Lecture 3

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Motivation refers to the intensity, direction, and
persistence of effort directed toward job tasks
over a period of time.

The components of a motivational
Develop a high-performance sales culture.
Know salespeoples basic needs.
Realize that salespeople want to know what is in it
for them
Get to know the personal side of
Always remember that motivational coaching is
needed for high performance.
Be realistic about motivating salespeople.

Need for motivation
Inherent need of the sales job
Tendency towards Apathy
Maintaining a feeling of group

Need for motivation(contd)
Sales person Boundary position and role

Conflict of
Conflict of
dual role
Needs Gratification and

Maslow Hierarchy of needs

Motivation and hygiene theory

Achievement-Motivation theory

Expectancy theory
Motivation and interdependence
The sales-force and superior relationship
is that of partial dependence.
Each salesperson and superior have
zone of acceptance.
Through effective supervision, sales
manager can obtain full cooperation from
sales people.
Motivation and Communication
Interpersonal contact

Motivational interviews

Written communication
Unionization of sales person
Reasons of little progress of unions of sales personnel
Each person works alone and sees other members in
Sales people see themselves as independent workers
Reason of low earning is generally considered to be personal
Only one in ten salesperson belongs to a union
Unionization is successful in those industries where
sales personal work at same premises and are paid
straight salaries

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