_NN to_IN Baker_NP his_PP$ negativ
e_JJ response_NN was_BEDZ :_: ``_`` For_IN God's_NP$ sake_NN ,_, Raymond_NP ,_,
don't_DO* show_VB this_DT to_IN the_AT President_NN-TL or_CC he'll_PPS+MD stop_V
B the_AT war_NN ''_'' ._. Ultimately_RB Fosdick's_NP$ ``_`` Fit_JJ to_TO fight_V
B ''_'' slogan_NN swept_VBD across_IN the_AT country_NN and_CC every_AT well-kno
wn_JJ red-light_NN district_NN in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL was_BEDZ
closed_VBN ,_, a_AT hundred_CD and_CC ten_CD of_IN them_PPO ._. The_AT result_N
N was_BEDZ that_CS the_AT rate_NN of_IN venereal_JJ disease_NN in_IN the_AT Amer
ican_JJ Army_NN-TL was_BEDZ the_AT lowest_JJT in_IN our_PP$ military_JJ history_
NN ._. This_DT was_BEDZ the_AT negative_JJ side_NN of_IN the_AT situation_NN ._.
Affirmatively_RB Baker_NP worked_VBD on_IN the_AT premise_NN that_CS ``_`` youn
g_JJ men_NNS spontaneously_RB prefer_VB to_TO be_BE decent_JJ ,_, and_CC that_CS
opportunities_NNS for_IN wholesome_JJ recreation_NN are_BER the_AT best_JJT pos
sible_JJ cure_NN for_IN irregularities_NNS in_IN conduct_NN which_WDT arise_VB f
rom_IN idleness_NN and_CC the_AT baser_JJR temptations_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT whol
esome_JJ activities_NNS were_BED to_TO be_BE provided_VBN by_IN many_AP organiza
tions_NNS including_IN the_AT YMCA_NN ,_, the_AT Knights_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Columbu
s_NP-TL ,_, the_AT Jewish_JJ-TL Welfare_NN-TL Board_NN-TL ,_, the_AT American_JJ
-TL Library_NN-TL Association_NN-TL ,_, and_CC the_AT Playground_NN-TL and_CC-TL
Recreation_NN-TL Association_NN-TL --_-- private_JJ societies_NNS which_WDT vol
untarily_RB performed_VBD the_AT job_NN that_WPS was_BEDZ taken_VBN over_RP almo
st_QL entirely_RB by_IN the_AT Special_JJ-TL Services_NNS-TL Division_NN-TL of_I
N the_AT Army_NN-TL itself_PPL in_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ._. Over_IN t
hese_DTS voluntary_JJ agencies_NNS ,_, in_IN 1917-18_CD ,_, the_AT CTCA_NN serve
d_VBD as_CS a_AT co-ordinating_VBG body_NN in_IN carrying_VBG out_RP what_WDT Su
rvey_NN-TL called_VBD ``_`` the_AT most_QL stupendous_JJ piece_NN of_IN social_J
J work_NN in_IN modern_JJ times_NNS ''_'' ._. Under_IN Fosdick_NP the_AT first_O
D executive_NN officer_NN of_IN the_AT CTCA_NN was_BEDZ Richard_NP Byrd_NP ,_, w
hose_WP$ name_NN in_IN later_JJR years_NNS was_BEDZ to_TO become_VB synonymous_J
J with_IN activities_NNS at_IN the_AT polar_JJ antipodes_NNS ._. From_IN the_AT
point_NN of_IN view_NN of_IN popularity_NN the_AT best-known_JJT member_NN of_IN
the_AT Commission_NN-TL was_BEDZ Walter_NP Camp_NP ,_, the_AT Yale_NP athlete_N
N whose_WP$ sobriquet_NN was_BEDZ ``_`` the_AT father_NN of_IN American_JJ footb
all_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ placed_VBN in_IN charge_NN of_IN athletics_NN ,
_, and_CC among_IN other_AP things_NNS adapted_VBD the_AT type_NN of_IN calisthe
nics_NNS known_VBN as_CS the_AT daily_JJ dozen_NN ._. The_AT CTCA_NN program_NN
of_IN activities_NNS was_BEDZ profuse_JJ :_: William_NP Farnum_NP and_CC Mary_NP
Pickford_NP on_IN the_AT screen_NN ,_, Elsie_NP Janis_NP and_CC Harry_NP Lauder
_NP on_IN the_AT stage_NN ,_, books_NNS provided_VBN by_IN the_AT American_JJ-TL
Library_NN-TL Association_NN-TL ,_, full_JJ equipment_NN for_IN games_NNS and_C
C sports_NNS --_-- except_IN that_CS no_AT ``_`` bones_NNS ''_'' were_BED furnis
hed_VBN for_IN the_AT all-time_JJ favorite_JJ pastime_NN played_VBN on_IN any_DT
I floor_NN and_CC known_VBN as_CS ``_`` African_JJ golf_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT CTCA
_NN distributed_VBD a_AT khaki-bound_JJ songbook_NN that_WPS provided_VBD the_AT
impetus_NN for_IN spirited_JJ renditions_NNS of_IN the_AT selections_NNS found_
VBN therein_RB ,_, plus_CC a_AT number_NN of_IN others_NNS whose_WP$ lyrics_NNS
were_BED more_QL earthy_JJ --_-- from_IN ``_`` Johnny_NP-TL Get_VB-TL Your_PP$-T
L Gun_NN-TL ''_'' to_IN ``_`` Keep_VB-TL The_AT-TL Home_NN-TL Fires_NNS-TL Burni
ng_VBG-TL ''_'' to_IN ``_`` Mademoiselle_FW-NN-TL From_IN-TL Armentieres_NP-TL '
'_'' ._. In_IN the_AT imagination_NN of_IN the_AT nineteenth_OD century_NN the_A
T Greek_JJ tragedians_NNS and_CC Shakespeare_NP stand_VB side_NN by_IN side_NN ,
_, their_PP$ affinity_NN transcending_VBG all_ABN the_AT immense_JJ contrarietie
s_NNS of_IN historical_JJ circumstance_NN ,_, religious_JJ belief_NN ,_, and_CC
poetic_JJ form_NN ._. We_PPSS no_QL longer_RBR use_VB the_AT particular_JJ terms
_NNS of_IN Lessing_NP and_CC Victor_NP Hugo_NP ._. But_CC we_PPSS abide_VB by_IN
their_PP$ insight_NN ._. The_AT word_NN ``_`` tragedy_NN-NC ''_'' encloses_VBZ
for_IN us_PPO in_IN a_AT single_AP span_NN both_ABX the_AT Greek_JJ and_CC the_A
T Elizabethan_JJ example_NN ._. The_AT sense_NN of_IN relationship_NN overreache
s_VBZ the_AT historical_JJ truth_NN that_CS Shakespeare_NP may_MD have_HV known_
VBN next_IN to_IN nothing_PN of_IN the_AT actual_JJ works_NNS of_IN Aeschylus_NP
,_, Sophocles_NP ,_, and_CC Euripides_NP ._. It_PPS transcends_VBZ the_AT glari
ng_VBG fact_NN that_CS the_AT Elizabethans_NPS mixed_VBD tragedy_NN and_CC comed
y_NN whereas_CS the_AT Greeks_NPS kept_VBD the_AT two_CD modes_NNS severely_QL d
istinct_JJ ._. It_PPS overcomes_VBZ our_PP$ emphatic_JJ awareness_NN of_IN the_A
T vast_JJ difference_NN in_IN the_AT shape_NN and_CC fabric_NN of_IN the_AT two_
CD languages_NNS and_CC styles_NNS of_IN dramatic_JJ presentation_NN ._. The_AT
intimations_NNS of_IN a_AT related_VBN spirit_NN and_CC ordering_NN of_IN human_
JJ values_NNS are_BER stronger_JJR than_CS any_DTI sense_NN of_IN disparity_NN .
_. Comparable_JJ visions_NNS of_IN life_NN are_BER at_IN work_NN in_IN Antigone_
NP and_CC Romeo_NP-TL And_CC-TL Juliet_NP-TL ._. We_PPSS see_VB at_IN once_RB wh
at_WDT Victor_NP Hugo_NP means_VBZ when_WRB he_PPS calls_VBZ Macbeth_NP a_AT nor
thern_JJ scion_NN of_IN the_AT house_NN of_IN Atreus_NP ._. Elsinore_NP seems_VB
Z to_TO lie_VB in_IN a_AT range_NN of_IN Mycenae_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT fate_NN of
_IN Orestes_NP resounds_VBZ in_IN that_DT of_IN Hamlet_NP ._. The_AT hounds_NNS
of_IN hell_NN search_VB out_RP their_PP$ quarry_NN in_IN Apollo's_NP$ sanctuary_
NN as_CS they_PPSS do_DO in_IN the_AT tent_NN of_IN Richard_NP-TL 3_CD-TL ._. Oe
dipus_NP and_CC Lear_NP attain_VB similar_JJ insights_NNS by_IN virtue_NN of_IN
similar_JJ blindness_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* between_IN Euripides_NP and_CC S
hakespeare_NP that_CS the_AT western_JJ mind_NN turns_VBZ away_RB from_IN the_AT
ancient_JJ tragic_JJ sense_NN of_IN life_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ after_IN the_AT l
ate_JJ seventeenth_OD century_NN ._. I_PPSS say_VB the_AT late_JJ seventeenth_OD
century_NN because_CS Racine_NP (_( whom_WPO Lessing_NP did_DOD not_* really_RB
know_VB )_) stands_VBZ on_IN the_AT far_JJ side_NN of_IN the_AT chasm_NN ._. Th
e_AT image_NN of_IN man_NN which_WDT enters_VBZ into_IN force_NN with_IN Aeschyl
us_NP is_BEZ still_RB vital_JJ in_IN Phedre_NP and_CC Athalie_NP ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ the_AT triumph_NN of_IN rationalism_NN and_CC secular_JJ metaphysics_NN which
_WDT marks_VBZ the_AT point_NN of_IN no_AT return_NN ._. Shakespeare_NP is_BEZ c
loser_RBR to_IN Sophocles_NP than_CS he_PPS is_BEZ to_IN Pope_NP and_CC Voltaire
_NP ._. To_TO say_VB this_DT is_BEZ to_TO set_VB aside_RB the_AT realness_NN of_
IN time_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS is_BEZ true_JJ ,_, nevertheless_RB ._. The_AT modes
_NNS of_IN the_AT imagination_NN implicit_JJ in_IN Athenian_JJ tragedy_NN contin
ued_VBD to_TO shape_VB the_AT life_NN of_IN the_AT mind_NN until_IN the_AT age_N
N of_IN Descartes_NP and_CC Newton_NP ._. It_PPS is_BEZ only_RB then_RB that_CS
the_AT ancient_JJ habits_NNS of_IN feeling_VBG and_CC the_AT classic_JJ ordering
s_NNS of_IN material_NN and_CC psychological_JJ experience_NN were_BED abandoned
_VBN ._. With_IN the_AT Discours_FW-NN-TL de_FW-IN-TL la_FW-AT-TL methode_FW-NN-
TL and_CC the_AT Principia_FW-NNS-TL the_AT things_NNS undreamt_JJ of_IN in_IN H
oratio's_NP$ philosophy_NN seem_VB to_TO pass_VB from_IN the_AT world_NN ._. In_
IN Greek_JJ tragedy_NN as_CS in_IN Shakespeare_NP ,_, mortal_JJ actions_NNS are_
BER encompassed_VBN by_IN forces_NNS which_WDT transcend_VB man_NN ._. The_AT re
ality_NN of_IN Orestes_NP entails_VBZ that_DT of_IN the_AT Furies_NPS ;_. ;_. th
e_AT Weird_JJ-TL Sisters_NNS-TL wait_VB for_IN the_AT soul_NN of_IN Macbeth_NP .
_. We_PPSS cannot_MD* conceive_VB of_IN Oedipus_NP without_IN a_AT Sphinx_NP ,_,
nor_CC of_IN Hamlet_NP without_IN a_AT Ghost_NN-TL ._. The_AT shadows_NNS cast_
VBN by_IN the_AT personages_NNS of_IN Greek_JJ and_CC Shakespearean_JJ drama_NN
lengthen_VB into_IN a_AT greater_JJR darkness_NN ._. And_CC the_AT entirety_NN o
f_IN the_AT natural_JJ world_NN is_BEZ party_NN to_IN the_AT action_NN ._. The_A
T thunderclaps_NNS over_IN the_AT sacred_JJ wood_NN at_IN Colonus_NP and_CC the_
AT storms_NNS in_IN King_NN-TL Lear_NP-TL are_BER caused_VBN by_IN more_AP than_
CS weather_NN ._. In_IN tragedy_NN ,_, lightning_NN is_BEZ a_AT messenger_NN ._.
But_CC it_PPS can_MD no_QL longer_RBR be_BE so_RB once_CS Benjamin_NP Franklin_
NP (_( the_AT incarnation_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ rational_JJ man_NN )_) has_HVZ
flown_VBN a_AT kite_NN to_IN it_PPO ._. The_AT tragic_JJ stage_NN is_BEZ a_AT pl
atform_NN extending_VBG precariously_RB between_IN heaven_NN and_CC hell_NN ._.
Those_DTS who_WPS walk_VB on_IN it_PPS may_MD encounter_VB at_IN any_DTI turn_NN
ministers_NNS of_IN grace_NN or_CC damnation_NN ._. Oedipus_NP-TL and_CC Lear_N
P-TL instruct_VB us_PPO how_WQL little_AP of_IN the_AT world_NN belongs_VBZ to_I
N man_NN ._. Mortality_NN is_BEZ the_AT pacing_NN of_IN a_AT brief_JJ and_CC dan
gerous_JJ watch_NN ,_, and_CC to_IN all_ABN sentinels_NNS ,_, whether_CS at_IN E
lsinore_NP or_CC on_IN the_AT battlements_NNS at_IN Mycenae_NP ,_, the_AT coming
_NN of_IN dawn_NN has_HVZ its_PP$ breath_NN of_IN miracle_NN ._. It_PPS banishes
_VBZ the_AT night_NN wanderers_NNS to_IN fire_NN or_CC repose_NN ._. But_CC at_I
N the_AT touch_NN of_IN Hume_NP and_CC Voltaire_NP the_AT noble_JJ or_CC hideous
_JJ visitations_NNS which_WDT had_HVD haunted_VBN the_AT mind_NN since_CS Agamem
non's_NP$ blood_NN cried_VBD out_RP for_IN vengeance_NN ,_, disappeared_VBD alto
gether_RB or_CC took_VBD tawdry_JJ refuge_NN among_IN the_AT gaslights_NNS of_IN
melodrama_NN ._. Modern_JJ roosters_NNS have_HV lost_VBN the_AT art_NN of_IN cr
owing_VBG restless_JJ spirits_NNS back_RB to_IN Purgatory_NP ._. In_IN Athens_NP
,_, in_IN Shakespeare's_NP$ England_NP ,_, and_CC at_IN Versailles_NP ,_, the_A
T hierarchies_NNS of_IN worldly_JJ power_NN were_BED stable_JJ and_CC manifest_J
J ._. The_AT wheel_NN of_IN social_JJ life_NN spun_VBD around_IN the_AT royal_JJ
or_CC aristocratic_JJ centre_NN ._. From_IN it_PPO ,_, spokes_NNS of_IN order_N
N and_CC degree_NN led_VBD to_IN the_AT outward_JJ rim_NN of_IN the_AT common_JJ
man_NN ._. Tragedy_NN presumes_VBZ such_ABL a_AT configuration_NN ._. Its_PP$ s
phere_NN is_BEZ that_DT of_IN royal_JJ courts_NNS ,_, dynastic_JJ quarrels_NNS ,
_, and_CC vaulting_VBG ambitions_NNS ._. The_AT same_AP metaphors_NNS of_IN swif
t_JJ ascent_NN and_CC calamitous_JJ decline_NN apply_VB to_IN Oedipus_NP and_CC
Macbeth_NP because_CS they_PPSS applied_VBD also_RB to_IN Alcibiades_NP and_CC E
ssex_NP ._. And_CC the_AT fate_NN of_IN such_JJ men_NNS has_HVZ tragic_JJ releva
nce_NN because_CS it_PPS is_BEZ public_JJ ._. Agamemnon_NP ,_, Creon_NP ,_, and_
CC Medea_NP perform_VB their_PP$ tragic_JJ actions_NNS before_IN the_AT eyes_NNS
of_IN the_AT polis_FW-NN ._. Similarly_RB the_AT sufferings_NNS of_IN Hamlet_NP
,_, Othello_NP ,_, or_CC Phedre_NP engage_VB the_AT fortunes_NNS of_IN the_AT s
tate_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER enacted_VBN at_IN the_AT heart_NN of_IN the_AT bod
y_NN politic_JJ ._. Hence_RB the_AT natural_JJ setting_NN of_IN tragedy_NN is_BE
Z the_AT palace_NN gate_NN ,_, the_AT public_JJ square_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT court
_NN chamber_NN ._. Greek_JJ and_CC Elizabethan_JJ life_NN and_CC ,_, to_IN a_AT
certain_JJ extent_NN ,_, the_AT life_NN of_IN Versailles_NP shared_VBD this_DT c
haracter_NN of_IN intense_JJ ``_`` publicity_NN ''_'' ._. Princes_NNS and_CC fac
tions_NNS clashed_VBD in_IN the_AT open_JJ street_NN and_CC died_VBD on_IN the_A
T open_JJ scaffold_NN ._. With_IN the_AT rise_NN to_IN power_NN of_IN the_AT mid
dle_JJ class_NN the_AT centre_NN of_IN gravity_NN in_IN human_JJ affairs_NNS shi
fted_VBD from_IN the_AT public_NN to_IN the_AT private_NN ._. The_AT art_NN of_I
N Defoe_NP and_CC Richardson_NP is_BEZ founded_VBN on_IN an_AT awareness_NN of_I
N this_DT great_JJ change_NN ._. Heretofore_RB an_AT action_NN had_HVD possessed
_VBN the_AT breadth_NN of_IN tragedy_NN only_RB if_CS it_PPS involved_VBD high_J
J personages_NNS and_CC if_CS it_PPS occurred_VBD in_IN the_AT public_JJ view_NN
._. Behind_IN the_AT tragic_JJ hero_NN stands_VBZ the_AT chorus_NN ,_, the_AT c
rowd_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT observant_JJ courtier_NN ._. In_IN the_AT eighteenth_OD
century_NN there_EX emerges_VBZ for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN the_AT notion_NN
of_IN a_AT private_JJ tragedy_NN (_( or_CC nearly_RB for_IN the_AT first_OD tim
e_NN ,_, there_EX having_HVG been_BEN a_AT small_JJ number_NN of_IN Elizabethan_
JJ domestic_JJ tragedies_NNS such_JJ as_CS the_AT famous_JJ Arden_NP-TL Of_IN-TL
Feversham_NP-TL )_) ._. In_IN La_FW-AT-TL Nouvelle-Heloise_NP-TL and_CC Werther
_NP-TL tragedy_NN is_BEZ made_VBN intimate_JJ ._. And_CC private_JJ tragedy_NN b
ecame_VBD the_AT chosen_VBN ground_NN not_* of_IN drama_NN ,_, but_CC of_IN the_
AT new_JJ ,_, unfolding_VBG art_NN of_IN the_AT novel_NN ._. The_AT novel_NN was
_BEDZ not_* only_RB the_AT presenter_NN of_IN the_AT new_JJ ,_, secular_JJ ,_, r
ationalistic_JJ ,_, private_JJ world_NN of_IN the_AT middle_JJ class_NN ._. It_P
PS served_VBD also_RB as_CS a_AT literary_JJ form_NN exactly_QL appropriate_JJ t
o_IN the_AT fragmented_VBN audience_NN of_IN modern_JJ urban_JJ culture_NN ._. I
_PPSS have_HV said_VBN before_RB how_WQL difficult_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ to_TO make_V
B any_DTI precise_JJ statements_NNS with_IN regard_NN to_IN the_AT character_NN
of_IN the_AT Greek_JJ and_CC Elizabethan_JJ public_NN ._. But_CC one_CD major_JJ
fact_NN seems_VBZ undeniable_JJ ._. Until_IN the_AT advent_NN of_IN rational_JJ
empiricism_NN the_AT controlling_VBG habits_NNS of_IN the_AT western_JJ mind_NN
were_BED symbolic_JJ and_CC allegoric_JJ ._. Available_JJ evidence_NN regarding
_IN the_AT natural_JJ world_NN ,_, the_AT course_NN of_IN history_NN ,_, and_CC
the_AT varieties_NNS of_IN human_JJ action_NN were_BED translated_VBN into_IN im
aginative_JJ designs_NNS or_CC mythologies_NNS ._. Classic_JJ mythology_NN and_C
C Christianity_NP are_BER such_JJ architectures_NNS of_IN the_AT imagination_NN
._. They_PPSS order_VB the_AT manifold_JJ levels_NNS of_IN reality_NN and_CC mor
al_JJ value_NN along_IN an_AT axis_NN of_IN being_BEG which_WDT extends_VBZ from
_IN brute_JJ matter_NN to_IN the_AT immaculate_JJ stars_NNS ._. There_EX had_HVD
not_* yet_RB supervened_VBN between_IN understanding_VBG and_CC expression_NN t
he_AT new_JJ languages_NNS of_IN mathematics_NN and_CC scientific_JJ formulas_NN
S ._. The_AT poet_NN was_BEDZ by_IN definition_NN a_AT realist_NN ,_, his_PP$ im
aginings_NNS and_CC parables_NNS being_BEG natural_JJ organizations_NNS of_IN re
ality_NN ._. And_CC in_IN these_DTS organizations_NNS certain_JJ primal_JJ notio
ns_NNS played_VBD a_AT radiant_JJ part_NN ,_, radiant_JJ both_ABX in_IN the_AT s
ense_NN of_IN giving_VBG light_NN and_CC of_IN being_BEG a_AT pole_NN toward_IN
which_WDT all_ABN perspectives_NNS converge_VB ._. I_PPSS mean_VB such_JJ concep
ts_NNS as_CS the_AT presence_NN of_IN the_AT supernatural_NN in_IN human_JJ affa
irs_NNS ,_, the_AT sacraments_NNS of_IN grace_NN and_CC divine_JJ retribution_NN
,_, the_AT idea_NN of_IN preordainment_NN (_( the_AT oracle_NN over_IN Oedipus_
NP ,_, the_AT prophecy_NN of_IN the_AT witches_NNS to_IN Macbeth_NP ,_, or_CC Go
d's_NP$ covenant_NN with_IN His_PP$ people_NNS in_IN Athalie_NP-TL )_) ._. I_PPS
S refer_VB to_IN the_AT notion_NN that_CS the_AT structure_NN of_IN society_NN i
s_BEZ a_AT microcosm_NN of_IN the_AT cosmic_JJ design_NN and_CC that_CS history_
NN conforms_VBZ to_IN patterns_NNS of_IN justice_NN and_CC chastisement_NN as_CS
if_CS it_PPS were_BED a_AT morality_NN play_NN set_VBN in_IN motion_NN by_IN th
e_AT gods_NNS for_IN our_PP$ instruction_NN ._. These_DTS conceptions_NNS and_CC
the_AT manner_NN in_IN which_WDT they_PPSS were_BED transposed_VBN into_IN poet
ry_NN or_CC engendered_VBN by_IN poetic_JJ form_NN are_BER intrinsic_JJ to_IN we
stern_JJ life_NN from_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Aeschylus_NP to_IN that_DT of_IN S
hakespeare_NP ._. And_CC although_CS they_PPSS were_BED ,_, as_CS I_PPSS have_HV
indicated_VBN ,_, under_IN increasing_VBG strain_NN at_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN
Racine_NP ,_, they_PPSS are_BER still_RB alive_JJ in_IN his_PP$ theatre_NN ._. T
hey_PPSS are_BER the_AT essential_JJ force_NN behind_IN the_AT conventions_NNS o
f_IN tragedy_NN ._. They_PPSS are_BER as_QL decisively_RB present_RB in_IN the_A
T Oresteia_NP-TL and_CC Oedipus_NP-TL as_CS in_IN Macbeth_NP-TL ,_, King_NN-TL L
ear_NP-TL ,_, and_CC Phedre_NP-TL ._. After_IN the_AT seventeenth_OD century_NN
the_AT audience_NN ceased_VBD to_TO be_BE an_AT organic_JJ community_NN to_IN wh
ich_WDT these_DTS ideas_NNS and_CC their_PP$ attendant_JJ habits_NNS of_IN figur
ative_JJ language_NN would_MD be_BE natural_JJ or_CC immediately_RB familiar_JJ
._. Concepts_NNS such_JJ as_CS grace_NN ,_, damnation_NN ,_, purgation_NN ,_, bl
asphemy_NN ,_, or_CC the_AT chain_NN of_IN being_BEG ,_, which_WDT are_BER every
where_RB implicit_JJ in_IN classic_NN and_CC Shakespearean_JJ tragedy_NN ,_, los
e_VB their_PP$ vitality_NN ._. They_PPSS become_VB philosophic_JJ abstractions_N
NS of_IN a_AT private_JJ and_CC problematic_JJ relevance_NN ,_, or_CC mere_JJ ca
tchwords_NNS in_IN religious_JJ customs_NNS which_WDT had_HVD in_IN them_PPO a_A
T diminishing_VBG part_NN of_IN active_JJ belief_NN ._. After_IN Shakespeare_NP
the_AT master_NN spirits_NNS of_IN western_JJ consciousness_NN are_BER no_QL lon
ger_RBR the_AT blind_JJ seers_NNS ,_, the_AT poets_NNS ,_, or_CC Orpheus_NP perf
orming_VBG his_PP$ art_NN in_IN the_AT face_NN of_IN hell_NN ._. They_PPSS are_B
ER Descartes_NP ,_, Newton_NP ,_, and_CC Voltaire_NP ._. And_CC their_PP$ chroni
clers_NNS are_BER not_* the_AT dramatic_JJ poets_NNS but_CC the_AT prose_NN nove
lists_NNS ._. The_AT romantics_NNS were_BED the_AT immediate_JJ inheritors_NNS o
f_IN this_DT tremendous_JJ change_NN ._. They_PPSS were_BED not_* yet_RB prepare
d_VBN to_TO accept_VB it_PPO as_CS irremediable_JJ ._. Rousseau's_NP$ primitivis
m_NN ,_, the_AT anti-Newtonian_JJ mythology_NN of_IN Blake_NP ,_, Coleridge's_NP
$ organic_JJ metaphysics_NN ,_, Victor_NP Hugo's_NP$ image_NN of_IN the_AT poets
_NNS as_CS the_AT Magi_NPS ,_, and_CC Shelley's_NP$ ``_`` unacknowledged_JJ legi
slators_NNS ''_'' are_BER related_VBN elements_NNS in_IN the_AT rear-guard_NN ac
tion_NN fought_VBN by_IN the_AT romantics_NNS against_IN the_AT new_JJ scientifi
c_JJ rationalism_NN ._. From_IN this_DT action_NN sprang_VBD the_AT idea_NN of_I
N somehow_RB uniting_VBG Greek_JJ and_CC Shakespearean_JJ drama_NN into_IN a_AT
new_JJ total_JJ form_NN ,_, capable_JJ of_IN restoring_VBG to_IN life_NN the_AT
ancient_JJ moral_JJ and_CC poetic_JJ responses_NNS ._. The_AT dream_NN of_IN ach
ieving_VBG a_AT synthesis_NN between_IN the_AT Sophoclean_JJ and_CC the_AT Shake
spearean_JJ genius_NN inspired_VBD the_AT ambitions_NNS of_IN poets_NNS and_CC c
omposers_NNS from_IN the_AT time_NN of_IN Shelley_NP and_CC Victor_NP Hugo_NP to
_IN that_DT of_IN Bayreuth_NP ._. It_PPS could_MD not_* really_RB be_BE fulfille
d_VBN ._. The_AT conventions_NNS into_IN which_WDT the_AT romantics_NNS tried_VB
D to_IN breath_NN life_NN no_QL longer_RBR corresponded_VBD to_IN the_AT realiti
es_NNS of_IN thought_NN and_CC feeling_NN ._. But_CC the_AT attempt_NN itself_PP
L produced_VBD a_AT number_NN of_IN brilliant_JJ works_NNS ,_, and_CC these_DTS
form_VB a_AT transition_NN from_IN the_AT early_JJ romantic_JJ period_NN to_IN t
he_AT new_JJ age_NN of_IN Ibsen_NP and_CC Chekhov_NP ._. The_AT wedding_NN of_IN
the_AT Hellenic_JJ to_IN the_AT northern_JJ genius_NN was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the
_AT dominant_JJ motifs_NNS in_IN Goethe's_NP$ thought_NN ._. His_PP$ Italian_JJ
journey_NN was_BEDZ a_AT poet's_NN$ version_NN of_IN those_DTS perennial_JJ thru
sts_NNS across_IN the_AT Alps_NPS of_IN the_AT German_JJ emperors_NNS of_IN the_
AT Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NNS-TL ._. The_AT dream_NN of_IN a_AT descent_NN into_IN th
e_AT gardens_NNS of_IN the_AT south_NR always_RB drew_VBD German_JJ ambitions_NN
S toward_IN Rome_NP and_CC Sicily_NP ._. Goethe_NP asks_VBZ in_IN Wilhelm_NP-TL
Meister_NP-TL whether_CS we_PPSS know_VB the_AT land_NN where_WRB the_AT lemon_N
N trees_NNS flower_VB ,_, and_CC the_AT light_NN of_IN the_AT Mediterranean_NP g
lows_VBZ through_IN Torquato_NP Tasso_NP and_CC the_AT Roman_JJ-TL Elegies_NNS-T
L ._. Goethe_NP believed_VBD that_CS the_AT Germanic_JJ spirit_NN ,_, with_IN it
s_PP$ grave_JJ strength_NN but_CC flagrant_JJ streaks_NNS of_IN brutality_NN and
_CC intolerance_NN ,_, should_MD be_BE tempered_VBN with_IN the_AT old_JJ sensuo
us_JJ wisdom_NN and_CC humanism_NN of_IN the_AT Hellenic_JJ ._. On_IN the_AT nar
rower_JJR ground_NN of_IN poetic_JJ form_NN ,_, he_PPS felt_VBD that_CS in_IN th
e_AT drama_NN of_IN the_AT future_NN the_AT Greek_JJ conception_NN of_IN tragic_
JJ fate_NN should_MD be_BE joined_VBN to_IN the_AT Shakespearean_JJ vision_NN of
_IN tragic_JJ will_NN ._. The_AT wager_NN between_IN God_NP and_CC Satan_NP brin
gs_VBZ on_RP the_AT destiny_NN of_IN Faust_NP ,_, but_CC Faust_NP assumes_VBZ hi
s_PP$ role_NN voluntarily_RB ._. The_AT third_OD Act_NN-TL of_IN Faust_NP-TL 2_C
D-TL ,_, is_BEZ a_AT formal_JJ celebration_NN of_IN the_AT union_NN between_IN t
he_AT Germanic_JJ and_CC the_AT classic_JJ ,_, between_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN
Euripides_NP and_CC that_DT of_IN romantic_JJ drama_NN ._. The_AT motif_NN of_I
N Faust's_NP$ love_NN for_IN Helen_NP-TL of_IN-TL Troy_NP-TL goes_VBZ back_RB to
_IN the_AT sources_NNS of_IN the_AT Faustian_JJ legend_NN ._. It_PPS tells_VBZ u
s_PPO of_IN the_AT ancient_JJ human_JJ desire_NN to_TO see_VB the_AT highest_JJT
wisdom_NN joined_VBN to_IN the_AT highest_JJT sensual_JJ beauty_NN ._. There_EX
can_MD be_BE no_AT greater_JJR magic_NN than_CS to_TO wrest_VB from_IN death_NN
her_PPO in_IN whom_WPO the_AT flesh_NN was_BEDZ all_ABN ,_, in_IN whom_WPO beau
ty_NN was_BEDZ entirely_QL pure_JJ because_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ entirely_QL corrup
tible_JJ ._. It_PPS is_BEZ thus_RB that_CS the_AT brightness_NN of_IN Helen_NP p
asses_VBZ through_IN Marlowe's_NP$ Faustus_NP-TL ._. Goethe_NP used_VBD the_AT f
able_NN to_IN more_QL elaborate_JJ ends_NNS ._. Faust_NP rescuing_VBG Helen_NP f
rom_IN Menelaus'_NP$ vengeance_NN is_BEZ the_AT genius_NN of_IN renaissance_NN E
urope_NP restoring_VBG to_IN life_NN the_AT classic_JJ tradition_NN ._. The_AT n
ecromantic_JJ change_NN from_IN the_AT palace_NN at_IN Sparta_NP to_IN Faust's_N
P$ Gothic_JJ-TL castle_NN directs_VBZ us_PPO to_IN the_AT aesthetic_JJ meaning_N
N of_IN the_AT myth_NN --_-- the_AT translation_NN of_IN antique_JJ drama_NN int
o_IN Shakespearean_JJ and_CC romantic_JJ guise_NN ._. This_DT translation_NN ,_,
or_CC rather_RB the_AT fusion_NN of_IN the_AT two_CD ideals_NNS ,_, creates_VBZ
the_AT Gesamtkunstwerke_FW-NN ,_, the_AT ``_`` total_NN art_NN form_NN ''_'' ._
. The_AT Bishop_NN-TL of_IN-TL Gloucester_NP-TL described_VBD the_AT elder_JJR T
homas_NP in_IN 1577_CD as_CS the_AT richest_JJT recusant_NN in_IN his_PP$ dioces
e_NN ,_, worth_JJ five_CD hundred_CD pounds_NNS a_AT year_NN in_IN lands_NNS and
_CC goods_NNS ._. When_WRB Quiney_NP and_CC William_NP Parsons_NP wrote_VBD to_I
N Greville_NP in_IN 1593_CD asking_VBG his_PP$ consent_NN in_IN the_AT election_
NN for_IN bailiff_NN ,_, they_PPSS sent_VBD the_AT letter_NN to_IN Mr._NP Willia
m_NP Sawnders_NP ,_, attendant_NN on_IN the_AT worshipful_JJ Mr._NP Thomas_NP Bu
shell_NP at_IN Marston_NP ._. Mr._NP Bushell_NP was_BEDZ mentioned_VBN in_IN 160
2_CD in_IN the_AT will_NN of_IN Joyce_NP Hobday_NP ,_, widow_NN of_IN a_AT Strat
ford_NP glover_NN ._. Thomas_NP the_AT elder_JJR married_VBD twice_RB ,_, had_HV
D seventeen_CD children_NNS ,_, and_CC died_VBD in_IN 1615_CD ._. His_PP$ daught
er_NN Elinor_NP married_VBD Quiney's_NP$ son_NN Adrian_NP in_IN 1613_CD ,_, and_
CC his_PP$ son_NN Henry_NP married_VBD Mary_NP Lane_NP of_IN Stratford_NP in_IN
1609_CD ._. His_PP$ son_NN Thomas_NP ,_, aged_VBN fifteen_CD when_WRB he_PPS ent
ered_VBD Oxford_NP in_IN 1582_CD ,_, married_VBD as_CS his_PP$ first_OD wife_NN
Margaret_NP ,_, sister_NN of_IN Sir_NP Edward_NP Greville_NP ._. Bridges_NP ,_,
a_AT son_NN by_IN his_PP$ second_OD wife_NN ,_, was_BEDZ christened_VBN at_IN Pe
bworth_NP in_IN 1607_CD ,_, but_CC Thomas_NP the_AT younger_JJR was_BEDZ living_
VBG at_IN Packwood_NP two_CD years_NNS later_RBR and_CC sold_VBD Broad_JJ-TL Mar
ston_NP-TL manor_NN in_IN 1622_CD ._. A_AT third_OD Thomas_NP Bushell_NP (_( 159
4-1674_CD )_) ,_, ``_`` much_RB loved_VBN ''_'' by_IN Bacon_NP ,_, called_VBD hi
mself_PPL ``_`` The_AT-TL Superlative_JJ-TL Prodigall_NN-TL ''_'' in_IN The_AT-T
L First_OD-TL Part_NN-TL of_IN-TL Youths_NN$-TL Errors_NNS-TL (_( 1628_CD )_) an
d_CC became_VBD an_AT expert_NN on_IN silver_NN mines_NNS and_CC on_IN the_AT ar
t_NN of_IN running_VBG into_IN debt_NN ._. Edward_NP Greville_NP ,_, born_VBN ab
out_RB 1565_CD ,_, had_HVD inherited_VBN Milcote_NP on_IN the_AT execution_NN of
_IN his_PP$ father_NN Lodowick_NP for_IN murder_NN in_IN 1589_CD ._. He_PPS refu
sed_VBD his_PP$ consent_NN to_IN the_AT election_NN of_IN Quiney_NP as_CS bailif
f_NN in_IN 1592_CD ,_, but_CC gave_VBD it_PPO at_IN the_AT request_NN of_IN the_
AT recorder_NN ,_, his_PP$ cousin_NN Sir_NP Fulke_NP Greville_NP ._. The_AT corp
oration_NN entertained_VBD him_PPO for_IN dinner_NN at_IN Quiney's_NP$ house_NN
in_IN 1596/7_CD ,_, with_IN wine_NN and_CC sugar_NN sent_VBN by_IN the_AT bailif
f_NN ,_, Sturley_NP ._. At_IN Milcote_NP on_IN November_NP 3_CD ,_, 1597_CD ,_,
the_AT aldermen_NNS asked_VBD him_PPO to_TO support_VB their_PP$ petition_NN for
_IN a_AT new_JJ charter_NN ._. Sturley_NP wrote_VBD to_IN Quiney_NP that_CS Sir_
NP Edward_NP ``_`` gave_VBD his_PP$ allowance_NN and_CC liking_NN thereof_RB ,_,
and_CC affied_VBD unto_IN us_PPO his_PP$ best_JJT endeavour_NN ,_, so_CS that_C
S his_PP$ rights_NNS be_BE preserved_VBN ''_'' ,_, and_CC that_CS ``_`` Sir_NP E
dward_NP saith_VBZ we_PPSS shall_MD not_* be_BE at_IN any_DTI fault_NN for_IN mo
ney_NN for_IN prosecuting_VBG the_AT cause_NN ,_, for_IN himself_PPL will_MD pro
cure_VB it_PPO and_CC lay_VB it_PPO down_RP for_IN us_PPO for_IN the_AT time_NN
''_'' ._. Greville_NP proposed_VBD Quiney_NP as_CS the_AT fittest_JJT man_NN ``_
`` for_IN the_AT following_NN of_IN the_AT cause_NN and_CC to_TO attend_VB him_P
PO in_IN the_AT matter_NN ''_'' ,_, and_CC at_IN his_PP$ suggestion_NN the_AT co
rporation_NN allowed_VBD Quiney_NP two_CD shillings_NNS a_AT day_NN ._. ``_`` If
_CS you_PPSS can_MD firmly_RB make_VB the_AT good_JJ knight_NN sure_JJ to_TO ple
asure_VB our_PP$ Corporation_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, Sturley_NP wrote_VBD ,_, ``_`` besi
des_IN that_DT ordinary_JJ allowance_NN for_IN your_PP$ diet_NN you_PPSS shall_M
D have_HV 20_CD for_IN recompence_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN his_PP$ letter_NN mentionin
g_VBG Shakespeare_NP on_IN January_NP 24_CD ,_, 1597/8_CD ,_, Sturley_NP asked_V
BD Quiney_NP especially_RB that_CS ``_`` theare_EX might_MD (_( be_BE )_) bi_IN
Sir_NP Ed._NP Grev._NP some_DTI meanes_NNS made_VBN to_IN the_AT Knightes_NNS of
_IN the_AT Parliament_NN-TL for_IN an_AT ease_NN and_CC discharge_NN of_IN such_
JJ taxes_NNS and_CC subsedies_NNS wherewith_WRB our_PP$ towne_NN is_BEZ like_JJ
to_TO be_BE charged_VBN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS assure_VB u_PPO I_PPSS am_BEM in_IN gr
eat_JJ feare_NN and_CC doubte_NN bi_IN no_AT meanes_NNS hable_JJ to_TO paie_VB .
