The Impact of Welfare Scheme On The Motivation of Workers (A Case Study of (ESBS) Enugu)

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The Impact Of Welfare Scheme On The Motivation Of Workers

[A Case Study Of (ESS! Enu"u#

Title page
Approval page
Table of contents
List of table

AC*+)O,&- O% T'E ST,-.
Statement of problems
Purpose of the study
Significances of the study
Scope of the study
esearch !uestion
Limitation of the study
Definition of terms
#verview of motivation
#rigins meaning and nature of motivation$
%aslaw&s hierarchy of need theory and 'er(bergs
The role of incentives and profit sharing in organi(ation$
Purpose of welfare scheme and impact of welfare scheme on motivation
)ESEA)C' -ESI+& A&- MET'O-O$O+.
esearch design$
Area of study$
Population of the study
Sample and sampling techni!ues$
*nstrument of data collection$
%ethod of data analysis$
C'A(TE) %O,)
Presentation and analysis of data$
Summary of result$
C'A(TE) %I/E
Discussion of findings
*mplication of the research findings
Suggestion for further research$
*n this chapter. the issue of welfare scheme on the motivation of workers is
addressed by looking at the background of the study/ purpose and importance
of limitation are all part of this chapter$
AC*+)O,&- O% T'E ST,-.1
Purpose work in a organi(ation for the purpose of meeting certain needs. these
news inferences people&s behavior as Simon 011-232124 has aptly pointed out
of the behaviour of individuals in a organi(ation is largely oriented to wards the
achievements of certain goals like physiological needs. safety new or security.
social needs and the news for worker preference this welfare scheme are
ade!uately provided by the management of organi(ation to the workers. this
pro5ect is eared towards finding out the impact of such welfare scheme on the
motivation of workers in 6nugu state broadcasting service. that is if worker are
being motivated of not. and to what e7tent is this done$
'uman beings have needs which they e7pect to satisfy from such as safety or
security needs. social need the needs for advancement in life$ These need
inferences their work performance or role. social relation with their format and
informal. groups. their attitudes towards the management and their efforts to
meet the organi(ation ob5ectives$ one of the function of the organi(ation is to
motivate workers motivating them entails. meeting them to perform their duties
by dial of controversy over the issue of what motivates a worker. some people
has around that workers can be motivated through the use of money. these
people are of the view that people work primarily for money$ 'owever an
opposition view advanced by the human relation movement does not regard
9money as the primary thing that motivates workers. they lay great emphasis on
:man as the producer$;
*n other words the advocates of the movement are of the view that a good
working environment and the provision of social facilities for the workers will
be valued more highly by the workers than monetary rewards. thus. in this
work it will be working to look at then situation$ Some scholars who behaves
that welfare scheme motivates worker to perform includes the following$
<wachukwu 011--4. 65iofor 011-84. fried Lander 0118)4$
'owever a scholars like 'er(berg 011-14 believes that welfare scheme are
hygiene factors and as a result does not motivate the workers to
This study will therefore. set out to resolve and look into the impact of welfare
scheme in the motivation of workers in 6nugu State ,roadcasting
Service 06S,S4$
213 (,)(OSE O% T'E ST,-.
This organi(ation has the primary ob5ective of entertaining. informing.
educating the citi(ens. by this/ peoples& culture and traditions are put on air
vision$ Also important information=news are put on air and disseminated$
214 SI+&I%ICA&T O% T'E ST,-.
*n practical sense. the significance of this study is to bring together the various
news and facts as regards to sub5ect matter. against this back drop. it is
anticipated that the study will be of immensely help to different categories of
people both the managers and managers to be. students in various disciplines.
the government. employees in different organi(ations and employers at large$ *t
will also go further to remove the ambiguity between what motivates and what
does not motivate workers in work situation$ ?sing 6nugu State ,roadcasting
Service as a research case study does not entail that other organi(ations can not
benefit from reading this work$
This study will therefore be of great value to the practicing managers and
