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Note: This is a legal document and should be downloaded or used only by members of QNet

Developed by: M.K.S.


You: r u?

You: Listen . I have called you or a purpose. I was talking to a very senior guy/partner in
the project day before yesterday. Since we are massively expanding we are looking at
increasing the bandwidth. For that we are looking at having 1-2 serious partners to come on

You: I dont know if you are open or not? Because this requires serious people only.

X Person: Whats its all about I need to know more .

You: For that we will have to meet as this project can not be explained on phone. Lemme
check with the senior partner about his availability and then I will revert for time n venue.
Either Saturday or Sunday. 2
half say around 4:00 PM.

X Person: Ok

You: Ok lemme confirm the time n place once I check with him (But before that, mail your
resume, I will forward it to my senior. Lets see what he/she has to say about you.)

X Person: Ok I will & wait for your call!!

You: Check and revert next day and also keep asking if he is serious and you have got time
from your Sr. Partner which is very difficult to get. Keep confirming n keep making the
meeting very serious.

You: Confirm the day before with the prospect about the meeting next day. (& Remember to
Carry a Hard Copy of your Resume)

Investment Information

You: achha listen, also carry your cheque book & a credit card.

X Person: Why???

You: Listen bro, if all goes well till the end, I dont want you to miss out this opportunity just
because of this. Its a very serious project so please came prepared!!!

No Promises from my side but if you fit the bill perfectly, I can definitely recommend & push
for you.

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