_. Sir_NP Ed._NP Gre._NP is_BEZ gonne_VBN to_IN Brestowe_NP and_CC from_IN thenc
e_RB to_IN Lond._NP as_CS I_PPSS heare_VB ,_, who_WPS verie_QL well_RB knoweth_V
BZ our_PP$ estates_NNS and_CC wil_MD be_BE willinge_JJ to_TO do_DO us_PPO ani_DT
I good_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT knights_NNS for_IN Warwickshire_NP in_IN this_DT parl
iament_NN ,_, which_WDT ended_VBD its_PP$ session_NN on_IN February_NP 9_CD ,_,
were_BED Fulke_NP Greville_NP (_( the_AT poet_NN )_) and_CC William_NP Combe_NP
of_IN Warwick_NP ,_, as_CS Fulke_NP Greville_NP and_CC Edward_NP Greville_NP had
_HVD been_BEN in_IN 1593_CD ._. The_AT corporation_NN voted_VBD on_IN September_
NP 27_CD ,_, 1598_CD ,_, that_CS Quiney_NP should_MD ride_VB to_IN London_NP abo
ut_IN the_AT suit_NN to_IN Sir_NP John_NP Fortescue_NP ,_, chancellor_NN of_IN t
he_AT Exchequer_NN-TL ,_, for_IN discharging_VBG of_IN the_AT tax_NN and_CC subs
idy_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN in_IN London_NP for_IN several_AP weeks_NNS w
hen_WRB he_PPS wrote_VBD to_IN Shakespeare_NP on_IN October_NP 25_CD ._. Sturley
_NP on_IN November_NP 4_CD answered_VBD a_AT letter_NN from_IN Quiney_NP written
_VBN on_IN October_NP 25_CD which_WDT imported_VBD ,_, wrote_VBD Sturley_NP ,_,
``_`` that_CS our_PP$ countriman_NN Mr._NP Wm._NP Shak._NP would_MD procure_VB u
s_PPO monei_NN :_: which_WDT I_PPSS will_MD like_VB of_IN as_CS I_PPSS shall_MD
heare_VB when_WRB ,_, wheare_WRB &_CC howe_WRB :_: and_CC I_PPSS prai_VB let_VB
not_* go_VB that_DT occasion_NN if_CS it_PPS mai_MD sort_VB to_IN ani_DTI indiff
erent_JJ condicions_NNS ._. Allso_RB that_CS if_CS monei_NN might_MD be_BE had_H
VN for_IN 30_CD or_CC 40_CD a_AT lease_NN &_CC might_MD be_BE procured_VBN ''_''
._. Sturley_NP quoted_VBD Quiney_NP as_CS having_HVG written_VBN on_IN November
_NP 1_CD that_CS if_CS he_PPS had_HVD ``_`` more_AP monei_NN presente_RB much_AP
might_MD be_BE done_VBN to_TO obtaine_VB our_PP$ Charter_NN-TL enlargd_VBN ,_,
ij_NIL faires_NIL more_NIL ,_, with_IN tole_NN of_IN corne_NN ,_, bestes_NNS ,_,
and_CC sheepe_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT matter_NN of_IN more_AP valewe_NN then_CS all
_ABN that_DT ''_'' ._. Sturley_NP thought_VBD that_CS this_DT matter_NN might_MD
be_BE ``_`` the_AT rest_NN of_IN the_AT tithes_NNS and_CC the_AT College_NN-TL
houses_NNS and_CC landes_NNS in_IN our_PP$ towne_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS suggested_V
BD offering_VBG half_NN to_IN Sir_NP Edward_NP ,_, fearing_VBG lest_CS ``_`` he_
PPS shall_MD thinke_VB it_PPO to_QL good_JJ for_IN us_PPO and_CC procure_VB it_P
PO for_IN himselfe_PPL ,_, as_CS he_PPS served_VBD us_PPO the_AT last_AP time_NN
''_'' ._. This_DT refers_VBZ to_IN what_WDT had_HVD happened_VBN after_CS the_A
T Earl_NN-TL of_IN-TL Warwick_NP-TL died_VBD in_IN 1590_CD ,_, when_WRB the_AT t
own_NN petitioned_VBD Burghley_NP for_IN the_AT right_NN to_TO name_VB the_AT vi
car_NN and_CC schoolmaster_NN and_CC other_AP privileges_NNS but_CC Greville_NP
bought_VBD the_AT lordship_NN for_IN himself_PPL ._. Sturley's_NP$ allusion_NN p
robably_RB explains_VBZ why_WRB Greville_NP took_VBD out_RP the_AT patent_NN in_
IN the_AT names_NNS of_IN Best_NP and_CC Wells_NP ,_, for_CS Sir_NP Anthony_NP A
shley_NP described_VBD Best_NP as_CS ``_`` a_AT scrivener_NN within_IN Temple_NN
-TL Bar_NN-TL ,_, that_WPS deals_VBZ in_IN many_AP matters_NNS for_IN my_PP$ L._
NP Essex_NP ''_'' through_IN Sir_NP Gelly_NP Merrick_NP ,_, especially_RB in_IN
``_`` causes_NNS that_WPO he_PPS would_MD not_* be_BE known_VBN of_IN ''_'' ._.
Adrian_NP Quiney_NP wrote_VBD to_IN his_PP$ son_NN Richard_NP on_IN October_NP 2
9_CD and_CC again_RB perhaps_RB the_AT next_AP day_NN ,_, since_CS the_AT bearer
_NN of_IN the_AT letter_NN ,_, the_AT bailiff_NN ,_, was_BEDZ expected_VBN to_TO
reach_VB London_NP on_IN November_NP 1_CD ._. In_IN his_PP$ second_OD letter_NN
the_AT old_JJ mercer_NN advised_VBD his_PP$ son_NN ``_`` to_TO bye_VB some_DTI
such_JJ warys_NNS as_CS yow_PPSS may_MD selle_VB presentlye_RB with_IN profet_NN
._. Yff_CS yow_PPSS bargen_VB with_IN Wm._NP Sha._NP (_( so_RB in_IN the_AT MS_
NN )_) or_CC Receave_VB money_NN ther_RB or_CC brynge_VB your_PP$ money_NN home_
NR yow_PPSS maye_MD see_VB howe_WRB knite_VBN stockynges_NNS be_BE sold_VBN ther
_RB ys_BEZ gret_JJ byinge_NN of_IN them_PPO at_IN Aysshom_NP ._. Wherefore_WRB I
_PPSS thynke_VB yow_PPSS maye_MD doo_DO good_RB yff_CS yow_PPSS can_MD have_HV m
oney_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT seems_VBZ to_TO refer_VB ,_, not_* to_IN the_AT loan_N
N Richard_NP had_HVD asked_VBN for_IN ,_, but_CC to_IN a_AT proposed_VBN bargain
_NN with_IN Shakespeare_NP ._. Richard_NP Quiney_NP the_AT-TL younger_JJR ,_, a_
AT schoolboy_NN of_IN eleven_CD ,_, wrote_VBD a_AT letter_NN in_IN Latin_NP aski
ng_VBG his_PP$ father_NN to_TO buy_VB copybooks_NNS (_( ``_`` chartaceos_FW-JJ l
ibellos_FW-NNS )_) ''_'' )_) for_IN him_PPO and_CC his_PP$ brother_NN ._. His_PP
$ mother_NN Bess_NP ,_, who_WPS could_MD not_* write_VB herself_PPL ,_, reminded
_VBD her_PP$ husband_NN through_IN Sturley_NP to_TO buy_VB the_AT apron_NN he_PP
S had_HVD promised_VBN her_PPO and_CC ``_`` a_AT suite_NN of_IN hattes_NNS for_I
N 5_CD boies_NNS the_AT yongst_JJT lined_VBN &_CC trimmed_VBN with_IN silke_NN '
'_'' (_( for_IN John_NP ,_, only_RB a_AT year_NN old_JJ )_) ._. A_AT letter_NN s
igned_VBN ``_`` Isabell_NP Bardall_NP ''_'' entreated_VBD ``_`` Good_JJ-TL Cozen
_NN-TL ''_'' Quiney_NP-TL to_TO find_VB her_PP$ stepson_NN Adrian_NP ,_, son_NN
of_IN George_NP Bardell_NP ,_, a_AT place_NN in_IN London_NP with_IN some_DTI ha
ndicraftsman_NN ._. William_NP Parsons_NP and_CC William_NP Walford_NP ,_, drape
rs_NNS ,_, asked_VBD Quiney_NP to_TO see_VB to_IN business_NN matters_NNS in_IN
London_NP ._. Daniel_NP Baker_NP deluged_VBD his_PP$ ``_`` Unckle_NN-TL Quyne_NP
''_'' with_IN requests_NNS to_TO pay_VB money_NN for_IN him_PPO to_IN drapers_N
NS in_IN Watling_NP-TL Street_NN-TL and_CC at_IN the_AT Two_CD-TL Cats_NNS-TL in
_IN Canning_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ._. His_PP$ letter_NN of_IN October_NP 26_CD name
d_VBD two_CD of_IN the_AT men_NNS about_IN whom_WPO Quiney_NP had_HVD written_VB
N to_IN Shakespeare_NP the_AT day_NN before_RB ._. Baker_NP wrote_VBD :_: ``_``
I_PPSS tooke_VBD order_NN with_IN Sr._NP E._NP Grevile_NP for_IN the_AT payment_
NN of_IN Ceartaine_JJ monei_NN beefore_IN his_PP$ going_VBG towardes_IN London_N
P ._. &_CC synce_CS I_PPSS did_DOD write_VB unto_IN him_PPO to_TO dessier_VB him
_PPO to_TO paie_VB 10_CD for_IN mee_PPO which_WDT standeth_VBZ mee_PPO greatly_R
B uppon_IN to_TO have_HV paide_VBN ._. &_CC 20_CD more_AP Mr._NP Peeter_NP Rowsw
ell_NP tooke_VBD order_NN with_IN his_PP$ master_NN to_TO paie_VB for_IN mee_PPO
''_'' ._. He_PPS asked_VBD Quiney_NP to_TO find_VB out_RP whether_CS the_AT mon
ey_NN had_HVD been_BEN paid_VBN and_CC ,_, if_CS not_* ,_, to_TO send_VB to_IN t
he_AT lodging_NN of_IN Sir_NP Edward_NP and_CC entreat_VB him_PPO to_TO pay_VB w
hat_WDT he_PPS owed_VBD ._. Baker_NP added_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS pray_VB you_PPSS
delivre_VB these_DTS inclosed_VBN Letters_NNS And_CC Comend_VB mee_PPO to_IN Mr
._NP Rychard_NP Mytton_NP whoe_WPS I_PPSS know_VB will_MD ffreind_VB mee_PPO for
_IN the_AT payment_NN of_IN this_DT monei_NN ''_'' ._. Further_JJR letters_NNS i
n_IN November_NP mention_VB that_CS Sir_NP Edward_NP paid_VBD forty_CD pounds_NN
S ._. Stratford's_NP$ petition_NN to_IN the_AT queen_NN declared_VBD that_CS two
_CD great_JJ fires_NNS had_HVD burnt_VBN two_CD hundred_CD houses_NNS in_IN the_
AT town_NN ,_, with_IN household_NN goods_NNS ,_, to_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN tw
elve_CD thousand_CD pounds_NNS ._. The_AT chancellor_NN of_IN the_AT Exchequer_N
N-TL wrote_VBD on_IN the_AT petition_NN :_: ``_`` in_IN myn_PP$ opinion_NN it_PP
S is_BEZ very_QL resonable_JJ and_CC conscionable_JJ for_CS hir_PP$ maiestie_NN
to_TO graunt_VB in_IN relief_NN of_IN this_DT towne_NN twise_RB afflicted_VBN an
d_CC almost_RB wasted_VBN by_IN fire_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT queen_NN agreed_VBD on_
IN December_NP 17_CD ,_, a_AT warrant_NN was_BEDZ signed_VBN on_IN January_NP 27
_CD ,_, and_CC the_AT Exchequer_NN-TL paid_VBD Quiney_NP his_PP$ expenses_NNS on
_IN February_NP 27_CD ,_, 1598/9_CD ._. He_PPS listed_VBD what_WDT he_PPS had_HV
D spent_VBN for_IN ``_`` My_PP$ own_JJ diet_NN in_IN London_NP eighteen_CD weeks
_NNS ,_, in_IN which_WDT I_PPSS was_BEDZ sick_JJ a_AT month_NN ;_. ;_. my_PP$ ma
re_NN at_IN coming_VBG up_RP 14_CD days_NNS ;_. ;_. another_DT I_PPSS bought_VBD
there_RB to_TO bring_VB me_PPO home_NR 7_CD weeks_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC I_PPSS was
_BEDZ six_CD days_NNS going_VBG thither_RB and_CC coming_VBG homewards_RB ;_. ;_
. all_ABN which_WDT cost_VBD me_PPO at_IN the_AT least_AP 20_CD pounds_NNS ''_''
._. He_PPS was_BEDZ allowed_VBN forty-four_CD pounds_NNS in_IN all_ABN ,_, incl
uding_IN fees_NNS to_IN the_AT masters_NNS of_IN requests_NNS ,_, Mr._NP Fanshaw
e_NP of_IN the_AT Exchequer_NN-TL ,_, the_AT solicitor_NN general_NN ,_, and_CC
other_AP officials_NNS and_CC their_PP$ clerks_NNS ._. If_CS he_PPS borrowed_VBD
money_NN from_IN Shakespeare_NP or_CC with_IN his_PP$ help_NN ,_, he_PPS would_
MD now_RB have_HV been_BEN able_JJ to_TO repay_VB the_AT loan_NN ._. Since_CS mo
re_AP is_BEZ known_VBN about_IN Quiney_NP than_CS about_IN any_DTI other_AP acqu
aintance_NN of_IN Shakespeare_NP in_IN Stratford_NP ,_, his_PP$ career_NN may_MD
be_BE followed_VBN to_IN its_PP$ sudden_JJ end_NN in_IN 1602_CD ._. During_IN 1
598_CD and_CC 1599_CD he_PPS made_VBD ``_`` manye_AP Guiftes_NNS of_IN myne_PP$
owne_JJ provision_NN bestowed_VBN uppon_IN Cowrtiers_NNS &_CC others_NNS for_IN
the_AT better_JJR effectinge_NN of_IN our_PP$ suites_NNS in_IN hande_NN ''_'' ._
. He_PPS was_BEDZ in_IN London_NP ``_`` searching_VBG records_NNS for_IN our_PP$
town's_NN$ causes_NNS ''_'' in_IN 1600_CD with_IN young_JJ Henry_NP Sturley_NP
,_, the_AT assistant_JJ schoolmaster_NN ._. When_WRB Sir_NP Edward_NP Greville_N
P enclosed_VBD the_AT town_NN commons_NN on_IN the_AT Bancroft_NP ,_, Quiney_NP
and_CC others_NNS leveled_VBD his_PP$ hedges_NNS on_IN January_NP 21_CD ,_, 1600
/1_CD ,_, and_CC were_BED charged_VBN with_IN riot_NN by_IN Sir_NP Edward_NP ._.
He_PPS also_RB sued_VBD them_PPO for_IN taking_VBG toll_NN of_IN grain_NN at_IN
their_PP$ market_NN ._. Accompanied_VBN by_IN ``_`` Master_NN-TL Greene_NP our_
PP$ solicitor_NN ''_'' (_( Thomas_NP Greene_NP of_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL Temple_
NN-TL ,_, Shakespeare's_NP$ ``_`` cousin_NN ''_'' )_) ,_, Quiney_NP tried_VBD to
_TO consult_VB Sir_NP Edward_NP Coke_NP ,_, attorney_NN general_NN ,_, and_CC ga
ve_VBD money_NN to_IN a_AT clerk_NN and_CC a_AT doorkeeper_NN ``_`` that_CS we_P
PSS might_MD have_HV access_NN to_IN their_PP$ master_NN for_IN his_PP$ counsel_
NN butt_CC colde_MD nott_* have_HV him_PPO att_IN Leasure_NN by_IN the_AT reason
_NN of_IN thees_DTS trobles_NNS ''_'' (_( the_AT Essex_NP rising_VBG on_IN Febru
ary_NP 8_CD )_) ._. He_PPS set_VBD down_RP that_CS ``_`` I_PPSS gave_VBD Mr._NP
Greene_NP a_AT pynte_NN of_IN muskadell_NN and_CC a_AT roll_NN of_IN bread_NN th
at_DT last_AP morning_NN I_PPSS went_VBD to_TO have_HV his_PP$ company_NN to_IN
Master_NN-TL Attorney_NN-TL ''_'' ._. After_CS returning_VBG Stratford_NP he_PPS
drew_VBD up_RP a_AT defense_NN of_IN the_AT town's_NN$ right_NN to_TO toll_VB c
orn_NN and_CC the_AT office_NN of_IN collecting_VBG it_PPO ,_, and_CC his_PP$ li
st_NN of_IN suggested_VBN witnesses_NNS included_VBD his_PP$ father_NN and_CC Sh
akespeare's_NP$ father_NN ._. No_AT one_PN ,_, he_PPS wrote_VBD ,_, took_VBD any
_DTI corn_NN of_IN Greville's_NP$ ,_, for_CS his_PP$ bailiff_NN of_IN husbandry_
NN ``_`` swore_VBD a_AT greate_JJ oathe_NN thatt_CS who_WPS soe_RB came_VBD to_T
O put_VB hys_PP$ hande_NN into_IN hys_PP$ sackes_NNS for_IN anye_DTI corne_NN sh
uld_MD leave_VB hys_PP$ hande_NN behynde_IN hym_PPO ''_'' ._. Quiney_NP was_BEDZ
in_IN London_NP again_RB in_IN June_NP ,_, 1601_CD ,_, and_CC in_IN November_NP
,_, when_WRB he_PPS rode_VBD up_RP ,_, as_CS Shakespeare_NP must_MD often_RB ha
ve_HV done_VBN ,_, by_IN way_NN of_IN Oxford_NP ,_, High_JJ-TL Wycombe_NP-TL ,_,
and_CC Uxbridge_NP ,_, and_CC home_NR through_IN Aylesbury_NP and_CC Banbury_NP
._. After_CS Quiney_NP was_BEDZ elected_VBN bailiff_NN in_IN September_NP ,_, 1
601_CD ,_, without_IN Greville's_NP$ approval_NN ,_, Greene_NP wrote_VBD him_PPO
that_CS Coke_NP had_HVD promised_VBN to_TO be_BE of_IN counsel_NN for_IN Stratf
ord_NP and_CC had_HVD advised_VBN ``_`` that_CS the_AT office_NN of_IN bayly_NN
may_MD be_BE exercised_VBN as_CS it_PPS is_BEZ taken_VBN upon_IN you_PPO ,_, (_(
Sr._NP Edwardes_NP his_PP$ consent_NN not_* beinge_BEG hadd_HVN to_IN the_AT sw
earinge_NN of_IN you_PPO )_) ''_'' ._. Asked_VBN by_IN the_AT townsmen_NNS to_TO
cease_VB his_PP$ suit_NN ,_, Greville_NP had_HVD answered_VBN that_CS ``_`` hyt
t_PPS shulde_MD coste_VB hym_PPO 500_CD first_RB &_CC sayed_VBD it_PPS must_MD b
e_BE tried_VBN ether_DTX before_IN my_PP$ Lorde_NN-TL Anderson_NP in_IN the_AT c
ountrey_NN or_CC his_PP$ uncle_NN Ffortescue_NP in_IN the_AT exchequer_NN with_I
N whom_WPO he_PPS colde_MD more_RBR prevaile_VB then_CS we_PPSS ''_'' ._. The_AT
corporation_NN proposed_VBD Chief_JJS-TL Justice_NN-TL Anderson_NP for_IN an_AT
arbiter_NN ,_, sending_VBG him_PPO a_AT gift_NN of_IN sack_NN and_CC claret_NN
._. Lady_NN-TL Greville_NP ,_, daughter_NN of_IN the_AT late_JJ Lord_NN-TL Chanc
ellor_NN-TL Bromley_NP and_CC niece_NN of_IN Sir_NP John_NP Fortescue_NP ,_, was
_BEDZ offered_VBN twenty_CD pounds_NNS by_IN the_AT townsmen_NNS to_TO make_VB p
eace_NN ;_. ;_. she_PPS ``_`` labored_VBD &_CC thought_VBD she_PPS shuld_MD effe
cte_VB ''_'' it_PPO but_CC her_PP$ husband_NN said_VBD that_CS ``_`` we_PPSS shu
ld_MD wynne_VB it_PPO by_IN the_AT sworde_NN ''_'' ._. His_PP$ servant_NN Robin_
NP Whitney_NP threatened_VBD Quiney_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD Whitney_NP bound_VBN
to_IN ``_`` the_AT good_JJ abaringe_NN ''_'' to_TO keep_VB the_AT peace_NN ._. A
_AT report_NN of_IN Sr._NP Edw_NP Grevyles_NP$ minaces_NNS to_IN the_AT Baileefe
_NN Aldermen_NNS &_CC Burgesses_NNS of_IN Stratforde_NP ''_'' tells_VBZ how_WRB
Quiney_NP was_BEDZ injured_VBN by_IN Greville's_NP$ men_NNS :_: ``_`` in_IN the_
AT tyme_NN Mr._NP Ryc'_NP Quyney_NP was_BEDZ bayleefe_NN ther_EX came_VBD some_D
TI of_IN them_PPO whoe_WPS beinge_BEG druncke_JJ fell_VBD to_IN braweling_VBG in
_IN ther_PP$ hosts_NN$ howse_NN wher_WRB thei_PPSS druncke_VBD &_CC drewe_VBD th
er_PP$ dagers_NNS uppon_IN the_AT hoste_NN :_: att_IN a_AT faier_JJ tyme_NN the_
AT Baileefe_NN being_BEG late_RB abroade_RB to_TO see_VB the_AT towne_NN in_IN o
rder_NN &_CC comminge_VBG by_RB in_IN hurley_NN burley_NN came_VBD into_IN the_A
T howse_NN &_CC commawnded_VBD the_AT peace_NN to_TO be_BE kept_VBN butt_CC cold
e_MD nott_* prevayle_VB &_CC in_IN hys_PP$ endevor_NN to_TO sticle_VB the_AT bra
wle_NN had_HVD his_PP$ heade_NN grevouselye_RB brooken_VBN by_IN one_CD of_IN hy
s_PP$ (_( Greville's_NP$ )_) men_NNS whom_WPO nether_DTX hymselfe_PPL (_( Grevil
le_NP )_) punnished_VBD nor_CC wolde_MD suffer_VB to_TO be_BE punnished_VBN but_
CC with_IN a_AT shewe_NN to_TO turne_VB them_PPO awaye_RB &_CC enterteyned_VBN a
gayne_RB ''_'' ._. The_AT fall_NN of_IN Rome_NP ,_, the_AT discovery_NN of_IN pr
ecious_JJ metals_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT Protestant_JJ-TL Reformation_NN-TL were_B
ED all_ABN links_NNS and_CC could_MD only_RB be_BE explained_VBN and_CC understo
od_VBN by_IN comprehending_VBG the_AT links_NNS that_WPS preceded_VBD and_CC tho
se_DTS that_WPS followed_VBD ._. Often_RB the_AT historian_NN must_MD consider_V
B the_AT use_NN of_IN intuition_NN or_CC instinct_NN by_IN those_DTS individuals
_NNS or_CC nations_NNS which_WDT he_PPS is_BEZ studying_VBG ._. Unconsciously_RB
,_, governments_NNS or_CC races_NNS or_CC institutions_NNS may_MD enter_VB into
_IN some_DTI undertaking_NN without_IN fully_RB realizing_VBG why_WRB they_PPSS
are_BER doing_VBG so_RB ._. They_PPSS react_VB in_IN obedience_NN to_IN an_AT in
stinct_NN or_CC urge_NN which_WDT has_HVZ itself_PPL been_BEN impelled_VBN by_IN
natural_JJ law_NN ._. A_AT court_NN may_MD strike_VB down_RP a_AT law_NN on_IN
the_AT basis_NN of_IN an_AT intuitive_JJ feeling_NN that_CS the_AT law_NN is_BEZ
inimical_JJ to_IN the_AT numerical_JJ majority_NN ._. A_AT nation_NN may_MD go_
VB to_IN war_NN on_IN some_DTI trifling_VBG pretext_NN ,_, when_WRB in_IN realit
y_NN it_PPS may_MD have_HV been_BEN guided_VBN by_IN an_AT unconscious_JJ instin
ct_NN that_CS its_PP$ very_AP life_NN was_BEDZ at_IN stake_NN ._. When_WRB the_A
T historian_NN encounters_VBZ a_AT situation_NN in_IN which_WDT he_PPS can_MD pe
rceive_VB no_AT visible_JJ cause_NN and_CC effect_NN sequence_NN ,_, he_PPS shou
ld_MD be_BE alert_JJ to_IN intuition_NN and_CC unconscious_JJ instinct_NN as_CS
possible_JJ guides_NNS ._. Adams_NP firmly_RB contended_VBD that_CS the_AT histo
rian_NN must_MD never_RB underrate_VB the_AT impact_NN of_IN the_AT geographical
_JJ environment_NN on_IN history_NN ._. Here_RB was_BEDZ another_DT indispensabl
e_JJ tool_NN ._. Indeed_RB ,_, he_PPS concluded_VBD that_CS ``_`` geographical_J
J conditions_NNS have_HV exercised_VBN a_AT great_JJ ,_, possibly_RB a_AT prepon
derating_VBG ,_, influence_NN over_IN man's_NN$ destiny_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT fail
ure_NN of_IN Greece_NP to_TO reach_VB the_AT imperial_JJ destiny_NN that_CS Peri
clean_JJ Athens_NP had_HVD seemed_VBN to_TO promise_VB was_BEDZ almost_QL direct
ly_RB attributable_JJ to_IN her_PP$ physical_JJ conformation_NN ._. All_ABN area
s_NNS of_IN history_NN were_BED either_CC favorably_RB or_CC adversely_RB affect
ed_VBN by_IN the_AT geographical_JJ environment_NN ,_, and_CC no_AT respectable_
JJ historian_NN could_MD pursue_VB the_AT study_NN of_IN history_NN without_IN a
_AT thorough_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN geography_NN ._. Brooks_NP Adams_NP was_BEDZ
consistent_JJ in_IN his_PP$ admonishments_NNS to_IN historians_NNS about_IN the_
AT necessary_JJ tools_NNS or_CC insights_NNS they_PPSS needed_VBD to_TO possess_
VB ._. However_RB ,_, as_CS a_AT practicing_VBG historian_NN ,_, he_PPS ,_, hims
elf_PPL ,_, has_HVZ left_VBN few_AP clues_NNS to_IN the_AT amount_NN of_IN profe
ssional_JJ scholarship_NN that_WPO he_PPS used_VBD when_WRB writing_VBG history_
NN ._. In_IN fact_NN ,_, if_CS judgments_NNS are_BER to_TO be_BE rendered_VBN up
on_IN the_AT soundness_NN of_IN his_PP$ historicism_NN ,_, they_PPSS must_MD be_
BE based_VBN on_IN scanty_JJ evidence_NN ._. What_WDT evidence_NN is_BEZ availab
le_JJ would_MD seem_VB to_TO indicate_VB that_CS Brooks_NP ,_, unlike_IN his_PP$
older_JJR brother_NN Henry_NP ,_, had_HVD most_AP of_IN the_AT methodological_J
J vices_NNS usually_RB found_VBN in_IN the_AT amateur_NN ._. A_AT credulousness_
NN ,_, a_AT distaste_NN for_IN documentation_NN ,_, an_AT uncritical_JJ reliance
_NN on_IN contemporary_JJ accounts_NNS ,_, and_CC a_AT proneness_NN to_TO assume
_VB a_AT theory_NN as_CS true_JJ before_CS adequate_JJ proof_NN was_BEDZ provide
d_VBN were_BED all_ABN evidences_NNS of_IN his_PP$ failure_NN to_TO comprehend_V
B the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT scientific_JJ method_NN or_CC to_TO evaluate_VB the
_AT responsibilities_NNS of_IN the_AT historian_NN to_IN his_PP$ reading_VBG pub
lic_NN ._. This_DT is_BEZ not_* to_TO assume_VB that_CS his_PP$ work_NN was_BEDZ
without_IN merit_NN ,_, but_CC the_AT validity_NN of_IN his_PP$ assumptions_NNS
concerning_IN the_AT meaning_NN of_IN history_NN must_MD always_RB be_BE consid
ered_VBN against_IN this_DT background_NN of_IN an_AT unprofessional_JJ approach
_NN ._. His_PP$ credulity_NN is_BEZ perhaps_RB best_RBT illustrated_VBN in_IN hi
s_PP$ introduction_NN to_IN The_AT-TL Emancipation_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Massachusetts_
NP-TL ,_, which_WDT purports_VBZ to_TO examine_VB the_AT trials_NNS of_IN Moses_
NP and_CC to_TO draw_VB a_AT parallel_NN between_IN the_AT leader_NN of_IN the_A
T Israelite_NP exodus_NN from_IN Egypt_NP and_CC the_AT leadership_NN of_IN the_
AT Puritan_JJ-TL clergy_NN in_IN colonial_JJ New_JJ-TL England_NP-TL ._. Much_AP
criticism_NN has_HVZ been_BEN leveled_VBN at_IN this_DT rather_QL forced_VBN an
alogy_NN ,_, but_CC what_WDT is_BEZ equally_QL significant_JJ is_BEZ Adams'_NP$
complete_JJ acceptance_NN of_IN the_AT Biblical_JJ record_NN as_CS ``_`` good_JJ
and_CC trustworthy_JJ history_NN ''_'' ._. In_IN light_NN of_IN the_AT scholarl
y_JJ reappraisals_NNS engendered_VBN by_IN the_AT higher_JJR criticism_NN this_D
T is_BEZ a_AT most_QL remarkable_JJ statement_NN ,_, particularly_RB coming_VBG
from_IN one_PN who_WPS was_BEDZ well_RB known_VBN for_IN his_PP$ antifundamental
ist_NN views_NNS ._. The_AT desire_NN to_TO substantiate_VB a_AT thesis_NN at_IN
the_AT expense_NN of_IN sound_JJ research_NN technique_NN smacks_VBZ more_AP of
_IN the_AT propagandist_NN than_CS the_AT historian_NN ._. A_AT similar_JJ amate
urish_JJ characteristic_NN is_BEZ revealed_VBN in_IN Adams'_NP$ failure_NN to_TO
check_VB the_AT accuracy_NN and_CC authenticity_NN of_IN his_PP$ informational_
JJ sources_NNS ._. If_CS he_PPS found_VBD data_NN that_WPS fitted_VBD his_PP$ ge
neral_JJ plan_NN ,_, he_PPS used_VBD it_PPO and_CC counted_VBD his_PP$ sources_N
NS trustworthy_JJ ._. Conversely_RB ,_, if_CS statistics_NNS were_BED uncovered_
VBN which_WDT contradicted_VBD a_AT cherished_VBN theory_NN ,_, the_AT sources_N
NS were_BED denounced_VBN as_CS faulty_JJ ._. Such_JJ manipulations_NNS are_BER
frequently_RB encountered_VBN in_IN his_PP$ essay_NN on_IN the_AT suppression_NN
of_IN the_AT monasteries_NNS during_IN the_AT English_JJ reformation_NN ._. Ada
ms_NP depended_VBD largely_RB on_IN the_AT dispatches_NNS of_IN foreign_JJ ambas
sadors_NNS and_CC observers_NNS in_IN England_NP ,_, claiming_VBG that_CS the_AT
reports_NNS of_IN such_JJ agents_NNS had_HVD to_TO be_BE accurate_JJ because_CS
there_EX were_BED no_AT newspapers_NNS ._. This_DT is_BEZ certainly_RB an_AT ir
rational_JJ dogmatism_NN ,_, in_IN which_WDT the_AT modern_JJ mind_NN attempts_V
BZ to_TO understand_VB the_AT spirit_NN of_IN the_AT sixteenth_OD century_NN on_
IN twentieth-century_NN terms_NNS ._. Moreover_RB ,_, he_PPS rejects_VBZ the_AT
contemporary_JJ accounts_NNS of_IN Englishmen_NPS ,_, casually_RB adjudging_VBG
them_PPO to_TO be_BE distorted_VBN by_IN prejudice_NN because_CS ``_`` the_AT op
inions_NNS of_IN Englishmen_NPS are_BER of_IN no_AT great_JJ value_NN ''_'' ._.