leaders on how to harmoni(e their resources to effective and efficient result$
Thus. as the work will benefit 6nugu State ,roadcasting Service largely. there
will be a sharp increase in the management awareness on the problems
associated with the administration of welfare scheme in the organi(ation$
215 SCO(E O% T'E ST,-.
The study primarily e7amines the impact of welfare scheme on the motivation
of workers in 6nugu State ,roadcasting Service. it does not e7amine the
impact of welfare scheme on the motivation of workers and organi(ation in the
216 )ESEA)C' 7,ESTIO&S
*n every research !uestion. they posed to help to validate the purpose and aim
of the research work$ *n this study. some research !uestions in order to help
ascertain the study are 3
1$ *s the welfare scheme ade!uate enough for workers in the organi(ation@
2$ Ahat is the level of employees& motivation and how does it affect the
labour productivity in 6S,S@
"$ 'as this scheme any relationship with employees& performance@
)$ 'as this scheme any relationship with employees& motivation in 6S,S@
-$ Ahat are the things en5oyed by workers in through welfare scheme in
218 $IMITATIO& O% T'E ST,-.
A study of this nature is bound to e7perience certain problems as such the
constraints imposed on the research include3
a$ Time3 A study of this nature needs relatively long time during which
information for accurate or at least near accurate inference could be
drawn$ The period of the study was short. time posed as a constraints to
the research$$
b$ +ost3 The research would have e7tended the survey to other area at the
empirical level. but limitation as included cost of transportation to the
source of material and the cost of time setting of the already completed
c$ Lack of cooperation3 many of the respondents are usually aggressive on
issue that border cooperation among the respondents border$
219 -E%I&ITIO& O% TE)MS
Some the terms used in this research study may not be represented in the
literature or universal meanings it is therefore imperative to e7plain the
conte7tual meaning of some of the words used to guard against ambiguity but
pare way for conciseness$
%eanwhile. the terms are professional in nature$
%otivation is a factor which make an employee to participate to action. it is
referred to as those factors which arose employee to action and could be
measured by identifying various needs of the individuals workers and how
such needs influences the behavior of the workers in the work situation in an
This is employees contentment about his satisfaction. it could be defined
sub5ectively as the 5ob reward which employee derives from the work situation
done effectively$ Satisfaction could be measured in terms of difference between
what the employee e7pects from the service he or she referred to the
organi(ation and what he or she actually derives$
C1 I&CE&TI/ES: these are inducements given to an employee of an
organi(ation for the purpose of carrying out organi(ational ob5ectives$ *t could
be measured by the amount of inducement which workers gets from the
organi(ation and the e7tent to which such inducement enhances their
-1 MA&A+EME&T:
Doing things using the instrument ties of other people$ *t is also the process
combining and utili(ing or allocating organi(ational resource by planning.
organi(ation directing. and controlling for the purpose of achieving
organi(ation ob5ectives$
This is the process where by solution are pointed to the problem in the
organi(ations. decision making is concerned with the formulation of policies
guiding or governing the running of an organi(ation$
*n this study employees welfare scheme is also variously known as the
employees welfare services$ 6mployee scheme$ The fringe benefits. which the
employee receive from the organi(ation besides his pay or salary$
+1 WA+ES:
This is the amount pain for performing a specific 5ob which its duration is
'1 SA$A).:
This is a fi7ed amount of money which is paid to workers in their different
places of work usually by end of every month$
a$ ,ertrand +hester. 011">4 the functions of the e7ecutives$ +ambridge
'arvard ?niversity press London$
b$ ,$ <wachukwu $+$c 011>>4 %anagement3 Theory and practice/ African
Publishers ltd$
c$ 65iofor. P$<$# 011>84 6mployee Programmes Denny Depression/
+otemporary problem in <igerian *ndustrial relation/ Lagos/
development press ltd$
d$ Anuguson C$A 02BB24 *ndustrial relation system in <igeria3 *ssues.
theories and practices/ 6nugu computer edge Publishers$
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