What_WDT is_BEZ exposited_VBN by_IN this_DT observation_NN is_BEZ not_* the_AT i
nherent_JJ prejudices_NNS of_IN Englishmen_NPS but_CC the_AT Anglophobia_NN of_I
N Brooks_NP Adams_NP ._. In_IN all_ABN fairness_NN it_PPS must_MD be_BE admitted
_VBN that_CS Adams_NP made_VBD no_AT pretense_NN at_IN being_BEG an_AT impartial
_JJ historian_NN ._. Impartiality_NN to_IN him_PPO meant_VBD an_AT unwillingness
_NN to_TO generalize_VB and_CC to_TO search_VB for_IN a_AT synthesis_NN ._. He_P
PS deplored_VBD the_AT impact_NN of_IN German_JJ historiography_NN on_IN the_AT
writing_NN of_IN history_NN ,_, terming_VBG it_PPO a_AT ``_`` dismal_JJ monster_
NN ''_'' ._. Ranke_NP and_CC his_PP$ disciples_NNS had_HVD reduced_VBN history_N
N to_IN a_AT profession_NN of_IN dullness_NN ;_. ;_. Brooks_NP Adams_NP preferre
d_VBD the_AT chronicles_NNS of_IN Froissart_NP or_CC the_AT style_NN and_CC theo
rizing_NN of_IN Edward_NP Gibbon_NP ,_, for_CS at_IN least_AP they_PPSS took_VBD
a_AT stand_NN on_IN the_AT issues_NNS about_IN which_WDT they_PPSS wrote_VBD ._
. He_PPS wrote_VBD eloquently_RB to_IN William_NP James_NP that_CS impartial_JJ
history_NN was_BEDZ not_* only_RB impossible_JJ but_CC undesirable_JJ ._. If_CS
the_AT historian_NN was_BEDZ convinced_VBN of_IN his_PP$ own_JJ correctness_NN ,
_, then_RB he_PPS should_MD not_* allow_VB his_PP$ vision_NN to_TO become_VB fog
ged_VBN by_IN disturbing_JJ facts_NNS ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ history_NN that_WPS mu
st_MD be_BE in_IN error_NN ,_, not_* the_AT historian_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ thi
s_DT basic_JJ trait_NN that_WPS separated_VBD Adams_NP from_IN the_AT ranks_NNS
of_IN professional_JJ historians_NNS and_CC led_VBD him_PPO to_TO commit_VB time
_NN and_CC time_NN again_RB what_WDT was_BEDZ his_PP$ most_QL serious_JJ offense
_NN against_IN the_AT historical_JJ method_NN --_-- namely_RB ,_, the_AT tendenc
y_NN to_TO assume_VB the_AT truth_NN of_IN an_AT hypothesis_NN before_CS submitt
ing_VBG it_PPO to_IN the_AT test_NN of_IN facts_NNS ._. All_ABN of_IN Adams'_NP$
work_NN reflects_VBZ this_DT dogmatic_JJ characteristic_NN ._. No_AT page_NN se
ems_VBZ to_TO be_BE complete_JJ without_IN the_AT statement_NN of_IN at_IN least
_AP one_CD unproved_JJ generalization_NN ._. One_CD example_NN of_IN this_DT was
_BEDZ his_PP$ assertion_NN that_CS ``_`` all_ABN servile_JJ revolts_NNS must_MD
be_BE dealt_VBN with_IN by_IN physical_JJ force_NN ''_'' ._. There_EX is_BEZ no_
AT explanation_NN of_IN terms_NNS nor_CC a_AT qualification_NN that_CS most_AP s
uch_JJ revolts_NNS have_HV been_BEN dealt_VBN with_IN by_IN force_NN --_-- only_
RB a_AT bald_JJ dogmatism_NN that_CS they_PPSS must_MD ,_, because_CS of_IN some
_DTI undefined_JJ compulsion_NN ,_, be_BE so_RB repelled_VBN ._. On_IN matters_N
NS of_IN race_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ similarly_RB inflexible_JJ :_: ``_`` Most_AP of
_IN the_AT modern_JJ Latin_JJ races_NNS seem_VB to_TO have_HV inherited_VBN the_
AT rigidity_NN of_IN the_AT Roman_JJ mind_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS cites_VBZ the_AT F
rench_JJ-TL Revolution_NN-TL as_CS typifying_VBG this_DT rigidity_NN but_CC make
s_VBZ no_AT mention_NN of_IN the_AT Italians_NPS ,_, who_WPS have_HV been_BEN ab
le_JJ to_TO adapt_VB to_IN all_ABN types_NNS of_IN circumstances_NNS ._. He_PPS
pontificates_VBZ that_CS ``_`` one_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD signs_NNS of_IN adva
ncing_VBG civilization_NN is_BEZ the_AT fall_NN in_IN the_AT value_NN of_IN wome
n_NNS in_IN men's_NNS$ eyes_NNS ''_'' ._. It_PPS made_VBD no_AT difference_NN th
at_CS most_AP evidence_NN points_VBZ to_IN an_AT opposite_JJ conclusion_NN ._. F
or_CS Adams_NP had_HVD made_VBN up_RP his_PP$ mind_NN before_CS all_ABN the_AT f
acts_NNS were_BED available_JJ ._. All_ABN critics_NNS of_IN Adams_NP and_CC his
_PP$ methods_NNS have_HV observed_VBN this_DT particular_JJ deficiency_NN ._. J.
_NP T._NP Shotwell_NP was_BEDZ appalled_VBN by_IN such_JJ spurious_JJ history_NN
as_CS that_DT which_WDT attributed_VBD the_AT fall_NN of_IN the_AT Carolingian_
JJ empire_NN to_IN the_AT woolen_NN trade_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS urged_VBD Adams_N
P to_TO ``_`` transform_VB his_PP$ essay_NN into_IN a_AT real_JJ history_NN ,_,
embodying_VBG not_* merely_RB those_DTS facts_NNS which_WDT fit_VB into_IN his_P
P$ theory_NN ,_, but_CC also_RB the_AT modifications_NNS and_CC exceptions_NNS '
'_'' ._. A._NP M._NP Wergeland_NP called_VBD the_AT Adams_NP method_NN literally
_RB antihistorical_JJ ,_, while_CS Clive_NP Day_NP maintained_VBD that_CS the_AT
assumptions_NNS were_BED not_* confined_VBN to_IN theories_NNS alone_RB but_CC
were_BED also_RB applicable_JJ to_IN straight_JJ factual_JJ evidence_NN ._. More
over_RB ,_, stated_VBD Day_NP ,_, ``_`` He_PPS always_RB omits_VBZ facts_NNS whi
ch_WDT tend_VB to_TO disprove_VB his_PP$ hypothesis_NN ''_'' ._. Even_RB D._NP A
._NP Wasson_NP ,_, who_WPS compared_VBD The_AT-TL Emancipation_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Ma
ssachusetts_NP-TL to_IN the_AT lifting_NN of_IN a_AT fog_NN from_IN ancient_JJ l
andscapes_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ also_RB forced_VBN to_TO admit_VB the_AT methodologic
al_JJ deficiencies_NNS of_IN the_AT author_NN ._. In_IN summary_NN ,_, Brooks_NP
Adams_NP felt_VBD that_CS the_AT nature_NN of_IN history_NN was_BEDZ order_NN a
nd_CC that_CS the_AT order_NN so_RB discovered_VBN was_BEDZ as_QL much_RB subjec
t_JJ to_IN historical_JJ laws_NNS as_CS the_AT forces_NNS of_IN nature_NN ._. Mo
reover_RB ,_, he_PPS believed_VBD that_CS most_AP professional_JJ historians_NNS
lacked_VBD some_DTI of_IN the_AT essential_JJ instruments_NNS for_IN a_AT prope
r_JJ study_NN of_IN history_NN ._. However_RB ,_, despite_IN the_AT insight_NN o
f_IN many_AP of_IN his_PP$ observations_NNS ,_, his_PP$ own_JJ conclusions_NNS a
re_BER open_JJ to_IN suspicion_NN because_RB of_IN his_PP$ failure_NN to_TO empl
oy_VB at_IN all_ABN times_NNS the_AT correct_JJ research_NN methods_NNS ._. This
_DT should_MD not_* prejudice_VB an_AT evaluation_NN of_IN his_PP$ findings_NNS
,_, but_CC they_PPSS were_BED not_* the_AT findings_NNS of_IN a_AT completely_QL
impartial_JJ investigator_NN ._. What_WDT was_BEDZ perhaps_RB more_QL important
_JJ than_CS his_PP$ concept_NN of_IN the_AT nature_NN of_IN history_NN and_CC th
e_AT historical_JJ method_NN were_BED those_DTS forces_NNS which_WDT shaped_VBD
the_AT direction_NN of_IN his_PP$ thought_NN ._. In_IN the_AT final_JJ analysis_
NN his_PP$ contribution_NN to_IN American_JJ historiography_NN was_BEDZ founded_
VBN on_IN almost_QL intuitive_JJ insights_NNS into_IN religion_NN ,_, economics_
NN ,_, and_CC Darwinism_NP ,_, the_AT three_CD factors_NNS which_WDT conditioned
_VBD his_PP$ search_NN for_IN a_AT law_NN of_IN history_NN ._. Religion_NN witho
ut_IN supernaturalism_NN Brooks_NP Adams_NP considered_VBD religion_NN as_CS an_
AT extremely_QL significant_JJ manifestation_NN of_IN man's_NN$ fear_NN of_IN th
e_AT unknown_NN ._. But_CC it_PPS was_BEDZ nothing_PN more_AP than_CS that_DT ._
. Religion_NN and_CC the_AT churches_NNS were_BED institutions_NNS which_WDT had
_HVD been_BEN created_VBN by_IN man_NN ,_, not_* God_NP ._. He_PPS did_DOD not_*
deny_VB God_NP ;_. ;_. he_PPS simply_RB did_DOD not_* believe_VB that_CS a_AT C
reator_NN-TL intervened_VBD or_CC interfered_VBD in_IN human_JJ affairs_NNS ._.
The_AT historian_NN need_VB not_* be_BE concerned_VBN with_IN the_AT philosophic
al_JJ problems_NNS suggested_VBN by_IN religion_NN ._. There_EX was_BEDZ no_AT e
vidence_NN ,_, either_CC of_IN a_AT positive_JJ or_CC negative_JJ type_NN ,_, of
_IN the_AT actions_NNS of_IN a_AT Divine_JJ-TL Being_NN-TL in_IN this_DT world_N
N ;_. ;_. and_CC ,_, since_CS the_AT historian_NN should_MD only_RB be_BE intere
sted_VBN in_IN strictly_QL terrestrial_JJ activity_NN ,_, his_PP$ research_NN sh
ould_MD eliminate_VB the_AT supernatural_NN ._. Furthermore_RB ,_, he_PPS must_M
D regard_VB religion_NN as_CS the_AT expression_NN of_IN human_JJ forces_NNS ._.
Certainly_RB ,_, he_PPS must_MD recognize_VB its_PP$ power_NN and_CC attempt_VB
to_TO ascertain_VB its_PP$ influence_NN on_IN the_AT flow_NN of_IN history_NN ,
_, but_CC he_PPS must_MD not_* confuse_VB the_AT natural_JJ and_CC the_AT mundan
e_JJ with_IN the_AT divine_NN ._. Adams_NP was_BEDZ not_* breaking_VBG new_JJ gr
ound_NN when_WRB he_PPS claimed_VBD that_CS the_AT worship_NN of_IN an_AT unseen
_JJ power_NN was_BEDZ in_IN reality_NN a_AT reflection_NN of_IN man's_NN$ inabil
ity_NN to_TO cope_VB with_IN his_PP$ environment_NN ._. Students_NNS of_IN anthr
opology_NN and_CC comparative_JJ religion_NN had_HVD long_RB been_BEN aware_JJ t
hat_CS there_EX was_BEDZ ,_, indeed_RB ,_, a_AT direct_JJ connection_NN ._. But_
CC Adams_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT first_OD to_TO suggest_VB that_CS this_
DT human_JJ incompetence_NN was_BEDZ the_AT only_AP motivating_VBG factor_NN beh
ind_IN religion_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ this_DT fear_NN which_WDT explained_VBD t
he_AT development_NN of_IN a_AT priestly_JJ caste_NN whose_WP$ function_NN in_IN
society_NN was_BEDZ to_TO mollify_VB and_CC appease_VB the_AT angry_JJ deities_
NNS ._. To_TO keep_VB themselves_PPLS entrenched_VBN in_IN power_NN ,_, the_AT p
riests_NNS were_BED forced_VBN to_TO demonstrate_VB their_PP$ unique_JJ status_N
N through_IN the_AT miracle_NN ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ the_AT use_NN of_IN the_AT su
pernatural_NN that_WPS kept_VBD them_PPO in_IN business_NN ._. The_AT German_JJ
barbarians_NNS of_IN the_AT fourth_OD century_NN offered_VBD an_AT excellent_JJ
example_NN :_: ``_`` The_AT Germans_NPS in_IN the_AT fourth_OD century_NN were_B
ED a_AT very_QL simple_JJ race_NN ,_, who_WPS comprehended_VBD little_AP of_IN n
atural_JJ laws_NNS ,_, and_CC who_WPS therefore_RB referred_VBD phenomena_NNS th
ey_PPSS did_DOD not_* understand_VB to_IN supernatural_JJ intervention_NN ._. Th
is_DT intervention_NN could_MD only_RB be_BE controlled_VBN by_IN priests_NNS ,_
, and_CC thus_RB the_AT invasions_NNS caused_VBD a_AT rapid_JJ rise_NN in_IN the
_AT influence_NN of_IN the_AT sacred_JJ class_NN ._. The_AT power_NN of_IN every
_AT ecclesiastical_JJ organization_NN has_HVZ always_RB rested_VBN on_IN the_AT
miracle_NN ,_, and_CC the_AT clergy_NNS have_HV always_RB proved_VBN their_PP$ d
ivine_JJ commission_NN as_CS did_DOD Elijah_NP ''_'' ._. Adams_NP contended_VBD
that_CS once_CS such_ABL a_AT special_JJ class_NN had_HVD been_BEN created_VBN i
t_PPS became_VBD a_AT vested_VBN interest_NN and_CC sought_VBD to_TO maintain_VB
itself_PPL by_IN assuming_VBG exclusive_JJ control_NN over_IN the_AT relationsh
ips_NNS between_IN God_NP and_CC man_NN ._. Thus_RB ,_, the_AT Church_NN-TL was_
BEDZ born_VBN and_CC because_RB of_IN its_PP$ intrinsic_JJ character_NN was_BEDZ
soon_RB identified_VBN as_CS a_AT conservative_JJ institution_NN ,_, determined
_VBN to_TO resist_VB the_AT forces_NNS of_IN change_NN ,_, to_TO identify_VB its
elf_PPL with_IN the_AT political_JJ rulers_NNS ,_, and_CC to_TO maintain_VB a_AT
kind_NN of_IN splendid_JJ isolation_NN from_IN the_AT masses_NNS ._. Doctrine_N
N was_BEDZ not_* only_RB mysterious_JJ ;_. ;_. it_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB sacred_JJ
,_, ``_`` and_CC no_AT believer_NN in_IN an_AT inspired_VBN church_NN could_MD
tolerate_VB having_HVG her_PP$ canons_NNS examined_VBN as_CS we_PPSS should_MD e
xamine_VB human_JJ laws_NNS ''_'' ._. These_DTS basic_JJ ideas_NNS concerning_IN
the_AT nature_NN of_IN religion_NN were_BED ,_, Adams_NP believed_VBD ,_, some_
DTI of_IN the_AT major_JJ keys_NNS to_IN the_AT understanding_NN of_IN history_N
N and_CC the_AT movement_NN of_IN society_NN ._. The_AT dark_JJ views_NNS about_
IN the_AT Puritans_NPS found_VBN in_IN The_AT-TL Emancipation_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Mas
sachusetts_NP-TL were_BED never_RB altered_VBN ._. Despite_IN their_PP$ adherenc
e_NN to_IN the_AT status_NN quo_FW-WDT ,_, the_AT forces_NNS of_IN organized_VBN
religion_NN were_BED compelled_VBN to_TO make_VB adjustments_NNS as_CS increasi
ng_VBG civilization_NN augmented_VBD human_JJ knowledge_NN ._. In_IN The_AT-TL L
aw_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Civilization_NN-TL And_CC-TL Decay_NN-TL Brooks_NP Adams_NP tr
aced_VBD this_DT evolution_NN ,_, always_RB pointing_VBG to_IN the_AT fact_NN th
at_CS although_CS the_AT forms_NNS became_VBD more_QL rational_JJ ,_, the_AT sub
stance_NN remained_VBD unchanged_JJ ._. The_AT relic_NN worship_NN and_CC monast
icism_NN of_IN the_AT Middle_JJ-TL Ages_NNS-TL were_BED more_QL advanced_VBN for
ms_NNS than_CS were_BED primitive_JJ fetish_NN worship_NN and_CC nature_NN myths
_NNS ._. Yet_RB ,_, the_AT idea_NN imbedded_VBN in_IN each_DT was_BEDZ identical
_JJ :_: to_TO surround_VB the_AT unknown_NN with_IN mystery_NN and_CC to_TO isol
ate_VB that_DT class_NN which_WDT had_HVD been_BEN given_VBN special_JJ dominion
_NN over_IN the_AT secrets_NNS of_IN God_NP ._. To_IN Adams_NP that_DT age_NN in
_IN which_WDT religion_NN exercised_VBD power_NN over_IN the_AT entire_JJ cultur
e_NN of_IN the_AT race_NN was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN imagination_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS
is_BEZ largely_RB the_AT admiration_NN he_PPS so_QL obviously_RB held_VBD for_I
N such_JJ eras_NNS that_WPS betrays_VBZ a_AT peculiar_JJ religiosity_NN --_-- a_
AT sentiment_NN he_PPS would_MD have_HV probably_RB denied_VBN ._. Stephens_NP h
ad_HVD written_VBN his_PP$ classic_JJ ``_`` incidents_NNS of_IN travel_NN ''_''
about_IN these_DTS regions_NNS a_AT hundred_CD years_NNS before_RB ,_, and_CC Ca
therwood_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD studied_VBN Piranesi_NP in_IN London_NP and_CC t
he_AT great_JJ ruins_NNS of_IN Egypt_NP and_CC Greece_NP ,_, had_HVD drawn_VBN t
he_AT splendid_JJ illustrations_NNS that_WPS accompanied_VBD the_AT text_NN ._.
Catherwood_NP ,_, an_AT architect_NN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, had_HVD been
_BEN forgotten_VBN ,_, like_CS Stephens_NP ,_, and_CC Victor_NP reconstructed_VB
D their_PP$ lives_NNS as_CS one_PN reconstructs_VBZ ,_, for_IN a_AT museum_NN ,_
, a_AT dinosaur_NN from_IN two_CD or_CC three_CD petrified_VBN bones_NNS ._. He_
PPS had_HVD unearthed_VBN Stephens's_NP$ letters_NNS in_IN a_AT New_JJ-TL Jersey
_NP-TL farmhouse_NN and_CC he_PPS discovered_VBD Stephens's_NP$ unmarked_JJ grav
e_NN in_IN an_AT old_JJ cemetery_NN on_IN the_AT east_NR side_NN of_IN New_JJ-TL
York_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB the_AT great_JJ traveller_NN had_HVD been_BEN hastily_
RB buried_VBN during_IN a_AT cholera_NN epidemic_NN ._. Victor_NP had_HVD been_B
EN stirred_VBN by_IN my_PP$ account_NN of_IN him_PPO in_IN Makers_NNS-TL And_CC-
TL Finders_NNS-TL ,_, for_CS Stephens_NP was_BEDZ one_CD of_IN the_AT lost_VBN w
riters_NNS whom_WPO Melville_NP had_HVD seen_VBN in_IN his_PP$ childhood_NN and_
CC whom_WPO I_PPSS was_BEDZ bent_VBN on_IN resurrecting_VBG ._. Victor_NP had_HV
D led_VBN an_AT adventurous_JJ life_NN ._. His_PP$ metier_FW-NN was_BEDZ the_AT
American_JJ tropics_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS had_HVD lived_VBN all_QL over_IN Latin
_JJ-TL America_NP-TL and_CC among_IN the_AT primitive_JJ tribes_NNS on_IN the_AT
Amazon_NP river_NN ._. Well_RB he_PPS knew_VBD the_AT sleepless_JJ nights_NNS ,
_, the_AT howling_VBG sore-ridden_JJ dogs_NNS and_CC the_AT biting_VBG insects_N
NS in_IN the_AT villages_NNS of_IN the_AT Kofanes_NPS and_CC Huitotoes_NPS ._. H
e_PPS had_HVD not_* yet_RB undertaken_VBN the_AT great_JJ exploit_NN of_IN his_P
P$ later_JJR years_NNS ,_, the_AT rediscovery_NN of_IN the_AT ancient_JJ Inca_NP
highway_NN ,_, the_AT route_NN of_IN Pizarro_NP in_IN Peru_NP ,_, but_CC he_PPS
had_HVD climbed_VBN to_IN the_AT original_JJ El_NP Dorado_NP ,_, the_AT Andean_
JJ lake_NN of_IN Guatemala_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS had_HVD scaled_VBN the_AT southe
rn_JJ Sierra_NP Nevada_NP with_IN its_PP$ Tibetan-like_JJ people_NNS and_CC look
ed_VBN into_IN the_AT emerald_NN mines_NNS of_IN Muzo_NP ._. As_CS a_AT naturali
st_NN living_VBG for_IN two_CD years_NNS at_IN the_AT headwaters_NNS of_IN the_A
T Amazon_NP ,_, he_PPS had_HVD collected_VBN specimens_NNS for_IN Mexican_JJ mus
eums_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS had_HVD taken_VBN to_IN the_AT London_NP zoo_NN a_AT
live_JJ quetzal_NN ,_, the_AT sacred_JJ bird_NN of_IN the_AT old_JJ Mayans_NPS .
_. In_IN fact_NN ,_, he_PPS had_HVD raised_VBN quetzal_NN birds_NNS in_IN his_PP
$ camp_NN in_IN the_AT forest_NN of_IN Ecuador_NP ._. Moreover_RB ,_, he_PPS had
_HVD spent_VBN six_CD months_NNS on_IN the_AT Galapagos_NP islands_NNS ,_, among
_IN the_AT great_JJ turtles_NNS that_WPO Captain_NN-TL Cook_NP had_HVD found_VBN
there_RB ,_, and_CC now_RB and_CC then_RB he_PPS would_MD disappear_VB into_IN
some_DTI small_JJ island_NN of_IN the_AT West_JJ-TL Indies_NPS-TL ._. Victor's_N
P$ book_NN on_IN John_NP Lloyd_NP Stephens_NP was_BEDZ largely_RB written_VBN in
_IN my_PP$ study_NN in_IN the_AT house_NN at_IN Weston_NP ._. I_PPSS had_HVD had
_HVN my_PP$ name_NN taken_VBN out_IN of_IN the_AT telephone_NN book_NN ,_, and_C
C this_DT was_BEDZ partly_RB because_RB of_IN a_AT convict_NN who_WPS had_HVD be
en_BEN discharged_VBN from_IN Sing_NP Sing_NP and_CC who_WPS called_VBD me_PPO n
ight_NN after_IN night_NN ._. He_PPS said_VBD he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT friend_NN of_
IN Heywood_NP Broun_NP who_WPS had_HVD run_VBN a_AT free_JJ employment_NN bureau
_NN for_IN several_AP months_NNS during_IN the_AT depression_NN ,_, but_CC the_A
T generous_JJ Broun_NP to_IN whom_WPO I_PPSS wrote_VBD did_DOD not_* know_VB his
_PP$ name_NN and_CC I_PPSS somehow_RB conceived_VBD the_AT morbid_JJ notion_NN t
hat_CS the_AT man_NN in_IN question_NN was_BEDZ prowling_VBG round_IN the_AT hou
se_NN ._. But_CC one_CD day_NN came_VBD the_AT voice_NN of_IN a_AT man_NN I_PPSS
had_HVD known_VBN when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT boy_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS later_
RBR remembered_VBD that_CS this_DT boy_NN ,_, thirty_CD years_NNS before_RB ,_,
had_HVD struck_VBN me_PPO as_CS coming_VBG to_IN no_AT good_NN ._. There_EX had_
HVD been_BEN something_PN sinister_JJ about_IN him_PPO that_WPS warned_VBD me_PP
O against_IN him_PPO ,_, --_-- I_PPSS had_HVD never_RB felt_VBN that_DT way_NN a
bout_IN any_DTI other_AP boy_NN ,_, --_-- but_CC when_WRB he_PPS uttered_VBD his
_PP$ name_NN on_IN the_AT telephone_NN I_PPSS had_HVD forgotten_VBN this_DT and_
CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ glad_JJ to_TO do_DO what_WDT he_PPS asked_VBD of_IN me_PPO ._
. He_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT captain_NN ,_, he_PPS said_VBD ,_, in_IN the_AT army_NN ,
_, and_CC on_IN the_AT train_NN to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL his_PP$ purse_NN and_
CC all_ABN his_PP$ money_NN had_HVD been_BEN stolen_VBN ,_, and_CC would_MD I_PP
SS lend_VB him_PPO twenty-five_CD dollars_NNS to_TO be_BE given_VBN him_PPO at_I
N the_AT General_JJ-TL Delivery_NN-TL window_NN ?_. ?_. Never_RB hearing_VBG fro
m_IN him_PPO again_RB ,_, I_PPSS remembered_VBD the_AT little_JJ boy_NN of_IN wh
om_WPO I_PPSS had_HVD had_HVN such_JJ doubts_NNS when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ ten_CD
years_NNS old_JJ ._. We_PPSS lived_VBD for_IN a_AT while_NN in_IN a_AT movie_NN
melodrama_NN with_IN a_AT German_JJ cook_NN and_CC her_PP$ son_NN who_WPS turne
d_VBD out_RP to_TO be_BE Nazis_NPS ._. Finally_RB we_PPSS got_VBD them_PPO out_I
N of_IN the_AT house_NN ,_, after_CS the_AT boy_NN had_HVD run_VBN away_RB four_
CD times_NNS looking_VBG for_IN other_AP Nazis_NPS ,_, threatening_VBG to_TO mur
der_VB village_NN schoolchildren_NNS and_CC bragging_VBG that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ
to_TO be_BE the_AT next_AP Fuhrer_NP ._. Then_RB he_PPS began_VBD to_TO have_HV
epileptic_JJ fits_NNS ._. We_PPSS found_VBD that_CS a_AT charitable_JJ society_
NN in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL had_HVD a_AT long_JJ case-history_NN of_IN the_AT
two_CD ;_. ;_. and_CC they_PPSS agreed_VBD to_TO see_VB that_CS the_AT tragic_JJ
pair_NN would_MD not_* put_VB poison_NN in_IN anybody_PN else's_RB$ soup_NN ._.
To_IN the_AT Weston_NP house_NN came_VBD once_RB William_NP Allen_NP Neilson_NP
,_, the_AT president_NN of_IN Smith_NP-TL College_NN-TL who_WPS had_HVD been_BE
N one_CD of_IN my_PP$ old_JJ professors_NNS and_CC who_WPS still_RB called_VBD m
e_PPO ``_`` Boy_NN-TL ''_'' when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ sixty_CD ._. It_PPS reminde
d_VBD me_PPO of_IN my_PP$ other_AP professor_NN ,_, Edward_NP Kennard_NP Rand_NP
,_, of_IN whom_WPO I_PPSS had_HVD been_BEN so_QL fond_JJ when_WRB I_PPSS was_BE
DZ at_IN Harvard_NP ,_, the_AT great_JJ mediaevalist_NN and_CC classical_JJ scho
lar_NN who_WPS had_HVD asked_VBN me_PPO to_TO call_VB him_PPO ``_`` Ken_NP ''_''
,_, saying_VBG ,_, ``_`` Age_NN counts_VBZ for_IN nothing_PN among_IN those_DTS
who_WPS have_HV learned_VBN to_TO know_VB life_NN sub_FW-IN specie_FW-NN aetern
itatis_FW-NN$ ''_'' ._. I_PPSS had_HVD always_RB thought_VBN of_IN that_DT lovab
le_JJ man_NN as_CS many_AP years_NNS older_JJR than_CS myself_PPL ,_, although_C
S he_PPS was_BEDZ perhaps_RB only_RB twenty_CD years_NNS older_JJR ,_, and_CC he
_PPS confirmed_VBD my_PP$ feeling_NN ,_, along_RB with_IN the_AT feeling_NN of_I
N both_ABX my_PP$ sons_NNS ,_, that_CS teachers_NNS of_IN the_AT classics_NNS ar
e_BER invariably_RB endearing_JJ ._. I_PPSS must_MD have_HV written_VBN to_TO sa
y_VB how_WQL much_AP I_PPSS had_HVD enjoyed_VBN his_PP$ fine_JJ book_NN The_AT-T
L Building_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Eternal_JJ-TL Rome_NP-TL ,_, and_CC I_PPSS found_VBD h
e_PPS had_HVD not_* regretted_VBN giving_VBG me_PPO the_AT highest_JJT mark_NN i
n_IN his_PP$ old_JJ course_NN on_IN the_AT later_JJR Latin_JJ poets_NNS ,_, alth
ough_CS in_IN my_PP$ final_JJ examination_NN I_PPSS had_HVD ignored_VBN the_AT q
uestions_NNS and_CC filled_VBN the_AT bluebook_NN with_IN a_AT comparison_NN of_
IN Propertius_NP and_CC Coleridge_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD written_VBN to_IN me_PPO
about_IN a_AT dinner_NN he_PPS had_HVD had_HVN with_IN the_AT Benedictine_JJ mo
nks_NNS at_IN St._NN-TL Anselm's_NP$-TL Priory_NN-TL in_IN Washington_NP ._. The
re_EX had_HVD been_BEN reading_VBG at_IN table_NN ,_, especially_RB from_IN two_
CD books_NNS ,_, Pope_NN-TL Gregory_NP-TL The_AT-TL Great's_JJ$-TL account_NN of
_IN St._NN-TL Scholastica_NP in_IN his_PP$ Dialogues_NNS-TL and_CC my_PP$ own_JJ
The_AT-TL World_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Washington_NP-TL Irving_NP-TL ._. He_PPS said_VB
D ,_, ``_`` Some_DTI have_HV criticized_VBN your_PP$ book_NN as_CS being_BEG nei
ther_CC literary_JJ criticism_NN nor_CC history_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN it_PPS wa
s_BEDZ not_* meant_VBN to_TO be_BE ._. Some_DTI have_HV felt_VBN that_CS Washing
ton_NP Irving_NP comes_VBZ out_RP rather_QL slimly_RB ,_, but_CC let_VB them_PPO
look_VB at_IN the_AT title_NN of_IN the_AT book_NN ''_'' ._. He_PPS felt_VBD as
_CS I_PPSS felt_VBD about_IN this_DT best_JJT of_IN all_ABN my_PP$ books_NNS ,_,
that_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` really_QL tops_JJS ''_'' ._. Two_CD or_CC three_C
D times_NNS ,_, C._NP C._NP Burlingham_NP came_VBD to_IN lunch_NN with_IN us_PPO
in_IN Weston_NP ,_, that_DT wonderful_JJ man_NN who_WPS lived_VBD to_TO be_BE m
ore_AP than_IN a_AT hundred_CD years_NNS old_JJ and_CC whose_WP$ birthplace_NN h
ad_HVD been_BEN my_PP$ Wall_NN-TL Street_NN-TL suburb_NN ._. His_PP$ reading_NN
ranged_VBD from_IN Agatha_NP Christie_NP to_IN The_AT-TL Book_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Job
_NP-TL and_CC he_PPS had_HVD an_AT insatiable_JJ interest_NN in_IN his_PP$ fello
w-creatures_NNS ,_, while_CS his_PP$ letters_NNS were_BED full_JJ of_IN gossip_N
N about_IN new_JJ politicians_NNS and_CC old_JJ men_NNS of_IN letters_NNS with_I
N whom_WPO he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN intimately_RB thrown_VBN six_CD decades_NNS b
efore_RB ._. I_PPSS could_MD never_RB forget_VB the_AT gaiety_NN with_IN which_W
DT ,_, when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ both_ABX blind_JJ and_CC deaf_JJ ,_, he_PPS let_
VBD me_PPO lead_VB him_PPO around_IN his_PP$ rooms_NNS to_TO look_VB at_IN some_
DTI of_IN the_AT pictures_NNS ;_. ;_. and_CC once_RB when_WRB he_PPS came_VBD to
_TO see_VB us_PPO in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL he_PPS walked_VBD away_RB in_IN a_A
T rainstorm_NN ,_, unwilling_JJ to_TO hear_VB of_IN a_AT taxi_NN or_CC even_RB a
n_AT umbrella_NN ,_, although_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ at_IN the_AT time_NN ninety_CD
years_NNS old_JJ ._. There_EX were_BED several_AP men_NNS of_IN ninety_CD or_CC
more_AP whom_WPO I_PPSS knew_VBD first_RB or_CC last_RB ,_, all_ABN of_IN whom_W
PO were_BED still_RB productive_JJ and_CC most_AP of_IN whom_WPO knew_VBD one_CD
another_DT as_CS if_CS they_PPSS had_HVD naturally_RB come_VBN together_RB at_I
N the_AT apex_NN of_IN their_PP$ lives_NNS ._. I_PPSS never_RB met_VBD John_NP D
ewey_NP ,_, whose_WP$ style_NN was_BEDZ a_AT sort_NN of_IN verbal_JJ fog_NN and_
CC who_WPS had_HVD written_VBN asking_VBG me_PPO to_TO go_VB to_IN Mexico_NP wit
h_IN him_PPO when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ investigating_VBG the_AT cause_NN of_IN Tr
otsky_NP ;_. ;_. but_CC I_PPSS liked_VBD to_TO think_VB of_IN him_PPO at_IN nine
ty_CD swimming_VBG and_CC working_VBG at_IN Key_NN-TL West_JJ-TL long_RB after_C
S Hemingway_NP had_HVD moved_VBN to_IN Cuba_NP ._. At_IN Lee_NP Simonson's_NP$ h
ouse_NN ,_, I_PPSS had_HVD dined_VBN with_IN Edith_NP Hamilton_NP ,_, the_AT non
ogenarian_NN rationalist_NN and_CC the_AT charming_JJ scholar_NN who_WPS had_HVD
a_AT great_JJ popular_JJ success_NN with_IN The_AT-TL Greek_JJ-TL Way_NN-TL ._.
Then_RB there_EX was_BEDZ Mark_NP Howe_NP and_CC there_EX was_BEDZ Henry_NP Dwi
ght_NP Sedgwick_NP ,_, an_AT accomplished_JJ man_NN of_IN letters_NNS who_WPS wr
ote_VBD in_IN the_AT spirit_NN of_IN Montaigne_NP and_CC produced_VBD in_IN the_
AT end_NN a_AT formidable_JJ body_NN of_IN work_NN ._. I_PPSS saw_VB Sedgwick_NP
often_RB before_IN his_PP$ death_NN at_IN ninety-five_CD ,_, --_-- he_PPS had_H
VD remarried_VBN at_IN the_AT age_NN of_IN ninety_CD ,_, --_-- and_CC he_PPS ask
ed_VBD me_PPO ,_, when_WRB once_RB I_PPSS returned_VBD from_IN Rome_NP ,_, if_CS
I_PPSS knew_VBD the_AT Cavallinis_NPS in_IN the_AT church_NN of_IN St._NN-TL Ce
cilia_NP in_IN Trastevere_NP ._. I_PPSS had_HVD to_TO confess_VB that_CS I_PPSS
had_HVD missed_VBN these_DTS frescoes_NNS ,_, recently_RB discovered_VBN ,_, tha
t_CS he_PPS had_HVD studied_VBN in_IN his_PP$ eighties_NNS ._. Sedgwick_NP had_H
VD chosen_VBN to_TO follow_VB the_AT philosophy_NN of_IN Epicurus_NP whom_WPO ,_
, with_IN his_PP$ followers_NNS ,_, Dante_NP put_VBD in_IN hell_NN ;_. ;_. but_C
C he_PPS defended_VBD the_AT doctrine_NN in_IN The_AT-TL Art_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Happ
iness_NN-TL ,_, and_CC what_WDT indeed_RB could_MD be_BE said_VBN against_IN the
_AT Epicurean_NP virtues_NNS ,_, health_NN ,_, frugality_NN ,_, privacy_NN ,_, c
ulture_NN and_CC friendship_NN ?_. ?_. Of_IN Mark_NP Antony_NP De_NP Wolfe_NP Ho
we_NP the_AT philosopher_NN Whitehead_NP said_VBD the_AT Earth's_NN$-TL first_OD
visitors_NNS to_IN Mars_NP should_MD be_BE persons_NNS likely_JJ to_TO make_VB
a_AT good_JJ impression_NN ,_, and_CC when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ asked_VBN ,_, ``_
`` Whom_WPO would_MD you_PPO send_VB ''_'' ?_. ?_. He_PPS replied_VBD ,_, ``_``
My_PP$ first_OD choice_NN would_MD be_BE Mark_NP Howe_NP ''_'' ._. This_DT frien
d_NN of_IN many_AP years_NNS came_VBD once_RB to_TO visit_VB us_PPO in_IN the_AT
house_NN at_IN Weston_NP ._. Then_RB I_PPSS spoke_VBD at_IN the_AT ninetieth_OD
birthday_NN party_NN of_IN W._NP E._NP Burghardt_NP Du_NP Bois_NP ,_, who_WPS e
mbarked_VBD on_IN a_AT fictional_JJ trilogy_NN at_IN eighty-nine_CD and_CC who_W
PS ,_, with_IN The_AT-TL Crisis_NN-TL ,_, had_HVD created_VBN a_AT Negro_NP inte
lligentsia_NN that_WPS had_HVD never_RB existed_VBN in_IN America_NP before_IN h
im_PPO ._. As_CS their_PP$ interpreter_NN and_CC guide_NN ,_, he_PPS had_HVD bro
ken_VBN with_IN Tuskegee_NP and_CC become_VBN a_AT spokesman_NN of_IN the_AT col
oured_VBN people_NNS of_IN the_AT world_NN ._. Mr._NP Burlingham_NP ,_, --_-- ``
_`` C.C.B._NP ''_'' --_-- wrote_VBD to_IN me_PPO once_RB about_IN an_AT old_JJ f
riend_NN of_IN mine_PP$$ ,_, S._NP K._NP Ratcliffe_NP ,_, whom_WPO I_PPSS had_HV
D first_RB met_VBN in_IN London_NP in_IN 1914_CD and_CC who_WPS also_RB came_VBD
out_RP for_IN a_AT week-end_NN in_IN Weston_NP ._. ``_`` Did_DOD you_PPSS ever_
RB know_VB a_AT man_NN with_IN greater_JJR zest_NN for_IN information_NN ?_. ?_.
And_CC his_PP$ memory_NN ,_, like_CS an_AT elephant's_NN$ ,_, stored_VBN with_I
N precise_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN men_NNS and_CC things_NNS and_CC happenings_NNS
''_'' ._. His_PP$ wife_NN ,_, Katie_NP ,_, ``_`` as_QL gay_JJ as_CS a_AT lark_NN
and_CC as_QL lively_JJ as_CS a_AT gazelle_NN ''_'' ,_, --_-- she_PPS was_BEDZ t
hen_RB seventy-six_CD ,_, --_-- had_HVD ``_`` a_AT sense_NN of_IN humour_NN that
_WPS has_HVZ been_BEN denied_VBN S.K._NP ,_, but_CC neither_DTX has_HVZ any_DTI
aesthetic_JJ perceptions_NNS ._. People_NNS and_CC books_NNS are_BER enough_AP f
or_IN them_PPO ''_'' ._. S.K._NP was_BEDZ visiting_VBG C.C.B._NP and_CC ,_, not_
* waiting_VBG for_IN breakfast_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ off_RP to_IN the_AT Univer
sity_NN-TL Club_NN-TL ,_, where_WRB he_PPS spent_VBD hours_NNS writing_VBG obitu
aries_NNS of_IN living_VBG Americans_NPS for_IN The_AT-TL Manchester_NP-TL Guard
ian_NN-TL or_CC The_AT-TL Glasgow_NP-TL Herald_NN-TL ._. Later_RBR ,_, rising_VB
G ninety_CD ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ beset_VBN by_IN publishers_NNS for_IN the_AT sto
ry_NN of_IN his_PP$ life_NN and_CC miracles_NNS ,_, as_CS he_PPS put_VBD it_PPO
,_, but_CC ,_, calling_VBG himself_PPL the_AT Needy_JJ-TL Knife-grinder_NN-TL ,_
, he_PPS had_HVD spent_VBN his_PP$ time_NN writing_VBG short_JJ articles_NNS and
_CC long_JJ letters_NNS and_CC could_MD not_* get_VB even_RB a_AT small_JJ popul
ar_JJ book_NN done_VBN ._. Then_RB ,_, all_ABN but_IN blind_JJ ,_, he_PPS said_V
BD there_EX was_BEDZ nothing_PN in_IN Back_RB-TL to_IN-TL Methuselah_NP-TL --_--
,_, --_-- ``_`` G.B.S._NP ought_MD to_TO have_HV known_VBN that_DT ''_'' ,_, --
_-- and_CC ``_`` I_PPSS look_VB at_IN my_PP$ bookshelves_NNS despairingly_RB ,_,
knowing_VBG that_CS I_PPSS can_MD have_HV nothing_PN more_AP to_TO do_DO with_I
N them_PPO ''_'' ._. However_RB ,_, at_IN eighty-five_CD ,_, he_PPS had_HVD stil
l_RB been_BEN busy_JJ writing_VBG articles_NNS ,_, reviewing_VBG and_CC speaking
_VBG ,_, and_CC I_PPSS had_HVD never_RB before_RB known_VBN an_AT Englishman_NP
who_WPS had_HVD visited_VBN and_CC lectured_VBN in_IN three_CD quarters_NNS of_I
N the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Finally_RB ,_, colleges_NNS and_CC club
s_NNS took_VBD the_AT line_NN that_CS speakers_NNS from_IN England_NP were_BED n
ot_* wanted_VBN any_QL longer_RBR ,_, even_RB speakers_NNS like_CS S.K._NP ,_, s
o_QL unlike_IN the_AT novelists_NNS and_CC poets_NNS who_WPS had_HVD patronized_
VBN the_AT Americans_NPS for_IN many_AP years_NNS ._. With_IN their_PP$ facile_J
J generalizations_NNS about_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL ,_, these_DTS
mediocrities_NNS ,_, as_CS they_PPSS often_RB were_BED ,_, had_HVD been_BEN grea
t_JJ successes_NNS ._. While_CS S.K._NP did_DOD not_* like_VB Dylan_NP Thomas_NP
,_, I_PPSS liked_VBD his_PP$ poems_NNS very_QL much_RB ,_, but_CC I_PPSS made_V
BD the_AT mistake_NN of_IN telling_VBG Dylan_NP Thomas_NP so_RB ,_, whereupon_CS
he_PPS said_VBD to_IN me_PPO ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS suppose_VB you_PPO think_VB you_P
PSS know_VB all_ABN about_IN me_PPO ''_'' ._. I_PPSS should_MD have_HV replied_V
BN ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS probably_RB know_VB something_PN about_IN the_AT best_JJT pa
rt_NN of_IN you_PPO ''_'' ._. But_CC I_PPSS only_RB thought_VBD of_IN that_DT in
_IN the_AT middle_NN of_IN the_AT night_NN ._. Many_AP years_NNS later_RBR I_PPS
S went_VBD to_TO see_VB S.K._NP in_IN England_NP ,_, where_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ l
iving_VBG at_IN Whiteleaf_NP ,_, near_IN Aylesbury_NP ,_, and_CC he_PPS showed_V
BD me_PPO beside_IN his_PP$ cottage_NN there_RB the_AT remains_NNS of_IN the_AT
road_NN on_IN which_WDT Boadicea_NP is_BEZ supposed_VBN to_TO have_HV travelled_
VBN ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ convinced_VBN that_CS George_NP Orwell's_NP$ 1984_CD-TL
was_BEDZ nearly_QL all_QL wrong_JJ as_CS it_PPS applied_VBD to_IN England_NP ,_,
which_WDT was_BEDZ ``_`` driving_VBG forward_RB into_IN uncharted_JJ waters_NNS
''_'' ,_, with_IN the_AT danger_NN of_IN a_AT new_JJ tyranny_NN ahead_RB ._. ``
_`` But_CC however_WRB we_PPSS go_VB ,_, whatever_WDT our_PP$ doom_NN ,_, it_PPS
will_MD not_* take_VB the_AT Orwellian_JJ shape_NN ''_'' ._. With_IN facts_NNS
mainly_RB in_IN his_PP$ mind_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ often_RB acute_JJ in_IN the_
AT matter_NN of_IN style_NN ,_, and_CC he_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`` The_AT young_JJ
who_WPS have_HV as_CS yet_RB nothing_PN to_TO say_VB will_MD try_VB larks_NNS w
ith_IN initial_JJ letters_NNS and_CC broken_VBN lines_NNS ._. But_CC put_VB them
_PPO before_IN a_AT situation_NN which_WDT they_PPSS are_BER forced_VBN to_TO de
pict_VB ''_'' ,_, --_-- he_PPS was_BEDZ speaking_VBG of_IN the_AT Spanish_JJ civ
il_JJ war_NN ,_, --_-- ``_`` and_CC they_PPSS have_HV no_AT hesitation_NN ;_. ;_
. they_PPSS merely_RB do_DO their_PP$ best_JJT to_TO make_VB it_PPO real_JJ for_
IN others_NNS ''_'' ._. He_PPS looked_VBD at_IN her_PPO as_CS she_PPS spoke_VBD
,_, then_RB got_VBD up_RP as_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ speaking_VBG still_RB ,_, and_C
C ,_, simply_RB and_CC wordlessly_RB ,_, walked_VBD out_RP ._. And_CC that_DT wa
s_BEDZ the_AT end_NN ._. Or_CC nearly_RB ._. He_PPS went_VBD to_IN the_AT Hotel_
NN-TL Mayflower_NP-TL and_CC telegraphed_VBD Mencken_NP ._. Would_MD he_PPS meet
_VB him_PPO in_IN Baltimore_NP in_IN Drawing_JJ-TL Room_NN-TL A_NP-TL ,_, Car_NN
-TL Three_CD-TL on_IN the_AT train_NN leaving_VBG Washington_NP at_IN nine_CD o'
clock_RB next_AP morning_NN ?_. ?_. They_PPSS would_MD go_VB to_IN New_JJ-TL Yor
k_NP-TL together_RB ,_, where_WRB parties_NNS would_MD be_BE piled_VBN on_IN wea
riness_NN and_CC on_IN misery_NN ._. But_CC not_* for_IN long_RB ._. Both_ABX Al
fred_NP Harcourt_NP and_CC Donald_NP Brace_NP had_HVD written_VBN him_PPO enthus
iastic_JJ praise_NN of_IN Elmer_NP-TL Gantry_NP-TL (_( any_DTI changes_NNS could
_MD be_BE made_VBN in_IN proof_NN ,_, which_WDT was_BEDZ already_RB coming_VBG f
rom_IN the_AT printer_NN )_) and_CC they_PPSS had_HVD ordered_VBN 140,000_CD cop
ies_NNS --_-- the_AT largest_JJT first_OD printing_NN of_IN any_DTI book_NN in_I
N history_NN ._. But_CC none_PN of_IN this_DT could_MD soothe_VB the_AT exacerba
ted_VBN nerves_NNS ._. On_IN New_JJ-TL Year's_NN$-TL Eve_NN-TL ,_, Alfred_NP Har
court_NP drove_VBD him_PPO up_IN the_AT Hudson_NP to_IN Bill_NP Brown's_NP$ Trai
ning_NN-TL Camp_NN-TL ,_, a_AT well-known_JJ establishment_NN for_IN the_AT spee
dy_JJ if_CS temporary_JJ rehabilitation_NN of_IN drunkards_NNS who_WPS could_MD
no_QL longer_RBR help_VB themselves_PPLS ._. But_CC ,_, in_IN departing_VBG ,_,
Lewis_NP begged_VBD Breasted_NP that_CS there_EX be_BE no_AT liquor_NN in_IN the
_AT apartment_NN at_IN the_AT Grosvenor_NP on_IN his_PP$ return_NN ,_, and_CC he
_PPS took_VBD with_IN him_PPO the_AT first_OD thirty_CD galleys_NNS of_IN Elmer_
NP-TL Gantry_NP-TL ._. On_IN January_NP 4_CD ,_, with_IN the_AT boys_NNS back_RB
at_IN school_NN and_CC college_NN ,_, Mrs._NP Lewis_NP wrote_VBD Harcourt_NP to
_TO say_VB that_CS she_PPS was_BEDZ ``_`` through_RP ,_, quite_QL through_RP ''_
'' ._. ``_`` This_DT whole_JJ Washington_NP venture_NN was_BEDZ my_PP$ last_AP g
esture_NN ,_, and_CC it_PPS has_HVZ failed_VBN ._. Physically_RB as_QL well_RB a
s_CS mentally_RB I_PPSS have_HV reached_VBN the_AT limit_NN of_IN my_PP$ enduran
ce_NN ._. My_PP$ last_AP gift_NN to_IN him_PPO is_BEZ complete_JJ silence_NN unt
il_CS the_AT book_NN is_BEZ out_RP and_CC the_AT first_OD heated_VBN discussion_
NN dies_VBZ down_RP ._. For_CS him_PPO to_TO divorce_VB God_NP and_CC wife_NN si
multaneously_RB would_MD be_BE bad_JJ publicity_NN ._. I_PPSS am_BEM really_QL i
ll_JJ at_IN the_AT present_JJ moment_NN ,_, and_CC I_PPSS will_MD go_VB to_IN so
me_DTI sort_NN of_IN a_AT sanitarium_NN to_TO normalize_VB myself_PPL ''_'' ._.
And_CC she_PPS withdrew_VBD then_RB to_IN Cromwell_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL ,_, in_IN Cr
omwell_NP ,_, Connecticut_NP ._. Harcourt_NP replied_VBD :_: ``_`` I_PPSS do_DO
really_RB hope_VB you_PPSS can_MD achieve_VB serenity_NN in_IN the_AT course_NN
of_IN time_NN ._. Of_IN course_NN I_PPSS hope_VB Hal_NP can_MD also_RB ,_, but_C
C those_DTS hopes_NNS are_BER much_QL more_QL faint_JJ ''_'' ._. 8_CD on_IN Janu
ary_NP 8_CD ,_, 1927_CD ,_, he_PPS returned_VBD to_IN the_AT Grosvenor_NP in_IN
high_JJ spirits_NNS ,_, and_CC looking_VBG fit_JJ ._. He_PPS had_HVD been_BEN ,_
, he_PPS wrote_VBD Mencken_NP at_IN once_RB ,_, ``_`` in_IN the_AT country_NN ''
_'' ,_, a_AT euphemism_NN for_IN an_AT experience_NN that_WPS had_HVD not_* grea
tly_RB changed_VBN him_PPO ._. Charles_NP Breasted_NP remembers_VBZ that_CS ,_,
before_CS unpacking_VBG his_PP$ bag_NN ,_, he_PPS telephoned_VBD his_PP$ bootleg
ger_NN with_IN a_AT generous_JJ order_NN ,_, and_CC almost_RB at_IN once_RB ``_`
` the_AT familiar_JJ procession_NN of_IN people_NNS began_VBD milling_VBG throug
h_IN our_PP$ living_VBG room_NN at_IN any_DTI hour_NN between_IN two_CD P.M._RB
and_CC three_CD A.M._RB ''_'' ._. They_PPSS were_BED strays_NNS of_IN every_AT k
ind_NN --_-- university_NN students_NNS and_CC journalists_NNS ,_, Village_NN-TL
hangers-on_NNS and_CC barflies_NNS ,_, taxi_NN drivers_NNS and_CC editors_NNS a
nd_CC unknown_JJ poets_NNS ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS friends_NNS like_CS Elinor_NP
Wylie_NP and_CC William_NP Rose_NP Benet_NP ,_, the_AT Van_NP Dorens_NPS and_CC
Nathan_NP ,_, Rebecca_NP West_NP and_CC Hugh_NP Walpole_NP and_CC Osbert_NP Sit
well_NP ,_, Laurence_NP Stallings_NP ,_, Lewis_NP Browne_NP ,_, William_NP Seabr
ook_NP ,_, Arthur_NP Hopkins_NP ,_, the_AT Woodwards_NPS ._. When_WRB he_PPS cam
e_VBD home_NR from_IN his_PP$ office_NN at_IN the_AT end_NN of_IN the_AT afterno
on_NN ,_, Breasted_NP never_RB knew_VBD what_WDT gathering_NN he_PPS should_MD e
xpect_VB to_TO find_VB ,_, but_CC there_EX almost_QL always_RB was_BEDZ one_CD .
_. He_PPS did_DOD not_* neglect_VB his_PP$ wife_NN in_IN Cromwell_NP-TL Hall_NN-
TL ,_, but_CC telephoned_VBD her_PPO and_CC wrote_VBD her_PPO with_IN assurances
_NNS of_IN his_PP$ continuing_VBG interest_NN and_CC of_IN his_PP$ wish_NN to_TO
``_`` stand_VB behind_IN ''_'' her_PPO in_IN their_PP$ separation_NN and_CC of_
IN his_PP$ hope_NN that_CS there_EX would_MD be_BE no_AT bitterness_NN between_I
N them_PPO ._. She_PPS was_BEDZ occupying_VBG herself_PPL in_IN an_AT attempt_NN
to_TO write_VB an_AT article_NN about_IN the_AT variety_NN of_IN houses_NNS tha
t_WPO they_PPSS had_HVD rented_VBN abroad_RB ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ of_IN unsettled
_VBN mind_NN as_IN to_IN whether_CS he_PPS should_MD go_VB abroad_RB when_WRB th
e_AT Gantry_NP-TL galleys_NNS were_BED finished_VBN ._. For_IN a_AT time_NN ,_,
urging_VBG Breasted_NP to_TO give_VB up_RP his_PP$ public_JJ relations_NNS work_
NN and_CC take_VB up_RP writing_VBG instead_RB ,_, he_PPS hoped_VBD to_TO persua
de_VB him_PPO to_TO become_VB his_PP$ assistant_NN in_IN research_NN for_IN the_
AT labor_NN novel_NN ;_. ;_. if_CS Breasted_NP agreed_VBD ,_, they_PPSS would_MD
get_VB a_AT car_NN and_CC tour_VB the_AT country_NN ,_, visiting_VBG every_AT k
ind_NN of_IN industrial_JJ center_NN ._. When_WRB Breasted_NP insisted_VBD that_
CS this_DT was_BEDZ impossible_JJ for_IN him_PPO ,_, Lewis_NP decided_VBD to_TO
go_VB abroad_RB ._. He_PPS telephoned_VBD L._NP M._NP Birkhead_NP and_CC asked_V
BD him_PPO and_CC his_PP$ wife_NN to_TO come_VB to_IN Europe_NP as_CS his_PP$ gu
ests_NNS ,_, but_CC Birkhead_NP declined_VBD on_IN the_AT grounds_NNS that_CS on
e_CD of_IN them_PPO must_MD be_BE in_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL when_
WRB Elmer_NP-TL Gantry_NP-TL was_BEDZ published_VBN ._. Lewis_NP was_BEDZ spendi
ng_VBG his_PP$ mornings_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT help_NN of_IN two_CD secretaries_
NNS ,_, on_IN the_AT galleys_NNS of_IN that_DT long_JJ novel_NN ,_, making_VBG c
onsiderable_JJ revisions_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT combination_NN of_IN hard_JJ work
_NN and_CC hard_JJ frivolity_NN exhausted_VBD him_PPO once_RB more_RBR ,_, so_CS
that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ compelled_VBN to_TO spend_VB three_CD days_NNS in_IN th
e_AT Harbor_NN-TL Sanatorium_NN-TL in_IN the_AT last_AP week_NN of_IN January_NP
._. Before_CS he_PPS made_VBD that_DT retreat_NN ,_, he_PPS telephoned_VBD Earl
_NP Blackman_NP in_IN Kansas_NP-TL City_NN-TL and_CC asked_VBD him_PPO to_TO com
e_VB to_IN Europe_NP with_IN him_PPO ._. Blackman_NP was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE in_IN
New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL by_IN February_NP 2_CD ,_, because_CS they_PPSS were_BED sa
iling_VBG at_IN 12:01_CD next_AP morning_NN ._. Lewis_NP told_VBD him_PPO what_W
DT clothes_NNS he_PPS should_MD bring_VB along_RB ,_, and_CC enjoined_VBD him_PP
O not_* to_TO buy_VB anything_PN that_WPO he_PPS did_DOD not_* already_RB own_VB
,_, they_PPSS would_MD do_DO that_DT in_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ._. Blackman_NP
arrived_VBD a_AT day_NN or_CC two_CD early_RB ,_, and_CC Lewis_NP took_VBD him_
PPO to_IN a_AT department_NN store_NN immediately_RB and_CC outfitted_VBD him_PP
O ,_, luggage_NN and_CC all_ABN ,_, and_CC then_RB he_PPS took_VBD him_PPO to_IN
a_AT party_NN at_IN the_AT Woodwards_NPS that_WPS went_VBD on_RP until_IN four_
CD in_IN the_AT morning_NN ._. On_IN the_AT evening_NN that_WPO they_PPSS were_B
ED to_TO sail_VB ,_, Lewis_NP himself_PPL gave_VBD a_AT party_NN ,_, but_CC he_P
PS was_BEDZ too_QL indisposed_VBN to_TO appear_VB at_IN it_PPO ._. Woodward_NP t
ook_VBD occasion_NN to_TO warn_VB Blackman_NP about_IN Lewis's_NP$ drinking_NN a
nd_CC urged_VBD him_PPO to_TO ``_`` try_VB to_TO keep_VB him_PPO sober_JJ ''_''
._. After_IN a_AT dinner_NN party_NN for_IN which_WDT she_PPS had_HVD come_VBN d
own_RP to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, Mrs._NP Lewis_NP and_CC Casanova_NP arrive
d_VBD to_TO see_VB them_PPO off_RP ,_, and_CC Elinor_NP Wylie_NP made_VBD tart_J
J observations_NNS that_WPS indicated_VBD that_CS Lewis_NP had_HVD been_BEN less
_QL discreet_JJ than_CS he_PPS had_HVD promised_VBN to_TO be_BE about_IN the_AT
real_JJ nature_NN of_IN their_PP$ separation_NN ._. Nevertheless_RB ,_, Mrs._NP
Lewis_NP was_BEDZ still_RB solicitous_JJ of_IN his_PP$ condition_NN :_: let_VB h
im_PPO do_DO as_CS he_PPS wished_VBD ,_, let_VB him_PPO sleep_VB with_IN chamber
maids_NNS if_CS he_PPS must_MD ,_, but_CC ,_, she_PPS begged_VBD Blackman_NP ,_,
try_VB to_TO keep_VB him_PPO from_IN drinking_VBG a_AT great_JJ deal_NN and_CC
bring_VB him_PPO back_RB in_IN good_JJ health_NN ._. As_CS they_PPSS stood_VBD a
t_IN the_AT first-class_JJ rail_NN ,_, waving_VBG down_RP to_IN his_PP$ wife_NN
and_CC Casanova_NP below_RB ,_, Lewis_NP said_VBD ,_, ``_`` Earl_NP ,_, there_EX
is_BEZ Gracie's_NP$ future_JJ husband_NN ''_'' ._. And_CC when_WRB questioned_V
BN by_IN ship's_NN$ reporters_NNS about_IN the_AT separation_NN ,_, she_PPS said
_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS adore_VB him_PPO ,_, and_CC he_PPS adores_VBZ me_PPO ''_''
._. Blackman_NP had_HVD brought_VBN news_NN from_IN Kansas_NP-TL City_NN-TL ._.
Before_IN his_PP$ departure_NN ,_, a_AT group_NN of_IN his_PP$ friends_NNS ,_,
the_AT Reverend_NP Stidger_NP among_IN them_PPO ,_, had_HVD given_VBN him_PPO a_
AT luncheon_NN ,_, and_CC Stidger_NP had_HVD seen_VBN advance_NN sheets_NNS of_I
N Elmer_NP-TL Gantry_NP-TL ._. He_PPS was_BEDZ outraged_VBN by_IN the_AT book_NN
and_CC announced_VBD that_CS he_PPS had_HVD discovered_VBN fifty_CD technical_J
J errors_NNS in_IN its_PP$ account_NN of_IN church_NN practices_NNS ._. L._NP M.
_NP Birkhead_NP challenged_VBD him_PPO to_TO name_VB one_CD and_CC he_PPS was_BE
DZ silent_JJ ._. But_CC his_PP$ rancor_NN did_DOD not_* cease_VB ,_, and_CC pres
ently_RB ,_, on_IN March_NP 13_CD ,_, when_WRB he_PPS preached_VBD a_AT sermon_N
N on_IN the_AT text_NN ,_, ``_`` And_CC Ben-hadad_NP Was_BEDZ Drunk_JJ ''_'' ,_,
he_PPS told_VBD his_PP$ congregation_NN how_WQL disappointed_VBN he_PPS was_BED
Z in_IN Mr._NP Lewis_NP ,_, how_WRB he_PPS regretted_VBD having_HVG had_HVN him_
PPO in_IN his_PP$ house_NN ,_, and_CC how_WRB he_PPS should_MD have_HV been_BEN
warned_VBN by_IN the_AT fact_NN that_CS the_AT novelist_NN was_BEDZ drunk_JJ all
_ABN the_AT time_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ working_VBG on_IN the_AT book_NN ._.
But_CC that_DT sermon_NN ,_, like_CS those_DTS of_IN hundreds_NNS of_IN other_A
P ministers_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ yet_RB to_TO be_BE delivered_VBN ._. In_IN London_N
P Lewis_NP took_VBD the_AT usual_JJ suite_NN in_IN Bury_NP-TL Street_NN-TL ._. T
o_IN the_AT newspapers_NNS he_PPS talked_VBD about_IN his_PP$ unquiet_JJ life_NN
,_, about_IN his_PP$ wish_NN to_TO be_BE a_AT newspaperman_NN once_RB more_RBR
,_, about_IN the_AT prevalence_NN of_IN American_JJ slang_NN in_IN British_JJ sp
eech_NN ,_, about_IN the_AT loquacity_NN of_IN the_AT English_NPS and_CC the_AT
impossibility_NN of_IN finding_VBG quiet_NN in_IN a_AT railway_NN carriage_NN ,_
, about_IN his_PP$ plans_NNS to_TO wander_VB for_IN two_CD years_NNS ``_`` unles
s_CS stopped_VBN and_CC made_VBN to_TO write_VB another_DT book_NN ''_'' ._. The
_AT Manchester_NP-TL Guardian_NN-TL wondered_VBD how_WRB anyone_PN in_IN a_AT ra
ilway_NN carriage_NN would_MD have_HV an_AT opportunity_NN to_TO talk_VB to_IN M
r._NP Lewis_NP ,_, since_CS it_PPS was_BEDZ well_RB known_VBN that_CS Mr._NP Lew
is_NP always_RB did_DOD all_ABN of_IN the_AT talking_VBG ._. His_PP$ English_JJ
friends_NNS ,_, it_PPS said_VBD ,_, had_HVD gone_VBN into_IN training_VBG to_TO
keep_VB up_RP with_IN him_PPO vocally_RB and_CC with_IN his_PP$ ``_`` allegro_JJ
movements_NNS around_IN the_AT luncheon_NN table_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT New_JJ-TL
York_NP-TL Times_NNS-TL editorialist_NN wondered_VBD just_RB who_WPS would_MD st
op_VB Mr._NP Lewis_NP and_CC make_VB him_PPO write_VB a_AT book_NN ._. Lewis's_N
P$ remarks_NNS about_IN his_PP$ marriage_NN were_BED suggestive_JJ enough_QLP to
_TO induce_VB American_JJ reporters_NNS to_TO invade_VB the_AT offices_NNS of_IN
Harcourt_NP-TL ,_, Brace_NP-TL &_CC-TL Company_NN-TL for_IN information_NN ,_,
to_TO pursue_VB Mrs._NP Lewis_NP to_IN Cromwell_NP-TL Hall_NN-TL ,_, and_CC ,_,
after_CS she_PPS had_HVD returned_VBN to_IN New_JJ-TL York_NP-TL ,_, to_TO ferre
t_VB her_PPO out_RP at_IN the_AT Stanhope_NP on_IN upper_JJ Fifth_OD-TL Avenue_N
N-TL where_WRB she_PPS had_HVD taken_VBN an_AT apartment_NN ._. There_RB ,_, to_
IN the_AT Evening_NN-TL Post_NN-TL ,_, she_PPS emphatically_RB denied_VBD the_AT
divorce_NN rumors_NNS and_CC explained_VBD that_CS she_PPS had_HVD stayed_VBN b
ehind_RB because_RB of_IN the_AT schooling_NN of_IN their_PP$ son_NN ,_, which_W
DT henceforth_RB would_MD be_BE strictly_QL American_JJ ._. These_DTS rumors_NNS
of_IN permanent_JJ separation_NN started_VBD up_RP a_AT whole_JJ crop_NN of_IN
stories_NNS about_IN her_PPO ._. One_CD had_HVD it_PPO that_CS a_AT friend_NN ,_
, protesting_VBG her_PP$ snobbery_NN ,_, said_VBD ,_, ``_`` But_CC ,_, Gracie_NP
,_, you_PPSS are_BER an_AT American_NP ,_, aren't_BER* you_PPO ''_'' ?_. ?_. An
d_CC she_PPS replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS was_BEDZ born_VBN in_IN America_NP ,_,
but_CC I_PPSS was_BEDZ conceived_VBN in_IN Vienna_NP ''_'' ._. Lewis_NP himself
_PPL furthered_VBD these_DTS tales_NNS ._. He_PPS is_BEZ said_VBN to_TO have_HV
reported_VBN that_CS once_RB ,_, when_WRB she_PPS went_VBD to_IN a_AT hospital_N
N to_TO call_VB on_IN a_AT friend_NN after_IN a_AT serious_JJ operation_NN ,_, a
nd_CC the_AT friend_NN protested_VBD that_CS it_PPS had_HVD been_BEN ``_`` nothi
ng_PN ''_'' ,_, she_PPS replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` Well_UH ,_, it_PPS was_BEDZ your_P
P$ healthy_JJ American_JJ peasant_NN blood_NN that_WPS pulled_VBD you_PPO throug
h_RP ''_'' ._. With_IN these_DTS and_CC similar_JJ tales_NNS he_PPS was_BEDZ ent
ertaining_VBG his_PP$ English_JJ friends_NNS ,_, all_ABN of_IN whom_WPO he_PPS w
as_BEDZ seeing_VBG when_WRB he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* showing_VBG Blackman_NP the_AT
sights_NNS of_IN London_NP and_CC its_PP$ environs_NNS ._. At_IN once_RB upon_I
N his_PP$ arrival_NN ,_, he_PPS telephoned_VBD Lady_NN-TL Sybil_NP Colefax_NP wh
o_WPS invited_VBD them_PPO to_IN tea_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB Lewis_NP decided_VBD
to_TO give_VB a_AT party_NN as_CS a_AT quick_JJ way_NN of_IN rounding_VBG up_RP
his_PP$ friends_NNS ._. He_PPS invited_VBD Lady_NN-TL Sybil_NP ,_, Lord_NN-TL Th
omson_NP ,_, Bechhofer_NP Roberts_NP ,_, and_CC a_AT half_ABN dozen_NN others_NN
S ._. It_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT dinner_NN party_NN ,_, Lewis_NP had_HVD been_BEN drin
king_VBG during_IN the_AT afternoon_NN ,_, and_CC long_RB before_CS the_AT party
_NN really_RB got_VBD under_IN way_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ quite_QL drunk_JJ ,_,
with_IN the_AT result_NN that_CS the_AT party_NN broke_VBD up_RP even_RB before_
CS dinner_NN was_BEDZ over_RP ._. Lewis_NP ,_, at_IN the_AT head_NN of_IN the_AT
table_NN ,_, would_MD leap_VB up_RP and_CC move_VB around_RB behind_IN the_AT c
hairs_NNS of_IN his_PP$ guests_NNS making_VBG remarks_NNS that_CS ,_, when_WRB n
ot_* highly_QL offensive_JJ ,_, were_BED at_IN least_AP highly_QL inappropriate_
JJ ,_, and_CC then_RB presently_RB he_PPS collapsed_VBD and_CC was_BEDZ put_VBN
to_IN bed_NN ._. When_WRB Blackman_NP emerged_VBD from_IN the_AT bedroom_NN ,_,
everyone_PN was_BEDZ gone_VBN except_IN the_AT tolerant_JJ Lord_NN-TL Thomson_NP
,_, who_WPS stayed_VBD and_CC chatted_VBD with_IN him_PPO for_IN half_ABN an_AT
hour_NN ,_, and_CC then_RB Blackman_NP lay_VBD awake_JJ most_AP of_IN that_DT n
ight_NN ,_, despairing_VBG of_IN what_WDT he_PPS must_MD expect_VB on_IN the_AT
Continent_NN-TL ._. Finally_RB ,_, at_IN dawn_NN ,_, he_PPS fell_VBD asleep_RB ,
_, and_CC when_WRB he_PPS awoke_VBD and_CC came_VBD into_IN the_AT living_VBG ro
om_NN ,_, he_PPS found_VBD Lewis_NP in_IN his_PP$ pajamas_NNS before_IN the_AT f
ire_NN ,_, smoking_VBG a_AT cigarette_NN ._. Blackman_NP said_VBD that_CS he_PPS
wanted_VBD to_TO apologize_VB for_IN not_* having_HVG prevented_VBN Lewis_NP fr
om_IN making_VBG that_DT horrible_JJ spectacle_NN of_IN himself_PPL ,_, that_CS
he_PPS should_MD have_HV seized_VBN him_PPO by_IN the_AT neck_NN at_IN once_RB a
nd_CC forcibly_RB hauled_VBN him_PPO into_IN his_PP$ bedroom_NN ._. Lewis_NP war
ned_VBD him_PPO never_RB to_TO lay_VB a_AT hand_NN on_IN him_PPO ,_, and_CC then
_JJ Blackman_NP asked_VBD for_IN his_PP$ fare_NN back_RB to_IN the_AT United_VBN
-TL States_NNS-TL ._. Lewis_NP looked_VBD at_IN him_PPO and_CC began_VBD to_TO c
ry_VB ,_, and_CC then_RB ,_, saying_VBG that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ going_VBG to_TO
make_VB a_AT promise_NN ,_, he_PPS asked_VBD Blackman_NP to_TO call_VB the_AT po
rter_NN and_CC to_TO tell_VB him_PPO to_TO take_VB out_RP all_ABN the_AT liquor_
NN that_WPO he_PPS did_DOD not_* want_VB ._. ``_`` And_CC from_IN now_RB on_RP ,
_, for_IN the_AT rest_NN of_IN this_DT trip_NN ,_, I_PPSS will_MD only_RB drink_
VB what_WDT you_PPSS agree_VB that_WPO I_PPSS should_MD drink_VB ''_'' ._. Black
man_NP called_VBD the_AT porter_NN and_CC had_HVD him_PPO remove_VB everything_P
N but_IN one_CD bottle_NN of_IN brandy_NN ,_, and_CC after_IN that_CS they_PPSS
would_MD have_HV a_AT cocktail_NN or_CC two_CD before_IN dinner_NN ,_, or_CC ,_,
on_IN one_CD of_IN their_PP$ walking_VBG trips_NNS ,_, beer_NN ,_, or_CC ,_, in
_IN France_NP and_CC Italy_NP ,_, wine_NN in_IN moderation_NN ._. Lewis_NP gave_
VBD him_PPO a_AT guidebook_NN tour_NN of_IN London_NP and_CC ,_, motoring_VBG an
d_CC walking_VBG ,_, took_VBD him_PPO to_IN Stratford_NP ,_, but_CC the_AT Londo
n_NP stay_NN was_BEDZ for_IN only_RB ten_CD days_NNS ,_, and_CC on_IN the_AT twe
ntieth_OD they_PPSS took_VBD the_AT train_NN for_IN Southampton_NP ,_, where_WRB
they_PPSS spent_VBD the_AT night_NN for_IN an_AT early_JJ morning_NN Channel_NN
-TL crossing_NN ._. Near_IN Southampton_NP ,_, in_IN a_AT considerable_JJ establ
ishment_NN ,_, lived_VBD Homer_NP Vachell_NP ,_, a_AT well-known_JJ pulp_NN writ
er_NN ,_, and_CC his_PP$ brother_NN ,_, Horace_NP --_-- both_ABX friends_NNS of_
IN Lewis's_NP$ ._. He_PPS suggested_VBD that_CS they_PPSS call_VB on_IN these_DT
S brothers_NNS ,_, who_WPS received_VBD them_PPO pleasantly_RB ._. Then_RB they_
PPSS returned_VBD to_IN their_PP$ hotel_NN and_CC got_VBD ready_JJ for_IN bed_NN
._. It_PPS was_BEDZ late_JJ ,_, and_CC Blackman_NP was_BEDZ ready_JJ to_TO go_V
B to_IN sleep_NN ,_, but_CC Lewis_NP was_BEDZ not_* ._. He_PPS said_VBD ,_, ``_`
` We_PPSS had_HVD a_AT good_JJ time_NN tonight_NR ,_, didn't_DOD* we_PPSS ,_, Ea
rl_NP ''_'' ?_. ?_. Earl_NP agreed_VBD ,_, and_CC Lewis_NP said_VBD that_CS it_P
PS would_MD have_HV been_BEN very_QL different_JJ if_CS his_PP$ wife_NN had_HVD
been_BEN with_IN him_PPO ._. Then_RB he_PPS kept_VBD Blackman_NP awake_JJ for_IN
more_AP than_IN an_AT hour_NN while_CS he_PPS did_DOD an_AT imaginary_JJ dialog
ue_NN between_IN his_PP$ wife_NN and_CC himself_PPL in_IN which_WDT ,_, discussi
ng_VBG the_AT evening_NN ,_, he_PPS was_BEDZ continually_RB berated_VBN ._. He_P
PS began_VBD the_AT dialogue_NN by_IN having_HVG his_PP$ wife_NN announce_VB tha
t_CS one_PN does_DOZ not_* invade_VB people's_NNS$ homes_NNS without_IN warning_
VBG them_PPO that_CS one_PN is_BEZ coming_VBG ,_, and_CC went_VBD on_RP from_IN
that_DT with_IN the_AT entire_JJ catalogue_NN of_IN his_PP$ social_JJ gaucheries
_NNS ._. From_IN 1613_CD on_RP ,_, if_CS the_AT lists_NNS exist_VB ,_, they_PPSS
contain_VB between_IN twenty_CD to_IN thirty_CD names_NNS ._. As_CS the_AT tota
l_NN number_NN of_IN incepting_VBG bachelors_NNS in_IN 1629_CD was_BEDZ ,_, acco
rding_IN to_IN Masson_NP (_( Life_NN-TL ,_, 1:218_CD )_) and_CC n_NN ,_, two_CD
hundred_CD fifty-nine_CD ,_, the_AT twenty-four_CD names_NNS listed_VBN in_IN th
e_AT ordo_FW-NN senioritatis_FW-NN$ for_IN that_DT year_NN constitute_VB slightl
y_RB less_AP than_IN one_CD tenth_OD of_IN the_AT total_NN number_NN of_IN bache
lors_NNS who_WPS then_RB incepted_VBD ._. There_EX were_BED four_CD from_IN St._
NN-TL John's_NP$-TL and_CC four_CD from_IN Christ's_NP$-TL ,_, three_CD from_IN
Pembroke_NP ,_, and_CC two_CD from_IN each_DT of_IN the_AT colleges_NNS ,_, Jesu
s_NP ,_, Peterhouse_NP ,_, Queens'_NNS$-TL ,_, and_CC Trinity_NP ,_, with_IN Cai
us_NP ,_, Clare_NP ,_, King's_NN$-TL ,_, Magdalene_NP ,_, and_CC Sidney_NP suppl
ying_VBG one_CD each_DT in_IN the_AT ordo_FW-NN senioritatis_FW-NN$ ._. The_AT l
ist_NN was_BEDZ headed_VBN by_IN (_( Henry_NP )_) Hutton_NP of_IN St._NN-TL John
's_NP$-TL who_WPS was_BEDZ matriculated_VBN from_IN St._NN-TL John's_NP$-TL at_I
N Easter_NP ,_, 1625_CD ._. He_PPS became_VBD a_AT fellow_NN of_IN Jesus_NP in_I
N 1629_CD ,_, proceeded_VBD M.A._NP from_IN Jesus_NP in_IN 1632_CD ,_, and_CC wa
s_BEDZ proctor_NN in_IN 1639-40_CD ._. The_AT second_OD name_NN was_BEDZ (_( Edw
ard_NP )_) Kempe_NP ,_, matriculated_VBN from_IN Queens'_NNS$-TL College_NN-TL a
t_IN Easter_NP ,_, 1625_CD ._. He_PPS proceeded_VBD M.A._NP in_IN 1632_CD ,_, an
d_CC B.D._NP in_IN 1639_CD ,_, being_BEG made_VBN fellow_NN in_IN 1632_CD ._. He
_PPS was_BEDZ ordained_VBN deacon_NN 16_CD June_NP and_CC priest_NN 22_CD Decemb
er_NP 1633_CD ._. The_AT third_OD name_NN was_BEDZ (_( John_NP )_) Ravencroft_NP
,_, who_WPS was_BEDZ admitted_VBN to_IN the_AT Inner_JJ-TL Temple_NN-TL in_IN N
ovember_NP 1631_CD ._. The_AT fourth_OD name_NN was_BEDZ (_( John_NP )_) Milton_
NP of_IN Christ's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL ,_, followed_VBN by_IN (_( Richard_NP )_)
Manningham_NP of_IN Peterhouse_NP ,_, who_WPS matriculated_VBD 16_CD October_NP
1624_CD ._. Venn_NP gave_VBD his_PP$ B.A._NP as_CS 1624_CD ,_, a_AT mistake_NN
for_IN 1629_CD ._. Manningham_NP also_RB proceeded_VBD M.A._NP in_IN 1632_CD and
_CC became_VBD a_AT fellow_NN of_IN his_PP$ college_NN in_IN that_DT year_NN ._.
(_( John_NP )_) Boutflower_NP of_IN Christ's_NP$-TL was_BEDZ twelfth_OD in_IN t
he_AT list_NN ,_, coming_VBG from_IN Perse_NP-TL School_NN-TL under_IN Mr._NP Lo
vering_NP as_CS pensioner_NN 20_CD April_NP 1625_CD under_IN Mr._NP Alsop_NP ._.
The_AT fourteenth_OD name_NN was_BEDZ (_( Richard_NP )_) Buckenham_NP ,_, writt
en_VBN Buckman_NP-NC ,_, admitted_VBN to_IN Christ's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL under_
IN Scott_NP 2_CD July_NP 1625_CD ._. The_AT fifteenth_OD name_NN was_BEDZ (_( Th
omas_NP )_) Baldwin_NP ,_, admitted_VBN to_IN Christ's_NP$-TL 4_CD March_NP 1625
_CD under_IN Alsop_NP ._. Christ's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL was_BEDZ well_RB represe
nted_VBN that_DT year_NN in_IN the_AT ordo_FW-NN ,_, and_CC the_AT name_NN highe
st_RBT on_IN the_AT list_NN from_IN that_DT college_NN was_BEDZ Milton's_NP$ ,_,
fourth_OD in_IN the_AT entire_JJ university_NN ._. Small_JJ wonder_NN that_CS M
ilton_NP later_RBR boasted_VBD of_IN how_WQL well_RB his_PP$ work_NN had_HVD bee
n_BEN received_VBN there_RB ,_, since_CS he_PPS attained_VBD a_AT rank_NN in_IN
the_AT order_NN of_IN commencing_VBG bachelors_NNS higher_JJR than_CS that_DT of
_IN any_DTI other_AP inceptor_NN from_IN Christ's_NP$-TL of_IN that_DT year_NN .
_. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* possible_JJ to_TO reconstruct_VB fully_RB the_AT arrangem
ents_NNS whereby_WRB these_DTS honors_NNS lists_NNS were_BED then_RB made_VBN up
_RP or_CC even_RB how_WRB the_AT names_NNS that_WPO they_PPSS contained_VBD assu
med_VBD the_AT order_NN in_IN which_WDT we_PPSS find_VB them_PPO ._. The_AT proc
ess_NN usually_RB began_VBD with_IN a_AT tutor_NN boasting_VBG about_IN a_AT boy
_NN ,_, as_CS Chappell_NP had_HVD boasted_VBN about_IN Lightfoot_NP ,_, to_IN th
e_AT higher_JJR officers_NNS of_IN the_AT college_NN and_CC university_NN ._. Th
en_RB the_AT various_JJ officers_NNS of_IN the_AT college_NN might_MD take_VB up
_RP the_AT case_NN ._. It_PPS would_MD ,_, however_RB ,_, reach_VB the_AT procto
rs_NNS and_CC other_AP officers_NNS in_IN charge_NN of_IN the_AT public-school_N
N performances_NNS of_IN the_AT incepting_VBG bachelors_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT pl
ace_NN that_WPO any_DTI individual_NN obtained_VBD in_IN the_AT lists_NNS depend
ed_VBD greatly_RB on_IN how_WRB he_PPS comported_VBD himself_PPL in_IN the_AT pu
blic_JJ schools_NNS during_IN his_PP$ acts_NNS therein_RB as_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ
incepting_VBG ._. Of_IN course_NN the_AT higher_JJR officials_NNS could_MD add_V
B or_CC place_VB a_AT name_NN on_IN the_AT list_NN wherever_WRB they_PPSS wished
_VBD ._. Milton's_NP$ name_NN being_BEG fourth_OD is_BEZ neither_CC too_QL high_
RB nor_CC too_QL low_RB to_TO be_BE assigned_VBN to_IN the_AT arbitrary_JJ actio
n_NN of_IN vice-chancellor_NN ,_, proctor_NN ,_, master_NN ,_, or_CC other_AP mi
ghty_JJ hand_NN ._. He_PPS evidently_RB earned_VBD the_AT place_NN assigned_VBN
him_PPO ._. Recapitulation_NN of_IN Milton's_NP$ undergraduate_JJ career_NN Look
ing_VBG back_RB from_IN the_AT spring_NN of_IN 1629_CD over_IN the_AT four_CD ye
ars_NNS of_IN Milton's_NP$ undergraduate_JJ days_NNS ,_, certain_JJ phases_NNS o
f_IN his_PP$ college_NN career_NN stand_VB out_RP as_CS of_IN permanent_JJ conse
quence_NN to_IN him_PPO and_CC hence_RB to_IN us_PPO ._. Of_IN course_NN the_AT
principal_JJS factor_NN in_IN the_AT whole_JJ experience_NN was_BEDZ the_AT kind
_NN of_IN education_NN he_PPS received_VBD ._. It_PPS differed_VBD from_IN what_
WDT an_AT undergraduate_NN receives_VBZ today_NR from_IN any_DTI American_JJ col
lege_NN or_CC university_NN mainly_RB in_IN the_AT certainty_NN of_IN what_WDT h
e_PPS was_BEDZ forced_VBN to_TO learn_VB compared_VBN with_IN the_AT loose_JJ an
d_CC widely_RB scattered_VBN information_NN obtained_VBN today_NR by_IN most_AP
of_IN our_PP$ undergraduates_NNS ._. Milton_NP was_BEDZ required_VBN to_TO absor
b_VB and_CC display_VB an_AT intensive_JJ and_CC accurate_JJ knowledge_NN of_IN
Latin_JJ grammar_NN ,_, logic-rhetoric_NN ,_, ethics_NN ,_, physics_NN or_CC nat
ural_JJ philosophy_NN ,_, metaphysics_NN ,_, and_CC Latin_NP ,_, Greek_NP ,_, an
d_CC Hebrew_NP ._. He_PPS had_HVD also_RB sampled_VBN various_JJ special_JJ fiel
ds_NNS of_IN learning_VBG ,_, being_BEG unable_JJ to_TO miss_VB some_DTI study_N
N of_IN divinity_NN ,_, Justinian_NP (_( law_NN )_) ,_, and_CC Galen_NP (_( medi
cine_NN )_) ._. Above_IN all_ABN ,_, he_PPS had_HVD learned_VBN to_TO write_VB f
ormal_JJ Latin_JJ prose_NN and_CC verse_NN to_IN a_AT remarkable_JJ degree_NN of
_IN artistry_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD learned_VBN to_TO dispute_VB devastatingly_RB
,_, both_ABX formally_RB and_CC informally_RB in_IN Latin_NP ,_, and_CC accordi
ng_IN to_IN the_AT rules_NNS on_IN any_DTI topic_NN ,_, pro_JJ or_CC con_JJ ,_,
drawn_VBN from_IN almost_RB any_DTI subject_NN ,_, more_QL especially_RB from_IN
Aristotle's_NP$ works_NNS ._. He_PPS could_MD produce_VB carefully_RB construct
ed_VBN orations_NNS ,_, set_VBN and_CC formal_JJ speeches_NNS ,_, artfully_RB an
d_CC prayerfully_RB made_VBN by_IN writing_VBG and_CC rewriting_VBG with_IN all_
ABN the_AT aid_NN his_PP$ tutor_NN and_CC others_NNS could_MD provide_VB ,_, and
_CC then_RB delivered_VBN verbatim_RB from_IN memory_NN ._. He_PPS had_HVD also_
RB learned_VBN to_TO dispute_VB extempore_RB remarkably_QL well_RB ,_, the_AT ma
in_JJS evidence_NN for_IN which_WDT of_IN course_NN is_BEZ the_AT presence_NN of
_IN his_PP$ name_NN in_IN the_AT honors_NNS list_NN of_IN 1628/29_CD ._. He_PPS
also_RB displayed_VBD the_AT ability_NN to_TO write_VB Latin_JJ verse_NN on_IN a
lmost_RB any_DTI topic_NN of_IN dispute_NN ,_, the_AT verses_NNS ,_, of_IN cours
e_NN ,_, to_TO be_BE delivered_VBN from_IN memory_NN ._. Then_RB we_PPSS have_HV
surviving_VBG at_IN least_AP one_CD instance_NN of_IN a_AT poem_NN prepared_VBN
for_IN another_DT ,_, in_IN Naturam_FW-NN-TL non_FW-*-TL Pati_FW-VB-TL Senium_F
W-NN-TL ,_, and_CC perhaps_RB also_RB the_AT De_FW-IN-TL Idea_FW-NN-TL Platonica
_FW-JJ-TL ._. But_CC his_PP$ greatest_JJT achievement_NN ,_, in_IN his_PP$ own_J
J eyes_NNS and_CC in_IN the_AT eyes_NNS of_IN his_PP$ colleagues_NNS and_CC teac
hers_NNS ,_, was_BEDZ his_PP$ amazing_JJ ability_NN to_TO produce_VB literary_JJ
Latin_JJ pieces_NNS ,_, and_CC he_PPS was_BEDZ often_RB called_VBN on_IN to_TO
do_DO so_RB ._. These_DTS were_BED his_PP$ public_JJ academic_JJ activities_NNS
,_, domi_FW-RB forisque_FW-RB+CC ,_, in_IN the_AT college_NN and_CC in_IN the_AT
university_NN ._. And_CC his_PP$ performances_NNS attracted_VBD much_AP attenti
on_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT frequency_NN of_IN his_PP$ surviving_VBG pieces_NNS in_IN
any_DTI calendar_NN that_WPS may_MD be_BE set_VBN up_RP for_IN his_PP$ undergra
duate_JJ activities_NNS testifies_VBZ ._. His_PP$ other_AP activities_NNS are_BE
R not_* so_QL easily_RB recovered_VBN ._. His_PP$ statements_NNS about_IN sports
_NNS and_CC exercises_NNS of_IN a_AT physical_JJ nature_NN are_BER suggestive_JJ
,_, but_CC inconclusive_JJ ._. His_PP$ later_JJR boastings_NNS of_IN his_PP$ sk
ill_NN with_IN the_AT small_JJ sword_NN are_BER indicative_JJ of_IN much_AP time
_NN and_CC practice_NN devoted_VBN to_IN the_AT use_NN of_IN that_DT weapon_NN .
_. Venn_NP and_CC others_NNS have_HV dealt_VBN with_IN sports_NNS and_CC pastime
s_NNS at_IN Cambridge_NP in_IN Milton's_NP$ day_NN with_IN not_* very_QL specifi
c_JJ results_NNS ._. Milton_NP himself_PPL ,_, uncommunicative_JJ as_CS he_PPS i
s_BEZ about_IN his_PP$ lesser_JJR and_CC nonliterary_JJ activities_NNS ,_, at_IN
least_AP gives_VBZ us_PPO some_DTI evidence_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ a_AT gre
at_JJ walker_NN ,_, under_IN any_DTI and_CC all_ABN conditions_NNS ._. His_PP$ e
arly_JJ poems_NNS and_CC some_DTI of_IN his_PP$ prose_NN prolusions_NNS speak_VB
of_IN wanderings_NNS in_IN the_AT city_NN and_CC the_AT neighboring_VBG country
_NN that_WPS may_MD be_BE extended_VBN to_IN Cambridge_NP and_CC its_PP$ surroun
ding_VBG countryside_NN ._. The_AT town_NN itself_PPL and_CC the_AT ``_`` reedy_
JJ Cam_NP ''_'' he_PPS often_RB visited_VBD ,_, as_CS did_DOD all_ABN in_IN the_
AT university_NN ._. The_AT churches_NNS ,_, the_AT taverns_NNS ,_, and_CC the_A
T various_JJ other_AP places_NNS of_IN the_AT town_NN must_MD have_HV known_VBN
his_PP$ figure_NN well_RB as_CS he_PPS roved_VBD to_IN and_CC about_IN them_PPO
._. The_AT tiny_JJ hamlet_NN of_IN Chesterton_NP to_IN the_AT north_NR ,_, with_
IN the_AT fens_NNS and_CC marshes_NNS lying_VBG on_RP down_IN the_AT Ouse_NP-TL
River_NN-TL ,_, may_MD have_HV attracted_VBN him_PPO often_RB ,_, as_CS it_PPS d
id_DOD many_AP other_AP youths_NNS of_IN the_AT time_NN ._. The_AT Gog_NP-TL Mag
og_NP-TL Hills_NNS-TL to_IN the_AT southeast_NR afforded_VBD him_PPO and_CC all_
ABN other_AP students_NNS a_AT vantage_NN point_NN from_IN which_WDT to_TO view_
VB the_AT town_NN and_CC university_NN of_IN their_PP$ dwelling_NN ._. The_AT co
untry_NN about_IN Cambridge_NP is_BEZ flat_JJ and_CC not_* particularly_QL spect
acular_JJ in_IN its_PP$ scenery_NN ,_, though_CS it_PPS offers_VBZ easy_JJ going
_VBG to_IN the_AT foot_NN traveler_NN ._. Ball_NN games_NNS ,_, especially_RB fo
otball_NN ,_, required_VBD some_DTI attention_NN ,_, and_CC other_AP organized_V
BN sports_NNS may_MD have_HV attracted_VBN him_PPO as_CS participant_NN or_CC sp
ectator_NN ._. He_PPS smoked_VBD ,_, as_CS did_DOD everybody_PN ,_, and_CC imbib
ed_VBD the_AT various_JJ alcoholic_JJ beverages_NNS of_IN that_DT day_NN ,_, alt
hough_CS his_PP$ protestations_NNS while_CS at_IN Cambridge_NP and_CC after_RB t
hat_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ no_AT drunkard_NN point_VB to_IN reasonable_JJ abstinence
_NN from_IN the_AT wild_JJ drinking_VBG bouts_NNS of_IN some_DTI of_IN the_AT un
dergraduates_NNS and_CC ,_, we_PPSS must_MD add_VB ,_, of_IN some_DTI of_IN thei
r_PP$ elders_NNS including_IN many_AP of_IN the_AT regents_NNS or_CC teachers_NN
S ._. What_WDT manner_NN of_IN person_NN does_DOZ Milton_NP appear_VB to_TO have
_HV been_BEN when_WRB as_CS an_AT undergraduate_NN he_PPS resided_VBD at_IN Chri
st's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL ?_. ?_. He_PPS was_BEDZ then_RB a_AT slightly_RB built
_VBN young_JJ man_NN of_IN pleasing_JJ appearance_NN ,_, medium_JJ stature_NN ,_
, and_CC handsome_JJ face_NN ._. Graceful_JJ as_CS his_PP$ fencing_VBG and_CC da
ncing_VBG lessons_NNS had_HVD taught_VBN him_PPO to_TO be_BE in_IN addition_NN t
o_IN the_AT natural_JJ grace_NN of_IN his_PP$ slight_JJ ,_, wiry_JJ frame_NN ,_,
he_PPS cut_VBD enough_AP of_IN a_AT figure_NN to_TO have_HV evoked_VBN a_AT nic
kname_NN in_IN the_AT college_NN ,_, to_IN which_WDT he_PPS himself_PPL referred
_VBD in_IN Prolusion_NN-TL 6_CD-TL :_. :_. A_FW-IN quibusdam_FW-WPO ,_, ,_, audi
vi_FW-VBD nuper_FW-RB Domina_FW-NN-TL ._. That_DT is_BEZ ,_, if_CS we_PPSS can_M
D trust_VB that_DT most_QL specious_JJ of_IN prolusions_NNS ,_, packed_VBN as_CS
it_PPS is_BEZ with_IN wit_NN and_CC persiflage_NN ._. The_AT Domina_FW-NN-TL-NC
sounds_VBZ real_JJ enough_QLP ,_, if_CS we_PPSS could_MD only_RB trust_VB the_A
T conditions_NNS under_IN which_WDT we_PPSS learn_VB of_IN its_PP$ use_NN ;_. ;_
. but_CC anyone_PN who_WPS would_MD put_VB much_AP trust_NN in_IN any_DTI phase_
NN of_IN Prolusion_NN-TL 6_CD-TL ,_, except_IN its_PP$ illusive_JJ allusiveness_
NN deserves_VBZ whatever_WDT fate_NN may_MD be_BE meted_VBN out_RP to_IN him_PPO
by_IN virtue_NN of_IN the_AT egregiously_QL stilted_JJ banter_NN ._. In_IN shor
t_JJ ,_, the_AT traditional_JJ epithet_NN for_IN Milton_NP of_IN '_' Lady_NN-TL
of_IN-TL Christ's_NP$-TL '_' ,_, while_CS eminently_QL fitting_JJ ,_, rests_VBZ
only_RB on_IN this_DT baffling_JJ passage_NN in_IN the_AT midst_NN of_IN the_AT
most_QL treacherous_JJ piece_NN of_IN writing_VBG Milton_NP left_VBD us_PPO ._.
Aubrey's_NP$ mention_NN of_IN it_PPO (_( 2:67_CD ,_, and_CC Bodleian_NP-TL MS_NP
-TL Aubr._NP-TL 8_CD-TL ,_, F._NP 63_CD )_) comes_VBZ from_IN this_DT prolusion_
NN ,_, through_IN Christopher_NP Milton_NP or_CC Edward_NP Phillips_NP ._. It_PP
S is_BEZ not_* a_AT question_NN of_IN truth_NN or_CC falsity_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT p
rolusion_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT autobiographic_JJ statement_NN about_IN the_A
T epithet_NN occurs_VBZ is_BEZ such_ABL a_AT mass_NN of_IN intentionally_RB buri
ed_VBN allusions_NNS that_CS almost_RB nothing_PN in_IN it_PPS can_MD be_BE acce
pted_VBN as_CS true_JJ --_-- or_CC discarded_VBN as_CS false_JJ ._. The_AT entir
e_JJ exercise_NN ,_, Latin_NP and_CC English_NP ,_, is_BEZ most_QL suggestive_JJ
of_IN the_AT kind_NN of_IN person_NN Milton_NP had_HVD become_VBN at_IN Christ'
s_NP$-TL during_IN his_PP$ undergraduate_JJ career_NN ;_. ;_. the_AT mere_JJ fac
t_NN that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ selected_VBN ,_, though_CS as_CS a_AT substitute_NN
,_, to_TO act_VB as_CS interlocutor_NN or_CC moderator_NN for_IN it_PPO ,_, or_
CC perhaps_RB we_PPSS should_MD say_VB with_IN Buck_NP as_CS '_' father_NN of_IN
the_AT act_NN '_' ,_, is_BEZ in_IN itself_PPL a_AT difficult_JJ phase_NN of_IN
his_PP$ development_NN to_TO grasp_VB ._. Milton_NP was_BEDZ to_TO act_VB as_CS
the_AT archfool_NN ,_, the_AT supreme_JJ wit_NN ,_, the_AT lightly_RB bantering_
VBG pater_FW-NN ,_, Pater_FW-NN-TL Liber_FW-JJ-TL ,_, who_WPS could_MD at_IN onc
e_RB trip_VB lightly_RB over_IN that_DT which_WDT deserved_VBD such_JJ treatment
_NN ,_, or_CC could_MD at_IN will_NN annihilate_VB the_AT common_JJ enemies_NNS
of_IN the_AT college_NN gathering_NN ,_, and_CC with_IN words_NNS alone_RB ._. F
rom_IN an_AT exercise_NN involving_VBG merely_RB raucous_JJ ,_, rough-and-tumble
_JJ comedy_NN ,_, in_IN his_PP$ hands_NNS the_AT performance_NN turned_VBD into_
IN a_AT revel_NN of_IN wit_NN and_CC word_NN play_NN ,_, indecent_JJ at_IN times
_NNS ,_, but_CC always_RB learned_JJ ,_, pointed_JJ ,_, and_CC carefully_RB aime
d_VBN at_IN some_DTI individuals_NNS present_RB ,_, and_CC at_IN the_AT whole_JJ
assembly_NN ._. To_TO do_DO this_DT successfully_RB required_VBD great_JJ skill
_NN and_CC a_AT special_JJ talent_NN for_IN both_ABX solemn_JJ and_CC ribald_JJ
raillery_NN ,_, a_AT talent_NN not_* bestowed_VBN on_IN many_AP persons_NNS ,_,
but_CC one_CD with_IN which_WDT Milton_NP was_BEDZ marked_VBN as_CS being_BEG en
dowed_VBN and_CC in_IN which_WDT ,_, at_IN least_AP in_IN this_DT performance_NN
,_, he_PPS obviously_RB reveled_VBD ._. It_PPS may_MD be_BE thought_VBN unfortu
nate_JJ that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ called_VBN on_IN entirely_RB by_IN accident_NN t
o_TO perform_VB ,_, if_CS again_RB we_PPSS may_MD trust_VB the_AT opening_NN of_
IN the_AT oratio_FW-NN ,_, for_CS it_PPS marks_VBZ the_AT beginning_NN for_IN us
_PPO of_IN his_PP$ use_NN of_IN his_PP$ peculiar_JJ form_NN of_IN witty_JJ word_
NN play_NN that_WPS even_RB in_IN this_DT Latin_JJ banter_NN has_HVZ in_IN it_PP
O the_AT unmistakable_JJ element_NN of_IN viciousness_NN and_CC an_AT almost_QL
sadistic_JJ delight_NN in_IN verbally_RB tormenting_VBG an_AT adversary_NN ._. B
ut_CC the_AT real_JJ beginnings_NNS of_IN this_DT development_NN in_IN him_PPO g
o_VB back_RB to_IN the_AT opposing_VBG of_IN grammar_NN school_NN ,_, and_CC pro
bably_RB if_CS it_PPS had_HVD not_* been_BEN this_DT occasion_NN and_CC these_DT
S Latin_JJ lines_NNS it_PPS would_MD have_HV been_BEN some_DTI others_NNS ,_, su
ch_JJ as_CS the_AT first_OD prolusion_NN ,_, that_WPS set_VBD off_RP this_DT str
eak_NN in_IN him_PPO of_IN unbridled_VBN and_CC scathing_VBG verbal_JJ attack_NN
on_IN an_AT enemy_NN ._. All_ABN western_JJ Europe_NP would_MD hear_VB and_CC l
isten_VB to_IN him_PPO in_IN this_DT same_AP vein_NN about_IN the_AT middle_NN o
f_IN the_AT century_NN ._. But_CC these_DTS prolusions_NNS that_WPO we_PPSS have
_HV surviving_VBG from_IN the_AT Christ's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL days_NNS are_BER
only_RB one_CD phase_NN of_IN his_PP$ existence_NN then_RB ._. Perhaps_RB his_PP
$ most_QL important_JJ private_JJ activity_NN was_BEDZ the_AT combination_NN of_
IN reading_VBG ,_, discussion_NN with_IN a_AT few_AP --_-- if_CS we_PPSS can_MD
trust_VB his_PP$ writings_NNS to_IN Diodati_NP and_CC the_AT younger_JJR Gill_NP
,_, very_QL few_AP --_-- congenial_JJ companions_NNS ._. Lines_NNS 23-36_CD of_
IN Lycidas_NP later_RBR point_VB to_IN a_AT friendship_NN with_IN Edward_NP King
_NP ,_, who_WPS entered_VBD Christ's_NP$-TL College_NN-TL 9_CD June_NP 1626_CD .
_. No_AT other_AP names_NNS among_IN the_AT young_JJ men_NNS in_IN residence_NN
at_IN the_AT time_NN seem_VB to_TO have_HV been_BEN even_RB suggested_VBN by_IN
Milton_NP as_CS those_DTS of_IN persons_NNS with_IN whom_WPO he_PPS in_IN any_DT
I way_NN consorted_VBD ._. But_CC that_DT scarcely_RB means_VBZ that_CS he_PPS w
as_BEDZ the_AT aloof_JJ ,_, forbidding_VBG type_NN of_IN student_NN who_WPS shar
ed_VBD few_AP if_CS any_DTI activities_NNS with_IN his_PP$ fellows_NNS ,_, the_A
T banter_NN of_IN the_AT surviving_VBG prolusions_NNS providing_VBG enough_AP ev
idence_NN to_TO deny_VB this_DT ._. Apparently_RB he_PPS was_BEDZ not_* a_AT par
ticipant_NN in_IN the_AT college_NN or_CC university_NN theatricals_NNS ,_, whic
h_WDT he_PPS once_RB attacked_VBD as_CS utterly_QL unworthy_JJ performances_NNS
(_( see_VB Apology_NN-TL ,_, 3:300_CD )_) ;_. ;_. but_CC even_RB in_IN that_DT f
amous_JJ passage_NN ,_, Milton_NP was_BEDZ aiming_VBG not_* at_IN the_AT theatri
cals_NNS as_CS such_JJ but_CC at_IN their_PP$ performance_NN by_IN '_' persons_N
NS either_CC enter'd_VBN ,_, or_CC presently_RB to_TO enter_VB into_IN the_AT mi
nistry_NN ._. The_AT fact_NN that_CS he_PPS nowhere_RB mentioned_VBD theatrical_
JJ performances_NNS as_CS part_NN of_IN the_AT activities_NNS of_IN the_AT boys_
NNS later_RBR in_IN his_PP$ hypothetical_JJ academy_NN (_( 1644_CD )_) should_MD
not_* be_BE taken_VBN too_QL seriously_RB as_CS evidence_NN that_CS he_PPS desi
red_VBD them_PPO to_TO eschew_VB such_JJ performances_NNS ._. Perhaps_RB ,_, in_
IN that_DT short_JJ piece_NN or_CC letter_NN written_VBN to_IN Hartlib_NP in_IN
which_WDT he_PPS sketched_VBD his_PP$ scheme_NN for_IN educating_VBG young_JJ me
n_NNS ,_, he_PPS merely_RB overlooked_VBD that_DT phase_NN of_IN their_PP$ exerc
ises_NNS ._. Writers_NNS of_IN this_DT class_NN of_IN science_NN fiction_NN have
_HV clearly_RB in_IN mind_NN the_AT assumptions_NNS that_CS man_NN can_MD master
_VB the_AT principles_NNS of_IN this_DT cause-and-effect_JJ universe_NN and_CC t
hat_CS such_JJ mastery_NN will_MD necessarily_RB better_VB the_AT human_JJ lot_N
N ._. On_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, the_AT bright_JJ vision_NN of_IN the_AT
future_NN has_HVZ been_BEN directly_RB stated_VBN in_IN science_NN fiction_NN co
ncerned_VBN with_IN projecting_VBG ideal_JJ societies_NNS --_-- science_NN ficti
on_NN ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ related_VBN ,_, if_CS sometimes_RB distantl
y_RB ,_, to_IN that_DT utopian_JJ literature_NN optimistic_JJ about_IN science_N
N ,_, literature_NN whose_WP$ period_NN of_IN greatest_JJT vigor_NN in_IN the_AT
late_JJ nineteenth_OD and_CC early_JJ twentieth_OD centuries_NNS produced_VBD E
dward_NP Bellamy's_NP$ Looking_VBG-TL Backward_RB-TL and_CC H._NP G._NP Wells's_
NP$ A_AT-TL Modern_JJ-TL Utopia_NP-TL ._. In_IN Arthur_NP Clarke's_NP$ Childhood
's_NN$-TL End_NN-TL (_( 1953_CD )_) ,_, though_CS written_VBN after_CS the_AT pr
esent_JJ flood_NN of_IN dystopias_NNS began_VBD ,_, we_PPSS can_MD see_VB the_AT
bright_JJ vision_NN of_IN science_NN fiction_NN clearly_RB defined_VBN ._. Chil
dhood's_NN$-TL End_NN-TL --_-- apparently_RB indebted_JJ to_IN Kurd_NP Lasswitz'
s_NP$ Utopian_JJ-TL romance_NN ,_, Auf_FW-IN-TL Zwei_FW-CD-TL Planeten_FW-NNS-TL
(_( 1897_CD )_) ,_, and_CC also_RB to_IN Wells's_NP$ Histories_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL
The_AT-TL Future_NN-TL ,_, especially_RB ,_, The_AT-TL World_NN-TL Set_VBN-TL Fr
ee_JJ-TL (_( 1914_CD )_) and_CC The_AT-TL Shape_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Things_NNS-TL To_
TO-TL Come_VB-TL (_( 1933_CD )_) --_-- describes_VBZ the_AT bloodless_JJ conques
t_NN of_IN earth_NN by_IN the_AT Overlords_NPS ,_, vastly_QL superior_JJ creatur
es_NNS who_WPS come_VB to_IN our_PP$ world_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO prepare_VB th
e_AT human_JJ race_NN for_IN its_PP$ next_AP stage_NN of_IN development_NN ,_, a
n_AT eventual_JJ merging_NN with_IN the_AT composite_JJ mind_NN of_IN the_AT uni
verse_NN ._. Arriving_VBG just_RB in_IN time_NN to_TO stop_VB men_NNS from_IN tu
rning_VBG their_PP$ planet_NN into_IN a_AT radioactive_JJ wasteland_NN ,_, the_A
T Overlords_NPS unite_VB earth_NN into_IN one_CD world_NN in_IN which_WDT justic
e_NN ,_, order_NN ,_, and_CC benevolence_NN prevail_VB and_CC ignorance_NN ,_, p
overty_NN ,_, and_CC fear_NN have_HV ceased_VBN to_TO exist_VB ._. Under_IN thei
r_PP$ rule_NN ,_, earth_NN becomes_VBZ a_AT technological_JJ utopia_NN ._. Both_
ABX abolition_NN of_IN war_NN and_CC new_JJ techniques_NNS of_IN production_NN ,
_, particularly_RB robot_NN factories_NNS ,_, greatly_RB increase_VB the_AT worl
d's_NN$ wealth_NN ,_, a_AT situation_NN described_VBN in_IN the_AT following_VBG
passage_NN ,_, which_WDT has_HVZ the_AT true_JJ utopian_JJ ring_NN :_: ``_`` Ev
erything_PN was_BEDZ so_QL cheap_JJ that_CS the_AT necessities_NNS of_IN life_NN
were_BED free_JJ ,_, provided_VBN as_CS a_AT public_JJ service_NN by_IN the_AT
community_NN ,_, as_CS roads_NNS ,_, water_NN ,_, street_NN lighting_NN and_CC d
rainage_NN had_HVD once_RB been_BEN ._. A_AT man_NN could_MD travel_VB anywhere_
RB he_PPS pleased_VBD ,_, eat_VB whatever_WDT he_PPS fancied_VBD --_-- without_I
N handing_VBG over_RP any_DTI money_NN ''_'' ._. With_IN destructive_JJ tensions
_NNS and_CC pressures_NNS removed_VBN men_NNS have_HV the_AT vigor_NN and_CC ene
rgy_NN to_TO construct_VB a_AT new_JJ human_JJ life_NN --_-- rebuilding_VBG enti
re_JJ cities_NNS ,_, expanding_VBG facilities_NNS for_IN entertainment_NN ,_, pr
oviding_VBG unlimited_JJ opportunities_NNS for_IN education_NN --_-- indeed_RB ,
_, for_IN the_AT first_OD time_NN giving_VBG everyone_PN the_AT chance_NN to_TO
employ_VB his_PP$ talents_NNS to_IN the_AT fullest_JJT ._. Mankind_NN ,_, as_CS
a_AT result_NN ,_, attains_VBZ previously_RB undreamed_JJ of_IN levels_NNS of_IN
civilization_NN and_CC culture_NN ,_, a_AT golden_JJ age_NN which_WDT the_AT Ov
erlords_NPS ,_, a_AT very_QL evident_JJ symbol_NN of_IN science_NN ,_, have_HV h
elped_VBN produce_VB by_IN introducing_VBG reason_NN and_CC the_AT scientific_JJ
method_NN into_IN human_JJ activities_NNS ._. Thus_RB science_NN is_BEZ the_AT
savior_NN of_IN mankind_NN ,_, and_CC in_IN this_DT respect_NN Childhood's_NN$-T
L End_NN-TL only_RB blueprints_VBZ in_IN greater_JJR detail_NN the_AT vision_NN
of_IN the_AT future_NN which_WDT ,_, though_CS not_* always_RB so_QL directly_RB
stated_VBN ,_, has_HVZ nevertheless_RB been_BEN present_JJ in_IN the_AT minds_N
NS of_IN most_AP science-fiction_NN writers_NNS ._. Considering_IN then_RB the_A
T optimism_NN which_WDT has_HVZ permeated_VBN science_NN fiction_NN for_IN so_QL
long_RB ,_, what_WDT is_BEZ really_QL remarkable_JJ is_BEZ that_CS during_IN th
e_AT last_AP twelve_CD years_NNS many_AP science-fiction_NN writers_NNS have_HV
turned_VBN about_RB and_CC attacked_VBN their_PP$ own_JJ cherished_VBN vision_NN
of_IN the_AT future_NN ,_, have_HV attacked_VBN the_AT Childhood's_NN$-TL End_N
N-TL kind_NN of_IN faith_NN that_CS science_NN and_CC technology_NN will_MD inev
itably_RB better_VB the_AT human_JJ condition_NN ._. And_CC they_PPSS have_HV do
ne_VBN this_DT on_IN a_AT very_QL large_JJ scale_NN ,_, with_IN a_AT veritable_J
J flood_NN of_IN novels_NNS and_CC stories_NNS which_WDT are_BER either_CC dysto
pias_NNS or_CC narratives_NNS of_IN adventure_NN with_IN dystopian_JJ elements_N
NS ._. Because_RB of_IN the_AT means_NN of_IN publication_NN --_-- science-ficti
on_NN magazines_NNS and_CC cheap_JJ paperbacks_NNS --_-- and_CC because_CS dysto
pian_JJ science_NN fiction_NN is_BEZ still_RB appearing_VBG in_IN quantity_NN th
e_AT full_JJ range_NN and_CC extent_NN of_IN this_DT phenomenon_NN can_MD hardly
_RB be_BE known_VBN ,_, though_CS one_CD fact_NN is_BEZ evident_JJ :_: the_AT sc
ience-fiction_NN imagination_NN has_HVZ been_BEN immensely_RB fertile_JJ in_IN i
ts_PP$ extrapolations_NNS ._. Among_IN the_AT dystopias_NNS ,_, for_IN example_N
N ,_, Isaac_NP Asimov's_NP$ The_AT-TL Caves_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Steel_NN-TL (_( 1954
_CD )_) portrays_VBZ the_AT deadly_JJ effects_NNS on_IN human_JJ life_NN of_IN t
he_AT super-city_NN of_IN the_AT future_NN ;_. ;_. James_NP Blish's_NP$ A_AT-TL
Case_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Conscience_NN-TL (_( 1958_CD )_) describes_VBZ a_AT world_NN
hiding_VBG from_IN its_PP$ own_JJ weapons_NNS of_IN destruction_NN in_IN underg
round_JJ shelters_NNS ;_. ;_. Ray_NP Bradbury's_NP$ Fahrenheit_NP-TL 451_CD-TL (
_( 1954_CD )_) presents_NNS a_AT book-burning_JJ society_NN in_IN which_WDT wall
_NN television_NN and_CC hearing-aid_NN radios_NNS enslave_VB men's_NNS$ minds_N
NS ;_. ;_. Walter_NP M._NP Miller_NP ,_, Jr.'s_NP$ ,_, A_AT-TL Canticle_NN-TL Fo
r_IN-TL Leibowitz_NP-TL (_( 1959_CD )_) finds_VBZ men_NNS ,_, after_IN the_AT gr
eat_JJ atomic_JJ disaster_NN ,_, stumbling_VBG back_RB to_IN their_PP$ previous_
JJ level_NN of_IN civilization_NN and_CC another_DT catastrophe_NN ;_. ;_. Frede
rick_NP Pohl's_NP$ ``_`` The_AT-TL Midas_NP-TL Touch_NN-TL ''_'' (_( 1954_CD )_)
predicts_VBZ an_AT economy_NN of_IN abundance_NN which_WDT ,_, in_IN order_NN t
o_TO remain_VB prosperous_JJ ,_, must_MD set_VB its_PP$ robots_NNS to_IN consumi
ng_VBG surplus_NN production_NN ;_. ;_. Clifford_NP D._NP Simak's_NP$ ``_`` How-
2_NP ''_'' (_( 1954_CD )_) tells_VBZ of_IN a_AT future_NN when_WRB robots_NNS ha
ve_HV taken_VBN over_RP ,_, leaving_VBG men_NNS nothing_PN to_TO do_DO ;_. ;_. a
nd_CC Robert_NP Sheckley's_NP$ The_AT-TL Status_NN-TL Civilization_NN-TL (_( 196
0_CD )_) describes_VBZ a_AT world_NN which_WDT ,_, frightened_VBN by_IN the_AT p
owers_NNS of_IN destruction_NN science_NN has_HVZ given_VBN it_PPO ,_, becomes_V
BZ static_JJ and_CC conformist_JJ ._. A_AT more_QL complete_JJ list_NN would_MD
also_RB include_VB Bradbury's_NP$ ``_`` The_AT-TL Pedestrian_NN-TL ''_'' (_( 195
1_CD )_) ,_, Philip_NP K._NP Dick's_NP$ Solar_JJ-TL Lottery_NN-TL (_( 1955_CD )_
) ,_, David_NP Karp's_NP$ One_CD-TL (_( 1953_CD )_) ,_, Wilson_NP Tucker's_NP$ T
he_AT-TL Long_JJ-TL Loud_JJ-TL Silence_NN-TL (_( 1952_CD )_) ,_, Jack_NP Vance's
_NP$ To_TO-TL Live_VB-TL Forever_RB-TL (_( 1956_CD )_) ,_, Gore_NP Vidal's_NP$ M
essiah_NP-TL (_( 1954_CD )_) ,_, and_CC Bernard_NP Wolfe's_NP$ Limbo_NN-TL (_( 1
952_CD )_) ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS the_AT three_CD perhaps_RB most_QL outstandin
g_JJ dystopias_NNS ,_, Frederik_NP Pohl_NP and_CC C._NP M._NP Kornbluth's_NP$ Th
e_AT-TL Space_NN-TL Merchants_NNS-TL (_( 1953_CD )_) ,_, Kurt_NP Vonnegut's_NP$
Player_NN-TL Piano_NN-TL (_( 1952_CD )_) ,_, and_CC John_NP Wyndham's_NP$ Re-Bir
th_NN-TL (_( 1953_CD )_) ,_, works_NNS which_WDT we_PPSS will_MD later_RBR exami
ne_VB in_IN detail_NN ._. The_AT novels_NNS and_CC stories_NNS like_CS Pohl's_NP
$ Drunkard's_NN$-TL Walk_NN-TL (_( 1960_CD )_) ,_, with_IN the_AT focus_NN on_IN
adventure_NN and_CC with_IN the_AT dystopian_JJ elements_NNS only_RB a_AT dim_J
J background_NN --_-- in_IN this_DT case_NN an_AT uneasy_JJ ,_, overpopulated_VB
N world_NN in_IN which_WDT the_AT mass_NN of_IN people_NNS do_DO uninteresting_J
J routine_JJ jobs_NNS while_CS a_AT carefully_RB selected_VBN ,_, university-tra
ined_JJ elite_NN runs_VBZ everything_PN --_-- are_BER in_IN all_ABN likelihood_N
N as_QL numerous_JJ as_CS dystopias_NNS ._. There_EX is_BEZ ,_, of_IN course_NN
,_, nothing_PN new_JJ about_IN dystopias_NNS ,_, for_CS they_PPSS belong_VB to_I
N a_AT literary_JJ tradition_NN which_WDT ,_, including_IN also_RB the_AT closel
y_RB related_VBN satiric_JJ utopias_NNS ,_, stretches_VBZ from_IN at_IN least_AP
as_QL far_RB back_RB as_CS the_AT eighteenth_OD century_NN and_CC Swift's_NP$ G
ulliver's_NP$ Travels_NNS-TL to_IN the_AT twentieth_OD century_NN and_CC Zamiati
n's_NP$ We_PPSS-TL ,_, Capek's_NP$ War_NN-TL With_IN-TL The_AT-TL Newts_NNS-TL ,
_, Huxley's_NP$ Brave_JJ-TL New_JJ-TL World_NN-TL ,_, E._NP M._NP Forster's_NP$
``_`` The_AT-TL Machine_NN-TL Stops_VBZ-TL ''_'' ,_, C._NP S._NP Lewis's_NP$ Tha
t_DT-TL Hideous_JJ-TL Strength_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Orwell's_NP$ Nineteen_CD-TL Eigh
ty-Four_CD-TL ,_, and_CC which_WDT in_IN science_NN fiction_NN is_BEZ represente
d_VBN before_IN the_AT present_JJ deluge_NN as_QL early_RB as_CS Wells's_NP$ tri
logy_NN ,_, The_AT-TL Time_NN-TL Machine_NN-TL ,_, ``_`` A_AT-TL Story_NN-TL Of_
IN-TL The_AT-TL Days_NNS-TL To_TO-TL Come_VB-TL ''_'' ,_, and_CC When_WRB-TL The
_AT-TL Sleeper_NN-TL Wakes_VBZ-TL ,_, and_CC as_QL recently_RB as_CS Jack_NP Wil
liamson's_NP$ ``_`` With_IN-TL Folded_VBN-TL Hands_NNS-TL ''_'' (_( 1947_CD )_)
,_, the_AT classic_JJ story_NN of_IN men_NNS replaced_VBN by_IN their_PP$ own_JJ
robots_NNS ._. What_WDT makes_VBZ the_AT current_JJ phenomenon_NN unique_JJ is_
BEZ that_CS so_QL many_AP science-fiction_NN writers_NNS have_HV reversed_VBN a_
AT trend_NN and_CC turned_VBN to_IN writing_VBG works_NNS critical_JJ of_IN the_
AT impact_NN of_IN science_NN and_CC technology_NN on_IN human_JJ life_NN ._. Si
nce_CS the_AT great_JJ flood_NN of_IN these_DTS dystopias_NNS has_HVZ appeared_V
BN only_RB in_IN the_AT last_AP twelve_CD years_NNS ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ fairly_
QL reasonable_JJ to_TO assume_VB that_CS the_AT chief_JJS impetus_NN was_BEDZ th
e_AT 1949_CD publication_NN of_IN Nineteen_CD-TL Eighty-Four_CD-TL ,_, an_AT ass
umption_NN which_WDT is_BEZ supported_VBN by_IN the_AT frequent_JJ echoes_NNS of
_IN such_JJ details_NNS as_CS Room_NN-TL 101_CD-TL ,_, along_RB with_IN educatio
n_NN by_IN conditioning_VBG from_IN Brave_JJ-TL New_JJ-TL World_NN-TL ,_, a_AT b
ook_NN to_IN which_WDT science-fiction_NN writers_NNS may_MD well_RB have_HV ret
urned_VBN with_IN new_JJ interest_NN after_CS reading_VBG the_AT more_QL powerfu
l_JJ Orwell_NP dystopia_NN ._. Not_* all_ABN recent_JJ science_NN fiction_NN ,_,
however_RB ,_, is_BEZ dystopian_JJ ,_, for_CS the_AT optimistic_JJ strain_NN is
_BEZ still_RB very_QL much_QL alive_JJ in_IN Mission_NN-TL Of_IN-TL Gravity_NN-T
L and_CC Childhood's_NN$-TL End_NN-TL ,_, as_CS we_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN ,_, as_
QL well_RB as_CS in_IN many_AP other_AP recent_JJ popular_JJ novels_NNS and_CC s
tories_NNS like_CS Fred_NP Hoyle's_NP$ The_AT-TL Black_JJ-TL Cloud_NN-TL (_( 195
7_CD )_) ;_. ;_. and_CC among_IN works_NNS of_IN dystopian_JJ science_NN fiction
_NN ,_, not_* all_ABN provide_VB intelligent_JJ criticism_NN and_CC very_QL few_
AP have_HV much_AP merit_NN as_CS literature_NN --_-- but_CC then_RB real_JJ qua
lity_NN has_HVZ always_RB been_BEN scarce_JJ in_IN science_NN fiction_NN ._. In_
IN addition_NN ,_, there_EX are_BER many_AP areas_NNS of_IN the_AT human_JJ situ
ation_NN besides_IN the_AT impact_NN of_IN science_NN and_CC technology_NN which
_WDT are_BER examined_VBN ,_, for_IN science-fiction_NN dystopias_NNS often_RB e
xtrapolate_VB political_JJ ,_, social_JJ ,_, economic_JJ tendencies_NNS only_RB
indirectly_RB related_VBN to_IN science_NN and_CC technology_NN ._. Nevertheless
_RB ,_, with_IN all_ABN these_DTS qualifications_NNS and_CC exceptions_NNS ,_, t
he_AT current_JJ dystopian_JJ phenomenon_NN remains_VBZ impressive_JJ for_IN its
_PP$ criticism_NN that_CS science_NN and_CC technology_NN ,_, instead_RB of_IN b
ringing_VBG utopia_NN ,_, may_MD well_RB enslave_VB ,_, dehumanize_VB ,_, and_CC
even_RB destroy_VB men_NNS ._. How_WQL effectively_RB these_DTS warnings_NNS ca
n_MD be_BE presented_VBN is_BEZ seen_VBN in_IN Pohl_NP and_CC Kornbluth's_NP$ Th
e_AT-TL Space_NN-TL Merchants_NNS-TL ,_, Vonnegut's_NP$ Player_NN-TL Piano_NN-TL
and_CC Wyndham's_NP$ Re-Birth_NN-TL ._. Easily_RB the_AT best_RBT known_VBN of_
IN these_DTS three_CD novels_NNS is_BEZ The_AT-TL Space_NN-TL Merchants_NNS-TL ,
_, a_AT good_JJ example_NN of_IN a_AT science-fiction_NN dystopia_NN which_WDT e
xtrapolates_VBZ much_QL more_RBR than_CS the_AT impact_NN of_IN science_NN on_IN
human_JJ life_NN ,_, though_CS its_PP$ most_QL important_JJ warning_NN is_BEZ i
n_IN this_DT area_NN ,_, namely_RB as_IN to_IN the_AT use_NN to_IN which_WDT dis
coveries_NNS in_IN the_AT behavioral_JJ sciences_NNS may_MD be_BE put_VBN ._. Th
e_AT novel_NN ,_, which_WDT is_BEZ not_* merely_RB dystopian_JJ but_CC also_RB b
rilliantly_RB satiric_JJ ,_, describes_VBZ a_AT future_JJ America_NP where_WRB o
ne-sixteenth_NN of_IN the_AT population_NN ,_, the_AT men_NNS who_WPS run_VB adv
ertising_VBG agencies_NNS and_CC big_JJ corporations_NNS ,_, control_VB the_AT r
est_NN of_IN the_AT people_NNS ,_, the_AT submerged_VBN fifteen-sixteenths_NNS w
ho_WPS are_BER the_AT workers_NNS and_CC consumers_NNS ,_, with_IN the_AT govern
ment_NN being_BEG no_AT more_AP than_CS ``_`` a_AT clearing_VBG house_NN for_IN
pressures_NNS ''_'' ._. Like_CS ours_PP$$ ,_, the_AT economy_NN of_IN the_AT spa
ce_NN merchants_NNS must_MD constantly_RB expand_VB in_IN order_NN to_TO survive
_VB ,_, and_CC ,_, like_CS ours_PP$$ ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ based_VBN on_IN the_AT pr
inciple_NN of_IN ``_`` ever_RB increasing_VBG everybody's_PN$ work_NN and_CC pro
fits_NNS in_IN the_AT circle_NN of_IN consumption_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT consequenc
es_NNS ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, have_HV been_BEN dreadful_JJ :_: reckless_JJ expa
nsion_NN has_HVZ led_VBN to_IN overpopulation_NN ,_, pollution_NN of_IN the_AT e
arth_NN and_CC depletion_NN of_IN its_PP$ natural_JJ resources_NNS ._. For_IN ex
ample_NN ,_, even_RB the_AT most_QL successful_JJ executive_NN lives_VBZ in_IN a
_AT two-room_JJ apartment_NN while_CS ordinary_JJ people_NNS rent_VB space_NN in
_IN the_AT stairwells_NNS of_IN office_NN buildings_NNS in_IN which_WDT to_TO sl
eep_VB at_IN night_NN ;_. ;_. soyaburgers_NNS have_HV replaced_VBN meat_NN ,_, a
nd_CC wood_NN has_HVZ become_VBN so_QL precious_JJ that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ saved_V
BN for_IN expensive_JJ jewelry_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT atmosphere_NN is_BEZ so_
QL befouled_VBN that_CS no_AT one_PN dares_VBZ walk_VB in_IN the_AT open_NN with
out_IN respirators_NNS or_CC soot_NN plugs_NNS ._. While_CS The_AT Space_NN-TL M
erchants_NNS-TL indicates_VBZ ,_, as_CS Kingsley_NP Amis_NP has_HVZ correctly_RB
observed_VBN ,_, some_DTI of_IN the_AT ``_`` impending_VBG consequences_NNS of_
IN the_AT growth_NN of_IN industrial_JJ and_CC commercial_JJ power_NN ''_'' and_
CC satirizes_VBZ ``_`` existing_VBG habits_NNS in_IN the_AT advertising_VBG prof
ession_NN ''_'' ,_, its_PP$ warning_NN and_CC analysis_NN penetrate_VB much_QL d
eeper_RBR ._. What_WDT is_BEZ wrong_JJ with_IN advertising_VBG is_BEZ not_* only
_RB that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ an_AT ``_`` outrage_NN ,_, an_AT assault_NN on_IN peop
le's_NNS$ mental_JJ privacy_NN ''_'' or_CC that_CS it_PPS is_BEZ a_AT major_JJ c
ause_NN for_IN a_AT wasteful_JJ economy_NN of_IN abundance_NN or_CC that_CS it_P
PS contains_VBZ a_AT coercive_JJ tendency_NN (_( which_WDT is_BEZ closer_RBR to_
IN the_AT point_NN )_) ._. Rather_RB what_WDT Kornbluth_NP and_CC Pohl_NP are_BE
R really_RB doing_VBG is_BEZ warning_VBG against_IN the_AT dangers_NNS inherent_
JJ in_IN perfecting_VBG ``_`` a_AT science_NN of_IN man_NN and_CC his_PP$ motive
s_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT-TL Space_NN-TL Merchants_NNS-TL ,_, like_CS such_JJ human
ist_JJ documents_NNS as_CS Joseph_NP Wood_NP Krutch's_NP$ The_AT-TL Measure_NN-T
L Of_IN-TL Man_NN-TL and_CC C._NP S._NP Lewis's_NP$ The_AT-TL Abolition_NN-TL Of
_IN-TL Man_NN-TL ,_, considers_VBZ what_WDT may_MD result_VB from_IN the_AT scie
ntific_JJ study_NN of_IN human_JJ nature_NN ._. If_CS man_NN is_BEZ actually_RB
the_AT product_NN of_IN his_PP$ environment_NN and_CC if_CS science_NN can_MD di
scover_VB the_AT laws_NNS of_IN human_JJ nature_NN and_CC the_AT ways_NNS in_IN
which_WDT environment_NN determines_VBZ what_WDT people_NNS do_DO ,_, then_RB so
meone_PN --_-- a_AT someone_PN probably_RB standing_VBG outside_IN traditional_J
J systems_NNS of_IN values_NNS --_-- can_MD turn_VB around_RB and_CC develop_VB
completely_QL efficient_JJ means_NNS for_IN controlling_VBG people_NNS ._. Thus_
RB we_PPSS will_MD have_HV a_AT society_NN consisting_VBG of_IN the_AT planners_
NNS or_CC conditioners_NNS ,_, and_CC the_AT controlled_VBN ._. And_CC this_DT ,
_, of_IN course_NN ,_, is_BEZ exactly_RB what_WDT Madison_NP-TL Avenue_NN-TL has
_HVZ been_BEN accused_VBN of_IN doing_VBG albeit_CS in_IN a_AT primitive_JJ way_
NN ,_, with_IN its_PP$ ``_`` hidden_VBN persuaders_NNS ''_'' and_CC what_WDT the
_AT space_NN merchants_NNS accomplish_VB with_IN much_QL greater_JJR sophisticat
ion_NN and_CC precision_NN ._. Pohl_NP and_CC Kornbluth's_NP$ ad_NN men_NNS have
_HV long_QL since_RB thrown_VBN out_RP appeals_NNS to_IN reason_NN and_CC develo
ped_VBN techniques_NNS of_IN advertising_VBG which_WDT tie_VB in_RP with_IN ``_`
` every_AT basic_JJ trauma_NN and_CC neurosis_NN in_IN American_JJ life_NN ''_''
,_, which_WDT work_VB on_IN the_AT libido_NN of_IN consumers_NNS ,_, which_WDT
are_BER linked_VBN to_IN the_AT ``_`` great_JJ prime_JJ motivations_NNS of_IN th
e_AT human_JJ spirit_NN ''_'' ._. As_CS the_AT hero_NN ,_, Mitchell_NP Courtenay
_NP ,_, explains_VBZ before_IN his_PP$ conversion_NN ,_, the_AT job_NN of_IN adv
ertising_VBG is_BEZ ``_`` to_TO convince_VB people_NNS without_IN letting_VBG th
em_PPO know_VB that_CS they're_PPSS+BER being_BEG convinced_VBN ''_'' ._. And_CC
to_TO do_DO this_DT requires_VBZ first_RB of_IN all_ABN the_AT kind_NN of_IN in
formation_NN about_IN people_NNS which_WDT is_BEZ provided_VBN by_IN the_AT scie
ntists_NNS in_IN industrial_JJ anthropology_NN and_CC consumer_NN research_NN ,_
, who_WPS ,_, for_IN example_NN ,_, tell_VB Courtenay_NP that_CS three_CD days_N
NS is_BEZ the_AT ``_`` optimum_JJ priming_VBG period_NN for_IN a_AT closed_VBN s
ocial_JJ circuit_NN to_TO be_BE triggered_VBN with_IN a_AT catalytic_JJ cue-phra
se_NN ''_'' --_-- which_WDT means_VBZ that_CS an_AT effective_JJ propaganda_NN t
echnique_NN is_BEZ to_TO send_VB an_AT idea_NN into_IN circulation_NN and_CC the
n_RB three_CD days_NNS later_RBR reinforce_VB or_CC undermine_VB it_PPO ._. And_
CC the_AT second_OD requirement_NN for_IN convincing_VBG people_NNS without_IN t
heir_PP$ knowledge_NN is_BEZ artistic_JJ talent_NN to_TO prepare_VB the_AT words
_NNS and_CC pictures_NNS which_WDT persuade_VB by_IN using_VBG the_AT principles
_NNS which_WDT the_AT scientists_NNS have_HV discovered_VBN ._. Thus_RB the_AT c
opywriter_NN in_IN the_AT world_NN of_IN the_AT space_NN merchants_NNS is_BEZ th
e_AT person_NN who_WPS in_IN earlier_JJR ages_NNS might_MD have_HV been_BEN a_AT
lyric_JJ poet_NN ,_, the_AT person_NN ``_`` capable_JJ of_IN putting_VBG togeth
er_RB words_NNS that_WPS stir_VB and_CC move_VB and_CC sing_VB ''_'' ._. As_CS C
ourtenay_NP explains_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Here_RB in_IN this_DT profession_NN we_PPSS r
each_VB into_IN the_AT souls_NNS of_IN men_NNS and_CC women_NNS ._. And_CC we_PP
SS do_DO it_PPO by_IN taking_VBG talent_NN --_-- and_CC redirecting_VBG it_PPO '
'_'' ._. Now_RB the_AT basic_JJ question_NN to_TO be_BE asked_VBN in_IN this_DT
situation_NN is_BEZ what_WDT motivates_VBZ the_AT manipulators_NNS ,_, that_DT i
s_BEZ ,_, what_WDT are_BER their_PP$ values_NNS ?_. ?_. --_-- since_CS ,_, as_CS
Courtenay_NP says_VBZ ,_, ``_`` Nobody_PN should_MD play_VB with_IN lives_NNS t
he_AT way_NN we_PPSS do_DO unless_CS he's_PPS+BEZ motivated_VBN by_IN the_AT hig
hest_JJT ideals_NNS ''_'' ._. But_CC the_AT only_AP ideal_NN he_PPS can_MD think
_VB of_IN is_BEZ ``_`` Sales_NNS ''_'' !_. !_. Indeed_RB ,_, again_RB and_CC aga
in_RB ,_, the_AT space_NN merchants_NNS confirm_VB the_AT prediction_NN of_IN th
e_AT humanists_NNS that_CS the_AT conditioners_NNS and_CC behavioral_JJ scientis
ts_NNS ,_, once_CS they_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN through_IN human_JJ nature_NN ,_,
will_MD have_HV nothing_PN except_IN their_PP$ impulses_NNS and_CC desires_NNS t
o_TO guide_VB them_PPO ._. We_PPSS often_RB say_VB of_IN a_AT person_NN that_CS
he_PPS ``_`` looks_VBZ young_JJ for_IN his_PP$ age_NN ''_'' or_CC ``_`` old_JJ f
or_IN his_PP$ age_NN ''_'' ._. Yet_CC even_RB in_IN the_AT more_QL extreme_JJ of
_IN such_JJ cases_NNS we_PPSS seldom_RB go_VB very_QL far_RB astray_RB in_IN gue
ssing_VBG what_WDT his_PP$ age_NN actually_RB is_BEZ ._. And_CC this_DT means_VB
Z ,_, I_PPSS suppose_VB ,_, that_CS almost_QL invariably_RB age_NN reveals_VBZ i
tself_PPL by_IN easily_RB recognizable_JJ signs_NNS engraved_VBN on_IN both_ABX
the_AT body_NN and_CC the_AT mind_NN ._. ``_`` Young_JJ for_IN his_PP$ age_NN ''
_'' means_VBZ only_RB the_AT presence_NN of_IN some_DTI minor_JJ characteristic_
NN not_* quite_QL usual_JJ ._. Stigmata_NNS quite_QL sufficient_JJ for_IN diagno
sis_NN are_BER nevertheless_RB there_RB ._. An_AT assumption_NN of_IN youth_NN ,
_, or_CC the_AT presence_NN of_IN a_AT few_AP youthful_JJ characteristics_NNS ,_
, deceives_VBZ no_QL more_QL successfully_RB than_CS rouge_NN or_CC dyed_VBN hai
r_NN ._. ``_`` Looking_VBG young_JJ for_IN your_PP$ age_NN ''_'' means_VBZ ``_``
for_IN your_PP$ age_NN ''_'' and_CC it_PPS means_VBZ no_AT more_AP ._. A_AT min
d_NN expressing_VBG itself_PPL in_IN words_NNS may_MD reveal_VB itself_PPL a_AT
little_QL less_QL obviously_RB as_CS old_JJ or_CC young_JJ ._. Its_PP$ surface_N
N loses_VBZ its_PP$ bloom_NN and_CC submits_VBZ to_IN its_PP$ wrinkles_NNS in_IN
ways_NNS less_QL immediately_RB obvious_JJ than_CS the_AT body_NN does_DOZ ._.
Youth_NN may_MD be_BE ,_, and_CC often_RB is_BEZ ,_, skeptical_JJ ,_, cynical_JJ
or_CC despairing_VBG ;_. ;_. age_NN may_MD be_BE idealistic_JJ ,_, believing_VB
G and_CC much_RB given_VBN to_IN professions_NNS of_IN optimism_NN ._. But_CC th
ere_EX is_BEZ ,_, nevertheless_RB ,_, always_RB a_AT subtle_JJ difference_NN in_
IN the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT supposedly_RB similar_JJ opinions_NNS are_BER h
eld_VBN ._. The_AT pessimism_NN of_IN the_AT young_NN is_BEZ defiant_JJ ,_, anxi
ous_JJ to_TO confess_VB or_CC even_RB exaggerate_VB its_PP$ ostensible_JJ gloom_
NN ,_, and_CC so_QL exuberant_JJ as_CS to_TO reveal_VB the_AT fact_NN that_CS it
_PPS regards_VBZ its_PP$ ability_NN to_TO face_VB up_RP to_IN the_AT awful_JJ tr
uth_NN as_CS more_AP than_CS enough_AP to_TO compensate_VB for_IN the_AT awfulne
ss_NN of_IN that_DT truth_NN ._. Similarly_RB the_AT optimism_NN of_IN age_NN pr
otests_VBZ too_QL much_RB ._. If_CS it_PPS proclaims_VBZ that_CS the_AT best_JJT
is_BEZ yet_RB to_TO be_BE ,_, it_PPS always_RB arouses_VBZ ,_, at_IN least_AP i
n_IN the_AT young_JJ ,_, either_CC a_AT suspicious_JJ question_NN or_CC perhaps_
RB the_AT exclamation_NN of_IN the_AT Negro_NP youth_NN who_WPS saw_VBD on_IN a_
AT tombstone_NN the_AT inscription_NN ,_, ``_`` I_PPSS am_BEM not_* dead_JJ but_
CC sleeping_VBG ''_'' ._. ``_`` Boy_NN ,_, you_PPSS ain't_BER* fooling_VBG nobod
y_PN but_IN yourself_PPL ''_'' ._. We_PPSS may_MD say_VB of_IN some_DTI unfortun
ates_NNS that_CS they_PPSS were_BED never_RB young_JJ ._. We_PPSS cannot_MD* tru
thfully_RB say_VB of_IN anyone_PN who_WPS has_HVZ succeeded_VBN in_IN entering_V
BG deep_RB into_IN his_PP$ sixties_NNS that_CS he_PPS was_BEDZ never_RB old_JJ .
_. Those_DTS famous_JJ lines_NNS of_IN the_AT Greek_JJ-TL Anthology_NN-TL with_I
N which_WDT a_AT fading_VBG beauty_NN dedicates_VBZ her_PP$ mirror_NN at_IN the_
AT shrine_NN of_IN a_AT goddess_NN reveal_VB a_AT wise_JJ attitude_NN :_: ``_``
Venus_NP ,_, take_VB my_PP$ votive_JJ glass_NN ,_, Since_CS I_PPSS am_BEM not_*
what_WDT I_PPSS was_BEDZ ,_, What_WDT from_IN this_DT day_NN I_PPSS shall_MD be_
BE ,_, Venus_NP ,_, let_VB me_PPO never_RB see_VB ''_'' ._. No_AT good_NN can_MD
come_VB of_IN contemplating_VBG the_AT sad_JJ ,_, inevitable_JJ fact_NN that_CS
once_CS youth_NN has_HVZ passed_VBN ``_`` a_AT worse_JJR and_CC worse_JJR time_
NN still_RB succeeds_VBZ the_AT former_AP ''_'' ._. But_CC there_EX are_BER at_I
N least_AP two_CD reasons_NNS for_IN contemplating_VBG one's_PN$ mind_NN in_IN e
ven_RB a_AT cracked_VBN mirror_NN ._. One_CD is_BEZ that_CS there_EX sometimes_R
B are_BER real_JJ although_CS inadequate_JJ compensations_NNS in_IN growing_VBG
old_JJ ._. Serenity_NN ,_, if_CS one_PN is_BEZ fortunate_JJ enough_QLP to_TO ach
ieve_VB it_PPO ,_, is_BEZ not_* so_QL good_JJ as_CS joy_NN ,_, but_CC it_PPS is_
BEZ something_PN ._. Even_RB to_TO be_BE ``_`` from_IN hope_NN and_CC fear_NN se
t_VBN free_JJ ''_'' is_BEZ at_IN least_AP better_JJR than_CS to_TO have_HV lost_
VBN the_AT first_OD without_IN having_HVG got_VBN rid_JJ of_IN the_AT second_OD
._. The_AT other_AP reason_NN (_( and_CC the_AT one_CD with_IN which_WDT I_PPSS
am_BEM here_RB concerned_VBN )_) is_BEZ that_CS one_PN thus_RB becomes_VBZ incli
ned_VBN to_TO inquire_VB of_IN any_DTI opinion_NN ,_, or_CC change_NN of_IN opin
ion_NN ,_, whether_CS it_PPS represents_VBZ the_AT wisdom_NN of_IN experience_NN
or_CC is_BEZ only_RB the_AT result_NN of_IN the_AT difference_NN between_IN you
th_NN and_CC age_NN which_WDT is_BEZ as_QL inevitable_JJ as_CS the_AT all_QL too
_QL obvious_JJ physical_JJ differences_NNS ._. One_PN may_MD be_BE exasperatingl
y_QL aware_JJ that_CS if_CS the_AT answer_NN is_BEZ favorable_JJ it_PPS will_MD
be_BE judged_VBN such_JJ only_RB by_IN those_DTS of_IN one's_PN$ own_JJ age_NN .
_. But_CC at_IN least_AP the_AT question_NN has_HVZ been_BEN raised_VBN ._. Many
_AP readers_NNS of_IN this_DT department_NN no_AT doubt_NN discount_VB certain_J
J of_IN my_PP$ opinions_NNS for_IN the_AT simple_JJ reason_NN that_CS they_PPSS
can_MD guess_VB pretty_QL accurately_RB ,_, even_RB if_CS they_PPSS have_HV neve
r_RB actually_RB been_BEN told_VBN ,_, what_WDT my_PP$ age_NN is_BEZ ._. At_IN l
east_AP I_PPSS should_MD like_VB them_PPO to_TO know_VB that_CS I_PPSS know_VB t
hese_DTS discounts_NNS are_BER being_BEG made_VBN ._. Let_VB me_PPO then_RB (_(
and_CC in_IN public_NN )_) glance_VB into_IN the_AT mirror_NN ._. I_PPSS have_HV
known_VBN some_DTI men_NNS and_CC women_NNS who_WPS said_VBD that_CS the_AT sel
ves_NNS they_PPSS are_BER told_VBN about_IN or_CC even_RB remember_VB seem_VB ut
ter_JJ strangers_NNS to_IN them_PPO now_RB ;_. ;_. that_CS their_PP$ remote_JJ p
ast_NN is_BEZ as_QL discontinuous_JJ with_IN their_PP$ present_JJ selves_NNS ,_,
as_CS lacking_VBG in_IN any_DTI conscious_JJ likeness_NN to_IN their_PP$ mature
_JJ personality_NN ,_, as_CS the_AT self_NN of_IN a_AT butterfly_NN may_MD be_BE
imagined_VBN discontinuous_JJ with_IN that_DT of_IN the_AT caterpillar_NN it_PP
S once_RB was_BEDZ ._. For_IN my_PP$ part_NN I_PPSS find_VB it_PPO difficult_JJ
to_TO conceive_VB such_ABL a_AT state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS ._. I_PPSS have_HV ch
anged_VBN and_CC I_PPSS have_HV reversed_VBN opinions_NNS ;_. ;_. but_CC I_PPSS
am_BEM so_QL aware_JJ of_IN an_AT uninterrupted_JJ continuity_NN of_IN the_AT pe
rsona_NN or_CC ego_NN that_CS I_PPSS see_VB only_RB as_CS absurd_JJ the_AT tende
ncy_NN of_IN some_DTI psychologists_NNS from_IN Heraclitus_NP to_IN Pirandello_N
P and_CC Proust_NP to_TO regard_VB consciousness_NN as_CS no_AT more_AP than_CS
a_AT flux_NN amid_IN which_WDT nothing_PN remains_VBZ unchanged_JJ ._. So_QL far
_RB as_CS I_PPSS am_BEM concerned_VBN ,_, the_AT child_NN is_BEZ unmistakably_RB
father_NN to_IN the_AT man_NN ,_, despite_IN the_AT obvious_JJ fact_NN that_CS
child_NN and_CC father_NN differ_VB greatly_RB --_-- sometimes_RB for_IN the_AT
better_JJR and_CC sometimes_RB for_IN the_AT worse_JJR ._. Fundamental_JJ values
_NNS ,_, temperament_NN and_CC the_AT way_NN in_IN which_WDT one_PN approaches_V
BZ a_AT conviction_NN change_VB less_RBR ,_, of_IN course_NN ,_, than_CS specifi
c_JJ opinions_NNS ._. That_DT fact_NN is_BEZ very_QL clearly_RB illustrated_VBN
in_IN the_AT case_NN of_IN the_AT many_AP present-day_JJ intellectuals_NNS who_W
PS were_BED Communists_NNS-TL or_CC near-Communists_NNS in_IN their_PP$ youth_NN
and_CC are_BER now_RB so_QL extremely_QL conservative_JJ (_( or_CC reactionary_
JJ ,_, as_CS many_AP would_MD say_VB )_) that_CS they_PPSS can_MD define_VB no_A
T important_JJ political_JJ conviction_NN that_WPS does_DOZ not_* seem_VB so_QL
far_RB from_IN even_RB a_AT centrist_NN position_NN as_CS to_TO make_VB the_AT d
istinction_NN between_IN Mr._NP Nixon_NP and_CC Mr._NP Khrushchev_NP for_IN them
_PPO hardly_QL worth_JJ noting_VBG ._. But_CC in_IN ways_NNS more_QL fundamental
_JJ than_CS specific_JJ political_JJ opinions_NNS they_PPSS are_BER still_RB wha
t_WDT they_PPSS always_RB were_BED :_: passionate_JJ ,_, sure_JJ without_IN a_AT
shadow_NN of_IN doubt_NN of_IN whatever_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ that_CS they_PPSS are
_BER sure_JJ of_IN ,_, capable_JJ of_IN seeing_VBG black_NN and_CC white_NN only
_RB and_CC ,_, therefore_RB ,_, committed_VBN to_IN the_AT logical_JJ extreme_NN
of_IN whatever_WDT it_PPS is_BEZ they_PPSS are_BER temporarily_RB committed_VBN
to_IN ._. To_IN those_DTS of_IN my_PP$ readers_NNS who_WPS find_VB many_AP of_I
N my_PP$ opinions_NNS morally_RB ,_, or_CC politically_RB ,_, or_CC sociological
ly_RB antiquated_VBN (_( and_CC I_PPSS have_HV reason_NN to_TO know_VB that_CS t
here_EX are_BER some_DTI such_JJ )_) ,_, I_PPSS would_MD like_VB to_TO say_VB wh
at_WDT I_PPSS have_HV already_RB hinted_VBN ,_, namely_RB ,_, that_CS some_DTI o
f_IN my_PP$ opinions_NNS may_MD indeed_RB be_BE subject_JJ to_IN some_DTI discou
nt_NN on_IN the_AT simple_JJ ground_NN that_CS I_PPSS am_BEM no_QL longer_RBR yo
ung_JJ and_CC therefore_RB incapable_JJ of_IN being_BEG youthful_JJ of_IN mind_N
N ._. But_CC I_PPSS will_MD also_RB remind_VB them_PPO that_CS I_PPSS have_HV al
ways_RB been_BEN inclined_VBN to_IN skepticism_NN ,_, to_IN a_AT kind_NN of_IN L
aodicean_JJ lack_NN of_IN commitment_NN so_QL far_RB as_CS public_JJ affairs_NNS
are_BER concerned_VBN ;_. ;_. so_CS that_CS ,_, although_CS not_* as_QL eager_J
J as_CS I_PPSS once_RB was_BEDZ to_TO be_BE disapproved_VBN of_IN ,_, I_PPSS can
_MD still_RB resist_VB prevailing_VBG opinions_NNS ._. At_IN about_RB the_AT age
_NN of_IN twelve_CD I_PPSS became_VBD a_AT Spencerian_JJ liberal_NN ,_, and_CC I
_PPSS have_HV always_RB considered_VBN myself_PPL a_AT liberal_NN of_IN some_DTI
kind_NN even_RB though_CS the_AT definition_NN has_HVZ changed_VBN repeatedly_R
B since_CS Spencer_NP became_VBD a_AT reactionary_NN ._. Several_AP times_NNS in
_IN my_PP$ youth_NN I_PPSS voted_VBD the_AT Socialist_JJ-TL ticket_NN ,_, but_CC
less_AP because_CS I_PPSS was_BEDZ Socialist_JJ-TL than_CS because_CS I_PPSS wa
s_BEDZ not_* either_CC a_AT Republican_NP or_CC a_AT Democrat_NP ,_, and_CC I_PP
SS voted_VBD for_IN Franklin_NP Roosevelt_NP every_AT time_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ a_
AT candidate_NN ._. Yet_CC during_IN the_AT years_NNS when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ o
n_IN the_AT staff_NN of_IN The_AT-TL Nation_NN-TL ,_, I_PPSS tried_VBD to_IN the
_AT limit_NN the_AT patience_NN of_IN the_AT editors_NNS on_IN almost_RB every_A
T occasion_NN when_WRB I_PPSS was_BEDZ permitted_VBN to_TO write_VB an_AT editor
ial_NN having_HVG a_AT bearing_NN on_IN a_AT political_JJ or_CC social_JJ questi
on_NN ._. Never_RB once_RB during_IN the_AT trying_JJ thirties_NNS did_DOD I_PPS
S come_VB so_QL close_RB to_IN succumbing_VBG to_IN the_AT private_JJ climate_NN
of_IN opinion_NN as_CS to_TO grant_VB Russian_JJ communism_NN even_RB that_DT m
ost_QL weasel-worded_JJ of_IN encomiums_NNS ``_`` an_AT interesting_JJ experimen
t_NN ''_'' ._. There_EX are_BER few_AP things_NNS of_IN which_WDT I_PPSS am_BEM
prouder_JJR than_CS of_IN that_DT unblemished_JJ record_NN ._. Many_AP of_IN my_
PP$ friends_NNS at_IN the_AT time_NN thought_VBD that_CS I_PPSS had_HVD received
_VBN a_AT well-deserved_JJ condemnation_NN when_WRB Lincoln_NP Steffens_NP denou
nced_VBD me_PPO in_IN a_AT review_NN of_IN one_CD of_IN my_PP$ books_NNS as_CS a
_AT perfect_JJ example_NN of_IN the_AT obsolete_JJ man_NN who_WPS could_MD under
stand_VB and_CC sympathize_VB only_RB with_IN the_AT dead_JJ past_NN ._. But_CC
he_PPS ,_, as_CS I_PPSS can_MD now_RB retort_VB ,_, was_BEDZ the_AT man_NN who_W
PS could_MD see_VB so_QL short_JJ a_AT distance_NN ahead_RB that_CS after_IN a_A
T visit_NN to_IN Russia_NP he_PPS gave_VBD voice_NN to_IN the_AT famous_JJ excla
mation_NN :_: ``_`` I_PPSS have_HV seen_VBN the_AT future_NN and_CC it_PPS works
_VBZ ''_'' ._. The_AT favorite_JJ excuse_NN of_IN those_DTS who_WPS have_HV now_
RB recanted_VBN their_PP$ approval_NN of_IN communism_NN is_BEZ that_CS they_PPS
S did_DOD not_* know_VB how_WRB things_NNS would_MD develop_VB ._. With_IN this_
DT excuse_NN I_PPSS have_HV never_RB been_BEN much_QL impressed_VBN ._. There_EX
was_BEDZ ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO ,_, enough_AP in_IN the_AT openly_RB
declared_VBN principles_NNS and_CC intentions_NNS of_IN Russian_JJ leaders_NNS
to_TO alienate_VB honorable_JJ men_NNS without_IN their_PP$ having_HVG to_TO wai
t_VB to_TO see_VB how_WRB it_PPS would_MD turn_VB out_RP ._. Once_RB many_AP yea
rs_NNS ago_RB I_PPSS sat_VBD at_IN dinner_NN next_IN to_IN Arthur_NP Train_NP ,_
, and_CC the_AT subject_NN of_IN The_AT-TL Nation_NN-TL came_VBD up_RP ._. He_PP
S asked_VBD me_PPO suddenly_RB ,_, ``_`` What_WDT are_BER your_PP$ political_JJ
opinions_NNS ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Well_UH ''_'' ,_, I_PPSS replied_VBD ,_, ``_``
some_DTI of_IN my_PP$ colleagues_NNS on_IN the_AT paper_NN regard_VB me_PPO as_C
S a_AT rank_JJ reactionary_NN ''_'' ._. After_IN a_AT moment's_NN$ thought_NN he
_PPS replied_VBD ,_, ``_`` That_DT still_RB leaves_VBZ you_PPO a_AT lot_NN of_IN
latitude_NN ''_'' ._. And_CC I_PPSS suppose_VB it_PPS did_DOD ._. I_PPSS never_
RB have_HV been_BEN ,_, and_CC am_BEM not_* now_RB ,_, any_DTI kind_NN of_IN uto
pian_NN ._. When_WRB I_PPSS first_RB came_VBD across_IN Samuel_NP Johnson's_NP$
pronouncement_NN ,_, ``_`` the_AT remedy_NN for_IN the_AT ills_NNS of_IN life_NN
is_BEZ palliative_JJ rather_IN than_IN radical_JJ ''_'' ,_, it_PPS seemed_VBD t
o_IN me_PPO to_TO sum_VB up_RP the_AT profoundest_JJT of_IN political_JJ and_CC
social_JJ truths_NNS ._. It_PPS will_MD probably_RB explain_VB more_AP of_IN my_
PP$ attitudes_NNS toward_IN society_NN than_CS any_DTI other_AP phrase_NN or_CC
principle_NN could_MD ._. Why_WRB did_DOD I_PPSS choose_VB to_TO fill_VB these_D
TS pages_NNS in_IN this_DT particular_JJ issue_NN with_IN this_DT mixture_NN of_
IN rather_QL tenuous_JJ reflections_NNS and_CC autobiography_NN ?_. ?_. The_AT r
eason_NN is_BEZ ,_, I_PPSS think_VB ,_, my_PP$ awareness_NN that_CS my_PP$ remar
ks_NNS last_AP quarter_NN on_IN pacifism_NN may_MD well_RB have_HV served_VBN to
_TO confirm_VB the_AT opinion_NN of_IN some_DTI that_CS my_PP$ tendency_NN to_IN
skepticism_NN and_CC dissent_NN gets_VBZ us_PPO nowhere_RB ,_, and_CC that_CS I
_PPSS am_BEM simply_RB too_QL old_JJ to_TO hope_VB ._. I_PPSS would_MD ,_, howev
er_RB ,_, like_VB to_TO suggest_VB that_CS ,_, wrong_JJ though_CS I_PPSS may_MD
be_BE ,_, the_AT tendency_NN to_TO see_VB dilemmas_NNS rather_IN than_IN solutio
ns_NNS is_BEZ one_CD of_IN which_WDT I_PPSS have_HV been_BEN a_AT victim_NN ever
_RB since_CS I_PPSS can_MD remember_VB ,_, and_CC therefore_RB not_* merely_RB a
_AT senile_JJ phenomenon_NN ._. I_PPSS know_VB that_CS one_PN must_MD act_VB ._.
But_CC one_PN need_VB not_* always_RB be_BE sure_JJ that_CS the_AT action_NN is
_BEZ either_CC wise_JJ or_CC conclusive_JJ ._. Apropos_JJ of_IN what_WDT some_DT
I would_MD call_VB cynicism_NN ,_, I_PPSS remember_VB an_AT anecdote_NN the_AT s
ource_NN of_IN which_WDT I_PPSS forget_VB ._. It_PPS concerns_VBZ a_AT small-tow
n_NN minister_NN who_WPS staged_VBD an_AT impressive_JJ object_NN lesson_NN by_I
N confining_VBG a_AT lion_NN and_CC a_AT lamb_NN together_RB in_IN the_AT same_A
P cage_NN outside_IN his_PP$ church_NN door_NN ._. Not_* only_RB his_PP$ parishi
oners_NNS ,_, but_CC the_AT whole_JJ town_NN and_CC ,_, ultimately_RB ,_, the_AT
whole_JJ county_NN were_BED enormously_QL impressed_VBN by_IN this_DT object_NN
lesson_NN ._. One_CD day_NN he_PPS was_BEDZ visited_VBN by_IN a_AT delegation_N
N of_IN would-be_JJ imitators_NNS who_WPS wanted_VBD to_TO know_VB his_PP$ secre
t_NN ._. ``_`` How_WRB on_IN earth_NN do_DO you_PPO manage_VB it_PPO ?_. ?_. Wha
t_WDT is_BEZ the_AT trick_NN ''_'' ?_. ?_. ``_`` Why_UH ''_'' ,_, he_PPS replied
_VBD ,_, ``_`` it_PPS is_BEZ perfectly_QL simple_JJ ;_. ;_. there_EX is_BEZ no_A
T trick_NN involved_VBN ._. All_ABN you_PPSS have_HV to_TO do_DO is_BEZ put_VB i
n_RP a_AT fresh_JJ lamb_NN from_IN time_NN to_IN time_NN ''_'' ._. Cynical_JJ ?_
. ?_. Blasphemous_JJ ?_. ?_. Not_* really_RB ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO .
_. The_AT promise_NN that_CS the_AT lion_NN and_CC the_AT lamb_NN will_MD lie_VB
down_RP together_RB was_BEDZ given_VBN in_IN the_AT future_JJ tense_NN ._. It_P
PS is_BEZ not_* something_PN that_WPS can_MD be_BE expected_VBN to_TO happen_VB
now_RB ._. Without_IN really_RB changing_VBG the_AT general_JJ subject_NN ,_, I_
PPSS take_VB this_DT opportunity_NN to_TO confess_VB that_CS I_PPSS am_BEM troub
led_VBN by_IN doubts_NNS ,_, not_* only_RB about_IN pacifism_NN ,_, but_CC also_
RB when_WRB asked_VBN to_TO join_VB in_IN the_AT protest_NN against_IN a_AT law_
NN that_WPO most_AP of_IN those_DTS who_WPS consider_VB themselves_PPLS humane_J
J and_CC liberal_JJ seem_VB to_TO regard_VB as_CS obviously_RB barbarous_JJ ;_.
;_. namely_RB ,_, the_AT law_NN that_WPS prescribes_VBZ the_AT death_NN penalty_
NN for_IN murder_NN when_WRB there_EX seem_VB to_TO be_BE no_AT extenuating_VBG
circumstances_NNS ._. It_PPS is_BEZ not_* that_CS I_PPSS am_BEM unaware_JJ of_IN
the_AT force_NN of_IN their_PP$ strongest_JJT contention_NN ._. Life_NN ,_, the
y_PPSS say_VB ,_, should_MD be_BE regarded_VBN as_CS sacred_JJ and_CC ,_, theref
ore_RB ,_, as_CS something_PN that_WPO neither_CC an_AT individual_NN nor_CC his
_PP$ society_NN has_HVZ a_AT right_NN to_TO take_VB away_RB ._. In_IN fact_NN I_
PPSS cannot_MD* imagine_VB myself_PPL condemning_VBG a_AT man_NN to_IN the_AT no
ose_NN or_CC the_AT electric_JJ chair_NN if_CS I_PPSS had_HVD to_TO take_VB ,_,
as_CS an_AT individual_NN ,_, the_AT responsibility_NN for_IN his_PP$ death_NN .
_. Just_RB as_CS I_PPSS know_VB I_PPSS would_MD make_VB a_AT bad_JJ soldier_NN e
ven_RB though_CS I_PPSS cannot_MD* sincerely_RB call_VB myself_PPL a_AT pacifist
_NN ,_, so_RB too_RB I_PPSS would_MD not_* be_BE either_CC a_AT hangman_NN by_IN
profession_NN or_CC ,_, if_CS I_PPSS could_MD avoid_VB it_PPO ,_, even_RB a_AT
member_NN of_IN a_AT hanging_VBG jury_NN ._. Despite_IN these_DTS facts_NNS the_
AT question_NN ``_`` :_. :_. Should_MD no_AT murderer_NN ever_RB be_BE executed_
VBN ''_'' ?_. ?_. Seems_VBZ to_IN me_PPO to_TO create_VB a_AT dilemma_NN not_* t
o_TO be_BE satisfactorily_RB disposed_VBN of_IN by_IN a_AT simple_JJ negative_JJ
answer_NN ._. Punishment_NN of_IN the_AT wrongdoer_NN ,_, so_CS liberals_NNS ar
e_BER inclined_VBN to_TO say_VB ,_, can_MD have_HV only_RB three_CD possible_JJ
justifications_NNS :_: revenge_NN ,_, reformation_NN or_CC deterrent_NN example_
NN ._. For_CS here_RB if_CS anywhere_RB in_IN contemporary_JJ literature_NN is_B
EZ a_AT major_JJ effort_NN to_TO counterbalance_VB Existentialism_NP and_CC rest
ore_VB some_DTI of_IN its_PP$ former_AP lustre_NN to_IN the_AT tarnished_VBN ima
ge_NN of_IN the_AT species_NN Man_NN-TL ,_, or_CC ,_, as_CS Malraux_NP himself_P
PL puts_VBZ it_PPO ,_, ``_`` to_TO make_VB men_NNS conscious_JJ of_IN the_AT gra
ndeur_NN they_PPSS ignore_VB in_IN themselves_PPLS ''_'' ._. 1_CD ,_, Andre_NP M
alraux's_NP$ The_AT-TL Walnut_NN-TL Trees_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Altenburg_NP-TL was_BE
DZ written_VBN in_IN the_AT early_JJ years_NNS of_IN the_AT second_OD World_NN-T
L War_NN-TL ,_, during_IN a_AT period_NN of_IN enforced_VBN leisure_NN when_WRB
he_PPS was_BEDZ taken_VBN prisoner_NN by_IN the_AT Germans_NPS after_IN the_AT f
all_NN of_IN France_NP ._. The_AT manuscript_NN ,_, presumably_RB after_CS being
_BEG smuggled_VBN out_IN of_IN the_AT country_NN ,_, was_BEDZ published_VBN in_I
N Switzerland_NP in_IN 1943_CD ._. The_AT work_NN as_CS it_PPS stands_VBZ is_BEZ
not_* the_AT entire_JJ book_NN that_WPO Malraux_NP wrote_VBD at_IN that_DT time
_NN --_-- it_PPS is_BEZ only_RB the_AT first_OD section_NN of_IN a_AT three-part
_JJ novel_NN called_VBN La_FW-AT-TL Lutte_FW-NN-TL avec_FW-IN-TL l'Ange_FW-AT+NN
-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC this_DT first_OD section_NN was_BEDZ somehow_RB preserved_VBN
(_( there_EX are_BER always_RB these_DTS annoying_JJ little_JJ mysteries_NNS ab
out_IN the_AT actual_JJ facts_NNS of_IN Malraux's_NP$ life_NN )_) when_WRB the_A
T Gestapo_NP destroyed_VBD the_AT rest_NN ._. If_CS we_PPSS are_BER to_TO believ
e_VB the_AT list_NN of_IN titles_NNS printed_VBN in_IN Malraux's_NP$ latest_JJT
book_NN ,_, La_FW-AT-TL Metamorphose_FW-NN-TL Des_FW-IN+AT-TL Dieux_FW-NPS ,_, V
ol._NN-TL 1_CD-TL (_( (_( 1957_CD )_) ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ still_RB engaged_VBN in_
IN writing_VBG a_AT large_JJ novel_NN under_IN his_PP$ original_JJ title_NN ._.
But_CC as_CS he_PPS remarks_VBZ in_IN his_PP$ preface_NN to_IN The_AT-TL Walnut_
NN-TL Trees_NNS-TL ,_, ``_`` a_AT novel_NN can_MD hardly_RB ever_RB be_BE rewrit
ten_VBN ''_'' ,_, and_CC ``_`` when_WRB this_DT one_CD appears_VBZ in_IN its_PP$
final_JJ form_NN ,_, the_AT form_NN of_IN the_AT first_OD part_NN will_MD no_AT
doubt_NN be_BE radically_QL changed_VBN ''_'' ._. Malraux_NP pretends_VBZ ,_, p
erhaps_RB with_IN a_AT trifle_NN too_QL self-conscious_JJ a_AT modesty_NN ,_, th
at_CS his_PP$ fragmentary_JJ work_NN will_MD accordingly_RB ``_`` appeal_VB only
_RB to_IN the_AT curiosity_NN of_IN bibliophiles_NNS ''_'' and_CC ``_`` to_IN co
nnoisseurs_NNS of_IN what_WDT might_MD have_HV been_BEN ''_'' ._. Even_RB in_IN
its_PP$ present_JJ form_NN ,_, however_RB ,_, the_AT first_OD part_NN of_IN Malr
aux's_NP$ unrecoverable_JJ novel_NN is_BEZ among_IN the_AT greatest_JJT works_NN
S of_IN mid-twentieth_OD century_NN literature_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC it_PPS should_M
D be_BE far_QL better_RBR known_VBN than_CS it_PPS is_BEZ ._. The_AT theme_NN of
_IN The_AT-TL Walnut_NN-TL Trees_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Altenburg_NP-TL is_BEZ most_QL
closely_RB related_VBN to_IN its_PP$ immediate_JJ predecessor_NN in_IN Malraux's
_NP$ array_NN of_IN novels_NNS :_: Man's_NN$-TL Hope_NN-TL (_( 1937_CD )_) ._. T
his_DT magnificent_JJ but_CC greatly_RB underestimated_VBN book_NN ,_, which_WDT
bodies_VBZ forth_RB the_AT very_AP form_NN and_CC pressure_NN of_IN its_PP$ tim
e_NN as_CS no_AT other_AP comparable_JJ creation_NN ,_, has_HVZ suffered_VBN sev
erely_RB from_IN having_HVG been_BEN written_VBN about_IN an_AT historical_JJ ev
ent_NN --_-- the_AT Spanish_JJ-TL Civil_JJ-TL War_NN-TL --_-- that_WPS is_BEZ st
ill_RB capable_JJ of_IN fanning_VBG the_AT smoldering_VBG fires_NNS of_IN old_JJ
political_JJ feuds_NNS ._. Even_RB so_QL apparently_RB impartial_JJ a_AT critic
_NN as_CS W._NP H._NP Frohock_NP has_HVZ taken_VBN for_IN granted_VBN that_CS th
e_AT book_NN was_BEDZ originally_RB intended_VBN as_CS a_AT piece_NN of_IN Loyal
ist_NN-TL propaganda_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC has_HVZ then_RB gone_VBN on_RP to_TO argu
e_VB ,_, with_IN unimpeachable_JJ consistency_NN ,_, that_CS all_ABN the_AT obvi
ously_RB non-propagandistic_JJ aspects_NNS of_IN the_AT book_NN are_BER simply_R
B inadvertent_JJ ``_`` contradictions_NNS ''_'' ._. Nothing_PN ,_, however_RB ,_
, could_MD be_BE farther_RBR from_IN the_AT truth_NN ._. The_AT whole_JJ purpose
_NN of_IN Man's_NN$-TL Hope_NN-TL is_BEZ to_TO portray_VB the_AT tragic_JJ diale
ctic_NN between_IN means_NNS and_CC ends_NNS inherent_JJ in_IN all_ABN organized
_VBN political_JJ violence_NN --_-- and_CC even_RB when_WRB such_JJ violence_NN
is_BEZ a_AT necessary_JJ and_CC legitimate_JJ self-defense_NN of_IN liberty_NN ,
_, justice_NN and_CC human_JJ dignity_NN ._. Nowhere_RB before_RB in_IN Malraux'
s_NP$ pages_NNS have_HV we_PPSS met_VBN such_JJ impassioned_JJ defenders_NNS of_
IN a_AT ``_`` quality_NN of_IN man_NN ''_'' which_WDT transcends_VBZ the_AT real
m_NN of_IN politics_NN and_CC even_RB the_AT realm_NN of_IN action_NN altogether
_RB --_-- both_ABX the_AT action_NN of_IN Malraux's_NP$ early_JJ anarchist-adven
turers_NNS like_CS Perken_NP and_CC Garine_NP ,_, and_CC the_AT self-sacrificing
_JJ action_NN of_IN dedicated_VBN Communists_NNS-TL like_CS Kyo_NP Gisors_NP and
_CC Katow_NP in_IN Man's_NN$-TL Fate_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Man_NN engages_VBZ only_RB
a_AT small_JJ part_NN of_IN himself_PPL in_IN an_AT action_NN ''_'' says_VBZ old
_JJ Alvear_NP the_AT art-historian_NN ;_. ;_. ``_`` and_CC the_AT more_AP the_AT
action_NN claims_VBZ to_TO be_BE total_JJ ,_, the_AT smaller_JJR is_BEZ the_AT
part_NN of_IN man_NN engaged_VBN ''_'' ._. These_DTS lines_NNS never_RB cease_VB
to_TO haunt_VB the_AT book_NN amidst_IN all_ABN the_AT exaltations_NNS of_IN co
mbat_NN ,_, and_CC to_TO make_VB an_AT appeal_NN for_IN a_AT larger_JJR and_CC m
ore_QL elemental_JJ human_JJ community_NN than_CS one_CD based_VBN on_IN the_AT
brutal_JJ necessities_NNS of_IN war_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ this_DT larger_JJR them
e_NN of_IN the_AT ``_`` quality_NN of_IN man_NN ''_'' ,_, a_AT quality_NN that_W
PS transcends_VBZ the_AT ideological_JJ and_CC flows_VBZ into_IN ``_`` the_AT hu
man_JJ ''_'' ,_, which_WDT now_RB forms_VBZ the_AT pulsating_VBG heart_NN of_IN
Malraux's_NP$ artistic_JJ universe_NN ._. Malraux_NP ,_, to_TO be_BE sure_JJ ,_,
does_DOZ not_* abandon_VB the_AT world_NN of_IN violence_NN ,_, combat_NN and_C
C sudden_JJ death_NN which_WDT has_HVZ become_VBN his_PP$ hallmark_NN as_CS a_AT
creative_JJ artist_NN ,_, and_CC which_WDT is_BEZ the_AT only_AP world_NN ,_, a
pparently_RB ,_, in_IN which_WDT his_PP$ imagination_NN can_MD flame_VB into_IN
life_NN ._. The_AT-TL Walnut_NN-TL Trees_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Altenburg_NP-TL include
s_VBZ not_* one_CD war_NN but_CC two_CD ,_, and_CC throws_VBZ in_RP a_AT Turkish
_JJ revolution_NN along_RB with_IN some_DTI guerrilla_NN fighting_VBG in_IN the_
AT desert_NN for_IN good_JJ measure_NN ._. But_CC while_CS war_NN still_RB serve
s_VBZ as_CS a_AT catalyst_NN for_IN the_AT values_NNS that_WPO Malraux_NP wishes
_VBZ to_TO express_VB ,_, these_DTS values_NNS are_BER no_QL longer_RBR linked_V
BN with_IN the_AT triumph_NN or_CC defeat_NN of_IN any_DTI cause_NN --_-- whethe
r_CS that_DT of_IN an_AT individual_JJ assertion_NN of_IN the_AT will-to-power_N
N ,_, or_CC a_AT collective_JJ attempt_NN to_TO escape_VB from_IN the_AT humilia
tion_NN of_IN oppression_NN --_-- as_CS their_PP$ necessary_JJ condition_NN ._.
On_IN the_AT contrary_NN ,_, the_AT frenzy_NN and_CC furor_NN of_IN combat_NN is
_BEZ only_RB the_AT sombre_JJ foil_NN against_IN which_WDT the_AT sudden_JJ illu
minations_NNS of_IN the_AT human_NN flash_VB forth_RB with_IN the_AT piercing_VB
G radiance_NN of_IN a_AT Caravaggio_NP ._. 2_CD ,_, The_AT-TL Walnut_NN-TL Trees
_NNS-TL Of_IN-TL Altenburg_NP-TL is_BEZ composed_VBD in_IN the_AT form_NN of_IN
a_AT triptych_NN ,_, with_IN the_AT two_CD small_JJ side_NN panels_NNS framing_V
BG and_CC enclosing_VBG the_AT main_JJS central_JJ episode_NN of_IN the_AT novel
_NN ._. This_DT central_JJ episode_NN consists_VBZ of_IN a_AT series_NN of_IN st
accato_NN scenes_NNS set_VBN in_IN the_AT period_NN from_IN the_AT beginning_NN
of_IN the_AT present_JJ century_NN up_IN to_IN the_AT first_OD World_NN-TL War_N
N-TL ._. The_AT framing_NN scenes_NNS ,_, on_IN the_AT other_AP hand_NN ,_, both
_ABX take_VB place_NN in_IN the_AT late_JJ Spring_NN-TL of_IN 1940_CD ,_, just_R
B at_IN the_AT moment_NN of_IN the_AT defeat_NN of_IN France_NP in_IN the_AT sec
ond_OD great_JJ world_NN conflict_NN ._. The_AT narrator_NN is_BEZ an_AT Alsatia
n_NP serving_VBG with_IN the_AT French_JJ Army_NN-TL ,_, and_CC he_PPS has_HVZ t
he_AT same_AP name_NN (_( Berger_NP )_) that_WPO Malraux_NP himself_PPL was_BEDZ
later_RBR to_TO use_VB in_IN the_AT Resistance_NN-TL ;_. ;_. like_CS Malraux_NP
he_PPS was_BEDZ also_RB serving_VBG in_IN the_AT tank_NN corps_NN before_CS bei
ng_BEG captured_VBN ,_, and_CC we_PPSS learn_VB as_QL well_RB that_CS in_IN civi
lian_NN life_NN he_PPS had_HVD been_BEN a_AT writer_NN ._. These_DTS biographica
l_JJ analogies_NNS are_BER obvious_JJ ,_, and_CC far_QL too_QL much_AP time_NN h
as_HVZ been_BEN spent_VBN speculating_VBG on_IN their_PP$ possible_JJ implicatio
ns_NNS ._. Much_QL more_QL important_JJ is_BEZ to_TO grasp_VB the_AT feelings_NN
S of_IN the_AT narrator_NN (_( whose_WP$ full_JJ name_NN is_BEZ never_RB given_V
BN )_) as_CS he_PPS becomes_VBZ aware_JJ of_IN the_AT disorganized_VBN and_CC be
wildered_VBN mass_NN of_IN French_JJ prisoners_NNS clustered_VBN together_RB in_
IN a_AT temporary_JJ prison_NN camp_NN in_IN and_CC around_IN the_AT cathedral_N
N of_IN Chartres_NP ._. For_CS as_CS his_PP$ companions_NNS gradually_RB dissolv
e_VB back_RB into_IN a_AT state_NN of_IN primitive_JJ confrontation_NN with_IN e
lemental_JJ necessity_NN ,_, as_CS they_PPSS lose_VB all_ABN the_AT appanage_NN
of_IN their_PP$ acquired_VBN culture_NN ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ overcome_VBN by_IN the
_AT feeling_NN that_CS he_PPS is_BEZ at_IN last_RB being_BEG confronted_VBN with
_IN the_AT essence_NN of_IN mankind_NN ._. ``_`` As_CS a_AT writer_NN ,_, by_IN
what_WDT have_HV I_PPSS been_BEN obsessed_VBN these_DTS last_AP ten_CD years_NNS
,_, if_CS not_* by_IN mankind_NN ?_. ?_. Here_RB I_PPSS am_BEM face_NN to_IN fa
ce_NN with_IN the_AT primeval_JJ stuff_NN ''_'' ._. The_AT intuition_NN about_IN
mankind_NN conveyed_VBN in_IN these_DTS opening_VBG pages_NNS is_BEZ of_IN cruc
ial_JJ importance_NN for_CS understanding_VBG the_AT remainder_NN of_IN the_AT t
ext_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC we_PPSS must_MD attend_VB to_IN it_PPO more_QL closely_RB
than_CS has_HVZ usually_RB been_BEN done_VBN ._. What_WDT does_DOZ the_AT narrat
or_NN see_VB and_CC what_WDT does_DOZ he_PPS feel_VB ?_. ?_. A_AT good_JJ many_A
P pages_NNS of_IN the_AT first_OD section_NN are_BER taken_VBN up_RP with_IN an_
AT account_NN of_IN the_AT dogged_JJ determination_NN of_IN the_AT prisoners_NNS
to_TO write_VB to_IN their_PP$ wives_NNS and_CC families_NNS --_-- even_RB when
_WRB it_PPS becomes_VBZ clear_JJ that_CS the_AT Germans_NPS are_BER simply_RB al
lowing_VBG the_AT letters_NNS to_TO blow_VB away_RB in_IN the_AT wind_NN ._. Awk
wardly_RB and_CC laboriously_RB ,_, in_IN stiff_JJ ,_, unemotional_JJ phrases_NN
S ,_, the_AT soldiers_NNS continue_VB to_TO bridge_VB the_AT distance_NN between
_IN themselves_PPLS and_CC those_DTS they_PPSS love_VB ;_. ;_. they_PPSS instinc
tively_RB struggle_VB to_TO keep_VB open_JJ a_AT road_NN to_IN the_AT future_NN
in_IN their_PP$ hearts_NNS ._. And_CC by_IN a_AT skillful_JJ and_CC unobtrusive_
JJ use_NN of_IN imagery_NN (_( the_AT enclosure_NN is_BEZ called_VBN a_AT ``_``
Roman-camp_JJ stockade_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT hastily_RB erected_VBN lean-to_NN is_
BEZ a_AT ``_`` Babylonian_JJ hovel_NN ''_'' ,_, the_AT men_NNS begin_VB to_TO lo
ok_VB like_CS ``_`` Peruvian_JJ mummies_NNS ''_'' and_CC to_TO acquire_VB ``_``
Gothic_JJ-TL faces_NNS ''_'' )_) ,_, Malraux_NP projects_VBZ a_AT fresco_NN of_I
N human_JJ endurance_NN --_-- which_WDT is_BEZ also_RB the_AT endurance_NN of_IN
the_AT human_NN --_-- stretching_VBG backward_RB into_IN the_AT dark_JJ abyss_N
N of_IN time_NN ._. The_AT narrator_NN feels_VBZ himself_PPL catching_VBG a_AT g
limpse_NN of_IN pre-history_NN ,_, learning_VBG of_IN man's_NN$ ``_`` age-old_JJ
familiarity_NN with_IN misfortune_NN ''_'' ,_, as_QL well_RB as_CS his_PP$ ``_`
` equally_RB age-old_JJ ingenuity_NN ,_, his_PP$ secret_JJ faith_NN in_IN endura
nce_NN ,_, however_WQL crammed_VBN with_IN catastrophes_NNS ,_, the_AT same_AP f
aith_NN perhaps_RB as_CS the_AT cave-men_NNS used_VBD to_TO have_HV in_IN the_AT
face_NN of_IN famine_NN ''_'' ._. This_DT new_JJ vision_NN of_IN man_NN that_WP
O the_AT narrator_NN acquires_VBZ is_BEZ also_RB accompanied_VBN by_IN a_AT re-v
ision_NN of_IN his_PP$ previous_JJ view_NN ._. ``_`` I_PPSS thought_VBD I_PPSS k
new_VBD more_AP than_CS my_PP$ education_NN had_HVD taught_VBN me_PPO ,_, ''_''
notes_VBZ the_AT narrator_NN ,_, ``_`` because_CS I_PPSS had_HVD encountered_VBN
the_AT militant_JJ mobs_NNS of_IN a_AT political_JJ or_CC religious_JJ faith_NN
''_'' ._. Is_BEZ this_DT not_* Malraux_NP himself_PPL alluding_VBG to_IN his_PP
$ own_JJ earlier_JJR infatuation_NN with_IN the_AT ideological_JJ ?_. ?_. But_CC
now_RB he_PPS knows_VBZ ``_`` that_CS an_AT intellectual_NN is_BEZ not_* only_R
B a_AT man_NN to_IN whom_WPO books_NNS are_BER necessary_JJ ,_, he_PPS is_BEZ an
y_DTI man_NN whose_WP$ reasoning_NN ,_, however_WQL elementary_JJ it_PPS may_MD
be_BE ,_, affects_VBZ and_CC directs_VBZ his_PP$ life_NN ''_'' ._. From_IN this_
DT point_NN of_IN view_NN the_AT ``_`` militant_JJ mobs_NNS ''_'' of_IN the_AT p
ast_NN ,_, stirred_VBN into_IN action_NN by_IN one_CD ideology_NN or_CC another_
DT ,_, were_BED all_ABN composed_VBN of_IN ``_`` intellectuals_NNS ''_'' --_-- a
nd_CC this_DT is_BEZ not_* the_AT level_NN on_IN which_WDT the_AT essence_NN of_
IN mankind_NN can_MD be_BE discovered_VBN ._. The_AT men_NNS around_IN him_PPO ,
_, observes_VBZ the_AT narrator_NN ,_, ``_`` have_HV been_BEN living_VBG from_IN
day_NN to_IN day_NN for_IN thousands_NNS of_IN years_NNS ''_'' ._. The_AT human
_NN is_BEZ deeper_JJR than_CS a_AT mass_NN ideology_NN ,_, certainly_RB deeper_J
JR than_CS the_AT isolated_VBN individual_NN ;_. ;_. and_CC the_AT narrator_NN r
ecalls_VBZ the_AT words_NNS of_IN his_PP$ father_NN ,_, Vincent_NP Berger_NP :_:
``_`` It_PPS is_BEZ not_* by_IN any_DTI amount_NN of_IN scratching_VBG at_IN th
e_AT individual_NN that_CS one_PN finally_RB comes_VBZ down_RP to_IN mankind_NN
''_'' ._. The_AT entire_JJ middle_JJ section_NN of_IN The_AT-TL Walnut_NN-TL Tre
es_NNS-TL is_BEZ taken_VBN up_RP with_IN the_AT life_NN of_IN Vincent_NP Berger_
NP himself_PPL ,_, whose_WP$ fragmentary_JJ notes_NNS on_IN his_PP$ ``_`` encoun
ters_NNS with_IN mankind_NN ''_'' are_BER now_RB conveyed_VBN by_IN his_PP$ son_
NN ._. ``_`` He_PPS was_BEDZ not_* much_QL older_JJR than_CS myself_PPL ,_, ''_'
' writes_VBZ the_AT narrator_NN ,_, ``_`` when_WRB he_PPS began_VBD to_TO feel_V
B the_AT impact_NN of_IN that_DT human_JJ mystery_NN which_WDT now_RB obsesses_V
BZ me_PPO ,_, and_CC which_WDT makes_VBZ me_PPO begin_VB ,_, perhaps_RB ,_, to_T
O understand_VB him_PPO ''_'' ._. For_IN the_AT figure_NN of_IN Vincent_NP Berge
r_NP Malraux_NP has_HVZ obviously_RB drawn_VBN on_IN his_PP$ studies_NNS of_IN T
._NP E._NP Lawrence_NP (_( though_CS Berger_NP fights_VBZ on_IN the_AT side_NN o
f_IN the_AT Turks_NPS instead_RB of_IN against_IN them_PPO )_) ,_, and_CC like_C
S both_ABX Lawrence_NP and_CC Malraux_NP himself_PPL he_PPS is_BEZ a_AT fervent_
JJ admirer_NN of_IN Nietzsche_NP ._. A_AT professor_NN at_IN the_AT University_N
N-TL of_IN-TL Constantinople_NP-TL ,_, where_WRB his_PP$ first_OD course_NN of_I
N lectures_NNS was_BEDZ on_IN Nietzsche_NP and_CC the_AT ``_`` philosophy_NN of_
IN action_NN ''_'' ,_, Vincent_NP Berger_NP becomes_VBZ head_NN of_IN the_AT pro
paganda_NN department_NN of_IN the_AT German_JJ-TL Embassy_NN-TL in_IN Turkey_NP
._. As_CS an_AT Alsatian_NP before_IN the_AT first_OD World_NN-TL War_NN-TL he_
PPS was_BEDZ of_IN course_NN of_IN German_JJ nationality_NN ;_. ;_. but_CC he_PP
S quickly_RB involves_VBZ himself_PPL in_IN the_AT Young_JJ-TL Turk_NP-TL revolu
tionary_JJ movement_NN to_IN such_ABL an_AT extent_NN that_CS his_PP$ own_JJ cou
ntry_NN begins_VBZ to_TO doubt_VB his_PP$ patriotism_NN ._. And_CC ,_, after_CS
becoming_VBG the_AT right-hand_NN man_NN of_IN Enver_NP Pasha_NP ,_, he_PPS is_B
EZ sent_VBN by_IN the_AT latter_AP to_TO pave_VB the_AT way_NN for_IN a_AT new_J
J Turkish_JJ-TL Empire_NN-TL embracing_VBG ``_`` the_AT union_NN of_IN all_ABN T
urks_NPS throughout_IN Central_JJ-TL Asia_NP-TL from_IN Adrianople_NP to_IN the_
AT Chinese_JJ oases_NNS on_IN the_AT Silk_NN-TL Trade_NN-TL Route_NN-TL ''_'' ._
. Vincent_NP Berger's_NP$ mission_NN is_BEZ a_AT failure_NN because_CS the_AT Ot
toman_NP nationalism_NN on_IN which_WDT Enver_NP Pasha_NP counted_VBD does_DOZ n
ot_* exist_VB ._. Central_JJ Asia_NP is_BEZ sunk_VBN in_IN a_AT somnolence_NN fr
om_IN which_WDT nothing_PN can_MD awaken_VB it_PPO ;_. ;_. and_CC amid_IN a_AT d
usty_JJ desolation_NN in_IN which_WDT nothing_PN human_JJ any_QL longer_RBR seem
ed_VBD to_TO survive_VB ,_, Vincent_NP Berger_NP begins_VBZ to_TO dream_VB of_IN
the_AT Occident_NP ._. ``_`` Oh_UH ,_, for_IN the_AT green_NN of_IN Europe_NP !
_. !_. Trains_NNS whistling_VBG in_IN the_AT night_NN ,_, the_AT rattle_NN and_C
C clatter_NN of_IN cabs_NNS ._. ''_'' Finally_RB ,_, after_CS almost_RB being_BE
G beaten_VBN to_IN death_NN by_IN a_AT madman_NN --_-- he_PPS could_MD not_* fig
ht_VB back_RB because_CS madmen_NNS are_BER sacred_JJ to_IN Islam_NP --_-- he_PP
S throws_VBZ up_RP his_PP$ mission_NN and_CC returns_VBZ to_IN Europe_NP ._. Thi
s_DT has_HVZ been_BEN his_PP$ first_OD encounter_NN with_IN mankind_NN ,_, and_C
C ,_, although_CS he_PPS has_HVZ now_RB become_VBN a_AT legendary_JJ figure_NN i
n_IN the_AT popular_JJ European_JJ press_NN ,_, it_PPS leaves_VBZ him_PPO profou
ndly_QL dissatisfied_VBN ._. Despite_IN Berger's_NP$ report_NN ,_, Enver_NP Pash
a_NP refuses_VBZ to_TO surrender_VB his_PP$ dream_NN of_IN a_AT Turkish_JJ-TL Bl
ood_NN-TL Alliance_NN-TL ;_. ;_. and_CC Vincent_NP Berger_NP learns_VBZ that_CS
political_JJ ambition_NN is_BEZ more_QL apt_JJ to_TO hide_VB than_CS to_TO revea
l_VB the_AT truth_NN about_IN men_NNS ._. But_CC as_CS he_PPS discovers_VBZ shor
tly_RB ,_, on_IN returning_VBG among_IN intellectuals_NNS obsessed_VBN by_IN le_
FW-AT culte_FW-NN du_FW-IN+AT moi_FW-PPO ,_, his_PP$ experience_NN of_IN action_
NN had_HVD also_RB taught_VBN him_PPO a_AT more_QL positive_JJ lesson_NN ._. ``_
`` For_IN six_CD years_NNS my_PP$ father_NN had_HVD had_HVN to_TO do_DO too_QL m
uch_AP commanding_NN and_CC convincing_VBG ,_, ''_'' writes_VBZ the_AT narrator_
NN ,_, ``_`` not_* to_TO understand_VB that_CS man_NN begins_VBZ with_IN '_' the
_AT other_AP '_' ''_'' ._. And_CC when_WRB Vincent_NP Berger_NP returns_VBZ to_I
N Europe_NP ,_, this_DT first_OD result_NN of_IN his_PP$ encounters_NNS with_IN
mankind_NN is_BEZ considerably_RB enriched_VBN and_CC deepened_VBN by_IN a_AT cr
ucial_JJ revelation_NN ._. For_CS a_AT dawning_VBG sense_NN of_IN illumination_N
N occurs_VBZ in_IN consequence_NN of_IN two_CD events_NNS which_WDT ,_, as_CS so
_QL often_RB in_IN Malraux_NP ,_, suddenly_RB confront_VB a_AT character_NN with
_IN the_AT existential_JJ question_NN of_IN the_AT nature_NN and_CC value_NN of_
IN human_JJ life_NN ._. One_CD such_JJ event_NN is_BEZ the_AT landing_NN in_IN E
urope_NP itself_PPL ,_, when_WRB the_AT mingled_VBN familiarity_NN and_CC strang
eness_NN of_IN the_AT Occident_NP ,_, after_IN the_AT blank_JJ immensities_NNS o
f_IN Asia_NP ,_, shocks_VBZ the_AT returning_VBG traveller_NN into_IN a_AT reali
zation_NN of_IN the_AT infinite_JJ possibilities_NNS of_IN human_JJ life_NN ._.
In_IN a_AT pessimistic_JJ assessment_NN of_IN the_AT cold_JJ war_NN ,_, Eden_NP
declared_VBD :_: ``_`` There_EX must_MD be_BE much_QL closer_JJR unity_NN within
_IN the_AT West_NR-TL before_CS there_EX can_MD be_BE effective_JJ negotiation_N
N with_IN the_AT East_NR-TL ''_'' ._. Ordinary_JJ methods_NNS of_IN diplomacy_NN
within_IN the_AT free_JJ world_NN are_BER inadequate_JJ ,_, said_VBD the_AT for
mer_AP Prime_JJ-TL Minister_NN-TL ._. ``_`` Something_PN much_QL more_QL thoroug
h_JJ is_BEZ required_VBN ''_'' ._. Citing_VBG the_AT experience_NN of_IN the_AT
Combined_VBN-TL Chiefs_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Staff_NN-TL in_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2
_CD-TL ,_, ,_, Eden_NP said_VBD that_CS all_ABN would_MD have_HV been_BEN confus
ion_NN and_CC disarray_NN without_IN them_PPO ._. ``_`` This_DT ''_'' ,_, he_PPS
said_VBD ,_, ``_`` is_BEZ exactly_RB what_WDT has_HVZ been_BEN happening_VBG be
tween_IN the_AT politically_RB free_JJ nations_NNS in_IN the_AT postwar_JJ world
_NN ._. We_PPSS need_VB joint_JJ chiefs_NNS of_IN a_AT political_JJ general_JJ s
taff_NN ''_'' ._. Citing_VBG the_AT advances_NNS of_IN Communist_JJ power_NN in_
IN recent_JJ years_NNS ,_, Sir_NP Anthony_NP observed_VBD :_: ``_`` This_DT very
_QL grave_JJ state_NN of_IN affairs_NNS will_MD continue_VB until_CS the_AT free
_JJ nations_NNS accept_VB together_RB the_AT reality_NN of_IN the_AT danger_NN t
hat_WPS confronts_VBZ them_PPO and_CC unite_VB their_PP$ policies_NNS and_CC res
ources_NNS to_TO meet_VB it_PPO ''_'' ._. While_CS I_PPSS fully_RB agree_VB with
_IN Sir_NP Anthony's_NP$ contention_NN ,_, I_PPSS think_VB that_CS we_PPSS must_
MD carry_VB the_AT analysis_NN farther_RBR ,_, bearing_VBG in_IN mind_NN that_CS
while_CS common_JJ peril_NN may_MD be_BE the_AT measure_NN of_IN our_PP$ need_N
N ,_, the_AT existence_NN or_CC absence_NN of_IN a_AT positive_JJ sense_NN of_IN
community_NN must_MD be_BE the_AT measure_NN of_IN our_PP$ capacity_NN ._. Whil
e_CS it_PPS is_BEZ hazardous_JJ to_TO project_VB the_AT trend_NN of_IN history_N
N ,_, it_PPS seems_VBZ clear_JJ that_CS a_AT genuine_JJ community_NN is_BEZ pain
fully_RB emerging_VBG in_IN the_AT Western_JJ-TL world_NN ,_, particularly_RB am
ong_IN the_AT countries_NNS of_IN Western_JJ-TL Europe_NP-TL ._. At_IN the_AT en
d_NN of_IN World_NN-TL War_NN-TL 2_CD-TL ,_, ,_, free_JJ Europe_NP was_BEDZ read
y_JJ for_IN a_AT new_JJ beginning_NN ._. The_AT excesses_NNS of_IN nationalism_N
N had_HVD brought_VBN down_RP upon_IN Europe_NP a_AT generation_NN of_IN tyranny
_NN and_CC war_NN ,_, and_CC a_AT return_NN to_IN the_AT old_JJ order_NN of_IN t
hings_NNS seemed_VBD unthinkable_JJ ._. Under_IN these_DTS conditions_NNS a_AT n
ew_JJ generation_NN of_IN Europeans_NPS began_VBD to_TO discover_VB the_AT bonds
_NNS of_IN long_JJ association_NN and_CC shared_VBN values_NNS that_WPS for_IN s
o_QL long_RB had_HVD been_BEN subordinated_VBN to_IN nationalist_NN xenophobia_N
N ._. A_AT slow_JJ and_CC painful_JJ trend_NN toward_IN unification_NN has_HVZ t
aken_VBN hold_NN ,_, a_AT trend_NN which_WDT may_MD at_IN any_DTI time_NN be_BE
arrested_VBN and_CC reversed_VBN but_CC which_WDT may_MD also_RB lead_VB to_IN a
_AT binding_VBG federation_NN of_IN Europe_NP ._. It_PPS may_MD well_RB be_BE th
at_CS the_AT unification_NN of_IN Europe_NP will_MD prove_VB inadequate_JJ ,_, t
hat_CS the_AT survival_NN of_IN free_JJ society_NN will_MD require_VB nothing_PN
less_AP than_CS the_AT confederation_NN of_IN the_AT entire_JJ Western_JJ-TL wo
rld_NN ._. The_AT movement_NN toward_IN European_JJ unity_NN has_HVZ been_BEN ex
pressed_VBN in_IN two_CD currents_NNS :_: federalism_NN and_CC functionalism_NN
,_, one_CD looking_VBG to_IN the_AT constitution_NN of_IN a_AT United_VBN-TL Sta
tes_NNS-TL of_IN-TL Europe_NP-TL ,_, the_AT other_AP building_NN on_IN wartime_N
N precedents_NNS of_IN practical_JJ cooperation_NN for_IN the_AT solution_NN of_
IN specific_JJ problems_NNS ._. Thus_QL far_RB the_AT advances_NNS made_VBN have
_HV been_BEN almost_QL entirely_RB along_IN functional_JJ lines_NNS ._. Many_AP
factors_NNS contributed_VBD to_IN the_AT growth_NN of_IN the_AT European_JJ move
ment_NN ._. In_IN 1946_CD Sir_NP Winston_NP Churchill_NP ,_, who_WPS had_HVD spo
ken_VBN often_RB of_IN European_JJ union_NN during_IN the_AT war_NN ,_, advocate
d_VBD the_AT formation_NN of_IN ``_`` a_AT kind_NN of_IN United_VBN-TL States_NN
S-TL of_IN-TL Europe_NP-TL ''_'' ._. Had_HVD Churchill_NP been_BEN returned_VBN
to_IN office_NN in_IN 1945_CD ,_, it_PPS is_BEZ just_QL possible_JJ that_CS Brit
ain_NP ,_, instead_RB of_IN standing_VBG fearfully_RB aloof_RB ,_, would_MD have
_HV led_VBN Europe_NP toward_IN union_NN ._. In_IN 1947_CD and_CC 1948_CD the_AT
necessity_NN of_IN massive_JJ coordinated_VBN efforts_NNS to_TO achieve_VB econ
omic_JJ recovery_NN led_VBD to_IN the_AT formation_NN of_IN the_AT Organization_
NN-TL for_IN-TL European_JJ-TL Economic_JJ-TL Cooperation_NN-TL to_TO supervise_
VB and_CC coordinate_VB the_AT uses_NNS of_IN American_JJ aid_NN under_IN the_AT
Marshall_NP-TL Plan_NN-TL ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL might_MD well_
RB have_HV exploited_VBN the_AT opportunity_NN provided_VBN by_IN the_AT Europea
n_JJ-TL Recovery_NN-TL Program_NN-TL to_TO push_VB the_AT hesitant_JJ European_J
J nations_NNS toward_IN political_JJ federation_NN as_QL well_RB as_CS economic_
JJ cooperation_NN ,_, but_CC all_ABN proposals_NNS to_IN this_DT effect_NN were_
BED rejected_VBN by_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL States_NNS-TL Government_NN-TL at_IN
the_AT time_NN ._. Another_DT powerful_JJ factor_NN in_IN the_AT European_JJ mo
vement_NN was_BEDZ the_AT threat_NN of_IN Soviet_NP aggression_NN ._. The_AT Com
munist_JJ coup_NN in_IN Czechoslovakia_NP in_IN 1948_CD was_BEDZ followed_VBN im
mediately_RB by_IN the_AT conclusion_NN of_IN the_AT Brussels_NP-TL Treaty_NN-TL
,_, a_AT 50-year_JJ alliance_NN among_IN Britain_NP ,_, France_NP and_CC the_AT
Benelux_NP countries_NNS ._. And_CC of_IN course_NN the_AT Soviet_NP threat_NN
was_BEDZ responsible_JJ for_IN NATO_NN ,_, the_AT grand_JJ alliance_NN of_IN the
_AT Atlantic_JJ nations_NNS ._. New_JJ organs_NNS of_IN unification_NN prolifera
ted_VBD in_IN the_AT decade_NN following_VBG the_AT conclusion_NN of_IN the_AT N
ATO_NN alliance_NN ._. In_IN 1949_CD the_AT Council_NN-TL of_IN-TL Europe_NP-TL
came_VBD into_IN existence_NN ,_, a_AT purely_QL consultative_JJ parliamentary_J
J body_NN but_CC the_AT first_OD organ_NN of_IN political_JJ rather_RB than_IN f
unctional_JJ unity_NN ._. In_IN 1952_CD ,_, the_AT European_JJ-TL Coal_NN-TL and
_CC-TL Steel_NN-TL Community_NN-TL was_BEDZ launched_VBN ,_, placing_VBG the_AT
coal_NN and_CC steel_NN production_NN of_IN France_NP ,_, West_JJ-TL Germany_NP-
TL ,_, Italy_NP and_CC Benelux_NP under_IN a_AT supranational_JJ High_JJ-TL Auth
ority_NN-TL ._. For_IN a_AT time_NN it_PPS appeared_VBD that_CS a_AT common_JJ E
uropean_JJ army_NN might_MD be_BE created_VBN ,_, but_CC the_AT project_NN for_I
N a_AT European_JJ-TL Defense_NN-TL Community_NN-TL was_BEDZ rejected_VBN by_IN
the_AT French_JJ-TL National_JJ-TL Assembly_NN-TL in_IN 1954_CD ._. In_IN 1957_C
D the_AT social-economic_JJ approach_NN to_IN European_JJ integration_NN was_BED
Z capped_VBN by_IN the_AT formation_NN among_IN ``_`` the_AT Six_CD-TL ''_'' of_
IN a_AT tariff-free_JJ European_JJ-TL Common_JJ-TL Market_NN-TL ,_, and_CC Eurat
om_NP for_IN cooperation_NN in_IN the_AT development_NN of_IN atomic_JJ energy_N
N ._. The_AT ``_`` overseas_JJ ''_'' democracies_NNS have_HV generally_RB encour
aged_VBN the_AT European_JJ unification_NN movement_NN without_IN seriously_RB c
onsidering_IN the_AT wisdom_NN of_IN their_PP$ own_JJ full_JJ participation_NN i
n_IN a_AT broader_JJR Atlantic_JJ community_NN ._. The_AT United_VBN-TL States_N
NS-TL and_CC Canada_NP belong_VB only_RB to_IN NATO_NN and_CC the_AT new_JJ O.E.
C.D._NP ._. Britain_NP until_IN recently_RB went_VBD along_RB in_IN some_DTI are
as_NNS with_IN all_ABN of_IN the_AT enthusiasm_NN of_IN the_AT groom_NN at_IN a_
AT shotgun_NN wedding_NN ._. In_IN other_AP areas_NNS it_PPS held_VBD back_RB ,_
, pleading_VBG its_PP$ Commonwealth_NN-TL bonds_NNS ._. Now_RB Britain_NP has_HV
Z decided_VBN to_TO seek_VB admission_NN to_IN the_AT European_JJ-TL Economic_JJ
-TL Community_NN-TL and_CC it_PPS seems_VBZ certain_JJ that_CS she_PPS will_MD b
e_BE joined_VBN by_IN some_DTI of_IN her_PP$ partners_NNS in_IN the_AT loose_JJ
Free_JJ-TL Trade_NN-TL Area_NN-TL of_IN the_AT ``_`` Outer_JJ-TL Seven_CD-TL ''_
'' ._. Besides_IN its_PP$ historical_JJ significance_NN as_CS a_AT break_NN with
_IN the_AT centuries-old_JJ tradition_NN of_IN British_JJ insularity_NN ,_, Brit
ain's_NP$ move_NN ,_, if_CS successful_JJ ,_, will_MD constitute_VB an_AT histor
ic_JJ landmark_NN of_IN the_AT first_OD importance_NN in_IN the_AT movement_NN t
oward_IN the_AT unification_NN of_IN Europe_NP and_CC the_AT Western_JJ-TL world
_NN ._. If_CS a_AT broader_JJR Atlantic_JJ community_NN is_BEZ to_TO be_BE forme
d_VBN --_-- and_CC my_PP$ own_JJ judgment_NN is_BEZ that_CS it_PPS lies_VBZ with
in_IN the_AT realm_NN of_IN both_ABX our_PP$ needs_NNS and_CC our_PP$ capacity_N
N --_-- a_AT ready_JJ nucleus_NN of_IN machinery_NN is_BEZ at_IN hand_NN in_IN t
he_AT NATO_NN alliance_NN ._. The_AT time_NN is_BEZ now_RB ripe_JJ ,_, indeed_RB
overdue_JJ ,_, for_IN the_AT vigorous_JJ development_NN of_IN its_PP$ non-milit
ary_JJ potentialities_NNS ,_, for_IN its_PP$ development_NN as_CS an_AT instrume
nt_NN of_IN Atlantic_JJ community_NN ._. What_WDT is_BEZ required_VBN is_BEZ the
_AT full_JJ implementation_NN of_IN Article_NN-TL 2_CD-TL of_IN the_AT Treaty_NN
-TL ,_, which_WDT provides_VBZ :_: ``_`` The_AT Parties_NNS-TL will_MD contribut
e_VB toward_IN the_AT further_JJR development_NN of_IN peaceful_JJ and_CC friend
ly_JJ international_JJ relations_NNS by_IN strengthening_VBG their_PP$ free_JJ i
nstitutions_NNS ,_, by_IN bringing_VBG about_RP a_AT better_JJR understanding_NN
of_IN the_AT principles_NNS upon_IN which_WDT these_DTS institutions_NNS are_BE
R founded_VBN ,_, and_CC by_IN promoting_VBG conditions_NNS of_IN stability_NN a
nd_CC well-being_NN ._. They_PPSS will_MD seek_VB to_TO eliminate_VB conflict_NN
in_IN their_PP$ international_JJ economic_JJ policies_NNS and_CC will_MD encour
age_VB economic_JJ collaboration_NN between_IN any_DTI and_CC all_ABN of_IN them
_PPO ''_'' ._. As_CS Lester_NP Pearson_NP wrote_VBD in_IN 1955_CD :_. :_. ``_``
NATO_NP-TL cannot_MD* live_VB on_IN fear_NN alone_RB ._. It_PPS cannot_MD* becom
e_VB the_AT source_NN of_IN a_AT real_JJ Atlantic_JJ community_NN if_CS it_PPS r
emains_VBZ organized_VBN to_TO deal_VB only_RB with_IN the_AT military_JJ threat
_NN which_WDT first_RB brought_VBD it_PPO into_IN being_BEG ''_'' ._. The_AT pro
blem_NN of_IN NATO_NN is_BEZ not_* one_CD of_IN machinery_NN ,_, of_IN which_WDT
there_EX is_BEZ an_AT abundance_NN ,_, but_CC of_IN the_AT will_NN to_TO use_VB
it_PPO ._. The_AT NATO_NN Council_NN-TL is_BEZ available_JJ as_CS an_AT executi
ve_NN agency_NN ,_, the_AT Standing_VBG-TL Group_NN-TL as_CS a_AT high_JJ milita
ry_JJ authority_NN ._. The_AT unofficial_JJ Conference_NN-TL of_IN-TL Parliament
arians_NPS-TL is_BEZ available_JJ as_CS a_AT potential_JJ legislative_JJ authori
ty_NN ._. This_DT machinery_NN will_MD not_* become_VB the_AT instrument_NN of_I
N an_AT Atlantic_JJ community_NN by_IN fiat_NN ,_, but_CC only_RB when_WRB that_
DT community_NN evolves_VBZ from_IN potentiality_NN to_IN reality_NN ._. The_AT
existence_NN of_IN a_AT community_NN is_BEZ a_AT state_NN of_IN mind_NN --_-- a_
AT conviction_NN that_CS goals_NNS and_CC values_NNS are_BER widely_RB shared_VB
N ,_, that_CS effective_JJ communication_NN is_BEZ possible_JJ ,_, that_CS mutua
l_JJ trust_NN is_BEZ reasonably_RB assured_VBN ._. An_AT equally_QL promising_JJ
avenue_NN toward_IN Atlantic_JJ community_NN may_MD lie_VB through_IN the_AT de
velopment_NN and_CC expansion_NN of_IN the_AT O.E.C.D._NP ._. Conceived_VBN as_C
S an_AT organ_NN of_IN economic_JJ cooperation_NN ,_, there_EX is_BEZ no_AT reas
on_NN why_WRB O.E.C.D._NP cannot_MD* evolve_VB into_IN a_AT broader_JJR instrume
nt_NN of_IN union_NN if_CS its_PP$ members_NNS so_RB desire_VB ._. Indeed_RB it_
PPS might_MD be_BE a_AT more_QL appropriate_JJ vehicle_NN than_CS NATO_NN for_IN
the_AT development_NN of_IN a_AT parliamentary_JJ organ_NN of_IN the_AT Atlanti
c_JJ nations_NNS ,_, because_CS it_PPS could_MD encompass_VB all_ABN of_IN the_A
T members_NNS of_IN the_AT Atlantic_JJ community_NN including_IN those_DTS ,_, l
ike_CS Sweden_NP and_CC Switzerland_NP ,_, who_WPS are_BER unwilling_JJ to_TO be
_BE associated_VBN with_IN an_AT essentially_RB military_JJ alliance_NN like_CS
Aj_NN ._. Underlying_VBG these_DTS hopes_NNS and_CC prescriptions_NNS is_BEZ a_A
T conviction_NN that_CS the_AT nations_NNS of_IN the_AT North_JJ-TL Atlantic_NP-
TL area_NN do_DO indeed_RB form_VB a_AT community_NN ,_, at_IN least_AP a_AT pot
ential_JJ community_NN ._. There_EX is_BEZ nothing_PN new_JJ in_IN this_DT ;_. ;
_. what_WDT is_BEZ new_JJ and_CC compelling_JJ is_BEZ that_CS the_AT West_NR-TL
is_BEZ now_RB but_RB one_CD of_IN several_AP powerful_JJ civilizations_NNS ,_, o
r_CC ``_`` systems_NNS ''_'' ,_, and_CC that_CS one_CD or_CC more_AP of_IN the_A
T others_NNS may_MD pose_VB a_AT mortal_JJ danger_NN to_IN the_AT West_NR-TL ._.
For_IN centuries_NNS the_AT North_JJ-TL Atlantic_NP-TL nations_NNS dominated_VB
D the_AT world_NN and_CC as_QL long_RB as_CS they_PPSS did_DOD they_PPSS could_M
D afford_VB the_AT luxury_NN of_IN fighting_VBG each_DT other_AP ._. That_DT tim
e_NN is_BEZ now_RB past_JJ and_CC the_AT Atlantic_JJ nations_NNS ,_, if_CS they_
PPSS are_BER to_TO survive_VB ,_, must_MD develop_VB a_AT full-fledged_JJ commun
ity_NN ,_, and_CC they_PPSS must_MD also_RB look_VB beyond_IN the_AT frontiers_N
NS of_IN ``_`` Western_JJ-TL civilization_NN ''_'' toward_IN a_AT world-wide_JJ
``_`` concert_NN of_IN free_JJ nations_NNS ''_'' ._. 6_CD ,_, The_AT burden_NN o
f_IN these_DTS reflections_NNS is_BEZ that_CS a_AT broader_JJR unity_NN among_IN
the_AT free_JJ nations_NNS is_BEZ at_IN the_AT core_NN of_IN our_PP$ needs_NNS
._. And_CC if_CS we_PPSS do_DO not_* aspire_VB to_IN too_QL much_AP ,_, it_PPS i
s_BEZ also_RB within_IN our_PP$ capacity_NN ._. A_AT realistic_JJ balancing_NN o
f_IN the_AT need_NN for_IN new_JJ forms_NNS of_IN international_JJ organization_
NN on_IN the_AT one_CD hand_NN ,_, and_CC our_PP$ capacity_NN to_TO achieve_VB t
hem_PPO on_IN the_AT other_AP ,_, must_MD be_BE approached_VBN through_IN the_AT
concept_NN of_IN ``_`` community_NN ''_'' ._. History_NN has_HVZ demonstrated_V
BN many_AP times_NNS that_CS concerts_NNS of_IN nations_NNS based_VBN solely_RB
on_IN the_AT negative_JJ spur_NN of_IN common_JJ danger_NN are_BER unlikely_JJ t
o_TO survive_VB when_WRB the_AT external_JJ danger_NN ceases_VBZ to_TO be_BE dra
matically_RB urgent_JJ ._. Only_RB when_WRB a_AT concert_NN of_IN nations_NNS re
sts_VBZ on_IN the_AT positive_JJ foundations_NNS of_IN shared_VBN goals_NNS and_
CC values_NNS is_BEZ it_PPS likely_JJ to_TO form_VB a_AT viable_JJ instrument_NN
of_IN long-range_NN policy_NN ._. It_PPS follows_VBZ that_CS the_AT solution_NN
to_IN the_AT current_JJ disunity_NN of_IN the_AT free_JJ nations_NNS is_BEZ onl
y_RB to_IN a_AT very_QL limited_VBN extent_NN a_AT matter_NN of_IN devising_VBG
new_JJ machinery_NN of_IN consultation_NN and_CC coordination_NN ._. It_PPS is_B
EZ very_QL much_AP a_AT matter_NN of_IN building_VBG the_AT foundations_NNS of_I
N community_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ for_IN these_DTS reasons_NNS that_CS proposals_
NNS for_IN a_AT ``_`` new_JJ world_NN order_NN ''_'' ,_, through_IN radical_JJ o
verhaul_NN of_IN the_AT United_VBN-TL Nations_NNS-TL or_CC through_IN some_DTI s
ort_NN of_IN world_NN federation_NN ,_, are_BER utterly_QL fatuous_JJ ._. In_IN
a_AT recent_JJ book_NN called_VBN ``_`` World_NN-TL Peace_NN-TL Through_IN-TL Wo
rld_NN-TL Law_NN-TL ''_'' ,_, two_CD distinguished_VBN lawyers_NNS ,_, Grenville
_NP Clark_NP and_CC Louis_NP Sohn_NP ,_, call_VB for_IN just_RB such_ABL an_AT o
verhaul_NN of_IN the_AT U.N._NP ,_, basing_VBG their_PP$ case_NN on_IN the_AT wo
rld-wide_JJ fear_NN of_IN a_AT nuclear_JJ holocaust_NN ._. I_PPSS believe_VB tha
t_CS these_DTS proposals_NNS ,_, however_WQL meritorious_JJ in_IN terms_NNS of_I
N world_NN needs_NNS ,_, go_VB far_RB beyond_IN our_PP$ capacity_NN to_TO realiz
e_VB them_PPO ._. Such_JJ proposals_NNS look_VB to_IN an_AT apocalyptic_JJ act_N
N ,_, a_AT kind_NN of_IN Lockian_JJ ``_`` social_JJ contract_NN ''_'' on_IN a_AT
world-wide_JJ scale_NN ._. The_AT defect_NN of_IN these_DTS proposals_NNS is_BE
Z in_IN their_PP$ attempt_NN to_TO outrun_VB history_NN and_CC their_PP$ assumpt
ion_NN that_CS because_CS something_PN may_MD be_BE desirable_JJ it_PPS is_BEZ a
lso_RB possible_JJ ._. A_AT working_VBG concept_NN of_IN the_AT organic_JJ evolu
tion_NN of_IN community_NN must_MD lead_VB us_PPO in_IN a_AT different_JJ direct
ion_NN ._. The_AT failures_NNS of_IN the_AT U.N._NP and_CC of_IN other_AP intern
ational_JJ organs_NNS suggest_VB that_CS we_PPSS have_HV already_RB gone_VBN bey
ond_IN what_WDT was_BEDZ internationally_RB feasible_JJ ._. Our_PP$ problem_NN ,
_, therefore_RB ,_, is_BEZ to_TO devise_VB processes_NNS more_QL modest_JJ in_IN
their_PP$ aspirations_NNS ,_, adjusted_VBN to_IN the_AT real_JJ world_NN of_IN
sovereign_JJ nation_NN states_NNS and_CC diverse_JJ and_CC hostile_JJ communitie
s_NNS ._. The_AT history_NN of_IN the_AT U.N._NP demonstrates_VBZ that_CS in_IN
a_AT pluralistic_JJ world_NN we_PPSS must_MD develop_VB processes_NNS of_IN infl
uence_NN and_CC persuasion_NN rather_RB than_IN coercion_NN ._. It_PPS is_BEZ po
ssible_JJ that_CS international_JJ organization_NN will_MD ultimately_RB supplan
t_VB the_AT multi-state_JJ system_NN ,_, but_CC its_PP$ proper_JJ function_NN fo
r_IN the_AT immediate_JJ future_NN is_BEZ to_TO reform_VB and_CC supplement_VB t
hat_DT system_NN in_IN order_NN to_TO render_VB pluralism_NN more_QL compatible_
JJ with_IN an_AT interdependent_JJ world_NN ._. New_JJ machinery_NN of_IN coordi
nation_NN should_MD not_* be_BE our_PP$ primary_JJ objective_NN in_IN the_AT for
eseeable_JJ future_NN --_-- though_CS perhaps_RB the_AT ``_`` political_JJ gener
al_JJ staff_NN ''_'' of_IN Western_JJ-TL leaders_NNS proposed_VBN by_IN S

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